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Bayesian Reinforcement Learning: A Survey

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Foundations and Trends

in Machine Learning
Vol. 8, No. 5-6 (2015) 359492

c 2015 M. Ghavamzadeh, S. Mannor, J. Pineau, and
A. Tamar
DOI: 10.1561/2200000049
arXiv:1609.04436v1 [cs.AI] 14 Sep 2016

Bayesian Reinforcement Learning: A Survey

Mohammad Ghavamzadeh
Adobe Research & INRIA

Shie Mannor

Joelle Pineau
McGill University

Aviv Tamar
University of California, Berkeley

1 Introduction 3

2 Technical Background 11
2.1 Multi-Armed Bandits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2 Markov Decision Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3 Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes . . . . . . 18
2.4 Reinforcement Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.5 Bayesian Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3 Bayesian Bandits 29
3.1 Classical Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.2 Bayes-UCB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.3 Thompson Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4 Model-based Bayesian Reinforcement Learning 41

4.1 Models and Representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.2 Exploration/Exploitation Dilemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.3 Offline Value Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.4 Online near-myopic value approximation . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.5 Online Tree Search Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.6 Methods with Exploration Bonus to Achieve PAC Guarantees 56
4.7 Extensions to Unknown Rewards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64


4.8 Extensions to Continuous MDPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

4.9 Extensions to Partially Observable MDPs . . . . . . . . . 69
4.10 Extensions to Other Priors and Structured MDPs . . . . . 72

5 Model-free Bayesian Reinforcement Learning 75

5.1 Value Function Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.2 Bayesian Policy Gradient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.3 Bayesian Actor-Critic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

6 Risk-aware Bayesian Reinforcement Learning 101

7 BRL Extensions 109

7.1 PAC-Bayes Model Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
7.2 Bayesian Inverse Reinforcement Learning . . . . . . . . . . 110
7.3 Bayesian Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning . . . . . . . 113
7.4 Bayesian Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning . . . . . . . . 113

8 Outlook 117

Acknowledgements 121

Appendices 123

A Index of Symbols 125

B Discussion on GPTD Assumptions on the Noise Process 129

References 131

Bayesian methods for machine learning have been widely investigated,

yielding principled methods for incorporating prior information into
inference algorithms. In this survey, we provide an in-depth review
of the role of Bayesian methods for the reinforcement learning (RL)
paradigm. The major incentives for incorporating Bayesian reasoning
in RL are: 1) it provides an elegant approach to action-selection (explo-
ration/exploitation) as a function of the uncertainty in learning; and
2) it provides a machinery to incorporate prior knowledge into the al-
gorithms. We first discuss models and methods for Bayesian inference
in the simple single-step Bandit model. We then review the extensive
recent literature on Bayesian methods for model-based RL, where prior
information can be expressed on the parameters of the Markov model.
We also present Bayesian methods for model-free RL, where priors are
expressed over the value function or policy class. The objective of the
paper is to provide a comprehensive survey on Bayesian RL algorithms
and their theoretical and empirical properties.

M. Ghavamzadeh, S. Mannor, J. Pineau, and A. Tamar. Bayesian Reinforcement

Learning: A Survey. Foundations and Trends
in Machine Learning, vol. 8,
no. 5-6, pp. 359492, 2015.
DOI: 10.1561/2200000049.

A large number of problems in science and engineering, from robotics to

game playing, tutoring systems, resource management, financial port-
folio management, medical treatment design and beyond, can be char-
acterized as sequential decision-making under uncertainty. Many inter-
esting sequential decision-making tasks can be formulated as reinforce-
ment learning (RL) problems [Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 1996, Sutton
and Barto, 1998]. In an RL problem, an agent interacts with a dy-
namic, stochastic, and incompletely known environment, with the goal
of finding an action-selection strategy, or policy, that optimizes some
long-term performance measure.
One of the key features of RL is the focus on learning a control
policy to optimize the choice of actions over several time steps. This is
usually learned from sequences of data. In contrast to supervised learn-
ing methods that deal with independently and identically distributed
(i.i.d.) samples from the domain, the RL agent learns from the sam-
ples that are collected from the trajectories generated by its sequential
interaction with the system. Another important aspect is the effect of
the agents policy on the data collection; different policies naturally
yield different distributions of sampled trajectories, and thus, impact-


ing what can be learned from the data.

Traditionally, RL algorithms have been categorized as being either
model-based or model-free. In the former category, the agent uses the
collected data to first build a model of the domains dynamics and then
uses this model to optimize its policy. In the latter case, the agent di-
rectly learns an optimal (or good) action-selection strategy from the
collected data. There is some evidence that the first method provides
better results with less data [Atkeson and Santamaria, 1997], and the
second method may be more efficient in cases where the solution space
(e.g., policy space) exhibits more regularity than the underlying dy-
namics, though there is some disagreement about this,.
A major challenge in RL is in identifying good data collection strate-
gies, that effectively balance between the need to explore the space of
all possible policies, and the desire to focus data collection towards tra-
jectories that yield better outcome (e.g., greater chance of reaching a
goal, or minimizing a cost function). This is known as the exploration-
exploitation tradeoff. This challenge arises in both model-based and
model-free RL algorithms.
Bayesian reinforcement learning (BRL) is an approach to RL that
leverages methods from Bayesian inference to incorporate information
into the learning process. It assumes that the designer of the system can
express prior information about the problem in a probabilistic distri-
bution, and that new information can be incorporated using standard
rules of Bayesian inference. The information can be encoded and up-
dated using a parametric representation of the system dynamics, in
the case of model-based RL, or of the solution space, in the case of
model-free RL.
A major advantage of the BRL approach is that it provides a prin-
cipled way to tackle the exploration-exploitation problem. Indeed, the
Bayesian posterior naturally captures the full state of knowledge, sub-
ject to the chosen parametric representation, and thus, the agent can
select actions that maximize the expected gain with respect to this
information state.
Another major advantage of BRL is that it implicitly facilitates reg-
ularization. By assuming a prior on the value function, the parameters

defining a policy, or the model parameters, we avoid the trap of letting

a few data points steer us away from the true parameters. On the other
hand, having a prior precludes overly rapid convergence. The role of
the prior is therefore to soften the effect of sampling a finite dataset,
effectively leading to regularization. We note that regularization in RL
has been addressed for the value function [Farahmand et al., 2008b]
and for policies [Farahmand et al., 2008a]. A major issue with these
regularization schemes is that it is not clear how to select the regu-
larization coefficient. Moreover, it is not clear why an optimal value
function (or a policy) should belong to some pre-defined set.
Yet another advantage of adopting a Bayesian view in RL is the
principled Bayesian approach for handling parameter uncertainty. Cur-
rent frequentist approaches for dealing with modelling errors in sequen-
tial decision making are either very conservative, or computationally
infeasible [Nilim and El Ghaoui, 2005]. By explicitly modelling the dis-
tribution over unknown system parameters, Bayesian methods offer a
promising approach for solving this difficult problem.
Of course, several challenges arise in applying Bayesian methods to
the RL paradigm. First, there is the challenge of selecting the correct
representation for expressing prior information in any given domain.
Second, defining the decision-making process over the information state
is typically computationally more demanding than directly considering
the natural state representation. Nonetheless, a large array of models
and algorithms have been proposed for the BRL framework, leverag-
ing a variety of structural assumptions and approximations to provide
feasible solutions.
The main objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive
survey on BRL algorithms and their theoretical and empirical proper-
ties. In Chapter 2, we provide a review of the main mathematical con-
cepts and techniques used throughout this paper. Chapter 3 surveys the
Bayesian learning methods for the case of single-step decision-making,
using the bandit framework. This section serves both as an exposition of
the potential of BRL in a simpler setting that is well understood, but is
also of independent interest, as bandits have widespread applications.
The main results presented here are of a theoretical nature, outlin-

ing known performance bounds for the regret minimization criteria.

Chapter 4 reviews existing methods for model-based BRL, where the
posterior is expressed over parameters of the system dynamics model.
Chapter 5 focuses on BRL methods that do not explicitly learn a model
of the system, but rather the posterior is expressed over the solution
space. Chapter 6 focuses on a particular advantage of BRL in dealing
with risk due to parameter-uncertainty, and surveys several approaches
for incorporating such risk into the decision-making process. Finally,
Chapter 7 discusses various extensions of BRL for special classes of
problems (PAC-Bayes model selection, inverse RL, multi-agent RL, and
multi-task RL). Figure 1.1 outlines the various BRL approaches cov-
ered throughout the paper.

An Example Domain
We present an illustrative domain suitable to be solved using the BRL
techniques surveyed in this paper. This running example will be used
throughout the paper to elucidate the difference between the various
BRL approaches and to clarify various BRL concepts.

Example 1.1 (The Online Shop). In the online shop domain, a retailer
aims to maximize profit by sequentially suggesting products to online
shopping customers. Formally, the domain is characterized by the fol-
lowing model:

A set of possible customer states, X . States can represent intrinsic

features of the customer such as gender and age, but also dynamic
quantities such as the items in his shopping cart, or his willingness
to shop;

A set of possible product suggestions and advertisements, A;

A probability kernel, P , defined below.

An episode in the online shop domain begins at time t = 0, when

a customer with features x0 X enters the online shop. Then, a se-
quential interaction between the customer and the online shop begins,
where at each step t = 0, 1, 2, . . . , an advertisement at A is shown

Bandits Bayes UCB
(Sec 3) Thompson sampling

Oine value approximaGon
- Finite state controllers
Online near-myopic value
- Bayesian DP
- VOI heuris9c
Online tree search approximaGon

Model-based - Forward search
BRL (Sec 4) - Bayesian sparse sampling
- BFS3
- Branch-and-bound search
ExploraGon bonus approximaGon

Bayesian - BOSS

Value funcGon algos
Policy gradient algos
BRL (Sec 5) - Bayesian Quadrature
- Two Bayesian models for
es9ma9ng the policy gradient
Actor-CriGc algos
- GPTD + Bayesian policy gradient

Bias variance approximaGon

Risk Aware PercenGle criterion
BRL (Sec 6) Min-max criterion
PercenGle measures criteria

Figure 1.1: Overview of the Bayesian RL approaches covered in this survey.


to the customer, and following that the customer makes a decision to

either (i) add a product to his shopping cart; (ii) not buy the product,
but continue to shop; (iii) stop shopping and check out. Following the
customers decision, his state changes to xt+1 (reflecting the change in
the shopping cart, willingness to continue shopping, etc.). We assume
that this change is captured by a probability kernel P ( xt+1 | xt , at ).
When the customer decides to check out, the episode ends, and a
profit is obtained according to the items he had added to his cart. The
goal is to find a product suggestion policy, x a A, that maximizes
the expected total profit.

When the probabilities of customer responses P are known in ad-

vance, calculating an optimal policy for the online shop domain is basi-
cally a planning problem, which may be solved using traditional meth-
ods for resource allocation [Powell, 2011]. A more challenging, but real-
istic, scenario is when P is not completely known beforehand, but has
to be learned while interacting with customers. The BRL framework
employs Bayesian methods for learning P , and for learning an optimal
product suggestion policy.
There are several advantages for choosing a Bayesian approach for
the online shop domain. First, it is likely that some prior knowledge
about P is available. For example, once a customer adds a product of
a particular brand to his cart, it is likely that he prefers additional
products of the same brand over those of a different one. Taking into
account such knowledge is natural in the Bayesian method, by virtue
of the prior distribution over P . As we shall see, the Bayesian ap-
proach also naturally extends to more general forms of structure in the
A second advantage concerns what is known as the exploitation
exploration dilemma: should the decision-maker display only the most
profitable product suggestions according to his current knowledge
about P , or rather take exploratory actions that may turn out to be
less profitable, but provide useful information for future decisions? The
Bayesian method offers a principled approach to dealing with this dif-
ficult problem by explicitly quantifying the value of exploration, made
possible by maintaining a distribution over P .

The various parameter configurations in the online shop domain

lead to the different learning problems surveyed in this paper. In par-

For a single-step interaction, i.e., when the episode terminates

after a single product suggestion, the problem is captured by the
multi-armed bandit model of Chapter 3.

For small-scale problems, i.e., a small number of products and

customer types, P may be learnt explicitly. This is the model-
based approach of Chapter 4.

For large problems, a near-optimal policy may be obtained with-

out representing P explicitly. This is the model-free approach of
Chapter 5.

When the customer state is not fully observed by the decision-

maker, we require models that incorporate partial observability;
see 2.3 and 4.9.

Throughout the paper, we revisit the online shop domain, and spec-
ify explicit configurations that are relevant to the surveyed methods.
Technical Background

In this section we provide a brief overview of the main concepts and

introduce the notations used throughout the paper. We begin with a
quick review of the primary mathematical tools and algorithms lever-
aged in the latter sections to define BRL models and algorithms.

2.1 Multi-Armed Bandits

As was previously mentioned, a key challenge in sequential decision-

making under uncertainty is the exploration/exploitation dilemma: the
tradeoff between either taking actions that are most rewarding accord-
ing to the current state of knowledge, or taking exploratory actions,
which may be less immediately rewarding, but may lead to better in-
formed decisions in the future.
The stochastic multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem is perhaps the
simplest model of the exploration/exploitation tradeoff. Originally for-
mulated as the problem of a gambler choosing between different slot
machines in a casino (one armed bandits), the stochastic MAB model
features a decision-maker that sequentially chooses actions at A,
and observes random outcomes Yt (at ) Y at discrete time steps


t = 1, 2, 3, . . .. A known function r : Y R associates the random

outcome to a reward, which the agent seeks to maximize. The out-
comes {Yt (a)} are drawn i.i.d. over time from an unknown probability
distribution P (|a) P(Y), where P(Y) denotes the set of probability
distributions on (Borel) subsets of Y (see Bubeck and Cesa-Bianchi
[2012] for reference).

Model 1 (Stochastic K-Armed Bandit) Define a K-MAB to be

a tuple hA, Y, P, ri where
A is the set of actions (arms), and |A| = K,
Y is the set of possible outcomes,
P (|a) P(Y) is the outcome probability, conditioned on action
a A being taken,
r(Y ) R represents the reward obtained when outcome Y Y is

A rule that prescribes to the agent which actions to select, or policy, is

defined as a mapping from past observations to a distribution over the
set of actions. Since the probability distributions are initially unknown,
the decision-maker faces a tradeoff between exploitation, i.e., selecting
the arm she believes is optimal, or making exploratory actions to gather
more information about the true probabilities. Formally, this tradeoff
is captured by the notion of regret:

Definition 2.1 (Regret). Let a arg maxaA EyP (|a) r(y) denote

the optimal arm. The T -period regret of the sequence of actions

a1 , . . . , aT is the random variable
T h
r Yt (a ) r Yt (at ) .
Regret(T ) =
Typically, MAB algorithms focus on the expected regret, E Regret(T ) ,
and provide policies that are guaranteed to keep it small in some sense.
As an illustration of the MAB model, let us revisit the online shop

Example 2.1 (Online shop bandit setting). Recall the online shop do-
main of Example 1.1. In the MAB setting, there is no state information

about the customers, i.e., X = . In addition, each interaction lasts a

single time step, after which the customer checks out, and a profit is
obtained according to his purchasing decision. The regret minimization
problem corresponds to determining which sequence of advertisements
a1 , . . . , aT to show to a stream of T incoming customers, such that the
total revenue is close to that which would have been obtained with the
optimal advertisement stream.

In some cases, the decision-maker may have access to some addi-

tional information that is important for making decisions, but is not
captured in the MAB model. For example, in the online shop domain of
Example 2.1, it is likely that some information about the customer, such
as his age or origin, is available. The contextual bandit model (a.k.a.
associative bandits, or bandits with side information) is an extension
of the MAB model that takes such information into account.
The decision-making process in the contextual bandit model is sim-
ilar to the MAB case. However, at each time step t, the decision maker
first observes a context st S, drawn i.i.d. over time from a probability
distribution PS () P(S), where P(S) denotes the set of probability
distributions on (Borel) subsets of S. The decision-maker then chooses
an action at A and observes a random outcome Yt (at , st ) Y, which
now depends both on the context and the action. The outcomes {Yt (a)}
are drawn i.i.d. over time from an unknown probability distribution
P (|a, s) P(Y), where P(Y) denotes the set of probability distribu-
tions on (Borel) subsets of Y.

Model 2 (Contextual Bandit) Define a contextual bandit to be a

tuple hS, A, Y, PS , P, ri where
S is the set of contexts,
A is the set of actions (arms),
Y is the set of possible outcomes,
PS () P(S) is the context probability,
P (|a, s) P(Y) is the outcome probability, conditioned on action
a A being taken when the context is s S,
r(Y ) R represents the reward obtained when outcome Y Y is

The Markov decision process model, as presented in the following

section, may be seen as an extension of the contextual bandit model to
a sequential decision-making model, in which the context is no longer
i.i.d., but may change over time according to the selected actions.

2.2 Markov Decision Processes

The Markov Decision Process (MDP) is a framework for sequential

decision-making in Markovian dynamical systems [Bellman, 1957, Put-
erman, 1994]. It can be seen as an extension of the MAB framework
by adding the notion of a system state, that may dynamically change
according to the performed actions and affects the outcomes of the

Model 3 (Markov Decision Process) Define an MDP M to be a

tuple hS, A, P, P0 , qi where
S is the set of states,
A is the set of actions,
P (|s, a) P(S) is the probability distribution over next states, con-
ditioned on action a being taken in state s,
P0 P(S) is the probability distribution according to which the ini-
tial state is selected,
R(s, a) q(|s, a) P(R) is a random variable representing the re-
ward obtained when action a is taken in state s.

Let P(S), P(A), and P(R) be the set of probability distributions

on (Borel) subsets of S, A, and R respectively.1 We assume that P ,
P0 and q are stationary. Throughout the paper, we use upper-case and
lower-case letters to refer to random variables and the values taken
by random variables, respectively. For example, R(s, a) is the random
variable of the immediate reward, and r(s, a) is one possible realization
of this random variable. We denote the expected value of R(s, a), as
r(s, a) = r q(dr|s, a).
Assumption A1 (MDP Regularity) We assume that the random
immediate rewards are bounded by Rmax and the expected immediate
R is the set of real numbers.

max . Note that R

rewards are bounded by R max Rmax .

A rule according to which the agent selects its actions at each possible
state, or policy, is defined as a mapping from past observations to a
distribution over the set of actions. A policy is called Markov if the
distribution depends only on the last state of the observation sequence.
A policy is called stationary if it does not change over time. A stationary
Markov policy (|s) P(A) is a probability distribution over the
set of actions given a state s S. A policy is deterministic if the
probability distribution concentrates on a single action for all histories.
A deterministic policy is identified by a mapping from the set of states
to the set of actions, i.e., : S A. In the rest of the paper, we use
the term policy to refer to stationary Markov policies.
The MDP controlled by a policy induces a Markov chain M
with reward distribution q (|s) = q |s, (s) such that R (s) =

R s, (s) q (|s), transition kernel P (|s) = P |s, (s) , and sta-


tionary distribution over states (if it admits one). In a Markov

chain M , for state-action pairs z = (s, a) Z = S A, we de-
fine the transition density and the initial (state-action) density as
P (z 0 |z) = P (s0 |s, a)(a0 |s0 ) and P0 (z0 ) = P0 (s0 )(a0 |s0 ), respectively.
We generically use = {z0 , z1 , . . . , zT } , T {0, 1, . . . , }, to de-
note a path (or trajectory) generated by this Markov chain. The prob-
ability (density) of such a path is given by

Pr(|) = P0 (z0 )
P (zt |zt1 ).

We define the (possibly discounted, [0, 1]) return of a path as a

function : R, () = Tt=0 t R(zt ). For each path , its (dis-

counted) return, (), is a random variable with the expected value

() = Tt=0 t r(zt ).2 Here, [0, 1] is a discount factor that de-

termines the exponential devaluation rate of delayed rewards.3 The

When there is no randomness in the rewards, i.e., r(s, a) = r(s, a), then () =
When = 1, the policy must be proper, i.e., guaranteed to terminate, see [Put-
erman, 1994] or [Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 1996] for more details.

expected return of a policy is defined by

() = E () = () Pr(|)d. (2.1)

The expectation is over all possible trajectories generated by policy

and all possible rewards collected in them.
Similarly, for a given policy , we can define the (discounted) return
of a state s, D (s), as the sum of (discounted) rewards that the agent
encounters when it starts in state s and follows policy afterwards

D (s) = t R(Zt ) | Z0 = s, (|s) , with St+1 P (|St ). (2.2)


The expected value of D is called the value function of policy

" #
V (s) = E D (s) = E t R(Zt )
Z0 = s, (|s) . (2.3)


Closely related to value function is the action-value function of a policy,

the total expected (discounted) reward observed by the agent when it
starts in state s, takes action a, and then executes policy
" #
Q (z) = E D (z) = E t R(Zt ) Z0 = z ,


where similarly to D (s), D (z) is the sum of (discounted) rewards

that the agent encounters when it starts in state s, takes action a, and
follows policy afterwards. It is easy to see that for any policy , the
functions V and Q are bounded by R max /(1 ). We may write the
value of a state s under a policy in terms of its immediate reward
and the values of its successor states under as
V (s) = R (s) + P (s0 |s)V (s0 )ds0 , (2.4)

which is called the Bellman equation for V .

Given an MDP, the goal is to find a policy that attains the best
possible values, V (s) = sup V (s), for all states s S. The function
V is called the optimal value function. A policy is optimal (denoted by

) if it attains the optimal values at all the states, i.e., V (s) = V (s)

for all s S. In order to characterize optimal policies it is useful to

define the optimal action-value function

Q (z) = sup Q (z). (2.5)

Further, we say that a deterministic policy is greedy with respect

to an action-value function Q, if for all s S and a A, (s)
arg maxaA Q(s, a). Greedy policies are important because any greedy
policy with respect to Q is optimal. Similar to the value function of a
policy (Eq. 2.4), the optimal value function of a state s may be written
in terms of the optimal values of its successor states as
V (s) = max R(s, a) + P (s0 |s, a)V (s0 )ds0 , (2.6)
aA S

which is called the Bellman optimality equation. Note that, similar to

Eqs. 2.4 and 2.6, we may define the Bellman equation and the Bellman
optimality equation for action-value function.
It is important to note that almost all methods for finding the
optimal solution of an MDP are based on two dynamic programming
(DP) algorithms: value iteration and policy iteration. Value iteration
(VI) begins with a value function V0 and at each iteration i, generates
a new value function by applying Eq. 2.6 to the current value function,
Vi (s) = max R(s, a) + P (s0 |s, a)Vi1

(s0 )ds0 , s S.
aA S

Policy iteration (PI) starts with an initial policy. At each iteration, it

evaluates the value function of the current policy, this process is referred
to as policy evaluation (PE), and then performs a policy improvement
step, in which a new policy is generated as a greedy policy with respect
to the value of the current policy. Iterating the policy evaluation pol-
icy improvement process is known to produce a strictly monotonically
improving sequence of policies. If the improved policy is the same as
the policy improved upon, then we are assured that the optimal policy
has been found.

2.3 Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes

The Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) is an

extension of MDP to the case where the state of the system is not
necessarily observable [Astrom, 1965, Smallwood and Sondik, 1973,
Kaelbling et al., 1998].

Model 4 (Partially Observable Markov Decision Process) De-

fine a POMDP M to be a tuple hS, A, O, P, , P0 , qi where
S is the set of states,
A is the set of actions,
O is the set of observations,
P (|s, a) P(S) is the probability distribution over next states, con-
ditioned on action a being taken in state s,
(|s, a) P(O) is the probability distribution over possible obser-
vations, conditioned on action a being taken to reach state s where the
observation is perceived,
P0 P(S) is the probability distribution according to which the ini-
tial state is selected,
R(s, a) q(|s, a) P(R) is a random variable representing the re-
ward obtained when action a is taken in state s.

All assumptions are similar to MDPs, with the addition that P(O) is
the set of probability distributions on (Borel) subsets of O, and is
stationary. As a motivation for the POMDP model, we revisit again
the online shop domain.

Example 2.2 (Online shop hidden state setting). Recall the online
shop domain of Example 1.1. In a realistic scenario, some features of
the customer, such as its gender or age, might not be visible to the
decision maker due to privacy, or other reasons. In such a case, the MDP
model, which requires the full state information for making decisions
is not suitable. In the POMDP model, only observable quantities, such
as the items in the shopping cart, are used for making decisions.

