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2 + 1 Dimensional Gravity As An Exactly Soluble System PDF

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The paper discusses how 2+1 dimensional gravity can be exactly solved at the classical and quantum levels by disentangling the Hamiltonian constraint equations. It is closely related to Yang-Mills theory with a Chern-Simons action, which defines a soluble quantum field theory.

The main topic discussed in the paper is 2+1 dimensional gravity and how it can be formulated as an exactly soluble system both classically and quantum mechanically.

The author defines classical phase space as the space of all solutions of the classical equations, modulo gauge transformations. This represents the space of classical solutions determined by initial conditions that obey the appropriate constraint equations.

Nuclear Physics B311 (1988/89) 46-78

North-Holland, Amsterdam


Edward WITTEN*
School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, Olden Lane, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA

Received 24 August 1988

(Revised 15 September 1988)

By disentangling the hamiltonian constraint equations, 2 + 1 dimensional gravity (with or

without a cosmological constant) is shown to be exactly soluble at the classical and quantum
levels. Indeed, it is closely related to Yang-Mills theory with purely the Chern-Simons action,
which recently has turned out to define a soluble quantum field theory. 2 + 1 dimensional gravity
has a straightforward renormalizable perturbation expansion, with vanishing beta function. 2 + 1
dimensional quantum gravity may provide a testing ground for understanding the role of classical
singularities in quantum mechanics, may be related to the discrete series of Virasoro representa-
tions in 1 + 1 dimensions, and may be a useful tool in studying three-dimensional geometry.

1. Introduction

T h e r e are two bits of s t a n d a r d folklore a b o u t general relativity in 2 + 1 d i m e n -

sions*. O n e piece of folklore holds that this system is " t r i v i a l " , on the g r o u n d s that
t h e r e are n o gravitational waves in this low dimension. ( " N o n t r i v i a l i t y " can be
a c h i e v e d b y i n c l u d i n g m a t t e r fields, b u t we will not d o that in this paper.) The o t h e r
b i t o f folklore h o l d s that general relativity is inconsistent in 2 + 1 dimensions, since
it is s u p p o s e d l y unrenormalizable.
Clearly, there is a certain a m o u n t of tension b e t w e e n these two pieces of folklore.
It is s u r p r i s i n g to be told that a " t r i v i a l " system suffers from i n t r a c t a b l e infinities.
A c t u a l l y , if we p r o b e a tittle bit deeper, there is a very definite c o n t r a d i c t i o n
b e t w e e n the c l a i m that general relativity is trivial in 2 + 1 d i m e n s i o n s a n d the claim
t h a t it is u n r e n o r m a l i z a b l e . T h e c o n t r a d i c t i o n a p p e a r s if we c o n t e m p l a t e the
m e a n i n g of " q u a n t i z a t i o n " . W h a t it m e a n s to quantize a theory is to construct the
classical p h a s e space, define Poisson brackets on this space, a n d then i n t e r p r e t the
f u n c t i o n s o n p h a s e space as q u a n t u m m e c h a n i c a l operators. W h e n one says that
g e n e r a l relativity is " t r i v i a l " in 2 + 1 d i m e n s i o n s one m e a n s that the classical phase
spaces t h a t arise with r e a s o n a b l e b o u n d a r y c o n d i t i o n s are finite d i m e n s i o n a l (as
o p p o s e d to i n f i n i t e - d i m e n s i o n a l p h a s e spaces which are said to be " n o n - t r i v i a l " ) .

*Research supported in part by NSF grant nos. 86-16129, 86-20266.

* For various investigations of this problem from different viewpoints, see refs. [1-8].

0550-3213/88/$03.50Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

(North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)
E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity 47

We cannot possibly run into problems of unrenormalizability in trying to quantize a

finite-dimensional phase space. Depending on its topology, a finite-dimensional
phase space might be unquantizable, but this is not the kind of problem that is
envisaged by the bit of folklore which says that 2 + 1 dimensional gravity does not
make sense.
To make these considerations a little bit more precise, let us analyze the possible
phase spaces (depending on boundary conditions) in 2 + 1 dimensional gravity.
First of all, what is "classical phase space"? Phase space is often defined as the
space of all values of qi and (li (the positions and momenta) at time zero, subject to
possible constraint equations in the case of a gauge theory. This definition is not
manifestly covariant and may, in general, lead to a lengthy analysis of constraint
e q u a t i o n s - though in sect. 2 we will see that the constraints can be neatly
untangled in the case of 2 + 1 dimensional gravity. There is another definition of
classical phase space that is manifestly covariant: classical phase space is the space
of all solutions of the classical equations, modulo gauge transformations. In fact the
role of specifying the coordinates and momenta at time zero is precisely that these
initial conditions determine a classical s o l u t i o n - provided that the appropriate
constraint equations are obeyed and modulo gauge transformations. Let us apply
the principle that "phase space is the space of classical solutions"* to 2 + 1
dimensional gravity. The field equations (in the absence of a cosmological constant)
assert the vanishing of the Ricci tensor, Rij = 0, and in 2 + 1 dimensions this
implies that space-time is flat. Thus, we are interested in flat space-times. To fix
ideas, we further suppose that "space" is a Riemann surface 2~, of genus g; then
"space-time" will be M = 2f R 1, where R 1 represents "time". We will look for flat
metrics on M, but not necessarily for complete metrics. Part of the interest of the
problem is precisely that the space-times that will arise upon solving the classical
equations contain initial and final singularities; the implications, if any, of these
singularities in the quantum theory are of much interest.
For illustrative purposes, I would like to give some concrete examples of flat
space-times with initial singularities. Let ~ be a compact smooth two-dimensional
surface of genus g, with no a priori complex structure assumed. It has a fundamen-
tal group F = ~rl(Z ). Let H be the complex upper half plane, with its natural metric
of constant negative curvature. The group SL(2, R) acts on H, preserving this metric.
Let F' be a subgroup of SL(2, R), isomorphic to F and acting discretely on H. Then
H / F ' is a Riemann surface of genus g, with a constant curvature metric (inherited
from H) which gives it a complex structure.
Now, let X be 2 + 1 dimensional Minkowski space, with coordinates t, x, and y
and metric ( d s ) 2 = - ( d t ) 2 + (dx)2 + ( d y ) 2. Let X + be the interior of the future
light cone, that is, the points of t > 0 and t 2 - x 2 _ y 2 > 0. Let X - be the interior of

* F o r the use of this principle to construct the canonical formalism in a manifestly covariant way, see
refs. [8, 9].
48 E. Witten / 2 + I dimensional gravity

the past fight cone, consisting of points of t < 0 and t2 _ x2 _ y 2 > 0. The 2 + 1
dimensional Lorentz group is SO(2,1); the 2 + 1 dimenisonal Poincar4 group is
ISO(2,1) (the ' T ' means that we are including the translations). A happy fact is that
SO(2, 1) and SL(2, R) are equivalent. Moreover, the hypersurface H ' in X +, defined
t 2 _ X 2 _ y 2 = 1, (1.1)

(and t > 0) is isomorphic with H. Thus, we can regard the group F ' as a subgroup of
SO(2,1) acting on H'; the quotient H'/F' is a Riemann surface of genus g. Now, to
get a flat space-time, we consider F ' to act not just on H ' but on the whole future
light cone X +. The quotient Y +-- X +/F' is flat, since X + is flat and F ' preserves
the metric of X. If we regard the hypersurfaces

t2-- x2-- y2='r 2 , (1.2)

as surfaces of "equal time", with r playing the role of "time", then the equal time
slices of this flat space-time are Riemann surfaces of genus g. Eq. (1.2) describes an
expanding universe, expanding from an initial singularity at r = 0. Likewise, simply
by considering X - / F ' instead of X +/F', we can obtain flat space-times with a final
singularity. These space-time models depend on the 6 g - 6 real moduli of a
Riemann surface of genus g (which enter in the choice of F').
Are these all of the flat space-times in which "space" is of genus g? Certainly not.

The problem can be analyzed as follows. Let M be a flat space-time and let M be its
simply connected universal cover. Being flat and simply connected, 1~I is automati-
cally isometric to Minkowski space, X, or perhaps to a subspace thereof. Let 3' be a
noncontractible loop in M; such a loop is a map of a circle into M such that
y ( o + 2rr) -- "/(o). If such a loop is lifted up to lVl c X, it does not close; it will only
close modulo an isometry, that is, an element of ISO(2,1). Let us denote the element
of ISO(2,1) associated in this way to a loop 3' in M as ~(3'). It is easy to see that the
m a p y ~ qffy) must be a homomorphism. Thus, flat structures on a given manifold
M give homomorphisms of %(M) into ISO(2,1). Conversely, given a homomor-
phism of ~rl(M ) into ISO(2,1), the image of %(M) is a subgroup F of ISO(2,1), and
from this data we can reconstruct a flat three manifold, namely X/F, X being, as
before, three-dimensional Minkowski space.
In our case, with M = 2; R 1, since R 1 is contractible, %(M) reduces to %(2;).
Thus, flat structures on 2; x R1 correspond more or less to homomorphisms of % ( ~ )
into ISO(2,1). I say " m o r e or less" because given a homomorphism, the space-time
that one would reconstruct from it may have very nasty singularities. We have
already given examples with initial and final singularities. Because of a rather
non-trivial theorem that will be discussed in subsect. 3.1, certain even worse
ailments, such as totally collapsed handles on the Riemann surface 2;, will not arise.
(An interesting example of an exotic type of singularity which one might expect to
E. Witten / 2 + i dimensional gravity 49

