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Digital Directional and Non-Directional Over Current Relays: Modelling and Performance Analysis

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Digital Directional and Non-Directional Over

Current Relays: Modelling and Performance

Article January 2011


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Muhammad Mohsin Aman Muhammad Qadeer Ahmed Khan

NED University of Engineering and Technology, 5 PUBLICATIONS 8 CITATIONS


Saad Ahmed Qazi

NED University of Engineering and Technology,


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NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

Digital Directional and Non-Directional

Over-Current Relays
(Modeling and Performance Analysis)
Muhammad Mohsin Amana, Muhammad Qadeer A. Khanb, Saad A. Qazic

Ph.D. Scholar University of Malaya, Malaysia and working as a lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering, NED
University of Engineering & Technology. Karachi- Pakistan. Ph. +6014-2274960 Email
Electrical Engineer, working in Siemens Pakistan Ph. +92 (0)343-3382510, Email
Professor & Chairman, Department of Electrical Engineering, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi-
Pakistan. Ph. +92 (0)21-99261261-8, Email

AbstractThis paper describes the design of a digital over current relay (directional and non

directional) and its performance on MATLAB/SIMULINK. Digital over current relays have

advantages over electromechanical relays. Their fast, compact and reliable operation results in

minimum outage of power system in case of fault. The paper also describes various data

conversion steps involved in a digitization process. The logic based algorithm and developed

relay model have been tested under various system dynamics and fault conditions. A 400V

industrial distribution power system is used as a tutorial to simulate and test over-current relays

performance results, with motor start up inrush current consideration and backup relay

coordination for safe and reliable operation. Similarly, a 132kV loop network is used as another

tutorial example to simulate and test the directional over-current relays performance.

Key Words: Digital relay, over current relay, inverse and instantaneous characteristics, slope

detection, relay coordination, directional over-current relay.

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)


S IMULATION tools are becoming more and more useful in initial designing of power system as a tool

for researcher and in the educational field to give real time feelings to fresh engineers. Currently,

varieties of software tools are available to power engineers such as ETAP, DigSilent and Power World

Simulator (PWS). These tools are useful but need substantial training to use. MATLAB also offers an

open-source Power System Analysis Toolbox for electric power system and control. This toolbox

covers many aspects of power system although it currently does not possess many protection system

components modules [1]. This paper covers the design of a digital over-current relay (OCR) model and

directional OCR on MATLAB/Simulink. Modelling in MATLAB offers design flexibility and room

for exploration which assists in developing better understanding of the physical phenomenon

happening behind any module.

Any protection scheme is a combination of various types of relays such as Over-current, over and

under-voltage, over and under-frequency relays etc. All of these were traditionally constructed

electromechanically and later in solid-state. Currently, digital relays have replaced both types; being

faster, compact and reliable in operation ensuring minimum power outage in case of fault [2-5].

OCRs are employed to protect distribution and sub-transmission system from the effects of excessive

currents occurring either due to short circuits or overload conditions. It is also used for the protection of

generators, power transformers and electric motors. To limit the extent of damage caused by such faults

to a minimum level; fast, reliable and selective operation of relay are basic demands of any power

system. To meet these expectations, advantages of digital logic, communication, information storage

and processing capabilities of modern microprocessors are employed in digital design [2-5]. OCR has

its limitation in sensing the direction of fault, which is mitigated by adding a directional element along

with it [4]. Directional OCRs are most commonly employed for protecting ring or loop networks [5-7].

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)


2.1 Over Current Relay (50/51):

The currenttime characteristic of a typical over-current relay is shown in Fig. 1 [2, 4, 6-7].

Figure 1. Current Time Characteristics of an Over-Current Relay

In Fig. 1, Curve A-B is the inverse characteristic of the relay and is used to protect apparatus from

excessive currents less than severe short circuit fault levels but large enough, that if allowed to sustain

for a certain period would damage the apparatus it is meant to protect. Moreover, Curve B-C-D is

meant for instantaneous, high speed clearing of severe short circuits (>IS) by reducing the clearing time

to only Ts. This paper presents the design of inverse as well as instantaneous portion of over-current


The general form of the inverse time current characteristic of an over-current relay can be given as [3,


T 1 Ia (1)
I 1
a IP

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

Where T is the operating time of the relay ; Ia is the fault current normalized by the pickup current

i.e. I a ; IC is the actual current; IP is the pickup current and IS is the short circuit current. n and

K are constants. n determines the inverse characteristic of the relay and K determines the relative

operating time of the relay by shifting the inverse characteristics curve on vertical axis of Fig. 1.

