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Double Benediction

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Enduring Trials in Light of Jesus Return: Double


2 Thessalonians 3:16-18

The Reverend Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III

If you have your Bibles, I'd invite you to turn with me to the second
letter to the Thessalonians, chapter 3, and we're going to be looking
at the final three verses of this letter. We've come to the end of our
study of these two letters of Paul. You remember we said that 1
Thessalonians 1 was about living life in light of Jesus return and
we've said that one of the big themes of 2 Thessalonians is enduring
trials in light of Jesus return. And at the end of this letter, as Paul is
speaking to a congregation that knew a lot about enduring trials, he
is giving them a reason for their hope and a hope for their peace. He
gives not just one but two benedictions in this short passage. And as
we read it together this morning I'd like you to be on the lookout for
three particular things.

If you look at verse 16 in the very first line you will see that Paul
pronounces a blessing. He gives a prayer of blessing that pertains to
peace. Then, if you look at the second sentence of verse 16, he
speaks of the presence of Jesus Christ. That's a second part of the
blessing that he pronounces upon the Thessalonians. And finally, if
you look down at verse 18, youll see that he concludes just like he
does the first letter to the Thessalonians with an emphasis on the
grace of Christ. So peace, presence, and grace. Be on the lookout
for those things as we read this passage together. Let's look to God
in prayer now and ask for His help and blessing.
Heavenly Father, You know what our hearts need and You know that
we need the message of this passage just as surely as the
Thessalonians did. We live in a different day and age, we live in a
different time and place, we live in very different circumstances, but
we need this message just as much as they did. Thank You for
writing it down under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Thank You for
preserving it pure in all ages so that the doctrine of Christ and of
grace has come down to us sound and entire. Now enable us, O
Lord, with hearing ears, to listen to this Word read and proclaimed
and by Your Spirit, apply it to our own hearts in the specific ways that
we need it. Grant us that we would believe it as we hear it, in Jesus'
name, amen.

Hear the Word of God in 2 Thessalonians 3, beginning in verse 16:

Now may the LORD of peace Himself give you peace at all times
and in every way. The Lord be with you all.

I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand. This is the sign of
genuineness in every letter of mine; it is the way I write. The grace of
our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

Amen, and thus ends this reading of God's holy, inspired, and
inerrant Word. May He write its eternal truth upon all our hearts.

You need comfort to live the Christian life because the Christian life
is not trouble free. Yes, when we are saved very often we are
profoundly aware of the blessings that are ours in Christ Jesus, we
may be profoundly encouraged by the sense of being unburdened
from our sins and being freely forgiven by the blood of the Savior,
having to do nothing in order to come out from under the just
condemnation of God, but knowing that Christ has borne that for us
and we are free from condemnation. That may bring with it a
fantastic sense of relief, of joy, of gratitude, and energy, and yet there
are still troubles to face in the Christian life, there are still trials to go
through in the Christian life, and so you need comfort to live the
Christian life.

I was looking out this morning as you sang and looking at some of
the faces of members of the congregation who've been so kind to let
me know certain parts of your lives. And I was thinking, seeing some
old friends who are here with us today, how happy this week is just to
see them, for them to be with family members during Thanksgiving
season, I was looking at some old friends who have gone through
some very hard things in this last year, I was looking at some friends
who the Lord has blessed this year but oh, there were years in times
past where there were very difficult trials to walk through. You need
comfort to live the Christian life. The doctrine that the choir was
singing this morning, that He who watches over Israel slumbers not
nor sleeps, the doctrine of God's providence over His people, is one
of those doctrines given to us in the Bible to comfort us. Or you think
about what Jesus said to His disciples on the night that He was
betrayed in John 14 to 16. You remember how He said to them, Let
not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me?
What was Jesus saying? He was saying, Your comfort is going to
come from what is true about God and from your believing what is
true about God. And your comfort is going to come from what is true
about Me and in your believing what is true about Me. And the Bible
is filled with these things. Have you ever thought of it? It's filled with
truth that is designed to comfort us in the living of the Christian life.
Well the passage that we're studying today is a passage that is filled
with truth that is designed to comfort you in the living of the Christian
life. And I'd like to look at three things that Paul says in this double
blessing. I want you to see what he says about peace in verse 16 in
that first sentence, what he says about the presence of Christ in
verse 16 in that second sentence, and then I'd like you to see what
he says about grace in verse 18.


