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Prog Hum Geogr 2016 Gallagher 0309132516652952

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Progress in Human Geography

Listening geographies: Landscape, ª The Author(s) 2016

affect and geotechnologies Reprints and permission:
DOI: 10.1177/0309132516652952

Michael Gallagher
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Anja Kanngieser
University of Wollongong, Australia

Jonathan Prior
Cardiff University, UK

This paper argues for expanded listening in geography. Expanded listening addresses how bodies of all kinds,
human and more-than-human, respond to sound. We show how listening can contribute to research on a
wide range of topics, beyond enquiry where sound itself is the primary substantive interest. This is
demonstrated through close discussion of what an amplified sonic sensibility can bring to three areas of
contemporary geographical interest: geographies of landscape, of affect, and of geotechnologies.

affect, landscape, listening, more-than-human, sound, technology

Everything that is resounds . . . The landscape extending them: in research on landscape, affect
resounds; facades, caricatures, halos, shadows and geotechnologies. These are sequenced to
dance across it. (Lingis, 1998: 100) work outwards from the dominant anthropo-
centric understanding of listening, beginning
by deepening and expanding human listening
I Introduction (in relation to landscape), then considering how
This paper makes the case for radically expand- sound moves bodies beyond cochlear listening
ing listening in human geography. Expanded and human consciousness (as affects and atmo-
listening refers to the varied ways in which bod- spheres), and finally exploring forms of listen-
ies of all kinds – human and more-than-human – ing in which human bodies are marginal
respond to sound. Drawing on insights from (vibrations in earth materials and machines).
sound studies and sonic geographies, our aim
is to encourage broader applications of listening
Corresponding author:
in geographical research, on a range of topics.
Michael Gallagher, Faculty of Education, Manchester
We discuss three areas where sonic sensibilities Metropolitan University, Birley Building, 53 Bonsall
are already evident, or emergent, but where we Street, Manchester, M15 6GX, UK.
hear particularly productive possibilities for Email:

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2 Progress in Human Geography

As the visual medium of text is not ideal for moves bodies (Gallagher, 2016), including
encouraging listening, we have provided audio through various kinds of noise nuisance (Atkin-
clips of some of our examples. son, 2007; Lorimer, 2013), sonic warfare
In recent years there has been ‘a veritable (Goodman, 2009), and sonic affects in domestic
avalanche of scholarship devoted to the inter- and other everyday spaces (Anderson, 2004;
connections between sound and space’ (Born, Boyd and Duffy, 2012; Duffy and Waitt,
2013: 4), including major works in the transdis- 2013; Waitt et al., 2015). The emotional dimen-
cipline of sound studies (e.g. Augoyard and Tor- sions of listening in research encounters have
gue, 2008; Blesser and Salter, 2007; LaBelle, been discussed (Bennett et al., 2015), as has the
2006, 2010). Across this literature, three over- role of sonic affect in forming the self (Simpson,
lapping themes can be identified. First, there is 2009). Other forms of sonic affect addressed by
work that treats sound as a medium of knowl- geographers include voices (Kanngieser, 2012),
edge, understanding listening as a ‘hermeneutic micro-radio (Kanngieser and Kogawa, 2013),
disposition’ (Revill, 2013: 58). Feld’s concept and tinnitus (Atkinson, 2011; Ash, 2015).
of acoustemology (1996) frames sound as a dis- Nevertheless, sound remains a neglected
tinctive medium for knowing the world, a concern within human geography as a whole.
notion that underpins research on such varied Geographers routinely listen to and make
themes as the semiotics of music (Faudree, sounds – during oral presentations, field trips,
2012; Henriques, 2011), the representational interviews and so on – but in most cases these
qualities of soundscape composition (Drever, practices are not adequately theorized or sub-
1999, 2002; Montgomery, 2009; Rennie, jected to critical reflection. Despite all of the
2014), and the use of listening in producing work reviewed above, it is still all too common
medical knowledge (Rice, 2013), folklore for simplistic assumptions about sound and lis-
(MacDonald, 2011), ornithology (Matless, tening to be uncritically reproduced in geogra-
2000; Lorimer, 2007), and knowledge about phy. Listening tends to be understood in
particular places (Butler, 2006, 2007; Adams, implicitly anthropocentric terms, linked to
2009; Gallagher and Prior, 2014). human consciousness and aurality (hearing
Second, there is scholarship addressing through the ear). Other kinds of sonic encoun-
sound as a productive and performative force ters are frequently left out. For example, while a
that creates spaces. Research has explored, for recent article on methods for animal geogra-
example, how sound organizes and reconfigures phies (Hodgetts and Lorimer, 2015) briefly
urban territories (Atkinson, 2007; Augoyard refers to aural inter-species communication, no
and Torgue, 2008; LaBelle, 2010), the use of mention is made of the wealth of relevant work
sonic power in institutional spaces (Jones, in wildlife sound recording and bioacoustics.
2005; Gallagher, 2010, 2011), and the role of Similarly, Oosterlynck and Swygedouw’s
sound art in the production of space (Pinder, (2010) research on struggles over aircraft noise
2001; Butler and Miller, 2005; DeSilvey, in Brussels focuses almost exclusively on the
2010; Gallagher, 2014, 2015a, 2015b; Revill, underlying politics. Noise – a complex, conten-
2014; Montgomery, 2011). tious concept within the sound studies literature
Third, attention has been paid to the geogra- – is treated as a straightforward environmental
phies of sonic affects, bodily sensations and pollutant, without any discussion or theoriza-
emotions, within the wider turn towards post- tion. These articles are by no means unusual;
phenomenological theories, in which listening they merely exemplify the marginal status of
is untethered from cochlear reception (Scrim- sound and listening within mainstream human
shaw, 2013). Research has examined how sound geography.

