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Fish Sausage

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International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2008, 43, 276283

Original article Development of a healthy low-fat fish sausage containing dietary fibre
Carlos Cardoso,* Rogerio Mendes & Maria Leonor Nunes
Instituto Nacional de Investigac,ao Agraria e das Pescas INIAP/IPIMAR, Avenida de Bras lia, 1449-006 Lisbon, Portugal (Received 27 March 2006; Accepted in revised form 11 August 2006)


In order to develop a healthy low-fat sh sausage containing dietary bre (DF), three fundamental changes were made to an ordinary pork sausage recipe: incorporation of 4% (w/w) of Swelite (a DF obtained from inner pea), dierent levels of pork meat replacement (0%, 50% and 100%) by hake mince and the combination of varying amounts of Fibruline (a DF obtained from chicory root) and hake mince (Fibruline: additional hake mince, 2.6:5.2, 5.2:2.6 and 7.8:0.0, % w/w) as a substitute for pork fat. It was found that the addition of Swelite to pork sausage favoured greater gel strength and hardness. On the contrary, increasing levels of pork meat replacement by hake reduced the sausages gel strength and hardness. Finally, sausages without pork fat showed promising textural and colour parameters. HighFibruline sausages were less cohesive and chewable than pork fat sausages (control), but also exhibited a greater gel strength. Low-Fibruline ones presented almost all textural properties similar to the control, with exception of hardness and gumminess. Therefore, regarding some key textural parameters, it was possible to produce low-fat sh sausages similar to the ordinary pork sausages.
Colour parameters, dietary bre, sh sausage, textural properties, upgrading sh wastes.



There is an ever-increasing consumer demand for both vegetarian products and for meat products with reduced fat (Xiong et al., 1999; Kubberd et al., 2002). Consumer preference for alternative healthier products is promoting the research and development of dierent meat systems (Giese, 1996; Cofrades et al., 2000). Furthermore, there is growing consumer interest in the development of meat analogues and fat substitutes using alternative sources of protein (Beggs et al., 1997; Shand, 2000; Yang et al., 2001). Concerning fat, it was found that low-fat Frankfurters containing soy protein or starch had sensory and texture properties similar to the high-fat products (Yang et al., 2001). The development of restructured sh products and the application of new food ingredients have been used as a way of reaching young and health-conscious consumers, but also as a means to upgrade low-value species and the waste generated by the sh processing industry (Sanchez et al., 2004). Therefore, sh can be an interesting alternative source of protein and, moreover, among the various traditional meat products in the market,
*Correspondent: Fax: +351 21 301 5948; e-mail:

sausages are specially suited given their organoleptic and technological characteristics for experimenting meat replacement by sh. Regarding sh sausages, with total or partial replacement of livestock meat, there are various products developed recently; however, most of them neither totally replace pork meat (Morris, 1988) nor mimic the common Frankfurter sausage (Chu apoehuk et al., 2001; Lopez-Caballero et al., 2005). Nonetheless, it was found that one sausage formulation with similar quantities of surimi and pork meat could maintain the hardness of commercial sausage and, furthermore, without adversely aecting its avour, acceptability and consumer preference (Murphy et al., 2004). On account of its high nutritional value, one of the food ingredients frequently used in the design of functional foods is dietary bre (DF) (Puupponen-Pim a et al., 2002). The importance of DF in nutrition and health is well established (Anderson et al., 1990; Kritchevsky & Boneld, 1995). Knowledge of the benecial eects of high-DF diets namely, regarding prevention of cardiovascular diseases and several types of cancer has promoted the development of a large and protable market for products enriched in DF. Dietary bre can make up for some ingredients negative eect on the texture properties and, furthermore,

2007 The Authors. Journal compilation 2007 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund

Low-fat sh sausage containing dietary bre C. Cardoso et al.


