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Euclid - The Creation of Mathematics - Artmann

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The document provides an overview of Euclid and his influential work Elements, which established the foundations of geometry and the deductive approach to mathematics.

The book discusses Euclid and his seminal work Elements, covering fundamental geometric concepts such as points, lines, planes, angles and shapes in a logical and deductive manner.

Euclid covers basic geometric concepts such as points, lines, planes, angles and shapes. He also introduces concepts of arithmetic and establishes the axiomatic foundation for developing mathematical theories through abstraction and deductive reasoning.

Euclid-The Creation

of Mathematics
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC
Benna Artmann

Euclid - The Creation

of MatheTIlatics

With 116 Illustrations

Drawings by the Author

, Springer
Benno Artmann
Pastor Sander Bogen 66
D-37083 Goettingen

Mathematics Subject Classifications (1991): OOA05, 01A20, HA05, 51M05

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Artmann, Benno.
Euclid-the creation of mathematics / Benno Artmann.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4612-7134-5 ISBN 978-1-4612-1412-0 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4612-1412-0
1. Euclid, Elements. 2. Mathematics, Greek. 1. Title.
QA31.A78 1999
510-dc21 98-31042

Printed on acid-free paper.

1999 Springer Science+Business Media New York

Originally published by Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. in 1999
Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover lst edition 1999
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This book is for all lovers of mathematics. It is an attempt to under-

stand the nature of mathematics from the point of view of its most
important early source.
Even if the material covered by Euclid may be considered ele-
mentary for the most part, the way in which he presents it has set
the standard for more than two thousand years. Knowing Euclid's
Elements may be of the same importance for a mathematician today
as knowing Greek architecture is for an architect. Clearly, no con-
temporary architect will construct a Doric temple, let alone organize
a construction site in the way the ancients did. But for the training
of an architect's aesthetic judgment, a knowledge of the Greek her-
itage is indispensable. I agree with Peter Hilton when he says that
genuine mathematics constitutes one of the finest expressions ofthe
human spirit, and I may add that here as in so many other instances,
we have learned that language of expression from the Greeks.
While presenting geometry and arithmetic Euclid teaches us es-
sential features of mathematics in a much more general sense. He
displays the axiomatic foundation of a mathematical theory and its
conscious development towards the solution of a specific problem.
We see how abstraction works and enforces the strictly deductive
presentation of a theory. We learn what creative definitions are and

VI ----=P:..:re:.::::fa=ce

how a conceptual grasp leads to toe classification of the relevant ob-

jects. Euclid creates the famous algorithm that bears his name for
the solution of specific problems in arithmetic, and he shows us how
to master the infinite in its various manifestations.
One of the greatest powers of scientific thinking is the ability
to uncover truths that are visible only "to the eyes of the mind;' as
Plato says, and to develop ways and means to handle them. This
is what Euclid does in the case of irrational, or incommensurable,
magnitudes. And finally, in the Elements we find so many pieces of
beautiful mathematics that are easily accessible and can be studied
in detail by anybody with a minimal training in mathematics.
Seeing such general phenomena of mathematical thinking that
are as valid today as they were at the time of the ancient Greeks, we
cannot but agree with the philosopher Immanuel Kant, who wrote in
1783 in the popular introduction to his philosophy under the heading
"Is metaphysics possible after a11?":

There is no book at all in metaphysics such as we have in math-

ematics. If you want to know what mathematics is, just look at
Euclid's Elements.
(Prolegomena 4 in free translation)

To be sure, some fundamental concepts needed for today's math-

ematics are absent from Euclid's Elements, most notably algebraic
formulae and the concepts of a function and the real numbers. This
does not, however, affect us when we study, for instance, how the
exclusion of certain means of construction forces a more rigorous
treatment of a piece of mathematics or how generalizations can be
very profound on one occasion and shallow on another one.
In order to substantiate these general claims, we have to look at
Euclid's Elements in detail. Our comments are based on the transla-
tion from the Greek original by Th. L. Heath (1908/1926). We will
quote many of Euclid's definitions and theorems, but cite proofs only
for a few of the most important results like Pythagoras's theorem or
the irrationality of J"Z. Many of Euclid's other proofs are reproduced
in their main outlines and in a mildly modernized language to be
more easily accessible to the reader. For any questions about specific
details the interested reader is advised to have Heath's or any other
Preface VII
- ---------------------

translation into a modern language at hand. All recent translations

are reliable, as my friends competent in classical philology tell me. If
there are any problems in understanding a passage, they are almost
always of a mathematical, and not a linguistic, nature and of minor
importance. There are none of the ambiguities in a mathematical
text as there are, for instance, in a novel or a philosophical treatise.
However, in the Elements we still have a very distant historical text
that needs interpretation. Here the present book takes a clear po-
sition: The Elements are read, interpreted, and commented upon
from the point of view of modern mathematics.
I would like to share my joy and enthusiasm in studying Euclid
with as many interested readers as possible. The Elements definitely
deserve to be more widely known and read, and not just in the
narrow circle of specialists in the history of mathematics. Never-
theless, I hope that the experts will find one or another aspect of my
interpretation new and interesting.
Over the years, and during various stages of the preparation of
this book, I have been helped and encouraged very generously by
many people. Thanks to you all:
First and foremost, Maresia Artmann, then U. Artmann, L. Berg-
gren, D. Fowler, C. Garner, J. Hainzl, R. Hersh, P. Hilton, K. H. Hof-
mann, W. Jonsson, V. Karasmanis, H. Knell, K. Lengnink, A. Mehl,
Heike Muller, Ian Mueller, E. Neuenschwander, M. L. Niemann,
S. Prediger, H. Puhlmann, L. Schafer, M. Thisbak and his helping
hand, S. Unguru, H.-J. Waschkies.

Benno Artmann
Goettingen, Germany

David Hilbert about Euclid:

The sequence of our theorems will differ greatly from what one
usually finds in textbooks on elementary geometry. It will, how-
ever, frequently be the same as in Euclid's Elements. Thus we
will be led by our most modern investigations to appreciate the
acumen of this ancient mathematician and to admire him in the
highest degree.
Vll1 Preface

(Die Reihenfolge unserer Theoreme wird von der in den Lehrbii-

chern der Elementargeometrie iiblichen stark abweichen, sie wird
dagegen vielfach iibereinstimmen mit der Reihenfolge bei Euklid.
So fiihren uns diese ganz modernen Untersuchungen dazu, den
Scharfsinn dieses alten Mathematikers recht zu wiirdigen and aufs
hochste zu bewundern.)

D. Hilbert: Elemente der Euklidischen Geometrie. Lecture

Notes of a course in the winter term 1898/99, p. 44/45. In this
course he prepared his famous Grundlagen der Geometrie (1899),
but gave many more details than in the published version.

Preface v

Notes to the Reader xv

1 General Historical Remarks 1

2 The Contents of the Elements 3

2.1 Book I: Foundations of Plane Geometry 3
2.2 Book II: The Geometry of Rectangles 4
2.3 Book III: The Geometry of the Circle . 5
2.4 Book IV: Regular Polygons in Circles 5
2.5 Book V: The General Theory of Magnitudes
in Proportion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.6 Book VI: The Plane Geometry of Similar Figures. 6
2.7 Book VII: Basic Arithmetic . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.8 Book VIII: Numbers in Continued Proportion. . . 7
2.9 Book IX: Numbers in Continued Proportion; the
Theory of Even and Odd Numbers, Perfect Numbers 8
2.10 Book X: Incommensurable Line Segments 8
2.11 Book XI: Foundations of Solid Geometry . . . . . .. 9

X Contents

2.12 Book XII: Areas and Volumes; Eudoxus's Method

of Exhaustion 9
2.13 Book XIII: The Platonic Solids . . . . . . . . . . 10

3 The Origin of Mathematics 1: The Thstimony of

Eudemus 11
Time Thble. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16

4 Euclid Book I: Basic Geometry 17

4.1 The Overall Composition of Book I 17
4.2 Definitions and Axioms. . . . . . . 18
4.3 Book I, Part A: Foundations. . . . . 21
4.4 Book I, Part B: The Theory of Parallels 31
4.5 Book I, Part C: Parallelograms and Their Areas. 36
4.6 Book I, Part D: The Theorem of Pythagoras. . . 42

5 The Origin of Mathematics 2: Parallels and Axioms 47

6 The Origin of Mathematics 3: Pythagoras of Samos 51

7 Euclid Book II: The Geometry of Rectangles 61

8 The Origin of Mathematics 4: Squaring the Circle 73

9 Euclid Book III: About the Circle 79

9.1 The Overall Composition of Book III 79
9.2 The Definitions of Book III . . . . . . 80
9.3 Book III, Part A: Chords in Circles, Circles
Intersecting or Thuching Each Other ... 81
9.4 Book III, Part B: Thngents . . . . . . . . . . 82
9.5 Book III, Part Cj : Angles in Segments of Circles 84
9.6 Book III, Part C2 : Chords, Arcs, and Angles . . . 86
9.7 Book III, Part C3: More About Angles in Circles 86
9.8 Book III, Part D: Intersecting Chords, Secants,
and Thngents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Xl

10 The Origin of Mathematics 5: Problems and Theories 93

11 Euclid Book IV: Regular Polygons 97

11.1 The Contents of Book IV . 97
11.2 The Regular Pentagon . 99
11.3 Speculations About the Pentagon 102

12 The Origin of Mathematics 6: The Birth of Rigor 109

13 The Origin of Mathematics 7: Polygons After Euclid 113

13.1 What We Missed in Book IV . 113
13.2 What Euclid Knew ... 114
13.3 What Archimedes Did . 115
13.4 What Gauss Proved .. 116
13.5 How Gauss Did It . . . 117
13.6 The Moral of the Story 119
13.7 What Plotinus Has to Say About All This 120

14 Euclid Book V: The General Theory of Proportions 121

14.1 Proportions Outside of Mathematics. 121
14.2 General Remarks About Book V . 123
14.3 Proportions in a Modern Version. 124
14.4 The Definitions of Book V . 127
14.5 The Propositions of Book V . 130
14.6 Proposition V.8 and its Consequences 133

15 Euclid Book VI:Similarity Geometry 135

15.1 The Overall Composition of Book VI 135
15.2 The Basis of Similarity Geometry .. 136
15.3 The Basic Theorems of Similarity Geometry 138
15.4 Book VI, Part C: Proportions and Areas (Products) 141
15.5 Book VI, Part D: Similar Rectilinear Figures. 144
15.6 Book VI, Part E: The Application of Areas . . . . . 146

16 The Origin of Mathematics 8: Be Wise, Generalize 151

16.1 Extending a Result . . . 152
16.2 Weakened Hypotheses 152
16.3 Abstraction. . . . . . . 153
Xl1 Contents

16.4 The Case of Pythagoras's Theorem 153

16.5 The Generalization of Ptolemy . 155
16.6 Marcel Proust on Abstraction .. 159

17 Euclid Book VII: Basic Arithmetic 161

17.1 The Historical Background. . . 161
17.2 The Overall Composition of Book VII 163
17.3 Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
17.4 Book VII, Part A: The Euclidean Algorithm 165
17.5 Book VII, Parts Band C: Proportion for Numbers. 167
17.6 Book VII, Part D: Proportions and Products. . .. 171
17.7 Book VII, Part E: The Greatest Common Divisor and
Prime Divisors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
17.8 Book VII, Part F: The Least Common Multiple 182

18 The Origin of Mathematics 9: Nicomachus and

Diophantus 183
18.1 Nicomachus: Introduction to Arithmetic 183
18.2 Diophantus: The Arithmetica . . . . . . 188

19 Euclid Book VIII: Numbers in Continued Proportion,

the Geometry of Numbers 193
19.1 The Overall Composition of Books VIII and IX 193
19.2 Book VIII, Part A: Numbers in
Continued Proportion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
19.3 Book VIII, Part B: The Geometry of Numbers. 195

20 The Origin of Mathematics 10: Thols and Theorems 203

21 Euclid Book IX: Miscellaneous Thpics from

Arithmetic 207
21.1 Book IX, Parts B, C, D, and E: More About Numbers
in Continued Proportion . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
21.2 Book IX, Part F: The Number of Primes . . . . 209
21.3 Book IX, Part G: Odd and Even Numbers, and
Perfect Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
_c_on_t_en_ts XlII

22 The Origin of Mathematics 11: Math Is Beautiful 213

23 Euclid Book X: Incommensurable Magnitudes 223

23.1 Commensurability and Its Relation to
Other Notions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227

24 The Origin of Mathematics 12: Incommensurability

and Irrationality 229
24.1 Arithmetical Proofs: The Square . . 231
24.2 Arithmetical Proofs: The Pentagon. 235
24.3 Geometrical Proofs: The Square . . 236
24.4 Geometrical Proofs: The Pentagon . 238
24.5 The Mathematician Theodorus of Cyrene . 240
24.6 Theaetetus of Athens 249
24.7 Summary . 251

25 Euclid Book XI: Solid Geometry 255

25.1 The Overall Composition of Book XI . 255
25.2 The Definitions of Book XI . . . 256
25.3 Foundations of Solid Geometry . 257
25.4 The Affinities of Books I and XI 258
25.5 The Duplication of the Cube . . 263

26 The Origin of Mathematics 13: The Role of

Definitions 267

27 Euclid Book XII: Volume by Limits 271

27.1 The Overall Composition of Book XII 271
27.2 The Circle . 271
27.3 The Pyramid . 274
27.4 Cylinders, Cones, and Spheres 277

28 The Origin of Mathematics 14: The 'fuming of the

Infinite 279

29 Euclid Book XIII: Regular Polyhedra 283

29.1 The Overall Composition of Book XIII . 283
XIV ------------------- --

29.2 Division in Extreme and Mean Ratio and

the Pentagon . . . . 284
29.3 About the Decagon . 286
29.4 The Regular Solids. . . . . . . . . . . . 292
29.5 The Classification of the Regular Solids 300

30 The Origin of Mathematics 15: Symmetry Through

the Ages 303
30.1 Nature .. 304
30.2 Art . . . . 305
30.3 Philosophy 310
30.4 Mathematics 312

31 The Origin of Mathematics 16: The Origin of the

Elements 317

Notes 321

Bibliogxaphy 335

Index 347
Notes to the Reader

A large part of Euclid's Elements treats a body of mathematics that

today would be called elementary geometry and arithmetic. Even
today, textbooks for a high-school course in geometry, for example
the popular H. R. Jacobs "Geometry" [1987], follow, for large parts,
Euclid's Elements rather closely. One can understand, for instance,
what is said about similarity in Euclid's Book VI without reading
much of the preceding books. While it is advisable to follow Eu-
clid step by step, it is not absolutely necessary. A reader with a
solid background in high-school geometry can enter the discussion
at any particular place to follow a particular interest. Chapter I, con-
taining a short description of the contents the thirteen books of the
Elements, is included for the convenience of those readers who are
interested in special subjects. Hartshorne [2000] gives a radically
modern presentation of Books I-VI.
In our main text, the description and comments on each of Eu-
clid's books will be followed by more general remarks about typical
mathematical procedures, subjects of particular historical interest,
connections to philosophy, and similar items.
The 13 books (= chapters) ofthe Elements are denoted by Roman
numerals, the propositions in each Book by Arabic numerals. Hence
Prop. II.l4 is Proposition 14 of Book II. Definitions are indicated by
Def. 11.2.

XVI" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Notes
- -to-the-Reader

Propositions and definitions are quoted from the translation of

Euclid by T. L. Heath [1926] or, in a sometimes slightly modernized
version, Mueller [1981]. As mentioned in the Preface, I have tried to
explain the mathematical content of the Elements to readers with a
general interest in mathematics and its history. For more specialized
questions one should consult Heath's, Vitrac's or any other transla-
tion. Aside from presenting the complete text, Heath discusses a
great wealth of historical and other related details. He points out oc-
casionallittle gaps in Euclid's arguments, and lists alternative proofs
and similar items. He does not, however, speak about the general
mathematical outlines of the text; he refrains from any judgment
of the relative importance of the various propositions or theories
and does not call to the attention of his readers general features of
mathematics. All ofthese are of special interest for the present book.
Notes for the text are collected at the end of the book. There
are very few numbered footnotes in the traditional sense. In the
notes relevant books and papers are listed together with a few sup-
plementary remarks. Whenever necessary, precise bibliographical
information is given in the main text. As the first part of the notes a
few books of general interest are listed.
Much of the vocabulary used in mathematics stems from Greek
origin, words like "theorem" and "orthogonal!' Aside from such fa-
miliar terms, there may be a few unfamiliar words. "Scholion" and
"anthyphairesis" are the two of them that have to be explained most
frequently. A scholion is a remark to the main text ofthe Elements that
was written (mostly in antiquity) in the margin of old manuscripts.
Scholia are somewhat like modern footnotes, but they are very
valuable because they transmit information from antiquity. Anthy-
phairesis (or, equivalently, antaneiresis) is nothing but the Euclidean
algorithm for general magnitudes, mostly for line segments.
Finally, the use of the name Euclid is ambiguous. On the one
hand, it means the author of the Elements who lived about 300 B.C.E.
On the other hand, "Euclid" stands for a collection of mostly un-
known Greek mathematicians who lived between 500 and 300 B.C.E.
and contributed most of the material contained in the Elements (and
had themselves written "Elements" of some kind before Euclid).
Used in that sense, a phrase like "Euclid proved ..." means just "a
Greek mathematician proved...."

The description "Ancient Greece" refers to the period roughly from

800 B.G.E. to 150 B.G.E., from Homer to the time when Rome estab-
lished political hegemony over the Greek world. The first Olympic
games took place in 776 B.G.E.; democracy was gradually introduced
in the political life of the city-states from 600 B.G.E. onwards. The
Greeks defended their freedom against the Persians in the "Persian
wars" (500-480), after which the great classical period of Greece
under the cultural leadership of Athens lasted until the Macedo-
nian Kings Philip and Alexander the Great established monarchic
rules around 330 and spread Greek culture over the whole ancient
world in Hellenistic times, 300-50 B.G.E. Science and philosophy re-
mained the domain of Greeks until the end of the Roman empire.
Boetius, the "last Roman:' was the first writer to translate mathemat-
ical texts from Greek into Latin, about 500 G.E. The Romans ran their
Imperium without any mathematics.
Greek mathematics and philosophy begins with Thales of Mile-
tus about 580 B.G.E., of whom very little is known. Certainly the
Greeks learned some mathematical rules and procedures, and espe-
cially astronomy, from the old cultures in Egypt and Mesopotamia,
but nothing has been found in these sources in the sense of mathe-
matics as we know it today and that we encounter in Euclid's work.

2 1. General Historical Remarks


Mathematics was invented in Greek's classical period, beginning

with Thales and Pythagoras about 530 B.C.E. and finding its final
form with Euclid about 300 B.C.E. It stands on equal footing with
the great Greek works in literature, sculpture, painting, architecture,
historical and political writings, medicine, and philosophy.
The Contents
of the
CHAPTER Elements

Traditionally, the Elements have been divided into three main parts:
1. Plane geometry, Books I-VI;
2. Arithmetic, Books VII-X;
3. Solid geometry, Books XI-XIII.
It will soon be obvious that Books V and X do not really fit into
this division, but it is convenient to adhere to it in the following
description of the individual books. The size of the books varies
between ca. 2.5% of the whole for the smallest, Book II, and 25% for
Book X. Each of the others is roughly 5-8 % of the total.

2.1 Book I: Foundations of

Plane Geometry
Book I starts with a set of definitions. Basic concepts such as point,
line, angle are described in general terms and used to define various
sorts oftriangles, quadrangles, etc. The very last definition describes
parallel lines in the plane as lines with no common point. After the

4 - - - - - - - - - - -2.-The Contents of the Elements

definitions we find the so-called postulates, which are the axioms

of geometry; the fifth and last of these is the famous parallel postu-
late. The "common notions" are axioms concerning magnitudes in
general, e.g., "things equal to the same thing are equal to each other:'
The theorems of Book I can be grouped into four sets, which will
be discussed in greater detail below.
A. (I.l-26) Fundamental theorems and basic constructions in
plane geometry such as the congruence theorems for trian-
gles or the bisection of an angle; in part A no use is made of
parallel lines.
B. (1.27-32) The theory of parallel lines, including the theorem
that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is equal to two
right angles (1.32).
C. (1.33-45) The theory of parallelograms; transformation and
comparison of areas of parallelograms and triangles.
D. (1.46-48) The theorem of Pythagoras.

2.2 Book II: The Geometry

of Rectangles
Compared to Book I, the second book is very homogeneous. Most of
the theorems of Book II can be interpreted as what we might call, in
algebraic terms, variations on the theme of the binomial identity:

(a + bi = a 2 + 2ab + b2

These results are always expressed in the geometric language

of subdivisions of rectangles and of the areas of the various parts
of the subdivisions. Theorems II.l2 and 13 generalize the theorem
of Pythagoras (1.47) to what we would call the law of cosines, and
Proposition II.l4 gives the solution of the important problem of
constructing a square equal (in area) to a given rectilinear figure.
2.5. Book V: The General Theory of Magnitudes in Proportion 5

2.3 Book III: The Geometry

of the Circle
Book III has neither the obvious subdivisions of Book I nor the ho-
mogeneous structure of Book II. After some definitions it presents
the basic geometrical facts about circles, tangents, and circles in con-
tact. The second half of Book III is in part concerned with what one
could call the theory of quadrangles and circles, including Propo-
sition III.2I, which asserts the equality of all angles in the same
segment of a circle.

2.4 Book IV: Regular Polygons

in Circles
Book IV is by far the most homogeneous and tightly constructed
book of the Elements. The following four problems are treated
(i) to inscribe a rectilinear figure in or (ii) circumscribe it about
a given circle;
(iii) to inscribe a circle in or (iv) circumscribe it about a given
rectilinear figure.
These problems are solved for triangles in general, squares,
regular pentagons, hexagons and IS-gons. -

2.5 Book V: The General Theory of

Magnitudes in Proportion
Book V is the most abstract book in the Elements and is independent
of the preceding books. Whereas the other books are concerned with
either geometrical objects or numbers, this one treats "magnitudes,"
which include, according to Aristotle, numbers, lines, solids, and
6 - - - - - - - - - - -2.-The
- - -of-
the Elements

times. In VI.33 angles are treated as magnitudes, and plane areas

figure as magnitudes in VI.1, XII.1, and XII.2 (areas of circles), as
well as in many other places. This generality makes the theory of
proportions applicable throughout mathematics, justifying Eratos-
thenes' statement that it is lithe unifying bond of the mathematical
Various sources indicate that Eudoxus (about 400-350) created
the theory in Book Y.
Some of the theorems in Book V, such as

Y.16. a: b = c : d => a : C = b : d,

were almost certainly used (with different definitions and proofs)

long before the time of Eudoxus.

2.6 Book VI: The Plane Geometry of

Similar Figures
In its composition and general outlook Book VI is close to Book I.
In fact, Books I, III, and VI represent the core of plane geometry,
and their overall organization gives the impression of a standard
treatment of geometry that has been reworked several times. The
whole edifice of Book VI is based on Theorem VI.1 and its immediate
consequence, VI.2, the fundamental theorem on the proportionality
of line segments.
One of the main theorems connects lines and areas of similar
triangles (and polygons) (VI 19,20): If triangles are similar with a
similarity factor k for lines, then the factor for the corresponding
areas is k 2 .
The concluding section of Book VI deals with what Euclid calls
lithe application of areas," which in modern terms amounts to the
geometric solution of quadratic problems. It can be translated into
a modern treatment of quadratic equations. For this reason it has
been called "geometric algebra" by some authors.
------------"------------ 7
2.8. Book VIII: Numbers in Continued Proportion

2.7 Book VII: Basic Arithmetic

With Book VII, Euclid starts afresh. Nothing from the preceding
books is used, particularly none of the general theory of proportions
of Book V. The definitions at the beginning of Book VII are intended
to serve for all of VII-IX. Proportionality of numbers is defined in
Def. 20 with no connection to Book V.
Euclidean arithmetic is founded on the Euclidean algorithm for
determining whether two numbers are prime to one another (VII.l-
4). In fact, the Euclidean algorithm gives the greatest common
divisor (gcd) of any two numbers a, b. The next part of Book VII
uses Def. 20 to establish the fundamental properties of proportions
for numbers. 'Ib a great extent the more general theorems estab-
lished in Book V are proved again for numbers. The mathematical
core of Book VII is the theory of the gcd (VII.20-32), which has
its counterpart in the theory of the least common multiple Ocm;
The important subject of prime numbers in Euclid's arithmetic
will be discussed in detail below.

2.8 Book VIII: Numbers in Continued

Whereas Book VII, like Book I, has a clear internal structure, Book
VIII and the first part of IX are entangled like Book III. Numbers
in continued proportion are the main focus of Book VIII.l-lO. The
second part (VIII.1l-27) is concerned more with special types of
numbers "in geometrical shape," such as squares and cubes. One
important question in this context is how to characterize numbers
a, b for which there exists a mean proportional x, i.e., an x such that

a: x = x: b.
8 2. The Contents of the Elements

2.9 Book IX: Numbers in Continued

Proportion; the Theory of Even and
Odd Numbers, Perfect Numbers
There is no break in subject matter between Books VIII and IX be-
cause IX.l picks up where Book VIII ends. Euclid's other books have
well-defined subjects, but in this case the division between VIII and
IX looks artificial. Even more curious is that after IX.20 Euclid turns
to a completely new subject, the theory of even and odd numbers
(lithe even and the odd:' as Plato says), which has no connection
with what precedes, but rests only on Definitions 6-10 of Book VII.
This theory culminates in the construction of even perfect numbers

2.10 Book X: Incommensurable Line

Book X is the most voluminous book of the Elements, occupying
about one quarter of the whole work. In it, the Euclidean algorithm
of Book VII is applied to general magnitudes in order to obtain the
criterion for commensurability:
X.S. Commensurable magnitudes have to one another the ratio
which a number has to a number.
X.6. Iftwo magnitudes have to one another the ratio which a num-
ber has to a number, the magnitudes will be commensurable.
In X.9 Euclid states as an immediate consequence that the side
of a square of area n is incommensurable with the side of a square
of area 1 when n is not a square number. The bulk of the material
of Book X, up to Proposition llS, consists in a careful study of vari-
ous types of incommensurable lines and is beyond the scope of our
2.12. Book XII: Areas and Volumes; Eudoxus's Method of Exhaustion 9

Historically, the discovery of incommensurable lines, or, as

we would say today, irrational numbers, seems to have been of
paramount importance. We will give an up-to-date description of
what is known about this problem.

2.11 Book XI: Foundations of Solid

Book XI begins with a long list of definitions for Books XI-XIII. There
are no postulates of the kind we find in Book I, so that there is
no axiomatic foundation for Euclid's deductions at the beginning of
Book XI. The general composition of Book XI is closely parallel to
that of Book I. It has the following sections
A. (XI.l-19) Fundamentals of solid geometry (lines, planes,
parallelism, and orthogonality).
B. (XI.20-23) Solid angles, their properties and construction.
C. (XI.24-37) Parallelepipedal solids.

2.12 Book XII: Areas and Volumes;

Eudoxus's Method of Exhaustion
Some infinitesimal methods are needed to determine the area of
a circle in relation to a square, or the volume of a pyramid. The
method of exhaustion, which Euclid employs, is said to have been
first applied rigorously by Eudoxus, to whom most of the contents
of Book XII are attributed. The method of proof is quite different
from-and much more intricate than-anything in the preceding
geometrical books, with the exception of Book V.
10 2. The Contents of the Elements

2.13 Book XIII: The Platonic Solids

The first part of Book XIII, that is, XIII.l-12, consists of various
planimetric propositions. Some of them are evidently lemmas for
the subsequent theory of the regular polyhedra, and some others
are concerned more generally with the division of a straight line
in extreme and mean ratio (much later called the golden section).
Because division in extreme and mean ratio is indispensable for the
constructions of the icosahedron and the dodecahedron, and these
are the subject of the last part of Book XII, we may regard the whole
first part of Book XIII as preparatory for the second.
Each of the regular solids is treated in a separate two-part
(i) To construct the solid and to comprehend it in a given sphere.
(ii) To compare the diameter of the sphere with the side of the
polyhedron, in the sense of the classification in Book X.
Euclid's treatment of the regular polyhedra is especially impor-
tant for the history of mathematics because it contains the first
example of a major classification theorem. Moreover, the regular
polyhedra have always been of interest for mathematicians. They
also playa major role in Plato's philosophy. These topics will be
discussed in an appendix to Book XIII.
The Origin of
The testimony of

Our most important source about the history of Greek mathemat-

ics before Euclid originates from Eudemus of Rhodes, a student of
Aristotle, who lived from about 350 to 300 B.C.E. He wrote a book
on the history of mathematics, which has, however, been lost except
for a few passages quoted by other authors. The following one was
preserved in Proclus's Commentary on Euclid. Proclus (410-485 C.E.)
is writing about the origin and development of geometry, and the
Eudemus passage starts with the second paragraph:

Limiting our investigation to the origin of the arts and sciences

in the present age, we say, as have most writers of history, that
geometry was first discovered among the Egyptians and origi-
nated in the remeasuring of their lands. This was necessary for
them because the Nile overflows and obliterates the boundary
lines between their properties. It is not surprising that the dis-

12 3. Origin 1: Thstimony of Eudemus

covery of this and the other sciences had its origin in necessity,
since everything in the world of generation proceeds from im-
perfection to perfection. Thus they would naturally pass from
sense-perception to calculation and from calculation to reason.
Just as among the Phoenicians the necessities of trade and ex-
change gave the impetus to the accurate study of number, so also
among the Egyptians the invention of geometry came about from
the cause mentioned.
Thales, who had travelled to Egypt, was the first to introduce
this science into Greece. He made many discoveries himself and
taught the principles for many others to his successors, attack-
ing some problems in a general way and others more empirically.
Next after him Mamercus, brother of the poet Stesichorus, is re-
membered as having applied himself to the study of geometry;
and Hippias of Elis records that he acquired a reputation in it.
Following upon these men, Pythagoras transformed mathemati-
cal philosophy into a scheme of liberal education, surveying its
principles from the highest downwards and investigating its the-
orems in an immaterial and intellectual manner. He it was who
discovered the doctrine of proportionals and the structure of the
cosmic figures. After him Anaxagoras of Clazomenae applied him-
selfto many questions in geometry, and so did Oenopides ofChios,
who was a little younger than Anaxagoras. Both these men are
mentioned by Plato in the Erastae as having got a reputation in
mathematics. Following them Hippocrates of Chios, who invented
the method ofsquaring lunules, and Theodorus ofCyrene became
eminent in geometry. For Hippocrates wrote a book on elements,
the first of whom we have any record who did so.
Plato, who appeared after them, greatly advanced mathemat-
ics in general and geometry in particular because of his zeal for
these studies. It is well known that his writings are thickly sprin-
kled with mathematical terms and that he everywhere tries to
arouse admiration for mathematics among students of philoso-
phy. At this time also lived Leodamas of Thasos, Archytas of
Threntum, and Theaetetus ofAthens, by whom the theorems were
increased in number and brought into a more scientific arrange-
ment. Younger than Leodamas were Neoclides and his pupil Leon,
who added many discoveries to those of their predecessors, so
that Leon was able to compile a book of elements more care-
3. Origin 1: Thstimony of Eudemus 13

fully designed to take account of the number of propositions that

had been proved and of their utility. He also discovered diorismi,
whose purpose is to determine when a problem under investiga-
tion is capable of solution and when it is not. Eudoxus of Cnidus,
a little later than Leon and a member of Plato's group, was the
first to increase the number of the so-called general theorems;
to the three proportionals already known he added three more
and multiplied the number of propositions concerning the "sec-
tion" which had their origin in Plato, employing the method of
analysis for their solution. Amyclas of Heracleia, one of Plato's
followers, Menaechmus, a student of Eudoxus who also was asso-
ciated with Plato, and his brother Dinostratus made the whole of
geometry still more perfect. Theudius of Magnesia had a reputa-
tion for excellence in mathematics as in the rest of philosophy, for
he produced an admirable arrangement of the elements and made
many partial theorems more general. There was also Athenaeus
of Cyzicus, who lived about this time and became eminent in
other branches of mathematics and most of all in geometry. These
men lived together in the Academy, making their inquiries in
common. Hermotimus of Colophon pursued further the inves-
tigations already begun by Eudoxus and Theaetetus, discovered
many propositions in the Elements, and wrote some things about
locus-theorems. Philippus of Mende, a pupil whom Plato had en-
couraged to study mathematics, also carried on his investigations
according to Plato's instructions and set himself to study all the
problems that he thought would contribute to Plato's philosophy.
All those who have written histories bring to this point their
account of the development of this science. Not long after these
men came Euclid, who brought together the Elements, systematiz-
ing many of the theorems of Eudoxus, perfecting many of those of
Theaetetus, and putting in irrefutably demonstrable form proposi-
tions that had been rather loosely established by his predecessors.
He lived in the time of Ptolemy the First ... (Proclus-Morrow pp.

Let us underline some of the specific characteristics of this quo-

tation. At the beginning, the text acknowledges the foreign origin of
mathematics: The Greeks learned geometry ("land measurement")
from the Egyptians and arithmetic from the Phoenicians. The al-
14 3_._O_r--'igJ.~_n_l_:_Th..:...8;...:.t1_m

leged Egyptian origin ofgeometry strikes us as implausible: We don't

know any Egyptian text that would substantiate this claim, but it does
occur several times in Greek sources. Thales, one of the proverbial
wise men of Greece, is characterized as the intermediator between
the "barbarians" and the Greeks. Pythagoras gets the credit for the de-
cisive transformation of mathematics into an abstract science and,
moreover, into a subject of liberal education, but there are doubts
about the origin of the passage about the doctrine of proportion-
als and the cosmic figures, Le., the regular solids. This may be an
interpolation by Proclus.
The very strong relations between mathematics and philosophy
are stressed in the remarks about Plato. He is described as a sort
of research director, who instructs the mathematicians what to do.
Both Theaetetus and Leon are praised for bringing theorems "into a
more scientific arangement:' Theudius of Magnesia became famous
because he "made many partial theorems more genera!:'
At the beginning of the last paragraph there is the hint that the
passage is by Eudemus, though he is not mentioned by name, and
the remarks about Euclid seem to be by Proclus himself. Some spe-
cific details of this report are disputed, especially in its tendency to
overestimate the role of Pythagoras and Plato. On the other hand,
we would know virtually nothing about many ofthe mathematicians
mentioned had Proclus not preserved this passage for us.
For the moment let us note that Eudemus mentions some writers
of "Elements" earlier than Euclid, the first of whom is Hippocrates
of Chios about 440-430 B.C.E. (He is not to be confused with the
medical man Hippocrates of KOs.) Leon compiled the textbook for
Plato's Academy (370 B.C.E. ?), and Theudius "produced an admirable
arrangement of the elements:' In due course we will discuss the
contribution of various mathematicians to Euclid's Elements.
Neither Eudemus nor any other Ancient writer tells us anything
about one invention of singular importance by the earliest Greek
geometers: the lettered diagram. Except for the simplest cases a mean-
ingful mathematical discourse about a diagram without denoting
points, lines, and so on, by letters is not possible. It is to the credit of
Reviel Netz [1999] to have directed our attention to this most impor-
tant step in the early development of mathematics. One can still see
how the letters were introduced into some diagrams in the process
What Does the Word "MATHEMATICS" Mean? 15

of writing down the proof. For instance, in Proposition 1.44, A and B

are the end points of a line; C is (the area of) a triangle; D denotes
an angle; and E, F are again points.
Another equally elusive historical problem is the invention ofthe
formalistically structured mathematical language of Euclid and his
predecessors. M. Asper [2001 ] suggests to seek prototypes for this in
the early standardized legal texts with their precise definitions and
discussions of cases of which a great many have survived engraved
into the walls of temples or other public buildings.

What Does the Word 44MATHEMATICS"

This whole book is about mathematics, but here we are looking only
at the etymological side of the question. The Greek word math-
ema (IJ-CX()TJI.UX) originally means "that which is learned, learning,
science" and was first used in this sense by Plato and, probably,
the Pythagoreans. The associated verb is the Greek manthanein, to
The word is derived from the Indo-European root mendh- "to
have one's mind aroused, apply oneself to." Here are some related
words from other languages:
English: mind
German: munter (awake, lively, merry, vigorous)
Middle High German: Minne (love)
Gothic: munda (to aim)
Old Slavic: modru (wise, sage)
Sanskrit: man (to think)
Latin: mens (mind)
Greek: mantis (a seer),
and possibly even the Greek muse and Prometheus. We mathema-
ticians find ourselves among a host of very sympathetic counter-
16 3. Origin 1: Thstimony of Eudemus

TIME TABLE (all dates are B.C.E.)

General history,
related to mathematics Mathematics
900-600 Geometric
period of Greek art
Money is invented Thales of Miletus (~ 580)
(first coins)
Pythagoras (~ 570-490)
Persian Wars (~ 500-480)

~ 460 Temple of Zeus in Pythagoreans in

Olympia, Proportions 2 : 1 southern Italy
~ 450-430 Pericles,
"high classics"

~ 440 Parthenon temple Hippocrates of Chios writes

in Athens, proportions first Elements ~ 430
9 : 4 = length: breadth
= breadth : height

Socrates ~ 470-399 Theodorus of Cyrene ~ 460-390

Plato 428-348 Theaetetus ~ 415-370
Leon writes new Elements
Aristotle 384-322 in Plato's Academy

Eudoxus ~ 410-355
Alexander the Great Various other writers of
356-323 mathematical treatises, e.g.,
Menaechmus: Conics

300 Euclid: Elements

Alexandria is the cultural
center of the Hellenistic 250 Apollonius of Perga,
world 300-50 Archimedes of Syracuse
Euclid Book I

Basic Geometry

4.1 The Overall Composition of Book I

Definitions Basic concepts are described or defined

Postulates Postulates and Common Notions
1-5 are the axioms of plane geometry
Common Notions
1-26 A: Foundations of plane geometry without using
27-32 B: The theory of parallel lines, angles in a triangle
33-45 C: The theory of parallelograms and their areas
46-48 D: The theorem of Pythagoras

18 4. Euclid Book I

4.2 Definitions and Axioms

Euclid created the model of a mathematical text: Start with explicitly
formulated definitions and axioms, then proceed with theorems and
proofs. Unlike modern authors, who do not pretend to know what a
set is, Euclid wants to say what he is talking about, or to give some
sort of description of the objects of geometry. He does this in the
first group of definitions, 1-9.

Def. 1. A point is that which has no part.
Def. 2. A line is breadthless length.
Def. 3. The extremities of a line are points.

Def. 8. A plane angle is the inclination to one another of two lines in a

plane which meet one another and do not lie in a straight line.
Def. 9. And when the lines containing the angle are straight, the angle
is called rectilinear.

It has often been observed that Euclid makes no use of these def-
initions in his subsequent proofs. They are explications that should
clarify the significance of a term to the reader but play no formal
rule in deductions. In Def. 8, the lines forming an angle may be
curved. In Book III Euclid occasionally uses angles between circles
and straight lines, but in our discussion of Proposition 1.5 we will
find indications for a greater popularity of angles between curved
lines in pre-Euclidean times.
Most ofthe following definitions are abbreviations in the modern
manner, for instance:

Def. 19. trilateral figures are those contained by three straight
lines ...
Def. 20. Of trilateral figures, an equilateral triangle is that which has
its three sides equal, an isosceles triangle which has two of its
sides alone equal, and a scalene triangle that which has its
three sides unequal.
4.2. Definitions and Axioms 19

In a modern formal sense, an equilateral triangle is isosceles as

well, but not so for Euclid. Similarly, in Def. 22, a rectangle (called
"oblong" there) is not a square. This agrees with a more colloquial
modern use: If a rectangle is spoken of, in most cases this means "not
a square;' because otherwise one could be more specific. Obviously,
from a logical point of view, it is much more convenient to include
the squares with the rectangles.
After the definitions, Euclid proceeds to state his famous postu-
lates. Modern axioms of geometry resemble these postulates rather
1. Let it be postulated to draw a straight line from any point to any
point, and
2. to produce a limited straight line in a straight line,
3. to describe a circle with any center and distance,
4. that all right angles are equal to each other.
S. [The parallel postulate will be discussed belowJ
Thday Postulates 1 and 2 would be expressed in a way like "given
any two distinct points, there is a unique line passing through them:'
Euclid's emphasis is more on construction than on "existence," more
a difference in style than in substance.
The geometric postulates are followed by what Euclid calls "com-
mon notions." These are axioms about the behavior of general
magnitudes, not only geometric objects.
1. Things equal to the same thing are also equal to one another.
2. If equals are added to equals the wholes are equal.
3. If equals are subtracted from equals the remainders are equal.
4. Things which coincide with one another are equal to one another.
S. The whole is greater than the part.
Many authors have noted the incompleteness of Euclid's axioms
in comparison to modern foundations of geometry. The most ob-
vious point is the absence of any thought of the ordering of points
on a line or the concept of "betweenness:' Euclid uses all assertions
about ordering on an intuitive basis. These objections concern rel-
atively minor points and do not in any way diminish Euclid's basic
20 4. Euclid Book I

achievement: In mathematics, one has to start from explicitly stated

first principles and deduce all following assertions from these prin-
ciples. (About ordering, see Notes. About modern axiomatics, see
Hartshorne [2000].)
Historically, the idea of stating axioms seems to be rather new in
Euclid's time when compared to the definitions. In a very thorough
and penetrating investigation, Mueller [199Ib] examines the starting
points of mathematical theories as preserved in the writings of Plato,
Aristotle, and Euclid. Mueller summarizes on p. 63:

However, if we look at the Elements, although we find at the be-

ginning ofbook I definitions, postulates, and common notions ...
at the beginning of the remaining books we find only definitions.
I believe there are two related inferences we can draw from this:
(1) Euclid did not believe that proportion theory, number theory,
or solid geometry required its own postulates; (2) at the end of
the fourth century there were no accepted presentations of these
theories which included postulates, and probably no such presen-
tations at all, presumably because no mathematician recognized
the need for them. A further inference I draw is that the idea of
such presentations ofany mathematical theory was relatively new
in Euclid's time, i.e., did not precede Plato's maturity. I believe the
evidence suggests that Euclid himself is responsible for the pos-
tulates, but for the moment I will only say that, even if they are
thought to predate, say, Plato's Republic, they should still be seen
as the exception rather than the rule by Euclid's time.
The rule in the Elements and, I am suggesting, earlier in the
history ofGreek mathematics is a theory, the only explicit starting
points of which are definitions. These definitions are, for the most
part, either explications, which perhaps clarifY the significance
of a term to the reader but play no formal role in subsequent
arguments, or abbreviations in the modern manner.

In spite of this rather diverse historical picture, Euclid's axioms

have been of utmost importance for the development of mathemat-
ics because, as it was said at the beginning, with them he created
the model of a mathematical theory.
4.3. Book I, Part A: Foundations 21

4.3 Book I, Part A: Foundations

The essential contents of Part A of Book I are first the basic
congruence theorems and elementary constructions such as bi-
secting angles and segments, and second some propositions about
"greater" relations of angles and sides of triangles, based on 1.16 and
culminating with the triangle inequality 1.20.
The very first propositions show how to construct an equilateral
triangle and how to copy segments without moving them. The deli-
cate constructions in 1.2, 3 are based directly on the Postulates I, 2,
and 3. Proposition 1.4 is the first substantial theorem, the congruence
theorem "side-angIe-side;' for short, SAS. Euclid states it like this:
If two triangles have the two sides equal to two sides respectively, and
have the angles contained by the equal straight lines equal, they will
also have the base equal to the base, the triangle will be equal to the
triangle, and the remaining angles will be equal to the remaining angles
respectively, namely those which the equal sides subtend.
For the proof see Fig. 4.1:
Let ABC, DEF be two triangles having the two sides AB, AC equal to the
two sides DE, DF respectively, namely AB to DE and AC to DF, and the
angle BAC equal to the angle EDF.
I say that the base BC is also equal to the base EF, the triangle ABC
will be equal to the triangle DEF, and the remaining angles will be equal
to the remaining angles respectively, namely those which the equal side
subtend, that is, the angle ABC to the angle DEF, and the angle ACB to
the angle DFE.
Before looking into the proof, we observe some peculiarities of
Euclid's style. He always states his theorems in two ways: at first in
general words, and then a second time in a more specific way indi-
cating points, lines, angles, and so on by various letters. l Very often

IThis is very much like today's usage: Theorem: A continuous real function maps
closed intervals onto closed intervals. Let [a, bjbe a closed interval andf : [a, bj-
R be continuous ...
22 4. Euclid Book I



the theorem is accompanied by a suitable diagram. One particular

phrase needs explanation: *The triangle ABC will be equal to the tri-
angle DEF.* This is clarified by later use of the same expression: It
simply means "the triangles have equal areas." Euclid uses the word
"area"(or its Greek equivalent) only occasionally.2
The Proof of Prop. 1.4
The method of proof of 1.4 stands in strong contrast to the meticu-
lous constructions in 1.1-3. Euclid just takes the triangle ABC and
superimposes it on triangle DEF in a such way that A is placed on
D, Bon E, and C on F. From this he easily derives his assertions.
On the one hand, this method of superposition clearly has no ba-
sis in Euclid's axioms, but on the other hand, practically nothing can
be done in elementary geometry without the congruence theorems.
(For the congruence theorem side-side-side, SSS, in 1.8 he uses the
same method.) In fact, what we see here is another axiom. Modern
axiomatic studies by Hilbert and others have shown that there is no
way to resolve this dilemma: Either SAS has to be used as an axiom
or one has to use superposition in a modern version by postulating
the existence of certain rigid motions ofthe plane. (For more details,
see Hartshorne [2000], Section 17, esp. p. 154.)

2The Greeks knew perfectly well how to measure their properties, and they knew
that Pharaoh's taxation office measured the fields of the Egyptian peasants to
their disadvantage. In mathematics they avoid the concept of "area," using instead
phrases like the one above, e.g., "this rectangle is equal to that rectangle" and
- - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23
4.3. Book I, Part A: Foundations



In the next pair 1.5/6 of propositions, Euclid proves a fundamen-

tal lemma about isosceles triangles that is used frequently in Books
I- VI. In the statement and proof of 1.5 we ignore Euclid's assertion
about outer angles. 1.6 is the converse of 1.5.

Prop. 1.5
In isosceles triangles the angles at the base are equal to one another.
Let ABC be an isosceles triangle having the side AB equal to the side
AC; and let the straight lines BD, CE be produced further in a straight
line with AB, AC.
I say that the angle ABC is equal to the angle ACB and the angle
CBD to the angle BCE [Fig. 4.2).

Prop. 1.6.
If in a triangle two angles are equal to one another, the sides which
subtend the equal angles will also be equal to one another.

For the proof of 1.5, Euclid first constructs two auxiliary triangles
BFC and CGB [Fig. 4.3]:

Let a point F be taken at random on BD; from AE the greater let

AG be cut off equal to AF the less; and let the straight lines FC, GB
be joined.
In the next two steps he first shows the congruence of the tri-
angles 6.AFC and 6.AGB by using SAS, and then again by SAS the
congruence 6.BFC ~ 6.CGB:
24 ------------_....:..:......===-=~:...::
4. Euclid Book I


(1) We have LFAC = LGAB, and AF = AG by construction, and

AC = AB, hence l::.AFC;: l::.AGB, and especially BG = CF and
(2) From the construction we get BF = CG; moreover, we know
from the outset BC = CB, and from (l) we have LFBC =
LCGB; hence l::.CGB ;: l::.BFC by SAS.

Now Euclid concludes:

Therefore the angle FBC is equal to the angle GCB, and the angle
BCF to the angle CBG. Accordingly, since the whole angle ABG
was proved equal to the angle ACF, and in these the angle CBG
is equal to the angle BCF, the remaining angle ABC is equal to
the remaining angle ACB; and they are at the base of the triangle

All the steps of this proof are justified by Euclid's axiomatic base.
(For details, see the analysis in Hartshorne [2000], Section 10.)
We will direct our attention to another question, which has fre-
quently baffled students of Euclid: How can anybody understand
the introduction of his auxiliary points, lines, and triangles at the
beginning of his proof?
In this particular instance, 1.5, we are in the lucky position ofhav-
ing a historical predecessor of Euclid's proof that explains the initial
construction. It comes from Aristotle's Prior Analytics, we quote it
from Heath's commentary on 1.5. It makes use of mixed angles be-
tween circular arcs and straight lines in the following way: (a) the
- - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25
4.3. Book I, Part A: Foundations

angles of semicircles (called AC and BD), that is, between a diam-

eter and the circumference, are equal, and (b) the two angles in a
segment, that is, between a chord and the circumference, are equal.
Aristotle uses the proof in his discussion of some logical points. (See
Fig. 4.4.)

For let A, B be drawn [Le. joined] to the center.

If then, we assumed (1) that the angle AC is equal to the angle
BD without asserting generally that the angles of semicircles are
equal, and again (2) that the angle C is equal to the angle D without
making the further assumption that the two angles of all segments
are equal, and if we then inferred, lastly, that, since the whole an-
gles are equal, and equal angles are subtracted from them, the
angles which remain, namely E, F are equal. We should com-
mit a petitio principii, unless we assumed [generally] that, when
equals are subtracted from equals, the remainders are equal. (Prior
Analytics 41 b 13-22)

First observe a basic similarity in Aristotle's and Euclid's proofs:

We have two equal big angles, from which two smaller equal angles
are subtracted, resulting in the desired equality of the base angles.
In Euclid's time mixed angles were no longer acceptable; he does
not use them save on a few minor occasions in Book III. A transition
from Aristotle's proof to one without mixed angles can be explained
in a plausible way. (We use Euclid's notation; see Fig. 4.5)

26 ------------_--.:.-~_-:..=~
4. Euclid Book I


First replace the "angle of the semicircle" by the right angle be-
tween the radius AB and the tangent BG, similarly for AC and CF.
The congruence theorem ASA (With Ct, side AC = side AB, and the
right angles) would be needed in order to show 6.ABG ~ 6.ACF.
Hence the "big" right angles L.ABG and L.ACF are equal, and the
result would follow as in Euclid's proof. Note that the symmetri-
cally situated small triangles 6.BFC and 6.CBG replace the intuitively
symmetric segment.
However, Euclid cannot use tangents and ASA at this stage of
Book I, so he disposes with the right angles between radii and tan-
gents and cleverly provides himself with the equal sides AF and AG
in a direct way so that he can use SAS instead of ASA. (E and Dare
merely auxiliary points for the prolongation of the sides.)
Here, I think, we have found a natural explanation for Euclid's
construction, albeit a hypothetical one. Observe that Fig. 4.5 (b) ap-
pears in Book III.17 where Euclid constructs the tangent to a circle
and, in a less obvious way, in 1.2 as well.
Aristotle lived 384-322 and was a member of Plato's Academy
367-348 when Plato died. It seems very likely that he got his math-
ematical education in the Academy, and so it is possible that in
looking at his proof we see a small fragment of Leon's "Elements:'
the textbook of Plato's Academy.
Propositions 7-15. In Propositions 7 and 8 Euclid proves the
congruence theorem side-side-side (SSS), using the method of su-
perposition for the second time. Propositions 9-15 are devoted
4.3. Book I, Part A: Foundations 27


to the common auxiliary constructions and initial propositions

of plane geometry: bisecting angles and segments, constructing
perpendiculars, supplementary and vertical angles.
Prop. 1.16.
Ifone ofthe sides ofany triangle is produced, the exterior angle is greater
than each of the interior and opposite angles.
Claim. angle a < angle <5 (Fig. 4.6).

Constrnction. Bisect AC at E, draw BE and extend it to F such that

BE = EF, join C and F, let a' = angle ECF (Fig. 4.7).

(i) Triangle ABE is congruent to triangle CFE by the congruence
theorem SAS. Hence a = a'.
(ii) But a' is a part of O. Hence a = a' < 0 by common notion 5,


28 4. Euclid Book I


B .B c

If Euclid had the theory of parallels at his disposal right here, the
claim of 1.16 would be a trivial consequence of 1.32 about the sum of
the angles in a triangle. He explicitly states in 1.32 that the exterior
angle is the sum of the two interior and opposite angles. Hence we
see a conscious composition at work. Before discussing this, we will
try to understand the genesis of the proof of 1.16 with the help of
What can be said about this proof? It is ingenious, and one can
see how its author hit upon his idea: Just add the line AF to the
figure (Fig. 4.8).
All of a sudden, we see a parallelogram ABGF "behind" the proof
of 1.16. At this stage, we may use parallels and have a = a' because
of alternate angles; AG is a transversal of the two parallel lines AF
and BG. Furthermore, E will be the intersection of the diagonals of
this parallelogram.
However, and this is the essential idea, in order to prove 1.16 it
is possible to avoid parallels and use the congruence theorem I, 4
Further evidence of the mathematical competence of the author
of 1.16 is his ability to connect 1.16 with its consequences, the impor-
tant theorems 1.20, the triangle inequality, and 1.27, the existence
of parallels. (After all, deductive structures are what mathematics is
all about.)
On the other hand, there is a weak spot in the proof. The asser-
tion "a' is a part of 8/1 has no base in Euclid's axioms. It is just read
off from the diagram. This has often been observed: Compare, for
instance, Heath's commentary. (Heath confuses the "Riemann hy-
4.3. Book I, Part A: Foundations 29


pothesis" with Riemannian non-Euclidean geometry, but otherwise

he is mathematically correct.) Proposition I.16 is not true in the so-
called elliptical (spherical) geometries, which satisfy all of Euclid's
axioms except the parallel postulate. A counterexample to I.16 is eas-
ily drawn on the sphere. In Fig. 4.9, supplied by E. Hartmann, the
point F will be in the southern hemisphere; hence (x' > ~.
It should, however, be clear that any Greek mathematician would
reply to this objection that he was dealing with plane, not spherical,
geometry. Certainly a man like Menelaus of Alexandria (about 100
C.E.), who wrote about spherical geometry, knew the phenomenon.
It seems that nobody noted the error before the end of the nine-
teenth century, when non-Euclidean geometries and order-relations
in geometry came to the attention of mathematicians. The likely
reason for Euclid's neglect of questions about the ordering of points
on a line (or betweenness) may be that he regarded it as a part of
logic-or just took it for granted. In fact, I.16 remains valid in the
second class of non-Euclidean geometries, the so-called hyperbolic
geometries, which can be defined over ordered fields. The reader
interested in more details about order relations in geometry should
consult Hartshorne, Chapters 1.3 and 3.15.

