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Technical Investigation Accident Twin Crane Lift

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Orca Offshore bv

Lepelaarpark 35
1444 HR Purmerend
The Netherlands
+31 (0)6 23180849

Technical investigation of an inshore accident with a twin crane lift arrangement from two barges.
Ir. Herm Bussemaker, MSc Naval Architect, Orca Offshore b.v., The Netherlands
KEY WORDS: Alphen aan den Rijn, Julianabrug, Twin crane lift, Barge stability, Crane accident, Lift Stability, Crane tip
PUBLISHED: 6 July 2016
This paper describes a technical accident investigation concerning a bridge lift performed by two land based mobile cranes
placed on two barges. During the lift the barges lost stability and fell over onto various houses at the side of the channel.
Fortunately no casualties have been reported other than one dog who perished.
This paper describes the post accident technical investigation performed by Orca Offshore and Saetech for the Dutch Safety
Board (
Conclusion of this investigation is that the direct reason for the failure of the system was a critical stability which caused a
sudden large heel which led to overloads on various structures leading to a progressive collapse.
It was found that no mandatory requirement regarding pontoon stability exist for this type of operation. A minimum GMt
stability requirement has been used but it appeared that the complexity of the design was underestimated. An important
finding of this investigation was the de-stabilising effect of the flexibility of the used cranes which has shown to be an
important contributor to this accident.
Main technical lessons learned from the accident investigation were:

Multiple crane lifts from one or more pontoon(s) are much more complicated to assess with regards to stability
than a single crane lift

A land based mobile crane is not designed for use on a pontoon and should not be used on a pontoon unless the
crane manual or the crane manufacturer has given clear usage limits for the crane on a pontoon.

Land based mobile cranes have low stiffness at the crane tip in horizontal direction which has a large effect on the
stability of the pontoon.

No rules, guidelines or recommendation exists to evaluate the risk of capsizing for using a land based mobile crane
on a flat pontoon.

Standard ship or barge stability requirements are not sufficient to assure a safe lift from a barge
Orca Offshore and Saetec have performed a technical evaluation of
the accident on request of the Dutch Safety Board. The objective of
the investigation was to evaluate the feasibility of the plan and to
identify the root cause of this accident.

led to a progressive collapse and a complete fall over of the two


The Incident
In Alphen aan de Rijn in the Netherland on August 2015 a new
bridge fly of the "Julianabrug" had to be installed on the bridge
lands. The bridge fly arrived on a transport barge in a near vertical
position. Two telescope type land based mobile cranes operated
from two barges had to pick-up the bridge fly, rotate the bridge to
horizontal position and move the bridge between the cranes. After
this operation the whole assembly had to be relocated to the
bridge. One of the barges had to fit between the bridge landings
which did put a constraint on the width of that barge.
Figure 1

The two barges with the cranes were moored against the barge
with the bridge fly. To pick-up the lift it was required to apply
pretension with the crane and to ballast the barges to keep them
on even keel. This operation took several hours. After lifting the
bridge fly free from the supports, the crane operators started a
slow inward move. At that moment the two barges developed a
large list and the control over the system was lost which eventually

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Situation after the accident (Source OVV)

The precise order of events could be different, but in reality that

would not have mattered at all. The analytical assessment has
shown that the system was unstable at the moment the lift was
completely hanging free. This means that whatever action was
taken the system would have collapsed anyway.

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Assessment of the lift

After the incident the investigation board and the authorities have
measured the condition of the barges in terms of floating position
and filling of the ballast tanks. The cranes have also been measured
in to determine the radius and length of the boom. Also the
computer control systems have been secured and processed.
Based on these measurements and on various pictures and videos
taken before and during the incident it was possible to determine
the properties of the system. The engineering drawings and
calculations have also been included in the assessment.

Barge Stability numbers

With this information the stability of the two barges has been back
calculated using the standard method for ships and barges as also
used for the preparation of this lift. This approach calculates the
stabilising moment of each barge separately as function of a heel
angle and includes the weight and CoG of all items on the barge,
the water in the ballast tanks, the free surface effect of the partly
filled tanks, and the crane load as weight acting in the tip of the
The stability at the equilibrium position has been evaluated using
the GMt value which represents the transfers initial metacentric
height of the barge. The GMt should normally be positive with an
adequate margin for inaccuracies. Figure 2 shows a typical stability
curve of a barge or ship. This plot represents the righting capacity
of the barge as function of the heel angle. The initial GMt value is
also indicated in this graph. A GMt value of zero or less represent
an unstable condition of the barge which will lead to a large list
towards a new equilibrium position with a positive GMt value.
Figure 3 presents an example stability curve representing a
negative GMt value at the evenkeel (heel=0o) situation of the ship.
The stability curve shows a new equilibrium position at a heel angle
of 30 o.

