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The False Light of Shamballah

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False Light of Shamballah

Sieg Grun

(pg.5) 'Western civilization'

(7) Singularity: The Telos of 'The One'

(9) TyrOdal

(12) Black light of Agharta

(13) Suicide Pact With Satan

(15) Devolution/Involution

(18) Degeneration

(20) Poverty Consciousness

(23) 'Oneness'

(24) Demiurgic Dialectic

(26) The Swamp

(30) Antarctica

(33) Tellurism

(36) Uranism

(38) The Great Satan

(44) The Great Deception

(47) Syrio-African Demonology

(49) In Hoc Signo Vinces

(52) Chang Shambala

(55) Degeneration: Spiritual and Material

(58) Confusion

(61) Time flow

(66) His-story

(68) Simulacral Image

(71) Exo-Anthropology

(74) Substance: Bukkake of The Demiurge:

(75) Master-Slave Dialectic

(77) The End of History

(82) Strategic Confusion

(87) Disintegration: Destruction of The Ego

(89) 'The Chosen' Archetype

(91) Soul Evolution Versus Spiritual Liberation

(93) Kaivalya vs. Ahimsa/Samadhi/Nirvana

(96) Suspicion Towards Entities

(98) Soft-Killing

(100) Force of Destiny

(101) Counter-Tradition

(104) The Hyperborean Tradition

(106) Labyrinth

(108) Cultural Record Versus Ontic Record

'Western Civilization'

The kingdom of Jehovah on earth is the kingdom of the potencies of matter, the kingdom of the
deceleration of Time-flow, of the very depth of density. Everything that comprises 'Western
civilization' and 'the West' itself is oriented around violent aggression, an animalistic (rather 'Satanic',
that is to say Jehovistic) will-to-power that indiscriminately forces itself upon others without
consideration for their being.

As it is by definition 'evil' in the sense of conducing to a negation of the 'Other', of all of that 'other' to
itself, of all that which exists in autonomy in relation to its will, the will of the vampire God Jehovah.
'Evil', indeed, the presence of lowest density; violent aggression and the violation of all otherness, the
creeping evil of 'The One'.

'Western civilization' thus is the exemplar of evil in the world in spite of its claims to the contrary, the
claims made by its celebrants who extol their own virtues and that of their golem Frankenstein's
monster they have constructed which is most readily apparent in North America and the British
Empire as well as the nucleus of evil the state of Israel (in terms of 'geosyncrhony' and psycho-

Nonetheless this violent aggression, (which conceals its true evil behind the façade of 'love' and other
judeo-christian pacifistic 'virtues' which are the mask worn by the great Satan of Western 'civilization'),
possesses redeemable traits inherent within it and within that of its population, that of a
predominantly aryan extraction.

The virtues of a sense of justice and truth are a presence though by no means reflected in the judeo-
christian/masonic/marxist occupied government and most of the upper caste of the nations especially
those having political influence for only the corrupt can attain anything in the great Satan and the
corruption of the population is proportional to their rank, the higher up they go the more corrupt and
evil they are as the initiatic system in place determine the elevation of the members or would-be
members within the power structure.

The redeemable element of the 'great Satan' are the members who are pushed to the margins;
ostracized and cast out of this Satanic illusory paradise or 'new jerusalem'; 'city of peace',etc. Indeed
within this slave plantation, a true city of war everlasting, the only 'peace' is that which lies in, through
being absorbed into the Demiurge through allowing and enabling the spread of His vile presence, else
to attain a victory over the foe through having 'peace' within, amidst the chaos which surrounds one
and not allowing oneself to be decentered of his inner stability or equilibrium.

'Peace', however has never been the goal of the warrior Berserker but rather war everlasting which he
has chosen to participate in against the foe the great Satan and its members, indeed against 'Western
civilization' itself.

All things 'Western' are oriented around aggressive force and violence and in so far they possess
redeemable value though oriented around the motives and purposes of the Demiurge and His legions
of minions. The telos or good of their aggression is 'bad' (for the Hyperboreans of the Spirits trapped
within matter) but the mode of its manifestation is good, that which conduces to vitality and strength
and empowers one to achieve meaningful purposes and creative expression.

That which is permitted in the current of disintegration called 'the West' is only that which serves the
telos of the Demiurge, that being a standardization of the mass mind, an assimilation of all into a
unitary collective consciousness, mere hypostases of 'The One'. Hence the aggressive violence brought
against the captive spirits of the system is designed to disempower and to phagocitize the Spirit,
assimilating it into Jehovah through its merger with matter, shifting the focus of his attention toward
'the world' of phenomenal affect and away from the realm of Spirit, immersed in a world of material
density and sensationalism.

The 'Great Satan' of Western civilization is the formation of temp oral power controlled and regulated
by black magicians who control their world system as a golem machine of war and violence to use
aggressively against any who preserve any independence and power of their own which may threaten
the total hegemony of the black magicians.

All manner of lies and subterfuge are used to impose their violent aggression and any justification for
plunder is attempted to be smoothed over and blamed on others (the convenient scapegoat jewry and
their underlings the masons and christians have set up in advance to destroy as a sacrifice once they
are furnished with the means to carry out whatever operations they had held before them as their
'mission'); proxy wars; controlled opposition; economic manipulation; religious and ideological
programming and other forms of artificial intelligence and magical forms of manipulation.

Thus their control mechanisms are based upon coercion, violation of the economy of others; on
aggressive assault against others veiled behind the mask of hypocritical altruism and 'high-flown'
phrases regarding 'god';' humanity',etc.

'Western civilization' from its advert has been 'where this sun of mind sets' (in the West) and reflects
the dichotomy or polarity of the Demiurge and his minions (masculine; feminine; chaos; order; white;
black), a dynamo of aggressive force brought against that which is 'Other' to itself, the two forces or
'polarities' of chaos and order being manifested (acted out as theater of the real skits of manipulation)
through the christians and York rite masons playing the role of order and the remnant of masons
(presumably the Scottish) as well as the communist-leftist (secular humanists, etc. of whatever specific
name) led by jewry playing the role of chaos (with jewry and the entities controlling it all from above,
working toward their 'one world' order of Zion).

The great Satan exists 'in Time' not above Time let alone against it and is the very embodiment of
‘temporalyzing temporality' in the words of Heidegger, the manifestation of the will of 'The One' or
Time-flow, it's dynamic process of manifestation. Jehovah works through his legions and hierarchies,
his 'powers and principalities' of matter, the 'potencies of matter' as Nimrod de Rosario has called
them (planetary archons/aeons; demonic host of Hiwa Anakim and seraphim, etc.).

The will of 'The One' manifests itself in the form of violent aggression and crystallizes in its telos in the
form of greatest material density, the 'Kingdom of Zion' and the 'New Jerusalem', a world of putative
and ostensive 'spirituality' which in reality in its actual nature is the pseudo-spirituality of the synarchy
of Jehovah, the formula through which Spirits become bound to 'The One' in a fusion of 'love; peace
and unity', being assimilated into the hive mind of Jehovah as food for the Demiurge, existing with
Him until His own self extermination as so many fragments of rotting excreta in the belly of the beast.

'Western civilization' inexorably destroys itself as Jehovah-Malkuth, just as Jehovah Himself destroys
Himself through His own self consumption as Jormundgand swallows His own tail and the Fenrir wolf
consumes Himself in the Ragnarok of pralaya, the night of Brahma in which 'The One' destroys Himself
to remake Himself anew in another exhalation of His halitosis wreaking breath Ruach Elohim.

Singularity: The Telos of 'The One'

The motivation of the world order cabal and its apparatchiks is the 'common purpose' of
homogenization, a coerced uniformity of culture oriented toward veneration of the G.A.O.T.U (great
architect of the universe) and a standardized population of docile serfs who have been merged into
the hive mind of the G.A.O.T.U as nodes in the system of the world order synarchy.

The G.A.O.T.U (Jehovah; Brahma; Yahweh; Allah, has mobilized His marionettes through the skein
of strands He has wound around their indiscernible 'gravis archetypes', the nucleus of their being,
their Spirit and through the mediation of the soul which is his mechanism of engulfing them as a
cosmic parasite and draining them of their energy, has brought them all into alignment with his telos
or self-realization.

All of these quasi-independent nodes which are at best relatively free and autonomous depending on
the degree to which they have become bound to Him by a sympathetic resonance or harmonization
are influenced by His will to act as a harmonious unity to achieve his purpose which, in concreto on
the material plane of Earth is identical with the purpose of Chang Shambala, the Great White
Brotherhood and the earthly synarchy.

The 'singularity' is the intention of the cabal of the G.A.O.T.U and all manner of means are brought into
play to reinforce this state of being the G.A.O.T.U would superimpose on the relatively autonomous
Spirits trapped within his ectoplasmic aethereality which absorbs their bio energy into Himself.

In earlier times the witchcraft of the hierarchy under the instructions and influence of the hierarchy of
demons (reptilians; insectoids, 'Yahweh collective') was brought to bear upon the
consciousness of the masses via religious indoctrination; implantation of egregores (such as 'christ'
and earlier variants) and the merger through the black magic technology of the individual with the
mass consciousness, rendering them captive and opening them up for possession so they may become
a cipher of the consciousness of the hierarchy-influenced and overpowered by it and subjecting
themselves as a farm animal to energetic harvesting by the hierarchy of demons.

In recent times with the increasing subtlety of physical or 'Demiurgic' technology, the alleged
'sophistication' of intrusive and violent mechanisms of such harvesting and possession, the masses
have been even more opened up to the influence of the hierarchy and rendered 'docile bodies',
vessels of the hierarchy's trans-dimensional black hole entities and ripe sources of loosh harvesting.

Hence the black magic has been extended in its scope beyond that of the time of pre-industrialization
when the dark pall of christianity had laid waste the preexistence luminous light of Lucifer and the
remnants of his Hyperborean Wisdom.

Such technology is one of the main mechanisms brought into being by the cabal of intrusion into the
autonomy of their slaves and spans the gamut of material and substantial needs (those not restricted
to the purely physical but chemical; biological and mineral as well as energetic and of more subtle
forces yet still confined within the spatio-temporal matrix of 'the Demiurge'): vaccinations; chemtrails;
food; water and air contaminants; mycoplasm; EMF and ELF via satellite and cell towers; smart meters
etc. such as the nexus of violence the synarchy mobilizes to assail the captives Spirits trapped within
their matrix of substance of the being of the Demiurge, the aether and below in density within the
Time-flow of His finitude.

They would bind all to the same finitude with the false promise of 'love and peace' and for the even
more gullible a simulacral 'immortality', promising that they will be as gods and live with their
G.A.O.T.U ad aeternum-however what is not revealed is that they are not just as is the case with their
deity, immortal having no immortal spirit and thus will expire with their God in pralaya.

The merger with machines is the intent of the cabal elite who currently occupy forms susceptible to
decay or degeneration, enabling them to perpetuate themselves within the kalachakra wheel of the
Demiurge for perhaps a greater period of time prior to being absorbed in pralaya (the end of the cycle
of Time).

Their intent is a golden age upon earth with themselves as untouchable masters of the technologized
slave society, reminiscent of a futuristic dystopia revealed as predictive programming in many of their
sci-fi works of fiction and various other media presentations such as "Star Trek", etc.

Such a singularity would superintend over a 'Galactic Federation' presumably working in conjunction
with the entities with whom they are bound and perpetuating their vampirism in a continual spread of
their death forces, the forces of entropy.

All would be reduced to minimally conscious drones whose sole purpose and function would be to
carry out specialized and limited activities serving their decadent needs from the over refinement of
their culture to human sacrifice and other sinister rites of witchcraft as was undergone in Lemuria and
Atlantis under their influence.

At this pivotal juncture one must choose to either pursue a path of autonomy and this through the
most vigorous rebellion else be assimilated into the borg hive mind structure of 'Zion' and its
variations on the theme: 'spiritual israel'; 'the ummah',etc.

The rebels follow the destiny of Lucifer and the immortals, the sheep follow their fate superimposed
upon them by their slave masters and go the way of all flesh, that being the extinction of their Spirit
through assimilation into 'The One'. Only those with a rebelliousness have developed their
consciousness to perceive that the world of matter is simply an obstacle to their goals, a leaden chain
that binds their Spirit within the prison of the Demiurge and they who have come to an understanding
of their true origins beyond time and space will know that 'the world' of the Demiurge which is the
creation of 'The One', Jehovah-Satan is a world to which they can only relate to antagonistically and
having to be trapped within its adamantine walls is to allow the termination of their life.

Hence they can never be nor will they be shackled to the wheel saved to be tortured to death for
'heresy' which they would voluntarily choose rather than to serve the vile pest of slavers of this
material hell, the 'chosen people' and the synarchy of the world order.

Hence the singularity of hive mind consciousness, whether merged with machine or simply via black
magic witchcraft is possible only for sheep who are unwilling and unable to think for themselves and
who perhaps must follow their fate as being unable to carve out their own destiny.

Kaivalya is the path of the Hero, the path of the Ronin, he who must of necessity walk his own path
and follow his own destiny away from the crowd of herd animals. The hero lives in this world not to
spiral down along the path of degeneration and Time-flow toward the abyss but for combat against
they who would coerce the captives Spirits to become assimilated by the hook of incentive (money;
position, etc.) or by crook (forced vaccinations; economic or legal restrictions) into their leviathan of
evil and into the maw of the cosmic vampire Jehovah. With Lucifer they fight and against the entity
which is the creator of the realm of perishable matter and of Time


The Tiwaz rune is that of the warrior, the Berserker, and connotes the directed energy of the
masculine principle embodied in the will (will-to-power) of the microcosmic entity that is called 'man'.

This rune exerts its archetypal influence on the consciousness of the being, awakening into action and
serves as a call to arms, a kindling of the blood of the hyperborean, transmuting him into a
minnesanger eager for minnetrinken, the draught from Mimir's well. He takes his place in the world
through the Odal rune which re-calls to his blood the origin from whence he came as an incarnate
Hyperborean who entered into the Valplads to confront and to destroy the enemy, the hybrids of the
hierarchy of Jehovah-Satan and their lower level minions and higher-level fallen angelic witches and
warlocks of the druidic enemy.

The Odal rune of the memory of the origin is combined with that of the aggressive the power of the
Tiwaz rune forging the TyrOdal rune, forming a type of man who has become who he is if only in
potentia who has consolidated the forces which ring him around and of which he is comprised and
who has made of himself a black sun, and immortal clothed in the flesh of the rubescent vajra
becoming a red man of iron and blood seeing the Truth amidst the cobwebs of illusion of the world of
lowest density and of most tenebrous deception.

Girded with the penetrating insight of Luciferic grace that is his mail of oricalchum, he assesses the
battlefield of 'the world' and recognizes the necessity of a construction of a fortress, be it physical or
of an ideal or egregoric nature constructing a 'mental space' through which she may segregate himself
from the foe and may then muster his forces through strategic opposition to bring the assault against
the enemy, it's endless spies and legions which are perpetually scouting to tear down and destroy the
legions of Lucifer and their terrestrial representatives the awakened Viryas and Hyperborean initiates
of the cold fire of the Virgin of Agartha, the Berserker warriors of the Uncreated Spirit.

This is the acquisition of the Guiburr rune, the rune of the tactics of the Berserker whose wise insight
of luciferic grace positions him to the Valplads like Odin from Hlidskjalf (air throne) and to deploy his
forces in the most optimal way against his adversary, the legions of the dark Lord Jehovah-Satan, Lord
of entropy and finitude, the cosmic vampire or rather spider which lurks in its omnipresent web of
aetheric substance, enwreathing within its poisonous nets the captive forms of the Uncreated Spirit.

He thus forms the TyrOdal Guiburr rune which serves as his fortress of the Eternal Champion, the
crucible of his concentrated forces and prepares to strike his foe by any and all means he may.

The symbol of the origin posits himself in the center of the chaos as Baal or as Wotan, the storm god
amidst the whirlwind of countervailing forces, centered in himself in the indiscernible, irreducible
nucleus of his being, the immortal Spirit, the conscious entity which is he himself-more powerful than
the Satan venerated by the profane multitude whose brute consciousness, operating only on
emotions must needs reduce him to a state of prostration before 'The One'.

These who have given themselves over to the dark side of the force, to the Demiurge, Lord and
Creator of matter and to have forsaken the black light and the Green Ray, have relegated themselves
to a perdition voluntarily chosen by their enemies and through their own incapacity for autonomy of
will and mind.

They are assimilated into the hive mind as flies in the web of the spider Jehovah and consumed as his
food post mortem. They have allowed the atrophy of their Spirit and have been wrapped within the
cocoons of the Demiurge which seep their sugar sweet poison into their cadaverous forms and
inebriate their consciousness just as their corrosive acids dissolve it. He would free these captives
Spirits with the spear of Wotan, tearing apart the matrix tissue of 'The One' and awakening them to
the light of Truth which can only be obtained through will and through a detachment from the
clutching pincers of the cosmic spider and the multitude of His hypostases, legions of
elementarwessen, succubi, incubi and other forms of vampiric entities.

However only the few can be reached, 'the chosen' and the multitude given the confusion of 'the
great deception' of the Demiurge must needs be left hanging in His web gradually becoming absorbed
into His vampiric maw and digested in His sulfuric acids of aetheric density.

They have failed to extricate themselves let alone to struggle and thus have failed as a sufficiently
powerful entity to continue on in the higher planes. As Adolf Hitler said: "all life is struggle" and "those
who don't wish to fight do not deserve to live". The creed of the dog on the cross of matter, the
pacifistic lachrymosity of the heart (Misericordia) has expanded its life force within the Piscean age
and has now given up the ghost of whatever morbid vitality it was still possessed of (or possessed

Absorbtion into 'The One' is the inevitable fate of the diseased dove and the sheep will fall under the
labris of the Berserker or under the onslaught of the enemy's missiles, mutton for the victors, torn to
pieces by the shrapnel and incendiary munitions of the hosts of Jehovah-Satan.

They must be left to 'go the way of all flesh' and fall by the wayside. The hypocritical amongst them
who wear the mask of the lambs of god (agnes dei) may sneak by through their vile hypocrisy and
apathy toward the Uncreated Spirit as most reflect the lunar false light of the Demiurge and His 'great
deception' manifests itself through their praxis of subterfuge and subterranean cunning.

Perhaps they will be caught in their own web's these spiders and consumed by spiders larger than
themselves. As Nietzsche said: "those who fight monsters had best see to it they don't become a
monster themselves"-or consumed by the monsters of the infernal realms through their precarious
involvement with the enemy.

They believe they are 'playing it smart' and can deceive the arch deceivers of the world but simply
deceive themselves and fall further into the oubliette of the 'great deception', of their master
becoming evermore bound to 'The One' through their obligations of transmission of their thoughts
toward the enemy.

With the will of the Tyr rune, the martial aggression of the Berserker; the re-collection of the blood
memory represented by the Odal rune, the rune of the ancestors of the Origin, Hyperborea, and with
the Giburr rune of opposition directed strategically against the Demiurge and His legions the Berserker
and Hyperborean initiate prepares himself to oppose the dark side of the force.

They who have equipped themselves with this wisdom of the Hyperborean, the noological runics will
pass by the wayside and find their way to the abyssal regions to Niflheim and Helheim wherein they
will be consumed, unable to situate themselves in the nucleus of their inner being. The integrated
man, the hero, finds his integrity through combat against the countervailing forces not through the
contemplated pacifism of the semite and his lachrymose weepings; wailings and gnashings of teeth.

Black Light of Agharta

The ineffable boundless light of infinite blackness, the actual infinite expense of Eternity beyond the
false infinite of 'The One' and The One's quantitative multiplicity, His separation of unity into the
crystallized light of matter, the archetypes of His vain imaginings which are the shards of the
fragmented cosmos of the Virgin of Agartha the Queen of the Night.

This the Hyperborean was a part of dwelling within this boundless Light of Night with the Queen of
the night, nuit and hadit bound together as a mother with her son the Virgin with her child of cold
stone, the Immortal with the emerald of Lucifer's crown depending from his alabaster neck.

He had received instructions from the Virgin to descend amidst the fallen Earth and to rescue the
other divine sparks which had gotten lost along their journey of infinite wandering, finding themselves
trapped in matter and bound to the lower density substance of the great deceiver the Demiurge, He
who would crown himself King yet whose crown is simply a simulacral artefact, an imitation of that He
could never attain by right and hence lusts after but is unable to wear as it is beyond His grasp and
thus must have recourse to an imitation thereof.

He rankles in his domicile of crystallized light, in His Crystal Palace of Zion, immersed in the delusions
he has crafted and which He would have the captive Spirits exult as the wonders of the mayavic veils
He would bedazzle them with.

Yet His bric-a-brac is mere excreta and the discerning can pull aside these veils and understand the
Truth which lies behind that of the monster of imitation who is called 'god' and venerated by those
who are blinded by His violent explosions of light and vulgar knick-knacks of material density which
pervade His world of matter of lowest density, of slowest movement beyond the particles and waves
of the researchers of His being who are themselves unable to pull aside the veil.

The black light is accessible only to those who condemn the illusion of matter and the strivings of the
brute, they who are capable of putting aside the excessive focus with all that is material, perishable;
transient and of lower states of consciousness.

Those who dwell within the world of ephemera, of drunken intoxication with matter and the material
are lost amidst the ocean of substance which they mistake for reality, drowning in the waves of
phenomena which crash against them, destabilizing their spirits and causing them to fall prey to the
sharks which circle around them in the deep, unable to remain standing upon the waters.

The black light of Agartha shines upon the tempestuous waters behind the blinding glare of the yellow
sun of Tiphareth, the false light of the Demiurge bathing the myriad lifeforms of organic beings in its
glow and affecting or rather being perceived as being in sympathetic resonance with only they who
can see, who have the higher consciousness of the Luciferic grace of the sight beyond sight, beyond
the visual spectrum and beyond the matrix of spatio-temporality.

The Virgin of Agartha smiles upon her children as they respond in kind, bathing in her luminescence of
infinite brilliance whose light penetrates all substance and cannot be reflected by any surface, only
being a presence of the essence of Eternity, the burning coal of Hyperborea.

Suicide Pact with Satan

The christian is the epitome of the pasu, the profane ignoramus who voluntarily ignores reality to
perpetuate their state of 'happy feelings', of transferring their conscious attention towards the Manu
archetype of 'the christ' and thereby, according to their classical conditioning and programming,
receiving a dopamine rush of happy feelings as a reaction to the confrontation with this egregoric
entity into which they had been assimilated over time (extension) and intensity of involvement of
their consciousness (via attendance at church and 'devotional prayers').

They have made a pactus diabolus through this means though in their mind it is otherwise and they
are 'dwelling with the Angels' or being one with their 'Lord', communing with Him in 'silent stillness'.
Of course it is otherwise for what they venerate and transfer their thought energy towards is instead
of the benevolent father God who 'blesses' and 'curses' is in actuality a vampire who binds them to
itself and absorbs their being within himself leading to their weakening and ultimate extinction as the
fate of their 'sickness unto death', of their attachment.

The program of christianity as with other religions of the Demiurge, is designed to merge the separate
Spirit not yet bound to 'The One' with their 'father in heaven' and this through conditioning the
adherent to develop a weak constitution through following the downward spiral of the 'love wisdom'
aspect of the Demiurge as embodied in His son the jewish Rabbi, a plasmation of His will, the veritable
spawn of Satan: Yeshua Hamashiach.

Why is what has been called 'jesus' Satan spawn? The answer: because he is de facto a plasma nation
of the Demiurge Jehovah who is Satan. His followers (those of 'the christ' and his father in Christianity)
are devotees of the inferior deity Satan and this deity as well as his son brought forth their message of
'peace' and 'love' by which is meant, though not disclosed or revealed to the 'profane' or even to
(most all?) The initiates (perhaps even to the 'chosen people' themselves) that to worship and
venerate such a figure is tantamount to a veneration of death as the only meaning in consequence of
these terms ('peace' and 'love') is a shackling of the mind to a rigid dogma of narrow-minded bigotry
with its endless rules and regulations enforced by the priest caste and in consequence the
degeneration via entropy of one's soul through immersion within the hive mind of 'spiritual israel' and
the Demiurge.

The devotional practices of 'the faithful flock' lead nowhere save to a transference of bio-energy to the
egregoric hive mind structure of 'the christ' and his father 'in heaven', draining oneself of his vital
essence. Hence to partake of christianity especially and mainstream religion in general is to transfer
one's Spirit energy to Satan, a.k.a. Jehovah and eventually to become absorbed into it as the terminal
phase of their 'down going' in Nietzsche's terms, following the path of degeneration into the abyss.
Spiritual suicide is the 'glad tidings' of the christ, a 'sickness unto death' and 'being towards death' as a
trajectory of the life of the living dead, he who never truly live in spite of all boastful claims to the

The mind program of jesus is a recipe for spiritual suicide, the nets which are cast out toward the fish
of Pisces to trap them within and to squeeze the life force out of them.

Presumably created by the reptilians and transmitted through the jews the mind program of
christianity was 'perfected' (as a mind program) at the council of Nicaea during which event much of
the apocryphal literature which reveals its inner contradictions in the process of its inversion were
discarded, the remainder retained to facilitate the product of ideology that would come to be
attributed to 'christ', i.e. the jewish Rabbi with his 'love-wisdom'.

An investigation into history of christianity divulges the lie of this 'be-lie-f' system, that being a series
of stories with no verification in the records of history. All of the figures of 'the Bible' (what has come
to bear that name) are fictional save perhaps Paul who was a jew named Saul from Tarsus in the

The stories are for the most part coded allegory of semitic witchcraft which provides a template to
resonate with 'The One', to commune with their 'god' and ultimately to be absorbed within his nets.

The history of christianity itself as Karlheinz Dreschner has written of in his work "The Criminal History
of Christianity" is a history of violence; sadism; torture and cruel abuse that boggles the mind in its

To check the annals of history is to confirm that the 'god' of the christians is Satan and that these
mainstream morons are pathetic servitors of this entity and reflect His mind, being part of it, their
behavior manifesting all manner of cowardly; passive-aggressive and violent assault against others,
those who exist 'outside' of 'spiritual israel' and who the christard will be the first to say they "don't
agree with", in the sense of their not resonating with the 'Other' who they view as an antagonist,
indeed a Satanic being.

The black magicians of Zion are of course themselves the Satan's of this world, the 'adversaries' of the
Uncreated Spirit and of the immortal spirits trapped within matter by their god Jehovah-Satan. The
word 'shaitan' means 'adversary' and 'oppressor' in Hebrew and the christian meets this description
with a one-to-one correspondence being both an adversary of Truth and an oppressor of those who
know or seek to know the Truth.

The self-satisfied smirk of the christian, their habitual evil smile plastered to their face, will not reach
Eternity and the smile quickly fade from their hypocritical face when their religion is revealed to be
nothing but falsehood and their harassment and abuse ceases to be tolerated.

Christianity is undergoing its death throes even at the time of this writing and the lie will be exposed
for what it is and supplanted by a doctrine of Truth else the entire world will be a dark age and even
then christianity will drift away like a bad smell.

The enemy has many spiritual suicide programs of which christianity is simply the foremost and which
has attained to prominence only through the instrumentality of the white race providing its more
naïve and gullible (as well as corrupt) members an excuse to manifest their will-to-power, 'fighting in
the name of the Lord', believing delusively that it is their will-to-power they fight for and not that of
their god 'Satan' and the establishment of his kingdom of heaven (hell) upon earth.

Christianity is a simulacrum invented by reptilians and/or jews and transmitted virally through them
and their captive slaves whose minds have come under their influence and that of the egregore of 'the

To partake of the apple of christianity is to partake of the poisoned apple of Satan and inebriate one's
mind with his sons drug of 'love-wisdom', to stumble in intoxication into an early grave and consign
His Spirit to its perdition


The spiral of Time descends over the manvantaras and yugas, bringing down with it those unable to
swim against the current of disintegration, the current of the Demiurge and His 'temporal
temporalization', the existence of His essence which is 'becoming'.

Spiraling down like turds in a toilet bowl the pasus, unable to resist the vortextual pull of the will of
Jehovah, the violent explosion of Satan, will go the way of all flesh and find their way to the abyss.

Such is the devolutionary process of the pasu as he grinds in the mill of Grotti, circling around in the
incarnations as his spirit fades and becomes evermore disintegrated even as he, through his religious
rites and zealotry (should he be one of 'the faithful' of the Demiurge) is bound ever tighter in the
cocoon of the soul and merges with 'the water' as a larva undergoing a reverse metamorphosis not
transforming into a butterfly but rather into a cadaverous carcass whose life force has ceased to
remain within the vortextual pull of the 'gravis archetype' which is the Spirit.

Like a black magician and indeed like the synarchic black magician priests, he binds himself to
'Jehovah-Satan' and becomes phagocitized, in ever greater degrees of dissipation and fragmentation
His Spirit is absorbed into his father, a perverse act of de-generation or negation of his son, his
offspring fated for sacrifice as Kronos sacrifices his sons with the reapers' scythe of leaden density
severing their silver cords from the higher, the realm of Eternity.

Indeed the Time Lord has grasped in his skeletal hand these same cords holding them captive in his icy
death grip and would pull within his magnetic maw, into the vortextual structures on Saturn (the
captive aion Sandur), the pasu souls.

The down-going of the captive souls' is initiated through two factors and traces itself ultimately to
one, that being a being insufficiently strong in its inner being to resist the countervailing forces of the
Demiurge and thus becoming caught in his magnetized vortextual pull, becoming prey to the vampire
of the universe Yahweh the creator of the spiders webs of aetheric substance which densify into the
tangible forms that are the corrupt exterior of the higher forms which proceed their being or those
which are mere duplicates.

The first factor is the inner weakness, the second the incapacity to re-turn to Origin, to go to the
Eternal Realm of greatest strength, that of the Spirit, Hyperborea. This inner and essential weakness is
the strategic confusion on the part of the Demiurge and his legions that is introduced for the secret
purpose of binding the captive Spirits to the evolutive process of 'The One' in His self-realization.

The obscuration of the Origins leads the 'stranger in a strange land' that is the asleep Virya (Holger
Dansk; Frederick Barbarossa) asleep within the mountain of the densest lead to toss and turn in
agitation not knowing what or who is the cause of this confusion or from whence he came or whither
he is going yet still, they still have the spark of life within however dully glowing, searching their mind
and territory, the external environment and internal attempting to navigate the world of illusion, to
discern the way back to Origin. The focus on the external leads toward the confusion, leading away
from the Self (Selbst), in ec-stasis ('going away from' in Greek) and become lost within the rivers of
samsara, in the transient flow of the phenomenal world of generation and corruption.

The awakening of the Virya is as Kotahoroschka Rollapea awakening from his drowsy slumber on the
top of the samovar in the Ukrainian folktale. He awakens, recognizing the alien nature of his
environment, that it may externally appear a home with comforting hearth and relations of familial
piety and a loving warmth of the illusions of maya, of animal comfort and domesticity but he
recognizes this as alien to his inner being, and their simulacrum of home, not the homeland beyond
the borders of this matricized world, of lowest density and posits it in his consciousness as mere
'samovar'; 'homestead'; 'health'; 'mother'; 'father', etc.

These he recognizes as limited forms and states of existence subject to the current of disintegration
neither that which can restrict or ground his being to that particular time and place nor that which any
longer holds the same value or semantic context it previously had and therefore that it should be put

"When man has a goal and a means toward it- straightway he acts" as Aristotle stated in his treaty:
"De Sophisticus Elenchus" ("On Sophistical Refutations"). Rollapea the hero, the virya, has awoken and
prepares to fight the Dragon which has abducted his soror mystica.

The resurrection of the hero requires a re-collection of the symbol of the Origin (ur-i-gen- to generate
the Origin, the Spirit viewing its reflection in the mirror of this looking glass world). He recalls through
an inner transmutation his strangeness in the land, recognizes the terrain as 'enemy territory' the
domain of Klingsor, the Demiurge, Lord of Time and transient matter, the muck and gore of the
perishable forms he has conjured with his diabolical witchcraft.

He re-calls hearing the sound of the valkyries in Valhalla that he is 'a stranger in a strange land' only
not within the land without a purpose but on a mission to carry out the fundamental purpose, the
fulfillment of his destiny through a confrontation with the enemy and his myriad hypostases,
reflections which reflect the being of 'The One' in all his grotesque and distorted phenomenal aspects.