Propositions 1.17-20. Proposition I.17 is a direct consequence of

I.16. It is again a weak variant of 1.32 about the sum of the angles in
a triangle:
30 -----------_-.-...:~=:..:..-::...:...:..::....:
4. Euclid Book I

Prop. 1.17.
In any triangle two angles taken together in any manner are less than
two right angles.

Proposition 1.18 says that in any triangle the greater side sub-
tends the greater angle, and 1.19 is its converse. These propositions
lead to

Prop. 1.20.
In any triangle two sides taken together in any manner are greater than
the remaining one.

This is the famous triangle inequality. Proclus comments on this:

The Epicureans are want to ridicule this theorem, say it is evident

even to an ass and needs no proof ... they make [this] out from
the observation that, ifhay is placed at one extremity of the sides,
an ass in quest of provender will make his way along the one side
and not by way of the two others. (Produs-Morrow p. 251)

(The Epicureans of today might as well add that one could see
the proof on every campus where people completely ignorant of
mathematics traverse the lawn in the manner of the ass.) Proclus
replies rightly that a mere perception of the truth of a theorem is
different from a scientific proof of it, which moreover gives reason
why it is true. (Which means, to embed it into a deductive structure.)
In the case of Euclid's geometry, the triangle inequality can indeed
be derived from the other (equally plausible) axioms. On the other
hand, the Epicureans win in the modern theory of metric spaces,
where the triangle inequality is the fundamental axiom of the whole

Propositions 1.21-26. Three ofthe remaining propositions of part A

are about "greater" relations for sides and angles of triangles (21,24,
25). Prop. 22 gives the construction of a triangle from its sides, pro-
vided that the triangle inequality is valid. Using this, Euclid shows in
Prop. 23 how to copy an angle. The combined congruence theorems
ASA and AAS are tagged on in 1.26 as a sort of loose end.
4.4. Book I, Part B: The Theory of Parallels 31

4.4 Book I, Part B: The Theory of

Euclid defines in Def 1.23:

Parallel straight lines are straight lines which, being in the same plane
and being produced indefinitely in both directions, do not meet one
another in either direction.

For short, parallels in a plane are nonintersecting straight lines.

This has remained unchanged in the modern theory of incidence
geometry (cf. Hartshorne, [2000], Section 6 and many other places).
In so-called affine planes, parallel lines are those that have no point
in common. The modern parallel axiom in an affine plane is this:

Given a line g and a point P not on g, there exists one and only one
line h passing through P that does not meet g.

This axiom really has two parts:

(1) The parallel h to g through P exists.
(2) It is unique ("only one line").
(Part (2) is sometimes called "Playfair's axiom:')
Euclid's geometry is richer than the theory of affine planes: He
has the congruence axioms and-implicitly-the conditions of or-
dering and betweenness. Via ordering he got 1.16 and from this he
derives the "existence" part for parallels in 1.27. For uniqueness, he
has to introduce a special axiom, the famous parallel postulate. He
uses it in 1.29 in order to prove a property of parallels that immedi-
ately provides uniquenes (without saying so). We quote Postulate 5
below, but first 1.27 together with its proof.
Prop. 1.27
If a straight line falling on two straight lines makes the alternate angles
equal to one another, the straight lines will be parallel to one another.
For let the straight line EF falling on the two straight lines AB, CD
make the alternate anglesAEF, EFD equal to one another [Fig. 4.10];
I say that AB is parallel to CD.
32 4. Euclid Book I

c J)


For, if not, AB, CD when produced will meet either in the direction
of B, D or towards A, C.
Let them be produced and meet, in the direction of B, D at G.
Then, in the triangle GEF, the exterior angle AEF is equal to the
interior and opposite angle EFG:
which is impossible. [1.16]
Therefore AB, CD when produced will not meet in the direction of
Similarly it can be proved that neither will they meet towards A, C.
But straight lines which do not meet in either direction are parallel;
[Def. 23]
therefore AB is parallel to CD.
Before going on we introduce some convenient notation:
gllh for parallel lines g and h

2R for two right angles (or 180).
Proposition 28 is a useful variant of 27. It says, with the notation
taken from Fig. 4.11,
Ci= y~g II h,
f3 + Y = 2R ~ g II h.
For the proof of Prop. 29, we need the parallel postulate.
Postulate 5. Let it be postulated:
That, if a straight line falling on two straight lines makes the interior
angles on the same side less than two right angles, the two straight lines,
4.4. Book I, Part B: The Theory of Parallels 33



if produced indefinitely, meet on that side on which are the angles less
than the two right angles. [Fig. 4.12]

Prop. 1.29.
A straight line falling on parallel straight lines makes the altemate angles
equal to one another, the exterior angle equal to the interior and oppo-
site angle, and the interior angles on the same side equal to two right
We will abbreviate the proof by using the notation from
Fig. 4.13(b) and dealing with the main case of alternating angles
a , p only.
The claim is:

If g II h, then a=p.
This is the converse of 1.27.
34 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4. Euclid Book I

A o--~--__oB

C ~--_cr---o.D
(4.) (b)


The proof is by contradiction, or rather by proving the logically

equivalent statement
If not a = f3, then not gil h.
If not a = f3, then one of them is greater, say a > f3:
f3 < a ~ f3 + y < a + y.
a+ y = 2R,
f3+y< 2R=a+y.
Now, Postulate 5 says that g and h have to meet, that is,
f3 + y < 2R, and Post. 5 ~ notg II h.
(If you want to see a contradiction like the one in Euclid's proof,
continue: but g II h by hypothesis....)
Propositions 27 and 29 together give us the fundamental property
of parallels (PP), again with the notation of figure 13(b):
(PP) (for alternating angles).
g II h has the intuitive meaning "g and h have no common point,"
a property that has to be checked from here to infinity. On the other
side, a = f3 can be verified locally and is a most useful practical
device that connects the intuitive notion with the other concepts of
_4_.4_._B_o_o_k_I!-.P_ar~t...:.B...:.: _Th_e~Th----:..eo...:.ry..iL....:0_f_P_ar_all~el_s 35

congruence geometry. This is a very common feature ofmathemat-

ics: Define a concept by an intuitive meaning (if possible), and then
prove that this is equivalent to a technically useful other statement.
Another striking example of this is the definition of a tangent to a
circle in Book III. In modern mathematics, unfortunately, the tech-
nical devices are often put in the foreground at the expense of the
intuitive meaning.
Proposition 30 shows the transitivity of parallelism, and Propos-
tion 31 exploits (PP) for the construction of parallels by alternate
Prop. 1.32.
In any triangle, if one of the sides is produced, the exterior angle is equal
to the two interior and opposite angles, and the three interior angles of
the triangle are equal to two right angles.
Again, we will take the convenient notation from Fig. 4.14 for
Euclid's proof. Prolong the line BC to the point D. Let EC be parallel
to AB. Then, by Prop. 29, we have
a = a' and f3 = f3'.
Hence the exterior angle a' + f3' is equal to a + f3, and because of
y + a' + f3' = 2R, we have
Euclid emphasizes the exterior angle a' + f3' because he will use
it on several later occasions.
The sum of the angles of a triangle is the most important and
fundamental invariant in elementary geometry. No matter what the


36 4. Euclid Book I

shape of the triangle is, its angles will invariably add up to two right
angles (or 180 degrees, or nJ. This is used so often that one is prone
to forget its significance. One first immediate consequence is the
formula for the sum of the (interior) angles of a convex polygon.
If it has n vertices, it can be dissected into n - 2 triangles and has
(n - 2)2R (or, expressed in another way, (n - 2)n') as the sum of its
angles. Proc1us proves this in his comment on 1.32. (Proc1us-Morrow
p. 301.) Proc1us proceeds (p. 302) to state that I/the property of having
its interior angles equal to two right angles is an essential property
of the triangle as such." He refers to Aristotle for the meaning ofl/es-
sential property:' In the words of today this means that the triangle
is characterized (among convex polygons) by the sum of its angles:
A convex polygon is a triangle if and only if the sum of its interior
angles equals two right angles. Theorem 1.32 has played its role in
philosophy later on as well. For Immanuel Kant it is the quintessen-
tial example of what he calls I/a synthetic a priori judgment;' that is, a
statement of absolute certainty (not depending on experience) that
adds to our knowledge (Critique ofPure Reason B 744-746).
One of the far-reaching consequences ofl.32 was found by Jacob
Steiner (1796-1863). He used the formula (n - 2)7l' for the sum of
the interior angles of a polygon for a simple proof of Euler's formula
for convex polyhedra: If such a polyhedron has v vertices, e edges,
and f faces, then I/invariably"

v - e+ f = 2.
Thus the simple invariant of triangles goes as far as proving one
of the most important invariants of modern algebraic topology, the
Euler characteristic, in its first significant case of convex polyhedra.

4.5 Book I, Part C: Parallelograms and

Their Areas
In part C we find a systematic study of the interrelations between
the concepts of I/parallelism" and I/of equal content."
4.5. Book I, Part C: Parallelograms and Their Areas 37

Euclid defines various types of "quadrilaterial figures" in Def. 22

at the beginning of Book I, but not the parallelograms that figure so
prominently in this section C. Instead, he introduces them together
with their basic symmetry properties in Propositions 33 and 34.
Prop. 1.33.
The straight lines joining equal and parallel straight lines (at the extrem-
ities which are) in the same directions (respectively) are themselves equal
and parallel.
Prop. 1.34.
In parallelogrammic areas the opposite sides and angles are equal to one
another, and the diameter bisects the areas.
In Prop. 34 Euclid speaks about halving the "area" of a parallelo-
gram, but he does not use this word in the subsequent propositions,
which are-in our understanding-equally statements about areas.
In daily life, the Greeks measured their properties, and in fact the
very word "geometry" means "measuring the fields!' Measuring a
field means attaching a number to it; it measures so and so many
square feet. In mathematical language this amounts to a function
that associates numbers to certain (polygonic) plane surfaces. But
the concept of a function is alien to the Elements. Euclid does not
use it, and moreover, he does not use any formulas that in effect
would define functions. For a modern description of what Euclid
does, we quote Hartshorne [2000], Section 3 (but see also Section
22) about Euclid's notion of "equal figures":
So what did Euclid have in mind? Since he does not define it,
we will consider this new equality as an undefined notion, just
as the notions of congruence for line segments and angles were
undefined. We will call this new notion equal content, to avoid
confusion with other notions of equality or congruence. We do not
want to use the word area, because this notion is quite different
from our common understanding of area as a function associating
a number to each figure.
From the way Euclid treats this notion, it is clear that he re-
gards it as an equivalence relation, satisfYing the common notions.
In particular
(a) Congruent figures have equal content.
38 4. Euclid Book I

(b) If two figures each have equal content with a third, they have equal
(c) If pairs of figures with equal content are added in the sense of
being joined without overlap to make bigger figures, then these
added figures have equal content.
(d) Ditto for subtraction, noting that equality of content of the
difference does not depend on where the equal pieces were
(e) Halves of figures of equal content have equal content (used in the
proof of 1.37).
(f) The whole is greater than the part, which in this case means if one
figure is properly contained in another, then the two figures cannot
have equal content (used in the proof of 1.39).

In terms of the axiomatic development of the subject, at this

point Euclid is introducing a new undefined relation, and taking
an the properties just listed as new axioms governing this new

In the next propositions, 35-41, Euclid achieves more flexibility

in handling the concept of equal content, or equality, as he says.

Prop. 1.35.
Parallelograms which are on the same base and in the same parallels are
equal to one another.
Prop. 1.36.
Parallelograms which are on equal bases and in the same parallels are
equal to one another [Fig. 4.15).

, A' ' ' A2.,'

< ..

, . " '. .
! A'l
4.5. Book I, Part C: Parallelograms and Their Areas 39


Propositions 37-40 say similar things for triangles, and Proposi-

tion 41 associates parallelograms and triangles. (The parallelogram
situated as in Fig. 4.16 is the double of the triangle.)
At this point the theory of equal content branches out in two di-
rections. The first branch leads directly to the theorem of Pythagoras
(1.46-48), which in any case is a goal in its own right; and the second
one leads via 1.42-45 and the theorem of Pythagoras to the impor-
tant result 11.14: It is possible to construct a square of content equal to
that ofany rectilinear figure. Or shorter: Any rectilinear figure can be
We stick to Euclid's sequence and discuss 1.42-45, which will find
their sequels in Book II.
Prop. 1.42.
To construct, in a given rectilineal angle, a parallelogram equal to a given
The construction is easy enough, compare Fig. 4.17, where 6.ABC
and the angle 0 are given and E is the midpoint of BC.

40 4. Euclid Book I

A ~_ _~~:---:-----:- -.,qD

B c

The "given angle" will be a right angle in Euclid's subsequent ap-

plications. So we might as well specialize it to this case in the next
propositions. (The generalization from rectangles to parallelograms
is easy enough because shears preserve areas.) We replace "parallel-
ogram" by "rectangle" and "given angle" by "right angle" in Euclid's
Props. 1.43-45. Book II is about rectangles throughout.
Prop. 1.43.
In any rectangle the complements of the rectangles about the diagonal
are equal to one another.
Figure 4.18 shows a diagram that is used over and over again in
the Elements. In several contexts Euclid simply calls it "the schema."
The point K is on the diagonal of the rectangle DABCD, and the
lines EF, GH are parallel to the sides. Euclid denotes DBGKE by
BK, and DKFDH by KD. These latter rectangles are the "so-called
complements:' (The reader may want to look ahead at Props. VI.16,
We have to prove:
K is on AC ~ DBK and DKD are of equal content (are equal).

By 1.34, the triangle f::lABC is equal to f::lDAC. For the same

reason, f::lGCK and f::lFKC as well as f::lAEK and f::lKHA are equal.
Subtracting the two smaller triangles from the large one on each
side of the diagonal gives the result.
Simple as it is, Prop. 43 has very many useful consequences. The
next proposition is the first one. By "applying" a figure C to a line
(segment) AB Euclid means to construct a rectangle with one side
AB of equal content with figure C.
4.5. Book I, Part C: Parallelograms and Their Areas 41


Prop. 1.44.
Th a given straight line to apply a rectangle equal to a given triangle.

Construction. Let /:::,.C and line AB be the given figures (Fig. 4.19).
Construct a rectangle DBF of equal content with /:::,.C via 1.42. Place
AB so that it prolongs side EB and construct DBH. Prolong FE and
HB until they meet in K. (Euclid shows that they will meet by means
of Post. 5.) Complete the figure as shown in Fig. 4.19. DBL has one
side AB and is of equal content with DBF by Prop. 1.43.
Prop. 1.45.
Th construct a rectangle equal to a given rectilinear figure.

For the given figure Euclid takes a quadrangle, dissects it into two
triangles, and transforms these by Prop. 1.44 into two rectangles with
a common side. By combining the two rectangles with the common
side he gets one rectangle as desired. The proof is done meticulously
by justifying every single step.
In spite of the general assertion Euclid, selects a quadrangle for
the proof. But the procedure is quite transparent, and it is obvious
how to proceed in the general case. This way of handling proofs,
which today might be done by mathematical induction, is quite
typical for Euclid. We will see it now and then on other occasions.

4.5.1 Comment on Props. 1.44/45

We will for a moment use modern formulas. The area A of a rectangle
with sides (of length) a, b is given by A = abo In 1.44, let R be the
42 4. Euclid Book I

given rectangle and a be the given side. In terms of these formulas,

the problem of 1.45 amounts to the solution of the linear equation
where x is the second side of the desired new rectangle. Seen this
way, 1.45 is algebra in geometric disguise, and hence it has been
interpreted as "geometric algebra." Historians have said that this in-
terpretation is not justified and an anachronism. Mathematicians
have replied that the formulas represent an isomorphic image of
the geometric situation and hence are the correct modern way of
describing Euclid's procedures. The same problem arises again in
Book VI, where the geometric equivalent of quadratic equations is
treated. Because the geometric version is quite sufficient for the
understanding of Euclid's text, we will leave the formulas aside. Oc-
casionally we will use them in order to facilitate understanding for
the modern reader.

4.6 Book I, Part D: The Theorem of

In proposition 1.46 Euclid shows how to construct a square on a
given line; 1.47 is the famous theorem of Pythagoras, and 1.48 is its
converse. We quote 1.47 and its proof verbatim.
Prop. 1.47.
In right-angled triangles the square on the side subtending the right angle
is equal to the squares on the sides containing the right angle.

Let ABG be a right angled triangle having the angle BAG right;
I say that the square on BG is equal to the squares on BA, AG.
For let there be described on BG the square BDEG, and on BA, AG
the squares GB, HG; through A let AL be drawn parallel to either BD
or GE, and let AD, FG be joined [Fig. 4.20].
Then, since each ofthe angles BAG, BAG is right, it follows that with
a straight line BA, and at the point A on it, the two straight lines AG,
AG not lying on the same side make the adjacent angles equal to
two right angles;
4.6. Book I, Part D: The Theorem of Pythagoras 43


1> o-;..~L---O E


therefore CA is in a straight line with A G.

For the same reason

BA is also in a straight line with AH.

And, since the angle DBC is equal to the angle FBA: for each is right:
let the angle ABC be added to each;
therefore the whole angle DBA is equal to the whole angle FBC.
And, since DB is equal to BC, and FB to BA, the two sides AB, BD
are equal to the two sides FB, BC respectively, and the angle ABD is
equal to the angle FBC;
therefore the base AD is equal to the base FC, and the triangle ABD
is equal to the triangle FBC. [1.4]
Now the parallelogram BL is double of the triangle ABD, for they
have the same base BD and are in the same parallel BD, AL. [1.41]
And the square GB is double of the triangle FBC, for they again have
the same base FB and are in the same parallels FB, GC. [I. 41]
Therefore the parallelogram BL is also equal to the square GB.
Similarly, if AE, BK are joined, the parallelogram CL can also be
proved equal to the square HC;
therefore the whole square BDEC is equal to the two squares GB,
And the square BDEC is described on BC, and the squares GB, HC
onBA, AC.
Therefore the square on the side BC is equal to the squares on the
sides BA, AC.
44 ------------_--=.:~=::....=.=..:..::::...=
4. Euclid Book I

Let us recapitulate the main points of the proof. The right angle
at A guarantees that G, A, C are in a straight line parallel to FB. This
is the decisive point. For the equality ofDGB and DBL Euclid has
to resort to their respective halves, /:::,.FBA (which is not shown) and
/:::,.BDL (also not shown). By 1.41 these are equal to (i.e., are of equal
content with) /:::,.FBC and /:::"BDA. These two triangles are congruent
by SAS, and we are done.

Comment There are many dozens of different proofs of Pythago-

ras's theorem. Proclus credits Euclid personally with this one. It is a
marvellous piece of mathematics, and I personally like it better than
any other proof. There is no special trick or need of a formula, one
sees in such a clear way how the square OGB is transformed into
the rectangle DBL, and in spite of its simplicity the argument is in
no way trivial.
The theorem of Pythagoras is as fundamental for mathematics
today as it was in Euclid's time. It is the progenitor of all the dif-
ferent kinds of metrics and of quadratic forms, and of theorems
like sin 2a + cos 2a = 1. Via its generalization, the law of cosines,
and the corresponding scalar product in vector spaces, it pervades
mathematics as far as the eye can see.
Prop. 1.48
Ifin a triangle the square on one ofthe sides is equal to the squares on the
remaining two sides ofthe triangle, the angle contained by the remaining
two sides of the triangle is right.

4.6. Book I, Part D: The Theorem of Pythagoras 45

Let 6ABC be the given triangle. We take the notation from Fig. 4.21
and abbreviate. Let AD be equal to AB and fP be a right angle, then
by 1.47 we have [2 = d 2 + b2 = c2 + b2 , which by assumption is equal
to a2 . Hence [ is equal to a. (Here is a little gap. This implication
has not been proved before.) Now, by the congruence theorem SSS
the two triangles 6ABC and 6ADC are congruent, and hence a = fP
is a right angle.

Propositions 1.47 and 48 combined are the full theorem of

We conclude this chapter by quoting a fine sonnet by the German
poet Adelbert von Chamisso, translated by Max Delbriick, together
with a nice remark by C. L. Dodgson. According to a legend from
antiquity, Pythagoras sacrificed a hundred (a hecatomb, or, in an-
other version, only one) oxen to the gods after he had discovered
his theorem. (The German original of the poem can be found in the

Adelbert von Chamisso: The'Ih1th

(1tanslated by Max Delbriick)
The TRUTH: her hallmark is ETERNITY
As soon as stupid world has seen her light
PYTHAGORAS' theorem today is just as right
As when it first was shown to the FRATERNITY.
The GODS who sent to him this ray of light
to them PYTHAGORAS a token sacrificed:
One hundred oxen, roasted, cut, and sliced
Expressed his thank to them, to their delight.
The oxen, since that day, when they surmise
That a new truth may be unveiling
Forthwith burst forth in fiendish railing.
PYTHAGORAS forever gives them jitters -
Quite powerless to stem the thrust of such emitters
of LIGHT, they tremble and they close their eyes.

But neither thirty years, not thirty centuries, affect the clearness,
or the charm, ofGeometrical truths. Such a theorem as "the square
46 4. Euclid Book I

of the hypotenuse of a rightangled triangle is equal to the sum of

the squares of the sides" is as dazzlingly beautiful now as it was
in the day when Pythagoras first discovered it, and celebrated its
advent, it is said, by sacrificing a hecatomb of oxen - a method
of doing honor to Science that has always seemed to me slightly
exaggerated and uncalled-for. One can imagine oneself, even in
these degenerate days, marking the epoch of some brilliant scien-
tific discovery by inviting a convivial friend or two, to join one in
a beefsteak and a bottle of wine. But a hecatomb of oxen! It would
produce a quite inconvenient supply of beef.

C. L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll)

The Origin of
Parallels and Axioms

The discussion of the parallel axiom has been the driving force
behind the axiomatization of mathematics. We will sketch the
development in the history of mathematics. (For more detailed
information see the Notes.)
Historians generally assume that the introduction of Post. 5 and
the theory of parallels was fairly recent at Euclid's time. Before that,
there may have been a definition of parallels comprising properties
like the definition 1.17 of the diameter of a circle: "A diameter of
the circle is a straight line drawn through the center ... and such a
straight line also bisects the circle:' A similar definition of parallels
may have said that they exist, are unique, and can be constructed
using alternate angles, or more simply, right angles. (Possibly even
their property of being equidistant was stated.) These aspects of
parallels were quite natural for architects and stone masons, who
worked with parallel layers of stones all the time and were used to
very precise measurements.
A faint hint of the origin of the parallel axiom (Post. 5 for short in
the following text) may be a remark by Proclus in his discussion of

48 5_._Th_e_O_r.....


Post. 5: "That there are lines that approach each other indefinitely
but never meet seems implausible and paradoxical, yet it is nev-
ertheless true and has been ascertained for other species of lines"
(Produs-Morrow 151). The most prominent example of such lines
are a hyperbola and its asymptotes (Fig. 5.1). Admitting angles be-
tween curved (and straight) lines, this is a "counterexample" to Post.
5, or at least it could draw the attention of mathematicians to the
The first to write about conics was Menaechmus, who may have
lived about 380-320B.C.E. Ifthe speculation above is right, this would
put the introduction of Post. 5 at a time around 340. Other historians
think it may have been introduced by Euclid himself. Aristotle never
mentions the postulates of Book I.
Compared to the other postulates, the parallel postulate is a
rather complicated statement and not as obvious as, say, the equal-
ity of all right angles. Therefore, mathematicians of antiquity tried
to eliminate it, either by proving it or by replacing it by a sim-
pler and more intuitively convincing axiom. However, none of them
The problem was taken up again in the seventeenth century.
John Wallis gave a public talk in Oxford in 1663 about the subject
and proved the following: If there are similar triangles of different
content, then Post. 5 is true. This result replaces Post. 5 by a more
plausible one. Several other mathematicians tried the following way:
Start with the negation of Post. 5 and try to find consequences that
contradict established theorems. The most prominent among these
5. The Origm of Mathematics 2
-------><----------------- 49

was the Jesuit Girolamo Saccheri, who in 1733 published a book

entitled Euclid liberated from every defect. Although it was largely for-
gotten, this book contained a key distinction. Saccheri looked at a
quadrangle that was constructed with 3 right angles. Then there are
three alternatives for the remaining fourth angle: It might be ob-
tuse, right, or acute. The hypothesis of the right angle is equivalent
to Post. 5. Then he managed to find a contradiction derived from
the hypothesis of the obtuse angle. (It contradicted the existence of
ines of infinite length. This is the situation on the sphere.)
From the hypothesis of the acute angle he drew many conse-
quences but could not find a contradiction. (He believed he had
one, but there was a mistake.) In 1766 Johann Heinrich Lambert
wrote a paper on "The Theory of Parallel Lines;' which was pub-
lished posthumously in 1786. It seems that he thought about a valid
geometry that could be derived from Saccheri's hypothesis of the
acute angle. He points to Euclid's 1.16/17 as evidence that Euclid
held similar opinions.
Finally, around 1830 three mathematicians were thoroughly con-
vinced of the existence of a valid "non-Euclidean" geometry: Carl
Friedrich Gauss, Janos Bolyai, and Nikolai Ivanovitch Lobachevsky.
But Gauss did not publish what he had found, and the papers by
Bolyai (1832) and Lobachevsky (1835) were hard to read. So the sub-
ject lay dormant until the second half of the 1860s, when Gauss's
(who had died in 1855) private letters were published and the sit-
uation changed dramatically. Some papers by Riemann on abstract
geometries in the 1850s, the development of differential geometry,
and the prestige of Gauss made non-Euclidean geometry one of the
hottest research topics in mathematics. The theory derived from the
"hypothesis of the acute angle" was now called "hyperbolic geome-
try." The possibility of a (still) hidden contradiction was ruled out
by Beltrami (1868), who interpreted it as the geometry on a surface
with constant negative curvature. Felix Klein (1871) found the now
so-called Cayley-Klein model in projective geometry, and in 1882
Poincare placed it in the context of complex function theory. The
question of the parallel axiom was finally settled by 1880: There are
three types of plane geometry that satisfy Euclid's other axioms: el-
liptic geometry (on the sphere, with antipodal points identified, the
hypothesis of the obtuse angle) with no parallels at all; Euclidean
geometry with Post. 5 (hypothesis of the right angle), where paral-
50 5_._T_b_e_O_r...,!;igti!...n_o_f_M_a_tb_e_ma_ti_c_s_2

leIs exist and are unique; and hyperbolic geometry (hypothesis of

the acute angle), where parallels exist but are not unique. In elliptic
geometry the sum of the angles in a triangle is greater then 180,
in Euclidean geometry it is 180, and in hyperbolic geometry it is
smaller than 180.
But there is more to the story of axioms in geometry. Euclid had
employed the notions of ordering and betweenness of points on a
line intuitively. In effect, he had ruled out the hypothesis of the ob-
tuse angle by these means. The subject of ordering was taken up by
Moritz Pasch in a book Lectures on Recent Geometry (Vorlesungen uber
neuere Geometrie) in 1882. His axioms about betweenness essentially
completed the axiomatization of plane geometry. (Pasch had such
an acute sense for fine points in logic that in his later days he was
the foremost expert on the bylaws of his university in Giessen. His
son-in-law C. Thaer produced the standard German translation of
For Pasch, geometry was still the science of physical space. This
last barrier was broken by David Hilbert (1899) in his Foundations of
Geometry (Grundlagen der Geometrie). Hilbert explicitly says that the
objects of geometry are called points, lines, planes by convention,
but they could be called by other, fancy, names just as well. These
objects are defined only "implicitly" by what is said about them in the
axioms. (For instance, a point might be a pair of real numbers.) The
subject of geometry has changed from a study of space to the study
of the logical interdependence of certain statements about otherwise
undefined objects.
Hilbert grouped the axioms under five headings: axioms of in-
cidence like "Two different points lie on a unique line," axioms of
ordering, axioms of congruence, the parallel axiom, and finally,
axioms of continuity.
The axioms of continuity guarantee that the points of a line may
be identified with the real numbers. This enables him to prove his
main theorem: The five groups ofaxioms determine the Euclidean plane
(up to isomorphism) uniquely. It may be viewed as the plane ofanalytic
geometry over the field of real numbers.
In an appendix to his book Hilbert presents the first axiom system
for the real numbers. Starting from this point, the axiomatic method
conquered the whole of mathematics in the twentieth century.
The Origin of
Pythagoras of Samos

Pythagoras lived about 570-490 B.C.E. The only roughly determined

date in his life is ~ 530, when he left Samos to settle in Crotona,
in southern Italy. At Crotona he founded a religious and philosoph-
ical society that soon came to exert considerable political influence
in the Greek cities of southern Italy. He was forced to leave Cro-
tona about 500 and retired to Metapontum, where he died (see
Fig. 6.1).
The Pythagoreans, as his followers were called, continued to ex-
ert political power until sometime in the middle or late fifth century,
when a democratic revolution occurred and they were forced to leave
the Greek cities of southern Italy. Some of them went to Sicily and
others to the Greek mainland, where they found new centers for
their activities. The last of the Pythagoreans were known in about
350 B.C.E. as poor vegetarian wandering pilgrims.
The city (and island) of Samos together with its close neighbors
Miletus and Ephesus on what is now the Thrkish coast were booming
economic and intellectual centers in the sixth century B.C.E. Thales
and his student Anaximandros taught in Miletus in the first half

52 6. The Origin of Mathematics 3

a b c

FIGURE 6.1 (a) Coin from Metapontum with a "pentagram" com-

posed of grains of barley (about 440 B.C.E.?). (b) Coin from Abdera
(430 B.C.E.?) showing an idealized portrait of (n) YeArOPH~, that is,
(P)YTHAGORES. (c) Coin from Melos (before 420 B.C.E.) with pentagram

of the sixth century. The philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus was a

contemporary of Pythagoras.
1Wo examples of practical geometry will illustrate the atmo-
sphere of the city of Pythagoras's youth. Outside of Samos was the
ancient sanctuary ofthe goddess Hera. In 570-560 the city commis-
sioned the architects Rhoikos and Theodoros with the construction
of a new temple of dimensions hitherto unheard of. Its ground plan
was 100 x 200 cubits (52.5 x 105 meters); its 104 columns were 18
meters high. The bases of the columns had a diameter of up to 1.80
meters and weighed about 1500 kg each. In spite of these extraordi-
nary dimensions, they were turned on lathes! This temple was to be
the prototype of the Ionian style in architecture. It was constructed
during Pythagoras's youth. Just completed, it was destroyed in a rev-
olution in the 530s, which brought the tyrant Polykrates into power.
Polykrates immediately ordered the construction of a new and even
bigger temple. (See Figs. 6.5 and 6.6 at the end ofthis Section.)
The second example of high technology in the second half of the
sixth century in Samos is the tunnel of Eupalinus. This tunnel, for
a new water main, was about 1 km long and, this is the noteworthy
point, was built from both sides of the mountain! The diggers met in
the middle ofthe mountain with a deviation of about 10 meters. The
people who gave the money for the construction did indeed trust
geometry and geodesics. (See notes for more details.)
Such was the background of Pythagoras's youth. He may have
traveled to Egypt and Babylon for studies, but Samos was where the
action was in his time.
The Mathematics of the Pythagoreans
--------"------"'---------- 53

a a
a a a

a a a a.
a b

FIGURE 6.2 (a) Tetraktys after Iamblichus. (a stands for the unit one.)
(b) Pentagram from St. Mary's Church, in Lemgo, Germany (1300 C.E.).

The Mathematics of the Pythagoreans

Almost nothing is known for sure about Pythagoras's own math-
ematical achievements. The oral tradition of his followers was
written down rather late, some of it by the students of Aristotle.
The best available information about Pythagoras is collected in the
book by Burkert [1972]. It seems that the students of Pythagoras in
southern Italy were split into two groups: the Akusmatikoi, who fol-
lowed the master's sayings verbatim, and the Mathematikoi, who
tried to develop and expand his teachings. The Pythagoreans used
two symbols: the so-called tetraktys, the arrangement of ten dots
representing I + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10, and the pentagram (Fig. 6.2).
They used to call the pentagram "Health./I (There is indeed a
very old tradition of the pentagram as a medical symbol, cf. Notes.)
Undoubtedly, musical harmonics was central to Pythagoras's teach-
ings. The Middle Ages knew him as "inventor musicae," not as a
mathematician. Aristotle writes about the Pythagoreans:

Contemporaneously with these philosophers and before them, the

Pythagoreans, as they are called, devoted themselves to math-
ematics; they were the first to advance this study, and having
been brought up in it they thought its principles were the prin-
ciples of all things. Since of these principles numbers are by
nature the first, and in numbers they seemed to see many resem-
54 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6. The Origm of Mathematics 3

blances to the things that exist and come into being-more than
in fire and earth and water (such and such a modification of num-
bers being justice, another being soul and reason, another being
opportunity-and similarly almost all other things being numer-
ically expressible); since, again, they saw that the attributes and
the ratios ofthe musical scales were expressible in numbers; since,
then, all other things seemed in their whole nature to be modelled
after numbers, and numbers seemed to be the first things in the
whole of nature, they supposed the elements of numbers to be
the elements of all things, and the whole heaven to be a musical
scale and a number. And all the properties of numbers and scales
which they could show to agree with the attributes and parts and
the whole arrangement of the heavens, they collected and fitted
into their scheme; and if there was a gap anywhere, they read-
ily made additions so as to make their whole theory coherent.
(Metaphysics 985 b 23-986 a 7)

In the first part ofthis quotation, Aristotle praises the pythagore-

ans for their mathematical studies. In the second part, he criticizes
them for unfounded speculations. It seems that there were four
"mathematical" parts of the Pythagorean teachings: arithmetic, ge-
ometry, harmonics (music), and astronomy. This is the classical
"quadrivium," part of the seven liberal arts. In the Middle Ages, the
three "trivial" parts, the "trivium:' grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, were
the introductory ones of the seven undergraduate courses. Plato was
the first to call the subjects of the quadrivium "mathemata:' things
to be learned. (Republic 527 c 10)

Aristotle points out the prominent role of numbers in Pythagorean
mathematics. There are considerable traces of Pythagorean arith-
metic in the writings of Nicomachus, which we will present and
contrast to Euclid's style in an appendix to the arithmetical Book VII
of Euclid.
The Application of Areas 55

The Application of Areas

We have seen the first example of the application of areas in 1.44, the
simple application of an area to a line. The next, and more substan-
tial, examples would be 11.5,6 when supplemented by the theorem of
Pythagoras so as to give the solution of a quadratic problem. (Read-
ers should compare the more detailed statements and comments in
the discussion of Book II.) It reads like this. Let an area c2 and a line
b be given. Find a line x such that
(application with square defect)
bx + x2 = c2 (application with square excess).
The geometric equivalent proceeds like this. (We take the case
with quadratic excess.) By 11.14, the given area might be a square. By
11.6, we are able to transform the problem into the geometric version


(x + ~ = x
+ bx + (~r =
c + (~r
Pythagoras's theorem then provides us with z such that

and from this we find x as in Fig. 6.3. Produs ascnbes the discovery
of this technique to the Pythagoreans in his comment on Elements

... '

'. : ....'. :

56 6_o_Th_e_O_n....>g:tLon_o_f_M_a_th_e_ma_ti_oC_8_3

Eudemus and his school tell us that these things-the application

of areas, their exceeding and their falling short-are ancient dis-
coveries of the Pythagorean muse.... Those godlike men of old
saw the significance ofthese terms in the describing ofplane areas
along a finite straight line. (Proc1us-Morrow p. 332)

In Books II-IV Euclid makes use ofII. 5/6 only in a restricted and
particular way: he uses them in order to avoid similarity arguments
which are not at his disposal in these early Books. This concerns
the proofs of Props. II. 11 and 14, and III. 35 and 36/37. All these
proofs follow the pattern of combining 11.5/6 with the theorem of
Pythagoras I. 47. One may suspect this is the personal style ofa single
author at work, be it Euclid himself or one of his predecessors, but
not such an early one as a Pythagorean. Proclus tells us that there
was an author ofpre-Euclidean "Elements" who avoided proportions.
(Proclus-Morrow p. 60; see also Artmann [1985].)

Incommensurable Segments
Incommensurable segments, or, as we might say today, segments of
irrational length with respect to a given unit segment, are one of the
most important discoveries of the Greek mathematicians. Pappus
tells us that the theory of incommensurable lines "had its origin in
the school of Pythagoras" (Heath [1921], 154). The history and sig-
nificance of this subject will be discussed in an appendix to Book X.

The Dodecahedron
One of the "mathematikoi" students of Pythagoras was Hippasus of
Metapontum. Sources from late antiquity report about him that he

was a Pythagorean but, owing to his being the first to publish and
write down the (construction of the) sphere with the twelve pen-
tagons, perished by shipwreck for his impiety, but received credit
for the discovery. (Heath [1921], 160 after Iamblichus)
_Th_e_Pythago""-----!;.:; 57

Again there will be a special appendix dealing with the regular

polyhedra and their history following Book XIII.

The Pythagorean Theorem as a Paradigm

for Mathematics
The most frequent answer to the question of what people who are
disconnected from mathematics in their adult life remember of
school mathematics is "Pythagoras." And I think that this is as it
should be. I would rank the Pythagorean theorem as a cultural asset
of the first order, the knowledge of which should be bestowed upon
every student as a standard for life. It belongs to a basis of common
intellectual possessions of mankind. In Greek antiquity, cultural co-
herence rested on the general widespread intensive knowledge of
Homer. In the Middle Ages the Bible (besides the Latin language) had
a similar function in Western Europe. More recently, in the English-
speaking world one recognizes cultural coherence in that an allusion
to Shakespeares's Hamlet is immediately understood. (In German,
Goethe's Faust plays an analogous role.) Mathematics, however, is
independent of specific languages and transcends cultural borders.
The theorem of Pythagoras is taught and understood all over the
world. And it is more important than pop-music.
An approach to the theorem of Pythagoras through a work of
art will help us to understand its significance for mathematics as a
When I saw from afar a sculpture by the german sculptor Helmut
Lander at an exhibition my spontaneous reaction was, "Pythagoras
at work on the square on the side!' (See Fig. 6.4.)
The right-angled triangle and the square block lead a mathe-
matician immediately to the association "Pythagoras:' but the artist
himself chose "Sisyphus" as the title of his work. Can we adhere
to "Pythagoras:' beyond the external similarity, and argue with the
sculptor about his title?
A few remarks to this purpose about the Pythagorean theorem.
One indeed knows the figure, but the assertion of the theorem does
58 6~.:.......::Th=e_=O:..::r.::!igt:!::n=_=o=_f..:::M=a:..::th=e=ma=t=ic=8:.....=.3


remain invisible. The equality of the areas expressed in a2 + b2 = c2

cannot be seen froin the figure. Entirely different from the case of
the intersection of the three altitudes of a triangle, knowledge here
eludes the direct view. Only the proof gives a reason for believing
and insight into the truth of the theorem. And that is exactly what
one calls "deep" in mathematics.
Here something is not just verified, or something that in any case
could be read off from a good drawing; it is placed within the frame-
work of logical deduction. The theorem of Pythagoras is one of the
few important examples of substantial mathematics that is usually
treated in school. Quite rightly does it often stand as a symbol for
all of mathematics. It is a good sign for the intellectual perception
of many nonmathematicians if it is exactly this theorem that they
remember from their schooldays. Part of the symbol is also the labo-
rious way to knowledge and the drudgery with formulas and proofs
that on the boundaries of research is the same as initiation in high
Though to be sure, with some real distinctions-which brings us
back to the sculpture: In research there is no longer a teacher who
knows the way and has the solution ready. One works hard and
often, again and again, in vain. One believes that one has just mas-
tered the problem when the whole structure breaks down again at
The Pythagorean Theorem 38 a Paradigm for Mathematics 59

some decisive point. And if one finally manages to put everything to-
gether successfully, every answer simply generates new questions.
The game starts all over again.
Thereby we would be with Sisyphus, who in never-ending ef-
fort pushes his block up the mountain. Our modern image of this
ancient figure is really stamped with the existential meaning that
Albert Camus has given him: the heroic man who consciously takes
upon himself the contradiction of life. 1b him corresponds the for-
mal figuration of the sculpture. Exerting all its power, the organic
form asserts itself between the overpowering abstract figures of the
triangle and the square. It is lost if the blocks slam together: In the
geometrically precise conception there is no place for human beings.
And so it is with the Pythagorean theorem: When the assertion is
ready, it stands there in cool precision. The human element enters
in the proof where the squares on the sides must be transformed
and reformed until they come together again on the hypotenuse.
So now should one say "Pythagoras" or "Sisyphus"? Lander him-
self says it doesn't matter. The figure forms a bridge between the
proverbial two cultures of science and the humanities (where math-
ematics, in the sense of this classification, belongs to the sciences,
even if she should protest against it). I plead for Pythagoras. Nam-
ing it so would be more unconventional and would provoke more
association and further thought. The starting point becomes more
specific, and the viewer is spoken to more personally than with the
rather philosophical Sisyphus, who then appears already alone.
60 - - - - - - - - - - - - -6.-The Origm' of Mathematics 3

FIGURE 6.5 Capital of a column from the third temple of Hera in Samos
(about 520 BCE), built by Polykrates.

FIGURE 6.6 Part of the base of a column from the second temple of
Hera in Samos (about 550 BCE) built by the architect Rhoikus.
Euclid Book

The Geometry of

Book II is short and homogeneous, with only 14 propositions and

two definitions at the beginning. For the most part it is about various
combinations of rectangles and squares of equal content. At the end
we find the generalization of the theorem of Pythagoras to what
today is called the law of cosines and, as the last proposition, the
squaring of a rectangle. There are reasons to assume a Pythagorean
origin for the main part of Book II, but some historians have different
We will follow Euclid and speak of "equal" rectangles where we
could use "of equal content" in the modern way.
II. Def. 1. Any rectangle is said to be contained by the streight lines
containing the right angle.
II. Def. 2. (For rectangles) Let anyone of the rectangles around
the diameter of any rectangular area (together) with the two
complements be called a gnomon.

62 7. Euclid Book II

FIGURE 7.1 Gnomons

A c B

D F F p E


A gnomon was originally a sort of primitive sundial, a pole

perpendicular to the horizon whose shadow was used for the mea-
surement of time. The mathematicians apparently transferred the
name to the similar-looking geometric figure. Figure 7.1 shows both
of them.
We omit Prop. ILl, which is a generalization of 11.213 and has
probably been interpolated after Euclid. For 11.2/3, a figure (Fig.
7.2) and a statement in shorthand suffice.

In the first case, we might say that we see a square with defect,
namely DDC, and in the second one we have a square with excess
DAD. The technical terms "defect" and "excess" will reappear later.
If a straight line is cut at random, the square on the whole is equal to
the squares on the segments and twice the rectangle contained by the
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 63
7. Euclid Book II


For the modern reader, this, together with the figure, is the fa-
miliar geometric interpretation of the binomial formula for (a + b)2 .
For Euclid, however, it is a purely geometrical statement. (He does,
however, apply the equally geometric Prop. 11.6 to numbers in the
lemma to Prop. X.28.) The proof is not difficult, but straightforward
and somewhat lengthy.
Curiously enough, Prop. 11.4 has found its way to a Greek coin
(Fig. 7.3). From the year 404 B.C.E. onwards, the reverse of the coins
of the city (and island) of Aigina, not far from Athens, shows the
design of Euclid's Prop. 11.4. We do not know why the people of
Aigina selected this particular design for their money. But in any
case the coins indicate the familiarity of Prop. 11.4 some hundred
years before Euclid's time.

If a straight line be cut into equal and unequal segments, the rectangle
contained by the unequal segments of the whole together with the square
on the straight line between the points of section is equal to the square
on the half
For let a straight line AB be cut into equal segments at C and into
unequal segments at D [Fig. 7.4];
I say that the rectangle contained by AD, DB together with the
square on CD is equal to the square on CB.
The proposition is true because DAL and DDF are of equal
The next proposition is very similar. We quote it in the shorter
version before we comment on both of them.
64 ------------_.:....:......:==-=-.:....::..=..=:
7. Euclid Book II

A a
':'.': ,"',:
.:.... : ....

",) .,.

e G- F


c & 0

E c;.


Prop. 11.6.
Let a straight line AB be bisected at the point C, and let a straight line
BD be added to it in a straight line. I say that the rectangle contained by
AD, DB together with the square on CB is equal to the square on cn
(See Fig. 7.5.)
Again the truth of the proposition is easily seen from the figure.

Comments on 11.5/6.
The last two propositions have often been associated with quadratic
equations in the following way. In 11.5, let AB = b and DB = x. Then
11.5 translates into the algebraic formula

(~)2 = (~-xr +x(b-x),

or equivalently,
7. Euclid Book II 65

Similarly, for 11.6 with AB = band BD = x,

(b+x)x+ (~y = (~+xY

That is, 11.5/6 show us, in the literal sense, how to complete the
square. Euclid had to consider these two cases separately because
there are no negative segments or areas. Completing the square is
the first step in solving a quadratic equation like
x2 +bx+c = 0,

x2 +bx+ (~y = (~y -c,

(x+ ~y = (~y -c.
For the next step, one has to extract the square root out of
G)2 -c. This depends on the size and sign ofc and hence would again
need special consideration for Euclid. He executes this second step
in Book VI, somewhat hidden in VI.25, but not in Book II, even if it
would be easy enough with the help of Pythagoras's theorem. There-
fore one cannot speak ofll.5/6 as "solutions to quadratic problems!'
They can be used only in order to verify known solutions and not in
order to find unknown solutions. This interpretation is confirmed
by the fact that Euclid introduces the condition (~)2 > c, which is
necessary for the existence of a solution, only in Props. VI.27/28.
Let us add another translation of 11.5. Let AC = a and CD = b.
Then AD = a + band BD = a - b, and hence by 11.5,
The next propositions, 11.7-10, are variations on the themes of
11.4-6. After these, Euclid turns to three different subjects. ILll is
basic for the construction of the regular pentagon in Book IV; Propo-
sitions 11.12, 13 generalize the theorem of Pythagoras; and 11.14 is
the capstone of the sequence, dealing with the squaring of polygons.
66 7. Euclid Book II

F .....,~.~~......
...,.....-, G
. ....
.... ,,
A 0'---';'''-'---0-.-..' a


Prop. 11.11.
Th cut a given straight line so that the rectangle contained by the
whole and one of the segments is equal to the square on the remaining
Let the given line be AB. We are looking for a point H on AB such
that the rectangle contained by AB and HB is equal to the square on
Euclid first describes the construction of the accompanying
figure (Fig. 7.6):
Let the square ABDC be described on AB;
let AC be bisected at the point E, and let BE be joined;
let CA be drawn through to F, and let EF be made equal to
let the square FH be described on AF, and let GH be drawn
through to K.
With the help ofII.6 and the theorem of Pythagoras 1.47 he shows
that the point H has the desired properties:
On the line CF we have the situation ofIl.6: AC has been bisected
in E, and AF has been added to it; hence
o (CF, FA) +DAE = DEF.
By construction, DEF = DEB, and by 1.47, DEB = DAE + DAB,
o (CF, FA) + DAE = DAE + DAB.
7. Euclid Book II

This implies

D(CF, FA) = DAB.

Subtraction of D(AC, AH) on both sides gives us the desired


OAH = OAF = D(BD, HB) = D(AB, BH).

'TYpically, Euclid does not tell us how he arrived at his construction,
but only verifies his solution. This is in accordance with the remarks
about 11.5/6. Later on, in VI.30, he unveils the secret. Let us again
use modern notation as a convenient shorthand. Let b be the given
segment and x the larger part of it. We have the condition

b(b - x) = x2 , (7.3)
b = x 2
+ bx. (7.4)

With 11.6 this is transformed into

and the theorem of Pythagoras provides us with the segment EB = d

such that

x = d - -, as constructed.
In VI.30 this derivation is embedded into the general procedure
for solving quadratic problems, V1.29. This last proposition explains
how to find the point D (here F) under the circumstances of 11.6.
Essentially, it is done as above with the help of 1.47 or, in more
general situations, its generalization, V1.25.
We are still left with the question why the problem of 11.11 should
be interesting at all. A short glance into Book XIII, Prop. 8 tens us
68 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7. Euclid Book II

what is going on. XIII.8 is about the regular pentagon with side x and
diagonal b (in our present notation). It is proved that
b :x = X : (b - x),

which is, after VI.16, equivalent to

b(b - x) = x2 .

Knowing this, we understand the essential meaning of 11.11: to

determine the side x of a regular pentagon when the diagonal b is
given. But about this Euclid keeps quiet in Book II, and even in Book
IV; where he constructs the pentagon.


This chair was once a student of Euclid.

The book of his laws lay on its seat.
The schoolhouse windows were open,
So the wind turned the pages
Whispering the glorious proofs.
The sun set over the golden roofs.
Everywhere the shadows lengthened,
But Euclid kept quiet about that.
(Charles Simic: Hotel Insomnia, New York:
Harcourt, Brace 1992. With kind permis-
sion of the publisher.)

One thing should be said very clearly: Mathematical truth is not
dependent on motivation. Euclid has taught this to many genera-
tions of mathematicians. Teaching a class is another thing. Students
have every right to understand how particular steps are directed to
a specific goal.
Propositions 11.12, 13 are very important as seen from today, be-
cause they translate into the law of cosines. In the Elements, however,
they are just stated and never again mentioned or applied. Let us
first look for a motivation of the statements (which, clearly, Euclid
does not supply). By the congruence theorem SAS, a triangle-and
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 69
7. Euclid Book II


hence its third side-is determined by the two sides, say a, b, and the
enclosed angle y. By the theorem of Pythagoras we know the third
side c if y is a right angle. Is it possible to determine c for a general
angle y? This question is answered in II.l2 for an obtuse and in II.l3
for an acute angle y. Let the first case stand for both of them.
Prop. 11.12.
Let 6.ABC be an obtuse-angled triangle having L.BAC obtuse, and let BD
be drawn from the point B perpendicular to CA produced [Fig. 7. 7). I say
that the square on BC is greater than the squares on BA, AC together by
twice the rectangle contained by CA, AD.

By the theorem of Pythagoras 1.47:
By the binomial theorem HA,
DDC = DDA + DAC + 20 (DA, AC); (7.5)


DBC = DBD + DDA + DAC + 20 (DA, AC) (7.6)

= DAB + DAC + 20 (DA, AC) (7.7)

as asserted.
Modern translation. Let AB = c, BC = a, CA = b, and L.BAC = Ci.
Then DA = C COSci. Because ci is obtuse, COSci is negative, and we get
70 ------------_..:....:.......=~..::....::..=-==
7. Euclid Book II


the result

the modern version. The sign of the cosine function will take care of
both cases 11.12,13. The law of cosines could develop its full power
only a long time after Euclid.

Prop. 11.14.
7b construct a square equal to a given rectilinear figure.

Let A be the given figure [Fig. 7.8]. Construct a rectangle D(BE, ED)
of equal content with A via 1.45. If this rectangle is a square, we are
ready. Otherwise let BE be greater than ED. Prolong BE to F and
make EF equal to ED. Bisect BF in G, describe the semicircle BHF
with center G. Produce DE to H.
D(BE, ED) = OEH.

By 11.5 for the line BF we get

GF is equal to GH by construction, hence

=OEG+OEH by 1.47.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 71
7. Euclid Book II

Subtracting the square OEG on both sides and observing that

EF = ED completes the proof.

This theorem is a goal for its own sake. It is the objective of a

theory developed from 1.35-45 via 1.47 and 11.5 to its culminating
point 11.14. It serves no other purpose than to transmit a certain
knowledge or answer a question that is important in theory and, we
may add, in practice as well.
The Origin of
Squaring the Circle

Theorem 11.14 solves an important problem: Every rectilinear figure

can be squared. As usual in mathematics, a problem is solved only
to beget another one. The next most prominent figure is the circle.
How to square it? Proclus observes in his comment on Prop. 1.45,
which is the last step before 11.14:

It is my opinion that this problem is what led the ancients to at-

tempt the squaring ofthe circle. For ifa parallelogram can be found
equal to any rectilinear figure, it is worth inquiring whether it is
possible to prove that a rectilinear figure is equal to a circular area.
(Proclus-Morrow 335)

The problem was indeed so prominent in classical Athens that

several reports on it have survived. It must have been popular in the
intellectual circles in Athens about 440-400 B.G.E. Evidence for this is
a line from the comedy The Birds written by Aristophanes and staged
on Broadway-sorry, in Athens-414 B.G.E. Aristophanes presents a
certain self-appointed civic surveyor of Cloud-Cuckoo-Land.

74 8. The Origin of Mathematics 4

If! layout this curved ruler from above and insert a compass-do
you see? ... by laying out I shall measure with a straight ruler,
so that the circle becomes square for you. (Lines 1001-1005, after
Knorr [1986])

If people didn't understand the allusion of a joke it would be bad

for the success of the play. That is, "squaring of the circle" must have
been understood by the general public in Athens.
The philosopher Anaxagoras (~ 500-430) is reported to have
tried the quadrature ofthe circle during a spell in prison. At about the
same time, 440-430 B.G.E . the mathematician Hippocrates of Chios
had made a discovery that must have been perceived as an impor-
tant step toward the solution of the problem. He had squared the
first curvilinear figures, the crescent shaped lunules, or lunes. We
will sketch only the most important features of Hippocrates' proof.
(For details see the Notes.)

