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Sanjeev Sharma CV

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Sanjeev Sharma

(+1) 780-246-1885;

Research Interests
Theory: Convex and Decentralized Optimization; Reinforcement Learning (RL); Multi-Agent Systems
Applications: Autonomous Navigation; Robotics; Motion and Path Planning; Intelligent Systems and Agents


University of Alberta (In Progress)

Edmonton, Canada
M. Sc., Computing Science (GPA: 3.9/4)
Sep. 2012- Present
Tentative thesis title: Effects of Time-cycle in Reinforcement Learning Robotics
Courses: Machine Learning (A+), Online Learning (A-), Robotics: Visual Navigation (A-), Probabilistic
Graphical Models (A+), Reinforcement Learning for Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
Roorkee, India
Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech), Electrical Engineering (GPA: 6.275/10)
July 2007 -May 2011
B. Tech Project: Network Intrusion Detection using Reinforcement Learning (A); Group of two students

Journal Article
Zvi Shiller, Sanjeev Sharma, Ishai Stern and Asher Stern, On-Line Obstacle Avoidance at High Speeds.
International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), 32 (910), 10301047, 2013.
Conference Papers
Sanjeev Sharma, Autonomous Waypoint Generation with Safety Guarantees: On-Line Motion Planning in
Unknown Environments. International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 2013.
Zvi Shiller and Sanjeev Sharma, On-Line Obstacle Avoidance at High Speeds. Israeli Conference on Robotics
(ICR), 2013 (Short Paper).
Zvi Shiller and Sanjeev Sharma, High Speed On-Line Motion Planning in Cluttered Environments. IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012.
Zvi Shiller and Sanjeev Sharma, On-Line Obstacle Avoidance at High Speeds. CISM-IFToMM Symposium on
Robot Design, Dynamics, and Controls (RoManSy), 2012.
Sanjeev Sharma, QCQP-Tunneling: Ellipsoidal Constrained Agent Navigation. Second IASTED
International Conference on Robotics, 2011.
Workshop Papers
Ujjwal Dasgupta, Sriram Srinivasan, Sanjeev Sharma and Russell Greiner, Learning Markov Networks with
Bounded Inference Complexity. ICML Workshop on Interactions between Inference & Learning, 2013.
Sanjeev Sharma and Matthew E. Taylor, Autonomous Waypoint Generation Strategy for On-Line Navigation
in Unknown Environments. IROS Workshop on Robot Motion Planning: On-line, Reactive and in Real-time,
Under Review
Sanjeev Sharma and Matthew E. Taylor, On-Line Motion Planning in Unknown Environments Using
Waypoints. Submitted - International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014.

Research Experience

Effects of Time-cycle in Reinforcement Learning Robotics

M. Sc. Thesis
Reinforcement Learning and Artificial Intelligence Lab, Prof. Richard S. Sutton
June 2013 - present
This research studies the effects of time-cycle (T ; the duration of an action) in the performance of
reinforcement learning robotic systems. It aims to answer three important questions: (i) how to select
T ?; (ii) does arbitrarily picking T favor one approach over the other?; and (iii) can we design
algorithms that work well with a wide range of T ? This research takes an experimental approach,
using a real-time robotic system (iRobot-Create), to answer these questions.
Research Assistant to Richard S. Sutton; Summer 2013.

Autonomous Waypoint Generation for Navigation in Unknown Environments

Self-Initiated; and Prof. Matthew E. Taylor, Washington State University
Mar 2011 - present
A framework that autonomously, and sequentially, generates waypoints (sub-goals) in the robots field of
view for navigation in unknown environments. It uses RL and convex optimization to generate waypoints
and ensure safety. It was recently, successfully, tested using Clearpaths Husky A200 robot (Submitted).
Publications: IROS Workshop 2012; ICAR 2013; ICRA 2014 (Submitted)
Research Intern, Ariel University
Ariel, Israel
Paslin Laboratory for Robotics and Autonomous Vehicles, Prof. Zvi Shiller
Sep 2011 - April 2012
Developed an on-line motion planner, that takes the robots dynamics and actuator constraints into
account, for high speed on-line motion planning in cluttered environments.
Publications: RoManSy 2012; IROS 2012; IJRR 2013; ICR 2013
Research Intern, UMass Amherst
Amherst, USA
Autonomous Learning Lab, Prof. Sridhar Mahadevan
May - Aug, 2010
Combined the Sigma Points Policy Iteration (SPPI) and Proto-Value Functions, and created the Sigma
Points Representation Policy Iteration algorithm. The finding of this research was that SPPI converges
faster than the Least-Squares Policy Iteration (LSPI), but the fixed-point it converges to results in policy
that performs poorly as compared to the policy resulting from the fixed-point to which LSPI converges.
Convex Optimization for Path Planning in Unknown Environments
Jan 2010 - July 2011
Using convex formulations for on-line motion planning, in unknown environments, for robots with
non-convex footprints. The robots safety is guaranteed using the hard-constraints formulation. This
problem has been, otherwise, addressed using the integer optimization (with convex relaxation) or graph
search in the literature computationally expensive and restricted to known environments.
Publications: IASTED Robotics 2011; ICAR 2013

Searching-Eye, Co-Founded: (June 2009)

Searching-Eye is a web-portal for delivering tutorials and video lectures. Through searching-eye I had
delivered, while an undergraduate, 37 lectures in machine learning, convex optimization and RL.

Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant: Machine Learning
CMPUT 466/551
CS Department, University of Alberta, Graduate and Undergraduate Combined
Fall 2013
Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Foundations of Computing-II

CS Department, University of Alberta

Winter 2013
Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Computing

CS Department, University of Alberta

Fall 2012
Delivered 35+ Lectures through Searching-Eye

Available @ Searching-Eye (

July 2009 - Jan 2011
Machine Learning and Convex Analysis (July 2009 - Dec 2010); Convex Optimization (Oct 2010 - Jan
2011); Reinforcement Learning (Oct 2009 - Jan 2011)

Technical Skills
Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Convex Optimization, Subgradient Methods, Cutting-Plane
Methods, Ellipsoid Methods, Decomposition Methods (Primal and Dual)
Programming: C/C++, MATLAB, Python, Robot Operating System (ROS)
Robots: iRobot-Create, Clearpath Husky A200, Parrot AR Drone 2.0
Solvers/Libraries/Software: OpenGL, CVX, matplotlib, NumPy, SciPy, LATEX
Optimization Solvers Created: SSMS - Subgradient Solver, Available @ (Dec 2010)

IIT-JEE: All India Rank - 1403 99.5%ile (2007); Earned B. Tech in 2011
NTSE: National Talent Search Examination - Qualified up to state level (2005)
Best Project Award for the Lip Detection in Human Face Images project (2009)
Sanjeev Sharma, Human Lip Detection Including Face Segmentation Under Normal and Ill-Illuminated
Conditions. Technical Report, IIT Roorkee, 2009.

Other Activities: Reviewing

Reviewer for: IROS 2013, ICRA 2014, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems (2013)

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