Equation (1) can be modified in terms of actual faults as:

T I P IC I S (2)
I Cn

Any desired relay curve can be obtained by selecting suitable values of n and K [3]. For instantaneous

portion of curve (BCD) of over current relay the relay operation time is given as (3) [6-7]:

T TS IC I S (3)

Where, Ts is the instantaneous time of operation.

Over-current relays employed in a system should be coordinated with other relays in such a manner

that if the primary protection fails to operate, then back- up protection should accomplish the task [6-


This is better showcased in a radial feeder system as shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2. Radial Feeder Network with Relay Coordination

For a fault F, beyond bus bar B, relay RB should cause its associated circuit breaker C.BB to clear the

fault. If it fails to do so then relay RA, acting as back-up, should actuate its circuit breaker C.BA, to

ensure fault isolation. For correct grading, the time setting of relay RA should always be greater than

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

that of RB by an amount in which RB was supposed to have cleared the fault and this time is usually the

sum of operating time of RB and breaker operating time (TC.B.B) i.e.


Failure to satisfy (4), irrespective of correct primary protection operation, will result in back-up

protection to always operate and thus lead to a greater disruption of service [6-7].

Fig. 3 shows the general block diagram for implementing a microprocessor based O.C. relay [9].

Figure 3. Block Diagram for Implementing a Microprocessor Based OCR

The Current transformers (C.T) purpose is to produce a scaled down accurate reproduction of the

power system fault current. Protection class C.T. is employed with good accuracy class for

reproduction of fault current for a wide range to avoid cores saturation [6, 9].

The digital signal in the microprocessor is first conditioned from any decaying DC component and

harmonics present in the signal. DC component may cause relay disoperation even when the steady

state AC component of fault is less than the pickup current setting of the relay [10]. Harmonics induced

into the current signal due to non-linear loads in the power system are filtered out to prevent reduced

relay operating time that causes coordination problems [11-12].

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

In this paper, the MATLAB environment serves the purpose of a microprocessor and the algorithm

for implementing the current-time characteristic of an O.C. relay is done on SIMULINK.

2.2 Directional Over-Current Relay (67).

To protect ring or loop networks directional over current relays are commonly employed. The

directional element is added with the over-current relay in order to minimize the outage area [13, 14]. If

non-directional relays are applied to parallel feeders, any fault occurring on any one of the feeders will

result in complete loss of supply to the other end. With this type of system configuration, it is necessary

to apply directional relays at the receiving end and to grade them with the non-directional relays at the

sending end, to ensure correct discriminative operation of the relays during line faults. This is done by

providing directional relays Q1 and Q2 at the other end looking non directional relays P1 and P2, at the

source shown in Fig. 4 [7].

Figure 4. Directional Relay Employed to Parallel Feeders


3.1 Over-Current Relay Modelling (50/51):

This section gives the basic logic for implementing the inverse current-time characteristic of an O.C.

relay represented in Fig. 5.

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

Figure 5. Logic Diagram for implementing the Inverse Current Time characteristics of OCR

3.1.1 Measuring Peak Value Ic:

After filtering the fundamental component, ac current signal(I) of frequency f entering the relay must

first converted to a representative dc value( peak/r.m.s.) for comparison with the pre-set pick-up

current of relay. By measuring the slope at the zero crossing of the current signal, we get its peak value

(Ic) as mathematically given in (5).

I (t ) I C Sin(2ft ) (5)

dI (t )
I C 2fCos (2ft ) (6)

The slope m at the zero crossing is:

dI (t )
m I C 2f (7)

IC (8)

The implementation of measuring Ic given by (8) on SIMULINK is shown in Fig. 6, in which the

peak obtained at each zero crossing is held constant by the sample and hold block until the next zero

crossing. The detail of zero crossing and its detection can be seen in [15].

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

Figure 6. Measuring Peak Value of Current Ic

It may be noted that peak detection in time domain is computationally more expensive and time

taken, frequency based methods such as FFT exist [16-18], which could be used for measuring peak

detection. However, for the sake of simplicity of demonstration, elementary methods have been used

here. The zero-crossing technique can be replaced by more sophisticated phasor estimation methods.

