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Sylvania 1977 Large Lamp Ordering Guide

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Indicates Aluminum Base. Heat Resistant Glass Weather Durable (Hard Glass). ** Quartz envelope on these lamps. (1) Indefinite long life. Designed forlife in excess of 10,000 hours. In service Life depends upon burning conditions. (2) Outside coated lamps are not recommended for outdoor use. (3) Average laboratorv life is 200 hours lor vacuum cleaner and 600 hours for sewing machine services. (4) Not recommended for general lighting. (5) Horizontal mounting is best. (6) Lightly inside frosted and side aluminized; M.O.L. exclusive of spring contact. (7) M.O.L. figure shown is an average overall length. (8) Burn base down. (9) Burn base down. Approximate lumens 325, 2450. (10) Lumens given cover only lamps of 120 valls. Lamps of other voltages are in proportion. (11) Burn base down to horizontaL (12) For diesel electric locomotives without voltage regulators. (13) Not recommended for horizontal burning. (14) Burn base up. (15) Maximum contact to contact tolerance on RSC Base = !{o". (16) Metal sleeve with approximately 6" flexible uninsulaled leads. Leads not included in maximum overall length. (l6a) Unbased with 6" stranded nickel uninsulated wire. Leads not included in M.O.L. (l6d) Cylindrical ceramic base with 6" axial insulated leads and %;" female connector. Leads not included in M.O.L (l6e) Tubular ceramic base with 2Y2" insulated lesd and I,4" male spade terminal. Leads not included in M.O.L. {16f} Cylindrical ceramic base with 6" axial nickel stranded lead wire. (17) High temperature base. Retards seal deterioration where seal temperature exceeds 650"F. (18) When operated for extended burning periods, burn only in porcelain socket. (19) May not give satisfactory performance if any accessory lighting equipment touches the glass bulb. (20) When calculations are based on bem, lamp lumens, do not use this lumen rating. (21) Lumens nominal-1000. (22) Burn any position except within 45° 01 base up. (23) Burn any position. (24) Available with brass base. (25) Burn in any position but lumens will be better maintained if burned vertically. (26) Average laboratory life in excess of 5000 hours. (27) PAR lamps are suitable for indoor and outdoor use. (28) Approximate initial mean candlepower in 10° cone at 10': Spot10800, Flood - 4000. Individual lamps may vary somewhat. Maximum candlepower is somewhat greater. (28a) Burn only in porcelain or other socket approved for 150 walt PAR lamp. (29) For use only with heat- reSisting connector and with bulb supported by bulb rim or metal shell of base. (30) Burn base up in porcelain sockets. (31) Approximate initial maximum mean candlepower in 10" cone at 10'; Spot-7900, Flood - 1150. Individual lamps may vary somewhat. Candlepower is somewhat greater. (32) Should not be used in equipment where base temperature will exceed 500°F. (33) Designed to operate in equipment where base temperature exceeds 500°F. (34) Lumens nominal2500. (35) Burn only in porcelain sockets. (36) Designed for service other than illumination. (37) Generally used for industrial applications. (3a) Desiqned volts - 115. (39) Lumens nominal - 4000. (40) 2% inch circular window. , (41) Approximate initial mean candlepower in 10' cone at 10; Spot 13000, Flood - 2000. Indrviduel lamps may vary somewhat. Maximum oandlepower is somewhat greater. Burn only in porcelain sockets. (42) Designed to operate in open air. (43) Light output is maintained best when burned within 45° of vertical base up. (44) Should be shielded against moisture falling on bulb. (45) Lumens nominal6000. (46) Not recommended for use in enclosed close-filting housings. (47) Lumens nominal-lO,OOO. (48) Opaque end. (49) Lumens nominal-15,OOO. •

(50) Recommended burning position any within 60° 01 vertically base up or base down. (51) Use separate filter for blacklight. (52) Approximate initial lumen output values after 100 hours operation. with burned.vertically at rated walts. If operated horizontally, reduce lumen values by approximately 5% unless ballasts are compensated to maintain full light output. (53) Socket tolerence is measured from the most remote spherical surface of the contact. (54) Average rated life is a conservative estimate of the average time a large group of lamps may be expected to operate. (55) Bellest Watts not included (approximately 10% of lamp watts). (56) For use only in fixtures designed specifically for dichroic Re· flector Lamps. (57) For operation of two 14W "F/ lamps in series on 115·125 volt circuits. (58) This lamp is classified primarily as an ozonizing lamp and has limited germicidal action. No starter required. (60) For operation on 50-60 cycle A.C. only. (61) Burn within 25" 01 vertical base up. (62) May be operated at 100 watts (lOOOMA)same as Fl00T12/CW /HO. (63) May be operated at 800 MA same as F72TI2/CW JRS etc, (64) Approximate initial lumens alter 100 hours burning. (65) Designed for operation on D.C. circuits. (66) May be used in starter operated fixtures. Performance will be similar to that of ge)1eral line lamps and equivalent life and output ralings apply. (67) For operation on instant start circuits - special Sylcote treatment facilitates operation under all humidity conditions. Use only in fixtures not equipped with starters. (68) 40W Rapid Start Lamps may be used in starter operated fixtures designed for 40W general line lamps. When so used their starting and performance will be similar to that of general line lamps. Life ratings will be somewhat reduced compared with rapid. start operation. (10) Segmented filament. (71) For use where seal temperature does not exceed 650°F. (12) Designed volts - 240. (73) Life at rated voltage and at 650°F. maximum seal temperature. (74) Usually limi led to intermittent burning. (75) Special equipment - use l350°F. maximum seal temperature. (16) For specially designed equipment and where cap temperature does not exceed 350°F. (78) Designed volts ~ 480. (80) Forced cooling required. (all Designed volts - 600. (82) Designed volts - 570. {83} These lamps are appropriate for use under conditions where replacement is difficult and costly. The extended life of these lamps can only be achieved by reducmc the efficiency and luminous output. For the majority of applications, lighting is most economical!yachieved through the use of standard lamps. (B4) Rating given al 200MA operation. (85) For use only in equipment specially designed to maintain bulb and base temperatures within safe limits. (oo) Also available with built-in reflectors. (B7) Burn horizontal. (88) New Sylvania Kon-Tsot base designed for better service in all 3· way medium sockets. (89) Life dependent on service conditions. (90) This new fluorescent lamp generates radiant energy which is most. beneficial for plant propagation and enhances vegetative and reo productive growth of many plants for home and commercial use. (91) Burning position 45° base down to horizontal. (92) Do not burn in paper lined sockets. (93) Minimum bulb wall temperature 480°F. (94) High purity silica envelope. (95) Lamp internally fused. (96) MInimum run. Check nearest Sylvania Sales Office lor details, (97) Unsatisfactory lamp operation is likely to occur in burning positions between horizontal and base up, particularly between 45 from base up and base up. (98) Use only in fixtures designed to adequately dissipate heat from Lamp (99) 3" Circular window. (IOO) 4!{o" Circular window. (101) Operation of Lamp in any position other than base up may resuI_ in some loss of protective coating. (102) When base pins or R.D.C. bases are horizontal, window opening is centered downward or upward. (103) When base pins or R.D.C. are horizontal, window opening is centered to either side. (104) Burn within 45° of base up.

I. Lamps should be ordered by abbre\'iations, plus the specific vollag{'~ desired. Ordering abbreviations which are complete without voltage include series lamps listed by lumens and amperes, Bluckllght, Flucrescent, Mercury Vupor , and Germicidal Lamps

Industrial/Commercial Division

Lar:geLamp Ordering Guide 77-2

Suggested List Prices
Effec.tive Date: July 1, 1977

2. Technical

Dahl in this Schedule (life, lumens, voltage. etc.) arc subject to manufacturer's tolerances. Current performance characteristics are pubtishcd in Engineering Bulletins which arc available from \ our Sylvania Sales Representative.


General Information Footnotes Bulb Filaments and Bases Incandescent Lamps Superbaver-Excel




2 3-28 28
28 & 29

3. Lamps Listed 1 I 5- 12.5 volts (design vol rage 120 I, I20110 volts (design voltage 125). 125-1]0 volts IdeS,lgrr voltage I 'Ov) and :?30·250 volts (design voltage :).:1.0 volts) are int ..nded for usc 00 circuits normally varying within these voltage limits.

4. Proper Amtiliar)

Equipment must be used with SyJvania Blacklight. I 'Iuorcsccnt, Mercury and Gcrmicidal Lamps 10 produce rated electrical values. For these types. the wattages are approximate tor total. add auxiliary W;JltS. 10 obtain Blacklight frum Mercury Lamps. an auxiliary glass filter is required. NOl available from S} lvania lor which the lamp is designed. subject to rnanufucturing tolerances. The light center length is the distance from the center of light source to the following point for the base used. Sc rew bases ... bottom base contac l. Bayonet candelabra and medium bayonet , , . Lop of base pins: Medium and Mogul Prefoeus ... top 01 base fin; S.C. or D.C. Prcfocus - Plane of locuting Bosses of Prefocusing Collar.

Street Lighting (Series) Lamps Listed by Volts and Amperes. Carded r terns Quartz Infrared Tungsten Halogen Lamps Listed by Amps . Tungsten Halogen. Super Q Tungsten Halogen High J ntensity Discharge Lamps Mercury Metal Halide Lamps


30 30 30

31 31 & 32 32-35 32 & 33 34 34 34 34 34 3S 35 35 35 35-47 35-38

38 38 & 39

Metalarc Swingline Super-Metalarc Lamps Brite-Line High Pressure Sodium Lamps Lurnalux . Clear & Coated Unalux Sun Lamp Fluorescent Lamps Standard Fluorescent Lamps. SUpcrSa ver. Starter Req uired. Preheat-Rapid Start SuperSaver. Rapid Start

5.. Light Center Length is the average measurement

Slirnline . SuperSaver. Sllmline

Rapid Start HO

SuperSaver HO
Rapid Start VHO Rapid Start Instant Start Circline .

39 39-42 42 42 & 43 43 43 & 44

44 44

6. Maximum

Over-All Length is the distance from top 01 bulb 10 bottom of base, or end to end length on double ended lamps.

7. Class B denotes vacuum lamp. C denotes gas filled


Gro-Lux Special Appliance

Black light Blacklight Blue Germicidal. Weather-Shielded Curvalume Lamps.

44 & 45 45
46 46 46


8. Lighted Length (L. L.), on double ended lamps is thr

average length of filament or between electrode-s. Siockiug Order types are indicated abbreviations in while boxes.

46 47
47 47 47 47 47

9. Monthly
ordering 10.

CoachLine Super Diazo, Blue. Aircraft.

The prices shown are suggested list only and are subject to change or correctioa without notice. Sellers Syhania Lamps are free to sell or adv('r list' lamps at prices of their choice.

Starters .
Sales & Distribution




For information regarding those items not listed please call your local Sylvania sales office or Sylvania lamp supplier.

A FILAMENT designation consists of a prefix letter to indicate whether the wire is straight or coiled, and a number to indicate the arrangement of the filament on the supports. Prefix letters include: S (straight) ~ wire is straight or slightly corrugated, C (coiled) - wire is wound into a helical coil or it may be deeply fluted; CC (coiled coil)wire is wound into a helical coil and this coiled wire again wound into a helical coil.


III n I·Cln SCl'tW Mini·Con Clndelabu &and. Intermedllte Inter. SJnjl" ClHIlact Bayonet S. C. B11. Doubl. ton tad BIJonel Clndellhr. D. C. Bay. Clndol.bra Prelocu, S. C. PI.

D.C. PI.

1 ",£~:.)J "~~~"~;~~~)
Shapes of TypicalFilaments
(T-5 F Lomp)

\;~I:.:~_ ~
1111 nl-C. n Soc k.t

2 Pin

.... Mod.

3 Kon-T.ct Medium 3 C. Med.

Medium Pre locus Mod. 1'1.

DI$< (Lumiline)



Medium Blpln Med. Bipin (T-B F ~mp)



"cessed ObI. Contact (T·\z F limp)

(HZ F Lam~)

Medium Blpln Med_ !I;pin


~ -:; L;;;J
Medium Skirted Med. SkI.

1II0llUI BI"ln M"g. Bipln (T-17 F Lamp'






Medium Skirted Mad. Sltl.



TyreLead Q

C.rlml e T ubulor




Thre. Cunla ct
Mogul J C Mo~. Mogul Prefocu. Moe. N. Position Orlehtod Mogul Po a. Or. Mag.


::. ~ :




T~pt c-t3D


• odl urn Sid. PronS

.-PIII Mogll I IlpQS t Mog. Dip. ht. Mo.. End PrOIl.

M~sul End Pro'l

Mog. E p,



Incandescent Lamps
Std. Pkg. Volts Qty. Pilla 120 $3.00 240 120 3.00 240 L20 l.n 240 125 1.32 240 130 1.32 240 115·125 2/.97 24* 6 1.28 120 1.27 120 12 1.00 120 30 1.14 120 34 34 1.18 120 6 1.43 120 12 1.20 120 18 1.43 120 24 1.19 120 30 1.20 120 32 1.20 120 1.29 120 120 120 120 120 125 120 130 120 135 1.11 120 145 1.U 120 1.11 120 155 32 1.48 120 115-125 .80 120 30 1.35 120 .80 120 115·125 130 1.00 120 145 1.35 lW 40 2.15 120 115-125 .80 120 120 1.69 120 1.69 120 125·130 30 1.34 120 .79 120 .97 120 .97 120 1.41 120 1.22 120 130 1.53 120 145 1.45 120 115-125 1.17 120 115-125 .85 120 115-125 .85 120 130 .99 120 115-125 .95 120 .95 120 130 115-125 .95 120 .95 j 120 115-125 .95 120 130 .95 }20 115·125 115-125 .95 120
hrresll U$I

Bulb CA-9



4 5

C-7 5-14

NAED Base Code Cando + 13473 +. 13464 Med. 16757 Cando 16758 16759 Cando 13542 Moo. 17130

Ordering Abbreviation (Except Volts) 3CA9C/CL/FL/24 3Cll/CLjFL/24 356/5 3S6/5

4C7/BL 5514 5514 5514 5514 5Sl4/IF

17136 17140 17139 16926 16927 16928 16929 16930



656 656 656 6S6

16957 16958 16959 16960 16937 16938 16941 16942 16943 16947

6S6 656 656 6S6


6S6 6S6 6S6/8 656/G 656/R 6S6/R 6S6/R 6S6/R 6S6/CW 6S6/W 656/3 6S6/3 6S6DC 6S60C 6S6DC 6S60C 6S60C 6S60C/R 6S6DC/R 6S6DC/R 6S6/7 6514 6S14/IF 6S14/1F 6S14/CO 6S14/CO 6S14/CB 6S14/CG 6S14/CG 6S14/CR 6514/W

16951 16948 16949 16950 16952 16953 16945 16946 D.C. Ba.y. 16764 16782 16783 16784

16801 16802 16791 16955 17314 17302


Inter. Med.

17375 17396 17383 17386 17395


Clear, Clear, Clear, Clear, Clear, Clear • Clear • Clear, Sign Clear, Train Clea r, Train Inside Frosted, Train • Clear, Indicator • Clear, Indfcator • Clear, Indicator • Clear, Indicator • Train and Country Home • Clear, Train • Clear, Indicator • Clear, Train • Clear, Indicator (24) • Clear, Indicator (24) • Clear, Indicator (24) • Clea r, Indieator (24) • Clea r, Indicator • Clear, Indicator • Clea r, Indicator • Blue, Train • Green, Indicator • Red, Train • Red, Indicator • Red, Indicator • Red, Indicator .White, Train Indicator • White, Indicator • Clear, Signal Light • Clear, Signal Ught Clear Clear. Indicator Clear, Indicator Clear, Indicator Clear, j ndicator Red, Indicator Red, Indicator Red, Indicator • Clea r, Indicator Clear Inside Frosted Ins ide FTasted Orange Ceramic Orange Ceramic Blue Ceramic Green Cera m ic Green Cera m tc Red Ceramic White

Description Flicker Flicker Indicator Indicator Indicator

Rated Class and Hours Life Fit. 3000 C3000 CB, C·7A 3000 B, C·lA 3000 B, C·7A 3000 3000 B. C, C·6 1000 B, e-6 1500 B, C-9 1000 B, c.s 1000 B, c.s 1000 C, C-2R 1500 B. C-2R 1500 B, C-2R 1500 B, C·7A 1500 S, C·7A 1500 B, C·7A 1500 B, C-7A 1500 B, C-7A 1500 B, C.9 1500 1500 B, c-s B, e-s 1500 1500 B. B, C·g 1500 B, C·iA 1500 B. C-7A 1500 B. C·7A 1500 B, c.s 1500 B, C-7A 1500 B, C·9 1500 B. c-s 1500 B, C-7A 1500 B, C·7A 1500 B, e.s 1500 B, C-7A 1500 B. C-7A 1500 B, C-7A 1500 B, C-9 1500 B. c·g 1500 B. c-s 1500 B, C·9 1500 B. C-9 1500 B, C-9 1500 B, c-s 1500 B, c-s 1500 B, C·g 1500 B. C-9 1500 B. c.s 1500 1500 B, C·9 1500 B. C-9 B. c.s 1500 B, c.s 1500 B. c.s 1500 B_ c.s 1500 B. c.s 1500

Approx. Lumens


M.O.L. 3lh


4 IVa IVa IVa

49 54 2lh 2lh

2Va 3 \Ii 3 \Ii

2Yz 58

2Yz 2Yz

3Yz 3Yz IVa IVa

1% 1%


50 49 39 39

1% 11'1


39 37

IVa Ilia IV!






30 30 50 39 39 39

IVa lV! IVa IVa IVa 1Vs IVa


1'l!J.6 11%6 11311& lli;]6 11l!J.& 1'%6 1'%6

1'%6 2lh 2\1

40 40

3lh 3\1


3Yz 3Yz

3Yz 3Yz 3Y2

*Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) = one (1) standard OAlso available in 6 lamp Retail Pack. 3Cll/CL/fL/BL .................... NAED 13496 3CA9C/Cl/FL/BL.. ................. NAED 13497


+ No

change in price.


(,~ i~ SYLVANIA Incandescent Lamps

Watts 6 8ulb S-14 T4\1 7 C·7 Base Med. Cando Cando 17371 p7393 18054 6141h 11 U!li5fi6T4~/1 +i 13608 7C1 -_._--H 13609 7C7 + 13623 7C7/W + 13624 7C71Y!. 13540 7C7fW/Bl_ 7C7/R 7e7/B 7C7/G

-6S.!.~ ___

Ordering Abbreviation (Except Volts) 6S14fY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Desc:ription Yellow Yellow Clear, Indicator CIea r, r ndicato r Clear Clear While White. Nigh! Light White, Blister Pack Red Ce fa mlc Blue Ceramic Green Ceramic Orange Ce ramie Exit Lamp Ceramic Frost Clear Clea r, Sign and Dec. Drange Ceramic Blue Ceramic Green Ceramic Red Ceramic Red Ceramic

115·125 130

120tt .44 120

Night Light

.44 120 -:-51:' 120


120 120 120
60 120 120 120 120+ .72 130

7.4 7%: T6\1 S·H


Class and Fir. B, C·9 B,. C-9 B, C-7A B. C·7A S, C·9 B, C-9 B, C-9 B, C-9 B, c-s B,C-9 B, B, C·9 B,

Rated Hours Life 1500

Approx. Lumens


3\1 3\1

1500 1500 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000

34 34 38


2Ys 2Ys 2Ys


2Ys 2Ys 2Ys




G16Yz S-6

7.4T6Yz/DC/CF 7Y2S H~S 7YzS/CO 7YzS/CB 7\1S/CG S!~ 19422 7YzS!CR 19420 7YzS/CW 19419 7YzS/CW 19430 7\1is/cw7~ lOC7DC D.C. Bay. 13527 13636 IOC7 Cando 13638 10C7/5 13639 -lOC7/~_ 10G16VzCfW Cando + 13620 16726 10S6 Cando 16716 10S6/10 1fi7T7 10S6/10 --D.C. Bay. Cando Inler. 16718 16721 16720 16723 10S6/~ IOS6/IODC_ IOS6/10DC 10S6/11 R

D.C. Bay. 18107 Med. + 19353 + 19355 ~432 19426 19419 -194237Yz

c. c.s


30 45 1%6 1%6 lo/J6 5\1 2~ 2% 21,'4 21,'4



.72 J20t .86 120 .65 120

.78 .75 120


120·125 120 220 230 250 230 1.36 .53 1.26 1.26 1.26


10S6/13 1055/13 WQO ~ lOS6/1~ lOSllN 15917 16919 10SllN _-16913 '10S11N/CF mOl 10Sl1N/CB 16903 lOSllN/CFT 16900 10SllN/CG 16902 lOSliN/CO 116898 IOS11N/CR 16897 10S11N/CW 16899 10SlIN/CV 16910 lOS ll/88/C F 1702~ lOSit!7916701 16702

230 250



l3lJ 115·I25 115·125 115·125


1.60 1.68 1.68 1.48 1.48 1.48 240 .87 120

240 24 240 240 240 240 120 120 240 240 240 240

m·m _ -:91i 20
.88 .88 .88 .88 .88 .88 ,88 1.94 1.24 ease ..

1.06 120
120 120 120 120 120


115·125 llS·125 115·125 115-125 115-125 Cando *Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) = one (1) standard

120 120 120

• White Ceramic • White Ceramic • White, Blister Pack Pilot; CIea r, Ru ggedl zed • Pilot, Clea I, Ruggedized • Olea r, Ind. Rough Servo • Appliance Blue, Min. Run White, Decor. Min. RUll (961 • Clear, Indlcator Min. 'Run (96) Clear,lndicator Clear, Indicator Clear, lndicato r CIea r, Ind icato r Clear Indicator 'Red, Indicator Red, Indieator Clea r, Indicato r Clear, Ind icato r Red, Indicator Clea r.Ruggadized Clea r. Ruggedized Ceramic Frosted, Ruggedized BIue, Ru gged ized Fis meli nI, Ru gged ized Green, Ruggedized Ora" ge, Rugged iled Red, Ruggedized Wh ile, Rugged ized Yellow, Ruggedized Ceramic F rested Bake Oven • Clear

B, C·9 B, C-9 B, C-9 B, C-9 B; c-s B, C·g B, C"9 B, C·9 B, C-9 B, C·7A B,C·7A B, C·lA B, C-7A B, C-7A S, C·lA B, CC·9 B, CC·g B, CC·9 B, CC·9 B,CC·9 B, CC·g B, CC-9 B, CC·g B, CC·9 B, CC-9 B, C·7A B, C·7A B, C·7A B, C-7A B, C·7A B, C-7A B, C·7A B, C·7A B, C·7A B, C·7A B,C·7A B, C·7A

1400 1400 1400

1400 14015
1400 1400



1400 1400
(II (I)


38 38 21IJ6

2\.1 2Ya

1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 71 80 80 80

IVs lYe
110/16 110/16

Jil;j6 i!%6 lU;i6 78 78 1\1 1%

1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500


2'IJa 2%6




1500 1500 1500

2%6 2%. 21,'4



+ No change in Price.

7\1 5 ICB ................

7\1SjCG 7YzSjCR ...•...•..



in 24 Retail Pack, Price$.S3 NAED 19452 ... HAED 19453 ... NAED 19451

ttAlso available in 24 Retai I Pack. 7C7 JBL. ............... HAED 13543



SYWANIA Incandescent Lamps

Base SC BC Med. Description Clear Indicator, Ruggedized • Clear • Clear, Sign Clear, Train Clear·Ruggedized CIea r· Rugged ized ctear- Ruggedized Clear Clear. Inside Frosted-Ruggedized Inside Frosted-Ruggedized Inside Frosted-Ruggedized Clear Daylight.Ruggedized 120 Clear Daylight.Ruggedized 120 Blue-Ruggedized 120 Blue-Ruggedlzsd 120 Green·Ruggedized 120 Green· Rugged ized .89 120 Orangs- Ruggedized .89 120 IL 115-125 17529 lOS14/CO o ra n ge· Rugged 11 ed 17539 lOS14/CO " 130 I .89 120 Red-Ruggedized 17525 10S14/CR Ir 115-125 i .89 120 II 130 I .89 11120 Red-Ruggedized 17535 lOS14/CR Red 1.58 11120 iTI1S3 lOS14/CR 1 23{) Red 1.58 '1120 j 17155 IGS14/CR 1 250 115·125 .89 ~1'i,20~---';YGel~lo~w--iR:=:ug~ge:;d~lze~d ---'-,-~13=O---': -L20t Yellow-Ruggedized 120 White.Ruggedized
$U~fenld un

Std. Pkg. 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120





Rated Hours Approx. Fil. life Lumens B, C.7A 1500 C, C·6 1000 US 1500 100 B. C·6 B, c.s 1000 94 B, C·9 1500 80 B, C·9 1500 80 B, C-9 1500 SO 1000 B, c-s B, C·9 1000 B, c.s 1500 80 B, C·9 1500 80 1500 B, c-s 80 B, c.s 1500 B, c.s 1500 B, c.s 1500 B, C-9 1500 B, C-9 1500 B, C-9 1500 B, c-s 1500 B, c.s 1500 B, c.s 1500 B, C·9 1500 B, C-9 1000 B, C-9 1000 ----iBi-'-,,...C-~9_~15~OO:;B, C-9 1500 B, c.s 1500



l.C.l. 1\14


2Yz 2Yz 2Yz 2Yz 2Yz 2Yz 2Yz 2Vz

2\1 2\1

2% 3Yz





3Yz 3Yz 3Yz 3Yz 3Yz 3Vz 3Vz 3Vz 3Vz 3Yz

3Yz 3Yz

3Y1 3Y1 3Y1




...;3;.;:.Y1;3\1 3Y1

.~_~~~120.--..W=hi~len·R~ug~ged~~iz~ed'120 Ivory.Ruggedized

nB~,C~-9~~1~50~O.B, C-9 1500

~3nY1_ 3Yz



__:_S-_::_l1::___I_n_t.;..erc:_. __ 17_::_O-,-,46---,=--,--_ S·14 Med. 17451 117452 17448 17449 l1S14 llS14/IF l1S14 llS14/CB llS14/C.-=B l1S14/CG llS14/CG llS14/CO llS14/CO llS14/CR 1lS14/CR IlS14/Y llS14/Y llS14/W llS14jW llS14/TB 125



Rose- Ruggedized Clear Frosted-Ruggedized Frosted-Ruggedized



B, CC·9
B, C-9 B, cs

1500 3000 3000 3000

78 78



130.79 115-125

Sign & Group Replacement


120 __ C;;;.le_ac:_r.R;:;-,u~gg~e7.diz::.::e.:;-d :;cB,'-:C:-:-9:---;3~00~0-~7~8-~2:_;.V,~1 __ 7.3V,;-1 .60120 Clear.Ruggedized B, C-9 3000 78 2Yz 3Y1 ~-=-~~~~----~~~~=_--~-~~-7~ .79 120t Frosted-Ruggedized B, c-s 3000 78 ZVz 3Y1 120t Clear·Ruggedized B, c-s 3000 78 2Yz 3Yz .89 120 Blue-Ruggedized Ceramic S, c.s 3{)OO 3Yz

17463 17464 17465 17458 17459 17454 17455 17456 17457 17489

-:-:-:::13--;-0:;:;--,-.9=9----:-:12~O-~B R-::u:::;gg:_ed-,iz:;-ed_C:-:e;-ra_m...,ic;-I_ue___ -=B,'-:C:-:.9~_:3::cOOO=_------___o_3 V,;,o.l_ 115·125 .89 120 Green-Ruggedized Ceramic B, c.s 3000 3Y1 130 .99 120 Green·Ruggedized Ceramic B, cs 3000 3Vz 115·125 .89 12=0'---=0-ran-g-e.-=Ru""g:_ge"""di~ze--;d-::C-er-am-:ic----=B.:." e=-.g:--...,3::;;:0:;:-:;00,----------=3.;..:Y1~ 130 115-125 130 115-125 130.99 115·125.89 130 125·130


17 490 1_:lS:_:_14.:.o_/_:__TGc_____ lZS-l30 17491 11Sl4/TO 125·}30 17487 llS14jTR L25·130 17488 IlllS14/TY 125-130 17704 llS14/RS 130 17703 llS14/IF/RS 130 • 17705 llS14jY/RS 130 tAvaliable also in Tote Pack. 10S14/IF 130V IOS14jY l30V......................... 11S14 130V _.. . .. 11S14/1 F 130V................. NAED 17433 17435 . NAED 17442 . NAED 17445

Orange-Ruggedized Ceramic Red· Ruggedized Ceramic .99 120 Red.Ruggedized Ceramic .S9 120 Yellow· Ruggedized 120 Yellow-Ruggedized 120 White-Ruggedized .99 120 White·Ruggedized 1.03 12'Q=- --=T:-ra-n-sp-ar-=en7t-:OBI:-ue-------=B::-'-, 1.03 120 +--::T:-ra_ns--,-p_ar_en-:-t -:-Gr_:_ee-'n 1.03 120; o::-:r::;.an.:.<>.ge=-1.03 120 Transparent Red 1.03 120 Transparent Yellow 1.00 ,120 Clea r Rough Service 1.00 120 I. F., Rough Servo 1.10 120 Yellow, Rough Servo

.99 120 .89 120

B, C·g B, c·g

.~--~~~~=-----~~-~~------~~ ---:B:-c,--;:C--;:-9_-::.:30:-;c0:-O ---:3:,:_Y1:.,_

---:B:c__, _:-:30cO-:00:_ .:-C-.:-9 8, e-s 3000 B, C-9 3000 8, C-17 I B, C·Il (11 B, e-n 01 ~3.,:.;Y1'3Y1

3000 3000 B, c·g 3000 B, c·g 3{)00 B, c.s 3000 B, c.s 3000 B, C-9 3000 -=cC_-;:'9-""30;-;cOO;c--------:3:.:..Y1:.......


3Vz 3Yz
3'h 3Y1 3Y1



3Y1 3Y1



I€i i#I SYLVANIA Incandescent Lamps

Watts 15 Bulb A-15 Base Med. Ordering Abbreviation (ElCCept Volts) 15A15 15A15 15A15/CL 15A15/Cl li503 15A15/B 11506 II 15A15/FT 11504 15A15/G 11507 15AlS/V 1-11505 i 15A15/0 1-:-115021 15AiSjR US08 15A15/R2 11501 15A15/Y 10015 15A15/W lOQ84 15A15/GR/IF 15A 10027 10033 15A 15A 10134 10086 15A 10182 llA/CL NAEO Code 10037 10038 10018 !I 10019
~ mgie.teJ

Volts 120 130 120 130



$ .63
.76 70 .90

Pkg. Qty. 120t 120 120 120


Description .1nside frosted (24l .1 nside Frosted (24) • Clea r • Clear Blue Flametint Green Ivory Orange Red Rose Yellow • White LF_ Sign, Gr. Replacement Insi de frosted Inside Frosted I.f. Train & Country Home Inside Frosted, Train Clear, Train Inside Frosted, Train Inside Frosted, Train • Inside Frosted • Inside Frosted • Clear (8) , • White (8) Clear Straight Top (8) • White Straight Top (8) Clear (8) White (8)

Class and
FII. S, C-9


*;15-12~* .90 121l lI5-mIT .90 120

11115-125 11115-125, II 115-125 I! .SO 120

.90 120

B, c-s B. C-9 B, C-S

B, C-9 BC9 , B, c-s

.90 120






CA-9 Decor.

15A 10185 Hl402lr15A 1040411 15A 134~W 13475

0 75 230

.90 120 I:115-125Ir .90 120 11115-125, .9011120 .7011 24* I lZ0 I 130 I .8611120 1.2911120 I6 1.29 120 II 12 30 1.00! 12(J 34 , 1.11 120

.95 120




Med. Cando


Inler. Cando

15CA9C/24 15CA9CjW/24 15CA9C/ST/24 r -:-=-:::-:::-<-:15CMC/ST /W/24 15Cll/24 15CllfW/24 15FC 13612 15FC/AIC/24 13611 15FC/IC/24 13614 15FC/FT 13607 15FC/V 13613 15 FCfW/24 15FN

1.00 120 I' 1.11 120 1.29 120 II I! 250 1.29 120 11120-125 1.06 240 11120"12~_!:~d 120-125 1.06 240. 1.18240 1.06 24Q. 1.18 240.

B, C-9 B, C-g B, c.s B, C-S S, C-9 B, C-9 B, C-9 C, C-G C, C-G C, C-g C, C-9 B, C-9 B, C-S B, C-9 B. c.s B, C-9 C, C-7A C, C-7A C, C 7A C, C-7A C, C-7A C, C-7A B, C-7A e, C-7A B. C-7A B, C-7A S, C-7A B, C-7A B, C-7A

Rated Hours life 2500 2500 2500 2500 2S00 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 3000 1000 1000 1000

ApprolC. Lumens L.C.L. 126 2% 126 2% 126 2%8 126 2%



3\1 1


3Yz 3Vz

3Vz 3Yz
116 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%


3Yz 3Yz
3% 3% 3% 8%

1000 1000
1000 1000 1000 1000 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 l500 1500 1S00 1500 1500 1500

175 200 147

2% 2% 2%

8% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3%

146 147
120 120


3%6 4 4 120



3'/16 3';\6 3'/16 31fls 3';\6 3';\6



147 146 138 112 138

1\14 1\14

3 2%

1% 1%

2% 2%
2\4 2\4

Med. Med_ 138 138 141 140

2\4 2\4 3\1 3\4 3\1 3\4

120 *Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) = one (1) standard OAlso available in 12 lamp Retail Pack. 15CA9CjBL. , .. " .. , ,NAEO 15CA9CjWjBl, .. ,., ,_ ,... .. 15CA9C/STjBL,., , ,.. 15CA9CjST jW/BL. _. _•..•. _.. _ _ 15ClljBL . , .. , __.. . __• . , , . _.. _ 15ClljWjBL.. , . , ..........•....... ,NAED 15FCjAICjBL. _ _ . . . . . . . . .. . . . 15fCj1CjBL. ... _, . .,., . , , ... , .. . .. 15FCjW/BL . _ .,.................... 6 13448 13449 13450 13451 13433 13432 13435 13434 13436 case.

2M 2\1 2\4 2\1

+ No

change in price.

tAlso available in 24 lamp Retail Pacll. 15A15 .. , _ , __ . __ ' , NAED 10031


(Cj .#1 SYLVANIA Incandescent Lamps

Watts Bulb T-6 Base Cando 15T6 15T1i D.C. Bay.

Ordering Abbreviation (Except Volts)

Volts 120

SI!i(i$Ud Us! Prtr:e

Std. Pkg. Qty. 60 Clear


CI1Iss and Fil. B, C-7 A

Rated Hours Life 2000

Approx. lumens 114


M.O.L. 31/16


$1.14 1.37

------------------------------------------------60 Clear B, C-7A 2000 114

60 60 60 60 24. 60 50 60 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear, Carded Inside Frosted Appliance, Blue Inside Frosted, Appl. Blue Clear Appliance, Blue Blue Clear B. C-7 A B, C·7A B, C-7A B, C-7A B, C"7A
B, C-7A

Switchbo8 rd T-7

2000 2000 (31 (3) (3)


114 114 140 115


3l;16 31;\6

Home Appliance


2\4 2\4 2\1

2\4 2\4

B, C-7A B,

1000 1000 (3) 1000 (3) 1000 750 750 112 112 115 115


Cando Inter.


B, C-7A B, C· 7A B, C-7 A B, ColA B, C-7 A B, C·7A

2\14 2\1 2\4

----------------~ Cando -\-I 18291 15T8C T-8

T-I0 Med. --------------7--17 R·20 Med.

15T7N/B 15T8C/W

Appliance, • Clear

2% 2%




--------------~-ZO A-I7 Med.