to improve them. For instance, regarding low-fat chicken sausages, guar and xanthan gums, extracted from seeds, were successfully used (Andres et al., 2006). It should be mentioned that there are hardly any references on sh products with added DF. Nonetheless, some bres obtained from algae such as carrageenans (Ortiz & Aguilera, 2004), or also xanthan and guar gums (Montero et al., 2000) have been used for technological purposes in sh products. For our study, two bres were selected because of their favourable eects on the textural properties of the nal products (Cardoso et al., unpublished data): inner pea bre and chicory root inulin. The incorporation of the former bre in a product can improve its textural aspects, specically, enhancing hardness, smoothness and water- and fat-binding capacity (Anon, 2005a). The chicory root inulin can function as a fat mimetic component, ensuring smoothness, creaminess and an oily mouthfeel. Moreover, inulin is eectively a lowcaloric additive, as it is not digested in the upper intestinal tract and, as such, the only energy provided by this bre is due to bacterial fermentation in the large intestine (Anon, 2005b). The authors aim was to measure the colorimetric and textural properties of a low-fat Frankfurter sh sausage (with complete replacement of pork meat by hake mince and without added pork fat) in order to assess its similarity to ordinary pork sausages.
Material and methods

Table 1 Relevant properties of the used dietary bre products Properties Composition (dm) Total carbohydrates (%) Total DF (%) Starch (%) Protein (%) Fat (%) Ash (%) Granulometry (lm) Colour Taste Swelite* Fibruline Instant

93 3 48 3 Min. 36 Max. 7 Max. 0.5 Max. 2 <400 White Neutral

Min. 99.7 Min. 90 Max. 0.3 <700 White Neutral to slightly sweet

The presented information regarding Swelite comes from Anon (2005a). The presented information regarding Fibruline Instant comes from Anon (2005c).

Giulini (Ladenburg, Germany); SOLCON/MAICON 70, soy protein concentrate powder from Solbar Hatzor Ltd (Ashdod, Israel); Dextropam 100, dextrose from Copam, SA (Loures, Portugal); TARI K7, di-, tri- and polyphosphates from BK Giulini; VATEL Salt, common salt from VATEL (Alverca, Portugal); Palatinata Cure, curing salt from BK Giulini; TARIMIX Frankfurt, sausage seasoning from BK Giulini; TAROMA Smoke, smoke aroma from BK Giulini.
Experimental design

Raw materials and additives

Frozen South African hake (Merluccius capensis) were bought, already headed and gutted, from a local frozen sh processor. Each sh batch was kept frozen at )28 C and processed within 34 weeks after its arrival at the laboratory. Pork meat and fat were bought from a local supermarket and stored in a refrigerator no more than 2 days until processing. Traditional pork meat sausages (to be used as a reference) containing pork fat were also bought from a local supermarket and stored in a refrigerator until analysis. Regarding DF products, two were chosen for their favourable eects on the textural properties of the nal products (Cardoso et al., unpublished data): inner pea bre (Swelite) and chicory root inulin (Fibruline Instant), both supplied by Cosucra, SA (Warcoing, Belgium). Their particular composition [based on dry matter (d.m.)] as well as other properties are presented in Table 1. The other additives were all food grade materials manufactured by dierent companies: potato starch from Emsland-Starke GmbH (Emlichheim, Germany); TARIPROT 1010, emulsifying soy protein from BK

Three experiments were conducted with the purpose of studying three dierent eects. In the rst trial, the mean textural and colour properties of pork sausages with 4% (w/w) Swelite or without this bre were determined. Swelite was chosen as previous trials with this DF had produced very positive results. Afterwards, in a second trial, the mean textural and colour properties of sausages all containing Swelite, 4% (w/w) with dierent levels of pork meat replacement by hake encompassing three levels, 0%, 50% and 100% were measured. Finally, a third experiment was carried out in order to assess the textural and colorimetric eects on sh sausages by substituting dierent combinations of Fibruline and additional hake mince to compensate for the pork fat removal (Table 2). Error assessment was derived from replication of the various analyses performed.
Production of sausages

Frozen hake were thawed overnight in a refrigerator, for the second and third trials, respectively. Afterwards, skin and bones were manually removed. The resulting sh esh was minced once in a model 84145 meat grinder (Hobart, Troy, OH, USA), equipped with 2 cm grind blades and a metallic screen with 6 mm diameter circular holes.

