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The document provides information about a book on business analytics using R as a practical approach. It covers various topics related to data analysis and machine learning using the R programming language.

The book is about using the R programming language for business analytics and taking a practical approach to the topics covered.

Some of the main topics covered in the book include data preprocessing, univariate and multivariate analysis, predictive modeling techniques like classification and regression, clustering analysis, association rule mining and various machine learning algorithms.

Business Analytics

Using R - A Practical

Dr. Umesh R. Hodeghatta
Umesha Nayak
Business Analytics
Using R - A
Practical Approach

Dr. Umesh R. Hodeghatta

Umesha Nayak
Business Analytics Using R - A Practical Approach
Dr. Umesh R. Hodeghatta Umesha Nayak
Bangalore, Karnataka Bangalore, Karnataka
India India
ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-4842-2513-4 ISBN-13 (electronic): 978-1-4842-2514-1
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-2514-1
Copyright © 2017 by Dr. Umesh R. Hodeghatta and Umesha Nayak
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Contents at a Glance

About the Authors���������������������������������������������������������������������������� xv

About the Technical Reviewer������������������������������������������������������� xvii

■Chapter 1: Overview of Business Analytics������������������������������������ 1

■Chapter 2: Introduction to R��������������������������������������������������������� 17

■Chapter 3: R for Data Analysis����������������������������������������������������� 37

■Chapter 4: Introduction to descriptive analytics�������������������������� 59

■Chapter 5: Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration������ 91

■Chapter 6: Supervised Machine Learning—Classification��������� 131

■Chapter 7: Unsupervised Machine Learning������������������������������� 161

■Chapter 8: Simple Linear Regression����������������������������������������� 187

■Chapter 9: Multiple Linear Regression��������������������������������������� 207

■Chapter 10: Logistic Regression������������������������������������������������� 233

■Chapter 11: Big Data Analysis—Introduction and
Future Trends��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 257

References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 267
Index���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 273


About the Authors���������������������������������������������������������������������������� xv

About the Technical Reviewer������������������������������������������������������� xvii

■Chapter 1: Overview of Business Analytics������������������������������������ 1
1.1 Objectives of This Book������������������������������������������������������������������ 3
1.2 Confusing Terminology������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
1.3 Drivers for Business Analytics�������������������������������������������������������� 5
1.3.1 Growth of Computer Packages and Applications����������������������������������������� 6
1.3.2 Feasibility to Consolidate Data from Various Sources���������������������������������� 7
1.3.3 Growth of Infinite Storage and Computing Capability���������������������������������� 7
1.3.4 Easy-to-Use Programming Tools and Platforms ������������������������������������������ 7
1.3.5 Survival and Growth in the Highly Competitive World���������������������������������� 7
1.3.6 Business Complexity Growing out of Globalization�������������������������������������� 8

1.4 Applications of Business Analytics������������������������������������������������� 8

1.4.1 Marketing and Sales������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 8
1.4.2 Human Resources���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
1.4.3 Product Design��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
1.4.4 Service Design��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
1.4.5 Customer Service and Support Areas����������������������������������������������������������� 9

1.5 Skills Required for a Business Analyst����������������������������������������� 10

1.5.1 Understanding the Business and Business Problems�������������������������������� 10
1.5.2 Understanding Data Analysis Techniques and Algorithms�������������������������� 10
1.5.3 Having Good Computer Programming Knowledge������������������������������������� 11

■ Contents

1.5.4 Understanding Data Structures and Data Storage/Warehousing

Techniques������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
1.5.5 Knowing Relevant Statistical and Mathematical Concepts ����������������������� 11

1.6 Life Cycle of a Business Analytics Project������������������������������������ 11

1.7 The Framework for Business Analytics���������������������������������������� 14
1.8 Summary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15

■Chapter 2: Introduction to R��������������������������������������������������������� 17
2.1 Data Analysis Tools����������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
2.2 R Installation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
2.2.1 Installing R�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
2.2.2 Installing RStudio��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
2.2.3 Exploring the RStudio Interface������������������������������������������������������������������ 23

2.3 Basics of R Programming������������������������������������������������������������� 25
2.3.1 Assigning Values����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26
2.3.2 Creating Vectors����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27

2.4 R Object Types������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 27

2.5 Data Structures in R��������������������������������������������������������������������� 29
2.5.1 Matrices ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30
2.5.2 Arrays��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31
2.5.3 Data Frames����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32
2.5.4 Lists������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 34
2.5.5 Factors������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
2.6 Summary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36

■Chapter 3: R for Data Analysis����������������������������������������������������� 37
3.1 Reading and Writing Data������������������������������������������������������������ 37
3.1.1 Reading Data from a Text File��������������������������������������������������������������������� 38
3.1.2 Reading Data from a Microsoft Excel File�������������������������������������������������� 42
3.1.3 Reading Data from the Web������������������������������������������������������������������������ 44

■ Contents

3.2 Using Control Structures in R������������������������������������������������������� 45

3.2.1 if-else��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46
3.2.2 for loops����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46
3.2.3 while loops������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 47
3.2.4 Looping Functions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 48
3.2.5 Writing Your Own Functions in R���������������������������������������������������������������� 55

3.3 Working with R Packages and Libraries��������������������������������������� 56

3.4 Summary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 58

■Chapter 4: Introduction to descriptive analytics�������������������������� 59
4.1 Descriptive analytics�������������������������������������������������������������������� 62
4.2 Population and sample����������������������������������������������������������������� 62
4.3 Statistical parameters of interest������������������������������������������������� 63
4.3.1 Mean���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 64
4.3.2 Median�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66
4.3.3 Mode���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 68
4.3.4 Range��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 68
4.3.5 Quantiles���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 69
4.3.6 Standard deviation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 70
4.3.7 Variance������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 73
4.3.8 “Summary” command in R������������������������������������������������������������������������� 73
4.4 Graphical description of the data������������������������������������������������� 74
4.4.1 Plots in R���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 74
4.4.2 Histogram��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 77
4.4.3 Bar plot������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 77
4.4.4 Boxplots������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 78

■ Contents

4.5 Computations on data frames������������������������������������������������������ 79

4.5.1 Scatter plot������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 81

4.6 Probability������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 84
4.6.1 Probability of mutually exclusive events���������������������������������������������������� 85
4.6.2 Probability of mutually independent events����������������������������������������������� 85
4.6.3 Probability of mutually non-exclusive events:�������������������������������������������� 86
4.6.4 Probability distributions����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 86

4.7 Chapter summary������������������������������������������������������������������������ 88

■Chapter 5: Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration������ 91
5.1 Business Analytics Life Cycle������������������������������������������������������� 91
5.1.1 Phase 1: Understand the Business Problem����������������������������������������������� 91
5.1.2 Phase 2: Collect and Integrate the Data����������������������������������������������������� 92
5.1.3 Phase 3: Preprocess the Data�������������������������������������������������������������������� 92
5.1.4 Phase 4: Explore and Visualize the Data����������������������������������������������������� 92
5.1.5  Phase 5: Choose Modeling Techniques and Algorithms����������������������������� 93
5.1.6 Phase 6: Evaluate the Model���������������������������������������������������������������������� 93
5.1.7 Phase 7: Report to Management and Review��������������������������������������������� 94
5.1.8 Phase 8: Deploy the Model������������������������������������������������������������������������� 94
5.2 Understanding the Business Problem������������������������������������������ 94
5.3 Collecting and Integrating the Data���������������������������������������������� 95
5.3.1 Sampling���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 96
5.3.2 Variable Selection��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 97

5.4 Preprocessing the Data���������������������������������������������������������������� 97

5.4.1 Data Types�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 97
5.4.2 Data Preparation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 99
5.4.3 Data Preprocessing with R ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 100

■ Contents

5.5 Exploring and Visualizing the Data��������������������������������������������� 104

5.5.1 Tables������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 105
5.5.2 Summary Tables��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 106
5.5.3 Graphs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 106
5.5.4 Scatter Plot Matrices�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 112
5.5.5 Data Transformation��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 117

5.6 Using Modeling Techniques and Algorithms������������������������������ 118

5.6.1 Descriptive Analytics�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 118
5.6.2 Predictive Analytics���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 118
5.6.3 Machine Learning������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 119

5.7 Evaluating the Model������������������������������������������������������������������ 122

5.7.1 Training Data Partition������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 122
5.7.2 Test Data Partition������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 122
5.7.3 Validation Data Partition��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 122
5.7.4 Cross-Validation��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 123
5.7.5 Classification Model Evaluation���������������������������������������������������������������� 123
5.7.6 Regression Model Evaluation������������������������������������������������������������������� 127

5.8  Presenting a Management Report and Review�������������������������� 128

5.8.1 Problem Description �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 128
5.8.2 Data Set Used������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 128
5.8.3 Data Cleaning Carried Out������������������������������������������������������������������������ 128
5.8.4 Method Used to Create the Model������������������������������������������������������������ 128
5.8.5 Model Deployment Prerequisites������������������������������������������������������������� 128
5.8.6 Model Deployment and Usage������������������������������������������������������������������ 129
5.8.7 Issues Handling���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 129
5.9 Deploying the Model������������������������������������������������������������������ 129
5.10 Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 130

■ Contents

■Chapter 6: Supervised Machine Learning—Classification��������� 131
6.1 What Is Classification? What Is Prediction?������������������������������� 131
6.2 Probabilistic Models for Classification��������������������������������������� 132
6.2.1 Example���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 133
6.2.2 Naïve Bayes Classifier Using R����������������������������������������������������������������� 134
6.2.3  Advantages and Limitations of the Naïve Bayes Classifier����������������������� 136
6.3 Decision Trees���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 136
6.3.1 Recursive Partitioning Decision-Tree Algorithm��������������������������������������� 138
6.3.2 Information Gain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 138
6.3.3 Example of a Decision Tree���������������������������������������������������������������������� 140
6.3.4 Induction of a Decision Tree��������������������������������������������������������������������� 142
6.3.5 Classification Rules from Tree������������������������������������������������������������������ 145
6.3.6 Overfitting and Underfitting���������������������������������������������������������������������� 145
6.3.7 Bias and Variance������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 147
6.3.8  Avoiding Overfitting Errors and Setting the Size of Tree Growth�������������� 148

6.4 Other Classifier Types����������������������������������������������������������������� 150

6.4.1 K-Nearest Neighbor ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 150
6.4.2 Random Forests��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 152

6.5 Classification Example Using R�������������������������������������������������� 153

6.6 Summary������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 160

■Chapter 7: Unsupervised Machine Learning������������������������������� 161
7.1 Clustering - Overview���������������������������������������������������������������� 161
7.2 What Is Clustering?�������������������������������������������������������������������� 163
7.2.1 Measures Between Two Records������������������������������������������������������������� 163
7.2.2 Distance Measures for Categorical Variables������������������������������������������� 164
7.2.3 Distance Measures for Mixed Data Types������������������������������������������������ 165
7.2.4 Distance Between Two Clusters��������������������������������������������������������������� 166

■ Contents

7.3 Hierarchical Clustering��������������������������������������������������������������� 168

7.3.1 Dendrograms�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 169
7.3.2 Limitations of Hierarchical Clustering������������������������������������������������������ 169

7.4 Nonhierarchical Clustering��������������������������������������������������������� 169

7.4.1 K-Means Algorithm����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 170
7.4.2 Limitations of K-Means Clustering����������������������������������������������������������� 172

7.5 Clustering Case Study���������������������������������������������������������������� 172

7.5.1 Retain Only Relevant Variables in the Data Set���������������������������������������� 173
7.5.2 Remove Any Outliers from the Data Set��������������������������������������������������� 173
7.5.3 Standardize the Data�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 174
7.5.4 Calculate the Distance Between the Data Points������������������������������������� 175

7.6 Association Rule������������������������������������������������������������������������� 182

7.6.1 Choosing Rules����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 183
7.6.2 Example of Generating Association Rules������������������������������������������������ 185
7.6.3 Interpreting Results���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 186

7.7 Summary������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 186

■Chapter 8: Simple Linear Regression����������������������������������������� 187
8.1 Introduction�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 187
8.2 Correlation���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 188
8.2.1 Correlation Coefficient������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 189

8.3 Hypothesis Testing��������������������������������������������������������������������� 192

8.4 Simple Linear Regression���������������������������������������������������������� 193
8.4.1 Assumptions of Regression���������������������������������������������������������������������� 193
8.4.2 Simple Linear Regression Equation���������������������������������������������������������� 193
8.4.3 Creating Simple Regression Equation in R����������������������������������������������� 194
8.4.4 Testing the Assumptions of Regression:��������������������������������������������������� 197

■ Contents

8.4.5 Conclusion������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 203
8.4.6 Predicting the Response Variable������������������������������������������������������������� 203
8.4.7 Additional Notes��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 204

8.5 Chapter Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������� 204

■Chapter 9: Multiple Linear Regression��������������������������������������� 207
9.1 Using Multiple Linear Regression���������������������������������������������� 209
9.1.1 The Data��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 209
9.1.2 Correlation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 210
9.1.3 Arriving at the Model�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 212
9.1.4 Validation of the Assumptions of Regression������������������������������������������� 213
9.1.5 Multicollinearity���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 218
9.1.6 Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression������������������������������������������������������� 221
9.1.7  All Subsets Approach to Multiple Linear Regression�������������������������������� 221
9.1.8 Multiple Linear Regression Equation�������������������������������������������������������� 223
9.1.9 Conclusion������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 224

9.2 Using an Alternative Method in R����������������������������������������������� 224

9.3 Predicting the Response Variable���������������������������������������������� 225
9.4 Training and Testing the Model ������������������������������������������������� 225
9.5 Cross Validation�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 227
9.6 Summary������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 230

■Chapter 10: Logistic Regression������������������������������������������������� 233
10.1 Logistic Regression������������������������������������������������������������������ 235
10.1.1 The Data������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 235
10.1.2 Creating the Model��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 236
10.1.3 Model Fit Verification������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 240
10.1.4 General Words of Caution����������������������������������������������������������������������� 241

■ Contents

10.1.5 Multicollinearity�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 242
10.1.6 Dispersion���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 242
10.1.7 Conclusion for Logistic Regression�������������������������������������������������������� 242

10.2 Training and Testing the Model ����������������������������������������������� 243

10.2.1 Predicting the Response Variable����������������������������������������������������������� 245
10.2.2  Alternative Way of Validating the Logistic Regression Model����������������� 245

10.3 Multinomial Logistic Regression���������������������������������������������� 248

10.4 Regularization�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 248
10.5 Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 254

■Chapter 11: Big Data Analysis—Introduction and
Future Trends��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 257
11.1 Big Data Ecosystem����������������������������������������������������������������� 259
11.2 Future Trends in Big Data Analytics����������������������������������������� 261
11.2.1 Growth of Social Media ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 261
11.2.2 Creation of Data Lakes �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 262
11.2.3 Visualization Tools at the Hands of Business Users�������������������������������� 262
11.2.4 Prescriptive Analytics ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 262
11.2.5 Internet of Things ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 262
11.2.6 Artificial Intelligence ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 262
11.2.7 Whole Data Processing �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 263
11.2.8 Vertical and Horizontal Applications������������������������������������������������������� 263
11.2.9 Real-Time Analytics�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 263
11.2.10  Putting the Analytics in the Hands of Business Users ������������������������� 263
11.2.11 Migration of Solutions from One Tool to Another������������������������������������ 263
11.2.12 Cloud, Cloud, Everywhere the Cloud����������������������������������������������������� 264
11.2.13 In-Database Analytics��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 264

■ Contents

11.2.14 In-Memory Analytics���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 264

11.2.15 Autonomous Services for Machine Learning���������������������������������������� 264
11.2.16 Addressing Security and Compliance��������������������������������������������������� 264
11.2.17 Healthcare�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 265

References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 267
Index���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 273

About the Authors

Dr. Umesh Rao Hodeghatta is an acclaimed

professional in the field of machine learning, NLP, and
business analytics. He has a master’s degree in electrical
engineering from Oklahoma State University and a PhD
from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur
with a specialization in machine learning and NLP. He
has held technical and senior management positions at
Wipro Technologies, McAfee, Cisco Systems, and AT&T
Bell Laboratories. Dr. Hodeghatta has published many
journal articles in international journals and conference
proceedings. He is a co-author of The InfoSec Handbook:
An Introduction to Information Security. Dr. Hodeghatta
has contributed to numerous professional organizations
and regulatory bodies, including the IEEE Computer
Society (India), the Information Systems Audit
and Control Association (ISACA) in the United States, the government of Odisha, the
International Neural Network Society (INNS) in India, and the Task Force on Business
Intelligence & Knowledge Management. He is also a senior member of the IEEE. Further
details about Dr. Hodeghatta are available at You may reach him

Umesha Nayak is a director and principal consultant

of MUSA Software Engineering, which focuses on
systems/process/management consulting. He has 35
years of experience, including 14 years of consulting to
IT/manufacturing and other organizations across the
globe. He has an MS in software systems and an MA in
economics. His certifications include CAIIB, Certified
Information Systems Auditor (CISA) and Certified Risk
and Information Systems Control (CRISC) professional
from ISACA, PGDFM, Certified Lead Auditor for
many of the standards, and Certified Coach, among
others. He has worked extensively in banking, software
development, product design and development, project
management, program management, information
technology audits, information application audits,
quality assurance, coaching, product reliability, human resource management, business
analytics, and consultancy. He was vice president and corporate executive council member

■ About the Authors

at Polaris Software Lab, Chennai prior to his current assignment. He started his journey with
computers in 1981 with ICL mainframes and continued further with minis and PCs. He was
one of the founding members of information systems auditing in the banking industry in
India. He has effectively guided many organizations through successful ISO 9001/ISO 27001/
CMMI and other certifications and process/product improvements and business analytics.
He has co-authored The InfoSec Handbook: An Introduction to Information Security. You
may reach him at

About the Technical

Jojo Moolayil is a data scientist and author of Smarter Decisions—The Intersection of

Internet of Things and Decision Science. With over four years of industrial experience in
data science, decision science, and IoT, he has worked with industry leaders on high-
impact and critical projects across multiple verticals. He is currently associated with
General Electric, a pioneer and leader in data science for industrial IoT, and lives in
Bengaluru—the Silicon Valley of India
He was born and raised in Pune, India and graduated from the University of Pune
with a major in information technology engineering. He started his career with Mu Sigma,
the world’s largest pure play analytics provider, and worked with the leaders of many
Fortune 50 clients. One of the early enthusiasts to venture into IoT analytics, he now
focuses on solving decision science problems for industrial IoT use cases. As a part of
his role at GE, he also develops data science and decision science products and platforms
for industrial IoT. Jojo is also an active data science tutor and maintains a blog at


Overview of Business

Today’s world is knowledge based. In the earliest days, knowledge was gathered through
observation. Later, knowledge not only was gathered through observation, but also
confirmed by actually doing and then extended by experimenting further. Knowledge
thus gathered was applied to practical fields and extended by analogy to other fields.
Today, knowledge is gathered and applied by analyzing, or deep-diving, into the data
accumulated through various computer applications, web sites, and more. The advent of
computers complemented the knowledge of statistics, mathematics, and programming.
The enormous storage and extended computing capabilities of the cloud, especially, have
ensured that knowledge can be quickly derived from huge amounts of data and also can
be used for further preventive or productive purposes. This chapter provides you with the
basic knowledge of where and how business analytics is used.
Imagine the following situations:
• You visit a hotel in Switzerland and are welcomed with your
favorite drink and dish; how delighted you are!
• You are offered a stay at a significantly discounted rate at your
favorite hotel when you travel to your favorite destination.
• You are forewarned about the high probability of becoming a
diabetic. You are convinced about the reasoning behind this
warning and take the right steps to avoid it.
• You are forewarned of a probable riot at your planned travel
destination. Based on this warning, you cancel the visit; you later
learn from news reports that a riot does happen at that destination!
• You are forewarned of an incompatibility with the person whom
you consider making your life partner, based on both of your
personal characteristics; you avoid a possible divorce!

© Dr. Umesh R. Hodeghatta and Umesha Nayak 2017 1

U. R. Hodeghatta and U. Nayak, Business Analytics Using R - A Practical Approach,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-2514-1_1
Chapter 1 ■ Overview of Business Analytics

• You enter a grocery store and you find that your regular monthly
purchases are already selected and set aside for you. The only
decision you have to make is whether you require all of them or
want to remove some from the list. How happy you are!
• Your preferred airline reserves tickets for you well in advance of your
vacation travels and at a lower rate compared to the market rate.
• You are planning to travel and are forewarned of a possible
cyclone in that place. Based on that warning, you postpone your
visit. Later, you find that the cyclone created havoc, and you
avoided a terrible situation.
We can imagine many similar scenarios that are made possible by analyzing data
about you and your activities that is collected through various means—including your
Google searches, visits to various web sites, your comments on social media sites, your
activities using various computer applications, and more. The use of data analytics in
these scenarios has focused on your individual perspective.
Now, let’s look at scenarios from a business perspective. Imagine these situations:
• You are in the hotel business and are able to provide competitive
yet profitable rates to your prospective customers. At the same
time, you can ensure that your hotel is completely occupied all
the time by providing additional benefits, including discounts
on local travel and local sightseeing offers tied into other local
• You are in the taxi business and are able to repeatedly attract
the same customers based on their earlier travel history and
preferences of taxi type and driver.
• You are in the fast-food business and offer discounted rates to
attract customers on slow days. These discounts enable you to
ensure full occupancy on those days also.
• You are in the human resources (HR) department of an
organization and are bogged down by high attrition. But now you
are able to understand the types of people you should focus on
recruiting, based on the characteristics of those who perform well
and who are more loyal and committed to the organization.
• You are in the airline business, and based on data collected by
the engine system, you are warned of a potential engine failure in
the next three months. You proactively take steps to carry out the
necessary corrective actions.
• You are in the business of designing, manufacturing, and selling
medical equipment used by hospitals. You are able to understand
the possibility of equipment failure well before the equipment
actually fails, by carrying out analysis of the errors or warnings
captured in the equipment logs.

Chapter 1 ■ Overview of Business Analytics

All these scenarios are possible by analyzing data that the businesses and others
collect from various sources. There are many such possible scenarios. The application of
data analytics to the field of business is called business analytics.
You have likely observed the following scenarios:
• You’ve been searching for the past few days on Google for
adventurous places to visit. You’ve also tried to find various travel
packages that might be available. You suddenly find that various
other web sites you visit or the searches you make show a specific
advertisement of what you are looking for, and that too at a
discounted rate.
• You’ve been searching for a specific item to purchase on Amazon
(or any other site). Suddenly, on other sites you visit, you find
advertisements related to what you are looking for or find
customized mail landing in your mailbox, offering discounts
along with other items you might be interested in.
• You’ve also seen recommendations that Amazon makes based
on your earlier searches for items, your wish list, or previous
Amazon purchases. Many times you’ve also likely observed
Amazon offering you discounts or promoting products based on
its available data.

All of these possibilities are now a reality because of data analytics specifically used
by businesses. This book takes you through the exciting field of business analytics and
enables you to step into this field as well.

1.1 Objectives of This Book

Many professionals are becoming interested in learning analytics. But not all of them
have rich statistical or mathematical backgrounds. This book is the right place for
techies as well as those who are not so techie to get started with business analytics.
You’ll start with a hands-on introduction to R for beginners. You’ll also learn about
predictive modeling and big data, which forms a key part of business analytics. This is an
introductory book in the field of business analytics using R.
The following are some of the advantages of this book:

• This book covers both R programming and analytics using

numerous real-life examples.
• It offers the right mix of theory and hands-on labs. The concepts
are explained using business scenarios or case studies where
• It is written by industry professionals who are currently working
in the field of analytics on real-life problems for paying customers.

Chapter 1 ■ Overview of Business Analytics

This book provides the following:

• Practical insights into the use of data that has been collected,
collated, purchased, or available for free from government
sources or others. These insights are attained via computer
programming, statistical and mathematical knowledge, and
expertise in relevant fields that enable you to understand the data
and arrive at predictive capabilities.
• Information on the effective use of various techniques related to
business analytics.
• Explanations of how to effectively use the programming platform
R for business analytics.
• Practical cases and examples that enable you to apply what you
learn from this book.
• The dos and don’ts of business analytics.
• The book does not do the following:
• Deliberate on the definitions of various terms related to
analytics, which can be confusing
• Elaborate on the fundamentals behind any statistical or
mathematical technique or particular algorithm beyond
certain limits
• Provide a repository of all the techniques or algorithms used
in the field of business analytics (but does explore many of

1.2 Confusing Terminology
Many terms are used in discussions of this topic— for example, data analytics, business
analytics, big data analytics, and data science. Most of these are, in a sense, the same.
However, the purpose of the analytics, the extent of the data that’s available for analysis,
and the difficulty of the data analysis may vary from one to the other. Finally, regardless
of the differences in terminology, we need to know how to use the data effectively for our
businesses. These differences in terminology should not come in the way of applying
techniques to the data (especially in analyzing it and using it for various purposes
including understanding it, deriving models from it, and then using these models for
predictive purposes).
In layman’s terms, let’s look at some of this terminology:
• Data analytics is the analysis of data, whether huge or small, in
order to understand it and see how to use the knowledge hidden
within it. An example is the analysis of the data related to various
classes of travelers (as noted previously).

Chapter 1 ■ Overview of Business Analytics

• Business analytics is the application of data analytics to business.

An example is offering specific discounts to different classes of
travelers based on the amount of business they offer or have the
potential to offer.
• Data science is an interdisciplinary field (including disciplines
such as statistics, mathematics, and computer programming)
that derives knowledge from data and applies it for predictive or
other purposes. Expertise about underlying processes, systems,
and algorithms is used. An example is the application of t-values
and p-values from statistics in identifying significant model
parameters in a regression equation.
• Big data analytics is the analysis of huge amounts of data (for
example, trillions of records) or the analysis of difficult-to-crack
problems. Usually, this requires a huge amount of storage and/or
computing capability. This analysis requires enormous amounts
of memory to hold the data, a huge number of processors, and
high-speed processing to crunch the data and get its essence. An
example is the analysis of geospatial data captured by satellite to
identify weather patterns and make related predictions.

1.3 Drivers for Business Analytics

The following are the growth drivers for business analytics:
• Increasing numbers of relevant computer packages and
applications. One example is the R programming environment
with its various data sets, documentation on its packages, and
ready-made algorithms.
• Feasibility to consolidate related and relevant data from various
sources and of various types (data from flat files, data from
relational databases, data from log files, data from Twitter
messages, and more). An example is the consolidation of
information from data files in a Microsoft SQL Server database
with data from a Twitter message stream.
• Growth of seemingly infinite storage and computing capabilities
by clustering multiple computers and extending these capabilities
via the cloud. An example is the use of Apache Hadoop clusters to
distribute and analyze huge amounts of data.
• Availability of many easy-to-use programming tools, platforms,
and frameworks (such as R and Hadoop).
• Emergence of many algorithms and tools to effectively use statistical
and mathematical concepts for business analysis. One example is
the k-means algorithm used for partition clustering analysis.

Chapter 1 ■ Overview of Business Analytics

• The need for business survival and growth techniques in our

highly competitive world. The highly competitive nature of
business requires each company to deep-dive into data in order
to understand customer behavior patterns and take advantage of
• Business complexity arising from globalization. An economic or
political situation in a particular country can affect the sales in
that country, for example.
A note of caution here: not all of these problems require complicated analytics. Some
may be easy to understand and to solve by using techniques such as visual depiction of data.
Now let’s discuss each of these drivers for business analytics in more detail.

1.3.1 Growth of Computer Packages and Applications

Computer packages and applications have completely flooded modern life. This is true
at both an individual and business level. This is especially true with our extensive use of
smartphones, which enable the following:
• Communication with others through e-mail packages
• Activities in social media and blogs
• Business communications through e-mail, instant messaging,
and other tools
• Day-to-day searches for information and news through search
• Recording of individual and business financial transactions
through accounting packages
• Recording of our travel details via online ticket-booking web sites
or apps
• Recording of our various purchases in e-commerce web sites
• Recording our daily exercise routines, calories burned, and diets
through various applications
We are surrounded by many computer packages and applications that collect a lot
of data about us. This data is used by businesses to make them more competitive, attract
more business, and retain and grow their customer base. With thousands of apps on
platforms such as Android, iOS, and Windows, the capture of data encompasses nearly all
the activities carried out by individuals across the globe (who are the consumers for most
of the products and services). This has been enabled further by the reach of hardware
devices such as computers, laptops, mobile phones, and smartphones even to remote

Chapter 1 ■ Overview of Business Analytics

1.3.2 Feasibility to Consolidate Data from Various Sources

Technology has grown by leaps and bounds over the last few years. It is now easy for us
to convert data from one format to another and to consolidate it into a required format.
The growth of technology coupled with almost unlimited storage capability has enabled
us to consolidate related or relevant data from various sources—right from flat files, to
database data, to data in various formats. This ability to consolidate data from various
sources has provided a great deal of momentum to effective business analysis.

1.3.3 Growth of Infinite Storage and Computing

The memory and storage capacity of individual computers has increased drastically,
whereas external storage devices have provided a significant increase in storage capacity.
This has been augmented by cloud-based storage services that can provide a virtually
unlimited amount of storage. The growth of cloud platforms has also contributed to
virtually unlimited computing capability. Now you can hire the processing power of
multiple CPUs, coupled with huge memory and huge storage, to carry out any analysis—
however big the data is. This has reduced the need to rely on a sampling of data for
analysis. Instead, you can take the entire population of data available with you and
analyze it by using the power of cloud storage and computing capabilities.

1.3.4 Easy-to-Use Programming Tools and Platforms

In addition to commercially available data analytics tools, many open source tools or
platforms such as R and Hadoop are available. These powerful tools are easy to use and
well documented. They do not require high-end programming experience but usually
require an understanding of basic programming concepts. Hadoop is especially helpful in
effective and efficient analysis of big data.

1.3.5 Survival and Growth in the Highly Competitive World

Businesses have become highly competitive. With the Internet easily available to every
business, every consumer has become a target for every business. Each business is
targeting the same customer and that customer’s spending capability. Each business
also can easily reach other dependent businesses or consumers equally well. Using the
Internet and the Web, businesses are fiercely competing with each other; often they offer
heavy discounts and cut prices drastically. To survive, businesses have to find the best
ways to target other businesses that require their products and services as well as the
end consumers who require their products and services. Data or business analytics has
enabled this effectively.

Chapter 1 ■ Overview of Business Analytics

1.3.6 Business Complexity Growing out of Globalization

Economic globalization that cuts across the boundaries of the countries where
businesses produce goods or provide services has drastically increased the complexities
of business. Businesses now have the challenge of catering to cultures that may have
been previously unknown to them. With the large amount of data now possible to
acquire (or already at their disposal), businesses can easily gauge differences between
local and regional cultures, demands, and practices including spending trends and

1.4 Applications of Business Analytics

Business analytics has been applied effectively to many fields, including retail,
e-commerce, travel (including the airline business), hospitality, logistics, and
manufacturing. Furthermore, business analytics has been applied to a whole range of
other businesses, including predictive failure analysis of machines and equipment.
Business analytics has been successfully applied to the fields of marketing and sales,
human resources, finance, manufacturing, product design, service design, and customer
service and support. In this section, we discuss some of the areas in which data/business
analytics is used effectively to the benefit of the organizations. These examples are only
illustrative and not exhaustive.

1.4.1 Marketing and Sales

Marketing and sales teams are the ones that have heavily used business analytics to
identify appropriate approaches to marketing in order to reach a maximum number of
potential customers at an optimized or reduced effort. These teams use business analytics
to identify which marketing channel would be most effective (for example, e-mails, web
sites, or direct telephone contacts). They also use business analytics to determine which
offers make sense to which types of customers (in terms of geographical regions, for
instance) and to specifically tune their offers.
A marketing and sales team might, for example, determine whether people like
adventurous vacations, spiritual vacations, or historical vacations. That data, in turn, can
provide the inputs needed to focus marketing and sales efforts according to those specific
interests of the people— thus optimizing the time spent by the marketing and sales
team. In the retail business, this can enable retail outlets (physical or online) to market
products along with other products, as a bundled offer, based on the purchasing pattern
of consumers. In logistics, which logistics company provides the services at what mode
sticking to delivery commitments is always an important factor for the businesses to tie
up for their services. An airline could present exciting offers based on a customer’s travel
history, thus encouraging that customer to travel again and again via this airline only, and
thereby creating a loyal customer over a period of time.

Chapter 1 ■ Overview of Business Analytics

1.4.2 Human Resources
Retention is the biggest problem faced by an HR department in any industry, especially in
the support industry. An HR department can identify which employees have high potential
for retention by processing employee data. Similarly, an HR department can also analyze
which competence (qualification, knowledge, skill, or training) has the most influence on
the organization’s or team’s capability to deliver quality within committed timelines.

1.4.3 Product Design
Product design is not easy and often involves complicated processes. Risks factored in
during product design, subsequent issues faced during manufacturing, and any resultant
issues faced by customers or field staff can be a rich source of data that can help you
understand potential issues with a future design. This analysis may reveal issues with
materials, issues with the processes employed, issues with the design process itself, issues
with the manufacturing, or issues with the handling of the equipment installation or later
servicing. The results of such an analysis can substantially improve the quality of future
designs by any company. Another interesting aspect is that data can help indicate which
design aspects (color, sleekness, finish, weight, size, or material) customers like and
which ones customers do not like.

1.4.4 Service Design
Like products, services are also carefully designed and priced by organizations.
Identifying components of the service (and what are not) also depends on product design
and cost factors compared to pricing. The length of warranty, coverage during warranty,
and pricing for various services can also be determined based on data from earlier
experiences and from target market characteristics. Some customer regions may more
easily accept “use and throw” products, whereas other regions may prefer “repair and
use” kinds of products. Hence, the types of services need to be designed according to the
preferences of regions. Again, different service levels (responsiveness) may have different
price tags and may be targeted toward a specific segment of customers (for example, big
corporations, small businesses, or individuals).

1.4.5 Customer Service and Support Areas

After-sales service and customer service is an important aspect that no business can
ignore. A lack of effective customer service can lead to negative publicity, impacting
future sales of new versions of the product or of new products from the same company.
Hence, customer service is an important area in which data analysis is applied
significantly. Customer comments on the Web or on social media (for example, Twitter)
provide a significant source of understanding about the customer pulse as well as the
reasons behind the issues faced by customers. A service strategy can be accordingly
drawn up, or necessary changes to the support structure may be carried out, based on the
analysis of the data available to the industry.

Chapter 1 ■ Overview of Business Analytics

1.5 Skills Required for a Business Analyst

Having discussed drivers and applications of business analytics, let’s now discuss the
skills required by a business analyst. Typically, a business analyst requires substantial
knowledge about the following:

• The business and problems of the business

• Data analysis techniques and algorithms that can be applied to
the business data
• Computer programming
• Data structures and data-storage or data-warehousing
techniques, including how to query the data effectively
• Statistical and mathematical concepts used in data analytics (for
example, regression, naïve Bayes analysis, matrix algebra, and
cost-optimization algorithms such as gradient descent or ascent
Now let’s discuss these knowledge areas in more detail.

1.5.1 Understanding the Business and Business

Having a clear understanding of the business and business problems is one of the most
important requirements for a business analyst. If the person analyzing the data does
not understand the underlying business, the specific characteristics of that business,
and the specific problems faced by that business, that person can be led to the wrong
conclusions or led in the wrong direction. Having only programming skills along with
statistical or mathematical knowledge can sometimes lead to proposing impractical
(or even dangerous) suggestions for the business. These suggestions also waste the time
of core business personnel.

1.5.2 Understanding Data Analysis Techniques and

Data analysis techniques and algorithms must be applied to suitable situations or
analyses. For example, linear regression or multiple linear regression (supervised
method) may be suitable if you know (based on business characteristics) that there
exists a strong relationship between a response variable and various predictors. You
know, for example, that geographical location, proximity to the city center, or the size of
a plot (among others) has a bearing on the price of the land to be purchased. Clustering
(unsupervised method) can allow you to cluster data into various segments. Using and
applying business analytics effectively can be difficult without understanding these
techniques and algorithms.

Chapter 1 ■ Overview of Business Analytics

1.5.3 Having Good Computer Programming Knowledge

Good computer knowledge is required for a capable business analyst, so that the analyst
doesn’t have to depend on other programmers who don’t understand the business and
may not understand the statistics or mathematics behind the techniques or algorithms.
Having good computer programming knowledge is always a bonus capability for
business analysts, even though it is not mandatory because analysts can always employ
a computer programmer. Computer programming may be necessary to consolidate data
from different sources as well as to program and use the algorithms. Platforms such as R
and Hadoop have reduced the pain of learning programming, even though at times we
may have to use other complementary programming languages (for example, Python) for
effectiveness and efficiency.

1.5.4 Understanding Data Structures and Data Storage/

Warehousing Techniques
Knowledge of data structures and of data storage/warehousing techniques eases the
life of a business analyst by eliminating dependence on database administrators and
database programmers. This enables business analysts to consolidate data from varied
sources (including databases and flat files), put them into a proper structure, and store
them appropriately in a data repository. The capability to query such a data repository is
another additional competence of value to any business analyst. This know-how is not a
must, however, because a business analyst can always hire someone else to provide this

1.5.5 Knowing Relevant Statistical and Mathematical

Data analytics uses many statistical and mathematical concepts on which various
algorithms, measures, and computations are based. A business analyst should have
good knowledge of statistical and mathematical concepts in order to properly use these
concepts to depict, analyze, and present the data and the results of analysis. Otherwise,
the business analyst can lead others in the wrong direction by misinterpreting the results
because the application of the technique or interpretation of the result itself was wrong.

1.6 Life Cycle of a Business Analytics Project

Figure 1-1 illustrates the typical steps of a business analytics project. These steps are as
Start with a business problem and all the data considered as
relevant to the problem.
Start with the data to understand what patterns you see in the
data and what knowledge you can decipher from the data.

Chapter 1 ■ Overview of Business Analytics

Study the data and then clean up the data for missed data
elements or errors.
Check for the outliers in the data and remove them from the
data set to reduce their adverse impact on the analysis.
Identify the data analysis technique(s) to be used (for
example, supervised or unsupervised).
Analyze the results and check whether alternative
technique(s) can be used to get better results.
Validate the results and then interpret the results.
Publish the results (learning/model).
Use the learning from the results / model arrived at.
Keep calibrating the learning / model as you keep using it.

Chapter 1 ■ Overview of Business Analytics

Figure 1-1.  Life cycle of a business analysis project

Chapter 1 ■ Overview of Business Analytics

1.7 The Framework for Business Analytics

As discussed earlier in this chapter, statistics contributes to a significant aspect of
effective business analysis. Similarly, the knowledge discovery enablers such as machine
learning have contributed significantly to the application of business analytics. Another
area that has given impetus to business analytics is the growth of database systems, from
SQL-oriented ones to NoSQL ones. All these combined together, along with easy data
visualization and reporting capabilities, have led to a clear understanding of what the
data tells us and what we understand from the data. This has led to the vast application
of business analytics to solve problems faced by organizations and to drive a competitive
edge in business through the application of this understanding.
There are umpteen number of tools available to support each piece of the business
analytics framework. Figure 1-2 presents some of these tools, along with details of the

Figure 1-2.  Business analytics framework

Chapter 1 ■ Overview of Business Analytics

1.8 Summary
To start with you went through an introduction as to how knowledge has evolved. You
also went through many scenarios in which data analytics helps individuals. Many
examples of business analytics helping businesses to grow and compete effectively were
illustrated to you. You were also provided with examples as to how business analytics
results are used by businesses effectively.
Next, you were taken through the objectives of this book. Primarily, this book is
intended to be a practical guidebook enabling you to acquire necessary skills. This is an
introductory book. You are not going to focus on terminology here but are going to look
into the practical aspects. This book will also show how to use R for business analytics.
Next you went through the definitions of data analytics, business analytics, data
science, and big data analytics. You were provided with these definitions in layman’s
terms in order to remove any possible confusion about the terminology.
Then you explored important drivers for business analytics, including the growth of
computer packages and applications, the feasibility of consolidating data from various
sources, the growth of infinite storage and computing capabilities, the increasing
numbers of easy-to-use programming tools and platforms, the need for companies
to survive and grow among their competition, and business complexity in this era of
globalization. Next you got introduced to the applications of business analytics with
examples in certain fields.
You briefly went through the skills required for a business analyst. In particular, you
understood the importance of the following: understanding the business and business
problems, data analysis techniques and algorithms, computer programming, data
structures and data storage/warehousing techniques, and statistical and mathematical
concepts required for data analytics.
Finally, you also briefly went through the life cycle of the business analytics project.


Introduction to R

This chapter introduces the R tool, environment, workspace, variables, data types, and
fundamental tool-related concepts. This chapter also covers how to install R and RStudio.
After reading this chapter, you’ll have enough foundational topics to start R programming
for data analysis.

2.1 Data Analysis Tools

Many commercial and free tools are available to perform data analysis. In this book,
we focus on using R, a software package that is one of the most popular statistical/
analytical tools available. This free tool is widely used by academia and the research
Before we begin discussing data analytics, it is important to learn the basic
concepts of R. In this chapter, we introduce R as a way to perform data analysis.
However, for your benefit, we list some of the most popular statistical/data analysis
tools available in Table 2-1.

© Dr. Umesh R. Hodeghatta and Umesha Nayak 2017 17

U. R. Hodeghatta and U. Nayak, Business Analytics Using R - A Practical Approach,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-2514-1_2
Chapter 2 ■ Introduction to R

Table 2-1.  Business Analytics and Statistical Tools

Sl. No Software Package Functionality Supported URL

1 Microsoft Excel Descriptive statistics. https://products.
Hypothesis testing, F-tests,
chi-squared tests, t-tests. excel

Analysis of variance (ANOVA).