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Gallagher et al. 3

As a discipline addressing the earth in all its material thresholds (Ash, 2015). Sound ‘inha-
diversity, geography needs to develop broader bits space rather erratically and enigmatically’
sonic sensibilities. Every space and place (Schafer, 1985: 88), with a tendency to escape
sounds and resounds, every living body and from everyday temporal and spatial containers.
being vibrates, and every kind of material, Expanded listening helps us to understand this
object and surface has acoustic properties. Con- ephemerality and mobility. It positions sound
ceiving of listening in a narrowly anthropo- not only as inherently spatial, but also as a force
centric way is wholly inadequate for that disrupts and reworks common spatial con-
understanding this profoundly polyphonic cepts such as boundary, territory, place, scale,
world. An expanded conception of listening and landscape.
concerns the responsiveness of bodies encoun- Third, expanded listening attunes to sound’s
tering sound – bodies of any and every kind, in capacity both to connect disparate bodies
different ways and contexts. The sound studies (LaBelle, 2006, 2010) and to change them
and sonic geographies literatures cited above (Kanngieser, 2015). Investigating the geogra-
have helped to enlarge the horizons of listening. phies of sound involves following chains of
Our aim in this paper is to bring these ideas and association across a range of spaces and cor-
practices into other areas of geographical porealities, working transversally in a motion
enquiry. The rationale for doing so is threefold. of propagation like sound itself. This movement
First, expanded listening enables us to recog- reveals surprising or overlooked connections,
nize that sound affects bodies, human and more- and helps link together interests across
than-human, in ways that extend beyond human geography.
perception, cognition and knowledge. Perception Sound can be conceptualized in many ways –
and thought clearly play an important part in as object, wave, or event for example (see
human listening, but using a universalized O’Callaghan, 2007). Rather than overly deter-
human consciousness as a guide for listening in mining what sound ‘is’, we want to follow sev-
its entirety – as though listening were only that eral threads regarding what sound might ‘do’ for
and nothing else – creates an overly narrow field human geography. To enable us to discuss a
of enquiry. Expanded listening attends to any and wide range of examples, we draw on different
every kind of kinetic oscillation, generating theorizations of sound and its relations with
insights into the interrelations and flows between space. In acoustics, space is usually understood
humans, animals, objects, technologies, materi- as a physical container or carrier for sound, with
als, infrastructures, and environments. It has been applied fields such as noise control and archi-
suggested that such relations can be better under- tectural acoustics using spaces to shape sound.
stood using the metaphor of fluids rather than the Socio-cultural analyses, by contrast, often flip
networks of Actor Network Theory (e.g. Sheller, this logic around, listening to how sounds shape
2004); listening to sound, as waves moving spaces by marking out territories (LaBelle,
through fluids such as air and water, is helpful 2010), creating acoustic arenas (Blesser and
for making this conceptual shift. Salter, 2007), generating affective atmospheres,
Second, expanded listening reveals things and contributing to the production of space
that are not available to other senses. Listening (Gallagher, 2014, 2015b). Revill (2015) has
can reveal different aspects of visible spaces, as suggested that sound’s spatiality involves the
well as revealing elements that cannot be interplay of the phenomenology of listening,
grasped through other senses, such as the embo- physical vibration in materials, and the mean-
died experience of music (Waitt and Duffy, ings produced, such that all of these realms need
2010) and the propagation of vibrations across to be considered simultaneously.

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4 Progress in Human Geography

In particular empirical contexts, however, it 2007; Gallagher, 2013), phenomenological

may make sense to listen more closely to some accounts of how sound is experienced (Ingold,
of these elements than others. Rather than 2007), and notions of listening as a conduit for
favouring any one theorization of sound and understanding the self (Nancy, 2007) or as inter-
space, we want to recognize the different analy- subjective exchange (Bennett et al., 2015). Such
tical functions they perform. If the object of perspectives generate important insights, but they
analysis is, say, the affects generated by noise struggle to address the full potential of listening to
in buildings, then sound might be heard as a extend beyond the human to engage with other
spatially disruptive force that transgresses forms of life. Geography’s concern with the earth
boundaries and territories. Alternatively, if the as a whole points towards the need for an
aim is to explore how such noise is managed expanded conception of listening, as the respon-
through architecture and design, it may be more siveness of bodies and materials encountering
useful to conceive of sound as waves moving sound. Bodies, in this formulation, include human
within spaces, and examine how the material and more-than-human entities, while materials
qualities of those spaces shape sound. Sounds could include everything from microscopic par-
both produce spaces and are produced by them, ticles to large-scale landforms. Our interest is not
in all kinds of ways. Different conceptualiza- simply in how sound moves through these bodies
tions of this relationship need not be mutually and materials. Rather we are concerned with
exclusive. They can be used selectively or in those situations where bodies and materials
combination, as filters that attune analysis to become particularly responsive to sound, resonat-
different aspects of the matter at hand. ing, amplifying or relaying vibration – situations
All of these themes stress the inherent com- where sound makes a difference in some way.
plexity of sound. Sound simultaneously creates, Expanded listening starts with the ear, but goes
reinstates and breaks apart boundaries, impres- beyond it to include the whole body. It also
sions, and associations. It does more than one acknowledges forms of responsiveness to sounds
thing; indeed it often does many contradictory that cannot be ‘heard’ by humans, whether due to
things, at the same time, to many different bod- frequency range (sounds below 20 Hz or above 20
ies. This complexity cannot be shied away from; kHz), amplitude (very quiet or deafeningly loud),
sound cannot be reduced to make it easier to temporality (sounds which take place within
understand, or tied down to a set of consistent microseconds or over long spans of time), or spa-
functions across different domains. The ephem- tiality (such as sounds beneath the earth’s surface
eral, fluid, mobile and relational qualities of or in the atmosphere).
sound, while difficult to pin down, need this Revill (2015) cautions that listening risks
difficulty in order to function productively. downplaying other important aspects of sound,
Rather than reducing sound to fit a narrow set such as its relations with materials. We propose
of listening practices, those practices must be that it is possible, however, to attune to the mul-
expanded to encompass the diversity and multi- tiplicity of sound not by moving away from
plicity of sound. listening, but by radically expanding it.
Expanded listening addresses many different
registers of sound: aesthetic, compositional and
II An expanded concept of listening timbral qualities; affective, material and embo-
In the social sciences, listening is predominantly died characteristics; the ways in which sound is
orientated towards the human. This focus is evi- both spatial and temporal, evoking a sense of
dent in research practices which explore what time, distance, direction or movement; sound’s
people have to say about their lives (Back, capacity to produce knowledge of events and