2007 The Authors. Journal compilation 2007 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2008


Low-fat sh sausage containing dietary bre C. Cardoso et al.

Table 2 Ingredient proportions changed in the third experiment Ingredients No-pork meat sh sausage Control No-pork fat Pork fat (% w/w) 7.8 0 0 0 Fibruline (% w/w) 0 2.6 5.2 7.8 Additional hake mince (% w/w) 0 5.2 2.6 0

The appropriate quantities of the various ingredients were weighed in order to produce 2 kg (Table 3). Regarding the preparation of the sausage batters, ve sequential steps were always followed. First, pork meat and/or hake mince was mixed with salt and phosphates for 1 min at 1420 r.p.m. in a model UM12 refrigerated vacuum homogeniser (Stephan and Sohne, Hameln, Germany). Throughout all processes, mixing was performed always under vacuum and refrigeration (temperature below 7 C). In a second step, ice (70% of the total amount of ice and water), dextrose and curing salt were added and there was additional mixing for 1 min at the same speed. Afterwards, the emulsifying protein and the soy protein concentrate were also added and further mixing at the same speed took place for 1 min. Thereafter, pork fat or Fibruline was added and mixed for 1 min at 2800 r.p.m. Meanwhile, Swelite was hydrated before mixing it with the other ingredients (chilled water was added to this DF in a ratio near 2:1). The fth and last step involved the addition of the remaining ingredients, potato starch, the hydrated bre (not added in the case of pork sausage without Swelite), sausage seasoning and smoke aroma and, moreover, mixing all for 2 min at 2800 r.p.m. The batters attained were put inside a model EB-12 hydraulic ller (Mainca Equipamientos Carnicos, SL,
Table 3 Sausage recipes used in the different trials First trial Swelite Incorporation Ingredients Pork meat (%) Hake mince (%) Water/ice (%) Pork fat (%) Fibruline (%) Swelite (%) Potato starch (%) Salt (%) Emulsifying protein (%) Soy protein (%) Other (%) Total (%) No 56.4 0.0 26.0 8.1 0.0 0.0 3.2 2.4 1.3 1.1 1.5 100 Yes 54.1 0.0 25.0 7.8 0.0 4.0 3.1 2.3 1.2 1.0 1.5 100 Second trial

Granollers, Spain) and encased under pressure into cellulose sausage casings mounted over the end of the stung horn. Afterwards, these cellulose casings were twisted and tied, thereby, shaping sausages with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of about 20 cm. In the next step, sausages were moved to a model CombiMaster CM6 oven (Rational Grosskuchen Technik GmbH, Landsberg am Lech, Germany) equipped with a digital thermometer and subjected to a steam cooking at 75 C for 15 min (cooking). Immediately, sausages were taken from the oven and cooled with a mixture of water and ice (1:1, v/v). The cellulose casings were removed, sausages separated from one another and vacuum-packed in plastic bags with a model A300/52 vacuum packager (Multivac Sepp Haggenmuller GmbH & Co. KG, Wolfertschwenden, Germany). Following this operation, sausages were put in the same oven and subjected to a steam cooking at 85 C for 5 min (pasteurisation). Once again, they were immediately cooled in iced water. Afterwards, sausages were kept in a refrigerator overnight until further analysis.
Texture measurements Folding test

The test piece was a 3-mm slice cut from the sausages middle portion. The evaluation was performed in accordance with a ve-point grade system as follows: Grade 5, no crack when folded into quadrants; Grade 4, no cracks when folded in half; Grade 3, crack develops gradually when folded in half; Grade 2, crack develops immediately when folded in half and Grade 1, crumbles when pressed by nger.
Puncture test

