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72 Surat Al Jinn11

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Srat al-Jinn

(The Jinn)

Srah 72
No of Ayat 28
English Translation : Ali Quli Qara'i
Urdu Translation : Allamma Zeeshan Haider Jawadi
Hindi Translation : Farrukh Khan & Ahmed

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Kindly recite Sura E Fatiha for Marhumeen of all those who have worked towards making this small work possible.
Merits of Srat al-Jinn
This is a Meccan srah.
The surah that opens with the revelation that a group of THE JINN
listened to the Prophet reciting the Quran, believed in it, and so
admonished their own race. It is names after the jinn-kind, whose
account is given in its first part. The surah begins with the account
of what a group of jinn said when they overheard a recitation of the
Quran and realized its truth (verse 1). This is a lesson to the Meccan
Arabs, who are also told that the Prophet can help them only by
delivering the MessageGod is the All Powerful One (verse 16). The
disbelievers are threatened with what they will meet on the Day of
Judgement (verse 23).
It is narrated from Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (a.s.) that frequent recitation
of this surah is a protection from Jinn and the reciter will be in the
company of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) on the Day of Resurrection.
This surah also protects one from the evil actions of an unjust
person. Prisoners secure early release by reciting this surah and
those who recite it properly will never face poverty or starvation.
Keeping this surah in ones possession ensures safety from the
Jinn, victory in debate or confrontation, and safety of possession
and wealth. Debts are also easily paid back.
Srat al-Jinn

O' Allh send Your blessings on Muhammad
and the family of Muhammad.

! ) (

allahumma salli `ala muhammadin wa ali muhammadin

Srat al-Jinn

In the Name of Allh,
the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.

bi-smi llhi r-ramni r-rami

Srat al-Jinn

Say, It has been revealed to me that a team of the jinn
listened [to the Qurn]. and they said, Indeed we
heard a wonderful Qurn,

, " ,

qul iya ilayya annahu stamaa nafarun mina l-inni fa-ql inn samin
qurnan aaban
Srat al-Jinn

which guides to rectitude. Hence we have believed in it
and we will never ascribe any partner to our Lord.

" - , ,

yahd il r-rudi fa-mann bih wa-lan nurika bi-rabbin aadan

Srat al-Jinn

Exalted be the majesty of our Lord, He has taken
neither any spouse nor son.


wa-annah tal addu rabbin m ttaaa ibatan wa-l waladan

Srat al-Jinn

Indeed the foolish ones among us used to utter
atrocious lies concerning Allah.


wa-annah kna yaqlu safhun al llhi aaan

Srat al-Jinn

Indeed we thought that humans and jinn would never
utter any falsehood concerning Allah.


wa-ann anann an lan taqla l-insu wa-l-innu al llhi kaiban

Srat al-Jinn

Indeed some persons from the humans would seek the
protection of some persons from the jinn, thus only
adding to their rebellion.

" ,
( )

wa-annah kna rilun mina l-insi yana bi-rilin mina l-inni fa-
zdhum rahaqan
Srat al-Jinn

They thought, just as you think, that Allah will not
raise anyone from the dead.

" ()

wa-annahum ann ka-m anantum an lan yabaa llhu aadan

Srat al-Jinn

Indeed We made for the heaven and found it full of
mighty sentries and flames.


wa-ann lamasn s-sama fa-waadnh muliat arasan addan wa-

Srat al-Jinn

We used to sit in its positions to eavesdrop, but
anyone listening now finds a flame waiting for him.

" ,

wa-ann kunn naqudu minh maqida li-s-sami fa-man yastamii l-na

yaid lah ihban raadan
Srat al-Jinn

We do not know whether ill is intended for those who
are in the earth, or whether their Lord intends good
for them.


wa-ann l nadr a-arrun urda bi-man f l-ari am arda bihim rabbuhum

Srat al-Jinn

Among us some are righteous and some of us are
otherwise: we are multifarious sects.