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Gallagher et al. 5

processes; and the semiotic associations pro- emptied of any sensibility for sound as such
duced by listening, including the tendency of (e.g. Clark and Moss, 2011: 9).
sound to trigger memories. Our aim, by contrast, is to think about what
Listening is often distinguished from hearing, else listening might be, and so we posit it as a
with the former positioned as conscious attention spectrum of different kinds of responsiveness
and the latter as a more passive form of reception; that includes but also goes beyond active human
as Handel writes, ‘the physical pressure wave audition. Expanding outwards from the human,
enables perception but does not force it. Listen- listening can be theorized as encompassing, for
ing is active; it allows age, experience, expecta- example: the ways in which animals respond to
tion, and expertise to influence perception’ sound; the electro-mechanical responses of lis-
(1989: 3). Perception is here understood to be tening technologies, from telephones to ultra-
‘the necessary second stage [after sensing]. . . . sound scanners; or the ways in which
During perception, the conception of an external seemingly inert materials are disposed to ‘pick
event is constructed’ (p. 3). A variety of different up’ and respond to certain kinds of sonic vibra-
listening modes can be identified that pertain to tion, as when passing traffic rattles buildings, or
such human perception. For example, Chion dif- aircraft sonic booms shatter windows. It may
ferentiates between causal listening, ‘to gather seem curious to consider such sonic encounters
information about [a sound’s] cause (or source)’ as instances of listening, but if we take seriously
(1994: 25), semantic listening, aimed at the inter- post-humanist and multispecies propositions
pretation of the meaning of sounds, as with spo- (Descola, 2013; Haraway, 2003; Whatmore,
ken language for example, and reduced listening, 2002), it is no longer tenable to privilege a par-
which ‘focuses on the traits of the sound itself, ticular subset of human responses to sound over
independent of its cause and of its meaning’ (p. other kinds of responses by other kinds of bod-
29). Meanwhile, Truax discriminates between ies and materials. Expanded listening does not
‘listening-in-readiness’, wherein a listener is in remove the human, but rather allows other
a state receptive to receiving certain sounds, but things to flood in as well.
whose attention lies elsewhere (Truax provides In expanded listening, bodies reveal them-
the example of a mother woken by a baby’s cry selves as malleable and porous, and in some
but not by road traffic), and ‘listening-in-search’, cases, highly susceptible to sound. As Catherine
which involves consciously listening to sounds Christer Hennix (2015: unpaginated) suggests,
for ‘cues’ (1984: 19). we would do well to ‘consider the listener as a
We think there is something worth holding dynamical soft condensed matter system far
onto about listening, as a range of dispositions from equilibrium and whose internal signal path
and activities that are more clearly responsive and transmission systems can be tuned by expo-
than what is usually referred to as hearing, but sure to external sound sources’. Developing lis-
we take issue with how listening tends to be tening practices may therefore be less about
restrictively tied to human consciousness and becoming newly responsive to sound, and more
intentionality. This is not to deny that human about attending more closely to responses that
consciousness plays an important role, includ- are already happening but which normally pass
ing in many of the examples we discuss below; unnoticed; put another way, listening to bodies
the problem is rather the tendency to think that listening.
listening is nothing but an activity of human A notable risk of expanded listening is that in
consciousness. In qualitative social research, for embracing polyphony the possibilities for anal-
instance, this conception has led to listening ysis become overwhelmingly diffuse. Our
becoming merely a metaphor for interpretation, response, in the remainder of the paper, is to

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6 Progress in Human Geography

focus enquiry on particular instances of listen- 2000); while others have defended looking at
ing, to particular sounds, in particular locations. landscapes, particularly from a scenic perspec-
The aim is not to further advance general the- tive (Benediktsson, 2007; Lowenthal, 2007;
ories about sound’s spatiality, but rather to map Parsons and Daniel, 2002).
out what closer listening can bring to particular A few geographers have addressed the sonic
areas of geographical enquiry. We have identi- qualities of landscapes. For example, Matless
fied three areas in which a sonic sensibility is (2005) has examined how the regulation of
already established or emerging, but in which ‘noisy’ human sounds is central to the construc-
we hear productive possibilities for expanded tion of ‘natural’ regions. Here, sound offers a
listening: in work on landscape, affect, and geo- way of investigating landscape-related values
technologies. Working through these themes and epistemologies, while revealing the
enables us to expand outwards from the domi- widely-held attitude in soundscape manage-
nant anthropocentric position. We begin by ment that quietude is universally desirable. This
exploring how human listening could be dee- attitude underpins attempts at the top-down reg-
pened and extended as a way to rethink land- ulation of human and mechanical sounds in nat-
scape. A focus on sonic affect and atmospheres ural landscapes – a common focus in landscape
then expands listening beyond human percep- research outwith geography (see for example
tion, cochlear listening, and consciousness, to Lynch et al., 2011; Miller, 2008) – and also in
how sound impinges on bodies, including (but urbanized landscapes through noise control pol-
not limited to) human bodies. Finally, we exam- icies and noise abatement campaigns. There
ine forms of listening in which humans are more have also been more nuanced approaches to
marginal, including vibrations amongst other ‘noise’ that point to how aesthetic appreciation
animal species, in earth materials and or depreciation is highly variable and context
vibration-sensing technologies. specific, while at the same time taking the
human and more-than-human health implica-
tions of excessive noise seriously. Adams
III The sounds of landscape et al. (2006) demonstrate that supposedly
As a fundamental organizing principle within objectionable sounds in urban landscapes, such
geography, ‘landscape’ has been most thor- as all-night parties and the ‘hum’ of traffic, are
oughly conceived of and attended to along tolerated or even aesthetically appreciated in
visual lines of inquiry, to the point where geo- certain contexts (see also Raimbault and
graphers have been forced to ask: are the visual Dubois, 2005). LaBelle (2010: xxiii) neatly
surface qualities of landscape, as perceived by a sums up the resulting tension: ‘on one hand
physically distant observer, all landscape is there is no denial as to the intensities with which
(see Wylie, 2007)? This enduring question noise interferes with personal health and well
has been met with a variety of responses from being, while on the other hand noise may be
scholars both inside and outside of geography. heard as registering a particular vitality within
Some have tried to disentangle the (contested) the cultural and social sphere’. Addressing this
etymological roots of landscape to help under- tension, the Positive Soundscapes project has
stand its essential nature (Bourassa, 1991; Ever- explored how urban landscapes might be
nden, 1981; Olwig, 1996; Scazzosi, 2004); designed to sound better, rather than simply
some have emphasized the embodied qualities sound less (Davies et al., 2013).
of being and dwelling in landscape as a correc- Revill (2014) approaches landscape from a
tive to the assumed distancing effect of viewing different angle, examining an audio work pro-
landscapes from afar (Berleant, 1992; Ingold, duced by sound recordist Chris Watson derived