Bar graphs, pie charts, linear
2 gretl Regression and time-series analysis. http://gretl.
(open source) Least squares, maximum likelihood,
GMM; single-equation and system
Time-series methods: ARIMA,
a wide variety of univariate models.
3 Octave Probability distributions, descriptive http://octave.
(open source) statistics, hypothesis testing, t-tests,
ANOVA, plots, histograms, clustering statistics/
4 MathWorks Full set of statistics and http://
MATLAB machine-learning functionality.
Nonlinear optimization, system products/matlab/
identification, and financial http://
modeling. MapReduce functionality uk.mathworks.
for Hadoop, and by connecting com/solutions/
interfaces to ODBC/JDBC databases. data-analytics/
5 PSPP Comparison of means (t-tests and
(open source one-way ANOVA); linear regression, software/pspp/
alternative for IBM logistic regression, reliability
SPSS Statistics) (Cronbach’s alpha, not failure or
Weibull), and reordering data,
nonparametric tests, factor analysis,
cluster analysis, principal component
analysis, chi-square analysis,
and more.
6 OpenStat OpenStat contains a large variety http://statpages.
(open source) of parametric, nonparametric, info/miller/
multivariate, measurement, OpenStatMain.htm
statistical process control,
financial ,and other procedures.

Chapter 2 ■ Introduction to R

Table 2-1. (continued)
Sl. No Software Package Functionality Supported URL
7 Salstat Descriptive statistics, inferential
(open source) statistics, parametric and
nonparametric analysis, bar charts,
box plots, histograms, and more.
8 IBM SPSS Full set of statistical analysis,
parametrics, nonparametric analysis, com/software/
classification, regression, clustering analytics/spss/
analysis. Bar charts, histograms, box
plots. Social media analysis, text
analysis, and so forth.
9 Stata by StataCorp Descriptive statistics, ARIMA,
ANOVA, and MANOVA, linear
regression, time-series smoothers,
generalized linear models (GLMs),
cluster analysis. For more details
refer to:
10 Statistica Statistical analysis, graphs, plots,
data mining, data visualization, and
so forth. For more details
refer to:
11 SciPy Python library used by scientists and
(pronounced analysts doing scientific computing
Sigh Pie) and technical computing. SciPy
(open source) contains modules for optimization,
linear algebra, interpolation, digital
signal and image processing,
machine- learning techniques.
12 Weka, or Waikato Contains a collection of visualization www.cs.waikato.
Environment tools and algorithms for data analysis
for Knowledge and predictive modeling, together
Analysis with graphical user interfaces for easy
(open source) access to these functions.

Chapter 2 ■ Introduction to R

Table 2-1. (continued)
Sl. No Software Package Functionality Supported URL
13 RapidMiner Integrated environment for machine https://
(open source) learning, data mining, text mining,
predictive analytics, and business
14 R Full set of functions to support
(open source) statistical analysis, histograms, box
plots, hypothesis testing, inferential
statistics, t-tests, ANOVA, machine
learning, clustering, and so forth.
15 Minitab by Descriptive statistical analysis,
Minitab Statistical hypothesis testing, data visualization,
Software t-tests, ANOVA, regression analysis,
reliability, and survival analysis.
16 Tableau Desktop Statistical summaries of your data,
by Tableau experiment with trend analyses, products/desktop
Software regressions, correlations. Connect
directly to your data for live, up-to-
date data analysis that taps into the
power of your data warehouse.
17 TIBCO Spotfire Statistical and full predictive http://spotfire.
Integration of R, S+, SAS and MATLAB
into Spotfire and custom applications.
18 SAS by SAS Advance statistical and machine-
learning functions and much more.

Chapter 2 ■ Introduction to R

Data analysis tools help in analyzing data and support handling and manipulating
data, statistical analysis, graphical analysis, building various types of models, and
reporting. R is an integrated suite of software packages for data handling, data
manipulation, statistical analysis, graphical analysis, and developing learning models.
This software is an extension of the S software originally developed by Bell Labs. It is open
source, free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License (
licenses/gpl-2.0.html) and supported by large research communities spread all over
the world. In the year 2000, R version 1.0.0 was released to the public.
R has following advantages and hence it is the most recommended tool for data
scientists today:
• Flexible, easy, and friendly graphical capabilities that can be
displayed on the video display of your computer or stored in
different file formats.
• Data storage facility to store large amounts of data effectively in
the memory for data analysis.
• Large number of free packages available for data analysis.
• Provides all the capabilities of a programming language.
• Supports getting data from a wide variety of sources, including
text files, database management systems, web XML files, and
other repositories.
• Duns on a wide array of platforms, including Windows, Unix, and
• Most commercial statistical software platforms cost thousands or
even tens of thousands of dollars. R is free! If you’re a teacher or a
student, the benefits are obvious.
However, most programs in R are written for a single piece of data analysis.

2.2 R Installation
R is available for all the major computing platforms, including macOS, Windows, and
Linux. As of 1st of November 2016, the latest R version is 3.3.2.

2.2.1 Installing R
Follow these steps to download the binaries:
Go to the official R site at
Click the Download tab.
Select the operating system.

Chapter 2 ■ Introduction to R

Read the instructions to install the software. For example,
installing on Linux/Unix requires root/admin permissions,
and command-line options are different from those on other
platforms. On Windows, you just have to click the installer and
follow the instructions provided.
Pick your geographic area and mirror site to download.
Download the installer and run the installer.
Follow the instructions by the installer to successfully install
the software.

After the installation, click the icon to start R. A window appears, showing the
R console (as shown in Figure 2-1).

Figure 2-1.  R console

Chapter 2 ■ Introduction to R

2.2.2 Installing RStudio
RStudio provides an integrated development environment (IDE) for R. RStudio is
available in two variants: a desktop version and a server version. RStudio Desktop allows
RStudio to run locally on the desktop. RStudio Server runs on a web server and can be
accessed remotely by using a web browser. RStudio Desktop is available for Microsoft
Windows, macOS, and Linux. For more information on RStudio and its support, refer to
the RStudio web site at
This section details the installation of RStudio Desktop or RStudio Server for
Windows. The installation procedure is similar for other OSs. For more details and
procedures for installation, please download RStudio desktop version and follow
the instructions given in the web site:
RStudio/#Desktop To install RStudio, follow these steps:
Go to the official RStudio web site:
Click the Products option.
Select the server version or desktop version, depending on
your needs.
Click the Downloads option and select the appropriate OS.
For Windows, select the installer.
After downloading the installer, run the installer and follow its
Please note that R has to be installed first. If R is not installed, at the end of RStudio
installation, an error message will appear and ask you to install R (Figure 2-2).

Figure 2-2.  RStudio installation error

2.2.3 Exploring the RStudio Interface

After the installation is complete, a shortcut appears on your desktop. Click this icon
to start RStudio. The interface shown in Figure 2-3 appears.

Chapter 2 ■ Introduction to R

Figure 2-3.  RStudio window

RStudio has four windows, which allow you to write scripts, view the output, view
the environment and the variables, and view the graphs and plots. The top-left window
allows you to enter the R commands or scripts. R scripts provided in the window can be
executed one at a time or as a file. The code also can be saved as an R script for future
reference. Each R command can be executed by clicking Run at the top-right corner of
this window.
The bottom-left window is the R console, which displays the R output results. Also,
you can enter any R command in this window to check the results. Because it is a console
window, your R commands cannot be stored.
The top-right window lists the environment variable types and global variables.
The bottom-right window shows the generated graphs and plots, and provides help
information. It also has an option to export or save plots to a file.
Figure 2-4 shows a window with a sample R script, its output in the console, a graph
in the graphical window, and environment variable types.

Chapter 2 ■ Introduction to R

Figure 2-4.  Example of RStudio output

2.3 Basics of R Programming
R is a programming language specifically for statistical analysis, and there is no need
to compile the code. As soon as you hit the Return key after entering the command,
the R script executes and the output is displayed in the console. The output also can be
redirected to files or printers, which we discuss later in this section.
After you are in the R console window, you are prompted with a greater-than symbol
(>), which indicates that R is ready to take your commands. For example, if you type 4 + 3
and hit Return, R displays the results in the console, as shown in Figure 2-5.

Chapter 2 ■ Introduction to R

Figure 2-5.  R console output

Notice that the results have two parameters: the first part, [1], indicates the index
of the first number displayed in row 1 of the vector, and element 7 is the result. In R, any
number you enter on the console is interpreted as a vector.

If you type “Hello World!”, R prints “Hello World!”:

2.3.1 Assigning Values
The next step is assigning values to variables. In R, you can use the assignment function
or just the <- shortcut:

Chapter 2 ■ Introduction to R

Direction of the arrow really does not matter. You can use the equals sign (=) as well:

2.3.2 Creating Vectors
In R, everything is represented as a vector. Vectors are one-dimensional arrays that can
hold numeric data, character data, or logical data. To create a vector, you use the function
c(). Here are examples of creating vectors:

a <- c(1, 2, 5, 3, 6, -2, 4)

c <- c("one", "two", "three")

Here, a is a numeric vector, b is a logical vector, and c is a character vector. Note that
the data stored in a vector can be of only one type.

2.4 R Object Types

There are five types of objects in R:
• Numeric
• Character
• Integer
• Complex
• Logical
Numbers are generally treated as numeric objects in R. For example, the digit 1
is represented as 1.00, and the digit 2 is represented as 2.00, and so forth. The class()
command gives you information about the class of the object:

Chapter 2 ■ Introduction to R

To create a vector in R, you use the c() function. Alternatively, You can also use the
vector() function to create a vector of type numeric:

Character objects are used in the same way as numeric vectors:

To create an integer variable in R, invoke the as.integer() function:

Complex and logical vectors are created as follows:

Chapter 2 ■ Introduction to R

2.5 Data Structures in R
Data structures in R are known as objects. Each object can hold vectors, scalars, matrices,
arrays, data frames, and lists. A list is a special type of object that can hold any or all object
types. Figure 2-6 shows the data structure representation in R. Let’s take a look at each of
the data structure types now.

a11 a12 a13




Matrix Array

Var1 Var2 Var3

Samp 1
Samp 2
Samp 3
Data Frame

Figure 2-6.  Data structures in R

Chapter 2 ■ Introduction to R

2.5.1 Matrices
R uses two terms to refer to two-dimensional data sets: matrix and array. Software
engineers working with application development and images call a two-dimensional data
set an array, whereas mathematicians and statisticians refer the same two-dimensional
data set as a matrix. The two-dimensional array can function exactly like a matrix. The
terms matrix and array are interchangeable, but the different conventions assumed by
different people may sometimes cause confusion.
In R, matrices are created using the matrix() function. The general format is as follows:

mymatrix <- matrix(vector, nrow=number_of_rows, ncol=number_of_columns,

byrow=logical_value, dimnames=list(char_vector_rownames, char_vector_colnames))

Here, vector contains the elements for the matrix, using nrow and ncol to specify
the row and column dimensions of the matrix, respectively; dimnames contains row and
column labels stored in character vectors, which is optional. The byrow indicates whether
the matrix should be filled in by row (byrow=TRUE) or by column (byrow=FALSE). The
default is by column.
The following example in R shows how to create a matrix by using the matrix()

You can access each row, each column, or an element of the matrix as shown by the
following example:

Chapter 2 ■ Introduction to R

To identify rows, columns, or elements of a matrix, use subscripts and brackets—for

example, X[ i, ] refers to the ith row of matrix X, X[ , j] refers to the jth column, and
X[i, j] refers to the ith row, jth column element, respectively.

2.5.2 Arrays
Arrays can have more than two dimensions. In R, they’re created by using the array()

myarray <- array(vector, dimensions, dimnames)

Here, vector contains the data for the array, dimensions is a numeric vector giving
the maximal index for each dimension, and dimnames is a list of dimension labels.
The following example shows how to create a three-dimensional (2 × 3 × 2) array:

Arrays are extensions of matrices. They can be useful in programming some of the
statistical methods. Identifying elements of an array is similar to what you’ve seen for
matrices. For the previous example, the z[2, 3, 2] element is 12:

Chapter 2 ■ Introduction to R

2.5.3 Data Frames
Data frames are important object types and the most common data structure you will use
in R. They are similar to data storage in Microsoft Excel, Stata, SAS, or SPSS.
You can have multiple columns of different types; columns can be integer or
character or logical types. Though a data frame is similar to a matrix or an array, unlike
a matrix or an array you can store multiple data types in data frames. Data frames are a
special type of list, and every element of the list has to have the same length. Each column
can be named, indicating the names of the variables or predictors. Data frames also have
an attribute named row.names(), which indicates the information in each row.
When you read files by using read.csv(), data frames are automatically created.
A data frame is created with the data.frame() function:

mydframe <- data.frame(col1, col2, col3,...)

Here, col1, col2, and col3, are column vectors of any type (such as character,
numeric, or logical). Names for each column can be provided by using the names
function. The following example makes this clear:

Chapter 2 ■ Introduction to R

You can access the elements of the data set in several ways. You can use the subscript
notation you used before in the matrices or you can specify column names. The following
example demonstrates these approaches:

Chapter 2 ■ Introduction to R

2.5.4 Lists
Lists are the most complex of the R data types. Lists allow you to specify and store any
data type object. A list can contain a combination of vectors, matrices, or even data
frames under one single object name. You create a list by using the list() function:

mylist <- list(object1, object2, ...)

Here, object1 and object2 are any of the structures seen so far. Optionally, you can
name the objects in a list:

mylist <- list(name1=object1, name2=object2, ...)

The following example shows how to create a list. In this example, you use the
list() function to create a list with four components: a string, a numeric vector, a
character, and a matrix. You can combine any number of objects and save them as a list.
To access the list, specify the list type you want to access—for example, accessing the
second element, myFirstList[[2]] and myFirstList[["ID"]], both refer to the numeric
vector you are trying to access.

Chapter 2 ■ Introduction to R

2.5.5 Factors
Factors are special data types used to represent categorical data, which is important
in statistical analysis. A factor is an integer vector; each integer type has a label. For
example, if your data has a variable by name “sex” with values Male or Female, then factor
automatically assigns values 1 for Male and 2 for Female. With these assignments, it is
easy to identify values and performstatistical analysis. In the previous example, if we have
have another variable by name “Performance” and is defined as “Excellent”, “Average”,
“Poor”. This is an example of ordinal type. You know that if a specific region is doing
excellent sales, then it’s performance is “Excellent”. In R, categorical (ordinal) variables are
called factors and they play crucial role in R determining how data will be analyzed and
presented visually.
Factor objects can be created using the factor() function that stores the categorical
values as a vector of integers in the range [1... j], and automatically assigns an internal
vector of character strings (the original values) mapped to these integers.
For example, assume that you have the vector performance <- c("Excellent",
"Average", "Poor", ”Average”):
The statement performance <- factor(performance) stores this vector as (1, 2,
3, 2) and associates it with 1= Excellent , 2 = Average, 3= Poor internally (the assignment
is alphabetical).
Any analysis performed on the vector performance will treat the variable as nominal
and select the statistical methods appropriate for this measurement.

First, you enter the data as vectors viz. strID, month, sales, region, and
performance. Then you specify that performance is an ordered factor. Finally, you
combine the data into a data frame. The function str(object) provides information
on an object in R (the data frame, in this case). It clearly shows that performance is an
ordered factor and also region as a factor, along with how it’s coded internally.

Chapter 2 ■ Introduction to R

2.6 Summary
In this chapter, you looked at various statistical and data analysis tools available in
the market as well as the strengths of R that make it an attractive option for students,
researchers, statisticians, and data scientists. You walked through the steps of installing
R and RStudio. You also learned about the basics of R, including various data types like
vectors, arrays, matrices, and lists—including one of the most important data structures,
the data frame.
Now that you have R up and running, it’s time to get your data for the analysis. In the
next chapter, you’ll look at performing file manipulations, reading various types of files,
and using functions, loops, plots, and graphs; you’ll also see other aspects of R that are
required to perform effective data analysis. We don’t want to make you wait any longer. In
the next chapter, you’ll jump directly into the basics of analysis using R.


R for Data Analysis

In the previous chapter, we introduced R and how to start using R programming to

analyze data. In this chapter, we further explain some of the important concepts
required for data analysis, including reading various types of data files, storing data, and
manipulating data. We also discuss how to create your own functions and R packages.
After reading this chapter, you will have a good introduction to R and can get started with
data analysis.

3.1 Reading and Writing Data

Data is available from a variety of sources and in a variety of formats. As a data scientist,
your task is to read data from different sources and different formats, analyze it, and
report the findings. A data source can be an Oracle database, a SAP management system,
the Web, or a combination of these. The data format can be a simple flat file in a comma-
delimited format, Excel format, or Extensible Markup Language (XML) format. R provides
a wide range of tools for importing data. Figure 3-1 shows the various interfaces of R.
More information about importing and exporting R data is available in the R manual
online at

© Dr. Umesh R. Hodeghatta and Umesha Nayak 2017 37

U. R. Hodeghatta and U. Nayak, Business Analytics Using R - A Practical Approach,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-2514-1_3
Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

Figure 3-1.  Various interfaces to R

As you can see, R supports data from the following sources:

• Various databases, including MS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, and Access
• Simple flat files such as TXT files
• Microsoft Excel
• Other statistical packages such as SPSS and SAS
• XML and HTML files
• Other files such as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) files
We cover some of these important data formats in later sections of this chapter and
in later chapters.

3.1.1 Reading Data from a Text File

The read.table() and read.csv() functions are the two functions supported by R to
import data from a text file. The read.csv() function is specifically used to read comma-
delimited files, whereas read.table() can be used to read any delimited file, but the
delimiter must be mentioned as the parameter.
One of the most popular input formats to R is Comma-Separated Values (CSV).
To read CSV files in R, you can use read.csv(),which imports data from a CSV file and
creates a data frame. The syntax for read.csv() is as follows (from the R help file):

Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

myCSV <- read.csv(file, header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote = "\"",

dec = ".", fill = TRUE, comment.char = "", ...)

file: The name of the file. The full path of the file should be
specified (use getwd() to check the path). Each line in a file
is translated as each row of a data frame. file can also be a
complete URL.
header: A logical variable (TRUE or FALSE) indicating whether
the first row of the file contains the names of variables. This
flag is set to TRUE if the first line contains the names of the
variables. By default, it is set to FALSE.
sep: The separator is by default a comma. There’s no need to
set this flag.
fill: If the file has an unequal length of rows, you can set this
parameter to TRUE so that blank fields are implicitly added.
dec: The character used in the file for decimal points.
The only parameter you have to worry about is file with a proper PATH. The
file separator is set as a comma by default. Set the header parameter appropriately,
depending on whether the first row of a file contains the names of variables.
Figure 3-2 shows a sample text file with each element of a row separated by a comma.

Figure 3-2.  Sample CSV file

Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

You can read this CSV file into R, as shown in the following example:

In this CSV file, the first line contains headers, and the actual values start from the
second line. When you read the file by using read.csv(), you must set the header option
to TRUE so R can understand that the first row contains the names of the variables and can
read the file in a proper data-frame format.
This example demonstrates how read.csv() automatically reads the CSV-formatted
file into a data frame. R also decides the type of the variable based on the records present
in each column. Seven variables are present in this file, and each parameter is an integer
type. To view the data-set table, you can simply use the View() command in R:

Using View() opens the data table in another window, as shown in Figure 3-3.

Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

Figure 3-3.  Viewing a CSV file

The read.table() command is similar to read.csv() but is used to read any text
file. The contents of the text file can be separated by a space, comma, semicolon, or colon,
and you do have to specify a separator. The command has other optional parameters. For
more details, type help(read.table). Figure 3-4 shows an example file containing values
separated by a tab.

Figure 3-4.  Example file

Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

Here is the read.table() command and its output:

In this example, the text file is in a tab-separated format. The first line contains the
names of the variables. Also, note that read.table() reads the text file as a data frame,
and the Value is automatically recognized as a factor.

3.1.2 Reading Data from a Microsoft Excel File

Several packages are available for reading an Excel file. For Windows, use an Open
Database Connectivity (ODBC) connection with the RODBC package. XLConnect
is another package that is a Java-based solution. The gdata package is available for
Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms. Often, the xlsx package is also used.
The following example shows how to install the RODBC package (for Windows). The
first row of the Excel file should contain the variable names. The first step is to download the
package by using install.packages (“RODBC”). The procedure is shown in detail here:

Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

Once the package is installed successfully, import an Excel file into R by executing
the following set of commands:

> library(RODBC)
> myodbc<-odbcConnectExcel("c311Lot1.xls")
> mydataframe<-sqlFetch(myodbc,"LOT")

First, you establish an ODBC connection to the XLS database by specifying the file
name. Then you call the table. Here, c311Lot1.xls is an Excel file in XLS format, LOT is the
name of the worksheet inside the Excel file. myodbc is the ODBC object that opens the ODBC
connection, and mydataframe is the data frame. The entire process is shown in Figure 3-5. A
similar procedure can be used to import data from a Microsoft Access database.

Figure 3-5.  Working with imported data

Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

To read the Excel 2007 XLSX format, you can install the xlsx package using install.
packages ("xlsx") and use the read.xlsx() command as follows:

> library(xlsx)
> myxlsx<- "c311Lot.xlsx"
> myxlsxdata<-read.xlsx(myxlsx,1)

The first argument of read.xlsx() is the Excel file; 1 refers to the first worksheet
in Excel, which is saved as a data frame. Numerous packages are available to read the
Excel file, including gdata, xlsReadWrite, and XLConnect, but the xlsx package is the
most popular. However, it is recommended to convert the Excel file into a CSV file and
use read.table() or read.csv() rather than the others. The following code provides
examples of using other packages and the reading of the file:

3.1.3 Reading Data from the Web

These days, we often want to read data from the Web. You can download a web page
by using the readLines() command and save it as an R structure for further analysis.
Remember that web data can be unstructured data, and it needs further preprocessing
before the analysis. You can use grep() and other regular expressions to manipulate
web data. For more information, you can refer to the ProgrammingR web site at

Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

An example of web scraping is shown here:

3.2 Using Control Structures in R

Similar to other programming languages, R supports control structures that allow you to
control the flow of execution. Control structures allow a program to execute with some
“logic.” However, many times these control structures tend to slow the system. Instead,
other built-in functions are used while manipulating the data (which we discuss later in
this chapter). Some of the commonly supported control structures are as follows:
if and else: Test a condition
while: Executes a loop when a condition is true
for: Loops a fixed number of times
repeat: Executes a loop continuously (must break out of loop
to exit)
next: Option to skip an iteration of a loop
break: Breaks the execution of a loop

Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

3.2.1 if-else
The if-else structure is the most common function used in any programming language,
including R. This structure allows you to test a true or false condition. For example, say
you are analyzing a data set and have to plot a graph of x vs. y based on a condition—for
example, whether the age of a person is greater than 65. In such situations, you can use an
if-else statement. The common structure of if-else is as follows:

If (< condition >) {

## do something
else {
## do nothing

You can have multiple if-else statements. For more information, you can look at
the R help pages. Here is a demonstration of the if-else function in R:

3.2.2 for loops
for loops are similar to other programing structures. During data analysis, for loops are
mostly used to access an array or list. For example, if you are accessing a specific element
in an array and performing data manipulation, you can use a for loop. Here is an
example of how a for loop is used:

Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

Sometimes, the seq_along() function is used in conjunction with the for loop.
The seq_along() function generates an integer based on the length of the object. The
following example uses seq_along() to print every element of x:

3.2.3 while loops
The R while loop has a condition and a body. If the condition is true, the control enters
the loop body. The loop continues execution until the condition is true; it exits after the
condition fails. Here is an example:

Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

repeat() and next() are not commonly used in statistical or data analysis, but they
do have their own applications. If you are interested to learn more, you can look at the R
help pages.

3.2.4 Looping Functions
Although for and while loops are useful programming tools, using curly brackets and
structuring functions can sometimes be cumbersome, especially when dealing with large
data sets. Hence, R has some functions that implement loops in a compact form to make
data analysis simpler and effective. R supports the following functions, which we’ll look at
from a data analysis perspective:
apply(): Evaluates a function to a section of an array and
returns the results in an array
lapply(): Loops over a list and evaluates on each element or
applies the function to each element
sapply(): A user-friendly application of lapply() that returns
a vector, matrix, or array
tapply(): Usually used over a subset of a data set
These functions are used to manipulate and slice data from matrices, arrays, lists, or
data frames. These functions traverse an entire data set, either by row or by column, and
avoid loop constructs. For example, these functions can be called to do the following:
• Calculate mean, sum, or any other manipulation on a row or a
• Transform or perform subsetting

Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

The apply() function is simpler in form, and its code can be very few lines (actually,
one line) while helping to perform effective operations. The other, more-complex forms
are lapply(), sapply(), vapply(), mapply(), rapply(), and tapply(). Using these
functions depends on the structure of the data and the format of the output you need to
help your analysis.
To understand how the looping function works, you’ll look at the Cars data set,
which is part of the R library. This data set contains the speed of cars and the distances
taken to stop. This data was recorded in the 1920s. This data frame has two variables:
speed and dist. Both are numeric and contain a total of 50 observations. apply(  )
Using the apply() function, you can perform operations on every row or column of a
matrix or data frame or list without having to write loops. The following example shows
how to use apply() to find the average speed and average distance of the cars:

The apply() function is used to evaluate a function over an array[] and is often
used for operations on rows or columns:

> str(apply)
function (X, MARGIN, FUN, ...)

The apply() function takes the following:

X: An array
MARGIN: An integer vector to indicate a row or column
FUN: The name of the function you are applying
In the preceding example, we calculated the mean of each row and column. But the
function could be anything; it can be SUM or average or your own function. The concept
is that it loops through the entire array and provides results in the same format. This
function eliminates all the cumbersome loops, and results are achieved in one line.

Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

The following example calculates a quantile measure for each row and column: lapply(  )
The lapply() function outputs the results as a list. lapply() can be applied to a list, data
frame, or vector. The output is always a list that has the same number of elements as the
object that was passed to lapply():

> str(lapply)
function (X, FUN, ...)

It takes following arguments:

X: Data set
FUN: Function
The following example demonstrates the lapply() function for the same Cars
data set. The Cars data set is a data frame with two variables dist and speed; both are
numeric. To find the mean of speed and dist, you can use lapply(), and the output is a

> str(cars)
'data.frame': 50 obs. of 2 variables:
$ speed: num 4 4 7 7 8 9 10 10 10 11 ...
$ dist : num 2 10 4 22 16 10 18 26 34 17 ...
> lap<-lapply(cars,mean)
> lap
[1] 15.4

Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

[1] 42.98

> str(lap)
List of 2
$ speed: num 15.4
$ dist : num 43
> sapply(  )
The main difference between sapply() and lapply() is the output result. The result for
sapply() can be a vector or a matrix, whereas the result for lapply() is a list. Depending
on the kind of data analysis you are doing and the result format you need, you can use the
appropriate functions. As we solve many analytics problems in later chapters, you will see
the use of different functions at different times. The following example demonstrates the
use of sapply() for the same Car data set example:

> sap<-sapply(cars,mean)
> sap
speed dist
15.40 42.98
> str(sap)
Named num [1:2] 15.4 43
- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "speed" "dist" tapply(  )
tapply() is used over subsets of a vector. The function tapply() is similar to other
apply() functions, except it is applied over a subset of a data set:

> str(tapply)
function (X, INDEX, FUN = NULL, ..., simplify = TRUE)

X: A vector
INDEX: A factor or a list of factors (or they are coerced into
FUN: A function to be applied

• … contains other arguments to be passed to FUN

• simplify, TRUE or FALSE to simplify result
To demonstrate the function of tapply(), let’s consider the Mtcars data set. This data
set was extracted from a 1974 Motor Trend magazine. The data comprises details of fuel
consumption and 10 aspects of automobile design and performance for 32 automobiles
(1973–1974 models). Table 3-1 shows the data-set parameters.
Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

Table 3-1.  Mtcars Data Set

[, 1] mpg Miles per gallon

[, 2] cyl Number of cylinders
[, 3] disp Displacement (in cubic inches)
[, 4] hp Gross horsepower
[, 5] drat Rear-axle ratio
[, 6] wt Weight (lb/1000)
[, 7] qsec quarter-mile time
[, 8] vs V/S
[, 9] am Transmission (0 = automatic, 1 = manual)
[,10] gear Number of forward gears
[,11] carb Number of carburetors

Data source: Henderson and Velleman, “Building Multiple Regression Models Interactively,”
Biometrics, 37 (1981), pp. 391–411.

Figure 3-6 shows some of the data from the Mtcars data set.

Figure 3-6.  Some sample data from the Mtcars data set

Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

Let’s say that you need to find out the average gasoline consumption (mpg) for each
cylinder. Using the tapply() function, the task is executed in one line, as follows:

Similarly, if you want to find out the average horsepower (hp) for automatic and
manual transmission, simply use tapply() as shown here:

As you can see from this example, the family of apply() functions is powerful and
enables you to avoid traditional for and while loops. Depending on the type of data
analysis you want to achieve, you can use the respective functions. cut(  )
Sometimes in data analysis, you may have to break up continuous variables to put them
into different bins. You can do this easily by using the cut() function in R. Let’s take the
Orange data set; our task is to group trees based on age. This can be achieved by using
cut() as shown here:

Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

Next, you create four groups based on the age of the trees. The first parameter is the
data set and the age, and second parameter is the number of groups you want to create.
In this example, the Orange trees are grouped into four categories based on age, and there
are five trees between ages 117 and 483:

The intervals are automatically defined by cut() and may not be the ones you
anticipated. However, using the seq() command, you can specify the intervals: split(  )
Sometimes in data analysis, you may need to split the data set into groups. This can
be conveniently accomplished by using split() function. This function divides the
data set into groups defined by the argument. The unsplit() function reverses the
split() results.
The general syntax of split() is as follows; x is the vector, and f is the split

> str(split)
function (x, f, drop = FALSE, ...)

In the following example, the Orange data set is split based on the age. The difference
is that the data set is grouped based on age. There are seven age groups, and the data set
is split into seven groups:

Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

3.2.5 Writing Your Own Functions in R

Just as in any other programming language, you can write your own functions in R.
Functions are written if a sequence of tasks needs to be repeated multiple times in the
program. Functions are also written if code needs to be shared with others or to the
general public. Functions are also written if there are no functions already defined as
part of the programming language commands. A function reduces programming
complexity by creating an abstraction of the code, and only a set of parameters needs to
be specified. Functions in R can be treated as an object. In R, functions can be passed as
an argument to other functions, such as apply() or sapply().
Functions in R are stored as an object, just like data types, and defined as
function(). Function objects are data types with a class object defined as a function. This
example shows how to define a simple function:

This function does not take any arguments. To make it more interesting, you can add
a function argument. In the body of this function, let’s add a for loop, to print as many
times as the user wants. The user determines the number of times to loop by specifying
the argument in the function. This is illustrated through the following two examples:

Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

In this example, myFun() is a function that takes one argument. You can pass the
parameter when calling the function. In this case, as you can see from the output, the
function prints the number of times it has looped based on the number passed to the
function as an argument.

3.3 Working with R Packages and Libraries

R is open source. More than 2,500 users have contributed various functions, known as
packages, to R. Some functions are part of the installation by default, and others need
to be explicitly downloaded and installed from
packages. These packages contain various features or functions developed in R and made
available to the public. They are R functions that are already compiled and are available
in binary format (or R format). The directory where these codes reside is called a library.
After installing the packages, you call these functions by loading the library() function
so that this is available in your working session.
To see which libraries are installed in your R environment, you can execute
library() on the command line. To see the path where these libraries are installed, you
can execute the libPaths() command. Here are the executed commands:

Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

Figure 3-7 shows the output, listing the installed libraries.

Figure 3-7.  List of libraries installed

You can install packages by executing the install.packages() command. This

example installs the rattle package:

■■Note  Google’s R style guide is available at


Chapter 3 ■ R for Data Analysis

3.4 Summary
Data has to be read effectively into R before any analysis can begin. In this chapter, you
started with examples showing that various file formats from diverse sources can be read
into R (including database files, text files, XML files, and files from other statistical and
analytical tools).
You further explored how various data-file formats can be read into R by using
such simple commands as read.csv() and read.table(). You also looked at examples
of importing data from MS Excel files and from the Web.
You explored through detailed examples the use of looping structures such as if-
else, while, and for. You also learned about simple recursive functions available in R,
such as apply(), lapply(), sapply(), and tapply(). These functions can extensively
reduce code complexity and potential mistakes that can occur with traditional looping
structures such as if-else, while, and for. Additionally, you looked at the use of cut()
and split() functions.
User-defined functions are useful when you need to share code or reuse a function
again and again. You saw a simple and easy way to build user-defined functions in R.
Finally, you looked at packages. You saw how to use the library() function to
determine which packages are already installed in R and how to use the install.
packages() function to install additional packages into R.


Introduction to descriptive

Imagine you are traveling and have just reached the bank of a muddy river, but there are
no bridges or boats or anybody to help you to cross the river. Unfortunately, you do not
know to swim. When you look around in this confused situation where there is no help
available to you, you notice a sign board as shown in Figure 4-1:

Figure 4-1.  A signson the bank of a river

The sign says, “The mean depth of the river is 4 feet.” Say this value of mean is
calculated by averaging the depth of the river at each square-foot area of the river. This
leads us to the following question: “What is average or mean?” Average or mean is the
quantity arrived at by summing up the depth at each square foot and dividing this sum by
the number of measurements (i.e., number of square feet measured).
Your height is 6 feet. Does Figure 4-1 provide enough information for you to attempt
to cross the river by walking? If you say, “Yes,” definitely I appreciate your guts. I would
not dare to cross the river because I do not know whether there is any point where the

© Dr. Umesh R. Hodeghatta and Umesha Nayak 2017 59

U. R. Hodeghatta and U. Nayak, Business Analytics Using R - A Practical Approach,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-2514-1_4
Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

depth is more than my height. If there are points with depths like 7 feet, 8 feet, 10 feet, or
12 feet, then I will not dare to cross as I do not know where these points are, and at these
points I am likely to drown.

Figure 4-2.  The sign indicating mean, maximum, and minimum depths

Suppose, the sign board also says, “Maximum depth is 12ft and minimum depth is
1ft” (see Figure 4-2). I am sure this additional information will scare you since you now
know that there are points where you can get drowned. Maximum depth is the measure
at one or more points that are the largest of all the values measured. Again, with this
information you may not be sure that the depth of 12 feet is at one point or at multiple
points. Minimum sounds encouraging (this is the lowest of the values observed) for you
to cross the river, but again you do not know whether it is at one point or multiple points.

Figure 4-3.  The sign indicating mean, maximum, minimum, and median depths

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

Suppose, in addition to the above information the sign board (shown in Figure 4-3)
also says, “Median of the depth is 4.5ft.” Median is the middle point of all the measured
depths if all the measured depths are arranged in ascending order. This means 50% of
the depths measured are less than this and also 50% of the depths measured are above
this. You may not still dare to cross the river as 50% of the values are above 4.5 feet and
maximum depth is 12 feet.

Figure 4-4.  The sign adds a quartile measurement

Suppose, in addition to the above information the sign board (shown in Figure 4-4)
also says, “Quartile 3 is 4.75ft.” Quartile 3 is the point below which 75% of the measured
values fall when the measured values are arranged in ascending order. This also means
there are 25% of the measured values that have greater depth than this. You may not be
still comfortable crossing the river as you know the maximum depth is 12 feet and there
are 25% of the points above 4.75 feet.

Figure 4-5.  The sign completes its percentile measurements

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

Suppose, in addition to the above information, the sign board (shown in Figure 4-5)
also says, “Percentile 90 is 4.9ft and percentile 95 is 5ft.” Suppose this is the maximum
information available. You now know that only 5% of the measured points are of depth
more than 5ft. You may now want to take a risk if you do not have any other means other
than crossing the river by walking or wading through as now you know that there are only
5% of the points with depth more than 5ft. Your height is 6ft. You may hope that 98 or 99
percentile may be still 5.5ft. You may now believe that the maximum points may be rare
and you can by having faith in God can cross the river safely.
In spite of the above cautious calculations you may still drown if you reach rare points
of depth of more than 6 feet (like the maximum point of depth). But, with the foregoing
information you know that your risk is substantially less compared to your risk at the initial
time when you had only limited information (that the mean depth of the river is 4 feet).
This is the point I wanted to drive through the river analogy: with one single parameter
of measurement you may not be able to describe the situation clearly and may require more
parameters to elaborate the situation. Each additional parameter calculated may increase
the clarity required to make decisions or to understand the phenomenon clearly. Again,
another note of caution: there are many other parameters than the ones discussed earlier
that are of interest in making decisions or understanding any situation or context.
Later in this chapter we will discuss how to calculate all these parameters using R.
Before that we need to understand the important aspect—the meaning of “population”
and “sample.”

4.1 Descriptive analytics
In simple terms, descriptive analysis or descriptive analytics is the analysis of the data
to provide the description of the data in various ways to enable users to understand the
situation or context or data in a clear way.
Statistical parameters such as mean or average, median, quartile, maximum,
minimum, range, variance, and standard deviation describe the data very clearly. As seen
in the example discussed earlier, one aspect of the data may not provide all the clarity
necessary, but many related parameters provide better clarity with regard to data or
situation or context.

4.2 Population and sample

In simple terms, “population” means the complete set of data. In the case of river
example, it means that measurements have been taken across the river at each and
every square foot without leaving out any area. This also means that the entire possible
values are taken into consideration. When we consider the entire possible set of values,
we say that we are considering the “population.” Following are examples of population:
the population of all the employees of entire IT (information technology) industry,
population of all the employees of a company, population of all the transaction data of
an application, population of all the people in a country, population of all the people in
a state, population of all the Internet users, and population of all the users of ecommerce
sites. The list of examples is unlimited.

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

However, when we have to analyze the data, it is difficult to analyze the entire
population especially when the data size is huge. This is because

• It takes substantial time to process the data and the time taken to
analyze may be prohibitively high in terms of the requirements
related to the application of the data. For example, if the entire
transaction data related to all the purchases of all the users has to
be analyzed before you recommend a particular product to a user,
the amount of processing time taken may be so huge that you may
miss the opportunity to suggest the product to the user who has to
be provided the suggestions quickly when he is in session on the
• It takes substantial processing power (i.e., memory or CPU power)
to hold the data and process it; not everyone has the capability to
deploy such a huge processing capability.

In simple terms “sample” means a section or subset of the population selected for
analysis. Examples of samples are the following: randomly selected 100, 000 employees
from the entire IT industry or randomly selected 1, 000 employees of a company or
randomly selected 1, 000, 000 transactions of an application or randomly selected 10,
000, 000 Internet users or randomly selected 5, 000 users each from each ecommerce
site, and so on. Sample can also be selected using stratification (i.e., based on some rules
of interest). For example, all the employees of the IT industry whose income is above
$100,000 or all the employees of a company whose salary is above $50,000 or top 100,
000 transactions by amount per transaction (e.g., minimum $1,000 per transaction or all
Internet users who spend more than two hours per day, etc.).
The benefits of sampling are:
• Data is now less and focused on the application. Hence, data can
be processed quickly and the information from analysis can be
applied quickly.
• The data can be processed easily with lesser requirement for the
computing power.
However, of late, we have higher computing power at our hands because of the cloud
technologies and the possibility to cluster computers for better computing power. Though
such large computing power allows us, in some cases, to use the entire population for
analysis, sampling definitely helps carry out the analysis relatively easily and faster in
many cases. However, sampling has a weakness: if the samples are not selected properly,
then the analysis results may be wrong. For example, for analyzing the data for the entire
year only this month’s data is taken. This sample selection may not give the required
information as to how the changes have happened over the months.

4.3 Statistical parameters of interest

Now, let us dive into the world of statistical parameters and derive a more in-depth
understanding. At the same time, we will use R to calculate these statistical parameters.

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

4.3.1 Mean
“Mean” is also known as “average” in general terms. This is a very useful parameter. If we
have to summarize any data set quickly, then the common measure used is “mean.” Some
examples of the usage of mean are the following:
• For a business, mean profitability over the last five years may be
one good way to represent the organization’s profitability in order
to judge its success.
• For an organization, mean employee retention over last five years
may be a good way to represent employee retention in order to
judge the success of the HR (human resources) policies.
• For a country, mean GDP (Gross Domestic Product) over the
last five years may be a good way to represent the health of the
• For a business mean growth in sales or revenue over a period of
the last five years may be a good way to represent growth.
• For a business, mean reduction in cost of operations over a period
of the last five years may be a good way to understand operational
efficiency improvement.
Normally, a mean or average figure gives a sense of what the figure is likely to be for
the next year based on the performance for the last number of years. However, there are
limitations of using or relying only on this parameter.
Let us look into few examples to understand more about using mean or average:
• Good Luck Co. Pvt. Ltd earned a profit of $1,000,000; $750,000;
$600,000; $500,000; and $500,000 over the last five years. Mean
or average profit over the last five years is calculated as sum(all
the profits over the last 5 years)/No. of years i.e. ($1,000,000 +
$750,000 + $600,000 + $500,000 + $500,000) / 5 = $670,000. This
calculation is depicted in Figures 4-6 and 4-7.

Figure 4-6.  How to calculate mean in R

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

Figure 4-7.  Alternative and simple way for calculating mean in R

The mean for the above example is calculated using R as given in figure 4-6:
Alternative simple way of capturing the data and calculating mean in R is shown in
Figure 4-7:
Similarly, for the other examples we can work out the mean or average value if we
know the individual figures for the years.
The problem with the mean or average as a single parameter is as follows:
• Any extreme high or low figure in one or more of the years can
skew up the mean and thus the mean may not appropriately
represent the likely figure next year. For example, consider
that there was very high profit in one of the years because of a
volatile international economy which led to severe devaluation
of the local currency. Profits for five years of a company were,
respectively, €6,000,000, €4,000,000, €4,500,000, €4,750,000, and
€4,250,000. The first year profit of €5,000,000 was on account
of steep devaluation of the Euro in the international market. If
the effective value of profit without taking into consideration
devaluation during the first year is €4,000,000, then the average or
mean profit on account of increased profit would be €400,000 as
shown in Figure 4-8.

Figure 4-8.  Actual mean profit and effective mean profit example

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

• Using mean or average alone will not show the volatility in the
figure over the years effectively. Also, mean or average does not
depict the trend as to whether it is decreasing or increasing. Let us
take an example. Suppose the revenue of a company over the last
five years is, respectively, $22,000,000, $15,000,000, $32,000,000,
$18,000,000, and $10,000,000. The average revenue of the last five
years is $19,400,000. If you notice the figures, the revenue is quite
volatile; that is, compared to first year, it decreased significantly
in the second year then jumped up by a huge number during
the third year, and then decreased significantly during the fourth
year, and continued to decrease further significantly during the
fifth year. The average or mean figure does not depict either
this volatility in revenue or trending downwardness in revenue.
Figure 4-9 shows this downside of mean as a measure.

