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Leaders Collaborative Book Project
For, Of, and By the Data
Analytics Leaders and
Compiled by Deeksha Joshi
& Vishal Kumar

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 5

SECTION A: STRATEGY FOR THE DATA ANALYTICS LEADERS ................................................... 8

1. Rise of Data Capital by Paul Sonderegger ........................................................................................ 9

2. Investing in Big Data by Bill Pieroni .............................................................................................. 13

3. From Data to Insight: Seven Tips for a Great Data Strategy by Anne Russell ........................ 16

4. Data is Not Always a Substitute for Strategy by Steven Sinofsky ............................................. 20

5. Understand How Your Company Creates Value by Cary Burch ............................................... 26

6. Act Like an Analyst, Think Like a Strategist by Dr. Justin Barclay .......................................... 28

7. The Last Mile of Intuitive Decision Making by Vishal Kumar ................................................. 31

8. Three BIG Reasons Companies are Failing with Big Data Analytics by Ian St. Maurice ..... 36

9. How to Leverage Power of Big Data Analytics in Making Strategic Decisions by Ankush
Chopra........................................................................................................................................................... 40

10. How to Hire the Best Analytics Leaders: And its not the way you think! by Tony Branda
11. Big Decisions Will Supplant Big Data by David Kenny ......................................................... 48

12. Big Data: The 'Bridge' to Success by Paul Forrest .................................................................... 52

13. What You Need to Know About Big Data by Dorie Clark ...................................................... 60

14. Change Your Business One Metric at a Time by Bill Franks ................................................. 63

15. The Importance of Analytics and Data Science by James Barrese ........................................ 66


1. What is a Data Scientist? by Kurt Cagle ......................................................................................... 69

2. Sentiment Analysis Meets Active Collaboration by Julie Wittes Schlack ............................... 74

3. Framing Big Data Analytic Requirements by James Taylor ....................................................... 83

4. Combating the Coming Data Deluge: Creating real-time awareness in the age of the
Internet of Things by Ryan Kirk .............................................................................................................. 86

5. Big Data, Small Models The 4F Approach by Kajal Mukhopadhyay .................................... 94

6. The Five Letters that Will Change the Data World: BYOBI by Tomasz Tunguz ..................... 97

7. Big Data? No, SMART Data by Tara Hunt .................................................................................. 101

8. Beyond "Big Data": Introducing the EOI framework for analytics teams to drive business
impact by Michael Li ................................................................................................................................ 105

9. Can You Seize the Opportunity from Analytics If You are Cheap? by Lora Cecere ............ 109

10. Why is the Successful Implementation of "Big Data" Applications a Question of

Knowing How to Sell? by Jean-Marc Bellot ........................................................................................ 112

11. The Big Hole in Big Data by Colin Shaw ................................................................................. 117

13. Big Data: Two Words That are Going to Change Everything by Ali Rabaie .................... 121

14. What Social Media Analytics and Data Can't Tell You by Beth Kanter............................. 125

15. Big Data, Great! Now What Do We Do With It? by Ken Kring ............................................ 130

16. Decoding Buzzwords: Big Data, Predictive Analytics, Business Intelligence by Cindy
Gordon ........................................................................................................................................................ 137

17. The Case Against Quick Wins in Predictive Analytics Projects by Greta Roberts .......... 141

18. How Many of Us Think Big Data is Big BS? by Ali Syed ..................................................... 144

19. So You Can Predict the Future. Big deal. Now Change It by Alex Cosmas ....................... 148

20. Best Practices in Lead Management and Use of Analytics by Marianne Seiler ................ 151

21. Integrated Information Architecture for Real-time Analytics by Madan Gopal .............. 154

22. The Practice of Data Science: Investigating Data Scientists, Their Skills and Team
Makeup by Bob E. Hayes......................................................................................................................... 158

23. The Memefication of Insights by Tom De Ruyck ................................................................... 166

24. The Esoteric Side of Data Analytics by Kiran Garimella ...................................................... 170

SECTION C: FUTURE OF ANALYTICS .................................................................................................. 177

1. Full Stack Analytics The Next Wave of Opportunity in Big Data by Chip Hazard ........... 178

2. Future of Analytics by Dr. Anand S Rao....................................................................................... 182

3. Computational Knowledge and the Future of Pure Mathematics by Stephen Wolfram ..... 190

4. Consumers are on the Verge of Understanding Big Data: Are You? by Douglas Rushkoff 216

5. The Frightening Perils and Amazing Benefits of Big Data by Vivek Wadhwa .................... 220

5. Let The Machines Decide by Toby Unwin ................................................................................... 224

6. Is Little Data the Next Big Data? by Jonah Berger ...................................................................... 226

7. Future of Data Analytics and Beyond... by Deeksha Joshi ........................................................ 230

8. Big Data Analytics, Where Are We Going? by John Ryan ........................................................ 234

9. A Path Forward for Big Data by Jules Polonetsky ...................................................................... 239

10. Democratization of Data Analytics: Why, Who, and What by Kirk Borne ........................ 243

SECTION D: CASE STUDIES & USE CASES ........................................................................................ 247

1. Artificial Intelligence Will Make Smart Lawyers Smarter (and dumb ones redundant) by
Maximiliano Marzetti .............................................................................................................................. 248

2. Cyber security Solutions Based on Big Data by Steven King ................................................... 252

3. Personalization of Big Data Analytics: Personal Genome Sequencing by Peter B. Nicol .. 259

4. Internet of Things : Realizing Business Value through Platforms, Data Analytics &
Visualization by Pranay Prakash .......................................................................................................... 268

5. The Private Eye of Open Data on a Random Walk: 8 different routes by Debleena Roy .... 275

6. Data Sheds New Light on the On-demand Economy by Alex Chriss ..................................... 281

7. Every Company is a Data Company by Christopher Lynch ...................................................... 285

8. Transforming Customer Relationships with Data by Rob Thomas ........................................ 287

9. The Power of Apps to Leverage Big Data and Analytics by Joseph Bradley ......................... 299

10. State of Telecom Business Around Managing Big Data and Analytics by Dr. Hossein
Eslambolchi ................................................................................................................................................ 303

11. Solution to Key Traffic Problem Required a Fresh Look at Existing Data by Tony Belkin
12. Machines Won't Replace Insurance Agents in 2016, But They Will Do This by Steve
Anderson ..................................................................................................................................................... 311

13. How a Digital Transformation Can Improve Customer Experience with Big Data by
Ronald van Loon ....................................................................................................................................... 318

14. Doctor in The Smart Refrigerator by Arthur Olesch .............................................................. 321

15. Wearables at the Workplace by Abhijit Bhaduri .................................................................... 326

16. The SEAMLESS Customer EXPERIENCE by Justice Honaman ......................................... 332

17. Big Data Revolution in the Banking Industry by Marc Torrens .......................................... 337

18. Optimizing the Netflix Streaming Experience with Data Science by Nirmal Govind .... 343

19. Big Data and Innovation by Daniel Harple ............................................................................. 348

20. Five Things You Should Measure with Digital Marketing Analytics by Judah Phillips360

ABOUT THE CURATORS .......................................................................................................................... 381


You are busy preparing a report for your manager. A few cubicles away, you
hear a colleague murmuring something to her mate about an analytics
project. You hear somebody say the word, data. Your interest is raised.
You hear more references to the term, data, and all things related like Big
Data, data science, machine learning and analytics. This is the state of
todays highly quantified world. Everybody talks about data and what they
can do with it.

A few months ago, I was pulled into a conversation at a cocktail party. I was
asked by a business owner about how big data could improve his business.
Although the conversation remained rather light (he mentioned he used Excel
to analyze this data), I told him my standard answer. You can get a lot of
insight into whats happening in your business. You can understand the
current state of affairs. You can make predictions about what will happen in
the future. You can also understand what you need to do to improve your
business. These insights can help you make better decisions to drive your
business forward.

The business owner needed much more information about big data analytics
than I could offer in a brief conversation. But our conversation raised my
interest. I wondered what other experts in the field of analytics would say
about the topic of Big Analytics. This was the impetus for this book.
The Big Analytics Book Project is an aggregation of articles that best represent
thoughts by some of the leading minds in the data analytics industry. My
colleagues at AnalyticsWeek and I reached out to some of the top minds in
the analytics industry to see what they had to say about the topic. We
organized their contributions into a book to share with that curious business
owner as well as others who might have the same questions.

I would like to thank the contributing authors who have been very generous
in providing their time, thoughts and articles for the book. While we gave the

authors full autonomy to contribute whatever they wanted, we organized
their contributions into sections to, hopefully, make the readers journey
easier. So, we hope you enjoy the mesmerizing ride of these carefully curated
write-ups from some of the great minds in data analytics.

Now some basics:

Who is the audience for this book?

The authors were instructed to contribute material that would be suitable for
a diverse audience. Some material, however, required more in-depth
examination of the topic. Overall, the book is a great read for Data Analytics
enthusiasts who are curious about the subject of Big Data and analytics.

How does this book work?

The best way to approach the book is to select a category and pick articles in
which you find an interest. Each article can stand on its own and does not
require insight from other articles. Start your journey by using the Table of
Contents above. We have created four categories in this book:

A. Strategy for the Data Analytics Leaders

In this section, we will discuss the strategy that can help the Data Analytics
leaders in building effective data analytics organizations.

B. Best Practices and Hacks around Data Analytics

In this section, we will discuss the best practices in the domain of Data
Analytics especially those that can have a big impact on larger organizations.

C. Future of Data Analytics

This section addresses about what leaders think will be the future of big
analytics and how analytics will continue to help organizations become more
productive and transformational.

D. Case Studies

This section puts theory to practice, including articles that provide examples
of how you can achieve success using data analytics.

Thank you and acknowledgement

I was fortunate to have worked with such a great team of contributors. It was
an honor to capture their thoughts and organize them for the readers. I would
like to thank all the contributing authors for their submissions. They are the
true rock stars who have given us their experience, their name and their trust
on the project. They deserve credit for the success of the book.
Next, I would like to use the opportunity to thank Vishal Kumar and his team
@ AnalyticsWeek. They have been ultra-responsive in helping me use their
network and outreach to make this book project a reality.
They have been playing a central role in creating an ecosystem that helps
bring Analytics to the masses, being true to their Analytics to the 99%
mission. This book is a living embodiment of that vision. Finally, I would like
to thank my family for their support and words of encouragement that
helped me persevere when I had doubts that I could convince the experts to
contribute to this book.


Courtesy: Dilbert by Scott Adams

Big Analytics will have the biggest impact if business leaders first embrace the ideas in
this book. Business leaders are often occupied with current business problems which
are not always related to data analytics. They sometimes lack the vision of how data
analytics can help them do their jobs. This section is targeted to help make leaders more
data driven. The authors have shared their golden nuggets on how tomorrows leaders
should create and embrace a data driven culture.

The best way to approach this section is by reading each article as its own piece. We
recommend you read the authors biographical information to help you first
understand their perspective. Understanding the authors background might provide
you the right context to help facilitate your understanding of their material.

1. Rise of Data Capital by Paul Sonderegger

Data capital will replace big data

Paul Sonderegger as the big topic of boardroom
Big Data Strategist at Oracle conversation. This change will
LinkedIn Contact have a big effect on competitive
strategy, and CEOs need to make
decisions and prepare to talk to
their boards about their plans. To
Paul is the big data strategist at Oracle. He is a
highly sought-after speaker and author on the data succeed, CEOs need to embrace
capital. Prior to joining Oracle, Sonderegger was the idea that data is now a kind
chief strategist at Endeca, a discovery analytics
company. Before Endeca, he was a principal of capitalas vital as financial
analyst at Forrester Research, specializing in capital to the development of
search and user-experience design. Sonderegger
new products, services, and
has a BA from Wake Forest University.
business processes.

The implications are far greater

than the spread of fact-based decision-making through better analytics. In some cases,
data capital substitutes for traditional capital. In fact, the McKinsey Global Institute says
that data capital explains most of the valuation premium enjoyed by digitized

But, were getting ahead of ourselves. First, we need to acknowledge a few basics.
Because every activity in commercial, public, and private lives uses and produces
information, no organization is insulated from the effects of digitization and
datafication. Every company is thus subject to three laws of data capital:

1. Data comes from activity. Data is a record of what happened. But if youre not
party to the activity when it happens, your opportunity to capture that data is
lost. Forever. So, digitize and datafy key activities your firm already conducts
with customers, suppliers, and partnersbefore rivals edge you out. At the same
time, look up and down your industrys value chain for activities youre not part

of yet. Invent ways to insert yourself in a digital capacity, thereby increasing
your share of data that the industry generates.

2. Data tends to make more data. Algorithms that drive pricing, ad targeting,
inventory management, and fraud detection all produce data about their own
performance that improve their own performance. This data capital flywheel
effect creates a competitive advantage thats very hard to catch, which means
that seizing those digital touchpoints is doubly important.

3. Platforms tend to win. Platform competition is standard in information-

intensive industries like software and stock trading. The gains that come from
exploiting data capital will bring this information intensity to every industry.
Healthcare providers, energy producers, and car makers will all compete to be
the dominant platform for algorithmic services in their chosen markets. The data
capital flywheel effect described above increases exponentially, not linearly.

Allocation of Data Capital

Heres where substituting data capital for financial capital really comes in. To play
offense and defense simultaneously in this data-fueled free-for-all, chief executives will
have to decide where to invest their companies data to generate the greatest return. But
unlike financial capital, which can be invested in only one opportunity at a time, data
capital can fuel multiple analytic or algorithmic investments at once.

This embarrassment of potential riches creates new problems. Even when focusing on
the highest-priority opportunities to cut costs or increase revenue, there are a dizzying
number of possible data sets that could be combined to uncover new insights, and an
equally large number of possible ways to put the discovered correlations and
connections to use. Two new capabilities cut this opportunity space down to size.

First, data marketplaces. Data scientists need a way to shop for data sets like
theyre at Lowes picking up supplies. Companies like BlueKai , which Oracle
acquired last year, let both data experts and civilians like marketing managers
browse hundreds of consumer data sets with more than 30,000 attributes. They

can combine any number of sets in innovative ways to quickly gain new
perspectives on target customers. New software like Oracle Big Data Discovery
brings this kind of easy exploration and discovery inside the firewall, creating
internal data marketplaces for previously siloed enterprise data.

Second, data liquidity. The marketplaces answer only spot demand from
business analysts, but data gets used in many other ways. And as firms store
increasingly diverse data in different silosHadoop, NoSQL stores, as well as
relational databasesthe transaction costs of accessing, moving, and
manipulating desired data will go up. Firms need ways to bring those costs back
down. For example, Big Data SQL lets applications query different repositories
full of increasingly diverse data with a single query, as if it were all in a single
system. And new data integration products exploiting in-memory and low-cost,
scale-out technologies will nearly instantly convert data into new shapes for fast-
changing algorithmic pricing, fraud detection, and inventory management.

Create Datavist Leadership

Increasing a companys return on invested data capital is not a simple matter of
technology. Its a matter of competitive strategy, and the need for CEOs to create a data-
native, or datavist culture has never been greater. Heres how to do it:

Get conversant. Top-performing CEOs are familiar with the basic concepts that
drive key differentiators of their businesses, like branding, product design,
logistics, and engineeringwithout being the firms top expert in any of them.
The same should go for information technology. CEOs need crash courses in the
basic philosophies and trade-offs that drive different approaches to data
management, integration, analytics, and apps so they can make informed
decisions about digital business strategies.

Elevate the chief data officer. The CDO should be on par with the CFO, making
sure data capital is as productive as it can be while staying within the bounds of
proper use. Your companys data capital is essentially a deposit your customers,
partners, and suppliers place with you. Just like with financial capital, data

capital should be under the watchful eye of someone responsible for securing it,
shielding it from misuse, and auditing what actually happens to it on a daily
basis to ensure policy and regulatory compliance.

Highlight your data capital for Wall Street. Technology firms, especially cloud
companies like Oracle, have already started to include data capital numbers
(such as number of web sessions in their cloud or number of candidate records in
their HCM cloud) in their quarterly meetings with analysts. As platform
competition heats up in traditional industries, expect retailers to boast about
average number of data points collected per customer, usage-based auto insurers
to cite aggregate data collected annually, and logistics firms to emphasize the
total number of package scans captured.

The rise of data capital has already begun. The shift in thinking required to create new
strategic positions from shrewd digitization and datafication of value chain activities is
a habit that takes a while to build. All CEOs should add this to their to-do lists.

Within five years there will be over 50 billion

smart connected devices in the world, all
developed to collect, analyze and share data.

2. Investing in Big Data by Bill Pieroni

The average adult makes 70

conscious decisions a day, or
Bill Pieroni
more than 25,000 a year. Many of
Global Chief Operating
those decisions are
Officer at Marsh
inconsequential to organizations,
LinkedIn Contact
but a few of them can create
substantial opportunities or
Bill serves as Global Chief Operating Officer of problems. While organizations
Marsh. He has more than 25 years of experience at
Fortune 500 companies, including McKinsey,
cannot prevent bad decisions
Accenture, and IBM. He has a bachelors degree in from being made, firms can
accounting with University and College honors from minimize the risk by investing in
the University of Illinois. Bill also holds an M.B.A.
from Harvard University, where he was named a data and analytics capabilities.
Baker Scholar.

Data and analytics isnt a new

concept. It has been formed over
the last century with the aid of two key macroeconomic trends. The first was the
migration of the workforce from labor-intensive to knowledge-intensive roles and
industries. The second was the introduction of decision-support systems into
organizations in the 1960s. As an increased number of knowledge workers began to
interact with more powerful technologies and accompanying data stores, analytics
began to take a more critical role within organizational decision-making and execution.

However, firms initially had some difficulties incorporating data and analytics into
their operations. They gathered a limited number of variables and stored them in
multiple data stores with different formats and structures. Additionally, filtering the
data to validate what is relevant and impactful, or the signal, from the noise became
difficult as the amount of data increased exponentially. Based on a study conducted by
IDC, an IT consultancy, the amount of data available globally grew 27-fold to
approximately 2.8 trillion gigabytes from 2005 to 2012. The study also noted that
roughly 25% of this data is useful, but only 3% of it has been tagged for leverage and
only 0.5% of it is currently analyzed.

Most leading organizations see a need to enhance internal capabilities to collect, store,
access, and analyze these exponentially large, complex datasets, increasingly known as
Big Data. However, leaders need to allocate greater investments to Big Data capabilities
in order to fully realize the value potential. These investments need to be made across
the five segments of the data and analytics value chain.

Collection & Readiness: Large, complex datasets need to be collected and managed
effectively. Organizations generate data within independent silos. In order to maximize
data leverage, organizations should maintain data standards to ensure data accuracy,
consistency, and transferability.

Processing: Data must be processed in real time. Gaining a few days on competitors can
be the key to survival. Therefore, organizations should evaluate their architecture,
algorithms, and even programming language to substantially increase processing

Visualization: Processed data needs to be presented in a manner that can be readily

understood. Humans struggle with processing large amounts of numerical and textual
data. Organizations should use visualization tools to enhance human pattern
recognition, insight, and actions.

Interpretation: Visualized data has to be interpreted correctly and communicated to

knowledge consumers. Organizations should screen for biases that can distort insights,
while guarding themselves against gut-feeling decision-makers as well as data
extremists because both ends can lead a firm to act sub-optimally.

Refinement: Knowledge consumers must provide feedback and guidance to

knowledge producers. Organizations should facilitate a feedback loop across diverse
stakeholder groups, which can support continual analysis, learning, and issue
identification in order to attain informational scale and scope.

Organizations have significant hurdles to overcome in order to capture the value

potential of Big Data. These hurdles span the continuum of investment capacity, skill

availability, legacy infrastructure, and operating models. However, organizations that
are able to effectively leverage data and insights to drive differentiated value
propositions and outcomes will dominate their industries. Ultimately, these
organizations will be industry leaders rather than just industry participants.

Start with clear business objectives

3. From Data to Insight: Seven Tips for a Great Data Strategy by Anne Russell

So theres a lot of data out there.

Anne Russell
Now what? How is that going to
Managing Partner at World make a difference to you? That
Data Insights
depends on what you want it to do,
LinkedIn Contact how many resources you have to
devote, and how much effort you
Anne is the founder of World Data Insights. She has want to put into maintaining your
12+ years of research experience of how data
data driven approach over the long
produces narratives of mission relevance; designing,
developing, and implementing techniques to term. Make no mistake. There are a
characterize, ingest, and process data and identify lot of different options for solutions
patterns of interest; She has a Masters from John
Hopkins University and Bachelors from Antioch out there, some more human
College and Univ of Maryland intensive than others. But only
some will transform the data that is
important to you and turn it into
relevant and insightful information
you can use. To get there, you should start with a great data strategy.

Any good data strategy is going to involve understanding key factors that will impact
implementation. Some of it will be obvious and based on what you should expect in
any data should at minimum be some sense of requirements, how the pieces will work
together, how data flows will be managed and visualized, and how different users will
interact with data over time. But if the process is really good, it will also explore the
burgeoning potential of new data driven approaches and help you determine which are
right for your approach. To get to great, consider the following:

1. Brainstorming on Current and Future Goals

You would be surprised by how many people forget to figure out what they really want
their approach to achieve. Many hold minimal discussions with organizations about
capturing requirements from the immediate mission and move straight to designing
implementation schema without fully exploring what is possible. But a great strategy
will involve asking the right questions to get you beyond what you know and into the

realm of Hmm I didnt think about that. It will get you thinking about how to use
data now and how you could use it years from now. Its only once you understand the
potential goals and possibilities that you can narrow down your options into something
realistic that will meet expectations and build for the future.

2. Understanding your End-to-End Business Processes

Yeah. This one is pretty obvious. But for a data driven solution, some strategists will
just look at processes related strictly to data flows. To design a great approach, a
strategist will look beyond immediate data flows and seek to understand how your
organizations broader goals, and current and future process could potentially be
impacted by data, how users work with data now, and how they might work with data
in the future. Indeed, a really good exchange will get into the details of process and
reveal the possibilities of where the right data approach can provide multiple levels of
insight, and help your key personnel save time and resources over the long term.

3. Doing a Data Inventory

One of the great opportunities data driven approaches provide is the ability for
organizations to look at the data they currently have and explore how it can be
augmented by the ever growing availability of new data sets and streams. Some of that
new data might emerge from the implementation of new tools or techniques that enable
you to mine untapped sources within your organization. Others might be well
structured feeds provided by vendors, structured data coming from the ever expanding
web of inter-connected things (the Internet of Things), semi- or unstructured data
coming from indexed sources on the internet, or even data emerging from alternate,
non-obvious sources that exist but have not been fully integrated into any grid (aka, the
wild). A good data inventory will get the basics of what you have, but a great data
inventory will also help you understand what else is out there that is relevant, and what
will be available soon.

4. Knowing which Tools and Techniques to Use

With hundreds of different tools and techniques available, knowing what the strengths
and challenges of different approaches are and what will work for you is critical. Its
not always obvious which tool is right for you. Some techniques may be more than

what you need. Some, not enough. Indeed, when it comes down to your architecture
and design, your strategy will need to explain how these components will work
together, identify potential issues that can emerge, and provide workarounds that will
help your approach succeed. Because a good strategy will be designed based on how
the tools should work, but a great strategy will reflect the experience of what actually

5. Legal and Policy Considerations

Its a given that data governance and policy for most industries is still largely
unregulated. There are plenty of good strategies that have and can be developed with
little regard to outside influences, but thats changing. In the era of increasing data
breaches, cyber-attacks, calls for regulation, and lawsuits, it is inevitable that outside
influences will affect your approach. A good strategy could be developed with minimal
consideration of external factors, particularly in industries where little to no regulation
exists. But a great strategy is developed with foresight into which external factors are
most likely to affect your approach, the associated level of risk of each, and flexible
contingency plans that can help maximize benefits and minimize negative impacts.

6. How your Approach will Work in Different Locations

Were going mobile and were going global. And we are increasingly finding ourselves
deploying approaches to collect and analyze data in multiple, cross-cultural operational
environments. Its no longer enough to develop good strategies that look at approaches
with a single global or national standard. With mobility and accessibility to data
from multiple devices as the new normal, the strategies we develop for our data
approaches must enable us to adapt to different, increasingly localized environments.
That means we have to understand the differences of infrastructural capacity,
geophysical climates, bandwidth, accessibility, and user usage norms that can exist at
the local level. It can also mean understanding what is local from a locals perspective
and how that will affect the implementation of your approach, whether that locale is a
small farming village in Sri Lanka, a manufacturing zone in a Baltic State, an elephant
preserves in Kenya, or a technology firm in a small town in North Carolina.

7. How your Target Market will Interact with your Data

It used to be that we could design interactive experiences based on assumptions of how
users have interacted with data in the past. But data driven approaches are just starting
to enable the exploration of what data can do and how users can interact with it. There
are very few, if any, use cases of direct relevance to most organizations or industries
from which to look for inspiration. As a result, developing interactive experiences for
use within a great data driven strategy means more than just research into user
preferences and knowing whats already been done within your industry. It also
requires knowing what has been done in other industries, and in other related and
unrelated sectors. Inspiration can come from anywhere, and a great strategist will
recognize when it is relevant to your approach.

This is all to say, its worth it to invest resources in developing a data strategy before
you start implementing and testing any approach, whether that strategy is good or
great. Investing a smaller sum at the onset of any data driven approach will help to
assure that the system you ultimately implement works the way you want it to,
avoiding costly modifications in the future.

But if youre going to invest in a data strategy, its worth it to spend a bit more and get a
great one. Why? Because a good data strategy will help ensure that the approach you
choose will work within your current business processes and grow with you in the
short-, medium-, and long-term. But a great strategy? Thats what will let you see what
is and is not possible, and ultimately help your data tell the stories that really matter to
your bottom line.

If we have data, lets look at data. If all we have are

opinions, lets go with mine. Jim Barksdale, former CEO
of Netscape Communications Corporation.

4. Data is Not Always a Substitute for Strategy by Steven Sinofsky

Access to rich usage data is

Steven Sinofsky
something that is a defining element
Board Partner a16z of modern product development.
LinkedIn Contact From cars, to services, to
communications the presence of
data showing how, why, when
Steven is a Board Partner at the venture capital firm
products are used is informing how
Andreessen Horowitz where he serves on boards of
investments. He is an Executive in Residence at products are built and evolve. To
Harvard Business School, and advisor to Box. He is those developing products, data is
passionate about working with entrepreneurs
building the next generation of software-driven an essential ingredient to the
products and services. process. But sometimes, choices
made that are informed by data
cause a bit of an uproar when there
isnt uniform agreement.
The front page of the Financial Times juxtaposed two data-driven stories that show just
how tricky the role of data can be. For Veronica Mars fans (myself included), this past
week was an incredible success as a Kickstarter project raised millions to fund a full
length movie. Talk about data speaking loud and clear.

This same week Google announced the end of life of Google Reader, and as you can see
from the headline there was some controversy (it is noted with irony that the headline
points out that the twitter sphere is in a meltdown). For all the 50,000 or more folks
happy with the VM movie, it seems at least that many were unhappy about Google

The role of data in product development is not without controversy. In todays world
with abundant information from product development teams and analysis of that data,
there is ample room to debate and dissect choices. A few common arguments around
the use of data include:

Representation. No data can represent all people using (or who will use) a product. So
who was represented in the data?

Forward or backward looking. When looking at product usage, the data looks at how
the product was used but not how it will be used down the road (assuming changes). Is
the data justifying the choice or informing the choice?

Contextual. The data depends on context in which it is collected, so if the user interface
is sub-optimal or drives a certain pattern the data does not necessarily represent a valid
conclusion. Did the data consider that the collection was itself flawed?

Counter-intuitive. The data is viewed as counter-intuitive and does not follow the
conventional wisdom, so something must be wrong. How could the data overlook what
is obvious?

Causation or correlation. With data you can see an end state, but it is not always clear
what caused the end-state. If something is used a lot, crashes a lot, or is avoided there
might be many reasons, most not readily apparent or at least open to debate, that cause
that end-state. Is the end-state coincident with some variables or do those variables
cause the end-state?

When a product makes a seemingly unpopular change, such as Google did with reader,
some of more of these or other arguments are brought forward in the discussion of the

In the case of Reader, the official blog stated usage of Google Reader has declined.
While it does seem obvious that data informed the choice, if one does not agree with the
choice there is ample opportunity to dispute the conclusion. Was the usage in absolute
or relative decline? Were specific (presumably anonymous) users slowing their usage?
What about the usage in a particular customer segment? The counter-intuitive aspect of
the data showed, as most dialog pointed out strong first party usage among tech
enthusiasts and reporters.

The candid disclosure of the use of data offered some transparency to the choice, but
not complete transparency. Could more data be provided? Would that change how the
product development choice was received?

Conversely, no one is disputing the success of the VM Kickstarter project (making a

movie is similar to product development). The data is clear, there is a high level of
demand for the movie. I know that fits my intuition as a fan of the series. The fact that
this data came via a popular (and transparent) web service only seems to validate our
intuition. In this case, the data is seemingly solid.

While these are just two examples, they happened in the same week and show the
challenges of data, transparency, and product development choices. While data can
inform choices, no one is saying it is the only way to make a choice or that those making
products should only defer to data. Product development is a complex mix of science
and intuition. Data represents part of that mix, but not the whole of it.

Data is not strategy

Ultimately, data contributes to product development but does not replace the very
unscientific notion of what to build and why. Thats the art of product development and
how it intersects with business strategy. This follows from the fact that products are
developed today for use in the future. The future is uncertain for your own products
evolution, but all around you is uncertainty. Data is an input to help you define a
strategy or modify it, but cannot replace what is inherently the uncertain side of

In Eric Ries Lean Startup book (or, there is

an interesting discussion on how the role of data can contribute to an early stage
product. While the anecdote and approach are described in the context of a project very
close to Eric, I think we can all see parallels to other products as well. My intent is not to
restate or recast the book, but to just reflect upon it a bit.

One part of developing a new product, as described, is to develop a minimum viable
product (MVP) that does not reflect the final product but is just enough of the product
to collect the maximum validated data about potential customers.

An interesting point in the description is how often the people that will use this early
version of the product are enthusiasts or those especially motivated and forgiving about
a product while under development. The tricky user interface, complex sign-up, or
missing error conditions and things like that might not matter to these folks, for

Not every product ultimately targets those customersthey are not super large in
number relative to the broad consumer world, for example. As you learn and collect
validated data about your product strategy you will reach a critical point where you
essentially abandon or turn away from the focus on enthusiasts and tilt towards a
potentially larger customer base.

This is where your strategy comes into play. You have iterated and validated.
Presumably these early users of your product have started to use or like what you have
or at least pointed you in a direction. Then youll take a significant turn or change
maybe the business model will change, maybe there will be different features, maybe
the user interface will be different. This is all part of taking the learning and turning it
into a product and business. The data informed these choices, but you did not just
follow it blindly. Your product will reflect but not implement your MVP, usually.

But, with these choices there will probably not be universal agreement, because even
with the best validated data there can be different approaches to implementing the

Data transparency
The use of data is critical to modern product development. Every product of every kind
should have mechanisms in place to learn from how the product is used in the real
world (note, this is assuming very appropriate policies regarding the collection and

usage of this data). This is not just about initial development, but evolution and
maturing of the product as well.

If youre going to use data to design and develop your product, and also talk about how
the product was designed and developed, it is worth considering how you bring
transparency to the process. Too often, both within an organization and outside, data is
used conveniently to support or make a point. Why not consider how you could
provide some level of detail that could reduce the obvious ways those that disagree
with your approach might better understand things, especially for those that follow
along and care deeply. Some ideas:

Provide absolute numbers for the size of the data set to avoid discussions about
sample size.
Provide a sense of statistical significance across customer types (was the data
collected in one country, one type of device, etc.).
Provide the opportunity for additional follow up discussion or other queries
based on dialog.
Overlay the strategic or social science choices you are making in addition to the
data that informed the choices.

Transparency might not remove controversies but might be a useful tool to have an
open dialog with those that share your passion for the product.

Using data as part of product development will never be free of debate or even
controversy. Products today are used across millions of people worldwide in millions of
different ways, yet are often used through one software experience. What works in one
context doesnt always work in another. What works for one type of customer does not
always work for another. Yet those that make products need to ship and need to get
products to market.

As soft as software is, it is also enormously complex. The design, creation, and
maintenance preclude at todays state of the art an everything for everyone approach.

To make those choices a combination of data and intuition makes a good approach to
the social science of product development.

By 2020, we will have over 6.1 billion smartphone

users globally (overtaking basic fixed phone

5. Understand How Your Company Creates Value by Cary Burch

It is one thing to use analytics to

Cary Burch
know how your products are
Chief Innovation Officer at performing in the marketplace, yet
Thomson Reuters
are you also using analytics to help
LinkedIn Contact you understand how your products
are adding value for customers?
With over 20 years of software and technology
experience, Cary Burch is currently SVP and Chief
One skill central to any business
Innovation Officer for Thomson Reuters Corporation
and has held various C-level executive positions in analytics team I have led,
his career. Mr. Burch is a CEO, author, innovator, collaborated with, or written about,
investor, and has an MBA from Pepperdine
University. is the ability of that team to
understand how the business
creates value. Dashboards are well-
suited for many of the summaries I
see of product revenue, costs, inventory turns, and profit. Perhaps theyll additionally
report units sold versus units to goal, or sales by region or individual product type. Yet
this level of performance analysis only tells us what an aggregate, macro view of the
product looks like. It does not tell us anything about what our customers think of it.
More importantly, it does not tell us anything about the value of it for those customers
either. For me, best practice in analytics means understanding at a deeper level what we
mean by creating value, and demonstrating that understanding through enhanced
reporting, dashboards, and most often through customer vignettes, archetypes, and
other representations of the voice of the customer.

One primary way I have seen the above done well, is through outlier detection.
Normally, we think of outliers as a bad thing. In analytics this is just not the case. Are
there customers using our products twice as long as the average? Are there those who
have purchased the same (durable) product repeatedly? Are there customers in areas of
the country, or globe, where we never intended to see penetration? These are data
points, not aberrations in your dataset. These are the exceptions to explore at a deeper
level, to find out why they love your product so much they will go out of their way to

get it, buy it more often than anticipated, use it longer than intended, or simply live in
areas where marketing never reached.

Another method of using analytics to determine value-added is to benchmark

everything you can. Benchmark your industry. Benchmark your competitors.
Benchmark your customers. Is there a tremendous gap between the industry effect, and
your individual firm effect? Is there a greater divide between the highest price
customers are willing to pay, and the lowest price you can offer the product for than
anyone else you compete with? Use analytics to understand where those greatest gaps
are, then dive deep to understand what is supporting this vast, profitable separation of

Finally, above all, better define your point(s) of differentiation. Hint, simply having a
different product feature, a unique company attribute, a winning culture, or a better
mission/purpose are not points of differentiation if your customer is not willing to pay
more to get it. If you are different, and your customer finds value in it, then youve
achieved differentiation. This is normally achieved by either offering something unique
to the market, or by serving a need through different means or in a different way than
competitors. Analytics can and should be used to identify what this meeting place is for
your company, between what separates you from the pack, and what of that your
customers find valuable.

The analysts, researchers, data scientists, and of course managers, of our business
analytics teams are not simply here to deliver captivating dashboards and glossy
reports on yoy sales and margin. Business analytics does not simply translate the sea of
data coming into the organization every day. Business analytics is also an expedition
party, a team of sociologists, detectives, and experimenters, who should be asking more
than simply how much did customers buy from us yesterday. Business analytics should
be challenged and empowered to do everything they can to instead ask why.

You can have data without information, but you cannot

have information without data. - Daniel Keys Moran

6. Act Like an Analyst, Think Like a Strategist by Dr. Justin Barclay

Business analytics is serving a

Dr. Justin Barclay
company best, when it is used to
Researcher, Strategist and shape and support every facet of the
Strategy Professor
companys strategy, and support all
LinkedIn Contact resources and activities tied to that
Dr. Justin Barclay is an operations research scientist
focused on supporting strategy through applied
research and analytics. He is a senior analyst
Business analytics has not only
specializing in research and data modeling for global gained traction as a function within
well- being company Healthways, and serves as an
business in recent years, it has also
assistant professor of strategy for the Jack Welch
Management Institute. become a beacon in the current
literature for those hungry for more
rigor around identifying how to
win. Many executives now place analytics among their top strategic priorities. So why,
then, do I still encounter organizations who relegate their analytics teams to focus solely
on operations or sales support? More importantly, why is this still the norm and not the

Experience has told me this has everything to do with the fact that organizations see
analytics as crucial, yet they lack a shared awareness of how analytics can be leveraged
within the business. Not unlike six sigma advocates who use the process solely for
manufacturing. Nor unlike balanced scorecard proponents who use the process to
simply assess, rather than coordinate and integrate key activities. You as an analytics
leader are the individual best positioned to help the business understand the totality of
what value analytics can deliver. Yet in order to do this, you will have to act like an
analyst, and think like a strategist.

To explore how best to identify an appropriate synthesis of analytics and strategy, the
following are a few key areas you will need to help your company understand are also
areas where analytics can help:

Unmet Demand. Analytics can help teams understand where demand is being met, and
where market share or share of wallet are being left behind for competitors. Cluster
analysis, basket analysis, and conjoint analysis can all help begin to answer this

Market Segmentation. Analytics can help teams understand who is going to buy what
you offer. Understand the demographic/geographic/psychographic/behavioral
attributes of those you covet. Odds ratios, predictive models, heat maps, and lifetime
value analysis can provide color in this area.

The Value Chain. Here is where analytics is already being used, and can still be further
leveraged. Analytics can help teams to best understand the performance and linkage of
all key processes involved in creating value for customers. Dashboards and
performance reports are a great place to start.

The Consumption Chain. Customers do not just decide one day they will buy your
product or service. There are additional steps around need recognition, option
evaluation, even use/maintenance/disposal which need to be reviewed. Disrupting this
consumption chain to garner greater share through the use of surveys, focus groups,
and ethnography are key.

Differentiation. What sets your company apart from the field of neighboring players?
Analytics can contribute requisite market analysis, opportunity analysis, sensitivity
analysis, and both macro- and micro-environmental analysis ranging from PESTEL to
SWOT to help in this regard.

Core Strategy. Whether your company chooses a position of cost leadership, focus, or
differentiation just to name a few potential core strategies, analytics can help the
business to understand how it is performing in sustaining competitive advantage. From
historical performance analysis, to return on investment, market penetration, customer
satisfaction, and analysis on year over year accretion, analytics can help the business
with past, present, and future lenses.

While this only covers the highlights of what analytics can do for your company, this is
enough to spur the discussions necessary to bring analytics out of the operations or
sales department. It is a set of standard value opportunities which can give analytics the
holistic, integrative, strategic purview it needs to deliver true value to the business. All
it requires is your prophetic voice, backed by sound strategic thinking.

Amazon host their estimate 1,000,000,000 gigabytes

of data across more than 1,400,000 servers

7. The Last Mile of Intuitive Decision Making by Vishal Kumar

A data driven leader, a data

Vishal Kumar scientist, and a data driven expert
today is always put to test to help
President/CEO at
AnalyticsWeek LLC their teams by using their skills and
expertise. Believe it or not, but a
LinkedIn Contact
large part of that decision tree is
derived from the intuition that adds
Vishal is the CEO and President of AnalyticsWeek.
He has been rated as top influencer in the field of
a small bias in our judgement and
data analytics, entrepreneurship and product makes it flawed. Most skilled
management. He is passionate about product
professionals do understand and
management, innovation and data driven strategies.
Vishal has assisted several startups with their handle these biases but in some
strategic and tactical issues, led several initiatives in cases, we give into tiny traps and
Social Media, Customer Experience, Systems,
Performance, Automation and Sustaining. He has could find oneself trapped in those
authoured a data strategy book and assisted several biases which impairs our
fortune 100 companies in their data driven
judgement. Here are some examples
of the biases and a good leader must
He has 18 years of experience in High Throughput understand these and keep it under
Computing, Data Analytics, Software Architecture,
Automation and Scalable Systems Design. Vishal check:
has several patents in the field of Telecom, Web2.0,
Security and information warehousing.
1. Analysis Paralysis Bias:
Every data science professional who
has spent a good amount of time
with data understands the problem with over analysis as well as under analysis. Many
times under analysis leaves things undiscovered and leaves the results susceptible for
failures. Imagine the Target debacle when a pregnant teens dad ended up receiving
deals on maternity items. Such problems often occur when model is not completely
thought through leading to some such problematic outcomes. Similarly, consider a case
when one has spent way too much time on a task that requires little attention. Such
shifting requirement for attention between little or more analysis is often not very clear
upfront. So, as a leader one should build a right mechanism for helping data analytics
team understand the shifting bias towards spending appropriate time analyzing and
not falling into the trap of under or over analysis.

2. Framed Bias:
When a leader is fed information, there are often the figments of framed bias.
Algorithms and models are susceptible to take the bias of the designers. The more
complicated a model is, the more it can learn and get influenced from its designers.
Such a model or methodology is often tainted with the framed bias. Take a simple
example of guessing a team size when options are 0-100, 100-500, 501-1000 viz a viz 0-2,
3-7, 8-12 etc. Both options (the span and volume of the values) when presented to a
subject, influences the outcome and induces the framed bias. As a leader it is important
to understand that the data analytics teams are not working under any framed bias.

3. Sunk Cost Bias:

Along the lines of analysis paralysis, consider a case when a team is working on a high
profile task and has spent a lot of resources (effort, time and money). Many times
invested resources often induce a bias of sunk cost. There is always a temptation to
invest more time due to the fear of letting the past resources go to waste. This is one of
the toughest bias to beat. This is clearly seen when you see a team trying various ways
to tame the outcome when you know the outcome is dependent on random outcomes
beyond the control of the team. The only less painful way to deal with such bias is to
understand the odds and let probability be the judge and always have multiple stage
gates in your teams analysis. Use that stage gate as an opportunity to understand the
outcomes and see if the time/resources spend is influencing the success of the outcome.

4. Anchored Bias:
This is another interesting pitfall that taints the judgement and the reason could be our
own anchors or supplied by our teams. Anchors are often the bias that we strongly
believe in. They are the most visible picked assumption in the data or analysis that stick
with us and find its way into influencing subsequent judgement. One of the easiest
example of such a bias is any socio-political analysis. Such analysis is often anchored
with our pre-conceived bias/ information that closely satisfies our understanding. And
subsequently, we try to influence the outcome. In many ways there is a thin line of
differentiation between Anchored and framed bias, besides the point that framed is
influencing our judgement based on how something is framed viz-a-viz how any
process anchors as a basis for our decision process. The easiest way to move around

such bias is by keeping an open perspective and always staying within the bounds of
data or analysis.

5. Experience Bias:
This is one of the most painfully ignored bias that any leader has. We often think that
we are the best judge of our actions and we have most adequate knowledge of what we
do. Such a bias of being an expert in the field does come with an advantage that helps
handle a task with great speed and comfort. However, such bias tricks an individual in
believing that an experienced judgement is often the right judgement. A typical
example that I have come across is when a team is using obsolete models and
techniques without realizing the problem that there is something better out there. Such
a bias limits our capabilities and restricts our decisions to our limited understanding
about the subject. A leader must be swift in understanding such a bias and work around
it. One of the easiest way to work around such bias is by asking questions. Many times
such biases fade away when one questions their own knowledge and discovers cracks
and pitfalls in their decisions. This is a critical bias to fix for success of data analytics

6. Effort & Reward Fallacy Bias:

We as human are designed to work smartly and we get our dopamines with every
success that needs minimal effort. This has been engraved in our genepool and taints
our judgement. When one sees a reward early in the process they often stop thinking
beyond and get fixated on the outcome. This problem was briefly mentioned in the
book: innovator's dilemma. Normally we are designed to treat bigger reward with less
effort as success. This is one of the most difficult bias to overcome / fix. When we meet a
major breakthrough and suddenly we stop looking around the corners for something
better or more effective. Such a bias could be easily treated by providing clear
directions/goals. A clear roadmap to success often overpowers our quick wins and help
the team maintain a vigilant eye on the bigger goal or a goal that assures a clear and
methodical analysis of the task.

7. Affinity towards new Bias:
Another bias that is engraved in people is our openness and friendliness towards the
new. New TV, new house, new gadget, new way to do think etc. Such a bias also
influences data analytics teams. The most prominent occurrence of such a bias is when a
new solution is proposed about doing an already adopted model and we give a green
light. Many times such decisions are tainted with the fact that we love to try new things
and many times forego analyzing the hidden and undiscovered drawbacks. As a leader
it is most important to be free from such a bias. One should have a clear scaled measure
for substitution. It is important to clearly state and understand SWAT analysis
difference between the new viz-a-viz old ways. The team should be clearly instructed
and trained to identify such pitfalls as many times this bias makes its way through
untrained or relatively newer analysts and often gets unnoticed. Keeping the team from
such a bias helps the team in siding with the best models for the job and helps improve
the quality of data and analytics.

8. First Thought Bias:

In a strange experiments humans are always seen making some judgements early in the
process when not adequate information is known to help derive a hypothesis. We are
constantly seen using the judgement to help form the basis for future outcomes. This is
similar to anchored bias but the primarily difference is that when you don't have a
preconceived notion, such judgement will often taint the overall outcome of the success.
A typical example is seen when you hear a new process and a quick thought appears in
your mind that you wish to share and once shared, you spend the rest of the time to
prove your initial reaction. Many opinionated leaders often suffer from such a bias and
find it difficult to eradicate from their decision making process. One of the quick and
easy way to keep this bias in check is to always have an open perspective and never let
any bias get formed early in the discussion and use the flow of the conversation to
understand the situation before coming to any conclusion. Many good leaders do it in a
great way and handle it well by keeping the decision process at the end of the
conversation. With practice this is one of the easiest and most beneficial bias to get

So, it is important for a leader to keep their analysis and their teams practices bias free
so that the company could enjoy the benefits of bias free data driven outcomes.

I am certain, there are many other biases that are not covered here and I would love to
hear from the readers about those. Please feel free to connect and email your
suggestions and opinions.

Aim for real-time optimization

8. Three BIG Reasons Companies are Failing with Big Data Analytics by Ian St.
Big Data Analytics has become the
Ian St. Maurice new buzzword. It is all around us
Principal at A.T. Kearney - in business press, in LinkedIn
Marketing and Strategy discussion groups, etc. A lot of the
LinkedIn Contact talk is warranted: New marketing
tools are being created by the
I am a Principal in A.T. Kearney's Strategy, increased availability of data and
Marketing & Sales Practice based in Singapore. I advanced tools to process and
have more than 20 years of experience in marketing
leverage it. Brand new industries
consulting across industries and geographies. Prior
to joining A.T. Kearney, I spent over 15 years at are being born that monetize
McKinsey & Company in Singapore, Shanghai, exhaust data.
Hong Kong and New York and was also a
successful entrepreneur developing marketing
analytics software for hospitality chains. All of this has led to an explosion of
investment in big data. According to
I am a globally recognized expert on creating
breakthrough strategies to capture emerging market a recent survey by Gartner Inc. 73%
consumer opportunities based on a deep of companies have invested, or plan
understanding of their needs.
to invest in, big data in the next 24
My passion is helping my clients figure out how they months, up from 64% in 2013.
can integrate "Big" (from databases and social
media) and "Small" data (from quantitative and
Investment in the sector is growing
qualitative market research) to help them develop at an average annual rate of nearly
superior product and go-to-market strategies.
30% and is expected to reach $114
billion in 2018.

But here is one figure that is perhaps the most important one: Only 1 in 12 companies
that have started implementation of big data analytics are achieving the expected return
on investment.

This is shockingly in line with reported success rates of CRM system implementations
in early-mid 2000s, 70% to 90% of which failed according to Brewton.

So whats happening? Why do we seem to have not learned our lesson from CRM
implementation issues 10-15 years ago?

Part of it is because hype is driving investment ahead of understanding. But there are
other barriers that are keeping companies from maximizing their returns on the big data
trends. The three big ones are:

1. Data management
Organizations are struggling with capturing, storing and running analyses on the
massive amount of exhaust data produced by their businesses or the data they can
access from external sources like market research firms. The amount of data produced
today by most businesses far outstrips companies infrastructure to store it.

In many cases, some of the most valuable data - like historical responses data (both
positive and negative response) - simply does not get collected. This is crucial to
develop insights on what kinds of offers are more or less compelling to the market.
This is further complicated by the fact that a lot of the data in warehouses today tend to
have serious quality issues associated with them.

Data complexity and interpretability is also holding companies back. Data warehouses
need to account for the thousands (in some cases millions) of different ways a customer
behaves, or a transaction occurs. This can yield an enormous amount of codes/syntax
that must be unraveled to get to real insights that business can act on. If these data were
captured in legacy systems often the interpretation of what different fields and codes or
combinations thereof can get lost as many organizations do a poor job of capturing
everything religiously in their data dictionaries.

2. Organizational silos
The power of big data is its ability to show how different behaviors and trends are
related. By getting a 360-degree view of customers across ALL products and services
they use and across ALL channels, we can get much better insights into their true
motivations and as a result unlock more value.

To do this efficiently, data should flow freely between silos in the organization.
Unfortunately, this rarely happens. Customer IDs (used to integrate across product
groups) sometimes are not uniform across Business Units (BUs) or systems. Sometimes
BUs treat their data very possessively and seek to restrict or delay access or require
extensive paperwork until they let other BUs leverage it.

Restricting access and movement of data limits the ability of firms to capture value with
analytics much in the same way that restricting flows of capital leads to less efficient use
of that capital and lower returns.

3. Capabilities
Big data professionals are hot commodity in the global talent market. Recent reports
indicate that 2 million people will be employed in big data positions by 2015 in the US

However, multiple surveys of C-suite executives highlight that getting the right talent is
their biggest challenge in getting their big data programs off the ground.
What Ive seen many organizations do is to focus on 3 different profiles for leadership
positions in analytics:

1. Top notch statistician
2. Experienced IT professional
3. Experienced line manager

Each of these brings necessary skills to the table: Ability to drive creation of advanced
propensity models (statisticians); integration of insights into operational systems (IT
professionals); creating pragmatic solutions, which will be adopted by line organization
and drive impact (line managers).

But what organizations really need are Big Data Trilinguals who have exposure and
some experience with all three disciplines and can effectively translate insights and
programs. These profiles are exceedingly rare.

Some organizations have taken to crowdsourcing data science expertise, using

platforms like Kaggle to collaboratively solve complex, big data problems. Shell, NASA
and General Electric have all outsourced some of their more complex big data analysis
to the public, providing prize money in exchange for a solution. While this approach
may yield short-term benefits by allowing organizations to solve complex issues
rapidly, it doesnt build the internal capability truly necessary to unleash the full
potential of big data.

So while the buzz around big data continues to grow louder, it will be a while before
companies can fully exploit its potential. In my next post, I will look at what firms can
do to achieve that.

"Data really powers everything that we do."

Jeff Weiner, chief executive of LinkedIn.

9. How to Leverage Power of Big Data Analytics in Making Strategic Decisions
by Ankush Chopra

More than twenty years ago, when I

Dr. Ankush Chopra was an MBA student writing a
Prof Strategy and strategy project report, I recall going
Innovation at School of to the library and going through
Management, Fribourg, thousands of physical magazines to
do basic research. Back then, data
LinkedIn Contact was hard to find and access. But
over time, data availability and
Dr. Ankush Chopra is the author of management access increased exponentially; by
book The Dark Side of Innovation and has the time I was in graduate school
published award winning research on disruption. He
is a professor of Strategy and Innovation at School writing my Ph.D. thesis, data was
of Management, Fribourg, Switzerland. He has abundantly available. Today,
worked with major organizations such as P&G,
Citibank, Gillette, EMC, and IDC. He speaks,
businesses are sitting on immense
advises and provides customized training on amount of data. Now the problem is
innovation management and strategic issues. the opposite of what I faced as an
MBA student; today there is too
much data and we need to find
ways to mine that data to make better decisions. This is where big data analytics comes
handy it is a powerful force for business managers. It is being increasingly used
across many areas for high impact decision-making. This article shows that by marrying
the empirical insights from big data analytics with conceptual insights, managers can
now only magnify the power of big data analytics but also deal with strategic issues in
their businesses. It also uses the example of disruption as a strategic issue where big
data analytics can be a powerful tool.

Big data analytics provides trends across different types of data or correlations among
data points hidden deep within a data repository; I term such insights as empirical
insights. Empirical insights are often indicators of a micro behavior that may have
major strategic impact but to understand that larger impact one needs another type of
insight which I term conceptual insight. Conceptual insights allow you to model the

world in abstract concepts and see the relation between different parts of the world. For
example, lower the competition in an industry, easier it is to enter the industry or its
corollary lack of competition makes new entry easier is a conceptual insight developed
with observation across data points. In order to make a leap from empirical insight to a
conceptual insight, one needs conceptual frameworks to perceive the world.

To understand this better, let us use the example of blades and razor industry where
Dollar Shave Club has made a sizeable dent. Big data repository with tweet data may
show that some people are unhappy with the price of shaving blades and blog comment
data may provide information on potential avenues for cheaper blades. However, these
empirical insights dont automatically enable you to make a leap that a Dollar Shave
Club may be emerging and may be successful. To make that leap you need to leverage a
conceptual insight by looking at the strategic position of various players in the industry.
Once you notice that low price - low performance segment in the market has been
vacant, you can marry the two to see how Dollar Shave Club could be a disruptive force
in the industry. In this way, conceptual insights have a multiplier effect on the empirical
insights of big data analytics.

The example above points to a larger issue of disruptive forces managers face today
where big data can make a powerful impact. It would be fair to say that we are living in
the age of disruption; today no industry is immune from disruptive forces. Not only are
disruptive forces emerging across industries, managers have little time to react to them.
Although it took 30 years for digital cameras to disrupt analog cameras, it took the
iPhone less than 5 years to displace blackberry. Uber and AirBnB came out of nowhere
to play havoc with taxi and hotel companies respectively. And finally, as mentioned
above, Dollar shave club emerged fairly rapidly to make a dent in the blades and razor
industry. In short, managers face powerful disruptive shocks today but have virtually
no time to react. This observation made me write The dark side of innovation which I
hope will help managers not only think about disruption but also use it to deal with
disruptive forces before they emerge in an industry.

In my book The Dark Side of Innovation I introduced a conceptual framework to deal
with potentially disruptive events in any industry. The conceptual framework is a three
step process to manage disruptive forces in any industry. These steps are:

1. Predict potential disruptive events in an industry

2. Imagine the future states of the industry based on these possible events
3. Design solutions to prevent disruption, to transform disruptive change, and to create
new value

This framework, based on extensive research and data from across many industries,
provides a pathway to conceptual insights. Using the conceptual tools in the book, you
can see your business in a new light and generate conceptual insights. When results
from big data analytics is combined with this framework, it can provide powerful
insights to help you deal with disruptive events in your industry.

In fact, you can appropriately marry big data insights with each step of the framework
above. In the first step, you can leverage the empirical insights from your big data to
feed into the models used for predicting disruption in an industry. Just as in the
example of Dollar Shave club above, you can use multiple empirical insights along with
the conceptual insights from the tools in the book to predict disruptive events in your
industry. Similarly, in the second step, where imaging the future states of your industry
is concerned; you can use big data analytics to predict future scenarios in your industry
to see if your organization is ready for those future scenarios. Finally, in the third step
where you need to device solutions to be prepared for the future scenarios, big data
analytics can be a powerful tool for you. This is where you will see high impact of
changing consumer behaviors, data driven insights for product development, superior
customer segmentation and high impact marketing actions. In short, this framework
example shows how you can leverage big data insights by using conceptual insights as
a multiplier force to deal with major strategic decisions.

In conclusion, big data analytics is a powerful force that can aid you in many ways
when dealing with strategic as well as tactical issues. However, to reap the real power
of big data analytics you need to marry the empirical insights from big data analytics
with the conceptual insights.

10. How to Hire the Best Analytics Leaders: And its not the way you think! by
Tony Branda
Analytics is to Management
Tony Branda Decision Making What Meta-
CEO at physics is to spirituality. They
both provide laws of thinking and
LinkedIn Contact procedures, methods and
treatments to shine the light on the
truth. The Truth generated from
Author is CEO Tony Branda, a top Analytics and
CRM Executive with 25 years of practitioner- analytics should help executives
experience leading large CRM and and government officials steer
Analytics Centers of Excellence. Mr. Branda was
clear of bad decisions and increase
most recently the Chief Analytics Officer for Citibank the value Senior Management
North American Retail. Mr.
brings to the firm or
Branda owns and is organization. More Value is
Professor of Integrated Marketing at NYU and Pace created when executives choose to
Universities. Mr Branda is
embrace these tools and resultant
pursuing his Doctorate in Business Administration in facts and data are leveraged to
Marketing Analytics and holds an MBA from Pace
inform decisions and
University as well as a
judgements. Tony Branda,
Certificate in Integrated Marketing from NYU. Analytics expert. 1/17/2016.

Most firms today are using very dated behavioral interview techniques (1980s style
questions from when before analytics and digital existed) to understand who might be
the best leader to build, manage or restructure their analytics functions. The purpose
of this article is to point out that extant techniques may lead Senior Executives to assess
and hire the wrong analytics leader. This how to guide may become the best friend
of the hiring manager as it will assist in creating a better hiring outcome.

Common Mistakes Number 1:

1. Focus your interview questions on hiring or firing ability and traditional
strengths and weaknesses questions geared toward generalist mangers. Forget

to probe on the main leadership competencies required in analytics such as: the
ability to motivate highly quantitative talent, mastery of the multi-disciplinary
nature of analytics, and the ability to connect insights to strategy.

What to Do About Common Mistake Number One:

Work with firms such as, Gartner, and Forrester or
other Analytics Experts to develop a more specialized battery of questions that
will probe traditional leadership dimensions plus Subject Matter Expertise, and
the ability to effectively translate and communicate analytics insights into
business strategy. Consider requesting the Analytics leaders 360-feedback from
their most recent positions (last two). 360-feedback assessments administered
while in the role are a better barometer than what any reference or behavioral
interview question could ascertain. Many large firms have robust assessments
that they have invested in and many can be shared.