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Gallagher et al. 7

from recordings of a now-defunct railway line invoked in many theoretical and practice-based
in Mexico. Revill seeks to account for how approaches toward landscape, such as when
sound ‘participates in the production of the rail- landscape designers and architects speak of and
way corridor as a complex, animate and deeply measure ‘viewsheds’ delineating the perimeter
contoured historically and geographically spe- of landscape (Ervin and Steinitz, 2003;
cific experience of landscape’ (2014: 333). The Motloch, 2001: 190; Smardon et al., 1986), or
complexity and multiplicity of landscape when spatial scientists map, model, and classify
sounds is also evident in Lorimer and Wylie’s landscapes using GIS techniques. The temporal
(2010) performative evocation of a walk dimensions of sounds and sounding events –
through rural Wales. Here, sounds charm, pla- often fleeting, ephemeral, dynamic, and
gue and bemuse; the walkers encounter prosaic unstable – compound this dissolution of land-
sounds and strange sounds, sounds that prompt scape discreteness, and with it the ability to
active listening and imagination, and others that frame sonic landscape experience (see Fisher,
merge into a background fuzz. 1998: 173–4). Attending to landscape through
The work outlined here broadens the scope of listening can thereby destabilize the very con-
what constitutes ‘landscape’ in geographical cept of landscape as a specific, identifiable
research, and demonstrates that sound is a vital space.
attribute of landscape and landscape experi- Secondly, while listening in a given land-
ence. In what follows, we go further by thinking scape, we may also become aware of how there
through some of the distinctive qualities of lis- is often a spatial mismatch between the size of
tening within landscapes, and their implications an object or subject from which a sound ema-
for geographical scholarship. nates and the spatial scale of the auditory space
Firstly, when listening within any given land- that the sound resonates within and fills (e.g.
scape, it is apparent that the spatial qualities of insects and birds in a meadow [audio: birds-
sound are unlike those of light. Indeed, how in-meadow.mp3]). Such resonance within a
sound behaves in relation to physical spaces – landscape depends not only on the amplitude
in terms of resonances, reflections, echoes, dif- of a sound relative to other sounds, but also its
fusion and absorption – is different to the beha- pitch, directionality, rhythms, and duration, and
viour of light (Blesser and Salter, 2007). What the material and spatial qualities of the land-
we are listening to may not emanate from those scape. As sounds resonate, they can promulgate
components that we can see within a visually the spatial dynamics of landscape, revealing
discrete landscape; instead, we may be picking spatial contours as well as various material qua-
up sounds emanating from adjacent or distant lities of landscape surfaces – particularly how
landscapes. Empirical landscape research has surfaces may influence the reception of sounds
demonstrated the tremendous difficulty – if not through reflection and absorption (e.g. oyster-
impossibility – of trying to implement forms of catcher vocalizations reverberating across the
landscape design so as to prevent sounds from hard surfaces of a rocky beach and cliffs [audio:
crossing cultural, ecological, or geological land- oystercatchers.mp3]). Listening provides an
scape thresholds (Prior, 2012). This, in effect, additional channel of knowledge, producing
dissolves the discrete, internally coherent qua- insights into scale, materiality and landscape
lities of landscapes that are so often taken for morphology that are not available through other
granted when landscape is conceptualized ways of knowing.
through vision and visuality, regardless of Thirdly, as well as sensing reflections from
whether landscape is understood materially or surfaces, it is possible to listen to sounds that
as a way of seeing or being. This discreteness is originate from beneath visible surfaces of a

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8 Progress in Human Geography