------------T6Yi D.C. Bay. Inter, 25 A-15 Med, 10126 A-17 Med. 10394 18143 18144

15T8N 60 • Clear B, C·7A 750 112 2% --------~---+~----15TlO/CL 60 • Clear B, C·8 2500 112 5% --------------------------------~----------------------17R20 120 light I. F. Retl. C, C·6 2200 315f1s 20A17j5 2DA17/5 20T6lh/DC/CF 20T6lh/CF 25A15/B 25A15jRFL 25AlJ/RS 25A 2.90 120 130 1.10 120 120 60 60 120 120 1.14 120 1.21 Flashing Sign - Clear (41 Flashing Sign - Clear (4) C,

1000 1000 143 143 92 92 1100 2500 1000 228 385 2% 2Ys 2%

Ceramic, White

30/8 3% 5Yz 5 \Ii

C, C·9 B, C-8 B, C·8(1)

Exit lamp Ceramic Frost

Exit Lamp Ceramic Frost • Appliance Blue, Refrig.
I. F. Reflector Sign I. F. Train, Rough Service


B, e.s

3Yi 3% 31S;i6 315f16


----------7------------~----~--------------------------.-------------------------A-I9 Med. 25A 1.21 120 Inside Frosted C, C·6 1000 357 2Vz
120 I nslde Frosted C, C·6· 1000

6, C-9


10524 10632 10644 10645 10745 10693

25A 25A 25A 25A 25A 25A/CL 130 150 .16 1.54 120

Inside Frosted, Train Inside Frosted, Train .1 nside Frosted (241 • Inside Frosted (24) • j nslde Frosted

C, C-9 \ C, C-9 B, c.s B, C·9 B, C-9

1000 1000 2500 2500 1000

339 280 235 235 242


3111i. 31o/i6 3111i6 3151i6 31%6




10694 10m 25A/O 115-l25 1-.29 120 • Clear Daylight (24) 10561 25A/W I 120 .70' 24* • Soft White, Prepriced -1,-10-:-:90~...,2=5Ac:-/=R=S------..,-·;--1-20,.---.--1.-20-1:-:-:20 .1. F., Rough Service (24) 11092 14862 14866 14850 25A/RS 25AjVS 25AjVS 25A/CL/VS H125·130 120.79 125-J.30 120.79 1.44 .89 120 lZO 120 12Q • L F., Rough Service .1. F., Vibration Service

120.70 120 Clear S, C-9 2500 232 2Vz 3 =~------~~~--~~~--~------------------~~~~--~~--~--~~ 25A/CL 130.84 120 Clear S, C·9 2500 232 2Vz 31o/is S, C-9 C, C-9 B, C·17 B, C·17 B, C-9 B, C·9 S, C-9 2500 2500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 190 222 222 238 238 238 31>/u, 4% 31S/16 315f16

.1. F., Vibration Service

• Clear, Vibration Service change in Price .

2Yz 2Vz 2 Yz 2Yz 2 Vz

31%6 31%6 315/16

*Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) = (1) standard case. • Three (3) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) = one (1) standard ;Also available in 24 lamp Retail Pack. 25AjRP. " " NAED 10634

+ No


[ij i#I SYLVANIA Incandescent Lamps



Bulb A·19



NAED Code 14852 11356 11359

Ordering Abbreviation (Except Volts) 25AjCLjVS 25A/B---25A/G

Class Rated and Hours Approx. Volts Po", Qty. Description Fi r. life Lumens l.C.L. M.O.L. 125-130 S .89 120 • Clear, Vibration Service B, c-s 1000 238 2Yz 31S;l6 115 -125 .99 1~20;;::t---;:B:;-lu-e -'---------------;B::'-, -;;:-C--;::9-~25O=-O ---____:_:_;:__----,3:-:,15'"'"Yt6::.... 115·125 115-125 1]5·125 115·125 115-125 .99 12l! Flametint .:;:;99;:----;-12;;;O~t~-;;-G~ree-:-n-. ------------:;B~, .99 120 Ivory .9g....-120t -Oran'-.g-e----------;:;'B'--;, .991201: B, c.s 2500 31%. C::-.9;;---2::::S""00,-----------::3"'""1%.;..:...16 B,

funGSII~ Std. Ull Pkg.

11365 25A/FTIl358_25A/V 11352 25A/O 11350

c-s 2500 31%6 C;-;-9;-----;2~50;:;:O-------=-:3I:-O-5;l:-:-16

2500 2500 2500 -=,--:-_ 2\1 2\1z 2Y1 31S;l6 315/i6 31 %6 _::_3~lo/i_::_16 31%. 31%6 31%6


25A/R 25A/R2 25A/Y


.99 120
.99 120

Red Rose Yellow

B, C·9 B, C-S B, c.s

____!_Q7~25A/99CL/RFl 130 1.60 120 ,__=-CI_ea_:_r,_N_ec---:k--,:R:;:-e"_ect_o_r __=B:_, ----,2=-=-5::-::00 C::--S-=-. 1l700~A!~fTB _ _ ______g5~1~ 120 Transparent Blue B, c-s 3000 ~-~~-~---------:;:'--;;:-~~~---~~~~ 11704 25A1_9/T_!: _ _ _ 125-13Q______!~120 Transparent Green B, C-g 3000 =---=-~--~--------------:~~~~--------~--~ _!170!_ 25A19fTI! 125-130 1.25 120 Transparent Orange B, C·9 3000


11702 _ 25A19fTR _ 11703 2SA19/TY -lim? - Z5A19/GRjh



125-lS0 130 Jl5-l2S 130 }25:"130 230

_l~ 10733 ~11i734

2SA19/GR/Cl 25A19/GR/1 F 25A19/GR/l F



1.-:c25:--::1-::c20:--_--=T_rs_lls-'--pS_re_":-:t R-,-e--;-d ---:B:-'-, -::-C--::-9_-:-:30,-:-00:-21:_::Yl 3_:1!1Ic_:_:_16 __ 1.25 120 Transparent Yellow B, 3000 2Yz 31o/is .89~12""O-----::cCI,:-:ea-'-'-r,"-"Sc-=ig-"'n ,'-;;G-'-r.'-;CR-ep-;-Ia-ce-m-en-=-t---=B-'-:, Co---9i:----:3O:-:::c0=OO:----~2l1;-:-I--=,3~1511.:::_16



.89 120 Clear, Sign, GT. Replacement B. C-9 3000 2\12 .89 120 I nside Frosted, Gr. Replacement B, cs 3000 2\12 .89 l':c20:--'1------:'In""'s:-C-jde-F:O-ro.:_st:c'-e-:-'d -~B":"', 7C.7-=30~OO~---_::_2:':\1-_:3"":-I%·6 ,--=G,-'-'-r. -:;::-'Re-'-"p;'-:Ia"-'ce-'-'-m-'-en-'-'-, g .99 1211 Inside Frosted, L.H. Thread 1.2 5 -c1:-::2---'---.---:':-n -=-F e--::d'--------------,B=-'". c:-O s-'-id:-er-os-=-I

31511, 31%6

M::-e-=-d.-=-L-:-:.H-=.T--;. 10753 25A/LHT M ed. 11285 25 A 112117 25A ll2S9 2SA 11286 25A/C L 11298 25A/CL 11307 25A/B 11299 25A/G 11306 25AjG 11301 11308 11300

B, C-9 2500 238 2\12 3\'116 i-=-C-:-·l==-7 --2""0-=-5 ---o2-O--\I2'---30"71'-:%_:_G --:""10"""0-=-0

250 1.25 120 • Inside Frosted B, C-l7 IOOD 205 277 1.44 120 • Inside Frosted B, 1000 187 230 1.29 120 • Clear C, C·17 1000 205 ~---=~~;;------;~-:-------------------:::'-~:;--~~--~--~~~~ 250 1.29 120 • Clear C, C-ll 1000 205 250 1.55 120 Blue B, C-17 1000 230 1.55 120 Green B, C·17 1000 250 1. 5.5 120 --=-Gr-ee-n----------=B,'--::C:-:_Ic::i]----:l:700:-:00--------:c3I:-O-sll.:::_16



2Yz 2Yz

31';l6 315116 31 %6 31%6 31%6 31%6


25~R 25A/R 25A/V 25A/Y 25A/Y _::_ - 2SAjlHT 25CA9C/24 25CA9CjW /24

230 1.SS-120 Red 250 1.55 120 Red 250 1.55 120 Ivory no,--------O-:'1.=55~12:-::0-----::-;-Ye-;;lI.:_ow---------=B'--:, 250 ,,260 120·125 120·125

B, C.17 1000 31%6 B, C·17 1000 311116 B, C·17 1000 315/t. CO-C.I0::7----,1:-:-0=OO-------::3~15/i_::_i6 B, C·Il 1000


.~~~~= Mell. L.H.T. 11304


""1.55120 ...


13478 13479

1.49 120 I--I,_..,.ns_id_e-:-Fr_os_te_d:_, L_e_ft_Ha_n_.d_Th_. __ 1.05 2401• Clear (8) . 1.18 240'----.--.--;-W:-::-h-;c-ite-(:-=:S)----------:C:"-,




.,-:B,--,C--,-1,.-7-----,1~00,--0--20-2--2_:_lI;::__1 __ 31_:_511:_:_6 C, C-7A 1500 3% -=-C--=-7 A::---:clS.-:-OO:::--------c3"'"0/4,---

+ 13423 25CMC/CF +Im225CA9C/~ + 13763 25CA9C/W/XC + 13481 25CA9C/ST/24 + U4S3 25CA9C/STfW/24 +~13485 ~2sCA9cjw78i24 + 13486 25CA9C/A/8/2~ +~13487 25CA9C/B/8/24

120·125 1.18 .... 24 • Frosted (8) C, C·7A 1500 3% -120-13() 1.18 24 -'--.-=CIc=-ea--'-r-=-Ex_:_:ce-':-I-:-:U:-ne---:(=8)----~C:_, --7::2500:-::-::------~3;,-:%-'-'C=--.::C7A'--. -1-20-13-0-1-.2-8-24 -.---;;W;;;'h-;;-jte---:E~xc-e;:-;ll;-:-jn-e---;;(8;-:-J-------:C::'-,-;;:-C---=7A-=---=25=0-=-0------ 3% 120-125 .1.06 240:--.--:;;C::-le-ar--:-(S;::-)-=St:-ra-:-ig-;-ht:-';T';-0-p -------,C::'-,-=C--=7A~-::-15::::0,,-O ---------:3O:-:::c9/i.:.__.16

120·}25 110-125



1.35 1.35

240;-._W:::-:h:-:-i:-te-,::!8~J ---:St,-ra"""ig'-:-ht_T_,op'=c- 7C,'--::C:-:-7;-:-A----:l;:;:-50::-::0 ~3o/i:,,;;16::..... 2,-:-40---'~I-._Wh-=-. --::it_;e,_B.,.,.ea_d..,...ed_,:g::...,la_ss--'(-;,81 -----,-:C,--,C--=-7,,-A-----,I-=c50,,-0 ---'3o/i..::16:_ 240. Amber, Beaded glass (8) C, C-7A 1500 30/16 240 -.-:::BI-ue-,=-Be-ad7"e-:-d -:gl-"'aS-S .:__-------=C,--oC:-:" 7:-:-A----:l;-::-50:-:;:O------~3o/i:_;:16::..... ~(8_:_)


F~15 Decorative


13806 25F j 20-125 .92 24 13807 25F 1FT 120-lZ5 1.13 24 1380925F"'jV-.-------'"'1"'20"-1;-,;;2S;O--°1."'13---"" 13813 25F/SPK

• Clear • Flametint v-o-ry---------,C:"-,

C, C-9 1500 C, c-s 1500 C"""-""9 ... - 15=OO---------""'4~\I2:__ C, C-9 C, C-9 1500 1500


4\1z 4\12

+ No change

13811 250wT24
in price.

120·125 120-125

.99 1.13

24 • Soft Pink 240. While

tAl so available in 24 lamp Retail Pacll. 25A/B. . . NAED 11436 25A/G. .. 11437 25/\/0. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11434 25A/R ,.. .... ... .... 11435

25CA9CjBL . 25CA9CjWjBL. 25CA9CjST jBL. . . 25CA9CjST /W/SL. 25CA9CjWj8jBl.. . 25CA9C fCF IBL. , ....•...........

OAlso available in 12 lamp Retail Pack, . NAED 13452 25CA9C/A/8jBl.. HAm 13453 25CA9CjBj8jBL.. ............ . 13454 25C11jBL. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13455 25ClI/WjBL. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . 13445 2SFjW IB L. _. . . . . 13426

13446 13447 13438 13439 13820


l?i i#I SYWANIA Incandescent Lamps

Ordering Sou.,ted Std. Class Rated NA EO Abbreviation Ud Pkg. 3!1d flours Apllrox. Watts Bulb Base Code (Except Volts) Volts Pries Oty. Description Fli. Life Lumens L.C.L. M.O.L. 25 F·t5 Med. 13815 25F/IC/24 120·125 $ 1.13 240 • Iridescent Clear C, c-s 1500 4'12 Decorative 13803 25FI AIC/W120·125 1.1324'';;;0;-:::.--'-1 :J:ridi-::es==c:::en:'-t " -----,;C~, Ci.--_i>9 --ii1S;,<00i.------------;-41;.;Y;G-lBY! Cand. + 13619 25G16'12C/W 120·125 i:S2-24 • White B, C·7A 1500 3 + 13618 25G161h/C 120·125 1.29 24--=-... C..-::-lea=-=r---------.;;B'-;C""7"·A~;.:I50,;..O'-------;3 --=-G·-=-18=Y,'--l--=M-ed;-. ---"+"""1410125Gls1h 120·125 1.10,----~24,---'--=.:.C;;:,ea::-r::----------.B.-'-: "C:"9 --'1-""50"'0 ------...;.3 .. 11---1. 91 Decorative + 1410225G181hfW 120·125 1.26 24 • W~ite B, e.s 1500 31;\. GT·19 Moo. -I- 14317 25/SCH---120 1.50 -'1·"'2*~.::-;S"-:m=a'ii'li "CL:hi=m:-:ne~yTLa=m=p:-,----.C"',"C".9-'1"'SOO"..-------;.57l;\& ("'P""P)"Wffih:1iit=-e G·25 Med. + 14264 25G25 120·125 1.16 24 • Clear C, C·9 1500 41;\5 + 14265 25G25fW 120·12S-"-----T.2624 • White C, C-9 1500 4';\6 ~G~·30~---,M""'e'"7d.-+"" 14401 25G30/W 120·130 2.17 24 • White Ceramic C, c.s 2500 5'12 G·40 Med. + 1490) 25G4~ -12O~3.35 6#. White C, c.s 2500 615116 Decorative' +--1468S""'25G40-IZO·J3Q 3.20 Clear C, e.s 2500 61%6 +-14698-25G40TA i20·130 4.25 6 Trans. Amber Mood Gla R.P. C, C-9 2500 615;\6 + 14697-25G40TB-120·130 4.25 6 Trans. Blue Mood Glo R.P. C, C·9 2500 615116 ~ -14696-25G40T1;120-130 4.25 6 Trans. Green Mood Glo R.P. C, cs 2500 61%6 + 14699 25G40TP 120-130 4.25 6 Trans. Purple Mood Glo R.P. C, C·g 2500 615;\6 +-lifs§5 25G40TR 120·130-4-:-25 6 Trans. Red Mood Glo RP. C, c.s 2500 GUlis + -14700-Z5G40TSM 120·130 4.25 6 Trans. Smoke Mood Glo R.P. C, c.s 2500.-----........ 61-0/16 'S;C-·""ll-·C·a-nd'. --i705S-Z5S11C/P--115·125 1.09 120 • Ceramic Frosted, Photocopy (8) B, C·7A 400 lY! 2\.'4 181242516Yz 115 1.62 60 • Clear B, C·g 1000 242 5lh "·617 Inter. 18125 -25T6* -120 l.52 60 Clear B, c.s 1000 242 5'12 -18126-Z5T61h 125 1.94 60 • Clear B, c.s 1000 242 5Y! Showcase -18128 25T61h 130 1.94 60 Clear B, C·8 1000 242 5\1 18113 25T6V2 ICF120 -.-1.=85:--..6Q.-- • ...,C:-er-am~i~c .. ro-s-;-I-------.Br, F ""C.--=-g--.;lOOOc--.2=2S.------S=y,71 -i8IT4-25T61h/CF 125 2.25 60 • Ceramic Frost B, C·8 1000 225 5Y! 1911l---gT61h/CF 130 2.25 SO • Ceramic Frost B, c-s 1000 225 5\-7 O:C. Bay. 18117-25T6~DCfCF --120 2.75 60 CT Scale Illuminator B, ca 1000 225 5'12 18118-25T6~DCfCr 125 3.35 C.F. Scale Illuminalor B, C·g 1000 225 5Yz ~lg129 ~25T6~ DC 120 Z.40.:--=60.----;C"le-ar-;S.-c-;ale-----...11I,--um~i-na·to-r----.Br, "C-"8---'-lOO~O ----;:-2f'2.-------,SY! 1&106 25T6* D-C-130 2.90 -SO Clear Scale Illuminator B, C·8 1000 242 5'12 ;-T·"S-·C·a-nd;-. -- 1828925T8C 115·125 1.27 60 • Clear, Home Appliance B, C·7A [3) 235 2% Inter. 18359 25TSN 120--US60 Home Appliance. Clear B, C·7A (3-;-) -----;;;:23""Sc----;2<i%i193~T8N7fF 120 1.32 60 Inside Frosted, Home Appliance B, C·lA (3) 235 2% 18345'25T8N/IF/B --1~ 1.35 60 Inside Frosted, Blue Transp. B,C"7A (31 2% 'D"."-C"BC:-ay-. '18310-25T8DC-120 1.03 60 Home Appliance, Clear B, C·7A (31 235 2% 18315_25T8Dc_---1~1.03 SO Home Appliance, Clear B, C·lA (3) 235 2% 18316 2ST8~ 130 1.03 60 Home Appliance, Clear B, C-7A (3J 235 2% ~f8307-25T80C-230 3.2a-SO Clear, Home Appliance S, C·7A 131 2% -18311 -25T8DC/BL 120 1.23 24. Clear, Blister Pack, R.P. B, C-7A (3) 2% 18318 25T8DC-,fF 120 1.25 60 I. Home Appliance B, C·7A (3) 235 2% 183l925T8DC/IF 125 1.25 60 I. r.. Home Appliance B, C·7A (3) 235 2% 18320 25T8DCjIF 130 1.49 60 I. F. Home Appliance B, C·7A (3) 235 2% 1830825TB7DClB 120 1.03 50 Appliance Blue, Home App!. B, C·7A 131 2% 18309 2ST80C/IF/B 120--1.13 60 Appliance Blue, Inside Frosted B, C-7A (3) 2% t""'·l"'"O-=MC-ed'. -""""-;;;18509 25TlO-115 1.04 60t • Clear B, e.s 1000 243 5% 18510 25TlO 120 1.04 60t • Clear B, c.s 1000 243 5% 18511 25TlO 125 1.25 60 • Clear B, c.s 1000 243 5% Showcase 18512 25T10 130 1.25 60 • Clear B, C·8 1000 243 5% 18501'. 25TlO/CF 115 1.25 60t • Ceramic Frost B, c.s lOOO 235 5% ~ 18503 25T10/CF 120 1.25 60t • Ceramic Frost B, c.s 1000 235 5% 18504 25T10/CF 125 1.51) 60 • Ceramic Frost B, c-e 1000 235 5% *Five (5) Retall Pack (RP) cases (any mix) = one (1) standard case. + No change in price. .... Decrease in price. Hhree (3) Relail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) '" one (1) standard case. a Approximate initial mean candlepower in 10° cone at 10' - 250. Individual lamps may vary somewhat. Maximum candlepower is somewhat greater.




OAlso available in 12 lamp Retail Pack. 25F/IC/BL , .. .. . .. .. . . .. NAED 13821 25F/AIC/BL.. __ 13823 fAlso available in 24 Lamp Retail Pack120 Volts - $t30 25TI0.. __. __..... __.... NAED 18497 25TIO/IF. .. . . . . . . . . . . . 18498

#Also available in 'Mood-Glo' Retail Pack. 25G40/W. . .. Price $3.50.... __. NAED 14618 25G40 Price 3.35 __.. 14617


[9 i::t SYLVANIA

Incandescent Lamps

Ordering suuested Std. Class Rated NAED Abbreviation till Pkg. and Hours Approx. Base Code (Except Volts) Volts Prlce Qty. Description Fil. Life Lumens L.C.l. M.O.L. Watts Bulb Med. 18505 25TlO/CF , 130 $1.50 60 • Ceramic Frost B. C·8 1000 235 5% 25 T-IO 1864225TIO/RFL 1'""20,.,---'----"'-=5'"".OC=-5 --60".-.--.----Re"'flc-€\:-,--to-r =(6-;-) -------C .. ,"C"'C."8----;1"'00;c;;O,----------S"'"o/I7"'aShowcase 18643 25TlO/RFL 125--5.90 60 • Reflector (6) C, CC·8 1000 5% 18644 25TI01 RFL -130 5:"906"0 -.-;R;-ef'"'le..:.,cl,....:or--:-(6;i7)-------C,,:-,"C"C."g -----'-}""OO"'O------'="5o/i7-814794 30R20 120 3.10 60 Reflector, Light I. F. C, C-9 2000 195 3151i6 30 R-20 Med. 14802 30R20 130 3.75 60 Reflector, Light I. F. C, C-9 2000 195 3u/16 11706 30R20/TB 125-130 4.65 60 Reflector. Trans. blue C, C-9 3000 31%. 30R20/TG 125 130 4.65 60 Reflector, Trans. green C. 3000 3151i6 11707 30R20/TO --125.:[30 4.65 60 I-~R~erifle--c;-to-'-r,~T""'ra-:-:ns,:-. "'or"--an'-:-g-e ----C-i-,-;;C".9,-----;;3""OO"'0-------;3;-;;15~V!6 11708 3OR20/TR 125·130 4.65 60 Reflector, Trans. red C. C·9 3000 3151i& 10422 30R20/RS/99 130 3.90 60 Light I. F" Refl.. Rough Serv. B, c.n 5000 31>/1. -'3""O--'SC'1·1"1---';D'.C'. '1"'07"'6'4 3"'OS "Ba~y~, •...... ..1.-i1D0;C.-:-64 1.44 120 Train Marker C, C-7A 500 352 H:\ 2% 10765 30S11DC 7:,..5----;:.:1.-;-,44,.....,1"'20.------.T"Cra"'in:OMCO:a:Ork-::e-r(;,1l;-7)-----"C~. C"-""'7 A'----;5"'O"0 ---;;-;35"'2----,-;-1\I4-i-1 -"2';VI'-10763 30511/100 32 1.63 120 Clear, Train Marker {111 C, C·7A 500 420 1\14 2% 19504 L30 115·125 5.50 24 Clear (7) B, C-B 1500 254 17% Disc. T-8 19510-l30/lf 115·J25 24 Inside Frosted (7) B, c.s 1500 254 17% Lumiline 19516 L30fW -------.11"'5·.1"'25~~.---.,,24;;-'-----.W"'h"'it-=-e "(7')--'-'-----'B,;.., "C·"g-'IS""O"'O ------"'17"'%C-19554 l30/MB 24 i Moonlight Blue, Lumiline (7) B, C·8 1500 17% I 9566l30/EM 24 Emerald, Lumiline (7) B, c-s 1500 17% 19542 L30/0 24 0 range, Lumiline !7l B, C·8 1500 17% -,.19~57~8~~L3~O/~S~P~K--~~~~~~~~24.---S'u-=-rp~ris~e-;;P·in~k,·L~um~i~lin-::e·(7~)----B~,hC."8-·1~mnO------l~7,;%-19illL3,c,0/=ST~----:-;-;-;·· 24 Straw, Lumiline (7) B. C-B 1500 17% 19572 L30/R 24 Red, Lumiline (7) B, C-S 1500 17% --::;;r------300 ~ A-21 Kon-Tact 19385 30/100jW 1.29 W' • Soft White, Three·Way (B, 88) C, CC·g 1200 985 55lis 70 1100 Med. ... C, CC·g 1285 300 ~ A"21 Kon·Tact 19386 30/100/W 1.29 12* • Soft White, Three·Way (8. 88) C, CC·S 1200




70 1100 32 A·IS 33 36 T-6V1 A-I9

Med. Med. Inter, Med.







C. CC-B 10980 32A19/49 CI. SI. Ltg, Gr. Replacement C, cs 10983 32A19/49 CI. SI. Ltg, Gr. Replacement C, C·9 18088 33T6\1 Clear, Showcase (96) Min. Run Type B, C·& 109&8 36A/RYH 2.40 12Q Clear, SI. Ry. Headlight B, C·5 (Watts centered at ,342 Amps) -10989 36A/RYH 125 2.65 120 Clear. St. Ry. Headlight B, C·S (Watts centered at .342 Amps) 1lJ94 36A/RY 120 1.17 120 • I. F. SI. Ry.. (Watts centered at .342 Amps) B. C·9 11795 36A/RY 125 1.23 120 • I. F. SI. Ry., (Watts centered at .342 Am pSI B. C·9 .61 nOt .1 nside Frosted, Appliance C. C·9 ,80 120 Appliance BI. Not for Oven Use C. C-9 .77 120 Clear Range Oven C, C·g .59 120tt. Inside Frosted (24) C. c·g --;-;=----,=------....,.".,,--~.71 120 • Inside Frosted (24) C, C-9 .64 120 Clear C, Cog .77 120 • Clear (24) C. C·9 1.45 120 • Inside Frosted B, C-17 1.04 120 .1. F., Daylight C, cs l2O--~24'• Soft White C, C·g ~~~~~---~-,mr--~~24~*~.~S~of~tWmTIhit~e------~~~~"C~.C'.9,,--..15O~OO---4D475~~~~4Y,~4120 120 120 Inside Frosted Excel-Line (83) Inside Frosted Excel-Line [83) Clear Excel-L ine 183) Orange, Ceramic Blue, Ceramic Flametint, Ceramic Green, Ceramic Ivory, Ceramic Red, Ceramic Rose, Ceramic Yellow +No change in price C. C·S C. c-s C, cs B, C-9 B, C-9 B, C-9 B, C·g B, C·9 B, C-9 B, C·9 B. C·g

1285 3000 3000 1000 1000 1000 2000 2000 1000 1000 1000 1500 1500 1500 1~0 1000 1500 l~a 2~O 2~0 2500 1500 1~O . 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 382 382 452 444 460 460 460 460 2 Vi 2Va 2Va 2%



4\4 4\14 5\7

41lis 411i s 3\12 3\7 4 4\4 4\4 4\14 4\4 31>/1. 4\4 4\4

2Ya 2)'8 2Va 2Vs ZVs 2\7

445 420 420 420 21'8 2Vs 2%

4\14 4\4 41/16 411i6 471i6 411i6 41lis 411i.

Sign & Dec.



Med. 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12


11842 tAl so available in 24 Retail Pack, Price - $.76 40A15.. .. _ ,NAED 10124 HAlso available in 24 lamp Retail Pack 40A." NAED 11010



120 120 120 120 120 120 120


*Five (5) Retail Pa ck (RP) cases (any mix) = one (1) standard



(5.1 i§t
Watts 40

SYLVANIA Incandescent Lamps

NAED Code Base 12058 Med. 12059 11834 11835 U830 11831 Cando + 134&8 + 13489 + 13424 -IT 13164 -ti 13765 +' 13490 + 13491 Med. + 13469 + 13470 Med. + 13974 13976 13975 13979 13977 13981 Cando 13702 + 13621 Med. + 14266 + 14267 + 14270 Med. Med. ~ 14688 14625 14626 15035 13595 -13596 13598 18096 18.364 18370 19590 19596 19602 19637 Ordering Abbreviation (Except Volts) 40A/TS 40A/TS 40A21IGRjC L 40A21/GR/CL 40A21/GRf1F 40A21/GR/IF 4OCA9C/24 40CA9CjW/24 40CA9C/CF 40CA9C/XL 40CA9C/W/Xl 40CA9C/ST /24 40CA9C/ST /W/24 40Cnf24 40Cll/W/24 40F 40F/W/24 40FjIT 40F jAIC/24 40F/IC/24 40F/V 40GI6YzC 40G16Vi/CW 40G 4OG/W 4OG/FT 40G/V 40G30jW 4OG40 40G40/W 40G40/S 40G40/GO 40R30/FL 40S11N 40S11N/CF 40SllN/BL Volts
S'Ul!!lld UII Pd~.

Bulb A·21





115-125 130 120·125

.87 1.06

120-125 120-130 120·130 120·125 120-125 120·125 120·125 120·125 120-125 120·125 120·125 120·125 120-1251 120-125

1.18 1.18 1.28 L06 1.18 1.06


.92 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 2.09 2.25 LI6 1.26


G-30 G40 R·30 S·1I



Description • Traffic Signal (11) • Traffic Signal (11) (24) Clear, Sign, Gr. Replacement Clear, Sign, Gr. Replacement , 120 I. F., Sign, Gr: Replacement I. F., Sign, Gr. Replacement 120 240 • Clear (S) 240 • White (8) 24 • Ceramic Frost IS) 24 • Clear, Excel Line (81 24 • White, Excel line (81 240 • Clear (8) Straight Top 240 • White (8) Straight Top' 240 • Clear (8) 240 • White (8) 24 • Clear (81 240 • White (8) 24 • Flametint (81 240 • I ridescent Amber, Decor. (8) 240 • Iridescent Clear, Decor. (81 24 • Ivo ry, Decorative (81 24 • Clear, Decorative (8) 24 • Ceramic White Deco r, (8) 24 • Clear 24 • White Ivory Ceramic 24 Flame Tint • White Ceramic • Clear • White Ceramic

Std. Pkg. Qty. 120

Class and



Mad. Inter.

T·8 Showcase

40T8 40TH/IF L40 Disc L40/IF L40/W L40jMB 1964.9 l40/EM tumiune 19625 L40/0 19661 L40/SPK 19613 L40/ST 19645 L40TR 'Five (5) Retail Pack(RP) cases (any mix) =one

Inter.' Med.

! 40T6~/2 I

• Silver Gold 12.80 Inside Frost., Ref!. Flood (9S) 24 2.97 Clea r, High Intensity 1.51 120 Ceramic Frosted (9S) l.4S 120 Clear, Blister Pack 1.51 24" Appliance, Clear (11, 961 1.93 60 120-130 5.10 24 • Clear 24 • Inside Frosted 120·130 5.20 24 115·125 4.70 Clear Inside Frosted (71 5.20 24 : 115·125 White (7) 115-125 5.20 24 Moonlight Blue 5.30 24 115·125 Emerald (7) 115-125 5.30 24 Orange (7) 115-125U 5.30 24 5_30 24 Surprise Pink (7J 115·125 11115-125 5.3IJ 24 Straw 171 Red (7) 115·125 5.30 24 + No change in price. (1) standard case. 120·130

C, C-g C, C-9 B, C·9 B, C·9 B, C·g S, C-g C, C·7A C, C·7A C, C-7A C, ct« C, C-7A C, C-7A C, C·7A C. C·7A C, C·7A C, c.s C, C-9 C. C·9 C, C·9 C. C·9 C, C-9 C, C.7A C, C-7A C, C-9 C, c.s C, C-9 C, C·9 C, c-s C, C, c-s C, C·9 C, C·9 C, CC·S C, C·7A C, C·7A C, C-7A C, C-8 B, C-23 B, C·23 B, C·8 B, C-S S, C-8 B, C-8 S, C-8 S, C-8 B, C·S B, C·8 S, C-8

Rated Hours Life 2000 2000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 2500 2500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500

Approx. Lumens 367 367

L.C.l. 27;\6 27;\6 2Vs 2Vs 2Ye 2J1s


4%6 47;\6
4\12 4\12 4\:1 4\-2 3% 3% 3% 3* 3ioi 39;\6 39;\6 4


4Yz 4Yz
4\:1 4\:1 4\:1 3 3

1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2000 500 500 500 1000 1000 1000 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500



4';\6 348 296 4%


5Yz 61o/is
6H/Ii; 615/16 61%6

1% 1% 1Ys 400 400

5% Zo/i.
25;\6 2%6 5\:1 11% llYa


11% 11%

11* llioi

11% 1·1%


QA'lso available in 12 lamp Retail Pack. 40CA9C/BL., . , .. , ...•...•...... , .. ,NAED 13456 40CA9C ICF tBl ..... , .. ...... , . NAED 13457 40Cll/W/BL . . .. 40CA9C/W/BL. . , , .. , .. . ..•.. , ..... 13458 40CA9C/ST/BL., . .... ~ ............ 40F/W/12/Bl.. , ... , ...... , , ... , ...• 13459 4OF/AIC/BL. ..... , ...•...... , ...... 40CA9C/ST/W/Bl .......•.......... 13440 40Cll/BL, ........•......• , ......... 40F/IC/Bl .......•... ' ...•......•...


13427 13441 13984 13986 13985

#Also available in 'Mood-Glo' 40G40.. ..... .. Price $3.00 . 40G40jW. ' ... , Price 3.15 .....

