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Dirty-Hold Time Effect On The Cleaning

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The paper finds that increasing dirty-hold time progressively deteriorates cleaning process efficiency, though the cleaning process was still effective. The nature of the residue has a minor effect compared to hold time.

The study found that increasing the time between production completion and cleaning start (dirty-hold time) from 0 to 4 days led to progressively worse cleaning process efficiency, with higher residue levels detected. Even a delay of 2 days began to decrease efficiency.

The 'worst case' substance used to evaluate cleaning is chosen based on its complexity to clean, solubility, greatest toxicity, lowest therapeutic dose, and lowest acceptable limit. It aims to present the most challenging scenario.

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Procedia Engineering 42 (2012) 431 – 436

20th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2012

25 – 29 August 2012, Prague, Czech Republic

Dirty-hold time effect on the cleaning process efficiency

J. Patera a*, P. Zámostný, G. Štípková, Z. Bělohlav
ICT Prague, Technická 5, Prague, CZ16628, Czech Republic


The paper evaluated the efficiency of a standard cleaning procedure of the process equipment after production of anti-
hypertensive with the active component Losartan Potassium for different lengths of time between completion of
production and the start of the treatment process – so called dirty-hold time. It has been found that the cleaning
process is appropriately designed and efficient. The concentration of losartan in swabs from the equipments was in all
cases within the limits of acceptance criteria. However, the washing process was in all cases sufficiently effective to
meet the eligibility criteria, significant effect of the time of weaning of the contaminated equipment on the efficiency
of the washing process was found. At studied dirty hold time horizon (0-4 days) there was a progressive deterioration
of the efficiency of the cleaning process. It was found that the influence of the nature of the residual material on the
cleaning process has minor effect then the length of the dirty hold time. Laboratory experiments provide comparable
results for both wet and dry contamination of the surface.

© 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection under responsibility of the Congress Scientific Committee
(Petr Kluson)

Keywords: Cleaning process; dirty hold-time; wet swabs

1. Introduction

Qualification of the cleaning process is carried out using methods of a visual control of cleanliness [1],
a wet-swab sampling and analysis of controlled substances [2], an analysis of the last rinse water or final
rinse media, an analytical evaluation of subsequently produced placebo and a microbiological assay of the
last rinse water [3]. The API (active pharmaceutical ingredient), an excipient or the detergent are the

* Jan Patera Tel.: +420-22044-4300; fax:+420-22044-4340.

E-mail address:

1877-7058 © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

432 J. Patera et al. / Procedia Engineering 42 (2012) 431 – 436

controlled substances. For a single production line or the production device one product representing all
products manufactured on this line can be determined based on a method of "worst case" [4]. The criteria
for selecting the worst case are a complexity of the cleaning process, a solubility in a cleaning media, the
greatest toxicity, the lowest therapeutic dose and the lowest limit (eg from the therapeutic dose). Sampling
is usually performed after a maximum number of produced batches. Process qualifications of the washing
procedure are carried out for newly manufactured products, a new equipment, new systems CIP (Clean in
Place) and recently used detergents [1].
Typically, the washing process in the pharmaceutical plant begins immediately after the production
batch. The postponement of several days can make more efficient use of working time and lead to cost
reductions, but the residuals of the produced material, however, may become more difficult removable
after the delay [5]. Dirty-hold time is part of the cleaning validation process from the beginning, but often
overlooked [6].
The work was aimed on the cleaning process efficiency and the cleanliness of the pharmaceutical
apparatuses after the end of the production and subsequent cleaning process. Influence of the dirty-hold
time, e.g. the time interval between the end of the production period and beginning of the cleaning process
on the cleanliness of the equipment was studied.