Since the state is not directly observed, the agent must rely on
the recent history of actions and observations, {ot+1 , at , ot , . . . , o1 , a0 }

to infer a distribution over states. This belief (also called information

state) is defined over the state probability simplex, bt , and can be
calculated recursively as:
(ot+1 |s0 , at ) S P (s0 |s, at )bt (s)ds
bt+1 (s ) = R 00
00 00
, (2.7)
S (ot+1 |s , at ) S P (s |s, at )bt (s)dsds

where the sequence is initialized at b0 := P0 and the denominator

can be seen as a simple normalization function. For convenience, we
sometimes denote the belief update (Eq. 2.7) as bt+1 = (bt , a, o).
In the POMDP framework, the action-selection policy is defined as
: (s) A. Thus, solving a POMDP involves finding the optimal
policy, , that maximizes the expected discounted sum of rewards for
all belief states. This can be defined using a variant of the Bellman
Z Z 

V (bt ) = max R(s, a)bt (s)ds + Pr(o|bt , a)V (bt , a, o) do .
aA S O
The optimal value function for a finite-horizon POMDP can be shown
to be piecewise-linear and convex [Smallwood and Sondik, 1973, Porta
et al., 2006]. In that case, the value function Vt at any finite plan-
ning horizon t can be represented by a finite set of linear segments
t = {0 , 1 , . . . , m }, often called -vectors (when S is discrete) or
-functions (when S is continuous). Each defines a linear function over
the belief state space associated with some action a A. The value of
a given i at a belief bt can be evaluated by linear interpolation
i (bt ) = i (s)bt (s)ds. (2.9)

The value of a belief state is the maximum value returned by one of

the -functions for this belief state
Vt (bt ) = max (s)bt (s) . (2.10)
t S

In that case, the best action, (bt ), is the one associated with the
-vector that returns the best value.
The belief as defined here can be interpreted as a state in a particu-
lar kind of MDP, often called the belief-MDP. The main intuition is that

for any partially observable system with known parameters, the belief
is actually fully observable and computable (for small enough state
spaces and is approximable for others). Thus, the planning problem is
in fact one of planning in an MDP, where the state space corresponds
to the belief simplex. This does not lead to any computational advan-
tage, but conceptually, suggests that known results and methods for
MDPs can also be applied to the belief-MDP.

2.4 Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning (RL) [Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 1996, Sutton

and Barto, 1998] is a class of learning problems in which an agent
(or controller) interacts with a dynamic, stochastic, and incompletely
known environment, with the goal of finding an action-selection strat-
egy, or policy, to optimize some measure of its long-term performance.
The interaction is conventionally modeled as an MDP, or if the envi-
ronment state is not always completely observable, as a POMDP [Put-
erman, 1994].
Now that we have defined the MDP model, the next step is to solve
it, i.e., to find an optimal policy.4 In some cases, MDPs can be solved
analytically, and in many cases they can be solved iteratively by dy-
namic or linear programming (e.g., see [Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 1996]).
However, in other cases these methods cannot be applied because ei-
ther the state space is too large, a system model is available only as
a simulator, or no system model is available at all. It is in these cases
that RL techniques and algorithms may be helpful.
Reinforcement learning solutions can be viewed as a broad class of
sample-based methods for solving MDPs. In place of a model, these
methods use sample trajectories of the system and the agent interact-
ing, such as could be obtained from a simulation. It is not unusual
in practical applications for such a simulator to be available when an
explicit transition-probability model of the sort suitable for use by dy-
namic or linear programming is not [Tesauro, 1994, Crites and Barto,
It is not possible to find an optimal policy in many practical problems. In such
cases, the goal would be to find a reasonably good policy, i.e., a policy with large
enough value function.

1998]. Reinforcement learning methods can also be used with no model

at all, by obtaining sample trajectories from direct interaction with the
system [Baxter et al., 1998, Kohl and Stone, 2004, Ng et al., 2004].
Reinforcement learning solutions can be categorized in different
ways. Below we describe two common categorizations that are relevant
to the structure of this paper.

Model-based vs. Model-free Methods: Reinforcement learning

algorithms that explicitly learn a system model and use it to solve
an MDP are called model-based methods. Some examples of these
methods are the Dyna architecture [Sutton, 1991] and prioritized
sweeping [Moore and Atkeson, 1993]. Model-free methods are those
that do not explicitly learn a system model and only use sample
trajectories obtained by direct interaction with the system. These
methods include popular algorithms such as Q-learning [Watkins,
1989], SARSA [Rummery and Niranjan, 1994], and LSPI [Lagoudakis
and Parr, 2003].

Value Function vs. Policy Search Methods: An important

class of RL algorithms are those that first find the optimal value
function, and then extract an optimal policy from it. This class of
RL algorithms contains value function methods, of which some well-
studied examples include value iteration (e.g., [Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis,
1996, Sutton and Barto, 1998]), policy iteration (e.g., [Bertsekas and
Tsitsiklis, 1996, Sutton and Barto, 1998]), Q-learning [Watkins, 1989],
SARSA [Rummery and Niranjan, 1994], LSPI [Lagoudakis and Parr,
2003], and fitted Q-iteration [Ernst et al., 2005]. An alternative ap-
proach for solving an MDP is to directly search in the space of policies.
These RL algorithms are called policy search methods. Since the num-
ber of policies is exponential in the size of the state space, one has to
resort to meta-heuristic search [Mannor et al., 2003] or to local greedy
methods. An important class of policy search methods is that of policy
gradient algorithms. In these algorithms, the policy is taken to be an
arbitrary differentiable function of a parameter vector, and the search
in the policy space is directed by the gradient of a performance function

with respect to the policy parameters (e.g., [Williams, 1992, Marbach,

1998, Baxter and Bartlett, 2001]). There is a third class of RL methods
that use policy gradient to search in the policy space, and at the same
time estimate a value function. These algorithms are called actor-critic
(e.g., [Konda and Tsitsiklis, 2000, Sutton et al., 2000, Bhatnagar et al.,
2007, Peters and Schaal, 2008, Bhatnagar et al., 2009]). They can be
thought of as RL analogs of dynamic programmings policy iteration
method. Actor-critic methods are based on the simultaneous online
estimation of the parameters of two structures, called the actor and
the critic. The actor and the critic correspond to conventional action-
selection policy and value function, respectively. These problems are
separable, but are solved simultaneously to find an optimal policy.

2.5 Bayesian Learning

In Bayesian learning, we make inference about a random variable X

by producing a probability distribution for X. Inferences, such as point
and interval estimates, may then be extracted from this distribution.
Let us assume that the random variable X is hidden and we can only
observe a related random variable Y . Our goal is to infer X from the
samples of Y . A simple example is when X is a physical quantity and
Y is its noisy measurement. Bayesian inference is usually carried out
in the following way:
1. We choose a probability density P (X), called the prior distri-
bution, that expresses our beliefs about the random variable X
before we observe any data.

2. We select a statistical model P (Y |X) that reflects our belief about

Y given X. This model represents the statistical dependence be-
tween X and Y .

3. We observe data Y = y.

4. We update our belief about X by calculating its posterior distri-

bution using Bayes rule
P (y|X)P (X)
P (X|Y = y) = R .
P (y|X 0 )P (X 0 )dX 0

Assume now that P (X) is parameterized by an unknown vector of

parameters in some parameter space ; we denote this as P (X). Let
X1 , . . . , Xn be a random i.i.d. sample drawn from P (X). In general,
updating the posterior P (X|Y = y) is difficult, due to the need to
compute the normalizing constant P (y|X 0 )P (X 0 )d. However, for

the case of conjugate family distributions, we can update the posterior

in closed-form by simply updating the parameters of the distribution.
In the next two sections, we consider three classes of conjugate distribu-
tions: Beta and Dirichlet distributions and Gaussian Processes (GPs).

2.5.1 Beta and Dirichlet Distributions

A simple example of a conjugate family is the Beta distribution, which
is conjugate to the Binomial distribution. Let Beta(, ) be defined
by the density function f (p|, ) p1 (1 p)1 for p [0, 1], and
parameters , 0. Let Binomial(n, p) be defined by the density
function f (k|n, p) pk (1 p)nk for k {0, 1, . . . , n}, and parameters
p [0, 1] and n N. Consider X Binomial(n, p) with unknown
probability parameter p, and consider a prior Beta(, ) over the un-
known value of p. Then following an observation X = x, the posterior
over p is also Beta distributed and is defined by Beta( + x, + n x).
Now let us consider the multivariate extension of this conjugate
family. In this case, we have the Multinomial distribution, whose con-
jugate is the Dirichlet distribution. Let X M ultinomialk (p, N )
be a random variable with unknown probability distribution p =
(p1 , . . . , pk ). The Dirichlet distribution is parameterized by a count vec-
tor = (1 , . . . , k ), where i 0, such that the density of probability
distribution p = (p1 , . . . , pk ) is defined as f (p|) ki=1 pi i 1 . The

distribution Dirichlet(1 , . . . , k ) can also be interpreted as a prior

over the unknown Multinomial distribution p, such that after observ-
ing X = n, the posterior over p is also Dirichlet and is defined by
Dirichlet(1 + n1 , . . . , k + nk ).

2.5.2 Gaussian Processes and Gaussian Process Regression

A Gaussian process (GP) is an indexed set of jointly Gaussian ran-
dom variables, i.e., F (x), x X is a Gaussian process if and only

if for every finite set of indices {x1 , . . . , xT } in the index set X ,

F (x1 ), . . . , F (xT ) is a vector-valued Gaussian random variable. The
GP F may be thought of as a random vector if X is finite, as a ran-
dom series if X is countably infinite, and as a random function if X
is uncountably infinite. In the last case, each instantiation of F is a
function f : X R. For a given x, F (x) is a random variable, nor-
mally distributed jointly with the other components of F . A GP F
can be fully specified by its mean f : X R, f(x) = E[F (x)]
and covariance k : X X R, k(x, x0 ) = Cov[F (x), F (x0 )], i.e.,
F () N f(), k(, ) . The kernel function k(, ) encodes our prior

knowledge concerning the correlations between the components of F

at different points. It may be thought of as inducing a measure of
proximity between the members of X . It can also be shown that k de-
fines the function space within which the search for a solution takes
place (see [Schlkopf and Smola, 2002, Shawe-Taylor and Cristianini,
2004] for more details).
Now let us consider the following generative model:
Y (x) = HF (x) + N (x), (2.11)
where H is a general linear transformation, F is an unknown function,
x is the input, N is a Gaussian noise and independent of F , and Y is the
observable process, modeled as a noisy version of HF . The objective
here is to infer F from samples of Y . Bayesian learning can be applied
to this problem in the following way.
1. We choose a prior distribution for F in the form of a GP, F ()
N f(), k(, ) . When F and N are Gaussian and independent

of each other, the generative model of Eq. 2.11 is known as the

linear statistical model [Scharf, 1991].

2. The statistical dependence between F and Y is defined by the

model-equation (2.11).

3. We observe a sample in the form of DT = {(xt , yt )}Tt=1 .

4. We calculate the posterior distribution of F conditioned on the

sample DT using the Bayes rule. Below is the process to calculate
this posterior distribution.

N (x1 ) N (x2 ) N (xT )

Y (x1 ) Y (x2 ) Y (xT )

F (x1 ) F (x2 ) F (xT )

Figure 2.1: A directed graph illustrating the conditional independencies between

the latent F (xt ) variables (bottom row), the noise variables N (xt ) (top row), and
the observable Y (xt ) variables (middle row), in GP regression (when H = I). All
of the F (xt ) variables should be interconnected by arrows (forming a clique), due
to the dependencies introduced by the prior. To avoid cluttering the diagram, this
was marked by the dashed frame surrounding them.

Figure 2.1 illustrates the GP regression setting (when H = I) as a

graphical model in which arrows mark the conditional dependency re-
lations between the nodes corresponding to the latent F (xt ) and the
observed Y (xt ) variables. The model-equation (2.11) evaluated at the
training samples may be written as

Y T = HF T + N T , (2.12)
where F T = F (x1 ), . . . , F (xT ) , Y T = (y1 , . . . , yT )> , and N T
N (0, ). Here []i,j is the measurement noise covariance between the
ith and jth samples. In the linear statistical model, we then have
F T N (f , K), where f = f(x1 ), . . . , f(xT ) and [K]i,j = k(xi , xj )
is a T T kernel matrix. Since both F T and N T are Gaussian and
independent from each other, we have Y T N (H f , HKH > + ).
Consider a query point x, we then have
k(x)> 0

F (x) f (x)
k(x, x)

FT = N f , k(x) K 0 ,

0 0 0
where k(x) = k(x1 , x), . . . , k(xT , x) . Using Eq. 2.12, we have the

following transformation:

F (x) 1 0 0 F (x)
F T = 0 I 0 F T , (2.13)

where I is the identity matrix. From Eq. 2.13, we have
k(x)> k(x)> H >

F (x) f (x)
k(x, x)

FT = N f , k(x) K KH > .


Hf Hk(x) HK HKH > +

Using the Gauss-Markov theorem [Scharf, 1991], we know that

F (x)|Y T (or equivalently F (x)|DT ) is Gaussian, and obtain the fol-
lowing expressions for the posterior mean and covariance of F (x) con-
ditioned on the sample DT :

E F (x)|DT = f(x) + k(x)> H > (HKH > + )1 (y T H f ),


Cov F (x), F (x0 )|DT = k(x, x0 ) k(x)> H > (HKH > + )1 Hk(x0 ),


where y T = (y1 , . . . , yT )> is one realization of the random vector Y T .

It is possible to decompose the expressions in Eq. 2.14 into input de-
pendent terms (which depend on x and x0 ) and terms that only depend
on the training samples, as follows:

E F (x)|DT = f(x) + k(x)> ,


Cov F (x), F (x0 )|DT = k(x, x0 ) k(x)> Ck(x0 ),


= H > (HKH > + )1 (y T H f ),
C = H > (HKH > + )1 H.
From Eqs. 2.15 and 2.16, we can conclude that and C are sufficient
statistics for the posterior moments.
If we set the transformation H to be the identity and assume that
the noise terms corrupting each sample are i.i.d. Gaussian, i.e., N T
N (0, 2 I), where 2 is the variance of each noise term, the linear sta-
tistical model is reduced to the standard linear regression model. In this

case, the posterior moments of F (x) can be written as

E F (x)|DT = f(x) + k(x)> (K + 2 I)1 (y T f )


= f(x) + k(x)> ,
Cov F (x), F (x0 )|DT = k(x, x0 ) k(x)> (K + 2 I)1 k(x0 )

= k(x, x0 ) k(x)> Ck(x0 ),


= (K + 2 I)1 (y T f ), C = (K + 2 I)1 . (2.18)

The GP regression described above is kernel-based and non-

parametric. It is also possible to employ a parametric representation
under very similar assumptions. In the parametric setting, the GP F
is assumed to consist of a linear combination of a finite number n of
basis functions i : X R, i = 1, . . . , n. In this case, F can be written
as F () = ni=1 i ()Wi = ()> W , where () = 1 (), . . . , n () is

the feature vector and W = (W1 , . . . , Wn )> is the weight vector. The
model-equation (2.11) now becomes

Y (x) = H(x)> W + N (x).

In the parametric GP regression, the randomness in F is due to W

being a random vector. Here we consider a Gaussian prior over W ,
distributed as W N (w, S w ). By applying the Bayes rule, the pos-
terior (Gaussian) distribution of W conditioned on the observed data
DT can be computed as

+ S w H > (H> S w H > + )1 (y T H> w),

E W |DT = w
Cov W |DT = S w S w H > (H> S w H > + )1 H> S w ,

where = (x1 ), . . . , (xT ) is a n T feature matrix. Finally, since
F (x) = (x)> W , the posterior mean and covariance of F can be easily
computed as

E F (x)|DT = (x)> w

+ (x)> S w H >(H> S w H >+)1 (y T H> w),

0 > 0
Cov F (x), F (x )|DT = (x) S w (x )
(x)> S w H >(H> S w H >+)1 H> S w (x0 ).

Similar to the non-parametric setting, for the standard linear regression

model with the prior W N (0, I), Eq. 2.19 may be written as

E W |DT = (> + 2 I)1 y T ,

Cov W |DT = I (> + 2 I)1 > .

To have a smaller matrix inversion when T > n, Eq. 2.21 may be

written as
E W |DT = (> + 2 I)1 y T ,
Cov W |DT = 2 (> + 2 I)1 .

For more details on GPs and GP regression, see [Rasmussen and

Williams, 2006].
Bayesian Bandits

This section focuses on Bayesian learning methods for regret mini-

mization in the multi-armed bandits (MAB) model. We review classic
performance bounds for this problem and state-of-the-art results for
several Bayesian approaches.
In the MAB model (2.1), the only unknown quantities are the
outcome probabilities P (|a). The idea behind Bayesian approaches to
MAB is to use Bayesian inference (2.5) for learning P (|a) from the
outcomes observed during sequential interaction with the MAB. Follow-
ing the framework of 2.5, the outcome probabilities are parameterized
by an unknown vector , and are henceforth denoted by P (|a). The
parameter vector is assumed to be drawn from a prior distribution
Pprior . As a concrete example, consider a MAB with Bernoulli arms:
Example 3.1 (Bernoulli K-MAB with a Beta prior). Consider a K-MAB
where the set of outcomes is binary Y = {0, 1}, and the reward is
the identity r(Y ) = Y . Let the outcome probabilities be parameter-
ized by RK , such that Y (a) Bernoulli[ a ]. The prior for each
a is Beta(a , a ). Following an observation outcome Y (a) = y, the
posterior for a is updated to Beta(a + y, a + y 1). Also note
that the (posterior) expected reward for arm a is now E [r(Y (a))] =
a +y
E [E [ Y (a)| a ]] = E [ a ] = a +y+ a +y1


The principal challenge of Bayesian MAB algorithms, however, is

to utilize the posterior for selecting an adequate policy that achieves
low regret.
Conceptually, there are several reasons to adopt a Bayesian ap-
proach for MABs. First, from a modelling perspective, the prior for
is a natural means for embedding prior knowledge, or structure of the
problem. Second, the posterior for encodes the uncertainty about the
outcome probabilities at each step of the algorithm, and may be used
for guiding the exploration to more relevant areas.
A Bayesian point of view may also be taken towards the perfor-
mance measure of the algorithm. Recall that the performance of a MAB
algorithm is measured by its expected regret. This expectation, how-
ever, may be defined in two different ways, depending on how the pa-
rameters are treated. In the frequentist approach, henceforth termed
frequentist regret and denoted E Regret(T ) , the parameter vector
is fixed, and treated as a constant in the expectation. The expec-
tation is then computed with respect to the stochastic outcomes and
the action selection policy. On the other hand, in Bayesian regret,
a.k.a. Bayes risk, is assumed to be drawn from the prior, and the
expectation E Regret(T ) is over the stochastic outcomes, the action
selection rule, and the prior distribution of . Note that the optimal ac-
tion a depends on . Therefore, in the expectation it is also considered
a random variable.
We emphasize the separation of Bayesian MAB algorithms and
Bayesian regret analysis. In particular, the performance of a Bayesian
MAB algorithm (i.e., an algorithm that uses Bayesian learning tech-
niques) may be measured with respect to a frequentist regret, or a
Bayesian one.

3.1 Classical Results

In their seminal work, Lai and Robbins [Lai and Robbins, 1985] proved
asymptotically tight bounds on the frequentist regret in terms of the
Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between the distributions of the re-
wards of the different arms. These bounds grow logarithmically with

the number of steps T , such that regret is O (ln T ). Mannor and Tsit-
siklis [Mannor and Tsitsiklis, 2004] later showed non-asymptotic lower
bounds with a similar logarithmic dependence onT . For the Bayesian
regret, the lower bound on the regret is O KT (see, e.g., Theorem
3.5 of Bubeck and Cesa-Bianchi [Bubeck and Cesa-Bianchi, 2012]).
In the Bayesian setting, and for models that admit sufficient statis-
tics, Gittins [Gittins, 1979] showed that an optimal strategy may be
found by solving a specific MDP planning problem. The key observa-
tion here is that the dynamics of the posterior for each arm may be
represented by a special MDP termed a bandit process [Gittins, 1979].

Definition 3.1 (Bandit Process). A bandit process is an MDP with two

actions A = {0, 1}. The control 0 freezes the process in the sense that
P (s0 = s|s, 0) = 1, and R(s, 0) = 0. Control 1 continues the process,
and induces a standard MDP transition to a new state with probability
P (|s, 1), and reward R(s, 1).

For example, consider the case of Bernoulli bandits with a Beta

prior as described in Example 3.1. We identify the state sa of the
bandit process for arm a as the posterior parameters sa = (a , a ).
Whenever arm a is pulled, the continuation control is applied as fol-
lows: we draw some a from the posterior, and then draw an outcome
Y Bernoulli[ a ]. The state subsequently transitions to an updated
posterior (cf. Example 3.1) s0a = (a + Y, a + Y 1), and a reward of
E [r(Y )] is obtained, where the expectation is taken over the posterior.
The K-MAB problem, thus, may be seen as a particular instance
of a general model termed simple family of alternative bandit processes
(SFABP) [Gittins, 1979].

Model 5 (Simple Family of Alternative Bandit Processes)

A simple family of alternative bandit processes is a set of K ban-
dit processes. For each bandit process i 1, . . . , K we denote by si ,
Pi (|si , 1), and Ri (si , 1) the corresponding state, transition probabili-
ties, and reward, respectively. At each time t = 1, 2, . . . , a single bandit
it 1, . . . , K that is in state sit (t) is activated, by applying to it the
continuation control, and all other bandits are frozen. The objective
is to find a bandit selection policy that maximizes the expected total

-discounted reward
" #
E Rit (sit (t), 1) .

An important observation is that for the K-MAB problem, as de-

fined above, the SFABP performance measure captures an expectation
of the total discounted reward with respect to the prior distribution
of the parameters . In this sense, this approach is a full Bayesian
K-MAB solution (cf. the Bayesian regret vs. frequentist regret discus-
sion above). In particular, note that the SFABP performance measure
implicitly balances exploration and exploitation. To see this, recall the
Bernoulli bandits example, and note that the reward of each bandit pro-
cess is the posterior expected reward of its corresponding arm. Since
the posterior distribution is encoded in the process state, future re-
wards in the SFABP performance measure depend on the future state
of knowledge, thereby implicitly quantifying the value of additional
observations for each arm.
The SFABP may be seen as a single MDP, with a state
(s1 , s2 , . . . , sK ) that is the conjunction of the K individual bandit pro-
cess states. Thus, naively, an optimal policy may be computed by solv-
ing this MDP. Unfortunately, since the size of the state space of this
MDP is exponential in K, such a naive approach is intractable. The
virtue of the celebrated Gittins index theorem [Gittins, 1979], is to
show that this problem nevertheless has a tractable solution.

Theorem 3.1. [Gittins, 1979] The objective of SFABP is maximized

by following a policy that always chooses the bandit with the largest
Gittins index
hP i
1 t
E t=0 Ri (si (t), 1) si (0) = si

Gi (si ) = sup hP i ,
1 t
E t=0 si (0) = si

where is any (past measurable) stopping time.

The crucial advantage of Theorem 3.1, is that calculating Gi may

be done separately for each arm, thereby avoiding the exponential com-
plexity in K. The explicit calculation, however, is technically involved,
3.2. BAYES-UCB 33

and beyond the scope of this survey. For reference see [Gittins, 1979],
and also [Tsitsiklis, 1994] for a simpler derivation, and [Nio-Mora,
2011] for a finite horizon setting.
Due to the technical complexity of calculating optimal Gittins
index policies, recent approaches concentrate on much simpler algo-
rithms, that nonetheless admit optimal upper bounds (i.e., match the
order of their respective lower bounds up to constant factors) on the
expected regret.

3.2 Bayes-UCB

The upper confidence bound (UCB) algorithm [Auer et al., 2002] is a

popular frequentist approach for MABs that employs an optimistic
policy to reduce the chance of overlooking the best arm. The algorithm
q at each time step t, UCB plays
starts by playing each arm once. Then,
the arm a that maximizes < ra > + 2 tlna t , where < ra > is the average
reward obtained from arm a, and ta is the number of times arm q a
has been playing so far. The optimistic upper confidence term 2 tlna t
guarantees that the empirical average does not underestimate the best
arm due to unlucky reward realizations.
The Bayes-UCB algorithm of Kaufmann et al. [Kaufmann et al.,
2012a] extends the UCB approach to the Bayesian setting. A posterior
distribution over the expected reward of each arm is maintained, and
at each step, the algorithm chooses the arm with the maximal posterior
(1 t )-quantile, where t is of order 1/t. Intuitively, using an upper
quantile instead of the posterior mean serves the role of optimism, in
the spirit of the original UCB approach. For the case of Bernoulli dis-
tributed outcomes and a uniform prior on the reward means, Kaufmann
et al. [Kaufmann et al., 2012a] prove a frequentist upper bound on the
expected regret that matches the lower bound of Lai and Robbins [Lai
and Robbins, 1985].