Retail Pack. . NAEO 14619 14620 ,.,



I€'I i::a SYWANIA Incandescent Lamps

Watts 40 Bulb T·10 Base Med. Orderi nR SUlIested Std. Abbreviation Lt,l Pkg. (Except Volts) Volts Prltt Qty. 40TlO 115 $ 1.04 60 40TlO --120 1.04 SO! 40TlO 125 1.26 60 -:1=-=865=-2 -----:}=-=3O ---:-4=OT:O"I=-0 1.26 60 18663 40TlO/CF 115 1.17 60 18664 40TlO/CF 120 '.17 60t 18668 40nO/Cf 125 1.40 60 18669 40TlO/CF 130 1.40 60 -1""'S""69"'"a-4=OT=I=O':-:/R=-=FC:-L--1211 6.20 60 NAEO Code 18649 18650 18651 50A/RS 50A/RS 50A19/RS 50A19/RS Description • • • • • • • • • Clear Clear Clea r Clear Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Geramic Reflector Rated Hours Approx. rn. Life lumens B, C-8 1000 416 B, C·8 WOO 416 B, c.s 1000 416 B, c-s 1000 416 S, c.s 1000 416 B, e·8 1000 416 B, C·8 1000 416 B, G-S 1000 416 C, GG-S 1000 374 Class and L.C.l. M.O.L 5% 5% 5Ya 5% 5% 5% 5% 5Ya 5%


Frost Frost Frost Frost (61

--=S=-0---=A-:·l=9--:cM:-ed-:-.------:-10458 10459 11066 11068 11131 14886

---=-3a-:-----=l=.l~7 _1:._:2-;:-0-=.-=--=.-;-I;.:....:F:..:..." -;;cR~O~U--';g":-h~S~e-rv--:-:-iC-e--------~----------;;B_::''-:,__=e~.9~-=.~-;-;1::c0::::O:-:0~-=--=-~5~3:;;-0:--_ 34 1.20 12(1 I. F., Rough Service s, c-s 1000 530 2Y1 3151i6 60 1.28 120 Train, I. F., Rough Service (121 B, C-9 1000 505 2Y1 31'li6 75 1.00 120+1 ---,T~r.:.:ai.:.:.:n,~I:..,. ~Se::..:_rv::..:_ic::..:_e...::(l:..:-2'-) F.:.:.:.,~R.:.:oU~g.,.:._h --B=-',-::G--:_9---:1:.:,00:-::0-~5~05:---::27-7Y1'---:3::-:-15=-7VIc:....6

5OA19/31 115·125 1.59 120 Clear, Bake Oven B. c.s 1000 500 2\1 3Lo/i, 50A/VS=.--------:clZ=O---=.=gS,...-:-1::::;20:---.--:--I.-:F:-.,-':-:V::-:-ib-ra-:7lio-n...,S:-e-rv-;-ice-(:-:-13:;:-,-::-24::-1----;:B:-, :;;-C.-;:-9--;-:10;;:OO:;;---;:-;54:;::-5--'2;;-;-Y;-:-I---;;-3;-;'15/i-:-16

14889 SOAfVS 125·130 1.01 120 .1. F., Vibration Service us, 24) B, c.s 1000 545 2Y1 31%6 14868SOA/CL/VS 120 .85 120 • Clear, Vibration Service (13, 241 B, G-9 1000 545 2Y1 3151i6 -14s6950A/CL/VS----=1.:.:ZS:_______:1.=01:...._:1::::_20:._..;.:..,C::..:_le:.:a.:..:..r, ":"Vi':':br:':at'::':io':':n-=S_:_:er':':vi':':ce:_:(~13:.c., 2~4_:_1 -..;S.:..:..,':':C.~9---:-1OO=-=-=--0 -----=--S4=5--:-:2!1;c:.1--=3-:-:Lo/i=--16 14870 Illl8 11395 11397 11420 11422 11425 11393 11430 11428 11401 11433 11432 11427 11447 11449 11445 50A/Cl/VS 50A/RS/SL 50A SOA 130 1.0l 120 • Clear, Vibration Service (13, 24) B, C-9 1000 545 2VI 3151i, ---:-:-1l-=-S_-:c12;:-OS-I::'-.g=S---=-12:-:0-------:cS--:af-e :-:U-ne-:R:-o-ug--;-h-::S-erv-:i:-ce__:____::_____:-------:ce--';, C:-.2::-::2:--_ :;-;;10::::00;0---4;-::;7;;-0 ----;2;;-V.-;--~31:;-o/i;-16 230 1.18 120 • Inside Frosted B, e·ll 1000 475 2Y1 31'1i6 1.18 120 • Inside Frosted B, C·ll 1000 475 2Y1 315/16 23:.;..0 1=-.3:::0__::12~0-,---.:.:.-=e::..:_'ea_::_:r--------~B_:_, __ C~.~17:---:;-::IO:-::-00:--_4-:-::7-;:-5 _-=-31,..;-o/i=...16 _-:2:-:-!I;:_2 250 1.35 120 • Clear B, C-17 1000 475 2'h 311;\. ~~--::-:-~~-~~--:~~--------~~~~,--~~--~~~~ 230 1.55 120 • L F., Rough Service B, C·22 1000 450 2Y1 31%6 250 1.55 120 • L F.. Rough Service B, C-22 1000 450 2V2 31%6 ..... 1.27 120 .1. F., Rough Service B, C-22 1000 450 2Y1 31o/is 277 1.35 120 • Inside Frosted, Mine B, C-I? 1000 460 2Y1 3"lis 300 1.35 120 • Inside Frosted, Mine B, C-ll 1000 460 2Y1 315/16 277 1.50 120 • I. F., Rough Service S, e.zz 1000 2V. 315116 250

5OA19/37 SOA19/37 50A/RS SOA/RS 5OA/RS'-----:2=60::---. 5OA19 50Al9 50Al9/RS 50Al9/RS 50A19/R/RS SOA19/35 50A19/35 50A/R


_~30~0--:1:::.:.:.6:::0---:=--12:::=0--=- ~Ro:..:u~gh.:...,S:.:e.:..:_rv.:..:_ic.:.:e B:." C=-,.2~2~:._:10-::-::OO:-----_2__:_:V.:__---::-:31-:--51i;_:_6 • .:,:-I..,.:._F,::..., ~ 277 1.94 120 • Red, Rough Service n, c.zz 1000 3LII16 ~--~~==-.-~~~--------------~~~~=------:--:-:--~~~~~ ~t-';C;27;-;;-7 _-:1;-'-.4:-::6----:c12:-:()_,__.-::-G:-lea_r'-:, M~i-ne--------::o-S'-;, C;--,-1;::;7,------;::;100::::;0:-----:4;-;;-60;:------;:2:-;-Y1:---;;-;31:;-51 300 l.46 120 • Clear, Mine B, C·ll lQOO 460 2Y1 3151i6 IF 23O:-=--1=,6_:2---:-1-::-::20:---.--=R~ed:-G:-e-ra-=-mc-ic---------;::B~, CO-.-=-=17:---:-:1OO=-=-O=----'-'-'--'--=-----=-31,..;-5/i-:-=--16 250 1.62 120 • Red Ceramic B, C·17 1000 3"/16 300 1.80 120 • Red Ceramic B, C-17 1000 31%6 ~~:--~----:---------------::~~~~------------~~ 300 1.80 120 • Green Ceramic B, C·17 1000 31%6 6 1.72 120 Inside Frosted e, e·6 1000 830 3% 41Slis ~--_::::.:.:~~~_.:..:_~~~~,----~------=-~:.,_~~--~~~~--~;_:_ 6 2.00 120 L.H. Thread, Inside Frosted C, G·S 1000 830 3% 415116 --~=-7=-----:-:~~~--=-::::_=-,_.:..:_.::..:-=-----_7--';;-=--~~---==~--:~--~~ 12 1.38 120 Inside Frosted C, C·6 1000 865 3% 415/16 30;:--t"-::'1--=.OO:;;--I;::;Z";-0 F;:-ro-s-:-ted7,-=T:-ra-:-in--;&'--C""o-u-'nt-ry--:--H:-om-e---:C"", --I:-n-:. -':C--=.9-~1:;;OOO;-;;----;;-8::-::20'-----;:;C3Yl;-;-g---:4;;-;1';-;Vi-, 32 34 47 1i0 285


1I44850A/R 11450 50A/R _____ 11451 50A/G A·21 Med. 11561 50A21 .~--:--:~~ Med. L.H.T. 11562 50A2l/LHT Med. 11569 SOA2l 11552 SOA21 11654 11604 11680 11684 12796 ~ A·21 100 [ 150 Kon·Tact 18060 M ed. + SOA21 50A21 50A2I 50A21 50All 50/1S0A[W SfJ/I5fJA/W 50/150A/SPK

1.00 120 Inside Frosted, Train C, c-s 1000 860 1.00 120 Inside Frosted, Train C, c-s 1000 860 ~~~~--~~~~~~--------~-=-.:.:--~~--~---=~---,~ 1.43 120 Inside Frosted, Emergency C, C·9 1000 1.00 120 Inside Frosted, Train C, c.s 1000 698 --__:_:~~_:;.:...-=-'-;~~------~~~~~------~~--~;_:_ 1.13 120 • Inside Frosted, Mine B, C-l7 1000 620 120 1.29 12" • Soft White Three·Way C, CC·8 1200 1580 (8, 881 C, CC·8 2200

3% 3% 3% 3%

411;\6 41o/i6 41%6





18061 18726

115-125 one (I) standard

l.2g 1.59 case.

12" •

Soft White Three·Way (8,881 (8,881

C, CC·8 G, CC·8 G, CC·g G, CC-8


1580 2200


12" • Soft Pink, Three- Way

+No change in price.


*Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix)

tAlso available in 24 lamp Retail Pack - 120 Volt - $1.30 4OTlO .•................•..••..••.•• NAED 18645 40TlO/CF. _... , ....••..•.........••. NAED 18e46



[?i i#I SYLVANIA Incandescent

Watts ~ 100 I 150 Bulb Base NAED Code Ordering Abbreviation (Except Volts) 50/150 50/150 50/250MfW SaRlO SORlO 50R 20jGRO 56A21 56A21 56P25 58A19/62 58A19/62 60A 60A Volts 120 125 120 120 125·130 120
Sruested Std. Usl Pkg.

De scrl pti on Class and FIf. C, CC·8 C, CC.8 C, CC·8 C, CC·8 C, CC·8 C, CC·8 C, c·g C, e-s C, Cog B, C·9 B, Rated Hours life 1200 1200 1200 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1000 3000 3000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Approx. lumens 640 1500 2240 2240 620 3500 4120 425 425 L.C.L.



PS·25 3C Mog.


15362 15363 19404

$1.35 1.35 1.59

Z4~ • Inside Frosted, Three·Way 24* 12* • Inside Frosted, Three·Way • Soft White, Three·Way (8,88) • Light Inside Frosted, Reflector • Light Inside Frosted, Reflector Reflector, SpDt·GRO .1 nside Frosted, St. Ry., (Watts Centered at .519 Amps.) .1 nside Frosted, St. Ry., (Wa.tts Centered at .519 Arnps.l • Clear, St. Ry. Headlight (Watts Centered at .519 Amps.) St. lighting, Group Replacement St. lighting, Group Replacement Inside Frosted, Dental Spot .Inside Frosted (24) • Inside Frosted (24)

~ A·23 200 1250 Kon·Tact Med. Med.






14831 14832 (.) 14842 12208 12209

125 120 120 125 24 120 125

3.50 60 4.20 60 4.35 6 1.01 120 1.04 3.00 .89 .98 120 60 120 120

604 604



P-2S 58 A·19

Med. Med.

15053 11149 11150

e. C·9

B, C·5 C, C"9 C, C"9 C, CC-8 C, CC-8

~--~=-~~--~~~~~60 A·19 Med. 10540 60A

10476 10477

656 656 890 890 890

2lji6 2% 2Ya 3Ys 3VI 3¥a

4% 4\4 4\4 4'ii6

1.53 120 .59 120t .65 120

10478 60A 130.n 120 .1 nside Frosted (24) O=---O-12=28=O~=60'""'"A"7/G=R::-:O::-----'"""'12C::-0----;2:-:.6O::0-6 Spot·GRO

C, CC-8 C, C-9

47116 47116 4711.


10553 60A/CL 120 .64 120 • Clear (24) C, eC-8 1000 890 3ys 47/16 10555 6OA/Cl 130.77 120 • Clear C, cca 1000 890 3Ve 47/16 10480 60A/D 115-125 1.17 120 .Inside Frosted, Daylight (24) C, CC·S 1000 3Ya 47;'i6 ~10~47,.o.9-1!",-6:-:07A/~D=-=- -=-,1:-.:.,30 1.41 120 til Inside Frosted, Daylight C, CC·8 1000 3Ys WIG 10481 GOA/Del 115·125 1.59 120 • Clear, Daylight C, CC·S 1000 3Ys 4%6 10613 60A/S8 120 1.55 120 .1. F., Silver Bowl (20) C, CC·S 1000 758 471\6 10573 60A/SPK 115·125 .89 12" • Soft Pink C, CC-8 1000 471i6 -+t-11-32-4-6-0A--'/W---"-P---~120 .77 24* • Soft White Plus C, CC·S 1500 825 41116 11208 GOA/IIl 120 .63 24* • Soft White C, CC-8 1000 870 47116 11209 6OA(W 125 .63 24~ • Soft White C, cce 1000 870 41/16 10384 60A/Y 120 .89 12" • Yellow (Bug-lite) C, CC·S 1000 41;'16 10385 6OA/Y 125 .89 12" • Yellow (Bug-lite) C, cc-s 1000 4l!J.6 10386 fIlA/Y no 1.07 24 • Yellow (Bug·lile) C, CC·8 1000 411i6 10587 6OA/99/Xl 120 .78 120 Inside Frosted (83) Excel Line C, CC-S 2500 760 Wa 4%6 11182 6OA/99/XL 130 .93 120 1nside Frosted (S3) Excel Line C, CC-8 2500 760 3Ys 471\.6 12416 60A-=-::/R:::S:__------:-=:1:-:20. I 1.35 120 I • Inside Frosted Rough Service (24) C, C·17 1000 575 3Ys 41/16 12417 6DA/RS 125·130 1.61 120 • Inside Frosted, Rough Service C, C·17 1000 575 3Ys 4%6 12418 6OACL/RS 120 1.23 120 • Clear, Rough Service C, C·D 1000 575 3Ys 4%6 12419 60ACL/RS 125·130 1.48 120 • Clear, Rough Service C, C·17 1000 575 3Ys 47116 10501 60A/SL 120 1.37 120 Safe Line, Inside Frosted C, CC·8 1000 855 3Ys 4%6 50A/CL/SL 120 1.37 120 Sale Line, Clear c. eC·8 1000 855 3Ys 471i6 60A19/CO 120 1.50 120 • Orange (92) Ceramic C, C-9 1000 411\6 6OA19/CB 12.0 1.50 120 • Blue (92) Ceramic C, C-9 1000 41/16 60Al9/CFT 120 1.50 120 • F1ametint (92J Cera mic C, C·9 1000 41f16 6OA19/CG 120 1.50 120 • Green (92) Ceramic C, C-9 1000 4%6 ---,--o--c-----:-:GOA19/C R 120 1.50 120 • Red (92) Ceramic C, c.s 1000 41lis 12284 6OAl·:-::-=9/"7;R::-:2----+:----;-17.Z0;c------:;-1.-:50:--:1"'ZO;c---.--,c:-e-ra..:..m-:""ic'-:;R:-os-e-::(9::-:2:-) c:-e-ra-m-:""ic~---e::",-:C:-:-9:---:1""OOO=----~~----4:-::71i..::16'-Med. L.H.T. 10572 60A/LHT 125 .83 1~20-O---I'--. L-e.,-ft""'H-an-'-d-=Tc-hr-ea-d-----C-',-C-C--g---clC7007""70--S-90----c3-Ys--4-'711"::16'--=-F.-=, *Five (5) Retail Pa ck (RP) cases (any mix) = one (1) standard tAlso available in 24 lamp Retail Pack - 120 volt. 60A.. . NAED 11214 case.

+ No change

in price.





Watts 60 Bulb A-21 Base Med. NAEO Code

Incandescent Lamps

21;\6 4000 4000 21Jis 1000 2Y6 1000 2Ya 2000 21A6 2000 CA9 Cando 1500 Decor 1500 1500 2500 1500 1500 Med. 1500 4 Decor 1500 4 Med. F·15 1500 4\:2 120-130 . 2.19 24Med. + 14403 60G30/W 2500 G·30 5\:2 120·130 2.85 Med. -H 14689 60G40 2500 576 615/is G·40 4% 6# • Clear 120·130 3.00 -1-1 14690 60G40/W 2500 492 615/i6 6/f. • White 12* • Sm. Chimney (.8, 44) 120 1.50 GT-19 Med. +' 14318 60tSCH 1500 51Vi! 12-0-1~65 12~ • Amber Chim. (8, 441 + 14319 60SCH/A 1500 SIYI. 6~ Chimney (8, 44) GT-24 Md. Skt.-f 14290 60/eH 120 3.10 3000 SVi. CI., Mine Locomotive Head lite PAR-46 Ser. Term 15199 6GPAR 38 10.50 12 800 3% Clear (7) 19673 L60 115-125 5.DO 24 T-8 Disc 1500 550 17Y. 115-125 Inside Frosted (7) 19679 550 24 1500 L61l/IF 550 17% -19685~C60/W 1ls:r2s"'"'-- 51024 White (7) 1500 17% MoonlighlBlue (7) ::1 972i"'''-i._60/MB 24 115-l155.60 1500 Lumiline 17% Orange (7) 1l5·125 19709 L60/0 5.60 24 1500 17% €"""F""FSF i"""""i2""4 Surp rise Pi n'k (7) 19745 L6D/SPK 115·125 24 5.60 1500 17% r 19697 L6GIST Straw (7) 115·125 5.60 24 1500 170/0 -115-125 Red (7) 19751 L50/R 24 1500 5.60 17% L60/EM--115-125 5.60~24 ! Emerald (7) B, c.s 1500 17% r197~3 --- 3.30 60 • Ceramic Frost Showcase 011 Med. 18711 60nD/C FL20 C, C·8 toOO T·IO 5% C, c.s 18710 60TlO/64 3.00 60 • Clear, showcas e Ill) 1000 5% I 120 Clea r, T raffie Signal (11) 12463 64A2l{TS C, C-9 64 Med. 120 .74 120 3000 691 A·21 4J/16 Wli 12-5--.82 Clear, Traffic Signal (11) 120 64A21/TS C, C-9 ~ 12465 3000 691 21/16 41Ji6 Clear, Traffic Signal (11) 3()OO 12464 64A21JTS .89 120 C, C-9 21A, 411i! 691 I 130 12466 Clear, Traffic Signal 01) 67 Med. 67A21/40 C, C·9 3000 411i. A·21 .66 120 21;\. I 120 Clear, Traffic Signal (lIJ C, C-9 12467 67A21/40 3000 41Ji6 2J/16 L12~5 _ .66 120 12468 67A21/40 Clear, TraffiC Signal (ll) C, C-9 3000 21!J6 4'Ji6 12550 67A21/40/8M Clear, Traffic Sigmilnl) C, C-9 WOO 594 21116 41Ji, 12561 67A21/40/8M _. Clear, Traffic Signal Ill) ---C, C-9 8000 594 21/1. 471i! , 12562 67A21/40/8M -----;;-;y;;---,-,.-----.::---.;""'----:C"'le-a--'-r,TT-ra"'ffi-c "'Si-=-'gn-a"l -----.C;;;-'-, (T.11;"-) ""'C"""_9-"""'8""Ooo<7<----",,....,---ri-i'''----;4''''7/i--l! 594 211i.6 -6-9--A---,·20""71--M-e-d.-----,I-c-24~90- 69A2i/TS Clear, Traffic Signal (11) C, C-9 8000 471i6 675 21ft6 12491 69A21/TS Clear, Traffic Signal (11) C, C-9 3000 675 21/16 41/16 675 21/is 1210 3\18 1210 3lh 12506 75A 130 • Inside Frosted (24) C, CC-8 750 4'/16 1210 31fB ,12301 i5A/991XL 120 L F., Excel-Liae 183) C, CC-S 2500 4%; 970 3Yi 12302 7SA/99/Xl 130 I. r., Excel-Line IS3) C, CC·S 2500 . 970 41Ji, 3Y8 *Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) = one (1) standard case. + No change in price.


Qty. Volts Pli•• 115 $ .90 120 120--.9012.0 125--1.00-1'20 -120--.99 -120 lis .99 120 230 122 120 250 1.22 120 230·250 1.16 120 120 1.69 60 1.1)6 240 120-125 1::[8240 120·125 120~1.18 24 120-130 1.18 24 120-125 1.06 240 120·125 De -240



Std. • Clear, Traffic Signal Ull • Clear, Traffic Signal (ll) • Ciear, Traffic Signal (111 Clear Traffic Signal (11) Clear Traffic Signal • Inside Frosted • Ins id e Frosted Traffic Signal (97) • I. iF., Di rsct Lite Neek RFL • Clear 181 .Wllite (8) • Ceramic Frost (S) • Clear (8) Excel-Line • Clear (S) Straight Top • Whtte (8) Straight Top • Clear (8) • White (S) • Clear (8) • White Ceramic

Class and


C, C-9 C, C-9 C, C-9 C, c.s B, c.rz B, c.n B, C-17 C, C-9 C, C·7A C, C·7A C, C·7A C, C·7A C, C·7A C, C-7A C, C·7A C, C-7A C, C-9 C, c.s C, c.s C, cs C, C·9 C,. c-s C, e-s C, CC-24 B, C·S B C·S B, C·8 B, c.s B, C-8 B, c.s B, C-8 B, C-8


C, r;;9

Rated HI)Urs Life 2000 2000 2000

Approx. Lumens 685 685 6S5




47/16 47As 47/t6 47/16 471i6 41Jis Wi! 41%S 3% 30/0 30/0 3% 3o/i6 3'Yis




OAlso avalla ble in 12 Retail Pack 6OCA9C/BL.. "NAEO 60CA9C/W/Bl. .. "....... ... 6OCA9C/ST/BL. . .. . . .. 6OCA9C tCr tBl. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60CA9C/ST/W/BL NAED 60CII/Bt.. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 6OcnjW/BL. ..

13460 13461 13462 13428 134E3 13442 13443

in 24 lamp Retail Pack. . .. . .. NAED 12521 in 'llhod·Glo' Retail Pack. SO!140. . . . .. . .. . Price $3.00....... NAE0 14621 6OG40/W Price $3.15... 14622

fAlsoavaiiable 75A. .. #Also available



(ij i~ SYLVANIA Incandescent Lamps

Watts 75

A-21 A-23

Bulb A-I9

Base Med.

NAED Code 12500 lZSOZ 12514

Ordering Abbreviation (Except Volts)


SIUesl.d ti,l


Std. Pkg. Qty.


Approx. lumens

l.Ci. M.O.L.

11337 10967

15A/SPK 75A/WP 15AJW 75A/W

115-125 120.77 120 125

.89 .63 .63

12* • Soft Pink Z4' • Soft White Plus 24" 24'" • Soft White • Soft White

c, cc-s c. ce-s

750 1500 750 750

1080 1180 1180

10968 12300 Med. LHT 1251)9 Med_ 11571)

~----=-~~------~~-- 1.17 75A/RX 115-125

7SAl1 75A2l 75A21/RS 75A21/RS 15All/D 75Al1 7SA21 75A23 6

C, cc-s C, cc-s

41116 41111 41/16 4111s

120 Ceramic Red, Exit c. eC-6 (1) 41/16 75A/LH=T----------:I"";;:25::-T---=-.g=-O --'l~2=-0 ---I:-n""'"sid"':""e--:F-::--ro-st-::--ed7",-=-Le--:ft:-CH7"a-nd7"T::7h-_ ---C=-,--:C-;;:C--;:8-~75:::;;O'-----1:-::2-:-:10;----=3"""V8--4:-=IJl-::-l1 1.62 120 Inside Frosted Inside • Inside • Inside • Inside Frosted Frosted, Rough Service Frosted, Rough Service Frosted, Daylight C, c.s

12546 12548 12974 13386 13388 12870 15101

120 125·130 m-125 230 250 30 130

1_62 L20
1.36 120 1_63 120

c, C·G
c. e-ll
C, C·Il C, eC·5 C, C·9 C, C-9 C, C-9

1000 1000 1000 1000 750 1000 1000 1000 21)00 2000 c 802 802

3* 3* 3* 3Ve 3 Ys 3Ve 4%

So/IS 55116 55/16


I.U 120
L42 120 1.42 120 1.18 120 4.35 24 24

----~~--~~~~~:------~~=---~~ ER-30 Med. ~ 15100 75ER30 120 3_65



• Insida Frosted • Inside Frosted • L F., Train & Country Home • Inside Frosted, Elliptical Rfl. • Inside Frosted, Elliptical Rfl.

50/1. 55116 6Yls 6% 6%

c, CC-6

e, Ce-6

13816 14915 15524 14136 14139 14142 14140 14141 14138 14137 Med. 13850 Side Prong 13844 PAR-46 Scr. Term 15200

75PAR38/VWFl 75PAR38/2FL 75PAR38/2Fl 75PAR/FL/A 75PAR/fL/B 75PAR/FL/BW 75PAR/fLIG 75PAR/FL/PK 75PAR/FL/R 75PAR/FL/Y 75PAR/3FL 75PAR/3SP 75PAR/46 75R30/SP 75R30/SP

120 115-125 125-130

4.50 11.75 14.01} 5.70 5.70 5.70

12 12 12 12 12 12

*Very Wide Flood *Dichroic Cool-lux Rfl. FI. (35,56) *Dichroic Cool-Lux Rfl. Fl. (35, 55) *Silicone *Silicone *Silicone Amber Flood Blue Flood Blue White Flood Green Flood Pink Flood Red Flood Yellow Flood

C, CG-6 c, eC-6 c, eG-S C, CG-S C, GG-S e, CG-6 C, CC-6 C, CC-6 C, CC-S

2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000

5511s 50/16



5%6 ~~:---~--~----~~----~--,-;-~--~---------------5%6
12 12 12 12 12 12 *Silicone *Silicone *Silicone *Silicone *Flood *Spot 2000 2000 2000 2000 ZOOO 2()OO b b
b b

5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 6.05 6.05 10.75 2.60 3.05 2.611


C, cc-s C, cc.e C, CG-6

55Jl.6 S'h,
5%6 4%6 45/16 4




15038 15040

12 *CI., Mine Locomotive Headlite 246. Reflector Spot, I. F. (19, 32, 35) 246. Reflector Spot, I. F. (19, 32, 3.5) 246. 24n.. 6*. 6". Reflector Flood, I. F. (19, 32, 35) Reflector Flood, I. F_ 119,32,35) Rfl. Light I.F. Amber P.P. (19,32,35) Rfl. Light I.F. Blue, P.P. (19,32,35)

C, CG-2V 800 e, CC-6 2000 C, GC-6 2000


15041 75R30/FL 15043 75R30/Fl 15087 75R30/A ~~---:~~~----~~-;:::-~~-15083 75R30/B 15082 15084 15085 15086 75R30/G 75R30/PK 75R30/R 75R30/Y 7SR30/GRO 75R/FL 75R IFL

c, eG-6
C, CC-6 C, ec-s C, CC-S C, CG-6 C, eC-6 c. CC-6 e, CC-6 C, CC-6 C, CC-6

2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000

5% 5% 5% 5%

125-130 115-125 115-125 115-125 115-12~ 115-125 115-125 120 120 125-130

3.10 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.30 3.35 3_95

6*. Rfl. Light I.F. Green P.P. (19,32,35) 6*. Rfl. Light, I.F. Pink PoP. (19,32,35) 6* .Rfl. Light, I.F. Red PoP. (19, 32,35) 6*. 6 24 24 • Reflector, Spot - GRO • I. F., Reflector Flood (19) .1. F., ReflectOr Flood (19)

5% 5%
5% 5%

RfI.light, I.F. Yellow P.P. (19, 32, 35) C, CC-6


15104 15063 15062

6Yz 6Yz

*five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any a Approximate initial mean candlepower b Approximate initial mean candlepower e Approximate initial mean candlepower 75R30/SP -120V 75R30/SP - 130V... 6AIso

mix) = one (1) standard case. + No change in price. in a 10 cone at 10' - spot 4100, flood 1900. Ind ividual lamps may vary somewhat. Maximu m candlepower is somewhat greater, in a 10° cone at la' - spot 1700, flood 440. Individual lamps may vary somewhat. Maximum candlepower is somewhat greater. in a 10° cone at lO'-flood 1450. Individual lamps may vary somewhat. Maximum candlepower is somewhat greater. , NAED 15079 15081

available in 6 lamp Retail Pack. NAED 15094 75R30/FL -l20V __. . . . . . 15096 75R30/FL - 125-130V

_ . .. .. . . . . .



~i~ ~ SYLVANIA Incandescent Lamps

Watts 76 85 92 Bulb A·23 A·23 A-23 Base Med. Med. Med. Ordering NAED Abbreviation (Except Volts) Code 12997 76A23/47 12989 85A23/48 12990 85A23/48 1300S-92A23/49 13009 92A23/49 13014 92A23/VS 15065 94P25 15066 Med. 12720 94P25lOOA lOOA lOOA lOOA/CL lOIJAICl 100A/99]XL 100A/99/XL lOOA[WP lOOA/W lOOA/W 100A/SPK lOOA7v lOOA/Y Volls 125 120 125 S'UI,~d Std. Pkg. USI Qty. Prim $ L06 120 .74 120 .74 liD Deser iptj on Clear, SCltg., Gr. Replace. Clear, Street Lighting (21) Clear, Street Ughting (211 Clear, SI. ltg., Gr. Repl. (2!) Clear, SI., Gr. Repl. (21) Vibration Service, G,r. Repl. (21) • SI. Ry. Headlight, (Watts cente red at .863 Amps.) • SlRy. Hea dIight, IWatts cente red at .863 Amps.) .Inside Frosted (241 • Inside Frosted (241 • Inside Frosted (241 • clear • Clear Inside Frosted Excel·Linel831 Inside Frosted Excel-Line (83) • Soft While Plus • Soft White • Soft While to Soft Pi.nk • Yellow (Bug· lite) • Yellow (Bug-lite) • Yellow (Bug-lite) Locomotive Headlight (22) • I nside Coated (24) • Inside Coated (24) .1nside Coated (24.) • Clear (24) • Clear (24) • I. r., Rough Service (24) • I. F., Rough Service (24) • I. E., Rough Service (24) • CleM, Rough Se rv Ice • Clear, Rough Service Inside Coated (S3) Excel.-Line Inside Coated (83) Excel-Ltne • I. F.. Vibration (13) (24) • I. F., Vib ration (13) (24) .1. r. Vibration (13) (24) • Clear, Vibration (13) • Clea r, Vibration (13) • I. F., Silver Bowl (30) • 'I. F., Silver Bowl (30) • Clear, Traffic Signal Ill) • Clear, Traffic Signal (ill • Clear, Traffic Si.gnal (lI) Spotlight (23) Spotlight (23) Spotlight (23) Spotlight (2.3) Light I. F., Spot (23) • Inside Frosted • Inside Frosted Clear, Traffic Signal (11) • Clear • Clear • Clear Class and Fif. C, C-9 C.G,9 C, c.s C, C·9 C, C-9 Rated Hours

125 125 120 125~.36





1.30""'""120 2.59 120 3.95 60 60 .59 120+ .65 120.71 120 .64 120 .77UO .84 120 1.00 120 .77 2.4* .63 24~ .63 24* .89 12~ .89 12" .S9 12~ 1.07 24 5.00-1fo .70 120 .76-120 .84 120 12Q 120 120 120 120 .97 120

C, c.s
B, C-S

3000 1500 1500 3000 3000 3000 1000 1000 750 750 750 750 750 2500 2500 1500 750

Approx. Lumens 920 1143 1143 1153 1153 963 963 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1460 1460 1585 1n0 1720

l.C.l. 4% 4% 4% 4%

M.O.L. 61/1, Wi,


4% 4%
2lJi. 2111. 3Vs 3% 31fs 3Vs

61/1. 61/is

100 A-19

4% 4'11. 41/i6 41/16 41/i6 41/i6 4'/16


12722 , 12529 12531 12773 12775 130 120 + 12805 12752 12.0 12753 125 '115- 1'25 12750 120 12754 125 12755 130 12756 lOOA/Y 32 11659 lOOA21/3 A-21 Med. 12871 IOOA21 120 12872 lOOA21 125 12873 lOOA21 130 , 12857 li'iIiA21/Cl 120 - 12869 -lOOA2I/Cl 130 12975 lOOA/RS 115 12976 lOOA/RS 120 125-130 12978 10OA/RS 12955 lOOA/GL/RS 120 12957 --IOOA/CL/RS -·-----m·TIOT16 ~I~~ 12905 lOOA2i/!!9/Xl .97 130 12936100A21/99/XL 1.15 13215 IOOA/VS 120 1.68 13216 lOOA/VS 125 1.68 13217 lOOAjVS 130 1.68 isas lOoA/CL/VS 120 1.68 125 'l3220 -lOOA/Cl/VS 1.68 -13197 IOOA/ISBIF 120 1.88 13198 lOOA/lSBIF 125·130 2.23 120 12825 looA21fTS .9S 12826 lOOA21 ITS 125 1.06 12827 IODAn/TS 130 1.17 15089 IOOA21/SP 5.45 15090 lOOA21/SP 5.45 """"I5Mr ~100A2i/SP 6.55 ~ 15088 100A21J SP 6.55 15092 looA21/4SP 7.05 230 13405 IDOA 1.17 13407 lOOA 250 1.17 ~30-1.7[J120 ~12812-100A2IifS 13402-100ATcl 300 1.50 1.11) 13399 1.00A/CL 230 13401 '100A/CL 250 1.16 *Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) = ene (I) standard case. tAlso available in 24 lamp Retail Pack. • ... NAED 12735 IDOA..........

B, C·S C, CC-8 C, eC-8 C, CC·S G, CC-S C, CC-S C, CC,S C, CC·8 C, CC-8 C, CC-8 C, CC·8 C, CC·g C, CC·S C, CCeS C, eC·8 C, C·S C, CC-8 C, CC·8 C, CC-S C, CC·B C, CC-8 C, C-17


3% 3% 3Ys


1000 1000 1000 1000 500 750 750 750 750 750 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 2500 2500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 2000

4'/16 41/ii

c. c.n

120 120 120 120

120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 1lO 120

120 120 120

+ No

G, C-17 C, C-17 C, C-ll C, CC·8 C, CC·S G, C·9 c. Cog C,. c.s C, C-9 C, C-9 C, CC-6 C, eC-6 C, c-s C, c.s C, C-9 C, C·5 C, C·5 C, C-5 C, C·5 C, C-S C, c.s C, C-9 C, C-9 C, C-7A C, ColA C, C-7A

2000 200 200 200 200 200 1000 1000 2000 1000 1000 1000

1580 1650 1650 1650 1690 1690 1220 1220 1220 1.220 1220 1425 1425 1405 1405 1405 1405 1405 1350 1350 1275 1275 1275 1355 1355 1355 1355 1355 1250 1260

3 3Va 3%1 3%1 3Ys

3YB 3* 3*

41As 41/1. 5!!J. 5!J\i 5o/i6 5YiG


3%1 3%1 3% 3% 3%

Wl6 5!/i6 5o/is 5%6 5%. 5~;\G 5'/16 5'/!6


3Ys 3% 3Ys



5%6 5%6 5!/iG

3%1 21/16

3 3 3 3 3

318 211i6 3% 3% 3%

1250 1260

4%~ 41/i., 41/i. 41/is 41/i6 4'/i6 4'/i6 5%6 So/i. 4'/i6 5~;\6 5%6 50/16


in price,



Watts 100 Bulb A-21 Base Med. NAED

Incandescent Lamps
Ordering Abbreviation (Except Volts) lOOA/99/XL 10DA 10nA looA/RS lOOA/RS


13393 13398 13410 134flfoOA 13357 12961

Volts 230-250 2gS 300 230 250

Std. PlIg. Pri", Qty. $1.26 120


Description Inside Frosted (25,72,83)

1.75 !,1:-::20 .-:-1 __ n_s;-:id_e ;:::-Fr_os-,-te_;_d,-:' M--;-;i_ne 1.75 120 • Inside Frosted, Mine 1.75 120,--..:.. ..:.:1 -=-Fr-os-'-te-':d'-:, • n':'::'s:=Oid-=--e M::::i-ne--------::C:-. 1.34 120 1.34 120 L F_,Rough Service L F" Rough Service

--;;c-'-' ;;:-C-::-;7 A;__:-;1O~00;;__----:3:;':YI:;_s _-;-:5S:-:,Y16;;_

C, C-7A 1000 3Vs 5511, -=-C--=-7 A:---:-.W=00:------:3:-OVE:::_e -~55;..:.YI6:...... 1000 1000 1050 1050 3% 31's 5%6 5%6 C, C-17 C, C-17

Class Rated and Hours Fil. Life C, ct« 2500

Approx. Lumens

L.C.L. 3YB



13359 lOOA/R S 320707 22.-440°:.........:117:220°:------:-1-:. F:-,' ,__:R,__ou--"g,:-h -=-Se_r.:..,vic-e--------::C_:_, :::_C--;-:17:----;-IO;::070 "'3;;',:.-8 _ __:5~%;:-s 13360 100AjRS I. r.. Rough Service C. C-17 WOO 3Va 55116 12835 100A21/SL 120 1.55 120 Safe line. Inside Frosted (l01) C. CC-8 750 1650 3Ys 50/16 12837 100AtCLfSL 120 1.55 120 Safe Line, Clear (101) C, CC-8 750 1650 3% 5%6 ~~~--~--~~~~~~~==~--~~~~~--:~,---~~--:~ 12984 lOOA21fRS{SL 115-125 1.79 120 Rough Service Safe line n01) C, C-Il 1000 1220 3Vs 5i/is M~a-':.d~.L~.H~.T~.~12~OO~7~~10~OA~/~4~~--~~lZ~O-- _~ro~I~20~--:I-,~F.,~L-ef~t~Ha-n.:..,d~T~hr-ea~d~~----:C~,7CC~-~8--~7W~--:I~~~O--~3V!,:.-8--~5~%~6 A-23 Med. 12908 12856 lOOA/4 tOOA

125 12

_114 120 1.63 120

I. F" Left Hand Thread Inside Frosted

C, CC-8 C, C-6

750 1000


3Va 4%


12875 100.,_,A,--:-:----::-3O::__----=-1=.10:::___1;..,_.20:-'--.--,I-. F:..:-,.:-T-=ra_i P_o_we_r n-,&_:A,__u=-x-;. ~_:Cc-' C-::---:-9 _-:-18;::0-:-0 ~_1_8oo__ 4~YI-=-8 __ _::6.,;.,;111:.;.,....6 12874 100A 32 1.28 120 .1 nside Frosted, Train C, C-9 1000 4% 61/16 12860 lOOA 34 1.27 120 • Inside Frosted, Train C, C-9 1000 1800 4% 61116 -1::::3~07~2---:1::::-OO:;-:A:-::2-=-3 -----:--:1-=20 1.09--=1~20:.:--:.-:I_:ns::,:id:_:_e-::c=oa:.::te-=-d c-:::---::-..,.-:-:Co-' _=_CC'-:'-8:__-7=5~0 -:'4O/':--'-I_-:6""o/!:::_6 13064 lODA/O 115-125 1.44 120 .1 nsids Frosted, Daylight C, c.s 7W 4% 61lts 13066 lODAtD 130 1.44 12-=-0 -.-;-1 n':"'sid-:-e-:F=-ro-st'--ed'-:-,-=D_:_ay'-:-:li""gh"7"t ----C;:'-,-;;C-:-9,------;-75;::0;------;4~%--6::711i7'16IOOA/B 115-125 1.68 120 • Ceramic Blue (92) C, C-9 750 WI6 100A/G 115-125 1.68 120 • Ceramic Green (92) C, C-9 750 61/16 13271 IOOAtO 115-125 1.68 120 • Ceramic Orange (92) C, C-9 750 61116 13'~27::-:2,---O-:;lO:::-OA:-'f=R---~ll5-125 1.68 120 • Ceramic Red (92) C, C-9 750 6'116 13274 IOOA/R2 115-125 1.68 120 • Ceramic Rose (92) C, C-9 750 6'/16 -:1~3~07~O--:1~OO~A~/~OC~L--------;-1~15~-12·5~~_52~1~2~O--.-C~le-a~rD~a~yl~ig~ht_:___'-:----------C~,-::C--:-9--~75~0---------;-41~~---:6~~2-16 13270 13273 -:1;-;;;3;::27;:c6--:1:=OO::-::A~23~/;:::20;;------;-1:;:15:-;1~25;:---=-1.=63 Bake Oven 120 Clear, GI6Yl C, C-9 1000




D.C. Bay 11264 looG16Yz/29/DC 120 5_90 60 Clear. Spotlight (1) C, C-2V 200 1660 3 S,C, Bay 17265 IOOG16Y.!/29/SC 120 5_90 60 Clear, Spotlight (11) C. C-ZV 200 1660 3Ys G-40 Med, 1-14691 lOOG40 120-130 2.B5 5#. Clear C, C-9 2500 1230 4% 611116 +~14~~=2~il=O~OG~4~O/=W~----~1=W~-1~3~0~3~.OO~~6ff-· -.-:W~h~it~e-----------------C~,~C~-9---':2:::-50=O---':I=O~~----~--:6~U~V!s~ ~G--;-4~8-,--M:::-e-;d,--.S~K"7"l~+~I~~8,--~10=OG:::-4~S~/W~----~1~2~0-7.13=0--:7::-::_9~5--~6~~Wh·~it-e-----------------;C~,-=-C-~9---::2~5OO~------~6~~,6--:-;8~'~~'S GT-24 Md. SkI. + 14291 lOO/CH 120 3.l0---::6----;:-C:--,hi-m-ne-y-;-L-am-p~(."..8,-:44-:-)-----'C'--, C:--9:----::':3OQ"'"O:---------=So/i,.,-,S'-'PAR-38 Med.Skt.
~~--:~~~----~~~~~--::----~~~~~~--------:~~--=~~----------~:::_ 120 3.20 Amber Chimney (8, 44) C, C-9 3000 8o/i6 ------~ + 14285 lOOCH/A ~~."..-----6-------=:--~~-----------;:-~~--~------------~~

14143 014144 13928




1l5-12S----u512 115-125 5_70 115-125 5_70 ------115-125 5_70 115-125 5.70 5.70 5_70 5.70 2.00 2.70 3_20 2_70 2.10 2_10 2.00 case.