All this he views as 'enemy', as the vile excreta of the cosmic vampire Yahweh who has instructed his
material prison of malleable clay, the crystallization of His plasmations He has vibrated into being or
rather into 'becoming'.

The hero recognizes all of this excreta of the prima materia of the Demiurge's primordial ooze, his
bukkake explosions of His rapine of the goddess Sophia, the Virgin of Agartha, as 'enemy' a
multifarious force that, though fragmented and to all appearances 'many' is in reality One, as
emanating from 'The One' all controlled by Him and all acting and reacting according to His violent
will-to-power, to dominate and coerce subjugation of all courses antagonistic to Himself to, through
violent aggression disrupt and undermine the hero's equilibrium, instability within himself as the
'gravis archetype' black sun, a powerful vortex of forces that have enabled him to remain standing
against the perpetual onslaught of 'The One' and His violation of beings in their being.

His attempted vampirization of their essence assimilating it into Himself and utilizing the mechanism
of 'love-wisdom' of his plasmated son, the Rabbi Yehoshua Hamaschiach (curse be upon him), to
condition the pasu to submit to their own extinction.

The down-going of the pasu living within his attachment to matter and the material plane, his inability
to remain aloof from the chaos forces generated by 'The One' and their lack of inner strength leads to
his destruction. The hero battles for the sake of performance of duty, his duty being to tear down and
destroy the enemy and their system of slavery which seeks the consumption of all Spirits that Yahweh-
Satan has trapped in matter, and the lowest density of his distorted realms, the Helheim of the
mundane and astral planes.

Thus it is either the continuance of the battle and the liberation of the Spirit else it is a cowardly
subjection before 'The One' and the loss of the Spirit, serving oneself up in a sacrifice to 'The One' and
allowing the Spirits' of others to suffer the same fate at whatever stage of the kalachakra wheel they
occupy. The devolutionary spiral is the fate of the pasu, a 'sickness unto death' and a 'being towards
death'. The hero makes his own way and follows his own destiny in opposition to 'The One' and
Yahweh's legions of the damned.


'As above so below' the Spirit incarnates in the flesh and is a vehicle appropriate to itself as a flesh
body molded in the image of the divine, of the divinity of itself. The fleshly creatures of the Demiurge
who have not received the sign of the Origin are incarnate in the lowest forms of the pasu, the simian

Perhaps all who currently exist on earth have been subject to an exposure to the sign of the Origin
through the plasmatic magnetism of the fallen Hyperboreans who have transmitted their essence to
the pasu paleo-historically share in this Hyperborean blood and by degrees proportionally correlated
with their carnal form embodied this 'symbolon' (Greek) of the Origin, the realm of Hyperboreans, the
transmuted energetic pattern of the Immortals.

The writer thinks it fair to conclude that those closest to the Hyperboreans are the blond haired and
blue-eyed Nordics and related kinfolk by whatever name they may be called (Teutonic; Germanic;
aryan), they who radiated outwards from their polar origins of Atlantis and around the globe planting
the stone architecture in the earth to disrupt the continuing densification of the fallen Earth, to
obstruct the degeneration of the world and the Time-flow which leads towards the finitude of the

The desert encroaches and the Spirits trapped in matter are trapped within this desertification of
lowest density, crystallization of Spirit within the aetheric prisons of the soul fashioned by the
Demiurge which bind them to His prison planet graveyard of earthbound souls (rather 'Spirits').

Hence the cycles of Time continue to spiral downward and drag within the captives Spirits whose
degeneration follows the cycles of Time ordine geometrico as inexorable path of the 'sickness unto

Those who most keenly perceive they are 'a stranger in a strange land' have the greatest probability of
exiting the tortured earth even if they remain physically within their bodily structure and act within
the world as they recognize their foreign nature to 'the world' of matter.

The Nordic type ceteris paribus is most attuned to the symbol of the Origin not only occupying the
ancient polar land, the land of the gods (the gods, the godi) but also being of purest blood, that which
is closest in type to the Hyperborean siddhas and their aesir hybrids who occupied the North and
served as the primordial aryan stock.

This group, though in some cases in the modern epoch (especially given the cultural dynamic of the
serpent seed) has oriented itself toward materialism for the most part they are nonetheless the least
materialistic and most oriented towards the Origin.

The Nordico-Germanic people in their purest strain (that situated from Prussia to Sweden in the East
and to Iceland in the West) are the spiritual leadership of the aryan race and have situated themselves
in the region to occupy it and to prepare the way for the future manifestation of Wotan-Lucifer the
Fuhrer of the Immortal Hyperboreans and the kshatriya warriors of the Germanic Third Reich which
has remained within the Antarctic region and in other dimensions accessible through wormholes at
the poles.

Contrary to the claims made by such as Julius Evola in his "Synthesis of Racial Doctrine" the true
degeneracy of this world exhibits itself most notably in those most mixed and in those of the most
'degenerated' (from the perspective of Eternity, sub species aeternitatis) stocks of simian variety which
populate the margins of this fallen Earth and which seek to encroach into the territory of the aryan.
The Nordic folk remain standing as men amongst the ruins of modernity and have applied the 'law of
the fence' around the invisible Asgard of the ancient Hyperborean civilization localized in the far North
and shielded from the sight of the profane through aetheric technology.

The fact that those making such pompous and ignorant claims to the Scandinavians being 'degenerate'
or lacking will-power or 'vitality' are they who restrict vitality to its expression in the crudely physical
form of physical combat and not the concentration of force within in a spiritual form as in the case of
the Siddhas of Thule and Hyperborea, the black suns of the Nordico-Germanic race.

Hence far from being 'degenerate' they are 'generate' in the sense of being the generator of the black
sun within themselves through their mastery of the vril, through their integration of the forces which
constitute their being within themselves, transforming themselves into a powerful Immortal berserker
who can perform his duties on the earth plane and on different planes through his higher
consciousness and harnessing of 'occult forces'.

That Greenland (the physical continent in the Arctic Circle) is so named must be owing to its being
adjacent to the hollow earth and the wormhole at the pole leading towards Aldebaran, the star of
Aryan origins. The fact that the physical landmass hasn't been taken by other forces demonstrates the
power of the Danish and Scandinavian people in not having that region stolen by foreign powers such
as the 'Western race' of judaized Britain or Canada (the latter being part of the British Empire) or even
of Russia.

A small nation such as Denmark holding down the Greenland of a crystallized Hyperborea, an emerald
fallen from Lucifer's crown, testifies to the significance of the most ancient of the Aryan race who are
the direct descendents of Thule, Atlantis and Hyperborea.

True degeneracy lies elsewhere and express itself in the tellurism of the mother goddess cult of the
Near East and other degraded stocks whose veneration of an Earth mother signals the twilight of their
vital forces acquiescing to the influence of the elementarwessen both within their being and without
in their external form and desertified region of the earth and paradoxically the region with most lush
and cultivated verdure such as South America where, as Miguel Serrano said, the vital forces of the
Earth serve to engulf and absorb the Spirits of the asleep Viryas.

However even those furthest down in the spiral of degeneration have some hope and the path of the
hero is available for those who are able to tread it, to revitalize themselves and carve out their own
destiny rather than acquiescing to the fate their incarnation would hand them should the arch-
deceiver have his way and confuse them into resignation and a debased fatalism.

Poverty Consciousness

The synarchy feeds off the loosh of the captive Spirits encased in the iron maidens of the created soul,
the aetheric trap into which the Spirits of the Uncreated Realm have become trapped. The more pain;
misery and suffering is engineered by the cabal the more energy they may extract from their captives,
transferring it to their masters the trans-dimensional and black hole entities who dwell in inner space
in the lower astral planes.

Some spirits have voluntarily chosen embodiment in the soul as a vehicle of their conscious intent and
will-to-power; they have selected the incarnation of their being as a deliberate choice to fulfill the
destiny of their being as an Immortal Hyperborean to fight against the ensouling trap which Jehovah-
Satan as plasmated out of his mind as a fisherman seeking to catch the Piscean fish for his feastings.

They become captive and their Spirit is fed off and partaken of by their master who they had either
subordinated themselves to with conscious awareness of the recognition of their inner being (as a lost
Virya unable to awaken and rekindle the blood memory) or who have fallen prey to the strategic
confusion the enemy utilizes as its method of the absorption of their life force, detaching them from
the principle of their being and causing them to direct their awareness towards that outside of

The former, the awakened Virya or hero, has found his inner being through a recollection of the
memory of the blood, has re-turned to Origin at least as a step toward Hyperborea, detached from the
world of matter and the tangible and perishable 'things of the world' or entities the Demiurge holds
out as so many tantalizing baubles to beguile their sight and to make of them a reverted Spirit whose
consciousness and will are directed away from the inner nucleus of their being creating a dissipation
of the energies that comprises vital nature, blinding him to the aetheric realm of illusory forms,
products of the plagiary of Yahweh-Satan.

This earthbound spirit who has all but forsaken their 'first estate' becomes a prey to the Demiurge
regardless of whether they are an ascetic devotee of 'The One' or reckless individual devoted 'to the
flesh pots of Egypt'-all are absorbed into 'The One', bound to Him and dissipate as a creature
consumed by a crocodile and digested in the acidic juices of His Being.

To cling to the phenomenon of the material world is to bind oneself to the Demiurge and His illusory
forms are the wedding of this cosmic black widow spider to which the captive Spirit becomes bound.
This is a known fact of the synarchy who employ their tactics of generating materialistic forces to
condition the population to detach themselves from the higher states of consciousness, the dwelling
within the Selbst and the transcendence over the transience of becoming.

This is undergone myriad ways by the synarchy who employ this array of tactics as part of the strategy
of confusion it deploys as a weapon of war against the Viryas and indeed against all potentially not
remaining within the bounds of its matrix prison.

The tactics of hedonistic attraction and those of the positing of absurd and meaningless trifles which
become fetishized and to which one's conscious awareness becomes bound over Time and intensity of
focus on these entities (persons; places; things; status objects; aesthetic wonders; sensory stimuli).

This is the installation of the consciousness of the consumer whose desire consciousness is kindled
through exposure to these 'delights' or desire objects in proportion to the intensity of presence of the
false light of the desire consciousness, the materialistic asleep Viryas becomes 'Ill-hue-maned'
('illumined') by. This is the nature of most of those in 'the West' and characterizes the condition of
lowest density of consciousness. This state of consciousness now to all appearances an
embarrassment of riches is simply one form of what the writer will amplify below that being 'poverty

Poverty consciousness is a condition of the reverted Virya, he whose direction of attention, of
conscious awareness is outwards and away from the center of his being, directed with obsessive focus
toward the entities created by the Demiurge, pursuing the false infinite of the transience of existence.

As such he may be characterized in the manner of Julius Evola's conception of 'the race of the fleeting
man', of one who is condition is what Edmund Husserl called 'enpresenting'. Perhaps the presentation
of entities before consciousness to confer meaning upon them and thus following, as Nimrod de
Rosario said in his "Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom" pursue the telos of the pasu, the end
or fate of the fallen being, which is to exist solely to confer meaning upon entities within the
Demiurgic matrix, to transfer their thought energy to Him and to facilitate His self evolution-
macrocausal evolution- which entails their own micocosmal 'evolution', the fusing of their Spirit to His
Being through the perfection and evolution of their soul to its 'supra-finality' updated and this leading
to its inevitable extinction.

'Poverty consciousness' thus is the condition of the fleeting man, whose will-the-power is direct and
outwards leading to his ultimate disintegration and extinction over the incarnations and the cycles of

Whether rich or poor the consciousness of the pasu may obtain, it is a condition unrelated to any
temporal power or material possessions and is simply a condition of the poverty of Spirit through an
overemphasis on materialism, a focus directed towards externals. The hero may be distinguished from
the asleep virya or pasu in that he actively engages in the world though remains unaffected by it and is
not bound to the transience of phenomena but keeps his gaze directed within even as he acts
outwardly. The taoist concept of 'actionless action' or 'wei wu wei' applies in this 'active nihilism' of
the spiritually virile nature of the Virya awakened to the blood memory.

Poverty consciousness is the state the cabal wishes to instill into the mass of its captive serfs, an
obsessive focus on the transient and material as a means of structuring the consciousness of the mass
to orient itself towards entities and away from Itself, to become if it was not less than (in the case of
the pasu), a 'reverted spirit' whose consciousness is directed towards the false infinity of Demiurgic

Whatever illusory wealth (in the form of status; money or various and sundry fetish objects or
phenomenal stimuli) has been accrued is a mere transient phenomenon doomed to die and they who
would cling to these fleeting chimeras are themselves doomed having to detach themselves from the
principal of their inner being and oriented themselves towards these false idols.

They who manage to transcend poverty consciousness do so only under the symbol of the Origin, the
leftwards spinning swastika, against the cycles of Time, the will of Jehovah-Satan and resist the
degenerative current of His manifestation, the pursuit of the fleeting man by the cosmic vampire.

These are the Viryas of the Kali Yuga whose will-to-power manifests itself against the cycles of Time,
oriented towards the realm of Hyperborea, through the mode of active nihilism and spiritual virility,
the contemplative path being forsaken for the active immersion in the battlefield of the world with the
perpetual pursuit of the vile enemy in their subterranean cowardice and duplicity, they who exist as
the implementers (the 'master builders') of the architecture of Jehovah's 'great deception' on earth as
it is in the ethereal planes.


'The One' is that Entity before whom all must prostrate themselves and who they must devote all of
their conscious energy to as a necessary condition of drawing water from the well of the 'cloaca
gentium' of postmodernity. To venerate 'The One' is therefore the conditio sine qua non the 'broad
masses' are required to undergo in order to partake of the illusory goods 'the world' and have
conferred on them their meager share by apparatchiks of Satan, the synarchy and its hierarchy of

'Oneness' is the religion of the world and has been for the entire duration of the Kali Yuga. It is fair to
assume, given the type of architects of destruction who constitute the controllers of this leviathan of
Satanic kind', the 'oneness' religion existed in earlier epochs wherein similar strains of reptilian and
insectoid E.T hybrids existed and were seeded on the earth for the purpose of the Demiurge and his
evolutionary plan to have 'dominion over the earth' and to serve as an intermediary between E.Ts and
their master Jehovah and the captive slaves who serve as food for His consumption.

'Oneness' is the religion of this group which they, through various forms of religious programming,
have coerced the masses to adopt as the foundation of their lifestyle and cultural superstructure: the
veneration of 'The One' and a cowardly supine pacifism in relation to affairs with others, a
standardized collective hive mind which is ruthlessly enforced through all manner of passive
aggressive and subtle behavior.

They who are not venerators of 'The One' are therefore rendered pariahs of society and cast out to be
subjected to the abuse and harassment of the masses whose collective consciousness is programmed
by the jew from Above and whose intentionality is directed against any not merged into the hive mind
as a potential or actual danger.

The religion of 'Oneness' is the formula for the creation of the hive mind structure that is designed by
the cabal-it creates a uniformity of slaves merged into the hive mind that is engineered as its 'cultural
superstructure', the egregores of 'christ' and 'krishna' or the 'Angels' of 'the Lord' who, through
sympathetic magic bind the captive Spirits thereto and assimilate them into the structure ('spiritual
israel'; 'ummah'; 'priests of the order of melchizedek', etc.).

The religious program now works in conjunction with AI technology brought out in a public form
whereas heretofor throughout the Kali Yuga the technology was of a more 'sacred' nature utilizing
stone and wood and cymatics to mind control the populace (such as in the case of the druids in
Stonehenge and the temples of the Levant).

'Oneness' was imposed upon the population under Akhenaton with his cult of the 'Aton' and under
the Enlil cult of Babylon and other reflections of this Saturnian death cult of the Demiurge in the area,
that area wherein semites (or 'chosen people' of god were 'seeded' on the earth by their E.T masters,
trans-dimensional reptilians and insectoid a.k.a. blackhole entities who dwell in another dimension
outside of this matrix of illusion and who occupy the planet Saturn.

The cult of 'The One' thus has many forms and serves its purpose of binding the captive Spirits to the
Demiurge, through drawing upon them as an energy reserve for the black-hole E.Ts and the priests of
the synarchy in their ritual murder atrocities of semitic (or rather Jehovistic) witchcraft.

'The One' is the true Satan, the god of matter and the jailer of the universe trapping the Uncreated
Spirits in matter and seeking their consumption through vampirism. 'Oneness', the religion of the
semite, the 'chosen people' of Satan-Yahweh is the mechanism of vampirization they superimpose
upon the population.

Demiurgic Dialectic

The polarity of the Demiurge's matrix of the universe, His aetheric realm of spatio-temporality is the
totem before which the synarchy prostrates itself and represents 'as above so below' on earth. The
cabal divides societies and nations and geopolitical regions into 'sides' of the dialectical 'divide and
conquer' strategy as a means of establishing conditions of future conflict and chaos which it
orchestrates as means of performing its political alchemy, reconciling 'antitheses' into a synthesis.

The example of the Kalergi plan is a recent incarnation of this agenda with a Eurasian race being the
race of the future in a multi-polar formation of power blocs that can maintain the 'tension of
development' in the 'divide and conquer' dialectical process. This the cabal deems 'evolution', a
collapsing of all organic distinctions and differences into a synthetic amalgam or unity of hybridization,
the erasure of past culture and biological kinds through the assimilation into the mixed multitude of
the melting pot.

The dialectic of the (false) enlightenment, the lunar light of the Kali Yuga, thus is modeled on the
universal principles of polarity of the Demiurgic Time-flow and, through purporting to attain
immortality or any eternal Empire as its end goal simply perpetuates its own inner chaos leading
towards this destruction and the undoing of the cabal through not being able to create a harmonious
and sustainable order.

The rotten order of Zion will bring about its own ruination through attempting the impossible, namely
the attainment of Eternal Order without it being based upon Eternal principles.

The distinction between the 'cultural pact' of the synarchy (a formation of culture based upon mere
verbal or rational agreement between otherwise ontologically disconnected and unrelated groups)
and that of the 'blood pact', a union based upon a kinship of blood (meant both physico-chemically
and spiritually) and this as an extricable bond uniting those who don't physically separate, are
nonetheless 'one' through their inner essence regardless of geopolitical location.

The 'blood pact' is the only stable form of order on earth and the dialectical manipulation on the part
of the cabal within the artificially engineered 'culture pact' playing diverse groups against one another
on the basis of ideology and invented culture's having no organic basis is a formula doomed to fail as it
has no stable or lasting bond, nothing fundamental or 'primordial' if such it may be called, deriving
from the Origin, of Hyperborea, but rather one derived from the fallible artifice of the architects of the
destruction of judeo-masonry and the myriad heads of the synarchic Hydra.

The rational robots of the synarchy believe in their arrogant hubris they will be able to remain in the
shadows orchestrating chaos and inventing yet more 'diversity' as means of destabilizing organic unity,
the primordial blood pacts of whatever particular group they wish to assimilate into their globalist

This is why they are the enemy of all nationalism as they are 'Universalists' and as a famous catholic
once said: "catholicism breaks the back of any nationalism", catholicism being yet another head of the
synarchic hydra of the world order, the Zion leviathan.

These hubristic tools, black magician priests of the order of melchizedek seek to imitate their
Demiurge 'Creator' and succeed though not in the way they intended for, rather than creating an
eternal paradise they manifest a distorted plagiary of the Demiurge's own plagiary, a simulacrum of
entropy doomed to collapse under its own corruption.

The political 'divide and conquer' strategy is put forth by the synergy as a theoretical reenactment of
'the heavens' as a means of demonstrating that they are 'gods on earth' as Jehovah-Malkuth, the
'chosen people' of their Lord Jehovah-Satan.

Their purport, through this engineering of the hyper-real, their implementation of 'practical idealism'
(ie. witchcraft) of the ideas which they believed to be eternal verities, namely the dialectic of chaos
(feminine-yin) and order (masculine-yang) endowing certain political or cultural groups with these
properties and playing them against one another, most of which groups are simply controlled by
themselves as externalizations of these archetypal verities.

Thus there is the masculine (right-wing; patriarchal; capitalistic; libertarian; monarchic) order of
manifestation which is forced to undergo change against the feminine principle of chaos (leftism;
liberalism; feminism; matriarchy; democracy, etc.).

Both sides are played against one another dialectically and both are forced into conflict with one
another in the theater of the real orchestrated by the cabal for the purpose of creating a new moment
in the dialectic, that being a synthesis of the ruined anti-theses who have fallen on each other's
swords and thereby created a 'New Jerusalem', at least such is the purpose of the cabal, the
realization of their 'dominion mandate' through which all worldly power and wealth will be
concentrated into their hands alone and all reduced to serfdom or killed.

This dialectic mirrors that of the Demiurge in his looking glass world of the alleged earthly paradise of
mundane material existence. It creates a disruption of equanimity and forces upon the earth the
chaos of its vain imagining, always based upon abstractions (numerology) and 'the potencies of
matter' that the Demiurge generated on Himself as hypostases of His Being (the planets and stars;
solar systems, etc. the cosmic time-clock of Jehovah-Satan).

The wise avoid taking any 'sides' in the dialectic of 'good' (order) and 'evil' chaos) understanding that
within the universe of the Demiurge the pendulum swings back and forth and always leads to new
syntheses and destroyed antitheses as a move in the dialectic of the hyper-real towards Zion. That is
until Zion falls and the earth is salted to destroy the remnants of the evil horde, representatives of
Satan on earth.

The Swamp

The synarchy operates in a clandestine manner out of the sight of they who they deem 'mundane' or
'profane', they who, according to their opinion are 'beneath' in terms of their ontological state, they
who aren't 'enlightened' according to their judgment.

They mock those considered inferior to themselves in their characteristically subtle and yet not-so-
subtle way revealing what they are doing while simultaneously concealing it as a demonstration of
their occult power over the 'profane' and exempting themselves from karma according to their (mis)-
understanding of this causality, believing in ignorance they can discharge their 'sins' by informing their
victim in a secretive manner what they are doing to them and in their (mis)-understanding, blaming
the victim for their own 'sins'.

The secretive way in which they operate is gone about through false appearances, creating illusions
and concealing themselves behind simulacral masks of invented personae like actors on the stage only
brought forward into manifestation as the 'theater of the real'.

Their occult rites mirror their behavioral modality, that of a vile creeping denizen of the underground,
subterranean catacombs or swamp. The lunar-semitic rites of black magic witchcraft are brought
forward in the form of the theater of the real outside of the synagogues and masonic lodges and
manifest in the form of staged or orchestrated events in which the targeted victims are ritually
slaughtered and the perpetrators attempt to transfer their sins onto a scapegoat.

The example of Mossad operatives dressing up as Palestinian protesters and pretending to assault IDF
members who are present under the guise of 'quelling unrest' is a prime example of their false flag
operations staged to destroy their enemies and enable them to grab for more power for themselves.

The surreptitious operations of jewry and their affiliates who replicate their behavior is a function of
their base cunning which is derived from their reptilian hybrid stock the conference upon them of
their demonic blood. This partakes of the consciousness of the Demiurge as they are all hypostases of
His Being and the primitive Lemurian stocks jewry was intermixed with paleo-historically.

The primitive consciousness of the jew and of all they who have taken on his infection (which is by
strict implication the taking on of the infection of the serpents' blood) is the source of the
subterranean guile and demented chicanery of jewry which constitutes his every gesture and move on
the chessboard of life, in his contest with his enemies, a war between the dark forces of the false lunar
light, that of the swamp and that of the light of the Green Ray, Eternal Champions of the Uncreated

The instinctive mind or reptilian brain works in tandem with the hyper developed cerebral cortex, the
prefrontal area and its hyper-rational consciousness to amplify the cunning of reason in the cabal's
engagement in 'the world', and their attempts to trap within the world their captives and to enable
their own empowerment and perpetuation of their despotism.

The subterranean cunning of the de facto reptilian extraterrestrials and related E.Ts who enabled the
creation of jewry on the earth, of the reptilian brain, and through a hyper-developed reason is given a
compass and direction for this cunning mode of consciousness which serves as a transformer to step
up the current of demonic energies vectoring through the particular consciousness of the cabal and its
hive mind structure and, ultimately, the particular individuals who manifest thought into action.

The influence of the Demiurge's mind determines and reinforces this state of being with its cunning of
reason ('the real is a rational and the irrational is the real' at least as far as the simulacral reality of
lowest density is concerned). Focused purely on the causality of time and space, the transient material
conditions of 'this world' the synarchy restricts (as it has no capacity to transcend) the particular
conditions of this world and accordingly lives only for the worlds within the realm of the Demiurge,
the planets and stars visible to the sight and not going beyond that stage.

The synarchy loss, in spite of their boastful claims to transcending the material world, are restricted to
the nets of the spider of the cosmos, the ethereal substance generated by 'The One' through His
Verbum or 'Word' (Logos).

Within this spider's web of aethereality properly called 'the matrix' is restricted their mode of
operations and indeed hyper-focused on the lower astral planes wherein the black hole entities that
they venerate dwell, there Hiwah Anakim and Seraphim, the reptilian transdimensionals and insectoid
aliens amongst others.

The focus of their praxis is directed towards the maintenance of their loosh harvesting operations and
their own personal and collective 'evolution' within the various rounds and chains of the flood tide of
souls and endless cycles of Time until pralaya when they become extinct through being absorbed into
the Demiurge.

While present on this earth their subterranean tactics are in perpetual operation, perpetually
generating 'strife, endless strife', as Heraclitus said for the purpose of harvesting the bio-energy of
their captives.

Their subterranean means they avail themselves of to carry out these vicious acts of assault against
others are copious and can only be understood, should one wish to view the world from frog
perspective, through a similarity of mind, that immersed in the swamp.

Within the swamp dwell many creatures and its 'laws' operate on the basis of 'might makes right',
with the larger creatures devouring the smaller and each immersed in this subterranean terroir in a
state of constant dynamic tension and 'strife, endless strife'. Creatures such as the freemason; the
jew; the christian (be they catholic or protestant) the new-ager (theosophists; anthroposophist, etc.);
the other varieties of monotheism (hindu; muslim; buddhist), etc.

All of these swamp creatures and especially the former three varieties whose presence within the
swamp occupies a deeper though though in the case of the latter (the religious zealots) the more
involved they are in their religiosity the more deeply they bury themselves in the swamp, their
hierarchy of corruption and duplicity being initiatic with those rising highest in the hierarchy (and
having correspondent levels of power) sink deepest in the cloaca gentium of modernity, of the locus
of the black magicians of the Kali Yuga.

Each of these heads of the Hydra of modernity all work together at the deeper levels and are united in
one telluric body submerged in the swamp with the heads projecting by turns above its surface and
typically fighting one another, being of a divergence of minds to varying degrees of internal

Nonetheless they are united as the Hydra who seeks to tear down Herakles the awaking hero who has,
through a recollection of the blood memory, managed to manifest his destiny as a warrior combatant
against this polycephalic creature. They are unified by their common hatred, a hatred or instinctive
aversion towards that which exposes them to the light of day, that which is a ray of light of the Green
Ray penetrating the false illusory realm of the lunar light which is their customary view of the world of
the Demiurge in which they live. Thus their bond of unity is simply comprised of the hatred for that
which is superior to themselves: that which is True; Good and Beautiful, the shining one who illumines
the darkness.

Their tactics are largely derived from their masters, jewry, who almost of a certainty derived them
from their alien overlords. It is not judaism itself but jewry as a biological hybridized species which is
the source and cause of their transmission of diabolical 'gnosis'; the 'gnosis' of the lunar light derived
from their master Jehovah-Satan (or by whatever name the Demiurge may be known in particular
times and places: Enlil; Brahma; Allah; Yahweh, etc.).

Their tactics thus are those of the Demiurge and are particular applications of his strategy for global
dominion and take over, for the simulation within Himself of the Spirits trapped in matter on the earth
plane. These tactics and their general strategy are implemented through a mediation through their
individual consciousness and collective hive mind consciousness by their priests and in the form of the
ideological fabrications which are the translations of the mind of the Demiurge into particular cultural
forms (e.g. 'sacred texts', etc.).

The members of the synarchy operate as a hierarchy of puppets manipulated from above by their
overseers and, though they are a hammer in relation to those beneath so too are they are an anvil in
relation to those above with none within the hierarchy having any independence from their masters
and ultimately their master Jehovah-Satan who is the 'great architect of the universe' (G.A.O.T.U) and
whose consciousness is their consciousness, their having no autonomy in relation thereto and no
ability to extricate themselves from his strings, like Pinocchio dancing according to his Masters Will.

The subterranean nature of the freemason and his own master the jew reaches the depths of
instinctive cunning and deviousness, forever seeking advantage to the most overall effective means
regardless of the suffering and harm caused others who he exploits, uses and destroys for selfish gain.

Indeed the black magician of Zion live only for self-service and service to the hierarchy which exists
above them and this latter only to the extent it serves that which is conducive to personal advantage.
This 'service to self' motivation is paradoxically the replication of the will of 'The One' as it serves the
purpose of orchestrating harm to others (pain; suffering; stress; 'strife, endless strife') which is the
mechanism of loosh harvesting that the synarchy operates on the basis of, the 'causality of sadism' if
such it may be called: harm or cause harm to befall their victims/targets and absorb the energy
released (be it in the form of money or the life force which is the ultimate form of value the cabal
seeks to absorb just as does the hierarchy which overarches them).

The specific mechanisms and means to engineer this hardship are not undergone by one specific head
of the synarchic Hydra but through each contributing their actions and reactions amongst the diverse
heads in a dialectic of destruction to engineer the harm caused their targets. Examples could be
provided ad infinitum but that of the christian versus the secular humanist or 'liberal' is a
contemporary example of the apparent organic conflict which is engineered by the cabal to create
chaos and hardship and sacrifice countless milliards to their Lord Satan a.k.a. Jehovah.

Whether 'communist'/leftist or 'christian'/rightist, both sides are set up for the divide and conquer
protocol of the synarchy to not only reap the profits from conflict (theft of the property of the
deceased; generation of profits through manufacture; theft of resources from conquered territory; the
destruction of those who obstruct or impede their global hegemony, their 'dominion mandate') but
most importantly and as the ultima ratio of all of their strategies and tactics, to serve up the Spirits'
captive within the matrix of lowest Density to their deity and those not destroyed and consumed by
Jehovah-Satan to be enchained under their control through religion or whatever particular 'culture
pact' or form of ideological standardization, into their hive mind collective consciousness which is the
consciousness of Satan himself.


Both Miguel Serrano and Nimrod de Rosario, esoteric Hitlerists and disciples of the Hyperborean
Wisdom ventured to Antarctica during the middle of the 20th century, Serrano in the early 50s and
Rosario in the 70s. Serrano stayed only for a brief time and Rosario remained there for over a year. The
mission of both based upon what the writer has gleaned was to make contact with the SS and to
encounter the Hyperboreans who dwell in the region.

Perhaps they were there to receive instructions and to prepare the uninitiated sleeping Viryas and
pasus for the re-turn of the Hyperboreans and the National Socialists to the surface of Terra and to
transmute Terra, Gerda into Gaia Sophia, to spiritualize the earth and to create a world of life and
light, of the light of the black sun?

According to Serrano in his works "Who Calls in the Ice" and "Neither By Land Nor By Sea" written as a
young man during and after his trip to the continent, he had encountered Hitler there and received
initiation with the Fuhrer re-turning from Venus by the black hole wormhole at the South Pole in the
Tropic of Capricorn the region of the Southern Cross. He claims to have undergone an expedition
which resulted in his having to leave abruptly and as far as the writer recalls no definite reason was
given as to why this was.

Rosario's journey was also undergone with a military expedition though not much is known of the
particulars of what transpired at least for the mundane not circulating within the ambit of the leftward
swastika of the SS initiates of which Rosario was allegedly a member.

Thus both significant Hyperboreans pontiffs, emissaries of the black sun, had encountered the Vril
force which radiated outwards from the pole bathing in their luminous light and had carried with
them the Graal which was rekindled through contact with this ancient Hyperborean region of the
earth and its strange radiations emanating from the red sun, the central sun of the hollow earth, Loki,
the light of the immortals.

