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1MRK505164-BEN G en Line Differential Protection IED RED670 Pre-Configured

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Relion 670 series

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
Document ID: 1MRK 505 345-UUS
Issued: February 2016
Revision: A
Product version: 2.1

Copyright 2015 ABB. All rights reserved

This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written
permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party, nor
used for any unauthorized purpose.

The software and hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and
may be used or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.

This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL
Toolkit. ( This product includes cryptographic software written/
developed by: Eric Young ( and Tim Hudson (

ABB and Relion are registered trademarks of the ABB Group. All other brand or product
names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders.

Please inquire about the terms of warranty from your nearest ABB representative.
The data, examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for the concept or
product description and are not to be deemed as a statement of guaranteed properties. All
persons responsible for applying the equipment addressed in this manual must satisfy
themselves that each intended application is suitable and acceptable, including that any
applicable safety or other operational requirements are complied with. In particular, any
risks in applications where a system failure and/or product failure would create a risk for
harm to property or persons (including but not limited to personal injuries or death) shall
be the sole responsibility of the person or entity applying the equipment, and those so
responsible are hereby requested to ensure that all measures are taken to exclude or
mitigate such risks.

This document has been carefully checked by ABB but deviations cannot be completely
ruled out. In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested to notify the
manufacturer. Other than under explicit contractual commitments, in no event shall ABB
be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this manual or the
application of the equipment.
This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European Communities on
the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC Directive 2004/108/EC) and concerning electrical equipment for use
within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 2006/95/EC). This conformity is
the result of tests conducted by ABB in accordance with the product standard EN
60255-26 for the EMC directive, and with the product standards EN 60255-1 and EN
60255-27 for the low voltage directive. The product is designed in accordance with the
international standards of the IEC 60255 series and ANSI C37.90.
Table of contents

Table of contents

Section 1 Introduction..........................................................................13
This manual............................................................................................ 13
Intended audience.................................................................................. 13
Product documentation...........................................................................14
Product documentation set................................................................14
Document revision history................................................................. 15
Related documents............................................................................16
Document symbols and conventions...................................................... 16
Document conventions...................................................................... 17
IEC61850 edition 1 / edition 2 mapping..................................................18

Section 2 Safety information............................................................... 27

Symbols on the product.......................................................................... 27
Caution signs.......................................................................................... 29
Note signs...............................................................................................30

Section 3 Available functions.............................................................. 31

Main protection functions........................................................................31
Back-up protection functions.................................................................. 32
Control and monitoring functions............................................................ 33
Basic IED functions.................................................................................40

Section 4 Starting up........................................................................... 43

Factory and site acceptance testing....................................................... 43
Commissioning checklist........................................................................ 43
Checking the power supply.....................................................................44
Energizing the IED..................................................................................44
Checking the IED operation...............................................................44
IED start-up sequence.......................................................................45
Setting up communication between PCM600 and the IED.....................45
Writing an application configuration to the IED.......................................51
Checking CT circuits...............................................................................52
Checking VT circuits............................................................................... 53
Using the RTXP test switch.................................................................... 53

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 1

Commissioning manual
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Checking the binary I/O circuits.............................................................. 54

Binary input circuits............................................................................54
Binary output circuits......................................................................... 55
Checking optical connections................................................................. 55

Section 5 Configuring the IED and changing settings......................... 57

Configuring analog CT inputs................................................................. 58
Reconfiguring the IED.............................................................................58

Section 6 Establishing connection and verifying the SPA/IEC

communication.................................................................... 61
Entering settings..................................................................................... 61
Entering SPA settings........................................................................61
Entering IEC settings.........................................................................61
Verifying the communication...................................................................62
Verifying SPA communication........................................................... 62
Verifying IEC communication............................................................ 62
Fibre optic loop....................................................................................... 63
Optical budget calculation for serial communication with SPA/IEC ....... 63

Section 7 Establishing connection and verifying the LON

communication.................................................................... 65
Communication via the rear ports ..........................................................65
LON communication.......................................................................... 65
The LON Protocol..............................................................................66
Hardware and software modules.......................................................66
Optical budget calculation for serial communication with LON ..............68

Section 8 Establishing connection and verifying the IEC 61850

communication.................................................................... 71
Setting the station communication..........................................................71
Verifying the communication...................................................................72

Section 9 Testing IED operation..........................................................73

Preparing for test.................................................................................... 73
Requirements.................................................................................... 73
Preparing the IED to verify settings................................................... 75
Activating the test mode......................................................................... 76
Preparing the connection to the test equipment..................................... 76
Connecting the test equipment to the IED.............................................. 77

2 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
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Releasing the function to be tested........................................................ 78