Prior to analysis, sausages were tempered to about 20 C and cut into pieces of 25 mm diameter and 25 mm

Third trial Fibruline level (% w/w) 0 0.0 54.1 25.0 7.8 0.0 4.0 3.1 2.3 1.2 1.0 1.5 100 2.6 0.0 59.3 25.0 0.0 2.6 4.0 3.1 2.3 1.2 1.0 1.5 100 5.2 0.0 56.7 25.0 0.0 5.2 4.0 3.1 2.3 1.2 1.0 1.5 100 7.8 0.0 54.1 25.0 0.0 7.8 4.0 3.1 2.3 1.2 1.0 1.5 100

Pork meat replacement (%) 0 54.1 0.0 25.0 7.8 0.0 4.0 3.1 2.3 1.2 1.0 1.5 100 50 27.1 27.1 25.0 7.8 0.0 4.0 3.1 2.3 1.2 1.0 1.5 100 100 0.0 54.1 25.0 7.8 0.0 4.0 3.1 2.3 1.2 1.0 1.5 100

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2008

2007 The Authors. Journal compilation 2007 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund

Low-fat sh sausage containing dietary bre C. Cardoso et al.


height. Each sample was penetrated to the breaking point with a metal probe equipped with a 5 mm diameter spherical head, using a model Instron 4301 texturometer (Instron Engineering Corp., Canton, MA, USA). The cross speed head was 10 mm min)1 and the load cell was 1000 N. Breaking force (N) and breaking deformation (mm) were measured. Gel strength (N mm) was determined by multiplying these two parameters.
Compression tests

were combined in order to obtain the chroma and whiteness values. p Chroma a2 b2 q whiteness 100 100 L 2 a2 b2

For the texture prole analysis, samples (diameter 25 mm and height 25 mm) were compressed on the at plate of the Instron texturometer with a cylindrical plunger (50 mm diameter) adapted to a 1000-N load cell at a deformation rate of 50 mm min)1. On the basis of preliminary trials to establish a compression limit that would ensure no cracking and recoverability of most samples, it was decided to compress samples to 60% of their height. In the test, each sample was compressed twice. The following parameters were determined: hardness (N), maximum height of rst peak on rst compression (in terms of eating quality, foods resistance at rst bite); cohesiveness (A2/A1), ratio of second compression to rst compression positive areas (maintenance of food resistance during chew-down); gumminess (N), product of hardness and cohesiveness (strength required in the chew-down process); springiness (L2/L1), ratio of the detected height of the product on the second compression to the original compression distance (ability of food to reacquire its initial shape and size after a rst bite) and chewiness (N), product of gumminess and springiness (albeit expressed in N, a measure of the energy spent in the chew-down process). For the compressionrelaxation test, the compression procedure was as for the texture prole analysis, except that the sample was compressed only once for 1 min and the force exerted on the sample was recorded. Relaxation (%) was calculated as YT 100 (F0 ) F1)/F0, where F0 is the force registered at the onset of relaxation immediately after sample compression and F1 is the force registered after 1 min of relaxation. Thus, (100 ) YT) is taken as an index of elasticity and is expressed as the percentage elasticity of the gel.
Colour measurements

Statistical analysis

Colour and folding test (FT) determinations were performed in duplicate; the gel strength results are the average of six measurements and all other determinations were done in triplicate. A general linear model one-way anova was used to determine signicant dierences (P 0.05) among sausages with dierent levels of Swelite, dierent degrees of pork meat replacement and, also, with diverse combinations of Fibruline and additional hake mince as substitutes for pork fat. Multiple comparisons were done by the Tukey HSD test. All statistical treatment were done with the software statistica from StatSoft Inc. (Tulsa, OK, USA), version 6.1, 2003.
Results and discussion