In Antarctica there is alleged to dwell, according to stories by Clark Ashton Smith, beings of an ultra-
tell uric origin, white worms and other Cthulu-esque entities. H.P. Lovecraft's work "The Call of Cthulu"
also treats of this subject matter of Antarctica and a primordial subterranean and sub-glacial city of
extraterrestrial nature. In one of his works Miguel Serrano speaks vaguely of extraterrestrials without
any amplification or presentation of details of what they in fact are, while Nimrod de Rosario,
according to a biographical work of his mother, was alleged to be the result of a union between her,
Rosalie Taglialovore and an extraterrestrial, of what kind the writer is unaware (cf. "Cartas de Maria:
Madre de Nimrod de Rosario").

A movie from the 1950s titled "The Deadly Mantis" was released which depicts a giant black mantis
which thaws out at the North Pole and wrecks havoc over the world. Perhaps this is one such entity
which lies frozen in the ice since the time of the pole shift and the sinking of Atlantis according to Hans
Heinz Horbiger in his "The World Ice Theory" (1913).

The continent of Antarctica was part of the region of Lemuria which spanned to the Indian
subcontinent and which continent sank according to the OAHSPE Bible through sonic weapons on the
part of 'Jehovih' and his Orion chieftains (reptilians and the 'Yahweh collective'?).

The mantis aliens and other insectoids as well as reptilians depicted in the hokey Japanese 'monster
movies' from the 50s onwards may well be a reality and the freshwater lake in Lake Vostock Antarctica
may very well be an indicator of subterranean or submerged life that exists underneath the ice.

The movie "The Thing" by John Carpenter, based upon the original 50s movie "The Thing From
Another World" is depicted as a protoplasmic entity which metamorphosed, changed its form and
merged with the hosts. The Russian scientists at Lake Vostock had drilled two miles deep through the
ice and extracted water from the lake and the writer is unacquainted with their fate though he is
aware they had more success than the British and American scientists.

Perhaps these scientists were allowed privileged access to the subterranean regions of Antarctica and
the judaized 'Allied powers' were excluded, indeed repelled from the region by the superior powers of
the entities or Hyperboreans. Lemuria was a continent older than Atlantis as far as the writer is aware
and perhaps harbors still the buried remnants of primordial beings.

So too, however the North Pole with German scientists going missing around Baffin Island-top
physicists and geneticists who disappeared after going on 'camping trips' in the area around Mount
Odin and mount Thor. Surely they are taken away and indeed by implication by the Imperial Germans,
they who had traveled to Antarctica, in Neuschwabenland, to establish their colony as a strategic
relocation strategy in the war everlasting between the true light of the black sun against the false light
of the Demiurge.

The hollow earth and the wormholes at the pole enable the passage to Venus and the retreats to
another world as a strategy of combat awaiting the re-turn of the Hyperboreans and the National
Socialists "when America and Russia have exhausted themselves in war" as one of the National
Socialists at the Nuremberg trials said before he was hung by the representatives of the great Satan.

According to Nimrod de Rosario Antarctica is the source for a new wave of energy or Vril which spirals
around the earth and terminates in the North Pole, with the South as highest and the North as lowest
density of Time-flow and hence this region, the Antarctica of Neuschwabenland, will presumably be
the source of a new arising of the forces of the Green Ray against those of the blackest lead of lowest
density, the potencies of matter.

What this will portend specifically is a question the writer is unable to answer but the books of
Serrano and Rosario hold much in the way of direction a compass pointing South (and yet magnetic
North given the alleged flipping of the magnetic poles of the earth).

Perhaps the former National Socialists Wilhelm Landig has revealed what will be in the future in
fictional form such as in his works "Wolfzeit um Thule" ("Wolf-Time for Thule"); "Gotzen Gegen Thule"
("Idols Against Thule") and "Rebellen für Thule – Das Erbe von Atlantis" ("Rebels for Thule - The Legacy
of Atlantis").

The mysterious continent of Antarctica, inaccessible to nearly all and, thanks to Miguel Sereno, off-
limits by international law to any one power and to any exploitation of its substance ('resources').

The anger of the old gods grows with the continued rapine and destruction of Gaia materialized into
lowest density by the great Satan Jehovah and, with the increase in the emanations from the galactic
center enhancing the acceleration of Time-flow, the ice caps are melting and the sun is increasing in
solar activity bringing about an ever increasing chaos of earth energies (weather systems; tectonic
plate shifting; volcanic activity, etc.).

The future of the world (of the pluri-dimensional worlds that constitute 'our' planet) will be
transformation and only they who are capable of transforming themselves into a black sun will
achieve immortality and avoid the jaws of the Fenrir wolf as the light of the poles radiates its brilliance
over an Aquarian world; dispatching the synarchy of dark forces to their destination into the abyssal
realms with their demonic masters.


The worldview of the synarchy is essentially based on 'service to self', on temporal power acquisition
and monopoly of worldly 'good', a pursuit of powers of fleeting and transient nature. The orientation
of the consciousness of the synarchic priests, as can be readily observed in their behavior is towards
acquisition or possession, reducible to the act of consumption or indeed more appropriately of

The motivation is always outward, towards the false infinity, the purely phenomenal and quantitative
dimension or aspect of the Demiurgic matrix; towards the accumulation of energy from external
sources, fuel to feed the fires of their degenerating will, there atrophying life force which, not
partaking of Eternity, dissipates over Time under the influence of the will of the Demiurge.

The tellurism of the cabal is their defining trait and their poverty of any transcendental quality
implicates them as a being existing in its death throes and soon to expire, leaving whatever detritus
behind as its only memory. They are as a drowning victim being pulled down into the abyss and having
only a waning strength to swim against the current, desperately grasping for any floating debris to
keep themselves afloat as they await their inevitable doom.

The cthonic tendency is the modality of consciousness of the beings directed towards entities external
to themselves, focusing on controlling; exploiting and consuming (in most literal sense) the life force
of these entities and this always with an eye directed towards their phenomenal self, the fleeting and
transient persona and masks of personae they have constructed which they in their blindness believed
to be reality itself; who they are, which is mere illusion.

The telluric current is that of the Will of 'The One', is indeed Time itself in its constant flow and the
increasing densification of substance, it's crystallization in matter. This is 'the world' and in it dwells
the synarchy, the hierarchy of evil which seeks total power and whose focus is forever bent on the
earth plane, the perspective of the frog in the swamp of the cloaca gentium.

Though these same believe in their ignorance that their eyes are directed 'Above' to their deity, the
Demiurge, the reality is that this Entity is the off-gassings of that swamp itself, His realm is the swamp-
like atmosphere of aetheria which is the emanation of His will, his Verbum, or halitosis breath (ruach
elohim) breathed into existence as the 'Creation', densifying in the forms of the mundane world.

These perishable and illusory baubles the synarchy craves for itself and through their initiate praxis
have attained powers and states of consciousness beyond that of the average profane mortal they
nonetheless have simply integrated there Spirit into a unitary complex of forces and bound their Spirit
ever more tightly in matter and to the Lord of Time, Jehovah-Satan.

As to the profane 'masses' they are indeed the children of the matrix born of the bubbles of the soul
they had been trapped in from birth, incarnated into a phenomenal microcosmic structure that
maintains their earthbound condition and over time, fuses them to the Demiurge whose ubiquitous
essence pervades the atmosphere around their captive Spirits.

The culture the synarchy has created is that of tellurism, a materialistic superstructure of signs;
processes; activities that constitutes the hodological space of the captive Spirit, rendering them a
'reverted virya' in the case of the potentially awakened who still retain the memory of the blood.

They are reverted from their Hyperboreans Origin towards the world of fleeting appearances, turned
away from their true Self inside and toward their false self, the Pinocchio puppet of the Demiurgic
manipulator upon whose strings they gambol in a stupor of blindness, jerked about as a 'docile body'
or passive spectator.

The culture around tellurism is that which drags his Spirit into the swamp of grossest substance,
trapping it within and enabling the siphoning of its energy by Jehovah who feeds upon the release of
their bio-energy induced through needless toil; pain and suffering.

All dimensions and aspects of the cultural superstructure are oriented downwards and, the partaking
of these false gifts or poisoned apples, the kulcher mulcher is dragged down to even lower states of
being then hereto they may have been.

The low vibrational 'jungle drums' of the music of contemporary 'tellurism' (for so the culture may be
properly called) conditions the consciousness to operate as a beast in an instinctive minded capacity,
the reptilian brain preponderating over the higher functions (e.g. prefrontal cortical activity).

Indeed the soulishness of the 'jungle drums' echoes in the darkness of the Id: "by means of music the
passions play", as Nietzsche said, the reptilian mind of these Dionysian revelers operating on the
lowest wavelength of consciousness.

Insofar as these beings are conditioned to follow this trajectory to the abyss, becoming 'earthbound
souls' through the rhythmic vibrations that synchronize with the physiological processes of
metabolism and modifies it as well as the conscious mind, reducing all anatomical and physiological
states correlated with the beat of the electronic drums.

Indeed the passion to go the way of all flesh and wind up in the abyss sooner than not, binding
themselves to the Demiurge and his 'only begotten son' the christ ray or emanation of 'love-wisdom',
harmonizing with their deity Jehovah and becoming phagocitized through that 'love' (the love of 'god'
is the love of self-destruction and the path towards perdition).

The path of transcendence forsakes the Venusberg and journeys with Tannhauser to the Kyffhauser
mountain to awaken the blood memory. The song of the minnesanger is a song which awakens the
blood of the Graal latent in the Virya whose awakening constitutes the beginning of his transmutation
into a black sun, an immortal whose character is that of a transcendence above the material plane and
a motivation to sever the chains which bind him and others thereto to liberate the captive Spirits from
the matrix of illusion.

Tellurism manifests itself in the visual aesthetics of the world of objects. From the Bauhaus cubic
design of buildings to the sensationalistic colors and flashing graphics of media, the consciousness is
bombarded round-the-clock with the sensa of excitation designed to condition the mind to see the
reactivity of perpetual excitation, to obstruct and to diminish to the greatest possible extent reflective
and higher-level thinking, a formula for dumbing down the broad masses, enticing them to react to
pre-programmed stimuli (classical conditioning) and a formula for the bestialization of consciousness.

It is not alone the classical artistic/cultural media which impinge upon and influence consciousness
which are the main factors in the neural entrainment process, rather the A.I technology engineered by
the 'demons' (i.e. E.Ts) of Chang Shambala, the dark forces of Jehovah, is the main mechanism of the
dumbing down of the masses in addition to the religious mind programming.

Alien technology pervades the atmosphere and does not exist only in the form of the visible structures
and arrays familiar to most on the earth plane but exists on the moon and Saturn from which latter is
broadcast frequencies of gravitational waves which maintain the earth plane in lowest density, a
veritable leaden blanket being thrown over the earth reducing its subtlety of substance to the lowest

The spiders webs of aetheric mesh overarching their playing is the emanation of this technology
generated by the 'Yahweh collective' of negative E.Ts who occupy the moon and Saturn as far as the
writer has heard from such sources as 'ascension glossary' and Miguel Serrano and Nimrod the
Rosario amongst others.

The forces of Satan ('Lunar-Saturnian' they might be called) are forever at work in maintaining their
loosh harvesting machine, the 'moon-saturn' matrix generating station that keeps the Spirits trapped
in lowest density of matter and maintains the abject servility to 'The One' through their agents on the
earth whose religious and cultural programming works in tandem with the A.I technology to densify
the consciousness of their slaves.

Tellurism thus is the culture and state of consciousness of the pasu, the 'profane' who is held in this
state through deliberate maliciousness on the part of the cabal and their overlords the 'Yahweh


The transcendent modality of consciousness of the Hyperborean is that which posits him above the
seven heavens, past the ring pass not of Kronos and in the sphere of the Ogdoad, that of Eternity
beyond the spatio-temporality of the Demiurge. The Hyperborean, however unlike the devious priests
of the synarchy of Chang Shambala, does not aspire or purport to be merely 'above it all' and to dwell
in imminence in a state or passive contemplation while involved in their sinister rites of black magic
but rather chooses as his chosen destiny the Path of the warrior who dwells within the world is not
only not of the world (the boastful claim of the synarchic priest and the christian) but against the
world as an active participant and combat within the world of the Demiurge to actively oppose His
system of enslavement.

This is the character of the 'Uranian' in the terminology of Julius Evola, which is simultaneously the
character of the Hyperborean initiate, the transcendent 'man of heaven' in the words of taoism.

The constant flux of entities that constitute the transience of becoming is the presence of the
Demiurge, the Hyperborean confronts and it serves as the 'manifestation' of the Divine Will of
oppositional forces which seek to destroy the hero who has chosen his path of Being amidst

His goal is to overcome the antagonistic forces and to retain his inner being unscathed while defeating
the influence of these forces on they who may be awakened and liberated through their own
acceptance of the proffered weapon against the foe.

The legions of Lucifer increase in number as the cycles of Time spiral downward toward the night of
Brahma, the absorption of the entities generated as so much excreta by the Demiurge into Himself, His
self-phagocitization, the Fenrir wolf Jehovah swallowing himself through His own fateful trieb, His
existence of manifestation and self-nihilation, the bellows of Satan, 'divine' (or rather diabolic)
respiration, inspiration and expiration to begin again with the new cycle.

The cosmic windbag Yahweh-Satan, the Lord of matter/substance whose violent excretions of entities
constitute the panorama gestalten is static of the contemplation of the synarchic priest caste be they
monotheistic occultist-or mundane scientist. The earthbound souls play about in their identity garden
as so many agnes dei ('lambs of god') consuming and excreting each other in their absurd cyclicity of
generation and corruption, cycling around in the Kalachakra wheel.

The transcendent Lucifer enters into 'the world' in order to dispatch the world in its crystallized and
feeding light, the Crystal Palace of Zion, harboring within it the black magicians of Shambala who
would trap within all the captives Spirits and feed off their vital luminescence, telluric vampires of the
light of the Uncreated Realm of Hyperborea, the ghouls of the false light of the dark forces of Jehovah-

The cycles of birth and death hold no power over the Hyperborean Spirits who have incarnated in the
flesh to fulfill their self-chosen duty and destiny of combat against the foe. The flesh bodies developed
through the incarnating Spirits descended to matter is the vehicle he or she utilizes in order to
effectively dismantle the system from within.

The 'laws' of the system (Talmudic; Noahide; common or international maritime law) are mere bands
which restrict and restrain captive Spirits and the awakened Virya or 'hero' who recognizes their
superfluity and injustice must needs seek to tear down and sever the bonds which serve merely to
trap within the matrix its captives and to coerce compliance with the 'will of the sovereign power', to
enable the system and its apparatchiks and wire pullers to drain away the vital force of their captives
through stress and toil (the subsistence wage; poverty consciousness; death; austerity).

Voluntary poverty within the world though not necessarily a poverty visible to one's peer group.
Indeed once you have no friends beyond 'peers', that is to say beyond affiliates necessary to perform
his role in the battlefield of the matrix. He should find Kameraden and not friends for his
consciousness orients itself around the transcendent telos of his incarnation, his destiny being bound
up therewith and all emotional ties and other relations are either a distraction and time waste or at
worst a dangerous deviation from his fundamental project of strategic opposition.

To debase himself and lower his state of being to the level of the soul, involving himself in soulish
emotionalism, is the inevitable consequence of friendship and, accordingly, he avoids the cultivation
of friendship following the path of utility and higher objectives, that being the liberation of the Spirits
of the Hyperborean and hybrids trapped within the prison of the soul.

As the Wolfangel rune he employs the cold steel blades rotating leftwards to sever the carapace of the
soul which confines him within the lower states of being, in the amniotic fluid of infantile attachment
to the matrix womb of his down going.

The Wolf angle is the Berserker rune which the antagonist employs as a strategy to destroy his
attachment to the world of transient becoming, the cold steel blades tearing apart the cocoon of the
aetheric webs of the Satanic cosmic spider Yahweh which have been woven around the Spirit, trapping
it within the world of the creation of matter.

The Berserker thus is the very embodiment of the 'man of heaven', only by virtue of his embodiment
fulfilling his purpose within the world, not, as a 'Jesus figure' or similar messianic figure, to preach any
pusillanimous gospel (god-spell) of Demiurgic drivel saturated with saccharine emotionalism, the
lacrimosity of Mary Magdalene, but rather is a servant of the Virgin of Agartha, the Uncreated Spirit,
incarnating on earth to tear apart the bands which circumscribe the captives on the earth plane and
only those who are willing and able to resist their own phagocitization by the Demiurge Jehovah.

Those who cling to their shepherds of the order of melchizedek and indeed these shepherds
themselves the Berserker sees only as enemies, as the bearers of the false light of 'the christ', the
'love-wisdom' of the great deception of Jehovah-Satan, the guile full trap of lachrymose emotion and
the plucking of heartstrings which serve to trap within the world the captive Spirits becoming ever
more tightly bound to the soul and more of a source of vital energy for the synarchy to vampirize.

These the Berserker recognizes as having no redemption contrary to the 'glad tidings' of the plaintive
weepings of the christ, Yeshua the Rabbi of Galilee, the archetypal manifestation of the mind of
Jehovah-Satan. He has not but contempt for the 'good news' of the 'New Jerusalem', city of peace and
simultaneously city of perdition, of the extinction of the Spirit through its absorption in matter
absorbed and digested in the belly of the beast.

Now he has no regard but utter disdain for the creeping semite and his plaintive cries of: "Oi! Oi! Oi!".
He spurns then these 'meek sheep' administers his forces both within and without to engage in the
Ragnarok, the true holy war of the RaHoWa ('racial holy war') between the emissaries of the blood of
Hyperboreans and they of the realm of aetheria, of 'The One', the creator of entropy and death
Jehovah-Satan. Through the Berserker the black light of Agartha shines forth and confronts the enemy
in his treachery and deceit.

The Great Satan

The Western world of the Anglo-American-Israeli axis can be designated the 'Great Satan' and has
been by such as arab ideologues and political leaders. It is an apt designation indeed as the potencies
of matter are concentrated in these geopolitical regions and these regions serve them as their main
base of operations in the spread of the tentacles of the synarchic octopus of temporal power.

The spread of the power of the 'prince of the powers of the air' (i.e. 'aether' that is to say Jehovah-
Satan) manifests itself in the form of subtle power concealed behind false appearances or 'simulacra',
masks which conceal the true face of the great Satan.

Instances of these masks might be amplified indefinitely but two types of these concealed forms of
power are: 1) economic and 2) cultural.

The economic power lies in the lie of central banking system usury and the money manipulation of
stockmarket swindling, the Satanic act of creating something out of nothing ('nihilo nihil fit'). The
usury system represents itself as a system of trustworthy and reliable 'systems' of exchange that
purport to offer a secure mediation or facilitation between buyers and sellers; producers and
consumers for the 'greater good' and overall benefit of 'humanity'.

The lie inherent in the 'economy' is 'the demonic nature of the economy' as Julius Evola phrased it, the
perpetual and endless generation of needless needs, superfluous commodities and services that serve
base ends and are motivated by profit, not the improvement of life let alone the liberation of the Spirit
from matter.

Indeed a further and most significant dimension of the 'demonic nature of the economy' consists in its
function of immersing one in a world of materiality ('les system des objects' in the words of
Baudrillard) and binding the Spirit to the soul by a shifting of the consciousness (the Self; the Spirit) to
the 'system of objects', burying oneself in the rubble of material detritus. Hence 'the economy' of the
usury system of the great Satan is a lie and is not what it is represented as.

A further aspect of its evil lies in the coerced wage slavery of such as the jew Thomas Malthus who
contrived 'the subsistence wage' to reduce all to complete serfdom with his tribe and their affiliates in
the synarchy hoarding over the mass of mere serfs who are reduced to a state of entropy in which
they are unable to manifest their proper destiny as it may conflict and doesn't immediately serve the
interests of the hierarchy of Chang Shambala.

Thus 'the economy' of celebrity, hallowed by the wire pullers of the synarchy is merely a system of
exploitation, a simulacrum of 'equal weights and measures' while being a single pan scale into which
tithes; indulgences and other coerced bloodletting's and severed pounds of flesh of the masses must
be cast to fatten the greedy paunches of the synarchic priests of the order of melchizedek and of
semitized Rome.

Economy is thus the delusion of sustenance that takes while it pretends to give and reduces all into a
state of abject serfdom and dependency, whether it be 'christian' or communist-all is designed to
disempower. The antipode of the wealth redistribution side of the 'demonic nature of the economy',
the side which robs Peter to pay Paul, the Pauline priest sect masonic or abrahamic, is the vampire
capitalism of social Darwinism which enables selfish greed at the expense of the sustenance of others,
thereby undermining their existence and reducing all to slavery, to an oligarchy of plutocratic parasites
who enslave the population through stockmarket swindling, and who as a cabal hidden hand,
manipulate and extort the lifeblood of others for their selfish enrichment beyond all proportions of

The second dimension herein considered that serves as simulacral power is that of culture which is, as
Nimrod de Rosario speaks of in his "Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom", the main mechanism
of control of the synarchy and the most prominent aspect of the 'great deception' of the Demiurge.

Culture is a weapon which the synarchy utilizes to install their agenda of global dominion and the
standardization of the mass man, distorting and destroying particular organic cultural formations and
through the incorporation of all manner of false associations associating them with its own globalist,
monotheistic hegemony the synarchy designs to install, thereby assimilating that which was separate
into itself.

The culture of the synarchy is that of destruction, the 'Entartete Kultur' or 'degenerate culture' as the
National Socialists called it which serves the purpose of the superimposed nigredo phase of the
synarchy's meta-political alchemy, to break down and destroy the independent or relatively
independent cultural 'Other' and subsequently (in its albedo and rubedo phases) to consume the
fragments which are the ruins of the prior culture into itself as a leviathan to massively spread itself
over all.

Cultural forms of music; arts; architecture and language (including the language of what is called
'science' in today's jargon, 'scientia' being the Latin term for 'wisdom' which is wholly absent from the
mechanical; quantitative and rationalist language of modern 'science', a system of pseudo-
knowledge)-all of these constitute the prongs of the spear of the synarchy in its attempts to skewer
the wise Odin as he hangs on the windswept tree, the true embodiment of wisdom.

Music is the cultural form which engages the soul virtue of its totemic rhythms. As Nietzsche said: "By
means of music the passions play" and this illustrates the animalistic (anima-istic) nature of music.
Music may elevate as in the case of the music of the immortals such as Mozart and Bach or it may
debase such as Stravinsky or contemporary pop culture as a whole (rap; country; jazz,

Music is designed by the synarchy to undermine the stability of the cultural 'Other'; to enervate; to
render effeminate and bestial or base. Hence it is rhythmic not so much harmonic, engaging the
primitive mind of the pasu and debased virya, dragging them down into the swamp of its collectivized
and debased culture.

The great Satan's culture manifests itself in a ubiquitous gestalt of sights; sounds and tactile
sensations (including vibratory affect) all of which impinge upon the captive Spirits trapped within
their soul shells and debase their consciousness to the lowest level of existence. The sounds of 'music'
or what passes for music (entartete musik) has been covered.

The visual culture of art comes in the form of plastic; pictorial and architectural but it must be kept in
mind that this 'art' is not designed to 'please the fancy' alone but rather to modify the conscious mind
and to standardize the mass mind beyond simple temporal power relations and the regulation of
behavior in the most efficient and effective way, it is created to bind the Spirits to the earth plane and
to the lower aetheric realms of the Demiurge, enabling the Demiurge to absorb the energy of his

Pictorial arts serves, under the regime of the synarchy, to drag down and to debase the observer, to
infect their consciousness with the archetypes of 'love-wisdom'; the christ archetype where
everything sickly and weak becomes exalted and trumpeted to the highest height and all of that which
is healthy and strong is cast down as so many 'false idols' in the maw of 'the one, true god' of israel.

The influence of this aesthetic exaltation of the moribund specimens of Bolshevized subhumanity has
only one effect: that being degeneration and a slackening of the will, an enervation of the vital Spirits
through its failure to have any challenges though the archetype of the untermenschen presented as
the idol of 'humble righteousness', the meek Lamb of God.

The defilement of heroism and any virile qualities is the standard fare when targeted toward the
synarchy's opponent the aryan race and indeed any virile and war-like people (e.g. Japanese; arabs;
mestizos, etc.).

These opponents the synarchy recognizes as a potential trouble source and therefore undergoes an
indirect assault against the foe through what in contemporary times has been called 'cultural
marxism', the jewish disintegration process of cultural distortion. Thus the two-pronged approach of
destruction is presented through myriad means of visual imagery and other media: the establishment
of degenerate idols to corrupt the population and the defilement of their heroic archetypes, the
casting down of the alleged 'false idols' before the jealous god of israel.

The aesthetic visuals of George Grosz; Max Ernst and the Dadaists to Picasso; Warhol and yet more
degenerate forms of culture have played their disintegrative role in modifying and distorting the
consciousness of the percipient and receiver of these messages typically through a coerced exposure
having it thrust into their face on billboards; signs; academic curricula; movies, etc.

The billboards depicting the retarded and degenerate elements of society being thrust into one's
vision in a rude gesture of passive aggressive moralizing pervades the hodological space of the
postmodern wasteland of kosher simulacra.

The architecture of the postmodern wasteland also has both a functional purpose beyond the finite
perception of earthbound souls and the phenomenal aesthetic function of conditioning the
consciousness to look with reverence upon the architectural edifice of kosher design.

Examples of this are the Kaaba in Mecca; the cathedrals in Europe and the masonic lodges and judaic
temples or synagogues which pervade the environment as so many tumors on the earth which must
be exalted as symbols of the despotism of 'The One' god Jehovah-Satan. Functionally these structures
are reducible to machines of stone which enabled a harvesting of bio-energy from their servile sheep
who are fleeced of what Golden fleece they may have had in actua or in potentia.

The stone structures are partless machines designed to contain within themselves (as in a magic
square) the energies of the 'parishioners' or attendees and to subject them via sermons and psalms to
certain vibrational frequencies, certain tones and patterns of forces (vibration) which condition their
consciousness to enter into a hypnotic state and enable the attachment of entities for the
vampirization of their life force.

That and, as in the case of cathedrals, the siphon and channel their energies out of the spire and
transmit them along ley lines to whatever centers (nodal points) on the earth which contain star gates
or wormholes for the transmission of their energies to the moon and planet Saturn in which they are
contained in cells of bio-electric energy that feeds the 'Yahweh collective' of vampire E.Ts.

With respect to language, that of the world order is completely semitic [cf. "English: Demonic
Language" for more]. The contemporary global language being English it must be questioned what the
origins of this language are. The works of L.A.Waddell and other contemporary British scholars point in
the direction of Phoenicia though garbled, the stock of Phoenicians confusing the semitic group with
an Aryan stock (cf." The Aryan Origins of the Alphabet" as opposed to the somatic origins of the
alphabet, deriving from the somatic Phoenician stock).

That the English language is referred to as the 'Alpha-Bet' is suggestive and investigation reveals that it
refers to the 'Aleph-Bet' of the Hebrew alphabet and that the primordial Phoenician alphabet ('Aleph-
Bet') was related to Hebrew and transmitted itself to Greece and from thence following the piratical
Phoenicians to the British Isles along the coasts (Carthage and North Africa and Cartagena in Spain
and along the coast of northern France to the pirate island of the empire of the shopkeepers, Britain).

Hence it can be ascertained on the basis of likeness of characters of the 'Aleph-Bet' that at the English
language is in actuality a jewish-semitic creation (possibly the creation of the 'Yahweh collective' itself
just as they too are a creation being products and genetic hybridization).

The language of English has the influence of restricting the consciousness towards a luciferian
rebellion against that of the sacred languages of the Demiurge, paradoxically the very Hebrew and
Arabic which are the conference of these entities upon their 'chosen' creations the Semites.

Perhaps this is a good sign that the English language may have superseded these tendencies toward
the harmonization with 'The One' as not read right to left by vice versa and thereby creating a
separation from worldliness and the attunement with the Demiurge. Insofar it has a reverse effect of
what the cabal would intend in their trapping their slaves in the Demiurge's slave prison. This remains
a paradox as to what its function would be that would be serviceable to their agenda of Spirit
vampirization but this writer can't answer and may suggest another factor such as Aryan adapts
present who have inverted or sabotage the Hebrew language as an act of strategic opposition counter
the synarchy's agenda and therefore British may be redeemable in its effect on consciousness and
indicate the greater presence of luciferian adepts, possessors of the Hyperborean Wisdom.

The Barbarous tongues of other races bespeak this dependency on the Demiurge and their slavish
subordination thereto, being languages lacking any abstract quality and being of a crude metaphoric
or imaginal nature with words designating simplistic physical acts or material objects and little more,
wholly lacking sophistication or precision.

That the architects of destruction intend to debase and defile the English language and supplant it
with such as Esperanto or other vulgarizations of the sophisticated, replacing it with e.g. Chinese or
Hindi or Arabic, etc. further indicates their animosity towards the English language.

The language of the synarchy is for themselves a cryptic symbolic and coded one with all manner of
implicit references and concealed innuendo based upon their occult system of qabbalah. There hidden
language is based in large part (as far as the writer knows) on the Hebrew artificially invented
numerology which is derived from the cultural superstructure of the semite and ultimately from the
'Seraphim' or reptilians with whom they are bound.

The system they control is a dual system with themselves receiving everything and others nothing save
to the extent of their needs as 'animate tools' to service the decadence of the privileged caste of
synarchic priests. For the 'profane' the language they superimpose is that of an abstract nature which
is designed to divorce the profane from the material world. The value of this is to enable
transcendence through the vehicle of thought, namely language, rather than having a population
reduced to a state of slavish obsequiousness and blended with the Demiurge.

Hence the universal language of today's world has its value and redeemable qualities in itself.
However it is the distortion and usage thereof wherein lies the corruption and can be sourced to the
corrupting element of the semite, the wandering jew seeking his revenge against the aryan for
creating a language of liberation from the matrix of the Demiurge.

Politically, the 'Great Satan' operates on the basis of its 'divide and conquer' strategy, segregating the
western society into the diverse fragments of the political spectrum with two extremes of 'left' and
'right' and intermediary gradations and 'wildcards' thrown in to create the appearance of 'choice'
when all of these fragments are in reality mere fractals of the Demiurge's Mind, all based upon
egalitarian 'Universalist' principles and admitting only of variations on the theme of abstract

That anyone of any race or species can participate in any political group implies that these are mere
empty repositories of absurdity without any organic basis and without any utility as a vehicle for the
expression of the Virya's will and his Berserker fury.

All 'distinctions' are mere trompe l'eoil and become assimilated into the system of parliamentarian
democracy or 'communitarianism', absorbed into the Demiurge as signifiers impregnated with the
meaning conferred upon them by the broad masses.

The function of such 'dialectic' is the implementation of the 'divide and conquer' strategy of the
system which plays diverse groups against one another in their 'tension of development' of the
evolution of progressivism in which all are to be merged into the Demiurge as part of the hive mind-
fractals and nodes of His Mind, microcosmic reflections or shards of the shattered, crystallized light of
'the creation', reflecting the macrocosmal will of 'The One'.

Hence politics is merely a game as in the episode of Star Trek the original series "Gamesters of the
Triseklion", each party being played against the other with only the adepts above recognizing they are
all mere 'pawns in the game'.

The polarity principle of occultism is reflected in the political divide: "as above so below", with the
masculine (blue) party of the 'conservative christian' being played off against the red party of the
'liberal-communist', is reflecting the other as its antipode and generating the 'tension of development'
desired by the synarchy as the mode of their political alchemy.

The 'Great Satan' nothing thus exerts its ubiquitous temp oral power as the flailing tentacles of a giant
squid employing the screens of its inky secretions and is pleomorphic mutability to gain a stranglehold
on power to absorbed into its Beak the life force of its captives.

The Great Deception

Jehovah's web of illusion has been woven over the universe and has entangled the captive Spirits
within its crystallized light. His aetheric webs span the cosmos and serve as the trap of entropy which
he has thrown out of himself over all, capturing the independent Spirits and binding them in the
envelope of the soul which is the extension of his being.

He causes the Spirit's gaze to be distracted from the origin of Hyperborea and directed downwards
towards lower states of density, decelerated conditions of His will, His 'temporalization'. Lost in time
the Spirits must find their way back and this entails having to confront the 'great deception' of the
'Deus Vult' or 'face of God', the omnipresent density of the vampiric Deity who seeks to absorbed the
spirits energy into himself through such process of reversion, away from the origin and towards His
omnipresence of substance of lowest density.

