Design of Flexible Pavement
Design of Flexible Pavement
Design of Flexible Pavement
The surface of the roadways should be stable and non-yielding to allow the wheel loads of road
traffic to move with least possible rolling resistance. The surface should also be even along the
longitudinal profile to enable the fast vehicles to move safely and comfortably at the design
The earth road may not be able to fulfill any of the requirements especially during thevarying
conditions of traffic loads and the weather. At high moisture contents the soil becomes weaker
and soft and starts yielding under heavy wheel loads and thus increasing the tractive resistance.
The unevenness and undulation of the surface along the longitudinal profile of the vertical load
causes discomfort and fatigue to the passengers of the fast moving vehicles and cyclists, in order
to provide a stable and even surface for the traffic, the road is provided with a suitably designed
and constructed pavement structure.
The pavement carries the wheel loads and transfers the loads stresses through the wider area on
the soil subgrade below. Thus the stresses transferred to the subgrade soil through the pavement
layers are considerably lower than the contact pressure or compressive stresses under the wheel
load on the pavement surface.
A pavement layer is considered more effective or superior, if it is able to distribute the wheel
loadstress through a larger area per unit depth of the layer. However, there will be a small
Based on the vertical alignment and the environmental conditions of the site, the pavement may
be constructed over an embankment, cut or almost at the ground level itself. It is always
desirable to construct the pavement well above the maximum level of the ground water to keep
the subgrade relatively dry even during monsoons.
Better highway system provides varied benefits to the society. Improvements in highway results
in several benefits to the road users such as-
-The objective of laying pavement is to support the wheel loads and transfer the load stresses
through a wider area on soil sub grade, thus permitting the deformation within the elastic or
allowable range.
-Thus magnitude of stresses transferred to the sub grade soil through the pavement layers are
considerably lower than the contract pressure or compressive stresses directly under the wheel
load applied on the pavement surface.
-To save travel time and resultant benefits in terms of time costs of vehicles and the passengers.
-To assess as to whether and to what extent the pavement fulfills the intended requirements so
that the maintenance and strengthening jobs could be planned in time.
A road is at through fare, route, or way on land between two places which typically has been
paved or otherwise improved to allow travel by some conveyance, including different class of
Roads consist of one, or sometimes two, roadways each with one or more lanes and also any
associated sidewalks and tree lawns. Roads that are available for use by the public may be
referred to as public roads or highways.
The roads connectivity is one of the key components for nation development, as it promotes
access to economic and social services, generating increased agricultural income and productive
employment. While building roads, the provisions based on the parameters that affect the
sustainability are to be made, but at minimum cost.
If the locally available materials, including marginal and industrial waste materials are utilized, it
Could be possible to reduce the cost of road constructions. Several types of new materials are
tried to establish the efficiency of new materials in road construction. However, the use of new
materials and technologies is not becoming popular owing to certain procedural constraints as
well as lack of awareness and therefore appropriate steps may have to be taken for popularizing
the new technologies for building better rural roads with less cost.
Based on the structural behavior, pavements are generally classified into two categories:
1) Flexible pavements
2) Rigid pavements
The flexible pavement layers transmit the vertical or compressive stresses to the lower layers by
grain to grain transfer through the points of contact in the granular structure. A well compacted
granular structure consisting of strong graded aggregate can transfer the compressive stresses
through a wider area and thus forms a good flexible pavement layer. The load spreading ability
of this layer therefore depends on the type of the materials and the mix design factors.
Bituminous concrete is one of the most flexible pavement layer materials. Other materials which
fall under the group are all granular materials with or without bituminous binder, granular base
and sub-base course materials like the water bound macadam, crushed aggregate, gravel, soil-
aggregate mixes etc.
The vertical compressive stress is maximum on the pavement surface directly under the wheel
load and is equal to the contact pressure under the wheel. Due to the ability to distribute the
stresses to a larger area in the shape of a truncated cone, the stresses get decreased at the lower
layers. Therefore by taking full advantage of the stress distribution characteristics of the flexible
pavement may be constructed in a number of layer system concept was developed. According to
this, the flexible pavement may be constructed in a number of layer and the top layer has to be
the strongest as the highest compressive stresses are to be sustained by this layer, in addition to
the wear and tear due to the traffic. The lower layers have to take up only lesser magnitudes of
stresses and there is no direct wearing action due to traffic loads, therefore inferior materials with
lower cost can be used in the lower layers. The lowest layer is the prepared surface consisting of
the local soil itself, called the subgrade. Soil subgrade has the lowest stability among the four
Rigid pavements are those which possess noteworthy flexural strength or flexural rigidity. The
stresses are not transferred from grain to the lower layers as in case of flexible pavement layers.
The rigid pavements are made of Portland cement concrete-either plain, reinforced or pre-
stressed concrete the plain cement concrete slabs are expected to take up about 40 kg/cm2
flexural stress. The rigid pavement has the slab action and is capable of transmitting the wheel
load stresses through a wider area below.
The main of difference in the structural behavior of rigid pavement as compared to the flexible
pavement is that the critical condition of stress in the rigid pavement is the maximum flexural
stress occurring in the slab due to wheel load and the temperature changes where-as in the
flexible pavement it is the distribution of compressive stresses. As the rigid pavement slab has
tensile stresses are developed due to the bending of the slab under wheel load and temperature
variations. Thus the types of stresses developed and their distribution within the cement concrete
slab are quite different. The rigid pavement does not deformed to the shape of the lower surface
as it can bridge the minor variations of lower layer.
The cement concrete pavement slab can very well serve as well as an effective base course.
Therefore usually the rigid pavement structure consists of acement concrete slab, below which a
granular base or sub-base course may be provided. Though the cement concrete slab, below
which a granular base or sub-base course may be provided. The rigid pavements are usually
designed and the stresses are analyzedusing the elastic theory, assuming the pavement as an
elastic plate resting over an elastic or a viscous foundation.
1) All-weather roads
All weather roads are those which are negotiate during all weather, except at major
rivers crossing where interruption to traffic is permissible up-to a certain extent.
2) Fair weather roads
Fair weatherroads are those on which traffic may be interrupted during monsoon
season where steam may across the road.
1) Paved roads
Provided with hard pavement with at least having WBM layer.
2) Unpaved loads
Earth roads and gravel roads may be called unpaved roads
1) Surface loads
Which are provided with a bituminous or cement concrete surfacing.
