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Assignment 1

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PROBLEM SET 1 ECE 380 Winter 2016

1. A review of complex numbers.

(a) Compute the magnitude and the phase of the following complex numbers, and write
them in polar form. Also, state which parts of the complex plane (OLHP, CLHP, ORHP,
CRHP) each number lies in.
i. 5j
ii. 3 4j
(b) Write the following complex numbers in the form + j (Cartesian form), and state
which parts of the complex plane (OLHP, CLHP, ORHP, CRHP) each number lies in.
i. 3ej 2

ii. 2ej 4
(c) Consider the complex number
Z1 Z2 Zm
s= ,
P1 P2 Pn
where Zi is a complex number with magnitude |Zi | and phase Zi , and Pi is a complex
number with magnitude |Pi | and phase Pi . Write the magnitude and phase of s in
terms of the magnitudes and phases of Z1 , Z2 , . . . , Zm , P1 , P2 , . . . , Pn .
2. Calculate the Laplace Transform of the function

0 if t < 0,
f (t) = 2t if 0 t 1,

2 if t 1.

1 2 3 4

Hint: Break up the function into a sum of two simpler (time-shifted) functions, and use
the time-shifting property. Alternatively, use integration by parts.

3. Find the Laplace transforms of the following time domain functions:

eat sin(t)
eat cos(t)
4. Consider the following Ordinary Dierential Equation:

y + 3y = u(t), y(0) = 1 ,

where u(t) is a function of time, with Laplace Transform U (s). We will solve this equation
for y(t) using Laplace Transforms.

(a) First, take the Laplace Transform of both sides of the equation to obtain an equation
in terms of Y (s), U (s) and y(0) (use the dierentiation and linearity properties of the
Laplace Transform).
(b) Now, solve for the term Y (s) in terms of y(0) and U (s).
(c) Suppose u(t) = e2t , t 0. Find the Laplace Transform of u(t) and substitute it into the
expression in part b).
(d) Find y(t) from the expression that you obtained in part c) (i.e., use partial fraction
expansion and then calculate the inverse Laplace Transform).

5. Consider the system with transfer function

H(s) = .
Assume that the initial condition is zero. Compute the response to the input u(t) = cos t
by applying the formula Y (s) = H(s)U (s), using partial fractions, and then calculating the
inverse Laplace transform.

Hint: Partial fraction expansion works even when the poles are complex. The coecients in
the expansion will also be complex (but they will appear in complex conjugates if the
poles appear in complex conjugates). After finding the coecients using the Heaviside
Coverup rule, combine the appropriate terms to obtain an expansion with purely real

6. Generate the asymptotic approximations of the Bode plot for the following systems:

(s + 1)
H(s) =
s(s2 + 2s + 100)
H(s) =
(s + 10)(s + 100)
s2 + 2s + 100
H(s) =
s(s + 1)(s + 10)
(d) For each of the systems above, generate the Bode plot using Matlab. How good is the
asymptotic approximation in each case? What is the source of the approximation error?

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