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Mechanza - Summer Edition - 2010

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The Official Mechanical Engineering Department Newsletter in association with the Mechanical Engineering Students Organization (MESO)


“A very special thanks to

Our Executive Director Sir, The Mechanical Engineering Department
Ar. Piyush Dhingra without the
permission and support of whom it The Department of Mechanical Engineering in Kautilya Institute of Technology & Engineering and School of Management (KITE-SOM), Jaipur
was established in 2004 and was affiliated to the Rajasthan University and was then lately got affiliated to the Rajasthan Technical University,
was not possible to succeed in our
- MESO The Faculty
With its devoted faculty members the mechanical department has shown a lot of progress in the past year. Hundreds of engineers have graduated
“I feel highly delighted on the release through the four year program that the ME Department offers and occupy prestigious positions in industries nationwide.
of the first issue of the Newsletter of
Mechanical Engineering The Infrastructure
Department. Mechanical Engineering Department of the college has fully equipped Workshop, Dynamics of Machine Lab, Material Science Lab, Thermal
Though being the Principal, i am Engineering Lab, Fluid Mechanics Lab, Production Lab, and Strength of Materials Lab, Computer Graphics lab. The department has made a
more connected to the Mechanical cad/cam lab for the computer aided and advanced knowledge added with all the software made available for the purpose of better understanding
Engg. Dept. as my specialization is of the theoretical and practical terms and concept taught in the mechanical branch. The branch provides a facility of 20 computer in CAD/ CAM lab
in this branch. Mechanical & and 3 software labs including “Solid Works” software. We have installed instrumentation lab equipped with 6 equipments as per the university
machine are synonyms and are syllabi and thereby fulfilling the required norms of the university. The department also has the i/c engine lab equipped with 4-stroke petrol engine
applicable to all branches of (assembling and disassembling), Differential, Gear box, Fuel pump, 2-stroke petrol engine assembling and disassembling), For the practical
engineering. Presently all branches knowledge and advanced understanding of the 1st year students about the branch and its working, department has installed and arranged vice
are interconnected, looking at this carpentry, new work table, working tools etc. so that the students get better chance to work practically on the things for proper grip over the
we have a new subject in subjects. In the year 2010, third batch from the department will complete its degree. The institute is also going to offer an intensive two years
mechanical engg. i.e. M.Tech program soon.
MECHATRONICS (Mechanical +
Electronics + Computer) without Industrial Visits
which the present day It is also worth mentioning that the department organized four industrial visits for the students to understand appropriately about the external
machines cannot be constructed. working arena and works. These include the place of repute such as Bosch Ltd., Jaipur and Kamal Coach Works, Jaipur
Also I congratulate all faculty
members, staffs and students of the The Achievements
department for this venture.” Every year Mechanical Engineering students from the college are being placed and working in various leading firms and industries from the
country. The stats shows a descent increment in the number of placements of the students in different companies every year. On the other hand
- Prof. (Dr.) N. C. Bhandari amongst the big achievements of the department, the highlighting feature is the project presentation by 4 students of 2009 batch in IIT, Mumbai
Principal and their grab over the 2nd prize.

Mechanical Engineering is an engineering discipline that was developed from the application of principles from physics and materials science.
SNAPSHOTS The field of mechanical engineering is considered among the broadest of engineering disciplines. The work of mechanical engineering ranges
from the depths of the ocean to outer space. The field requires a solid understanding of core concepts including mechanics, kinematics,
Carbon Nanotubes 1 thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, materials science, and energy. Mechanical engineers use the core principles as well as other
knowledge in the field to design and analyze manufacturing plants, industrial equipment and machinery, heating and cooling systems, motor
vehicles, aircraft, water craft, robotics, medical devices and more.
2 T-90
Hybrid Electric Vehicle MESO is the organization formed by the students of the Mechanical Engineering Department in Kautilya Institute of Technology & Engineering
and School of Management (KITE-SOM), Jaipur consistently working for the betterment and future prospect of the students. The organization will
Exclusive: Choppers 3 be organizing several seminars, workshops and other activities from various leading firms and companies that will keep up the students aware of
the present scenario in the field of engineering and help them to cope up with the problems that can be faced in this competitive world. The MESO
is also publishing its newsletter – “Mechanza” quarterly every year comprising of the articles and issues from around the world. The newsletter will
4 TATA nano
The Iron Pillar of Delhi also include the current affairs and the news from the campus of the college. Also the newsletter will be available for reading it on the internet
online at, the official blog site of the MESO archiving the issues published in the newsletter with full description and
Mikoyan: MiG-29
The Six Stroke Engine
Biodiesel: Futuristic Fuel
5 Mr. Navin H. Yadav
Department of Mechanical Engineering


Faculty Advisors
Carbon Nanotubes
Mr. K. K. Khatri to be used in innovative safety technology to prevent explosions in Fuel Tanks.
Mr. Amit Kr. Sharma
Mr. Navin H. Yadav Multi-wall carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are to be used in an innovative safety technology that significantly reduces the risk
of explosions in fuel tanks. MWNT (multi wall carbon nanotube) is use to manufacture the newly developed spheres
Editors designed to prevent the formation of explosive gas mixtures in fuel tanks. The spheres are soon to be introduced onto the
Syed Tauqueer Eqbal Husain global market under the name SAFEBALL. They offer considerable advantages over the extruded metal mesh or plastic
Nipanjit Das foams used for this purpose to date. SAFEBALLS take the form of hollow spheres that are introduced into a tank and
Sushant Sharma completely fill it. Despite this, the available volume of the tank is only reduced by approx. 8.5 percent.
Harajit Das
Prashant Two of the advantages of SAFEBALLS are that they not only prevent an explosive mixture of gas and air in a tank from exploding, but also allow
the tank to "breathe", so that significantly smaller quantities of hydrocarbons are released into the environment. In this way, the spheres can also
[III Year] make a significant contribution to environmental protection in the future.
Aakash Agrahari Their special shape allows fuel to flow freely but prevents any dangerous surging. Surging occurs when large volumes of liquid are displaced, for
Tushar Kargathiya example while a road tanker is in operation, thus affecting the vehicles stability and even potentially causing it to tip over. When a tank is to be
[II Year] cleaned, the SAFEBALL spheres can easily be removed and then replaced once the operation is complete. They are also treated with anti-fungal
and anti-bacterial agents.