3.1.2 Measuring frequency f:

The frequency is determined by measuring the time between two consecutive zero crossings (T1 &

T2). This will give half the time period (T) from which frequency is determined as follows:

T2 T1 (9)

1 1
Frequency (10)
TimePeriod (T ) 2(T2 T1 )

3.1.3 Design of frequency Block:

The frequency measuring block implemented on SIMULINK is shown in Fig. 7. Hit Crossing block

is used, which passes the input signal only at its zero crossings to the if block which in turn sends the

value of the ramp signal at that instant to the output. The time duration of generated ramp can be

computed and can be saved to a variable A. This value of A must be subtracted from the time of the

next zero crossing to determine half the time period. This is done by temporarily storing A into another

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

variable B using the Transport Delay block. Now subtracting B from A at any instant will give half

the time period whose value is held by the Sample and Hold block, till the next zero crossing. After

performing the necessary computations, given by (10), on the held value we get the instantaneous


Figure 7. Modelling of frequency on Simulink

3.1.4 Comparison of Ic with Ip and Inverse Characteristic of Over-current Relay:

The peak value of current (IC) obtained in section 3.1.1 is then compared with the pre-set constant

value of pickup current (IP) setting of the relay using the comparator block which allows IC when IC >

IP. The value of IC is then raised to a suitable power of n to achieve desired relay curve and then

integrated as shown below:

Constant I Cn dt (11)

As long as the current is in excess of IP (pickup current), the integrator output keeps rising until it

becomes equal to the pre-set value of constant K, causing the relay to send a trip signal (0).

If the excess current is temporary; either due to motor starting or any switching action; the rising

integral output is reset to zero when the excess current dies out to below IP, before reaching K by the

feedback reset logic to avoid any mal operation of relay.

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

If the fault current level is constant during permanent fault, the value of I cn will also remain constant

and causing the integrator output given by (12) & (13).

Constant I Cn dt (12)

Constant I Cn t (13)

(13) is the equation of a straight line with slope I cn .So a large magnitude of fault current will result in

a higher rate of rise of the integrator output and thus a smaller time to reach the value of constant K.

This is shown in Fig. 8 for two current levels IC1 and IC2, providing inverse current time characteristic

of relay curve (portion AB) of Fig. 1.

Figure 8. Integrator out for achieving Inverse time characteristics

3.1.5 Instantaneous Characteristic of OC Relay:

If the value of IC as determined from slope detection is greater than the pre-set value of severe short

circuit current level IS (IC>IS), the relay sends a 0 (trip command signal) to its associated C.B. after a

fixed delay of TS seconds. Fig. 9 shows the logic for implementing the instantaneous characteristic;

shown previously in curve BCD of Fig. 1.

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

Figure 9. Block Diagram for Implementing Instantaneous Characteristics of a Digital OCR

3.1.6 Digital Over-current Relay:

The overall digital relay output is the logical multiplication (AND) of instantaneous element and

inverse characteristic element outputs, as shown in block diagram Fig. 10.

Figure 10. Block Diagram for Implementing a Digital Over-Current Relay

3.2 Directional Overcurrent Relay Modelling:

The OCR relay designed above can be modified to behave also as a directional O.C. relay simply by

incorporating a directional feature with the relay. The directional feature acts as a switch to allow

current to pass to the O.C. relay to take decision only when power flows in a particular direction [19,

20] as shown in Fig. 11.

Figure 11. Directional Relay Principle

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

These directional relays may use the phase angle between the fault current and some reference

quantity (the corresponding voltage, for example) to determine the direction (forward or reverse) of the

fault [14].

If (let) is the angle between current in a phase and voltage on that phase then

-90o < < 90o shows Normal direction of load flow

90o> > 270o shows Reversed power flow

Fig. 12a shows that during normal conditions (-90o < < 90o) the overlapping interval between

voltage and current is longer than their non-overlapping interval whereas under reversed power flow

conditions (90o> > 270o) the opposite is true as shown in Fig. 12b.

Figure 12(a) Angle between Voltage and Current Phasors under normal conditions

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

Figure 12(b) Angle between Voltage and Current Phasors under fault conditions

This difference in the overlapping interval under normal and reversed power flow conditions can be

used to implement the directional element of a relay.

To model the directional element, the current and voltage signals are first converted to a two level

square wave, whose value is 1 for positive values and -1 for negative values of the signals. The 2

level voltage and currents signals are then multiplied, giving an output 1 during the overlapping and

-1 for the non-overlapping interval. The product is then integrated. The upper limit of the integrator is

set to saturate at a value of 0 so that under normal load flow conditions the integral always remains less

than 0.However,under reversed power flow conditions the integral output tends to fall until it reaches

the level below L, in which case the directional elements output switches from 0 to 1. Fig. 13

shows the concept diagram for implementing the directional element.