3.3 Thompson Sampling

The Thompson Sampling algorithm (TS) suggests a natural Bayesian

approach to the MAB problem using randomized probability match-

ing [Thompson, 1933]. Let Ppost denote the posterior distribution of

given the observations up to time t. In TS, at each time step t, we
sample a parameter from the posterior and select the optimal action
Thus, effectively, we match the
with respect to the model defined by .
action selection probability to the posterior probability of each action
being optimal. The outcome observation is then used to update the
posterior Ppost .

Algorithm 1 Thompson Sampling

1: TS(Pprior )
Pprior prior distribution over
2: Ppost := Pprior
3: for t = 1, 2, . . . do
4: Sample from Ppost
5: Play arm at = arg maxaA EyP (|a) [r(y)]
6: Observe outcome Yt and update Ppost
7: end for

Recently, the TS algorithm has drawn considerable attention due to

its state-of-the-art empirical performance [Scott, 2010, Chapelle and Li,
2011], which also led to its use in several industrial applications [Grae-
pel et al., 2010, Tang et al., 2013]. We survey several theoretical studies
that confirm TS is indeed a sound MAB method with state-of-the-art
performance guarantees.
We mention that the TS idea is not limited to MAB problems,
but can be seen as a general sampling technique for Bayesian learn-
ing, and has been applied also to contextual bandit and RL problems,
among others [Strens, 2000, Osband et al., 2013, Abbasi-Yadkori and
Szepesvari, 2015]. In this section, we present results for the MAB and
contextual bandit settings, while the RL related results are given in
Chapter 4.
Agrawal and Goyal [Agrawal and Goyal, 2012] presented frequen-
tist regret bounds for TS. Their analysis is specific to Bernoulli arms
with a uniform prior, but they show that by a clever modification of
the algorithm it may also be applied to general arm distributions. Let
a = E r Y (a ) r Y (a) denote the difference in expected reward

between the optimal arm and arm a, when the parameter is .


Theorem 3.2. [Agrawal and Goyal, 2012] For the K-armed stochastic
bandit problem, the TS algorithm has (frequentist) expected regret
2 !
E Regret(T ) O ln T .

Improved upper bounds were later presented [Kaufmann et al.,

2012b] for the specific case of Bernoulli arms with a uniform prior.
These bounds are (order) optimal, in the sense that they match the
lower bound of [Lai and Robbins, 1985]. Let KL (a, a ) denote the
Kullback-Leibler divergence between Bernoulli distributions with pa-
rameters E r(Y (a)) and E r(Y (a )) .

Theorem 3.3. [Kaufmann et al., 2012b] For any  > 0, there exists a
problem-dependent constant C(, ) such that the regret of TS satisfies

  X a ln(T ) + ln ln(T )
E Regret(T ) (1 + ) + C(, ).
KL (a, a)

More recently, Agrawal and Goyal [Agrawal and Goyal, 2013a]

 a problem
 independent frequentist regret bound of order
O KT ln T , for the case of Bernoulli arms with a Beta prior. This
bound holds for all , and implies that a Bayesian regret bound with
a similar order holds; up to the logarithmic factor, this bound is order-
Liu and Li [Liu and Li, 2015] investigated the importance of hav-
ing an informative prior in TS. Consider the special case of two-arms
and two-models, i.e., K = 2, and {true , false }, and assume that
true is the true model parameter. When Pprior ( qtrue ) is small,  the
frequentist regret of TS is upper-bounded by O Pprior (true ) , and
when P ( ) is sufficiently
q prior true 
large, the regret is upper-bounded by
O (1 Pprior (true ))T [Liu and Li, 2015]. For the special case of
two-arms and two-models, regret lower-bounds of matching orders are
also provided in [Liu and Li, 2015]. These bounds show that an infor-
mative prior, i.e., a large Pprior (true ), significantly impacts the regret.
One appealing property of TS is its natural extension to cases with
structure or dependence between the arms. For example, consider the
following extension of the online shop domain:

Example 3.2 (Online Shop with Multiple Product Suggestions). Consider

the bandit setting of the online shop domain, as in Example 2.1. Instead
of presenting to the customer a single product suggestion, the decision-
maker may now suggest M different product suggestions a1 , . . . , aM
from a pool of suggestions I. The customer, in turn, decides whether
or not to buy each product, and the reward is the sum of profits from
all items bought.
Naively, this problem may be formalized as a MAB with the action
set, A, being the set of all possible combinations of M elements from
I. In such a formulation, it is clear that the outcomes for actions with
overlapping product suggestions are correlated.

In TS, such dependencies between the actions may be incorporated

by simply updating the posterior. Recent advances in Bayesian infer-
ence such as particle filters and Markov Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC)
provide efficient numerical procedures for complex posterior updates.
Gopalan et al. [Gopalan et al., 2014] presented frequentist high-
probability regret bounds for TS with general reward distributions
and priors, and correlated actions. Let NT (a) denote the play count
of arm a until time T and let D R|A| denote a vector of Kullback-

Leibler divergences D (a) = KL P (|a)kP (|a) , where is the true
model in a frequentist setting. For each action a A, we define Sa
to be the set of model parameters in which the optimal action is a.
that exactly match the true
Within Sa , let Sa0 be the set of models
model in the sense of the marginal outcome distribution for action a:
KL P (|a)kP (|a) = 0. Moreover, let e(j) denote the j-th unit vec-

tor in a finite-dimensional Euclidean space. The following result holds

under the assumption of finite action and observation spaces, and that
the prior has a finite support with a positive probability for the true
model (grain of truth assumption).

Theorem 3.4. [Gopalan et al., 2014] For ,  (0, 1), there exists T >
0 such that for all T > T , with probability at least 1 ,
NT (a) B + C(log T ),

where B B(, , A, Y, , Pprior ) is a problem-dependent constant that


does not depend on T and

C(log T ) := max zk (ak )
s.t. zk NK1
+ {0}, ak A \ {a }, k < K,
zi  zk , zi (ak ) = zk (ak ), i k,
j 1, k K 1 :

min zk , D log T,
D E 1+
min zk e(j) , D log T.

As Gopalan et al. [Gopalan et al., 2014] explain, the bound in The-

orem 3.4 accounts for the dependence between the arms, and thus, pro-
vides tighter guarantees when there is information to be gained from
this dependence. For example, in the case of selecting subsets of M
arms described earlier, calculating the term C(log T ) in Theorem 3.4

gives a bound of O (K M ) log T , even though the total number of
actions is M .
We proceed with an analysis of the Bayesian regret of TS. Using
information theoretic tools, Russo and Van Roy [Russo and Van Roy,
2014a] elegantly bound the Bayesian regret, and investigate the benefits
of having an informative prior. Let pt denote the distribution of the
selected arm at time t. Note that by the definition of the TS algorithm,
pt encodes the posterior distribution that the arm is optimal. Let pt,a ()
denote the posterior outcome distribution at time t, when selecting
arm a, and let pt,a (|a ) denote the posterior outcome distribution at
time t, when selecting arm a, conditioned on the event that a is the
optimal action. Both pt,a () and pt,a (|a ) are random and depend on
the prior and on the history of actions and observations up to time t.
A key quantity in the analysis of [Russo and Van Roy, 2014a] is the
information ratio defined by
Eapt Eypt,a (|a) r(y) Eypt,a () r(y)
t = q  . (3.1)
Eapt ,a pt KL pt,a (|a )kpt,a ()


Note that t is also random and depends on the prior and on the
history of the algorithm up to time t. As Russo and Van Roy [Russo
and Van Roy, 2014a] explain, the numerator in Eq. 3.1 roughly captures
how much knowing that the selected action is optimal influences the
expected reward observed, while the denominator measures how much
on average, knowing which action is optimal changes the observations
at the selected action. Intuitively, the information ratio tends to be
small when knowing which action is optimal significantly influences
the anticipated observations at many other actions.
The following theorem relates a bound on t to a bound on the
Bayesian regret.

Theorem 3.5. [Russo and Van Roy, 2014a] For any T N, if t

almost surely for each t {1, . . . , T }, the TS algorithm satisfies
H(p1 )T ,
E Regret(T )

where H() denotes the Shannon entropy.

Russo and Van Roy [Russo and Van Roy, 2014a] further showed
inqgeneral, t  K/2, giving an order-optimal upper bound
of O 2 H(p1 )KT . However, structure between the arms may be
exploited to further bound the information ratio more tightly. For ex-
ample, consider the case of linear optimization under bandit feedback
where we have A Rd , and the reward satisfies EyP (|a) [r(y)] = a> .
In this case, an order-optimal bound of O 2 H(p1 )dT holds [Russo
and Van Roy, 2014a]. It is important to note that the term H(p1 ) is
bounded by log(K), but in fact may be much smaller when there is an
informative prior available.
An analysis of TS with a slightly different flavour was given by Guha
and Munagala [Guha and Munagala, 2014], who studied the stochastic
regret of TS, defined as the expected number of times a sub-optimal arm
is chosen, where the expectation is Bayesian, i.e., taken with respect
to Pprior (). For some horizon T , and prior Pprior , let OP T (T, Pprior )
denote the stochastic regret of an optimal policy. Such a policy ex-
ists, and in principle may be calculated using dynamic programming
(cf. the Gittins index discussion above). For the cases of two-armed

bandits, and K-MABs with Bernoulli point priors, Guha and Muna-
gala [Guha and Munagala, 2014] show that the stochastic regret of TS,
labeled T S(T, Pprior ) is a 2-approximation of OP T (T, Pprior ), namely
T S(T, Pprior ) 2OP T (T, Pprior ). Interestingly, and in contrast to the
asymptotic regret results discussed above, this result holds for all T .
We conclude by noting that contextual bandits may be approached
using Bayesian techniques in a very similar manner to the MAB algo-
rithms described above. The only difference is that the unknown vector
should now parameterize the distribution over actions and context,
P (|a, s). Empirically, the efficiency of TS was demonstrated in an
online-advertising application of contextual bandits [Chapelle and Li,
2011]. On the theoretical side, Agrawal and Goyal [Agrawal and Goyal,
2013b] study contextual bandits with rewards that linearly depend on

the context, and show a frequentist regret bound of O d2 T 1+ ,

where d is the dimension of the context vector, and  is an algorithm-
parameter that can be chosen in (0, 1). For the same problem, Russo
and Van Roy [Russo  and Van Roy, 2014b] derive a Bayesian regret
bound of order O d T ln T , which, up to logarithmic terms, matches
the order of the O d T lower bound for this problem [Rusmevichien-
tong and Tsitsiklis, 2010].
Model-based Bayesian Reinforcement Learning

This section focuses on Bayesian learning methods that explicitly main-

tain a posterior over the model parameters and use this posterior to
select actions. Actions can be selected both for exploration (i.e., achiev-
ing a better posterior), or exploitation (i.e., achieving maximal return).
We review basic representations and algorithms for model-based ap-
proaches, both in MDPs and POMDPs. We also present approaches
based on sampling of the posterior, some of which provide finite sam-
ple guarantees on the learning process.

4.1 Models and Representations

Initial work on model-based Bayesian RL appeared in the control lit-

erature, under the topic of Dual Control [Feldbaum, 1961, Filatov and
Unbehauen, 2000]. The goal here is to explicitly represent uncertainty
over the model parameters, P, q, as defined in 2.2. One way to think
about this problem is to see the parameters as unobservable states of
the system, and to cast the problem of planning in an MDP with un-
known parameters as planning under uncertainty using the POMDP
formulation. In this case, the belief tracking operation of Eq. 2.7 will


keep a joint posterior distribution over model parameters and the true
physical state of the system, and a policy will be derived to select
optimal actions with respect to this posterior.
Let s,a,s0 be the (unknown) probability of transitioning from state
s to state s0 when taking action a, s,a,r the (unknown) probability of
obtaining reward r when taking action a at state s, and the set
of all such parameters. The belief P0 () expresses our initial knowledge
about the model parameters. We can then compute bt (), the belief
after a t-step trajectory {st+1 , rt , at , st , . . . , s1 , r0 , a0 , s0 }. Considering
a single observation (s, a, r, s0 ), we have
bt+1 (0 ) = Pr(s0 , r|s, a, 0 ) Pr(s0 , 0 |s, a, )bt ()dsd , (4.1)

where is the normalizing factor. It is common to assume that the

uncertainty between the parameters is independent, and thus compute
bt () = s,a bt (s,a,s0 )bt (s,a,r ).
Recalling that a POMDP can be represented as a belief-MDP (see
2.3), a convenient way to interpret Eq. 4.1 is as an MDP where the
state is defined to be a belief over the unknown parameters. Theoret-
ically, optimal planning in this representation can be achieved using
MDP methods for continuous states, the goal being to express a policy
over the belief space, and thus, over any posterior over model parame-
ters. From a computational perspective, this is not necessarily a useful
objective. First, it is computationally expensive, unless there are only
a few unknown model parameters. Second, it is unnecessarily hard: in-
deed, the goal is to learn (via the acquisition of data) an optimal policy
that is robust to parameter uncertainty, not necessarily to pre-compute
a policy for any possible parameterization. An alternative approach is
to make specific assumptions about the structural form of the uncer-
tainty over the model parameters, thereby allowing us to consider an
alternate representation of the belief-MDP, one that is mathematically
equivalent (under the structural assumptions), but more amenable to
computational analysis.
An instance of this type of approach is the Bayes-Adaptive MDP
(BAMDP) model [Duff, 2002]. Here we restrict our attention to MDPs
with discrete state and action sets. In this case, transition probabilities

consist of Multinomial distributions. The posterior over the transition

function can therefore be represented using a Dirichlet distribution,
P (|s, a) s,a . For now, we assume that the reward function is known;
extensions to unknown rewards are presented in 4.7.

Model 6 (Bayes-Adaptive MDP) Define a Bayes-Adaptive MDP

M to be a tuple hS 0 , A, P 0 , P00 , R0 i where
S 0 is the set of hyper-states, S ,
A is the set of actions,
P 0 (|s, , a) is the transition function between hyper-states, condi-
tioned on action a being taken in hyper-state (s, ),
P00 P(S ) combines the initial distribution over physical states,
with the prior over transition functions 0 ,
R0 (s, , a) = R(s, a) represents the reward obtained when action a is
taken in state s.

The BAMDP is defined as an extension of the conventional MDP

model. The state space of the BAMDP combines jointly the initial
(physical) set of states S, with the posterior parameters on the transi-
tion function . We call this joint space the hyper-state. Assuming the
posterior on the transition is captured by a Dirichlet distribution, we
have = {s,a N|S| , s, a S A}. The action set is the same as
in the original MDP. The reward function is assumed to be known for
now, so it depends only on the physical (real) states and actions.
The transition model of the BAMDP captures transitions between
hyper-states. Due to the nature of the state space, this transition func-
tion has a particular structure. By the chain rule, Pr(s0 , 0 |s, a, ) =
Pr(s0 |s, a, ) Pr(0 |s, a, s0 , ). The first term can be estimated by tak-
ing the expectation over all possible transition functions to yield
P s,a,s0 . For the second term, since the update of the posterior
s00 S
to 0 is deterministic, Pr(0 |s, a, s0 , ) is 1 if 0s,a,s0 = s,a,s0 + 1, and
0, otherwise. Because these terms depend only on the previous hyper-
state (s, s,a ) and action a, transitions between hyper-states preserve
the Markov property. To summarize, we have (note that I() is the

indicator function):
P 0 (s0 , 0 |s, a, ) = P I(0s,a,s0 = s,a,s0 + 1). (4.2)
s S s,a,s 00

It is worth considering the number of states in the BAMDP. Initially

(at t = 0), there are only |S|, one per real MDP, state (we assume a
single prior 0 is specified). Assuming a fully connected state space in
the underlying MDP (i.e., P (s0 |s, a) > 0, s, a), then at t = 1 there are
already |S||S| states, since 0 can increment the count of any one
of its |S| components. So at horizon t, there are |S|t reachable states in
the BAMDP. There are clear computational challenges in computing
an optimal policy over all such beliefs.
Computational concerns aside, the value function of the BAMDP
can be expressed using the Bellman equation

V (s, ) = max R0 (s, , a) + P 0 (s0 , 0 |s, , a)V (s0 , 0 )

(s0 ,0 )S 0

V (s0 , 0 ) .
= max R(s, a) +
aA s00 S
s0 S
Let us now consider a simple example, the Chain problem, which is
used extensively for empirical demonstrations throughout the literature
on model-based BRL.

Example 4.1 (The Chain problem). The 5-state Chain problem [Strens,
2000], shown in Figure 4.1, requires the MDP agent to select between
two abstract actions {1, 2}. Action 1 causes the agent to move to the
right with probability 0.8 (effect a in Figure 4.1) and causes the
agent to reset to the initial state with probability 0.2 (effect b in
Figure 4.1). Action 2 causes the agent to reset with probability 0.8
(effect b) and causes the agent to move to the right with probability
0.2 (effect a). The action b has constant reward of +2. Rewards vary
based on the state and effect (a and b), as shown in Figure 4.1.
The optimal policy is to always choose action 1, causing the agent to
potentially receive +10 several times until slipping back (randomly) to

the initial state. Of course if the transition probabilities and rewards

are not known, the agent has to trade-off exploration and exploitation
to learn this optimal policy.

Figure 4.1: The Chain problem (figure reproduced from [Strens, 2000])

4.2 Exploration/Exploitation Dilemma

A key aspect of reinforcement learning is the issue of exploration. This

corresponds to the question of determining how the agent should choose
actions while learning about the task. This is in contrast to the phase
called exploitation, through which actions are selected so as to maximize
expected reward with respect to the current value function estimate.
In the Bayesian RL framework, exploration and exploitation are
naturally balanced in a coherent mathematical framework. Policies are
expressed over the full information state (or belief), including over
model uncertainty. In that framework, the optimal Bayesian policy
will be to select actions based on how much reward they yield, but
also based on how much information they provide about the parame-
ters of the domain, information which can then be leveraged to acquire
even more reward.
Definition 4.1 (Bayes optimality). Let
Vt (s, ) = max R(s, a) + P (s0 |b, s, a)Vt1

(s0 , 0 )ds0 d0
aA S,

be the optimal value function for a t-step planning horizon in a


Any policy that maximizes this expression is called a Bayes-optimal

policy. In general, a Bayes-optimal policy is mathematically lower than
the optimal policy (Eq. 2.6), because it may require additional actions
to acquire information about the model parameters. In the next section,
we present planning algorithms that seek the Bayes-optimal policy;
most are based on heuristics or approximations due to the computation
complexity of the problem. In the following section, we also review
algorithms that focus on a slightly different criteria, namely efficient
(polynomial) learning of the optimal value function.

4.3 Offline Value Approximation

We now review various classes of approximate algorithms for estimat-

ing the value function in the BAMDP. We begin with offline algorithms
that compute the policy a priori, for any possible state and posterior.
The goal is to compute an action-selection strategy that optimizes the
expected return over the hyper-state of the BAMDP. Given the size
of the state space in the BAMDP, this is clearly intractable for most
domains. The interesting problem then is to devise approximate algo-
rithms that leverage structural constraints to achieve computationally
feasible solutions.

Finite-state controllers
Duff [Duff, 2001] suggests using Finite-State Controllers (FSC) to com-
pactly represent the optimal policy of a BAMDP, and then finding
the best FSC in the space of FSCs of some bounded size.

Definition 4.2 (Finite-State Controller). A finite state controller for a

BAMDP is defined as a graph, where nodes represent memory states
and edges represent observations in the form of (s, a, s0 ) triplets. Each
node is also associated with an action (or alternately a distribution
over actions), which represents the policy itself.

In this representation, memory states correspond to finite trajecto-

ries, rather than full hyper-states. Tractability is achieved by limiting
the number of memory states that are included in the graph. Given

a specific finite-state controller (i.e., a compact policy), its expected

value can be calculated in closed form using a system of Bellman equa-
tions, where the number of equations/variables is equal to |S| |Q|,
where |S| is the number of states in the original MDP, and |Q| is
the number of memory states in the FSC [Duff, 2001]. The remaining
challenge is to optimize the policy. This is achieved using a gradient
descent algorithm. A Monte-Carlo gradient estimation is proposed to
make it more tractable. This approach presupposes the existence of a
good FSC representation for the policy. In general, while conceptually
and mathematically straight-forward, this method is computationally
feasible only for small domains with few memory states. For many real-
world domains, the number of memory states needed to achieve good
performance is far too large.

Bayesian Exploration Exploitation Tradeoff in LEarning (BEETLE)

An alternate approximate offline algorithm to solve the BAMDP is

called BEETLE [Poupart et al., 2006]. This is an extension of the
Perseus algorithm [Spaan and Vlassis, 2005] that was originally de-
signed for conventional POMDP planning, to the BAMDP model. Es-
sentially, at the beginning, hyper-states (s, ) are sampled from ran-
dom interactions with the BAMDP model. An equivalent continuous
POMDP (over the space of states and transition functions) is solved
instead of the BAMDP (assuming b = (s, ) is a belief state in that
POMDP). The value function is represented by a set of -functions over
the continuous space of transition functions (see Eqs. 2.8-2.10). In the
case of BEETLE, it is possible to maintain a separate set of -functions
for each MDP state, denoted s . Each -function is constructed as a
linear combination of basis functions (bt ) = ()b()d. In practice,
the sampled hyper-states can serve to select the set of basis functions
. The set of -functions can then be constructed incrementally by
applying Bellman updates at the sampled hyper-states using standard
point-based POMDP methods [Spaan and Vlassis, 2005, Pineau et al.,
Thus, the constructed -functions can be shown to be multi-variate
polynomials. The main computational challenge is that the number of

terms in the polynomials increases exponentially with the planning

horizon. This can be mitigated by projecting each -function into a
polynomial with a smaller number of terms (using basis functions as
mentioned above). The method has been tested experimentally in some
small simulation domains. The key to applying it in larger domains is
to leverage knowledge about the structure of the domain to limit the
parameter inference to a few key parameters, or by using parameter
tying (whereby a subset of parameters are constrained to have the
same posterior).

4.4 Online near-myopic value approximation

We recall from 4.1 that for a planning horizon of t steps, an offline

BAMDP planner will consider optimal planning at |S|t states. In prac-
tice, there may be many fewer states, in particular because some tra-
jectories will not be observed. Online planning approaches interleave
planning and execution on a step-by-step basis, so that planning re-
sources are focused on those states that have been observed during
actual trajectories. We now review a number of online algorithms de-
veloped for the BAMDP framework.

Bayesian dynamic programming

A simple approach, closely related to Thompson sampling (3.3), was

proposed by Sterns [Strens, 2000]. The idea is to sample a model from
the posterior distribution over parameters, solve this model using dy-
namic programming techniques, and use the solved model to select ac-
tions. Models are re-sampled periodically (e.g., at the end of an episode
or after a fixed number of steps). The approach is simple to imple-
ment and does not rely on any heuristics. Goal-directed exploration is
achieved via sampling of the models. Convergence to the optimal policy
is achievable because the method samples models from the full posterior
over parameter uncertainty [Strens, 2000]. Of course this can be very
slow, but it is useful to remember that the dynamic programming steps
can be computed via simulation over the sampled model, and do not
require explicit samples from the system. Convergence of the dynamic

programming inner-loop is improved by keeping maximum likelihood

estimates of the value function for each state-action pair. In the bandit
case (single-step planning horizon), this method is in fact equivalent
to Thompson sampling. Recent work has provided a theoretical char-
acterization of this approach, offering the first Bayesian regret bound
for this setting [Osband et al., 2013].

Value of information heuristic

The Bayesian dynamic programming approach does not explicitly take
into account the posterior uncertainty when selecting actions, and thus,
cannot explicitly select actions which only provide information about
the model. In contrast, Dearden et al. [Dearden et al., 1999] proposed
to select actions by considering their expected value of information
(in addition to their expected reward). Instead of solving the BAMDP
directly via Eq. 4.3, the Dirichlet distributions are used to compute a
distribution over the state-action values Q (s, a), in order to select the
action that has the highest expected return and value of information.
The distribution over Q-values is estimated by sampling MDPs from the
posterior Dirichlet distribution, and then solving each sampled MDP
(as detailed in 2.2) to obtain different sampled Q-values.
The value of information is used to estimate the expected improve-
ment in policy following an exploration action. Unlike the full Bayes-
optimal approach, this is defined myopically, over a 1-step horizon.