FEEDBACK All these benefits are due not least to the exceptional properties of nanotubes MaterialScience. Nanotubes exhibit a high level of electrical
conductivity and mechanical strength and are extremely light in weight.
"Without carbon nanotubes it would have been impossible to develop the technology so quickly” the inventor of the SAFEBALL concept, at the
signing of the agreement. "Bayer Material Science was our first choice supplier right from the start, because we knew we could rely absolutely on
the specified purity and quality of the CNTs and, even more importantly, on BMSs ability to deliver the raw materials we need to meet increasing
order volumes."
Send your articles and feedback to SAFEBALLS can be provided with a range of additional functions for special applications. These include fire-extinguishing - for which a special
gel is incorporated into the spheres - and the integration of active and passive transponders that enable vehicle data to be electronically stored to
For Further Information, Log on to prevent theft or provide information on maintenance.
Gagandeep Singh

designed by | “ (Final Year)

Strive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best that exists and make it better.
When it does not exist, design it. - Sir Henry Royce, Engineer 1

Why T-90
is the Main Battle Tank in the Indian Army?

The T-90 is a Russian main battle tank (MBT) derived from the T-72, and is currently the most modern tank in service with the
Russian Ground Forces, Naval Infantry and the Indian Army. The successor to the T-72BM, the T-90 uses the tank gun and
1G46 gunner sights from the T-80U, a new engine, and thermal sights. Protective measures include Kontakt-5 ERA, laser
warning receivers, the EMT-7 electromagnetic pulse (EMP) creator for the destruction of magnetic mines and the Shtora
infrared ATGM jamming system. It is designed and built by Uralvagonzavod, in Nizhny Tagil, Russia.

The Design

The T-90's main armament is the 2A46M 125 mm smoothbore tank gun. This is a highly modified version of the Sprut anti-tank
gun, and is the same gun used as the main armament on the T-80-series tanks. It can be replaced without dismantling the inner
turret and is capable of firing armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot (APFSDS), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT-FS),
and high explosive fragmentation (HE-FRAG) ammunition, as well as 9M119M Refleks anti-tank guided missiles. The Refleks
missile has semi-automatic laser beam-riding guidance and a tandem hollow-charge HEAT warhead. It has an effective range of
100 m to 6 km, and takes 17.5 seconds to reach maximum range. Refleks can penetrate about 950 millimetres (37 in) of steel Specifications
armour and can also engage low-flying air targets such as helicopters.
Weight 46.5 tonnes (45.8 LT; 51.3 ST)
Length 9.53 m (31 ft 3 in)
The NSV 12.7 mm (12.7x108) anti-aircraft machine gun can be operated from within the tank by the commander and has a range Width 3.78 m (12 ft 5 in)
of 2 km and a cyclic rate of fire of 650-750 rounds per minute with 300 rounds available. The PKT 7.62 mm (7.62x54mm R) Height 2.22 m (7 ft 3 in)
Crew 3
coaxial machine gun weighs about 10.5 kg while the ammunition box carries 250 rounds (7000 rounds carried) and weighs an Armor Steel-composite-reactive blend vs APFSDS: 550 mm + 250-280mm
additional 9.5 kg. with Kontakt-5 =800-830mm; vs HEAT: 650 mm + 500-700mm with

Like other modern Russian tanks the 2A46M in the T-90 is fed by an automatic loader which removes the need for a manual Primary
armament 125 mm smoothbore gun with ATGM capability; mainly 9M119 Svir
loader in the tank and reduces the crew to 3 (commander, gunner and driver). The autoloader can carry 22 ready-to-fire rounds in Secondary
its carousel and can load a round in 5–8 seconds. It has been suggested that the automatic loaders on modern T-90 tanks have armamen 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun, 12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine gun
Engine Model 84 V-84 12-cyl. diesel
been modified to take advantage of newer ammunition such as the 3BM-44M APFSDS, which like the US M829A3 penetrates V-92 12-cyl. diesel
armour better than the previous shorter rounds. Additionally the T-90 features the Ainet fuse setting system which allows the tank V-96 12-cyl. diesel
840 hp (626 kW) for Model 84 V-84 12-cyl. diesel engine
to detonate HE-FRAG rounds at a specific distance from the tank as determined by the gunners laser rangefinder, improving 1000hp (736 kW) for V-92 12-cyl. diesel engine
performance against helicopters and infantry. 1,250 hp (919 kW) for V-96 12-cyl. diesel engine

Power/weight 18.1 hp/tonne (13.5 kW/tonne) for Model 84 V-84 12-

Fire-control system on the T-90 includes the PNK-4S/SR AGAT day and night sighting system mounted at the commanders cyl. diesel engine
21.5 hp/tonne (15.7 kW/tonne) for V-92 12-cyl. diesel
station which allows for night time detection of a tank sized target at ranges between 700 and 1100 meters depending on the engine 26.9 hp/tonne (19.8 kW/tonne) for V-96 12-cyl. diesel
version of the sight. Early models of the T-90 were equipped with the TO1-KO1 BURAN sight but later models (T-90S) were engine
Suspension torsion bar
upgraded to use the ESSA thermal imaging sight, which allows for accurate firing to a range of 5000–8000 m using the Operational
CATHERINE-FC thermal camera produced by Thales Optronique. The gunner is also provided with the 1G46 day sighting Range 550 km (340 mi)
Speed 60 km/h (37 mph)
system which includes a laser range finder, missile guidance channel and allows tank-sized targets to be detected and engaged
at 5 to 8 kilometres (3.1 to 5.0 mi). The driver users a TVN-5 day and night sight. Laxman Singh Rathore
(I Year)

The Future: Hybrid Electric Vehicle

A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) combines a conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) propulsion system with an
electric propulsion system. The presence of the electric powertrain is intended to achieve either better fuel economy
than a conventional vehicle, or better performance. A variety of types of HEV exist, and the degree to which they
function as EVs varies as well. The most common form of HEV is the hybrid electric car, although hybrid electric trucks
(pickups and tractors) also exist.

