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A Review On Cleaning Validation in Pharmaceutical Industry

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A.Gawai et.

al/ 1(2) 133-144 2013


Ashish Gawai,1Saurabh Lokhande,1SamadhanMagar, 1K. R. Biyani,
Anuradha College of Pharmacy, Anuradha Nagar, Chikhli, Dist-Buldana, M.S-443201, India.

Corresponding Address of Author: Dr. Ashish A. Gawai, Associate Professor, Anuradha

College of Pharmacy, Chikhli, Dist-Buldana, M.S, India. 443201.
In pharmaceutical product manufacturing, it is most important to reproduce consistently the
desired quality product. The current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) regulations recognize
that cleaning is a critical issue to ensure product quality. For maintaining the quality of the
product, the cross contamination of a drugsare playing very important role. The manufacturing of
pharmaceutical product involves series of processing steps and variousequipments use. For
processing of different product many times same equipments may be used. Product residue from
the previous batch of same or different product may be carried to the next batch of the product,
which in-turn may alter the quality of subjected product. An effective and consistent cleaning
shall be in place to provide documented evidence that the cleaning methods employed within a
facility consistently control potential carryover of product including intermediates and
impurities, cleaning agents and extraneous material into subsequent product to a level which is
below predetermined level. The validation process gives the documented evidence of the
consistent performance of cleaning process. It ensures safety, efficacy, purity and quality of the
drug product. In this article the various aspect of cleaning validation such as regulatory
requirements, cleaning validation approaches, types of contaminants, selection of cleaning
methods,determining the acceptance limits, sampling methods, analytical technique, cleaning
validation protocol and report in detail.
Keywords: Cleaning Validation, Equipment, Efficacy, Protocol.

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Cleaning and decontamination is one of the major and critical activities in pharmaceutical
operation. The four basic requirement of cGMP are Identity, Safety, Strength, Purity. The
concept of purity is directly related to the cleaning operation .The process of providing
documented evidence that the cleaning methods employed within a facility consistently controls
potential carryover of product (including intermediates and impurities), cleaning agents and
extraneousmaterial into subsequent product to a level which is below predetermined levels
.Cleaning validation is primarily used for the cleaning of process manufacturing equipment in
the pharmaceutical industries .The basic reason for having good, effective, consistent
cleaningprocedures is toprevent the contamination ofproducts made subsequently in the
sameequipment. The goal is to provide pharmaceuticalproducts of the highest quality to our
patients. Thisis the basic regulatory requirement as well as thegoal of all of those suppliers of
products andservices [4].

The objective of the cleaning validation is to verify the effectiveness of the cleaning procedure
for removal of product residues, degradation products, preservatives, excipients, and/or cleaning
agents as well as the control of potential microbial contaminants. In addition one need to ensure
there is no risk associated with cross contamination of active ingredients. Cleaning procedures
must strictly follow carefully established and validated methods [2].
It is necessary to validate cleaning procedure for the following point reasons[2]:
1) It is a customer requirement- it ensures the purity and safety of the product.
2) It is a regulatory requirement in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) product.
3) It also assures from an internal control and compliance point of view the qualityof the


The Food and Drug Administration of United State establishes the regulations and policies
relating to the pharmaceutical grade products distributed commercially in United States. These
regulations are called Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) and are classified in Title
21, Part 211 of the Code of Federal Regulation (CFR). The applicable laws at this time are

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general and somewhat vague, and are centered around 21 CFR 211.67 that states: Equipment
and utensils be cleaned, maintained and sanitized at appropriate intervals to prevent malfunctions
or contamination that would alter the safety, identity, strength, quality or purity of the drug
product [4].
According to this law each and every pharmaceutical and food industry should followthe
cleaning validation programmed to avoid malfunctioning, contamination and cross
contaminationof finished product.


Pharmaceutical product can be contaminated by variety of substances such as contaminants
associated with microbes, previous products (both active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and
excipient residues), residue of cleaning agent, airborne materials, such as dust and particulate
matter, lubricants and ancillary materials, such as disinfectant, and decomposition residue from:
Product residue breakdown occasioned by, e.g. the use of strong acids and alkalis during the
cleaning process; and
Breakdown procedures of the detergents and alkalis that may be used as part of the cleaning
Adequate cleaning procedures play an important role in preventing contamination and cross
contamination. Validation of cleaning method provides documented evidence that an approved
cleaning procedure will provide clean equipment, suitable for its indeed use4. In 1937 improper
preparation of Elixir of Sulphanilamide cause mass poisoning in United States become
responsible for death of around 100 people. This leads to broadening the existing legislation on
cleaning validation [5,6].