2) Un-surfaced roads
They are not provided with bituminous or cement concrete surfacing.
a) Traffic volume
b) Load transported
The roads may be classified as class1, class2 etc. or class A, B etc. and the limits may be
expressed as tonnes per day.
The classification based on location and function should therefore be a more acceptable
classification as they may be defined clearly.
1) The pavement should be designed for heavy volume of traffic of the order of 150 million
standard axles (msa).
2) The pavement designs should be for sub grade CBR values ranging from 2% to 10% and
design traffic ranging from 1 msa to 150 msa.
3) The recommended method considers traffic in terms of the cumulative number of
standard axles (8160kg) to be carried by the pavement during the design life.
4) The pavement for national highways and state highways should be designed for a life of
15 years.
5) Expresses and urban roads may be designed for a longer life of 20 years.
6) For other categories of roads, a design life of 10 to 15 years should be adopted.
7) For single-lane roads the design should be based on total number of commercial vehicles
in both directions.
8) For two-lane single carriageway roads the design should be based on 75% of the total
number of commercial vehicles in both directions.
9) For four- lane single carriageway roads the design should be based on 40% of the total
number of commercial vehicles in both directions.
10) For dual carriageway roads the design of dual two-lane carriageway roads should be
based on 75% of the number of commercial vehicles in each direction. For dual three-
lane carriageway and dual four-lane carriageway, the distribution factor will be 60% and
45% respectively.
1) The basic design of the slab should be designed with a 98th percentile axle load.
2) The cement concrete pavements should be designed for life span of 30 years.
3) For two-lane two-way roads the 25% traffic of the total vehicles should be designed.
4) For four-lane and multi-lane divided highways 25% of the total traffic in the direction of
predominant traffic should be designed.
5) The limiting design deflection for cement pavements should be taken as 1.25 mm.
6) To permit warping at the joint, the maximum diameter of tie bars should be limited to 20
mm and to avoid concentration of tensile stresses they should not be spaced more than 75
mm apart.
The main difference in the structural behavior of rigid pavement as compared to the flexible
pavement is that the critical condition of stress in the rigid pavement is the maximum flexural
stress occurring in the slab due to wheel load and the temperature changes where-as in the
flexible pavement it is the distribution of the compressive stresses, as the rigid pavement slab has
tensile stresses are developed due to the bending of the slab under wheel load and temperature
variations thus the types stresses as the rigid pavement does not get deformed to the shape of the
lower surface as it can bridge the minor variations of the lower layer.
Pavement evaluation involves a thorough study of various factors such as subgrade support
pavement composition and its thickness, traffic and environmental conditions the primary
objective of pavement evaluation is to assess as to whether and to what extent the pavement
fulfill the intended requirements so that the maintenance and strengthening jobs could be planned
in time.
We are first estimate and then compare the total cost for both types of pavements. Total costs
include initial cost and maintenance cost. Initial cost of rigid pavement is generally high.
The various factors to be considered for the design of pavements are following:
The thickness design of pavement primarily depends upon the design wheel load. Higher wheel
load obviously need thicker pavement, provided other design factors are the same while
considering the design wheel load, the effects of total static load on each wheel, multiple wheel
load are to be taken into account. As the speed increases, the rate of application of the stress is
also increased resulting in a reduction in the pavement deformation under the load, but on
uneven pavements, the impact increases with speed.
The properties of the soil sub grade are important in deciding the thickness requirement of
pavements. A sub grade with lower stability requires thicker pavement to protect it from traffic
loads. Apart from the design the pavement performance to a great extent depends on the sub
grade soil properties and the drainage. Among the climatic factors rain fall affects the moisture
conditions in the sub gradeand the pavement layers. The daily and seasonal variations in
temperature have significance in the design and performance of rigid pavements and bituminous
The stress distribution characteristics of the component layers depend on characteristics of the
materials used. The fatigue behavior of these materials and their durability under adverse
conditions of weather also be given due consideration.
The environmental factors such as height of embankment and its foundation details, depth of
cutting, depth of the subsurface water table, etc. affect the performance of the pavement. The
choice of the bituminous binder and the performance of the bituminous pavements depend on the
variations in pavement temperature with seasons in the region. The warping stresses in rigid
pavements depend on the daily variations in temperature in the region and in the maximum
difference in the temperature between the top and bottom of the pavement slab.
In the case of semi-rigid pavement materials the formation of shrinkage cracks, pattern and the
mode of propagation and the fatigue behavior under such adverse conditions of hair cracks are to
be studied before arriving at a rational method of design for the semi-rigid pavements.
The wheel load configurations are important to know the way in which the loads of a given
vehicle are applied on the pavement surface. For highways the maximum legal axle load as
specified by Indian roads congress is 8170 kg with a maximum equivalent single wheel load of
4085 kg total load influences the thickness requirements of pavements. Tire pressure influences
the quality of surface course. In fact, the magnitude of the vertical pressure at any depth of soil
sub grademass depends upon the surface pressure as well as on the total load.
At a greater depth the effect of tire pressure diminishes and the total load exhibits a considerable
influence on the vertical stress magnitudes tire pressure of high magnitudes therefore demand
high quality of materials in upper layers in pavements. The total depth of pavement is however
not influenced by the tire pressure the total load governs the stress on the top of sub grade within
allowable limits.
The stresses on the pavement surface under the steel tyred wheels of bullock cartsare very high.
This demands use of very strong and hard aggregate for the wearing surface of the pavement.
However the stresses at lower layers of pavement due to the bullock cart wheel are negligible
small as the gross load is very small.
Generally, the wheel loadis assumed to be distributed over a circular area but by measurements
of the imprints of tyres with different load and inflation pressures it is seen that contact areas in
many cases are elliptical in shape. Three terms in use with reference to tyre pressure are:
Tyre pressure
The ratio of contact pressure to tyre pressure is defined as rigidity factor. Thus value of rigidity is
1.0 for an average tyre pressure of 7kg/cm2 this value is higher than unity for lower tyre pressure
and less than unity for tyre pressure higher than 7kg/cm2 the rigidity factor depends upon the
degree of tension developed in the walls of the tyre.
