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Sylvania 1976 Large Lamp Ordering Guide

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. IndicaLes Aluminum Bdse. (50) Reconmended burning position any within 60" of vertically base
* Heai Resisiant Glass Weather Durable (Hard Glass). up or base down.
** Quarlz envelope on these 1amps. (51) Use sepdrdte lilter lor blackllqht.
(l) Indeliniie long llfe Desisned lorlile in excess oJ 10,000 hours. (52) Approxinate initidl lumen output values aiter l0O hours operaiion
In service Lile depends upon burning conditions. with lamp blrrned veriically ai rdted waits. If operated horizontdlly,
(2) Outside coated lamps are noi recommended for outdoor use. reduce lumen values by approximately 5% unless ballasis are
(3) Averdse laboraiory life js 200 hours {or vacuum cleaner and 600 compensated to mainLdin lulL liqht output.
(53) Socket tolerdnce is measured lrom ihe most remole spherjcal sur
hours lor sewjng machine services. ldce ol the contdct.
(4) Not recommended {or qenerdl Lighiing. (54) Averaqe rdted lile is d conservdtive estimdle of the dverage iime
(5) Horizonidl mounting is best. a large group of lamps may be expected to operdte.
(6) Lightly inside frosted dnd side dluminized; M.O.L exclusive oI (55) Balldsi Wdtts not inclllded (approajmaiely 10% of lamp walis).
sPring contdct. (56) For use only in lixiures desiqned specjficdlll for djchroic Re
(7) M.O.L. Iiqure shown is an averase overaJl lensih. llector Lamps.
(B) Burn base down. (57) For operaiion of iwo l4W "F" ldmps in series on ll5.l25 volt
(9) Burn base down. Approxirnate lumens 325, 2450.
(10) Lumens given cover ooly ldmps of 120 volis. Ldmps o{ oiher volt (sB) This Ldmp is cldssified primdrily ds an ozonizing lamp and has
ages are in Proporiion. limited germicidal aciion. No stdrter requjred.
(ll) B,.rrn base down to horizontdl. (60) For op-J"'.on o 0 60. le A.C. on v.
(6t) Burn within 25" o{ verlicdl base up.
(t2) For diesel electric locomotives without voliage reglrlators. 162) May be operdted dt 100 watts (l0O0MA) same as Fl00Tl2/CW/HO.
(13) Not recommended 1or horizontal burninq. (63) Mdy be operdted dt 800 MA same as F12T|2ICW/RS eic.
(r 4) Burn base up.
(64) Approximaie initial lumens after l0O hours burninq.
(l s) Mdnimum contdci to contact iolerdnce on RSC Base : 11e".
(6s) D-s.qo-d'or op- -o. o D.-. : u r'.
(16) Metal sleeve with dpproximaiely 6" flexible uninsuldted leads.
May be used in sla.ter operated fixiures. Perlormdnce wilL be
Ledds noi included in rndximum overdll lenqth. simildr to thdt ol qeneral line lamps and equivdlent life and output
(l6a) Unbased with 6" stranded nickel uninsulated wi.e I-eads not rdtings dpply.
incLuded in M.O.L. For operation on insidnt slart crrcuits specidl Sylcote lreatment
l6d cvr,d b,.- wrr 6 ",. , .-d -"o ,r o ,' {dcilttdtes operation under alL hurnidrty condihons. Use only in
for o - cor ne Lo .' e rd- no. --.clder in M.O.-. {ixtures not equipped with stdrters.
(l6e) TubLrlar ceramic bdse with 2y2" insuLdted lead and t/a" ma1e {68) 4OW Rapid Start Lamps may be used in starte. operated ljxtures
spade terminal. Leads not included in M.O.L. desiqned for 4OW qenerdL Line ldmps. When so used iheir starling
(l6I) Cylindricdl cerdmic bdse with 6' dxidl njckel stranded lead wire. and performance will be simildr to that ol qenerdl line ldmps. Ljfe
(I7) Hiqh temperature base. Retards sedl deierioration where seal rahngs will be somewhdi reduced compd.ed,/r'jth rdpid.stdrt
iemperaiure exceeds 650"F.
(18) When operdted lor extended periods, burn onLy in {70) Seqmented {ilanent.
porcel.rin socket. (71) For use where seal iemperdlure does not exceed 650'F.
(I9) May not sive sdtisldctory performance iI any accessory Lghting (72) Designed volts 24A.
aq.ipl^Fnl l..ilha rFq b.'b. (73) Ljfe at rated volidqe and at 650'F. marlmum sedl temperdiure.
(20) When cdlcullrlions are based on bare lamp lumens, do not use

this lumen rating.
(2r) Lumens nominaL 1000.
Burn dny posilion except uithin 45' ol b.rse up.
Burn dny position.
$::l:1 :fi ,,;ji:,T:g'i:t.!i.ilit::
For specially designed equiprnent
not erceed 350'F.
ir ::i,,:.ff"ffi1:%."" I
123) (78) Desiqned volts -- 480.
(24) Available with brass base. (80) Forced coolinq required.
(2s) Burn in any position but lumens wjll be better mdintdined jf (8 r) Desjgned volts 600.
burned veriically. volis
t82) Designed 570.
(26) Averaqe laboraiory liie in excess cl 5000 hours. (83) These lamps are app.opridie lor use under con.Litions where re-
(27) PAR Iamps are suitable lor indoor and ouidoor use. pLdcement is dilljcuLt dnd costly. The extended lile ol these ldmps
(28) Approximdte iniiidl medn cdndlepower in 10" cone ai 10': Spoi can only be achleved by reducinq the elliciency and luminous
1OB0O, Flood 4000. Individual lamps may vdry somewhdt. ouiput. For the majority ol applicdtions, ljghting is mosi econ
Maximum candlepower is somewhat greater. omically achieved throlrgh the use of siandard lamps.
(28a) Burn only in porcelain or other socket approved for 150 watt (84) Rdtinq qiven dt 200MA operation.
PAR 1amp. (85) For use onLy in equipment specially designed to mdintdin bulb dnd
(29) For use only with heat resisting connecior and wiih bulb supporied bdse temperdtures within sdfe limits.
by bulb rim or metdl sheLl ol base. (86) Also available wiih built in rellectors.
30 Bu. l"6 p'rpo - i \-s. (B?) Bu.n horizontal.
(31) Approximate initidl maajmum nean candlepower in 10" cone di (BB) Ne,,{ Sylvdnia Kon Tact base deslgned for better service in all 3
l0'; Spot 7900, Flood 1500. Indrvrdua) lamps mdy vary some wdy medium sockets.
what. Candlepower is somewhdt gre.rier. (89) Ll{e dependent on service conditions.
(32) ShouLd not be used in eguipment where base temperdiLrre will (90) Thls new {luoresceni ldmp generdies rddiant energy which is most
exceed 500"F. beneljcial for pldnt propagdiion and enhances vegetdtive dnd re-
(33) Desiqned io operale in equipment where base temp,.rature exceeds productrve growth ol many pLants lor home and commercidl use-
500'r. (91) Burning positjon 45" base down io horizonial.
(34) Lumens nominal 2500. (921 Do noi burn in paper lined sockets.
(35) Burn onlv in porceldin sockeis.
(36) (93) Minimlrm bulb wall temperature 480"F.
Desiqned Ior service oiher thdn illumindtion.
(3?) Generally used for industrial dpplicdtjons. (94) High puriiy srlica envelope.
(38) Desiqned volts 115. (9s) Ldmp inlernally {used-
(39) Lumens nominal 4000. (s6) Minimum run. Check nearest Sylvania Sdles Oflice lor detdils.
(40) 23/4 inch circular wjndow. (97) Unsdtisfdctory l.rmp operation js likely to occur in burnlng posi-
(4I) Approximate inilial mean candlepower in l0'cone at l0': Spot tjons between horizontal and base up, pdrticuldrly beilveen 45"
13000, Flood 2000. Individual lamps nay vary somewhat. from base up and base up.
Maximum candlepower js somewhdt greater. Burn only 1n por (98) Use only in fixtures designed to adequateiy djssipdte hedt from
celain sockels. Lamp.
(42) Desiqned to operdte in open air. (99) 3" Cjrcular window.
(43) Liqhi output is mdintdined best when burned !'iihin 45" of verticdl (.100) 4t/(6" Circuldr window.
base up. (l0l) Operation ol Lamp in dny position oiher ihdn bdse up mdy resuli
(44) Should be shielded agdinsi moisilrre fallinq on bulb. n sor]- lo-s ol p ol. -i.v'
(45) Lumens nominal 6000. (102) When bdse pins or R.D.C. bases are horizontal, !yindow opening is
(46) Not recommended - lor use in enclosed close frtting housings. centered downwdrd or upivard.
(47) Lumens nominal 10,000. (I03) When base pins or R.D.C. bases dre horizonidL, window opening is
(48) Opaque end. centered to either side.
(49) Lumens nominal 15,00C. (104) Burn within 45" o{ base up.

Effective Date September 1, 1976

l. I-amps should be ordered by abbrevialions, plus the General Information .1

spccific voltages desired. Ordcring abbreviations Footnotcs . Cover
which are colnplete without voltage include series Bulb Filaments and Bases .2
lamps listed by lumcns and anrperes, lllacklight. Irlu- Incandescent Lamps
orescent, lvlercury Vapor, and Gcrmicidal l-amps.
SuperSaver'Excel .28
Trafilc Signal-Lumen Rated .28
Technical Data in this Schedule (life, lumens, voltage. Street Lightirg (Scries) .28&29
etc.)are subject to nlanufactLlrer's toleraDces. Cur- Lanrps Listed by volts and
Amperes 30
rent perfoimance characteristics are published in
Carded ]tems 30
Engineering Bulletins which are availahle irom yotrr 30
Quartz Infrarred
Sylvania Sales Representativc. Tungsten Halogen Lamps
Listed by Amps 31
Lamps Listed I l5-125 volts (dcsign voltage 120). 120-
Tungslen Halogen 31
I 30 volts (design voltage i 25), I 25- l 30 volts (design 3t &32
Super Q TLlngsten Halogen
voltage ll0v) and 210-:50 volts (design voltage 140 High Intensity Discharge
volts) are intendcd lor usc on circuits normall,v vary- Lanrps 32-35
ing within these voliage limits. Mercury 32&33
Metal Halidc Lamps 34
Proper Auxiliary Equipment must be uscd !rith Syl- Metaiarc 34
vania Blacklight, Fluorcscent, Mercury and Gcrrni- Metalarc Swingljne 34
cid!l t-amps to prodLice rated electrical values- For Super-Metalarc Lamps 34

'i4l thcse types, the wattages are approximate: for total,

add auxiliary watts. To obtain Blacklight from Mer-
High Pressure Sodium Lamps
Lumalux. Clear'& Coaled

cury l amps, an auxiliary glass flltcr is rcquired. Not

Unalux 35
available from Sylvania.
Sun Larrp 35

Light Centcr Length is the average rneasurcnlcnt for Fhrorescent Lamps 35-4',1
Standard Fluorescont Lamps . 35 38
rvhich the tamp is designcd, subject to manufacturing
Preheat-Rapid Slart 38&39
tolerances. The light center length is the distxnce from Supcrsaver, Rapid Start 39
the center d light source to the following poinl lor Slinriine. 39 42
the base uscd: Screw bases.. . bottom birse contacii Supersaver, Slimline 42
l]ayonet candclabra and mediun bayonet . . . top of Rapid Slart HO 42&43
birse pinsi Medium and Mogul Prcfocus . . . top ol SuperSaver HO 43
base fin; S.C. or D.C. Plefocus -- Pianc of locating Rapid Start vHt) 43&44
Bosscs ol Prefocusing Collar. Rapid Start M
Instanl Srart 44
Nlaximun Ovcr'All l-ength is the distancc fronr top Circline . M&45
ol bLrlb to botton of hrse. or end to end lcngth on Gro-Lux 45
dorrbic endecl lanrps. Special Appliance 46
Blacklight 46
Class B dcnotes vacuunr lanrp. C dcnotes gas filled Blacklight Blue 46
lalnp. Germicidal 46
Weather-Shielded 16
I-ightcd Length (l-. 1,.), olr double endcd liir)rps is thc Curvalume Lamps . 47
avcrage length of filanlcnt or bclwccn elcctrodcs. SignLinc 41
CoachLine 4'7
9. Ntonthly Stocking Order tlpes are indicatcd b1
Super Diazo, Blue . 17
ordcring abbreviations in white boxcs. Aircraft. 47
Stairlers 41
t0. The prices sbown are suggested list only and are
Sales & Distribution Ofllces Cover
subject to change or correction 11ithout notice.
For inlormation regarding those items
Sellers of Sylrania Lamps are free to sell or adter-
not lr,rrJ plu.'.t c.rllyour lo.irl Sll!ania
tise lamps at prices of their choice.
salcs oijlcc or Sylvania lamp supplier.

A FILAMENT designation consists of a

prenx letter to indicate \r hether the wirc i\
straight cr coiled, and a number to indicate
the arrangement of the filament on the sup-
ports. Prefix Ietters include: S (straight)
l_) l-'-
t-] Ir: . I -r-T-
llnl-CrnScraw C.ndelabra Slntlo Contrct Doubl.Contrct
wire is straight or slightly corrugated; C -
Minican Cand. Siyonct P.elocus
( c
C.nd.l,h.r Pr
(coiled) wire is wound into a helical coil S. C.8ay. D. C. B.y. 0. C. Pl.
or it may- be deeply fluted; CC (coiled coil)

trt r-l [___l t__] rv

wire is wound into a helical coil and this -
coiled wire again wound into a helical coil.

Sinsle Pin
1T-12 Siimline)
aipln Sinslo Pln
Slnrl. Pln
I-6Strdtrne. ,T-8Stimhnl
ltini sdEw
u U
(I.5 F tanD)
Shapos of Typical Filam.nts

I _----1
, r-----'l: / \
I-'--:/ t(0) @
- f.dl&n - 3 {on-Tect
td R.ct RsC

3 C. Med. Med. Pl.

4m r.---']
x--T tiljlr
l!dlun Elpln fedium Sioin R.c.*od
Med. Bipin
DU. Contrct
[T7 (T-8 Lrmo) (T-12 F (T-12 F Lamp)

rosul Slpin
{T-17 f Lamrl

W V# .'f:)
=| 0_t
c-5 cc-6 il ll
ti J F'H

ffi H jffi-rO RSC

cc-t Stl.tod S*lrt.d
lled. Skt-
lvpe Q



'lHi' Itr /
F!r51 nr
yp. C-l3O Type 2CC-g


@ sYuvnNtA lncandescent Lamps
ordering suggesrol Std. Class Rated
NAED Abbreviation ust Pkg. and llours Approx
watts Bulb Base Code (Excpt volts) Volts Prirs Qtt. Description Fil. Life Lumens L.C L. M.0.L.
3 CA I Cand. + 13473 3CA9C/CL/FLI24 120 $3.00 24O Clear, Flicker C- 3000 3lz
C 1l N4ed. r- 13464 3C1I|CLIFL|2A 120 3.00 24O Clear, F icker c 3000 4

5-6 Cand. 16757 356/5 120 1.02 240 C ear lndicator B, C 74 3000 t,i
16758 356/5 125 1.22 244 C ear. lndicator B, C-7A 3000 Th
16759 356/5 130 1.22 240 C ear, lndicator B. C-7A 3000 r

5 s- 14 Nled. 17130 5514 6 1.18 120 . Clear c,c6 1000 49 zi zv

17171 5Sl4 12 ] l7 ),20 . Clear, Sign B, C-6 1500 54 2l? 3l?
17136 5514 30 120
.92 C ear. Train B, C.9 1000

17140 5514 34 1.05 120 clear, Train B, C 9 1000 21, 3k

17139 5514/'F 34 1 09 120 lnside Frosied Traif B, C 9 1000 2l? 31,
6 5-6 Cafd. 16926 656 6 1.32 120 r C ear. ndicator
ear, ndicator C,
'l 1500 58
C-2R lt/t
16927 12 1.03 120 . Clear ndicator B, C-2R 1500 45 l%
.) 1592 656
18 1.32 120 . Clear. lrdicator

B, C 2R 1500 r%
U i6929 6s6 24 i.10 120 . clear, lndicator B. C 7A 1500 lh
16930 656 30 1.03 120 oTraln and Country Home B, C-7A i500 50 I1/\
16931 656 32 1.03 120 o clear, Trrln B, C 7A 1500 th
16957 656 48 1.19 120 . Clear, lndicator B, C 7A 1500 Il/e
16958 656 60 .94 120 . Clear, Traln B, C-74 1500 r%i

16959 656 115 .44 120 . Clear lrd cator (24) B, C 9 1500 39 IIB
r6964 656 izo .aa 120 . cleur-rndbatoi Pqt B,C9 1500 39 lk
16937 636 125 .53 120 o C eat Indicator (24) B C9 1500 39 ll/t
16938 656 130 .53 120 . Clear, Lndicator (24) 8, C-9 1500 39 ll/s
16941 656 135 1.02 I2A . Clear, lndicrior B, C 9 1500 31 l|/s
16942 656 145 1.02 120 . CIear lfdlcalor B, C,lA 1500 3l Th
16943 656 i55 1.02 120 . clear, lndicator B. C 7A 1500 37 th
ostB 32 1.36 120 . Blue. Trair B, C /A 1500 IK
I6b54 6s6/G ll5.l25 .74 lr0 .Gr""r ,lrdi,"to B,cq l'00 I e

16951 6S6/R 30 1.24 120 . Red, Traif B, C-7A 1500 ll/s

16948 tl5 125 .74 120 o Red. lrdicator B, C 9 1s00 ty'a
16949 6S6/R 130 .52 120 . Red. lfdicator B, C 9 1500 t]/s
16950 6S6/R 145 1.2{ 120 . Red, lrd cator B, C 74 1500 lls
16952 6S6/CW 40 1.98 120 . White. Train lndicator B, C 7A 1500 Il/s
re95f 6s6l\i r t5l?L74 t20 . w ,re lr diL"lor B, C-9 1500 tl/s
16945 656/3 120 1.56 120 . clear, signa Light B, C 74 1500 tl,i
_ !6!49_ 9s6/3 125'130 1. Clear, Sisnal Lisht B, C 7A 1500 Il/s
D.C. Bay. 16764 6S6DC 30 1.23 120 Clear B, C,7A 1500 50 1'%6
16782 656DC 120 .73 120 Clear, lrdicator B, C-9 1500 39
16733 6S6DC 125 120
.89 Clear. lndicator B. C I 1500 39 ItiAa
I6784 6S6DC 130 120
.89 Clear, lrdicator e. c.9 i50o
16790 6S6DC 145 1.30 120 Clear, Lndicator B, C 9 1500 t,%q
16801 6S6DC/R 120 1.12 120 Red. lndicator B, C I 1500 tt\s
16802 6S6DC/R 130 1.41 120 Red. lndicator B, C,9 1500 1L%n

1679t 656DC/R 145 1.34 120 Red, lidicator B, C-9 1500 lL%s
lnter. 169s5 656/7 115-125 1.08 120 o C ear lndlcator B, C S 1500 I'%6
S-t+ lteO. 173I4 6514 115-125 .78 120 Clear B, C.9 1500 40 21, 3yz
17302 6514/tF 115 125 .78 120 Lnside Frosted B,C9 1500 40 ,",, 3k
17304 6514/rF 130 .91 120 lnside Frosted B. C-9 1500 4A 2t/? 3t,
173/s 6s14/c0 llll4__ jZ 1r0 lrafseceramic I, C-9 1500 3y,
1/396 6Sl{/C0 130 ,87 120 Orange Ceramjc C,9 1500
B, 31,
l/383 6SI4/CB 1i5-125 .81 120 Blre ceranric B,Cg 1500 3ri
I/386 6S14/CG 115-125 .8i 120 Green Cerarnic B, C-9 i500 3r,
i7395 6SI4/CC 130 .87 l2A Green Celanric B, C 9 1500 M
1737/ 6s14/cR 115-125 .87 12! ReqjlllL. B, C 9 1500 31,
17390 6s14/lv 115-125 .87 120 white B, C,9 1500 3ti
OA so available ln 6lamp Reta I Pack.
30lli cti FLi BL.. .. .NAED 13496
3CA9C, l]L,FL;Bl.. .. .. . NAED 13491
@l syuvnNtA lncandescent Lamps
Watts Bulb Base
s4g|lhd std.
Hours Appror.
Lile Lunens L.C.L. lil.O.L.
6 S-14 lved. $ .94 120 Y BG'
17393 1.12 l2l Yellow B, C-9 1500 3y,
1.36 100 . Clear, lndicator 1500 n
,lndicalor th
.44 120 o Clear
+ 13624 .50 120 . Nisht Light
a + .97 24* o White, Blistr Pack B, C 9 3000
115-125 .64 B, C-9 3000
115-125 .64 B, C.9 3000
115-125 .54 120 . Green Ceramic B, C-9 3000
7.4 D.C. 4J0 60 Exit Ceramic Frost c, c,8 (1)
lYz S- tl Nfed. 115,125
u0 Clerr B. C-9 1400 45 l%E 2%
19355 7%S 130 .70 120 . Clear, Sign and Dec. B, C,9 1400 1% Ie/t 2%

? 19432
ll5-125 .66 120 .orange Ceramic
Il5-125 .66 l20l . Blue Ceramic
. Green Ceramic
B, C-9
B, C-9

a Red Ceramic B. C-9 1400

130 .79 120 Red Ce.amic B, C-9 t400
11s-125 .61 B, C 9 1400

D.C. 8ay. 13527 I0C7DC 115-125 .73 120 Pilot, Clear, Russedj2ed B, C-iA ll) 38 2%6
Cand. 13636 115-125 .55
115-125 1.08
115 r25

240 .
lndicalor. lvlin- RIn

Appliance Blue, lMin. Run


74 (l)
B, C-9 1500
C-7A (l)
B, C-7A {tJ
fl ,

Gl6% Cdnd. + 13620 White, Decor. lMrn. Run (961

GT-19 Med. + 14323 1,50 12+ . Small B, C-9 1500

120 .49 240 . Clear, lndicator lMin. Run (96) B, C 7A 1500
2n ll6 240 Clear, lndicator B, CC-g 1500
230 ,lndicator cc I 1500
'J cc,g 1s00 It/e
16121 t.47 t20 Clear, lndicator B, CC-g 1500 lt%t
161n 250 lr47 IN Clear lndicator I, CC-g 1500
16723 2n 1.54 2N lndicator B, CC.g 1500 ').l/s

2s0 1.54 240 B, CC-g 1500 ]/s

230 136 cc-g 1500 It%s

Red, lndrcator
B, C-7A 1500 18 l% 25As
130 .96 120 B, C-7A 1500 2/Lt
i15t2s J3 tn B, C-7A 1500 ,%
115.125- JO 1m B, C-74 1500
16903 .80 120 Flametint, c,7A 1500
16900 l0 120 Green, Ru B, C-7A I500 ,%
16902 30 IN B, C-7A 1500 25/n
16898 115,125 JO 120 I,C74 1500 ,%
115125 JO u0 ized B, C.7A 1500 2%s
115-125 JO ln Yellow, RLrggedized B, C.7A I500 2%
115-I25 1.76 Ceramic Frosted Bake oven c-7A 1500
1.14 120 . Clear c,7A 1s00
*Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix)
- case. + No change in Price.
one (1) standard ONew item.
tr,stcB ... NAED rnru, 11 r** ty,s/cR .. . ..... .NAED re4sr
itAlso available in 24 Retail Pack.
l|l lBL.. .NAED 13543

ffi-lt SyLVANIA lncandescent Lamps
NAED Abbreviatlon tht Pkg. and Holrs Approx.
Watts Butb Base Code (ExceDt Volts) Volts r,icl Qtt. Description Fil. Lile Llmens L.C.L. M.0.1.

S 14 Nled.
-- s r.:r tm i ctear c. c-6 roo0 ns 2y) 3y,
-17142 10s1{ -- i---1.32 I20 Jc ear, Srgn B. 6 1500 100 2t/t
c 3y,
34 1.35 i2ei Tle?r, Tmrn T, c.9 1000 94 2k 3f,
- 1i406 10s14 -- - Do clear-Ruggediied B, c I 1500 8D 2r', 3h
E -ut45-Lsr4
17407- -10sI4 125 .68 l2n c edr RJg""oirpd B C-q l'00 8' 2
-- "
I/408 10514 IJo .63 Il0 clpdr-QLpRed;/oo Bcq l-00 s0 2 l'
17148 10514 -12-.682'0 1.45 120 C'dt BCo 1000 )
B. (:q
- 1000
i7i50- r0sl4 /q0 1.a5 D0 clear ' '1

lt52t' l0$4/e-[5:125 ---:1 12f Oransa-Rusged]zed B, c I 1500 3\

-l/53c 10S14/CO lJ0 .81 120 Ora rte RdggPcrrpd B C9 500

I-5^5 ioSl4/CR lt5-125 .81 120 Roc-FLosFd /oo B. C.q 1500

l/5.5 10S14/CR I'j0 .81 120 Reo PJgg"o,'.d B. c q 1:,0f lr
Irt53 10s14/CR 230 1.45 r/0 Rpo B a4 '000 1r

l7l5i 10s14/cR 250 L45 120 Reo B. C o 1000 |

7504 I0SI4/Y | 15.125 .81 120 Ye lor qLgs"dir" I B -q l-0
i/505 I0s14/Y ll0 .8I 120+ velon QuooFdi oo B.C" .'00 ir
17506 10S14/W lib I)5 .81 Il0 /1/l rra RJpgoo
'd B C q I 00 l-:
tA0/ I0SI4/W I)0 .81 i20 \4,i .R sseo z"o l'00 l
1/532 10S14/CV ll5 125 - .81 l?0 l\or' RJe!"o'l-d i. C " T00
lT$if- I0SI4/CFT i1!125 .81 120 Flrmetmt-Rr-'ggedlzed B, c-9 1500 Ji:
l/5r4 l0Sl4/CR2 ll5-125 .81 120 qo e RLgged Teo B. r o Ib00 i
17534 10s14/cR2 110 .8I 120 Rosp RLgqpd:/po B. c 9 fi00 t
11 S.l I lnter. 170/6 11s11/N Il0 l.t8 I20 f "ar B. .c q ,000 t E

s tq rvrir. 17451 11514/rF 120 .54 120 Frosted'Russedized B.C9 2r')

17452 11514/tF .s4 120 Frosted-Ruggedized B, C.9
17448 11514 120 .54 120 Clear RusrediTed B,C9 3000 2n 3k
17449 11514 125 B,C9 3000 78 2h 3y,
17453 11S{lF l20i
.71 Frosted-Ruggedized B,C9 7B

S lgn & 17450 11514 130 l20t

.71 C ear-Ruggedized B, C.9
Group 11S14/CB
17460 115"125
._ .81 120 Blue-RLggedized Celamic B,C9 J

Replacernent _!lgt_ 1M1/c!

17461 11S14/CB 130 .89 120 120 Blue Rlssedized
Rlseedized Ceranric B,C9 3k
17462 11s14/CG 115-125 .81 120 Green.Ruggedlzed ceramic B. C,9 3[
17463 11S14/CG 130 .89 120 Greef Rugged zed Celamlc B, C-9 3k
11S14/C0 115 i25 .81_ 120 Orafge Rlggllized Cerarnic B,C9
_ 17464

B,C9 a[-
I7459 11S14/CR .89 120 Ceramic
Red-Ruggedized B, C 9 3000

t7454 lrSl4/Y 115-125 .81 120 Yeliow-RuRgedized B,C9 3000 3h

1145511S14/Y 130 120
.89 Yellow Ruggedized B,C9 3k
tr,l:O ttstq/W ttS tzr -.8t t0 w i" Rrge..Pe" B, C-9 u
174t 11S14/W 130 .89 120 Whlte-Ruggedized B, C 9 3000 3ri
o 17489 11S14/TB 125 130 .95 120 Trafsparefl B ue B, C 0 :O1]O u
o 17490 11S14/TG 125-130 .95 120 Trafspareft Green B.C9 31,
o 1741 1M4/Iq 125 130 s5 120 Transpareft Oranse 9,9:9 J900 3k
o _17487l1sl4/TR .95 120 !q!!{q! Rrq B, c I 3000 L!'
Transpareft Ye ow B, C 9 3000
6 1488__,11qllffY 125-130 .95 120 3t/t
17704 11S14/RS .__ 130 _ _.90 i20 Clear Rolgh Service B C-1,1 l\) 2\ 3%

_17703 11S14/lFlRS 130 .90 -120 l. F., Rolsh Seru. 8.9 ]l lll 21i 31/z

17705 11S14/Y/RS 130 1.00 120 Yellow, Rough Serv. B. C 17 (l) 3%

lAvailable also in Tote Pack. oNew item.