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

Figure 13. Concept Diagram for Implementing Directional Element

The directional element with an output 1 under abnormal conditions and 0 otherwise, serves as a

switch by multiplying its output with the samples of current, to be sent to the O.C. relay as illustrated in

Fig. 14.

Figure 14. Block Diagram for Implementing Directional Relay

These models of relays (OCR and Directional OCR) have also been contributed to MATLABs

resources to strengthen their Power System Tools [21].

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)


4.1 Overcurrent Relay Performance:

To demonstrate performance of the current time characteristics of the relay designed, we consider a

radial network shown in Fig. 2. The load is considered to be a motor, rated 110kW, 400V, 0.885 power

factors whose initial starting current is 4 times the nominal current. The accelerating period of the

motor is 3 seconds.

The relay settings (shown in table 1) are such that.

1. The pickup current setting IP allows the motor to carry continuous full load current (i.e. 179A r.m.s.

or 253 A peak).

2. Severe fault current setting (IS) is more than the initial starting current of the motor (1000A peak).

The relay RA has higher Is setting than that of relay RB.

3. Constant K is such selected that it does not cause false tripping during motor starting and transient


The K and Ts setting of RA is kept greater than that of RB for proper relay coordination. The circuit

breaker contacts operating time is assumed zero here.

Table 1- Relay Settings for RA and RB for n=0.9

Constant Severe fault Instantaneous
Relay Current
K current setting, IS Time Setting, TS
Setting IP
RA 260A 1400 1500 A 0.2 sec
RB 260A 1100 1200 A 0.1 sec

Motor Starting Analysis:

During the accelerating period the motor current is above the pickup setting of RB causing its integrator

output to rise. At t=3 seconds, when the motor current falls below IP ,the integrator output being below

the K setting of RB is reset. The K value of RB is purposely set above its maximum integrator output

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

during the accelerating period to prevent any false tripping of motor.

We will now consider cases for different fault current levels occurring at t=6 seconds at position F of

Fig. 2.

Case 1: For fault current Ic=560 A.

In this case the integrator output of RB rises until it reaches the value of K (1100) causing the relay RB

to trip the circuit breaker after 3.7 seconds of fault (neglecting CB operating time). This is shown in

Fig. 15a, indicating the fault current and relay performance during the fault. It can be noticed that the

relay RA will take more time (4.7s) due to greater value of K settings.

The operating time of relay RB can be determined as follows:

K 1100
T 3.7 sec
I Cn 560 n

Case 2: For fault current Ic =770 A.

In this case, the relay RB will operate much quicker than the previous case because the current is more

and the relay follows inverse current-time characteristics. The operating time of the relay can also be

found by:

K 1100
T 2.7 sec
I Cn 770 n

Fig. 15b indicating the relay performance during the fault current of 770A, which clearly shows inverse

characteristic as compared to previous case.

Case 3: For fault current Ic=770A with C.BB failing to open.

In this case C.BB fails to open at 8.7 sec as directed by RB. In that case RA acting as backup operates

C.BA to interrupt the fault current at t=9.5 in 3.5seconds after the fault as verified below.

K 1400
T 3.5 sec
I Cn 770 n

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

Fig. 15c indicating the relays performance during the fault current of 770A, the backup protection

operated due to mal operation of C.BB failing to operate.

Case 4: For fault current Ic=1350A (> Is).

In this case the relay RB will operate instantaneously (0.1 sec) in order to minimize extent of damage to

the power equipments involved, while status of RA will not be changed.

Fig. 15d is indicating the relays instantaneous characteristic performance during the severe fault

current of 1350A.

Case 5: For fault current Ic=1350A (I S(RB) <IC<I S(RA)) with CBB failing to open.

In this case, relay RA will provide the backup protection. However since the level of fault current falls

in the inverse characteristic region of RA, therefore the time taken by it to operate will be given by

(rather than instantaneous)

K 1400
T 2.13 sec
I C 1350 n

This is illustrated in Fig. 15e.

