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A Field Method for

Measurement of





MANUEL LUJAN, Jr., Secretary


Dallas L. Peck, Director

Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for

descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the
U.S. Government

First Printing 1963

Second Printing 1991

For sale by the Books and Open-File Reports Section, U.S. GeoloTical Survey,
Federal Center, Box 25425, Denver, CO 80225
Abstract______________._______...____________ F-I
Introduction ______________________________________________________ 1
Terminology and definitions__-_____--_-_-____--____-_--_-__-_--_-__ 3
Methods and equipment__________________-______--______-______-__. 3
Factors affecting infiltration rate..._-_--_______-_---_-___---______-_ 4
Suggested method for determining infiltration rate___--_--____--_______ 9
Apparatus and supplies.___-______--_______-__-_--_-________-_ 9
Procedure---_-____--___---_________-_____-----_-_-_-_--______ 10
Calculations and data report__-____-__--___-_--__-________-_____ 14
Summary.. __ _____________________________________________________ 15
Selected references____--__--______-_--___--__-_-______--__-___--- 17

FIGURE 1. Hydrologic cycle__--.__--__________-__-_________-____- F-2
2. Ring-infiltrometer construction.___________________________ 10
3. Ring installation and Mariott6 tube details. ____-_--___--_-_ 12
4. Ring infiltrometer with float-valve control__________________ 13
5. Report form for infiltration test. ___--___-__-__----_------- 16

TABLE 1. Infiltration rates for different types of soils, as measured by
infiltrometer rings in third hour of a wet run.._--___-____-_ F-7
2. Data for single-ring infiltrometers______-_____--_-______--_ 15
3. Data for double-ring infiltrometers___-_--____---____--_-__ 15




The determination of infiltration the downward entry of water into a soil

(or sediment) is receiving increasing attention in hydrologic studies because
of the need for more quantitative data on all phases of the hydrologic cycle.
A measure of infiltration, the infiltration rate, is usually determined in the field
by flooding basins or furrow's, sprinkling, or measuring water entry from
cylinders (infiltrometer rings). Rates determined by ponding in larg? areas
are considered most reliable, but the high cost usually dictates' that infiltrometer
rings, preferably 2 feet in diameter or larger, be used.
The hydrology of subsurface materials is critical in the study of infiltration.
The zone controlling the rate of infiltration is usually the least permeate zone.
Many other factors affect infiltration rate the sediment (soil) structure, the
condition of the sediment surface, the distribution of soil moisture or soil-
moisture tension, the chemical and physical nature of the sediments, tl ? head
of applied water, the depth to ground water, the chemical quality snd the
turbidity of the applied water, the temperature of the water and the sediments,
the percentage of entrapped air in the sediments, the atmospheric pressure, the
length of time of application of water, the biological activity in the sediments,
and the type of equipment or method used. It is concluded that specific values
of the infiltration rate for a particular type of sediment are probably nonexistent
and that measured rates are primarily for comparative use.
A standard field-test method for determining infiltration rates by m^ans of
single- or double-ring infiltrometers is described and the construction, installation,
and operation of the infiltrometers are discussed in detail.


The complexity of the problems confronting the water-resources in-

vestigator today has caused an increasing need for more quantitative
data for all phases of the hydrologic cycle (fig. 1) and an analysis of
the complete hydrologic problem. A balanced investigation calls for
a better understanding of infiltration defined by the Soil Science
Society of America (1956, p. 434) as "the downward entry of water

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into soil" and a knowledge of how this hydrologic property may be

determined. This report discusses the factors affecting infiltration
and describes a method for determining infiltration data. A list of
references on infiltration is included for the investigator interested in
pursuing the subject in more detail. It is hoped that this report will
be particularly helpful to those investigators who will be making
infiltration tests and also to all who are interested in water-resources
investigations in general.

