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IEI News February 2017

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February 1, 2017
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Bio-degradable Material and Mechanical Composting of IEI Celebrates Energy Disasters : Mitigation of Floods and
Bio-technology for Environmental Municipal Solid Wastes for Conservation Day Urban Drainage Issues
Protection for Chemical Industry Using It as Farmland Fertilizer

3 4 9 11
Volume 66 Number 11

Thirtieth National Convention of Metallurgical &

Materials Engineers, Ranchi
From the
Challenges & Opportunities Presidents Desk...
to Produce 300 MTPA of It is an exciting time to be an engineer.
In recent decades, the engineering
workforce has helped the nation
Steel by 2030 make substantial advances in
communications, health, defence,

M etallurgical & Materials Engineering Division of the Institution organized its apex
annual event for the 30th occasion in the form of National Convention on the
theme Challenges & Opportunities to Produce 300 MTPA of Steel by 2030, hosted by
infrastructure, and manufacturing,
and the time between the
emergence of new technologies
Jharkhand State Centre of the Institution in association with MECON Limited, Ranchi, and their implementation has
during January 28-29, 2017 at Ranchi. The function was inaugurated by the Chief steadily declined. Opportunities
Guest, Mr Vishnu Deo Sai, Honble Minister of State for Steel, Government of India. and challenges continue to require
While speaking on the occasion, Mr Sai informed the gathering that India has surpassed engineers to literally invent the future by developing breakthrough
America and presently the third largest producer of crude steel. However, we should technologies that solve global problems and enhance the quality
strive towards improving our per capita consumption of steel, which stands at a meagre of life. Ongoing innovation is required to address pressing
61 kg against the consumption figures of the developed nations, added Mr Sai. He said problems and to maintain nations global competitiveness, and
that government is focussing on and encouraging the secondary steel producers who engineering is the foundation of much of that innovation.
can play a major role in meeting our target of producing 300 MTPA of steel by 2030.
To be prepared to enter the work-force and thrive in this ever
changing global economy, engineers need to be able to
collaborate effectively as leaders, in teams, and with their peers.
In addition to their technical and analytical expertise, they need
to be flexible, resilient, creative, empathetic, and have the ability
to recognize and seize opportunities. All of these skills can and
should be taught to engineers as part of their formal education. It
is thus the responsibility of engineering educators to instil these
qualities in students to enable them to be more innovative and
A purely technical education is no longer considered enough;
engineers need to be entrepreneurial in order to understand and
contribute in the context of market and business pressures. For
engineers who plan to start companies soon after graduation,
entrepreneurship education can provide solid experience in
He also said that the steel producers are encouraged to spend at least 1% of their product design and development, prototyping, technology
turn-over in R&D. Steel Research and Technology Vision, have been formulated to trends, and market analysis. These skills are just as relevant
provide R&D support to all players involved in steel production. The Guest-of-Honour, for success in established enterprises as they are in start-ups.
Dr G Vishwakarma, Director (Projects & Business Planning), SAIL, while speaking on Students with entrepreneurial training who join established firms
the occasion said that schemes, such as, affordable housing, expansion of railway are better prepared to become effective team members and
network, shipbuilding etc. will demand increased steel production. He also spoke about managers and can better support their employers as innovators.
the roadmap of SAIL to meet these demands. Special Purpose Steels have received a Entrepreneurship education equips engineering students of
lot of attention from SAIL lately, added Dr Vishwakarma. He further mentioned that with all disciplines with the knowledge, tools, and attitudes that
support from all steel players and pro-steel policies from government, the target of are required to identify opportunities and bring them to life.
300MTPA steel production could be realized within 2030. Prof (Dr) N R Bandyopadhyay, Students who have been exposed to entrepreneurship programs
Chairman of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Division Board (MMDB), IEI, while as undergraduates gain insights hitherto unknown to traditional
presiding over the session, spoke about the road-map of steel making in India for the engineering education, such as understanding and designing
coming decade. He mentioned that India is poised to become the second largest steel for end users, working in and managing interdisciplinary teams,
Contd. on page 2 Contd. on page 2

The e-edition is available at

Challenges & Opportunities to Produce
300 MTPA of Steel by 2030
Contd. from page 1 need a major restructuring and inefficient systems are to be churned
out and removed. There should be conscious plans in place to distract
maker which can be realized through capacity building and setting up of investment in areas which are inefficient and the entire capacity building
more green plants. He suggested that the gram sevak model may be should be market, policy and end-user driven. He went on to add that
adopted and dedicated personnel may be entrusted with some target based human resource development is a grey area and needs a lot of attention. On
responsibility of creating more demand for steel in rural India. Mr Atul Bhatt, this occasion, three Eminent Engineering Personalities, namely, Dr Sanjay
CMD, MECON Ltd, while speaking on the theme, dwelt on the vision plan to Kumar Dhua, Deputy General Manager & Head, Materials Characterization
achieve the 300 MTPA Steel production target and removal of bottlenecks Lab Group, RDCIS, SAIL, Ranchi; Dr Soumitra Tarafder, Chief Scientist &
plaguing our production capacity. Mr P K Sarangi, Director (Technology), Head, Materials Science & Technology Division and Professor, Academy
MECON Ltd also addressed the gathering. Mr K K Mehrotra, Member, of Scientific and Innovative Research, CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur and Mr
MMDB, IEI and Former CMD, MECON Ltd also attended the Convention Binoy Bhusan Majumder, General Manager, MECON Limited, Mumbai, were
and delivered a lecture on the topic Shining Years Ahead for Indian Steel felicitated for their immense contribution to the Metallurgical & Materials
Industries. The prestigious V Subramony Memorial Lecture was delivered Engineering profession. The IEI Young Engineers Award in Metallurgical
by Dr K Chattopadhyay, Distinguished Professor, Department of Materials & Materials Engineering Division for the year 2016-17 was presented to
and Interdisciplinary Centre for Energy Research, Indian Institute of Science, Mr K Sairam, Scientific Officer D, BARC, Mumbai and Mr Gaurav Vats,
Bangalore on the topic Playing with Ordering: A Pathway for Developing Research Scholar & Teaching Assistant, IITB Monash Research Academy,
New Alloys. Dr Chattopadhyay while delivering the lecture said that we do IIT Bombay (in absentia). On this occasion a Souvenir was also released
not have the ecosystem which will support research aimed at synthesizing by the Chief Guest and other dignitaries on dais. A Technical Exhibition was
next-gen materials. The emphasis will be on finding something new, support also inaugurated on the occasion by the Chief Guest. Earlier, Mr Sanjay Sen,
it big time and develop it further. He discussed on synthesis of Fe-6.5Si, Chairman, Jharkhand State Centre, IEI welcomed the august gathering. He
ordered precipitates and development of high temperature of aluminium informed that the theme chosen for the National Convention goes on to
alloys utilising L12 ordered precipitate alloy. He also spoke about new class show the farsightedness of the organizers. He informed that the theme was
of W free - cobalt based super alloys and further development through finalized in 2015 and found a complete echo in the draft National Steel Policy
addition of Ni, Ti, Cr, Re, Ru. On this occasion, a State-of-the-Art lecture was formulated by the Government of India in 2017. Mr. Sen also informed that
delivered by Dr A S Firoz, Chief Economist, Ministry of Steel, Government about ` 10 lakh crore is required for 300 MTPA of steel. To arrange this
of India. While delivering the lecture, Dr Firoz spoke on the challenges in the fund, the government may set up a Steel Development Corporation in line
way of enhancing our capacity of steel production. He spoke about the steel with Power Finance Corporation. As set up of a mega steel plant takes about
market and its vagaries owing to dynamism in global economy. Dr Firoz 07-08 years, and different clearances take another 3-4 years, so to achieve
informed that it is estimated that 300 MTPA of steel production will require the target of 300 MTPA steel by 2030, preparation of feasibility report /
` 10 lakh crore of initial capital investment and ` 30 lakh crore in sectors detailed project report has to be started by 2017-18. Vote of thanks was
which come into play post production. He said that with a conservative proposed by Mr S K Dey, DGM, MECON Ltd and Organizing Secretary of
assumption of debt to equity ratio of 1:1, the steel industry is expected the Convention during the inaugural programme. Mr M R Kumar, Honorary
to generate and invest ` 5 lakh crore in capacity building which in itself Secretary, Jharkhand State Centre, IEI proposed vote of thanks during the
is an arduous task. This will require industries to have captive mines and valedictory session. Large numbers of papers embracing the theme of the
many in-house facilities to attain a competitive edge over rivals, added Dr National Seminar were presented and discussed during the five technical
Firoz. He felt that the transportation sector needs to be revamped, thereby sessions.
reducing the uncertainties and delays. He further added that steel industries

From the Presidents Desk...

