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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-3, Issue-8, August 2015

Correlation of Compressive strength and Dynamic

modulus of Elasticity for high strength SCC Mixes
Priyanka P. Chavhan, Manoj R.Vyawahare
independent of The quality of construction work was the use
Abstract The Self compacting concrete is one of the best Of, which could be compacted into every Corner of a
form of high performances concrete which can be used in both formwork, purely by means of its Own weight vibration
reinforced and prestressed concrete structure. The mechanical giving an improved interface between the aggregate and
properties of SCC are required to be investigated for the
hardened paste. A number of concrete properties may be
analysis of reinforced concrete structure and precast concrete
structure. The modulus of elasticity is one of the key properties
related to the concrete compressive strength, the only
which is investigated and correlated with the compressive concrete engineering property that is routinely specified and
strength in this work. The method has been used to find out the tested. In this investigation for compressive strength test,
dynamic modulus of elasticity of high strength SCC. Vary good standard 100mm cube specimens were cast. The concrete
correlation has been obtained between the compressive strength cubes were tested by using Compression Testing Machine
and dynamic modulus of elasticity. having capacity of 2000kn. Three standard cubes each for
various mixes were tested to determine 28 days compressive
Index Terms Self compacting concrete ; ultrasonic pulse
C. Dynamic modulus of elasticity
I. INTRODUCTION The stress strain relationship of concrete exhibits
complexity particularly due to the peculiar behavior of gel
A. Introduction of Self Compacting Concrete structure and the manner in which the water is held in
Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is a highlyflow hardened concrete. The value of E is found out by actual
ableand non-segregating concrete that does not require loading of concrete i.e. the static modulus of elasticity does
vibration when cast, yetIt is capable of flowing through not truly represent the elastic behavior of concrete.Due to the
narrowOpenings or extremely congestedReinforcement. SCC phenomenon of creep the elastic modulus of elasticity will get
is also known as Self-Consolidating Concrete, Self-Leveling affected more seriously at higher stress when the effect of
Concrete and High-Fluidity Concrete. creep is more pronounced. Attempts have been made to find
Development of Self- Compacting Concreteis a desirable out the modulus of elasticity from the data obtained by
achievement in theConstruction industry in order to overcome non-destructive testing of concrete. The modulus of elasticity
Problems associated with cast-in-place Concrete. can be determined by subjecting the concrete member to
Self-Compacting Concrete is cast in such aManner that no longitudinal vibration at their natural frequency. This method
additional inner or outerVibration is necessary for the involves the determine of either resonant frequency through a
compaction. ItFlows like honey and has a very smooth specimen of concrete or pulse velocity travelling through the
Surface after placing. With regard to its Composition, concrete The value of dynamic modulus of elasticity can also
Self-Compacting Concrete Consist of the same components be computed from UPV method.
as conventionally vibrated concrete, i.e. Cement, aggregates
and water, with theAddition of chemical and mineral Ultrasonic Pulse velocity method
admixturesin different proportions. Usually, the Chemical This can be sub divided into two parts
admixtures used are Super plasticizer and a) Mechanical sonic pulse velocity method which involves
viscosity-modifying Agents, which change the rheological measurement of the time travel of longitudinal or
Properties of concrete. Mineral admixturesAre used as an compression waves generated by a single impact hammer
extra fine material, and inSome cases, they replace cement. blow or repeated blows.
b) Ultrasonic pulse velocity method, which involves
B. Development of Self Compacting Concrete measurement of the time of travel of electronically
generator mechanical pulse through the concrete.
The motive for development of Self-Compacting Out of these two, the ultrasonic pulse method has gained
Concrete was the social problem on durability of concrete considerable popularity all over the world.When Mechanical
structuresthat arose around 1983 in Japan. Due to agradual impulses are applied to a solid mass, three different kind of
reduction in the number of skilled Workers in the Japan s waves are generated. These are generally known as
construction industry,a similar reduction in the quality of longitudinal waves, shear waves and surface waves. These
onstruction work took place. As a result ofThis fact, one three waves travel at different speeds. The longitudinal or
solution for the achievement of Durable concrete structures compression waves travel about twice as fast as the other two
types the shear or transverse waves are not so fast, the surface
Priyanka P. Chavhan, M.E. Student, Department of Civil Engineering,
B.N. College of Engineering, Pusad, Maharashtra, India
waves are the slowest.
Manoj R.Vyawahare, (Associate Professor) Department of Civil The pulse can be generated either by hammer blows or by
Engineering, B.N. College of Engineering, Pusad, Maharashtra, India the use of an electro acoustic transducer. Electro acoustic