Terminology relating to infiltration was thoroughly reviewed by

Eichards (1952) and by the Soil Science Society of America (1956).
They defined infiltration as the downward entry of water irto soil,
and infiltration rate (infiltration capacity) as the maximum rate at
which a soil will absorb water impounded on the surface at a shallow
depth when adequate precautions are taken regarding border, or
fringe, effects. Defined as the volume of water passing into the soil
per unit of area per unit of time, infiltration rate has the dimensions of
velocity, Z77-1, where L= length and 77 =time. Some divergence of
flow may occur as the wetting front moves downward through the soil;
and, under some conditions, even with large rings or basins, divergent
flow cannot be neglected.
Infiltration velocity, known also as intake rate, has been defined
(Soil Science Society of America, 1956, p. 434) as the volume of water
moving downward into the soil surface per unit of area per unit of
time and has the dimensions of velocity. The maximum infiltration
velocity is equivalent to the infiltration rate. Because this definition
involves no restrictions on area of application or divergence of flow in
the soil, a description of the measuring method should be specified.
In soils work, infiltration rate or velocity is usually reported in
inches per hour or centimeters per hour. Occasionally th?/y are
reported in feet per year or feet per day.

Infiltration rate usually is determined from field data. Many dif-

ferent methods and types of equipment have been used for measuring
infiltration rate, but the principal methods are flooding of basins or
furrows, sprinkling (to simulate rain), and measuring water entry
from cylinders (infiltrometer rings). The rate of subsidence of the
water surface, or the rate of flow required to maintain a constant level
in a large basin, or a very large ring infiltrometer is taken as a measure
of the infiltration rate. If smaller infiltrometer rings are us^d, the

rate of flow or subsidence for the period during which the wetting
front is moving downward through the enclosed part of the soil column
is taken as the infiltration rate.
No single method is satisfactory for all field conditions. The prob-
lem to be solved, the funds available, and the availability of the ap-
propriate supplies and equipment dictate the method to be used.
Judgment based largely on experience is an important requirement in
evaluating infiltration-rate data especially where conditions are
Robinson and Rohwer (1957) studied infiltration in relation to canal
seepage and used a variety of equipment installed under field condi-
tions. They concluded that large-diameter rings as much as 6 feet
for the inner ring and 18 feet for the outer ring provided more accu-
rate measurements than the more commonly used rings 1 to 2 feet in
Ring infiltrometers of large diameter, such as those used h^ Robinson
and Rohwer, or infiltration pits or ponds, such as those discussed by
Mitchelson and Muckel (1937), probably are the most accurate field
methods for obtaining data on infiltration rates. Rates determined by
ponding in large areas probably are the most reliable, but problems of
cost usually require the use of smaller and cheaper equipment. There-
fore, the use of the ring infiltrometer, especially if 2 feet or larger in
diameter, probably provides the best alternate method for obtaining
data economically. Large rings determine the average rate of infil-
tration for a larger area and are especially necessary in area s of gravel-
sized materials, where all particles are large in comparison to the size
of the ring or basin.
In 1956, after working with a uniform soil profile havirg no layers
restricting the movement of water, Burgy and Luthin (1956) con-
cluded that 6 infiltrometers gave an average rate that was within 30
percent of the true mean when compared with infiltration rates ob-
tained by flooding large areas or basins. To be truly rep resentative,
the general location of the infiltration tests should be based on the
geology or soils pattern of an area.

The principles of infiltration and the factors affecting the process

are imperfectly understood even after many years of investigation.
Early studies by Muntz (1908) were followed by evaluation studies by
many investigators, among which were Kohnke (1938), Free, Brown-
ing, and Musgrave (1940), Nelson and Muckenhirn (1941), and Klute
(1952). The most recent general research on the subject of infiltra-