Modern HEVs make use of efficiency-improving technologies such as regenerative braking, which converts the
vehicle's kinetic energy into battery-replenishing electric energy, rather than wasting it as heat energy as conventional
brakes do. Some varieties of HEVs use their internal combustion engine to generate electricity by spinning an
electrical generator (this combination is known as a motor-generator), to either recharge their batteries or to directly
power the electric drive motors. Many HEVs reduce idle emissions by shutting down the ICE at idle and restarting it
when needed; this is known as a start-stop system. A hybrid-electric produces less emissions from its ICE than a
comparably-sized gasoline car, as an HEV's gasoline engine is usually smaller than a pure fossil-fuel vehicle, and if
not used to directly drive the car, can be geared to run at maximum efficiency, further improving fuel economy. The Toyota Prius is the world's top selling hybrid car, with cumulative global
sales of 1.6 million units by early 2010
Automotive hybrid technology became widespread beginning in the late 1990s. The first mass-produced hybrid vehicle was the Toyota Prius, launched in Japan in 1997, and followed
by the Honda Insight, launched in 1999 in the United States and Japan. The Prius was launched in Europe, North America and the rest of the world in 2000. The first generation Prius
sedan has an estimated fuel economy of 52 miles per US gallon (4.5 L/100 km; 62 mpg-imp) in the city and 45 miles per US gallon (5.2 L/100 km; 54 mpg-imp) in highway driving. The
two-door first generation Insight was estimated at 61 miles per US gallon (3.9 L/100 km; 73 mpg-imp) miles per gallon in city driving and 68 miles per US gallon (3.5 L/100 km; 82 mpg-
imp) on the highway. The Toyota Prius sold 300 units in 1997, 19,500 in 2000, and cumulative worldwide Prius sales reached the 1 million mark in April 2008.[36] By early 2010, the
Prius global cumulative sales were estimated at 1.6 million units. Toyota launched a second generation Prius in 2004 and a third in 2009. The 2010 Prius has an estimated U.S. EPA
combined fuel economy cycle of 50 miles per US gallon (4.7 L/100 km; 60 mpg-imp).

The Audi Duo III was introduced in 1997, based on the Audi B5 A4 Avant, and was the only Duo to ever make it into series production. The Duo III used the 1.9 litre Turbocharged Direct
Injection (TDI) diesel engine, which was coupled with an 21 kilowatts (29 PS; 28 bhp) electric motor. The redesigned 2004 Toyota Prius (second generation) improved passenger
room, cargo area, and power output, while increasing energy efficiency and reducing emissions. The Honda Insight first generation stopped being produced after 2006 and has a
devoted base of owners. A second generation Insight was launched in 2010. In 2004, Honda also released a hybrid version of the Accord but discontinued it in 2007 citing disappointing
sales. The Ford Escape Hybrid, the first hybrid electric sport utility vehicle (SUV) was released in 2005. Toyota and Ford entered into a licensing agreement in March 2004 allowing Ford
to use 20 patents[citation needed] from Toyota related to hybrid technology, although Ford's engine was independently designed and built. In 2006, General Motors Saturn Division
began to market a mild parallel hybrids in the form of the 2007 Saturn Vue Green Line which utilized GM's Belted Alternator/Starter (BAS Hybrid) System combined with a 2.4 litre L4
engine and a FWD automatic transmission. The same hybrid powertrain was also used to power the 2008 Saturn Aura Greenline and Mailbu Hybrid models. As of December 2009, only
the BAS equipped Malibu is still in (limited) production.

In 2007, Lexus released a hybrid electric version of their GS sport sedan, the GS 450h, with a power output of 335 bhp. The 2007 Camry Hybrid became available in Summer 2006 in
the United States and Canada. Nissan launched the Altima Hybrid with technology licensed by Toyota in 2007. For the 2009 model year, General Motors released the same technology
in their half-ton pickup truck models, the 2009 Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra Two-Mode Hybrid models. The Ford Fusion Hybrid officially debuted at the Greater Los Angeles
Auto Show in November 2008, and was launched to the U.S. market in March 2009, together with the second generation Honda Insight and the Mercury Milan Hybrid.

Latest Developments
The Hyundai Elantra LPI Hybrid was unveiled at the 2009 Seoul Motor Show, and sales began in the South Korean domestic market in July 2009. The Elantra LPI (Liquefied Petroleum
Injected) is the world's first hybrid vehicle to be powered by an internal combustion engine built to run on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) as a fuel. The Elantra PLI is a mild hybrid and the
first hybrid to adopt advanced lithium polymer (Li–Poly) batteries. The Elantra LPI Hybrid delivers a fuel economy rating of 41.9 miles per US gallon (5.61 L/100 km; 50.3 mpg-imp) and
CO2 emissions of 99 g/km to qualify as a Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (SULEV).[49] Hyundai has scheduled the launch of the 2011 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid by the end of 2010.
The Mercedes-Benz S400 BlueHybrid was unveiled in the 2009 Chicago Auto Show, and sales began in the U.S. in October 2009. The S400 BlueHybrid is a mild hybrid and the first
hybrid car to adopt a lithium ion battery. The hybrid technology in the S400 was co-developed by Daimler AG and BMW. The same hybrid technology is being used in the BMW 7 Series
ActiveHybrid, expected to go on sales in the U.S. and Europe by mid 2010. The CR-Z is scheduled to be launched in the European and North American markets by mid 2010. Honda
has also scheduled the launch of the 2011 Honda Fit Hybrid by the end of 2010. Toyota announced plans to add hybrid drivetrains to ten new hybrid models between 2009 and 2012 and
expects to sell worldwide one million hybrids per year early in this decade. Two of Toyota's latest concept cars are the Prius Custom Plus Concept and the Toyota FT-CH (Future Toyota
Compact Hybrid). The Prius Custom Plus is a modification of the Toyota Prius and shown at the 2010 Tokyo Auto Salon.

Volkswagen announced at the 2010 Geneva Motor Show the launch of the 2012 Touareg Hybrid, scheduled for 2011. VW also announced plans to introduce diesel-electric hybrid
versions of its most popular models in 2012, beginning with the new Jetta, followed by the Golf Hybrid in 2013 together with hybrid versions of the Passat. Other gasoline-electric
hybrids already schedule for commercial sales are the 2011 Lincoln MKZ Hybrid and the Porshe Cayenne Hybrid, both for late 2010, and the Lexus CT 200h in 2011.

Mrigendra Deka
(Final Year)

"Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily available, they will
create their own problems." - Scott Adams, Cartoonist. 2

The paper presented on ‘Experimental Investigation of Performance

and Exhaust Emissions of Karanj Methyl Ester and its blends
in a Compression Ignition Engine’ and ‘Combined Cooling,
Heating and Power: An efficient, decentralized generation of
The paper was presented in the ‘International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants’
(ISFL-2010), New Delhi, Organized by the Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) on the topic
‘Experimental Investigation of Performance and Exhaust Emissions of Karanj Methyl
Ester and its blends in a Compression Ignition Engine’ by Mr. Kamal Kishore Khatri, Dilip Sharma and S.L Soni
from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNIT, Jaipur and Deepak Tanwar from the Department of Civil
Engineering, MNIT, Jaipur. The abstract of the paper presented can be briefly stated as follows.