Correlation of Compressive strength and Dynamic modulus of Elasticity for high strength SCC Mixes

transducer are preferred as they provide better control on the Specific Gravity 2.5 2.85
type and frequency of pulse generated. The instrument used is Fineness 2.8 7.44
called soniscope . Modulus
Ultrasonic pulse velocity method consists of measuring Particle shape Rounded Angular
the time of travel of an ultrasonic pulse, passing through the
concrete to be tested the pulse generator circuit consist of c) Water
electronic circuit for generating pulse and a transducer for Ordinary potable water available in the laboratory was
transforming these electronic pulse into mechanical energy used.
having vibration frequencies in the range of 15 to 50 kHz. The
time travel between initial onset and the reception of the pulse d) Fly Ash
is measured electronically the path length between transducer
Fly ash is a by-product obtained by burning coal at
divided by the time of travel gives the average velocity of
thermal power plants. For this study FA was obtained from
wave propagation.
Dirk India Company pvt. Ltd. Eklehra, Nashik. The physical
properties of fly ash have been shown in Table-3 and
D. Objective of the investigation chemical properties have been shown in Table-4.
The objective of the study presented here is to examine
and correlatethe compressive strength and dynamic Table 3: Physical Properties of Fly Ash:
modulus of elasticity . Sr. No. PhysicalProperties Test Results
To obtained a better understanding of dynamic test used 1 Colour Grey
to compute the dynamic youngs modulus using UPV 2 Specific Gravity 2.13
method for SCC.
To better understand the relationship between the
dynamic modulus of elasticity and compressive strength Table 4: Chemical Properties of Fly ash:
of SCC. Sr. No. ChemicalProperties Test Results
1 Loss on ignition 4.17
2 Silica(SiO2) 58.55
3 Iron Oxide(Fe2O3) 3.44
A. Materials 4 Alumina (Al2O3) 28.20
5 Calcium Oxide (Cao) 2.23
a) Cement 6 Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 0.32
In this experimental study, Ordinary Portland Cement 53 7 Total Sulphur (SO3) 0.07
grades, conforming to IS: 8112-1989 was used. The different
laboratory tests conducted on cement to determine the
physical and mechanical properties of the cement used are e) Silica Fume:
shown in Table-1 Silica fume (SF) is obtained from Elkem Ind. Pvt. Ltd.
Vashi Navi Mumbai. SF having specific gravity 2.2 as a filler
Table 1: Properties of Cement material has been used. Chemical composition of SF is given
Physical Property Result in table-5.
Normal Consistency 29%
Table 5: Chemical composition of Silica Fume:
Vicat initial setting time (minutes) 75 min. Sr. No Constituents Quantity (%)
Vicat final setting time (minutes) 482 min. 1 SiO2 91.03
2 Al2O3 0.39
Specific gravity 3.15 3 Fe2O3 2.11
4 CaO 1.5

b) Aggregates f) Super plasticizers

Locally available natural sand with 4.75 mm maximum Super plasticizers or high range water reducing
size conforming to class II- IS 383 was used as fine aggregate, admixture is an essential component of SCC. It is used to
having specific gravity, fineness modulus and unit weight as provide necessary workability. Glenium B233 (modified Poly
given in Table 2 and crushed stone with 16mm maximum size carboxylic ether based) was obtained from BASF India
having specific gravity, fineness modulus and unit weight as Limited, Nagpur.
given in Table-2 was used as coarse aggregate. Table-2 gives
the physical properties of the coarse and fine aggregates. III. EXPERIMENTAL WORK

Table 2: Physical Properties of Coarse and Fine A. Mix Design

Aggregates The mix proportion was done based on the method
Property Fine Coarse Aggregate proposed by Nan Su et al.[3]. The mix designs were carried
Aggregate out for concrete grade 60. This method was preferred as it has

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-3, Issue-8, August 2015
the advantage of considering the strengths of the SCC mix. In this experimental work, the slump value of fresh concrete
The final mixes were arrived after making some changes to was obtained in the range of 680mm to 730mm. The result has
meet the strength and self-compacting ability criteria. The been shown in Table-8.
details of mixes are given in table-6.