Figure 4-9.  Downside of mean as a statistical parameter

4.3.2 Median
Median finds out the middle value by ordering the values in either ascending order or
descending order. In many circumstances, median may be more representative than
mean. It clearly divides the data set at the middle into two equal partitions; that is, 50%
of the values will be below the median and 50% of the values will be above the median.
Examples are as follows:
• Age of workers in an organization to know the vitality of the
• Productivity of the employees in an organization.
• Salaries of the employees in an organization pertaining to a
particular skill set.
Let us consider the age of 20 workers in an organization as 18, 20, 50, 55, 56, 57, 58,
47, 36, 57, 56, 55, 54, 37, 58, 49, 51, 54, 22, and 57. From a simple examination of these
figures, you can make out that the organization has more aged workers than youngsters
and there may be an issue of knowledge drain in a few years if the organizational
retirement age is 60. Let us also compare mean and median for this data set. The
following figure shows that 50% of the workers are above 54 years of age and are likely to
retire early (i.e., if we take 60 years as retirement age, they have only 6 years to retirement)
which may depict the possibility of significant knowledge drain. However, if we use the
average figure of 47.35 it shows a better situation (i.e., about 12.65 years to retirement).

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

But, it is not so if we look at the raw data: 13 of the 20 employees are already at the age
of 50 or older, which is of concern to the organization. Figure 4-10 shows a worked-out
example of median using R.

Figure 4-10.  How to calculate median using R

However, if the 10th value had been 54 and 11th value had been 55, respectively,
then the median would have been (54+55)/2 i.e., 54.5.
Let us take another example of a productivity of a company. Let the productivity per
day in terms of items produced per worker be 20, 50, 55, 60, 21, 22, 65, 55, 23, 21, 20, 35,
56, 59, 22, 23, 25, 30, 35, 41, 22, 24, 25, 24, and 25 respectively. The median productivity is
25 items per day, which means that there are 50% of the workers in the organization who
produce less than 25 items per day and 50% of the employees who produce more than
25 items per day. Mean productivity is 34.32 items per day because some of the workers
have significantly higher productivity than the median worker, which is evident from the
productivity of some of the workers; that is, 65 items per day, 60 items per day, 59 items
per day, 56 items per day, 56 items per day, 55 items per day, etc. The analysis from R in
Figure 4-11 clearly shows the difference between mean and median.

Figure 4-11.  Difference between mean and median highlighted

If you have to work out median through hand calculations, you have to arrange the
data points in ascending or descending order and then select the value of the middle
term if there are an odd number of values. If there are an even number of values, then you
have to sum up the middle two terms and then divide the sum by 2 as mentioned in the
above discussions.
If you notice from the above discussion, instead of only mean or median alone,
looking at both mean and median gives a better idea of the data.

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

4.3.3 Mode
Mode is the highest times occurring data point in the data set. For example, in our data set
related to age of workers, 57 occurs the maximum number of times (i.e., three times). Hence,
57 is the mode of the workers’ age data set. This shows the pattern of repetition in the data.
There is no inbuilt function in R to compute mode. Hence, we have written a
function and have computed the mode as shown in Figure 4-12. We have used the same
data set we used earlier (i.e., WorkAge).

Figure 4-12.  Calculation of mode using a function created in R

In the above function unique() creates a set of unique numbers from the data set. In
the case of WorkAge example unique numbers are: 18, 20, 50, 55, 56, 57, 58, 47, 36, 54, 37,
49, 51, and 22. The match() function matches the numbers between the ones in the data
set and the unique numbers set we got and provides the position of each unique number
in the original data set. The function tabulate() returns the number of times each unique
number is occurring in the data set. The function which.max() returns the position of the
maximum times repeating number in the unique numbers set.

4.3.4 Range
Range is a simple but important statistical parameter. It depicts the distance between the
end points of the data set arranged in ascending or descending order (i.e., between the
maximum value in the data set and the minimum value in the data set). This provides the
measure of overall dispersion of the dataset.
The R command range(dataset) provides the minimum and maximum values (see
Figure 4-13) on the same data set used earlier (i.e., WorkAge).

Figure 4-13.  How to calculate range using R

The difference between maximum and minimum values is the range.

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

4.3.5 Quantiles
“Quantiles” are also known as “percentiles.” Quantiles divide the data set arranged in
ascending or descending order into equal partitions. The “median” is nothing but the
data point dividing the data arranged in ascending or descending order into two sets of
equal number of elements. Hence, it is also known as the 50th percentile. On the other
hand, “quartiles” divide the data set arranged in ascending order into four sets of equal
number of data elements. First quartile (also known as Q1 or as 25th percentile) will have
25% of the data elements below it and 75% of the data elements above it. Second quartile
(also known as Q2 or 50th percentile or median) will have 50% of the data elements below
it and 50% of the data elements above it. The third quartile (also known as Q3 or 75th
percentile) has 75% of the data elements below it and 25% of the data elements above it.
“Quantile” is a generic word whereas “quartile” is specific to a particular percentile. For
example, Q1 is 25th percentile. Quartile 4 is nothing but the 100th percentile.
Quantiles, quartiles, or percentiles provide us the information which mean is
not able to provide us. In other words, quantiles, quartiles, or percentiles provide us
additional information about the data set in addition to mean.
Let us take the same two data sets as given in the section “Median” and work out
quartiles. Figures 4-14A and 4-14B show the working of the quartiles.

Figure 4-14A.  Calculating quantiles or percentiles using R

Figure 4-14B.  Calculating quantiles or percentiles using R

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

Similarly, you can divide the data set into 20 sets of equal number of data elements
by using the quantile function with probs = seq(0, 1, 0.05), as shown in Figure 4-15.

Figure 4-15.  Partitioning the data into a set of 20 sets of equal number of data elements

As you can observe from Figure 4-15, the minimum value of the data set is seen
at 0 percentile and maximum value of the data set is seen at 100 percentile. As you can
observe, typically between each 5 percentiles you can see one data element.
As evident from this discussion, quartiles and various quantiles provide additional
information about the data distribution in addition to that information provided by mean
or median (even though median is nothing but second quartile).

4.3.6 Standard deviation
The measures mean and median depict the center of the data set or distribution. On the
other hand, standard deviation specifies the spread of the data set or data values.
The standard deviation is manually calculated as follows:
First mean of the data set or distribution is calculated
Then the distance of each value from the mean is calculated
(this is known as the deviation)
Then the distance as calculated above is squared
Then the squared distances are summed up
Then the sum of the squared distances arrived at as above
is divided by the number of values minus 1 to adjust for the
degrees of freedom
The squaring in step 3 is required to understand the real spread of the data as the
negatives and positives in the data set compensate for each other or cancel out the effect
of each other when we calculate or arrive at the mean.
Let us take the age of the workers example shown in Figure 4-16 to calculate the
standard deviation.

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

Worker Age Deviation from the Mean Square of the Deviation

1 18 =47.35-18=29.35 861.4225
2 20 =47.35-20=27.35 748.0225
3 50 =47.35-50=02.65 7.0225
4 55 =47.35-55=-7.65 58.5225
5 56 =47.35-56=-8.65 74.8225
6 57 =47.35-57=-9.65 93.1225
7 58 =47.35-58=-10.65 113.4225
8 47 =47.35-47=-0.35 0.1225
9 36 =47.35-36=11.35 128.8225
10 57 =47.35-57=-9.65 93.1225
11 56 =47.35-56=-8.65 74.8225
12 55 =47.35-55=-7.65 58.5225
13 54 =47.35-54=-6.65 44.2225
14 37 =47.35-37=10.35 107.1225
15 58 =47.35-58=-10.65 113.4225
16 49 =47.35-49=-1.65 2.7225
17 51 =47.35-51=-3.65 13.3225
18 54 =47.35-54=-6.65 44.2225
19 22 =47.35-22=25.35 642.6225
20 57 =47.35-57=-9.65 93.1225
Total 3372.55
Standard Deviation =squre root(3372.55/(20-1))

Figure 4-16.  Manual calculation of standard deviation using WorkAge data set

In R, this calculation can be done easily through a simple command: sd(dataset).

Figure 4-17A shows the example of finding standard deviation using R.

Figure 4-17A.  Calculating standard deviation using R

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

Normally, as per the rules of the normal curve (a data set which consists of large
number of items is generally said to have a normal distribution or normal curve)
• +/- 1 standard deviation denotes that 68% of the data falls within it
• +/- 2 standard deviation denotes that 95% of the data falls within it
• +/- 3 standard deviation denote that 99.7% of the data falls within it.
In total, around 99.7% of the data will be within +/- 3 standard deviations.

Figure 4-17B.  Bell curve showing data coverage within various standard deviations

As you can see from Figure 4-17B, in the case of a normally distributed data (where
the number of data points is typically greater than 30 (i.e., more the better)) it is observed
that about 68% of the data falls within +/- one standard deviation from the center of the
distribution (i.e., mean). Similarly, about 95% (or around 95.2% as shown in Figure 4-17B)
data values fall within +/- two standard deviations from the center. About 99.7% of the
data values fall within +/- three standard deviations from the center. A curve shown here
is known as typically a “bell curve” or “normal distribution curve.” For example, Profit or
Loss of all the companies in a country is normally distributed around the center value
(i.e., mean of the profit or loss).
The higher the standard deviation, the higher is the spread from the mean—i.e.
it indicates that the data points vary from each other significantly and shows the
heterogeneity of the data. The lower the standard deviation, the lower is the spread from
the mean—i.e. it indicates that the data points vary less from each other and shows the
homogeneity of the data.

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

However, standard deviation along with other factors such as mean, median,
quartiles, and percentiles give us substantial information about the data or explain the
data more effectively.

4.3.7 Variance
Variance is another way of depicting the spread. In simple terms, it is the square of the
standard deviation as shown in Figure 4-18. Variance provides the spread of squared
deviation from the mean value. It is another way of representing the spread compared to
the standard deviation. Mathematically, as mentioned earlier, the variance is the square
of the standard deviation. We are continuing to use the WorkAge data set we used earlier
in this chapter.

Figure 4-18.  Calculating variance using R

4.3.8 “Summary” command in R
The command: summary(dataset)) provides the following information on the data
set which covers most of statistical parameters discussed. This command gives us the
output viz., minimum value, first quartile, median (i.e., the second quartile), mean,
third quartile, maximum value. This is an easy way of getting the summary information
through a single command (see Figure 4-19, which has a screenshot from R).

Figure 4-19.  Finding out major statistical parameters in R using summary() command

If you use the summary(dataset) command then if required you can use additional
commands, like sd(dataset), var(dataset), etc., to obtain additional parameters of
interest related to the data.

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

4.4 Graphical description of the data

Statistical parameters such as mean, median, quantiles (quartiles, percentiles), standard
deviation, and variance provide us complementary and important information about
the data and enable us to understand the data set in a better way. On the other hand,
graphical description presents the same information in a different way. According to
brain theories, graphical representation is more intuitive to more than 50% of the persons
than using quantitative figures.

4.4.1 Plots in R
Plotting in R is very simple. The command plot(dataset) provides you the simple
plot of the data set. Taking the earlier example of workers’ age, the simple command
plot(WorkAge) in R will create a good graphical plot (see Figures 4-20 and 4-21).

Figure 4-20.  Code for creating a simple plot using R


5 10 15 20

Figure 4-21.  Creating a simple plot using R

As we have not given any information about the employee other than the age of
the worker through a data set named WorkAge, the y-axis is named after the data set it
represents. Since the data set provides no additional information about the employee, the
data set index is represented in the x-axis.
With a slight variation in the command (as shown in Figure 4-22), we will create a
better graphical representation of the age of the workers in the WorkAge data set.

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

Figure 4-22.  Getting a better plot using additional parameters in plot() command

Distribution of Workers’ Age

Age of the Worker in Years

5 10 15 20

Employee Sequence

Figure 4-23.  Plot from R adding additional arguments to plot() command

In the above command, col = “red” defines the color of the data points,
xlab = “ “ specifies the label we want to provide to the x-axis, ylab = “ “ specifies the
label we want to provide to the y-axis and main = “    “ (with labels / titles provided
within the “  “) specifies the title we want to provide to the entire graph. We can have
subtitles included if required using sub = “ “ within the plot command. Plotting graphs
in R is as simple as this (see Figure 4-23).
A simple addition of type = “l” will provide the following variant of the graph
shown in Figures 4-24A and 4-24B.

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

Figure 4-24A.  How to get variants of the graph in R

Age of the Worker’s in Years
30 40

5 10 15 20
Employee Sequence

Figure 4-24B.  How to get variants of the graph in R

Another small variant of type = “h” will provide the following variant of the graph
in a histogram type of format. Figure 4-25 is a bar graph where the bars are represented by
Age of the Worker’s in Years
30 40

5 10 15 20
Employee Sequence

Figure 4-25.  Histogram type of graph in R

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

4.4.2 Histogram
A histogram will provide the data grouped over a range of values. This is very useful
for visualizing and understanding more about the data. The simple command in R:
hist(dataset) produces a simple histogram as shown in Figures  4-26A and 4-26B.

Figure 4-26A.  Code to create a histogram using R

Histogram of WorkAge
3 2
0 4

20 30 40 50 60


Figure 4-26B.  Simple histogram created using R

In the graph shown in Figure 4-26B, the x-axis shows the range of age from 15+ to 20,
20+ to 25, and 25+ to 30 .until 55+ to 60. As you can see, we have not specified the range
over which various range of values in this case age group has to be depicted. However, R
has scanned through the data and decided the age group over which the data has to be
depicted taking into consideration the minimum age and the maximum age.
As mentioned earlier, you can use main = “ “, xlab = “          “, ylab =
“         “, sub = “          “ to specify the main title, label for x-axis, label for
y-axis, subtitle, respectively.

4.4.3 Bar plot
A bar plot is an easy way to depict the distribution of the data. In Figure 4-27A, we have
provided the bar chart of the WorkAge data set. Worker age for each employee is provided
on the x-axis. The difference in the length of the bar will denote the difference between
the ages of the workers. The usage of the bar plot and corresponding bar plot generated is
shown in Figures 4-27A and 4-27B.

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

Figure 4-27A.  Creating a simple bar plot in R

Bar Chart of the Worker Age

Worker Age

Worker Index

Figure 4-27B.  A bar plot created in R

4.4.4 Boxplots
The boxplot is a popular way of showing the distribution of the data. Figure 4-28B,
shows a boxplot created in R using WorkAge data set in R. The command used is
boxplot(dataset) with label for the axis along with the title as shown in Figure 4-28A.

Figure 4-28A.  Command used in R to create a boxplot

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

50 Boxplot of Worker Age
Age of the Worker

Figure 4-28B.  Boxplot created in R

4.5 Computations on data frames

All our discussions in the previous paragraphs were focused on single-dimensional
data—for example, a vector with a single feature of the workers such as the age of
But most of the data we need to analyze is multidimensional and requires thorough
knowledge of how to do this. Often you will encounter two-dimensional data with rows of
data pertaining to various features represented through columns.

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

Figure 4-29.  Dataframe in R

The data set depicted in Figure 4-29 is a data frame. The data frame is nothing but a
table structure in R where each column represents the values of a variable and each row
represents data related to a case or an instance. In this data frame, we have data related to
name, age, and salary of ten employees. The data of each employee is depicted through
a row and the features or aspects of the employee are depicted through the labels of the
columns, and this type of data is captured in the corresponding columns.
As you can see in the figure, the command summary(dataset) can be used here
also to obtain the summary information pertaining to each feature (i.e., the data in each

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

You can now compute additional information required if any (as shown in Figure 4-30).

Figure 4-30.  Computation of standard deviation in R on EmpData data frame features

As seen above, any column from the data set can be accessed using datasetname
followed by $column_name.

4.5.1 Scatter plot
Scatter plots are one of the important kinds of plots in the analysis of data. These plots
depict the relationship between two variables. Scatter plots are normally used to show the
“cause and effect relationships,” but any relationship seen in the scatter plots need not be
always a “cause and effect relationship.” Figure 4-31A shows how to create a scatter plot
in R and Figure 4-31B shows the actual scatter plot generated. The underlying concept of
correlation has been explained in detail in Chapter 8.?.

Figure 4-31A.  Code for creating a scatter plot in R

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics


20 30 40 50 60


Figure 4-31B.  Scatter plot created in R (using the method specified in Figure 4-31A)

As you can see from this example, there is a direct relationship between employee
age and employee salary. The salary of the employees grows in direct proportion to
their age. This may not be true in a real scenario. Figure 4-31A shows that the salary
of the employee increases proportionate to his or her age and that too linearly. Such a
relationship is known as “linear relationship.” Please note that type = “b” along with the
plot(dataset) command has created both point and line graph.
Let me now get another data frame named EmpData1 with one more additional
feature (also known as column or field) and with different data in it. In Figure 4-32 you can
see the data and summary of the data in this data frame.As you can see in Figure 4-32, I
have added one more feature namely EmpPerGrade, and also have changed the values of
salary from the earlier data frame, that is EmpData. EmpData1 has the following data now.

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

Figure 4-32.  Data from data frame EmpData1

3500 4000

30 35 40 45 50 55

Figure 4-33.  Scatter plot from R showing the changed relationship between two features of
data frame EmpData1

Now, as you can see from Figure 4-33, the relationship between employee age and
the employee salary has changed; as you can observe, as the age grows, the increase
in employee salary is not proportional but tapers down. This is normally known as a
“quadratic relationship.”

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics


30 35 40 45 50 55


Figure 4-34.  Scatter plot from R showing the changed relationship between two features of
data frame EmpData1

In the Figure 4-34, you can see the relationship plotted between employee age and
employee performance grade. Ignore the first data point as it was for a new employee
joined recently and he was not graded. Hence, the data related to performance grade
is 0. Otherwise, as you can observe, as the age progresses (as per the data above), the
performance has come down. In this case there is an inverse relationship between
employee age and employee performance (i.e., as the age progresses, performance is
degrading). This is again not a true data and is given only for illustration.

4.6 Probability
Concepts of probability and related distributions are as important to business analytics as
to the field of pure statistics. Some of the important concepts used in business analytics
such as Bayesian theory and decision trees etc. are based on the concepts of probability.

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

As you are aware, probability in simple terms is the chance of an event happening.
In some cases, we may have some prior information related to the event; in other cases,
the event may be random—that is, we may not have prior knowledge of the outcome. A
popular way to describe the probability is with the example of tossing a coin or tossing
a die. A coin has two sides and when it is tossed, the probability of either the head or
the tail coming up is 1/2 as in any throw either it can be the head or the tail that comes
up. You can validate the same by tossing up the coin many times and observing that the
probability of either the head or the tail coming up is around 50% (i.e., 1/2). Similarly,
the probability of any one of the numbers being rolled using the die is 1/6, which can be
again validated by tossing the die many times.
If an event is not likely to happen, the probability of the same is 0. However, if an
event is sure to happen, the probability of the same is 1. However, probability of an
event is always between 0 and 1 and depends upon the chance of it happening or the
uncertainty associated with its happening.
Any given two or more events can happen independent of each other. Similarly, any
two or more events can happen exclusive of each other.
Example 1: Can you travel at the same time to two destinations in opposite
directions. If you travel toward the west direction you can’t travel toward the east
direction at the same time.
Example 2: If we are making profit in one of the client accounts we cannot make loss
in the same account.
Examples 1 and 2 are types of events that exclude the happening of a particular event
when the other event happens; they are known as mutually exclusive events.
Example 3: A person “tossing a coin” and “raining” can happen at the same, but
neither impacts the outcome of the other.
Example 4: A company may make profit and at the same time have legal issues. One
event (of making profit) does not have an impact on the other event (of having legal issues).
Examples 3 and 4 are types of events that do not impact the outcome of each other;
they are known as mutually independent events. These are also the examples of mutually
non-exclusive events as both outcomes can happen at the same time.

4.6.1 Probability of mutually exclusive events

The probability of two mutually exclusive events (say X and Y) happening at the same time
is 0 as by definition both do not happen at the same time: P(X and Y) = P(X ᴖ Y) = 0.
The probability of n mutually exclusive events (say A1, A2…..AN) happening at the
same time is 0 as by definition all these events do not happen at the same time: P(A1 and
A2 and……AN) = P(A1 ᴖ A2 ᴖ…. ᴖ AN) = 0.
However, the probability of one of the two mutually exclusive events (say X or Y)
happening is the sum of the probability of each of these events happening:
P(X or Y) = P(X U Y) = P(X) + P(Y).

4.6.2 Probability of mutually independent events

The probability of two mutually independent events happening at the same time is P(X
and Y) = P(X) * P(Y).

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

4.6.3 Probability of mutually non-exclusive events:

Mutually non-exclusive events are the ones that are not mutually exclusive.
The probability of two mutually non-exclusive events (i.e., the sum of the probability
of each of these events happening minus the probability of both of these events
happening at the same time (or in other words together)) is P(X or Y) = P(X U Y)
= P(X) + P(Y) – P(X ᴖ Y).
The probability of n mutually non-exclusive events is P(A1 or A2 or …….. or AN)
= P(A1 U A2 U………U AN) = P(A1) + P(A2) +……+ P(AN) – P(A1 ᴖ A2 ᴖ A3 ᴖ …….. ᴖ AN).

4.6.4 Probability distributions
Random variables are important in analysis. Probability distributions depict the distribution
of the values of a random variable. Some important probability distributions are:
• Normal distribution
• Binomial distribution
• Poisson distribution
• Uniform distribution
• Chi-squared distribution
• Exponential distribution
We will not be discussing all of the foregoing. There are many more types of
distributions possible including F-distribution, hypergeometric distribution, joint and
marginal probability distributions, and conditional distributions. We will discuss only
normal distribution, binomial distribution, and Poisson distribution in this chapter. We
will discuss more on these distributions and other relevant distributions in later chapters. Normal distribution
A huge amount of data is considered to be normally distributed as the distribution is
normally centered around the mean. Normal distribution is observed in real life in many
situations. On account of the bell shape of the distribution, the normal distribution is
also called “bell curve.” The properties of normal distribution typically having 68% of
the values within + / - 1 standard deviation, 95% of the values within + / - 2 standard
deviation, and 99.7% of the values within + / - 3 standard deviation are the ones heavily
used in most of the analytical techniques and so are also the properties of standard
normal curve. The standard normal curve has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of
1. Z-score, used to normalize the values of the features in a regression, is based on the
concept of standard normal distribution. Normal distribution can be used in case of other
distributions as well as the distribution of the means of random samples is typically a
normal distribution in case of large sample size.

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

One of the important examples of the application of the normal distribution is a

statistical process control which is applied in most of the industries to understand the
process performance and control it. Another important example is of the distribution of
the performance of the employees to identify a few employees as high performers and
some as low performers whereas most of the employees perform around the average.
Consider that an organization has 150 employees and the average grade of the
employees is 3 and the minimum grade is 1 and the maximum is 5. The standard
deviation is 1.5. The percentage of employees getting a grade of 4 and above is calculated
using R, as shown in Figure 4-35.

Figure 4-35.  Example of a normal distribution problem solved in R

Please note that we are interested in the upper tail as we want to know the
percentage of employees who have received a grade of 4 or 5. The answer here is 25.25%. Binomial distribution
Binomial distribution normally follows where success or failure is measured. In a cricket
match, tossing a coin is an important event at the beginning of the match to decide which
side bats (or fields) first. Tossing a coin and calling for “head” wins you the toss if “head”
is the outcome. Otherwise, if the “tail” is the outcome you lose the toss.
As the sales head of an organization you have submitted responses to fifteen tenders.
There are five contenders in each tender. You may be successful in some or all or may be
successful in none. As there are five contenders in each tender and each tender can be
won by only one company the probability of winning the tender is 0.2 (i.e., 1/5). You want
to win more than four of the fifteen tenders. You can find out the probability of winning
four or less tenders employing binomial distribution using R (see Figure 4-36).

Figure 4-36.  Example of a binomial distribution problem solved in R

Please note that pbinom() function uses the cumulative probability distribution
function for binomial distribution as we are interested to know the chance of winning
four or more tenders. As you can see, the probability of winning four or less tenders is
83.58%. The probability of winning more than four tenders is (100 – 83.58) = 16.42%.

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics Poisson distribution
Poisson distribution represents the independent events happening in a time interval. The
arrival of calls at a call center or the arrival of customers in a banking hall or the arrival of
passengers at an airport/bus terminus follow Poisson distribution.
Let us take an example of the number of customers arriving at a particular bank’s
specific branch office. Suppose an average of 20 customers are arriving per hour. We can
find out the probability of 26 or more customers arriving at the bank’s branch per hour
using R and Poisson distribution (see Figure 4-37).

Figure 4-37.  Example of a Poisson distribution problem solved in R

Please note that we have used lower = FALSE as we are interested in the upper
tail and we want to know the probability of 26 or more customers arriving at the bank’s
branch per hour.The answer here is 11.22%.

4.7 Chapter summary
• You have looked at how relying only on one of the descriptive
statistics can be dangerous. In fact, if you have to get a holistic
view of anything you may require multiple statistical functions to
understand the context/situation.
• You also understood various statistical parameters of interest
in descriptive analytics (mean, median, quantiles, quartiles,
percentiles, standard deviation, variance, and mode). You
understood how to compute these using R. You also came to
know how most of these parameters can be gotten through a
simple command like summary(dataset) using R.
• You explored plotting the data in graphical representation using
R. You also understood how graphical representation can provide
more information to the users than can descriptive statistics.
You understood how you can create histograms, bar charts, and
boxplots using R.
• You learnt one of the important data structures of R (i.e., data
frames). You understood how to get the summary data from the
data contained in these data frames.
• You explored how scatter plots can show the relationship between
various features of the data frame and hence enable us to better
understand these relationships graphically and easily.

Chapter 4 ■ Introduction to descriptive analytics

• You explored another important aspect of business analytics

known as probability, which has a bearing on many of the
techniques used in business analytics (Bayesian techniques,
decision trees etc.).
• You learnt the important probability distributions and what
they are. You also looked at a few examples of probability
distributions, and also how to solve business problems employing
some popular distributions like normal distribution, binomial
distribution, and Poisson distribution, using R.


Business Analytics Process

and Data Exploration

This chapter covers data exploration, validation, and cleaning required for data analysis.
You’ll learn the purpose of data cleaning, why you need data preparation, how to go about
handling missing values, and some of the data-cleaning techniques used in the industry.

5.1 Business Analytics Life Cycle

The purpose of business analytics is to derive information from data in order to make
appropriate business decisions. Data can be real-time or historical. Typically, you build
a business model from historical data, and once you are satisfied with the accuracy of
the model, you can deploy it in production for real-time data analysis. Though there
are many standards referenced by various industry experts and tool manufacturers, the
process is more or less the same. In this section, we present the basic business analytics
process with the help of a flow chart. The same process is followed in all case studies that
are discussed in this book.
The life cycle of a business analytics project consists of eight phases. The sequence
of phases is shown in Figure 5-1. This sequence may change at times, depending on the
business problem and data. The outcome of each phase determines the next phase and
the tasks to be performed in that phase. The whole process does not end after the model
is deployed. After the deployment, a new set of data that was not seen before can trigger
a new set of problems that is addressed as a new model, and the same set of processes is
followed once again, with additional inputs learned during previous deployment of the
model. Subsequent processes will benefit from the experiences of the previous ones. The
following sections describe the functions of each phase.

5.1.1 Phase 1: Understand the Business Problem

In this initial phase of the project, the focus is to understand the problem, objectives, and
requirements from the perspective of the business. This understanding is then converted
into a data analytics problem with the aim of solving it by using appropriate methods to
achieve the objective. The details are discussed in the next section.

© Dr. Umesh R. Hodeghatta and Umesha Nayak 2017 91

U. R. Hodeghatta and U. Nayak, Business Analytics Using R - A Practical Approach,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-2514-1_5
Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

5.1.2 Phase 2: Collect and Integrate the Data

In this important phase, data is collected from various sources. Once you understand the
business problem, you can define the process of collecting data, including the
parameters required to solve the business problem. If the data is not available in a
current database or data warehouse, a survey may be required. This survey needs to be
designed as a proper questionnaire via proper research methodology. In some cases, data
may be available in an internal database, and proper methods can be designed to extract
data from the database.

5.1.3 Phase 3: Preprocess the Data

Most of the time, the raw data received or collected may not be applied to building the
model. The raw data may contain errors such as formatting conflicts, wrong data types,
and missing values. In this step, data is cleaned and normalized. You fix any missing
values in the data, and data is then prepared for further analysis. This process may be
repeated several times, depending on the quality of data you get and the accuracy of the
model obtained.

5.1.4 Phase 4: Explore and Visualize the Data

The next step is to understand the characteristics of the data, such as its distribution,
trends, and relationships among variables. This exploration enables you to get a better
understanding of the data. You can become familiar with the types of data you collected,
identifying outliers and various data types, and discovering your first insights into
the data. The information you uncover in this phase can help form the basis of later
hypotheses regarding hidden information in the sample.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

Business Problem Data Collection

Understanding and Integration


Data Exploration &
Data Visualization

Management Reporting
and Review

Model Modeling
Evaluation Techniques
& Algorithm

Figure 5-1.  Business analytics process

5.1.5  Phase 5: Choose Modeling Techniques and

In this phase, you decide whether to use unsupervised or supervised machine-learning
techniques. Is it a classification problem or a regression problem? Will you use a
descriptive or predictive technique? Will you use linear regression or logistic regression
methods? These choices depend on both the business requirements and the data you
have. A proper training set is created in this stage, and various parameters are calibrated
for optimal values and the model. The tools are also chosen in this phase. This may
require programming skills or specific tool skills. Once you choose a model, the next step
is to build the model and then evaluate its performance.

5.1.6 Phase 6: Evaluate the Model

At this point, you have a model, but how do you know that it will work for you? What is
the performance of the model? In this phase, you evaluate the model by using standard
methods that measure the accuracy of the model and its performance in the field. It is
important to evaluate the model and to be certain that the model achieves the business
objectives specified by business leaders. This requires in-depth knowledge of statistics,
machine learning, algorithms, and interpreting results. Generally, an advanced education
such as a PhD may be useful.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

5.1.7 Phase 7: Report to Management and Review

In this phase, you present your mathematical model to the business leaders. It is
important to align your mathematical output of the model with the business objectives
and to be able to communicate that alignment to the management and business leaders.
Once management is satisfied with the results and the model, the model is ready for
deployment. If there are any changes to be made, the preceding cycle is repeated.

5.1.8 Phase 8: Deploy the Model

This is a challenging phase of the project. The model is now deployed for end users and
is in a production environment, analyzing the live data. Depending on the deployment
scenario and business objectives, the model can perform predictive analytics or simple
descriptive analytics and reporting. The model also may behave differently in the
production environment, as it may see a totally different set of data from the actual
model. In such scenarios, the model is revisited for improvements. In many cases, the
analysis is carried out by end customers, and they need to be trained properly.
The process of business analytics defined in this book is similar to other data-mining
processes followed in the industry. For example, the Cross-Industry Standard Process
for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) consists of six phases: Business Understanding, Data
Understanding, Data Preparation, Modeling, Evaluation, and Deployment. This model
was launched by Daimler Chrysler, SPSS, and NCR in 1996. Similarly, SEMAA, developed
by SAS, has five phases: Sample (obtain a subset of data that is a representative sample,
but not too large a data set to process easily), Explore (explore the data for patterns),
Modify (transform variables if necessary), Model (apply a data model that best fits the
data), and Assess (determine whether the model meets the requirements).
The next sections examine each phase in greater detail. Though each phase could be
a separate chapter by itself, we cover only the important steps and solutions required to
achieve the goal.

5.2 Understanding the Business Problem

The key purpose of analytics is to solve a business problem. Before you solve the
problem, you need to thoroughly understand the problem from a business perspective,
so you know what the client really wants you to solve. For example, is the client trying
to find a pattern in the data, predict the price of a product to be launched, predict a
customer segment to target, figure out who is defaulting on a loan, optimize a software
development cycle, or improve the quality of operations? This should be clarified at the
beginning of the process and should be documented. Also, it is important to determine
the availability of the data, whether you have access to the data source or internal data
warehouse, the data format, the data quality, the amount of data available, and the data
stream for the final model deployment.
Documentation is an equally important task, as our memories are not very good at
recalling every detail. As a part of this task, you need to document the business objective,
data source, risks, and limitations of the project. Define the timeline, the infrastructure
needed to support the model, and the expertise required to support the project.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

5.3 Collecting and Integrating the Data

Getting quality data is the most important factor determining the accuracy of the results.
Data can be either from a primary source or secondary source. A primary source is your
own source—data from an internal database or data from your own research. You have
full control of the data collected. A secondary source is data from other, secondary places
that sell the data or data that already exists apart from the business database. Some
examples of secondary sources include official reports from government, newspaper
articles, and census data. Depending on the type of business problem being solved, you
might use data from a primary source or secondary source or from both the sources.
The advantage of using primary data is that you are designing the type of information
required for solving the problem, so the data is of good quality, and less time is required
to prepare the data for further analysis. An abundance of data may exist inside the
organization in various databases. For example:
Operational database: Data related to day-to-day business
transactions such as vendor management, supply chains,
customer complaints, and customer feedback.
Manufacturing and production database: Data related to
the manufacturing process, production details, supply-
chain management, production schedule, and repair and
maintenance of machinery.
HR and finance database: Data related to HR and finance
functions such as employee leave, personnel data, job skills,
attrition, and salaries.
IT database: Data related to information systems such as IT
assets inventory, licensing details, software and various logs.
Data warehouse: A data warehouse is an integrated database
created from multiple databases within the organization.
Data warehouse technology typically cleans, normalizes, and
preprocesses data before it is stored. This helps in analysis,
reporting, and the decision-making process. Data warehouse
technology also supports online analytical processing (OLAP)
and other functionalities such as data summarization and
multidimensional analysis (slice and dice).
Metadata: This is data about the data. It is descriptive
information about a particular data set, object, or resource,
including how it is formatted, and when and by whom it
was collected (or example, web metadata, XML, and JSON
NoSQL database: NoSQL databases are developed to
overcome the limitations of relational databases and to
meet the challenges of the enormous amounts of data being
generated on the Web. A NoSQL database can store both
structured and unstructured data. Also, NoSQL databases
need not have a schema before storing the data.
Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

Most organizations have data spread across various databases. Pulling data from
multiple sources is a required part of solving business analytics tasks. Sometimes, data
may be stored in databases for different purposes than the objective you are trying to
solve. Thus, the data has to be prepared to ensure it addresses the business problem prior
to any analytics process. This process is sometimes referred to as data munging or data
wrangling, which is covered in the next section.

5.3.1 Sampling
Many times, unless you have a big data infrastructure, only a sample of the population
is used to build analytical modeling. A sample is “a smaller collection of units from a
population used to determine truths about that population” (Field, 2005). The sample
should be representative of the population. Choosing a sampling technique depends on
the type of business problem.
For example, you might want to study the annual gross domestic product (GDP)
per capita for several countries over a period of time and the periodic behavior of such
series in connection with business cycles. Monthly housing sales over a period of 6–10
years show cyclic behavior, but for 6–12 months, the sales data may show seasonal
behavior. Stock market data over a period of 10–15 years may show a different trend
than over a 100-day period. Similarly, forecasting sales based on previous data over a
period of time, or analyzing Twitter sentiments and trends over a period of time, is cyclic
data. If the fluctuations are not of a fixed period, they are cyclic. If the changes are in a
specific period of the calendar, the pattern is seasonal. Time-series data is data obtained
through repeated measurements over a particular time period.
For time-series data, the sample should contain the time period (date or time or
both) and only a sample of measurement records for that particular day or time instead
of the complete data collected. For example, the Dow Jones volume is traded over 18
months. The data is collected for every millisecond, so the volume of this data for a day is
huge. Over a 10-month period, this data can be in terabytes.
The other type of data is not time dependent. It can be continuous or discrete data, but
time has no significance in such data sets. For example, you might be looking at the income
or job skills of individuals in a company, or the number of credit transactions in a retail store,
or age and gender information. There is no relationship between the two data records.
Unless you have big data infrastructure, for any analysis you can just take a sample
of records. Use a randomization technique and take steps to ensure that all the members
of a population have an equal chance of being selected. This method is called probability
sampling. There are several variations on this type of sampling:
Random sampling: A sample is picked randomly, and every
member has an equal opportunity to be selected.
Stratified sampling: The population is divided into groups,
and data is selected randomly from a group, or strata.
Systematic sampling: You select members systematically—say,
every tenth member—in that particular time or event.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

The details of calculating sample sizes is beyond the scope of this book and is
covered extensively in statistics and other research methodology books. However, to
enhance your understanding, here is a simple formula for calculating a sample:
If the population standard deviation is known, then
n = (z × sigma/E)^2
If standard deviation is unknown,
n = (p)(1 – p)* (z/E)^2

5.3.2 Variable Selection
Having more variables in the data set may not always provide desired results. However,
if you have more predictor variables, you need more records. For example, if you want to
find out the relationship between one Y and one single predictor X, then 15 data points
may give you results. But if you have 10 predictor variables, 15 data points is not enough.
Then how much is enough? Statisticians and many researchers have worked on this
and given a rough estimate. For example, a procedure by Delmater and Hancock (2001),
indicates that you should have 6 × m × p records for any predictive models, where p is
number of variables and m is the number of outcome classes. The more records you have,
the better the prediction results. Hence, in big data processing, you can eliminate the
need for sampling and try to process all the available data in order to get better results.

5.4 Preprocessing the Data

As described in the previous phase, data can be collected from various sources, including
an internal database or data warehouse. Data in a database may be susceptible to noise
and inconsistencies because its data is collected from various end-user applications
developed and handled by different people over a period of time. Sometimes, multiple
databases may be queried to get data for the business analytics process. In this query
process, data may be merged, may contain missing values or junk characters, may be of
different data types, and may represent different types of observations or the same
observations multiple times. Thus, prior to performing any data analysis, it is essential to
understand the data in terms of its data types, variables and characteristics of variables,
and data tables.

5.4.1 Data Types
Data can be either qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative data is not numerical—for
example, type of car, favorite color, or favorite food. Quantitative data is numeric.
Additionally, quantitative data can be divided into categories of discrete or continuous
data (described in more detail later in this section).
Quantitative data is often referred to as measurable data. This type of data
allows statisticians to perform various arithmetic operations, such as addition and
multiplication, to find parameters of a population, such as mean or variance.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

The observations represent counts or measurements, and thus all values are numerical.
Each observation represents a characteristic of the individual data points in a population
or a sample.
Discrete: A variable can take a certain value that is separate
and distinct. Each value is not related to any other value.
Some examples of discrete types of data include the number
of cars per family, the number of times a person drinks
water during a day, or the number of defective products on a
production line.
Continuous: A variable that can take numeric values within
a specific range or interval. Continuous data can take any
possible value that the observations in a set can take. For
example, with temperature readings, each reading can take on
any real number value on a thermometer.
Nominal data: The order of the data is arbitrary, or no order
is associated with the data. For example, race or ethnicity
has the values black, brown, white, Indian, American, and so
forth; no order is associated with the values.
Ordinal data: This data is in a certain defined order. Examples
include Olympic medals—Gold, Silver, and Bronze, and Likert
scale surveys—disagree, agree, strongly agree. With ordinal
data, you cannot state with certainty whether the intervals
between values are equal.
Interval data: This data has meaningful intervals between
measurements, but there is no true starting zero. A good
example is the measurement of temperature in Kelvin or the
height of a tsunami. Interval data is like ordinal data, except
the intervals between values are equally split. The most
common example is temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. The
difference between 29 and 30 degrees is the same magnitude
as the difference between 58 and 59 degrees.
Ratio data: The difference between two values has the same
meaning of measurement. For example, the height above sea
level for two cities can be expressed as a ratio. The difference
in water level of two reservoirs can be expressed as a ratio,
such as twice as much as X reservoir.
The concept of scale types later received the mathematical rigor that it lacked at its
inception with the work of mathematical psychologists Theodore Alper (1985, 1987),
Louis Narens (1981a, b), and R. Duncan Luce (1986, 1987, 2001).
Before the analysis, understand the variables you are using and prepare all of them
with the right data type. Many tools support the transformation of variable types.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

5.4.2 Data Preparation
After the preliminary data type conversions, the next step is to study the data. You need to
check the values and their association with the data. You also need to find missing values,
null values, empty spaces, and unknown characters so they can be removed from the data
before the analysis. Otherwise, this can impact the accuracy of the model. This section
describes some of the criteria and analysis that can be performed on the data. Handling Missing Values

Sometimes a database may not contain values for some variables as the values weren’t
recorded. There may be several records with no values recorded in the database. When
you perform analysis with the missing values, the results you obtain may not represent
the truth. Missing values have to be addressed properly before the analysis. Following are
some of the methods used to resolve this issue:
Ignore the values: This is not a very effective method. This is
usually recommended when the label is missing and you’re
not able to interpret the value’s meaning. Also, if there are
only one or two records of many variables of the same row
is missing, then are you can delete this row of records and
ignore the values. If the size of the sample is large, and
deleting one or two sample values does not make a difference,
then you can delete the record.
Fill in the values with average value or mode: This is the simplest
method. Determine the average value or mode value for all the records
of an attribute and then use this value to fill in all the missing
values. This method depends on the type of problem you are
trying to solve. For example, if you have time-series data, this
method is not recommended.
Fill in the values with an attribute mean belonging to the
same bin: If your data set has an attribute classified into
categories—for example, income group as high, low, and
average—and another attribute, say, population, has several
missing values, you can fill in the missing values with a mean
value for that particular category. In this example, if the
population of the high-income group is missing, use the mean
population for the high-income group.
The following is another example of how binning can be used to fill in missing values:
Data set income: 100, 210, 300, 400, 900, 1000, 1100, 2000, 2100, 2500
Partition the data into different bins based on the distance
between two observations:
Bin 1: 100, 210, 300, 400
Bin 2: 900, 1000, 1100
Bin 3: 2000, 2100, 2500

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

Take the average of the entries in each bin.
Bin 1 Average: 252.5
Bin 2 Average: 1,000
Bin 3 Average: 2,200
Use the average bin values to fill in the missing value for a
particular bin.