2. Experimental

2.1. Materials and equipment

The formulation with active substance Losartan potassium has been studied. Losartan potassium is a
white crystalline powder well soluble in water and alcohols and slightly soluble in common organic
Commercial product also contains excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, mannitol, sodium salt of
croscarmellose, povidone, magnesium stearate, hypromellose 2910/5, macrogol 6000, talc, simethicone
emulsion, coating system opaspray M-1-22801. Based on the worst case method active substance
(Losartan potassium) was selected as the studied substance with the acceptance criterion of 312 Pg/dm2.
Swab was performed using cotton coil weighing from 80 to 150 mg in the tweezers wetted with 0.5 ml
of methanol. Swab material was extracted prior to use in a Soxhlet extractor with methanol for 3 hours, so
that there were no contaminants. Sampling area was 100 cm2 and the dimensions were commonly 10x10
cm. A marked area was wiped in one direction and then in another, perpendicular to the first, swab was
usually rotated. Closed sample container with the wet cotton swab was weighed on an analytical balance.
Then 1 ml of methanol-water solution (3:1 vol.) was added and treated at least 15 minutes. After an
extraction and a centrifugation the proportion of liquid is transferred to the sample vials, which are used
for HPLC analysis.
Model experiments were performed in a pharmaceutical company Zentiva a.s. on identical production
lines A and B containing the following equipments: granulator Fielder and fluid dryer Aeromatic. After
washing and drying processes, swabs from both devices were taken with a cotton swab wetted with
methanol. Total number of 11 samples, their description and location of sampling places are listed in
J. Patera et al. / Procedia Engineering 42 (2012) 431 – 436 433

Table 1. Sampling places of the taken swabs

Equipment Sampling place Sample name

Lid G1
Wall G2
Granulator Bottom near the outlet G3
Fielder Stirrer paddle G4
Rear side of the outlet G5
Area near the hopper G6
Wall S1
Cone wall S2
Fluid dryer Aeromatic
Sieve S3
Cone wall (2nd sample) S4
Sieve (2nd sample) S5

Laboratory experiments were performed on the sheets made from stainless steel (AISI 316L)
simulating surface of the pharmaceutical devices. Losartan was deposited on the sheet from the dry
granulate prepared in Zentiva a.s. by a) spraying a concentrated solution in water, b) coating from a paste.
Samples were therefore left to dry on air at room temperature. Before wet swabs being taken, the sheets
were cleaned using procedure simulating cleaning process. It consists of rinsing with water, cleaning with
commercial detergent, rinsing with water and subsequent rinsing with deionised water.
Samples analyses were carried out using HPLC Shimadzu Prominence LC20 by the method in Tab. 2.
Losartan concentrations were calculated according to performed calibration dependence. The active
substance losartan was detected at a wavelength of 254 nm. The detection limit is given by the medium-
term fluctuations of the baseline signal from the baseline noise value the detection limit of 0.1 Pg was
determined. The quantification limit was determined as triple the detection limit of 0.3 Pg.

Table 2. HPLC method parameters

Column LichroSpher RP Select B

Mobile phase CH3OH, H2O, 0.5M H3PO4 in ratio 40:10:0,5
Mobile phase flow rate 0.8 ml min 1
Thermostat column temperature 30 °C
Sample volume 20 Pl

A typical record of chromatographic analysis is shown in Fig. 1. Losartan elutes under the chosen
conditions at the time of 3.57 min and is separated from the remaining substances contained in the swabs
from the manufacturing equipment.
434 J. Patera et al. / Procedia Engineering 42 (2012) 431 – 436

254nm,4nm (1.00)











1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 min

Fig. 1. Chromatogram of G3 wet-swab analysis from production line A

3. Results and Discussion

The effect of a time interval between the end of the production period of the device and its cleaning i.e.
the dirty-hold time has been studied in 3-level case study. Samples were taken using the above mentioned
technique from equipment after standard production of one batch of the product, after the dirty-hold time
period of 0, 2 or 4 days, and subsequent standard cleaning operation. In case of 0 days dirty-hold time, the
cleaning was performed immediately after the end of production.