1393~/PAR/FL/B 13934 100/PARtFL/BW n932 100tPARffL/G

~33_100/PAR/FL/PK 115-125 13930 100/PAR/Fl{!!__~125 13929 lOOtPARfFL/Y ll5-125 PS-30 Med. 15471 BlOOPS30 -=R--:-40-:---:-::M-ed'--. --:I477;::CO---=l=OO=R-::/F=L14771 14752 +14374 100R/FL IOOR/SP 100/300 100/300 120 120 125-130 120 120 125

100 ,,-/' PS-25 200 T 300

3C Mog.

12,c,.:r-*'-'-F;::"lo;_:o~d,f.(2;;c7,~128)'--------_C;.!.,_;;C.;;_C-76___;2=OO;::0;__--*Spot (27, 18) C, CC-6 2000 121>. *S1lieone Coaled Amber Flood (27, IS) C, CC-6 2000 12 ~~~~--------~~~~~--~~------------~~ *Silicone Coated Blue Flood (27,18) C, CC-6 2000 126 *Silicone Coated BIue White C, CC-6 2000 Flood (27, 18) 121>. *S1 Ileone Coated Green Flood (27, 18) c, eC-6 2000 126 *Silicone Coated Pink Flood (27, 18) e, CC-6 2000 126 *Silicone Coated Red Flood (27, 18) C, CC·6 2000 12l> *Silicone Coated Yellow Flood (27, 18) C, CC-6 2000 24 .1. F" Neck RlI, Direct lite C, C-9 2000 2'-:-4~.--:-I.-=F.-'-, -:::-Re-=fl'--ect-o-'r ----:-'C,'-:C,."C-,-6-2.,.,OO':::C0:---------::-:6Yl-'-2 FI'-oo-d-(1:--"9-) 24 • I. F., Reflector Flood (19) C, CC-6 2000 24 • I. F., Reflector Spot (19) . C, CC-6 2000 ----__:_--~~~--:---------:-~~----~13~75;--------~


5%6 5%6 55116


5%6 8Ills

6Yz 6Yz

12f 12* 120

• Soft White, Three.-Way (8) • Soft White, Three-Way (8)

I. F., Street Railway (13)


C, CC-S C, CC-S C, CC-8 C, CC-s C, C-9

1200 1200 1500

3400 4775 3400 4775

+ 14375

101 A·23 Med. 13302 101A23 125 "five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) = one (1) standard lOOG40. ,., , Price $3_00 lOOG40jW. ' Price $3.15 , 100/PARjFL/A/4....

+ No change In price.

o New


#Also available in 'Mood-Glo' Retail Pack. . NAED 14623 100 jPAR jFljBj4, . . , . _ ..... NAED 13938 , 14624 100jPAR/FL/BW /4 ' , ,. 14135 13935 100jPAR/FLjGj4 , , .. 13939

1>.Also avai lable in 4 lamp Retail Pack, lOO/PARjFLjPKj4, .. ,..... . .. NAEO 13940 100/PAR/FLjR/4 ,, . .... 13937 100jPARjFl/Y /4 " .. ". ",. , 13936 17


(?i i::t SYWANIA

Watts 103 Bulb A-23 PS-25 105 A-23 Base Med. Med. Med.

Incandescent Lamps

o rderi ng NAED Abbreviation Code (Except Volts) 13339 !G3AZ3 13340 103A23 15485 103PSZ--S:----.,.--120
15486 13353 13354 13343 1282.1 12819 12822 13285 13347 13348 12824 12816 12841 103PS25 KI05 KI05 106A23/CL l07A21/TS 107A21/TS 107A21/TS 1l0R30jFL/RS 115A23/CL l15A23/CL l15A23/CL ll6A21/TS l16A21fTS 116AZ1/TS 116A21/TS/W 120 ER 40 120 ER 40 120PAR64/VNSP 125G30 125R40 133A23/CL

Volts 120

Std. Crass R ated Pkg. and Hours ~pprox. Prl"" Qty. Description Fil, life Lumens L.C.L. M.O.l. $ 1.41 121) Clear Street Lighting (211 C, CoS 6000 4% 61/i! L60 120 Clear, Street Lighting (2l) C, C-S 6000 4% 61/16 1.4-7-'-'--=6C::-O --~C I-ea--'-r-::-St-:'-re-e'--;t2=1-:'-) -----7-C,--::C-_9----,60-0-ooo~-----------,-5;-:-\14---6-'-1I0-'-Yi-. L:-:'ig=:-h"'-ti n---'g:_;'

60 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 120 Clear Street Lighting (2.1) Clea r SI. Ltg.. Krypton (25, 44) Clea r SI. Ltg. Krypton (25, 44) Clea r, Street Lighting Clear, Traff.ic Signal (111 Clear, Traffic Signal (ll) Clwr, Traffic Signal (111 Reflector Flood, R. S. (35) C, C-9 6000 C, C-9 12000 C, C-9 12000 C, C-9 1500 C, C-9 3000 C, C-g 3000 C, C-9 3000 C, C-17 2000 C, C-9 3000 1120 1120

~--~~~~--~~: 106 A-23 Med.

107 A-21 Med.

~--~~~~--~~---= 115 A-23 Med. 13346 ~--~=-~~-----=~ 116 A-21 Med. 12823
120 0 15166 o 15168 PAR·54 Scr. Term 14987 G-3O Md. SkI. 14737 R-40 Md. Skt. 14744 A-23 Med. 13350 A-21 Moo. ER-40 Med_




120 1.23 CI. Sl Ltg., Gr. Replace. 4% 1:-:2"..5J,,"-I-,1--:.3_6 ..... ..c:,1,..,,20.,....-----:C:-,-I.,--:S=-t.--,.L-:-tg_., ~Gr_. R-;::-e_pl,.....ac_e. 13() 1.49 120 e, St. ltg., Gr. Replace. 120 125 130 1.00 120 C::-' --:-C--.,.9_...,,30=0c:-0 C, c.s 3000

125 120 125 120 120 125 130 12.0

1.62 Z.07 2.47 .96 .&3 _93 .98 4.20

1287 1287 1287 21;\6 21/16

5\14 4% 4% 4% 21/i6

61%6 61;\6 61;\6 61;\6 41ft6 4%6


5% 61;\6

~----~=---~---:~~~---:--------------~---~--~--~1.11 120 Clear, Traffic Signal (11) C, C-9 8000 1277 21;\! 41;\6
1.19 120 L19 120 3.75 24 4.50 24 24.40 6 3.90 6[J 4.60 24 1.31 120 Clear, Traffic Signal (11) White, Traffic Signal (11) • • *Very Narrow Spot(29, 44) (4 'Il x 7") Infrared, Industrial {381 Infrared, Ind. (19, 38) CI., St. Ltg., Gr. Replace.

~--~~~~~~~------~~--~~~~--~~---=~ Clear, Traffic Signal (11) C, C-9 8000 1277 27;\6 41;\6
C. Cog 8000 8000 2000 2000 2000 5000+ 5000+ 3000 1277 1277

4..,...%,.--_6:cclli.,----16 4% WI!

120 130 S 115-125' 115-125 120

C, C-9
C, CC-S C, CC·S C, C·G C, e-n C, C-ll C, C-9

--------------------~--------------------------------------------- 7% a
5 4% 3% 3% 3%

2 ;\, '

41;i6 41/16 7Va



4 7%6 7\14 61;\, 50/16 55;\s 5%6


13131 lSOA 120 .85 flOt .1nside COoled C, CC-8 750 2780 ~1~3~13~2~1~50~A~--------~1~25~--~.g4--~ro~-.~I~n~sid~e~C~oa-te--:d-------------C~,~C7C-~8--~750~--2=7~8O~~3·~%---5~o/i~li 13133 13135 13137 13101 150A 150AjCL· 150A/CL 150A/W 150A/W 150A23 150A23 150A23 150A23/CL 15l)A23/CL 150Aj99/Xl 130 120.79 130 120 125 120 125 130 120 130 120 130 120 130 1.01 .96 .89 .89 .99 1.09 1.19 60 60 60 12· 12* 60 60 60 • • • • Inside Coated (24) Clear Clear Soft White, Kitchen Lite C, CC-8 C, CC-8 C, CC-8 C, CC-8 C, CC·g C, CC-S C, CC-S C, CC-S 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 2780 2850 2850 2830 2830 2740 2740 2740

A-23 Med. 13043 13044 13045 13037 13039 13167

• Soft While, Kitchen Lite • I"side Coaled (24) • Inside Coated (24) • Inside Coated (24)

3Ya 4% 4% 4%

5%6 6%, WI! 6l;\6

.91 60 • Clear (241 C, CC-8 750 2810 4% WI6 1.10---,fiO:-::---.-,:-CI:-w-r-c:(2CC"41------------:-C,--:C:-::C--::-8----=7""5O~----::-:28:-:-1O:----4,.,-%---6lJ-ils1.21 1.45 1.09 1.30 60 50 6a Inside Coated Excel·Line (83) Inside Coated Excel-Line (83) Clear Excel-Line (83) Clear Excel-Line (83) C, CC-8 C, CC-8 C, CC-8 C, CC-8 2500 2500 2500 Z500 2325 2325 2380 2380 4% 4% 4% 4% WI6 6%6 6';\, S%6 SVI6 SIll. 61/\6 6%6 6J;\6 5%6 610/1,

13169 150A/99/XL 13164 150A/99CL/XL 13166 !lSOA/99Cl/XL 15240 15242 15244 15249 13080 Med. L.H.T_ 13021 EAR-38 Med. Skt.


150A/RS 120 1.95 60 .1. F_, Rough Service C, C·17 1000 2125 4% 150A/RS 125-130 2.35 60 .1. F., Rough Service (24) C, C-17 1000 2125 4% lSOA/CL/RS 120 2.00 50 • Clear, Rough Service C, C-17 1000 2125 4% 150A/CL/R-S----1-25----13~0--2-.4-3--60cc-----CI-ea-r,-R-ou-:g:--h...,.S-erv-i-ce-------.c:-C,-C--1--7--1-00-0--21-25----4-%---S-lIJ-16150A/Y 150A23/LHT 115-125 130 125 i.iz 1.53 4.55 60 60 12 6 • YelJow Buglite Inside Coated, Left Hand Thread Flood • White C, CC-6 C, CC-8 C, CC-S C, C-9 1000 750 2000 2500 2740 4% 4%

13896 1150EAR/FL 14913 1'150G40/W



120-13011 3.35

*five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) = (I) standard case. + No change in price. a Approximate initial mean candlepower in a 10° cone at 10'-flood 2350. Individual lamps may vary somewhat. Maximum candlepower is somewhat greater. oNew item.

tAlso available in 24 lamp Retail Pack. lSOA _ NAED 13175 15QPAR/SP ••.•.• , •••.•............. N.AED 15529 150PAR/FL.. NAED 15516



[€I i#I SYLVANIA Incandescent lamps

Watts 150 Bulb P-Z5 Base Med. NAED Code Ordering Abbreviatiol1 (Except Volts)




Std. Pkg.



Class and Fil.

Rated Hours life

Approx. lumens



PAR-3a Md. Skt.

1499=8----:1:-::c50=-=P::-::-2-,:-5/:::-5_. __ ----:32:--__::6.=15=--:-~60=---C:_:_J.'-, l-:-o_co:-m::-:-ot_iv_e-,:::He.:.,a_::.:dl.:!::ig~ht~(~ll:....) :------:C~, -;:-C--::-5A __ c;c-50:::-0_--:-:c:::-_-::-3 _----:4-:-:%:15026 150P25/2 120 5,85 60 Ct., Hard Glass, Button Spotlight C, C·S ZOO 2100 3 4% 15028 150P25/8 120 6.15 60 Med. I. F.} Hd. GI.. Button Spotlight C, C-5 200 2100 3 4% 15010 1~OP25/10 12Q 6.15 60 Spotlight, Light I. F. C, C·S 200 2100 3 4% 150n 150P25/10 125 7.40 60 :>potlight, Light I. F. C, C-S 20ll 2100 3 4% 15m 15UP25/15 120 5.60 50 Heaalight (ll! C, C·5 500 19~5 3 4% 15131:1 150P25/1~ 125 6.20 6I.l Headlight (11) C, C-S 500 1!!~5 ::I 4% 13837 150PARISP 120 $ 4.25 12. *Spot 127,28, 28A) C, CC·6 2000 55;\6 13839 13841 13843 14970 14969 15523 13871 -13867 13869 13870 13863 150PAR/SP 150PAR/Fl 150PAR/Fl 150PAR3S/2SP lSOPAR38/2FL 150PAR3lI/2Fl 150PARISP/A 150PAR/SP/B l!iOPAR/SP /G 150PAR/SP/R 150PAR/SP/Y 150PAR/4 150PAR/3SP 150PAR/3SP 150PAR/3FL 150PARf3Fl 150PAR/S 1150PAR38/VWFl 150PAR38/VWFl 150PAR46 150PAR46 12.25 12.25 115·125 12.25 125·130 120 5.05 4.25 12 12. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 *Spot (27, 28, 28A) *Flood (27, 28, 2SA) *Flood (27, 28, 28A) *Dichroic Coatoo Cool-Lux Reflecto r, Spot (35, 56) *Dich roie Coated Cool·Lux Reflector, Flood (35,56) C, eC-6 C, eC-6 C, 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 5o/is 5%6 5%& 5%6 4%6 4o/i6 4o/i6 4%6 4%6 5;;\6 55/16 55;\6 3% 3% 55;\. 5o/i6 5%&

125·130 5.05 m·125 11.75


e, CC-6
C, CC-6


*Oichroic Coated Oool-Lux Reflector, Flood (35, 56) C, CC-6 *Dich roic Coated Lens, Amber (35, 98) C, eC·6 *Dich roie Coated BI. Sp. (35, 98) *Oichroie Coated Lens, Green, Spot (35,98) *Dichroic Coated Lens, Red, Spot (35,98) *Dichroic Coatoo Lens, Yellow Spot (35,98) *Clear, Mine Spot *Compact Spot (28, 29) *Compaet Spot (28, 29) *Compact Flood (28, 29) *Compact Flood (28, 29) *Clear, Mine Spot *Very Wide Flood (27) C, CC·6 C, CC-6 C, CC·6 C, CC-6

Med. Side Prong

13857 ..... 13847

120 ~25-13O 120 125-130 6.60 11:0·130 11.00

e, C·13
C, CC·6 C, CC-6 C, CC·S C, CC·5 C, C·13 C, CC·6 C, eC-6 C, C·l3 C, C-l3

2000 2000 2000 2000 1000 2000 2000 1000 1000

Md. Skt.

13856 13887


PAR·46 Scr. Term

Wide Flood (m *CI., Mine loco. Head Lamp *CI., Mine Loco. Head Lamp


Md. Skt. 015366 015367 Med. 15279 15280

150 PAR 46/M/MFL 150 PAR 46/ M/NSP 150 150 150 150

120 115 120 125 130

11.10 11.10 1.21 1.21 1.40 1.45

15276 150PS25/IF 120 1.21 se .Inside Frosted C, C-9 1000 ~15=W~5~1~5~0/=C~L~------~1=W~--I~.O=9--6~O~-.~C~le-ar----------------~C~,C~.9~~7~50~~25=W~~5~%~~61~o/i~6

115281 , 15282

I 60

12 12 60 60 60

Mooium Flood Narrow Spot • Inside Frosted (24) • Inside Frosted (24) • Inside Frosted (24) • Inside Frosted

C, CC·2V 2000 C, CC·2V 2000 C, C-9 750 C, c.s 750 C, C·9 C, c.s 750 750

2580 2580 2580 2580 2475

5\-'4 5% 5% 5% 5li 5Y4 5li 5li 5%

5 5 61%6 615;\6 61%6 615/16 61%6 61%6 610/16 6U;\6 6ulls 61%6 61%6 615116 6lo/i6

r 15206
15207 15430 15431 15219 15220 15247 I 152411 i 15271 ! 15275 15253 15255

150/CL 150/CL 150/99/Xl 150/99/XL 150/WB lSO/WB ISO/Del 150/0 150/SB 150/SB 150/VS lSO/VS

125 130 125 130 120 125 115-125' 115·125 120 125-130

1.30 1.30 1.43 1.43 1.27 1.27 2.18 2.40 2.15 2.60

60 60 60 60 60 60 50 60 60 60 60 60'

• Ciea r (24) • Clear (241 I. F. Excel-Line (83) I. F. Excel-line (83) • White Bowl • While Bowl • Clear, Daylight • Inside Frosted Daylight .1. F., Silver Bowl (20, 30) .1. F., Silver Bowl (20,30) .Inside .Inside Frosted, Vibration (13) Frosted, Vibration (13) Item.

C, C-9 C, C-9 C, C-9 C, C·9 C, C-9 C, C-9 C, C·9 C, C-9 C, C·9 C, C-9 C, C-9 C, C-9

750 750 2500 2500 750 750 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

2580 2165 2165 2460 2460

5% 5\4 2270 2270 2250 2250

120 Ii 3.00 125·130 3.60

Also available

in 4 lamp Retai I Pack - 120 volt.

0 New



(Cii~S!lLVANIA Incandescent Lamps

Watts 150 Bulb PS·25 Base NAED Code Ordering Abbreviation (Except Volts) 150/CLNS 150/CLNS 150P S25
Suggested Std.


15263 15571

Volts 120 125-130 230 250 230

~. Prlu Qty. Description $2.65 GO • Clear, Vibration (131 3.20 .60 • Clear, Vibration (13) 1.9-2 ------:c&O=----.-=Cc:-le-a r--------...,CO"', 1.92 1.99 1.99 2.30 2.45 2.76 2.90 3.40 2.90 3.40 4.85 4.85


15589 250 -lS-"43-:-3-~:-::-:-':-;-C::CC:----::-:23:-::-0.250 15293 15300 PS-30 R-40 Med. 15474 14755 14742 14773 14765 14638 14650 B150PS30 150R/SP 150R/SP 150R/FL 150R/Fl 150R/A 150R/B 115·125 120 120 125·l30 120 125·130 115-125 115-125

60 • Clear C, c.s 1000 lOGO 5y.; 61%6 6OC:---I'-ns-'-id-:-e-=F-ro-st-'ed~------::-'C.-::C-::.9--::1-:-:00~0--::2=06:-::-0 5O'Cy.;':__-61-'-5;\:::', 60 Inside Frosted C, c-s 1000 2060 5\'4 615;\6 60 Clear, Extended Service (72, 83) C, c.s 2500 Sy.; 615;l6

L.C.L. M.O.L C, c.s C, C-9 1000 2250 5y.; 610/16 -=-C·-=-g1o=00=----::-:20""'60=-· -'7C --::S"'-y.;--C6""15/1'--16


Rated Hours Life

Approx. LUmens


60 Safe Line (101) C, C·9 1000 24S0 5Y4 610/)6 =-----=R-ou-gh,-S=-e-rv7'ic-e S=-a-=-fe-;-L-=-in-e ::-(10::-:-1-} ----:CO"', 7C.-=-=17=---:-:10=OO:::----::::20=60::-----:4""%--,5""'15°--Vi6 SO 24 • Neck Rell. Direct Lite I. F. 124} • Spot, lnside Frosted (19, 31, 321 • Spot, lnside Frosted us, 31, 321 C, C·9 C, CC·6 C, CC·6 C, Ce·6 C. CC·6 C, eC·6 C, CC·S 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 81;\,


24 24

6y" Sy"


24.6.. Flood, I. F. (19, 31, 32) 24 • Flood, I. F. (19, 31, 32) 12 • Refl. Light I. F., Amber (19, 32} 4*. Light, I. F. Blue (19, 32)


14651 150R/BW 115-125 4.85 4". Light. I. F. BI. White 32) C, CC-6 2000 14652 150R/G 115-125 4.85 4*. Light, I. F. Green (19,32) C, CC-6 '2000 14653 150R/R 115-125 4.85 4*. Ligi1l, I. F. Red (19, 32} C, CC·6 2000 14654 150R/PK 115-125 4.85 4* • light, I. F. Pink (19, 32) C, CC-S 2000 14~s_J]O~R~/Y~----~1~15~.~12~5~4~,8-=-5--4=~--.~L~ig~hl~,I~.~F.~Y~ell~ow~(l~9,~32~)----~c~,~eC~·~6~2=OOO~------------6~Yz~ 14807 14825 150R/3FL 15OR/3FL 120 125·130 7.20 8.70 24 24 6 24 24 24 24 60 00 60 60 60 60 *Rell. *Rell. Flood I. F. (321 Flood I. F. (32) C, C, c.u C, CC-6 C, cc.s c, CC-6 C, CC·6 C. CC·6 C, C-9 c, C·g C, C·g C, C-9


B\'i 6Yz 6Yz 6Yz 6Yz

SYe 6%


175 189

14783 1511R40/GRO 120 4.60 -'M~ed-:-· .-=S7":kt-;-. 14785150R/2SP 120 4.90 14786- 150R /ZSP 125 4.90 14803 150R/2Fl 4.90 ---c;--c:-=-14804 150R/2Fl 4.90 15556 175PS25/63 1.Z8 PS-25 Med. 15557 175PS25/63 1.38 15577 189PSZ5/1 1.72 PS-25 Mog. 15578 189PS25/1 1.87 Med. 15582 15562 15563 15564 15260 PS·30 PS-35


2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1500 1500 3000 3000 3000 3000

• Reflector, Spot - GRO Refl. Spot, I. F. (19, 31, 33) Refl. Spot, I. F. (19, 31, 33) Rell. Flood, I. F. (19, 31, 33} Refl. Flood, I. F. (19, 31, 33) Clear, Street Lighting 134) Clear, Street Lighting (34) CI., St. Ltg. Gr. Replace. (34) CI., St. Ltg. Gr. Rep'lace. (34) CI., SI. Ltg. Gr. Replace. (34) CI., SI. Ltg. Gr. Replace. (34)

7Y.. 7% 7% 7Y.. 61%6 6'o/is 7Ya 7Ye 7Ys 6'0/)6

2800 2800

5Y4 5Y4 5% 5% 5% 5%

189PS25/1 189PS25/64


2.06 1.60

e, C-9
C, C·g


189PS25/64 125 1.75 60 CI., SI. Ltg. Gr. Replace. (34} C, C·9 3000 2825 SY4 6'%6 IB""'9p=c::S~25::-:/c:-:64,-----c::--;-1=30,-----:-1.9::-::0,-,-6:::;-0--C::::I-., ::-Re-p;-Iac-e~. ---;:;C-:, -:::St-:. C::-Gr-. L"O'tg'::". (-:::34::-} C;--9;:---:3::::0::-::00~-:2:::;-82::-::5,..---;-:5Y,-:-4 -~6':-:-Yl-:--16 189PS25/VS 189PS30 125 120 125 130 120 3.40

60 60



15576 -1-'::89:-::P~S3=-5 --~----:1=20

155&3 IB9PS35

2.13 24
2.32 2.32 1.05 24 12·

CI., SI. Ltg., Gr. Replace. (341 C, cs 3000 6 CI., st. Ltg.,Gr. Replace. (34) C, c-s 3000 7 2"-4 --'e:C-I,-=, S=-t."O'l-:-tg-., -=-Gr-. R=-e-pl:-ac-e.-:-(3=-=4-) C.-=-9--=-3oo=-=-=-0 --CCO"', -----::7,..---9=M-:--s

CI., SI. Ltg.. Gr. Replace., Vib. Servo (34)






81/16 9%
9% 6lji6

15584 189PS35 2=-=0-=-0 -"O'A"'_l':""3 ---,M:-:-e-:d-. --'1:-:-54-=9-:-4 ---:::20::-::0:':'A-;:;,W;;--~~--::-::-:::-::-~---~--~--~

CI., SI. Ltg., Gr.. Replace. (34) • Soft White (9l) Work, Study Soft White (92) Work, Study Inside Coated (92) Inside Coated (92} Inside Coated Excel·Line (83} Clear (92} Clear (92)

C, c.s C, eC-8

3000 750 750 750 7S(I 2500 750 750 1000 1000

3830 3830 3&30 3&30 3160 3940 3940 3160 3160 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4%

15495 200A/W 125 1.05 15500 20M 120 1.00 15502 200A 125-130 1.19 -1;:;5-;::::50:::-9~2:::;OO:-::A-::/9:-::-9/~X::-l----'I:-::.2~5 --:1.77 15496 200A/Cl 120.90 -1-5-49-,-S-2.,-OO-A.:../C-L----1""2S-.-13-0 -1-.09

12'" • 60 • 00 • 60 60 • 50 • 60 60

C, co-s C, CC·S c. CC-S C, CC·S C, CC-8 C, CC-8 C, C·ll C, C·17

WIG 6%6 6'116 6'11, 6%6 6'116 61;\, 6'1is

15447 15448


120 125·130

2.08 2.50 case.

• I. F., Rough ServLce • I. F. Rough Service (24)

Five (5) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) = one (1) standard .6.Also available inPrepri 150R/Fl. __. _ ted 4 lamp Retail Pack - 120 Volt. , .NAED 14647

+ No

change in price .



ICji#J S!lLVANIA Incandescent Lamps

200 Bulb A-23 Base Med.
NAED Code Orderi ng Abbreviation (Except Volts) Volts
~U1f1ll1ad Std. list Pkg. PriCll Qty.

Class and Description


Rated Hours

_ Clear, Rough Service _ Clear, Rough Service

C. C-17 C. C-17

Life 1000 1000


Lumens 3160 3160

L.C.L. M.O.L. 4% 61/16


6lJio 4:4_ 4 4

PAR-46 Med. 15191 200PAR46/ Side Prong--:-:::-::-::_3:_;,N;,.:S,:..,Pc-=-::-c::-:=:=_-,-:-::-:1:-:20:-:-::-_1;:.::1",=.5-c-0 ___;:17-2---,*;.:..N:-:-a_r,_·ow~S!::..:po:.c...t .:.::(2=-,9,-:-4~4) C=-=-'7C7-C-7:13~2c:cOO:o:O __ ::._ 15193 200PAR46/3NSP __ 1_25_.1_3_0 _1.,...,3,--=7-::-5 ----,1-c-2__;*-,-N~a_rr,-ow--=Sp:,_o_t.:_(2,..c,9,:-44_c.),---- _c.,-=-CC-=--c:c13:--:2:-:-00,..,0 C __ a 15194 200PAR46/3MFl 120 11.50 12 *Medium Flood (29, 44) C, CC·13 2000 a ---::-:IS::-:19::-::6-Z=07:0P:":A"=R'-:-4S="/=3M:=:F=l--:I=ZS'-130 *Medium Flood (29,44) 13.75 12 C, CC-13 2000 a 15174 200PAR46/3VWFl 125-130 13.75 12 *Very Wide Fl., CI., (29, 44) C, CC-13 2000 Md. Skt. 0 15373 200 PAR 46 M{NSP 125-130 15.40 12 Narrow Spot C, CC·13 2000 e 15374 200 PAR 46 M{ MFL 125-130 15.40 12 Medium Flood G, CC·13 2000 PAR-56 Ser. Term 1496~ 200PAR5S 30 IL75 12 *locomotive Headlamp C, ee·s 500 Mog. End Prong 15007 200PAR56/MFl 120 14.15 12 *Medium Wide Fl., CI., (29, 44) C, CG~13 2000 PS-25 Med. 15816 200PS25/-99IF jXl 120 1.43 60 Inside Frosted Excel-Line (83) C, CC·6 2500 3220 15817 200PS25/~99IF /Xl 125 1.53 60 Inside Frosted Excel~Line (83J C, CG-6 2500 3220 15818 200PS25/-99IF/Xl 130 U3 60 lnside Frosted Excel·Line (83) C, CC~6 2500 3220 15813 200PS25/-99/XL 120 1.43 60 Clear Excel-line (83) C, CC-6 2500 3220 15814 15815 15593 15594 15595 15598 15599 15600 15806 15651 15652 ZOOPS25/;99/Xl 200PS25/-99/XL 200PS25/Cl 200PS25/Cl 200PS25/Cl 200/PS25 200jPS25 200/PS25 200 200/IF 200/IF 125 130 120 125 130 120 125 130 32 120 125 1.53 60 60 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Clear Excel-Line (83) Clea r Excel-Line (83) _ Clear _ Clear _ Clear _Inside • Inside _I.nside _ Train, Frosted Frosted Frosted Clear C, CC-6 C, C, CC-6 C, CC-6 C, CC-S C, CC-6 C, CC-G C, CC-6 C, C·9 C, C·9 C. C·9

5 5

5\-'4 5\-'4 5\-4 5\-'4 5\-'4 5\-'4 5\-4 5\-'4 5\-'4 514 514 5\14 6 5 61%6 6"/16 61%6 6151i6

2500 2500 750 750 750 750 750 750 1000 750 750 3650 3650 3650 3650 3650 3220

.96 .96 .96 1.02 1.23 1.23 3.77 1.31 1.44



6"1i. 6'%6
615/16 6151i6 615Ii, 61%6 61%6 615ft. 81116 81/16
81/16 81/16



15653 200/IF 130 1.57 60 _Inside Frosted (241 C. c.s 750 15666 ZOO/IF 150 1.89 60 _Inside Frosted C, C-9 1000 15645 200 120 1.19 60 • Clear (24) C, C-9 750 15646 ZOO 125 1.31 So _ Clear (24J C, C-9 750 15647--ZO~0~------~~13~O--~1.~43--~60~-_--=C~le-ar-(~24~)-------------~C~.C~-79--~7~570--~3~65~0---6~--~8~Vt---. 15628 15660 200fW8 2oo/WB 200/0 120 125-130 115·125 1.49 1.79 2.BO 60 60 _ While Bowl _ While Bowl _ Clea r, Daylight C, e-s C, C-9 C, C-9 C, C-9 C, c.s G, c.s C, 750 750 1000 1000 1000 1000 2500

_I nside Frosted (24) • Inside Frosted (24)

6 6 6 6 6 6

8 8Vt6 8'li6 8'li6 8'/16 8'/16



60 60 60 50

3320 3320 3120 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

15786 200/SBIF 120 2.45 15791 200/SBIF 125-130 2.95 --15=79::-::a~=20C=-OS~B:-:-1F=-/:-:-1----:-:--:1202.52 15722 200/99/XL 120 1.54

_I. F., Sit Bowl (20, 30)

_I. F., Silver Bowl (20, 30)

811i. 81/16

.1. f., Semi-Silvered Bowl (20, 301

Clear Excel-Line (83)



15725 200/99/Xl 130 1.85 60 Clear Excel-line (83) C, e·9 2500 3120 15691 200/99/IF /Xl 125-130 2.05 60 Inside Frosted Excel-Line (83) c, C·9 2500 3120 15711 200DIF 115·125 2.83 60 _Inside Frost, Daylight C, c-s 1000 15668 200PS3O/29 120 US 60 _ Inside Frosted C, C-9 1000 ~~----~~~----~--~~~--~----------~~~~c:c:-------------~15553 200PS30/CY 115-125 1.72 60 _ Yellow Ceramic C, C-9 1000 15826 200 230 1.66 6.0 _ elea r G, C·9 1000 2975 15797 200 250 1.66 60 _ Clear C, C-9 1000 2975 ~15~84~8--~20~O/~IF=------~~2~370--~1~.8~2--6~0--_~ln~si~de~F~ro-s~te'd------------~C,~C~-9~-1~0~00~~29C=-75~~6----~8~~16 -1-sg-5..,.O--2-,OO_c.I-c-IF=-----250 15823 15824 15820 15871 15872 200/99/XL 200/99/IF/XL 2.00 200 200 230-250 230-250 277 285 300 1.82 2.00 2.25 2.05 2.05 2.05 60 60 60 60 SO 60 .1nsida Frosted Clear Excel-Line (72, 83) I. F. Excel-Line (72, 83) _ Clea r (24) _ Clear _ Clear oNew item. C, C-9 C, C-9 C, C-9 C, c.s C, C-9 C, c-s 1000 2500 2500 1000 1000 1000 2975

811i6 811i. 81li6 811i, 8Vt, BlJl; BlJI6 8lJl; 81fls WI. 81li6 81/1S

a Approximate initial mean candlepower in a 10° cone at 10' narrow spot, horizontal 33,500; vertical 24,500; medium flood, horizontal 12,000; vertical 11,200. Individual
lamps will vary somewhat. Maximum candlepower is somewhat greater.



(€i i~ SYWANIA Incandescent Lamps

Watts 200 Bulb PS·30 Base Med. NAED Code 15819

Ordering Abbreviatiorl (Except Volts) Volts 200jIF in 200/IF ----300--2.22------SO 200PS30/RS

hlll>leiI Prill


SId. Pkg.


. $2.22
2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65

Description 60 .Inside FrOsted -.-:"I-r1s~rd:-e ::-Fr-os-:-te-:"d ---------;C:-, 60 60 60

Appr ox. life Lumens l.C.L. M.O.L. c. c.s 1000 6 8111. 7e.-::-g --:-:1O~OO=--------:C6-----=8::-11i:--;

Class and Fil.


15864 15865 15866 15867 15648 Mog.

200 PS30 IRS

200PS30/RS/I F 2DOPS30jRS/IF Z{)OPS30 L IS

eo •

• Clear, Rough Serviee Clear, Rough Service • I. F., Rough Service • I. F.,. Rough Service

c. C·9

C, c-s e, C-9

c. C-g

1000 1000 1000 1000

6 6 6 6

glli. glli·6 Ellis 8llis

3.10 60 Safe Line I. F. (101) C, C·9 1000 6 81/16 __..;.;.-----:.:... 4.7:3S=----;:;:60=-------=R-ou-:gh:-S=--e-rv7""ic-e -----=C-'--:, -,:-:;:OO::OO=-------=-6 -----=8::-:IIi-s :;:-"Sa-:-fe-:"L-:-irl-e -:-:(1-:::01::""1 C=-.9=--· 15762 2{)OPS30/8 1.61 60 • Clear c. C-9 1000 3525 6% 81/1.6 ---------~~:---~~--;:;::-------=~--------~::--::---~:--~~--~-~-15763 200PS30/8 125 1.61 60 • Clea r C, C·9 1000 3525 6% 81/16 15770 200PS30/12 130 1.91 ..,-:SO-• ..,.Cc-Iea-r--------...."C-, Cc--9.,....-----=7":":50,-------""'"'6o/i,,-s--g-71i-6 24 24

-:OP-=-S·=35:---:M=-=-e-Od.----,-,1.5531 B200PS35 120 3.38 R·40 Med. 147~8 lOOR/SP ---1""'2-0 --3.90

.I.F .. Direct Lite, Neck Refl.