Effect of Swelite addition Texture evaluation

After 2 days in chilled storage, sausages were cut and put into Petri dishes, covering the entire bottom. A model MACBETH COLOR-EYE 3000 colorimeter (Macbeth, New Windsor, NY, USA) was used and, prior to measurements, standardised to a specic colour blank (CIELAB system: L*, 92.4; a*, )1.0; b*, 1.5). The attained values for L*, a* and b* of the CIELAB system were always the means of ten measurements on each Petri dish. Furthermore, for a better assessment of colour, the three mentioned coordinates

In a rst trial, the consequences of 4% (w/w) Swelite addition to pork sausages were analysed, namely, the eect on eight distinct textural parameters (FT, gel strength, elasticity, hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess, springiness and chewiness) (Table 4). The presence of Swelite did not change signicantly (P 0.05) the FT, elasticity, cohesiveness and springiness of pork sausages. However, Swelite addition signicantly (P 0.05) increased hardness (the gumminess and chewiness increases were fundamentally a result of greater hardness), 89.2 15.3 N vs. 56.7 7.1 N and gel strength from 21.3 4.8 to 32.5 5.8 N mm. The results discussed above show that there is advantage on including Swelite in typical sausage recipes. It is worth mentioning that, besides DF, Swelite contains a substantial amount of pea starch (Table 1), thus, entailing an additional starch amount besides c. 3% (w/w) potato starch present in all sausages (Table 3) in the nal product between 1% and 2% (w/w). Several studies involving the addition of dierent kinds of starch to sausages have revealed, for instance, that products containing modied waxy maize starch had textural properties similar to the traditional high-fat sausages (Yang et al., 2001), or that dry addition of tapioca starch (up to 3%) alone had a positive eect on

2007 The Authors. Journal compilation 2007 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2008


Low-fat sh sausage containing dietary bre C. Cardoso et al.

Table 4 Mean textural properties of pork sausages with and without Swelite Swelite level (% w/w) 0 4 Folding test 3.7 0.6a 3.7 0.6a Gel strength (N mm) 21.3 4.8a 32.5 5.8b

Elasticity (%) 59.8 0.4a 59.7 1.2a

Hardness (N) 56.7 7.1a 89.2 15.3b

Cohesiveness 0.53 0.02a 0.53 0.03a

Gumminess (N) 32.3 2.7a 49.2 5.8b

Springiness 0.78 0.01a 0.80 0.01a

Chewiness (N) 25.0 2.1a 39.2 4.1b

Mean values within a column with different superscript letters are signicantly different (P 0.05). * Presented values correspond to mean standard deviation.

the textural quality of low-fat pork sausages (Lyons et al., 1999). Starch, in general, has the ability to improve gel-forming capacity by acting as a simple ller of the protein structure (Lee et al., 1992). Therefore, Swelite seems to be a balanced additive, ensuring an increased DF intake and better textural characteristics.
Colour evaluation

The eect of Swelite on the colour of pork sausages was also analysed (Table 5). Concerning chroma, whiteness and b* values, there was no statistically signicant dierence (P 0.05). However, Swelite presence increased a* value signicantly (P 0.05) from 1.21 0.14 to 1.85 0.15, meaning a redder sausage. Therefore, Swelite did not bring about any undesirable colour for a common pork sausage.
Effect of pork meat replacement Texture evaluation

A second trial was conducted in order to study the inuence of three levels of pork meat replacement by
Table 5 Mean colour parameters of pork sausages with and without

Swelite level (% w/w) 0 4

a* 1.21 0.14 1.85 0.15b


b* 6.83 0.23 6.34 0.49a


Chroma 6.94 0.20 6.61 0.51a


Whiteness 75.5 0.4a 73.1 0.8a

Mean values within a column with different superscript letters are signicantly different (P 0.05). Presented values correspond to mean standard deviation.