Definition 4.3 (Value of perfect information [Dearden et al., 1999]). Let

V P I(s, a) denote the expected value of perfect information for taking
action a in state s. This can be estimated by
V P I(s, a) = Gains,a (x) Pr(qs,a = x)dx,

< E[q

E[qs,a2 ] qs,a
if a = a1 and qs,a s,a2 ],

Gains,a (Qs,a ) = qs,a E[qs,a1 ] if a 6= a1 and qs,a > E[qs,a2 ],

0 otherwise,

assuming a1 and a2 denote the actions with the best and second-best

denotes a random variable repre-

expected values respectively, and qs,a
senting a possible value of Q (s, a) in some realizable MDP.
The value of perfect information gives an upper bound on the 1-
step expected value of exploring with action a. To balance exploration
and exploitation, it is necessary to also consider the reward of action a.
Thus, under this approach, the goal is to select actions that maximize
E[qs,a ] + V P I(s, a).
From a practical perspective, this method is attractive because it
can be scaled easily by varying the number of samples. Re-sampling and
importance sampling techniques can be used to update the estimated
Q-value distribution as the Dirichlet posteriors are updated. The main
limitation is that the myopic value of information may provide only a
very limited view of the potential information gain of certain actions.

4.5 Online Tree Search Approximation

To select actions using a more complete characterization of the model

uncertainty, an alternative is to perform a forward search in the space
of hyper-states.

Forward search
An approach of this type was used in the case of a partially observable
extension to the BAMDP [Ross et al., 2008a]. The idea here is to con-
sider the current hyper-state and build a fixed-depth forward search
tree containing all hyper-states reachable within some fixed finite plan-
ning horizon, denoted d. Assuming some default value for the leaves of
this tree, denoted V0 (s, ), dynamic programming backups can be ap-
plied to estimate the expected return of the possible actions at the root
hyper-state. The action with highest return over that finite horizon is
executed and then the forward search is conducted again on the next
hyper-state. This approach is detailed in Algorithm 2 and illustrated
in Figure 4.2. The main limitation of this approach is the fact that for
most domains, a full forward search (i.e., without pruning of the search
tree) can only be achieved over a very short decision horizon, since
the number of nodes explored is O(|S|d ), where d is the search depth.

Another limitation is the need for a default value function to be used at

Figure 4.2: An AND-OR tree constructed by the forward search process for the
Chain problem. The top node contains the initial state 1 and the prior over the
model 0 . After the first action, the agent can end up in either state 1 or state 2 of
the Chain and update its posterior accordingly. Note that depending on what action
was chosen (1 or 2) and the effect (a or b), different parameters of are updated as
per Algorithm 2

the leaf nodes; this can either be a naive estimate, such as the immedi-
ate reward, maxa R(s, a), or a value computed from repeated Bellman
backups, such as the one used for the Bayesian dynamic programming
approach. The next algorithm we review proposes some solutions to
these problems.
We take this opportunity to draw the readers attention to the sur-
vey paper on online POMDP planning algorithms [Ross et al., 2008c],
which provides a comprehensive review and empirical evaluation of a
range of search-based POMDP solving algorithms, including options for
combining offline and online methods in the context of forward search
trees. Some of these methods may be much more efficient than those
presented above and could be applied to plan in the BAMDP model.

Bayesian Sparse Sampling

Wang et al. [Wang et al., 2005] present an online planning algorithm
that estimates the optimal value function of a BAMDP (Equation 4.3)
using Monte-Carlo sampling. This algorithm is essentially an adapta-
tion of the Sparse Sampling algorithm [Kearns et al., 1999] to BAMDPs.
The original Sparse Sampling approach is very simple: a forward-search
tree is grown from the current state to a fixed depth d. At each internal

Algorithm 2 Forward Search Planning in the BAMDP.

1: function ForwardSearch-BAMDP(s, , d)
2: if d = 0 then
3: return V0 (s, )
4: end if
5: maxQ
6: for all a A do
7: q R(s, a)
8: 0s,a s,a
9: for all s0 S do
10: 0s,a,s0 s,a,s0 + 1
11: q q + P s,a,s
ForwardSearch-BAMDP(s0 , 0 , d 1)
s00 S s,a,s00

12: 0s,a,s0 s,a,s0

13: end for
14: if q > maxQ then
15: maxQ q
16: end if
17: end for
18: return maxQ

node, a fixed number C of next states are sampled from a simulator

for each action in A, to create C|A| children. This is in contrast to the
Forward Search approach of Algorithm 2, which considers all possible
next states. Values at the leaves are estimated to be zero and the values
at the internal nodes are estimated using the Bellman equation based
on their childrens values. The main feature of Sparse Sampling is that
it can be shown to achieve low error with high probability in a number
of samples independent of the number of states [Kearns et al., 1999].
A practical limitation of this approach is the exponential dependence
on planning horizon.
To extend this to BAMDP, Bayesian Sparse Sampling introduces
the following modifications. First, instead of growing the tree evenly
by looking at all actions at each level of the tree, the tree is grown
stochastically. Actions are sampled according to their likelihood of be-
ing optimal, according to their Q-value distributions (as defined by the
Dirichlet posteriors); next states are sampled according to the Dirichlet
posterior on the model. This is related to Thompson sampling (3.3),

in that actions are sampled according to their current posterior. The

difference is that the Bayesian Sampling explicitly considers the long-
term return (as estimated from Monte-Carlo sampling of the posterior
over model parameters), whereas Thompson sampling considers just
the posterior over immediate rewards. The specific algorithm reported
in [Wang et al., 2005] proposes a few improvements on this basic frame-
work: such as, in some cases, sampling from the mean model (rather
than the posterior) to reduce the variance of the Q-value estimates in
the tree, and using myopic Thompson sampling (rather than the se-
quential estimate) to decide which branch to sample when growing the
tree. This approach requires repeatedly sampling from the posterior to
find which action has the highest Q-value at each state node in the
tree. This can be very time consuming, and thus, so far the approach
has only been applied to small MDPs.

HMDP: A linear program approach for the hyper-state MDP

Castro and Precup [Castro and Precup, 2007] present a similar ap-
proach to [Wang et al., 2005]. However, their approach differs on two
main points. First, instead of maintaining only the posterior over mod-
els, they also maintain Q-value estimates at each state-action pair
(for the original MDP states, not the hyper-states) using standard Q-
learning [Sutton and Barto, 1998]. Second, values of the hyper-states in
the stochastic tree are estimated using linear programming [Puterman,
1994] instead of dynamic programming. The advantage of incorporat-
ing Q-learning is that it provides estimates for the fringe nodes which
can be used as constraints in the LP solution. There is currently no the-
oretical analysis to accompany this approach. However, the empirical
tests on small simulation domains show somewhat better performance
than the method of [Wang et al., 2005], but with similar scalability

Branch and bound search

Branch and bound is a common method for pruning a search tree. The
main idea is to maintain a lower bound on the value of each node in the
tree (e.g., using partial expansion of the node to some fixed depth with

a lower-bound at the leaf) and then prune nodes whenever they cannot
improve the lower-bound (assuming we are maximizing values). In the
context of BAMDPs, this can be used to prune hyper-state nodes in
the forward search tree [Paquet et al., 2005]. The challenge in this case
is to find good bounds; this is especially difficult given the uncertainty
over the underlying model. The method has been used in the context
of partially observable BAMDP [Png and Pineau, 2011, Png, 2011] us-
ing a naive heuristic, D d
d=0 Rmax , where D is the search depth and
Rmax is the maximum reward. The method was applied successfully to
solve simulated dialogue management problems; computational scala-
bility was achieved via a number of structural constraints, including
the parameter tying method proposed by [Poupart et al., 2006].

BOP: Bayesian Optimistic Planning

The BOP method [R. Fonteneau, 2013] is a variant on Branch and
bound search in which nodes are expanded based on an upper-bound
on their value. The upper-bound at a root node, s0 , is calculated by
building an optimistic subtree, T + , where leaves are expanded using:
xt = arg maxxL(T + ) P (x) d , where L(T + ) denotes the fringe of the
forward search tree, P (x) denotes the probability of reaching node x
and d denotes the depth of node x.
Theoretical analysis shows that the regret of BOP decreases ex-
ponentially with the planning budget. Empirical results on the classic
5-state Chain domain (Figure 4.1) confirm that the performance im-
proves with the number of nodes explored in the forward search tree.

BAMCP: Bayes-adaptive Monte-Carlo planning

In recent years, Monte-Carlo tree search methods have been applied
with significant success to planning problems in games and other do-
mains [Gelly et al., 2012]. The BAMCP approach exploits insights from
this family of approaches to tackle the problem of joint learning and
planning in the BAMDP [Guez et al., 2012].
BAMCP provides a Bayesian adaptation of an algorithm, called Up-
per Confidence bounds applied to Trees (UCT) [Kocsis and Szepesvari,
2006]. This approach is interesting in that it incorporates two different

policies (UCT and rollout) to traverse and grow the forward search
tree. Starting at the root node, for any node that has been previously
visited, it uses the UCT criteria
log n(s, h)
a = arg max Q(s, h, a) + c
a n(s, h, a)
to select actions. Along the way, it updates the statistics n(s, h) (the
number of times the node corresponding to state s and history h has
been visited in the search tree) and n(s, h, a) (the number of times
action a was chosen in this node); these are initialized at 0 when the
tree is created. Once it reaches a leaf node, instead of using a default
value function (or bound), it first selects any untried action (updating
its count to 1) and then continues to search forward using a rollout
policy until it reaches a given depth (or terminal node). The nodes
visited by the rollout policy are not added to the tree (i.e., no n()
statistics are preserved).
To apply this to the Bayesian context, BAMCP must select actions
according to the posterior of the model parameters. Rather than sam-
pling multiple models from the posterior, BAMCP samples a single
model Pt at the root of the tree and uses this same model (without
posterior updating) throughout the search tree to sample next states,
after both UCT and rollout actions. In practice, to reduce computa-
tion in large domains, the model Pt is not sampled in its entirety at
the beginning of the tree building process, rather, it is generated lazily
as samples are required.
In addition, to further improve efficiency, BAMCP uses learning
within the forward rollouts to direct resources to important areas of
the search space. Rather than using a random policy for the rollouts,
a model-free estimate of the value function is maintained
t , at ) Q(s
t , at ) + rt + max Q(s
t+1 , a) Q(s
t , at ) ,

and actions during rollouts are selected according to the -greedy policy
defined by this estimated Q function.
BAMCP is shown to converge (in probability) to the optimal
Bayesian policy (denoted V (s, h) in general, or V (s, ) when the pos-
terior is constrained to a Dirichlet distribution). The main complexity

result for BAMCP is based on the UCT analysis  and shows that the 

error in estimating V (st , ht ) decreases as O log n(st , ht ) /n(st , ht ) .
Empirical evaluation of BAMCP with a number of simulation do-
mains has shown that it outperforms Bayesian Dynamic Programming,
the Value of Information heuristic, BFS3 [Asmuth and Littman, 2011],
as well as BEB [Kolter and Ng, 2009] and SmartSampler [Castro and
Precup, 2010], both of which will be described in the next section. A
good part of this success could be attributed to the fact that unlike
many forward search sparse sampling algorithm (e.g., BFS3), BAMCP
can take advantage of its learning during rollouts to effectively bias the
search tree towards good solutions.

4.6 Methods with Exploration Bonus to Achieve PAC Guar-


We now review a class of algorithms for the BAMDP model that are
guaranteed to select actions such as to incur only a small loss compared
to the optimal Bayesian policy. Algorithmically, these approaches are
similar to those examined in 4.5 and typically require forward sam-
pling of the model and decision space. Analytically, these approaches
have been shown to achieve bounded error in a polynomial number
of steps using analysis techniques from the Probably Approximately
Correct (PAC) literature. These methods are rooted in earlier papers
showing that reinforcement learning in finite MDPs can be achieved
in a polynomial number of steps [Kearns and Singh, 1998, Brafman
and Tennenholtz, 2003, Strehl and Littman, 2005]. These earlier pa-
pers did not assume a Bayesian learning framework; the extension to
Bayesian learning was first established in the BOSS (Best of Sampled
Sets) approach.
The main idea behind many of the methods presented in this section
is the notion of Optimism in the Face of Uncertainty, which suggests
that, when in doubt, an agent should act according to an optimistic
model of the MDP; in the case where the optimistic model is correct,
the agent will gather reward, and if not, the agent will receive valuable
information from which it can infer a better model.

BFS3: Bayesian Forward Search Sparse Sampling

The BFS3 approach [Asmuth and Littman, 2011] is an extension to

the Bayesian context of the Forward Search Sparse Sampling (FSSS)
approach [Walsh et al., 2010]. The Forward Search Sparse Sampling
itself extends the Sparse Sampling approach [Kearns et al., 1999] de-
scribed above in a few directions. In particular, it maintains both lower
and upper bounds on the value of each state-action pair, and uses this
information to direct forward rollouts in the search tree. Consider a
node s in the tree, then the next action is chosen greedily with re-
spect to the upper-bound U (s, a). The next state s0 is selected to be
the one with the largest difference between its lower and upper bound
(weighted by the number of times it was visited, denoted by n(s, a, s0 )),
i.e., s0 arg maxs0 P (|s,a) U (s0 ) L(s0 ) n(s, a, s0 ). This is repeated

until the search tree reaches the desired depth.

The BFS3 approach takes this one step further by building the
sparse search tree over hyper-states (s, ), instead of over simple states
s. As with most of the other approaches presented in this section, the
framework can handle model uncertainty over either the transition pa-
rameters and/or the reward parameters.
Under certain conditions, one can show that BFS3 chooses at most
a polynomial number of sub-optimal actions compared to an policy.

Theorem 4.1. [Asmuth, 2013]1 With probability at least 1 , the

expected number of sub--Bayes-optimal actions taken by BFS3 is at
most BSA(S + 1)d/t under assumptions on the accuracy of the prior
and optimism of the underlying FSSS procedure.

Empirical results show that the method can be used to solve small
domains (e.g., 5x5 grid) somewhat more effectively than a non-Bayesian
method such as RMAX [Brafman and Tennenholtz, 2003]. Results also
show that BFS3 can take advantage of structural assumptions in the
prior (e.g., parameter tying) to tackle much larger domains, up to 1016
We have slightly modified the description of this theorem, and others below, to
improve legibility of the paper. Refer to the original publication for full details.

BOSS: Best of Sample Sets

As per other model-based Bayesian RL approaches presented above,
BOSS [Asmuth et al., 2009] maintains uncertainty over the model pa-
rameters using a parametric posterior distribution and incorporates
new information by updating the posterior. In discrete domains, this
posterior is also typically represented using Dirichlet distributions.
When an action is required, BOSS draws a set of sample models
Mi , i = 1, . . . , K, from the posterior t . It then creates a hyper-model
M#, which has the same state space S as the original MDP, but has
K|A| actions, where aij corresponds to taking action aj A in model
Mi . The transition function for action ai is constructed directly by
taking the sampled transitions Pi from Mi . It then solves the hyper-
model M# (e.g., using dynamic programming methods) and selects the
best action according to this hyper-model. This sampling procedure
is repeated a number of times (as determined by B, the knownness
parameter) for each state-action pair, after which the policy of the last
M# is retained.
While the algorithm is simple, the more interesting contribution
is in the analysis. The main theoretical result shows that assuming a
certain knownness parameter B, the value at state s when visited by
algorithm A at time t (which we denote V At (st )), is very close to the
optimal value of the correct model (denoted V ) with high probability
in all but a small number of steps. For the specific case of Dirichlet
priors on the model, it can be shown that the number of necessary
samples, f , is a polynomial function of the relevant parameters.

Theorem 4.2. [Asmuth et al., 2009] When the knownness param-

eter B = maxs,a f s, a, (1 )2 , |S||A|

, |S|2 |A| 2 K , then with proba-
 at least 1 4, V (st ) V (st ) 4 in all but (, ) =
|S||A|B 1 1
O (1) 2 ln ln (1) steps.

Experimental results show that empirically, BOSS performs simi-

larly to BEETLE and Bayesian dynamic programming in simple prob-
lems, such as the Chain problem (Figure 4.1). BOSS can also be ex-
tended to take advantage of structural constraints on the state relations
to tackle larger problems, up to a 6 6 maze.

Castro and Precup [Castro and Precup, 2010] proposed an improve-

ment on BOSS, called SmartSampler, which addresses the problem
of how many models to sample. The main insight is that the number
of sampled models should depend on the variance of the posterior dis-
tribution. When the variance is larger, more models are necessary to
achieve good value function estimation. When the variance is reduced,
it is sufficient to sample a smaller number of models. Empirical re-
sults show that this leads to reduced computation time and increased
accumulated reward, compared to the original BOSS.

BEB: Bayesian Exploration Bonus

Bayesian Exploration Bonus (BEB) is another simple approach for
achieving Bayesian reinforcement learning with guaranteed bounded
error within a small number of samples [Kolter and Ng, 2009]. The
algorithm simply chooses actions greedily with respect to the following
value function:

Vt (s, ) = max R(s, a)+ P (s0 |s, , a)Vtt

(s0 , )
P +
aA 1+ s0 S s,a,s0 s0 S

Here the middle term on the right-hand side acts as exploration

bonus, whose magnitude is controlled by parameter . It is worth not-
ing that the posterior (denoted by ) is not updated in this equation,
and thus, the value function can be estimated via standard dynamic
programming over the state space (similar to BOSS and Bayesian dy-
namic programming).
The exploration bonus in BEB decays with 1/n (consider n
s0 S s,a,s0 ), which is significantly faster than similar exploration
bonuses in the PAC-MDP literature, for example the MBIE-EB algo-

rithm [Strehl and Littman, 2008], which typically declines with 1/ n.
It is possible to use this faster decay because BEB aims to match the
performance of the optimal Bayesian solution (denoted V (s, )), as
defined in Theorem 4.3. We call this property PAC-BAMDP. This is
in contrast to BOSS where the analysis is with respect to the optimal
solution of the correct model (denoted V (s)).
Theorem 4.3. [Kolter and Ng, 2009] Let At denote the policy followed

by the BEB algorithm (with = 2H 2 ) at time t, and let st and t be the

corresponding state and posterior belief. Also suppose we stop updating
the posterior for a state-action pair when s0 S s,a,s0 4H 3 /. Then

with probability at least 1 , for a planning horizon of H, we have

V At (st , t ) V (st , t ) 
for all but m time steps, where
|S||A|H 6 |S||A|
m=O 2
log .

It is worth emphasizing that because BEB considers optimality with
respect to the value of the Bayesian optimal policy, it is possible to
obtain theoretical results that are tighter (i.e., fewer number of steps)
with respect to the optimal value function. But this comes at a cost,
and in particular, there are some MDPs for which the BEB algorithm,
though it performs closely to the Bayesian optimum, V (s, ), may
never find the actual optimal policy, V (s). This is illustrated by an
example in the dissertation of Li [Li, 2009] (see Example 9, p.80), and
formalized in Theorem 4.4 (here n(s, a) denotes the number of times
the state-action pair s, a has been observed).
Theorem 4.4. [Kolter and Ng, 2009] Let At denote the policy followed
by an algorithm using any (arbitrary complex) exploration bonus that

is upper bounded by n(s,a) p , for some constants and p > 1/2. Then

there exists some MDP, M, and parameter, 0 (, p), such that with
probability greater than 0 = 0.15,
V At (st ) < V (st ) 0 ,
will hold for an unbounded number of time steps.
Empirical evaluation of BEB showed that in the Chain problem
(Figure 4.1), it could outperform a (non-Bayesian) PAC-MDP algo-
rithm in terms of sample efficiency and find the correct optimal policy.

VBRB: Variance-Based Reward Bonus

The Variance-based reward approach also tackles the problem of
Bayesian RL by applying an exploration bonus. However in this case,

the exploration bonus depends on the variance of the model parameters

with respect to the posterior [Sorg et al., 2010], i.e.,

Vt (s, ) = max R(s, , a) + R
s,,a + P (s0 |s, , a)Vtt

(s0 , ) ,
s0 S

s,,a is defined as
where the reward bonus R
R R(s,,a) + P P2 (s0 |s,,a) ,
s0 S

R(s,,a) = R(s, , a)2 b()d R(s, , a)2 , (4.4)

P2 (s0 |s,,a) = P (s0 |s, , a)2 b()d P (s0 |s, , a)2 , (4.5)

and R and P are constants controlling the magnitude of the explo-

ration bonus.2
The main motivation for considering a variance-based bonus is that
the error of the algorithm can then be analyzed by drawing on Cheby-
shevs inequality (which states that with high probability, the devi-
ation of a random variable from its mean is bounded by a multiple
of its variance). The main theoretical result concerning the variance-
based reward approach bounds the sample complexity with respect to
the optimal policy of the true underlying MDP, like BOSS (and unlike

Theorem 4.5. [Sorg et al., 2010] Let the sample complex-

ity of state s and action a be C(s, a) = f b0 , s, a, 41 (1

)2 , |S||A| , a) =
, 2|S|2|A|2 . Let the internal reward be defined as R(s,

1 R(s,,a) + 1 2
s0 P (s0 |s,,a) with = 2|S|2 |A|2 . Let be the
random true model parameters distributed according to the prior be-
lief 0 . The variance-based reward algorithm will follow a 4-optimal
The approach is presented here in the context of Dirichlet distributions. There
are ways to generalize this use of variance of the reward as an exploration bonus for
other Bayesian priors [Sorg et al., 2010].

policy  with respect to the MDP , on all but
 P from its current state,
O s,a
ln 1 ln (1)
time steps with probability at least 14.

For the case where uncertainty over the transition model is modelled
using independent Dirichlet priors (as we have considered throughout
this section), the sample complexity of this approach decreases as a

function of O(1/ n). This is consistent with other PAC-MDP results,
which also bound the sample complexity to achieve small error with
respect to the optimal policy of the true underlying MDP. However, it
is not as fast as the BEB approach, which bounds error with respect
to the best Bayesian policy.
Empirical results for the variance-based approach show that it is
competitive with BEETLE, BOSS and BEB on versions of the Chain
problem that use parameter tying to reduce the space of model un-
certainty, and shows better performance for the variant of the domain
where uncertainty over all state-action pairs is modelled with an inde-
pendent Dirichlet distribution. Results also show superior performance
on a 4 4 grid-world inspired by the Wumpus domain of [Russell and
Norvig, 2002].

BOLT: Bayesian Optimistic Local Transitions

Both BEB and the variance-based reward approach encourage explo-
ration by putting an exploration bonus on the reward, and solving this
modified MDP. The main insight in BOLT is to put a similar explo-
ration bonus on the transition probabilities [Araya-Lopez et al., 2012].
The algorithm is simple and modelled on BOSS. An extended action
space is considered: A0 = A S, where each action in = (a, ) A0
has transition probability P (s0 |s, ) = E P (s0 |s, a)|s, , s,a, , with

being the posterior on the model parameters and being a set of

imagined transitions s,a, = {(s, a, ), . . . , (s, a, )}. The extended
MDP is solved using standard dynamic programming methods over a
horizon H, where H is a parameter of BOLT, not the horizon of the
original problem. The effect of this exploration bonus is to consider
an action that takes the agent to state S with greater proba-
bility than has been observed in the data, and by optimizing a pol-

icy over all such possible actions, we consider an optimistic evaluation

over the possible set of models. The parameter controls the extent
of the optimistic evaluation, as well as its computational cost (larger
means more actions to consider). When the posterior is represented
using standard Dirichlet posteriors over model parameters, as consid-
ered throughout this section, it can be shown that BOLT is always
optimistic with respect to the optimal Bayesian policy [Araya-Lopez
et al., 2012].
Theorem 4.6. [Araya-Lopez et al., 2012] Let At denote the policy fol-
lowed by BOLT at time t with = H. Let also st and t be the
corresponding state and posterior at the time. Then, with probability
at least 1 , BOLT is -close to the optimal Bayesian policy
V At (st , t ) < V (st , t ) ,
2 2
e |S||A|
for all but O( e |S||A|H
) = O( ) time steps.
2 (1)2 2 (1)2

To simplify, the parameter H can be shown to depend on the desired

correctness (, ).
Empirical evaluation of BOLT on the Chain problem shows that
while it may be outperformed by BEB with well-tuned parameters, it
is more robust to the choice of parameter (H for BOLT, for BEB).
The authors suggest that BOLT is more stable with respect to the
choice of parameter because optimism in the transitions is bounded by
laws of probability (i.e., even with a large exploration bonus, , the
effect of extended actions will simply saturate), which is not the case
when the exploration bonus is placed on the rewards.
BOLT was further extended, in the form of an algorithm called
POT: Probably Optimistic Transition [Kawaguchi and Araya-Lopez,
2013], where the parameter controlling the extended bonus, , is no
longer constant. Instead, the transition bonus is estimated online for
each state-action pair using a UCB-like criteria that incorporates the
notion of the current estimate of the transition and the variance of
that estimate (controlled by a new parameter ). One advantage of the
method is that empirical results are improved (compared to BOLT,
BEB, and VBRB) for domains where the prior is good, though empir-
ical performance can suffer when the prior is misspecified. POT is also

shown to have tighter bounds on the sample complexity. However, the

analysis is done with respect to a modified optimality criteria, called
Probably Upper Bounded Belief-based Bayesian Planning", which is
weaker than the standard Bayesian optimality, as defined in 4.2.
Table 4.1 summarizes the key features of the online Bayesian RL
methods presented in this section. This can be used as a quick reference
to visualize similarities and differences between the large number of
related approaches. It could also be used to devise new approaches, by
exploring novel combinations of the existing components.