landscape. This listening may augment human resonances that circulate about, between, and
auditory physiology with various technological sometimes stick to bodies and worlds, and in the
intermediaries, such as geophones to listen to very passages or variations between these inten-
subsurface ground movements, or contact sities and resonances themselves. Affect, at its
microphones to listen to the internal vibrations most anthropomorphic, is the name we give to
those forces – visceral forces beneath, alongside,
of a bridge spanning a landscape [audio: bridge-
or generally other than conscious knowing, vital
contact-microphone.mp3]. At other times, forces insisting beyond emotion – that can serve
sounds produced below a surface may cross this to drive us toward movement, toward thought and
visible threshold, as when listening to a bird call extension, that can likewise suspend us (as if in
that originates at the syrinx within the bird’s neutral) across a barely registering accretion of
body. Listening can also detect sonic landscape force-relations, or that can even leave us over-
components not detectable by the eye (e.g. the whelmed by the world’s apparent intractability
sound of electricity running through an over-
head power line [audio: overhead-power.mp3]). Thus, affect is more than feeling or emotion.
This ability to simultaneously listen to the It is better thought of as forces that impinge on
inside and outside of sounding objects and sub- bodies, which may or may not be felt. Sound, as
jects within landscapes complicates any simple physical vibration, is affective (Gallagher, 2016).
bifurcation of landscape between surface and It acts contagiously to modulate a dance floor, to
depth. Thus, a thoroughly conceived sonic geo- repel bodies from alarms and sirens, or to inner-
graphy of landscape that attends to listening can- vate a wave of response during a vivid filmic
not privilege one over the other, challenging scene. The affective aspect of sound comes pre-
critical scholars who valorize depth over surface cisely from the relations, exchanges and move-
(see Forsyth et al., 2013) as a supposed corrective ments between bodies and environments. Sound
to the tendency within the geographical literature therefore has the extra-individual, miasmatic
of focusing only on landscape exteriorities. qualities of what geographers have called affec-
tive atmospheres (Bissell, 2010). According to
Anderson (2009: 78):
IV Sound, atmospheres and affect
atmosphere traverses distinctions between peoples,
The capacity of sound to move bodies is of cen-
things, and spaces. It is possible to talk of: a morn-
tral importance to us in expanding listening ing atmosphere, the atmosphere of a room before a
beyond human perception and cognition; of meeting, the atmosphere of a city, an atmosphere
interest is how feedback loops between sound, between two or more people, the atmosphere of a
space, infrastructures, matter and bodies gener- street, the atmosphere of an epoch, an atmosphere
ate listening responses. Sound produces affec- in a place of worship, and the atmosphere that
tive atmospheres, which interface with bodies surrounds a person, amongst much else. Perhaps
on auditory and other listening registers (Adey there is nothing that doesn’t have an atmosphere or
et al., 2013; Anderson and Ash, 2014; Duff, could be described as atmospheric. On the one
2010; McCormack, 2008). Affect, write Gregg hand, atmospheres are real phenomena. They
and Seigworth (2010: 1), can be thought of as ‘envelop’ and thus press on a society ‘from all
sides’ with a certain force. On the other, they are
an impingement or extrusion of a momentary or not necessarily sensible phenomena.
sometimes more sustained state of relation as well
as the passage (and the duration of passage) of For Anderson, given this difficulty of
forces or intensities. That is, affect is found in definition, we might consider atmospheres as
those intensities that pass body to body (human, ‘spatially discharged affective qualities that are
nonhuman, part-body, and otherwise), in those autonomous from the bodies that they emerge

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Gallagher et al. 9

from, enable and perish with’ (2009: 80). To comprehension, independent of ‘bodily modes’
think of affective atmospheres is to think affect and indifferent to emotional products (Deleuze
into spatial and material realms. and Guattari, 1988, 1994; Massumi, 2002).
Sound is critical to affective atmospheres for What is critical in this kind of listening, in terms
two reasons. First, it moves through space in of affect, are the ways in which sounds defy
distinctive ways. Sound is highly promiscuous recognition and categorization into feeling and
(LaBelle, 2010: xvii); while it travels through narrative while being implicated within them.
materials differentially, in air it has a tendency The vibratory and affective nature of sound
to envelop other bodies. Because of this fluid, challenges the common assumption that listen-
diffusive and immersive tendency, sound is ing is contingent on aural receptivity. In geogra-
integral to the formation of atmospheres in phy, this insight has the potential to extend
spaces. Second, everything participates in the thinking on governance and spatial control by
sounding of worlds, including both biotic and drawing attention to those heard-felt registers in
abiotic bodies – an exhale, the teeming of which sound can affect bodies, sometimes pro-
insects, the movement of fabric, a chemical foundly, but which fall outside the ranges of
reaction, the oscillation of leaves and branches human perception and consciousness. In
[audio: leaves-branches.mp3], an echo off con- debates about ‘noise’ pollution, much has been
crete, a riot, a boat idling [audio: boat-har- made of the human inability to not hear, or to
bour.mp3], ice thawing and so forth. Because ‘shut our earlids’ (Schafer, 1977). Sound, how-
everything engages sound, sound acts to link ever, is also sensed and listened to through the
and collectivize bodies and environments, cre- skin and within bodily cavities, organs, and
ating different kinds of atmospheres. These cells. Listening is thus an embodied practice,
sounds may be audible or inaudible to the forcing us to consider ‘non-cochlear’ (Kim-
human ear, or on the threshold of audibility. The Cohen, 2009) sonic geographies, in which
vibrational force of sound means that it acts sounds are spatialized across bodies. This is
upon entities regardless of whether those enti- especially the case with sub- or in-audible sounds
ties are consciously listening to it or not. that cause disturbances, even though affected
Working within and through spaces, sound individuals are often unable to pinpoint precisely
creates affective atmospheres via vibrations, why, or how, bodies are affected. Vibro-acoustic
pitches, volumes, frequencies, harmonies and effects do not necessarily announce themselves
disharmonies. These sounds can be conducive on the level of conscious listening.
to particular psychosomatic states in listening One example is low frequency noise (LFN),
bodies. For instance, in humans, low frequen- sometimes referred to as ‘the hum’ (examples
cies have a tendency to produce queasiness, may be heard here: This
while oceanic rhythms may have calming ‘hum’ is sensed by a minority of people, clus-
affects. Such embodied responses may be tered in specific locations, who complain of
understood through a visceral approach to being disturbed by a low frequency droning
sound, recognizing how sound produces physi- sound that is often inaudible or barely audible
cal intensities or ‘gut feelings’ (Duffy and to others, and difficult to register in audio
Waitt, 2013; Waitt et al., 2013, 2015). Sound recordings and noise measurements.
pervades environments in excess of, and irredu-
cible to, any individual or group, destabilizing While only a relatively small number of people
the notion of an individuated, ‘conscious’, lis- are affected, those who are tend to suffer severe
tening subject. Expanded listening is affective: distress . . . and they may suffer various symp-
toms such as depression or even feel suicidal. In
coming prior to cognitive and discursive