Experimental investigations were carried out to analyze the performance and emission characteristics of Karanj
oil blend (K-20) and Karanj Oil Methyl Ester (KOME) blends in a direct injection C.I. engine. KOME was prepared
from Karanj oil using alkaline catalyzed traensesterification. Important fuel properties of Karanj oil, KOME,
KOME-diesel blends and pure diesel were compared. BSFC, BTE, and exhaust emissions were measured for
these fuels. Performance and emission results show the B-20 as optimum blend among the different blends. It
shows K-20 blend as poorer than diesel and B-20 but better than higher KOME blends. Hence B-20 and K-20 The Jeep Treo Concept
blends of Karanj oil may be used successfully as promising alternate fuels for C.I. engines. Treo's forward-thinking design brief is matched by its equally forward-
thinking alternative propulsion system. Imagined with an efficient,
The second paper was presented in a National Conference held at YIT, Jaipur on 30th of April, 2010 on hydrogen fuel cell powering all four wheels via dual electric motors, the
‘Combined Cooling, Heating and Power: An efficient, decentralized generation of energy’ by the ex-students of Treo is designed to operate in all conditions while being sensitive and
the institute, Kautilya Institute of Technology & Engineering and School of Management, Jaipur, Mr. Sumit Mittal, accountable to the environment.
Ashish Puri and Sandhya Singh of Mechanical Engineering Department under the guidance of Mr. Kamal
Kishore Khatri, Dilip Sharma and S.L Soni from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNIT, Jaipur. The
abstract of the paper presented can be briefly stated as follows.

Energy conservation and environmental protection have become crucial for sustainable development of the
world. So all together we have to search for the sources that are highly efficient, less polluting, cheap and most
important it should last for very long time. Combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) or trigeneration has
emerged as promising technology for achieving the goal mentioned above. It is more efficient and less polluting
than electricity generated from single generation or centralized generation. This makes cogeneration and
Bagger 288: World's Largest Digging Machine
Trigeneration the cleanest, most environmentally friendly, and least cost method to generate electricity using any
fossil fuel such as natural gas or renewable fuel such as biomethane, biodiesel or ethanol. Combined Cooling, This machine is the largest digging machine in the world. The bucket-
heating, and power has been proven beneficial in many industrial situations by increasing the overall thermal wheeler excavator named Bagger 288 (Excavator 288) is built by the
efficiency, reducing the total power requirement, and providing higher quality, more reliable power. Applying this German company Krupp. More specifically, it is a mobile strip mining
technology to large as well as smaller scale residential and small commercial buildings is an attractive option machine. It is the largest tracked vehicle in the world at 13,500 tons.
because of the large potential market. In this paper, detailed review of Trigeneration technique, its components However, Bagger is powered from an external source and is more
and some case studies available in literature have been presented. correctly described as a mining machine which can be moved, while the
crawler-transporter was built as a self-powered, load-carrying vehicle.
The paper ISFL 2010 was selected for publication in SAE INDIA ( SAE No. that has been alloted is 2010-28- Features
0007) Height: 95 m tall
Length: 215 m long
Mr. Kamal Kishore Khatri Weight: 13,500 tons
Reader & Second Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Prashant
Kautilya Institute of Technology & Engineering and School of Management (KITE-SOM), Jaipur (III Year)

Choppers: The Easy-Rider EXCLUSIVE

An Overview

What exactly is a Chopper?

The definition is fairly flexible, varying from one region to another, but in general, a Chopper is a customized minimalistic design of a motorcycle with essential parts to make it roll on the road. Within the
motorcyclist community, there's a group of enthusiasts who like to get back to the basics. They want to ride bikes that are powerful, fast and stripped down to the bare essentials. They might take an existing bike
and tear it apart, or they might start from scratch to build a bike to their own specifications relieved of excess weight by removing parts, particularly the fenders, with the intent of making it lighter and thus faster, or
at least making it look better in the eyes of a rider seeking a more minimalist ride giving birth to the ‘Chopper’.

A quick look at the past...

The history of the chopper begins shortly after World War II. Many of veterans removed the front fender from the bikes. The rear fender often came in two pieces the soldiers removed the rearmost section. They
called the new, shorter fenders "bobbed" fenders, and so people who rode bikes with these sorts of modifications were called bobbers. Movies like "Easy Rider" and "The Wild One" brought choppers to the
public's attention. In the 1980s, motorcycle companies like Harley-Davidson began to offer what they called custom bikes, mass-manufactured motorcycles based off the most popular chopper designs. Coupled
with an economic recession, this move nearly made chopper culture go extinct. It was only in the mid-'90s that custom bike shops began to flourish again, and today the culture is as strong as it ever was.

Formed in 1999 Orange County Choppers (OCC) has

distinguished itself as one of the world’s top builders of
custom bikes. The machines being build at OCC are
custom motorcycles that are hand crafted by the trio -
Mikey, Paul Junior and Paul Senior, or best known as the
Teutuls family from American Chopper. Chipzilla, the bike
from OCC as contracted by Intel to build a state of the art
motorcycle using the baby blue Intel theme logo is the
highest tech bike in the world with a 250-horsepower
workstation on wheels, unveiled simultaneously in meat
space and Second Life in honor of the Xeon 5300 series
release, probably sports more digital kit than Sturgis or
Laconia have ever seen, including either a quad or octo
core chipset, removable UMPC that doubles as a virtual
dashboard, rear-facing cameras to replace the mirrors,
full audio and video capabilities, GPS ofcourse, and what
sounds like a 3G data connection.

1. Chopper Frames: To get its monster look, a chopper 2. Chopper Rake and Trail: The rake 3. Chopper Engines: Bike 4. Chopper Transmissions: Transmissions sit behind
has to have the right frame. There are two main kinds is the angle formed between the builders have a lot of the engine and come in four-, five- and six-speed
of frames used in choppers: hard-tail frames and soft- neck on the frame of a bike and a choices when it comes to varieties. Most modern choppers use either five- or
tail frames. A hard-tail frame is a solid frame with no vertical line. The bigger the angle, engines and how to mount six-speed transmissions, only older choppers or bikes
rear wheel suspension system. Hard-tails have the the further out the front wheel will be them. Engines come with designed to look like vintage models use a four-speed
classic lines that chopper enthusiasts love, but they from the frame. The distance names like Evo, Twin Cam, transmission. The transmission powers the drive
tend to give very bumpy rides. Soft-tail frames have between the points where the tire Shovelhead, Panhead and system for the chopper, which is either a chain system
rear-wheel suspension, meaning the frame comes in makes contact with the ground and Knucklehead. Some or a belt system. Chains and belts connect one side of
two major pieces. The front part of the frame is where a vertical line from the center of the engines work better with the drive system, the transmission, to the other side,
the engine, transmission, fork and handlebars is front wheel's steering axis to the certain frames, in fact, the rear tire. Transmissions only provide power to the
mounted. The rear section is where the rear wheel is ground is the bike's trail. Trail is some frames are designed rear tire; the front wheels aren't powered. A small
mounted. The two sections are connected together measured in inches, and in specifically to hold a sprocket in the drive system turns the chain or belt at
using bolts, brackets, spacers and other equipment, motorcycles should always be a particular engine. Builders the transmission end, which then turns a larger
depending on the frame's manufacturer. At the front positive number, a negative trail have to be aware of an sprocket at the tire end, making the tire move. Most
end of the frame, whether it's a soft-tail or hard-tail is means an unstable ride. Trail is engine's dimensions to choppers use an open primary system, meaning the
where the fork assembly is mounted. The fork important, too little or too much trail make sure they have the belt or chain isn't covered by housing or casing, it's left
assembly is the part of the bike that connects the front and the bike will be sluggish or even right amount of clearance out in the open for all to admire.
tire and handlebars to the frame. The fork assembly impossible to control. The ideal trail in their frame once they've
also includes the front wheel suspension system, length tends to range between 3.5 installed all their Syed Tauqueer Eqbal Husain
which usually either uses springs or hydraulics. and 6 inches. components. [III Year]