A mixture of approaches to entrepreneurship education is necessary to deliver
Contd. from page 1 the experiences and knowledge that lead to innovative and entrepreneurial
graduates. Curriculum should invoke interest in entrepreneurship among
communicating effectively, thinking critically, understanding business
students; which will catalyze student awareness and interest through
basics, and solving open-ended problems
engaging experiences.
The defining characteristic for an entrepreneur is the ability to act on
There is reason to be optimistic about the potential for infusing opportunities
opportunities. Other key characteristics are drive, passion, resourcefulness,
for entrepreneurship and innovation into engineering education. The S&T
and the belief that one can be successful. The characteristics of an
policy should have provisions aimed at spurring innovation in engineering
entrepreneurial mindset can be learned, including the ability to act on
education. To continue building a movement to create more entrepreneurial
opportunities, learn from failures, and solve problems, as well as technical,
engineers, we urge stakeholders in undergraduate engineering education to
business, interpersonal, and communication skills. The educators
consider and align our basic curriculum so as to foster meaningful start-
approach towards imparting education in entrepreneurship should include
their own career experiences as well as their beliefs about how people
become entrepreneurs. The integration of entrepreneurship and innovation With the growing support of entrepreneurship in the engineering community,
in engineering education will require a paradigm shift in thinking and we are confident that 21st century engineering graduates can and will be
willingness on the part of faculty to participate in, or at least accept changes equipped with the ability to address the challenges of the coming decades
in, the engineering curriculum. in innovative and economically generative ways.

February 1, 2017
Bio-degradable Material and Bio-technology for
Environmental Protection for Chemical Industry
H osur Local Centre of the Institution organized a two-day All India Seminar
on Bio-degradable Material and Bio-technology for Environmental
Protection for Chemical Industry under the aegis of Chemical Engineering
Raghavan explained how environment is polluted day by day due to ever
increasing demands of humans and highlighted the current environmental
status as we are facing today. He felt that the actions of today would have an
Division of IEI during January 9-10, 2017 at Hosur. The Chief Guest, Dr adverse impact on the planet in future and we have to pay for the damage. He
R Vijaya Raghavan, Director, Quality Assurance, Green Chem, Bangalore, also emphasized the importance of keeping the environment clean. He felt
inaugurated the Seminar by lighting the lamp. In his inaugural address, Dr that measures like proper solid waste management, sewage treatment etc.
should be followed strictly. Without proper waste management
techniques, it is very much difficult to combat pollution
prevailing in the metros, added Dr Raghavan. Dr G Ranganath,
Chairman, Tamilnadu State Centre, IEI, presided over the
function. He advised the students to enrich their knowledge
instead of diverting their minds on non-productive deeds. He
felt that students should instigate confidence on them, so that,
others would follow their path putting faith on their deeds. A CD
containing Seminar proceedings was brought out and released
on this occasion. Earlier, Dr N S Bhadrinayana, Chairman of
the Centre, in his welcome address, said that fresh air, water
and soil are the important ingredients for human beings to
survive. He mentioned that it is most essential to protect our
environment and pass it over safely to our future generations.
Dr N G Ramesh Babu, Head, Department of Bio-technology,
Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, Hosur, briefed about the
Seminar. Prof (Dr) J Arivudainambi, Honorary Secretary of the
Centre, proposed the vote of thanks.

Gauhati University, in his address, emphasized on traditional knowledge and

Recent Trends in skills for technical development. He mentioned that unless the common
people get the benefit of technological development, it cannot be called
development in true sense. The Keynote Speaker, Dr P S Robi, Professor,
Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Department, IIT Guwahati, highlighted some recent
developments in the field of mechanical engineering, such as, development
of miniaturized devices, microbial fuel cells, electric fuel injection, hydrogen
generation from waste materials, application of mobile robotic system, bio-

A ssam State Centre of the Institution organized a two-day All India

Seminar on the theme Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering under
the aegis of Mechanical Engineering Division of IEI during October 21-22,
energy etc. Dr A K Misra, the then Chairman of the Centre, in his address,
stated that Mechanical Engineering is a vast field and has been developed
all-round in recent times. He hoped that this Seminar will throw lights on
2016 at Guwahati. The Chief Guest, Dr Mridul Hazarika, Vice Chancellor, the recent trends of development in this field. On this occasion, a Souvenir
cum Technical Volume was brought out which was
released by the Chief Guest. Earlier, Dr P K Mahanta,
Organizing Secretary of the Seminar, welcomed the
august gathering. Mr M Barkataki, the then Honorary
Secretary of the Centre, offered the vote of thanks.
Papers on various topics, such as, Influence of
laser on different properties of work piece, Review
of biomass gasification focusing on tea industry,
Taguchis method for bamboo fibre reinforced
composites, Prospects of Thevetia Peruviana
Schum seed oil locally known as Korobi oil as bio
diesel for North East India, Recycling prospects of
polystyrene (EPS) - changes in the properties of
the recycled products and its prospects in India,
Numerical and experimental study of flow and heat
transfer in corrugated channel, etc were presented
and discussed during technical sessions.

February 1, 2017
Solutions for Emerging Mr Ramakrishnan advocated the need for balanced growth safeguarding the
environment without derailing the momentum of industrial development for

Challenges in Industries improving the overall development. Mr I Maria Michael Raj, Senior Scientific
Officer, Department of Atomic Energy, Heavy Water Board and also the
Convenor of the Seminar, stated that the world is changing and the change
is so fast that one may miss the flight in case of delay in adapting to the
T uticorin Local Centre of the Institution in association with NLC Tamil
Nadu Power Ltd, Tuticorin, organized an All India Seminar on Solutions
for Emerging Challenges in Industries under the aegis of Production
intricacies of the industrial environment. The winning margin is too thin
differentiated by implementing newer technologies, challenging standards
Engineering Division, IEI during January 5-6, 2017 at Tuticorin. Mr S T in design, fabrication and installation and stringent control on inventories
Mathew, Past Chairman of the Centre, presided over the inaugural session and effluents, added Mr Raj. Mr K Balasubramanian, Honorary Secretary of
and welcomed all the dignitaries and delegates. The Seminar was inaugurated the Centre, proposed the vote of thanks. Papers embracing the theme of the
by Mr C Ramachandran, former Executive Director, NTPL, Tuticorin. In Seminar were presented and discussed during technical sessions.
his inaugural address, Mr Ramachandran
shared his observation that the industries
encounter several challenges in terms of labour,
quality control, consistent operation, waste
management, effluent treatment, zero emission,
life cycle management etc. He appreciated the
role of IEI in this continuous knowledge sharing
campaign. The Guest-of-Honour, Mr A R
Neelakantapillai, Chief Executive Officer, NTPL,
emphasized the need for organizing such type
of seminars involving all the stakeholders. In this
respect, he also congratulated Tuticorin Local
Centre. The other Guest-of-Honour, Mr S R
Ramakrishnan, Whole Time Director, SPIC Ltd,
delivered the Keynote Address. In his address,