I. F., Reflector Spot (19,32,35)

C, c.n C, CC-S

2000 2000

8% 6~

14759 200RISP ]25 4.65 24 I. F., Reflector Spot (19, 32, 35) C, eC-6 2000 6Yl --------:-:--,----:-::--::-::---:--:-:---:-:-:-:-~::-:-:---::--::-::-:-----;=-------:-:-:-14776 200R/FL 120 3.90 24 I. F., Reflector Flood U9, 32, 35) C, CC-6 2000 6~ --:-14=78~2-2~OO~R~/F~L---~12~5-~13=0~~4--,..6~5---:c24~~I~.F~.,~R~ef~lec~ro-r~FI~OO~d~.U~.9,~3~2,--:c3~5)-~C~,~CC~--=-6---:c2oo=-=-O------6~~--M:-:-.e-:d~. 7'"t. 147E8200R/2SP S:7k 14806 200R/2Ft 3.90 24 I. F., Reflector Flood (19, 33., 35) C, CC·6 2000 ::02D:-:-l--=-P"S-::030:---:M~ed-:".-____"1=5792 201PS3D 2.11 60 Clea r, Street Railway C, c.s 1000 ~15=79~3-2~01=P~S3=O--~~~--2-.2-5----=6~0--C~le-a-r,,~C~-9-~1~OO:-:-O---~6~-~8Y1~16 ""'2072 ----P":""S 5:----~M -----:-:15-=58:-::-0 PS25 _-:-:2 e~d~. - 202 15581 202PS25 Mog. PS-35 205 211 230 250 PS·2S Mog. Med. 15574 15579 15585 15587 15546 202PS25/1




I. F., Reflector Spot (19,33,35)

.. ~-~~~~~~~-----~~

G, CC·6

2000 6

7% 7% 8l/16

1.85 60 CI., SI. lig hti ng Gr. Rep I. (34) C, C·9 5000 2780 5% 611Ji 6 2.00 -::60-::-r-----:C:7I.-:, S:7I.-:"L-=-'tg'-.,-=-G-'-r ..=-Re-p:-lac-'-e-:-:(3=4.):----~C;;:-,-::C-::-9--::600-;:;:.:;;:-O ---:CZ=7S:;;:-0 -~5:-:-%:----6=1;-;IIi-o 2.05 2.25 2.77 3.03 60 60 24 1.4

ct. SI. Ltg., Gr. Replace. (34)

CI., Sl Ltg., Gr. Rep.lace. (34) Clear, Sl. Ltg. Gr. Replace. (34) Clear, SI., Gr. Replace. (34)

C, C-9 C, C·g C, c.s C, C-9

6000 6000 6000 1)000

5% 5% 7 7

7Ye 7 Yi 9% 9%

202PS25/1 202PS35 202PS35 K205 K205 - ----


~--==~~~--~~-===~~--~~~~--_=----:O~~~~~~~~--~~--~~------~--~~ PS30 Mad. 15804 211PS30/16 120 1.41 eo Clear, Street Lighting C, C-9 1500
15656 230PS3-0/26 120 15657 230PS30/26 125 Med. Skt 14738 250030 115-125 G·30 KR38 Med. 14661 25()KR38/FL 120-130 14662 250KR381SP 120·130 -P--Z-S --=--Me-d-.---:-c:15c:-:CI-C-9 ~2""'5{I::-::-P""25___;_------3--2 -,+PS30 Med. 3.50 8.30 8.30 5.7!f" 7.25 7.25 5.75

120 2.78 60 Clear SI. Ltg, Krypton [25,441 C, C-9 12,000 2700 5% 6"lis ----:-:=------:c-=:-----=~____;::-:--=--:-:-='___:_:_~~::-::'--::-::-------=-'-::-::____;_::'::::::::__----=_:::::_:::_--==___---::-:~ 125 3.07 60 Clear St. Ltg. Krypton (Z5, 441 C, c.s 12,000 2700 5% 611Ji~ 6 81lis

160 60 CI., St. Ltg, Gr. Replacement C, c.s 3000 6 8 ;\s --~-----------=--------------------~~~~~------~------1.60 60 CI., SI. Ltg., Gr. :Replacemenl C, c.s 3000 6 8Vis 60 Infrared lndust, (26, 35,36, 38) C, C-Il 5000+ 5 75lis 12 *Flood Krypton (35) C, CC-6 4000 3200 511lis 1:72~*..:...., -:(3-:-5)-------::-C,-:C~C-=-6---,40:-:c. 0~0-~3:-:c20~0-----:5:-:-:1o/i:-:-1660 --C:7I:.-:, L:-o-'co-'-m--:otC-ive-. ";;;(2::::2)--C:;:-".,-::C--;;-5-:-A ·:-:-He-ad7.'li--:gh"-:"t -~500:::--~4~500:;;:----:3:----:-;;4Jl-;--4 60 CI., Looomotive Headlight (Z2) C, C·5 C, C-5 C, C-5. C, C-5 500 500 500 200 3770 4480 3 3 3 3 4* 4% 4% 4* 60 CI., Locomotive Headlight 122) 60 ci. Locomotive Head light (Z2) ~--~-=--~~~--~------:----=-'~--:~--~~--::-----:~ Cl. Spotlight (Ill

15021 15021 15197 14307 1430&

250P25 250P25 25-0P25 250P25/SP

60 64

250P25/SP l4311-- 250P25/FL 120--6.66 1431d 2SO=P-'-'25,c-,/F=L---';':--125 6.66 15186 . Med. Prdl. 15022 PS-30 Med. Pl73L R·40 M.d.Skt. 14745 14740 Med. 14665 250P25/Z7 250P25/22 250PS30/33 250R40/4 250R40/5 250R40/1

CI. Spotlight (11) C, G-5 200 4480 3 4* 60 CI. Floodlight Oil c, C·5 800 3795 3 4% 60'--;-------:;:'CI:-". F:::-IO-O-':dl~igh:-Ct-::(lc;cl):--------::C-:, C~-5:------=8;:-::OO:---:-3;;:::;79-;:;:5:---~3 -~4~%-


~.67_--;60:-:-o-_-_I::-:-. _F.,:--D_;ay:_li.:..,gh:-t,_. ,-:-,U_l_) _C:;:-"',-:C-:,7..,.A X.,..,..;R_a.:".y :-:1 1I:-um.,..,' __ -=loo:::__---~3;_;_;_-_=_4~-47.80 60 cr, Locomotive Headlight (Z21 C, C·5A 500 2%. 5 115-126 1.96 60 • CI. Rell. lntrared Brooder (19, 35, 36, 38) 5000+ H m-125 4.45. 24 Lt. I. F. Refl. Infrared Industrial (19, 35,36) C, C-Il 7% 5000+ 115-125 6.20 24 *CI. Refl. Intrared lndustrial (19,35,36) C, C-U 5000+ 7% 115·125 3.451 12 • Light I. F. Reil Inlra red Heal U8. 19, 36) C, CC-6 5000+ 6Yz

115-125 32



Watts 250

Incandescent Lamps
Ordering Abbrevia1ion
(Ex cept Volts)


Base Med.


14663 14585

250R40/10 250R40/15 26BPS35/55 295PS35/58

Volts Price 115·125 $6.85 115·125 120 120

SOlg'OSl,d Usl


268 295

PS-35 PS·35

Mog. Mog.

16175 16l7l

C, e-n 5000+ 6% Red Bowl Refl. Infrared Heal (18, 36) C, C-lI 5000+ 6Yz 1.95 24 Clear, Street Lighting [39) C, C-9 1500 4697 7 9% 2-=.2-=-5;-4 --C:;;-;I-;.SoC-t.-:-L-:-"ig-:-ht::-'in-g,""'G;-r.-;R:-'ep-:-la-'-c"--e.-::{3'""9):--""C;o-'-, ------:9,.;.'h~· ---;;2'""C-;;·S--=3C;;:;OO'-;;-O---'4:-:-7=-=aO'---'::-7 12

Std. Pkg. Oescription Qty. 6 *Red Bowl Reflector Infrared (lS,36)


and Fil.

Rated flo u rs Life

Approx. Lumens




16m 29!iPS35/5:8:'-~~~~~~:12:-:-5·-=--=--=-2~.4:5=...,2",,4-.,----::cCI_. S::_I-:. L_;ig";-h.,,.tin-=go-,' G::_f-:. R:-e.:.,pl_ace_'_c.{::-:39.;,_) _....;C,-=C-:.9,--_3"'O::-:OO_-c-47_80_~7 __ 16m 295PS35/58 130 2.45 24 CI. SI. Lighting, Gr. Replace. (39) C, C·g 300D 4780 7 PAR-56 Mog. 14947 3OOPARS£/NSP 120 11.75 12 *Narrow Spot (29, 44) C, CC·13 2000 a ~~~--~c::--~~--~~~"";';_--------~~--,..,..,-----------------End Prong 14944 300PAR56/NSP 125·130 14.00 12 *Narrow SPOt (29, 44) C, CC·13 2000 a 14950 300PAR56/Mfl )20 11.75 12 *Medium Flood (29, 44) C, CC·13 2000 a ~--~~ 14946 3OOPAR56/MFl 125-130 14.00 12 *Medium Flood (29,44) C, CC-13 20()0 a '--=-=----=-= ~_53_3_00_PAR56/WfL 120 11.75 12 *Wide Flood (29,44) C, CC·13 2000 a 14945 300PAR56/WFl 125-130 14.00 12 *Wide Flood (29,44) C, CC·13 ZOOO a 14924 300PAR56/VWFl 125·130 14.00 lZ *Clear, Very Wide Flood (29, 44) C, CC·13 2000 Ext. Mog. 1494Z 3DOPAR56j2NSP lZ0 23.00 6 *Dich. Coat. Refl., Cool-Lux End Prong >--_-:---:-c::-= __ +'-,-::-:-=--..,-~ __ N_a-:-rw-,. (:-Z9-'c' _44,:-,'5_6,--) _;Sp:_I....;._35.:.., C-'-, _CC_·_I3 __ 20_0_0 14917 3OOPAR55/2MFl 125-130 27.60 6 *Dich.Coat. Refl., Cool·Lux Medi. Fld. (29, 35, 44, 561 C, CC-13 2000 14941 3OOPAR56/2WfL 120 23..00 6 *Dich. Coat. Refl., Cool-Lux Wide Fld. 129, 35, 44, 56) C, CC-13 2000 15741 300M 115 1.35 60 • Clear C, C-9 750 SOOO 6 PS·30 Med. ~~--.~~-----~~~-..., 15742 300M 120 1.35 60 • Clea r C, cs 750 6000 6 -1""5""74:-:-3----,ao:-:'0"""M-:---------:l-::cZ5=---l.Sl 60 • Clear C, C-g 15G 6000 6




5 5 5 5 5 5






5% 81J\6 WI6

15744 300M 130 -15-73-7-3-oo-M-:-jCC"lf~------1"'2C:-Cl-1.48


60 00

• Clear • Inside Frosted

C, C·9 C, C·g

150 750

6000 6000

6 6

81lis 81J\.

15738 300MjlF 125 1.77 60 • Inside Frosted C. C-9 750 6!JOO 6 81J\s 15739 300M/I F 130 1.77_6:-::° __ .7-1n_si-,de...,F=-ro.:_:s-:-,te_=:_d ~-:-=,C',-::C:-:.9:----:-::7-:-:50:-__60_oo.:__--.:6-,--_-:-:81!l:.c;is~ 15688 300Mjl F.:_/R_S.,-,__ ...,1.,.,20,-----:-3_.::.B4~-,.60,--____,I-ns..,,...e-=F,-ro-sl-edc'-:, -,C-'-, __ ..,.10-::-:():-:-0 ::-Ro_u;;:_gh.,.-S_e_rv-::-:. -,-C'.".9 _-::--,6 _--::8-,-1J\~. 15734 300M/IF99/XL 120 1.90 60 Inside Frosted Excel-Line (S3) C, C·9 2500 5190 6 8\1\6 15761-3~0-:-:OMc:'/=IF=9~9/=X':_L-=--_-_-:1:2c-::-5;:-,.130 2.30 60 Inside Frosted Excel-Line (83) C, e·9 2500 5190 6 8\1\6 15754 3{)OM/99/XL 120 1.73 60 Clear Excel-Line (83) C, c.s 2500 5190 6 8\1\. 15758 3OOM/99jXL 125-l~ 2-=:-.0c.:S---,S=-=O----=-CI:-ea"'-r-=E"-'xc-:el-:--L.,-in-e ~18=3J:_--------=-C,'-:C:-c.9~-::-:25""OO~---::,51:-:-9=-0 ---:6~--~811i:.c;16~ ~---=300M/! 15796 250 2.20 60 • Clear C, C·7A 1000 6 WIS "-::-::-=::-----:c= 15800 3OOM/l 277 3.13 6f) • Clear C, C-7A 1000 6 BIJ\s -=-=M'-og-. -----=-lS=8:=:81:--:=:30O::07AXC:---120 1.75 24 -.-C'"'"le-a-r -------------C,.:., -=-CC"-·-S --1--00-=-O--5-96-0--~7 ---S"';"llJ\~I. -1:-=58=-=8-=-2 AX----.---17:250---1.75 ---=-3QO:-::-::-C 15883 300AX ------;130 ~~~-=~~~---7__ ~-15884 300AX/IF 120 15885 300AX/1F 125 _____ -----+-1-58-86--=-:300AX/IF 130 PS-35 Md. SkI. 15970 300MS 120 -1-:c59=94-=--=31l:-:cOM:-:-S-/I_F r--,-12_0 __ 15996 300MS/IF 130 --~ 115·125 15998 300MSjO 16000 300MSjSBIF 120 16001 16119 3DOMS/SBIF 300MS

125 230 250 120 125 130


24 • Clear C, CC·8 1000 5960 7 8l¥J. 1.75 24 • Clear e, CC·S 1000 5960 7 SIlJ\. 1.75 24 • Inside Frosted 1241 C, CC-8 1000 5960 7 81%6 1.75 24 • Inside Frosted (24) C, CC·8 1000 5960 7 8"J\s 1.75 24 • Inside Frosted (241 C, CC-S 1000 5960 7 81¥Js 2.64 24 Clear C, cs 1000 5655 7\4 9% 2;.6~4~~2~4_-::-l::.:.n_s::.:.._id~e~F:-r_o-:s_t-e_d~-_~~-_~~~-_~~-_-=-Cf-,:_7C_.-::9~~~c-:l-:-:0:-:-0:-:-0_-~:"75=6'"'5::-~5~ 2.64 24 Inside Frosted C, C·9 1000 5655 1Yz 9% 4.60 24 Clear, Daylight C, C·9 1000 7Yz 9Va 4.50 24 Inside Frosted, Silver C, C·g 1000 Bowl 120, 30) 5400 9% Inside Frosted, Silver 4.95 24 Bowl 120, 30) C, c-s 1000 5400 9% 3.65 24 Clear C, C·7A 1000 4830 7Yz 9 Ya I 3..:.:65~=24'---l.---:C.,_le"-'ar-----------------:C-'-, C=-.-=-7A:---"'"'}O::::0-=-0 --=4""'83:-:-0---7:O:-\1';-z ---=9':-0%-


120 1.92 24 Inside Frosted C. C-9 1000 6000 7 9% 125 2.10 24 Inside Frosted c. C-9 1000 6000 1 9% a Approxi male initial mean candlepower in a la° cone at 10' - Narrow spot, horizontal 60,000; vertical 52,5O(); mediu rnflood, horizontal 26,000; vertical 20,000; wide flood, horilontalll,600; vertical 11,400. Individual lamps may vary somewhat. Maximum candlepower is somewhat greater.

15915 15916 15917 15918 15919

300 300 300 300/1 F 300/1 F

1.75 24 Clear C, C-9 1000 SOOO 1.92 24 Clear C, c-s 1000 6000 2.10 ' Z-4----CI-ea-r -----------------'C,'-C-,-9--1""0.,...OO--60-::-::-::c00:----::7---9=l1-:-s

7 7

9% 9%


[d i#l
Watts Bulb

SYLVANIA Incandescent

Description Inside Frosted • • • • • • White Bowl White Bowl Clear, Daylight Inside Frosted, Daylight Inside Frosted, Silver Bowl (20, 30) I. F., Silver Bowl (20, 30) Semi Silver Bowl, Inside Frosted (30,40) Class and Fil. C, C-9 C, C"9 C, C-9 C, C-9 C, C-9 C, C-9 C, C-9 C, C-9 Rated Hours Life Approx. lumens L.C.l.




Code 15920 15910 15911 15939


Ordering Abb rev ia tio n (Except Volts) 300/IF 300fWB 300/WB 300{O

$2.30 2.22 2.61 115-125 4.50 115-125 120 ]25·130 120 4.30 3.50 4.20 3.85

Volts 130 120 125

S'ill<led tid


Std. Pkg. Qty. 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

5410 5410

7 7
7 7

M.O.L. 9% 9% 9% 9% 9%

15940 i300/DIF 15958 3OO/SBIF 15960 300/SBIF 16026 300/SBIF 11

5400 5400

9% 9%

15925 300/991F/XL 120 2.25 24 Inside Frosted Excel-line IS3) C, C·9 2500 5190 7 9% ~15930~30~0~/9~9=lf~/X~L-----l=2~5.~13~0--2~.7=0~2~4--~ln-s~id-e~Fr-os~te~d~E-xc~el~.L~in-e7.{8~3)~--~C~,C~-9~~25~00~~51=00~~7~--7.9Y1~i159M 3OO/99/Xl 120 2.00 24 Clear Excel-Line (83) C, C·g 2500 5190 7 9% 15907 300/99/XL 125·130 2.45 24 Clear Excel-Line (83) 15g:=74~-=3=';OO:':c/R=:S;--------'---120 3.65 24 Clear, Rough Service 15876 300~/::-RS:---------:-:12:::5-;.1-:-:30:--74.-:-:35'---:C24~--:;C:-:-le-ar-, ::-Ro-u'-:-gh~S~e-rv:-ic-e -------:C,--. 15873 15890 16064 16066 16068 16086 16088 16089 Med. SkI. 16230 Mog. 16254 14761 Med. 14762 14767 14778 14779 300/RS/IF 300/RS/lf 300 300 300 300/IF 120 125-130 230 250 277 230 3.67 4_37 2.75 2.75 3.65 2.75 24 24 24 24 24 24 Inside Frosted, Rough Servo Inside Frosted, Rough Servo Clear Clear Clear Inside Frosted C, C·9 2500 5100 7 9% C, C-9 1000 5440 7 9% ::-C_~9--7100~0 ----::5474c:-0-----:'----::-93".,.YIC, c.s 1000 1000 LOOO 1000 1000 1000 5440 5440 4830 4830 4830 4830 7 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 10~ 9% C, C-9 C, C-7A C, C·7A C, C·7A C. C-7A

PS-40 R-40

300/1 F 250 3.05 24 )nside Frosted C, C-7A 1000 300/99/XL 230-250 3.29 24 Clear Excel-Line 183) C. C-7A 2500 B3DOMS/PS40 120 5.00 ' 24 I. F., Direct Ute, Neck Reflector C, C·II 2000 B300PS/40 120 4.90 24 I. F., Direct Ute, Neck Reflector C, C-ll 2000 300R/-,..-SP,------------I.,..,ZO,----4.--,--15---=-24.,--S=-p-,ot---c, I:-n--:-sid,-e-F:-ro---cst-ed-:------------------------(19, 32, 35, 41, 44) C, CC-2V 2000 Spot, Inside Frosted 125 4.95 24 300R/SP U9, 32.35,41,44) C, CC·2V 2000 Spot, Inside Frosted 130 4.95 24 300R/SP (f9. 32, 35, 41, 44) C, CC-2V 2000 300R/fL 3OOR/Fl 115 120 125-130 4.15 4.15 4.95 24 24 24 Flood, Inside Frosted 119,32,35,41,44) Flood, Inside Frosted tis, 32, 35,41, 44) Flood, Insida Frosted 119. 32, 35, 41, 44)



C, CC·2V 2000
C, CC-2V 2000


C, CC-2V


14811 '300R/SP/1 120 7.35 24 *1. F., Reflector Spot 132, 35, 41, 43) C, CC·2V 2000 14800 300R/Fl/l 120 7.35 24 *Flood, Inside Frosted (32, 35. 41, 43) C, CC-2V 2000 14810--30-0---'R/'--=f---'L/""1---1-:C25=--1-30--8.-80---'-24 *Flood, Inside Frosted (32,35,41,43) C, CC-2V 2000 Med. Skt. Mog. 14791 14809 14817 14796 14798 327

----~~------~--~~----~----,~~~~~~~~~------------~- 6% 6%


300R/2SP 120 6.70 24 L F., Reflector Spot 119, 33, 41, 44) C, CC-2V 2000 N 300R/2FL 120 6.70 24 I. F., Reflector Flood (19, 33, 41, 44) C, CC·2V 2000 7\4 300R/3SP=--------'-'-----:1..,.,20~--=-7.-95-.,.-,24,------*--=-S-po-t,-,-I.--=F,---. 3CC-3,-3-S)---CC-,C-,--C--2,---V---20-oo,------------7-Y4{-41'---, 1-9 -43-,

300R/3S P 300R/3Fl 300R/3FL 300R/3FL 327PS35 327PS35

125 120 125-130 250

9.50 7.95 9.50 11.75

24 24 24 24

*Spot, I. F. (41, 43, 19, 33, 35) *Flood, I. F. (41,43, 19,33,35) *Flood, I. F. (41,43,19,33,35) *1. F., Reflector Flood (43) Gr. Replacement (39)

C, CC-2V 2000 C, CC·2V 2000 .C, CC-2V 2000 C, CC-ll 2000

7\4 7~ 7\4 7\4

~--~~~------=-~~ PS-35 Mog. 16181



~=---------=-=-~~~~-~--~~~----------------------------------120 3.05 24 Clear, st. Lighting

C, C-9







Clear, St. lighting Gr. Replacement (39)

C, C·9





Watts Bulb Base NAED Code

,Incandescent Lamps
Orderinj;( Abbreviation (Except Volts)


Usl Volts

Qty. Description

Class and

Hours Life


PS·35 PS-40

Mog. Mog. Mog. Md. SkI. Md. Skt.

16012 16m3 16893 16870 16871 14739 14746 14747 14462 14453



$2.25 2.50 5.30 2.75 2.75 4.25 5.55 7.60 5.45 5.90

24 24 24 24 24 50 24 24 60 60

CI., SI. Ltg., Gr. Replacement CI., St. Ltg., Gr. Replacement *CI., SI. Ltg., Gr. Replacement Street Lighting 145) Street lighting (45) Infrared Industrial 135,36,38) Lt. I. F. Refl. Infrared Industrial (19, 35, 36, 38, 44)

C, c-s


Lumens L.C.L. M.O.L.

3000 3000 3000 1500 1500

7 7 7 7 7

9% 9% 9% 9% 9%

370 375

PHO G-30 R-40

340PS35/52 125 340PS40/GR/HG 120 c~----~~----~ 370PS40/50 120 3]OPS40/50 125 375G30 375R40 375R40/1 40IlG/SP 40OG/SP 115-125 115-125 115-125 120 125

~~~~~~~--~----~~~~--------~--~6785 6785 C, e-n C, C-ll C, c.n C, C-5 C. C-S

C, C-9 C, C-7A C, C-9 C, C-9

5000+ 5000+ 5000+ 200 200 8506 8506

7% 7% 5Vs 5Vs 5Vs 5Vs


~~~--~--~~~~~-----G-30 Med.
14522 14523 400G/FL 400G/Fl

-------==-----~--~~~~------------~~--~~-=~--~--~120 5.70 60 Floodlight nu C, C-5 800 6990 3 ~~--~~~~----------~~~~~~~--~--~~3 125 6.85 60 Floodlight (il) C, C-5 BOO 6990 ~--~~-=----~~~~~ ~------~--~--~---~~~~~-=~----~~~~~~~--~--~~ 405 PS-40 Mog. 16873 405PS40/54 120 2.90 24 SI. Ltg. Gr. Replace. 1451 C, C·9 3000 6810 7
16874 41l5PS40/54 125 3.15 24 SI. ltg. Gr. Replace. (45) C, c-s 3000 6810 1E875 405PS40/54 130 3.15 24 SI. Ltg. Gr. Replace. (45) C. C-9 3000 6810 4-4-8---P-S·-40~M~o-g-. --~1~6~18~4~4~48~PS~4~0------~12=0---4~.~~~2~4---=CI-.,~SI~.L~t-g.~G~r.~Re-p~la-ce~.(~45~1----~C~,c~-9~-60~OO~------~7--~9~%~--~.~~~~.~ SIlO G·30 Md. SkI. G-40 Mog. 16185 14787 14905 14006 14910 14911 PAR-54 Ext. Mog. 14981 End Prong 14943 14938 14939 14932 14934 14935 14937 14984 PS-3S Mag. 16032 16033 16034 16038 16039 16040 448PS40 500G30/1 SOOG/SP

*Refleclor Infrared 135,36,38) Spotlight (Il) Spotlight(ll)

3 3

9% ~~----~--- ~~~~~~~~--~------~~--~~-=~--~--~~ 7 9%

24 24 24

9% 9% 7!1;\6 70/16 7%6 71!J.6 71!J.6 6 6 6 6


125 120

4.75 4.45 9.15 9.15 9.75 10.60 27.25

--~--~~------------~~--~--~~--~-----C, C-5 10650

Spollight (IJ) Floodlight (11) Floodlight (111 *Veiy Narrow Spot 129, 44, 85) *Very Narrow Spot (29,44, 85) *Narrow Spot (29, 44, 85) *Narrow Spot (29, 44, 85) C, C-5 C, C-5 C, C-S 200 800 800 10S5D 9050 9050 a a a a 4% 4% 4%

~~~~~~~~~------~~--~~------~--~Clear. Infrared Industrial Spotlight 1111

ci, SI. Ltg. Gr. Replace. (45)

C', C-9·



7 5 4%

5000+ 200

5COG/SP 125 5DOG/FL 120 500G/F~L--------IC-:25 5QOPAR64/VNSP 5OOPAR64/VNSP 500PAR64/NSP SOOPAR64/NSP 5OOPAR64/MFL 500PAR64/MFL 5ODPAR64/WFL 120

24 24 24 6 6 6 6

C, CC-13 2000 C, CC-13 2000 C, CC-13 2000 C, CC-13 20()0

125-130 32.51l 120

--~--~~~~-=~~------~~~~--------~----27.25 6 *Medium Flood (29,44, 85) C, CC-13 2000 a

125·130 12() 27.25 6 *Wlde Flood (29, 44, 85) C, CC·13 2000 C, CC·13 2000 C, CC-13 2000 C, CC·8 C, CC·8 C, CC-8 C, CC-8 C, CC-8 C, CC-8 C, C·7A C, c-s C, C-7A C, C-9 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 a a 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 9575 10100 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

~~~~--~~~~~----~~~~~----------~~ 6 ~~~~~-=~~~~------.~~~~----------~~ 32.50 6 *Medium Flood 129, 44, 85) C, CC-13 2000 a 6
6 6 6 9% 2.95 3.25 3.55 3_25 3.90 3.90 12.70 3.70 5.05 7.90 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Clear Clear Clear Inside Frosted Inside Frosted Inside Frosted *Clear Inside Frost., Rough Servo Clear Code Beacon, Clear

500PAR64/WFL 125·130 32.50 6 *Wide Flood 129, 44, 85) 500P:::-::A:-::R:::-64:'-:JVW=F=-L___:'':-12=5~-17.30''''''--:::32-:-.5::-::0----=6--*-:-;Very Wide Flood (29,44,85) 500 500 500 SOD/IF 500/1 F SOD/IF 120 125 130 120 125 130 120 130 277 12Q

9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9%

PS·40 Mog.

16160 15880 16219

5OO/RS/IF 500 500PS40/45

Mog. PI.


9.40 24 Code Beacon, Clear C, C-9 1000 10100 15140 500PS40 115 2.60 24 Clear C, c-s 1000 10100 16141 500PS40 120 2.60 24 Clear C, C-9 lClOO 10100 ~1=@~42~~=OPS4~0--------~12~5--~2~.9~3---=2~4--~C~le-ar----------------~C,--=C~-9~~1~OO~0--~10~iO~0--~7~--~9%~416143 5OIlPS40 130 3.17 24 Clear C, C-9 1000 IOlOO 16146 S()DPS40/IF 120 2.90 24 Inside Frosted C, C-9 1000 10100 16147 500PS40/IF 125 3.06 24 Inside Frosted C, C-9 1000 10100 16148~~~~0=P~~O~/~IF~----~1~30~~3.=44~~24~~Jn~Si~de~F~ro-st~ed~----------~C~,C~-~9--~IO~OO~~1~01~00~~7--~9~%~

~~~~~~--~~-=----16220 500PS40/45 130

511A. 1QI!J.6 5'I!J.6 WAs

7 7 7 7 9lt4 9% 9% 9% 9%

16164 500/WB 120 3.13 24 White Bowl C, c-s 1000 9% a Approximate initial mean candlepower in a 10" cone at 10' - na rrow spot, horizontal 100,000; vertical 90,000; medium flood, horizontal 43,000: vertical 38,500; wide flood, horizontal 12,500; vertical 12,000. Individ ual lamps may vary somewhat. Maximu m cand lepower is somewhat greater.




Watts Bulb Base NAED Code

Incandescent Lamps
Ordering Abbreviation (Except Volts)






500/SBI F SOO/SBIF 500/se1F II

120 120


~~~~~~~~~~~~--~--~~--~~--~~~--~-5.75 24 I. F., Silver Bowl (20,30) C. c.s 1000 9400

5.25 3.50 4.20 3.15 3.80 24 24 24! 24 24 Semi Silver Bowl, I. F. (30, 99) Inside Frosted Excel-Line (&3) Inside Frosted Excel-Ijna (83) Clear Excel·line (83) Clear Excel-Llne (83) C, c.s C, c.s C, C·9 1000 2500

Pkg. Pri"" Qty. $4.85 24




r., Silver Bowl (20, 301


C, c.s

and Fir.

Rated Hours Life

Approx. lumens





. 9% 9% 9% 7

16l55500f991F /XL 120 16158-500~/9:-:9-:-:;IF~/X::-;L---l=25.130 5OO/99/XL ''"":"::167:13:::-3--::S00/99/XL 15877 15879 16323 16325 5OO/RS 5OD/RS 500 500 120 125·130 izc 125-130 230 250

2500 2500

9100 9100 9100 9100

9% 9% 9% 9%

US 24 Clea r, Rough Service C, C·9 1000 9575 4.90 24 Clear, Rough Service C, c.s 1000 9575 7 3.30-'2~4--=CI-ea-r -------------=-C'-,c-=-7:-:cA---..,1""""00'"'"0--9--27--0---7----9JA-.3.30 24 24 24 24 24 12 24 24 24 24 12 Clear Inside Frosted Inside Frosted Inside Frosted Excel·Line (83) Clear Excel-line (83) I. F., Direct Lile, Neck Rft. *Reflector Spot, I. F. (43,44, 46) *Refleclor Flood, I, F, (43,44, 46) *Reflector Flood, I. F. (43, 44, 46) *1. F" Refl. Flood (43, 44, 461 Reflector High Bay Lt. I. F. n9, 20, 30, 44, 611 Reflector High Bay Lt I. F. (19,20,30,44,61) *Refl. High Bay Lt. I. F. (20, 30, 611 Reflector High Bay Lt. I. F. (19, 20, 30, 44, 61) Reflector High Bay Lt. I. F. (19,20, 30, 44, 61) C, C-7A 1000 9270 9270 9270 7870 7870 7 C, ColA 1000 C, C-7A 1000 C, C·lA 2500 C, C-7A 2500 C, c.s 2000 C, CC·2V 2000 C, CC·ZV 2000 C, CC-ZV 2000 C, ccn 2000 C, C-7A C, C·7A C, C-7A C, C-l A 2000 2000 2000 2000

9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 1311i6

C, C·9 C, C·g

16328 SOD/IF 16330 SOD/IF 16318 SOOj99/IF IXl 16320 !iOO/99/XL -P-S--:S2'---:MCC"o-g.---:-:16397B500/PS52 R-40 Mog. 14846 5OOR/3SP 14835 500R/3FL 14837 500R/3FL 14857 500R/3FL 14978 500R52 R-S2 Mag. 14980 14974 15030 15032 500R52 SOOR52/1 500R52 SOOR52

230 3.65 250 3.65 230-250 4.80 250 4.45 120 9.90 120 9.65 120 9.65 125·130 11.50 250 13.25 120 10.25 125·130 12.25