Check out the website for various stuffs and know how, what, where they work and in which field are they used in a very
explainatory manner with all the sources at a single place. The site also covers the history of the object and its full
specification. All in all it is the one in a million sites where you get what you need at a click! 3

1. The bed of a machine tool is normally made of
(a) C.I.
(b) Medium Carbon steel
(c) Alloy steel
(d) Mild steel The cheapest Indian car, dream of a middle class family.

2. For transmitting power between two shafts which are at right

angles but non-intersecting, the gearing used is
(a) worm and worm wheel “I hope this changes the way
(b) spur gearing people travel in rural India. We
(c) helical gearing
(d) bevel gearing are a country of a billion and
3. First law of thermodynamics involves the concept of
most are denied connectivity,
(a) absolute temperature this is a car that is affordable
(b) entropy and provides all-weather
(c) work done
(d) internal energy transport for the family.”
4. Indicated thermal efficiency of an engine is
- Ratan Tata
(a) Brake power/Indicated power
(b) Indicated power/Mechanical efficiency
(c) Brake thermal efficiency/Mechanical efficiency The introduction of the Nano received media attention due to its targeted low
(d) Brake power/Mechanical efficiency Specifications
price. The Financial Times reporter, If ever there were a symbol of India’s
ambitions to become a modern nation, it would surely be the Nano, the tiny car Manufacturer Tata Motors
5. The approximate air fuel ratio in a diesel engine under rated
conditions is
with the even tinier price-tag. The car is expected to boost the Indian Economy, Parent company
Also called
Tata Sons
The People's Car
(a) 12 to 1 create entrepreneurial-opportunities across India as well as expand the Indian car Production 2008–present

(b) 20 to 1 market by 65%. The car was envisioned by Ratan Tata, Chairman of the Tata Assembly Pantnagar, Uttarkhand, India
Charodi, Gujarat, India
(c) 15 to 11 Group and Tata Motors, who has described it as an eco-friendly "people's car". Class City car, "Kei car”
(d) 80 to 1 Nano has been greatly appreciated by many sources and the media for its low- Body style(s)
4 speed synchromesh with
cost and eco-friendly initiatives which include using compressed-air as fuel and an over-drive in 4th
6. A 4 cylinder 4 stroke diesel engine has 3000 power strokes electric-version (E-Nano).Tata Group is expected to mass-manufacture the Nano, Wheelbase
2,230 mm (87.8 in)
3,099 mm (122.0 in)
per minute; its speed in RPM is particularly the electric-version, and, besides selling them in India, to also export Width 1,495 mm (58.9 in)
(a) 3000 Height 1,652 mm (65.0 in)
(b) 6000
them worldwide Kerb weight 600kg (1,300 lb)–635 kg
(1,400 lb)
© 750 Fuel capacity 15 L (4 US gal; 3 imp gal)
(d) 1500 Tata Nano is a rear-engine, four-passenger city car built by Tata Motors, aimed Designer Girish Wagh, Justin Norek of
primarily at the Indian market. The car has a fuel efficiency of around 26 kilometers Trilix, Pierre Castinel
7. One of the following type of pumps is used in a diesel per liters on the highway and around 22 kilometers per liters in the city. The cars Engine: 2 cylinder petrol with Bosch multi-point fuel
engine started to be delivered to customers after July 17, 2009.with a starting price of Rs injection (single injector) all aluminium 33 horsepower (25
(a) jet pump kW) 624 cc (38 cu in)
100,000, which is approximately equal to UK£1,360 or US$2,160 as of December Value Motronic engine management
(b) reciprocating pump 2009. This is cheaper than the Maruti 800, its main competitor and next cheapest platform from Bosch
(c) gear pump 2 valves per cylinder overhead camshaft
(d) axial flow pump
Indian car priced at Rs 184,641 ($3,988 U.S.).Tata had sought to produce the Compression ratio: 9.5:1 bore × stroke:
least expensive production car in the world, aiming for a starting price of Rs 73.5 mm (2.9 in) × 73.5 mm (2.9 in)
Power: 35 PS (26 kW; 35 hp) @ 5250 rpm
8. In a six cylinder 4 stroke petrol engine running at 2000 100,000 (approximately US$2,000) as of June 2009. Torque: 48 N•m (35 ft•lbf) @ 3000 +/-500rpm
RPM, the cam shaft runs at "Nano" means "small" in Gujarati, the language of the founders of the Tata Group.
Layout and Transmission Rear wheel drive
(a) 1000 RPM "Nano" from the SI prefix for one-billionth is derived from the Greek and is 4-speed manual transmission
(b) 2000 RPM sometimes used to mean "small" in English
(c) 6000 RPM Steering mechanical rack and pinion w/o servo
Turning radius: 4 metres
(d) 5000 RPM A team of 500 people worked on creating the Nano - Tata aims to prove that India
Performance Acceleration: 0-60 km/h (37 mph): 8 seconds
9. The inlet valve in a 4 stroke IC engine opens
can compete on the world market as an innovative car maker. To achieve its Maximum speed: 105 km/h (65 mph)
(a) after TDC design goals, Tata refined the manufacturing process, emphasized innovation Fuel efficiency (overall): 23.6 kilometres per
litre (4.24 litres per 100 kilometres (66.6
(b) before BDC and sought new design approaches from suppliers. The car was designed at mpg-imp; 55.5 mpg-US))
(c) before TDC Italy's Institute of Development in Automotive Engineering — with Ratan Tata
Body and dimensions Seat belt: 4
(d) after BDC requesting certain changes, such as the elimination of one of two windscreen Trunk capacity: 150 L (5.3 cu ft)
wipers. Many components of the Nano are made in Germany by Bosch, such as
10. The gudgeion pin connects the Suspension, Tires & Brakes
fuel injection, brake system, Value Motronic ECU, ABS and other technologies. Front brake: 180 mm drum
(a) connecting rod and the crank The Nano has 21% more interior space (albeit mostly as headroom, due to its tall Rear brake: 180 mm drum
(b) piston and crank Front track: 1,325 mm (52.2 in)
(c) crank and connecting rod
stance)and an 8% smaller exterior compared to its closest rival, the Maruti 800. Rear track: 1,315 mm (51.8 in)
(d) piston and the connecting rod Tata offered the car in three versions: the basic Tata Nano Std; the CX; and the LX. Ground clearance: 180 mm (7.1 in)
Front suspension: McPherson strut with
The CX and LX versions each have air conditioning, power windows, and central lower A arm
Answers: 1.a, 2.a, 3.d, 4.c, 5.b, 6.b, 7.b, 8.b , 9.c , 10.d locking. Tata has set its initial production target at 250,000 units per year. Rear suspension: Independent coil spring 12-