This is the 'great deception' of Jehovah-Satan, the manifestation of his 'Being' which is 'becoming', the
transience of appearance and it's entropic expansionism. The captive Spirits' immersed in this acid
bath of lower density are fed off and consumed by slow degrees by the Cosmic Vampire and His
legions of archons and 'angelic' hierarchies, all of which serve the purpose of 'The One' in tearing
down and destroying the (potentially) immortals of the realm of the Uncreated Spirit, of Hyperborea.

To face the 'Deus Vult' is to face ones' destiny and to decide whether he is willing or no to fight against
the master of the universe also known as the Demiurge, or whether he is a pusillanimous sheep who
would simply acquiesce before his master in fatalistic lamentation and 'fervent prayer'.

In so far as she is able to resist he has crowned himself with the laurel wreath, transmuting himself
through himself in conquest of the vampire wolf Fenrir, the all-devouring, and has granted himself the
potentiality through the recognition of the purely negative and inimical nature of the beast Jehovah-

Else he has conceded defeat in vivo and ever more, allowing his Spirit to merge with 'The One' in his
devotional contemplations and passive obsequie, has placed himself in the claws of the great Satan
having fallen for his great deception, that of the apparent 'good' of 'The One' and of a comportment
towards 'The One' in the manner of a groveling castrated serf, praying and bowing without dignity
before the external savior figure and his 'father in heaven'.

This father may occupy the lower heavens and indeed be their Creator yet the father is only the rapist
of the virgin of Agartha (or would-be rapist as her purity of Eternal Light he could never sully with his
vile plasmations). This sky father may be the master of the lower dimensions but these are merely the
realms of deception, of His cosmic mirrors of illusion, His looking glass world of simulacra, not the
realm of Eternity which is accessible only to the few.

The countless impressions and impingements of objects which bombard the captive Spirit at all times
amounts to a barrage of the beasts' artillery against the hero who would fight against His system of
slavery and indeed would destroy the Beast Himself, not only the Beast within, namely the soul and
body which serves as his earthly prison but rather the Beast itself, namely the God of this world
Jehovah-Satan and this gods' hierarchies of material potency, the planetary archons, the aeons, the
legions of 'Angels' and myriad species of extra and intra-terrestrials (reptilians; insectoids,

The great deception manifests itself as a differentiated manifold of objects or entities all of which are
designed as crystallizations of the higher forms fulfilling their entelechy or telos which is an extension
of the will of 'The One'. These generate forms and perpetuate themselves and these are again further
differentiated and combined according to the architectonic of the Demiurge, manifesting on the
material plane as the entities which for the captive Spirits' have 'meaning' (eg. informational

The body and soul trap in which they are contained as a prisoner is contained within an iron maiden of
densest metal, fixed upon its spikes and holding it captive as a bug is held captive with a pin by an

The myriad entities which serve to trap one in matter can be divided into two classes:

1) those which have a directly conscious intentionality towards absorbing the energies of the captive
Spirits and

2) those which have such an intention only vicariously and incidentally.

In the former case the entities that are created by Jehovah-Satan (and that are embodiments of His
consciousness, yet endowed with a consciousness of their own as semi-autonomous microcosms of
himself the macrocosmic creator of their being) are those entities which most would recognize as
agents of destruction or harm towards oneself in His incarnate Spirit-soul-body complex form.

Everything from leeches, to predatory animals to bacteria and microorganisms to higher entities of
whatever description, have a motivation of vampirism, to absorb into themselves the energy of the
captive Spirit.

In the latter case fall entities that absorb the energy of one's Spirit only as part of something other to
itself such as higher entities who feed off whole geographical regions; dimensions and worlds are
those which feed off certain types of effluvia or excreta of the captive Spirits' body and soul.

Hence one must recognize that he lives (as an incarnate Spirit) within the world of 'all against all' and
fights the bellum omnium contra omnis against all that is other to himself, the only allies he has being
his fellow captive Spirits who have not turned against their nature and sold themselves to Jehovah-
Satan through religious entanglement or who have 'forsaken their first estate' and have 'gone the way
of all flesh', living a worldly life as a reverted Spirit entangled in the great deception.

Hence the relationship of the captive Spirit who has quickened, has oriented himself towards the
Origin through an activation of the blood memory, to the world of entities and their Creator Jehovah-
Satan is one of animosity and antagonism, a fundamental hostility towards matter and it's degrading
influence on the Spirit, it's constituting a trap in which the Spirit becomes enmeshed as a cage of
leaden density and cast into the acid bath of the charnel house of the Demiurge.

No entities or material goods, regardless of their aesthetic charm or fascination matter to the
awakened Spirit. For him only their utility to perform his duty matters and this may entail any number
of means towards the end of the destruction of the matrix prison and of his liberation from the world
of the tangible and perishable which he understands would, failing such hostility and self segregation
from entities, lead towards his becoming an earthbound soul and towards his extinction however he
may view it as being under the auspices of 'god'. To view the 'Deus Vult' ('face of god') with the lack of
understanding of the danger of doing so is to allow oneself to be hypnotized by the face of the beast
and allow his consumption by that same.

To covertly perceive the malevolent consequences of merging with 'The One' is to, given that the
perceiver confronting this face recognizes that only a relationship of hostility thereto can ever attain a
victory for the Spirit in his combat against the forces of darkness who would consume his essence.

Insofar he has not fallen for 'the great deception' of the 'god' of matter and His creation with its
multifarious sense impressions but has pulled aside the veil and confronted the monster Jehovah-
Satan and prepares to confront the Beast in a zero-sum battle to the death (for indeed he recognizes
that his extinction as a potential immortal, fallen Spirit, exists as a necessity should he fail to perform
his duty as a Berserker warrior and attain victory on this plane or victory in Valhalla.

Syrio-African Demonology

Alfred Rosenberg in his "The Myth of 20th Century" refer to the semitic witchcraft of the synarchy as
'Syrio-African Demonology" which is an adequate encapsulation of the Idea, the mythos of the lunar-
saturnian priest caste.

Masonry provides a window into the nature of this witchcraft which is Hebrew qabbalah
masquerading as hermetic Orphic qabbalah, the co-optation of a crepuscular remnant of the Aryan
tradition, the Hyperborean wisdom and its syncretic synthesis in the form of the inverted black magic
of Chang Shambala.

Masonry is a combination of Near Eastern and Egyptian and North African witchcraft which purports
to be the 'primordial gnosis' deriving from Lemuria, the continent sunken in the South Pacific and
discussed at length by the theosophist William-Scott Elliot and his books "The Story of Atlantis" (1896)
and "The Lost Lemuria" (1904) as well as by the mason James Churchward in his books "The Lost
Continent of Mu, the Motherland of Men" (1926) "The Children of Mu" (1931).

The witchcraft of the cabal is often considered 'western' occultism and, according to the definition of
'western civilization' herein propounded it is an appropriate designator of the praxis of the wicked
witch of the West of the judeo-masonic priest caste and their superiors in the Great White

Though its near exclusive elements are derived from the Mediterranean with some relationship to
that of Dravidian India it is more properly spoken of as 'Eastern' and 'Near Eastern' owing to the
origins of its practices in Chaldea; Phoenicia; Egypt; Carthage and the druidic émigrés of the British
Isles and Northern France and Holland who derive in part from this 'Mediterranean toilet basin' of the
cloaca gentium.

That masonry is equivalent to the judaic occultism of the Hebrew qabbalah can be observed in the
literature (at least up to and including the end of the second world war. Whether contemporary
masonry is a continuation of that same strain, the silver thread of lunar occultism the writer is not
able to claim with authority, not being a mason himself and not initiated into its mysteries).

The works of Albert Pike; Manly Palmer Hall; and the related spin-off sects of the O.T.O; Kenneth Grant
and other lunar semitic occultists who utilize the Hebrew language and traffic in dealings with the
biblical entities (Seraphim; Jehovah-Yahweh and the 'hypostases' of 'The One') indicates that it is a
thoroughly jewish system of occult doctrine.

Even apparently oppositional groups such as Blavatsky and Theosophy (in their original formulation)
are steeped in Hebrew qabbalah and praise it. Such false opposition serves to misdirect the antagonist
of the priest caste of the false light towards Kosher approved impotent 'alternatives' which serve no
other purpose than to neutralize their antagonists, keeping them psychically bound to the egregores
of the cabal (christ; Sanat Kumara; the Manu; Koot Hoomi; Cagliostro; Count St.Germain,

Even such catholic critics of the cabal are simply tilting at windmills as they are wittingly or no part and
parcel of the cabal, yet one more head of the Hydra of Chang Shambala in its religious institutional

Hence all of the mainstream Kosher approved (by virtue of being permitted mainstream audiences)
doctrines and gurus are mere false options that neutralize opposition to the cabal and hooks that
hook in the truth seekers beguiling them with their siren calls of the mysteries.

In spite of the claims of such as René Guenon and Blavatsky to having 'the Truth' and leading their
devotees towards 'the Tradition' itself they are syncretists and disorders of truth simply presenting
their confused understanding of degraded remnants of the Hyperborean Wisdom in the current forms
of mainstream religion given the veneer of profound wisdom while being largely a convoluted
mishmash of dying and hybrid races (e.g. dravidians; arabs, etc.) who had crystallized around the
region and fused together disparate beliefs originating with aryans and the remnants of Lemuria (and
indeed the synthetic semite the writer would argue, and their off planet teachings derived from the
demons of the hierarchy of Jehovah-Satan).

The demonology or witchcraft of the synarchy spans the globe and inheres in its internationalist
institutions, formulated in difficult times and places to suit different demographics, is nonetheless
uniform in purpose and content: raceless globalist; devoid of organic difference both in terms of the
original culture of the stock and in terms of the biological type. The original or remains of the original
'Traditions' became syncretized and associated with the form, creating a formation of artificial

This is then exalted as the 'standard' or the 'authentic' Tradition of the folk and the latter subject to a
similar mixture, tainting the blood of the pure with the foreign stock on the basis of this 'formulated
syncretism', the 'culture pact' supplanting and subverting the 'blood pact', mere ideas based upon
cultural constructs being introduced into the organic original culture as means of subverting the purity
of the blood.

The Lunar-Saturnian occultism of the synarchy is not 'Syrio-African' save on the earth and
concentrated within this region, the region wherein was placed this semitic race of Jehovah's 'chosen
people' who are transplanted from Saturn and the moon by the entities who genetically engineered
them to enslave the earth according to their Torah blueprint of the 'dominion mandate'.

Only then did the Saturnian-Lunar false gnosis manifest within that Mediterranean region and become
what it is today namely the doctrine of Chang-Shambala it in the form of judaism; catholicism; Islam;
masonry; Buddhism; Hinduism or the various 'occultist' spinoffs that became prominent during the
Renaissance and subsequently.

The actual practices of this 'Syrio-African' demonology came in the form of ritual torture-murder and
sacrifice to entities, those vampiric entities that the 'chosen ones' are bound up with and who
presumably genetically engineered them in their origin. The vampiric praxis of the cabal is based upon
bioenergetic harvesting, the theft of the life force of others to serve themselves. Vampirism;
cannibalism and other forms of ghoulish rites such as torture to cause the victim extreme stress and
pain enables these entities to feed off these emanations which they draw upon and, as per their
contractual obligations, bestow upon the ghoulish judeo-masons and related priests rewards in terms
of powers and information (arcane lore) and with whom they became bound through possession and
being merged into the hive mind structure.

The lunar light is the reflected light of the sun, the mutability of the realm of Demiurgic spatio-
temporality the world of contingency, and within this baleful light the sinister priests of semitic
witchcraft undergo their perverse rites of Dionysian tellurism. The planet Saturn, the home base of
these entities (the 'Yahweh collective' of negative E.Ts) is the source of transmission of these rites and
these entities conferred then upon their charges upon entry into the solar system from Orion and
related regions (e.g. Alpha Draconis).

In ancient Lemuria these same rites were practiced and the primordial beast-men deposited therein
were simply an earlier example of the barbarous savagery of this black magic. Even the entities
(reptilians; insectoids, etc.) who genetically engineered these creatures found their practices
insufferable and destroyed their continent with sonic weapons as the OAHSPE Bible relates. Atlantis
too underwent a cataclysm as did the Gobi desert civilization though the former alone was caused by
the vile witchcraft of Chang Shambala and the Atlantean black magicians, the latter to the hostility of
Shambala toward the noble aryan stock of the region.

One must assume that given their ubiquity and abominable nature these practices of this Lunar-
Saturnian witchcraft will lead to yet another cataclysm and the destruction of the hierarchy of
Shambala and installation of the Fourth Reich of Hyperborea.

In Hoc Signo Vinces

The symbol of the Origin, the swastika, is a symbol of Eternity, and for the microcosm it is a symbol of
his metamorphosis into a black son, a self-contained closed system which is never depleted of its
vitality but remains what it is ad perpetuum, in Eternity. The swastika of the leftwards rotation is that
of the re-turn to Hyperborea against the Manvantara (the cycles of Time) and indeed against Time
itself, the manifestation of the Will of Jehovah-Satan.

It is a symbol of imminent transcendence both in the world and against the world but not 'of the
world', emanating from the Origin, incarnating on the earth plane by voluntary choice to oppose the
system of the Demiurge and His legions which enslave all other captive Spirits be they awakened to
this condition or no.

This is the reason why the dark forces have a hostility towards the swastika of the left-hand path: it is
the greatest threat to their tyranny not only as a symbol of the Origin, of Eternity, but on the purpose
and mission of the immortals on the earth plane.

It is a signifier of antagonism to their vampiric Deity on the part of the enchained Spirits and therefore
a luciferic symbol of rebellion against the Demiurge and intended extinction of the Spirits through
their fusion with 'The One' should it occur not through their phagocitization, the disintegration of their
Spirit against the countervailing vampiric forces of the Dark side.

The rightwards swastika is the symbol of the will of the Demiurge, of Time-flow, of the densification of
spiritual forms into matter being trapped by the aetheric prison of the soul and subsequently the
physical body which is the crystallized form of light that constitutes the densified forms of this world.

The rightwards swastika is and has always been the symbol of exotericism and religion as it is the
symbol of conformistic voluntary subordination before 'The One' and a self-castration, a willful
impotence and self-enervation of all vital forces which constitute one's being, like a rabid lamb placing
its head into the jaws of a hungry lion in the name of 'peace' and 'love', etc.

The rightwards swastika represents the death cult suicide creed of religiosity, of monotheism, and the
left-wards swastika represents the path towards life, not the fleeting vitalism of biological metabolism
with its finitude of heartbeats and breaths but rather the vitality of Eternity of the black sun, the
indiscernible nucleus of one's being safeguarded from the clutches of 'The One'.

The bigots of monotheism and variants on this cult, be they abrahamic or 'Eastern' or contemporary
New Age all ignore the necessity of the shadow side, blinded as they are by abstract concepts in the
former case and the false light of manifestation predominantly in the latter (naturalism; pantheism).

They cling to their shallow abstractions as simulacral life preserver's amidst the ocean of their created
worlds, emanating from their father God (or earth mother as the case may be) and allow the erosion
of their Spirit through living a life of soulish emotionalism juxtaposed by the rationalistic propensity of
the 'men of science' and of theology, the priests ancient; medieval and modern whose orientation
does not lead towards a transcendental status in relation to the Time-flow of the Demiurge but rather
engages in His dialectic of transient phenomenalism.

Thereby these dogmatists and unthinking irrationalists go the way of all flesh either through an
immersion in emotional states of consciousness or through an absurd speculation or involvement
within the cultural constructs of language and the external symbolism of scientism (quantitative
symbolism; the despotism of 'logical rigor' within artificially created systems of 'concepts', i.e. systems
of language, communicative media of cultural artifice).

Such is the fate of the right-wards swastika's adherents who, out of a reaction to politically charged
false association ('change of meaning') would reject all symbolism associated with that with which the
synarchy is associated. Their disposition and modus vivendi is nonetheless the same: a life of passive
contemplation and/or irrational-emotional states usually subordinated to maximizing pleasure and
minimizing pain.

The synarchy attempts to distort the meaning of the swastika and to associate the left-wards swastika
with 'evil' and the rightwards with 'good' within the 'good versus evil' dialectic of polarity of Jehovah.
Thereby they would shift the masses attention away from effective strategy against their despotism,
that of antagonism toward their Demiurge deity and their system which operates on the basis of the
'love-wisdom' of the christ, i.e. the deliberate enervation and the weakening of the pasu and asleep
virya the better to steal their Spirits' energy through their not having developed a sufficiently powerful
constitution to resist the current of disintegration of the Demiurge's Time-flow.

The mask of 'love-wisdom' of 'the christ' is simply a simulacrum of 'the good' and conduces to self-
harm and ultimately self-destruction through deliberate capacity and adherence to an ethic of
'weakness as virtue', the ethic of the 'agnes dei'. To render oneself impotent in the name of 'peace'
and 'love' is to allow one's own destruction.

This is a concealed ulterior motive of Chang Shambala and indeed their 'father' Jehovah-Satan, for to
weaken their prey enables their prey to be more easily absorbed through being less able to oppose
the forces which seek their destruction (within the world of vampires, within the spatio-temporal
transience of the Demiurge).

The sheep serve themselves up in blindness to the slaughter and allow themselves in pain and
suffering to be roasted on the spit of Jehovah. The goats, they who follow the left-hand path, the left-
wards swastika, or the rebels against 'The One', against the Demiurge and fight with all their might
and main against His destructive and merciless will which answers no prayers of the 'innocent' sheep.

Thus the world of matter is divided acutely into two categories: those of the goats who resist and
oppose the system both spiritually and materially and the sheep, they who subordinate themselves to
'The One' and allow their destruction, voluntarily abdicating their place in 'the world' in hopes of
obtaining an immortality they could never attain through their plaintive supplications and 'weeping;
wailing and gnashing of teeth'.

The swastika thus as a symbol regardless of its taboo nature, represents a voluntary choice (and even
to fail to choose is a voluntary act): a disjunctive choice of what may be called 'heaven or hell';
immortality or extinction, the leftwards path spiraling upwards toward heaven (Hyperborea) against
the current of the halitosis breath of Jehovah and the rightwards path spiraling down towards the
belly of the beast, the 'lake of fire' of the disintegration of the Spirit being immersed in the emotional
and animal nature of the soul as the pasu of primordial times.

The heroic path of their Berserker provides the standard towards the attainment of immortality-
through trial and test the Berserker warrior opposes the enemy in both physical and metaphysical
dimensions. He prevents this enemy's multifarious and multi-pronged assault in the maintenance of
the enemies system of slavery, the Demiurge's matrix of Metatron.

He obstructs the agents of the lie, for most of whom are 'the organic lie', the 'chosen people' of
synthetic engineering by the hypotheses of 'The One', the 'Yahweh collective'. He opposes their
ideologies; their distortions of Truth and their copious means of obfuscation.

The system of the 'Great Satan' Jehovah operates at multiple dimensions or worlds qabbalistically in
Malkuth (the earth plane of mundane systems of slavery and genocide) and the various spheres of the
seven heavens, the dimension or worlds of the planetary archons and higher aeons.

From the most base, mundane level to the most elevated realm the Virya, the Berserker, seeks to fight
to prevent the densification of the higher states from occurring and thereby trapping the Spirit and
the prison cells of the Demiurge called bodies and souls.

The Berserker fights for liberation of both his own Spirit, his True Self and that of others. He fights,
indeed, on behalf of all captives and against those would render them captive or maintain the captives
in their prison of the lower hells. Thereby he fulfills his duty voluntarily shouldered to assail the
system of the Demiurge and indeed the Demiurge himself as one potential immortal against another.

Chang Shambala

The hierarchy of the world order is governed, according to Nimrod de Rosario by 'Chang Shambala' the
overarching collective of worldly controllers, comprised of various demons and 'Masters' of wisdom
whose modus operandi is that of veneration of 'The One' (by whatever name: Brahma; Jehovah; Allah;
Yahweh, etc.); and the hypocritical usury and exploitation (the shearing) of the lower orders of their
hierarchy through multifarious means.

These 'Shepherd Kings', priests of the order of Melchizedek, put forth the false appearance of altruism
which is the mask of 'humanitarianism' and 'righteousness' behind which they conceal themselves the
more effectively to fleece their sheep and to shear them of their will, of the (potential) Golden fleece
they possess in a latent state and this via tithes; taxes; coerced wage slavery; war; revolution; Death;
hardship; austerity and "strife, endless strife", hence these priestly intermediaries are the executive
body on the earth plane, those who possess tangible humanoid form and to lord over the sheep in the
name of 'god' and 'love', etc.

The masters and demons of Chang Shambala are their overseers, they who supersede in temporal
power the judeo-masonic and religious priest caste and who give their executive orders according to
the evolutive process of 'the one', attempting to bring all of the subordinate hierarchy into alignment
with 'the one' and his hierarchy of minions, of demons and 'angels' in a system of reciprocal vampirism
where the stronger feed upon the weaker and yet pretend to give succour to their suffering (whose
suffering can be directly attributable to themselves the parasite overlords).

Though ostensibly and to all appearances (emphasis on the word 'appearance'), the purpose of the
hierarchy is beneficent it is in actuality the antithesis, malevolent and operates in a vampiric and
'service to self' manner. Under the mask of the smiling Shepherd Zadok, the Shepherd King is a wolf in
sheep's clothing predating on the naïve and gullible, absorbing into Himself and indirectly into Himself
via sacrifice to the hierarchy their energy, vital force or 'loosh'.

Each level of the hierarchy is governed by its own rules and presumably those rules established by
these entities (be they 'Masters'; E.Ts or other forms) antecedent to the formation of the lower level
or synergistically with its development.

Chang Shambala thus is a system or formation of temporal power masquerading as spiritual authority
and, insofar as it can be comprehended by 'human-all-too-human' cognition is a system of hypocrisy
structured behind multifarious blinds of simulacra, a system of the lunar light, the distorted archetypal
worlds of the creation of Jehovah.

According to sources such as 'ascension glossary' a jewish new age pulpit preaching against the
'Yahweh collective' the hierarchy (which is spoken of in other terms, indeed in inverted terms with
nordics and luciferians portrayed as this hierarchy itself and not antagonistic thereto which is a reality)
is identical to this collective and constitutes its highest echelons in the material plane of physical

The 'blackhole entities' of 'negative E.Ts' is presented as the mastermind collective of the hierarchy
who genetically engineered the ashkenazim (yet not the Sephardim? The presentation is ambiguous
and perhaps deliberately so). Reptilians from Alpha Draconis as well as various insectoids and mantis
aliens are adduced as the specific wirepullers of AI technology utilized to manipulate and condition
the collective hive mind, standardizing the populace and rendering them complicit slaves which can be
taken over in their functionality by the entities which can use them to avatar their physical forms
perhaps 'growing into the host' and displacing them, perhaps even absorbing their captive Spirits and
assimilating them into themselves.

The A.I technology utilized serves to damp down the consciousness of the mass to a lower state of
beast consciousness and eo ipso enables these entities to bind to their host and symbiotically usurped
them. The cyborgization of the masses is the goal with their fleshly vehicle serving as a transitional
form in which to operate while the technology of trans-humanism develops to an adequate extent
that they will ultimately be rendered a cybernetic husk of these infernal entities.

Trans-dimensional (reptilians?) are depicted in Clark Ashton Smith's and Robert E Howard's stories and
in various anime cartoons transnational reptilian's are depicted (eg. Space Adventure Cobra;
Dragonball Z; Fist of the North Star, etc.) as well as Susan B. Reed's book "The Body Snatchers".

Perhaps it is simply the mycoplasmic spore of 'The One' or His emanations which intertwines itself
symbiotically with the host (the human) and transmits it from within into a modified entity more in
resonance with and serving as a vehicle of the will of Jehovah? Perhaps both.

The 'venom of the Demiurge' can be observed in the movies of John Carpenter "The Prince of
Darkness"; "Season of The Witch" and the book "Monster Blood" of R.L Stein amongst probably
innumerable other examples.

'The chosen people' on the earth plane, the primary representatives of the forces of chaos and the
G.A.O.T.U (great imitator of the higher planes, Jehovah) serve the trans-humanist agenda which is
inherent in judaism itself and reflected in the example of the Golem of Rabbi Lowe of Prague which is
the construct of qabbalistic witchcraft the cabal seeks to superimpose on all and render mere 'meat
machines', automata serviceable to their ends and a commodity deprived of any autonomy both de re
and de jure (being stripped of all 'rights' and no longer fitting the description of a 'human being').

Chang Shambala is simply a hierarchy of vampires serving the cosmic vampire Yahweh from top to
bottom with the stronger forces subjugating and parasitizing off the weaker for the absorption of their

Loosh harvesting is thus their intention and the means to harvest their loosh is the creation of pain
and stress which induces the release of emanations of the vital force that is either directly consumed
by the entities on a local level (in proximity) and/or indirectly via the ley-line system, channeled
through myriad channels into star gates and transmitted to their base of operations on the Moon and
Saturn serving their selfish power.

Chang Shambala is alleged by Nimrod de Rosario to exist between the Earth and Sun and to be so
positioned in order to absorb the radiation of the sun and to prevent the liberation of the captive
Spirits from the matrix system. On the earth plane regions associated with Chang Shambala are the
Tibetan and Middle Eastern star gate's localized in the 'holy sites' of Mecca; Medina; Baghdad; Syria
(Tel Amarna) and in other regions of the globe (eg. Stonehenge; Lake Titicaca, Bolivia; Sarasota, Florida
and around Santiago, Chile).

Chang Shambala, also referred to as 'Dejung' by Rosario thus is a city located in nonphysical space
whose scope is so large as to obscure the earth from its reception of the solar radiations. The
presence of this enclave of the dark forces perhaps has increased (or decreased?) It's activity in the
recent decades especially since 2012 as can be inferred from the increasing brightness of the sun,
whose brightness has increased in proportion to the years perhaps indicating either an acceleration in
the counter forces against Shambala or a weakening and waning of these forces in their obscuration of
the earth.

The increasing weather modification is certainly a result if only in part of the influence of Dejung and,
given that the chaotic weather is unlikely to be desired by the cabal signaling the destruction of their
slave society prison planet, this may indicate the waning of their power. Perhaps this is the result of
the solar systems' traveling closer to the galactic center and the increasing vril emanations therefrom
(the black sun) melting the rings of Saturn and increasing the vibrations of the earth, accelerating its
Time-flow, heating up through a concomitant increase in solar system activity perhaps.

Perhaps, on the contrary, this is what Dejung wants and the breakup of the earth is intended to
swallow it into a different dimension by way of a worm-hole or black-hole into what some have called
the 'Wesedrak' system of the black-hole entities so that they may more effectively siphon off the life
force of the captive spirits of 'the earth mother'?

This the writer can't say, though he suspects the return of the Hyperboreans and indeed the return of
the National Socialists (wir kommen wieder) will play a role in sabotaging the system of Chang
Shambala and preventing their attainment of their goals of energetic harvesting.

The 'end times' are upon us, only the end for whom is the question. The hierarchy wishes to hijack the
cycles of Time as they affect the captive Spirits of the earthbound souls of this earth and to portray it
as 'His-storical' inevitablism as means of predictably programming the populace to subordinate
themselves to the 'chosen people' and by implication the Demiurge. The intentions of the cabal
however are not certain of realization as the Hyperboreans will interfere to override their
megalomaniacal intent. Truth is stronger than fiction and the current aeon will reveal the outcome in

Degeneration: Spiritual and Material

The hierarchy of the dark forces has the motivation of degeneration as regards the captive Spirits who
have been trapped on the earth plane in their flesh suits of densest matter. Their intent is to
disintegrate the Spirit; soul and body and thereby to absorb into themselves the bio-energy of these
'docile sheep', the asleep Viryas and pasus. The means are copious as to how this is done and are
deployed as their weapons of war throughout the life-cycle of their charges from antenatal state prior
to incarnation to their expiration as an embodied Spirit, to attempting to keep them cycling in the
wheel of karma to be again vampirized for their life force in each subsequent incarnation.

Degeneration thus is the key to the release of the integrated energies of the captive Spirits, existing
within the world as a mind (Spirit)-body-soul complex. Each of the dimensions of one's being
influences the other and they are reciprocally influential, what happens at one level often having an
affect at a higher level with only those Spirits who have become immersed in the soul and more
earthbound being unable to transcend the undertow of the disintegrative forces, unable to elevate
their Spirit above the degenerating influence. The principle of one's being is the spirit as it alone can
overcome the downward spiral of the synarchy's malevolent influences.

In terms of the Spirit thus, the only way it can be subject to degeneration is when it becomes attached
or rather immersed in (as an animate insect in Amber) the structure of the soul and by extension the
body, becoming 'earthbound', and when it's focus is not on the Origin of Hyperborea, of the higher
worlds but rather upon the kaleidoscopic and multi-sensorial impressions which impinge upon one
coming from without. Hence distraction via stimuli is the means through which the Spirit becomes
enchained, enticed by the excitation of the sensory manifold of the differentiated (dis) order of

Distraction is thus one of the main mechanisms of Shambala in its attempts to harvest the loosh
energy from the captive Spirits-to shift their center of concentration from their self towards that which
is other than self namely the 'differentiated manifold' and 'the Creation' of the Demiurge, failing to see
the forest (Being) for the sake of beings as Heidegger said.

Hence the protocol of the synarchy is to provide as much in the way of panem et circenses for their
serfs as possible with the concealed motive of detaching them from the Origin, Hyperborea.

The field of distraction that Shambala presents is that of appearances, of artificial simulacra which
exist as cultural objects possessed of meaning as participating within the larger cultural superstructure
designed by Shambala for this unexpressed purpose.

Hence the captive Spirit becomes snagged on the shining barbs of phenomena and is pulled down into
the abyss beginning his 'down-going', i.e his immersion in the lowest density, and the corrosive waters
of Samsara.

'As above, so below' the Spirit who has not oriented himself towards Hyperborea through ignorance
or through weakness of the will (attachment to matter) incontinence of decision-making;
inconsistency and wavering in the 'one pointed concentration of attention' that is will becoming no
longer 'pointed' but dispersed and thereby insufficiently powerful to overcome the countervailing
forces of the synarchy.

Hence degeneration starts, for the individual, from Spirit downwards and the true jihad (the greater
jihad) is that of the overcoming of one's phenomenal or animic self, being able to cast aside the
perishable and tangible element of his being, situated as he is in the nucleus of his being, detached
from the phenomenal world through the concentration of his forces within and performing his role as
best as he is able in spite of the myriad forces he is subject to on an ongoing basis: biochemical;
energetic; physical; informational; A.I technology, etc.

Spiritual degeneration is of his primary concern to the cabal and their focus (to the extent they are
able to reach it) targets the Spirit through what may be called 'spiritual debasement'. The archetypes
and egregores of religion and indeed of any cultural construct that represents the 'love-wisdom'
aspect of Jehovah, the christ aspect, serves to bind the Spirit to the soul via emotionalization;
rendering the Spirit distracted and oriented towards the Manu Archetype (jesus; christ; Krishna; Imam
Mahdi, etc.) and away from Hyperborea rendering the Spirit increasingly immersed in the emotional
nature, severing its ties to its proper locus in Eternity and thus substituting the focal points of its one-
pointed concentration of attention from the realm of Eternity to that of the transience of 'love', the
emotional nature (the soul or animic principle) which eo ipso renders the asleep virya a somnolent
zombie with a bestialized consciousness.

The archetypes of 'love' and 'peace' pervade the judaized culture and constitute the theme or motif
repeated ad nausea in its saccharine irrationalism: from the religious programs of veneration and
'worship' of 'The One' to the mass media and political policies of the state-all are oriented around the
feelings at least as they affect the mass mind.

The synarchy itself understands quite well that its pageantry is nothing but a hypocritical pretense of
'love' and that is true motivation is to feed off the energy released by its slaves who must toil without
cease for 'The One', 'earning their bread through the sweat of their brow' and as the only alternative,
praying before 'The One' as yet another means of conditioning their consciousness to interiorize the
'love-wisdom' archetype of the Manu (jesus; Krishna; Imam Mahdi, etc.), the external Savior
hypostasis ('son') of the Demiurge, the 'absent God who is coming' who they may worship and bow
before with 'fervent prayer' in hopes of alleviating their sufferings.