To maintain the maximum wheel load within the specific limit and to carry greater load it is
necessary to provide dual wheel assembly to real axle of the road vehicle in doing so the effect
on the pavement through a dual wheel assembly is obvious not equal to two times the load on
one wheel. In other word the pressure at certain depth below the pavement surface cannot be
obtain by numerically adding the caused by any one wheel load. The effect is carried by single
and two times load carried by single and two times load carried by one wheel load the dispersion
is assumed to be at an angle of 45. In dual wheel load assembly be the clear gap between the
two wheels S be the spacing between the center of the wheels and a be the radius of the
circular contact area of each wheel, thenS=(d+2a).
The design of flexible pavement involves the interplay of several variables, such as the wheel
loads, traffic climate, and terrain and sub-grade conditions. With the rapid growth of traffic, the
pavements are required to be designed for heavy volume of traffic of the order of 150 million
standard axles.
The pavement designs are given for sub gradeCBR values ranging from 2% to 10% and design
traffic ranging from 1 msa for an average annual pavement temperature of 30C using the
following simple input parameters, appropriate designs could be chosen for the given traffic and
soil strength.
The recommended method considers traffic in terms of the cumulative number of standard axles
(8160 kg) to be carried by the pavement during the design life. For estimating design traffic, the
following information is needed:
1) Initial traffic after construction in terms of number of commercial vehicles per day
2) Traffic growth rate during the design life in percentage
3) Design life in number of years
4) Vehicle damage factor (VDF)
If adequate data is not available, it is recommended that an average annual growth rate of 7.5%
may be adopted.
For the design of pavement, the design life is defined in terms of the cumulative number of
standard axles that can be carried before strengthening of the pavement is necessary.
It is recommended that pavements for national highways and state highways should be designed
for a life of 15 years. Expressways and urban roads may be designed for a longer life of 20 years.
For other categories of roads, a design life of 10 years may be adopted.
The vehicle damage factor is a multiple to convert the number of commercial vehicles of
different axle loads and configuration to the number of standard axles for the number of standard
axle load repetitions. It is defined as equivalent number of standard axles per commercial
vehicle. The VDF varies with the vehicle axle configuration, axle loading, terrain, type of road
and from region to region.
For designing a new pavement, the VDF should be arrived at carefully by carrying out specific
axle load surveys on the existing roads.
Traffic tends to be more channelized on single-lane roads than two-lane roads and to allow for
this concentration of wheel load repetitions, the design should be based on total number of
commercial vehicles in both directions.
The design should be based on 75% of the total number of commercial vehicles in both
The design of dual two-lane carriageway roads should be based on 75% of the number of
vehicles in each direction. For dual three-lane carriageway and dual four-lane carriageway, the
distribution factor will be 60% and 45% respectively.
The traffic in each direction may be assumed to be half of the sum in both directions when the
latter only is known. Where significant difference between the two streams can occur, condition
in the more heavily trafficked lane should be considered for design.
The design traffic is considered in terms of the cumulative number of standard axles to be carried
during the design life of the road.
A=initial traffic in the year of completion of construction in terms of the no. of commercial
vehicles per day.
The traffic in the year of completion was estimated using the following formula:
X=number of years between the last count and the year of completion of construction.
Project Brief:-
National Highway NH-24 is one of the prime transport corridors in the state of
Uttar Pradesh. It connects the state Capital Lucknow with the National Capital
Delhi and industrial town and cities like Sitapur. Bareilly, Moradabad and
Ghaziabad of Uttar Pradesh. The highway also connects with NH-1, NH-25, NH-
58, NH-74 and NH-87. Thus, our project LUCKNOW-SITAPUR
1. Ch:413.252
2. Ch:415.210
Intersections/Ju 3. Ch:418.173
nctions 4. Ch:445.850
5. Ch:481.100
Minor-04 Nos.
KM 420/1
KM 457/1
5. Bridges KM 461/1
KM 468/2
Major-01 Nos.
KM 432/1-Goan bridge
Pipe Culverts-40 nos.
6. Culverts Slab culverts-26 nos.
Box culverts-16 nos.
7. Toll Plazas 2 No.-1 no@Ch. 420 Km & 1 No.@ CH 467 Km
8. Underpasses 05 Nos.
Bus Bays: 06 nos.
KM 423.100
KM 428.500
KM 435.000
KM 446.000
9. Other facilities KM 469.000
KM 479.200
Truck Parking/Laybys :03 no
KM 416.518
KM 445.231
KM 484.240
As per DPR minimum 5 underpasses are to be constructed along the project road.
Construction work of 2 underpasses is completed and the remaining 3 have been
deferred for the time being due to Land Acquisition problem.
Toll Rates
Date of issue of fee Notification Date of Approved fee Notification by
Date of revision for new toll rates effective from 12-09-2013 ( Sep.2013 to
Sep.2014) **
Class Single Return
Car, Passenger van or jeep 36 54
Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV)
63 95
including mini Bus
Truck/Bus 127 190
Multi Axle Vehicle (>2 axle) 204 306
Earth-moving equipments and
272 408
heavy construction machinery
** Toll rates are subject to revise on September month of every year but can
be revise on special privilege.
Toll Concession:-
A. Toll concession scheme available for Local Traffic
Monthly pass
Local Personal Traffic (LPT) Pay 25 % of tariff
Local Commercial Traffic (LCT) Pay 50 % of tariff
Toll Exemption:-
Toll exemption is applicable as per the guideline given by NHAI.
In this CBR method of pavement design by cumulative standard axle load has been used.
On the behalf of available data value was calculated and this is near about 3.
Bituminous surface
BC 25 mm
DBM 50 mm
Comment concrete pavements represent the group of rigid pavements. Here the load carrying
capacity is mainly due to the rigidity and high modulus of elasticity of the slab level i.e; slab
Westgaard considered the rigid pavement slab as a thin elastic plate resting on soil subgrade
which is assumed as a dense liquid. Here it is assumed that the upward reaction is proportional to
the deflections i.e; p=k5 where the constant k is defined as modulus of subgrade reactions. The
unit of k is kg/cm^2 percm deflection.
K = p/0.125 kg /cm^3
A certain degree of resistance to slab deflection is offered by the subgrade. This is dependent
upon the stiffness or pressure deformation properties of the subgrade material. The tendency to
the slab to deflect is dependent upon its properties of flexural strength.
The resultant deflection of the slab which is also the deformation of the subgrade is a direct
measure of the magnitude of the subgrade pressure. The pressure deformation characteristics of
rigid pavement is thus a function of relative stiffness of slab to that of subgrade.
= [Eh3/12 k(1-m2)]1/4
H= slab thickness
Since the pavement slab has finite length and width, either the character or intensity of maximum
stress induced by the application of a given traffic load is dependent on the location of the load
on the pavement surface.