Cost cutting features

•The Nano's trunk does not open. Instead, the rear seats can be folded down to access the boot.
•It has a single windscreen wiper instead of the usual pair.
•It has no power steering.
•The base model has only three lug nuts on the wheels instead of the usual four.
•The base model has only one side view mirror.
•Some use of plastic and glue in place of welded steel
•Manually operated side windows
•Air conditioning/heating not part of base model
•Airbags not part of base model
•Engine is much smaller (623 cc) than the other cars but is suitable for city driving.

Tata initially targeted the vehicle as "the least expensive production car in the world” aiming for a starting price of 100,000 rupees or approximately US$2000 (using exchange rate as of 22 March 2009 6 years
ago. despite rapidly rising material prices at the time.At its launch the Nano was available in three trim levels:
•the basic Tata Nano Std priced at 123,000 Rupees has no extras;
•the deluxe Tata Nano CX at 151,000 Rupees has air conditioning;
•the luxury Tata Nano LX at 172,000 Rupees has air conditioning, power windows, fabric seats and central locking
•the Nano Europa, European version of the Tata Nano has all of the above plus a larger body, bigger 3-cylinder engine, anti-lock braking system (ABS) and meets European crash standards and emission

Tushar Kargathiya & Vinod Prajapati

[II Year]

The Iron Pillar of Delhi

The iron pillar of Delhi, India is a 7 meter high pillar in the Qutb complex which is notable for the composition of the metals used in its construction.

The pillar, which weighs more than six tons, is said to have been fashioned at the time of Chandragupta Vikramaditya (375–413),though other authorities
give dates as early as 912 BCE. The pillar initially stood in the centre of a Jain temple complex housing twenty-seven temples that were destroyed by Qutb-
ud-din Aybak, and their material was used in building the Qutub Minar and Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque. The pillar and ruins of the temple stand all around the
Qutb complex today. The pillar is 98% pure wrought iron, and is a testament to the high level of skill achieved by ancient Indian ironsmiths. It has attracted
the attention of both archaeologists and metallurgists, as it has withstood corrosion for over 1,600 years in the open air.
The pillar, almost seven meters high and weighing more than six tons, was erected by Chandragupta Vikramaditya (375 CE–414 CE), (interpretation based
on analysis of archer type Gupta gold coins) of the Gupta dynasty that ruled northern India 320–540. The pillar with the statue of Chakra at the top was
originally located at a place called Vishnupadagiri (meaning “hill with footprint of Lord Vishnu”). This has been identified as modern Udayagiri, situated in
the vicinity of Besnagar, Vidisha and Sanchi.
The pillar bears a Sanskrit inscription in Brahmi script which states that it was erected as a standard in honour of Lord Vishnu. It also praises the valor and
qualities of a king referred to simply as Chandra, who has been identified with the Gupta King Chandragupta Vikramaditya (375-413). It is believed by some
that the pillar was installed in its current location by Vigraha Raja, the ruling Rajput Tomar king.One of the inscriptions on the iron pillar from A.D. 1052
mentions Rajput king Anangpal II.Made up of 98% pure wrought iron, it is 7.21m (23 feet 8 inches) high, with 93 cm (36.6 inches) buried below the present
floor level, and has a diameter of 41 cm (16 inches) at the bottom which tapers towards the upper end. The pillar was manufactured by forge welding. The
temperatures required to form such a pillar by forge welding could only have been achieved by the combustion of coal.[citation needed] The pillar is a
testament to the high level of skill achieved by ancient Indian iron smiths in the extraction and processing of iron.
A fence was erected around the pillar in 1997 in response to damage caused by visitors. There is a popular tradition that it was considered good luck if you
could stand with your back to the pillar and make your hands meet behind it.
Mahesh Kumar
[I Year]

> As always with an Engineering job, there is the money, an average income for Mechanical Engineers in 2007 was $75,130.
> Mechanical Engineers develop and use new materials and technologies. They design using the most advanced computer systems and software.
> As a Mechanical Engineer your areas of expertise will be enormous. There are so many options to choose from to be a Mechanical Engineer. 4

Mikoyan MiG-29
MiG-29 (disambiguation)

The Mikoyan MiG-29Russian is a 4th-generation jet fighter aircraft designed in the Soviet Union for an air superiority role. Developed in the
1970s by the Mikoyan design bureau, it entered service with the Soviet Air Force in 1983, and remains in use by the Russian Air Force as well as
in many other nations. The NATO name "Fulcrum" was unofficially used by Soviet pilots in service. The MiG-29 along with the Su-27 were
developed to counter new American fighters such as the F-15 Eagle, and the F-16 Fighting Falcon.

In 1969 the Soviet Union learned of the U.S. Air Force's "F-X" program, which resulted in the F-15 Eagle. The Soviet leadership soon realized
that the new American fighter would represent a serious technological advantage over existing Soviet fighters. What was needed was a better-
balanced fighter with both good agility and sophisticated systems. In response, the Soviet General Staff issued a requirement for a
Perspektivnyy Frontovoy Istrebitel (PFI, literally "Perspective Frontline Fighter", roughly "Advanced Frontline Fighter"). Specifications were
extremely ambitious, calling for long range, good short-field performance (including the ability to use austere runways), excellent agility, Mach
2+ speed, and heavy armament. The aerodynamic design for the new aircraft was largely carried out by the Russian aerodynamics institute
TsAGI in collaboration with the Sukhoi design bureau.