Hippocrates starts from the assertion that [the areas of] segments
of a circle have to each other a ratio as the squares on their bases.
The first and simplest ofhis lunes are squared the following way.
Starting from a right isosceles triangle (Fig. 8.1), we draw on each
of its sides a semicircle. By Pythagoras's theorem and the assertion
above it follows that the semicircle on the hypotenuse equals the
two semicircles on the legs. If we "turn" the semicircle on the hy-
pothenuse into the position ACB and remove the portion common
to the large semicircle and the two smaller ones, we find that the
isosceles triangle that remains is equal to the two lunes that arch

8. The Origin of Mathematics 4 75

over its legs. Because the triangle is easily squared, we have squared
the lunes.
Hippocrates treated other more complicated cases of the same
type, always removing parts of circles from other parts of circles.
By taking away curvilinear areas from other curvilinear areas in an
artful way he in effect "cancels out" the curvature, but this can be
seen only with hindsight.
Euclid, in his Prop. XII.2, proves the basic assertion of Hip-
pocrates for circles. He employs methods of Eudoxos. If we have
two circles with areas AI, A 2 and radii rI, r2, then, in modern words,
XII.2 says that

A 1. r12 -- 2
A 2. r2'

so that the ratio of the area A of a circle to the square r 2 of its radius
is constant. This constant is nowadays called lr, and we write
The second (and secondary) question is the determination of
the constant lr as precisely as possible. In his Measurement ofa Circle
Archimedes established
10 10
3- < lr < 3-, or approximately
71 70
3,1408 < lr < 3.1429.

In the first theorem of the same paper Archimedes proves the

relation between the circumference and the area of a circle:

The area of a circle is equal to that of a right triangle in which one

leg is equal to the radius and the other to the circumference of the

This connects the constant lr with the circumference C of the

A = - Cr, or, using C = 2m.
76 8. The Origin of Mathematics 4

At the very end of antiquity, the philosophical commentator Am-

monius, a disciple ofProclus, writes in a few melancholy words about
what happened in the roughly 900 intervening years that separate
him from Hippocrates:

The geometers, on constructing the square equal to the given rec-

tilinear figure, sought whether it was possible to find a square
equal to the given circle. And many and the greatest [of them]
sought, but did not find it. Only the divine Archimedes found an
extremely good approximation, but the exact construction has not
been found to this day. And this is perhaps impossible.... (Knorr
[1986], 362)

A student of Ammonius in turn, Simplicius, who wrote about 540

C.E., has a very clear conception of the problem. He says:

The reason why one still investigates the quadrature of the cir-
cle and the question as to whether there is a line equal to the
Circumference, despite their having remained entirely unsolved
up to now, is the fact that no one has found out that these are
impossible either, in contrast with the incommensurability of the
diameter and the side (of the square). (Knorr [1986],364)

Simplicius was widely read as a commentator on Aristotle in the

Middle Ages. The squaring of the circle acquired the reputation of a
problem that is impossible to solve. To this day it retains a proverbial
character. Dante uses it in this sense in a most prominent place,
within the last dozen lines of his Divine Comedy (written 1310 C.E.).
Like the geometer, who deep in thought applies himself
To measuring the circle, and cannot find,
However much he thinks, the principle in need, ....
In the seventeenth century, when limits were studied more
widely, it appeared to the mathematicians that the question of squar-
ing the circle was really a problem about the nature of numbers, as
already faintly indicated by Simplicius. James Gregory speculated
in 1667 that new numbers had to be introduced in order to measure
the circle. He thought of numbers introduced by a "new operation,"
namely taking limits beyond the ordinary operations of arithmetic
and extracting roots. Leibniz and others were surprised to see 7r as
8. The Origin of Mathematic8 4 77

the sum of simple infinite series, but only by complex analysis and
Euler's famous formula exp(2Jri) = 1 was Jr firmly established in the
mainstream of mathematics.
It took another 100 years after Gregory for the next great step
toward the nature of Jr. In 1767 J. H. Lambert answered Simplicius's
question by proving that Jr is irrational. He used the tangent function
and continued fractions, methods that are seldom used today. The
distinction between different types of irrational numbers is due to
Euler and Legendre around 1750. Legendre conjectured that Jr was
not the root of a polynomial equation
xn +an_IXn- 1 + ... +alx+aO = 0
with rational coefficients ai. The roots of such a polynomial are
called algebraic numbers; all other real numbers are called tran-
scendental because they transcend the power of algebraic methods.
It was, however, in 1844 that Liouville exhibited the first concrete
transcendental number. It was an artificially constructed number
with no other interest than just being transcendental.
In the first half ofthe nineteenth century algebra had been devel-
oped so far that it was clear that any number (length of a segment)
constructible by ruler and compass and starting from a unit seg-
ment had to be algebraic. The problem of squaring the circle (of
radius I, say) by means of Euclidean constructions using ruler and
compass had thus turned into a question of the precise nature of the
number Jr. F. Lindemann proved in 1882 that Jr is transcendental.
Hence the problem of squaring the circle in its usual understanding
is unsolvable.
The story has more in it for the general development of mathe-
matics. First of all, new concepts were necessary for the solution of an
old problem: the classification of numbers, and the understanding
of the nature of constructible numbers.
Second, new methods had to be invented. The old tools were just
not sharp enough for such a hard problem. Ch. Hermite had in 1873
shown that the number e is transcendental. His method came from
the calculus. The differential equation f' = f is characteristic for
the exponential function. He approximated this differential equation
very closely by polynomials on a finite interval and was able to show
that this was too good to be true if e were algebraic. Lindemann
followed and improved the methods of Hermite.
78 8.::..;.--=.T=he.:..-:O-=.rl::!2gl!:::D=..o.::..;f:...:M=ath=e=ma=.=ti-=-cs:......:.4

Third, a word about historical reconstructions. If one looks up a

proof for the irrationality of Jr in a recent standard book, say Number
Theory by Hardy and Wright, one will find a rather short and acces-
sible proof. That proof uses the methods of Hermite. It starts from
the differential equation f" = -f for the sine and cosine functions
and then proceeds as indicated above, but needs only a few lines
because of the more restricted statement.
If somebody wanted to find out how Lambert's proof had worked
from this textbook version of Hardy's, he would be led astray com-
pletely. In many instances we are in a similar situation if we try
to reconstruct from Euclid's Elements what had happened before
Euclid. We do it nevertheless.

Squaring the Circle Again

There are still many people who do not know about Lindemann or
just don't believe him. In most cases, they turn up with approximate
constructions for Jr. Here is a particularly good one.
Start with a circle of diameter 2 and center C (Fig. 8.2). Draw the
diameter AB and the tangent t at the point B. Select D on t such that
ex = LDCB has measure 30. (This can be constructed!) Make DE of
length 3. Then AE will be of length Jr. (My pocket calculator says
3.1415333 instead of 3.1415926. Starting with a unit length of 1 m
the difference is less than to mm. This is impossible to notice in a
pencil drawing.)

Euclid Book

About the Circle

9.1 The Overall Composition of

Book III
1 How to find the center of a circle
2-15 A: Chords in circles, circles intersecting or touching
each other
16-19 B: Thngents

20-22 C1 : Angles in segments of circles and quadrilaterals

in circles
23-29 Cz: Chords, arcs, and angles
30 How to bisect an arc
31-34 C3: More about angles in circles

35-37 D: Intersecting chords, secants, and tangents

80 9. Euclid Book III

9.2 The Definitions of Book III

Def. 1.
Equal circles are those the diameters of which are equal, or the radii of
which are equal.

In the first two Books, Euclid has used the notion of equality for
rectilinear figures in the sense of "of equal content." For circles, now,
"equal" has a different meaning. (For a more detailed discussion of
this and the other definitions, see the Notes.)

[of a tangent] A straight line is said to touch a circle which, meeting the
circle and being produced, does not cut the circle.

A segment ofa circle is the figure contained by a straight line and an arc
of a circle.

An angle of a segment is that contained by a straight line and an arc
of a circle. [Fig. 9.1(a)).

An angle in a segment [Fig. 9. 1(b)) is the angle contained by the con-
nected straight lines when some point is taken on the arc of the segment
and straight lines are connected from it to the extremities of the straight
line which is the base of the segment.

FIGURE 9.1 (a) angle of a segment (b) angle in a segment

9.3. Book III, Part A: Chords in Circles

In Def. 8 Euclid seems to presuppose the validity of Prop. III.21

about the equality of all the angles in a segment.
Def. 11.
Similar segments of circles are those which admit equal angles or in
which the angles are equal to one another
Here, as in Def. 7, mixed angles are used. Moreover, as in Def.
8, the equality of the angles (x, (x' of a segment is tacitly assumed.
Third, the notion of similarity occurs for the first time. Equiangular
triangles are treated likewise by Euclid in Props. IV. 2, 3 without
using the word "similar".
In the discussion of Prop. 1.5 we have seen how Aristotle used
the (mixed) angles of a segment. It seems that Euclid used some
older material in Book III that he did not rework thoroughly.

9.3 Book III, Part A: Chords in Circles,

Circles Intersecting or Thuching
Each Other
Before starting with part A, Euclid poses the curious-looking problem
IlL 1: how to find the center of a circle. The existence of a center is
guaranteed by the very definition of a circle in L Defs. IS, 16. But
Euclid often enough starts from a circle and then finds its midpoint.
One can only speculate that this is a remnant of an old drawing
practice. Drawing a circle with a pair of compasses, which were in
use in antiquity, automatically produces the center. But if an object
fabricated on, say, a potters wheel, like a plate or a cup, was used
to draw a circle in the sand, then indeed the midpoint had to be
constructed afterwards.
The material of part A is not very coherent logically. We quote
two typical examples.
Prop. 111.4.
Ifin a circle two chords cut one another which are not through the center,
they do not bisect each other
82 9. Euclid Book III

FIGURE 9.2 Ritterstiftskirche in Wimpfen, Germany, 1280

Prop. 111.11, 12.

If two circles touch each other (internally or externally) and their centers
are taken, the straight line joining their centers, when produced, will fall
on the point of contact of the circles.

Props. 111.11, 12 have found innumerably many applications in

the art of the Middle Ages. They are basic for the construction of
Gothic traceries (see Fig. 9.2).

9.4 Book III, Part B: Thngents

The four propositions ofthis section are fundamental for elementary
geometry. They transform the intuitive notion of the tangent as a
line "touching the circle" into an easily usable tool by providing a
simple construction for a tangent: The tangent is orthogonal to the
radius drawn from the center to the point of contact.

Prop. 111.16.
The straight line drawn at right angles to the diameter of a circle from
its extremity will fall outside the circle, and into the space between the
straight line and the circumference another straight line cannot be inter-
posed; further, the angle of the semicircle is greater, and the remaining
angle less, than any acute rectilinear angle.
_9._4_._Bo_o_k_I_II..:....._Part~_B..:..: ..:.Thn;....::sge=nt.:,:8 83


Before going on with tangents we need to have a look at the

"hornlike" angles formed by straight lines and circles at the point
of contact. Euclid states that the angle between the circle and the
tangent is smaller than any rectilinear angle.
This has serious consequences for the ordering of angles ac-
cording to their size. The rectilinear angle ex may be bisected (and
bisected again ...), but never will the resulting smaller rectilin-
ear angle be smaller than the hornlike angle f3 (See Fig. 9.3). The
ordering of angles, including mixed ones, is non-Archimedean in
modern terms. Euclid was well aware of the situation, because on
other occasions he in effect excludes non-Archimedean orderings.
In Def.Y.4 he speaks about magnitudes "which are capable, when
multiplied, of exceeding one another," and in Prop.X.1 he has ex-
actly the situation oflll.16 and shows with the aid of Def.V.4 that the
successive halves will eventually be smaller than the second magni-
tude. Non-Archimedean and Archimedean orderings were known
some hundred years before Archimedes.
At the end of the proof of Prop. 111.16 Euclid adds a corollary
From this it is manifest that the straight line drawn at right angles to the
diameter of a circle from its extremities touches the circle.
Props. III. 18/19 are (partial) converses of the corollary.
Prop. III.!? is of special interest because of its typical use of
symmetry in a mathematical argument and because of the similarity
of the figure with the one of Aristotle's old proof for Prop. 1.5.

Prop. 111.17.
From a given point to draw a straight line touching a given circle.
84 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
9. Euclid Book III


Let C be the given circle with center E and A be the given point
(Fig. 9.4). Join A to E and let D be the intersection point of AE with
the circle. Let t be the tangent to C at the point D, which is orthogonal
to ED. Draw the circle G with center E and radius EA; let it intersect
t in F. Find the intersection point B of FE and circle C. Claim: AB
is the tangent sought. For the proof it has to be shown that AB is
orthogonal to EF. The triangles 6.EDF and 6.EBA are congruent by
SAS; and hence the angle at B is right because the angle at D is
right. The unexpected way in which the tangent t, which at first
sight has nothing to do with the problem, is used to produce the
wanted tangent AB is a nice surprise and makes the construction
very elegant.

9.5 Book III, Part 0 1 : Angles in

Segments of Circles
The four most useful theorems in elementary geometry are Euclid's
Prop. 1.32 about the sum of the angles in a triangle, the theorem
of Pythagoras 1.47, the theorem about the invariance of angles in
a segment Prop. III.21, and Prop. VI. 2 about the proportionality of
sides in similar triangles. Prop. III.20 marks a fresh start in Book III.
..;..Part:.....:...:......:.C..:...;1:....:.A..;..n:.:!g1z:;.e.:....:8..;..i:.:.:n-..:Se....:..2:gm:.:.--=..en....:.t.:..:.8....:.o..:..f....:.C.::irc.:..:.l::..:e..:..8_____ 85


Prop. 111.20.
In a circle the angle at the center is double the angle at the circumference
when the angles have the same arc as base.
With the notation of Fig. 9.5, Euclid's proof proceeds as follows.
Let a = LBAC with the arc BFC as its base. E is the center of the
circle. For the first case, let E be in the interior of the angle a. The
line AE is extended to F. Then b.ABE is isosceles; hence the exterior
angle E is equal to 2{3. Similarly, 17 = 2y. Hence JJ, = E+17 is the double
of a = {3 + y. (The case of the angle at D is to be treated in the same
way, with subtraction instead of the addition of angles.)
PIOp. 111.21.
In a circle the angles in the same segment are equal to one another.
This is an obvious corollary to Prop. III.20. It is, however, in a
strict sense proved only for segments greater than half circles. We
will not dwell on this point, which can be corrected easily. The next
theorem is a first substantial application of Prop. 21.
Prop. 111.22.
The opposite angles of quadrilaterals in circles are equal to two right
Notation as in Fig. 9.6. In the triangle 6.ABC, we have a+ {3+ y = 2R.
The angles a, a' are in the same segment defined by BC; hence a = a'
by Prop. 21. Similarly, y = y', and because of 0 = a' + y' we have
86 -----------_....:....:.....===-=-~=
9. Euclid Book III


Doesn't this clever combination of the two invariants from 1.32

and III.21 constitute a jewel of a proof? We will return to it in the
following section on problems and theories.

9.6 Book III, Part C2: Chords, Arcs, and

In this section of Book III the results of the preceding one are ex-
tended in a technical way to more general situations resembling the
propositions on the areas of parallelograms and triangles in Book.
1.36-38. The equality of angles is transferred from "in the same
segment" to "in equal segments of equal circles" and similarly for
chords and arcs: Equal arcs determine equal chords, and vice versa;
and the same for angles and arcs. The statements have important
applications in Book IV.

9.7 Book III, Part C 3 : More About

Angles in Circles
In section GIl two extreme cases have not been dealt with. The first
one is the angle in a semicircle. The diameter of a circle is a straight
9.7. Book III, Part C3 : More About Angles in Circles 87


line, and for Euclid this does not define an angle (of 1800 or 2 right
angles) at the center.
Prop. 111.31.
In a circle the angle in a semicircle is right.
(The proposition goes on with statements about the angles in
and of segments greater or smaller than semicircles.) Prop. III.31
is ascribed to Thales by some antique sources and is called lithe
theorem ofThales" in Germany. (In France lithe theorem of Thales"
is VI.2!)
The proof again uses isosceles triangles; see Fig. 9.7. Euclid con-
cludes that the exterior angle cp is equal to the interior angle f3 + y;
hence both must be right angles. This (and the proof of III.20 and
other occasions) shows that Euclid was well aware of the later ap-
plications of theorem 1.32 about the sum of the angles in a triangle
and chose a formulation of I, 32 suitable to his purposes.
Prop. 111.32.
If some straight line touches a circle and some straight line cutting the
circle is drawn from the contact into the circle, the angles which it makes
with the tangent will be equal to the angles in the alternate segment of
the circle.

We will present Euclid's essential steps while abbreviating his

proof and using the modern notation of Fig. 9.8. The assertion is
ex = cpo Because of the invariance of the angle ex in the segment
BAG we may place A' so that BA' is a diameter of the circle. Then,
by the last proposition, LA' CB will be right; hence by 1.32 we have
ex + f3 = R. But because A'B is a diameter and BF a tangent, also
88 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9.-Euclid
- -Book III


f3 + qJ = R, from which it follows that qJ = ex, as asserted. Notice how

many previous theorems play essential roles in this one proof: 1.32,
111.18, 21, 31.
The next two propositions present variants of III.32 that are use-
ful because they create situations suitable for the application of
Prop. 111.33.
Th describe on a given straight line a segment of a circle admitting an
angle equal to a given rectilinear angle.
Prop. 111.34.
To cut off from a given circle a segment admitting an angle equal to a
given rectilinear angle.

9.8 Book III, Part D: Intersecting

Chords, Secants, and Thngents
The last three propositions of Book III are placed in the context
of similarity geometry in today's high-school geometry, where they
9.8. Book III, Part D: Intersecting Chords, Secants, and Thngents 89


have easy proofs. At this stage, Euclid cannot use proportions, and
he supplies complicated proofs. This is an important feature of the
architecture of the Elements.
Implicit in III. 35/36 is the construction of an invariant, which is
today called the power of a point with respect to a circle, and which
has played an important role in the history of geometry. Because
Prop. 35 is not used in the later books, we present the two proofs for
Prop. 36/37 only.

Prop. 111.35.
If in a circle two straight lines cut one another, the rectangle contained by
the segments of one is equal to the rectangle contained by the segments
of the other (See Fig. 9. 9).

Prop. 111.36.
If some point (D) is taken outside a circle and from it there fall on the
circle two straight lines, and if one of them cuts the circle (in A and C),
the other touches it (in B), the rectangle contained by DC and DA will be
equal to the square on the tangent DB.

We will restate this in a somewhat modernized notation so as to

include its converse III.37. Compare Fig. 9.10.
In the situation of Fig. 9.10:

DB is a tangent ODB = D(DC,DA).

(i) Let DB be a tangent.

90 9. Euclid Book III


Similarity proof:
Consider the triangles .6.DBC and .6.DBA. They have LADB in com-
mon. If DB is a tangent, then LDBC = LBAC by III.32. By 1.32 the
remaining angles are equal and the triangles .6.DBC and .6.DAB are
Using VIA we get

and by VI.l6,

Euclid's proof.
Euclid first considers the case where DA passes through the center
of the circles. We ignore this because the methods are the same as
in the other case, where the center E of the circle is not on DA. Let
EF be orthogonal to DA; join E to D and B.
On the line DA, we have the situation of 11.6, resulting in
D(AD, DC) + OCF = OFD.
Now three applications of Pythagoras's theorem will help. By
9.8. Book III, Part D: Intersecting Chords, Secants, and Thngents 91

D(AD, DC) + DEC = OED,
and because EC = EB,
D(AD, DC) + DEB = OED.
Now, because DB is a tangent,
substituting and subtracting DEB gives
D(AC, DC) = DDB.
At first sight, Euclid's proof looks much more complicated than
the similarity proof. The latter, however, uses VIA, 16, which need
conceptually difficult foundations in Book V. Altogether, Euclid's
proof is still simpler, in spite ofbeing technically complicated. How-
ever, it does not present itself in a natural way. Seen from today,
it is an artificial product. As long as the concepts of similarity and
proportion were used in a naive way, the first proof was obvious.
(ii) The converse direction of the proof (Prop. 37) uses part (i). It
is of no particular interest for us.
The Origin of
Problems and Theories

In section CofBook III Euclid presents the prototype ofa mathemati-

cal theory. He has a clear sense ofits architecture. Let us recapitulate
the main steps:

III.20 is the preparing lemma with specific information about

the size of angles.
111.21 is the main theorem about an invariant.
III.23-29 are technical expansions ofthe main theorem.
III.31/32 deal with two remaining extreme cases.
111.33/34 modifies the extreme case 32 to get a tool for

The statement of Prop. III.31 about the angle in a semicircle

mentions mixed angles, and the proposition itself is connected to
the name of Thales. This suggests a primary role for 111.31. If we
accept this and take the special case as the beginning of the theory,
the picture will look even nicer: First an important special case, then
the generalization III. 20/21 to the main theorem.

94 10. The Origin of Mathematics 5

As a sort of windfall profit, Euclid puts in Theorem 111.22 about

quadrilaterals in circles. Other applications are not mentioned; the
reader has to trust the author that he will see them in time. The
development of the theory dominates the picture.
In contrast to this, let us outline a different approach that starts
with a question about a figure. Mathematicians before Euclid cer-
tainly knew how to circumscribe a circle about a triangle as in
Prop. IV. 5. From this it is evident that not every quadrangle has
a circumcircle. (Three vertices of the quadrangle determine a cir-
cle, the fourth one may be on this circle or not.) The answer to the
problem is obtained by generalizing the construction for a triangle:
A circumcircle exists if and only if the perpendicular bisectors of
the sides meet in one point. 'Trivial as it may look, this solution
symmetrizes the problem and takes us further.
Let ABeD be a quadrangle in a circle. Connect the vertices to the
center in order to obtain four isosceles triangles with the perpendic-
ular bisectors from above as axes of symmetry. The sum of all the
angles in a quadrangle is 4R. Exploiting the symmetries (and using
the notation from Fig. 10.1), we get

2a + 2f3 + 2y + 28 = 4R,

(a + 8) + (,8 + y) = 2R.

Opposite angles add up to 2R, that is Prop. III.22. The proof of

the converse is easy. This gives us:

More_ _-=-_---2-
About Quadrangles _ 95

A (convex) quadrangle has a circumcircle if and only if opposite angles
add up to 2R.
Corollary: Prop. 111.21.
Fix the points B, C, D and move A. The angle LBCD remains con-
stant and adds up with LDAB to 2R, hence the latter angle remains
constant, too.
The lesson of this story: A concrete problem could be either the
start or an application of a theory. For a beginner, starting with
a problem will look more natural. But the adult mathematician
relishes a nice theory, and Euclid was an adult mathematician. More-
over, his proof of III.22 for the quadrangle is so elegant that he may
have preferred it just for aesthetic reasons. (So do I.)
Prop. III.21 and our theorem are in effect two aspects ofthe same
subject matter; they are logically equivalent. The theorem (or III. 22)
reveals a hidden property of a figure; III.21 is a versatile tool for later

More About Quadrangles

Observe that Prop. III.35 about intersecting chords (together with its
converse) is a second characterization of cyclic quadrangles. Both
characterizations-the theorem above and III.35-cannot simply be
read off from a diagram and then verified. They are accessible only
by means of proofs.
The characterization by opposite angles is not a mere curiosity
of elementary geometry, but alive and well in modern mathemat-
ics. With the vertices taken as points in the complex plane C (and
using oriented angles) it is easily transformed into the statement;
Four points in the complex plane are concyclic if and only if their
cross ratio is real. In this version, it is basic for the theory of the
groups PGL(2, C) and PSL(2, 1R), which dominate modern hyperbolic
Euclid Book

Regular Polygons

11.1 The Contents of Book IV

We will use the standard term "regular polygon" (or n-gon) for what
Euclid calls in particular cases an "equilateral and equiangular poly-
gon!' Convexity is always tacitly assumed. Book IV follows a tight
plan and has none of the subdivisions of some other books. We re-
peat what has been said in the section about the contents of the
Elements. Four problems are treated systematically:
(i) to inscribe a rectilinear figure in or (ii) to circumscribe it about
a given circle;
(ii) to inscribe a circle in or (iv) circumscribe it about a given
rectilinear figure.
These problems are solved for
(a) triangles in general (Iv. 2-5);
(b) squares (regular quadrangles) (IV. 6-9);
(c) regular pentagons (IV. 10-14);
(d) regular hexagons (Iv. 15);

98 11. Euclid Book IV

(e) regular IS-gons (IV 16).

The rigorous and systematic plan of Book IV suggests that it may
have been a monograph written by a single author, which Euclid
incorporated as a whole in the Elements. The neglect of the paral-
lel postulate and the som6times archaic language point in the same
direction. Two scholia added later to the book say that its theorems
are the discovery of the Pythagoreans. Moreover, Book IV is a sort
of end point in the composition of the Elements. It uses much of
the material of the preceding books, but its contents are not really
used subsequently. It is especially noteworthy that in Book XIII Eu-
clid implicitly constructs the pentagon a second time in connection
with the regular dodecahedron. On the surface there are no obvious
seams in Book rv, but Euclid does appear to have deviated from
the original monograph in two ways. First, he has reworked the
construction of the regular pentagon to eliminate the use of pro-
portions. And second, he does not use the first two definitions of
the book about the inscription of polygons into polygons, which he
presumably preserves from the original monograph.
Mathematically, the most substantial achievement of Book IV is
the construction of the regular pentagon. The other theorems are
comparatively easy, so one might say that the construction of the
pentagon gives the whole book its raison d'etre. The theory of Book
IV is interesting only because of this one difficult case, which we
will treat separately in the next section. Proposition IV 2 has an
especially beautiful proof, which we will present in the section about
beauty in mathematics. One sample theorem will bring about the
flavor of the rest of Book IV
Prop. IV. 15.
In a given circle to inscribe an equilateral and equiangular hexagon.
(See Fig. 11.1; we abbreviate Euclid's arguments a little.) Let the
given circle be K and its center be G. Draw the diameter AD and the
(auxiliary) circle H with center D and radius DG. It intersects Kin
the points C and E. Prolong CG to F and EG to B.
(a) The hexagon ABCDEF is equilateral. By construction, the
triangles 6.EGD and 6.DGC are equilateral, their respective
angles at G are one-third of 2R. Because BE is straight, the re-
maining angle L.BGC is also one-third of 2R. The three other
11.2. The Regular Pentagon
_ _ _---"'-_ _--2.- _ 99


FIGURE 11.1 (a) golden disk from Mykene (1200 B.C.E.) (b) construction
of the regular hexagon

remaining angles at G are vertical to the previous ones; hence

all of them are equal. But equal angles stand on equal arcs
(111.26) and are subtended by equal chords (III.29). Hence the
hexagon is equilateral.
(b) It is also equiangular. The arc BCDEF is equal to the arc
CDEFA; hence by III.27; L.FAB is equal to L.ABC, and so on.

The Construction of the Incircle

In contrast to the problem of inscribing a regular n-gon in a given
circle, which has to be solved for each n individually, the construc-
tion of an incircle in a regular n-gon has a general solution, as does
the construction of a circumcircle. The procedure of IY.13, where
Euclid inscribes a circle in a regular pentagon, can be generalized,
since the proof of IV.13 does not make any real use of the fact that
the regular n-gon being dealt with is a pentagon. Euclid knows this,
because he says in VI.15 for the hexagon and in IY.16 for the 15-
gon that the construction can be carried out as in the case of the

11.2 The Regular Pentagon

In this section we will first study Euclid's construction of the pen-
tagon, which in itself is a beautiful piece of mathematics, and in
the next we speculate about possible earlier constructions and the
100 -----------_-----..:.-=--....;,.--
11. Euclid Book IV


prehistory of Book IV. As usual, Euclid does not speak about motiva-
tions or aims of particular intermediate items (like IV, 10), but just
presents the material. The decisive step towards the pentagon is the
"lemma" IV. 10. The arguments in the construction itselfin IV 11 are
very much like the ones in the case of the hexagon.
Prop. IV. 10.
Th construct an isosceles triangle having each of the angles at the base
double of the remaining one.
(See Fig. 11.2, we abbreviate) Let AB be any given line and let it be
cut in C so that
CJ(AB, BC) = DAC, by lUI

Let Ie be the circle with center A and radius AB. Make BD equal
to AC and let AD, DC be joined. 1 is the circumcircle about b:.ADC.
Claim: b:.ADB is as wanted.
Proof: Point B is outside of 1, the line BA cuts it in A and C, and
BD "falls on it!' By construction,


Now, the decisive step of the whole argument is the application
of III.37; called "brilliant" by Hartshorne [2000], p. 47:
CJ(AB, BC) = DBD BD is tangent to 1.
11.2. The Regular Pentagon 101

From this we get E = Ct by III.32 because Ct is the angle in the

alternate segment of circle H. The rest is a firework of isosceles
triangles. Because 6.BAD is isosceles,

f3 = E + 8 = Ct + 8.
The angle y is exterior to triangle 6.DAC:

y = Ct + 8 = f3.
Therefore, 6.DCB has two angles equal, it is isosceles, and
because of construction,

Now /:::,.DCA is isosceles, resulting in

Ct = 8.

Hence the angles at the base, f3 = Ct + 8 = Ct + Ct, are double the

remaining one, Ct, as wanted.

Prop. IV. 11.

In a given circle to inscribe an equilateral and equiangular pen-
Into the given circle (by the method of IV, 2) inscribe a triangle
6.ACD equiangular with the one constructed in IV, 10 (See Fig. 11.3.).

102 11. Euclid Book IV

Bisect the angles at C and D and extend the bisectors to Band E.

Join AB, BC, DE, EA.
Claim (a) The pentagon is equilateral. By construction, the five
angles L.DAC, L.ACE, L.ECD, L.CDB, L.BDA, are equal to each other
and hence stand on equal arcs (III.26) and on equal chords (III.29).
Therefore, the pentagon is equilateral. (b) By an argument sim-
ilar to the one for the hexagon it follows that the pentagon is

11.3 Speculations About the Pentagon

Apart from Book IV there is another substantial section of the Ele-
ments related to the pentagon in Book XIII. 1-11. For the moment we
will restrict ourselves to Book IV and will return to the subject (and
its relations to architecture) later. The highly polished construction
of the pentagon that Euclid presents is unlikely to be historically the
first and original one.
In the section about Pythagoras the interest of the Pythagoreans
in the pentagram has been pointed out. Given their mathemati-
cal inclinations, an attempt by the Pythagoreans to construct the
pentagon/pentagram seems very likely. Moreover, we know about
Hippasus's occupation with the pentagon-dodecahedron and the
scholion to Book IV that attributes its theorems to the Pythagoreans.
We have, however, no direct historical source about earlier stages of
the construction and have for a somewhat plausible reconstruction
to resort to circumstantial evidence.
For our speculative reconstructions we will look at the permitted
means of constructions, restricting them in several steps. Moreover,
we will follow the useful procedure of "analysis and synthesis" that
is described in a short addition to Props. XIII. 1-5 of the Elements:

What is analysis and what is synthesis) Analysis is the assumption of

what is sought as if it were admitted and the arrival by means of its
consequences at something admitted to be true.
Synthesis is an assumption of that which is admitted and the
arrival by means ofits consequences at the end or of what is sought.
First Synthesis with a Marked Ruler 103


In fact, this is an everyday feature of mathematical research.

Assume you have solved a given problem and try to figure out a
way back to known statements, then try, if possible, to reverse the
logical sequence. Only the second step, the synthesis, establishes a
valid proof.

First Analysis of the Pentagon

Assume that a regular pentagon together with its diagonals is given
(Fig. 11.4). By inspection, orby symmetry, the diagonal AD is parallel
to side Be, and so on. The quadrangle BCDF is a parallelogram;
hence BF is equal to the side, and the points C, F, A will lie on a
circle K with center B and radius BA. By symmetry, vertex D will be
on the perpendicular bisector m of side AB. As above, DF is equal to

First Synthesis with a Marked Ruler

The use of a marked ruler, or verging lines, or neusis in Greek, is
not to be found in the Elements. It was, however, practiced by other
Greek mathematicians, for instance Hippocrates of Chios. Pappus
reports that Apollonius of Perga wrote "two books of neuses!' Pappus
describes the method: Given two lines in position, to place between
them a straight line given in magnitude that passes (if produced)
104 - - - - - - - - - - - -
11. Euclid Book IV


through a given point. We will use the first of Pappus's examples: The
two lines are a semicircle and a straight line orthogonal to its base.
(For an extended discussion of the marked ruler see Hartshorne,
Chap. 30)
Construction: Mark the ruler with two points D, F such that DF is
equal to AB (Fig. 11.5). Starting from AB construct the perpendicular
bisector m and K and then slide the ruler into position such that D
is on m, F on K, and the extended line DF passes through A. The
completion of the pentagon is then easy. (But it still has to be proved
that it is regular.)
It seems that at some time and for some unknown reason neusis
constructions were decided to be unacceptable in the Elements. Only
ruler and compass were permitted for geometrical constructions.
It is sometimes said that this goes back to Plato, but an adequate
reference to Plato's writings has not been supplied.

Second Analysis of the Pentagon

Ifwe have to forgo neusis, the difficulties with the pentagon increase
dramatically. On the other hand, Euclid supplies the analysis in the
context of similarity geometry, but without saying so. Starting from
a given side AB of the pentagon to be constructed, we have some-
how to determine the diagonal. Prop. XIII. 8 contains the relevant
information. We first have to supply the definition of "extreme and
Second Analysis of the Pentagon 105

/ '"
EtF------o---~8 I


, .....


\\1 (I..
(0..) {l.)


mean ratio" (golden section) from Book VI, Def. 3: A straight line is
said to have been cut in extreme and mean ratio when, as the whole line
is to the greater segment, so is the greater to the less.
Prop. XIII. 8.
If in a regular pentagon diagonals subtend to two angles in order, they
cut one another in extreme and mean ratio, and their greater segments
are equal to the side of the pentagon.

[abbreviated] First show that DCHE is a parallelogram; hence EH =
DC = AB (Fig. 11.6). Next, the triangles tlABE and tlHAB are
equiangular. Then VIA implies
EB : BA = AB : BH.

But AB = EH; hence

BE : EH = EH : HB, q.e.d.

By VI.l6 this is equivalent to

D(BE, HB) = DEH,
the condition of 11.11. For the moment we abbreviate d = BE and
f for one of the five sides of the pentagon.
HB will then be d - f,
resulting in the equation
106 - - - - - - - - - - - -
11. Euclid Book IV

where f is given and d is wanted. The following construction will be

a little simpler with f = 2a. Then we have
d 2 - 2ad = 4a2 ,
d 2 - 2ad + a 2 = Sa 2 ,
(d -ai = Sa 2 .
From this we can construct d easily and obtain the characteristic
triangle ofIV. 10 as in Fig. 1l.6(b).

Second Synthesis of the Pentagon

Starting from f = 2a as in Fig. 1l.6(a) we obtain d and the trian-
gle of IV, 10 with its characteristic property and may proceed as
in IV. 10/11, but all the way using similarity geometry. This, for
instance, simplifies the proof of III. 36/37.

Third Synthesis of the Pentagon

Not only neusis, but all similarity arguments are forbidden. This is
the synthesis presented by Euclid.

From all this we may imagine the following stages of the origin of
Book IV. First, somebody may have constructed the pentagon us-
ing neusis. Secondly, neusis was eliminated by some argument like
the one in Fig. 1l.6(b) or a little more elaborate using the applica-
tion of areas as described in the comment on 11.11. According to
Eudemus, the application of areas is an ancient discovery "of the
Pythagorean muse" (Proclus-Morrow 332). Hence there is good rea-
son to believe the scholion that ascribes all the theorems of Book IV
to the Pythagoreans, and hence especially that the construction of
the pentagon (using proportions) with ruler and compass is due to
Pythagorean mathematicians.
- ----------------

For the third stage in the history of Book IV, I assume that
somebody wrote a systematic monograph, still using some type
of proportion theory, but essentially giving us the text we find in
the Elements. Such a treatise was probably written on the basis of
some "Elements" containing the material of Book III rather than be-
ing incorporated into such a text. I speculate that the writing of a
systematic text on regular polygons could have been motivated by
Theaetetus's theory of the regular solids, so that the third stage could
be located in the context of the Platonic Academy. The fourth stage
of our story would be writing the new proof of IV. 10 not using pro-
portionality, and the incorporation of the book into some 'Elements
Without Proportions: from which it passed into Euclid's Elements.
The Origin of
The Birth of Rigor

Our historical reconstructions about the pentagon may be hypothet-

ical. Nevertheless, we can use them as an example for some remarks
on rigor in mathematics. What is meant by saying that an argument
is rigorous and not just intuitively right?
For the square and the regular hexagon we have such easy con-
structions that we need no special theory for justifying them. The
same is true for the construction of the regular pentagon using a
marked ruler. But by restricting the permitted tools, the intuitive
basis is lost. It is still possible to find the way to the division in ex-
treme and mean ratio, but after that, only theory can help. We need
the theorem of Pythagoras and the application of areas in order to
find access to the division in extreme and mean ratio. This is what
makes the construction of the pentagon a problem so much deeper
than the construction of the hexagon.
When the tools are even further restricted by forbidding ratio
and proportion, the situation looks almost artificially complicated.
But in reality, this is not so, as our discussion of III.36 has shown.
The arguments are much more clearly arranged if we use only a

110 12. The Origin of Mathematics 6

few principles. If we know the general view and can justify ev-
ery single step, then our argument is rigorous, but this means that
everything is fitted into a closed theory. Once this theory is es-
tablished, it takes hold of similar or easier problems, which had
previously been treated on an intuitive basis, like the square and
the hexagon. Even the elementary constructions of triangles, Prop.
IV. 2-5, are now fitted into the system. (Compare our discussion of
Prop. 1.5.)
There remain questions about the justification of every single
step. Part C of Book III does this for the angles in circles, of which
heavy use is made in Book IV. On the other hand, there are problems
at the very beginning of Book I like the proof of the congruence
theorem, Prop. 1.4, or some ofthe foundational questions in Book III.
The question is, At what stage will one accept a theory as complete?
I, for one, regard Euclid's Book IV as a rigorous one-even if he
neglects his own parallel axiom in IV. 5.

FIGURE 12.1 Medieval mathematician (Bremen Cathedral, east crypt.

Exact date unknown)
_12_._Th_e_O_ri...>Zgm~_o.;...f_M_a_th.......:.,.ema.......:.,._ti...:...cs_6 111

What has been said so far is about geometric constructions, where

pictures mayor may not help. The situation changes completely
with the introduction of abstract concepts that have no intuitive
counterpart. Historically, the first and most significant one of these
is the concept of incommensurability, or irrationality. There is no
intuitive background that would allow one to control the validity of
assertions about such abstract concepts. This forces the investigator
to use precise definitions and logical deductions in order to arrive at
valid results. The most promiment example of this is the theory of
proportions in Book V.
A remark should be added about the justification of every sin-
gle step that is of a more pragmatic nature. On the one hand, one
may work out so many details that one cannot see the forest for
the trees. A proof for the irrationality of "fi extending over two
dozen pages in a heavy logical formalism is an impenetrable jun-
gle. On the other hand, a barely sufficient sketch of arguments may
be enough for the expert, but incomprehensible to a more general
audience. The ordinary mathematician will take logic for granted
in his proofs. Euclid did the same with ordering. In the end, what
is a rigorous presentation depends upon the level of sophistication
of the audience. Nobody would tolerate outright mistakes or decep-
tions, but if we insist on a "closed theory:' there is no way around
axioms and deductions, with the details of the exposition suitable to
the audience.
For a very detailed discussion of the last topics, partly from a
sociological point of view, see Heintz [2000], esp. Chapter 6.2.
The Origin of
Polygons After Euclid

13.1 What We Missed in Book IV

In Prop. IV, 16 Euclid constructs a regular IS-gon by superimposing
an equilateral triangle on a regular pentagon (Fig. 13.1).
Implicit in this solution is a general principle: If we are able to
construct the regular r- and s-gon, and moreover, we know integers
x, y such that xr + ys = I, then we can construct the rs-gon as well.
We need an arc of ~ of the full circle and x, y as above:
1 xr + ys 1 1
- =x-+y-.
rs rs s r
Hence this combination gives us the desired arc. In the case of
the IS-gon we had
2 1 1
S 3 IS
Since for any integers r , s with greatest common divisor
gcd(r, s) = 1, we can use the Euclidean algorithm (VII.l ,2) to find

114 13_,_Th..:-e.:.-..:.O..:-ri.:J2gJ...:.-'n_o.::...f_M_ath_ema
__ ti_cs..:--'

", ,


x, y with the desired properties, we are easily led to item (iii) listed
below. This general formulation is, of course, modern. Euclid has
no reason to formulate the general principle (iii) because he needs
only the specific case he deals with. He generally refrains from hy-
pothetical statements like the one above: "If gcd(r, s) = I, then ..."
ifhe does not have r, s with the desired property.

13.2 What Euclid Knew

With the above reservations we may say that Euclid (in principle)
"knew" item (iii) below, and certainly he (or the pre-Euclidean
author of Book IV) knew the trivial observations (i) and (iv):
(i) For all n > I, the 2n -gon is constructible.
(ii) The 3- and the 5-gons are constructible.
(iii) If the r- and s-gons are constructible and gcd(r, s) = I, then
the r . s-gon is constructible.
(iv) If the n-gon is constructible and k divides n, then the k-gon is
Given (i)-(iv), the problem for general n is reduced to prime
powers pi for odd primes p.
13.3. What Archimedes Did 115


13.3 What Archimedes Did

By a certain variant of the neusis procedure, Archimedes was able to
construct the regular 7-gon. By the ordinary neusis, he could con-
struct the 9-gon. In fact, this neusis shows how to trisect an angle.
(Knorr [1986], 185).
Look at Fig. 13.2 and proceed by analysis and synthesis. Let the
circle with center M and radius r and the line DEC with distance
DE = r be given.
Then we find, for the angles a and f3, using 1.32 and 1.5:

a = L.MDE + L.MCD
= L.MDE + 2L.MDE
= 3f3.

Synthesis. Let angle a < 90 be given. Mark distance XY = r on

the ruler and slide it into position such that X is on the (produced)
line AB, Yis on the circle, and the (produced) line XY passes through
C. The resulting angle f3 will be ~a.
Application: 'Trisect an angle a of 60 to find f3 = 20. With 2f3 at
the center of a circle construct the regular 9-gon.
116 13. The Origin of Mathematics 7

13.4 What Gauss Proved

Carl Friedrich Gauss (30 April 1777-23 Feb. 1855) started his
scientific diary on 30 March 1796 with the following entry:

Foundations on which the division of the circle rests, that is its

geometrical divisibility in seventeen parts, and so on.

As this short note reveals, the teenager Gauss had not only found
the construction of the 17-gon, but also the general principles be-
hind it. He explicitly states in his first publication, in April 1796,
that the 17-gon is only a special case of his investigations. He had
already begun working on his great work Arithmetical Investigations
(Disquisitiones arithmeticae), which appeared in 1801 and in which
he proved the general theorem (article 365):

For an odd prime number p, the regular pi_gon is constructible by

ruler and compass if and only if i = 1 and p is a prime of the form
p = 22k + I, Le., ifp is a so-called Fermat prime.

The reduction of the problem to prime powers as above is done

by Gauss in art. 336.
Not all Fermat numbers Fk = 22k + 1 are prime. Except for the
first few values Fo = 3, F 1 = 5, F2 = 17, F3 = 257, and F4 = 65537,
which are prime, all others with k < 24 are known to be composite.
As long as no general result about the Fermat numbers is obtained,
the question about the constructibility of regular polygons remains
Note. We have seen how to construct a regular 9-gon with a
marked ruler. Gauss's theorem shows that the 9-gon is not con-
structible by ruler and compass. Hence the use of a marked ruler
is definitely a stronger method than the ordinary ones in geometry.
(For more and precise information, see Hartshorne [2000], Section
13.5. How Gauss Did It 117

13.5 How Gauss Did It

For this part we assume that the reader is familiar with the elemen-
tary properties of the complex numbers. This new tool stands the
test by solving an old problem. We will present Gauss's method only
for the pentagon and in a somewhat modernized version. For the
17-gon and a complete treatment, see Hartshorne, chapter 6. In the
complex plane, the regular n-gon is represented by the nth roots of
unity, that is, the solutions of the equation
zn -1 = O.
These solutions are
2rr .. 2rr
~ = cos - + Ism -
n n
and its powers ~2, ... , ~n-l, ~n = ~o = 1. We will investigate only the
case n = 5, that is, the regular pentagon, from a new vantage point
(Fig. 13.3).
The representation
2rr .. 2rr
~ = cos- +lsm-
5 5
will not help us. We have to use the algebraic equation
0= ZS - 1 = (z - 1)(Z4 + z3 + z2 + Z + 1).


118 13. The Origin of Mathematics 7

The first factor represents the solution {o = 1 and is of no fur-

ther interest. It just fixes the position of the pentagon in the circle.
Because all our solutions will be different from zero, we may divide
the second factor by Z2 and obtain the new equation

= Z2 + Z + 1 + Z-I + Z-2
= Z2 + 2 + z-2 + Z + Z-I - 1
= (z + z-li + (z + z-I) - 1.

With this little trick we have obtained a quadratic equation for


W + w -1 = 0,

( w+ ~)2
= ~4'
1 .;5
WI2+- =-.
'2 2

For a geometric interpretation of this, we have to observe that

CI = ~4 = I and ~-2 = ~3 = ~2.

Our two solutions for W then amount to

WI = ~ + C I = 2 real part of~,

W2 = {2 + C = 2. real part of {2.

This gives us something constructible:

real part of {= - - +-,
4 4
2 1 .;5
real part of { = -- - - .
4 4
Figure 13.3 (b) shows how it is done by using the right triangle
with vertices 0, ~i, -~. For the final determination of { = x + iy we
know x and have to solve a second quadratic equation,

x 2 + y2 =1
13.6. The Moral of the Story 119

for y. The result is

This gives us

f = ~JlO
2-/5 -
for the side f of a regular pentagon inscribed in the unit circle and
d = ~ J 10 + 2J5 for its diagonal.

13.6 The Moral of the Story

Note (i). Our quadratic equation (*) for w is similar to the one we
found for the diagonal of a pentagon with side f = 1. There we had
d2 - d = 1.
If we keep f = 1 and let d = f +w = 1 + w, the geometric
equation becomes
(w+li-(w+l)=I, (13.1)
w +w = I, (13.2)
the same as above. There are many different constructions of the
pentagon, but closer inspection will always turn up this same
quadratic equation (or a close relative as above). This equation is
what one calls the abstract essence of the problem. Abstraction
makes clear what the real nucleus of the problem is, apart from all
different disguises.
Note (ii). With what was called "a little trick" we reduced the so-
lution of the biquadratic equation for S to the successive solution of
two ordinary quadratic equations. The trick is in fact Gauss's general
method: Find the roots different from 1 for the equation z" - 1 = 0
by solving quadratic equations successively, which can be done by
120 13. The Origin of Mathematics 7

ruler and compass. This new method, based on the new tool of com-
plex numbers, is the unifying idea for the construction of regular
polygons. Euclid had to deal with each case separately. Gauss, by ab-
straction, found the general solution. Generalization and abstraction
made the problem accessible and the solution transparent.

13.7 What Plotinus Has to Say About

All This
The neo-Platonic philosopher Plotinus ('" 200-270 C.E.) wrote a trea-
tise about beauty. He has found the right words for what we have
seen in a particularly significant case:

But where the Ideal Form has entered, it has grouped and coor-
dinated what from a diversity of parts was to become a unity: it
has rallied confusion into cooperation: it has made the sum one
harmonious coherence: for the Idea is a unity and what it moulds
must come to unity as far as multiplicity may.
And on what has thus been compacted to unity, Beauty en-
thrones itself, giving itself to the parts as to the sum: when it lights
on some natural unity, a thing oflike parts, then it gives itself to
that whole. Thus, for an illustration, there is the beauty, conferred
by craftsmanship, of all a house with all its parts, and the beauty
which some natural quality may give to a single stone. (Plotinus,
First Ennead VI, "On Beauty" 2. p. 22, cf. Plotinus [1952])
Euclid Book

The General Theory of


14.1 Proportions Outside of

One of the main discoveries of Pythagoras was the relation between
musical harmonics and the ratios of segments on a monochord, the
simplest one being 2 : 1 for the octave. Much has been written about
this. We will complement it by a short look at architecture and the
Some of the geometric terminology seems to come from the
building trade, where exact designs were necessary. About 540 B.C.E.
the temple of Apollo in Corinth was built. It is the earliest known
temple with a clear proportion, length: breadth = breadth: height.
Much of the temple of Zeus in Olympia, completed in 456 B.C.E., is
governed by the ratio of 1 : 2, starting from two-foot-wide tiles on

122 14. Euclid Book V

the roof to a distance of 16 feet between the centers of the columns.

A little later, in the years 447-432, the architects Ictinos and Cal-
likrates built the Parthenon temple in Athens. The ratio 9 : 4, that of
the smallest square numbers, determines the whole building. Again
we find
length breadth = breadth height
81 36 36 16

At about the same time, Polycletus, who was together with

Phidias the most famous sculptor in classical Athens, wrote a trea-
tise about the proportions of the human figure, called the "Canon!'
Unfortunately, it is lost, but again we see the importance of propor-
tions outside of mathematics. (Cf. Steuben [1973]) Plato alludes to
this in the Sophist (235d-236d), where he says, "The perfect example
of this consists in creating a copy that conforms to the proportions
of the original in all three dimensions...."
That proportions were commonplace may also be inferred from
a fragment by the philosopher Zeno (about 460 B.C.E., the one with
Achilles and the tortoise). He speaks about rather extreme ratios
when he says:

Isn't there a ratio between a bushel of millet and a single grain

of millet? In the same ratio will be the sounds made by a
falling bushel of millet and a single falling grain, even by the
ten-thousandth part of a grain. (Zeno, DK 29 A 29)

Aristotle holds proportions in high esteem. He even defines jus-

tice as being nothing but proportion in his Nicomachean Ethics. Quite
different from those of modern times are his opinions about the dis-
tribution of tax money and social justice: Justice is "a distribution
of moneys from the public treasury which follows the same ratio
as the respective contributions (to the public revenues) bear to one
another:' (A person who pays no taxes should get no money from
the state. Aristotle-Heath p. 272, Nic. eth. 1131b29-32.)
At the same place Aristotle mentions the more technical proce-
dures of alternation (explained below) and composition of a ratio.
(Defs. 12 and 14 of Book V.)
14.2. General Remarks About Book V

More than in arts and philosophy, Greek mathematics abounds

with proportions. The overarching character of the general theory
of proportions was expressed by Eratosthenes (~ 250-200 B.C.E.),
who said that they are lithe unifying bond of the mathematical sci-
ences" (Proclus-Morrow 36). The skillful handling of proportions
was a main tool in mathematics up to the time of Galileo and Newton,
who used them in masterly fashion.

14.2 General Remarks About Book V

There are no very distinct sections in Book V. It has but one single
subject: the theory ofproportions for general magnitudes. A scholion
tells us that the theorems of Book V come from Eudoxus-and we
may assume that the definitions do as well. There are very detailed
studies about Book V, notably by Becker, Beckmann, and Mueller.
We will not be as subtle as these authors but will restrict ourselves
to a general overview. First of all, we have to pay attention to three
(a) Book V is much more abstract in character than Euclid's other
books. Its propositions apply to various kinds of magnitudes
like lines, surfaces, solids, maybe even times or angles. With
respect to Plato's philosophy one might say that due to the
higher level of abstraction, we are closer to Plato's ideas (or
forms). Plato writes (Phaedrus 265de):

The first is that in which we bring a dispersed plurality under a

single form (idea) seeing it all together-the purpose to define
so-and-so, and thus to make plain whatever may be chosen
as the topic for exposition.

The definitions at the beginning of Book V do exactly what

Plato postulates: They bring a dispersed plurality under one
single concept.
(b) Book V is independent of the preceding books. It could have
been either a monograph or the introduction to some "Ele-
ments" written in the school of Eudoxus. As it stands in Euclid's
124 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
14. Euclid Book V

Elements, it opens a new gate, especially to the geometry of

similarity in Book VI.
(c) The general and abstract theory cannot have been the first
treatment ofproportions in Greek mathematics. Leon and Hip-
pocrates certainly presented the main theorems about ratios
and proportions in their "Elements!' There are various specu-
lations by historians about the definitions and proofs in these
pre-Euclidean theories, but nothing is known for sure.

We will observe two quite different aspects in discussing Book V.

The first one is the abstract nature and the fine points of the defi-
nition of "in the same ratio!' The second and easier one is intended
to make a modern reader familiar with the intuitive meaning of the
various propositions that are stated in an abstract manner in Book
V. We will deal with the second aspect first.

14.3 Proportions in a Modern Version

In order to make Book V more accessible to the modern reader we
will use the anachronistic but effective modern algebraic notation.
Next to it we will present a geometric interpretation for lines that is
closer to Euclid's spirit. Regard all letters as representing lengths of
lines and treat them as (positive) real numbers.
Arithmetically, we can define
a:b by
and have
a:b=e:d {} ad = be.

Geometrically, following Euclid's usage, we leave "ratio" unde-

fined and interpret it as something like the inclination or slope of
the diagonal in a rectangle with sides a, b. "To be in the same ratio"
should then mean "to be about the same diagonal" (as in VI.24, 26);
see Fig. 14.1.
14.3. Proportions in a Modern Version 125

~---- -0--_
I d.


b I
tF----~ - - --cl


Now Props. 1.43 and VI.16 translate into

a:b=e:d ad = be, as above.
We would then, e.g., have Prop. V, 12 as a simple arithmetical or
geometrical consequence:
a:b=c:d (a + c) : (b + d) = a : b.
An important proposition with very many applications concerns
alternation (Greek enallax) in a proportion:

Prop. V. 16:
a:b=e:d a: e = b: d.
Arithmetical proof:
a :b= e :d {:} ad = be,
a :e= b :d {:} ad = eb.
Because of the commutative law for the multiplication (of num-
bers), we have be = eb, and hence the assertion. From the modern
foundations of geometry one knows that the commutative law for
the multiplication of the coordinates translates into the strongest
geometrical axiom (Le., the configuration theorem of Pappus). So
in hindsight, it is no wonder that Prop. V. 16 has important applica-
tions. The geometric Fig. 14.2 shows that Prop. V. 16 is not obvious.
Observe that one would get the same picture by placing the given
segment (here b) in Prop. I. 44 in two different ways. Various other
interpretations are possible, for instance switching from the triangles
t:.SXA and /:::,.SUC to the triangles /:::,.SXY and /:::,.SUV.
Another important means for the manipulation of proportions is
called ex aequali, which means:
126 14. Euclid Book V

~ V c

b. be. ..
'.' . '. .'

c . cb
A ~::J &


bh;a.. ,
.. b
S ..... .:. . .