Predict the values based on the most probable value: Based on the other attributes in
the data set, you can fill in the value based on the most probable value it can take. You can
use some of the statistical techniques such as Bayes’ theorem or a decision tree to find the
most probable value. Handling Duplicates, Junk, and Null Values

Duplicate, junk, and null characters should be cleaned from the database before the
analytics process. The same process discussed for handling empty values can be used.
The only challenge is to identify the junk characters, which is sometimes hard and can
cause a lot of issues during the analysis.

5.4.3 Data Preprocessing with R

Normally, tools provide an interface for performing data cleaning and data preprocessing
before the analysis. This section describes how this can be achieved using R. Multiple
solutions are available to perform the same tasks, so this example is just one solution. The
data preprocessing methods discussed are as follows:
• Understanding the variable types
• Changing the variable types
• Finding missing and null values
• Cleaning missing values with appropriate methods
All variables in R are represented as vectors. The following are the basic data types in R:
Numeric: Real numbers.
Integer: Whole numbers.
Factor: Categorical data to define various categories. For
example, 1 for male, 2 for female. Also, 1 for rank 1, 2 for rank 2.
Character: Data strings of characters defining, for example,
the name of a person, animal, or place.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

The basic operations in R are performed as vector operations (element-wise)

including basic arithmetical operations (such as addition and subtraction), logical
operations (such as & and !), comparison operations (such as ==, <, >) and some of
the basic math functions (such as sin, cos, and exp). The R example (given below)
demonstrates the following:
Reading the data set.
Checking the variable type.
Transforming the variable to a different type.
Changing the name of the variable.
Finding missing values. We usually see NA and NaN in R. NA
is generally interpreted as a missing value. NaN indicates a
mathematical error (for example, dividing by 0). However, is.
na() returns TRUE for both NA and NaN.
Replacing missing values and NAs.
Let’s get started with the example by looking at the data set:

From these str() details, it is clear that the data set does not have variable names. R
has appended an X suffix to the first value in the column. And almost all the variable types
are defined as factors by default. Further, to view the first few lines of the data, you can use
the head() command:

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

■■Note  str() gives the summary of the object in active memory, and head() enables you
to view the first few (six) lines of data.

The next step is to provide a proper variable name to each column. The data set we
are using in this example is the Stock Price data set. The first column is the date, and the
second column to the tenth column hold stock prices for various stocks. The last column
is the rating for the volume of transactions for the day (high, low, or medium).

Looking at this output from str(mydata), all the variables (except day and Stock9)
are of type factor(). However, they are integers except the Ratings variable. Let’s convert
the variables to the appropriate data types:

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

Using the as.numeric() function, the variables Stock1, Stock2, Stock3, and so forth,
have been converted to the numeric data type. In this case, we have nested as.numeric()
with as.character(). If you convert factors to numeric values, R may not give actual values.
Hence, first convert the value to a character and then to a numeric. Similarly, other functions
are available to identify and perform the task of converting one data type to another type:

is.numeric(), is.character(), is.vector(), is.matrix(),

are used to identify the data type and as.numeric(), as.character(), as.
vector(), as.matrix(), are used to convert one data type to
the other

Finally, let’s identify the missing values, junk characters, and null values and then
clean the data set.
Using the function, this table indicates that there are 95 missing values (NA)
in the data set. The table() function provides the tabular output by cross-classifying
factors to build a contingency table of the counts at each combination of factor levels:

> table(
11425 95

The function complete.cases() returns a logical vector indicating which cases are
complete (TRUE or FALSE). The following example shows how to identify NAs (missing
values) in the data set by using the complete.cases() function:

The following example shows how to fill NAs (missing values) with the mean value
of that particular column. You can adopt any other method discussed in the previous
sections. Depending on the type of data set, you can use other methods and write a
function to perform the same.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

You can repeat the same for other variables by using the same method, or use any
apply() method discussed in earlier sections.

5.5 Exploring and Visualizing the Data

Once you have a clean data set, the next step is exploratory data analysis. This is the
process of exploring your data, understanding the kind of data you have, and examining
the structure and components of your data sets. Also, you need to understand the
distribution of the individual variables and the relationships between two or more
variables. This exploratory analysis relies heavily on representations using graphs and
tables. The information conveyed by this visualization analysis is easily understood and
can be quickly absorbed. Therefore, exploring data by using data visualization is the most
important part of the overall business analytics process.
Figure 5-2 summarizes the data collection and data preprocessing steps described in
the previous sections, before this data exploration and data visualization phase.

(structured and

NULL Missing value

HR and Finance Data Integration Duplicates Data Transformation Visualization
Structured data

Data Pre-processing

Logs data

Figure 5-2.  Workflow up to data visualization

The goal of the exploratory analysis is as follows:

• To determine the distribution and other statistics of the data set
• To determine whether the data set needs normalization

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

• To determine whether the data set can answer the business

problem you are trying to solve
• To come up with a blueprint to solve the business problem
The following sections describe the tables and graphs required for carrying out good
data analysis.

5.5.1 Tables
The easiest and most common tool available for looking at data is a table. Tables contain
rows and columns. The raw data is displayed as rows of observations and columns of
variables. Tables are useful for smaller sets of samples, so it can be difficult to display the
whole data set if you have many records. By presenting the data in tables, you can gain
insight about the data, including the type of data, variable names, and the way the data
is structured. However, it is not possible to identify relationships between variables by
looking at tables. In R, we can view data in a table format by using the View() command,
as shown in Figure 5-3.

Figure 5-3.  Output of View()

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

5.5.2 Summary Tables
We already discussed statistics and their significance in Chapter 4. Descriptive statistics
provide a common way of understanding data. These statistics can be represented as
summary tables. Summary tables show the number of observations in each column and
the descriptive statistics for each column. The following statistics are commonly used:
Minimum: The minimum value
Maximum: The maximum value
Mean: The average value
Median: The value at the midpoint
Sum: The sum of all observations in the group
Standard deviation: A standardized measure of the deviation
of a variable from the mean
First quartile: Number between the minimum and median
value of the data set
Third quartile: Number between the median and the
maximum value of the data set
The following output is the descriptive statistics of our Stock Price data set.

Some tools, such as Microsoft Excel PivotTables and Tableau support

three-dimensional data analysis. This is beyond the scope of this book.

5.5.3 Graphs
Graphs represent data visually and provide more details about the data, enabling you to
identify outliers in the data, distribute data for each column variable, provide a statistical
description of the data, and present the relationship between the two or more variables.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

Chapter 4 discussed several data visualization graphs used in exploring data. Some types
of graphs include bar charts, histograms, box plots, and scatter plots. In addition, looking
at the graphs of multiple variables simultaneously can provide more insights into the data.
Univariate analysis analyzes one variable at a time. It is the simplest form of
analyzing data. You analyze a single variable, summarize the data, and find the patterns
in the data. You can use several visualization graphs to perform univariate data analysis,
including bar charts, pie charts, box plots, and histograms. All these plots have already
been discussed in the previous chapter.
A histogram represents the frequency distribution of the data. Histograms are
similar to bar charts but group numbers into ranges. Also, a histogram lets you show the
frequency distribution of continuous data. This helps in analyzing the distribution (for
example, normal or Gaussian), any outliers present in the data, and skewness. Figure 5-4
describes the first variable of the Stock Price data set in a histogram plot.

Histogram and Density Function

0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05

20 30 40 50 60
Figure 5-4.  Histogram and density function Box plots
A box, or whisker plot is also a graphical description of data. Box plots, created by John W.
Tukey, show the distribution of a data set based on a five-number summary: minimum,
maximum, median, first quartile, and third quartile. Figure 5-5 explains how to interpret a
box plot and its components.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

The central rectangle spans the first and third quartile (interquartile range, or IQR).
The line inside the rectangle shows the median. The lines, also called whiskers, that are
above and below the rectangle show the maximum and minimum of the data set.

1.5 x IQR


Third quartile
75% of data

Median - Middle IQR

of the dataset

First quartile
25 % data

Minimum value

1.5 x IQR

Figure 5-5.  Box plot

Normal data sets do not have a surprisingly high maximum value or low minimum
value. Outliers are generally outside the two whisker lines. Tukey has provided following
definitions for outliers:
Outliers—2/3 IQR above the third quartile or 2/3 IQR below
the first quartile
Suspected outliers—1.5 IQR above the third quartile or 1.5 IQR
below the first quartile.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

If the data is normally distributed, then

IQR = 1.35 σ, where σ is the population standard deviation
You can plot multiple variables in box plots and compare the data of each variable
side by side. Figure 5-6 shows an example.

Box Plot of 4 variables


Figure 5-6.  Side-by-side box plot

Notched plots look like box plots with notches, as shown in Figure 5-7. If two boxes’
notches do not overlap, that shows “strong evidence” that their medians differ (Chambers
et al., 1983, p. 62).

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

Notched Plot of 2 variables


Figure 5-7.  Notched plot

Bivariate data analysis is used to compare relationships between two variables in

the data. The major purpose of bivariate analysis is to explain the correlations of two
variables, for comparisons and suspect causal relationships if any contingent on the
values of the other variables, and the relationships between independent and dependent
variables. If more than one variable is made on each observation, then multivariate
analysis is applied. Scatter plots
The most common data visualization tool used for bivariate analysis is the scatter plot.
Scatter plots can be used to identify the relationships between two continuous variables.
Each data point on a scatter plot is a single observation. All the observations can be
plotted on a single chart.
Figure 5-8 shows a scatter plot of the number of employees vs. revenue (in millions
of dollars) of various companies. As you can see, there is a strong relationship between
the two variables that is almost linear. However, you cannot draw any causal implications
without further statistical analysis.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration



0 20000 40000 60000 80000

Figure 5-8.  A scatter plot of the number of employees vs. revenue (in millions of dollars)

Unfortunately, scatter plots are not always useful for finding patterns or
relationships. If there are too many data points, the scatter plot does not give much
information. For example, Figure 5-9 does not indicate whether any correlation exists
between casual bike users and registered bike users.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

Casual Vs Registered Bike Users


0 100 200 300

Figure 5-9.  Registered users vs. casual users

5.5.4 Scatter Plot Matrices

A scatter plot matrix graph plots pairwise scatter plots to look for patterns and
relationships in the data set. A scatter plot matrix graph takes two variables pairwise
and selects all the variables in the data set plots as a single graph so that you can get a
complete picture of your data set and understand the patterns and relationships between
pairs of variables. The pairs() command in R should plot a scatter matrix graph.
You can read the data from the file by using the read.table() function first and then
use the pairs() function to plot the graph:

> hou<-read.table(header=TRUE,sep="\t","")

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

Figure 5-10.  Scatter plot matrix plot

In this example, the variables are on the diagonal, from top left to bottom right
(see Figure 5-10). Each variable is plotted against the other variables. For example, the
plot that is to the right of CRM and above ZN represents a plot of ZN on the x axis and
CRM on the y axis. Similarly, the plot of Age vs. CRM, plotting Age on the x axis and CRM
on the y axis, would be the sixth plot down from CRM and the sixth plot to the left of AGE.
In this particular example, we do not see any strong relationships between any two pairs
of variables.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration Trellis Plot
Trellis graphics is a framework for data visualization that lets you examine multiple
variable relationships. The following example shows the relationships of variables in the
Boston Housing data set. A trellis graph can be produced by any type of graph component
such as a histogram or a bar chart. A trellis graph is based on partitioning one or more
variables and analyzing that with the others. For categorical variables, a plot is based on
different levels of that variable, whereas for numerical values, the data subset is based on
the intervals of that variable.
In the Boston Housing data set, the value of a house is analyzed based on its age
as a subset of tax. A similar analysis can be performed for other variables. The problem
with a simple scatter plot is overplotting, which makes it hard to interpret the structures
in the data. A trellis plot creates different depths and intervals to make the interpretation
clearer. In this example, the trellis creates the MEDV tax in different intervals: The MEDV
value increases from left to right, and as you can see in Figure 5-11, higher taxes are
concentrated in lower age groups, and vice versa.

0 20 40 60 80 100

(449,580) (580,712)

(186,318) (318,449)

0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 5-11.  Trellis graph
Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration Correlation plot
Correlation between the two variables can be calculated and plotted by using a
correlation graph, as shown in Figure 5-12. The pairwise correlation can be plotted in a
correlation matrix plot to describe the correlation of two variables:









Stock2 0.6

Stock3 0.4

Stock6 -0.4

Stock7 -0.6

Figure 5-12.  Correlation plot
Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

In this example, a blue dot represents a positive correlation, and red represents
a negative correlation. The larger the dot, the stronger the correlation. The diagonal
dots (from top left to bottom right) are perfectly positively correlated, because each dot
represents the correlation of each attribute with itself. Density by Class
A density function of each variable can be plotted as a function of the class. Similar to
scatter plot matrices, a density plot can help illustrate the separation by class and show
how closely they overlap each other.

In this example of the Stock Price data set shown in Figure 5-13, some stock prices
overlap very closely and are hard to separate.

20 40 60 80 100
Stock6 Stock7 Stock8



Stock3 Stock4 Stock5




20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 5-13.  Density plot

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

The preceding data visualization methods are some of the most commonly used.
Depending on the business problem and the data you are analyzing, you can select a
method. No single technique is considered the standard.

5.5.5 Data Transformation
After a preliminary analysis of data, sometimes you may realize that the raw data you
have may not provide good results, or doesn’t seem to make any sense. For example,
data may be skewed, data may not be normally distributed, or measurement scales
may be different for different variables. In such cases, data may require transformation.
Common transformation techniques include normalization, data aggregation, and
smoothing. After the transformation, before presenting the analysis results, the inverse
transformation should be applied. Normalization
Certain techniques such as regression assume that the data is normally distributed and
that all the variables should be treated equally. Sometimes the data we collect for various
predictor variables may differ in their measurement units, which may have an impact on
the overall equation. This may cause one variable to have more influence over another
variable. In such cases, all the predictor variable data is normalized to one single scale.
Some common normalization techniques include the following:
Z-score normalization (zero-mean normalization): The new
value is created based on the mean and standard deviations.
The new value A’ for a record value A is normalized by
computing the following:
A’ = (A – meanA) / SDA
where meanA is the mean, and SDA is the standard deviation
of attribute A
This type of transformation is useful when we do not know the
minimum and maximum value of an attribute or when there
is an outlier dominating the results.
Min-max normalization: In this transformation, values are
transformed within the range of values specified. Min-max
normalization performs linear transformations on the original
data set. The formula is as follows:
New value A’ = (( A – MinA) / (MaxA – MinA) )(Range of A’) + MinA’
Range of A’ = MaxA’ – MinA’
Min-max transformation maps the value to a new range of
values defined by the range [MaxA’ – MinA’]. For example, for
the new set of values to be in the range of 0 and 1, the new
Max = 1 and the new Min = 0; the old value is 50, with a min
value of 12 and a max of 58, then

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

A’ = ((50 –12) / (58 –12) )*1+0 = 0.82

Data aggregation: Sometimes a new variable may be required
to better understand the data. You can apply mathematical
functions such as sum or average to one or more variables to
create a new set of variables.
Sometimes, in order to confirm to the normal distribution,
it may be necessary to use log() or exponential functions
or use a Box-Cox transformation. The formula for a Box-Cox
transformation is as follows:
A’ = ( A’ – 1) / λ
where λ is a value greater than 1

5.6 Using Modeling Techniques and Algorithms

At this point, you have the data ready to perform further analysis. Based on the business
problem you are trying to solve, an appropriate method is selected. Analytics is about
explaining the past and predicting the future. It combines knowledge of statistics,
machine learning, databases, and artificial intelligence.

5.6.1 Descriptive Analytics
Descriptive analytics explains the patterns hidden in data. These patterns could be the
number of market segments, or sales numbers based on regions, or groups of products
based on reviews, software bug patterns in a defect database, behavioral patterns in an
online gaming user database, and more. These patterns are purely based on historical
data. You also can group observations into the same clusters, and this analysis is called
clustering analysis.
Similarly, association rules or affinity analysis can be used on a transactional
database to find the associations among items purchased in department stores.
This analysis is performed based on past data available in the database, to look for
associations among various items purchased by customers. This helps businesses extend
discounts, launch new products, and manage inventory effectively.

5.6.2 Predictive Analytics
Prediction consists of two methods: classification and regression analysis.
Classification is a basic form of data analysis in which data is classified into classes.
For example, a credit card can be approved or denied, flights at a particular airport are
on time or delayed, and a potential employee will be hired or not. The class prediction is
based on previous behaviors or patterns found in the data. The task of the classification
model is to determine the class of data from a new set of data that was not seen before.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

Regression is predicting the value of a numerical variable—for example, company

revenue numbers or sales numbers. Most books refer to prediction as the prediction
of a value of a continuous variable. However, classification can also be considered
for prediction, as the classification model predicts the class of new data that is of an
unknown class label. One of the techniques used for this is Logistic Regression.

5.6.3 Machine Learning
Machine learning is about making computers learn and perform tasks better based on
past historical data. Learning is always based on observations from the data available.
The emphasis is on making computers build mathematical models based on that learning
and perform tasks automatically without the intervention of humans. The system
cannot always predict with 100 percent accuracy, because the learning is based on past
data that’s available, and there is always a possibility of new data arising that was never
learned earlier by the machine. Machines build models based on iterative learning to
find hidden insights. Because there is always a possibility of new data, this iteration is
important because the machines can independently adapt to new changes. Machine
learning has been around for a long time, but recent developments in computing, storage,
and programming; new complex algorithms; and big data architectures such as Hadoop,
have helped it gain momentum. There are two types of machine learning: supervised
machine learning and unsupervised machine learning. Supervised Machine Learning

As the name suggests, in supervised machine learning, a machine builds a predictive
model under supervision—that is, with the help of a training data set. The training data
set is prepared under supervision that’s similar to a teacher guiding students. The model
is based on an iterative process, and the learning stops when the algorithm achieves an
acceptable level of performance. Classification and regression can be grouped under
supervised machine learning.
In a classification problem, the output variable is typically a category such as Yes or
No, or Fraudulent or Not Fraudulent. In a regression problem, the output variable is a real
value, such as Revenues or Volumes.
Figure 5-14 shows how supervised machine learning works.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

Figure 5-14.  Supervised machine learning

In this example, the classifier model is developed based on the training data set.
This data set has a set of documents (data) that are already categorized and labeled into
different classes, manually and under expert supervision. This is called the training
data set. The classification algorithm (model) learns based on this training data set,
which already has class labels. Once the learning is complete, the model is ready
for the classification of documents (new data) whose labels are unknown. Common
classification supervised-learning algorithms include support vector machines, naïve
Bayes, k-nearest neighbor, and decision trees. Unsupervised Machine Learning

In unsupervised machine learning, there is no training data to learn. Hence, there is no
target variable to predict. Association rules and clustering are examples of unsupervised
learning. In unsupervised learning, all data set observations are put into the learning, and
the outcome could be different clusters or associations between two variables. Because
there is no outcome class to identify by itself, further analysis is required to properly
understand the results of the model.
Figure 5-15 shows the output of an unsupervised machine-learning algorithm. Two
clusters are formed based on the words that are similar in the data set. These similarities
may be based on meaning or other measures. Hence, further analysis could lead to
labeling of the clusters, for example, as +ve words and –ve words.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

Unsupervised Learning
A clustering algorithm partitions the adjectives into two

+ -
handsome painful



Figure 5-15.  Unsupervised machine learning

You can solve a business problem by using the available data either via simple
analytics such as data visualization or advance techniques such as predictive analytics.
The business problem can be solved via supervised machine learning or unsupervised
machine learning. It can be a classification problem or a regression problem. Depending
on the business problem you are trying to solve, different methods are selected and
different algorithms are used to solve the problem. The next chapters discuss various
classification, regression, clustering, and association techniques in detail.
The techniques and algorithms used are based on the nature of the data available.
Table 5-1 summarizes the variable type and important algorithms that can be used to
solve a business problem.

Table 5-1.  Business Analytics Methods Based on Data Types

Response Variable Response Variable No Response

Continuous Categorical Variable
Predictor Linear regression Logistic regression Cluster analysis
Variable— Neural Network KNN Principal
Continuous K-nearest Neighbor Neural network component Analysis
Predictor Linear regression Decision/ Association rule
Variable— Neural network classification trees
Categorical Logistic regression
Naïve Bayes

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

5.7 Evaluating the Model

Evaluating model performance is a key aspect to understanding how good your
prediction is when you apply new data. Because many algorithms are used to build a
model, you can compare the performance for each algorithm and decide which model
should be deployed based on that performance. However, when you use the same set of
data to develop a model and assess its performance, you may introduce bias. To address
this problem, data is divided into partitions. One partition is used to build the model, and
the other partition is used to assess the model. Typically, the data set is divided into three
partitions: a training set, a test set, and sometimes an additional validation set.

5.7.1 Training Data Partition

The training data partition is used to train the model. The outcome variable details are
already known. For a classification problem, the class of the outcome variable is already
determined and sometimes created manually with human intervention. For example,
let’s say we are trying to predict the sentiment of a movie based on a Twitter database.
The initial training data set is created manually by labeling each tweet as part of the
positive sentiment class or negative sentiment class. The more data in the training set, the
better the performance of the model.

5.7.2 Test Data Partition

The test data partition is a subset of the data set that is not in the training set. It is used to
assess the performance of the model for new data. This partition is sometimes called a
holdout partition. The model should perform well for both the training set data and test

5.7.3 Validation Data Partition

The validation data partition is used to fine-tune the model performance and reduce
overfitting problems. This partition can be used to assess multiple models and select the
best model. This data set is not used to build the model. So the model has never seen this
data set before. This helps fine-tune the model performance and reduce overfitting.
For example, let’s say you have a total of 1,000 records, and out of these you could
use 800 for training the model and the remaining 200 for testing.
The performance of the model depends on the training set (apart from other
parameters such as predictor variables, hidden parameters, and algorithms used). The
more training data, the better the learning and performance. When a model is deployed
with the new unseen data, the model performs poorly because some data is not present
in the training set. Hence, before deploying the model to the field, the performance is
measured in multiple test partitions, which gives an opportunity to improve the model
performance and also avoid overfitting problems. The more we test, the more likely we
eliminate noise in the data set and improve performance.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

5.7.4 Cross-Validation
To avoid any bias, the data set is partitioned randomly. When you have a limited
amount of data, to achieve an unbiased performance estimate, you can use k-fold
cross-validation. In k-fold cross validation, you divide the data into k folds and build the
model using k – 1 folds, and the last fold is used for testing. You can repeat this process k
times; every time the test sample is different, each time “leaving out” one subset from the
training and using it as test set. If k equals the sample size, this is referred as a leave-one-
out cross-validation method.

Build Data


Re-evaluate Validation

Predict Data

Figure 5-16.  Data partition representation model

Classification and regression are the two types of predictive models, and each has
a different set of criteria for evaluation. Let’s briefly look at the various criteria for each
model. Details are discussed in subsequent chapters.

5.7.5 Classification Model Evaluation Confusion Matrix
The simplest way of measuring the performance of a classifier is by judging the number
of mistakes. We call this a misclassification error: the observation belongs to one class, but
the model classifies it as a different class. A perfect classifier is one that predicts the class
with no errors. In the real world, such classifiers are not able to construct due to “noise”
and not having all the information needed to precisely classify the observations.
A classification matrix, referred to as a confusion matrix, gives an estimate of the true
classification and misclassification rates. A confusion matrix shows the number of correct
and incorrect classifications made by the model. Table 5-2 shows simple 2 × 2 confusion
matrix for two classes (positive and negative). Some of the common measures include the

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

Accuracy: This is a ratio indicating the number of predictions

that were correct.
Precision: The ratio of positive cases that were correctly
Recall (sensitivity): The ratio of actual positive cases that are
identified correctly.

Table 5-2.  Confusion Matrix

Predicted Class

Positive Negative
(C0) (C1)

Positive a = number of c = number of C0 cases Precision =

Actual (C0) correctly classified C0 incorrectly classified as C1 a/(a+c)
Class cases
Negative b = number of C1 d = number of correctly
(C1) cases incorrectly classified C1 cases
classified as C0

Sensitivity (Recall) = Specificity = Accuracy =

a/(a+b) d/(c+d) (a+b)/(a+b+c+d)

Specificity: The ratio of actual negative cases that are identified


Table 5-3 shows an example confusion matrix.

Table 5-3.  Example of Classification Accuracy Measurement

Predicted Class

Positive Negative
(C0) (C1)

Positive 80 30 Precision =
Actual (C0) 80/110 = 0.63

Negative 40 90

Recall = Specificity = Accuracy =

80/120 = 0.67 90/120 = 0.75 80+90/240
= 0.71

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration Lift Chart
Lift charts are commonly used for marketing problems. For example, say you want to
determine an effective marketing campaign on the Internet. You have a set of cases where
the “probability of responding” to an online ad click is assigned. The lift curve helps
determine how effectively the online advertisement campaign can be done by selecting
arelatively small group and getting maximum responders. The lift , is a measure of the
effectiveness of the model by calculating ratios with or with out the model.
A confusion matrix evaluates the effectiveness of the model as a whole population,
whereas the lift chart evaluates a portion of the population.
The graph is constructed with the number of cases on the x axis and the cumulative
true-positive cases on the y axis. True positives are those observations that are classified
correctly. Table 5-4 shows the true cases actually predicted correctly (true positives) in
the first column, second column represents the cumulative average of the true positive
class and the third column represents the cumulative average prediction of class.
Table 5-4.  Sample data for Lift chart

Lift chart measures the effectiveness of a classification model by comparing the true
positives without a model. Also, it provides an indication of how well the model performs
if you select the samples randomly from a population. For example, in Figure 5-17, if we
select 10 cases randomly, our model has performed with an accuracy of 65% whereas
without the model, it would have been just 45%. With the lift chart, you can compare how
well different models are performing for a set of random cases.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

Lift Chart


6 Cumulative of True
Positive Class
4 Cumulative Average of

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21
# of Cases
Figure 5-17.  Lift chart

The lift will vary with the number of cases we choose. The red line is a reference line.
If we have to predict positive cases in case there was no model, then this line provides a
benchmark. ROC Chart
A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) chart is similar to a lift chart. It is a plot of the
true-positive rate on the y axis and the false-positive rate on the x axis.
ROC graphs are another way of representing the performance of a classifier. Inrecent
years, ROC has become a common method in the machine-learning community due to
the fact that simple classification accuracy is not a good measure for performance of a
classifier (Provost and Fawcett, 1997; Provost et al., 1998). ROC is plotted as a function of
true positive rate (sensitivity) vs. function of false positive rate (specificity) as shown in
Figure 5-18.
For a good classifier model, sensitivity rate should be higher and false positive rate
should be lower as shown in Figure 5-18. Instead of just looking at the confusion matrix,
the Area Under Curve (AUC) for a ROC curve provides a simple pictorial representation
of the classifier performance. In the example, we have plotted ROC for three different
models and the AUC for the first line (green) is highest. For each classifier, ROC curve
is fitted and the results are compared with each of the classifier models over its entire
operating range. An AUC less than 0.5 might indicate that the model is not performing
well and needs attention. Normally, AUC should fall between 0.5 and 1.0. When
separation of the two classes is so perfect and has no overlapping of the distributions,
the area under the ROC curve reaches to 1 and ideally that is the goal for any machine
learning model.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

ROC Curve
Classifier 1
True Positive rate

Classifier 2

Classifier 3
0.3 AUC
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
False Positive rate(1-Specificity)

Figure 5-18.  ROC chart

Research indicates that algorithms that have two classes are most suited for the ROC
approach. A neural network is an example of an appropriate classifier, whereas decision-
tree classifiers are less suited.

5.7.6 Regression Model Evaluation

A regression model has many criteria for measuring its performance. The following are
some of the evaluation methods for regression. Root-Mean-Square Error
A regression line predicts the y values for a given x value. Note that the values are around
the average. The prediction error (called the root-mean-square error, or RSME) is given by
the following formula:


∑( y − yk )
k =0

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

5.8  Presenting a Management Report and

In this phase, your mathematical model is presented to the business leaders in business
terms. It is important to align your model’s mathematical output with business objectives
and be able to communicate to management and business leaders. Once management is
satisfied with the results and model, the model is ready for deployment. If there are any
changes to be made, the whole cycle is repeated.
Typically, the following points are addressed during the presentation of the model
and its use in solving the business problems.

5.8.1 Problem Description
First, you specify the problem defined by the business and solved by the model. This is
important, as it connects the management of the organization back to the objective of the
data analysis. In this step, you are revalidating the precise problem intended to be solved.

5.8.2 Data Set Used

Here you specify the data you have used— including the period of the data, source of
data, and features/fields of the data used. This important step reconfirms to management
that the right data has been used. You also emphasize the assumptions made.

5.8.3 Data Cleaning Carried Out

Here you specify the issues encountered in the data. You note which nonreliable data
had to be removed and which had to be substituted. The rationale for such decisions is
presented along with the possible downsides, if any.

5.8.4 Method Used to Create the Model

Here you present the method, technique, or algorithm used to create the model and
present your reasoning for this choice. Your aim is to convince management that the
approach is moving the business in the right direction to solve the problem. Also, you
present how the model solves the problem. This includes how the model was evaluated
and optimized.

5.8.5 Model Deployment Prerequisites

Here you present the prerequisites for model deployment, including the data
requirements and preprocessing requirements. You also present the model deployment
hardware and software requirements.

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

5.8.6 Model Deployment and Usage

Here you present how the model will be deployed for use and how it will be used by end
users. You can provide reports and their interpretation, to specify the dos and don’ts
related to the model’s use. You also emphasize the importance of not losing sight of the
problem you are supposed to be solving by using the model.

5.8.7 Issues Handling
Here you present the ideal process for recording the issues observed and the ways they
will be reported, analyzed, and addressed. You also emphasize how this step may lead to
the optimization of the model over a period of time, as these may indicate the changes
happening to the basic assumptions and structure.

5.9 Deploying the Model

This is a challenging phase of the project. The model is now deployed for end users and
is in a production environment analyzing the live data. Depending on the deployment
scenario and business objective, the model can perform predictive analytics or simple
reporting. The model also can behave differently in the production environment, as it
may see a totally different set of data from the actual model. In such scenarios, the model
is revisited for improvements.
Success of the deployment depends on the following:
• Proper sizing of the hardware, ensuring required performance
• Proper programming to handle the capabilities of the hardware
• Proper data integration and cleaning
• Effective reports, dashboards, views, decisions, and interventions
to be used by end users or end-user systems
• Effective training to the users of the model
The following are the typical issues observed during the deployment:
• Hardware capability (for example, memory or CPUs) is not in
tune with the requirements of data crunching, or with effective
and efficient model usage (for example, the data takes more time
to crunch than the time window available or takes so much time
that the opportunity for using the generated analysis is reduced).
This may also impede the use of real-time data and real-time
decision making.
• Programs used are not effective in using the parallelism and
hence reduce the possibility of effectively using the results
• Data integration from multiple sources in multiple formats
including real-time data

Chapter 5 ■ Business Analytics Process and Data Exploration

• Data sanitization or cleaning before use

• Not recognizing the changes in data patterns, nullifying or
reducing the model’s usability or resulting in making wrong
• Not having standby mechanisms (redundancy) to the hardware or
network, and not having backup or replication for the data
• Changes to the data sources or data schema, leading to issues
with usability of the model
• Lack of effective user training, leading them to use the model in a
defective or wrong way, resulting in wrong decisions
• Wrong setups of the systems by the administrators, leading to
suboptimal or inefficient use of system resources

5.10 Summary
The chapter focused on the processes involved in business analytics, including
identifying and defining a business problem, data preparation, data collection, data
modeling, evaluating model performance, and reporting to management on the findings.
You learned about various methods involved in data cleaning, including
normalization, transformation of variables, handling missing values, and finding outliers.
You also delved into data exploration, which is the most important process in business
analytics. You saw various tables, charts, and plots which are used in these regards.
Further, you explored supervised machine learning, unsupervised machine learning,
and how to choose different methods based on business requirements. You learned how
to partition the data set into a training set, test set, and validation set and saw why each
set is important. Finally, you learned about various metrics to measure the performance
of different models including predictive models.


Supervised Machine

Classification and prediction are two important methods of data analysis used to
find patterns in data. Classification predicts the categorical class (or discrete values),
whereas regression and other models predict continuous valued functions. However,
Logistic Regression addresses categorical class also. For example, a classification model
may be built to predict the results of a credit-card application approval process (credit
card approved or denied) or to determine the outcome of an insurance claim. Many
classification algorithms have been developed by researchers and machine-learning
experts. Most classification algorithms are memory intensive. Recent research has
developed parallel and distributed processing architecture, such as Hadoop, which is
capable of handling large amounts of data.
This chapter focuses on basic classification techniques. It explains some
classification methods including naïve Bayes, decision trees, and other algorithms. It also
provides examples using R packages available to perform the classification tasks.

6.1 What Is Classification? What Is Prediction?

Imagine that you are applying for a mortgage. You fill out a long application form with all
your personal details, including income, age, qualification, location of the house, valuation
of the house, and more. You are anxiously waiting for the bank’s decision on whether your
loan application has been approved. The decision is either Yes or No. How does the bank
decide? The bank reviews various parameters provided in your application form, and then—
based on similar applications received previously and the experience the bank has had with
those customers—the bank decides whether the loan should be approved or denied.
Now imagine that you have to make a decision about launching a new product in the
market. You have to make a decision of Launch or No Launch. This depends on various
parameters. Your decision will be based on similar experiences you had in the past
launching products, based on numerous market parameters.
Next, imagine that you want to predict the opinions expressed by your customers on
the products and services your business offers. Those opinions can be either positive or
negative and can be predicted based on numerous parameters and past experiences of
your customers with similar products and services.

© Dr. Umesh R. Hodeghatta and Umesha Nayak 2017 131

U. R. Hodeghatta and U. Nayak, Business Analytics Using R - A Practical Approach,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-2514-1_6
Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

Finally, imagine that airport authorities have to decide, based on a set of parameters,
whether a particular flight of a particular airline at a particular gate is on time or delayed.
This decision is based on previous flight details and many other parameters.
Classification is a two-step process. In the first step, a model is constructed
by analyzing the database and the set of attributes that define the class variable. A
classification problem is a supervised machine-learning problem. The training data is
a sample from the database, and the class attribute is already known. In a classification
problem, the class of Y, a categorical variable, is determined by a set of input variables
{x1, x2, x3, …}. In classification, the variable we would like to predict is typically called
class variable C, and it may have different values in the set {c1, c2, c3, …}. The observed
or measured variables X1, X2, … Xn are the attributes, or input variables, also called
explanatory variables. In classification, we want to determine the relationship between
the Class variable and the inputs, or explanatory variables. Typically, models represent
the classification rules or mathematical formulas. Once these rules are created by the
learning model, this model can be used to predict the class of future data for which the
class is unknown.
There are various types of classifier models: based on a decision boundary, based on
probability theory, and based on discriminant analysis. We begin our discussion with a
classifier based on the probabilistic approach. Then we will look at the decision trees and
discriminant classifiers.

6.2 Probabilistic Models for Classification

Probabilistic classifiers and, in particular, the naïve Bayes classifier, is the most popular
classifier used by the machine-learning community. The naïve Bayes classifier is a simple
probabilistic classifier based on Bayes’ theorem, the most popular theorem in natural-
language processing and visual processing. It is one of the most basic classification
techniques, with applications such as e-mail spam detection, e-mail sorting, and
sentiment analysis. Even though naïve Bayes is a simple technique, it provides good
performance in many complex real-world problems.
The study of probabilistic classification is based on the study of approximating joint
distribution with an assumption of independence and then decomposing this probability
into a product of conditional probability. A conditional probability of event A, given event
B—denoted by P(A|B)—represents the chances of event A occurring, given that event B
also occurs.
In the context of classification, Bayes theorem provides a formula for calculating the
probability of a given record belonging to a class for the given set of record attributes.
Suppose you have m classes, C1, C2, C3, … Cm and you know the probability of classes
P(C1), P(C2), … P(Cm). If you know the probability of occurrence of x1, x2, x3, … attributes
within each class, then by using Bayes’ theorem, you can calculate the probability that the
record belongs to class Ci:

P ( X 1 , X 2 , X 3 ,…X p | Ci ) P ( Ci )
P ( Ci | X 1 , X 2 , X 3 ,…X p ) =
P ( X 1 , X 2 ,…X p | C1 ) + P ( X 1 , X 2 ,…X p | C2 )……P ( X 1 , X 2 ,..X p | Cm )

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

P(Ci) is the prior probability of belonging to class Ci in the absence of any other
attributes. (Ci|Xi) is the posterior probability of Xi belonging to class Ci. In order to classify
a record using Bayes’ theorem, you compute its chance of belonging to each class Ci. You
then classify based on the highest probability score calculated using the preceding formula.
It would be extremely computationally expensive to compute P(X|Ci) for data sets
with many attributes. Hence, a naïve assumption is made that presumes that each record
is independent of the others, given the class label of the sample. It is reasonable to
assume that the predictor attributes are all mutually independent within each class, so we
can simplify the equation:

P ( X | Ci ) = ∏nk =1 P ( X k | Ci )

Assume that each data sample is represented by an n-dimensional vector, X = {x1,

x2, … xn}, samples from n attributes of categorical class values A1, A2, …. An with m classes
C1, C2, … Cm, then P(Xk|Ci) = n/N, where n is the number of training samples of class Ci
having value Xk for Ak, and N is the total number of training samples belonging to Ci.

6.2.1 Example
Let’s look at one example and see how to predict a class label by using a Bayesian classifier.
Table 6-1 presents a training set of data tuples for a bank credit-card approval process.

Table 6-1.  Sample Training Set

ID Purchase Credit Rating Age Class Label:

Frequency Yes = Approved
No = Denied
1 Medium OK < 35 No
2 Medium Excellent < 35 No
3 High Fair 35–40 Yes
4 High Fair > 40 Yes
5 Low Excellent > 40 Yes
6 Low OK > 40 No
7 Low Excellent 35–40 Yes
8 Medium Fair < 35 No
9 Low Fair < 35 No
10 Medium Excellent > 40 No
11 High Fair < 35 Yes
12 Medium Excellent 35–40 No
13 Medium Fair 35–40 Yes
14 High OK < 35 No

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

The data samples in this training set have the attributes Age, Purchase Frequency,
and Credit Rating. The class label attribute has two distinct classes: Approved or Denied.
Let C1 correspond to the class Approved, and C2 correspond to class Denied. Using the
naïve Bayes classifier, we want to classify an unknown label sample X:
X = (Age >40, Purchase Frequency = Medium, Credit Rating = Excellent)
To classify a record, first compute the chance of a record belonging to each of the
classes by computing P(Ci|X1,X2, … Xp) from the training record. Then classify based on
the class with the highest probability.
In this example, there are two classes. We need to compute P(Xi|Ci)P(Ci). P(Ci) is the
prior probability of each class:
P(Application Approval = Yes) = 6/14 = 0.428
P(Application Approval = No) = 8/14 = 0.571
Let’s compute P(X|Ci), for i =1, 2, … conditional probabilities:
P(Age > 40 | Approval = Yes) = 2/6 = 0.333
P(Age > 40 | Approval = No) = 2/8 = 0.25
P(Purchase Frequency = Medium | Approval = Yes) =1/6 =
P(Purchase Frequency = Medium | Approval = No) = 5/8 =
P(Credit Rating = Excellent | Approval = Yes) = 2/6 = 0.333
P(Credit Rating = Excellent | Approval = No) = 3/8 = 0.375
Using these probabilities, you can obtain the following:
P(X | Approval = Yes) = 0.333 × 0.167 × 0.333 = 0.0185
P(X | Approval = No) = 0.25 × 0.625 × 0.375 = 0.0586
P(X | Approval = Yes) × P(Approval = Yes) = 0.29 × 0.428 =
P(X | Approval = No) × P(Approval = No) = 0.586 × 0.571=
The naïve Bayesian classifier predicts Approval = No for the given set of sample X.

6.2.2 Naïve Bayes Classifier Using R

Let’s try building the model by using R. We’ll use the same example. The data sample sets
have the attributes Age, Purchase Frequency, and Credit Rating. The class label attribute
has two distinct classes: Approved or Denied. The objective is to predict the class label
for the new sample, where Age > 40, Purchase Frequency = Medium, Credit_Rating =

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

The first step is to read the data from the file:

The next step is to build the classifier (naïve Bayes) model by using the mlbench and
e1071 packages:

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

For the new sample data X = (Age > 40, Purchase Frequency = Medium, Credit Rating
= Excellent), the naïve Bayes model has predicted Approval = No.

6.2.3  Advantages and Limitations of the Naïve Bayes

The naïve Bayes classifier is the simplest classifier of all. It is computationally efficient
and gives the best performance when the underlying assumption of independence is
true. The more records you have, the better the performance of naïve Bayes.
The main problem with the naïve Bayes classifier is that the classification model
depends on posterior probability, and when a predictor category is not present in
the training data, the model assumes zero probability. This can be a big problem if
this attribute value is important. With zero value, the conditional probability values
calculated could result in wrong predictions. When the preceding calculations are done
using computers, sometimes it may lead to floating-point errors. It is therefore better to
perform computation by adding algorithms of probabilities. The class with the highest
log probability is still the most significant class. If a particular category does not appear
in a particular class, its conditional probability equals 0. Then the product becomes
0. If we use the second equation, log (0) is infinity. To avoid this problem, we use add-
one or Laplace smoothing by adding 1 to each count. For numeric attributes, normal
distribution is assumed. However, if we know the attribute is not a normal distribution
and is likely to follow some other distribution, you can use different procedures to
calculate estimates—for example, kernel density estimation does not assume any
particular distribution. Another possible method is to discretize the data.
Although conditional independence does not hold in real-world situations, naïve
Bayes tends to perform well.