Common Mistake Number Two:

2. Hire the analytics leader based on only one criterion to help you in your role as
hiring manager. Very often managers focus on big ahas or other flash-in-the-pan
initiatives (only focus on social analytics or generational targeting as examples) without
also looking at the broader skills the analytics or insights leader will need to
demonstrate. The hiring manager could start out with telling the analytics professional
their needs for the role and the candidate can then relate their background to their
needs. This is a much better needs driven exchange than questions like So Can You
Tell Me About Yourself?

What to Do About Common Mistake Number Two:

It is imperative that the Analytics leader be able to build an integrated strategic
intelligence platform; this platform would include capabilities such as: customer
behavioral analytics, marketing research, other research skills, and the ability to
interrelate competitive intelligence into their recommendations. The platform
becomes the foundation that will enable Analytics to generate big Ahas and
innovation on an ongoing basis rather than only occasionally.

Common Mistake Number Three:
3. Assume that business leaders with reporting or metrics backgrounds particularly
in sales/marketing are truly Analytics or Intelligence Leaders. Analytics leaders
typically have done rotations in Analytics, Decision Sciences, Research, CRM, Big Data
Strategy, Database or Digital Marketing and represent truly multi-disciplinary

What to Do About Common Mistake Number Three:

Ensure the Analytics Executive is well rounded. The Analytics or Insights executive is a
key hire; their role is focused on solving questions and addressing challenges across a
variety of disciplines, very often at the highest levels of the organization.

Common Hiring Mistake Number Four:

4. Hire leaders who have only done rotations in one business line. Not having
broad-based business line exposure may hinder the leaders ability to understand the
data or know the right questions to ask for a variety of businesses.

What to Do About Common Hiring Mistake Number Four:

Ensure the analytics leader has done rotations in all aspects of analytics. In many roles
today, the analytics leader is a C level executive. Therefore, business knowledge,
industry knowledge and a deep knowledge and experience in analytics is key. Some of
the best analytics leaders have done rotations supporting different product or customer
types and have come up the ranks by managing all of the various sub-components of
analytics: Insights, modeling, BI, data strategy, execution and more.

Having some cross-industry knowledge can be helpful as it can bring a different or

outside perspective. However, it is important not to underestimate the critical value of
having an Analytics Executive who has mastery of your own industrys data.

Cross-over hires can be appropriate at more junior analytics levels. At the most senior
level, this can be problematic, especially when Analytics is expected to drive strategy
and regulations for data usage are complex. The regulatory environment of the past 7
years has forever changed how data can be leveraged especially in Financial Services

(Cards, Insurance and Banking) for customer targeting and risk management. Knowing
the complexities of the data enables the Analytics Leader to abide by the regulations
and also to be able to mine what is permissible for opportunities to grow the
business. So know that if you are really keen on hiring from outside your industry
there is a cultural/fit risk. Also one question to ask the candidates is for the speed or
velocity at which projects and changes happen at the company they are at now versus
your company. The way a tech company gets things done may be very different than a
book publisher or a bank for example.

Common Hiring Mistake Number Five:

5. Hiring the Analytics leader at the wrong level. Many times companies are still
developing what Analytics functions do and where they report. If the analytics leader
is put into the wrong reporting hierarchy that can backfire both for the candidate and
the firm. For example, many times analytics requires executive support as the function
requires investments and as a relatively new discipline may require Senior Executive
Management sponsorship to remove barriers and to increase adoption. In addition, the
best analytics leaders and functions should be striving to provide an independent point
of view on business or functional measurement as well as a source of truth. Since most
analytics executive roles are change leadership roles it is important that the hiring
manager be the ultimate decision maker in any hiring process. Also be cautious as to
ensure that the folks on the hiring committee have no conflicts of interest or underlying
agendas for the analytics role. You may include others data and analytics experts but
ensure that if the role will be asked to restructure an area that the folks doing the
interviewing are not the folks impacted as an example of potential conflicts.

What to Do About Hiring Mistake Number Five:

Ensure the leader is reporting to the right C level executive either at the top of the
organization or within the line of business. If the role is for a line of business for
example the ideal reporting structure is to have the analytics leader provide facts and
data to help with decision making for the head of the business. The ideal state is for
Analytics to report at the highest levels of the organization quite possibly as a trusted
advisor to the CEO, COO, Business President or CMO in order to help executives make
the best decisions based on all that analytics has to offer. Generally, Analytics functions

are about looking for opportunities and not only for cost saves. The investments
executives make in analytics can be returned ten-fold so we recommend that the
Analytics leaders not report to functions that are only support or cost containment type
of roles such as the CTO, Chiefs of Staff or other Chief Administrative functions (which
tend to be more support or shared services). Analytics leaders and functions need to be
where they can best inform strategy and drive growth and competitive advantage
(While we acknowledge that there are lots of different ways to organize we suggest this
as a barometer.)

In closing, Analytics is an evolving field and is finally coming into its own right within
organizations, therefore hiring an analytics leader requires special care and attention
and requires going beyond general management behavioral interviewing in favor of a
more robust integrated approach. It is vitally important for the hiring manager to make
sure that HR, recruiters and all team members involved in the hiring decision
understand the phenomenon discussed in this article. Analytics leaders should be
assessed on leadership dimensions, subject matter experience, the rotations they have
done and their industry contacts and knowledge. This articles Point of View hopes to
open up further debate on the best way to hire the analytics executive while
maintaining that the traditional way for this newer, more technology and knowledge
driven field may no longer produce the best hiring outcome.

11. Big Decisions Will Supplant Big Data by David Kenny

I predict that future is not far when

David Kenny big decisions supplants Big Data as
Chairman & CEO at The the key initiative in business,
Weather Company government, and society. We have
LinkedIn Contact all been focused on the idea of Big
Data for a few years now. We have

David Kenny is Chairman and Chief Executive

more sensors collecting
Officer of The Weather Company (Weather). An substantially more data about more
experienced executive with a strong record in the people, places, and things. And as
media and digital industries, Kenny oversees the
companys valuable portfolio of consumer and
computing power becomes cheaper,
business-to-business weather brands and there is an almost limitless
businesses including The Weather Channel, collection of data. And the data is, and WSI.
Kenny assumed this role in January 2012 after dissected, analyzed, and admired in
serving as president of Akamai, the leading cloud a numbing parade of charts and
platform designed to help enterprises provide graphs.
secure, high-performing user experiences to
mobile and fixed Internet users.
In some leading cases, the data has
helped make better incremental
decisions. Decisions like what am I really searching for? Or where is the best table
available for dinner on Thursday? Or what else would this customer like to buy from
us? Some bigger decisions, like where to point cancer research, how to get humans to
Mars, or how to evacuate hundreds of thousands of Filipinos in the path of a typhoon,
are starting to be better informed by Big Data.

That said, many leaders know their company or government could move much faster
and more boldly when it comes to converting data and analysis into decisions and
action. Unfortunately, the rise of Big Data has not eliminated analysis paralysis. In
fact, in some ways it has actually even enabled indecisiveness. Because as more data has
become available, the easier it has become to get lost in details, and the more tempting it
has become to want the data to make the decisions for us.

Our ability to turn Big Data into big decisions is more critical than ever. Thats
because we have only begun to realize our full potential when it comes to using Big
Data to prompt the big decisions that will help us solve the most daunting set of
problems our species has ever faced. Those problems include the massive, highly
complicated issues like managing climate change, overcoming scarcity water and food,
and providing accessible health care for more than 7 billion people. They also include
smaller, but frustrating, issues like the unnecessary loss of human life because of simple
things like texting-while-driving or the lack of flu immunizations.

With each of those problems, we collectively have an enormous amount of data

illuminating the causes, effects, implications and potential solutions. And yet, because
of the huge scale and complexity, we collectively fail to take sufficiently decisive action.

How do we move from being excited about Big Data to realizing data is just a means to
the ends of big decisions?

In their book Analytics at Work, Thomas Harris, Jeanne Davenport and Robert
Morrison point to leadership as the single most important factor in a companys ability
to turn data into good decisions. They go one to say that: The best decision-makers will
be those who combine the science of quantitative analysis with the art of sound
reasoning." I agree, and predict that 2015 will be a year when we move from Big Data to
Big Decisions by accelerating sound reasoning to match the growth in quantitative
analysis. These changes will happen on three levels:

1. Big individual decisions. We have more individual data than ever before. Data about
how we are driving through in-car sensors. Data about our health from smart watches
and other wearable computers. Data about our cognitive abilities from daily tests on
our smartphones. Data about our finances from multiple apps. Data about the traffic
patterns on our commute. In 2015, more of these data sources will add reasoning to help
us make decisions and take action that improve our health, improve our safety, or
improve our financial choices. We are even evolving the weather forecast to become
more personalized to your life outdoors -- with forecasts for traveling, boating, surfing,
running, meal planning, hair care, and 100s of other use cases. We have learned that

turning data into decisions helps people make the most out of weather data, and I am
sure other data analyzers and forecasters will do the same.

2. Big company decisions. Companies have been investing heavily in Big Data. They
are tracking every SKU, every purchase, every ad impression, every referral, every hotel
stay, product efficacy, and so on. Companies have been correlating the behavior of their
customers with economic data, pricing data, weather data, news cycles, and every
potential factor that might drive a customer decision. The Powerpoint decks have
gotten thicker, but have the decisions really gotten better? In a few leading cases,
companies are getting more savvy about using the data to drive better and more precise
decisions. We see better decisions to serve the right content to each customer from
savvy recommendation engines of leading e-commerce and publishing companies. We
see better decisions from retail ad campaigns, synced with sophisticated supply chain
management, which vary by geography based on local weather and economic
conditions. We see better investment and risk decisions in some technical trading
models. But most companies are not yet using machine learning, not are they
automated decision-making with better algorithms. Instead, they are feeding more data
into the same human processes. The decisions are constrained by the human capacity to
process the data, so only a small part of the Big Data is actually used. In 2015, we should
see more companies rethink their decision processes to make Bigger and Better
Decisions using Big Data.

3. Big societal decisions. Government officials and large non-profit leaders need to
make decisions that affect society as a whole, in policy areas ranging from sustainable
energy to education and healthcare access to deployment of national and international
security efforts. To help make these decisions, governments have also long been the
biggest collectors of data -- satellite observations of the Earth. geological surveys of the
planer, economic and employment data, census data, transportation and traffic patterns,
and millions of other topics. This data is compiled, released in summary reports (often
weeks and months later), and used to help lawmakers and policymakers with Big
Decisions. But recently, there have been efforts in the USA and other key governments
to make the data accessible more rapidly and in more raw and granular fashion. And
this allows the data to be used by tax-paying citizens and businesses to improve their

own decisions. It also helps create entire new business models, like our weather
business, or Google and Microsoft's map business, or Bloomberg's economic indices.
When we free Big Data, process it through faster and lower cost computers, and turn it
into Big Decisions, we create an economic engine with more precision, more efficiency,
and more time left for innovation,

In the past few years at The Weather Company, weve talked a great deal about the
importance of becoming a distinctively great data company. In 2015, we will move
toward becoming a great decisions company, a company that provides our customers
not only with good information, but also doing so in a way that helps enable the people
we serve to make good, timely decisions based on short and long term weather

That commitment has required us to become better decision-makers ourselves, and its
a capability that must become a more prevalent part of who we are and how we
operate. As we strive to do that, Im curious to hear what you are seeing your world?
How well are you turning Big Data into the Big Decisions that create the Big Ideas that
make the world a better place?

Everybody gets so much information all day long that

they lose their common sense. Gertrude Stein

12. Big Data: The 'Bridge' to Success by Paul Forrest

Paul Forrest Not realising the potential benefits

of 'Big Data'? Here, I present a little
Investment Executive |
Board Adviser food for thought at the start of the
LinkedIn Contact year doused with a little common
sense. Sometimes a gentle nudge or
reminder of what's missing helps
Paul is an experienced business leader and non
executive director. His time is split between advising to focus the mind on what skills a
businesses on subjects such as Big Data, Analytics business should be searching for.
Maturity, Disruptive Strategy, Internet of Things, fast
business growth and his passion, filmmaking. Paul is a With this in mind, I introduce my
published photographer and an accomplished film
producer and cinematographer through his Ecaveo take on the need for more
Capital Partners vehicle. He is also a mentor with
Richard Bransons Virgin Startup venture.
'Bridging' skills in organizations
seeking to benefit from 'Big Data'.
Paul was selected as a member of the DataIQ Big Data
100 most influential people in data in 2015 and So... 2015 and what do we know
received the accolade of being in the Top 10 Leaders
on LinkedIn from the UK in 2015 as LinkedIn UK about how Data-Driven Companies
reached 20m members. are performing?

You can't help but to have noticed that Big Data is growing in popularity for column
inches in the business press. Everywhere from the mainstream broadsheets right
through to regular articles in the Harvard Business Review one can learn of the latest
perspectives on Big Data and the likely relevance to your business. So why is it that we
arrive at the start of 2015 with many businesses struggling to make sense of the
opportunity and how to go about making the most of it?

Ok, so lets start with my regular health warning here These are my opinions and
observations. They are based on the work I perform at board level with many leading,
large listed businesses seeking to get the most from their insight and data enabled
initiatives. Whilst Im not the greatest fan of the Big Data expression, I use it here in
the same way people use bucket terms in business. It serves a purpose and is not
intended to differentiate the myriad initiatives that exist in this space.


According to Gartner's recent Big Data Industry Insights report, it's clear that many
organizations are increasing their investments in Big Data. What is clearer still is that a
large proportion continues to struggle to gain significant business value from those

Add into the mix other sentiment and survey results such as a recent CSC survey and
you discover that five of every nine Big Data projects never reach completion and many
others fall short of their stated objectives. So what can these surveys offer in terms of

My own analysis here suggests no real surprises. Often, board level sponsors, business
managers, data and IT groups are not aligned on the business problem they need to
solve. Also, employees frequently lack the skills required to frame insight questions or
analyze data.

Many more simply don't take a strategic approach to their initiatives and fail to follow
what we have come to regard as cornerstone rules (more on these later). So, is there a
Silver Bullet available to help solve these issues?

Silver Bullet?
Many of us have come to understand this term as a general metaphor, where Silver
Bullet refers to any straightforward solution perceived to have extreme effectiveness.
The phrase typically appears with an expectation that some new development or
practice will easily cure a major prevailing problem.

Without wishing to be too controversial, my analysis of the missing link could yield
extreme effectiveness but not as a result of a new development.

So what are we discussing here? In its simplest terms, Im referring to a role best
described as The Bridge. The Bridge is a reference to a skillset more than a specific
role. It may even be a cultural characteristic but what is clear, is that for many
organizations failing to realize the benefits they seek from data, the root cause is the
disconnect between key stakeholders including the board, the IT department, those at
the sharp end of the business and those responsible for processing, storing and
analyzing the data available to the enterprise.

Now to be clear, this is not necessarily an independent role I see as being required in
isolation of other activities think of it more as a matrix management activity or a core
skill requirement for middle and senior management. In essence, if you could equip
your business analysts, data scientists, insight staff and IT team with these skills in a
coterminous fashion; I think youd be close to the desired state. But this requires
education; awareness and a heap of soft skills still often overlooked in corporate staff
and management development programs.

Buy or Build?
The perennial question of whether or not you develop your own or simply hire
someone with the requisite Bridge skills and characteristics is a challenging one for
many businesses. These are rare people. Managers at the front end of the business with
a deep enough appreciation for how data can answer previously unanswered questions,
IT practitioners with deep, relevant and up to date domain expertise, data practitioners
with the ability to translate their knowledge into easy to follow guidance for business
are not likely to be readily available.

Buying them in is equally challenging. As already noted, these are not necessarily
people with a role literally and exclusively relating to the tenets of this paper. Instead,
they are likely to be traits you have to specifically look for whilst recruiting other staff.
Perhaps the closest cousin is the Business Analyst. I prefer to consider these skills and
traits which all senior managers should be able to master to ensure that the expertise is
rooted in the business and available on tap. This means that unless you're in a hiring
cycle, you may need to consider building your own Bridge.

Building The Bridge

So if The Bridge is the missing link to get you from the mass of data, analysts and
technology to a real, positive business outcome, what should you be looking for?

Awareness and Education

Tremendous appreciation for the strategy, people, systems and operational
characteristics of the business provides an obvious start for the necessary awareness. In
terms of education, the starting point must be greater awareness, in terms of what the
art of the possible is what can be achieved and what the thought process and practical
approach to framing issues and improvement opportunities must be at the heart of this.
Some high achieving organizations I work with consider this is something that should
be endemic across the whole business and at all levels. The best way to achieve this is
likely to be an item of debate for some years to come but in essence, the key methods

Reciprocal secondments
In-house and external Training and seminars
Enhanced/structured continuous professional development
Online communities
Individual reading
Business Safaris - Reading groups
Programmed action research
Individual action research
Membership of professional bodies

Whilst not intended to be an exhaustive list, there should be few surprises here. The
issue for many is that most soft skills training tends to be focused on developing deeper
skills utilized for the delivery of business as usual rather than developing a whole new
awareness of a data driven business. Perhaps its time to think outside of the box?

Soft skills to deliver The Bridge

There are a number of specific areas of focus including those that are more readily
incorporated into soft skills training. These may, to some extent, seem like common
sense (and perhaps they are), but start by looking at your key managers and match
these soft skills on the basis of competency on one axis and capability on the other
How many appear in the top right quadrant?... So, whether you seek to build the skills
into your own team or recruit key team members to be your Bridge, the starting point,
as a minimum, are the following.

Ability to Communicate
The nature of The Bridge means that theyll be spending much of their time interacting
with people from a variety of backgrounds across the business. This ranges from users,
customers or clients, to management and teams of scientists, analysts and IT
developers. The ultimate success of an initiative depends on the details being clearly
communicated and understood between all parties, especially the project requirements,
any requested changes and results from the testing.

Technical Skills
For your Bridge to be able to identify solutions for the business, they need to know
and understand the data available to the business, its current use, storage, ownership
and currency. Remember, youre not expecting people here to be able to craft their own
solutions and develop deep data taxonomies etc. Bringing bridge skills into play
necessitates understanding new outcomes that can be achieved with the data worked in
a different way answering previously unanswered questions. This in turn means
having a good understanding of the benefits the latest analytical approaches and the
insight, analytics and scientific skills available to or within the business offers.
Ultimately, you will need a data scientist, analyst or insight specialist to make the
magic happen.

The ability to test data solutions and hypothesis and design business what if scenarios is
an important technical skill, and theyll only gain respect and build confidence in the
Data Science teams and business end-users if they can demonstrate that they can speak
with authority in the dual languages of business and data, whilst being technically
strong in the appreciation of data tools.

Analytical Skills
To be able to properly interpret and translate the business needs into data and
operational requirements, every Bridge needs very strong analytical skills. A
significant amount of their job will be analyzing data, documents and scenarios,
reviewing user journeys and operational workflow to determine the right courses of
action to take.

Problem Solving Skills

Building on their analytical skills, your Bridge will also need to be able to look at the
data and use out of the box thinking to help craft solutions for their business users.
Again, clearly, they are not the main practitioners responsible for crafting a solution;
this is the domain of the Data Scientist or insight analyst etc. No, our Bridge here is
responsible for facilitating the efficient and effective interplay between the key
stakeholders from the business and the data practitioners.

Decision-Making Skills
It is key in any business that the board or key decision makers do not abdicate
management responsibility. However, your Bridge should be available to help make
important decisions in the data solution building process. The Bridge acts as a
consultant to managers and the advisor for the data and IT teams together, so they need
to be ready to be asked any number of questions. Your Bridge needs to know how to
assess a situation, take in relevant information from your stakeholders and work
collaboratively to plan out a course of action.

Influencing and Negotiation skills

The Bridge is the liaison between the users, data scientists, analysts, developers,
management and the clients. This means a careful balancing act of differing interests
whilst trying to achieve the best outcome for the business. To do so requires an
outstanding ability to persuade and negotiate.

Corporate agility is a trait for an organization wishing to get the best out of a Bridge.
However, individual agility is a mandatory requirement. Agile and flexible, and have
no trouble taking on the unique challenges of every new business project with a rich
data driven theme and mastering both the requirements and the personalities in the
collaborating teams.

Management Competencies and Change Management Traits

The most successful Bridge is likely to have a skill set that allows them to demonstrate
their abilities across the board, while being experts in managing business processes,
developing a project, focusing on outcomes, strategic planning, change management
and being able to communicate effectively to their business partners. They need a
strong fundamental set of data knowledge, systems and tools, be able to grasp
engineering concepts and be aware of complex modelling techniques together with the
ability to write effectively on such subjects in plain and simple language. If they master
all of these skills, theyll be a phenomenal Bridge, that any business would be lucky to
have on board.

For many businesses, Big Data initiatives are not failing per se, it is simply that the
organizations facing failure have yet to find an implementation model that allows them
to exploit the initiatives to deliver expected outcomes. This is a matter of Business
Maturity and assembling the right team (see the rules below). In many cases where
failure prevails, it is the absence of the right skills that has caused the failure. To help
overcome these hurdles and maximize business value from data, organizations should
seek out those in their ranks with the skills to be the Bridge and then consider the
following steps to significantly shorten the time-to-value and contribute to business
success using big data initiatives.

My advice? Follow these simple rules:

Maintain one instance of each data set not multiple copies (thus avoiding version
control issues and problems with validity or currency of data)

Find ways to focus on faster deployment of data the faster the more valuable
the outcome particularly when it comes to predicative analysis

Consider diverse data sources including social and collaborative data sourcing
from peers, competitors and data exchanges.

Data has value not always immediately, so keep what you can and focus on
exponential growth of your data storage needs

Use your Bridge to work with the business to identify and plan to solve real
pain points. Identifying the unmet need is key and interpretation of the pain into
tenets of a solution is where your Bridge should really shine. They can then
help specify solutions for the data scientists and analysts to build with the IT

Ultimately, its about bringing the right people together at the right time and
facilitating their buy in and commitment to business solutions to complex
business problems. Get it right and maximize the prospects of your Big Data

13. What You Need to Know About Big Data by Dorie Clark

Big Data has been declared the

Dorie Clark
sexiest job of the 21st century and
HBR contributor; Author; its already reshaping corporate
Consultant; Speaker;
decision making and even talent
Business Professor
recruitment. As Phil Simon, author
LinkedIn Contact
of Too Big to Ignore: The Business Case
Dorie Clark is an Adjunct Professor of Business for Big Data, points out, In a recent
Administration at Duke Universitys Fuqua School report, McKinsey estimated that
of Business and the author of Reinventing You
the U.S. will soon face a shortage of
and Stand Out, which was named the #1
Leadership Book of 2015 by Inc. magazine. A approximately 175,000 data
former presidential campaign spokeswoman, she scientists. Seemingly everyone
is a frequent contributor to the Harvard Business
wants in on Big Data, a blanket term
Review, TIME, and Entrepreneur. Recognized as
a branding expert by the Associated Press, Inc., for the massive amounts of
and Fortune, Clark is a marketing strategy information we generate today.
consultant and speaker for clients including
(Simon notes that roughly 80
Google, Microsoft, Yale University, Fidelity, and
the World Bank. You can download her free 42- percent of that information is
page Stand Out Self-Assessment Workbook and unstructured such as tweets, blog
learn more at
posts, Facebook likes, or YouTube
videos as compared to the smaller
and easier-to-manage structured data that populates spreadsheets.) With the
impending rise of wearable technology and The Internet of Things, it appears the
pace of data creation will only increase. Here are four things you need to know about
the Era of Big Data.

Its Not Just for Large Companies. Companies like Amazon, Apple, Facebook,
Google, Twitter, and others would not be nearly as effective without Big Data, says
Simon. But its not exclusively the province of billion-dollar tastemakers. In the book, I
write about a few small companies that have taken advantage of Big Data. Quantcast is
one of them. Theres no shortage of myths around Big Data, and one of the most
pernicious is that an organization needs thousands of employees and billions in
revenue to take advantage of it. Simply not true.

Data Visualization may be the Next Big Thing. You have massive amounts of data
how can you possibly comprehend it? Enter data visualization, which Simon believes is
absolutely essential for organizations[These tools] are helping employees make
sense of the never-ending stream of data hitting them faster than ever. Our brains
respond much better to visuals than rows on a spreadsheet. This goes way beyond
Excel charts, graphs, or even pivot tables. Companies like Tableau Software have
allowed non-technical users to create very interactive and imaginative ways to visually
represent information.

Intuition isnt Dead. It turns out Big Data and the certainty of numbers hasnt killed
intuition, after all. Contrary to what some people believe, says Simon, intuition is as
important as ever. When looking at massive, unprecedented datasets, you need some
place to start. Intuition is more important than ever precisely because theres so much
data now. We are entering an era in which more and more things can be tested. Big
Data has not, at least not yet, replaced intuition; the latter merely complements the
former. The relationship between the two is a continuum, not a binary.

It Isnt a Panacea. When used right, says Simon, Big Data can reduce uncertainty,
not eliminate it. We can know more about previously unknowable things. This helps us

make better predictions and better business decisions. But it doesnt mean we can rely
solely on the numbers without injecting our knowledge, perspective, and (yes)

Is your company using Big Data? How do you expect it to impact your business or

14. Change Your Business One Metric at a Time by Bill Franks

Change is hard for most

Bill Franks organizations and individuals.
Chief Analytics Officer at Change that goes against historical
Teradata cultural norms is even harder. In
todays fast moving business world,
LinkedIn Contact organizations have to change at a
more rapid pace than ever before.
An internationally recognized analytics & big data Within the company I work for, we
focused thought leader, speaker, executive,
are going through a lot of change
consultant, and author. Bill's focus has always been
to translate complex analytics into terms that right now and I see it at many
business users can understand and work with clients I meet with as well. While it
organizations to implement their analytics effectively.
His work has spanned many industries for may be difficult, change is possible.
companies ranging from Fortune 100 companies to In many cases, taking a measured,
small non-profits. You can learn more at steady approach to change can be
more successful than pushing for
massive, immediate change.

The Tortoise & The Hare

Many of us read Aesops fables when we were young. One fable that always stuck with
me is that of the Tortoise and the Hare. The premise was that after being teased about
his slow speed, the tortoise challenged the hare to a race. After establishing a massive
lead on the tortoise, the hare stopped to snack and have a nap. As a result, much to the
dismay and disgrace of the hare, the tortoise won the race.

There are various interpretations of the lessons that can be learned from this story. But
for today well focus on one specific lesson. Namely, to win, you need to keep your eye
on the finish line and make steady and relentless progress towards it. If you do, youll
get there. In the process, you might just pass by others who thought they had a faster
approach but who got sidetracked on the way to success.

The goal in the world of business is often to reach your goal with high confidence and
within a committed time frame. Transformation efforts often arent as much a desperate
sprint to the finish as they are a longer race where pacing yourself is wise. Taking the
tortoises approach just might be the winning approach in the face of cultural resistance.

Winning The Analytics Race

My favorite example of ensuring victory while accounting for culture is from a client
my team did a lot of work with. The VP of marketing hired us to help him integrate a
variety of customer analytics and metrics into his monthly leadership team report. The
problem was that his company had never had a customer-centric view and
management wasnt fully sold on the concept when we started. They didnt yet
understand why looking at customer metrics as it related to a promotions performance,
for example, would add value beyond their classic geographic and product views.

My client could have taken the faster, hare-like approach and created an entire new
suite of monthly summaries right from the start. After all, we had all of the analytics
completed and the data was available. However, he had a goal to get the executives to
change over the fiscal year, which gave him some time. He was concerned that
throwing everything at them at once would overwhelm them and cause a lot of
pushback. So, he took a different approach.

The first month, he added one simple customer-oriented metric to his presentation. He
took the time to explain it and discuss why it was relevant. It was a digestible change
and the executives accepted it. He left it the same way for one additional month and
ensured that the executives remained comfortable with it. Then, he added a second
customer-oriented metric to his presentation. Building on what they already knew, it
too was easy to digest. Over the course of the year, he continued to add more customer
views into his monthly presentation, including complex and nuanced metrics.

By the end of the fiscal year, the VP did successfully migrate the executive team to
understanding and embracing a customer view of the business. The monthly
presentation contained a fair number of new metrics and analytics and he was able to
get the executives to begin to look at their business differently. At the end of the year,

he felt that he wouldnt have succeeded any faster if he had pushed harder. In fact, he
wasnt sure he would have succeeded at all.

Culture Trumps Data

My friend David Schmidt from Intercontinental Hotel Group first made the point that
culture trumps data at an executive analytics dinner in Atlanta. His message was that
no matter how good your data and analysis, if people arent culturally ready to hear
your message and use your results, then youll get nowhere.
Keep in mind that taking the tortoise approach isnt to say you move too slow. It just
means that you move at a pace that keeps you on track. If you go too fast like the hare,
you could end up missing signs that you need to adjust your approach. It is important
to continuously monitor progress, assess how to best proceed, and then press on. A
mad dash to the finish can backfire in many different ways.

The take away Id leave with you is that as you try to change your organization through
analytics, be sure not to push too hard like the hare when youre going against the
organizations entrenched culture. You might actually do better if you take the tortoises
approach and create a solid, steady plan to get to the finish line. At times, youll
certainly wish you could move things faster. However, you must start from a realistic
perspective and accept slowing down if in fact slowing down will get you where you
need to go sooner.

Originally published by the International Institute for Analytics.

15. The Importance of Analytics and Data Science by James Barrese

Technology innovation has created a

James Barrese boon of data, and how we use data
Chief Technology Officer has changed everything from how
and SVP at PayPal we shop, travel, eat and even
LinkedIn Contact communicate. The massive increase
in data, and the increasing need for
efficiency and accuracy in finding
With more than 25 years of technology experience
that spans the military, academic world, business data insights has created a growing
consulting, payments, and enterprise platforms and demand for experienced data
infrastructure, PayPals James Barrese is uniquely
qualified to lead the companys efforts to transform scientists. Data science has become a
the payments industry with secure, innovative top priority for helping drive
solutions for consumers and businesses.
business results, combining analysis,
A graduate of Stanford, James served as a high- experimentation, science and
frequency communications specialist for the U.S.
Army Signal Corp, spent time as a programmer at inspiration that leads to deeper
Stanford, worked for Andersen Consulting, and then insights from the volumes of
joined the e-philanthropy company Charitableway
structured and unstructured data
as vice president of engineering. In 2001, James
joined eBay and led a number of strategic sets that are now available. For
technology initiatives, including serving as the vice example, in the payments industry,
president in charge of delivering the open platforms,
creating infrastructure services, systems software, layers of machine learning
analytics and site operations running the worlds algorithms and advanced data
largest marketplace at scale.
processing, combined with human
behavioral analysis are core to risk
assessment, fraud prevention,
information security and credit scoring all part and parcel to operating business. Data
improves experiences for customers and how data is being used is constantly evolving,
so to stay ahead of the curve, companies need the smartest, sharpest minds in the
industry to provide the best and most secure experiences for customers.

Ultimately, every company needs to connect how they use data to improving core
customer value propositions. In this competitive landscape, teams need to quickly
identify opportunities or problems, find the right data and algorithms that drive benefit,
scale the results and bring a solution to market quickly. If a company doesnt use data

well, there is real risk that competitors who are more facile with data will outpace and
innovate faster. From weeding through and analyzing data, to predicting future
consumer behavior, analytics teams are constantly challenged to deliver relevant data
as efficiently as possible in ways that directly improve the business.

What a lot of people dont realize is that data science is about having both hard and soft
skills. We often describe this as having an open mindset to embrace data and algorithms
while also remaining flexible and open to new ideas. Weve found the best data
scientists go beyond university degrees and trending technical skills; they also have
deep business acumen, a steady pulse on the latest happenings in the industry, and
keen instincts that enable them to anticipate where and how to look at the data to find
important insights. It boils down to having a true passion for problem-solving. Relating
technology know-how to business goals and working well alongside people with
different points of view are must-haves for the future of data science.

A fundamental yet critical part of the approach is having the technical skills to
overcome obstacles and being able to process data regardless of the format or size, and
doing so while simultaneously looking at the bigger picture to eliminate noise while
identifying and connecting the data to broader trends. Relying too heavily on just the
technical aspects can actually hinder the process in fact, weve seen many technical-
only experts get left behind. Traditional analytical methodologies alone are not
sufficient to keep up with the massive growth of data volume and variety. There are
many variables that need to be considered, and sometimes you have to go with your

The pace of innovation is only going to increase, and we can expect technology to
deliver more data than ever before. How we use it is where the importance of data
science comes in when done right, it can be a key competitive differentiator and play a
strategic role in driving a business forward.


Courtesy: Dilbert by Scott Adams

It is important for todays data scientists to work optimally to avoid under or over
analyzing the data for insights. Every data scientist and leader uses their tricks and
rules of thumb to help make them successful. While working with The Big Analytics
contributing authors, we came across several writers with great hacks and best practices
that they use in their daily data analytics chores. This section shines light on such hacks,
shortcuts and best practices.

The best way to approach this section is to read each article in isolation. Before reading
each article, we suggest that you first read the authors biography. Knowing the
authors background can give you the right context to understand their hacks or best

1. What is a Data Scientist? by Kurt Cagle

I.T. is a weird field, when you get

Kurt Cagle
right down to it. There are few
Founder and Chief fields where you can effectively
Ontologist at Semantical
invent an entire new class of job
LinkedIn Contact
titles every couple of years.
Marketing plays a part of that, of
course - there's always something
Kurt has worked within the data science sphere for
the last fifteen years, with experience in data new in information technology, and
modeling, ETL, semantic web technologies, data this novelty means that its more
analytics (primarily R), XML and NoSQL databases
(with an emphasis on MarkLogic), data governance acceptable to rebrand something
and data lifecycle, web and print publishing, and that may have existed at some point
large scale data integration projects. He has also
worked as a technology evangelist and writer, with
but fell out of favor, only to
nearly twenty books on related web and semantic reappear a decade later with a "New
technologies and hundreds of articles.
and Improved!" label on it.

However, with respect to Data

Science and Data Scientists, I think there's actually some meat beyond the marketing.
There's been both a quantitative shift in the volume of information being produced,
transmitted, transformed, analysed and classified - the marvelous markety Big Data
category that to me has generally resolved to selling Hadoop licenses - but also a
qualitative shift that's worth taking note of in its own right.

In the 1960s, computer scientists were (mainly) guys who wore white button shirts with
pocket protectors to keep the ink pens they carried from staining them, usually had
glasses, and typically looked both intense and harried, in a nerdish sort of way. More to
the point, their primary task was a combination of writing code and keeping the
machines that ran that code from doing things like walking away. (If you hit exactly the
right frequency with certain disk access, you could get a disk drive in 1965, something
almost exactly the size of a washing machine, to vibrate so hard as to "walk" away from
its mount, very much like an unbalanced washing machine - perhaps because a disk
drive was literally nothing more than a spinning drum that held data embedded in

magnetic strips along its surface. If you didn't mind ruining a several million-dollar
piece of equipment, you probably could dry your clothes in it.)

These early programmers generally were fairly unconcerned with the analysis of the
data that they produced. For starters, it was expensive getting enough data for any such
analysis to matter, and while you could do some basic analysis work with these
computers, the data

scientists of the time were still working out the algorithms necessary to even begin to do
anything meaningful.

Programmers tended to dominate for the next forty+ years. Programmers made
computers do things. Data was what was read in and what was spit out, but the real
work was in writing the procedures and (later) applications that consumed or produced
that data.

About two decades ago, that began to change. Spreadsheets had brought the idea of
being able to run simulations to business users, even as tools for bringing higher end
mathematical capabilities and similar simulation environments meant that financial
analysts, researchers, engineers, industrial designers and the like were able to harness

the tools of the computer revolution to make their work easier. Business Intelligence
products began to emerge, oriented initially on internal systems within companies, but
shifting to analyze the external business environment as capabilities increased.

Ironically, there's a number of factors that make me believe that the era of the
programmer is ending. That's not to say that there won't be a need for programmers in
ten years time (there will always be a need for programmers), only that growth in
programming as an overall percentage of IT jobs will likely be declining. One factor is
the fact that we are swimming in applications right now. You want an office suite? If
you don't want to pay Microsoft, then download Libre Office, or use Google Docs, or
Zimio, or run an app for your iPad or Chrome Book. Need a database? Relational or
NoSQL? You want it in the cloud? You want it in purple? Need a website? Oh, come on,
do you even need a website anymore?

Do you know what you call a startup nowadays? A guy in his underwear who writes
apps for phones in his parent's spare bedroom. Every so often the lumbering giants of
software's Paleolithic era while buy up one or two of these for silly amounts of money,
but even they are recognizing that this is primarily for tax avoidance purposes. The
dinosaurs will become ever less relevant, because most of the profitable problems have
already been solved (not necessarily the most urgent or needy of problems, only those
that can be solved for a goodly chunk of change).

What's taking their place are data scientists. Contrary to what HR people may believe.
You do not need to be an expert in writing Hadoop solutions to be a data scientist,
though gaining proficiency in Hortonworks or Cloudera won't hurt. A data scientist is
not, in fact a programmer - or at least not primarily a programmer. Instead, a data
scientist is an analyst.

Now, I've thrown this term around a lot in recent posts, but its worth actually digging
into what that term means. An analyst is a form of detective, though they don't (well,
most don't) deal with divorce cases. An analysts role is to take disparate pieces of
information from a broad number of sources and synthesize them into a set of
conclusions about a particular system or domain.

This particular role has been around for a while now, but what has changed is the sheer
power and variety of tools that such analysts have at their disposal - and the skills
needed to make use of those tools. You have tools for searching through large amounts
of data looking for patterns, tools for establishing relationships between these disparate
data, tools for determining the stochastic (i.e., statistical) characteristics of both
populations and samples within those populations, and tools for visualizing this

This means that the real skills that are needed in this area are not in building tools, but
in using them and understanding the significance of what they uncover. It is in
identifying patterns and anti-patterns, and using these to ferret out criminal or
fraudulent activity (sadly, these two are not always synonymous these days), to identify
companies that may be about to emerge or determine banks that are on the edge of
insolvency, determine the optimal blade configuration for a windmill or a solenoid in
an electric car, predict elections or identify demographic constituencies, determine
whether a TV show is likely to be a runaway sensation or a flop, or whether a drug will
get past clinical trials without having to invest billions of dollars in research.

To do this, this new breed of scientist/analyst needs to understand their domain, but
also needs to understand the information tools that those domains require. Nate Silvers
uses a statistical package for his 538 blog that's not all that dissimilar from such tools as
R or Matlab, open source and commercial versions of tools for doing data analytics. Yet
there is no Predict Elections button in his software, because the real job of the data
scientist is to create a model of a particular domain or environment then, by using these
tools, simulate the potential outcomes, their pathways and their probabilities of
occurrence. This process of "data modeling" is fundamental, because without an
actionable model, no analysis can happen. if someone uses a map/reduce tool like
Hadoop to trawl through data forms, he or she will still need to establish a model
indicating both what the expected input data looks like as well as establishing how this
information gets passed on to other processes.

This model in turn creates the boundaries for the simulations that the model is expected
to run in. A data scientist builds scenarios (and models these using algorithms) and

then tests this information against known and real data. In the end, this makes it
possible to create meaningful conclusions about the data and in turn to make the
assemblage of model and data a tool for prediction in future scenarios.

The term data scientist, in this regard, is actually quite accurate, because science itself is
predicated upon creating a hypothesis, building a model, testing that model first
through legacy "historical" data and seeing whether the hypothesis is consistent with
the data both when results are known and when they arent. The model is then refined,
surfacing "hidden variables" (factors that affect a given scenario that aren't immediately
obvious) and then using this to better understand the mechanisms that cause the
expected results.

Thus, data scientists are in general scientists or domain specialists first, and then are
essentially super-users - people who use increasingly sophisticated environments for
analysis that require a deep understanding of the data and tools that they are working
with, but who are generally not writing applications.

Indeed, my expectation is that this new set of data scientists are the avant garde of the
next generation of "IT", and where most technically oriented jobs will end up being
within the next decade or so.

The data fabric is the next

middleware. Todd Papaioannou

2. Sentiment Analysis Meets Active Collaboration by Julie Wittes Schlack

In 1937, famed photojournalist

Julie Wittes Schlack
Robert Capa took a picture of a
SVP Product Innovation at C Spanish Republican soldier at the
Space Corporation
moment of his death. That
LinkedIn Contact photograph and others from the
front lines ran in Life magazine, and
Julie is a founder of C Space (formerly played a huge role in galvanizing
Communispace) Corporation. She is an author and
American support for the Spanish
teacher. Her business-related articles have
appeared in The Harvard Business Review Online, republican fighters who were
Mashable, Marketing Week, Media Post, and other resisting the Francos fascist
publications. She has a Masters from Lesley
University, Ed.M from Harvard University and takeover of the Spanish
Bachelors from University of Michigan government.

While the press had been covering

this story, and the American public knew the facts, even the death count, it was pictures
like Capas that moved people to action in a way that simple facts and data had not.
Thats because to move people to action, you must move their hearts as well as their
minds. Its not enough to find data, even sentiment in the data we collect. We have to
convey and generate emotion in the stories we tell.

Interestingly, within a year or two of its publication, allegations surfaced that this
picture had been faked a question thats debated until this day. But if that allegation
had been proven if it was staged -- would people have donated money and clothes,
and volunteered to fight alongside the Spanish soldiers? Probably not, because emotion
and the action arising from it must still be credible and founded on fact, to be powerful.

While photos of someone buying toothpaste or shopping for a car are inherently less
powerful than pictures of death and starvation, the underlying principle here holds. In
the business world, in the political world everywhere that people are engaged in
listening to conversation on a mass scale and trying to learn from it were doing it

with the ultimate goal of not just gathering facts , but of moving people, of changing
peoples minds and behaviors. Thats what marketing is.

So why am I talking about this in a book about Big Data? Because the risk that we
always run even with the best of intentions is that when we turn actions and words
into data, we might lose whats shifting, whats subjective, and whats human behind
the numbers and visualizations. And ultimately, data alone doesnt move people.
People move people.

So in this chapter Id like to focus on the very complementary, synergistic relationship

between social listening and sentiment analysis, which is a subset of Big Data, and
intentional, interpersonal collaboration, in which consumers are active, knowing
partners with organizations. Im going to focus on seven specific dialectics that illustrate
how sentiment analysis and purposeful collaboration really complement each other.

Finding the Whys behind the Whats

While automated forms of sentiment analysis are great at revealing what people are
saying and inferring the sentiment embedded in those expressions, social listening tools
are still much more effective at revealing what people are feeling than why.

Heres an illustration. At my company, C space, we have an airline company client with

a small, private online community of elite frequent fliers. When this company
introduced a new policy of charging infrequent fliers for checked bags, but waiving that
fee for people enrolled in their frequent flier program, they thought theyd be
minimizing the pain for their most valued customers. Instead, through a social media
monitoring program, they discovered that there was a big surge in negative sentiment
in relation to the brand. The anger wasnt unexpected, but what did surprise them was
that much of that vitriol was coming from their frequent fliers, the very people theyd
hoped to please.

We tried to understand why, both by mining sentiment using a social media mining
and listening application, and by directly asking people in our online community. The
social media listening tool certainly surfaced spikes in negative sentiment, and let us do

a pretty good job of filtering down the retrieved posts to those from individual
travelers. Alas, when drilling down on those, wed often discover either retweets of
offers or promotions from owned content providers, or lengthy blogs covering all
aspects of travel. While there was undoubtedly some cranky comment about our
clients baggage policy in these dissertations, the effort of finding it, multiplied a
hundredfold, was far greater than simply, directly asking some fliers how they feel.

And when we did the latter, we got responses that were focused, detailed, and rich,
comments like these:

It really is a shame that <airline> is becoming a low cost carrier. I avoid those carriers due to all
those stupid rules. Now <airline> is doing the same. So indeed everyone will carry everything on
board and <airline> will soon discover this situation is unworkable. Therefore you will make new
rules for hand luggage as well and we need to put our coat, umbrella and handbag also in 1
carry-on bag as elite members?

The new baggage policy is not fair. You say "Our most valued passengers" and put all FB-
members in the same category something is wrong. You give me (100,000 miles in 2012) the
same benefits as my 5 year old son with a basic FB card. 2 free bags for elite plus, 1 free bag for
others please.

Dont become a budget player and keep focusing on quality

Generating, Not Just Collecting

Though the briefest, the last comment is in some ways most noteworthy, as it illustrates
the dialectic between passive vs. active methods of understanding. Its short, but its
actively prescriptive. Its written in the voice of a flier who knows and values the
airline, and is offering thoughtful, candid, and constructive advice. Its the voice of a
consumer who has been enlisted to collaborate with the airline in making it better, to
serve as a knowing, active advisor.

To further illustrate this point, consider the case of some work we did for a major
apparel retailer who wanted to improve the bra shopping experience. Social media

mining unearthed a wealth of content regarding how to find the right fit, how to get
through metal detectors wearing underwire bras, and where good values were to be
found. While it was all interesting, only a subset of it was really useful to our client in
relation to their specific objective. At the same time, we did a couple of virtual shop-
alongs, having two women share text and images shot with their phones in real time as
they browsed the bra aisle and eavesdropped on the sales associates conversation.

This sample of two active, engaged, and knowing consumer partners in research was
every bit as valuable and actionable as the reams of harvested verbatim. Signage, how
merchandise is arranged, the attentiveness of sales staff we learned about it all in a
few short minutes of active collaboration.

Finding Deep Connections beneath the Correlations

The great double-edged sword of big data in general is that sophisticated analytics and
visualization tools can surface interesting patterns and correlations. Sometimes theyre
meaningful, sometimes not. So another interdependency between Big Data and active
consumer collaboration is that between the surface patterns the correlations and the
deeper, underlying connections they do (or dont) rest on.

Even in 300-person communities, the sheer volume of text can be overwhelming. So we

continually experiment with text analytics tools to help us see the forest, and not just
the trees. In one example, we took about 10,000 verbatim from surveys, discussion
boards, brainstorms, etc. in several private communities that we run for a major grocery
retailer, and imported them into a text analytics tool that creates a word cloud that
depicts closely associated topics through both physical proximity and color.

When we played with the display a little, a really interesting pattern emerged. When I
dragged turkey to the top right portion of the screen, all of the related terms went
with it. This created a cluster of food-related terms in the top right portion of the screen,
and another cluster of shopping-related terms coupons and bags and shop and
checkout in the bottom portion of the screen.

Even before we began looking for emotional language like happy or delicious or
excited, what became immediately apparent is that when people were talking about
our clients brands, it was in very process-oriented, transactional terms. They were
talking about coupons and bags. But when they talked about food, it was in relation to
our clients competitors.

So again, here a text analytics tool was invaluable in surfacing a potential problem. But
solving it developing a shopping experience where consumers would be as excited
about the products as the deals that requires ongoing, knowing collaboration. So the
deep connection here is between the brand and the shoppers willing to invest their
time in energy in helping the store.

But deep connections also refers to going deep into the human psyche. We know that
much human behavior is informed by emotional responses and symbolic associations.
For instance, we did a study on the Sandwich Generation people who are caring both
for elderly parents and dependent children. Health care providers, insurers, financial
service providers, transportation companies, and others are all keenly interested in
understanding the emotional conflicts and even the language used by this growing
population. In it, we simply asked What kind of sandwich are you, and got verbatim
like the following:

I feel like the kind of sandwich I despise eating. Mostly tasteless bread, impossible to capture a
bite out of without spilling the contents all over ones face and chest to indelibly stain a favorite
piece of clothing. (Yeah, stuffs been tough lately.)

I am all burnt out. Cheese melting all around me and I am the ham in the middle.

A human reader makes instant sense of these responses. But absent any context, I
suspect that most text analytics tools would be totally stumped and group these
responses with the grocery data we looked at earlier, simply because metaphor is
challenging for even the most sophisticated automated tool. But metaphor is how we
tell stories. So even though big data tools and analytics let us go wide, thats not always

whats needed. Sometime we just need to engage with a handful of people with whom
we can go deep.

What Is and What Could Be

Theres another reason to actively engage consumers, and thats because although big
data can be useful in creating prediction models, text analytics tools can only mine
responses to what exists today, not collaboratively generate what should exist

Heres an example of how that plays out. A client of ours, Charles Schwab, knew that
they had a problem with women. In fact, recent study had shown that an estimated 70%
of women fire their male advisers once their husband dies, and 90% of those hire a
female adviser afterwards. So general client retention data told them they had a
problem. So did survey data and sentiment analytics, which pointed to womens
experience with brokers feeling much like their experience with car salesmen high-
pressured and carnivorous.

To address this problem, Schwab decided to launch a workshop series on financial

planning targeted specifically to women, then used a private community of about 300
women to help them design every aspect of it, from what topics would be covered to
what barriers might prevent people from attending, to the specifics of room layouts and
what beverages and snacks to be served.

The point here is that once again, while data played a valuable role in identifying a
trend, analytics no matter how good cant generate a solution. That takes conscious,
collaborative, concentrated effort iterative work that you design and build on over
time -- and requires only a relatively small group of people.

Sentiment is Contextual
Speaking whether orally or in text is essentially a public act. Its a behavior that
lends itself to be measured, and that makes it inherently biased, or at least incomplete.
So when doing any sort of sentiment analysis, you have to consider the source of the
content youre analyzing.

We know from our own research and that performed by many other firms that people
are clamping down on their privacy settings, not only posting less highly personal
content, but making that content to fewer people and text mining engines. There are
feelings, experiences, sights, sounds, and routines that provide invaluable insight to
brands, but that people do not want to share with or in front of their friends.

As importantly, even if people did feel comfortable sharing this online in their social
networks, these are not the types of things that they are spontaneously likely to post
about, but that they will share if asked and especially if they are in an intentional and
trusting partnership with the companies who are asking.

Beyond the privacy factor, though, is another, even more important fact, and that is that
peoples identity is fluid and highly contextual. Im an executive, a mother, a daughter,
a wife, a sister, a professional, and, as anyone whos heard me play saxophone can
testify, an amateur. Which of those identities is dominant depends on my mood, who
Im with, where I am, and what Im doing.

So in deriving sentiment from mined content of any sort, you have to consider not only
how public or private a setting its coming from, but the context relative to the speakers.

For example, every marketer in the United States is interested in understanding

Hispanics, as if being Hispanic is a singular and monolithic identity. But of course its
not, as illustrated by some research we did in six of our Hispanic consumer
communities three Spanish-speaking and supposedly unacculturated communities,
three English-speaking.

Regardless of whether or not they spoke Spanish or English in the home, took our
survey in Spanish or English or considered themselves to be Latino, Hispanic or
Nicaraguan, people tended to experience their ethnic identity differently in different
contexts. So even if you can run sentiment analysis on postings made by people who are
known to be Hispanic, absent any direct interaction with these individuals, it can still be
difficult to know what correlations to draw between what Hispanics say in one context
versus another.

Data plus Meaning
One of our clients wanted to understand what apps people were using when, and
where. So using a mobile metering app, we captured data from about 35 people who
agreed to let us track what they were doing on their mobile phones for about a month.
The biggest thing we learned is that people spent the bulk of their time changing their
settings and text messaging hardly an earth-shattering discovery. But armed with
these usage data and patters, we were able to hone in on the questions we need to ask.
And when we did, we found that texting serves all kinds of social and emotional
purposes beyond simple, direct communication, as is evident in this verbatim:

I used to only text people when I had some immediate question or plan to make, but thats
changed over time. Now a lot of the text messages I send are actually kind of stupid. But Im not
really one of the cool kids in my office, where all the women are glamorous, so texting helps me
feel less alone. Its a way to look social, even be social, without having to fit in.

This quote illustrates the ways in which people reflect on their own experience and
behavior over time. We continually construct and revise narratives, make meaning out
of what weve done and why. Those narratives are at least as predictive as past
behavior, but harder to elicit, because they arise out of dialogue. Whether its a dialogue
with oneself or another person, they develop and morph over time as a result of
question and thoughtful answer.

Just as identity is fluid, so is the process of making meaning. Data is fixed it represents
a snapshot of a moment in time. And if your objective is to understand how people feel
about a functional commodity like a dish detergent or a lightbulb, periodic snapshots of
static data is probably just fine. But even commodities have identity and emotional
facets. Am I an environmentally responsible person or a frugal one? Do I place a higher
premium on value or sensory experience? And how do those feelings and attitudes
change over time, and when Im with different people?

If you have a collaborative, long-term relationship with consumers, one where you can
repeatedly go back to the same people over time, you stand a better chance of
answering those questions.

Measurement and Empathy
Data, small and big, can be an invaluable tool in alerting us to patterns, surfacing
problems, and suggesting questions. But data alone rarely moves people to action. Just
think about the plight of refugees, the victims of natural disasters, or the chronic
suffering of impoverished people within our midst. We all know the facts, but its
peoples pictures and stories that excite our empathy and make the facts impossible to
gloss over or ignore.

As researchers and marketers, everything we do must move people consumers,

customers, and the brands and organizations that serve them. And thats not just a
business imperative. Its a social and moral one. Used properly, and yes, empirically,
big data alerts us to what we need to pay attention to. They show us the patterns and
correlations that warrant further investigation. The rest, though, is the hard, gratifying,
and fundamentally human work of making sense of it all.

Collaborate your way to success

3. Framing Big Data Analytic Requirements by James Taylor

As Big Data and Big Data

James Taylor technologies have exploded into the
CEO Decision Management mainstream, organizations of all
Solutions sizes are investing in both big Data
LinkedIn Contact infrastructure and the analytic tools
they need to turn all this data into
James is the CEO of Decision Management actionable insight. Despite all this
Solutions, an independent consulting firm investment, though, the number of
specializing in decision-centric, action-oriented
companies showing a positive
systems and processes using decision modeling,
business rules, and advanced analytic business ROI from their Big Data
technologies. James is a leading expert in investments is still small. In fact
operationalizing advanced analytics, consulting to
organizations across all industries. He is a faculty many Big Data infrastructure
member of the International Institute for Analytics investments resemble a bridge to
and the author of multiple books on Decision
Management and decision modeling.
nowhere rather than something
that will show a positive return.

There are a number of reasons for this but the most widespread is that the investments
are being made before considering how that investment will show an ROI. Because the
investments are being made by technical and analytic professionals fascinated by the
technology, rather than by business executives and managers, no-one is taking the time
to identify the business requirements for the Big Data analytics being considered.
Big Data analytic projects are not going to show an ROI because they can store more
data, integrate more data, report on more data or even visualize more data. They will
show an ROI only if they can improve decision-making. Big Data and analytics cannot
move the needle, cannot improve performance, unless they improve an organizations
decision-making. Ensuring that Big Data analytic investment do so means putting
decisions and decision-making front and center in your analytic requirements. An
emerging best practice therefore is to model decision-making to frame the requirements
for Big Data analytics.

Framing analytic requirements in this way is a five step process:

1. Identify the business (not technical or analytic) metrics that will define success.

Metrics about customers, operations, product, and revenue.
Not metrics about data volumes, system performance or statistical

2. Identify the decisions, especially the repeatable, operational decisions that make
a difference to these metrics.
How you decide to act determines your results and understanding which
decisions impact which metrics identifies the decisions that matter.
The more often a decision is made, the more likely it is that analytics can
make a difference.
Decisions that get made often like customer next best action, identifying
a fraudulent transaction, pricing a loan based on the risk of the applicant
are data-rich environments.
Plus any analytic improvement will be multiplied by the number of times
you make the decision for maximum ROI.

3. Build a model of the decision-making that will ensure good decisions get made
To improve decision-making you must first understand it.
Use the new Decision Model and Notation (DMN) standard to describe
the decision-making, information requirements and knowledge involved
in your decision-making.
Break down complex decisions into progressively simpler ones to see
exactly how the decision should be made.
Use the models to get agreement, eliminate inconsistency and build
business understanding before you start your analytics.

4. Show where and how specific kinds of analytics can impact this decision-making
Each element of the decision-making can be assessed to see if an analytic
might help it be made more accurately.
As everyone (business, IT, analytics) can understand the model its easy to
get business owners to say if only we knew XXX we could make this
decision more profitably.

Any analytic identified has a clear, precise role and context in the
decision-making thanks to the model.

5. Identify the data and the Big Data infrastructure needed to build and deploy
these analytics
What data does this analytic need? Where is it? How much of it is there?
Do we want to avoid sampling it? How real-time is the data feed?
These questions justify and drive adoption of Big Data infrastructure to
meet these well-formed business requirements.
The decision model itself shows how the analytic must be deployed and
how it will be used to drive business results.

This decisions-first mindset ensures there is no white space between analytic success (a
great model) and business success (improved results). By providing structure and
transparency, a model of decision-making requirements promotes buy-in and shows
exactly how Big Data analytics will improve your business model.

So dont just invest in Big Data infrastructure, focus it on improving specific, modeled

Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is

the combustion engine. - Peter Sondergaard, Senior Vice
President, Gartner Research.

4. Combating the Coming Data Deluge: Creating real-time awareness in the age
of the Internet of Things by Ryan Kirk

What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

Ryan Kirk
How is IoT analysis different? What
Principal Data Scientist for is the lifecycle of prediction for IoT?
Century Link Cloud.
How do we progress through these
LinkedIn Contact
stages of this lifecycle in order to
create more mature models in the age
Ryan is the Principal Data Scientist for Century Link of IoT? This section discusses these
Cloud. He has a Ph.D in Human-Computer questions as it guides the reader
Interaction from Iowa State University. He has
through the changing landscape of
served as a Data Scientist for companies ranging in
size from start-ups to global Fortune 100 analytics. This section will discuss the
companies. He is passionate about helping people thought process we can use to
to make informed decisions through the distillation
of insight from large volumes of data. His research continue to successfully guide
focus lies in causal inference and concept learning. decisions even as the scale and
He is actively interested in applying the power of
the theory and experimental design from the
complexity of analysis changes. To
behavioral sciences into the development and empower the reader, this section will
deployment of online adaptive systems.
present a framework already in use
today that is quickly emerging as a
future best practice for industry.
Finally, this section hopes to help offer some tools and techniques analytics leaders can
use to help gauge the success of their initiatives.