run into when the vierbein and spin connection are independent variables is that
discussed in ref. [10]. We will see later that this is one type of singularity that we will
definitely have to allow.) Much of the interest in trying to quantize 2 + 1 dimen-
sional gravity is precisely the question of what class of objects should be considered
in defining the "space of all classical solutions". In sect. 2, we will follow a simple
canonical analysis which will lead us to consider the moduli space of all homornor-
phisms of ~ri(~7) into ISO(2,1).
How many parameters are required to specify a homomorphism of rrl(S ) (with
a Riemann surface of genus > 1) into ISO(2,1), or more generally, into any Lie
group G? This question may easily be answered as follows. The fundamental group
7rl(~ ) is naturally described with 2g generators (the a and b cycles) and one
relation. A homomorphism ~ri(2~) ~ G can be described by giving 2g elements of G,
one for each generator, obeying one relation. In addition, we must identify two
homomorphisms if they differ by conjugation by an element of the group. This
enables us, as far as counting parameters is concerned, to remove another element
of G from the description of the hornomorphism. Thus, the dimension of the moduli
space is 2g - 2 times the dimension of G.
Various choices of G are of interest. The moduli space of homomorphisms of
~rl(~ ) to G, for G = SL(2, R), is closely related to the moduli space of complex
structures that can be put on 2~*. For G = ISO(2,1) it is closely related to the space
of flat structures on ~ x R1. These are the two examples that we have discussed
above. If we include a cosmological constant in general relativity, then Minkowski
space is replaced by de Sitter space or anti-de Sitter space, and ISO(2,1) is replaced
by SO(3,1) or SO(2,2). The homomorphisms of ~rl(S) into one of these groups
correspond more or less to the solutions of Einstein's equations with a cosmological
constant of appropriate sign. If we replace the usual Einstein-Hilbert action of
three-dimensional gravity with a pure Chern-Simons action, which is conformally
invariant, then the symmetry ISO(2,1) of Minkowski space is enlarged to the
conformal group SO(3,2). Homomorphisms of ~ri(S ) into this group correspond
more or less to conformally flat structures on 2 x R 1.
In the case of ISO(2,1), since this group is six dimensional, the space of flat
structures on 2 X R 1 has dimension 1 2 g - 12, exactly double the dimension of the
family that we found in the discussion surrounding eq. (1.2). The discrepancy
obviously came from considering only the Lorentz transformations and not the
translation generators in ISO(2,1).
Even if there were no singularities to raise perplexing questions of principle about
what we mean by "the space of classical solutions", it would not be satisfying to
construct this space, formulate quantum mechanics on it, and dogmatically declare

* This is so because if we regard X as H/F', then a noncontractible loop on ,Y lifts on F' to a loop that
closes only modulo an SL(2, R) transformation. The moduli space of homomorphisms to SL(2, R)
will be further discussed in subsect. 3.1
50 E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity

this to be the solution of 2 + 1 dimensional gravity. One would like a field-theoretic

analysis that naturally leads to the alleged quantum theory. Without basing our
understanding of 2; x R1 on such a field-theoretic analysis, any understanding we
might achieve of it would be purely isolated, unrelated to the study of other
quantum field theories or to the study of the same theory on more elaborate three
manifolds. So the bulk of this paper is devoted to a systematic field-theoretic
analysis of quantum gravity on ~ x R1, the key insight being that the constraints of
the canonical formalism* can be neatly untangled by making an equivalence of
2 + 1 dimensional gravity with a suitable gauge theory. This gauge theory is like an
ordinary Yang-Mills theory except that instead of the ordinary Yang-Mills interac-
tion one has purely the Chern-Simons interaction. The vierbein formalism of
general relativity makes general relativity temptingly similar to a gauge theory, and
over the years many physicists have attempted to exploit this in different ways, e.g.
refs. [14,15]. Nevertheless, in four dimensions, gravity and gauge theory are defi-
nitely not equivalent. The surprise in the present paper is that we will find a precise
equivalence of gravity and gauge theory in three dimeions. Our results can probably
be regarded as a three-dimensional analog of recent proposals by Ashtekar for 3 + 1
dimensional gravity [16]; in this work, an attempt has been made to give a gauge
theory interpretation to the hamiltonian constraint equations of 3 + 1 dimensional
gravity. In related work, it has been proposed recently that 3 + 1 dimensional
gravity is related to knot theory [17]. What the future of this proposal will be in
3 + 1 dimensions remains to be seen. But if the relation that we will allege between
gravity and Chern-Simons gauge theory is valid at the quantum level, then there is
a close relationship between gravity and knot theory at least in 2 + 1 dimensions,
since Chern-Simons gauge theory in that dimension is intimately connected with
knot theory [18].
In sect. 2, we will discuss the canonical formalism of 2 + 1 dimensional gravity at
the classical level. In sect. 3, we consider quantization. Finally, in sect. 4, we discuss
some additional topics, including some aspects of the motivation for this work that
we have not touched on yet.
The canonical formalism of I + 1 dimensional and 2 + 1 dimensional gravity have
been previously discussed in ref. [5]. In addition, after writing this paper, I learned
of some earlier papers [6,8] in which 2 + 1 dimensional gravity is discussed
somewhat along the lines of the above comments. We will try to extend their
discussion in several ways, most crucially by showing how to actually solve the
hamiltonian constraints of 2 + 1 dimensional gravity and put the subject in a
standard field-theoretic framework. This framework could be used, in principle, on
an arbitrary three manifold though we will consider only three manifolds of the
form ~ x R x in this paper. Also, our viewpoint leads, as we will see at the end of
sect. 3, to a straightforward renormalizable perturbation expansion for 2 + 1 dimen-

* For the foundations of the canonical formalism of general relativity, see refs. [11-13].
E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity 51

sional q u a n t u m gravity. I also learned after writing this paper of new geometrical
results [19] about the locally homogeneous lorentzian space-times that we will be

2. Relation to the Chern-Simons action

We begin with general relativity on a space-time manifold M, of dimension d,

which is to have lorentzian signature. We will denote tangent-space indices as i, j, k
and " L o r e n t z " indices as a, b, c. It is convenient to describe general relativity in
terms of a vierbein eia and a spin connection ~ab. Geometrically, these have the
following interpretation.
The smooth manifold M comes naturally with its tangent bundle T. We
also introduce an abstract d-dimensional vector bundle V, with structure group
S O ( d - 1,1). (Saying that V has structure group S O ( d - 1,1) is the same as saying
that it is endowed with a metric, which we write as */ab, of signature ( - + + ... +),
and a volume form which we write % ...... .) We suppose that V has the same
topological type as T so that isomorphisms between V and T exist. However, there is
no natural choice of an isomorphism. A vierbein e is a choice of isomorphism
between T and V. It may also be regarded as a V-valued one form, obeying a certain
condition of invertibility. The spin connection ~ can be regarded as an SO(d - 1,1)
valued connection on V. The isomorphism e and the connection ~ can be regarded
as the dynamical variables of general relativity.
The curvature tensor is defined as
a a a a

R i j b= Oiraj b-- 3jO)i b "~- [~Oi, ~j] b' (2.1)

or simply as R = da~ + oa/x o~. It can be regarded as a two form with values in Ae V.
( / k k V will denote the k t h antisymmetric tensor power (exterior power) of V.)
Let us consider, or instance, the case of d = 4, which is the physical case at least
macroscopically. The Einstein-Hilbert action can be written

[" ijkl
1 [
a br. c'd~
). (2.2)

This formula m a y be interpreted as follows. The expression e/x e/x R is a four form
on M with values in V V A2 V, which maps to A4 V. But since V, with structure
group SO(3,1), has a natural volume form, a section of A4V may be canonically
regarded as a function. Thus, there is an invariantly defined integral f e / x e/x R,
and this is what is written in eq. (2.2).
T o verify that eq. (2.2) is indeed the appropriate action for the Einstein theory of
gravity, one proceeds as follows. The metric 7/ab on V, together with the isomor-
phism e ia between T and V, give a metric gij = eia ej b 7lab o n T ; t h i s is the same as an
52 E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity

ordinary metric on the manifold M. The connection o~, having structure group
S O ( d - 1,1), is metric compatible. Varying eq. (2.2) with respect to the connection
one learns that
D,e 7 - Dje~ = 0, (2.3)

where D~ is the covariant derivative with respect to the connection 0. Eq. (2.3)
precisely says that the metric compatible connection ~0 is also torsion free. These
conditions uniquely identify ~0 as the riemannian or Levi-Civita connection associ-
ated with the metric g~j on M. Finally, varying eq. (2.2) with respect to e we learn

ek,~ = Rikab = 0 (2.4)

(here eka i s the inverse matrix of e). This is equivalent to vanishing of the Ricci
tensor Rij = ejbek a Rikab . So eq. (2.4) is tantamount to the Einstein equations in
Actually, there is a key limitation in the above argument. We assumed that the
vierbein ei a is invertible, so that the inverse matrix exists. This is related to the fact
that in general relativity, the metric tensor gij = e~a ej b ~l,~b is supposed to be
non-degenerate. In fact, since the definition of the Riemann curvature tensor uses
the inverse of ggj, a configuration in which ei~ is not everywhere invertible must be
regarded as a singularity in classical general relativity. This is precisely the type of
singularity studied in ref. [10] (for the same reason - singularities of this type are
very natural when the vierbein and connection are regarded as independent vari-
ables). Permitting ei a t o not be invertible may seem like a minor change, since the
invertible e~~ 's are in any case dense in the space of all possible e~a. However, if one
attempted to project eq. (2.2) onto a subspace of invertible eia's, it would ruin the
following discussion at crucial stages. We will see at the end of sect. 3 that in a sense
the attempt to make such a projection is what leads to the alleged unrenormalizabil-
ity of 2 + 1 dimensional gravity. So the only definite statement we will make in this
paper about the role of singularities in quantum gravity is that from the point of
view that we will develop, the type of "singularity" related to a non-invertible
vierbein must be permitted to make sense of the quantum theory, at least in 2 + 1