hake mince (0%, 50% and 100%) on the textural properties of sausages containing 4% (w/w) Swelite. The results obtained from the determination of these properties are shown in Table 6. Folding test, elasticity, cohesiveness and springiness did not present any signicant dierence (P 0.05). However, the gel strength showed a signicant (P 0.05) reduction from the pork sausage (32.5 5.8 N mm) to the 5050 porkhake sausage (17.6 0.8 N mm), but a total pork meat replacement did not produce any further reduction. Hardness values exhibited a signicant (P 0.05) decreasing trend with increasing pork meat replacement by hake mince, from 89.2 15.3 to 50.5 4.0 N and, with further replacement, to 29.0 2.6 N. Gumminess and chewiness presented very similar variations. The results highlighted two eects of replacing pork meat by hake mince: loss of gel strength and softening. Analysing the components of gel strength (see Materials and Methods section and Puncture Test section), gel strength reduction was mainly an eect of a weaker opposition to probe penetration, that is, a lower breaking force (3.4 0.3 N vs. 5.8 0.4 N). This agrees well with the hardness variation. Moreover, these results agree with other studies where the replacement of meat muscle resulted in a marked decrease in product hardness (Cofrades et al., 2000; Murphy et al., 2004). One main reason for this is the total collagen content in sh, which is lower than that found in terrestrial animals (Lluch et al., 2001). Another reason could be the observed moisture increase with growing level of pork meat replacement, from 60.5% 0.1% to 71.5% 0.7%. This is a consequence of the very high moisture content in hake mince. Nevertheless, a group of trained panellists (unpublished data) scored as

Table 6 Mean textural properties of sausages containing 4% (w/w) Swelite and presenting various levels of pork meat replacement by hake mince Pork meat replacement (%) 0 50 100 Folding test 3.7 0.6 3.0 0.0a 3.0 0.0a

Gel strength (N mm) 32.5 5.8 17.6 0.8b 17.7 2.2b


Elasticity (%) 59.7 1.2 55.1 3.1a 55.9 1.2a


Hardness (N) 89.2 15.3 50.5 4.0b 29.0 2.6c


Cohesiveness 0.53 0.03 0.52 0.05a 0.54 0.01a


Gumminess (N) 49.2 5.8 26.3 2.0b 16.2 0.2c


Springiness 0.80 0.01 0.78 0.02a 0.79 0.01a


Chewiness (N) 39.2 4.1a 20.7 2.1b 12.8 0.3c

Mean values within a column with different superscript letters are signicantly different (P 0.05). * Presented values correspond to mean standard deviation.

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2008

2007 The Authors. Journal compilation 2007 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund

Low-fat sh sausage containing dietary bre C. Cardoso et al.


Table 7 Mean colour parameters of sausages containing 4% (w/w) Swelite and presenting various levels of pork meat replacement by hake mince Pork meat replacement (%) 0 50 100

a* 1.85 0.15a 0.47 0.09b )0.60 0.07c

b* 6.34 0.49a 6.44 0.30a 5.42 0.17a

Chroma 6.61 0.51a 6.46 0.31a 5.45 0.16a

Whiteness 73.1 0.8a 76.4 2.2a 76.1 0.1a

Mean values within a column with different superscript letters are signicantly different (P 0.05). Presented values correspond to mean standard deviation.

acceptable the sh sausages, including its hardness. Furthermore, if needed, texture could be improved through modications in the sausages formulation (Murphy et al., 2004), for instance, reducing water and ice addition.
Colour evaluation

With the purpose of analysing the inuence of pork meat replacement upon colour, a*, b*, chroma and whiteness of sausages containing 4% (w/w) Swelite were determined (Table 7). Only the parameter a* showed a signicant (P 0.05) downward trend with increasing levels of pork meat replacement (1.85 0.15, 0.47 0.09 and )0.60 0.07). This trend towards whiter sausages is a consequence of the low-haeme pigment content in hakes light muscle. This pigment associated to myoglobin is very important for the products colour as the haeme iron reacts with nitric oxide present in the curing salt (Materials and Methods section), producing nitric oxide myoglobin and, after heating, nitrosyl haemochrome, a stable pink pigment (Shahidi, 1991; Kijowski, 2001).
Effect of pork fat replacement Texture evaluation