Table 6: Mixture proportion for 1m3 of SCC b) L-Box

Specime Cement Sand Course Fly ash Silica Water Super L- Box test is used to assess the passing ability of SCC to flow
n (kg/m3) (kg/m3) aggregat (kg/m3) fume (kg.) plasticize
e (kg/m3) r through tight openings including spaces between reinforcing
(kg/m3) (kg.) bars & other obstructions without segregation of blocking.
S0 437 1048 927.4 150 0 176 5.283 The passing ability is calculated from the following equation:
S10 437 1048 927.4 135 15 176 5.413 PA=H2/H1. In this experimental work, the. L-Box value of
fresh concrete was obtained in the range of 0.8cm to
S20 437 1048 927.4 120 30 176 5.625
0.94cm.The result has been shown in Table-8.
S30 437 1048 927.4 105 45 176 5.895

S40 437 1048 927.4 90 60 176 6.025 c) V- Funnel Test

S50 437 1048 927.4 75 75 176 6.231 The V-funnel test is used to assess the viscosity & filling
ability of SCC. Tv is the V-funnel flow time. In this
S60 437 1048 927.4 60 90 176 6.416 experimental work,The V- Funnel value of fresh concrete was
obtained in the range of 8.65 to 11.35 sec.The result shows in
S70 437 1048 927.4 45 105 176 6.538
S80 437 1048 927.4 30 120 176 6.687

S90 437 1048 927.4 15 135 176 6.819 E. Preparation of Cube and Cylinders: At a time 3
cylinders were cast the laboratory of size 15 cm diameter and
S100 437 1048 927.4 0 150 176 7.044
30 cm height. and three cubes were cast of size 10x 10x 10
cm. The casting of cylinder and cube was done as follows.
First of all the moulds used for casting purpose were oiled
B. Batching ingredients:- The various ingredients required from inside so that the concrete does not stick to the surface.
for SCC mix were taken by weight batching. Immediately after mixing, the concrete which fulfilled the
acceptance criteria of SCC were filled in mould. The
temperature of water and test room was as specified i.e. 270 C
C. Mixing of ingredients:- All the ingredients taken by + 20C during the above operations.
weight batching. Then in mixer all the ingredient are mix in
dry condition. Then 70% of calculated amount of water was
added to the dry mix and mixed it thoroughly. Then 30% of
F. Curing of Cube and cylinders:- The prepared cylinders
water was mix with superplasticizer and added in mixer.Then
and cube were kept at a temperature of 270C 20C in an
the mix was check for self compacting ability by different
atmosphere of at least 90% relative humidity for 24 hrs from
the time of addition of water to dry ingredients.At the end of
D. Self Compactability tests on mixes:- Various tests are this period concrete cylinders and cubewere taken out of
conducted on the trial mixes to check for their acceptance and mould for curing purpose. The method of curing was by
self Compactability properties. The tests included slump Flow pounding. In this method after taking out from the moulds
test and V-funnel tests for checking the filling ability and they were immediately submerged in clean and fresh water for
L-box test for the passing ability. The mixes are checked for curing and kept for28 days till they were taken out for testing
the SCC acceptance criteria suggested by EFNARC (2002) purpose.
given in table no. 7.
G. Testing of Compressive Strength of SCC Mixes :- The
Table 7: SCC - Acceptance Criteria
cube were removed from curing tank turn by turn after 28
Method Properties Range of values days of curing and compressive strength test was performed
Flow value Filling ability 650-800mm of each set of cubes. Three standard cubes each for various
mixes were tested to determine 28 days compressive strength.
V-funnel Viscosity 6-12 sec Table 9 Gives the compressive strength of different mixes.
L-box Passing ability 0.8-1.0
H. Testing of cylinders:- The cylinders were tested for
dynamic modulus of elasticity by UPV method after 28 days
of curing.
a) Slump Flow Test:
Dynamic modulus of elasticity
Slump flow &T500 time is a test to assess the flow ability & By the direct transmission of ultrasonic pulse acrossthe
the flow rate of SCC in the absence of obstructions. It is based length of cylinder and recording the time required the
on the slump test described in EFNARC (2002). The result is dynamic modulus of elasticity has been calculated for each
an indication of the filling ability of SCC. specimen. From measurement of ultrasonic waves velocity it