10S14ilF l30V NAED 17433 11514 l30V NAED 1i442 11514 lF 130V NAED 11445
10sl4 Y I30V 17435
GIIS slruunNtA I ncandescent Lamps

Watts Bulb
10037 15A15
s ggesrad
. ns de Frosted (241
Class Rated
and Hours Approx.
Fil. Life Lumens L.C.L. M-0.1.
B. C,9 2500 126 2% 3y7
130 .71
10038 15415 .lnside Frosled (24) 8, C.9 2500 126 2% 3y,
15415/CL 120 .64 120 . Clear
10018 B, C-9 2500 126 2% 3y,
tSAtS/Cr_. tlO .AZ tlO o C ear
tOOtg B. C-9 2500 Itb 2'a '1 2

11503 15A15/B 11t125 12 U0 Btue B, C-9 2500 j .

t5" .82 120 Fumetint c,9 2500 3y,

115-125 .82 120 creen B, C.9 2500 3%
115-125 .82 I2A lvory B,C-9 2500
11505 l5Al5/0 115_-125. .82 120 orange B, C.9 2500
11502 15A15/R 115-125 .82 120 Red B, C-9 2500 3v,
11508 15Ai5/R2 115-125 .82 120 Rose B, C-9 2500 3y,
ttiot rsnts/i s trs lz0 ye to* B. c I
2500 3t
10015 isAH/w 120 "e2 J6 Za' . Wr to -_ _ B. C-9 2500 116 3r
10084_, lsAls/cR/lF .7s 120 LF. srf nr9l&!!ce.en!
_130 4 !4 :k
A-17 lvled. 10027 15A 6 l.l9 120 lnside Frosted c, c 6 1000 2% 3%
10033 l5A 12 1.19 120 lnside Frosted c, c 6 1000 2% 3%
10134 15A 30 .92 120 l.F. Train & Country Home C, C-9 1000 176 2jh 3%
moae tSl :q l.oi i20 tlside Frosted, Tra,n C, C-q 1000 200 ?ts
-' - a.cs looo Pt

10183 I5A
60 I20
.92"120 ln;rde I rosted, lrr 1 B, C.q 1000 ldb Z;i 1l
10f85 l'rA 75 ]r)z llside frosred, Trail B, C 9 1000 147 ?,s 3te
10402 15A 230 1.19 120 .lnside Frosted B. C I 1000 120 2% 3%
10404 l5A 250 1.19 120 . lnside Frosied B. C,9 1000 120 2% 3%
CA I Cand. + 13474 15CA9C/24 120-125 1.06 24O.Clear{8) c, c-7A 1500 3%
Decor. A + 13475 15CA9C/V'U24 120-125 1.18 24O . White (8) C,C-7A 1500 3/1
U 134/6 tscnecTsrTzl rzo ut t-oe z4o .ctedrstra,shr Top{8t c,c 74 1500 3q s
- + 134i7 I5CA9C/ST/W/24 t20-125 1.18 24O .White Straisht Top {8)
Ctt l\4ed, U465 15CtVr4 lr0lr5 m6 24O . C'ear {8)
t:lOO tSCttTWTZl tZO trS tl8 2dO . While (81
C, C,/A 1500
C, C /A 1500
C, C 7A 1500
F-10 Cand. + 13610 15FC 120-125.77 24 . C eat B, C-lA 1500 l2A 3YLs
+ 13612 15FC/Alc/24 l2A'V5 .92 24o .lridescent Amber B, C-7A 1500 3Vs
B. C-7A 1500 3'/$
c 74 1500 3ls
O*"rr'rr@ .92 24 .
120-125 B, C-7A 1500 3tAt
VA-125 .92 24O.White B, C.7A 3Ve
lnter. + 15tN 120-125 .81 24 . Clear B, C 74 1500 3\t
G16% Cand. 13616 15e16%C 120-125 1,29 24 . C ear, decorative B, C-7A 1500
13617 15G16%C/W 120-125 1.62 24 . White, decorative B, C /A i500
s 11 D.C. Bay. U022 15S11/3DC 75 1.52 120 Clear, Train B, C,7A 1000 l4l lY{ 2%
17021 15S11/3DC/Cr 75 1.65 120 Ceramic Frosted. Train B, C-7A 1000 146 t% 2%

? Card.
17023 15S1VDC
ISSlVl3 120
130 111
1.52 120 Clear, Train
m . Deco alive Crear
120 . Headlamp - Clear
B, C-7A
138 r%
lt/a 2%
l/055 120 . HeadLarnD - Clear
2-00 B, C-7A 200 138 l% 2y1
[4ed. lI5 125 ,94 120 . Ceramrc Frosted B, C-7A 400 w -- 2,/;
I ll5-125 .75 120 . Clear B, C.7A 400 138 2%
s-14 i23i 15514 34 .97 120 Clear, Locomotive Cab B, C-9 1000 141 3y,
17238 15S14/lI 34 1.08 120 lnside Frosled, Locomotive Cab B, C-9 I000 140 2y, 3k
* 11244 .79 Clear, Ruggedized Sign B.C9 3000 r20 2y, 3y,
+ 17242 .79 I2A l. F. Russedized 3000 120 2k 3y,
*Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) :
one (l) standard case.
OAlso available in 12 lamp Retail Pack. +AIso available in 24 Iamp Retail Pack,
lscAgCi/BL ... NAED 13448 15011,/ry81... .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . 15415................ I uro iOo:r
15CA9C/W||BL. . .. .. 13449 I5FC/AIC/BL. ........ . ... . .

l5cAsc/sT/BL 13450 t5FC/rClBL + No change in price.

15CA9C/ST/ry81. 134si
lsCll,/BL . . 13433
I5FCi/VBL V Decrease in price.
GEI svuvnNlA lncandescent Lamps
0rdering suls6trd Std. class Rated
NATD Abbreviation tisl Pkg. and Hours Appror.
Watts Bulb Base Code (ExceDt volts) Volts Irirs Qty. Descriplion Fil. Lile Lumens L.C.L. lu.0.L.
t5 T-6 Cand 18037 15T6 120 $1.05 60 Clea r B. C-7A 2000 114 3\s
18038 15T6 125-130 1.26 60 clear B, C,7A 2000 114 3Vts

Swilchboard 18077 15T6 140 1.33 60 Clea r B. C.iA 2000 ll4 3%r

18078 15T6 145 1.33 60 Clear B, C 7A 2000 114 3\At

r.1 D.c. Bay. 18166 I5T7DC 32 1.46 60 Clear B, C 7A (31 140 2%

18208 15T7DC 115.125 .85 60 B, C.7A (3) 2y1

I 18199
120 1.05
115.125 1_05
Cle: r, Carded

lnside Frosted
B, C

. 2t\
18212 15T7DC/B ll5-125 .73 60 Appliance, B lue B, C.7A 1000 2ri
Horne 18214 $TTDCIFlB ll5-125 .84 60 lnside Frosied, Appl. B Lue B, C-7A 1000 2:,t

Appliance 18185 l5T7C 115-125 .92 60 Clear B,C7A (3) 115 2y4

18192 15T7C/B 115-125 .95 60 Appliance, Blue B, C 74 1000

18173 l5T7N 115-125 .90 60 Clea r B, C-74 (3) 115 2tA

18171 l5T7N/B 115-125 .94 60 Appliance, Bl! e B, C-7A 1000 2t

T-8 Cand. + 18291 l5T8C 120-130 1,26 60 . Clear B, C-7A /50 T12 2%

18303 1518C/W 120130 1.4{ 60 Ceanric, White B, C-7A 750 |2 2%

!T'10 lnter.
18350 15T8N
18501 15T10/CL
120-130 1.57 60 o Clezt
120 1.24 60 . Clear




R 20 IMed. 14839 1i420 6.3 120

3.10 Llshi l. F. Refl. c,c6 2200 3'%,
20 A17 [4ed. 10392 20417/5 120 120
1.02 Flashing Sign - Clear (4) c,c9 1000 143 2% 3%

t0394 20417/5 130 l.ll t20 FlashinA Sien - Clear (4) c,c9 1000 t43 2% 3%

I6Y, Bay. 18144 2016%lDClCF

D.C. 2.15 60 Exit Lamp Ceramic Frost 8, C.8 (| 5k
lnier. 181$ 20fiyrl0F 120 1.93 60 Exit Lamp Ceramic Frost B, C-8 {rl 5)/z

25 A-15 i0125 25415 115-125 .65 120 . lnside Frosted, Refrig. B, C.9 1r00 2% 3y?

10126 25415/9 115-125 .66 120 . Appliance Blue, Refrig. B,C9 1100 3y,

10139 25415/RFL 130 2.68 120 L F. Ref ector Sign B,C9 2s00 3y,
A 17 N4 ed 10417 25417/RS 75 1.05 120 L F. Train, Rough Service B,C9 1000 228 2% 3%

A19 Nled. 10443 25A 6 1.11 120 lnside Frosted c, c 6 1000 3s7 2% 3'%e

10449 254 12 1.11 120 lnside Frosted c, c-6 1000 2y, 3,lts
i0585 254 30 .92 120 r. r. Irdin & CoJntry Hore c, c-9 1000 339 31%r


10586 254 32 .80 120 lrside Frosted, Train c, c-9 1000 339 2y, 3t5As

10524 254 34 1.02 120 lnslde Frosted, Train c, c.9 1000 339 2y, 3154t

10632 254 60 .76 120 lnside Frosted, Train c, c.9 1000 280 zy, 3'5As
10644 25A 120 .59 1201 . lnside Frosted (24) B,C9 2500 3154t
10645 254 130 .71 120 . lnside Frosted {24) B, C.9 2500 235 2y, 31%o

10745 254 150 1.42 120 .lnside Frosted B,C9 1000 2Yz 31%r

r0693 25A/CL 120 .64 120 Clear 8, C.9 2500 2v2 3L%s

10694 254/CL 130 .77 I20 Clear B, C,9 2500 232 2y, 3tltt
t0724 25AlD ll5-125 1.19 120 . Clear Daylight {24) B,C9 2500 315/s

10562 254/W 120 .66 24+ . soft White, Prepriced c, c-9 2500 190 4y,,

11090 254/RS 120 1.02 120 o l. F., Roush Seruice (24) B, C 17 1000 222 2y, 3r7ir
11092 25AIRS 125-130 1.22 120 .1. F., Rolgh Service B, C-17 1000 222 2k 3'%o
14862 254/VS I20 .13 I20 .1. F.. Vibration Service B,C9 1000 238 2v, 3r%5

14866 254/VS 125-130 .82 120 o L F.. Vibration Service B,C9 238 2k 3r%r
14850 25AICL/VS l2a .73 120 . clear, Vibration Seruice B,C9 I000 2t/ 31%o

*Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) (1) standard : case.
+ No change in Price,
I Three (3) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix): one (l) standard case-
lAl6o available in 24lamp Retail Pack,
25A/RP. ...... . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . NAED 10634
GII3 sylvnNtA lncandescent Lamps
NAED Abbreviation
risr Pkg.
Eulb Base Code (Except Volts) Volts p'iNe Qty.
sussesht Std.

25 A 19 Nled. 14852 25AICLIVS 125"130 $ .82 120 . C ear, Vibration Serv ce
Class Rated
and Nours Approx.
Fil. Life Lumens L.C.L.
B, C I 1000 238 2y,
11356 254/B 115
125 -.r8e
.89 lr2ql. Blue B, C 9 2500 3'U6

_1136r _4lFl_ ll5-125 .89 120 Flarnetint B, C-9 2500 31% s

11359 25AlG 115-125 .89 1201 Green B, C I 2500

11368 25AlV 115-125 .89 120 lvory B, C I 2500 3114s

r 1362 25Al0 115-125 .89 120i 0range B, C.9 25n0 :'lrii'

11350 254/R 115 125
.89 1201 Red B, C-9 2500 3'lis
1r31t 25A/R2 115-125 .89 120 Rose B, C I 2500 3r110
11348 254/Y ll5 125 .89 l2-0_ _ Yellow B, C 9 2500 3rAe
13! l4 q0
!750 254/99CL/RFL cLear, Nck Rdector B, C-9 2500 3"/"
o 11700 25419/TB 125-i30 1.15 120 Transparent BlLre B, C I 3000
o 11704 25A19/TG 125 130 Lt5 120 Transpareft Green B, C 9 3000
o 11701 25419/T0 125 130 1.15 120 Transparent orange B, C 9 3000 2\ 3'%e
o 1U02 25A19/1R 120
125-130 1.15 Transparent Red B, C I 3000 2k 3'%6
o_lll01 lsAlg/rY . 16130 1.1s 120 T ra rsprrenl Yellow B, C-9 3000 2f, 315tt
10737 2541S/GR/CL
25419/GR/CL 87 120
115-125 .82 Clear,
C Sign, Gr. Replacenrent B, C I 3000 2t/, 3'%s
tol:g nelg/cR/cl 1o .ai lz eri e. c a tooo
gr cJ. Reorier 2

I07J3 2sA19/GR/lF ll5r'5 .82 nA l4e !q'lo1]{l!!9!!!l!:llq]il]4q . l "

10734 25A19/GR/|F 130 .82 120 lnside Frosted, cr. Replacement B, C I 3000 2ri 3r%o
Nled. L.H.T. 10753 25AlLHT 125 130 .89 120 lns de Frosted,l.H. Thread B, C I 2500 238 2t, 3'%r
lved. 11285 25A 230 l.l1 120 . lnside Frosted B, C-17 1000 205 2k 3r%e
r\287 254 250 1.11 120 .lnside Fro$ed B, C 17 1000 205 21/z 315ria
11289 25A 2ll Ln In .lnsrde Frosted B, C.t7 1000 187 2tt
11286 25AlCt 230 1.15 120 . C ear c, c-17 1000 205 2t/t 3r%s
11298 25AICL 250 1.15 120 o Clear c, c.17 1000 205 zri 3'%s
l13a7 25A/B 250 1.38 120 Blue B, C-17 1000 3r%
11299 25AlG 230 1.38 120 Green B, C.l7 1000 3r5,10

i1306 254/G 25t 1,38 120 Creen

8 120 creei B, C-17 1000 3r%o
11301 25AlR 234 1.38 120 Red B, C 17 1000 3t5/tt
11302 25A/R 250 1.38 120 Red B, C-17 1000 31%s
11308 2sAlV 254 1.38 120 lvory B, C 17 1000 ,"/"
11300 25AlY 230 1.38 120 Yel ow B, C-17 I000 3'%s
11305 254/Y 254 1.38 120 Yellow B, C 1/ 1000 3't;
Nled. L.H.T. 11304 25AlLHT 260 1.33 120 tnsiUe frmtel. Utt Hand fH B, C 17 i000 202 2lz 31%s
cA9 0and. . 13478 25CA9C/24 120-125 1.06 24O . Clear (8) c, c-7A 1500 s%
/\ t t3419 25CAsC/w124 120-125 1.18 24O . White (8) c, c 74 1500 3ll
- 13423 25CA9C/CF|24 120"125 1.18 24O . Frosted (8) c, c 74 1500 3:4
B + 13762 2jCI9C/-\L 120-130 1.18 24 oCearExce Line(8) c, c-7A 2500 37l
r 13763 2sCAgC/ryXL 120 130 1.28 24 .White Excel Llne(8) c, c 74 2500 31,1

-- _25CA9C/S-V24.-..,. .120-125
1.06. 24O . Clear (B) Straisht Top c, c,/A 1500 3'/Lt
+ i3483 25CAgC/ST/W/24 120-125 1.18 24O.White(8) StrarghtTop c, c 74 1500 3%a
I 13485 25CA9C/V8I24 120-125 1.35 24O . W-hite, Bead,d gtass (A) C, C 74 ISOO -
13486 25CA9C/A/8/24 120125 1.35 24O .Amber,Beadedglass(8) c, c,7A 1500 3%r
13481 2SCA9C|B/8/24 120-125 1.35 24O . BlLe, Beaded s ass {8) c, c-7A 1500 37;
120-125 1.06 24O . Clear (8) c, c 74 1500 4
| 13468 250r1/w/24 120-125 1,18 24O . Wh te (8) c, c-7A 1500
F-10 Crid. 13615 25FC 124 \25 .92 24 . C ear, Decorative B, C 7A 1500 3r,/ o

120-125 1.06 24 . Whrte. Decoralive B, C-/A 1500 3l',s

F 15 [4ed. - 13806 25F 120-125 .77 ?4 . Cleat 9 1500
c 4k
120'125 .92 24' . Flatrletint .9 1500 4r,
O"ao,ut,uafr 24 oluory C, G9 1500

Y + 120-125 .92 24 . Soft Pink c 9 1500 4i,,

I cs l-0- 7i
lAlso available in 24 iamp Retail Pack. CAlso available in 12 lamp Retail Pack.
25A/8. . NAED 11436 25CA9C/',BL NAEo13452 25CA9C/A/8/BL.. ,. , NAED 13446
zcAl r, 11437 25CA9C,,W/BL 13453 25CAgC/,8/8,,81 13447
254/0.. .... ... 11434 25CA9C,,ST/'Bt
25CA9C,,ST/'BL 13454 25Ct 1/Bl 13438
25AiR.. .... .. ..... 11435 25CA9C/'ST/Wi Bt 13455 25C11/W/ BL 13439
25CAgC/ry8,/BL. LJ4,i 2)c W B-
ONew item. 25CA!C/Cl'/Bt 13426
+ No change in price,

GrI3 syLvANtA lncandescent Lamps
NAED Abbreviafon usr Pkg, and tlours Applox'
watts Bulb Base Code Volts Prioo Fi!. Lite Lumens L.C.L, M,o.L.
Decomtive +



+ffis. Rad MoodGlo R.P. c, c,9 2500

+ l4l{J0 25G40ISM IZU-IJU 4.15 b I rans.

S-11 Cand.

--l20 - 1.4510- a
18126 z5Tm.ear - ec8- looo 2t? --- 5'
18t28m.clea' B c-8 mooJ'l-- r'.

ffi60 ctear Scale llluminalor B,c-8 1000 242 5y,
18i06 Z5T6-UD-- 130 2.65 6 c|ear sldlF rllLniralor I e 8 m0- 2a2 5r -
T t- cald.-l6-s9 25Tm ---- lltsI25 iear, Home Appliance B, C-7A (3) 235 2ys

l.ter jA 61 ,jI-- 2%

A (3) 2%
1S- M


*Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) : one (1) standard case. + No change in price.
a Approximate iritial mean candlepower in 10" cone at l0' - 250. lndividual lamps may vary somewhat- [!laximum candlepowel is somewhat greater.
oAlso available in 12 lamp Retail Pack. #Also available in'lvlood-Glo' Retail Pack. lAlso available in 24 Lamp Retail Pack -
2sF/lc/BL........................NAED 13821 25G40/W.. .....Price $3.50..... ...NAED 14618 120 Volts
- $1.20
25FlAiC/81.... 13823 25G40. ...... .Price 3.35......... 14617 25T10. NAED i849/
25rt0/tF .. 18498

lThree (3) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) : one (1) standard case.
GfGl sYLvANlA lncandescent LamPs

watts Bulb Base code

Abbrevi:tlon ikl Pkg,
volis) volts rrim Qti.(Except
a.d '...""
Hours Approx.
Description Fil. lite Lumens t,C!. 44!. fl r

Showcase . Ret ector 16l C. CC-8 1000 - ir-

-T, c 100d- 5%

o lans.
tans. eteen
ectot. Irans,
o tans, 3'%o
Li[htr F"

24 --
-- B ' n0
c"e'7A 5A0 l%
h[ --
T-8 Dis". ffi Ceat l7\

TN r1%

Kon-Tact 19385 301100/W 1.29 12* . Soft White, Three-Way (8, 88) c, cc.8 1200
)ll,ooo " Nled c, cc.8 1285

{7 Arr Kor.T"rr 19386 i/100/V,l r25 1 5lro

lvFd. c. cc 8 tfsi;
ic I roo
32 A19 ved. roEEo-
-3mlt49 --Im '90 lm-
1r0-.- .s0lzil- oLSr [ic. eaReplraemenf a,
e e-g-- 4%
10983 32A19/49 I30 .90 120 C'. St. Lrg Gr. Replrcenell
c. c-q 3000 ?'e 4ra
-33 T-6% lnter. 18088 l?O 60 Clear,sfoacaso{96)vil.RurType B.C8 1000 r
36 A.rg-[led. 10988 -36EnY-
33T6% '
lIn -L73
r.nw clettTfiy. Headilcht
(Watts centered at .342 ArnPs)
W:i%e -2h
B, C,5 1000 2%s 3154t
{Watts ceniered zt.342 Arn ps)
A 2l [.4e0. 11794 36A/RY I20 1.08 120 o L F. Sr. Rv.. (Watts certeiid -
at .342 Amps) B, C-9 2000 382 2/s 41Aa
lI7t5j6A/RY .l. F. st. Ry., (watts centered
at .342 Amps) B, C I 2000 382 21/a 4t/n
-t.ta--120.lnside F

c,cg rooo 44i -2" 4

c,c9 1500 21/a 4%


*Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) : one (1) standard case.

lAlso available in 24 Retail Pack, ttAlso available jn 24lamp Retail Pack. oNew item.
- $.70 40A .. ......................... ..NAED 11010

@ sYuvnNlA lncandescent Lamps

40 A-21 lvled. 12058 I20 .85 . Tmffic {11I C, C-9 2000 367 27Ae 41As
12059 1.03 . T raffic 011 (24) c, c-9 2000 367 27Ae 41As
11834 115-125 .80 120 Clear, , Gr. B, C.9 3000 2k 4%
11835 .80 120 Clear, Gr. B, C.9 3000 l/s 4Y,
125 .80 120 r. F., Gr. Replacement B, C I 1000 2/B 4t/'
130 .80 120 r. F., Gr B, C,9 3000 21/s 4Y,
cA,9 cand. + 13488 40CA9C/24 120-125 1.06 24O . CIear (8) c-74 1500 3%
+ 120-125 1.18 24O . White (8) c-74 1500 31A
+ 13424 120-125 1.18 . Ceramic Frcst (8) A 1500
c + 13764
+ 13765
120-130 1.28
. Clear, Excel Line l8l
. White, Ercel tine (8)
c, c-7A
+ 13490 1.06 24O . Clear (81 T c, c-7A 1500 3eAs
+ 13491 1.18 24O . Vfiite (8) c, c-7A 1500
c-11 lMed + 13469 120-125 1.06 24O . Clear (8) c, c-lA 1500
+ .l341a 4lctvw 124 120-125 l.l8 24O . White {8) c, c-7A 1500 4
F-15 [4ed. + 13974 40F 120 !25 .92 24 . Clear 18) C, C-9 1500 4V

lmo 4t
{il) + 139i9 40F/A|C/24 120-125 1.06 24o e triaescent nmtei np"r'i tri -- /"
+ l3s8l 1.06 24 . lvory, Decoraiive (8) c, c-9 1500 4y,
G 16% Cand. + 13702 40G16%C 120-125 2.09 24 oClear, Decoratrve {8) c, c 7A 1500
+ 120-125 2,25 24 . Ceramic While Decor. (8) c-7A 1500
G-25 led. + 14266 40G l2A'125 1.26 24 o c. c-9 1s00 41AE
+ 14267 40G/W 120-125 1.16 24 . White c, c-9 i500 41/rc
\/ o 14270 120'125 1.26 24 Flame Tint c, c.9
! a
Nled +
14211 120-i25 1.26 24 lvory c, c,9
G-30 14402 120'130 2.19 24 . White Ceramic c, c I 2500 5Y1
G40 [led. O! t?0-130 2.85 6# . Clear c, c-9 2500 348 4% 615/s
r- i4688 40G40/W 120-130 3.00 6l . White Ceramic C, C-9 2500 6r%6
+ 1462s 40G40/S 120'130 5.64 6 . Silver c, c I 2500 6'%t
+ i4626 40G40/G0 120-13012.80 6 cold c, c,9 2500 6'%,
R-30 Nled. 15035 40R30/FL 125,130 2.73 24 lnside Frost., Refl Flood {96) c, cc-6 2000 5%
s,1l 13595 40S11N Il5-125 1.39I20 Clear, High lntensrty c, c-7A 500 1%
I20 1.34 120 Cerarn c Frosted (96) c, c 74 500 2ln
13598 40SI1N/BL 115-125 1.39 24* Clear, Bllster Pack c, c,/A 500 1% 25/v:
I6V lnter. 18096 40T6%/2 120 1.78 60 Appliance, Clear [1, 96) c, c-8 1000 5'/t
T8 [4ed. 18356 40T8 115 3.55 24 . Clear B. C 23 1000 400 Ih
18363 40T8 120 3.55 24 . Clear B, C-23 1000 400 1t/B
18364 40T8 i25 4.25 24 . cleet B. C-23 1000 400 l\k
Showcase i8369 40T8/lF 120 4.00 24 .lnside Frosted B. C 23 1000 400 Ih
18370 40T8/tF 125 4.35 24 . lnside Frosted B, C,23 1000 400 |/,.
Disc 19590 140 115"125 4.35 24 Cleat th B, C-8 1500 360 IT%
19596 140/lF ll5-125 4.80 24 lnside Frosted (/) B, C-8 1500 360 |%
19602 140/W il5-125 4.80 2d Wrile {7) B. C.8 r,00 I t,r
19637 140/MB 115-125 4.90 24 Nlooniight Elue {7) B, C.8 1500 - Il%
Lu rniline 19649 115-125 4.90 24 Emerald (7) B, C-8 1500 llyl
1500 IIyl
St'ad {/l B, C-8 1500 llt,
B,e8 150-- I1il
ONew item.
#Also available in'Mood-clo' Retail Pack.
40G40 .. .. Price $3.00 NAED 14619
40cA9c/ry 81... .. . 13441 14620
40cA9C/ST/BL. 13984
0CA9C/ST/ryBL . . 13986
40c11/81............... 13985
GfGl syurANl,A lncandescent Lamps

NAED Abbreviation tist Pkg.
Oiilarina -
Bulb Base Code (Except Volts) Volts *ica Qt-y,
sugeated Std.
Class Rated
and llours Approt.
Fil. Life Lumens L.C L. M 0.t
fl t

18650 40T10 120 .96 601 . clear C-8 1000 416 8, 5%

18551 40T10 125 1.16 60 . Clear C-8 1000 416 B, 5%
18652 [0110 130 1.16 60 . Clear B, C-8 1000 416 5%
Showcase 18663 40T10/CF 115 1.08 60 . Ceramic Frost B,C8 1000 416 5%
18664 40T10/CF 120 1.08 601 . Ceramic Frost B, C-8 1000 416 5%
18668 40T10/CF 125 1.29 60 . ceramic Frost B, C-8 1000 416 5%

18669 40T10/CF 130 1.29 60 . Ceramic Frost B,C8 1000 416 5%

18693 40T10/RFL 120 5.20 60 . Reflector (6) c, cc.8 1000 3J4 5%

50 A19 Itl ed. 10458 504/RS 30 1"08 120 l. F., Rough Service B, C-9 1000 530 2t/, 3t5At
10459 504/RS 34 1.10 120 L F., Rouph Service B, C I 1000 s30 2y, 3'%s
11056 50A19/RS 60 l.l8 120 Train, L F., Rough Service (12) B, C 9 1000 505 2t/t 3llta
11068 50A13/RS 75 ,92 120 Train, L F., Rough Service (12) B, C-9 1000 505 2V 3t5As