Verifying analog primary and secondary measurement......................... 79
Testing the protection functionality......................................................... 80
Forcing of binary I/O signals for testing.................................................. 81
Forcing concept................................................................................. 81
How to enable forcing........................................................................81
Enable forcing by using LHMI.......................................................81
Enable forcing using TESTMODE function block......................... 82
How to change binary input/output signals using forcing.................. 82
Forcing by using LHMI..................................................................82
Forcing by using PCM600............................................................ 84
How to undo forcing changes and return the IED to normal
Undo forcing by using TestMode component............................... 86
Undo forcing by using LHMI......................................................... 86
Undo forcing by using PCM600....................................................87

Section 10 Testing functionality by secondary injection........................ 89

Testing disturbance report...................................................................... 89
Disturbance report settings................................................................89
Disturbance recorder (DR).................................................................89
Event recorder (ER) and Event list (EL)............................................ 90
Identifying the function to test in the technical reference manual .......... 91
Differential protection..............................................................................91
High impedance differential protection HZPDIF (87)......................... 91
Verifying the settings.................................................................... 91
Completing the test.......................................................................92
Restricted earth-fault protection, low impedance REFPDIF (87N).... 92
Verifying the settings.................................................................... 92
Completing the test.......................................................................93
Line differential protection L3CPDIF and L6CPDIF (87L)................. 93
Verifying the settings.................................................................... 94
Completing the test.......................................................................95
Additional security logic for differential protection LDRGFC (11)...... 96
Verifying the settings.................................................................... 96
Completing the test.......................................................................97
Impedance protection............................................................................. 98
Distance protection zones, quadrilateral characteristic
ZMQPDIS (21)...................................................................................98

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Commissioning manual
Table of contents

Measuring the operating limit of set values................................ 101

Measuring the operating time of distance protection zones....... 102
Completing the test.....................................................................102
Phase selection with load encroachment, quadrilateral
characteristic FDPSPDIS (21)......................................................... 103
Measuring the operating limit of set values................................ 105
Completing the test.....................................................................106
Full scheme distance protection, mho characteristic ZMHPDIS (21)106
Phase-to-phase faults.................................................................107
Phase-to-ground faults............................................................... 107
Faulty phase identification with load encroachment FMPSPDIS
(21).................................................................................................. 108
Distance protection zones, quadrilateral characteristic, separate
settings ZMRPDIS (21)....................................................................109
Measuring the operating limit of set values................................ 112
Measuring the operating time of distance protection zones....... 113
Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with settable angle
FRPSPDIS (21)............................................................................... 113
Measuring the operating limit of set values................................ 116
Completing the test.....................................................................117
High speed distance protection zones, quadrilateral and mho
characteristic ZMFPDIS (21)........................................................... 117
Measuring the operating limit of set values................................ 120
Measuring the operating time of distance protection zones....... 121
Completing the test.....................................................................121
High Speed distance for series compensated line zones,
quadrilateral and mho characteristic ZMFCPDIS (21)..................... 122
Measuring the operating limit of set values................................ 125
Measuring the operating time of distance protection zones....... 126
Completing the test.....................................................................126
Power swing detection ZMRPSB (68)............................................. 127
Verifying the settings.................................................................. 128
Testing the power swing detection function ZMRPSB (68)........ 129
Testing the tR1 timer.................................................................. 129
Testing the block input, interaction between FDPSPDIS (21)
or FRPSPDIS (21) and ZMRPSB (78)........................................130
Completing the test.....................................................................130
Power swing logic PSLPSCH.......................................................... 130
Testing the carrier send and trip signals.....................................131
Testing the influence of the residual overcurrent protection.......131
Checking the underreaching zone..............................................132

4 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
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Completing the test.....................................................................133

Pole slip protection PSPPPAM (78)................................................ 133
Verifying the settings.................................................................. 133
Completing the test.....................................................................135
Out-of-step protection OOSPPAM...................................................135
Verifying the settings.................................................................. 136
Test of point RE (RFwdR, XFwdX)................................................. 141
Test of the boundary between zone 1 and zone 2, which is
defined by the parameter ReachZ1............................................ 146
Test of the point SE (RRvsR, XRvsX).............................................150
Automatic switch onto fault logic ZCVPSOF................................... 155
Activating ZCVPSOF externally..................................................156
Initiating ZCVPSOF automatically and setting mode to
impedance.................................................................................. 156
Initiating ZCVPSOF automatically and setting mode to VILevel 156
Completing the test.....................................................................157
Phase preference logic PPLPHIZ ...................................................157
Completing the test.....................................................................158
Current protection................................................................................. 158
Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection 3-phase output
PHPIOC (50)....................................................................................158
Measuring the trip limit of set values.......................................... 158
Completing the test.....................................................................159
Four step phase overcurrent protection 3-phase output
OC4PTOC (51_67).......................................................................... 159
Verifying the settings.................................................................. 159
Completing the test.....................................................................160
Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection EFPIOC (50N)........ 161
Measuring the trip limit of set values.......................................... 161
Completing the test.....................................................................161
Four step residual overcurrent protection, (Zero sequence or
negative sequence directionality) EF4PTOC (51N/67N)................. 161
Four step directional ground fault protection.............................. 161
Four step non-directional ground fault protection....................... 162
Completing the test.....................................................................162
Four step negative sequence overcurrent protection NS4PTOC
(46I2)............................................................................................... 162
Completing the test.....................................................................163
Sensitive directional residual overcurrent and power protection
SDEPSDE (67N)..............................................................................164
Measuring the trip and time limit for set values.......................... 164