Table 3. Detected amount of losartan in the swabs from production lines (μg/dm2)

Production line
4 days 2 days 0 days
S1 0.8 1.1 0 0.0
S2 20.8 4.2 1.4 0.0
S3 5.0 1.0 0.6 0.0
S4 30.9 0.7 2.4 0.0
S5 4.6 2.4 0.8 0.0
G1 0.8 1.0 0.9 0.0
G2 1.3 4.3 0.5 0.0
G3 38.0 1.4 1.1 2.1
G4 8.0 2.0 5.4 0.0
G5 4.0 0.9 0.8 0.0
G6 4.5 15.7 1.8 0.0
blank 0.0 - 0.0 0.0
J. Patera et al. / Procedia Engineering 42 (2012) 431 – 436 435

Tab. 3 contains values obtained from the analyses of the swabs taken from the studied devices. The
highest values of losartan content were detected on sampling places at the bottom near the outlet of
granulator Fielder (G3) and the cone wall of Aeromatic fluid dryer (S4) at the production line A, where
the dirty-hold time was 4 days. At the production line B the highest value was found on the sampling
place: area near the hopper of granulator Fielder (G6). None of the measured values exceeded the
acceptance criterion.
For the dirty-hold time 2 days the highest values of losartan content were detected on the sampling
places on cone wall (2nd sample) of fluid dryer Aeromatic (S4), and stirrer paddle of granulator Fielder
(G4). All the detected values were about one order lower than the values at 4 days dirty-hold time and in
all cases the acceptance criterion was met. The only non-zero value of losartan content in the swabs taken
from devices immediately cleaned after production was detected on the sampling place at bottom near the
outlet of granulator Fielder (G3).
Although from the production line B only one series of samples was obtained, while from the
production line A three series of samples were obtained, it was possible for both lines to compare the
values of contamination extension on the individual sampling places, because it is the same device. As the
most critical places can be regarded the sampling places on the cone wall of Aeromatic fluid dryer and at
the bottom near the outlet of Fielder granulator, where higher concentrations of losartan were repeatedly
detected in the swabs.
Against expectations it was found that the effect of the dirty-hold time was similar both for the device,
in which wet residue of product typically remain after the hold-time (granulator) and for the device where
this is not usual (fluid dryer).
Laboratory tests with dry and wet contamination on sheets that simulate a surface of the
pharmaceutical equipment were carried out to determine the influence of the nature of contaminant. Even
if the used laboratory sheets represent only easy cleaned areas, the contamination with losartan was found
when the cleaning process was not started immediately after the deposition of the model contamination.
Values in Tab. 4 are mean from 6 samples each from the different sheet.

Table 4. Detected amount of losartan in the swabs from laboratory contaminated sheets (μg/dm2)

preparation 4 days 2 days 0 days
Solution 4.9 2.3 0.0
Dry paste 5.8 2.9 0.0

Similar to the experiments on pharmaceutical equipments, dirty-hold time on the laboratory sheet has
the influence on the cleaning process efficiency. Concentration of losartan in the wet swabs taken from
the sheets is increasing with the time delay between contamination and cleaning. Only minor differences
between two experimentally tested procedures of the deposition of losartan were observed. It was found
that cleaning the sheets coated with dry paste was less effective, but concentration of losartan found by
the analysis of the wet swab was far below the acceptance limit.

4. Conclusions

It was found that even if the washing process was in all cases sufficiently effective to meet the
eligibility criteria, the time of weaning of the contaminated equipment has significant effect on the
efficiency of the washing process. At studied dirty-hold time horizon (0-4 days) there was a progressive
436 J. Patera et al. / Procedia Engineering 42 (2012) 431 – 436

deterioration of the efficiency of a treatment. It was found that the effect of dirty-hold time is similar in
the equipments, in which typically after the withdrawal of the product remains moist (granulator) and in
facilities where this does not occur (drier). It was found that the influence of the nature of the contaminant
has minor effect then the delay between the end of the production and the cleaning process.


The financial support from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic by the
research project # MSM 604 613 73 01 is gratefully acknowledged.


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