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10 Progress in Human Geography

some cases a source of LFN is found and can be to listen to, and ‘read’, competency, emotion,
dealt with. However, in many cases . . . no envi- nationality, and ethnicity through sound.
ronmental sound that could account for the suf- Technologies of acoustic warfare also
ferer’s reaction can be found, and the cause of the deserve consideration here because of the harm
disturbance remains a mystery. (Moorhouse et al., they cause via expanded forms of listening. The
2011: 2)
manifestation of sound as weaponry through
Such phenomena demonstrate the complex symbiotic military and commercial application
entanglements of sound being heard, felt, and lis- is customarily shrouded in speculation, in part
tened to, affective atmospheres, and emotional to do with the amorphous and acousmatic char-
states. The atmospheres created by sonic environ- acter of sound. The use of sound and music in
ments, and the corresponding neural, emotional psychological warfare as a means of interroga-
and physical reactions – particularly those tion and torture, whereby volume and repetition
derived from anticipatory response – agitate are used to overwhelm listeners, has been criti-
bodies, which at the same time recompose atmo- cally documented (Hill, 2012; Cusick, 2006,
spheric affects. That is to say, bodies, in varying 2008; Pieslak, 2009), along with developments
degrees of intensity, charge and change how in acoustic technologies designed to stun, dis-
atmospheres ‘feel’, and what they do. Consider perse, intimidate and control civilian popula-
how a space might ‘vibrate’ after a loud retort tions. These include flash bang grenades
has echoed, or a street might still hold the sonic which produce sound pressure levels of around
memory of a recently passed demonstration. 170dB(A) (a level at which immediate physical
Sonic affects are especially acute where lis- damage can occur); sonic booms from military
tening is deployed for strategies of sonic govern- jet planes used as a show of force, such as
ance and warfare (Goodman, 2009): the use of around US air bases in Japan (Cox, 2010) and
forensic audiology by the UK Border Agency to in the Occupied Territories of Palestine; gas
identify asylum seekers’ places of origin cannons designed to scare birds away from agri-
through listening to accent, dialect and other cultural crops, aerodromes, and aquaculture
sonic characteristics; voice biometrics as facilities (Lorimer, 2013); ultrasonic devices for
deployed in logistics distribution centres dispersing young people from public spaces
and incarceration processes to listen to and (Gallagher, 2016), or repelling animals such as
map movement; the increasing ubiquity of rodents and pigeons; and Long Range Acoustic
automated voice systems in public spaces Devices (LRADs), which have been adopted for
(e.g. safety and security announcements in travel civilian policing. In 2009, at the G20 summit in
hubs [audio file: automated-announce- Pittsburgh, an LRAD, or sound cannon,
ments.mp3]); and the normalization of listening mounted on a police tank was notoriously used
posts and covert microphones in public spaces. to dispel protesters, who were unable to block out
These examples point to a growing industry for the loud and extremely high pitched alarms
expansive forms of listening, surveillance, [audio: lrad.mp3] (Feigenbaum and Kanngieser,
sound, and voice technologies in regimes of spa- 2015). LRADs, sonic booms, and flash bang gre-
tial control (Kanngieser, 2013). The affectivity nades have all been documented to cause severe
of these technologies arises in part from certain effects ranging from sweating, dizziness, disor-
vocal timbres – the ubiquity of female voices as ientation and deafness, to miscarriages, and long-
automated public announcements for instance, term anxiety and psychosomatic disorders (Fei-
as Nina Power points out (2013) – and from the genbaum and Kanngieser, 2015).
power ascribed to voice-sensitive technologies Alongside sonic technologies that operate
through volume are persistent rumours of

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Gallagher et al. 11

infrasonic and ultrasonic devices, using fre- humans to many other kinds of entities, materi-
quencies at or beyond the extremes of human als, and processes, including the bodies of ani-
hearing, but well within the hearing range of mals and plants, water and weather systems,
other animal species (Vaisman, 2002). While landforms, seismic activity, and all kinds of
we will discuss the physicality of infrasound sonic technologies. Jackson and Fannin (2011:
in more detail in the following section, here 436) argue that the expansion of interest in
we want to stress the affective capacity of such materiality requires more careful listening to the
devices to engender anxiety and fear (Good- ‘multiple and interrelated voices’ of matter, but
man, 2009), due to the potential of sound to be in their account listening remains metaphorical.
inaudibly instituted as a technique of nation- In relation to the sonic aspects of more-than-
state governance and violence. Ongoing con- human life, Matless (2000) and Lorimer
cerns around the developments of ‘silent’ but (2007) have written about Ludwig Koch’s pio-
fatal technologies such as VLF modulators, neering bird sound recordings, yet much of the
‘sound bullets’ and directional sound beams nature-culture literature is silent about sound. In
such as the ‘voice of god’ weapon, haunt mili- this section, our discussion goes further beyond
tary literature and online forums. the human to consider what can be gained by
It is precisely this play with perceptibility listening in an expanded way to the relations
that contributes greatly to the affective atmo- between audio technologies, materials, animals,
spheres that sound invokes, and which requires and geophysical phenomena, grouped together
a concept of listening that goes beyond human under the term geotechnologies.
consciousness. While affective atmospheres are As we have already noted, the science of
tied to bodies, they are clearly not only tied to acoustics conceives of sound as mechanical
human bodies; all matter is affected by sound in waves propagating through materials:
some way. In his text on non-cochlear sound,
Scrimshaw proposes a scission of affect from When the molecules of a fluid or solid are dis-
‘the necessity of subjective affirmation’ (2013: placed from their normal configurations, an inter-
nal elastic restoring force arises. It is this elastic
28), to emphasize the nature of sonic affects and
restoring force, coupled with the inertia of the
signals in excess of their human audibility or
system, that enables matter to participate in oscil-
perceptibility. This echoes Cox’s (2011) call for latory vibrations and thereby generate and transit
a sonic materialism, in which sound is consid- acoustic waves. (Kinsler et al., 2000: 1)
ered beyond its attributed phenomenological
immediacy, individuality and symbolism. Hear- Thus, whilst sound may not be material per se
ing sound, and listening, from this expanded (Ingold, 2007), it is closely bound up with mate-
perspective, brings to debates on geographies rials. Sound requires matter to vibrate in and
of affect a clear avenue for understanding how through, and materials shape sound through
bodies, materials and environments can interact their physical properties. Sound waves may be
and interrelate, without anthropocentrism and amplified by the resonances of materials,
the reduction to a universally ‘human’ experi- attenuated through absorption, or reflected as
ence (Gallagher, 2016). reverberation, with marked effects on the atmo-
sphere of a space (e.g. voices echoing in a stone
stairwell, compared with voices being absorbed
V Geotechnologies in a cork-lined space [audio file: reverberant-
Following on from these arguments, we want to absorbent.mp3]). These relations between
argue that sound has particular relevance for sound, space and materiality are significantly
geographers due to its capacity to connect different to those of light, as we have discussed