714 714 714

7030 7030 8455 6470 11% 11% 11%


230 250 '12.00 12.00 12 12

C, C-l A 2000 6470 11% R60 Mog. 15048 500R60/WFL 125 25.35 6 *Face Fr., Refl., Wide Flood, 90 C, C-7A 2000 7850 10% ~T.~12~~MCC"e~d.~P~re~t~1~79~2~4~500~Tl~27./8~----~1~20~m-.5-O~2:-:C4~*~S~p-ot~lig~h~t(CC"14~)~----~----7C,-'C~.1=3D~=80'"'"0--------3~Y,~z--~6Y!~80

~~~~--~ T·20 Med.

17923 500Tl2/9 120 19.00 24 *Spotlite (14) 17912 500T20{45 120 16.35 24 *Clear, Display Spotlite (11) 17925 500T20/25 12tl 13.05 24 *C!ear, Airport Marker --,M;-:-e-:-d.-=p:-:-f.--:;:17932-;5;:;::00;c;;T;=c20-f;/~64~-~--,-;12;;;-0--::::22:-::.2S 24 *Disp!ay Spotlight (111


C, C·13D C, C-B c. C-l3 C. C·13 C, C-13

200 500 50 500 500

9500 9500

311 3 231i6 23/16 2llis

6Vs 511 5% 5% 5%

17931 575 585 620 PS-40 PS·40 PS·40 Mog, Mog. Mog PI.




*Display Spotlight (111

16879 575PS40j51 -:-1~=O-~2o".9:.:.8__:2:_:"4~_=Cl-:-., ::-:St-;.re-:-et:_L~ig:_ht-::cin,"-g :,-(4~7)--:-:c:::---_--;:'C,'-:C:_:-7:_:"A-.l;-:-50:-::0--:-:10:_:,90~0---7::---_=c9Y4:.;.4 _ 16882 585PS40/48 120 3.19 24 ct. SI. Ltg., Gr. Replace. (47) C, C·7A 3000 10290 7 9% 16867 62OPS40/P 120 7.80 24 Clear Airport, Gr. Rept. C, C·7A 3000 11050 SlYI6 IOYI6 16868 620PS40/P ---:-:12=5---:-8.55 24 Clear Airport, Gr. Repl. C, C-7A 3000 11050 511;\6 10Yi6 16869 620PS40/P 13{) 9.40 24 Clear Airport, Gr. Rept. C, C-7A 3000 11050 511/16 lOYi6 ~Mo-g-.---l:-:6=88~5--=6=2O~PS4~0/~5_3 ~12_=_0---3-.6-0~724~~~:C~I.~,~S:t.~L~t:_g~.~,~G~r~.R:e~p~l~a~c~e.~(4:7~)~_-_-_-~-=C:,~C~":7A~~:30:oo~~~1:10:5~0~----_=~l~~

16866 620PS40/53 16887 620PS40/,_53 __ =690-=--'"""::CpS=-.4=0---=-M:-o-g.--..L 16''':'S6':'''4-69-0PS40 700 750 PS-40 Mog. Pref. PS-52 Mog.

_-:-:12:-=-5 __
...:._130 120

4:=-=.3:=,5 __ C~I.':_' --:::2,.,..4 S::-:-i.....,L...::,tg:.:.., [7.47~1 -::-G_r. -=cRe__::.D.,.-la_ce_. Cc:-"""C",,-l-:-A ----,1:710:-:5~0 __ --::;3::-:00;::-0 _~ 4,35 24 CI., St. Ltg.• Gr. Replace. (47) C, ColA 300G n050 4.45 24 t---""CI-'.ea-r -:(4""7)"::cS:"'tre-e-Ct L,-'tg'--. -..:......;-----:cC'-c, C=--7-.,A-W-00--------9;_%11

9=%.:_4 _ 9%


15865 690PS40 125 4.45 11ill66 700PS40jP 120 15.50 16345 ' 750 ---115 6.50 16346 750 120 6.50 162>47 750 125 7.15 16348 750 130 1.80 15355 750/IF 115 7.15 16356 I l5D/IF 120 7.15 I63511 150/IF 125·130 8.60 ;-1:-:5~41-:-9 ---::c7S=0'c:/Sc:::-B-=IF=----......,... lZG 11.75

24 Clear (47) Street Ltg. C, C·7A 6000 9% ----------=-----------~-----~~--------~~~~------------~ 24 *Clear, Airport Hard GlassC, C-7A 6000 5 116 IOYl, 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Clear Clear Clear Clear Inside Frosted Inside Frosted Inside Frosted L F.. Silver Bowl (20,30)

c. CC·&
C, CC-8 C, CC·S C, CC·8 C, CC-8 C, eC·8 C, Ce·8 C, c-t A

1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

16810 16810 16810 16810 16810 16810 16810 15000



9% 9%

1311i, 1311i, J311i. 13111£ INI6 l3Y16 131;\6 1WlG



Watts 750 Bulb PS-52 Base Mog.

Incandescent Lamps
Volts Price 125-130 $14.10 120 12.51 120 8.20 125·130 9.85 120 13.55 230 8.30 250 8.30 12_25 120 125-130 130 230 250 277 120 125 120 120 125 120
SuU .. b!d lis'



Ordering Abbreviation NAED (Except Volts) Code 16421 751J/SBIF 16411 750/SBIF 11 "163~750/99/XL 16396-750l99/Xl 16451-750PS52/48 16640 750 750 16642 750R52 15004 14992 15009 15046 15047 15073 750R52 750R52/1 750R52 750R52 750R52 750R57/3 750R57 {3 750112/9 8OOPS52/BO 86OPS52/BO IM/G40SP5~ IM/G40SP5Y4 IM/G40FL IM/G40Fl IM/G40FL 1M/G40PSP IM/G40PSP lOCO 1000 1000 1000 lOOO/IF" IODO/IF 10OO/IF lOCO/SBIF lOOD/SBIF 1000/7 1000/7 ! 1000/7 lOOO/99/Xl ' lOOO/99/XL IM/PS52 IM/PS52 IM/PS52/44 IM/PS52/44 1000 1000 10DO lOOO/IF lOOO/IF IMPS5~ IMR52 IMR52 lOOOR60/MWFL 1000R60/VWFL lOOOR60/WFL

R-57 T-12 PS·52

BOO 1000



15029 15036 Med. Pt. 17922 Mog. 16432 -16433 14920 Mog. 14921 14930 14931 14928 Mog. PI. 14925 Mog. Pt. 14925 Mog. 16422 16423 16424 16425 16428 16429 16430 Mog.

125 130 120 125



125 130 120 125

16493 16461 16462

16466 16469 16455 16456 16539 '1654Q 16662 16664 16578 16670 16672

R-52 R-60 Mog. Mog. 15023 15025 15078 1505Q 15051 16614




Description I. F., Silver Bowl (20, 30) Semi·Silver Bowl I. F. (30, 100) Clea r Excel-Li ne (83) Clea r Excel-Li ne (83) 12 12 *Clear 12 Clear 12 Clear 12 Reflector High Bay Lt. 1F. (19, 20, 30, 44, 611 Reflector High Bay Lt I. F. 14.50 12 U9, 20, 3D, 44, 61) 12 *Lt. I. F. Refl. High Bay (30, 611 24.80 Reflector High Bay Lt. I. F. 14.00 12 09,20,30, 44, Reflector High Bay Lt. I. F. 14.00 12 09, 20, 30, 44, 61) 12 Reflector High Bay Lt. I. F. 14.50 U9, 20, 3D, 44, 61) Lt. I. F. Refl. High Bay (19, 44, 61) 6 14.35 Lt. I. F. Refl. High Bay (19, 44,61) 14.35 6 24 *Spotlight (14) 21.25 CI.• St. tt., Gr. Replace. (49) 9.35 12 12 CI., St. Lt., Gr. Replace. (491 10.45 24 *Spotlight (11) Clear 22.75 24 *Spotlight (11) Clear 22.75 24 *Floodlighl (11) Clea r 25.00 27.60 L 24 *Floodlight (11) Clear 24 *Floodlight (11) Clear 34.75 24 *Spollight (11) Clear 21.25 24 *Spotlight (11) Clear 24.00 Clear 12 6.85 12 Clear 6.85 12 Clear 7.50 Clear 8.20 12 I2 Inside Frosted 7.50 12 Inside Frosted 8.23 12 Inside Frosted 9.00 I. F., Silver Bowl (20, 30) 12 12.00 I. F., Silver Bowl (20, 30) 12 14.24 12 Clear 7.00 Clear 7.00 12 Clear 12 7.00 Clear Excel-Line (83) 12 8.95 Clear Excel-Line (83) 12 10.75 12 Refl., High Bay (19, 3D, 611 13.40 Ref)., High Bay (19, 3D, 611 12 13.40 12 *Clear, Special Service 14.50 12 *Clear, Special Service 17.44 12 Clear 8.30 12 Clear 8.30 12 12.25 Clear 12 Inside Frosted 8.95 12 Inslde Frosted 12 *Clear, Special Service 12 *Lt. I. F., Retl. High Bay (19,30,61) 12 *It. I. F., Refl. High Bay 09,30,61) 6 *CI., Reflector Med. Wide Flood 54° 6 *Face Fr., Refl. Very Wide Flood 140 6 *Lt. I. F., Refl ector Wide Flood goo 6 *1. F., Studio Lamp 3200° K (104)

Std. Pkg. Qty. 12 12 12

Class Rated and Hours Fil. Life C, C-7A 1000 C, C-7A 1000 C. C-7A 2500 C, C-7A 2500 C, C-7A 1000 C, C-7A 2000 C, ColA 2000 C, C-7A C, C-7A C, C-7A C, ColA C, C-7A C, C-7A C, c-i« C, C-7A c. C-13D C, C-7A C, ColA C, C-S C, C-S C, C-S C, C-5 C, C-5 C, C-5 C, c.s C, CC·S C, CC-S C, CC-8 C, CC-S C, CC-8 C, CC-8 C, CC·8 C, C-7A C, C-7A C, C·lA C, c.rA C, C·1A C, C·1A C, C-7A C, CC-8 C, CC-S C, C-7A C, C-7A C, C-7A C, C-7A C, C-7A C, C·7A C, C·1A C, C·7A C, C-7A C, C-7A C, C·7A C, C-7A C, C-7A C, CC·S 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 201) 3000 3000 200 200 800 800 200 200 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 2500 2500 2000 2000 1000 1000 2000 2000 1000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 150

Approx. Lumens 15000 13900 13900 13600 13600 12620 12620 10925 10925



131f16 131116
9\11 9\11 9\11 9\11 9Y1 }31/16 131/16 13lfls 13'116 13'1i,

110/4 110/4
11% 11%


ll% 11%
3\11 9\11 9\11 5~ 51,'4 12 12 6Va 131j1& 13111. 8 8 8 8 8


15300 15300 22900 22900 19850 19850 19850 22900 22900 23100 23100 23100 23100

5~ 51,'4

31511. 311;\6
9\11 9\11 9\11 9Yt 9\11 9\11 9\11

87116 13111, 13'116 131116

131/16 13 '116 13Yt6 87ft6

23100 23100 20400 20400

131ft! 131/u;

19800 19800 19850 19850 21800 21800 18850 18850

9\11 9\11 9\11 9\11 9Yl

131116 131116

131116 13111.
131ft, 13'1is 131f1. 131ft.

9V. 9V. 9\11 9\11


9\11 9Yt 9\11

131/16 131115

11% 11% 10% 10% lWs 12

19150 19150 19150 27,000




lij i#I SYWANIA Incandescent Lamps


1100 1500

Bulb PS-52 PS-52

Base Mog. Mog.

NAED Code . 16587 16542 16543 16544 16545

Ordering Abbreviation (Except Volts) llooPS52/73



hassle!! Std. Us! Pkg. Prioo Qty.

$9.40 9.65

12 12 12 12

Description Clear, St.ltg., Gr. Replacement Clear Clear Clear Clear (50)

~~~==----------~--~ 1500 llO 9.65



Class Rated and Hou rs Fit. life C, C-7A 3000 C, C-7 A 1000 C, C-7 A 1000 C, C-7A C, C·7A C, C-7 A . C, C7·A C, C·7A C, C-7A C, C-7A C, C·7A C, C·7A C, C·7A 1000 1000 1000 1000 2500 2500 1000 1000 1000 1000

Approx. Lumens 33000 33000 33620 33620 33620 33620 29800 29800 33620 33620 33620 33620

l.C.L. 9\1 9\1 9\1


131/16 131;\6 13Vi& 131;\6

15{)0 1500 1500/99/XL 1500/99/Xl. 1500/IF 15OO/IF 1500/IF 1500/IF 1500PS52/46 1500PSS2/46 1500PS52/46 l!iOOPS52/78 1500

115 120 125 130 120 130 115 120 125 130

9.65 9.65 10.75 11.50 14.00 16.75 ID.75 10.75 11.68 13.00

12 12 12 12 12

(50) 150)

9\1 9\1 9\1 9\1 9\1

16546 16547 16575 16577 16568 HiS69 16570 16571 16597 16599 16600 16572 16689 16691

Clear (50) Clear (50) Clear, Excel-Line (83, SOl Clear, Excel-Line (83, 501 Inside Frosted 150) Inside Frosted (SOl Inside Frosted (50) Inside Frosted 150)

131;\6 131;\6 13Vi6 IWI6 131;\6 13'116 131;\6

9\1 9\1 9\1

12 12

110 19.00 12 *Clear, Special Service (50) C, C· 7A 2500 29800 9\'.\ 13Vi6 120 ---=1-::-9.~00'----'1:-::2--*~CI;-ea_;r,-::S:'-pe-'ci:-;al-::S;-er-'vi;-ce-:(~so::-, -------;::C,--;C:-:-7:-::A,----,2~50:-::0---::::29O::C80::::0-----::9'A-;-z ----:1:-=31:-:"y;-s 130 120 230 250 277 120 22.75 13.25 13.00 13.00 16,35 32.75 12 12 12 *Clear, Special Service (501 Clear-Studio Lamp 3200° K Same as ECY Clear ISOl Clear (50) Clear (501 *1. F., Studio Lamp-3200° K (104) C, C-7A 2500 100 2000 2000 26750 26750 41000 29800 9\1 9\1 9\1 131;\6 131jj6 131;\6 13Vi6 13\116 12

C, C-7A
C, C-7A C, C·7A

16693 1500 =T 20,,----M:-:co-g-,ul---,1,-66-12 DSF

12 12

C, c-t«


9\1 9\1

C, CC·g

Super Saver - Excel - Extended Service

36 54 69 93 143 Bulb A·19 A-19 Base Med. Med. Med. Med. Med. NAED Code 10936 Ondering Abbreviation (Except Volts) 36A/SS 54AlSS 54A/SS 69A/SS 69A..;L/...:,SS.:;__ 93A/SS 143A/SS 143A/SS Ordering Abbreviation (Except Volts) 1950L/P25/8 19SOL/P25/8 1950L/P25/B30 22SOL/P25/2 2250L/P25/2 Volts 120 $ .94 120 120 .94 120 13'cC.0 I'--.O_9_12_0 __ 120 1.00 120 --'c,:-___;1;_.1_5 __ 12_O __ 1.12 120 120 1.42 1.64 60 60
sdlfestd Std. Usl Pkg. Price Qty.

011003 12551 012554 12308 13142 013143

A-I9 A-19

Class Rated and Hours Approx. Description Fil. Life Lumens L.C.l. M.O.L. Inside Frost, Krypton (83) C, C·8 2500 420 2?i\i 4\t4 I nside Frost, Krypton (83) C, CC-8 2500 760 3Ys 41;\6 ln_:.s,.;;.ide.o_.:.Fr.;:.:os"'-t,_K...:_ry'--p10_n-,(_83"-.,) 2_5--:00 __ ---,,7=60 ---:-'3Y1_o_8 -':'C.-::Cc::"C .....,.8__ __ 4;.,;V!6;;_ Inside Frost, Krypton (83) C, CC·8 2500 970 3Ya 47;\6 I"_si.:::_de:_. _Kr_,_,yp_to_n_o.(8_c3)'-- C.,:.., __ 2_50_0 F_;_co;;.:_, _C_C"_8 97_0 3..:..\II.=..8 __ ....;4Y1..:.;16;_ Inside Frost, Krypton (83) C, CC-8 2500 1460 3Ys 47;\6 Inside Frost, KrYpton {831 Inside Frost, Krypton (83) C, CC·8 C, CC·8 2500 2500 2380 2380 31%6 5\1 5\1



Lumen Rated Traffic Signal Lamps

tumens 1950 Bulb P-2S Base Med. NAED Code 15016 015018 15020 15012 15013

Volts 120 125

120 125




Std. Pkg. PriC! Qty. $1.63 60 1.79 60 1.95 60 1.62 60 1.71 60


Description Clear Clear CIear Clear Clear

Class Approx. Hours and Life Fil. 8000 C, C-9 8000 C, C-9 C, c.s 8000 2000 C. C-9 2000 C, c-s

Nominal Watts 160 160 160 ISO 150




3 3

4% 4% 4% 4% 4%

Street Lighting Lamps (Series Burning)

Lumens 320 325 600 800 Bulb PS-25 A·21 PS-25 PS-25 Base Mogul Med. Pref. Mogul Mogul NAED Code 19106 13420 Ordering Abbreviation (Except Volts) 320/66R 325/66/A21 600/66 600/66R BOO/66R AMPS 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6

ALL LAMPS ARE CLEAR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Class Approx. and Hours PliCA: Qty. Description Fil. Life Volts $1.70 60 Group Replacement C, C·8 3000 3.80 120 Airport C, C-S 2000 1.33 60 C, C-8 2000 6.3 4-~--~,----,--~----------:~~--::::~--~~--::~----:~ 1.42!1 60 Group Replacement C, C-8 3000 6.6 1. 6 4 60 Gro up Replacement C, C-8 3000 8.3 2.10 60 Group Replacement (25, 831 C, C-8 GOOD L.C.L. 5% 214 5% 5% 5% 5% M.O.L. 77's 51,\;\6 7Ys 7Ye 7Ya 7Ya

~Uileste~ Std. Ull Pkg.


19143 19144


aNew item.




Lumens Bulb Base Mogul NAED Code

Street Lighting Lamps (Series Burning) (Continued)

Orderin~ Abbreviation (Except Volts)




Std. Pkg. Qty.


19160IMJ55 5.5 $1.6760 5% 7% 1916~1~1~M~/6=6~------~6.76--~1~.9~1~6~O----------------------7C,~C~-8~~2~OO~0--~9~.2--19173 IM/fi6G 19169 IM/66R --,:-::cc-:-::---:-:-: 19168 IM6fiR/4M 19162 IM175 19164 IM/75R 6.6 6.6 6.6 7.5 7.5 6.6 2.13 1.82 1.65 1.35 1.35 3.83 2.02 1.94 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Grou p Replacement {2S, 83l Group Replacement Group Replacement Group Replacement C, C-8 . C, C-B C. C-8 C, C-8 C, C·S 6000 3000 40()0 2000 3000 11.0 9.7 8.5 8.9 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 7% 7\-1 7% 7% 7\-1 5o/is 7Ys

Class and ril. C, C-8

Rated Hours Ufe 2000


L.C.L. M.O.L

--------------~-----13422 19179 19199 10Z0/66{ All 150D/66R 2500/66PS25 6.6


1020 1500 2500

A·21 PS·2S PS-25

Med. Prel. Mogul Mogul

---------------------------------------------120 Airport C, C-8 2000 2*

Group Replacement Base Up C, C-8 C,C-2Y 3000 2000 14.2 20.8 5% 5%

------------------------------------------------------------------------19204 2500/56G/PSZ!i 6.6 2.75 60 Gr. Replacement, Base Up 183l C, C-2Y 6000 24.3 5%
19200 2500/66R/PS25 2500/66 2500/66G 2500/66R 2500/75 2500175R 4M/66 4M/66G 4Mj66R 4M/75 4M/15BU 4M/15BD 4M/15R/BU 4M/15R/BD 4M/20BD 4M/20R/BD 4M/20R/BU 2.0:2 2.70 60 24 Group Replacement, Base Up C, C-2Y C, C-2V 3000 2000 22.0 21.5 5* 7 19185 19196 19193 19186 19187






----~----~----~--~----------------~----------------------3.05 24 Group Replacement (83) C, C-2Y 6000 25_2 7 9%

5.6 7.5 7.5 2.75 1.94 2.14 3.85 3.30 3.54 4.03 4.03 5.35 5.35 4.82 5.06 5.06 5.~3 24 24 24 Group Replacement Group Replacement C, C-2V C, C-2V C, C·2Y 3000 2000 3000 22.8 19.6 20.6 7 7 7 9% 9% 9* 9% 9% 9% 7 7 6Y4 7 614 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9%



Mogu I

19211 19215 19219 19220 19225 19229 19233 19237 19226 19230 19238 19239

----~---------------------------------------------------------6.6 3.00 24 C, C-ZV 2000 32.2 7

6.6 6.6 7.5 15 15 15 15 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Base Up Base Down Group Replacement, Base Up Group Replacement, Base Down Base Down Group Replacement, Base Down Group Replacement, Base Up Base Up, Group Replacement (831 Group Replacement (83) Group Replacement Base Up Group Replacement 183} Group Replacement C, C-2Y C, C-2V C, C·2Y C, C·2V C, C-ZY C, C-2V C, C·2Y 6000 3000 2000 2000 2000 3000 3000 37.6 34.1 29.6 13.8 13.8 14,6 14.6 7

__ ----4-~--~~~~~~~--------------~~~~~~~--~----~ 4M/20BU 20 4.82 24 Base Up C, C·2Y 2000 10.9 7

20 20 20 24 24 24 24 C, C-2V C, C·2V C, C-2Y C, C-2Y 2000 3000 3000 6000 600a 30aO 2000 11.2 11.6 11.4 12.5 6!4 6Y4 7 7

---------------+-----19241 6000 PS-40 Mogul 19265 19262 19325 19327 4M/20GIBU 6M/S6G 6M/66R 6M/20B U 6M/20R/BU 20

19259 16M/66

----~--------------------------------~~------------~-----6.6 3.50 24 C, C-2Y 2aoo 47.8 7 9%

6.6 6.6 20 4.85 3.70 24 24 24 24 C, C-2Y C, C-2V C, C·2V 55.8 SO.5 14.9 7 7 7 9% 9% 9%

--------------------------------------------- 9% Group Replacement, Base Up C, C-2Y 3000 15.4 7

C, C·7A 2000 81.9 86.8 24.S 25.3 26.1 26.6 2S.7 35.7 36.4 37.5 7 7 7 614 7 614 7 7 614







9% 9% ----=-9%-:49% 90/4 9% 9% 9* 9% 9* 9*

19:)03 lOM/66R 4.20 24 19304 ' lOM/65G-------:'-------S-.60---Z-4---C-le-a-r 19329 19330 19331 19332 15M PS·40 Mogul 10M/20BU 10M/ZOBO 1OM/20R/BU lOM/20R/BD 10M/2DG/BU 15M/ZOB U 15M/20BO 6.79 7.85 8.30 7.85 6.79 7.42 7.42 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

Group Replacement C, C·7A 3000 {-S3-l---------------C.-C-,-7-:A---:60:-::-a-:0--------=-7 Base Up Base Down Group Replacement, Base Up Group Replacement, Base Down Base Up, Gr. Replacement (83) Base Up Base Down C, C-7 C, C-7 C, C·7 C, C-7 C, C-7 C, C-7 C, C-7 C, c.t 2000 2000 3000 3000 6000 2000 2000 3000





(h i::t SYLVANIA
W atts Volts Bulb Base NAEO Code

Incandescent Lamps
Ordering Abbreviation (Except Volts)

lamps listed by Volts and Amperes

U~I Case PriCI Qty.



Class and FII.

Rated Hours Approx. Lite Lumens



200 W

Mog. PAR-56 End Prong 14965 PAR-54 En~~~~ng 14985 17983 14964

6_6/PAR56/2 6.6/PAR64/2 1i.6A/Tl4/2P ZOA/PAR56 25A/PAR56/WFL 6.6/PAR64/3 6.6 6.6 20 25 6_6

15_26 30.52 12.00 10.46 11.77 20.76

12 6 24 12 12 6

*Airport *Airport Airport Marker (8) *Ai rport (91) *Swimming Pool (91) *Airport

C, C-13 C, CC-S C, C-13 C, C-G C, C-G C, CC-6

SOO 1000 500 100 1000 2%6

4Yz 5% 5
4\11 4\11

204 W T-14 300 W

Med. Pf.

PAR-56 En~p~~ng

Scr. Term 14967 PAR-54 EndM?~ng 14986


Prepriced Carded Items


12 24 40

Bulb S-8 RP-ll S·l1

Base S.C. Bay S.C. Bay Inter.




hIres IB'I



Std. Case
Qty. Description

Class and



16810 16821 13598

93/B L 1133/BL 40S11N/BL

12 2/$1.82 6 2/1.98 115-125 1.51 2/.99

24" 24· 24* 24'

CIear Clear Clear White While Clear Clear Clear

C, C-6 C, C-5 C, C-7A B, C-9 B, B, C-7A B, C·7A

Life Lumens 500 200 SOD 3000 1400


Approx. L.C.L. M.O.L.

lY8 1\4


~--~----~~-=~~~~~-----=~~ 7 C-7 • Cando 13540 7Cl/W/BL 115·125

7Yz S-lI
15 25 T-7 T-8

• Mad.
D.C. Bay D.C. Bay Inter.

18199! 18311 18362

Im/DC/SL 25T8/0C/SL 25T8/N/Bl

120 120 120

1.14 1.23 1.32

24<> 24<> 24<>


2% 235 2%

(3) (3)

B, C·7A



Quartz Infrared
NAED Ordering Watts Bulb Base Code Abbreviation 375 T·3 (161 59845 375T3 ~OO~0~~T-~3---(~16~)--~5~98~5~O~~==T~3--------~120
Slggssi£d Us!



120 120 120 120 208 240 240 240

and Hours M,O.L. Qty. Description Inches Fil. Life Inches $14.75 12 Translucent (23, 71, 73) 5 C, C-8 5000 81l;\, 15-.00~~12~~T~rn-n~sl-ure-n~t~(273,~7~I,~73~)------------~5--~C~,C~-8~~5~OO~0--8~1~~, 23.25 15.00 18.75 19.50 18.50 25.25 25.00 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Clear, High Temp. (~7, 23, 73) Translucent (23, 71, 73) Translucent (71, 73, 87) Translucent (71, 73, 87) Translucent (71,73, 87) Clear, High Temp. (17, 73, 76, 87) Translucent (71, 73, 87) 5 5 8 10 10 10 16 C, C-8 C, C-8 C, C-8 C; C-8 C, C·8 C, C·8 C, C-8 5000 810/16 5000 8% 5000 IJl~6 5000 131%, 5000 5000 5000 131%6 1115;\6 191%6



lighted Length


800 1000 T-3 T-3 (16)

59851 59822 59856 59857 59860 59861 59864

5OOT3/CL/HT 500B!7 800B 1000n 100013 lOOOT3/CL/HT 160013



(l61 RSC (l61

59865 1600T3/CL/HT 240 39.25 12 Clear, High Temp. (17, 73, 871 16 C, C-B 5000 191~6 59841 1600T3/1 240 26.25 12 Translucent (71, 73, 871 16 C, C-8 5000 190/e 2000 T·3 59863 20ooT3/CL/HT 240 38.45 12 Clear, High Temp. (17, 73, 67,89) 9% C, C·g 2000 111s/Ji (16) 2500 T-3 59867 1'25OOT3 480 31.25 12 Translucent (71, 73, 87) 25 C, C·g 5000 281J/Js 59866 2500T3/CL/HT 480 51.00 12 Clear, High Temp. (17, 73, 87) 25 C, C-8 5000 281l/ltl RSC 59803 250013/7 480 32.50 12 Translucent (71, 73, 871 25 C, C-8 5000 28% 3200 T-3 (16) 59871 32Q0T3/CL/HT 384 49.25 12 Clear, High Temp. (17, 73, 87,96) 16 C, C-S 2000 1715/11 ~38~OO~~T~-3---{~16~1----5~9~87~O~37.80~OT~3~~----~5=7~00--1~2--~T~rn-n~slu-re-n~I={7~1,~73~,=87~)------------=3~8--~C~,C~-8~~5~OO~0~4~}l~%1 5000 T·3 (l6) 59790 SOOOT3/ICL/HT 600


Clear (17, 73, 87,96) Min. Run Type


C, C-B



*Five (5)

Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) = one (1) standard case, o Three (3) Retail Pack (RP) cases (any mix) = one (1) standard case.




(€i i~ SYWANIA
Watts 45 100 Bulb T-2Y!

Tungsten Halogen Lamps

Tungsten Halogen Lamps Listed by Amps

Base NAED Amps RSC 58818 6.6_ $17.~ -C'''!4H" A:ii":"x""'"ia'i ...__----'Lead 58803 6.6A/T2~/Q/ICL-45 6.6 15.25 T-2. Y! RSC 58815 6. 6A IT 2~ / Q/C L-lOn 6.6 23.25 -%~47"~Ax~ia71----~~=----------------~~~~~----------~-----------~PAR-54 Ordering Abbreviation 6.6A/T2Vt/Q/CL-45
SIUI;tl~ lit! fri..

Std. Pkg. Qty. 12

Description Clear (23, 71, 73, 93H~

Lighted Class Length and Inches Fil. .173 Max. G, c-s

Rated Hours Approx. life (73) Lumens

M.O.l. Inches

12 Clear (23,71,73, 93)'q .173 Max. C, c.s 1000 675 2 12"------'C"'1 r"";(""23~,7~.,"93"")Tbj 7'"'1:""', 3 ---·.4.;;50"'M .... a"C""x.--:C 8;---;2""OO""0-·1"'80"'0--.;2""'Va,...,"C"·


Lead 58822 6.6A/T2Y!/Q/lCL-I00 6.6 23.25 12 Clear (23, 71, 73, 93)'~ .450 Max. C, C-8 2000 1800 2Va Mag. 49.25 12 End ,... 56220 6.6A/PAR641l/2P S.6 Par Air~orl Bu In Prong Base down to horizontal~ C, CC-6 2000 4Y2 T-3 0/4" Axial ","_-..-;:lo;-ea_d_-ic5",,88i;0I:--c6;.-;.6A/T3/Q/Cl-200 6.6 28.75 12 Clear (23, 71, 73, 93)'~ .256 Max. C, CC-8 700 5500 31/i6 T-4 RSC 58819 6.6AjT4/Q/CL-200 6.S 28.75 12 Clear (23, 71, 73, 931~ % C, CC-8 500 4400 2o/i6 YT·-4---nD.~e.·B~ox~5~8~74~6--6~.6~A~Q/~C~L/~D~C~R----~~~6--"'28~.7~5~12.--nC~lea~r,~A~iT~po~rt~(2~3~,7~1~,9~3)~~-----'P~Vt-6--~C,~C~C-7S--N50~0--·4~40~O--·2~%~ Ring PAR64 Meg. End Prong 0156221 Q6.6A/PAR64/3P 6.6 51.25 6 Vasi-Airport


e, CG·6


Watts 300 Bulb T-2Y2 T·4 Base RSC RSC

NAED 58923 58942 58943 58941 OrderlnB Abbreviation 300T2Y!Q/CL 300T 4 Q/C L 300T4Q/Cl 300T 4 Q 400T4Q/CL 5OOT3Q 5OOT3Q/CL 5OOT3Q/CL Vol ts 120 120 II 130 120 120 120 120 130

Std. Case Qty. $22.75 12

S ijgllStld lill I'rl"

19.0() 19.00 24.00 17.25 19.75 18.00 21.80

12 12 12 12 12 12 12

400 500

T-4 T-3


58936 58&83 58856 58902

Description Clear (71, 87, 93)~ ANSI Code - EHM Clea r (23, 71, 93, 95)'q ANSI Code - EHP-120V Clear {23' 71,93, 95)q Frosted {23, 71, 93)'q ANSI Code - EHX-120V Clear (23, 71, 93, 95)1'1 ANSI. Code - EHR·120V Frosted (71, 87, 93)'q ANSI Code - FeZ Clea r 171, 87, 93fq ANSI Code - FCL Clear (71, 87, 93J~

Lighted Length Inches

Class and HI.

Rated Hours Approx. Life (73) Lumens

M.O.L. Inches

2 %
C, CC·8 C, CC-8 2500 2500 2500 2000 2600 2600 2500 5000 5000 4700 7500 9300 9500 9500 3Va 3Va 3Va 3Va

c. eC-8
e, eC-8

2 2

C, C-B C, C-8 C, C-8

41'lis 411/16

SOOPAR 58Q/NSP 120 33.00 12 Narrow Spot (29, 44) C, eC-6 4000 7000 5 56211 500PAR56Q/MfL;-----;1""ZO;;--i'-;33.00 12 Med. Flood (29, 44) C, CC-6 4000 7000 5 56212 SOOPAR56Q/WFL 120 33.00 12 Wide Flood (29, 44) C, CC-6 4000 7000 5 5621.3 500PA R56Q/VWFl 120 33.00 12 Very Wide Flood (29, 44) C, CC·S 40007000 5 1000 PAR·54 Ext. Mag. 56206 lOOOPAR64Q/NSP I 120 52.50 6 Narrow Spot [29, 44) C, cc-s 4000 16000 6 End Prong 56207 lOOOPAR64Q/MfL 120 52.50 6 Med. Flood [29,44) C, cc-s 4000 16000 6 56208 1000PAR54Q/WFL 120 ~5-;:-2.=50;----;;6:---1j~W""'id-e ':.(2"'"9,-.4"'4)----------,C"'"· =FI-oo"7d ,"Ce"-""6 ----'4""'00"'""0 -'1'""6""00"'"0 --;;6T-3 RSC 58948 lOOOT3Q/CL l240 26.75 12 Clear (71,87, 93)q Sy. C, c.s 2000 21500 lQIli6 T-6 RSC 58937 1000T6Q/CL 120 40.75 1·"'2--;C"'"le-a-Cr ""'71'-"9""3-;,9=5),,-~----------'--------------;-:-:... (""23':-, ANSI Code - DWT·120V IVa C, CC-g 2000 22000 5% 58949 lOOOT6Q/Cl 130 40.75 12 Clear (23,71,93, 9S)1:! IVa c. CC-S 2000 22000 5% 58939 10ooT6Q/CL/1 120 37.50 12o----OC"""le-ar-'(=nc.." 7=1':""', 9=3,:"'9""S)c.:.b; --~---'1~Va'__---=-C,:""'C=C-=-8--~50=0-=28=OO=0---:5";'%~ Ansi Code-EHS 58946 lOOOT6Q/CL/2 120 45.10 12 Clear (23, 71, 93,95)'q 1 Vir C, CC-8 4000 19000 5% .. 150""0.-"'i'T'""-3,--....... RS"'C,-----5;=-;;8""8S"'"9.......;-1500T3Q/CL 208 25.00 12 Clear (71, 87, 93)~ 6% C, C-8 3000 29000 IOYl6 ~5=8=85~7~1~500~T~3~Q~/C=L----~2=@=--2=5~.OO~~1·~2--~C~le-ar-c(=71~.,8~7~,9~3)~~----------;6~!4~~C~,C~-8~-3=0=OO;---~29=O=00~~10~Vi~16 ~t5""8""85~8-.1~50~OT~3~Q~/C~L----~2=7~7--~25~.O~O--12--'C~le~ar.,..;(~71~,8~7~,9~3)~~--------~6~%~~e,~C~-8,-~3~00~0--=29~OO""0--~IO~Vi~lS


Mag. End Prong


Super Q Tungsten Halogen Lamps

Watts 75 Bulb T-3 Single Base

lilt PriG,


Ordering Abbreviation


Case Qty.




Class and FII.

Rated Hours Life

Approx Lumen$

M.O.!.. Inches

Miniature 58876 75QjCL 28 $16.90 12 Clear [23, 71, 93HI 17'16 C, CC-6 2000 1400 214 Screw 100 T-4 Mini-Can 58761 lOOQ/CL 12:;;.O .;16~.O:;;.O-:I~2__!____;;;CI.:.:ea~r ,;;,;9S';"')~~ __ ",,(23iC-' ~71r' ~93c-, .-il%7-8 _,C,:-' ",eC".2~V;_;;10;;;;OO;;--....,,18;;;;OO;;----;y2~,,4_ ~1~OO~~T-~4--~D~.C~.~8a~y~5875~5~lMOO~Qj~C~L .. /D~C~---12~O-:1~6~.0~0~12~~C~le~ar~(~23~,7~1~,9~3,~9~5)~~------~I~%~~C,~C~C~ ..2V~1~OM~--;1~80MO ,2~~r-16 __ 150 T-4 Mini-Can ' 58738 150Q/Cl izo 14.80 12 Clear (23, 71, 93, 95)'q 1% C, CC-2V 2000 2600 2% ~Use in equipment with a suitable screen to protect people and surroundings. aNew Item.

+ De crease

in pri ceo



Super Q Tungsten Halogen Lamps (Continued)




Bulb T-4

Single Base D.C. 3ay Mini-Can D.C. Bay s Mini-Can Screw D.C. Bay M~~i;;~n

S"IPlIIli Std. C lass Rated Ordering LIlt Case and Hours Approx. M.O.L. Abbreviation Volts Price Qty. Description L.C_L. Fil. Life Lumens Inches 150Q/CL/DC 120 $14.80 12 . Clear (23, 71, 93, 95)t~ 1% C, CC-2V 2000 2600 27;\6 150Q 120 16.00 12 Frosted (23,71,93, 95)q 1% C, CC-2V 2000 2500 2% 150Q""'::::D--C----:-:--l=-=2-=-O--:-:16=-=.0c:-0---:1:::-2----=-F r-os"7ted--:-':(2=3'-=, g=S)-,'-q 7:0-1'-:, ----l:-:o/i7-e -""'C,:...,~CC=--~2V~27:00c:-O 9=3'-=, ---:2~50=-=0--2O::7~':"_16-



Clear (23, 71, 93, 95) (ANSI ~ 58762 250Q/CL 120 15.00 12 Code - EHT. 120V) 1% C, CC-8 2000 5000 3Ys ~58--76~4-2=-=5=OQ~/=C~L----~1~30~-1':"_5':"_.8':"_0_':"_1-=-2--C=I~-r~(2~3,~7~1,~93~,~95~)-~----~1~o/.'-:8-""'C~,C=-C~.8~~W~0~O--~S~OOO~---:3~Ys'-:_ 58720 58763 25~qJCLIDC 250Q 120 120 15.05 16.25 12 12 12 12 12 12 Clear (23, 71. 93, 95)~ Frosted (23, 71, 93, 95)~ Frosted (23, 71, 93, 95)q Frosted (23,71,93, 95)q Frosted (23,71, 93, 95)~ Frosted (23, 71, 93, 95)~ 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2 C, CC-8 C, CC-S C, CC-8 C, CC-8 C, CC-S C, CC-8 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 5000 4800 4800 4S00 4800 9500 3Vs 3Ys 3Ys 3Y, 3Vs 3%

58765 250Q 130 17.00 DC Bay 58753 250Q/OC 120 16.251 .. -=-=58=75:-:-4-2-S-'--OQ"'-/-O-'-C--"""":'-C130 17.00 500 T·4 M~i;;!n 58767 500Q 120 18.50

5~68~~W=0~Q--------~17.30~~1~8.~50~~12~~~-os~te""'d~(2=3~,7~1,~9~3,~9~5)q~----~2----C~,7CC~-~8~27.00~0--~9~5OO~~3~%-58766 500Q/Cl 120 17 _20 12 Clea r (23, 7I, 93, 95)q 2 C, CC·8 2000 10000 30/. 58756 500Q/CL 130 17.20 12 Clear (23, 71, 93, 95)~ 2 C, CG-S 2000 10000 3% T-4 Mini-Can 58769 750Q/CL 120 24.75 12 Clear 3050 K (23, 71, 73, 93, 95)~ 2 C, CC-8 500 18500 3Yz ~T~.5--~M-,--in-,--i-C~a~n~5~87~73~~75=O~Q~~~C~L------~12=0--~33=-.6~S~1~2~~C~le-ar73~12~5°~K~(2=3~,7~1,~7~3,793~,7.95~)q~~2----~C,~C~C-~8--~50=0~~19=2~00~~3%~4-



1000 rs Mini-Can 58774 II 1000Q/3CL 1500 T -8 Mag. Scr. 58965 1500Q/C L/48 ~Use in equipment with a suitable screen to protect

120 36.25 12 120 52.70 6 people and surroundings.

Clear 3l25°K (lJ, 71, 73, 93, 95)~ Clear (8, 71, 73, 93, 95)~

ZYi 51r';

C, CC-8 C, CC-8

500 2000

29000 34000

3Va 7

All types are hard glass E with mogul bases unless otherwise indicated. The Life and Light Ratings of Mercury and Metalarc Lamps apply only when used with auxiliary equipment which conforms to the specifications established by and obtainable from the lamp manufacturer. An auxiliary Glass Filter is required for Blacklight (not available from Sylvania). All lamps require a ballast.