1i131 50A19131 _ 115-125. 1.46 120 Clear, Bake Oven B. C-9 1000 500 2% 3'%6
14886 50A/vs 120 .78 120 .l F., Vibration s9l!i!e (11,21) q,0 t 10.0! jll 2'/: ])k
14889 50A/VS 125-130 .93 120 . L. F., Vibration Service {13, 24) B, C-9 1000 545 2y) 3tsAt
14868 50A/CL/VS 120 .78 120 . Clear, Vibralion Service (13, 24) B, C-9 1000 545 2% 3'%o
14869 504/Cr/VS 125 .93 120 . Clear, Vibration Seryice {13, 24) B, C-9 1000 545 2k 3L%o

14870 50AiCL/VS 130 .93 120 . Clear, Vibratlon Service (13, 24) B, C 9 1000 545 2y, 3'%e
11118 50A/RS/SL 115-125 1.71 120 Safe Llne Rough Servrce B, C-22 1000 470 21, 3t5At
11395 50A 230 1.05 120 .lnside Frosted B, C-17 1000 475 2y, 3tTs
113S7 504
--rrqio 254 1.05 120 .lrside Frcsted B, C 17 1000 415 21, 3t5At
5oAls/iir 230 1.20 120 . Clear B, C,17 1000 415 2k 315/\6

11422 50A19/37 250 1.20 120 . Clar B, C-17 1000 415 21, 3t5At,

11425 504/RS 230 1.36 120 .1. F., Rough Seruice B, C 22 i000 450 2Y, 3'%s
11393 50A/RS 250 1.36 120 o L F., Roueh Service B, C 22 1000 450 2Y1 3t51a
11430 50A/RS 260 l.1l 120 r l. F., Rough Seruice B, C-22 1000 450 21, 3'%6
11428 50A19 277 1.20 120 . lnside Frosted, N,line e, c ir tooo qeO ,'/, 3'%
11401 50419 300 1.20 120 . lnside Frosted, lMine B, C 17 1000 460 2k 3'%o
11433 50A19/RS 211 !.41 120 . L F., Rough Service B. C,22 1000 2V 3t5/,s
11432 50A19/RS 300 1.47 120 . L F., Roush Service B, C 22 1000 21, 315/s
11427 50Al!/R/RS 2/1 1.78 120 . Red, Rough Service B, C.22 t000 31546

r144i 50419/35 211 1.30 120 . Clear, lMine B, C li 1000 2y, 3r%e
11449 300 1.30 120 o Clear, lMine B, C 17 1000 460 2t 3r%e
11445 1.44 120 . Red Ceramic B, C-17 1000 317 n

t.44 . Red Ceramic B, C-17 1000 3t5/t

11450 50A/R 300 1.60 120 . Red Ceramic B, C 17 1000 3t5At
l i4si 50A/G 300 1.60 120 . Creen ceramic B, C-]7 1000 3L%6

A-21 tvled. 11561 50421 6 1-58 120 lnside Frosted C, C-6 1000 830 3% 4r%6

U!!.!! I__!Sf 6 1.85 i20 L.H. Thread, lnside Frosled c, c 6 1000 830 3% 41%6

l\4ed. 11569 50A21 l2 1.27 120 lnside Frosted C, C-6 1000 865 3% 4t5Aa
11652 50421 :O .gZ tlO ln. rrosleo, Trail & Couqr y Hone C. L-q 1000 8t0 4r a
lM lrsidetrosieo, Irarn C, C.q 1000 860 r a
11604 50A21 34 .92 120 lnside Frosted, Train c, c I 1000 860 3%-r'4t%t
11680 50A21 41 f.32 120 lnside Frosted, Emergency c, c-9 t000 3% 4"At
11684 50A21 60 .92 i20 lnside Frosted, Traln c, c.9 1000 :x q",1.-
12796 50A21 285 1.04 120 o lnsrde Frosted, Nlrne B, C 17 1000 21/s 4t/16

,..50,2 n-Zt Kon'Tact 18060 50/150A/W 1.29 12* . Soft White Three Way

100 I r50
lvted. (8,88) 3:33 3 '^o

18061 50/150A/W 1.29 12* . Soft White Three Way
(8,88) 3;33 3 '^o

18726 50/1404/SPK 115-125 1.59 12* . Soft Pirk, Three Way c,cc8
{8,88) c, cc 8 1200 55Ae
*Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) : one (1) standard case.
lamp Retail Pack
rfl t

lAlso available in
.................... .
- 120 Volt - $1.20
NAED 18645 40T10/cF . .... .... ..........N4E0 18646


GIEI sYlvnNlA lncandescent Lamps

I{AED Abbreviation usr Pke. and lours Approx.
Watts Bulb Base Code (Except Volts) Volts P'im Qty, Description Fll. Life
lile Lumen$ l.C.l.
l.C.L. t'11.0.1.
\*z PS-25 3C
15362 50/150 120 $1.35 24* . lnside Frosted, Three-Way
3;33:3 '^o 1600
15363 50/150 t25 1.35 24* .lnside Frosted, Three-Way
u, r/u-d
1600 6'%6

200 I 250
A 23 Xon-Tact 19404 50/250M/$f
120 1.59 12* . Soft White, Three-WaY
(8,88) h:-.1 r2oo 35oo

50 R-20 Nled. 14831 50R20 120 3.20 60 .Llshi lnside Frosted, Reflector C, C I 2000 3'%o

14832 50R20 125,130 3.60 50 . Llght lnside Frosted, Reflector C, C-9 2000 425 3tht
56 A2l lMed. 12208 56421 120 .93 120 o lnside Frosted, St. RY.,
(Watts Centered at .519 Amps.) B, C-9 2h 41At

12209 56421 125 ,96 120 o lnside Frosted, St. RY.,

(Watts Centered at.519 Arnps.) B, C-9 2000 604 2% 41Au

P 25 led. rs0s3 56?25 120 2,75 60 . clear, St. Ry. Headllght

{Watts Centered at.519 Arnps.) B, C 5 1000 2Va Alt
A-19 Nled. 11149 58419/62 120 ,82 120 St. Lighting, Group Replacement C, C I 3000 656 2l/s 4Y!

ti150 5s[1s/6t---- 1r5 --10 ]m sftghtlng, Group Replacement c, c 9 3000 2t/1

A19 N4ed. 10540 604 1.40 120 lnside Frosted, Dental Spot c, c-9 1000 41/t
10476 60A nA . lnslde trosted (24)
.55 120I c, cc-8 1000 3ys 4tAt
10477 60A 125 . lnside Frosted (24)
.61 120 c, cc-8 1000 890 3YB 4t,4s

? 10478 604
10553 60A/CL
130 . lnslde Frosted (24)
.66 120
i20 .59 120 . Clear (24)
130 ,71 120 . Cleat
115,125 1.08 .lnside Frosted.
c, cc.8
c, cc-8
::c cc 8
c , cc-8





r?l 1 130 1.30 .lrside Frosted, c, cc-8 1000 3ys 4146

115.125 1.46 120 . clear, Daylight c, cc-8 1000 3ya 41/n

120 1-33 120 .1. F., Bowl (20) c, cc 6 1000 758 41At
i15'125 .85 12* . Soit Pink c, cc 8 1000 41At

' 11324 60A/WP 120 ,77 24+ . Soft White Plus c, cc 8 1500 825 41Au

11208 60A/W 120 .59 24* . Solt Whiie c, cc 8 1000 870 41/$

11209 60A/W 125 .59 24* . Soit White c, cc,8 1000 870 4146

10384 60A/Y 120 .81 12* . Yellow (Bug-ljte) C, CC-8 1000 41As

10385 60A/Y 125 .81 12+ . Yellow (Bug'lite) C, CC 8 1000 4Ua

10386 60A/Y 130 .97 24 . Yellow (Bug Lite) c, cc 8 1000 4Ua
10s87 60A/99/Xt 120 .72 120 lnside Frosted (83) Excel Line C, CC 8 2500 760 3Ys 41At

11182 60A/99/XL 130 .86 120

lnside Frosted (83) Excel Line c, cc-8 25oo 760 3% 41/s
r2416 60A/RS 120 . lnside Frosted Rough Service (24) C, C-17 1000 575 3'/s 41/s
120 1.23
120 . RoLcr s"air" c. r.v looo
l2a I/ 60A/Rs -r75 3 r 4 ro
12418 60ACL/RS
60ACL/RS 120
120 1.13 120 . Clerr, Servlce
Rouqh Servlce
Clear. Roush , C, C-17 1000
1000 575 3'/s
575 3ya 4%6
12419 60ACL/RS 125-130 1.35 120 . Clear, Roush SeNice C, C-17 1000 515 3ys 4tA6
1.26 120 120 safe Line, lnside Frosted c, cc 8 1000 855 3r; 41Aa

1.26 120 120 safe Line, Clear c, cc 8 1000 855 3ls 4tAt
12286 -t25-130-1.48
120 1.38 120 .orange {92) c, c-9 1000
12288 60A19/CB i20 1.38 120 . Blue (92) Ceramic c, c.9 1000 41At

12287 60A13/CFT 120 1.38 120 . Flametint (92) cerarnic C cs

,c9 looo
1000 4146

12289 60419/CG 720 1.38 120 .Green {92) Ceramic c, c-9 t000 AlAs

12285 60A1e/cR 120 1.38 120 . !!! lql!!!I', c,.c{ 1000

12284 60A19/R2 !20 1.38 120 . Ceramic Rose (92) Cerrmic C, C 9 1000 41At

Nled. L.f.T. 10572 60A/LHT 125 .78 120 L F., Lelt Hafd Thlead c, cc 8 1000 890 ys 4t/s
*Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) : one (1) standard case. r No change in price.
lAlso available in 24 lamp Retail Pack - 120 volt.
60A... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NAED 112i4

@ sYlvnNlA lncandescent Lamps
watts Bulb Base
Lunens L.C.L. M.o.L.
f] i

60 A 21 llled. 685 2\s 41/rt

_c, c_sqouJ
tlll 40rJ0
?'ru ql"
@ ctea, Traff'c sigqat
- B.ET/ 4;
1x.lin ffi
cA9 cand. + 13492 60CA9C/24 120-125 1.06 24O o Clear (8) c, c-74 i500
+ c, c-7A 1500 3%
Decor A -3
-iing r) +
E +
+ 3ys
[4ed + . Clear (8) c, c 7A 1500

lsr]i) -- 4

F-15 [4ed + 13993 60F . Clea r (8) c, c I 1500 4y2

C.30 1\1ed. + 14403 60G30/W 120'130 2.19 24 . White Ceramic c,c9 5'/,
c 40 rlled. + 14689 60e40 120-130 2.85 . Clea r c,c9 6t%s
. Whiie C, C-9 2500 492 615As

GT-19 [led. + 143U 60/scr 120 1.50 12* . Sm. Chimnev (8, 44) C,Cg 5'%e
IftL -60irehim.(8,44) m
cT 24 t!ld. skt.+ 14290 60/Cll 120 3.10 6* chimnev (8,44) c, c I 3000 83At
pnn+o scr.ffi u cl., Mine Locornotive Headlite c,cc24 800 33/t

t.8 Disc l96lt--I60/lF 160 ltl-trs q.oo 24 cea't/) s c-8 1500 rto 1l t
t1t-I25 5.05 24 ' ride Irocteo {i ) - B'c 8 1500 550 - It',
13685 L607lt' ---- 115125 5.05 14 wl tp {71
- B. C 8
B c-8
l/ . - rff r

Llm,,rre L607MB ll5-l2t--:i5 24 voorlislt Blue {/) I/',

Pink (7l B.aJ 1500 rlyl
-1972i r50- v%
.c8 1500 17%
B, a ]mo r1l
i.10 18711 60i10/CF . 120 3.05 60 . Ceramic Frost showcase {11) c, c 8 100!
60 . Clear, Showcase (i1) C, C 8 1000 ?11
18710 60T10/64 120 2.77 5%

A21 lM ed. 120 .68 120 Clear. Tratfic C, C-9 3000 691 21/s 41At
ear, 21As 41As

m,-irarii. slenat Otr c, cs loqo o'rl

t2461 61fr//f i25 - 120
.61- Cl."r. Tradk siclal (ilr c. c -
9 1000 ' ;
12468 61Anl4O 130 J1 I20 Cledr. Tralrc Sr81al {ll) C C-9 J000 l " 4 '6
{11) c, c I 8000 594 21Aa 41/n
C C.9 8000 59d 21 D 4'ro

A-21 69A2rlTS
o 44s1_,-!9331JIs
12492 69A21/T5 130 .97 nA Clear, Traflic C. C I 8000 675 21/n AtAe

A-I9 12504 75A

12505 75A
L!06 /5A B0 SO U0- . tnsrOe Frosteo i2at C, CC.8 7T0 lll0 3 s' 4;
., Lxcel L tne

*Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) : one (l)
standard case. + No change in price. oNew item.
OAlso available in 12 Retail Pack tAlso available in 24 lamp Retail Pack.
60CA9C/BL. .. NAED 13460 60CA9C/ST/ryBL 13463 r5A NAED l2r2l
o60cA90i CF/81.... . .
60C11/u// BL.
,Also available in Mood.Gl0' Retail Pack.
6llcd0 Pri.e s300
60G40/W.... ...Price $3.15... ....
NAEo 14621
14622 fr
@ sylvnNlA lncandescent Lamps
I{AED Abbrevialion lst Pkg. a.d Hours Appror.
Bulb Base Code (Ercept Volts) volts P'ice Qtt.
Watts Description Fil. Lite Lirinens L"C.L. q.q.L.
75 A-19 [4ed. ]2500 75AICL 120 $ .59 120 0 Clear C, CC 8 750 1210 3ys 41/n
lr50r- ?5A/cL 130 .71 120 .Clear C, CC* ISO 1210 3ys 41As

12514 754/SPK 1i5-125 -85 12* . Soft Pink c, cc 8 750 41As

+ 11337 75A/WP 120 .77 24* . Soft White P us c, cc-8 1500 4146

10967 75A/W l2A -59 24* . Soft White c, cc.8 750 1180 4jAe

10968 75A/W 125 .59 24* . Soit White c, cc-8 /50 1180 41/tc

12300 75AlRx il5-125 1.08 120 Cerarnlc Red, Exit c, cc o trt 4'/"
[4ed. LHT 12509 754/LHT 125 -86 120 lns d Frosted. Lelt Hand Th. C. CC 8 750 3Ya 4\E
A2t Ivled. i1570' 75A21 6 1.49 120 lns de Frosted c c6 1000 3ls 5%t
11571 75A21 t2 l-49 120 lnside Frosted c, c-6 1000 5lta
12546 75A21/nS 120 1.25 120 o Inside Frosted, Rough Service C, C-17 1000 802 3t/ 5%s

12548 75A21/RS 125-130 1"50 120 o lfside Frosted, Rough Servce C, C-17 1000 802 3h 55Aa

t2974 75A2UO 115 I25 1.02 l?0 .lrsido fro.rod, Daylighi c, cc-6 750 55/s

13386 75421 230 1.26 120 .lnside Frosted c, c-9 1000 3t/B 554F,

13388 75421 250 1.26 120 .lnside Frosted c, c-9 1000 55/6

A23 l,4ed. t2810 30 1.08 i20 . L. F., Train & Country Horne
7tA2X 1000 c, c 9 4% 6tAa

tR 30 lvled. o 15100 758R30 120 3.35 24 . nside Frosted, E liptica Rfl. c, cc 6 ,0b0 6%

o 15101 75ER30 130 4.00 24 .lnside Frosted, tl iptca Rf. c, cc 6 2000 6%

PAR 38 Nled. Skt. 13828 75PAR/FL 30 5.80 12 *Train Flood c, c 6 1000 55At

13830 75PAR/SP I2A 3.80 12 *Spot c, cc 6 2000 5%s

i3832 75PAR/SP 125'130 4.55 12 *Spot c, cc 6 2000 55/)6

13833 TsPAR/FL 120 3.80 12 *Flood c, cc 6 2000 55,\s

13835 75PAR/FL 125-130 4.55 l2 *Flood c, cc 6 2000 55/,6

13816 75PAR38/VWFL 120 4.15 12 *Very Wide Flood c, cc 6 2000 53/s

, fTl 14975 75PAR38/2FL 115-125 10.80 12 *DlchroicCooL Lux Rr. Fl. (35,56) C,CC6 2000 5ltt
15524 75PAR38/2FL 125-130 12.95 12 *DichroicCoo Lux Rf . Fl. (35, 56) C,CCG 2000
o 14136 75PAR/FLIA ll5-125 5.25 12 *Si icone Amber F ood c, cc-6 2000 S'Aa

o 14139 T5PAR/;L/B iL5 125 5.25 12 *S lcone B ue Flood c, cc 6 2000 5'/"

O 14142 7sPAR/FL/BU, 115-125 5.25 12 *Silicone B ue White Flood c, cc 6 2000 554t,

o 14140 7sPAR/FL/G 115'125 5.25 12 *Sillcone Green Flood c, cc.6 2000 57s
o 1414i iSPAR/FLIPK 115-125 5.25 12 *Silcone Pink Flood c, cc 6 2000
o 14138 75PAR/FLIR i15-125 5.25 12 *Sillcone Red Flood c, cc 6 2000 5t;
o 14137 75PAR/FLIY 115-125 5.25 12 *S |coie Yel ow Flood c, cc 6 2000 55A.,

Nled. 13850 75PAR/3FL 120 5.55 12 *F ood c, cc 6 2000 45lt

Side Prong 13844 75PAfi/3SP 120 5.55 12 *Spot c, cc.6 2000 45/n

PAR 46 Scr.Term 15200 75PAR/46 48 9.80 12 *C ., lMife Locornoi ve Headlite C, CC 2V 800

R-30 lved. i5038 75R30/SP 120 2.40 241, . Reflector Spot, L. F. (19,32,35) C, CC 6 2000 b 5%

O 15040 75R30/SP 125-130 2.80 244 .RefectorSpot,L.F.(19,32,35) C.CC6 2000 t 5lz

H 15041 75R30/FL 120 2.4{ 24A.RefectorFlood, l. F. (19,32,35) C,CC6 2000 5%

15043 75R30/FL 125-130 2"80 244 . Reflector Flood, L F. (19,32,35) C, CC 6 2000 5y,
15087 75R30/A 115-125 4.10 6* . Rf. Lisht LF. Amber P.P. (19,32,35) C, CC 6 2000 5%

15083 75R30/B 115-125 4.10 6* .Rfl.Ljghtl.F.Blue,P.P.(19,32,35) C,CC6 2000 5%

i5082 75R30/C 115-125 4.10 6* . Rfl. Light l.F. Green P.P. (19,32, 35) c, cc-6 2000 5'/s

15084 75R30/PK 115 125 4.10 6* . Rf . tight, LF. Pink P P. {19,32,35) C, CC-6 2000 5%-
15085 75R30/R 115-125 4.10 6+ . Rfl. Llght, l.F. Red P.P. (19, 32,35) C, CC'6 2000 5%

15086 isR3o/Y Ii5-125 4.10 6+ .Rfl.Lght,l.F.YellowP.P.(19,32,35) C,CC-6 2000 5%

o l5lo4 isR3o/GRo i20 4,30 6 . Refleclor Spot GRo c, cc 6 2000 5%

R40 [4ed. 15063 75R/FL 120 3.10 24 r L F., Ref ector Flood {I9) c, cc.6 200l, 61,
15052 i5R/FL 125-130 3.65 24 .l F., Reflector Flood (19) c, cc 6 2000 6i:
T-10 ed. 120 4.65 24 . lnside Frosted Showcase B, C 23 1000 1r!,
)Q -tive (5)
l\4 18685 75T10/1
18684 75T10/45
il Pack (RP) cases (any mix)
120 3.85 24 . clear, Showcase
:one(1)standardcase. + N0 change in price.
B, C 23 1000 11%

a Approxlrnate iniiialmeancandlepower in a l0"coneat l0'-spot4l00, flood l900. lndividua lamps mayvary somewhat. l\4aximurn candlepower is sornewhat gl'eater.
b Approximate initlalmean candlpower in a l0" cone at l0'-spot lT00, flood 440. lndviduallampsmayvarysomewhat.N4aximumcandlpowerissornwhatgieater.
c Approximate initia meancardlepowerinal0"coneatl0' flood 1450. lndlvidual lamps mayvary sofirewhat. lVaximum candlepower is sornewhat greater.
/5Rl0sp 110v... ..... NAED trOcd 71Rr0 Ft _170v ... . . .. .NAED 15079 oNew item.
/5R30 5P - 1i0V l\09b /5RJ0 lL - l)5-130v 15081 AAlso available in 6lamp Retail Pack.
ffrEl SyLUANIA lncandescent Lamps
rlgg.sto Std.
Fil. Lil6 Lumens
L.C.L, M.0.1.
c. c,9 1500 1143 43h 6%s

1153 4% 6%6

B, C,5 t000

centered at .863 Amps.) B, C-5 1000 963 21/ta 4%

l00 l.1g (24) .;Ie.8 fio nfi
e Frosted A q'/"
12,21 100A lZq .61 l?0 .llsidelosled(24) @

c, cc-8 754 174A 3ys

- 41At
(8,,) -C,
CC 8 2h00 la60 j ; \
12775 100A/99/XL 130 .92 120 (83) CC-8 2500 1460 3yB
aTart \ry[itaTlr]a --
Lnside Frosted Ercel-L ne C,
ta-1500 1585

c-17 1000 I22a 3/N Ss/s

iExcel Line C, CC 8 2500 1460 3r's 55/n
naide FroaGd {83) txcel Line c, cct 2500 14603t/; Fi-
-1O15- LoAFf-'@ c,ca 1000 1405 3h 55At
o l'F- Vibiztion {13) (24) C, C-9 1000 1405 3t/s 5%s
. L F.. Vibratior {13) {24) C, C 9 1000 1405 31/a 5ltt

c. cc 6 1000 1350 55tr

- c, cc 6 1000 1350 5%e

c,-c-s-20i0 2y,6 4y"
-9 2000 I2l5 21/[ 41As
c, c-5 200 1355 3 41/s
C, C-' 100 1155 i 4 r"

3 41AE

c, c-9 1000 1260 3/s 5%s

*Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mir): one (I) standard case. +No change in price.
lAlso available in 24lamp Retail Pack.
IO()A NAED I2l35


ffi) sYlvnrulA lncandescent LamPs
Watts Bulb Base Volts Pdca

100 A-21
C, C-7A 2500 31/z 5Ts

ffi .lrsdelrosleo."lre c c-lA ttl i" i:"

-ffioe' C'CTA 1000 Js i"6
t +tt tool rib 120 . lrside F osled [4'1e c c ia tooo 3r \'
13357 1.19 120 L'F" Rolgh ser"raa F c, c-17 1000 I05q3/z 55/Ls

r2961 -:oo ll9 120 I F.;Roueh Ser"rce C c'17 1000 1050 3% 5%s
277 2.ll 120 L F c, c-17 i000 31/t 5%e

@ t. r" norch siiutcr c,c17 1000 3ls 5546

tZe35 l00A2l^f I20 1.43 120 Sar" I re r\'de I ostFd {l0ll CC 8 /50 1650 l-s 5'
1650- 31/a
-C "
12837 r00A/CL/SL tro-- 1.43 i20 Safe Lire, Clear (l0l) C, CC-8 i50 55Aa

-12e84 looAt/RVsL -lltt j j]_ff9: 13 t^h :l'

rvetr. L-tr.TrzsoT roolTl tro L F., Lelt Ht;d Thread c, cc 8 750 1690 _ 3% 5%s

12850 1004 34 1.17 L20 .lfside Frcsted, Train c, c I 1000 1800 4% 6%

120 120 .lrside Frosted c, cc 6 4% 6'/s
-F:ooa tooryo --
13072 100423 1.02 750

lG-t7s l:a lzo .tnslo" Frosted' qavlisht qll 1!9

4% 6%s
-i3066 100A/D- 130 1.33 120 Davlight
.lnside c 4% 6%6
1270 100A/B tts'tx t ss 120 . celamic Blue (92) C' 750 67r
13273 100A/G 115'125 1.55 120 . Ceramic Green (92) c c9 154 6\t
c, ca 750 67Ls

::c.c9 750 6'/ls

1327 4 c,, c.9 750 6f6

13070 . Cle,r Daylight C, C-9 150 4Ys 6t/r
C, C-9 1000 1390 4% 6l,zlo

Gi6'l D.C. fi264 r, Spotllshl {11) c.c-zv 2oo t66o 3

s.c Bay 17265 120 4J5 60 Creai, spdtight oir 1660

c, c-2v 200 1660 3ys

G-40 Nled. + 14691 100G40 120-130 2.85 6# . Clear c, 9 2500

c 1230 4% 6L%e

+ 14692 100G40/W 120-130 3.00 6# . While c,c9 2500 1050 6'%s

c,48 lMed. Skt.+i4848 120-130 7.95 6 White C, C-9 2500 6L/rt 8'%6

cT.24 rMd. Skt. + 14291

+ 14285
pnn.$ rMed.skt"blala3 implnlrr 12 * Flooq
115-120 q.90 l?zl!8) c' cc'6 2!00 5%r

O 13928 Io0/PAR/FL/A i15-125 5.25 12l, *S licone Coated Amber F ood

(2t ,18) c, cc 2000 5%,

0_83!1 !q.lAR/!!/B,,, 115-125. t25 lza *silconecoated Blq.llgd q7' lD c,cc'6 2000 5'1e
o 13934 100/PAR/FL/BW 115-125 5.25 12r, *Silicone coated Blue White
_-,__ - F 18)
ood (2J, C, Cc 6 2000 55Aa

o 13932 loo/PAR/FLlG 115-125 5.25 12a *Silicone coated Green Flood

(27, 18) c, cc'6 2000 55/16

o !lg!q l9ol4n/r1f x 1M?5 !,4i 12a *s I cone coatei Pink nood CL!8) c' cc 6 2000

o-13sj0 100/P[R/FI/E !1!-121 5.25 !2^ isil!!ry coated Red Flood (27' u) c'cc6 200! 5%6

o 13929 100/PAR/FLlY 115-125 5.25 12l, *Silcone coated Yellow Flood

(21 ,l8) c, cc 6 2000 55/t
Ps 30 Nled. 15471 8100PS30 t2a 1.84 24 .1. F., Neck Rfl, Dileci Lite C, C 2000
I 8'/ro

R-40 N,led. 14770 looR/fl 120 2.50 24 ol. F., Ref ector Flood {l9l C, CC 6 2000 6y,

14771 10oR/FL 125-130 2-95 24 .l.F, R"if.ctor Flood (19) CJC-O ZOOO 61,
14752 I00R/SP 120 2.50 24 .1. F, Reflector Spot (Iq) c. cc 6 2000 6k
\v/ , Ps 25
.100 3C
lUos. i4374 100/300 120 2.10 12+ . Soit Whiie, Three Way (8) c, cc-8 1200 3400 6y4
200 I 300 c, cc-8 4115
l7s lm/300 t25 2.10 12* . SoJt White, Three'Way (8) c, cc,8 1200 3400 6%
e N4 ed.

'Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix)

13302 101423
one (1) standard case.
\25 1.84 120 L F., Street Ra

+ Decrease in price.
c, c 9 1500

. No change in price.
4% 6%o

Also available in Mood-Glo Retail Pdck. aAlso available in 4 lamp Retail Pack.
100G40 . . .. Price $3.00 .. .. . ..NAED 14623 io0/PARi FL/B/4 NAED 13938 100/PAR/FL/PK/4....... NAED 13940

100G40 !vrl
. .. Price $3.15 ... l'1624
100 PAR FL BW 4 1413s 100i PAR/FL/ Ri 4... . 13937

t00 pAR A,r..... 100 PAR cL G

I19,. .. . 4 . 13939 r00i PAR /FL/Y|4.... 13936

ONew item.
@ sylvnNlA lncandescent Lamps
NAID Abbreviati-on iist Pkg. and "'.".""
Hours Approx.
Watts Bulb Base Code (trcept volts) Volts Pdm Qti. Description Fil. Life Lumens L.9.1. q:q.L.
103 A 23 [,4ed. 13339 103A23 i20 $ 1.23 i20 Clear Sireet Lighiing {21) C, C 9 6000 4% 6%s
13340 103423 L25 1.40 120 Clear, Street Lighting (21) C, C-9 6000 4% 6'lLo

PS'25 l,4ed. 15485 103PS25 120 1.34 60 clear Street Lighting (21) C, c-9 6000 5y! 6I%s
15486 103PS25 125 1.47 60 Clear Street Lightlng (21) c, c 9 6000 5y! 61%6

105 4.23 Nled. 13353 K105 120 t-90 120 clerr st- LG. xrvpton lzs, a+t C, tzooo 1120 4% 6%o
13354 K105 125 2.27 120 Clear St. Lis. Krypton {25,44) c, c 12000 1120 4% 6l]l
A 23 lvled 13343 106423/CL 120 .87 120 Clear, Street Lishtins c, c.9 1500 4% 6\t
107 A2l l,4ed. 12821 107421/T5 120 .76 120 clear, Traffic Signal (ll) c, c-9 3000 t28l ZlAa 41/s

12819 107A21/TS 125 .85 120 clear, Traffic Signrl (11) c, c,9 3000 1287 21/s 41/n

12822 107A21/TS 130 ,90 120 clear, Traffic Signa (11) c, c.9 3000 1287 21ll 41/Ld

110 R-30 lvled. 13285 110R30/FL/RS 120 3.85 60 Reflector Flood, R. S. (35) c, c 17 2000 5%

115 A 23 [,led. 13346 115A23/CL 120 l.l2 120 Cl. St. Lis., Gr. Replace. c, c 9 3000 4% 6tAa

13347 115A23/CL 125 1-24 l2a Cl., St. Lts., Gr. Replace. c, c.9 3000 4Ys 6%r

13348 115A23/Cl- 130 1-35 120 cl., St. Ltg., GL Replace. c, c-9 3000 4% 6ln
116 A-21 lMed. 12823 116A2r/T5 120 .92 120 clear, Traffic Signal (11) c, c9 8000 t277 21Aa 41At
u8r4 l16M,l/Ts -@ a!9 8ooo I2r7 2r';- 4';"
12816 116421/T5 i30 1.10 120 Clear, Tralfic Signal (11) C. C-9 8000 l2l / 2Us 4146
12841 116A21/TS/W 120 1.10 120 White, Traffic Signal (11) c, c.9 8000 1211 21As 41At
120 PAR-64 Scr. Term 14987 120P4R64/VNSP 6 22.40 6 *Very Narrow Spot (29,44) c, c.6 2000 4

125 G-30 l!ld. Skt. 14i37 125G30 115-125 3.60 60 lnfrared, lndustrial (38) C, C-11 5000+
R"40 lvtd. skt. 14i44 125R40 115-125 4.25 24 lnfrared, lnd. (19,38) C, C 11 5000+ 7Yl

133 A 23 [,4ed. 13350 133A23/CL 120 1.15 120 Cl., St. Ltg., Gr. Replace. 4% 6%o c, c I 3000

150 A 2l lMed. 13131 1504 120 .78 60+ .lnside Frosted C, CC 8 750 28s0 3t/a 5'At
13132 l50A 125 .86 60 .lnside Frosted C, CC 8 750 2850 31/a 55At rtT' r

13133 t50A 130 .93 60 . lnside Frosted (24) c, cc-8 750 285A 3t/z 5%s
13135 150A/CL 120 .73 60 . Clear C, CC-8 750 2850 31/a 5%t

13137 150A/CL 130 .88 60 . Clear C, cc-8 750 2850 3t/s 5%t
r tiOt 150A/w l2A .83 12* . Soit White, Kitchen Lite c, cc.8 750 2830 3h 5546
13102 150A/W 125 .83 12* . Soft White, Kitchen Lite C, CC B 750 2830 3h 5uAa
A23 lvled. 13043 150A23 120 .89 60 .lnside Frosted c, cc 8 750 2810 4% 6lrc
13044 150423 125 .98 60 . lnside Frosted (24) C, CC 8 /50 2810 4% 6%t
13045 150A23 130 1.07 60 . lnside Frosted {24) c, cc 8 750 2810 4% 6%t

? 13037 150A23/CL
13039 150A23/CL
r3167 150A/99/XL
r3169 150A/99/XL
120 .84 60 . Clear (24)
130 1.01 60 . Clear (24)
C, CC-8 /50 2810 4% 6ln
c, cc.8 /s0 2810 4% 6tt
nA 1.10 60 lnside Frosted Excel-Line (83) C, CC 8 2500 2380 4% 65Aa
130 1.32 60 lnside Frosted Excel-Line (83) C,r cc 8 2500 n80
2380 47"
4% 65At
13i64 150A/99C1/XL 120 1.00 60 clear Excel Line (83) c, cc 8 2500 2380 4% 6%,,
13166 150A/99C1/XL 130 1.20 60 clear Excel-Line {83) c, cc,8 2500 2380 4% 6'Ae
15240 150A/RS 120 1.80 60 .1. F., Rough Service c. c-17 1000 2125 4% 6\s
15242 150A/RS 125'130 2.15 60 . L F., Rough Seruice (24) C. C-17 1000 2125 4% 61/rs

15244 1504/CL/RS 120 1.85 60 . Clear, Rough Seruice C, C.l7 1000 2125 4'/s 6Vn

@cbar-Pouch servff c,cl7 1000 2125 4% 6ls

W;'v8,rgl,t. ccda 1000 6r"
r!1 iO rtrrraO C, CC+ ISO ZASO 4% 6%o

EAR-38 l,4ed. Skt. 13896 I50EAR/FL 125 4.28 12 Flood c, cc-6 2000 55At

G-40 Nled. + 14913 150G40/W 120-130 3.35 6 .White c, c-9 2500 4ys 6'1is
P 25 [4ed. i4998 32 5.65 60 Cl., Locomotive Headlight (i1) c, c.5A 500 34%
120 5.40 60 Cl., Hard Glass, Bltton Spotlisht C, C 5 200 2100 34%
5.65 60 [4ed. L F., Hd. Gl. Button c, c-5 200 2100 34%
15010 r50P25/r0 5.65 t. F. c,c5 200 t4y4
fll r
15011 l50P25/10 125 6.80 c,c5 200 2100 34k
15137 150P25/15 120 5.15 60 (11) c, c-5 500 I985 34%
15138 r5oP25/15 125 5.70 60 Headlisht (Ll ) c, c-5 500 i985 34%
*Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix)
= (l) standard case. + No change in price.
IAIso available in 24lamp Retail Pack.
1504......... ... ......... ... .. . .. .NAED t3175 150PAR/SP. I'IAED i5529 150PAR/F1.... . ... .. .. . ... ..... .. ..NAED 15516

G[El svurnNlA lncandescent Lamps
NAED Abbreviati-on 'i.hl Pkg. and Hours Approx'
Watts Bulb Base CoU" (fii"pt vott") volts r'r" qti. Description Fil. LiIe Lumens L.C.L. M.0.1-
t3439 I5Op-AR/SP 125 130 4.65 12 *Spot {27, 28, 28A) C, CC 6 2000 55La

t.gat ttopnn/rL 120 3.90 l2 *llood 127. ZS. Zgqr- C. CC 6 2000 5 "
AR/FL 125-130 4.65 *Flood (27, 28, 28A) 2000 51At

14970 I50PAR38/2SP 115-125 10.80 12 *Dichroic Coated Cool Lux

Reflector, Spoi {35, 56} c, cc 6 2000 5Va

14969 150P4R38/2FL 120 10.80 12 *Dichloic coated cool Lor

Reflector, Flood (35, 56) c, cc,6 2000 5%e

15523 150P4R38/2rL r30 .[2.95 i2 *Di.l'Io. Codled Cool Lr\ Ref PLtor.
Flood {35, 56) c, cc-6 2000 55ls

1387i 150PAR/SP/A 12 *Dichroic Coated Lers, Amber (35, 98) c, cc-6

115-125 11.30 2000 5\t
I50PARAP/B 5125 30 12 *Dichroic coated Bl. sp. {35, 98) c, cc 6 2000 s"i
13869 lsoPAR/SP/G 115-125 11.30 12 *Dichroic Coated Lens, Green, Spot
{35, 98) C, CC-6 2000
13870 150PAR/SP/R 115 125 11,30 12 *Dlchroic Coated Lens, Red, Spot
{35,98) c, cc-6 2000 5%e

13868 lsoPAR/SP/Y ll5 125 11.30 t, *{DJ;:63,f ,ru* Lens, Yellow spot
c, cc.6 2000 55/,.a

Side Prong 13857 150PAR/4 120'130 12 *Clear, l\4lne Spot

10.45 c, c-13 1000 4t;
'\4ed. 13847 150PAR/3SP nA 5"10 12 *Compact Spol (28,29) c, cc-6 2000 45At

13848 15oPAR/3SP 125-i30 6.10 12 *Cornpact Spot (28,29) c, cc.6 2000 a;t,"

138s3 150PAR/3FL 720 5.10 12 *Cornpact Flood (28,29) c, cc.6 2000 45At

138s4 150PA!/3FL 125-130 6.10 12 *Compaci Flood (28, 29) c, cc 6 2000 4%

rv1d. skt. 13856 l5oPAR/5 120-130 10.05 12 *Ciear, lMine Spot c, c ll 1000

13887 150PAR38/VWIL 120 3.85 12 *Very W de Flood (27) c, cc 6 2000 55ls

13889 I50PAR38/VWFL 125-130 4i5 12 *\ "rv ,{:de Ilood (l ) c, cc 6 2000 55As

PAR"46 Scr. Term l5188 150PAR46 120 12.65 12 *C1., [4ine Loco. Head Larnp c, c t3 1000 3lr
15189 150PAR46 125 12.65 12 *C., lMine Locc. Head Lanp c, c 13 1000 3%

15190 150PAR46 130 12,65 12 *C1., [4ine Loco. Head Larnp c, c-13 1000 3%

15198 150PAR46/1 32 11.35 12 *c1., lllire Loco. Head Latnp c, cc.8 800 314

PS 25 Nled. 15279 150 115 1.10 60 .lnside Frosted {24) c,c9 750 514 61%s

15280 150 120 1.10 60 . lnside Frosted (24) c,c9 750 2580 5lt 61szio

15281 150 125 1.27 60 . lnside Frosted (24) c,c9 750 sti 6111s

130 1.32 60 .lnside Frosted c,c9 750 5y4 6r%s

15282 150 2580

15276 150PS25/rF 120 1-10 60 .lnside Frosted c, c I 1000 2415 sI 6"/"

15205 150/CL i20 1.00 60 . C ear c, c.9 750 2580 5ti 6'%6

15206 150/CL 125 1.20 60 . clear (24) c, c,9 750 2580 5y\ 6'%6

1s2o/ 150/CL 130 1.20 60 . Clear {24) c,c9 750 5\ 615/^t

15430 150/99/XL 125 1.30 60 l. F. Excel Life (83) c,c9 2500 2165 5k 6t5lt
15431 150/99/XL 130 1.30 60 L F. Excel Line (83) c, c 9 2500 sl/4 6'sAa

15219 150/WB I2A 1.18 60 . White Bowl c,c9 750 2460 6'%e

15220 150/WB 125 1.18 60 . While Bowl c,c9 750 2460 6t'Ae

1s24i 150/DCL 115 125 2.00 60 . Clear, Dayj sht c, c-9 i000 5ta 6t%6

t5248 150/D ll5"I25 2.20 60 . lnside Frosted Daylight c, c,9 1000 5\ 6L%o

152/1 150/SB 120 2.00 60 o L F.. Silver Bowl (20,30) c, cs l0oo 2210 6'%6

15275 150/SB 125-130 2.40 60 .l.F.,SiverBowl(20,30) c, c-9 1000 22tA 6'%r

15253 150/VS 120 2.50 60 .lfside Frosted, Vibratlon {l3l c, c-9 1000 2250 6I%6

15255 150/VS 125-130 3.00 60 . Lnslde Frosted. Vibration (13) c, c 9 1000 sli 6t5ns

AAlso availrble in 4 lrmp Retail Pack - 120 volt.

GE sylvnNtA lncandescent Lamps
Ordering srgs,ird Sld. Class Rated
NAED Abbreviation Llsl Pkg. and Hours Approx.
Watts Bulb Ease Code (Exrept Volts) Volts hics Qtt. Description Fil, Lile Lihens L.C.L, M.o.L.
150 PS 25 lvled. 15262 150/CL/VS 120 $2.25 60 . Clear, Vibration (l3l C, C-9 1000 2250 5y4 6t%s
15263 i25-130 2.70 OO . Ctear, Vilratron tt:t C, CS 1000 2250 5,/' 6'%
1557ffi C,C.c 1000 2060 5ri 6tyt.
15573 150PS25 250 1-60 60 . Clear 1000 2060 c, c.9 5%

I. lnside Frosted 1000 2060 C, C-9 5/4 6r%s
1.83 lnside Frosted 1000 2060 c, c.9 5y! 6t5/$
W Cledri lrterded Servcel/2,81) 2500 C,CS 5ri 615r"
15293 150/SL ttS-tZS ZrS SO S;r; L re 00ll 1000 ?480 C, C-9 5I 6':
i5300 150/RS/SL 115-125 3.10 60 Rough Service Safe Line (101) c, c.17 1000 2060 4% 5'%s
PS-30 wIed 15474 8150PS30 120 2.53 24 . Neck Refl. Direct Liie L F. (24) C, C-9 2000 81Aa

R,40 lvled. 14755 150R/SP 120 2.65 24 . Spot, lnside Frosted (19, 31, 32) C, CC-6 2000 6V,
14742 150R/SP i25 130 3,15 24 . Spot, lnsrde Frosted (i9, 31, 32) C, CC-6 2000 614
14773 l50R/FL 120 2.65 244 o Flood, l. F. (19, 31, 32) c, cc-6 2000 6V
ecior I4765 t50R/FL 125-ll0 3.15 24 . clood I F {19,31,321 c, cc 6 2000 6y,
14638 150R/A 115-125 4.45 12 . Refl. Lisht l. F., Amber (19,32) C, cc-6 2000 6y,

V 14650 l50R/B
14653 150R/R
115-125 4.45 4* r Light, 1. F. BJue {19,32)

l15-125 4.45 4* . LiSl L. L F Red (19, 12)

c, cc-6 2000

c, cc,6

i4654 150R/PX 115-125 1.45 4* o Light, L F. Pink {19, 32) c, cc 6 2000 6k
14655 150R/Y 115'125 4.45 4* . Lisht, l. F. Yellow (19, 32) c, cc 6 2000 6y,
14807 150R/3FL 120 6.65 24 *Refl. Flood l. F. (32) c, c-11 2000 61/e

14825 150R/3FL 125-130 8.00 24 *Refl. Flood L F. (32) c, c il 2000 6t/c

o 14783 150R40/GR0 120 4.60 6 . Refleclor Spot - GRo c, cc-6 2000 6y,
lvled Skt. 14785 l50R/2SP 120 4.50 24 Refl. Spot, L F. (19,31,33) c, cc 6 2000 71A

14786 150R/2SP 125 4.50 24 Refl. Spot, L F. {19,31,33) c, cc.6 2000 tii
14803 I50R/2FL 120 4.50 24 Refl. Flood, l. F. {19,31,33) c, cc-6 2000 7y,
14804 150R/2FL l_25 l"SO Zl n.l.Ftoo 7%
fis PS-25 [Vled. 15556 1i5PS25/63 120 1.17 60 Clear, Street Lighiins (34) C, C-9 1500 2800 5k 6,%
ttoo zsoo 5rr 6,-.o
189 PS-25 Nlog. 15577 189PS25/l 120 1.58 60 Cl, St Ltg. Gr. Replace. (34) c, c,9 3000 53/s lva
15578 189PS25/l 125 1.12 69 Cl., St. Lts. Gr. Replace. (34) c, c.9 3000 5% lva
1ss82 189PS2s/l130 1.89 60 cl., St. Ltg. Gr. Replace (34) c, c 9 3000 5% t%
lvled. 15562 189PS25/64 120 1.{0 60 Cl., St. Lte. Gr. Replace. (34) c, c 9 3000 2825 5% 6L%o
t5563 l89PS25/64 125 1.50 60 Ci., St Lte. Gr. Replace. (34) c, c9 3000 2825 5% 6r%s
15554 189PS25/64 130 1.65 60 cl., St. Ltg. Gr. Replace. (34) c, c-9 3000 2825 5Y4 6r%s
15260 189PS25/VS 125 2.80 60 cl., St. Ltg., Gr. Replace., Vib.
Serv. (34) c, c-9 3000 5% 6151s
PS'30 [,40s. 15861 189PS30 120 1.68 60 Cl., St. Ltg., Gr. Replace. (34) c, c I 3000 87/n
PS-35 [40g. 15576 l89PS35 120 1"95 24 Cl., St. Ltg., Gr. Replace. (34) c, c 9 3000 9%
15583 189PS35 125 2.23 24 Cl., St. Ltg., Gr. Replace. (34) c, cI 3000 9%
15584 189PS35 130 2.13 24 Cl., St. Lts., cr. Replace. {34) c, c-9 3000 9%
200 4.23 lvled. 15494 200A/W 120 .97 i2" . Solt White {921 Work, Sludy c, cc-8 750 3830 63la
15495 200A/W 125 .97 12* . Soft White (92) Work, Siudy C, CC-8 750 3830 6%o
15500 200A 120 .92 60 .lnside Frosted (92) c, cc 8 /50 3940 4% 63At
15502 200A I25 130 1.10 60 . lnside Frosted 192) c, cc-8 750 3940 4% 6%t
15509 200A/99/XL 125 1.63 60 lnside Frosted Ercel-Line (83) C, CC:8
.,49 ]240 M
15496 200A4!._. 120 .83 60 . Ctear {92) C, CC-8 750 3940 4% 6lrc
Ir4q8 200A/CL ;
1544i 200A/RS 120 1.91 60 o L F., Rough Service c, c.17 1000 3160 4% 6%s
125 130 2.29 60 . I F. Rough Srvice (24) C, C t7 1000 3160 4%

AAlso available in Prepriced

15448 2004/RS
Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix)
lamp Retail Pack
one (1) standard case.
120 Volt.
ONew item.
l50R/F1..... .. ....... ..... ..NAED 14647 -

fflf3 sylvnNlA lncandescent Lamps
I,IAED Abbreviatlon Liit Pkg. and llours Approx.
tVarts Butb Base CoJC iEicepi volts) Votts r*a Qti. Description . Fjl..- !-!ti tqln-e-ns 1.9.1. lllL..9.t.
@ $1.80 60 .cte.t, Rough seruice c c'17 1000 31!0 4% 6ls
tsqq6 200A/CVRs 2.15 60 . Clear, Rough Service C, c-17 1000 3160 4% 6V:'e
_ 125-130
PAR-46 [4ed 15191 200P4R46/
Side Prong 3NSP rrow Spot (29,44)
120 10.50 12 *Naarrow C, CC-ll
CC-13 20q0 a
2000 a 4

$rg3 200FARa6i3NSP 12t130 121i0 12 *Nrr.w Spot (29, 44) C,CC1! 4L a 4

15194 2$PAR46/3MFL 120 10.50 i2 *['4edium FTood (29, 44) c' cc'13 2000 a 4

15196 200PAR46/3MFL 125'130 12.60 i2 * ledium F ood (29, 44) C, CC-13 2000 a

c, cc 13
15174 200PAR4!l3f{M414 1?,9L__l?

PAR 56 Scr.Term 14968 200PAR56 30 10.75 *Locornoiive Headlamp c, cc 500 4k

l!40s. End Prons 15007 200PAR56/MFL 120 13.00 12 cc-Il 2000
*llledium Wide Fl., Cl , (29,44) c,
tsr5 tt4.d.--@lnside Frosted ExceLLine(83) c,cc"6 2500 3220 stA 615A6

tsstl 200psis/-ggtr/xr Q5 1.31 60 lnside Frosted Excel-Line (83) C' CC 6 2500 3??A 5% 6'%s

15813 200PS25/-99/XL 120 1.31 60 Cleal Excel'Line (83) C, CC-6 2500 3220 5Y4 6'%e

15814 200PS25/-99/XL 125 1.31 60 Clear Excel'Line {83) C, CC-6 2500 3220 5Y4 6'%e

15815 200PS25/-99/XL 130 1.31 60 Clear Excel-Line (83) c. CC-6 2500 322A sYt 61%e

15593 200PS25/CL 120 .83 60 . Clear c, cc-6 /50 51,4 6r%o

15594 2ooPS25/CL 125 ,83 60 . Clear c, cc 6 750 5',4 61%a

i5595 2ooPS25/CL 130 .83 60 . Clear c, cc 6 750 5\ 61%6

15598 200/PS25 120 .94 60 .lfside Frosted c, cc 6 750 5Y4 6t'^E

15599 200/PS25 125 1.13 60 .lnside Frosted c, cc 6 750 5\ 6'%s

rseoo mo/psr 130 1.13 60 .lnside Frosted c, cc 6 750 sYr 6r%6

PS.30 lvled. 15806 200 32 3.46 60 . Train, Clear c, c.9 1000 - 8,/"
15651 2oo/tF 720 1.21 60 . lnside Frosted (24) c, c-9 /50 3650 6 8Vs

15652 200/rF 125 1,33 60 . lrside Frosted (24) c.c9 750 3650 8tls
i5653 130 1.45 60 .lnside Frosted (24) c, c,9 750
750 3650 6 8'lLr

15666 200/rF 150 1.75 60 .lnside F.osted c, c 9 1000 8%s

15645 200 120 1.10 60 . Clear (24) c,c9 750 3650 6 8%o

1s646 200 125 1.21 60 . clear (24) c,c9 750 3650 6%

15647 200 130 1.32 60 . Clear (24) c. c.9 750 3650 6 8'16

15628 200/WB 120 1-37 60 . White Bowl c, c.9 750 81/$

i5660 200/wF 125-130 1-64 60 . Whlte Bowl c, c-9 750 Sltt

15710 200/D i15"125 2.60 60 . Clear, Daylight c, c-9 1000 8ln
15786 200/SBrF 120 2.25 60 .1. F., Sil. Bowl (20, 30) c,c9 1000 3320 8116

15791 200/SBrF 125-130 2.70 60 .1. F., Silver Bowl (20, 30) c, c-9 1000 3320 81lo

15790 2o0S3rF/1 120 2.32 60 .1. F.. Semi-Silvered Bowl {20,30) C, C 9 1000 8'Aa

t5122 zoolgglxL 120 1,42 60 clear txcel Liire (83) c,c9 2500 3120 6 8'/ls

15725 2oo/99/XL 130 1.70 60 clear txcel Llne (83) c,c9 2500 3120 6 8'/Lo

15691 200/99/rFlXL t25-130 1.88 60 inslde Frosted Excel-Line {83) c,cg 2500 3120 6 8%o

157i1 200DtF 115-125 2.60 60 . lnslde Frost, Dayllsht c, c 9 1000 6 8%6

15668 200PS30/29 120 1-27 60 .lnside Frosted c, c I 1000 6 8%e

15s53 200PS30/CY 11,5-125 1.58 60 o Yellow Ceramic c, c 9 1000 8%e

1s826 200 230 1.53 60 . Clear c, c,9 1000 2915 8lu

15197 200 250 1.53 60 . Clear c, c-9 1000 2975 6 8710

15848 200/rf 230 1.68 60 .lnside Frosted c, c-9 1000 2975 6 8%s

15850 200/rF 250 1.68 60 . Lnside Frosted c, c-9 1000 2975 6 8l,rrs

15823 200/99/XL 230-250 1-86 60 Clear Excel Llne (72, 83) c, c-9 2500 6 8%c

15824 200/39/lF/XL 230 2J0 2.05 60 '.

c. Lr(e I re {/2,81) c, c-9 2500 6 8\t
15820 200 277 1.87 60 . Clear (24) c, c.9 1000 8'/Lo

15871 200 285 1.87 60 . Clear c, c.9 1000 6 8ls

t4l 15872 200 300 1,87 60 . Clear c, c 9 1000 6
a Approximate rnrt al mean candlepowertn a 10" cone at i0'narrow spol, horizontal 33,500;vertical 24,500; mediumfood, horizontal 12,000; vedical l1,200 lndividual

amps lLary soneanat. Ivarinrr canclepo\^er .s sone4lal gredtel.

ffrI=l syLVANIA I nca ndescent Lam ps
NAED Abbreviat-ion lir Pkg. and llours Approx'
watts Butb Base ij;d; iiiiirii v6tti) votts rii, Qti. oescription rit.. !i19 rumens t..C't. qrg t-.
ide Frosted C' C-9 1000 6 8%s
'1.5w 300 .""06 60 olrsrde Froiid c c-q 1000 e
,ffinF s
15855 200PS30/RS 250 2.45 60 . Clear, Roush Seruice c, c.9 1000 6 8t/s
15856 230 2.45 60 o L F., Rough Service c, c.9 1000 6 81As

15867 200PS3o/RS/rF 250 2,45 60 o L F., Rough Service c, c.9 1000 6 8t/s
15648 115-125 2.85 60 Safe Line l. F. (101) c, c.9 1000 6 8%s

lMog. C' C-9 i000 3525 6% 8tAt
ltls3m-- ccalooo3t2:6'rBt
15770 130 1.76 60 . Clear c, c.9 750 6% 81/*,

PS 35 lMed. 15531 8200PS35 120 3.10 24 . L F., Dlrect Liie, Neck Refl. c, c-11 2000 8%

R40 Nled. 14758 200R/SP 120 3.60 24 l. F., Reflector Spot {19, 32, 35) C, Cc-6 2000 6n
14753 200R/SP 125 4.30 24 L F., Reflector Spot (I9,32,35) C' CC 6 2000 6k
14776 200R/FL 120 3.60 24 l. F., Reflector Flood (19,32,35) CC-6
c, 2000 6l/,

200R/aL 125-130 4.30 24 L F., Reflector Flood {i9, 32, 35) C, CC-6 2000

ed. Skt. 14788 200R/2SP t2O 3.58 24 L F., Reflector Spot {19,33,35) C, CC-6 2000 tk
,ooFiirFl -@,cc'o

14806 zooo tY!