6.3 Decision Trees
A decision tree builds a classification model by using a tree structure. A decision tree
structure consists of a root node, branches, and leaf nodes. Leaf nodes hold the class
label, each branch denotes the outcome of the decision-tree test, and the internal nodes
denote the decision points.
Figure 6-1 demonstrates a decision tree for the loan-approval model. Each internal
node represents a test on an attribute. In this example, the decision node is Purchase
Frequency, which has two branches, High and Low. If Purchase Frequency is High, the
next decision node would be Age, and if Purchase Frequency is Low, the next decision
node is Credit Rating. The leaf node represents the classification decision: Yes or No. This
structure is called a tree structure, and the topmost decision node in a tree is called the
root node. The advantage of using a decision tree is that it can handle both numerical and
categorical data.

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

h Low

Age Credit rating

<40 >40


No Yes No Yes

Figure 6-1.  Example of a decision tree

The decision tree has several benefits. It does not require any domain knowledge,
the steps involved in learning and classification are simple and fast, and the model is
easy to comprehend. This machine-learning algorithm develops a decision tree based on
divide-and-conquer rules. Let x1, x2, and x3 be independent variables; and Y denotes the
dependent variable, which is a categorical variable. The X variables can be continuous,
binary, or ordinal. A decision tree uses a recursive partitioning algorithm to construct the
tree. The first step is selecting one of the variables, xi, as the root node to split. Depending
on the type of the variable and the values, the split can be into two parts or three parts.
Then each part is divided again by choosing the next variable. The splitting continues
until the decision class is reached. Once the root node variable is selected, the top-level
tree is created, and the algorithm proceeds recursively by splitting on each child node. We
call the final leaf homogeneous, or as pure as possible. Pure means the final point contains
only one class; however, this may not be always possible. The challenge here is selecting
the nodes to split and knowing when to stop the tree or prune the tree, when you have lot
of variables to split.

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

6.3.1 Recursive Partitioning Decision-Tree Algorithm

The basic strategy for building a decision tree is a recursive divide-and-conquer
approach. The following are the steps involved:
The tree starts as a single node from the training set.
The node attribute or decision attribute is selected based on
the information gain, or entropy measure.
A branch is created for each known value of the test attribute.
This process continues until all the attributes are considered
for decision.
The tree stops when the following occur:
• All the samples belong to the same class.
• No more attributes remain in the samples for further partitioning.
• There are no samples for the attribute branch.

6.3.2 Information Gain
In order to select the decision-tree node and attribute to split the tree, we measure the
information provided by that attribute. Such a measure is referred to as a measure of the
goodness of split. The attribute with the highest information gain is chosen as the test
attribute for the node to split. This attribute minimizes the information needed to classify
the samples in the recursive partition nodes. This approach of splitting minimizes the
number of tests needed to classify an object and guarantees that a simple tree is formed.
Many algorithms use entropy to calculate the homogeneity of a sample.
Let N be a set consisting of n data samples. Let the k is the class attribute, with m
distinct class labels Ci (for i = 1, 2, 3, … m).
The Gini impurity index is defined as follows:

G ( N ) = 1 − ∑ ( pk )

k =1

Where pk is the proportion of observations in set N that belong to class k. G(N) =

0 when all the observations belong to the same class, and G(N)= (m – 1) / m when all
classes are equally represented. Figure 6-2 shows that the impurity measure is at its
highest when pk = 0.5.

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification
G(N)=Gini Index


Figure 6-2.  Gini index

The second impurity measure is the entropy measure. For the class of n samples
having distinct m classes, Ci (for i = 1, … m) in a sample space of N and class Ci, the
expected information needed to classify the sample is represented as follows:

I(n1 , n 2 , n 3 ,…n m ) = −∑ pk log 2 ( pk ) (1)
K =1

Where pk is the probability of an arbitrary sample that belongs to class Ci .

This measure ranges between 0 (the most pure—all observations belong to the
same class) and log2(m) (all classes are equally represented). The entropy measure is
maximized at pk = 0.5 for a two-class case.

Very Impure Less Impure Minimum Impure

Figure 6-3. Impurity

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

Let X be attributes with n distinct records A = {a1, a2, a3, … an}. X attributes can be
partitioned into subsets as {S1, S2, … Sv}, where Sk contains the aj values of A. The tree
develops from a root node selected from one of these attributes, based on the information
gain provided by each attribute. Subsets would correspond to the branches grown from
this node, which is a subset of S. The entropy, or expected information, of attributes A is
given as follows:

n S1j + S2 j + S3 j +…..Sm j
E(A) = ∑ = I ( S1j , S2 j ,…Sm j ) (2)
j=1 S

The purity of the subset partition depends the value of entropy. The smaller the
entropy value, the greater the purity. The information gain of each branch is calculated
on X attributes as follows:

Gain ( A ) = I ( s1 , s2 , s3 , … sm ) − E ( A ) (3)

Gain (A) is the difference between the entropy of each attribute of X. It is the
expected reduction on entropy caused by individual attributes. The attribute with the
highest information gain is chosen as the root node for the given set S, and the branches
are created for each attribute as per the sampled partition.

6.3.3 Example of a Decision Tree

Let’s illustrate the decision tree algorithm with an example. Table 6-2 presents a training
set of data tuples for a retail store credit-card loan approval process.

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

Table 6-2.  Sample Training Set

ID Purchase Frequency Credit Rating Age Class Label:

Yes = Approved
No = Denied
1 Medium OK < 35 No
2 Medium Excellent < 35 No
3 High Fair 35–40 Yes
4 High Fair > 40 Yes
5 Low Excellent > 40 Yes
6 Low OK > 40 No
7 Low Excellent 35–40 Yes
8 Medium Fair < 35 No
9 Low Fair < 35 No
10 Medium Excellent > 40 No
11 High Fair < 35 Yes
12 Medium Excellent 35–40 No
13 Medium Fair 35–40 Yes
14 High OK < 35 No

The data samples in this training set have the attributes Age, Purchase Frequency,
and Credit Rating. The Class Label attribute has two distinct classes: Approved or Denied.
Let C1 correspond to the class Approved, and C2 correspond to the class Denied. Using the
decision tree, we want to classify the unknown label sample X:
X = (Age > 40, Income = Medium, Credit Rating = Excellent)

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

6.3.4 Induction of a Decision Tree

In this example, we have three variables: Age, Purchase Frequency, and Credit Rating. To
begin the tree, we have to select one of the variables to split. How to select? Based on the
entropy and information gain for each attribute:

Loan Approval
Yes No
6 8

In this example, the Class Label attribute representing Loan Approval, has two
values (namely, Approved or Denied); therefore, there are two distinct classes (m = 2). C1
represents the class Yes, and class C2 corresponds to No. There are eight samples of class
Yes and six samples of class No. To compute the information gain of each attribute, we
use equation 1 to determine the expected information needed to classify a given sample:
I (Loan Approval) =I(C1, C2) = I(6,8) = – 6/14 log2(6/14) – 8/14
= –(0.4285 × –1.2226) – (0.5714 × –0.8074)
= 0.5239 + 0.4613 = 0.9852
Next, compute the entropy of each attribute—Age, Purchase Frequency, and Credit
For each attribute, we need to look at the distribution of Yes and No and compute the
information for each distribution. Let’s start with the Purchase Frequency attribute. The
first step is to calculate the entropy of each income category as follows:
For Purchase Frequency=High, C11 = 3  C21 = 1. Here, first subscript 1 represents Yes,
second subscript 1 represents Purchase Frequency=High, first subscript 2 represents No.
I(C11, C21) = I(3,1); I(3,1) =
 – 3/4log2(3/4) – 1/4 log2(1/4)
= –(0.75 × –0.41) + (0.25 × –2)
I(C11, C21) = 0.3075 + 0.5 = 0.8075
For Purchase Frequency = Medium
I(C12,C22) = I (1,5) = –1/6 log(1/6) – 5/6 log(5/6) = –(0.1666 × –2.58)
– (0.8333 × –0.2631) = 0.4298 + 0.2192
I(C12,C22) = 0.6490
For Purchase Frequency = Low
I (C13, C23) = I (2,2) = –(0.5 × –1)–(0.5 × -1)=1
Using equation 2:
E (Purchase Frequency) = 4/14 × I(C11, C12) + 6/14 × I(C12,C22) +
4/14 × I(C13,C23)

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

= 0.2857 × 0.8075 + 0.4286 × 0.6490 + 0.2857 × 1

E(Purchase Frequency) = 0.2307 + 0.2781 + 0.2857 = 0.7945
Gain in information for the attribute Purchase Frequency is
calculated as follows:
Gain (Purchase Frequency) = I (C1, C2) – E(Purchase
Gain (Purchase Frequency) = 0.9852 – 0.7945 = 0.1907
Similarly, compute the Gain for other attributes, Gain (Age) and
Gain (Credit Rating). Whichever has the highest information
gain among the attributes, it is selected as the root node for that
partitioning. Similarly, branches are grown for each attribute’s
values for that partitioning. The decision tree continues to grow
until all the attributes in the partition are covered.
For Age < 35, I (C11, C12) = I(1,5) = 0.6498
For Age > 40, I(C12, C22) = I (2,2) = 1
For Age 35 – 40, I(C13, C23) = I(3,1) = 0.8113
E (Age) = 6 /14 × 0.6498 + 4/14 × 1 + 4/14 × 0.8113
= 0.2785 + 0.2857 + 0.2318 = 0.7960
Gain (Age) = I (C1,C2) – E(Age) =0.9852 – 0.7960 = 0.1892
For Credit Rating Fair, I(C11,C12) = I(4,2) = - 4/6 log(4/6) – 2/6
= -(0.6666 × -0.5851) - (0.3333 × -1.5851 =
 0.3900 + 0.5 283
= 0.9183
For Credit Rating OK, I(C21,C22) = I(0,3) = 0
For Credit Rating Excellent, I(C13,C23) = (2,3)
= –2/5 log(2/5) – 3/5 log(3/5)
= -(0.4 × -1.3219) - (0.6 × -0.7370) = 0.5288 + 0.4422 = 0.9710
E (Credit Rating) = 6/14 × 0.9183 + 3/14 × 0+ 5/14 × 0.9710
= 0.3935 + 0.3467
E (Credit Rating) = 0.7402
Gain (Credit Rating) = I (C1,C2) – E (Credit rating)
= 0.9852 – 0.7402 = 0.245

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

In this example, CreditRating has the highest information gain and it is used as a root
node and branches are grown for each attribute value. The next tree branch node is based
on the remaining two attributes, Age and PurchaseFrequency. Both Age and Purchase
Frequency have almost same information gain. Either of these can be used as split node
for the branch. We have taken Age as the split node for the branch. The rest of the branches
are partitioned with the remaining samples, as shown in Figure 6-4. For Age < 35, the
decision is clear. Whereas for the other Age category, PurchaseFrequency parameter has
to be looked at before making the loan approval decision. This involves calculating the
information gain for the rest of the samples and identifying the next split.



Purchase Age Loan Purchase Age Loan Purchase Age Loan

Frequency Approval Frequency Approval Frequency Approval
Medium <35 NO Medium <35 NO High 35-40 Yes

Low >40 Yes Low >40 Yes High >40 Yes

Low 35-40 Yes High <35 NO Medium <35 NO

Low <35 NO Low <35 NO

Medium >40 NO High <35 Yes

If Purchase frequency is Medium or High
Medium 35-40 NO but If Age is <35 then Medium 35-40 Yes
Approval = NO

If Purchase frequency is Medium

No Clear decision for both Purchase
Approval is always NO
frequency and Age
Age has no impact

Figure 6-4.  Decision tree for loan approval

The final decision tree looks like Figure 6-5.

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification


OK Fair

Age Age
<35 >35 <35 >35 <35 >35

NO PurchaseFrequency NO PurchaseFrequency NO PurchaseFrequency

High Low/Medium
High Low/Medium

High Low/Medium Yes NO

Yes NO

Yes NO

Figure 6-5.  Full-grown decision tree

6.3.5 Classification Rules from Tree

Decision trees provide easily understandable classification rules. Traversing each tree leaf
provides a classification rule. For the preceding example, the best pruned tree gives us
following rules:
Rule 1: If Credit Rating is Excellent, Age >35, Purchase
Frequency is High then Loan Approval = Yes
Rule 2: If Age < 35, Credit Rating = OK, Purchase Frequency is
Low then Loan Approval = No
Rule 3: If Credit Rating is OK or Fair, Purchase Frequency is
High then Loan Approval = Yes
Rule 4: If Credit Rating is Excellent, OK or Fair, Purchase
Frequency Low or Medium and Age >35 then
Loan Approval = No
Using a decision tree, we want to classify an unknown label sample X:
X = (Age > 40, Purchase Frequency =Medium, Credit Rating = Excellent).
Based on the preceding rules, Loan Approval = No.

6.3.6 Overfitting and Underfitting

In machine learning, a model is defined as a function, and we describe the learning
function from the training data as inductive learning. Generalization refers to how well
the concepts are learned by the model by applying them to data not seen before. The goal
of a good machine-learning model is to reduce generalization errors and thus make good
predictions on data that the model has never seen.

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

Overfitting and underfitting are two important factors that could impact the
performance of machine-learning models. Overfitting occurs when the model performs
well with training data and poorly with test data. Underfitting occurs when the model is
so simple that it performs poorly with both training and test data.
If we have too many features, the model may fit the training data too well, as it
captures the noise in the data and then performs poorly on test data. This
machine-learning model is too closely fitted to the data and will tend to have a large
variance. Hence the number of generalized errors is higher, and consequently we say that
overfitting of the data has occurred.
When the model does not capture and fit the data, it results in poor performance.
We call this underfitting. Underfitting is the result of a poor model that typically does not
perform well for any data.
One of the measures of performance in classification is a contingency table. As an
example, let’s say your new model is predicting whether your investors will fund your
project. The training data gives the results shown in Table 6-3.

Table 6-3.  Contingency Table for Training Sample


1 0
1 80 20

0 15 85

- Training Data

The accuracy of the model is quite high. Hence we see the model is a good model.
However, when we test this model against the test data, the results are as shown in
Table 6-4, and the number of errors is higher.

Table 6-4.  Contingency Table for Test Sample


1 0
1 30 70

0 80 20

- Test Data

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

In this case, the model works well on training data but not on test data. This false
confidence, as the model was generated from the training data, will probably cause you to
take on far more risk than you otherwise would and leaves you in a vulnerable situation.
The best way to avoid overfitting is to test the model on data that is completely
outside the scope of your training data or on unseen data. This gives you confidence
that you have a representative sample that is part of the production real-world data.
In addition to this, it is always a good practice to revalidate the model periodically to
determine whether your model is degrading or needs an improvement, and to make sure
it is accomplishing your business objectives.

6.3.7 Bias and Variance

In supervised machine learning, the objective of the model is to learn from the training
data and to predict. However, the learning equation itself has hidden factors that have
influence over the model. Hence, the prediction model always has an irreducible error
factor. Apart from this error, if the model does not learn from the training set, it can lead
to other prediction errors. We call these bias-variance errors.
Bias occurs normally when the model is underfitted and has failed to learn
enough from the training data. It is the difference between the mean of the probability
distribution and the actual correct value. Hence, the accuracy of the model is different for
different data sets (test and training sets). To reduce the bias error, data scientists repeat
the model-building process by resampling the data to obtain better prediction values.
Variance is a prediction error due to different sets of training samples. Ideally, the
error should not vary from one training sample to another sample, and the model should
be stable enough to handle hidden variations between input and output variables.
Normally this occurs with the overfitted model.
If either bias or variance is high, the model can be very far off from reality. In
general, there is a trade-off between bias and variance. The goal of any machine-learning
algorithm is to achieve low bias and low variance such that it gives good prediction
In reality, because of so many other hidden parameters in the model, it is hard to
calculate the real bias and variance error. Nevertheless, the bias and variance provide a
measure to understand the behavior of the machine-learning algorithm so that the model
model can be adjusted to provide good prediction performance.
Figure 6-6 illustrates an example. The bigger circle in blue is the actual value, and
small circles in red are the predicted values. The figure shows a bias-variance illustration
of variance cases.

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

Actual Actual

Low Bias-Low Variance Low Bias-High Variance


Actual Actual

High Bias-Low Variance High Bias-High Variance

Figure 6-6. Bias-variance

6.3.8  Avoiding Overfitting Errors and Setting the Size of

Tree Growth
Using the entire data set for a full-grown tree leads to complete overfitting of the data,
as each and every record and variable is considered to fit the tree. Overfitting leads to
poor classifier performance for the unseen, new set of data. The number of errors for the
training set is expected to decrease as the number of levels grows—whereas for the new
data, the errors decrease until a point where all the predictors are considered, and then
the model considers the noise in the data set and starts modeling noise; thus the overall
errors start increasing, as shown in Figure 6-7.
There are two ways to limit the overfitting error. One way is to set rules to stop the
tree growth at the beginning. The other way is to allow the full tree to grow and then
prune the tree to a level where it does not overfit. Both solutions are discussed next.

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

New Unseen Data

Error Rate

Training Data

Tree Nodes

Figure 6-7.  Overfitting error Limiting Tree Growth

One way to stop tree growth is to set some rules at the beginning, before the model starts
overfitting the data. Though you can use several methods (such as identifying a minimum
number of records in a node or the minimum impurity, or reducing the number of splits),
it is not easy to determine a good point for stopping the tree growth.
One popular method is Chi-Squared Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID),
based on a recursive partitioning method that is based on the famous Classification and
Regression Tree (CART) algorithm, which has been widely used for several years
by marketing applications and others. CHAID uses the well-known statistical test
(chi-squared test for independence) to assess whether splitting a node improves the
purity of a node and whether that improvement is statistically significant. At each node
split, the variables that have the strongest association with the response variable is
selected and the measure is the p-value of a chi-squared test of independence. The tree
split is stopped when this test does not show a significant association and this proces is
stopped. This method is more suitable for categorical variables, but it can be adopted by
transforming continuous variables into categorical bins.
Most tools provide an option to select the size of the split and the method to prune
the tree. If you do not remember the chi-squared test, that’s okay. However, it is important
to know which method to choose and when and why to choose it.

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification Pruning the Tree

The other solution is to allow the tree to grow fully and then prune the tree. The
purpose of pruning is to identify the branches that hardly reduce the error rate and
remove them. The process of pruning consists of successively selecting a decision
node and redesignating it as a leaf node, thus reducing the size of the tree by reducing
misclassification errors. The pruning process reduces the misclassification errors and the
noise but captures the tree patterns. This is the point where the error curve of the unseen
data begins to increase, and this is the point where we have to prune the tree.
This method is implemented in multiple software packages such as SAS based on
CART (developed by Leo Breiman et al.) and SPSS based on C4.5 (developed by Ross
Quinlan). In C4.5, the training data is used both for growing the tree and for pruning it.
Regression trees, part of the CART method, can also be used to predict continuous
variables. The output variable, Y, is a continuous variable. The trees are constructed and
the splits are identified similarly to classification trees, measuring impurity at each level.
The goal is to create a model for predicting continuous variable values.

6.4 Other Classifier Types

A decision tree is a simple classifier that shows the important predictor variable as a root
node of a tree. From the user perspective, a decision tree requires no transformation of
variables or selecting variables to split the tree branch that is part of the decision-tree
algorithm, and even pruning is taken care of automatically without any user interference.
The construction of trees depends on the observation values and not on the actual
magnitude values; therefore, trees are intrinsically robust to outliers and missing values.
Also, decision trees are easy to understand because of the simple rules they generate.
However, from a computational perspective, building a decision tree can be
relatively expensive because of the need to identify splits for multiple variables. Further
pruning also adds computational time.
Another disadvantage is that a decision tree requires a large data set to construct
a good performance classifier. It also does not depend on any relationships among
predictor variables, unlike in other linear classifiers such as discriminant classifiers,
and hence may result in lower performance. Recently, Leo Breiman and Adele Cutler
introduced Random Forests, an extension to classification trees that tackles these issues.
This algorithm creates multiple decision trees, a tree forest, from the data set and
optimizes the output to obtain a better-performing classifier.
In this section, we briefly introduce other popular classification methods including
k-nearest neighbor (K-NN), Random Forests, and neural networks. We will also explore
when and under what conditions these classifiers can be used.

6.4.1 K-Nearest Neighbor
The k-nearest neighbor (K-NN) classifier is based on learning numeric attributes in an
n-dimensional space. All of the training samples are stored in an n-dimensional space
with a distinguished pattern. When a new sample is given, the K-NN classifier searches

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

for the pattern spaces that are closest to the sample and accordingly labels the class in
the k-pattern space (called k-nearest neighbor). The “closeness” is defined in terms of
Euclidean distance, where Euclidean distance between two points, X = (x1, x2, x3, … xn)
and Y = (y1, y2, y3, … yn) is defined as follows:

d ( X,Y ) = ∑ ( x i − y i )

i =1

The unknown sample is assigned the nearest class among the k-nearest neighbors
pattern. The idea is to look for the records that are similar to, or “near,” the record to be
classified in the training records that have values close to X = (x1, x2, x3, …). These records
are grouped into classes based on the “closeness,” and the unknown sample will look for
the class (defined by k) and identifies itself to that class that is nearest in the k-space.

Distance Test Record

Training Choose the

Records “nearest” records

Figure 6-8.  K-NN example

Figure 6-8 shows a simple example of how K-NN works. If a new record has to be
classified, it finds the nearest match to the record and tags to that class. For example, if it
walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it’s probably a duck.
K-nearest neighbor does not assume any relationship among the predictors (X)
and class (Y). Instead, it draws the conclusion of class based on the similarity measures
between predictors and records in the data set. Though there are many potential
measures, K-NN uses Euclidean distance between the records to find the similarities
to label the class. Please note that the predictor variables should be standardized to a
common scale before computing the Euclidean distances and classifying.
After computing the distances between records, we need a rule to put these records
into different classes (k). A higher value of k reduces the risk of overfitting due to noise in
the training set. Ideally, we balance the value of k such that the misclassification error is
minimized. Ideally, the value of k can be between 2 and 10; for each time, we try to find
the misclassification error and find the value of k that gives the minimum error.

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

6.4.2 Random Forests
A decision tree is based on a set of true/false decision rules, and the prediction is based
on the tree rules for each terminal node. This is similar to a tree with a set of nodes
(corresponding to true/false questions), each of which has two branches, depending
on the answer to the question. A decision tree for a small set of sample training data
encounters the overfitting problem. In contrast, the Random Forests model is well suited
to handle small sample size problems.
Random Forests creates multiple deep decision trees and averages them out,
trained on different parts of the same training set. The objective of the random forest is to
overcome overfitting problems of individual trees. In other words, random forests are an
ensemble method of learning and building decision trees at training time.
A random forest consists of multiple decision trees (the more trees, the better).
Randomness is in selecting the random training subset from the training set. This method
is called bootstrap aggregating or bagging, and this is done to reduce overfitting by
stabilizing predictions. This method is used in many other machine-learning algorithms,
not just in Random Forests.
The other type of randomness is in selecting variables randomly from the set of
variables. This means different trees are based on different sets of variables. For example,
in our preceding example, one tree may use only Income and Credit Rating, and the
other tree may use all three variables. But in a forest, all the trees would still influence the
overall prediction by the random forest.
Random Forests have low bias. By adding more trees, we reduce variance and thus
overfitting. This is one of the advantages of Random Forests, and hence it is gaining
popularity. Random Forests models are relatively robust to set of input variables and
often do not care about preprocessing of data. Research has shown that they are more
efficient to build than other models such as SVM.
Table 6-5 lists the various types of classifiers and their advantages and disadvantages.

Table 6-5.  Clasification Algorithms—Advantages and Disadvatages

Sl No Classification Method Advantages Disadvantages

1 Naïve Bayes Computationally Model depends
efficient when on the posterior
assumption of probability.
independence is true. When a predictor
category is not
present in the
training data, the
model assumes
the probability
and could result in
wrong predictions.

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

Table 6-5. (continued)
Sl No Classification Method Advantages Disadvantages
2 Decision tree Simple rules to Building a decision
understand and easy to tree can be relatively
comprehend. expensive, and
It does not require any further pruning
domain knowledge. adds computational
The steps involved time.
in learning and Requires a large
classification are simple data set to construct
and fast. a good performance
Decision tree requires classifier.
no transformation of
variables or selecting
variables to split the tree
3 Nearest neighbor Simple and lack Time to find the
of parametric nearest neighbors.
assumptions. Reduced
Performs well for large performance for
training sets. large number of
4 Random Forests Performs well for small If a variable is a
and large data sets. categorical variable
Balances bias and with multiple levels,
variance and provides Random Forests
better performance. are biased toward
More efficient to build the variable having
than other advanced multiple levels.
models, such as
nonlinear SVMs.

6.5 Classification Example Using R

This example uses student admission data. Students have been divided into different levels
based on various test result criteria and then the students are admitted, accordingly, to the
school. The data set has already been labeled with different levels. The objective is to build
a model to predict the class. We will demonstrate this example by using R.

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

Once you understand the business problem, the very first step is to read the data
set. Data is stored in CSV format. You will read the data. The next step is to understand
the characteristics of the data to see whether it needs any transformation of variable
types, handling of missing values, and so forth. After this, the data set is partitioned into
a training set and a test set. The training set is used to build the model, and the test set is
used to test the model performance. You’ll use a decision tree to build the classification
model. After the model is successfully developed, the next step is to understand the
performance of the model. If the model meets customer requirements, you can deploy
the model. Otherwise, you can go back and fine-tune the model. Finally, the results are
reported and the model is deployed in the real world.
The data set is in CSV format and stored in the grades.csv file. Load the tree library
and read the file as follows:

Explore the data to understand the characteristics of the data. The R functions are
shown here:

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

The next step is to partition the data set into a training set and a test set. There are 240
records. Let’s use 70 percent as the training data set and 30 percent as the test data set:

Build the decision-tree model by using the tree() function. An ample number of
functions have been contributed to R by various communities. In this example, we use
the popular tree() package. You are free to try other functions by referring to appropriate

The summary of the model shows that residual deviance is 0.5621, and 13.69 percent
is the misclassification error. Now, plot the tree structure, as shown in Figure 6-9.

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

Quiz4 < 77.5

Quiz2 < 14.25 Quiz2 < 15.75

Quiz3 < 25.25 Quiz1 < 9.25

Quiz4 < 97.5 Quiz4 < 97.5

Quiz4 < 92.5 Quiz4 < 97.5 Quiz3 < 24.5

Quiz1 < 9 Quiz2 < 23.25
Quiz1 < 12.5 Quiz1 < 10.5

Figure 6-9.  Example plot of the decision-tree structure

Once the model is ready, test the model with the test data set. We already partitioned
the test data set. This test data set was not part of the training set. This will give you an
indication of how well the model is performing and also whether it is overfit or underfit.

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

As you can see, the misclassification mean error is 19.71 percent. Still, the model
seems to be performing well, even with the test data that the model has never seen
before. Let’s try to improve the model performance by pruning the tree, and then you will
work with the training set.

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

2 4 6 8 10 12 14


Figure 6-10.  Plotting deviance vs. size

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

By plotting the deviance vs. size of the tree plot, the minimum error is at size 7. Let’s
prune the tree at size 7 and recalculate the prediction performance (see Figure 6-11). You
have to repeat all the previous steps.

Quiz4 < 77.5

Quiz2 < 15.75

Quiz3 < 22.25 Quiz1 < 9.25
Quiz4 < 97.5

Quiz4 < 97.5



Figure 6-11.  Pruned tree

Chapter 6 ■ Supervised Machine Learning—Classification

For the pruned tree, the misclassification error is 15.48 percent, and the residual
mean deviance is 0.8708. The model fits better, but the misclassification error is a
little higher than the full tree model. Hence, the pruned tree model did not improve
the performance of the model. The next step is to carry out the process called k-fold
validation. The process is as follows:
Split the data set into k folds. The suggested value is k = 10.
For each k fold in the data set, build your model on k – 1 folds
and test the model to check the effectiveness for the left-out
Record the prediction errors.
Repeat the steps k times so that each of the k folds are part of
the test set.
The average of the error recorded in each iteration of k
is called the cross-validation error, and this will be the
performance metric of the model.

6.6 Summary
The chapter explained the fundamental concepts of supervised machine learning and the
differences between the classification model and prediction model. You learned why the
classification model also falls under prediction.
You learned the fundamentals of the probabilistic classification model using naïve
Bayes. You also saw Bayes’ theorem used for classification and for predicting classes via
an example in R.
This chapter described the decision-tree model, how to build the decision tree, how
to select the decision tree root, and how to split the tree. You saw examples of building the
decision tree, pruning the tree, and measuring the performance of the classification model.
You also learned about the bias-variance concept with respect to overfitting and
Finally, you explored how to create a classification model, understand the measure
of performance of the model, and improve the model performance, using R.


Unsupervised Machine

This chapter explores two important concepts of unsupervised machine learning:

clustering and association rules. Clustering is also part of exploratory analysis, used to
understand data and its properties and to identify any outliers that exist. But primarily
it is used for identifying hidden groups in a data set. Association rule finds interesting
associations or correlations among items in a large transactional data sets in a database.
This is heavily used in retail industries to find interesting buying patterns from a
transactional database, and can help in cross-marketing, catalog design, product
promotions, and other marketing business decisions. In this chapter, you will learn how
to perform clustering analysis, the techniques used for performing the clustering, and
the concepts of association-rule mining.

7.1 Clustering - Overview
Clustering analysis is performed on data to identify hidden groups or to form
different sectors. The objective of the clusters is to enable meaningful analysis in ways
that help business. Clustering can uncover previously undetected relationships in a
data set. For example, marketing cluster analysis can be used for market segmentation:
customers are segmented based on demographics and transaction history so that
a marketing strategy can be formulated. Another example is to identify groups who
purchase similar products. Similarly, you group people in various clusters based on
lifestyle and consumer expenditures so that cluster analysis can be used to estimate
the potential demand for products and services and thus help formulate business and
marketing strategies.

© Dr. Umesh R. Hodeghatta and Umesha Nayak 2017 161

U. R. Hodeghatta and U. Nayak, Business Analytics Using R - A Practical Approach,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-2514-1_7
Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

Raw Data Clusters of Data

Figure 7-1.  Example of clustering

Nielsen (and earlier, Claritas) were pioneers in cluster analysis. Through its
segmentation solution, Nielsen helped customize demographic data to understand
geography based on region, state, zip code, neighborhood, and block. This has helped the
company to come up with effective naming and differentiation of groups such as movers
and shakers, fast-track families, football-watching beer aficionados, and casual, sweet
palate drinkers. (
In a Human Resources (HR) department, cluster analysis can be used to identify
employee skills, performance, and attrition. Furthermore, you can cluster based on
interests, demographics, gender, and salary to help a business to act on HR-related issues
such as relocating, improving performance, or hiring the properly skilled labor force for
forthcoming projects.
In finance, cluster analysis can help create risk-based portfolios based on various
characteristics such as returns, volatility, and P/E ratio. Selecting stocks from different
clusters can create a balanced portfolio based on risks. Similarly, clusters can be created
based on revenues and growth, market capital, products and solutions, and global
presence. These clusters can help a business understand how to position in the market.
Similarly, in software life-cycle management, you can group the effectiveness of the
software development process based on defects and processes. Similarly, you can group
newspaper articles on the Web based on topics such as sports, science, or politics.
The purpose of cluster analysis is to segregate data into groups that help you better
understand the overall picture. This idea has been applied in many areas, including
archaeology, astronomy, science, education, medicine, psychology, and sociology. In
biology, scientists have made extensive use of classes and subclasses to organize various
Next, you will look at the methods and techniques involved in cluster analysis as well
as its challenges. You’ll also learn how to perform cluster analysis on a given data set.

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

7.2 What Is Clustering?
In statistics, cluster analysis is performed on data to gain insights that help you
understand the characteristics and distribution of data. Unlike in classification, clustering
does not rely on predefined class labels or training examples. Conventional clustering is
based on the similarity measures of geometric distance. There are two general methods
of clustering for a data set of n records:
Hierarchical method: There are two types of algorithms. The
agglomerative algorithm begins with n clusters and starts
merging sequentially with similar clusters until a single
cluster is formed. The divisive is the opposite: the algorithm
first starts with one single cluster and then divides into
multiple clusters based on dissimilarities.
Nonhierarchical method: In this method, the clusters are
formed based on specified numbers initially. The method
assigns records to each cluster. Since this method is simple
and computationally less expensive, it is the preferred method
for very large data sets.
How do we measure closeness or similarities between clusters? Numerous measures
can be used. The following section describes some of the measures that are common to
both types of clustering algorithms.

7.2.1 Measures Between Two Records

Various methods measure the distance or similarities between two records in a data set.
This section covers some of the common methods used. Euclidean Distance and Manhattan Distance

Euclidean distance is the most popular measure. The Euclidean distance, Eij between two
records, i and j, is defined as follows:

(X   X ) + (X   X ) + (X   X ) +…….. ( X ip  X jp )
2 2 2 2
E ij = i1 j1 i2 j2 i3 j3 (1)

If you assign weight for each variable, then a weighted Euclidean distance can be
calculated as follows:

E ij = W1 ( X i1  X j1 ) + W2 ( X i 2  X j2 ) + W3 ( X i 3  X j3 ) +…….. Wp ( X ip  X jp )

2 2 2 2

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

Another well-known measure is Manhattan (or city block) distance and is defined as

Mij = x i1 – x j1 + x i 2 – x j2 + x i 3 – x j3 + …+ x ip – x jp (3)

Both Euclidean distance and Manhattan distance should satisfy the following
mathematical requirements of a distance function:
Eij ≥ 0 and Mij ≥ 0: The distance is a non-negative number.
Eii = 0 and Mii = 0: The distance from an object to itself is 0.
Eij = Eji and Mij = Mji: The distance is a symmetric function. Pearson Product Correlation (Statistical

Sometimes distance is measured in terms of how much the variables differ instead of
in terms of physical distance. This dissimilarity is computed by the Pearson coefficient
between two variables a and b as follows, where a and b are variables describing objects,
and ma and mb are mean values of a and b, respectively:

∑( x ia – m a )( x ib – m b )
R ( a,b ) = i =1
n n

∑( x – ma ) ∑( x – mb )
2 2
ia ib
i =1 i =1

In addition, xia is the value of a for the ith object, and xib is the value of b for the ith
Having variables with a high positive correlation means that their dissimilarity
coefficient is close to 0, and the variables are very similar. Similarly, a strong negative
correlation is assigned a dissimilarity coefficient close to 1, and the variables are very
Minkowski distance represents the generalization of Euclidean and Manhattan
distance. It is defined as follows:
Min(i, j) = – ( |xi1 – xj1|q) + |xi2 – xj2|q + |xi3 – xj3|q … |xip – xjp|q ) 1/q
It represents the Manhattan distance if q =1 and it represents Euclidean distance if q = 2.

7.2.2 Distance Measures for Categorical Variables

A categorical variable has two or more states. The distance measure to calculate distance
between two categorical variables of simple type 0 and 1 is not the same measure as
numerical variables. One approach is to compute the distance using simple contingency
table as shown in Table 7-1. In this example, we will compute the distance between two
variables with 0 and 1 category (symmetric).

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

Table 7-1.  Contingency table

Variable 1

1 0 Sum

1 x y x+y
Variable 2

0 a b a+b

Sum x+a y+b

Here, x is the total number of records with category 1 for both variables 1 and 2.
Similarly b is the total number of records with category 0 for both variables 1 and 2 and
vice-verse. Total number of records with all the categories is sum of a, b, x and y and is
represented as p = a + b + x + y.
The well known measure to calculate the distance between the two variables is the
simple matching coefficient, which is defined below:

d(i,j) = (a + y) / (a + b + x + y)

7.2.3 Distance Measures for Mixed Data Types

Usually, data sets have a combination of categorical and continuous variables. To
measure the similarity between these variables, we can use a similarity measure
proposed by Ducker and others (1965), and extended by Kaufman and Rousseeus (1990).
This measure combines the variables into a dissimilarity matrix, bringing them into a
common scale. It is defined as follows:

m =p

∑W ijm d ijm
d ( i,j) = m=1


Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

The contribution of variable f to the dissimilarity between i and j is computed

dependent on its type:

If m is binary or nominal, d(m)
( i,j) = 0
if xim = xjm; otherwise, d(m)
( i,j) = 1

If m is interval-based:

x im – x jm
d (mi,j)
max ( x hm ) – min ( x hm )

Where h runs over on all nonmissing objects for variable m.

For continuous measurements, d (ijm) =

x im – x jm
max ( x m ) – min ( x m )

7.2.4 Distance Between Two Clusters

Various measures can be used to find the distance between two clusters. The most
commonly used measures are single linkage, complete linkage, centroid, and average
linkage. Say cluster C includes m records C1, C2, C3 … Cm, and cluster B includes n records
B1, B2, B3 … Bm. The following metrics are widely used to find the distance between the C
and B clusters. Single Linkage (Minimum Distance)

The shortest distance between the two pairs of records in Ci and Bj is mathematically
represented as follows:
Min(distance(Ci, Bj)) for i = 1, 2, 3, 4 … m; j = 1, 2, 3 … n
Figure 7-2 demonstrates the single-linkage approach.

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

Figure 7-2.  Single linkage Complete Linkage (Maximum Distance)

The distance between two clusters is defined as the longest distance between one point
each from each cluster (see Figure 7-3). The farthest distance between a record in each
cluster in two clusters Ci and Bj is mathematically represented as follows:
Max (distance (Ci, Bj)) for I = 1, 2, … m; j = 1, 2, 3 … n

Figure 7-3.  Complete linkage Average Linkage (Average Distance)

This measure indicates the average of distance between each point in one cluster to every
point in the other cluster (see Figure 7-4). The average distance between records in one
cluster and records in the other cluster is calculated as follows:
Average (distance(Ci, Bj)) for I =1, 2, 3 … m; j = 1, 2, 3 … n

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

Figure 7-4.  Average linkage Centroid Distance
The centroid is the measurement of averages across all the records in that cluster. For
example, in cluster C, the centroid X a =

1 m 1 m 
 ∑X 1i ………… ∑X pi …………
 i=1 m i =1 

The centroid between two clusters C and B is X a X b

7.3 Hierarchical Clustering
Hierarchical clusters have a predetermined ordering from top to bottom. For example,
an organizational chart or all the files and folders on the hard disk in your computer are
organized in a hierarchy.
Hierarchical clustering starts with every single object in a single data set as separate
cluster. Then in each iteration, a cluster agglomerates (merges) with the closest cluster,
based on distance and similarity criteria, until all the data forms into one cluster. The
hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm is as follows:
Start with n clusters. Each record in the data set can be a
cluster by itself.
The two closest case observations are merged together as
single cluster. The closeness is the similarity measure.
Step 2 repeats until a single cluster is formed. At every step,
the two clusters with the smallest distance measure are
merged together until all records and clusters are combined
to form a single cluster. A hierarchy of clusters is created.

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

7.3.1 Dendrograms
A dendrogram demonstrates how clusters are merged in a hierarchy. A dendrogram is
a tree-like structure that summarizes the process of clustering and shows the hierarchy
pictorially. Similar records are joined by lines whose vertical line reflects the distance
measure between two records. Figure 7-5 shows an example of a dendrogram.

Figure 7-5.  A dendrogram shows how clusters are merged in a hierarchy

7.3.2 Limitations of Hierarchical Clustering

Hierarchical clustering is simple to understand and interpret. It does not require you to
specify the number of clusters to form. However, it has the following limitations:
• For very large data sets, computing and storing the n × n matrix
may be expensive and slow.
• It is sensitive to outliers and missing data.
• It has low stability. Reordering data or dropping a few records can
result in a different solution.
• When the metric is changed from one measure to another, results
may vary.

7.4 Nonhierarchical Clustering
In nonhierarchical clustering, a desired number of clusters is prespecified, ki, and
you assign each case to one of the clusters so as to minimize the dispersion within the
clusters. The goal is to divide the sample into a number of predetermined k clusters

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

so that the clusters are as homogeneous as possible with respect to the metrics used.
The algorithm intends to partition n objects into k clusters with the nearest mean. The
end result is to produce k different clusters with clear distinctions. This is again an
unsupervised machine-learning, numerical, and iterative method. And you always have
at least one item in each cluster. The objective of this k-means clustering is to minimize
total intracluster variance, or, the squared error function:

n k
E = ∑∑ |( x i  m j )|2
i =1 i =1

Where x is the point in space representing the given objecti and mi is the mean
of cluster C. The algorithm works well when the records are well separated from one

7.4.1 K-Means Algorithm
The k-means algorithm for clustering is as follows:
Select k. It can be 1 or 2 or 3 or anything.
Select k points at random as cluster centroids.
Start assigning objects to their closest cluster based on
Euclidean measurement.
Calculate the centroid of all objects in each cluster.
Check the distance of the data point to the centroid of its own
cluster. If it is closest, then leave it as is. If not, move it to the
next closest cluster.
Repeat the preceding steps until all the data points are
covered and no data point is moving from one cluster to
another (the cluster is stable).
The following example demonstrates the k-means algorithm.

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

There is no change between iterations 3 and 4, so the algorithm is stopped at this

stage. By using clustering, two groups have been identified: 15–28 and 35–65. The initial
random selection of cluster centroids can affect the output clusters, so the algorithm is
run multiple times with different starting conditions in order to get a fair view of what the
clusters should be.

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

7.4.2 Limitations of K-Means Clustering

K-means is a simple and relatively easy and efficient method. However, you need to
specify k at the beginning. A different k can vary the results and cluster formation. A
practical approach is to compare the outcomes of multiple runs with different k values
and choose the best one based on a predefined criterion. A large k probably decreases the
error but may result in overfitting.
Selecting the initial k is driven by external factors such as previous knowledge,
practical constraints, or requirements. If we do not have any of these influences, the
selection is random; you can try a few different values and compare the resulting clusters.
In many cases, no such prior information or knowledge is available, and you can run the
algorithm with various k values and then compare the results to reduce the producing of
poor clusters. The goal, when comparing the clusters with different k values, is to make
sure that the sum of distances reduces with increasing values of k.