The eect of replacing pork fat by Fibruline (7.8, % w/w) or, alternatively, by combinations of Fibruline and

extra hake mince (2.6:5.2 or 5.2:2.6, % w/w) upon the textural properties of sh sausages containing 4% (w/w) Swelite was studied (Table 8). Growing levels of Fibruline signicantly reduced (P 0.05) cohesiveness (0.52 0.01 vs. 0.44 0.02), springiness (0.79 0.02 vs. 0.69 0.01) and chewiness (16.4 1.6 N vs. 11.2 0.6 N), whereas the gel strength for sausages richest in Fibruline (7.8%) was signicantly higher (P 0.05) than for any other sausage. Furthermore, the highest Fibruline content caused a signicant elasticity decrease (P 0.05) from 55.5% 1.2% (pork fat sausage) to 51.5% 1.3%. On the contrary, low-Fibruline sausages (2.6% Fibruline and 5.2% extra hake mince) were signicantly softer (P 0.05) than the pork fat ones (41.1 2.9 N vs. 34.2 1.5 N), while their other textural properties were similar to the control sausages with pork fat. Once more, an analysis of the gel strength components showed that breaking force increase (from 2.9 0.1 N to 3.9 0.2 N) was the main cause of the gel strength variation between pork fat and highFibruline sausages. Results have shown that highFibruline sausages, albeit harder, were of poorer textural quality as they have lost elasticity, cohesiveness, springiness and chewiness with regard to the control and to the other sausages. The low-Fibruline (2.6%) sausages, albeit softer, revealed a texture prole quite similar to control product. Therefore, an extra amount of hake protein is a better substitute of pork fat. Nevertheless, Fibruline incorporation is important in order to avoid a dry mouthfeel. Trained panellists scored as acceptable the low-Fibruline sh sausages and found a mouthfeel similar to the control sausages (unpublished data). Furthermore, a comparison with typical commercial sausages (Table 9) revealed that the dierences between 2.6% (w/w) Fibruline sausages and the commercial ones, albeit signicant (P 0.05), were not very large. Moreover, experimental sausages presented a FT score and a gel strength similar or superior to the commercial product. While other authors have successfully reduced fat content with isolated muscle protein (Yang et al., 2001), this study has shown that it seems possible to produce a sh sausage without pork

Table 8 Mean textural properties of sh sausages containing 4% (w/w) Swelite and presenting various combinations of Fibruline and additional hake mince* Fibruline Additional hake Gel strength level (% w/w) mince (% w/w) Folding test (N mm) Elasticity (%) Hardness (N) Cohesiveness Gumminess (N) Springiness Chewiness (N) 0 2.6 5.2 7.8 0 5.2 2.6 0 3.0 3.3 3.0 2.3 0.0a 0.6a 0.0a 0.6a 17.2 19.9 18.5 24.4 1.8a 2.6a 0.6a 1.5b 55.5 54.4 54.9 51.5 1.2a 0.3ab 0.5ab 1.3b 41.1 34.2 37.0 38.1 2.9a 1.5b 1.4ab 3.3ab 0.52 0.51 0.47 0.44 0.01a 0.00a 0.01b 0.02c 20.7 17.9 17.3 16.2 1.5a 0.6b 0.9b 1.1b 0.79 0.78 0.73 0.69 0.02a 0.00a 0.01b 0.01c 16.4 14.0 12.7 11.2 1.6a 0.5ab 0.7bc 0.6c

Mean values within a column with different superscript letters are signicantly different (P 0.05). * Presented values correspond to mean standard deviation.

2007 The Authors. Journal compilation 2007 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2008


Low-fat sh sausage containing dietary bre C. Cardoso et al.