For minimize validation requirements following points are taken into consideration
By adopting bracketing procedure the substance are grouped.
A worst case scenario rating is used to select the worst case in each group.
Validation of worst case.

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A. Bracketing procedure
The total manufacturing process is grouped such as early step, critical step and API. Each group
of process is further grouped as per equipment usage similarities. All the processes are then
divided as per the solubility and worst case scenario rating is made. If two or more equipment
trains are used for a given manufacturing process, a choice made for the same purpose. The
combination of substance in a train can be chose based upon one or more the following
strategies, or combination of them.

Substances with the same cleaning procedure produce in the same train.
Substance with low therapeutic daily dose/ low batch size (and the opposite), produce in the
same train.
Non toxic substances produce in the same train
Substance with high solubility produce in the same train

B. Worst case rating

Solubility in subjected solvent
Maximum toxicity
Minimum therapeutic dose
Difficult to clean
Lowest limit base on therapeutic dose/toxic data, batch size, surface area etc.

Contamination is a condition in which the product contains any material that is not intended to
present and not listed in a current formulation as an ingredients.
Types of contaminations
1. Cross contamination with active ingredients.
Cross contamination with active ingredients may cause potential higher level of synergistic
interactions between pharmacologically active chemicalsand it causes unintended
pharmacological activity. So contamination of one batch of product with residue of active
ingredient of different batch or previous batch should not be tolerated if the residue is more than
that of acceptance limit.

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2. Contamination with Unintended Materials or Compounds.

Whenever inert ingredients used in drug products are generally recognized as safe or have been
shown to be safe for human consumption, the routine use, maintenance and cleaning of
equipments provide the potential contamination with such items as equipment parts, lubricants,
chemical cleaning agents and pieces of cleaning tools such as brushes and rags.
3. Microbiological Contamination.
The processing equipments is not properly maintained, clean and stored then there is a chance of
microbial growth in that equipments.


A. Clean in Place (CIP)
Clean in place is an automated system that consists of a recirculation system that uses various
tanks and return system such as return pump. Equipment cleaning is performed in place without
disassembly. A system of piping delivers the cleaning solution to the equipment and return to a
recirculation tank. Cleaning process may be done by manually or by an automated program. The
equipment utilizes spraying devices to provide coverage and physical impingement of the
cleaning solution on equipment surfaces. These systems are commonly used to clean large piece
of equipment such as manufacturing tank, filtration tank.
B. Clean out of place Method (COP)
Clean out of place, in which equipment include such item such as wash tank used to clean small
part or parts removed from large equipments. It usually has some sort of automated or program
control system. Cleaning of this equipment may also be performed in a central washing machine
or a dishwasher type cabinet. This type of cleaning is also known as closed system cleaning.
C. Manual cleaning.
The manual cleaning method is done by scrubbing/or wiping by the operator and validation of
this method is most difficult. A high quality and extensive cleaning program is required. Some
consideration of manual cleaning includes
Trained and experience working staff.
Product diversity
Risk of failure of cleaning equipments

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The Cleaning Validation should demonstrate that the procedure consistently removes residues of
the substance previously manufactured down to levels that are acceptable and that the cleaning
procedure itself does not contribute unacceptable levels of residual materials to the equipment.
The limit should be practical, achievable and justifiable.
A. Dose criteria approach
NMT 0.1% of normal therapeutic dose of any product to be appear in the maximum daily dose of
the next product.
TDD previous MBS
MAR =------------------------------------------------------
MAR : Maximum allowable residue
TTD Prev. : Standard therapeutics dose of the daily dose of the previous product
TDD Next : Standard therapeutics dose of the daily dose of the previous product
MBS : Minimum batch size of the next product
SF : Safety factor (normally 1000 is used)

B. 10 ppm Criteria
NMT 10 ppm of any product to appear in another product.

Milligrams of active ingredient RxSxU

In product A permitted per = ------------------
4 inch2 swab area T
R:10mg active ingredient of product A in one kg of product B
S: Number of kilograms per batch of finalmixture of product B
T: Equipment surface in common between product A & B expressed as square inches.
U: 4 inch2/swab.

C. Visually clean criterion

Visual Inspection
Equipments were cleaned using purified water and after cleaning, equipments were visually
checked for presence of residues.

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Acceptance Criteria for Visual Inspection

No quantity of residue should be visible on equipment after cleaning procedure. Spiking studies
of drugs have been determined using 100 mcg of drugs in which most products are visible.