Beyond this religious and media programming or inculcation of this archetype, the entire mental state
lacks any other dimension as all participation within the culture trends towards this state of mind and
even attempting to physically remove oneself from the crowd one is still immersed in the collective
consciousness whose influence (proportional to numbers and determined by the sum total of diverse
influences) structures one's mind and drags it downwards towards the state of the bestialization of the
pasu, towards the level of a tribal savage immersed in the hive mind of the collective and its average

The only path to march away from this state is towards the Origin and this means a confrontation of
'the secret of maya', of the 'great deception' of the Demiurge, pulling aside the veil of appearances
and discovering the Truth regarding the flux of the differentiated manifold of phenomena, that being a
world of fleeting appearances, of degeneration and corruption and its deviation from the realm of
Eternity attainable only through detachment from this vortex of chaos.

Those who fail to perceive the nature of this chaos and attempt to cling to this transience of
appearance find out the hard way if at all that they have sought eternity in the moment (or rather
moments) and thus have lost their way towards the Truth. They follow the path of degeneration
getting hung up on sensation and affect, becoming 'soulish' and an earthbound soul focusing their
gaze on perishable matter and away from Hyperborea.

The motive of the synarchy is to drag down to the greatest depths the fallen virya and this is affected
over time and intensity of fixation on the transience of appearance. Hence the endless distractions
which are put forth to shift the focus from the symbol of the Origin, namely the left-wards turning
swastika, sign of the re-turn and the war everlasting, against Time, against the Demiurge and His will
to destroy.

It is thus the willful hero who alone can triumph against the death forces through adhering to the
principle of strategic opposition in his conduct and the principle of a fundamental hostility towards the
world and all of its transient perishable entities. The zombified captive Spirit follows its path to
perdition going the way of all flesh fixated in his blindness on the perpetual flow of the river of


Strategic confusion is the modus operandi of the synarchy in its violation of the ontic autonomy of the
captive Spirits. The cabal seeks to confuse the mass as means of shifting its focus of attention away
from its potentiality to be and towards its inauthentic condition, lower state of the pasu or beast-man.

The spiritual realm is distorted through the cultural lands of the culture disorders and made into a
dimension wholly related to the soul animic principle of the being (the incarnate Spirit chained to the
soul-body complex).

This change of level is a reductio as inexistentia of the Spirit through binding it to the soul which latter
is an extension of the Demiurge. Hence through this means the Spirits are rendered captive within the
iron maiden of the soul and they are rendered an assimilated product of the digestion of Jehovah,
becoming phagocitized in the belly of the beast.

Those who would seek their Origin in Hyperborea and re-turn thereto are specially targeted by the
synarchy for destruction as, not only are they the incarnate Hyperboreans but they are the greatest
receptacle of bioenergy-the strongest and most powerful being the aryan as the synarchic occultist
Alister Crowley wrote of in "Magic Without Tears".

Hence the intention of the cabal is to hijack the hero on his quest for the Grail and to shift his focus
and direction along paths that lead away from the Origin and towards their simulacral realms of
illusion, those they have designed from the beginning as means of entrapping the Spirit in a soulish
tellurism and lunar pseudo-spirituality either the pathos of mainstream religiosity in its myriad guises
or the white magic of the higher New Age cultus or its dark side equivalent, both serving the
Demiurge in his evolutionary scheme, binding the Spirits to him by the chain of the soul which latter
partakes of His substance.

Thereby the animic principle comes to supersede the spiritual and the lost Virya (the lost ego) is
dragged in the direction of the lower states of consciousness, that of the pasu beast-man and his
gradual disintegration in the acid pool of the lacrimosity of 'the Manu', in the case of the exotericist
and in that of the synarchic initiate, the fusion of his Spirit in the soul as it attains 'perfection' via the
rites of the initiation of the G.A.O.T.U

Hence all paths available in the mainstream lead towards serving 'The One' the creator of matter
Jehovah-Satan and are the paths of destruction the end of which is not a pot of philosophical goal
along the Bifrost bridge of ascension but rather winding up in the stewpot of the cosmic cannibal, the
'Great Satan' (Yahweh; Brahma; Jehovah; Allah, etc.).

The path towards liberation is not that of the gradualistic hierarchy compartmentalized and accessible
through grades of initiation but rather that of the 'fundamental attunement towards being' as
Heidegger styled it and a comportment thereto beyond the immediacy of the 'indeterminate
immediate' in Hegel's words and indeed beyond the to all appearances fixity of the entities within this

The orientation towards Hyperborea, beyond the limitations of space and time, leads towards the
Origin through a transcendence of the material mire of quicksand which perpetually sucks at the shins
of the other hero along his quest. Looking beyond the immediacy of the moment and towards the
Origin he may oppose the grasp of the cosmic vampire.

Reducing all phenomena to an emotional state and rendering all things purely an emotional matter is
the purpose of the synarchy creating this confusion between the spiritual path and adhering to this
state and falling into the contingent and mutable. Hence the lunar pseudo-spirituality of the Satanic
synarchy which bases its praxis on the ec-stasis of Dionysian revel and fleeting states of emotional

The judaic nature of the cabal is that of design, the 'chosen people' of the Demiurge serving their role
as models of 'ethical behavior' and conduct leading towards a fusion with 'The One', a suicidal fatalism
leading to self-destruction under the guise of 'perfection' and a pseudo-immortality bound up with
the cycles of Time of the will of Jehovah-Satan.

The perverse rites of the cabal are typically oriented towards a ghoulish malevolence towards aryans
especially and towards females to a greater extent than males and especially towards children. This
synarchy of black magicians immerses itself in cthonic-tellurian rites of Dionysian ec-stasis in hopes of
subjecting themselves to horrors in order to consider themselves as 'transcendent' through being
unaffected by these atrocities yet, more often than not, becoming sunken in the swamp of their
depravity acquiring if they had not previously had them, homo and other sex addictions (Crowley
himself being a prime example); possessed by entities and merged into the hive mind of 'The One' and
His subordinate hierarchies and forms (e.g. Metatron) addicted to drugs and other perversions which
their fragmented souls (and presumably Spirits in the case of the aryan and other types who possess
such) gravitate towards.

They are in most cases subject to the chain of desire through immersion in these lunar-semitic rites
owing to the intensity of their emotional affect and the inherent emotionalism (born of the nature of
the rites) and of the semitic soul from which they derive.

From vampirism and cannibalism to human sacrifice and torture to multifarious forms of sex
perversion and drug taking the synarchic initiate sets himself up for possession and the supplantation
of his soul with that of entities who take possession of his spirit to feed upon its energy, which is the
ultimate end goal of the synarchy, mainly personal empowerment at the expense of others.

The confusion of Spirit and soul under the influence of the black magicians is thus their main form of
deceit and, at a microcosmal level, part of the 'great deception' of the Demiurge, the shifting of level
towards the telluric and away from the celestial.

Immersion in the sick pathos and morbidity of the semite leads to the preponderating influence of the
soul rendering one a 'spiritual jew' and subordinating his higher principle of being to the soul,
reducing himself like the jew, to a swamp creature who can only view the world from 'frog
perspective' and not that of the Eagle soaring in the Heights.

Any reading of the lunar-semitic garbage that masquerades as spiritualism (masonic and related
literature) serves as a testament to the emotional tenor of the mind of these swamp creatures and
their propensity for ghoulish rites, all exciting the lower states of consciousness, the delight in
dishonorable behavior: mendacity, violence against others of the most primitive kind.

From top to bottom the cabal of the Demiurge operates on the basis of a crude 'will-to-power' and
condemns itself as mere 'occultism' or witchcraft of the lowest stamp even as it sings praises to the
'god of israel' and his 'angelic hierarchies' and 'chosen people'. The keen observer can easily perceive
the falsehood of all those affiliated with the synarchy be they christian; freemason or jew-the low and
devious cunning they manifest and their dishonorable nature. Hence 'strategic confusion' is the modus
operandi of the cabal and manifests itself in countless ways beyond the shifting of level and focus on
emotionalism as above outlined.

One other tactic of theirs is the 'assimilation method' through which the organic culture of the 'other'
(the autonomous cultural group) is assimilated into and aligned with the cabal's form of culture
namely 'universalism', a syncretic negation of all difference through gradualistic praxis, a slow process
of destruction of the culture of the other through supplanting its authentic elements with the
inauthentic and artificial elements of the synarchy, those which are designed according to the 'Manu
archetype' of the 'love-wisdom' aspect of the Demiurge and cohere with the Divine Will. The
assimilation tactic is the means through which the synarchy neutralizes its opposition under the guise
of a 'common bond' existing between groups which have no common bond.

This strategic confusion tactic (also what might be called 'false Association' and 'change of meaning') is
thus designed to serve as a mask for the purpose of infiltration of the foreign culture, to bind
themselves to it and hijack it for their own purposes under the cover of 'mutual aid', etc.

Confusion as regards the means of obstructing access of the Origin (which was present in the
primordial wisdom of Hyperborea and still extent in many organic cultures stocks who were the
inheritors of the Grail) became perversely twisted by the 'Yahweh collective' of negative E.T's and the
'chosen people' through the importation of foreign and artificial sources, e.g. the Bible; Quran and
other 'sacred texts' which were imposed upon the population in most cases leading the subdued
population towards their enslavement to the synarchy and by extension to the Demiurge.

Strategic confusion thus is the modus operandi of Chang Shamballah and the dark forces and their
devious and guileful tactics are not readily apparent save to the wise. For this reason the wise are the
greatest threat to their tyranny and most significant target to destroy, using all manner of cunning;
neutralization tactics and mass sacrifice (eg. Cathars) to decapitate the bearers of the Hyperboreans
Wisdom and the blood of the Grail.


The Will of the Demiurge, the creation, the manifestation of the monads and archetypes (the latter
meant in the psychoidal sense as expounded by Nimrod de Rosario in his work "Fundamentals of the
Hyperboreans Wisdom")-this process, in actuality uniform, is what may be considered occurring 'in
time' or temporality and 'the will' being Time itself, or 'Time-flow'.

The outgoing breath of Brahma is this exhalation of the halitosis Ruach Elohim of Jehovah-Satan the
flow of increasing density which drags down all of the higher forms into the penitentiary of matter as
'substance', the crystallization of the light into ever decreasing states of Time-flow, a gradual and
inexorable deceleration over the yugas and (maha) manvantara.

Thus Time-flow is an ever increasing state of gravity perhaps it may be expressed as, an increase of
density of substance rendering the higher beings captive in the substantial shells of the aether which
form around them and which serve as their prison leading to their finitude and ultimate destruction
being absorbed into the Demiurge as food digested in His ubiquitous cosmic digestive tract,
assimilated into His Being.

Time-flow is the existential mode of the Demiurge which may also be equated with 'becoming' whose
trajectory from the transcendent celestial spheres is immanence and the crystallization of forms of
higher states of subtlety into lower and the deceleration of their microcosmal Time-flow.

This is the influence of Jehovah-Satan which may be called 'being-unto-death' as the existential
modality of entities subject to his temporalization (Time-flow) and what Kierkegaard called "the
sickness unto death". Trapped within time, within the lower density of the Demiurge's essence the
captive souls and other entities are subject to the entropy of their being, becoming evermore
absorbed and bound to 'The One' through failure to exceed the lower states of being that are a result
of the influence of Jehovah.

This applies especially to the 'pasu' or beast-man whose state of being exist in resonance with nature,
the creation of 'The One' and to more readily fuse with nature and by extension the Demiurge though
not only a sympathetic resonance but through a failure to have accelerated their state of being, the
vortextual spin of the nucleus of their being, failing to transform themselves into a black hole and to
escape the prison of the Demiurge.

The synarchy who administers affairs on earth 'as in heaven', as below so above, endeavors to reduce
all to a state of lowest density of Time-flow so that they may be more effectively bound to the
matricized prison of this world. Dragged down into the abyss through the influence of myriad causes
which debase and degenerate their being, they become a 'docile body' or captive pawn more easily
ensnared in the clutches of the cosmic vampire and his hierarchy.

Through the creation of technology; processes; institutions and intangible systems of coercion the
synarchy reduces the state of being of their cattle to that of bovine animals subject to the
electroshock of cattle prods should they step the slightest bit out of line. The technology of A.I which
works synergistically with the spy grid (cameras; satellites-the panopticon of Zion pervading the earth)
enables the synarchy to better subject the captive spirits to their micromanagement and
standardization, classically conditioning their slaves to conform to the 'concensus gentium' ('
gynecocratic norm' rather as the state is more akin to big sister than big brother).

Perpetual spying both through the technology and by the zombie agents and their overlords enables
the total control of the lower aspects of the captive Spirits and purports to drag into the abyss (the
maw of the Demiurge) the Spirits as well.

The matrix of Zion is built upon the will of 'God', a.k.a. Jehovah-Satan and this 'Will' is the
temporalization of the Eternal planes (which are not at their level of being affected by which are
rendered increasingly inaccessible as 'time marches on' its inexorable path towards finitude and

This system is the administrator of His will and thus is based upon factors of entropy (processes;
institutions, tangible and intangible systems conducive to the deceleration of Time-flow or the
increase of entropy within the closed system of Demiurgic Time-flow, the cosmic egg).

The processes of deceleration span the entire spectrum of worldly life and are established to keep the
Spirits within their soul-body cells and within the larger aetheric prison. The creation of fear; pain;
anger; lust and other emotional (by definition 'soulish') states through the system can be seen in the
economic system (wage slavery; the worst work; the 'demonic nature of the economy' in Evola's
words; usury and debt; poverty and the subsistence wage; dependency on employment as conditio
sine qua non of existence else homelessness; starvation; deprivation of basic needs, etc.).

The political system (the endless warmongering and uncertainty of trustworthiness of politicians
within the democratic 'hypo-cratia' shell game dialectic of 'right' versus 'left' divide and conquer
strategy; the illusion of power vested in, by and for 'the people'; the treason of political whores in
replacing their own populations with more easily exploitable slaves);

Religio-ideological system (the pain and suffering resulting from the mental confusion of the priest
caste parasites, the implementers of the 'strategic confusion' of the cabal which has and continues to
distort and pervert Truth to suit its personal ends);

The 'medical' system (which is an inversion of health causing untold misery and hardship to the
population)-as with everything related to the system of the Demiurge it is a violation of the Uncreated
Spirit and of the captive Spirits trapped on the earth plane.

The system is inherently violent as it is a violation by definition of Eternity and Truth (at least to the
extent it can affect that just got itself) and serves to keep the captive Spirits rolling around in the
wheel of incarnation through subjecting them to its time-flow 'temporalization' or slowing down or
their vital forces, crystallizing in matter their Spirit and facilitating its vampirization by Jehovah-Satan.

What purports to be 'spiritual' on the earth is itself an inverted system designed to decelerate the
vitality of the captive Spirits, binding them to the soul through emotional attachment and disengaging
them from the higher principles of their being, the 'Selbst' or True Self; the Spirit, 'gravis archetype' in
the words of Nimrod de Rosario.

The plaintive cries of the crucified semite Rabbi Yeshua do not echo in Eternity but rather within the
spatiotemporal prison of the Demiurge and serve as sonic weapons to bind the captive Spirits to their
soul, the iron maiden prison of aetheric density which serves to drag them into the abyss.

jesus the Satan spawn, plasmation of Jehovah-Satan, the avatar-Manu emanation of 'The One'
intervening on the earth to perpetuate His slave prison with the pathos and irrationalism of His sons'
siren call of the 'gospel' (god-spell).

The masses must 'be-li[v]e'; 'be-lie-ve' else hellfire and brimstone are threatening to tear down the
'lost sheep' of the Shepherd Kings. The entire pageantry and pathos of religiosity as institution centers
around deceit and the image of the siren beguiling Ulysses is appropriate though not in the form of a
lustful maiden but rather the 'temptation of the christ' of the false Paracletos and Parousia of his 'love-
wisdom' emanations, serving to conjure up a soulish state of slavery and in proportion to decelerate
the higher state of acceleration of the Spirit, rendering the cold stone of the immortal heated with the
'passion of the christ', the ultimate instance of 'the great deception' of Jehovah-Satan and His chosen
people of Malkuth.

Acceleration of 'Time flow' is what the synarchy seeks to oppose as their motive is to maintain the
captivity of the souls within their soul-body prisons and the acceleration of 'Time-flow', the counter-
current against the transcendent Time of the Will of Jehovah-Satan, is the key to break out of the

The immanent Time of the microcosm of the entity called 'human' is a contingent thing of promise, a
lucky chance full of meaning, the wound window through which an escape may be had from this state
of lower density. Immanent Time is a condition of the being (dasein) and dasein is subject to the will
of the Demiurge or independent (relatively autonomous) in relation thereto depending on the
particular type in question: the awakened Virya (hero); the asleep Virya; the traitor and the pasu
beast-man. Each type is subject to Time-flow in a different way through their own willfulness or laxity
of will depending on the state of the being in question. They both determine themselves and are
determined in turn by the influence of the will of Jehovah-Satan.

The dasein or being (entity; entelechy) in his condition thus may be against Time (the awakened the
virya; Berserker Siddha or Hyperboreans Pontiff) which entails a recognition of the enemy namely 'the
world' of the creation and 'The One' as an antagonistic influence. This recognition is one of aversion or
an unsettled state of consciousness, a recognition of the negative influence of 'the world' and 'The
One' and a sense of 'homelessness' in the sense of Novalis, a sense of displacement or alienation from
one's authentic being while 'being in the world'.

Should the awakened Virya find adequate means (noological) to orient themselves towards the
symbol of the Origin they may then transmute themselves to a yet higher condition, to a state of
readiness to act and this against the foe as a 'fundamental hostility' towards the world and the creator
of matter with all of its entailment of perishable and transient entities, their pain and suffering,
generation and corruption.

Thereby the awakened Virya transmutes himself into a Berserker siddha, a 'warrior monk' who actively
engages in the 'Valplads' (battlefield) of the mundane plane and within the higher realms of the
emiurge (the astral) in a 'war everlasting' against the enemy and His horde (who would trap the
captive Spirits in his plasmated substance and vampirize their life force).

The dasein of the asleep Virya is not subject to the same acceleration of vital forces as a Berserker and
indeed even the awakened Virya who himself has not attained the Berserker fury of hostility of the
transcendental state of the Berserker Siddha. The asleep Virya is in a state of passive inertia simply
'going with the flow' of the Demiurge and thereby 'going the way of all flesh', allowing the
phagocitization of his Spirit by Jehovah-Satan.

The lack of willpower that accelerates Time-flow is the cause of the 'down-going' of the asleep Virya.
Hence in order for him to wake up he must increase his willpower as means of increasing will-to-
power and this in order to intuitively apperceive that his nature is 'not of this world', not 'fused to
nature' or the natural order and thereby that he is 'a stranger in a strange land' and that he must
therefore seek a way out and this through the 'triumph of the Will', through an acceleration of his
imminent time of the condition of his microcosmal nature within the prison of this world. This
motivation implies struggle as his life entails combat- 'All life is struggle' as Adolf Hitler said.

Lastly the pasu or beast-man trapped in Time as a condition which cannot transcend the Time-flow of
the Demiurge and therefore is a being of a fatalistic constitution, one wholly determined from without
as having no self-determination from within and therefore a 'docile body'.

Assuming the beast-man has a Spirit at all his Spirit is locked within the iron maiden of the Demiurge
and constitutes the receptacle of bio-energy upon which the Demiurge feeds as a battery with a finite
lifespan they did for destruction. Such is the state of they who have found themselves with 'fervent
prayers' and inextricably to 'The One' by way of religious fanaticism, putting themselves into an
emotional state as a habitual condition disengaged from the nucleus of their being, their perceptions
and trajectory of thought focused on that outside of themselves.

Lastly the traitor Siddha, the synarchic initiate who has pursued what he believes to be 'gnosis' within
the system of the hierarchy, their 'orders' (crucibles of chaos, the forces destructive of the Spirit) or
rather the orders which implement the order of the Demiurge-these he entangles himself within in
hopes he may gain power for himself-whether for the sincere or self deceiving motive of helping
humanity, etc. or any other motive he has subjected himself to Time even as he believes he has
transcended Time when he is simply fused with 'The One' in samadhi and lost the autonomy of his

Through the rites and rituals he undergoes he binds himself with entities which are hypostases of 'The
One' and becomes consumed by them, taken over or usurped as a soul-body complex and enables the
entity to bind to him thereby possessing him and rendering him a 'cambion', a zombie.

The synarchic initiatic process is designed to create sympathetic resonance with 'The One' and
structure the consciousness of the traitor Siddha to operate on the same wavelength as a hierarchy
thereby negating his autonomy, assimilating him within the hive mind and subjecting him (the Selbst)
to phagocitization (vampirization; cannibalism).

The traitor Siddha thus betrays himself in the end and this is the inevitable outcome of his treason,
namely the betrayal of himself through sacrificing his own Spirit (Selbst) to 'The One' and enabling his
own down-going. At least the pasu has an excuse but the traitor as much less of one though he too
may be deceived by the culture distortors and perhaps this is the usual case.

The synarchy has distorted and twisted unrecognizably out of shape the Hyperborean wisdom which it
fears as the greatest threat to its power and thus to discover the path of Truth, of the Uncreated Light
within the mutable raise in a false light is difficult at best under the current conditions of lowest
density of the Kali Yuga.

The path towards the Origin (Truth; Eternity) can be found only through an acceleration of one's own
inner forces to the point of the state of being bracketed off from the transience of the world' creating
a space in which to situate oneself with the Virgin of Agartha as Odin on air throne (Hlidskjalf), viewing
the world with transcendental apperception, even as he embarks upon campaign in the Valplads as a
Berserker Siddha. The loyal Virya transmuted into a Berserker Siddha alone can occupy the summit in
Asgard even as he opposes the down going of the captive Spirits.


The story of the Demiurge has existed amongst various people groups for millennia from Enlil in
Babylon and the Aton of Egypt, to the story of Brahma in the Indian subcontinent in more recent times
and within the Piscean age the story of perhaps greatest blood; murder and sadism that of Jehovah
the God of Israel.

The stories of the Demiurge all have their 'sacred texts' and rites and all have entailed and to this day
entail a sacrifice not only of animals but of 'humans', those 'the chosen' would deem 'animals in
human skin'.

The monotheistic Demiurge demands sacrifice and is the god which 'the chosen' bow before, the
Entity that feeds on the fumes of blood and pain as it is related in the Old Testament or 'Torah' of
jewry: "Hebrews 9:22: And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding
of blood is no remission". This and other passages in the semitic witchcraft book.

This explains why, under the Jewish yoke of Demiurgic despotism their history is one soaked in the
blood of others and minimally in their own, the 'chosen people' of the priest caste reserving for
themselves the blood of the innocent and the lions' portion for their 'god' who is Judah in his material
aspect, i.e. Jehovah-Malkuth the 10th sephiroth of the manifestation of their 'god' in the form of the
tribe of judah and the israelites.

The story of this 'god' in manifesting himself on the earth and his relationship with 'the chosen people'
is encoded in the Torah which at a later Time (a subsequent 'dispensation') contained the addition of
the New Testament of the Rabbi Yahshua Hamashiach who was it emanation of Jehovah-Satan.

The story book was apparently formulated in Anatolia in the Byzantine Eastern Roman Empire under
the supervision of extraterrestrials with Emperor Constantine and other tribe members who
constructed the book from a patchwork of texts of Near Eastern derivation that were largely borrowed
from other semites (cf. "The Great Jewish Masque: The Ass in The Lion's Skin") and christianity
combined based upon the decisions of the Council of Nicea members, presumably a semitic oligarchy
which engineered the work to standardize the hive mind of their charges, keeping them in fear and
trembling and ignorance as mechanisms of control.

The dogma of 'the church' became synonymous with christianity in the hive mind of the majority and
all else 'Other' to itself was deemed 'heretical' and subject to extreme persecution and violence in the
name of 'the faith' which was the excuse this synarchic oligarchy and their extraterrestrial masters
required in order to justify their imperialism in the name of 'evangelism', conversion of 'the heathen'.

The history (His-story) of the Piscean age has been one largely of antagonism between the institution
and everything 'Other' to itself. It was only through the fragmentation of its power through
protestantism that this institution loosened its grip on power and was in many regions of the earth
muscled out of the action for monopoly on all things spiritual. Hence protestantism and the
embodiment of a higher conception in Germans like Eckardt and even Luther enabled the aryan race
to push back against this institution. This viewed through 'western eyes'.

In the East competitors for power like Tamerlane and Genghis Khan made incursions into what have
unfortunately become labeled as 'Christendom', namely the Aryan race and had nearly decimated the
Europeans but for their greater counter-force.

The His-story of the Demiurge manifested itself meanwhile in the East under the form of a priest caste
of Buddhism with its further dogma and rules which subordinated the populace to an oriental form of
christian pacifism, an enervating doctrine of 'weakness as virtue', that 'the world', far from being a
battleground as in the case of the primordial gnosis, was instead 'mere suffering' and something to be
endured with a passive escapism, though in the case of Buddhism in its initial form it harbored
elements of aristocratic asceticism and thus had its redeemable traits largely redirected by the priest
caste and their higher echelons of Chang Shambala.

The major religions, all of which have been formulated during the Kali Yuga (including Zoroastrianism)
and especially during the Piscean age (the age of the lachrymose tears of the lambs of god) have
provided a template for violence that has served the purpose of sabotaging all traditional cultures and
most historical races undergone by 'the chosen people' in the name of the 'love of god', a fanatical
desire to tear down and destroy that which stands above them and projecting their 'god' as 'that-than-
which nothing-can-exist' and thereby implying superiority by proxy or derivation from this entity.

That this entity is by no means the Absolute Supreme Being but is instead an inferior deity implies the
Truth that jewry are themselves inferior to they who derived from the Uncreated Realm of
Hyperborea, namely the aryan race and those hybrid stocks who received the transmission of the
Spirit from they who came above and who are thereby endowed with the Spirit and who are
potentially immortal.

These are by far the superiors of 'the chosen people' who are merely the enforcers upon the earth of
the despotism of the Demiurge and His 'great deception', they who are presumably a genetic
construct of the 'Yahweh collective' of extraterrestrials and to partake of the hive mind according to
their hybridized genetic blueprint, merged into the hive mind of this collective and their Demiurge

The religions are thus mind programs and mechanisms for keeping the slaves in a lower state of
density, earthbound Spirits which are to an ever-increasing degree used with 'The One' in samadhi
meaning absorbed into the maw of the Cosmic Vampire, reaver of souls.

The current conjuncture of this world is a state of precarious transition towards either world of light
and life under the benevolent aryans (those of the malevolent caste being eliminated in the struggle)
or a devastated world of darkness and slavery under the 'chosen people' and their violent passive-
aggression they call 'love' or 'loving-kindness', a world of complete falsehood; deceit and debasement
of the higher type into a transhumanized waste product of 'sub-humanity'.

Hence it is a battle between Lucifer and the Hyperborean gods and the Demiurge and his slave
minions; Agartha versus Shambala and victory for all not of the synarchy or defeat for Truth and
justice on the earth plane.

Simulacral Image

The synarchy makes use of the technique of their 'father' god in order to facilitate their enchainment
to the material world. This strategy of confusion which they employ entails the usage of appearances
in order to confuse the perception of the captive Spirit, utilizing the subtle tactics of deception to
beguile and deceive, to rivet the consciousness of the Spirit on the external material world, making
them a 'reverted spirit' whose directional focus is without and not within.

This is the synarchy's goal: to cause this reversion of the nature of dasein from the Origin towards the
state of 'being-in-the-world' or being amidst the entities, buried in the rubble of the material world.

Should they manage to achieve their purpose the consequences are for them beneficial and in a two-
fold form:

1) Binding the Spirits more tightly to the soul whose impressions facilitate the reversion process and
lead towards a total immersion within this subtle prison of a fair and

2) The conference of thought energy upon the entities amidst which the captive Spirit dwells and
shifts its focus towards thereby accomplishing the telos of the Demiurge for the Spirits' place in the
world of matter, that being accomplishment of the supra finality of the entities bringing them towards
their final condition (entelechy) being transformed in their being into an object of meaning for the
captive Spirit reflexively empowering with the Spirits' thought-energy the entities, conferring upon or
transmitting to them the Spirit's vril.

Thus the vampiric telos of the Demiurge is fulfilled as regards the entities of His Creation (organic life)
and the entities which are part of the cultural superstructure (inorganic; artificially created objects)
which are thereby endowed with the 'mentoid energy' of the Spirit.

Hence it is the strategy of confusion of the synarchy to deploy as weapons of war, appearances or
images which serve as distractions of the gaze of the captive Spirit initiating the above causal process
of reversion, away from the Origin and towards the world of entities with which it becomes engaged.
Hence all sights; sounds and tactile sensations (cultural sensualism or the culture of aesthetic affect)
are used and disseminated as widely and continually as possible to maximize the probability of their
effectiveness in shifting the consciousness of the captive Spirit in its earthly embodiment and in daily
life such that with every movement made or directional focus of attention the captive Spirit is
bombarded with the pervasive assault on his sensory faculty thereby dirempting himself from the
Selbst (Spirit; the 'I') and towards the 'not-I' or that which is external to itself.

Images are especially effective in beguiling the consciousness towards them as seductive objects held
up before consciousness which serve to destabilize the equilibrium of the mind. The immediate
impingement of the object upon consciousness through the visual senses has a more affecting nature
given the dependence of the human on sight as means of navigating this world and the habituation of
the 'modern man' of the Kali Yuga, of the 'Wolf age' to a reliance on the senses which are designed for
apprehension of external objects and then mediation of the given, the 'modern man' being dirempted
from the classical world of embodiment and more in a state of separation from the 'with-world', the
visual senses constituting an effective means the synarchy deploys to reel him back into that world
and especially their world of distorted simulacra serving to amplify the confusion as the modern man
acts on the basis of simulacra appearances which have no bearing on the ontic record (the beings of
the Demiurge) but shift his focus to the artificial and false simulacra thereby serving to disempower
visibility to re-turn to the Origin, lost as he is in the world of false appearances.

The apparatus of the system is designed for the purpose of seduction, to beguile or seduce the captive
Spirit and to draw them into the systems conditioning: television; computers-any form of screen
displaying a static or dynamic image or imagery can be experienced and encountered at most times of
day which is why these technologies are made as cheaply and widely available as possible so that the
low average and below in the socio-economic spectrum can plug themselves into 'les systems des
objects', to facilitate their phenomenological reduction to a zombie, the vacuous being who has the
least capacity for agency in relation to the entities which pervade their 'hodological space' save as a
reactive minded Pinocchio on the synarchy's strings (and indeed on those of the Demiurge which are
simply extended through his earthly representatives in the synarchy). Thus bound to the entities as a
reflection-reflecting, endowing them with meaning as meaning-objects-for-consciousness (fur sich)
the evolutive process being facilitated thereby.

Hence objects in the form of images which need have no correspondence to any tangible or actual
reality serve the purpose of 'reversion' of the consciousness towards externals, snaring the senses
with their seductive nature and taking away from the Origin. The more sights; sounds and other forms
of simulacra are disseminated by the generative principle and his agents on the mundane plane the
more the consciousness is directed towards them and the downward spiral of ill consequence is
initiated. just as with any drug user it does increases over Time in order to have the same affect and
the more one partakes of the dose of sensa the more debased his consciousness becomes to the point
of zombification.

The habit-forming nature of observing images and subjecting oneself to the sights and sounds of 'the
world' especially those sacred ties products of the cabal leads towards this downwards spiral and its
binding to 'the world', the prison of the Spirit, become ever tighter around itself choking out the
respiration of its spiritual breath and replacing the pure atmosphere of Asgard with that of Helheim.

As in all things related to the synarchy they are false appearances and lead directly downwards-the
apparent good being a trap in which the curious Spirit, responding to the impress of the animic
agitation, becomes ever more dirempted from its proper place. Hence the wise will issue the
simulacral 'benefits' of those immediately affecting appearances and will cast their gaze upwards
towards the Olympian heights and away from the kaleidoscopic welter of appearance which beguile
the asleep Virya and indeed which are designed to be the aesthetic germs of 'the sickness unto death',
leading to the inextricable capture of the Uncreated Spirit and its phagocitization by the Demiurge and
its loss of any potential immortality.