The age of global, socially-integrated sensors

As we increasing move towards a landscape defined by an Internet of Things, we
increasingly experience an analytics landscape defined by a network of interconnected
devices. Each of these devices responds to incoming signals and will create a series of
output signals. As this trend continues, it will become increasingly important for
businesses that participate in the IoT to be able to monitor their technologies and to
create systems that adapt, in real-time, to the cacophony of neighboring signals.
Developing a strategy for periodically polling network-connected devices combined
with the ability to react to the results of these polls will become tantamount to
successful deployments of physical infrastructure.

In the world of IoT the network will become an indistinguishable component from that
of the physical products and devices. This represents a unique opportunity for
telecommunication-oriented business to participate in the blossoming marketplace. At
the same time that we are learning to piece together an interconnected network of
devices, we are also learning how to process a multitude of data in streaming fashion.
Given the influx of networked devices and the growth of intelligent data services, it
seems likely that the ability to transport data will become at least as vital as the ability
to store and transform data.

While the landscape may change as we increasingly move towards an industrial

internet of globally connected devices, some things will remain the same. For example,
the use of data to drive value will still require the ability to clearly connect the data
model to the business model. Data drives business value when it helps to answer
business questions. Models that create business value in the age of the IoT will follow
this same basic premise. This paper describes an applied framework for prediction on
the cloud and argues that this technique is both scalable and necessary for handling the
coming age of IoT. This approach framework contains four stages. First, we define the
problem, the business domain, and discover our existing data. Second, we create a fully
formed data model, begin to forecast and predict future trends. Third, we materialized
these trends and link them to relationships that we discover in preparation for the
creation of a more thorough predictive model. Finally, we formalize our predictive
model, implement it in an online fashion, and connect it to a series of actions that allow
for real-time adaptation. I will describe each stage in turn.

Define the problem, the business domain, and discover our existing data
Every analysis has to begin with defining the problem at hand. Often times a business
owner may know the area of the business responsible for causing them headaches and
lost sleep. However, they may not know what it is about that area of the business that is
causing problems; they may not know how to go about testing for various problem
sources. For this reason, the job of an analyst in the age of IoT still begins with
formulating a problem statement and establishing initial hypotheses. This is the first
stage of answering tough questions. Creating a problem statement requires

understanding the various entities and processes involved in the area of interest. If no
domain model exists, the analyst will need to create this model by conducting
secondary research, by talking to domain experts, and by performing exploratory
analysis. As is often the case, this exploratory process will reveal gaps in the existing
data model.

We think like a scientist when we form hypotheses about the relationships between
concepts and then test them. This stage results in an understanding of the current
domain and business models. Armed with this knowledge and with a sampling
strategy, we can start to ensure that we are capturing the data necessary to test our

Create complete data model, begin to forecast and to predict trends

Once we have a sound domain and business model and once we have a clearly defined
problem, we are ready to begin modeling the business landscape. While the first stage
would have uncovered the existing data model, this second stage focuses upon
increasing the comprehensiveness of the data model and upon providing the business
with situational awareness related to the connected devices.

Even the best methods of analysis will fail due to incomplete domain or incomplete
data models. This becomes more complicated in the age of IoT because we will have
many thousands of devices. Because of the number of devices, the number of
interconnections, and the sampling rate, the volume of incoming data will be an order
of magnitude larger in the IoT age than what we see even in the age of social networks.
Because this stage may help inform our data model, it is important to define what data
points we will collect and how often we will collect them during this stage. A collection
strategy is not a trivial decision. The polling interval needs to be sustainable and
comprehensive. Polling needs to occur often enough to capture the typical variation in
the devices that you are polling. However, this polling rate cannot exceed the rate at
which we can process incoming data.

As the scale and complexity of data increase, it becomes more common for datasets to
contain signals that we have not seen before. Many people and processes are free to add

new devices to the network. Each device manufacturer is free to define custom metrics.
Keep track of all of the devices and Figuring out what each of these metrics represents
and connecting it back to our business model becomes a non-trivial effort. Fortunately,
we can use our analytical methods to help us discover patterns within these metrics.
The field of Data Integration offers us tools we can use to automatically discover
connections between signals. We will increasingly rely upon these techniques to help
combat the complexity and scale of IoT data. As we have seen with other service
models, it seems likely that Data Integration as a Service is likely to become both a
product and a point of future market differentiation.

Because there can be many thousands of these devices, we often think about monitoring
in this context as a form of real-time alerting. As we continue to tie the topological
model of devices back to our business model, we will gain a better understanding of
both. Given a data collection strategy, a data discovery discovery strategy, and a data
model, we can begin to examine the expected behaviors of the IoT. If we know what we
can expect from a device, then we will also know what is unexpected. We want to create
intelligent alerts that understand the presence of anomalies within one stream of data
may look different than anomalies in another stream. We can do this by understanding
the historic values and by using forecasting algorithms to predict the expected future
values in the near term. This gives our business a real-time situational awareness
necessary to make informed decisions amidst the context of a global network of
massively inter-connected connected devices.

Create a predictive model by linking trends to relationships

Creating a level of situational awareness for our business is only the first step in helping
to guide decision-making. Once we know what behaviors are unexpected, we would
still like to know the root cause of these unexpected behaviors. We would like to see if
there are patterns within these anomalies. To dive deeper and get at the root cause, we
will need to be able to perform simultaneous inference across many devices.

As mentioned above, the first step to determining root cause is to model each device.
While we can predict a range of future expected values by examining a single signal, we
often struggle to determine whether future values will be at unexpectedly high or low

levels. By definition, a forecast built upon expected values will not predict anomalies.
Instead, we express the rate at which we want to be surprised through the use of a
confidence interval. However, there is a more intelligent approach we can use. This
approach is to build an attribution model that helps us to tie the cause of an alert in one
signal to a cause in one of many down-stream signals. This is only possible when we
begin to understand the relationship between various signals.

Often times a collection of signals relate to each other hierarchically or conceptually. For
example, we see hierarchical relationships between clusters of compute devices the
actual compute nodes themselves. We see conceptual similarities between the metrics
for read latency and for write latency on a single device. We want to learn the
relationships between these signals quantitatively and automatically. An approach
capable of learning these relationships will examine the historic distance between
various signals. For example, we could look at the correlation between read and write
latency to discover that they are highly related. Doing this at a massive scale becomes
more challenging. However, it is a solvable problem. A good example of the use of this
approach in practice is the launch of the Google correlate engine. This technology
allows users to find search terms that are similar based upon the frequencies in search
usage patterns.

As with any approach, correlation has limitations as a tool for discovering relationships.
For this reason, we need to augment these beliefs using some type of meta-model
capable of helping to prune the false positive connections that a correlative approach is
prone to creating. We can perform this pruning using graph-based inference.

Once we know the relationships between devices, we will need to keep track of them
using some sort of meta-model. A generic and useful way to do this is through the use
of a probabilistic graphical model (PGM) that connects each device together based upon
this set of relations. The lines connecting the graphs represent the probabilistic influence
that one device conditionally has upon another. They can also represent this a similar
conditional influence between concepts. This graph is powerful because it allows us to
perform two very important forms of inference. First, it allows us to predict the
expected value on one device given the performance of other devices. We do this using

maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). Second, we can classify the state of a device as
normal or abnormal by connecting this MLE to a labeled training set. This maximum a
posteriori probabilistic (MAP) reasoning allows us to classify even when we have very
little training data. Finally, this graph will allow us ask questions such as: Which
devices were affected by the anomalous behavior in Device A last night?

Connect actions to an advanced online predictive model

Having a model that is sophisticated enough we can propose questions to it is not a
small victory. However, we still need to learn more about how to use this model to
create recommendations. In order to be able to recommend changes to an IoT system,
we will need to learn from how our domain experts currently diagnose and solve
problems. We will want to keep track of the type of actions that they have used in the
past to bring anomalous systems back to expected levels of performance. We will want
to create a map of possible actions and their pre-existing constraints. We will also want
to keep track of the expected effect of each action. We can do this by mapping these
actions and outcomes back to the PGM we have already created.

A pattern-recognition algorithm would not scale well to the handle all of the possible
connections within an enterprise IoT deployment. However, since we already have a
PGM that contains this information, we only need to learn the actions that humans
would take in specific contexts and then tie these actions to the size of change we need
to see in a given signal. Then at this point we can create a supervised learning system
that can connect the set of possible actions to changes of various. Fortunately there are a
host of modern, advanced pattern-recognition techniques we can use to accomplish this

Once we have a supervised model that understands the actions and outcomes we can
connect our model into an online system. This system will be capable of being adaptive
in real-time. It will also be able to self-heal. This is an idealized end state for an
enterprise system of network-connected devices. We can use this type of technology to
help us build amidst the complexity and scale present in the age of IoT.

Measuring success amidst uncertainty

What is the business impact of a predictive model? From a scientific perspective, a
successful model is that which performs better than a nave model. A nave model is
our control one that behaves randomly but is still constrained to operate within the
constraints of our domain. From a business perspective, a successful model is one that
we can show increases favorable outcomes and or decreases unfavorable outcomes.
Often we think of models in terms of their ability to boost incremental revenue, to boost
profit, to reduce expenses, to reduce lead times, to increase efficiency, or to reduce the
likelihood for defects to occur. How do we quantify the effect of our model on these

The answer depends upon the receive operator curve (ROC). We can examine the area
under the curve (AUC) and connect this to business outcomes. We figure out what the
expected cost is for a false positive, for a false negative, for a true positive, and for a true
negative. Sometimes we need to perform separate analyses to determine these. Once we
have this unified costing function, we weight the AUC using this weighting function.
Then we can optimize the predictive framework to create an ROC with the highest
possible AUC. We perform this comparison for three different models: the current
business practice, a nave model, and our proposed model. We compare against the
current business practices to illustrate the effect size of using the model. We compare
against the nave model to determine whether it is our model that is yielding the results
or whether it is simply a business process change that would yield the results.

Cost savings and revenue generation of a model are tied to the function of a predictive
model. If your model operates on a set of data responsible for 25% of the operating cost
for a company and it is able to provide a 10% increase in accuracy compared to a nave
model, then you may have saved the company as much as 2.5% of their total operating
budget. If a company earns $10 for every $1 of profit, then the results of your model
could have just increased profits by 25%. However, this is just a guideline for
understanding how to invest in these technologies. Since there are many factors in a
system as complicated as a business, we want to confirm the actual savings or revenue.

Finally, beware of dragon kings; watch out for large, anomalous values that occur
more often than expected. The definition of a complex system alludes to the presence of

statistical anomalies that occur and a rate higher than we could predict using the
standard assumptions of stable distribution. When in doubt, it is better to create a
robust model capable of learning amidst never-before-seen circumstances. Favor the
unsupervised learning approach unless you have good reason to use a supervised

Final words
The ability to predict is not a solution for every business problem. Big data, machine-
learning solutions are in vogue at the moment. In many cases they deserve the respect
that industry gives them. However, gauge the expense of committing to developing and
supporting the proper predictive models against the expected outcomes of these
models. Use this type of analysis to justify decisions to pursue a course of action for
your business.

As we think about the success of analytics over the past decades, we are reminded of
the common principles behind these successes. Even amidst uncertain and changing
circumstances, we can maintain a data-driven perspective that allows us to iteratively
refine our inference.

This section presented the reader with an argument that illustrates how the changing
business landscape will inevitably lead to changes in the supporting analytics
landscapes. This section illustrated how we can still have confidence in our research
techniques and how we can still build powerful analytic models despite uncertainty.
Finally, this section showed that to we could measure the success of an initiative by
connecting that initiative to the expected change in business state as a result of model

Become technology agnostic

5. Big Data, Small Models The 4F Approach by Kajal Mukhopadhyay

Most of us understand the concept

Kajal Mukhopadhyay of Big Data. It is a commonly used
VP, Product Management term within the digital advertising
Head of Audience & Media industry. However, the environment
Intelligence, Collective
of Big Data is sometimes confusing,
LinkedIn Contact
particularly when it comes to
physically dealing with it. Storing,
Digital marketing analytics professional and thought
leader; in depth knowledge of quantitative and accessing, harnessing Big Data,
analytical methods; experience in econometrics, deriving insights and building data
statistics, marketing mix modeling and big data
analytics; research, consulting, teaching experience
models on it, all become a major
in cross-disciplinary areas within academics and hurdle for operations and IT
business; flexible, adaptive and team worker with
infrastructures. Businesses have
leadership and execution skills.
difficulty justifying the cost
investing in building such a

What is Big Data? The definition includes 3Vs, and optionally a fourth V as defined by
IBM earlier 20151. In simple terms, these are:

1V.Volume data size in Terabytes, Petabytes, Exabyte and more

2V.Variety types of data such as structured, unstructured like textual, audio, video,
beacon signals
3V.Velocity speed of data creation, storing, access in real-time, an equation of mass
times speed
4V.Veracity uncertainty, noise, quality and usability of the data

Most businesses are concerned with volume, and some businesses face challenges with
data velocity and few hurdle with variety.

With Big Data comes to the need for the understanding the business value of harnessing
it including but not limited to data processing, summarization, modeling, predictive

The Four Vs of Big Data IBM Infographics.

analytics, and data visualization. Finding a uniform solution or platform to deliver Big
Data analytics is a challenge for many organizations let alone justifying the cost of
building such solutions. I introduced a new way of operationalizing Big Data analytics
leveraging selected analytical methodologies along with modeling principles fitting to
the present landscape2. The term I use is 4Fs rhyming with 4Vs, making it easier to
remember. These are Focus one KPI, Few controlling factors, Fast computation and

1F. Focus one KPI at a time: Analyzing too many goals, objectives or KPIs within a
single data model is difficult with Big Data. Try building one KPI at a time within a
single analytic framework. If needed, try combining individual KPIs at a higher level
for broader insights (newer statistical methods may be needed to achieve this). For
most cases, singular KPI model is far more effective than complex multi-KPI models.
2F. Few controlling factors: In an ideal world goals and objectives are influenced by
numerous factors, however, in reality, there are only few that have the most impact
on the KPIs. Identify and use fewer controlling factors in your model. Often a set of
two by two causal models is good enough explain the KPI behavior.
3F. Fast computation: Fast computation is critical for Big Data environment.
Computation algorithms for any type data analytics and visualization must be
distributed (parallel processing), additive (Map/Reduce) and modular (multiple
model join).
4F. Forward-looking: Efficacy of Big Data models rely on the predictive accuracy of the
outcome variables or short-term forecasts. Analytics should focus on building
models that can predict the next best outcome within a given set of objectives. It
may not focus on explaining the historical behaviors, rather concentrate learning
algorithmically and predict the most likely outcome.

In order applying 4F principles to data modeling, I suggest three types of popular and
widely used statistical methods, all are simple to execute and implement and provide
fast answers.

Marketing Analytics Conference - The DMA, Chicago, March 9-11, 2015.

C1. The first is a class of descriptive methods that utilize frequency distribution, binning,
classifications and statistical tests. With Big Data, any measure of KPIs using these
principles would have smaller standard errors. Any bias can be adjusted using
simple A/B tests, differences with respect to benchmarks, trends and applying a
universal control on the data systems under certain environments.
C2. The second is the class of models based on the principles of conditional probabilities
and any variations of Bayes classifications. Typically one can store them as some
form of recommendations tables. These models can be utilized to build fast
inferences, and use of indices, odd-ratios, scores and other measures of KPIs.
C3. Lastly, the Bayesian network and graphs constitute the class of models that can be
used in Big Data environment. Much of the Artificial Intelligence and machine
learning algorithms in computation engineering are based on these type causal

For any practitioner of Big Data analysis, adopting a pragmatic approach to data
modeling, such as 4F, is of tremendous value. All three class of models can be combined
to create new ways of the analyzing humongous data while being efficient, fast and
statistically relevant.

"Data are becoming the new raw material of business."

Craig Mundie, Senior Advisor to the CEO at Microsoft.

Causality: Models, Reasoning and Inference, Judea Pearl, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, New York

6. The Five Letters that Will Change the Data World: BYOBI by Tomasz Tunguz

BYOBI is an acronym I first heard

Tomasz Tunguz
on a telephone call with a VP of
Venture Capitalist at
Technology at a large corporation.
The word is almost unknown today,
LinkedIn Contact but I think that it will be one of the
largest trends to impact data in the
Tomasz joined Redpoint in 2008 and has invested in
next five years.
Axial, Dremio, Expensify, Electric Imp, Looker, and
ThredUP. He is an active blogger at Before joining Redpoint, Tomasz BYOBI means Bring Your Own
was the product manager for Googles AdSense
social-media products and AdSense Business Intelligence. This VP of
internationalization. Tomasz attended Dartmouth Technology was struggling to
College, where he rowed on the crew team (Go
enable the sales people, marketers,
Green!) and graduated as a George Revitz Fellow
with a BA in mechanical engineering, a BE in engineers and others within his
machine learning, and a masters degree business to access the data they
in engineering management.
needed. The monolithic solution
that they had adopted, (I can't
remember if it was MicroStrategy or Cognos or BusinessObjects), satisfied the needs of
the one department that had catalyzed the purchasing decision many years ago. Several
years on, his team had become inundated with custom data requests that the tools
failed to answer and petitions to purchase new types of software. Unfortunately, his
data architecture just wouldn't allow him to respond to those needs. The image Fig 1
below is a simplified schematic of this architecture.

This is the way business intelligence software used to work. On the left-hand side,
engineers transform data from handful of databases kept on premises into an internal
data warehouse. The data is then modeled and optimized for answering the questions
the business has today. Reports and visualizations are then built for easy access.
Inevitably, those questions will evolve and new ones will crop up. But at design time,
those questions are impossible to anticipate. Inevitably, the BI tool fails to live up to its
potential and teams can't access the data they need.

What's worse, with the explosion of cloud and SaaS software use, the data
fragmentation problem has exploded. Now, company data isn't stored across a
collection of databases within the company's firewalls, but is scattered across thousands
of servers all over the world. A diaspora of data.

Nevertheless, teams within the company still need to access and process and analyze
that data irrespective of where it resides. Faced with this problem, he decided to
dramatically transform his data architecture into BYOBI.

Fig 1.

The image below illustrates BYOBI architecture.

Fig 2.

There are four fundamental changes with BYOBI:

I. End users decide which reporting/visualization tools to use.

II. Cloud/SaaS databases are now a key data contributor, in addition to the on-
premises databases.
III. The different layers of the BI stack have become unbundled and line of business
users decide which tool to use, instead of IT.
IV. Reporting and visualization occurs primarily on raw data, not data that has been
transformed or optimized a priori.

Two key innovations enable this tectonic shift in BI, faster databases and better data
modeling. Redshift, BigQuery and others are taking the data world by storm because
their performance benchmarks are staggering over huge data sets. This enables next
generation BI tools to provide real-time responsiveness over all the data, not just a
sample of data, as in the past.

Data modeling enables data scientists to encode the structure of and relationships
among data sets into one compact file and then enable everyone within an organization

to ask and answer questions of the data in the correct way, without help. Emboldened
by newfound confidence of having one consistent source of truth, the organization
becomes empowered to be more decisive and move faster.

With this BYOBI architecture, end users decide which tools are the best ones for their
use cases. IT's responsibility becomes data access enablement rather than data request
fulfillment. Consequently, the entire team is happier and more productive.

BYOBI will become the dominant data architecture over the next ten years. As this shift
happens, the newcomers like Looker, which provides novel data modeling and data
exploration tools will take significant share from the hegemons of legacy BI. For proof
of this coming fragmentation in BI, look no further than Tableau's success. Now a $4B
company serving more than 10,000 customers, Tableau proved end users could
influence BI buying decisions. But this is just the beginning of the BYOBI trend. BYOBI
will disrupt the $13B business intelligence world, creating massive share shift, giving
rise to new, massive companies and enabling teams all over to run their businesses
more effectively

Borrow ideas from not just

competitors but other stakeholders
7. Big Data? No, SMART Data by Tara Hunt

Access to rich usage data is

Tara Hunt something that is a defining element
of modern product development.
Digital Marketing Executive
From cars, to services, to
LinkedIn Contact
communications the presence of
data showing how, why, when
products are used is informing how
Tara Hunt has over 16 years experience in market products are built and evolve. To
research and strategy on both client and agency
side. She is an author of a book released in seven those developing products, data is
languages worldwide, has been quoted in dozens an essential ingredient to the
books and articles, spoken at over 150 conferences,
process. But sometimes, choices
was named one of 2013's Entrepreneurial Women to
Watch by Entrepreneur Magazine, and one of the made that are informed by data
Most Influential Women in Technology in Fast cause a bit of an uproar when there
isnt uniform agreement.

One of the things I've loved most about crafting my career in online marketing is that
there is lots of feedback when it comes to campaigns. You can tell almost instantly what
people respond to and what falls flat.

When I started out in marketing in 1999, billboards, radio, television, print and other
difficult to track media ruled, but the prevailing advertising wisdom was, "Half the
money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I dont know which half." (John
Wanamaker) That seemed to satisfy most clients who were easily convinced that
spending more meant more return. As the web evolved and more and more people
started getting their purchasing influence and information on it, we were able to
pinpoint which half was wasted and which half worked.

However, this information only tells half of the story. Yes, people clicked on this ad and
not that ad and people shared this post and not that post...but why? That's still a big
gap in information.

As a recent article in All Things D pointed out:

"The trouble with data is that it asks as many questions as it answers."

My theory is that these questions are the ones that most marketers (and their clients)
dread, so the data is ignored (at best) or misinterpreted (at worst).

I was joking around with some associates of mine the other day about formulas that
work. We made a game of listing off the sure-fire wins in social media marketing, "Let's
see. Cats...that guarantees a win. Puppies are good, too. Oh...and people like
drunkenness! Yes! And crass humor. We just need to make a funny drunken cat video
and it'll totally go viral!" The problem with this theory, besides the obvious animal
cruelty controversy it's sure to drum up, is that, well, funny drunken cats aren't really
appropriate to every brand. Not to mention that people get tired of formulas pretty
quickly. It's not cats or drunkenness or humor. If we want to reverse engineer success,
we need to go beneath the surface. Instead of just blindly accepting that people love cat
videos, we need to understand why they love cat videos

There are no formulas, but there are lots of clues for every brand and it rests in the
questions behind their own data. Instead of just reading the numbers and making wild
guesses on why something works and why something doesn't, the people who work

with the data have to become Data Whisperers...a skill that requires looking at the
quantitative AND the qualitative and looks between the connected dots.

Data Whispering is the ability to tell a story with the numbers. Data Whispering is
uncovering the human side of the numbers. Data Whispering is understanding the right
question to ask of the numbers. And to do that, you
need to step back from your own bias as much as
humanly possible and find the story the data wants to
tell you (not what you want it to tell you).

I have to admit bias here as I'm friends with the

founder, but my favorite Data Whispering tool is
Nexalogy. Conceived by an astrophysicist
(astrophysicists are those types who look at stars and
planets and seek to understand the universe and our
place in it), it's the perfect mix of BIG DATA and storytelling:

They don't only tell you what people are talking about, but how it's related to your
product and how much weight it carries. And it's perfect for general market research as
well. If you know a few data points about your potential audience, you can find out
more data points about that audience. For example, if you are running a candidate for
political office in a region, you can find out what people in that region really care about

- helping that candidate form their political platform to suit their constituents' needs. If
you are thinking about opening a restaurant, you can pinpoint gaps in the market or
even figure out where you should be looking to locate your restaurant. For established
brands, you can see how people see you versus your competitors. What terms do they

Unlike sentiment analysis - of which I'm not a huge fan because it, too, asks more
questions than it answers - Nexalogy gives a neutral, unbiased view of why people are
making the decisions they are making. Claude Theoret once demonstrated an analysis
they had done for a bank, showing that people thought of them as fair, good,
community-focused, providing personal service and friendly versus their bigger
competitors that people thought of as secure, prestigious, cold and impersonal.
According to Theoret, the bank used this information to focus on expanding their
community programs and promoting their one-on-one personal touch and saw great
outcomes with this campaign.

I love data, but I'm not a fan of more of it. I'm an advocate for understanding how to
read it and learn to tell a story from it. It's a skill that needs to be a regular part of a
marketing curriculum. Knowing that people love that nerd kitty image is great,
knowing why is even more valuable.

"Data matures like wine, applications

like fish." James Governor

8. Beyond "Big Data": Introducing the EOI framework for analytics teams to
drive business impact by Michael Li

Im sure that by now, for anyone

Michael Li
whos even remotely interested in
Sr. Director, Business technology and follows major
Analytics LinkedIn
industry trends, Big data is a well-
LinkedIn Contact
known term. While you may not
know its exact meaning, you
Michael Li is a senior leader on Business analytics probably feel really excited about
and Data Science. He is passionate about solving
complex business problems with a combination of what it can bring to the world
superb analytical skills and sharp business (thats how amazing it is!). As
instincts.He is a big data evangelist and practitioner,
someone who has been working on
working on and defining what big data is, what it
means for business, and how it can drive business Big data before the term was even
value. He has many years of experience in Business invented (my graduate studies were
Intelligence, Predictive analytics, Fraud
detection/analytics/operation, and Statistical about creating 3-D climate models
modeling/Data mining across finance, e-commerce, to simulate atmospheric physical
and now the social network industry. He currently
and chemical processes with the
leads the business analytics team at LinkedIn with a
team of 40+ people, driving analytics effort across all fastest computers in the U.S.
monetization businesses, as well as consumer working in parallel), Im really
marketing, and working closely with all cross-
functional teams (sales, product, engineering, happy that Big data gets peoples
marketing, operations) with the focus on developing attention and shows them how
end-to-end, robust, fast, and scalable analytic
useful data can be. However, Ive
solutions. Michael has proven career track records
on performing at the top level across all levels in been feeling more and more
both Start-ups and Big Corporations. In the disappointed about the fact that it
meantime, he's a respected industry leader on
Analytics/Data science, for which he has been has been used way more often for
constantly invited to speak at conferences and pure marketing purposes than for
asked to the advisor for start-up company's
Analytics/Data science functions, e.g. Coursera
creating real value for businesses or
people. This is why Ive started
calling myself a Big data evangelist
and practitioner on LinkedIn. Lately, Ive been using it to introduce myself at
conferences Ive been presenting at and participating in.

What I would like to talk about today is an analytics framework called
Empower/Optimize/Innovate (EOI), which has been used by the Business analytics
team at LinkedIn to continuously drive business value through the leverage of Big
data. Below, Ill explain the three categories of the framework in detail and with

E stands for Empower: Empower business partners to have access to the data and
insights they need when they need them

The most common practice for this category is performing ad-hoc analyses based on the
questions asked by the business partners: How much money we made in the last
week/month/year?, What are the key drivers for the big year-over-year drop in one of
the key business performance metrics?, etc. This is probably how the majority of
people understand what analytics is, and its truly important for businesses, as it
empowers decision makers to make data-driven decisions (or at least consider making
them). Many analytics teams today spend most of their time in this category. Over time,
analysts perform similar analyses multiple times and get more efficient and productive.
However, the issue is that analysts may also get bored by doing similar analyses over

and over again. The key to solving this issue is to create leverageto automate and
simplify processes, such as data pipelines, data cleaning, convert data into certain
format, through technology as much as possible, so that you spend more time focusing
on the more exciting pieces: finding insights and making recommendations to business
partners. A typical example from our Business analytics team is an internal analytics
web portal called Merlin, which we built to offer easy access to compelling insights
automatically via one-click searches for our sales teams to share with clients. Every day,
thousands of people from sales teams use the portal and get the
data/metrics/reports/graphs they need in a completely self-served way. Because of big
improvements to sales productivity and the large financial impact this has had on our
field sales business, this project was chosen as one of LinkedIns Top 10 most
transformative stories of 2011 by our executive team and received the Leverage
award from our Global Sales Organization.

O stands for Optimize: Optimize business performance by leveraging the powerful

and unique LinkedIn data we have
This category includes more advanced analytics work such as hypothesis-driven deep
dive analyses, marketing campaign targeting, and propensity models that help answer
questions like what will happen if we do this, or what is the best that could happen?
Although these analyses typically take more time to carry out, they also bring in a
greater return on investment (ROI) to the business side. More importantly, they almost
always need to start from the knowledge and foundation built through the Empower
process through which analysts can understand the nature of the data and connect it
with business needs. Oftentimes, when an analytics team tries to skip the Empower
phase and go directly to the Optimize phase, it will suffer from a lack of data
infrastructure and basic business understanding and will eventually have to come back
to fix the basics before it can move further. An example for Optimize from the
business analytics team at LinkedIn is the propensity model that we built for our
premium subscription business. For this model, we leveraged identity, behavior, and
social graph data to determine proper member segments for marketing email
campaigns, which has become an essential driver of marketing contributions to our
largest online business.

I stands for Innovation: Innovate the way analytics can help our business grow by
leveraging both internal and external data
In Silicon Valley, innovation is a word that gets everyone excited. There are many ways
for analytics teams to be innovative, and we believe that the ultimate measure of an
analytics teams success in innovation is the business impact it has. When we evaluate
the potential for an innovation or venture project, we look at the potential business
impact it will have in the next 13 years, mostly in terms of incremental revenue/profit
or user engagement/page views. Wed also make sure that there are strong business use
cases that can leverage the outcome of the project so we can validate the go-to-market
strategy for our analytics solutions immediately, not just innovate for the purpose of
enjoying being innovative. One recent example from our team was the Account Interest
Score we built with our marketing team to prioritize the enterprise prospects that have
a higher likelihood of becoming customers. The key innovation here was to be able to
measure the likelihood of conversion at an account level, which combines weighted
individual level scores and the influence of a decision maker in the B2B selling process.
It has been widely used by our field sales teams for acquisition since its creation, and it
has been driving higher conversion rates, which have resulted in higher sales revenue
and efficiency.

Since I have been advocating for this framework, Im often asked the question, What is
the right allocation of resources for the EOI framework? The truth is, depending on the
evolution of the analytics team, you may have to have a different distribution curve for
the analytics resources that you spend on EOI; the key is to make sure you have at least
meaningful investment in each category and a reasonable macro allocation that you
believe works best for the current stage of the business. In general, based on my
discussions with many of my analytics peers in the industry, Id expect for us to see %E
> %O > %I more often, especially for companies that are growing at double figures
every year. Thank you for your time. Id be happy to discuss how we can improve this

For a typical Fortune 1000 company, just a 10%

increase in data accessibility will result in more than
$65 million additional net income.

9. Can You Seize the Opportunity from Analytics If You are Cheap? by Lora

Today I am in Steamboat Springs

attending the SAS analyst
Lora Cecere
conference on emerging analytics.
Founder and CEO of
The tree boughs are heavy with the
Supply Chain Insights
evening snow, and the view from
LinkedIn Contact
my window is pristine. During the
day, I am expecting to hear about
Lora Cecere is the Founder of Supply Chain new advancements in the
Insights. She is trying to redefine the industry
analyst model to make it friendlier and more
insurance, finance and hospitality
useful for supply chain leaders. Lora has written industries. My mind will swirl
the books Supply Chain Metrics That Matter and thinking of possibilities for
Bricks Matter, and is currently working on her third
book Leadership Matters. She also actively blogs
manufacturing, but the reality is
on her website Supply Chain Insights, the Supply that the manufacturing segment is
Chain Shaman. and for Forbes. When not writing behind. They lag in understanding,
or running her company, Lora is training for a
triathlon, taking classes for her DBA degree in providing funding, and building
research, quilting for her new granddaughter, and organizational capabilities for new
actively taking ballet. forms of analytics. Bottom line: they
are cheap. There is tension.

Manufacturers want a definitive ROI before they commit to spend, and exploring the
potential of these new forms of analytics requires a focus on investment with an
unknown ROI. While the services sector has made the leap, the manufacturing industry
has not. The gap is growing....

The opportunities stretch before us. This includes: Hadoop, Cluster Analysis, Streaming
Data, Machine-to-Machine Flows, Pattern Recognition, Cognitive Learning, Sentiment
Analysis, Text Mining, Visualization, and the Internet of Things. However, I don't find
these concepts on the road maps of the manufacturers who I work with. When I talk
about the use of these new concepts in the world of manufacturing, most executives
scratch their heads. Their focus is on yesterday's investments with a focus on Enterprise

Resource Planning (ERP), reporting, and deterministic optimization. I believe
investment in these new analytical concepts is the foundation for digital business.

It reminds me of my conversations with my plant manager in 1985. At the time, I was

the plant engineering manager in charge of capital spending at the Dover, DE factory
for General Foods

(now merged with Kraft). My plant manager, Dick Chalfant, and I had a running debate
on the investments in personal computers. At the time, no one in the plant had a
personal computer. I believed that we should begin to invest in employee productivity
through a focused investment in personal computing. Dick would argue with me. He
would rant and say, "Where will we reduce labor and headcount based on this
investment? What is the ROI?" I would smile. The arguments were heated. Our visions
were different. I believe that companies need to invest in technology to drive a
competitive advantage, and that not every project will have a well-defined ROI.

Today, I don't think that anyone I work with can imagine a world without PCs on the
desk, in our briefcases, and in our homes. It redefined work, and was foundational to
driving higher levels of productivity for manufacturers in the past decade. I can see it in

the numbers of revenue per employee (note the impact on consumer value chains for
the period of 2006-2013).

I strongly
feel that our traditional views of applications--ERP, SCM, CRM, SRM--limit our ability
to be more open in testing and learning from new forms of analytics. While people talk
big data concepts, current investments are tied up in maintenance funding for legacy
applications. My challenge to manufacturers is to free the organization to invest in new
forms of analytics by giving them investment funding. I am not advocating financial
irresponsibility. Instead, I am advocating to start with seed money and a focused team
to learn the power from new forms of analytics. I would challenge them to self-fund the
future through small test-and-learn strategies.
So today, as I look out my window at Steamboat, I wonder if this post will fall quietly
like the snow from the boughs of the fir tree outside my window? Or will it stimulate
some organization to rethink the future? I hope the latter. If nothing else, I hope that
some organization somewhere will stop and think about analytics and the future and
ponder why financial and insurance industries are moving faster than manufacturing.
That is my hope... I would love to hear your thoughts.

Do not forget about interactive

10. Why is the Successful Implementation of "Big Data" Applications a Question
of Knowing How to Sell? by Jean-Marc Bellot

Technicians seize control of the

Jean-Marc BELLOT
innovation, arguing that they are
Business Partner with
the only ones who know what it's all
CustomerCentric Selling
LinkedIn Contact
The first implementations of the
technological innovation fail with
Jean- Marc is a native French person located in those who are supposed to be
Paris, and he has spent over 25 years in sales
precisely the people to benefit from
and marketing in the information technology
industry. After receiving a degree from HEC, he it. And with good reason: usually
began his career with Bull in 1985. During his they have hardly been consulted;
tenure with Bull, he sold application software,
hardware, and professional services, and he was
appointed as a Presidents Club Member in The top management is concerned
1990, an award given to the top 20 revenue about the scale of investments made
producers among a 2,000 world-wide sales force.
and the weak results obtained. The
In 1994, he joined Business Objects where he
was responsible for developing from scratch technicians are then stripped of
activities in Southern Europe, i.e., Italy, Spain, their pet project.
and Portugal. After three years in this role, the
region was generating ca 10% of Business
Objects worldwide revenues. From 1997 to 2000, Think of the emergence of the first
he was managing the marketing activities for generation CRM with Siebel in the
Business Objects France operations, helping the
role of the evangelizing power.
company transition to a recognized leadership in
the Internet arena. In 2001, he was offered the CIOs took up the subject, and
responsibility for coordinating the implementation invested millions in the
of Business Objects global sales process across
implementation of sophisticated
Europe. In todays economy, he believes that
disciplined execution to a consistent sales customer relations management
process has become the most critical ingredient to systems. Once served, sales reps, the
solid sales performance. With that in mind, he has
designated beneficiaries, shunned
been representing CustomerCentric Selling as
an Affiliate since 2003. the applications put at their
disposal. Despite change
management programs as expensive
as they are ineffective, the take-up rate has remained low. This, of course did not fail to
cause concern amongst general management, who were often forced to wipe a discreet

sponge - a write off - over the investments made for the project. CIOs were taken off the
case in favor of sales departments, which took a perverse pleasure in subscribing to
services like that require minimal intervention from IT experts.

Some would say that the problem is technical, that it's normal for an innovation to be
entrusted to the technicians first and that its dissemination within the organization
takes time. Another more fatalistic view is that it is a manifestation of a psychological
invariable. As for me, I see it as a sales problem.

In my view, the major reason that the first wave of implementation of a technological
innovation tends to break like a wave over the undertow is due to two equally
detrimental phenomena coming together:

On one hand, its unwarranted appropriation by the technicians

And on the other, the incompetence of sales reps.

In both cases, this results in too little consideration of the beneficiaries when putting
together the sale. Because for the sale of an innovative product to take place for the
benefit of everyone in the B2B environment, it is important that it be firmly grounded
on three main pillars:

the innovation is the object of desire for those who are its beneficiaries (principle
of desirability);

its operational implementation is guaranteed by technicians (principle of feasibility);

Economically, its implementation must represent a profitable investment (principle

of viability).

By trying too hard to seize control of the innovation as soon as it is released on the
market, the technicians forget to create the conditions for desire to emerge on the part of
the beneficiaries. By neglecting to involve the professions in the solution's design phases
in the conceptual sense of the word, they alienate the support of those who should
benefit most from it. As for the sales reps, they are content to address the technical
contacts and make "small-scale" sales because they didn't seek the perspective of those
who, beneficiaries or representatives of top management, are likely to appreciate both
the desirability and the economic viability of the initiative.

This is exactly what is happening now in the oh-so-promising "big data" market. In a
recent McKinsey report entitled Getting Big Impact from Big Data, David Court
highlights the barriers impeding the take-up of "Big Data" within organizations. I have
counted six, which are like so many symptoms of the repeated
"enthusiasm/disenchantment" cycle mentioned above:

The "data scientists" is the star player yet they remain rare and are often quite

Aggregating data from disparate sources presents complex integrity problems;

While the investments - particularly the maintenance costs of existing systems - are
high, "top management" is disappointed to see that these big data projects have not
yet resulted in a noticeable ROI;

Unfortunately, due to skill set disconnect and tool incompatibility between tech and
business oriented teams, data scientists often have no choice but to go along with the
tune of "give us the raw data, we'll extract the nuggets from it", thus alienating themselves
from the support of those who should be their biggest fans;

The "top management" is disappointed to see that, despite some initial outcomes
worthy of interest, the systems in place falter in comparison to the bombastic promises
associated with "big data";

Finally, the beneficiaries in the trades are put off by the "black box" aspect associated
with the implementation of the first "big data" applications. It is difficult for them to
build strategies on results whose origin they don't understand. The result: they tend to
fall back on driving blindfold, which has been more successful for them thus far.

We see it coming, the six impediments highlighted by McKinsey require a technical as

well as an original sales approach if we want to avoid giving up on a technology that is
full of promise.

Technically speaking, it is important to have a user-friendly "big data" application

generation environment to be put in the hands of the beneficiaries, namely the trades.
By manipulating the environment iteratively, they will be able to find out which
algorithms on which datasets can best explain a particular phenomenon (e.g. customer
defection) and how to exploit the results. It so happens that I am lucky to be working
with a company - Dataiku - that has made a positive decision to break down the
barriers in the design and implementation of "big data" applications.

When Dataiku decided to build Data Science Studio software - an advanced analytics
tool for the whole data team - they all agreed upon one undeniable truth: data teams are
diverse and often include data scientists and software engineers who share projects
with marketers and salespeople. That's why they decided to create a tool where analysts
can point, click, and build, developers and data scientists can code, and high-level data
consumers can visualize, enabling different skill sets to productively work together
using the tools and languages they know best to build end-to-end services that turn raw
data into business impacting predictions quickly.

But once again, I'd like to get back to the sales approach. The trick in complex sales, we
have seen, is to harmonize the perspectives of three types of stakeholders - the
beneficiaries who express the desire, the technicians who ensure feasibility, and the

economic decision-makers who look at economic viability. Neglecting one of the panels
of this triptych results in a situation of failure:

With the creation of a "chimera" in the event that you have omitted to take into account
the technical dimension;

With the creation of a "dancer" if you have neglected the economic viability panel;

Or worse, with the creation of a "false bargain," if you've simply obscured the
expression of desire in the mouths of the beneficiaries.

By putting the beneficiaries back at the center of the process - that is to say, in this case
by denying the jealous and exclusive grip of "data scientists" on the "big data" subject,
organizations give themselves the means to minimize the risk of disappointment on one
hand, and on the other hand to maximize the chances of seeing their investment bear
heavy, tasty fruit.

Hello, good sellers!

Note: Gartner, the research firm, has created a pretty awesome tool for accounting for
the now well-known hot-cold phenomenon characterizing the emergence of innovative
technologies on the market and their adoption by the organizations: the "hype curve". It
is no more nor less than a question of placing technological innovations on a curve
describing the five main phases of new technology take-up, namely:

The Innovation Trigger

The Peak of Inflated Expectations
The Trough of Disillusionment
The Slope of Enlightenment
The Plateau of Productivity

Today, according to the Gartner analysts, "big data" is in the process of beginning the
plunge into the abyss of disillusionment.

Find the focus

11. The Big Hole in Big Data by Colin Shaw

Much has been made about the

Colin Shaw
future of the Internet, of Customer
CEO, Beyond Philosophy relations, and of business
LinkedIn Contact interactions with customers. In fact,
at every conference I speak at, I hear
discussion about Big Data and how
Colin has been recognized by LinkedIn as one of it will help improve the Customer
the world's top 150 business influencers and by Experience the Big Data trend that
Brand Quarterly as one of the 'Top 50 Marketing
seems to be sweeping the globe.
Thought Leaders, over 50'. He now has 215,000
followers of his work. Thanks to the prominence of
powerful computers, analytics
Colin is Founder & CEO of Beyond Philosophy.
services, and entire companies
Without question Colin has helped shape the
whole Customer Experience industry. Under dedicated specifically to monitoring
Colin's leadership, Beyond Philosophy have Customer actions, there has never
helped many of the world's most prestigious
been more data available to
organizations improve their Customer Experience.
One client, Maersk Line, the worlds largest companies when it comes to
container shipping company, improved their net understanding how their Customers
promoter score by 40 points in 30 months.
shop, click, and work. In fact, these
programs alone have generated a
full 90% of all data in the world over the past two years.

That might sound impressive and, by volume, it certainly is quite impressive. The
problem with Big Data, though, is that it tells only one side of the story. The big hole in
big data is that there is no emotional data being collected. Over 50% of a Customer
Experience is about how a Customer feels and yet most organizations dont have a clue
how their Customers feel. This is a big, big hole! Big data lacks emotion, feeling, or
justification for WHY Customers behave in the way they do. While that data might be
useful in any number of ways, it will not help refine the Customer Experience beyond
potentially redesigning a website or asking a question in a slightly different way. This is
a big "hole" and it could leave businesses without a solid Customer Experience strategy
over time. To understand Customer emotions you need to understand Customer

behavior. You need to undertake specialized research such as our Emotional and
then design emotion into your Customer Experience.

The Problem with Actions: They Just Don't Tell the Whole Story
Relying solely on the
information gathered by Big
Data is like watching a group
of people from a relatively far
distance. It's possible to see
what they're doing while they
interact with each other and
engage in conversations, but
it's virtually impossible to
understand why they're
holding those conversations,
what are they feeling that drives their actions, what is the emotion underpinning those
conversations, and most importantly, how they'll determine the future behaviour of
each individual and the group at large. If the bystander was to walk toward the group
and attempt to join their conversation, they'd have no real way of working their
message in amongst those already being heard. They'd have no idea what the mood
was, or where to start.

This is essentially how Big Data works. At best, it attempts to capture what people do
from an emotional distance. It sees their actions, but not the reason why they are doing
what they do. For what it's worth, actions do mean something and they matter quite a
bit. A business with a high bounce rate on its landing pages, for instance, might
determine that Customer actions indicate a poor bit of marketing copy or a lousy call to
action. But in other environments, merely monitoring Customer actions doesn't mean
very much for the business' bottom line and their approach to the marketplace, you
need the insight to human behavior which is key.

A Secondary Hole in the Big Data Picture: Customer Experiences and Behavior

It's pretty tough for a business to optimize their services and their approach to the
marketplace if they don't understand why a Customer does what they do, and given we
are driven by feelings what is the emotion behind a Customer action. These actions can
be even harder for them to make the right strategic moves if they don't compensate for
prior negative experiences, behavioral patterns, and other factors that affect their
experience; everything from website clicks to in-person business interactions and even
things like takeout fast food service.

A good example is the typical Customer service phone line. Upon dialing, Customers
are greeted with a variety of options, which ask them to press two for sales, three for
service, and other options that segment calls and send them to the right department.
Customers, though, tend to hate these systems. Since their introduction, they've become
a point of frustration and a comedic punch line. The "just press zero for an operator"
trick is well known. How does Big Data record this? How can it tell the levels of
frustration a Customer may be having? How can it tell what a Customer would prefer?

Big Data, of course, would not show this. It would not compensate for these learned
behaviors and prior experiences all on its own. All the data would show is that a certain
number of Customers pressed zero for some reason, at some point in the call. The
business would then be left to draw its own conclusions, and they may very well be

It's Time to Start Tracking Emotional and Behavioral Responses

When we work with clients we look at their Emotional Signature and pair that with Big
Data, gaining additional insight into why Customers are taking a given action in
meaningful numbers, especially if that action is counter to the one that the business
thinks they should be taking. By pairing emotional response analysis and behavior
monitoring with more agnostic data, the Big Data landscape begins to become much
more useful. Essentially, it becomes possible to see both what a Customer is doing, and
why they're doing it.

There is more to the picture, though. Businesses need to work on fully defining their
Customer Experience from start to finish, both rationally and emotionally. One of the

best ways to learn about Customer emotions and plan for them is to decide which
emotion should most often be evoked by the company's marketing messages, websites,
Customer service professionals, and other key materials and points of contact.

Then mapping your customer experience, from an emotional perspective allows for
more robust testing of the experience via Big Data. Essentially, it allows for tests of
effectiveness and Customer satisfaction that provide illuminating insight into areas for
improvement and areas of success. Combined with Big Data, the future direction of a
business becomes much more obvious and far more meaningful.

Data is Just One Part of the Picture, and it Doesnt Speak for Itself
Businesses are fond of saying that the data "speaks for itself," but it actually doesn't do
that at all. Data speaks for a brief moment in time and it shows an action that was taken.
The speaking comes from Customer emotions, learned behaviors, and prior
experiences. Those things need to be more carefully monitored and analyzed so that
they become meaningful. When these things are combined with data, only then will the
data "speak," but certainly not on its own.

Companies looking to get the most out of their data services need to begin mapping the
Customer Experience, monitoring emotions, and gaining real insight into the minds and
thought processes of their Customers. It is in this area that the future of business truly

The Hadoop (open source software for distributed

computing) market is forecast to grow at a compound
annual growth rate58% surpassing $1 billion by 2020.

13. Big Data: Two Words That are Going to Change Everything by Ali Rabaie

There are two words that have been

Ali Rebaie
creating a lot of commotion for the
Data Science Advisor,
past few years in fields from
Industry Analyst, Keynote
Speaker business to philanthropy to
LinkedIn Contact government. No one seems to agree
precisely on how to define them,
Ali Rebaie is an internationally renowned Data but theres a consensus that its a
Science Advisor, Industry Analyst, and Keynote
concept that is going to change
Speaker who appeared in several lists of "Who's
Who in Big Data". He cofounded Data Aurora, a everything. The words are big
data science innovation services firm that builds data.
sensemaking tools to enable natives to tell stories,
predict, and navigate the world better. He is also a
senior School of Data where who have been training Big data disrupts every industry.
hundreds of data enthusiasts globally. At his
Healthcare, manufacturing,
advisory firm, Rebaie Analytics Group, Ali provided
big data vendors with constructive feedback on their marketing, telecoms, oil and gas,
offerings, marketing messages, roadmaps, etc and real estate, retail, fashion,
also led several data strategy projects for software
buyers of different industries. Ali is a committee transportation there is no industry
member in IEEE conferences and a jury member in not affected. There is even now a
leading data competitions. He is also an Advisory
Board member of Boulder BI Brain Trust (BBBT).
music band called Big Data!

The knife, the bow, the spear and

arrow, etc. provided the means of
success in the hunter age while in the agricultural age, the plow, the hoe, the tractor,
and the harvester provided a similar foundation. In the industrial age, it was the
factory, with standardized means of production, as well as ready access to resources,
capital, and markets that were the keys to wealth and power. In each age, successful
people and social entities who acquired the skills of the right resources were able to
enjoy a new standard of material living and social interaction. With the information age,
we started discussing the society of knowledge workers. Now, with big data age, the
skills we need are becoming meaning makers, patterns recognizers, empathizers. While
there has been plenty of focus over the past decade on the impact this deluge of data
has had on connectivity, productivity, and the democratization of knowledge, scientists

are just starting to uncover the many ways that this information can be mined for
patterns used to predict, shape and react to events happening in the real world. This
will eventually move us from predetermined questions to a world of narratives and
exploration that help us answer questions we did not know we had.

Now, lets play the Matryoshka doll toy. But hey, I have quiz for you. Can you fit the
large dolls inside the smaller dolls? Seriously? Lets see

When we talk about Materia/physical trace, all smaller dolls should physically fit in
the larger dolls but when smartphones were introduced, we were able to fit larger
devices into smaller ones. Indeed, the smartphone replaced a camcorder, Walkman,
calculator, tape recorder, GPS, AM/FM clock radio, and encompassed them into a
single, smaller device.

On the other hand, the data trace was just becoming larger. Smartphones today have
different sensors like motion/accelerometer, proximity, gyroscope, but eventually our
tiny doll is still small physically but generating more and more data. And its not just a
wooden toy anymore. Its a smart toy that knows so much about ourselves and our

Buckminster Fuller coined the term ephemeralization, which means our ability to do
more with less until eventually you can do everything with nothing, and when this
translates to being more efficient and accomplishing more work with less and less
materials, our entire economies will change. Thus, as we improve the ways we utilize
materials, we will need less of them.

This is being proven now through big data, where jet engines are decreasing in size
because of sensors that generate huge amounts of data regarding the engines
performance in order to improve its efficiency. In 1956, we needed to forklift a giant box
into a plane to transport only 5 megabytes of data. Today, we can store several
gigabytes of data with tiny flash modules. Boeing also introduced one of the strongest &
lightest materials known to science and is 99.99% air. In addition, iPhone 6 is
120,000,000 times faster than Apollo, the computer that landed us to the moon!

The ephemeralization of technology using big data and Internet of Things will continue
to move us from a material /physical trace to a data trace, and to gradually
replacing specific-purpose devices. This transition will be accelerated by todays
innovative nanotechnologies that are present.

To borrow an example from Viktor Mayer-Schnberger and Kenneth Cukiers book Big
Data, Walmarts analysts have trawled through the million-plus customer transactions
that are logged digitally by the chain every hour, and one of the many surprising micro-
trends they uncovered was that sales of Pop-Tarts spike just before a hurricane. Now,
whenever a storm is on the horizon, store managers put Pop-Tarts on display near the
entrance. The tweak worked: Walmart increased its profits, and while no one has come
up with a theory as to why inclement weather will provoke a craving for that particular
breakfast snack, no one needs to. On a big enough scale so the thinking goes the
numbers speak for themselves. As businesses start mastering the basics of big data, the
field is already changing around them growing and evolving rapidly. In the coming
years, businesses will be able to process data streams in real time and having them
power recommendation engines. Rather than getting analysts to make a business
decision based on past performance, the system will make automatic adjustments to the
way the business is run on the fly. To take the Walmart example, this means a hurricane
warning would automatically trigger an increased order of Pop-Tart stocks, without

any need for human intervention. Machines will understand us via our traces and
providing us with contextual personalized services. Programming these systems may
not be easy, but those who master them will have an edge.

Indeed, Big Data is going to change everything. Think about areas like ecology, sports,
agriculture etc...But the question remains, Can we do everything with nothing? Why
not? In the future, we might not even need a smart phone or watch at all.

By 2020, our accumulated digital universe of data will

grow from 4.4 zettabyets today to around 44
zettabytes, or 44trillion gigabytes.

14. What Social Media Analytics and Data Can't Tell You by Beth Kanter

I'm just back from the SXSW

Beth Kanter
Interactive Festival where I was on a
Trainer & Nonprofit
panel called "What Social Media
Innovator in networks,
learning, and social media Analytics Can't Tell You" moderated
LinkedIn Contact
by Alexandra Samuel of
Vision Critical, Jeremiah Owyang,

Beth Kanter is the author of Beths Blog: How

Crowd Companies, and Colby Flint,
Nonprofits Can Use Social Media, one of the longest Discovery Channel. We discussed
running and most popular blogs for nonprofits. Beth
how social media analytics can
has over 30 years working in the nonprofit sector in
technology, training, capacity building, evaluation, provide some great information on
fundraising, and marketing. Beth is an your existing social media
internationally recognized trainer who has developed
and implemented effective sector capacity building followers, but at the same time,
programs that help organizations integrate social there are gaps that need to be filled
media, network building, and relationship marketing
through other techniques.
best practices. Beth is an expert in facilitating online
and offline peer learning, curriculum development Alexandra gave an overview of the
based on traditional adult learning theory, and other methodology offered by her
instructional approaches. She has trained
thousands of nonprofits around the world. company, Vision Critical that
combines survey data from a large
sample with actual social media
usage. What this allows you to do is
see audience motivations and characteristics and how active they are on social channels,
whether they are lurkers or highly active social media users.

Jeremiah presented an overview of his study about the collaborative economy that
were currently living in. The report and infographic are here. Colby shared results
from a study on social TV study that looked at various patterns between social media
users and their TV viewing habits.

I presented some initial findings on a study that I did with Vision Critical's data and
large insight communities in both the US and Canada that compared the social media
activity levels of donors.

Good research starts with hypothesis generation. I queried colleagues Henry Timms
Giving Tuesday and Steve MacLaughlin BlackBlaud and others who work at nonprofits
with large scale online fundraising campaigns that have a robust social media
component. I asked them what would be most useful to find out? Lots of theories came
up: Is Slacktivism true? Donation triggers and channels transactions and more.

The overall hypothesis was: More social media activities equals more donations.
Active social media users have been labeled by nonprofits as Charity Slackvists." It
refers to someone who does something for a charity online that requires minimal
personal effort such as changing your Facebook status update. It is a pejorative term
that describes "feel-good" measures that have little or no practical effect other than to
make the person doing it take satisfaction from the feeling they have contributed. The
underlying assumption being promoted by the term is that these low cost efforts
substitute for more substantive actions like making a donation.

UNICEF Sweden launched an advertisement criticizing Facebook slacktivism and

calling for greater monetary support. UNICEF Sweden was the first major international
charity to come right out and say that people who actually want hungry, sick children
saved need to donate money and supplies -- not just virtual support. UNICEF Swedens
critique of charity slacktivism was an extreme case, but was their criticism warranted?
If the slacktivist theory was correct, wed expect to see a dramatic inverse relationship
between social media activity and charitable donations: the more actively someone uses
social, the less likely theyll donate. Thats not what we found. It is more of an on-ramp
to donations.

We found very little variation of donors based on their social media habits and activity
levels. 59% of the survey sample reported making a donation to a charity in the last
year, consistent with the 58% of the total population from the benchmarking study that
Vision Critical did. Facebook users who like fewer pages on Facebook may be slightly
more likely than the average to donate (72%), but once you factor in age, social media
users are no more or less likely to be donors.

But does that onramp of active social media users who do donate lead to a pot gold at
the end of the rainbow? The survey data said, not really. The total average amount of
charitable giving for donors (per year) is very comparable between social media users
and the general population, and doesnt vary by usage no matter how active or
inactive someone is on social, they tend to give the same amount over the course of the

So, that does that mean nonprofits should give up on active social media users as a
fundraising target?

No. When we looked at who is moved to donate after encountering a charity via a social
media channel, there is a positive relationship between the level of social media use and
propensity to go from social to donation. Active social media users are donating. The
chart shows that the more someone uses FB, the more likely they are to have made a
social-inspired donation, especially those who frequently update FB status or like a lot
of pages, less so with those who have a large number of friends.

This finding is the gold in the study. These more active social media users are NEW
donors to the charity. This data look at whether the donor was new to the charity or a
repeat donor and their social media activity on Facebook and you can see that people
with who have a lot of friends, update frequently, and like a lot of pages tend to be new
donors to the charity. I dont know about you, but I dont hear nonprofits complaining
about having too many new donors. Social continues to be an undervalue cultivation
channel for new donors.

On the survey, we
asked people if they shared an appeal for donations to a charity. Not surprisingly, the
more often people post to FB, the more likely they are to post something about the

charity they supported with that donation. But whats really important is that the more
active they are on FB, the more likely it is that whatever theyve posted is going to be a
specific appeal for donations. It is a virtuous circle. If you get them to donate, they will
share and solicit people in their network.
There are some preliminary findings from this study. Stay tuned for a fuller release of
the data, along with an infographic.

These findings have the following implications, which arent obvious when you rely on
conventional social media analytics, where those less-active social media users
disappear. There are significant differences between these different groups, which
nonprofits need to recognize:

Most crucially: let go of the slacktivism theory. Your most active social
audience is valuable to you not just for their posts, but for their dollars.
Social media is a channel to acquire new donors, but be sure to use social to engage and
connect with them.
If you arent urging your donors to post about you when they donate, youre missing a
huge opportunity. While the majority of more active social media users (those who post
at least once every other day) will go ahead and post anyhow, only a third of less-active
users promote the charities they supporteven if theyve made a social-media inspired

What do you think?

If we have data, lets look at data. If all we have are

opinions, lets go with mine. Jim Barksdale, former CEO
of Netscape Communications Corporation.