In the last twenty years, many physicists have wished to combine together the
vierbein ei~ and the spin connection ~i~b into a gauge field of the group ISO(d - 1,1).
The idea is that the spin connection would be the gauge field for Lorentz transfor-
mations, and the vierbein would be the gauge field for translations. One then tries to
claim that "general relativity is a gauge theory of ISO(d - 1,1)'. However, there has
E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional grauity 53
always been something contrived about attempts to interpret general relativity as a
gauge theory in that narrow sense. One aspect to the problem is that in four
dimenisons, for instance, the Einstein action (2.2) is of the general form fe A e A
(d~0 + o~2). If we interpret e and ~ as gauge fields, we should compare this to a
gauge action fA A A A (dA + A2). But there is no such action in gauge theory. So
we cannot hope that four-dimensional gravity would be a gauge theory in that sense.
In three dimenisons, the situation is rather different. For a space-time manifold
M of dimension three, the Einstein-Hilbert action would be


If we interpret the e's and to's as gauge fields, this is of the general form
A d A + A 3, and might conceivably be interpreted as a Chern-Simons three form.
The study of such terms in three-dimensional gauge theory has a relatively long
history. Indeed, the Chern-Simons action in non-abelian 2 + 1 dimensional gauge
theory was studied in refs. [20, 21], where it was considered as an additional term
added to the unusual Yang-Mills action. In ref. [22], a quantization law associated
with the Chern-Simons term was discovered. Abelian gauge theory with only the
Chern-Simons term was studied by Schwarz [23] and in unpublished work by
Singer; those authors related this theory to certain topological invariants
(Ray-Singer analytic torsion). Non-abelian gauge theory with only the C h e r n -
Simons interaction has recently turned out to be exactly soluble [18]. It is also
interesting to note that string field theory can be formulated as a more abstract
version of a 2 + 1 dimensional gauge theory with only a Chern-Simons action [24].
We will claim that three-dimensional general relativity, without a cosmological
constant, is equivalent to a gauge theory with gauge group ISO(2,1) and a pure
Chern-Simons action.
Let us recall some facts about the Chern-Simons interaction. For a compact
gauge group G, this may be written

Ics = fMTr(A A dA + 2A AA A A ) . (2.6)

Here we are regarding the gauge field A as a Lie-algebra-valued one form, and " T r "
really represents a non-degenerate invariant bilinear form on the Lie algebra.
Thus, if we choose a basis of the lie algebra, and write A = A~T~, then the
quadratic part of eq. (2.6) becomes

Tr(TaTb) .fM(A ~ A d a b ) . (2.7)

54 E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity

Here dab ----- Tr(T~Tb) plays the role of a metric on the Lie algebra, and this should be
non-degenerate so that eqs. (2.6) or (2.7) contains a kinetic energy for all compo-
nents of the gauge field.
Thus, before we ask whether gravity in 2 + 1 dimenisons is equivalent to ISO(2,1)
gauge theory with a Chern-Simons interaction, we should ask whether such a
C h e r n - S i m o n s interaction exists, or in other words whether there exists an invariant
and non-degenerate metric on the Lie algebra of ISO(2,1).
Let us first consider the general case of ISO(d - 1,1). The Lorentz generators are
j~b, and the translations are pa, with a, b = 1 . . . . . d. A Lorentz-invariant bilinear
expression in the generators would have to be of the general form W = XJab j a b +
yPa Pa, with some constants x and y. However, in requiring that W should
c o m m u t e with the P b, we learn that we must set x = 0. At that point we are clearly
no longer constructing a non-degenerate bilinear form on the Lie algebra, so there
would be no reasonable Chern-Simons three form for I S O ( d - 1,1) for general d.
The magic of d = 3 is that in this case we can set W = CabcPaJ bc. This is easily
seen to be ISO(2,1) invariant as well as non-degenerate. Therefore, a reasonable
C h e r n - S i m o n s action for ISO(2,1) will exist. It remains to construct it and compare
it to 2 + 1 dimensional general relativity.
F o r d = 3 it is convenient to replace j a b with J ~ = 7c 1 ~b~,
abe. The invariant
quadratic form of interest is then

(Ja, Pb) = ~ab, (Ja, Jb) = (Po, Pb) = O. (2.8)

The commutation relations of ISO(2,1) then take the form

[L, Yb] = ~ . b c J c,
[Ja, Pbl = %bee c,
[Ca, ~b] = 0. (2.9)

(The fact that this is ISO(2,1) and not ISO(3) is hidden in the fact that it is the
Lorentz metric that is used in raising and lowering indices. This will not always be
indicated explicitly.)
Let us use these formulas and construct gauge theory for the group ISO(2,1). The
gauge field is a Lie-algebra-valued one form

A i = e~/Pa + %~J~. (2.10)

An infinitesimal gauge parameter would be u = paPa + raJa, with Oa and r a being

infinitesimal parameters. The variation of A i under a gauge transformation should

~A i = - O i u , (2.11)
E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity 55

where by definition
Diu = Oiu + [ A i, u]. (2.12)

U p o n evaluating eq. (2.10), we arrive at the transformation laws

~eia = _ Oipa -- EabCeibq.c - - E abc O i b P c ,

~02i a ~- -- O i T a __ C a b c 09ib" Q . (2.13)

Now we calculate the curvature tensor

F U : [D/, Dj] = Pa( 3,ej a - aje, a + "ahc(~oibejc+ eibJjc))

a a +, abc

If now we were studying ISO(2,1) gauge theory on a manifold without boundary of

dimension four, we would form a topological invariant of the form fFaA Fbdah
where dab is an invariant quadratic form on the Lie algebra. Using the quadratic
form (2.8), we get for a four manifold Y the invariant

1 fy
' i j k l ( Oie j a --
? j e ia+ ~ a b c ( OOibejc + eib~Ojc))

d e
x ( ok ,. - + ). (2.15)

Denoting the integrand in eq. (2.15) as U, a straightforward computation shows that

U is a total derivative, U = dV. Therefore, if the four manifold Y has for its
boundary a three manifold M, eq. (2.15) reduces to an integral on M. This integral is
by definition the Chern-Simons action, and one easily finds it to be

fM a a b c (2.16)

By this construction, eq. (2.16) is automatically invariant under the gauge transfor-
mations (2.13). In any case, this is easy to verify.
Now, a look back to eq. (2.5) reveals that the ISO(2,1) Chern-Simons action
(2.16) precisely coincides with the 2 + 1 dimensional Einstein action. Thus, we have
essentially succeeded in showing that 2 + 1 dimensional gravity may be interpreted
as Chern-Simons gauge theory. However, there is still an important point to clear
up. The transformation laws (2.13) do not coincide with the usual transformation
laws of 2 + 1 dimenisonal gravity. There is no problem with the local Lorentz
transformations whose generators have been called r a in eq. (2.13); the terms in eq.
(2.13) proportional to r a are the standard formulas for local Lorentz transforma-
56 E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity

tions. The problem is with the generators O~ which hopefully should be related to
diffeomorphisms. From eq. (2.13) we see that under a transformation generated by
the p's, the transformation law is

~ e ia ~_ _ Oipa _ ~ abccoibPc, ~coi a -----O. (2.17)

At first sight, eq. (2.17) does not seem to have much in common with the standard
formulas for transformation under diffeomorphisms, but we want to show that they
are equivalent. Under a diffeomorphism generated by a vector field - d , the
standard transformation law would be

(ake ,a - O i e ka ) - O , ( o e
~eia=-v ka ),

~coi~a_--U k (akcoia _aicoka )_ei(u k(dka). (2.18)

If we let p -
_a __ oke k, then we find that the difference between eqs. (2.17) and (2.18) is

~ a a k a a
3 e i -- 3 e i = - - o ( D k e i -- D i e k ) + c abcvkcokbeic. (2.19)

On the fight-hand side of eq. (2.19), one term is proportional to

a a
Dke i - Die ~ , (2.20)

and this term vanishes by the equations of motion. The remaining term on the
fight-hand side of eq. (2.19) is a local Lorentz transformation with infinitesimal
r" - Vkcok". (2.21)

Likewise, if one considers the variation of co under transformations generated by p~,

eq. (2.17) is equivalent to eq. (2.18) on shell. To be precise, the variation of co under
local Lorentz transformations vanishes in eq. (2.17), while in eq. (2.18) it does not
vanish identically but is equal on shell to a local Lorentz transformation with
parameter (2.21).
Therefore, since local Lorentz transformations are in any case among the local
symmetries of the problem, it does not matter whether one uses eq. (2.17) or eq.
(2.18) as long as one is planning to impose the equations of motion (2.20). This is
the key to the simplicity of three-dimensional gravity. All of the difficulties, both
practical and conceptual, in studying the canonical formalism are associated with
thinking of diffeomorphisms as operations that move the initial-value surface in an
ambient space-time. The equivalence, on shell, of eqs. (2.17) and (2.18) means that
in three-dimensional gravity it is not necessary to think in terms of constraints that
generate motions of the initial-value surface. This greatly simplifies the whole
E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity 57

conceptual framework of three-dimensional gravity. Above all it means that, just as

in ordinary quantum mechanics, where the formula e -imt,+t-') = e -mr2- e -rot1 is a
key part of our intuition, the transition amplitudes in three-dimensional gravity can
be factored in sums over intermediate states. A transition from an initial state A to
a final state C can be represented in terms of a sum over all possible intermediate
states B that might be witnessed on some intervening spacelike hypersurface - j u s t
as in Yang-Mills theory.