There are three typical locations namely the interior, edge and corner, where differing conditions
of slab continuity exists. These are termed as critical load positions.
When load is applied in the interior of the surface at any place remote from all the edges.
When load is applied on an edge of the slab at any place remote from a corner.
When the center of load application is located on the bisectors of the corner angle formed by two
intersecting edges of the slab, and the located area is at the corner touching the two edges.
Consider the case of interior loading, the maximum bending moment occurs at the loaded area
acts radially in all directions. With the load concentrated on a small area of the pavement, the
question arises as to what sectional area of the pavement is effective in resisting the bending
A.T.Goldbeckindicated that many concrete failed at the corners of the slab. Gladbecks formula
for stress due to corner load is given by
S= 3P/h 2
H = thickness of slab
The cement concrete slab is assumed to be a homogeneous, thin plastic with subgrade reaction
being vertical and proportional to deflection. He considered three typical regions of cement
concrete pavement slab for the analysis of stresses, as the interior edges and the corner regions.
Westergaard wheel load stress equations for interior, edge and corner have been modified by
various investigators based on their research work on cement concrete pavements slabs. The
stresses at the edge and corner regions are generally found to be more critical for the design of
rigid pavement for highways. The Indian Roads Congress recommended the following two
formulas for the analysis of road stresses at the edge and corner regions are generally found to be
more critical for the design of rigid pavement for highways. The Indian Roads Congress have
recommended the following two formulas for the analysis of load stresses at the edge and corner
regions and for the design of rigid pavements.
1) Westergaards edge load stress formula, modified by Teller and Sutherland for the finding
the load stress S in critical edge region.
2) Westergaard corner load stress analysis modified by Kelly for finding the load stress S at
the critical corner region
Sc = 3P[1-(a 21/2)1/2]/h2
Se = load stresses at edge region, kg/cm2
Sc = load stresses at corner region, kg/cm2
P = design wheel load, kg
h = thickness of CC pavement slab, kg/cm2
m = modular of elasticity of the CC, kg/cm2
l = radius of relative stiffness, cm
b = radius of equivalent distribution of pressure, cm
Temperature stresses are developed in cement concrete pavement due to variations in slab
temperature. The variation in temperature across the depth of the slab is cause by daily variation
whereas an overall increase or decrease in slab temperature is caused by seasonal variation in
During the daily the top of the pavement slab still remains relatively colder. The maximum
difference in temperature between the top and bottom of the pavement slab may occur at some
period after mid-noon. This causes the slab to warp or bend, as the warping is resisted by the
self- weight of the slab, warping stresses are developed late in the evening, the bottom of the slab
gets heated up due to heat transfer from the top and as the atmospheric temperature falls, the top
of the slab becomes colder resulting in warping of the slab in the opposite direction and there is a
reversal in warping stresses at the different regions of the slab. Thus the daily variation in
During summer season as the mean temperature of the slab increases, the concrete pavement
expands towards the expansion joints. Due to frictional resistance at the interface, compressive
stress is developed at the bottom of the slab as it tends to expand. Similarly during winter season,
the slab contracts causing tensile stress at the bottom due to frictional resistance again opposing
the movement of slab. Thus frictional stresses are developed due to seasonal variation in
temperature. The frictional resistance will be stress will be zero at the free ends and at expansion
joints and increases up to a maximum value towards the interior and there after remains constant.
Temperature thus tends to produce two types of stresses in concrete pavement. These are
1) Warping stresses
2) Frictional stresses
Where the top and bottom surfaces of a concrete pavement simultaneously possessdifferent
temperatures, the slab tends to warp downward or upward inducing warping stresses.
The difference in temperature between the top and bottom of the slab depends mainly on the slab
thickness and climatic conditions of the region.
By the time the top temperature increases to t1 degrees, the bottom temperature may be only t2
degrees and the difference between the top and the bottom of the slab would be (t1 t2) = t
Assuming straight line variation in temperature across the pavement depth, the temperature the
temperature at mid depth or average temperature of slab would be (t1 + t2)/2.
Introducing the effect of Poissons ratio the stress at the interior, region in longitudinal and
transverse directions as given by Bradburys are expressed by the following equations.
Due to uniform temperature rise and fall in the cement concrete slab, there is an overall
expansion and contraction of the slab. Since the slab in contact with soil subgrade or the sub
base, the slab movements are restrained due to the friction between the bottom layer of the
pavement and the soil layer. This frictional resistance therefore tends to prevent the movements
thereby inducing the frictional stress in the bottom fiber of the cement concrete pavement.
Stresses in slabs resulting due to this phenomena vary with slab length. In short slab stress
induced due to this is negligibly small whereas in long slabs, which would undergo movements
of more than 0.15 cm higher amount of frictional stress develops.
Equating, total force developed in the cross section of concrete pavement due to movement
and frictional resistance due to subgrade restraint in half the length of the slab.
It is necessary to consider the conditions under which the various stresses in cement concrete
pavements could combine to give the most critical combinations.
The critical combinations at interior and edge regions during mid-day occur when the slab tends
to warp downward. During this period maximum tensile stress is developed at the bottom fiber
due to warping and this is cumulative with tensile stress due to the loading. However the
frictional stress is compressive during expansion. The load stress at edge region is higher than
the interior.
Critical combination of stresses = (load stress + warping stress frictional stress), at edge region.
The critical combination of stresses at the above regions occurs at the bottom fiber when the slab
contracts and the slab warps downward during the mid-day. The frictional stress is tensile during
The critical stress combination = (load stress + warping stress + frictional stress), at edge region.
Since, the differential temperature t is lower magnitude during winter than in summer, the
combination (1) may be worst for most of the regions in this country.
At corner regions, the critical combination occurs at the slab, when the slab warps upwards
during the mid-nights. There is no frictional stress at the corner regions.
Various types of joints provided in cement concrete pavements to reduce the temperature stresses
are expansion joints, contraction joints and warping joints. If expansion and contraction joints
are properly designed and constructed, there is no need of providing warping joints, in addition.