Mechanical Composting of Municipal Solid

Wastes for Using it as Farmland Fertilizer
U daipur Local Centre of the Institution organized a two-day All India
Seminar on the theme Mechanical Composting of Municipal Solid
Wastes for Using it as Farmland Fertilizer under the aegis of Chemical
it was felt that a unit of 200-300 tons per day for processing of MSW be set
up at Udaipur to make farm land fertilizer and other useful products, usable
in cement industry and other applications. MSW processing unit at Udaipur
Engineering Division, IEI, during December 23-24, 2016 at Udaipur. The is of utmost importance to mark as a clean city, as it is moving towards
Seminar was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Prof S S Sarangdevot, Vice smart city and meet the slogan Swatch Bharat Abhiyan of Honble Prime
Chancellor, Janardhan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth University, Udaipur. Minister. It was also observed that Government should formulate National
In his inaugural address, Prof Sarangdevot stressed that it is need of the Policy and Strategy on Solid Waste Management including policy on Waste
hour to dispose of the municipal solid waste scientifically otherwise it will to Energy in consultation with stakeholders. It was suggested that the
be a great problem for the times to come and pollute the atmosphere. The Department of Fertilizers, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers shall provide
Keynote Speaker, Mr Rahul Pandey, Manager (Operations), Pyrocrat, Navi market development assistance to city compost and ensure promotion of
Mumbai, in his presentation, stressed upon the use of latest machinery co-marketing of compost with chemical fertilizers.
to dispose of the municipal solid waste in a
systematic manner. He mentioned that while
disposing of plastic materials, we can get oil
which can be used for power generation as
raw material. Earlier, Mr M K Mathur, Chairman
of the Centre, welcomed the gathering and
expressed his views about the municipal solid
wastes. Mr S R Otawat, Organising Secretary
of the Seminar, briefed about the Seminar. Mr
Anurodh Prashant Sharma, Honorary Secretary
of the Centre, proposed the vote of thanks.
Technical papers embracing the theme of the
Seminar were presented and discussed during
technical sessions. From various deliberations,

February 1, 2017
NEWS-IN-BRIEF v Lecture on Internal Combustion Engine Development, Testing and Emission
Control Technologies, delivered by Mr P Arjunraj, Deputy Manager (Engines-
R&D), Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd, Chennai, on Devember 24, 2016.

The following is a brief account of Technical Activities organised Telangana

by various Centres and Overseas Chapters of the Institution. v Dr A Ramakrishna Fourth Endowment Lecture on Making Affordable
Sustainable Housing using Precast Concrete Technology, delivered by Mr
Raj Pillai, Executive Director, Sobha Ltd, Bangalore, on December 20, 2016.
v One Day Seminar on Future of Mining Industry Need for Suitable Mining
Andhra Pradesh Education on December 26, 2016.
v Yarlagadda Sreeramulu Thirteenth Endowment Lecture on the theme Andhra Tripura
Pradesh On Way to Prosperity delivered by Mr Satya Prakash Tucker, v Lecture on Technological Trends, delivered by Mr Abhijit Bhattacharya,
Chief Secretary to Government of Andhra Pradesh, on November 12, 2016. Principal System Analyst, NIC, Ministry of Electronics & Information
Chhattisgarh Technology, Government of India, and Lecture on Induced Mechanical
Properties and Advanced Applications of Natural Fibre Composites: Present
v Lecture on Digital India and Cashless Economy, delivered by Mr Amitosh Scenario and Future Scopes, delivered by Mr Ankuran Saha, Assistant
Tiwari, Centre Manager Resonance Adventure Ltd, Raipur, on December 28, Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, NIT Agartala, on November
2016. 19, 2016.
Delhi v Lecture on Computer Vision based Autonomous Navigation of Mobile
v Organised an Interactive Session on How to Prepare Project Report on Robots, delivered by Prof (Dr) Amitava Chatterjee, Electrical Engineering
December 17, 2016. Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, and Lecture on Fabrication
of Different Types of Organic Solar Cell, delivered by Mr Saptadip Saha,
Gujarat Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, NIT Agartala, on
v Workshop on Contract Management and Disputes Resolution on October
November 26, 2016.
8, 2016. v Lecture on Disaster Management, delivered by Mr R K Majumdar, former
Director, Urban Development Department, Tripura and Chairman, Tripura
State Centre, IEI, on November 30, 2016.
v Lecture on Measurement of Flow of Water in Open Channels, delivered
v Lecture on Processing Technique and Application of Commercial Polymer,
by Prof (Dr) Arun Goel, Civil Engineering Department, NIT Kurukshetra, on
delivered by Dr Mriganka Sekhar Manna, Assistant Professor, Chemical
November 11, 2016.
Engineering Department, NIT Agartala, and Lecture on Technical Textile
Jharkhand and Its Application, delivered by Mr Ajay Rudra Pal, Lecturer, Fashion
Technology Department, Womens Polytechnic, Hapania, on December 3,
v Celebrated World Standards Day on December 4, 2016.
Kerala Uttarakhand
v Celebrated World Habitat Day on October 3, 2016. v Surya Mitra Skill Development Training Programme on November 15, 2016.
v Lecture on Remote Sensing, Enabling our Future, delivered by Mr Syam v Organised Uttarakhand Eminent Engineers Award Ceremony 2016 on
Krishnan C R, VSSC, ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram, on October 5, 2016. December 14, 2016.
v Celebrated World Standards Day on October 14, 2016. v Organised Marathon and Cyclothon on the occasion of Energy Conservation
v Lecture on Electric Grid Challenges & Opportunities, delivered by Prof (Dr) Day on December 18, 2016.
Sobha Manakkal, Department of Electrical Engineering, Mohandas College West Bengal
of Engineering and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, on October 19, 2016.
v Seminar on Application of Image Processing in Chemical Engineering,
v Lecture on Review on Functional Principles and Benefits of Additive Biology and Medicine, on October 1, 2016.
Manufacturing, delivered by Mr Deepu Sajeev, Assistant Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Trinity College of Engineering & LOCAL CENTRES
Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, on October 26, 2016. Ahmednagar
Punjab & Chandigarh v Lecture on Indian Automotive Car Segment, delivered by Mr Abhay Raje,
Engineering Consultant, on November 17, 2016.
v Workshop on Sensors in Everyday Life on October 5, 2016.
v Technical Visit at newly constructed District Court Building on November
v Technical Talk on Construction Management and Smart Cities on October
27, 2016.
7, 2016.
v Lecture on Variation of Elastic Modulus during Cold Drawing of Seamless
Tubes and its Influence on Sringback, delivered by Mr D B Karanjule,
v Lecture on Can Concrete be Customised, delivered by Mr Anil Kumar Pillai, Lecturer, Government Polytechnic, Ahmednagar, on December 28, 2016.
DGM-Technical Services, The Ramco Cements Ltd, Chennai, on October 22, Berhampur
v Celebrated 21st Foundation Day on November 3, 2016.
v Lecture on Lean Manufacturing, delivered by Mr D Krishnamachari,
Manufacturing Consultant, Chennai, on November 21, 2016. Gorakhpur

v Lecture on Technological Disruptive Ideas in Farming Opportunities for all v Lecture on Solid Waste Management delivered by Mr Mewa Lal, Managing
Engineers, delivered by Mr P Gomathinayagam, Committee Member of the Director, Muskan Jyoti, on the occasion of Foundation Day Celebration of
Tamilnadu State Centre, IEI, on November 19, 2016. the Centre on November 5, 2016.

February 1, 2017
v Celebrated World Habitat Day on October 3, 2016.

v Celebrated World Standards Day on October 14, 2016.

v Celebrated Energy Conservation Day on December 17, 2016.

v Poster presentation competition on Water Security through Water
Conservation on October 1, 2016.
v Lectures on: (1) Career Opportunities in Agricultural Engineering delivered
by Mr Ajay Deshpande, Honorary Secretary of the Kolhapur Local Centre
and (2) Food Processing in USA delivered by Mr Amit Mate on October 6,
Mr Navinchandra B Vasoya, President, IEI, inaugurated
the Innovation Lounge at the Nashik Local Centre
v Lecture on Hydraulic Designs for Bridges delivered by Mr R P Sharma, of the Institution. The objective of this lounge is to
Executive Engineer, PWD, Kota, on October 2, 2016.
promote the startup and innovation culture.
v Lecture on Digital Transformation in Helping Business, Government
or Private Organisations in their Process, Productivity & Efficiency
Improvement, Cost Saving & Value Creation, delivered by Mr Nilesh Pilani
Gopali, Head, India CloudBuy and Mr Anil Sanger from India CloudBuy, on v Seminar on Inventory Management on October 15, 2016.
December 29, 2016.
v Seminar on Reliability Measure of a 2-out-of 2: G System with Single
v Abdul Matin Memorial Lecture on Civil Engineering Projects with Reference Standby on October 16, 2016.
to Abdul Matin, delivered by Dr B L Dhabhai, former Principal, Government
Polytechnic College, Bikaner and Mr K L Gupta, former Executive Engineer, Ramagundam
Irrigation Department, on January 17, 2017.
v Workshop on Recent Developments in Rock Mechanics on October 21,
Madurai 2016.