High Intensity Discharge Lamps


Mercury Lamps (Rated Life and Mean Lumens based on minimum of 10 hours per start operation)
ANSI NAED Ordering Desig. Code New Old Watts Bulb Base 40 B21 Med. 68597 H45A Z...ol 0/50 H45-AZ 68599 H45AY...ol0j50/DX H45-AY/DX ~50=-*----=-=B2:-:-1 '_--,,68599 __ "",M-:-e--:-d H45A Y...ol0/50/DX H45A Y IDX 75 B21 Med. 68SOtJ"i.i43AZ-75 H43-AZ 58602 H43AY -751DX H43-AY IDX 68843 H44GS-IOO H44-GS 100 PAR·38 Admed.


68844 Med. Side Prong 068842 Med. 68789 Med. 68605 68606



Std. Avg. Rated Approx. Case Hours Vert. Lumens Price Qty. Description Life Initial Mean: L.C.L. M.O.L. $20.20 12 Clea r 16000 1200 1040 3% 6 Yl 19.75 12 Brite White Deluxe 16000 1350 1070 3% 612 19.75 12 Brite White Deluxe 16000 1680 1330 3% 6\1 19.75 12 Clear 16000 2800 2430 3% 6Y1 20.20 12 Brite White Deluxe 16000 3150 2450 3% 6Y1 32.50 12;__~Sp';;':o;':'_t a_:__n~d-':-G__:en-. -----=17:60c:-00:---7:2S:-:-00=---:-::19-::cSO,.-....:..:...:...._---=S7/i,.:-16:":'U-'ogh-::ti-ng-, Blacklight 16000 2500 1950 32.50 12 Na rr. Flood and General lighting, Blacklight

A23 B21

H43/44-75/100/PflEfj 32.50 12 Mine Machine Head lamp 12000 2500 5 40/16 H38MP-IOO:-;/=-D::-X 3=S-::-4:-::M:::P--;:/D:-;:X:-----:2:7........-:B~ri....,gh~t-::-W::-hi::-te--:;O~e-:-lu-xe----=----~1:-:6:::-:00:-:::-0----:4~40:=;:O--;:3::-;56=-0 -::'H -:::-:3\1;-;-1---:S:-'Yi'"'-6 1"".75;:----:"I'::"Z 16000 16000 4100 4000 3690 3440 3560 3380 3* 3% 3% 5

H38AZ-lOO H38-Al 19.50 12-:-----:C"'le"'-ar-----H38AY-lOO/C H38-AY/C 21.45 12 Color Improved 68607 H38AY-IOO/OX H38-AY/DX lL45 12 Brite White Deluxe ::;-BT;;:-.-;c25;---::M;-og-.-----;6~88::-.::647--:-::H3::;8-;-;HT::--~10ll;:;!-----:H:-:-:3::::-8--:-47:HT=--~-1-4.60' Blacklight 24 Clear and 68866 68865 68877 068878 68612 Mog. H38JA-lOO/C H38JA-IOO/W H38JA·loo/DX H3SJA-I00/N H38BP-IOO/DX H38-4JA/C H38-4JA/W H38-4JA/DX 20.10 22.55 15.70, 22.50' 29.75



6Yz 6Yz 6Y1 7Yz

R-40 175 BT-28

Color Improved 24000 4100 3230 5 7Y1 White 24000 4400 3270 5 7Yz Brite White Deluxe 24000 4500 3650 5 7Yz Warmtone 24000 3750 5 7Y1 H38-48P/OX Reflector Flood Brite 24000 2900 2320 712 White Deluxe 68811 H39KB-175 H39-22KB 11.50t IZ Clear and Blacklight 24000 7850 7340 5 80/16 -6--8-81-:"O-,.,H""39:":'"K""C""'·1:-=c7S::-c/--C-----:-:H=39:--2=-=Z-=-=-KC=-j=C--14.60' IZ--C""'o""lo-r -lm-p-ro-ve---,d,---=-----.,-24"'"'O.,..,OO,----7=8c::c50,-----,7:-:-14c-::0--=5--~8-:-5A.,..1,624 24 24 6

68813 H39KC·175/W H39-22KC/W 18.40 12 White 24000 8500 7560 5 85;;. --:-68-:"6'"'16""---'-H::-::39--K-=-=C'-'.1=-=7c:!-S/=D-::-:X--::-H=39::--=22:-:-:Kc::'C/'-::O""X----'12.60' 12-=-Br-:""ite-W:-:-::---chit-e-=D---cel,---ux-e-------:-24"'"'OO.,..,O,---=8S"'"OO,---:7=-=5=S0~--:5----8:-:.'";1i""1. 68615 H39KC-175/N la.7ot 12 Warmtone 24000 7000 5 85!J.. :Mean Lumens over 16,000 hours unless otherwise noted. Values shown a re for lamps operated on ballasts with crest factors of 1.4 to 1.5; higher crest factors reduce values. *For operation at 50 watts H46 ballast must be used. 'The effective date on these items will be July 1, 1977. aNew item. ill Operates at 75 Watts on H43 Ba llast, 100 Watts on H44 Ballast.



Watts 175 Bulb R40 Base Med. NAED Cooe 68836 ti8Si3 250 61·28 Mog. 69124

Me.rcury Lamps (Continued)

ANSI Ordering Pesig. New Old



Std. Case Qty. 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 6 6

Deser! pti on Brite Wh ite Del u xe R efl.Clear Faoo B rite White Del u xe Wide Flood Refleclor Clear and Blacklight Color Improved White Brite White Deluxe Warmtone Clear Ciear and Blacklight Co.lorim proved White Brite White Deluxe Warmlone CIea r Flood. Meta iii c Rell. Color Improved, Semi·Rell. Brite Wh ite '0 elllxe RefL Clear. Narrow Flood, Metallic Refleclor Brite White Deluxe Rell. rite While Deluxe Flood, Metallic Refleclo r Clear an d Blacklight Color Improved White Brite White Deluxe Clear and Blacklight Color Improved White Brite White Deluxe Clear and Blacklight Color Improved White Brite White Delux:e

. Avg. Rated Hours life 24000 24000 24000 24000 24000 24000 24000 12000 24000 24000 24000 24000

Appro~. Vert. lumens Initial Mean: 5800 5700 12000 HB50 13000 13000 4900 4700 10800 10540 11000 11000



H39BN·175/DX H39BP-175/DX H37KB·250

H39-22BN/DX H39·22BP/DX H37-5KB

$28.50 28.50 19.80'

7% 5

------------------------~--69125 H37KC-250/C H37-5 KC/C .26.95

69126 69129 69128 H37KC·250jW H37KC·251l/DX H37KC-250jN H33A R· 400 H 33CO -400 H3HAR H33-ICD H33-1GL/C H33.IGLjW H33-IGL/OX H37·5KC/W H37·5KC/'DX 26.40 20.60, 31.35. 39.50 15.10,

5 5 5

19500 20500 20 SOD 23000 23000 18700 18570 20100 20100


T·16 BT·37

Mog. Mog.

68893 68767

11% 11% 11% 11\1 11%

68768 H33GL.400/C 68769 69171 H33GL·400/W H33GL-400/0X H33GL-400jN H33FY ·400 H330N·400/C H33DN·400/DX

19.80·, 6 24.75 6

7 7 7

17.05' 6
25.:ID' 6 6 6 6 5 6 6B 6 6 6 6 6

69151 69152 69169

24000 24000 24000 24000 24000 24000

18000 21000 23000 17000 16400 15400 41000 41000 44500 44500 16700 18800 19900 15600 14400

H33-1FY H3S-10N/C H3S-IDN/DX H33-1LN H33-lFS/DX H3HHL/OX

32.80 36.35 33.50 41.90 46.00

12% 10% 10% 10% 9% 9% 9\1 912 9% 1412 14% 14% 14 % 15%

69291 H3.3lN ·400 69299 H33FS-4DO/DX


69282 H33HL-400/DX H35 NA· 700 H35N 0 -700 IC H35ND·700/W H35ND·700/DX H34 GV-1000 H34GW-looO/C

- ----

41.75 47.10 48.411 44.00 47.50

37300 36490 38000 38000


BT -46


69200 69202 68920 69206

H35·l8NA H35-18NO/C H35·18ND/W H3S·IBND/OX H34·12GV H34-12GW/C H34-UGW/W H3H2GW/DX H36·15GV H36·1SGW/C H36-15GW/W H36·15GW/DX

24000 24000 24000 16000+ 16000+ 16000+


• BT ·56 Mog.

69300 6930[

5~OOO 46750

58.30 49.75 34.75 41.00' 48.40 34.65'

6 6 6 6 6 6

46200 47000



High Current

69302: H34GW·lIlOO/W 69272 H34GW-1OOO/DX H36GV·I000

61000 61000 57500 57500 63000 63000

-------------~ --------.BT·56 Mog. 69307 69308 69309 Standard 69318 H36GW-lOOO/C H36GW-lOOO/W H36GW-lOOO/DX

24000 24000 24000 24000

50600 49450 48500 48500

9 Yz 9%

IWs 15%

9 Yz

15% 15%

:Mean Lumens over 16,000 hours unless otherwise .1'134 and 1'136lamps are not interchangeable.


, The effective date on thes H ite ms will be lulyl, 1977.



Me.tal Halide Lamps Metalarc Lamp-s



High Intensity Discharge Lamps

Above 50°F all Lamps will operate on 480 volt Mercury

Special Ballasts are required; wil~ not operate all most Mercury ballasts. Reactor: 175 watt and 250 watt will operate down to -20°F.

Raled Lileand Mean Lumens based on minimum 0110 hours per start operation for 175, 250,400 and 1000 wall lamps and 4 hours per start on 1500 wall lamps. Rated life and Mean Lumens are reduced for shorter burning cycles. Lamp Sul&.t.~ Std . Avg. Rated Approx. Ordering Lid Case Hours Vert. lumens Watts Bulb Base NAED Abbreviation Qty. Des c riptio n Prl=e Life Initial L.C.L. M.O.L. Mean: 10806 . 5 175@ BT-28 Mogul 64415 M175/BIJ $36.00 6 *Clear Metalarc,Base LJp,Vertical Only 7500 14000 8o/i~ 64416 M175/BD 36.00 '6 'Clear Metalarc, Base Down, Vertical Only 7500 14000 10800 5 8%6 64407 38.50 6 *Phosphor Coated, Base Up, Vertical Only M175/C/BU 7500 14000 10200 5 8%6 64408 M175/ClBD 38.50 6 *Phosphor Coated, Base Down, Vertical Only 7500 14000 10200 5 8o/i6 250® BT-28 Mogul 64441 M250/BU·HOR 39.25 6 CI'ear Metalarc, Base Up 10 Horizontal 7500 20500 17000 5 80/16 64442 39,25 M250/BD 6 Clea r Meta Ia rc, Base Down 7500 20500 8%, 17000 5 64443 M250/C/B U-HDR 6 42.00 Ph os. Coated Melalarc, Base Up to Horizontal 7500 20500 15000 5 8%6 &4444 M250/C/BD 6 Phos, Coated Metalarc,. Base Down 42.00 7500 20500 16000 5 WI6 400t BT·37 Mogul 54400 1'11400/BU-HOR 37.25 6 M eta Ia re, Base Up to Heri zon tal 15000 34000 25600 7 11\1 &4401 1'11400/180 37.25 6 Meta larc, Base Down . 15000 34000 25600 7 llYt 64403 M400/C/BU·HOR 41.75 6 Phos. Coat Metalare, Base Up to Horizontal 15000 34000 24600 7 UYl 64404 ,M400/C/BD 41.75 6 Phos. Coat Metalarc, Base Down 15000 34000 24600 7 IlYt Mogul lOOOt Bf.56 64405 MlOOO/BU-HOR 6 Meta la rc, Base Up 10 H0 ri zonta I 82.75 10000 100000 82500 9\1 15% 64406 MIOOO/BD Meta Inc, Basa Down 112.75 6 10000 100000 82500 9% 15% 64417 MI000/C/HU·HOR 90.50 6 Phosphor Coated Base Up 10 Hor. 10000 100000 79000 15% 9\1 64418 90.50 6 Phospho rCoaten Base Dow n MlOOO/C/BD 10000 100000 79000 15% 9\4 1500® BT-56 Mogul 64431 Ml500/BU~HOR 90.50 6 Metal arc! Base- u p to H0 rizon la I 142500 1500 155000 15% 99z 64432 j55000 MISOO/SD 90.50 6 Meta Ia rc, Bsse Down 1500 142500 15% 9\1 tHorizontal operation of Metalarc Lamps or operation within 6(10 of hori,zontal is restricted to suitably enclosed fixtures only. @Operation is restri cted to su ita b Iy en closed !lxtu res on Iy. :Taken at 40% of Rated Life. Mean Lumens are established on ballasts withcresl tacters of 1.11; higher crest factors reduce values. *Lamps must be .operated within ± 150 of vertical. -

Me.taIa re Swi ng line

Watts 400t Bulb BT-37 Base Mogul NAED 64425 64426 64427 64428 :Taken at 40% rated Ute. tHorizontal operation of Metalanc

Designed for operation on 400-wall Constant Wallage (CW) or Constant Wattage Autotransformer Orderin~ Abbreviation MM400/BIJ-HOR MM400/BD
S"IIf$I!~ U,I

(GWA) Mercury Ballasts. Approx. Vert. Lumens Initial Mean: 34000 24320 34000 34000 34000 only. 24320 23370 23370

Pd=e ~7.25


37.25 41.75 41.75

MM400/C/BU-HOR MM400/C/BD Lamp or operat.ion

Std. Case Qty. Destription 6 Metalarc Swingline, Base Up to Horizon ta I 6 M eta!a rc Swi n gli n e, Base Down 6 Phosphor Coated, M etala rc Swi ngl ine, Base Up to Horizontal 6 Phosphor Coated, Metala[c Swingline, BaseOown Is restricted to suitably enclosed

Avg .. Rated

Ufe 12000



11\12 U\12 1l\12

12000 12000 12000 fixtures


within, 61}O of horizontal

Super ..Metalarc Lamps

Bulb Watts 17.s®Bf~28 Base NAED pos.Or~ 64439 Mogul 64440 ~~~~--~~--~~--~~~~--Pos. Or. 64445 400® BT·37 Mogul 64446 Mogul 1000· BT-56 64435 Screw 64436 :taken at4()% Rated Life. Mean ® Lamp'S must be operated within fixtures only. ·Lamps must be operated within ±15° of vertical. Ordering Abbreviation ~S!.751HOR MS175/C/HOR MS4001HO R MS400/C1HOR MSIOOO/BU MSIOoO I B 0lumens established ± 15° of horizontal. Sid. Avg. Rated Approx. Case Hours LUmens Pri,e Qly.Description Life Initial Mean: L.C.l. M.O.l. 5 $39.75 S Clear Metalarc, Horizontal Only 7500 15000 12oo~0_~_~:-:_ 8%6 42.10 6 Phosphor Coated, Horizontal Only 7500 15000 11300 5 8o/i. 42.65 6 Clear Metalarc, Horizontal Only 15000 40000 32000 7 1117 47.25 6 Phosphor Coated, HoriZontal Onl.y 15000 40000 31000 7 llYt 93.55 6 Clear Metalarc, Base Up, Vertical Only 10000 125000 100000 15% 9\12 93.55 6 C Iear Meta larc, Base Down, Ve rt ical 0 n Iy 10000 125000 100000 9 \12 15% on ballasts with crest factors of 1.8; higher crest factors redl!ce values .. Require special socket to accept position oriented base - operation is restricted to suitably enclosed
t"ilesll~ Usl


Require special ballast and must be burned in suitably enelosed fixture, within 4° of horizontal. Ordering Abb revi a tio n MW800T4/7B MW1500T711H
31UISIa lI'l

Base Walts Bulb 800 T4 RSC 1500 T7 RSC '"Taken at 50% Rated life. 34

NAED 66076 66206


Std. Case Qty.

W.85 82.35


Description Tubular Metal Halide Tubular Melal Halide

Avg. Rated Approx. Hours Lumens Initial Life Mean 2000 60000 54000 3000 150000 130000





Watts 70 100 150 150 250 Bulb BT-25 BT·25 BT-25 BT·28 E18 Base Mogul Screw Mogul Screw Mogul Screw Mogul Screw Mogul Screw NAED +67302 +67303

. H.I.D.


High Intensity Discharge Lamps High Pressure Sodium-Lumalux Clear Lamps>

Ordering Abbreviation LU70 LUIOO LUISO/55 +67201 LU150/IOU LU250 LU250/S. LU310 lU400 LUIOOO
SUlg.. led LIst fnoe

$54.00 56.00 56.00 56.00 58.00 64.00 59.00 60.00 15l.8O

Std. Case Qty. 6 6 6 6

6 6

+ 67152

310 400 1000

E18 Eta E25 (~)

Mogul Screw Mogul Screw Mogul Screw

007312 + 67102 67307

6 6 6

Description lumalux High Pressure Sodium, Clear, Suitable for all Operating Positions Lumalux High Pressure Sodium, Clear, Suitable for all Operating Positions 150 Watt, 55 volt lumalux High Pressure Sodium, Clear, Suitable for all Operating Positions 150 Watt, 100 volt Lumalux High Pressure Sodium, Clear, Suitable for all Operating Positions lumalux High Pressure Sodium, Clear, Suitable for all Operating Positions Lumalux High Pressure Sodium, Clear, Suitable for all Operating Positions Lumalux High Pressu ra Sodium, Clear, Suitable tor all Operating Positions Lumalux Suitable Lumalux Suitable High Pressu re Sodium, Clear, for all Operating Positions High Pressure Sodium, Clear, for aU Operati ng Positions

Avg. Rated Approx. Hours Lumens Life Initial Mean 20000 5800 5220 (A) 20000 9500 8850

l.C.L. 5 5 5


7Yz 7Yz

24000 (A) 24000 (A) 24000 (A) 24000 (A) 24000 (A) 24000

16000 16000 27500 30000 37000 50000 140000

14400 14400 24750 27000 33300 45000 126000

5% 5% 5% 8%

9% 9% 9% 15'1i6

24000 (A) Avg. Rated Hours Life 20000

(A) (A)

Lumalux Coated Lam ps·

Watts Bulb BT·25

Use in open-bottomed

fixtures or where glare is a problem. Std. Case Qty. 6 Approx. Lumens Initial Mean 5400 4860 8800 15000 26000 47500 7920 13500 23400 42750

Base NAED Des c ript ion Mogul +67304 Coated lumalux High Pressure Sodium, $56.00 LU70/D Screw Suitabl e for all Operating Positions 100 BT-25 Mogul +67305 !i8.00 6 Coated Lumalux High Pressure Sodium, Screw Suitable for all Operating Positions 58.00 150 BT·25 Mogul +67301 6 Coated tumalux High Pressure Sodium, Screw Suitable for all Operating Positions LU250/D 250 BT-28 Mogul 067316-6 Coated Lu mal u x High Pressu re Sodium, 60.00 Suitable for all Operating Positions Screw LU400/D 62.00 6 Coated Lumalux High Pressure Sodium, 400 BT·37 Mogul + 67306 Screw Suitable for all Operating Positions (A) Based on operation on proper auxiliary equipment for 10 hours or more per start. + No change in price. (*) Can be made available In TI8 9n special request. • Special ballast required. ,aAvaiiable Jul~ 1977.

Ordering Abbreviation

LIlt Price




5 5 5

7y" 7y" 87'16

20000 24000
(A) (A)

24000 24000


aNew item.

Unalux Clear Lamps>

Watts 150 Base NAED Abbreviation Mogul +67204 UlXI50 Screw -""21"5"---;B"T"'·2;;-:8~M'"o-g'ul;--+""'67311·0 ULX215 Screw 360 BT·37 Mogul +67170 ULX360 Screw Bulb BT·28
SUUII'J!ed lIsl

Unalux Coated Lamps

Watts 150 Base Mogul Screw 360 BT -37 Mogul Screw (A) Based on operation Operate on existing Bulb BT ·28

° Use in epee-bottomed

Approx. Std. AVIl". Rate~ Lumens Case Hours L.C.L. M.O.l. Initial Mean Price Qty. Description life $55.00 6 Unalux High Pressure Sodium, Clear, 12000 13000 11700 5 8Yls Suitable for all Operati ng Positions (A) 58.00 6-'U7'n'al;-ux----;-;<Hi'gh ... ""So=d;-;""iu-m-, ------,,12""0""00;---2::-0;0""00""0,......----,,18=-0:-.;:00;--........,5:---8"'7-1"16""CI;-ea-r-, Suitable for all Operating Positions (A) 60.00:----;;-6 ---=-U=-n'al-ux'H"'ig'h'P::-r-es-'-su-.r-e ";>;CI;-ea-r,----::-:160"':b00:--'3""8;;-;00"'O-.....".,34'""9"'60:--~7-........,-;1l"\1.,..!"'So""d7'iu-m-, Suitable for all Operating Positions (A) fixtures or where glare is a problem.

Approx. Std. Avg. Rated Lumens Case Hou rs Initial Mean NAEO Abbreviation Qty. Description Life 12000 10800 + 67168 ULX150/D $58.00 6 Coated Unalux High Pressure Sodium, 12000 Suitable for all Operating Positions (A) + 67169 U0(360/D 62.00 6 Coated Unalux High Pressure Sodium, 16000 3600() 32400 Suitable for all Operati ng Positions (A) on proper auxiliary equipment for 10 hours or more per start. + No change in price. aNew item. Mercury lag type auto transformer ballasts or 240-277 volt reactors. Will operate on most mercury serles circuits.
Usl Prlce

L.C.L. 5

M.O.L. 8Yrs By"

Watts 275 Bulb R·40 Base

Mogul Screw

NAED 68709 68704 68703

Lamp Ordering Abbreviation

Volts i 110-125 120 120 23.00 • 6 4

RSM RSM/Holder

Description Reflector Sun Lamp I. f. {SO)

Average Rated LifeI 1200 Cycles Cycles 1200 Cycles item.

M.O.L. Inches



Sun Lamp I. F. (60)


Reflector Sun Lamp with Holder and Timer for price.

ICycies are number of 15 mInute applications.

*5&£1 your Sylvania Lamp Representative

+ No

change in price.




[hi~S!lWANIA Fluorescent Lamps

The light and life ratings of fluorescent lamps are based on 3 hr. burning cycles under specified conditions and with ballasts meeting A.N.S.I. specifications. If burning cycle is increased, there will be a corresponding increase in the average hours life.

Fluorescent Lamps (Starter Required)

WaHs 4 Bulb T·5 6" Base Min. Bipin Lamp NAED Orderi ng Abbreviation Code. 2.0416 F4T5/CW 20437 F4T5/CWX 20421 F4T5fW 20420 F4T5/D F6T5/CW 20616 20617 FST5twW FST5jW 20621 20620 F6T5/D 20816 F8T5/CW 20837 F8T5!CWX F8T5jWW 20817 20821 F8T5/W 20820 FBT5/D 20849-F8T5/DSGN21316 fl3T5/CW F13T5jWW 21317 Fl3T5/D Fl3T5jW 21301 21486 F14T8/CW 21492 Fl4T8/EN F14T8jD 21488 21425 Fl4Tl2/CWX 21474 F14Tl2/CWX/RP 16 21419 Fl4Tl2fWWX 21467 Fl4T12/WW 21446 F14Tl2/CW 21438 F14Tl2/DSGN 21441 fl4Tl2fW 21423 F14Tl2fW/l F14Tl2/IF F14T12/D Fl4T12/N F14Tll/B Fl4Tl2/GO Fl4Tl2/G Fl4Tl2/PK Fl4Tl2/R Fl5TS/CW mTS/CW /6 Fl5T8/i:WX Fl5T8jCWXjRP/6 Fl5T8/WWX F15TB/WW F15T8jWW/6 Fl5T8fW Fl5T8/IF Fl5TB/D mT8/D/6 FIST8/EN Fl5T8/N Fl5TS/N/6 Fl5T8/B/6 21708 • Fl5TB/CG 21608 Fl5T8/GO/6 21621 F15T8/G/6 21705 F15T8/PK/6 21696 FISTS/RIG 21503 Fl5TS/DSGN



Min. Bipin



Min. Bipin




Min. Bipin


14 14



Med. Bipin



Med. Bipin

~ase Price Qty. $3.711 24 24 4.00 4.15 24 4.15 24 24 3.70 4.BO 24 24 4.80 4.15 24 24 3.70 24 4.15 4.15 24 4.15 24 4.15 24 4.15 24 4.20 i 24 4.40 24 i 4.40 24 4.40 24 24 4.10 12: 4.10 24 4.70 24 3.35 3.65 3.35 2.65 2.65 3.05 3.05 3.95


24 24 24 24 24 4.85 4.85 2.65 2.S1 3.50 3.65 3.50 2.95 2.80 3.05 3.50 3.05 3.30 4.45 4.25 4.40 5.45 4.65 5.45 5.45

24 24
240 6" 24 6;0 24 24 6* 24 24 24 6~ 12 24 6* 6*




Med. Bipin

6* 6' 6* 24

5.45 3.30

Deseri pti on Cool White Deluxe Cool White White Daylight Cool White Warm White White Daylight Cool White DeIux e Cool White Warm While White Daylight Desi gn White Cool White Warm White Daylight White Cool While Enhance For Aquarium Daylight Delux e Cool White Deluxe Cool While Deluxe Warm White Warm While Cool White Design White While White (65) Incandescent/Fluorescent Daylight Natural White Blue Gold Green Pink Red Cool White Cool White Deluxe Cool White Deluxe Cool White Deluxe Warm White Warm White Warm White White Inca nd esce nlf FIu 0 resce nt Daylight Daylight Enhance - For Aquarium Natural White Natural White Blue Cool Green Gold (Bug-lite) Green Pink Red Design White

Hours Life 6000 6000 6000 0000 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500

Approx. Initial Lumens (64) 140 105 138 115 275 275 275 240 380 270 400 400

296 860

750 880 750 650 470 470 470 700 675 520 700 675 350 585 460


880 880 620 620 620 900 900 900 450 750 750 610 610 400 740 460 1250



*Four (4) special

pack cases (any mix) = one (1) standard




[Cj i=I SYLVANIA Fluorescent Lamps

The light and life ratings of fluorescent la mps are based on 3 hr. bu rning cycles under specified conditions and with ballasts meeting A.N .SJ. specifications. If burning cycle is increased, there will be a correspondi ng increase in the average hours lile.

Fluorescent Lamps (Starter Required) (Continued)

Watts 15 Bulb T-12 18" Base Med. Bipin Ordering flSTlZ/CW Fl5Tl2/CWX F15T12/CWXfR P/6 F15TlZ!WWX Fl5Ti2/WW F15Tl2fW F15Tl2/D Fl5Tl2/N 215&6 F15T12/N/6 21503 Fl5Tl2/B 21507 mTlz/GO 21504 fl5Tll/G mQS Fl5TlZ/PK 21506F'15T12/R 22034 F20Tl2/CW f2l 22023 F.2{)Tl2/D/22 22216 F20Tl2/CW 22014 F20T12/CW/6 F20T12/CWX 22217 F20Tl2/CWX/RP/6 • 22074 22224 F20Tl2/WWX 22764 F20T12/WWX/6 22221 F20Tl2/WW 22017 F20Tl2/WW/6 F20T12/W 22211 22011 F20T12/W/6 F20TI2/Wl 22201 22064 F20Tl2/IF 222Hl F20Tl2/D 22009 FZOT12/D/6 22214 F20Tl2/N 22086 F20T12/N/6 22049 F20Tl2/EN 22018 F20Tl2/B/6 F20Tl2jCG 2221'2 22002 FIOTll/GO/6 22019 F20T12/G/6 22020 F20Tl2/PK/6 22024 F20TU/R/6 22203 F20T12/D/l 22218 f20Tl2/DSGN 22204 F20T12jCWjl 22626 F20Tl2/CW/26 23026 F22T8/CW 22525 fZ5T12/CW/28 22521 F25T12/D/28 22526 F25T12/B/28 22345 F25Tl2icw/30 22560 FZ5T12/CW/33 22562 F25Tl2/WW/33 22559 F25Tl2/WWX/33 22564 f25T12/W/33 22563 FZ5Tl2/D/33 22567 mH2/B/33 23116 F30TS/CW 23121 F30T8/CW/6 NAED Code 21511 21518 21574 21515 21514 21509 21508 21520 Lamp Abbreviation
S.g(1!!~~ Usl



21/1 22/1 .24"

Med. Bipin Med. Bipin Med. Bipin


22 25

T-8 T·12

26" 26" 28"

Med. Bipin Med. Bipin Med. Bipin

30" 33"

Med. Bipin Med. Bipin




Med. Bipin

Std. Case Pal! Oly. $1.6S 24 24 3.50 6· 3.65 3.50 24 24 2.95 24 3.05 24 3.05 24 4.40 6* 4.55 24 4.70 4.70 24 24 4.70 4.70 24 2.4 4.70 3~55 24 3.45 2.4 2.45 24 6* 2.65 3.55 24 6* 3.70 24 3.55 3.70 6' 24 2.75 6* 2.85 2.76 24 6* 2.91 24 4.20 24 3.35 2.76 24 2.91 ! 6'" 24 3.85 64.00 U 4.05 6* 5.80 5.80 24 6* 5.80 6'" 5.80 6· 5.80 6* 5.80 2.4 4.70 24 3.35 24 4.60 24 4.40 24 3.95 24 4.90 24 5.55 24 6.50 24 4.80 24 5.30 24 6.05 24 5.90 6.05 24 6.05 24 24 8.00 24 3.35 6'" 3.50

Descri ption Cool White Deluxe Cool White Deluxe Cool White Delux·e Warm White Warm White White Daylight Natural While Natu ral Wh it e Blue Gold (Bllg·lite) Green Pink Red Cool white Daylight Cool White Cool White Deluxe Cool White Deluxe Cool White Deluxe Warm White Deluxe Warm White Warm White Warm While White White White (DC Operation) Incandescent; FIuo reseen t Daylight Daylight Natural White Natural White Enhance - For Aquarium Blue Cool Green Gold [Bug-lite) Green Pink Red Daylight (DC Operation) Design White Cool While (DC Operation) Cool White Cool White Cool While Daylight Blue Cool White Cool White Warm While Deluxe Warm While White Daynghl Blue Cool White Cool White

Hours Life 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9OGO 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 7500 9000

Approx. Initial Lumens (64) 780 550 550 550 800 800 650 500 500


1044 975 1260 1260 875 875 875 875 1300 1300 l30G 1300 1150

1075 1075 850 850 550 1050 840 1850 500 60 1000 94G 1100 1250 1500 1700 1400 1730 1820 1850 1850 1550 2200 2.200

7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500

*Four (4) special pack cases (any mix) ... one (1) standard "'~lIe depends on characteristics of starter.




Tile light and life ratings of fluorescent lamps are based on 3 hr. burning cycles under specified conditions and with ballasts meeting A.N .S.1. specltications. If 'b urn ing cycle is increased, there will be a correspon din g increa se in the ave rage hou rs life.

[di~S!lLVANIAFluorescent Lames
Fluorescent Lamps (Starte:r Required) (Continued)

Watts 30

Bulb T-S 36"

Base Mad. Bipin

Code 23127 23122 23724 23701



23101 23144 23100 23m 23182 23186 23128 23108 23102 23137 23125 23136 23003 40 T-12 48" Med. Bipin Low Temp. Mog. 24018 I 24015 24012 24110 29247 29246

o rd eri n gLs:bC revl atlo n Ab F3DTS/eWX F30T8/CWX/S f30T8/WWX F30T8fWW F30T8{W

FlOTS/IF F30T8/0 F30T8/D/S f30TSfN F30TBN/6 flOTBIB/S F30TSfCG F30TBfGO/6 F30TB/G/6 FlOTBfPK/6



$4.25 4.45 4.25 3.S5 3.65 3.90 3.65 3.85 5.05 5.20 6.40 5.75 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.40 3.80 5.05 5.10 5.10 5.10 6.40 6.75 9.80 9.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 6.55 $4.05 4.70 4.70 4..70 4.70 4.70 4.70 5.45

Std. Case Qty. 2.4 5* 2.4 Z4 24 24 24 6* 24 6*

Description De Iux e Coo I White -Deluxe Coo I Wh ite Deluxe Warm White Warm White White Inca ndescent; Fluo rescent Daylight Daylight Natural White Natural White Blue Cool Green Gol d (Bu g, lite) Green Pink Red Design White Cool White Warm While White Daylight Cool White Deluxe Cool White Cool White, 235 Reflector n02)

Hours life 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 6000 6000 6000 6000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000

Approx. Initial lumens (64) 1580 1580 1580 2230 2230 1200 1900

1500 1500 950 1900 2900

24 6* 6* 6* 6* 24-

F30TB/DSGN F40T12/CW/L T F40T12/WW fL T F40T12{W fL T F40Tl2/D/LT F90Tl7/CW F90Tl7fCWX FR90Tl7/CW/235 f90T17fCG F90Tl7fW F90T17jWW F90T17JO F90T17/CW ISS F30TI2/CW/RS F30Tl2/CWX/RS F30T12/wwXfRS F30Tl2/WW/RS F30Tl2fWfRS F3GTl2fD/RS f30Tl2/IF IRS F30TlZjN/RS F30Tl2/CWfRSfSS F30TI2/WWfRSfSS

1750 3150 3200 3200 2650 6400 4300 5710 6350 6350 5400


24 12 12




29249 29244 0 29248 29250 85 3D


Cool Green Wilite Warm White Daylight



Fluorescent Lamps, SuperSaver,


(Starter Required)
12 Cool White, Low Wattage Cool White Del uxe Cool. Wh ite Deluxe Warm White Warm White White Dayljght I;,ca nd escent/Flu crescent Natural Coo! White, Low Wattage Warm White, Low Wattage (;{Iol While Warm White White Daylight Cool White Warm White White


Mog. Bipin Mad. Bipin


9000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000

2300 1550 1550 2360

Fluorescent Lamps,Rapld Start (No Starter

! 23420

2424 24 24 24

23422 23418 23421 23419

1250 1550 2000 2050 3100 3150 3150 2600 2920 2950 2950

23444 23423 25 T-12 36"

24 24

Fluorescent Lamps, SuperSaver, Rapid Start (No Starter Required)

Med. Bipin

23411 40 T-12 48"

5.05 $5.00 5.65 5.65 5.65 8.75 9.85 9,85 item.

24 24 24 24 24 12

Fluorescent Lamps, Instant Start (67) (No Starte.r Required)

24546 F40Tl2{CWI'I S 24547 F40Tl2/WWf1S 24541 F40Tl2fWflS 24540 F40Tl2fDfiS 60" Meg. Bipin 27056 F40T17 fCW/IS 27057 F40Tl7 /ww flS 27051 F40Tl7 fWIIS pack cases (any mix) = one (1) standard case.

Moo. Bipin


12 12

9000 9000 9000 9000 7500 7500 7500

*.Four (4) special 38



(Cji~ SYLVANIA Fluorescent Lamps

The light Ind life ratings 01 fluorescent lamps are based on 3 hr. burning cycles under specified conditions and with ballasts meeting A.N.S.I. specifications. II burning cycle is increased, th e re will be a co rres pondi ng inerea se in the ave rage hou rs life.

Fluorescent Lamps, Preheat - Rapid Start (68) (No Starter Required)

WaUl 40 Bulb 48" T·12 Base Med. Bipin NAED Code 24626 24627 24628 24641 24642 24643 24644 24645 24646 24635 24636 24637 24632 24633 24634 24654 24629 24630 24631 Lamp Ordering Abbreviation F40CW F4OCW/6 F4OCW/60 tunes!"
Pri ..