We would now like to generalize this discussion to include a cosmological

constant in three-dimensional gravity. The generalized lagrangian is

I= f M c ijk ( e i a ( O j t o k a --OkO) j a ) + e a b c e i t o jat O kb c + - ~iA~e a b c e i eaj e kb c~) . (2.22)

The equations of motion now say not that space-time is flat but that space-time is
locally homogeneous, with curvature proportional to X. The simply connected
covering space of such a space-time is not a portion of Minkowski space, but a
portion of de Sitter or anti-de Sitter space, depending on the sign of ~. These latter
spaces have for their symmetries not ISO(2, 1) but SO(3,1) and SO(2,2), respec-
tively. Thus, it is reasonable to guess that if three-dimensional gravity without a
cosmological constant is related to gauge theory of ISO(2, 1), then three-dimensional
gravity with a cosmological constant will be related to gauge theory of these latter
groups. This proves to be the case.
To begin with, we generalize eq. (2.9) to

[Jo, Jd =,o~d c, [L, Pd=,obcPc, [ea, P ~ l = X , ~ J c. (2.23)

Introducing the gauge-field and covariant derivatives as in eqs. (2.10) and (2.12), we
find that the transformation laws (2.13) generalize to

3ei a = _ Oip a - cabceib,rc -- ~abcc.OibPc '

~O)i a = -- O i,.i-a -- i[abcc.OibTc -- Xcab~e ibPc. (2.24)

And formula (2.14) for the curvature is replaced by

Fij= P~( OieS-- OjeT + Gb~(~oibef + e i b f ) )

+J~(Oi% " - O?g~ + c "b~'t ~o~b,ojc+Xeihej,)). (2.25)

58 E. W i t t e n / 2 + 1 d i m e n s i o n a l gravity

The formula (2.8) gives an invariant quadratic form on the generalized Lie algebra
(2.23). Using it, we find that the Chern-Simons three form comes out to be
precisely the Einstein lagrangian (2.22) with cosmological constant included! The
equations of motion derived from this lagrangian are precisely the vanishing of the
field strength (2.25). Vanishing of the coefficient of P~ in eq. (2.25) is the assertion
that ~o is the Levi-Civita connection; and vanishing of the coefficient of J~ is then
the Einstein equation with a cosmological constant.

2.3. A M O R E G E N E R A L L A G R A N G I A N

At this point it seems appropriate to point out a rather enigmatic feature of

three-dimensional gravity. In addition to the invariant quadratic form (2.8), there is
a second invariant quadratic form on the Lie algebra (2.23), namely

(J~, Jb) = Bah, (J~, Pb) = O, (Pa, Pb) = XSab" (2.26)

Actually, eq. (2.26) is the specialization to d = 3 of a quadratic form that would

exist for any d. For X = 0, eq. (2.26) is degenerate. This is the original reason that
we considered eq. (2.8) instead. For X 4: 0, the Lie algebra (2.23) is simple, and has
only the unique invariant quadratic form (2.26), for every d 3. The existence for
d = 3 of two invariant quadratic forms (2.8) and (2.26) is a consequence of the
isomorphisms SO(4) = SU(2) SU(2), SO(2, 2) -- SL(2, R) SL(2, R). (Though
SO(3,1) does not undergo such a splitting over the real numbers, its complexifica-
tion does split and this gives the two quadratic forms that we have noted.)
Beginning with the quadratic form (2.26) and following the usual steps, one
arrives at the new Chern-Simons lagrangian

f a a 2 (~0 b c]

a a ~,, a b c~
+ X # ' ( 0 k e t - Ote k ) + ~a,,b,~oj eke, ). (2.27)

Therefore, eq. (2.27) is invariant under eq. (2.24) and it makes sense to add it, with
an arbitrary coefficient, to the original Einstein lagrangian (2.22). For generic values
of this coefficient, the classical equations are u n c h a n g e d - they still assert the
vanishing of the field strength (2.25). This is rather s t r a n g e - the more general
lagrangian is equivalent to eq. (2.22) classically, but this will not be so quantum
E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity 59

The situation can be clarified, perhaps, by introducing

J + = ~ J~ _+ ~ - P ~ . (2.28)

Of course, this step only makes sense for 2~=g 0. If ?~ is negative, the J~ are complex.
The Lie algebra (2.23) becomes simply

[ J + , J ; ] =- abcJ c +, [ J a , J b ] = Eabc J c - ,

[ J + , J b ] = 0. (2.29)

Obviously, for positive ),, eq. (2.29) is the Lie algebra of SO(2, 1)X SO(2,1), or
SL(2, R) SL(2, R).
The corresponding connections are

A7 -+= 0a,~_+ v/X-e,~. (2.30)

The covariant derivative (2.12) becomes simply

D i = 3 i + J~+Aia++ J , , - A , " - . (2.31)

The two Chern-Simons forms are simply

ijk ~+- a ~%bcAT+A~+a~+) (2.32)

They are related as follows to the actions that we constructed earlier. The "stan-
dard" Einstein action (2.22) is 1 = ( I + - I )/47~-, and the "exotic" term (2.27) is
[= ~(~++ I-).


We will now briefly indicate how these results extend to 2 + 1 dimensional

supergravity. In supergravity, the groups ISO(2,1), SO(3,1), and SO(2, 2) would be
replaced by various supergroups. If the corresponding Lie superalgebras have
invariant quadratic forms (symmetric in the graded sense), one could define
Chern-Simons actions for these supergroups, and these Chern-Simons actions
would serve as 2 + 1 dimensional supergravity actions. Thus, the issue comes down
to whether the invariant quadratic forms that we have used on the Lie algebras of
ISO(2,1), SO(3,1), and SO(2, 2) have appropriate supergeneralizations.
To see that this is so, consider first the Lie algebra of SO(2,1), which is
isomorphic to that of SL(2, R). This is the bosonic part of the superalgebra OSp(2] 1)
which is important in string theory. The latter has bosonic generators J~ and
fermionic generators Q~, transforming in the adjoint and spinor representations of
60 E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity

SO(2,1), respectively. There is an invariant Casimir operator JaJ~+c~#Q~Qp,

corresponding to the existence of an invariant (graded symmetric) bilinear form on
the OSp(211) Lie algebra. (Here e is the invariant antisymmetric tensor on the
two-dimensional representation of SL(2, R).)
Now, considering three-dimensional gravity, if the cosmological constant is nega-
tive the bosonic group is SO(2,2), which is the same as S O ( 2 , 1 ) x SO(2,1) or
SL(2, R ) x SL(2, R). Therefore, we can construct an " N = 1" supergravity theory
based on SL(2, R) OSp(2ll ) or an " N = 2" theory based on OSp(2ll ) OSp(211 ).
The appropriate Chern-Simons actions will exist in these two cases since from our
above discussion the relevant quadratic forms on the Lie superalgebras do exist. By
the W i g n e r - I n o n u contraction, one could get 2 + 1 dimensional supergravity theo-
ries with zero cosmological constant and Chern-Simons actions. I do not know a
similar construction with positive cosmological constant.

2.5. C H E R N - S I M O N S G R A V I T Y

We will conclude this section with a brief discussion of what would usually be
called 2 + 1 dimensional gravity with a Chern-Simons action [22]. (The terminology
is of course somewhat misleading since we are claiming that ordinary 2 + 1
dimensional gravity has a Chern-Simons interpretation.) Chern-Simons gravity
means the following. The fundamental variable is a vierbein e 7. The spin connection
is defined as a functional of ei~ by requiring it to obey

Die 7 - Djei a = O. (2.33)

The lagrangian is then the Lorentz Chern-Simons three form

I' = cijk 'dia - - Ok a ..~ 3CabcO~i tOJ O)k . (2.34)

I ' is not varied with respect to o~ regarded as an independent variable. Rather, one
regards o~ as a functional of e via eq. (2.33) and varies eq. (2.34) with respect to e.
The field equation obtained in this way is

D, Rjk - DjRs, = 0, (2.35)

with RU = R u - gu R"
The lagrangian (2.34) - with ~o defined in terms of e via eq. (2.33) - is invariant
under local Weyl transformations e i a ( x , y , t ) ~ e q'(x' y' t) . eia, even though this is not
manifest in the way that eq. (2.34) is written. Consequently, eq. (2.35) is a
conformally invariant equation. Indeed, the left-hand side of eq. (2.35) is the
three-dimensional analogue of the Weyl tensor, and vanishing of eq. (2.35) is the
E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity 61

condition asserting that space-time is conformally flat. Thus, the three-dimensional

conformal group SO(3, 2) plays in eq. (2.34) the role that ISO(2,1) plays in 2 + 1
dimensional general relativity without a cosmological constant. Therefore, it is
natural to expect that eq. (2.34) is equivalent to an SO(3,2) gauge theory with
C h e r n - S i m o n s action. To demonstrate this it is necessary to replace eq. (2.34) with
an equivalent version in which eq. (2.33) would be an equation of motion rather
than an independently imposed constraint. I will not attempt this here.

3. Quantization
We now turn to constructing a canonical formalism, with a view toward quantiza-
tion. Thus, we consider the lagrangian (2.22) on a three manifold M = Z R 1, with
Z being a Riemann surface that plays the role of an "initial-value surface". Some
subtleties arise in the canonical formulation because of the gauge invariance. A
convenient reference on the general procedure is ref. [25]. The first step in construct-
ing a canonical formalism is to introduce new variables, if necessary, to get a
lagrangian that is linear in time derivatives. We can skip this step, since eq. (2.22) is
already linear in time derivatives. If possible, one then separates out the variables
into variables whose time derivatives are present in the lagrangian and variables
whose time derivatives do not appear* In our case, this is easily done. The variables
whose time derivatives appear in eq. (2.22) are the "spatial" components of the
vierbein and connection, namely eia and ~0ia, for i = 1, 2. The variables whose time
derivatives are absent in eq. (2.22) are the " t i m e " components e0a and ~0a. This
convenient, global separation between variables whose time derivatives appear in
the lagrangian and variables whose time derivatives do not appear, and the fact that
the lagrangian is linear in the latter, make the construction of a canonical formalism
relatively straightforward.
Eq. (2.22) may be rewritten as

I= -2[dt f UJei~ ~-- a
J J~ dt %

+ f dt fz(eo ~ij( Oi(.dja__ ajidiaAr Eabc~OibO~jc~_ )keabceibejc)

_[_090a ciJ(Oiej a _ Ojei a + a, b c (~ibejc + eibWjc)) ) . (3.1)