4.7 Extensions to Unknown Rewards

Most work on model-based Bayesian RL focuses on unknown transition

functions and assumes the reward function is known. This is seen as the
more interesting case because there are many domains in which dynam-
ics are difficult to model a priori, whereas the reward function is set by
domain knowledge. Nonetheless a number of papers explicitly consider
the case where the reward function is uncertain [Dearden et al., 1999,
Strens, 2000, Wang et al., 2005, Castro and Precup, 2007, Sorg et al.,
2010]. The BAMDP model extends readily to this case, by extending
the set of hyper-states to full set of unknown parameters: S 0 S ,
with = (, ), with representing the prior over the unknown reward
function. The next challenge is to choose an appropriate distribution
for this prior.
The simplest model is to assume that each state-action pair gen-
erates a binary reward, = {0, 1}, according to a Bernoulli distri-
bution [Wang et al., 2005, Castro and Precup, 2007]. In this case, a
conjugate prior over the reward can be captured with a Beta distri-
bution (see 2.5.1). This is by far the most common approach when
dealing with bandit problems. In the cases where the reward function
is drawn from a set of discrete values, = {r1 , r2 , . . . , rk }, it can be
modeled by a Dirichlet prior over those values. However, many MDP
domains are characterized by more complex (e.g., real-valued) reward
In those cases, an alternative is to assume that the reward is
Algorithm Depth Actions selected Next-states Posterior Solution Theoretical
in search considered sampling method properties

Bayesian DP N/A a A s0 S Sample 1 Q() solved by DP MDP opt.

per step Bounded

Value of N/A Information gain s0 S Sample K Q() solved by DP Not known

information per step

Forward fixed d a A s0 S Re-sample Backups in tree, Bayes-opt.

search at node heuristic at leave

Bayesian variable d a E[R(s,

a)] s0 Pr(s0 |s, a, ) Re-sample Backups in tree, Not known
Sparse at node heuristic at leaves

HMDP fixed d a rand() s0 Pr(s0 |s, a, ) Re-sample Backups in tree, Not known
at node Q() by LP at leaves

Branch and variable d a A, except if s0 S Re-sample Backups in tree, Bayes-opt.

Bound a0 U (s, , a) < at node heuristic at leaves
L(s, , a0 )

ming, LP = Linear programming, U=Upper-bound, L=Lower-bound)

BOP variable d arg maxa B(x, a) s0 S Re-sample Backups in tree, Bayes-opt.
at node 1
at leaves

BAMCP fixed d UCT criteria s0 Pr(s0 |s, a, ) Sample 1 Rollouts with Bayes-opt.

Table 4.1: Online Model-based Bayesian RL methods (DP=Dynamic program-


per step fixed policy

Algorithm Depth Actions selected Next-states Posterior Solution Theoretical
in search considered sampling method properties

BFS3 variable d arg maxa arg maxs0 Re-sample Backups in tree, PAC guarantee
U (s, , a) (U (s0 ) L(s0 )) at node heuristic at leaves

BOSS N/A AK s0 S Sample K Q() solved by DP PAC-MDP

per step

Smart- N/A AK s0 S Sample K Q() solved by DP PAC-MDP

Sampler per step,
K = maxs0
var(P (s,a,s0 ))

BEB N/A a A s0 S N/A Q() + reward bonus PAC-BAMDP

solved by DP

VBRB N/A a A s0 S N/A Q() + variance bonus PAC-MDP

rewards solved by DP

BOLT N/A AS s0 S Create Q() solved by DP PAC-BAMDP

per step

gramming, LP = Linear programming, U=Upper-bound, L=Lower-bound)

Table 4.1: (contd) Online Model-based Bayesian RL methods (DP=Dynamic pro-

Gaussian distributed, i.e., = {, }. In this case the choice of

prior on the standard deviation is of particular importance; a uni-
form prior could lead the posterior to converge to 0. Following
Sterns [Strens, 2000], we can define the precision = 1/ with prior
density f () exp( 2 02 /2); this will have a maximum at = 0 .
We can also define the prior on the mean to be f () N (0 , 2 ). The
parameters (0 , 0 ) capture any prior knowledge about the mean and
standard deviation of the reward function. After n observations of the
reward with sample mean and sample variance , the posterior dis-
tribution on is defined by: f () n1 exp 2 (n + 02 )/2 , and

the posterior on is defined by f () N ( , 2 /n), where = 1/.

Note that the posterior on the variance is updated first and used to
calculate the posterior on the mean.
Most of the online model-based BRL algorithms presented in Ta-
ble 4.1 extend readily to the case of unknown rewards, with the added
requirement of sampling the posterior over rewards (along with the pos-
terior over transition functions). For an algorithm such as BEB, that
uses an exploration bonus in the value function, it is also necessary
to incorporate the uncertainty over rewards within that exploration
bonus. Sorg et al, [Sorg et al., 2010] deals with the issue by expressing
the bonus over the variance of the unknown parameters (including the
unknown rewards), as in Eq. 4.5.

4.8 Extensions to Continuous MDPs

Most of the work reviewed in this section focuses on discrete domains.

In contrast, many of the model-free BRL methods concern the case of
continuous domains, where the Bayesian approach is used to infer a
posterior distribution over value functions, conditioned on the state-
action-reward trajectory observed in the past.
The problem of optimal control under uncertain model parameters
for continuous systems was originally introduced by Feldbaum [1961],
as the theory of dual control (also referred to as adaptive control or
adaptive dual control). Several authors studied the problem for dif-
ferent classes of time-varying systems [Filatov and Unbehauen, 2000,

Wittenmark, 1995]: linear time invariant systems under partial observ-

ability [Rusnak, 1995], linear time varying Gaussian models with par-
tial observability [Ravikanth et al., 1992], nonlinear systems with full
observability [Zane, 1992], and nonlinear systems with partial observ-
ability [Greenfield and Brockwell, 2003, Ross et al., 2008b].
This last case is closest mathematically to the Bayes-Adaptive MDP
model considered throughout this paper. The dynamical system is de-
scribed by a Gaussian transition model (not necessarily linear):

st = gT (st1 , at1 , Vt ),

where gT is a specified function, and Vt N (v , v ) is an unknown k-

variate normal distribution with mean vector v and covariance matrix
v . Here the prior distribution on Vt is represented using a Normal-
Wishart distribution [Ross et al., 2008b]. Particle filters using Monte-
Carlo sampling methods are used to track the posterior over the param-
eters of this distribution. Planning is achieved using a forward search
algorithm similar to Algorithm 2.
The Bayesian DP strategy (4.4) and its analysis were also extended
to the continuous state and action space and average-cost setting, under
the assumption of smoothly parameterizable dynamics [Abbasi-Yadkori
and Szepesvari, 2015]. The main algorithmic modification in this ex-
tension is to incorporate a specific schedule for updating the policy,
that is based on a measure of uncertainty.
Another approach proposed by Dallaire et al. [2009] allows flexi-
bility over the choice of transition function. Here the transition and
reward functions are defined by:

st = gT (st1 , at1 ) + T , (4.6)

rt = gR (st , at ) + R , (4.7)

where gT and gR are modelled by (independent) Gaussian Processes (as

defined in 2.5.2) and T and R are zero-mean Gaussian noise terms.
Belief tracking is done by updating the Gaussian process. Planning is
achieved by a forward search tree similar to Algorithm 2.
It is also worth pointing out that the Bayesian Sparse Sampling
approach [Wang et al., 2005] has also been extended to the case where

the reward function is expressed over a continuous action space and

represented by a Gaussian process. In this particular case, the authors
only considered Bayesian inference of the reward function for a single
state and a single-step horizon problem (i.e., a bandit with continuous
actions). Under these conditions, inferring the reward function is the
same as inferring the value function, so no planning is required.

4.9 Extensions to Partially Observable MDPs

We can extend the BAMDP model to capture uncertainty over the pa-
rameters of a POMDP (as defined in 2.3) by introducing the Bayes-
Adaptive POMDP (BAPOMDP) model [Ross et al., 2008a, 2011].
Given a POMDP model, hS, A, O, P, , P0 , Ri, we define a correspond-
ing BAPOMDP as follows:

Model 7 (Bayes-Adaptive POMDP) Define a BAPOMDP M to

be a tuple hS 0 , A, P 0 , P00 , R0 i where
S 0 is the set of hyper-states, S ,
A is the set of actions,
P 0 (|s, , , a) is the transition function between hyper-states, condi-
tioned on action a being taken in hyper-state (s, , ),
0 (|s, , , a) is the observation function, conditioned on action a
being taken in hyper-state (s, , ),
P00 P(S ) combines the initial distribution over physical
states, with the prior over transition functions 0 and the prior over
observation functions 0 ,
R0 (s, , , a) = R(s, a) represents the reward obtained when action a
is taken in state s.

Here and capture the space of Dirichlet parameters for the con-
jugate prior over the transition and observation functions, respectively.
The Bayesian approach to learning the transition P and observation
involves starting with a prior distribution, which we denote 0 and 0 ,
and maintaining the posterior distribution over and after observ-
ing the history of action-observation-rewards. The belief can be tracked
using a Bayesian filter, with appropriate handing of the observations.

Using standard laws of probability and independence assumptions, we

P(s0 , 0 , 0 , z|s, , , a) =
P(s0 |s, a, )P(o|a, s0 , )P(0 |, s, a, s0 )P( 0 |, a, s0 , o).
As in the BAMDP case (Eq. 4.2), P(s0 |s, a, ) corresponds to the ex-
pected transition model under the Dirichlet posterior defined by , and
P(0 |, s, a, s0 ) is either 0 or 1, depending on whether 0 corresponds
to the posterior after observing transition (s, a, s0 ) from prior . Hence
P(s0 |s, a, ) = P s,a,s 00
and P(0 |, s, a, s0 ) = I(0s,a,s0 = s,a,s0 +1).
s00 S s,a,s
s0 ,a,o
Similarly, P(o|a, x0 , ) =P
and P( 0 |, s0 , a, o) = I(s0 0 ,a,o =
o0 O s0 ,a,o
s0 ,a,o + 1).
Also as in the BAMDP, the number of possible hyper-states,
(s, , ), grows exponentially (by a factor of |S|) with the prediction
horizon. What is particular to the BAPOMDP is that the number of
possible beliefs for a given trajectory, (a0 , o1 , . . . , at , ot+1 ), also grows
exponentially. In contrast, given an observed trajectory, the belief in
the BAMDP corresponds to a single hyper-state. In the BAPOMDP,
value-based planning requires estimating the Bellman equation over all
possible hyper-states for every belief:
n X
V bt (s, , ) = max R0 (s, , , a)bt (s, , )

o (4.9)
P(o|bt1 , a)V (bt , a, o)
+ .

This is intractable for most problems, due to the large number

of possible beliefs. It has been shown that Eq. 4.9 can be approxi-
mated with an -optimal value function defined over a smaller finite-
dimensional space [Ross et al., 2011]. In particular, there exists a point
where if we simply stop incrementing the counts (, ), the value func-
tion of that approximate BAPOMDP (where the counts are bounded)
approximates the BAPOMDP within some  > 0. In practice, that
space is still very large.
The Minerva approach [Jaulmes et al., 2005] overcomes this problem
by assuming that there is an oracle who is willing to provide full state

identification at any time step. This oracle can be used to determinis-

tically update the counts and (rather than keeping a probability
distribution over them, as required when the state is not fully observ-
able). It is then possible to sample a fixed number of models from the
Dirichlet posterior, solve these models using standard POMDP plan-
ning techniques, and sample an action from the solved models according
to the posterior weight over the corresponding model.
The assumption of a state oracle in Minerva is unrealistic for many
domains. The approach of Atrash and Pineau [2009] weakens the as-
sumption to an action-based oracle, which can be called on to reveal
the optimal POMDP action at any time step for the current belief
over states. This oracle does not consider the uncertainty over model
parameters and computes its policy based on the correct parameters.
There are some heuristics to decide when to query the oracle, but this
is largely an unexplored question.
An alternative approach for the BAPOMDP is to use the Bayes
risk as a criterion for choosing actions [Doshi et al., 2008, Doshi-Velez
et al., 2011]. This framework considers an extended action set, which
augments the initial action set with a set of query actions correspond-
ing to a consultation with an oracle. Unlike the oracular queries used
in Atrash and Pineau [2009], which explicitly ask for the optimal action
(given the current belief), the oracular queries in Doshi et al. [2008] re-
quest confirmation of an optimal action choice: I think ai is the best
action. Should I do ai ? If the oracle answers to the negative, there is
a follow-up query: Then I think aj is best. Is that correct?, and so on
until a positive answer is received. In this framework, the goal is to
select actions with smallest expected loss, defined here as the Bayes
risk (cf. the regret definition in Chapter 2.1):

Q(bt (s, , , a ))bt (s, , ),

BR(a) = Q(bt (s, , , a))bt (s, , )
s,, s,,

where Q() is just Eq. 4.9 without the maximization over actions and
a is the optimal action at bt (s, , ). Because the second term is in-
dependent of the action choice, to minimize the Bayes risk, we simply
consider maximizing the first term over actions. The analysis of this
algorithm has yielded a bound on the number of samples needed to

ensure -error. The bound is quite loose in practice, but at least pro-
vides some upper-bound on the number of queries needed to achieve
good performance. Note that this analysis is based on the Bayes risk
criterion that provides a myopic view of uncertainty (i.e., it assumes
that the next action will resolve the uncertainty over models).
The planning approach suggested by Ross et al. [2011] aims to ap-
proximate the optimal BAPOMDP strategy by employing a forward
search similar to that outlined in Algorithm 2. In related work, Png
and Pineau [2011] use a branch-and-bound algorithm to approximate
the BAPOMDP solution. Many of the other techniques outlined in
Table 4.1 could also be extended to the BAPOMDP model.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that the method of Dallaire et al.
[2009], described in 4.8, is also able to handle continuous partially
observable domains by using an additional Gaussian process for the
observation function.

4.10 Extensions to Other Priors and Structured MDPs

The work and methods presented above focus on the case where the
model representation consists of a discrete (flat) set of states. For many
larger domains, it is common to assume that the states are arranged in a
more sophisticated structure, whether a simple clustering or more com-
plicated hierarchy. It is therefore interesting to consider how Bayesian
reinforcement learning methods can be used in those cases.
The simplest case, called parameter tying in previous sections, corre-
sponds to the case where states are grouped according to a pre-defined
clustering assignment. In this case, it is common to aggregate learned
parameters according to this assignment [Poupart et al., 2006, Sorg
et al., 2010, Png and Pineau, 2011]. The advantage is that there are
fewer parameters to estimate, and thus, learning can be achieved with
fewer samples. The main downside is that this requires a hand-coded
assignment. In practice, it may also be preferable to use a coarser clus-
tering than is strictly correct in order to improve variance (at the ex-
pense of more bias). This is a standard model selection problem.
More sophisticated approaches have been proposed to automate the
process of clustering. In cases where the (unknown) model parameters

can be assumed to be sparse, it is possible to incorporate a sparse-

ness assumption in the Dirichlet estimation through use of a hierar-
chical prior [Friedman and Singer, 1999]. An alternative is to main-
tain a posterior over the state clustering. Non-parametric models of
state clustering have been considered using a Chinese Restaurant Pro-
cess [Asmuth et al., 2009, Asmuth and Littman, 2011]. These could be
extended to many of the other model-based BRL methods described
above. A related approach was proposed for the case of partially ob-
servable MDPs, where the posterior is expressed over the set of latent
(unobserved) states and is represented using a hierarchical Dirichlet
process [Doshi-Velez, 2009].
A sensibly different approach proposes to express the prior over
the space of policies, rather than over the space of parametric mod-
els [Doshi-Velez et al., 2010]. The goal here is to leverage trajectories
acquired from an expert planner, which can be used to define this prior
over policies. It is assumed that the expert knew something about the
domain when computing its policy. An interesting insight is to use
the infinite POMDP model [Doshi-Velez, 2009] to specify the policy
prior, by simply reversing the role of actions and observations; a pref-
erence for simpler policies can be expressed by appropriately setting
the hyper-parameters of the hierarchical Dirichlet process.
A few works have considered the problem of model-based BRL in
cases where the underlying MDP has specific structure. In the case
of factored MDPs, Ross and Pineau [2008] show that it is possible to
simultaneously maintain a posterior over the structure and the param-
eters of the domain. The structure in this case captures the bipartite
dynamic Bayes network that describes the state-to-state transitions.
The prior over structures is maintained using an MCMC algorithm
with appropriate graph to graph transition probabilities. The prior over
model parameters is conditioned on the graph structure. Empirical re-
sults show that in some domains, it is more efficient to simultaneously
estimate the structure and the parameters, rather than estimate only
the parameters given a known structure.
When the model is parametrized, Gopalan and Mannor [2015] use
an information theoretic approach to quickly find the set of probable

parameters in a pseudo-Bayesian setting. They show that the regret

can be exponentially lower than models where the model is flat. Fur-
thermore, the analysis can be done in a frequentist fashion leading
eventually to a logarithmic regret.
In multi-task reinforcement learning, the goal is learn a good policy
over a distribution of MDPs. A naive approach would be to assume that
all observations are coming from a single model, and apply Bayesian
RL to estimate this mean model. However by considering a hierarchi-
cal infinite mixture model over MDPs (represented by a hierarchical
Dirichlet process), the agent is able to learn a distribution over differ-
ent classes of MDPs, including estimating the number of classes and
the parameters of each class [Wilson et al., 2007].
Model-free Bayesian Reinforcement Learning

As discussed in 2.4, model-free RL methods are those that do not

explicitly learn a model of the system and only use sample trajecto-
ries obtained by direct interaction with the system. In this section,
we present a family of value function Bayesian RL (BRL) methods,
called Gaussian process temporal difference (GPTD) learning, and two
families of policy search BRL techniques: a class of Bayesian policy
gradient (BPG) algorithms and a class of Bayesian actor-critic (BAC)

5.1 Value Function Algorithms

As mentioned in 2.4, value function RL methods search in the space

of value functions, functions from the state (state-action) space to real
numbers, to find the optimal value (action-value) function, and then use
it to extract an optimal policy. In this section, we focus on the policy
iteration (PI) approach and start by tackling the policy evaluation
problem, i.e., the process of estimating the value (action-value) function
V (Q ) of a given policy (see 2.4). In policy evaluation, the quantity
of interest is the value function of a given policy, which is unfortunately


hidden. However, a closely related random variable, the reward signal,

is observable. Moreover, these hidden and observable quantities are
related through the Bellman equation (Eq. 2.4). Thus, it is possible to
extract information about the value function from the noisy samples
of the reward signals. A Bayesian approach to this problem employs
the Bayesian methodology to infer a posterior distribution over value
functions, conditioned on the state-reward trajectory observed while
running a MDP. Apart from the value estimates given by the posterior
mean, a Bayesian solution also provides the variance of values around
this mean, supplying the practitioner with an accuracy measure of the
value estimates.
In the rest of this section, we study a Bayesian framework that
uses a Gaussian process (GP) approach to this problem, called Gaus-
sian process temporal difference (GPTD) learning [Engel et al., 2003,
2005a, Engel, 2005]. We then show how this Bayesian policy evaluation
method (GPTD) can be used for control (to improve the policy and to
eventually find a good or an optimal policy) and present a Bayesian
value function RL method, called GPSARSA.

5.1.1 Gaussian Process Temporal Difference Learning

Gaussian process temporal difference (GPTD) learning [Engel et al.,

2003, 2005a, Engel, 2005] is a GP-based framework that uses linear
statistical models (see 2.5.2) to relate, in a probabilistic way, the un-
derlying hidden value function with the observed rewards, for a MDP
controlled by some fixed policy . The GPTD framework may be used
with both parametric and non-parametric representations of the value
function, and applied to general MDPs with infinite state and action
spaces. Various flavors of the basic model yields several different online
algorithms, including those designed for learning action-values, pro-
viding the basis for model-free policy improvement, and thus, full PI
Since the focus of this section is on policy evaluation, to simplify
the notation, we remove the dependency to the policy and use D, P ,
R, and V instead of D , P , R , and V . As shown in 2.2, the value
V is the result of taking the expectation of the discounted return D

with respect to the randomness in the trajectory and in the rewards

collected therein (Eq. 2.3). In the classic frequentist approach, V is not
random, since it is the true, albeit unknown, value function of policy .
On the other hand, in the Bayesian approach, V is viewed as a random
entity by assigning it additional randomness due to our subjective un-
certainty regarding the MDPs transition kernel P and reward function
q (intrinsic uncertainty). We do not know what the true functions P
and q are, which means that we are also uncertain about the true value
function. We model this additional extrinsic uncertainty by defining V
as a random process indexed by the state variable x. In order to sep-
arate the two sources of uncertainty inherent in the discounted return
process D, we decompose it as
D(s) = E D(s) + D(s) E D(s) = V (s) + V (s), (5.1)
V (s) = D(s) V (s) (5.2)
is a zero-mean residual. When the MDPs model is known, V becomes
deterministic and the randomness in D is fully attributed to the intrin-
sic randomness in the state-reward trajectory, modelled by V . On the
other hand, in a MDP in which both the transitions and rewards are
deterministic but unknown, V becomes zero (deterministic), and the
randomness in D is due solely to the extrinsic uncertainty, modelled by
We write the following Bellman-like equation for D using its defi-
nition (Eq. 2.2)
D(s) = R(s) + D(s0 ), s0 P (|s). (5.3)
Substituting Eq. 5.1 into Eq. 5.3 and rearranging we obtain1
R(s) = V (s) V (s0 ) + N (s, s0 ), s0 P (|s), where
N (s, s0 ) = V (s) V (s0 ). (5.4)
When we are provided with a system trajectory of size T , we write the
model-equation (5.4) for , resulting in the following set of T equations
R(st ) = V (st ) V (st+1 ) + N (st , st+1 ), t = 0, . . . , T 1. (5.5)
Note that in Eq. 5.4, we removed the dependency of N to policy and replaced
N with N .

By defining RT = R(s0 ), . . . , R(sT 1 ) , V T +1 =
> >
V (s0 ), . . . , V (sT ) , and N T = N (s0 , s1 ), . . . , N (sT 1 , sT ) ,
we write the above set of T equations as

RT = HV T +1 + N T , (5.6)

where H is the following T (T + 1) matrix:

1 0 . . . 0 0

0 1 . . . 0 0

H= .. .. .. .. .. . (5.7)
. . . . .

0 0 0 . . . 1
Note that in episodic problems, if a goal-state is reached at time-step
T , the final equation in (5.5) is

R(sT 1 ) = V (sT 1 ) + N (sT 1 , sT ), (5.8)

and thus, Eq. 5.6 becomes

RT = HV T + N T , (5.9)

where H is the following T T square invertible matrix with determi-

nant equal to 1,

1 0 ... 0 0
2 . . . T 1

0 1 ... 0 0
. . . T 2

.. .. .. .. ..
0 1
H = and H 1 = .