v Lecture on Rain Water and Virtual Water, delivered by Mr N Arunachalam, Roorkee

former Chief Engineer, PWD, Madurai, on November 12, 2016.
v Lecture on Career Heights (Smart Quant Cracker) delivered by Mr Gautam
v Lecture on Quality Management System and Productivity Improvement, Puri from IIM Bangalore on October 2, 2016.
delivered by Mr M Vettrivelswamy, former Executive Engineer, VOC Port,
v Workshop on Habitat, Transportation and Environment on October 6,
Tuticorin, on November 26, 2016.
v Technical Visit to Solar Plant of Adani Green Energy (Tamilnadu) Ltd,
Sengapadai, on December 10, 2016.
v Lecture on Applied Mechatronics System in Manufacturing Technology,
v Lecture on 3D Concrete Printing Technology and Lifting of Buildings,
delivered by Prof J Srinivas, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT
delivered by Col P Nallathambi, Committee Member of Tamilnadu State
Rourkela, on January 9, 2017.
Centre, IEI, on December 31, 2016.
v Seminar on Advancement in Wireless Sensor Networks on December 10,
v Lecture on Waste Management in Japan: Lessons for Clean City, delivered
by Prof (Dr) Hari Srinivas, Coordinator, Global Development Research
Centre, Japan, on December 29, 2016. v Seminar on Advanced Fuel System in Diesel Engine on January 7, 2017.

Nashik Solapur
v Seminar on IEI Idea Challenge on December 10, 2016. v Workshop on Advance Welding Technology on October 14, 2016.

North Bengal Tiruchirapalli

v Lecture on Application of Taguchi Method in Quality Engineering, delivered v Lecture on 3D Printing, delivered by Divya M J, Senior Engineer (ITS&S),
by Mr Nimai Muhopadhyay, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering BHEL, Tiruchirapalli, on October 11, 2016.
Department, Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College, Jalpaiguri, on
January 20, 2017.
v Lecture on Some Recent Innovations on Marine Structures, delivered by
v Seminar on Recent Trends in Planning and Selection of Metro Rail for Mass
Dr Subramaniam Neelamanion on October 17, 2016.
Urban Transportation on December 8, 2016.
v Lecture on Performance Excellence through Lean Optimization, delivered
by Mr Swamy Narayana, Vice President, Perungo Systems Inc, Florida, v Seminar on Latest Trends and Practices in Fire & Safety Technologies on
USA, on January 16, 2017. November 19, 2016.

February 1, 2017
Jaipur, February 24-25, 2017
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Rajasthan State Centre,
Gandhi Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur 302015 [(: (0141)
2706327/2700413; e-mail:]

Aerospace Engineering Division Mumbai, April 15, 2017 One Day Seminar on Energy Management : Bottomline
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Maharashtra State Centre, of Business Productivity
All India Seminar on Non-destructive Testing in 15 Haji Ali Park, K Khadye Marg, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai Ranchi, February 26, 2017
Aerospace 400034 [(: (022) 23543650/23542943; Fax: (022) The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State Centre,
Hosur, February 10-11, 2017 23542942; e-mail:] Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Campus, Ranchi
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Hosur Local Centre, No.69, 834002 [(: (0651) 2491344; web:; e-mail:
Computer Engineering Division]
Kamaraj Nagar, Kumudepall, Near Adhiyamaan College
of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, Hosur 635109 [e-mail: Thirty-first National Convention of Computer Engineers One Day Seminar on Renewable Energy and] on ICT Applications for Societal Benefit Prospects in India
Shillong, February 03-04, 2017 Durgapur, March 31, 2017
All India Seminar on Methods of Computations in The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Meghalaya State Centre, The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Durgapur Local Centre,
Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer Problems Barik Point, Shillong 793001 [(: (0364) 2503203; Nehru Avenue, B Zone, Durgapur 713205 [Fax: (0343)
Bangalore, March 14-15, 2017 e-mail:] 256 4770; e-mail:]
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Karnataka State Centre, 3
Dr B R Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore 560001 [(: (080) One Day Seminar on Recent Trends of IoT- Internet Electronics & Telecom. Engineering Division
22264698/22207402; Fax: (080) 22256191; e-mail: of Things] Bangalore, February 17, 2017 One Day seminar on Emerging Antenna Technology
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Karnataka State Centre, 3 for Modern Communication Systems
Thirty-first National Convention of Aerospace Engineers Dr B R Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore 560001 [(: (080) Durgapur, February 21, 2017
on Hypersonic Aerodynamics: Achievements, 22264698/22207402; Fax: (080) 22256191; e-mail: The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Durgapur Local Centre,
Challenges and Opportunities in India] Nehru Avenue, B Zone, Durgapur 713205 [Fax: (0343)
Chandigarh, October 06-07, 2017 256 4770; e-mail:]
One Day Seminar on Computer Vision
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Punjab & Chandigarh State
Durgapur, February 24, 2017 All India Seminar on Recent Innovations in Wireless
Centre, Madhya Marg, Sector 19A, Chandigarh 160019
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Durgapur Local Centre, Communications and Networking
[(: (0172) 2775418; Fax: (0172) 2540133; e-mail:
Nehru Avenue, B Zone, Durgapur 713205 [Fax: (0343) Chandigarh, February 23-24, 2017] 256 4770; e-mail:] The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Punjab & Chandigarh State
Agricultural Engineering Division Centre, Madhya Marg, Sector 19A, Chandigarh 160019
Chemical Engineering Division
[(: (0172) 2775418; Fax: (0172) 2540133; e-mail:
Thirtieth National Convention of Agriculture Engineers One Day Seminar on Role of Engineers for the]
on Technological Innovations for Enhancing Successful Implementation of Swachh Bharat All India Seminar on Application of Image Processing
Profitability of Small and Marginal Farms Programme in Biomedical Engineering
Pantnagar, February 27-28, 2017 Durgapur, March 03, 2017 Bangalore, March 02-03, 2017
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Pantnagar Local Centre, The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Durgapur Local Centre, The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Karnataka State Centre, 3
209A (Old Building), College of Technology, Pantnagar Nehru Avenue, B Zone, Durgapur 713205 [Fax: (0343) Dr B R Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore 560001 [(: (080)
263145, [(: (05944) 235 582 / 233 457; Fax: 256 4770; e-mail:] 22264698/22207402; Fax: (080) 22256191; e-mail:
(05944)235582 /233473; e-mail: pantnagarlc@]
All India Seminar on Industrial Flow Measurement]
Tumakuru, March 10-11, 2017 One Day seminar on Multi Input Muti Output and
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Karnataka State Centre, 3 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
All India Seminar on New Technical Guidelines 2015
Dr B R Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore 560001 [(: (080) Madurai, March 08, 2017
of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
22264698/22207402; Fax: (080) 22256191; e-mail: The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Madurai Local Centre, T M
Guarantee Act] Jambulingam Bhavan, 1 Vivekananda Nagar, 100 Feet
Kota, April 15-16, 2017
Electrical Engineering Division Road, Surveyor Colony, K Pudur, Madurai 625 007 [(:
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kota Local Centre,
(0452) 256 1783; e-mail:]
Engineers Bhawan, Near BSNL Office, Jhalawar Road, One Day Workshop on PLC Based Industrial
Kota 324005, Rajasthan [(: (0744) 2428250; Mobile: Automation All India Seminar on Recent Advances in Electronics
9461655704; e-mail:] Bangalore, February 10, 2017 Design, Technologies and Applications
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Karnataka State Centre, 3 Bareilly, March 09-10, 2017
Civil Engineering Division The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Bareilly Local Centre,
Dr B R Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore 560001 [(: (080)
22264698/22207402; Fax: (080) 22256191; e-mail: 638, Beharipur, Civil Lines, Opp City Railway Station,
All India Seminar on Advances in Technology to] (Old Nav Satyam Press), Bareilly 243001 [e-mail:
Mitigate the Effect of Natural Hazards]
Pantnagar, March 02-03, 2017 All India Seminar on Nano Grids for Future Power
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Pantnagar Local Centre, System One Day Workshop on Design and Implementation of
209A (Old Building), College of Technology, Pantnagar Kadapa, February 24-25, 2017 Digital Circuits Using Verilog HDL
263145, [(: (05944) 235 582 / 233 457; Fax: The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kadapa Local Centre, Visakhapatnam, March 10, 2017
(05944)235582 /233473; e-mail: pantnagarlc@ Prakash Nagar, Kadapa 516004 [(: (08562) 245 808; The Honorary Secretary, IEI Visakhapatnam Local] Fax: (08562) 245 808; e-mail:] Centre, 9-12-31/1, Beside A U Engineering Girls Hostel,
All India Seminar on Recent Trends in Renewable Visakhapatnam 530003 [(: 0891-2747460; e-mail:
One Day Workshop on JIRNODDHARA of RCC
Energy and Smart Grids]