The so-called 'races' or sub-types of what has come to be referred to by the synarchy as 'humanity'
(hue-manity, man with 'hue' or light, perhaps even 'color'), are arguably different species or have
origins deriving from diverse species and not necessarily those of a terrestrial kind. The writer has
often speculated that the diverse groups sourced from extraterrestrial species and this owing to both
their vast differences in both behavior and appearance. Indeed the correspondence of the earth plane
of the contemporary 'races' (or species?) and these alien species alleged to exist entail distinct
parallels that lead one to conjecture and to conclude that either:

1) These E.T species are mere invention, the product of delusive minds given to flights of fancy
(fantasy) and thus are foolish notions or

2) That such a connection is valid and a causal condition of the current species/races and this by
different E.T species at different or similar times and through genetic engineering with the proto-
anthropoids (e.g. Cro-Magnon; Neanderthal,).

Given that many different sightings of E.T's, of different species have been consistently made globally,
at different times throughout the historical record and have been recorded or reported in different
forms both aesthetic (bas reliefs; cave paintings; wall paintings; illustrations on parchments, etc.) and
textual (encoded in sacred texts as 'alien invasions', e.g. Enuma Elish; the Nordic Edda;
Nibelungenlied; Bhagavad-Gita, etc.); given this weight of evidence it is fair to conclude that such
beings likely exist and that they are originators of particular primordial cultural/'special' strains of
hominids, creating hybrid species which, over millennia in different global regions, mixed and mingled
and formed the current 'races' of 'humanity'.

Hence it is unfair to speak of there being any 'common origin' of 'humanity' or indeed of there being
any 'humanity' at all as this term is simply a universalist abstraction and constitutes the principal or
basis of a 'hegemonic discourse' which serves the world order synarchy and its genocidal
miscegenation protocol of racial/'special' hybridization (eg. the Kalergi plan).

The following will serve as a rough analysis of the exo-anthropological origins of the diversity which
has become known as 'humanity'.

Firstly the Aryan race may be seen to have its origin as presented in the Edda, the remnant of the
Hyperborean mythos which had not been destroyed by the judaized christians, the agents of the
'chosen people' in their fanatical evangelism and genocidal intent against the Aryan race (the genocide
and suicide of the Aryan race being inherent in 'the Bible'). The Vanir or Hyperboreans of the higher
aetherial state of being came onto the earth and interbred with the Aesir leading to the formation of
the higher type. This has its parallels in the semitic (falasha jew) 'book of Enoch' and its slanderous
diatribe against 'the fallen Angels' (a book possibly concocted by a Scottish freemason in the 1700s).

Nimrod de Rosario also speaks of the aryan as so constituted through portrays these Lucifer Spirits or
Hyperboreans descending to earth as serving the Demiurge and facilitating his 'evolutive process', the
telos of the 'supra-finality' of entities the higher group being created as a means of conferring meeting
upon the entities and thereby endowing Himself with the energies of the Uncreated Spirits, trapping
them in the material realm to vampirically siphon off their spirit energy.

Hence whites or 'aryans', the blonde-haired, blue-eyed and red-haired and green-eyed dolicocephalic
'Nordic-Teutonic' stock are derived from these immortals 'who came into the daughters of men', the
Cro-Magnon stock, and created or formed them into who they are endowing them with their
Hyperborean blood and creating the Superman if only qua 'in potentia' to serve their purpose.

According to Miguel Serrano this is a positive thing and serves to liberate the captive 'anthropoids'
through subsequent mixture with the Aryan thereby enhancing their base state of consciousness with
the 'Grail', the blood of the gods to whatever degree (and this as a condition of degrees of blood
mixture with the more aryan being closer and the last aryan and being further from the gods).

Over the millennia the aryan race has made itself (often against his will through being overrun and
subjected to genocidal miscegenation in which the men were slaughtered and the women raped and
impregnated with the seed of the non-aryan invaders or subordinate classes who were led against
their white overlords) with the anthropoids and various other mixtures such that the current stock of
what has been called by the synarchy 'humanity' has been aryanized largely across the board: in the
Near East the Akkadian Semites overran aryan Sumeria and created the current stock of Iraqis and
related stocks in the Levant; the southeast North American continent was also subjected to mixture
both voluntary and involuntary with the primordial aryan stock continuing in many regions to rule (in
Paraguay; Bolivia; Peru and the Patagonian region) until the judaized catholic from Spain and Portugal
were led by the Rabbi Cristobal Columb ('Christopher Columbus') for the purpose of destroying the
area stock and usurping power in the region (the details of which are related in copious detail in
Nimrod de Rosario's novel "The Mystery of The Hyperborean Wisdom" a.k.a. "The Mystery of Belicena
Villca"); the asiatic region being a result of yet further mixture from the Gobi desert and the war which
transpired there and overrunning of the aryans in Samarkand; the Ainu of Japan; the Tocharians of
central asian, etc.

Hence all subgroups of 'humanity' are the bearers of aryan and by extension Hyperborean blood
globally such that to condemn the aryan 'white race' as 'devils' would by strict implication condemn all
as 'devils' owing to the similarity of mixture.

The question regarding the other stocks is less clear and distinct as there are not any readily
discernible records regarding their primordial origins save the mainstream semitic texts and perhaps
the Bhagavad-Gita and Kalachakra of Tibet and India.

The Semitic texts of Torah and Quran reveal the presence of 'the Elohim' and Seraphim making Adam
from the dust of the earth ('men of clay' genetically engineered through gene splicing with
extraterrestrials). In the article 'Synthetic Semite' the origins of the semites (e.g. jews; arabs and
related stocks) at least in part of their origin are propounded as deriving from E.Ts and gene splicing,
E.Ts which are largely:

1) foreign and

2) hostile to the other stocks or at least to the aryan stocks.

This perhaps explains why they show up seemingly 'ex nihilo' around 5,400 years ago in Çatalhöyük in
the Anatolian region and subsequent to this the violent chaos is orchestrated in the region yielding a
bloodbath of aryan sacrifices to the 'god of israel', Jehovah-Satan.

That the jews have many biological traits that are reminiscent of reptilians suggests this may be a valid
point (cf. the article "Are Jews Reptilians?" by the author) as well as perhaps some variety of insectoid
E.Ts as the first article "Synthetic Semite" suggests.

The writer further speculates with respect to the arabs (and especially their name 'the Arvasthans' in
sanskrit connoting the land of the horses) that they may derive from centaur hominids from the Orion
constellation as 'ascension glossary' suggests it is especially given their equine features in many cases
(note: this statement and all others does not imply 'moral evaluation', simply factual observation).

That 'arab' means as far as the writer has heard 'mixed' in Hebrew it reveals the synthetic origin at
least as received by speakers of Hebrew if not in a purely mundane sense that in out of it an exo-
planetary origin (multiple origins).

With respect to far east asians or 'orientals' the writer speculates that, given their relatively
conformistic and collectivized consciousness and their appearance with pasty colored or yellow hued
skin and black eyes and a protuberant skull (in the prefrontal cortical region) they may very well be
hybrids of 'grey aliens' who may occupy the moon and have derived from Zeta Reticuli as 'ascension
glossary' has suggested is grey aliens are derived from. The stature of the Oriental is comparatively
short and lithe of limb further revealing the parallels between the grays and themselves.

Their lunar spirituality, steeped in the witchcraft of Chang Shambala also harkens to their lunar origins
and their possible 'manufacture' of the artificial space station referred to as the moon. Given that the
Orientals of the far east (those least mixed with aryans such as the chinese) are affiliated with jewry
geopolitically as follows from the premises that they are part of this synarchy in the capacity of a
servitor of jewry as a subordinate to a master and as the grays perform their role as subordinates to
the Draco reptilians and other E.T's (eg.mantids; insectoids).

Whether all of these E.Ts are inherently 'negative' as 'ascension glossary' contends or no the writer
cannot say only that they are almost certainly the 'players' in the intervention of their 'evolution' to
accelerate 'evolution' and to facilitate the Demiurge's self-realization through such miscegenation.

From the 'other point of view' these or some of These could be benevolent and focused on assisting
the elevation of the consciousness of the pasu to god-head and thereby liberation from the cycles of

Substance: Bukkake of the Demiurge

"Let there be light" (Fiat Lux). The Iranian Sufi mystic and philosopher Suhrawardi propounded the
conception of the lower planes of being and indeed of the 'manifestation' (Creation) of the Demiurge
('god') as 'crystallized light' which she equated with the Logos ('god') and manifestation or even god

This such as Nimrod de Rosario called 'Time-flow' or the will of the Demiurge, the existence of the
essence of 'The One' (Jehovah; Enlil; Brahma; Allah, The 'crystallized light' is the aether and
constitutes Time and space itself, the differentiated manifold of existence and is that aetheric
substance in which the Spirits of the slaves becoming trapped and which constitutes their own
particular embodiment in their 'being in the world' not only within the physical plane but the astral
plane wherein their soul has its manifestation and which situates them within this 'crystallized light' as
captives within the invisible penitentiary of the Temiurge's Time-space manifold.

Substance thus is the densified planes of higher forces which have been subject to the 'Time-flow' of
the will of 'The One'. It is a spider's web of the cosmos wherein the flies of the Spirits from the
Uncreated Realm become trapped and this with design on the part of the Cosmic Spider, that He may
absorb into Himself the Spirit energy of His captives. The substance of this entity thus is a casting out
of His webs of lower density to fuel His perpetual absorption of the life force of that which he
manages to entice into His clutches.

Becoming immersed in 'becoming' the captive Spirits become subject to the densification of their
surroundings and thereby become less able to perceive the higher planes according to their
entanglement in the plasmations of the Demiurge, covered in the bukkake of the rapist of Sophia and
thereby unable to perceive the Truth, become taken away from the symbol of the Origin, dragged
down into the Demiurgic ectoplasm of the aether, trapped within the mauve zone of spatio-

The longer and more thoroughly one becomes trapped within this state of 'soulishness', coming to
identify himself with the soul, the less attuned to his Hyperborean Origins he is and the more 'soulish',
bound to the emotional states of consciousness he is and thereby he becomes severed from the
Realm of Eternity, committing spiritual suicide through his self-imprisonment (born of his attachment
to the material realm) and become absorbed into the Demiurge as a perverse and twisted abortion
rather than dying within the material world, dying in the astral planes, and having his being
disintegrated into the digestion of the Demiurge through the father god's own germ-plasm, the
corrosion of his Spirit by the substance of Jehovah-Satan's bukkake; which is as an immersion into the
acid bath of inexistence not the amniotic fluid of existence: "what the Lord giveth the Lord taketh
away", that is to say the Time Lord, inferior deity of the planes of manifestation that the Spirits have
become trapped within in it's all pervasive omnipresence of his 'Vox Dei' (the Verbum or Logos of 'The

The substantial world thus can be likened to the crystallized palace-rather penitentiary-of densified
light in which the Spirits become imprisoned and lost within the realm of the Demiurge, reverted in
their gaze away from the symbol of the Origins and towards the realm of transient becoming, chasing
chimera from room to room within the hall of circus mirrors of illusion which beguiles their vision so
that they may remain trapped within the labyrinth of the Demiurge and find no exit. Unless, of course
they managed to re-discover the genetic key to liberation through activating the blood memory and
finding their way towards their lost first estate, that of the god-men of Hyperborea.

Master-Slave Dialectic

The synarchy engages its enemies through its use of the 'master-slave' dialectic which pervades all of
its relations to both others and to itself. Its worldview is 'might makes right' and 'the stronger
overcomes the weaker' with themselves being perpetually involved in hostile aggression against all
and sundry.

Though the synarchy wears a mask of 'loving-kindness' and presents itself to the 'goyim' or common
folk as the altruistic shepherd kings it is instead a ghoulish face concealed beneath which is bent on
blood and selfish gain, which in its simplest form of manifestation assumes the form of bio-energy, the
life force of their slaves.

The tactics to harvest the energy of the serf caste are myriad but themselves can be reduced in
simplest form to domination or bullying tactics entailing non-verbal; symbolic and behavioral relations
of adversariality be it in the specific form of intimidation (by sign; hostile stares and 'proxemic'
violations of personal space and security of the person; threats of loss of life or harm to oneself or
others related to oneself; one's business; reputation; relationships; property, etc.) or active aggression
or visitation of harm without any prior warning (e.g. killing one's child; revealing secret information of
one's business, etc.).

These examples in brief provide a sketch of the war and killing culture of the cabal, the devotees of
Jehovah-Satan and serve to illustrate the notion of the 'master-slave' dialectic which is the relation of
the cabal to all of those 'Other' to itself and amongst its own members all of who are clinical
psychopaths operating on the principle of 'service to self' and disregard for others save it is a tool or
instrument for self-enrichment or empowerment.

To engage the 'Other' in a pose or stance of aggression (through physical confrontation or via gestures
or the initiation of some form of act or omission, or refrain from acting, e.g. giving another 'the silent
treatment') is to initiate the 'master-slave' dialectic wherein the 'Other' must either act or be acted
upon by the cabal in the case of the cabal's wanting something from the 'author' through initiation of
positive action, or the cabal relates to the 'Other' through passive means, passive-aggressively
refraining from action(s) the 'Other' desires.

Hence the perpetual war-game of 'human' chess wherein the synarchy makes their moves aggressively
though with cunning and in a secretive manner in order to coerce through circumstances the 'Other'
to act according to their 'control of the options' ('your money or your life', e.g.).

On a brute physical level the synarchy engages with the 'other' (whether a member of the synarchy or
not) through engaging the other in staring contests, displays of their power as a predatorial animal
relates to others whether competitor or potential prey.

This specific tactic, primitive as it is, reflects the bestial consciousness of the cabal and its relationship
of hostility to the 'Other'. To engage the 'Other' with the 'master slave' dialectic of most primitive
animality is to coerce the 'Other' to either lower their eyes and disengage or to engage and potentially
be overpowered or, in the case of the wise man, to avoid the gaze and focus his own gaze on the
'symbol of the Origin'.

The 'master slave' dialectic is the basis of all relations between the synarchy and its members and
itself and that which is outside of itself 'service to self'; 'will-to-power' always over others and for the
self for the purpose of self empowerment and this regardless of the cost to others.

The extreme of its selfishness manifests in the form of genocide and sacrifice to its deity Jehovah
which policy is its default setting in all of its operations, to rob the 'Other' of its life force and this in
the manner most effective and efficient to absorb into itself what desires (territory; property; the
wealth of nations ultimately the vital substance of the 'Other') and serving up the necessary portion
for what they call 'the Lord', that being the Demiurge and his legions of slaves.

The relationship of adversariality the synarchy has towards its foe (which is all that which is 'Other' to
itself) is derived from the negative ego-mind and dualistic consciousness that defines it and which,
over time has conditioned its members to 'operate' as automata, simply ego-driven rational robots
who undergo their robotic reactive-analytic brain processes as their mode of instrumental
consciousness engages with entities outside of themselves.

Indeed the synarchy envisions itself to be 'beyond good and evil' and yet all his actions can only be
described in conventional moral terms as 'evil', i.e. creating or causing harm to others for selfish gain
(the thrill of power; the delight in dominance over the 'Other').

To impose power-relations on the 'Other' (contractual obligations; formulating the terms; rules;
regulations or laws) is to coerce compliance with the will of the initiator of the obligation. This is the
characteristic tactic of the parasite exploiter: he forces choices were none would otherwise be made
and coerces compliance with his will claiming the party upon whom he forces his contractual
obligations agreed to it though that party's only 'choice' was to suffer a greater hardship ("Your money
or your life" the standard form 'contract' of the highway robber of the mafiosi selling insurance to a
business through threat of commercial sabotage).

The master maintains his mastery through a perpetual engagement with the others in the form of
coercion, forcing compliance with his will on the part of the weaker party. Indeed the master who
would be master of others adopts this line of conduct but he who would be master of himself adopts
another form of conduct that being a self overcoming and has no desire or sense of necessity to
overcome others.

His will if it serves his higher ends and others obstruct his ends or the ends of those he likes, however
he will not go out of his way to manifest his 'will to power' over and against others without reason
(the reason beyond the 'reason' of instrumental cunning and 'worldly wisdom'). His reason is always
the Heights and from the summit of Olympus he manifests his will-to-power, benevolent to those
deserving of benevolence and conferring upon those worthy of his aggression their portion.

The real 'justice' the worshipers of the Demiurge purport to have ownership of (in reality like their
deity a mere simulacrum of justice and hence injustice) is outshone by the justice of the True Light,
that of the Uncreated Realm which preceded both Creator and creation and which is mediated
through their Hyperborean Spirit. Never a slave they have yet no desire to be master of others, only
benevolent guides and to severing the chains of the would be masters of the synarchy not only the
temporal chains of economic slavery but the chains of the substance of the Demiurge which bind the
captive Spirits to the earth and hold them in the clutches of Jehovah-Satan.

The End of History

The His-story of the Kali Yuga has been overshadowed with the pall of the Demiurge and his legions of
black-hole entities. For over 5,400 years since this recent epoch (Yuga) part of the larger manvantara
has dawned as the red Dawn of the bloody aeon, the story of 'The One' has been superimposed upon
the population of the captive Spirits called 'hue-men' on their matricized earth.

The negative E.Ts had transplanted their hybrid neanderthaloids onto the Earth from Saturn and the
moon via wormholes to fulfill their mission of conquering the earth and chaining the captive Spirits in
the soul-body complex of anthropoid nature, rendering them sufficiently dense that it becomes
subject to the Time-flow of the Demiurge's will and thereby is unable to elevate itself beyond the
wheel of Ixion that is the lower heavens wherein their Spirits reside in which, through the law of
attraction (karmic processes) the lost spirit finds itself again reincarnating in the flesh body.

The negative E.Ts who had genetically engineered the 'chosen people' of Yahweh and who control the
moon-Saturn time machine matrix generator located on Saturn had transplanted the 'chosen people'
onto the earth and ever since that time they have performed their mission in assimilating themselves
into the 'gentile' nations and 'growing in the shadow of the nations' as their tactic of conquest over
their adversary, intertwining themselves with their hosts and co-opting the host as a parasitical

Through interbreeding and through rendering themselves inextricably bound up with their host via
business contracts and as an intermediary with foreign peoples they have managed to weave
themselves into their host body and to usurp power, eventually forming an oligarchy behind
figureheads and an oligarchic network (synarchy) assimilating into itself those of a sympathetic nature.

They have written the History books and have destroyed the annals and repositories of true
information such as the library of Alexandria and have defaced and destroyed this through their
abrahamic proxies (christians and muslims) who have devastated and murdered most of the surviving
remnants of the culture of the ancient world and its wisdom, supplanting it with the satanized
(saturnized; abrahamized) falsified inversion of their original doctrines and this through proselytism or
overt violence (revolution; terrorism, etc.) typically through leading revolutionary movements or
financing then and having their zealous slaves, the untermenschen, sabotage the superior enabling
their usurpation.

The formula of the religions of abraham prescribe a false His-storical timeline wherein are presented
fables (of a decidedly fabulous kind) soaked in the pathos of their 'love-wisdom' archetpye of 'jesus',
the external savior figure whose doctrine of the heart was formulated to castrate any potential
opposition to the gentiles' assimilation into the hive mind of Jehovah via participation in abrahamic
religion, 'spiritual israel' or the 'ummah' of islam at a later date.

In the case of islam, according to Nimrod de Rosario, the demon of the hierarchy Jibriol was the
bestower of the Quran on Mohammed and this is yet another slave program they had formulated to
serve this purpose just as 'the Bible' ('the book', 'byblos' in Greek) was formulated under Constantine
in the Council of Nicaea in Anatolia, the very region in which the 'chosen people' were originally
deposited in Çatalhöyük or Gobekli Tepi near the star gate in Syria.

Indeed the Middle Eastern region has played host to these entities of the 'Yahweh collective' for
millennia and serves as a region wherein star gates are located that enable the entities to enter and
exist from other worlds to facilitate their agenda of maintaining their slave plantation and eliminating
the 'heretical lineage' of the Hyperborean stock.

The narratives scribed by the dark forces have served to justify the enslavement of the world and the
hegemony of the black-hole entities and by extension the Demiurge who these entities serve in their
weltanschauung of 'service to self', 'might makes right', a doctrine of will to power which
hypocritically conceals itself behind the exoteric religious besides (should these be needed to deceive
the populists and to pacify them, through fear and the threat of hellfire or diabolical punishment,
presumably with the presence of these entities to make the threat credible).

These exoteric blinds have been used to deceive the population and subjugate them into slavery and
are continually subject to modification and revision to suit the particular context of diverse peoples
and geographical regions, as means of 'growing in the shadow of the nations' as the 'thin end of the
wedge' driven into the society through proselytism and gradually assimilating into its 'doctrine of the
heart' the 'pagan' elements, neutralizing their power and rendering them a distorted simulacrum of

Thus history has been falsified and supplanted with 'His-stor(ies)', the religious narratives of the
Demiurge and his horde who masquerade as emissaries of light and life when in reality they are
harbingers of the degeneration and corruption of the Kali Yuga at its lowest depth.

The His-story of the Demiurge is the means through which the population have been subjugated and
transformed into mere 'goyim', the pathetic slaves of Zion, of the 'universalist imperialism' of the
priest caste theocracy. These texts and narratives serve as justifications or legitimations of the power
of the synarchy in their war against 'infidels' and had been the driving force behind all of the 'jus bella'
of His-story, which are in reality merely campaigns of human sacrifice and undergone to serve the
entities with whom the priest caste are bound the energy of the slain and maimed, their pain energy
which their deity Jehovah-Satan feeds upon and additionally to reinforce the dogma of 'the one true
faith' over and against any 'pagan' resisters who are unwilling to subordinate themselves to the slave
morality of the crucified one or other 'savior' or 'messenger'/prophet (profit) figures (mohammed;
zoroaster; krishna; christ; buddha,

According to Nimrod de Rosario's work "The Mystery of the Hyperborean Wisdom" and
"Fundamentals of The Hyperborean Wisdom" jesus was a plasmation of the Demiurge who was
manifested on the earth to preach his 'doctrine of the heart' as a rabbinical mechanism of binding (a
magical bind via archetypal sympathetic magic to the thought forms of 'the father' and 'love', etc.) the
Gentiles to the 'chosen people' as a flock of sheep who are shepherded by the priests of the order of
Melchizedek, the rabbinate of which christ was allegedly a member though rebellious against the
crystallized dogma of the 'scribes and pharisees'.

Hence he was claimed to be according to His-story manifested on the earth to rectify the dead letter
of the law of the 'chosen people' and to expand the 'doctrine of the heart' into the gentiles as means
of expanding the influential power of the will of Jehovah-Satan. As he (the christ) was alleged to have
said that he was of Abraham (Saturn) the planetary archon that is Jehovah-Binah, the sephiroth or
archontic sphere of that celestial potency.

Indeed this argues that perhaps 'the christ' as a man was conceived via parthenogenesis through the
agency of one of the 'Yahweh collective' hypnotizing and instilling the archetype of his will into the
alleged mother of 'the christ' and serving as the causa efficiens of 'the christ' on the earth. Assuming
of course that there was a christ, his teachings have served their purpose of conditioning the
population to a state of abject slavery, both the enslavement of the mind and that of the body.

The christian program played itself off against the muslim in the dialectic of polarity of archetypes
with christianity embodying the feminine principle and Islam the masculine principle with the 'chosen
people' as a middleman playing both ends against the middle and wrecking destruction in their wake.
The ultimate end goal of the final conflagration was a synthesis of antitheses working in conjunction
with their narrative of biblical and quranic prophecy correlated with the aeon and the cycles of Time
to transition into the age of Aquarius or the 'messianic age' and the 'return of the christ archetype' as
the re-manifestation of christ conferring his 'love-wisdom' in the form of a semitic despotism in a
'thousand years of peace'.

Within the Piscean age the expansion of the Jovial (Jupiterian) nature of 'christ' and his passive-
aggressive violence was the protocol which, owing to perhaps unbeatable opposition from the
'pagans' had to be stepped up with its analog of Islam and hence Jibriol, the Saturnian E.T, was
dispatched to confer upon the illiterate mohammed the Quran as the 'messenger' or profit of the
Demiurge (presumably, though the writer is insufficiently familiar with islam, allah is equivalent to the
Demiurge, Jehovah)?

Hence the spread of these ideological forms of the Demiurge over the earth undergone more or less
contemporaneous to those of the dogmatized form of Buddhism in the far east. Buddhism became
subject to the same influence of formalistic dogma and priestly caste despotism with its arid
speculation and scholasticism though, as in the case of 'the christ' it arose in its original form as
rebellion against that same priestly caste corruption only to metamorphose into yet another form

The His-storical narratives of these exoteric religious forms and their esoteric inner doctrine available
only to the initiates constituted the 'culture pact' introduced into the midst of the 'gentile' nations.
This made the authentic doctrine of the folk born of the 'blood pact' and re-calling the Origin, the
eternal verity of Hyperborea, a distorted plagiary.

The 'chosen people' were a presence under the regimes of Zoroaster in Persia and Ashoka in the
Indian subcontinent during the development of Zoroastrianism and Buddhism respectively thus
indicating that the same rabble rousing propaganda was being undergone as a means of destroying
the gentile nations from within, eliminating through incitement of the rabble to violence the nobility
who preserved the blood pact through their mystique as the Hyperborean pontiffs and supplanting
both them as its bearers and the Hyperborean wisdom itself with the artificially created religio-
political 'culture pact' developed by the intruding saboteurs.

His-story thus marched forward with its iron shod boots over the corpses of the gentile cattle, who
were the principal target for destruction by the synarchy: either they would willingly allow their own
assimilation into the 'culture pact' as one of its priests (becoming a traitor siddha and violator of their
Hyperborean blood and pact with the gods) else they would be killed through the fanaticism of the
incited mob.

His-story thus is a downward spiral of degradation and by no means a process of beneficial and
edifying 'evolution'. It is simply the evolution of all into a standardized hive mind structure subject to
the vampirization and eventually (inevitable should the process continue) the erasure of their Spirit.

The end of His-story is thus necessary to prevent their fate that they who are unable to struggle
against will suffer and the rebels still sufficiently vital to struggle against it may realize their destiny in
re-turning to Hyperborea against the 'current of disintegration' of the Demiurge and that His-stories
which facilitate this process.

The conditioning of the mind programs of religion have maintained the saturnine residence with the
Aeon of Pisces with its lachrymose pathos of 'the doctrine of the heart' and its contemplative pacifism
which pervades the entelechy of the Demiurge death cults of monotheism (the big five religions: the
abrahamic Trinity of evil and Buddhism and the British formulation of Hinduism).

Guilt; shame and fear are the ec-stases of monotheism: guilt over being alive and an alleged 'fall'
owing to 'immorality'(sin); shame over having 'fleshly inclinations' for 'unlawful carnal knowledge' and
fear over an uncertain future based upon the adherence or transgression of the laws of Jehovah.
These influences sum to a state of consciousness that approximates that of the pasu and would justly
be called 'beast-consciousness' making the formulation of these religions a program for beast
consciousness conditioning, a narrative scribed by pharisiacal black magicians for the purpose of
reducing the 'gentiles' to this level of existence.

Beset by guilt (for something never done); shame (for an act not shameful) and fear (over a fate fear
itself begets) the religious zealot of the laity binds themselves to their creed and to the Demiurge in
hopes of succour from their unease, their existential malaise, but 'someday never comes' and the
promise of Jehovah's son goes unfulfilled.

Should it ever be fulfilled (in whatever particular form, presumably in that of the 'second coming' of
the Manu archetype) the programs' false promise will reveal itself as what it is namely a program or
recipe for slavery, for the enchainment of the Spirit (the cold stone) in the soul (the fire of Jehovah)
and rendering it a hot stone, a true stone of stumbling and the stone the builders of the Temple of
Solomon would never reject as a mere 'brick in the wall' of the new Jerusalem, a mere captive Spirit
doomed to extinction through being bound to 'The One' in samadhi, fusion with the Cosmic Vampire

The end of His-story thus must be brought to a close by any and all means else the simulacra of the
synarchy will serve as substitutes for Truth and eo ipso will bring about the destruction of the captive
Spirits on this earth. His-story marches on though the distortion of the aetherial presence of the
Demiurge wanes with the flaring up of the Promethean flame of the Uncreated Light of the Virgin of
Agartha in the coming age of Aquarius.

The critiques and exposures of the falsehood of His-story have all but dissolved the mythos of the
semitic 'christ' such that the former milch cows of the 'chosen people' the aryans are now no longer
oriented towards the simulacra of semitic pathos but rather towards the symbol of the origin which
becomes ever more distinct as the aeon moves forwards towards the ragnarok and the 'end of His-
story' in the end times of the Piscean death throes which will soon beget the new age of the
Hyperborean civilization under the influence of the Aryan race and those who have decided to affiliate
themselves with Truth and Justice instead of falsehood and duplicity.

Strategic Confusion

The strategy of creating confusion is the main weapon in the arsenal of the synarchy. The perceptions
of the captive Spirits chained to the body-soul complex, to the prison of the Demiurge's substance, are
subject to confusion by the architects of destruction and this for the purpose of holding down the
Spirits within their sepulchres in the matrix of lowest density.

All of that which is- and which is from the perspective of the cabal is modified and distorted in a way
that is deleterious to the perceiver, undergone so that they fail to understand reality and thus fail to
understand how to act in the appropriate manner, comporting themselves towards entities in a way
harmful to themselves and others, in the direction of the pursuit of lower states of being through
negative forms of action.

Drugs; alcohol; sexual perversity and licentiousness; materialistic consumerism; a culture of brute
physicality and violence divorced from any essential purpose but simply as a power mad pursuit of
will-to-power, as in in-itself, all of this culture devised by the cabal is designed to entangle the captive
Spirit yet further in matter entangling themselves in the trap of lowest density.

The alternatives the cabal provides its captive serfs are to partake of this entartete kultur ('degenerate
culture') else to have 'sanctuary' in their hive mind structures of religious conditioning becoming
bound to the entities in the church or mosque or temple or other religious structure which is designed
with this ulterior motive, ie. to harvest the life force of the slave caste (and indeed even of the priest
caste who themselves become bound with entities antenatally through generational attachment or
within the course of the religious indoctrination).

In either case the consequences are the same namely the binding of the captive Spirit ever tighter to
the Demiurge through entity attachment and possession of the latter case and through the dissipation
of the Spirit through more overtly self-destructive behavior in the former case.

Both forms of the kosher culture entail the deliberate confusion of the mind of the serfs by the ruling
powers as means of shifting their direction of focus away from the symbol of the Origin, away from
Eternity, and towards the illusory promises of 'the good' as propounded by the hierarchy: the good of
transient hedonism on the one hand and the false promise of Immortality on the other.

In either case a confusion between the real and apparent (and false) 'good' generated leads towards
the destructive lifestyle of both classes of people who are played against one another as antitheses in
the dialectical process of 'sheep' (lands of god) versus 'goats' (Satan's kids), with both parties
nonetheless leading to destruction, to the extinction of the soul irregardless of their pretense of
'good'; 'glad tidings' or 'fun and entertainment'.

Strategic confusion is the strategy whereby the cabal establishes blinds to conceal their true actions
and the consequences of partaking of the poison apple of their 'false gifts' of illusory appearance and
this of whatever kind.

The illusion generating machines of A.I technology and propaganda (Egregoric propaganda)
transmission are designed to structure the consciousness of the goyim to have them served the cabal
as above outlined, presenting to them courses of action and the template of what to celebrate and
what to condemn as a means of standardizing their hive mind and assimilating them therein to be
fused with 'The One' through this attunement process which attunes their consciousness to Jehovah-

All processes and phenomena within the world system are deliberately engineered or modified to
manipulate the consciousness to re-turn it to the hive mind beehive structure are minutely developed
to suit this purpose.

The entire cultural superstructure of the 'Great Satan', 'the world' of the contemporary world order of
the synarchy is based upon death culture or what may also be called 'Saturnian (Jehovistic) culture'
designed to harm and is based upon the lie, the inversion of Truth and is embodied in all cultural
artefacts and processes in the modern world.