Table 1 presents the results of the post accident stability analysis

expressed in terms of GMt.
Stability number GMt
Barge 1
Barge 2
0.82 m
2.22 m


Post accident standard calculated GMt

Table 1 Barge Stability as determined and based on standard approach

Before the accident various arrangements have been checked. The

final arrangement has actually not been checked due to
miscommunication. The barge owner used a minimum GMt
requirement of 2.5 m to check the suitability of the barge. The final
situation did not comply with the minimum requirement of the
barge owner, but due to miscommunication this was not noted.
After the incident various parties have calculated the stability of
the barges and all analysis resulted in small but positive GMt values
of the two barges. The GMt values are low which means that an
operation like this will be very difficult and very risky. But the GMt
values are positive so the system should be stable and instability
would not be the direct cause of this accident.

Detailed assessment
The calculated direct single barge stability showed that the stability
was low but us such is still not the direct cause of the accident.
Based on this a more detailed assessment has been initiated which
concentrated on the methods to calculate the stability and to
determine which loads could have initiated the observed list of the
barges. The following subjects have been further reviewed:

Assessment of the Calculation Method

Accuracy of the used input data for the stability analysis
Validity of the assumption behind the stability
assessment method
Effect of twin crane arrangement on stability


Assessment of heel sensitivity

Effect of uncontrolled external loads

Effect of controlled loads (Ballast actions, crane actions,

mooring lines)

Assessment of calculation method

A short error sensitivity assessment has been done to show the
margin of error the GM calculation could have. Major uncertainties
in the system would be;

Figure 2

Example Stability curve (Source:

Crane settings
Lift load
Ballast condition
Barge Floating condition
Barge and deckload weight and CoG (Centre of Gravity)
Crane weight and CoG

Table 2 presents the absolute error in the GMt calculation of both

barges based on an realistic assumed accuracy of the input
parameter and 95% probability of exceedance limit.

Stability number GMt

Barge 1
Barge 2
0.82 m
2.22 m
0.53 m
-0.03 m
-0.05 m
1.25 m
2.70 m
0.79 m
2.17 m
0.33 m
1.64 m

Post accident standard calculated GMt
Error estimate 95% probability
Mean of error estimate
Highest GMt estimate
Best GMt estimate
Lowest GMt estimate

Table 2 Summary 1 of GMt calculation

Figure 3

Example Stability curve (Source:

For this accident the initial GMt at the floating position seconds
before the start of the incident has been calculated.

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The validity of the used methods to calculate the stability of two

barges with two cranes connected through the lift load has been
reviewed. The main assumptions behind the calculations are:

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The twin lift arrangement has no effect on the stability of the

separate barges
The vertical centre of gravity of the lift load acts in crane tip.
The system is rigid and will not deform.

Add 1)

The barges are connected to each other through the crane tips, the
lift rigging and the lift load. The effect this could have on the single
barge stability cannot be ignored.

Add 2)

This assumption is only valid for a single crane lift. A twin crane lift
can show a shift of this point below or even above the crane tip
due to geometrical effect in the rigging.

Add 3)

This assumption is normally valid for marine cranes as these are

designed to accommodate a significant side load on the crane tip
which results in a stiff and strong crane boom. Land based cranes,
and especially mobile telescopic cranes are not designed for large
side loads acing on the crane boom, which makes the stiffness of
the crane tip in horizontal direction a lot lower.

In the next sections the above three assumptions will be further


Effect of Crane stiffness

The general consensus to calculate stability of a crane barge
combination is to assume that the lift load acts in the upper
connection point of the lift arrangement generally referred to as
the crane tip. This assumption is valid if the crane is infinitively stiff
in all directions. Marine and offshore cranes are designed to
accommodate a large side lead load which results in relative large
stiffness in the side direction. Land based cranes are in general not
designed for large side lead which results in a lot lower horizontal
stiffness of the crane.

Figure 5

Diagram showing effect of flexible crane

Figure 5 shows a diagram explaining this effect. The diagram shows

the deformation of the blue crane boom at a certain barge heel
angle. As can be seen, the lift load attachment point has shifted
due to the deflection of the boom. The lift load vector now crosses
the crane centre line at the red dot which is at h meters above the
black dot representing the lift load attachment point for an infinite
stiff crane.
A simple formula has been derived which relates the vertical offset
of the virtual lift attachment point from the crane tip to the crane
tip stiffness as follows:


= vertical shift of centre of load


= Hookload (kN)
= Crane tip stiffness (kN/m)

The stiffness of one of the telescopic mobile cranes has been

calculated by the manufacturer and made available for this
investigation. Based in this number the vertical shift for the subject
lift showed a vertical shift of the lift attachment point of 12 meter
while the height above the barge deck of the crane tip was around
36 m. This resulted in significant GMt reduction. Table 3 presents
the calculated GMt reduction for both barges and a summary of
the GMt.
Figure 4

Example crane bending (Source:

It has been found that the assumption that the lift load acts in the
upper crane block is not valid if the crane is flexible in horizontal
direction. The lift load actually acts in a virtual point above the
upper block with a vertical offset distance related to the horizontal
stiffness of the crane tip.