Table 9 Mean textural properties of sh sausages containing 4% (w/w) Swelite and 2.6% (w/w) Fibruline and of commercial sausages Sausage Experimental Commercial Folding test 3.3 0.6 3.3 0.6a

Gel strength (N mm) 19.9 2.6 14.2 4.5b


Elasticity (%) 54.4 0.3 64.1 1.0b


Hardness (N) 34.2 1.5 45.7 4.5b


Cohesiveness 0.51 0.00 0.60 0.02b


Gumminess (N) 17.9 0.6 26.7 3.0b


Springiness 0.78 0.00 0.82 0.02b


Chewiness (N) 14.0 0.5a 22.0 2.4b

Mean values within a column with different superscript letters are signicantly different (P 0.05). * Presented values correspond to mean standard deviation.

Table 10 Mean colour parameters of sh sausages containing 4% (w/w) Swelite and presenting various combinations of Fibruline and additional hake mince Fibruline level (% w/w) 0 2.6 5.2 7.8 Additional hake mince (% w/w) 0 5.2 2.6 0

a* 0.24 )0.15 )0.04 0.29 0.17a 0.04b 0.06ab 0.01a

b* 6.72 5.47 5.90 5.74 0.18a 0.02b 0.01b 0.18b

Chroma 6.72 5.47 5.90 5.75 0.19a 0.02b 0.01b 0.18b

Whiteness 78.7 75.7 77.6 75.9 0.2a 0.5b 0.3ab 1.1b

Mean values within a column with different superscript letters are signicantly different (P 0.05). Presented values correspond to mean standard deviation.

meat and pork fat texturally resembling a commercial sausage.

Colour evaluation

Regarding pork fat replacement, the colour parameters a*, b*, chroma and whiteness of sh sausages containing 4% (w/w) Swelite were also measured (Table 10). The attained results dened two groups of sausages, the pork fat ones, which were signicantly (P 0.05) more yellow given their higher b* and clearer as shown by the whiteness parameter, and the no-pork fat ones, among which there was a signicant a* increase (P 0.05) as a result of higher Fibruline content, from )0.15 0.04 to 0.29 0.01, thus making high-Fibruline (7.8%) sausages slightly red like the pork fat ones. The low-haeme pigment content in hakes light muscle and the higher amounts of hake in low-Fibruline sausages explain the observed a* tendency.

presented a greater gel strength; on the contrary, the low-Fibruline ones (in which pork fat was largely replaced by extra hake mince) were softer than pork fat sausages, but had all other textural properties similar to the control. On the whole, it was shown that it is possible to produce a texturally acceptable white sausage (in which textural properties were most similar to high-fat control) combining multiple health promoting factors, namely, higher DF intake, lower fat intake and sh nutrients, that is, a healthy low-fat sh sausage containing DF.

It was found that the addition of Swelite to pork sausage favoured better textural properties and did not alter the overall colour. On the contrary, increasing levels of pork replacement by hake reduced the sausages gel strength and hardness. However, regarding the no-pork meat sh sausage, the values obtained for these properties were deemed acceptable by a sensory panel, albeit texturally inferior. Concerning colour, growing amounts of hake produced less red sausages. Finally, sausages without pork fat presented promising textural and colour parameters high-Fibruline sausages were less cohesive and chewable than pork fat sausages (control), but also

This research was funded by QCA III MARE-FEDER Project 22-05-01-FDR-00006 Qualidade e Inovac,ao em Produtos da Pesca. Furthermore, the authors thank Catia Silva (Dipl. Eng.) (Induxtra De Suministros Portuguesa, Lda.), Ana Teresa Ribeiro (Dipl. Eng.) (Escola Superior Agraria de Santarem) and Nuno Raposo (Dipl. Eng.) (EFAL, Lda.) for their excellent technical support to the study, namely, providing the various ingredients used in the experiments.
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