15. Big Data, Great! Now What Do We Do With It? by Ken Kring

Take three groups of people. Have

Ken Kring
each of them assemble the exact
Principal at Profit same jigsaw puzzle.
Optimization Through
Integrated Thinking
LinkedIn Contact The first group with the puzzle
pieces face down
Ken is a principal at Profit Optimization through
The second group with the
Integrated thinking. He developed Business Strategy
Mapping (Kring Strategy Mapping) framework. Ken puzzle pieces face up
is a strategist and business planner that integrates
marketing, finance and operations to best influence The third group with the puzzle
and manage consumer behaviors and employee
behaviors in a profitable way. pieces face up, and with a copy of
the puzzle box lid

Which group is going to be happier,

faster, the most productive?

The group with the puzzle box lid!

Why does the puzzle box lid help make people happier, faster, more productive?
Because the puzzle box lid allows them to all share the same picture. The same picture
of how what they are working on, fits together. When people share the same image of
how it all fits together, it is much easier for them to work in unison toward a shared

Why don't we do this with Big Data in business? Why don't we put all of the data
together, into the flow of the business? So that people can see: given the flow of
business, where they fit, how they link up and how they affect the whole. Why haven't
we already been doing this for decades?

Part of the reason is that business schools teach business in functional silos. A
marketing silo. A finance silo. An operations silo. And while business silos are great, for
the efficiencies they bring, you can't get those efficiencies any other way, business does

cut across silos to get actual work done. So for goodness sake, wouldn't it be useful to
show people how business flows across the silos to get reality based work done?

In the absence of knowing how Big Data, fits together. How Big Data fits into the flow
of business. People resort to displaying data in dis-integrated ways. Ways that at times
seem disjointed and confusing. Sometimes the data is shared as a list of key
performance indicators (KPIs). Leaving everyone reading the list to determine on their
own, how all the metrics fit together. Or the data is shared as a dashboard of gages. The
dashboard often doesn't give you a sense as to how all of these things fit together. Or as
a business scorecard.

The challenge with presenting data in this less than integrated way, is that your team is
left to wonder:
Is this number supposed to be 5 times higher than this other number?
How do these two numbers relate to each other?
And how do those two numbers fit together with all the other numbers?
"How do our jobs fit together to best drive the business with these metrics?"
"Wait a minute, how are we supposed to prioritize all of this?!?!"

So then, how do we better leverage the data? How do we make our people, happier,
faster, more productive? How do we build our "puzzle box lid"?

To intuitively derive the solution more easily, it is useful to think about the similarities
between all the business data it is possible to collect, and Seurat's oil painting of a
Sunday afternoon in a park.

Seurat painted in dots. He painted in "data points". When you stand with your nose an
inch away from Seurat's painting, all you see is a bunch of dots. It is only when you take
a step back, that you see the patterns that the dots make. A pond. A woman with a
parasol. And for some reason, a little monkey. This is what data is. A series of dots.
However, if you put the dots together and take a step back, you can see the business
patterns the dots make.

I discovered how to put the business dots into a useful pattern, when working with a
CEO a number of years ago. During a conversation he said, "How do you think we
should best grow the company". Having thought about this for a while, I quickly gave
him a number of ideas. He paused and thought about it and then said, "What I really
need to do, is figure out how to best invest in the company." When I quickly went to
modify my recommendations, it occurred to me that the question of "how to best grow"
is very different than "how to best invest".

How this framework was derived and its many uses, are subjects that take up more
room than will practically fit into this article. If you would like more details and
examples, please see the book "Business Strategy Mapping - The power of knowing
how it all fits together".

In the shortened version of what transpired, when I sat down to provide the answer
"how to best invest in the company" it was necessary to first understand how business
flows from potential to profitability and the points in between. Profitability for both the
customer and the company. Because if one of them doesn't "win", neither wins. Because
one will walk away from the other.

This general flow is helpful. It allows us to see the overall flow of the business. But how
do we fit the data into the flow? How do we fit data into the flow so we can see the
patterns made by the data. The patterns that tell us incredibly useful things. Thing
about the flow of the business. Where we are doing well and where the opportunities
are. How to prioritize putting effort into optimizing the flow. How to best invest in the
flow, in the business. Which people are going to need to be involved, in which pieces of,
which portions of the flow.

After working on this for years, the fundamental pattern below appeared. The pattern
of how a business, business units, products and projects, flow from potential to
profitability and the points in between. When you populate the flow below, with your
objectives, the initiatives that support the objectives, and the metrics that come from the
initiatives, you get a wonderfully rich picture as to how the business flows.

Years ago I was working with a data architect named Chris. Over lunch he told me . . .

"Ken, right now we do thousands of reports. We probably only need to do hundreds of

reports. This is because we are treated like punch press operators. Like order takers. We
get a request for a report. We generate the report. Then we deliver the report. Using
your business strategy mapping framework, we can deliver not only what senior
management is asking for in a report, but what it is they really need."

Later he told me . . .

"Because we sit over the top all of the data, we are the ones closest to it, all we needed to
do is apply a thin veneer of how the business flows, over the top of it all. We now know
how it all fits together. We are now going from order takers to intellectual leaders. We

are now even being brought into projects earlier, because we know how the data fits

People have said that this should be taught in business schools. To show students how
all of their classes fit together. It should actually be taught in high schools. So that high
schools students have a better idea as to how: objectives, marketing, finance, operations
and customers all fit together. It is not that hard. It fits on a restaurant placemat and is
suitable for coloring.

Facebook users send on average 31.25 million

messages and view 2.77 million videos every minute.

16. Decoding Buzzwords: Big Data, Predictive Analytics, Business Intelligence by
Cindy Gordon

One can get easily confused in

Dr. Cindy Gordon
discussing predictive analytics, or
CEO SalesChoice Inc. business intelligence, then adding

LinkedIn Contact the term big data in the mix. With

this market being so enormous with
many claims of unparalleled
Cindy is the CEO and Founder of competitive edge, a few simple
She is a global thought leader in disruptive insights around the market
innovation and SaaS. She wrote first SaaS book
with the CEO and Founder of WebEx Subrah Iyar. playbook can help us all learn more
She is also the author of 14 books on SaaS, Big rapidly.
Data, Collaboration, etc. She won the Governor
General Award in Canada for Innovation Leadership.
What is business intelligence (BI)?
Cindy is a former, National Chair and Founder for Forrester Research defines BI as a
Women in Technology (WIT) with CATA and a
set of methodologies, processes,
former National Chair, Equity Crowd Funding Efforts
for CATA architectures, and technologies that
transform raw data into meaningful
and useful information used to
enable more effective strategic, tactical, and operational insights and decision-making.

There are two parts to BI:

Data preparation, which gathers data from different databases and platforms into a
consolidated data set and
Data usage, which covers reports, dashboards, and advanced visualizations.

What is predictive analytics?

Predictive analytics is more complex and requires advanced skills in engineering,
coming from diverse backgrounds in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning,
advanced mathematics, and advanced statistics.

One could argue that this is a sub-segment of the business intelligence market.

However, one would find the traditional approaches BI to be very model centric, with
high professional service costs, versus being in the cloud, plug it in, cost-effective, and
securing rapid predictive insights in real-time.

These are fundamental differences in what is happening:

Predictive analytics uses artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms on data
sets to predict outcomes. It does not guarantee an outcome but, rather, a statistical
Predictive analytics extracts information from existing data sets to determine patterns
and predict future outcomes and trends.
Applied to business, predictive models are used to analyze current data and historical
facts in order to better understand customers, products and partners and to identify
potential risks and opportunities for a company.

What is big data?

Big data is the term for a collection of data sets that are so large and complex that it
becomes difficult to process using on-hand database management tools or traditional
data processing applications. The challenges include: capture, curation, storage, search,
sharing, transfer, analysis and visualization.

With increasingly pervasive big data environments, companies must not only sense the
present, but also see the future and proactively shape it to their advantage.

The market for data is exploding, just a few factoids:

7 zetabytes of data exist in the digital universe today.

The Obama administration is investing $200 million in big data research projects.
IDC estimates that by 2020, business transactions on the Internet, both for business-to-
business and business-to-consumer, will reach 450 billion per day.
Facebook stores, accesses, and analyzes 30+ petabytes of user-generated data.
More than 5 billion people are calling, texting, tweeting and browsing on mobile phones
Decoding the human genome originally took 10 years to process; now it can be achieved
in one week.

Experts point to a 4300 per cent increase in annual data generation by 2020.

How big is the predictive analytics market?

McKinsey & Company is making claims that predictive analytics in big data can mean
10 per cent continued annual growth rate (CAGR) to companies. Bottom line you
cannot afford to have a business plan that doesnt leverage big data and predictive
analytics. A few market factoids:

The market for predictive analytics software is estimated to be worth US$2 billion
today, and is expected to exceed US$3 billion in 2017 (Pauler Group, 2013).

Other market research reports forecast the market for predictive analytics software to
reach USD 6,546.4 million globally by 2019. The market growth is driven by increased
demand for customer intelligence and fraud and security intelligence software.

Cloud hosted predictive analytics software solution is seen as an emerging market and
is expected to drive growth in the near future. Globally, the predictive analytics market
was valued at USD 2,087.3 million in 2012 and is forecast to grow at 17.8% CAGR from
2013 2019 (Transparency Market Research, 2013).

This blog post has defined business intelligence, predictive analytics and big data. A
simple way to remember these terms is: business intelligence is simply about making
more informed business decisions by analyzing data. predictive analytics is more
advanced intelligence, using advanced methods to predict and forecast future
outcomes, risks or scenarios.

Big data solutions simply consumes volumes of data that are enormous in size, and
helps detect very complex patterns that are very difficult to see, without massive data
stores being analyze. At the end of the day, this market is in evolution and segments of
the market like predictive analytics, or cloud predictive analytics (simple delivered in
SaaS or cloud models) are in rapid growth mode, compared to traditional BI Vendors,
who are scrambling to up their game, as the data challenge has just got up a smarter
notch in the industry.

Support your data centric strategy

17. The Case Against Quick Wins in Predictive Analytics Projects by Greta

When beginning a new predictive

Greta Roberts
analytics project, the client often
CEO & Co-founder, mentions the importance of a
Talent Analytics, Corp.
quick win. It makes sense to
LinkedIn Contact
think about delivering fast results,
in a limited area, that excites
important stakeholders and gains
Greta Roberts is an acknowledged influencer in the
field of predictive workforce analytics. Since co- support and funding for more
founding Talent Analytics in 2001, Greta has predictive projects. A great goal.
established Talent Analytics, Corp. as the globally
recognized leader in predicting employee
performance, pre-hire. Through recognition of her Its the implementation of the quick
commitment and leadership, Greta was elected and
win in a predictive project that can
continues to be Chair of Predictive Analytics World
for Workforce. Additionally, she is a Faculty Member be difficult. There are at least 2
with the International Institute for Analytics (IIA) and challenges with using a traditional
an Analytics Certification Board Member of
INFORMS. quick win approach to predictive
analytics projects.

Challenge #1: Predicting Something That Doesnt Get Stakeholders Excited

Almost daily I hear of another predictive project that was limited in scope and allowed
people to dip their toe in the predictive water and get a quick win. The problem was
the results of the project predicted something stakeholders didn't care about or couldnt
take action on.

Examples include the following:

Predicting which Colleges and Universities yield the highest performers.

The problem with this quick win is that results of this prediction can lead to questions
around - are they also the most expensive schools? Does only a certain economic class of
person attend these schools.

Using these predictions opens up discussions of economic discrimination, making HR
and executives nervous. They often decide to ignore their newfound ability to predict
performance, they dont implement the prediction and the project doesnt advance the
case for more predictive projects.

Predicting a Middle Measure Like Engagement

The problem with this quick win? While HR thought the project was a winner, project
results got no excitement from business stakeholders and didnt advance the goal of
gaining additional support and resources for more predictive projects.

Executives have seen little or no correlation between engagement and actual business
results at their own firm. Imagine trying to sell the VP of Sales on predicting
engagement of their sales reps. At the end of the day their employees arent hired to be
engaged, they are hired to do their job and sell.

Challenge #2. Quick Wins Shouldnt Mean Tiny Data

In non-analytics projects youre able to do a pilot with a small amount of people and
data. You can focus on a small piece, a sample, something light, less expensive, less
risky and less time consuming before you fully commit.
An example would be piloting a piece of software. You could install it for a small
number of people and gain their feedback before making a broader commitment. Pilots
work great for small sample sizes and testing things with just a few people.
When you think about predictive analytics projects, though you want a quick win,
you still need to find a project with enough data to conduct a great predictive
experiment. To be predictive your models need to find patterns, and patterns require
enough data. It doesnt make sense to do a predictive analytics pilot on tiny a bucket of

Rather than reducing the amount of data, wed rather see you reduce the scope of the

An example: Instead of doing a predictive analytics pilot project to predict flight risk for
all jobs in the Chicago office, maybe it would yield better results to keep the scope small
and targeted by predicting flight risk for a single role that has a lot of people in it.
Ask your data scientist for their guidance on how to frame your quick win project to
keep the project scope smaller, while giving the data scientist a reasonable amount of
data to optimize your chance for success.

For your predictive projects, quick isnt enough of a win. Instead, you want a quick,
implementable and exciting win that people care about.
The only way to get a quick, exciting win is to start with a project that predicts
something that either saves or makes money for your company. Find a project that
solves an existing business problem. Remember what predicting does for your
organization. Accurate predictions do a better job at decision making so that you have
better end results. End results are the only thing that will get people excited and will be

Think of banks that try to predict whether or not to give you a mortgage. They want
to do a better job of extending credit only to people that can pay their mortgages.
Theyre not doing this to predict who will be engaged as a customer.

All your predictive projects should be ones where you are saving or making money. Do
a project where you can demonstrate that your model worked and saved money on an
important measure. Often this is a line of business problem, not an HR problem.
Results are the only kind of win that will get business stakeholders excited and move
your efforts forward.

The data volumes are exploding, more data has been

created in the past two years than in the entire
previous history of the human race.

18. How Many of Us Think Big Data is Big BS? by Ali Syed

Digital world is continuously

Ali Syed
churning vast amount of data which
Founder and Chief Data is getting ever vaster ever more
Scientist rapidly. Some analysts are saying
LinkedIn Contact that we are producing more than 200
exabytes of data each year. We've
Ali is founder of Persontyle, a data science center of heard this so many times that
excellence, and chief data scientist at Recognition, a managed well, this (big) data can be
global machine intelligence and IOT studio. He is
passionately committed to collaborating with used to unlock new sources of
thinkers, designers, makers, leaders and outliers to economic value, provide fresh
build a sustainable world (data science social
change) and better future.
insights into science, hold
governments to account, spot
business trends, prevent diseases,
combat crime and so on.
Over the past decade (noughties), we have witnessed the benefits of data from
personalized movie recommendations to smarter drug discovery- the list goes on and
on. Joe Hellerstein, a computer scientist from University of California in Berkeley, called
it the industrial revolution of data. The effect is being felt everywhere, from business
to science, from government to the society.

"You are thus right to note that one of the impetuses is that social as well as cultural,
economic and political consequences are not being attended to as the focus is primarily
on analytic and storage issues." Evelyn Ruppert, Editor Big Data and Society

the same time this data deluge is resulting in deep social, political and economic
consequences. What we are seeing is the ability to build economies form around the
data and that to me is the big change at a societal and even macroeconomic level. Data
has become the new raw material: an economic input almost on a par with capital and

Organizations need data from multiple systems to make decisions. Need data in easy to
understand, consistent format to enable fast understanding and reaction. They are now
trying to capture every click because storage is cheap. Customer base is harder to define
and constantly changing. While all this is happening expectation is to have the ability to
answer questions quickly. Everyone is saying Reports dont satisfy the need any

The global economy has entered in the age of volatility and uncertainty; a faster pace
economic environment that shifts gears suddenly and unexpectedly. Product life cycles
are shorter and time to market is shorter. Instant gratification society, society which
expects quick answers and more flexibility more than ever. Consequently, the world of

business is always in the midst of a shift, required to deal with the changing economic
and social realities.

The combination of dealing with the complexities of the volatile digital world, data
deluge, and the pressing need to stay competitive and relevant has sharpened focus on
using data science within organizations. At organizations in every industry, in every
part of the world, business leaders wonder whether they are getting true value from the
monolithic amounts of data they already have within and outside their organizations.
New technologies, sensors and devices are collecting more data than ever before, yet
many organizations are still looking for better ways to obtain value from their data.
Strategic ability to analyze, predict and generate meaningful and valuable insights from
data is becoming top most priority of information leaders a.k.a CIOs. Organizations
need to know what is happening now, what is likely to happen next and, what actions
should be taken to get the optimal results. Behind rising expectations for deeper
insights and performance is a flood of data that has created an entirely new set of assets
just waiting to be applied. Businesses want deeper insights on the choices, buying
behaviors and patterns of their customers. They desire up to date understanding of
their operations, processes, functions, controls and seek information about the financial
health of their entire value chain, as well as the socio economic and environmental
consequences of both near term and distant events.

Every day I wake up and ask, how can I flow data better, manage data better, analyse data
better? Rollin Ford - CIO of Wal-Mart

Although business leaders have realized there's value in data, getting to that value has
remained a big challenge in most businesses. Friends in industry have cited many
challenges, and none can be discounted or minimized: executive sponsorship of data
science projects, combining disparate data sets, data quality and access, governance,
analytic talent and culture all matter and need to be addressed in time. In my
discussions with business executives, I have repeatedly heard that data science
initiatives aligned to a specific organizational challenge makes it easier to overcome a
wide range of obstacles.

Data promises so much to organizations that embrace it as essential element of their
strategy. Above all, it gives them the insights they need to make faster, smarter and
relevant decisions in a connected world where to understand and act in time means
survival. To derive value from data, organizations needs an integrated insight
ecosystem of people, process, technology and governance to capture and organize a
wide variety of data types from different sources, and to be able to easily analyze it
within the context of all the data.

We are all convinced that data as a fabric of the digital age underpins everything we do.
It's part and parcel of our digital existence, there is no escape from it. What is required
is that we focus on converting big data into useful date. We now have the tools and
capabilities to ask questions, challenge status quo and deliver meaningful value using
data. In my opinion, organizations and business leaders should focus more on how to
minimize the growing divide between those that realize the potential of data, and those
with the skills to process, analyze and predict from it. It's not about data, it's about
people. The real innovation in big data is human innovation.

"The truth is, that we need more, not less, data interpretation to deal with the onslaught of
information that constitutes big data. The bottleneck in making sense of the worlds most
intractable problems is not a lack of data, it is our inability to analyse and interpret it all." -
Christian Madsbjerg

Im sure, the highest capacity of storage device, will not

enough to record all our stories; because, everytime with
you is very valuable data. Aditia Rinaldi

19. So You Can Predict the Future. Big deal. Now Change It by Alex Cosmas

Its time for us to push the envelope

Alex Cosmas
as a data science community. Weve
Chief Scientist and Principal proven our ability to find the most
at Booz Allen Hamilton
obscure of facts (e.g., humans share
LinkedIn Contact
50% of their DNA with
bananas). Weve uncovered patterns
Analytics executive specialized in building, training in untamable datasets that lead to
and deploying top-pedigree data science teams ground-breaking insights. Weve
across global commercial and government
enterprises. Recognized expert in predictive even learned how to predict the
modeling and decision optimization. future.
But that is no longer enough. Our
Demonstrated experience aligning and driving line-
of-business strategies with the analytics use-cases audiences want to know why things
that maximize existing resources at Fortune 1000s. are happening, and more notably,
Success developing the business cases that justify
additional investments in technology and analytics how to change the futures we
talent as a differentiated competitive advantage. predict. They want the identification
of root causes, typically the product
of human reasoning and
experience. Influence requires interventionand
intervention requires an understanding of the
rules of a system. That requires causalrather
than simply observationalinference.
While we always heed the old adage correlation
does not imply causation, many data scientists
lack the understanding of the specific conditions
under which it is acceptable to derive causal
interpretations from correlations in observational

How can we isolate the effect of a drug treatment, a marketing campaign, or a policy
from observational data? We dont always have the opportunity to run a prospective
trial with randomized assignmentthe gold standard for causal interpretation.
Sometimes all we have to work with is whats already happened. The Neyman-Rubin
causal model provides us a baseline framework for causal inference, but given the
unavoidable imperfections of experimental design and data collection, we must address
the prevalence of covariates and confounders. We can treat covariates through
statistical matching methods, like propensity score matching or Mahalanobis distance
computation. Furthermore, Judea Pearls do-calculus enables the treatment of
confounders through statistical intervention.

The million-dollar question is: can we machine-learn causality? Getting causal is no

small feat. But its not insurmountable. Today, we are able to employ heuristics
alongside machine-learned models to eliminate causation. For example:
1. Causes and effects must demonstrate mutual information (or Pearsons correlation in
linear models) i.e. observation of random variable X (cause) must reduce the
uncertainty of Y (effect)
2. Temporalization: causes must occur before effects. This is obvious, but incredibly
powerful in eliminating causality. Simultaneous observation of random variables (e.g.,
rainfall and a wet lawn) is often simply a limitation in the fidelity of data collection.
3. Networks of cause and effect: multiple effects of the same cause cannot demonstrate
partial information flow. For example, we cannot observe multiple lawnssome wet
and some notand conclude that rainfall is the exclusive root cause. Instead, there is
either an additional (perhaps latent) cause or rainfall is not the cause.

If we dont have mutual information, proper temporalization, and a single cause, we
know we cant approach causality. But, as we recall from standardized exams, the
process of elimination often leads to the correct answer.

We, as data scientists, will continue to be called upon to solve the world's toughest
problems. We cannot get away with relying upon machine-learning to do machine-
thinking. To earn our place in the science community, we must become stewards of the
scientific methodof theory formulation and scientific reasoning. In other words, we
must become truth-seekers, not simply fact-seekers.

This year, over 1.4 billion smart phones will be shipped all
packed with sensors capable of collecting all kinds of data, not
to mention the data the users create themselves.

20. Best Practices in Lead Management and Use of Analytics by Marianne Seiler

Pick up any article on the critical

Marianne Seiler, Ph.D.
issues facing B2B marketing and
Faculty, Predictive Analytics
sales executives today and lead
at Northwestern University
management will be listed. This
LinkedIn Contact
critical process of identifying,
capturing, qualifying, nurturing and
Marianne specializes in helping companies drive closing sales opportunities is the
growth through the application of analytics. She fuel for fiscal growth. Despite its
focuses on restructuring organizations, re-
importance, most executives admit
engineering processes, implementing enabling
technologies and establishing performance metrics their firms do a miserable job at
necessary to convert analytic insights into market managing sales opportunities.

At Northwestern, Marianne teaches in the Masters in

Predictive Analytics program. Her courses focus on
the application of analytics to business and Lead management is the closed-loop
customer strategy. Prior to joining Northwestern, process which accelerates sales growth
Marianne worked for Accenture where she led the through demand generation, lead
firms work in distribution, marketing and sales scoring, lead nurturing, lead
analytics for Financial Services firms. Additionally, distribution and sales pipeline
she created Accentures perspective, methodology optimization of opportunities among
and tools on analytics-driven lead management and new, existing and former customers.
worked with clients across industries to optimize
their demand generation process.

In recent years, with advances in

CRM, sales and lead nurturing
software and access to new data sources, firms have begun applying analytics to
improve lead management. Sadly, for many companies, their efforts have not been

Based on client engagements and student conversations, it seems when lead

management analytics goes wrong, it frequently starts at lead scoring. As lead scoring
is the second stage of this highly interconnected process, its weaknesses are carried
forward corrupting the analytics in lead nurturing, distribution and pipeline

Lead scoring problems often arise from either: (1) failure to apply analytics
comprehensively in lead scoring; (2) failure to create a holistic lead analytic record; (3)
or failure to apply data thoughtfully throughout the lead scoring process.

First, to be effective, analytics needs to be integrated into each of the five key steps in
lead scoring. When analytics is not fully present, scoring of leads is based largely on
business rules/judgement. The interpretation of these rules can be very loosely applied,
resulting in Sales having little faith in the process. Many times, sales re-qualifies the
lead when it is received from the lead nurturing process costing the company time and

Second, firms need to develop a lead analytic record as the basis for their scoring
activities. Lead analytic records provide a rich set of information on all aspects of a
lead. This includes lead:
1. Opportunity: lead source, date, campaign, product, line of business, etc.
2. Contact: person generating the lead, their role/responsibility, education, number
of years with their firm, etc.
3. Company: company the lead contact works for, history as a customer, industry,
financial status, size, geography, etc.
4. Account Relationship: years as a customer, share of wallet, product held,
profitability of the account, etc.

Finally, companies need to bring external and internal data to the modeling process in a
thoughtful manner. Data has associated costs in collection, cleansing, matching and
potentially licensing. Methodically considering data elements and adding them when
they bring the most value improves model quality and lead management analytics ROI.

Lead Scoring Steps Sample data . . . .

Aggregation & Data Hygiene DUNS #; company name; address; business phone; etc.
Contact title; responsibility; purchase history; company budget; decision
timeframe; etc.
Company revenue; # employees; years in business; account sales, margin, cost
Scoring & Ranking
to serve, customer profitability; account quote / purchase history; etc.
Contact buyer preferences; account buyer preferences; industry / segment
needs / value propositions; account competitor data; etc.

Attention to these key challenges will not only improve lead scoring effectiveness but
also enhance the performance of lead nurturing, distribution and pipeline optimization.

Find the right metrics for your data


21. Integrated Information Architecture for Real-time Analytics by Madan Gopal

Madan Gopal The Challenge

CTO, Texas State Information architecture has
Department of Health become an explosive challenge for
LinkedIn Contact many IT organizations. In the past,
database design, system
architecture, even security and
Madan brings over 20 years of professional
identity and access management
experience that contains a unique combination of
advanced engineering, scientific and healthcare were all centered on data collection
knowledge and cutting-edge, state-of-the-art, for organizations. It was generally
information technology leadership and problem-
solving skills. His diverse experience ranges from assumed that the downstream
hands-on research and development of engineering classical data warehouse
instruments to multimillion dollar systems
architecture, along with its
implementation that resulted in merit awards and
recognition in 3 different states in the USA. supporting enterprise
transformation and loading (ETL)
processes, would provide the
necessary solutions for reporting and analytics. That process has worked for canned,
static reports and extracts; but resulted in stale, conflicting information glut that could
not answer most of the immediate pressing questions that C-level executives needed
answers for. In fact, the decline of IT from a profit center to a cost center is intertwined
with the failure and of data architectures to deliver on business needs.

Along came Big Data and its exhilarating promise of read-only schema with massive,
scalable, parallel hardware architecture that would allow for all types of data and
information to flow at light speed to be accessed, analyzed and utilized for maximum
benefit at will. However, this illuminated ray of information and insight has to pass
through the gravity of existing data solar systems, data silo black holes and other
extremely powerful constraining forces that most definitely bend the information flow
and sometimes even stop it completely.

The Solution

The return of information technology as a profit center for an organization, depends
critically on its ability to provide accurate, timely answers to critical real-time questions
from executives and decision makers. However, the future of the organization itself
depends on its ability to learn in real-time, reasonably predict the near future trends,
and develop prescriptive solutions to service its stakeholders and customers.

The integrated information architecture has to address and balance the triple constraints
of scope (what information is needed?), quality (how to ensure its accuracy?) and cost
(how to deliver it most efficiently and sustainably?). However, the scope for this
architecture really focuses on what all the different data sources are that must be linked
and streamlined to answer the questions being asked most accurately. That is the real
crux of integration architecture.

The solution involves both technology and business process discipline as shown in
Figure 1.

Existing transactional and analytical data stores must be combined with new NoSQL

databases and Hadoop platform to allow old and new data to coexist simultaneously.
The architecture must allow for gateway service and message brokers for data
interfaces and exchanges, data mapping and conversion, and storage. It must also
include web and mobile applications for data collection and unstructured data from the
wbe. All these data must be governed and managed using Master Data Management
and reference data standards, data governance and change management. Despite its
importance, most executives admit their firms do a miserable job at managing sales

Getting information off the Internet is like taking a

drink from a firehose. Mitchell Kapor

22. The Practice of Data Science: Investigating Data Scientists, Their Skills and
Team Makeup by Bob E. Hayes

The Practice of Data Science

Bob E. Hayes

Chief Research Officer, Our world of Big Data requires that

AnalyticsWeek businesses, to outpace their
LinkedIn Contact competitors, optimize the use of
their data. Understanding data is
about extracting insights from the
Bob is the principal at Business over
Broadway (B.O.B.) and is Chief Research Officer data to answer questions that will
at AnalyticsWeek. He is considered an influencer in help executives drive their business
Big Data and likes to solve problems using the
forward. Executives try to answer a
scientific method. His interests are at the
intersection of customer experience, Big Data and variety of questions. Do we invest in
analytics. He conducts research in these areas and products or services to improve
provides consultation services to companies to help
them optimize the value of their data through proper customer loyalty? Would we get
integration and analysis. He holds a PhD in greater ROI by hiring more staff or
industrial-organizational psychology with an
emphasis on research and quantitative methods. He
invest in new equipment? The
has written three books (TCE: Total Customer answers to these questions often
Experience; Beyond the Ultimate
rely on the fundamentals of data
Question; Measuring Customer Satisfaction and
Loyalty) to help companies apply appropriate science. Data science is a way of
analytics to their customer data. figuring out how the world (or
business) really works; data science
is more a way of thinking than it is a
body of knowledge.

Getting insights from data is no simple task, often requiring data science experts with a
variety of different skills. Many pundits have offered their take on what it takes to be a
successful data scientist. Required skills include expertise in business, technology and
statistics. In an interesting
study published by O'Reilly,
researchers (Harlan D.
Harris, Sean Patrick
Murphy and Marck
Vaisman) surveyed several
hundred practitioners,
asking them about their
proficiency in 22 different
data skills. Confirming the
pundits' list of skills, these
researchers found that data
skills fell into five broad
areas: Business, ML / Big
Data, Math / OR,
Programming and Statistics.

Data Skills Study Sample

We invited data
professionals from a variety
of sources, including
AnalyticsWeek community
members and social media
(e.g., Twitter and LinkedIn),
to complete a short
survey, asking them about their proficiency across different data skills, education, job
roles, team members, satisfaction with their work outcomes and more. We received 490
completed survey responses.
Figure 1. Proficiency in Data Science Skills
Most of the respondents
were from North America (68%), worked for B2B companies (79%) with less than 1000

employees (53%) in the IT, Financial Services, Education/Science, Consulting and
Healthcare & Medicine (68%). Males accounted for 75% of the sample. A majority of the
respondents held 4-year (30%), Masters (49%) or PhD (18%) degrees.

Data Science Skills

Data science is an umbrella term, under which different skills fall. We identified 25 data
skills that make up the field of data
science. They fall into five
broad areas: 1) Business, 2)
Technology, 3) Programming, 4)
Math & Modeling and 5) Statistics.
Respondents were asked to indicate
their level of proficiency for each of
25 different skills, using a scale from
0 (Dont know) to (Expert).

Proficiency levels varied widely

across the different skills (see Figure
1). The respondents reported a high
degree of competency in such areas
as Communications, Structured
data, Data mining, Science/Scientific
Method and Math. The respondents
indicated a low degree of
competency in such areas as
Systems Administration, Front- and
Figure 2. Job Roles of Data Professionals
Back-end programming, NLP, Big
and distributed data and Cloud Management.

Job Roles

Respondents were asked to indicate which of four options best described themselves
and the work they do (e.g., job role). Over half indicated their primary job role was a
Researcher, followed by Business
Management, Creative and Developer (see
Figure 2.).

Most of the respondents identified with

only one primary job role (49%). About
32% indicated they had two job roles.
About 14% indicated they had three job
roles and 4% indicated they had all four
job roles.

Looking at data professionals who selected

only one job role, we examined their
satisfaction with the outcomes of their
analytics projects (see Figure 3.). The
results showed that data professionals
who identify as Researchers reported
significantly higher levels of satisfaction with the work they do compared to data
professionals who are Business Management or Developers.
Figure 3. Satisfaction with outcome of analytics projects varies by job role

Data Scientists are not Created

What does it mean to be a data

scientist? After all, there are many
different skills that fall under the
umbrella of data science. The
professionals job role was
logically related to their
proficiency in different skills (see
Figure 4.). I examined differences
of data professionals who
indicated they had only one
primary job role. Data
professionals in Business
Management roles had the
strongest business skills of all
data professionals; Developers
were the strongest in Technology
and Programming skills;
Researchers were the strongest in
Statistics and Math & Modeling
skills. The Creative types didnt
excel at any one skill but
Figure 4. Proficiency in data science skills varies by job role.
appeared to have a decent level of
proficiency across all skill areas.

Data Science is a Team Sport: The Need for Complementary Skills

The results of the survey showed that data professionals tend to work together to solve
problems. Seventy-six percent of the respondents said they work with at least one other
person on projects that involve analytics.

To better understand how teams work together, we looked at how a data
professional's expertise impacts their teammate. We asked respondents how satisfied
they were with the outcomes of their analytics projects. Additionally, we asked data
professionals if their teammates were experts in any of the five data skill areas.

Results showed that Business Management professionals were more satisfied with the
outcome of their work when they had quantitative-minded experts on their team (e.g.,
Math & Modeling and Statistics) compared to when they did not (see Figure 5.).
Additionally, Researchers were more satisfied with their work outcome when they were
paired with experts in Business and Math & Modeling. Developers were more satisfied
with their work outcomes when paired with an expert in business. Creatives
satisfaction with their work product is not impacted by the presence of other experts.

Summary and Implications

Solving problems with data requires expertise across different skill areas: 1) Business, 2)
Technology, 3) Programming, 4) Math & Modeling and 5) Statistics.

Different types of data professionals (as defined by
their role) are proficient in different areas. Not
surprisingly, data professionals in Business
Management" roles are the most proficient in
business skills. Researchers are the most proficient
in Math & Modeling and Statistics skills.
Developers are the most proficient in Technology
and Programming. The Creative types have some
proficiency in all skill areas but are not the best in
any single one skill area.

It appears that a team approach is an an effective

way of approaching your data science
projects. Solving problems using data (e.g., a data-
driven approach) involves three major tasks: 1)
identifying the right questions, 2) getting access to
the right data and 3) analyzing the data to provide
the answers. Each major task requires expertise in
the different skills, often requiring a team
approach. Different data professionals bring their
unique and complementary skills to bear on each
of the three phases of data intensive projects.

The results of our study show that the Data Skills

Scoring System provided useful information about
the proficiency of data professionals. Getting
feedback from data professionals about their skills,
company culture and team makeup can help
organizations manage their data science teams and
identify and close data science talent gaps. Chief
data/analytics officers need to know the
proficiency of their data professionals to ensure
Figure 5. Effect of teammate's expertise on
satisfaction with analytics work outcome.
they staff data-intensive projects with the correct

mix of data professionals. Recruiters need to know the skills of their current data
professionals to effectively market to and recruit data professionals who have the right
skills to fill specific roles. Knowing the data science capabilities of data professionals is a
good first step to help organizations improve the value of their data.

About the Study and the Data Skills Scoring System (#DS3)

The current study was undertaken to better clarify and understand the role of data
science in the business world. Toward that end, we developed the Data Skills Scoring
System (DS3) to capture important information about data professionals and their work
environments. For data professionals, the DS3 provides free feedback about their skill
set. For chief data/analytics officers, the DS3 can provide an aggregated view of the
strengths of their data science teams and identify skill gaps. For recruiters, the DS3 can
help improve how they market to and recruit talent.

Information architecture has become an explosive challenge for many IT organizations.

In the past, database design, system architecture, even security and identity and access
management were all centered on data collection for organizations. It was generally
assumed that the downstream classical data warehouse architecture, along with its
supporting enterprise transformation and loading (ETL) processes, would provide the
necessary solutions for reporting.

In Aug 2015, over 1 billion people used

Facebook FB -4.26% in a single day.

23. The Memefication of Insights by Tom De Ruyck

Tom De Ruyck Driving new and powerful insights

Managing Partner at Insites from consumers is silver, but doing
Consulting something meaningful with those
LinkedIn Contact stories, something in support of
corporate goals, is gold!

Tom is Head of Consumer Consulting Boards at The Problem: Low Return on

InSites Consulting and in charge of InSites' global Consumer Insights (ROI)
activities in terms of community research: thought
leadership, steering innovation and business More than ever, demonstrating
development. He is co-author of 'The Consumer
impact is the name of the game for
Consulting Board' and published over 50 white
papers (ESOMAR), articles in academic journals professional marketing services
(a.o. IJMR), business books and trade agencies. From our recent Market
magazines. Tom was awarded for his work by
Research (MR) Impact study (2014),
ESOMAR (Fernanda Monti Award Best
Congress Paper '09 & 2 times 'Best Paper' at a we know that only 45% of insight
conference), the American Marketing Association professionals & marketers believe
('4 under 40' Emerging Leader of the Industry
Award '10), the Co-Creation Association, the
research succeeds in changing the
MRS (ResearchLive 'Tweeter of the Year' 2011), attitudes and decision of marketers
MOA (MOAward for the 'Innovation of 2012') & and only 1 in 2 projects leads to
the CMO Council USA & Asia (Leadership Award
for Contribution to Market Research, 2012).
change (Schillewaert et al, 2014).
Next to his work at InSites Consulting, Tom is This lack of impact is not a matter of
guest lecturer at the Vlerick Business School budget. Rather than spending more,
(Belgium) & TiasNimbas (the Netherlands) and
Adjunct Professor at IESEG School of the critical driver for impact is to
Management (France) & EHSAL Management maximize the value of spending
School (Belgium). He is also Co-founder & (BCG study, 2009). Based on 20+ in-
President of the Belgian research association
BAQMaR and on the board of several other depth interviews with MR
professional bodies: MOA Program Committee & professionals from the client side,
NGMR. we have identified 11 unmet needs
related to the future of consumer
insights. While ten of those frictions
relate to creating a positive business impact with consumer stories, only one is about
finding better insights (Willems et al, 2015). So, the goal is to trigger meaningful actions

which turn insights into concrete ideas, stronger brands and future-proof business
concepts to deliver better consumer experiences. The million dollar question is: How do
we trigger these meaningful actions across the organization in order to create a positive
business impact? And how can the insight professional of tomorrow do this in an
efficient yet effective way?

The Solution: Going from Insights to Memes

For people to take action on a consumer insight, they first need to learn what the insight
is about. In traditional MR, only a limited group of people is involved in this knowledge
exchange by e.g. participating in the debrief workshop or managing the research study
themselves. This limited group is then able to shape an insight platform by adding own
thoughts, observations and/or ideas. By involving a wider group of employees, one
better understands the consumer and able to make better consumer relevant decisions.
Furthermore, the theory of open innovation teaches us that the one golden idea can
come from anywhere in the organization, not only marketing or innovation (Whelan,
2011). To increase the impact, all employees across the organization need to learn what
the friction is in order to share related observations and ideas. For example, by
experiencing how consumers are using their product today, employees see what can be
improved. When such an insight is replicated by employees by adding own
observations and ideas, it is shared with various people across the organization and it
triggers action, the insight is called a meme (Dawkins, 1989). An illustration of such a
meme is what we did at ATAG, a leading supplier of kitchen appliances. ATAG wanted
to move away from a product-driven strategy and introduce a consumer-driven
approach (cook-centered thinking). In order to make this shift, they needed to create
an internal belief for their new strategy. We invited 400 internal stakeholders to
discover the consumer insights and experience themselves how strong the emotion
passion for cooking can be. The #welovecooks experience engaged over 170
employees, who contributed 125 observations, and resulted in 13 potential internal
projects identified by the crowd. The new strategy was shared among employees and
turned into the #welovecooks meme.

To turn an insight into a meme, insight professionals need to move away from the
traditional research model and shift on 3 levels to establish the Memefication of

1. From reporting to involving (#experience): While 92% of insight professionals
believes their research generates insight worth sharing with colleagues, only 65%
extensively shares them with their organization. Furthermore, only 1 in 5
researchers organizes interactive workshops to discuss results (Schillewaert et al,
2014). All too often, MR takes such an individualistic approach where executives
need to identify their own actions when reading research reports. However, to
trigger meaningful actions, insight professionals need to bring insights to life
through interaction. Therefore, we have identified 4 building blocks when
marketing insights; harvesting, seeding, activating and collaborating. Through
harvesting, we collect insights from internal stakeholders which are already
known. Secondly, seeding enables insights managers to spread insights via key
ambassadors in a relevant way through the organization. Activating triggers
stakeholders to not only discover but also interact with insights. Finally,
collaborating connects stakeholders to work together and turn insights into
actions and new future projects. At Unilever R&D the combination of these
building blocks lead to 640 involved employees of the 1000 invitees, which
triggered more conversations about their consumers on the work floor, measured
with an increase from 12% to 55%.
2. From teams to the organization (#reach): In traditional MR, consumer stories
and insights are often discovered and owned by the MR department. However,
in order to trigger meaningful actions, the insight needs to be co-owned by all
employees. First of all, we want extend the MR reach from executives to
management to enable higher management to take long-term decisions with a
consumer context in mind. Secondly, we involve the front-line employees, who
are in almost daily contact with consumers, to shape their consumer feeling and
ultimately improve their performance. Finally, involving all other employees that
have a rather indirect relationship with the consumer creates a better
understanding of the consumer context of the business, making them more
motivated as an employee in general. The extension of MR reach calls for a
layered approach, like we did for the Belgian bus company De Lijn where
involved their whole organization with consumer insights about their Gen Y
passenger. We seeded the top 10 insights during an internal conference with 200

top managers, we organized a speed date for executives to meet their consumers
and finally we activated all stakeholders to play the Gen Y passenger quiz to
interact with the key insights.
3. From projects to habit creation (#structural): For most employees, working with
consumer insights is not a routine. If you wish to trigger meaningful actions and
enable employees to turn the insight into a meme, it is of great importance that
consumer relevant inspirations are integrated into their daily jobs. By identifying
the employees motivations and behaviours, we can better trigger when and how
to use consumer insights on a regular basis. If we learn to shift towards habits,
we will be more successful in triggering meaningful actions and increase the
impact of consumer insights on the business. For Unilever R&D, we immersed
1000 employees with their consumer in 6 weeks time through testing their
consumer knowledge through mini-quizzes and organizing collaboration
sessions to close their knowledge gaps. As a result of integrating these consumer
insight routines, we not only improved their gut feeling but also shaped their
consumer feeling with a relative increase of 81% (De Ruyck et al, 2012).

24. The Esoteric Side of Data Analytics by Kiran Garimella

Kiran Garimella Data analysis has become

President & Principal deceptively simple with tools such
Consultant, XBITALIGN as Weka and many free and open
LinkedIn Contact source algorithms. This simplicity
can lead you to believe that doing
data analysis is simply a matter of
Kiran builds Centers of Excellence in various
domains and provides IT management consulting. getting large amounts of data and
He is also the Founder and CTO of a startup for an putting it through a wringer to
AI-based SaaS product for managing the life-cycle
of analytics, knowledge, and decision-making. torture out some confessions.
Previously, he was VP for BPM at Software AG,
and a Global CIO and Chief Architect at General This is a bit like being able to select
Electric. He has a Ph.D. in AI & Machine Learning and play a song on a Jukebox and
from the University of Florida's business school.
pretending that you are a musician.
He is the author of two books in BPM (used in
several MBA & EMBA programs), one book
Lets carry that analogy a bit further.
chapter, six academic papers, numerous articles,
and blogs. He is a speaker (over 22 conference
A good musician is the product of
presentations and 8 keynotes, 18 press &
magazine interviews, 11 webinars), and consultant several years of practicing
(over 50 companies in 20 countries). He has served techniques all mundane and
on 10 advisory boards. He has 4 corporate
management awards and four academic awards. boring and then learning how to
He is certified in Six Sigma (GE), Change execute those techniques in a way
Management (GE), and Governance of IT (CGEIT
that makes a connection with the
from ISACA).
audience. It is not possible to
entertain your audience consistently
without having that strong fundamental base in technique. Good technique is a
necessary condition, but it is not sufficient.

Data analysis, in its most nave sense, is the equivalent of good technique.

However, when the audience is expecting to hear classical music, rapping for them, no
matter how good, wont do the trick!

Seasoned data science professionals know that the most important task of data analytics
is asking the right question. The most time-consuming task is that of data gathering,

cleaning, and preparing. Its only then that the data scientist gets to apply classical
algorithms to glean insights that pertain to the question.

Unfortunately, the life-cycle of data analytics doesnt stop there. As a data scientist, you
did the analysis, diagnosed the problem, figured out the treatment, and wrote out the
prescription. If you think thats the end of it, think again.

You still have to communicate with the patient. You have to provide insights into the
nature of the solution. You or at least, someone has to make sure that the patient
takes the medications. Someone has to monitor the patient and do follow-ups.

A good doctor prescribes the medication and tailors the communication based on the
age and knowledge of the patient. Kids get the medicine in a syrupy base and small
doses. The doctor explains the cause of the problem and the side-effects of medications
in detail to the adult patient. The doctor uses medical jargon if the patient is also a

As a data scientist, you too have to tailor your communication based on the role and
function of your audience. Non-technical senior managers arent interested in p-values
and correlation coefficients. They want to know what those statistics mean and how the
values affect their decisions.

You should help them choose among alternatives and make a decision, rather than just
throw a lot of conclusions at them. You also have to make sure they understand the
level of confidence in your analysis (which is a different than giving them confidence

The scientifically valid analytical results may not be what the customer actually wants.

For example, you might come up with k=12 clusters as the optimal result of running the
k-means clustering algorithm on product satisfaction surveys. However, the marketing
manager says theres no budget to run 12 separate marketing programs and could you
please give them only 3 clusters?

The CFO says that funding marketing programs for two of the clusters is not feasible
because they happen to be focused on Europe where, due to the much more stringent
privacy laws, the regulatory process to obtain permissions to run new programs is cost-

So, in all data analysis, the alignment with the business drivers and constraints becomes
critical. This is not to say that the science of data analysis should be driven by the
business, because that would be a corruption of technique a bit like demanding that a
survey be worded in such a way that the responses would be biased in favor of an
established position.

Rather, the data scientist has to explain the constraints and limitations of the results.
More than that, the data scientist has to explain the constraints and limitations of the
technique itself.

A truly outstanding data scientist will be able to present several options and explain
their pros, cons, risks, and also make recommendations on courses of action.

Going one step further, the data scientist must then keep a close watch on the actions
(for example, initiatives that improve the quality of the product and thereby seek to
increase the satisfaction ratings) and determine if the actions are generating the desired
results or not.

In many instances, the business people are best served when the data scientist tells a
story using the data. One good example is the story of the Facebook IPO
offering-compares.html?_r=0). Another, arguably more powerful example, is the now
classic Ted Talk presentation by Hans Rosling on the Health and Wealth of Nations,
with more than 10 million views on YouTube (Seriously? 10+ million views of a video
on statistics!) Check it out:

So, there are several principles involved in data analysis:

Let questions that are meaningful from a business perspective drive the analysis.
Business can include scientific (non-business) topics as well. The point is that
the questions that are designed to tease out insights need to drive the data
analysis. This principle is quite well-known to seasoned data scientists, but I
include it hear as a cautionary guideline to newbies.
Align the message with the capabilities of the audience. Data science comes with
all types of caveats and deep assumptions about technique (such as assumption
of normality, to give one obvious example; or the meaning of confidence

intervals, to give an example of a more commonly misinterpreted concept). It is
up to the scientist to guide the consumer of the results through these murky
Tell a story and connect with the audience.

Giving the consumers of data science a good understanding of the limitations,

assumptions, and conditions of the analysis as well as weaving the analysis into a story
that is compelling and guides the consumer to make an informed decision is what
separates the adults from the children in data science.

If you thought that this was all there is to the hidden side of analytics, youd be sadly
mistaken. We are just getting started.

It turns out that we humans are very poor at reasoning with probability, statistics, and
convoluted chains of logic. We are subject to numerous cognitive biases. It turns out

that even well-trained statisticians and researchers succumb just as readily to these
biases as the layperson.

"Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases" by Kahneman, Slovic, and Tversky
( is a fascinating book that systematically
describes years of research in human psychology. The authors give examples of cleverly
constructed experiments that expose these innate biases.

We rely on heuristics to shorten the decision-making process, which is why they are
called heuristics. Psychologists classify these heuristics into various categories such as

representativeness, availability, anchoring or adjustment, and so on. Wikipedia lists
over 170 biases of all kinds.

Examples of representativeness bias include insensitivity to sample size,

misconceptions of chance, illusion of validity, misconceptions of regression, and many

The availability heuristic includes biases due to imaginability, illusive correlation, and
so on.

Here are a few examples of biases to demonstrate how juicy and taken in the right
spirit, entertaining - this topic can be:

Researchers put their subjects into two groups in separate rooms. One group is told to
estimate the product 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 and so on down to 10 (without doing the actual
calculation). The other group is told to estimate the product 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 and so on up
to 1 (again, without actually calculating or using any device).

It turns out that the first group systematically underestimates the product while the
second group systematically overestimates the product. This is of course driven by the
magnitude of the sub-product formed by quick mental calculation of the first few
factors. This is an anchoring bias.

Heres one example from mathematics: Is the set of transcendental numbers finite or
infinite? Transcendental numbers, for example, are and e (base of the natural

If you were a lay math buff, you might be able to provide those two examples of
transcendental numbers. Trained mathematicians might be able to provide a few more.
From the paucity of examples of transcendental numbers, youd be tempted to conclude
that the number of transcendental numbers is finite.

Boy, would you be wrong! Not only are transcendental numbers infinite, there are an
uncountably infinite number of them. In other words, you couldnt even count them, as
you would the natural numbers such as 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., which, as you know, are
countably infinite. In other words, the infinity of transcendental numbers is bigger than
the infinity of natural numbers.

Concluding that there are only a finite number of transcendental numbers because you
could only recall a few examples of them is due to the heuristic bias of irretrievability of

As if these biases were not enough, we humans also fall prey to several logical fallacies.
These range from the usually colorful fallacy of argumentum ad hominem (attack the
person instead of the argument) to the broken window fallacy (the favorite of those who
believe that wars stimulate the economy).

Most of these logical fallacies have profound-sounding Latin names. If you manage to
memorize these, you can browbeat your opponents in debate regardless of the merit of
your argument by spouting these Latin names, in which case youd be committing the
fallacy of argumentum ad verecundiam (argument from authority or shaming the other
person with display of erudition).

The main lessons that Kahneman et. al draw from their landmark research are the

Biases in judgmental heuristics are universal (so, don't make discriminatory

They have nothing to do with wishful thinking
Payoffs dont influence them (i.e., you cant incentivize people to think correctly)
Laypeople and experts are equal victims (so, don't be blinded by your education
and don't be intimidated by someone else's qualifications)
Correction of biases is critical

You might argue that these biases cant be all that critical since the human race hasnt
done too badly so far. However, the increasing complexity of our world (and it can only
get more complex), the enormous quantity of data (which can only get bigger), and the
pressure to digest all that data and complexity to make decisions or act faster and faster
invests these errors with greater power to do damage through compounding.

So, the esotericism in the art of data analysis lies in the need to build awareness and
train data scientists first and users next on the limitations of analytical models, biases in
judgmental heuristics, and tendencies towards logical fallacies.

What are some immediate actions that a data scientist can take?

Be more diligent in applying the right analytical models
Present caveats, assumptions, and limitations along with the results and cool
Give the consumers of analysis choices of action or interpretation
Explain the risks
Interpret the results in business-speak; know your audience and tell a story

In order to mature as a discipline, data science must evolve to include in its formidable
arsenal of tools those techniques that protect us from our own biases and tendencies to
fallacies. These protective techniques can come from guided analysis, special tools that
watch out for such errors, good analytic governance mechanisms, as well as the
inclusion of the study of these biases and fallacies in a data science curriculum.


Courtesy: Dilbert by Scott Adams

While it is important for us to understand how analytics are used today, it is also
important for us to know where the data analytics world is headed. The contributing
authors provide amazing perspectives on what the future of data and analytics entails.
To stay on the leading edge, we need to have our own version of what our future of
data analytics looks like. This section is a great start to see what things we should be
thinking about for the future of analytics and how we can plan to get there.

The best way to approach this section is to read each article in isolation. Before reading
each article, we suggest that you first read the authors biography. Knowing the
authors background can give you the right context to understand their perspective.

1. Full Stack Analytics The Next Wave of Opportunity in Big Data by Chip

I often get where we see

Chip Hazard
investment opportunities in the
General Partner at Flybridge
Capital Partners Big Data landscape and this post
will attempt to lay out some
LinkedIn Contact
thoughts that go deeper than the
traditional 30 second sound bite.
Chips investment interests and experience broadly The lens through which I make
cover companies and technologies in
these observations is from our role
the information technology sector. Before joining the
firm in May 2002, Chip was a General Partner as a seed and early stage venture
with Greylock Partners, a leading venture capital capital investor, which means we
firm he joined in 1994. While at Greylock, Chip
led or participated in numerous successful
are looking at where market
investments in the enterprise information opportunities will develop over
technology field
the next 3-5 years, not necessarily
where the market is today.

Over the past few years, billions of dollars of venture capital funding has flowed into
Big Data infrastructure companies that help organizations store, manage and analyze
unprecedented levels of data. The recipients of this capital include Hadoop vendors
such as Cloudera, HortonWorks and MapR; NoSQL database providers such as
MongoDB (a Flybridge portfolio company where I sit on the board), DataStax and
Couchbase; BI Tools, SQL on Hadoop and Analytical framework vendors such as
Pentaho, Japsersoft Datameer and Hadapt. Further, the large incumbent vendors such
as Oracle, IBM, SAP, HP, EMC, Tibco and Informatica are plowing significant R&D and
M&A resources into Big Data infrastructure. The private companies are attracting
capital and the larger companies are dedicating resources to this market given an
overall market that is both large, ($18B in spending in 2013 by one estimate) and
growing quickly (to $45B by 2016, or a CAGR of 35% by the same estimate) as shown in
the chart below:

While significant investment and revenue dollars are flowing into the Big Data
infrastructure market today, on a forward looking basis, we believe the winners in these
markets have largely been identified and well-capitalized and that opportunities for
new companies looking to take advantage of these Big Data trends lie elsewhere,
specifically in what we at Flybridge call Full-Stack Analytics companies. A Full-Stack
analytics company can be defined as follows:

1. They marry all the advances and innovation developing in the infrastructure
layer from the vendors noted above to

2. A proprietary analytics, algorithmic and machine learning layer to

3. Derive unique, and actionable insights from the data to solve real business
problems in a way that

4. Benefits from significant data "network effects" such that the quality of their
insights and solutions improve in a non-linear fashion over time as they amass more
data and insights.

A Full-Stack Analytics platform is depicted graphically below:

Two points from the above criteria that are especially worth calling out are the concepts
of actionable insights and data network effects. On the former, one of the recurring
themes we hear from CIOs and LIne of Business Heads at large companies is that they
are drowning in data, but suffering from a paucity of insights that change decisions
they make. As a result, it is critical to boil the data down into something that can be
acted upon in a reasonable time frame to either help companies generate more revenue,
serve their customers better or operate more efficiently. On the latter, one of the most

important opportunities for Full-Stack analytics companies is to use machine learning
techniques (an area my partner, Jeff Bussgang, has written about) to develop a set of
insights that improve over time as more data is analyzed across more customers in
effect, learning the business context with greater data exposure to drive better insights
and, therefore, better decisions. This provides not only an increasingly more
compelling solution but also allows the company to develop competitive barriers that
get harder to surmount over time. In other words, this approach creates a network
effect where the more data you ingest, the more learning ensues which leads to better
decisions and opportunities to ingest yet even more data.

In the Flybridge Capital portfolio, we have supported, among others, Full-Stack

Analytics companies such as DataXu, whose Full-Stack Analytics programmatic
advertising platform makes billions of decisions a day to enable large online advertisers
to manage their marketing resources more effectively; ZestFinance, whose Full-Stack
Analytics underwriting platform parses through 1000s of data points to identify the
most attractive consumers on a risk-adjusted basis for its consumer lending platform;
and Predilytics, whose Full-Stack Analytics platform learns from millions of data points
to help healthcare organizations attract, retain and provide higher quality care to their
existing and prospective members.

Each company demonstrates important criteria for success as a Full-Stack Analytics


1. identify a large market opportunity with an abundance of data;

2. assemble a team with unique domain insights into this market and how data can
drive differentiated decisions and have the requisite combination of technical skills to
develop and;

3. manage a massively scalable learning platform that is self-reinforcing.

If your company can follow this recipe for success, you will find your future as a Full-
Stack Analytics provider to be very bright!

Start your data driven journey from

the top
2. Future of Analytics by Dr. Anand S Rao

One of the earliest references to

Dr. Anand S Rao data analysis was by John
Partner at PwC Analytics Tukey in 1961, who while writing
on the The Future of Data
LinkedIn Contact
Analysis (Source: The Annals of
Mathematical Statistics, 1961)

Anand Rao is a Partner in PwCs Advisory practice,

made the following observation:
with over 25 years of experience in industry, he is
the Innovation Lead for PwCs Analytics group, he
For a long time I have thought I
leads the insurance analytics group, and is the co- was a statistician, interested in
lead for the Global Project Blue, Future of Insurance
inferences from the particular to
research. Before joining PwC, Rao was with Mitchell
Madison Group in London. Prior to that, Rao was the general.
Chief Research Scientist at the Australian Artificial
Intelligence Institute. He has held Board positions at Historically, analytics has
start-ups and currently serves as a Board member referred to the use of statistical or
for not-for-profit industry associations. Dr. Anand
Rao has co-edited four books and published over data mining techniques to
fifty papers in refereed journals and conferences. analyze data and make
Anand was awarded the Most Influential Paper
inferences. Although, data has
Award for the Decade in 2007 from the Autonomous
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS). been used since the start of
humanity, systematic analysis of
data emerged with the advent of
statistics. In the 18th century, the need to collect and analyze demographic and
economic data by states led to the development of statistics. Statistics should be viewed
more as a mathematical discipline while data analysis is more a scientific discipline.