Prop. V.22:

and a: b = r : S } =>

Arithmetically, this is very simple. Just multiply and cancel. Ge-

ometrically it is more interesting. Look at two similar triangles with
sides a, b, c and r, s, t. (See Fig. 14.3.) Similarity of triangles means
that three pairs of corresponding angles are equal. Because the sum
of the angles in a triangle is invariant, equality of two pairs of angles
suffices. Similarity may also mean, by VIAlS, that the ratios of cor-
responding sides are respectively equal. Because of ex aequali, two
pairs of sides suffice.
14.4. The Definitions of Book V

14.4 The Definitions of Book V

Def. V. 1.
A magnitude is a part of a magnitude, the less of the greater, when it
measures the greater.

Def. V. 2.
The greater is a multiple ofthe less when it is measured by the less.

Euclid does not say what a magnitude is, and he defines "part" or
"multiple" by the undefined "measuring." Basic operations like addi-
tion or the linear ordering of magnitudes are taken for granted. In
Props. V. 1-6 he elaborates the properties of "measuring" or multi-
plying a magnitude a by a natural number (positive integer) n so as
to get na.

Def. V. 3.
A ratio (logos) is a sort of relation in respect of size between two
magnitudes of the same kind.

Again "ratio:' as fundamental for Euclid as "set" for a modern

mathematician, remains undefined, like "set!' The Greek word logos
has a very wide range of meanings. One particularly important ex-
ample of the problems in translating logos occurs at the beginning
of the gospel of St. John: "In the beginning there was the logos. ..."
Goethe's Faust despairs about the translation of this sentence into
his beloved German. In spite of the difficulties in philosophy and
theology, the mathematical meaning of logos becomes clear from
the context.
What it means to be "of the same kind" is apparent from the exam-
ples and is further specified in the next definition. Angles, including
horn angles, are magnitudes of the same kind, as are lines, areas,
and so on. Implicit in the next definition as in the "size" in Def. 3 is
a Oinear) ordering of the magnitudes of the same kind and the pos-
tulate that this ordering should be Archimedean. That means that
infinitesimal magnitudes like horn angles are excluded. In modern
terms, Def. 4 says: The ratio a : b exists if there exist numbers n, m
such that na > band mb > a.
128 -------------~--
14. Euclid Book V

Def. V. 4.
Magnitudes are said to have a ratio to one another if they are capable,
when multiplied, of exceeding one another.
Def. V.5.
Magnitudes are said to be in the same ratio, the first to the second and
the third to the fourth, when, if any equimultiples whatever are taken of
the first and third, and any equimultiples whatever of the second and
fourth, the former equimultiples alike exceed, are alike equal to, or alike
fall short of, the latter equimultiples respectively taken in corresponding
Def. V. 6.
Let magnitudes which have the same ratio be called proportional
Definition 5 is the center piece of Book V. We will first translate it
into our beloved formulas. This can be done without Faust's despair.
Mathematics is independent of times and languages, it is a cultural
invariant of mankind.
Let a, b, c, d be the four magnitudes and m, n natural numbers.
Then we have a: b = c: d if for all n, m:
na > mb {:} nc > md,
na = mb {:} nc = md,
na < mb {:} nc < md.
We will go a step further and tie this to the modern theory of real
numbers. This is no longer a translation but an interpretation. For
this purpose, specify a, b as positive real numbers such that
a: b ab- 1 x,
c :d = cd- 1 = y.
Then we have, for the first line above,
na > mb {:} nc > md,
m m
a> -b {:} c> -d,
n n
m m
x = ab- 1 > - {:} y = cd- 1 > - ,
n n
and this for all rational numbers ~ = r.
14.4. The Definitions of Book V

In the language of sets this reads: The (positive) real numbers x, Y

are defined to be equal ifthe set of all rational numbers r < x is equal
to the set ofall rational numbers < y. The equality ofreal numbers is
defined via the equalitiy of sets of rational numbers. This looks very
much like the Dedekind cuts of 1858/1872, but there is a fundamen-
tal difference. Euclid always starts from given magnitudes, e.g., from
lines constructed in his geometrical theories. Dedekind ignores the
(pre-)existence of (some) real numbers and starts from the rationals
in order to create the real numbers. He wrote this expressively in a
letter to his friend H. Weber (24 Jan. 1888):

We are of divine stock and there is no doubt that we have creative

power not only in material things (railways, telegraphs) but in par-
ticular in spiritual things.... I prefer to say that I create something
new (different from the cut). We have every right to adjudge
ourselves such creative powers .

Self-confident as the Greeks may have been, this is not the style of
The definitions of Book V go on to describe properties of and
manipulations of ratios. Def. 7 describes the greater relation for ra-
tios, Def. 12 alternate ratios, Definition 17 a ratio ex aequali. We have
already seen what these concepts mean in geometry.
Let us have another look at the Definitions 3,5, and 6. We will use
concepts (like the formulas above) that were not at the disposal of
Euclid or Eudoxus. These modern concepts do not alter the meaning
ofthe ancient text; they simply give names to what is clearly present
as the mathematical contents in Euclid's and Eudoxus' elaborations.
The language of mathematics has changed and become more flexible
but its substance remains invariant.
In Prop. V, 11, Euclid shows, using nothing but Def. 5, that the
equality of ratios is transitive. In addition, from Def. 5 it is very sim-
ple to see that the equality of ratios is symmetric and reflexive, and
hence is an equivalence relation. The resulting equivalence classes
(of pairs of magnitudes of the same kind) are what we shall call
ratios. This way, the term logos has got a clear and precise math-
ematical meaning, regardless of any philological difficulties. The
intuitive familiarity of Euclid with this special equivalence relation
130 -------------=-~~--
14. Euclid Book V

and its mathematical significance will become very plausible when

we see the propositions of part B of Book V.

14.5 The Propositions of Book V

Keeping in mind what was said above about ratios as equivalence
relations, we find the following composition of Book V.
Definitions 1-18
Props. 1-6 A: Statements about multiples of magnitudes
Props. 7-15 B: Transfer of operations and relations from
magnitudes to ratios
Props. 16-25 c: General theorems about ratios/proportions
The first six propositions of Book V concern multiples of magni-
tudes. They are preparatory for the main theorems about ratios and
proportions. We translate and abbreviate them in modern formulas
for magnitudes a, b and natural numbers m, n, r, s:
1. n(a + b) na + nb
2. (n + m)a = na + ma
3. n(ma) = (nm)a
4. a : b = e : d =:} (ra) : (sb) = (re) : (sd)
5. rea - b) = ra - rb (if a > b)
6. (r - s)a ra - sa (if r > s)
These statements closely resemble (some of) the modern axioms
for vector spaces. The magnitudes play the role of vectors; the num-
bers are the scalars. This conceptual difference between numbers
and magnitudes may partly explain why Euclid does not apply his
abstract theory of proportions for magnitudes to numbers in Book
VII. It has always been a mystery why Euclid started all over again
in Book VII with a theory of proportion for numbers. The difficul-
ties would be the same as with a one-dimensional vector space with
real scalars, where the real numbers are simultaneously scalars and
vectors at the same time.
After these preparations, Euclid turns to the business of estab-
lishing the compatibility of operations and relations for magnitudes
with the equivalence relation of taking ratios. Euclid's sequence of
14.5. The Propositions of Book V 131

propositions is partly necessitated by technicalities of his proofs. We

deviate from his sequence a little and use modern notation in or-
der to make the mathematical contents of this part of Book V more
transparent. About the most important Prop. 8 and its consequences
see farther below.
Prop. 7/9
Taking ratios respects equality.
a=b ~ a:c=b:c
a=b ~ c:a=c:b.

(Observe that on the left hand we have the equality of magnitudes,

whereas on the right we see the equality ofratios, that is, equivalence
Prop. 8/10
Taking ratios respects ordering.
a>b ~ a:c>b:c
a>b ~ c: b > c : a.

Prop. 13

a : b = c : d and c : d > e : f ==:} a : b > e :f

Prop. 14
a : b = c : d and a > c ==:} b > d,
similarly for <, = .

In this proof, Prop. 8 is used in an essential way.

Prop. 12/13
Taking ratios respects addition and multiples.
a : b = c : d = e :f ==:} a : b = (a + c + e) : (b + d + f)
a: b = na: nb.

In part C of Book V, Euclid fills what Ken Saito has colloquially

called the tool box of the Greek mathematician. In its general sense,
132 14. Euclid Book V

the tool box contains all of the Elements, but here we find the most
important and most frequently used multipurpose tools.

Prop 16

a : b = e : d ===> a : e = b : d.

By Prop 13, a : b = e: d implies na : nb = me : md for any n, m.
Now by Prop. 14 we get

na > me ===> nb > md

na = me ===> nb = md
na < me ===> nb < md,

and this is just the definition of a : e = b : d.

Van der Waerden [1954, chapter on Eudoxus], rightly calls this proof
(including the sequence from 8 to 16) a masterpiece.

Prop. 17/18

a: b = e : d ===> (a + b) : b = (e + d) : d,
(if a > b, correspondingly for a - b).
These two propositions are fundamental for the procedure of
anthyphairesis, see Artmann [1994, 26-27].

We leave aside several propositions and quote as our last one the
substitute for a combination of multiplication and canceling:

Prop. 22
[Ex Aequali.]

a : b = d : e and b : e = e : f ===> a : e = d : f
14.6. Proposition V.8 and its Consequences 133

14.6 Proposition V.8 and its

Before proving the fundamental Prop. v.a we have to look back
at the definition of ordering of ratios which we should verify. As
mentioned earlier, Euclid always tacitly assumes a linear ordering
without proving any pertinent properties.
V, Def. 7
[In modern notation]

a : b > c :d is defined by There exist numbers r, s such that

ra ~ sb and rc < sd.
Considering linear ordering, this is nothing but the formal negation
(if a : b < c : d is included) of Def. 5. Using the modern theory as we
did with Def. 5, this translates into alb > cld if there exist natural
numbers r, s such that alb ~ sir> cld, that is, if the real numbers
are separated by a rational number.
Prop. V.8

a >c =:::} a : b > c : b.

We have a - c > 0 and use the archimedean condition from Def. 4
in order to find numbers rand s such that

(1) rea - c) > band sb > rc ~ (s - l)b.

This implies
(2) ra=r(a-c)+rc > b+(s-l)b=sb.
Combining the two lines results in
(3) ra > sb and rc < sb,
what we had to prove.

What we have written down in essentially three lines requires two
and a half pages in Heath's translation of Euclid's text. Mueller (1981,
134 - - - - - - - - - - - -
14. Euclid Book V

130J calls Euclid's proof unusually complex, similar opinions are re-
ported by Heath. I propose to understand this as evidence for the
fact that here we have a proof in its original form as it was written
down by Eudoxus personally. Usually proofs get more streamlined
in the process of teaching and rewriting. This particular one may
have been so complicated that nobody dared to alter it. This con-
firms with the scholion about Euclid taking Eudoxus' material and
incorporating it into the Elements. Let us add that Mueller [1981] 142
after a lengthy analysis concludes that the textual evidence is against
our interpretation of Def. 4 as the archimedean condition. Mueller
p. 139 suggests to regard the archimedean condition as an extra tacit
assumption in the proof of Prop. 8.

Consequences of Prop. V.8

In a logical diagram, Mueller [1981] 131 shows how besides the most
important V.8 all ofthe propositions 7-15 are used in the alternation
proposition 16, similarly Vitrac [1994] in his analysis of Book V and
van der Waerden [1954] in his chapter on Eudoxus. We did already
briefly mention in Section 14.3 how alternation can be translated
into the language of David Hilbert's Foundations ofGeometry and thus
results in the commutative law for the multiplication of segments
or, equivalently, the configuration theorem of Pappus. Looking into
Hilbert's book, we find Section 32 "The commutative law of multi-
plication in archimedean number systems." There Hilbert derives
directly the commutative law by arguments very similar to the lines
(1), (2), (3) of Euclid's/Eudoxus' proof. Obviously Hilbert had not
taken notice of Euclid's proof, as one may infer from other remarks
in his Lecture Notes of 1898. Therefore we may be allowed to quote
here what Hilbert says [1898, 76] about another theorem (1,16):
'With respect to Euclid let us just add that this indicates how deeply
he understood the interconnections ofgeometrical theorems."
Euclid Book

Similarity Geometry

15.1 The Overall Composition of

Book VI
Definitions Definition of similarity for rectilinear figures
1 The basic theorem
2-8 A: Similarity of triangles
9-13 B: Proportional divisions of segments
14-17 C: Proportions and areas (cross multiplication)
18-22 D: Similar rectilinear figures
23 Compounded ratios
24-30 E: The application of areas (geometric algebra)

31-33 Odds and ends

136 -------------=-=-.:....-=...;~...=...::....:~
15. Euclid Book VI

H 6 & c. D K I-

15.2 The Basis of Similarity Geometry

The basic theorem of Book VI looks innocent enough, but it is the
foundation of Euclid's similarity geometry.

Prop. VI.1.
7hangles and parallelograms which are under the same height are to one
another as their bases.
By lithe triangle" Euclid means, as usual, its area. Let.6'1 I:::,.ABC
and 1:::,.2 = I:::,.ACD be two triangles under the same height. Then the
theorem says that

Area I:::,. ABC: Area,6. ACD = LineBC : LineCD.

For the proof, Def. 5 of Book V has to be verified. This is not

difficult, for if the line HC = nBC, then the corresponding triangle
I:::,.HCA will have area n I:::,. BCA, and the same argument works for
line CD and I:::,.CDA (Fig. 15.1). Hence

nBC> mCD {:} n I:::,. BCA > m I:::,. CDA,

and so on, and Prop. VI.1 is proved.

The point of this proposition is that it connects magnitudes of dif-
ferent kinds: areas and lengths. Let us for a moment use modern
formulas: Let a = BC and b = CD be the bases of the triangles with
Comment 137

common height h. Then we have

1 1
D.} = -ah
and .0. 2 = -bh,
and the consequence

is obvious.
But this involves a deception, in modern geometry as well as in
Euclid's development. The formulas follow from Prop. VI.l, and not
the other way round!
Why is this true? If one knows the formula ah for the area of a
rectangle with sides a and h, then the formula for the triangle follows
readily (cf. Prop. 1.41). Hence it is enough to prove the formula for
rectangles. We may even for the first step let the height h = 1,
because for fixed a and variable h the proof will be the same /lin
the other direction." Now we are confronted with the basic question,
What does it mean to measure a rectangle? Or even what does it
mean to measure a segment AB? One fixes a unit segment, say OE,
and looks for a real number a such that AB = aOE, or in other words,

AB: OE = a: 1.
In our discussion of Def.V.S we have seen how this is related to
the theory of real numbers.
Prop. VI.l goes a step further. Once the unit segment OE is fixed,
so is the unit square to which one assigns area (or measure) 1. Mea-
suring a rectangle means measuring it as a multiple of the unit
square. Reducing this question to measuring the sides means reduc-
ing the 2-dimensional measure to the I-dimensional measure of
segments. Seen this way, Prop. VI.l is the first significant precursor
of the construction of product measures in measure theory.
The difficulties in VI.l arise from incommensurable segments.
As usual, Euclid keeps quiet about that-up to now he hasn't even
mentioned that concept! In Fig. IS.I(b) we imagine how an irrational
length a, taken as a limit of fractions ~, leads to the same multiple A
ofthe unit square. The theory of areas in elementary geometry along
these lines is developed in detail by Moise [1974], who has the same
138 -----------~--=-....:....-:.._-
15. Euclid Book VI

difficulties with irrational segments as Euclid. Hartshorne [2000], in

his section 23, esp. 23.3, in effect uses VI.2 in order to prove VI.l.

15.3 The Basic Theorems of Similarity

The fundamental theorem VI.1 is immediately used to prove the
theorem on proportional segments, Prop. VI.2, the universal tool in
similarity geometry. (In the high-school text by Jacobs, VI.2 is called
the "side splitter theorem." Jacobs reproduces Euclid's proof.)
Prop. VI.2.
If a straight line is drawn parallel to one of the sides of a triangle, it
will cut the sides of the triangle proportionally; and, if the sides of the
triangle are cut proportionally, the line joining the points of section will
be parallel to the remaining side of the triangle.
For the proof Euclid uses the two auxiliary triangles b.DEB and
t::.DEC from Fig. 15.2(a).

Proof (part 1)
Let DE II Be. Then the two triangles with the common base DE have
equal areas.


15.3. The Basic Theorems of Similarity Geometry 139

Now, prop VI.1 implies that

.6.BDE : .6.ADE - BD: AD,
.6.CDE : .6.ADE - CE: AE,
and because of .6.BDE = .6.CDE we have
BD : DA = CE : EA.

Proof (part 2)
Euclid uses the proportion oflines and VI.1 to establish the equality
of the two auxiliary triangles with the common base DE and then
Prop. 1.39 to derive DE II BC.
The proposition about the angular bisector, VI.3, is a nice ap-
plication of V1.2. The theory proceeds with Props. 4/5, which are
converse to each other. We abbreviate the statements by using the
notation from Fig. 15.2(b).
Propositions VIA and 5 say that
a=p b:c=s:t
and and
fJ = a if and only if c :a = t :r
and and
y=r a: b = r : s.

The essential point of this equivalence is that shape (as deter-

mined by the angles) can be expressed by means of proportions. At
a time when incommensurable segments were unknown, the ratios
of the segments could be expressed by numbers, and consequently,
shapes of triangles-and more generally of figures composed from
triangles-could be described by numbers. One might suspect that
this theorem together with insights about harmonic intervals in mu-
sic theory gave strong support to the Pythagorean doctrine that
"everything is number!' Clearly, nothing of this kind can be found in
the Elements, which is a work with no metaphysical content.
Our formulation of VI. 4/5 contains deliberate redundancies in
order to get a homogeneous and symmetric statement. The last lines
could have been omitted, on the left side because of 1.32 and on the
right side because of the ex aequali property of proportions.
140 - - - - - - - - - - - - -15.-Euclid
- -Book

In analogy to the congruence theorems, Props. VI. 4/5 are called

the AAA similarity theorem. (Sometimes AA theorem). In the same
way Props. VI 6/7 are the SAS-similarity theorem. Prop. VI.8 treats
an important special case.
Prop. VI.8.
If in a right-angled triangle a perpendicular is drawn from the right
angle to the base, the triangles adjoining the perpendicular are similar
both to the whole and to one another.
A direct sequel to Prop. VI.8 is Prop. VI.l3 about finding a mean
proportional to two segments.
Prop. VI.13.
Th two given straight lines to find a mean proportional.
Proof: Place the given segments AB, BC in a straight line and draw
the semicircle with diameter AC (Fig. 15.3). LetBDbe perpendicular
to AC and D on the semicircle. Because the angle in a semicircle is
right, we have the similar triangles of VI.8 and hence
AB : BD = BD : BC.

Thking into account the possibility of cross multiplying a pro-

portion established in Prop. VI.l6/17, this proposition amounts to
nothing else but Prop. 11.14, the squaring of a rectangle. Just as in
our discussion of Props. III.36 and IV10 we have a simpler proof us-
ing proportions and a more complicated one avoiding proportions.
We see again how the proofs of Books I-IV have apparently been
intentionally rewritten older proofs with proportions.
From a passage in Aristotle it is obvious that he knew both proofs
for the squaring of a figure. He discusses definitions and takes as an

15.4. Book VI, Part C: Proportions and Areas (Products) 141

For instance, what is "squaring"? The construction of a square

equal (in area) to a given rectangle. Such a definition is a state-
ment of the conclusion, whereas, if you say that squaring is the
finding of a mean proportional, you state the cause of the thing
defined. (De Anima 413 a)

From the many mathematical examples in Aristotle's writings it

is evident that he was well aware of and competent in the mathemat-
ics of his time, but he was not himself an active mathematician. If
the passage above reflects discussions of the mathematicians among
his friends, then we may speculate that this took place during his
time in Plato's Academy (366-348). In any case, Aristotle must have
learned about the two different proofs well before his death, in 322.
Thus it is reasonable to assume that the version of Books I-IV with-
out proportions was written in the interval 360-330, with possible
later alterations in Book I concerning parallels and parallelograms.
Proclus (Morrow p. 60) explicitly informs us about an author of
"Elements" who avoided proportion. Euclid would then have edited
the books, added his own proof of the theorem of Pythagoras, and
incorporated them in his Elements. The key theorem for the trans-
formation of statements about proportions into ones using areas is
VI.16. In Books I-IV this remains veiled, but in hindsight the princi-
ple becomes transparent. The "new" proofs in I-IV look all the more
ingenious after we have seen the simpler similarity proofs.
The rest of the propositions of Part B/Book VI show how to cut a
segment similarly to a given cut segment and how to find third and
fourth proportionals to given segments.

15.4 Book VI, Part C: Proportions and

Areas (Products)
The main theorem of part C is Prop. VI.16. Euclid, like a modern
author, puts the more technical parts of the proof in a lemma like
Prop. VI.14 and adds some supplements in VI.15 and 17. In the figure
an old friend from 1.43 reappears. The whole part C does not depend
142 15. Euclid Book VI

on parts A and Bof Book VI. For the proof Euclid returns to the roots
VI.1. We state Props. 14 and 16 and sketch the proof.
Prop. VI.14.
In equal and equiangular parallelograms the sides about the equal an-
gles are reciprocally proportional; and equiangular parallelograms in
which the sides about the equal angles are reciprocally proportional are

Prop. VI.16.
If four straight lines are proportional, the rectangle contained by the
extremes is equal to the rectangle contained by the means; and, if the
rectangle contained by the extremes is equal to the rectangle contained
by the means, the four straight lines will be proportional.

We will replace the equiangular parallelograms by rectangles

without any essential loss.
Euclid labels and places the parallelograms as in Fig. 15.4, such
that the points D, B, E and F, B, G, respectively, are collinear. In our
figure the "invisible" rectangle is completed.
Proof, part 1. Let the rectangles be equal. We denote the
rectangles as does Euclid:

Now we use VI. 1:

DAB:DFE lineDB : lineBE,

E c.

'-<-::,-: c.;-,:<_,
0..01. .'<i,-::-: -cd
6-----6 ':-~j0

15.4. Book VI, Part C: Proportions and Areas (Products) 143


DB : BE = GB : BF,

the sides are reciprocally proportional.

Part 2. Reverse all steps of part 1.
Observe that the proof essentially uses the gnomon consisting of
the rectangles DAB, DFE, and DBC.
Prop. VI.l6 is now an obvious reformulation of Prop. 14.
Because the equality of rectangles for Euclid means "of equal
content" or "of equal area," we may use the modern notation a, b,
e, d for (measures of) lines and ad, be for (measures of) areas and
restate VI.l6 in the familiar form

a:b=e:d ad = be.

There are two more theorems about rectangles and similarity

in part E of Book VI. Euclid postpones them to part E because he
develops the concept of similar figures in part D. For the moment
we will take similarity for granted and quote Props. VI.24, 26 in the
context of the geometry of rectangles. In part E Props. 24, 26 play
a subordinate role. The symbol ~ denotes the similarity of figures
(see Fig. 15.5).

Prop. VI.24:

Prop. VI.26:

144 - - - - - - - - - - - - 15.
- Euclid
- -Book
-- VI

By restricting Euclid's proofs to rectangles instead of parallelo-

grams, we have ignored another consequence of VI. 14/16. The two
theorems together establish the fact that if two equiangular parallel-
ograms are equal, they will remain equal if the angles are changed
(in particular, to right angles) while the sides remain the same.
It is tempting to read into the group of theorems 1.43, VI.14/16
and VI. 24/26 the remains of what Wilbur Knorr has called "the
Doric geometry of rectangles" in contrast to "the Ionic geometry
of triangles." It could be replenished by 1.41-44 in the version for
rectangles and some propositions from Books II and XIII. We have,
however, no other clues for this conjecture than the correspondence
with respect to the contents of the propositions.

15.5 Book VI, Part D: Similar

Rectilinear Figures
Def. VI. 1.
Similar rectilinear figures are such as have their angles equal one by one
and the sides around the equal angles proportional.

The first thing that Euclid does in this section is to show how
similar figures can pe constructed (Prop. VI.18). Having secured
the existence of sinfilar figures, he proceeds to the most important
theorem, which connects lines and areas with respect to similarity:
Prop. VI.19.
Similar triangles are to one another in the duplicate ratio of the
corresponding sides.

We recapitulate from Book V what a duplicate ratio is:

Def. V.9.
If we have a : b = b : c, then a : C is said to be the duplicate ratio of
a: b.

We rewrite this in modern terms: If a : b = b : c = k, then

a: c = (a : b) . (a : b) = k 2 .
15.5. Book VI, Part D: Similar Rectilinear Figures 145


Read this way, Prop. VI.19 tells that if the sides of two similar tri-
angles are connected by a similarity factor k, then their areas are
related by the factor k 2 . This is applied in VI.25 the other way round:
A relation a : C = k 2 is postulated for areas, and the factor k has to
be found as a mean proportional to a and c.
In the proof of VI.19 Euclid artfully manipulates proportions for
lines until he can apply the fundamental theorem VI.1 in order to
catch the areas.
We repeat Euclid's arguments but draw the corresponding figure
(Fig. 15.6) in such a way as to make the procedure a little more
transparent (at the expense of giving a point two labels, B and E).
We start with fJ = e and

AB : BC = DE : EF.

Alternation gives us

AB : DE = BC : EF.

Now construct the point G on BC such that

AB : DE = EF : BG.

From this we get two bonuses:

(1) (The area of) .6.ABG is equal to the triangle .6.DEF by VI.15
(or cross multiplication if the equal angles fJ, are right).
(2) BC : EF = EF : BG, so that BC : BG is the duplicate ratio of
146 15. Euclid Book VI

Now Prop. VI.1 secures the final result:

b.ABC : b.DEF = b.ABC : b.ABG = BC : BG,
as desired.
The next proposition, VI.20, extends the result ofVI.19 to similar
polygons by means of triangulations. Proposition VI.21 shows that
the relation of similarity is transitive.

15.6 Book VI, Part E: The Application

of Areas
Translated into modern mathematics, the Greek procedure of ap-
plication of areas amounts to the solution of quadratic equations (or
problems), where the coefficients and unknowns are represented by
line segments. We have already discussed the most important spe-
cial cases of this method in the chapters about Pythagoras and in the
comments on Props. II 5/6. Because we know the essentials from
these cases, we will not discuss the generalization from squares to
similar parallelograms in VI. 28/29. Very detailed analyses can be
found in the literature, cf. Notes. In the years around 1980 there
was a heated debate about the right interpretation of the method of
the application of areas. Some mathematicians have seen it as es-
sentially the algebra of quadratic equations in geometric disguise,
whereas historians insisted on a purely geometric reading of the
texts. Certainly, a translation of involved geometric constructions
into algebraic formulas is often helpful for the modern reader, as we
have seen in various instances. But this is not to the point of the
discussion. It is more about whether the Greeks were influenced by
Babylonian algebraic methods and used geometry only as a disguise
of algebra, or whether Greek mathematics was genuinely geometric
and had nothing to do with algebra. In my opinion the two positions
in the debate about geometrical algebra are a reflection of two quite
different points of view, which might be called mathematical and
philological. Mathematicians tend to stress isomorphisms; they like
to see the same structure in different guises. By contrast, a philologist
Proposition VI.25 147

puts great value on expression and literary form. Mathematicians are

accustomed to separating the content of a proposition from its form
of expression, whereas philologists are likely to stress the particular-
ity of different forms of expression. Since the history of Greek math-
ematics lives at the crossroads of these "two cultures," debates such
as the one about geometric algebra are unavoidable. Indeed, they
are essential to progress in our understanding of ancient science.

Proposition VI.25
Apollonius, in his Conica I.12/13, makes use of the application
of areas with rectangular defect or excess instead of the square
defect!excess that we have studied earlier. This forces some modifi-
cations on the methods used, most notably the introduction of Prop.
VI.25. Remember that the theorem of Pythagoras can be seen in
the following way: Construct an area of prescribed form, namely
a square, of content equal to that of another figure, in this case
consisting of two squares.
Prop. VI.25.
To construct one and the same figure similar to a given rectilinear figure
and equal to another given rectilinear figure.

In the proof of this proposition Euclid takes the first given figure
to be a triangle ABC. I take it to be a rectangle ABCD without loss of
generality. In the proofwe will stick to rectangles instead of Euclid's
parallelograms with prescribed angles. The construction proceeds
as follows (see Fig. 15.7).

148 15. Euclid Book VI

Let the given area be Q and the prescribed form be represented

by the rectangle DABCD. Apply the area Q to the line BC by means
of Prop. 1.44. Construct the mean proportional BH to the lines AB
and BF using Prop. VI.13. (Algebraically, this amounts to extracting
the root BH = JAB BF, which has to be used in VI 28/29.) Now the
rectangle DAKMN on AK equal to BH will be "similar and similarly
situated" to DABCD and have area Q after VI 19/20.
Plutarch, a philosopher and popular writer in the philosophi-
cal tradition of Plato and Pythagoras who lived about 45-125 C.E.
knew Prop. VI.25 as an important generalization of the theorem of
Pythagoras. He writes:
Among the most geometrical theorems, or rather problems, is the
following: Given two figures, to apply a third equal to the one and
similar to the other, on the strength of which discovery they say
moreover that Pythagoras sacrificed. This is unquestionably more
subtle and more scientific than the theorem which demonstrated
that the square on the hypotenuse is equal to the squares on the
sides about the right angle. (Plutarch Symp. VIII. 2,4 quoted after
Euclid-Heath vol. I p. 343/44)
We will study other generalizations of the theorem of Pythago-
ras and say a few more words in the follOWing chapter on
Theorem VI.25 has a certain resemblance to Aristotle's doc-
trine (Metaphys. 1029a) of matter and form. A sculptor takes some
matter-e.g., bronze-and gives it some form-e.g., a statue. As a cer-
tain amount ofbronze can be given a variety offorms, in Prop. VI.25
an idealized matter, "area," can be cast into every polygonal form.
Aristotle, to be sure, speaks only of the sculptor and some other ~x
amples, but not of Prop. VI.25. Moreover, we have to postulate an
idealized substance "area:' which might resemble a Platonic idea but
not one of Aristotle's concepts.
A three-dimensional analogue of Prop. VI. 25 would, in its sim-
plest application, solve the problem of the duplication of a cube. By
Props. XI. 33 and XII. 8, 12, 18 (certain) similar solids are to one an-
other in the triplicate ratio of their corresponding sides. Hence one
would need a construction of a cube root (or, in Euclid's terminol-
ogy, oftwo mean proportionals) for the solution of the solid problem
Proposition VI.25 149

corresponding to Prop. VI. 25. In the solid case, water could play the
role of what we have called "area" in the plane case: To construct
one and the same vessel similar to a given vessel and holding (ex-
actly) a given amount of water. Curiously, the "ideal" plane problem
is solvable by Euclidean means, but the "real" solid problem remains
There is a passage by Proclus that seems to support the inter-
pretation of area as a sort of intelligible matter. Proclus discusses
Euclid's Def. 1.1 of a point and near the end mentions a certain doc-
trine of the Pythagoreans concerning the unit (one) of numbers and
the point in geometry:

Since the Pythagoreans, however, define the point as a unit that

has position, we ought to inquire what they mean by saying
this. That numbers are purer and more immaterial than mag-
nitudes ... are clear to everyone. But when they speak of the
unit as not having position, I think they are indicating that unity
and number-that is, abstract number-have their existence in
thought. ... By contrast the point is projected in imagination and
comes to be, as it were, in a place and embodied in intelligible matter.
Hence the unit is without position, since it is immaterial and out-
side all extension and place; but the point has position because it
occurs in the bosom of imagination and is therefore enmattered.
(Proc1us-Morrow p. 78, my italics)

Again Proclus does not speak of area, and we have to leave

the finer points of this discussion to the philosophers and classical
The Origin of
Be Wise, Generalize

One of the most essential features of a modern mathematical theory

is its generality. Mathematicians try to present their results as gen-
erally as possible. Uniting seemingly disparate phenomena in a new
theory earns great praise from fellow researchers. In this section we
will study, in a few cases, the movement from a particular to a more
general statement.
It is only through hindsight that we are able to analyze gener-
alizations. There is no way of telling in advance how or in which
direction to extend a particular result. This is left to the ingenuity of
the particular mathematician.
There are various kinds ofgeneralizations. Some work by abstrac-
tion of several cases. Others proceed by weakening the hypotheses
of a theorem, but essentially preserving the arguments of the special
case and arriving at a result similar to the previous one. Yet others
start from a given statement and extend it in various directions. Then
there may be two proposititions that come under a common roof in
such a way that the original statements look like extreme cases. We

152 _________16.
_ The Orio1 n
_---"'e- of Mathematics
_ 8

will find examples of these types in Euclid's work and supply a few
more from other authors.

16.1 Extending a Result

The sum ofthe angles in a triangle is two right angles. Euclid does not
care to extend this result to polygons, but Proclus in his commentary
on I. 32 does: A (convex) polygon may be divided into triangles, and
hence the sum of the interior angles of a quadrangle is 2(2R), of a
pentagon 3(2R), and so on. This same method of triangulation works
in the case of VI. 19/20 concerning the relation ofthe areas of similar
triangles/polygons. Ifwe have a similarity factor k for lines, then the
corresponding factor for the areas is k2 . The result in the general case
is exactly the same as in the particular case. The proof is laborious,
but essentially straightforward, and needs no specific new idea.

16.2 Weakened Hypotheses

Throughout Euclid's geometry, the experienced reader recognizes
statements about parallelograms "with a given angle" that have their
roots in the corresponding statements about rectangles. From a mod-
ern point of view, these generalizations are rather simple. If we
shear a rectangle to a parallelogram on the same base and under the
same height (Fig. 16.1), areas and ratios are preserved. Hence any
statement concerning areas and proportions remains true when gen-
eralized from rectangles to "parallelograms with a given angle." The
relation of triangles and parallelograms is more straightforward in
certain cases (e.g., I. 41) than that oftriangles and rectangles, but for
most purposes, including the application of areas, the generalization
to parallelograms seems to be pointless. Here, in particular, Euclid
appears to be following the well-known postulate of the modern
mathematician: "Be wise, generalize."
Another striking example of the weakened hypothesis, even if
not presented by Euclid in this way, are the theorems about an-
16.4. The Case of Pythagoras's Theorem 153

1>-----0 - ~-_-_-!6--d--_-=--=--=.--d7

gles in circles. Thales has shown that the angle in a semicircle is

right (Prop. III. 31). What about angles in other segments? Angles
in the same segment of a circle are equal to one another (III. 21).
From III. 20 we know a little more about the size of the angle in a
segment, but essentially we have the typical situation: The assump-
tions are weakened, and so are the consequences, but they are still
very useful.

16.3 Abstraction
The most prominent example of a generalization by abstraction is
Euclid's theory of proportions for general magnitudes. We have seen
the details ofthis in our discussion ofBook V. Magnitudes of quite dif-
ferent kinds are treated according to one general concept. This much
resembles the modern algebraic theories of groups, rings, fields, and
similar algebraic structures.
Regular polygons were been treated by Gauss in a similar way.
Instead of studying them case by case as Euclid did, he subsumed all
of them in the abstract equation zn - 1 = 0 and found the solution
this way.

16.4 The Case of Pythagoras's Theorem

There is a ho~t of generalizations of Pythagoras's theorem. We begin
by listing the ones of the following type: Look in the direction of
replacing the squares by other figures. Remember that Hippocrates
of Chios had already done this in his treatment of the lunes when
154 1~6_._Th_e_O_ri_"'gt'__n_of_M_a_th_e_ma_t_ic_s_8

he considered semicircles on the sides of the right triangle. Euclid is

more cautious in the following proposition about rectilinear figures.

Prop. VI.31:
In right-angled triangles the figure on the side subtending the right an-
gle is equal to the similar and similarly described figures on the sides
containing the right angle.

In Euclid's text the corresponding figure shows similar rectan-

gles described on the sides. Readers may convince themselves of
the equality CX = DY of the similar rectangles. There is another
generalization of this due to Pappus. lake any triangle 6.ABC and
describe two parallelograms PA , PB on the sides BC and CA. Inter-
sect the other sides of the parallelograms in point X as shown in
Fig. 16.2. Extend XC and make DY = XC; draw the corresponding
parallelogram Pc. Then Pc will be of equal content with PA plus PB .
This is trivially true. I have never seen any application of it. It is
what one might want to call a shallow generalization. It is so general
that it is no longer of any use.
We have already seen the very fruitful generalization of Pythago-
ras's theorem in a second direction: Keep the squares but change the
right angle, or in other words, calculate the third side of a triangle
from the other two sides and their enclosed angle. One could view
the resulting law of cosines as the generalization of three known
special cases, namely for the angles y = 0, y = 90, and y = 180,
with c = AB, b = AC, and a = BC (cf. Fig. 16.3).

( ii)

16.5. The Generalization of Ptolemy 155

c C! />'---0(: c

8 8 s

From the figures we get directly

y = 0 e2 = (a - bi a 2 + b2 - 2ab,
y = 90 e 2
a 2
+b ,

y = 180
e = (a + bi a 2
+ b2 + 2ab.
For general y we know that
e 2 = a 2 + b2 - 2abcos y,
and we regain the above formulas for y = 0,90,180 as special
cases of the general result.

16.5 The Generalization of Ptolemy

We can learn more about generalizations from Ptolemy ("'" 150 C.E.),
who generalized Pythagoras's theorem in his Almagest (Book I, Ch.
10), which was the basic astronomy textbook for many centuries. In
order to understand Ptolemy, we have first to go back to a proof of
Pythagoras's theorem that uses the methods of Book VI.
The right triangle l:lABC in Fig. 16.4 is divided by its height h
into two subtriangles as in Prop. VI. 8 with the result
a :e - X : a =} a 2 = ex,
b:e = (e-x):b =} b2 =e(e-x),
156 --=..16:..:,--=..Th=e=--=O:..:ri:2gI='n=--o:..:f:...::M::=a=th=ema=ti=c:..:8:....::.8






and hence
a 2 + b2 = ex + e(e - x) = e2

For the intended generalization, this proof has to be transformed

into a statement about rectangles. The right triangle reappears as
half of a rectangle with diagonals e and f.
In the new context of Fig. 16.5(i), our proof from above reads:
b.EBC ~ b.ADC :::} x: a = d : f :::} xf = ad,
b.ECA ~ b.BCD :::} = g : f :::} (e - x)f = bg.
(e - x) : b
Observing that a = d and b = g and e = f, we derive as above
xf - xc ad
(e -x)f - (e - x)e - bg
16.5. The Generalization of Ptolemy 157



the theorem of Pythagoras for f::J.ABC. The ingenious idea of Ptolemy

(or his predecessor) was to see that this proof would work for any
quadrangle in a circle, if he only provided the similar triangles by
making L.ECB = L.ACD = E.
Let ADBC be a quadrangle in a circle (Fig.16.6). Place Eon AB
such that L.ECB = L.ACD = E. The angles L.ADC and L.ABC stand
on the same chord AC and hence are equal. This makes f::J.EBC ~
f::J.ADC, and we get

X : a = d :f => xf = ad.

The triangles f::J.EAC and f::J.BDC have angles y + E, and their

respective angles L.BAC, L.BDC, subtend the same arc. They are
158 16. The Origin of Mathematics 8

therefore similar, providing as above

(c - x) : b = g : f ~ (c - x)f = bg.

Taking the two equations together, we derive the theorem of

Ptolemy for quadrangles in circles:
cf = ad + bg,
which for a rectangle is nothing else but Pythagoras's theorem. This
proof is an extraordinary piece of mathematical ingenuity and in-
sight. Moreover, it has been of eminent importance for the further
development of mathematics and its applications. This is because it
provides us with the addition theorems for the trigonometric func-
tions. Ptolemy used his theorem for the calculation of tables of
chords, which we will replace by the more familiar corresponding
values of the sine and cosine functions.
In Fig. 16.7let BD be a diameter of the circle with radius r and a
quadrangle ADBC in this circle as shown. We have DB = g = 2r and
cf = ad + 2rb,
2rb = cf - ad.

In Fig. 16.7 we find the isosceles triangles 6.AMD, 6.AMC, 6.DMC

with angles 2f3, 2(a - (3), 2a respectively at M. This implies
f- r sin a,
r cosa,
2 2
d c
- - r sin f3, - r cos f3.
2 2
- r sinea - (3),
Putting these values for a, b, c, ... into the equation above, we get
sinea - (3) = sin a cos f3 - cos a sin f3,
the first of the addition formulas for the sine and cosine functions.
The others are derived easily from this one. For many centuries, as-
tronomers have used the tables calculated by Ptolemy for the sine
and cosine functions (or rather the corresponding chords). In theo-
retical mathematics, the addition theorems provided the functional
16.6. Marcel Proust on Abstraction 159

equation tf+w = eZe w for the complex exponential function c+ iy =

c( cos y + i siny). Later on, power series methods were used for eas-
ier access, but seen historically, the generalization of Pythagoras's
theorem by Ptolemy led us far into modern mathematics.
Returning to the subject of generalizations on the whole, we no-
tice how intricate this important generalization was. Up to the time
of Euler, Ptolemy's theorem was more important than the law of
cosines, the other fundamental generalization of Pythagoras's theo-
rem. After Euler introduced the method of power series, Ptolemy
receded into history. With the advent of vector spaces, the law
of cosines and its modern equivalent, the scalar product for vec-
tors, came into the foreground. Who can predict the fortunes of
contemporary mathematical theories?

16.6 Marcel Proust on Abstraction

In "Time Regained," the last book of his monumental work Remem-
brance of Things Past, Marcel Proust develops his philosophy of art.
In a most surprising way his artistic impulses as a writer are par-
allel to those of a mathematician who works on abstractions or
generalizations. Proust writes:

There was in me a personage ... coming to life only in the presence

of some general essence common to a number of things, these
essences being its nourishment and its joy....
Just as a geometer, stripping things of their sensible qualities,
sees only the linear substratum beneath them, so the stories that
people told escaped me, for what interested me was not what they
were trying to say but the manner in which they said it and the
way in which this manner revealed their character or their foibles:
or rather I was interested in what had always, because it gave me
specific pleasure, been the goal ofmy investigations: the point that
was common to one being and another. (Proust 1981 p. 737/38)
Euclid Book

Basic Arithmetic

17.1 The Historical Background

In Prometheus Bound, Aeschylus, the first of the three great classi-
cal writers, tells us how Prometheus taught humans not just the
use of fire but also so many other worthwhile things. In particular,
Prometheus relates, "And numbers, too, the chiefest of sciences, I
invented for them" (lines 459/460). These lines, written about 465
B.C.E., bear witness to the high esteem the early Greeks had for
There is, however, a complementary way of writing about the
origins of cultural achievements. Aeschylus represents the more
mythological side of Greek thinking, whereas Herodotus, who was
writing a few years later (about 440) stands for the more practi-
cal, we might even say enlightened, way of writing historical texts.
Eudemus tells us that the Greeks learned geometry from the Egyp-
tians and arithmetic by the way of commerce from the Phoenicians.
Herodotus relates us this story about geometry (Historia 11.109) some
150 years before Eudemus. Herodotus does tell us a little more about

162 17. Euclid Book VII

arithmetic. He observes that Greeks and Egyptians calculate by us-

ing pebbles (Greek psephoi, Latin calculi) on a calculating board or
abacus (Historia 11.36). This agrees very well with the practice as-
cribed to the Pythagoreans of doing arithmetical investigations with
the help of pebbles. In the context of another story, Herodotus calcu-
lates that a 70-year-old person has lived a total of about 25,200 days
(and not a single one having been like any other of them).
Coming back to practical questions, we note that currency
exchange rates must have played a considerable role in Greek eco-
nomics. Money was introduced around 600 B.C.E., and its use spread
gradually among the Greek city-states. Weight standards for silver
coins varied among groups of city-states, creating the need among
businessmen for a mechanism for exchanging the different monies.
There is an allusion to this sort of banking business in the New
Testament, Matthew 21: 12: "And Jesus went into the temple of God,
and cast out all of them that sold and bought in the temple, and over-
threw the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them who
sold doves!' People from all over the world gathered for holy days
in Jerusalem. We can easily imagine similar commercial activities
and the presence of money changers at the great Greek festivals at
Delphi or Olympia.
Exchange rates are not really ratios, but proportions. Let us il-
lustrate this by looking at recent quotations for the present-day
currencies US dollars, Swiss francs, and German marks (DM). We
read in the paper
DM US$ 173 100,
US $ SF 100 145.

From this we can easily derive, using the Greek method of ex


DM SF 173 145.

In the time 580-480 B.C.E. the coinage of Aegina was the leading
currency (like the US $) around the Aegean sea, and transactions like
the one above are easily imaginable. Aristotle has a similar example
in his Nicomachean Ethics (1133-20-27), where the relative values of
different commodities are measured using money.
We do not know how much of Euclid's arithmetic is indebted to
commerce. However, we will see that in some of its aspects, it has
17.3. Definitions 163

strong relations to geometry. What we find in Euclid's arithmetical

books is mathematics for its own sake like the geometrical parts of
the Elements.
Very faint traces of the Pythagorean pebble arithmetic can be
seen in Euclid's books. We will return to this subject in the section
on Iamblichus and Diophantus. It is appropriate to look at Books VII,
VIII, and IX as a self-contained part of the Elements. The main topics
treated in this part are foundations (proportions, greatest common
divisor), sequences of numbers in geometric proportion, the geom-
etry of numbers (plane and solid numbers, squares and cube), and,
at the end, the elementary theory of odd and even numbers.

17.2 The Overall Composition of Book

1-4 A: The Euclidean algorithm
5-7 B: Basic statements about proportions of numbers
using Def. 20
11-16 c: Transformation of 5-7 into statements using the
word "proportion"
17-19 D: Proportions and products
20-33 E: Theory of the greatest common divisor, prime
34-39 F: Theory of the least common multiple

17.3 Definitions
The definitions at the beginning of Book VII are intended to serve for
all of VII-IX. The first five definitions are descriptions of the basic
concepts of unit, of number, and of "measuring" numbers; these def-
initions are analogous to the descriptions of point, line, etc. in Book
I. For Euclid, a number is always a natural number (integer) greater
than one. Definitions 6 to 10 concern even and odd numbers, which
clearly belong to the theory of the even and the odd in the second
164 ------------=-~,;;,..::.;;..:.~-
17. Euclid Book VII

half of Book IX. Primes, composite numbers, and multiplication are

defined in 11-15. Geometric shapes of numbers (e.g., "squares" and
"cubes") are the subject of 16-19 and 21. In Defs. 16-19 multiplica-
tion is understood to be a symmetric operation, whereas in Def. 15
multiplication is defined in an asymmetric way. The group Defini-
tions 16-19 seem to be older than Def. 15. Euclid tries to reconcile
Defs. 15 and 17 in Prop. IX. 7. Proportionality of numbers is defined
in 20, and finally, 22 says that a perfect number is the sum of its
factors other than itself; this definition is invoked only at the end of
Book IX.
In contrast to Book I, there are no postulates in a material sense
in Book VII. Addition of numbers is taken for granted with all its
properties. Although multiplication is defined in Def. IS, "measur-
ing" (i.e., dividing) is assumed to be known in Def. 3 and obviously
regarded as a more fundamental concept. We quote a selection ofdef-
initions that are either of fundamental interest or will be the most
important ones for us in the subsequent text.

Def. 1. A unit is that by virtue of which each of the things that exist
is called one.
Def.2. A number is a multitude composed of units.
Def. 3. A number is a part ofa number, the less of the greater, when
it measures the greater;
Def. 4. but parts when it does not measure it. (The meaning of Def.
4 will be explained in Prop. VIlA)
Def. 5. The greater number is a multiple of the less when it is
measured by the less.
Def. 11. A prime number is that which is measured by a unit alone.
Def. 12. Numbers prime to one another are those which are measured
by a unit alone as a common measure.
Def. 13. A composite number is that which is measured by some
Def. 15. A number is said to multiply a number when that which is
multiplied is added to itselfas many times as there are units
in the other, and thus some number is produced.
_17_._4._Bo_ok V_ll...:....:.Part..:.;.:.",;.s8!.:.O::..:ri::..:tb::,:m=-_____ 165

Def. 16. And, when two numbers having multiplied one another make
some number, the number so produced is called plane, and
its sides are the numbers which have multiplied one another.
Def. 17. And, when three numbers having multiplied one another
make some number, the number so produced is solid, and
its sides are the numbers which have multiplied one another.
Def. 18. A square number is equal multiplied by equal, or a number
which is contained by two equal numbers.
Def. 20. Numbers are proportional when the first is the same multiple,
or the same part, or the same parts, of the second that the
third is of the fourth.
Def. 21. Similar plane and solid numbers are those which have their
sides proportional.
Def. 22. A perfect number is that which is equal to its own parts.
A short look at some of the definitions reveals certain inhomo-
geneities in the text. There are several historical layers, but we don't
have the means at hand to extract a clear picture of the contributions
of the various authors who preceded Euclid.
Definition 3 presupposes that we know what it means for one
number to measure (divide) a greater one, and in Def. 5, a multi-
ple is defined in these terms. In Def. IS, however, multiplication is
introduced as a nonsymmetric operation reduced to addition, like
the scalar-vector multiplication of magnitudes by numbers in Book
V. In contrast to this, Def. 16 speaks of plane numbers produced by
two numbers multiplying one another in an obviously commutative
operation. We will have a closer look at these problems below.

17.4 Book VII, Part A: The Euclidean

Euclid's famous algorithm is the basis of his number theory. He uses
it to determine the greatest common divisor (common measure in
his terminology) just as it is used today. In this respect, nothing has
changed in the intervening 2300 years. The Euclidean algorithm
consists of repeated execution of division with remainder, which is
17. Euclid Book vn
166 - - - - - - - - - - - - ----

still among the first things learned in a modern course on num-

ber theory. Written down in a formal way, division with remainder
(DR) Let a, b be natural numbers and b > a. Then there exist
uniquely determined integers q and r such that

b = qa+r and o::: r < a.

Euclid takes (DR) for granted, as well as the following statement:
If d measures (divides) a and b, then d will measure b qa.

Prop. VII.I. (The Euclidean algorithm)

If two unequal numbers are set out and the lesser is always subtracted in
turn from the greater, then, if the remainder never measures the number
before it until a unit is left, the original numbers will be prime to each
In his typical manner, Euclid abbreviates the successive subtrac-
tion in his proof to a few steps. Let b > a be the two given numbers
and let
b =qa+r, r < a,
a = sr + t, t < r,
r = ut + 1.
If a and b had a common measure e > I, then e would measure
r, hence also a and r and consequently t and r, so that it would
measure I, which is impossible. Hence a and b are prime to each
Prop. 2.
Given two numbers not prime to one another, to find their greatest
common measure.
The proof is done in the same way as that of Prop. 1 with the
obvious modifications. In the following Prop. 3, the greatest common
measure is determined for three numbers.
The Greek word for the Euclidean algorithm seems to have
been anthyphairesis (or antaneiresis), which means something like
mutual subtraction. We will use it for segments in our section on
__ s_B_an_d_C=-l_Pro--:...Jp!i-0=-rt_i...;.o_n_fo_r_N_u_m_be_rs____ 167

17.5 Book VII, Parts Band C:

Proportion for Numbers
In order to get a better understanding of Def. 20, we will discuss it
together with

Prop. VII.4:
Any number is either a part or parts of any number, the less of the

This statement looks curious, because in Euclid's language

"parts" means a number of equal parts, and if we take the unit as
a part of the greater number a, then the smaller number b will cer-
tainly be "parts" of the greater. What is really meant is revealed by
the proof of Prop. 4. Three cases are considered. fiNe use modern
notation.) Let a > b be the numbers in question.
(i) If a and b are relatively prime, then b is divided into b units,
each of which is a part of a; hence b is "parts" of a.
(ii) If b measures a, then b is a part of a.
(iii) If b does not measure a and a and b are not relatively prime,
then let g be the greatest common measure (divisor, gcd) of a
and b and let a = kg and b = ng. Then b is a number of parts
of a, namely n parts.
Now let us look back at the definition of proportion for numbers.

Def. VII.20l
Numbers are proportional, when the first is the same multiple, or the
same part, or the same parts, of the second that the third is of the

We translate into modern formulas. Let the four numbers be a,

b, c, d.
168 17. Euclid Book VII

We have a : b = c : d if
a=nb and c=nd,
1 1
a= -b and c =-d
k k '
1 1
a= k-b and c = k-d.
n n
How can we find out whether a : b = c : d is true? Seen in
the light of Prop. VIlA, we have to determine the greatest common
divisors g = gcd(a, b) and f = gcd(c, d) and numbers k, nand 1, m
such that
a = kg = k-b
c = 1f = 1-d.
We will then have a : b = c : d if (and only if)
k=l and n=m.
Again rewritten and modernized into fractions:
a kg k
- - = - in least terms,
b ng n
c 1f
- - in least terms.
d mf m
In order to find out whether a : b = c : d, we have to know that for
each fraction ~ there is a uniquely determined reduced fraction ~ = ~.
This fact is hidden in Euclid's definition of the proportionality for
numbers. If the uniqueness of ~ were not assumed, one could not
find out whether a : b = c : d.
Euclid develops a theory of what he calls "the least numbers of
those which have the same ratio with them" in Section E (Props.
20-33) of Book VII. We will find the same assumption of existence
and uniqueness as above in Section E. Only in Prop. VII.33 does he
show how to find the "least in the same ratio" by using the gcd as we
Propositions About Proportions in Thrms of Def. 20. 169

did above. Given the position of this proposition at the end of the
section and its generality (for as many numbers as we please ... to
find the least ones in the same ratio), it appears to me to be a later
interpolation or addition to the main text.