. . . . . .. .. .. ..
. . . .
0 0 0 ... 1
0 0 0 ... 1
0 0 0 ... 0 1

Figure 5.1 illustrates the conditional dependency relations between the

latent value variables V (st ), the noise variables V (st ), and the ob-
servable rewards R(st ). Unlike the GP regression diagram of Figure 2.1,
there are vertices connecting variables from different time steps, making
the ordering of samples important. Since the diagram in Figure 5.1 is
for the episodic setting, also note that for the last state in each episode
(sT 1 in this figure), R(sT 1 ) depends only on V (sT 1 ) and V (sT 1 )
(as in Eqs. 5.8 and 5.9).

V (s0 ) V (s1 ) V (s2 ) V (sT 2 ) V (sT 1 )

R(s0 ) R(s1 ) R(sT 2 ) R(sT 1 )

V (s0 ) V (s1 ) V (s2 ) V (sT 2 ) V (sT 1 )

Figure 5.1: A graph illustrating the conditional independencies between the latent
V (st ) value variables (bottom row), the noise variables V (st ) (top row), and the
observable R(st ) reward variables (middle row), in the GPTD model. As in the case
of GP regression, all of the V (st ) variables should be connected by arrows, due to
the dependencies introduced by the prior. To avoid cluttering the diagram, this was
marked by the dashed frame surrounding them.

In order to fully define a probabilistic generative model, we also

need to specify the distribution of the noise process N T . In order to
derive the noise distribution, we make the following two assumptions
(see Appendix B for a discussion about these assumptions):

Assumption A2 The residuals V T +1 = V (s0 ), . . . , V (sT )
can be modeled as a Gaussian process.

Assumption A3 Each of the residuals V (st ) is generated indepen-

dently of all the others, i.e., E V (si )V (sj ) = 0, for i 6= j.

By definition (Eq. 5.2), E V (s) = 0 for all s. Using Assump-
tion A3, it is easy to show that E V (xt )2 = Var D(xt ) . Thus, de-

noting Var D(xt ) = t2 , Assumption A2 may be written as V T +1


N 0, diag( T +1 ) . Since N T = HV T +1 , we have N T N (0, )

= H diag( T +1 )H > (5.11)

0 + 2 12 12

0 ... 0 0
1 + 2 22
22 ... 0 0

.. .. .. .. ..
= .

. . . . .
0 0 0 ... T2 2 + 2 T2 1 T2 1
0 0 0 ... T2 1 T2 1
+ 2 T2

Eq. 5.11 indicates that the Gaussian noise process N T is colored with
a tri-diagonal covariance matrix. If we assume that for all t = 0, . . . , T ,
t = , then diag( T +1 ) = 2 I and Eq. 5.11 may be simplified and
written as

1 + 2 0 ... 0 0
1 + 2 . . . 0 0

.. .. .. .. ..

2 > 2
= HH = .

. . . . .
0 0 0 ... 1 + 2

0 0 0 ... 1 + 2

Eq. 5.6 (or in case of episodic problems Eq. 5.9), along with the
measurement noise distribution of Eq. 5.11, and a prior distribution
for V (defined either parametrically or non-parametrically, see 2.5.2),
completely specify a statistical generative model relating the value and
reward random processes. In order to infer value estimates from a se-
quence of observed rewards, Bayes rule can be applied to this gener-
ative model to derive a posterior distribution over the value function
conditioned on the observed rewards.
In the case in which we place a Gaussian prior over V T , both V T
and N T are normally distributed, and thus, the generative model of
Eq. 5.6 (Eq. 5.9) will belong to the family of linear statistical models
discussed in 2.5.2. Consequently, both parametric and non-parametric
treatments of this model (see 2.5.2) may be applied in full to the gen-
erative model of Eq. 5.6 (Eq. 5.9), with H given by Eq. 5.7 (Eq. 5.10).
Figure 5.2 demonstrates how the GPTD model described in this section
is related to the family of linear statistical models and GP regression
discussed in 2.5.2.

GP Regression
Gaussian Noise
(independent of F)
General Linear
Transformation N (0, )

Y T = HF T + N T

Observable Unknown
Process Function

Linear Transformation >
N 0, = H diag( T )H
H z }| {
0 1 0 1 0 1
R(s0 ) z
2 }| {
3 V (s0 ) N (s0 , s1 )
B .. C 1 0 ... 0 0 B .. C B C ..
B . C 6 0 7B . C B C .
B C 6 1 ... 0 0 7BB C B C
B R(st ) C 6 .. .. 7 B V (st ) C B N (st , st+1 ) C
B R(st+1 ) C = 6 ... .. ..
7B +B C
B C 6 . . . . 7 B V (st+1 ) C BN (st+1 , st+2 )C
B .. C 4 0 0 0 ... 1 5B .. C B .. C
@ . A @ . A @ . A
0 0 0 ... 0 1
R(sT 1 ) V (sT 1) N (sT 1 , sT )

Observable Unknown
Process Function

R(st ) = V (st ) V (st+1 ) + N (st , st+1 )

def def
N (st , st+1 ) = V (st ) V (st+1 ) V (st ) = D(st ) V (st )

Figure 5.2: The connection between the GPTD model described in 5.1.1 and the
family of linear statistical models and GP regression discussed in 2.5.2.

We are now in a position to write a closed form expression for

the posterior moments of V , conditioned on an observed sequence
of rewards r T = r(s0 ), . . . , r(sT 1 ) , and derive GPTD-based
algorithms for value function estimation. We refer to this family of
algorithms as Monte-Carlo GPTD (MC-GPTD) algorithms.

Parametric Monte-Carlo GPTD Learning: In the parametric

setting, the value process is parameterized as V (s) = (s)> W , and
therefore, V T +1 = > W with = (s0 ), . . . , (sT ) . As in 2.5.2, if

we use the prior distribution W N (0, I), the posterior moments of

W are given by

E W |RT = r T = (> + )1 r T ,

Cov W |RT = r T = I (> + )1 > ,


where = H > . To have a smaller matrix inversion, Eq. 5.12 may

be written as

E W |RT = r T = (1 > + I)1 1 r T ,


Cov W |RT = r T = (1 > + I)1 .


Note that in episodic problems H is invertible, and thus, assuming a

constant noise variance, i.e., diag( T ) = 2 I, Eq. 5.13 becomes

E W |RT = r T = (> + 2 I)1 H 1 r T ,


Cov W |RT = r T = 2 (> + 2 I)1 .


Eq. 5.14 is equivalent to Eq. 2.22 with y T = H 1 r T (see the discussion

of Assumption A3).
Using Eq. 5.13 (or Eq. 5.14), it is possible to derive both a batch
algorithm [Engel, 2005, Algorithm 17] and a recursive online algo-
rithm [Engel, 2005, Algorithm 18] to compute the posterior moments
of the weight vector W , and thus, the value function V () = ()> W .

Non-parametric Monte-Carlo GPTD Learning: In the non-

parametric case, we bypass the parameterization of the value process
by placing a prior directly over the space of value functions. From 2.5.2
with the GP prior V T +1 N (0, K), we obtain

E V (s)|RT = r T = k(s)> ,

Cov V (s), V (s0 )|RT = r T = k(s, s0 ) k(s)> Ck(s0 ),



= H > (HKH > + )1 r T and C = H > (HKH > + )1 H.


Similar to the parametric case, assuming a constant noise variance,

Eq. 5.16 may be written for episodic problems as

= (K + 2 I)1 H 1 r T and C = (K + 2 I)1 . (5.17)

Eq. 5.17 is equivalent to Eq. 2.18 with y T = H 1 r T (see the discussion

of Assumption A3).
As in the parametric case, it is possible to derive recursive updates
for and C, and an online algorithm [Engel, 2005, Algorithm 19] to
compute the posterior moments of the value function V .

Sparse Non-parametric Monte-Carlo GPTD Learning: In

the parametric case, the computation of the posterior may be per-
formed online in O(n2 ) time per sample and O(n2 ) memory, where
n is the number of basis functions used to approximate V . In the
non-parametric case, we have a new basis function for each new
sample we observe, making the cost of adding the tth sample O(t2 ) in
both time and memory. This would seem to make the non-parametric
form of GPTD computationally infeasible except in small and sim-
ple problems. However, the computational cost of non-parametric
GPTD can be reduced by using an online sparsification method
([Engel et al., 2002], [Engel, 2005, Chapter 2]), to a level where it
can be efficiently implemented online. In many cases, this results
in significant computational savings, both in terms of memory and
time, when compared to the non-sparse solution. For the resulting
algorithm, we refer the readers to the sparse non-parametric GPTD al-
gorithm in [Engel et al., 2005a, Table 1] or [Engel, 2005, Algorithm 20].

5.1.2 Connections with Other TD Methods

In 5.1.1, we showed that the stochastic GPTD model is equivalent to
GP regression on MC samples of the discounted return (see the discus-
sion of Assumption A3). Engel [Engel, 2005] showed that by suitably se-
lecting the noise covariance matrix in the stochastic GPTD model, it
is possible to obtain GP-based variants of LSTD() algorithm [Bradtke

and Barto, 1996, Boyan, 1999]. The main idea is to obtain the value
of the weight vector W in the parametric GPTD model by carrying
out maximum likelihood (ML) inference (W is the value for which the
observed data is most likely to be generated by the stochastic GPTD
model). This allows us to derive LSTD() for each value of 1, as an
ML solution arising from some GPTD generative model with a specific
noise covariance matrix .

5.1.3 Policy Improvement with GPSARSA

SARSA [Rummery and Niranjan, 1994] is a straightforward extension

of the TD algorithm [Sutton, 1988] to control, in which action-values
are estimated. This allows policy improvement steps to be performed
without requiring any additional knowledge of the MDP model. The
idea is that under the policy , we may define a process with state
space Z = S A (the space of state-action pairs) and the reward
model of the MDP. This process is Markovian with transition density
P (z 0 |z) = P (s0 |s)(a0 |s0 ), where z = (s, a) and z 0 = (s0 , a0 ) (see 2.2
for more details on this process). SARSA is simply the TD algorithm
applied to this process. The same reasoning may be applied to derive
a GPSARSA algorithm from a GPTD algorithm. This is equivalent
to rewriting the model-equations of 5.1.1 for the action-value function
Q , which is a function of z, instead of the value function V , a function
of s.
In the non-parametric setting, we simple need to define a covariance
kernel function over state-action pairs, i.e., k : Z Z R. Since states
and actions are different entities, it makes sense to decompose k into
a state-kernel ks and an action-kernel ka : k(z, z 0 ) = ks (s, s0 )ka (a, a0 ). If
both ks and ka are kernels, we know that k is also a kernel [Schlkopf
and Smola, 2002, Shawe-Taylor and Cristianini, 2004]. The state and
action kernels encode our prior beliefs on value correlations between
different states and actions, respectively. All that remains is to run the
GPTD algorithms (sparse, batch, online) on the state-action-reward
sequence using the new state-action kernel. Action selection may be
performed by the -greedy exploration strategy. The main difficulty
that may arise here is in finding the greedy action from a large or

infinite number of possible actions (when |A| is large or infinite). This

may be solved by sampling the value estimates for a few randomly
chosen actions and find the greedy action among only them. However,
an ideal approach would be to design the action-kernel in such a way
as to provide a closed-form expression for the greedy action. Similar to
the non-parametric setting, in the parametric case, deriving GPSARSA
algorithms from their GPTD counterparts is still straightforward; we
just need to define a set of basis functions over Z and use them to
approximate action-value functions.

5.1.4 Related Work

Another approach to employ GPs in RL was proposed by Rasmussen

and Kuss [Rasmussen and Kuss, 2004]. The approach taken in this work
is notably different from the generative approach of the GPTD frame-
work. Two GPs are used in [Rasmussen and Kuss, 2004], one to learn
the MDPs transition model and one to estimate the value function.
This leads to an inherently offline algorithm. There are several other
limitations to this framework. First, the state dynamics is assumed to
be factored, in the sense that each state coordinate evolves in time in-
dependently of all others. This is a rather strong assumption that is not
likely to be satisfied in most real problems. Second, it is assumed that
the reward function is completely known in advance, and is of a very
special form either polynomial or Gaussian. Third, the covariance
kernels used are also restricted to be either polynomial or Gaussian or
a mixture of the two, due to the need to integrate over products of
GPs. Finally, the value function is only modelled at a predefined set of
support states, and is solved only for them. No method is proposed to
ensure that this set of states is representative in any way.
Similar to most kernel-based methods, the choice of prior distri-
bution significantly affects the empirical performance of the learning
algorithm. Reisinger et al. [Reisinger et al., 2008] proposed an online
model (prior covariance function) selection method for GPTD using
sequential Monte-Carlo methods and showed that their method yields
better asymptotic performance than standard GPTD for many differ-
ent kernel families.

5.2 Bayesian Policy Gradient

Policy gradient (PG) methods are RL algorithms that maintain a class

of smoothly parameterized stochastic policies (|s; ), s S, ,
and update the policy parameters by adjusting them in the direction
of an estimate of the gradient of a performance measure (e.g., [Williams,
1992, Marbach, 1998, Baxter and Bartlett, 2001]). As an illustration of
such a parameterized policy, consider the following example:
Example 5.1 (Online shop parameterized policy). Recall the online
shop domain of Example 1.1. Assume that for each customer state
s X , and advertisement a A, we are given a set of n numeric
values (s, a) Rn that represent some features of the state and action.
For example, these features could be the number of items in the cart,
the average price of items in the cart, the age of the customer, etc. A
popular parametric policy representation is the softmax policy, defined
exp > (s, a)
(a|s; ) = P  .
> 0
a0 A exp (s, a )
The intuition behind this policy, is that if is chosen such that
> (s, a) is an approximation of the state-action value function Q(s, a),
then the softmax policy is an approximation of the greedy policy with
respect to Q which is the optimal policy.
The performance of a policy is often measured by its expected
return, (), defined by Eq. 2.1. Since in this setting a policy is
represented by its parameters , policy dependent functions such as
() and Pr ; ) may be written as () and Pr(; ).
The score function or likelihood ratio method has become the
most prominent technique for gradient estimation from simulation
(e.g., Glynn [1990], Williams [1992]). This method estimates the gra-
dient of the expected return with respect to the policy parameters ,
defined by Eq. 2.1, using the following equation:2
Pr(; )
() = () Pr(; )d. (5.18)
Pr(; )
We use the notation to denote the gradient with respect to the policy

In Eq. 5.18, the quantity

Pr(; )
u(; ) = = log Pr(; ) (5.19)
Pr(; )
TX 1
(at |st ; ) TX
= = log (at |st ; )
(at |st ; ) t=0

is called the (Fisher) score function or likelihood ratio of trajectory

under policy . Most of the work on PG has used classical Monte-Carlo
(MC) to estimate the (integral) gradient in Eq. 5.18. These methods
(in their simplest form) generate M i.i.d. sample paths 1 , . . . , M ac-
cording to Pr(; ), and estimate the gradient () using the unbiased
MC estimator
M M TXi 1
1 X 1 X
c = (i ) log Pr(i ; ) = (i ) log (at,i |st,i ; ).
M i=1 M i=1 t=0

Both theoretical results and empirical evaluations have highlighted a

major shortcoming of these algorithms: namely, the high variance of
the gradient estimates, which in turn results in sample-inefficiency
(e.g., Marbach [1998], Baxter and Bartlett [2001]). Many solutions have
been proposed for this problem, each with its own pros and cons. In
this section, we describe Bayesian policy gradient (BPG) algorithms
that tackle this problem by using a Bayesian alternative to the MC
estimation of Eq. 5.20 [Ghavamzadeh and Engel, 2006]. These BPG al-
gorithms are based on Bayesian quadrature, i.e., a Bayesian approach
to integral evaluation, proposed by OHagan [OHagan, 1991].3 The al-
gorithms use Gaussian processes (GPs) to define a prior distribution
over the gradient of the expected return, and compute its posterior
conditioned on the observed data. This reduces the number of samples
needed to obtain accurate (integral) gradient estimates. Moreover, es-
timates of the natural gradient as well as a measure of the uncertainty
in the gradient estimates, namely the gradient covariance, are provided
at little extra cost. In the next two sections, we first briefly describe
OHagan [OHagan, 1991] mentions that this approach may be traced even as
far back as the work by Poincar [Poincar, 1896].

Bayesian quadrature and then present the BPG models and algorithms.

5.2.1 Bayesian Quadrature

Bayesian quadrature (BQ) [OHagan, 1991], as its name suggests, is a
Bayesian method for evaluating an integral using samples of its inte-
grand. Let us consider the problem of evaluating the following integral4
= f (x)g(x)dx. (5.21)

BQ is based on the following reasoning: In the Bayesian approach, f ()

is random simply because it is unknown. We are therefore uncertain
about the value of f (x) until we actually evaluate it. In fact, even
then, our uncertainty is not always completely removed, since measured
samples of f (x) may be corrupted by noise. Modeling f as a GP means
that our uncertainty is completely accounted for by specifying a Normal
prior distribution over the functions, f () N f(), k(, ) , i.e.,

E f (x) = f(x) and Cov f (x), f (x0 ) = k(x, x0 ), x, x0 X .


The choice of kernel function k allows us to incorporate prior knowl-

edge on the smoothness properties of the integrand into the estima-
tion procedure. When we are provided with a set of samples DM =
xi , y(xi ) i=1 , where y(xi ) is a (possibly noisy) sample of f (xi ), we
apply Bayes rule to condition the prior on these sampled values. If
the measurement noise is normally distributed, the result is a Normal
posterior distribution of f |DM . The expressions for the posterior mean
and covariance are standard (see Eqs. 2.142.16):

E f (x)|DM = f(x) + k(x)> C(y f),


Cov f (x), f (x0 )|DM = k(x, x0 ) k(x)> Ck(x0 ),


where K is the kernel (or Gram) matrix, and []i,j is the measure-
ment noise covariance between the ith and jth samples. It is typically
Similar to [OHagan, 1991], here for simplicity we consider the case where the
integral to be estimated is a scalar-valued integral. However, the results of this
section can be extended to vector-valued integrals, such as the gradient of the ex-
pected return with respect to the policy parameters that we shall study in 5.2.2
(see Ghavamzadeh et al. [2013]).

assumed that the measurement noise is i.i.d., in which case = 2 I,

where 2 is the noise variance and I is the (M M ) identity matrix.
> >
f = f(x1 ), . . . , f(xM ) , k(x) = k(x1 , x), . . . , k(xM , x) ,
y = y(x1 ), . . . , y(xM ) , [K]i,j = k(xi , xj ), C = (K + )1 .
Since integration is a linear operation, the posterior distribution of
the integral in Eq. 5.21 is also Gaussian, and the posterior moments
are given by [OHagan, 1991]
E[|DM ] = E f (x)|DM g(x)dx,
Cov f (x), f (x0 )|DM g(x)g(x0 )dxdx0 .
Var[|DM ] = (5.23)
Substituting Eq. 5.22 into Eq. 5.23, we obtain
E[|DM ] = 0 + b> C(y f) and Var[|DM ] = b0 b> Cb,
where we made use of the definitions
0 = f(x)g(x)dx , b = k(x)g(x)dx , b0 = k(x, x0 )g(x)g(x0 )dxdx0 .
Note that 0 and b0 are the prior mean and variance of , respectively. It
is important to note that in order to prevent the problem from degen-
erating into infinite regress, as phrased by OHagan [OHagan, 1991],
we should decompose the integrand into parts: f (the GP part) and g,
and select the GP prior, i.e., prior mean f and covariance k, so as to
allow us to solve the integrals in Eq. 5.24 analytically. Otherwise, we
begin with evaluating one integral (Eq. 5.21) and end up with evaluat-
ing three integrals (Eq. 5.24).

5.2.2 Bayesian Policy Gradient Algorithms

In this section, we describe the Bayesian policy gradient (BPG) algo-
rithms [Ghavamzadeh and Engel, 2006]. These algorithms use Bayesian
quadrature (BQ) to estimate the gradient of the expected return with
respect to the policy parameters (Eq. 5.18). In the Bayesian approach,
the expected return of the policy characterized by the parameters
B () = () Pr(; )d (5.25)

is a random variable because of our subjective Bayesian uncertainty

concerning the process generating the return. Under the quadratic loss,
the optimal Bayesian performance measure is the posterior expected
value of B (), E B ()|DM . However, since we are interested in op-
timizing the performance rather than in evaluating it, we would rather
evaluate the posterior mean of the gradient of B () with respect to
the policy parameters , i.e.,
E B ()|DM = E B ()|DM (5.26)
Pr(; )
=E () Pr(; )d DM .

Pr(; )

Gradient Estimation: In BPG, we cast the problem of estimating the

gradient of the expected return (Eq. 5.26) in the form of Eq. 5.21 and
use the BQ approach described in 5.2.1. We partition the integrand
into two parts, f (; ) and g(; ), model f as a GP, and assume that
g is a function known to us. We then proceed by calculating the pos-
terior moments of the gradient B () conditioned on the observed
data. Ghavamzadeh and Engel [Ghavamzadeh and Engel, 2006] pro-
posed two different ways of partitioning the integrand in Eq. 5.26, re-
sulting in the two distinct Bayesian models summarized in Table 5.1
(see Ghavamzadeh et al. [2013], for more details). Figure 5.3 shows
how the BQ approach has been used in each of the two BPG models
of [Ghavamzadeh and Engel, 2006], summarized in Table 5.1, as well
as in the Bayesian actor-critic (BAC) formulation of 5.3.
It is important to note that in both models () belongs to the GP
part, i.e., f (; ). This is because in general, () cannot be known
exactly, even for a given (due to the stochasticity of the rewards),
but can be estimated for a sample trajectory . The more impor-
tant and rather critical point is that Pr(; ) cannot belong to ei-
ther the f (; ) or g(; ) part of the model, since it is not known
(in model-free setting) and cannot be estimated for a sample trajec-
tory . However, Ghavamzadeh and Engel [Ghavamzadeh and Engel,
2006] showed that interestingly, it is sufficient to assign Pr(; ) to the
g(; ) part of the model and use an appropriate Fisher kernel (see Ta-
ble 5.1 for the kernels), rather than having exact knowledge of Pr(; )

BPG Model 1 Modeled as GP

Bayesian Quadrature Z z }| {
rB () = () r log Pr(; ) Pr(; ) d
| {z }
E f(x)|DM , Cov f(x), f(x0 )|DM
BPG Model 2 Modeled
as GP
Z z}|{
Z z}|{
as GP rB () = () r log Pr(; ) Pr(; ) d
| {z }
= f (x) g(x) dx g

| {z } BAC
as GP
E[|DM ] , Var[|DM ] f
Z z }| {
r() = dsda (s; ) r(a|s; ) Q(s, a; )
| {z }

Figure 5.3: The connection between BQ and the two BPG models of [Ghavamzadeh
and Engel, 2006], and the Bayesian actor-critic (BAC) formulation of 5.3.

Model 1 Model 2
Deter. factor (g) g(; ) = Pr(; ) g(; ) =
Pr(; )
GP factor (f ) f (; ) = () log Pr(; ) f () = ()
Measurement (y) y(; ) = () log Pr(; ) y() = ()
Prior mean of f E fj (; ) = 0 E f () = 0
Cov fj (; ), f` ( 0 ; ) Cov f (), f ( 0 )
Prior Cov. of f
= j,` k(, 0 ) = k(, 0 )
Kernel function k(, 0 ) = k(, 0 ) =
1 + u()> G1 u( 0 ) u()> G1 u( 0 )
E B ()|DM Y Cb BCy
(b0 b> Cb)I B 0 BCB >
Cov B ()|DM
b or B (b)i = 1 + u(i )> G1 u(i ) B=U
b0 or B 0 b0 = 1 + n B0 = G

Table 5.1: Summary of the Bayesian policy gradient Models 1 and 2.

itself (see Ghavamzadeh et al. [2013] for more details).

In Model 1, a vector-valued GP prior is placed over f (; ). This
induces a GP prior over the corresponding noisy measurement y(; ).
It is assumed that each component of f (; ) may be evaluated inde-

pendently of all other components, and thus, the same kernel function
K and noise covariance are used for all components of f (; ). Hence
for the jth component of f and y we have a priori
f j = fj (1 ; ), . . . , fj (M ; ) N (0, K),
y j = yj (1 ; ), . . . , yj (M ; ) N (0, K + ).

This vector-valued GP model gives us the posterior mean and covari-

ance of B () reported in Table 5.1m in which Y = y > >
1 ; . . . ; yn ,
C = (K + )1 , n is the number of policy parameters, and G() is
the Fisher information matrix of policy defined as5
u()u()> Pr(; )d,

G() = E u()u() = (5.27)

where u() is the score function of trajectory defined by Eq. 5.19.