However for fault current Ic=2000A (>IS) with CBB failing to open. The relay RA will provide the

backup protection and operate after 0.2 sec of fault, maintaining coordination with relay RB. Fig. 15f

indicating the relays instantaneous characteristic performance during the severe fault current of


NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

(a) (b)
Figure 15. Relay Performance for for fault current (a) Ic=560A (b) 770 A

(c) (d)
Figure 15. Relay Performance for fault current (c) Ic=770A & CBB failure (d) Ic=1350A

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

(e) (f)
Figure 15. Relay Performance with CBB failure for fault current (e) Ic=1350 and (f) Is=2000A

Table 2 summarizes the operating times of RA and RB for peak levels of fault current as simulated


Table 2 - RA and RB Operating Times for Various Fault Levels

Fault current Operating time of Operating time of
(A) RA (seconds) RB (seconds)
560 4.7 3.7
770 3.5 2.7
1350 2.13 0.1
2000 0.2 0.1

4.2 Directional Overcurrent Relay Performance:

To demonstrate performance of the D-OCR relay on MATLAB/SIMULINK, consider a 132kV

network shown in Fig. 4, which shows two parallel 220 kV transmission lines feeding a load(L) such

that each carries 900A (peak) under normal conditions.

We will now consider cases for different positions of fault occurring in transmission line i.e.

Case 1: For Fault occurring at point F1

Case 2: For Fault occurring at point F2

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

Case 3: For Fault occurring at point B1

Case 4: For Fault occurring at point B2

Case 1: For Fault occurring at point R on Feeder F1.

To ensure removal of only line F1 for minimum outage; relays Q1 and Q2 are directional O.C. relays,

functioning only when power flows in the direction [22] as indicated in Fig. 4. Relays P1 and P2 are

non-directional O.C. relays .The fault at R which is fed by the supply through paths S.-P1.-R and S-P2-

Q2-Q1-R causes current levels on both feeders to rise. The direction of power flow remains the same as

prior to the fault in relay Q2 and reverse in Q1, therefore relay Q2 remains idle no matter how high the

current flowing through the respective C.T. is, whereas relay Q1 functions to send a trip command to

the its associated C.B. at t=5.35s resulting in the fault current to no longer be fed from path S-P2-Q2-

Q1-R. Non directional O.C. relay P1 will trip its associated C.B. at t=5.8sec., thereby ultimately

removing the faulty feeder from the network resulting in the entire load current to be fed by healthy

feeder F2.

Fig. 16a shows the status of relays at P1, P2, Q1, Q2 and the currents at the positions of these relays

for fault occurring on feeder F1.

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

Figure 16 (a) Relay status and fault current in case 1

Case 2: For Fault occurring at point F2.

In this case, only P2 and Q2 will open for minimum outage, load will be transferred to the healthy line

F1. Fig. 16b shows the status of relays at P1,P2,Q1,Q2 and the currents at the positions of these relays

for fault occurring on feeder F2.

Figure 16 (b) Relay status and fault current in case 2

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

Case 3: For Fault occurring at Bus 1.

In this case, no relay will operate since the fault is out of reach. Fig. 16c shows the status of relays at

P1,P2,Q1,Q2 and the currents at the positions of these relays for fault occurring on Bus 1.

Figure 16 (c) Relay status and fault current for case 4

Case 4: For Fault occurring at Bus 2 (Similar to Case 3).

In this case, only over-current relays P1 and P2 will operate. Fig. 16d shows the status of relays at

P1,P2,Q1,Q2 and the currents at the positions of these relays for fault occurring on Bus 2.

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Figure 16 (d) Relay status and fault current for case 5

The relay also tested for unsymmetrical faults i.e.

Case 5: For SLG Fault occurring at point F1

Case 6: For DLG Fault occurring at point F1

Case 7: For DL Fault occurring at point F1

For the above cases the relay also works satisfactorily.

Fig. 16(e-g) shows the status of relays at P1,P2,Q1,Q2 and the currents at the positions of these relays

for above three (SLG, DLG,LL) non symmetrical faults.

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

Figure 16 (e) Relay status and fault current in case of SLG fault

Figure 16 (f) Relay status and fault current in case of DLG fault

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)

Figure 16 (g) Relay status and fault current in case of DL fault


Models of Digital OCR and Digital Directional OCR have been presented in this paper in

MATLAB/SIMULINK. These models have also been contributed to MATLABs resources to

strengthen their Power System Tools. The performance of these models was showcased using suitable

tutorial examples. It is shown that these models offer effective means for explaining the functionality

of OCR and Directional OCR under various operating scenarios. Additionally, the systematic unfolding

style of model development and performance analysis means that this paper could also serves as guide

to develop similar relay models and benchmark performance.

NED University Journal of Research. (Vol. VIII No.2 December 2011)


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[22] Mehta VK, Rohit Mehta. Principles Of Power System. Publisher: S Chand & Company Ltd,



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