February 1, 2017
One Day Workshop on Plug in Neural Science Subarnarekha Link, Sakchi, Jamshedpur 831001 [(: Delhi 110002 [(: (011) 23379052/23379948; Fax:
Hosur, March 15, 2017 (0657) 242 7982; Fax: (0657) 223 0159; e-mail: (011) 23370489; e-mail:]
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Hosur Local Centre, No.69,]
Kamaraj Nagar, Kumudepall, Near Adhiyamaan College
Metallurgical & Materials Engg. Division
One Day Workshop on Safety while Working and
of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, Hosur 635109 [e-mail: All India Seminar on High Temperature Materials
Legal Compliance] Nashik, February 27, 2017 Hosur, March 10-11, 2017
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Nashik Local Centre, The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Hosur Local Centre, No.69,
All India Seminar on Communications, Signal
PWD Campus, Bharat Ratna Sir Visvesvaraya Marg, Kamaraj Nagar, Kumudepall, Near Adhiyamaan College
Processing & Networking
Nashik 422002 [(: (0253) 2317701; TeleFax: (0253) of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, Hosur 635109 [e-mail:
Bangalore, April 20-21, 2017
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Karnataka State Centre, 3 2582500; e-mail:]]
Dr B R Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore 560001 [(: (080) All India Seminar on Emerging Research Areas in Mining Engineering Division
22264698/22207402; Fax: (080) 22256191; e-mail: Mechanical Engineering] Twenty-eighth National Convention of Mining Engineers
Bangalore, March 17-18, 2017
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Karnataka State Centre, 3 on Challenges for Sustainable Development of
Environmental Engineering Division
Dr B R Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore 560001 [(: (080) Mining Industry to Meet Energy Security
All India Seminar on Innovative Technologies for 22264698/22207402; Fax: (080) 22256191; e-mail: Ranchi, February 11-12, 2017
Water and Wastewater Management] onorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State Centre,
Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Campus, Ranchi
Hyderabad, March 21, 2017
All India Seminar on Energy Efficiency in HVAC&R 834002 [(: (0651) 2491344; web:; e-mail:
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Telangana State Centre,
Visvesvaraya Bhavan, Khairatabad, Hyderabad,
Telangana 500004 [(: (040) 23314969; e-mail: Ranchi, March 25-26, 2017
Production Engineering Division] The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State Centre,
Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Campus, Ranchi One Day Workshop on Industry Institute Interaction
All India Seminar on An Effective Integrated 834002 [(: (0651) 2491344; web:; e-mail: Bareilly, February 18, 2017
Management Approach to Municipal Solid Works in] The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Bareilly Local Centre,
House No.7/106 (Opp Park), Awas Vikas Colony,
Salem, April 25-26, 2017 All India Seminar on Automation in Mechanical
Yojna No.07, Opp City Railway Station,Near Medicity
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Salem Local Centre, 3rd Engineering
Hospital, Pilibhit Bypass Road, Bareilly,Uttar Pradesh
Floor, SPC Bhawan, No.104/7, Manivannan Street, Opp Karnal, April 28-29, 2017
243006 [e-mail:]
to Salem New Bus Stand, Salem 636004, Tamilnadu The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Haryana State Centre,
[(: (0427) 2332544; e-mail:] Ranjeet Enclave, Ashoka Nursery, Kunjpura Road, All India Seminar on Production Engineering Digital
Karnal 132001 [(: (0184) 2266176; e-mail: and Automation Entry into the Future Factories
Thirty-third National Convention of Environmental] Hyderabad, April 28-29, 2017
Engineers on Status of Technological Advancement to
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Telangana State Centre,
Meet the Environmental Norms for Indian Industries All India Seminar on Fundamentals and Trends in Visvesvaraya Bhavan, Khairatabad, Hyderabad,
Dhanbad, August 25-26, 2017 Additive Manufacturing Telangana 500004 [(: (040) 23314969; e-mail:
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Dhanbad Local Centre, Ahmedabad, July 21-22, 2017]
Veena Engineers Building, Golf Ground, Dhanbad The Honorary Secretary, IEI Gujarat State Centre,
826 001 [(: (0326) 2311 020; e-mail: dhanbadlc@ Bhaikaka Bhavan, Law College Road, Ahmedabad Thirty-second National Convention of Production] 380006 [(: (079) 26400811; Fax: (079) 26561825; Engineers on Improving Competitiveness in
e-mail:] Manufacturing Make in India to Made in India
Marine Engineering Division
Ranchi, May 27-28, 2017
Thirty-third National Convention of Mechanical Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State Centre,
Thirty-first National Convention of Marine Engineers Engineers on Advances in MEMS and Robotics in Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Campus, Ranchi
on Inland Water Transport - Technical Challenges & Manufacturing Industries 834002 [(: (0651) 2491344; web:; e-mail:
Opportunities Udaipur, September 01-02, 2017]
Kolkata, August 19-20, 2017 The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Udaipur Local Centre, 128,
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Durgapur Local Centre, Hiran Magri, Sector 11, Near Seva Charitable Hospital,
Textile Engineering Division
Nehru Avenue, B Zone, Durgapur 713205, [Fax: Udaipur 313002 [(: (0294) 2583702; e-mail: Thirtieth National Convention of Textile Engineers on
(0343) 256 4770; e-mail:]] Intervention of Frontier Technologies in Textile &
Mechanical Engineering Division Jute Sector
International Conference on Future Material Handling
Kolkata, March 03-05, 2017
Prospects - Opportunities and Challenges
National Conference on Technical Challenges of The Honorary Secretary, IEI, West Bengal State Centre,
Ranchi, January 27-28, 2018
Hydro Turbine and Alternate Source of Energy 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020 [(: (033) 22238914;
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State Centre,
Dehradun, February 17-18, 2017 Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Campus, Ranchi Fax: (033) 22233140; e-mail:]
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Uttarakhand State Centre, 834002 [(: (0651) 2491344; web:; e-mail:
All India Seminar on Smart and Technical Textile
PO: Clement Town, Delhi - Saharanpur Road, Near ISBT,]
Ahmedbad, March 09-10, 2017
Dehradun 248002 [TeleFax: (0135) 2641190; e-mail:
Thirty-fourth National Convention of Mechanical The Honorary Secretary, IEI Gujarat State Centre,]
Engineers on Mechanical Engineering and Bhaikaka Bhavan, Law College Road, Ahmedabad
One Day Seminar on Basics of Industrial Hydraulics Engineering Challenges for Manufacturing 380006 [(: (079) 26400811; Fax: (079) 26561825;
for Maintenance Supervisors and Field Engineers Delhi, September 01-02, 2018 e-mail:]
Jamshedpur, February 22, 2017 The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Delhi State Centre,
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jamshedpur Local Centre, Engineers Bhawan, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Contd. on page 11

February 1, 2017
IEI Celebrates Energy
Mr R S Chauhan, Chairman of the Centre, welcomed the gathering. Dignitaries,
namely, Mr R P Jamloki, former General Manager, Power Transmission Corporation