tion is the study by Robinson and Rohwer (1957), under field condi-
tions, and by Aronovici (1955), under laboratory conditions.
Many factors affect the infiltration rate. Infiltration depends upon
the chemical-physical condition of the sediments and the chenciical-
hydraulic characteristics of the water in those sediments, both of which
may change with time. The infiltration rate is affected by the sedi-
ment (soil) texture and structure, the condition of the sedimert sur-
face, the distribution of soil moisture or soil-moisture tension, the
chemical and physical nature of the water, the head of the applied
water, the depth to ground water, the length of time of application of
water, biological activity, the temperature of the water and the sedi-
ments, the percentage of entrapped air in the sediments, the atmos-
pheric pressure, and the type of equipment or method used.
Studies of saturated and unsaturated flow of water througl soils
have been made by Colman and Bodman (1944), Kirkham and Feng
(1949), Marshall and Stirk (1949), and Miller and Richard (1952),
but very little information is available concerning water flow from
infiltrometers under conditions of low initial moisture content. Mar-
shall and Stirk (1949) utilized tensiometers to observe the movement
of the water below infiltrometers, and Haise (1949) studiec1 flow
patterns in coarse-textured soils. Possibly the most complete study
of water-flow patterns below infiltrometers was that of Aronovici
(1955), who illustrated the significance of surface and subsurface
conditions on observed infiltration rates. His study suggested also
that pressure head is the dominant factor involved in infiltration rates
in initially dry or damp soils, and emphasized the influence of the
differential hydraulic head in causing a decrease of infiltration rate
with time.
The rate of infiltration is affected greatly by the permeability of the
sediments. Usually the sediments are unsaturated when an infiltra-
tion test is started, and the infiltration rate would not correspond,
even under ideal field conditions, with the permeability as normally
determined in the laboratory. That is, the standard laboratory
permeability equals the infiltration rate only when the sediments are
saturated. On the first application of water in the infiltration tests,
the rate is generally great. As water application continues and the
uppermost sediments become saturated, the infiltration rate gradually
decreases and reaches a nearly constant rate, generally within a few
hours. If all the sediments are uniform or the deeper ones are more
permeable than those near the surface, and the water table is 8 con-
siderable distance below the surface, the infiltration rate is controlled
by the sediments near the surface. However, when the deeper sedi-
660451 O 63 2

ments are less permeable than the shallow ones, the shallow sedi-
ments soon become saturated and the resultant infiltration h controlled
by the less permeable sediments at greater depth. Thus, the critical
zone controlling the rate of infiltration is the least permeable zone,
and, as Musgrave (1935a) pointed out, infiltration rings set only a
few inches into the sediments may not indicate the permeability of
the underlying materials. This fact indicates that the bottom of the
infiltrometer basin or ring should be installed at the top of the least
permeable zone.
The definition of infiltration requires that the downward flow into
and through the sediments be nondivergent. The U.S. Srlinity Lab-
oratory Staff (1954) pointed out that the effect of divergent flow
increases as infiltration area decreases and becomes pronounced where
the permeability decreases with depth. The proportion of lateral
flow to vertical flow becomes higher as the permeability of the sedi-
ments beneath an infiltrometer decreases. Flow may move laterally
as well as vertically beneath small infiltrometers, especially if the rings
are set only a short distance into the soil, and the rate determined will
apply to large areas only if the sediments are very uniform and the
underdrainage is not limiting. Divergence may be mirimized for
cylinders or small plots by the ponding of water in a guard ring or
border area surrounding the cylinder or plot. Lewis (1937) found
that, at least for uniform soils, the use of cylinders set 6 inches into the
soil gave reliable results and that buffer rings were not needed if the
infiltrometer was at least 18 inches in diameter. Burgy and Luthin
(1956) also found that the difference between rates obtained with the
single-ring and double-ring infiltrometers for uniform soils that had
been previously wetted above field capacity was not significant. How-
ever, Schiff (1953) obtained the opposite effect in the use of the two
types of rings where soils were not uniform and contained subsurface
zones of low permeability. He suggested that piezometers would be
helpful in determining lateral flow in the vicinity of an infiltrometer.
Free, Browning, and Musgrave (1940) found that the infiltration
rate decreases with increasing clay content and increases with increas-
ing noncapillary porosity (approximately equivalent to specific yield).
These investigators made infiltrometer tests on many different soil
types at 68 field sites throughout the United States. Their data have
been used to prepare table 1.
The infiltration rate can be considerably decreased by disturbance
of the softened surface of the sediments as the water is poured into the
infiltrometer ring. Thus, care must be taken in the first filling of the
apparatus. The effect of rainfall on bare soil also may exe^t consider-
able influence on infiltration rate. Wisler and Brater (1949) pointed