Propositions About Proportions in

Thrms of Def. 20.
Prop. VII.S.
Ifa number is part of a number and another is the same part of another,
both together will be the same part of both together as the one is of the
Again, for the convenience of the modern reader, we will denote
the numbers etc. in the way familiar today.
1 1
If a = -b and c = -d,
n n
then a + c = -(b + d).
In the next proposition, this is extended to "parts" ~ instead of
~. Because of the logical chain starting from VII.S and leading to the
commutativity of multiplication in VII.16, we will have to have a
closer look at the proof of VII.S, again in modern notation.
The proof of VII.S:
Let a = ~b and c = ~d.
b a+a++a (ntimes),
d c+c++c (ntimes).
Hence, adding "columns,"
b + d = (a + c) + (a + c) + ... + (a + c) (ntimes),
that is,
a+c= -(b+d).
170 17. Euclid Book VII

Clearly, the commutative law for the addition of numbers is used

tacitly in this proof. We will see better what is going on if we let a = c.
Then the above calculations result in
b+d na+na 2(na),
n(a + a) n(2a).
Later on, in VII.9/19, Euclid uses VII.5/6 for any number k of
summands. This amounts to
k(na) = n(ka),
and the commutative law VII.16 of multiplication becomes clearly
visible. The logical chain leading to VII.16 is
VII.5/6 =} VII.12 =} VII.15 =} VII.16.
Another sequence leads from 5/6 to alternation of proportions
in VII.13:
VII.5/6 =} VII.9/10 =} VII.13.
From the introduction to Book V we know how alternation is
related to commutativity.
What we see behind the scenes is a rectangular array of a's with
n columns and k rows:
a a a
a a
a a
a a a

Depending on how one counts, one gets k(na) or n(ka). If a is

taken to be the unit, this will be the commutative law. In VII.l1-14
the results of 5-10 are translated from the language of parts into the
language of proportions. The latter ones are very similar in their
wording to the corresponding propositions in Book V. For instance,
VII. 12 is almost word for word the same as V, 12, just "number" and
"magnitude" are interchanged. VII.13 is alternation (like V, 16), and
VII.14 ex aequali corresponds to V. 22.
In spite of these similarities and more between propositions and
proofs for numbers and segments later on, the two theories of pro-
17.6. Book VII, Part D: Proportions and Products 171

portion for numbers and magnitudes (or segments) seem to have

different roots. All our sources from antiquity stress the difference
between discrete numbers and divisible magnitudes like segments.
Plato, for instance, speaks in detail about the "limited" (number) and
the "unlimited" (magnitude) in the Philebus (24 sq., esp. 25ab). There
may have been an attempt for a unified theory of proportion using
the Euclidean algorithm for segments as well as for numbers (cf.
Fowler [1987]). We will speak about this in connection with Book X
and the study of incommensurables. Otherwise, there is no evidence
left for any definition of proportionality other than the ones we have
in Euclid's Books V and VII. So we just cannot tell what has been
replaced by Def. VII 20, even if this and the corresponding Props.
VII.5-10 do indeed look like a new underpinning for a theory that
did exist considerably earlier.

17.6 Book VII, Part D:

Proportions and Products
This is a short but important section consisting of three propositions
only. It is closely related to some equally important theorems from
Book VI. Before going into the details, a few remarks about Euclid's
representation of numbers by segments are in order.
In the diagrams that go with most of the propositions in the arith-
metical books VII-IX, numbers are represented by segments. These
segments obviously play the role of modern variables. Sometimes a
number/segment is denoted by a single letter, like A, and even the
unit is represented (e.g., in Prop. VII.16) by a segment and letter E.
When the number has to be divided later on in the proof, the two
endpoints of the segment are labeled, and subsequently other let-
ters then are introduced to denote the parts (e.g. VII.15 where the
number EF is represented as EF = EK + KL + LF). Products of num-
bers are depicted by segments like the factors (VII.16), even if an
arrangement of dots as we had it in the last section and the analogy
to the geometric books would suggest a rectangular representation.
Later on, e.g., in VIII.18, Euclid speaks of rectangular numbers but
172 17. Euclid Book VII

If 1./


still uses segments for the pictorial representation. Let us look at

two modes of graphical representations of numbers, even if neither
of them is present in Euclid's Elements. First let a number be repre-
sented by an array of dots as suggested by the Pythagorean tradition.
(Compare the quotations from Nicomachus in the next chapter.) A
rectangular array is helpful for the visualization of a simple identity
like nk = kn, but it breaks down for a slightly more complicated
issue such as the use of a common diagonal for the visualization of
proportions, see Fig. 17.1 with the example 3: 2 and 6: 4.
If, on the other hand, one uses a unit segment for the number
unit, then the geometrical arguments from Book VI carry over to
numbers almost effortlessly. That such a representation was used in
Greek mathematics can be seen from the following quotation from
Plato, where he calls 3 and 5 oblong (Le., rectangular in contrast to
square) numbers.
Theaetetus speaks, after he has defined square numbers:

Any intermediate number, such as three or five or any number

that cannot be obtained by multiplying a number by itself, but
has one factor either greater or less than the other, so that the
sides containing the corresponding figure are always unequal, we
likened to the oblong figure, and we called it an oblong number.
Socrates: Excellent. (Plato, Theaetetus 147e9-148aS)

After Theaetetus, a prime number like 5 has factors/ sides of the

corresponding rectangular figure.
Square grids have been used by artists at least since the Middle
Kingdom (1800 B.C.E.) in Egypt for the transfer of sketches to the wall
17.6. Book VII, Part D: Proportions and Products 173

, "...

6 ./
./ V
..... ./


or for the design of sculptures. There is even a sketch of a rectangular

grid in one of the manuscripts of the Elements, but not in relation to
Figure 17.2 shows how "the least of the numbers in the same
relation with them" for short minimi (after Thisbak) could be seen
in a square grid. Let me stress, however, that nothing of this kind is
in the text of the Elements. Even if it is plausible that many of the
proofs about numbers are geometrically motivated, no arithmetical
theorem is ever proved by means of theorems from geometry (with
some exceptions discussed in Chapter 20). On the surface, arithmetic
is self sufficient.
Prop. VII.17:
If a number by multiplying two numbers makes certain numbers,
the numbers so produced will have the same ratio as the numbers
Proof (abbreviated)
The claim is
ab: ac = b: c.
Since a by multiplying b made ab, the number b measures ab
according to the units in a. Hence we have
l:a=b:ab (by Def. VII.20),
and similarly,
1: a = c: ac.
174 - - - - - - - - - - - -
17. Euclid Book VII

,L' _' ' .. ,"

. "


,,' ~

,',. "" ,

b c


From this we get

b: ab = e: ae,
and by alternation, VILl3:
b: e = ab: ae.

If we look at the geometrical representation in Fig. 17.3, we see

that VII.17 for numbers has essentially the same meaning as VLl
for segments. In fact, VILl7 is used in the proportion-product The-
orem VII.19 in exactly the same way as VLl in the corresponding
theorem for segments/rectangles, VLl6, as we will see presently.
The big difference is in the proofs of VLl and VII .17. For arbitrary
(divisible, continuous) magnitudes the difficult theory of Book V is
indispensible, while for the discrete case of numbers a much simpler
proof is possible.
Observe again that the proof of VII.17 essentially consists in
counting the small squares in Fig. 17.3 in two different ways. This
is reflected in the use of alternation, which in many cases replaces
commutativity in Euclid's arguments.
Proposition VILl8 is the version b : e = ba : ea of VII. 17 and is
reduced to the latter by using the commutative law established in
Prop. VII.19 (Proportion-product theorem, modern notation)
For any numbers a, b, e, d:
a:b=e:d ad = be.
17.6. Book VII, Part D: Proportions and Products 175

This is the arithmetical version of the proportion-product theo-

rem VI. 14/16 in geometry. (For the proofobserve that Euclid, having
to work without a convenient notation for products, uses ad = E,
be = F, and the auxiliary number ae = g.)
Proof, part (i): From VII.17/18 we get
a:b=ae:be and e: d = ac: ad.
Now, from a: b = e : d we infer
ae : be = ae : ad,
and from this be = ad is immediate.
For part (ii), reverse all steps in part (i) ofthe proof.
There is a curious, but revealing, little line in the proofs of VI.16
and VII.20. In both cases Euclid says at the beginning of part (ii) of
the proof,

"For, with the same construction .. . /1

and continues with equal rectangles in Book VI and with equal num-
bers (ae = be) in Book VII. What should the construction be in Book
VII? It is the construction of a gnomon like the one in Book VI
(Fig. 17.4).
There is a fragment by the Pythagorean philosopher Philolaos of
Croton that is discussed in detail by Burkert [1972, p. 273] and that
is related to the above remarks. Philolaos himself lived around 450
B.C.E., but the fragment includes so many Platonic and Aristotelian
allusions that most likely it is spurious. Even if it was written by

Cl 0 0
b - - - -....
C ..--0
be 0-0---------4.
Q.C 0 - 0 - - - -....
4. b

FIGURE 17.4 (a) Euclid's figure (b) Gnomon

176 - - - - - - - - - - - -17.-Euclid
- -Book

some other author around, 300 B.C.E., it sheds some light on to the
use of geometric methods in arithmetic: Number causes

in the mind, in accordance with perception, everything to be

knowable and conforming to each other in the way of a gnomon,
composing and separating the ratios ofthings, separately the finite
and infinite ones. (Philolaos fragment B 11 Diels-Kranz)

"The finite and infinite ones" has to be read as "the limited and
the unlimited" or as "discrete and nondiscrete ones" as in other con-
texts of this kind. The fragment would then indicate the use of the
gnomon in arithmetic as well as in geometry. Whatever the value
of this fragment may be, the evidence for use of geometric ideas for
arithmetical proofs will become overwhelmingly clear in the course
of our discussion of Book VIII.

17.7 Book VII, Part E: The Greatest

Common Divisor and
Prime Divisors
The preparatory sections of Book VII are complete with Prop. VII.19.
Basic number theory starts with Prop. VII.20. After quoting this
proposition we will discuss the involved concept of "minimi!'
Prop. VII.20.
The least numbers ofthose which have the same ratio with them measure
those which have the same ratio the same number of times, the greater
the greater and the less the less.
The fundamental importance of this theorem has been worked
out by M. Thisbak [1971]. As mentioned earlier, we will follow Thisbak
and call "the least of those which have the same ratio with them" the
minimi in the collection of all pairs of numbers that have a certain
given ratio. Apparently, Euclid takes the existence and uniquenes
of the minimi in a class of pairs of numbers with the same ratio
for granted, as we have already observed in our discussion of Def.
17.7. Book VII, Part E: Greatest Common Divisor 177

The proof of Prop. 20 is as follows: Let r, s be minimi and a : b =

r : S. We have to find a number n such that a = nr and b = ns. By
hypothesis, we have r ::: a (and s ::: b), and by Prop. VilA, r is either
part or parts of a, that is, r = ~a or r = ~a with k > 1. The last
possibility has to be ruled out. If r = ~a and k > 1, then s = ~b as
well, and r' = ~a would be smaller than r, and together with s' = ~b
would constitute a pair r', s' such that r' : s' = a : band r' < rand
s' < s, in contradiction to r, s being minimi.
Observe that as in geometry, Euclid does not speak explicitly
about any properties of ordering. In this case he even has a sort of
ordering of pairs of numbers, suggesting a picture like Fig. 17.2 or
something similar for a class of pairs of numbers in the same ratio.
In the next propositions we obtain more information about
Prop. VII.21.
Numbers prime to one another are minimi.

Prop. VII.22.
Minimi are prime to one another.

There is one more basic proposition about minimi, which comes

at the very end of part E of Book VII just before the theory of the
least common multiple starts. It looks very much like a later addition
to the original part E. In fact, only in Prop. VII.33 are we told how
to find minimi, and this not only for pairs of numbers, but for as
many numbers as we please. In this general aspect VII.33 also serves
later developments in Books VIII/IX, but from its content it clearly
belongs to one group of propositions with VII. 20, 21, 22.
Prop. VII.33.
Given as many numbers as we please, to find the least of those which
have the same ratio with them.

As usual, Euclid takes three numbers for lias many as we please;'

We will be content with two numbers a, b. If gcd(a, b) = I, then a,
b are prime to one another and are minimi by VII.21. If gcd(a, b) =
d > I, then for some numbers u, v, we have a = ud and b = vd.
By VII.17/18 we may cancel d and have a : b = u : v. Now let r, s
be minimi for a, b. Then Euclid shows that r = u and s = v. Thus
178 17. Euclid Book VII

again the existence and uniqueness of minimi is assumed from the

outset. We are merely told how to find them.
In the next group of Propositions, VII.23-28, Euclid explores how
the concept ofbeing relatively prime for two numbers a, b is related
to forming products and sums. We again use modern notation and
abbreviate "relatively prime" by gcd(a, b) = 1. In this shorthand the
systematic development of 23-28 becomes most obvious.
VII, 23: gcd(a, b) = 1 and c divides a ~ gcd(c, b) = 1.
VII, 24: gcd(a, b) = 1 and gcd(c, b) = 1 ~ gcd(ac, b) = 1.
VII, 25: gcd(a, b) = 1 ~ gcd(a 2 , b) = 1.
VII, 26: gcd(a, b) = 1 ~ gcd(a 2 , b2 ) = 1.
VII, 27: gcd(a, b) = 1 => gcd(a 3 , b3 ) = 1 = gcd(a n , bn ).
VII, 28: gcd(a, b) = 1 <:} gcd(a + b, b) = 1.
On this occasion Euclid again teaches us much more about math-
ematics than some simple facts. He shows us how in a systematic
exposition one has to investigate how a new concept-in this case
"relatively prime" - is related to preceding concepts and operations-
in this case multiplication and addition. It is quite the same if one
shows, e.g., in a calculus course, how the concept of continuity is
related to the multiplication and addition of functions.

Prime Divisors
In the last part ofSection E, Props. VII 29-32, two lemmas are proved
whose combination is known today as the fundamental theorem of
arithmetic: Every number n > 1 has a unique factorization into prime
numbers. We will see how close Euclid's propositions come to this
theorem, but in fact, it is not in the Elements.

Prop. VII.29.
Any prime number is prime to any number which it does not

Let p be a prime number, and let it not measure a. If p and a had

a common measure c > I, then this would have to be smaller than
p and measure p, which is impossible.
Prime Divisors 179

Prop. VII.30.
If two numbers by multiplying one another make some number, and
some prime number measures the product, it will also measure one of
the original numbers.

Euclid's proof is as follows: Let a, b be the numbers multiplied

and let the prime p divide (measure) abo It has to be shown that p
divides a or p divides b. Because p divides c = ab, there is a number
e such thatpe = c = abo Frompe = ab we getp: a = b : e after the
proportion-product theorem VII.19. Ifp divides a, nothing remains
to be shown. If p does not divide a, then by the last proposition we
have gcd(p, a) = I, and by VII.21 the numbers p, a are minimi. Now,
the essential step of the proof is the application of VII.20, to the
effect that because p, a are minimi, there is a number n such that
np = band na = e; hence p divides b.
In modern treatments of number theory, Prop. VII.30 is called
the prime divisor property (PD). With the usual convention xly for
x divides y it reads:
(PD) p prime and plab ~ pia or plb.
(A short proof of (PD) based on the Euclidean algorithm is
standard in cO~lfses on number theory.)

Prop. VII.31.
A nycomposite number is measured by some prime number.

Let the number a be composite. Since it is composite, some number
b will measure (divide) it. If b is prime, we have found what we
were looking for. If not, some other number c (=1= 1) will divide band
hence also a. If c is prime ... and so on.
Euclid concludes: "Thus, if the investigation is continued in this
way, some prime number will be found which will measure the
number before it, which will also measure a.
"For, ifit is not found, an infinite series of numbers will measure
the number a, each ofwhich is less than the other: This is impossible
in numbers!'

In the hands of P. Fermat (1601-1665) this method of "infinite

descent" became a famous principle of proof in number theory. It
180 17. Euclid Book VII

can be transformed into the method of mathematical induction, but

there are no traces of a proofby induction in Euclid's work.
The next proposition is an easy extension of the last one:

Prop. VII.32.
A ny number is either prime or measured by some prime number.

An immediate consequence of these propositions is the factor-

ization of any number a into a product of prime numbers. When we
write this down,
(F) a = Pl" 'Pn,
we realize in the same moment that Euclid lacked the formal means
for such a statement. Anyway, he invented many clever things and
could have found a substitute for this. In the beginnings of a modern
course in number theory, one would use VII.32 for the existence and
(PD) in a slightly extended variant in order to prove the uniqueness
of (F). Let

PI ... pn = a = qi ... qr

be two representations of a as a product of primes. By (PD), the

prime PI will divide one of the primes qi, and hence PI = qi. Cancel
PI and qi and proceed similarly with Pz. In the end, after some rear-
rangement of the %' one will get n = rand Pj = qj for j = I, ... , n.
This completes the proof of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic
based on VII 30.32.
Why did Euclid (or any other Greek mathematician) not prove
the fundamental theorem? This is in a way the same question as,
Why didn't the Greeks invent the bicycle? Given their ability to build
wonderfully efficient chariots for horse racing, the technology of
building something like the first Draisine of K. Drais (1817) was cer-
tainly in their hands-but they just didn't do it, and so they just
didn't think of stating and proving the fundamental theorem of arith-
metic. The first mathematician who cared to prove the uniqueness
part ofthe fundamental theorem was C. F. Gauss in his Arithmetical
Investigations of 1801, article 16.
There is, however, one theorem in the Elements that comes rather
close to the fundamental theorem. It reads:
- ---------------
Prime Divisors

Prop. IX, 14.

If a number is the least measured by prime numbers, it will be measured
by no other prime number outside of those originally measuring it.

Before we look at the proof, let us observe two things: (i) Euclid
gets around a product a = PI ... Pn by saying that the Pi measure a
certain number a. (ii) He speaks of the least number measured by
certain prime numbers. This implies that every prime Pi occurs only
once as a factor of a, or, in a modern phrase, that a is square-free.
Even ifhe has found a way out of his dilemma in (i), he still will not
say something like pIX measures a.
It is characteristic that the proof of Prop. IX, 14 uses the prime
divisor property (PD), VII.30, in a way similar to our proof ofthe fun-
damental theorem above. It is as follows: Let a be the least number
divided by the primes b, c, d. It has to be shown that no other prime
e divides a. Assume that a prime e different from b, c, d divides a
and a = ef, where f < a. By the prime divisor property (PD), each
of b, c, d will divide e or f. Now, they cannot divide e by assumption;
hence they have to divide f, which is less than a. Contradiction.
As the proof goes, it really depends on a being square free;
otherwise one could not get the contradiction.
The two propositions preceding IX, 14 are, like IX. 14, concerned
with what we would call special cases of the fundamental theorem.
A statement using modern notation is as follows:

Prop. IX. 12.

P divides an :::} P divides a.

Prop. IX. 13.

The only divisors of pn are P, p2 , ... , pn-I . (1 and pn are not counted
as divisors.)

In the proof of IX. 12, Prop. VII.20 is used in the same way as in
the proof of (PD), but (PD) itself is not quoted. The proof of IX. 13
depends on IX. 12.
182 17. Euclid Book VII

17.8 Book VII, Part F: The Least

Common Multiple
In this part of Book VII, the least common multiple of two or more
numbers is constructed, and its properties are investigated. No im-
portant new insights into Euclid's way of thinking would be gained
by reporting the details.
The Origin of
Nicomachus and

Aside from Euclid, there are two mathematicians from antiquity

whose books about arithmetic have survived.

18.1 Nicomachus: Introduction to

Nicomachus of Gerasa lived around 100 C.E. He probably studied at
Alexandria, at that time the center of mathematical studies and of
neo-Pythagoreanism. It may be that he preserves some Pythagorean
doctrines about numbers in his writings. His mathematical style is
quite different from Euclid's. He describes numbers and presents
some concepts, makes excursions into philosophy, but never proves

184 18. The Origin of Mathematics 9

anything. In strong contrast to Euclid, who mentions not one spe-

cific number in his arithmetical books, he always uses numerical
examples. A few selected quotations will bring out the flavor of
Nicomachus's work. They are all from the translation of M. D'Ooge
After some general introductory remarks, Nicomachus mentions
arithmetic, geometry, music (harmonics), and astronomy. He then
argues that arithmetic is the foremost of these:

I, Ch. IV:
[1] Which then of these four methods must we first learn? Evi-
dently, the one which naturally exists before them all, is superior
and takes the place of origin and root and, as it were, of mother to
the others.
[2] And this is arithmetic, not solely because we said that it ex-
isted before all the others in the mind ofthe creating God like some
universal and exemplary plan, relying upon which as a design and
archetypal example the creator of the universe sets in order his
material creations and makes them attain to their proper ends; but
also because it is naturally prior in birth, inasmuch as it abolishes
other sciences with itself, but is not abolished together with them.
I, Ch. V:
[3] So then we have rightly undertaken first the systematic
treatment of this, as the science naturally prior, more honorable,
and more venerable, and, as it were, mother and nurse of the rest;
and here we will take our start for the sake of clearness.
Only in Ch. VII does Nicomachus start to speak about numbers:
I, Ch. VII:
[1] Number is limited multitude or a combination of units or a
flow ofquantity made up of units; and the first division of number
is even and odd.
[2] The even is that which can be divided into two equal parts
without a unit intervening in the middle; and the odd is that which
cannot be divided into two equal parts because of the aforesaid
intervention of a unit.
[3] Now this is the definition after the ordinary conception;
by the Pythagorean doctrine, however, the even number is that
which admits of division into the greatest and the smallest parts
at the same operation, greatest in size and smallest in quantity, in
18.1. Nicomachus: Introduction to Arithmetic 185

accordance with the natural contrariety of these two genera; and

the odd is that which does not allow this to be done to it, but is
divided into two unequal parts.

In his definition of number, Nicomachus goes beyond Euclid in

allowing "a flow of quantity made up of units" to be a number, for
instance days or years or, we might add, segments built up from unit
Prime numbers are introduced in Ch. XI.

I, Ch. XI:
[2] Now the first species, the prime and incomposite, is found
whenever an odd number admits of no other factor save the one
with the number itself as denominator, which is always unity; for
example, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19,23,29,31. None of these numbers
will by any chance be found to have a fractional part with a de-
nominator different from the number itself, but only the one with
this as denominator, and this part will be unity in each case; for
3 has only a third part, which has the same denominator as the
number and is of course unity,S a fifth, 7 a seventh, and 11 only
an eleventh part, and in all of them these parts are unity.

He goes on to describe relatively prime pairs of numbers, the

sieve of Eratosthenes for the identification of prime numbers, and
similar things. One topic that has become popular outside of mathe-
matics, even if only because of the name, is that of perfect numbers.
Euclid merely shows how to construct perfect numbers in his Book
IX, but Nicomachus describes them:

I, Ch. XVI:
[2] Now when a number, comparing with itself the sum and
combination of all the factors whose presence it will admit, nei-
ther exceeds them in multitude nor is exceeded by them, then such
a number is properly said to be perfect, as one which is equal to
its own parts. Such numbers are 6 and 28; for 6 has the factors
half, third, and sixth, 3, 2, and I, respectively, and these added
together make 6 and are equal to the original number, and neither
more nor less. 1Wenty-eight has the factors half, fourth, seventh,
fourteenth, and twenty-eighth, which are 14, 7, 4, 2 and 1; these
added together make 28, and so neither are the parts greater than
186 18. The Origin of Mathematics 9

the whole nor the whole greater than the parts, but their com-
parison is in equality, which is the peculiar quality of the perfect
[5] It comes about that even as fair and excellent things are few
and easily enumerated while ugly and evil ones are widespread, so
also the superabundant and deficient numbers are found in great
multitude and irregularly placed-for the method of their discov-
ery is irregular-but the perfect numbers are easily enumerated
and arranged with suitable order; for only one is found among the
units, 6, only one other among the tens, 28, and a third in the rank
of the hundreds, 496 alone, and a fourth within the limits of the
thousands, that is, below ten thousand, 8128. And it is their ac-
companying characteristic to end alternately in 6 or 8, and always
to be even.

Superabundant numbers are those the sum whose of factors

(parts) is greater than the number itself, for deficient numbers the
sum is less.
Some ofNicomachus's topics are quite elementary. In I, Ch. XIX,
for instance, he presents a multiplication table. Before doing this,
however, he allows us to have a look into a classroom in antiquity:

I, Ch. XVII:
[6] The unequal, on the other hand, is split up by subdivisions,
and one part of it is the greater, the other the less, which have op-
posite names and are antithetical to one another in their quantity
and relation. For the greater is greater than some other thing, and
the less again is less than another thing in comparison, and their
names are not the same, but they each have different ones, for
example, "father" and "son," "striker" and "struck;' "teacher" and
"pupil," and the like.

Part of Nicomachus's Book II is devoted to the geometric repre-

sentation of numbers. As a sample we take his description of square
numbers (after the triangular numbers):

II, Ch. IX:

[1 ] The square is the next number after this, which shows us no
longer 3, like the former, but 4 angles in its graphic representation,
Diophantus 187

but is none the less equilateral. Thke, for example, 1,4, 9, 16, 25,
36, 49, 64, 81, 100; for the representations of these numbers are
equilateral, square figures, as here shown; and it will be similar as
far as you wish to go:
a a a a a
a a a a a a a a a
aaa a a a a a a a a a
a a aaa a a a a a a a a a
a a a aaa a a a a a a a a a
1 4 9 16 25
[2] It is true of these numbers, as it was also of the preceding,
that the advance in their sides progresses with the natural series.
The side of the square potentially first, I, is 1; that of 4, the first
in actuality, 2; that of 9, actually the second, 3; that of 16, the next
actually the third, 4; that of the fourth, 5; of the fifth, 6, and so on
in general with all that follow.
[3] This number also is produced if the natural series is ex-
tended in a line, increasing by I, and no longer the successive
numbers are added to the numbers in order, as was shown before,
but rather all those in alternate places, that is, the odd numbers.
For the first, I, is potentially the first square; the second, 1 plus 3,
is the first in actuality; the third, 1 plus 3 plus 5, is the second in
actuality; the fourth, 1 plus 3 plus 5 plus 7, is the third in actuality;
the next is produced by adding 9 to the former numbers, the next
by the addition of 11, and so on.

Nicomachus's work seems to have been much more popular in

antiquity than Euclid's Elements. Many more manuscripts of the
Introduction to Arithmetic have survived than of the Elements.

Diophantus of Alexandria may have lived around 250 C.E .. His main
work is the Arithmetica consisting of thirteen books, six of which
survive in their original form and four more in Arabic translations.
The first commentator on Diophantus was Hypatia, the daughter of
Theon of Alexandria, around 400 C.E .. Diophantus's style is again
188 ~18=._T~h=e::..O=n:.:~gi=n:....:o:.:.f.::M=a=th=e=ma==ti=C=_8.=.9

very different from either Euclid's or Nicomachus's. He poses prob-

lem after problem, always with solutions in specific numbers, and no
connecting text, no theory, no comment. By stating suitable condi-
tions, he makes sure to get a rational solution for any ofhis problems.
From this we have today's custom to speak of Diophantine problems
if we will accept only integer (or rational) solutions.
In what follows we quote the introductory remarks of Diophan-
tus, some elementary problems from his Book I, and one example
from a later book. This last one is typical of his advanced problems
and is presented in order to show how skillfully Diophantus manipu-
lates very big numbers. (Our text is based on the English translation
by Heath and the German one by Czwalina. For a short but very
instructive introduction to Diophantus's work see Stillwell [1998],

18.2 Diophantus: The Arithmetica

From Book I:

Knowing, my most esteemed friend Dionysius, that you are
anxious to learn how to investigate problems in numbers, I have
tried, beginning from the foundations on which the science is built
up, to set forth to you the nature and power subsisting in numbers.
Perhaps the subject will appear rather difficult, inasmuch as
it is not yet familiar (beginners are, as a rule, too ready to despair
of success); but you, with the impulse of your enthusiasm and the
benefit of my teaching, will find it easy to master; for eagerness
to learn, when seconded by instruction, ensures rapid progress.

Problem 1. Tb divide a given number into two having a given

Given number 100, given difference 40.
Lesser number reqUired x. Therefore
2x+40 = 100,
x = 30.
18.2. Diophantu8: The Arithmema 189

The required numbers are 70, 30.

Problem 2. Th divide a given number into two having a given
Given number 60, given ratio 3 : 1.
TWo numbers x, 3x. Therefore x = 15.
The numbers are 45,15.

Problem 27. Th find two numbers such that their sum and
product are given numbers.
Necessary condition. The square of half the sum must exceed
the product by a square number.

Given sum 20, given product 96.

2x the difference of the required numbers.
Therefore the numbers are 10 + x, 10 - x.
Hence 100 - x2 = 96.
Therefore x = 2, and
the required numbers are 12, 8.

For this problem we may offer a geometric and algebraic inter-

pretation. We are given a rectangle with sides y, z and know the
sum b = y + z of the sides and the area c = yz. Note that because
Diophantus deals with numbers, he has no difficulties with dimen-
sions, as did Euclid, who would see c as a rectangle in contrast to the
segments y, z, b.
A modern solution would use z = b - y and have

y(b - y) = c,
y2-by+c 0,

(y-~r = -

Y = ~+J~2_C
2 4 '

z - ~2 - J~24 -c
190 1::..:8:..:.._Th=e::..:O.=..=.:ri:2gin:::....:o:..:f...:M=a::..:th=ema=ti:..:.c:..:8--=.9

Diophantus'ssolution is equally general. He has y - z = 2x and

b b
y - - +x and z = --x
2 2 '
C - _x 2 ,
x2 - - -c.

Thus he will get y, z as above. His condition ,,~2 - c must be a

square" makes sure that he has a rational solution. (This is similar
to Euclid's condition in Prop. VI.28.)
The inherent structure ofa quadratic problem is always the same,
independent of the specific ways of literary expression.
From Book V:
Preceding the problem quoted below are some lemmas. The first
one (to Probl. V. 6) shows how to find different right triangles with
equal area. Diophantus presents the triangles with sides (40, 42, 58),
(24,70,74), (15,112, 113), the area of each being 840. The next lemma
shows how to find three numbers such that the products of the three
pairs from these numbers shall be respectively equal to three given
Problem 8. 7b find three numbers a, hi c such that the product of
any two of them plus or minus their sum a + b + c gives a square.
Solution: As in the first lemma, we find three right angled tri-
angles with equal areas; the squares oftheir hypotenuses are 3364,
5476,12769. Now find, as in the second lemma, three numbers p, q,
r such that the products of the three pairs are equal to these squares
We took the above numbers because each of them plus or minus
the fourfold area, which is 3360, gives a square.
The three numbers p, q, r are then

4292 380132 618788

P = 113' q = 4292 ' 4292 '
The products of any two of these are the above squares.
We will need to have the sum of the three numbers equal to
3360x 2 . For that, calculate, with the common denominator 484996,
18.2. Diophantus: The Arithmetica 191

for p, q, r:
px + qx + rx = 484996 (18421264 + 42954916 + 69923044)x

With this equal to 3360x 2 we find
131299224 781543
1629586560 9699920
Hence the three numbers are
781543 b = 781543 781543
a=--- c=--
255380' 109520' 67280
(The program Derive confirms Diophantus's assertions. For

b b [75809671]2
c-(a+ +c)= 9699920

What Diophantus could not find was a rational right triangle with
square area. Fermat showed that such a triangle does not exist; see
Stillwell [1998].)
Euclid Book

Numbers in Continued
Proportion, the
Geometry of Numbers

19.1 The Overall Composition of Books

There is no break in the contents between Books VIII and IX. Book
IX just continues to treat the problems from the end of Book VIII.
For that reason we will show the internal subdivisions of the two
books in one picture.
1-3 A: Numbers in continued proportion
4-5 'TWo singletons
6-10 A: continued
11-27 B: The geometry of numbers: similar plane and solid
numbers, mean proportionals

194 1::..::9:..:...--=E::..::u:.:c=lid.::...=Bo.:...o:..::k=-V.:....:I:=II

Book IX
1-6 B: continued
7 Three factors make a solid number (singleton)
8-10 c: Numbers in continued proportion starting from 1
11-14 D: Prime factors of numbers
15-19 E: When does a third or fourth proportional for
numbers exist?
20 F: There are infinitely many prime numbers (singleton)
21-36 G: The theory of even and odd numbers, the construction
of even perfect numbers

19.2 Book VIII, Part A: Numbers in

Continued Proportion
When Euclid speaks of "as many numbers as we please in continued
proportion," as usual he takes a few numbers a, b, c, d and assumes

a :b= b:c = C: d,
which in today's formulas could be expressed (with b = aq etc.) as
a : aq = aq : aq2 = aq2 : aq3,
so that we are speaking of a geometric sequence like a, aq, aq2, aq3.
There are certain inhomogeneities in Euclid's text that are discussed
by various authors; see; e.g., Mueller [1981, p. 83.]-
Propositions VIII .1-3 generalize the properties of minimi from
Props. VII.21122 to numbers in continued proportion. Proposition
VIII.5 is a singleton closely related to Prop. VI.23, which is similarly
isolated in Book VI.

Prop. VIII.5.
Plane numbers have to one another the ratio compounded of the ratios
of their sides.
Let the plane numbers be a = cd and b = ef with their "sides" c,
d and e, f respectively. Then the ratio a : b is "compounded" from
c : e and d : f. (There is no formal definition of compounding in the
19.3. Book VllI, Part B: The Geometry of Numbers 195

Elements.) In the modern notation of fractions this is simply

a cd c d
- -
b ef e f
This is as close as Euclid ever comes to any operation with frac-
tions. In particular, there is no trace whatsoever of the addition of
fractions or ratios. Ratios are not numbers for Euclid. We have seen
that this is very different for Diophantus.
In Prop. VI.23 practically the same statement as in VIII.S is made
for rectangles (or equiangular parallelograms) and their sides. The
proof of VIII.S follows exactly the lines of VI.23. Again, the arith-
metical proof uses VII.17 where the geometrical one has VI.1. Both
VI.23 and VIII. 5 are never used again in the Elements. They look like
later additions to the text.
After the interpolation of Props. VIII. 4/5 the text goes on
about numbers in continued proportion. As usual, Euclid gives no
numerical example, but we may as well do so and look at
81 : 54 - 54 : 36 = 36: 24 - 24: 16,
p4 : (p3 q ) _ (p3 q ): (p2 q 2) (p2 q2) : (pq3) = (pl): q4.

The logical chain of the propositions in part A of Book VIII is

straightforward: (1) => (2) => (3) => (6) => (7). Throughout, heavy
use is made ofthe theory ofminimi from Book VII. We have seen that
this is Euclid's substitute for the uniqueness of prime factorization.
Prop. VIII. 7.
If there are as many numbers as we please in continued proportion, and
the first measures the last, it will measure the second also.
This has important implications in part B.

19.3 Book VIII, Part B: The Geometry

of Numbers
Plato writes about proportions and means:
196 19. Euclid Book VIII

'IWo things cannot be rightly put together without a third; there

must be some bond of union between them. And the fairest bond
is that which makes the most complete fusion of itself and the
things which it combines, and proportion is best adapted to effect
such a union. For whenever in any three numbers, whether cube
or square, there is a mean, which is to the last term what the first
term is to it. ...
Ifthe universal frame had been created a surface only and hav-
ing no depth, a single mean would have sufficed to bind together
itself and the other terms, but now, as the world must be a solid,
and solid bodies are always compacted not by one mean but by
two.... (Timaeus 31b-32b)

These lines have to be read in the context of Plato's cosmology,

but for us it is enough to see how important the mean proportionals
have been for him. He postulates one mean proportional in the plane
case and two mean proportionals in the solid case. Moreover, he
speaks of numbers, but combines them with aspects of surfaces and
solids. We find this same combination and terminology in Euclid's
Book VIII. Here again the proofs are purely arithmetical, but the
leading ideas come from geometry, as we will see.
Euclid gives the plane and the solid cases a parallel treatment. For
instance, Props. 14, 18,20,16 are about "plane" numbers, and Props.
15,19,21,27 are about "solids." The solid case has close connections
to some theorems about solid bodies in Book XI. It turns out that the
question of two mean proportionals to numbers (or segments) a, b,
like a : x = X : y = y : b, is closely related to the problem of doubling
a cube. That is why we will postpone the solid case to our study of
Book XI and content ourselves here with "plane" numbers.
The problem of finding a mean proportional m for any segments
a, b such that a : m = m : b has been solved in Prop. VI.13. The
solution is general. Whatever the segments a, b are, it is always
possible to construct m, essentially with the help of the theorem of
Pythagoras. The arithmetical problem is very different: For some
pairs of numbers, like a = 3 and b = 12, a mean proportional m = 6
exists, but for others, like a = 4 and b = 12 it does not exist. Hence
we have the attractive problem of characterizing those pairs a, b of
numbers that have a mean proportional m. Euclid solves it in Props.
19.3. Book VIII, Part B: The Geometry of Numbers
-----'---------'''--------- 197

VIII, 18120, basically by introducing the concept of "similar plane

numbers" as defined in Def. VII.l6. The whole group ofDefs. VII.l6-
19 belongs to this section of Book VIII. The notions of duplicate and
triplicate ratios, which are used in this context, are defined in Book
V, Defs. 9 and 10. Magnitudes (and numbers, we may assume) a, b
are in the duplicate ratio of a : m if a : m = m : b, and similarly
for the triplicate ratio with two means. No use is made of compound
ratios in this context.
A word more should be said about similar plane numbers. Sim-
ilar plane numbers are those that have their sides proportional. It
remains an open question whether Euclid would accept 1 5 = 5 and
1 . 5 = 5 as similar plane numbers. (Remember that Plato called 5 a
rectangular number.) Cases like a = 23 = 6 and b = 23 = 6 as
plane numbers and m = 6 as mean proportional would certainly be
of no great interest for Euclid, but they are not excluded. However,
in the proof of Prop. VIII.20 it would turn out, in this case, that 1 : 1
would be the minimi for 6 : 6, and 1 6 should be considered to
be plane. The best we can do is to leave these difficulties aside and
always look at the "general" case. We will follow Euclid's text step by
step, but ignore cubes and less essential remarks. As a shorthand, we
will use modern notation, and occasionally write xly for "x measures
(or divides) y:'

Prop. VIII.n.
Between two square numbers a = c2 and b = d 2 there is one mean pro-
portional number cd, and the square has to the square the ratio duplicate
of that which the side has to the side.

This is the easy first case of the general problem with the easy
proof for c2 : cd = cd : d 2 (Remember from the introduction to Book
V that the Parthenon temple in Athens is constructed according to
the ratio 9 : 4 throughout.)

Prop. VIII.14.
a 2 1b2 {} alb.

The proof of this proposition, especially for the case a 2 1b2 ~

alb, relies upon Prop. VIII.7 and hence, as we have mentioned, on
Euclid's substitute "minimi" for the unique factorization of primes.
198 ---------_=.:........:==:.:..:..-=-.:...::.::.-:..=
19. Euclid Book VIII

Prop. VIII.18.
(i) Between two similar plane numbers there is one mean proportional
Prop. VIII.20.
If one mean proportional number falls between two numbers, the
numbers will be similar plane numbers.
Prop. VIII.18
continued: (ii) And the plane number has to the plane number the ratio
duplicate of that which the corresponding side has to the corresponding
Proof of 18 (i).
Let a, b be the two similar plane numbers with sides c, d of a and
e, f of b, and c : d = e : f and a = cd and b = ef according to the
definition of similar plane numbers. For the following arguments
using a gnomon, see Fig. 19.1 Euclid shows only segments as in
Fig. 17.4 (a):
c : d = e : f => c : e = d : f by alternation.
Let m = ed an auxiliary number. Then
m : b = ed : ef = d : f;

hence a : g = g : b and a, b have the mean proportional m.

Proof of Prop. 20:
Assume a : m = m : b. It has to be shown that a, b are plane numbers
and that their sides are proportional. Let d : e be minimi for a : m,
and hence for m : b as well. Then there are numbers k, n such that
a = kd and m = ke and m = nd and b = ne.. This is a factorization
for a and b, hence, they are plane numbers. We have to show that
their sides k, d and n, e are proportional. We know that
d : e = (kd) : (ke) = a : m = m : b,
m : b = (nd) : (ne) = (ke) : (ne)
=k: n
19.3. Book VIII, Part B: The Geometry of Numbers 199

00000 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0
; I I I '" 010 0 000000 0
I I I 00100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-!-ll,-, ooloooo~"'~ooo

010 0 0 0
0 0

00' 0
0 e
11-1!: I I 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
~- :-r+-.+-+1---1-71
0 f-"9E-o+'O+O=+O=+=-Of..=:o+=o+':o+o::+:::-J
O'o!O 0,0 oloT-o
o 0 0 0 0 010' 0 I
<: .. ,ole
o;'+>I.::lof-+, -T+-++-+-+-+-+++-H

0,of 6 10 1o 0:'1 T
Iq.,j'o 0 0 Q 0 0 <:I

FIGURE 19.1 a = 68 and b = 912 and 6: 8 = 9 : 12 and m = 72 =

89 = 612.

because nd = m = ke.
From d : e = k : n we derive by alternation
d: k = e: n,
and the sides of a and b are proportional.
In spite of the same numbers, the picture of this proof looks
different from Fig. 19.1. Assume a = 48 and m = 72 and b = 108.
Then the minimi are 2 : 3 = d : e, and we will have k = 24 and
n = 36, and the picture will look something like Fig. 19.2.
Observe that nd and ke appear as the "so-called complements" of
"the schema" of Prop. 1.43.
Proof of Prop. VIII.18 eii):
The similar plane numbers are a, b as in 18 (i) with factors a = cd and
b = ef and c : d = e : f. We had g = ed = cf and a : g = C : e = d : f
and a : g = g : b. By definition, a: b is the duplicate ratio of the ratio
of the sides c : e.

200 ---------_--=...:....:.......:::...;,..,~--
19. Euclid Book VIII

Let us try to discuss the problem of Prop. VIII.20 once more, but
this time using the modern tool ofunique prime factorization. Euclid
uses minimi and goes back through a whole series of preparatory
statements. By establishing a clear mathematical picture, we will
obtain a clearer view of the historical situation.
Let a, m, b be numbers such that
a: m=m: b.
Assume that a has the prime factorization

a -- Y 2PI h
... Pt, were PIPt is square-free.
Then, because ab = m 2 , the prime factorization of b must be
b -- S
Pl. Pt,
with some square S2 and PI ... Pt as above. Forbrevity write PI ... Pt =
q; hence a = y2q and b = S2q with q square-free.
Return from this point to the definition of similar numbers with
sides c, d of a and e, f of b proportional and let x, y be minimi for
c : d. Then xy = q is the "area" of the small rectangle contained by
the sides x, y. Because x, yare minimi, we find y, s such that c = 'X,
d = ry and e = sx, f = sy. The small rectangle enlarged by the
factor y produces the plane number a and enlarged by s produces
the similar plane number b.
Before going on to the general situation let us isolate two extreme
cases. If a = y2 and b = S2, we have

as in VII I.I 1.
If a( = q) and b are square-free, then

is the only possibility because of the unique factorization into

What makes Euclid's solution interesting is his combination of
the extreme cases into a general solution of his problem. We return
to a = y2q and b = S2 q. This implies m = Ysq, again by unique prime
factorization. Since a common factor ofy, s could be canceled, let us
19.3. Book VIII, Part B: The Geometry of Numbers 201
assume that gcd(r, s) = 1 and r, s are the corresponding minimi d, e
of Euclid. Then
a :m r : S and a = rk, m = sk with k = rq;
m : b = r: sand m = m, b = sn, with n = sq.
Hence the "sides" of the numbers a, bare r, k and s, n
respectively. From the equality m = sk we derive
r: k = s: n,

and the "sides" of the "plane numbers" are proportional.

This modern analysis of similar plane numbers will suffice to
make the next two statements of Euclid obvious. Euclid himself goes
back to Prop. VIII.20.
Prop. VIII.26.
If a, b are similar plane numbers, then there exist numbers r, s such that
a: b = r 2 : S2.

Prop. IX. 1,2:

a, b are similar plane numbers {:} There exists a number m such that
ab = m 2 .
The Origin of
Tools and Theorems

The Greek word theorema is related to theater and means 'something

seen," or, in mathematics, an insight, understanding, or knowledge. A
mathematical theorem should answer a question or solve a problem
that posed itself during the discussion of a mathematical subject.
Very often, a theorem, once proved, is used in various ways to de-
velop a mathematical theory further. In this process it changes its
character. The original questions recede, and the theorem becomes
a basic tool for the practitioners.
Before we go on to show how this general feature ofmathematical
theories is present in the Elements, a typical example from modern
mathematics may serve to illustrate the situation.
One of the first propositions in the elementary theory of finite
groups is Lagrange's theorem: If G is a finite group of order g and S
a subgroup of G of order s, then s divides g. This is usually presented
together with an example of a group G of order 12 that has no sub-
group of order 6. Are there any special divisors s ofg such that there
must be a subgroup S of order sin G? The answer to this problem is a
highlight at the end of the elementary part of group theory, namely

204 20_._T_h_e_O_r....>igI<....n_o_f_M_a_th_e_ma_t_ic_s_1_0

Sylow's theorem: If s = pa is a prime power dividing g, then there exists

a subgroup S oforder pa in G (plus some more information). As soon
as one goes on into a little more advanced parts of the theory of fi-
nite groups, Sylow's theorem becomes a universal and indispensable
tool that is used over and over again in the proofs of deeper theo-
rems. This double character of theorems and tools is commonplace
in mathematics; the most famous example may be the fundamental
theorem of calculus about derivatives and integrals.
As in the case ofSylow's theorem, we have seen Euclid's theory of
similar plane numbers providing the answer to the problem about
mean proportionals for numbers. And just as the group theorists
proceed with Sylow's theorem, Euclid uses similar plane numbers
as a tool in his more advanced Book X. For certain purposes he
needs what we call Pythagorean triples, integers x, y, z such that
x 2 + y2 = Z2.

Book X, Lemma 1 to Prop. X. 28.

Th find two square numbers such that their sum is also a square.

This time we follow Euclid's practice and present numbers by seg-
ments. Let AB, BC be similar plane numbers and let AB > BC and
let both of them be even or both odd. Then AB - BC is even, and
AD = ~(AB - BC) is an integer (Fig. 20.1).

Because D bisects AC, and CB is added, we may apply Prop. 11.6

and get

AB . BC + CD 2 = BD 2

Moreover, because AB, BC are similar plane numbers, AB BC = FE 2

is a square by Prop. IX. 1. Hence we have found a Pythagorean triple.

o o o o
A J) c 8

Comment 205

(Modern notation) If the two numbers a, b are both even or both
odd, we will have a - b = 2w, with an integer w. Then a = b + 2w
and we have

ab + w 2 = (b + 2w)b + w
= (b + wi.
This was the application of Prop. 11.6. If a, b are similar plane
numbers, then ab = m 2 , and we have the Pythagorean triple

At this point we will introduce the factorizations of similar plane

numbers found in Book VIII, Section 3:

a r 2q and b S2 q ; hence 2w = (r 2 - i)q.

m2 = ab = r 2s2q2 = x. 2.

~ S2f q2
w2 [r y2.

(b + W)2 =
[r ; s2f q2 - z2.

These formulas are nothing else but the well-known parametriza-

tion of all Pythagorean triples. Euclid does not say that he has found
all of them, but in fact he has. The modern proof for this assertion
can be found in any book about number theory. See, for instance,
Stillwell [1998] Ch. 4.
Two more general comments should be made. The first one is to
observe that the numbers band ware themselves "plane," like 2w =
a - b = (r 2 - s2)q, and these numbers have again to be squared. For
a square of a square there is no geometric representation. Hence at
this point the subject matter itself forces Euclid to represent "plane"
numbers by segments. The second remark concerns the application
of the geometrical Prop. 11.6 to numbers. We can see this in two
ways. Either Euclid identifies numbers with segments, or he has a
more abstract algebraic understanding of Prop. 11.6. Because he uses
geometric ideas for his proofs all the time, the first alternative seems
to be more likely.
206 20. The Origin of Mathematics 10

Two More Examples

Another typical example for the tools/theorems dual aspects is Prop.
111.21/22, which we discussed earlier. Proposition 111.22 solves the
problem of characterizing quadrangles in circles, and Prop. III.21
establishes the tool of the invariance of angles in segments.
In Prop. VI.2 Euclid presents first the tool (the theorem on pro-
portional segments), and afterwards the theorem (Props. VIA/S
about similar triangles).
Despite its name, the theorem of Pythagoras, Prop. 1.47, some-
how lacks one important feature of a theorem. It does not answer a
natural question, as do the theorems about mean proportionals and
cyclic quadrangles. It is hard to see what the original questions lead-
ing to the theorem of Pythagoras might have been, and so far nobody
has proposed a convincing hypothesis. Thus in the classification of
this section, we have to regard Pythagoras's theorem more as a tool
than as a theorem. But on the other hand, Pythagoras's theorem is
so important exactly because it brings something to light that could
not be anticipated.
Euclid Book

Miscellaneous Topics
from Arithmetic

21.1 Book IX, Parts B, C, D, and E:

More About Numbers in
Continued Proportion
The first two propositions of Book IX have already been dealt with in
the section on similar plane numbers. Props. IX. 3-6 are concerned
with cube numbers, for instance

Prop. IX. 3.
x is a cube ::::} x 2 is a cube.

Prop. IX. 6.
x 2 is a cube ::::} x is a cube.

208 21. Euclid Book IX

The singleton Prop. IX. 7 looks curious, because it seems just to

repeat Def. VII.l7 of a solid number:

Prop. IX. 7.
If a composite number by multiplying any number makes some number,
the product will be solid.

The proof goes like this: Let ab = c and a be composite, a = de.

Then c = (de)b. By some sort of handwaving, Euclid deletes the
(for him invisible) parentheses and has what he wants. We can offer
the following explanation. Def. VII.17 takes it for granted that we
can form a product of three factors. It seems to be older than the
asymmetric Def. VII.lS of one number multiplying another one,
which in a way excludes three factors. In fact, Def. VII.lS is quoted
in the proof of IX. 7. It seems that the purpose of Prop. IX. 7 is to
reconcile Definitions Sand 17 from the beginning of Book VII.
Why did it find its place right here? We have already seen other
similarly isolated items. It was a scribal practice in antiquity to put
suitable additions to a text at the end of a papyrus roll if there was
some space left. Maybe that is the way Prop. VI, 23, Prop. VIII.S and
Prop. IX, 7 came to the places where they are.
Propositions IX. 8-11 are about numbers in continued proportion
starting with 1. Such a sequence would look in modern notation like

1 , a, a 2
,a , ....

The propositions make some observations about squares and

cubes in sequence that are obvious when seen in the modern way.
Part D of Book IX has been discussed in Book VII, in the section
about prime divisors. Part E is a sort of sequel to the theory of similar
plane numbers from Book VIII. In Book VIII the problem was to find
a mean proportional m for two numbers a, b such that a : m = m : b.
This time the question concerns the existence of third and fourth
(i) Let a, b be given. When and how can we find an integer x such

21.2. Book IX, Part F: The Number of Primes

(ii) Let a, b, c be given. When and how can we find an integer x

such that


Euclid's answers are rather involved and are of no special interest

to us.

21.2 Book IX, Part F: The Number of

This section consists ofjust one theorem and its proof. Both together
are a jewel of mathematics.
Prop. IX. 20. The theorem about the number of primes.
There are more prime numbers than any assigned multitude of prime

ONe abbreviate very little). Let a, b, cbe the assigned prime numbers;
I say that there are more prime numbers than a, b, c. For consider
d = abc + 1 (the least common multiple abc and add 1). It is either
prime or has a prime factor g (by Prop. VII.32). If d is prime, then
the prime numbers a, b, c, d have been found which are more than
a, b, c.
If d is not prime but has the prime factor g, then I say that g is
not the same with any of the numbers a, b, c.
For, if possible, let it be so. Now since a, b, c divide abc, g would
also divide abc. But it divides d = abc + 1. Therefore g, being a
number, would divide the remainder, the unit 1: which is absurd.
Therefore g is not equal to anyone of a, b, c. And by hypothesis it
is prime.
Therefore the prime numbers a, b, c, g have been found which
are more than the assigned multitude of a , b, c.

We will return to this proof in the next chapter on the beauty of

mathematics. For the moment let us look at numerical examples,
210 21. Euclid Book IX

about which Euclid, as usual, keeps quiet.

2357+1 211 is prime;

2 3 . 5 . 7 . 11 . 13 + 1 30031 = 59 509 is not prime
but has the (new) prime factor 59.

21.3 Book IX, Part G: Odd and Even

Numbers, and Perfect Numbers
Plato writes in his dialogue Gorgias:

Suppose that somebody should ask me ... : Socrates, what is the

art of arithmetic? I should reply ... that it is one of the arts which
secure their effect through speech. And if he should further in-
quire in what field, I should reply that of the odd and the even,
however great their respective numbers might be. (Corgias 451 ab)

In Euclid's Book IX, Defs. 6-10 and Props. 21-33, we find ex-
actly what Plato describes, the theory of odd and even numbers.
Mathematically, it is not overly exciting; see for instance

Prop. IX. 25.

Iffrom an even number an odd number is subtracted, the remainder will
be odd.