In discussing a closely related problem in ref. [18], I have adopted the possibly more familiar
language of "picking the gauge .40 = 0". In the gravitational problem that we are considering here, a
different and perhaps more careful and canonical language seems appropriate.
62 E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity
The Poisson brackets can be read off from the terms in eq. (3.1) that contain time
derivatives. They are

{ %~(x),ej~(Y)} = ,iffl~b82(x - y ) ,

{ eia(x),ejt,(y)} = { OOia(X), OOjb(Y)}= 0 . (3.2)

In addition, we must impose the constraint equations. They are simply the equations
8I/6eo a = 8I/&oo ~ = 0, or

eiJ( Oiej a - cgjeia + ,abc(O~ibejc + eibWjc)) = 0 ,

,ij( Oioaja_ aj~i,~ + ,abc(~ih~j ~ + )~eil~ejc) ) = 0 . (3.3)

N o w , let us take stock of what these equations mean. Let G be the group
ISO(2,1) if X - - 0 , and its generalization SO(3,1) or SO(2, 2) if ~ is not zero. It is
a a
natural to regard, e; and oa;, for i = 1, 2, as a gauge field on the R i e m a n n surface
Z. The space of all such gauge fields, which we will call ~U, is a phase space on
which we have defined Poisson brackets (3.2). This is not yet the physical phase
space, since it is necessary to impose the constraint equations (3.3).
Those constraint equations have a very natural interpretation. The objects which
a p p e a r on the left of eq. (3.3) are precisely the curvatures or gauge-covariant field
strengths constructed from the gauge field e, ~0. Vanishing of these constraints
means that we are dealing with a gauge connection which locally is a pure gauge;
the only gauge-invariant observables that do not vanish when the constraints are
imposed are global observables, such as holonomies around possible non-contract-
ible loops in Z.
It m a y be appropriate at this point to pause for a slight digression about the role
of constraints in classical mechanics. In q u a n t u m mechanics, the "constraints" are
operators, and they are imposed by declaring that a "physical state" is a state
annihilated by the constraints. In our present problem, however, it is highly
advisable to impose the constraints classically, before quantizing*. In classical
physics, the imposition of the constraints is a two-step process. One begins with a
phase space on which some Poisson brackets are defined. In addition, one has some
constraints. These are certain functions on phase space. Let H ; denote the con-
straints. The first step in imposing the constraints classically is to declare that
" p h y s i c a l values" of the canonical variables qi are values for which H I = 0. This is
only half of the story, however. The second step is to interpret the constraints as the

* The problem of imposing these particular classical constraints to reduce this particular phase space
was one element in the work of Atiyah and Bott on equivariant Morse theory, two-dimensional gauge
fields, and the moduli space of holomorphic vector bundles [26]. Of course, 2 + 1 dimensional gravity
gives a new context for this problem.
E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity 63

generators of certain transformations of phase space, via

,~q'= E,l{ H',qi}, (3.4)

with the EI being infinitesimal parameters. Under favorable conditions, which

prevail in the problem of interest to us in this paper, the transformations (3.4)
exponentiate to the action of a group ft. The second step in imposing the con-
straints is to declare that two sets of "physical values" of the canonical variables are
considered equivalent if they differ by an element of the group f~ generated by the
constraints. Provided that the constraints generate a group, which we will call the
constraint group, the p h y s i c a l p h a s e s p a c e o f a c o n s t r a i n e d s y s t e m is the s p a c e oJ
s o l u t i o n s o f the constraint equations m o d u l o the action o f the constraint group. The
Poisson brackets on the physical phase space are just the original Poisson brackets,
restricted to functions that are invariant under the constraint group.
In the case at hand, the phase space is easily determined. The canonical variables
ei~ and c0i~ fit together into a G gauge field on Z. The constraint equations (3.3)
assert that this gauge field is a "flat connection", that is, the field strength vanishes.
As for the group of transformations generated by the constraints, these are just
gauge transformations! One may easily check, using the Poisson brackets (3.2), that
the constraint operators that appear on the left of eq. (3.3) are the generators of the
very gauge transformations that we have discussed in eq. (2.24)

8ei a = -- 3 ip ~ + eab'eib,r c. -- eab%ai~pc ,

8o~ a = _ 3i.r ~ - e~bqoi#q -- M ~ b % b p c . (3.5)

This should come as no surprise; in gauge theories, 6~q~/SAo is always the generator
of gauge transformations. Thus, to construct the classical phase space which should
be quantized, one simply takes the space of solutions of the constraints - namely
the space of flat c o n n e c t i o n s - and divides by the group generated by the con-
s t r a i n t s - namely, the group of gauge transformations. Consequently, the phase
space ,//t' of 2 + 1 dimensional gravity is the same as the moduli space of flat G
connections modulo gauge transformations.
The Poisson brackets on ~ ' are just the original Poisson brackets on Y~,
restricted to gauge-invariant functions. In other words, a physical observable is a
function on ~t'. Modulo the constraints, functions on J// are the same as gauge-
invariant functions on ;of', and the Poisson brackets of gauge-invariant functions on
Y/" are computed using the Poisson brackets (3.2).
In the introduction we have explained heuristically why the physical phase space
of 2 + 1 dimensional gravity is related to the moduli space of flat G bundles. Now
we have derived the result from a more conventional field-theoretic analysis. It
remains to quantize the system.
64 E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity


We have obtained a finite-dimensional phase space J g with well-defined Poisson

brackets, and we wish to quantize it. In general, this is not a straightforward
operation. Contrary to the impression that may sometimes be given in elementary
q u a n t u m mechanics, there is no general way to quantize a classical system (even if
there are no global anomalies). The problems have to do with the topology of phase
s p a c e - and, in the case at hand, the phase space ./4 is definitely quite subtle
In practice, quantization usually requires a separation of the phase space variables
into "coordinates" and " m o m e n t a " . By definition, the "coordinates" are a maximal
set of commuting variables. The quantum Hilbert space is then a suitable space of
functions of the "coordinates". There actually are two important cases, the cases of
a " r e a l polarization" or a "complex polarization". The first corresponds to the case
in which the phase space J / i s the cotangent bundle of some manifold sV'. In that
case the quantum Hilbert space is the space of square integrable functions on ,A/'.
The second case, of a "complex polarization", is the subject of subsect. 3.2.
Let us look at the Poisson brackets (3.2). The e i are canonical conjugates of the
wj. Naively, it appears that we are free to view the ei as coordinates and the wj as
momenta, or vice-versa. In the first case, the quantum Hilbert space ~ would be
the space of functionals of the e~, and in the second case it would be the space of
functionals of the 0i. This treatment is naive because it ignores the constraints. The
constraints say that a physical state must be gauge invariant. A look back to eq.
(3.5) shows that it is impossible for a wave functional that only depends on the e~ to
be gauge invariant, since the gauge-transformation law includes a term 3 e - w.
Another way to say this is that there is no such thing as " t h e space of all e~ modulo
gauge transformations", since the gauge variation of the e, depends on the values of
the coj. Therefore, it is extremely awkward to impose the constraints if the eg are
regarded as coordinates.
What happens if, on the other hand, the wj are regarded as coordinates? In this
case, for ?, 4: 0, the situation is no better than before. But for ?~ = 0, we see in eq.
(3.5) that the gauge-transformation law of wg is 3co - w. The transformation law of
co is independent of e.
If the cosmological constant is zero, and we regard the cog as coordinates, it is very
straightforward to impose the constraint equations*, coi can be interpreted as an
SO(2,1) (or equivalently SL(2, R)) connection on the Riemann surface Z. If q / i s the
space of all such connections, then if there were no constraints to impose and we
view the coi as the coordinates, the quantum Hilbert space would be the space of
functions on ~/. Actually, we must incorporate the constraints. This is easy to do.

* The idea that it would be best to view the connection data as the coordinates was envisaged by
Ashtekar [16] in 3 + 1 dimensions.
E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity 65

The second equation in (3.3) says that the curvature of the connection to should
vanish, and the second equation in (3.5) instructs us to identify two connections that
differ by an SL(2, R) gauge transformation. Taken together, these conditions say
that we should introduce the moduli space sV" of flat SL(2, R) connections modulo
gauge transformations. The quantum Hilbert space, incorporating the constraints, is
not the space of square integrable functionals on Y but the space of square
integrable functionals on sV.
Geometrically, the situation may be described as follows. For zero cosmological
constant, the relevant gauge group is ISO(2,1). The ISO(2,1) group manifold is the
total space of the cotangent bundle of the SO(2, 1) manifold. Correspondingly, the
moduli space Jr' of flat ISO(2,1) connections is the total space of the cotangent
bundle of the moduli space .A/"of flat SO(2,1) connections.
Also, the Poisson brackets (3.2) induce on ~t' its natural symplectic structure as
the cotangent bundle of .AP. Therefore, quantum mechanics on J g is very
simple - the quantum Hilbert space is the space of L 2 functions on ~'.
For clarity, let me make this candidate for the "physical Hilbert space" of
quantum gravity with zero cosmological constant completely explicit. The funda-
mental group of a Riemann surface X of genus g > 1 can be defined via 2g
generators, which we denote

ai, bj, i,j=l . . . . . g, (3.6)

with one relation,

a l b l a ; l b ; 1 . . , agbga~lbg ' = 1. (3.7)

A point in .Ar is a homomorphism of the group with generators (3.6) and relation
(3.7) into SO(2,1). Such a homomorphism is described by representing the a / a n d bj
by elements of SO(2,1) which we will denote as U~ and Vj. These must obey

U 1 V I U l l V i 1 . . . fgVgUg 1Vg 1 = 1, (3.8)

along with a topological condition that will be described presently. Two representa-
tions are equivalent if they differ by a global gauge transformation

U,.--* E-'UiE, Vj ~ E-1VjE, (3 9)

for some fixed element E of SO(2,1). The quantum Hilbert space Jf~ is the space of
functions '/'(U, Vj), such that: (i) g' is defined on the hypersurface that is defined
by eq. (3.8) together with a certain topological condition that we will describe next;
(ii) qs is invariant under the transformation (3.9).
66 E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional grauity