One of the earliest references to data analysis was by John Tukey in 1961, who while
writing on the The Future of Data Analysis (Source: The Annals of Mathematical
Statistics, 1961) made the following observation:

For a long time I have thought I was a statistician, interested in inferences from the
particular to the general. But as I have watched mathematical statistics evolve, I have
had cause to wonder and to doubt.

All in all, I have come to feel that my central interest is in data analysis, which I take to
include, among other things: procedures for analyzing data, techniques for interpreting

the results of such procedures, ways of planning the gathering of data to make its
analysis easier, more precise or more accurate, and all the machinery and results of
(mathematical) statistics which apply to analyzing data.

Having defined data analysis, John Tukey in the same paper lays down the future of
data analysis and the rationale for why data analysis should be considered a scientific
discipline based on observations and experiments and not as mathematical discipline.
As the use of computers to store, manage, and analyze data grew during the second half
of the twentieth century the field of data analysis flourished at the intersection of
statistics and computer science.

Early days of data analysis, was focused more on describing, summarizing, and
synthesizing the data. It explained what happened (descriptive analytics) and why it
happened (diagnostic analytics). For example, synthesizing the sales data for the past
month, comparing it with the year-to-date actuals or the same month in the previous
year and showing some summary statistics would be considered descriptive analytics.
Making further inferences on the variability of the sales data, where the sales went up
or down and why would be diagnostic analytics. A number of exploratory statistical
techniques and root-cause analysis techniques are employed in these two types of

Over time, we have moved from understanding the past to pro-actively predicting the
future, and taking the right actions. Predictive analytics, and prescriptive analytics are
some of the terms most commonly used in the literature to describe these forms of

Predictive analytics has a fairly broad definition in the press but has a specific meaning
in academic circles. Classical predictive analytics focuses on building predictive models
where a subset of the available data is used to build a model using statistical techniques
(usually some form of regression analysis linear, logistic regression etc.) that is then
tested for its accuracy with the holdout sample. Once a model with sufficient
accuracy is developed, it can be used to predict future outcomes. For example,
predicting the future sales of the product and the propensities for different customer
segments to buy the product would be predictive analytics.

Prescriptive analytics goes beyond predictive analytics by evaluating multiple decisions
into the future and automating the recommendation or action. For example, evaluating
customer propensity to buy, desired sales target, and response to discounted offers, the
system can automate the marketing campaign and make targeted offers to customers.
This would fall under the banner of prescriptive analytics.

In the future, we would see more types of analytics emerge and co-exist with the ones
that we have described.

Real-time Analytics: Gathering real-time data, combining that with static data,
recommending or executing actions autonomously all fall under this category of real-
time analytics. For example, analyzing the click-stream behavior of an online customer,
comparing it with their historical interaction, and making tailored online offers while
the customers are still browsing will fall under real-time analytics.

Embedded Analytics: As we move from the Internet of People to the Internet of

Things, more and more data is being generated by sensors (or machines). Processing
that data, but communicating with other sensors in the network and then effecting
actions through actuators requires embedded analytics. For example, autonomous cars
have to gather and synthesize data from the sensors, GPS, LIDAR, and video cameras,
to determine if there is an obstacle and autonomously apply the brake to stop the car
with the least amount of inconvenience to the passengers in the car. Most of embedded
analytics will tend to be real-time in nature, but the two types of analytics are not the
same (e.g., analytics to monitor the tides on a beach needs to be embedded, but not
necessarily real-time).

Continuous Analytics: Analytics is largely viewed today as a static exercise

where we draw inferences or make predictions and then take actions. It is not viewed as
a continuous system where the feedback from the environment influences our models
and actions in the future. Increasingly, we will be seeing analytics in the same vain as
transactional systems that are operational 24 x 7, continuously observing, learning, and
effecting the environment in which they operate. For example, customer insight
platforms that act as intelligent assistants will continuously operate updating the
behaviors and attitudes of their masters and provide recommendations and advice on a
continuous basis.

So far, we have explored the different types of analytics that are being developed today
and will be developed in the future. Now we shift our focus to the advances in the
analytic techniques that will make these possible.

Statistical Techniques: Advances in new statistical methods will continue to

advance the field of data analytics. In addition, classical techniques like regression,
clustering, decision trees will be modified to address distributed processing and exploit
in-memory analytics. With the increasing variety of data and the noise in the data,
increasingly sophisticated statistical techniques will be used to clean the data and
interpolate missing data.

NLP Techniques: Natural Language Processing is a branch of Artificial

Intelligence (AI) that aims to understand and generate spoken and written languages.
They use a combination of computational linguistic techniques and statistical
techniques to analyze documents, understand the syntax and semantics of texts,
categorize documents, and understand natural language by identifying topics and
summarizing documents. Advanced NLP systems are also involved in active discourse
with humans simultaneously understanding and generating intelligent responses.
Combining this with speech requires additional techniques for signal processing of
voice (or voice recognition) as well as speech synthesis (or voice generation). The next
five years will see increasing sophistication of these systems allowing for autonomous
advice engines or conversation systems that can undertake real-time dialogue with
humans in real-time on increasingly wide-ranging topics.

Machine Learning Techniques: Machine Learning is also a branch of AI that aims

to build systems that can automatically improve from experience. It is also concerned
with the fundamental statistical-computational-information-theoretic laws that govern
all learning systems including computers, humans, and organizations (Source:
Machine Learning: Trends, Perspectives, and Prospects. July 17, 2015, Science, Vol 349,
Issue 6245). A variety of statistical and computational techniques have been developed
to address a variety of learning situations using different types of data (e.g., learning in
natural language systems, sentiment analysis in text and social media, emotion
detection from voice, face recognition from images). Ability to perform distributed
processing through Hadoop and Spark and similar big data platforms as well as the

availability of multi-core GPU (Graphical Processing Units) machines have accelerated
the advances in machine learning. A particular type of machine learning called deep
learning exploits multi-layer networks of threshold units, each of which computes some
simple parameterized function of its inputs (Source: Machine Learning: Trends,
Perspectives, and Prospects. July 17, 2015, Science, Vol 349, Issue 6245). In the past five
years, these deep learning systems have been successfully used in a number of image,
voice, and text learning situations with good levels of accuracy. In the future, these
techniques will be further refined and as the computing power and memory capacity
continue to increase will find broader applications.

Complexity Science: Complexity Science is an inter-disciplinary approach to

understanding complex systems, including how they form, evolve and cease to exist.
Typically, a system that consists of a few well-known parts that consistently interact
with each other in a way we can easily understand is a simple system. For example, a
thermostat that can read (or sense) the temperature and reach a given target
temperature is a simple system. At the other end of the spectrum, a system with a very
large collection of entities that interact randomly with each other is a random system.
We often use statistical techniques to understand the behavior of the latter. For
example, we can gain an understanding of the properties of a liquid (like its boiling
point) by looking at the average properties of the elements and compounds that
compose it. The fundamental assumption about such systems is that its parts are

In between simple and random systems are complex systems that consist of several
things that interact with each other in meaningful ways that change their future path.
For example, a collection of consumers watching advertisements, talking to others and
using products can influence other consumers, companies and the economy as a whole.
Complexity science rejects the notion of independence and actively models the
interactions of entities that make up the system.

Complexity science identifies seven core traits of entities and how they relate to each
other: 1) information processing, 2) non-linear relationships, 3) emergence, 4) evolution,
5) self-organization, 6) robustness and 7) if they are on the edge of chaos. Unlike a
random system, the entities in a complex system process information and make
decisions. These information processing units influence each other, which results in

positive or negative feedback leading to non-linear relationships. As a result, properties
emerge from the interaction of the entities that did not originally characterize the
individual entities. For example, when a new product comes on the market, consumers
may purchase it not just because of its intrinsic value but also because of its real or
perceived influence on others. Moreover, the interactions between entities in a complex
system are not static; they evolve over time. They are capable of self-organizing and
lack a central controlling entity. These conditions lead to more adaptive behavior. Such
systems are often at the edge of chaos but are not quite chaotic or entirely random.

As we move towards more embedded and continuous analytics we will be increasingly

using complexity science to understand all the interactions of our systems to make
informed decisions and actions. Already organizations are creating systems that can
evaluate multiple economic and market scenarios, understand how consumers or
investors will react and offer financial advice or even autonomously trade on their
behalf. More sophisticated forms of such robo-advisors (Source: The Rise of Robo-
advisors by Anand Rao. Insurance Thought Leadership) and AI-based advice engines
will find more widespread adoption in the next five years.

Agent-Based Modeling: This is a branch of complexity science where the

behavior of a system is analyzed using a collection of interacting, decision-making
entities called agents (or software agents). The individual behavior of each agent is
modeled based on available data and domain knowledge. The interaction of these
agents among themselves and the external environment can lead to market behavior
that is more than just the aggregate of all the individual behaviors. This often leads to
emergent properties. Such models can be used to evaluate multiple scenarios into the
future to understand what will happen or what should happen as a result of a certain
action. For example, a large annuity provider has used individual policyholder data to
create an agent-based model in which each one of its customers is modeled as an
individual software agent. Based on specific policyholder data, external socio-
demographic and behavioral data, as well as historical macro-economic data, the
annuity provider can evaluate multiple scenarios on how each annuity policyholder
will lapse, withdraw or annuitize their policy under different economic conditions.

The types of analytics and the analytical techniques that we outlined will be applied in a
number of diverse applications and will fundamentally result in a new wave of

automation. Since the advent of computers in the 1950s and the era of personal
computers in the 80s and mobile computing in the 2000s we have been automating
business processes across all areas of an organization from marketing, to distribution,
to operations, to back-office finance and supply chain functions. However, in most cases
the emphasis has been automating mundane tasks, while still leaving the human-in-the-
loop to make the decisions. We are just at the beginning of the next wave of assistance,
automation, and enhancement of human decision-making.

Assisted Decision-Making: Most systems today are in the early stages of

deployment and have largely left the human in the decision-making loop, but provide
them with enough insights and recommendations to take make their decisions or take
actions. For example, sensors in cars today can alert a driver when they come close to
hitting another vehicle, but will still leave the decision of applying the brake to the
human driver.

Autonomous Decision-Making: As environments get more complex and

connected (e.g., Internet of Things), systems get more intelligent, and the need to make
split level decisions increase we will see more autonomous decision-making by man-
made devices or systems. These systems have to be tested rigorously before
organizations or societies feel comfortable with handing over control to machines. But
we will see more autonomous decision-making systems gain ground in the next five
years. For example, driver assistance features are already common place in many
luxury cars. Lane centering assistance allows vehicles to stay centered within the lane
and can take automatic action if the driver veers away from the lane. Autonomous cars,
can take complete control of the car and make all driving decisions with no human
input. Similarly, we will see autonomous systems that engage in medical diagnosis,
therapy sessions, managing your administrative tasks, take care of children and elderly
and so on. The time frame for such autonomous decision-making to become
widespread is closer to 5-10 years. However, it is likely to have a dramatic impact on
productivity and employment (Source: The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and
Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew

Enhanced Decision-Making: As the number of sensors in our environment

increases exponentially and as our systems get smarter with the analytics we will reach

a stage where the machines will be able to make better, faster and smarter decisions
decisions that we will be unable to make on our own. For example, AI systems today
can analyze publicly available documents, perform semantic clustering to identify
sectors with intense competition and white spaces for growth opportunities. VCs can
then use this information to selectively look for disruptive sectors and companies. As
the amount of data doubles every few years, such decision making will become
inevitable and become the primary source of competitive advantage.

In conclusion, we are entering an era of exponentially increasing data and exponentially

increasing computing power that will enable advance analytical engines and AI systems
that will assist, automate and enhance our decision making across all sectors.
Organizations that embrace these systems early will have a distinct competitive
advantage, those that ignore these trends are likely to be left by the wayside as the pace
of technological changes accelerate.

The goal is to turn data into information, and information

into insight. Carly Fiorina, former chief executive of
Hewlett-Packard Company or HP.

3. Computational Knowledge and the Future of Pure Mathematics by Stephen

Every four years for more than a

Stephen Wolfram
century theres been an
Founder and CEO of International Congress of
Wolfram Research
Mathematicians (ICM) held
LinkedIn Contact
somewhere in the world. In 1900 it
was where David Hilbert
announced his famous collection
Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica, the
author of A New Kind of Science, the creator of of math problemsand its
Wolfram|Alpha, and the founder and CEO of remained the top single periodic
Wolfram Research. Over the course of his career,
he has been responsible for many discoveries, gathering for the worlds research
inventions and innovations in science, technology mathematicians.
and business.
This year the ICM is in Seoul, and
Im going to it today. I went to the
ICM once beforein Kyoto in 1990. Mathematica was only two years old then, and
mathematicians were just getting used to it. Plenty already used it extensivelybut at
the ICM there were also quite a few who said, I do pure mathematics. How can
Mathematica possibly help me?

Twenty-four years later, the vast majority of the worlds pure mathematicians do in fact
use Mathematica in one way or another. But theres nevertheless a substantial core of

pure mathematics that still gets done pretty much the same way its been done for
centuriesby hand, on paper.

Ever since the 1990 ICM Ive been wondering how one could successfully inject
technology into this. And Im excited to say that I think Ive recently begun to figure it
out. There are plenty of details that I dont yet know. And to make what Im imagining
real will require the support and involvement of a substantial set of the worlds pure
mathematicians. But if its done, I think the results will be spectacularand will surely
change the face of pure mathematics at least as much as Mathematica (and for a
younger generation, Wolfram|Alpha) have changed the face of calculational
mathematics, and potentially usher in a new golden age for pure mathematics.

Workflow of pure math The whole story is quite complicated. But for me one
important starting point is the difference in the typical workflows for calculational
mathematics and pure mathematics. Calculational mathematics tends to involve setting
up calculational questions, and then working through them to get resultsjust like in
typical interactive Mathematica sessions. But pure mathematics tends to involve taking
mathematical objects, results or structures, coming up with statements about them, and
then giving proofs to show why those statements are true.

How can we usefully insert technology into this workflow? Heres one simple way.
Think about Wolfram|Alpha. If you enter 2+2, Wolfram|Alphalike Mathematica
will compute 4. But if you enter new yorkor, for that matter, 2.3363636 or cos(x)
log(x)theres no single answer for it to compute. And instead what it does is to
generate a report that gives you a whole sequence of interesting facts about what you

And this kind of thing fits right into the workflow for pure mathematics. You enter
some mathematical object, result or structure, and then the system tries to tell you
interesting things about itjust like some extremely wise mathematical colleague
might. You can guide the system if you want to, by telling it what kinds of things you
want to know about, or even by giving it a candidate statement that might be true. But
the workflow is always the Wolfram|Alpha-like what can you tell me about that?
rather than the Mathematica-like whats the answer to that?

Wolfram|Alpha already does quite a lot of this kind of thing with mathematical objects.
Enter a number, or a mathematical expression, or a graph, or a probability distribution,

or whatever, and Wolfram|Alpha will use often-quite-sophisticated methods to try to
tell you a collection of interesting things about it.

But to really be useful in pure mathematics, theres something else thats needed. In
addition to being able to deal with concrete mathematical objects, one also has to be
able to deal with abstract mathematical structures.

Countless pure mathematical papers start with things like, Let F be a field with such-
and-such properties. We need to be able to enter something like thisthen have our
system automatically give us interesting facts and theorems about F, in effect creating a
whole automatically generated paper that tells the story of F.

So what would be involved in creating a system to do this? Is it even possible? There

are several different components, all quite difficult and time consuming to build. But
based on my experiences with Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha, and A New Kind of
Science, I am quite certain that with the right leadership and enough effort, all of them
can in fact be built.

A key part is to have a precise symbolic description of mathematical concepts and

constructs. Lots of this now already existsafter more than a quarter century of work
in Mathematica. Because built right into the Wolfram Language are very general ways

to represent geometries, or equations, or stochastic processes or quantifiers. But whats
not built in are representations of pure mathematical concepts like bijections or abstract
semigroups or pullbacks.

Mathematica Pura Over the years, plenty of mathematicians have implemented specific
cases. But could we systematically extend the Wolfram Language to cover the whole
range of pure mathematicsand make a kind of Mathematica Pura? The answer is
unquestionably yes. Itll be fascinating to do, but itll take lots of difficult language

Ive been doing language design now for 35 yearsand its the hardest intellectual
activity I know. It requires a curious mixture of clear thinking, aesthetics and pragmatic
judgement. And it involves always seeking the deepest possible understanding, and
trying to do the broadest unificationto come up in the end with the cleanest and
most obvious primitives to represent things.

Today the main way pure mathematics is describedsay in papersis through a

mixture of mathematical notation and natural language, together with a few diagrams.
And in designing a precise symbolic language for pure mathematics, this has to be the
starting point.

One might think that somehow mathematical notation would already have solved the
whole problem. But theres actually only a quite small set of constructs and concepts
that can be represented with any degree of standardization in mathematical notation
and indeed many of these are already in the Wolfram Language.

So how should one go further? The first step is to understand what the appropriate
primitives are. The whole Wolfram Language today has about 5000 built-in functions
together with many millions of built-in standardized entities. My guess is that to
broadly support pure mathematics there would need to be something less than a
thousand other well-designed functions that in effect define frameworkstogether with
maybe a few tens of thousands of new entities or their analogs.

Take something like function spaces. Maybe therell be a FunctionSpace function to
represent a function space. Then therell be various operations on function spaces, like
PushForward or MetrizableQ. Then therell be lots of named function spaces, like
CInfinity, with various kinds of parameterizations.

Underneath, everythings just a symbolic expression. But in the Wolfram Language

there end up being three immediate ways to input things, all of which are critical to
having a convenient and readable language. The first is to use short notationslike + or
as in standard mathematical notation. The second is to use carefully chosen function
nameslike MatrixRank or Simplex. And the third is to use free-form natural
languagelike trefoil knot or aleph0.

One wants to have short notations for some of the most common structural or
connective elements. But one needs the right number: not too few, like in LISP, nor too
many, like in APL. Then one wants to have function names made of ordinary words,
arranged so that if ones given something written in the language one can effectively
just read the words to know at least roughly whats going on in it.

Computers & humans But in the modern Wolfram Language world theres also free-
form natural language. And the crucial point is that by using this, one can leverage all
the various convenientbut sloppynotations that actual mathematicians use and find
familiar. In the right context, one can enter L2 for Lebesgue Square Integrableand

the natural language system will take care of disambiguating it and inserting the
canonical symbolic underlying form.

Ultimately every named construct or concept in pure mathematics needs to have a place
in our symbolic language. Most of the 13,000+ entries in MathWorld. Material from the
5600 or so entries in the MSC2010 classification scheme. All the many things that
mathematicians in any given field would readily recognize when told their names.

But, OK, so lets say we manage to create a precise symbolic language that captures the
concepts and constructs of pure mathematics. What can we do with it?

One thing is to use it Wolfram|Alpha style: you give free-form input, which is then
interpreted into the language, and then computations are done, and a report is

But theres something else too. If we have a sufficiently well-designed symbolic

language, itll be useful not only to computers but also to humans. In fact, if its good
enough, people should prefer to write out their math in this language than in their
current standard mixture of natural language and mathematical notation.

When I write programs in the Wolfram Language, I pretty much think directly in the
language. Im not coming up with a description in English of what Im trying to do and
then translating it into the Wolfram Language. Im forming my thoughts from the
beginning in the Wolfram Languageand making use of its structure to help me define
those thoughts.

If we can develop a sufficiently good symbolic language for pure mathematics, then itll
provide something for pure mathematicians to think in too. And the great thing is that
if you can describe what youre thinking in a precise symbolic language, theres never
any ambiguity about what anything means: theres a precise definition that you can just
go to the documentation for the language to find.

And once pure math is represented in a precise symbolic language, it becomes in effect
something on which computation can be done. Proofs can be generated or checked.
Searches for theorems can be done. Connections can automatically be made. Chains of
prerequisites can automatically be found.

But, OK, so lets say we have the raw computational substrate we need for pure
mathematics. How can we use this to actually implement a Wolfram|Alpha-like
workflow where we enter descriptions of things, and then in effect automatically get
mathematical wisdom about them?

There are two seemingly different directions one can go. The first is to imagine
abstractly enumerating possible theorems about what has been entered, and then using
heuristics to decide which of them are interesting. The second is to start from
computable versions of the millions of theorems that have actually been published in
the literature of mathematics, and then figure out how to connect these to whatever has
been entered.

Each of these directions in effect reflects a slightly different view of what doing
mathematics is about. And theres quite a bit to say about each direction.

Math by enumeration Lets start with theorem enumeration. In the simplest case, one
can imagine starting from an axiom system and then just enumerating true theorems
based on that system. There are two basic ways to do this. The first is to enumerate
possible statements, and then to use (implicit or explicit) theorem-proving technology
to try to determine which of them are true. And the second is to enumerate possible
proofs, in effect treeing out possible ways the axioms can be applied to get theorems.

Its easy to do either of these things for something like Boolean algebra. And the result
is that one gets a sequence of true theorems. But if a human looks at them, many of
them seem trivial or uninteresting. So then the question is how to know which of the
possible theorems should actually be considered interesting enough to be included in
a report thats generated.

My first assumption was that there would be no automatic approach to thisand that
interestingness would inevitably depend on the historical development of the
relevant area of mathematics. But when I was working on A New Kind of Science, I did
a simple experiment for the case of Boolean algebra.

There are 14 theorems of Boolean algebra that are usually considered interesting
enough to be given names in textbooks. I took all possible theorems and listed them in
order of complexity (number of variables, number of operators, etc). And the surprising
thing I found is that the set of named theorems corresponds almost exactly to the set of
theorems that cant be proved just from ones that precede them in the list. In other
words, the theorems which have been given names are in a sense exactly the minimal
statements of new information about Boolean algebra.

Boolean algebra is of course a very simple case. And in the kind of enumeration I just
described, once ones got the theorems corresponding to all the axioms, one would
conclude that there arent any more interesting theorems to findwhich for many
mathematical theories would be quite silly. But I think this example is a good indication

of how one can start to use automated heuristics to figure out which theorems are
worth reporting on, and which are, for example, just uninteresting embellishments.

Interestingness Of course, the general problem of ranking whats interesting comes

up all over Wolfram|Alpha. In mathematical examples, ones asking what region is
interesting to plot?, what alternate forms are interesting? and so on. When one enters
a single number, ones also asking what closed forms are interesting enough to
show?and to know this, one for example has to invent rankings for all sorts of
mathematical objects (how complicated should one consider \[Pi] relative to log(343)
relative to Khinchins Constant, and so on?).

So in principle one can imagine having a system that takes input and generates
interesting theorems about it. Notice that while in a standard Mathematica-like
calculational workflow, one would be taking input and computing an answer from it,
here ones just finding interesting things to say about it.

The character of the input is different too. In the calculational case, ones typically
dealing with an operation to be performed. In the Wolfram|Alpha-like pure
mathematical case, ones typically just giving a description of something. In some cases
that description will be explicit. A specific number. A particular equation. A specific
graph. But more often it will be implicit. It will be a set of constraints. One will say (to
use the example from above), Let F be a field, and then one will give constraints that
the field must satisfy.

In a sense an axiom system is a way of giving constraints too: it doesnt say that such-
and-such an operator is Nand; it just says that the operator must satisfy certain
constraints. And even for something like standard Peano arithmetic, we know from
Gdels Theorem that we can never ultimately resolve the constraintswe can never nail
down that the thing we denote by + in the axioms is the particular operation of
ordinary integer addition. Of course, we can still prove plenty of theorems about +,
and those are what we choose from for our report.

So given a particular input, we can imagine representing it as a set of constraints in our

precise symbolic language. Then we would generate theorems based on these
constraints, and heuristically pick the most interesting of them.

One day Im sure doing this will be an important part of pure mathematical work. But
as of now it will seem quite alien to most pure mathematiciansbecause they are not
used to disembodied theorems; they are used to theorems that occur in papers,
written by actual mathematicians.

And this brings us to the second approach to the automatic generation of mathematical
wisdom: start from the historical corpus of actual mathematical papers, and then make
connections to whatever specific input is given. So one is able to say for example, The
following theorem from paper X applies in such-and-such a way to the input you have
given, and so on.

Curating the math corpus So how big is the historical corpus of mathematics? Thereve
probably been about 3 million mathematical papers published altogetheror about 100
million pages, growing at a rate of about 2 million pages per year. And in all of these
papers, perhaps 5 million distinct theorems have been formally stated.

So what can be done with these? First, of course, theres simple search and retrieval.
Often the words in the papers will make for better search targets than the more
notational material in the actual theorems. But with the kind of linguistic-
understanding technology for math that we have in Wolfram|Alpha, it should not be
too difficult to build whats needed to do good statistical retrieval on the corpus of
mathematical papers.

But can one go further? One might think about tagging the source documents to
improve retrieval. But my guess is that most kinds of static tagging wont be worth the

trouble; just as ones seen for the web in general, itll be much easier and better to make
the search system more sophisticated and content-aware than to add tags document by

What would unquestionably be worthwhile, however, is to put the theorems into a

genuine computable form: to actually take theorems from papers and rewrite them in a
precise symbolic language.

Will it be possible to do this automatically? Eventually I suspect large parts of it will.

Today we can take small fragments of theorems from papers and use the linguistic
understanding system built for Wolfram|Alpha to turn them into pieces of Wolfram
Language code. But it should gradually be possible to extend this to larger fragments
and eventually get to the point where it takes, at most, modest human effort to convert
a typical theorem to precise symbolic form.

So lets imagine we curate all the theorems from the literature of mathematics, and get
them in computable form. What would we do then? We could certainly build a
Wolfram|Alpha-like system that would be quite spectacularand very useful in
practice for doing lots of pure mathematics.

Undecidability bites But there will inevitably be some limitationsresulting in fact

from features of mathematics itself. For example, it wont necessarily be easy to tell
what theorem might apply to what, or even what theorems might be equivalent.
Ultimately these are classic theoretically undecidable problemsand I suspect that they
will often actually be difficult in practical cases too. And at the very least, all of them
involve the same kind of basic process as automated theorem proving.

And what this suggests is a kind of combination of the two basic approaches weve
discussedwhere in effect one takes the complete corpus of published mathematics,
and views it as defining a giant 5-million-axiom formal system, and then follows the
kind of automated theorem-enumeration procedure we discussed to find interesting
things to say.

Math: science or art? So, OK, lets say we build a wonderful system along these lines. Is
it actually solving a core problem in doing pure mathematics, or is it missing the point?

I think it depends on what one sees the nature of the pure mathematical enterprise as
being. Is it science, or is it art? If its science, then being able to make more theorems
faster is surely good. But if its art, thats really not the point. If doing pure mathematics
is like creating a painting, automation is going to be largely counterproductive
because the core of the activity is in a sense a form of human expression.

This is not unrelated to the role of proof. To some mathematicians, what matters is just
the theorem: knowing whats true. The proof is essentially backup to ensure one isnt
making a mistake. But to other mathematicians, proof is a core part of the content of the
mathematics. For them, its the story that brings mathematical concepts to light, and
communicates them.

So what happens when we generate a proof automatically? I had an interesting example

about 15 years ago, when I was working on A New Kind of Science, and ended up
finding the simplest axiom system for Boolean algebra (just the single axiom
SmallCircle]p))==r, as it turned out). I used equational-logic automated theorem-
proving (now built into FullSimplify) to prove the correctness of the axiom system. And
I printed the proof that I generated in the book:

It has 343 steps, and in ordinary-size type would be perhaps 40 pages long. And to me
as a human, its completely incomprehensible. One might have thought it would help

that the theorem prover broke the proof into 81 lemmas. But try as I might, I couldnt
really find a way to turn this automated proof into something I or other people could
understand. Its nice that the proof exists, but the actual proof itself doesnt tell me

Proof as story And the problem, I think, is that theres no conceptual story around the
elements of the proof. Even if the lemmas are chosen structurally as good
waypoints in the proof, there are no cognitive connectionsand no historyaround
these lemmas. Theyre just disembodied, and apparently disconnected, facts.

So how can we do better? If we generate lots of similar proofs, then maybe well start
seeing similar lemmas a lot, and through being familiar they will seem more
meaningful and comprehensible. And there are probably some visualizations that could
help us quickly get a good picture of the overall structure of the proof. And of course, if
we manage to curate all known theorems in the mathematics literature, then we can
potentially connect automatically generated lemmas to those theorems.

Its not immediately clear how often that will possibleand indeed in existing
examples of computer-assisted proofs, like for the Four Color Theorem, the Kepler
Conjecture, or the simplest universal Turing machine, my impression is that the often-
computer-generated lemmas that appear rarely correspond to known theorems from
the literature.

But despite all this, I know at least one example showing that with enough effort, one
can generate proofs that tell stories that people can understand: the step-by-step
solutions system in Wolfram|Alpha Pro. Millions of times a day students and others
compute things like integrals with Wolfram|Alphathen ask to see the steps.

Its notable that actually computing the integral is much easier than figuring out good
steps to show; in fact, it takes some fairly elaborate algorithms and heuristics to
generate steps that successfully communicate to a human how the integral can be done.
But the example of step-by-step in Wolfram|Alpha suggests that its at least conceivable
that with enough effort, it would be possible to generate proofs that are readable as
storiesperhaps even selected to be as short and simple as possible (proofs from
The Book, as Erds would say).

Of course, while these kinds of automated methods may eventually be good at

communicating the details of something like a proof, they wont realistically be able to
communicateor even identifyoverarching ideas and motivations. Needless to say,
present-day pure mathematics papers are often quite deficient in communicating these

too. Because in an effort to ensure rigor and precision, many papers tend to be written
in a very formal way that cannot successfully represent the underlying ideas and
motivations in the mind of the authorwith the result that some of the most important
ideas in mathematics are transmitted through an essentially oral tradition.

It would certainly help the progress of pure mathematics if there were better ways to
communicate its content. And perhaps having a precise symbolic language for pure
mathematics would make it easier to express concretely some of those important points
that are currently left unwritten. But one thing is for sure: having such a language
would make it possible to take a theorem from anywhere, andlike with a typical
Wolfram Language code fragmentimmediately be able to plug it in anywhere else,
and use it.

But back to the question of whether automation in pure mathematics can ultimately
make sense. I consider it fairly clear that a Wolfram|Alpha-like pure math assistant
would be useful to human mathematicians. I also consider it fairly clear that having a
good, precise, symbolic languagea kind of Mathematica Pura thats a well-designed
follow-on to standard mathematical notationwould be immensely helpful in
formulating, checking and communicating math.

Automated discovery But what about a computer just going off and doing math by
itself? Obviously the computer can enumerate theorems, and even use heuristics to
select ones that might be considered interesting to human mathematicians. And if we
curate the literature of mathematics, we can do extensive empirical metamathematics
and start trying to recognize theorems with particular characteristics, perhaps by
applying graph-theoretic criteria on the network of theorems to see what counts as
surprising or a powerful theorem. Theres also nothing particularly difficultlike
in WolframTonesabout having the computer apply aesthetic criteria deduced from
studying human choices.

But I think the real question is whether the computer can build up new conceptual
frameworks and structuresin effect new mathematical theories. Certainly some
theorems found by enumeration will be surprising and indicative of something
fundamentally new. And it will surely be impressive when a computer can take a large
collection of theoremswhether generated or from the literatureand discover
correlations among them that indicate some new unifying principle. But I would expect

that in time the computer will be able not only to identify new structures, but also name
them, and start building stories about them. Of course, it is for humans to decide
whether they care about where the computer is going, but the basic character of what it
does will, I suspect, be largely indistinguishable from many forms of human pure

All of this is still fairly far in the future, but theres already a great way to discover
math-like things todaythats not practiced nearly as much as it should be:
experimental mathematics. The term has slightly different meanings to different people.
For me its about going out and studying what mathematical systems do by running
experiments on them. And so, for example, if we want to find out about some class of
cellular automata, or nonlinear PDEs, or number sequences, or whatever, we just
enumerate possible cases and then run them and see what they do.

Theres a lot to discover like this. And certainly its a rich way to generate observations
and hypotheses that can be explored using the traditional methodologies of pure
mathematics. But the real thrust of what can be done does not fit into what pure
mathematicians typically think of as math. Its about exploring the flora and fauna
and principlesof the universe of possible systems, not about building up math-like
structures that can be studied and explained using theorems and proofs. Which is
whyto quote the title of my bookI think one should best consider this a new kind of
science, rather than something connected to existing mathematics.

In discussing experimental mathematics and A New Kind of Science, its worth

mentioning that in some sense its surprising that pure mathematics is doable at all
because if one just starts asking absolutely arbitrary questions about mathematical
systems, many of them will end up being undecidable.

This is particularly obvious when ones out in the computational universe of possible
programs, but its also true for programs that represent typical mathematical systems.
So why isnt undecidability more of a problem for typical pure mathematics? The
answer is that pure mathematics implicitly tends to select what it studies so as to avoid
undecidability. In a sense this seems to be a reflection of history: pure mathematics
follows what it has historically been successful in doing, and in that way ends up
navigating around undecidabilityand producing the millions of theorems that make
up the corpus of existing pure mathematics.

OK, so those are some issues and directions. But where are we at in practice in bringing
computational knowledge to pure mathematics?

Getting it done Theres certainly a long history of related efforts. The works of Peano
and Whitehead and Russell from a century ago. Hilberts program. The development of
set theory and category theory. And by the 1960s, the first computer systemssuch as
Automathfor representing proof structures. Then from the 1970s, systems like Mizar
that attempted to provide practical computer frameworks for presenting proofs. And in
recent times, increasingly popular proof assistants based on systems like Coq and

One feature of essentially all these efforts is that they were conceived as defining a kind
of low-level language for mathematics. Like most of todays computer languages,
they include a modest number of primitives, then imagine that essentially any actual
content must be built externally, by individual users or in libraries.

But the new idea in the Wolfram Language is to have a knowledge-based language, in
which as much actual knowledge as possible is carefully designed into the language
itself. And I think that just like in general computing, the idea of a knowledge-based
language is going to be crucial for injecting computation into pure mathematics in the
most effective and broadly useful way.

So whats involved in creating our Mathematica Puraan extension to the Wolfram

Language that builds in the actual structure and content of pure math? At the lowest
level, the Wolfram Language deals with arbitrary symbolic expressions, which can
represent absolutely anything. But then the language uses these expressions for many
specific purposes. For example, it can use a symbol x to represent an algebraic variable.
And given this, it has many functions for handling symbolic expressionsinterpreted
as mathematical or algebraic expressionsand doing various forms of math with them.

The emphasis of the math in Mathematica and the Wolfram Language today is on
practical, calculational, math. And by now it certainly covers essentially all the math
that has survived from the 19th century and before. But what about more recent math?
Historically, math itself went through a transition about a century ago. Just around the
time modernism swept through areas like the arts, math had its own version: it started

to consider systems that emerged purely from its own formalism, without regard for
obvious connection to the outside world.

And this is the kind of maththrough developments like Bourbaki and beyondthat
came to dominate pure mathematics in the 20th century. And inevitably, a lot of this
math is about defining abstract structures to study. In simple cases, it seems like one
might represent these structures using some hierarchy of types. But the types need to be
parametrized, and quite quickly one ends up with a whole algebra or calculus of
typesand its just as well that in the Wolfram Language one can use general symbolic
expressions, with arbitrary heads, rather than just simple type descriptions.

As I mentioned early in this blog post, its going to take all sorts of new built-in
functions to capture the frameworks needed to represent modern pure mathematics
together with lots of entity-like objects. And itll certainly take years of careful design to
make a broad system for pure mathematics thats really clean and usable. But theres
nothing fundamentally difficult about having symbolic constructs that represent
differentiability or moduli spaces or whatever. Its just language design, like designing
ways to represent 3D images or remote computation processes or unique external entity

So what about curating theorems from the literature? Through Wolfram|Alpha and the
Wolfram Language, not to mention for example the Wolfram Functions Site and the
Wolfram Connected Devices Project, weve now had plenty of experience at the process
of curation, and in making potentially complex things computable.

The eCF example But to get a concrete sense of whats involved in curating
mathematical theorems, we did a pilot project over the last couple of years through the
Wolfram Foundation, supported by the Sloan Foundation. For this project we picked a
very specific and well-defined area of mathematics: research on continued fractions.
Continued fractions have been studied continually since antiquity, but were at their
most popular between about 1780 and 1910. In all there are around 7000 books and
papers about them, running to about 150,000 pages.

We chose about 2000 documents, then set about extracting theorems and other
mathematical information from them. The result was about 600 theorems, 1500 basic
formulas, and about 10,000 derived formulas. The formulas were directly in computable

formand were in effect immediately able to join the 300,000+ on the Wolfram
Functions Site, that are all now included in Wolfram|Alpha. But with the theorems, our
first step was just to treat them as entities themselves, with properties such as where
they were first published, who discovered them, etc. And even at this level, we were
able to insert some nice functionality into Wolfram|Alpha.

But we also started trying to actually encode the content of the theorems in computable
form. It took introducing some new constructs like LebesgueMeasure, ConvergenceSet
and LyapunovExponent. But there was no fundamental problem in creating precise
symbolic representations of the theorems. And just from these representations, it
became possible to do computations like this in Wolfram|Alpha:

An interesting feature of the continued fraction project (dubbed eCF) was how the
process of curation actually led to the discovery of some new mathematics. For having
done curation on 50+ papers about the RogersRamanujan continued fraction, it became
clear that there were missing cases that could now be computed. And the result was the
filling of a gap left by Ramanujan for 100 years.

Theres always a tradeoff between curating knowledge and creating it afresh. And so,
for example, in the Wolfram Functions Site, there was a core of relations between
functions that came from reference books and the literature. But it was vastly more
efficient to generate other relations than to scour the literature to find them.

But if the goal is curation, then what would it take to curate the complete literature of
mathematics? In the eCF project, it took about 3 hours of mathematician time to encode
each theorem in computable form. But all this work was done by hand, and in a larger-
scale project, I am certain that an increasing fraction of it could be done automatically,

not least using extensions of our Wolfram|Alpha natural language understanding

Of course, there are all sorts of practical issues. Newer papers are predominantly in
TeX, so its not too difficult to pull out theorems with all their mathematical notation.
But older papers need to be scanned, which requires math OCR, which has yet to be
properly developed.

Then there are issues like whether theorems stated in papers are actually valid. And
even whether theorems that were considered valid, say, 100 years ago are still
considered valid today. For example, for continued fractions, there are lots of pre-1950
theorems that were successfully proved in their time, but which ignore branch cuts, and
so wouldnt be considered correct today.

And in the end of course it requires lots of actual, skilled mathematicians to guide the
curation process, and to encode theorems. But in a sense this kind of mobilization of
mathematicians is not completely unfamiliar; its something like what was needed
when Zentralblatt was started in 1931, or Mathematical Reviews in 1941. (As a curious
footnote, the founding editor of both these publications was Otto Neugebauer, who
worked just down the hall from me at the Institute for Advanced Study in the early
1980s, but who I had no idea was involved in anything other than decoding Babylonian
mathematics until I was doing research for this blog post.)

When it comes to actually constructing a system for encoding pure mathematics, theres
an interesting example: Theorema, started by Bruno Buchberger in 1995, and recently
updated to version 2. Theorema is written in the Wolfram Language, and provides both
a document-based environment for representing mathematical statements and proofs,
and actual computation capabilities for automated theorem proving and so on.

No doubt itll be an element of whats ultimately built. But the whole project is
necessarily quite largeperhaps the worlds first example of big math. So can the
project get done in the world today? A crucial part is that we now have the technical
capability to design the language and build the infrastructure thats needed. But beyond
that, the project also needs a strong commitment from the worlds mathematics
communityas well as lots of contributions from individual mathematicians from
every possible field. And realistically its not a project that can be justified on
commercial groundsso the likely $100+ million that it will need will have to come
from non-commercial sources.

But its a great and important projectthat promises to be pivotal for pure
mathematics. In almost every field there are golden ages when dramatic progress is
made. And more often than not, such golden ages are initiated by new methodology
and the arrival of new technology. And this is exactly what I think will happen in pure
mathematics. If we can mobilize the effort to curate known mathematics and build the
system to use and generate computational knowledge around it, then we will not only
succeed in preserving and spreading the great heritage of pure mathematics, but we
will also thrust pure mathematics into a period of dramatic growth.

Large projects like this rely on strong leadership. And I stand ready to do my part, and
to contribute the core technology that is needed. Now to move this forward, what it
takes is commitment from the worldwide mathematics community. We have the
opportunity to make the second decade of the 21st century really count in the multi-
millennium history of pure mathematics. Lets actually make it happen!

Distributed computing (performing computing tasks using a network of

computers in the cloud) is very real. Google GOOGL -2.81% uses it every day
to involve about 1,000 computersin answering a single search query, which
takes no more than 0.2 seconds to complete.

4. Consumers are on the Verge of Understanding Big Data: Are You? by Douglas
The NSA scandal has put the possibilities of big data back into the public
imagination as forcefully as those
Douglas Rushkoff images of Tom Cruise waving his
Author, Throwing Rocks at hands to manipulate the interface in
the Google Bus Minority Report. Only now, instead
LinkedIn Contact of science fiction exaggerating
reality, the reality of our
technological capability still
Douglas Rushkoff is author of fifteen bestselling
books on media, technology, and culture including
outpaces most consumers' ability to
Program or Be Programmed, Present Shock, and, conceive it.
most recently, Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus.
He made the PBS Frontline documentaries Not for long.
Generation Like, Merchants of Cool, and The
Persuaders, wrote the graphic novels ADD and
Testament, and originated concepts from "viral For now, most regular people are
media" to "social currency." He's Professor of still concerned about surveillance on
Media Theory and Digital Economics at the actual things they are doing.
CUNY/Queens, and lectures around the world
about media, society, and change. He won the People don't want the government
Marshall McLuhan Award for his book Coercion, knowing what they've said to
and the Neil Postman Award for Career friends over the phone about how
Achievement in Public Intellectual Activity.
they take deductions on their tax
forms. They don't want Tiffany's
receipts for gifts to a mistress showing up in divorce court. And they don't want anyone
knowing about the time they streamed that fetish video because they happened to feel
curious, or particularly lonely one night.

So when both the NSA and corporations assure consumers that "no one is listening to
your conversations" and "no one is reading your email," at least we know our content is
supposedly private.

But as anyone working with big data knows, the content of our phone calls and emails
means nothing in comparison with the meta-data around it. The time you make a phone
call, the duration, the location from which you initiated it, the places you went while

you talked, and so on, all mean a whole lot more to the computers attempting to
understand who we are and what we are about to do next.

The more data points a statistician has about you, the more data points he has to
compare with all the other people out there. Hundreds of millions of people, each with
tens of thousands of data points. Nobody cares what any particular data point says
about you - only what they say about you in comparison with everyone else.

It's the very same process used by direct mail marketers since the days when they kept
index card files of everyone on their mailing list. They've always known who owns a
house or a car, who is having a baby, who has a loan, and other basic information from
which to draw conclusions about likely targets for particular mailings. But with the aid
of computers and, now, the data trails we all leave behind everywhere we go, that
process has become far more complex and predictive.

For example, it may turn out that people who have cars with two doors, own cats, open
a weather app between 10am and noon, and have gone on a travel site in the last fifteen
minutes are 70% likely to purchase a pair of skis in the next three months. Does anyone

know or care why that data set is true? No. But it's extremely valuable to the companies
selling skis who are trying to do an efficient ad spend.

The same sorts of data can be used to predict the probability of almost anything - from
whether a person is going to change political parties to whether a person is going to
change sexual orientation. It has nothing to do with they say in their emails about
politics or sex, and everything to do with the seemingly innocuous data that has
nothing to do with anything. Big data has been shown capable of predicting when a
person is about to get the flu based on their changes in messaging frequency, spelling
auto corrections, and movement tracked by GPS.

People outside the technology and marketing industries don't fully grasp this yet. They
know someone might be recording their calls, and they know that things they've
written about in their emails mysteriously show up in display ads on the website they
visit. But the conversation is beginning, and the truth is winding its way through public

As people come to understand how companies and government use the data they leave
behind, they will become less willing to participate in everything from loyalty programs
(whose sole purpose was to vacuum data) to turning over a zip code at the cash
register. They will come to understand that it's not the zip code or the panties they're
buying that they should be protecting themselves from, but the process through which
their futures are predicted and then actively encouraged by big data.

See, there's the rub. Big data doesn't tell us what a person might do. It tells us what a
person might likely do, based on past performance of other people. Big data is a very
complicated rearview mirror, through which analysts forecast likely outcomes.
Marketers then promote those outcomes by advertising diet products to people who
might be persuaded to go on a diet, or cookies to people who might be persuaded to
become obese.

What it doesn't take into account is novelty. New outcomes are never predicted by big
data. It can't do that, because it can't see anything that hasn't already happened. It can
see the likelihood of another shoe bomber, but a mall bomber? Hasn't happened yet, so
it can't be predicted to happen again.

As a result, companies depending on big data must necessarily reduce the spontaneity
of their customers. You need to make your consumers less lifelike and unique, in order
for them to conform to some pattern that's already happened that you want to exploit.
That's not a great relationship to have with your customers: hoping that they get less

Worse, governments depending on big data for security are trapped in the past,
spending massive resources attending to last year's ideas, and becoming even more
vulnerable to next year's innovations.

The speed at which various constituencies figure all this out may be the biggest
predictor of our future. Even bigger than big data.

At the moment less than 0.5%of all data is ever

analysed and used, just imagine the potential here.

5. The Frightening Perils and Amazing Benefits of Big Data by Vivek Wadhwa

Debates are raging about whether

Vivek Wadhwa
big data still holds the promise that
Academic, Writer, was expected or whether it was just
Researcher & Entrepreneur
a big bust. The failure of the much-
LinkedIn Contact hyped Google Flu Trends to
accurately predict peak flu levels
Vivek Wadhwa is a Fellow at Arthur & Toni Rembe since August 2011 has heightened
Rock Center for Corporate Governance, Stanford the concerns.
University; Director of Research at the Center for
Entrepreneurship and Research Commercialization
at the Pratt School of Engineering, Duke In my mind, there is no doubt that
University; and Distinguished Fellow at Singularity data analytics will one day help to
University. He is author of The Immigrant Exodus:
Why America Is Losing the Global Race to Capture improve health care and crime
Entrepreneurial Talentwhich was named by The detection, design better products,
Economist as a Book of the Year of 2012, and
and improve traffic patterns and
Innovating Women: The Changing Face of
Technologywhich documents the struggles and agricultural yields. My concern is
triumphs of women. In 2012, the U.S. Government about how we will one day use all
awarded Wadhwa distinguished recognition as
an Outstanding American by Choice for his the data we are gatheringand the
commitment to this country and to the common skeletons it will uncover. Think
civic values that unite us as Americans. He was
about how DNA technology is being
also named by Foreign Policy Magazine as Top
100 Global Thinker in 2012. In 2013, TIME used to free people who were
Magazine listed him as one of The 40 Most wrongfully imprisoned decades ago.
Influential Minds in Tech.
Imagine what supercomputers of
. the future will be able to do with the
data that present-day data gatherers havent yet learned to use.

Over the centuries, we gathered data on things such as climate, demographics, and
business and government transactions. Our farmers kept track of the weather so that
they would know when to grow their crops; we had land records so that we could own
property; and we developed phone books so that we could find people. About 15 years
ago we started creating Web pages on the Internet. Interested parties started collecting
data about what news we read, where we shopped, what sites we surfed, what music
we listened to, what movies we watched, and where we traveled to. With the advent of
LinkedIn, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and many other social-media tools, we began to

volunteer private information about our work history and social and business contacts
and what we likeour food, entertainment, even our sexual preferences and spiritual

Today, data are accumulating at exponentially increasing rates. There are more than 100
hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, and even more video is being
collected worldwide through the surveillance cameras that you see everywhere.
Mobile-phone apps are keeping track of our every movement: everywhere we go; how
fast we move; what time we wake. Soon, devices that we wear or that are built into our
smartphones will monitor our bodys functioning; our sequenced DNA will reveal the
software recipe for our physical body.

The NSA has been mining our phone metadata and occasionally listening in; marketers
are correlating information about our gender, age, education, location, and
socioeconomic status and using this to sell more to us; and politicians are fine-tuning
their campaigns.

This is baby stuff compared to what lies ahead. The available tools for analyzing data
are still crude; there are very few good data scientists; and companies such as Google
still havent figured out what is the best data to analyze. This will surely change rapidly
as artificial-intelligence technologies evolve and computers become more powerful and
connected. We will be able to analyze all data we have collected from the beginning of
timeas if we were entering a data time machine.

We will be revisiting crime cases from the past, re-auditing tax returns, tracking down
corruption, and learning who were the real heroes and villains. An artificially intelligent
cybercop scanning all the camera data that were gathered, as well as phone records, e-
mails, bank-account and credit-card data, and medical data on everyone in a city or a
country, will instantly solve a crime better than Sherlock Holmes could. Our
grandchildren will know of the sins we committed; Junior may wonder why grandpa
was unfaithful to grandma.

What is scary is that we will lose our privacy, opening the door to new types of crime
and fraud. Governments and employers will gain more control over us, and have
corporations reap greater profits from the information that we innocently handed over
to them. More data and more computing will mean more money and power. Look at
the advantage that bankers on Wall Street have already gained with high-frequency
trading and how they are skimming billions of dollars from our financial system.

We surely need stronger laws and technology protections. And we need to be aware of
the perils. We must also realize that with our misdeeds, there will be nowhere to hide
not even in our past.

There are many opportunities in this new age of data.

Consider what becomes possible if we correlate information about a persons genome,
lifestyle habits, and location with their medical history and the medications they take.
We could understand the true effectiveness of drugs and their side effects. This would
change the way drugs are tested and prescribed. And then, when genome data become
available for hundreds of millions of people, we could discover the links between
disease and DNA to prescribe personalized medicationstailored to an individuals
DNA. We are talking about a revolution in health and medicine.

In schools, classes are usually so large that the teacher does not get to know the student
particularly the childs other classes, habits, and development through the years.
What if a digital tutor could keep track of a childs progress and learn his or her likes
and dislikes, teaching-style preferences, and intellectual strengths and weaknesses?
Using data gathered by digital learning devices, test scores, attendance, and habits, the
teacher could be informed of which students to focus on, what to emphasize, and how
best to teach an individual child. This could change the education system itself.

Combine the data that are available on a persons shopping habits with knowledge of
their social preferences, health, and location. We could have shopping assistants and
personal designers creating new products including clothing that are 3D-printed or
custom-manufactured for the individual. An artificial intelligence based digital assistant
could anticipate what a person wants to wear or to eat and have it ready for them.

All of these scenarios will become possible, as will thousands of other applications of
data in agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, and other fields. The only question
is how fast will we get thereand what new nightmares will we create.

Align big data analytics goals with

your individual business goals.
5. Let The Machines Decide by Toby Unwin

Humans are stupid and lazy. We get

Toby Unwin
bored, inattentive and tired. We are
Chief Innovation Officer, biased, prejudiced and ill informed.
Premonition LLC
Perhaps worst of all, we make really,
LinkedIn Contact really bad decisions while deluding
ourselves that they are great ones.

Inventor of Premonition, an AI system that analyzes

We need Artificial Intelligence, if
Attorneys by Win Rate. Toby founded NetSearch, only to protect us from ourselves.
the online headhunting firm. He is The Republic of Human decisions are often based on
Austrias Honorary Consul in Orlando. The
bestselling author of several books and 10 patents. emotions and gut feel. We choose
He sits on numerous boards such as Maximum Life Law Firms by their offices, Doctors
Medical Research Foundation and the Central
Florida Ballet. An accomplished pilot, he holds a
by their bedside manners, our choice
World airspeed record. He speaks five languages of Educators is often dictated by
and studied International Commercial Law at Kings
which union they belong to. None of
College London.
these factors correlate with good
outcomes. Clients lose lawsuits,
patients get sicker and students fail exams all for the want of decisions we took that are
essentially random. We then compound our errors by deluding ourselves that they
were smart, informed choices.

It is a very hard thing to convince a professional that they actually know nothing about
a skill they pride themselves on having. Yet study after study has shown Law Firms re-
hiring Barristers who are proven losers. Patients select their doctors from online
reviews, not procedure outcomes, unions fight tooth and nail to prevent teachers being
measured. George Bernard Shaw once famously quipped All professions are
conspiracies against the laity. In area after area there are huge opportunities for
perception/reality arbitrage. It turns out that this is something Machine Intelligence is
really good at.

Data is here all around us. Courts collect legal data, hospitals, insurers and exam
boards, the same. The issue is that it exists in disparate and unusable forms. Once
enough of it has been collected though, big data can tease surprising analysis from the

jumble. The lawyer on the billboard hasn't won a case in years, theres a vein doctor
thats surprisingly good at plastic surgery procedures, a nutritionist with remarkably
few cancer patients, an overlooked teacher in an inner city school is turning around kids
lives. We can reap these benefits when we admit our failings and let the machines take
over in these areas. Because transparency is a good thing. Transparency works. Big data
can spot abusive Homeowners Associations by correlating property records with
litigation data, the beginnings of Ponzi schemes by comparing the same with public
financial filings, fine-tune education by comparing textbook choices with exam results.
Big data is here and its just getting started.

We need machines that can think, because there are some areas where we just cant.
This brings efficiencies, aligns incentives, raises standards of living. When the things we
fail at become bot work, it frees humanity to do the things we, as a species can be proud
of. We can focus on innovation, creativity, the quest to explore and make things better.
And well do it standing on the shoulders of machines.

73% of organizations have already invested or

plan to invest in big data by 2016

6. Is Little Data the Next Big Data? by Jonah Berger

Is personal quantification the next

Jonah Berger
evolution of the Big Data
Wharton Professor and revolution? And is our addiction to
Author of NYT Bestseller,
analytics leading us astray?

LinkedIn Contact
Three weeks ago, at approximately
Jonah Berger is a marketing professor at the 10:32pm, Nike made me hit my dog
Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania
in the face. Now before the ASPCA
and author of the recent New York Times and Wall
Street Journal Bestseller Contagious: Why Things starts calling, it was a complete
Catch On. Dr. Berger has spent over 15 years mistake (she snuck up behind me
studying how social influence works and how it
drives products and ideas to catch on. Hes while I was furiously swinging my
published dozens of articles in top-tier academic arm in circles). But the fact that it
journals, consulted for a variety of Fortune 500
companies, and popular outlets like the New York
happened at all sheds light on how
Times and Harvard Business Review often cover his the recent quest for personal
quantification has changed our
lives, both for better, and worse.

The era of Big Data is upon us. From Target mining shopper data to figure out who is
getting pregnant to Google using online search to predict incidence of the flu,
companies and organizations are using troves of information to spot trends, combat
crime, and prevent disease. Online and offline actions are being tracked, aggregated,
and analyzed at dizzying rates.

The power of Big Data was on display, once again, at this weeks TechCrunch Disrupt
conference, a biannual confab of some of the biggest players in Silicon Valley. Big data
believer and CEO Marc Benioff was there, as were plenty of venture
capitalists betting on a future in businesses driven by data.
But while Big Data gets all the attention, innovative technologies have also enabled
Little Data to flourish. Personal quantification. The measurement, tracking, and
analysis of the minutiae of our everyday lives. How many calories we consumed for

breakfast, how many we burned on our last run, and how long we spend using various
applications on our computer.
In some ways Little Data is a boon. We can lose weight by realizing we tend to splurge
on Thursdays. We can be more efficient at work by realizing we dilly-dally more than
we thought on Facebook. With data firmly in hand we work to optimize every aspect of
our behavior.

But this measurement also has some insidious aspects that we often ignore. We forget
that what we track determines where we focus and what we are motivated to improve.

Why do people obsess over LinkedIn Connections or Twitter followers? SAT scores,
golf handicaps, or even gas mileage? Because they are observable metrics that are easy


compare. Someone who has more LinkedIn connections must have more expertise.
Someone with more Twitter followers must be more influential. So people use these
metrics as a yardstick. An easy way to assess whether they are doing well.

But just because a metric is easy to capture doesnt mean its the right metric to
use. More followers dont actually equal more influence. More connections dont

necessarily mean more expertise. They may just mean someone spend a lot of time on
the site.
Its like the old adage about the drunk searching for his keys. One night a policeman
sees a drunk scouring the ground around a streetlight so he asks the drunk what he is
looking for. The drunk says I lost my keys, and the policeman, wanting to be helpful,
joins in the search. After a few fruitless minutes combing the area, the policeman asks
the drunk are you sure you dropped them here?" Not sure, the drunk says, I have
no idea where I dropped them. Then why are we searching under the street light?
asks the policeman. Because that is where the light is, the drunk replies.
And this brings us back to Nike, my dog, and swinging my arm around in circles like a
windmill. Nikes new FuelBand helps people track how much exercise they get on a
daily basis. It records how many steps you take, calories you burn, and even Fuel, a
measure of overall exertion. All on a handy tracker you wear around your wrist. You
set a daily Fuel goal, and if you get there, the wristband gives you a mini-celebration.

The device is meant to encourage exercise, but like many examples of Little Data, it
focuses attention on a particular aspect of behavior. Shining a light and determining
where people devote their effort.

As a result, Fuel becomes the ends rather than the means. I was brushing my teeth,
about to go to bed, when I noticed that I had 3,900 Fuel points. My goal for the day was
4,000. I was so close! I couldnt go to bed without reaching my goal.

But it was 10:28 pm. Too late for a run or any exercise really. So I started doing a couple
of half-hearted jumping jacks. Then I realized that arm movement burned the most
Fuel. So I started swinging my arm around in huge circles. Just when the dog decided
to walk up and take a closer look at what in the world I was doing with my arm.
Is Nikes goal to get people to swing their arms in circles? Unlikely. But by tracking a
measure that values such behavior, that is what it encourages. Searching under the

Measurement is great. Without it we dont know where we are, how were doing, or
how to improve. But we need to be careful about how we use it. Because without
realizing it, measurement determines rewards and motivation. It determines what
people care about, what they work to achieve, and whether they cheat to get there.
Tracking student test scores helps measure achievement, but it also encourages teachers
to teach to the test.