The MiG-29 has two widely spaced Klimov RD-33 turbofan engines, each rated at 50.0 kN (11,240 lb) dry and 81.3 kN (18,277 lb) in afterburner.
The space between the engines generates lift, thereby reducing effective wing loading, to improve maneuverability. The engines are fed
through wedge-type intakes fitted under the leading-edge extensions (LERXs), which have variable ramps to allow high-Mach speeds. As an
adaptation to rough-field operations, the main air inlet can be closed completely and alter using the auxiliary air inlet on the upper fuselage for
takeoff, landing and low-altitude flying, preventing ingestion of ground debris (foreign object damage [FOD]). Thereby the engines receive air
through louvers on the LERXs which open automatically when intakes are closed. However the latest variant of the family, the MiG-35,
eliminated these dorsal louvers, and adopted the mesh screens design in the main intakes, similar to those fitted to the Su-27.

Range and fuel system

The internal fuel capacity of the original MiG-29B is only 4,365 litres distributed between six internal fuel tanks, four in the fuselage and one in General characteristics
each wing. As a result, the aircraft has a very limited range, in line with the original Soviet requirements for a point-defense fighter. For longer
•Crew: One
flights, this can be supplemented by a 1,500-litre (330 Imp gal, 395 US gal) centreline drop tank and, on later production batches, two 1,150-litre
•Length: 17.37 m (57 ft)
(253 Imp gal, 300 US gal) underwing drop tanks. In addition, a small number have been fitted with port-side inflight refueling probes, allowing •Wingspan: 11.4 m (37 ft 3 in)
much longer flight times by using a probe-and-drogue system. Some MiG-29B airframes have been upgraded to the "Fatback" configuration •Height: 4.73 m (15 ft 6 in)
(MiG-29 9-13), which adds a dorsal-mounted internal fuel tank. Advanced variants, such as the MiG-35, can be fitted with a conformal fuel tank •Wing area: 38 m² (409 ft²)
on the dorsal spine, although none of them have yet entered service. •Empty weight: 11,000 kg (24,250 lb)
•Loaded weight: 16,800 kg (37,000 lb)
Cockpit •Max takeoff weight: 21,000 kg (46,300
The cockpit features a conventional centre stick and left hand throttle controls. The pilot sits in a Zvezda K-36DM zero-zero ejection seat which lb)
•Powerplant: 2× Klimov RD-33
has had impressive performance in emergency escapes. afterburning turbofans, 8,300 kgf (81.4
The cockpit has conventional dials, with a head-up display (HUD) and a Shchel-3UM helmet mounted display, but no HOTAS ("hands-on- kN, 18,300 lbf) each
throttle-and-stick") capability. Emphasis seems to have been placed on making the cockpit similar to the earlier MiG-23 and other Soviet aircraft
for ease of conversion, rather than on ergonomics. Upgraded models introduce "glass cockpits" with modern liquid-crystal (LCD) multi-function Performance
displays (MFDs) and true HOTAS.
•Maximum speed: Mach 2.25 (2,400
Sensors km/h, 1,490 mph) At low altitude: 1,500
The baseline MiG-29B has a Phazotron RLPK-29 (Radiolokatsyonnui Pritselnui Kompleks) radar fire control system (FCS) which includes the km/h, 930 mph
•Range: 700 km (430 mi)
N019 (Sapfir 29; NATO: 'Slot Back') look-down/shoot-down coherent pulse-Doppler radar and the Ts100.02-02 digital computer. Tracking •Ferry range: 2,100 km (1,800 mi) with 1
range against a fighter-sized target was only about 70 km (38 nmi) in the frontal aspect and 35 km (19 nmi) in the rear aspect. Range against drop tank
bomber-sized targets was roughly double. Ten targets could be displayed in search mode, but the radar had to lock onto a single target for semi- •Service ceiling: 18,013 m (59,100 ft)
active homing (SARH). The signal processor had trouble with ground clutter, reducing ranges in the look-down mode. The radar was also •Rate of climb: initial 330 m/s average
susceptible to jamming. These problems meant the MiG-29 was not able to reliably utilize the new Vympel R-27R (NATO: AA-10 "Alamo") long- 109 m/s 0-6000 m[101] (65,000 ft/min)
range SARH missile at its maximum ranges. •Wing loading: 442 kg/m² (90.5 lb/ft²)
Gyanendra Panday •Thrust/weight: 1.01
[III Year]

HOW TO WORK SMART The Six-Stroke Engine

IN YOUR JOB ? Under the hood of almost all modern automobiles there sits a four-stroke internal combustion engine (ICE). Though the efficiency of the
What do you live for? design has been improved upon significantly in the intervening years, the basic concept is the same today as that used by the first practical
Work, Power, money? four-stroke engine built in the 1870s. During every cycle in a typical car engine, each piston moves up and down twice in the chamber,
Watts the use, Have you ever drilled your resulting in four total strokes… one of which is the power stroke that provides the torque to move the vehicle. But the automotive industry may
Mind? soon be revolutionized by a new six-stroke design which adds a second power stroke, resulting in a much more efficient and less polluting
Running around amidst Milling Crowd, alternative.
Aren’t you ever Bored of revolving round? In a traditional ICE cycle,
1) the fuel/air valves open as the piston moves down, which draws air and fuel into the chamber;
When you gear up for a promotion 2) the valves close as the piston moves back up, putting the air/fuel mixture under pressure;
3) the mixture is then ignited, causing a small explosion which forces the piston back down, which turns the crank and provides the torque;
You are screwed and get just a motion
and finally
From One office to another
4) the exhaust valves open as the piston moves back up once again, pushing the byproducts of the fuel explosion out of the chamber.
Like a dummy toy fixture
This leaves the piston back in its starting position, ready for another cycle. This process is repeated thousands of times per minute. The clever
Once a while you have moments of Inertia new six-stroke design was developed by 75-year-old mechanic and tinkerer Bruce Crower, a veteran of the racing industry and a the owner of
But your boss wants you fly to Siberia a company which produces high-performance cams and other engine parts. He modified a single-cylinder engine on his workbench to use
For a task which you think a trivia the new design, and after fabricating the parts and assembling the powerplant, he poured in some gas and yanked the starter rope. His
prototype worked. His addition to the ICE design is simple in principle, yet a stroke of genius. After the exhaust cycles out of the chamber,
It’s not Horse power but the Modulus of rather than squirting more fuel and air into the chamber, his design injects ordinary water. Inside the extremely hot chamber, the water
Elasticity immediately turns to steam– expanding to 1600 times its volume– which forces the piston down for a second power stroke. Another exhaust
That determines your success and Efficiency. cycle pushes the steam out of the chamber, and then the six-stroke cycle begins again. Besides providing power, this water injection cycle
cools the engine from within, making an engine’s heavy radiator, coolant, and fans obsolete. Despite its lack of a conventional liquid cooling
If your Modulus of Rigidity is too high system, his bench engine is only warm to the touch while it is running. Offsetting that, of course, would be the need to carry large quantities of
Juniors with Young’s Modulus will fly high! water, and water is heavier than gasoline or diesel oil. Preliminary estimates suggest a Crower cycle engine will use roughly as many gallons
of water as fuel.Bruce Crower holds a patent on the new design– which he is still developing and tweaking– but he estimates that eventually
If you are in friction with your boss his six-stroke engine could improve a typical engine’s fuel consumption by as much as forty percent.
Someone with Lube and Coolant will pass!
IF your short temper shows Flash Point Rajesh Singh
You may soon be in Fire Point! Abhishek Pareek