By the way, the Hilbert space structure on these functions is defined by the norm
I ~ l 2 = f , / , . g,. Evidently, for this to be invariant, ~ must be a half-density on
rather than a "function". It is generally true that quantization leads naturally to
spaces of half-densities rather than spaces of "functions". This subtlety is usually
slurred over in quantum mechanics texts, something which is possible because in
most physical problems there is an evident measure on coordinate space which can
be used to give a canonical isomorphism between the space of half-densities and the
space of functions. Even in the problem at hand, there are a variety of more or less
natural measures on Jg" which could be used to identify functions with half-densi-
ties, but since none of these has compellingly appeared in the above construction, it
is most natural to think of the quantum Hilbert space X as the space of
half-densities on JV.
3.1.1. A topological discursion. We must now discuss a certain subtle but impor-
tant topological point, which we have suppressed until this point. Actually, the
moduli space ~V" of flat SO(2,1) connections on a Riemann surface Z is not
connected, but contains several components. These arise as follows. A flat SO(2,1)
connection is of course the same as a flat SL(2, R) connection. Since SL(2, R)
naturally acts on a real two-dimensional vector space, a flat SL(2, R) connection
defines a real two-plane bundle o~ over Z. Such bundles are classified topologically
by an integer, the Euler class. In general, the Euler class of a real two-plane bundle
o~ on a Riemann surface may have any integer value, but for a flat two-plane
bundle, there is an upper bound - if ~ admits a flat SL(2, R) connection, its Euler
class can be no bigger in absolute value than 2g - 2, which is the Euler class of the
tangent bundle of a Riemann surface Z of genus g.
Now, general relativity is supposed to be a theory of the dynamics of geometry.
As we indicated in sect. 1, the relation of homomorphisms ep: ~rl(X ) ~ SL(2, R) to
geometry is as follows. Suppose that the genus g of Z is greater than one. (For
genus zero there are no non-trivial homomorphisms to discuss; for genus one the
situation is more complicated than the simple situation that I will now summarize
for g >~ 2, and I will not attempt to discuss this case.) Let H denote the complex
upper half plane. If dp embeds vrl(Z ) as a subgroup P of SL(2, R), and if moreover P
is a discrete subgroup of SL(2, R), then H / F is a complex Riemann surface with a
complex structure determined by the homomorphism ft. All complex structures arise
in this way, and the moduli space JV" of homomorphisms (3.8) that give discrete
embeddings of the fundamental group of Z in SL(2, R) can be identified (if g >/2)
with Teichmuller space. Thus, the quantum wave function ~/'(Ui, ~ ) described
earlier can - if restricted to homomorphisms that give discrete embeddings of the
fundamental group - be regarded as a function on Teichmuller space, or in other
words as a function on conformal geometries.
However, it is far from being true that all homomorphisms ~: ~rl(Z) ~ SL(2, R)
give discrete embeddings. The opposite of an embedding would be the trivial
h o m o m o r p h i s m U/= Vj = 1 in eq. (3.8). If we consider " b a d " homomorphisms of
E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity 67

rrl(2~ ) to SL(2, R), then SL(2, R ) / F will be ill-behaved- non-compact, or with

totally collapsed handles and other horrible singularities. At first sight, it appears
that the construction of the quantum theory that we have advocated involves
accepting much nastier singularities in the classical phase space than one might have
What saves the day (and, I think, eliminates what would have been the main
criticism of our alleged solution of quantum gravity in 2 + 1 dimenisons) is the
following remarkable theorem about Riemann surfaces. The "good" homomor-
phisms that give discrete embeddings of the fundamental group are precisely those
that correspond to flat bundles of Euler class 2 g - 2. A simple illustration of the
singularities associated with flat bundles of Euler class less than 2 g - 2 is the
following; if a homomorphism ~ is related to a flat bundle of Euler class 2g - 2 - 2r,
then H / F may be a Riemann surface of genus g with r totally collapsed handles.
(The trivial homomorphism U, = ~ = 1 corresponds to a flat bundle of Euler class
Thus, the moduli space Jff of all homomorphisms 7r1(~) -~ SL(2, R) has con-
nected components corresponding to Euler class 2 g - 2, 2 g - 3 . . . . . - ( 2 g - 2). So
the description of the quantum Hilbert space in subsect. 3.1 was incomplete.
Bearing in mind that the negative values of the Euler class differ from the positive
values by a reversal of orientation, there are essentially 2 g - 1 possible Hilbert
spaces, related to flat bundles of Euler class 0,1 . . . . . 2g - 2. But there is exactly one
choice that gives the sort of geometrical interpretation that we expect. This is the
case of maximal Euler class 2 g - 2, since the homomorphisms that give discrete
embeddings are exactly those related to flat bundles with this value of the Euler
class. Thus, with .A/" being the moduli space of homomoprhisms with the maximal
Euler class, the quantum wave function ~'(~, Vj) of the last section should be
regarded as a function on JV'. It is remarkable that the simple topological
restriction on the Euler class eliminates the pathologies that seem to be present in
the description of classical phase space that comes by untangling the constraint
3.1.2. Closed timelike curves. Another issue that we can briefly discuss at this
point is the question of closed timelike curves. The classical phase space that we are
quantizing - the moduli space ~ ' of flat ISO(2,1) bundles - definitely includes flat
space-times with closed timelike curves. To quantize the system we have separated
the coordinates and momenta in such a way that the "coordinates" label the space
JV" of flat SO(2,1) bundles. Suddenly, the closed timelike curves are not much in
evidence, since any point in JV" corresponds to a sensible, "spacelike" Riemann
surface. A quantum wave function '/'(U,, ~ ) does not correspond to any definite
classical three geometry so that one cannot say that there definitely are or definitely
are not closed timelike curves. Just as in any other quantum mechanics problem,
one can construct quantum wave functions which, at least in some region of the
parameter space, behave as if they are localized near any desired classical trajectory
68 E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity

(in this case, any desired classical three geometry). It would be interesting to study
this more carefully and see if there really are wave functions that correspond, with
very high probability, to space-times with closed timelike curves.
3.1.3. Non-zero cosmological constant. We would now like to generalize this
rather explicit description of the Hilbert space for X = 0 to the case in which the
cosmological constant is not zero. If the cosmological constant is positive, the
relevant classical phase space J g is the moduli space of homomorphisms of rq(E) to
$0(3,1). It can be shown [27] that this space is the total space of the cotangent
bundle of the moduli space of homomorphisms of ~h(Z) to SO(3). Therefore, a real
polarization is available, and the quantization can be carried out somewhat along
the likeness of the above. However, the arguments are less elementary and will not
be described here. As far as I know, it is not possible to find a real polarization
when the cosmological constant is negative. There is another point of view about
quantization of Jg, which works for any value of the cosmological constant. This is
what we will discuss next.


The alternative approach to quantization is to put a Kahler structure on ~// and

quantize it as a Kahler manifold. In our discussion so far, the "spatial" manifold 2~
has simply been a smooth compact two-dimensional surface, with no other a priori
structure. Let us now, purely as an aid in quantization, pick a complex structure J
on ~. When this is done, the moduli space ~ of flat G bundles becomes a Kahler
manifold in a natural way. Once one picks a complex structure on 2~, the space
can be regarded as the moduli space of holomorphic vector bundles on E. More-
over, the symplectic form that can be inferred from the Poisson brackets (3.2) can
be interpreted as the curvature form that represents the first Chern class of a certain
holomorphic line bundle L over Jr'. According to standard principles of quantiza-
tion, the quantum Hilbert space ~ can be identified as the space of holomorphic
sections of the line bundle L.
This description of the quantum Hilbert space is not so explicit as the description
that we gave, at the end subsect. 3.1, for the case of X = 0. So one natural problem,
which we will not tackle here, is to describe the quantum Hilbert space more
explicitly. Another natural problem is to elucidate the relationship between the two
descriptions of the Hilbert space in the case of zero or positive cosmological
constant, where both descriptions are available.


U p o n seeing that 2 + 1 dimensional gravity can be sensibly quantized, one is led

to believe that there must be something wrong with the frequent assertion that it is
an unrenormalizable theory. In fact, we will now address this point and claim that
2 + 1 dimensional gravity has a straightforward renormalizable perturbation expan-
sion. Indeed, it is a theory with zero beta function.
E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity 69
Let us recall the lagrangian of 2 + 1 dimensional gravity

I= l f M ,iJk(eia(Oj~k,~ _ Ok~j a ) + %bce `aO~jbO~k c + ~1)~,abcei ae j eb k e~j .