TABLE 1. Infiltration rates for different type soils as measured by infiltrometer rings
in third hour of a wet run
[After Free, Browning, and Musgrave, (1040)]

Porosity (percent) Infiltration rate

Soil type
Non- Inches Feet Centi-
Total capillary per per meters
(specific) hour day per
yield) hour

Gravelly silt loam. ._.____.____ 54. 9 28. 1 4.96 9. 92 12.60

61. 1 36.3 3.98 7.96 10. 11
57.0 32.0 2.09 4. 18 5.31
Sandy loam.. ________________ 49. 6 26. 3 1.93 3. 86 4.90
Clay (eroded). _..______ _____ 54. 3 28.7 1.78 3. 56 4.52
48. 8 27. 7 1.42 2. 84 3.61
Silty clay loam _ ____-.. _____ 50.8 24. 3 .72 1.44 1.83
Stony silt loam. _________ ___ 59.7 32.6 .55 1. 10 1.40
Fine sandy loam. _______ _ _ _ 41. 5 24.2 . 55 1.10 1.40
49. 6 23.4 .51 1.02 1.29
45. 7 17.2 .50 1.00 1.27
Sandy clay. ______________ ___ 42.9 16. 9 .05 . 10 .13
Heavy clay. _ __ ________ 57. 8 27.0 .02 .04 .05
47.0 19.8 .00 .00 .00
Clavey silt loam. _____________ 49. 4 17.6 .00 .00 .00

out that the rain beats down on the unprotected soil, compr.cts it,
washes fine debris into the pores of the surface strata, and thereby
reduces the permeability.
Lewis (1937) and Musgrave and Free (1937) concluded that an
increase in initial moisture content in the tested sediments correlated
with a decrease in infiltration rate. They stated that this is probably
due to the unavailability of the smallest interstitial spaces for the
percolation of water after the initial supply is received. In fine-
textured materials part of the rate reduction is due to the swelling of
clay and the resultant choking of the small pores.
Musgrave and Free (1937) found that even slight water turbidity
caused a considerable decrease in infiltration rate. According to the
U.S. Salinity Laboratory (1954), water having the same quality as
that to be used later in actual infiltration should be used for the
infiltration test.
Schiff (1953) found that infiltration rates increase as driving head
increases. The depth of water to be applied during a test defends
on the information desired. For example, in determination of rates
of infiltration from waste-disposal pits, it may be desirable to apply
the full head. According to Lewis (1937), the duration of testing
also depends upon the information desired. Most infiltratior tests
are of short duration to simulate the effects of rainfall or the applica-
tion of irrigation water. Even then, the rate usually decreases with
time of application.

It seems to be the opinion of investigators that when the rate of

infiltration is low a correction must be made for the evaporation rate
during the test, or the evaporation must be minimized by covering the
water surface with a film of oil or a monomolecular filir of a waxy
alcohol, such as hexadecanol or octadecanol. If infiltro^neter rings
are used, a cover may be installed to reduce evaporation virtually to
The infiltration rate is influenced also by plant and animal action
in the sediments. Decaying roots leave channels throughout the root
zone. Roots extend to considerable depths, some reaching 10 feet or
more, according to the type of vegetation. Certain animals, such as
gophers and earthworms, may considerably increase the permeability
of the soil and, hence, the infiltration rate. However, the converse
may be true, especially above a depth of 2 to 3 feet in the soil zone,
where some decrease in infiltration rate may result from th?. growth of
micro-organisms. To overcome growth of micro-organisms, 20 ppm
(parts per million) of mercuric chloride is sometimes added to the
water used for the test. The amount of activity by micro-organisms
is not great in arid regions.
Desiccation structure in the sediments of arid regions may cause
difficulties in determining the infiltration rate. Heavy clay soil may
crack during drying, and considerable penetration may result upon
the first application of water. As the soil adjoining the cracks is
wetted, however, it swells and closes the cracks, so that infiltration
becomes very slow.
Musgrave and Free (1937) and Free, Browning, and Musgrave
(1940) observed a tendency toward an increase in rate of infiltration
with an increase in sediment temperature. This is due to a decrease in
water viscosity caused by the increase in temperature. Theoretically,
in the ordinary range of temperatures, the infiltration rate should
approximately double for a 50 F increase in water temperature. The
rate, however, does not always increase this much because of some soil-
water reactions that are affected by these temperature changes,
especially during longer test runs. Infiltration data should all be
corrected and reported to some standard temperature, such rs 60F.
In 1934, Powers reported that entrapped air may have a considerable
effect on infiltration rate. As the wetting front moves downward
below the infiltrometer ring or basin, air is trapped in the pore space
and compressed by the increasing pressure. As the test run proceeds,
the air is apparently flushed out at least in part and the infiltration
rate may tend to increase; however, the general trend is for the en-
trapped air to cause a decrease in infiltration rate. A change in