Expansion joint spacing is designed based on the maximum temperature variations expected and
width of joint. The contraction joint spacing design is governed by the anticipated frictional
resistance and allowable tensile stress in concrete during the initial curing period, or the amount
ofreinforcement, if any. The spacing between the expansion joints is so adjusted that the
The width or the gap in expansion joint depends upon the length of the slab. Greater the distance
between the expansion joints, the greater is the width required of the gap for expansion. The use
of wide expansion joint space should be avoided as it would be difficult to keep them properly
filled in when the gap widens during winter seasons. The dowels would develop high bending
bearing stresses with wider openings. It is recommended not to have a gap more than 2.5 cm in
any case. The IRC has recommended that the maximum spacing between expansion joints should
not exceed 140 m for rough interface layer.
If l is the maximum expansion in a slab of lengthLewith a temperature rise from T1 and T2.
Le is given by
Le = 1/100/C/(T 2 T1)
The slab contracts due to the fall in slab temperature below the construction temperature. Also
during the initial curing period, shrinkage occurs in cement concrete. This movement is resisted
by the sub grade drag or friction between the bottom fibers of the slab and the sub grade; if L is
the slab length in meter, the maximum stress occur at half length.
H = slab thickness, cm
Since the contraction and shrinkage cracks develop mainly during initial period of curing, a very
low value of Scis considered in design. The permissible stress is generally kept as low as about
Dowel bar of expansion joints are mild steel round bars of short length. Half-length of this
bar is bonded in one cement concrete slab and the remaining portion is embedded in adjacent
slab, but is kept free for the movement during expansion and contraction of the slab. The
dowel bars allow opening and closing of the joint, maintaining the slab edges at the same
level, and the load transferredis effected from one slab to the other.
Tie bars are used across the longitudinal joints of cement concrete pavements. Tie bars assure
two adjacent slabs to remain firmly together. These bars are designed to withstand tensile
stresses, the maximum tensile force in tie bars being equal to the force required to overcome
frictional force between the bottom of the adjoining slab and soil subgrade. The force is
As Ss= b. h. W. f/100
As = b. h. W. f/100/Sd
H = thickness of pavement
The total length of tie bar should be at least twice the length of embedment required on each
slab to develop bond strength equal to the working stress of the steel.
This is obtained from the consideration that the total tensile force developed in tie bar should
not exceed the bond strength between the tie bar and the concrete. Therefore considering one
side of the longitudinal joints,
AsLs = L1.P.Sb/2
L1 = 2.A.Ss/P/Sb
Lf =d.Sf/2/Sb
Lf/2 = length of tie bar on one side of slab, cm or half-length of tie bar
1) The design wheel load is taken as 5100kg with equivalent circular area of 15cm and a
tyre inflation pressure ranging from 6.3 to 7.3 kg/cm2. The traffic volume is projected
for 20 years period after construction using the relation:
Ad = P[1+r](n+20)
3) The flexural strength of cement concrete used in the pavement should not be less than
40kg/cm2. As a general guidance the minimum compressive strength on 15 cm cubes
may be taken as 280 kg/cm2at 28 days and mix design strength of 315 to 350 kg/cm2,
depending upon the degree of quality control. The modulus of elasticity, E and
Poissons ratio, m may be determined experimentally. The suggested E-value is
300000 kg/cm2 and m = 0.15. The coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete may
be taken as 0.00001 /C for design purposes.
1) The wheel load stresses at edge region calculated for the designed slab thickness as
per Westergaards analysis modified by Teller and Sutherland.
1) The width of slab is decided based on the joint spacing and lane width.
2) The length of CC slab is equal to the spacing of the contraction joints, Lc. This is
designed for plan CC pavement. At times reinforcement is provided at the contraction
joints for the assumed trial thickness of the slab. However the slab length could
confirm to the recommendations on spacing of joints.
4) The load stress in edge region is found using stress chart. The available factor of
safety in edge load stress with respect to the residual strength is found. If the value of
factor of safety is less than 1 or is far excess of 1, another trial thickness of slab is
assumed and the calculations are repeated till the factor of safety works out to 1 or
slightly higher value for the design thickness h cm.
5) The total stresses at corner due to wheel load and warping is checked using stress
chart for the thickness h cm. If this stress value is less than allowable, flexural stress
in concrete, the slab thickness, h is adequate or else the thickness may be suitably
6) The design thickness, h is adjusted for the traffic intensity or classification at the end
of design life and using the adjustment value to obtain the final adjusted slab
The dowel bar system may be designed on the basis of Bradburys analysis for load
transfer capacity of a single dowel bar in shear, bending and bearing in concrete.
Dowel bars do not function satisfactorily in thin slabs and therefore dowel bars are
provided in slab of thickness 15 cm or more. IRC recommends 2.5 cm diameter dowel
bars of length 50 cm in the case of 15 cm thick slabs and spaced at 30 cm in the case of
20 cm thick slabs, the design load being 5100 kg.
Tie bars are designed for longitudinal joints. Permissible bond stress in deformed bars is
24.6 kg/cm2and that in plain tie bars is 17.5 kg/cm2. Allowable working stress in tensile
steel is taken as 1400 kg/cm2.
A = L.f.w/2S
Where, A = area of steel required per metre width or length of the slab, cm2
value= 0.15
Slab thickness, cm 15 20 25
Temperature 14.6 15.8 16.3
differential in slab in
the region, C
4.16.2 DESIGN
A. Joint spacing
It is less than maximum specified spacing of 140 m and hence acceptable, contracting joint
spacing in plain CC,
Therefore provide contraction joint at 4.45 m spacing and expansion joint at every 8th such joint
e.g.4.45*8 = 35.5 (instead of 35.7)
Residual strength in concrete slab at edge region = 40.0 21.8 = 18.2 kg/cm2
As the factor of safety is less than 1.0, it is unsafe therefore assume a higher slab thickness say h
24 cm.
Factor of safety available = 20.56/19.2 = 1.07 which is safe and accepted value
Check for corner load stress: using IRC stress chart for h = 24, K = 8 the value of Se = 23.0
= 7.1 kg/cm2
The worst combination of stresses at corner is 23+7.1 = 30.1 kg/cm2< 40 kg/cm2and hence the
design is safe.
As = p[(1+r)](n+20)
Assuming the growth factor r =7.5% and the number of years after the last count before
adjustment factor is +2 cm.
C. Dowel bars
P (shear) = 0.785 d2 Fs
= 0.785*2.5*25*1000 = 4906 kg
= 781 kg
Assuming a trail spacing of 35 cm between the dowel bar, the capacity available for the
As this value is greater than the required capacity factor of 3, 30 cm spacing of the dowel is
adequate therefore provide 2.5 cm diameter, dowels bars at expansion joints, of total length
45 cm at spacing of 30 cm centers.