Conservation Day
of Uttarakhand and Past Chairman of the Centre; Mr C P Sharma, for Chief General
Manager, UPCL, Dehradun and Mr C P Oberai, former Director General, Forest
& Special Secretary to the Government of India, Department of Environment
and Forest, delivered lectures on this occasion. It was suggested to - organize
awareness programme on conserving energy and promote the way of process of
The Institution of Engineers (India) celebrated Energy Conservation Day energy conservation, encourage people for efficient energy use in order to decrease
the energy consumption and prevent the energy loss. Mr V K Saxena, Honorary
all over the country on December 14, 2016. Brief account of the celebration
Secretary of the Centre, proposed the vote of thanks.
as received from various Centres are reported hereunder.
Uttar Pradesh
The Chief Guest, Mr S K Verma, Director (Technical), Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitaran
Delhi Nigam Ltd, Lucknow, stressed on creating awareness amongst the people and
The Chief Guest, Dr Bibek Bandyopadhyay, former Adviser, Ministry of New and usage of energy saving appliances and solar energy and its profitability. Prof Pankaj
Renewable Energy, delivered lecture on Renewable Energy Use as Measure of Gupta from SMS Institute of Technology, said that conservation of electricity is
Energy Conservation. He spoke on various issues pertaining to energy security interrelated with the climate change and so we have no option other than to save
in India. Apprising the latest trends in renewable energy technology in the country, energy. The Keynote Speaker, Dr Usha
Dr Bandyopadhyay mentioned that now solar energy is being used extensively Bajpai, Professor, Lucknow University,
for drying, chilling, heating, etc apart stated that it is our duty to save the
from lighting. Mr Pradeep Chaturvedi, environment from pollution and for
Council Member, IEI, briefed about this we should promote generation and
various policy changes of Government use of safe energy. The other Keynote
of India that have taken place since Speaker, Mr G K Mishra, Superintending
2000 to curb wastage and uncontrolled Engineer, Anpara Thermal Power
usage of energy in all forms. He stated Station, stated that saving energy in housing electricity use is a small part of the
that Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and Petroleum Conservation Research conservation, whereas much conservation is essential in Industrial use by using
Association (PCRA) have taken various measures to ensure energy conservation in it efficiently. Earlier, Mr Bharat Raj Singh, Chairman of the Centre welcomed the
household and industrial sectors. Earlier, Mr Devendra Gill, Chairman of the Centre, gathering. Mr R K Trivedi, Honorary Secretary of the Centre, proposed the vote of
welcomed the gathering. Mr Praveen Kumar Singh, Honorary Secretary of the thanks.
Centre, proposed the vote of thanks. LOCAL CENTRES
Odisha Bareilly
Prof (Dr) Pravat Kumar Parhi, Chairman Mr Prem Prakash Gupta, Chairman
of the Centre, presided over the function. of the Centre, delivered the inaugural
Prof A K Tripathy, former Director address. The Chief Guest, Mr Yatish
General, Central Power Research Vats, Superintendent Engineer, UPPCL,
Institute, Ministry of Power, Government Bareilly, said that efficient use of energy
of India graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Wg Cdr Gorachand Barik (Retd), is very much necessary to save it for
former Senior Scientist, DRDO, ADE Laboratory, Bangalore was the Chief Speaker. the future usage. He mentioned that energy conservation should be rooted in the
Both the speakers emphasized on non-renewable energy resources for future use, behaviour of every human being to get more effect towards the plan of energy
proper management of energy resources to reduce the need of energy, increasing conservation. On this occasion, a Poster Session was also organized. Vote of thanks
energy efficiency of equipment and steps for power quality improvement. They also was proposed by Mr A K Agarwal, Honorary Secretary of the Centre.
stressed on special energy conservation drive for improved technology, materials,
process and design, illumination with the use of LED and CFL, productivity and value
addition for long term economic feasibility. Prof (Dr) K K Rout, Honorary Secretary Mr R K Roy, Chairman of the Centre, welcomed the august gathering. The Chief
of the Centre, proposed the vote of thanks. Guest, Mr Mahendra Debdas, Chief Engineer, DVC, DSTPS, Andal, stressed on the
need for energy conservation which arises basically because of its universal usage,
Punjab and Chandigarh
fast depleting resources and impact on climate change. The Guest-of-Honour, Mr
Mr Parminder Singh Bhogal, Chairman of the Centre, in his presentation emphasized Joy Chakraborty, Divisional Engineer,
that sources of energy are depleting day by day and demand of energy is increasing. WBREDA, Kolkata, suggested that it
He stated that to meet the increasing demand of energy, the only possible solution is necessary to provide a (renewable)
is the conservation of energy such as, switch off lights when not in use, usage of power supply which would be functional
BIS mark appliances, usage of LED lights in homes and commercial establishments, at the time of grid failures and even
etc. In our daily life, we can conserve energy to a good extent by adopting various at natural calamity/disaster as more
means of energy conservation and for this a change in our attitude is required, reliable power supply, adding an additional source. The other Guest-of-Honour, Mr
opined Mr Bhogal. Bivas Pal, Control Engineer, DVC, MTPS, delivered lecture on Energy Efficiency in
Tripura Thermal Power Plants. Mr M N Bandyopadhyay, Honorary Secretary of the Centre,
proposed the vote of thanks.
Mr Jayanta Barkataki, Chairman cum Managing Director, Tripura State Electricity
Corporation Ltd, was the Chief Guest and addressed the gathering. Mr Jayanta Kalaburgi
Chakraborty, Manager (Technical), ONGC Tripura Power Company Ltd., Palatana, Mr M M Kadadi, Chairman of the
made a power point presentation as Expert Speaker. Mr Subrata Bhattacharjee, Centre, presided over the function.
Consultant, Bureau of Energy Efficiency Dr Sangamesh G Sakri, Associate
and Mr Arjit Pratap Singh, Consultant, Professor, Electrical and Electronics
EESL, also made presentation as Engineering Department, PDA College
Special Speakers. Mr R K Majumdar, of Engineering, Kalaburagi, graced
Chairman of the Centre, presided over the occasion as Guest Speaker.
the function. Earlier, Mr C Debnath, He presented an impressive lecture on Advanced Technologies for the Energy
Honorary Secretary of the Centre, Conservation. The function was concluded with a vote of thanks proposed by Mr
welcomed the august gathering. Sugoor Subhash.

