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Tutorial Sheet 1 Control Systems

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Control Systems (EE302)

Tutorial - 1

If a particular method has been specified in a question, you will only get credit if you use
that method.

Ques num. 1: Find the Laplace transform of the following functions:

(a) 2e−2t sin(2t)1(t)

(b) t2 e−2t 1(t)

(c) (1 − e−10t )1(t)

(d) e2t u(t) + e−3t 1(−t)

(e) (t sin(2t) + e−2t )1(t)

(f) (e4t sin(3t) + 2e4t sin(3t))1(t)

(g) t2 et sin(5t)1(t)

(h) t3 1(t)

Ques num. 2: Derive the Laplace transform of the following (from definition):
(a) t2 1(t)
(b) sin(ω)1(t)
(c) e−at cos(ωt)1(t)
Verify each case using MATLAB.

Ques num. 3: Use initial value theorem to get f (0+ ) and f ′ (0+ )
for F (s) = s2 −4s+9

Ques num. 4: Use final value theorem for obtaining f (∞) for F (s) given as:
2s − 7 2s + 7
(a) (b)
s(s2 + 0.1s + 4) s(s2 + 4)

Ques num. 5: Find the final values of x(t), ẋ(t) as t → ∞ for the following Laplace
transforms, X(s), given by the following.
(a) s4 +8s3 +16s2 +s

(b) s(s2 −s−2)

(c) s(s2 +4)

(4s2 +3s)
(d) (s2 +as−4)
,a ∈R
(e) s(s2 +ϵs+4)
,a ∈ R and ϵ > 0
(f) s2 (4s+3)

s2 +4s+7
(g) s2 +s+5

(h) s2 +4s+7

s2 +3s−2
(i) s(s+a)
,a ∈R
(j) s2 +3s−2
,a ∈R

Ques num. 6: Find the inverse Laplace transforms of the following transfer functions:
(a). G(s) = s(s5(s+2)
2 +6s+9)
(b). G(s) = (s2 +1)2
(c). G(s) = s s+1

Show the steps required for hand-computation and also write the code required (in the
language of your choice) to verify your computation on a computer.

Ques num. 7: Find the impulse response of the following differential equation:

d2 d d
y(t) + 6 y(t) + 2y(t) = 2 r(t) + r(t)
dt2 dt dt
(Assume zero initial conditions)

Ques num. 8: : Solve following initial value problem using Laplace transform:
ÿ − ẏ − 6y = 2; y(0) = 1, ẏ(0) = 0

Ques num. 9: An input x(t) = e−2t u(t) + δ(t − 6) is applied to an LTI system with
impulse response h(t) = u(t). Find the output y(t) using Laplace transform. Verify your
answer by computing y(t) in time domain.

Ques num. 10: Consider first order transfer function G(s) = s−p

with p < 0 and k ̸= 0.

(a) Find step response in terms of k, z, p.

(b) Show that the step response of G(s) can be written as

y(t) = y(∞) − (y(∞) − y(0+ ))ept .

(c) Show that when z > 0, there exists some t1 ∈ (0, ∞) such that y(t1 ) = 0.

Ques num. 11: Find inverse Laplace transform to get y1 (t) and y2 (t) for:
16 256
(a) Y1 (s) = (b) Y2 (s) =
(s + 4)2 (s2 + 4s + 16)2

Ques num. 12: A system with input u(t) and output y(t) is governed by the relation:
d d d2
u + u2 = y− y.
dt dt dt2
(a) Is the system linear? Give a brief reason.

(b) Is the system time-invariant? Give a brief reason.

(c) Is the system causal? Give a brief reason.

Ques num. 13: (4 marks) Determine if the following two systems are linear/nonlinear, time
invariant/time-varying, static/dynamic, causal/non-causal. Provide brief justifications for
your answer in each case.

(a) y(t) = 2tr(t) + 3r(t − 3)

(b) ẍ(t) + x(t) = r(t) and y(t) = 7x(t) + 2x(t), t ≥ 0

Ques num. 14: For the system in qn. 1(b) above, assume zero initial conditions. If possible,
design bounded inputs (i.e., ∃M ∈ R s.t. |r(t)| < M ∀t ), such that
(a) y(t) → ∞ as t → ∞
(b) y(t) → 0 as t → ∞
(c) limt→0 y(t) does not exist

Ques num. 15: Design an electrical circuit (with any components of your choice) with the
transfer function from input voltage Vi (s) to output voltage Vo (s) being
Vo (s) 5(s + 1)
Vi (s) s+2
Ques num. 16: In the circuit shown in the figure, switch K is moved from position ‘a’ to
position ‘b’ at t = 0 (a steady state existed at position ‘a’ prior to t = 0 ). Solve for
current i(t), using the Laplace transform.

Von (s)
Ques num. 17: (a) Find G(s) = Vin (s)
for the given RLC network (second figure below).

(b) Use series-parallel-based simplification rules for RLC.

(c) Write KCL/KVL in Laplace transformed variables (instead of time-domain variables)
(d) Find VI(s)
in (s)
and VI(s)
in (s)
, I is the current through the resistor where Von is measured

Ques num. 18:

(a) The switch K in fig(a) is initially closed at ‘a’ till steady state is attained. Then at t=0,
it is thrown to position ‘b’. Obtain vout (t) for t > 0 using the Laplace transform suitably.
(b) For the circuit in fig(b), obtain the transfer function VVout (s)
in (s)
(c) For the active network in fig(c), write down suitable equations in transformed variables,
using KCL at nodes 1, 2, 3 and 4. Hence, obtain VVout (s)
in (s)

Ques num. 19: For the given translational mechanical system in the figure (on next page),

(a) Use a free body diagram to obtain the differential equations in terms of x1 (t), x2 (t)
and their derivatives.
Figure 1: Figure for Q18

X2 (s)
(b) Hence, obtain the transfer function G(s) = F (s)

(c) What are the poles and zeros of G(s)?

Ques num. 20:

Consider the relevant figure for this question.
(a) Find transfer function from f1 to x2 .
(b) Find transfer function from f2 to x1 .
(c) Write units for each of ki ,fi ,xi ,di explicitly.

Ques num. 21: For the rotational mechanical system given in the figure, draw both “series”
and “parallel” analog circuits and explain using dynamical equations for the system.
Figure 2: Figure for Q20

Ques num. 22: Rotational spring/mass/(moment of)inertia/torque.

Figure 3: Figure for Q22

(a) List units of k1 , d1 , θ2 , J2 , J1 (SI units).

(b) Find transfer function from T2 to dt θ2 (rate of change of θ2 ).

Ques num. 23: Motor/rotational motion example:

Find the transfer function from armature voltage ea (t) to θL (t)(load angle).

Vout (s)
Ques num. 24: For the Op-amp circuit shown in figure below, find transfer function Vin (s)
Figure 4: Figure for Q23

Figure 5: Figure for Q24

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