20I PS-30 15792 201PS30 1.92 60 clear, Street Railway c-9 1000 6 8h6
201PS30 125 2.05 Clear, Street Railway c, c.9 1000 8't 6

202 PS-25 lvled 15580 202PS25 720 1.60 60 Cl., St. Lislrtins Gr. Repl. {34) 9 c, c 6000 u8a sY4 6i%s

125 Li5 60 Cl., St. Lig., Gr. Replace (34) c, c 9 6000 2180 sYt 6t%t


Nlog. 202P52511 120 1.80 60 Cl., St. Lts., Gr. Replace. (34) c, c-9 6000 sYR l|s
i5579 2o2PS25/1 125 1.95 60 Cl., St. Lig., Gr. Replace (34) c, c 9 6000 5% lYB

PS 35 Nlos. 120 15585 202PS35 2.52 24 clear, St. Lts. Gr. Replace. (34) c, c-9 6000 1g:.
i5587 202PS35 125 2.75 24 clear, St. Ltg. Gr. Replace {34) C, c'9 6000 t9%
205 PS-25 l,4ed. K205 120 2.55 60 clear St. Ltg. Krypton {25,44) C, C-9 12'000 210a 5Y! 6t5/ta

1554i K205 125 2.82 60 clerr st. Lts. Krypton (25,44) C, C-9 12,000 5Y4 6'%s

211 PS30 rvrer rssoa a1Ps30/16 - oo street L ghting c, c 9 1500 6 8'lLs

230 PS30 [4ed. 15656 230PS30/26 1.40 60 Cl., St. Ltr., Gr. Replacement c, c I 3000 6 81/n

15657 230PS30/26 125 1,40 60 Cl., St. 1i8., Gr. Replacement c, c 9 3000 6 8'/rs

250 c-30 Nled Skt 14738 250G30 115'125 3.20 60-clear,

lnirared lndust. {26,35,36,38) C' C 11 5000+ 5 l5'/ts

KR38 Nled. V 14661 250KR38/FL 120 130 7.65 12 *Flood Krypton (35) c, cc 6 4000 32DA 5'%e

v 14662 250KR38/SP 120-130 7.65 12 *Spot KrYpton {35) c, cc 6 4000 3200 5'%o

P25 l\4ed. 15019 250P25 32 5.30 60 cl., Locomotive Headlight (22) c, c.5A s00 4%

1s021 250P25 60 6.70 60 cl., Locomotive Headlight (22) c, c-5 500 34]l4
f-l 54 6.70 50 cl., Locomotlve Headlight (22) c, c.5 4%
V 15027
250P25 l2O 5.30 60 Cl., Locomotive Headlisht 122) c, C-5
500 37t0 34/!
14307 250P25/SP 120 5,37 60 cl. spot ieht (11) c, c-5 200 4480 4%

14308 250P25/SP 125 5.37 60 Cl. Spotlight {11) c, c-5 200 4480 34|!
14311 250P25/FL 120 6.14 60 Cl. Floodlisht (1i) c,c5 800 3195 34%
i4312 250P25/FL 125 6.14 60 Cl. Floodllsht (11) c, c.5 800 34%
15186 250P25/27 115-125 7.04 60 L F., Davlisht, X Rav lllum (ll) C, C-7A 100 34%

R-40 r!ld. skt. 14745 250R40/4 115,125 4.10 24 Lt. L F. Refl. lnlrared lndusirlal
{19,35,36) c, c-11 5000+

14740 115-125 24 .
5.70 *cl. Refl. lnlrared lndustrial
{19,35,36) C, C-11 5000'f 1%

14665 250R40/I 115'125 2.90 12 .Light l. F. Refl. lnfrared Heat

ll8. 19, 361 c. cc,6 5000+

* Decrease in price.


GE sytvnNtA lncandescent Lamps

NAEo Abbreviat-ion ull Pk8. and Hours Approx.
watts Bulb Base cooe (Except volts) volts pd0e Qtt. Description Fil. Lite Lumens L,c,L. M.0.1.
{18,36) c, c-11 5000+ 6%

14585 250R40/15 115'125 5.30 12 Red Bowl Refi. lnfrared Heat

{18, 36) c, cc,6 5000+ 6Y,

268 PS-35 Nlog 120 1.7L 24 Clear. Street (39) c, c-9 1500 4697

295 PS-35 Nlog. 120 1.95 24 Cl. St. Lighting, Gr. Replace. (39) C, C- 4780 9%

t6172 125 2.15 24 Cl. St. Liehtins, Gr. Replace. (39) C, C I 3000 4780 19%
161/3 295PS35/58 130 2.15 24 C . St. Lishtins, Gr. Replace. (39) C, C-9 3000 4780
300 !4q! ryfSe. 1414, 300-PdE56nSF lbJid 1, *Nr".- sp .-- !
End Profg 14944 300PAR56/NSP 125-130 12.95 12 *Narrow Spot 129,44) C' CC-l-3 2000 a 5

tagso foopmse/Ufl na 10.80 12 *N]edilm Flood (29,44) C, cc 13 2000 a 5

14946 125.130 12.95 12 !m Flood {29,44) cc t3 2000 5 -
300P 120 10.80 F ood (29,44) cc-13 2000 5

i4945 300!!R56/WFL 12s-130 12.95 12 *Wide Flood (29,44) c, CC'13 20c0 5

14924 300PAR56/VWFL 125'130 12.95 12 *clear, Verv Wide F ood (29, 44) C, cc-13 2000

Ext. Nlog.
End Profg
14s42 300PAR56/?NSP 120 21"15 , *Rl,?i;
t1,1l (lij:,111,!ti c, cc-13 2000 t4
14917 300pAR56/2MFt r2s-130 25.40 6 *Dich.Coat. Ref., Cool-Lux
lMed Fld. (29,35,44, 56) cc-13 2000 5%

14941 300PAR56/2WFL 120 21.15 6 *D ch. Coat. Ref -, Cool-Lux

Wide Fld. (29,35, 14, 56) cc 13 2000

PS 30 !led. 15741 300M ll5 1.24 60 o Clear C.Cg 750 6000 6 8%6

t5742 300tM I20 1.24 60 . Cleal c, c.9 7s0 6000 6 8%o

15743 300M 1.25 1.48 60 . Clear C,C9 750 6000 6 8t/)6

15744 300M 130 1,48 60 . Clear c,c9 750 6000 6 8,le

15737 300M/tF 1,36 60 .lnside Frosted c, c-9 75A 6000 6 SIAa

1r38 300M/rF 1.63 60 .lnslde Frosted C. C-9 750 6000 6 8%e

15739 130 1.63 60 . lfs de Frosted c,cg 750 6000 6 8%6

15688 i20 3.53 60 lnside Frosted, SeIv. c c-9 6

1000 8lls
15734 120 1.75 60 lnside Frosted Excel-Line (83) c, c-9 2500 5i90 6 8'lLo

15761 125-130 2.10 60 lnside Frosted Excl Line (83) C, C I 2500 5190 6 8%6

I5754 300M/99/XL 1.59 60 Clear Excel Line (83) C. C-9 2500 5190 6 8'lro

15758 300M/99/XL 125.130 1.91 60 clea r Excel Llne (83) C, C"9 2500 5190 6 8'lr1
15796 250 2.02 60 . Clear c 74 1000 6 s%u
15800 211 2.87 . Clear c, c 7A 1000 6 8%e

lvlog. 15881 120 1J1 24 . C ear c, CC 8 1000 5960 1 8t%s

15882 3004X 125 1.61 24 . Clear C, CC-8 1000 5960 I 8t3/n

15883 3004X 130 1-61 24 . Clear C, CC-8 1000 5qb0 / 8 r';

I5884 300AX/lF 120 1.61 24 .lfside Frosted (24) C, CC 8 i000 5960 1 8t3/Ls

15885 300AX/|F 125 1.61 24 .lnside Frosted (24) C, CC-8 1000 5960 1 8t%s
15886 130 1.61 .lnside Frosted (24) C, CC-8 1000 5960 I 8t%a

PS 35 t\ld. skt. 15970 120

2,42 24 C ear !1I
C, C a 1000 5655 /Y, S|/s

i5994 300MS/|F 120

2.42 24 lnslde Frosted c,c 9 1000 5655 ]k 9t/t

15996 300tvls/rF 130 2.42 24 lnside Frosted c, c-9 1000 5655 7% 9%

15rr8 300lVlS/D 115-i25 4.20 24 Clear,,Daylight C, C-9 1000 th 91/t

16000 30oMS/SBIF 120 4.15 24 lnside-Frosted, Silver

Bowl (20, 30) C, C-9 1000 5400 91/s

16001 300Ms/sBlF t25 4.55 24 lnsid Frosted, silver

Bowl {20,30) c, c-9 1000 5400 9l/s

16i19 300MS 230 3.35 24 Clear c 74 1000 3l/s

16121 300MS 250 3.35 24 Clear c, c.7A 1000 4830 9t/e

15915 300 120 1.61 24 c-9 1000 6000 !'

1s916 300 125 1.77 24 clear c, c-9 1000 6000 9%

15917 300 130 1-s3 24 Clear c, c-9 1000 6000 9%

I59t8 300/lF 120 Frosted c,c9 1000 6000 9%

)4f a AonJnr male n,r..

1s919 I25 1.95 24 lnside Flosted
medn (anolcDo,^e n d l0 ,o1e al l0 - ria ro^ spol,10r /orla b0,000;vertiral52,500;nporJnllooo,hollluntd
c.9 1000


!ertlca 20,000; w.dellood.

ndiyorLal lt,o00; lertr' al ll,40a. lndr!rdJal anps nar va y so re4n;l lvla,lmLn canolepo,uer is s0newnal gredter.
GIE|svlvnNtA lncandescent Lamps
ordering sussoslod Std. Class Rated
NAED Abbrrviation tisl Pkg. and Hours Approx.
Watts Bulb Base Code (Except Volts) Volts p'ice Qty. Description Fil. Life Lumens lC.L. M,o.L.
300 PS-35 1\409. 15920 300/lF 130 $2.12 24 lrslde Frosted C, C 9 1000 6000 1 9%
tiglo 300/M 120 2Ja 2a . Wr. te Bo*r Cl C S 1000 tql0 -i - S,t
lSgtt gO0/We 125 2.lg 14 . wr to go* C. C 9 1000 5rl0 / 9,g
15939 300/D 115-125 4.14 24 . Clear, Dayl ght c, c 9 1000 19%
15940 300/Drr 115-125 3.95 24 . lnside Frosted, Dayljght c, c.9 1000 1s%
15958 300/SBtF 120 3.20 24 . lfslde Frosted, Silver Bowl {20, 30) C, C 9 1000 5400 9%
15960 300/SBrF 125-130 3.85 24 .l F., Silver Bowl (20,30) c, c I 1000 9%
15026 300/sBtF/l 120 3.55 24 . Semi Silver Bowl, lnside Frosied
(30,40) c, c 9 1000 9%
15925 300/99tF/XL 120 2.05 24 lnside Frosled Excel Lire (83) c,c9 2500 5190 9%
15930 300/99rF/XL 125-130 2.47 24 lnside Frosted Excel Life (83) c,c9 2500 5190 9%
15904 300/99/XL 120 1.86 24 Clear Excel-Line (83) c,c9 2500 5190 9%
15907 300/99/XL t25-130 2.24 24 Clear Excel-Llne (83) c,c9 2500 5190 l 9%
15874 300/RS 120 3.35 24 Clear, Rough Service c, c-9 1000
- 9%
1s876 300/RS 125-130 4.00 24 Cleat, Rough Service c. c I 1000 5440 cls
15873 300/RS/rF 120 3.37 24 lfslde Frosted, Rough Serv. c, c I 1000 9%
15890 300/RS/|F i25-130 4.04 24 lrslde Frosted, Rough Sert. c, c I 1000 5440 t9%
16064 300 230 2.55 24 C ear c, c 74 1000 79%
15066 300 250 2.55 24 Clear c, c 7A 1000 4830 t9%
16068 300 277 3.35 24 Clear c, c-7A 1000 79%
16086 300/tF 2i0 24
2.55 lnsrde Frosted c. c 74 1000 4830 79%
16088 300/tF 250 2,80 24 lfside Frosted c, c.7A 1000 4810 79%
PS 40

R 40
[4ed. Skt. 16230
230-250 3.02 24
120 4.56 24
120 4.46 2t
120 3"80 24
Clear Excel Line (83) 7A
. F., Dlrect Lite, Neck Reflector C, C 11
L l., Drre.t Lrte, I\e . Re'ecror C, C ll
Spot, lrs de Frosted
c, c 2500
09,32,35,41,44) c, cc.2v 2000 6k
14762 300R/SP 125 4.55 24 Spot, lnside Frosied
(19, 32, 35, 41, 44) c, cc.2v 2000 6lz
- \-r 14767 300R/SP r30 4.55 24 Spoi, lnside Frosted
U (19, 32, 35, 41, 44) c, cc 2v 2000 6y,
147i8 300R/FL 115 3.80 24 Flood, lnside Frosted
[9, 32, 35, 41, 44) c, cc 2v 2000 6v1
14779 300R/FL 3.80 24 Flood, lnside Frosted
(i9, 32, 35, 41, 44) c, cc-2v 2000 6y,
14781 300R/FL 125-130 4.5s 24 F ood, lnside Frosted
[9, 32, 35, 41, 44) c, cc-2v 2000 6y,
14811 30on/sP/1 120 6.75 24 *1. F., Reflector Spot {32,35,41,43) C, CC-2V 2000 61/B

i4800 300R/FL/1 120 6.75 24 *F ood, lnside Frosted (32, 35,41,43) C, CC-2V 2000 6l/s
148i0 300R/FL/l 125-130 8.10 24 *llood.lrsrd"lrosted{Jr,35,al,a'l C,CC-.V 2000 6'/s
Nled. Skt. 14i91 300R/2SP 120 6.15 24 L F., Reflctor Spot (19, 33, 41, 44) C, CC'2V 2000 1%
14809 300R/2FL 120 6.15 24 l. F., Reflector Flood (19,33,41,44) C, CC,2V 2000 1%
Nlog. 14816 300R/3SP t20 7.30 24 *Spot, l. F. (41, 43, 19, 33, 35) c, cc-2v 2000 t%
14817 300R/3SP t25 8.75 24 *Spot, L F. (41,43, 19,33,35) c, cc.2v 2000 7%
14796 300R/3rL t20 7.30 24 *tlood. L l. l4l,41, ltr,31, )5) C, CC./l 2000 tYi
14798 300R/3Ft 125"130 8.75 24 *Flood, L F. (41,43, 19,33,35) C, CC-2V 2000 J)/t
14859 300R/3Fl 250 24
10.90 *1. F., Reflector Flood (43) c, cc 11 2000 7%
PS-35 N4og. 16181 327PS35 120 2.65 24 Clear, St. Lightirg
Gr. Replacement (39) c, c-9 6000 19%
iotsTlzTPW (39)
Gr. Replacerneft C, C 9 6000 I 9%

(-iII3 sylvnNtA lncandescent Lamps
NAEo Abbreviation urr Pkg. and Hours Approx.
It atts Bulb Base Cole (Except Volts) Volts p,icl Qtt. Description Fil Life Lumens L.C.L. M.o.L.
16013 340PS35/52 125 2.27
2-27 24 C.,, St
C Replacement C'
Lts., Gr. Replacement
St. Ltg., C-9 3000 9%

Ps.40 vo8. teeg: 3a0PS{0/GR/HE -- 1?0 *c1., St. Lts. cr' Rep acenent
cement c 'n
C-7A 3000
C, C tooo 7 9/t
PS-40 ]og. 168i0 370PS40/50 120 2.50 24 Street Llshtlnq {45) c, c.9 1500 6785 7 9/,,

16871 370PS40/50 125 2.50 24 Street Lishtins (45) c, c I 1500 6785 1 9Y1

37s c-30 r!,rd. skt. 14739 375G30 115-125 3.90 60 lnfrared lndust al
'- 5 lsAt
C, C-11 s000+

119, 35, 36, 38,c, C'11 5000' 1%

,3-8) cGlI 5ooor l%

G30 Med. 14462 400C/SP 120 4.95 60 spotlight (11)c c-5 3 200 8506 5ys

14463 4o0G/SP 125 5.40 60 spotlight 111)c. c-5 3 200 8506 st/s

120 5.25 60 Floodlight (il) c,c5 3sis 800 6990

14523 40oe/rl 125 6.30 60 Floodlight c, c-5

(11) sys 800 6990

405 PS 40 N4og. 16873 405PS40/54 120 2.50 24 St. Ltg. Gr. c, c-9
Replace. (45) 6810 7 3000 9%

16874 405PS40/54 125 2.75 24 Sl. Ltg. Gr. Replace. (451 c, c-9 3000 6810 9%

16875 405PS4o/54 130 2,75 24 S1. Ltg. Gr. Rep ace. (45) c, c.9 3000 6810
448 PS-40 lVlog. i6184 448PS40 120 3,16 24 Cl., St. Ltg. Gr. Replace. (45) c, c-9 6000 9%

16185 448PS40 c, c-9 6000 79%

500 c-30 l\ld.Skt. iltai inlzl 24 clear.lnf rared lndusirial c,C-11 s000+ 5 1t516
G40 t!10s. 14905 500G/SP 120 8.45 24 Spotlisht (11) C, C 5 200 10650 4Y4 ]%s
@spotlight(1l) c, c5 2a0 10650 4tA ]%s

14910 sooG/FL 120 9.00 24 Floodlight {11) c, c,5 800 9050 4% tva
14911 sooG/FL 125 9.80 24 F oodlight {11) C, C-5 800 9050 4Y4 lVs
rnn-aq rrt rvoe. 1a9-t
s00plR6VvNsF- 120 25.0s - e *vetv tlarrow spot tzs, aa,85t c, cc 13 2000 a

End Prong 14943 5$PAR64/VNSP 125 130 30.00 6 *Very Narrow Spot (29, 44, 85) c, cc,13 2000 6

14938 500PAR64/NSP 120 25.05 6 *Narrow Spot (29,44,85) c, cc-11 2000

14939 500P4R64/NSP 125 30.00 6 *Narrow spot (29,44,85) c, cc.13 2000 6

14932 500PAR64/MlL 120 25.05 6 *Nledium Flood {29,44,85) c, cc 13 2000 6

i4934 500PAR64/MFL 125-130 30.00 6 *Nledium Flood {29,44,85) c, cc 13 2000

14935 500PAR64/WFL 120 25.05 6 *Wide Flood (29,44,85) c, cc 13 2000
14937 500PAR64/WFL 125'130 30.00 6 *Wide Flood (2S,44,85) c, cc't: zooo

14984 500PAR64/VWFL 125-130 30.00 6 *Very Wide Flood (29, 44, 85) C, CC-13 2000 6

PS-35 lvlog. 16032 500 120 2.50 24 Cleat c, cc-8 1000 10500 1 9%

i6033 500 2.75 24 C ear c, cc-8 1000 10500 7 9%

16034 500 130 3.00 24 Clear c, cc 8 1000 10500 1 9%

16038 500/rF 120 2.75 24 lnside Frosted c, cc 8 1000 10500 1 9%

16039 500/lr 125 3-30 24 lnside Frosted c, cc 8 1000 10500 I 9%

16040 500/lF i30 3.30 24 lnside Frosted c, cc 8 1000 10500 1 s%

PS-40 lMos. 16160 500/4 120 11.65 24 *Clear c, c-7A 1000 19%
f$40 50ryRS/lF i30 3'a0 2a lnslde Frost, Rough Serv c, c-9 1000 19%
16326 500 c, c-7A 1000 19%
Nlos. Pf. 16219
500PS40/45 l2A 1.25 24 Code Beacon, Clear C, C 9 1000 10100 511/* lllLt
16110 500Ps401.5 r-30 sjs 24 cooe Beacon, clezr c, c I 1000 10t00 51%s 10%s

wog. 16140 500PS40 1i5 2.40 24 c eat c, 1000 10100 7

c,9 9%

16141 500PS40 t20 2.40 24 Clear C, C-9 1000 10100 1 9Y!

16142 500PS40 125 2-68 24 Clear C.C9 1000 10100 I gYA

16143 500PS40 2.90 24 Clear c, c,9 1000 10100 1 9%

16146 500PS40/|F 120 2.65 24 lnslde Frosted c, c,9 1000 10100 7 9%

16147 500PS40/IF 125 2.80 24 lnside Frosted c, c-9 1000 10100 1 9%

130 3.16 InsideFrosted C, C I 1000 10100 I 9%

16164 120 2.87 White Bo\al C, C-9 1000 9%

a Aooroumate Lnrtial rnean candleOower

tr a l0' cone at l0' farrow spot, horizonlal 100,000; vertical 90,000; medium f ood, holizontai 43,000: vertical 38,500; wide
tt,iJO, norpontat 12,500; !ertical lndtvidual larnps rnay vary somdwhat. Nlaximum candlepower is somewhat greater.

-F No change in price.
6E sylvnNtA lncandescent Lamps
NAEo Abbreviation- urr plg. and Holrs Approx.
D"..rlpti"" iil
ffi I F..SiverBow t20,l0; c.c-9 1000 q400 a,r
16155 500/99tF/xL 120 l:o z+-tnsiaerrosteo fucet-Lrre fso c, c a 2500 8sts 7 9%
16158 125"130 3.85 lnside Frosted Excel-Line (83) C, C-9 2500 8915 7 9%
ffixcet-t,ne (83) c,ca ,500 egts 7 9%
16133 500/99/XL 125,130 3.50 24 Clear Ercel-Line (83) C, C S ZSOO g9l5 7 -S,/,
15877 500/RS 120 3.75 24 Clear, Roush Service c,cg 1000 9575 1 93/L

15879 500/RS U5-13L4.50 24 Cttar, Roush Servrce c,c9 1000 9575 1 S1A

16323 500 230 3.05 24 Clear c 7A i000 9274 1 9%

16325 500 250 3.05 24 Clear C, C,ln iOOO gZlO
-i 9
16328 500/tF 230 X,35 24 lnside Frosted c, c,7A 1000 92ta / 9y,,
16330 500/tF ZSO Sj5 2a ]rs'de Froned c, c-7A 1000 92t0 1 9%
16318 500/99/lFlXL 230"250 4.40 24 tnside Frosted Excet"Line (83j c, c-7A 2500 lUA 1 9%
16320 500/99/XL 250 24 Clear txcel-Ljne (83)
4.10 c, c,7A 2500 1870 I 9%
PS-52 [40g. 16397 8500/PS52 I20 9.10 12 l. F., Direct Lite, Neck Rfl c, c 9 2000 T3\E
R.40 lVIog. 14846 500R/3SP 120 8.90 24 *Reftector Spot, L F. {43,44,46) C,CCAi ZOOO 7%
14835 500R/3FL 120 8.90 24 *Reflector Flood, l. F (43,44,46) C, CC-2V 2000 /Y4
14837 500R/3FL 125-130 10.70 24 *Reflector Ftood, I. F. (43,44,461 C, CC-Zv ZOOO 1\
14857 500R/3FL ?50 12.30 24 *1. I , Re'. F ood (4J, 44, 4b) c, cc lt 2000 7%
R-52 N1og. 14978 500R52 120 9.35 12 Reflector High Bay Lt. IF
09,20,30,44,61) c, c.7A 2000 t%
14980 500R52 125-130 11.20 l2 Reflector High Bay Lt. l. F.
(19, 20, 30, 44, 61) c, c 7A 2000 7030 rr%
14974 500R5?/1 125 22.00 12 *Refl. High Bay Lt. l. F. (20,30,61) c, c 7A 2000 B455 n%
15030 500R52 230 11.00 12 Reflector High Bay Lt. L F.
[9,20,30,44,6l) c, c-7A 2000 1I%
15032 500R52 250 11.00 12 Reflector High Bay Lt. L F.
(19, 20, 30, 44, 61) c, c.7A 2000 6470 lty!
R60 lMog.
_ 15048 500R60/WFL 125 23.25 6 *Face Fr., Reft., Wide Flood,90" C, C Zn ZOOO 7850 n%
T-1, [4e0. Prer. ]7924 500T12/8 120 18.00 21 *Spottignr rtat C. C- ,D 800 3!M
17923 500112/9 120 16-75 24 *Spottite (14) c, c 13D 200 3t/, 6yt
T-20 [4ed 17912 500120/45 120 15.00 24 *Clear, Dtsplay Spofltte (11)
C, C 500 i3 35k
17925 500T20/25 1,20 12.0{ 24 *Cle,r, Airpod [4arker c, c-13 50 2%a 5%
Nled. Pf. 17932 120 20.75 24 Spotlisht (11) C. C 13 500 9500 23At 53/!
17931 125 29.00 24 layspotlisht(li) C, C 13 500 9500 2x/s S.t
575 PS 40 lvlog. 16879 575PS40/51 2.71 24 Cl., Street Lighting (47) c, c-7A 1500 10900 I S%
585 PS-40 [409. 16882 585PS40/48 120 2.90 24 Cl., St. Ltg., cr. ReDlace. (47) c, c 74 3000 10290 1 9%
620 PS-40 lVlog. Pf. 16867 620PS40/P 120 7.20 24 Cleat Aiport, cr. Repl. C, C-7A 3000 11050 5nl6 10\6
16868 620PS40/P 125 7.50 24 Clear Airpod, cr. Repl. C, C-7A 3000 11050 5n/m IjVs
16869 620PS40/P 130 8.65 24 Clear Airport, Cr. Rep . C, C 7A 3000 1t050 5LX6 10r/"
lvlog. 16885 620PS40/53 120 q5_4 Slj1|Lls., Gr. Replace. (47) c, c.7A 3000 110s0 t 9
16886 620PM0/53 t25 3.80 24 Cl., St. t rg.. Cr. Replace {4/} C, C.i A 1000 l0r0 t g,
16887 620PS40/53 130 3.80 24 Cl., St. Ltg., Gr. neptice. tqlt C, C 7A 3000 IIOSO I S,^
690 Ps-40 Nlos. 16864 690Ps40 120 4.05 24 Clear !47) Skeet Ltg. C, C-7A 6000 19%
16865 690PS40 r25 4,05 24 Clear (4/) Street Ltg. c, c./A 6000 79%
700 PS 40 lMog. Pref. 16866 7mPS40/P t20 14.30 24 *Clear, Airport Hard Glass C, C-7A 6000 5L'lLo I0%o
750 PS-52 lvlog. 16345 750 115 6.00 12 Clear C. CC{ 1000 16810 9Y, 13t/n
16346 750 6.00 Clear c, cc 8 1000 16810 9Y, l3tl6
16347 750 125 6.60 12 Clear c, cc,8 1000 16810 9k 13%s
750 130 7.20 12 Clea r c, cc.8 1000 16810 9/, I3%s
6.60 12 cc-8 9Y,
16355 115 lnside Frosted 1000 r6810 \3%6
163s6 750/t 120 6.60 12 Inside Frosted c, cc 8 1000 16810 9/, I3V6
16358 750/tF 125'130 7,90 12 lnside Frosted c, cc-8 1000 16810 9Y, 13\6
16419 750/SBtF 120 10.75 12 l. F., Silver Bowl (20, 30) c, c.7A 1000 15000 l3vLa

GE sYlvnNlA lncandescent Lamps
NAED Abbreviat-ion usr Pkg. and Hours Approx'
E|F lZ- -12 semisilver Bowl l'F.(30, 100) c,c7A 1000 I3'/"
-fo:st f5o799lxl - 1?0- 7.55 12 clear L,cel I r" (8.)
c. c-7A 2 00 , 900 ' 13 -6

16396- 750/9tnr 125-130 9.05 12 CPdr Fl,Fl l-e{8)' . c/a /500 lq00 9 lrb
Tolst zsopsi2/qa 12.45 12 *C oar C. C /A 1000
qr | \
-16640-.--60--- - -1Tl- char c, c-7A 2000 13600 9k 13IlLo
16642--50 ----- 50- i.65 I2-- elear c c /A 2000 13600 9v1 13%s
R-5/ vog. -11004 fmn52 -120 l1l0 12 tor gr Bdv ll r'
-I20 RFJle H
(19, 20, 30, 44, 61i c, c 74 2000 12620 rrla
-fmF52 1140 12 nettector Hlgh Bav Lt. l. F.
(19, 20, 30, 44, 61i c, c-7A 2000 1262a IIT!
@Reft.High Bav(30,61) c, c 7A 2000 ltL
15046 750M-2---230 12J5 12-- Reflector H gh Bav Lt. l.F.
(19, 20, 30, 44, 61) c c.7A 2000 10925 11'h
----- Tt85 1- Reflector Hrgh Bav Lt.ll
(19, 20, 30, 44, 61) C, C 7A 2000 1092s t1%
-150-73 750n62------ 1330-If Refbctor Flith Bav Lt. L F.
09,20,30,44,61) C, C 7A 2000 lI%