First, Paul says this. As he pronounces this benediction, as he prays

what some scholars call a wish prayer, he says this. Now may the
Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way.
Now actually there's a three-point sermon just in that sentence. You
know, you could focus on the Lord of peace Himself, then you could
focus on give you peace, and then you could focus on at all times
and in every way and there's your three-point sermon outline.
Sunday school teachers, have at it! But what's Paul saying here?
Paul is saying only the Lord of peace can give you real peace. Only
the Lord of peace can give you real peace, and He is able to give it
to you at all times, in all ways, in all places, and in all circumstances.
Again, as I was looking out this morning, I thought as I looked at your
faces of many of you who have faced, recently and in the past,
circumstances that were anything but peace inducing. There was
nothing about those circumstances that would have induced peace.
So where are you going to get peace when youre in those
circumstances? Not from the circumstances! And here's Paul saying
to the Thessalonians, May the Lord of peace Himself give you
peace. Isn't it kind of Paul?
You see, this congregation was facing trials and they were facing
trials from the outside and from the inside. From the outside, they
were facing pressure and even persecution and that persecution
would increase. Some of these Christians who would receive Paul's
letter would be martyred. That's a lot of pressure; that's a big trial. It's
a big trial for the person who goes through it; it's a big trial for the
person who loved those who are going through it. And so he says,
Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace, in all times, in
all ways, in all places, in all circumstances, because he knew they
were going to go through trials. But he also knew that there were
troubles within this congregation. Remember, one of the themes that
we focused on especially in chapter 3 but we saw it all the way back
in 1 Thessalonians was, there was a problem with well, there's not
a nice way of saying it there were some fanatics in this
congregation. There were some people who had decided that Jesus
was coming back and he was coming back really, really soon and
therefore they were going to quit work but you were going to feed
them, while they looked down their noses spiritually at you for not
being as spiritual as they were for quitting work.

Not long after my wife, Anne, was converted in college, she got to
know a strong group of Christian folks in university and she was
encouraged in fellowship with them and studied the Bible with them
and went to church with them, but after a while, some of them
decided that, Well, Jesus was a carpenter, so maybe we should
drop out of college and be a carpenter. And my young Christian - I
didn't know Anne then, but now my wife - my young Christian now
wife, Anne, looked at them and she thought, You are nuts! I am
signing up for foreign study and I'm getting as far away from you as I
possibly can! And that happens in a local congregation where you
have people acting just a little bit on the edge. It doesn't foster unity;
it actually fostered division. And this congregation had gotten divided
within itself and so Paul says to them, You need peace, not just
because of what is happening on the outside. You need peace
because of what's happening in this congregation.

Remember for Paul, unity is one of the signs that the Gospel is true.
Paul loved the fact that Jews and Gentiles who, in that day and age,
had very little to do with one another and very little to say nice about
one another, would come together in one local congregation around
the Messiah, Jesus, and they would be brothers and sisters. And
Paul said, You see, that unity shows that the Gospel is true. And so
division was a big deal for Paul theologically, because division
undermines not only your own comfort, it undermines your Gospel
witness. And so Paul wants this congregation to be comforted. And
so what does he say? Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you
peace, at all times and in every way.

And who's he talking about? If you look back in 1 Thessalonians

5:23, his benediction there says, Now may the God of peace. Now
that's how Paul usually refers to God the Father, but here he doesn't
say that. He says, The Lord of peace Himself. And usually when
Paul uses that term, Lord, he's talking about Jesus. And so he is
saying, May Jesus, who is the Lord of peace, give you the peace
that only He can give. You think of it. In the Old Testament, the
prophet in Isaiah 9:6 calls the Wonderful Counselor who is coming
what does he call him? The Prince of Peace! And here's Paul
calling Jesus, the Lord of peace, or as is said about Him later in the
New Testament, He Himself is our peace. And Paul says, May that
Lord of peace, who in His death on the cross, accomplish all that
was necessary so that you could have peace, give you peace. And
of course, peace doesn't just mean a cessation of warfare here. It
means total well-being because youre no longer an enemy of God.
Youre no longer under just condemnation for your sin. You've not
only been made a friend of God, you've been made a child of God by
grace. You've been forgiven of your sins. There is no longer any
condemnation in Christ Jesus. And so youre not longer estranged
from God and youre no longer estranged from others in Christ. But
Jew and Greek and slave and free and male and female are all one.
Brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. And so our total well-being has
been provided for in Jesus Christ.