February 1, 2017
Kota C N Babu and Mr B V Ravindranath, Past Chairman and Honorary Secretary of the
Mr C K S Parmar, Chairman of the Centre, respectively, also attended the function and spoke on the occasion.
Centre, welcomed the participants Palghat
and distinguished Guests. The Chief Mr A Kesavan, Chairman of the Centre,
Guest, Mr Sarvadeva Paul Mazumdar, presided over the function. The Guest
Chief Operation Officer, Kota Electricity Speaker, Mr C Pradip, Associate
Distribution Ltd, Kota, highlighted some Professor, Department of EEE, NSS
measures to save energy like, improvement of power quality, usage of energy College of Engineering, Palakkad made
efficient motors, power factor correction by capacitors, speed control of motors, a presentation on the topic Solar Energy
usage of energy efficient home appliances, etc. The Guest-of-Honour, Mr C P Jhamb, A Support for Increasing Energy Demand. He spoke about the power generation
former Site Executive Director, NPCIL RR Site Rawatbhata, stressed on to produce scenario in Kerala. Mr Pradip emphasized the process of converting light (photons)
nuclear power as a safe, environmentally benign and economically viable source of to electricity (voltage) in solar panel. He explained a case study of 1 kW solar power
electrical energy to meet the increasing demand of the country. The Guest Speaker, plant with its cost and benefit analysis and advised to install at least 1 kW solar
Mr K M Tandon, former Senior Vice President (F&E) & Advisor, DCM Shriram Ltd, panel at home to solve the future energy crisis. Prof (Dr) E K K Nambiar, Honorary
Kota, also addressed the gathering. Mr Jasamat Singh, Honorary Secretary of the Secretary of the Centre, proposed the vote of thanks.
Centre, proposed the vote of thanks.
Mr Malvinder Singh, Chairman of the Centre, presided over the function. The
Prof (Dr) K P Mohandas, Chairman of the Centre, presided over the function. Chief Guest, Prof S P Gupta, former Deputy Director, IIT Roorkee, in his address
Mr Vijayakumaran, Vice Chair, Energy Conservation Society, made a detailed emphasized that energy conservation
presentation on the topic Energy measures are the tools for the nation
Conservation in Process Industries. to attain higher level of excellence
Earlier, Mr C Jithesh, Honorary and contribute to national growth.
Secretary of the Centre, introduced the The Keynote Speaker, Mr M K Garg,
speaker and gave a brief introduction of Additional General Manager, BHEL,
the day. A leaflet containing how to save Haridwar, highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of thermal, solar, nuclear
energy in kitchen and driving vehicles and non-conventional energy. He mentioned that using energy efficiently is very
was prepared and distributed among much necessary for future usage. A Quiz Competition and Exhibition on Using LED
school children and common people. The function was concluded with a vote of Lighting Technology on Energy Conservation were also organized. Mr A K Bahl,
thanks proposed by Mr C Jayaram, Committee Member of the Centre. Convener of the function, proposed the vote of thanks.
Madurai Rourkela
Mr K Vijaya Kumar, Chairman of the The Speaker, Mr B P Pandey, Manager,
Centre, welcomed the gathering and Energy Management Department,
presided over the function. The Chief Rourkela Steel Plant, delivered lecture
Guest, Mr K Kaliappan, CEO, Energy Tec, on Waste Heat Recovery. He described
Madurai, highlighted the importance waste heat as a heat which is generated
of energy consumption and its use in in a process by way of fuel combustion
our day-to-day life, its scarcity and its or chemical reaction, and then dumped
impact on sustainability of global eco-systems. He stated that energy conservation into the environment even though it could still be reused for some useful and economic
is the only way which helps in replacing the non-renewable resources of energy purpose. He also spoke about sources of waste heat and factors determining Waste
with the renewable energy. Mr K C Agilan, Plant Manager, J K Fenner (India) Ltd, Head Recovery (WHR). Mr Pandey enumerated the benefits of WHR as reduction in
explained various methods adopted in his industry with cost of energy saved along pollution, equipment sizes and auxiliary energy consumption. Earlier, Prof M Panda,
with payback period for the investment. He also spoke about modification of design Past Honorary Secretary of the Centre, welcomed the gathering. Prof M Panda also
in the conventional type hydraulic power packs. Mr J Samuel, Honorary Secretary proposed the vote thanks.
of the Centre, also attended the function. Mr R Narayanasamy, Joint Honorary
Secretary of the Centre, proposed the vote of thanks. Saurashtra
Meerut The Chief Guest, Mr Banchhanidhi
Pani, Municipal Commissioner, Rajkot
On this occasion, Poster/Painting Municipal Corporation (RMC), Rajkot,
Competition was organized in three in his address, stressed on saving
intermediate colleges. Mr C P Gupta, of energy by implementing various
Past Chairman of the Centre, explained techniques in Rajiot city. He requested
various techniques in energy saving and the engineering fraternity to float the
advised all the students to inculcate the project for RMC on energy conservation
habit of energy saving in their daily life. and if possible, it would be implemented. Mr D V Suchde, Past Chairman of the
Mr V C Gupta and Mr Rajneesh Kumar, Chairman and Honorary Secretary of the Centre, briefed about various activities of the Centre. Earlier, Mr R G Dhamsania,
Centre, respectively, were present in the painting competition and award functions. Principal, Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajkot, welcomed the
Mysore august gathering. Mr N R Kalaria, Honorary Secretary of the Centre, proposed the
The Guest Speaker, Dr Rajashekar Mandi, Director, School of Electrical & Electronics vote of thanks.
Engineering, Reva University, Bangalore, expressed his concern over global warming Trichur
and explained the Government of Indias approach to cater the energy demand while Mr V Damodaran, Chairman of the
ensuring minimum CO2 emissions, so that, the global emissions do not lead to an Centre, presided over the function. Mr
irreversible damage to the earth. He also said that efforts are being made to efficiently M G Rajagopal, former Chief Electrical
use of energy in the demand side through various innovative policy measures under Inspector, Government of Kerala, graced
the Energy Conservation Act 2001. The the occasion as the Chief Guest and
other Guest Speaker, Mr D K Dinesh delivered lecture. He spoke on the theme
Kumar, Project Engineer, Karnataka More Stars, More Savings, Todays
Renewable Energy Development Energy, which was well appreciated
Limited, elaborated the importance of by the audience. Mr. Unnikrishnan Kizhakkepurakkal, Past Honorary Secretary of the
National Energy Conservation Day and Centre, proposed the vote of thanks.
also Energy Conservation Act 2001. Mr

February 1, 2017
Disasters : Mitigation of Floods
and Urban Drainage Issues
Telangana State Centre of the Institution in association with Tripura State
Centre, IEI; Water Management Forum (WMF), IEI, Ahmedabad and Water
Management Forum, SRC, Hyderabad organized an All India Seminar on
Disasters : Mitigation of Floods and Urban Drainage Issues under the aegis
of Civil Engineering Division, IEI during January 6-7, 2017 at Hyderabad.
The Chief Guest, Mr M Dana Kishore, Managing Director, Hyderabad
Metro Water Supply and Sewerage Board, in his inaugural address, said
that without public participation, it is not possible to control construction
of illegal structures throughout the country. He also mentioned that due
to recent flash floods, many residents of Nizampet area were homeless
due to the inundation of their houses and apartments up to first floor for
a week, which indicates that construction sites of buildings are nearby
the nalas and water bodies. Mr Kishore requested the audience to furnish the theme of the Seminar on which participants deliberated on various
probable suggestions/recommendations to the Government for taking issues. Dr S Satyanarayana, Chairman of the Centre, presided over the
suitable measures during floods and also for the storm water urban inaugural session. Dignitaries including, Dr D M Mohan, World Bank
drainage issues. Mr R K Majumder, former Director, Department of Urban Consultant; Prof G V Rao, former Professor, IIT Delhi; Mr D Hanumantha
Development, Government of Tripura and Chairman, Tripura State Centre of Chary, Past Chairman of the then Andhra Pradesh State Centre, IEI; Prof N
the Institution, graced the occasion as the Guest-of-Honour. In his address, V Umamahesh, NIT Warangal were also present. Earlier, Mr G Rameshwar
Mr Majumder said that floods are triggered by variety of factors, such as, Rao, Honorary Secretary of the Centre, welcomed the gathering and Dr I
climatic conditions, nature of strains, erosion of soil and vegetative cover. Satyanarayana Raju, Past Chairman of the Centre, briefed the background
In order to deal with most of these factors, collective human efforts and of the Seminar. Dr G Shravan Kumar, Joint Honorary Secretary of the Centre,
long term planning are very much essential opined Mr Majumder. Mr G proposed the vote of thanks. A large number of papers on various sub-
L Rao, Past President of the Institution was also present and appreciated themes were presented and discussed during various technical sessions.