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12 Progress in Human Geography

in relation to landscape. Light is capable of regarded as the lower limit of human auditory
passing through a vacuum and tends to be perception, are known as infrasound. They are
impeded by materials, whereas sound propa- felt by humans rather than heard, and sensed – if
gates more efficiently through denser materials. they are sensed at all – ‘as pulses or tactile pres-
Attending to sound can therefore generate dis- sure’ (Ganchrow, 2015: 182). Infrasound can
tinctive knowledge about the earth’s materials move over great distances. The science of infra-
and physical processes, particularly where these sonics had its inception following the eruption
are hidden from view. Conversely, and perhaps of Krakatoa in 1883, when waves of changes in
more importantly, tuning in to such vibrations barometric pressure were observed circling
brings an awareness of how thin the bandwidth around the world several times (Evers and
of human audition is, and of how much action Haak, 2010). Animals such as whales, elephants
completely bypasses the human senses. and rhinoceroses are believed to use infrasound
The emergence of sonic enquiry into earth for long-distance communication (Payne et al.,
systems is closely allied to developments in 1986; Langbauer et al., 1991; von Muggenthaler
audio technologies and geopolitics. The field et al., 2003). Expanding listening to acknowl-
of marine acoustics, for example, grew out of edge these long wavelengths provokes a
the intersection between oceanography and mil- rethinking of scale and the geographies of
itary engineering. During the Cold War the US media. Infrasonic vibrations connect bodies
Navy created the Sound Surveillance System across planetary distances, with the oceans,
(SOSUS), an array of hydrophones around the earth and atmosphere transmitting signals in
Atlantic for the long-range detection of Soviet ways that vastly predate the human inventions
submarines, based on the physics of deep ocean of radio, telegraphy and the internet. Geotech-
channels propagating low frequencies across nological listening enables us to hear what Kahn
long distances. It was later repurposed for civil- (2013) calls the natural history of media.
ian scientific listening, including monitoring Many infrasound phenomena are only detect-
submarine volcanic activity and blue whale able on human registers with specialized listen-
movements (Wolman, 2002; listen to examples: ing technologies. Again, Cold War geopolitics Sonar and helped to drive the expansion of these systems,
other audio technologies are now routinely used because atmospheric nuclear detonations pro-
for bathymetry (Chakraborty and Fernandes, duce infrasound that spreads across large areas,
2012), oil exploration, the surveying of fish so low frequency detection arrays were devel-
populations, the measurement of ocean currents oped for monitoring testing activities. A world-
using acoustic Doppler shift, the assessment of wide network of 60 infrasound stations, known
underwater noise from shipping (Merchant as the International Monitoring System (IMS), is
et al., 2012) and for research on glacial pro- now used to enforce the Comprehensive
cesses (Tegowski et al., 2011). Seismic moni- Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, together with seismic,
toring can similarly be understood as an hydroacoustic and radionuclide monitoring net-
expanded form of listening to sound beyond or works. As well as this global surveillance func-
at the limits of human perception. Like sound tion, the infrasound arrays pick up signals from a
waves, seismic primary waves (P-waves) are host of earth processes: stratospheric variations
compressional vibrations, with frequencies in wind and temperature, ocean storms, light-
ranging from 0.01 Hz up to around 100 Hz. ning, tornados, auroras, avalanches, icebergs
This low end of the frequency spectrum calving, volcanic eruptions, meteors and other
offers intriguing possibilities for listening to the large explosions, even the earth’s rotation (Evers
earth. Frequencies below 20 Hz, generally and Haak, 2001; Assink et al., 2008; Ottemoller

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Gallagher et al. 13

and Evers, 2008; Evers and Siegmund, 2009; bioacoustics and the acoustic ecology move-
Matoza et al., 2011; Hedlin et al., 2012). Gan- ment all use listening technologies for sound
chrow (2015: 182–4) points out that: capture, preservation, archiving, and activism
(Gallagher, 2015b). As well as recording the
the frequency band the human organism is orien- sounds of the more-than-human world,
tated towards is roughly at a scale that interacts machines act to shape that world, as evident in
with small- to medium-sized objects in our envi-
concerns over noise in animal habitats, such as
ronment. In contrast, the scale of infrasound inter-
the effects on aquatic life of vibrations from
acts with the scale of topography or even of the
atmosphere itself . . . it literally connects the offshore wind turbines, industrial shipping and
solid earth to oceans and weather, as well as to military exercises (e.g. Foley, 2014). Audio
modern industrial practices. technologies can also be used to intervene delib-
erately in inter-species interactions. Composer
Infrasound monitoring is thus a form of David Dunn, for instance, has been waging
expanded listening, centred not on human percep- sonic warfare by playing recordings of bark bee-
tion but on how materials are perturbed by certain tles back to the beetles themselves to disrupt
frequencies. Unlike with the forms of listening we their life cycles and limit their effects on forests
have discussed in relation to landscape, and the in North America (Bram, 2013). Audio thus
forms of bodily response produced by sound as provides a means of reconfiguring the relations
affect, in many cases the human body plays no between humans, animals and materials.
part at all in responding to infrasound. Algorith- All of these examples underline our argu-
mic calculations and graphic representations are ment that listening is not restricted to the human
used to translate the vibrations into comprehen- perception of sounds, but includes the respon-
sible information. Likewise with seismic moni- siveness of many different bodies and materials
toring, human auditory perception is either absent to vibrations. Earth sounds, and the technolo-
or at most is grafted on afterwards through tech- gies that transduce them, situate the human sub-
nical means. Time compression has been used to ject as a relatively marginal element amongst
shift the frequency of seismic recordings up into many resounding bodies, contributing to a more
the range of human hearing, reducing their long disparate, relational understanding of the world.
durations to a more comprehensible timescale, as Geotechnological listening offers novel ways to
with the sonification of the Tohoku earthquake investigate the relations between animals,
(Sendai Coast, Japan, environments, materials, and machines. At the
z9Oo; see Peng et al., 2012). This technological same time, it has the potential to work in exactly
accommodation of earthquake vibrations to the opposite direction, forcing an awareness of
human perception points to the plasticity of both how narrowly we humans perceive sound, how
senses and data (Sterne and Akiyama, 2012). much of it passes us by, and how indifferent it
Sound spills across into other sensory registers, can be to our concerns. That awareness brings a
through visual representations such as spectro- humility about our ability to know the world,
grams and noise maps. Equally, sonic renditions and about our place within it – a humility that
can be produced from any and every kind of geo- is particularly valuable in an age of ecological
graphic information; this is something that crisis (Kanngieser, 2015).
deserves much fuller exploration as a geographic
method (see Evans and Jones, 2008).
The varied soundings of biotic life have VI Conclusion
formed new assemblages with technologies. In this paper we have argued for the importance
Wildlife sound recording, the science of of expanding listening in geography. While