Note that the choice of the kernel k allows us to derive closed form
expressions for b and b0 , and, as a result k is the quadratic Fisher
kernel for the posterior moments of the gradient (see Table 5.1).
In Model 2, g is a vector-valued function and f is a scalar valued
GP representing the expected return of the path given as its argument.
The noisy measurement corresponding to f (i ) is y(i ) = (i ), namely,
the actual return accrued while following the path i . This GP model
gives us the posterior mean and covariance of B () reported in Ta-
ble 5.1 in which y = (1 ), . . . , (M ) and U = u(1 ), . . . , u(M ) .
Here the choice of kernel k allows us to derive closed-form expressions
for B and B 0 , and as a result, k is again the Fisher kernel for the
posterior moments of the gradient (see Table 5.1).
Note that the choice of Fisher-type kernels is motivated by the
notion that a good representation should depend on the process gen-
erating the data (see Jaakkola and Haussler [1999], Shawe-Taylor and
Cristianini [2004], for a thorough discussion). The particular selection
of linear and quadratic Fisher kernels is guided by the desideratum
that the posterior moments of the gradient be analytically tractable as
discussed at the end of 5.2.1.
To simplify notation, we omit Gs dependence on the policy parameters , and
denote G() as G in the rest of this section.

The above two BPG models can define Bayesian algorithms for eval-
uating the gradient of the expected return with respect to the policy
parameters (see [Ghavamzadeh and Engel, 2006] and [Ghavamzadeh
et al., 2013] for the pseudo-code of the resulting algorithms). It is im-
portant to note that computing the quadratic and linear Fisher kernels
used in Models 1 and 2 requires calculating the Fisher information
matrix G() (Eq. 5.27). Consequently, every time the policy parame-
ters are updated, G needs to be recomputed. Ghavamzadeh and En-
gel [Ghavamzadeh and Engel, 2006] suggest two possible approaches
for online estimation of the Fisher information matrix.
Similar to most non-parametric methods, the Bayesian gradient
evaluation algorithms can be made more efficient, both in time and
memory, by sparsifying the solution. Sparsification also helps to nu-
merically stabilize the algorithms when the kernel matrix is singular,
or nearly so. Ghavamzadeh et al. [Ghavamzadeh et al., 2013] show how
one can incrementally perform such sparsification in their Bayesian gra-
dient evaluation algorithms, i.e., how to selectively add a new observed
path to a set of dictionary paths used as a basis for representing or
approximating the full solution.

Policy Improvement: Ghavamzadeh and Engel [Ghavamzadeh and

Engel, 2006] also show how their Bayesian algorithms for estimating
the gradient can be used to define a Bayesian policy gradient algo-
rithm. The algorithm starts with an initial set of policy parameters 0 ,
and at each iteration j, updates the parameters in the direction of the
posterior mean of the gradient of the expected return E B ( j )|DM
estimated by their Bayesian gradient evaluation algorithms. This is
repeated N times, or alternatively, until the gradient estimate is suffi-
ciently close to zero. Since the Fisher information matrix, G, and the
posterior distribution (both mean and covariance) of the gradient of the
expected return are estimated at each iteration of this algorithm, we
may make the following modifications in the resulting Bayesian policy
gradient algorithm at little extra cost:

Update the policy parameters in the direction of the natural gra-

dient, G()1 E B ()|DM , instead of the regular gradient,

E B ()|DM .

Use the posterior covariance of the gradient of the expected return

as a measure of the uncertainty in the gradient estimate, and
thus, as a measure to tune the step-size parameter in the gradient
update (the larger the posterior variance the smaller the step-
size) (see the experiments in Ghavamzadeh et al. [2013] for more
details). In a similar approach, Vien et al. [Vien et al., 2011] used
BQ to estimate the Hessian matrix distribution and then used
its mean as learning rate schedule to improve the performance
of BPG. They empirically showed that their method performs
better than BPG and BPG with natural gradient in terms of
convergence speed.

It is important to note that similar to the gradient estimated by

the GPOMDP algorithm of Baxter and Bartlett [Baxter and Bartlett,
2001], the gradient estimated by these algorithms, E B ()|DM , can
be used with the conjugate-gradient and line-search methods of Baxter
and Bartlett [Baxter et al., 2001] for improved use of gradient informa-
tion. This allows us to exploit the information contained in the gradient
estimate more aggressively than by simply adjusting the parameters by
a small amount in the direction of E B ()|DM .
The experiments reported in [Ghavamzadeh et al., 2013] indicate
that the BPG algorithm tends to significantly reduce the number of
samples needed to obtain accurate gradient estimates. Thus, given a
fixed number of samples per iteration, finds a better policy than MC-
based policy gradient methods. These results are in line with previous
work on BQ, for example a work by Rasmussen and Ghahramani [Ras-
mussen and Ghahramani, 2003] that demonstrates how BQ, when ap-
plied to the evaluation of an expectation, can outperform MC estima-
tion by orders of magnitude in terms of the mean-squared error.

Extension to Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes: The

above models and algorithms can be easily extended to partially ob-
servable problems without any changes using similar techniques as in
Section 6 of [Baxter and Bartlett, 2001]. This is due to the fact that

the BPG framework considers complete system trajectories as its basic

observable unit, and thus, does not require the dynamic within each
trajectory to be of any special form. This generality has the downside
that it cannot take advantage of the Markov property when the sys-
tem is Markovian (see Ghavamzadeh et al. [2013] for more details). To
address this issue, Ghavamzadeh and Engel [Ghavamzadeh and Engel,
2007] then extended their BPG framework to actor-critic algorithms
and present a new Bayesian take on the actor-critic architecture, which
is the subject of the next section.

5.3 Bayesian Actor-Critic

Another approach to reduce the variance of the policy gradient esti-

mates is to use an explicit representation for the value function of the
policy. This class of PG algorithms are called actor-critic and they were
among the earliest to be investigated in RL [Barto et al., 1983, Sut-
ton, 1984]. Unlike in 5.2 where we consider complete trajectories as
the basic observable unit, in this section we assume that the system
is Markovian, and thus, the basic observable unit is one step system
transition (state, action, next state). It can be shown that under cer-
tain regularity conditions [Sutton et al., 2000], the expected return of
policy may be written in terms of state-action pairs (instead of in
terms of trajectories as in Eq. 2.1) as
() = dz (z)
r(z), (5.28)

where z = (s, a) is a state-action pair and (z) = t P

t=0 Pt (z) is a
discounted weighting of state-action pairs encountered while following
policy . In the definition of , the term Pt (zt ) is the t-step state-
action occupancy density of policy given by
Z t
Pt (zt ) = dz0 . . . dzt1 P0 (z0 )
P (zi |zi1 ).
Zt i=1

Integrating a out of (z) = (s, a) results in the corresponding

discounted weighting of states encountered by following policy :
(s) = A da (s, a). Unlike and , (1 ) and (1 )

are distributions and are analogous to the stationary distributions over

states and state-action pairs of policy in the undiscounted setting,
The policy gradient theorem ([Marbach, 1998, Proposition 1]; [Sut-
ton et al., 2000, Theorem 1]; [Konda and Tsitsiklis, 2000, Theorem 1])
states that the gradient of the expected return, defined by Eq. 5.28, is
given by Z
() = dsda (s; )(a|s; )Q(s, a; ). (5.29)

In an AC algorithm, the actor updates the policy parameters

along the direction of an estimate of the gradient of the performance
measure (Eq. 5.29), while the critic helps the actor in this update by
providing it with an estimate of the action-value function Q(s, a; ).
In most existing AC algorithms (both conventional and natural), the
actor uses Monte-Carlo (MC) techniques to estimate the gradient of
the performance measure and the critic approximates the action-value
function using some form of temporal difference (TD) learning [Sutton,
The idea of Bayesian actor-critic (BAC) [Ghavamzadeh and Engel,
2007] is to apply the Bayesian quadrature (BQ) machinery described
in 5.2.1 to the policy gradient expression given by Eq. 5.29 in order to
reduce the variance in the gradient estimation procedure (see Figure 5.3
for the connection between the BQ machinery and BAC).
Similar to the BPG methods described in 5.2.2, in BAC, we
place a Gaussian process (GP) prior over action-value functions us-
ing a prior covariance kernel defined on state-action pairs: k(z, z 0 ) =
Cov Q(z), Q(z 0 ) . We then compute the GP posterior conditioned on

the sequence of individual observed transitions. By an appropriate

choice of a prior on action-value functions, we are able to derive closed-
form expressions for the posterior moments of (). The main ques-
tions here are: 1) how to compute the GP posterior of the action-value
function given a sequence of observed transitions? and 2) how to choose
a prior for the action-value function that allows us to derive closed-form
expressions for the posterior moments of ()? The Gaussian process
temporal difference (GPTD) method [Engel et al., 2005a] described in
5.1.1 provides a machinery for computing the posterior moments of

Q(z). After t time-steps, GPTD gives us the following posterior mo-

ments for Q (see Eqs. 5.15 and 5.16 in 5.1.1):
b t (z) = E [Q(z)|Dt ] = kt (z)> t ,
Sbt (z, z 0 ) = Cov Q(z), Q(z 0 )|Dt = k(z, z 0 ) kt (z)> C t kt (z 0 ),

where Dt denotes the observed data up to and including time step t,

kt (z) = k(z0 , z), . . . , k(zt , z) , K t = kt (z0 ), kt (z1 ), . . . , kt (zt ) ,
 1  1
t = H > >
t H t K t H t + t r t1 , Ct = H> >
t H t K t H t + t Ht .

Using the above equations for the posterior moments of Q, mak-

ing use of the linearity of Eq. 5.29 in Q, and denoting g(z; ) =
(z) log (a|s; ), the posterior moments of the policy gradient
() may be written as [OHagan, 1991]
dzg(z; )kt (z)> t ,
E ()|Dt =
dzdz 0 g(z; ) k(z, z 0 ) kt (z)> C t kt (z 0 ) g(z 0 ; )> .
Cov ()|Dt =

These equations provide us with the general form of the posterior policy
gradient moments. We are now left with a computational issue, namely,
how to compute the integrals appearing in these expressions? We need
to be able to evaluate the following integrals:
Bt = dzg(z; )kt (z)> , B0 = dzdz 0 g(z; )k(z, z 0 )g(z 0 ; )> .
Z Z2
Using the definitions of B t and B 0 , the gradient posterior moments
may be written as

Cov ()|Dt = B 0 B t C t B >

E ()|Dt = B t t , t . (5.32)

In order to render these integrals analytically tractable,

Ghavamzadeh and Engel [Ghavamzadeh and Engel, 2007] chose the
prior covariance kernel to be the sum of an arbitrary state-kernel ks

and the Fisher kernel kF between state-action pairs, i.e.,

kF (z, z 0 ) = u(z; )> G()1 u(z 0 ) ,

k(z, z 0 ) = ks (s, s0 ) + kF (z, z 0 ) ,
where u(z; ) and G() are respectively the score function and the
Fisher information matrix, defined as6

u(z; ) = log (a|s; ),

h i
G() = Es ,a log (a|s; ) log (a|s; )> (5.34)
h i
= Ez u(z; )u(z; )> .

Using the prior covariance kernel of Eq. 5.33, Ghavamzadeh and

Engel [Ghavamzadeh and Engel, 2007] showed that the integrals in
Eq. 5.31 can be computed as

Bt = U t , B 0 = G, (5.35)
where U t = u(z0 ), u(z1 ), . . . , u(zt ) . As a result, the integrals of
the gradient posterior moments (Eq. 5.32) are analytically tractable
(see Ghavamzadeh et al. [2013] for more details). An immediate conse-
quence of Eq. 5.35 is that, in order to compute the posterior moments
of the policy gradient, we only need to be able to evaluate (or estimate)
the score vectors u(zi ), i = 0, . . . , t and the Fisher information matrix
G of the policy.
Similar to the BPG method, Ghavamzadeh and En-
gel [Ghavamzadeh and Engel, 2007] suggest methods for online
estimation of the Fisher information matrix in Eq. 5.34 and for using
online sparsification to make the BAC algorithm more efficient in both
time and memory (see Ghavamzadeh et al. [2013] for more details).
They also report experimental results [Ghavamzadeh and Engel, 2007,
Ghavamzadeh et al., 2013] which indicate that the BAC algorithm
tends to significantly reduce the number of samples needed to obtain
accurate gradient estimates, and thus, given a fixed number of samples
per iteration, finds a better policy than both MC-based policy gradient
Similar to u() and G defined by Eqs. 5.19 and 5.27, to simplify the notation,
we omit the dependence of u and G to the policy parameters , and replace u(z; )
and G() with u(z) and G in the sequel.

methods and the BPG algorithm, which do not take into account the
Markovian property of the system.
Risk-aware Bayesian Reinforcement Learning

The results presented so far have all been concerned with optimiz-
ing the expected return of the policy. However, in many applications,
the decision-maker is also interested in minimizing the risk of a pol-
icy. By risk,1 we mean performance criteria that take into account not
only the expected return, but also some additional statistics of it, such
as variance, Value-at-Risk (VaR), expected shortfall (also known as
conditional-value-at-risk or CVaR), etc. The primary motivation for
dealing with risk-sensitive performance criteria comes from finance,
where risk plays a dominant role in decision-making. However, there
are many other application domains where risk is important, such as
process control, resource allocation, and clinical decision-making.
In general, there are two sources that contribute to the reward un-
certainty in MDPs: internal uncertainty and parametric uncertainty.
Internal uncertainty reflects the uncertainty of the return due to the
stochastic transitions and rewards, for a single and known MDP. Para-
metric uncertainty, on the other hand, reflects the uncertainty about
the unknown MDP parameters the transition and reward distribu-

The term risk here should not be confused with the Bayes risk, defined in Chap-
ter 3.


tions. As a concrete example of this dichotomy consider the following

two experiments. First, select a single MDP and execute some fixed pol-
icy on it several times. In each execution, the return may be different
due to the stochastic transitions and reward. This variability corre-
sponds to the internal uncertainty. In the second experiment, consider
drawing several MDPs from some distribution (typically, the posterior
distribution in a Bayesian setting). For each drawn MDP, execute the
same policy several times and compute the average return across the
executions. The variability in the average returns across the different
MDPs corresponds to the parametric type of uncertainty. The Bayesian
setting offers a framework for dealing with parameter uncertainty in a
principled manner. Therefore, work on risk-sensitive RL in the Bayesian
setting focuses on risk due to parametric uncertainty, as we shall now

Bias and Variance Approximation in Value Function Estimates

The first result we discuss concerns policy evaluation. Mannor et
al. [Mannor et al., 2007] derive approximations to the bias and variance
of the value function of a fixed policy due to parametric uncertainty.
Consider an MDP M with unknown transition probabilities P ,2 a
Dirichlet prior on the transitions, and assume that we have observed
n(s, a, s0 ) transitions from state s to state s0 under action a. Recall that
the posterior transition probabilities are also Dirichlet, and may be cal-
culated as outlined in Consider also a stationary Markov policy
, and let P denote the unknown transition probabilities induced by
in the unknown MDP M and V denote the corresponding value
function. Recall that V is the solution to the Bellman equation (2.4)
and may be written explicitly as V = (I P )1 R , where we re-
call that R denotes the expected rewards induced by . The Bayesian
formalism allows the calculation of the posterior mean and covariance
of V , given the observations.
Following the framework of Chapter 4, we assume that the rewards are known
and only the transitions are unknown. The following results may be extended to
cases where the rewards are also unknown, as outlined in 4.7.
Note that this is similar to the BAMDP formulation of 4.1, where the hyper-
state encodes the posterior probabilities of the transitions given the observations.

Let P (s0 |s, a) = Epost P (s0 |s, a) denote the expected transi-

tion probabilities with respect to their posterior distribution, and let

P (s0 |s) = 0
a (a|s)P (s |s, a) denote the expected transitions in-

duced by . We denote by V = (I P )1 R the estimated value

function. Also, let e denote a vector of ones. The posterior mean and
covariance of V are given in the following two theorems:

Theorem 6.1. [Mannor et al., 2007] The expectation (under the pos-
terior) of V satisfies

Epost [V ] = V + 2 X
Q V + B
+ Lbias ,
where X = I P , and the vector B and matrix Q are computed
according to
i = (a|i)2 R(i, a)e> M ,i ,
i,a X
(i) X
i,j = Cov (i) = i,a ,
Q j, ,i in which Cov (a|i)2 M

where the matrix M i,a is the posterior covariance matrix of P (|s, a),
and higher order terms
h i
k E fk (P ) R ,
Lbias =
in which P = P P , and fk (P ) = X .

Theorem 6.2. [Mannor et al., 2007] Using the same notations as The-
orem 6.1, the second moment (under the posterior) of V satisfies


Epost V V > = V V + X
2 Q V R > + R V > Q>

> + R B> + W X > + Lvar ,

+ BR

is a diagonal matrix with elements

where W
i,i = i,a V + R(i, a)e> ,
(a|i)2 V + R(i, a)e M

and higher order terms

h i
k+l E fk (P )R R> fl (P )> .
Lvar =

It is important to note that except for the higher order terms Lbias
and Lvar , the terms in Theorems 6.1 and 6.2 do not depend on the
unknown transitions, and thus, may be calculated from the data. This
results in a second-order approximation of the bias and variance of V ,
which may be used to derive confidence intervals around the estimated
value function. This approximation was also used by Delage and Man-
nor [Delage and Mannor, 2010] for risk-sensitive policy optimization,
as we describe next.

Percentile Criterion
Consider again a setting where n(s, a, s0 ) transitions from state s to
state s0 under action a from MDP M were observed, and let Ppost de-
note the posterior distribution of the transition probabilities in M given
these observations. Delage and Mannor [Delage and Mannor, 2010] in-
vestigate the percentile criterion 4 for M, defined as

max y
" # !
s.t. Ppost E R(Zt ) Z0 P0 , y 1 ,


where Ppost denotes the probability of drawing a transition matrix P 0

from the posterior distribution of the transitions, and the expectation
is with respect to a concrete realization of that P 0 . Note that the value
of the optimization problem in (6.1) is a (1)-guarantee to the perfor-
mance of the optimal policy with respect to the parametric uncertainty.
Unfortunately, solving (6.1) for general uncertainty in the param-
eters is NP-hard [Delage and Mannor, 2010]. However, for the case of
a Dirichlet prior, the 2nd order approximation of Theorem 6.1 may be
used to derive an approximately optimal solution.
This is similar to the popular financial risk measure Value-at-Risk (VaR). How-
ever, note that VaR is typically used in the context of internal uncertainty.

Let F () denote the 2nd order approximation5 of the expected re-

turn under policy and initial state distribution P0 (cf. Theorem 6.1)
F () = P0> V + 2 P0> X
Q V .

The next result of [Delage and Mannor, 2010] shows that given enough
observations, optimizing F () leads to an approximate solution of the
percentile problem (6.1).
Theorem 6.3. [Delage and Mannor, 2010] Let N =
mins,a s0 n(s, a, s0 ) denote the minimum number of state transi-

tions observed from any state using any action, and  (0, 0.5]. The
= arg max F ()

is O 1/ N optimal with respect to the percentile optimization cri-

terion (6.1).
Note that, as discussed earlier, F () may be efficiently evaluated for
every . However, F () is non-convex in , but empirically, global op-
timization techniques for maximizing F () lead to useful solutions [De-
lage and Mannor, 2010].
Delage and Mannor [Delage and Mannor, 2010] also consider a case
where the state transitions are known, but there is uncertainty in the
reward distribution. For general reward distributions the corresponding
percentile optimization problem is also NP-hard. However, for the case
of a Gaussian prior, the resulting optimization problem is a second-
order cone program, for which efficient solutions are known.

Max-Min Criterion
Consider the percentile criterion (6.1) in the limit of  0. In this
case, we are interested in the performance under the worst realizable
posterior transition probability, i.e.,
" #
max min E t R(Zt ) Z0 P0 , P, , (6.2)

P Ppost
Note that the 1st order term is ignored, since it would cancel anyway in the
optimization that follows.

where Ppost denotes the set of all realizable transition probabilities in

the posterior. For the case of a Dirichlet prior, this criterion is useless,
as the set Ppost contains the entire simplex for each state. Bertuccelli
et al. [Bertuccelli et al., 2012] consider instead a finite subset6 Ppost
Ppost , and minimize only over the set Ppost , resulting in the following
" #
max min E R(Zt ) Z0 P0 , P, . (6.3)


Given a set Ppost , the optimization in (6.3) may be solved efficiently

using min-max dynamic programming. Thus, the real question is how
to construct Ppost . Naturally, the construction of Ppost should reflect
the posterior distribution of transition probabilities. One approach is to
construct it from a finite number of models sampled from the posterior
distribution, reminiscent of Thompson sampling. However, as claimed
in [Bertuccelli et al., 2012], this approach requires a very large number
of samples in order to adequately represent the posterior.
Alternatively, Bertuccelli et al. [Bertuccelli et al., 2012] propose a
deterministic sampling procedure for the Dirichlet distribution based
on sigma-points. In simple terms, sigma-points are points placed around
the posterior mean and spaced proportionally to the posterior vari-
ance. The iterative algorithm of [Bertuccelli et al., 2012] consists of two
phases. In the first phase, the already observed transitions are used to
derive the posterior Dirichlet distribution, for which an optimal pol-
icy is derived by solving (6.3). In the second phase, this policy is then
acted upon in the system to generate additional observations. As more
data become available, the posterior variance decreases and the sigma
points become closer, leading to convergence of the algorithm.

Percentile Measures Criteria

The NP-hardness of the percentile criterion for general uncertainty
structures motivates a search for more tractable risk-aware performance
criteria. Chen and Bowling [Chen and Bowling, 2012] propose to re-
place the individual percentile with a measure over percentiles. For-
This is also known as a set of scenarios.

mally, given a measure over the interval [0, 1], consider the following
optimization problem:
max y(x)d
,yF x
" T # !
s.t. Ppost E R(Zt ) Z0 P0 , y(x) x x [0, 1],

where F is the class of real-valued and bounded -integrable functions
on the interval [0, 1], Ppost denotes the probability of drawing a tran-
sition matrix P 0 from the posterior distribution of the transitions (as
before), and the expectation is with respect to a concrete realization of
that P 0 . Note that here the horizon is T and there is no discounting,
as opposed to the infinite horizon discounted setting discussed earlier.
The percentile measure criterion (6.4) may be seen as a generaliza-
tion of the percentile criterion (6.1), which is obtained by setting to
a Dirac delta at 1 . In addition, when is uniform on [0, 1], (6.4) is
equivalent to the expected value of Theorem 6.1, and when is a delta
Dirac at 0, we obtain the max-min criterion (6.2). Finally, when is a
step function, an expected shortfall (CVaR) criterion is obtained.
Chen and Bowling [Chen and Bowling, 2012] introduce the k-of-N
family of percentile measures, which admits an efficient solution under
a general uncertainty structure. For a policy , the k-of-N measure
is equivalent to the following sampling procedure: first draw N MDPs
according to the posterior distribution, then select a set of the k MDPs
with the worst expected performance under policy , and finally choose
a random MDP from this set (according to a uniform distribution). By
selecting suitable k and N , the k-of-N measure may be tuned to closely
approximate the CVaR or max-min criterion.
The main reason for using the k-of-N measure is that the above
sampling procedure may be seen as a two-player zero-sum extensive-
form game with imperfect information, which may be solved efficiently
using counterfactual regret minimization. This results in the following
convergence guarantee:

Theorem 6.4. [Chen and Bowling, 2012] For any  > 0 and (0, 1],

2 2 16T 2 2 |I1 |2 |A|
T = 1 + ,
2 2
where T is the maximum difference in total reward over T steps.
With probability 1 , the current strategy at iteration T , chosen
uniformly at random from the interval [1, T], is an -approximation
to a solution of (6.4) when is a k-of-N measure. The total time
|I1 |3 |A|3 N log N

complexity is O (T /) 2 , where |I1 | O (|S|T ) for
arbitrary reward uncertainty and |I1 | O |S|T +1 AT for arbitrary
transition and reward uncertainty.