F4OCWX/6 F40CWX/60 F40WWX f40WWX/6 F40WWX/60 F40WW F4OWW/6 f40WW/60 F40W F40W/6 F4OW/60 F40/IF F40D F400/6 F40DJ60 F'R40CW/235 F40/0SGN F40N F4ON/6 F40N/60 F4OB/6 F40CG F'40GD/6 F40G/6 F40PK/6 F40R/6

$1.80 1.98 1.80 2.24 2.41 2.24

Std. Case Qty. 240 6*


6' 60** 24 6'" 60*' 240 6* 60" 24

Description Cool White Coo! White Cool White Caddy Pack Dell,lxe Cool White Deluxe Cool White Dclux e Coo I White Caddy Pack Deluxe Warm White Deluxe Warm White Deluxe Warm White Caddy Pack Warm White Warm White Warm White Caddy Pack White White White Caddy Pack Inca nd escentjFI uorescent Dayligllt Daylight Day Ilght Cad d y Pack Cool White, 235 Reflector (l021 Design White Natural White Natural White

Hours Life ,,20000+ ,,20000+ .,,20000+ .,20000+ ,,20000+ ,,20000+ .-20000+ ,,20000+ ,,20000+ .-20000+ ,,20000+ .-20000+ .,20000+ ,,20000+ ,,20000+ .,20000+ .,20000+ .,20000+ ,,20000+ .-20000+ ,,20000+ .,20000+ ,,20000+ ,,20000+ '-20000+ .,20000+ .,20000+ ,,20000+ ,,20000+ .-20000+

AP~rOl{. In tial ~umens (64) 3150 3150 3150 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2.200 3200 3200 32.00 3200 3200 3200 1720

2.41 2.24 2.24 2.41 2.24 2.24 2.41 2.24 2.80

6' 60'"

2.41 2.24 6.15 3.19 3.20 3.35 3.20 5.24 3.35 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24

24 6·
60·* 24 24 24 6· 6~· 6* 24 6* 6·

2650 2650 2450 2120 2120 2120 1370 2600

I 24647

24665 24638 24639 24640 24667 24666 24668 24669 24670 24571

Natu ra I Caddy Pack Blue Cool Green Gold (Bug·lite! Green Pink Red

4300 1270


Fluorescent Lamps, SuperSaver, Rapid Start (No Starter Required)

35 T·12


Mecl. Bipin

24504 24505 24506 24502 24501


$2.18 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70

24 24 24 24

Cool White, Low Wattage Dlx. Cool White, Low Wattage Warm White, Low Wattage Daylight, Low Wattage Daylight, Low Wattage

· ·20000 · ·20000 · ·20000 ··20000 · ·20000

2850 2000 2900 2350 2900

Fluorescent Lamps, Slimline (Instant Start) (No Starter Required)

25 T·5 (84) 42" Single Pin 24266 24227 24264 24270 242.51 24252 24259 24282 F42T6/CW F42T6/CWX F42T6/WWX F42T6{WW F42T6JW f42T6/W/6 F42T6/0 F42T6/N $7.20 8.15 B.15 8.15 8.15 B.30 7.60 8.00

24 24 24 24 6· 24 24

Cool White Deluxe Cool White Deluxe Warm White Warm White White White Daylight Natural White

7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500

1850 1250 1250 1900 1900 1900 1570 1180

·Four (4) special pack cases (any mix) = one (1) standard case. ··One fou r foot caddy pa ck = th ree (3) sta nda rd cases. E)This lamp available in a pallet pack on a to order basis . .,Rated hours of life at 3 hours per start • . . Based on 3 hours per start. 39



Fluorescent Lamps
App ro x . Initial Lumens (64)

The light and life ratings of fluorescent lamps are based on 3 hr. burning cycles under specified conditions and with ballasts meeting A.N.S.I. specifications. If burning cycle is increased, there will be a corresponding increase in the average hours life.

Fluorescent Lamps, Slimline (Instanl Slart) (No Starter Required) (Continued)

Watts 38 Bulb T-6

Base 64" Single Pin

NAEO Code 26466 25427 26464 26470 26451 26459 26458 26482

Lamp Ordering Abbreviation F64T6/CW F64T6/CWX F64T6/WWX

Su !luted Llst Prl~

Sid. Case Qty. 24 24 24

Description Cool White Deluxe Cool White Deluxe Warm White Warm White Whlte Daylight Daylight Natu ral Cool White Warm While Daylight White Cool White Cool White Deluxe Cool White

Hours Life

7500 3000 ----~------------~-----------------------------------------7500 2100 $7.40 8.25 8.25 75()() 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 2 lOCI 3050 3050 2550 2550 1960 3090 3050 2650 3050 4200 4200 2850 F64T6JWW F64T6fW F64T6/D F64T6/D/6 F64T6/N F72T8fCW F72T8/WW F72T8/D F72T8fW F96T8/CW F96T8/CW/6 F96T8/CWX F96T8/WW F96T8/W F96T8/D F96T8/N 8.25 8.00 7.75 7.90 8.95 7.50 8.35 8.35 8.35 7.50 7.65 8.45 24 24 24 6* 24 24 24 24 24 24 6* 24




Single Pin

T·8 (84)


Single Pin

27266 27270 272.00 27251




Single Pin

29666 29106 29627 296]() 29651 29650 29582


--------------------------------------------~~-------8.50 24 Warm White 7500 4250

8.50 8.35 8,55 24 24 24 Wh ite Daylight Natural 7500 7500 7500 4250 3600


Fluorescent Lamps, SuperSaver, Slimline (Instant Start) (No Starter Required)

41 T·8 96" Single Pi n 29594 29595 F96T8/CWjSS F96T8fWfSS

---------------------------------------------------8.70 24 White, Low Wattage 7500 3795

$5.55 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 6'" Cool White Daylight Cool White Warm White Daylight Cool White Warm While Daylight Cool While Cool White Cool White, 2350 Reflector Deluxe Cool White Deluxe Warm White Warm White I ncandescent/Fluo rescent Daylight 4.40 4.60 5.15 24 24 White Design White Natural Natural Cool Green 7500 7500



Cool White, Low Wattage



Fluorescent Lamps, Slimline (Instant Start) (No Starter Required) (Continued)


T ·12 T·12

24" 36"

Single Pin Single Pin

22416 22400 23616 23617 23600 24216 24217 24200


1030 2000 2040 1700 2450 2500 2050 30(10 3000

F24TI2 10
f36T12/CW F36T12/WW F36T12/D F42T12/CW F42T12/WW F42T12/0

5.95 7.10 7.10 5.95 7.10

7500 7500 7500 7500 7500


---------------------36 T -12 42" Single Pin

39 T -12


Single Pin

24866 24806 24853 24837 24873

F48T12fCW/6 FR48Tl2/CW/235 F411Tl2/CWX F48TU/WWX F48Tl2/WW F48Tl2/1 F F4BTl2/D F48Tl2/W F48Tl2/DSGN F48T12fN F48Tl2/N/6 F48T12/CG case.

7.10 3.80
4.00 6.85 4.40 4.40 4.40 ,5.90

9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 900(1

24 24 24 24

2050 2050 3000 1560 2500 3000 2240 1950 1950 2450

24854 24850

24875 24882 24883 24858 'Four (4) special pack cases (any mix) 40



one (1) standard


(ij i~ SYLVANIA Fluorescent Lamps

The light and life ratings oilluorescenilamps are based on 3 hr. burning cycles under specified conditions and with ballasts meeting A.N.S.I. specifications. If burning cycle is increased, there will be a corresponding increase in the average hours life.

Fluorescent Lamps, Slimline (Instant Start) (No Starter Required) (Continued)

WaUs 39 Bulb T-12 Base Single Pin NAED Code 24B09 24807 24808 50 52 T-12 T-12 60" 64" Single Pin Single Pin 26016 26000 26416 26417 26400 55 T·12 llImp Ordering AbbreviatiDn F48Tl2/PK F4HT12/GO F48Tl2/G F60Tl2/CW F60T12/D F64T12/CW F64Tl2/WW f64Tl2/D f12Tl2/CW F72Tl2/CW /6 FR72Tl2/CW/235 f72Tl2/CWX F72Tl2/WWX F72Tl2/WW F12T12/W 27244 27240 27282 271H2 27158 70 75 T·12 T-12 F72T12/1F F72T12/0 6.30 10.25


Std. Case Qty. 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 12 6ft Pink Gold Green Cool White Daylight Cool White Warm White Daylight Cool White Cool White

Des trlpl ion



9000 9000 9000 12000 12000 ~2000 1950 4100 3700 3150 3900 3950 3300 4550 4550 4100 3100 3100 4600 4600 2400 3800

12{lOO 12000 12000


Single Pin


12 12 12 12 12

Cool White, 235 Reflector Deluxe Cool White Deluxe Warm White Warm White White Inca ndescenl/Fl uo rescent Daylight Natural Natural Gold Cool White Daylight Cool White Cool White Cool While Caddy Pack Cool Wh ite, 2350 Reflecto r Deluxe Cool White Deluxe Cool White Oeluxe Warm White Deluxe Warm White Wanm White Warm White White White IneandeseentjFI uo reseen I

12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 l2000 ll000 12000 .-12000


F72Tl2/N F72Tl2/N/6
F72Tl2!GO/6 FB4Tl2/CW F84Tl2/D F96Tl2/CW F96T12/CW/6 F96TI2/CW/24 FR96Tl2/CW/235 F96Tl2/CWX F96TI2/CWX/6 F96T12/WWX F96TI2/WWX/6 F96T12/WW F96Tl2/WW/6 F96T12/W F96Tl2fW/6 F96Tl2/IF F96112/D F96Tl2/D/6 F96T12/DSGN 4..60 4.75 5.85 8.40 4.80 5.00 4.80

3050 2900 5400 4500 6300 6300 6300 5500 44{)0 4400


12 12 12 6tl 24tt 12 12 6ft 12 6a


Single Pin Single Pin

28416 28400 29676

29675 29663 29637 29157 29673 29168 29677 29167 29671 29151 29614 29672 29150 29684

.-12000 .12000 .12000 .-12000 .12000 .12000 .-12000 .-12000 .12000 .-12000 .-12000 .12000 .-12000 .-12000

4400 4400
6300 6300 6300 6300 3400 5350 5350 4800

Daylight Daylight 12 Design White

foot caddy pack = two (2) standard cases. tTwo (2) special pack cases (any mix) =- one (1) standard case • .-Rated hours life at 3 hours per start. At 12 hours per start, average

rone eight

life Is 18,000 hours.


'[?i i#J SYLVANIA Fluorescent Lamps

The light and life ratings of fluorescenllamps are based on 3 hr. burning cycles under specified eerrditiens and with ballasts meeting A.N.S.I. specifications. If bu rn ing cyel e is increased, there wi II be a oorrespon ding increa se in the ave rage hou rs life.

Fluorescent Lamps, SlimUne (Instan,t Start) (No Starter Required) (Continued)

Watts 75 Bulb T-12 96" Base Single Pin NAED Code 29682 29182 29&38 2:9680 29652 29654 29655 29656 lamp Ordering Abbrevlalhm F9fiT12/N F96T12/N/6 F96T12/CG F96Tl2/GO/6 F9ST12/B/6 f96Tl2/PK/6 F96T12/G/6 F96T121R/6
iIlUOII,d lill


$5.85 6.05

Std. Case Qty. 12

12 6ft 6U 6tt

Description Natural Natural Cool Green Gol d (Bug -Iite) Blue Pink Green Red

Approx. Initial Lumens (64) 4250

.12000 .12000 .12000 .12000 .12000

4250 5250 4000 2800 2600 8900 300

GU 6tt


Fluorescent Lamps, SuperSaver,SHmline

Walts 32 60 Bulb T-12 T·ll Base Single Pin NAED

(Instant Start) (No Starter Required)



Orderinli! F48Tl2/CW/ F~6T12/CW/SS

Lamp Abbreviation SS


Std. Case 24 12 12


24800 29860 29864 29867

$4.00 4.30 4.95 4.95 4.95

Desc ription WMe, 'low Wattage

Hours life 9000 12000* 12000" 12000~


Single Pin

Cool White, Low Wattage Deluxe Cool While, Low Wattage Warm While, low Wattage While, Low Wallage Deluxe Warm White, Low Wattage Daylight, Low Wattage

Approx. Initial lumens 2600 560{) 3800 5600

F~6TI2/CWX/SS F96Tl2/WW/SS F96T12/W/SS F96Tl2/WWX/SS F96T12/D/SS


29865 29862

12 12

12000* 12000*

3800 4700

Fluorescent Lamps, Rapid Start (800 rna) High Output (No Starter Required) 25 HZ 18" Recessed 21218 Design White Fl8T12/DSGN/HO $6.05 24
32 T-12 24" Dbl. ConI. Recessed Obi. Cont. 21224 21226 F24T12/CW/HO F24T12ID/HO F24Tl2jWW/HO F24Tl2/DSGN/HO F30T12/CW/HO F36T12/CW/HO F36T12/D/HO F36T12/DSGN/HO F42T12/CW/HO F42T12/D/HO F42T12/DSGN/HO F48T12/CW/HO F48T12/CWX/HO FASTI2/WW/HO F48T12/W/HO F48Tl2/IF /HO F48T12/D/HO F48Tl2/DSGN/HO F48T12/N/HO 6.10 7.20 7.20 7.40 7.35 6.60 7.30 9.30 6.90 7.70 8.05 5.15 6.10 6.10 6.10 8.35 6.10 6.70 7.70 5.80 6.50 6.60 8.10 Z4 24 Cool White Daylight Warm White Design White Cool While Cool White Dayllght Design White Cool While Daylight Design While Cooli White Deluxe Cool White Warm White While I,n can deseen II FIuorescent Daylight Desi gn. White Natural Cool While Warm While D;lylight DeSign White


900 1700 1400 1700 1350 2250 2900 2450 2200 3550 3000

9000 9000
9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 12000 12000 12000 12000·· 12000 12000 12000 12000 12.000 12000 12000 12000

42 44 T-12 T-12



21223 Reeessed D.C. 21234 Reeessed 21236 Dbl. ConI. 21235 Rel:essed Obi. Cont. 21232 21138 21324 21323 21146 21144 2H47 21143 21084 21150 21329 21142

24 24 24




24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

4300 3050 4300 4300





ObI. Cont.

3600 3300 2700 5400 5500 4600 4200




Recessed Dbl. Cont.

21126 21127 21120 21125


24 24


UTwo (2) special pack cases (any mix) = one (1) standard case. • Rated bours life at 3 hours per start. At 12 hours per start, average '"Engineering design evaluations based on 3 bours per start.

. oNew item • life is 18,000 hours.




Fluorescent Lamps

The light and lile ratings of fluorescent lamps are based on 3 hr. burning cycles under specified conditions and with ballasts meeting A.N.S.!. specifications. If burning cycle is increased, there will be a corresponding increase in the average hours life.

Fluorescent Lamps, Rapid Start (800 ma) High Output (No Starter Required) (Continued)
Watts Bulb T·12 Base Recessed ObI. Conl 85 T·12 Lamp Ordering Abbreviation F64Tl2/CW/HO F64Tl2/D/HO F64TlZ/DSGN/HO 21187 F72T12/CW/HO F12Tl2/CWX/HO F72Tl2/WW/HO f72Tl2/WJHO F72Tl2/IFJHO mH2/D/HO f72T12jDSGNjHO F72T12/N/HO F84Tl2/CW/HO F84Tl2/D/HO F84Tl2/DSGN/HO FlOOTl2/CW /HD F96Tl2/CW/HO F96T12/CW/HO/24 FR96T12/CW/HO/235 F96T12/CWX/HO r96Tl2/CW /H0/30 F96Tl2/WWX/HO F96T12/WW/HO F96Tl2/W/HO F96T12/IF/HO F96Tl2/D/HO F96Tl2/DSGN/HO F96T12/N/HO F96Tl2/GO/HOj6 Cool White Daylight Design White Cool While (621 Deluxe Cool White (621 Warm White (62) White (62) Incandescent/Fluorescent (62) Daylight (62) Design White (62) Natural (621 Cool White Daylight Design White Cool White (631 Cool White Cool White Caddy Pack Cool Wh ite, 2350 Refleclo r (1021 Deluxe Cool While Cool White Aperture Deluxe Warm White Warm While White Incandescent; FIuo rescent Daylight Design White Natural Gold Description Hours Life 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 7500 L'l.l2000 L'l.12000 L'l.12000 L'l.12000 L'l.12000 .c.12000 ,612000 L'l.12000 L'l.120oo .c.12000 .c.12OO0 L'l.12000 L'I. 12000 Appro.IC. Initial Lumens (64) 5800 4900 4450 6650 4550 6475 6475 3350 5450 5000 4200 7800 6600




Recessed ·Obl. Cont.




Recessed Obi. Cont. Mog. Bipin Recessed


6950 9050 9050 8050 6400 6400 9200 9200 4600 7800 7050 6200 6100

T·12 T·12





21159 21369 21282

12 12
6.40 6.90 11.55 12 12 6n


FI_uorescent Lamps, SuperSaver (800 ma) High Output (No Starter Required)
T·12 96" RDC 21010 F96T12/CW IHO/SS 21011 F96Tl2/WW/HO/SS 21013 F9ffiZ/WWX/HO/SS I 21012 I _F96T12/W/HO/SS

12 12 12

Cool White Low Wattage Warm White, Low Wattage Deluxe Warm While, Low Wallage White, Low Wattage

**12000 **12000 "12000 ·'12000

8400 8375 5720


Fluorescent Lamps, Rapid Start (1500 rna) Very High Output (No Starter Required)


Recessed ObI. Conl

21248 21249 21250 21260 21259

F48T12/CW/VHO F48Tl2/CW/VHO/L T FR48Tl2/CW/VHO/135 F4BT12/CW/PB/30 F48Tl2/CW/PB/60 F48TI2/CWX/VHO F48TlZ/D/VHO F4BT1Z/WW /VHO F48Tl2/N/VHO


10.85 16.15 16.15 10.70 10.70 10.70 10.55

24 24 24 6 6 24 24 24 24

21244 21247 21245

Cool White Cool White, Low Temp.CD Cool White, 135 Reflector (l021 Cool Whlle 300 Apertu re Cool Wh iIe 60 Ap ertu re Deluxe Cool White Daylight WarmWl1ite Natural
0 0

10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000

6750 7100 6300


6400 4900

ttOne eight foot caddy pack = two (2) standard cases. - UTwo (2) special pack cases (any mix) = one (I) standard case . .c.Rated hours life at 3 hours per start. At 12 hours per start, average (!)When measured at ambient of35 F.

+ No


In price.

life is 18,000 hours.


Design Evaluations Based On 3 Hours Per Slart.


(Cj i#t S!/WANIA Fluorescent Lamps


The 1iRhl and lIIe ralings of f1uorescenllamps are based on 3 hr. burning cycles under specified conditions and with ballasts meeting A.N.S.!, specifications. If bu min g cycle is increased, there will be a co rres ponding increase in th e avera ge hnu rs li(e.

Watts Bulb T·12 T·12

Lamps, Rapid Start (1500 mal Very High Output (No Starter Required) (Continued)
Base NAED Code 2.1262 21272 lamp o rd er i ng Abb revi sUon F60T12/CW JVHO F72T12/CW/VHO F72T1Z/CW /VHO /0 F72Tl2lCW JVHOJl T FR72Tl2jCW/VHO/135 F72TI2/WWJVHO F72Tl2jW/VHO F72TI2IDJVHO F72T12/DfVMO/L F72Tl2/N/VHO F96T12/CW IVHO F96T12/CW JVHO/O F96T12/CWjVHO/L T FR96Tl2/CW fVHO 1135 FR96T12/CW/VHO/235/1 F96T12ICWXJVHO F96Tl2/WW/VHO FR96T12/WW/VHO/135 F96T12JWfVHO F96T12/D/VHO F96T12/N/VHO 8.80 9.40 13.55 12 Cool White Cool White Cool White - Outdoor Cool White, low Temp.CD Cool Wh ite, 135 Reflecto r (1021


life 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 .10000

Appro!. Initial lumens (64 9000 10900 11500

135 160

60" 72"

Recessed ObI. ConI. Recessed ObI. Cont.



12 12

10200 10300 10300 9400 9700 8250 15000


Warm White White Daylight Daylight Low Temp.(j) Natural Cool White Cool White - Outdoor Cool White, low Temp.(j) Cool White, 135° Reflector (102) Cool White, 235 Reflector UO.3)

21270 21276

12 T
11.60 9.75





Recessed ObI. ConI.

21209 21221 21292 21298 21387 21212


9.75 13.95 13.95 10.70 10.70 13.95 10.70 10.70 12.20

.10000 .10000
.10000 .10000 .10000 .10000 .10000 .10000

15750 14500 12500 11000 14000 13650 14000

12 12 12

Deluxe Cool White Warm White Warm White, 135" Reflector (1021 White Daylight Natural

21295 21214

12 12


.10000 .10000



Fluorescent Lamps, Super Saver, Rapid Start (1500 mal Very High Output (No Starter Required)
195 T·12 ROC 21020 f96T12/CW/VHO/SS Cool While, Low Wattage 10000 14000

Circline Fluorescent
22 T·9
8" Circle 4·Pin

Lamps, Rapid Start (66) (No Starter Required)

20080 20148 20088 20174 20082 FC8T9/D/RS FC8T9/CW/RS FC8T9JWW/RS FC8T9/CWX/RP/6 FC8T9/W/RS

6.70 7.20 7.20 7.9il

12 12 12

Daylight Cool White Warm White Oe luxe Coo I White, Pre priced White

12000 12000 12000 12000 12000


1100 1100
900 1100


.Rated hours of life at 3 hours per start. At 12 hours per start, average • Peak light output. CDWhen measured at ambient of 35°F. UTwo (2) special pack cases (any mix) = one (1) standard case.

life is 15,000 hours.

+ No


in price •



[?i i#I SYLVANIA Fluorescent Lamps

The light and life ratings of fluorescent lamps are basad on 3 hr. burning cycles under specified conditions and with ballasts meeting A.N.S.r. specifications. II burning cycle is increased, there will be a corresponding increase in the average hours life.

Circline Fluorescent Lamps, Rapid Start (66) (No Starter Required) (Continued)
Watts 32 T-I0 Bulb 12" Circle Base 4-Pin

Code 20142 20037

Lamp Ordering AbbrevIation FCl2Tlll/CW/RS FCl2TIOfWW/RS FC12T10/WWX/RS fCl2T10fW/RS FCl2TlO/D/RS

Std. Case Qty. 12 12 12 Cool While Warm White


Hours Life 12000 12000 1200Q 12000 12000 12000 12000 1200Q 12000 12000 12000 12000

Approx. !nltlal Lumens (64) 1820 1850 1400 1850 1530 1400 2550 2650 2650 1900 22()0

Deluxe Warm White White Daylight Deluxe Cool While, Pre priced Cool White White Warm White Deluxe Warm White Daylight Gold

12 6ti

20274 40 T-I0 16" Circle 4-Pin 20132 2O()52 20057 20054 20072 20078



12 12 12

Oro-Lux Fluorescent Lamps

8 22 22 111 T-5 T-9 T-9 T-8 T-8 T-12 T-8 T-12 40 T-12 T-12 T-12 T-12 T-12 T-12 12" 8~ 8" 15" 18" Min. Bipin 4 Pin

(Starter required only with items so marked)

FaT5/GRO Fe8T9/GRO/RS FC8T9/GRO/WS F14T8/GRO F15T8/GRO flST8/GRO/WS F20Tl2/GRO F20T12/GRO{WS F3OT8/GRO F30Tl2/GRO/700 F30T12/GRO/WS/700 f40GRO F40/GRO{WS F96T12/GRO F96T12/GRO/WS F96Tl2/GRO/HO F96Tl2/G RO/HO/WS F48Tl2/GRO/VHO/WS F4BT12/GRO/VHO F72TlZ/GRO/VHO F72T12/GRO/VHO/WS F96T12/GROfVHO f96TlZ/GRO/VHO/WS case. 1Q.60 12 24 Gro-Lux. Starter Required. Gro-Lux Gro-Lux Wide-Spectrum Gro-Lux. Starter Required. Gro-ltlx. Starter Required. Gre-Lax Wid e S peel. Sta rte r Requ ired Gra-Lux. Starter Required_ Gra-Lux Wide Spec!. Sta rter Required Gro-Lux Starter Requi red. Gra-Lux Starter Required G ro-Lux Wide-Spectrum Sia rter Requi red GRO-LUX Gra-Lux Wide-Spectrum GRO-lUX Gro-Lux Wide-Spectrum GRO·LUX Gm-Lux Wide·Spectrum Gra-Lux Wide Spectrum GRO-LUX GRO·lUX Gro-lux Wide-Spectrum GRD-LUX Gro-Lux Wide-Spectrum Gro-Lux, Wide Spectrum 235 Ref!. (03)


6000 6000 12000 7500 7500 7500 9aOO 9()OO



4 Pin Med_ Bipin

Med. Bipin Med. Bipin


21496 21655


20 30

21731 24"
36" 22028

22031 23159 22J24 22326 24655 24563 29653' 29525

12 12




48" 96"

Med. Bipin Med. Bipin

+ + +



20000+ 20000+ 12()OO

105 115 160

Single Pin

12 12



+ 21358 + 2lZaS + 21252 + 21243


10000 10000 10000 10000 10000

6 12 12 12 12 J2


+ 21393

21280 21354


-I- 21345 -I- 21216


+ No

UTwo (2) special pack cases (any mix) change in price.

one (1) standard




Fluorescent Lamps
Code Lamp Ordering Abbreviation

The light and life ratings at fluorescent lamps are based on 3 hr. burning cycles under specified conditions and with ballasts meeting A.N.S.I. specifications. If burning cycle is increased, there will be a correspond ing increase in the average hou rs life. Watts Bulb Base
Usl Plitt

Std. Case Qty.


Hours Life

Fluorescent Lamps, Special Appliance (Starter ReqU~red)

-18 H 24" 26" 28" 30" Med. Med. Med. Med. Bipin Bipin Bipin Bipin 23014

23028 23030

F18T8/CW/K/24 Fl8T8/CW/K/26 Fl8T8/C W/K/A2..,8:--F18T8/CW/K/30

$5.45 24 Cool White 5.45 24 Cool White -c5=-.4=5--;2""4_-cC=-o....,ol..,.,W."...h"..ite 5.45 24 Cool White

7500 1175 1275 7500 7500 1350 ----;~--..."...,.."o:__ 7500 1400

BL Blacklight Fluorescent Lamps (Starter Required)

Watts 4 6 8 15 20 30



9" 12" 18" 24" 36~

T·5 T·5 T-g T·12


Base filln. Blpln Min. Bipin Min. Bipin Med. Bipin Med. Bipin Med. Bipin

20633 20833 21713 22113



lamp Ordering Abbreviation ~4T57B[ F6T5/Bl F8n/BL Fl5T8/BL F20T12/BL F30TS/Bl

Description Blac~lig~t Blacklighl Blacklighl Blacklight Biacklight Blacklighl

9000 7500

BL Blacklight Fluorescent, Rapid Start (No Starter Required)

22 32 40 T-9 T-IO T-12 8" 12" 48" 4·Pin 4·Pin Med. Bipin 20085 FC8T9/Bl/RS 20314 FC12TlO/B L/R S 24924 -F4QBl 12 12 24 Blackl ight Circline Blacklighl Circline Blacklighl 9000 9000 20000+

Blacklight Blue Fluorescent Lamps (Starter Required)

4 -68

15 ~T-8

2.25" 6 9" 1-5 12" T-8 18" T·12 24" 36 T-5 T-5


Inter. Screw Min. Bipin Min. Bipin Min. Blpin Med. Bipin Med. Bipin Med. Bipin

20023 20425 20625 20825 21625 22114 23129

48 24 24

24 6*
6* 6'"

Blackl ight Blacklight Blacklighl Blackl ight -Blacklight Blacklight Blacklight

Blue Blue Blue Blue BIue BIue Blue

4000 6000 7@0 7500 7500 9000 7500

Blacklighl Blue Fluorescent Lamps, Rapid Start (No Starter Required)

40 T·12 48" Med. Bipin 24925 F"40BLB/6 24.85 6~ Blacklight Blue 20000+

Germicidal Lamps (Starter Required)




T·5 T·8

18" 36"

Min. Bipin Med. Bipin Med. Bipin

ZOBU 21612 23112

G8TS G15T8 G30T8

$12.00 13.10 17.40

24 24 24

Germicidal Germicidal Germicidal

6000 7500 7500

Weather-Shielded Lamps
Watts ~9 55 75 60 75 Bulb T·14Yi 48" T·14Yi 72" T ·14Yi 96# T·14Yi 48" T·14Yi 60" T-14~ 72" T·14Yi 96" T·14YI 48" T·14Yi 72" T-14Yi 96" Base ~Ingle Pm Single Pin Single Pin ROC ROC ROC ROC RDC ROC ROC
= SUIEesIBd liS!

Case Qty.



8 8 12

105 110 160 215

8 8

8 8 One (1) Standard Case

Jadieteil, Jacketed, J scketed, Jacketed, Jacketed, Jacketed, J ackeled, Jacketed, Jacketed, Jacketed,

Description Cool Wli lie Cool Wh ite Cool White Cool White Cool White Cool While Cool White Low Temp. Cool White Low Temp. Cool White Low Temp. Cool White

Hours Ute

Appr()x. 'nitial Lumens (64)



9000 12000


12000 10000 10000 10000

4380 6040 3990 5400 6200 8700 6900 11200 l5300

"Four (4) Special Pack Cases (Any Mix)




Fluorescent Lamps
lamp Ordering Abbreviation

The light and life ratings 01 fluorescent lamps are based on 3 hr. burning cycles under specifi~d conditions and with ballasts meeting A.N.S.I ..specificalions. II burning cycle is increased, there Will be a corresponding increase In the average hours hie. Std. Case Qty.



Med. Bip]ri 24000 -24001 24002 24b04 24003



Curvalume Fluorescent Lamps

40 T·12 FB40/CW/6" FB40/w/6" FB40/WWJ6" FB40/CWX/6" FB40/WWX/6" 12
U Shaped Lamp -

12 12 12

U Shaped U Shapsd U Shaped U Shaped

Lamp Lamp lamp lamp -

Cool White While Warm White Cool White Deluxe Wa rm White Deluxe

12000 12000 12000 12000 12000

2.950 3025 3025 2000 2000

Fluorescent Lamps, Signline

59 T·12 48" Shrouded Single Pin F4STl2/CW 1800 F48T12/D/8oo F48T12/DSGN/SOO F72T12/CW /800 F72Tl2/D/SOD F72T12/DSGN/SOO F96Tl2jCW /800 F96Tl2/D /SOO F96TI2/DSGN/800 24 24 24 12 12 12 12 12 12 Cool White Daylight Design White Cool White Daylight Des ign White Cool White Daylight Design White .12000 .12000 .12000 .12000 .12000 .12000 .12000 .12000 .12000 4050 3450 3150 6170





4800 8700 7100 6550




Fluorescent Lamps, Coachline, Slimline (Instant Start) (No Starter Required)

9 16

65 165

T·12 T·12 T·12

48" lZ"

Single Pin Single Pin Single Pin

22402 24852 27252

F24Tl2/CW/CL f48Tl2/CW/Cl F72Tl2/CW/CL


24 12

COoI White- Coach line Cool White·Coachline Cool White·Coachline

500 1200 1850

Fluorescent Lamps, Super Diazo Blue

T·12 T·17 48"

12" 21"

BiPin Mogul SiPin

24676 21204

F40Tl2/SDB/65W F54Tl7/SDB/VHO

$10.15 35.40

Diazo Diazo

Fluorescent Lamps, Aircraft

4 T·5 T-5 T·5 Sin gle Ccnla ct 205(10 FA4T5/CW/RS/5004 Ferrule 20505 , fA4T5jWW/RS/5004 Single Contact FA8T5/CW/RS/5008 Ferrule 20550 20557 FABT5/WW /RS/5008 Single Contact Ferrule 20575 FAl3T5/CW/RS/5013 2Q577 FA13T5/WWjRS/54113 24 24 Aircraft - Cool White Ai rcraft - Warm White Aircraft - Cool White Aircraft- Warm White AircraflAircraflCool White Wa.rm White

4000 6000 6000 6000 6000

140 145 47U 470 940 940


24 24 24

Fluorescent Lamp Starters (with Ceramic Condensers)

---------------------------------------- __ .

SUll2uled list Price

Std. Case

----------~~----------------------Cat. No. NAED Code For Use With


Prices Effective 6/1/17

List Price

Std. Cas~

FS-2 FS-4 FS-5 FS·12 FS-25 FS·85 (FS-6) FS-BS-4 (FS-64) (4-Pi n Type) 42812 44812 45812 43812 42512 46810 46814 14, 15, & 20 Watt lamps 13, 30, & 40 Watt Lamps 4, 6, & 8 Walt lamps 32 Walt Circline Lamps 22W Circline, 25W Std. Lp. 90 & 100 Watt lamps SO $ .4S .45 .64 .41 100

50 100 100 50 50

.64 1.39

Automatic Reset- Robot COP

s 100 Watt


FS·85-NA4 (FS-64NA) (4-PI n Type)


90 & 100 Watt lamps

• Rated hours life based on 3 hours per start

+ No


in price .



[?i i:J


GRO-LUX® Fixtures
Fixture complete wilh 1-FC8T9/GRO lamp Fixture complete wilh H30Tl2/GR01700 Lamp Fixture complete wilh 2-F20Tl2/GRO Lamps Fixture complete with 2-F40GRO/WS Lamps

Ordering Abbreviations


Fixture complete wilh 1-75R30 IGRO Lamp

"See your Sylvania Ia.:nprepresentative for price.

Special Packs
Ordering Abbreviations
Thank You Pack Thank You Pack

Deserl ptlon

Pack/IF Consists of 2-60A, 2-75A, 2-100A, 20 Thank You Packs Per Shipping Case - For Fund Raising Only. Pack/IF Consists of 2-60A, J-75A, 2-100A, Thank You Packs Per Shipping Case - For Fund Raising Only_













GA. MASS. N. Y. N. C.

2115 Sylvan Rd., S. W. 404-762-1781 100 Endicott Street 617 -777-1900 25 Dewberry Lane. Gardenville 716-668-6125 Ind. Park

30344 01923 14224 28225 60007 45242 44135 75230 80216 48126 06110

2115 Sylvan Rd., S. W. 404-762-1781


105 Andover Street, P.O. Box 377, Danvers, Mass. 617-777·1900 01923 25 Dewberry lane, 716-668-6117 Gardenville, Ind. Park 14224 St., P. O. Box 5246 28225 60007 45242 44135 75230 80216 48126 01923


3811 North Davl dson SI., P. O. Box 5246 704·334-4671 800 Devon Ave., Elk Grove Village, 312-593-3400 5480 Creek Road 513-793-6440 4848 West 130th Street 216-267 -6800 13555 Inwood Road, P.O. Box 30234 214-239-8171 4675 Holly Street 303-399-1760 10800 Ford Road 313-582-8754 77 Grassmere 203-249-7611 Avenue, West Hartford Dr. Illinois

3811 North Davidson 704-334-4671


800 Davon Ave., Elk Grove Village, illinois 312-593-3400 5480 Creek Road 513-793-6440 4848 West 130th Street 216-267 -6800 13555 Inwood Road, P.O. Box 30234 214-239-8171 4675 Holly Street 303-399-1760 10800 Ford Road 313-582-8754 105 Andover Street, Danvers, Mass. 617-777-1900 1440 Greengrass 713-869-8671 450 Funston Road 913-371-3773 6505 East Gayhart Street 213-726-1666 5330 Industrial Blvd. N.E., Fridley, Minn. 612-566-9400 5510 Jefferson 504-733-6970 Highway Dr.


1440 Greengrass 713-869-8671 450 Funston Road 913-371-3773

66115 90051 55421 70183 10022 Drive, P. O. Box 13770

66115 90051 55421 70183 N. J. 07608


6505 East Gayhart Street 213-726-1666 5330 Industrial Blvd. N.E., Fridley, Minn. 612-566-9400 5510 Jefferson 504-733-6970 Highway



909 Third Avenue 212-486-3996 7492 Chancellor 305-859-6220

1000 Huyler Street, Teterboro, 212-244-8820 7492 Chancellor 305-859-6220 4700 Parkside 215-477-5000

Drive. P. O. Box 13770

19131 15223 63139 Calif. 94010 98108 07608 Va. 22151

Avenue 19131 15223 63139 Calif. 94010 98108 07608 Va. 22151


4700 Park side Avenue 215-477 -5000 450 Butler Street. P. O. Box 9544 412-781-4533 5010 Kemper Avenue 314-664-8975 1811 Adrian Road, Burlingame, 415-697 -3500 750 So. Michigan 206-763-2660 1000 Huyler Street 201-288-9484 6610 Electronic 703-354-3100 Drive, Springfield, Street

450 Butler Street, P. O. Box 9544 412-781-4533 5010 Kemper Avenue 314-664-8975 1811 Adrian Road, Burlingame, 415-697 -3500 750 So. Michigan 206-763-2660 1000 Huyler Street 201-288-9484 6610 Electronic 703-354-3100 Drive, Springfield. Street





L-626 (RS-777-100M)
Pnnted in U.S.A.

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