That's why Horatio Spafford, when hed lost his children, could still
write, When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like
sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, it is
well, it is well, with my soul. Why? Not because of Horatio Spafford's
circumstances, but because the Lord of peace Himself had given
him peace. And that's what Paul is pronouncing on the
Thessalonians and you know what? We need it just as much as they
did. We need that kind of peace because there are things that youre
facing, right now today, that are anything but peace inducing. Where
are you going to find comfort? Where are you going to find peace?
By the peace that's given to you by the Lord of peace. That's the first
thing that Paul says.


The second thing that I want you to see is this, though. He speaks to
us of the presence of Christ. Think about it this way. The peace of
the Christian is only possible because of the presence of Christ, and
the peace of the Christian is the presence of our Lord. The peace of
the Christian is only possible because of the presence of Christ and
the peace of the Christian is the presence of the Lord. Notice what
Paul says here in verse 16. The Lord be with you. Isn't that a
beautiful blessing? The Lord be with you. You can hear Jesus
words from John and from Matthew I am with you always. You
can hear Jesus saying, I will never leave you or forsake you. You
can hear the Lord saying in Psalm 23, Though you walk through the
valley of the shadow of death, I am with you. Paul is pronouncing
the blessing of the presence of Jesus with you and we need that.

As I was preparing for the wedding last night I came across a

wonderful paragraph in which some words of the 20th century author,
Frederick Buechner, were quoted. And I quoted a line or two of them.
I want to share with you something larger from that paragraph this
morning. He's talking about the blessings that the Lord gives His
people and yet at the same time the trials that His people go
through. And he says something like this. Jesus says to you, Here
is your life. You might never have been, but in my goodness, I
brought you into existence and into this world. Here is the world.
Beautiful and terrible things will happen, but do not be afraid, I am
with you. Nothing can ever separate us. I am next to you. I am for
you. I love you. Buechner's almost paraphrasing Romans 8, isn't he,
with a little bit of John 14 to 16 thrown in? And that's what it is. What
we need in the darkest places of life is to know that we're not alone
in them but that the Lord is with us.

You know one of the saddest verses in all of the New Testament is
found in 2 Timothy. Would you turn with me there? 2 Timothy 4verse
16. I remember I was getting ready to preach on this passage, the
larger passage in 2 Timothy 4, and I was talking with Sinclair
Ferguson about the message before I preached it. And I was
commenting about how deeply affected I had been by reading2
Timothy 4:16 and he said to me, You know, I have always thought
that was one of the saddest verses in the Bible, and it was one of the
wrongest things that has ever happened in Christian history. Paul
tells us this. At my first defense, no one came to stand by me, but all
deserted me. That really is astonishing. Ever since Paul's arrest in
Judea, his whole goal in the Christian life had been to be taken all
the way to the high court in Rome, just a few blocks from the
emperor's palace and testify to the grace of Christ in the Gospel in
the court of Caesar. And when the day finally comes for Paul to be
able to give that testimony, do you know how many Christians were
with him? None. No friends, no family, no fellow Christians, no fellow
ministers. Paul was absolutely alone; but no he wasn't. What's the
very next thing that Paul says in that verse? But the Lord stood by
me. Some of you in this room know what that is like. You know what
it is to be left alone but for the Lord to stand beside you. And Paul's
saying to the Thessalonians and he's saying to you, Here's the
blessing that I'm praying for you and I'm pronouncing on you the
Lord be with you.


But he's not done. If you look down in verse 18 he has one more
blessing. And apparently he writes this with his own hand. He takes
the stylus from the hand of the amanuensis; he had been using
someone to copy the letter. He had dictated the letter, apparently,
and then someone with neat handwriting had been writing out the
letter, but now Paul takes that stylus out and dips it in the ink and
begins to write with his own hand. And you see what he says in
verse 17. I'm writing with my own hand so that youll know that this
letter is genuine. It really comes from Paul. This is how I write. Youll
be able to notice my handwriting. And even as I read Paul's words I
had flashbacks which had a combination of chills and comfort when I
remembered the scrawl of my PhD supervisor. And sometimes when
I saw his writing my stomach was in a knot, and sometimes when I
saw his writing I was comforted, but it was a very unique style of
writing. And anytime I received a note from David I knew who it was
from because nobody wrote like David Wright!