Contd. from page 8

IEI DIARY Near Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, Hosur 635109 [e-mail:]
All India Seminar on Recent Trends in Applied Sciences and Humanities and Its
Interdisciplinary Coordination Committee Influence on Technological and Socioeconomic Development
Durgapur, March 07-08, 2017
One Day Seminar on Industrial Safety and Maintenance in Modern Industries
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Durgapur Local Centre, Nehru Avenue, B Zone,
Durgapur, February 17, 2017
Durgapur 713205 [Fax: (0343) 256 4770; e-mail:]
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Durgapur Local Centre, Nehru Avenue, B Zone,
Durgapur 713205 [Fax: (0343) 256 4770; e-mail:] One Day Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Trademarks & Patents
for Engineers
One Day Workshop on Co-ordination between Different Stake Holders in Ahmedabad, July 07, 2017
Development of Jharkhand Learning from Experience of Senior Engineers The Honorary Secretary, IEI Gujarat State Centre, Bhaikaka Bhavan, Law College
Ranchi, February 19, 2017 Road, Ahmedabad 380006 [(: (079) 26400811; Fax: (079) 26561825; e-mail:
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State Centre, Engineer Bhawan, Nepal]
Kothi Campus, Ranchi 834002 [(: (0651) 2491344; web:; e-mail:
One Day Workshop on Communication and Personality Development for]
Ahmedabad, February 02, 2018
All India Seminar on Awareness on Sustainable Development of Non-conventional
The Honorary Secretary, IEI Gujarat State Centre, Bhaikaka Bhavan, Law College
Energy Sources
Road, Ahmedabad 380006 [(: (079) 26400811; Fax: (079) 26561825; e-mail:
Madurai, February 24-25, 2017]
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Madurai Local Centre, T M Jambulingam Bhavan, 1
Vivekananda Nagar, 100 Feet Road, Surveyor Colony, K Pudur, Madurai 625 007
[(: (0452) 256 1783; e-mail:]
Superannuation from IEI
One Day Seminar on Safety while Working & Legal Compliance
Nashik, February 27, 2017 Mr Pijush Kanti Gupta, an employee of the
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Nashik Local Centre, PWD Campus, Bharat Ratna Institution HQ will be superannuated from
Sir Visvesvaraya Marg, Nashik 422002 [(: (0253) 2317701; TeleFax: (0253) the service of IEI on February 28, 2017.
2582500; e-mail:] He joined the Institution on May 1, 1983
and rendered his service to the Institution
All India Semiar Role in Women Engineering, Science and Technology : Creating for a period over 33 years.
Sustainable Career IEI wishes Mr Pijush Kanti Gupta and his
Hosur, March 07-08, 2017 family a happy and healthy life in future.
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Hosur Local Centre, No.69, Kamaraj Nagar, Kumudepall,

February 1, 2017
Registration No. 64282/94 with The Registrar of Newspapers for India, New Delhi
Registration No. KOL RMS/177/2016-2018

Student Membership (SMIE) Notification for

New Grade for Undergraduate R&D Grant-in-Aid (2017-18)
To promote appropriate technology, assist in building up design & research talents and,
B.Tech Students most importantly, to help in nurturing potential R&D venture amongst engineering students
pursuing Diploma/UG/PG/Ph. D courses, The Institution of Engineers (India) had instituted the
R&D Grant-in-Aid program way back in 2001.
The Council at its 689th meeting held at Ahmedabad approved a new grade Like every year, the Institution invites applications for the session 2017-2018 for funding
of membership Student Membership (SMIE) - meant for undergraduate industry-oriented R&D projects and research initiatives aimed at improving the life-style of
students pursuing BE/B.Tech (AICTE approved) or equivalent qualification, common people from engineering students pursuing Diploma/UG/PG/Ph. D courses. The
completion of which will make them eligible for Corporate Membership. application form and guidelines are available in our website The
projects should be carried out under the guidance of faculty members who are Corporate
The salient points regarding this new membership grade are given below: Members (AMIE/MIE/FIE) of IEI. Membership criteria for students are as follows:
Benefits of Student Membership (SMIE): Project Category Student/Applicant Membership
a. Student Members (SMIE) are entitled to enjoy following benefits 1. Diploma Not mandatory. Membership of Student
regarding IEI journals: Chapter is desirable
i) Make free e-access by logging in through 2. UG (BE/B. Tech/AMIE/Equivalent) Should be Student Member (SMIE)

ii) Can avail the journal hard copies at a concessional rate. 3. PG (ME/M. Tech/Equivalent) Should be Corporate Member

b. Student Members (SMIE) may access the IEI Library (Sir R N Mookerjee 4. Ph. D Should be Corporate Member
Engineering Information Services Centre) at the headquarters as well The soft copy of the duly filled-up applications (in editable format), as per the given proforma,
should be sent through email to and one printed copy of the same
as State and Local Centres of IEI.
should reach the following address:
c. Student Members are entitled to receive the monthly colour tabloid Director (Technical)
IEI NEWS free of cost. The Institution of Engineers (India), 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020
Applications received in format other than that available on our website will not be accepted.
d. Opportunity to participate in technical events e.g. Seminars, Application should be forwarded through the Guide, Head of the Department or Head of
Symposia, Conventions, Workshops etc. organized by various IEI the Institution. Please note that preference will be given to project proposals received from
centres at State, National and International levels at concessional rate. Institutions who are members of The Institution of Engineers (India). Kindly go through the
guidelines (visit link
e. Student Members may avail the opportunity of staying in any of the IEI carefully before filling up the application.
guest houses. The grant is not intended for the faculty members who have access to other avenues of
f. Student groups consisting of SMIEs only will be given preference in research funding. Proposals received will be scrutinized and the recipients of R&D Grant will
be informed accordingly.
release of grants for their final year project/thesis work.
Validity of Student Membership (SMIE): Notification for
Student Membership is a Non Corporate Membership and will be valid for IEI YOUNG ENGINEERS AWARD
six years w.e.f. the date of enrolment. 2017-2018
Student Membership fee: The Institution of Engineers (India) is a multi-disciplinary professional body of engineers
with 15 engineering disciplines and over 8,00,000 members in India and abroad. The
Fee for Applicants Fee for Applicants from Fee for Applicants from Institution was established in 1920 and was incorporated by Royal Charter in 1935. It has
from India/Nepal SAARC Countries any other Countries been in the forefront of engineering profession addressing the socio-engineering problems
for progress of the country. IEI functions among professional engineers, academicians,
Rs. 1500 US$ 88 US$ 150 research workers to update their professional knowledge through continuous professional
The application proforma is already available at IEI website at the URL: development. With its large international linkages and a network of 120 Centres in India and
5 Overseas Chapters, the Institution has built up wide reach and large infrastructure to meet its objectives of promoting engineering in all aspects.
In case of any further query regarding Student Membership (SMIE) With a view to promote the pursuit of excellence in the field of engineering, IEI has instituted
please contact: (033)40106248 / (033)40106246 / (033)40106268 / IEI Young Engineers Award. The Award consist of a Plaque and a Certificate. The purpose of
the Award is to recognize outstanding achievements/contributions made by young engineers
(033)40106251 or email at : in engineering research, excellence in engineering technology development, technology
transfer, etc. Any engineer citizen of India not older than 35 years of age as on March 31,
2017 is eligible for the Award. The IEI Young Engineers Award is presented to awardees
for all the 15 Engineering Divisions of the IEI during the respective National Conventions.

Membership Fees to be The awardees attending the National Convention will be provided with free accommodation
& their traveling expenses (AC-3 Tier train fare by shortest route) will be reimbursed on
production of original documents.
increased soon The Application Proforma may be downloaded from IEI website (
yngaward.aspx). Soft copy of the filled-in application proforma should be forwarded to by March 31, 2017. Further, six copies of the duly filled application
The Council at its 691st meeting held at Haridwar during September form, along with all supporting documents, endorsed by appropriate authority should be sent
to the below mentioned address so as to reach us latest by April 10, 2017:
24-25, 2016 decided to increase the fees for all grades of membership
Director (Technical)
w.e.f. April 01, 2017. The existing fees for all grades of membership will The Institution of Engineers (India), 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020
be accepted till end of the current Financial Year: 2016-17. The envelope containing the application should be superscribed at the top as IEI Young
Engineers Award 2017-18 and name of the engineering division under which the applicant
desires to be considered for the Award.
Owner : The Institution of Engineers (India), 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020 President : Mr N B Vasoya

Printer : Maj Gen S Bhattacharya, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General
Publisher : Maj Gen S Bhattacharya, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General Editor : Maj Gen S Bhattacharya, VSM (Retd)
Published from : 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020 Associate Editor: Mr S Chaudhury
. . Printed from : Gipidi Box Co
3B, Chatubabu Lane, Kolkata 700 014 Special Contributors: Mr N Sengupta, Mr K Sen, Dr S
ISSN 0971-3352 Editor : Maj Gen S Bhattacharya, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General Ghosh, Mr T Chakraborty, Ms A Dutta, Ms S Biswas
Sett, Mr T K Roy, Mr S Bagchi, Ms H Roy
The Institution of Engineers (India) as a body accepts no responsibility for the statements made by individuals. Reprints of any portion of the publication may be made provided
reference thereto is quoted.
Telephones: 91-33-2223 8311/14/15/16; Facsimile: 91-33-2223 8345 Web:; E-mail:

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