atmospheric pressure also may affect the infiltration rate because of its
effect on the expansion and contraction of the entrapped air.
The investigations discussed above show that to interpret infiltration
data properly the investigator must know the hydrology of the deep
sediments as well as that of the shallow ones. Adequate subsurface
exploration always should accompany infiltration tests.

No generally accepted method is applicable to all field conditions or

problems in spite of all the studies that have been made of the measure-
ment of infiltration rate. As already discussed, the large-pond
method is the best for determining accurate infiltration data but is
usually not feasible because of economic considerations. A method
utilizing a ring infiltrometer is probably the most versatile of all avail-
able methods; thus, such a method is described in detail to provide a
simple standard that can be used by all investigators.

Infiltrometer rings. Cylinders 20 inches high and of different di-

ameters 12, 18, and 24 inches. (See fig. 2.) Cylinders made of i/g-
inch hard-alloy aluminum sheet with the bottom edge beveled from the
outside to the inside.
Driving cap. Disks of i/2-inch aluminum alloy, with centering pins
around edge, of a diameter slightly larger than the infiltrometer rings.
Depth gage. A hook gage, staff gage, or length of heav7 wire,
pointed on one end, for use in measuring and controlling a definite
depth of water (head) in the infiltrometer ring.
Driving equipment. A 12-pound mall or sledge and a 2- or 3-foot
length of wood (2 X 4 or 4 X 4 in.).
Splash guard. Six-inch-square pieces of sheet rubber or burlap.
Rule or tape. Six-foot steel tape or 1-foot steel rule.
Metal tamp. Eound pipe 14 inches long with 6-inch length of 1-
inch-wide by ^-inch-thick steel strap welded to end.
Shovels. One long-handled shovel and 1 trenching spade.
Hand auger. Orchard-type auger with 3-inch-diameter by 9-inch-
long barrel, and rubber-headed tire hammer for knocking sample out
of auger.
Water containers. One 50-gallon barrel for main water supply;
one graduated cylinder of 1,000-ml or 1-quart capacity, or a graduated
Mariotte tube, for measurement of water and used during the test; a
12-quart pail for the initial filling of the infiltrometer; a ler<rth of
rubber hose to siphon water from the barrel.

Material: H-inch aluminum

alloy sheet

Butt joint,

1 00(00 1
1 o |o 1
1 o| o 1
1 0 jo 1
1 o| o 1
1 o |o 1
1 o| o 1
1 o |o 1
\l 00)0.0 V

FIGURE 2. Ring-infiltrometer construction.

Water supply. Preferably water of the same quality as that in-

volved in the problem being examined.
Stopwatch. Pocket-type.
Level. A carpenter's level or bull's-eye level.
Recording materials. Record books and graph pap^.r (20X20
divisions per inch), or special forms with graph section, and pencils.