Historically, the piece is interesting because it is obviously a self-

contained little theory that was known to Plato, who mentions it not
only in the quotation above but at several other places as well (see
Notes). O. Becker [1934] was the first to understand it as a piece of
pre-Euclidean mathematics that was preserved in its entirety in the
Elements. With this pioneering work Becker started a whole direc-
tion of historical research that tries to find traces of pre-Euclidean
theories in Euclid's writings.
- ----------------
Perfect Numbers

Perfect Numbers
Euclid has defined (Def. VII.22) a perfect number to be one that is
equal to its own parts. From Nicomachus we know that
496 = (1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16) + (31 + 62 + 124 + 248)
is perfect. (1 is considered to be a part of 496, but not 496 itself.)
Euclid sets out to prove a general theorem:
Prop. IX. 36.
If the sum 1 + 2 + ... + 2k = P is prime, then the number p2 k will be
For the proof three things have to be known:
(1.) 1" 2 ... , 2k an d P, 2p, ... 2k - 1pare part'"
I /I s, I.e. d"IVlsors, 0 f p 2k .
This is easy.
(ii) There are no other divisors of p2 k than the ones from (i). This
is harder to do without prime factorization. Euclid uses the
minimi from Prop. VII.20 as a substitute for prime factorization
in the proof.
(iii) There has to be a way to find the sum of 1 + 2 + 4 + ... + 2k
and ofp(1 + 2 + ... + 2k - 1 ). This is the subject of Prop. IX. 35.
If we are allowed to employ prime factorization and modern formu-
las, all three parts are easily done. Euclid's cumbersome notation
makes things more difficult, but his procedure is essentially the
modern one. The interested reader may look up Euclid's original
The Origin of
Math Is Beautiful

When mathematicians praise the aesthetic qualities of their sub-

ject, they usually meet raised eyebrows from sceptical nonbelievers.
What will be said here will probably not convince outsiders, but it
may clarify the situation somewhat for ourselves. Using examples
as well as comments by some prominent authors, we will try to be
more specific than just stating an emotional opinion. Proclus will
again be our main witness from antiquity. He discusses the appli-
cations of mathematics and then goes on to describe its superior
beauty and its value for the study of philosophy. In part he elabo-
rates a short passage from Aristotle, who says what beauty is: "The
chief forms of beauty are order and symmetry and definiteness,
which the mathematical sciences demonstrate in a special degree"
(Aristotle, Metaphysics 1078 a34-b2). (Here, as in the quotation from
Proclus below and in many other places, the translator has used the
modern "symmetry" for the Greek "symmetria," which, at least in a
mathematical context and by its literal translation, should mean "of
common measure." In most cases the literal translation makes much

214 22. The Origin of Mathematics 11

more sense than the modern word "symmetry," which has taken on
quite a different meaning outside of mathematics.)
About mathematics in general Proclus writes:

There are nevertheless contentious persons who endeavor to de-

tract from the worth of this science, some denying its beauty and
excellence on the ground that its discourses say nothing about such
matters, others declaring that the empirical sciences concerned
with sense objects are more useful than the general theorems of
mathematics. Mensuration, they say, is more than geometry, pop-
ular arithmetic than the theory of numbers, and navigation than
general astronomy. For we do not become rich by knowing what
wealth is but by using it, nor happy by knowing what happiness
is but by living happily. Hence we shall agree, they say, that the
empirical sciences, not the theories of the mathematicians, con-
tribute most to human life and conduct. Those who are ignorant
of principles but practised in dealing with particular problems are
far and away superior in meeting human needs to those who have
spent their time in the schools pursuing theory alone.
1b those who say these things we can reply by exhibiting
the beauty of mathematics on the principles by which Aristotle
attempts to persuade us. Three things, he says, are especially
conducive to beauty of body or soul: order, symmetry, and def-
initeness. Ugliness in the body arises from the ascendancy of
disorder and from a lack of shapeliness, symmetry, and outline in
the material part of our composite nature; ugliness of mind comes
from unreason, moving in an irregular and disorderly fashion,
out of harmony with reason and unwilling to accept the princi-
ples it imposes; beauty, therefore, will reside in the opposites of
these, namely, order, symmetry, and definiteness. These charac-
ters we find preeminently in mathematical science. We see order
in its procedure of explaining the derivative and more complex
theorems from the primary and simpler ones; for in mathemat-
ics later propositions are always dependent on their predecessors,
and some are counted as starting points, others as deductions from
the primary hypotheses. We see symmetry in the accord of the
demonstrations with one another and in their common reference
back to Nous; for the measure common to all parts of the science
is Nous, from which it gets its principles and to which it directs
- - - - - ' ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 215
22. The OrigIn' of Mathematics 11

the minds of its students. And we see definiteness in the fixity and
certainty of its ideas; for the objects of mathematical knowledge
do not appear now in one guise and now in another, like the ob-
jects of perception or opinion, but always present themselves as
the same, made definite by intelligible forms. If, then, these are
the factors especially productive of beauty, and mathematics is
characterized by them, it is clear that there is beauty in it.... We
do not think it proper, moreover, to measure its utility by looking
to human needs and making necessity our chief concern.... Just
as we judge the usefulness or uselessness of the cathartic virtues
in general by looking not to the needs of liVing, but rather to the
life of contemplation, so we must refer the purpose of mathemat-
ics to intellectual insight and the consummation of wisdom. For
this reason the cultivation of it is worthy of earnest endeavor both
for its own sake and for the sake of the intellectual life. Evidence
that it is intrinsically desirable to those who are engaged in it is,
as Aristotle somewhere says, the great progress that mathematical
science has made in a short time, although no reward is offered
to those who pursue it, and the fact that even those who gain but
slight benefit from it are fond of it and occupy themselves with
it to the neglect of other concerns. So those who despise mathe-
matical knowledge are they that have no taste for the pleasures it
Consequently instead of crying down mathematics for the rea-
son that it contributes nothing to human needs-for in its lowest
applications, where it works in company with material things, it
does aim at serving such needs-we should, on the contrary, es-
teem it highly because it is above material needs and has its good
in itself alone. (Proclus-Morrow pp. 22-24)

Proc1us strongly favors abstract mathematics because it purifies

and elevates the soul, like Homer's Athena dispersing the mist (from
Odysseus' homeland) obscuring the intellectual light of understand-
ing (Proc1us-Morrow, 1.c. p. 25) What he says of beauty is equally
general and philosophical, but in no way does it concern itself with
any definite mathematical theorem or theory.
Modern authors, and especially G. H. Hardy [1967], whom we
will follow for the next pages, have been more concrete and con-
fined themselves to mathematics proper. (The quotations are from
216 22. The Origin of Mathematics 11

pages 84-115.) We, like Hardy, will not follow Aristotle and Proc1us
and try to define mathematical beauty. If we cannot give a defini-
tion of mathematical beauty, then that is just as true of beauty of
any kind. We may not know what we mean by a beautiful poem or
picture, but that does not prevent us from recognizing one when
we read or see it. Even with poems or pictures a certain training or
familiarity is necessary for any appreciation, and more than else-
where in mathematics a minimal degree of understanding the tools
of the trade is indispensable.
Hardy starts with some general introductory remarks:

A mathematician, like a painter or a poet, is a maker of patterns.

Ifhis patterns are more permanent than theirs, it is because they
are made with ideas . ...
The mathematician's patterns, like the painter's or the poet's,
must be beautiful; the ideas, like the colours or the words, must fit
together in a harmonious way. Beauty is the first test: there is no
permanent place in the world for ugly mathematics....
The best mathematics is serious as well as beautiful-"important"
if you like, but the word is very ambiguous, and "serious" expresses
what I mean much better.... The "seriousness" of a mathematical
theorem lies, not in its practical consequences, which are usually
negligible, but in the significance of the mathematical ideas which
it connects. We may say, roughly, that a mathematical idea is "sig-
nificant" ifit can be connected, in a natural and illuminating way,
with a large complex of other mathematical ideas. Thus a seri-
ous mathematical theorem, a theorem which connects significant
ideas, is likely to lead to important advances in mathematics itself
and even in other sciences....
It will be clear by now that, if we are to have any chance of
making progress, I must produce examples of "real" mathematical
theorems, theorems which every mathematician will admit to be
first-rate .... I can hardly do better than go back to the Greeks. I
will state and prove two of the famous theorems of Greek math-
ematics. They are "simple" theorems, simple both in idea and in
execution, but there is no doubt at all about their being theorems
of the highest class. Each is as fresh and significant as when it was
discovered-two thousand years have not written a wrinkle on ei-
ther of them.... The first is Euclid's proof of the existence of an
22. The Origin of Mathematics 11 217

infinity of prime numbers.... My second example is Pythagoras's

proof of the irrationality of J'Z.

Hardy goes on to state and prove these two theorems. We have

seen the first one in Prop. IX, 20 and will discuss the second one in
detail in the section on incommensurability and irrationality. Then
Hardy analyzes in more detail what he means by seriousness, sig-
nificance, generality, and depth of a theorem. (It should be kept in
mind that he means the irrationality of J2 when he speaks here of
Pythagoras's theorem.) After that he returns to the subject ofbeauty
in mathematics.

What "purely aesthetic" qualities can we distinguish in such theo-

rems as Euclid's and Pythagoras's? I will not risk more than a few
disjointed remarks.
In both theorems (and in the theorems, of course, I include
the proofs) there is a very high degree of unexpectedness, com-
bined with inevitability and economy. The arguments take so odd
and surprising a form; the weapons used seem so childishly sim-
ple when compared with the far-reaching results; but there is
no escape from the conclusions. There are no complications of
detail-one line of attack is enough in each case; and this is true
too of the proofs of many much more difficult theorems, the full
appreciation of which demands quite a high degree of technical

We could test many theorems from Euclid's Elements against

these criteria, but with the exception of one example below, we
leave this to the reader. At the end of his discussion of mathematical
beauty, Hardy summarizes all his arguments in one powerful and
compelling statement:

It will be obvious by now that I am interested in mathematics only

as a creative art.

One might not be too surprised to see such a confession from

a number theorist like Hardy. It is really startling to read the
same opinion from one of the most eminent mathematicians of our
century. In a paper with the title "The Mathematician" John von
Neumann, one of the inventors of the electronic computer, writes:
218 22. The Origin of Mathematics 11

The mathematician has a wide variety of fields to which he may

turn, and he enjoys a very considerable freedom in what he does
with them. Th come to the decisive point: I think that it is cor-
rect to say that his criteria of selection, and also those of success,
are mainly aesthetical. I realize that this assertion is controver-
sial and that it is impossible to "prove" it, or indeed to go very far
in substantiating it, without analyzing numerous specific, techni-
cal instances. This would again require a highly technical type of
discussion, for which this is not the proper occasion. Suffice it to
say that the aesthetical character is even more prominent than in
the instance I mentioned above in the case of theoretical physics.
One expects a mathematical theorem or a mathematical theory
not only to describe and to classifY in a simple and elegant way
numerous and a priori disparate special cases. One also expects
"elegance" in its "architectural:' structural makeup. Ease in stating
the problem, great difficulty in getting hold ofit and in all attempts
at approaching it, then again some very surprising twist by which
the approach, or some part of the approach, becomes easy, etc.
Also, if the deductions are lengthy or complicated, there should
be some simple general principle involved, which "explains" the
complications and detours, reduces the apparent arbitrariness to
a few simple guiding motivations, etc. These criteria are clearly
those of any creative art, and the existence of some underlying
empirical, worldly motif in the background - often in a very re-
mote background, overgrown by aestheticizing developments and
followed into a multitude oflabyrinthine variants-all this is much
more akin to the atmosphere of art pure and simple than to that
of the empirical sciences.
You will note that I have not even mentioned a comparison
of mathematics with the experimental or with the descriptive
sciences. Here the differences of method and of the general
atmosphere are too obvious.
I think that it is a relatively good approximation to truth-
which is much too complicated to allow anything but approxi-
mations-that mathematical ideas originate in empirics, although
the genealogy is sometimes long and obscure. But, once they are
so conceived, the subject begins to live a peculiar life ofits own and
is better compared to a creative one, governed by almost entirely
22. The Origin of Mathematics 11 219

aesthetical motivations, than to anything else and, in particular,

to an empirical science. (v. Neumann, p. 8/9)

In von Neumann's paper, geometry features prominently as a

science originating in empirics. Here again, Euclid was the pioneer.
We have seen, for instance, the transformation of the empirical sci-
ence of "land measurement" into a mathematical theory in Euclid's
Books I and II, with its culmination in the theorem Prop. 11.14, which
tells us how to "square" any polygonal area. Looking back and using
von Neumann's words, we remember the elegance of the architec-
ture, the two decisive steps in 1.44 (simple application of areas) and
1.47 (theorem of Pythagoras); and then its own peculiar life in Book
II, where the solution is found with special tricks in order to avoid
any similarity arguments. All this has been followed into a multi-
tude of labyrinthine variants of measuring areas und volumes by a
plethora of modern theories. On the other hand, the rampant growth
of elementary geometry under the hands of French and German
gymnasium teachers of the nineteenth century has led nowhere,
and the results that filled journals are little known today.
Let us now return to Hardy's criteria for a beautiful proof: it
should be unexpected, inevitable, and economical. There is a little gem
in Euclid's Book IV that meets these conditions in an exceptionally
fortunate way.

Prop. IV. 2.
In a given circle to inscribe a triangle equiangular with a given

Let K be the given circle (with radius R) and 6.DEF the given
triangle with angles ex, {3, y as shown in Fig. 22.1.
There are various ways to solve this problem. For instance, one
could draw the circumcircle with radius r about 6.DEF and then
enlarge (or reduce) 6.DEF in the ratio R : r. Instead ofthis pedestrian
way, Euclid applies a very clever but simple idea.
Select any point A on K and draw the tangent GH to K in A
(Fig. 22.2). Construct the angles LGAC equal to {3 and LHAB equal
to y. Then, by Prop. III. 32 the angle LHAB = y is equal to the angle
LACB in the alternate segment in the circle, and similarly, LABC
220 -=2=2:....


is equal to /3. Because the angles in a triangle add up to two right

angles, .6.ABC is what we want.
Euclid's arguments are most economical; he employs no "higher"
tools like similarity arguments. There is only one line of attack, the
one using Prop. III. 32. And there is an element of surprise: The
angle /3 is constructed at a location where one really would not look
for it. The arguments in this proof are clear and concise; the logic is
perfect, and still it is delightfully unexpected. Once more we quote
Hardy ( 10): "... what the public wants is a little intellectual 'kick,'
and nothing else has quite the kick of mathematics:'
Probably it is this "kick" that G. C. Rota [1997, 121-133] means
when he speaks of the "light bulb effect," the sudden understanding
of a problem in a flash like a light bulb suddenly being lit. This is not
22. The Origin of Mathematics 11 221

so much what we have seen in Euclid's solution of Prop. IV. 2, but it

is a common experience for anybody who ever solved a problem on
his own, even when it was as a student in high school. Rota claims
that the image of the light bulb is a mistake. He discusses the inter-
relations of the three concepts of truth, beauty, and enlightenment in
mathematics and holds that the last one is the most important one
for a theorem or a proof.

Verification alone does not give us a clue as to the role of a state-

ment within the theory; it does not explain the relevance of the
statement. In short, the logical truth of a statement does not en-
lighten us to the sense of the statement. Enlightenment not truth
is what the mathematician seeks when asking, "What is this good
for?" ... Every teacher of mathematics knows that students will
not learn by merely grasping the formal truth of a statement. Stu-
dents must be given some enlightenment as to the sense of the
statement, or they will quit. ... Mathematical beauty is the expres-
sion mathematicians have invented in order to obliquely admit the
phenomenon of enlightenment while avoiding acknowledgment
of the fuzziness of this phenomenon.... The term "mathematical
beauty:' together with the light bulb mistake, is a trick mathemati-
cians have devised to avoid facing up the messy phenomenon of
enlightenment. (Rota p. 1311132)

Unfortunately, Rota does not provide us with an analysis of a spe-

cific example in order to make his thesis somewhat more concrete.
("'Itadition [in phenomenology] demands that no examples ever be
given of what one is talking about:' (Rota p. 200). This is like Eu-
clid in his arithmetical Books.) Some elaborations on mathematical
proofs in Rota's subsequent chapter could very well serve his pur-
pose, but these are too long and detailed to be quoted here. In any
case, enlightenment seems to be just one, albeit important, compo-
nent of mathematical beauty. We will try to discuss this component
in later examples and will refer back to what was said in this section
on suitable occasions.
Euclid Book


Book X comprises fully one quarter of the Elements. Not only is

it the most voluminous book, but also the most difficult to read.
Setting aside the bulk of the material of Book X, we concentrate
our attention on the introductory part of the book, which is of gen-
eral interest. Some recent studies have done much to elucidate the
tedious and long-winded considerations of Book X. The interested
reader should look up the papers by Thisbak [1982], Knorr [1985],
Fowler [1992], as well as the respective chapters in Mueller [1981]
and van der Waerden [1954]. The original motivations for the clas-
sification of incommensurable lines apparently can be found in the
material presented in Book XIII. During the discussion of the rel-
evant propositions of Book XIII we will return to the problems of
Book X.
The discovery of incommensurable lines represents one of the
highest achievements of the early Greek mathematicians. The his-

224 -------------~--
23. Euclid Book X

torical development from the time of Pythagoras to Plato will be

sketched in the chapter on the origin of incommensurability.

Def. X. 1.
Those magnitudes are said to be commensurable which are measured by
the same measure, and those incommensurable which cannot have any
common measure.

Throughout the Elements, Euclid takes measuring to be an un-

defined notion. The magnitudes of Book X are always lines and
rectangles. The concept of incommensurability is refined, for the
purposes of Book X, by:
Def. X. 2.
Straight lines are commensurable in square when the squares on them
are measured by the same area, and incommensurable in squares when
the squares on them cannot possibly have any area as a common
Definitions 3 and 4 allow a glimpse into the latter parts of Book
X. From everyday experience one knows that it is very helpful to
have a standard measure for measuring lines. This will also help
to measure areas, as we have seen in the discussion of Prop. VI. l.
Euclid fixes such a line in Def. X. 3 and calls it the "expressible line
a." (yVe are adopting the terminology of Fowler [1992]. Heath and
others call it the rational line.) Any other line b such that b2 is com-
mensurable with a 2 will also be called expressible. An area that is
commensurable with a 2 is called expressible. Lines and areas that
are not expressible are called alogoi. (According to the Greek alogos.
Irrational is somewhat misleading.) Examples in modern terminol-
ogy: Let the standard measure a have length 1. Then a line b oflength
,J5 is incommensurable with a, but commensurable in square with
a; hence b is expressible. One can construct, starting from a, a line
b of length ,J5 and then a rectangle "contained" by a and b of area
,J5. This can be squared by Prop. 11.14, and its side oflength ~ will
The Euclidean Algorithm for Magm'tudes 225

then be alogos. The modern mathematician will immediately rec-

ognize that proceeding like this amounts algebraically to successive
quadratic extensions of the field of rational numbers. The classifica-
tion of numbers (or segments) in that way is beyond the means of
Greek mathematics.

The Euclidean Algorithm for Magnitudes

Prop. x. 1.
If two unequal magnitudes are set out and if there is subtracted from the
greater more than its halfand from the remainder more than its halfand
this goes on forever, there will be left some magnitude which will be less
than the lesser magnitude set out. It can be proved similarly even if the
things subtracted are halves.

For the modern reader it will be obvious that this is the

Archimedean property of the ordering of magnitudes, and Euclid
proves the statement by referring to Def. V. 4. In fact, the proof
shows that after a finite number of subtractions, the residue will be
smaller than the second magnitude. This remark is essential for the
next proposition as well as for the limiting procedures in Book XII.
Prop. X. 2.
If, when two unequal magnitudes are set out and the lesser is always
subtracted in tum from the greater, the remainder never measures the
magnitude before it, then the magnitudes will be incommensurable.

In other words: If the Euclidean algorithm is performed with

two magnitudes and does not terminate after finitely many steps,
then the two magnitudes will be incommensurable. It is usually
called, by its Greek name, the anthyphairesis procedure. Evidently,
this is a useful criterion for incommensurability, but it is used nei-
ther in Euclid's Elements nor elsewhere in Greek mathematics. If
the algorithm becomes eventually periodic, it cannot terminate. We
will show how easily this can be seen for some familiar lines from
elementary geometry (cf. next section).
226 - - - - - - - - - - - -
23. Euclid Book X

The next two propositions resemble even more closely their

partners, Props. VII.2I3:
Props. X. 3/4.
Given two (three) commensurable magnitudes to find their greatest
common measure.
If the two magnitudes a, b are commensurable, the Euclidean al-
gorithm performed with them will terminate (Prop. X. 2). Let it
terminate with a last remainder f measuring the one before it. Then
f will be the greatest common measure of a and b.
The first four propositions have no further applications in Book
X. They may be a relic from an earlier theory.

Magnitudes and Numbers

Let again a and b be two commensurable magnitudes. From the
definition of commensurability we have a common measure c of a
and b and numbers k and m such that a = kc and b = me. This gives
a: b = kc: me.

The modern reader would continue with

kc: me = k: m,
and so does Euclid. He ignores that he has two different definitions
of proportionality for magnitudes, Defs. V. 5/6, and for numbers,
Def. VII. 20. Like Euclid we will skip over these difficulties and just
Props. X. 5/6.
The magnitudes a, b } {} { There exist numbers k, m such that
are commensurable a : b = k : m.
Disregarding the conceptual problems, we recognize that X. 5/6
(and their contrapositives 7/8) are a most useful criterion for com-
23.1. Commensurability and Its Relation to Other Notions 227

mensurability. This criterion is expanded for the further theory in

Book X in
Prop. X. 9.

23.1 Commensurability and Its

Relation to Other Notions
In propositions X. 10-20 Euclid systematically explores the proper-
ties of commensurability and its interaction with earlier concepts.
The examples constructed in Prop. X, 10 show that his theory is not
about the empty set. Next, commensurability is shown to be consis-
tent with the theory of proportions: If a and b are commensurable
and a : b = c : d, then c, and d will also be commensurable (X,
11). Commensurability is transitive and hence, as we might add, an
equivalence relation (X. 12/13). The interaction of commensurabil-
ity with the addition and subtraction oflines is the theme ofX. 14-16.
The geometric equivalents of multiplication and division are treated
in X. 19/20.
How does commensurability behave with respect to the applica-
tion of areas? One could translate this into the following problem:
When does a quadratic equation with rational coefficients have ratio-
nal solutions? The answer to this question is presented in Props. X.
17/18. The whole setup of these propositions is similar to Diophan-
tus's Problem 27 (cf. the section on Diophantus). This is apparent
from the lemma preceding Prop. 17, where we see a rectangle with
sides x, y, area xy = A, and half-perimeter x + y = B. We abbre-
viate Euclid's statement a little and introduce our notation along
with the text of the proposition (a COMS b means that a and bare
Prop. X. 17.
If there are two unequal straight lines b > C and to b is applied the area ~
(i.e., with defect) and deficient by a square (that means bx - x2 = ~),
228 -----------~-_--:....-
23. Euclid Book X

and if r 2 = b2 - c2 (to be constructed via Pythagoras's theorem), then

we will have
x COMS b r COMSb.

Clearly, Euclid's proof is geometric and uses Prop. 11.5 as a substi-

tute for our binomial formula, as well as many earlier propositions
about proportions and the properties of commensurability. Trans-
lated into algebraic shorthand it becomes transparent for the modern
reader. We have
b2 b2 c2
x2 -bx+- ---
4 4 4'

(x - ~y ~(b2 - c2),
X- ~ - ~Jb2 - c2 ~r.
From this, the assertion is obvious. We see that Euclid has the same
clear understanding of quadratic problems long before Diophantus.
With this we take our leave of Book X. However, there will be a
few remarks in the discussion of Book XIII, as results from Book X
are used there.
The Origin of
and Irrationality

Aristotle, near the beginning of his Metaphysics, a most prominent

place, quotes incommensurability as the prototype of a scientific
discovery. After a short general description of philosophy he writes:

[The first philosophers] were pursuing science in order to know,

and not for any utilitarian end.... Evidently then we do not seek
it [philosophy] for the sake of any other advantage; but as the
man is free, we say, who exists for himself and not for another,
so we pursue this as the only free science, for it alone exists for
itself[982b 20-27]. ... All the sciences, indeed, are more necessary
than this [philosophy], but none is better. Yet the acquisition of it
must in a sense end in something which is the opposite of our
original inquiries. For all men begin, as we said, by wondering
that the matter is so (as in the case of . .. the solstices or the
incommensurability of the diagonal, for it seems wonderful to all
men who have not yet perceived the explanation that there is a

230 -=24.=.:........:::Th==.e-=O.=n::!:igtcn=...=of:....:M==.ath==e=ma==ti=cs:....l==2

thing which cannotbe measured even by the smallest unit). But we

must end in the contrary and, according to the proverb, the better
state, as is the case in these instances when men learn the cause;
for there is nothing which would surprise a geometer so much
as if the diagonal turned out to be commensurable. [Metaphysics
983a 10-21]

Men are able to advance knowledge by pure reasoning alone.

That is why incommensurability and mathematics as a whole are of
such paramount importance for Plato, Aristotle, and so many other
Many papers and books have been written about the history of
incommensurability, for instance Knorr [1975] and Fowler [1987].
We will confine ourselves to the most basic historical dates and to
the more mathematical aspects of the story.
Information about the early history of incommensurability
comes from relatively late sources. Pappus (ca. 330 C.E.) wrote a
commentary on Euclid's Book X from which the following fragment
is quoted by Heath in his introduction to Book X (Euclid-Heath vol.
3 p. 3): The theory of irrational magnitudes "had its origin in the
school of Pythagoras. It was considerably developed by Theaetetus,
the Athenian ...". Concerning the Pythagoreans we have some more
vague reports from about 700 or 800 years after the original discov-
ery was made. About 290 C.E. lamblichus tells some stories about the
Pythagorean Hippasus of Metapontum (ca. 500-450 B.C.E., quoted af-
ter Knorr [1975] p. 50 n. 617). Hippasus concerned himself with the
"sphere ofthe twelve pentagons:' that is, the dodecahedron. He made
the construction public and took credit for this himself (instead of
giving it to Pythagoras). As a punishment for this he perished at sea.
Another version of this account metes out this same punishment
to the one who divulged knowledge of the irrational. Commenta-
tors have called this tradition confused and unreliable, but I concur
with the opinion expressed by v. Fritz [1945] and believe it has its
origin in actual mathematical discoveries. The construction of the
dodecahedron is based on the ratio d : f of the diagonal and side of
the regular pentagon, yet d and f are incommensurable, as will be
shown below. For mathematical reasons the stories about Hippasus
seem plausible in spite of the scanty historical sources.
_24_,_1_,_A_n~'!..:u=are=-=- 231

In the following subsections the main stages of the development

of the theory of irrationals are described in some detail. At the ear-
liest Pythagorean stage (about 500-450 B.C.E.) we will talk about the
side and the diagonal of the square and the regular pentagon. For
stage two we consider the theorem of Theodorus (about 430 B.C.E.)
concerning the irrationality of .../3, ... , .J17. In stage three Theaete-
tus, a student of Theodorus, created the foundations of the theory
preserved in Euclid's Book X.

24.1 Arithmetical Proofs: The Square

Recall the definition of commensurability and two criteria equiva-
lent to the definition: to have a terminating Euclidean algorithm,
or anthyphairesis, procedure of two magnitudes a, b, as defined in
Prop. X. 2, or to have a ratio a : b = k : m as "number to number." We
will present two proofs in this section using the latter criterion. The
first one comes from an appendix to Euclid's Book X, which is not
included in Heath's translation and is usually called Prop. X. 117. It
has nothing to do with the other material of Book X. Moreover, it has
a short introductory note at the beginning of the proof explaining
the overall strategy, something never found in Euclid's other proofs.
This note is in close agreement with a remark by Aristotle:

For all who effect an argument per impossible deduce what is false,
and prove the original conclusion hypothetically when something
impossible results from the assumption of its contradictory, e.g.
that the diagonal of the square is incommensurate with the side,
because odd numbers are equal to evens if it is supposed to be
commensurate. (Prior Analytics 41a 23-27)

We may therefore assume that Prop. X. 117 is a later addition to

Euclid's text that was important for its relation to Aristotle's teachings
and, even more so, for historical reasons. The proof itselflooks very
archaic and may well, in its essence, go back to the Pythagoreans.
We present the proof in the translation ofv. Fritz [1945, p. 254 n. 60]
together with our comments.
232 - - - - - - - - - - -24.-The Origt'n of Mathematics 12

]) G E
o o o

o o


Prop. X. 117 (= Appendix 27).

Let it be assigned to us to prove that in the case of square figures the
diameter is incommensurable in length with the side.
Let ABCD be a square and AC its diameter. I say that AC will be
incommensurable with AB in length (Fig. 24.1).
In spite of the artfully interwoven contradictions, there is essen-
tially only one line of attack, as Hardy says, and the proof carries a
huge potential for generalization. One just has to replace, for in-
stance, the number 2 by any prime number and the minimi by
unique prime factorization.
Arithmetical Proofs: The Square 233

The Proof Comments

(i) For let us assume that it is (i) In contrast to Euclid's habits,

commensurable. I say that it will the outline of the proof is
follow that the same number is sketched.
at the same time even and odd.

(ii) It is clear that the square on (ii) Three basic facts:

AC is double the square on AB. (a) The special case of the
theorem of Pythagoras 1. 47 is
Because then (according (b) The criterion Prop. X. 5 is
to our assumption) AC is quoted.
commensurable with AB, AC
will be to AB in the ratio of an
integer to an integer.
Let them have the ratio DE : F (c) The minimi of Prop. VII. 20
and let DE and F be the smallest are going to be used. One number
numbers which are in this is designated by DE because
proportion to one another. below it will be bisected at G.
This is Euclid's usual notation.

(iii) DE cannot then be the unit. (iii) Because the unit is not a
For if DE were the unit and were number according to Euclid's
to F in the same proportion as definition, the case DE = 1
AC to AB, AC, being greater than has to be dealt with separately.
AB, DE, the unit, will be greater Moreover, he needs this because
than the integer F, which is later he has to consider half of
impossible. Hence DE is not the DE.
unit, but an integer (greater than
First use of the method of
the unit).
(This is in fact a fake
contradiction like so many others
found in textbooks. Observe that
he has called DE a number from
the outset. The terminology
concerning the unit is not
234 24. The Origin of Mathematics 12

(iv) Now since AC: AB = DE: F, (iv) The theorem of Pythagoras

it follows that also AC2 : AB 2 = and some decisive properties of
DE 2 : F 2 . But AC 2 = 2AB 2 and proportions (VI. 20 and VIII. 11)
hence DE 2 = 2F 2 . Hence DE 2 is are used to obtain the key
an even number ... element of the proof.

(v) ... and therefore DE must (v) This is a repetition of

also be an even number. For if it Prop. IX, 23
were an odd number its square
would also be an odd number.
For if an odd number of odd
numbers is added, the whole is
odd. Second contradiction

(vi) Hence DE will be an even

number. Let then DE be divided
into two equal numbers at the
point G. Since DE and Fare
the smallest numbers which
are in the same ratio they will
be relatively prime. Therefore, After Prop. VII 22
since DE is an even number, F
will be an odd number. For if it
were even, the number 2 would
measure both DE and F, though
they are relatively prime, which
is impossible. Third contradiction

(vii) Hence F is not even, but The argument from part (iv) has
odd. Now since ED = 2EG to be repeated.
it follows that ED 2 = 4EG 2
But DE2 = 2F2 , and hence
F 2 = 2EG 2 . Therefore F 2 must
be an even number, and in
consequence F also an even
number. But it has also been
demonstrated that F must be an
odd number, which is impossible. Fourth contradiction
24.2. Arithmetical Proofs: The Pentagon 235


(viii) It follows, therefore, that

AC cannot be commensurable
with AB, which was to be

Philosophical comment by Plato (Republie V, 454 a 1):

"What a great thing, Glaucon, is the power of the art of contradiction!'

Poetic comment by Rainer Maria Rilke:

Rose, 0 pure contradiction, delight,

1b be nobody's sleep under so many eyelids.

(Rose, oh reiner Widerspruch, Lust,

Niemandes Schlaf zu sein unter so viel Lidern.)
Inscription on Rilke's tombstone.

24.2 Arithmetical Proofs: The Pentagon

Let d be the diagonal and f the side of a regular pentagon. From
the second analysis of the pentagon in our discussion of Book IV
(Fig. 11.6 and Prop. XIII. 8) we recall the basic proportion
Now let us assume that d and f are commensurable and k and m
are minimi such that
d :f= k: m.
Then we have immediately
k :m = d : f =f : (d - f) = m : (k - m),
where m and k - m are smaller than k and m, respectively; a con-
tradiction. Hence d and f are incommensurable. As soon as one
236 ..;:2_4,---=T.=h:.:,.e:..::.O:..::.r::sigt!.:.:'n::::..::..:of:...;M=ath=e.=ma=ti:.:,.c8=--==12

occupies oneself a little with the pentagon and has the notion of a
ratio in least terms, this proof is very obvious and is simpler than the
one for the square. It uses only the fundamental property of minimi
and needs no further elaboration. It is, however, not to be found in
any source from antiquity.

24.3 Geometrical Proofs: The Square

Euclid never uses his first criterion of the nonterminating anthy-
phairesis procedure (Prop. X. 2) for proofs of incommensurability.
We are going to do just this, first for the square and then for the
pentagon. Even if Euclid does not apply this criterion in any partic-
ular instance, we do have some evidence that it was in fact used in
times before Euclid. The first point is that Euclid has preserved it.
The second is a much-quoted passage from Aristotle that shows that
there was an anthyphairesis-related definition ofratio in use before
Eudoxus created the newer theory of Book V. Aristotle speaks about
a pre-Euclidean proof of Prop. VI. 1. (he uses the term antanairesis,
which is equivalent to anthyphairesis): /lBut once the definition is
stated, the said becomes immediately clear. For the areas and the
bases have the same antaneiresis; such is the definition of the same
ratio!' According to Aristotle, then, the anthyphairesis procedure was
even more generally used than just for proofs of incommensurabil-
ity. We will not enter into this general field and merely present the
common reconstructions for some simple pairs of lines.
Consider again the side AB = a and the diagonal AC = d of a
square (Fig. 24.2).
The circle centered at C with radius CB = AB cuts the diagonal
AC at G. Let GF be the tangent of this circle. Using the notation
CA = d, AB = a, AG = aI, we see that a > ~d and d = a + al and
al < a.
In the next step we have to subtract AG from a = AB. We claim
that AG = FB. 1b see this, consider the triangles LiFBC and LiFGC.
They are congruent because they have the common side FC, BC =
GC, and the right angles at Band G. Hence GF = BF. But obviously,
GF = AG. Now subtract AG = GF from FA as indicated, with the
_24_.3_._Ge_o~m...;e..;,;!..:u.::.:are::...:....- 237



a = AB = 2AG + remainder AH.
The process is now repeated using the square AGFE with H in
the role of G, so that we find exactly the same situation that we had
before in ABCD. Consequently, the procedure becomes periodic and
will never terminate. AC and AB are incommensurable.
Even if we do not have any direct witness for the above proof,
there is some indirect evidence relating to this or an equivalent pro-
cedure. In order to understand this we need a little preparation.
Instead of iterating to smaller and smaller squares, we will go in the
other direction, from smaller to bigger squares. Call the diagonal AF
of the little square dl and its side al. We have shown that
d = dl + 2al.
Now let a = az and d = dz, and iterate to a larger square,
a3 = dz +az,
d3 = dz + 2az,
and so on.
Now let us tum to numbers-that is, integers-and define a
sequence aj, ~ by
238 24. The Origin of Mathematics 12

= di + 2ai.
di +1
Starting with ao = 1 and do = I, we obtain
0 1 2 3 4 5
ai 1 2 5 12 29 70
di 1 3 7 17 41 99
2aI2 2 8 50 288 1682 9800
dI2 1 9 49 289 1681 9801

This is what the Greeks have called the side and diagonal num-
bers. Plato, in a rather obscure passage in the Republic 546 c,
speaks about something like 7 being "the rational diameter" of 5,
and his commentators from antiquity ascribe this sequence to the
Pythagoreans. By induction one may prove that 2ar always misses
~2 by 1 or -1. In any case, this sequence was well known, and it is
closely related to the anthyphairesis procedure, however in the di-
rection going to greater instead of smaller segments. (See the Notes
for further details.)

24.4 Geometrical Proofs: The Pentagon

The geometrical proof for the pentagon is much easier than the one
for the square. Let d = A C be the diagonal and [ = AB the side of
the regular pentagon ABCDE (Fig. 24.3).
In the figure we recognize [ = A Wand d - [ = WC = ZX = dl ,
the diagonal of the smaller pentagon VWXYZ , and its side
VW = VC - WC = iI. The anthyphairesis procedure is

d [+ dl ,
[ - dl + iI
From similar figures we have dl : [I = d : [, and the procedure be-
comes periodic, producing a sequence of smaller and smaller nested
pentagons. The similarity of the pentagons is reflected in the simi-
larity of the rectangles DACLB and DXZL Y. The latter similarity
_24_.4_._Ge __e..:..;tri,,:.:sl--=Th:..::..:e..:.P..:.e=nta=go:..:n=--________ 239

-..... ",."
'" " )(
" . ",

, \"\ '"
, ",
, " \

A w


is by Props. VI. 24/26, equivalent to the fact that the point X is on

the diagonal AL of the greater rectangle.
This procedure is closely related to Prop. XIII. 5. Even if we have
no written source for the resulting sequence, evidently it was used in
a famous Greek building. As before, we construct side and diagonal
numbers, this time for the pentagon. Starting from fo = 1 = do we
derive the sequence
o 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 5 13 34 89
1 3 8 21 55 144
The sequence 1, 1,2,3,5,8, ... is the well-known Fibonacci se-
quence. Archeologists have pointed out that the numbers 13, 21, 34,
55 are realized in the plan ofthe ancient Greek theater in Epidaurus.
Epidaurus was a kind of health-care center. The ground plan of its
theater is based on a hidden pentagonal symmetry. (The half-circle
is divided into 10 equal parts by the stairs.) This relates well to the
pentagon as a medical symbol or the Pythagorean pentagram, which
was called "health!' We show the ground plan (Fig. 24.4) according to
Kappel [1989], who quotes it from v. Gerkan-Miiller Wiener [1961].
The lower part of the theater has 34 rows of seats and 13 stairs.
The upper part has 21 rows of seats. The actual construction of the
theater took place at two separate periods. The lower part was built
about 300 B.C.E., that is, at the time of Euclid, and the upper part
was completed about 170 B.C.E. Kappel demonstrates convincingly
240 24. The Origin of Mathematics 12


that the completion of the theater followed the original plan from
300 B.G.E. It would be very hard to believe that the occurrence of
Fibonacci numbers in a building with a fivefold symmetry would be
by pure chance. Even if we don't have any written sources, it seems
clear that the Fibonacci numbers have been derived somehow from
the anthyphairesis procedure of the pentagon.

24.5 The Mathematician Theodorus of

According to Eudemus, Theodorus of Cyrene (in Libya) was a con-
temporary of Hippocrates of Chios. In his Memorabilia (of Socrates
VI.2) Xenophon, who was a student of Socrates, says that Theodorus
was a famous geometer, and Diogenes Laertius (about 300 G.E.) calls
him the teacher of Plato. In Plato's own dialogues such an amiable
picture of Theodorus is drawn that Diogenes Laertius's claim be-
comes very convincing. Theodorus and Socrates appear to be of
about the same age in the dialogue "Theaetetus," which plays in
the year 399 B.G.E. shortly before Socrates' death. From all this we
The Theorem of Theodorus 241

may conclude that Theodorus lived from about 465 B.C.E. until some
time after 400 B.C.E. At least for a time he resided in the intellectual
center Athens, where Socrates' students Xenophon and Plato met
him. If he was born around 465, then he may well have made his
major mathematical discoveries in the years 440-420, which is in
good agreement with what Eudemus says.
Theodorus started out as a student of philosophy with Protagoras
(ca.485-415), but as Plato reports him saying:

My own inclinations diverted me at rather an early age from

abstract discussions to geometry. (Theaetetus 165a)

Plato has Socrates asking the student Theaetetus about Theodorus:

S.: Is Theodorus a painter?

Th.: Not so far as I know.
S.: Nor an expert in geometry either?
Th.: Of course he is, Socrates, very much so.
S.: And also in astronomy and calculation and music and in all
the liberal arts?
Th.: I am sure he is.
(Theaetetus 145a)

This is the historically first instance where the classical1iberal

arts arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music are mentioned,
and moreover Theodorus as an expert in all of them.
At the beginning of the dialogue, the student Theaetetus states
one of Theodorus's great achievements:

The Theorem of Theodorus

Theaetetus: Theodorus here was drawing diagrams to show us some-

thing about powers-namely that a square of three square feet and
one of five square feet aren't commensurable, in respect of length of
side, with a square of one square foot; and so on, selecting each case
individually, up to seventeen square feet. At that point he somehow got
tied up. (Theaetetus 147d)

The statement of the theorem is very clear. The segments of

length J3, J'S, ... , J17 are incommensurable with a segment of
242 --=2..:.4.~Th=e.::....::O.:..:ri3!gm=:....:o::f....::.M=a::th=e::ma::::t::ic:.::.8...:..=12

unit length, or in .other words, are irrational (with the obvious ex-
ceptions). Like every commentator of this passage we may say that
Plato did not include J2 in his list because the respective proof was
known before Theodorus's theorem. The second question is, What
does it mean that he somehow got tied up at the number 17? and
the third one, What kind of proof was Theodorus able to give for his
statement? Many kinds of reconstructions of the proof have been
proposed by various authors. The ones up to 1974 are listed and dis-
cussed by Knorr [1975], who adds his own attempt at an arithmetical
proof. An overview for the time 1975-1993 can be found in my paper
Artmann [1994]. Naturally, I am convinced that my own hypothesis
about the historical proof is the most plausible one. I will sketch it
and refer the interested reader to my paper for more details.
The reconstruction will use a suitable geometric version of the
criterion X. 2. In modern terms this will be equivalent to the study
of the continued-fraction expansion of the roots, but, save for a few
notational abbreviations, no use will be made of modern methods.
H. G. Zeuthen [1915] was the first to propose the use of continued
fractions as an explanation for Theodorus's success up to Ba- m.
sically, then, the idea of this geometric proof is due to Zeuthen.
It is modified in such a way that it uses nothing but the simplest
parts of similarity geometry for rectangles, which are all contained
in Euclid's Elements, Book VI.
We explain the geometric version of the procedure, or rather the
algorithm of anthyphairesis, anthyphairesis, for short, in the simple
case of a rectangle with sides a = 16 (units) and b = 7 (units).
Look at the rectangle contained by a and b with a > b. Thke b
away from a as often as possible to get the representation with rl < b

"'I ....
,.- ~

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 243
The Theorem of Theodorus
and an integer qo :::: I,
a = qob + rl,
here a = 2b + 2.
Now look at the smaller rectangle contained by band rl to obtain
b=ql rl+ rZ,
here 7 = 3rl + 1.
Proceed with
rl - qzrz + r3,
here 2 - 2rz + 0,
and so on.
Ifwe start, as in this case, with commensurable magnitudes a, b
and numbers k, m such that
a: b = k: m,

then anthyphairesis is nothing but the Euclidean algorithm in a ge-

ometric version and will end after finitely many steps. Observe that
each time we take away more than half of the respective magni-
tude. Starting the same algorithm with two arbitrary segments a > b
will give us a sequence of remainders Yi and quotients qi. If some ri
turns out to be 0, then we are in the commensurable case: otherwise
not. From hindsight and in modern terms, the anthyphairesis coef-
ficients [qo; ql, qz, ...] of a : b are the coefficients of the continued
fraction expansion for a : b. Lagrange has shown that if a = rb (with
some real number r), then the sequence [qo; ql, qz, ...] will be (infi-
nite and) periodic if and only if r is the irrational root of a quadratic
equation with integer coefficients [Hardy-Wright 1954, 10.12].
Thus our geometric method can be (theoretically) successful for
numbers r = ,In. This is sufficient for Theodorus's theorem. It
makes no sense, however, for numbers like J7 - .JS, which are
easily constructed by Euclidean means and are studied in Book X.
We will show how the method works in two particular cases.
Case 1. Start with a segment b and construct with the aid of
Pythagoras's theorem a segment a such that a Z = 6b z. (Use J2b as
an intermediate step.) Draw the rectangle contained by a and band
its diagonal f (Fig. 24.6).
244 24. The Origin of Mathematics 12

T It.
a 1 1,/"""[
........ ~ v
...... .... ....
.... ....
..... ....
b .....
.... .... ....
...... ....
..... ...... ....
.... .... 'f1


We get
a 2b+rl,
b - 2rl + rz,
rl 4rz + r3
Drawing the segments corresponding to the last equation, we
observe that the vertex S of the small rectangle STUV with sides
(rl - 2rz) and rz seems to be on the diagonal f of the original big
rectangle. Ifthis were true, then the small rectangle would be similar
to and have the same anthyphairesis as the big one; and inside the
small rectangle should again appear an even smaller similar one ...
and so on. We would have a periodic anthyphairesis of the form
a 2b+rl'
b 2rl + rz,
rl 4rz + r3,

rk - 2rk+1 + rk+Z,
rk+l 4rk+Z + rk+3,

with a sequence of coefficients

a: b = [2; 2, 4, 2,4,2,4, ... ,2,4, ... J.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 245
The Theorem of Theodorus

In particular, the anthyphairesis for a = .J6b and b would not

terminate, and the segments a and b would be incommensurable.
From Fig. 24.6 we can see that
Y\ = a - 2b and 0 < YI < b,

(**) Yz =b- 2YI = Sb - 2a and 0 < Yz < YI.

These geometrical relations imply that
YI - 2yz = Sa - 12b.
Let us now check whether what the drawing suggests is true. "s
on the diagonal" is equivalent to the similarity of the two rectangles
(Props. VI. 24/26), hence to
and this in turn is equivalent (Props. VI. 16) to
(2) (YI - 2yz)b = ayz.
"Analysis" proceeding from (2) with (*), (**) gives
(Sa - 12b)b = a(Sb - 2a),
Sab - 12bz = Sab - 2a z ,
6b z = aZ
We have found our starting point. Going backward with "synthesis"
proves "s on the diagonal" and hence the incommensurability of b
and a = .J6b.
Let us sum up what we have done. Guided by the drawing, we
guessed equation (1), which would give us incommensurability. The
guess was verified by reducing (1) to the equation a Z = 6b z, which
was what we started with. Even if the verification (synthesis) con-
stitutes the exact proof, we would have been completely at a loss
without the guess from the drawing.
Except for the verifications of 2b < a < 3b and similar relations
that could easily be supplied by starting from aZ = 6b z, we have a
perfectly valid proof for the incommensurability of a and b, or, in
other words, for the irrationality of .J6.
This same method works equally well for all the roots .../3, ... ,
../17, with the exception of .J13, which will be our case 2. After case
246 --=2..::.4.:.........:::.Th=e.:......::.O..:..:ri::.2gm=:....:o:.:f....::.M=a:.:th=e:.:ma==..:t,:.:ic..::.8...:..:::.12

2 we will say a few words about precise drawings and related things,
but first we have to discuss JI9.
From the modern theory of continued fractions we know the se-
quence of anthyphairesis coefficients for JI9 to be [4; 2, 1,3, 1,2,8,
...] with a period of length 6. Suppose we started with a unit length
of 1m (and therefore JI9 ~ 4.3589m). The size of the small rectan-
gle similar to the big one would be (after 6 steps in the procedure)
about Imm x 4mm. It is thus impossible to guess the period from an
actual drawing. The method breaks down after N. Observe that
Jf8 = 3.J2 plays no significant role. This explains why Theodorus
got tied up after N.
Case 2. The true sequence of coefficients for .J13 presents the
same problems as the one for JI9. It is [3; I, I, I, 1,6, ...] with a pe-
riod oflength 5. Even worse, the odd length of the period would give
us a point on the diagonal only after two cycles, which is impossible
to find graphically. In spite of these problems there is an easy solu-
tion if we look at it the other way round. There are some especially
simply sequences like
(1 +.J5) : 2 = [1; I, I, 1, ],
h: 1 = [1; 2,2,2, ],
.J5: 1 = [2;4,4,4, ],
J10 : 1 = [3; 6, 6, 6, ],
but a sequence like [n; 3, 3, 3, ...]is missing. Can we find a and b such
that the rectangle contained by a and b would produce the sequence
[3; 3, 3, 3, ... ]? A rectangle with this anthyphairesis would look like

_.- -'-'-' -'

_.-' _.-. ~

-'--' -'-'-'-- -'


The Theorem of Theodorus

the one in Figure 24.7, with the point S on the diagonal and the
first remainder x unknown. For the sake of simplicity, let b = 1. By
Props. VI. 24, 26, 16 we have
S on the diagonal {:} 3 : 3x x: (1- 3x)
{:} 3(1 - 3x) 3x2
{:} (3 + x)x - 1
Th solve this for x is a standard problem ofthe application ofareas
with excess (Prop. VI. 29 in its simplified version), see Fig. 24.8.
The result is

3 v'I3
2 2
3 v'I3
2 2
This shows that a is incommensurable to b = I, and hence v'I3
is incommensurable to 1 by Props. X. 15/16. (Clearly, Euclid is a
later source, but the statement /Ix is commensurable to b if and only
if 3b + x is commensurable to b (or 2b)" is trivial from the definition
of commensurability.)
It was more or less by chance that v'I3 turned up by starting
from this sequence, but anyway it completes the geometrical proofof
Theodorus's theorem. On the other hand, one can turn the trick into
a method (a general feature of mathematics) and derive an infinite

1 \

248 24. The Origin of Mathematics 12

sequence of segments incommensurable with the unit segment by

starting from sequences like [k; k, k, k, ...] with some number k.
A few words have to be said about the practice of drawings. For
teaching purposes it seems that drawings in the smoothed-over sand
on the floor of the gymnasium played the role of our chalk and
blackboard. Such drawings are not accurate enough for the proof
presented above. Even if no expert draftsmanship is necessary for
the practical execution of the anthyphairesis for the respective rect-
angles, one has to be careful. It was only after some futile attempts I
became skillful enough for precise drawings. After that, the method
works surprisingly well. I started with segments b of about 10 cm
length and constructed a with the help of Pythagoras's theorem,
e.g., 15 = 42 _1 2 or 13 = 32 +2 2 . The precise length of a turns out to
be the most important parameter in the procedure. When actually
doing the drawings, I was quite surprised by the simplicity of the
case ,.fj and the difficulties for .JIO. This is something one cannot
learn from theory.
Returning to antiquity, we know that very accurate drawings
were done for architectural purposes. Heisel [1993] presents a gen-
eral overview. Petronotis [1969, p. 4] observes the introduction of a
new, very precise method of on-site drawings of the ground plan
of temples incised in the floor before the middle of the sixth cen-
tury B.C.E. The Hellenistic construction plans for the columns and
other parts of the temple of Apollo at Didyma, incised in the walls,
have been published by Haselberger [1985]. Plato hints at precise
drawings in his Philebus 56b, where he praises the exactness of archi-
tecture and shipbuilding. In late antiquity, St. Augustine remarks, in
a passage where he represents neoplatonic views of arithmetic and
geometry (Confessiones Book X. 12): "I have seen the lines of archi-
tects, the very finest like a spider's thread...." Hence it would pose
no problem for Theodorus to do (or have done) drawings with the
desired accuracy on wood tablets or precisely planed marble slabs
as used in the building trade. A unit length of one foot (about 30cm)
would have been entirely feasible.
This completes our discussion of the theorem of Theodorus.
24.6. Theaetetus of Athens 249

24.6 Theaetetus of Athens

Theaetetus of Athens studied under Theodorus and at the Academy
with Plato. Plato made him a principal character in his dialogue
"Theaetetus:' and what we know about the life of Theaetetus is
chiefly derived from the dialogue. Since he is characterized as a
young student who understands more about mathematics than a
great many men with long beards (168e), we may conclude that he
was about 15 or 16 years old at the time of the dialogue, that is, 399.
The introduction to the same dialogue reports him dying in 369 B.C.E.
Plato has Theodorus describe his student to Socrates:

I assure you that, among all the young men I have met with-and
I have had to do with a good many-I have never found such ad-
mirable gifts. The combination of a rare quickness of intelligence
with exceptional gentleness and of incomparable virile spirit with
both, is a thing that I should hardly have believed could exist, and
I have never seen it before ... his approach to learning and in-
quiry, with the perfect quietness of its smooth and sure progress,
is like the noiseless flow of a stream of oil. It is wonderful how he
achieves all this at his age. (Theaetetus 144 a, b)

In the dialogue Socrates, Theodorus, and Theaetetus discuss

what knowledge is. 'TWo mathematical statements are used as
examples ofknowledge: Theodorus's theorem, which we have inves-
tigated, and immediately following a definition and statement found
by Theaetetus together with his friend, the younger Socrates. Re-
member that Theodorus stopped for some reason at .J}7. Theaetetus

The idea occurred to us, seeing that these square roots were evi-
dently infinite in number, to try to arrive at a single collective term
by which we could designate all these roots.... We divided num-
ber in general into two classes. Any number which is the product
of a number multiplied by itself we likened to the square figure,
and we called such a number "square" or "equilateral." ... Any
intermediate number, such as three or five or any number that
cannot be obtained by multiplying a number by itself, but has one
250 24. The Origin of Mathematics 12

factor either greater or less than the other, so that the sides con-
taining the corresponding figure are always unequal, we likened
to the oblong figure, and we called it an oblong number.... All the
lines which form the four equal sides of the plane figure repre-
senting the equilateral number we defined as length, while those
which form the sides of squares equal in area to the oblongs we
called roots [surds], as not being commensurable with the others
in length, but only in the plane areas to which their squares are
equal. And there is another distinction of the same sort in the case
of solids. (Theaetetus 147d-148b)

The two students have gone three steps beyond the theorem of
Theodorus: (i) They gave the geometric definition of square and
oblong numbers; (ii) they seem to have proved the irrationality of
.JYi for any nonsquare number n; (iii) they introduced the notion of
lines "commensurable in square", that is, Def. X. 2. For the proof of
(ii) we have no direct evidence, it may have been the arithmetical
criterion for incommensurability. Point (iii) is a clear confirmation
of the scholion that credits Theaetetus with the original beginnings
of Book X. We have already said that we will return to these things
during the discussion ofthe regular solids, the other great mathemat-
ical achievement of Theaetetus. Some possible intermediate stages
between the original draft by Theaetetus and the final version of
Euclid's Book X are depicted by Knorr (1985, pp. 32-35].
We may add a few words about the connections of the above
mathematical examples to philosophy. The central point is that men
are able to gain knowledge by the power of pure reasoning alone.
This is what makes incommensurability so important for Aristotle,
as we have seen above.
Burnyeat [1978, pp. 509-512] discusses in detail the philosophical
meaning of the above mathematical passage in Plato's philoso-
phy. In particular, he points out the decisive role of definitions in
mathematics as a model for philosophical investigations.
The prototypical role of geometry for Plato's investigations in
the Theaetetus on the nature of knowledge has been studied thor-
oughly by Friedlander (1960, pp. 131-172, esp. 135]. This author,
however, avoids specific mathematical details (p. 139, note 19). For
24.7. Summary 251

him, mathematics contributes from the outset of the dialogue the

most important fact that knowledge is indeed possible (p. 135), even
if we do not know a definition of knowledge.
There may be still another bridge from the mathematical ex-
ample to the main theme of the dialogue, admittedly somewhat
superficial, but nevertheless to the point. Plato devotes a substan-
tial part of the Theaetetus to the discussion of Protagoras's claim that
"Man is the measure (metron) of all things" (The homo mensura the-
sis, Theaetetus 152a etc.). Taken literally, this would mean that there
is a common measure (metron) for all things. But Theodorus has
shown that there are segments with no common measure (metron).
Did he not, in that subtle way, disprove the thesis of his teacher Pro-
tagoras'? Certainly there is a much deeper sense to the problem, even
for geometry: Theodorus himself is declared to be the "metron" of
geometric diagrams, Le., the judge of their validity (169a). But even
in its simple geometric sense, the incommensurability proof is a nice
example for Friedlander's observation on p. 146: "The geometer re-
futes the sophist, but he is unaware of doing so." Because Friedlander
did not look at the mathematical contents, he did not see, in this
particular example, how the geometer disproved the sophist.