16428 1000/lF 120 6.70 0 ul2 l'\ide
lnside FFrosted
o\rpd C, 9f, 13%s
CC-8 1000 23100
1642t--1000/i- -'--jE .- tz tnsioe rrosteo C cc-8 1000 23100 9t113'le
tga:o tooojtr - 8.05 12 llroe I o\red cc 8 1000 r,00 0 ]J.
'c ! a 000 . 0400
telot tooojserr 120 10.95 12 l. | .. sr \or Boul{'0. 0l
Ib493 1000/SBIF 125 130 13.00 12 . l. Si var Bo\ l {10 J0) L C TA 1000 20'100 l;
16461- m00- 6.45 12 clpar
I20 -6.45 c.c,A 1000 '0 t).
t6lel toooii - 12t- 12 Clear c c /A 1000 rr
' roqe: todoTz IJo 6.45 12 ('"dt c c 74 1000 q I '' "
t2--sl5---12 CEar txcel Li|e183) C, C 7A 2500 19800 91/z l3'ris
Excel Line(83) c'c7A 2500 19800 911 13fis
-l645s lM7Ps5-f --
12il---It30 T- - Rei., Hieh 6av (19, 30, 6l) e , ce E 2000 lq8s0 l.lr4o
8 2000 19850
C, CC 13%o
7A 1000 2i800 9n 137rr
C, C
-16,00 L r.e c. -7A 1000 21800 9'l 13yr6
C. C 7A 2000 18850 9t/1 I3Yt6'

1666f- 1000 - 1fi-7-.65 T ciear c, c 7A 2000 18850 91, 13%o

- - 0 l|
t;6/S 1000 ?7/ 11.35 l?-
-230 8.00 j2
Ctoo C C-
{ ^ 1000
/q 000 I -

l6b/0 1000/lF -12 lr \ da J o(rod ' l'r '"

166/2 1000ilF 2,0 8.00 ioe lrostPo Lc a "000 o l'r 't
16676 lMPS52/6 /50 16.85 12
*r ea Sp" i rr S"r' 'a L C /a 000 0r r '
_1, 1 vog. 15023- IMR52 tfr' 8.50 1T rtr F.Ret..rl,or 8".{1o:0.olr C.r A 2000 -
15025 Il'1R52 - Pa 28 20 l? *-lllRe-H'grBav{]grlbI cr.'a I'
R iLr., nur curur I4ed. Wide Flood 54' C, C'7A 2000 19150
-a l00t lq 0
*l.i!e t .. R.'. /er/ wdF Il od l,i{] C, C 0 s

L F,Reiector Wide F ood 80' C, C-7A 2000 19150 10%

Stldio LamD 3050' ( {104) C, CC 8 500

@ sYlvnNtA lncandescent Lamps
Ordering slgseslad S:d. Class Rated
NAED Abbreviatior usl Pkg. and Hours Approx.
wattsBulb Base Code (txcept volts)
Volts P'iie Qty. Description fil. Lile Lumens L C.L. M.o'L,
U00 PS-52 Nlog. 16587 1100PS52/73 I2A $8-60 12 Clear, St. Ltg., Gr. Replacernent C, C 7A 3000 9y, 131/Lt
1500 PS-52 tolos. 16542 1500 105 8.90 12 clear, (50) c. c 7A 1000 33000 9v 13116
16s43 1500 110 8.90 12 Clear. {50) c. c 7A 1000 33000 9v 13t6
16544 1500 115 8.90 12 Clear (50) c, c 74 1000 33620 9k t3tAt
16545 1500 120 8.90 12 Clear (50) c, c 74 1000 33620 9k 13\46
16s46 1500 125 9.80 12 Clear (50) c, c 7A 1000 33620 9y, 13%s
16547 1500 130 10-10 12 Clear (50) c, c7 A i000 33620 9y, t3\t
16575 1500/99/XL 120 12.85 12 Clea', Lr(el-l ne (8J,.0) c, c,7A 2500 29800 Sy, 13\s
16577 1500/99/XL 130 15.45 12 Clear, Excel-Llne (83,50) c, c 74 2500 29800 9% 131rc
15568 1500/tF 115 9.80 12 lnsLde Frosted {50) c, c 7A 1000 33620 th t3'ls
15569 1500/tf 120 9.80 12 lnside Frosted {50) c, c 74 1000 33620 gt/z t3Vn
16570 1500/tF 125 10.65 12 lnside Frosted (50) c, c 7A 1000 33620 9y, l3ls
15571 1500/tF I30 11.85 12 lnside Frosted {50) c, c 74 1000 33620 9y, 13%6
16597 15ooPS52/46 110 U,50 12 *Clear, Special Servlce (50) c, c,7A 2500 29800 9% r3ls
16599 1500ps52/46 120 17.50 12 *c ear, Special service (50) C, C-7A 2500 29800 9k 13710

teOOO fSOOnSS4qO 130 2I.05 l? *Cloa . Spe.ral Servr.e {*d) c. c-7A 2500 29800 9y, 131A6
165/2 1500PS52/78
Same as EcY c, c-7A 100 9Y? 13'ls
16573 1500PS52/79 120 t2.00 12 LF., Stud o Lamp 3200' K
Sarne as EFY c, c-7A i00 9y, t3t/,8
16689 1500 230 12.00 12 Clear (50) c, c 74 2000 26754 9V I3%o
1669t 1500 t2.00 12 Clear (50) c, c 7A 2000 26750 9y, i3%s
t66S3 1500 277 15.10 12 Clear {50) c, c-7A 1000 9k l3VLa
T-20 N]ogul 16612 DSF 29.75 6 *1 t.. SrLdio Lar.p.l200 K (104) C, CC.8 500 91, 12

Super Saver - Excel - Extended Service

0rdering susgestsd Std. Class Rated
I'IAED Abbreviation usl PkC, and Hours Approx.
Watts Buib Base Code (Ex.ept Volts) Volts p,ic0 Qty. Description Fil. Life Lumens L.C.L. M.0-1.
36 A 19 Nled. o 10936 36A/55 120 $ -86 120 lnside Frost, Krypton (83) c, c 8 2500 420 21/a 4\
54 A-19 tved. 11002 544/SS 120 -86 120 lnside Frost, Krypton (83) C, CC-8 2500 760 3ys 41/s
69 A-19 lvied. 12551 59A/SS 120 ,92 120 lnside Frost, Krypton (83) c, cc 8 2500 970 3Ys 41/Lt
93 4A1919 rvl"d. i2808 93A/S
!3 1460 3yB 41A6
143 A2t tvted. 13142 143A/SS 120 1.30 60 tfslde Frost, Krypton (83) C, CC-8 2500 2380 315A6 5y'
Lumen Rated Trallic Signal Lamps
0rdering srgsosbd Std. Class Approx.
Lu' NAID Abbreviation rhr Pkg. and Hours llominal
mens Bulb Base Code (Excepl Volts) Volts Qty. Description prce Fil, Life Watts L.C,L. M"0,1.
1950 25 l\4ed. 15016 19501/P25l8 120 $1.50 60 Clear
P C, C-9 8000 160 3 4%
o 15020 19501/P25l8 130 1,80 60 clear c, c,9 8000 160 3 4%

2250 P 25 [4ed. t5012 225011P25/2 120 1.49 60 Clear C. C-9 2000 i50 3 4yl
15013 2250L1P25/2 125 r"63 60 clear C, c-9 2000 150 3 4%

Street Lighting Lamps (Series Burning) ALL LANrps ARE cLEAR uNLEss orHERWtsE NorED susses!?d Std. Class Approx.
t.IAID Abbteviation ust Pkg. and Hours
mens Bulb Base code AMPS Pic' otv, Fil. Life Volts L_C.1. M.0_1.
320 PS-25 Uogul 60 c rou c, c 8 3000 5% ly|
325 A.2l \4ed. P Ff. 13a2A 325/66/A2l 6.6 3.50 120 Airpod c, c 8 2000 2% 5'%o
600 PS-25 lMogl| 19119_ '
1.22 60 c, c-8 2000 6.3 5% 7%
t9121 1.30 60 Grou p Replacement c. c-8 3000 6.6 S"/" M
800 8 5%
PS-25 l\4osul

lvlogul 19160 1ll/r/55

G roup Replacemeft (25,8J)
c, c

i9161 ltvl/66 6_6 1.75 60 9.2 5% 1%
19173 6.6 1.95 60 c, c-8 6000 11.0 5/s lYs
6.6 1.67 60 c 8 3000 9.7 5% t%
6.6 Grou p Replacement c. c-8 4000 5% 7%

oNew item.
ffil SylVnNlA street Lighting Lamps (Series Burning) (Continued)

Lu- rlAEo mdi"iiiiion -u'r !tr. :1d

mens Bulb Base Code Pic. 0tY. Fil. l-Cf'
Life Yolts
"-,.- L.C.L. M'0.1
1t100 PS'25 Nlosul 19162 1M/75 7.5 11.21 60 C, C-8 2000 8.5 5% lYs

19154 lrU75R t,5 1.21 60 Group Replacement C, C'8 3000 8.9 5Ys lvs

c, c-8 2000 2/t 5l:r

1020 A-21 lved. Pref. 13422 10?0/66/421 3.51 120 Airport

1500 Ps-25 Nlosul 19179 1500/66R 1.85 s Group Replacement c, c,8 3000 t4.2 5j/s lth
2500 PS-25 lMosul 19199 2500/66PS25 1.78 60 Base Up c, c-2v 2000 sls lYs

19204 25m/66G/PS25 2.a0 60 cr. Replacement, Base Up (831 c, c 2v 6000 24.3 5% lvs

19200 2500/55R/PS25 1.85 60 Group Replacement, Base Up c, c-2v J000 22.0 5% lYs

PS-35 Nlogul 19185 2500/66 6.6 2.36 24 c, c-2v 2000 9%

19196 2500/56C 2,65 24 croup Replacement {83) c, c.2v 6000 19%

19193 2500166R 2.10 ?4 Group Replacement c, c-zv 3000 7g%
19186 2500t5 1.5 t.18 24 c, c-2v 2000 79%
19187 2500/75R 7.5 1.96 24 Group Replacement c, c-2v 3000 20.6 19%
2.62 24 c, c.2v 2000 9%
4000 PS-35 Nlogu I 19211 1M/66
19216 1!l/66C 3.35 24 Group Replacement (83) c, c.2v 6000 37.6 7 9./e

19219 1M/66R 2.85 24 Group Replacement c, c-2v 3000 7 gYs

19220 4ltl75 7.5 3.23 24 c, c-2v 2000 9%

19225 lM/158U 3.70 24 Base UP c, c,2v 2000 9%

19229 {M/15BD 3-70 24 Base Down c, c 2v 2000 6tA 93/s

r9233 4M/l5R/BU 15 1.65 24 Gro!p Replacement, Base Up c, c-2v 3000 146 9%

19237 1M/15R/BD 4.65 24 Group Replacement, Base Down c, c,2v 3000 14.6 6Y1 9%
19226 1l'l/208u 4.12 24 Base Up c, c-2v 2000 19%
19230 4l'/r/2080 4.42 24 Ease Down c, c-2v 2000 11.2 6% 9%
r9238 4M/20R/BD {_61 24 Group Replacement, Base Down c, c 2v 3000 6y1 9%
19239 4 /20R/BU 1,61 24 Group Replacement, Base up c, c.2v 3000 t9%
19241 1M/20G/BU 1.98 24 8as up, Group Replacement (83) c, c.2v 6000 gys

19259 6M/66 3.05 24 c, c,2v 2000 47.8 9Y1

6t100 PS-40 Nlosul

19265 6Xl/66G Ln 24 Group Replacement (831 c. c-2v 6000 1 9y1

19262 5M/66R 3.20 24 Group Replacement c, c,zv 3000 505 t 9y1

r9325 6M/mBu 1.77 24 Base lJp c, c-2v 2000 14.9 9%

19327 6M/20R/BU 1.90 24 Group Replacement, Ease UP c, c,2v 3000 15.4 19%
19328 5M/20R/Bo 1.90 24 Group Replacement, Base Down c, c-2v 3000 15.7 6Y1 91
r9312 5M/20G/8U 1.64 24 Base Up, Gr. Replacement (83) c, c.2v 6000 112 7 gyt

10M PS-40 Mosul 19301 10l,tll66 3.53 24 c, c-7A 2000 81.9 9%

19303 10M/66R 3.85 24 Group Replacemnt c, c.7A 3000 t9%

19304 10lii/66c 1.85 24 Clear (83) c, c,7A 6000 79%
19329 10$/mBU 6-23 24 Base UP c, c-7 2000 1 9y.

19330 10 r/aBD 7-20 24 Base Down c, c.7 2000 6tA 9%

19331 10M/20R/BU 7.m 24 Group Replacement, Base Up c, c 7 3000 79%

t9332 10M/20R/BD 7.n 24 Group Replacement, Base Down c, c.7 3000 6Y1 9%

1e340 10t'r/20c/8u 6.23 24 Base Up, Gr. Replacement (83) c,c 1 6000 28.1 t9%
6.81 24 c, c.7 2000 9%
15M PS-40 N4ogll 19333 lsM/ABU Base Up

19334 15M/208D 6.81 24 Base Down c, c,7 2000 6y+ 9/.

c, c-7 3000
)Q 19335 151{U20R/BU 7.25 24 C roup Replacemnt, Base UP 7 9Y1
@ sylvnNtA lncandescent Lamps
Lamps Listed by Volts and Amperes
Watts 0rder:ng suigestsd Std, Clrss Raied
I{AED Abbreviation tirl Case and Hours Aprror.
Volts Bulb Base Code (Ercepl Volts) Amps. pdce Qty. Description Fil. Llfe Lumens L.C.!. M.O.L.

. Resisl. Bdllast, Wlrre {36, 5/) C, CC-Zv Z',,"

30 w T-10 tuled. Pr. U930 6.6A/T10/IP 6.6 3.30 60 Airport Marker (8) c, c.2v r000 ty, 3t%s
45 w T l0 Nled. Pf. 17981 6.6A/r10P 6.6 3.60 60 Airport lMarker (8) c, c.2v 1000
" t;/, 3ts/r6

zoo w ern so 14.00 l2 *Airport

rnfl|;;ns 14e55 6.6/pAR55/2 c, c.l3

rnf;flf;n, 14s85 6.6/PAR64l2 6 *Alrport c, cc-6 1000 4k
204 W T-14 17983 6.6A/r14t2P 6.6 10.95 24 Airport tvark"r (8)
N4ed. Pf. -- -C, C-ti 23/rc 5%

300 w PAR 56
EryBY;rs 14964 20AlpAR56 20 9.50 t2 *Airport (e1) c, c.6 100

Scr. Term 14967 Nl7fnn5e7Wru Zs tO-tO tZ aSwrmring poot tst) c, c.6 4t/z

rnn.olrnflflf;"* l4es6 6.6/PAR64/3 6.6 6 *Alrport c, cc.6 1000 4%

Carded ltems
IIAED ordering cstd' and Hours AoDrox.
lliatts Eulb Base Code Abbreviation Volts hi'3 Qty. Description Fil. Life LLirirens LcL. MoL
12 S.8 S.C. Bay 16810 93/BL 12 2l$1.68 24+ Clear c,c6 500 I% 2
24 RP-1l S.C. aay leSZl rr::7et- -- 6 ,/1.S, ,4- CIear c, c.6 200 ty! 2y1
40 S-ll lrter. 13598 40SI1N7BL ttt.tzS l:s Jat -G;' C,C.7A 500 -r5; 2 ,r
l@ ,1.r7 24, wte 8,c.9 roorl ?,e
i,a s-tt o veo. :ls,tm 7'4s7cw7eL lls-tzs-.zo zq. wr re
ts r.l o-. eai Tuss ts 7 a l20 1.05 24" ctear
ZS t-S DX. Bdy 183It ,5TS/DA/BL I20 T.Og tto C.ear
B, c-9 1400
a,c.lq l:t
g, C-lF {3)
lnrer. 13362 25TVN/81 - 120 t.Z3 24o Crear - S. C=tq r:t 215 ?. s

Quartz lnlrared _
Std. srsg.'bd Lighted Class Rated
NAED ordering lrt Case Lensth and Hours M.O.L.
Watts Bulb Base Code Abbreviation Volts p'i|r Qty. Description lnch-es Fil. Life lnches
375 T-3 (16) + 59845 375T3 120 $13.50 12 Trarslucent (23,71,73) 5 C, C-8 5000 8r%r
500 T-3 (16) + 59850 500T3 120 13.80 12 Translucent (23,71,73) 5 C, C"8 5000 9t%a
+ 59851 500T3/CLIHT 120 21.50 12 Clear, Hish Temp. (17,23,73) 5 C, C 8 5000 8'%s
RSC + 120 12
13.90 Transluceft 123, 71, 73) 5 C, C.8 5000 8%
800 T3 (l6l l7,25 12 Translucent {71, 73, 87) 8 C, C,8 s000 111%6
1000 T 3 t16) '59857 1000T3 208 18.00 12 Trarsrucerr it. B.ttt l0 C. c-8 5000 llrtro
+ 59860 1000T3 240 17.N 12 Translucert (71,73,87) l0 c, c-8 5000 131%6
1000T3/crlHr 240 23.25 12 Clear, High Temp. (l/,73,76,87) 10 c, c-8 5000 ilr%6
1600 T 3 23.00 12 Translucenl {71,73,87) 16 C, C-8 5000 191%6
1600T3/CL/HT l2 Clear, High Temp. (17,73,87) t6 c, c.8 5000 191%6
RSC + 59841 1600T3/7 240 24.25 12 Translucent (71, 73,87) 16 C, C-8 5000 197e
2000 T3 (16) +59863 2000T3/CLIHT 240 35.50 l2 Clear, High Temp. (17,73,87,89) 9% C. C 8 2000 111%6
2500 T-3 (lb; 59 Zt - C, C S 5000 ,5",.
3. s/l 2! C, c 8 s000 2d1',"
RSc r 59 t 25 c, c 8 5ooo 28!s
3200 T,3 {16) + 59871 384 45,45 12 Clpar. High Temp. l1/, /J, 8/, 96) 16 C, c 8 2000 17'%6
3800 T.3 (16) + 59870 3800T3 575 46.00 12 Translucent {7i,73,8/) 38 C, C 8 5000 4t'%6
sooo r-r ttot ,5@ffi t c,c" zon zpt,,.
*Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any
mix) :
one (1) standard case.
oThree (3) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix): one (1) standard case.
+No change in price.

GIEI svUrruulfl rungsten Hatosen Lamps

Tungsten Halogen Lamps Listed by Amps
sqsertd Std. Class lated
0rd{[g tilt Plg. ard Hours AtIrcr. M.0.1.
WaUs Bulb Ease lbtreviation LImens lnchel

+ 6.6All2VzlU1CL45 6.6 14.15 71,73,93)q .173 lllax.


+ 58822 6.64/I2'lz/Q/lGt-100 6.6 2t.50 Cleat 123.11 .450 [4ax. C, C-8 2000

s6220 6.6A/PAn840/2P 6.6 50.00 12 Par Arrport Burn

Base down to horizontal

Lead + 58801 Cleat \23,71,73,

TUNGSTEN HALOGEN r-it---r--------r
sosssried std. Ltghted Class
0rdering tlsl Case Lenglh and Hours Approx. M.0.1,
Watts Eulb Base NAIo Abbreviation Volts P'td otv. lnches Fit_ Lite (73) Lumens lnches

- EHIVI c, c-8 2000 6000 4t1/$
T4 RSc@ cteart23,t"93,lth
ANSI Code - EHP'I20V c,cc8 2500 5000 s%
+W--eiAr{t3,71,-93,95ib '/, c,cat 1500 5000 1%
ANSI Code - EHX l20V % C. CC'8 2500 4700 3Vr
400 T4
% c, cc-8 2000 7500 3ys
- FCZ 2 c 8 2600 9300 Ar/rs

c-8 2600 9500 41V6

End Prong+ 56210 c, cc,6 4000 7000 5

7000 5

, cc-6 4000 7000 5

1000 PAR-64 Ext. Mog.+

End Prong+

1% C. CC I 2000 22400 5%
+ % c, cc-8 2000 22000 5%

Super Q Tungsten Halogen Lamps @

slsrsstcd Std. Clasr Rated
Single ordering Lkr Case and Hours Approx. M.o.L,
Watts Bulb Ease NAEo Abbreviation Volls L.C.L. Fil. Lite Lumens lnches

i;;e;'" 588/6 75QlcL 28 $15.50 12 C ear (23, 71, 93)! r%t c, cc-6 2000 1400 2u

)rf qUse in equipment with a suitable screen to protect people and surroundings.

+No change in price.

GIG| SylVnNlA super e Tungsren Hatogen Lamps (conrinued)
l!tt!sl!d su. etass -iaEf
Sinsle ordering Ltil Case and Horrs Approx. lil.o.L.
Watts Bulb Base t{Att Abbreviation Volts P,ico L.C.L. Fil. Lile lumens lnrhos
71, ,95), l% c, cc'2v 1000 2800 2%
4.70 12 Frosted 7t, 95th r% c, cc.2v 1000 2800 21/rc
250 T4 i\4ini-Can Clea r (23, /1, 9s) {ANSr q
Screw +58762 250Q/CL 120 13.80 12 Code
- EHT I% c,cc8 3%
s8764 2500/CL 14.50 12 Clear (23, 71, 93, 95) r lYe c, cc 8 2000 3%
D.C. Bay + 58720 13.80 Clear {23, /1,93,95)b c, cc,8 2000

+58763 250Q 120 14.90 12 Frosted (23, 71, 93, 95)i c, cc-8 2000

58765 130 15.65 12 Frosted (23,7L9l!q)' _ t% c, cc-8 2000 3Ys
D c Buy 9,.elb * 1% c, cc.8 2000 3ys
58754 250Q/DC 130 15.65 12 Frosted (23,71,93,95)i t% c, cc.8 2000
M$;cfn +sarez
500 T-4 smo 120 16.95 12 Frosted (23, 71, 93, 95)i c, cc.8 2000 3/t
+ 5876S 5000 130 16.95 i2 Frosted (23, 71, 93, 95), c. cc-8 2000 9500 3%
+ 58766 500Q/CL 120 15.80 12 Clea r (23,71,93,95)! c, cc 8 2000 t0000
+58756 500Q/CL 130 15.80 12 Clea r (23,71,93,95)i c, cc,8 2000 10000 3%
750 T-4 Can+58769 7'0Q/CL
N,lini 120 22.70 t2 Clear 3050'K (23, 71, 73, 93, 95)! 2 c, cc-8 500 18500 3Y,
T 5 lVini.Car 58773 750Q/3CL 120 30.85 12 Clear 3I25" K {23,71,73,93,95)i c, cc-8 500 19200 3%
1000 T-5 l,4ini'Can + 58i74 1000Q/3CL i20 33.25 t2 Clear 3125"K 123, 1I, 13, 93, 951; zys c,cc8 500 29000 3l/s
1500 T-8 log. Scr.+ 58955 1500Q/CL/48 120 57.50 Clea r (8, 71, 73, 93, 95)t 5A c, cc 8 2000 34000
!Use in equipment with a suitable screen to protect people and surroundings.

High lntensity Discharge Lamps
with mogulbases unless otherwise indicated. The Life and Light
dPPrt uIry
apply w/rc used
only when
uJsu with
manulacturer. An auriliar!
auxiliary EqurP
wrL,, du^Irdrt
auriliary GJacs
equipment which conlorms to the
Filter issrpcu.,.d'or
GJass Fiiter required ior Blac(
th u \pcl rdiru s cs'al
Ar typesare hardgrass
Light Ratings ot lllercury and Nletalarc Lamps
5reu !)
established by d
u uurd rror the
obtainable trom
Blacklight (not avallable from Sylvania). All lamps requtre'dutc
l e tdr
VV t1
a ballast. f) f )
Mercurylamps V" V"'
ub ub
(Rated Life and Mean Lumens based on minimum ol 1O hours per start operation) l

Al,tsr Srtgrned std. Rated Approx.

NAED 0rdering Desig. Usl Case Hours Vett. Lumong
Watts Bulb Ease Code New old Life lnitial M.O.L.
40 821 Nled. + 16000 1200 1040 6v?
+ 68599 1t454 Brite White Deluxe 16000 r3s0 1070 3la 6Y'
50* 821 N4ed. + 68599 H45AY Brite White Deluxe 16000 1680 1330 33A 6h
75 B2t + 68600 H{3AZ-75 12 Clear I6000 2800 2430 3% 6h
+ 68502 H|3AY 18.35 12 Brite Whiie Deluxe 16000 2450 3% 6y,
100 PAR-38 Admed + 29.50 12 Spoi and Cen. Lighting, 16000 2500
+ 68844 H4{JM-100 29.50 12 Narr Flood and ceneral 16000 2500 1950 51/n
Lighting, Blacklight
A23 lvled. + 68789 N38MP-100/0X H38-4MPIDX 19.75 12 Bight White Deluxe 16000 4400 3560 3Yz 57As
BzMeo. egedi xrM ctea, toooo qtoo ieso .t'n 6lr

BT-25 lMos. 68864 H38HT-100 H38-4HT 24 Clear and Blacklight 4100 3380 5 7V
68866 H38JA- lmproved 24000 4100 3230 5 th
68865 20.50t 24000 4400 3210 5 7y,
68877 H38JA- H38-4JA/DX 15.70t 24 8rit6 White Deluxe 24000 4500 3350 5 7%
+ 68612 H388P"100/DX H38-4BP/DX 27.N Reflector Flond Brite 2900 2320 1y,
White Deluxe
175 BT-28 Nlog. 68811 H39KB-175 H39-22K8 ll.t()t 12 Clear and Blacklight 24000 7850 7340 5 8'Aa
68810 H39XC-175/C H39-22KC/C 14.m1 12 Color lmproved 24000 7850 5 8%s
68813 H39KC-1i5/W 16.701 12 White 24000 8500 /560 5 8%r
686i6 12.60? l2 Brite White Deluxe 24000 8500 5 8%o
H39KC- 12 Warm White Deluxe 5 8%s
o 68515 H39KC-175lti 18.70t t2 Warmtone 24000 7000 5 8%6
:Mean Lumens over 16,000 hours unless otherwise noted. Values sho!r/n are for lamps operated on ballasts with crest factors of I.4 to 1.5; higher crest factors
reduce values.
*For operation at 50 watts H46 ballast must be used,
lThe etfective date on these items will be September 24, 1976. + No change in price.
ONew jtem.
ffil SylVnNlA ltercury Lamps (continued)
NAED ordering Desi8. tist Case
Watts Bulb Base Code New old Description Lite L.C.L. M.0.1.
175 R40 NIed. + 68836 H39BN-175/DX H39-228N/DX $26.00 6 Brite White Deluxe Refl.- 24000 u,
Clear Face

+ 68613 H3gsP-Us,/Dx H39-228P/0X 26.00 6 Brite White Deluxe 24000 5700 4700 7k
Wide Flood Reflector

250 BT'28 lMog. 69124 H3iKB-250 H37.5KB 19.801 12 Clear and Blacklight 24000 12000 10800 85/s

69I25 H37KC-250/C H37-5XC/C 24.50? 12 Color lrn proved 24000 11850 10540 85At

69126 H37KC-250/W H37-5KC/W 24.00t t2 Whiie 24000 13000 11000 8%s

69129 H37KC-250/DX H37-5KC/DX 20.601 12 Brite White Deluxe 13000 11000 85As

o 69128 H37KC-250/N 31,35t 12 warmtone 24000 11000 85/n

400 T.16 NIog. + 68893 H33AR-400 H33-1AR 36.00 6 Clear 12000 19500 11

BT-37 lvlog. 68767 H33CD-400 H33-lCD 15.10t 6 Clear and B acklight 20500 18700 tlk
68768 H33GL-400/C H33-1GL/C 19.80t 6 Color lmproved 24000 20500 18570 Itu
68769 H33GL-400/W H33-1GL/W 22.50t 6 White 23000 20100 TIY,

69r71 H33GL-400/DX H33-lGL/DX 17.051 6 Brile white Delure 24000 23000 20100 t1y,

68771 H33GL-400/WDX H33-IGL/WDX 25.30? 6 Warm White Deluxe 24000 21000 ly,
o 69170 H33GL-400/N 25.301 6 Warmtore 24000 19500 1rk

R57 lllos. I 69151 H33FY-400 H33-1FY 30.50 6 Clear Flood, Ivetallic Ref. 24000 18000 16700 t2%

| 69152 H33DN-400/C H33-1DN/C 33.05 6 color lmproved, Seml Refl- 24000 21000 18800 12114

r- 69169 H33DN-400/DX H33-1DN/DX 30.50 6 Brite White Deluxe Reil. 23000 19900 I2%

R-60 NloB. + 69291 H33LN-400 H33-1LN 38.10 6 Cear, Narrow Flood, 24000 17000 15600 1Ay1
Metallic Refle.tor

+ 69299 H33FS-400/0X H33-1FS/DX 41.15 6 Erite While Deluxe Refl. 24000 16400 14400 1Ay1

I 69282 H33HL-400/DX H33-1HL/DX 54.75 6 Brite White Deluxe Flood, 16400 14400 l0%
Nletallic Reflector

700 BT 46 [409. + 69200 H35NA-700 H35-18N4 38.00 5 Clear and B acklight 24000 41000 37300 9Y, t4Y,

+ 69202 H3sND-7oo/C H35"18ND/C 42.80 6 Color lmproved 24000 41000 36490 9Y, 14%

68920 H35ND-700/W H35-18ND/W 44.00? 6 White 44500 38000 9V t4v

+ 69206 H35ND-700/DX H35-18ND/DX 40.00 6 Brite White Deluxe 24000 44500 38000

1000 08T-56 lvlog. + 69300 H34GV-1000 H34-12GV 43.25 6 Clear and Blacklight 16000+ 55000 46750 9k t5%

+ 6S301 H34GW-1000/C H34-1zcryC 49.25 6 Color lrnproved 16000+ 55000 46200 9',4 lsys

Hlgh Current 69302 H34GW-1000/W H34-120VW 53.$t 6 White 16000+ 61000 47000 9)/, 15%

+ 69272 H34CW-1000/DX H34-12GW/DX 45.21 6 B rile White Deluxe 16000+ 61000 47000 9k t5%

aBT 56 NIos. -r- 69307 H36GV-1000 r35-l5GV 31.50 6 Clear and Blacklight 24000 57500 50600 9Y, 15%

6s308 H36GW-rooo/C H36-15GW/C 41.00t 6 Color lmproved 57500 49450 9k t5%

69309 H36GW-1000/W H36-15GWi/W 44.00t 6 White 24000 63000 48500 9% 15%

Standard 69118 H36GW-1000/DX H36-t5GW/DX 34.65t 6 Brite While Delure 63000 48500 9k I5%

lThe etfective date on these items will be September 24, 1976.