Stability number GMt

Barge 1
Barge 2
0.82 m
2.22 m
0.53 m
-0.03 m
-0.05 m
-0.83 m
-1.01 m
0.45 m
1.69 m
-0.04 m
1.16 m
- 0.50 m
0.63 m

Post accident standard calculated GMt
Error estimate 95% probability
Mean of error estimate
GMt reduction due to crane flexibility
Highest GMt estimate
Best GMt estimate
Lowest GMt estimate

Table 3 Summary 2 of GMt calculation

Twin crane lift stability effects

Using two cranes from one or more barges can have an effect on the
stability of the barge(s). The hookload division between the two
cranes can change as function of the heel angle of the barge and tilt of
the load. With a single crane lift this does not occur. This change of
hookload relates to the geometry of the lift arrangement and the lift
centre of gravity position. Figure 6 shows an example of this effect
which actually increases the stability of the barge. The heeled barge
on the right of the diagram shows that the hookload has to change to
maintain equilibrium of the lift. The hookload of the "down" crane
decreases which has a stabilising effect on the barge.

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software MOSES from Bentley systems. With this model it is

possible to accurately calculate the mentioned twin crane effects.

Figure 6

Twin crane effect high lift points

Figure 7 shows an example of this effect which has a negative

effect on the stability of the barge. In this case the hookload of the
"down" crane increases which has a de-stabilising effect on the

Figure 10

MOSES simulation model for twin lift effects

Figure 10 shows the model used for this analysis. The simulation
based on the properties of the subject lift showed that in this case
the twin crane stability effect was limited.
Table 4 shows the results of the twin crane effect and the total
calculated GMt of the lift.

Figure 7

Twin crane effect low lift points

Figure 8 shows an example of this effect with two barges. In this

case the hookload of the "down" crane increases which has a destabilising effect on both barges.

Stability number GMt

Barge 1
Barge 2
0.82 m
2.22 m
0.53 m
-0.03 m
-0.05 m
-0.83 m
-1.01 m
-0.02 m
-0.04 m
0.40 m
1.65 m
-0.06 m
1.12 m
- 0.52 m
0.59 m


Post accident standard calculated GMt
Error estimate 95% probability
Mean of error estimate
GMt reduction due to crane flexibility
Twin crane effect
Highest GMt estimate
Best GMt estimate
Lowest GMt estimate

Table 4 Final results of GMt calculation

The calculated stability of both barges is very low and barge 1 is

even below zero indicating stability problems which will lead to a
sudden large heel. The video made of the incident showed that
barge 1 indeed initiated the collapse and dragged barge 2 along.

Figure 8

Twin crane effect from two barges

In case the barges are moored in any way to each other, a

horizontal load at the crane tip can be developed. Figure 9 shows
this effect which has a stabilising effect on both barges. It is
however a risky situation as the fendering or mooring can suddenly
slip or change which could initiate a sudden heel of the barges.

If it can be shown that the highest found GMt value is also not
adequate to keep control of the lift it can be concluded that this
low stability is indeed the root cause of the incident.
This will be done by assessing the heel sensitivity of the system for
existing externally applied loads which could lead to a heeling
reaction of the barges.

Assessment of heel sensitivity

The sensitivity of a lift system for external heeling effects is a good
measure to evaluate the safety and controllability of the operation.
The following external effects can be considered:

Figure 9

Twin crane effect moored barges

Analysis of Twin lift effects

To calculate stability impact of the twin crane effects by hand is
possible but complicated. For this accident investigation a 3D
simulation model has been build using the marine simulation

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Wind Loads
Offset loads
Ballast loads
Crane actions

The lifted load had a large wind area which was situated
perpendicular to the wind direction. Data from the weather
institute revealed a wind velocity of 7 m/s one hour mean and 11
m/s 3 second gusts, which represents a BF 4 wind condition.
Offset loads are generated due to a misalignment of the lift. At lift
off the offset loads are released which can generate a sudden
overturning load on the crane tip.

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Ballast water is used to compensate the lift load and to keep the
barge on even keel. In this case ballasting was a very slow process
which could not initiate a sudden heel of the barges and therefore
not further included in this assessment.
Crane actions are described in the case of a telescopic crane the
load is moved by hoisting (H), slewing (SI), luffing (Lu) and
telescoping (Te), see Figure 11.