24.7 Summary
Let us sum up in a global picture what we have learned about
the Greek experience with incommensurable segments. The fol-
lowing path of development seems to be plausible, but we should
be cautious. Everyone familiar with elementary geometry knows
about the many different ways of arriving at a particular result.
Even if Theodorus used anthyphairesis, his figures may have looked
very different from the ones above. What is true for geometry ap-
plies equally well to history. The real historical landscape is even
messier than the geometrical one. We have no sources that would
tell us about details, false starts, or discarded theories of competing
mathematicians or schools.
252 24. The Origin of Mathematics 12

Stage 1
Discovery ofthe phenomenon of incommensurable segments in one
or both of two special cases: the diagonals and sides of the square
and the regular pentagon. I see no way to decide which one came
first and whether geometrical or arithmetical arguments secured
the first proof. From antiquity, only the arithmetical proof for the
square has been transmitted. When Plato speaks about the four feet
generated by "the diagonal of the diagonal" (Politicus 266ab), he cer-
tainly alludes to the square. On the other hand, his remark in Hipp.
Maj. 303b about the sum of two irrational magnitudes being rational
may be a hint of the pentagon (Cf. Prop. XIII. 6). Aristotle speaks
on several occasions about the "incommensurable diagonal" (as in
Metaphysics A 2, 983a16), without specifying the kind of diagonal.
But when he mentions even and odd numbers in connection with
the proof (Prior Analytics 41a23 f.), he surely means the square.
The preeminence of the square in our interpretations may
simply be a consequence of mathematical instruction and not of
historical priority. The square and its diagonal are much more ac-
cessible to a nonspecialist audience than the pentagon, and even in
mathematical textbooks of today .Ji stands for the quintessential
irrational number.
As proposed by von Fritz [1945], Hippasus the Pythagorean in
about 480-450 B.C.E. might have been the discoverer of the phe-
nomenon of incommensurability. Various proofs could have been
worked out for both the square and the pentagon.
Observe that at about the same time the "common measure" was
popular with architects. All the dimensions of the temple of Zeus in
Olympia, completed in 457 B.C.E., are multiples of a unit of 2 feet.
Its construction was the most influential architectural undertaking
in the first half of the fifth century [Knell 1988, pp. 41-45].

Stage 2
As a replacement of the special arguments in stage 1 the Euclidean
algorithm in its geometrical version was introduced as a general
method and used by Theodorus (about 440-430?) for the proof of his
theorem. The Pythagorean tool of the application of areas, used as
- - " ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 253
Stage 3

demonstrated for J13 above, provided incommensurable segments

in abundance. This method, however promising, did not solve the
general case of ,Jri. It got stuck at J19 for no apparent mathematical

Stage 3
Theaetetus, in the years 400-370, returned to arithmetical methods
for ,Jri. He proceeded into much more difficult investigations, as
are preserved in Euclid's Elements, Books X and XIII. Here again
special problems with the regular solids may have been the instiga-
tors of a general theory. For the regular solids, the diameter of the
circumsphere replaced the diagonals ofthe square and the pentagon.
This transition had already been made in XIII.ll for the pentagon.
From that time on, the theory of incommensurable magnitudes was
accessible only to the most advanced mathematical specialists.
Euclid Book

Solid Geometry

25.1 The Overall Composition of

Book XI
1-28 Angles and parallelism in space, sphere, cone,
and cylinder, various polyhedra
1-19 A: Basic facts of solid geometry
20-23 B: Solid vertices
24/25 C): Parallelepipedal solids
26/27 D): Parallelepipeds and proportion
28-34 Cz: Part C) continued
35-37 Dz: Part D) continued
38/39 'TWo lemmas for Book XII

256 25. Euclid Book XI

25.2 The Definitions of Book XI

The definitions at the beginning of Book XI are intended to serve for
all of the three Books XI-XIII. Accordingly, we find three groups of
definitions: Defs. 1-8 determine angles between planes and similar
objects. Next it is fixed what is to be understood by similar solid
angles (9-11). Pyramids and prisms (12,13) are needed in Book XII,
which culminates in the study of cylinders, cones, and spheres.
Def. XI.14.
When, the diameter of a semicircle remaining fixed, the semicircle is
carried round and restored again to the same position from which it
began to be moved, the figure so comprehended is a sphere.
This sounds more like an artisan's than a mathematician's defi-
nition. If a potter were asked to make a spherical vase or a sculptor
to carve a solid ball, they would proceed as in this definition. Plato
has a similar description of a sphere in his description of the cosmos,
but combines it with the definition that a mathematician (of today)
would expect:
And he [the creator] gave to the world the figure which was suitable
and also natural ... that figure would be suitable which compre-
hends within itself all other figures. Wherefore he made the world
in the form of a globe (sphairoeides), round as from a lathe, having
its extremes in every direction equidistant from the center, the most
perfect and the most like itself of all figures. [Timaeus 33a, my

The definitions of cones (18) and cylinders (21) follow the same
pattern as Def. 14. Whatever Euclid's motives may have been, these
definitions once more convince us that the roots of mathematics lie
in the traditions of sculptors, potters, architects, and other artisans.
There is another intrinsic reason for this unusual definition of a
sphere. We, being three-dimensional, can look "from above" at a flat
circular plate and see its center or reconstruct it as in Prop. III. 1
when it is lost. We would have to be four-dimensional in order to do
and see the same things in a solid sphere. On a flat section of the
cylindrical part of a column one can recover the center and hence
the axis of the column, but the same is impossible for a stone ball.
- - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - 257
25.3. Foundations of Solid Geometry

The remaining, third, group, Defs. 25-28, are about the regular
solids and will be quoted in the discussion of Book XIII.

25.3 Foundations of Solid Geometry

There are no foundations of solid geometry in Book XI, at least not
in the sense of the axiomatic base of Book I. We may recapitulate
from Book I the definition of a plane:
A plane surface is a surface which lies evenly with the straight lines on
This is more a description similar to the definitions of points and
lines. For solids we have the following analogue:
Def. XI.I.
A solid is that which has length, breadth, and depth.

This, together with Def. XI. 2 about the extremity of a solid, fixes
the dimension of solids. The subsequent definitions are technical,
like the next one.
Def. XI.3.
A straight line is at right angles to a plane, when it makes right angles
with all the straight lines which meet it and are in the plane.
There has been much criticism as to how Euclid tries to derive
from these definitions his first propositions, like
Prop. X1.3.
Iftwo planes cut one another, their common section is a straight line.
Modern axiomatic analyses like the one by Hilbert [1899] have
shown that there is no alternative to taking this proposition and the
preceding one (three noncollinear points are in a unique plane) as
axioms for solid geometry. We may conclude that here, as in his
arithmetical books, Euclid has preserved a historically earlier stage
of mathematical theories. Hence we were right when we said that
there is no axiomatic foundation of solid geometry in the proper
258 - - - - - - - - - - - -
25. Euclid Book XI

sense in Book XI. In a broader sense, however, we may speak about

foundations because Euclid collects many useful and basic state-
ments about planes, lines, and their angles of inclination in part A
of Book XI. As an example take

Prop. XI.14.
Planes to which the same straight line is at right angles will be

After XI .19 the subject changes to the treatment of solid vertices,

or solid angles, as Euclid called them. Propositions 20-23 appear
to be a unit, looking like preparatory material for Book XIII in a
narrower sense. Neuenschwander [1975, 127] has conjectured that
these propositions were stated by Theaetetus as a preparation for
his theory of the regular solids, which is preserved in Book XIII.

25.4 The Affinities of Books I and XI

Plato, in his Republic, 528 a-d, discusses the state of solid geome-
try. On the one hand, he praises the "extraordinary attractiveness
and charm" (528 d 2) of the subject and observes progress of the
investigators in spite of obstacles because of the "inherent charm"
of their results. On the other hand, he deplores the state of affairs
and speaks of an "absurd neglect" (528 d 9/10) of solid geometry, the
reasons for this being (a) the state gives no money for the research
in this area and (b) there is no director coordinating the efforts of
the investigators (528 b 6-c 4). How would this make sense in the
historical situation? We may propose the following solution:
(i) Theaetetus had created the concept of a regular polyhe-
dron and shown the existence of exactly five such polyhedra,
certainly a result of "inherent charm" and "extraordinary
(ii) There did not yet exist a book on the "Elements of solid ge-
ometry", so that the results of Theaetetus did not have an
elementary foundation consisting of certain simple proposi-
tions about the properties of planes etc. comparable to the
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 259
25.4. The Affinities of Books I and XI

foundations of plane geometry in section (Aa) of Euclid's

Book 1.
Under these circumstances, Plato's seemingly contradictory
remarks would make perfect sense, and moreover:
(iii) They could be understood as a challenge to write a book on
the foundations of solid geometry.
Following the authors quoted below, I assume that such a book
was indeed written, that it has, essentially, survived as Euclid's book
XI.1-23, 26, and that it was modeled after an existing earlier version
of Euclid's Book I. The similarity of Euclid's Books I and XI has
been observed by Neuenschwander [1975, p. 118] and Mueller [1981,
p. 207], and has been worked out in detail in the paper Artmann
[1988]. We direct our attention to some specific details, which show
the state of affairs before the introduction of the parallel postulate.
The solid geometry in Book XI has no axiomatic foundation like the
plane geometry in Book I. This is not what Plato criticizes. On the
contrary, it confirms the age of Book XI. In Plato's time mathematics
was based on definitions, not on axioms. (See Mueller [1991] for a
substantiation.) Parallel straight lines are defined in the very last
definition 18 of Book I as lines in the same plane that do not meet.
Definition XI. 8 says that parallel planes are those that do not meet.
In order to get a better synopsis, we list the propositions of Books I
and XI side by side (see Thble 25.1).
The most conspicuous analogies between the two books are
certainly the respective constructions (11/12) of perpendiculars
and (20) the triangular inequality. A closer look at some other
propositions is helpful. After 11/12, Book XI goes on to show the
uniqueness of the perpendiculars constructed in 11 and 12. This is
missing in Book I, but given by Produs in his commentary on 1.17
[Proclus-Morrow p. 244]. Then the two books deviate:

Prop. XI.14:
Planes to which the same straight line is orthogonal will be parallel.

This should be seen in connection with Props. XI. 6 and 8:

Prop. XI.6:
If two straight lines are at right angles to the same plane, the straight
lines will be parallel.
260 25. Euclid Book XI

TABLE 25.1

Book I Book XI
(Aa) (Aa)
1-10 foundations 1-5 foundations
6-10 parallelism and angles
for lines and planes
11/12 how to draw lines 11/12 how to draw lines
perpendicular to a perpendicular to a
given line given plane
14 a line orthogonal to
two planes makes the
planes parallel
(Ab) (Ab)
13-15 supplementary, vertical 15/16, orthogonality and
18/19 parallelism for lines
and planes
16/17 17 solid analogue to V1.2
(isolated theorem)
(Ac) (Ac)
18/19 greater side and angle
20 triangle inequality for 20 triangle inequality for
sides of a triangle angles at a vertex
21 sum of angles at a
21/22 construction of a 22/23 construction of a solid
triangle from its sides vertex from plane
23 copying of angles 26 copying of solid angles
27/28 equal angles make
29 parallels make equal
31 construction of parallels
32 sum of angles in a
25.4. The Affinities of Books I and XI 261

Prop. XI.8:
If two straight lines are parallel, and one of them is at right angles to
any plane, the remaining one will also be at right angles to the same

If we, in these three propositions, replace "plane" by "line," then

14 and 6 will coincide and, together with 8, will give us a convenient
description of parallels in the (one) plane of Book I. Similarly, the
transitivity of parallelism for lines is stated in XI. 9 and 1.30.
Proposition XI.15, 16 are specific to solid geometry and cannot
have plane analogies. The same is true for XI.18, 19.
Proposition XI.17 is a singularity. It is the solid analogue of VI,
2-10 and is proved by means of VI. 2 (proportional segments), which
is the basis of all similarity geometry.
With the two triangular inequalities in 1.20 and XI.20 we are back
to the sequence of Book I. The sum of angles at a solid vertex (XI. 21 )
may correspond to the sum of the angles in a triangle (1.32.) Proposi-
tion XI, 22/23 have their exact counterparts in 1.21/22. The copying
of a plane angle in 1.23 corresponds to the copying of a solid angle in
XI, 26. At XI.24, another section of Book XI about parallelepipedal
solids starts, which has to be compared with section C on parallelo-
grams of Book I. Again the similarities are compelling. In spite of a
great number of definitions at the beginnings of both books, neither
parallelograms nor parallelepipeds are defined. We leave out a more
detailed investigation of the respective propositions because these
parts are less important for our purposes. Besides, they seem to be
somewhat younger than the preceding material.
Our structural comparison of Books I and XI works in two ways.
First, we have seen how Book XI was composed after the pattern of
Book I, but with some variations concerning parallels. It is gener-
ally assumed that the parallel postulate (5) and the corresponding
treatment of parallels in the Elements, Props. I. 27-32, were fairly
recent at Euclid's time. Hence we may assume that Book XI was
modeled after an earlier version of Book I, where parallels were
treated in a less sophisticated way. Our second line of investigation
will be to recover information from Book XI to find out what that
earlier treatment of parallels could have been. Because we have no
explicit witnesses, the emerging picture can only be hypothetical.
262 25. Euclid Book XI

Nevertheless, it seems to be convincing and may allow us a glimpse

at the Elements of Leon, which was the textbook of Plato's Academy.
If we look at our schematic representation of the two books (see
Table 25.1), we see parallelism in the solid case treated in subsection
(Ab), Props. 15-19. The corresponding subsection in Book I has only
two remarks about angles and Props. I. 16/17, which we have already
recognized in our discussion of Book I as rather late. We conclude
that before somebody rearranged the propositions now following
1.12, there should have existed a section on parallels and angles and
after that a section concerning the triangular inequality. From the
plane versions of XI.6, 8, 14 we may even see how parallels were
originally constructed. The construction of perpendiculars in Props.
XU1, 12 is the basis for the criterion of parallelism for planes in
space, XU4. In the plane case, Props. 1.11,12 would have served the
same purpose. (The more general alternate angles in 1.27-29 could
be seen as a generalization of right angles.) The pre-Euclidean sub-
section (Ab) on angles and parallels might then have consisted of the
following propositions (we use the numbering of Euclid's Elements):
I. 13/14: Angles "on a line" adding up to two right angles.
1. 15: Vertical angles are equal.
1. 27/28/29/31: Alternate angles are equal and make parallels,
parallels make equal alternate angles, how to draw parallels.
I. 30: 'Itansitivity of parallelism.
1. 32: The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the
two interior and opposite angles, and the three interior angles
together make two right angles.
At this stage, 1.16 would be superfluous, and 1.32 could have been
used as a basis for a subsection (Ac) on greater relations for lines and
angles, consisting of Euclid's Props. I. 18-22 and 24/25. Together
with an initial subsection (Aa) consisting of Euclid's Props. 1. 1-12,
this would have been an attractive (but hypothetical) introduction
to plane geometry and fit with the structure of Book XI.
Unfortunately, we have no written evidence of an earlier defini-
tion of parallels. There are three key properties of parallel lines (in
a fixed plane, as in Book I):
(i) Parallel lines do not meet.
(ii) They make equal (right) angles with (orthogonal) transversals.
(iii) They are equidistant.
_25_._5_._Th_e_D_u~PLl_ic:....a:....ti:....o_n_o_f_th-..:...e:....C_u_b_e 263

All three properties were known by artisans, especially stone ma-

sons, from time immemorial. In every wall made from rectangular
blocks or bricks one could see parallel lines. Plato acknowledges the
strong interrelations of the building trade and geometry in his Phile-
bus (56 b-57 d), even ifhe contrasts practical and scientific geometry
in the same place. Maybe even all three properties were stated in the
definition. This would be similar to the definition of the diameter of
a circle in Def. I. 17, where it is defined as a line through the center
that also bisects the circle.

25.5 The Duplication of the Cube

From the rest of Book XI we will pick out just the one theorem
Prop. XI. 33, which is closely related to the famous problem of the
duplication of the cube.
Prop. XI.33.
Similar parallelepipedal solids are to one another in the triplicate ratio
of their corresponding sides.
This proposition is the extension to the solid case of Prop. VI. 20
for similar polygons. In the plane a similarity factor k for seg-
ments gives k 2 for areas; now we will have the factor k 3 for the
corresponding volumes of similar parallelepipeds.
There is a precisely parallel statement with essentially the same
proof in Book VIII about similar solid numbers. We will not dis-
cuss similar solid numbers and similar parallelepipedal solids but
restrict our attention to cubes in both cases. Except for some very
easy modifications, the proofs are the same for the special and the
more general situations.
Prop. VIII.19.
Tiuo mean proportional numbers fall between two similar solid numbers;
and the solid has to the similar solid the triplicate ratio of that which the
corresponding side has to the corresponding side.
Let us first repeat the statements in modern terminology. Let
the cubes have sides a and b, so that the respective cube numbers
264 ---------_----=.:::..:.......=.:=--=.==-==
25. Euclid Book XI

(or volumes) are a 3 and b3 . Then it is said that there are two mean
proportionals, which is the definition of /lin triplicate ratio:' This

a 3 : a 2b = a 2 b : ab2 = ab2 : b3 ,
the numbers a 2 b and ab 2 being the said mean proportionals. In the
problem of duplicating a cube, the two numbers a3 = 2 and b3 = 1
are given, and a is sought. Clearly, this amounts to a = ~. By
transforming the original problem into one about two mean propor-
tionals, it was brought into a version that could be handled by the
mainstream methods of Greek mathematics. From Eratosthenes of
Cyrene (ca. 250 B.C.E.) we learn that the reduction of the cube dupli-
cation to the finding of two mean proportionals was the discovery of
Hippocrates of Chios. (For this and many more details of the story
see Knorr [1986, esp. p. 23] and Saito [1995].)
For the proof of Props. XI. 33 and VIII. 19 Euclid uses what one
might call a solid gnomon (see Fig. 25.1). We have the two cubes
A and B with their respective sides a and b. Let R be the square
with side a, and S the rectangle contained by a and b. Then, using
Props. VI. 1 and XI. 25/32, we get
a:b = R: S - A: C,
a:b C:D,
a:b = D:B.


_25_,_5_,_T_h_e_D_u-'p"-l_ic:....a_ti_o_n_o_f_th_e.:...-C_u_b_e 265

Hence we have
A : C = C : D = D : B,

and the two mean proportionals for A and B have been found.
The Greeks could not know that it was hopeless to look for a
ruler-and-compass construction of,ifi. Instead ofusing these "plane"
methods, solutions have been found by "solid" methods, that is,
spatial curves (Archytas) or conic sections (Menaechmus). For the
details see Knorr [1986].
The Origin of
The Role of Definitions

We have seen how Euclid formulates a definition of the sphere that

goes back to the actual process of making one. Plato, in this case
more advanced than Euclid, seems to waver between the artisan's
and the mathematician's definition when he adds the condition of
equidistance from a center. The example shows how a particular
mathematical concept changes from a practical and realistic origin
toward a more abstract notion that fits better into a developed the-
ory. Usually in the Elements we find this mathematically advanced
kind of definition. Many of them are explicit descriptions of geomet-
rical objects like "equilateral triangle" or "gnomon," which simply
determine certain notions for later use. However, not everything
can be defined. Every mathematical theory starts with some unde-
fined concepts. Today these may be in principle no more than "set"
and "function" or one of these two, but one cannot start from noth-
ing. In the Elements a typical example of this sort is "to measure:'
We are never told what "measuring" is, in spite of its fundamental
importance in Book V for magnitudes and in Book VII for numbers.
Somehow one knows what is meant, and it works. We have strong

268 26_._T_he~O_rI..gIc:..n_o..:..f:....:Math.:. :.::..:.e_ma___.:. :ti:.. :. cs.:. . . =. :. 13

connotations of an everyday procedure that help us to make sense

of the concept.
As soon as mathematics develops a little further, another type of
definition emerges. When mathematicians discovered that certain
segments have no common measure, the notions of commensura-
bility and incommensurability entered the field. This again led to
another problem of definition. How should "proportion" be defined,
given the new phenomenon? In this way the search for the "right"
definition becomes a research problem.
This may sound curious to a philosophically trained reader. Af-
ter Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) it became firmly established that in
mathematics definitions are what are called nominal definitions.
The notion "square" is nothing but an abbreviation of the phrase
"equilateral and equiangular quadrilateral," and the same is true for
any other mathematical concept. In principle one should always be
able to replace the shorthand notion by the terms that were used
in its definition. In fact, many routine proofs do just this. And more
than that: Definitions are never right or wrong, but can only be more
or less useful.
What mathematicians mean by a "right" or "good" definition is
one that on the one hand fits closely to the more intuitive notion
that is under discussion, and on the other hand allows for the fruitful
development of the corresponding theory. A paradigmatic example
for such a definition is Def.V.S about the proportionality of magni-
tudes. A definition of this type has a strong creative component.
One cannot know beforehand what will work, and many different
approaches may be necessary. Aristotle has a clear understanding
of this situation when he speaks about the proof of Prop.VI.1, which
is the basis of similarity geometry:
In mathematics, too, some things would seem to be not easily
proved for want of a definition, e.g., that the straight line parallel
to the side, which cuts a plane figure [rectangle] divides similarly
both the line and the area. But once the definition is stated, the
said property is immediately manifest. ... [Thpics 158 b 29-32]

Euclid's definition of similar plane numbers may fall into this

same category. A modern example could be the definition of quater-
nions by Hamilton (1843), who looked for a multiplication in ]R3, but
- - " ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 269
26, The Origm' of Mathematics 13

found one in]R4 and so created a whole new theory. In this case we
are on the borderline of yet another type of definition that mathe-
maticians hold in highest esteem. We might call them creations out
of nothing, creatio ex. nihilo. In the Elements, we meet this type in
Book XIII about the regular polyhedra. We will see how Theaetetus,
knowing three of them from the Pythagoreans, created the concept
and classified all examples. This subject is as fascinating today as it
was in the time of Plato. Great advances in mathematics are based on
definitions of this kind. Newton and Leibniz defined derivatives and
integrals; Cantor created infinite cardinal numbers, and Poincare the
fundamental group.
And yet all these definitions are nominal in the strict logical
sense. Logical theories are valuable and useful for foundational
questions, but in some way they miss what is going on in real-
life mathematics. Look, for instance, at theorems that characterize a
mathematical object. In principle, a characterization should be noth-
ing but the replacement of one definition by another one. Example:
A quadrilateral is cyclic if and only if its opposite angles add up to
two right angles (cf. Prop. III. 22). Any such characterization will
expand our knowledge and reveal, in the important cases, hidden
properties and open up new paths of investigations.
Let us add a few words about definitions in the world outside
mathematics. Once a mathematical concept is defined, it is and
remains fixed in the context of the mathematical theory. For profes-
sions other than that of a mathematician's, sometimes exactly the
opposite seems to be true. In many cases it is the business of a lawyer
or a politician to argue about the meaning of definitions, to expand
and twist them until they match one's purposes. The mathematician
excludes secondary connotations; the lawyer exploits them. And
there is a third person, the poet, who creates them. Writers and poets
take care of the living language by creating ever new metaphors and
adding fresh connotations to words that have become stereotypes
or have worn down over many years of careless usage. The writer
Robert Musil (1880-1942), who held a degree in mathematics, says
in his great novel "The Man Without Qualities" exactly this: "And so
every word demands to be taken literally, or else it would decay to
a lie; and yet one cannot take it verbatim, for that would render the
world a madhouse" (Musil [1981] p. 749).
Euclid Book

Volumes by Limits

27.1 The Overall Composition of

Book XII
1/2 A: The area of a circle
3-9 B: The volume of a pyramid
10/15 C: Cylinders and cones
16/18 D: Spheres

27.2 The Circle

As a preparation for his main theorem on circles Euclid needs some
information on polygons.
Prop. XII.I.
Similar polygons inscribed in circles are to one another as the squares
on the diameters.

272 ----------_....=..:....:.-=.::.==-=-=...:..:::...::=
27. Euclid Book XII

This is easily reduced to Prop. VI, 20 about the areas of sim-

ilar polygons by a little geometric manipulation that replaces
corresponding sides by the diameters of the circumcircles.
By inscribing successively larger polygons into a circle he
approximates the area. This is called the method of exhaustion.
Prop. XII.2.
Circles are to one another as the squares on the diameters.
(In the same way as with polygons in this context he means the
area when he says "circle!')
Before sketching Euclid's proofwe describe the transition to mod-
ern formulas. If two circles have areas AI, A2 and diameters d1 , d2
or (to use the modern convention) radii rl, r2, then
A . A - d 2 . d 2 - r2 . r2
1, 2 - l' 2 - l' 2'

A 1,'r 12 --
A 2'r2'

so that the ratio of the area A of a circle to the square r2 on its radius
is constant, This constant is now called Jr, and we write
A : r2 = Jr, or A = Jrr 2 .
The second (and in this context secondary) question is to deter-
mine the constant Jr as precisely as possible. In his Measurement of
a Circle Archimedes showed that
10 10
3- < Jr < 3-.
71 70
(For details and sources about Jr the interested reader will find
complete information in Berggren et al. [1997].)
The final section of Book XII deals with spheres and establishes
Prop. XII.18.
Spheres are to one another in the triplicate ratio of their respective
Again we may express this result by saying that if VI, V2 are the
volumes of two spheres with diameters d1 , d2 and radii rl, r2, then
3 3 3 3
V 1'V2-d ' ' ' ' 2--rI ''r 2'
- 1 ,r1
The Proof of Prop. X.II.2 273

or, as before, for some constant k,

V: r 3 = k.

One ofthe major achievements ofArchimedes (On the Sphere and

the Cylinder, Prop. 34) establishes the following relation between this
constant k and Jr:
k= -Jr.

The Proof of Prop. XII.2

The proof of Prop. XII. 2 is by what has later been called the method
of exhaustion. We reproduce Euclid's arguments in modern notation.
Let the two circles /(1 and /(2 have areas A 1 and A2 and diameters
dI and d2 There exists a certain area B such that
d~ : d~ = Al : B,
and we have to show that B A2. Euclid achieves this by excluding
B < A 2 and A 2 < B.
First, assume B < A2. Inscribe a square EFGH in /(2 and cir-
cumscribe another one as indicated in Fig. 27.1. This shows that
DEFGH > !A2. In the next step bisect the arcs EF etc. and inscribe
an octagon in JC 2 Each one of the triangles like b.EFK takes away
more than half of the area of the remaining segments. At this point

274 27. Euclid Book XII

Euclid quotes Prop. X. 1 and says, "Thus, by bisecting the remaining

circumferences and joining straight lines, and by doing this contin-
ually, we shall leave some segments of the circle which will be less
than the excess by which the circle K z exceeds the area B." Now let Pn
be a polygon such that B < Pn. Inscribe in K I a polygon Qn similar
to P n . Then, by Prop. XII. I,
Qn : P n - d;: d~. Hence
Qn: Pn - AI: B.
By alternation he derives
Qn : Al = Pn : B,
and this is a contradiction because Qn < AI, and Pn > B.
By reducing the case B > Az to the preceding one the proof is

27.3 The Pyramid

Euclid has defined a pyramid at the beginning of Book XI:
Def. XI.12.
A pyramid is a solid figure, contained by planes, which is constructed
from one plane to one point.
Clearly, the Greeks knew the great pyramids of Egypt. Just imag-
ine that for them these pyramids were as old as for us a building
constructed by the Roman emperor Augustus some 2000 years ago.
One might think of an Egyptian origin of the word "pyramid" itself,
but the Greek dictionary gives a more plausible explanation by the
way ofpyra= funeral pile (associated to pyr= fire) with the extended
meaning of a holy burying place. This is exactly what the Egyptian
pyramids were.
From elementary geometry we know the formula for the volume
P of a pyramid with base b and altitude h to be P = tbh. (See, for
instance, the high-school text by Jacobs [1987], who states it without
proof.) Euclid proves this result and expresses it in his way without
a formula. We will sketch his theory and see how he realizes various
_27_.3_._Th_e_Py~ram_id 275


aspects of P = ~bh. (For the proofs see Heaths's text.) His general
procedure is, even if more complicated, similar to his treatment of
the circle. The first step is to find a solid replacement for the polygons
inscribed in a circle (see Fig. 27.2).

Prop. XII.3.
Any pyramid which has a triangular base is divided into two pyramids
equal and similar to one another, similar to the whole and having trian-
gular bases, and into two equal prisms; and the two prisms are greater
than the half of the whole pyramid.
The second step provides us with an analogy to Prop. XII. 1 by
looking at the proportions of the approximating solids. Let PI, Pz be
two triangular pyramids with bases bI , bz and equal altitudes, and
let Wi be the combined volumes of the two prisms in Pi.
Prop. XII.4.
[abbreviated] WI : Wz = bI : bz.
Step 3 is the proofby exhaustion of the main result.

Prop. XII.5.
Pyramids which are of the same height and have triangular bases are to
one another as the bases.

The proof of XII.5 follows the pattern of XII.2. From XII.3 we

have the subdivision of a pyramid Po into two prisms (more than its
276 27. Euclid Book XII
----------- ----
half) and two smaller pyramids PI, P2. Subdivide these as before and
iterate, and so on.
What follows is a technical extension of the preceding result for
pyramids with triangular bases.
Prop. XII.G.
Pyramids which are of the same height and have polygonal bases are to
one another as the bases.

Let us see how close we are to the formula. For pyramids with
equal heights we know that
PI : P 2 = bI : b2 .

If we ignore dimensions (something that Euclid could not do)

and regard Pi, bi as real numbers, we could alternate to
PI : bI = P2 : b2 = k, a constant.
Even if Euclid could not calculate as we did, he determines k in
his next step. (Fig. 27.3).
Prop. XII. 7.
Any prism which has a triangular base is divided into three pyramids
equal to one another which have triangular bases.
This gives us k = ~. We still do not yet know how the volume
changes with different heights. If one cuts a pyramid by a plane par-
allel to the base, the problem is that the size of the base changes
together with the size of the height. (Fig. 27.4) In his next proposi-

27.4. Cylinders, Cones, and Spheres


tion, Euclid solves this problem in a roundabout way. He extends

Prop. XI. 33 about similar parallelepipeds to pyramids.
Prop. XII.8.
Similar pyramids which have triangular bases are in the triplicate ratio
of their corresponding sides.
This together with the last proposition solves the problem of the
volume of pyramids completely.
Prop. XII.9.
Let PI, Pz be equal pyramids with triangular bases bI , bz and altitudes
hI, hz. Then

As with triangles, Euclid never measures volumes. He thinks

geometrically and does not measure volumes in our sense, that is,
he does not assign a number to a solid as its volume. On the other
hand, one could, given the above information and starting from a
unit cube, derive the formula P = !bh.

27.4 Cylinders, Cones, and Spheres

Euclid's treatment of cylinders, cones, and spheres follows the pat-
tern established for the circle and the pyramid. The geometry gets
more complicated, but the method of exhaustion is basically the
278 - - - - - - - - - - - -
27. Euclid Book XII

same. Only in Props. XII, 13/14 does a new element enter the proofs.
In Prop. XII. 14 he treats cylinders cut by planes parallel to the base
(that is, of different heights) and employs the definition Def. V. 5 of
proportionality in a way similar to Prop. VI. 1. Thus he gets
Prop. XII.14.
Cones and cylinders on equal bases are to one another as their
One wonders why he does not state a similar result for prisms and
pyramids. At this point one could speculate about the contributions
of various pre-Euclidean authors to the text, but we will leave this
to the specialists.
The Origin of
The Thming of the

Using finite means for mastering the infinite is a hallmark of math-

ematics. Here again Euclid did ground-breaking work. We wi11list a
series of his examples, all of which were discussed in greater detail
at their respective places.

First example: The theory of parallels

Parallels are defined as nonintersecting lines. In principle, then,
we have to go an infinite way in order to find out whether two
straight lines in a plane meet. Euclid proposes a finite solution to
the problem: Just check alternating angles! (In fact, the parallel pos-
tulate is the first decisive step toward this solution.) Observe that
the definition of parallels as equidistant lines would also involve the

280 28. The Origin of Mathematics 14

Second example: Thngents to a circle

Nowadays, tangents to curves are defined using limits. For the spe-
cial case of a circle the problem is easier. In Book III, Def. 2 Euclid
defines the tangent to a circle as a line touching the circle in just
one point. More than a hundred years before Euclid, the philosopher
Protagoras of Abdera (ca. 480-400) had opposed the very notion of
a tangent. He claimed that it was impossible for a line to meet a
circle in exactly one point. Probably he thought of something like an
infinitely small segment being common to line and circle. Whatever
the precise belief of Protagoras's had been, Euclid transformed the
more "intuitive" definition into the following statement: The line g
touches the circle with center C in the point P if and only if the line
CP is orthogonal to g. There is no need to determine a limit in order
to find the tangent to a circle (Props. 16 - 19 of Book III).

Third example: The proportionality of line segments

For the proportionality of four magnitudes a, b, c, d we have the
sophisticated Def. V. 5 of Book V: For all numbers n, m, if na > mb,
then nc > md, and so on. If we don't find anything better, we have to
check an infinity of cases. Again Euclid presents a "finite" criterion,
if only for the proportionality oflines (segments). Definition V, 5 is
used in Prop. VI. 1 in order to establish a proportionality between two
different domains of magnitudes, lines, and [areas of] rectangles (or
triangles). The immediate consequence of Prop. VI. 1 is the theorem
on proportional segments, Prop. VI. 2 with its simple condition for
proportionality of a parallel cutting the side of a triangle.
A second geometric criterion, as useful as the first, is established
in Props. VI. 14/16 for the proportionality of the lines a, b, c, din
terms of the rectangles 0 (a, d) and 0 (b, c) contained by the
respective lines.
a :b= C : d {} 0 (a, d) = 0 (b, c),

the latter equality meaning "of equal content." The equality of areas,
which can be handled effectively by the methods of Books I and
II, replaces the more involved Def. V. 5 which in modern terms
translates into taking limits. This second criterion is again based
Fifth example: Incommensurability 281

directly on Prop. VI, 1. (It is once more expanded in Props. VI. 24/26.)
Euclid is a master in handling proportions for lines, and he uses VI. 1
whenever possible to reduce proportions for magnitudes of higher
dimensions (e.g., areas) to the case of lines. A typical example for
this procedure is the proof of Prop. VI. 19.

Fourth example: Prime numbers

Whenever we have a finite number of primes, these will not be all
of them. In one simple step, executed on a finite number, Euclid
catches the infinite.

Fifth example: Incommensurability

This is more delicate. Commensurability is defined in Def. X. 1 by
the existence of a common measure. This is the finite side of the
problem. Proposition X. 2 gives a criterion for commensurability in
terms of the Euclidean algorithm (anthyphairesis) for magnitudes,
and Props. X. 5/6 another one in terms of (natural) numbers.
The only way to find out that the anthyphairesis algorithm does
not terminate seems to be to establish periodicity. Periodicity is a
finite criterion for infinite repetition and hence incommensurabil-
ity. There is no proof of this type in the Elements. The second way
to tackle the problem is to use the criterion "as number to number"
and to produce a contradiction, as done in X. 117. In principle, this
method proceeds thus: Assume a : b = k : n and let k : n be in low-
est terms (minimi). Use some geometric argument in order to derive
numbers r, s smaller than k, n with a : b = r : S, a contradiction to
"in lowest terms." One step is enough in order to solve an infinite
This method was made popular by Fermat (1601-1655) and has
historically become known under the name "infinite descent." Its
base is the well-ordering of the natural numbers: Every nonempty
subset of the set of natural numbers N has a smallest element. This
is equivalent to the method of mathematical induction, which
covers infinitely many cases with a finite amount of information
compressed into one step.
282 28. The Origin of Mathematics 14

Sixth example: Exhaustion

Here we meet limits in an explicit way. The sequence of (areas ot)
polygons approaching the circle is used to prove a theorem about
circles. The existence of the limit, the area of the circle, is no prob-
lem for Euclid. The central fact is that he can make the difference
between the circle and the approaching polygons as small as wanted,
and this is nothing else than the modern definition of convergence.
By going out far enough in the finite realm one can prove statements
about the infinite; that is the message of this example.
Euclid Book

Regular Polyhedra

29.1 The Overall Composition of

1-6 A: Division in extreme and mean ratio
7-12 B: About the pentagon, and lemmas for part C
13-18 C: Regular polyhedra

Parts A and B are mainly preparatory for part C, but some of

the theorems in part B are of independent interest. We will discuss
the latter ones in this section. The history of the regular polyhedra
from Hippasus to finite simple groups will be the subject of the next
section, "Symmetry through the ages!'

284 29. Euclid Book XIII

29.2 Division in Extreme and Mean

Ratio and the Pentagon
In Def. VI.3 a segment PQ is said to have been cut in extreme and
mean ratio by a point R (with greater segment PR) if
PQ : PR = PR : RQ.

(In the first half of the nineteenth century this was given the
name lithe golden section:') We will abbreviate it by EM ratio. Given
the segment PQ, the point R has already been found twice: in dis-
guise in Prop. II. 11 and explicitly in Prop. VI. 30. Here we are
confronted with a third construction, again without motivation as
in Prop. II. 11. We abbreviate Euclid's statements of Props. XIII. 112.
Let the points S, P, Q, R lie on a line as shown in Fig. 29.1 and let
PQ = 2PS. Then we have (XIII. 112) that

PRQ are in EM ratio OSR = 50 PS.

Since we can easily construct a square equal to SOPS, we have
another construction of the EM ratio. Props. XIII. 3/4 are variations
of 1/2. All of the propositions have proofs that resemble the methods
of Book II. (The construction needed for XIII, 1/2 is just II, 11.)
The next proposition is about the iteration of the EM ratio as we
have met it in our speculations of the Fibonacci sequence in Chapter
24, see Fig. 29.1(b). It could be read off geometrically from an iter-
ated pentagram, but here it is proved directly from the definition by

(4) 0-0- _ O ( ) - - _ C o - - - - o D

(D) <:>00---0-0- - - 0 - 0_-oD

r p R Q

29.2. Division in Extreme and Mean Ratio and the Pentagon 285

manipulating rectangles in a way that looks more like algebra than

Prop. XIII.S
(See Fig. 29.1 (b)): If PRQ are in EM ratio and TP = PR, then OPT are
in EM ratio.
It should be stressed once more that the iteration here is going
"outward" to bigger segments as in the Fibonacci sequence. We have
seen how the iteration "inward" in the pentagram or for the EM
ratio will immediately lead to the respective incommensurability
statements, either in the arithmetical or in the geometrical version.
(Euclid reveals the motivation behind the pentagon/pentagram only
in Prop. XIII. 8, as we have discussed in our speculations about the
pentagon in Book IV.) Thus it is quite natural to find a theorem
about the incommensurability of the diagonal and side ofthe regular
pentagon at exactly this place, even if it is stated just for the EM
ratio. However, what we find is not the simple incommensurability
statement, but a refined "now I know better" version employing the
vocabulary of Book X.
Prop. XIII.6.
If a (rational) straight line is cut in extreme and mean ratio, each of the
segments is an irrational straight line, the one called apotome.
The proof uses the fact that by Prop. XIII. 1 the respective seg-
ments can be expressed as rational combinations of -.15, and the
definition of an "apotome" in Prop. X. 73, which expresses just this in
slightly more general terms. There has been a debate among philol-
ogists as to whether this proposition was in fact contained in Euclid's
original Elements or whether it is a later interpolation. (See Heath
on XIII. 6.) In agreement with Eva Sachs [1917], pp. 112-116, I am
convinced that it is genuine. In fact, Theaetetus, who is generally
considered to be the author of the original versions of Books X and
XIII, may have replaced an older statement by a more modern one
as indicated above and thus have created the philological problems.
From Prop. XIII. 6 we will pass directly to XIII. 11, because there is a
considerable and significant shift of interest between these related
propositions, which again may show the handwriting of Theaetetus.
Whereas XIII. 6 is about the diagonal and the side of the regular pen-
286 29. Euclid Book XIII

tagon, XIII. 11 is about the diameter of the circumcircle and the side
of the pentagon. In (regular) polygons with more than 5 sides, there
are (many) different diagonals, and in triangles there are none at all.
On the other hand, the diameter (or radius) of the circumcircle is
a standard magnitude for all of them, which can be compared with
the side. In fact, exactly this is done for the equilateral triangle in
Prop. XIII. 12. Thus Props. XIII. 11/12 are decidedly more abstract
and general in their setting than Prop. XIII. 6, which is confined to
the specific situation of the pentagon. Moreover, Props. XIII. 11 / 12
lead directly to the subsequent study of the interrelations between
the diameters of the circumspheres and the edges of the regular
Prop. XIII.11.
Ifan equilateral pentagon is inscribed in a circle having a rational diam-
eter, the side of the pentagon is an irrational straight line, the one called
In part 5 of Chapter 13, "Polygons after Euclid," we calculated the
side and diagonal of a regular pentagon inscribed in the unit circle.
Adjusting the formula for a circle with diameter d, we get for the

Euclid finds and expresses this in his geometrical terms. The

interested reader will find detailed analyses of the proof either in
Heath's comments or in Taisbak (1982], 9-15. Taisbak takes this proof
as his starting point for the investigation of Book X. Thgether with
Mueller (1981], 260-263, Taisbak proposes to see this and the calcu-
lation of the edge of the icosahedron in Prop. XIII. 16 as the main
motivations for the attempted classification of irrational segments
in Book X.

29.3 About the Decagon

The two Props. XIII. 9/10 are about the decagon and its relations
to the pentagon and the hexagon. (All polygons are understood to
29.3. About the Decagon 287


be regular.) After studying the two propositions we will find very

similar ideas expressed in a famous Greek temple, whose architect
lived at about the same time as Theaetetus.
Prop. XIII.9.
If the side of the hexagon and that of the decagon inscribed in the same
circle are added together, the whole straight line has been cut in extreme
and mean ratio, and its greater segment is the side of the hexagon.
For his proof, Euclid essentially uses the triangle of Prop. IV, 10
(Fig. 29.2). In IV, 10 he avoided proportions, but in effect started
from a line in EM ratio and had to find the relevant angles. This
time he knows the central angle of the decagon (f3 = 36) and the
sizes of the respective segments and has to show that they are in EM
ratio. Hence Prop. XIII 9 is a sort of converse to Prop. IV 10. The two
propositions combined are something like a special case of the most
important Props. VI 4/5 about proportional segments and angles. As
in Prop. IV 10, for the proof Euclid uses various isosceles triangles.
Because he now may use similarity arguments, he gets the desired
result from 6.EBC :::::: 6.DEB.
Prop. XIII.IO.
Ifan eqUilateral pentagon is inscribed in a circle, the side ofthe pentagon
is equal in square to that ofthe hexagon and that ofthe decagon inscribed
in the same circle.
In other words, the side of the pentagon is the hypotenuse of a
right triangle that has the sides of the hexagon and of the decagon as
its legs-a really unexpected and beautiful insight! Following Sachs
288 2=.:9:..:..--=E=.:u:=c=lid=..=B.=.;oo=k:..,:XI==1I


[1917] and Neuenschwander [1975], Mueller [1981], p. 258, note 8

reports how these authors suggested that XIII. 10 could have be-
come evident during the construction of the icosahedron. It is true
XIII. 9/10 are the main tools for the icosahedron in XIII. 16. However,
XIII. 10 could become intuitively accessible only with exact modern
drawings, compare our discussion of the icosahedron below.
On the other hand, Thisbak [1982] presents a relatively simple
derivation of Prop. XIII. 10 within the confines of plane geometry.
Later on, Prop. XIII. 10 has become important in applied mathemat-
ics, too. Ptolemy [1974, Almagest I. 10] uses it as a valuable tool in
his calculations of the tables of chords (that is, the trigonometric
Step 2. 289

The Proof of Prop. XIII.IO

As usual, we emphasize the main steps of the proof, abbreviate a
little, and use modern notation; in particular, numerical values are
used for the sizes of the angles.

Step 1.
(See Figs. 29.3 and 29.4) The regular pentagon ABCDE is inscribed
in the circle with center F. The arc AB is bisected at K and the arc
AK again at M. Thus AK is the arc of the decagon and AM the arc
of the icosagon (20-gon). The points are labeled as in Fig. 29.3, and
the respective segments are drawn. Note that the angle a = L.AFM,
of which all other relevant angles will turn out to be multiples, has
measure 18.

Step 2.
To show that the triangles L:::..ABF and L:::..BFN are similar. The isosceles
triangle L:::..ABF has L.AFB = 72, and the two other angles measure
In 6.BFN we have L.BFN = L.BFM = 72 - 18 = 54. Angle
L.NBF equals 54 as in the first triangle; hence L.BNF must equal 72,
and the two triangles are equiangular. This implies AB : BF = BF :
BN by Prop. VI. 4, and hence D(AB, BN) = OBF by Prop. VI. 17.

\ \ I
....... . . . . . \ \ I
.... ....... \\1
F .... oF

290 - - - - - - - - - - -
29. Euclid Book XIII

Step 3.
To show that the triangles b.KBA and b.NKA are similar. Because FM
is the perpendicular bisector of AK, we have AN = KN and hence
L.AKN = L.KAN. But the latter angle is common to the two isosceles
triangles. Thus b.KBA and b.NKA are equiangular, and as above we
have BA : AK = AK : AN; hence D(AB, AN) = OAK.

Step 4.
Now observe that for the side AB of the pentagon, DAB =
D(AB, AN) + D(AB, NB). Inserting what we know from steps 2
and 3 for the two rectangles, we get the assertion

where BF is the side of the hexagon and AK the side of the decagon.

The Icosagon at Delphi

The icosagon, or regular 20-gon, is a combination of two of the most
prominent figures in plane geometry, the square and the regular
pentagon (see Fig. 29.5). Euclid does not mention the icosagon, but
we have seen that its central angle ex = 18 played a hidden, but
essential, role in the proof of Prop. XIII. 10. The icosagon is the

The Icosagon at Delphi 291

FIGURE 29.6 The Tholos in Delphi, ground plan (Diameter 50 feet,

that is, about 14.75m) After Bousquet [1993], p. 294 and Charbonneaux

mathematical foundation of one of the most famous Greek temples,

the Tholos (round temple) in the sanctuary of Athena at Delphi.
The 20 outer columns of the Tholos form a perfect regular
icosagon in a circle (Figs. 29.6 and 29.7). We know that the Tho-
los was built in about 380-370 B.C.E. by the architect Theodorus of
Phokaia, who even wrote a book about its construction. Unfortu-
nately, this book has been lost, but we can easily see the architect's
fascination with geometry from what remains of the Tholos. Each
one of the 20 columns has 20 grooves, so that its cross section is
again a regular icosagon, and all the columns are 20 feet high. The
execution of the masonry is as perfect as the geometry.
At the same time, about 380 B.C.E., Theodorus ofPhokaia realized
in the architecture of the Tholos what Theaetetus of Athens inves-
tigated in his geometrical theories. In their respective fields they
292 29. Euclid Book XIII

FIGURE 29.7 The Tholos in Delphi

each created what we justly may call some of the finest pieces of
the cultural heritage of the Greeks. Did Theodorus of Phokaia and
Theaetetus of Athens know each other? It seems likely, but we will
never know for sure. We see their works, and they are wonderful

29.4 The Regular Solids

The five regular solids-the tetrahedron, the octahedron, the cube,
the icosahedron, and the dodecahedron-are the main subject of
Book XIII (see Fig. 29.8). Each of the solids is constructed and in-
scribed on a given sphere. At the end Euclid shows that there cannot
be more regular solids than the constructed ones. In addition to this
he investigates the relations between the length of an edge of the
solid and that of the diameter of the circumscribing sphere, using
some of the notations of Book X.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 293
The definitions from Book XI

FIGURE 29.8 The five regular solids

We will restrict our attention to the relevant definitions from

Book XI, the construction of the dodecahedron and the final remark
that no other regular solid can be constructed. A detailed study of
the history of the regular solids will follow in the next section, "Sym-
metry Through the Ages!' A modern presentation of the theory of
regular and semiregular polyhedra is given by Hartshorne [2000],
Sections 44-47.

The definitions from Book XI

Def. XI.12.
A pyramid is a solid figure, contained by planes, which is constructed
from one plane to one point.
Pyramids in general were treated in Book XII. In Book XIII, a
"pyramid" is always meant to be a regular tetrahedron, that is, a
pyramid that has four equal equilateral triangles as its base and the
three other faces.

Def. XI.25.
A cube is a solid figure contained by six equal squares.
Def. XI.26.
An octahedron is a solid figure contained by eight equal and equilateral
294 ...-:2=.:9:...:...-.:E::u:.::cli::'d=..=Bo=:o::k:.,:XI=II

Def. XI.27.
An icosahedron is a solid figure contained by twenty equal and equilateral
Def. XI.28.
A dodecahedron is a solid figure contained by twelve equal, equilateral
and equiangular pentagons.

The construction of the icosahedron XIII, 16

For the construction ofthe icosahedron Euclid proceeds in his usual
synthetic-deductive way. We follow his procedure and try to moti-
vate his steps a little. However, there is no way to explain away the
fundamental insight of XIII. 10. This theorem, namely that the sides
of the regular pentagon, hexagon and decagon inscribed into the
same circle form a right-angled triangle, is the key to the construc-
tion of the icosahedron. When Eva Sachs (1917, p. 103 after Mueller,
note 8 p. 304) says that one could easily read this off from a correct
drawing of the icosahedron by recognizing that QEVW (our figure
29.10 below) is a square, she apparently confuses a modern drawing
with the ones found in the manuscripts. This becomes clear from
confronting the two kinds of drawings of Fig. 29.9.

FIGURE 29.9 (a) from the manuscripts (b) modern drawing

_Ste--"p,-2_. 295

FIGURE 29.10

Step 1.
Euclid starts with the construction of a drum-shaped solid sur-
rounded by 10 equilateral triangles (Fig. 29.10). Into the circle K
with center V and radius r = VE he inscribes a regular pentagon
EFGHK. The side of this pentagon will be the side of all the 20 equi-
lateral triangles of the icosahedron. By bisecting the arcs EF (in L)
etc. he obtains another regular pentagon LMNOP. Let us now imag-
ine equilateral triangles positioned above the plane of the pentagon
with sides LM, MN etc. We have two requirements: the remaining
vertices Q, R, 8, T, U of these triangles should lie on a circle di-
rectly above our original one, plus the resulting new triangles 6.QLR,
6.LRM should be equilateral. And here, 0 wonder, thm. XIII. 10 helps.
The triangle 6.QEP (or, equivalently, 6.QJ3L in our drawing) has a
right angle at E, the line EL is the side of the decagon and LQ is the
side of the pentagon inscribed in K. Hence EQ should be the side of
the hexagon, that is the radius, of K. So if we make the perpendicular
EQ equal to r, everything will be settled and we have our desired
drum of ten equilateral triangles.

Step 2.
It remains to construct the two caps with summits Z and X as in
Fig. 29.11, such that the five (ten) triangles 6. QUZ, 6.QRZ etc. are
again equilateral. As before, XIII. 10 solves the problem: QW is the
side of the hexagon. If we make WZ the side of the decagon, then
296 2=9:.:..--=E=:u:=c=lid=..=B.=oo=:k:...:XI==II


u. ~T

FIGURE 29.11

ZQ will be the side of the pentagon and everything fits nicely as


Step 3.
Th show that the so constructed icosahedron has a circumsphere,
Fig. 29.12. Because VW is the side of the hexagon and WZ that of the
decagon, by XIII. 9 the line VZ is divided in EM-ratio by the point
W. Hence we have

VZ : VW = VW : WZ.
Historical Observations

_'--. t --,
.... '\;
, I
1. . . "-
// \1 i "\
Q '-'-'-'/-:'-'~W
(! I \. !
(! I ..... !
(! I "0 A
'! / i
\!"I I i
E ~,'-'-'-'-'-<?V
"\" !
"\ " I
'................... i
.......... i
.... --...0'1

FIGURE 29.12 (a) XIII. 16 (b) II. 11

Now VW = VE, and WZ = VX so that

VZ : VE = VE : VX.