So before you obsess over a particular metric, make sure its the right metric to obsess
over. It might just be time to find a new streetlight.

Has Little Data and the quest for quantification gone too far? Is Big Data a boon or a bust?

Estimates suggest that by better integrating big data, healthcare

could save as much as $300 billion a year thats equal to
reducing costs by $1000 a year for every man, woman, and child.

7. Future of Data Analytics and Beyond... by Deeksha Joshi

As a new year starts, various

Deeksha Joshi blogs start emerging around
Innovation Leader, Mentor, what is next and where the
Data Driven in Business
world is headed. Data Analytics
LinkedIn Contact is not different and there are
many wonderful prophesies
around how data analytics will
Data driven leader with over 12 years of expertise in
leading strategy, innovation, commercialization, evolve. I have my own set of
transformation and management consulting optimistic opportunities that
Deeksha is a thought leader and author of a book
data analytics will experience in
on innovation- Data Driven Innovation- a Primer.
its future. While data analytics
She has experience in working with senior
leadership, business development, leading teams, still has a long way to travel to
strategy and planning across various industries get to the rest of 99% of the
including healthcare, financial services, insurance
businesses, it has made some
and retail.
great progress. With optimistic
She has a MBA from Darden School of Business,
Virginia and has a bachelor in Engineering from outlook, I consider following 10
Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, New Delhi. opportunities that the future of
analytics will have in its horizon:

1. Analytics as an App
This is one of the most favorite of them all. As analytics is going prime time, it is also
getting a great deal of pressure to make it available in ready to use form. This will
eventually give rise to analytics delivered as an app. Think of an app to crunch your
garbled data and find the hidden relationships or think of an app that takes your vitals
and compares it with world data (benchmarking) and suggests implications and
recommendations. Appification of analytics is still not in its prime but it is a future that
is not avoidable and bound to happen for the betterment of mankind.

2. Rise of hardware appliance with analytics

I was in a discussion with one of the largest farming equipment manufacturers and the
conversation led to a discussion of data analytics opportunities that exists in their
equipment and how if analytics can travel to the last mile could reduce the data transfer

from raw bit of dumb big data to crunched smart data. It is not very far when the
pressure of deploying such use cases will push analytics to be an embedded
phenomenon living in the last mile of the analog world.

3. Analytics as a driver of Innovation

Analytics will be increasingly leveraged to drive innovation and lean methodologies
within the organization. Quick data feedback loops will help expedite testing and lead
to boost in innovation and shorter cycle times. This will help improve the ROI of
innovation for various organizations and further accelerate it.

4. Growth of analytics outsourcing and its evolution like IT

If anyone is following the big data evolution, its pretty much following the trajectory of
IT revolution of late 90s and early 2000s. Analytics will also grow like IT professionals,
its use will become modularized and some parts of analytics will evolve as an overhead
that could be outsourced.

5. Improved usage of crowd analytics into business core

Another opportunity that data analytics has in its horizon is the ability to crowd source
analytics to get faster and optimal outcomes. As online, cloud and crowdsourcing
platforms mature, the world will be more open towards enterprise adoption of crowd

analytics. This will reduce the cost of experimentation and increases the analytics
quality outcome, which makes it almost impossible for businesses to not adopt this
strategy in the future.

6. Rise of smart data and fall of big data

As we are building capabilities to deal with big bad data, we are seeing the importance
of good data and how a bad data could impact the outcome and quality of insight. This
will ultimately give rise to smart data, which is pre-processed in its last mile, and come
to businesses with some pre-known context. This will drastically improves return on
analytics and improve the quality of insights.

7. Machine and Deep Learning finds its way into prime time analytics
Currently machine learning and deep learning are a tool for the learned and experts but
as we wander around the areas of non-hypothesis based learning, the machine/deep
learning tools and capabilities will hit prime time to help everyday users make use of
these capabilities to find predictive insights and decipher patterns.

8. Analytics will go beyond reporting and into predicting and presciptive

This is another one of the clich but still important to future of analytics. As businesses
start to get a hang of what data analytics could do, they will up their game of using
analytics for predictive insights and not just the reporting. This will give businesses a
leg up in becoming a data driven enterprise, which is environment, and risk agnostic.

9. Self-service analytics for the masses

Another favorite of my future list is to see more self-service analytics capabilities hitting
the prime time. As world becomes more sophisticated with its analytics and SAAS
capabilities, the time and market will become ripe for self-service analytics capabilities
that businesses would be able to use to effectively function like a top data driven

10. Automation of BI and Analytics

Automation is another opportunity that is still missing in the prime time. As tools and
capabilities grow with better interface with coding language, the rise of automation

tools is unavoidable. Automation of BI and Analytics capabilities will be forced by the
talent gap and help reduce the risks of talent gap.

There are some risks of increasing automation and analytics that call for a mention here,
notably the increasing security related impacts that have a potential of disrupting some
of the progress made. On the upbeat note as the world is unleashing its latest tools and
capabilities for analytics, the world will be nothing but a better and data driven place
for all of us to live and decipher, one bit at a time.

Think sustainable evolution and

8. Big Data Analytics, Where Are We Going? by John Ryan

There are very few people

John Ryan smarter than Michael Stonebraker
Mentor, Data Scientist at winner of the 2014 Turing Award,
so when he makes a move people
LinkedIn Contact should sit up and take note, and
he has looked at SQL, NoSQL and
business needs and decided that
I work in Data Science supporting HP's Global
Cyber Security crunching numbers to find insight. I matrix storage is the next big
believe in mentoring aspiring Data Scientists, thing and has started a company
because I believe analysts must take the time to
become high-performance leaders by using analytic to provide SciDB. Now I work for
insight, my focus is on human behavior and the HP and we are busily building a
human condition. Data trends show that the market
commercial practice out of
of the future is the poor, trends show that
demographics are driving five key areas of growth, Stonebraker's last idea - the
Food, Information, Transportation, Housing, and columnar database that we
Energy. But population growth is slowing so high
end products must compete fiercely for customers, bought called Vertica. And, by the
whereas explosive growth opportunities are around way it's great, fast, reliable all that
people who will address the needs of six billion
good stuff, but what it doesn't do
impoverished people. Two quick examples, using
precision agriculture and factory farming, well is support vector based
companies can precisely tune the temperature, analytics in data-frames like R,
wavelength of light, and micro nutrients to increase
food production ten fold. That means a 90% profit and Pandas. That means that tons
increase, but if you forego the pure profit and drop of valuable business information
you prices your market will expand a hundred fold
and you can take on Cargill. Cell phones can be
will remain locked up,
linked together with a wifi/bloothtooth app and you inaccessible to those companies
can develop an internet with massive bandwidth at investing in Big Data. But don't
no cost, talk about a revenue stream! These are the
opportunities of a lifetime and we can make a worry help is on the way, let me
difference and a profit. :-) explain.

I'd like to start with a short

history of data analytics and
physical limitations of storage and analytics. To analyze data you have to have data and
that means you have to store and retrieve data. When the first databases were built cpus
were much slower than memory so all you had to do was make sure that memory was
full and you maxed out your analytic capabilities. So you stored your records on a disk

in row format and pulled them into memory for the cpu to work on. There were various
ideas about how to do that but then E.F. Codd, Ted to Michael Sotnebraker, came up
with Relational Calculus and showed that you could abstract the query/analyze/update
cycle. Michael Stonebraker wrote Ingres, and Postgres to implement Ted's ideas. At first
it was doubted that these ideas would perform well, especially against the hand crafted
data access methods like ISAM, and B-Trees that were used at the time. But that was a
bet against a compiler, and betting against the compiler is a losing one. Oh and by the
way, Michael thinks that the NoSQL people are also betting against the compiler, and
will lose for the same reasons.

But then data got bigger and CPUs got faster and now the CPU is starved for data and
the row at a time model doesn't make sense. So he moved on to columnar databases
writing c-store which became Vertica and is owned by HP. He didn't invent the
columnar database, that honor goes to to MonetDB, formerly Monet, a research db that
is still quite good and which I recommend if you are on a budget or need to do research
in databases. Now you can cram a whole column of numbers into memory, and the
CPU can add them up lickety split and give you an answer without having to pull in all
the other bit of information in the rows. So with all this goodness where is the problem?

There are several problems, or maybe its one problem with several faces. First there is a
language problem, or at least a human understanding problem that needs to be
addressed in SQL. For instance people like tables, in particular they like spreadsheets
and they like to have all sorts of complicated equations between various parts of the
spreadsheet and SQL addresses "simple" relationships within a table, but many people
in general, and data scientists in particular, like complicated relationships between
elements - like a difference of Gaussian analysis conducted between different elements
of the pixel table "spreadsheet" . As researchers we might be interested in feature
extraction on a picture, where the intersection of the rows and columns are pixels. We
might then take the entire frame (table) and make it fuzzier by using a Gaussian
function between neighboring cells, and then do it again to create a third frame, and so
on, stacking one behind the other. Then we want to analyze how these stacked frames
are related. The process is called a Difference of Gaussians. What is the SQL query for

So data scientists use a matrix called a data-frame to work their magic. A data-frame is a
lot like a spreadsheet except that it can be pushed to much higher dimensionality with
relationships defined between frames ("spreadsheets" in simple terms). While a
spreadsheet is a two dimensional object, a data-frame is an n-dimensional object. In it
you can specify, or ascertain, the relationships between spreadsheets, a three
dimensional analysis, or between workbooks, a four dimensional analysis, or a OLAP
"cube" etc.. Before you go accusing me of creating a corner case of no use to business,
using a Difference of Gaussian analysis is a great way to identify feature vectors that
allow us to do object recognition in photos, or do hand writer recognition in on checks
to detect fraud and forgery, or to do optical character recognition converting paper
records etc. But SQL is not designed to handle these more sophisticated relationships.
In other words, there is a failure of language. Here is Michael Stonebaker in his own

Historically analysis tools have focused on business users, and have provided easy-to-
use interfaces for submitting SQL aggregates to data warehouses. Such business
intelligence (BI) tools are not useful to scientists, who universally want much more
complex analyses, whether it be outlier detection, curve fitting, analysis of variance
[emphasis added] , predictive models or network analysis. Such complex analytics is
defined on arrays in linear algebra, and requires a new generation of client-side tools
and server side tools in DBMSs.

We could, and of course we do, write specialized queries like map reduce, and
recursive for loops to get things done, but wouldn't it be much nicer to be able to write
something like:

Select picture from pictureTable where DifferenceOfGaussian(depth=5,greyscale=.5)

contains DifferenceOfGausian(depth=5).target(myExamplePicture);

In other words wouldn't it be nice if the language took care of all that nasty writing of
for loops etc. and took what we write in a high level language and sort it all out
underneath? This is what R, and Pandas do. They allow you to create a vector function
like DifferenceOfGaussian and apply it to a data-frame. In a Pandas data-frame you can
define your own function "f(x)" that is applied in a vector fashion like so:

def f(x):return x[0]+ x[1]

df = pandas.read_csv("myspreadsheet.csv")

df.apply(f, axis=1)#passes a Series object, row-wise

Of course "f(x)" can be much more complicated than in the example above. This
application of a function can be done because a data-frame is a matrix, and it allows
more intricate patterns among data-frame elements and therefore unlocks the business
data opportunities residing in our data repositories. And as a bonus we don't have to
keep going to the SQL standards meeting to argue that our particular function needs to
be included in the language. A process which slows the pace of innovation.

Michael Stonbraker's SciDB supports three languages AQL/AFL (array SQL), R and
Python. ScidDB is Open source but closely controlled. But if you can't get your hands
on this there are other efforts that come close. Here are two projects that add data-
frames to columnar DBs, Hadoop, SQL and NoSQL databases. Recently Apache
announced the addition of data-frames to Spark which supports Scala, Java, and
Python. and Blaze which supports data frames and is, some what, compatible with
Python Pandas. Does anyone see a pattern here? Python is the common thread.

The next big obstacle is the sheer volume of data, and SciDB aim to address in a similar
fashion to Spark and Blaze, by chopping up a data-frame into chunks for distributed
processing and thus allow manipulations to be bigger than any one computer's main
memory. And here the products, for now, are different. Not for long, I believe, because
any good idea will be put into the compiler and query optimizer and soon all these
product will converge. For instance you can chunk a data-frame into separate pieces for
some cases that are fairly independent or chunk them so that they overlap for others.
When we are smoothing data between pixels we will want the overlapping type of
chunking, but when we just want the sum we will want non-overlapping. There are
already hybrid chunkers that optimize by type (i.e. overlapping or not), much like
current SQL compilers can decide whether a B-Tree or ISAM storage Index will result in
faster execution times. In this future world we data scientists will be free from writing
long torturous Map-Reduce functions to keep memory requirements within bounds,
and we will leave that to the compiler. Whew, won't that be nice.

Well I hope you keep an eye on this space because it is going to get interesting.

The world is one big data problem. Andrew McAfee, the

associate director of the Center for Digital Business at the
MIT Sloan School of Management

9. A Path Forward for Big Data by Jules Polonetsky

How should privacy concerns be

Jules Polonetsky weighed against the benefits of
Executive Director, Future big data? This question has been
of Privacy Forum at the heart of policy debates
LinkedIn Contact about big data all year, from the
Presidents announcement of the
Jules serves as Executive Director and Co-chair of
White House Big Data review in
the Future of Privacy Forum, a Washington, D.C.- January to the FTCs latest
based think tank that seeks to advance responsible
workshop looking at big datas
data practices. Jules previous roles have included
serving as Chief Privacy Officer at AOL and before ability to exclude or include.
that at DoubleClick, as Consumer Affairs Answering this question could
Commissioner for New York City, as an elected
New York State Legislator and as a congressional very well present the biggest
staffer, and as an attorney. Jules currently chairs public policy challenge of our
the privacy advisory board of Gigya, and serves on
time, and the need to face that
the Advisory Boards of the Cookie Clearinghouse,
Frankly and the Center for Copyright Information. challenge is growing.

Increasingly, there are new

worries that big data is being used in ways that are unfair to some people or classes of
people. Resolving those worries and ensuring that big data is being used fairly and
legitimately is a challenge should be a top priority for industry and government alike.

Today, the Future of Privacy Forum is
releasing two papers that we hope
will help frame the big data
conversation moving forward and
promote better understanding of how
big data can shape our lives. These
papers provide a practical guide for
how benefits can be assessed in the
future, but they also show how data
is already is being used in the
present. FPF Co-Chairman
Christopher Wolf will discuss key
points from these papers at the
Federal Trade Commission public
workshop entitled Big Data: A Tool for Inclusion or Exclusion? in Washington on
Monday, September 15.

We are also releasing a White Paper which is based on comments that will be presented
at the FTC Workshop by Peter Swire, Nancy J. & Lawrence P. Huang Professor of Law
and Ethics, Georgia Institute of Technology. Swire, also Senior Fellow at FPF, draws
lessons from fair lending law that are relevant for online marketing related to protected

The papers are entitled:

A Benefit-Risk Analysis for Big Data

Big Data: A Tool to for Fighting Discrimination and Empowering Groups
Lessons from Fair Lending Law for Fair Marketing and Big Data

The world of big data is messy and challenging. The very term big data means
different things within different contexts. Any successful approach to the challenge of
big data must recognize that data can be used in a variety of different ways. Some of
these uses are clearly beneficial, some of them clearly are problematic, some are for uses
that some believe beneficial and others believe to be harmful. Some uses have no real
impact on individuals at all. We hope these documents can offer new ways to look at
big data in order to ensure that it is only being used for good.

Big Data: A Benefit and Risk Analysis

Privacy professionals have become experts at evaluating risk, but moving forward with
big data will require rigorous analysis of project benefits to go along with traditional
privacy risk assessments. We believe companies or researchers need tools that can help
evaluate the cases for the benefits of significant new data uses. Big Data: A Benefit and
Risk Analysis is intended to help companies assess the raw value of new uses of big
data. Particularly as data projects involve the use of health information or location data,
more detailed benefit analyses that clearly identify the beneficiaries of a data project, its
size and scope, and that take into account the probability of success and evolving
community standards are needed. We hope this guide will be a helpful tool to ensure
that projects go through a process of careful consideration.

Identifying both benefits and risks is a concept grounded in existing law. For example,
the Federal Trade Commission weighs the benefits to consumers when evaluating
whether business practices are unfair or not. Similarly, the European Article 29 Data
Protection Working Party has applied a balancing test to evaluate legitimacy of data
processing under the European Data Protection Directive. Big data promises to be a
challenging balancing act.

Big Data: A Tool for Fighting Discrimination and Empowering Groups

Even as big data uses are examined for evidence of facilitating unfair and unlawful
discrimination, data can help to fight discrimination. It is already being used in myriad
ways to protect and to empower vulnerable groups in society. In partnership with the
Anti-Defamation League, FPF prepared a report that looked at how businesses,
governments, and civil society organizations are leveraging data to provide access to
job markets, to uncover discriminatory practices, and to develop new tools to improve
education and provide public assistance. Big Data: A Tool for Fighting Discrimination
and Empowering Groups explains that although big data can introduce hidden biases
into information, it can also help dispel existing biases that impair access to good jobs,
good education, and opportunity.

Lessons from Fair Lending Law for Fair Marketing and Big Data

Where discrimination presents a real threat, big data need not necessary lead us to a
new frontier. Existing laws, including the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and other fair

lending laws, provide a number of protections that are relevant when big data is used
for online marketing related to lending, housing, and employment. In comments to be
presented at the FTC public workshop, Professor Peter Swire will discusshis work in
progress entitled Lessons from Fair Lending Law for Fair Marketing and Big Data.
Swire explains that fair lending laws already provide guidance as to how to approach
discrimination that allegedly has an illegitimate, disparate impact on protected classes.
Data actually plays an important role in being able to assess whether a disparate impact
exists! Once a disparate impact is shown, the burden shifts to creditors to show their
actions have a legitimate business need and that no less reasonable alternative exists.
Fair lending enforcement has encouraged the development of rigorous compliance
mechanisms, self-testing procedures, and a range of proactive measures by creditors.


There is no question that big data will require hard choices, but there are plenty of
avenues for obtaining the benefits of big data while avoiding or minimizing any
risks. We hope the following documents can help shift the conversation to a more
nuanced and balanced analysis of the challenges at hand.

10. Democratization of Data Analytics: Why, Who, and What by Kirk Borne

Due to the growth in data

Kirk Borne collections in all organizations, we
Principal Data Scientist, have seen increased demand for
Booz Allen Hamilton expert data science talent and for
LinkedIn Contact powerful analytics tools.
Consequently, there is a growing

Kirk Borne is a transdisciplinary data scientist and

supply of each. However, the
an astrophysicist, with specific expertise in supply side of this equation
applications of data mining, machine learning, and
cannot keep up with the
advanced analytics across diverse domains, from
business to government to education to scientific accelerating enterprise
research. He is the Principal Data Scientist within requirements that accompany the
Booz Allen Hamilton's Strategic Innovation Group.
Previously he was Professor of Astrophysics and expanding digital revolution. To
Computational Science at George Mason keep moving forward (or else
University, and before that he provided leadership
simply to start moving forward),
on several large NASA space science data
management systems contracts. He is frequently organizations seek easy-to-use
identified as one of the top big data and data data analytics tools.
science influencers worldwide on Twitter. He blogs
on many websites including his own Democratization of data analytics thereby empowers existing
analysts to deliver business value
from data assets quickly, and it also eases the delivery of advanced analytics by the
super-busy data science team.

Data analytics democratization is therefore driven by several forces: the insufficient

number of skilled data scientists in the workforce; the huge demand for data analytics
solutions from business leaders; the need for traditional business analysts (mostly non-
scientists) to apply analytics to their datasets without being forced to get a degree in
data analytics; and "peer pressure" (see:
data-and-teenage-sex/). In the drive to accrue analytics benefits across the entire
enterprise, the analytics activities must also spread across the organization.

Enterprise analytics is most successful when it doesnt emulate enterprise IT, which
usually maintains centralized control and governance of IT assets. Data assets are now
becoming the fundamental fuel of business, for competitive intelligence, data-driven

decisions, innovation, and improved outcomes. The data assets and analytics strategy
should be governed by the C-suite (Chief Data Officer and/or Chief Analytics Officer),
but the analytics activities must spread and be shared across all business groups:
production, services, marketing, sales, finance, risk management, IT, HR, and asset
management. Decentralizing the data analytics activities thus relieves the enterprise IT
department from the burden of learning all of the new data sciencey things (which
detracts from their primary IT activities).

Can a new tool placed in untrained hands lead to problems? Yes, that is possible,
perhaps even likely. At best, it leads to results that are not understandable,
interpretable, or meaningful; and at worst, it leads to totally incorrect results (for
example, overfitting a model can give the false impression of high accuracy when in fact
it is precisely the opposite; or not knowing that certain analytics methods require
particular data types, or that some data transformations can lead to useless results and
wasted effort). An employee without a formal analytics education but with good data
literacy, numeracy, curiosity, and problem-solving skills will probably be okay, but
only after some mentoring, tutorials, and training. Overall, our posture should be one
of cautious skepticism -- "out-of-the-box" analytics solutions will probably work in most
situations where the end-user is gaining on-the-job experience and training in analytics
best practices.

It is important to remember that analytics (data science) functions are not IT functions.
Enterprise analytics tools should not impose significant new burdens on traditional IT
departments, other than the usual software installation and licensing activities.
Analytics is a front-office top-of-the-organization client-facing activity in most
organizations. We don't ask the IT department to handle Human Resources functions,
even though HR uses IT resources. We don't ask the IT department to handle company
finances and investments, even though the CFO and finance folks use IT resources.
Similarly, the IT department should not be involved in analytics functions, other than
enabling and maintaining the systems, networks, and environments that are being used.
(Note that this is not meant to say that individual IT staff members should not become
part of the analytics revolution and participate in the data activities in the organization,
but that function is not part of the IT departments charter.)

What does democratization of data analytics mean for B2B vendors? For software
vendors (or any vendor), it is all about the value proposition -- what do they have to
offer that some other vendor doesn't have? The old marketing joke says: "Faster, Better,
Cheaper -- choose any two!" Vendors can sell you the fastest product, or the best
product, or the cheapest product, or (preferably) the "Goldilocks" product ==> that's the
one that is "just right" for you: the one with the right value, the right ROI, the right
number of features,... So, the job of vendors (specifically marketing and sales people)
becomes harder, since their value proposition may change from client to client, even
though their product is not changing. Some vendors will emphasize open source,
others will focus on APIs, others will tell you about "Analytics-as-a-Service", or tell you
about "Data Scientist in a Box". Some of those pitches will fall on deaf ears, and some
will resonate strongly, depending on the enterprise that they are proposing to. "Know
thy customer" will become even more critical, which (by the way) is a problem that can
itself be addressed through data analytics within the vendor's own sales, marketing,
business intelligence, and customer relationship management systems!

Accompanying the data revolution and the digital revolution is the API revolution,
including microservices and containerization, which represent an architectural style in
which large complex applications are broken down (modularized) into a collection of
independent, loosely coupled services. Those services are then bundled and shipped to
the compute engine (e.g., a cloud analytics platform) in containers, such as the hot
new Docker microservices framework. This trend toward more "as-a-service" and API
offerings will only get stronger, especially with the advent of the Internet of Things
(IOT) -- everyone will want to get into that action. The IOT will achieve greatest value,
effectiveness, and efficiency when some of the data analytics functions (e.g., anomaly
alerting, novelty discovery, trend detection) are moved to the edge of the network and
embedded into the sensor. Similarly, the new movement toward greater data
productization doesnt end at the production line, but when critical analytics and
discovery functions are embedded within the products and processes themselves.

As a consequence of these trends in the democratization of analytics, we can expect that

APIs and out-of-the-box analytics toolkits will sell like hotcakes to the IOT
entrepreneurs, startups, innovators, and (of course) to the big incumbents who see the
value in enterprise solutions when compared against expensive in-house custom-built
R&D-intensive solutions. Through these steps, we are transitioning analytics

applications away from advanced "specialist-in-the-loop" tools and moving toward
enterprise easy-to-use "anyperson-in-the-loop" tools. The business analytics value
proposition in the big data era is thus moving toward its manifest destiny: enterprises
will distribute, empower, and automate high-level analytics capabilities across the
whole organization to persons, processes, and products.

Your own data is best. By far. Gather

and use as much of it as possible


Courtesy: Dilbert by Scott Adams

One of the major problems in data science is to understand where to apply it. Many
leaders struggle to understand the possibilities and areas where data analytics can
provide the most value. The following case studies are meant to shine a light on some of
those applications that are enlightened by the art of data analytics. Many influencers
and leaders have shared interesting use cases on where they are using data analytics
and how they are getting value from it. The contributions are designed to showcase
their interesting work.

The best way to approach this section is to read each article in isolation. Before reading
each article, we suggest that you first read the authors biography. Knowing the
authors background can give you the right context to understand their perspective.

1. Artificial Intelligence Will Make Smart Lawyers Smarter (and dumb ones
redundant) by Maximiliano Marzetti

1. The only thing that does not change is change itself

Maximiliano Marzetti Heraclitus of Ephesus was a Greek

philosopher who lived around
Director at Premonition AI
Of Counsel at Ambrosini & 2500 years ago. He is credited to
Asociados Abogados
have said that a man can't bathe
LinkedIn Contact
twice in the same river. His point
was no river is ever the same,
Qualified Lawyer (Buenos Aires), Qualified
Trademark and Patent Agent (INPI), Certified
water flows constantly. Thus
International Compliance Professional (International change is in the essence of all
Federation of Compliance Associations), Certified
Pro English-Spanish Translator (Proz), University
Lecturer (UTDT, FLACSO).
The provision of legal services has
changed little in the last centuries
but soon the rate of change will
accelerate, dramatically. The source of change is exogenous, it origins are client's
expectations and disruptive technologies.

Of all professions the legal one is perhaps the most adverse to technological change. Word
processors replacing typewriters was the last big innovation. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
in legal practice is almost unheard of.

Richard Susskind is someone specialized in forecasting the future of the legal profession.
He is certainly not a prophet but lawyer who dared to think outside the box. He has
authored a series of books on the subject: The future of law [1]; Transforming the law [2];
The end of lawyers [3], Tomorrows lawyers [4], etc.

Mr. Susskind warns the provision of legal services will change radically in the next
decades. He identifies three drivers of change:

a) A more for less attitude from clients (specially after the latest global financial crisis);

b) The liberalisation of the legal profession (lawyers will be soon competing against non-
lawyers for legal work) and;

c) technology (e.g. IT, AI, cloud computing, big data, etc.).

In the meantime, in the early 21st century, lawyers still provide legal services as if they
were in the 20th, if not the 19th century.

2. A tsunami wave of creative destruction

AI is not a topic of sci-fi. IBMs Watson, a powerful AI machine, is already in use.[5]

Technological progress is relentless. Decades after the introduction of Gutenberg's
printing press the amanuensis became jobless. The industrial revolution, the scientific
revolution, and modernity would have been unthinkable without Gutenbergs disruptive
innovation facilitating cheap and fast dissemination of ideas.

AI has a similar potential and is to be feared only by those unwilling to embrace progress.
AI will free humanity from repetitive tedious tasks, it will allow us to devote the little
time we are granted on this planet Earth to do what makes us truly human: to create, to
innovate, to help each other.

Radical innovations bring about tremendous social change. New technologies create
winners and losers. Those threatened by a new technology will not only unwelcome it,
but will try to block its introduction or dissemination.

Some will try to slow down the pace of change by erecting legal barriers. If history can
tell us something is that no law has ever managed to deter the tsunami wave of creative
destruction. At best legal barriers can serve to slow down change, for a while. The
Ottoman Empire delayed for more than two centuries the introduction of the printing
press, and then tried to control it.

In the end innovation triumphs and the societies that resisted change for longer time
suffer the most. The Ottoman Empire collapsed after the end of WWI.

3. The future lawyer

AI will not be the doom of lawyers. Good lawyers will remain; they will adapt, evolve
and provide services with more added value. Mediocre and uncreative ones may soon

find themselves jobless.

Richard Susskind suggest new legal professions will be needed. He explicitly mentions
the legal risk analyst, the legal knowledge engineer, the contract architect, the legal
project manager and legal hybrids (professionals combining legal skills with economic,
scientific or statistical knowledge).

Future lawyers will use technology to break free from repetitive, time-consuming, low-
quality work. For instance, lawyers devote most of their time manually searching for
information or drafting similar documents. These tasks will soon be taken over by AI.

AI can become a legal realist's dream. Coupled with big data it can help predict the
outcome of future judicial decisions by analyzing previous decisions of a given judge or

AI can also turn scattered data into meaningful and useful information. Statistics,
predictive analytics and risk management will replace educated guesses. Lawyers will
still be there to give advice, put big data in perspective and design efficient legal

AI will not only empower lawyers but also their clients. Selecting a lawyer to represent
one's interest will cease to be an act of faith. Economist Philip Nelson called professional
services credence goods, because the client cannot assess the quality of the service neither
before nor after it has been rendered.[6] AI and data analytics already allows a
prospective client to choose a trial lawyer according to her win rate. Selecting a lawyer
should be based in factual performance not on biased perception.

AI will certainly take over routine tasks ordinarily carried out by paralegals, cheaper off-
shore legal counsels or uncreative in-shore expensive ones. Complex legal research,
litigation data intelligence, counsel selection, discovery and even basic contract drafting
would be taken over by AI.

The future lawyer will have to develop a set of skills that would make her irreplaceable
by AI: leadership, creativity, empathy, relationship building, conflict resolution, etc. The
bottom line: opportunities for entrepreneurial and creative lawyers are endless.

4. Conclusion

To sum up, both supply and demand forces will push together to incorporate AI to the
lawyers toolkit. AI will help a lawyer to deliver better, more precise and tailored legal
solutions to her clients. Those lawyers that reject AI may soon be out-of-market, replaced
by the very same technology they rejected.

Antiquated lawyers gone, creative lawyers empowered, new legal careers better suited
to cater for client's needs, more information and competitiveness in the legal market
the future of the legal profession with AI looks promising to me!


1. Susskind, R.E., The future of law: facing the challenges of information technology. 1996,
Oxford University Press.

2. Susskind, R.E., Transforming the law: essays on technology, justice, and the legal
marketplace. 2001, Oxford University Press.

3. Susskind, R.E., The end of lawyers? Rethinking the nature of legal services. 2008,
Oxford University Press

4. Susskind, R.E., Tomorrow's lawyer: an introduction to your future. 2013, Oxford

University Press.

5. IBM, What is Watson:


6. Nelson, Philip, Information and Consumer Behavior", 78(2) Journal of Political

Economy pp. 311-329, 1970.

2. Cyber security Solutions Based on Big Data by Steven King

Look out You Rock n Rollers.

Stephen King
Big data is the current hot savior
Chief Operating Officer and in cyber security. The popular
Chief Security Officer
perception right now is that
LinkedIn Contact throwing lots of network data at a
big data engine is the way to
Stephen has over 30 years of computer industry identify malicious behaviors. But
experience in data security, software engineering, wait. There are (at least) two
product development and professional services.
significant problems with this
Stephen also has extensive market experience in
Information and Cyber Security Management,
Contextual Search, Digital Media, Business
A big data analytics tool exactly
Intelligence, Content Management, eCommerce, and
Data Science. reflects the content from the data
sources that feed it (someone once
Stephen founded four software and services startups
and raised $42m in venture capital. Stephen has held coined a phrase that I believe
a variety of executive management positions in goes, garbage in, garbage out),
engineering, product development, sales, and and
marketing for ConnectandSell, Whittman-Hart,
marchFIRST, the Cambridge Systems Group, Security analytics without context
Memorex, Health Application Systems, Endymion cannot establish a thesis for threat
Systems, Blackhawk Systems Group and IBM. As a co-
relevance and is thus useless for
founder of the Cambridge Systems Group, Stephen
brought ACF2 to market, which would become the every day practical defense,
leading Enterprise Data Security product for IBM detection and remediation.
mainframe computers. Stephen has been issued
multiple engineering patents. He has also led digital So, let's look closer. Analytics
marketing engagements for Abercrombie & Fitch, engines typically follow one of
Tommy Bahama, REI, Harley Davidson and wrote a
four primary reasoning
best-selling business book on Retail Web Marketing.
Stephen majored in Mathematical Probability and
Statistics as an undergrad at the University of Deductive Reasoning
California at Berkeley and studied Social Justice Law
at the Santa Clara University School of Law. Deductive reasoning is based in
the theory of deductive inference
that draws specific conclusions

from general rules e.g., If A = B and B = C, then A = C, regardless of what A or B contain.
Deductive reasoning tracks from a general rule to a specific conclusion. If original
assertions are true then the conclusion must be true. A fundamental weakness of
deductive reasoning is its often Tautological (e.g. Malware contains malicious code and
is always true) and it is unaffected by contextual inputs, e.g., to earn a masters degree,
a student must have 32 credits. Tim has 40 credits, so Tim will earn a masters degree,
except when he decides not to.

In security analytics, A only equals B most of the time and sometimes it can equal D, so
A cannot always equal C, therefore using deductive reasoning as a basis for detection
analytics is a flawed way to try and predict the future. You are theoretically guaranteed
to be wrong at least once.

In general, common signature-based systems such as IDS/IPS and endpoint security are
deductive in nature.

Inductive Reasoning

Inductive reasoning is the opposite of deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning makes

broad generalizations from specific observations. In inductive inference, we go from the
specific to the general. We make many observations, discern a pattern, make a
generalization, and infer an explanation or a theory.

Where analytics engines are based on inductive reasoning, the resulting analytics
resemble probability theory. Even if all of the premises are true in a statement,
inductive reasoning allows for the conclusion to be false. Heres an example: "Harold is
a grandfather. Harold is bald. Therefore, all grandfathers are bald." The conclusion does
not follow logically from the statements.

This is a better approach than deductive reasoning for projecting the future, but it is
obviously imperfect and can produce even more widely varying results.

Advanced IDS/IPS systems use inductive reasoning heuristics to identify malicious

behaviors. A heuristic is a rule that provides a shortcut to solving difficult problems and
is used when an observer has limited time and/or information to make a decision.
Inductive reasoning heuristics lead you to a good decision most of the time, but most of
the time is not good enough for advanced threat defense.

Inductive reasoning heuristics are frequently used by contemporary IDS/ IPS systems to
generalize the probability of malicious behaviors based on limited input (e.g., known
signatures). This also works a high percentage of the time. But not always.

So, a deductive argument claims that if its premises are true, its conclusion must be true
- absolutely. An inductive argument claims that if its premises are true, its conclusion is
probably true - probably.

Bayesian Probability

Bayesian or Recursive Bayesian Estimation (RBE) reasoning is anomaly-oriented and is

used in security systems to provide a less tactical view of whats happened over an
extended time-frame (e.g. 30 days). Bayesian reasoning is a branch of logic applied to
decision making and inferential statistics that deals with probability inference: using the
knowledge of prior events to predict future events.

In statistics, standard deviation is a measure that is used to quantify the amount of

variation or dispersion of a set of data values. A standard deviation close to 0 indicates
that the data points tend to be very close to the mean value of the set, while a high
standard deviation indicates that the data points are spread out over a wider range of

In most Bayesian based security analytics, when a result is 3 standard deviations from
normal, the system declares it an anomaly. The goal of Bayesian Reasoning is to be
able to identify a normal pattern of behavior by observing subtle fluctuations in
activity within the enterprise infrastructure over a period of time to establish a corpus
of prior events. The result is a baseline which is used as a subsequent benchmark
against which all network activity and/or behaviors will be measured in the future.

Unfortunately, this baselining is flawed and can lead to extraordinary outcomes none of
which will result in properly identified threats. There are three significant problems
with this approach:

If the network and/or the systems being baselined are already infected before the
baseline is created then the baseline establishes a false premise,

If an insider is already active on a network, the that insiders actions will appear as
nominal and become part of the normal baseline, and

Todays network infrastructure and user behavior is increasingly dynamic, variable and
diverse involving many different devices and protocols, access methods and entry
points essentially making a baseline assessment impossible without a network

Analytics engines that use baselining as their premise for Bayesian Reasoning are prone
to extreme volumes of false positives, are cumbersome and difficult to tune and
administer, require lots of human attention and frequently miss malicious invasions. In
short, they dont work very well.

Abductive Reasoning

Abductive reasoning is a form of logical inference that derives from an observation to a

hypothesis that accounts for the observation, seeking to find the simplest and most
likely explanation. In abductive reasoning, unlike in deductive or inductive reasoning,
the premises do not guarantee the conclusion. This approach is much better suited to
the real world of malicious network attacks.

Abductive reasoning typically begins with an incomplete set of observations and

proceeds to the likeliest possible explanation for the set. Abductive reasoning yields the
kind of daily decision-making that does its best with the information at hand, which
often is incomplete.

A medical diagnosis is an application of abductive reasoning: given this set of

symptoms, what is the diagnosis that would best explain most of them? Likewise in our
jurisprudence systems, when jurors hear evidence in a criminal case, they must consider
whether the prosecution or the defense has the best explanation to cover all the points
of evidence. While there may be no certainty about their verdict, since there may exist
additional evidence that was not admitted in the case, they make their best guess based
on what they know.

While inductive reasoning requires that the evidence that might shed light on the
subject be fairly complete, whether positive or negative, abductive reasoning is
characterized by an incomplete set of observations, either in the evidence, or in the
explanation, or both, yet leading to the likeliest possible conclusion.

A patient may be unconscious or fail to report every symptom, for example, resulting in
incomplete evidence, or a doctor may arrive at a diagnosis that fails to explain several of
the symptoms. Still, he must reach the best diagnosis he can. Probabilistic abductive
reasoning is a form of abductive validation, and is used extensively and very
successfully in areas where conclusions about possible hypotheses need to be derived,
such as for making diagnoses from medical tests, working through the judicial process
or predicting the presence of malware.

Comparing These Approaches in Security Analytics

Given that Bayesian analytics begins with an impossible premise (at least 30 days of
baselining), lets throw this approach out of our analysis, so we can concentrate on what
might actually work.

So, a valid deductive argument is one that logically guarantees the truth of its
conclusion, if the premises that are presented are true. This is the form of logic that is
traditionally taught in mathematics courses and manifested in logic proofs:

A is B.

All Bs are Cs.

A is, deductively, C.

This form of logic is one that is self-contained, and any argument that uses deduction is
one that cannot offer any new findings in the conclusionsthe findings are presented in
the premises that hold the argument to begin with. That is, A, B, and C all exist (only) in
the premises that were presented. In security, this hardly ever happens anymore, so
deductive reasoning is not very useful.

An inductive argument is one that offers sound evidence that something might be true,
based on structured experience. This is the form of logic traditionally associated with
scientific inquiry:

Each time I do A under the same conditions, B occurs.

Inductively, the next time I do A under these conditions, B will occur.

Subsequent experiences may prove this wrong, and thus an inductive argument is one
where the premises do not guarantee the truth of their conclusions. Like deduction,
induction cannot offer any "new findings" contained within the logic of the argument.

Alternatively, abduction can be thought of as the argument to the best explanation. It is

the hypothesis that makes the most sense given observed phenomenon or data and
based on prior experience. Abduction is a logical way of considering inference or "best
guess" leaps. Consider the example: When I do A, B occurs:

I've done something like A before, but the circumstances weren't exactly the same.

I've seen something like B before, but the circumstances weren't exactly the same.

Therefore I'm able to abduct that C is the reason B is occurring.

Unlike deduction or induction, abductive logic allows for the creation of new
knowledge and insightC is introduced as a best guess for why B is occurring, yet C is
not part of the original set of premises. In the context of data security, we are actually
looking for C and should be excited when we find it.

Since we are now dealing with extraordinarily smart cyber-criminals who are going to
great lengths to disguise their attacks, we need a much looser, yet more intelligent,
discovery-enabled form of analytics to uncover the patterns and force us to look for
corroborating evidence that our hypothesis is correct.

Soaking Wet

An example from everyday life that mimics the behaviors of todays malware might be
a man walking into a restaurant soaking wet. Based on that single observation, we may
reasonably conclude that it is raining outside. But, in order to be certain of that, we need
to check outside and see if in fact it is raining. And we discover that indeed it is.
However, that fact alone may not have resulted in the soaking wet man. He may also
have fallen into a lake or into the gutter, so we look to see if there is a lake nearby or a
gutter. And we discover that neither of those exist, but there is a fountain in front of the
restaurant. So, we have effectively reduced multiple Cs down to one probable C.
Now we need to examine the soaking wet man and the fountain more closely, etc.

Abduction acts as inference or intuition, and is directly aided and assisted by contextual
data. The abduction itself can be driven by any contextual patterns that act as an

argument from best explanation. So, we welcome a false conclusion even when based
on true premises, because it is the only way we can sort through all of the
masquerading paths. Better to be assaulted with a handful of false negatives than
millions of false positives.

There is only one engine on the security market right now that uses abductive reasoning
as the basis for their predictive analytics. By combining their reasoning methods with
contextual data from both inside the threat landscape and from external sources, they
have proven to do a much better job of detecting todays signature-free advanced
persistent threats than any of the other approaches have so far.

Guess which one we use.

Data is growing faster than ever before and by the year 2020,
about 1.7 megabytes of new information will be created every
second for every human being on the planet.

3. Personalization of Big Data Analytics: Personal Genome Sequencing by Peter
B. Nicol
"The greatest single generator of
Peter B. Nichol wealth over the last 40 years, in the
CIO | Healthcare Business & digital revolution, has been a
Technology Executive transition from ABC's to 1's and
LinkedIn Contact 0's," says author Juan Enrquez.
What will be the single biggest
driver of change tomorrow?
Peter Nichol is a healthcare business and
technology executive recognized for digital
Enrquez believes the single biggest
innovation by CIO100, Computerworld, MIT Sloan driver of change, of growth, of
and PMI. Peter has an impressive background
industries in the future is the
leading information technology organizations,
working with business leaders defining strategic transition to writing in life code.
visions, building innovative digital capabilities The field known as bioinformatics
through the modernization of existing products and
services, and leading digital transformational change will be the technological
initiatives across the enterprise. transformation for big data. Today,
Peters specialties include digitizing complex technology is merely playing on the
platforms, leading large scale program fringe of its real potential.
management, driving application of emerging
technologies to enhance business systems, What if we could program a cell to
improving and innovating new consumer
experiences, driving better patient outcomes, and make stuff we want? To store data,
leading implementation of software products and we want stored.
setting up, organizing and managing large teams to
provide outstanding results. Big data analytics when applied to
Peter is a healthcare expert at PA Consulting Group. personal genome sequencing, the
Prior to joining PA, he was a CIO and has held combination of digital code and life
leadership positions in various healthcare
code, represents the greatest social
driver of change since the invention
of the computer; the programmable
cell (Enriquez, 2007).

Big Data Analytics Applied

Behavior analytics, biometrics, distributive processing, Hadoop, Hana, HBase, and Hive
have all risen in frequency in big data discussions. Big data is a term describing the

large volume of data both structured and unstructured. It also implies that
conventional databases cant handle the processing and analytics to ensure the data is
retrievable and usable information recorded on a persistent medium. In short this data
is recorded, stored, processed, and used to make better decisions. Due to the magnitude
of data standard processing, often is ineffective.

Typically, big data is used for decisions around business operations, supply chain
management, vendor metrics or executive dashboards. When the data involved is
enormous big data can be applied for better business outcomes, here are three

1. UPS uses sensor data and big-data analytics on delivery vehicles to monitor speed,
miles per gallon, number of stops and engine health. The sensors collect over 200 data
points for each a fleet of 80,000 vehicles daily.

2. Macys before every sale prices are adjusted in practically real time for their 73 million
items on sale. Using SAS the reduced analytics cost by $500k.

3. Virgin Atlantic leveraging multiple-internet connected parts huge volumes of data

are produced. For example, each connected flight can generate more than a terabyte

of data. The goal is to improve flight and fuel efficiency and use predictive analytics to
fly safer planes leveraging predictive maintenance.

Each are helpful in their own right, but they are several degrees away from personally
affecting your health. Were simply not committed to understanding how to leverage
these process, tools and techniques into our business. Do you know of the big data
stories like King's Hawaiian or BC Hydro? Why not? The answer is they are not
personalized. So lets make it personal and explore big data analytics applied to
personal genome sequencing. This is about how big data can impact your personal
health and your lifespan. Interested?

Quest to Map the Human Genome

The Human Genome Project, officially started in 1990 coordinated by the U.S
Department of Energy (DOE) and National Institutes of health (NIH, an agency of the
United States Department of Health and Human Services), in a 13-year initiative. The
goal of the project was to determine the sequence of chemical base pairs which make up
human DNA, and identify and map all of the genes of the human genome from both a
physical and functional standpoint. The initial lofty goal wasnt fully realized, but they
came very close when the project closed in 2003. This project still remains the worlds
largest collaborative biological project, at a cost of $3 billion; the project sequenced 90%
of the human genome (only euchromatic regions specifically). Shortly after this project
completed, personal genome sequencing gained rapid interest globally. Personal
genomics is the branch of genomics concerned with the sequencing and analysis of the
genome of an individual. Direct-to-consumer genome sequencing has been slow to gain
adoption, despite a number of firms providing this service globally: Australia
(Lumigenix), Beliguim (Gentle Labs), China (, Mygen23), Finland
(Geenitesti), Ireland (Geneplanet), and UK (Genotek) among others.

According to Snyder, Du and Gerstein in their 2010 paper 'Personal genome

sequencing: current approaches and challenges,' "the immediate applications of the
information derived from a human genome sequence, both on the individual and
societal levels, are somewhat limited at present...the promise of personal genomics lies
in the future, as we amass a database of personal genomes." Today the database of

genomes doesnt exist to provide deep analytics. Similarly, the large database of
diseases doesnt exist to map genomes against. Both databases, the genome and the
disease, are required in order to draw correlations to probable individualistic health
outcomes. There are about 30,000 diseases known to man, with about 1/3 containing
effective treatments. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention sited that about
7,000 of those diseases are rare with about 20 new rare diseases being identified every
month. Connecting diseases and genetic variations has proven to be incredibly elusive
and complicated despite the positive advancements made under the human genome

Everyone has access the latest advancements in medicine. All diseases are screenable.

Why arent these two statements true today? By applying big data and big data
analytics, these two statements could be true. Steve jobs believed. "Steve Jobs, co-
founder of Apple Inc., was one of the first 20 people in the world to have his DNA
sequenced, for which he paid $100,000. He also had the DNA of his cancer sequenced,
in the hope it would provide information about more appropriate treatments for him
and for other people with the same cancer (, 2015)." Similar to his
journey with Apple Computer, Jobs was ahead of his time with genomics. Let's venture
Writing and Rewriting DNA

Author Juan Enrquez, is a futurist and a visionary in the space of bioinformatics with
some intriguing ideas. The global pace of data generation is staggering and will
continue to continue along its exponential growth curve to 1.8 zettabytes (a zettabyte is
a trillion gigabytes; thats a 1 with 21 zeros trailing behind it). Where will all this data
and information reside? In bigger and bigger computers? No. The answer lies in
bioinformatics: in programmable bacteria cells. Bacteria is already being designed to
clean toxic waste and emit light. These cells are programmable like a computer chip and
changing how things we want are made and removing the boundaries of where things
are made; Exxon is attempting to program algae to generate gasoline, BP is working to
extract gas from coal, and Novartis is rapid-prototyping vaccines (Bonnet, Subsoontorn,
Endy, 2012). Whats next? Creating a cell to generate energy or produce plastics? Its a
fascinating space to explore. Think about the ideal storage eco-system. Juan Enrquez,

elaborates and said that an ounce of DNA can theoretically hold 300,000 terabytes of
data and survive intact for more than 1,000,000 years.

Anything you can store in a computer you can store in bacteria -- Juan Enrquez

This software makes its own hardware and operates on a nano scale. The future of big
data is a world where computers are designed, that could float on a speak of dust -- as
powerful as a laptop today -- life is so efficient it can copy itself (reproduce) and make
billions of copies. The global benefits of bioinformatics applied to healthcare outcomes
will be incredible. Understanding the human genome and personal genome sequencing
are the keys to unlocking this mystery (Enriquez, 2007).

Improving Your Health

Each individual has a unique genome and mapping the human genome involves
sequencing multiple variations of each gene. Genes are stretches of DNA that code a
protein for a specific bodily function and DNA contain all the genetic material that
determine traits such as hair color and eye color.

What does my DNA sequencing say about my future health? Can you predict life
expectancy based on my sequenced DNA? These are all important questions, however,
the human genome project wont provide this information. Before we can ascertain this
information, your personal DNA needs to be sequenced.

There are dozens of companies that provide personal genome sequencing in the US
including: (software applications to analyze the data based on their
patent-pending Real-Time Personalization technology), The Genographic Project
(National Geographic Society and IBM to collect DNA samples to map historical human
migration patterns helping to create the direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing
industry), The Personal Genome Project (PGP is a long term, large cohort study based at
Harvard Medical School which aims to sequence and publicize genomes and medical
records), and the list goes on SNPedia,, Navigenics, Pathway
Genomicsanalyzes, 23andMe and others. They all provide personal sequencing of your

Harvards Personal Genome Project

The Personal Genome Project (PGP) is a long term Harvard study which aims to
sequence and publicize the complete genomes and medical records of 100,000
volunteers, in order to enable research into personal genomics and personalized
medicine. After spending way too much time reading journals and research findings
published over the last five years, it gets one quite curious. How could knowing
my personal genome sequence improve my health outcomes? Are my days numbered
due to a potential future disease? This and many more questions caused a deeper
exploration into the Personal Genome Project consent form. While, the 24 page-form is
amazingly well written, it does proactively disclose several disturbing risks. Allow me
to share a few of the more interesting risks when volunteering to participate:
1. Non-anonymous your name and personal information is identifiable and available to
the global public; read no confidentiality

2. Cell lines created from your DNA may be genetically modified and/or by mixing
human and nonhuman cells in animals

3. Consent enables the ability to make synthetic DNA and plant it at a crime scene or
implicate you and/or a family member in a crime

4. Accurately or inaccurately reveal the possibility of a disease or propensity for a disease

5. Whether legal or not, affect the ability for you or a family member to obtain or maintain
employment, insurance or financial services

6. Inability to control access to cell lines

After reading the risk, it doesn't take long to grasp why adoption hasn't been prolific
over the last decade.

Big Data Meets Health

Is it worth it to have your personal genome sequenced when the volumes of data
required to provide deep analysis doesnt exist today? John D. Halamka, MD, MS is
Chief Information Officer of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Chief
Information Officer and Dean for Technology at Harvard Medical School and weighs in
on this question. Dr. Halamka, in a November 2015 interview with athenaHealth said,
that based on his personal genome sequencing, he will die of prostate cancer. Dr.
Halamka, was also one of the first 10 people to have a personal genome sequence
completed, through Harvards Personal Genome Project. He mentions that the
recommended prostrate testing frequency for men is every 4-5 year, for the
population. He argued that for the general population thats fine, but for himself
because of his genome he would be wise to check yearly. This information wouldn't
have been available without personal genome sequencing. The below image provides a
good illustration of genome sequencing, combining sample (your personal genome
sequencing) with reference material (database of previously genome sequenced
individuals) to produce aggregated information that is specific to an individual's health.

He also provided an intriguing example explaining that when his wife was diagnosed
with breast cancer her personal genome was mapped. Her genome was compared to
the 10,000 other genomes able at the time, and from this information they determined
the best course of treatment based on her genes, given favorable outcomes of the
population samples.

Housing population genomes and disease inventories will consume huge amounts of
data. Data available today is already changing patient outcomes. Population genome
data and global disease inventories will accelerate amazing advancements in the
identification and treatment of disease.

Future of Big Data

Bioinformatics is the future of big data. As it becomes easier to write and rewrite in life
code, every business on earth will be changed.

The places that read and write life code are going to become the centers of the global
economic system; the greatest single database that humans have ever built. -- Juan

Bioinformatics will refine big data and society will eventually reach a tipping point
when personal health self-service hits the mainstream, patients will become the 'CEO of
their personal health.' When will conventional storage be obsolete? How will
information security change, when the coding is biological? As the population ages new
open source business models will develop, erupting community
development. Communities that are not just involved but committed! Passionate
communities that have blood in the game, because they are fighting for their life or that
of a loved family member.

Is it worth it to have your personal genome sequenced? Yes, its your life -- its worth it.


Ball, M. P. (2012). Seeking Diversity (Especially Families) (image). Retrieved November

23, 2015, from (2010). Learning to Speak Life Code | Big Think. Retrieved November
23, 2015, from

Bioengineers create rewritable digital data storage in DNA | KurzweilAI. (n.d.).
Retrieved November 23, 2015, from

Bonnet, J., Subsoontorn, P., Endy, D., Rewritable digital data storage in live cells via
engineered control of recombination directionality, Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, 2012 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1202344109

Enriquez, J. (2007). Juan Enriquez: The life code that will reshape the future | TED Talk.
Retrieved November 23, 2015, from

Ross, A. (2015). Genome sequencing for just $1000 (online image). Retrieved November
22, 2015, from

Snyder, M., Du, J., & Gerstein, M. (2010). Personal genome sequencing: current
approaches and challenges. Retrieved November 22, 2015, from (2015). Personal genomics: the future of healthcare? Retrieved

November 23, 2015, from

Go one step beyond what your

business expects.
4. Internet of Things : Realizing Business Value through Platforms, Data
Analytics & Visualization by Pranay Prakash
Over the past few years of being
Pranay Prakash immersed in the Internet of
Speaker, Author, Thought Things (IoT), I have found that
Leader, VP Product
customers have very specific
Mgt/Mktg & Strategy
problems they are trying to solve;
LinkedIn Contact
e.g. gaining energy efficiency,
Pranay Prakash is the Vice president of Product early fault detection or remote
Management/Marketing at Tridium at Honeywell diagnosis and maintenance of
responsible for M2M and IoT software and hardware
equipment. Decisions are driven
products. Pranay joined Honeywell from Dell where
most recently he was the Senior Director of Product by the need to reduce Operational
Management for Data Center and Virtualization Expenditure (OPEX) and save on
Solutions, responsible for Dell's Converged
Infrastructure and Virtual Integrated System (VIS) Capital Expenditure (CAPEX).
Private and Hybrid Cloud product portfolio. An
experienced marketing leader, Prakash has held
executive and senior management positions within With all the data generated from
the high tech industry in Silicon Valley and Northern IoT devices, having strong
Virginia, including NEC Corporation of America,
NCS Technologies Inc and Berkeley Software analytics and visualization
Design Inc with primary focus on Open Source capabilities can help in making
FreeBSD and Linux Operating Systems, Servers,
OEM appliances and data center technologies.
accurate decisions and taking
Pranay is extremely passionate about cloud and is timely action thus achieving these
focused heavily on making Internet of Things (IoT) a
critical business objectives. Of
reality. He believes cloud has become a lot bigger
and moved beyond traditional IT devices. He is also course, while this sounds
a Cisco Champion for IoT for the second appealing, its not quite that
consecutive year.
simple. In order to achieve
meaningful value through
reductions in OPEX and/or CAPEX, we need to effectively address data collection,
analytics, visualization and control. Absent those essential elements, we are not able to
harness the power of the IoT.

What follows is an overview of what these critical elements entail and steps to
implementing a successful IoT solution the leverages them fully.

The IoT Data Journey From Data Collection & Analytics to Visualization & Control

Data is fluid and tends to be misunderstood in its raw form. The real challenge of the
IoT is that you have too many faucets running at the same time with different kinds
of fluid. At the collection point, dealing with data complexity and variation is extremely
critical. Without addressing that complexity early, its impossible to achieve the end
business result youre after.
Lets consider, for example, a typical commercial building and the data journey in that
environment. You are likely to come across different sub-systems from different
manufacturers; e.g. HVAC, elevators, security, power. The first step is to try and
normalize data from all these

sub-systems through a common data model and then focus on the data that is relevant
to the problem you are trying to solve.

In effective IoT
platforms, after
the data is fed
into an
engine that
intelligence to how data should be interpreted. The analytical engine is built out of rules
based on specific domain expertise and feeds into a dashboard that visualizes the
information necessary to take action. However, visualization in absence of action is not
of much help. Therefore, remediation is an important piece of the overall solution.

Typically, in IoT use cases, alarms would indicate that an action needs to be taken. But
somebody needs to press a button somewhere to make that action happen. The best IoT
platforms are designed to close that loop. They allow you not only to take manual
actions but help to automatically (or semi-automatically) remediate from when an
alarm is generated in as close to real-time as possible.

Barriers to Wide Adoption of IoT Analytics & Visualization

Although the value of analytics/visualization is huge in IoT, there are several barriers
that you need to understand and overcome while developing your solution.

Data acquisition is expensive

There is a huge amount of data that can be collected

and a lot of it is irrelevant. There are a large number
of disparate and proprietary devices in a building.
Getting data out of these systems is cumbersome
and sometimes will require several different tools.
This can become expensive. Even if you are able to
collect data, some industries are struggling with
how to name and identify data in a common way so
analytics applications can consume this data easily.

Domain expertise

To get the most from IoT, organizations must have team members with domain
expertise that are dedicated to solving problems and delivering on specific IoT goals.
Energy Officer is a relatively new title in many companies, but having such a person
ensures someone is focused on driving energy savings with your IoT solution.

Return On Investment (ROI) is not always instant

ROI, while real, is slow to materialize. Ive seen this again and again when working
with IoT customers. In buildings, some customers have only seen significant benefit
when their IoT solution has extended to multiple sites. ROI depends on your business.
And it is something you should be prepared to be patient about.

Too much going on in the IoT market

As IoT is gaining momentum there are startups and established companies entering the
IoT arena with new platform, analytics and visualization technologies. While having
more options for products and services can be good, it can also be confusing and can
make it very difficult to select the right technology needed to build a strong IoT
analytics and visualization solution.