-~ (3.10)

We have restored Planck's constant h in eq. (3.10). By rescaling e (and redefining

h) one may assume that X is 1, 0, or - 1 . In the units considered here (Newton's
constant is one and X is 1, 0, or - 1 ) , h is the only free parameter and is
dimensionless. Perturbation theory - an expansion of the quantum theory in powers
of the fields e and o~ - will be valid for small h.
One immediately sees that if one considers e and w to be fields of dimension one,
then the lagrangian (3.10) is renormalizable by power counting, since all terms in
the lagrangian are of dimenison three. To actually construct perturbation theory, for
quantization on a space-time manifold M, one picks a classical solution about which
one wishes to expand. For example, one may expand about e = w = 0. In most
physical theories, such a solution would be called the "trivial solution" correspond-
ing to " u n b r o k e n symmetry". In general relativity, the solution with e = 0 might be
considered unphysical. Our point of view is that this difference between general
relativity and other theories is illusory and that just as in other theories the "trivial
solution" with unbroken symmetry plays a key role. Just as in any other renormaliz-
able gauge theory, the short-distance behavior is independent of the choice of
classical solution to expand around, so one can not understand the expansion
around any solution unless one can understand the "unbroken phase of general
relativity", that is, the expansion around e = w = 0.
To actually construct this expansion, one needs gauge fixing. The gauge fixing
may be carried out just as in Chern-Simons theories with compact gauge group [18,
23]. One picks an arbitrary "background" metric g(0) on M (unrelated to e or ~)
and imposes the gauge condition

i a i a
D(o) e~ = D(o) o~b = O, (3.11)

with D(o)' denoting the covariant divergence with respect to g(0). The gauge condi-
tion (3.11) may be implemented by introducing Lagrange multipliers fa, )~ab, and
adding to eq. (3.10) the gauge fixing term

" = faD(o)ei + ~A ab~

IJ(O) iO~i,~b J " (3.12)

In the usual fashion, this must be supplemented with Faddeev-Popov ghosts. The
point of this gauge choice is that eq. (3.12) (and the ghost action) preserves the
power-counting renormalizability of eq. (3.10).
70 E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity

Once it is accepted that eq. (3.10) leads to a renormalizable perturbative expan-

sion, a variety of arguments show that the beta function must be zero. For one
thing, the coupling constant in the Chern-Simons theory with compact gauge group
is quantized, so it cannot be renormalized. The Feynman diagrams that come in
quantizing eq. (3.10) are the same diagrams as the diagrams of the compact
C h e r n - S i m o n s theories, so they too must be finite. Another way to state much the
same thing is that although eq. (3.10) is invariant under gauge transformations, it is
not the integral of a gauge-invariant local functional. However, the structure of
q u a n t u m perturbation theory shows that the counterterms, if any, are integrals of
gauge-invariant local functionals, so the counterterms required to renormalize eq.
(3.10) cannot include renormalization of the interactions that appear in eq. (3.10).
Since there are in fact no other possible gauge interactions that are renormalizable
by power counting, eq. (3.10) must lead to a finite quantum theory.
Given the simplicity of the above arguments, why is it usually felt that 2 + 1
dimensional gravity is unrenormalizable? 2 + 1 dimensional gravity appears un-
renormalizable if the connection co is eliminated and the theory is written entirely in
terms of the metric g,j = eiaej a. In terms of gi;, the Einstein-Hilbert action is
non-polynomial - in sharp contrast to the simple polynomial structure of eq. (3.10).
Also, to write the Einstein-Hilbert action in terms of g i j , o n e must introduce the
inverse metric giJ. In particular, when general relativity is written in terms of the
metric (rather than the independent vierbein and spin connection), it is impossible
to see the unbroken phase g = 0". However, it is quite clear, in the renormalizable
perturbation expansion sketched above, that a s ei a is a field of positive dimension,
the short-distance behavior will involve the behavior in the unbroken phase e = 0.
Thus, the fact that one has renormalizability in the description with e and co is
closely related to the fact that in this description one can see the unbroken phase
e = co = 0. The usual attempt to quantize 2 + 1 dimensional gravity in terms of g~j is
somewhat analogous to discussing a spontaneously broken gauge theory in a
" u n i t a r y gauge" in which the underlying symmetry is not manifest. The attempt to
quantize gauge theories in unitary gauge is notoriously treacherous.
It is amusing to think about 3 + 1 dimensional gravity from this point of view.
The lagrangian is of the general form

/(4) -- fe/x e A (dco + co A co). (3.13)

If one hopes for "power-counting renormalizability," one needs to assign dimension

one to both e and co, so that every term in eq. (3.13) is of dimension four. (Again,
this is in contrast to the fact that the metric and vierbein are usually considered to

* This is related to the fact that usually, in discussions of the quantization of gravity, g is considered to
be dimensionless, while in our treatment one must consider g to have dimension two, since e has
dimension one.
E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity 71

have dimension zero.) As e and w have positive dimension, the short-distance limit
must have e = ~o = 0. The problem is now that as eq. (3.13) has no quadratic term in
an expansion around e = 0 = 0, one cannot make sense of the " u n b r o k e n phase"
that should govern the short-distance behavior; that is the essence of the unrenor-
malizability of quantum gravity in four dimensions.

4. Some additional considerations

The discussion of 2 + 1 dimensional gravity that we have given above raises many
questions. In this concluding section I would like to briefly draw attention to a few
of these questions, without claiming to solve any of them.


One would certainly like to use 2 + 1 dimensional gravity as a probe to test some
of the conceptual problems of quantum gravity. There are at least two outstanding
problems that one would wish to investigate.
One concerns the singularities of quantum gravity. The classical phase spaces that
we are quantizing include space-times with the initial and final singularities of the
classical theory; it may be possible to say something interesting about the relation of
these classical singularities to the quantum theory.
One is also interested in changes of topology in quantum gravity. It is not at all
clear that the logical framework of quantum gravity requires one to consider
processes in which the topology of space changes, but it is certainly interesting to try
to calculate amplitudes associated with such processes. Until now, string theory,
regarded as general relativity in 1 + 1 dimensions, is the only situation in which one
knows how to do sensible calculations with change of topology in general relativity.
However, in some other generally covariant theories, such as G r o m o v / F l o e r theory
in 1 + 1 dimensions, D o n a l d s o n / F l o e r theory in 3 + 1 dimensions, and non-abelian
C h e r n - S i m o n s theory in 2 + 1 dimenisons, one has a sensible formalism in arbitrary
space-time topology. The close relation of 2 + 1 dimensional general relativity to
non-abelian Chern-Simons theory suggests that it will be possible to do calculations
for processes with change of topology also in 2 + 1 dimensional relativity. Doing
this will require extending the solution of the non-abelian Chern-Simons theory
from the compact gauge groups that are related to the Jones polynomial to the
non-compact groups, such as ISO(2,1) and SO(3,1), that are relevant to 2 + 1
dimensional general relativity.

4.2. E U C L I D E A N C O N T I N U A T I O N

As we have just indicated, our formal arguments relating 2 + 1 dimensional

gravity to Yang-Mills theory with a Chern-Simons term are not limited to 2~ x R 1.
Formally, this connection should hold on an arbitrary three manifold. It seems
72 E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity

natural to believe that it should hold even after any euclidean continuation that may
be valid. But this raises puzzling issues.
Usually, the Einstein action is real whether one is in Minkowski or euclidean
space. But the Yang-Mills Chern-Simons action is always imaginary in euclidean
space. The question has to do with what is being continued when one goes from
Minkowski to euclidean space. Usually, it seems obvious that in going from
Minkowski to euclidean space the tangent space group of general relativity goes
from SO(2,1) to SO(3). However, in Yang-Mills theory one does not make a Wick
rotation on the gauge group when one rotates from real to imaginary time.
Possibly, we should not think of Z x R 1, the manifold on which we have worked
in this paper, as space-time, but rather as an auxiliary space analogous to the world
sheet in string theory. The idea would be that space-time is reconstructed from data
on Z x R1 just as in string theory space-time is reconstructed from a world-sheet
theory. The idea of this reconstruction is that a flat ISO(2,1) connection on ~ x R1
is equivalent to a homomorphism of the fundamental group of Z into ISO(2,1). The
image of the fundamental group under this homomorphism is a subgroup F of
ISO(2,1), and we try to identify spacetime with X/F, with X being Minkowski
space. If we think of Z X R1 as a "world sheet", and the dynamical variables el, o~j
as tools in reconstructing space-time, then as there is no metric on the world surface
Z R x, there is no natural notion of whether this space has "Minkowski or
euclidean signature". It does make sense to ask whether space-time has Minkowski
or euclidean signature. The minkowskian case is the case, considered in this paper,
in which ei, 0j are a gauge field of ISO(2,1) or one of its generalizations SO(3,1) or
SO(2, 2). If we actually want to do euclidean gravity, meaning gravity with euclidean
space-time, then those groups would be replaced with their analytic continuations
ISO(3), SO(4), or SO(3,1), depending on the sign of the cosmological constant.
A closely related question is whether the parameters in the gravitational la-
grangian should be quantized, by analogy with the corresponding phenomenon in
gauge theories [22]. This is inevitably related to the question of whether the
lagrangian is to be real or imaginary, since it is only imaginary terms in the action
that might be sensibly quantized. The standard Einstein action I of eq. (2.22) is
ordinarily real in "euclidean space", and we would like to preserve this. Thus, it
should not be quantized. The more exotic term I' of eq. (2.27) is less familiar and
we are willing to believe that it should be quantized and perhaps should appear in
the lagrangian with an imaginary coefficient. To investigate this, we note that
quantization depends on ~r3(G), where G is ISO(2,1) or one of its generalizations;
and here there seems to be a big difference between Minkowski space-time and
euclidean space-time, since for instance ~r3(ISO(2,1)) is zero, but %(ISO(3)) - Z. In
fact, for all of the minkowskian groups and all of the euclidean groups except SO(4),
there is no topological reason to quantize the ordinary Einstein action (2.22), and it
can be given the usual real coefficient if we are considering the euclidean case.
(SO(4) is from this point of view a mysterious exception that we will not try to
E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity 73
elucidate.) However, for the minkowskian group SO(3, 1) and all of the euclidean
groups, the exotic interaction I ' is quantized and must appear in the lagrangian with
an imaginary coefficient.
4.2.1. Global Anomalies and Classical Singularities. This whole discussion of
global anomalies and quantization of couplings in 2 + 1 dimensional gravity may
seem rather bizarre. When 2 + 1 dimensional gravity is written in terms of the
metric (rather than vierbein and connection), it is manifest that there are no such
anomalies. So what is going on? Actually, the crucial point is that (as discussed at
the end of the introduction to sect. 2), in formulating 2 + 1 dimensional gravity in
terms of the vierbein and spin connection, we have dropped the requirement that
the vierbein should be invertible. Though the non-invertible vierbeins are of "mea-
sure zero", adding them changes the topology of field space (and of the space of
gauge transformations) and permits the occurrence of global anomalies that other-
wise would have been absent. In fact, the four-dimensional "instanton" studied in
ref. [10], which has a classical singularity (a degenerate vierbein) at its core, is
precisely the configuration which is manifested in three space-time dimensions in
terms of global anomalies.