Correlation of Compressive strength and Dynamic modulus of Elasticity for high strength SCC Mixes

is possible to calculate the elastic dynamic modulus Ed as compressive strength and dynamic modulus of elasticity has
follows shown in following table and graph shows The correlation is
represented by polynomial line with equation y = - 1.062x2 +
Ed = v2 Q * (1+n)*(1-2n)/(1-n) 828.1x. In this equation y represents the dynamic modulus of
Where, elasticity x represents the 28 days compressive strength. And
V =ultrasonic pulse velocity in km/s the correlation can be considered as very good as the
Q = concrete density in kg / m3 coefficient of correlation R2 is near to 1 i.e. having value
N = poisons ratio ( for high strength concrete N = 0.15 , equal to 0.981
Ed = dynamic elastic modulus. The self compacting concrete has uniform consistence
and hence the values of compressive strength and dynamic
modules can be correlated. The even distribution of matrix
IV. TEST RESULTS due to uniformity in concrete mass is possible in SCC than in
normally vibrated concrete. That is why the results are so
consistent. It
A. Fresh Properties of SCC Mixes can be seen that the 28 days compressive strength of all the
Various tests were conducted on the trial mixes to check for mixes ranged between 63.21 to 101.92 Mpa.
their acceptance and self compacting properties. The tests
included slump flow test and V-funnel tests for checking the Table 9: Result of Fck and Ed
filling ability and L-box test for passing ability. The mixes
were checked for the SCC acceptance criteria suggested by Comp Strength 'fck' Dynamic Modulus of
EFNARC (2002) given in table-7.
(Mpa) Elasticity (Mpa)
Table 8: SCC Test Results of SCC Mixes S0-A 101.92 52487

Specimen Slum V- L- Segregation Remark S0-B 71.73 48298

flow funnel box
S10-A 80.38 50744
(mm) (sec.) (cm)
S10-B 86.82 49204
S0 700 9.76 0.91 No SCC
S20-A 75.4 47658
S10 710 11.35 0.91 No SCC
S20 700 10.43 0.85 No SCC S30-A 81.29 49629

S30 720 11.1 0.86 No SCC S30-B 74.56 45314

S40 730 10.5 0.92 No SCC
S30-C 65.6 39873
S50 680 11.6 0.88 No SCC
S40-A 75.01 46557
S60 730 9.36 0.87 No SCC
S40-C 72.45 47206
S70 685 10.11 0.92 No SCC
S80 700 9.74 0.89 No SCC S50-A 70.92 46212

S90 730 11.1 0.87 No SCC S50-B 67.83 46317

S100 700 8.65 0.94 No SCC S60-A 78.35 48154

The result of the self compact ability tests are tabulated in S60-B 70.36 45409
table-8. All the mixes satisfied the acceptance criteria for self
S70-A 69.65 44985
compacting concrete. Hence these mixes were chosen as the
successful mixes. S70-B 77.61 49387

Compressive Strength of SCC Mixes S80-A 63.21 44302

It can be seen that SCC with 30% SF and 70% FA gives
maximum compressive strength. Three standard cubes each S80-C 64.01 42634
for various mixes were tested to determine28 days
compressive strength. The 28 days compressive strength S90-A 73.45 48927
increases from 40.68 to 101.92MPa . Table 7 Gives the
compressive strength of cube the mixes S90-B 91.47 44125

S100-B 73.13 48714

Dynamic modulus of elasticity(Ed)
It can be observed that Ed for all specimens in the range S100-C 69.17 43969
of 35420 and 52487 Mpa. The correlation between

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-3, Issue-8, August 2015

Dynamic modulus of elasticity can also be correlated
to compressive strength of high strength SCC.
The UPV test can be effectively used to determine
dynamic modulus of elasticity of high strength SCC.
The UPV method used to determine dynamic
modulus of elasticity can indirectly give the compressive
strength of high strength SCC using the correlation.


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