Well here's Paul saying, This is how I write. And then apparently in
his own hand he scrawls out the words, The grace of our Lord
Jesus Christ be with you all. How appropriate. Paul had no doubt
pronounced that benediction on them verbally; no doubt they had
heard that many times from Paul's lips. Now theyre reading it in
Paul's own handwriting. Wouldn't you love to see it in Paul's
handwriting? Wouldn't you love to see Paul write those words in his
own hand? But God has preserved his words and Paul, even as he's
pronouncing it on the Thessalonians, he's pronouncing it on you.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. What's Paul
saying there? He's saying this. There can be no peace without
God's grace. There can be no peace without God's grace. Just as
there can be no peace, no real peace unless it's given by the Lord of
peace, and just as the presence of the Lord of peace is the
Christian's peace, there can be no peace apart from God's grace.

Now let's be very clear. What do we mean by grace? Grace is a

beautiful word and we love to say it and it's often on our lips but what
do we mean by grace? I mean this. Grace is God's forgiving favor.
He forgives you as favor, as gift. Not because you deserve it, not
because you have earned it, but He forgives you freely. That's grace.
But we could say more. Grace is God's forgiving favor poured out on
us, though we are undeserving, in the extravagantly expensive gift of
His Son, His own Son, who died in our place that we might be
forgiven, freed, and finally alive. Now what do we mean by that? By
God's grace, through the work of His Son on the cross, we are
forgiven. God does not punish us as we deserve to be punished
because Jesus has received our condemnation in our place and we
are forgiven and we're free. Were finally set free from the bondage
of sin to be who God made us to be in the first place. When God
created us He made us to be His very image. And in His grace,
through Jesus Christ, He sets us free. So for the first time, we take
this deep draft in our nostrils and we feel the air of freedom for which
we were created. We are finally able to be who God made us to be
and we're alive.

The world has told us, If you want to be alive, you have to do what
you want to do. You have to put yourself first. You have to put self
number one. You have to do what you want to do. Forget what God
wants you to do; forget what others want you to do. Do what you
want to do. That's real life. And of course Satan's been giving that
line for thousands of years and it never works. And it ends up being
bondage. But now, through the grace of God, we're finally alive. The
irony is, you get to be finally alive by dying first. You die to yourself,
you see your sin, you know what you deserve, you die with Christ,
and then youre raised to newness of life with Him and youre finally
alive. And it all happens because of God's grace. And Paul's saying
all of that grace, all of that grace is through Jesus Christ, so the
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
But don't miss the alls of this passage. Have you noticed how many
alls there are in this passage? Look back at verse 16. Give you
peace at all times and in all places. Look again at verse 16. The
Lord be with you all. Look at verse 18. The grace of our Lord Jesus
Christ be with you all. This is the apostle Paul's doctrine of no
Christian left behind. He knows there are some folks that are on the
edge in that congregation but he wants them all to know this peace
and he wants them all to know Christ's presence and he wants them
all to receive Christ's grace. And I want you all to know those things.
And the only way you can know those things is by faith. You know, to
be comforted in this life you need a peace that only God can give.
But here's the irony. There are a lot of us who know about that peace
but who don't experience it. And have you ever asked yourself,
Why? How is it that a person could know the peace that God
promises in the Bible and not experience it? It's because to
experience that peace you must have faith. You have to receive the
promise of peace by the response of faith. You have to believe. And
you see, even believing in that promise of peace is a gift. So it's my
prayer that all of you will receive the gift of peace by receiving the gift
of believing in the promise of peace that God has pronounced upon

Let's pray.

Heavenly Father, by the work of Your Spirit, it is my ardent desire that

You would open up the hearts of this people and You would give
them the gift of faith to believe on Christ so that they might receive
the promise of peace from the One who swears by His own blood
that He will never leave them or forsake them and who has told them
that though in this world they have tribulation, that in Him they may
have peace. I ask this in Jesus' name, amen.

Now let's sing ourselves into belief using number 691, It Is Well With
My Soul.

Receive now God's benediction.

Now may the Lord of peace Himself, give you peace at all times and
in every way. The Lord be with you all. The grace of our Lord Jesus
Christ be with you all. Amen.

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