Selecting and Developing a Robust IoT Analytics & Visualization Solution

Below are a few tips to consider as you design your IoT solution. There are probably
several other considerations but for this post, I will outline those that I have seen
implemented over the past few years:

Identify the Problem and Set Your Goals

It is extremely important to understand and

identify what you really want to solve with
your IoT solution; e.g. where and how
much to target to save in your operations
annually. This goal is unique to your
business and a very critical start. This also
means you will need to have domain
expertise to help with the problem.

Ensure Smart Data Collection

This is a hard one and takes multiple iterations before getting it right. Try to identify the
data you need and ensure that there is accuracy in the data collected. Additionally, the
data needs to be reliable and high performing. Most of the time, data will need to be
collected from multiple systems that are already installed.

Select the Right IoT Platform

If you know your goals and have an idea of what data you need, selecting the right
foundational technology for data collection and management is very important. There
are some key tenets in an IoT platform that you should be looking for:

Open Technology - so you can normalize data from legacy proprietary and new edge
devices, build applications and integrate with 3rd party systems as and when you need
without having to replace the platform or infrastructure. APIs play a critical role here
look for published open APIs for your developers.

Stable Technology if you have the choice, besides evaluating pros and cons of existing
vs new platforms in your labs, evaluate established real IoT operational case studies.
See how long these systems have been running and how customers have benefited over
multiple years. IoT systems should be designed for prolonged and sustained benefits.

Robust Eco-System you might want to conquer the world by building all applications
you need yourself but with Android and iOS, we all know the power of an application
ecosystem. You want to be able to have choice. Select a platform that has a developer
community around the technology.

Scalable Although scalability depends on your business needs, I recommend selecting

a platform that can scale from the edge to the cloud. Learning, managing and
developing applications on multiple platforms is hard and cost-prohibitive. If your
business serves a large and complex IoT infrastructure, you should plan for the millions
of devices that are going to get connected to the web over the next several years.

Prepare for Real-time and Historical Analytics

Depending on your business, you might need real time data for mission critical
decisions OR just historical data for you to run periodic reports. Traditional methods of
analytics are not suitable for harnessing the IoT's enormous power. Using real-time
analytics at the edge (device level) in conjunction with historical trends analysis is very
important. In a recent video below, I talked about what makes data explosion such a
great opportunity for IoT.

Actionable Visualization

Flexibility and integration with analytics is very important in an IoT data visualization
solution. There are choices that range from well established/legacy enterprise class
Business Intelligence (BI) visualization tools that are able to deal with complex data and
new cloud based tools for complex and simple visualization of unstructured data. I like
visualization capabilities that are self-servicing so I dont have to wait forever for
someone to create a report. Also consider what your mobile users will need simplicity

is a big driver there. Visualization is all about how data is presented in a manner such
that appropriate action can be taken in time.

Once selected, installed and operational, you will need to continuously evaluate your
analytics & visualization solution and make changes as required.


Do whats best for you. There is no set formula and every business is different. Identify
the specific problem that you want to solve and build your solution around it.

Data beats emotions. Sean Rad,

founder of

5. The Private Eye of Open Data on a Random Walk: 8 different routes by
Debleena Roy
The Random Walk theory: The
Debleena Roy efficient markets hypothesis (EMH),
Director at Unitus Seed popularly known as the Random
Fund. Trainer, Writer and Walk Theory, is the proposition that
current stock prices fully reflect
LinkedIn Contact
available information about the
value of the firm, and there is no
Debleena has over 14 years experience in Strategy,
Analytics, Finance and Marketing with leading firms way to earn excess profits, (more
such as GE, Prudential, JP Morgan, Fidelity. Prior to than the market over all), by using
joining Unitus Seed Fund, she led Strategy and
this information.
Marketing at a leading Analytics start-up, BRIDGEi2i
Analytics Solutions.
The Private Eye of Open Data: The
I look for new ways of self-expression and learning.
Sometimes through a song, sometimes through a buzz around open
story, sometimes by teaching. In the words of the data notwithstanding, open data
great Einstein striving not to be a success, but
rather to be of value. I research and analyze, itself is not new. And it has been
probably a bit too much. I dream, I learn, I teach, I used since decades to analyse
learn again.
information on privately held
companies. We used to call
it secondary research in competitive intelligence parlance during pre-open-data days.
One possible application: Now, if we apply the above two concepts to the information
asymmetry in the exploding world of start-ups and investors in India, how does it play
out? Search for information on private companies was always a time-consuming and
complicated exercise with the lack of structured, available data. Dependence on
company news and referral networks used to provide hazy sketches of company
profiles that looked only like lost parts of an incomplete puzzle. In todays world, there
are a few companies, many of them start-up firms themselves, which are trying to
make some sense of this information asymmetry by using open data, web crawlers,
crowdsourced intelligence as well as good old fashioned news reporting.

Who could benefit from this information?

Strategy and competitive intelligence teams of companies searching for information on
their private and potential disruptors

Start-up firms looking at sizing up competition

Investors looking at deal discovery and evaluation

Lets look at a few such firms and the information they are aiming to provide:

The 8 different routes: companies that are addressing this gap

About: Owler aims to provide free and crowdsourced information on private

Type of information:

Free quarterly competitive intelligence report on the competitive set including revenue,
CEO face-offs, press mentions, blog posts, social media statistics

Regular alerts on company news

Special reports on funding, acquisition and leadership alerts

Risk: Since the data is dependent mostly on users via crowdsourcing, quality of
information around revenue, employees etc. could be indicative and not actual.

About: Mattermark focuses on making deal discovery easier by using machine learning,
web crawlers, primary sources and natural language processing methods for data
discovery. They do charge for usage.


Company details, funding details, funding events.

Provides flexibility of either using data or requesting for the API and customizing it.

Differentiator: Scoring algorithm to score companies on growth score and other


Risk: Automated prospecting sounds like a sweet deal for investors who are wading
through a pile of entrepreneur information but the real power of data in automating
strategic decisions is still not proven.

About: Started by ex-Venture Capitalists, Tracxn aims to make deal discovery easier
and become Gartner for start-ups by using data analysis techniques and intensive
research by their own team. They have free and premium access.


Sector trends including market landscape, key business models, active investors and
emerging companies

Newsletters and company profiles on interesting start-ups found by sectors/regions

Custom due-diligence support

Risk: With their own incubation firm, Tracxn Labs, the ertwshile Investment Banking
Chinese Wall concept could become relevant to look at the business model matures.
About: Started off as an individual news and opinion blog, today reports news
as well as deal data about start-ups. Information access is free.


News about start-up world

Monthly Investment chart updating announced deals across sectors

Risks: While it is very easy to use, specially the listing of the key deals announced, with
the sheer volume of information currently available, the firm will need to ensure they
have scalable methods to access and update reliable information.

Venture Intelligence:
Background: Started off in the era where there were single digit start-up deals, Venture
Intelligence aims to be the leading provider of data and analysis on private companies
in India.


Database on private companies, financials, mergers

Deal intelligence

Listing of investors

Risk: With more competitors now claiming marketshare, veracity of information will
become a key differentiator for Venture Intelligence as well as others.

VC Circle:
About: Started off as a blog handled by a single person, VCCircle today has become one
of Indias largest digital platforms in the field of online business news, data, events and

VCCircle: media platform about Indian investment ecosystem.

VCCEdge: financial data about companies

TechCircle: tracker for Indias booming technology startups

VCCircle Training: executive education division

VCCircle Conferences

Risk: Same as Venture Intelligence

About: Started off as a news site to tell the inspiring entrepreneur stories, Yourstory
today uses a storytelling method to bring to light key news around the start-up world.

Entrepreneur stories classified by types of start-ups include women entrepreneurs,

social start-ups etc.

Start-up events

Regional language specific content

Risk: Yourstory has a lot of personal, textual information which is interesting to read.
Using the information for analysis and discovery is more difficult compared to the firms
using natural language processing and web crawlers.

About: last but not the least, Glassdoor provides a sneak peak into the culture of a new
firm. After all as Peter Drucker said, Culture eats Strategy for breakfast.

Method: crowdsourced information from employees and companies


Information on jobs, salaries and interviews

Employee feedback about company and CEO approval rating

Risk: Glassdoor has a wealth of employee information. Tying that to employee

engagement could be an interesting way to understand perception vs. reality.

The Bottomline:
The task of discovering, evaluating and monitoring private companies both as
competitors and as potential investments has never been more important than now
when India is seeing an explosion start-up firms and investment deals. And the
companies mentioned above (not an exhaustive list), with their focus on using open
data either for data discovery or dissemination will definitely add value to the
intelligence methods used by companies and investors like. But the questions remain-

As an Entrepreneur or an Investor, are you finding more such useful resources today?
Would love to know about them and keep updating the list

Given the lack of valid information on private companies, which information

aggregation method will find most value?

Will these firms be able to really use open data to provide information asymmetry or
just provide multiple views on information that has already been discovered by
someone where the price of the information has already been priced in, per Random
Walk theory?

These are questions that are neither random nor private.

6. Data Sheds New Light on the On-demand Economy by Alex Chriss

2015 will go down as the year of on-

Alex Chriss
demand economy. Its been a year
Vice President and when new online platforms gained
General Manager at Intuit
enough mainstream adoption to
LinkedIn Contact start fundamentally changing the
way consumers access a range of
Alex Chriss is General Manager of the Self- services everything from
Employed Solutions business unit of Intuit's Small transportation and delivery on one
Business Division. He focuses on serving the global
population of independent contractors, solopreneurs, end, to legal and consulting services
freelancers, and self-employed businesses of one. on the other.

Alex also leads Intuit's QuickBooks Financing

business, providing lower rates, an easier 2015 has also seen the rise of an
application, and faster delivery of capital to millions
of small businesses. important debate about how these
online platforms impact long-held
Previously, Alex started and launched Intuit's
assumptions about how to support
platform-as-a-service strategy, uniting the
company's own connected services with third party the service providers the people
offerings in a single ecosystem. The Intuit Partner working in the on-demand
Platform allows independent developers to create
and deploy products that work in conjunction with economy. This debate has, most
Intuit's popular small business software. He also commonly, focused on worker
launched the Intuit App Center for SMB's to discover
and consume apps that work with QuickBooks.
classification, asking the question:
should people engaged in on-
demand work be considered
employees or independent contractors?

Whats been missing is a deep and objective understanding of those choosing on-
demand work.

To fill this void, the team at Intuit partnered with Emergent Research and 11 on-
demand economy and online talent marketplace companies to undertake a
groundbreaking examination of the aspirations, motivations and pain points of people
working in the on-demand economy.

The first set of data from the study puts the on-demand worker classification debate in a
distinctly new light.

Take for example, the fact that the average person working in the on-demand economy
spends a mere 12 hours per week working via their primary partner company,
generating 22 percent of their household income.

Our research also found that almost half (43 percent) of people working on-demand
jobs also have a traditional full or part-time job. In fact, only 5 percent of people
engaged in on-demand work indicate that it is their sole source of income.

Finally, our research shows that 70 percent of people working in the on-demand
economy are satisfied with their work. It follows that most of them (81 percent) say that
they will definitely continue their on-demand work in the coming year.

This data does not paint an obvious profile of people looking for traditional
employment. It points to a different motivation namely, flexible opportunities to make
more income.

With an increasing focus on objective data, the debate about how best to support people
who chose on-demand work will evolve. Indeed, just today a leading voice in the
debate, Senator Mark Warner urged policy makers to avoid rushing to judgment.
Instead, he said, on-demand companies themselves should be provided with the space
they need to innovate and experiment with new ways to support a new type of worker.
This is precisely the mindset that combined with a deep and objective understanding
of the aspirations, motivations and pain points of those choosing on-demand work
will set us on a path toward sustainable solutions.

The on-demand economy is accelerating a shift to self-employment that is having a

transformative effect on our economy and the future of work. We need to champion
and empower an increasingly entrepreneurial population.

In doing so, it will require a new mindset and most importantly, a deep and objective
understanding of the aspirations, motivations and pain points of those choosing to
work for themselves and on-demand.

Embrace big data and be bold to capture

data around every touchpoint

7. Every Company is a Data Company by Christopher Lynch

Insurance, retail,
Christopher Lynch telecommunications, healthcare
Investment Professional at today, companies in any large
Accomplice industry have one thing in

LinkedIn Contact
common: they all generate
massive amounts of data every
day. And the applications are
Mr. Christopher P. Lynch, also known as Chris, was
a Partner at Atlas Venture L.P. Mr. Lynch was part startling from uncovering
of the investment team at Atlas Venture L.P. He is secrets of the genome to
focused on big data and disruptive infrastructure at
the firm. He is a Partner and General Partner at
optimizing agricultural output to
Accomplice. Prior to joining Atlas in 2012, he forecasting revenue to the dollar.
successfully drove growth and led several
Unlocking the power data will
companies to exit, generating billions of dollars in
proceeds. He is an Advisor and a Mentor to many change the world.
Boston areas entrepreneurs. He is the Founder of
Hack/Reduce According to IBM, every day we
create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data
so much that 90% of the data in
the world today has been created in the last two years alone. The challenge is for us to
extract value from it.

Heres how I see the future.

For big data to change the world, we have to do three things:

1. Develop tools to surface meaningful, actionable insight

2. Educate a workforce to turn data into insight

3. Secure and protect the data

Simplicity is key. Tools that can process and analyze terabytes of data, and bubble up
the important information, will move the needle. Nutonian has an algorithm and
machine learning platform that can assess billions of models every second and surface
understandable predictive models. Data Robots founders can take any data science
challenge and figure out how to address it in a way that will bring maximum value;
theyve bottled up that knowledge in their software platform so others can do the same.

Its companies like these that are years ahead of others in making it easy to extract value
from big data and theyre having a powerful effect on their customers businesses.

Both Nutonian and Data Robot also contribute to my second point above, but at a
foundational level we need more people with data science skills. Organizations like
hack/reduce in Boston are creating communities around big data professionals,
companies and technologies to nurture the talent needed in a big data world.
DataCamp is the first interactive learning platform for data science technologies; it
challenges the user through an intelligent interface that guides them to the correct
answer. Data science may have been named the sexiest job of the 21st century, but the
hype has worn off and we need to get working on this.

Solving the security problem is critical. When you have all this data in one place, you
need to protect it. Security companies need to understand and leverage big data to
protect it. Sqrrl leverages technology built by its founders at the NSA to analyze
terabytes of disparate data, find connections and quickly build a linked data model to
the root cause of a cybersecurity attack. And, this data is spread across the cloud which
brings another level of exposure. Companies like Threat Stack are continuously
monitoring and learning in the cloud environment to give their customers a much-
needed extra layer of protection that is cloud native.

The road to unlocking big datas value is lined with challenges, but as we rise to those
challenges theres amazing opportunity in front of us. I cant wait to see what big data
will do - for humanity and for business. The future is bright.

By 2020, at least a third of all data will pass through

the cloud (a network of servers connected over the

8. Transforming Customer Relationships with Data by Rob Thomas

Rob Thomas
A friend walked into a bank in a
Vice President, Product
Development, IBM Analytics small town in Connecticut. As
frequently portrayed in movies, the
LinkedIn Contact
benefit of living in a small town is
that you see many people that you
Rob Thomas is Vice President of Product know around town and often have
Development in IBM Analytics. He brings extensive
a first name relationship with local
experience in management, business development,
and consulting in the high technology and financial merchants. Its very personal and
services industries. He has worked extensively with something that many equate to the
global businesses and his background includes
experience in business and operational strategy, New England charm of a town like
high technology, acquisitions and divestitures, New Canaan. As this friend, let us
manufacturing operations, and product design and
call him Dan, entered the bank, it
development. Rob's first book, Big Data Revolution,
was recently published by Wiley was the normal greetings by name,
discussion of the recent town fair,
and a brief reflection on the
weekends Little League games.

Dan was in the market for a home. Having lived in the town for over ten years, he
wanted to upsize a bit, given that his family was now 20-percent larger than when he
bought the original home. After a few months of monitoring the real estate listings,
working with a local agent (whom he knew from his first home purchase), Dan and his
wife settled on the ideal house for their next home. Dans trip to the bank was all
business, as he needed a mortgage (much smaller than the one on his original home) to
finance the purchase of the new home.

The interaction started as you may expect: Dan, we need you to fill out some
paperwork for us and well be able to help you. Dan proceeded to write down
everything that the bank already knew about him: his name, address, Social Security
number, date of birth, employment history, previous mortgage experience, income
level, and estimated net worth. There was nothing unusual about the questions except

for the fact that the bank already knew everything they were asking about.

After he finished the paperwork, it shifted to an interview, and the bank representative
began to ask some qualitative questions about Dans situation and needs, and the
mortgage type that he was looking for. The ever-increasing number of choices varied
based on fixed versus variable interest rate, duration and amount of the loan, and other

Approximately 60 minutes later, Dan exited the bank, uncertain of whether or not he
would receive the loan. The bank knew Dan. The bank employees knew his wife and
children by name, and they had seen all of his deposits and withdrawals over a ten-year
period. Theyd seen him make all of his mortgage payments on time. Yet the bank refused
to acknowledge, through their actions, that they actually knew him.


There was an era when customer support and service was dictated by what you told the
person in front of you, whether that person was a storeowner, lender, or even an
automotive dealer. It was then up to that person to make a judgment on your issue and
either fix it or explain why it could not be fixed. That simpler time created a higher level
of personal touch in the process, but then the telephone came along. The phone led to
the emergence of call centers, which led to phone tree technology, which resulted in the
decline in customer service.


While technology has advanced exponentially since the 1800s, customer experience has
not advanced as dramatically. While customer interaction has been streamlined and
automated in many cases, it is debatable whether or not those cost-focused activities
have engendered customer loyalty, which should be the ultimate goal.

The following list identifies the main historical influences on customer service. Each era
has seen technological advances and along with that, enhanced interaction with


Pre-1870: In this era, customer interaction was a face-to-face experience. If a customer

had an issue, he would go directly to the merchant and explain the situation. While this
is not scientific, it seems that overall customer satisfaction was higher in this era than
others for the simple fact that people treat a person in front of them with more care and
attention than they would a person once or twice removed.

1876: The telephone is invented. While the telephone did not replace the face-to-face era
immediately, it laid the groundwork for a revolution that would continue until the next
major revolution: the Internet.

1890s: The telephone switchboard was invented. Originally, phones worked only point-
to-point, which is why phones were sold in pairs. The invention of the switchboard
opened up the ability to communicate one-to-many. This meant that customers could
dial a switchboard and then be directly connected to the merchant they purchased from
or to their local bank.

1960s: Call centers first emerged in the 1960s, primarily a product of larger companies
that saw a need to centralize a function to manage and solve customer inquiries. This
was more cost effective than previous approaches, and perhaps more importantly, it
enabled a company to train specialists to handle customer calls in a consistent manner.
Touch-tone dialing (1963) and 1-800 numbers (1967) fed the productivity and usage of
call centers.

1970s: Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology was introduced into call centers to
assist with routing and to o er the promise of better problem resolution. Technology for
call routing and phone trees improved into the 1980s, but it is not something that ever
engendered a positive experience.

1980s: For the first time, companies began to outsource the call-center function. The
belief was that if you could pay someone else to offer this service and it would get done

at a lower price, then it was better. While this did not pick up steam until the 1990s, this
era marked the first big move to outsourcing, and particularly outsourcing overseas, to
lower- cost locations.

1990s to present: This era, marked by the emergence of the Internet, has seen the most
dramatic technology innovation, yet its debatable whether or not customer experience
has improved at a comparable pace. e Internet brought help desks, live chat support,
social media support, and the widespread use of customer relationship management
(CRM) and call-center software.

Despite all of this progress and developing technology through the years, it still seems
like something is missing. Even the personal, face-to-face channel (think about Dan and
his local bank) is unable to appropriately service a customer that the employees know
(but pretend not to, when it comes to making business decisions)
While we have seen considerable progress in customer support since the 1800s, the lack
of data in those times prevented the intimate customer experience that many longed for.
Its educational to explore a couple pre-data era examples of customer service, to
understand the strengths and limitations of customer service prior to the data era.


The United States entered World War I on April 6, 1917. The U.S. Navy quickly became
interested in Boeings Model C seaplane. e seaplane was the rst all-Boeing design and
utilized either single or dual pontoons for water landing. e seaplane promised agility
and exibility, which were features that the Navy felt would be critical to managing the
highly complex environment of a war zone. Since Boeing conducted all of the testing of
the seaplane in Pensacola, Florida, this forced the company to deconstruct the planes,
ship them to the west coast of the United States (by rail). en, in the process, they had to
decide whether or not to send an engineer and pilot, along with the spare parts, in order
to ensure the customers success. This is the pinnacle of customer service: knowing your
customers, responding to their needs, and delivering what is required, where it is

required. Said another way, the purchase (or prospect of purchase) of the product
assumed customer service.

The Boeing Company and the Douglas Aircraft Company, which would later merge,
led the country in airplane innovation. As Boeing expanded after the war years, the
business grew to include much more than just manufacturing, with the advent of
airmail contracts and a commercial ight operation known as United Air Lines. Each of
these expansions led to more opportunities, namely around a training school, to
provide United Air Lines an endless supply of skilled pilots.

In 1936, Boeing founded its Service Unit. As you might expect, the first head of the unit
was an engineer (Wellwood Beall). After all, the mission of the unit was expertise, so a
top engineer was the right person for the job. As Boeing expanded overseas, Beall
decided he needed to establish a division focused on airplane maintenance and training
the Chinese, as China had emerged as a top growth area.

When World War II came along, Boeing quickly dedicated resources to training, spare
parts, and maintaining fleets in the conflict. A steady stream of Boeing and Douglas
field representatives began flowing to battlefronts on several continents to support their
companies respective aircraft. Boeing put field representatives on the front lines to
ensure that planes were operating and, equally importantly, to share information with
the company engineers regarding needed design improvement.

Based on lessons learned from its rst seven years in operation, the service unit
reorganized in 1943, around four areas:

-Maintenance publications
-Field service
-Spare parts

To this day, that structure is still substantially intact. Part of Boeings secret was a tight
relationship between customer service technicians and the design engineers. This

ensured that the Boeing product-development team was focused on the things that
mattered most to their clients.

Despite the major changes in airplane technology over the years, the customer-support
mission of Boeing has not wavered: To assist the operators of Boeing planes to the
greatest possible extent, delivering total satisfaction and lifetime support. While
customer service and the related technology has changed dramatically through the
years, the attributes of great customer service remains unchanged. We see many of
these attributes in the Boeing example:

1. Publications: Sharing information, in the form of publications available to the

customer base, allows customers to help themselves.

2. Teamwork: The linkage between customer support and product development is

critical to ensuring client satisfaction over a long period of time.

3. Training: Similar to the goal with publications, training makes your clients smarter,
and therefore, they are less likely to have issues with the products or services provided.

4. Field service: Be where your clients are, helping them as its needed.

5. Spare parts: If applicable, provide extra capabilities or parts needed to achieve the
desired experience in the field.

6. Multi-channel: Establishing multiple channels enables the customer to ask for and
receive assistance.

7. Service extension: Be prepared to extend service to areas previously unplanned for.

In the case of Boeing, this was new geographies (China) and at unanticipated time
durations (supporting spare parts for longer than expected).

8. Personalization: Know your customer and their needs, and personalize their
interaction and engagement.

Successful customer service entails each of these aspects in some capacity. The varied
forms of customer service depend largely on the industry and product, but also the role
that data can play.


There are a multitude of reasons why a financial services firm would want to invest in a
call center: lower costs and consolidation; improved customer service, cross-selling, and
extended geographical reach.

Financial services have a unique need for call centers and expertise in customer service,
given that customer relationships are ultimately what they sell (the money is just a
vehicle towards achieving the customer relationship). Six of the most prominent areas
of financial services for call centers are:

1) Retail banking: Supporting savings and checking accounts, along with multiple
channels (online, branch, ATM, etc.)

2) Retail brokerage: Advising and supporting clients on securities purchases, funds

transfer, asset allocation, etc.

3) Credit cards: Managing credit card balances, including disputes, limits, and

4) Insurance: Claims underwriting and processing, and related status inquiries

5) Lending: Advising and supporting clients on securities purchases, funds transfer,

asset allocation, etc.

6) Consumer lending: A secured or unsecured loan with fixed terms issued by a bank
or financing company. is includes mortgages, automobile loans, etc.

Consumer lending is perhaps the most interesting financial services area to explore
from the perspective of big data, as it involves more than just responding to customer
inquiries. It involves the decision to lend in the first place, which sets off all future
interactions with the consumer.

There are many types of lending that fall into the domain of consumer lending,
including credit cards, home equity loans, mortgages, and financing for cars,
appliances, and boats, among many other possible items, many of which are deemed to
have a finite life.

Consumer lending can be secured or unsecured. This is largely determined by the

feasibility of securing the loan (its easy to secure an auto loan with the auto, but its not
so easy to secure credit card loans without a tangible asset), as well as the parties risk
tolerance and specific objectives about the interest rate and the total cost of the loan.
Unsecured loans obviously will tend to have higher returns (and risk) for the lender.

Ultimately, from the lenders perspective, the decision to lend or not to lend will be
based on the lenders belief that she will get paid back, with the appropriate amount of

A consumer-lending operation, and the customer service that would be required to

manage the relationships, is extensive. Setting it up requires the consideration of many

Call volumes: Forecasting monthly, weekly, and hourly engagement Sta ng: Calibrating
on a monthly, weekly, and hourly basis, likely based on expected call volumes

Performance management: Setting standards for performance with the staff, knowing
that many situations will be unique

Location: Deciding on a physical or virtual customer service operation, knowing that

this decision impacts culture, cost, and performance

A survey of call center operations from 1997, conducted by Holliday, showed that 64
percent of the responding banks expected increased sales and cross sales, while only 48
percent saw an actual increase. Of the responding banks, 71 percent expected the call
center to increase customer retention; however, only 53 percent said that it actually did.

The current approach to utilizing call centers is not working and ironically, has not
changed much since 1997.


Data will transform customer service, as data can be the key ingredient in each of the
aspects of successful customer service. The lack of data or lack of use of data is
preventing the personalization of customer service, which is the reason that it is not
meeting expectations.

In the report, titled Navigate the Future Of Customer Service (Forrester, 2012), Kate
Leggett highlights key areas that depend on the successful utilization of big data. These
include: auditing the customer service ecosystem (technologies and processes
supported across different communication channels); using surveys to better
understand the needs of customers; and incorporating feedback loops by measuring the
success of customer service interactions against cost and satisfaction goals.


Servicing automobiles post-sale requires a complex supply chain of information. In part,

this is due to the number of parties involved. For example, a person who has an issue
with his car is suddenly dependent on numerous parties to solve the problem: the
service department, the dealership, the manufacturer, and the parts supplier (if
applicable). That is four relatively independent parties, all trying to solve the problem,
and typically pointing to someone else as being the cause of the issue.

This situation can be defined as a data problem. More specifically, the fact that each
party had their own view of the problem in their own systems, which were not
integrated, contributed to the issue. As any one party went to look for similar issues (i.e.
queried the data), they received back only a limited view of the data available.

A logical solution to this problem is to enable the data to be searched across all parties
and data silos, and then reinterpreted into a single answer. The challenge with this
approach to using data is that it is very much a pull model, meaning that the person
searching for an answer has to know what question to ask. If you dont know the cause
of a problem, how can you possibly know what question to ask in order to fix it?

This problem necessitates data to be pushed from the disparate systems, based on the
role of the person exploring and based on the class of the problem. Once the data is
pushed to the customer service representatives, it transforms their role from question
takers to solution providers. They have the data they need to immediately suggest
solutions, options, or alternatives. All enabled by data.


Mikkel Svane spent many years of his life implementing help-desk so ware. The
complaints from that experience were etched in his mind: Its difficult to use, its
expensive, it does not integrate easily with other systems, and its very hard to install.
This frustration led to the founding of Zendesk.

As of December 2013, it is widely believed that Zendesk has over 20,000 enterprise
clients. Zendesk was founded in 2007, and just seven short years later, it had a large
following. Why? In short, it found a way to leverage data to transform customer service.

Zendesk asserts that bad customer service costs major economies around the world
$338 billion annually. Even worse, they indicate that 82 percent of Americans report
having stopped doing business with a company because of poor customer service. In

the same vein as Boeing in World War II, this means that customer service is no longer
an element of customer satisfaction; it is perhaps the sole determinant of customer

A simplistic description of Zendesk would highlight the fact that it is email, tweet,
phone, chat, and search data, all integrated in one place and personal- ized for the
customer of the moment. Mechanically, Zendesk is creating and tracking individual
customer support tickets for every interaction. The interaction can come in any form
(social media, email, phone, etc.) and therefore, any channel can kick off the creation of
a support ticket. As the support ticket is created, a priority level is assigned, any related
history is collated and attached, and it is routed to a specific customer-support person.
But, what about the people who dont call or tweet, yet still have an issue?

Zendesk has also released a search analytics capability, which is programmed using
sophisticated data modeling techniques to look for customer issues, instead of just
waiting for the customer to contact the company. A key part of the founding
philosophy of Zendesk was the realization that roughly 35 percent of consumers are
silent users, who seek their own answers, instead of contacting customer support. On
one hand, this is a great advantage for a company, as it reduces their cost of support.
But it is fraught with risk of customer satisfaction issues, as a customer may decide to
move to a competitor without the incumbent ever knowing they needed help.

Svane, like the executives at Boeing in the World War II era, sees customer service as a
means to build relationships with customers, as opposed to a hindrance. He believes
this perspective is starting to catch on more broadly. What has happened over the last
five or six years is that the notion of customer service has changed from just being this
call center to something where you can create real, meaningful long-term relationships
with your customers and think about it as a revenue center.


It would be very easy for Dan to receive a loan and for the bank to under- write that
loan if the right data was available to make the decision. With the right data, the bank

would know who he is, as well as his entire history with the bank, recent significant life
changes, credit behavior, and many other factors. This data would be pushed to the
bank representative as Dan walked in the door. When the representative asked, How
can I help you today? and learned that Dan was in the market for a new home, the
representative would simply say, Let me show you what options are available to you.
Dan could make a spot decision or choose to think about it, but either way, it would be
as simple as purchasing groceries. at is the power of data, transforming customer

Sell the concept internally first

9. The Power of Apps to Leverage Big Data and Analytics by Joseph Bradley

As 50 billion things become

Joseph Bradley connected to the Internet in less than
Vice President, IoE Global five years, the amount of data
Practice, Cisco Services created will only continue to
LinkedIn Contact skyrocket. Because data is growing
exponentially, it can be difficult to
As vice president of the Internet of Everything (IoE) get your mind around just how
Practice, Joseph M. Bradley ensures the worlds top much information were talking
business and public sector leaders understand how
about. Consider these points from
to thrive in the rapidly changing digital world that
has evolved through the convergence of mobile, Bernard Marr, best-selling author of
social, data, and cloud computing. He leads a team Big Data.
of technology and business consultants who assist
CXOs, government leaders, and their management Every two days, we create as
teams to realize the value of IoE and digital
business transformation. much information as we did from
the beginning of time to 2003.
Bradley built the foundation for the IoE Practice by
directing the groundbreaking research and
More than 90% of all data was
production of Ciscos influential IoE thought created in the past two years.
leadership titled, Embracing the Internet of
If you burned all of the data
Everything To Capture Your Share of $14.4 Trillion
and Internet of Everything (IoE) Value Index: How created in one day onto DVDs, the
Much Value Are Private-Sector Firms Capturing stack would reach the moonand
from IoE in 2013? This project was followed by
further groundbreaking research that showed the
total IoE value at stake for both enterprises and While its fun to come up with
public sector organizations to be $19 trillion.
interesting data points, they can lead
us away from the source of gaining
real value from Big Data. In my keynote presentations, I state Big Data is nothing
without big judgment. All of the data ever created is useless unless we analyze it to
derive insights that help people live, learn, work, and play.

Banjo aggregated
photos from several
social media
networks during
the launch of
SpaceXs Falcon 9

We also live in a world where products, services, media, entertainment, and

information are all just a few inches and taps away. When I meet with business and
technology leaders, I emphasize, If it doesnt work on mobile, it doesnt work. Apps
are the way we access and use information.

Apps, Big Data, and AnalyticsA Super Powerful Combination

Banjo ( Banjo instantly organizes the worlds social and digital signals by
location, giving users an unprecedented real-time view and level of understanding
about d whats happening anywhere in the world. According to Inc. Magazine, in its
article The Most Important Social Media Company Youve Never Heard Of, stated,
Banjo has created a way to find out anything thats happening in the world

To get a sense of just how much data Banjo is collecting consider this. The company
runs a virtual grid of more than 35 billion squares that cover the face of the planet. Each
square is about the size of a football field. Banjos software maps every geo-located
public posts.

The companys software then goes to work analyzing the data by performing two
quadrillion calculations on the hundreds of thousands of posts that flood in every
minute. Deviations from the normal state trigger alerts.

A visualization of spikes in social media activity around the world.

With regards to privacy, Banjo only analyzes public posts. If you dont want to be
visible to Banjo, you can simply not post or turn your location setting to off. Banjo only
sees what people allow it to see.

Banjo has already proven itself in practice, being the first service (even before police and
the media) to learn about the Florida State University shootings and the Boston
Marathon bombing. Using the power of Big Data, analytics, and social media, Banjo has
become eyes and ears on the ground for anyone who uses their app.

Success Requires a Focus on People and Leadership

As you consider how to leverage the power of Big Data and analytics in your sphere of
influence, its important that people, whether they are customers or citizens, should be
at the center of your plans. In an earlier post, I highlighted Ample Harvest, which
shows how a non-profit organization is leveraging Big Data and analytics to provide
fresh food to the worlds hungryfor free.

Also realize that success in a world that is going digital requires a new kind of leader.
Todays business and technology leaders need new skills and knowledge including: 1)
how to assemble and manage a team inside and outside the four walls of your
organization; 2) an understanding that digital languages (programming, platform, and

tools) are more important skills than being fluent in a cultural language; and 3)
believing that being inclusive and building diverse teams are both the correct and
profitable things to do.

In this article, I highlighted Banjo and Ample Harvest. There are many others. What are
your favorite apps that create value for people by leveraging Big Data and analytics?

Retailers who leverage the full power of big data could

increase their operating margins by as much as 60%.

10. State of Telecom Business Around Managing Big Data and Analytics by Dr.
Hossein Eslambolchi

l just gave an interview on how to

Dr. Hossein Eslambolchi
manage big data at Billing World
Chairman & CEO -
and wanted to share some of my
Cyberflow Analytics
thoughts with my followers and
LinkedIn Contact
readers. Below is the entire text of
the interview.
Dr. Hossein Eslambolchi is Chairman and CEO of
CyberFlow Analytics and 2020 Venture Partners.
CyberFlow Analytics provides security-based What are the most pressing business
analytics solutions against APT based hacking using challenges in telecommunications
advanced statistical algorithms. 2020 Venture
firms today and how are advanced
Partners focuses on technology and operations
consulting to private equity firms, service providers, analytics programs, such as Big
corporate enterprise customers, venture capitalists Data, going to help?
and start-ups, as well as publicly traded companies
in the areas of telecom technology, operations, It always has been and continues to
business transformation and content distribution be about improving margins. Thirty
including wireless and all IP communications. He
years ago, communications
served as a director of Clearwire Corporation from
December 2010-2013 and is on the Board of operators were able to charge three
Directors for Hyperoffice. He serves on the Board of dollars per minute. Then, in 1980,
Advisors to the University Of California School Of
Engineering, Allegis Capital VC, SquareZero, the cost went down to about 25 cents
RainStor, Prodapt, Tickets48 and PureWave a minute, and today we are looking
Networks. Dr. Eslambolchi also serves as a member
at one or two cents for corporate
of the Board of Trustees for the Shiraz University
School of Medical Sciences in New York City. customers and for consumers, five
cents a minute. In the wireless
world, its a bit higher, at maybe
around eight or 10 cents a minute, but that industry is getting so competitive that again,
providers continually lower their prices to maintain and grow customers. The average

revenue per user has been steadily coming down and the way to maintain margins is to

increase the volume of minutes. The

counterargument to this is the spectrum, because the law says you can only use a
certain amount of bandwidth because of the Shannon Law of Communication Theory.
The other way to protect margins is by looking at how to better manage the IT
infrastructure such as IaaS, putting servers and storage in the cloud to change the
economics of the cost structure. We are moving into Exabytes of information. How do
you store all of that in databases? There is no database big enough. CIOs and CTOs
need to figure out how to sift through all of that data and do their knowledge mining
but at the same time, get their costs down. CFOs are really pushing on that. So youve
got to manage the equation of the three C's: cost, cycle time and capabilities.

Explain further how the 3 C's work together inside a communications provider?

Cost is where database technologies like Rainstor come into play. If I can bring down
the storage cost and bring new capabilities on top of that, then margins can improve.
These new databases require far less storage because of their unique ability to compress
the data, which means reduced requirement for more servers and therefore less time
and money spent provisioning and managing them. You can save your company
hundreds of millions in a few years on your infrastructure alone. The goal is to lower
your costs as fast and effectively as you can, so that even if your revenues continue to
decline, the likelihood of gaining higher margins goes up. That means you can compete
faster and cheaper than anyone else in your industry.
Tell us more about cycle time and capabilities.
Cycle time is the amount of time it takes to provision a service. You want to reduce
cycle times, to speed time-to-market, which ultimately improves customer satisfaction
and by the way faster time to revenue. Every time you put a new server out there,
youve got to provision it or pay for the provisioning. Youve got to have your
maintenance systems running. There is no turnkey system for service providers,
because every network is different. So if youve got hundreds to thousands of servers,
that brings additional time and complexity. There is not a single routine for each server,
either. There may be various storage vendors behind the scenes and different
configuration requirements. But lets say you can reduce the number of servers to only
10 or 20, then you are drastically lowering cycle time, complexity and effort managing
this hardware footprint. And of course that lowers costs and likely improves your
compliance because you are able to store all of the data that you need and youre doing
it in a more controlled and less risky fashion.

And by capabilities, youre talking about business innovation?

Yes, exactly. If I can go from 30:1 compression of my data, that translates to disruptive
innovation. That in turn results in lower cycle times which lowers costs, and brings new
opportunities for customers. Every function of the business in a communications
service-provider organization needs access to data, and that covers anything from log
data, smartphone/device data (CDRs, IPDRs), and proactive monitoring of dropped
calls to prevent customer churn. And of course they want to know a lot about network
performance and security. All the network data needs to be collected, stored and
analyzed, which then helps to create algorithms to prevent issues like breaches from

occurring in the future and affecting customer service levels. There are so many
applications that a service provider could deploy on top of database technologies such
as RainStor to improve and monetize the network. If you can cost effectively scale and
you have an intelligent network, you can roll out services faster and more economically,
which translates to revenue-generating initiatives.

Service providers have to simplify and streamline their operations. They are drowning
because they are so big, and they are trying to manage enormous streams of data
coming from a wider range of disparate sources. But building a bunch of data centers,
the Google approach, is really not the right approach for the 21 century. Companies
dont have the money and time to build out this gargantuan infrastructure any longer
and they want payback on the investment in 12 to 18 months.

Data is an extremely powerful asset for communications service providers. By more

efficiently collecting, storing it and then providing the right tools to analyze and mine
that data, CSPs can better prevent profit margin erosion. With effective analysis of
application and network log data, subscriber usage data, network data and customer
interaction" data, a provider can begin to move faster and deliver what customers
want with improved service levels.

However, I believe first things first, you cant perform rich analysis and better reporting
unless you have the most efficient infrastructure in place to store, manage and scale all
the important data for the business. By addressing cost first, you can improve cycle
times and then begin to add more capabilities. Lets be honest, the most important C,
the Customer, is what ultimately matters when it comes to improving margins.

Without big data, you are blind and deaf and in the
middle of a freeway. Geoffrey Moore, author and

11. Solution to Key Traffic Problem Required a Fresh Look at Existing Data by
Tony Belkin

As we all know vehicles on the road

Tony Belkin
are constantly changing speeds and
Head of Traffic and lanes. All this movement, cars
Dynamic Content at HERE
slowing down, braking hard,
LinkedIn Contact
speeding up, happens especially in
the areas leading up to road
junctions. The vehicles that want to
Tony Belkin heads traffic and dynamic content at
HERE, a leader in mapping and location technology. turn off at a junction might even
HERE enables rich, real-time location applications come to a halt, while the rest of the
and experiences for consumers, vehicles,
enterprises and cities. Belkin builds big data engines traffic continues at its normal speed.
to provide traffic and other dynamic content to
connected cars, enterprises and consumers. Prior to
his work at HERE, Belkin worked at WMS Gaming So while we know vehicles before
as the chief technology officer and vice president of junctions are moving at different
engineering. He was responsible for HW and SW
platform development, architecture, system speeds across multiple lanes, the
engineering, product testing and field support for existing industry standard used to
casino gaming machines. Belkin has also worked at
calculate traffic reporting is based
Hospira, Xilinx, Ingrid and Motorola. Belkin
graduated Tau Beta Pai with a B.S. in Electrical on the average speed of vehicles
Engineering from the University of Illinois at going across all lanes of road.
Chicago. He also holds his M.B.A. and a Master of
Product Development degrees from Northwestern To increase the precision of traffic
University. reporting, the industry has wanted
to be able to zoom-in on the roads
to detect traffic speeds at lane level for a long time. But it seemed as though we faced
some insurmountable technological challenges that would make this impossible for
years to come.

A lot of people in the industry believed that to figure out which lane a vehicle was in,
wed need higher accuracy in probe data. And that this accuracy would only arrive
when most cars were equipped with advanced sensors linked to high-definition maps.

But at HERE, we invented a way past these challenges with the introduction of Split
Lane Traffic at junctions (SLT). Its ultimately the product of 20 years analyzing and
understanding how traffic works, and a unique perspective on the issues.

We started with the information we have got. We collect and process billions of road
traffic probes every day. Could we look at those probes differently, we asked, to learn
something new?
Inspired by thinking on how to handle divergent conditions, our team of data analysts
and traffic experts spent a year analyzing the data, then testing and refining
mathematical models to extract meaning from all these separate probes. The result was

SLT uses two algorithms (patent pending) to isolate and measure the traffic speeds in
different lanes around junctions. Our Multi-Modal Speed Detection and Magnitude
(MDM) and the Dynamic SLT Aggregation (DSA) algorithms process raw probe data,
together with information from sensors and incident sources to create reliable, accurate

The MDM algorithm looks at all the vehicle probes in the area of road leading up to a
junction and works out if they fall into separate groups, travelling at different speeds.
Then it works out what the level of difference is, and decides whether it is sufficiently
large to warrant publishing an SLT, splitting the roads reported speed into two before

that junction. The DSA algorithm works out how far down the road leading up to the
junction this difference in speeds extends, dividing the road into much finer segments
than was previously the case.

Even when we were confident that the technique worked, we couldnt just rush it to
market. Its a big and complex operation, drawing together probe and data collection,
data processing and product delivery. We didnt just have to ensure that we can get the
correct results, but also that we could integrate them into our products and deliver
them consistently to users. Millions of people and businesses depend on HERE for
accurate traffic information, delivered worldwide and updated every minute of every
day. Reliability is a fundamental principle.

Now, though, with all the preparation and testing complete, SLT will be a part of our
Real Time Traffic product, bringing greater accuracy to road speed reports, routing
advice and estimated times of arrival.

This valuable new feature really moves the whole industry forward, significantly
improving traffic information, without any new technology requirements from drivers
or roads. And its been a great learning opportunity for our teams, growing our
experience of reporting traffic at lane level.

To find out more about SLT, you should read our white paper which describes the work
in more detail.

Every second we create new data. For example, we perform

40,000 search queries every second (on Google alone), which
makes it 3.5 searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year.

12. Machines Won't Replace Insurance Agents in 2016, But They Will Do This by
Steve Anderson

I am a science-fiction fan. As a kid,

Steve Anderson
I watched the original Star Trek
Trusted Authority on
series live on TV from the first
Insurance Technology,
Productivity Profitability episode in 1966. Ive watched
LinkedIn Contact every Star Trek movie and almost
every episode of every TV show
Im a very curious person. Its one of the reasons variation of the Star Trek theme.
Ive always liked the insurance industry. Its given
me a chance to understand how a variety of different
businesses work because providing the best I guess I have been interested in
insurance coverage for any business imaginable the future and what it might make
required that I understand what they do. Ive worn
many hats in my career -- insurance company possible for a long time.
underwriter, insurance agent and producer,
programmer (for a very short period of time), writer
and speaker. Over the years, Ive developed a I continue to explore all types of
unique ability to turn technology geek-speak into technology, both tried-and-true as
easily understood information that helps agency
owners and staff understand technology and how to well as the new stuff. Is it a fad?
use it effectively (and even profitable!) in their What implications might it have in
organization. And Im proud that I am a practical and
hands-on person as I travel throughout the country
the future? Should I pay attention
teaching, training and helping agents embrace to it?
technology and get to the next level of where they
want to be.
My focus is the insurance industry,
so I also try to understand what
impact emerging technology might have on how the industry helps people perceive risk
and manage losses.

In 2016, we will begin to see very practical applications of Machine Learning technology
as it moves away from just being theoretical.

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing and its
implications have captured my attention. In 2016, we will begin seeing this technology
move from the theoretical into practical applications. We will also see the cost
significantly drop so smaller organizations can take advantage of its capabilities.

IBMs Watson Platform

Ive been following with interest the development and growth of IBMs Watson
platform. IBM describes Watson as a cognitive system that can help us outthink our
biggest challenges.
Watson Wins Jeopardy

I first became aware of Watson in February 2011 because of the Watson Jeopardy
Challenge. It was fascinating to watch Watson play Jeopardy against Ken Jennings
(longest winning streak) and Brad Rutter (biggest money winner). Watson ultimately
won that challenge.
Watson seemed like an interesting experiment. Are machines better than people at
processing vast amounts of data in real time? Can they replicate (or maybe replace?) the
human decision-making process in certain circumstances?

The Watson platform has continued to develop. Its cognitive system is now available
for use by other industries through its API access. One of the biggest users of Watson is
for medical diagnostics. Because of its advanced image analytics capability, Watson can
now see medical images.
The insurance industry is also looking at how Watson might be able to improve the
underwriting process and financial results for an insurance company.

"It [IBM Watson] will do a whole lot of work and very quickly. There will be more
accurate underwriting, and to a certain extent, it probably removes some human
emotion in terms of decision making too," Mark Senkevics, head of Swiss Re Australia
and New Zealand.

In this article, Senkevics explains why the global reinsurer plans to engage IBM's
artificial intelligence system, IBM Watson, to assess life insurance risks in Australia.
Machine Learning Examples

In November, I attended the ACORD 2015 as a judge for the ACORD Innovation
Challenge. I had the opportunity to listen to Jared Cohens keynote presentation. Cohen
is the Director of Google Ideas and the co-author (along with Google executive

chairman and former CEO Eric Schmidt) of "The New Digital Age: Reshaping the
Future of People, Nations and Business."
Cohen spent a majority of his time talking about how Google is using machine learning
in many areas, including image processing (Google Photos) and Google Driverless Cars.
If he spent that much time talking about machine learning, then it just might be
something I should spend more time exploring.

Other recent news items about the advancement and development of machine learning

How Banks Use Machine Learning to Know a Crook's Using Your Credit CardDetails.
Elon Musk Donates $10 Million to Keep AI Beneficial.
Machine Learning Works GreatMathematicians Just Dont Know Why.
Google open sourcing its artificial intelligence engine TensorFlow last month
freely sharing the code with the world at large.
The week Google made the announcement about TensorFlow, I was facilitating a
meeting of large U.S. insurance brokers in Houston. At dinner the first night I was
talking with an IT person from one of the brokers about TensorFlow and its possible
implication for the insurance industry. He told me he had already downloaded the code
that day and was playing around to see how it might be used in their operation.

People dont need you for information They need you for advice.
Terry Jones, CEO

Machine Learning Available for Any Size Organization

Recently I spent the day at a small company that is developing an expert conversation
engine tool that will allow anyone to create a guided conversation. In artificial
intelligence terms, this type of process is properly called, "Forward Reasoning,"
sometimes also referred to as "forward chaining."

Using their platform, I was able to create an online conversation that created a guided
conversation that answered the question, I bought a new boat. Does my homeowners

policy cover it? Building the response to this question took about an hour for me to

The questions I asked included:

What type of boat did you buy?

Does it have a motor? If yes, what is the horsepower?

How much did you pay?

Based on the answers provided, I was able to use this tool to capture my insurance
expertise (I have a Masters in Insurance Law) and display a customized page that
showed the coverage available and what was not available under several different
types of homeowners policy forms, including both physical damage and liability

I was able to answer the question asked and also show where additional insurance
coverage was needed.

Once you learn how the tool works, anyone should be able to create simple
conversations like this in less than 30 minutes.

More complicated conversations (like an annual account review process) would take
longer to develop. The additional time required is due to the difficulty (at least initially)
of capturing the expertise required and understanding the logical flow of the

However, once the guided conversation is created, it can be used many times by both
internal employees who dont have the experience as well as clients who have a

Machine Learning Benefits

Many people will look at these advances in machine learning as scary.

They will say that a machine can never do their job. A machine will never be able to
provide the same type of value that an actual person can. I am not so sure that is the

Dont you think that is what Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter felt when competing with
Watson on Jeopardy? Yet, they lost.

Here are some ideas about how machine learning will benefit insurance agents and the

The ability to capture the knowledge, skills, and expertise from a generation of
insurance staff before they retire in the next 5 to 10 years.

A new way to answer questions about insurance issues from a new generation of
consumers. These consumers expect to be able to get answers anytime not just when
an agents office is open.

Provide consistent and correct answers to common insurance questions. You will
not need to monitor varying levels of expertise.

Be able to attract new talent by providing a career path that automates the mundane so
their time and effort can be spent on engaging clients at a deeper level that requires
more in-depth expertise.

Allows insurance agents to deliver their expertise to their clients more profitably. This is
especially true for individual insurance (personal lines) and small business insurance
(small commercial).

Allow agents to create and deliver an annual online account review process for both
personal lines and small commercial insurance accounts. This is a vital process for client
satisfaction, creating cross-selling opportunities, and reducing errors and omissions

Creates a way for every insurance agent to provide 24/7 access to insurance knowledge
and expertise. A guided conversation provides a much better experience than a simple
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. You will be able to create an interactive,
customized value-added experience.

There may be some who read this article and think artificial intelligence and machine
learning will be the end of the insurance agent as the trusted adviser for providing
proper protection against accidental losses.

Like Mark Twain, I think the death of the insurance agent has been greatly exaggerated.

Those insurance agents who embrace new technology and find better ways to engage
with the consumer will always find opportunity.

The Opportunity

Those insurance agents who embrace new technology and find better ways to engage
with the consumer will always find opportunity. For those agencies that can see the
opportunity, machine learning tools will provide another way to engage and interact
with the digital customer.

I do not profess to be an expert in

Artificial Intelligent or Machine Learning. The growing evidence tells me that this
technology will be available sooner than we think. In 2016, I will be spending more time

learning about machine learning technology to better understanding the implication
and the benefits to the insurance industry.
I do not believe this technology will replace the need for insurance agents. Todays
consumers demand value. They want to engage with people who provide products and
services. And they want it when they want it. Anytime, day or night.

For insurance agents who are simply order takers, machine learning will likely be a
threat. It will be much harder for them to justify why anyone should do business with

Machines that can learn just might provide an edge insurance agents need to compete
effectively in a 24/7 world.

What do you think? Will you be able to talk to a computer like Captain Kirk did on
the Starship Enterprise? Don't agree? Let me know why.

Don't delegate data analysis

13. How a Digital Transformation Can Improve Customer Experience with Big
Data by Ronald van Loon

Do you know what your customers

Ronald van Loon want when they visit your website?
Director Advertisement And do you know what makes
Helping companies them bounce away to visit another
generating success
site instead of choosing products or
LinkedIn Contact services and continuing to checkout
on your site?
Ronald has been recognized as one of the Top 10
global big data, data science, business intelligence,
data mining influencers by Klout and mptive and
predictive analytics top 10 influencers by All too often, business owners and
DataConomy. He is the author for leading Big Data executives accept customer
sites like DATAFLOQ and public speaker at leading
Big Data, Data Science and Internet of Things (in
behavior on their websites as
company) events. something natural and unavoidable.
This is particularly unfortunate
when they could be using big data
and analytics to not only find out what obstacles or challenges are preventing them
from completing more sales, getting higher overall values per sale, and increasing
customer retention as well. All of this is possible with the help of big data and a digital

What Is a Digital Transformation and Why Is It Important?

Before we go any further, we must be clear big data and analytics are nothing more or
less than tools. The key to success in the twenty-first century is to perform a digital
transformation. Your business needs to do more than adopt a few cool technologies and
have presences online and on social media platforms it needs to transform to
incorporate these changes into its fabric and structure.

To better understand what we are talking about, consider how much your life has
changed in the last twenty years. When was the last time you stopped to ask for
directions? How long has it been since you sat wondering about a piece of trivia, rather

than pulling out your smartphone and Googling it? How often do you decide to buy an
item online (using your smartphone or tablet) instead of driving to a store to get it?

How a Digital Transformation Can Improve Customer Experience with Big Data

Digital technology and, in particular, mobile tech has changed our lives drastically
in less than two decades. So why hasnt it changed your business? You can start to see
how a digital transformation is essential to keeping up in the digital era.

So How Does Digital Transformation Improve Customer Experience?

Now, lets talk about how your companys digital transformation can affect your
customers and their behaviour when they visit your site. You can think of digital
transformation as the third and final step in a company becoming digitally mature.

The first step, which nearly all companies today have mastered, is digital competence.
If your company is digitally competent, then you will have a website thats at least
marginally functional. It will tell customers where they can purchase goods or services,

but it will likely not be dynamic or responsive. Your site likely wont be mobile-friendly
or highly functional.

In the second step, digital literacy, your company will have active presences on social
media platforms, and youll have a responsive, mobile-friendly website. You will likely
also have some higher functionalities on your website, including an ecommerce store
and other features. Basically, youll have all of the tools to be fully digitally mature, but
you will not have taken the last step.

When you decide to dive into a digital transformation, your company will create a data
collection and analysis group, team, or department. Youll have people and structures
dedicated to digital marketing. Youll incorporate data science into your marketing
plans In short, you will have fully embraced big data and learned just how much you
can use it to improve customer experience and sales.

With this information woven into the framework of your business, youll look at your
website analytics and identify exactly where people get hung-up in the buying process.
Then you can find solutions to make the process flow more easily and quickly to reduce
abandoned carts and bounced traffic.

Have you used your digital transformation to improve customer experience?

How has big data helped your business gain and retain more customers?
Let us know what you think!

We chose it because we deal with huge amounts of data.

Besides, it sounds really cool. Larry Page, co-founder of

14. Doctor in The Smart Refrigerator by Arthur Olesch

Can a conscientious monitoring of

Arthur Olesch what we eat and what lifestyle we
Editor and correspondent in chose to lead make us healthier? On
Healthcare Journal | Office everyday choices and technologies
in Berlin
in the service of prophylaxis.
LinkedIn Contact

Arthur has been working in a health care already The way we do our shopping and
for over 14 years now. As an editor in the Polish handle our food will definitely
Healthcare Journal he is responsible for
presenting the main eHealth trends and delivering change.
the knowledge about health care systems in
Poland, Europe and around the world. As the World Health Organization's

Personally he is convinced that IT can help to

research shows, about 4050% of
deliver health in a smarter and more efficient way, people in Europe have insufficient
where high quality and wide accessibility plays the knowledge concerning health-
first role. Arthur has published already a long list
of articles and interviews about digital revolution
related topics. In order to change
in health care, big data, eHealth and mHealth, this, the educational system would
innovations, ICT, telemedicine, public health. have to be reformed, putting more
emphasis on instilling healthy
habits from an early age. Politicians
deciding on labelling and imposing tax on junk food, architects designing buildings and
municipal infrastructure, and the representatives of the environment-polluting industry
they all must face the problem. In addition, technologies which can provide more
detailed information on what we are doing wrong and what needs to be improved
should also be employed for our mutual benefit.

The change will be the result of the so-called the Internet of Things (IoT). To put it
simply, this means devices which surround us, are connected to the net and are able to
collect, process and exchange data. Firstly, the way we do our shopping and handle our
food will definitely change. Smart trolleys and baskets will not only calculate the total
price of items but also their energy value, and then record and send information on the
products and chemical preservatives. People suffering from allergies will be warned
about hazardous food additives and the devices will suggest what to buy to balance the

nutritional value of food. Electronic health accounts, supplemented with information on
diet, will help to select products suitable for particular illnesses and risk groups. A
similar role will also be fulfilled by high-tech fridges controlling expiry dates of food,
freshness of products, bacteriological norms, rates of consumption, etc. Smart devices
will work in the background, providing help and advice to all family members on an
individual basis. Checking eating habits via new technologies is already possible today
thanks to meal planning apps, those counting calories or controlling food allergies.
Their disadvantage is having to input all the data manually. Everyday objects,
integrated in a coherent network, can operate day and night. The same change will also
encompass physical activity, but in this case the progress seems to be faster that anyone
could have imagined. Special bands or watches measuring the number of steps made,
calories burned or the distance covered are a reality; the m-health market is expected to
develop rapidly and increase several dozen or even several hundred percent annually.

The word smart is used to describe the increasing number of items, like a smart knife,
a smart chair, smart glasses, smart shoes and a smart watch.

The more precise the control over life gets, the better the conditions to implement the
so-called principles of individualised prophylaxis. General recommendations will be
replaced by detailed guidelines available to an individual. Systems analysing medical
and social data will check interactions between medications and food, which in turn
shall increase the safety level of drug therapy.