If a single-ring infiltrometer is desired, a ring of any one of the

different sizes may be used. However, because divergent flow increases
as the infiltration area decreases, the largest ring practicable for the

water supply available is preferable. If a double-ring infiltrometer

is desired, a small ring is installed, centered inside a larger ring. The
12- and 24-inch rings are suggested for a double-ring infiltrometer
installation. The sides of the infiltrometer rings should b-> kept
vertical, and undue disturbance of the soil surface from driving of
the ring or from excessive trampling over the surface should be
The infiltrometer rings should be driven 6 to 8 inches irto the
soil. Where the infiltration rate for a shallow subsurface layer is
desired, a pit shoud be excavated to the desired depth before tin rings
are installed. An infiltration ring is driven by means of a driving
cap (%-in.-thick plate), which has been centered on the ring and on
the edge of which has been placed a heavy wood block (2X4 or 4X4
in., 2 or 3 ft. long). Blows of the heavy sledge on the block should
be of medium force to prevent undue fracturing of the soil s irface.
The wood block should be moved around the edge of the driving cap
every one or two blows, so the cylinder will penetrate the soil surface
uniformly, without the tilting back and forth that results in a dis-
turbance of the soil. If a double-ring infiltrometer is usec1 , both
rings are installed to the same depth.
The rings may be jacked into the soil surface if a truck and heavy
jack are readily available. The jack should be centered upon a wood
block that has been centered across the driving cap of the ring:. The
top of the jack then can be placed under the end of the truck body 9Jid
force applied to the jack. In heavy-textured soils it may be necessary
to add additional weight to the truck in order to obtain sufficient
After the driving is completed and the rings are level, the disturbed
soil adjacent to the ring on the inside should be tamped firm by means
of the metal tamp ( lin. wide X 14 in. thick X 20 in. long). If the
soil is disturbed more than one-eighth of an inch from the wall of its
ring, an attempt should be made to reset the infiltrometer ring with
less disturbance of the surface.
Some type of depth gage should be installed on the infiltrometer ring
(fig. 3), or on both rings if a double-ring infiltrometer is used, to assist
the investigator visually in maintaining a given water level (head).
A staff gage is satisfactory if the infiltration rate is high, but a more
accurate device should be used for low rates. A hook gage may be
used, or a simple point gage may be constructed. The latter consists
merely of a length of heavy wire, pointed OH both ends, inserted into
the soil and left at a height above the soil surface equivalent to the
desired depth of water. All these gages, except the staff gage (which
is installed on the ring wall), should be installed near the certer of

the center ring and in the middle of the annular space between tH two
rings. The water is at the proper depth when the point of the wire
or hook barely makes a small pimple on the surface of the water. A
minimum water level of 1 inch and a maximum of 6 inches is usually
A Mariotte tube can be utilized for maintaining the water level and
for measuring the quantity of water. (See fig. 3.) The small quanti-
ties of water required for low infiltration rates may require measure-
ment by small-diameter Mariotte tubes, or merely graduated cylinders.
For higher rates or longer test runs, the water level may be held con-
stant by means of a float valve connected to the ring and supplied from
a large water-storage tank or trailer. (See fig. 4.) A recording level

FIGURE 4. Ring infiltrometer with float-valve control.

gage may be installed on the supply tank to record the amount of water
used for the test.
To dissipate the force of the applied water and to prevent disturb-
ance of the soil, the soil surface within the infiltrometer rings should
be covered with a splash guard (pieces of burlap or rubber sheet).
The initial amount of water poured into the rings need not be meas-
ured, but any water added to maintain the desired depth of water,
after the start of the timing interval, should be recorded. This proc-
ess is followed for both rings f in a double-ring infiltrometer. For
comparison, infiltration rate is usually calculated for the outer as well
as inner ring.