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14 Progress in Human Geography

numerous studies on specific forms of sound These discussions have created space to think
have been undertaken within the discipline, little about how sonic geographies may sit – or not –
has been done to clearly engage the broader ques- alongside the various conceptual devices geo-
tion of what geography as a whole might gain graphers use in the study of terrains, atmo-
from a deeper engagement with listening. Our spheres, and environments. Put another way,
aim has been to articulate how listening can we wanted to ask (and to continue asking): how
contribute to nuanced and less essentialized does listening shape our experience and knowl-
understandings of the world, recognizing its poly- edge of landscapes? How can the generation,
phonic complexity and simultaneity. In doing so, movement and impact of affective atmospheres
we have shown that a wider conception of geo- be understood through the vibrations of human
graphic listening can both enlarge what we under- and more-than-human bodies and environ-
stand by human subjectivity and also make space ments? And how does sound and listening help
for other kinds of audio receptivity. Bringing us to develop less human-centric perspectives
together the use of sound in diverse geo-spatial more generally? Through posing such ques-
practices – mapping landscapes, charting animal tions, listening and sonic experience present
populations, understanding social configurations, challenging points of departure, requiring the
investigating technologies of warfare and govern- reconfiguration of conventions in formulating,
ance, monitoring earthquakes – this paper has undertaking, and communicating the results of
outlined how expanded listening can be used to geographical research.
research spaces, places, and environments.
In inviting a different kind of listening, the Audio Files Appendix
paper has undertaken three tasks. The first has
audio file: birds-in-meadow.mp3
been to survey current debates on sound, listen-
ing, and space, both from within and outside the An ambient stereo recording consisting predo-
geographical literature. The second task has minantly of the sounds of birds and insects
been to propose an expanded concept of listen- sounding across a grassland meadow located
ing, to deepen, and extend beyond, humanistic adjacent to a wheat field, Spišská Belá,
perspectives. Given the urgency of global envi- Slovakia. Recorded 26 July 2013.
ronmental change, the move to foreground the
planetary subject has never been more pressing. audio file: oystercatchers.mp3
To demonstrate how listening might be
deployed in geography, across human and An ambient stereo recording of oystercatcher
more-than-human realms, our third task has vocalizations reverberating off of a rocky beach
been to outline some of the specific contribu- and hard cliff sides located on the south of the
tions that expanded listening can make to three Isle of Mull, Scotland. Recorded 10 June 2013.
thematic trajectories within contemporary geo- audio file: bridge-contact-microphone.mp3
graphy in which an interest in sound is already
evident: landscape, affect, and geotechnologies. A mono contact microphone recording of
These three themes have enabled us to narrate sounds vibrating internally within a concrete
the expansion of listening we have in mind: and metal road/pedestrian bridge spanning the
from that which is tethered to human cochlear Danube River, Bratislava, Slovakia. The contact
listening, moving outward through sound as microphone was attached directly between two
affects and atmospheres, to the responsiveness sheets of metal on the pedestrian path of the
of more-than-human technologies, materials bridge. Predominant sounds include the rumble
and species to sound. of vehicular traffic, pedestrians talking, and the

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Gallagher et al. 15

bridge itself shaking. Recorded 5 September Declaration of conflicting interests

2011. The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of inter-
est with respect to the research, authorship, and/or
audio file: overhead-power.mp3 publication of this article.

An ambient stereo recording of electricity run-

ning through an overhead power line, recorded Funding
in an agricultural field in Balerno, Scotland. The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following
Recorded 29 September 2013. financial support for the research, authorship, and/
or publication of this article: This work was sup-
audio file: leaves-branches.mp3 ported by a British Academy/Leverhulme Small
Research Grant (grant number SG132143).
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20 Progress in Human Geography

Author biographies collaborate to create the living and working condi-

tions they desire. Bringing into dialogue political
Michael Gallagher is a research fellow in the
economic theory with audio practices, she is
Faculty of Education at Manchester Metropolitan
engaged in the experimentation and invention of
University. His interests include sound and space,
sound based methods in the social sciences.
children and young people, power, media and
research methods. His work often involves experi-
mentation with audio and other kinds of electronic
media. Jonathan Prior is a lecturer in human geography
in the School of Geography and Planning at Car-
Anja Kanngieser is vice chancellor’s post-doctoral diff University. His research interests span
fellow at the Australian Centre for Cultural Envi- environmental and landscape policy – in partic-
ronmental Research, University of Wollongong, ular, the role of environmental aesthetic values
with a background in geography and communica- within policy making – and sonic geography.
tion studies. Her work focuses on the intersections Within the latter area, he is working on ways
of political economy and ecology, sound and social in which researchers can more fully attend to
movements. She is primarily interested in the ways the sonic qualities of landscapes. http://
in which people strategise, antagonise and

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