Our flats will turn into small labs. During our morning routine a urine sample will be
tested, assessing the most important parameters. Of course, all information will be
automatically entered into our medical file. Other measurements on the basis of the
condition of skin, eyes, breath will be made by a smart mirror, displaying the most
important results for the user. Scientists from Europe are already working on such a
solution. Data will also be collected via clothes and everyday objects, such as furniture

and computers. Nowadays, designers outdo one another, combining traditional items
with electronics. A great example is, among others, a mug which controls the number of
calories consumed, the level of hydration of the body and the kind of beverage. The
word smart is used to describe the increasing number of items, like a smart knife, a
smart chair, smart glasses, smart shoes and a smart watch. And now a bed has also
joined this group of e-solutions. Packed with electronics, it will check the quality of
sleep and try to improve it by, for example, adjusting the temperature, lighting in the
room, humidity or initiating an appropriate relaxation program.

Why do we need such major interference of control mechanisms for better prophylaxis?
There exist several arguments. Firstly, the amount of information, not only concerning
health, is rapidly growing and we are no longer able to digest all of them on our own
nor update them on an ongoing basis and therefore, apply them. The same goes for
doctors who frequently use expert portals analysing and selecting scientific
contributions. Secondly, prophylaxis will never be a priority in itself. Even extensive
knowledge on health-related topics does not mean that it will be used in practice.
Technologies will enable the type of information to be adjusted to a particular person,
their lifestyle, illnesses, potential risks. Individualised dietetic programmes will take
into consideration lifestyle and culinary preferences, while, at the same time, trying not
to drastically change them. Thirdly, information on meals and lifestyle will be
correlated with data contained in the health account. In this way awareness of being in
an at risk group, having allergies and suffering from particular illnesses will be
available which may be used for developing personalized guidelines or specific
schedules encompassing dietary recommendations and exercise routines.

The promise of better health compels us to agree to more extensive control. Ultimately,
we will still have the freedom of choice, also in health-related matters. We are not
threatened by, at least not in the near future, a totalitarian prophylaxis. Nobody can
prevent us from buying a packet of crisps or a bottle of Coca-Cola. Taking into account
modern trends it can be said that we ourselves will be primarily interested in enjoying a
long and healthy life. Consumers will be willing to try out any novelties to help them
achieve this goal.

Technologies will enable the type of information to be adjusted to a particular person,
their lifestyle, illnesses, potential risks.

We are seeing a massive growth in video and photo

data, where every minute up to 300 hours of video
are uploaded to YouTube alone.

15. Wearables at the Workplace by Abhijit Bhaduri

Sensors are showing up everywhere.

Abhijit Bhaduri
Fix them to any surface and they
Chief Learning Officer, start transmitting data about
Wipro Limited
location, motion, temperature and
LinkedIn Contact
more. The flow of data once
triggered is relentless. The mobile
Abhijit Bhaduri works as the Chief Learning Officer phone you carry knows your
of Wipro Ltd (a $7.3bn company with 150,000 location. That in itself can create a
employees worldwide). Prior to this he worked for
wealth of options. You can use maps
Microsoft, PepsiCo & Colgate leading HR teams in
India, Asia Pac and US. He is on the Board of the to navigate. The apps can suggest
prestigious program for Chief Learning Officers run the restaurants and other events
by the University of Pennsylvania. He has been
voted as one of the influencers on social media. The nearby. The sensors in your
Digitalist magazine voted him as a Digital Thought smartphone provide data for the
Leader in 2015. Abhijit writes regularly for the
apps that can help you track
Economic Times, People Matters and blogs for
Times of India. His articles have appeared in Wall everything from your heartbeat to
Street Journal and Forbes. He has been a speaker your sleep patterns, your activity
at TEDx and most recently at the INK conference.
Abhijit has written two books of fiction and a non- levels etc. Based on that information
fiction book on how to hire for cultural fit. He there are providers who can send
appeared in a cameo appearance in Apna Aasmaan
starring Irrfan, Shobana and Anupam Kher. He has
you targeted ads, suggest music and
acted in short plays in India, in US. tell you where your friends are
hanging out. Five major forces ie
Mobile (including wearables), big
data, location-based technologies, sensors and social networks will converge to drive far
reaching changes even in the workplace.

Exploding numbers and possibilities

The total shipments of wearables in 2014 was 19.6m. This year that number has jumped
to more than 45m and is expected to cross 125m in 2019. Wearables can be embedded in
wristwear (eg the watch or fitness band), in the clothing or shoes (already used by most
athletes to improve performance); in eyewear (think Google glass and contact lenses
that can track glucose levels for diabetics).

The creation of epidermal electronicswearable health and wellness sensors "printed"
directly onto the skin is changing how we track our heart rates at the gym and blood
pressure at the doctor's office. [i]

Wearables for customers

Disney uses magic bands at their resorts. If youre wearing your Disney MagicBand
and youve made a reservation, a host will greet you at the drawbridge and already
know your name. No matter where you sit, your server knows where you are and will
bring your order to your table magically. They are already getting customers to use
wearables to personalize the offerings and target ads and deals for products the
customer will find irresistible. Companies are already getting customers used to the
idea of wearables tracking them. This is a great example of using wearables to create an
immersive experience for customers.

Nordstrom wanted to learn more about its customers how many came through the
doors, how many were repeat visitors the kind of information that e-commerce sites
like Amazon have in spades. So in 2013 the company used technology that allowed it to
track customers movements by following the Wi-Fi signals from their smartphones.

The location sensing technology could track who was a repeat customer, the paths they
traced in the store, which items held their interest, and how long they paused and
hesitated before purchasing something. This data is what enables them to customize
everything from the mix of items on sale to the price points depending on the customers
that walk into the store. [ii]

Salesforce lists the many possibilities that wearables can throw up for enhancing the
customer experience, help design reward and loyalty programs, create a cashless
payment system that can be designed on the wearable, or have an integrated shopping
experience to name just a few possibilities. [iii]

Wearables as a condition of employment

Most employers already have a policy that allows employees to bring their own devices
to work. The Human Resources team, the Digital geeks and the Legal department will
soon have to sit down and plan how to handle a Bring Your Own Sensor policy. Can
having a company provided wearable be made to be a condition of employment?

Yes. According to Gartner, by 2018, two million employees will be required to wear
health and fitness tracking devices as a condition of employment The health and
fitness of people employed in jobs that can be dangerous or physically demanding will
increasingly be tracked by employers via wearable devices. [iv]
Tesco uses armbands to track goods transported to its aisles so that the worker does not
have to mark it on clipboards. It also helps estimate completion time and can even
provide data on fatigue. Boeing uses wearables to replace instruction manuals. The
workers can get instructions in real time.

A headband with a sensor can provide useful data that can give insights about EEG
patterns that can help us get insights on when we are feeling creative, productive or
plain bored. The employer could then decide to offer you work that suits your moods.

A fitness tracker can provide the employer real time data about activity levels and
fitness levels of the employees and help them negotiate better rates on health and
hospitalization insurance. Once the data exists then predictive models can warn the
employer about surges and dips in costs due to stress levels and increasing activity.

Simply tracking the employees productivity levels can provide objective data to decide
which employees are the most productive and should be given differentiated rewards.

The Quantified Workplace

More than half of human resources departments around the world report an increase in
the use of data analytics compared with three years ago, according to a recent survey by
the Economist Intelligence Unit. But many employees are still blissfully unaware of how
information they may deem private is being analyzed by their managers. [v]

The easiest spot to embed a sensor is the employee badge. Already organizations
routinely use it to provide access to different parts of the office. The employer can use
the sensors to activate or deactivate access. The badges monitor how employees move
around the workplace, who they talk to and in what tone of voice. How long they are
spending. Which bosses are spending time with the employees and then correlate the
data with productivity norms or employee engagement surveys to determine if that
time spent is resulting in something productive or not.

Tracking any data can lead to insights. Bank of America and Deloitte map office
behaviors to Sales, Revenue and Retention rates. Research done on wearables led the
Bank of America to discover that their most productive workers were those that
routinely shared tips and frustrations with their colleagues. That insight led them to
replace individual break times with collective downtime that was scheduled in chunks
of 15 minutes. The result was a 23% improvement in performance and a 19% drop in
stress levels.

Insights vs privacy

Sociometric Badges made by Humanyze can measure movement, face to face speech,
vocal intonation, who is talking to whom and for how long. We can understand what
these patterns suggest about the flow of information and power.

Once we track data, the genie is out of the box. Knowing health data can help negotiate
better insurance rates but can also open up possibilities of discrimination. Knowing
workplace interaction patterns can help employers identify influencers in the workplace
but also break up unions or troublemakers.

When data from the wearable is combined with social data the outcome may be scary.
The health tracker knows the location and your activity. When combined with social
data it can track who you are spending time with that you should not!!

What happens to the data when the employee leaves the employer? Who owns that
data? Who is to guarantee how that data will be used? What rights does the employee

have regarding their own data while they are in employment and when they are not?
Today these questions have not been addressed even for assessments, psychological
tests or background checks. In the workplace that has serious questions about
wearables generating data in real time without the employee knowing the possibilities
and consequences of what they are agreeing to.



Build a library of external raw

data sources

16. The SEAMLESS Customer EXPERIENCE by Justice Honaman

When a customer isnt happy with

Justin Honaman the product she just bought, where
SVP, Digital Solutions at
does she go to complain or ask for
Moxie help? She might go back to the store,
LinkedIn Contact or call the manufacturer or the
retailer, and she might go to the
manufacturers web site. But more
Justin is the SVP, Digital Marketing Solutions for
than likely, shell hop on Facebook
Moxie (a global digital agency). Justin is an
integrated marketing and analytics thought-leader in or Twitter to vent her frustration
the Consumer Products and Retail industries having where all of her friends and
served in related leadership capacities at Coca-
Cola, Teradata, and Ernst & Young. Justin is also a followers will hear about her
published author and frequent speaker on problem and perhaps share their
leadership and personal branding.
own experiences with the same or
similar products.

In the best-case scenario, the

manufacturer will know about this conversation and use the opportunity to weigh-in
with the appropriate customer support and marketing responses. But too often, these
kinds of conversations end up defining the brand for consumers without the
manufacturer participating or even knowing that its happening.

This situation illustrates a central dilemma facing manufacturers as they attempt to

move toward data-driven marketing: How can they capture data from a wide variety of
online and offline sources (including the web, email, social media, and mobile and text),
analyze it, and then create highly personalized messages to targeted consumers and
deliver those messages at the right time and at the right touch point?

Making it even more challenging for manufacturers, this process involves product lines
across the company supported by departments and systems ranging from marketing
and technology to customer service and product development - all of which are
standalone and not integrated.


Traditionally, CG manufacturers focused their brand marketing and consumer
interaction on mass media. In the age of the connected consumer, however, thats no
longer enough. To fully engage consumers in the age of connected shopping,
manufacturers must capture and analyze data across a variety of sources and optimize
interactions across a multitude of communications channels.

Its critical to recognize that consumers now research and discuss brands amongst
themselves with or without manufacturer participation, establishing brand meaning
and value independent of ad agencies, campaigns, and mass media. This creates a
vastly more complex consumer path-to-purchase.

Historically, the process centered on three simple steps: See an advertisement -> Visit
the nearest store -> Buy the product if it is in stock

In the digital world where shopping begins on a smartphone or connected device: See
an advertisement -> Check out online reviews -> Poll friends through social media ->
Compare features among similar products at brand Web sites -> Check prices online at
retailer Web sites -> Search for coupons or promotions -> Buy a product online or in

Fortunately, emerging big data tools and techniques make it possible to collect, track,
analyze, and optimize the huge amount of structured and unstructured information
created by these new relationships. Access to detailed consumer data can be a huge
asset for manufacturing companies, but understanding and optimizing the data and the
complex communications remains challenging.

Consumer communication now occurs simultaneously in multiple media channels,

including social, mobile, email, and text, which generate a variety of data that must be
managed in real time, while relevant. Record levels of media saturation experts
estimate that consumers now see thousands of marketing messages every day mean
manufacturers must deliver tailored messages in the right format at the right time to

These communications can affect an entire manufacturing company, from marketing to

customer service. Traditional consumer-insight tools (panels, surveys, syndicated data,

and one-time promotions) cant keep up, and most manufacturers dont have the
technical capabilities to efficiently capture, integrate, and use these integrated consumer
insights to gain a complete view of their consumers.

Thats why manufacturers are struggling to establish scalable and personal connections
with consumers based on accrued insights from all relevant data sources. And its why
a leading analyst firm estimates that by 2017, marketing executives will spend more on
technology than will technology executives.


By 2016, according to a leading analyst firm, companies that develop an integrated

marketing management strategy to meet customers expectations will deliver a 50
percent higher return on marketing investment than those that dont. Because their
social media and digital marketing efforts are not fully integrated and optimized, it
should be no surprise that many brands are not yet seeing the sales gains they might
expect. Developing an integrated approach consists of three important steps:

1. Be aware of the online and offline data sources that affect a manufacturers
brands and products. That includes individual identity data, behavioral data
(location, purchase history, call-center transcripts, etc.), derived data (credit
scores, personas, influence scores, etc.), and self-identified data (purchase intent,
social media likes, user-generated content, etc.).
2. Analyze gathered information with big data techniques and tools. Forrester
Research says more than 45 percent of current big data deployments are for
marketing, and marketers are expected to spend 60 percent more on analytics
solutions in the next three years. The goal is to understand how the different
channels interact and then put it all together to build an accurate and complete
picture of current consumer behavior.
3. Drive action from the data analysis. With data-driven marketing, manufacturers
can join the conversation when consumers talk about their brands, their
products, and industries. These kinds of personalized dialogs can help capture
consumer mindshare, spurring them to action and converting them into loyal
shoppers and brand champions. More broadly, it enables making coordinated

business decisions to boost marketing effectiveness, customer satisfaction, and,
ultimately, sales.


In an industry plagued by slow growth, private-label competition, increased

commodity costs, and a lack of innovation, CG manufacturers must rethink the
definition of successful marketing. In the old days, 80 percent of purchase decisions
could be influenced in-storebut not anymore. Despite a huge increase in trade
promotion expenses, consumers are now an estimated 80 percent confident in their
shopping list before they enter the store.

Getting on that list starts well before the first moment of truth--the instant when a
shopper traditionally makes his or her purchase while standing in the store aisle. Savvy
manufacturers who want to get on those lists need to own what Google calls the zero
moment of truth, when consumers make their choices online before venturing out to the
store. So theyre adding email campaigns, brand Web sites, text-message promotions,
mobile applications, and social media to marketing mainstays such as coupons,
packaging, shelf position, end-caps, freestanding inserts, and television and print

But making all that work at scale requires a unified, consumer-centric approach to
creating and nurturing individual relationships. That means executing dialog strategies,
not just sending out isolated mailings. Optimizing a dialog strategy requires
coordinating all the touch points, as follows, to create and send personalized messaging
that accounts for multiple consumer situations and responses:

Consumers entering the campaign at different times

Consumers progressing through the dialog at their own pace via different routes,
based on their particular needs and preferences
Consumers responding to each step, not in waves determined by pre-

By capturing and analyzing the millions of consumer interactions that would not
otherwise become part of the manufacturers institutional knowledge, manufacturers

now have the opportunity to take advantage of game-changing integrated consumer
insights to affect individual consumer outcomes.

In God we trust. All others must bring data. W. Edwards

Deming, statistician, professor, author, lecturer, and

17. Big Data Revolution in the Banking Industry by Marc Torrens

Unlocking New Business

Dr. Marc Torrens Opportunities: from Data to
Co-founder & Chief Knowledge
Innovation Officer, Strands

LinkedIn Contact Banks are hosting an incredibly

valuable data to generate new
business opportunities. What banks
Dr. Marc Torrens is a co-founder and Chief
have in spades is reliable,
Innovation Officer at Strands, a provider of
innovative software solutions enabling banks & quantifiable, and best of all,
retailers to offer personalized customer experiences monetizable, data.
and create new revenue streams through digital
channels. Marc has published over 20 reviewed
papers in artificial intelligence, usability, data Actually, digital banking has been
visualization and product design. He also teaches
limited to offering the same analog
Recommendation Systems at the IE, and is a
mentor of the FINTECH Fusion Incubator in Geneva. services and products through
online channels (web, mobile, etc).
In other words, people can operate
with banks through digital channels in the same way they can operate in a
brunch. Compared to other industries such as entertainment, travel and retail, banks are
not yet using these channels to actually change their business model or propose new
and more relevant products or services. A few bells and whistles aside, the banking
industry has yet to be truly disrupted. We believe that banks are about to be disrupted
sooner than later because they are starting to shift towards fully digitalised platforms in
which data will be organised differently and so the value of its data will be unlocked.

In order to fully exploit the value of all the banking data and transform it into
knowledge, banks need to organise their IT infrastructure in a new way to have an
holistic and workable view on all that data. Big Data platforms is certainly the way to
go as we discuss in this article.

Traditional IT systems in Banking

Traditionally, the banking industry has been developing the most advanced IT systems
in the last decades, pioneering in many areas such as databases, operational processes,

and security. However, nowadays large IT banking systems have important challenges
to actually benefit from the potential value of the data they host. There are different
reasons for that, namely:

1) Banks have been growing by acquisitions that require to merge different IT systems
to seamlessly work together. Large investments have been devoted to those migration
IT projects that are necessary and very costly in terms of time, resources, and money.
Banking systems have been patched through the decades, so it becomes very
challenging to exploit an holistic view of all the data they host in a efficient way.

2) All the data that banks have is spread out in different IT systems usually provided by
different technology vendors. In the banking industry, it is very common to have one IT
system for cards, one for mortgages, one for loans, one for business intelligence, one for
fraud detection, and so forth. As a consequence, it becomes very cumbersome to cross
data from all those subsystems to have the holistic view on the data that is needed.

3) Since banks have been developing these IT systems for decades, they are based on
traditional and proprietary relational databases which also challenges to cross data
among the different systems efficiently from a technology point of view.

For example, for online banking services, banks create databases that host the necessary
data to be displayed on those channels with ETL processes that load the necessary data
from each of the sub-systems to the online database, creating yet another database to
maintain. This can be seen as an attempt to have a database with all the transactional
data, but in fact, it is just a copy of only the data that is strictly necessary for the
online services.

The next move: towards Big Data platforms

With the goal of transforming data into knowledge to unlock new business
opportunities and considering the context described above, it seems clear that
organising all the transactional and customer data in a single big data platform makes
sense. The large banks in the world are already moving towards those big data

platforms. The idea is to push data from all the sub-systems in the IT infrastructure to a
new big data layer that will be collecting all the generated data.

The main motivation to move to those platforms is not actually the volume of the data
but the flexibility it gives to apply sophisticated algorithms crossing data coming from
different sources. If we think in terms of the giant internet companies (Facebook,
Google, Twitter, Amazon, etc), the data a bank is hosting is not very large. However,
having all the data available in a single platform is the key to apply techniques such as
Machine Learning and be able to transform that data into knowledge. Some of the key
advantages of having banking data in a single big data platform instead of in several
relational databases are horizontal scalability, distributed processing, faster data
throughput, cost efficiency, simpler data schema evolution, and simple and
standard and open protocols.

Extracting Knowledge from Transactional Data

We suggest to create a library of customer insights that model the knowledge it can
derive from banking data analysis. Once all the data is stored in a big data repository,
insightful customer knowledge that can be addressed. Some examples are:

- Product Scoring that models the likelihood of a customer to acquire a new product.
This insight can be computed using Machine Learning. The model is based on the
parameters from customers that previously acquired a financial product. Similarly,
attrition rates can be predicted for bank customers.

- Purchase or Spending Prediction. Exploiting categorised transactions into predefined

categories such as utilities, mortgage, shopping, groceries, automobile, etc. it is possible
to determine spending trends and predictions for a given customer. This knowledge can
be used in card-linked offers platforms that banks are starting to implement.

- Customer segmentation in lifecycle stages. Clustering techniques can be used to

profile customers with respect to their lifecycle stage.

These knowledge insights and others will definitely lead to new business opportunities
for banks allowing them to better serve customer financial needs.

Shifting from Financial Product Vendors to Solution Providers

The transactional data banks are collecting from millions of customers and the new data
revolution are the necessary ingredients to disrupt the products and services banks are
currently offering. This disruption will shift banks from their current position of
vendors of financial products to providers of financial solutions.

For example, a customer that wants to buy his dream car has thousands of products
available to help him save or borrow money to attain that specific goal. But, the
customer would probably like to have a plan to achieve the goal with the right
products. So, instead of offering customers a large catalog of financial products
to choose from, banks could offer personalized plans to meet their specific
needs. Financial products should serve as tools that facilitate everyday financial
situations. Banks will start offering solutions to life events and situations instead of just
the financial tools to overcome them.

Banks are actually very well positioned to do precisely this; they can develop
technologies that offer financial solutions instead of a catalog of products by learning
from the data they have been collecting for decades. The challenge is to extract meaning
from that data and use it to offer the right products at the right time to the
right customer. This new knowledge should encode preferences and tastes
from customers in a very precise way. These actionable insights can then be used
to propose personalized financial solutions to specific customer challenges.

Boosting Innovation to Leverage Bank Data Advantage

So far we have seen how banks are in a uniquely privileged position to take the
financial industry where it is never been. However, the outlook is not all sunshine
and roses banks are under a lot of pressure to do this before the giant
Internet companies beat them to it. Moreover, banks are facing a wave of

unprecedented competition from an emerging set of pure FinTech players. Large
Internet companies and FinTech firms which have been leading the data revolution
in other sectors and starting to enter the financial world. Big banks are very well aware
of this threat and are starting to take the data revolution seriously. A notable example
comes from Francisco Gonzalez, chief executive of BBVA, who stated in an opinion
article entitled Banks need to take on Amazon and Google or die published in the
Financial Times ( in 2013.

The question that arises is then: how exactly can banks innovate to compete with these
new players (Internet companies and FinTech startups) by exploiting their unique data
Living in a world of interconnected systems in which real value comes more and more
from data itself, banks must open up and offer well-structured and secure APIs on top
of which third-party innovators can develop the next generation of financial solutions.

This is not a new approach in the technology sector; it has been widely used by the
largest technology companies. For example, Apple through their Apple Store ecosystem
opened their platform to allow third party companies innovate on top of their operating
systems and devices. This approach makes Apple platforms much stronger and more
powerful even though some of the innovation does not come directly from Apple
but from other companies and startups. Google is also innovating by opening up
services and APIs to other companies.

Banks should follow suit and start offering well-structured and secure APIs to open up
their data and services to innovative developers. This approach requires middleware
applications to interact with the core banking systems to enable developers to access the
banks services and data through robust APIs. This middleware layer would also
involve a simplification of some of the IT infrastructure that currently hinders
innovation within banks. With this approach, third party companies could innovate
new financial services while allowing banks to maintain their core business.

The FinTech application development community is endlessly creative and agile. Data
APIs have the potential to enable tech companies, banks and their customers to benefit
from an increasingly valuable ecosystem of innovative solutions.

This new approach not only has great potential to generate new revenue streams, but
more importantly enables banks to actually lead the imminent disruption of their

The Future of FINTECH: a Tripartite Innovation Ecosystem

Data science applied to financial transactional data that banks hold opens up new
avenues for innovation and will form the basis of the future of FinTech. The key to
realizing this innovation is extracting knowledge from data that can be used in new
applications, having basically encoded customer needs and preferences to generate
actionable insights. Based on this new knowledge, machine learning technologies such
as collaborative filtering will be able to offer customers precisely what they need at the
moment they need it. Moreover, this new financial ecosystem will be able to offer
more personalized solutions based on products already offered by banks.
These solutions will enable consumers to achieve their specific goals with
financial plans tailored to their precise needs and behaviors.

This proposed new ecosystem in which banks focus on their core business and allow
technology companies to develop new financial services on top of bank data and
services will undoubtedly lead to new business models involving the three
parties: banks, tech companies, and customers. Although this scenario does not
consider banks driving innovation on their own, they will still hold the fuel that powers
this innovation ecosystem: data and services.

It makes sense to think about delivering fast results, in a limited area, that excites
important stakeholders and gains support and funding for more predictive projects. A
great goal.

18. Optimizing the Netflix Streaming Experience with Data Science by Nirmal
On January 16, 2007, Netflix started
Nirmal Govind rolling out a new feature: members
Director, Netflix could now stream movies directly
LinkedIn Contact on their browser without having to
wait for the red envelope in the
mail. This event marked a
substantial shift for Netflix and the
Nirmal Govind is the Director of Streaming Science
and Algorithms at Netflix. He leads a team that entertainment industry. A lot has
develops predictive models, algorithms, and changed since then. Today, Netflix
experimentation techniques for optimizing the Netflix
streaming experience. Before Netflix, Nirmal was
delivers over 1 billion hours of
CTO at a healthcare analytics startup that develops streaming per month to 48 million
web-based software for scheduling doctors.
members in more than 40 countries.
Previously, he worked on improving the efficiency of
semiconductor manufacturing factories at Intel with And Netflix accounts for more than
automated production scheduling. Nirmal received a third of peak Internet traffic in the
Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Industrial Engineering
and Operations Research from Penn State and UC US. This level of engagement results
Berkeley respectively, and a B. Tech in Mechanical in a humungous amount of data.
Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology,
Madras. At Netflix, we use big data for deep
analysis and predictive algorithms
to help provide the best experience
for our members. A well-known example of this is the personalized movie and show
recommendations that are tailored to each member's tastes. The Netflix prize that was
launched in 2007 highlighted Netflix's focus on recommendations. Another area that
we're focusing on is the streaming quality of experience (QoE), which refers to the user
experience once the member hits play on Netflix. This is an area that benefits
significantly from data science and algorithms/models built around big data.

Netflix is committed to delivering outstanding streaming service and is investing

heavily in advancing the state of the art in adaptive streaming algorithms and network
technologies such as Open Connect to optimize streaming quality. Netflix won a
Primetime Emmy Engineering Award in 2012 for the streaming service. To put even

more focus on "streaming science," we've created a new team at Netflix that's working
on innovative approaches for using our data to improve QoE. In this post, I will briefly
outline the types of problems we're solving, which include:

Understanding the impact of QoE on user behavior

Creating a personalized streaming experience for each member
Determining what movies and shows to cache on the edge servers based on
member viewing behavior
Improving the technical quality of the content in our catalog using viewing data
and member feedback

Understanding the impact of QoE on user behavior

User behavior refers to the way users interact with the Netflix service, and we use our
data to both understand and predict behavior. For example, how would a change to our
product affect the number of hours that members watch? To improve the streaming
experience, we look at QoE metrics that are likely to have an impact on user behavior.
One metric of interest is the rebuffer rate, which is a measure of how often playback is
temporarily interrupted while more data is downloaded from the server to replenish
the local buffer on the client device. Another metric, bitrate, refers to the quality of the
picture that is served/seen - a very low bitrate corresponds to a fuzzy picture. There is
an interesting relationship between rebuffer rate and bitrate. Since network capacity is
limited, picking too high of a bitrate increases the risk of hitting the capacity limit,
running out of data in the local buffer, and then pausing playback to refill the buffer.
Whats the right tradeoff?

There are many more metrics that can be used to characterize QoE, but the impact that
each one has on user behavior, and the tradeoffs between the metrics need to be better
understood. More technically, we need to determine a mapping function that can
quantify and predict how changes in QoE metrics affect user behavior. Why is this
important? Understanding the impact of QoE on user behavior allows us to tailor the
algorithms that determine QoE and improve aspects that have significant impact on our
members' viewing and enjoyment.

Improving the streaming experience

The Netflix Streaming Supply Chain: opportunities to optimize the streaming
experience exist at multiple points

How do we use data to provide the best user experience once a member hits play on

Creating a personalized streaming experience

One approach is to look at the algorithms that run in real-time or near real-time once
playback has started, which determine what bitrate should be served, what server to
download that content from, etc.

With vast amounts of data, the mapping function discussed above can be used to
further improve the experience for our members at the aggregate level, and even
personalize the streaming experience based on what the function might look like based
on each member's "QoE preference." Personalization can also be based on a member's
network characteristics, device, location, etc. For example, a member with a high-
bandwidth connection on a home network could have very different expectations and
experience compared to a member with low bandwidth on a mobile device on a cellular

Optimizing content caching

A set of big data problems also exists on the content delivery side. Open Connect is
Netflix's own content delivery network that allows ISPs to directly connect to Netflix
servers at common internet exchanges, or place a Netflix-provided storage appliance
(cache) with Netflix content on it at ISP locations. The key idea here is to locate the
content closer (in terms of network hops) to our members to provide a great experience.

One of several interesting problems here is to optimize decisions around content
caching on these appliances based on the viewing behavior of the members served.
With millions of members, a large catalog, and limited storage capacity, how should the
content be cached to ensure that when a member plays a particular movie or show, it is
being served out of the local cache/appliance?

Improving content quality

Another approach to improving user experience involves looking at the quality of

content, i.e. the video, audio, subtitles, closed captions, etc. that are part of the movie or
show. Netflix receives content from the studios in the form of digital assets that are then
encoded and quality checked before they go live on the content servers. Given our large
and varied catalog that spans several countries and languages, the challenge is to
ensure that all our movies and shows are free of quality issues such as incorrect
subtitles or captions, our own encoding errors, etc.

In addition to the internal quality checks, we also receive feedback from our members
when they discover issues while viewing. This data can be very noisy and may contain
non-issues, issues that are not content quality related (for example, network errors
encountered due to a poor connection), or general feedback about member tastes and
preferences. In essence, identifying issues that are truly content quality related amounts
to finding the proverbial needle in a haystack.

By combining member feedback with intrinsic factors related to viewing behavior,

we're building models to predict whether a particular piece of content has a quality
issue. For instance, we can detect viewing patterns such as sharp drop offs in viewing at
certain times during the show and add in information from member feedback to
identify problematic content. Machine learning models along with natural language
processing (NLP) and text mining techniques can be used to build powerful models to
both improve the quality of content that goes live and also use the information
provided by our members to close the loop on quality and replace content that does not
meet the expectations of Netflix members. As we expand internationally, this problem
becomes even more challenging with the addition of new movies and shows to our
catalog and the increase in number of languages.

These are just a few examples of ways in which we can use data in creative ways to
build models and algorithms that can deliver the perfect viewing experience for each
member. There are plenty of other challenges in the streaming space that can benefit
from a data science approach. If you're interested in working in this exciting space,
please check out the Streaming Science & Algorithms position on the Netflix jobs site.

19. Big Data and Innovation by Daniel Harple

Daniel Harple
Accelerating Innovation

Managing Director, Big data and analytics and the field

Context Labs of network science is a rapidly
LinkedIn Contact growing industry with the potential
to not only more deeply describe the
world around us, but to also help us
Daniel L. Harple is the Managing Director of
Context Labs, and the Managing Partner of prescribe, even predict, outcomes.
Shamrock Ventures, B.V., which is based in
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and Cambridge, Our teams focus in this broad field
Massachusetts. He has been a technology has been on better understanding the
entrepreneur for 25 years, having founded and
built patent-supported technologies, companies, factors influencing innovation, and
and products that have been used by billions of how live big data feeds, in targeted
Internet users, innovating in Voice over IP (VoIP)
& media streaming (InSoft/Netscape), Big Data
global geographies could provide us
(Context Media/Oracle-Fusion & Collaboration with a new type of real time
Suite), and location based mobile social econometrics focused solely on
networking (gypsii/Sina Weibo). He is the co-chair
of the i4j Analytics Special Interest Group (, innovative capacity. If we can better
an MIT Sloan Fellow, MIT Entrepreneur-in- describe the factors contributing to
Residence, and a visiting collaborator at the MIT
Media Lab. He is also a musician, sailor, and
innovation, we can accelerate it.
father of five children.
Our use of big data analytics is
targeted at a data-driven method to
better describe and accelerate innovation. The use of big data as a tool to understand and
inform large-scale and local economies is in its infancy, yet growing as the technical tools,
and their costs, lower the barriers to entry to deploy the sensing and compute horsepower
to process at-scale. Indeed, research on real-time data has become a popular new tool
for economic forecasters trying to predict future trends in inflation and the consequences
for monetary policy given inflation is one of the two components in the Fed's dual
mandate of price stability and full-employment. 4 An early example of this type of
inquiry was the Billion Prices Project (BPP), developed by MIT Sloans Roberto Rigobon
and Alberto Cavallo. BPP is a real-time platform aggregating pricing information around

4The Success of Monitoring the Economy With Big Data | Jon Hartley,

the world, providing a real-time empirical analysis of core inflation, by geography.
Obama Council of Economic Advisors Chairman Alan Krueger has previously stated that
"There's still a Cold War element to our statistics", in that the methods and indices created
are by and large unchanged since the beginning of the post-war period.5 The work being
done at Context Labs is similar to BPP, yet focused more upstream in the supply chain of
the economy, innovative capacity. Further, the Context Labs focus seeks to combine big
data with complex network graph science to more deeply describe the stock and flows6
of innovation components that drive successful innovative outcomes, such as new
companies, ventures funded, new jobs, etc.

By-products of a new big data analytics for innovation would include: faster time to
market on new technologies crucial to our future, e.g., energy, biotech, medicine; better
targeting of resources and investments into locations with strong innovation cluster
dynamics; and in a more futuristic sense, understanding innovative flow globally.
Where are the new pockets of innovation emerging? How can we discover them faster?
Deploy resources to them faster? Produce products and services that best serve the
nation and the world in the 21st century? We have developed a new field we call
Innovation Dynamics to address these questions and challenges.

Innovation Dynamics

This new data-driven discipline, based on big data analytics is called Innovation
Dynamics. It is based on work by the Context Labs team, the development of the MIT
Sloan Regional Entrepreneurial Acceleration Lab program (REAL)7, collaborations with
MITs Media Lab, and the development of big data/network graph Pentalytics. 8
Pentalytics is at the intersection of big data real time sensing, network graph science, and
analytics. It utilizes descriptive and predictive algorithms to describe innovation clusters
and ecosystems in new ways.

5Sudeep Reddy, Real-Time Economic Data Could Be a Game Changer - WSJ, Wall Street Journal,
October 15, 2013, sec. Tech,
6 Jay W. Forrester et al., MIT System Dynamics Group Literature Collection, 2003.
7The REAL program at MIT Sloan was founded by Dan Harple in 2012.
8Harple, Daniel L. Toward a Network Graph-Based Innovation Cluster Density Index, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, 2013.

The Pentalytics reference implementation is accomplished with a platform called
InnovationScope(iScope). Innovation Dynamics, using iScope, applies a data-driven
sensibility and vocabulary to better understand innovation and its contributing factors.
The iScope platform enables stakeholders to contribute and run analytics models on their
own, as well. The reference implementation for iScope 1.0 represents a large US-based
dataset.9 Primary Pentalytic Elements
Pentalytics uses algorithms and Academia Industry
network graph theory to describe
innovation by producing
ecosystem graphs, with entities
(nodes) that interact (described
by edges connecting the nodes).
With this approach, we can
generate analytics for innovation
for jobs that relate local and
global conditions. We can
measure the interaction between
local actions and global trends. People Funding

We can design analytics for

global and local decision makers, enabling them to leverage on each others decisions.

Early stage utility for iScope has been varied, but includes use: as an economic innovation
cluster modeling and tracking tool, an innovation lens on a given sector or geography,
and as a tool for urban innovation mapping.

Industries and governments need an updated data-driven language for discussing

innovation and its impact on the economy. This new data-driven vocabulary can be then
used to better understand how people, regions, states, and countries interact to maximize

9 The Pentalytics sample size for the iScope 1.0 analysis in this chapter was 7,592 U.S.-based startups, a total
of 908,007 people. A filter on software developers further downsized the sample to 54,500 people; 856
Boston-based job titles, 1,172 Silicon Valley job titles; 991 Boston-based firms, 1,468 Silicon Valley-based
firms; 108 Boston-based industry segments, 131 Silicon Valley-based industry segments; 736 supply-chain
universities to Boston-based firms, 1,500 supply-chain universities to Silicon Valley-based firms.
Additional credit to Context Labs, specifically its Pentalytics R&D team: Daan Archer, Lee Harple, Gavin
Nicol, Victor Kashirin.

innovation and job creation. Innovation Dynamics is becoming a potentially predictive
tool for network resilience and failure, to help better navigate decisions related to the
growth of innovation clusters and/or the linking of remote clusters for a virtual cluster,
to help make decisions for: resource allocations, partnership and contractual targets,
angel and venture funding strategies.

Innovation Everywhere

Innovation is everywhere; it manifests itself in the context of its cluster density and
innovative capacity. This new data-driven view from Innovation Dynamics yields a range
of new network science-driven metrics for regions and cities. Each place has a series of
iScope indices for the market segment it supports. For example, Silicon Valley has a
different index set for Internet, SaaS firms, semiconductors, social, etc., with its
supporting infrastructure (universities, firms, workforce, policies, sources of funding).
And, each city around the world does as well. Using the Pentalytics dataset model, we
now have a common and robust dataset, suitable for comparisons, interventions,
prescriptions, and predictions. These new indices can help us decipher how and why
different locations are more or less suitable for new innovation models.

Innovation Ecosystems and Pentalytics

It is commonly believed that innovation happens in a small number of geographical

places, such as Silicon Valley. But in reality, innovation is people-centric and global. It is
everywhere. The innovation ecosystem is a global network of interconnected talent,
resources, and innovative capacity.

Innovation Dynamics can be used for analyzing innovation ecosystem resilience and
failure. It can help make decisions for resource allocations, partnership and contractual
targets, angel and venture funding strategies, and so on.

The present work we are undertaking can deepen the understanding of causality, enable
diagnostics, and point toward prescriptive measures. Our aim is to provide diagnostics
for innovation cluster dynamics and economic expansion.

It is clear that the network effects in Silicon Valley have worked so well that, to many
people, innovation equates to Silicon Valley. In reality, this is not entirely the case. When
you look more deeply you find that much of the innovation from Silicon Valley is

regularly outsourced to various geographies: India, Eastern Europe, etc. Apples
Designed by Apple in California products are truly enabled by leveraging the
advanced manufacturing capabilities delivered by Foxconn in Shenzhen, China. This
decoupling of cluster attributes is truly global, making it ever more critical for leaders to
understand the global inter-connectedness of their regions Innovation Dynamics
attributes. Innovation Dynamics is a tool to assist Silicon Valley maintains its global lead,
and avoids disruptions by other regions.

iScope outputs produce a variety of insights to help one better describe and predict
innovation ecosystems. Its outputs include urban innovation mappings, job
requirements graphs, employee density maps by discipline, cluster heat maps, etc. iScope
can compare ecosystems visually, for example, a biotech cluster in Cambridge with one
in San Francisco.

Early Pentalytics - Snapshot Visualization Examples

The following graphics depict early examples of iScope Analytics and provide a snapshot
of the utility and versatility of this new technology tool.

Figure 1: Innovative Capacity Spatial Analysis Browser

InnovationScope (iScope) enables comparative geographical visualizations illustrating a
wide range of factors: investment network flow, industry segment flow, innovative
viscosity, etc. Note that unlike most map-based visualizations, Pentalytics, driven by
network science methods, provides insights into flow between elements (edges), and not
just the elements (nodes). Figure 1 focus on Cambridge and MIT.

Figure 2: Comparative Adjacency Browser

IScope enables visual side-by-side comparisons that display heat maps describing
company sectors, employee resources, and amenities presented as geographical
adjacencies. This informs the relationship between local academic institutions and
technology sectorse.g., Cambridge vs. Amsterdam.

The example below provides a side-by-side visualization examining the proximity
relationships anchored by the pentalytic component of Academia, illustrating the
adjacent innovations and industry segment firms surrounds an academic geolocation.
This example considers Cambridge on the left, showing Harvard and MIT primarily, and
Amsterdam on the right, focusing on the University of Amsterdam. A variety of side-by-
side comparisons can be visualized. For example, one could consider the people
resources by skill type in evaluating an industry, e.g., Biotech, and comparing this
element from one geolocation to another. This means if one were to consider funding
into the acceleration of a strategic Biotech cluster or region, the sources of talent would

be now visualized as key indicators of success. In this regard, all Pentalytics attributes
and variables can be packaged into unique visualizations, dependent on the desired
insight. Further, the toolset can be leveraged to also inform where new locations exist
which needs a specific type of skill. In this view, gaps in a cluster can then be viewed as
new opportunities for job creation, and inform the movement of talent from one location
to another.

Figure 3: Where do founders come from?

As new companies are formed, clearly, new jobs are formed. With that, a key premise of
innovation is to accelerate the creation of new firms. A catalyst for the founding of new
firms is the acceleration of the development of innovative founders, their skill sets, their
backgrounds, optimizing in their locations. Our work has preliminarily given us some
inputs on where founders come from, and what specific innovation everywhere
location attributes spawn them.

Figure 3 illustrates the industry flow for individuals in the Silicon Valley/San Francisco
Internet cluster who identify themselves as founders. Note that the top three sectors
Internet, Computer Software, and IT/Servicesare on both the From and To
sides of the graph. Interestingly, the next supply-side industry for a founder in this
innovation geo-cluster comes from Writing and Editing, Semiconductors, Marketing and
Advertising, etc. The nodes in the graph are sorted by magnitude of job titles. This insight
also makes a case for a liberal arts education, as the ability to write and edit is now proven
with data-driven analytics, as a key attribute for being a company founder.

The data analytics in the Figure 3 scenario illustrate that:

Founders flow between industry sectors.

Founders have a high degree of inter-sector networking.
Industry flow shows migration from sector to sector.
Founders produce quality jobs fast.
Founders had less senior roles in their originating companies.

Most founders come from adjacent sector firms.

For Silicon Valley, the data analytics also reveal that founders come primarily from
seventy-one academic institutions and ten predominant industry segments, and become
founders from a top core of eighteen specific job titles.

Figure 4: Academia Founder Flow - Internet Cluster- Silicon Valley/San Francisco

From a university perspective, the top suppliers of Internet segment Silicon Valley
founders are as follows, with part of the long-tail shown as well:

Stanford dominates among those identifying as founders and co-founders

University of California, Berkeley
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of California, Davis
San Jose State University
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Santa Barbara


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20. Five Things You Should Measure with Digital Marketing Analytics by Judah

Change is hard for most

Judah Phillips organizations and individuals.
Change that goes against historical
Founder and Principal,
SmartCurrent cultural norms is even harder. In
todays fast moving business world,
LinkedIn Contact organizations have to change at a
more rapid pace than ever before.
Judah Phillips helps companies create value by
Within the company I work for, we
using analytics and data science to increase
revenue and reduce cost. Hes authored 3 books: are going through a lot of change
Ecommerce Analytics, Building a Digital Analytics right now and I see it at many clients
Organization, and Digital Analytics Primer. Judah is
a professor at Babson College, former VIP at I meet with as well. While it may be
Harvard Innovation Lab, has served on company difficult, change is possible. In many
boards, and spoken at 70+ events. He consults
globally with the leaders of innovative companies
cases, taking a measured, steady
that want to enhance how they apply data and approach to change can be more
analytics to business goals.
successful than pushing for massive,
immediate change.

The Tortoise & The Hare

Watching the growth of digital analytics over the last several years has been both
exciting and disturbing.

Its been exciting because what was a once niche-activity has evolved into a serious,
business-focused enterprise activity.

Disturbing, because many people & organizations want to compete on analytics, but are
not doing the right things or adopting the right thinking about analytics. Thats why I
wrote my first book Building a Digital Analytics Organization.

Ive run into organizations that dont know how to effectively create, participate,
manage or lead analysts and often believe that data science or the latest technology
will save the day, not the team of people with different skill sets working cross-
functionally to make systematic improvements.

Without the right team, a deep understanding of the business, and the ability to do
analysis, testing and optimization data science isnt going to take you far.

When I wrote my second book Digital Analytics Primer I wanted to to introduce

people to a perspective on how to learn the concepts and execute value-creating
analyses. Both of my books articulated a concept called The Analytics Value Chain
that explains what it means to do analytics and create value from it:

By focusing on The Analytics Value Chain, companies can understand how to control,
operate, and maximize benefit from the all of the technical requirements and functions
needed to successfully do analytics.

This mindset, or something like it, is necessary to help key players within a business
understand how data science & conversion rate optimization play a role to business

In my third book, Ecommerce Analytics, I expand on this value-chain concept for

ecommerce companies and for ecommerce analytics. Look for it in stores and online in

15% Of CMOs Dont Measure Marketing ROI, 27% Rely On Manager Judgements

Though it may seem obvious, according to the CMO Survey, which collected responses
from Fortune 1000, Forbes Top 200, and other high ranking Marketers, found that the
state of analytics even now in 2014, is quite dismal.

Here are the highlights:

Only 2% of companies are tracking lead generation to sales metrics.

15% of companies dont track ROI (Return on Investment)

1 in 4 companies are depending on manager judgements to make decisions.

25% of all marketing teams cant even figure out how to add data into
consideration during the decision making process.

Analytics brings a level of transparency and accountability to business leaders that can
be uncomfortable or unexpected because data can show the truth.

If every business were as data-driven as they claimed & held actually held
accountable to increasing quantifiable metrics a lot of people would be out of a job.

Why Data Is Misunderstood, Ignored, Or Otherwise Not Acted Upon

But Ive been around long enough to know that data can be incorrectly collected,
reported, and analyzed.

People can lose the faith in analytics and analytics teams, which causes decisions to be
made from the gut. After all, I always say that unless data supports commonly held
beliefs or shows positive performance, it will be questioned and challenged.

Its easy for marketers to dismiss data when theres a perception of inaccuracy.

Several common subjects in analytics are easy to not fully explore or elucidate with
data, or to totally get so wrong, the data is just crap.

Couple this with technologies that are incompatible with each other, Experts who
preach analytics without wide practical experience, analysts who are learning on the
job, a lack of data standards or governance & vendors who dont dont take the time to
understand how you use their tools, and it all becomes a real mess.

As a result, there are 5 common areas within digital analytics that are are not using the
correct model & are being measured inaccurately or worse, not at all:

1. Measuring The Journey From Prospect To Lead

Prospects are unqualified leads. These are your visitors or traffic, and are, for the
most part, anonymous.

Leads on the other hand are qualified prospects that have voluntarily given some
identifying information that makes them known in some way.

If youve ever heard of lead generation site, then you get it. People visit your site, fill
out a form to request something or join something (like the SmartCurrent newsletter)
and then they are leads.

Once a company has a lead, they may execute a communication sequence to compel
the lead to buy something or give more information incrementally.

The key in understanding leads with digital analytics often starts by using campaign


These codes are
assigned to
campaigns in
way specific to
each analytics

campaign coding
conventions are
different from
Analytics, which
are different
from IBMs and

No two tools
track exactly the same way.

Most tools can be configured to recognize campaign codes that fall outside of the
default markup/format. Campaign codes can also be set outside of the query string in
certain tools (cookies, hidden form field, etc).

Related to campaign codes are the

metadata you collect via tagging within a
digital experience. For instance, you may
use javascript tagging to identify traffic that
moves across certain sections of a site, or
across certain sequences and flows.

So for example, with the proper

configuration, you could track the activity
of prospects that came from a retargeting
campaign and begin to explore deeper
areas of the site, reviewing content sections
and using certain functions (like internal
site search).

You may want to use tagging to capture

information (metadata) about those pages
and functions that go well beyond the page
name. You may want to collect the type of
function used on the page (i.e. search), the
keyword, the type of content read, the person who authored the content, and so on.

Taken to the next level, you may want to collect specific clicks (i.e. events) that occur
before the prospect reaches a lead form.

But in many cases, this type of data is not determined ahead of time nor architected into
an analytics solution. Or if it is, it may not be aligned for answering the business
questions the company may have about the lead.

What to do? You need to define a campaign coding naming convention and make sure
it is practiced consistently and always. Bruce Clay gives a useful review for Google
Analytics on his blog.

You need to determine the types of information about the pages and flows you want to
use to better understand the prospect and lead. You want to define the specific events,

subordinate to the page view, about the pages and flows that you want to track;
implement, test, and analyze them in the context of the lead generation flow.

You want to tag all the elements of your forms and see where people drop off and
where they complete the form.

You want to collect the full, relevant set of information that you can segment and pivot
against to understand the prospect and lead flow in way that can drive hypothesis
testing to improve it.

2. Measuring Actual Customer Activity

For sites that sell something, its completely obvious to say that customers are
important and that understanding who your customers are and what they think is
very important.

But I once met a CEO who told me I dont care what my customers do, as long as they

In that case, I found an analytics implementation that was largely devoid of real
customer data or any useful instrumentation for advanced data collection and

Customer data is often in the domain of CRM systems, like SAP or, or in
the absence of Customer Relationship Management platform, the customer database or
data warehouse.

For publishers, it may in something called a Data Management Platform (DMP). You
may have heard that your analytics tool cant for one reason or another support
having Personally Identifiable Information or other customer data.

No, you cant do certain things with Google Analytics, but the reality of being
sophisticated with analytics is that you arent likely to be using Google Analytics on
customer data; you may have another tool.

In other tools, its completely possible to understand the customer in the context of their
digital behavior by going beyond the page tag and into BI or perhaps a Digital Data
Distribution Platform (D3P) in the cloud.

Adding custom dimensions or roundtripping data from your data warehouse, DMP,
CRM, and so on can have inordinate levels of applicability for better understanding
your customers and their behavior.

In my experience, analysts were rather excited when they were able to use
DoubleClicks gender, age, affinity, and interest group information in Google Analytics.

But that type of information, at the detailed level, has been brought into enterprise
analytics implementations for years. You just had to spend a lot of money on tools (you
may still need to) and have the right team who knew how to do it technically in a way
meaningful to the business.

Having attributes of your customer, whether a userid, a DMA/MSA, household income,

family size, race, gender, and other purchasing propensities and properties
(like Customer Lifetime Value) can be helpful.

What Do You Do To Improve

Customer Data In Your

First, you find out what the

customer schema looks like. Ask
your Business Intelligence team
or your CRM provider.

What data is available?

What business questions do your stakeholders require?

What data would help your analysis projects?

Then figure out the right definitions for it, the right place where it should live, and the
best way to join it together and allow analysts and business users to access it.

3. How Well Is Your Advertising Performing?

Like understanding the sources of traffic using campaign codes, you want to do
something similar for advertising.

First, your advertising is either Paid,

Owned, or Earned Media. All
advertising should be classified into
those classifications.

Display ads are Paid Media

Your blog is Owned Media

Socially-shared content posted by

others not at the company or being
paid by you is Earned Media.

Better understanding your

advertising in your analytics starts by
simply classifying your paid, owned,
and earned media using campaign
codes or metadata. For example, the
tools CampaignAlyzer and Tracking
First can help the process of
managing and governing campaign

Thats a level about the simple

source/medium in Google Analytics.

Next, you need to classify the types of

campaigns into whether they are
direct response or for branding
purposes and whether the advertising
was message-centric or value-centric.

Direct response means you expect people to do something when they arrive at your site.
You expect them to take an action.

Whereas branding is a bit softer and meant to promote an increase in the awareness or
equity of a brand or product (without the required response).

Many ads, like banner ads, or pre-rolls, interrupt the audience; these are message-
centric ads. Other ads, where something is given away for free (perhaps a membership,
an incentive, an offer) are value-centric.

This type of message-based vs value-centric designation may sound odd, but Netflix
putting a banner ad on an affiliate site (message-centric) is a very different ad from
creating high-quality content (like H

of Cards) and advertising that custom programming via owned and earned

Then, of course, there are the simple campaign parameters, such as the type of
campaign (banner, CPC, blog, video, and so on) and specificities like the ad group or

These parameters and the nature of advertising the can be expressed in analytics can be
highly-specific to the company. They could even include the device target (mobile vs
tablet vs site) or the size and format of the ad.

You may want to bring this data in by integrating with your Ad Server, social network,
DMP, or D3P. Regardless, it is important to enhance the data in your analytics to
include more information that can help you better understanding the origins and types
of advertising to better understand conversion.

What To Do Next About Your Advertising?

Learn more about it. Understand how to classify it.

Determine how to pass the data into your analytics via tagging, your Tag Manager,
Business Intelligence technology, or other ways to integrate the data.

4. Where Are The Leaks In Your Conversion Funnel?

The key to extra-large conversion is tracking your conversion funnel.

But the traditional idea of a conversion funnel is half-baked. Your anonymous or mostly
anonymous visitors during a single visit go through a discrete series of steps before
they transition to point where value is created (i.e. the conversion).

In the eCommerce funnel, a visitor:

1. Comes from a campaign (with a campaign code)

2. Searches from products

3. Browses the product catalog

4. Adds one or more items to their cart

5. Begins the shopping cart flow

6. Submits some personally identifiable information & payment info

7. Eventually views a Thank You or Confirmation page

Thats your conversion funnel. But is it really?

Isnt it a bit daft to think of conversion as a series of linear steps that occur during a
single visit?

And even if it is valid, when do you begin measuring it?

Does the funnel begin on the clickthrough to the site? After the product has been added
to the cart? When the Shopping Cart flow starts as a guest or logged-in member?

Sure, it depends on the business questions, requirements, and definitions of a

conversion, but what is the right way to measure conversion?

Is it the Kaushikian minor conversions and macro conversions that should be

instrumented with event and goal layers? Is there a scenario from session start to the
purchase that should be tracked? What about shopping cart abandonment and
reentering the funnel at a later date to complete the purchase?

The answer will vary from business to business, but understand its these nuances that
can make or break the usefulness of conversion tracking and your conversion funnel.

Taken to the next level, is the funnel even an accurate metaphor for expressing user

Sure the funnel is a clever marketing term that makes it easy to understand. But it is
true that a wider funnel isnt just making the steps in your conversion more persuasive,
it actually means considering what happens in the different layers/modals, events, and
in the pre and post-behavior before and after the purchase, when the purchase is
abandoned, and even when completed with latency during a different visit.

What Do You Do About Your Conversion?

First, you need to define what a conversion actually is, socialize the definition of the
steps to conversion within your organization, and ensure your data collection is
appropriately instrumented to collect the specific steps you define.

That will mean tagging for goals and events and it will mean figuring out how to
determine when someone comes back and purchases later and when revenue is
captured after abandonment.

In fact, its probably more apt to reconsider the funnel entirely. I sometimes call it
The Tumbler where a visitor is Seeking, then Shopping, then Sharing.


These are part of the off-

site activities that lead
people to your site. For
example, the keyword
search, the advertising
campaign, the social media

Arent these part of your

conversion story?


The traditional funnel you

may already be measuring
in all its rich glory and
event-level and goal-level


What happens after the purchase, which is not necessarily part of the purchase, but in
terms of customer satisfaction, likelihood to recommend, and other measures of brand
health can have significant impact on your conversion rates.

the data behind
how the existing
share to
conversion ratio
can help you to
decide whether
moving into
arenas like
marketing will
be right for your
business, and
give you a better
predictions on
what the success
of such a
program might

Consider the tumble through the journey on the path to purchase what happens
before and after the shopping & how they arrived at your site in the first place.

5. Measuring Attribution For Each Part Of The Funnel

Attribution is a fancy term for identifying what caused the conversion.

It can be a complicated type of analysis. You can spend many months preparing data,
hundreds of thousands of dollars on vendor software, and significant cerebral power
and data science trying to attribute what caused people to buy.

Or you can tag and group your campaigns in certain tools, like Google Analytics, and
get a free way to understand conversion.

Youve heard of Last Click or Last Interaction and First Click or First Interaction
and maybe even explored the nuances of Last Adwords or Last Non-Direct

Recommended Reading on Attribution:

What Is Marketing Attribution?

Digital Attribution Comes Of Age Report

Multi-Channel Attribution Modeling: The Good, Bad and Ugly Models

Why You Should Care About Marketing Attribution

Perhaps youve considered Equal attribution where all touches are given equal credit
in assisting the conversion. Or youve thought about Time Decay where all customer
touches that occurred nearest to the conversion are given an increasing credit as an
assist to conversion.

Or maybe you havent and are still wondering why your Adwords (First Interaction) is
different than your Paid Search attribution in Google Analytics (Last Interaction).

Adding to the challenge of attribution are the actual financial measures behind the
conversion. That is the cost and revenue data that enable you to look at things like
ROAS (return on advertising spend) vs ROI (which can include margin).

What Do You Do About Conversion?

First, like all things with analytics, you need to consider your business goals, purchase
cycles, the duration before a conversion, and the types of campaigns you are running.

Then you need to take a look at the different attribution models to identify what they
calculating and telling you about the performance of your campaign mix.

In short, you cant just assume credit for a source from looking at one model or not
thinking deeply about attribution and how to best express credit for your conversion
without just accepting the default view.

You need to consider the impact of cost, revenue, and margin on your attribution


So there you have it 5 areas where you may be measuring perfectly or you may be
measuring incorrectly.

Its hard to say whats right or whats wrong without considering your analytics as part
of The Analytics Value Chain.

The value chain where you are aligning your business goals and requirements, data
collection, data governance and definitions with your reporting, analysis, optimizations,
predictions, and automations in order to best understand your prospects, leads,
customers, conversions, and attribution.

*This post also appeared on ConversionXL blog and was edited by Tommy Walker.


Vishal Kumar

Vishal Kumar is a serial entrepreneur working towards an ambitious mission to bring

data and analytics to the 99% of businesses and professionals who fear the capabilities
and considers it unreachable. An avid supporter for data driven innovation techniques
and strategies. An enthusiast and avid learner on All Things Analytics. Vishal is
actively mentoring several early stage startups to helping various fortune 500
companies through their journey of being data driven. Automation specialist by trade
and self-learned strategist, Vishal has actively created one of the world largest data
analytics community: Analytics. CLUB which is serving 40,000 data science
professionals and growing. Vishal is MS in Telecom System Management from
Northeastern University, Boston and BE in Instrumentation and Control Engineering
from Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, Delhi.

Deeksha Joshi

Data driven leader with over 12 years of expertise in leading strategy, innovation,
commercialization, transformation and management consulting
Deeksha is a thought leader and author of a book on innovation- Data Driven
Innovation- a Primer. She has experience in working with senior leadership, business
development, leading teams, strategy and planning across various industries including
healthcare, financial services, insurance and retail.

She has a MBA from Darden School of Business, Virginia and has a bachelor in
Engineering from Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, New Delhi.


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