The exponential dependence on the horizon T in Theorem 6.4 is due

to the fact that an optimal policy for the risk-sensitive criterion (6.4)
is not necessarily Markov and may depend on the complete history. In
comparison, the previous results avoided this complication by search-
ing only in the space of Markov policies. An interesting question is
whether other choices of measure admit an efficient solution. Chen
and Bowling [Chen and Bowling, 2012] provide the following sufficient
condition for tractability:

Theorem 6.5. [Chen and Bowling, 2012] Let be an absolutely contin-

uous measure with density function g , such that g is non-increasing
and piecewise Lipschitz continuous with m pieces and Lipschitz con-
stant L. A solution of (6.4)
n can be approximated
o with high probability
1 1
in time polynomial in |A|, |S|, , L, m,  , for (i) arbitrary reward
uncertainty with time also polynomial in the horizon or (ii) arbitrary
transition and reward uncertainty with a fixed horizon.

Note that in line with the previous hardness results, both the CVaR
and max-min criteria may be represented using a non-increasing and
piecewise Lipschitz continuous measure, while the percentile criterion
may not.
BRL Extensions

In this section, we discuss extensions of the Bayesian reinforcement

learning (BRL) framework to the following classes of problems: PAC-
Bayes model selection, inverse RL, multi-agent RL, and multi-task RL.

7.1 PAC-Bayes Model Selection

While Bayesian RL provides a rich framework for incorporating domain

knowledge, one of the often mentioned limitations is the requirement to
have correct priors, meaning that the prior has to admit the true poste-
rior. Of course this issue is pervasive across Bayesian learning methods,
not just Bayesian RL. Recent work on PAC-Bayesian analysis seeks to
provide tools that are robust to poorly selected priors. PAC-Bayesian
methods provide a way to simultaneously exploit prior knowledge when
it is appropriate, while providing distribution-free guarantees based on
properties such as VC dimension [McAllester, 1999].
PAC-Bayesian bounds for RL in finite state spaces were introduced
by [Fard and Pineau, 2010], showing that it is possible to remove the
assumption on the correctness of the prior, and instead, measure the
consistency of the prior over the training data. Bounds are available
for both model-based RL, where a prior distribution is given on the
space of possible models, and model-free RL, where a prior is given on


the space of value functions. In both cases, the bound depends on an

empirical estimate and a measure of distance between the stochastic
policy and the one imposed by the prior distribution. The primary
use of these bounds is for model selection, where the bounds can be
useful in choosing between following the empirical estimate and the
Bayesian posterior, depending on whether the prior was informative
or misleading. PAC-Bayesian bounds for the case of RL with function
approximation are also available to handle problems with continuous
state spaces [Fard et al., 2011].
For the most part, PAC-Bayesian analysis to date has been primar-
ily theoretical, with few empirical results. However, recent theoretical
results on PAC-Bayesian analysis of the bandit case may provide useful
tools for further development of this area [Seldin et al., 2011a,b].

7.2 Bayesian Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) is the problem of learning the un-

derlying model of the decision-making agent (expert) from its observed
behavior and the dynamics of the system [Russell, 1998]. IRL is moti-
vated by situations in which the goal is only to learn the reward function
(as in preference elicitation) and by problems in which the main objec-
tive is to learn good policies from the expert (apprenticeship learning).
Both reward learning (direct) and apprenticeship learning (indirect)
views of this problem have been studied in the last decade (e.g., [Ng
and Russell, 2000, Abbeel and Ng, 2004, Ratliff et al., 2006, Neu and
Szepesvri, 2007, Ziebart et al., 2008, Syed and Schapire, 2008]). What
is important is that the IRL problem is inherently ill-posed since there
might be an infinite number of reward functions for which the experts
policy is optimal. One of the main differences between the various works
in this area is in how they formulate the reward preference in order to
obtain a unique reward function for the expert.
The main idea of Bayesian IRL (BIRL) is to use a prior to en-
code the reward preference and to formulate the compatibility with
the experts policy as a likelihood in order to derive a probability dis-
tribution over the space of reward functions, from which the experts

reward function is somehow extracted. Ramachandran and Amir [Ra-

machandran and Amir, 2007] use this BIRL formulation and propose
a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm to find the posterior
mean of the reward function and return it as the reward of the expert.
Michini and How [Michini and How, 2012b] improve the efficiency of
the method in [Ramachandran and Amir, 2007] by not including the
entire state space in the BIRL inference. They use a kernel function
that quantifies the similarity between states and scales down the BIRL
inference by only including those states that are similar (the similarity
is defined by the kernel function) to the ones encountered by the ex-
pert. Choi and Kim [Choi and Kim, 2011] use the BIRL formulation
of [Ramachandran and Amir, 2007] and first show that using the poste-
rior mean may not be a good idea since it may yield a reward function
whose corresponding optimal policy is inconsistent with the experts be-
haviour; the posterior mean integrates the error over the entire space of
reward functions by including (possibly) infinitely many rewards that
induce policies that are inconsistent with the experts demonstration.
Instead, they suggest that the maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) estimate
could be a better solution for IRL. They formulate IRL as a posterior
optimization problem and propose a gradient method to calculate the
MAP estimate that is based on the (sub)differentiability of the poste-
rior distribution. Finally, they show that most of the non-Bayesian IRL
algorithms in the literature [Ng and Russell, 2000, Ratliff et al., 2006,
Neu and Szepesvri, 2007, Ziebart et al., 2008, Syed and Schapire, 2008]
can be cast as searching for the MAP reward function in BIRL with
different priors and different ways of encoding the compatibility with
the experts policy.
Using a single reward function to explain the experts behavior
might be problematic as its complexity grows with the complexity of
the task being optimized by the expert. Searching for a complex reward
function is often difficult. If many parameters are needed to model it,
we are required to search over a large space of candidate functions. This
problem becomes more severe when we take into account the testing of
each candidate reward function, which requires solving an MDP for its
optimal value function, whose computation usually scales poorly with

the size of the state space. Michini and How [Michini and How, 2012a]
suggest a potential solution to this problem in which they partition the
observations (system trajectories generated by the expert) into sets of
smaller sub-demonstrations, such that each sub-demonstration is at-
tributed to a smaller and less-complex class of reward functions. These
simple rewards can be intuitively interpreted as sub-goals of the expert.
They propose a BIRL algorithm that uses a Bayesian non-parametric
mixture model to automate this partitioning process. The proposed al-
gorithm uses a Chinese restaurant process prior over partitions so that
there is no need to specify the number of partitions a priori.
Most of the work in IRL assumes that the data is generated by a
single expert optimizing a fixed reward function. However, there are
many applications in which we observe multiple experts, each execut-
ing a policy that is optimal (or good) with respect to its own reward
function. There have been a few works that consider this scenario. Dim-
itrakakis and Rothkopf [Dimitrakakis and Rothkopf, 2011] generalize
BIRL to multi-task learning. They assume a common prior for the
trajectories and estimate the reward functions individually for each
trajectory. Other than the common prior, they do not make any addi-
tional efforts to group trajectories that are likely to be generated from
the same or similar reward functions. Babes et al. [Babes et al., 2011]
propose a method that combines expectation maximization (EM) clus-
tering with IRL. They cluster the trajectories based on the inferred
reward functions, where one reward function is defined per cluster.
However, their proposed method is based on the assumption that the
number of clusters (the number of the reward functions) is known. Fi-
nally, Choi and Kim [Choi and Kim, 2012] present a nonparametric
Bayesian approach using the Dirichlet process mixture model in order
to address the IRL problem with multiple reward functions. They de-
velop an efficient Metropolis-Hastings sampler that utilizes the gradient
of the reward function posterior to infer the reward functions from the
behavior data. Moreover, after completing IRL on the behavior data,
their method can efficiently estimate the reward function for a new tra-
jectory by computing the mean of the reward function posterior, given
the pre-learned results.

7.3 Bayesian Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning

There is a rich literature on the use of RL methods for multi-agent

systems. More recently, the extension of BRL methods to collaborative
multi-agent systems has been proposed [Chalkiadakis and Boutilier,
2013]. The objective in this case is consistent with the standard BRL
objective, namely to optimally balance the cost of exploring the world
with the expected benefit of new information. However, when dealing
with multi-agent systems, the complexity of the decision problem is in-
creased in the following way: while single-agent BRL requires maintain-
ing a posterior over the MDP parameters (in the case of model-based
methods) or over the value/policy (in the case of model-free methods),
in multi-agent BRL, it is also necessary to keep a posterior over the
policies of the other agents. This belief can be maintained in a tractable
manner subject to certain structural assumptions on the domain, for
example that the strategies of the agents are independent of each other.
Alternatively, this framework can be used to control the formation of
coalitions among agents [Chalkiadakis et al., 2010]. In this case, the
Bayesian posterior can be limited to the uncertainty about the capa-
bilities of the other agents, and the uncertainty about the effects of
coalition actions among the agents. The solution to the Bayes-optimal
strategy can be approximated using a number of techniques, including
myopic or short (1-step) lookahead on the value function, or an exten-
sion of the value-of-information criteria proposed by [Dearden et al.,

7.4 Bayesian Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning

Multi-task learning (MTL) is an important learning paradigm and ac-

tive area of research in machine learning (e.g., [Caruana, 1997, Baxter,
2000]). A common setup in MRL considers multiple related tasks for
which we are interested in improving the performance of individual
learning by sharing information across tasks. This transfer of informa-
tion is particularly important when we are provided with only a limited
number of data with which learn each task. Exploiting data from re-
lated problems provides more training samples for the learner and can

improve the performance of the resulting solution. More formally, the

main objective in MTL is to maximize the improvement over individ-
ual learning, averaged over multiple tasks. This should be distinguished
from transfer learning in which the goal is to learn a suitable bias for
a class of tasks in order to maximize the expected future performance.
Traditional RL algorithms typically do not directly take advan-
tage of information coming from other similar tasks. However recent
work has shown that transfer and multi-task learning techniques can
be employed in RL to reduce the number of samples needed to achieve
nearly-optimal solutions. All approaches to multi-task RL (MTRL) as-
sume that the tasks share similarity in some components of the prob-
lem such as dynamics, reward structure, or value function. While some
methods explicitly assume that the shared components are drawn from
a common generative model [Wilson et al., 2007, Mehta et al., 2008,
Lazaric and Ghavamzadeh, 2010], this assumption is more implicit in
others. In [Mehta et al., 2008], tasks share the same dynamics and
reward features, and only differ in the weights of the reward function.
The proposed method initializes the value function for a new task using
the previously learned value functions as a prior. Wilson et al. [Wilson
et al., 2007] and Lazaric and Ghavamzadeh [Lazaric and Ghavamzadeh,
2010] both assume that the distribution over some components of the
tasks is drawn from a hierarchical Bayesian model (HBM). We describe
these two methods in more detail below.
Lazaric and Ghavamzadeh [Lazaric and Ghavamzadeh, 2010] study
the MTRL scenario in which the learner is provided with a number of
MDPs with common state and action spaces. For any given policy, only
a small number of samples can be generated in each MDP, which may
not be enough to accurately evaluate the policy. In such a MTRL prob-
lem, it is necessary to identify classes of tasks with similar structure
and to learn them jointly. It is important to note that here a task is a
pair of MDP and policy (i.e., a Markov chain) such that all the MDPs
have the same state and action spaces. They consider a particular class
of MTRL problems in which the tasks share structure in their value
functions. To allow the value functions to share a common structure,
it is assumed that they are all sampled from a common prior. They

adopt the GPTD value function model ([Engel et al., 2005a], also see
5.1.1) for each task, model the distribution over the value functions
using an HBM, and develop solutions to the following problems: (i)
joint learning of the value functions (multi-task learning), and (ii) effi-
cient transfer of the information acquired in (i) to facilitate learning the
value function of a newly observed task (transfer learning). They first
present an HBM for the case in which all of the value functions belong
to the same class, and derive an EM algorithm to find MAP estimates
of the value functions and the models hyper-parameters. However, if
the functions do not belong to the same class, simply learning them to-
gether can be detrimental (negative transfer). It is therefore important
to have models that will generally benefit from related tasks and will
not hurt performance when the tasks are unrelated. This is particularly
important in RL as changing the policy at each step of policy itera-
tion (this is true even for fitted value iteration) can change the way in
which tasks are clustered together. This means that even if we start
with value functions that all belong to the same class, after one itera-
tion the new value functions may be clustered into several classes. To
address this issue, they introduce a Dirichlet process (DP) based HBM
for the case where the value functions belong to an undefined number
of classes, and derive inference algorithms for both the multi-task and
transfer learning scenarios in this model.
The MTRL approach in [Wilson et al., 2007] also uses a DP-based
HBM to model the distribution over a common structure of the tasks.
In this work, the tasks share structure in their dynamics and reward
functions. The setting is incremental, i.e., the tasks are observed as a se-
quence, and there is no restriction on the number of samples generated
by each task. The focus is not on joint learning with finite number of
samples, but on using the information gained from the previous tasks
to facilitate learning in a new one. In other words, the focus in this
work is on transfer and not on multi-task learning.

Bayesian reinforcement learning (BRL) offers a coherent probabilistic

model for reinforcement learning. It provides a principled framework
to express the classic exploration-exploitation dilemma, by keeping an
explicit representation of uncertainty, and selecting actions that are
optimal with respect to a version of the problem that incorporates
this uncertainty. This framework is of course most useful for tackling
problems where there is an explicit representation of prior information.
Throughout this survey, we have presented several frameworks for lever-
aging this information, either over the model parameters (model-based
BRL) or over the solution (model-free BRL).
In spite of its elegance, BRL has not, to date, been widely ap-
plied. While there are a few successful applications of BRL for adver-
tising [Graepel et al., 2010, Tang et al., 2013] and robotics [Engel et al.,
2005b, Ross et al., 2008b], adoption of the Bayesian framework in ap-
plications is lagging behind the comprehensive theory that BRL has to
offer. In the remainder of this section we analyze the perceived limita-
tions of BRL and offer some research directions that might circumvent
these limitations.
One perceived limitation of Bayesian RL is the need to provide a


prior. While this is certainly the case for model-based BRL, for larger
problems there is always a need for some sort of regularization. A prior
serves as a mean to regularize the model selection problem. Thus, the
problem of specifying a prior is addressed by any RL algorithm that is
supposed to work for large-scale problems. We believe that a promising
direction for future research concerns devising priors based on observed
data, as per the empirical Bayes approach [Efron, 2010]. A related
issue is model mis-specification and how to quantify the performance
degradation that may arise from not knowing the model precisely.
There are also some algorithmic and theoretical challenges that
we would like to point out here. First, scaling BRL is a major issue.
Being able to solve large problems is still an elusive goal. We should
mention that currently, a principled approach for scaling up RL in gen-
eral is arguably missing. Approximate value function methods [Bert-
sekas and Tsitsiklis, 1996] have proved successful for solving certain
large scale problems [Powell, 2011], and policy search has been suc-
cessfully applied to many robotics tasks [Kober et al., 2013]. However,
there is currently no solution (neither frequentist nor Bayesian) to the
exploration-exploitation dilemma in large-scale MDPs. We hope that
scaling up BRL, in which exploration-exploitation is naturally handled,
may help us overcome this barrier. Conceptually, BRL may be easier to
scale since it allows us, in some sense, to embed domain knowledge into
a problem. Second, the BRL framework we presented assumes that the
model is specified correctly. Dealing with model misspecification and
consequently with model selection is a thorny issue for all RL algo-
rithms. When the state parameters are unknown or not observed, the
dynamics may stop being Markov and many RL algorithms fail in the-
ory and in practice. The BRL framework may offer a solution to this
issue since the Bayesian approach can naturally handle model selection
and misspecification by not committing to a single model and rather
sustaining a posterior over the possible models.
Another perceived limitation of BRL is the complexity of imple-
menting the majority of BRL methods. Indeed, some frequentist RL
algorithms are more elegant than their Bayesian counterparts, which
may discourage some practitioners from using BRL. This is, by no

means, a general rule. For example, Thompson sampling is one of the

most elegant approaches to the multi-armed bandit problem. Fortu-
nately, the recent release of a software library for Bayesian RL algo-
rithms promises to facilitate this [bbr, 2015, Castronovo et al., 2015].
We believe that Thompson sampling style algorithms (e.g., [Russo and
Van Roy, 2014b, Gopalan and Mannor, 2015]) can pave the way to
efficient algorithms in terms of both sample complexity and computa-
tional complexity. Such algorithms require, essentially, solving an MDP
once in a while while taking nearly optimal exploration rate.
From the application perspective, we believe that BRL is still in
its infancy. In spite of some early successes, especially for contextual
bandit problems [Chapelle and Li, 2011], most of the successes of large-
scale real applications of RL are not in the Bayesian setting. We hope
that this survey will help facilitate the research needed to make BRL a
success in practice. A considerable benefit of BRL is its ability to work
well out-of-the-box": you only need to know relatively little about
the uncertainty to perform well. Moreover, adding complicating factors
such as long-term constraints or short-term safety requirements can be
easily embedded in the framework.
From the modelling perspective, deep learning is becoming increas-
ingly more popular as a building block in RL. It would be interesting to
use probabilistic deep networks, such as restricted Boltzman machines
as an essential ingredient in BRL. Probabilistic deep models can not
only provide a powerful value function or policy approximator, but also
allow using historical traces that come from a different problem (as in
transfer learning). We believe that the combination of powerful models
for value or policy approximation in combination with a BRL approach
can further facilitate better exploration policies.
From the conceptual perspective, the main question that we see as
open is how to embed domain knowledge into the model? One approach
is to modify the prior according to domain knowledge. Another is to
consider parametrized or factored models. While these approaches may
work well for particular domains, they require careful construction of
the state space. However, in some cases, such a careful construction
defeats the purpose of a fast and robust out-of-the-box" approach. We

believe that approaches that use causality and non-linear dimensional-

ity reduction may be the key to using BRL when a careful construc-
tion of a model is not feasible. In that way, data-driven algorithms
can discover simple structures that can ultimately lead to fast BRL

The authors extend their warmest thanks to Michael Littman, James

Finlay, Melanie Lyman-Abramovitch and the anonymous reviewers
for their insights and support throughout the preparation of this
manuscript. The authors wish to also thank several colleagues for help-
ful discussions on this topic: Doina Precup, Amir-massoud Farahmand,
Brahim Chaib-draa, and Pascal Poupart. The review of the model-
based Bayesian RL approaches benefited significantly from compre-
hensive reading lists posted online by John Asmuth and Chris Mans-
ley. Funding for Joelle Pineau was provided by the Natural Sciences
and Engineering Research Council Canada (NSERC) through their
Discovery grants program, by the Fonds de Qubcois de Recherche
Nature et Technologie (FQRNT) through their Projet de recherche en
quipe program. Funding for Shie Mannor and Aviv Tamar were par-
tially provided by the European Communitys Seventh Framework Pro-
gramme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement 306638 (SUPREL).
Aviv Tamar is also partially funded by the Viterbi Scholarship, Tech-

Index of Symbols

Here we present a list of the symbols used in this paper to provide a

handy reference.1

Notation Definition
R set of real numbers
N set of natural numbers
E expected value
Var variance
Cov covariance
KL Kullback-Leibler divergence
H Shannon entropy
N (m, 2 ) Gaussian (normal) distribution with mean m and variance 2
P probability distribution
M model
A set of actions
K cardinality of A
T time horizon
aA a nominal action

In this paper, we use upper-case and lower-case letters to refer to random vari-
ables and the values taken by random variables, respectively. We also use bold-face
letters for vectors and matrices.


Notation Definition
Y set of outcomes (in MAB)
yY a nominal outcome
r(y) reward for outcome y
P (y|a) P(Y) probability of observing outcome y after taking
action a
a optimal arm
a difference in expected reward between arms a and a
S set of states (or contexts in a contextual MAB)
sS a nominal state (context)
PS (s) P(S) context probability (in contextual MAB)
P (y|a, s) P(Y) probability of observing outcome y after taking
action a when the context is s (in contextual MAB)
O set of observations
oO a nominal observation
P P(S) transition probability function
P (s0 |s, a) P(S) probability of being in state s0 after taking action
a in state s
(o|s, a) P(O) probability of seeing observation o after taking
action a to reach state s
q P(R) probability distribution over reward
R(s, a) q(|s, a) random variable of the reward of taking action
a in state s
r(s, a) reward of taking action a in state s
r(s, a) expected reward of taking action a in state s
Rmax maximum random immediate reward
R max maximum expected immediate reward
P0 P(S) initial state distribution
bt P(S) POMDPs state distribution at time t
(bt , a, o) the information state (belief) update equation
a (stationary and Markov) policy
(a|s) probability that policy selects action a in state s
an optimal policy
M the Markov chain induced by policy
P probability distribution of the Markov chain induced
by policy
P (s0 |s) probability of being in state s0 after taking an action
according to policy in state s
P0 initial state distribution of the Markov chain induced
by policy
q reward distribution of the Markov chain induced by

Notation Definition
q (|s) reward distribution of the Markov
chain induced by policy at state s
R (s) q (|s) reward random variable of the Markov
chain induced by policy at state s
P(S) stationary distribution over states of
the Markov chain induced by policy
Z =S A set of state-action pairs
z = (s, a) Z a nominal state-action pair
= {z0 , z1 , . . . , zT } a system path or trajectory
set of all possible system trajectories
() (discounted) return of path
() expected value of the (discounted)
return of path
() expected return of policy
D (s) random variable of the (discounted)
return of state s
D (z) random variable of the (discounted)
return of state-action pair z
V value function of policy
Q action-value function of policy
V optimal value function
Q optimal action-value function
discount factor
linear function over the belief simplex
the set of -functions representing the
POMDP value function
k(, ) a kernel function
K kernel matrix covariance matrix
[K]i,j = k(xi , xj )
k(x) = k(x1 , x), . . . , k(xT , x) a kernel vector of size T
I identity matrix
DT a set of training samples of size T
i a basis function (e.g., over states or
state-action pairs)
() = 1 (), . . . , n () a feature vector of size n
= [(x1 ), . . . , (xT )] a n T feature matrix
vector of unknown parameters
a parameter space that the unknown
parameters belong to ( )
Discussion on GPTD Assumptions on the Noise

Assumption A2 The residuals V T +1 = V (s0 ), . . . , V (sT )
can be modeled as a Gaussian process.
This may not seem like a correct assumption in general, however,
in the absence of any prior information concerning the distribution
of the residuals, it is the simplest assumption that can be made,
because the Gaussian distribution has the highest entropy among all
distributions with the same covariance.

Assumption A3 Each of the residuals V (st ) is generated indepen-

dently of all the others, i.e., E V (si )V (sj ) = 0, for i 6= j.
This assumption is related to the well-known Monte-Carlo (MC)
method for value function estimation [Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 1996,
Sutton and Barto, 1998]. MC approach to policy evaluation reduces
it into a supervised regression problem, in which the target values for
the regression are samples of the discounted return. Suppose that the
last non-terminal state in the current episode is sT 1 , then the MC
1 it oT 1
st , Ti=t
training set is r(si ) . We may whiten the noise
in the episodic GPTD model of Eqs. 5.9 and 5.10 by performing a


whitening transformation with the whitening matrix H 1 . The trans-

formed model is H 1 RT = V T + N 0T with white Gaussian noise
N 0T = H 1 N T N 0, diag( T ) , where T = (02 , . . . , T2 1 )> . The

tth equation of this transformed model is

R(st ) + R(st+1 ) + . . . + T 1t R(sT 1 ) = V (st ) + N 0 (st ),

where N 0 (st ) N (0, t2 ). This is exactly the generative model we

would use if we wanted to learn the value function by performing GP
regression using MC samples of the discounted return as our target
(see 2.5.2). Assuming a constant noise variance 2 , in the parametric
case, the posterior moments are given by Eq. 2.22, and in the non-
parametric setting, and C, defining the posterior moments, are given
P 1 it
by Eq. 2.18, with y T = (y0 , . . . , yT 1 )> ; yt = Ti=t r(si ). Note
that here y T = H r T , where r T is a realization of the random vector
RT .
This equivalence uncovers the implicit assumption underlying MC
value estimation that the samples of the discounted return used for
regression are statistically independent. In a standard online RL sce-
nario, this assumption is clearly incorrect as the samples of the dis-
counted return are based on trajectories that partially overlap (e.g.,
for two consecutive states st and st+1 , the respective trajectories only
differ by a single state st ). This may help explain the frequently ob-
served advantage of TD methods using < 1 over the corresponding
MC ( = 1) methods. The major advantage of using the GPTD formu-
lation is that it immediately allows us to derive exact updates for the
parameters of the posterior moments of the value function, rather than
waiting until the end of the episode. This point becomes more clear,
when later in this section, we use the GPTD formulation and derive
online algorithms for value function estimation.

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