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Commissioning manual
Table of contents

Completing the test.....................................................................170

Thermal overload protection, one time constant, Fahrenheit/
Celsius LFPTTR/LCPTTR (26)........................................................ 170
Measuring the trip and time limit of set values........................... 170
Completing the test.....................................................................171
Breaker failure protection, phase segregated activation and
output CCRBRF (50BF)...................................................................171
Checking the phase current trip value, Pickup_PH.................... 171
Checking the residual (ground fault) current trip value
Pickup_N set below Pickup_PH..................................................172
Checking the re-trip and back-up times......................................172
Verifying the re-trip mode........................................................... 172
Verifying the back-up trip mode..................................................173
Verifying instantaneous back-up trip at CB faulty condition....... 174
Verifying the case RetripMode = Contact................................... 175
Verifying the function mode Current&Contact............................ 175
Completing the test.....................................................................176
Stub protection STBPTOC (50STB)................................................ 176
Measuring the trip limit of set values.......................................... 176
Completing the test.....................................................................177
Pole discrepancy protection CCPDSC (52PD)................................ 177
Verifying the settings.................................................................. 177
Completing the test.....................................................................178
Directional underpower protection GUPPDUP (37).........................178
Verifying the settings.................................................................. 178
Completing the test.....................................................................180
Directional overpower protection GOPPDOP (32).......................... 180
Verifying the settings.................................................................. 180
Completing the test.....................................................................181
Broken conductor check BRCPTOC (46)........................................ 181
Measuring the trip and time limit of set values........................... 181
Completing the test.....................................................................182
Voltage-restrained time overcurrent protection VRPVOC(51V)...... 182
Verifying the settings.................................................................. 182
Completing the test.....................................................................186
Voltage protection.................................................................................186
Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV (27).......................... 186
Verifying the settings.................................................................. 186
Completing the test.....................................................................188
Two step overvoltage protection OV2PTOV (59)............................ 188

6 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
Table of contents

Verifying the settings.................................................................. 188

Extended testing.........................................................................189
Completing the test.....................................................................189
Two step residual overvoltage protection ROV2PTOV (59N)......... 189
Verifying the settings.................................................................. 189
Completing the test.....................................................................190
Overexcitation protection OEXPVPH (24)....................................... 190
Verifying the settings.................................................................. 190
Completing the test.....................................................................191
Voltage differential protection VDCPTOV (60)................................ 191
Check of undervoltage levels..................................................... 191
Check of voltage differential trip and alarm levels...................... 193
Check of trip and trip reset timers...............................................195
Final adjustment of compensation for VT ratio differences ....... 195
Completing the test.....................................................................195
Loss of voltage check LOVPTUV (27)............................................. 196
Measuring the trip limit of set values.......................................... 196
Completing the test.....................................................................196
Radial feeder protection PAPGAPC (27).........................................197
Verifying the settings.................................................................. 197
Completing the test.....................................................................198
Frequency protection............................................................................ 198
Underfrequency protection SAPTUF (81)........................................198
Verifying the settings.................................................................. 198
Completing the test.....................................................................199
Overfrequency protection SAPTOF (81)......................................... 200
Verifying the settings.................................................................. 200
Completing the test.....................................................................201
Rate-of-change frequency protection SAPFRC (81)....................... 201
Verifying the settings.................................................................. 201
Completing the test.....................................................................201
Multipurpose protection........................................................................ 202
General current and voltage protection CVGAPC........................... 202
Built-in overcurrent feature (non-directional).............................. 202
Overcurrent feature with current restraint...................................203
Overcurrent feature with voltage restraint.................................. 203
Overcurrent feature with directionality........................................ 204
Over/Undervoltage feature......................................................... 204
Completing the test.....................................................................205
Secondary system supervision............................................................. 205