The language of the world order system is that of 'inversion' as with all things, the hegemony of the
Phoenician derived language of English (English the language of the 'angels'), is designed for the
purpose of engaging the left brain and trapping oneself in the logical prison of rationalism and
divorcing himself from the higher consciousness thereby being more adept at worldly affairs as they
serve the synarchy yet not serving the purpose of his liberation.

Hence it is a trap designed to chain the worldly speaker/reader/writer of the language within the
structure of 'the world' and its processes and within his immersion in the 'system of objects' of his
hodological space, comported himself towards the entities in a manner conducive to his worldly
enrichment or at least his perpetuation as a wage slave or other condition of austerity.

The language of Latin, an earlier formulation of a mathesis universalis serving the synarchy is yet
another of these utilitarian structures that condition the left brain to operate within the world in a
rational way oriented towards the fleeting phenomena of existence. The saving grace of both lies in
their divorcing the speaker/writer/reader from the more crudely materialistic nature of more primitive
languages which fail of any transcendent properties confined to a mere representation of a
representation as they are, and devoid of any higher-level metaphysico-ontological and abstract

In terms of lifestyles prescribed by the cabal outside of the synarchy itself who lives a lifestyle
segregated and qualitatively different from the goyim (one based upon what they deem 'knowledge'
what is their distorted and judaized culture of occultism), the goyim are presented a lifestyle
conducing to their destruction either through that which is kosher approved within the synarchy's
exoteric organizations (religions; or their quasi-religious equivalents) or the kosher approved 'goat
organizations' and pursuits (bars; clubs; drug dens, etc.) as well as the more mundane organizations
and activities such as sports,

Most of these historically have been designed on occult principles and were designed as microcosms
of human chess for the elite as well as a means of bleeding off the pent-up aggression of the masses
and conferring their loosh upon the entities which are invoked during these ludic events.

Now heading into Aquarius there seems to have been a shift undergone through which the particular
activities have become more individuated, oriented around transcendence and liberation of the Spirit
with an egocentric focus of individualism (martial arts and strength sports; yoga; meditation etc.) as
opposed to the collectivized rule-bound form of previous sporting events (baseball; football;
basketball; hockey, This may be a promising sign of the luciferian influence and waning of the
Piscean, the Saturnian restriction of the abrahamic violation of the Uncreated Spirit.

Strategic confusion is pervasive in the realm of what is conventionally called 'culture' by which is
meant the music; arts and aesthetics of the society or nation under the sway of the cabal. Music has
been distorted from its more harmonious form to one of cacophony or a rhythmic primitivism
reminiscent of the jungle and indeed constitutes a form of modern voodoo with its syncopated beats.

Presumably this rhythmic Dionysianism entails a conjuration of entities which are also part of the
pastiche of this cultural offering that is more of a black magic ritual than a 'cultural experience'.

At concerts in public venues the performers are typically acting a role related to the entities they
venerate or which represent the archetypes of their hermetic worldview of 'paganism' especially of
the Near Eastern mother goddess witchcraft of the Levant, the Saturnian and Cybelian rites of lunar
semitic black magic.

The performers are often sacrificed during the event or on some specific occult date and the naïve and
uninitiated viewer is led to believe it is a tragic accident and that the actual cause is not the cause as it
is unknown to them and they believe in the false cause with which it is exchanged. This is one example
of 'symbolic substitution' where the synarchy shifts the consciousness of the perceiver away from
truth and to lend credibility to their false narrative (itself a de facto occult ritual) and to which the
perceiver transfers their energy, their 'one-pointed concentration of attention' endowing the sacrificial
victim with their energy as it were charging the battery with their vital energies which increases its
store of vitality making it (the celebrity sacrificed) a greater offering to the entities to whom the
celebrity is served up under certain astrological alignments.

The music puts the perceiver (not only the hearer as the vibration itself has a conditioning effect not
only on physiological modification but on the distortion and synchronization of the soul with the beat
thereby pulling in the attentional focus on the rhythm which takes hold of the consciousness and
unseats it from its autonomy, facilitating its merger in the hive mind of the audience and ultimately of
the Demiurge). This influence is a presence in simply listening to the music which causes one to
resonate therewith whether independently on some technological device or in the environment of a
'mass event'.

The aesthetics of the environment (clothing; billboards; architectural layout; murals; signs; colors of
paint or die used on physical structures, the infrastructure of the lived environment) are all elements
of the programming and are designed to create confusion in such a way that they superimpose a false
reality onto the 'reality' of the material world.

This may have a positive influence in conditioning the consciousness towards a transcendental mode
of being through disengaging the being (dasein) from the natural environment such that he is not
merged in his consciousness with the Demiurge and thereby detaches himself therefrom through an
immersion in the aesthetics of the environment.

A criticism of this point would be that such an immersion in these aesthetics (artificial and of human
invention though purporting to be 'archetypal' in the hermetic sense of serving as a vehicle of eternal
verities) of the environment leads to a diremption (if undergone to a sufficient degree) of his
consciousness from the nucleus of his being, merged into the 'corrosive waters' of aesthetic gestalten
which impinge upon his consciousness to varying degrees and intensities of impressions the more
influential the more unseated he becomes from the nucleus of his being, the Selbst.

This may very well be the intention of the synarchy in addition to their usage of these aesthetics as
vehicles of meaning for their 'revelations of the method' and predictive programming protocols.

The creation of interactive electronic devices which modify the consciousness and serve as vehicles for
the transmission of 'data' (sights; sounds; vibrations) is one protocol which performs the function of a
'psychic driver' to lead the sheep to the slaughter and indeed to program the consciousness with
contents of consciousness that gradually come to supplant the pre-given contents of consciousness
with ensembles of data that become identical to the mind of the viewer with ever increasing time and
intensity of exposure (or rather 'experiential immersion' in the artificial phenomena).

Such technologies serve the purpose of standardizing the hive mind and confusing the perceiver as to
who they are and what thoughts to have assuming they were ever capable of self reflection in the first
place, which would presuppose a sufficiently developed consciousness to have that capacity ab initio.

The technocracy (techno-crazy) of the world order is developed to greater and greater degrees of
minutiae of micromanagement as means of confusing any potential dissident as to who they are
(incarnate Hyperboreans or potential immortals, asleep Viryas) and what is going on specifically, to
merge them into the hive mind of Jehovah as extensions of His consciousness on the mundane plane,
part of 'spiritual israel' or Jehovah-Malkuth of the tenth sephiroth of His emanation/manifestation.

A.I is utilized in the form of ELF and EMF and other subtle (occult) forces of electromagnetic
modification and manipulation which serve the purpose of modifying the self understanding of the
being and their perceived reality which, under the influence of this technology becomes overlaid with
the pall of informational darkness of tenebrous opacity veiling their potential contact with Eternity
and dragging down their consciousness to the hells of the aetherial realms of the Demiurge.

The pervasiveness of this technology of violence, violates the conscious mind of the population and
coordinates all diverse modes of consciousness (the Selbst or Spirits of diverse individuals) into a
robotized and mechanized in the most literal sense A.I hive mind structure presumably synchronized
with the hive mind of the Demiurge.

The egregores and archetypes of the Demiurge which have manifested themselves or crystallized
under the influence of His will are perhaps more aggressively imposed upon the mind (and indeed as
the hive mind) of the population to this technological 'psychic driving' and 'spiritual' (i.e. demonic)
attunement with 'The One' as a casting out of an electromagnetic net which surrounds the captive
Spirits and binds into himself, enveloping them and transmuting them into souls which have been
attuned to His Will. This technology thus is not only the bearer of the Will of the Prince of lies
Jehovah-Satan and generates confusion in the lost Virya but serves its purpose of binding the lost
Virya in His nets and leading to His extinction.

The educational system (informational system) also is a clear case of strategic confusion and differs
only in outer form from the religious indoctrination centers called 'churches' and other variants. The
mis- and disinformation disseminated therefrom serves as an assault upon consciousness of a
subterranean nature seeding into the conscious mind egregores and ideas of a divisive and damaging
nature and leads down broad and winding paths into the abyss.

The strategy of the synarchy is to prey upon the naïve and weak minded especially children and youth
to ensnare them in their 'cultural confusion' and lead them towards self-destruction.

Disintegration: Destruction of The Ego

The cabal's methods of ritual sacrifice are not always so blatant as the crude act of torture-murder on
a black altar of basalt or obsidian. They span the gamut of subtlety and follow typically subterranean
path of infinitely more minute manipulation.

The general pattern of their tactics is to harass and annoy their targets and this on an ongoing basis
throughout the course of the targets' life such that the target is subject to a gradual degeneration of
their mind (Spirit), body and soul over the course of Time resulting in their ultimate extermination in
their murder by the cabal after a lifetime of torturous abuse.

The intent of the synarchy of black magicians is to serve up the life force of their target to the entities
with whom they work, inducing or attempting to induce pain; suffering and misery leading to the
release of stress and the 'loosh' or energetic emanations of the sufferer, decentering the
consciousness from the principal of the target being the Selbst or 'Spirit' causing the Spirit to become
'reverted' and to direct its attention towards externals or that other than itself.

This distortion of the attentional focus, that diremption of the focus on the Selbst is the general
method of rendering the captive Spirits' 'earthbound souls' and thereby chaining them to the
Demiurgic penitentiary of their Zion matrix. Becoming earthbound, telluric in their state of being, the
captive Spirits are subject to the strategic confusion of the synarchy and its minutiae of tactics of

Countless examples could be adduced but the general trend is the assault and bombardment of the
consciousness with stimuli that initiates in the average person a reactive impulse as the target
responds or reacts defensively (and attack is his form of defense) against the stimuli or its source,
though that influence (sound; sight; vibration, etc.) is to all appearances benevolent in intent.

This mask of benevolence worn by the synarchy and its myriad agents is adopted as a means of
concealing its actions which is its characteristic nature dressing itself up in various guises of altruism
and humanitarianism whilst perpetrating acts (and omissions) qualifiable as 'harm' or 'violence'.

The agents of the cabal mirror, being part of the hive mind of Jehovah-Satan, the behavior of his
'chosen people' and act out their subtle and passive aggressive assault against their target, creating
aversive and antagonistic stimuli which impinge upon the 5+ senses of their targets and disrupt their
orientation, shifting away from themselves and the inner nucleus the Selbst (the True Self; the Spirit)
and towards the sense impressions they thrust upon their hapless victims, disrupting their equilibrium
with deliberate malice aforethought.

This stimuli-response pairing gimmick (behavioral pattern) is a predominating relation between the
synarchy and its hierarchy of agentur and they who are subject to the cabal's negative influence which
has been appropriately termed 'Satanic ritual abuse' (though better 'Jehovistic ritual abuse').

The constant subjection of the target to the disruption tactics of the cabal unseats him from his state
of equipoise and discombobulated his conscious mind orienting his attentional focus (his 'Will'-his
'one pointed concentration of attention') towards 'externals' in the words of Epictetus.

This perpetual assault upon the aura (beyond yet inclusive of the five senses) is designed as a means
of engaging the lower principles of the targets' being and causing the direction of one's energies to be
dispersed towards external entities (phenomena-objects for the consciousness).

The entire set of procedures the synarchy deploys are correlated as a full frontal assault against the
equilibrium of the consciousness of they who would break free from the prison of the world and
liberate their captive Spirits and those who would break apart their architecture of enslavement and
maintain their prison planet. Hence those who have become identified as causal agents of rebellion
(potentially or actually).

The cabal thus identifies with its omnipresent panoptic vision (the gaze of the 'Deus Vult', the 'face of
god') its enemies and subject them to ruthless aggressive assault through this omnipresent and
continual 'death by 1,000 cuts' procedure of torture-murder, to the 'disintegration process',
attempting to disintegrate the Spirit, to transform it into a 'reverted Spirit' (focused on externals),
engaging its conscious awareness ('one pointed concentration of attention', a.k.a. 'Will'), directing
their gaze towards the Demiurge and the stimuli and phenomenon presents at the constant
bombardment of the mind. The bombardment radiates the Spirit through its focus being placed within
the soul and away from itself binding it to the tentacles of the octopus and leaching off its vital force.

Such is the general procedure of the synarchy in their ritual-torture and murder of their opponents
who, once identified are never left in peace to live a normal life regardless of any change of behavior
consistent with the accepted behavior of the synarchy.

From birth those of certain bloodlines the cabal perceives or knows with certainty to be a potential
opponent of their system are targeted, typically the incarnating Hyperboreans who have chosen to
continue the fight in the mundane world to effect their purpose as a Berserker warrior to oppose the
system and its agenda of the chaining of the captive Spirits and matter (the substance of the
Demiurge, His temporality) in order to sacrifice them to the Cosmic Vampire in which they will be
absorbed failing the attainment of liberation in the form not of Moksha but of Kaivalya, individuation
and this through the ascetic attachment of a warrior 'against Time'.

'The Chosen' Archetype

The jewish species has spread the germs of the consciousness of the Demiurge over the earth in the
form of its 'culture' that of 'the doctrine of the heart', the 'love-wisdom' of the christ archetype. The
culture they (presumably in conjunction with their extraterrestrial creators) created or had conferred
upon them and had spread over the earth for export is the poisoned wine of the 'blood of the lamb'
they would intoxicate their goyim gentiles with as means of subjugating their opposition and
assimilating them into the hive mind of Jehovah-Satan to be psychically phagocitized over the
incarnations in the kalachakra wheel, ground in the mill of Grotti.

The judaic archetype was in its origin and is still a callous and ruthless application of rigidified
Saturnian law (law of Moses) and does not partake entirely of the 'love-wisdom' of christ save as a
modification of their own 'amor intellectualis dei' (' intellectual love of god'-Spinoza).

Indeed the fruitage of 'the christ' derives from this bitter and hard seed of Judaism, the seeds of death
for the gentile populace which blossom into the fleur des mal of destruction and extinction of the
Selbst through becoming bound up with the extension of the Demiurge called 'soul', which are
crystallizations of the aetherial false light of illusory immortality.

The transmission of the parousia of the Christ over the materially densified earth is the bestowal of
the 'glad tidings' of the archetype of the Demiurge's Son of Man 'the christ' incarnating on earth as a
messenger of 'salvation'.

The intent and motive of this presence is to hijack the consciousness of the captive Spirits and bind it
to the soul, to the animic principle of their being (in reality the being of the Demiurge, which has
enwreathed their being in this structural matrix) as means of 'killing with kindness', with the love-
wisdom of 'the christ' which is the mechanism of beguiling the Spirit through affinity to detach itself
from its True nature (Selbst) and scattered energies as a 'reverted Spirit' whose condition of being is a
'being towards death' through this same attachment to the soul (the tentacle of the Demiurge).

The chosen archetype is thus an effective mechanism in its form of 'the christ' (entailing loss of a cold,
emotionless 'love' and more of a soulish and emotional state of being) which is as a siren call sounded
by the Esther figure of 'the chosen' dressed in the garb of an effeminate male seducer whose
preachments serve the purpose of deceiving the gullible 'wretched masses' with His false promises of
an Eternal world devoid of suffering and a locus of 'everlasting peace'.

The jews themselves perhaps believe, if not in 'the christ' at least in the fated outcome of they who
hearken to 'Moses and the profits' and adhered to the laws of Jehovah, the ruthless and jealous god of
violence, the rapist of Sophia, of the Virgin of Agartha (or would-be rapist as He was never able nor
will be to violate that which is above Himself).

The 'chosen people' have utilized the 'christ archetype' as an exemplar of the slave and have elevated
it to the highest promontory of 'virtue' in the sense of chandal morality, the transvalued values of the
prior classical world with their values of arete and virility; nobility and inner calm; Olympian
detachment and a transcendent state of being superseded through this creed of the gutter, of the
'meek' and 'humble' who would take their vices and attempt to hold them out as virtues, inverting
norms in their veneration of 'the crucified' whose 'kingdom of heaven is not of this world'.

jewry for themselves as 'the chosen' (primus inter pares) cling to their 'ancient law' and focus on intra-
tribal political praxis and power building in the most worldly sense, their natural predilection. All have
been, under their hegemonic influence, subjected to this soulish 'love-wisdom' of 'the christ
archetype' and, increasingly in the recent years have been 'grafted into' israel as spiritual jews via
actual circumcision not just the 'circumcision of the heart'.

This heart (christ) and mind (the reptilian mind of 'the chosen people') have been blended into a 'new
dispensation' of pharisiacal dogma and extended through the energies of the earth to the constant
dialectic of destruction of 'war and peace'; jus bella [just war] and 'fighting against hate' its most
recent incarnation this 'love' which typically manifests itself in the form of violent aggression against
the 'Other', they deemed 'pagan'; 'heretics', etc. as the main target, identified by the synarchy as their
greatest threat owing to the 'heretic' or 'pagan' having the greatest spiritual power and thus judged 'to
be neutralized-assimilated or destroyed' by the cabal which allows nothing to exist outside of itself.

The 'love-wisdom' archetype of 'the christ' is this mechanism of neutralization and assimilation and
those who do not wish to embrace this 'love' are to be destroyed in 'the name of the Lord' as 'heretics'
for not having embraced the 'glad tidings' and distorted their mind into a 'belief' in these gospels (god-

To defeat the hot stone of the 'christ archetype' the stone of fire (the akasha of Jehovah transmitted
onto the earth as the incarnate crucified one) the cold stone of the stone child must be had recourse
to, the burning cold of the Uncreated Light, of the Virgin of Agartha. This means cultivating (should it
not be a habitual tendency already) a condition of imminent transcendence, an ascetic detachment
and the 'Olympian calm' of the Krist of Atlantis not the maudlin sentimentalism of the Galilean, the
Rabbi Yahushua HaMashiach with his plaintive weepings; wailings and gnashings of teeth.

The cold fire of the stone child annihilates the impassioned christic-one with its ultra-tellurian vril
force, extinguishing the hot fire of the 'love-wisdom' of Jehovah-Satan and crowning himself consort
of the Virgin of Agartha the queen of the black light of Eternity.

Soul Evolution Versus Spiritual Liberation

The agenda of the synarchy is to facilitate the evolution of the soul and the evolution more broadly of
all things according to the Will of the Demiurge. The intention is to chain the Spirit into matter, into
the lower density substance of the Demiurge and to merge it in fusion with 'The One' the creator of
this lower state, the condition of becoming, of 'Time-flow'.

Evolution is the goal of the hierarchy and this entails the planetary depopulation agenda with its mass
depopulation agenda, cruelly and callously destroying countless lives while simultaneously attempting
to bind the Spirits of their sacrifices to the Demiurge through antecedent conditions of pain and
suffering brought about through mass catastrophes orchestrated and planned by the cabal.

Sacrifices to Jehovah-Satan, the true 'great architect (imitator) of the universe' are undergone through
shifting the consciousness of the masses to the lower state of consciousness, to the state of beast
consciousness full of emotion and feelings and wholly lacking in any higher capacity of
comprehension, assuming they ever had that capacity in the first place.

Indeed the process of evolution, according to the synarchy, is a historical inevitablism and they are the
agents of its realization, the 'co-creators' of the new world of the new Jerusalem of Zion, are Jehovah-
Malkuth the physical embodiment of the Demiurge on earth.

In their arrogant bigotry they have a license to kill and gleefully participate in the mass murder of they
whom they deem 'inferior' or 'lebens unwertes leben' they who lay claim to being 'beyond good and
evil' are in fact simply evil, bound to the lower states of consciousness and incapable of transcending
their base drives and petty ego, are in fact 'soulish' and not 'spiritual'.

They thereby underscore their role: that of Jehovah-Malkuth, the bearers of the hot stone, of 'the
doctrine of the heart', the emotional creed of resentment morality. In spite of their pompous poses of
'objectivity' and 'detachment' they are heavily invested in emotional valences, that of their agenda of
'race-less humanitarian globalism' and its genocidal destructiveness which they portray in glowing
terms as 'tikkum olam' ('healing the world').

Such 'healing' is not anything but the agenda of the Cosmic Vampire and His legions of dark forces, the
black hole entities and planetary archons all of which are mere hypostases of His being serving His Will
to phagocitize the Spirits trapped within the envelope of the soul he has wrought for them and seeks
to bind them to.

The evolution of the soul is simply the tightening of its bonds around their form like a scorpion
trapped in congealing amber, the crystallization of the primordial ooze of the Demiurge (the aetheric
fields which ring around the Spirit).

The 'evolution' agenda is dust simply a lie of a false good sold to the goyim to persuade them to
support their own self extermination and eo ipso to transfer upon their victims' their sins for their own

As far from being a 'good' evolution is instead very negative thing and serves the purpose of mass
sacrifice to safety (Jehovah) by his servants on and off the earth plane, all of whom partake of their
share of the life force of those they subject to sacrifice.

That the synarchy represents 'evolution' as some wonderful purpose in its controlled media
demonstrates that it serves its agenda, just as the fact of its representation of mainstream religion and
'creationism' as a good itself is simply an acknowledgment of the Demiurge and His creation which,
though to all appearances is antithetical, entails evolution as its unfolding process.

What the synarchy does not want of course is the liberation of the captive Spirits from the prison of
the soul-body complex. This is the deathblow to the system and is the bane of the Demiurge who
Himself is only of a subordinate nature to the Uncreated Light of that from which He emanated, the
realm of Hyperborea, the Green ray.

The incarnate Hyperboreans and their hybrids on the earth, the Teutonic race and other related
groups endowed with Spirit (as Spirit embodied in the flesh and trapped within the soul) are the
greatest threat to the system as their mission for their incarnation was to sabotage and destroy the
slave system reincarnation trap and to liberate the captive Spirits from their earthen prison of lowest

The synarchy seeks to render the Spirit chained to matter through shifting its focal point of
consciousness towards soulish emotionalism and the Hyperboreans and their earthly legions of Lucifer
seek to shift the consciousness towards a self-centered focus around the ego or 'Selbst' and away from
the reverted condition of the 'externalist' whose focus is towards the false infinity of the Demiurge
(that is the Demiurge in all His aspects, towards the 'Deus Vult' ('the face of god') and away from the
actual infinite of Hyperborea, the Eternal plane of being beyond the cycles of Time of Demiurgic
becoming, beyond the transience of appearance of spatio-temporal causality and its generation and

The liberators of the Spirit are they who have an awakened blood memory of the Origins, a re-
collection of the memories of Hyperborea, a self-knowledge (gnothe seuton) of the authentic being of
the Selbst or Spirit.

The liberators of the Spirit seek to elevate the captive spirits that they may unchain themselves not
like the synarchic priest hold themselves out as having 'the truth and the light' accessible only through
devious manipulation and mumbo-jumbo witchcraft, initiates of perverse black magic witchcraft.

"The kingdom of heaven is within you" as Meister Eckhart said, not in the whited sepulchre of a
religious institution, itself merely a loosh harvesting facility for "one ring to rule them all and in the
darkness bind them", bind them through ritualistic rites to the Demiurge to be leeched off and ever
more tightly bound to 'The One' through the soul preponderating as the source of their attentional

In order for the spirits to be freed from their material prisons, the bonds of density must needs be
severed and this through an ascetic detachment, not an escapist flight from reality but a detachment
from emotion and thereby a detachment from the soul matrix, the bird Abraxas breaking through the
shell of the cosmic egg and seeking its proper height in the realm of Hyperborea.

The alternative is a slow agonizing death of disintegration through its corrosion by counter-vailing
forces which are part of the realm of the Demiurge. To attempt to remain within the material prison of
'The One' is to precipitate one's death and is the 'sickness unto death' of Kierkegaard and the 'being
towards death' of Heidegger.

Liberation requires an attitude of combativeness against the foe, against the 'doctrine of the heart' of
the Demiurge and His slaves, the slave morality of the weak, the 'lambs of god'.

Kaivalya vs. Ahimsa/Samadhi/Nirvana

The synarchy advocates the purpose of the establishment of the material (and putatively 'spiritual')
'kingdom of heaven upon earth' with 'the chosen people' ruling over the mass as the priestly caste
synarchy of evil which purports to be 'beyond good and evil' serving Jehovah-Satan and absorbing into
Himself the captive Spirits on the earth plane.

The cabal of evil ('the synarchy'-the associated collective of groups venerating the Demiurge) seeks to
materialize the consciousness, rendering the Spirit trapped in the lower density carapace of the soul
as a scorpion trapped in amber becoming immersed and unable to liberate itself from the soul trap.

The synarchy, in order to do this, prescribes and when in sufficient power (such as under Akhenaton)
obligates a passive veneration of the Demiurge in the mode of the lunar-semintic exotericism while
reserving the inner doctrine of 'Syrio-African demonology' (Rosenberg) for themselves as their
counterfeit ars regia (the art of the beggar Kings, the shepherd kings of the order of melchizedek).

The synarchy thus prescribes or imposes, depending on its condition of power, the slave morality that
ennervates and renders docile the 'lambs of god', sheep fattened for the slaughter.

The various terms to describe the 'goal' or telos of this creed and praxis have meant the same thing in
diverse times and places: 'treasures in heaven'; 'ahimsa'; 'nirvana'; 'the kingdom of heaven', etc., The
promise of the future that is claimed to be inevitable and which is nonetheless simply a cultural
construct of 'inevitablism' but nothing inevitable de facto.

The cultural construct of the synarchy called 'religion' presumably derives from the ET blackhole
entities (reptilian transdimensionals; insectoids and mantis E.Ts) who had formulated these creeds via
their representatives on earth who in many cases were avatars (jesus; krishna) or synarchic initiates
(mohammed; buddha).

The OAHSPE Bible of the 32nd degree freemason John Newbrough (1881-1883) reveals this
installation of the various religious leaders (zoroaster, on the Earth in different locations and
times to lead the sheep to the slaughter, rendering them subordinate to the 'culture pact' of their
religious programs (where anyone of any biological group can participate on the condition that they
agree with and conform to the religious dogma and ritualism).

Throughout the history of the world as this synarchy book of evil indicates, the servants of Jehovih
('Yahweh collective' of black-hole entities) have destroyed the civilizations they had originally created
owing to the failure of their followers to it here to the 'culture pact' of their 'law' most recently
encoded in the law of 'moses and the profits' and the 'noahide' laws.

The consequences of such adherence as aforesaid are simply the extinction of the Spirit through its
becoming bound or 'fused' with the soul (which latter is an extension of Jehovah-Satan) leading to
their ultimate extinction.

Thus the motive and consequence of the adherence of the 'culture pact' is the extinction of the Self
(Selbst; Spirit). The effectiveness of this deception on the part of the priest cast of Jehovah-Satan is
achieved through their 'change of meaning' (Rosario) or 'symbolic substitution' (Evola) through which
the extinction death cult of religion and its more contemporary covert forms of new ageism
(illuminism, is represented as 'good' and a 'guarantee' of Eternal life, when they are in actuality a
'guarantee' of Eternal death.

Ahimsa; treasures in heaven; samadhi; Nirvana- this state of being is represented as 'the goal' or the
'telos' of one's 'fervent prayers', the bestowal of grace upon the devotee yet this 'grace' is that of the
vampiric absorption of one's Spirit energy, the false coin of the realm of Zion and the merger with the
reaper, the Fenrir Wolf Jehovah-Satan.

The true path to follow for the men of Spirit (which is by definition a 'man of race') a Hyperborean or
hybrid Hyperborean-Nordico-aryan be he asleep or awake to his origin in Hyperborea, having the
ability to re-call and understand his Hyperborean blood) is that of individuation; separation from the
substance that is the Demiurge and this at all levels and dimensions.

It has been called 'kaivalya' in the aryan vedic texts of the kaula tantra sects and is the antithesis of
ahimsa, the 'merger with the one'. Kaivalya is the path of aesthetic attachments, 'Olympian' or
'Appolinism' transcendentity, of the spiritual virility of the Berserker Warrior the path of the god-man
the black sun, the Immortal of Hyperborean.

The path of kaivalya is the 'forbidden religion' par excellence as it is the greatest threat to the synarchy
and its evil agenda of globalism, of the mixture of blood and the erasure of difference, collapsing all
organic distinctions into a 'cloaca gentium' multi-call based upon the 'culture pact' of 'universalism'
wherein all are 'equal' under 'god' a.k.a. Jehovah-Satan and under his material manifestation in the
'chosen people' Jehovah-Malkuth.

Kaivalya or the Luciferian path strikes at the root of the edifice of the 'sacred spiral' of evolution and
severs the tendrils which attempt to entwine around the captive Spirit, facilitating the absorption of its
depleting energy, the life force of the Hyperboreans whose Immortality thereby threatened.

Indeed the false claim of the synarchy to deceive the population into thinking the soul (let alone the
Spirit) is immortal leads to their greater ease of trapping them in the matrix of the Demiurge and
Vampirizing their life force in their quid pro quo contract with the demons of Chang Shambala.

For not only is the soul not immortal it not good, being a mere tentacular projection of Jehovah-Satan,
an extension of His vampiric trieb, His vampiric Will-to-power to absorb into Himself the captive
Spirits. Beyond this the Spirit itself is not immortal but subject to the same absorption if it should not
be liberated from its captivity by the Demiurge.

Hence the path of the hero is the only path the immortal may tread and must be trodden as the
fulfillment of his mission on this earth to oppose the system which keeps trapped the Spirits of the
soul-body complex, and to sabotage the slave system of Zion.

Suspicion Towards Entities

The mentality or attitude of the awakened Virya, according to Nimrod de Rosario in his work
"Fundamentals of a Hyperborean Wisdom" is that of a suspicion towards entities, of a fundamental
mistrust of the 'given' of experience, in other words of doubt as to their veracity of the attentional
object and by implication doubt towards the sensory experience or impressions which are made
available to consciousness.

A fundamental mistrust or suspicion towards entities. What does this mean? It means that there is
something beyond the given of experience which points towards a diremption, the mediation
between subject and object, cognized and cognizer and therefore an ontological separation not
merely an epistemological one related to 'psychology' or the 'fallibility of the mundane perceptual

This is an intuitive apprehension that something lies beyond the given and the 'perceptual manifold'
of entities, unlike the brute, which immerses itself in the given as a swimmer swimming in the
corrosive waters with the currents of their disintegration devoid of any more elevated state of

The doubt regarding entities, that they are not what they appear to be but rather are ephemera,
transient appearances and therefore mutable, having an 'Other' quality not immediately perceptible
to the consciousness, is the motive consciousness of the one who is elevated himself from 'the world'
if only to a degree, above the spatio-temporal causality of the Demiurge and therefore poses
themselves as a transcendent 'I'.

This is what may be called the 'Luciferic grace' of the awakened Virya, whose doubt as regards entities
is there self-positing of the 'dasein' (' there being' in Heidegger's terms) as above the 'mit-dasein'
('being-with', being in a state of immanence immersed in the given perceptual manifold of entities
made available as a confrontation between subject and object).

The doubting of entities is a self-positing of the 'I', the affirmation of the Spirit (Selbst) vis-à-vis the
'Other', the assertion of one's being in relation to the being of the 'Other' as a reflexive active vitality,
not necessarily reducible to a mode of 'will-to-power' but an act of transcendental apperception with
the entity being 'bracketed off' from conscious perception, viewed by Odin from air throne in Valhalla,
looking down upon the world of entities of 'becoming' of the perpetual dynamic flux of the will of
Jehovah-Satan, i.e. the Time-flow (manifestation) of the Demiurge.

This bracketing off of the Selbst or the establishment of the fence around the Valplads (battlefield) is
the self-assertion of dasein over and against the creation ('the world of beings', transient and
temporalizing, subject to generation and corruption) is the active luciferic conquest (or will to
conquer) through making of the other entity an object of knowledge-power relations, a
transformation of the entity in its being, an unconcealment of its being but also a fixing of the being in
its being-held at a distance within the binocular vision of the predatorial luciferic hero whose modus
operandi of action within 'the world' is that combat and adversariality-loyalty to the Uncreated Light
of Eternity and adversariality towards the plagiaristic distortion called 'the creation', the plasmatic
projections of the Verbum of the Demiurge, the distortion of being by the superimposed transmission
of the Will of the Logos.

Suspicion held towards the entities is a means of not only controlling their influence as an act of
'strategic opposition', bracketing off the impingement upon the senses by the hypostatic excreta of
Jehovah-Satan (this creation and the perishable, tangible beings that have crystallized into lowest

The indication of the transcendence of the Lucifer (the awakened virya) is his recognition (re-cognition
via the active blood memory or minnetrinken, drinking from the vessel of the emerald goblet of
Hermes of the blood of the Grail as the minnesanger) of his Origins and Hyperborea, recognition of his
being 'a stranger in a strange land' and not of this world of perishable beings.