7.5 Clustering Case Study

In this section, we present an example of clustering that uses a data set with details about
apartments. The data includes rent of the apartments as well as other corresponding
variable data such as Distance_from_Airport, Distance_to_Downtown, and Distance_
Here is the test data set:

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

7.5.1 Retain Only Relevant Variables in the Data Set

As you can see in the preceding code, we have removed the apartment number, which
has no value to our grouping/clustering activity. Now we have only the parameters, or
variables, relevant to the rent in the data set. Otherwise, your starting point would be to
remove the irrelevant data variables from the data set. In this example, we want to see
how the rents are different or similar based on the distances from various important
places such as the airport, downtown, and the university.

7.5.2 Remove Any Outliers from the Data Set

Because outliers have significant impacts on some algorithms, we suggest removing
the outliers before proceeding with the clustering process. For this, you can install the
package outliers and then use it. One of the functions you can use for various tests
for outliers is scores() from this package. In the following code, we use the scores()
function and the Interquartile Range (IQR) method for finding the outlier. We use lim =
“iqr” to obtain a logical output that suggests whether the data points are outliers. TRUE is
returned for an outlier.

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

As you can see, there are no outliers in our data as suggested by the IQR method.

7.5.3 Standardize the Data

Because different variables may be of different magnitudes, the range of the variables
also may significantly differ from each other. If all the variables have data in a similar
range, there is no issue and we can proceed as it is. However, if the range of, say, one
of the variables is significantly large compared to the other or others, then we have
to scale the data. For this, we can use scale()to convert the data into standardized
values. Without scaling the data, the variable with the highest range would influence the
clustering more than the other variables. This is not good from the perspective of finding
the right pattern.
Let’s now standardize our data, as shown here:

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

7.5.4 Calculate the Distance Between the Data Points

Clustering works on the basis of calculating distances between data points (observations).
Mathematics and statistics provide various methods to calculate these distances,
including Canberra, Manhattan, Euclidean, and Hamming metrics. Euclidean distance,
named after the famous mathematician Euclid, is one of the methods suggested in
mathematics. We use the dist() function to calculate the distance.
Let’s do the same with our data set. The way to do this in R is shown here, followed
by the first five observations in the data set:

Please note that the dist() function takes the data set (for scaled data, the scaled
data set is used) and method = “euclidean” as arguments. However, euclidean is the
default method, so we can omit method = “euclidean” in the preceding code. We would
use the method = “manhattan” option for a Manhattan distance calculation, and method
= “binary” for Hamming distance.  Use the Selected Approaches to Carry Out the

As we have mentioned, we use a hierarchical clustering approach when the data is small,
and we definitely use partition clustering when the data set is huge. The hierarchical
clustering approach is also useful when we cannot approximate the possible number of
clusters. But we need to provide the number of clusters required as input for the partition
clustering approach. Hierarchical clustering is also used for nested clusters.
Let’s now use both approaches on our data. Hierarchical Clustering Approach

Let’s start with a hierarchical partitioning approach. Here we have the option to use
different methods. These are based on the way distances are calculated between the
clusters. Typically, five methods are available: single linkage, average linkage, complete
linkage, centroid, and ward. The average and the centroid methods are the most popular,
as these have fewer disadvantages compared to the other methods.
We use the hclust() function for hierarchical clustering. This takes distance_
among_observ we calculated from our data set and the method used. The typical format
of this function is cluster_fit <- hclust(distance_matrix, method = “xxx”), where
cluster_fit is the name of the output variable used to hold the clusters fitted and xxx is
average, centroid, complete, single, or ward.

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

Let’s now try out both the average and centroid methods:

We have to evaluate the cluster_fit we have obtained by using the preceding

methods. For this, we need evaluating indices. We have these indices built into the
NbClust package. If you have not already installed this package, you need to install it
by using install.packages(NbClust) and then load it by using the library(NbClust)
command in R:

This R code shows that ten criteria from the NbClust package suggest that the best
number of clusters is three. We have assumed five maximum clusters, as we do not want a
single or only two data points in each cluster.
The preceding NbClust() command also produces the corresponding plots shown
in Figure 7-6.

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

Dindex Values

2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Number of clusters
Second differences Dindex Values

2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Number of clusters

Figure 7-6.  Plots generated by the NbClust() command from the NbClust package,
depicting the best number of clusters

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

As you can see, the first plot shows a steep drop in Dindex values, from two to three
clusters; beyond that, the Dindex values decrease slowly as the number of clusters increase.
This suggests three clusters as the best option. The second plot clearly shows three clusters
as the best option, as the second differences Dindex value is highest in this case.
We can now generate a dendrogram by using the plot() function as follows:

Figure 7-7 shows the resulting dendrogram.

Cluster Dendrogram













hclust(*, "centroid")

Figure 7-7.  Cluster dendrogram generated using the plot command

This dendrogram also shows three clusters. Now let’s superimpose rectangles on the
plot generated by using the rect.hclust() function:

Figure 7-8 shows the resulting dendrogram.

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

Cluster Dendrogram













hclust(*, "centroid")

Figure 7-8.  Rectangles superimposed on the three clusters to easily differentiate among them

Now, based on the best number of clusters determined in the preceding code, we get
these clusters with the corresponding data as follows:

The cutree() function cuts the observations into the number of clusters based on
the cluster_fit we arrived previously. The numbers are the cluster numbers. As you can
see in the preceding code, the same observations are classified into each cluster when
using both the average and centroid methods. But, this isn’t always the case. We can also
see that there are ten data observations in cluster number 1, eight data observations in
cluster number 2, and two data observations in cluster number 3. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th,
7th, 9th, 10th, 16th, and 20th data observations belong to cluster 1. The 6th, 8th, 11th, 12th, 13th,
17th, 18th, and 19th data observations fall in cluster 2. The 14th and 15th data observations
fall in cluster 3.
Let’s now interpret and validate the clusters by manually visiting our base data:

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

As you can see, this data suggests that the high rent (cluster 2—$1,800 and above) is
expected when the distance to the airport, and distance to the university are very short
(less than 12 km from the airport and less than 13 from the university) and distance to
downtown is greater (16 km and more). In contrast, very low rents (cluster 1) show long
distances from both the airport and university but are <= 15 km from downtown. The
third cluster shows lower rent when the distances are far from both the airport and the
university along with a greater distance from downtown. From this, we can find that there
is appropriate clustering of the data:

We use the aggregate() function to determine the median value of each cluster. The
preceding code clearly supports the analysis we made previously. We use this median as
it makes more sense than the mean because of the rounded values of rent.
Now let’s group (or cluster) our data by using the partition cluster approach. Partition Clustering Approach

k-means clustering is one of partition clustering methods. Here, we need to provide the
number of clusters as inputs, and then the data is continuously rearranged until we get
clusters with similar data grouped together. One of the limitations of k-means clustering
is that it can work with only continuous data. It cannot work with factor data.

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

In order to find out the optimal clusters or the best number of clusters, we can use
the same NbClust() function, but with the method kmeans. Here you can see how to use
this function in R and the resulting output:

This output shows that 13 indices support two clusters.

Let’s look at how these clusters are organized. If we compare this to our earlier
hierarchical clustering, the first cluster under partition clustering is the same as the
second cluster under hierarchical clustering. However, the first and third cluster under
hierarchical clustering are grouped into the second cluster under partition clustering.
If we look at the base data again, we find that this makes sense because the second
cluster is now completely comprising the low-rent group with distance from the airport
and distance from the university being relatively high, regardless of the distance from
downtown, whereas the high-rent group has less distance from the airport and the
university. Here, it seems that the distance from downtown does not have any significant
impact on the rent.
Alternatively, instead of the NbClust() function from the NbClust package, we can
use the kmeansruns() function from the fpc package to determine the optimal clusters.
Now let’s use the best option for the clusters we have to regroup the observations:

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

As we see in practice, the nstart value from 20 to 30 works well in most cases. This
is nothing but the initial configurations the algorithm will try before suggesting the best
We will now use the aggregate() function with the median to determine the median
value of each cluster. The resultant output from R is shown here:

As we mentioned earlier, during the discussion on hierarchical clustering, it makes

more sense here also to use the median rather than the mean because of the data profile
(even though, technically, R allows us to use the mean instead of the median).

7.6 Association Rule
Another important unsupervised machine-learning concept is association-rule analysis,
also called affinity analysis or market-basket analysis (MBA). This type of analysis is often
used to find out “what item goes with what item,” and is predominantly used in the study
of customer transaction databases. Association rules provide a simple analysis in dicating
that when an event occurs, an other event occurs with a certain probability. Discovering
relationships among a huge number of transactional database records can help in better
marketing, inventory management, product promotions, launching new products, and
other business decision processes. Association rules indicate relationships by using
simple if-then rule structures computed from the data that are probabilistic in nature.
The classic example is in retail marketing. If a retail department wants to find out
which items are frequently purchased together, it can use association-rule analysis. This
helps the store manage inventory, offer promotions, and introduce new products. This
market-basket analysis also helps retailers plan ahead for sales and know which items
to promote with a reduced price. For example, this type of analysis can indicate whether
customers who purchase a mobile phone also purchase a screen guard or phone cover,
or whether a customer buys milk and bread together (see Figure 7-9). Then those stores
can promote the phone cover or can offer a new bakery bread at a promotional price for
the purchase of milk. These offers might encourage customers to buy a new product at a
reduced price.

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

Which items are purchased frequently?

bread bread bread bun

Market Jam
Analyst cereal butter Jam
milk eggs milk
chocolate milk

Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 Customer n

Shopping Baskets

Figure 7-9.  Market basket analysis

Several algorithms can generate the if-then association rules, but the classic one is
the Apriori algorithm of Agrawal and Srikant (1993). The algorithm is simple. It begins by
generating frequent-item sets with just one item (a one-item set) and then generates a
two-item set with two items frequently purchased together, and then moves on to
three-item sets with three items frequently purchased together, and so on, until all the
frequent-item sets are generated. Once the list of all frequent-item sets is generated, you
can find out how many of those frequent-item sets are in the database. For example,
how many two-item sets, how many three-item sets, and so forth. In general, generating
n-item sets uses the frequent n – 1 item sets and requires a complete run through the
database once. Therefore, the Apriori algorithm is faster, even for a large database with
many unique items. The key idea is to begin generating frequent-item sets with just one
item (a one-item set) and then recursively generate two-item sets, then three-item sets,
and so on, until we have generated frequent-item sets of all sizes.

7.6.1 Choosing Rules
Once we generate the rules, the goal is to find the rules that indicate a strong association
between the items, and indicate dependencies between the antecedent (previous item)
and the consequent (next item) in the set. Three measures are used: support, confidence,
and lift ratios. Support and Confidence

Item set I is defined as a set of all items in a store, I = { i1, i2, i3,….im}, from a set of all
transactional databases, T. Each ti is a set of items t such that t ε I. For each transaction ti, a
transaction ID is assigned.
The support is simply the number of transactions that include both the antecedent
and consequent item sets. It is expressed as a percentage of the total number of records in
the database.
B --> A, (B follows A), where A and B are item sets. For example:
{Milk, Jam} ➤ {chocolate}
Support (S) is the fraction of transactions that contain both A and B (antecedent and

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

For example, support for the two-item set {bread, jam} in the data set is 5 out of
a total of 10 records, which is (5/10) = 50 percent. You can define the support number
and ignore the other item sets from your analysis. If support is very low, it is not worth
Confidence (A --> B) is a ratio of support for A & B ( i.e. antecedents and consequents
together), to the support for A. It is expressed as a ratio of the number of transactions that
contain A & B together to the number of transactions that contain A:

numTrans ( A∪ B )
D p( A ∩ B)
conf ( A → B ) = = = p (B | A)
numTrans ( A ) p ( A)

A high value of confidence suggests a strong association rule. But when B is

independent of A—that is, p(B) = p(B | A)—and p(B) is high, then we’ll have a rule with
high confidence. For example, if p(“buy jam”) = 85 percent and is independent of “buy
bread,” the rule “buy bread” ⇒ “buy jam” will have a confidence of 85 percent. If nearly all
customers buy bread and nearly all customers buy jam, then the confidence level will be
high regardless of whether there is an association between the items. Lift
Though support and confidence are good measure to show the strength of the association
rule, but sometimes it can be deceptive. For example, if the antecedent or the consequent
have a high support, we can have a high confidence even though both are independent.
A better measure is to compare the strength of an association rule with the confidence
where we can assume that the occurrence of the consequent item in a transaction is
independent of the occurrence of the antecedent rules.

p( A ∩ B)
conf ( A → B ) p ( A) p( A ∩ B)
lift ( A → B ) = = =
p(B) p(B) p ( A)p (B )

In other words,
Lift(A --> B) = Support(A & B) / [Support(A) x Support(B)]
Following example, Figure 7-10, demonstrates the three values viz. Support, Confidence
and Lift. For the following item sets, we calculate support, confidence and lift ratios:
Transaction 1: shirt, pant, tie, belt
Transaction 2: shirt, belt, tie, shoe
Transaction 3: socks, tie, shirt, jacket
Transaction 4: pant, tie, belt, blazer
Transaction 5: pant, tie, hat, sweater

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

Let’s calculate support, confidence and lift for the above example using the
definition. For A --> B,
Support(A & B) = Freq(A & B) / N (where N is the total number of transactions in
Confidence(A -->B) = Support(A & B) / Support(A) = Freq(A & B) / Freq(A)
Lift(A -->B) = Support(A & B) / [Support(A) x Support (B)]

Rule Support(A&B) Confidence(A B) Lift(A B)

shirt tie 3/5 = 0.6 3/3 = 1 (3/5)/[(3/5)*(5/5)]=1

socks shirt 1/5 = 0.2 1/1 = 1

pant & tie belt 2/5 = 0.4 2/3 = 0.67 (2/5)/[(3/5)*(3/5)]=1.11

Figure 7-10.  Association rule example

Note that, Association rules do not necessarily represent causality or correlation

between the two items. A --> B does not mean B causes A or, no Causality and A --> B can
be different from B --> A, unlike correlation.

7.6.2 Example of Generating Association Rules

The example in Figure 7-11 demonstrates how to generate frequent-item sets. The
algorithm is as follows:
For k products,
The user sets a minimum support criterion.
Generate a list of one-item sets that meets the support
Use the list of one-item sets to generate a list of two-item sets
that meets the support criterion.
Use the two-item list to generate a three item-list, and so on.
Continue the process through k-item sets.
Decide the final rule based on support, confidence, and lift.

Chapter 7 ■ Unsupervised Machine Learning

One item
set Two item
Database D itemset sup
itemset itemset
TID Items {1 2}
{1 3} 1
200 1234 {1 3} {1 2} 2
201 234 {2} {2 5} {2 5} 1
202 235 {2 3}
{3} {2 4}
{2 4} 2
203 12
{3 4} {2 3} 3
{4} {3 5} {3 4} 2
{5} {3 5} 1

Three item
Min support = 50% set
itemset sup
itemset sup itemset Min support = 50%
{2 3 5} {1 2} 2
{2 3 4} 2 {2 3 4} {2 3} 3
{1 2 3} {2 4} 2
{1 3 4} {3 4} 2

Figure 7-11.  Example of generating a frequent-item set

7.6.3 Interpreting Results
Once you generate the frequent-item sets, it is useful to look at different measures such
as support, confidence, and lift ratios. The support gives you an indication of overall
transactions and how they affect the item sets. If you have only a small number of
transactions with minimum support, the rule may be ignored. The lift ratio provides
the strength of the consequent in a random selection. But the confidence gives the
rate at which a consequent can be found in the database. A low confidence indicates a
low consequent rate, and deciding whether promoting the consequent is a worthwhile
exercise. The more records, the better the conclusion. Finally, the more distinct the rules
that are considered, the better the interpretation and outcome. We recommend looking
at the rules from a top-down approach that can be reviewed by humans rather than
automating the decision by searching thousands of rules.

7.7 Summary
In this chapter, you saw that clustering is an unsupervised technique used to perform
data analysis. It is also part of exploratory analysis, for understanding data and its
properties. It can be used to identify any outliers in the data. However, primarily it is used
for identifying hidden groups in the data set.
Association rules find interesting associations among large transactional item sets
in the database. You learned how to perform clustering analysis, techniques used for
performing the clustering, and the concepts of association-rule mining.


Simple Linear Regression

8.1 Introduction
Imagine you are a business investor and want to invest in startup ventures which are
likely to be highly profitable. What are all the factors you look for in the company you
want to invest in? Maybe the innovativeness of the products of the startups, maybe the
past success records of the promoters. In this case, we say the profitability of the venture
is dependent on or associated with innovativeness of the products and past success
records of the promoters. The innovativeness of the product itself may be associated with
various aspects or factors like usefulness of the product, competition in the market, and
so on. These factors may be a little difficult to gauge, but the past success record of the
promoters can be easily found from the available market data. If the promoter had started
ten ventures and eight were successful, we can say that 80% is the success rate of the
Imagine you want to increase the sales of the products of your organization. You may
want to get more sales personnel, you may have to have a presence in or the capability
to service more territories or markets, you may require more marketing efforts in these
markets, and so on. All these aspects or factors are associated with the quantum of sales
or impact the quantum of sales. Imagine the attrition of the employees at any company
or industry. There are various factors like work environment of the organization,
compensation and benefits structure of the organization, how well known the company
is in the industry or market, and so forth. Work environment may be how conducive the
internal environment is for people to use their thinking, how much guidance or help the
seniors in the organization provide, and the current technological or product landscape
of the organization (e.g., whether or not you are working on the latest technology). It may
be even overall satisfaction level of the employees. Compensation and benefits structure
may include salary structure—that is, how good salaries are compared to those in other
similar organizations or other organizations in the industry, are there bonus or additional
incentives for higher performance or are there additional perquisites, etc. To drive home
the point, there may be multiple factors that influence a particular outcome or impact a
particular outcome or that are associated with a particular outcome. Again, each one of
these may in turn be associated with or influenced by other factors. For example, salary
structure may influence the work environment or satisfaction levels of the employees.

© Dr. Umesh R. Hodeghatta and Umesha Nayak 2017 187

U. R. Hodeghatta and U. Nayak, Business Analytics Using R - A Practical Approach,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-2514-1_8
Chapter 8 ■ Simple Linear Regression

Imagine you are a developer of the properties as well as a builder. You are planning
to build a huge shopping mall. The prices of various inputs required like cement, steel,
sand, pipes, and so on vary a lot on a day-to-day basis. If you have to decide on the sale
price of the shopping mall or rent you need to charge for the individual shops you need
to understand the likely cost of building. For this you may have to take into consideration
how over a period of time the costs of these inputs (cement, steel, sand, etc.) have varied
and what factors influence the price of each of these in the market.
You may want to estimate the profitability of the company, arrive at the best possible
cost of manufacturing of a product, estimate the quantum of increase in sales, estimate
the attrition of the company so that you can plan well for recruitment, decide on the likely
cost of the shopping mall you are building, or decide on the rent you need to charge for a
square feet or a square meter. In all these cases you need to understand the association
or relationship of these with the ones that influence, decide, or impact them. The
relationship between two factors is normally explained in statistics through correlation or,
to be precise, coefficient of correlation (i.e., R) or coefficient of determination (i.e., R2).
Regression equation depicts the relationship between a response variable or
dependent variable and the corresponding independent variables. This means that the
value of the dependent variable can be predicted based on the values of the independent
variables. Where there is a single independent variable, then the regression is called
simple regression. When there are multiple independent variables, then the regression
is called multiple regression. Again, the regressions can be of two types based on the
relationship between the response variable and the independent variables (i.e., linear
regression or non-linear regression). In the case of linear regression the relationship
between the response variable and the independent variables is explained through a
straight line and in the case of non-linear relationship the relationship between the
response variable and independent variables is non-linear (polynomial like quadratic,
cubic, etc.).
Normally we may find a linear relationship between the price of the house and the
area of the house. We may also see a linear relationship between salary and experience.
However, if we take the relationship between rain and the production of grains, the
production of the grains may increase with moderate to good rain but then decrease if
the rain is more than good rain and becomes extreme rain. In this case, the relationship
between quantum of rain and the food grains production is normally non-linear; initially
food grain production increases and then reduces.
Regression is a supervised method as we know both the exact values of the response
(i.e., dependent) variable and the corresponding values of the independent variables.
This is the basis for the establishment of the model. This basis or model is then used
for predicting the values of the response variable where we know the values of the
independent variable and want to understand the likely value of the response variable.

8.2 Correlation
As described in earlier chapters, correlation explains the relationship between two
variables. This may be a cause-and-effect relationship or otherwise, but it need not
be always a cause-and-effect relationship. However, variation in one variable can be
explained with the help of the other parameter when we know the relationship between

Chapter 8 ■ Simple Linear Regression

two variables over a range of values (i.e., when we know the correlation between two
variables). Typically the relationship between two variables is depicted through a scatter
plot as explained in earlier chapters.
Attrition is related to the employee satisfaction index. This means that “attrition”
is correlated with “employee satisfaction index.” Normally, the lower the employee
satisfaction, the higher the attrition. This means that attrition is inversely correlated with
employee satisfaction. In other words, attrition has a negative correlation with employee
satisfaction or is negatively associated with employee satisfaction.
Normally the profitability of an organization is likely to grow up with the sales
quantum. This means the higher the sales, the higher the profits. The lower the sales,
the lower the profits. Here, the relationship is that of positive correlation as profitability
increases with the increase in sales quantum and decreases with the decrease in sales
quantum. Here, we can say that the profitability is positively associated with the sales
Normally, the lesser the defects in a product or the higher the speed of response
related to issues, the higher will be the customer satisfaction of any company. Here,
customer satisfaction is inversely related to defects in the product or negatively correlated
with the defects in the product. However, the same customer satisfaction is directly
related to or positively correlated with the speed of response.
Correlation explains the extent of change in one of the variables given the unit
change in the value of another variable. Correlation assumes a very significant role in
statistics and hence in the field of business analytics as any business cannot make any
decision without understanding the relationship between various forces acting in favor of
or against it.
Strong association or correlation between two variables enables us to better predict
the value of the response variable from the value of the independent variable. However,
the weak association or low correlation between two variables does not help us to predict
the value of the response variable from the value of the independent variable.

8.2.1 Correlation Coefficient
Correlation coefficient is an important statistical parameter of interest which gives us
numerical indication of the relationship between two variables. This will be useful only in
the case of linear association between the variables. This will not be useful in the case of
non-linear associations between the variables.
It is very easy to compute the correlation coefficient. In order to compute the same
we require the following:
• Average of all the values of the independent variable
• Average of all the values of the dependent variable
• Standard deviation of all the values of the independent variable
• Standard deviation of all the values of the dependent variable

Chapter 8 ■ Simple Linear Regression

Once we have the foregoing, we need to convert each value of each variable into
standard units. This is done as follows:
• (Each value minus the average of the variable) / (Standard
Deviation of the variable) (i.e., [variable value – mean(variable)]
/ sd(variable)). For example, if a particular value among the
values of the independent variable is 18 and the mean of this
independent variable is 15 and the standard deviation of this
independent variable is 3, then the value of this independent
variable converted into standard units will be = (18 – 15)/3 = 1.
This is also known as z-score of the variable.
Once we have converted each value of each variable into standard units, the
correlation coefficient (normally depicted as ‘r’ or ‘R’) is calculated as follows:
• Average of [(independent variable in standard units) x
(dependent variable in standard units)] (i.e., mean[Σ(z-score of x)
* (z-score of y)])
The correlation coefficient can be also found out using the following formula:
R = [covariance(independent variable, dependent variable) / [(Standard Deviation of
the independent variable) x (Standard Deviation of the dependent variable)]
In the above, covariance is = [sum ( the value of each independent variable minus
average of the independent variable values)*(the value of each dependent variable minus
the average of the dependent variable values)] divided by [n minus 1]
In R Programming Language the calculation of the correlation coefficient is very
simple. The calculation of correlation coefficient in R is shown in Figure 8-1A and the
corresponding scatter plot is shown in Figure 8-1B:

Figure 8-1A.  Calculating correlation coefficient in R

Chapter 8 ■ Simple Linear Regression

Scatter Plot of Attrition w.r.t. Employee Satisfaction

Attrition %
5 15

2 4 6 8 10
Employee Satisfaction Index

Figure 8-1B.  Scatter plot between Employee Satisfaction Index and Attrition

As can be seen from the scatter plot in Figure 8-1B, even though the relationship is
not linear it is near linear. The same is shown by the correlation coefficient of -0.983. As
you can see, the negative sign indicates the inverse association or negative association
between attrition percentage and employee satisfaction index. The above plot shows that
the deterioration in the employee satisfaction leads to an increased rate of attrition.
Further, the test shown in Figure 8-2 confirms that there is an excellent statistically
significant correlation between attrition and the employee satisfaction index:

Figure 8-2.  Test to find out the significance of correlation in R

Chapter 8 ■ Simple Linear Regression

Please note, the previous data is illustrative only and may not be representative of a
real scenario. It is used for the purpose of illustrating the correlation. Further, in the case
of extreme values (outliers) and associations like non-linear associations, the correlation
coefficient may be very low and may depict no relationship or association. However, there
may be real and good association among the variables.

8.3 Hypothesis Testing
At this point in time it is apt for us to briefly touch upon hypothesis testing. This is one
of the important aspects in statistics. In hypothesis testing we start with an assertion or
claim or status quo about a particular population parameter of one or more populations.
This assertion or claim or status quo is known as “null hypothesis” or H0. An example
of the null hypothesis may be a statement like the following: the population mean of
population 1 is equal to population mean of population 2. There is also another statement
known as the alternate hypothesis, or H1, which is opposite to the null hypothesis. In our
example the alternate hypothesis specifies that there is significant difference between
population mean of population 1 and the population mean of population 2. Level of
significance or Type I error of normally 0.05 is specified. This is nothing but the possibility
that the null hypothesis is rejected when actually it is true. This is represented by the
symbol α. The smaller the value of α, the smaller the risk of Type I error.
Then we decide the sample size required to reduce the errors.
We use test statistics to either reject the null hypothesis or not to reject the null
hypothesis. When we reject the null hypothesis it means that the alternate hypothesis is
true. However, we could not reject the null hypothesis does not mean that the alternate
hypothesis is true. It only shows that we do not have sufficient evidence to reject the null
hypothesis. Normally t-value is the test statistic used.
Then we use the data and arrive at the sample value of the test statistic. We then
calculate p-value on the basis of the test statistic. p-value is nothing but the probability
that the test statistic is equal to or more than the sample value of the test statistic when
the null hypothesis is true. We then compare the p-value with the level of significance
(i.e., α). If the p-value is less than the level of significance then the null hypothesis is
rejected. This also means that the alternate hypothesis is accepted. If the p-value is
greater than or equal to the level of significance then we cannot reject the null hypothesis.
The p-value is used (among many other uses in the field of statistics) to validate
the significance of the parameters to the model in the case of regression analysis. If the
p-value of any parameter in the regression model is less than the level of significance
(typically 0.05), then we reject the null hypothesis that there is no significant contribution
of the parameter to the model and we accept the alternate hypothesis that there is
significant contribution of the parameter to the model. If p-value of a parameter is greater
than or equal to the level of significance then we cannot reject the null hypothesis that
there is no significant contribution of the parameter to the model. We include in the final
model only those parameters that have significance to the model.

Chapter 8 ■ Simple Linear Regression

8.4 Simple Linear Regression

As we mentioned in the introduction to this chapter, simple linear regression depicts
the linear relationship between two associated variables—a response (i.e., dependent)
variable and an independent variable, which can be depicted through a regression
equation. This regression equation can be used for the prediction of the unknown
response variable when we know the value of the dependent variable. This is so, as the
regression describes how one variable (i.e., response variable) depends upon another
variable (i.e., independent variable).
It is to be noted that the regression equation guarantees predicting the values of
the response variable correctly when the independent variable for which the response
variable is required to be predicted is within the range of the data of the independent
variable used to create the regression equation. In other cases, the regression equation
predicted value may not be reliable. This is so because we do not know whether the
regression equation holds well beyond the values of the independent variable we had
in hand and used to create the regression equation. However, each predicted value may
have some residue. Also, the regression equation may have a small amount of residue.

8.4.1 Assumptions of Regression
There are four assumptions of regression. These need to be fulfilled if we need to rely
upon any regression equation. They are
• Linear association between the dependent variable and the
independent variable
• Independence of the errors around the regression line between
the actual and predicted values of the response variable
• Normality of the distribution of errors
• Equal variance of the distribution of the response variable for
each level of the independent variable. This is also known as

8.4.2 Simple Linear Regression Equation

The regression line is a smoothed graph of averages. It is basically smoothing of the
averages of the response variable for each value of the independent variable. The
regression line is drawn in such a way that it minimizes the error of the fitted values with
respect to the actual values. This method is known as the least squares method and it
minimizes the sum of the squared differences between the actual values of the response
variable and the predicted values of the response variable. The Lasso Regression method
and Ridge Regression method are a few of the variants of the least squares method. As an
alternative to the least squares method, we can use methods like quantile regression or
least absolute deviation. The simple linear regression equation takes the following form:

Y1 = β0 + β1 x1

Chapter 8 ■ Simple Linear Regression

In the foregoing equation, β0 is known the intercept and the β1 is known as the slope
of the regression line. Intercept is the value of the response variable when the value of the
independent variable (i.e., x) is zero. This depicts the point at which the regression line
touches the y-axis when x is zero. The slope can be calculated easily using the following
formula: (R x Standard Deviation of the response variable) / (Standard Deviation of the
independent variable).
From the foregoing you can see that when the value of the independent variable
increases by one standard deviation, the value of the response variable increases by R x
one standard deviation of the response variable, where R is the coefficient of correlation.

8.4.3 Creating Simple Regression Equation in R

It is very easy to create the regression equation in R. We need to use the following function:
• lm(response variable ~ independent variable, data = dataframe name)
Let us take a simple example to understand the usage of the previous command.
Assuming the competence or capability of sales personnel is equal, keeping the sale
restricted to one single product, we have a set of data which contains the number of hours
of efforts expended by each salesperson and the corresponding number of sales made.

Figure 8-3.  Creating a data frame from a text file (data for the examples)

Chapter 8 ■ Simple Linear Regression

In Figure 8-3, we have imported a table of data containing 21 records with the Sales_
Effort and the Product_Sales from a file by name cust1.txt into a data frame by name
cust_df. The Sales_Effort is in the number of hours of effort put in by the salesperson
during the first two weeks of a month and the Product_Sales is the number of sales
closed by the salesperson during the same period. The summary of the data is also shown
in the above figure.
In this data we can treat Product_Sales as the response variable and Sales_Effort as
the independent variable as the product sales depend upon the sales effort put in place
by the salespersons.
We will now run the simple linear regression to model the relationship between
Product_Sales and Sales_Effort using the lm(response variable ~ independent
variable, data = dataframe name) command of R:

Figure 8-4.  Generating a simple linear regression model in R

Figure 8-4 provides the command run in R to generate the simple linear regression
model as well as the summary of the model. The model arrived at is named mod_simp_
reg and the summary command throws up the details of the simple linear regression
model arrived at.
The initial part shows which element of the data frame is regressed against which
other element and the name of the data frame which contained the data, to arrive at
the model.
Residuals depict the difference between the actual value of the response variable
and the value of the response variable predicted using the regression equation. Maximum
residual is shown as 0.20779. Spread of residuals is provided here by specifying the values
of min, max, median, Q1, and Q3 of the residuals. In this case the spread is from -0.16988
to +0.20779. As the principle behind the regression line and regression equation is to
reduce the error or this difference, the expectation is that the median value should be

Chapter 8 ■ Simple Linear Regression

very near to 0. As you can see here the median value is -0.01818 which is almost equal to
0. The prediction error can go up—to the maximum value of the residual. As this value
(i.e., 0.20779) is very small, we can accept this residual.
The next section specifies the coefficient details. Here β0 is given by the intercept
estimate (i.e., 0.0500779) and β1 is given by Sales_Effort estimate (0.0984054). Hence,
the simple linear regression equation is as follows:
Product_Sales1 = 0.0500779 + 0.0984054 Sales_Effort1
The value next to the coefficient estimate is the standard error of the estimate. This
specifies the uncertainty of the estimate. Then comes the “t” value of the standard error.
This specifies as to how large the coefficient estimate is with respect to the uncertainty. The
next value is the probability that absolute(t) value is greater than the one specified which
is due to a chance error. Ideally “Pr” or Probability value, or popularly known as “p-value,”
should be very small (like 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, or 0.05) for the relationship between the response
variable and the independent variable to be significant. p-value is also known as the value of
significance. As here the probability of the error of the coefficient of Sales_Effort is very less
(i.e., almost near 0) (i.e. <2e-16), we reject the null hypothesis that there is no significance of
the parameter to the model and accept the alternate hypothesis that there is significance of
the parameter to the model. Hence, we conclude that there is significant relationship between
the response variable Product_Sales and the independent variable Sales_Effort. Number
of asterisks (*s) next to the p-value of each parameter specifies the level of significance. Please
refer to “Signif. codes” in the model summary as given in Figure 8-4.
The next section shows the overall model quality-related statistics. Among these,
• The degrees of freedom specified here is nothing but the number of
rows of data minus the number of coefficients. In our case it is 21 –
2 = 19. This is the residual degrees of freedom. Ideally, the number
of degrees of freedom should be large compared to the number of
coefficients for avoiding the overfitting of the data to the model. We
have dealt with overfitting and underfitting of the data to the model
in one the chapters. Let us remember for the time being that the
overfitting is not good. Normally, by thumb rule 30 rows of data for
each variable is considered good for the training sample. Further,
we cannot use the ordinary least squares method if the number of
rows of data is less than the number of independent variables.
• Residual standard error shows the sum of the squares of the
residuals as divided by the degrees of freedom (in our case 19)
as specified in the summary. This is 0.1086 and is very low, as
required by us.
• Multiple R-squared value shown here is nothing but the square
of the correlation coefficient (i.e., R). Multiple R-squared
is also known as the coefficient of determination. However,
adjusted R-squared value is the one which is the adjusted value
of R-squared adjusted to avoid overfitting. Here again, we rely
more on adjusted R-squared value than on multiple R-squared.
The value of adjusted R-squared is 0.9987, which is very high and
shows the excellent relationship between the response variable
Product_Sales and the independent variable Sales_Effort.

Chapter 8 ■ Simple Linear Regression

• Finally, the F-statistic is based on F-test. As in the case of

coefficients here also we want the p-value to be very small
(like 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05) for the model to be significant. As
you can see in our case it is < 0.001 (i.e. <2.2e-16). Hence, the
model is significant. In case of current example there is only one
independent variable and hence this p-value is same as that for
the independent variable.
As seen above, it seems that there is an excellent association between the response
variable Product_Sales and the independent variable Sales_Effort.

8.4.4 Testing the Assumptions of Regression:

Before accepting the model as usable, it is essential to validate that the regression
assumptions are true in respect to the fitted model. Test of Linearity
In order to test the linearity, we plot the residuals against the corresponding values of the
independent variable. Figure 8-5 depicts this.

Residuals vs Fitted


0.0 -0.1


2 4 6 Fitted values 8 10

Figure 8-5.  Residuals vs. fitted plot to test the linearity

For the model to pass the test of linearity we should not have any pattern in the
distribution of the residuals and they should be randomly placed around the 0.0 residual
line. That is, the residuals will be randomly varying around the mean of the value of the
response variable. In our case, as we can see there are no patterns in the distribution of
the residuals. Hence, it passes the condition of linearity.

Chapter 8 ■ Simple Linear Regression Test of Independence of Errors Around

the Regression Line
This test is not required to be conducted when the data is collected over the same period
of time. In our case, the data is collected over the same two-week period and hence this
test is not required. This test is primarily conducted to check the autocorrelation which is
introduced when the data is collected over different periods. Further, as seen in the earlier
diagram (used in the case of test of linearity) the residuals are distributed randomly
around the mean value of the response variable. If we need to test for the autocorrelation,
we can use the Durbin-Watson test as shown in Figure 8-6.

Figure 8-6.  Durbin-Watson test in R to check autocorrelation

In the case of Durbin-Watson test the null hypothesis (i.e., H0) is that there is no
autocorrelation and the alternative hypothesis (i.e., H1) is that there is autocorrelation.
If p-value is < 0.05 then we reject the null hypothesis—that is, we conclude that there is
autocorrelation. In the foregoing case the p-value is greater than 0.05 and it means that
there is no evidence to reject the null hypothesis that there is no autocorrelation. Hence,
the test of independence of errors around the regression line passes. Alternatively for this
test you can use durbinWatsonTest() function from library(car). Test of Normality
As per this test the residuals should be normally distributed. In order to check on this we
will look at the Normal Q-Q plot (created using the plot(model name) command):

Chapter 8 ■ Simple Linear Regression

Normal Q-Q


Standardized residuals


-2 -1 0 1 2

Theoretical Quantiles

Figure 8-7.  Test for assumption of “normality” using normal Q-Q plot

Figure 8-7 shows that the residuals are almost on the straight line in the foregoing
Normal Q-Q plot. This shows that the residuals are normally distributed. Hence, the
normality test of the residuals is passed. Equal variance of the distribution of the response

We can use the same plot of the residuals we used for testing the linearity. As we can see
from the plot (above in case of test of linearity), there is there no significant difference
in the variation of the residuals for different levels of the independent variable’s values.
Hence, we consider this test as passed.

Chapter 8 ■ Simple Linear Regression Other ways of validating the assumptions to be

fulfilled by a Regression model
There are many other ways of validating whether the assumptions of the regression are
fulfilled by the regression model. These are in addition to the ones mentioned earlier. Using gvlma library

The other easy way to validate whether a regression model has fulfilled the assumptions
of the regression model is by using the library(gvlma) which performs the validation of
the regression model related assumptions as well as evaluation of other related aspects
like skewness, kurtosis, link function, and heteroscedasticity.
Figure 8-8 shows how to use this library and also the output from R.

Figure 8-8.  Using gvlma() function to validate the model assumptions

Chapter 8 ■ Simple Linear Regression

In Figure 8-8 we have given the output of gvlma() function from R on our model.
The Global Stat line clearly shows that the assumptions related to this regression model
are acceptable. Here, we need to check for whether the p-value is greater than 0.05. If
the p-value is greater than 0.05 then we can safely conclude as shown above that the
assumptions are validated. If we have p-value less than 0.05 then we need to revisit the
regression model. Using the Scale-Location Plot

The Scale-Location graph is the one of the graphs generated using the command
plot(regression model name). In our case this is plot(mod_simp_reg). Figure 8-9 shows
this graph.



11 8
|Standardiszed residuals|

2 4 6 8 10
Fitted values

Figure 8-9.  Scale-Location plot generated in R to validate homoscedasticity

Chapter 8 ■ Simple Linear Regression

In Figure 8-9 as the points are spread in a random fashion around the near horizontal
line, this assures us of that the assumption of constant variance (or homoscedasticity). Using crPlots(model name) function from

We can use crPlots(mod_simp_reg) command to understand the linearity of the
relationship represented by the model. Non-linearity requires us to re-explore the model.
The graph in Figure 8-10 shows that the model we created as above (i.e., mod_simp_reg)
is linear.

20 40 60 80 100


Figure 8-10.  Plot using crPlots() function to validate the linearity assumption

Chapter 8 ■ Simple Linear Regression

8.4.5 Conclusion
As seen above, the simple linear regression model fitted using the R function lm(response
variable ~ independent variable, data = dataframe name) representing the simple
linear regression equation, namely, Product_Salesi = 0.0500779 + 0.0984054 Sales_
Efforti is a good model as it passes the tests to validate the assumptions of the regression
too. A note of caution here is that there are various ways the regression equation may be
created and validated.

8.4.6 Predicting the Response Variable

The fitted model not only explains the relationship between the two variables, viz.
response variable and the independent variable, but also provides a mechanism to
predict the value of the response variable from the value of the new independent variable.
This is done as shown in Figure 8-11.

Figure 8-11.  Prediction using the model on the new data set

This is done using the function predict(model name, newdata) where model
name is the name of the model arrived at from the input data and newdata contains the
independent variable data for which the response variable has to be predicted.
A prediction interval which specifies the range of the distribution of the
prediction can be arrived at as shown in Figure 8-12, with the additional parameter
interval = “prediction” on the predict() function. This uses by default the confidence
interval as 0.95.

Figure 8-12.  Calculating prediction interval using the predict() function

Chapter 8 ■ Simple Linear Regression

8.4.7 Additional Notes
It may be observed from the model fitted above that the intercept is not zero but it is
0.0500779 whereas actually when there is no sales efforts ideally there should not be any
sales. But, it may not be so; there may be some walk in sales possible because of the other
means like advertisements, web sites, etc. Similarly, there cannot be partial product sales
like 3.1. However, sales efforts put in would have moved the salesperson toward the next
potential sale partially. If we are interested in arriving at the model without intercept (i.e.,
no product sales when there is no sales effort) then we can do so as shown in Figure 8-13
by forcing the intercept to zero value.

Figure 8-13.  Generating simple linear regression model without intercept

However, if we have to believe this model and use this model we have to validate the
fulfillment of the other assumptions of the regression.

8.5 Chapter Summary
• You went through some examples as to how the relationship
between various aspects/factors influence or decide or impact
other aspects/factors. Understanding these relationships helps us
not only to understand what can happen to the other associated
factors but also to predict the value of others. You understood
how the regression model or regression equation explains the
relationship between a response variable and the independent
variable(s). You also understood about the linear or non-linear
relationship as well as simple regression and multiple regression.
• You exploredthe concept of correlation with examples. You
explored the uses of correlation, strong correlation, positive
correlation, negative correlation, and so on. You also understood
how to calculate the correlation coefficient (R).

Chapter 8 ■ Simple Linear Regression

• You understood simple linear regression by highlighting that

it is a smoothed line of averages. You also explored the four
important assumptions of regression like linearity, equivalence
of errors, normality, and homoscedasticity. You understood the
simple linear regression, what intercept and slope are, and how to
calculate them.
• You explored with examples how, using R, you can arrive at the
best-fit simple linear regression model and the simple linear
regression equation. You understood through examples as well
using various methods how to validate that the best-fit model
and equation you arrived at is validated for the fulfillment of the
regression assumptions.
• You explored how the simple linear regression model arrived at
can be used to predict the value of the response variable when it
is not known but when the related independent variable value is
• You looked at how, using R, you can arrive at the simple linear
regression model without intercept and the usage of the same.