:Mean Lumens over 16,000 hours unless otherwise noted.
OH34 and H36 lamps 3re not interchangeable.
+ No change in price.
oNew item.
@ SytynrulA Htgn tntensiry Discharge Lamps
Metal Halide Lamps ;:;l?r B#la":,i,jlrl.rii,,,r;,,"Ji barrasts. Above s0'F arr Lamps wi roperare on 480 vort rvrercu'y
i:i8ff:, il.l#gi*|y
Merararc Lamps{;0'0'$#,::Lit1'Jtiii'JJl ili?aiii}:119,:1ii',ffJ,'Ji:iifflill,l 400 and 1000 watt ramps and 4 hours pe,

ti!l Case Vert-

Watts Eulb Base NAED Lite lnitial !.c.1. M.0.1.
1i56 BT-28 N]ogui + Base up, Vertical 0nly 7500
33.15 6 C ear lvletdlarc, Base Doh t, Vertiral 01Jy 7500 14000 10800
-. 35.65 6 *Phosphor Coated, Base Up, Vejlicat.onty 7500 i4000 102n0 8%s
+ 64408 MU5/C/BD 35"65 6 *Phosphor Coated, Base Down, Vedicat onty 7500 14000 85As
2500 BT 28 lvlogul + !1111_ I250/9!L!9! 6 Horizontat
Clear lvletalarc, Base up t0 7500 20500 1/000 5
5 8%6
+ 64442 M250/BD 36.30 6 Clear Metalarc, Base Down ISOO 17000 5 8%6
38.i0 6
64443 M250/C/BU-HoR i 20500
Pnos. Codteo Nletalarc, Base Up to Horizontal 7500 16000 5
44 M250/CIBD 38.70
+ 64444 8.70 6
Phos. Coated \rlelalar, Basp Down
Coaleo Nrletala 20500 16000 5
400t 8T 37 Mogrl ' 64400 M4001BU-H0R tarc, Base up to Horizonial 15000 34000 25600 7 \y,
SqaOL mqOO/bO 3l.SO 6 wera,irc. Baso Down t5000 34000 25b00 / Ilt)
+ 64403 M400/C/8U-H0R 38.50 6 Phos. Coat l\4etalarc, Base Upto Horzonlal 15000 34000 24600 Iy,
+ 64404 [I1400/C/BD '
38.50 6 Phos. Coat [4eta]arc, Base Down 15000 34000 tlk
1000+ 8r 56 Nlogul ' !11{ !19!ll!!l:!!! 19{9 larc, Base up to Horizontat 10000 100000 9V 15%
r 64406 M1000/BD 76.50 6 Nletalarc, Base Down 10000 100000 9/, tsys
+ 64417 M10{0lCl8U-}l0R 83.50 Phosphor Coated Base Up to Hor. 10000 100000 9)1 15%
+ 64418 M1000/C/80 83.50 Phosphor Coated Base Dolvn 10000 100000 79000 9Y, 15%
15006 BT 56 llogul + 64431 M1500/BU"H0R 6 letalarc, Base'Lp to Horizoftal 1500 155000 142500 9Y, 15%
+ 64432 D 83.50 Base Down 1500 155000 142500 9'/, 15%
lHorizontal operation of Metalarc Lamps or operation within 600 of horizontal is restricted to suitably enclosed fixtures only.
@operation is restricted to suitably enclosed fixtures only.
:Taken at 40% of Rated Life. lvlean Lumens are established on ballasts with crest factors of 1.8; hiSher crest factors reduce values.
'Lamps must be operated wilhin 115" of vertical.
+ No change in price.

MetalafC SWingline Designed for operatiof on 400 wztt constant wattage (Cw) or constant Wattage Aulokansformer (cwA) /\4ercury Ba lasts.

Std. sDsslihd Avg.Rated Approx.

un Case orderirg Houts Vert: Lumens
U/atts Bulb Base NAID Abbreviation r'ice Qty. Description Life lritial Mean: L,C.L. M.0.1.

Base Up to Hori2ontal
+ 64426 MM400/BD 34.50 6 llletalarc Swingline,
Base Dowf
12000 34000 7 ltv,
+ oq{, MMa00/c/Bu-ioR 38.50 6 Phosphor Coated, Nletalarc Swingltne, 12000 23310 I lIY,
Base Up to Horizonlal
+ 64{28 MM400/C/80 38.50 6 Phosphor Coated, ll4etalarc Swingline, 12000 34000 23310 ltk
- Base Down
:Taken at 40% rated life.
tHorizontal operation of Metalarc Lamp or operation within 60" of horizontal is restricted to suitably enclosed fixtures only.

Super-Metalarc Lamps
Sllg!3td std. Avg, Rated Approx.
ordering uir Case Houas Lumens
Watts Bulb Base NAED Abbrevia$on Pdit Life lnitial L.C.L. M.0.1.
oBT-28 Pos. 0r.+ 0nly 7500 85Aa
fi4osul +
64440 MS175/C/]I0R ehosphor Coated, Horizontzt Onty 7500 15000 11300 5 85Aa

400@ BT-37 Pos.0r.+ 64445 MS400/HOR 39,t0 6 Clear Nletalarc, Horizontil 0nly 15000 40000 32000 I IlY?
Nlogrl +,1q11{
Iq!q4l[g! 6 Phosplor coated, tlorizontalOn]y 15000 40000 3i000 1 IIy,
1000' 8T.56 wogut - 6443t mStOOOleU AO-IO 6 Clea lfetalarc. Bai; up VerlrralOnlv 10000 125000 100000 9, . f5%
Scrpw - f,4436 MSI000/BD 85-50 6 C ear lVetalar, Base Do*r. V"nrcal 0n y 10000 125000 100000 q r
:Taken at 40% Rated Life. Mean Lumens established on ballasts with crest factors of 1.8; higher crest factors reduce values.
@Lamps must be operated within 115'ol horizontal. Require special socket to accept position oriented base operation is restricted to suitably enclosed
fixtures only.
*Lamps must be operated within
l15.ofvertical. + No change in price.
Bfitg-Ling Require special ballast and must be burned in suitably enclosed fixture, within 4'ol horizontal.

Sr{$5led std. Avg, Rated Approx.

Ordering us! Case Hou,! Luners
Watts Bulb Base f'IAED Abbreviation PliE Lile lnilial *Mean L.L. M.O.L.
800 T4 RSC + I
1500 r1 RSCj' 66206 17H Tubrlai letal Halide 3000 1s0000 130000 10%s

'Taken at 50% Rated Life. + No change in price.

(E rl3 SyUVnNIA Hign lntensity Discharge Lamps
High Pressure Sodium
Lumalux Clear Lamps.
sqgesh, Std. Avg. Rated APPror.
ordering tiit Case Hours Lumen!
Watts Bulb Base NAED Abbreviat-ion ?'ico Qty. Description Lit lnitial Mean L.C.L. M.o.L,
Screw Suitable for all Operating Posilions (4)
100 BT 25 lvlosul 967303 1U100 56.00 6 Lurnalux lligh Press0re Sodium, Clear, 20000 9500 8850 5?k
Screw Suitable for all operating Positions (A)
150 BT-25 l\4ogul + 67202 LUl50/55 56.00 6 150 Watt,55 volt Lumalux High Pressute 24000 16000 14400 sa
Screw sodium, C ear, Suitable for al (A)
0peratifg Positions
150 BT-28 lt4ogul +57201 LU 150/100 56.00 6 150 Watt, 100 volt Lurnalux lligh Pressure 24000 16000 14400 5 8%6
Screw Sodium, Clear, Suitable for all (A)
0perating Pos tions
250 E18 lvlosul +67152 LU25O 58.00 6 Lurnalux l-ligh Pressure Sodrum, Clear, 24000 27500 2415A 5% 9%
Screw Positions
Suitable lor all operating (A)
400 E18 l\4og! + 67102 LU4O{) 60.00 6 LumalLx High Pressure Sod um, Clear, 24000 50000 53A 9%
Screw Suitable for all Operaling Positions (A)
1000 E25 N4ogul +6730/ 1U1000 138.00 6 Lumalux High Pressure Sodium, Clear, 24000 140000 126000 8% 157,
C) Screw Suilab e for all 0perating Positions (A)

LumalUx Coated LampS' use in open bottomed fixtures or where glare is a problem.

suss$hd Std. Rated Approx.

0rdering Lhr Case Hours Lumens
Watts Eulb Base I'lAaD Abbreviation ldcs Qty. Description Life lnitial Mean L,C L. M.O.L.

Screw Suitable for all 0peratifg Positions (A)

100 BT-25 lvlogul 067305 LUI00/D 58.00 6 Coated Lurnalux l-ligh Pressure sodium, 20000 8800 1920 1%
screw suitable lor all operat ng Posilions (A)
150 BT 25 Nlosul 06/301 LUI50/55/D 58.00 6 Sodiurn, 24000
coated Lumalux High Pressure rs000 13500 5 ly,
Screw Positions
SLr table for all operating (A)
400 BT 3l lvlogul 067306 1U400/D 62.00 6 Coated Lumalux H gh Pressure Sodium, 24000 47500 42750 1 IIy,
Scrc\i/ Suitable lor all Operat fg Positions (A)
(A) Eased on operation on proper auxiliary equipment for 10 hours or more per start. + No change in price. oNew item
(') Can be made available in Tl8 on special request.
. Special ballast required.

U nalux Clear Lamps o

Su[gesled std. Avg. Rated Appro)(.
tkt Case Hours Lumens
Watts Bulb Base NAED AbbreYiation Descri Lite lnitia! Mean L.C.L. M.0.1
Ll nalux Hrgn fressute 50(
Screw Suitable lor all 0perating @
215 8T.28 l\4ogu I o67311"0 uLx215 58.00 t-lna ux Hrgh Press!re Sodium, Clear, 12000 20000 18000 5 8%s
Screlv Sultab e for all 0peraiing Posilions (A)
360 8T-37 It4ogul +67170 ULX360 60.00 6 ljnalux High
iqh tPressure Sodrurn, C ear, 16000 38000 34960 7 11'/2
Screw Suitable lor al 0Deraiing Positions (A)

Unalux COated LampS use in open-bottomed flxtures ot where glare s a problem.

srr(orted Std, Rated Approx.
ud Case Holrrs Lumens
Watts Bulb Base NAID Abbr"v
00 5 8Vn
Screw Suitable lor a I 0perating Posit ons (A)
360 BT-37 tt4ogLl O67169 uLX360/D 62.00 Coated Ufa ux Nigh Pressure Sodium, 16000 36000 32400 TIV
Screw SLltu b e for all 0peratirg Positions (A)
(A) Eased on operation on proper auxiliary eqLripment for 10 hours or more per + No change in start. ONew item. price.
o Operate on existing l\4ercury lag type auto transforrner ballasts or 240 277 volt reactors. Will operate on most mercury series circuits.

Sun Lamp
srgglsild Average
Lamp Case L'sr Rated M.0.1.
Watts Bulb Base NAID ordering Abb.eviation Volts p m Qty. Description Lifel lnches


lllogul o 68704 RSM 120 2t _25 3 Reflector Sun Lamp L F. (60) 1200 1/8
ScIew Cycles
o 68703 RsM/Holder 120 Reilector Sun Lamp with Holder and Timer 1200

ICycles rre number of 15 minute applicarions. *See your Sylvania Lamp Representative for price. oNew item.
GE syuvnruln Fluorescent Lamps
The Iight and life ratings offluorescent lamps are based on 3 hr. burning cycles under specifled condjtions and wilh ballasts meeting A.N.S.l.specifications.
lf burning cycle is increased, there will be a c0rresponding increase in lhe average hours life. t
Fluorescent Lamps (Starter Required)
sursesl.d Std" Approx.
NAED Lamp urr Case Hours lnifial
Base Code r Abbreviation Pdcs otv. Life Lumens
Nlin. Bipin Cool White
rxe Cool Whlte 6000 I05

70617 F6TVWW--
7500 380
7500 210

7500 325
13 T'5 21" lllin.


14 T8 15" l\4ed. Bipin

l4 T-12 15" [4ed. Bipin 7500 470

21446 F1
7500 s20
21441 2.95 24 7s00 700


15 T 8 18" Nled. B /500 880

f16I5 E5T8/cw/6
'Zr6?fFr5T87c=w - 2.70 --F-- coor whire - ,-0- 880
rsoo 6n

7500 750

7500 610

Cool Green /500 740

5.25 6* Gold (Bus'lite)


k jt
21603 F1518/0SGN 3.1,5 24 Design White

'Four (4) special pack cases (any mix) - one (l) standard case.
OThis lamp available in a pallet pack on a to order basis.

GE svlvnNtA Fluorescent Lamps
The light and life ratings of fluorescent lamps are based on 3 hr. burning cycles under specified conditions and with ballasts meeting A.N.S.l. specillcations.
li buriing cycle is incriased, there will be a corresponding increase in ihe alerage hours life.
Fluorescent Lamps (Starler Required) (Continued)
NAED Lamp llsl Case
Watts Base Code Abbroviaiion Lulnens

l5 Nled. 7151r 240 780

7500 550

20 I-12 21" Nled. 7500 1044


3.3024 Deluxe Cool White s000

4 3.45 5* Deluxe Coo White

22224 3.30 24 Deluxe Warrn White 9000 875

22764 3.45 6* Deluxe Warm 9000 875

2222t 2-35 24 Warm White 1300

22011 2.45 Warm While 9000 1300

222t1 2-65 24 White 9000 1300

2.80 9000 1300

2221A F20fl2/D 2.65 24O Daylight

2.80 63
3.70 24 Nztural White
3.85 6* Natural Whiie
22049 F20T12IEN 3.9012 Enhance
- For Aquarium

22018 f20112/B/6 5.60 6* Blue

22212 F20rI2/CG 5,6024 Cool Green
22042 5.50 6* Gold ( 9000 840

224 5.60 6* Green 9000 1850

22024 5.60 6+ Pink s000 500

22024 5.60 9000 60

22203 4.50 24 Daylight (DC 0peratlon) 9000 1000

22218 3.20 24 Desisn White 9000 940

22204 Fz0TrUCW/I 4,30 24 Cool White (DC Operation) 7500 1100

- Zg' tttei. vn"n zZAZA fnWcW/ZS 4'25 24 Cool White 7500 1250

22 I I 26" lvled. Bipin 23A26 3.80 24 cool White

25 r-12 28', tYled. Bipin 4.70 24
22525 Cool White
- 7xi0'- llof

[4ed. Bipif 22345 Cool White 7500 1730

75l]o- 1850

5.80 24

30 T 8 36" ued. BlpLn

. 310 74--- coo \^/h'te - /500 -nA\
23r2r F30rycry6 -- 3Ji T- - co wfine 7500 22a0

'Four (4) special pack cases (any mix) one (1) standard case.
a Life deDends on characteristics of starter.
OThis iainp available in a pallet pack on a to order basis.
@ sYlvnNtA Fluorescent Lamps
Ttle liSht and lite ratings ofJluorescent larps are based on 3 lr. b!rnrlg cycles under specified conditions ard witl" ballasts meeting A.N.S.l. spectlrcations.
ll burning cycle is increased, there wtll be a corresponding ilcrease in the average I ours li,e.
Fluorescent Lamps (Starter Required) (Continued)
watts Bulb Base co-____ lilgtj$ A!!tqE!]g! c,i" i)ty. Description fi; r_uiliniiga)
,3uz ffiDetuxe cool wlite ,5oo 1580---
,324 F30T8/WWX A"l0 ?4 Detuxe WarT Wtrre 1500 uS0'
2370t F30T8/WW 3.50 24 Warm White 7500 2230
23101 F30T8/rrtf 3-50 24 White 7500 22-i0
23t44 F30T8/|F 3.75 24 lncandescent/Fluorescent
23100 F30T8/D 3.50 24O Dayl sht 1900
23114 F30T8/D/6 3.70 6* Daylisht
?3182 F30T8/N -l.Ss Zq NarLra wtire
23186 rg0T8N/6 -l-00 6. Naturat whire
23124 F30T8/B/6 6.15 6* Blle
23108 F30T8/CG 5.55 24 Cool creen
23102 F30T8/c0/6 6.15 6+ Go d {Bug lite)
23t37 F30T8/c/6 6.15 6* Green
23125 615 6- P,,* - 7500
23136 615 6- Red t-
ffiDe,igrWrire -
I'oo Uto
40 r 12 48" lvled. Bipin + 24018 F{lllzlcwlL'l 4,70 24 Cool Whiie 6000 31s0
Low + 24015 F40TI2/WW/LT 4.75 24 Warnr Whiie
Temp. .,- 24012 F40T12/W/LT 4.75 24 White ,0i10

r 24110 F40t12lDlL7 4.75 24 Dayllsht 6000

90 T-17 60" Nloc Bipin 29241 F90TI7/CW 6.00 I2O Cool White 9000
29?46 F90TI7/CWX 6.30 i2 Deluxe Cool White 9000 -4300
29254 FR90TI7/CW/235 9"40 12 Cool White,235" Reflector (102)
29249 F90T17/CG 8.75 12 Cool creef
29245 F90T17/Wtv 6.85 12 Warm Whlte
29250 F90T1i/D 6.85 12 Daylisht

Fluorescenl Lamps, Rapid Start (No Starter Required)

30 T-12 :0t
llqiz raortzTcr,iuxTns 450 ?4 Detu/e Coo. wt.te I,000 Dto
23ffi Deture walm wrilp Ibooo tjto
23421 F30T12/WW/RS 4.50 24 Warrn Whlte 1s000 2360
23419 F30T12/W/RS 4.50 24 White lsooo 2.t60
23424 F30T12/D/RS 4.50 24 Daytisht 15000 1950
23444 F30T12/|F|RS
24 lncandescentTFtuorescent 15000 4.50 1ZSO
Z:q23 F30ru/N/RS
24 \"tu at b000 4.90 rJo
Fluorescent Lamps, SuperSaver, Rapid Start (No Starter Required)
25 T,12 36' [4ed. Bipin O 23470 $4.25 24 Cool White, Low Wattage
O 23471 F30T12/WW/RS/SS 4.85 24 Warm Whrre Low Waitage 15000 2050

Fluorescent Lamps, lnstant Start (67) (No Starter Required)

----- 9000 3100
ZtV flOft4W-WltS S.2S 24 Wrr"1 wt re 9000 trro
r. 4!l!__11!Il!/w4s __l;i'5 14 wr,fte 9000 3150
+ 24540 F40T12/D/|S 5.25 24
24 Daytight 2f,{10
T t7 b0 tvo!. B,D,f
60" lvlog. 2i056 F40T17/cw/B-
Bipif 27056 F40T1i/CW/iS R rn 12
8.10 r? cnowhite
Cooln 1500
uast rloiiitwwlrl slo rz wd.4 w,rre /.00
21451 F40Tt7 9.10 12 white
+Four (4) special pack cases (any
mix) :
one (1) standard case.
OThis Lamp available in a pallet pack on a to oider basis.
+ No change in price.
ONew item,
GFfa svLvANtA Fluorescent Lamps
The light and life ratings of fluorescent lamps are based on 3 hr. burning cycles under specifled conditions and with ballasts meeting A.N.S.|. specifications.
ll burning cycle is increased, there will be a corresponding increase in the average hours lile.
Fluorescent Lamps, Preheal - Rapid Start (68) (No Starter Required)

+ 24621 F40CW/6 1.83 6* Cool White t20000+ 3150

+ 24628 F40CW/60 1.67 60** Cool White czddy Pack tr20000+ 3150

- 24641 F 0CWX 2.07 24O Deiuxe Coolwhite t20000+ 2200

+ 24642 F40CWX/6 2.23 6' Deluxe Cool White t20000+ 2240

| 24643 F40CWxl60 2.07 60** Del!xe CoolWhite Caddy Pack i20000+ 2200

. 24644 F4oWWX 2,07 24 Deluxe Warm Whlte J20000+ 2200

+ 24645 F40WWX/6 2.23 6* Deluxe Warm White t20000+ 2240

zqole ruowwxioo 2.07 60'. Deluxe Warr. White C"ddy D.rl. t20000+
- 24635 F40WW 2.07 24 Wzrm White ai20000+
+ 636 F40WW/6
24 2.23 5* Warm White J20000+
+ 24637 F40WW/60 2.07 60++ Warm White Caddy Pack 320000+
+ 24632 F40W 2.07 24 White J20000+
+ 24633 F40W/6 2.23 6* White t20000+
+ 24634 F4oW/60 2.07 60** White Caddy Pack t20000+ 3f00
+ 24654 FADllF 2-60 24 lncardescent/Fluorescent t20000+ 1720

+ 24629 F40D 2.t7 24 Daylight t20000+

+ 24630 F40D/6 2.23 6* Daylight t20000+
r- 24631 F40D/60 2.07 60** Daylight Caddy Pack t20000+
+ 24650 FR40D/235 5.40 24 Daylight, 235' Reflector (102) (96) 1t20000+
+ 24647 FR40CV235 5.2524 Cool Whlte, 235" Reflector (102) J20000+
+ 24665 F40/DSGN 3.0024 Deslgn White J20000+ 2450

+ 24638 F40N 3.0024 Natural White t20000+ 2120

- 24639 F40N/6 3.15 6* Natural While /20040+ 2t20
+ 24640 F40N/60 3.00 60ri Naiural Caddy Pack t20000+ 2120
+ 24667 F40B/6 4.85 6* Blue t20000+ 1370
* 24666 F40CG 2.9524 cool Greer t20000+ 2600
+ 24658 F40G0/6 4.85 6* Gold (Bus,lite) t20000+ 1980
+ 24669 f40G/6 4.85 6* Green t20000+ 4300
+ 24670 F40PK/6 4.85 6* Pink 124000+ t2t0
+ 24611 F40R/6 4.85 6* Red t20000+

Fluorescent Lamps, SuperSaver, Rapid Start (No Starter Required)

r-t2 48" Nled. Bipin + 24504 F40/CW/RS/SS $2.02 24 Cool White, Low Watlage ..20000 2850
+ 2450s F40lcwx/Rs/ss 2,50 24 Dlx. Cool White, Low Wattage ..20000 2000
+ 24506 F o/WW/RS/SS 2.50 24 warm White, Low Wattage 2900
+ 24502 F4o/D/RS/SS 2.50 24 Daylight, Low Wattase 2350
i 24501 F40/w/Rs/ss l.d ic white, Low wattage ..20000 2900

Fluorescent Lamps, Slimline (lnstant Start) (No Starter Required)

T-6 Single Pin F42T6lCW $6.90 24 CoolWhite
(84) F42T6/CWX 7.85 24 Deluxe CooTWhite
F4?T6/WWX 7.85 24 Deluxe Warm White
F4216/Wtil 7.85 24
F42T6/W 7.85 24 White
F42f6l9 1.30 24 Dzyllght
F42T6/N 7.70 24 Natural White 7500

'Four (4) specialpack cases (any mix) - one(l)standard case.