From this we see that the two right-angled triangles .6.XVE and .6.EVZ
are similar, which implies that the angle L.ZEX = L.ZEV + L.VEX
is right. By III. 31 (angle in a semicircle) the semicircle described
on XZ will pass through E, and, by a similar argument, through Q.
If this semicircle is rotated, it will pass through all vertices of the

Step 4.
Finally, Euclid classifies the edge of the isocahedron in the
terminology of Book X.

Historical Observations
(i) On the whole, XIII. 16 (together with XIII. 9 and 10) is decid-
edly more modern than the comparatively pedestrian XIII. 17
(which is discussed below, together with XIII. 1-6.) For the
circumsphere, in step 3 Euclid uses the definition of a sphere
generated by a rotating semicircle, but for the dodecahedron
he calculates the distances of the vertices from the center.
298 29. Euclid Book XIll

All this confirms once more the historical priority of the

dodecahedron, probably by almost a century.
(ii) If we compare the argumentation concerning the semicircle
ZQEX with the first construction of the EM-ratio in II. 11,
we see that the figure in II. 11 seems to be nothing but an
abstracted version of the figure related to step 3.
(iii) Vitrac [Euclid-Vitrac 1990 sq., Vol. 4, to appear] in his com-
mentary to XIII. 16 proposes a very plausible hypothesis
concerning the construction of the isosahedron that at the
same time motivates Prop. XIII. 10. Its main point is to ob-
serve that the line EZ (Fig. 29.12(a)) is equal to the diagonal
of the pentagon LMNOP. After that one can proceed similarly
to step 3 above and discover the contents of Prop. XIII. 10.

The Construction of the Dodecahedron XIII, 17

For the construction of the dodecahedron, Euclid starts with a cube
and constructs what can be called a "roof of a house" over each of
its faces in such a way that twelve regular pentagons appear. This
construction suggests itself if one knows certain crystals of the min-
eral pyrite (see Fig. 30.1). Because the edges ofthe cube reappear as
the diagonals of the pentagons, the essential point for the construc-
tion is to know the ratio of the diagonal d and the side f of a regular
pentagon; or in other words, the division in extreme and mean ratio.

Step 1. The construction

For the labeling ofthe various points see Fig. 29.13. We start from a
cube ABCD etc., bisect the edges EB in Nand FC in 0 and join N
and O. Let P be the center of NO and the segments NRP and OSP
in EM ratio, with greater segments PR and PS. Proceed similarly on
the other faces of the cube as indicated in Fig. 29.13.
Let the segments RU, SV, and TW be orthogonal to the respec-
tive faces of the cube and each of them equal to RP. Joint the five
points BWCVU to obtain a (possibly nonplanar) pentagon. Proceed
similarly at the other faces of the cube.
_St_e",-p_3_._Th_e_p",-e_n_ta.....go"---.n_i_8"'-planar 299


FIGURE 29.13

Step 2. The pentagon obtained is equilateral

First observe that 2 PR and 2 RN are in EM ratio (equal to PR : RN).
Hence the segment UV = RP is in EM ratio to the edge BG = NO of
the cube.
Following Euclid we will show UV = UB. Applying Pythagoras's
theorem twice, we get (using the conventional BU 2 )
= RU 2 + BR 2 = RU 2 + BN 2 + NR 2
Now, BN equals PN and RU equals PR and PRN are in EM ratio
with greater segment PRo By Prop. XIII. 4 this implies
BN 2 + NR 2 = PN 2 + NR 2 = 3PR 2 ;
= RU 2 + 3PR 2 = 4PR 2 ,
and BU = 2PR = UV follows. Obviously, the other edges of the
pentagon are of the same length.

Step 3. The pentagon is planar

In order to show that the points BWGVU are in one plane, it suffices
to show that the line joining the midpoint X of UV and the point W
passes through the midpoint of the line BG. This is done by Euclid
using Prop. VI. 32 as his principal tool.
300 ....:2:..::9:.:.....;E::.:u:.::cl::id::..=B:::::oo:::k:..,:XI==ll

Step 4. The pentagon is equiangular

Euclid first shows the equality of three angles by using congruent
triangles, and then the assertion is established by Prop. XIII. 7.

Step 5. 'Ib inscribe the dodecahedron in a sphere

For each of the points of the original cube, which are also points of
the dodecahedron, the distance of the point from the center Z of the
cube is determined by, e.g.,
ZB 2 = 3BN2 .
It has to be shown, e.g., that

ZU 2 = 3BN2 .
Again Euclid employs the theorem ofPythagoras and Prop. XIII. 4
in order to prove this relation.
For the completion ofhis study ofthe dodecahedron Euclid classi-
fies the edge of the dodecahedron as an apotome in the terminology

29.5 The Classification of the Regular

Euclid's treatment of the regular polyhedra is especially important
for the history of mathematics because it contains the first exam-
ple of a major classification theorem. Such theorems start with a
definition (or axiomatic description) and end with a list of objects
satisfying the description. There is no official definition of a regular
solid in the list of definitions at the beginning of Book XI. However,
we find one in the very last theorem of the Elements, which asserts
the completeness of the preceding list of polyhedra.
Prop. XIII.l8a.
No other figure, besides the said five figures, can be constructed which
is' contained by equilateral and equiangular figures equal to each
other. 301

FIGURE 29.14

Euclid apparently regards a solid as regular if its faces are con-

gruent regular polygons. This is essentially the modern definition
except for two omissions: the requirement that the polyhedron be
convex, and the specification that the solid angles (vertex figures) of
the polyhedron be congruent. Euclid probably took the first ofthese
conditions for granted, but overlooked the existence of the kinds of
convex polyhedra illustrated in Fig. 29.14, as as been pointed out
by Rausenberger [1915], see also Freudenthal and van der Waerden
[1946]. Instead of requiring the equality of the vertex figures one
might add the condition that the solid have a circumsphere, which
is implicit in Euclid's Props. XIII. 13-17. Plato seems to have such a
description of a regular solid in mind when he speaks of a solid "that
gives rise to a subdivision of the (circum-)sphere into equal and sim-
ilar parts" (Timaeus 55a). Similarly, Proclus speaks of the problem
of inscribing in a sphere "polyhedra with equal sides and angles and
composed of similar faces" (Proclus-Morrow p. 158), which again
makes the existence of a circumsphere part of the definition. Adding
this condition to Prop. XIII. 18a would make the theorem true but
complicate its proof. If we concede Euclid the equality of the ver-
tex figures, then his proof is valid and easy. Looking at the angles
of regular polygons and remembering Prop. XI. 21, which says that
any solid angle is contained by plane angles less than 4 right angles,
the proof can in effect be read off from Fig. 29.15.
Proclus states that the aim of the Elements is "both to furnish
the learner with an introduction to the science as a whole and to
present the construction of the several cosmic figures [the regular
solids]" (Proclus-Morrow p. 59).
302 -----------=...:...;,.....=.:.;...:.=.:..---=-=---
29. Euclid Book XIII

(3) ( Ir) (S)

FIGURE 29.15 (1) tetrahedron, (2) octahedron, (3) icosahedron, (4)

cube, (5) dodecahedron

This characterization is too humble. The Elements contains much

more than a first introduction to mathematics, and, as we have seen,
the study of the regular solids is only one of several highlights.
The Origin of
Symmetry Through the

From the time of the Greeks, people have been fascinated by the
regular polyhedra. They provide us with one of the first complete
mathematical theories: a general definition together with a complete
classification of all the objects satisfying the definition. In this sec-
tion the most important steps are presented in the development of
a subject that goes back to the very beginnings of mathematics and
is still alive today. Hippasus provided the first significant example,
and Theaetetus created the mathematical theory. Pacioli revived the
subject after it had lain dormant for about a thousand years. Felix
Klein replaced the polyhedra by their symmetry groups and opened
vast new areas of research. One path leads into function theory and
algebraic geometry, while the other starts with the group of rotations
of the dodecahedron and goes on to simple groups.
Outside of mathematics there flows another stream of ideas
related to the regular polyhedra. Plato associated them with the ele-

304 ----:.3..:.,.O.:.....-..Th.=..::...e...::.o..:..ri::E8l:::n:...o:::f...::.Ma=th:::e:..::ma=ti::..:c:..:.8...::.1..:..5

ments. From Roman times we have numerous dodecahedra whose

purpose remains a mystery. Pacioli, while keeping the contents of
his book strictly mathematical, is so enthusiastic about the poly-
hedra, and especially the golden section, that he may well have
inspired the German art historian Zeising in the middle of the last
century. Zeising claimed to have found the key to all secrets of
beauty in the proportion of the golden section (or EM ratio).
The beauty of the regular solids does not reside in their physical
appearance; it lies hidden in the realm of mathematical thought.
The interplay of the general concept of regularity and its realization
in exactly five solids can be grasped only by mathematics. Plato was
the first to understand this. The participation of special objects in
one general idea lies at the center of his philosophy.

30.1 Nature
Dodecahedra appear naturally. The mineral pyrite (chemical for-
mula FeS2) can crystallize in any of three shapes: as cubes, as
octahedra, and as almost regular dodecahedra (Fig. 30.1). (Math-
ematically exact dodecahedra are crystallographically impossible.)
Pyrite was well known to prehistoric man, first as a common fire
starter, and later on as an important iron ore. When hit with a stone,
pyrite gives relatively long-lasting sparks, which could be caught by
tinder. This is well known to archeologists; see, for instance, [Ebert].
The association with fire is preserved in the Greek word pyr= fire.
We will see below that the Pythagorean Hippasus of Metapontum
(about 470-450 B.C.E.) was most likely the first mathematician who
studied the dodecahedron. Aristotle mentions in his Metaphysics (A3,
984a7) that Hippasus regarded fire as the first principle. This may be
another reference, however vague, to the connection between fire
and the dodecahedron.
- ---------------
30.2. Art

FIGURE 30.1 Crystals of pyrite (diameter about 1cm)

30.2 Art
About 390 neolithic carved stone balls of fist size dating from be-
fore or about 2000 B.C.E. have been found in Scotland. All of the
five regular solids appear in these decorations, the dodecahedron
on one specimen in the Museum of Edinburgh. A scientific descrip-
tion in Ritchie and Ritchie [1981] calls them a "... relatively short
lived and peculiar Scottish phenomenon!' Very good photographs
are to be found in Critchlow [1979], who is, however, otherwise very
speculative. A picture with five "regular" stone balls is reproduced
in Mathematics 'leaching, Vol. no (March, 1985), p. 56.
Bronze dodecahedra were popular in Roman Imperial times.
More than 100 of them, mostly from the third or fourth century
C.E., can be seen in various museums in Western Europe. Most of
them come from the northeastern part of France, from Switzerland,
or from the Roman parts of Germany along the Rhine river. A de-
tailed account from the archeological point of view and a complete
list of the pieces in various museums have been given by Nouwen
306 .=.30.:..:.~Th=e=__=O..:::n::J;!gJ.~n=_o.:..:f:..:M=ath=ema==ti.:..:c8=_1=5


[1993] (in Dutch), see also the very thorough Guggenberger [1999] or
the shorter overview and list of specimens 93-101 in Guggenberger
These dodecahedra are generally of about fist size or a little
smaller, and in the vast majority of cases look similar to the one
in Fig. 30.2, which is displayed in the Landes-Museum in Mainz
They are hollow with circular holes of differing sizes in the faces
and with knobs at their vertices. Many ofthem have impressed rings
around the holes. There are a few exceptions to the rule. The first
one was described by Lindemann (of 7l') [1896]. He reports on a do-
decahedron cut from soapstone with unintelligible markings on the
faces, which was found in northern Italy. It is supposedly of Etruscan
origin, dating from about 500 B.C.E .. The precise circumstances of its
excavation have been lost, and we have no way of being certain of
Lindemann's claims.
There are, however, two Etruscan bronze dodecahedra in the Mu-
seum of Antiquities in Perugia (Italy). They are mounted on bronze
sticks and are without any further decorations of mathematical
Another singular example was excavated quite recently in
Geneva (Switzerland) (Cervi-Brunier [1985]). Its edge length is about
1.5cm. Its faces are made of silver and are inscribed with the names
30.2. Art 307

of the signs of the zodiac. The core is solid lead. For a picture see
Artmann [1993].
The meaning of these dodecahedra is an open problem in arche-
ology. Various hypotheses have been proposed, some ofthem quite
fanciful, like a "surveying instrument," but nothing is known for cer-
tain. I think that two conjectures look promising: the association of
the dodecahedron with fire as mentioned above, and some connec-
tions to the zodiac. Deonna [1954] quotes Plutarch as saying that the
dodecahedron is a sort of image of the zodiac or the year because all
three have twelve parts.
Apart from the dodecahedra from western Europe, we have a
few small icosahedra from Hellenistic or Roman Egypt that have the
numbers 1-20 inscribed on their faces and were apparently used as
Thgether with 77 dodecahedra, Nouwen [1993] shows one sin-
gular icosahedron. Like the dodecahedra, it is hollow and made
from bronze. It weighs 465g and its overall diameter is about 8cm
(Fig. 30.3).
The icosahedron was excavated in 1953 in the village of Arloff
(some 30 km SW of Bonn, Germany). At that time, it was erroneously
classified as a dodecahedron and put into storage in the Rheinisches

FIGURE 30.3 Roman icosahedron (Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn

Inv. 53.356.) Reproduction with kind permission of the museum.
308 ---=3.=O.:......:.Th=e=....:::O.:..:ri3!gm=:...:o::f...:M:::a::th=e::ma::=.:ti::C:::.8-==.15

Landesmuseum in Bonn. There it sat in the basement until recently,

when Dr. Ursula Heimberg, on the staffofthe museum, had another
look and discovered that it was not at all a dodecahedron, but an
icosahedron. As Nouwen says, this icosahedron is even more myste-
rious than the dodecahedra. Nobody knows what its use or purpose
Dodecahedra may have been inspired by crystals and may have
a meaning outside of mathematics in connection with the zodiac.
Icosahedra seem to be different. They were discovered "inside"
mathematics and have specific significance only as members of the
class ofregular polyhedra. It is hard to imagine anything other than a
mathematical origin ofthe icosahedral form ofthe object from Arloff.
That is, at least a little knowledge of Euclid's Elements must have dif-
fused to the northwestern provincial regions of the Roman Empire.
Mathematical knowledge must have been much more widespread
during imperial Roman times than has been supposed until now.
After a long interlude, the subject of the regular solids was taken
up again in Italy. Because mathematical instruction from late me-
dieval times onward was based mainly on Euclid (as it had been in
antiquity), knowledge of the five regular solids was widespread in
about 1400 C.E ..
The famous Renaissance painter Piero della Francesca (ca1420-
1492), wrote a treatise about lithe five solids!' His student Luca
Pacioli (1445-1515) translated, edited, and enlarged this book and
published it in 1509 under the title Divina Proportione, claiming
that this was ". .. a work essential to all open spirits curious for
knowledge!'l The pictures in this book were provided by his friend
Leonardo da Vinci. Another author from the Renaissance, Wenzel
Jamnitzer [1 568/1973], drew more than fifty fine pictures ofthe regu-
lar solids (some together with their circumspheres) in his Perspectiva
Corporum Regularium.
Pacioli published some more mathematical books ". .. from com-
passion with the ignorant!' All ofthem are rather elementary. But the
point is that he and the other mathematical authors ofhis generation

1 I wish to thank Peter Hilton for the translation of this and all other quotations

from Pacioli.
.=. ;30:.:.:.2::..:. ....:;:A=.rt=--- 309

revived Greek mathematics and made it accessible to their students,

the famous Italian Renaissance algebraists. The mathematics in the
Divina Proportione consists essentially of excerpts from Euclid. Pa-
cioli stresses the mathematical importance of the golden section
(divina proportione, in his words, or EM ratio, in Greek words),
but strictly confined to mathematics. Here are some of his chapter
XXII. "Of its thirteenth and most important elaboration. How with-
out the knowledge of this proportion the construction of the
regular pentagon is impossible. How Euclid in his proofs
applies only that which precedes and not that which follows!'
XXIV. "How the stated elaborations contribute to the classification of
all regular bodies and those dependent on them. Why these
five bodies are called regular!'
XXV. "That it is impossible for there to be more than five regular
bodies and why. That it is impossible to construct regular solids
from hexagons, heptagons, octagons, nonagons, decagons, and
other similar polygons!'
At one place, Pacioli goes beyond Euclid. He presents what we
have called the arithmetical proof for the incommensurability of
the diagonal and side of the regular pentagon and credits Campanus
with this proof:
xv. "Of its sixth unnameable elaboration. How no rational num-
ber can be so divided in this proportion that the parts are
themselves rational:'
In our section on beauty in mathematics we have seen that for
the Greeks "symmetry:' that is to say commensurability, was one of
the most important characteristics ofbeauty. Seen that way, the EM
ratio with its incommensurable parts is not at all beautiful for the
Greek mind. Some German professor, however, thought otherwise.
The term "golden section" (= goldener Schnitt) for the EM ratio
seems to have originated in Germany in the first half of the nine-
teenth century. The German art historian A. Zeising [1855] was the
first to "discover" the importance of the golden section for art history
in his book Aesthetik. As far as I can see, his claims of almost magi-
cal effects of the golden section have never been taken seriously by
his fellow art historians. Nevertheless, these efforts are popular with
many people who delight in a mathematical explanation of beauty.
310 30. The Origin of Mathematics 15

30.3 Philosophy
The regular solids are very often called the "Platonic solids" because
of the prominent role they play in Plato's dialogue Timaeus. We have
already quoted Plato's definition: "a solid that gives rise to a subdi-
vision of the (circum-)sphere into equal and similar parts" (Tim.
SSa). Plato associates the solids with the four elements and the cos-
mos as a whole. At the beginning of his discourse about the solids
and the elements he says, "I believe that you will be able to follow
me, for your education has made you familiar with the methods of
science" (Tim S3c). This sentence is generally understood to be a
hint to the relative novelty of the theory of the regular polyhedra in
Plato's Academy. The dodecahedron is mentioned only at the end
of the passage with one short sentence, which seems to be hard to
translate: "There was yet a fifth combination which God used in the
delineation ofthe universe with figures of animals" (Tim SSc). In his
Phaedo nOb Plato puts the dodecahedron in a similar cosmological
context. The dodecahedron excavated in Geneva with the names of
the twelve signs of the zodiac inscribed on its faces (cf. above) seems
to illustrate what Plato thinks about this solid.
The other four solids are associated with the classical elements:
The tetrahedron (pyramid) with fire (pyr), the octahedron with air,
the icosahedron with water, and the cube with earth. Plato con-
tinues to explain a sort of transition between the elements. Water,
when heated, dissolves into 20 equilateral triangles that reassoci-
ate to become two octahedra and one tetrahedron, that is, in Plato's
interpretation, air and heat, or in one word, steam. Crude as this
may sound, it is historically the first attempt to describe natu-
ral phenomena by mathematical means and not by mythological
Plato has a curious way of composing the faces of the four solids
from more elementary triangles. For the faces of the cube he com-
bines four half-squares in order to get one square face of the cube.
For the faces of the other solids he bisects equilateral triangles and
combines six of the halves into a new equilateral triangle (Fig. 30.4).
That this step is not a minor issue can be inferred from the fact
that Plato emphasizes its importance in a most unusual way: If any-
_30_.3_._P_hll__oso---"-ph....y'--- 311


one could claim, says he, that he had found a triangle "that is fairer
for the construction of these bodies" (Le., the regular solids corre-
sponding to the four elements), "he, as friend rather than foe, is
the victor" (Tim. 54a). The selection of the two kinds of elementary
triangles as "the fairest" is, of course, inspired by the structure of
the regular solids, which they have to constitute. The solids are the
prime candidates for aesthetic predication, "for to no one will we con-
cede that fairer bodies than these, each distinct of its kind, are anywhere
to be seen. Wherefore we must earnestly endeavor to frame together
these four kinds of bodies which excel in beauty" (Tim. 53e-54a).
Strongly contrasting to the more cautious way Plato speaks about
the fairness of the triangles, he is absolutely sure that there are no
fairer bodies than the regular ones. As Plato says, there are many
nonisosceles right triangles, and there is at first sight no obvious
reason to single out the half of the equilateral triangle as the most
beautiful one. The mathematical situation is quite different with
respect to the solids. Plato has quoted the concept-presumably
defined by Theaetetus-of regularity. Theaetetus is credited not
only with the definition, but with the corresponding theorem as
well: There are only five regular solids-the ones mentioned by
Plato, including the dodecahedron. From the Pythagorean exam-
ples (see below) pyramid (tetrahedron), cube (hexahedron), and
lithe sphere of the twelve pentagons" (dodecahedron) Theaetetus
proceeds-better, ascends-to the general concept and returns to the
particulars, adding octahedron and icosahedron, and thus completes
the list. This is a mathematical prototype of the dialecticians' pro-
312 --:.3...:..0_,:....:Th..::..:..e:....:O..:..n:s'gt:;;:'n.;...o.:.,:f:....:Ma-=-..:th.;...e.;'c_8_1_5

cedure as stated in the Republic 5Ub. And it is a marvelous example

of Plato's conception of form (idea) and participation: Each of the
five solids participates in the idea of a regular solid, and conversely,
the idea unfolds in exactly five particulars. Like the letters in Phile-
bus 18c, it is impossible to know a single one without understanding
them all together. Except for the dodecahedron, the regular solids are
(mathematically) interesting as members ofa family, not so much as
individual polyhedra. For Plato the regular solids are the most beau-
tiful ones because we can demonstrate by a priori reasoning that
five and only five representations of the idea of a regular solid exist.
We can show that the list of particulars of a certain idea is complete.
No domain of empirical investigation can provide a similar case. Be-
cause of their philosophical significance the regular solids are the
most beautiful ones.

30.4 ~a~eEnatics

We have already quoted Iamblichus on Hippasus of Metapontum

(about 500-450 B.C.E.) about irrationality (Chapter 24). We repeat:
"About Hippasus in particular they [the ancients] report that he be-
longed to the Pythagoreans, but because he was the first to make
public the secret of the sphere of the twelve pentagons, he perished
at sea. The fame of the discoverer, however, was his...." (For the
quotation see again Knorr [1975], p. 50 n. 617.) The "sphere of the
twelve pentagons" is, of course, the dodecahedron. A scholion to
Euclid gives us more information. It says that Euclid's Book XIII is
about "... the five figures called Platonic, which, however, do not
belong to Plato. Three of these five figures, the cube, pyramid, and
dodecahedron, belong to the Pythagoreans, while the octahedron
and icosahedron belong to Theaetetus." (See Heath, Introduction to
Book XIII.)
The pyramid, the cube, and the "sphere of the twelve pen-
tagons" have names from everyday language, the octahedron and
the icosahedron have artificial mathematical names. From this and
the appearance of dodecahedral pyrite crystals we conclude that the
scholion is right and credit Hippasus with the first scientific study
30.4. Mathematics

of the dodecahedron. Since he had to know, for its construction, the

EM ratio of the diagonal and side of the regular pentagon, this story
is in harmony with the other one about him as the discoverer of the
phenomenon of incommensurability. At least he would have had a
very good reason to try to find the EM ratio. Hippasus's construction
of the dodecahedron may have been very similar to the one given
by Euclid in Prop. XIII. 17.
The second stage in the mathematical history ofthe regular solids
seems to have been what the anonymous scholiast to Euclid tells us
about Theaetetus's discovery ofthe octahedron and the icosahedron.
In accordance with a very detailed study by Eva Sachs [1917] and a re-
cent one by William Waterhouse [1972], it is generally accepted that
Theaetetus (1) defined the concept of regularity, (2) constructed the
octahedron and the icosahedron, and (3) proved that there are only
five regular solids. Theaetetus created the prototype of a mathemat-
ical theory; starting from a significant example, the dodecahedron,
he proceeds to a general concept, and manages to classify all objects
satisfying the definition. A detailed study of the objects, surviving in
the second half of Euclid's Book XIII, completes the investigation.
The various definitions of regularity surviving from antiquity
attest to the importance of the regular solids, certainly based for a
good part on Plato's enthusiasm for them.
Interest in the regular solids was rekindled when knowledge of
the writings of Plato and Euclid became more widespread during the
late Middle Ages and the Italian Renaissance. Kepler (1571-1630)
used them for his cosmological model, and Descartes (1596-1650)
and Euler (1707-1783) studied polyhedra in general.
The modern part of the story of the regular solids begins roughly
between 1800 and 1870, when crystallographers and mathematicians
introduced the concept ofa group into mathematics. Felix Klein, who
was equally interested in group theory and complex function the-
ory, wrote his famous treatise, The Icosahedron and the Solution of
Equations of the Fifth Degree, in 1884. At the very beginning of this
book he studies the symmetry groups of the regular solids in de-
tail. These are finite subgroups of the special orthogonal group S03
of rotations of 3-space. Klein gives credit to Laguerre and Cayley
for establishing the isomorphism of S03 with the group PSUz of ho-
mogeneous, linear, unitary transformations of determinant 1 of the
314 3_0_._T....::h:..:.e....,:O.....:n~gt~n--.::.o_f,:e_ma_ti_c_s..::..::..15

: : .. '. ,.:.'
I' ... : _, ....

. ' ..... ... " "

. ," ..

. .. . . .'.
. .'

30.4. Mathematics

extended complex plane. This isomorphism connects geometry and

function theory, thus giving rise to a new and very deep extension
ofthe theory of regular polyhedra, which flourishes to this day. (See,
for instance, Battig and Knorrer [1991], Lamotke [1986], and Coxeter
Starting from geometrical figures, Klein finds the following fi-
nite subgroups (up to conjugacy and together with their respective
subgroups) of S03:
Dihedral groups as the symmetry groups of dihedrons, or
double pyramids
The tetrahedral group, which is isomorphic to the group At of
even permutations of four symbols
The octahedral group, which is the same as the group of the
cube, isomorphic to the full group 8 4 of permutations of four
The icosahedral group (= dodecahedral group V), which is
isomorphic to the group As of even permutations of5 symbols.
For the isomorphism between the dodecahedral group V and As
(see Fig. 30.5), Klein uses the five cubes that can be inscribed in
a regular dodecahedron as permuted symbols (as already observed
by Hippasus and Euclid). By geometric arguments Klein proves the
simplicity of the dodecahedral group V. This proof is reproduced
with minor modifications by Artmann [1988c].
In an earlier paper of 1875, Klein stated the completeness of the
list of finite subgroups of S03 given above as a theorem. More gener-
ally, he considered finite subgroups ofthe groups of all isometries of
Euclidean 3-space. He proved that such a group must be a subgroup
of S03 and concluded "... and hence there are no other examples
except the ones mentioned above!' He furnished the proof for the
subgroups of S03 in Chapter V, Section 2, ofthe book on the icosahe-
dron [1884, pp. 128-130 ofthe English edition]. Nice presentations of
this proof are given by Coxeter [1988, pp. 70-72] and by Hartshorne
[2000], Section 47.
Klein's theorem puts the theory of regular solids in a totally new
perspective; the abstract groups of symmetries suffice to recapture
the polyhedra. The dihedral subgroups of S03 have an invariant
subspace (the axis of the double pyramid), and all other finite sub-
316 ...:.3..:..0.:........::Th.=..:..e.....:O...:.n;:sgI!::;n::...:..of=-M=ath=e..::ma=....:..:ti:..:..cs=-.=..:.15

groups of 803 are (conjugate to) subgroups of the symmetries of the

tetrahedron, the octahedron, or the dodecahedron.

The Dodecahedron Again

The elementary building blocks of finite groups are the simple
groups. These are groups without proper homomorphic images, or,
equivalently, without proper normal subgroups. Groups of prime or-
der p are simple, and these are the only abelian simple groups. The
smallest nonabelian simple group has order 60; it is the symmetry
group V ofthe dodecahedron (or icosahedron). As mentioned above,
this group is isomorphic to the alternating group As, and this is the
first one in the series of simple groups An(n 2: 5). Several other
series of finite simple gToups are known, and moreover, there are
some "sporadic" simple groups. In one of the most exciting stories
in modern mathematics, in 1960-1980 group theorists completed
the classification of all finite simple groups. (For more details see
Conway [1980].) Just as at the beginning of Greek mathematics, the
dodecahedron has again provided the first significant example for a
great mathematical theory.
The Origin of
The Origin of the

Heiberg, the modern editor ofthe Greek original of the Elements and
the most eminent Euclid scholar of his time, thought in 1904 that it
was nearly impossible to reconstruct earlier versions of Greek math-
ematics from the Elements (Heiberg [1904], p. 4). Mathematical and
stylistic analyses over the last 100 years have disproved Heiberg's
claim and revealed a great deal about the prehistory of this mon-
umental compendium of Greek mathematics. Our present, fairly
complete, picture of the different contributions of pre-Euclidean
mathematicians to the Elements is to a large extent due to the de-
tailed studies begun by Becker in the 1930s, and continued by
Neuenschwander on the geometrical books and by Mueller on the
Elements as a whole. Heath and the other translators of the Elements
prOVide valuable commentaries, but they are primarily concerned
with individual definitions, theorems, and proofs. The global picture
emerges from the investigation of the mathematical architecture

318 =--=-of=--M=ath=e...:..:ma~ti..::.c8.:....--:;.16

of the Elements in combination with the study of other ancient

For the principal problems of such investigations we quote
Mueller [1998, Ch. IV]:

The Elements covers a wide variety of subjects. Th a consider-

able extent, different subjects are treated in different books or
sequences ofbooks. One might say that the fundamental problem
for determining the overall structure of the Elements is resolving
the tension between the conception of the work as a collection of
relatively independent treatises, lightly retouched by Euclid, and
the conception of it as a relatively integrated systematic presenta-
tion of ideas and theories developed over two centuries. It is easy
to opt for the second conception on the basis of a casual reading
of the Elements, but once one begins a careful study of details,
problems in that conception begin to emerge as discrepancies and
logical gaps are noticed. If one then looks for discrepancies and
gaps, one will find more; and ifone adopts the first conception, one
will find that there are even more features of the Elements which
can be invoked to argue against its basic unity. Such hypercriticism
is very valuable because it makes one more aware of the details
of the text, but when it is conjoined with the attempt to find pre-
viously unknown aspects of pre-Euclidean mathematics it easily
leads to conjectural fantasy. The position adopted here is that we
will better understand the Elements as a scientific work if, while
recognizing the genuine discrepancies and gaps in it, we work
to understand the conceptual apparatus which made them less
noticeable to Euclid and to virtually all pre-nineteenth-century
readers than they are to us today. We know that Euclid was putting
together the mathematical accomplishments of others; it is even
possible that there is no mathematical result in the Elements as-
cribable to Euclid. But there is no reason to think that Euclid was
not attempting to synthesize those results. The shortcomings of
his synthesis should not lead us to turn our backs on the overall
power of the Euclidean achievement.

We will leave it at that and, instead of many words, will use one
picture (Fig. 31.1) to show the general architecture of the Elements.
31. The Origin of Mathematics 16 319

FIGURE 31.1 Castrum Euclidis. 1. Gate 1 to geometry. 2. Statue ofThales. 3. Museum

of the Pythagoreans. 4. Statue of Pythagoras. 5. Murus contra proportiones sive adversus
rationes. 6. Old gate(?). 7. New gate 2 to arithmetic. 8. Castle of Archytas. 9. Quarters of
the musicians. 10. SChool ofTheodorus. 11. Labyrinth and temple ofTheaetetus. M.T. the
Minotaurus. 12. Ruins ofanthyphairesis. 13. the inexhaustible well. 14. Gate 3 to the general
theory of proportions. 15. Palace of Eudoxus. 16. Ruins of "Conica"(?).
320 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Notes

6. The Origin of Mathematics 3

The most important books about Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans
are Burkert [1972] and van der Waerden [1979]. Information about
the Greek architects comes from Gruben [1984] and Knell [1988], for
Eupalinus see again van der Waerden [1954]. The pentagram as a
medical symbol is studied by Schouten [1968].
For the coins see Artmann [1990].

7. Euclid Book II
Heath, van der Waerden, and Neuenschwander assume a Pythagorean
origin of Book II, but Fowler [1987] thinks otherwise. In purely math-
ematical terms, one is tempted to propose the following sequence
of events:
The division of a line in "extreme and mean ratio" was found
by Pythagoreans as in Prop. XIII. 8 and was constructed via
the application of areas. (See "Second analysis and synthesis
of the pentagon" in our discussion of Book IV)
The application of areas was replaced by the methods in the
first part of Book XIII, hiding the original motivation.
The methods from the first part of Book XIII were generalized,
streamlined, and supplemented with other material, resulting
in Book II.
(See Fowler [1987/1998] for a very different point of view.)

8. The Origin of Mathematics 4

The ancient history of this problem has been worked out in ev-
ery conceivable detail by Knorr [1986], from whom most of the
quotations are taken (esp. pp. 25 ff.).
Dante: The Divine Comedy. Paradise, Canto XXXIII lines 133-136.
The Italian original is

B. L. van der Waerden's book Science Awakening [1954] is the most

important general introduction to ancient mathematics. Some of
vander Waerden's conclusions have been disputed, but on the whole
his book is indispensible. Euclid's Elements have been analysed in
every conceivable detail by Ian Mueller [1981]; his book has become
fundamental for the study of Greek mathematics. David Fowler
[1987/1998] discusses, among other things, the actual transmission
of ancient mathematics on papyri and its relations to everyday cal-
culation in Hellenistic Egypt. For the concept of proof, which I do
not discuss specifically, compare the forthcoming book by R. Netz
Robin Hartshorne's Geometry-Euclid and Beyond [2000] is a course
of geometry, based on Euclid's Elements, but is in its essence more
oriented toward modern mathematics in a technical sense than to-
wards history. The many very helpful comments by T. L. Heath in
his translation of the Elements have already been mentioned in the
"Notes to the Reader!' Heath's two volumes on the history of Greek
mathematics are equally important. A translation of the Elements
into French by B. Vitrac brings Heath's comments and the relevant
literature up to date; its fourth and last volume is soon to appear.

322 Notes

Complete and up to date information on ancient mathemati-

cians, e.g.; on Euclid and his works, can be found in the Dictionary
of Scientific Biography.

1. General Historical Remarks

For the history and culture of ancient Greece in general, see Borbein
[1995]. This book is being translated into several other languages.

3. The Origin of Mathematics 1

About Eudemus and Proclus in general see the introduction by Ian
Mueller to Proclus-Morrow [1992], about Eudemus most recently,
Vitrac [1996]. The etymology of the word "mathematics" is taken
from Klein [1967], see also Proclus-Morrow pp. 37/38 about the
origin of the word "mathematics."

4. Euclid Book I
The overwhelming majority of papers about the Elements do not
treat anything beyond Prop. I. 4. Our emphasis is different. The use
of Aristotle's remarks for an explanation of the proof of Prop. I. 5 is
new. For detailed comments on Aristotle's remarks see Heath about
Prop. I. 5.
Prop. I. 16 and its role in the composition of Book I have been
studied by Artmann [1996]. For the work of Menelaos see Heath,
Greek Mathematics II, 261-273.
We remarked in Section 4.2 that Euclid ignores ordering. This is
not quite true insofar as Euclid speaks from the very beginning about
segments AB instead if infinite lines. Thus he assumes implicitely
to know which points C are between A and B, but has no axioms
Notes 323

about this. In Books V and X he refers explicitely to the so called

archimedean condition of ordered magnitudes.
About the consequences of Prop. I. 32 in philosophy see Schmitz
[1997]. J. Steiner's proof of the Euler formula is reproduced in
Artmann: Lineare Algebra pp. 320/21 (Basel: Birkhauser 1991).
Prop. I. 47: Proclus (Proclus-Morrow p. 338) credits Euclid
personally with this proof.

Adelbert von Chamisso (1781-1838):

Die Wahrheit

Die Wahrheit, sie besteht in Ewigkeit,

Wenn erst die blade Welt ihr Licht erkannt:
Der Lehrsatz, nach Pythagoras benannt,
Gilt heute, wie er galt zu seiner Zeit.

Ein Opfer hat Pythagoras geweiht

Den Gattern, die den Lichtstrahl ihm gesandt;
Es taten kund, geschlachtet und verbrannt,
Ein Hundert Ochsen seine Dankbarkeit.

Die Ochsen seit dem Thge, wenn sie wittern,

DaB eine neue Wahrheit sich enthulle,
Erheben ein unmenschliches Gebrulle;

Pythagoras erfullt sie mit Entsetzen;

Und machtlos, sich dem Licht zu widersetzen,
VerschlieBen sie die Augen und erzittern.

Delbruck's translation has been published by O. Thussky in the

Mathematical Intelligencer 10 (1988) p. 53. For the quotation of
Dodgson/Lewis Carroll, also from the Intelligencer (19 (1988), 31),
I don't have an exact reference.

5. The Origin of Mathematics 2

For the pre-Euclidean theory of parallels see Dehn [1938], 15-18,
and Thot [1966], 300. On Menaechmus see van der Waerden [1954].
324 --=-N.:...:o~tes

Sources for the history of the parallel axiom are to be found in the
book Becker [1954] for the time before 1860, and in Stillwell [1996] for
papers from Beltrami and later ones. Stillwell's introductory notes to
the sources are very helpful for a first understanding of hyperbolic
geometry. Engel-Staeckel [1895] are very complete up to their time.
Hartshorne [200o], Sections 6-9, discusses Pasch's and Hilbert's ax-
iom systems in detail. Hilbert himself says in [1898], 75, before he
introduces the Parallel Axiom: "The axioms we have studied so far
are essentially the axioms of Euclid."

6. The Origin of Mathematics 3

The most important books about Pythagoras and the pythagoreans
are Burkert [1972] and van der Waerden [1979]. Information about
the Greek architects comes from Gruben [1984] and Knell [1988], for
Eupalinus see again van der Waerden [1954]. The pentagram as a
medical symbol is studied by Schouten [1968].
For the coins see Artmann [1990].
Actually, the construction ofthe tunnel of Eupalinus was not that
expensive compared with a temple. At any given time, only 5-8 men
could work in the narrow tunnel. If they worked in several shifts
around the clock, advancing about 15 em per day from each side,
the whole construction took about ten years. The "lathes" that were
used for the capitals and bases of the columns (Figs. 6.5 and 6.6) were
a kind of huge potters wheels. (Informations kindly provided from
Prof. H.J. Kienast, Athens. For more about the tunnel and geodesic
problems underground see Kappel [1999] and Kienast [1995]).

7. Euclid Book II
Heath, van der Waerden, and Neuenschwander assume a Pythagorean
origin of Book II, but Fowler [1987] thinks otherwise. In purely math-
ematical terms, one is tempted to propose the following sequence
of events:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 325

The division of a line in "extreme and mean ratio" was found

by Pythagoreans as in Prop. XIII. 8 and was constructed via
the application of areas. (See "Second analysis and synthesis
of the pentagon" in our discussion of Book IV.)
The application of areas was replaced by the methods in the
first part of Book XIII, hiding the original motivation.
The methods from the first part of Book XIII were generalized,
streamlined, and supplemented with other material, resulting
in Book II.
(See Fowler [1987/1998] for a very different point of view.)
Observe that in the modern version of II. 12/13 the concept of a
function (cosine) plays an essential role. This was unknown to the

8. The Origin of Mathematics 4

The ancient history of this problem has been worked out in ev-
ery conceivable detail by Knorr [1986], from whom most of the
quotations are taken (esp. pp. 25 ff).
Dante: The Divine Comedy. Paradise, Canto XXXIII lines 133-136.
The Italian original is

Qual e i1 geometra che tutto s'affige

per misurar 10 cherchio, e non ritrova,
pensando, quel principio ond'eHi indige,
tal era io a quella vista nova ...

For the further history ofrr, see M. Kline [1972],593, or the many
original documents in Berggren et al. [1997].

9. Euclid Book III

Mueller [1981], 183, points to the limited foundations of many of
the propositions in parts A and B of Book III. On Pages 195-202 the
326 -------------------=-~

notions of equality for circles and for the similarity of segments are
analyzed in depth. Part C2 , about chords and angles, is obviously
preparatory for Book IV.

10. The Origin of Mathematics 5

For a proper understanding of a mathematical theory one always
has to consider two directions of thought: from the whole to the
examples, and back from the examples to the whole. But in general,
the whole will be more than the sum of its parts!
For the role of the cross ratio in hyperbolic geometry see,
for instance, Jones, G. A. and D. Singerman: Complex Functions.
Cambridge U. Press 1987.

11. Euclid Book IV

The construction of the incirc1e: As in this case, Euclid often takes
a definite example but constructs the proof in such a way that the
general procedure becomes obvious. See, for example, Props.II.l,
V.12, VI.20, VII.33, and elsewhere.
About the use of a marked ruler cf. Heath's notes to Prop.II.6;
Pappus-Jones Book VII.27/28 (Jones I, p. 112); and for an algebraic
analysis Hartshorne [2000] Sections 30/31. About the restriction to
ruler and compass see Steele [1936].

13. The Origin of Mathematics 7

For Gauss and the 17-gon see Dunnington [1955], esp. p. 28. A mod-
ern construction of the 17-gon is carried out by Hartshorne [200o],
(section 29).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 327

14. Euclid Book V

The proportions of the temple in Corinth are 25: 10 = 10:4, Knell
For the Pythagorean theory of harmonics and music see Burkert
[1972], Ch. V and van der Waerden [1954]. For architecture cf. Gruben
[1984], Knell [1988], and Heisel [1993]. The Canon of Polyklet is stud-
ied by v. Steuben [1973]. Much has been written about proportions in
music, but very little about possible relations between architecture
and geometry. Burkert, Ch. V, points to the origin of mathematical
terminology from the building trade (like "orthogonal"). It seems
likely that architecture was more important for geometry than field
measurement, even in Egypt.
About proportions in a modern version: For the configuration
theorem of Pappus as the strongest geometrical axiom (in projective
planes) see Pickert [1975].

15. Euclid Book VI

The application of areas: As presented by Euclid, Props. VI.28/29 and
their proofs have taken such a baroque appearance as to obscure
what is really going on. One cannot understand what the general-
ization to parallelograms should be good for. Moreover, the decisive
step of constructing a mean proportional (i.e., square root) is hid-
den in Prop. VI.25. About Prop. VI.25: For the (more general) role of
water in Aristotle's natural philosophy see Bbhme [1998].

16. The Origin of Mathematics 8

For a more detailed discussion of the generalization from rectangles
to parallelograms see Artmann [1988 a], 129-131. See also the note
above about the application of areas.
328 Notes

17. Euclid Book VII

The historical background: Here are the lines by Aeschylus in their
context. Prometheus speaks:

But hearken to the miseries that beset mankind-how that they

were witless erst and I made them to have sense and be endowed
with reason. Nor will I speak to upbraid mankind, but to set forth
the friendly purpose that inspired my boons.
First of all, though they had eyes to see, they saw to no avail;
they had ears, but understood not; but, like to shapes in dreams,
throughout their length of days, without purpose they wrought
all things in confusion. Knowledge had they neither of houses
built of bricks and turned to face the sun, nor yet of work in
wood; but dwelt beneath the ground like swarming ants, in sun-
less caves. They had no sign either of winter or of flowery spring
or of fruitful summer, whereon they could depend, but in every-
thing they wrought without judgment, until such time as I taught
them to discern the risings of the stars and their settings, ere this
ill distinguishable.
Aye, and numbers, too, chiefest of sciences, I invented for them,
and the combining of letters, creative mother of the Muses' arts,
wherewith to hold all things in memory. I, too, first brought brute
beasts beneath the yoke to be subject to the collar and the pack-
saddle, that they might bear in men's stead their heaviest burdens;
and to the chariot I harnessed horses and made them obedient to
the rein, to be an adornment of wealth and luxury. ''IWas I and no
one else that contrived the mariner's flaxen-winged car to ream
the sea.
Wretched that I am-such are the inventions I devised for
mankind, yet have myself no cunning wherewith to rid me of
my present suffering.
(Aeschylus: Prometheus Bound, lines 440-471)

Prof. W. Burkert, Ziirich, informs me that the date 465 BeE for
the Prometheus is hotly debated among classicists. Some say it is from
about 440.
Money: The date of the first coins from Aigina (an island near
Athens) is about 580 B.C.E.
Notes 329

Detailed studies of the arithmetical books are, as always, van

der Waerden [1954] (and many more papers), Mueller [1981], Itard
[1961], and Thisbak [1971], to whom I am indebted very much. For
more about mythological and enlightened historical texts see Vitrac
Proportion for numbers: In my interpretation of VIlA I am fol-
lowing Zeuthen as reported by Mueller [1981], p. 62. The role of
reduced fractions (minimi) is discussed in detail by Taisbak [1971].
Propositions about proportions: About the different definitions
of proportion for (geometric) magnitudes and numbers see Mueller
Proportions and products: For the use of square grids and similar
auxiliary means in the arts see Muller [1973].
The greatest common divisor. It is not hard to prove the unique-
ness of minimi directly starting from the Euclidean algorithm EA.
Assume r : S = t : u and gcd(r, s) = 1 = gcd(t, u). From EA
one gets integers x, y such that xr + ys = 1. This can be used
to show t = r(xt + yu); hence r divides t, and so on, resulting in
r = t and s = u. The existence of minimi could then be secured by
Prop. VII. 33; but it seems doubtful that this would be the right in-
terpretation of Euclid's theory. Note that Euclid does not care about
the uniqueness of the gcd of two numbers either. For the use of in-
duction in Greek mathematics see Fowler [1994] and Unguru [1991,

21. Euclid Book IX

Odd and even numbers. Plato speaks about "the odd and the even"
in Charmides 166 a 3-11, Republic 510 c 2-6, Theaetetus 198 a 5-9.
Waschkies [1989], 2761277, follows Burkert (1972], Ch. VI, in call-
ing this part of Book IX a piece of undergraduate work from Plato's
Academy. (l agree.)
330 ..:.N:..::.ot=::es

22. The Origin of Mathematics 11

Besides Proclus, Hardy, von Neumann, and Rota, many other mathe-
maticians have expressed similar opinions. We have quoted Plotinus
on beauty in our section on "Polygons after Euclid" and empha-
sized arguments that are characterized by clarity, conciseness, and a
certain surprise at several other occasions. Here are some further pa-
pers of interest to the topic: Borel [1981], Hasse [1998], Knopp [1985],
Krull [1987], and Manin [1998], see also Heintz [2000].

23. Euclid Book X

About the difficulties concerning the two different definitions of
proportion see again Mueller [1996].

24. The Origin of Mathematics 12

In the words of one reviewer, much ink has been spilled about in-
commensurability in Greek mathematics. We follow suit. The reader
should always keep in mind what is said in the summary about fact
and fiction.
Geometrical proofs: the square. Side and diagonal numbers for
the square are discussed by Knorr [1975], 29-36.
The pentagon: For the pentagon/pentagram as a medical sym-
bol see Schouten [1968]. Vitruvius in his "De Architectura" points
out that Epidaurus is the only Greek theater with a pentagonal
symmetry. See also Gruben [1984] and Knell [1988].
About drawings: See also Plato Republic 500e-501, where he
speaks about city plans drawn on pine boards (pinaka) , which first
have to be wiped clean-not an easy business. Compare also Republic
529 de.
The Fibonacci sequence got its name from Leonardo of Pisa,
called Fibonacci (about 1170-1250). After what we have seen in
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 331

Epidaurus, the sequence seems to have been known, at least

rudimentary, to the Greeks.

25. Euclid Book XI

The duplication of the cube: For the extended literature on this
famous problem, see Knorr [1986] and Saito [1995]. See also the
remarks made about the plane analogue following Prop. VI. 25.

26. The Origin of Mathematics 13

The definition of a sphere: There is a relatively old fragment of
the philosopher Parmenides (shortly after 500 H.C.E.) describing a
sphere: "a well rounded sphere, from a center in all directions
equally extended" (Parmenides Diels-Kranz (1956] 28 B8) For Aristo-
tIes view that defining something amounts to describing its essence,
compare also Thpics I, 101b36 or Metaphysics 1031a13 or 1042a17.
The German original of the quotation of Musil is: /lUnd so willjedes
Wort wortlich genommen werden, sonst verwest es zur Liige, abel'
man darfkeines wortlich nehmen, sonst wird die Welt ein Thllhaus:'
(Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften (1981], p. 749.)
About the exclusion of secondary meanings in mathematics one
should be careful. Geometric metaphors are used throughout math-
ematics and facilitate understanding in the most abstract theories,
even if the geometric term is defined by purely algebraic concepts.

27. Euclid Book XII

The pyramid: For a comparative study of modern formulas and Eu-
clid's way of expression, this subsection of the Elements may be
particularly well suited. In principle, Prop. XII. 8 would enable Eu-
clid to generalize the result to convex solids by suitable subdivisions
332 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Notes
as was done for the plane case in Prop. VI. 26, but that proof was
already complicated enough.

29. Euclid Book XIII

Some guesses about part A as a possible forerunner of Book II are
in the notes for Book II. The icosagon at Delphi: Bousquet [1993]
is overly optimistic about the role of geometry in the construction
of this temple. Besides the obvious number 20 he find ratios like
.J7i : ,J2 for parts of the building, which has nothing to do with
Greek mathematics. However, Bousquet was the first archeologist to
point out the Fibonacci numbers in the theater of Epidauros. The
number of columns in the inner circle is something of a mystery.
The plan shows an ll-gon, counting one "invisible" column at the
place of the door. There is a similar problem with the number of
columns in the Tholos in Epidaurus (Knell [1988], 228/29). It has 26
(two times the Fibonacci number 13) on the outside and 14 in the
interior cella. The Tholos in Epidaurus was built some 30 years later
than the Tho1os in Delphi. (The number of 20 grooves of a column
is standard and nothing special for the Tholos of Delphi.)
The construction of the dodecahedron. Note that along with the
dodecahedron a regular pentagon is constructed depending only
on the earlier propositions in Book XIII. No use is made of the
construction of the pentagon in Book IV.
The word dodecahedron seems to appear for the first time in
Aristotles "On the Heavens" (De Coelo V, 306a16), where Aristotle
discusses Plato's theories from the Timaeus.

30. The Origin of Mathematics 15

Art: A few reproductions of Leonardo's and Jamnitzer's pictures can
be found in Thepell [1991]. Richter [1995] gives a general overview
about polyhedra in Renaissance art. Philosophy: See Artmann-
Schaefer [1993] for more on Plato's "fairest triangles". Mathematics:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 333

Toepell (1991] has a rather complete list of literature for the more el-
ementary parts of the history. The dream of abstraction has already
been dreamed by a cube in Saul Steinberg's "Labyrinth". For Plato's
relation to mathematics in general, see Artmann-Mueller [1997].

31. The Origin of Mathematics 16

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Aeschylus, 161 Dante, 76

alogos, 224 Dedekind, R., 129
alternation, 125 Diophantus of Alexandria, 187
analysis and synthesis, 102 dodecahedron, 294, 306, 308
anthyphairesis, 166,225, 236 Dodgson, C. L., 45
Apollonius, 16 duplicate ratio, 144
application of areas, 146
application with square defect, Elliptic geometry, 49
55 Epicureans, 30
application with square excess, Epidaurus, 239
55 Euclid, xvi, 13
applying, 40 Euclidean algorithm, 166
Archim~des, 16, 115, 272 Euclidean geometry, 49
architecture, 121, 248, 256, 291 Eudemus,l1
area, 22, 37 Eudoxus, 13, 16
Euler characteristic, 36
Chamisso, A. V., 45 ex aequali, 125
classification theorem, 296 exhaustion, 272, 273
commensurable, 224 expressible, 224
complements, 40 extreme and mean ratio, 104,
congruence theorem, 21, 22 284

348 Index

Fermat, P., 179 neusis, 103, 115

Fibonacci, 239 Nicomachus of Gerasa, 183
Fundamental Theorem of number, 164
Arithmetic, 178, 180
parallel postulate, 32
Gauss, C. F., 116, 180 parallels, 31
geometric algebra, 42 Pasch, M., 50
gnomon, 62 Pentagram, 53
golden section, 104, 305 perfect number, 211
plane numbers, 195
Hardy, G. H., 215 Platonic solids, 305
Hartshorne, R., 24, 37, 104 Plotinus, 120
Heiberg, 313 Polyc1etus, 122
Herodotus, 161 Proc1us, 11, 214
Hilbert, D., 50, 257 proportional segments, 138
Hippasus, 56, 230, 252,300,308 Protagoras, 251, 280
Hippocrates of Chios, 12, 16,74 Proust, M., 159
Hyperbolic geometry, 50 Ptolemy, 155
icosagon, 290 pyrite, 300
icosahedron, 303 Pythagoras, 16,42,51
incommensurable, 224 Pythagorean triple, 204
invariant, 35 Pythagoreans, 16,53

Klein, F., 309 ratio, 127

Knorr, w., 242 Rilke, R. M., 235
Rota, G. C., 220
Leon, 12, 16, 26, 262
Lindemann, F., 77 Sachs, E., 309
logos, 127 Samos,51
schema, 40
magnitude, 127 scholion, xvi
marked ruler, 103 Simic, Ch., 68
mathema,15 similar plane numbers, 197
mean proportional, 140 Similar rectilinear figures, 144
measuring, 127, 163 starting points, 20
Menelaus, 29
minimi, 173, 176 Thisbak, C. M., 173, 176,315
Mueller, 1., 20,314 Thtraktys, 53
Musil, R., 269 Thales, 12, 16

Theaetetus, 12, 16, 249, 285, 291 v. Neumann, J., 217

Theodorus ofCyrene, 12, 16, verging lines, 103
Theodorus of Phokaia, 291 Waterhouse, w., 309
theorema, 203
Tho1os, 291 Zeuthen, H. G., 242

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