For all the methods the sampling point must be fixed in a manner that the true contamination of the
equipment will be reflected. A combination of rinse sampling and swabbing is the effective method.
Sampling methods for cleaning validation are as follows are as follows,
A. Swab Sampling
This method is based on the physical removal of residue left on a piece of equipment after it has
been cleaned and dried. A swab wetted with a solvent is rubbed over a previously determined
sample surface area to remove any potential residue, and thereafter extracted into a known
volume of solvent in which the contaminant active ingredient residue is soluble. The amount of
contaminant per swab is then determined by an analytical method of adequate sensitivity.
Dissolves and physically removes sample
Adaptable to a wide variety of surfaces
Economical and widely available
May allow sampling of a defined area
Applicable to active, microbial, and cleaning agent residues.

An invasive technique that may introduce fibers
Results may be technique dependent
Swab material and design may inhibit recovery and specificity of the method
Evaluation of large, complex and hard to reach areas difficult (e.g., crevices, pipes, valves,
large vessels)

B. Rinse Sampling
This method is based on the analytical determination of a sample of the last rinsing solvent
(generally water) used in the cleaning procedure. The volume of solvent used for the last rinse
must be known to allow for the quantitative determination of the contamination. Thus, collection

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of rinse samples should consider location, timing, and volume. It is important to ensure chosen
solvent has appropriate recovery for residues being quantified. The solvent rinse occurs after
cleaning has been completed. This method is not as direct as swabbing but will cover the entire
surface area (and parts inaccessible to swabs).
Adaptable to on-line monitoring
Easy to sample
Allows sampling of a large surface area
Allows sampling of unique surfaces
Limited information about actual surface cleanliness in some cases
May lower test sensitivity
Residues may not be homogeneously distributed
Inability to detect location of residues
Rinse volume is critical to ensure accurate interpretation of results
Sampling methodology must be defined since rinse sampling method and location can
influence results
May be difficult to accurately define and control the areas sampled, therefore usually used
for rinsing an entire piece of equipment, such as a vessel
Reduced physical sampling of the surface
C. Placebo Sampling
Placebo sampling can be used to detect residues on equipment through the processing of a
placebo batch subsequent to the cleaning process. It is appropriate for active residue, cleaning
agent, particulates and microbial testing. Placebos are used primarily to demonstrate the lack of
carryover to the next product. The placebo should mimic product attributes. The equipment
characteristics also impact the choice of the placebo batch size.
Placebo contacts the same surfaces as the product
Applicable for hard-to-reach surfaces

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Requires no additional sampling steps

Difficult to determine recovery (contaminants may not be evenly distributed in the placebo)
Lowers analytical specificity and inhibits detect ability
Takes longer and adds expense since equipment must be cleaned after the placebo run
Placebos must be appropriate for each potential product
Residues may not be homogenously distributed
No direct measurement of residues on product contact surfaces
No direct measurement of residues on product contact surfaces


The analytical method should be validated. The analytical methods used must be specific
towards the residual or contaminants. The analytical methods used should have predetermined
specificity and sensitivity. If level of contamination or residue are not detected, it does not mean
that there is no residual contaminant present after cleaning, it means that the level of contaminant
greater than the sensitivity or detection limit of the analytical method are not present in the

There are many analytical techniques available but selection of appropriate tool depends on the
parameter to be measured. Analytical methods are categories into Specific and non-specific to
detect any compound. The choice of using a specific or non specific method can be difficult. If a
drug active is highly toxic, a specific method is always recommended. Chromatographic methods
are preferred for cleaning validation studies because of their sensitivity, specificity, and ability to

A. Specific method
It is a method that detects a unique compound in the presence of potential contaminants. Some
examples of specific methods are high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Ion
chromatography, Atomic absorption, Capillary electrophoresis, and other chromatographic

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B. Non-specific method
It detects any compound that produces a certain response. Some examples of non specific
methods are Total Organic Carbon (TOC), pH, Titration, and conductivity.


A validation protocol is necessary to define the specific items and activities that will constitute a
cleaning validation study. It is advisable for companies to have drawn up master validation plan
indicating the overall cleaning validation strategies for the product range/equipment type/entire
site.The protocol must be prepared prior to the initiation of the study must either include or
reference the documentation required providing the following information:
Purpose of the validation study
Scope of the validation study
Responsibilities for performing the validation study
Sampling procedure to be used
Testing method to be used
Acceptance criteria
Change control
Approval of protocol before the study


A validation report is necessary to present the results and conclusion and secure approval of the
study. The report should include the following:
Conclusion regarding the acceptability of results, and the status of the procedures being
Any recommendation based on the results relevant information obtain during the study
including revalidation practices if applicable
Approval of conclusion
Review any deviation for the protocol that occurred.
The report should conclude an appropriate level of verification subsequent to validation.
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