D. Tie bars
Assuming 1 cm diameter of the bars, cross sectional area of each tie bars as = 0.785 cm2
Number of tie bars required per meter length of joint = As/as = 2.34/0.785 = 2.98
The main point of difference in the structural behavior of rigid pavements as compared to the
flexible pavement is that the critical condition of stress in the rigid pavement is the maximum
flexural stress occurring in the slab due to wheel load and the temperature changes whereas in
the flexible pavement it is the distribution of the compressive stresses. As the rigid pavement
slab has tensile strength, tensile stresses are developed due to the bending of the slab under
wheel load and temperature variations thus the types of stresses developed and their distribution
within the cement concrete slab are quite different. The rigid pavement does not deformed to the
shape of lower surface as it can bridge the minor variations of the lower layer.
Total cost includes initial cost and temperature and maintenance cost.
According to our project the cost of flexible pavement is 61 lacs per km per lane.
For rigid pavement cross slope provided for heavy rainfall is 2% and for lights rainfall is 1.7%
generally camber provided is of straight line shape.
For flexible pavement cross slope provided for heavy rainfall is 2.5% and for light rainfall is
2.0% generally camber provided is of parabolic or elliptical shape.
The rigid pavement gives much better riding quality and comfort than the flexible pavements.
On the other hand black top pavement surface provides very poor visibility at nights, especially
when the surface is wet.
The bituminous concrete is the highest quality of construction in the group of black top surfaces.
Being of high cost specifications, the bituminous mixes are properly designed to satisfy the
design requirements of the stability and durability. The mixture contains dense grading of coarse
aggregate, fine aggregate and mineral filter coated with bituminous binder. The mix is prepared
in a hot mix plant the thickness of bituminous concrete layer depends on traffic quality of base
Specification of material and construction steps for bituminous concrete surface is given below:
5.2.1 BINDER
Bituminous of grade 30/40, 60/70 or 80/100 may be choosen depending upon the climatic
condition of locality.
The construction of cement concrete pavement is dealt under the following groups:
Various specification for construction of cement concrete pavements are listed below:
Cement layer
In cement grouted layer, open graded aggregate mix with minimum sizeof aggregates as 18 to 25
mm is laid on the prepaid subgrade and the aggregates are dry rolled. The loose thickness is
compacted to provide 80 percent of rolled thickness the grout made of coarse sand, cement and
In rolled concrete layer, lean mix concrete is used. Lean mix of aggregate, sand, cement and
water is prepared and laid on the prepared, subgrade or sub-base course. The rollingis similar to
WBM construction. The loose thickness of the concrete is 20 percent more than the compacted
or finished thickness. Tandem rollers are recommended. The rolling operation is completed
before the final setting time of cement. Curing is done as per conventional method.
Cement grouted and rolled concrete are suitable for base course only. There are two methods of
construction of cement concrete slab.
Alternate bay method of construction means constructing a bay of one slab in alternate
succession leaving the next or intermediate bay to follow up after a gap of one week or so.
A. Large number of transverse joints are to be provided. This increases the construction cost
and reduces the smooth riding quality of the surface.
B. During rain, the surface water collects on the subgrade between the finished bays.
C. The construction is spread over the full width of road and the traffic will have to be
completely diverted.
In general the continuous bay method is preferred mainly because of the advantage that
constructionof half the pavement width can be taken at a time while essential traffic could be
diverted on the other half of the road.
5.4.2 CEMENT
Ordinary Portland cement is generally used in case of urgency rapid hardening cement may be
used to reduce curing time.
The maximum size of coarse aggregates should not exceed one fourth the slab thickness. The
gradation of coarse aggregates may range from 50 to 4.75 or 40 to 4.75 mm, the aggregate is
collected in two size ranges, one below and the other above 20 mm size, when the grading is
from 20 to 50 mm, the materials are collected in two groups, below and above 25 mm size the
aggregate should be free from harmful materials such as iron, pyrites, coal, mica, clay alkali,
organic impurities etc. the coal lignite, clay or fines passing 75 micron sieve in the coarse
aggregates should not be more than one percent by weight the desirable limits of properties are:
The existing surface is prepared by removing the pot holes or ruts if any. The irregularities are
filled in with premix chipping at least a week before laying surface course. If the existing
pavement is extremely wavy, a bituminous levelling course of adequate thickness is provided to
lay a bituminous concrete surface course on a binder course instead of directly laying it on a
It is desirable to lay asphalt concrete (AC) layer over a bituminous base or a bindercourse. A tack
coat of a bitumen is applied at 6 to 7.5 kg/m2 area. This quantity may be increased to 7.5 to 10 kg
for non-bituminous base.
The premix is prepared in hot mix plant of a required capacity with the desired quality control.
The bitumen may be heated up to 150-170C and the aggregate temperature should not differ by
over 14C from the binder temperature. The hot mixed material is collected from the mixer by
the transporters, carried to the location and is spread by a mechanical paver at a temperature of
121-163C. The camber and the thickness of layer are actually verified. The control of
temperature during the mixing and the compaction are of great significance in the strength of the
resulting pavement structure.
A mix after it is placed on the base course, is thoroughly compacted by rolling at a speed not
more than 5km/hour. The initial or breakdown rolling is done by 8 to 12 tonnesrollers and the
intermediate rolling is done with a fixed wheel pneumatic roller of 15-30 tonnes having a tyre
pressure of 7kg/cm2 the wheels of roller are kept damp with water. The number of passes
required depends on the thickness of the layer. In warm weather rolling on the next day helps to
increase density of initial rolling was not adequate. The final rolling or finishing is done by 8-12
tonnestandem roller.
The routine checks are carried out at site to ensure the quality of resulting pavement mixture and
the pavement surface. Periodic checks are made for:
A. Aggregate grading
B. Grade of bitumen
C. Temperature grade
D. Temperature of paving mixture during mixing and compaction
At least one sample for every 100 tonnes the mix discharge by the hot mix plant is collected and
tested for above requirement.
The AC surface should be checked by 3m straight edge. The longitudinal undulations should not
be exceeding 8mm and the number of undulations higher than 6mm should not exceed 10m in a
length of 300 metre. The cross profile should not have undulations exceeding 4.0 mm.