"0ne four foot caddv pack three (J) standard cases.
tRated hours of life at 3 hours per start.
. Based on 3 hours per sta .
V Decrease in price. + No change in price.
@ sYlvnrutn Fluorescent Lamps
The light and liie ratings offluorescent lamps are based on 3 hr. burning cycles under specified conditions and wilh ballasts meeting A.N.S.l. specifications.
lf burning cycle is increased, there will be a coftesponding increase in the average hours Ilfe.
Fluorescent Lamps, Slimline (lnstant Start) (No Starter Required) (Continued)
slsgeslrd Std- Approx.
NAED Lamp Lht Case Houas lnitial
Base Code Order:ng Abbreviation ?.ca Qty. Description LiIe Lumens (64)
T-6 Single Pin F64T6/CW $7.10 24 Cool White
(84) F64T6/CWX 7.95 24 Deluxe Cool White
F64T6/rVWX 7.95 24
F64T6/WW 7.95 24 Warrn White
F64T6/W 1.70 24
T-6 Single P n 26459 F64T6/D 7.45 24 Daylight

F64T6/D/6 7.60 6* DayLight

F64T6/N 8.60 24 1960

T-8 Single Pin F1218lCW 7.20 24 Cool White

(84) F72T8lWW 8-00 24 Warm Whlte

F72f8lD 8.00 24 Daylighi

F7218N 8.00 24 White

T-8 Single Pin F96T8/CW 7.20 24 Cool White

F96T8/CW/6 7.35 6+ Cool Wh te

F96T8/CWX 8.10 24 Deluxe Cool Whiie

{84) F96T8/WW 8.15 24 Warm Whiie

F96T8/W 8.15 24 Whlte

296s0 F96T8/D 8.00 24 Daylight

F96T8/N 8.20 24 2754

Fluorescent Lamps, SuperSaver, Slimline (lnstant Start) (No Starter Required)

T8 96' SifsePn o 29594 F96T8/CW/SS $i.40 24 Coo Wh te, Lo!,r Wallrge 7500

o zeses is6isiwlis 8.35 24 White, Low Wattage 7500 3795

Fluorescent Lamps, Slimline (lnstant Start) (No Starter Required) (Continued)

I -12 24" Sinsle Pin 22416 F24T12ICW $5.35 24 Cool White 1190

F24rt2lD 5.95 24 Dryllght .7500

T 12 36" Sirsle Pir F36T12/CW 5.70 24 Cool Whlte

23617 F36TI2/WW 6.85 24 Warm White

F36T12/D 6.85 24 Day isht 7500

I 12 42" Sifgle Pif F42r12lCW 5.70 24 Cool Whiie

24217 F42T12IWW 6.85 24 Wann White 7500

F42r12lD 6.85 24 Daylight
I 12 48" Sifgle Pin F48T12/CW 3.65 24 CoolWhite
F48T12/CW/6 3.85 6* CoolWhite
FR48T12/CW/z35 6.60 24 Cool White, 235' Reflector

F48Tr2/CWX 4.25 24 Dellxe Cool Whiie

r48T12/!YWX 4.25 24 Deluxe Warrn Whlte
F4811z/WW 4.25 24 Warm Wlrite

24854 F48r12/rF 5.70 24 I ncandescent/'Fluorescent

F48rlUO 4.25 24 Daylight
F48T12/W 4.25 24
24815 F48T12/DSGN 4.30 24 Deslgn White

r48T12/N 4.95 24
F48Tl2lN/5 5.10 6* Natural 1950

F48T12/CC 6.2024 Coo Green

*Four (4) special pack cases (any mix) : one (1) standard case. ONew item.
Gm SyLVANIA Fluorescent Lamps
The light and lle ratings ol fluorescent lamps ar based on 3 hr. burning cycles under specilied conditions and with ballasts meeting A.N.S.l. specifications.
ll burning cycle is rncreased, tnere will be a c0rrespondlng inclease rn ll'e avelage hours life.
Fluorescent Lamps, Slimline (lnstant Start) (No Starter Required) (Continued)
ssstBbi Std. Ap!10r.
NAED Lamp ftr Case lours lritial
Watts Base Code ordering Abb.eviation pd!! Qty. Description Life Lumens (61)
I.l2 48" Single Pin 24809 F48T12/PK $7.45 24 Pink

24807 F48T12/G0 7.45 24 Gold

24808 Ft8Tl2/C 1.45 24 Green

T-12 60" Single Pin 26015 F50T12/CW 8.50 ?4 Cool White

26000 F60TI2/D 9.85 24 0aylight 3150

I-12 64" Single Pif 26416 F64T12ICW 8.40 24 CoolWhite

26417 F64Tl2/tr{Vl 8,70 24 Warm White

26400 F64T12/D 9.85 24 Daylight
I-12 72" Single Pin 27276 F?ztI2lCW 4.40 12 Cool White
27156 F7zrl2lCW16 4.55 61+ cool Whiie
2124t FR72T12|CW1235 7,45 t2 Cool White, 235' Reflector
21247 F?2flzlCWX 4.95 12 Deluxe Cool White
27273 F72Tl2lVrViX 4.95 12 Deluxe Warm White
21211 F72Tlzlultri 4.95 12 Warm White
27271 FT2rrUW 4.95 12 White
21244 nzrnltF 6.05 12 lncandescent/Fluorescent
27240 FT2rnlO 4.S5 12 Daylieht
27282 FT2rUlN 6,55 12 Natural
2718? F721l2lN16 6.70 611 Naiural
27t58 F72l\2lEOl6 10.10 611 Gold
I-12 84" Single Pin 28416 f84T12/CVt 7.95 12 CoolWhite
28400 F84ft2l0 9.55 12 Daylieht
T-12 96" Single Pin 29676 F96T12/CW 3.90 12 Cool White t12000
29156 F96T12/CW/6 4.10 5fi Cool White t12000
29675 F96T12/CW/24 3.90 24tl Cool White Caddy Pack tr2a00
29663 FR96ll2/CW/235 8-25 12 Cool White, 235" Reflector t12000
29637 F96T12/CWX 4.50 12 Deluxe Cool White tr2000
29151 F96T12/CWX/6 4.65 6tI Deluxe Cool White ,12040
29613 F96TI2/WWX 4.50 12 Deluxe Warm White t12000
29168 F96Tl2/wWX/6 4.65 6tl Deluxe Warri White tt2a0D
2s617 F96T12/WW 4.50 12 Warm White t12000
29161 F96TI2/WW6 4.65 611 Warm White lt200a
296/1 F96TI2/W 4.50 12 White lI2A00
2915i F961121W/6 4.65 611 White lt2a00
2s614 F96T12/rF 6.80 12 lncandescent/ Fluorescent /t2040
29672 F96T12/D 4.50 12 Daylieht t12000
29150 F96Tr2/D/6 4.65 611 Daylisht tt200a
29684 F96TI2/0SGN 5.15 12 Design White lr2a00 4800
6[3 svlvnNlA Fluorescent Lamos
The light and lile ratings oi fluorescent lamps are based on.3 hr. burning cycles under specilled conditiofs and with ballasts meeting A.N.S.l. specificalions.
It burning cycle is increased, there will be a corresponding increase in t[e lverage houri life.
Fluorescent Lamps, Slimline (lnstant Start) (No Starter Required) (Continued)
Watts Bulb Base Coq!______q!gl!q4!!E!4ol' p,ic, Qty. Description Lite t-umenitOlt

-zstsl 6lJ Nal ldt ,12000 4?50

zse:s rsertzTic ---- tz coot creel a12000 5250
29680 F96Tl2/c0/6 9.40 6lt Gold (Bug lite) 412000
29652 F96112/B/6 9.40 6lt Btle j12000 ze00
,1654 Fr6ru/p(l6 s.a0 6tt p 1l .t2000 io00
29655 F96T12/G/6 9.40 611 Green tIzffiA 8900
29556 F96TI2/R/6 9.40 611 Red Jr2000 300

Fluorescent Lamps, SuperSaver, Slimline (lnstant Start) (No Starter Required)

std. -----
Soggeslrd rolc
Watts Bulb
NAED Lamp Lht Case Hours lnitial
Bese Code Abbreviation Qtv. Life Lumens
60 T t2 96" Single Pin F96Tr2/CW/SS $4.05 1? Coo Wh te, Low Wattage
F96Tl2/CWX/SS 4.65 12 Deluxe Cool White, Low Wattage 12000+
F96T12/WrySS 4.65 12 Warm Whrte, Low Watlage
o 29851 F96TI2/W/SS 4.65 12 While, Low Wattage 12000*
o 29865 F96Tl2/WWX/SS 4.65 12 Deluxe Warm Whiie, Low Wattage 12000*
F96T12/D/SS 4.65 12 Daylighl, Low Wattage t200nr 4laa

Fluorescent Lamps, Rapid Start (800 ma) High Output (No Starter Required)
I 12 I8' Recessed a 21218 F18T12/DSGN/H0 24 Deslsn White
Dbl. Coft.
1.12 24" Recessed 21224 F24II2/CW/HO 5.70 24 Cool White 9000 1700
Dbl. Cont. 21226 F24II2/D/HO eiS Zl Oavttsht 1400
21227 F24.rl2lWW/HO 6.75 24 Warm While
21223 F24T\2IDSGN/HO 6.90 24 Design White
r-r2 34" Recesse.l D C 21234 F30T12/C!,VH0 6.85 24 Cool White
r t2 36" Recessed 21236 F36T12/CryH0 6.15 24 Cool Whiie
Db. Cont. 2:.235 F36r12/D/H0 6.80 24 Day ight
2t232 F36TI2/DSGN/H0 8.65 24 Deslgn White
I 12 42" Recessed 21i38 F42f\2lCW/HO 6,45 24 Cool Wh te
Db. Cont. 21324 FA2M/D/AO 1.20 24 Daylisht
21323 F42TI2IDSGN/Ho 1.50 24 Des gn Whrte
1 12 48" Rcessed 21146 F4'9TL2/CW/HO 4.80 24 Cool Wh te
Dbl. Coni. 2|44 FA8Iu/CWX/HO 5.70 24 Deluxe Cool White 12000
21147 F4sIt2ltNWlUO 5.70 24 Warn] White
2rr43 F48IIZ/WIHO 5.70 24 White
21a84 F48r!2IFlHo 7.w u
2rr50 F49TL2/DIHO 5.70 24 Daylight
21329 F48TI2/DSGN/H0 6.25 24 Desigi White
21142 F48T12/N/H0 7.20 24-tncanoescent4trore.scert
T 12 60" Recessed 21126 F60Tl2/Ctit/fl0 5.40 24 Cool Wh te
Dbl. Cort. 2lI2t F60Ti2/WW/t0 6.05 24 Warm White
21t24 F60TI2/D/H0 6.15 24 Daylight
21125 F60T12/0ScN/H0 7,55 24 Desisn Whrte 12000 4200

IlTwo (2) special pack cases (any mix) one (l) standard case.
tRated hours life at 3 hours per start. At 12 hours per start, averaqe life is 18.000 hours.
OThis lamp also available in a pallet pach on a to order basis.
'Engineerins design evaluations based on 3 hours per start.
ONew item.
GllTl syLvANtA Fluorescent Lamps
The light and lile ratings of fluorescent lamps are based on 3 hr. burning cycles under specified conditions and with ballasts meeting A.N.S.l. specifications.
ll burning cycle is increased, there will be a corresponding increase in the average hours life.
Fluorescent Lamps, Rapid Start (800 ma) High Output (No Starter Required) (Continued)
srggatarStd. APProx,
I{AED LamD urt case Hours lnitial
watts Bulb Base Code Ordering Abbreviation Pn.e Qty. Desctiption Life Llmens (64)
Dbl. Cont.
21266 F64TI2/DSCN/H0 7.55 24 Design White

r-t2 72 Recessed 5.05 120 Cool White (62) 12000

Dbl. Co[t. 6,15 Deluxe Cool White (62) 12000
Warm White (62) 12000 F,4J5

21184 FTItl2lWlHO 5.15 12 White 162) 12000 6475

21094 F72'n2ltF IHO 8,50 12 lncandescent/Fluorescent{62)
21189 F72'n2lDlHO 5.10 12 Daylight (621

2t347 7.55 12 White (62)

2j]'82 Flz"flzlNll/.O 8.05 12 Natural (62)
1.12 84" Recessed 21286 F84T12/CW/HO 5.40 12 Cool White 12000 7800
Dbl. Cort. 21281 ra+ryru
100 r-12 12" Mog. Bipin 21116 F100T12/CW/HO 8.75 l2 Cool White (63)
110 T-12 96" 21r56 F96TI2/CW/H0 4.80 12O Cool White n 12000

4.80 Cool White Pack A 12000 9050

11.30 235'Reflector (102) a12000 8050
Deluxe Cool white a12000 6400
21367 F96T12/CW/H0/30 5.35 12 Cool White Aperlure l\i2000
0 6400

21151 F96T12,/WW,/H0 5.35 12 Warm White n 12000 9200

21154 F96T12/GO/H0/6 10.80 611 Gold

Fluorescent Lamps, SuperSaver (800 ma) High Output (No Starter Required)
T-12 S6" F96T12/CW/H0/SS $5.00 12 Cool White Low Wattage
o2l01i F96T12/WW/H0/SS 5.55 12 Warm While, Low Wattage **12000

o21013 F96TI2/WWX/H0/SS 5-55 12 Deluxe Warm While, Low Wattage

e 21012 F96TI2/W/HO/SS 5.55 12 White. Low Wattage 8375

Fluorescent Lamps, Rapid Start (1500 ma) Very High Output (No Starter Required)
r-12 48" F48T12/CW/VH0 $8.15 '24 Cool White

Dbl. Cont. 21219 F48T12/CWH0/0 8.15 24 Cool White 10000

- outdoor _
21249 F48Tf2/CW/VH0/LT 8.15 24 cool White, Low Temp.O - 10000
21250 FR48T12/CW/VHO/135 10.45 24 CoolWhite, 135'Reflector(lo2) 10000

2t260 F48T12/CW/PB/30 15.55 6 Cool White 30'Aperture

21259 F48TI2/CV'I/PB/60 CoolWhite 60' Aperture
10.00 Deluxe CoolWhite 5000
10.00 5600
10.00 6400-

9.85 Natrrrl 4900

ttone eight loot caddy pack - two (2) standard cases, oNew item.
llTwo (2) special pack cases (any mix) = one (1) standard case.
ARated hours lile at 3 hours per start. At 12 hours per start, average ljfe is 18,000 hours.
Owhen measured at ambient ol 35"F.
OThis Lamp also ayailable in a pallet pack on a to order basis.
*+Engineering Design Evaluaiions Based 0n 3 Hours Per Stari.
EEI svlvnNtA Fluorescent Lamps
Ii light and lite ratings ol fluorescenl larnps are oaseo on 3 hr. bLtning cycles under specified conditions and wilh ballasls meeling A.N.S.l. speciflcations,
lf burning (ycle is ircreased, there will bp a correspord rg trcrFdse ir lie average houri Ife.

Fluorescent Lamps, Rapid Start (1500 ma) Very High Output (No Starter Required) (Continued)

Watts Bulb Base

NArD Lamo ''l[1" 311;
Code ordering Abbreviation d p Description
Hours lnitial

Lile Lumens (54)

135 T 12 60" Recessed 27262 F60T12/CW/VH0 $10.90 24 Cool White
Dbl Cont

T.12 72" Recessed 21212 FT2rnlCWJUHO 8.80 12 Cool White 10900

Dbl. Cont. 21220 FlzIt2lCWlUHOlO 8.80 12 Cool White 0utdoor 11500

21214 F72'ltzlCWNHO|LI 8.80 12 Cool White, Low Temp.O 11500

21275 FR72T12ICW/VHO/135 12_65 12 Cool White, 135' Reflector (102) 10000

2t277 F72II2|!i/,I'I|UHO 9.90 12

21395 F7z'nZlWlUHO 9.90 12
21210 FT2rtzlDlUHO 9.90 12 Daylight 10000

21276 Fl2ru/DNHO|LT 10.40 12 Daylight Low Temp.O

2t219 Fl2TlzlN|UHO 10.85 12 Natural

215 T-12 96" Recessed 21209 F96T12/CW/VH0 9,10 12 CoolWhite J10000
Dbl. conl 21221 F96T12/CW/VH0/0 9.10 12 Cool White 0utdoor J10000 o 16000

21292 F96T12/Ctll/vH0/LT 9,10 12 CoolWhite, Low Temp O a10000

21298 FR96T12/CW/VH0/135 13.05 12 CoolWhite, 135" Reflector (1021 t10000 14500

21387 FR96T12/CW/VH0/235/I 13.05 12 Cool Wh te, 2J5' Refleclor (I03) 110000

21212 F96T12/CWX/VH0 10.00 12 Deluxe CoolWhite ti0000 11000

2121l F96T12/WW/VH0 10.00 12 t10000

21295 FR96TI2/WWVH0/135 13.05 12 Warm White, 135" Reflector (102) 110000 136s0

212\4 F96T12/W/V80 10.00 12 tI0000 14000

21210 F96TI2/D/VH0 10.00 i2 Dayllght t10000

21213 F96TI2/N/VH0 11.40 12 Natural 1r0000 11000

Fluorescent Lamps, Super Saver, Rapid Start (1500 ma)

Very High Output (No Starter Required)
195 r 12 o21020 F96TI2/CW/VHO/SS 9.30 12 CoolWhite, Low Wattage i0000 14000

Circline Fluorescent Lamps, Rapid Starl (66) (No Starter Required)

T-9 8" Circle 4-Pin + 20080 FC8Tg/D/RS $7.20 12 Daylight

+ 20148 FC8Tg/CW/RS 6,25 12 Cool White 1100

+ 20088 FC8T9/WVrI/RS 6.25 12 Warm White 1100

+ 24114 FC8T9/CWX/RP/6 6.25 6lI De uxe Cool Whrte, Prepnced

+ 20082 FC8T9/r,1/RS 1.20 12 12000

tRated hours of lile at 3 hours per start. At 12 hours per start, average life is 15,000 hours,
. Peak light output.
Ol/Vhen measured at ambient of 35'F.
I No change in price,
I{Two (2) special pack cases (any nix) :
one (1) standard case.
oNew item-
ffiTt SyLVANIA Fluorescent Lamps
G The llghl and lile ratings olfluorescent lamps are based on 3 hr. burning cycles under specified conditions and with bal asts meeting A.N.S.l. speciflcalions.
lf burning cycie is increased, there wlll be a corresponding increase in the avelage hours liie.
Circline Fluorescent Lamps, Rapid Start (66) (No Starter Required) (Continued)
slggeilcd Std, APPror.
I{AED Lamp Lhr Case Hours lnitial
Watts Bulb Base Code Ordeaing Abbreviation Pics Qty. Description Lile Lumens (64)
T l0 12" Circle 4.Pin + 24142 FC12T10/CW/RS 5.95 12 Cool White 12000 1820

20037 FC12T10/WVRS 6.95 12 Warm White 12000 1850

I 20034 FC12T1o/WWX/RS 6-95 12 De uxe Warm Wh te 12000 1400

- 20032 FCI2TI0/WIRS 7.85 12 White 12000 1850

, 20030 FC12T10/D/RS 1.85 12 Dayl ght 12t00 1530

' zaztq lctzr$lcwx/ap/a Ofl 6fi De uxe cool Wlrite, Prepr ced 1400

T.10 16"Circle 4Pn+ 20132 FCI6T10/CW/RS T.:o rz c*i t, nrr, 12000

20a52 FC16T10/W/RS 9.50 12 White 12000

2005t Fc16t10/ww/Rs 8-30 12 W.rn White rzooo 2650

I 20054 FC16TI0/W'.1IXIRS 8.30 12 Deluxe Warm White 12000 t!00

20012 FCl6Tro/D/RS 9.50 12 Dayl ght 12000 2204

- 20078 FC16T10/Go/RS 11.50 l2 Golil

Gro-Lux Fluorescent Lamps (Slarter required only with ilems so marked)

8 T-5 12 lV n. Eipin 20827 F8T5/GR0 $4.20t 24 Grn Lu\. Slarter Reqrired 6000

22 I-9 B" 4 Pin O 2m93 FC8T9/GRO/RS 7.80 1? Gro LLx 6000

22 1.9 8' 4 Pin - 20094 FC8T9/G 0/'ils R5.35 12 Gro Lux Wjde SpectrLm 1200lt

14 T'8 15" Nled. Biplr I 21496 F14T8/GR0 4.70 12 Gro-Lur. Stafter Required. 7500

15 T 8 18" [led. Bipif + 21655 F15T8/GRO 4.70 1,2 Gro Lux. Starter Required. t50!

- 2n31 FI5T8/GR0/|YS 2.60 24 Gro-LLx Wide Spect. Starter Requ red i500

20 r 12 24" [led. B pin + F20T12lGR0 5.25 12 Gro-Lux. Starter Requ red.

2203I F20T12lGR0/WS 2.80 24 Gro Lux W de Spect Slarter Requ red 9000

30 l8 311" NIed. BipiJr 2315! F30T8/GR0 5.25 12 Gro LLrx Stader Reitlr red. 7500

112 36 N4cd B prf O 22324 F30T't2/G80/700 5.25 12 Crn rrx 7500

a 22326 F30I12i Gn0/WS/700 3.00 12 6ro LLr' \4 dE Spectrum

40 r,12 4E" tuled. Bip n F4t)GRO 5.15 t2 GRO-LUX 20000+

' 24663 r40/GRo/ws 2.95 12 Gro Lux Wide Spectrum 20000 I,

T-12 96" Sifgle Pin 29653 F96T12/GR0 8.55 12 GRO-LIJX 12000

I 29525 F96T12/GR0/WS 4.80t 12 Gro Lu, Wide Speri um 12000

105 T-12 S6" , 21358 F96ri2/GR0/H0 10.60 12 GRO LUX 12a110

2t283 F96T12/GR0/H0/WS 5.65? l2 Gro Lur Wide Spectrum 120t0

110 r,1? 48" RDC 21252 F48T12/GR0/VH0/WS 8.45t 6 CrLr-Lr \ WLde Spectrunr loooo
itiqz F48T12/GR0/VH0 12.25 GRO.LI] X 1000c

I.I? 1?" RDC , 21393 Fl21 12/GRO/v HO 14.25 12 GRO.LL]X 100c0

21280 F72r12lGR0/VH0/WS 9.10t 12 Gro Lux Wide Spectruril 10000

215 T 12 96" RDC , ?1?,54 F96T12/GR0/VH0 14.20 12 GRO LI]X 1N0rl

F96Tr2/GR0/VH0/WS 9.40t 12 Gro Lux Wide SpectrLm

21216 FR96r12/Cn0/VH0/235lWS/1r3.35? 12 Gro-Lur, W de Spectr!m 235- Reil. (103)

+lTwo (2) special pack cases

(any mix) :
one (l) standard case.
+ No change in prjce. ?The effective date on these items !4ill be September 24, 1976.
oNew item.
ff ii-t syLvANtA Fluorescent Lamps
The light and Irle ratrngs 0l fluorescenl lamps are based on 3 hr. burnlng cycles under specified conditions and with ballasls meeting A.N.S.l. specifications.
lf burning cycle is increased, there will be a corresponding increase if the average hours life.
sussostod Apptox,
NAE' Lamp risr Case Hours lnitial
Watts Bulb Base Code ordering Abbreviation ca Qry.
p Description Lite Lumens (54)
Fluorescent Lamps, Special Appliance (Starter Required)

BL Blacklight Fluorescent Lamps (Starter Required)

Surtss!e{ std.
Lamp rhr Case
I Abbreviation PricF

b t) 9" lvrn.
8 T-5 12t tvin
15 T-8 18" [4ed. B]pin

' 20 I 12 24 lved. Bip n 22113 FzOIlzlBl 4.65 24

'--ioo -74- Blac\lrsl't '- 9000-
E r iqon

BL Blacklight Fluorescent, Rapid Stad (No Starter Required)

40 T-

Blacklight Blue Fluorescent Lamps (Siarter Required)

Blacklight Blue Fluorescent Lamps, Rapid Start (No Starter Required)

Germicidal Lamps (Starter Required)


Weather-Sh ielded Lamps

srggrsted Std.
Lamp Lilt Case

75 -Tx'l, 96"- si
6 r,tLh 48"
85 I I4Y, 12
105 r-14Y, 96" RDC-'
110 r.t4v 48"
'2t5 r.14y,96"
*Four (4) Special Pack Cases (Any lvlix) : one (1) Standard Case
+ No change in price.

GrlEl sylvAltlA Fluorescent Lamps

The lisht and life ratinss 0t fluorescent lamps are based on 3 hr. burning cycles !nder specified conditions and with ballasts meeting A.N.S.l. specifications.
ll bur-nrng cycle is increased, thele will be a corresponding increase in the average hours liie.

NAED Lamp lkl Case Hours lnitial

Watts Bulb Base Code ordering Abbreviation Prlc, Qty. Description Lile Lumers (64)
Curvalume Fluorescent Lamps
1?000 3025

Fluorescent Lamps, Signline
59 T-12 48" Shrcuded
Single Pin 26940 $5.35 24 CoolWhite a12000

Fluorescent Lamps, Coachline, Slimline (lnstant Start) (No Starter Required)

t;. Fluorescent Lamps, Super Diazo Blue

Y T65--TJ7 S4' riein 21204 F54T17/SDB/VH0
rMogul 32.80 12 Diazo

Fluorescent Lamps, Aircralt

-4 T-5 6" Single Coniact
Ferrule FAATs/CW $6.00 24 Aircraft
- Cool white

8 u" siryrt
Aircraft Cool Whiie

Fluorescent Lamp Starters (with Ceramic Gondensers) Prices Effective 7/1/76
NAT' Sresested l'lAEt S!ggested
Cat. I'lo, Code For Use li'lith Std. Case Cat- No. Code For tlse With Std. Case

coP Glostat
fS-20 (C0P-20) 42302 15 & 20 Lamps $1'07
watt 100 42812 !4,15, & 20 Watt Lamps $ .42

Fs-30 (C0P-30) 43302 30 watt Lamps 1.07 100 44812 13,30, I40 Walt Lamps

FS-40/400 FS-5 45812 4, 6, & 8 Watt Lamps

(C0P-40/400) 44102 40 Watt Lamps 100 FS-12 43812 32 Walt circline Larnps
FS.852 (C0P-6) 46312 90 & 100 Watt Lamps 1.56 50
FS-25 42512 22W Circline,25W Std. Lp.
FS-850 (CoP-64)
(4-Pin Type) 46316 90 & 100 Watt Lamps
FS-85 (FS-6) 46810 90 & 100 Watt Lamps
FS-85-4 (FS-64)

Automatic Reset- Robot GOP

(4-P:n Type) 46814 90 & 100 Watt Lamps 1.35 50

44650 20 Watt Lamps $1.04 100

44552 40 Watl Lamps r00
FS-85-NA (FS6-NA) 46512 90 & 100 Watt Larnps
FS-85-NA4 (FS-64-
NA) (4-Pin Type) 46516 90 & 100 watt Larnps 50

oThis lamp also available in Pallet Pack on a to order basis.

aRated hours life based on 3 hours per stad
+No change in price.
GEI sYlvnNlA eno-luX@ Fixtures

Fixture complete with 1-FC8T9/cRo Lamp

Fixture complete with l-B0Tl2/GRot00 Lamp

Fixture complete with 2-F20T12lGRo Lanps

Fixture complete with 2-F40GR0/^rVS Lamps

Fixture complete with l-75R30/GR0 Lamp

your Sylvania lamp representative for price.

Pack/lF l25V Consists of 2-604, 2-75A, 2-100A, 20 Thanh You Packs Per
Shipping Case -
For Fund Raising 0nly.
SYLVAN lA Lighti ns Cen ter



ATLANTA, GA. 2115 Sylvan Rd., S. W. 2115 Sylvan Rd., S. W

BOSTON. MASS. 100 Endicott Street 105 AndoverStreet, P.O. Box 377, Danvers, I\,4 ass
777 -1900 01
BUFFALO. N. Y- 25 Dewberry Lane, Gardenville lnd. Park 25 Dewberry Lane, cardenville, lnd. Park
125 14224
CHARLOTTE. N. C. 381 I \o ll_ Davrdso,] St.. P O Boi 52ab 381 1 No l- Ddv.dson St.. P. O. Box 5246
l 2A225
CHICAGO. ILL. 800 Devon Ave., Elk crove Village, lllinois 800 Devon Ave., Elk crove Villaqe, lll nois
Etk 312
CINCINNATI. OHIO 5480 Creek Road

4848 West 1301h Slreet 4848 West 130th Street

16-267 6800 441 216-267 6A00
DALLAS. TEXAS 13555 lnwood Road. P O. Box 30234 13555 lnwood Road. P.O. Box 30234
214-239-A17 | '1

DENVER. COLORADO 4675 Holly Streei

DETROIT, I\,lICHIGAN 10800 Ford Road 10800 Ford Road

313 5A2-A754 313-582-8754
HARTFOBD. CONN 105 Andover Street, Danvers, I\,4ass.
1440 Greengrass Dr. 1440 Greengrass Dr
713-869-8671 T 3-869 8677
KANSAS CITY. KANSAS 450 Funston Road 450 Funston Road
913-371 3773 66115 9'13-371
LOS ANGELES. CALIF. 6505 East Gayhart Street

MI 5330lndustrial Blvd. N.E., Fridley, Minn. 5330 lndustrial Blvd. N.E.. ridley, N,4inn.
612-566-9400 55421 612-566,9400 55421
NEW ORLEANS. LOUIS ANA 5510 Jefferson H ghway 5510 Jefferson Highway
NEW YORK. NEW YORK 909 Third Avenue 1000 Huyler Street, Teterboro, N. J.
7492 Chance lor Drive. P. O. Box 13770 7492 Chancellor Drive. P- O. Box 13770
4700 Parkside Avenue 4700 Parkside Avenue
215 477 -5AOO 215-477 -
PITTSBURGH. PENN. 450 Butler Street. P. O. Box S544 450 Butler Street. P. O. Box 9544
412,7 A1 - 4533
ST. LOUIS. I\I ISSOURI 5010 Kemper Avenue 5010 Kemper Avenue
14-664-8975 631 4-664-8975 63139
SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF 1811 Adrian Road, Burlingame, CaliJ. 1811 Adrian Fload. Burlingame, Caltf
Burlin 41
750 So. Michigan Street 750 So. Michigan Streei
763-2660 98108
23077 Greenf eld Road 10800 Ford Road, Dearborn, Michroan
TETERBORO. NEW J ERSEY 1000 Huyler Streel
WASHINGTON D C 6610 Electron c Drive, Springlield, Va. 6610 Electronic Drive, Spr ngfield, Va.
100 221s1

L 529 (RS 769 l00r!r)
Pr nr-ad n il sA

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