" ,

wa-ann minn -lina wa-minn dna lika kunn ariqa qidadan

Srat al-Jinn

We know that we cannot thwart Allah on the earth, nor
can we thwart Him by fleeing.


wa-ann anann an lan nuiza llha f l-ari wa-lan nuizah haraban

Srat al-Jinn

When we heard the [message of] guidance, we
believed in it. Whoever that has faith in his Lord
shall neither fear any detraction nor oppression.


wa-ann lamm samin l-hud mann bih fa-man yumin bi-rabbih fa-l
yafu basan wa-l rahaqan
Srat al-Jinn

Among us some are muslims and some of us are
perverse. Yet those who submit [to Allah] it is they
who pursue rectitude.

" ()


wa-ann minn l-muslimna wa-minn l-qsina fa-man aslama fa-ulika

taarraw raadan
Srat al-Jinn

As for the perverse, they will be firewood for hell.

" , "

wa-amm l-qsina fa-kn li-ahannama aaban

Srat al-Jinn

If they are steadfast on the path [of Allah], We shall
provide them with abundant water,

wa-allawi staqm al -arqati la-asqaynhum man adaqan

Srat al-Jinn

so that We may test them therein, and whoever turns
away from the remembrance of his Lord, He will let
him into an escalating punishment.

li-naftinahum fhi wa-man yuri an ikri rabbih yaslukhu aban aadan

Srat al-Jinn

The places of worship belong to Allah, so do not
invoke anyone along with Allah.

wa-anna l-masida li-llhi fa-l tad maa llhi aadan

Srat al-Jinn

When the servant of Allah rose to pray to Him, they
almost crowded around him.


wa-annah lamm qma abdu llhi yadhu kd yaknna alayhi libadan

Srat al-Jinn

Say, I pray only to my Lord, and I do not ascribe any
partner to Him.

, "

qul innam ad rabb wa-l uriku bih aadan

Srat al-Jinn

Say, I have no power to bring you any harm or good
[of my own accord].

, " "

qul inn l amliku lakum arran wa-l raadan

Srat al-Jinn

Say, Neither can anyone shelter me from Allah, nor
can I find any refuge besides Him.

, "

qul inn lan yuran mina llhi aadun wa-lan aida min dnih multaadan

Srat al-Jinn

[I have no duty] except to transmit from Allah, and [to
communicate] His messages; and whoever disobeys
Allah and His apostle, indeed there will be for him
the fire of hell, to remain in it forever.

ill balan mina llhi wa-risltih wa-man yai llha wa-raslah fa-inna
lah nra ahannama lidna fh abadan
Srat al-Jinn

When they see what they are promised, they will then
know who is weaker in supporters and fewer in

att i raaw m yadna fa-sa-yalamna man aafu niran wa-aqallu

Srat al-Jinn

Say, I do not know if what you are promised is near, or
if my Lord has set a term for it.

, "

qul in adr a-qarbun m tadna am yaalu lah rabb amadan

Srat al-Jinn

Knower of the Unseen, He does not disclose His
Unseen to anyone,

" ,

limu l-aybi fa-l yuhiru al aybih aadan

Srat al-Jinn

except to an apostle He approves of. Then He
dispatches a sentinel before and behind him

ill mani rta min raslin fa-innah yasluku min bayni yadayhi wa-min
alfih raadan
Srat al-Jinn

so that He may ascertain that they have communicated
the messages of their Lord, and He comprehends all
that is with them, and He keeps count of all things.


li-yalama an qad abla rislti rabbihim wa-aa bi-m ladayhim wa-a

kulla ayin adadan
Srat al-Jinn

O' Allh send Your blessings on Muhammad
and the family of Muhammad.

! ) (

allahumma salli `ala muhammadin wa ali muhammadin

Srat al-Jinn

Please recite
Sra E Ftia
For any errors / comments please write to:
Kindly recite Sura E Fatiha for Marhumeen of all those who have worked towards making this small work possible.

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