Multiple Linear Regression

In Chapter 8, you explored simple linear regression, which depicts the relationship
between the response variable and one predictor. You saw that the expectation is that the
response variable is a continuous variable that is normally distributed. If the response
variable is a discrete variable, you use a different regression method. If the response
variable can take values such as yes/no or multiple discrete variables (for example, views
such as strongly agree, agree, partially agree, and do not agree), you use logistic regression.
You will explore logistic regression in the next chapter. When you have more than one
predictor—say, two predictors or three predictors or n predictors (with n not equal to
1)—the regression between the response variable and the predictors is known as multiple
regression, and the linear relationship between them is expressed as multiple linear
regression or a multiple linear regression equation. In this chapter, you will see examples of
situations in which many factors affect one response, outcome, or dependent variable.
Imagine that you want to construct a building. Your main cost components are
the cost of labor and the cost of materials including cement and steel. Your profitability
is positively impacted if the costs of cement, steel, and other materials decrease while
keeping the cost of labor constant. Instead, if the costs of materials increase, your
profitability is negatively impacted while keeping the cost of labor constant. Your
profitability will further decrease if the cost of labor also increases.
Although it is possible in the market for one price to go up or down or all the prices
to move in the same direction. Suppose the real estate industry is very hot, and there are
lots of takers for the houses, apartments, or business buildings. Then, if there is more
demand for the materials and the supply decreases, the prices of these materials are likely
to increase. If the demand decreases for the houses, apartments, or business buildings,
the prices of these materials are likely to decrease as well (because of the demand being
less than the supply).
Now let’s presume that the selling prices are quite fixed because of the competition,
and hence the profitability is decided and driven primarily by the cost or cost control.
We can now collect data related to the cost of cement, steel, and other materials, as well
as the cost of labor as predictors or independent variables, and profitability (in percent)
as the response variable. Such a relationship can be expressed through a multiple linear
regression model or multiple linear regression equation.
In this example, suppose we find that the relationship of the cost of other materials
(one of the predictors) to the response variable is dependent on the cost of the cement.
Then we say that there is a significant interaction between the cost of other materials
and the cost of the cement. We include the interaction term cost of other materials:cost

© Dr. Umesh R. Hodeghatta and Umesha Nayak 2017 207

U. R. Hodeghatta and U. Nayak, Business Analytics Using R - A Practical Approach,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-2514-1_9
Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

of cement in the formula for generating the multiple linear regression model while also
including all the predictors. Thus our multiple linear regression model is built using the
predictors cost of cement, cost of steel, cost of other materials, and the interaction term, cost
of other materials: cost of cement vs. the profitability as the response variable.
Now imagine that you are a Human Resources (HR) manager or head. You know
that the compensation to be paid to an employee depends on her qualifications,
experience, and skill level, as well as the availability of other people with that particular
skill set vs. the demand. In this case, compensation is the response variable, and the
other parameters are the independent variables, or the predictor variables. Typically, the
higher the experience and higher the skill levels, the lower the availability of people as
compared to the demand, and the higher the compensation should be. The skill levels
and the availability of those particular skills in the market may significantly impact the
compensation, whereas the qualifications may not impact compensation as much as the
skill levels and the availability of those particular skills in the market.
In this case, there may be a possible relationship between experience and skill level;
ideally, more experience means a higher skill level. However, a candidate could have a
low skill level in a particular skill while having an overall high level of experience—in
which case, experience might not have a strong relationship with skill level. This feature
of having a high correlation between two or more predictors themselves is known
as multicollinearity and needs to be considered when arriving at the multiple linear
regression model and the multiple linear regression equation.
Understanding the interactions between the predictors as well as multicollinearity is
very important in ensuring that we get a correct and useful multiple regression model.
When we have the model generated, it is necessary to validate it on all four assumptions of
• Linearity between the response variable and the predictors (also
known as independent variables)
• Independence of residuals
• Normality of the distribution of the residuals
• Homoscedasticity, an assumption of equal variance of the errors
The starting point for building any multiple linear regression model is to get our data
in a data-frame format, as this is the requirement of the lm() function. The expectation
when using the lm() function is that the response variable data is distributed normally.
However, independent variables are not required to be normally distributed. Predictors
can contain factors.
Multiple regression modeling may be used to model the relationship between a
response variable and two or more predictor variables to n number of predictor variables
(say, 100 or more variables). The more features that have a relationship with the response
variable, the more complicated the modeling will be. For example, a person’s health,
if quantified through a health index, might be affected by the quality of that person’s
environment (pollution, stress, relationships, and water quality), the quality of that
person’s lifestyle (smoking, drinking, eating, and sleeping habits), and genetics (history
of the health of the parents). These factors may have to be taken into consideration to
understand the health index of the person.

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

9.1 Using Multiple Linear Regression

Now, we start the discussion as to how to arrive at multiple linear regression.

9.1.1 The Data
To demonstrate multiple linear regression, we have created data with three variables:
Annual Salary, Experience in Years, and Skill Level. These are Indian salaries, but for the
sake of convenience, we have converted them into US dollars and rounded them into
thousands. Further, we have not restricted users to assessing and assigning skill levels
in decimal points. Hence, in the context of this data even Skill Level is represented as
continuous data. This makes sense, as in an organization with hundreds of employees,
it is not fair to categorize all of them, say, into five buckets, but better to differentiate
them with skill levels such as 4.5, 3.5, 2.5, 0.5, and 1.5. In this data set, all the variables are
continuous variables.
Here, we import the data from the CSV file sal1.txt to the data frame sal_data_1:

If you use the head() and tail() functions on the data, you will get an idea of what
the data looks like, as shown here:

Please note that we have not shown all the data, as the data set has 48 records. In
addition, this data is illustrative only and may not be representative of a real scenario. The
data is collected at a certain point in time.

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

We explained correlation in Chapter 8. Correlation specifies the way that one variable
relates to another variable. This is easily done in R by using the cor() function.
The correlation between these three variables (Annual Salary, Experience in Years,
Skill Level) is shown here:

As you can see, there is a very high correlation of about 0.9888 between Annual
Salary and Experience in Years. Similarly, there is a very high correlation of about 0.9414
between Annual Salary and Skill Level. Also, there is a very high correlation of about
0.8923 between Experience in Years and Skill Level. Each variable is highly correlated to
the other variable.
The relationship between two pairs of variables is generated visually by using the R
command, as shown here:

Here, we use the caret package and the featurePlot() function. The response
variable is plotted as y, and the predictor variables are plotted as x.
The visual realization of the relationship between the variables generated through
this command is shown in Figure 9-1.

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

20000 15000 20000


5000 10000 5000

5 4
3 5
3 3

1 2 3

8 4 6 8

4 Expe_Yrs 4

0 2 4 0
Scatter Plot Matrix

Figure 9-1.  Generated scatter-plot matrix

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

9.1.3 Arriving at the Model

Now, let’s create the multiple linear regression model by using the lm() function of R. To
start, let’s generate the model by using all the parameters, as they are highly correlated
with Annual Salary as the response (or dependent) variable and we want to use this
model to predict, or set, the salary later in tune with this model. The other variables,
Experience in Years and Skill Level, will be predictor (or independent) variables. The
command in R to generate the multiple linear regression model is shown here:

The model created using the lm() function is shown here along with the summary—
generated using summary(model name):

You can see in this summary of the multiple regression model that both independent
variables are significant to the model, as the p-value for both is less than 0.05. Further,
the overall model p-value is also less than 0.05. Further, as you can see, the adjusted
R-squared value of 99.48 percent indicates that the model explains 99.48 percent of the
variance in the response variable. Further, the residuals are spread around the median
value of –23.8, very close to 0.
You can explore the individual aspects of this model by using specific R commands.
You can use fitted(model name) to understand the values fitted using the model.
You can use residuals(model name) to understand the residuals for each value of
Annual Salary fitted vs. the actual Annual Salary as per the data used. You can use
coefficients(model name) to get the details of the coefficients (which is part of the
summary data of the model shown previously). The following shows the use of these
commands in R:

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

9.1.4 Validation of the Assumptions of Regression

You can use plot(model name) to explore the model further. This command generates
diagnostic plots to evaluate the fit of the model. The plots generated are shown in
Figures 9-2 to 9-5.

Residuals vs Fitted



5000 10000 15000 20000

Fitted values

Figure 9-2.  Residuals vs. fitted

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

Normal Q-Q

Standardized residuals
0 -1


-2 -1 0 1 2
Theoretical Quantiles

Figure 9-3.  Normal Q-Q plot

30 45
1.2 1.0
|Standardized residuals|
0.4 0.6 0.8

5000 10000 15000 20000

Fitted values

Figure 9-4.  Scale-Location plot

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

2 Residuals vs Leverage

Standardized residuals
0 -1


Cook’s distance

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20


Figure 9-5.  Residuals vs. leverage plot

Here the residuals vs. fitted plot seems to show that the residuals are spread
randomly around the dashed line at 0. If the response variable is linearly related to the
predictor variables, there should be no relationship between the fitted values and the
residuals. The residuals should be randomly distributed. Even though there seems to
be a pattern, in this case we know clearly from the data that there is a linear relationship
between the response variable and the predictors. This is also shown through high
correlation between the response variable and each predictor variable. Hence, we cannot
conclude that the linearity assumption is violated. The linear relationship between
the response variable and predictors can be tested through the crPlots(model name)
function, as shown in Figure 9-6.

Component + Residual Plots


0 1000



0 2 4 6 8 1 2 3 4 5
Expe_Yrs Skill_lev

Figure 9-6.  crPlots(model name) plot showing the linearity

As both the graphs show near linearity, we can accept that the model sal_model_1
fulfills the test of linearity.

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

Further, the scale-location plot shows the points distributed randomly around a
near-horizontal line. Thus, the assumption of constant variance of the errors is fulfilled.
We validate this understanding with ncvTest(model name) from the car library. Here, the
null hypothesis is that there is constant error variance and the alternative hypothesis is
that the error variance changes with the level of fitted values of the response variable or
linear combination of predictors. As p-value is >0.05 we cannot reject the null hypothesis
that there is constant error variance.

The Normal Q-Q plot seems to show that the residuals are not normally distributed.
However, the visual test may not always be appropriate. We need to ensure normality only
if it matters to our analysis and is really important, because in reality, data may not always
be normal. Hence, we need to apply our judgment in such cases. Further, typically, as per
the central limit theorem and by rule of thumb, we do not require validating the normality
for huge amounts of data, because it has to be normal. Furthermore, if the data is very
small, most of the statistical tests may not yield proper results. However, we can validate
the normality of the model (that is, of the residuals) through the Shapiro-Wilk normality
test by using the shapiro.test(residuals(model name)) command. The resultant
output is as follows:

Here, the null hypothesis is that the normality assumption holds good. We reject
the null hypothesis if p-value is <0.05. As the p-value is > 0.05, we cannot reject the null
hypothesis that normality assumption holds good.
Another way to visually confirm the assumption of normality is by using
qqPlot(model name, simulate = TRUE, envelope = 0.95). The R command used is as

Figure 9-7 shows the resultant plot.

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

Studentized Residuals(sal_model_1)
-1.5 -1.0 -0.5

-2 -1 0 1 2

t Quantiles

Figure 9-7.  Plot of normality generated through qqPlot(model name, simulate = TRUE,
envelope = 0.95)

As you can see, very few points (only two) are outside the confidence interval. Hence,
we can assume that the residuals are normally distributed and that the model has fulfilled
the assumption of normality.
The standardized residuals vs. leverage plot shows that most of the standardized
residuals are around zeroth line.
Now, we need to validate the independence of the residuals or the independence of
the errors, or lack of autocorrelation. However, in this case, because we know that each
data entry belongs to a different employee and is taken at a particular point in time, and
that no dependencies exist between the data of one employee and another, we can safely
assume that there is independence of the residuals and independence of errors. From an
academic-interest point of view, however, you can run a Durbin-Watson test to determine
the existence of autocorrelation, or lack of independence of errors. The command in R to
do this and the corresponding output is as follows:

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

As the p-value is < 0.05, the Durbin-Watson test rejects the null hypothesis that there
is no autocorrelation. Hence, the Durbin-Watson test holds up the alternate hypothesis
that there exists autocorrelation, or the lack of independence of errors. However, as
mentioned previously, we know that the data used does not lack independence. Hence,
we can ignore the Durbin-Watson test.
As you can see, all the tests of the regression model assumptions are successful.

9.1.5 Multicollinearity
Multicollinearity is another problem that can happen with multiple linear regression
methods. Say you have both date of birth and age as predictors. You know that both are
the same in a way, or in other words, that one is highly correlated with the other. If two
predictor variables are highly correlated with each other, there is no point in considering
both of these predictors in a multiple linear regression equation. We usually eliminate
one of these predictors from the multiple linear regression model or equation, because
multicollinearity can adversely impact the model.
Multicollinearity can be determined in R easily by using the vif(model
name) function. VIF stands for variance inflation factor. Typically, for this test of
multicollinearity to pass, the VIF value should be greater than 5. Here is the test showing
the calculation of VIF:

Hence, we can assume that there is no significant multicollinearity. However, we

cannot rule out moderate multicollinearity.
Multicollinearity typically impacts the significance of one of the coefficients and
makes it nonsignificant. However, in this case, we do not see such an impact. Instead,
we see that the coefficients of both predictors are significant. Further, the existence of
multicollinearity does not make a model not usable for prediction. Hence, we can use
the preceding model for prediction even though we presume multicollinearity according
to some schools of statistical thought which suggest multicollinearity when VIF value is
greater than 4.

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

The following shows how to use the model to predict the Annual Salary for the new
data of Experience in Years and Skill Level:

Now, let’s take another set of values for the predictor variables and check what the model
returns Annual Salary. The prediction made by sal_model_1 in this case is shown here:

If we see significant multicollinearity between the predictor variables, one approach

to building the model is to drop one of the predictor variables and proceed with the other.
Similarly, you can try leaving out the other predictor and building the model with the first
predictor. After both models are built, check which of these models is more significant
statistically. One approach to compare the models is to compute the Akaike information
criterion (AIC) value. Any model with a lesser AIC value is a more significant model.
In this case, if we eliminate one of the variables (say, Skill Level), we tend to get a
regression of only one predictor variable (Experience in Years) against the response variable
(Annual Salary), which is nothing but a case of simple linear regression, shown here:

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

This is also a significant model with the response variable Annual Salary and the
predictor variable Experience in Years (as we know), as the p-value of the model as well
as the p-value of the predictor are less than 0.05. Further, the model explains about 97.74
percent of the variance in the response variable.
Alternatively, if we remove the Experience in Years predictor variable, we get the
model shown here:

This is also a significant model with the response variable Annual Salary and the
predictor variable Skill Level (as we know), as the p-value of the model as well as the
p-value of the predictor are less than 0.05. Further, the model explains about 88 percent of
the variance in the response variable as shown by the R-squared value.
However, when we have various models available for the same response variable with
same predictor variables or different predictor variables, one of the best ways to select the
most useful model is to choose the model with the lowest AIC value. Here we have made a
comparison of the AIC values of three models: sal_model_1 with both Experience in Years
and Skill Level as predictors, sal_model_2 with only Experience in Years as the predictor
variable, and sal_model_3 with only Skill Level as the predictor variable:

If you compare the AIC values as shown, you find that the model with both
Experience in Years and Skill Level as predictors is the best model.

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

9.1.6 Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression

Other ways to build models and select the best model include carrying out a forward
stepwise regression or a backward stepwise regression. In the forward stepwise
regression, we start with one predictor and at each run keep on adding another predictor
variable until we exhaust all the predictor variables. In the case of backward stepwise
regression, we start with all the predictors and then start removing the parameters one by
one. Both will yield the same result. Let’s do a backward stepwise regression now. We will
use AIC as shown previously to select the best model. The model with the lowest AIC is
the model we’ll select.
We need to have the package MASS and then use this library to run the
stepAIC(model name) function from this library. Here is the stepwise multiple linear
regression model generation:

This confirms our understanding as per the discussion in the prior section of this
chapter. The downside for the effective use of this stepwise approach is that as it drops
predictor variables one by one, it does not check for the different combinations of the
predictor variables.

9.1.7  All Subsets Approach to Multiple Linear

Another alternative is to use the all subsets regression approach, which evaluates all the
possible subsets out of the predictors.

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

We need the leaps package and need to use the regsubsets(model name) function.
We can use the adjusted R-square option in the plot function as follows to understand
which of the predictors we need to include in our model. We should select the model that
has the highest adjusted R-square value. How to do this in R is shown here:

If we use the R-squared value, we get the plot shown in Figure 9-8. We chose the
predictor combinations with the highest R-squared value.





Figure 9-8.  Plot of the multiple regression model generated in R using the all subsets
approach scaled with R-squared

As you can see, we select both the predictors Experience in Years and Skill Level,
as this model has the highest R-squared value of 0.99. However, we have seen that the
adjusted R-squared is a value that provides better insight than the R-squared value, as it
adjusts for the degrees of freedom. If we use the adjusted R-squared instead of R-squared,
we get the plot shown in Figure 9-9.

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression






Figure 9-9.  Plot of the multiple regression model generated in R using all subsets approach
scaled with adjusted R-squared

In this example also, the predictors that get selected for the best model is the one
with both the predictors selected.

9.1.8 Multiple Linear Regression Equation

The regression line is a smoothed graph of averages. It is basically a smoothing of the
averages of the response variable for each value set of the independent variables. The
regression line is drawn in such a way that it minimizes the error of the fitted values with
respect to the actual values. This method, known as the least squares method, minimizes
the sum of the squared differences between the actual values of the response variable and
the predicted values of the response variable. The multiple linear regression equation
takes the following form:
Yi = β0 + β1 x1 + β2 x2 + β3 x3 + …
In this equation, β0 is known the intercept, and the β1 is known as the slope of the
regression line. The intercept is the value of the response variable when the values of each
independent variable are 0. This depicts the point at which the regression line touches the
y axis when x1 and x2 etc are 0. The slope can be calculated easily by using this formula:
(R × standard deviation of the response variable) / Standard deviation of the
independent variable
From this formula, you can see that when the value of the independent variable
increases by one standard deviation, the value of the response variable increases by R ×
one standard deviation of the response variable, where R is the coefficient of correlation.

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

In our example, the multiple linear regression equation is as follows:

Annu_Salary = 3011.66 + 1589.68 × Expe_Yrs + 1263.65 × Skill_lev

where β0 = intercept = 3011.66

β1 = coefficient of Experience in Years = 1589.68
β3 = coefficient of Skill_levl = 1263.65

9.1.9 Conclusion
From our data, we got a good multiple linear regression model that we validated for the
success of the assumptions. We also used this model for predictions.

9.2 Using an Alternative Method in R

As we mentioned in the introduction of this chapter, the expectation for the use of the
lm() function is that the response variable is normally distributed. As we know from our
sample data, Annual Salary is normally distributed, or follows Gaussian distribution.
Hence, we can alternatively use the generalized linear model using the R function glm()
with the frequency distribution as belonging to gaussian family with parameter link =
"identity", as shown here:

As expected, you will find that the result is the same as that obtained through the
lm() function.

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

9.3 Predicting the Response Variable

The fitted model not only explains the relationship between the response variable and the
independent variables but also provides a mechanism to predict the value of the response
variable from the values of the new independent variables. This is done as shown here:

As you can see from the data used for building the model, the predicted value is
almost in tune with the related actual values in our data set.
Please note: we have used glm_sal_model instead of sal_model_1 generated using
the lm() function, as there is no difference between the two.
This is done using the function predict(model name, newdata), where model name
is the name of the model arrived at from the input data, and newdata contains the data of
independent variables for which the response variable has to be predicted.
This model may work in predicting the Annual Salary for Experience in Years and
Skill Level beyond those in the data set. However, we have to be very cautious in using
the model on such an extended data set, as the model generated does not know or has
no means to know whether the model is suitable for the extended data set. We also do
not know whether the extrapolated data follows the linear relationship. It is possible
that after a certain number of years, while experience increases, the Skill Level and the
corresponding Annual Salary may not go up linearly, but the rate of increase in salary
may taper off, leading to a slowly tapering down in the slope of the relationship.

9.4 Training and Testing the Model

We can also use separate subsets of the data set for training the model (basically, to
arrive at the model) and testing the model. Ideally, such data sets have to be generated
randomly. Typically, 75 percent to 80 percent of the data set is taken to train the model,
and another 25 percent to 20 percent of the data set is used to test the model.

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

Let’s use the same data set that we used previously to do this. For this, we have to use
install.packages("caret") and library(caret). The splitting of the data set into two
subsets—training data set and test data set—using R is shown here:

This split of the entire data set into two subsets, Training_Data and Test_Data,
has been done randomly. Now, we have 40 records in Training_Data and 8 records in
We will now train our Training_Data using the machine-learning concepts to
generate a model. This is depicted as follows:

As you can see, the model generated, Trained_Model, is a good fit with p-values of the
coefficients of the predictors being < 0.05 as well as overall model p-value being < 0.05.

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

We will now use the Trained_Model arrived at as previously to predict the values of
Annual_Salary in respect to Experience in Years and Skill Level from the Test_Data. This
is shown here, in a snapshot from R:

Now, let’s see whether the values of Annual Salary we predicted using the model
generated out of Training_Data and actual values of the Annual Salary in the Test_Data
are in tune with each other. The actual values and the predicted values are shown here:

You can see here that both the Actual Annual Salary from Test_Data and Annual
Salary from the model generated out of Training_Data (pred_annu_salary) match
closely with each other. Hence, the model generated out of Training_Data (Trained_
Model) can be used effectively.

9.5 Cross Validation
Cross validation like k-fold Cross Validation is used to validate the model generated.
This will be very useful when we have limited data and the data is required to be split
into small test set (like 20% of data) and relatively bigger training set (like 80% of data)
and this makes the validation of the model relatively difficult or not feasible because the
data in the training set and test set may be split in such a way that both may not be very
representative of the entire data set.
This problem is eliminated by cross validation methods like k-fold Cross Validation.
Here, actually we divide the data set into k-folds and use k-1 sets as training data and
the remaining 1 set as the test data and repeatedly do this for k times. Each k-fold will
have almost equal number of data points (depends upon k-value) randomly drawn from
the entire data set. In our case as we have totally 48 records each fold has 4 or 5 records.
None of the elements of one fold are repeated in the other fold. For each fold the model
is validated and the value predicted by the model (Predicted) and by the cross validation
is tabulated as the output along with the difference between actual value and the cross
validated prediction (cvpred) as CV residual. Using the difference between the Predicted
values and the cvpred we can arrive at the root mean square error of the fit of the linear
regression model. This cross validation method is also useful in the case of huge data as
every data point is used for the training as well as for testing by rotation and in none of
the folds the same data point is taken again for consideration.

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

Let us take the example of the multiple linear regression we have used earlier. Let us
validate this model using the k-fold validation. In our example, we will be using K = 10.
This is for convenience sake so that every time we have 90% of the data in the training
set and another 10% of the data in the test set. This way the data once in training set will
move some other time to the test set. Thus in fact by rotation we will ensure that the all
the points are used for model generation as well as the testing. For this cross validation
we will use library(DAAG) and we will use either cv.lm(dataset, formula for the model,
m=number of folds) or CVlm(dataset, formula for the model, m=number of folds)
function. Here m is nothing but the number of folds (i.e. K) we have decided. The result of
run of this for our example is provided in the following Figures.

Figure 9-10.  A partial snapshot of output of k-fold cross validation

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

Figure 9-11.  A partial snapshot of output of k-fold cross validation (last fold)

Small symbols show cross-validation predicted values

Fold 1
Fold 2
Fold 3
Fold 4

Fold 5
Fold 6
Fold 7
Fold 8
Fold 9
Fold 10

5000 10000 15000 20000

Predicted (fit to all data)

Figure 9-12.  Graphical output of k-fold cross validation showing all the ten folds

The values predicted by the multiple linear regression model (lm function) and the
values predicted by the cross validation are very close to each other. As you can see from
above figures, the various points fitted using cross validation are almost mapping on to
the regression model we arrived at.

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

Figure 9-13.  Root mean square error calculated between linear regression model and cross
validation model

If we check the root mean square error between the values predicted by multiple
linear regression model and cross validation model, as shown in the above Figure, it
is very negligible i.e. 60. Hence, k-fold cross validation validates the multiple linear
regression model arrived at by us earlier.
Instead of k-fold cross validation we can use other methods like Repeated k-fold
cross validation, Bootstrap sampling, leave-one-out cross validation.

9.6 Summary
In this chapter, you saw examples of multiple linear relationships. When you have a
response variable that is continuous and is normally distributed with multiple predictor
variables, you use multiple linear regression. If a response variable can take discrete
values, you use logistic regression.
You also briefly looked into significant interaction, which occurs when the outcome
is impacted by one of the predictors based on the value of the other predictor. You learned
about multicollinearity, whereby two or more predictors may be highly correlated or may
represent the same aspect in different ways. You saw the impacts of multicollinearity and
how to handle them in the context of the multiple linear regression model or equation.
You then explored the data we took from one of the entities and the correlation
between various variables. You could see a high correlation among all three variables
involved (the response variable as well as the predictor variables). By using this data in R,
you can arrive at the multiple linear regression model and then validate that it is a good
model with significant predictor variables.
You learned various techniques to validate that the assumptions of the regression are
met. Different approaches can lead to different interpretations, so you have to proceed
cautiously in that regard.
In exploring multicollinearity further, you saw that functions such as vif() enable
you to understand the existence of multicollinearity. You briefly looked at handling
multicollinearity in the context of multiple linear regression. Multicollinearity does not
reduce the value of the model for prediction purposes. Through the example of Akaike
information criterion (AIC), you learned to compare various models and that the best one
typically has the lowest AIC value.
You then explored two alternative ways to arrive at the best-fit multiple linear
regression models: stepwise multiple linear regression and all subsets approach to
multiple linear regression. You depicted the model by using the multiple linear regression
Further, you explored how the glm() function with the frequency distribution
gaussian with link = "identity" can provide the same model as that generated
through the lm() function, as we require normality in the case of a continuous response

Chapter 9 ■ Multiple Linear Regression

Further, you saw how to predict the value of the response variable by using the values
of the predictor variables.
Finally, you explored how to split the data set into two subsets, training data and
test data. You can use the training data to generate a model for validating the response
variable of test data, by using the predict() function on the model generated using the
training data.


Logistic Regression

In Chapters 8 and 9, we discussed simple linear regression and multiple linear regression,
respectively. In both types of regression, we have a dependent variable or response
variable as a continuous variable that is normally distributed. However, this is not always
the case. Often, the response variable is not normally distributed. It may be a binary
variable following a binomial distribution and taking the values of 0/1 or No/Yes. It
may be a categorical or discrete variable taking multiple values that may follow other
distributions other than the normal one.
If the response variable is a discrete variable (which can be nominal, ordinal,
or binary), you use a different regression method, known as logistic regression. If the
response variable takes binary values (such as Yes/No or Sick/Heathy) or multiple
discrete variables (such as Strongly Agree, Agree, Partially Agree, and Do Not Agree),
we can use logistic regression. Logistic regression is still a linear regression. Logistic
regression with the response variable taking only two values (such as Yes/No or Sick/
Healthy) is known as binomial logistic regression. A logistic regression with a response
variable that can take multiple discrete values is known as multinomial logistic regression.
Note that nonlinear regression is outside the scope of this book.
Consider the following examples:
• You want to decide whether to lend credit to a customer. Your
choice may depend on various factors including the customer’s
earlier record of payment regularity with other companies, the
customer’s credibility in the banking and financial sector, the
profitability of the customer’s organization, and the integrity of
the promoters and management.
• You are deciding whether to invest in a project. Again, your choice
depends on various factors, including the risks involved, the likely
profitability, the longevity of the project’s life, and the capability of
the organization in the particular area of the project.
• You are deciding whether to hire a particular candidate for a
senior management post. This choice may depend on various
factors including the candidate’s experience, past record, attitude,
and suitability to the culture of your organization.

© Dr. Umesh R. Hodeghatta and Umesha Nayak 2017 233

U. R. Hodeghatta and U. Nayak, Business Analytics Using R - A Practical Approach,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-2514-1_10
Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

• You are deciding whether a particular employee is likely to stick

with the organization. This choice may depend on various factors
including the internal working environment of the organization,
whether the employee is deployed on a challenging project,
whether the compensation to that employee is commensurate
with the industry standard, and whether the employee is
technically good enough to be lured by other organizations.
Interactions between predictors as well as multicollinearity may still be issues
in logistic regression, and they need to be addressed appropriately. However, the
assumption of linearity, normality, and homoscedasticity that generally apply to
regressions do not apply to logistic regression.
A starting point for building any logistic regression model is to get your data in a
data-frame format, as this is a requirement of the glm() function in R. As you saw in
previous chapters, the glm() function with family = gaussian(link = "identity")
is equivalent to the lm() function; the requirement is that the response or dependent
variable is distributed normally. However, when you use glm() for logistic regression,
the response variable takes the binary values family = binomial(link = "logit").
Why? Because we want the value to be between 0 and 1, which can be interpreted as a
probability. We use the natural logarithm (ln) of the odds ratio:
ln(odds ratio) = ln[probability of success / (1 – probability of success)]
Hence, we use the following bounding function that enables us to determine the
probability of success and derive the logistic regression model by combining linear
regression with the bounding function:
f(a) = 1 / (1 + e–a)
The following is the logistic regression model obtained:
P(Response = Yes, given Independent Variable1, Independent Variable2, …
Independent VariableN) =
1 / (1 + e–(β0 + β1 × Independent Variable1 + β2 × Independent Variable2 + … + βN × Independent VariableN))
P(Response = No, given Independent Variable1, Independent Variable2, …
Independent VariableN) =
1 – [1 / (1 + e-(β0 + β1 × Independent Variable1 + β2 × Independent Variable2 + … + βN × Independent VariableN))]
which is nothing but
1 / (1 + e(β0 + β1 × Independent Variable1 + β2 × Independent Variable2 + … + βN × Independent VariableN))
From these two equations pertaining to P(Response = Yes) and P(Response = No),
we get the odds, as follows:
P(Response = Yes) / P(Response = No) =

e(β0 + β1 × Independent Variable1 + β2 × Independent Variable2 + … + βN × Independent VariableN)

Hence, logit, or log odds, is as follows:
logit(P) = ln[P(Response = Yes) / P(Response = No)] = β0 + β1 × Independent
Variable1 + β2 × Independent Variable2 + … + βN × Independent VariableN

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

We use the maximum likelihood method to generate the logistic regression equation
that predicts the natural logarithm of the odds ratio. From this logistic regression equation,
we determine the predicted odds ratio and the predicted probability of success:
Predicted probability of success = predicted odds ratio / (1 + predicted odds ratio)
Here, we do not use the dependent variable value as it is. Instead, we use the natural
logarithm of the odds ratio.

10.1 Logistic Regression
In this section, we demonstrate logistic regression using a data set.

10.1.1 The Data
Let’s start by considering that we have created data with six variables:
• Attrition represents whether the employee has exited the
organization or is still in the organization (Yes for exit, and No for
currently working in the organization).
• Yrs_Exp represents the experience of the employee at this time
(in years).
• Work_Challenging represents whether the work assigned to the
employee is challenging.
• Work_Envir represents whether the work environment is
Excellent or Low.
• Compensation represents whether the compensation is Excellent
or Low.
• Tech_Exper represents whether the employee is technically
expert (Excellent or Low).
The data covers the last six months and pertains only to those employees with two to
five years of experience. The data is extracted from the CSV text file Attri_Data_10.txt
by using the read.csv() command:

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

This code also presents a summary of the data. As you can see, the Attrition field
has 28 Yes values: that means that these employees have exited the organization. The
24 No values represent employees who are still continuing in the organization. You can
also observe from the preceding summary that 28 employees have not been assigned
challenging work (Work_Challenging), and 24 employees have. Furthermore, 28
employees are working in teams where the work environment (Work_Envir) is considered
excellent, whereas 24 are working in teams where the work environment is not that great
(here marked Low). Finally, 21 employees have excellent compensation, at par or above
the market compensation (shown here as Excellent); but 31 have compensation that
is below the market compensation or low compensation (shown here as Low). Out of
the total employees, 44 have excellent technical expertise, whereas 8 others have low
technical expertise. The data set contains 52 records.
Ideally, when the organization is providing challenging work to an employee, the
work environment within the team is excellent, compensation is excellent, and technical
expertise of the employee is low, then the chance for attrition should be low.
Here is a glimpse of the data:

10.1.2 Creating the Model

Now, let’s build a logistic regression model by using the glm() function of R. We need to
use family = binomial(link="logit") along with glm() because our response variable
is binary. To start, let’s generate the model by using all the parameters, since they have
Attrition as binary response (or dependent) variable; furthermore, we want to use this
model to predict the possibility of any employee resigning later (in tune with this model
and other variables Yrs_Exp, Work_Challenging, Work_Envir, Compensation, and
Tech_Exper). The command in R to generate the logistic regression model is shown here:

The model created by using the glm() function is shown here, along with the
summary (generated by using summary(model name)):

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

Only one value among the categorical variables is shown here. This is because
each variable has two levels, and one level is taken as a reference level by the model.
An example is the categorical variable Work_Challenging, which has two levels: Work_
ChallengingYes and Work_ChallengingNo. Only Work_ChallengingYes is shown in the
model, as Work_ChallengingNo is taken as the reference level.

■■Note The Weights of Evidence transformation technique can be used if each factor

variable has many levels. This ensures that only one combined variable represents multiple
levels of each variable, thus reducing the coefficients of the model. This is useful because
categorical variables with many levels can create issues in logistic regression.

You can see in the preceding summary of the logistic regression model that except
for Yrs_Exp, all other variables are significant to the model (as each p-value is less than
0.05). Work_ChallengingYes, Work_EnvirLow, Compensation_Low, and Tech_ExperLow are
the significant variables. Yrs_Exp is not a significant variable to the model, as it has a high
p-value. It is quite obvious from even a visual examination of the data that Yrs_Exp will
not be significant to the model, as attrition is observed regardless of the number of years
of experience. Furthermore, you can see that the model has converged in seven Fisher’s
scoring iterations, which is good because ideally we expect the model to converge in less
than eight iterations.

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

We can now eliminate Yrs_Exp from the logistic regression model and recast the
model. The formula used for recasting the logistic regression model and the summary of
the model are provided here:

As you can see, the model parameters are significant because the p-values are less
than 0.05.
The degrees of freedom for the data is calculated as n minus 1 (the number of data
points – 1, or 52 – 1 = 51). The degrees of freedom for the model is n minus 1 minus the
number of coefficients (52 – 1 – 4 = 47). These are shown in the preceding summary of
the model. Deviance is a measure of lack of fit. Null deviance is nothing but the deviance
of the model with only intercept. Residual deviance is the deviance of the model. Both
are part of the preceding summary of the model. The following shows that the residual
deviance reduces with the addition of each coefficient:

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

Let’s compare both the models—attri_logit_model (with all the predictors) and
attri_logit_model_2 (with only significant predictors) and check how the second model
fares with respect to the first one:

This test is carried out by using the anova() function and checking the chi-square
p-value. In this table, the chi-square p-value is 0.7951. This is not significant. This
suggests that the model attri_logit_model_2 without Yrs_Exp works well compared
to the model attri_logit_model with all the variables. There is not much difference
between the two models. Hence, we can safely use the model without Yrs_Exp (that is,

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

From this model (attri_logit_model_2), we can see that the coefficient of

Work_ChallengingYes is –3.4632, Work_EnvirLow is 4.5215, CompensationLow is 2.7090,
and Tech_ExperLow is –3.8547. These coefficient values are the natural logarithm of the
odds ratio. A coefficient with a minus sign indicates that it decreases the potential for
Attrition. Similarly, a coefficient with a plus sign indicates that it increases the potential
for Attrition. Hence, the odds of having Attrition = Yes is exp(4.5215) = 91.97 times
higher than not having any Attrition with all other variables remaining the same (ceteris
paribus) when Work_Envir = Low compared to when the Work_Envir = Excellent. This
means that if Work_Envir = Excellent, the chance of Attrition = Yes is 5 percent,
or 0.05, then the odds for Attrition = No under the same conditions are (0.05 / (1 –
0.05)) × 91.97 = 4.8376. This corresponds to a probability of Attrition = No of 4.8376
/ (1 + 4.8376) = 0.8286, or about 82.86 percent. The odds of having Attrition = Yes is
exp(2.7090) = 15.02 times higher than not having any Attrition with all other variables
remaining the same when Compensation = Low compared to when the Compensation
= High. Both Work_Envir = Low and Compensation = Low increase the possibility of
Attrition = Yes.
However, other two variables, Work_Challenging = Yes and Tech_Exper = Low
with negative signs to the respective coefficients means that they reduce the possibility
of Attrition = Yes. Work_Challenging = Yes with the coefficient value of –3.4632
lowers the possibility of Attrition = Yes by exp(–3.4632) = 0.0313 with all other
variables remaining the same compared to when Work_Challenging = No. Similarly,
Tech_Exper = Low with the coefficient value of –3.8547 lowers the possibility of
Attrition = Yes by exp(–3.8547) = 0.0211 with all other variables remaining the same
compared to when Tech_Exper = High.
From this, you can see that the major impact to Attrition is influenced mainly by
Work_Envir and Compensation.

10.1.3 Model Fit Verification

It is important for us to verify the model fit. This can be done by computing the pseudo
R-squared value. This value is calculated by using the formula 1 – (model$deviance /
model$ This tells us the extent that the model explains the deviance. The
following code shows how to compute this value using R:

This calculation shows that the model explains 63.65 percent of the deviance. You can
also compute the value of pseudo R-square by using library(pscl) and pR2(model_name).
Another way to verify the model fit is by calculating the p-value with the chi-square
method as follows:
p-value <- pchisq[(model_deviance_diff ),(df_data – df_model),lower.tail=F]

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

Here, df_data can be calculated by nrow(data_set) – 1, or in our case,

nrow(attrition_data) – 1; df_model can be calculated by model$df.residual; and
model_deviance_diff can be calculated as model$ – model$deviance. These
calculations are shown here:

Because the p-value is very small, the reduction in deviance cannot be assumed to
be by chance. As the p-value is significant, the model is a good fit.

10.1.4 General Words of Caution

The following warning message could be thrown while generating the logistics model:

This may be due to data or a portion of data predicting the response perfectly. This is
known as the issue of separation or quasi-separation.
Here are some general words of caution with respect to the logistic regression model:
• We have a problem when the null deviance is less than the
residual deviance.
• We have a problem when the convergence requires many Fisher’s
scoring iterations.
• We have a problem when the coefficients are large in size with
significantly large standard errors.
In these cases, we may have to revisit the model to look again at each coefficient.

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

10.1.5 Multicollinearity
We talked about multicollinearity in Chapter 9. Multicollinearity can be made out in R
easily by using the vif(model name) function. VIF stands for variance inflation factor.
Typically, a rule of thumb for the multicollinearity test to pass is that the VIF value should
be greater than 5. The following test shows the calculation of VIF:

As you can see, our model does not suffer from multicollinearity.

10.1.6 Dispersion
Dispersion (variance of the dependent variable) above the value of 1 (as mentioned in
the summary of the logistic regression dispersion parameter for the binomial family to be
taken as 1) is a potential issue with some of the regression models, including the logistic
regression model. This is known as overdispersion. Overdispersion occurs when the
observed variance of the dependent variable is bigger than the one expected out of
the usage of binomial distribution (that is, 1). This leads to issues with the reliability of
the significance tests, as this is likely to adversely impact standard errors.
Whether a model suffers from the issue of overdispersion can be easily found using
R, as shown here:

The model generated by us, attri_logit_model_2, does not suffer from the issue of
overdispersion. If a logistic regression model does suffer from overdispersion, you need to
use quasibinomial distribution in the glm() function instead of binomial distribution.

10.1.7 Conclusion for Logistic Regression

For our data, we created a good logistic regression model that we have verified for
significance and goodness of fit. The model does not suffer from multicollinearity or

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

■■Note Using family=binomial(link="probit") in the glm() function also works

similarly to family=binomial(link="logit") in most of the circumstances. For logit,
you may use family=binomial() directly in glm() without using link="logit", as both
produce the same result.

10.2 Training and Testing the Model

We can also use separate subsets of the data set for training the model (basically to create
the model) and testing the model. Ideally, such data sets have to be generated randomly.
Typically, 75 percent to 80 percent of the data set is used to train the model, and another
25 percent to 20 percent of the data set is used to test the model.
Let’s use the same data set as we used previously to do this. We have to run install.
packages("caret") and use library(caret). Here we split the data set into two subsets
(training data set and test data set) using R:

This split of the entire data set into two subsets (Training_Data and Test_Data)
has been done randomly. Now, we have 43 records in Training_Data and 9 records in

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

We now train our Training_Data by using the machine-learning concepts to

generate a model:

As you can see, the model generated (train_logit_model) has taken 18 Fisher’s
scoring iterations to converge, and Tech_ExperLow has a huge coefficient and standard
error. Hence, this model may not be useful. For this reason, we cannot proceed with
using the training model to predict Attrition with respect to the records of Test_Data.
However, if we could successfully come up with a training model, we could proceed with
our further analysis as follows:
Use the model generated out of the training data to predict the
response variable for the test data and store the predicted data
in the test data set itself.
Compare the values generated of the response variable with
the actual values of the response variable in the test data set.
Generate the confusion matrix to understand the true
positives (TP), true negatives (TN), false positives (FP), and
false negatives (FN).
• True positives are the ones that are actually positives (1) and
are also predicted as positives (1).
• True negatives are the ones that are actually negatives (0) but
are also predicted as negatives (0).
• False positives are the ones that are predicted as positives (1)
but are actually negatives (0).
• False negatives are the ones that are predicted as negatives
(0) but are actually positives (1).