Figure 12

Simulation for wind gust with best estimate GMt values

Figure 12 shows some frames of the video taken from the incident
and corresponding frames of the simulation.
Figure 11

Definition of crane movements (Source: BS EN 13000:2004)

The effect on the barge heel using the calculated GMt values has
been calculated and reported in Table 5.
Used GMt value
Wind load increase due to wind Gust
Full wind force
Misalignment Offset 0.1 m
Load move by crane 0.2 m

Table 5

Barge static heel

Barge 1
Barge 2
0.40 m
1.12 m

Heel effect of various external loads

The above table reports the static heel which represent the
situation after reaching the new equilibrium and when the motions
of the load stopped. But as these loads can rapidly appear, the
system will react in a dynamic way which will initiate an overshoot
that increase the maximum heel to double the static heel. For
instance the wind gust dynamic heel will amount 8.8o which is
twice the heel of 4.4o . This is also valid for the other effects.
The video of the incident showed that the crane boom of the crane
on barge 1 collapsed at a barge heel angle of around 12o.
Based on the above analysis it can indeed be concluded that even
the highest estimate of the calculated GMt is still not adequate to
keep control of the lift. A combination of the above effects could
easily generate a dangerous heel of the barge leading to an
overload or toppling of the cranes.

Simulation of the incident

With the MOSES computer model it is possible to simulate the first
20 second of the incident using a time domain analysis method. In
total eighth different simulations have been performed for a range
of GMt values in combination with a wind gust and a crane action.

The performed simulation showed good correlation with the reality

as recorded with the video, also confirming the low stability as root
cause of the incident.

Stability requirements
The barges always need to comply with the class or national
stability requirements. In this case these requirements were not
complied with, but even if the stability would have complied with
these stability rules, the lift would still have been hazardous. Barge
stability rules are not compiled to cover stability during crane lifts
from a barge. In general it can be said that a barge which fully
complies with all stability requirements can still be too unstable to
perform a safe lift.
Specific stability requirements for a barge crane combination used
on inland water do not exist. For offshore application there is
nowadays a class requirement regarding the minimum stability
during a lift based on a dropped lift load and the ability of the
vessel to survive that.
A minimum GMt requirement for a safe lift is not easy to define as
it relates to the lift arrangement, the ballast system, the
environmental conditions, the crane properties and many other
effects. Most contractors working with crane vessel use an inhouse
developed minimum GMt requirement which is based on
experience and a feeling for such operation.
In this case the contractors used an inhouse minimum GMt value,
but due to miscommunication this was not maintained. But even if
that value was maintained the lift would still have been very
hazardous with very little redundancy regarding stability.

Crane utilisation
The cranes have been used up to full utilisation. It is normally
recommended to reduce the allowable crane load for use on a
barge. The reduction should be advised by the crane manufacturer
as it relates to the strength requirements of the crane outside the
land tilt and motion limits. On a barge it can be expected that the
crane will tilt during the operation which should be accounted for
in the allowable hookload curve.
In this case this has not been done. The cranes were fully utilised
based on a land based allowable hookload curve.

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The incident investigation revealed that the root cause of this
accident was the low stability of the barges. The start of the
collapse was possibly initiated by a wind gust or a small crane
action which led to a large heel reaction of the barge. As the cranes
are not strong enough to take a large heel the progressive collapse
of the system was inevitable.
The critical stability of the barges was not known during the
execution phase of the project. This was partly due to
miscommunications between the various involved contractors and

also due to an unknown destabilising effect of the used crane type

on the barges.
It is recommended not to use land based cranes on a barge, even
at inland waters, without consulting the crane manufacturer
regarding the allowable loads.
For critical and complicated lifts using barges and a twin crane
arrangement it is recommended not to really on standard ship
stability software but to perform 3D hydrostatic simulations to
evaluate the risks of the planned operation.

The author or Orca Offshore b.v. cannot be held liable for any consequence arising from the content of this white paper. It is the responsibility of the user to check the
correctness of the provided advice, recommendations or opinions for any future operation. The information provided has been based on the public information
regarding this incident. Opinions and interpretation of the public information and published in this white paper are not part of the accident investigation and do not
reflect the opinion or interpretation of the Dutch Safety Board.


Hijsongeval Alphen aan de Rijn, Onderzoeksraad voor de veiligheid, juni 2016

Berekenen technische haalbaarheid en kwetsbaarheid, 153026.DOC.001.E1, Orca Offshore, 15-06-2016.
"Analyse kwaliteit voorbereiding en uitvoering", doc no. REP-1512-002, Saetech, 15-06-2016.
"Analyse Technische haalbaarheid", doc no. REP-1512-003 Saetech, 15-06-2016.

Above documents are available for download at


Technical note on Crane barge stability,, Orca Offshore bv, 06-07-2016

Above document is available for download at

153026.WP.001.Technical investigation accident Twin crane lift.R1.docx

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