Some of the fundamental puzzles in the canonical formalism of quantum gravity
have to do with the physical interpretation of the Wheeler-de Witt wave function.
The following may illustrate some of the questions. Let PBA be the probability
amplitude for observing a final state B after having observed an initial state A (the
initial and final observations being on some specified spacelike hypersurfaces). It is
a fundamental fact of life in ordinary field theory that in a sequence of observations
(fig. 1) one has

PeA = EPcB. i%A. (4.1)


Fig. 1. A two step transition from an initial state A to a final state C via an intermediatestate B.
74 E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity

In ordinary quantum mechanics this is essentially the statement that

e -m(tl+t2) = e -iHt2" e iHtl. (4.2)

In quantum gravity it appears problematical to formulate such a relationship. On

the right-hand side one would need an integral over the elapsed time from A to B,
and another integral over the elapsed time from B to C. It is hard to see how this
can agree with a single integral over elapsed time from A to C, required on the left.
Nevertheless, there are generally covariant field theories that behave as in eq.
(4.1). An example is provided by Donaldson/Floer theory in 3 + 1 dimensions; for
a discussion in physical language see ref. [28]. Another, perhaps even more surpris-
ing example is 2 + I dimensional gravity. For, being equivalent to an ordinary gauge
theory, 2 + 1 dimensional gravity certainly obeys such relations as eq. (4.1). I have
no idea whether (i) despite appearances, all generally covariant theories can be
formulated in such a way as to ensure the validity of eq. (4.1); or (ii) the validity of
such a formula should be viewed as an order parameter distinguishing an unbroken
phase of general relativity (which would include Donaldson theory and 2 + 1
dimensional gravity) from the ordinary broken phase of general relativity that we
experience in the real world.

4.4. O B S E R V A B L E S

Another interesting question has to do with the observables in quantum gravity.

The whole question of observables in quantum gravity is rather thorny. In 2 + 1
dimensional gravity, there is a peculiar class of observables that would not have a
good counterpart in any other dimension. Let C be a circle in space-time. In three
space-time dimensions, a circle in space-time may be "knotted".
Let us denote as A, the gauge field, with gauge group ISO(2,1), SO(3,1), or
SO(2, 2), that is obtained, as in eq. (2.10), by combining together e and t0. Let ~ be
a representation of one of those groups (a finite-dimensional representation or in
general any representation such that the observable defined below makes sense in
the quantum theory). For every circle C in space-time and every representation ~ ,

O~(C) = T r ~ P e x p ~cAi dx i. (4.3)

The symbol Tr~ represents a trace in the ~ representation, and P e x p ~ A i d x ~

denotes the holonomy of the connection A around the loop C.
Because of general covariance, expectation values

/ 44)
E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensionalgravity" 75
should formally depend on the topological classes of the links C~. Any two
unknotted circles on the three sphere are equivalent, for example. One might
wonder whether such observables can actually be expected to make sense. A priori
one might well have been inclined toward a negative answer, but some recent
developments relating Yang-Mills theory to knot theory [18] strongly suggest a
positive answer. If the equivalence that we have proposed between quantum gravity
in 2 + 1 dimenisons and Chern-Simons gauge theory with gauge group ISO(2,1),
SO(3,1), or SO(2, 2) is really correct, then the expectation values (4.4) should be the
analogues for these groups of the Jones polynomials [29] of knot theory. This would
be a 2 + 1 dimensional version of the possible relation between quantum gravity and
knot theory conjectured in ref. [17].


Another fascinating cluster of questions concerns an important motivation for the
present work which so far we have not even mentioned.
Some recent developments [18] suggest that important classes of conformally
invariant quantum field theories in 1 + 1 dimensions can be obtained from generally
covariant quantum field theories in 2 + 1 dimensions. The Virasoro discrete series
with c < 1 are a very distinguished class of 1 + 1 dimensional conformally invariant
theories. Therefore, it seems natural to suspect that some distinguished generally
covariant theories in 2 + 1 dimensions should underlie the Virasoro discrete series.
What 2 + 1 dimensional generally covariant theory is more distinguished than
gravity itself? So one is tempted to believe that the Virasoro discrete series can be
understood by quantizing general relativity in 2 + 1 dimensoins.
H o w close to this goal have we come? We have seen that 2 + 1 dimensional
gravity is closely related to the Chern-Simons gauge theory of certain groups. In
view of the results of [18], this means that 2 + 1 dimensional gravity is closely
related to current algebra theories in 1 + 1 dimensions with these symmetry groups.
If we work in three-dimensional euclidean space and the cosmological constant is
positive, then the group that arises is SU(2) SU(2). It is certainly true, in view of
the G K O coset space construction, that S U ( 2 ) SU(2) current algebra is closely
related to the Virasoro discrete series. But in this paper we have not uncovered a
rationale for modifying the SU(2) SU(2) theory with the coset space construction.
If such a rationale does exist, it is probably related to the shakiest part of our
construction, which is that we took the phase space to be the moduli space of all
flat G connections without imposing any condition to avoid singularities.
4.5.1. String Theory Interpretation of 2 + 1 Dimensional Gravity. Whether or not
2 + 1 dimensional gravity is related to the Virasoro discrete series, it certainly looks
temptingly like it has a string theory interpretation. For, according to ref. [18], the
C h e r n - S i m o n s theories to which 2 + 1 dimensional gravity are equivalent are in
turn closely related to certain 1 + 1 dimensional conformal field theories. This latter
76 17,, Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity

relationship comes essentially from interpreting the quantum Hilbert spaces in 2 + 1

dimensions as the spaces of conformal blocks in 1 + 1 dimensions; the quantum
Hilbert spaces of the 1 + 1 dimensional theory can also be obtained by quantizing
the 2 + 1 dimensional theory on a manifold with boundary. So we have come upon
a peculiar relative of what one aims to do in string theory: a theory of space-time
geometry (2 + 1 dimensional gravity, in this case) can be coded in a 1 + 1 dimen-
sional conformal theory.
4.5.2. Thickening The Moduli Space of Riemann Surfaces. On noting that 2 + 1
dimensional gravity makes sense, and is "trivial", just like the 1 + 1 dimensional
theory, one might think of imitating the role of 1 + 1 dimensional gravity in string
theory. However, this is presumably naive. Just as unexpected as the role of 1 + 1
dimensional gravity in string theory may appear, so the role in physics of 2 + 1
dimensional gravity - if there is any role - is likely to be quite unexpected.
In speculating about possible relations between 2 + 1 dimensional gravity and
string theory, it is interesting to note that the moduli spaces that appear in 2 + 1
dimensional gravity are closely related to moduli space of Riemann surfaces. It is
for this reason that the study of hyperbolic three-dimensional geometry has been
closely connected with the study of Riemann surfaces. (An introduction can be
found in ref. [30].) It is intriguing to conjecture that suitable moduli spaces of
hyperbolic three geometries will enter string theory in the future as thickened
versions of an ordinary Riemann-surface moduli space. The behavior of a three
geometry in the far past and the far future may give separate Riemann-surface
moduli for left- and right-moving modes. There is some heuristic indication that
such a separation is needed in string theory [31].


In this paper, we have considered 2 + 1 dimensional gravity from a physical point

of view. However, if it is really possible to generalize the solution of the Yang-Mills
Chern-Simons theory to non-compact groups and understand quantum gravity on
general three manifolds, this is likely to have important implications for geometry.
The most important case for geometrical applications, in view of the results of
geometers [30], is likely to be the case of euclidean signature with negative cosmo-
logical c o n s t a n t - the relevant gauge group is then SO(3,1). In this case, the
lagrangian is
1 ik
I= ~I+ --I'gTr' (4.5)

where I is the standard Einstein action (2.22) with cosmological constant, and I ' is
the exotic action (2.27). In keeping with the above discussion of quantization of
couplings, the standard action 1 appears with a real coefficient, which we have
written as I/h; here h is Planck's constant. But - again in view of the discussion
E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity 77
a b o v e - I ' has a quantized coefficient, with k an integer. Once h is explicitly
introduced in this way, one may as well set X = 1 in eq. (2.22). Now one wishes to
study the F e y n m a n integral over all choices of field variables on an arbitrary three
manifold M, to get the "partition function" defined by

Z(M) = fDeD~o e -i. (4.6)

Understanding quantum gravity on a general three manifold would mean under-

standing how to compute Z(M) as a function of the variables h and k that appear
in the lagrangian.
The connection with classical geometry should be particularly striking in the limit
of small h. Presumably, though this is part of what one would want to investigate,
the small-h limit of the partition function would be dominated by the classical
solution of most negative action. According to the standard conjectures about three
manifolds, almost all interesting (irreducible) three manifolds are "hyperbolic", and
the action (4.5) would have a unique non-trivial critical point of most negative
action up to gauge transformation. The action for this critical point is - ( V / h +
2 ~ r i k C ) , where V and C are known as the volume and Chern-Simons invariant of
the hyperbolic three manifold. The small-h limit of the partition function would be
Z - e x p ( V / h + 2~rikC) (up to a power of h), so that the classical invariants V and
C could be extracted from the asymptotic behavior of Z, if indeed it is possible to
define the partition function Z as an invariant of three manifolds. Notice that, since
q u a n t u m gravity can be formulated on three manifolds that are not necessarily
hyperbolic, the scenario just sketched would be impossible if the hyperbolic volume
were well defined only for hyperbolic three manifolds. Happily, G r o m o v has shown
that the definition of the hyperbolic volume can be extended to arbitrary three
manifolds; and his definition seems rather like it is related to the classical limit of
q u a n t u m gravity.

I would like to thank M.F. Atiyah and W. Thurston for assistance on some
topological matters. I would also like to thank J. Horne for a critical reading of an
earlier draft of the paper, and T. Banks for some stimulating questions.

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78 E. Witten / 2 + 1 dimensional gravity

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