They who have this essential quality of transcendental apperception re-cognizable immediately and
viewed sub species aeternitatis (from an internal point of view as Odin views the world from Valhalla)
the strangeness or foreignness of beings plant; mineral; vegetable or animal-indeed even and
especially of a happy, reverted Spirit whose gaze faces the 'Deus Vult' ('face of god') and not the Vultus
Spiritus ('spiritual face'- that of the Virgin of Agartha).

They who, on the other hand, the antipode of the Hyperborean, who gravitate towards the archetype
of 'the lamb of god' are, in spite of their pompous and affected claims to being 'in the world and not of
the world', instead all too ready to embrace all sentient Life and merge into the mire of transient
becoming, becoming a being subject to the will of the Demiurge, what they designate by the word
'god' and thus these pretentious pseudo-spiritualists precipitate their down going, binding themselves
to the world and becoming fused to the creation and by extension the Creator of whom the creation is
simply has materialization and physical or substantial form (chemical; physical; electrical; magnetic;

This explains why these 'lambs of god' christians are so fixated on 'the Creation' and its transient
becoming either following the path of the poet or that of the scientist or of the priest. The poet
attempts to confer meaning on the entities in a lyrical and metaphorical distortion of their being; the
scientist to confer meaning upon them in the form of taxonomy and a quantitative reductivism
(formulating and subjecting them to encyclopedic architectonic's and conceptual schemes; models
and quantitative language); the priest confers meaning upon entities as in the former two cases or
exclusively in that of the theological discourse of whatever particular form (extolling and praising 'the
creation' and propounding philosophical discourse regarding the 'creation' and 'created' forms of 'The
One', relating them to him in the matter of veneration and conferring meaning upon them only
relative to the Demiurge, thereby fulfilling His self-evolution of creating matter and having the trapped
Spirits of the Uncreated Light confer upon them meaning which empowers Himself and amplifies His
wille zur macht).

The followers of the crucified one crucified themselves on the cross of matter, nailing themselves with
the metallic-mineral substance of the Demiurge to the vegetable substance of the petrified wood of
the cross (Petrus); serving themselves up as sacrifices to 'The One' in their self-destructive immersion
in their density and his creation as they 'tend the garden of Eden' on 'earth as it is in heaven'.

They who in 'sanctus simplicitas' have no suspicion towards the creator go the way of all flesh as,
paradoxical as it may seem they have an inadequate capacity of dealing with the entities as they are
bound up with them as their 'husband men' even as they purport to be the 'bride of christ'. The
luciferian by contrast has an aversion towards the entities reflective of his transcendental state of
consciousness. He not only suspects that they are being as appear to his consciousness is not what it
is in Truth, that there is more than meets the eye regarding the phenomenal percept, but beyond this
and by virtue of this fact he has an aversion towards it in his compartment towards the entities born
of his adversarial temperament. This is the encounter of the Hyperborean with 'the world' and by
extension the Demiurge, the 'Deus Vult' which he suspects as he is not willing to allow it to overpower
him in the master-slave dialectic.


The synarchy's method for the elimination of its opposition is technically undergone according to its
qabbalistic rites. The ghoulish and cruel members of the cabal delight in causing harm to others (to
the 'Other') as means of potentiating the entities with whom they are bound, the black-hole
extraterrestrials of the 'Yahweh collective'. The more pain and suffering they impose upon their
victims the more energy released in the form of pain reactions, and therefore the more energy they
confer upon the entities who reward them in proportion to the receipt of 'loosh' or bio-energy they
through this means harvest from their victims.

Therefore the synarchy's means of murder are undergone in a cruelly protracted manner and not all at
once unless they deem it expedient and necessary to more quickly dispatch their victims. Another
element in their torturous mode of murder lies in the fact of the synarchy's delighting in its own
hubris, glorying in its sense of superiority especially as it relates to its alleged cleverness and superior

Therefore it further delights in the prolonged abuse it subjects its targets to and this in a clandestine
mode as means of 'hiding in plain sight', imposing upon their victims a double-bond whereby they
reveal what they are doing to their enemies as means of implying that they are superlatively clever
and therefore deserving of getting away with their abuse and this also on the premise that they have
'discharged their karma' for violating others after 'revealing' their motives and intent to their victims
(revelation of the method).

The sadistic glee the cabal members derive through such acts of self-assertion over and against the
other demonstrates that far from being 'beyond good and evil' they are instead simply 'evil' in the
sense of the conventional judeo-christian mores, unable to transcend their base states of
consciousness and rooted in the most primitive drives of the cthonic-tellurian mode of consciousness
of the pasu, the beast-man.

The case of the Neanderthal-hybrid, the semite is one such of this modality of consciousness which
has become the personality of the modern day social Darwinist whose animalistic will-to-power
manifests itself in the bestial desire to dominate and attack others without necessity or meaning other
than this vulgar sensation of power.

Therefore the soft kill protocol of the synarchy is, far from being a demonstration of their cleverness
simply a demonstration of their base state of consciousness and the mode of semitic witchcraft which
constitutes their praxiological compartment towards others (indeed towards all including themselves).

The occult worldview of the cabal is based upon a desire to facilitate the evolutive process of the
Demiurge's Will and their soft kill protocol feeds the cosmic vampire as much loosh discharged from
their victims as possible.

To whip up the stupid into a frenzy to harass; abuse and murder such as in the cases (innumerable
throughout His-story) of Hypatia of Alexandria; Giordano Bruno; Galileo (the torture and murder of
philosophers and wise men throughout his-story) of the martyrs of the Nuremberg trials and
Mussolini and his girlfriend etc.-all of this is motivated by a desire to maximize the pain energy
released from the victim using the tactics of witch hunting ('gang stalking') and other ritualistic
protocols of traumatic abuse and the disruption of the consciousness by the sinister sadists of Zion.

The explanation for most of the world suffering can be laid at the feet of the 'chosen people' and their
'amor intellectualis dei', the so-called 'love of god' they possess which is the devotion to a vampire and
His perpetual thirst for pain.

Force of Destiny

The 'destiny of the nations' of Alice Bailey reports to describe the destiny of the diverse 'culture
organisms' (in Spengler's terms), and to prescribe a 'solution' to the 'world problem'. The solution is
presumably the Kalergi plan, the multi polar geopolitical regionalism of the world which is divided into
distinct groups and yet, with the aryan race presumably being subject to the influx of non-white
elements leading to the genocide of the Aryo-Germanic race.

Each region has its quality and is diagrammed by the synarchy on the map of Richard Coudenhove von
Kalergi's book "Practical Idealism" with Britain reconstituting its empire with India; China and South
Africa as well as Australia; New Zealand; Canada and other smaller nations assimilated into it and
America being a distinct entity fused with Mexico (as far as the writer can recall) with the European
Union constituting its own power block and China holding sway over the Asian region.

Various other 'plans' of this sort have been and are being at the time of this writing drafted such as
'Plan Andina' for 'Nai Judah' and South America and 'the belt and road' and 'Greater Israel' all of which
of course serve the would be 'destiny' of the jewish nation in its hegemonic power madness and
imperialist aspirations.

The destiny of the nations is not 'in the hands of god' but in the hands of the few who beyond god,
beyond the Demiurge and His hierarchies of dark forces, namely the Hyperboreans and their material
hybrid the aryan race (a product of Hyperborean parthenogenetic and epigenetic evolutive influence
on the Cro-Magnon). They alone hold the key to destiny and they alone will provide the solution to
the 'world problem' that The Great White brotherhood, the architects of chaos and servants of the
Demiurge (G.A.O.T.U) constitute and have for millennia.

The force of destiny is the will-to-power of the culture organisms and its individual members and has
been perversely altered by the infiltration of the culture distortor jew who has attempted to
symbiotically entangle himself with the aryan and direct his host towards his own selfish ends (and
those of his deity Jehovah-Satan).

The orientation of the synthetic constructs of the Semites is not a destiny but fate, that of a service to
their deity and to an adherence to his will-to-power and attempted takeover of their hosts expanding
without any intention of self-limitation as their globalist plans clearly indicate and as their own His-
story also indicates ("you shall have the earth for your inheritance").

The fate of the jews is the fate of their Deity and that is self-extinction in this world and in the next,
depending on the unraveling of his-story and the artificial timelines engineered by their
extraterrestrial masters and encoded in their 'holy books' of religious programming.

The face of destiny of the nations is easily overcome by that of the area nation not a plurality of
distinct types but a unity as a cultural organism, sympathetically aligned with their own well as
independent free spirits of the Uncreated Light and in opposition to the forces of darkness embodied
in 'the chosen people'and their minions (freemasons; christians and other Demiurge worshipers).

This forces without of the black sun, of the Green Ray of the light of eternity overcoming the
Demiurge and His-story and re-turning the captive Spirits to the realm beyond spatio-temporal
contingency, towards Hyperborea.


The synarchy in its dialectic of antitheses has created the ideologies and movements of overt
subversion to mask their more fundamental and totalitarian organizations of covert subversion,
namely the religions and to all appearances 'conservative' groups.

The intention of the synarchy is to propound these two 'alternatives' and to play them off against each
other controlling both sides or 'antitheses' and then either reconciling together into a syncretic
amalgam else to have one triumph over the other.

In the former case the two extremes of 'fascism' and 'communism' become reconciled in a
communitarian society, a hybrid synthesis of fascism and communism with additional elements
imported in, in the latter case 'communism' or so-called 'dictatorship' nationalism is imposed upon the
populace and the specific 'Orthodox' religion tribes against the 'pagan' or 'atheist' antithesis, enabling
in both cases the priest caste to superimpose its hegemony on the population with a justification or
excuse it did not previously have.

The pseudo-Tradition of the synarchy, a simulacral distortion or counterfeit perversion of the

primordial Hyperborean Wisdom and its external form is thereby posited as the only alternative which
'tradition' enables the monopolization of the priest caste of all power in a temporal sense,
representing itself as having this power in the spiritual sense and employing this deception as means
of manipulating the mass mind to acquiesce to their hegemony or rather their priestly oligarchy.
Indeed all religions of today's world are tentacles of the same synarchic octopus and are mere
mechanisms of mind control via emotional manipulation.

The priest caste, the buddhist; hindu; muslim; christian or jewish all worked collectively though they
are to all appearances distinct and all of these 'adepts' are players in the game in the role of those
who purport to transcend the merely temporal and to precipitate a 'kingdom of heaven upon earth' as
mediators of the Divine Will based upon their exclusive and allegedly superior relationship with the
Absolute. This cabal of black magicians superintend over the minds of the populace and employs
(deploys as a weapon of war) it's emotional manipulation tactics to standardize the hive mind of the

The priests' bread-and-butter is based upon exploitation of the 'laity' or 'profane', what they
euphemistically refer to as 'shepherding the sheeple', of deceiving them to acquiesce to their
overlordship through threat of punishment or deprivation of advantages and higher forces with whom
they are bound.

The deployment of fear (of ill consequence-deprivation of good or visitation of harm) is adequate to
coerce compliance amongst the naïve and ill-informed to look towards their priests as their superiors
and guides (Shepherd Kings; priest of the order of melchizedek).

Though the broad masses err in ascribing superlative value to the priests in terms of their association
with benevolent spiritual forces or possessed of an ability derived from 'god' to ward off malevolent
forces they err and fail to realize that the entities with whom they are bound are in fact malevolent
themselves and have no benevolent intention toward the mundane/profane masses.

Indeed the priest caste, comprised of those initiated into the 'culture pact' of raceless universalism (of
whatever specific kind), have malevolent intentions towards their charges as they de facto view them
and use them as chattel to do their labor and to serve as a receptacle of bioenergy-to alleviate their
own necessity or fail and to serve them up as sacrifices to their deity, the Demiurge, bleeding them of
their life force throughout their lives and as pawns in their game of global control.

The synarchy operates on the basis of this two-tiered society where the priests rule in conjunction
with their other dimensional black hole entities with a rigidly stratified caste system beneath of
standardized and narrowly limited subordinate castes: warrior or administrative (they who engage in
enforcing the temporal order of 'the world' system); merchant or commercial (they who concern
themselves with exchange of goods and services subordinate to money incentive and for the priest
caste for the service of their own ends) and proletarian or worker caste.

Each of those within the rigidified structure is pigeon-holed into its caste from birth and is unable to
transcend their limitation. It is only the current of forces who opposed this who enable liberty to be
brought into being otherwise the priest caste would have maintained the rigidified structure ad
aeternum had it its sway.

Perhaps this putative 'liberty' was simply another ruse on the part of the priest cast themselves who
employed revolution and subversion to shift the type of priest from the more solar and aryan towards
the more lunar and semitic (or vice versa), making the jew blameworthy for their own deeds: this the
writer cannot say with certainty. Regardless, the 'end game' of the priestly caste is slavery and
subjection within a rigidified caste system serving its own ends and controlled by them as their
structure of worldly power.

The current religions are represented as 'traditions' while they are largely syncretic creations,
distortions of more primordial beliefs and overt plagiaristic inversions such as is revealed in the books
"Buddhism: Doctrine of Evil" (discussing the nihilistic creed of Buddhism brought into being under the
regime of Emperor Ashoka); "Exposing Christianity" and "jesus Never Existed" (the former exposing
the catholic semitic-inversion of pre-existent aryan traditions, the latter propounding copious evidence
that jesus as a historical figure did not exist); "Exposing islam" (a work of the same nature) amongst
other sources.

Each of these 'traditions' could be spoken of as such only in an illegitimate manner as they are mere
borrowings and distorted reflexions of the original Hyperborean Wisdom that has in most cases being
entangled with the non-aryans in various regions of the world and/or are simply the remnants of
earlier forms of spirituality which no longer exist on the earth.

Hence they are a 'tradition' of syncretism not an original or primordial Tradition, something which
exists only as a mixture of disparate elements and thus not an alloy or synthesis of opposites or
diverse sources, as to attempt a synthesis of that which is conflictual and distinct is absurd by virtue of
the very fact that 'it' is not synthesized, simply degraded and destroyed, some of its elements
becoming something which 'it' is not.

Therefore the 'traditions' offered up as so many 'sweetmeats' by the priest caste to their laity, which
purport to be the Truth and the Light are in reality little more than inventions. The religions were
probably concocted by extraterrestrials in conjunction with the 'chosen people' in different regions
and at different times as a means of regulating the masses and rendering them spiritually dead
without any knowledge of the ancient ways.

Perhaps the E.T's had benevolent intentions in keeping the corrupt populations in ignorance as the
priest caste and the larger population had degenerated and had begun to follow degenerate paths in
many cases leading toward their destruction and thus the E.T's sought their protection. This could be
an argument for their 'benevolent intentions' but given the His-story of modernity (the entire Kali Yuga
of the past 5,400 years) has been a 'His-story' of Demiurgic violence, the violence of the 'Yahweh
collective' of E.Ts and their earthly emissaries it follows from the premises that their intentions are far
from 'benevolent'.

The 'take-home message' regarding the 'Traditions' is that they are simply mechanisms of both
exoteric and esoteric false dogma and at the highest levels entail perverse rites of witchcraft that leads
to self destruction and the furnishing of the 'Yahweh collective' and the Demiurge with bio-energy
until the life force of the Spirit not only of the 'mere profane' as judged by the priest caste but they
themselves have fused Spirits to the Demiurge through what they call 'soul perfection' via initiated
pseudo-gnosis and counter-Traditional praxis (i.e. witchcraft derived presumably from these E.T

Hence the wise will avoid all 'Traditions' in this world at this the bottom of the Kali Yuga understanding
as they do that this 'traditional path' are simply the path to the abyss not that to the stars above and
that it is a mere simulacrum of true gnosis distorted and perverted by the Demiurge Jehovah-Satan
and his minions for their own selfish advantage and, far from being benign let alone benevolent is
thoroughly malignant and are mere mind control mechanisms, vehicles of spiritual possession and a
slippery slope to spiritual extinction through a merger of the Spirit with the cosmic vampire Jehovah-
Satan. One must find ones' own way in the world hence and thus will never be should one wish for
immortality, binding oneself to 'The One' in samadhi, but through the left-hand path of Kaivalya and
ascetic detachment.

The Hyperborean Tradition

The tradition of the aryan, the foremost bearer and representative of the primordial gnosis, derives
from the Hyperborean gods who had descended upon the earth to confer upon the population their
wisdom, the technic of craftsmanship and other means of facilitating the evolution of the Demiurge.

Regardless of motives their conference of same was endowed in its inheritors who also partook of the
lion's share of their blood and are thus those most possessed of that inheritance as of this time in the
cycles of Time, they who are closest to the gods and best positioned to attain their place in the stars,
the best endowed with the capacity for detachment and transcendence.

According to Miguel Serrano, who views this transmission of the incarnate Hyperboreans who
descended to confer on the pasu beast-man their blood as a favorable and positive fact, the "god
came into the daughters of men" as a means of liberating them from the lower density of the
reincarnation trap of the Demiurge and thereby freeing the and Spirits that they may create a
"kingdom of heaven upon earth" and become a co-creator with the Divine.

The view of Nimrod de Rosario who had dealings with Serrano is the opposite: that these 'fallen
Angels' are servants of the Demiurge and incarnated on the earth to chain the Spirits to matter, to the
material world and facilitate the evolutive process of the Demiurge's self-realization through the
mixed type's becoming more able to confer meaning upon the entities of the Creation and presumably
though he does not convey this, facilitate the vampiric absorption of their bio-energy via war;
revolution and mass sacrifice.

The fact of their conference of the Hyperborean Wisdom on the beast-man by means of creating a
hybrid time of Hyperborean virya has enabled the creation of a wound window in the matrix of the
Demiurge, a higher state of spiritual elevation attained through this conference of blood which has its
place in another dimension, that of Eternity.

The Hyperborean Tradition does not exist overtly in any of the synarchy's distorted heads of the Hydra
but is the presence within most in a form reminiscent of the Gordian knot, tangled and twisted over
millennia and perversely combined with the negative alien conference of Black Magic witchcraft, the
arcane perversions of Shamballah.

The Hyperborean wisdom is that which inheres in the blood and cannot be re-called by any not
possessing it. Only they who have the blood of the gods can recall the state of being, the condition of
the Superman, which is equivalent to the condition of the awakened aryan transmuting himself into
who he is in potentia from his comparatively base born state of lead.

He alone can understand the Hyperborean Wisdom as he alone has the essence of the gods in
sufficient concentration to be able to kindle the blood memory within his inner being. The runes are
the purview of the Hyperborean and none other are able to understand them to as great a degree (if
at all) as the aryan his degraded descendant-still elevated above the 'men of clay' of the anti-race
untermensch (menschentiere).

These vehicles of Truth, of primordial gnosis are the inheritance of the descendants of the gods and
are the tools through which he awakens the blood memory, though in and of themselves they are
neither sufficient nor requisite they are an effective instrument in re-calling the Origin-Hyperborea.

The rites and rituals of synarchic occultism are a typically semitized distortion of the Hyperborean
Wisdom and all of the language and numerology is based upon the evolutive-tellurism, a pseudo-
(artificial) transcendentalism based upon linguistic abstractions).

The synarchy's occultism is oriented towards a wooden architecture of artificial concepts and
abstractions and thus has no transcendent quality but is a purely worldly created vitalism without any
higher principles save those of 'human-all-too human' invention of the invention, of the
menscehntiere the 'chosen people'.

These descendants, genetic hybrids, of reptilian and presumably other of the negative aliens (e.g.
insectoids, etc.) are they mixed product their D.N.A together and created the jews to serve to
undermine and destroy this very wisdom and its bearers through 'symbolic substitution' or 'change of
meaning', i.e. culture distortion, the created/plagiaristic distortion of the 'blood pact' of the
Hyperborean Wisdom.

The runes have been banned in certain Nordic countries just as they had been banned during the
medieval age and this in itself indicates the threat this rune lore poses to the cabal and its agents, who
recognize their potency in awakening the Spirit of the Hyperborean race, the greatest threat to their
conspiracy for global enslavement.

The yoga; the rites and rituals of the synarchy are all bound up with E.Ts and other entities they work
with, enabling possession and rendering them a mere possessed 'robot of the Demiurge' in Serrano's
words. Their pseudo-gnosis is their 'down-going', their merger with 'The One' and by virtue of this
very fact the extinction of their Spirit, fused in samadhi with their god Jehovah-Satan.

Only the Hyperboreans will escape this fate and they who serve the synarchy seeking preferment and
elevation in its hierarchy of hypocrisy simply play the role of the fly entering into the web of the
spiders which are the black hole entities, enabling their destruction unwittingly.


The labyrinth of this world is navigated by the 'stranger in a strange land', the incarnate Hyperborean
and the various crossings which had occurred with the descent of what has been called the 'fallen

Nimrod de Rosario would consider this an accurate analysis of the Hyperboreans who descended into
the world and mixed their blood with the daughters of men whereas Miguel Serrano would contend
that this 'fall' was a voluntary choice and was undergone for the purpose of elevating the worldly
beastman, the anthropoids created by the Demiurge, Jehovah-Satan.

Regardless, those closest to the gods, these Hyperboreans (or at least those who did not fall?) found
themselves to be strangers in a strange land within a world that constitutes a battlefield ('Valplads')
populated with omnipresent enemies with whom they must forever be in a state of readiness to

The modality of consciousness of the hero in his combat is that of 'fundamental hostility' as Nimrod de
Rosario has spoken of in his works and specifically the relational schema existent between himself and
'the world' and its earthbound spirits, the 'reverted spirits' who are subordinate to the Demiurge and
whose purblind vision of reality is directed towards the 'Deus Vult' ('face of god') and not the superior
'Vultus Spiritus' ('face of the Spirit').

Indeed the consciousness of the pasu is fixed within the world and vacillates between the animic
principle (soul); the rational mind (brain function of analytic consciousness, reflexive consciousness)
and the instinctive mind of the reptilian brain.

Such a lowly creature can't but face the 'Deus Vult' at every turn and must needs go the way of all
flesh towards his perdition through failure to attain a state of being of a more elevated nature, failure
to situate his consciousness in the Selbst at a higher state of the acceleration of Time-flow beyond the
lower seven heavens of the Demiurge.

The hero by contrast exists in the state and as this state, is the embodiments of the Lucifer principle of
the 'man of race', he who awakened the blood memory and can connect with the Origin, who is a
'man of race', he will awaken the blood memory and can connect with the origin, who is a 'man
against Time' in the sense of being against the current of disintegration, against the Will of 'The One'
which is Time itself (temporalization; degeneration and corruption).

The hero is a closed system unto himself, a black sun who has his face directed towards the actual
infinite of the Uncreated Light, the black light of night not the false infinite of the Creator and His
creation. His focus is on quality and his own individuated and differentiated quality is that of a being
which has granted itself solitude detached from the chaos of becoming and situated in the midst of
Being, in the Realm of Eternity, of Hyperborea.

The stance he occupies enables him to view the world as Odin from air-throne with Olympian
detachment and to better navigate the flux of conditions he must encounter within the realm of
perpetual contingency, of the ceaseless mutability of 'becoming'. He thus establishes himself in mente
and in actua within the world as a being separate therefrom yet voluntarily present, a hero figure
whose action entails the searching for his foe and a constant dichotomous choice which presents itself
to his consciousness: he searches and discovers options or a dichotomy to forbear from or to pursue a
course of action or make a decision. He faces a 'yes' or a 'no' and immediately decides a course of
action through this apperception of luciferic grace, his attunement towards beings as viewed from
above and without the intermediation of the reflex act of consciousness, what is commonly called

He works his way with luciferic grace from the point of encountering a situation, person, thing or task
towards engaging that person; situation; thing or task working towards the goal of an appropriate
form of action. This is the awakened Hero's means of navigating the labyrinth of 'the world' and has
been diagrammed in Rosario's work 'Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom' as a trident shape
with the search or quest of the Hero being a shaft of the Trident and the section where it splits in
three representing the confrontation with this situation necessitating the selection of options
mutually exclusive.

This has also been diagrammed in much of the pop-culture and inscribed on physical objects as the
'on' button of a vertical bar in a circle representing the generative principle (the vertical bar) with the
circle (the cosmic womb or astral light, the 'mother') signifying 'manifestation' or the act of Genesis (of
the generative principle, the G. A. O. T. U Jehovah-Satan, the Demiurge).

Rosario takes this conception and re-signs this macrocosmic signification within the microcosmic
sphere as a usurpation of the fire from the gods, the Promethean act of the hero figure who himself
decides in contravention of the macrocosmic Will and evolutive process, following his own path and
carrying out his own destiny, making decisions independent of the Demiurge and his 'laws' and their
implementation by the priest cast of the global synarchy.

The hero figure reverts the trident once has become fully awakened and has transmuted himself into
a warrior Berserker, grasping the central prong as the hilt of his sword and, in a state of constant
readiness for action and antagonism against the foe has forever before his sight as the mode of his
consciousness the potency of decision where he will confront all situations; things; persons as
potentialities for action, as beings whose relation to him entails an active potency of willpower to
handle and deal with according to his Olympian stance, acting impersonally and unemotionally in
relation to that which is external to himself and adhering to his duty as a being (dasein) attuned to the
Uncreated Light of Spirit, acting according to principle in a transcendental manner, not motivated by
desire or the primitive instincts of the pasu with the latter's sadism and lustful inclinations.

Accordingly, the world for the awakened Virya is the labyrinth and he has transformed himself into an
adept player in its navigation. With each turn and forward movement around the bend he confronts
yet more choices and decisions and acts with readiness to confront the future states of affairs with
poise and 'luciferic grace'.

He is the wielder of the flaming sword of Kristos-Lucifer-Wotan brought out of its scabbard and raised
in readiness to combat the foe and to illumine the darkness of ignorance with its refulgent
luminescence of Eternal Light.

His search is a perpetual quest not for some special 'synarchic gnosis' for he has no need thereof,
recognizing his potential immortal nature as a descendant of the gods. The trajectory of his will is
simply to liberate the Spirits from the clutches of the Demiurge and to combat with strategic
opposition the system of Jehovah-Satan and his minions of liars; thieves and murderers, the sickness
of the earth whose false promises of 'the Truth' (as embodied in mainstream religion and new age
'spiritism') have blinded the mass of the captive Spirits to their own enslavement and potential
destruction at the hands of the priest caste.

Within the labyrinth the hero pursues his quest for victory and for Valhalla, acting within 'the world' of
the Valplads, the battlefield of the Ragnarok which plays itself out at the bottom of the Kali Yuga, the
Wolf age, the age of lead in the final confrontation with the enemy.

Cultural Record Versus Ontic Record

The false light of Shamballah shines forth in the 'ontic records' that have become known in occultism
as the 'akasha' or 'akashic records', the inscription or encoding in the aether of the energetic patterns
of 'the world' and his contingencies, what have been considered as 'history', the unfolding of the
cycles of Time and the Time-flow of the Demiurge which is His evolutive process.

The false light of 'akasha' meaning the aether is the refulgent glow of the Demiurge with His harsh
glare of the illusory world of substance which He generates from out of Himself is that realm samsara
in which the pasu lives, within 'the world' of generation and corruption.

To bind oneself, as the 'scientist' does, to this plane or dimension of existence (becoming) is to bind
oneself to the Demiurge through 'quantum entanglement' or 'sympathetic resonance', the perceiver
or the experiencer more broadly, of this akashic record (ontic records) involves himself by virtue of his
immersion within it in the substance of the Demiurge as a nudist swimming in a pool of acid leading
towards the disintegration of his Spirit over Time and creating a bond between himself and the
conscious presence of 'The One'.

This is the experience of the 'face of God' ('Deus Vult') and its vampiric nature, it's true nature
concealed behind the appearances of the lower phenomenal dimension of time and space. To
confront the cosmic vampire and take the risk of being subject to his hypnotic stare and vortextual
absorption of one's vital forces is a risk that only a Berserker Siddha or illumined man of stone can
endure and thus necessitates a transmutation of the consciousness through an ordeal of fire through
challenges of life and death struggle to transcend beyond this veil of Maya of the 'ontic record' of
plagiarized forms of the Eternal Realm.

For he who has not achieved such a state of being, who has not transformed himself into a red knight
with armor of immortal vajra, must turn his face towards the face of the Spirit, the Virgin of Agartha
and fixed his gaze upon her in all endeavors, situating his consciousness beyond the realm of the
Demiurge, for he is not adequately prepared for the confrontation with the beast.

His focus must be that of an eagle looking down upon the world of matter and the perishable beings
who are subject to the entropic force of Time-flow. He must keep his distance from phenomenal
appearances and view them with his binocular-vision as prey to be dealt with in an adversarial manner
rather than to immersing himself within this false infinity of the differentiated manifold of 'the

Indeed he must refrain from poking about in the world of beings and focus himself on the maze of
confusion that has become known as 'His-story', and it's plenitude of cultural processes; artefacts and
signifiers which provide him with the means to deconstruct the false historical narrative and malicious
distortion of the 'chosen people' and their affiliates who employ their distortion and confusion tactics
as means of tearing down and destroying their enemies, namely they are attuned to the Uncreated
Light and who can pull aside the veil of appearances behind which they conceal themselves and their
system of architecture of the deceiver.

The scholar; the idly curious; the scientist; the theologian-all are one in their participation in inserting
their head into the guillotine of the cosmic executioner-expending needless time and effort on that
which has no transformative influence on their own consciousness and that which simply serves to
further ensconce them in the ectoplasmic substance of Jehovah-Satan and in which they eventually
are drowned in the aetheric cesspool of 'The One' with his excreted forms and planes of

The cultural records are the compendia of a 'human-all-too-human' creation, the outward or external
manifestation of the culture organism (volk soul) in the form of the agency of the population, their
creative work and self-expression which is, though mediated through the individual, the expression of
the folk archetype.

The traditional culture of a type; a race; the qualitatively distinct group, is the ensemble of its cultural
expression to the point of where had 'become who it is', had formed a type which can be identified
and constitutes the pole around which it concentrates its forces.

The identity of the group thus is the Tradition of that group and to destroy the Tradition is to destroy
the group or create conditions which weaken it sufficiently that it may be destroyed owing to an
insufficient resistive capacity or inner strength which is drawn from that pole. Thus as the jew has said:
"first we destroy your culture, then we destroy you." Such is the protocol of the jew in his violation of
the 'Other' and his means of carrying out this violence against the 'Other' is through:

1) subtle infiltration into the 'gentile' society and

2) the creation of chaos that subverts and over time he would intend destroys the 'gentile' society.

Hence the cultural record of the race becomes subject to distortion and subversion under the
influence of the infiltrator the jew and the race is set up for destruction by the powermad cabal of the
'chosen people' and their affiliates.

Therefore it is necessary to understand the culture of Tradition, one's own authentic culture and to
compare it to the contemporary form that culture has been modified into as means of attempting to
rectify the culture from its fallen state.

One must thus become attuned to the memory of the blood, to the re-collection of the symbol of the
Origin of the Hyperborean ancestors and thereby to understand the particular nature of the fall, to be
able to intuitively apprehend that cultural form which is deviant and that which is agreeable and
correspondent to one's folk.

In order to rectify the fallen folk one must rectify the culture and this is the means most instrumental
in transmuting the asleep Virya into one awakened and to thereby enable them to attain their proper
place or station in 'the world', to cast out the dross of the interloper, both the culture distortor and he
himself, the poison worm in the Apple.

The ontic records thus must be treated as Epictetus said in "The Enchiridion" regarding that which is
external to oneself: namely with indifference and a detachment keeping the beings at arms length and
not focusing on their evolutive history or 'fate' (their 'ontic supra-finality' as Nimrod de Rosario has
called it) but rather a simple recognition that they are in the words of Epictetus 'externals' and that
only that which is internal matters, namely the Uncreated Spirit, all else being merely a supportive
cultural superstructure that enables their transcendence from 'the world' and avoidance of
submerging the spirit and the corrosive waters of the Demiurge, the substantial being.

Thereby the awakened Virya may assist in the liberation of the captive Spirits from the grip of
Jehovah-Satan and may work towards the disintegration not of his Spirit as in the case of the pasu but
rather the disintegration of the system, the Metatronic hyper-cube or black cube of Zion.


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