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

Check for accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity:
• Accuracy = (TP + TN) / Total Observations
• Specificity = True Negative Rate = TN / (FP + TN)
• Sensitivity = Recall = True Positive Rate = TP / (FN + TP)
In addition, Precision = TP / (FP + TP) and F1 Score = 2TP /
(2TP + FP + FN) may be considered.
Higher accuracy, higher sensitivity, and higher specificity are typically expected.
Check whether these values are appropriate to the objective of the prediction in mind.
If the prediction will affect the safety or health of people, we have to ensure the highest
accuracy. In such cases, each predicted value should be determined with caution and
further validated through other means, if required.

10.2.1 Predicting the Response Variable

The originally fitted model (attri_logit_model_2) not only explains the relationship
between the response variable and the independent variables but also provides a
mechanism to predict the value of the response variable from the values of the new
independent variables. This is done as shown here:

We take the value of Attrition as Yes if the probability returned by the prediction is
> 0.5, and we take the same as No if the probability returned by the prediction is not > 0.5.
As you can see in the preceding code, the value is far below 0.5 so we can safely assume
that Attrition = No.
The preceding prediction is determined by using the function predict(model name,
newdata=dataframe_name, type="response"), where model name is the name of the
model arrived at from the input data, newdata contains the data of independent variables
for which the response variable has to be predicted, and type="response" is required to
ensure that the outcome is not logit(y).

10.2.2  Alternative Way of Validating the Logistic

Regression Model
As we have said, we could not generate a valid model using the training data and so
could not validate the same using the test data. However, we generated a model (attri_
logit_model_2) using the full data set (attrition_data) and validated it. Another way of
validating such a model is as follows:

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

We use the model generated to predict the dependent variable
values (logit) using the predicted_value <- predict(model,
type="response") on the full data set that we used to
generate the model:

Then we generate a confusion matrix:

We can clearly see from the confusion matrix that the model
generates very high true positives and true negatives.
Now we use the ROCR package and the prediction()
function from it as follows: prediction_object
<-prediction(predicted_value, dataset$dependent_
variable). With this, we now create a prediction_object:

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

Using the performance() function from the ROCR package
on the prediction_object, we obtain TPR = TP / (FN +
TP) = TP / (All Positives) and FPR = FP / (FP + TN) = FP
/ (All Negatives) and plot TPR against the FPR to obtain
a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. This is
done using plot(performance(prediction_object,
measure = "tpr", x.measure = "fpr"). Alternatively,
we can use sensitivity/specificity plots by using
plot(performance(prediction_object, measure =
"sens", x.measure = "spec") or precision/recall plots by
using plot(performance(prediction_object, measure =
"prec", x.measure = "rec"). The first of these R commands
used to generate the ROC curve is shown here, followed by the
curve generated (see Figure 10-1):
True positive rate
0.4 0.2
0.0 0.6

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

False positive rate

Figure 10-1.  Generated ROC curve

This ROC curve clearly shows that the model generates almost no false positives and
generates high true positives. Hence, we can conclude that the model generated is a good

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

10.3 Multinomial Logistic Regression

Multinomial logistic regression is used with categorical or discrete dependent variables
that have more than two levels. The independent variables can be categorical variables
or continuous variables. However, the methods to generate and evaluate these models
are not straightforward and are tedious. These require lots of understanding of the
underlying mathematics and statistics. Hence, we are not covering this in this book.
However, the mlogit() function from the mlogit package or the multinom()
function from the nnet package are used to generate multinomial logistic regression for
dependent variables with more than two unordered levels.
For dependent variables with more than two ordered levels, the lrm() function from
the rms package is used to generate the multinomial logistic regression.

10.4 Regularization
Regularization is a complex subject that we won’t discuss thoroughly here. However, we
provide an introduction to this concept because it is an important aspect of statistics that
you need to understand in the context of statistical models.
Regularization is the method normally used to avoid overfitting. When we keep
adding parameters to our model to increase its accuracy and fit, at some point our
prediction capability using this model decreases. By taking too many parameters, we are
overfitting the model to the data and losing the value of generalization, which could have
made the model more useful in prediction.
Using forward and backward model fitting and subset model fitting, we try to avoid
overfitting and hence make the model more generalized and useful in predicting future
values. This will ensure less bias as well as less variance when relating to the test data.
Regularization is also useful when we have more parameters than the data
observations in our data set and the least squares method cannot help because it
would lead to many models (not a single unique model) that would fit to the same data.
Regularization allows us to find one reasonable solution in such situations.
Shrinkage methods are the most used regularization methods. They add a penalty
term to the regression model to carry out the regularization. We penalize the loss function
by adding a multiple (λ, also known as the shrinkage parameter) of the regularization
norm, such as Lasso or Ridge (also known as the shrinkage penalty), of the linear
regression weights vector. We may use cross-validation to get the best multiple (λ value).
The more complex the model, the greater the penalty. We use either L1 regularizer (Lasso)
or L2 regularizer (Ridge). Regularization shrinks the coefficient estimates to reduce the
Ridge regression shrinks the estimates of the parameters but not to 0, whereas the
Lasso regression shrinks the estimates of some parameters to 0. For Ridge, the fit will
increase with the value of λ, and along with that the value of variance also increases. This
can lead to a huge increase in parameter estimates, even for small changes in the training
data, and get aggravated with the increase in the number of parameters. Lasso creates
less-complicated models, thus making the predictability easier.

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

Let’s explore the concept of regularization on our data set attrition_data without
Yrs_Exp. We don’t take Yrs_Exp into consideration because we know that it is not
We use the glmnet() function from the glmnet package to determine the regularized
model. We use the cv.glmnet() function from the glmnet package to determine the
best lambda value. We use alpha=1 for the Lasso and use alpha=0 for the Ridge. We use
family="binomial" and type="class" because our response variable is binary and
we are using the regularization in the context of logistic regression, as required. The
glmnet() function requires the input to be in the form of a matrix and the response
variable to be a numeric vector. This fits a generalized linear model via penalized
maximum likelihood. The regularization path is computed for the Lasso or elasticnet
penalty at a grid of values for the regularization parameter lambda.
The generic format of this function as defined in the glmnet R package is as follows:

glmnet(x, y, family=c(“gaussian”, "binomial”, “poisson”, “multinomial”,

“cox”, “mgaussian”),
weights, offset=NULL, alpha = 1, nlambda = 100,
lambda.min.ratio = ifelse(nobs<nvars,0.01,0.0001), lambda=NULL,
standardize = TRUE, intercept=TRUE, thresh = 1e–07, dfmax = nvars + 1,
pmax = min(dfmax × 2+20, nvars), exclude, penalty.factor = rep(1,
lower.limits=–Inf, upper.limits=Inf, maxit=100000,
type.gaussian=ifelse(nvars<500, “covariance”, “naive”),
type.logistic=c(“Newton”, “modified.Newton”),
standardize.response=FALSE, type.multinomial=c(“ungrouped”,

As usual, we will not be using all the parameters. We will be using only the absolutely
required parameters in the interest of simplicity. Please explore the glmnet package
guidelines for details of each parameter.
We will first prepare the inputs required. We need the model in the format of a
matrix, as the input for the glmnet() function. We also require the response variable as a

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

Explaining the contents of the summary is beyond the scope of this book, but we will
show how the regularization is carried out primarily using the graphs. We use the plot()
function for this purpose. As we are using the binary data and logistic regression, we use
xvar="dev" (where dev stands for deviance) and label = TRUE to identify the parameters
in the plot as inputs to the plot() function:

2 2 3 4 4 4 4

0 -2


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Fraction Deviance Explained

Figure 10-2.  Shows the deviance of each variable: two have + coefficients, and two have –

The output of the glmnet_fit using the print() function is shown here:

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

This primarily shows the degrees of freedom (number of nonzero coefficients), the
percentage of null deviance explained by the model, and the lambda value. As you can
see, the lambda value keeps on decreasing. As the lambda value decreases, the percent
of deviance explained by the model increases, as does the significant number of nonzero
coefficients. Even though we supplied nlambda = 100 for the function (this is the default),
the lambda value is shown only 68 times. This is because the algorithm ensures that it
stops at an optimal time when it sees there is no further significant change in the percent
deviation explained by the model.
Now we will make the prediction of the class labels at lambda = 0.05. Here type =
"class" refers to the response type:

As you can see, all four values are predicted accurately, as they match the first four
rows of our data set.
Now we will do the cross-validation of the regularized model by using the cv.
glmnet() function from the glmnet package. This function does k-fold cross-validation
for glmnet, produces a plot, and returns a minimum value for lambda. This also
returns a lambda value at one standard error. This function by default does a 10-fold
cross-validation. We can change the k-folds if required. Here we use type.measure =
"class" as we are using the binary data and the logistic regression. Here, class gives the
misclassification error:

We now plot the output of cv.glmnet()—that is,—by using the plot()

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

Figure 10-3 shows the cross-validated curve along with the upper and lower values of
the misclassification error against the log(lambda) values. The cross-validated curve here
is depicted by red dots.

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 0
0.5 0.4
Misclassification Error
0.2 0.3

-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2

Figure 10-3.  Output of the plot(

The following shows some of the important output parameters of the model,
including lambda.min or lambda.1se:

We can view the coefficient value at the lambda.min value using the coef(,
s = "lambda.min") command in R. The output is a sparse matrix with the second levels
shown for each independent factor:

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

Let’s now see how this regularized model predicts the values by using the predict()
function and the s = "lambda.min" option. We will check this for the first six values of
our data set. The results are shown here:

All six values are predicted properly by the predict() function. However, please note
that we have not validated the results for our entire data set. The accuracy of the model may
not be 100 percent, as our objective of regularization was to provide a generalized model for
future predictions without worrying about an exact fit (overfit) on the training data.

10.5 Summary
In this chapter, you saw that if the response variable is a categorical or discrete variable
(which can be nominal, ordinal, or binary), you use a different regression method, called
logistic regression. If you have a dependent variable with only two values, such as Yes or
No, you use binomial logistic regression. If the dependent variable takes more than two
categorical values, you use multinomial logistic regression.
You looked at a few examples of logistic regression. The assumptions of
linearity, normality, and homoscedasticity that generally apply to regressions
do not apply to logistic regression. You used the glm() function with "family =
binomial(link="logit") to create a logistic regression model.
You also looked at the underlying statistics and how logit (log odds) of the
dependent variable is used in the logistic regression equation instead of the actual value
of the dependent variable.

Chapter 10 ■ Logistic Regression

You also imported the data set to understand the underlying data. You created the
model and verified the significance of the predictor variables to the model by using the
p-value. One of the variables (Yrs_Exp) was not significant. You reran the model without
this predictor variable and arrived at a model in which all the variables were significant.
You explored how to interpret the coefficients and their impact on the dependent
variable. You learned about deviance as a measure of lack of fit and saw how to verify the
model’s goodness of fit by using the p-value of deviance difference using the chi-square
You need to use caution when interpreting the logistic regression model. You
checked for multicollinearity and overdispersion.
You then split the data set into training and test sets. You tried to come up with
a logistic regression model out of the training data set. Through this process, you
learned that a good model generated from such a training set can be used to predict the
dependent variable. You can use a confusion matrix to check measures such as accuracy,
specificity and sensitivity.
By using the prediction() and performance() functions from the ROCR package, you
can generate a ROC curve to validate the model, using the same data set as the original.
You learned how to predict the value of a new data set by using the logistic regression
model you developed. Then you had a brief introduction to multinomial logistic
regression and the R packages that can be used in this regard.
Finally, you learned about regularization, including why it’s required and how it’s
carried out.


Big Data Analysis—

Introduction and
Future Trends

Data is power. Data is going to be another dimension of value in any enterprise. Data is
the decision driver going forward. All organizations and institutions have woken up to
the value of data and are trying to collate data from various sources and mine it for its
value. Businesses are trying to understand consumer/market behavior in order to get the
maximum out of each consumer with the minimum effort possible. Fortunately, these
organizations and institutions have been supported by the evolution of technology in the
form of increasing storage power and computing power, as well as the power of the cloud,
to provide infrastructure as well as tools. This has driven the growth of data analytical
fields including descriptive analytics, predictive analytics, machine learning, deep
learning, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things. Organizations are collecting
data without the need for thinking the value of it and use it to tell them the value the data
has for them. Data is made to learn from itself and thus throw light on many that have
been hitherto unknown or possibly a logically thinking person may not think of or accept
at face value.
This chapter does not delve into the various definitions of big data. Many pundits
have offered many divergent definitions of big data, confusing people more than
clarifying the issue. However, in general terms, big data means a huge amount of data that
cannot be easily understood or analyzed manually or with limited computing power or
limited computer resources; analyzing big data requires the capability to crunch data of a
diverse nature (from structured data to unstructured data), from various sources (such as
social media, structured databases, unstructured databases, and the Internet of Things).
In general, when people refer to big data, they are referring to data with three
characteristics: variety, volume, and velocity, as shown in Figure 11-1.

© Dr. Umesh R. Hodeghatta and Umesha Nayak 2017 257

U. R. Hodeghatta and U. Nayak, Business Analytics Using R - A Practical Approach,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-2514-1_11
Chapter 11 ■ Big Data Analysis—Introduction and Future Trends

Structured Batch processing




Streaming Data

Big Data



Figure 11-1.  Characteristics of big data

Variety refers to the different types of data that are available on the Web, the Internet
and various databases, etc. This data can be structured or unstructured and can be from
various social media. Volume refers to the size of the data that is available for you to
process. Its size is big—terabytes and petabytes. Velocity refers to how fast you can process
and analyze data, determine its meaning, arrive at the models and use the models that
can help business.
The following have aided the effective use of big data:
• Huge computing power of clusters of computing machines
extending the processing power and the memory power by
distributing the load over several machines
• Huge storage power distributing the data over various storage
• Significant development of algorithms and packages for machine
• Developments in the fields of artificial intelligence, natural
language processing, and others
• Development of tools for data visualization, data integration, and
data analysis

Chapter 11 ■ Big Data Analysis—Introduction and Future Trends

11.1 Big Data Ecosystem

Over the past ten years or so, organizations such as Google, Yahoo, IBM, SAS, SAP, and
Cloudera have made significant efforts to design and develop a substantial system of tools
to facilitate the collating and integrating of huge amounts of data from diverse sources,
mine the data to reveal patterns or truth hidden in the data, visualize the data, present the
learning from the data, and suggest proactive actions.
No doubt, R has emerged as a strong open source language and has been adopted by
a very large community of users particularly because of its ease of use, its packaged and
validated algorithms available, and the documentation existing on the same. However,
the Apache Hadoop ecosystem—with its Hadoop Distributed File System coupled with
various tools/mechanisms such as MapReduce, YARN, Pig, Mahout, Hive, HBase, Storm,
and Oozie—has strengthened the drive of big data analysis, along with commercial tools
including SAP and SAS. The Hadoop framework is shown in Figure 11-2.

Contains Libraries and other modules. These libraries

Hadoop provides filesystem and OS level abstractions and
Common contains the necessary Java files and scripts required to
start Hadoop.

Hadoop Distributed File System.

Provides High-throughput access to application data.

Framework for Job Scheduling and Resource

Hadoop YARN

Hadoop A Programming model for large scale data

MapReduce processing.

Figure 11-2.  Hadoop ecosystem

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) allows data to be distributed and stored
among many computers. Further, it allows the use of the increased processing power and
memory of multiple clustered systems. This has overcome the obstacle of not being able
to store huge amounts of data in a single system and not being able to analyze that data
because of a lack of required processing power and memory. The Hadoop ecosystem
consists of modules that enable us to process the data and perform the analysis.
A user application can submit a job to Hadoop. Once data is loaded onto the
system, it is divided into multiple blocks, typically 64 MB or 128 MB. Then the Hadoop
Job client submits the job to the JobTracker. The JobTracker distributes and schedules
the individual tasks to different machines in a distributed system; many machines are
clustered together to form one entity. The tasks are divided into two phases: Map tasks

Chapter 11 ■ Big Data Analysis—Introduction and Future Trends

are done on small portions of data where the data is stored, and Reduce tasks combine
data to produce the final output. The TaskTrackers on different nodes execute the tasks
as per MapReduce implementation, and the reduce function is stored in the output files
on the file system. The entire process is controlled by various smaller tasks and functions.
The full Hadoop ecosystem and framework are shown in Figure 11-3.

Top Level ETL Tools


Abstraction PIG Hive Sqoop Spark

Data Map-Reduce HBASE

Computing and Hadoop Distributed File System

Storage System (HDFS)

Figure 11-3.  Hadoop framework and ecosystem

Apache Hadoop YARN is a tool used for resource provisioning as well as

management and job scheduling/monitoring activities.
Apache Pig can analyze a huge amount of data. This platform uses a simple scripting
language that allows users to create their own programs to complement the capability of
predefined functions of Pig. Pig’s compiler produces sequences of MapReduce programs.
Hence, this eliminates the need for writing lengthy and cumbersome MapReduce
programs. Pig also has the capability to carry out parallel processing.
Apache Mahout provides the environment and programming capability to write
scalable machine-learning algorithms and applications. Today, Mahout includes
Samsara, a vector math experimentation environment.
Apache Hive provides the capability to read, write, and manage data by providing
SQL capability.
Apache HBase is the Hadoop distributed database, with high scalability and a huge
storage capability. It provides real-time access to data. HBase is a NoSQL database for
Apache Storm enables distributed real-time processing of streams of data in the
same way that Hadoop MapReduce does batch processing. Storm is a computation
engine that performs continuous computation, real-time analytics, online machine
learning, and many other related capabilities such as distributed RPC.
Apache Oozie enables effective workflow scheduling to manage Apache Hadoop
jobs. It is extremely well integrated with other tools in the Apache Hadoop ecosystem.

Chapter 11 ■ Big Data Analysis—Introduction and Future Trends

In addition to these tools, NoSQL (originally referring to not only SQL) databases
such as Cassandra, ArangoDB, MarkLogic, OrientDB, Apache Giraph, MongoDB, and
Dynamo have supported or complemented the big data ecosystem significantly. These
NoSQL databases can store and analyze multidimensional, structured or unstructured,
huge data effectively. This has provided significant fillip to the consolidation and
integration of data from diverse sources for analysis.
Currently Apache Spark is gaining momentum in usage. Apache Spark is a fast,
general engine for big data processing, with built-in modules for streaming, SQL, machine
learning, and graph processing. Apache Spark, an interesting development in recent
years, provides an extremely fast engine for data processing and analysis. It allows an easy
interface to applications written in R, Java, Python, or Scala. Apache Spark has a stack of
libraries such as MLib (Machine Learning), Spark Streaming, Spark SQL, and GraphX. It
can run in stand-alone mode as well as on Hadoop. Similarly, it can access various sources
such as HBase to Cassandra to HDFS. Many users and organizations have shown interest
in this tool and have started using it, resulting in it becoming very popular in a short period
of time. This tool provides significant hope to organizations and users of big data.
Tools such as Microsoft Business Intelligence and Tableau provide dashboards
and the visualization of data. These have enabled organizations to learn from the data
and leverage this learning to formulate strategies or improve the way they conduct their
operations or their processes.
The following are some of the advantages of using Hadoop for big data processing:
• Simple parallel architecture on any cheap commodity hardware
• Built-in fault-tolerance system, and application-level failure
detection and high availability
• Dynamic cluster modification without interruption
• Easy addition or removal of machines to / from the cluster
• Java based and platform independent
Microsoft Azure, Amazon, and Cloudera are some of the big providers of cloud
facilities and services for effective big data analysis.

11.2 Future Trends in Big Data Analytics

The applications of big data and areas in which big data analytics are used is increasing
year by year. This section provides some of the trends that are going to be accelerating in
the years to come.

11.2.1 Growth of Social Media

Over a short period of time, social media has created a significantly large amount of
data, and the trend is growing almost exponentially. This data, related to people across
the globe, is bringing an understanding to organizations of hitherto unknown facts
and figures. This is driving those organizations to think differently and formulate their
strategies differently.

Chapter 11 ■ Big Data Analysis—Introduction and Future Trends

11.2.2 Creation of Data Lakes

Organizations are getting data from diverse sources. But often they don’t know the
value of the data. They dump the data into data lakes without even looking at the value
it provides. Once the data is inside the data lake, organizations look for patterns and/or
allow data to “discover itself.” This attitude is of immense value going ahead.

11.2.3 Visualization Tools at the Hands of Business Users

The delay that has occurred between the analysis of data by data analysts and the
presentation of that data to the business is no longer acceptable in the context of increasing
competitiveness. Businesses are required to take quick action to use the knowledge gained
from the data effectively. Tools such as Microsoft Business Intelligence, Tableau, and SAS
Visual Analytics have provided significant utility to business users. More visualization helps
business users quickly understand the patterns and trends and make effective and timely
decisions. The tool capabilities are trending toward being dynamic, to depict additional
aspects evidenced by the data in such visualization charts or dashboards.

11.2.4 Prescriptive Analytics
Data analysis is no longer focused on understanding the patterns or value hidden in
the data. The future trend is to prescribe the actions to be taken, based on the past and
depending on present circumstances, without the need for human intervention. This is
going to be of immense value in fields such as healthcare and aeronautics.

11.2.5 Internet of Things
The Internet of Things is a driving force for the future. It has the capability to bring data
from diverse sources such as home appliances, industrial machines, weather equipment,
and sensors from self-driving vehicles or even people. This has the potential to create
a huge amount of data that can be analyzed and used to provide proactive solutions to
potential future and current problems. This can also lead to significant innovations and

11.2.6 Artificial Intelligence
Neural networks can drive artificial intelligence—in particular, making huge data learn
from itself without any human intervention, specific programming, or the need for
specific models. Deep learning is one such area that is acting as a driver in the field of
big data. This may throw up many of the whats which we are not aware of. We may not
understand the whys for some of them but the whats of those may be very useful. Hence,
we may move away from the perspective of always looking for cause and effect. The
speed at which the machine-learning field is being developed and used drives significant
emphasis in this area. Further, natural language processing (NLP) and property graphs
(PG) are also likely to drive new application design and development, to put the
capabilities of these technologies in the hands of organizations and users.

Chapter 11 ■ Big Data Analysis—Introduction and Future Trends

11.2.7 Whole Data Processing

With the current infrastructure and the current level of tool support available, particularly
in the cloud, it is possible in most cases to analyze a complete set of data rather than
sample out the data for analysis. This avoids the downsides of sampling. Using huge
amounts of data drives us in the right direction, even though the data may not be
complete or perfect. We need not be always looking for perfect data.

11.2.8 Vertical and Horizontal Applications

Analytics is moving in the direction of consolidating vertical moves specific to industries
such as healthcare, banking, and automotive. On the other hand, horizontal moves cut
across industry spheres including consumer purchasing behavior, transaction monitoring
for prevention of fraud and money laundering, and understanding the exits of the
customers from a particular brand or a particular organization.

11.2.9 Real-Time Analytics
Organizations are hungry to understand the opportunities available to them. They want
to understand in real time what is happening—for example, what a particular person is
purchasing or what a person is planning for—and use the opportunity appropriately to
offer the best possible solutions or discounts or cross-sell related products or services.
Organizations are no longer satisfied with a delayed analysis of data that results in missed
business opportunities because they were not aware of what was happening in real time.

11.2.10  Putting the Analytics in the Hands of Business

It is consistently observed that a delay occurs before data analysts bring the results
of their data analysis to the attention of business users. Because of this time loss, the
analysis, even though wonderful, may not be useful and may not lead organizations
to create effective strategies. Instead, making tools more useful and directly usable by
business users who can then make decisions on a timely basis will put business users in
an advantageous position. The world is moving toward making this a reality to a large

11.2.11 Migration of Solutions from One Tool to Another

The diversity of tools means that solutions provided for one tool are not easily migrated
to other systems. This is primarily because of the different programming languages and
environments used. The world is moving toward an effort to make the solutions from one
tool easily implemented or migrated to other tools. Efforts in Predictive Model Markup
Language (PMML) are already moving in this direction. The Data Mining Group (DMG) is
working in this regard.

Chapter 11 ■ Big Data Analysis—Introduction and Future Trends

11.2.12 Cloud, Cloud, Everywhere the Cloud

Both data and tools in the cloud have provided a significant boost to big data analysis.
More and more organizations and institutions are using cloud facilities for their data
storage and analysis. Organizations are moving from the private cloud to the public or
hybrid cloud for data storage and data analysis. This has provided the organizations
cost-effectiveness, scalability, and availability. Of course, security may be a concern, and
significant efforts to increase security in the cloud are in progress.

11.2.13 In-Database Analytics
In-database analytics have increased security, and reduced privacy concerns, in part
by addressing governance. Organizations, if required, can do away with intermediate
requirements for data analysis such as data warehouses. Organizations that are more
conscious about governance and security concerns will provide significant fillips to
in-database analytics. Lots of vendor organizations have already made their presence felt
in this space.

11.2.14 In-Memory Analytics
The value of in-memory analytics is driving transactional processing and analytical
processing side by side and in memory. This may be very helpful in fields where
immediate intervention based on the results of analysis is essential. Systems with
Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing (HTAP) are already being used by some
organizations. However, using HTAP for the sake of using it may not be of much use,
even when the rate of data change is slow and you still need to bring in data from various
diverse systems to carry out effective analysis. Instead it may be overkill, leading to higher
costs to the organization.

11.2.15 Autonomous Services for Machine Learning

More and more organizations may reach out to autonomous services for machine
learning (such as Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio, Amazon Machine Learning,
or Google Prediction API) if they can’t get reliable and experienced data scientists who
can help them out effectively.

11.2.16 Addressing Security and Compliance

There is an increased awareness of information security and compliance requirements
with consumers as well as organizations. This is leading to significant efforts to increase
security in data analytical environments. This trend is going to continue to make the tools
and systems more secure. Diverse requirements of different countries may put certain
restrictions on how the data will be used and protected. Compliance is likely to be a strain
on the organizations using data for analysis.

Chapter 11 ■ Big Data Analysis—Introduction and Future Trends

11.2.17 Healthcare
Big data in healthcare can be used to predict epidemics, prevent diseases, and improve
value-based healthcare and quality of living. An abundance of data is generated from
various modern devices such as smartphones, Fitbit products, and pedometers that
measure, for example, how far you walk in a day or the number of calories you burn.
This data can be used to create diet plans or prescribe medicines. Other unstructured
data—such as medical device logs, doctor’s notes, lab results, x-ray reports, and
clinical and lab data—can be big enough data to analyze and improve patient care and
thus increase efficiency. Other data that can be generated and processed for big data
analytics includes claims data, electronic health/medical record data (EHR or EMR),
pharmaceutical R&D data, clinical trials data, genomic data, patient behavior and
sentiment data, and medical device data.


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U. R. Hodeghatta and U. Nayak, Business Analytics Using R - A Practical Approach,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-2514-1
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„„ A
        analytics, future trends, 261
addressing security and
Affinity analysis, 182 compliance, 264
Aggregate() function, 182 artificial intelligence, 262
Akaike information criterion (AIC) autonomous services for machine
value, 219 learning, 264
Amazon, 261 business users, 263
Apache Hadoop ecosystem, 259 cloud, 264
Apache Hadoop YARN, 260 data lakes, 262
Apache HBase, 260 growth of social media, 261
Apache Hive, 260 healthcare, 265
Apache Mahout, 260 in-database analytics, 264
Apache Oozie, 260 in-memory analytics, 264
Apache Pig, 260 Internet of Things, 262
Apache Spark, 261 migration of solutions, 263
Apache Storm, 260 prescriptive analytics, 262
Apply() function, 49 real-time analytics, 263
Arrays, R, 31 vertical and horizontal
Artificial intelligence, 262 applications, 263
Association-rule analysis, 182 visualization at business
association rules, 185–186 users, 262
if-then, 183 whole data processing, 263
interpreting results, 186 characteristics, 258
market-basket ecosystem, 259–261
analysis, 182–183 use of, 258
rules, 183 Big data analytics, 5
support, 183 Binomial distribution, 87
Association rules/affinity analysis, 118 Bivariate data analysis, 110
Bootstrap aggregating/bagging, 152
Boxplots, 78–79
„„ B
        Business analytics, 5
Bar plot, 77–78 applications of
Bayes theorem, 132 customer service and
Bias-variance erros, 147 support areas, 9
Big data, 257 human resources, 9
analysis, 257 marketing and sales, 8

© Dr. Umesh R. Hodeghatta and Umesha Nayak 2017 273

U. R. Hodeghatta and U. Nayak, Business Analytics Using R - A Practical Approach,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-2514-1

Business analytics (cont.) historical data, 91

product design, 9 identifying and understanding
service design, 9 problem, 94
computer packages life cycle, 91
and applications, 6 management report and review
consolidate data from various data cleaning carried out, 128
sources, 7 data set use, 128
drivers for, 5 deployment and usage, 129
framework for, 14 issues handling, 129
infinite storage and computing model creation, 128
capability, 7 prerequisites, 128
life cycle of project, 11–13 problem description, 128
programming tools and platforms, 7 model evaluation
required skills for business analyst, 10 confusion matrix, 123
data analysis techniques and gain/lift charts, 125
algorithms, 10 holdout partition, 122
data structures and storage/ k-fold cross-validation, 123
warehousing techniques, 11 ROC chart, 126
programming knowledge, 11 test data, 122
statistical and mathematical validation, 122
concepts, 11 model evaluationt
Business Analytics and training, 122
Statistical Tools, 17–20 preprocessing (see Preprocessing data)
Business analytics process real-time data, 91
data collection and integration, 95 regression model, 127
data warehouse, 95 root-mean-square error, 127
HR and finance functions, 95 sequence of phases, 91, 93
IT database, 95 techniques and algorithms
manufacturing and production data types, 121
process, 95 descriptive analytics, 118
metadata, 95 machine learning, 119
NoSQL databases, 95 predictive analytics, 118
operational database, 95
primary source, 95
sampling technique, 96 „„ C
secondary source, 95 Classification techniques, 131
variable selection, 97 decision tree (see Decision tree
definition, 94 structure)
deployment, 129–130 disadvantage, 150
functions k-nearest neighbor (K-NN), 150
collection and integration, 92 probabilistic models, 132
deployment, 94 advantages and limitations, 136
evaluation, 93 bank credit-card approval
exploration and visualization, 92 process, 133
management and review report, 94 Naïve Bays, 134
modeling techniques and R
algorithms, 93 cross-validation error, 160
preprocessing, 92 CSV format, 154
problem, objectives, and functions, 154–155
requirements, 91 misclassification error, 155


plotting deviance vs. size, 158–159 looping functions, 48–49

school data set, 153 apply() function, 49
testing model, 156–157 cut() function, 53–54
training set and test set, 155 lapply() function, 50
tree() package, 155 sapply() function, 51
random forests, 152 split() function, 54
step process, 132 tapply() function, 51, 53
types, 150 while loops, 47–48
Cloud, 264 writing functions, 55–56
Cloudera, 261 Correlation, 210
Clustering analysis, 118 Correlation coefficient, 189–192
average linkage (average distance), 167 Correlation graph, 115
categorical variable, 164 Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data
centroid distance, 168 Mining (CRISP-DM), 94
complete linkage (maximum Cut() function, 53–54
distance), 167 Cutree() function, 179
Euclidean distance, 163
finance, 162
hierarchical clustering „„ D
algorithm, 168 Data, 257
dendrograms, 169 Data aggregation, 118
limitations, 169 Data analysis, R
hierarchical method, 163 reading and writing data, 37
HR department, 162 from Microsoft Excel file, 42–44
Manhattan distance, 164 from text file, 38, 40–42
market segmentation, 161 from web, 44
measures distance (between Data analysis tools, 17, 21
clusters), 166 Data analytics, 4
mixed data types, 165 Data exploration and visualization, 104
n records, 163 descriptive statistics, 106
nonhierarchical clustering goal of, 104
(see K-means algorithm) graphs
nonhierarchical method, 163 box/whisker plot, 107
overview, 161 correlation, 115
pearson product correlation, 164 density function, 107, 116
purpose of, 162 histograms, 107
single linkage (minimum notched plots, 109–110
distance), 166–167 registered users vs.
Coefficient of determination, 196 casual users, 112
Comma-Separated Values (CSV), 38–41 scatter plot matrices, 112
Computations on data frames scatter plots, 110
analyses, 79 trellis plot, 114
EmpData data, 81 types of, 106
in R, 80 univariate analysis, 107
scatter plots, 81–84 normalization techniques, 117
Continuous data, 98 phase, 104
Control structures in R, 45 tables, 105
for loops, 46–47 transformation, 117
if-else, 46 View() command, 105


Data frames, R, 32
Data lakes, 262
„„ E
Data Mining Group (DMG), 263 Economic globalization, 8
Data science, 5 Ecosystem, big data, 259–261
Data structures Euclidean distance, 163
in R, 29 Extensible Markup Language (XML), 37
arrays, 31
data frames, 32
factors, 35
„„ F
lists, 34 Factors, R, 35
matrices, 30–31 for loops, 46–47
Decision tree structure, 136
bias and variance, 147
classification rules, 145
„„ G
data tuples, 140 Graphical description of data
entropy/expected information, 140 bar plot, 77–78
generalization errors, 145 boxplot, 78, 79
gini index, 139 histogram, 77
impurity, 139 plots in R
induction, 142 code, 74
information gain, 138 creation, simple plot, 74
overfitting and underfitting, 146 plot(), 75
overfitting errors, 148 variants, 76
CART method, 150 Gross domestic product (GDP), 96
pruning process, 150
regression trees, 150
tree growth, 149
„„ H
recursive divide-and-conquer Hadoop Distributed File
approach, 138 System (HDFS), 259
root node, 136 Hadoop ecosystem, 260
Deep learning, 262 advantages, 261
Dendrograms, 169 Hadoop framework, 259
Density function, 116 Healthcare, big data, 265
Descriptive analytics, 118 Hierarchical clustering
computations on dataframes algorithm, 168
(see Computations on data frames) closeness, 168
graphical (see Graphical dendrograms, 169
description of data) limitations, 169
Maximum depth of river, 60 Histograms, 77, 107
mean depth of the river, 59 Huge computing power, 258
median of the depth of river, 61 Huge storage power, 258
notice, sign board, 59 Hybrid Transactional/Analytical
percentile, 62 Processing (HTAP), 264
population and sample, 62–63 Hypothesis testing, 192
probability, 84, 86–88
quartile 3, 61
statistical parameters (see Statistical
„„ I
parameters) If-else structure, 46
Discrete data types, 98 In-database analytics, 264
Durbin-Watson test, 198 In-memory analytics, 264


Integrated development environment attrition, 189

(IDE), 23 cause-and-effect relationship, 188
Internet of Things, 262 coefficient, 189–190, 192
Interquartile Range (IQR) method, 173 customer satisfaction, 189
Interval data types, 98 employee satisfaction index, 189
sales quantum, 189
strong/weak association, 189
„„ J
        data frame creation, 194
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) files, 38 degrees of freedom, 196
JobTracker, 259 equal variance, variable, 199
equation, 196
F-statistic, 197
„„ K
        function, 194
k-fold cross-validation, 123 independent and dependent
K-means algorithm variable, 188
case study innovativeness, 187
outliers verification, 173 intercept, 194, 204
relevant variables, 173 least squares method, 193
scores() function, 173 linear relationship, 188
standardized values, 174 marketing efforts, 187
test data set, 172 multiple R-squared, 196
data points (observations), 175 predict() function, 203
aggregate() function, 180 profitability, 188
cutree() function, 179 properties, 188
data observations, 179–180 p-value, 196
dendrogram, 178 quality-related statistics, 196
dist() function, 175 R command, 195
hclust() function, 175 residuals, 195
hierarchical partitioning residual standard error, 196
approach, 175 sales personnel, 194–195
library(NbClust) command, 176 standard error, 196
NbClust() command, 176 testing
observations, 175 independence errors, 198
plot() function, 178 linearity, 197
rect.hclust() function, 178 normality, 198–199
rent and distances, 180 validation
selected approaches, 175 crPlots(model name) function, 202
goal, 169 gvlma() function, 200–201
k-means algorithm, 170 scale-location plot, 201–202
limitations, 172 value of significance, 196
objective of, 170 work environment, 187
partition clustering methods, 180 Lists, R, 34
kmeansruns() function, 181 Logistic regression
k-nearest neighbor (K-NN), 150 binomial distribution, 233
data creation, 235
glm() function, 234
„„ L
        lm() function, 234
lapply() function, 50 logistic regression model, 234
Lasso Regression method, 193 model creation
Linear regression comparison, 239
assumptions, 193 conclusion, 242
correlation deviance, 238


Logistic regression (cont.) lm() function, 212, 224

dispersion, 242 multicollinearity, 208, 218
glm() function, 236 predictors, 208
model fit verification, 240 response variable, 225
multicollinearity, 242 R function glm(), 224
residual deviance, 238 stepwise, 221
summary of, 238 subsets approach, 221
variables, 240 training and testing model, 225
warning message, 241 validation
multinomial logistic regression, 248 crPlots, 215
read.csv() command, 235 Durbin-Watson test, 217
regularization (see Regularization) ncvTest(model name), 216
training and testing, 243 normal Q-Q plot, 214
prediction() function, 246 qqPlot, 217
response variable, 245 residuals vs. fitted, 213
validation, 245 residuals vs. leverage plot, 215
Looping functions, 48–49 scale-location plot, 214
apply() function, 49 Shapiro-Wilk
cut() function, 53–54 normality test, 216
lapply() function, 50 multiple linear regression equation.
sapply() function, 51 See Multiple linear regression
split() function, 54 Multiple regression, 188
tapply() function, 51, 53 myFun() function, 56

„„ M
        „„ N
Machine learning, 119, 258 Naïve Bays, 134
Manhattan distance, 164 Natural language processing (NLP), 262
MapReduce, 260 NbClust() function, 181
Market-basket analysis (MBA). See Affinity Nominal data types, 98
analysis Nonhierarchical clustering. See K-means
Matrices, R, 30–31 algorithm
Measurable data. See Quantitative data Non-linear regression, 188
Microsoft Azure, 261 Normal distribution, 86
Microsoft Business Intelligence and Normalization techniques, 117
Tableau, 261 NoSQL, 261
Microsoft Excel file, reading data, 42–44 Null hypothesis, 192
Microsoft SQL Server database, 5
Minkowski distance, 164
Min-max normalization, 117 „„ O
Mtcars Data Set, 52 Online analytical processing (OLAP), 95
Multicollinearity, 218 Open Database Connectivity
Multinomial logistic regression, 233, 248 (ODBC), 42–43
Multiple linear regression, 207 Ordinal data types, 98
assumptions, 208 Overdispersion, 242
components, 207
correlation, 210
data, 209 „„ P
data-frame format, 208 Packages and libraries, R, 56–57
discrete variables, 207 Partition clustering methods, 180
equation, 223 Poisson distribution, 88


Prediction, 131
Predictive analytics
„„ R
classification, 118 R
regression, 119 advantages, 21
Predictive Model Markup Language console, 22
(PMML), 263 control structures, 45
Preprocessing data for loops, 46–47
preparation, 99 if-else, 46
duplicate, junk, and null looping functions, 48–51, 53–54
characters, 100 while loops, 47–48
empty values, 100 writing functions, 55–56
handling missing values, 99 data analysis
R reading and writing data, 37–38,
as.numeric() function, 103 40–44
complete.cases() function, 103 data analysis tools, 17, 21
data types, 100 data structures, 29
factor levels, 103 arrays, 31
factor() type, 102 data frames, 32
head() command, 101 factors, 35
methods, 100 lists, 34
missing values, 103 matrices, 30–31
names() and c() function, 102 glm() function, 224
table() function, 103 installation, 21–22
vector operations, 101 RStudio interface, 23–24
types, 97 interfaces, 38
Probabilistic classification, 132 library(NbClust) command, 176
advantages and limitations, 136 lm() function, 212, 224
bank credit-card approval process, 133 Naïve Bays, 134
Naïve Bays, 134 objects types, 27–28
Probability packages and libraries, 56–57
concepts, 84 pairs() command, 112
distributions (see Probability programming, basics, 25–26
distributions) assigning values, 26–27
events, 85 creating vector, 27
mutually exclusive events, 85 View() command, 105
mutually independent events, 85 Random forests, 152
mutually non-exclusive events, 86 Random sampling, 96
Probability distributions Ratio data types, 98
binomial, 87 read.csv() function, 38
normal, 86–87 read.table() function, 38
poisson, 88 Receiver operating characteristic (ROC), 247
Probability sampling, 96 rect.hclust() function, 178
Property graphs (PG), 262 Regularization model, 253
cv.glmnet() function, 249
„„ Q
        generic format, 249
Qualitative data, 97 glmnet() function, 249
Quantitative data, 97 glmnet_fit command, 252


Regularization (cont.) summary(dataset), 73

methods, 248 variance, 73
plot() function, 250, 252 Storm, 260
plot(, 253 Stratified sampling, 96
predict() function, 254 Supervised machine learning, 119
print() function, 250, 252 Systematic sampling, 96
shrinkage methods, 248
variable, 250
Ridge Regression method, 193 „„ T
RODBC package, 42 tapply() function, 51, 53
Root-mean-square error (RSME), 127 Text file, reading data, 38, 40–42
RStudio Transformation, 117
installation error, 23 Trellis graphics, 114
installing, 23
interface, 23–24
output, 25 „„ U
window, 24 Univariate analysis, 107
Unsupervised machine learning, 120
association-rule analysis, 161, 182
„„ S
        association rules, 185–186
sapply() function, 51 if-then, 183
Scatter plot matrices, 112 interpreting results, 186
Scatter plots market-basket analysis, 182–183
analysis of data, 81 rules, 183
changes, relationship, 83–84 support, 183
Coding, 81 clustering (see Clustering analysis)
created in R, 82
EmpData1, 82–83
seq_along() function, 47 „„ V
Shrinkage methods, 248 Variance errors, 147
Simple regression, 188 Variance inflation factor (VIF), 218
split() function, 54 Variety, 258
Standard deviations, 70–72 Velocity, 258
Statistical parameters Visualization
mean Workflow, 104
data set, 64 Visualization. See Data exploration and
downside of, 66 visualization
in R, 64–65
limitations, 64
profit and effective, 65 „„ W, X, Y
single parameter, 65 Web, reading data, 44
usage of, 64 while loops, 47–48
median, 66–67 Whole data processing, 263
mode, 68
quantiles, 69
range, 68 „„ Z
standard deviation, 70–72 Z-score normalization, 117


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