You may be good in details to nuts and bolt BIODIESEL: Futuristic Fuel
But if you can’t handle those who revolt The essential process for making diesel fuel out of biomass, was used in the 1800's for its primary product, glycerin for soap. It was
also used exclusively in Rudolf Diesel's engine from the time he invented it until the 1920's, when modifications were made to the
You will be rough-cut to size and engine so that it could accept Number 2 diesel, a residue of petroleum. People have made their own biodiesel for use in their engine
Soon you’ll lay on surface-finished! since the 1970's, and it has become an increasingly popular alternative today.

Biodiesel is a diesel replacement fuel made from etherification of new and used vegetable and animal oils. Biodiesel, just like
You must constantly leverage on your
ethanol and petroleum, can be blended with regular diesel fuel. Blends of biodiesel and diesel up to B20 (20% biodiesel, 80%
smartness diesel) usually can be used in unmodified diesel engines with no problems. Richer blends, even pure B100 biodiesel, can be used
By never allowing the boss to reach high in some unmodified diesel engines, but the effect on the engine's durability is questioned by scientists. Biodiesel is gaining
Hardness! popularity in many countries, particularly in regions where regular diesel is already popular. Little testing about to the long-term
You must be bearing in mind fully effects of biodiesel on unmodified engines limits the extent of biodiesel usage, but Europe, United States, Brazil, and even Canada
That growth will be faster with a Pulley! are all actively developing and advocating biodiesel. Brazil opened a biodiesel refinery in March 2005 which by 2011 will produce
enough biodiesel to incorporate 5% biodiesel into regular diesel fuel nationwide. The United States offers a federal tax credit to
biodiesel consumers, although it is still only available in ural areas.
Vivek Kumar Chandan Kumar
[II Year] [III Year]

Scientists dream about doing great things. Engineers do them.

- James Michener, Novelist. 5

Achievements Projects in hand

1. Integration of CHP & Building Simulation for
The Department of Mechanical Engineering has been consistently improving predicting the energy requirements of a
in every aspect. The students have been qualifying almost in every field residential building.
showing their excellent performance in the competitions giving a tougher fight [PARAGJYOTI BEZBARUAH, SAMAR DAS, PRANJAL,
In the year 2008, 8 students were placed whereas in the year 2009 there was [Final Year]
an increment in the number of students that were placed, currently 35 out of the
45 students of the batch are working in leading firms and industries. In the year 2. Car Air Cooler
2010, till now 7 students have already been reported to be placed. [GAUTAM BHAGAWATI, MRIGENDRA NARAYAN DEKA, MANOJ
The students taking part in physical activities have also showed their good KUMAR DAS, NAWAZ AHMED ANSARI, ABDUL]
[Final Year]
performance in every sports game may be it Kabaddi or Basketball
in the intra-college as well as inter-college competitions and tournaments. In
Enigma-2009, the national technical festival, the students from the branch 3. Anti-Lock Break Sytem with Sensors
[Sandip Kumar]
atained various positions in several events like Junk Yard, Treasure Hunt and [Final Year]
Also one of the biggest achievements of the department was the submission of 4. Censor Based Ceiling Fan
the model in the competition held at IIT, Mumbai by the 4th Year students [Gyanendra Panday, Ajay Kr. Jalewala]
namely Manish Choudhry, Nitin Chaddha, Sandeep Paul and Anurag Sharma [IIIrd Year]
of our college in the Year 2009 and they grabbed the second position.
The paper presented by Sumit Mittal, passout from the college was accepted in
the National Conference held at YIT, Jaipur on the topic ‘Renewable Sources
of Energy‘.
Importance of workshop
The students placed in the current year 2010 are:
Workshop practice is useful to students of all branches of
engineering courses. Workshop provides the basic working
Ajay Rai in R. K. Marbles Pvt. Ltd.
knowledge of production and properties of different
Vivek Pal in R. K Marbles Pvt. Ltd. materials.The workshop explains the use of different
Vikas Sinha in Petron. machinery, equipments, tools and techniques of
manufacturing, which ultimately facilite shaping of materials
In the Sports Events held on 15th - 17th march 2010, winners from the in to various useful forms.
branch are:
The study of workshop has therefore been made
Kabaddi: 1st Position, ME-4th Year Team compulsory these days for an engineer irrespective of
Volleyball: 2nd Position, ME Team branch, so that one can make himself acquainted with the
basic knowledge of manufacturing process and materials.
In other co-curricular activities held in the Ablaze-2010, the winners from
the branch are: Mr. Pooran Yadav
Workshop Instructor
Fashion Show: 2nd Position, Sushant Sharma and Group, ME 3rd Year. Department of Mechanical Engineering
Laughter Challenege: 1st position, Brijesh Meena (For Monoact)

Prof. (Dr.) N. C. Bhandari B.E., M.E., Ph. D. (IIT-D) Professor Experience of 42 Years
Prof. P. N. Gupta B.E., M.E. Professor Experience of 41 Years
Wg. Cdr. R. K. Sharda B. Sc (Engg.), AAe.S.I.(IAF) Reader Experience of 39 Years
Mr. Kamal Kishore Khatri B.E., M. Tech., Ph.D* Reader Experience of 8 Years
Mr. Madhvendra Saxena B.E., M. Tech. Lecturer Experience of 16 Years
Mr. Amit Kr. Sharma B.E. Lecturer Experience of 5 Years
Mr. Budhi Prakash B.E. Lecturer Experience of 2 Years
Mr. Pranay Tak B.E. Lecturer Experience of 1.6 Years
Mr. Navin H. Yadav B.E. Lecturer Experience of 1.3 Years
Mr. Yogessh Bhardwaj B.E. Lecturer Experience of 0.5 Years
Mr. Sourabh Singhal B.E. Lecturer Experience of 2 Years
Mr. Vimal Jangid B.E. Lecturer Experience of 1 Years
Mr. Manoj Kumar Sharma B.E. Lecturer Experience of 0.5 Years


Contact: 0141-2770364, 2174351

Fax: 0141-2770199

Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been.
- Albert Einstein, Physicist. 6

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