The water level should be maintained as near the desired depth as

possible. For average materials the amount of water usec? should be
recorded at intervals of 15 minutes for the first hour, 30 minutes for
the second hour, and 60 minutes during the remainder of r, period of
at least 6 hours. Permeable materials may require mor*. frequent
early readings. A longer test may be desirable if the soil has a low
permeability or if a long-range infiltration rate is more applicable to
the problem being studied. To prevent evaporation, the driving cap
or some other type of covering should be placed on the infiltrometer
rings during the time intervals between water measurments. A
small hole should be drilled in the center of the driving cap to permit
air to enter.
Upon completion of the infiltration test, the infiltrometer rings are
removed from the soil by light hammering on the sides, (the rings
should be hammered only with a rubber hammer to prevent denting),
by moving the ring back and forth, and by lifting. A trench then
should be dug. One wall of the trench should pass along the center-
line of the former location of the infiltrometer rings and be so oriented
that it will be illuminated by the rays of the sun. If feasible, the
trench should be large enough to include all the moist ar?.a. If the
soil was moist before the start of the infiltration test, the use of dyes
may assist in delineating the newly moistened areas (Tamm and
Troedsson, 1957). If the soil is sandy, sodium fluorescein or indigo
carmine may be used, but a portable black-light lamp will be needed
to detect the fluorescein dye. The use of dyes in clay soils commonly
is unsatisfactory because the clay may absorb the dye. If preferred,
an auger (the Orchard barrel-type auger is suggested) may be used
to determine the approximate outline of the moist area. Determina-
tion of the moisture content of samples obtained from different
locations in the moist area commonly provides useful infc ^mation in
interpreting the movement of water through any particular soil pro-
file. The moist area should be plotted on the cross-section part of the
report form. Contours of different moisture contents also may be

The volume of water used during each measured time interval

should be converted into depth of water per unit of time (inches per
hour or centimeters per hour). If the Mariotte tube is used, these
calculations may be made by use of tables 2 and 3. For double-ring
infiltrometers, these calculations usually are made for the inner ring,
the outer ring, and both rings combined.

TABLE 2. Data for single-ring infiltrometers

Multiply volume of water used in

Volume of ml by (A) or (B) to obtain depth
Diameter of ring Area of ring Area of ring water, in ml, of water
(inches) (sqin) (sq cm) providing 1
in. depth
(A) Inches (B) Centimeters

12 113. 1 729.7 1,854 5. 39X10-* 13. 7CX10-4

18 254. 5 1, 642. 0 4, 176 2. 39X10-* 6. orxio-*
24 452. 4 2, 918. 9 7,415 1. 35X10-* 3. 4? X 10-*

TABLE 3. Data for double-ring infiltrometers

Multiply volume of water used in

Area of an- Area of an- Volume of ml by (A) or (B) to obtain depth
Diameter of rings nular space nular space water, in ml, of water
(inches) (sq in) (sq cm) providing 1
in. depth
(A) Inches (B) Centimeters

12 and 18 141.4 912.3 2,318 4. 31X10-* 10.96X10-*

12 and 24 339.3 2, 189. 2 5,561 1. 80X10-* 4. 57X10-*
18 and 24 197.9 1, 276. 9 3,244 3. 08X10-* 7. 83X10-*

All test data, as well as the infiltration rates calculated during the
progress of the test, are recorded in a record book or on a report form.
(See fig. 5.) The data are plotted also on the cross-sectioned part of
the report form.
Most of the investigation of infiltrometer rings or basins has been
made by scientists interested in their use for evaluation of agricultural
soils. Because of this, the infiltration rates were usually determined
for the upper foot of surface soils, the heads applied were low to
simulate rainfall or the application of irrigation water, the time of
application was approximately 3 to 6 hours, and the maximurr rates
were usually the ones used and reported. These items must b^. con-
sidered in evaluating infiltration data or in considering the use of the
infiltrometer for other applications. For example, in the design of
infiltration pits for waste disposal, all the above items would be
different; the infiltration rates must be representative of the deeper
sediments, the head applied may be several feet, the time of applica-
tion would be long, and the minimum rather than the maximum rate
of infiltration probably would be the one used.
Considering all factors, Musgrave and Free (1937) concluded that
a specific infiltration rate for a particular type of sediment is virtually
nonexistent and that measured rates are primarily of comparative
value. The rates do have sufficient value, however, to warrant presen-
tation of the discussion and test method in this report.



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Infiltration is presently the subject of a model study in tl ^ U.S.

Geological Survey's Hydrologic Laboratory at Denver, Colo. (Palm-
quist and Johnson, 1960). Because of the restrictions and expense
involved in infiltration fieldwork, it would be useful if it could be
shown that field infiltration rates could be correlated with permeability
measurements made in the laboratory. However, with the informa-
tion available at present, it would be extremely fortuitous if such a
correlation were found.
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