The preparation of sub-base for laying of the concrete slabs should comply with the following
requirement; that no soft spots are present in the subgrade or sub-base; that the uniformly
compacted subgrade or sub-base extend at least 30 cm on either side of the width to be
concreted; that the subgrade is properly drained that the minimum modulus of subgrade reaction
obtained with a plate bearing test is 5.54 kg/cm2.
The subgrade is prepared and checked atleasttwo days in advance of concreting. The subgrade is
or sub-base is kept in moist condition at the time when the cement concrete is placed. If
necessary, it should be saturated with water for 6-20 hours in advance of placing concrete. Water
proof paper may also be placed whenever the cement concrete.
The steel forms are of M.S. channel sections and their depth is equal to the thickness of the
pavements. The sections have a length of at least 3m except on curves of less than 45.0 m radius,
where shorter sections are used. When set to grade, the maximum deviation of the top surface of
any section from a straight line is not exceeded by 3mm.
Wooden forms are dressed on side, these have maximum base width of 10 cm for slab thickness
of 20 cm and minimum base width of 15 cm for slabs over 20 cm thick. The forms are jointed
neatly and are set with exactness to the required grade and alignment.
After determining the proportion of ingredients for the field mix, the fine aggregates and coarse
aggregates are proportioned by weight in a weight batching plant and placed into the hopper
along with the necessary quantity of cement. Cement is measured by the bag. All batching of
The mixing of concrete is done in batch mixer which will ensure a uniform distribution of the
materials throughout the mass so that the mix is uniform in colour and is homogeneous.
The batch of cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate is led together into the mixer. The
water for mixing is introduced into the drum within the first 15 seconds of mixing. The mixing of
each batch is commenced within one and half minute after all, materials are placed in the mixer.
The cement concrete is mixed in quantities required for immediate use and is deposited on the
soil subgrade or sub-base to the required depth and width of the pavement section within the
formwork in the continuous operation. The spreading is done uniformly. A certain amount of
redistribution is done with shovels. Needle vibrator is employed in lieu of rodding and splicing
of the concrete.
The surface of pavement is compacted either by means of power driven finishing machine or a
vibrating hand screed for areas where the width of the slab is very small at the corner of the road
junction. Hand consolidation and finishing may be adopted.
Concrete as soon as placed is struck off uniformly and screed to the crown and cross section of
the pavement to confirm the grade.
The tamper is placed on the side forms and is drawn ahead in combination with the series of lifts
and drops to compact the concrete.
The concrete is further compacted by means of longitudinal float. The longitudinal float is held
in a position parallel to carriageway center-line and passed gradually from one side of the
pavement to the other. After the longitudinal floating is done in the excess water gets
disappeared, the slab surface is tested for its grade and level with the straight edge.
Justbefore the concrete becomes hard, the surface is belted with the two ply canvas belt. The
short strokes are applied transversely to the carriageway.
After belting the pavement is given a broom, finish with fiber broom brush. The broom is pulled
gently over the surface of the pavement transversely from edge to edge. Brooming is done
perpendicular to the center line of the pavement.
Before the concrete develops, the initial set the edges of the slab are carefully finished edging
The entire pavement surface of the newly laid cement concrete is cured in accumulation with the
following methods.
The surface of the pavement surface is entirely covered with cotton or jute.
Curing with wet soil exposed edges of the slab are banked with soil berm. A sandy soil free from
stones is placed. The soil is thoroughly kept saturated for 14 days.
Joints are provided in cement concrete for expansion, contraction and warping of the slabs due to
variation in temperature of slab.
Transverse joint
Contraction joints are provided to permit the contraction of slab. These joints are spaced closer
than expansion joints. Load transference at the joints is provide through the physical interlocking
by the aggregates projecting out at the joint faces. As per IRC specification, the maximum
spacing of contraction joint in unreinforced CC slabs is 4.5m and in reinforced slab of thickness
20cm is 14m.
One of the prime causes of flexible pavement failure is excessive undulations or waves and
corrugation in the pavement surface.
1. Inadequate stability
Inadequate stability may be due to the inherent weakness of the soil itself or excessive moisture
or improper compaction excessive stress application is due to inadequate pavement thickness or
loads in excess of design value.
Poor mix proportioning or inadequate thicknesses are main reasons for the lack of stability or
strength or sub-base or base course. Soft varieties of stone aggregates also make the base course
layer weak.
Due to the internal movements of aggregates in sub-base or base course layers under the repeated
stress application, the composite structure of the layers get disturbed. This results in the loosing
of the total mass.
The loss of base course materials is only possible when either the base course is not covered with
a wearing course or the wearing course has completely worn out. The exposed aggregates of the
base course also may from dust due to abrading action and attrition with further use of such
pavement section, there is loss of stone aggregates forming pot hole.
Failures of cement concrete pavements are recognized mainly by the formation of structural
cracking, the failure is mainly due to two factors:
1. Soft aggregates
This is the most common type of failure and occurs due to fatigue. Localized weakness in the
underlined base course would also can cause a cracking of the surface course in this pattern.
Shear failures are associated with the inherent weakness of pavement mixtures. The shear
failures causes upheaval of pavement material by forming a fraction of cracking.
Due to frost action and differential volume changes in subgrade longitudinal cracking is
cause din pavements, traversing through the pavement, traversing through the full pavement
In the case of frost heaving there is mostly a localized heaving up of a pavement portion
depending upon the ground water and climatic conditions.
Slipping occurs when the surface course is not (keyed) bound with the underlined base. Such
condition are more frequent in case when the bituminous surfacing is provided over the existing
cement concrete based course or soil.
Scaling is observed in cement pavement showing over all deterioration of the concrete .The
scaling is mainly attributed due to the deficiency in the mix or presence of some chemical
impurities which damage the mix further due to excessive vibrations giving to the mix, and
cement mortar comes to the top during construction and makes the pavement surface rough and
shabby in appearance.
During the curing operations of cement concrete pavement immediately after construction the
shrinkage cracks normally develop.
If the joints are not designed tom accommodate s the warping of slabs of edges, this results in
development of excessive stresses due to warping and the slab developed the cracking at the
edge in irregular pattern.
Mud pumping is recognized when the soil slurry ejects out through the joints and cracks of
cement concrete pavement caused during the downward movement of slab under the wheel load.
1. Patch repairs
3. Surface treatments
Patch repairs are carried out on the damage or improper road surface .Patching may be done or
affected localized area or sections using a cold premix.
Pot holes are cut to square or rectangular forms and materials placed in sections are thoroughly
removed until the sound materials are encountered. The excavated holes are cleaned and applied
with primers. A premixed material is then placed in the sections .Generally, cut back or
emulsions are used as binder. The materials so placed in the pot holes, is well compacted by
ramming to avoid any reveling. The materials in the pot holes are placed in thickness or so .The
finished level of the patch are kept slightly above original level to allow for subsequent
consolidation under traffic.
This work shall consists of laying and compacting clean crushed, graded aggregate and granular
material premix with a water, to a dense mass on a prepared sub base/sub grade or existing
pavement as the case may be in accordance with the requirement of these specifications.
Materials shall be laid in one or more layers as necessary to lines, grades and cross-section
shown on the approved drawing. The thickness of a single compacted Wet Mix Macadam layer
shall not be less not be depth of single layer of the sub-base course may be increased to 200mm
upon approval of an Engineer.
Coarse aggregate shall be crushed stone. If crushed gravel is used ,not less than 90 by weight of
the gravel pieces retained on 4.75mm sieve shall have at least two fractured faces. The aggregate
shall confirm to the physical requirement as shown in table below:-
** To determine this combined proportion, the flaky stone from a representative sample should
be separated out .Flakiness index is weight of flaky stone metal divided by weight of the stone
sample. Only the elongated particle is separated from the remaining (non-flaky) stone metal.
Elongation index is weight of elongated particle divided by total non-flaky particles. The value
of Elongation index and Flakiness index so found are added up. If water absorption value of
coarse aggregate is greater than 2%, the soundness test shall be carried out on the material
delivered to site as per IS: 2386 (Part-5).
GRADING REQUIREMENT: The aggregate should follow the following grading given
The base should be prepared from different materials. Materials like small-stones, crushed
stones, etc. are used.
While constructing wet mix macadam, arrangement shall be made for the lateral confinement of
wet mix. This shall be done by laying materials in adjoining shoulders along with that of wet mix
macadam layer.
For small quantity of wet mix work, the engineer may permit the mixing to be done in concrete
mixers Wet mix macadam shall be prepared in an approved mixing plant of suitable quantity
having provision for controlled addition of water and forced/positive mixing arrangement like
Immediately, after mixing the aggregate shall be spread uniformly and evenly upon the prepared
sub grade/sub-base/base in required quantities. In no case should these be dumped in heaps
directly on the area where these are to be laid nor shall their hauling over a partly completed
stretch be permitted.
The mix may be spread by a paves finisher or motor grader. For portions where mechanical
means cannot be used, manual means as approved by an engineer shall be used. The motor
graded shall be capable of spreading the material uniformly all over the surface. Its blade should
have hydraulic control suitable for initial adjustments and maintaining the same as so as to
achieve the specified slope and grade.
After the mix has been laid to the required thickness, grade and cross fall/camber the same shall
be uniformly compacted, to the full depth with a suitable roller. If the thickness of single
compacted layer does not exceed 100mm, a smooth wheel roller of 80 to 100 kN weight may be
used. For a compacted single layer up to 200mm, the compaction shall be done with the help of
vibratory roller of minimum static weight of 80 to 100 kN or equivalent capacity roller. The
speed of roller shall not exceed 5km/h.
The portions in camber, rolling should begin at the edge with the roller running forward and
backward until the edges have been firmly compacted. The roller shall then progress gradually
towards the center parallel to the center line of the road uniformly overlapping each preceding
tracks by at least one-third width until the entire surface has been rolled.
Any displacement occurring as a result of reversing of the direction of roller or from any other
cause shall be corrected at once as specified and/or removed and made good.
Rolling shall be continued till the density achieved is at least 98 per cent of the maximum dry
density of the material.
After completion, the surface of any finished layer shall be well-closed, free from movement
under compaction equipment or any compaction planes, ridges, cracks and loose material.
There are number of tests to assess the properties of bituminous materials. The following tests
are usually conducted to evaluate different properties of bituminous materials.
1. Penetration test
2. Ductility test
It measures the hardness or softness of bitumen by measuring the depth in tenths of a millimeter
to which a standard loaded needle will penetrate vertically in 5seconds .BIS had standardized the
equipment and test procedure. The penetrometer consists of a needle assembly with total weight
of 100g and a device for releasing and locking any position. The bitumen is softened to a pouring
consistency, stirred thoroughly and poured into containers at a depth of at least 15mm in excess
of the expected penetration. The test should be conducted at a specified temperature of 25c.It
may be noted that penetration value is largely influenced by any inaccuracy with regards to
pouring temperature, size of needle, weight placed on the needle and the test temperature.
A grade of 40/50 bitumen means the penetration value in the range 40 to 50 at standard test
conditions. In hot climate , a lower penetration grade is preferred.
Ductility is the property of bitumen that permits it to undergo great deformation or elongation.
Ductility is defined as the distance in cm,to which a standard sample or briquette of the material
will be elongated without breaking. Dimension of the briquette thus formed is exactly 1cm
square.The bitumen sample is heated and poured in the mould assembly placed on plate .These
sample with moulds are cooled in air and then in water bath at 27c temperature. The excess
bitumen is cut and surface is leveled using a hot knife. The sides of the mounds are removed ,the
clips are hooked on the machine and the machine is operated .The distance up to the point of
breaking of thread is the ductility value which is reported in cm. Ductility value gets affected by
factors such as pouring temperature, test temperature, rate of pulling etc. A minimum ductility
value of 75 cm has been specified by BIS.
Better highway system provides varied benefits to the society .Improvement in highway results
in several benefits to the road users .It reduces operational cost per unit length of road. Saves
travel time and resultant benefits in terms of time costs of vehicle and the passengers .Reduces
the accident rates .Improve level of service and ease of driving .Increases comfort for passengers
.Assess to weather and up to what extent the pavement fulfills the intended requirements so that
the maintains and strengthening the jobs could be planned in time. It provides good feasibility
and serviceability to the road users.
---. 2003. Field Trials of Concrete Pavement Product and Process Technology -
Precast Panel System for Full Depth Pavement Repairs, Quarterly Progress
Report. Michigan State University, East Lansing.
2002. High Performance Concrete Pavement, K-96 Reno County. 2002 Annual
Report. Kansas Department of Transportation, Topeka.
---. 2003. High Performance Concrete Pavement, K-96 Reno County. 2003
Annual Report. Kansas Department of Transportation, Topeka.