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Commissioning manual
Table of contents

Current circuit supervision CCSSPVC (87)..................................... 205

Verifying the settings.................................................................. 205
Completing the test.....................................................................205
Fuse failure supervision FUFSPVC................................................. 205
Checking that the binary inputs and outputs trip as expected ... 206
Measuring the trip value for the negative sequence function .... 206
Measuring the trip value for the zero-sequence function ...........208
Measuring the trip value for the dead line detection function..... 208
Checking the operation of the dv/dt and di/dt based function ....209
Completing the test.....................................................................210
Fuse failure supervision ..................................................................210
Completing the test.....................................................................211
Control.................................................................................................. 211
Synchrocheck, energizing check, and synchronizing SESRSYN
(25).................................................................................................. 211
Testing the synchronizing function............................................. 213
Testing the synchrocheck check................................................ 214
Testing the energizing check......................................................217
Testing the voltage selection...................................................... 218
Completing the test.....................................................................221
Autorecloser for 1/2/3-phase operation SMBRREC (79)................. 221
Preparation of the verification ....................................................224
Switching the autorecloser for 1/2/3-phase operation function
to Enabled and Disabled............................................................ 225
Verifying the autorecloser function SMBRREC (79)...................225
Checking the reclosing conditions ............................................. 226
Completing the test.....................................................................228
Apparatus control APC.................................................................... 229
Single command, 16 signals SINGLECMD..................................... 229
Interlocking...................................................................................... 229
Scheme communication....................................................................... 230
Scheme communication logic for distance or overcurrent
protection ZCPSCH (85)..................................................................230
Testing permissive underreaching..............................................230
Testing permissive overreaching................................................230
Testing blocking scheme............................................................ 231
Testing delta blocking scheme................................................... 231
Checking of unblocking logic...................................................... 232
Completing the test.....................................................................232

8 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
Table of contents

Phase segregated scheme communication logic for distance or

overcurrent protection ZC1PPSCH (85).......................................... 232
Testing permissive underreaching..............................................233
Testing permissive overreaching................................................233
Testing blocking scheme............................................................ 233
Completing the test.....................................................................234
Current reversal and Weak-end infeed logic for distance
protection 3-phase ZCRWPSCH (85)..............................................234
Current reversal logic................................................................. 234
Weak end infeed logic................................................................ 235
Completing the test.....................................................................236
Local acceleration logic ZCLCPSCH............................................... 236
Verifying the settings.................................................................. 236
Completing the test.....................................................................237
Scheme communication logic for residual overcurrent protection
ECPSCH (85).................................................................................. 237
Testing the directional comparison logic function.......................237
Completing the test.....................................................................239
Current reversal and weak-end infeed logic for residual
overcurrent protection ECRWPSCH (85)........................................ 239
Testing the current reversal logic............................................... 239
Testing the weak-end infeed logic.............................................. 239
Completing the test.....................................................................241
Direct transfer trip logic....................................................................241
Low active power and power factor local criteria LAPPGAPC
(37_55)....................................................................................... 242
Compensated over- and undervoltage protection
COUVGAPC (59_27)..................................................................242
Sudden change in current variation SCCVPTOC (51)............... 244
Carrier receive logic LCCRPTRC (94)........................................244
Negative sequence overvoltage protection LCNSPTOV (47).....246
Zero sequence overvoltage protection LCZSPTOV (59N)......... 247
Negative sequence overcurrent protection LCNSPTOC (46).....248
Zero sequence overcurrent protection LCZSPTOC (51N)......... 249
Three phase overcurrent LCP3PTOC (51).................................250
Three phase undercurrent LCP3PTUC (37)...............................250
Logic..................................................................................................... 251
Tripping logic, common 3-phase output SMPPTRC (94)................ 251
Three-phase operating mode..................................................... 251
1ph/3ph operating mode.............................................................251
1ph/2ph/3ph operating mode......................................................252

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 9

Commissioning manual
Table of contents

Circuit breaker lockout................................................................253

Completing the test.....................................................................254
Monitoring............................................................................................. 254
Gas medium supervision SSIMG.................................................... 254
Testing the liquid medium supervision for alarm and lock out
conditions................................................................................... 254
Completing the test.....................................................................255
Liquid medium supervision SSIML.................................................. 255
Testing the liquid medium supervision for alarm and lock out
conditions................................................................................... 255
Completing the test.....................................................................255
Breaker monitoring SSCBR.............................................................255
Verifying the settings.................................................................. 256
Completing the test.....................................................................258
Event function EVENT.....................................................................258
Fault locator LMBRFLO...................................................................258
Measuring the operate limit........................................................ 259
Completing the test.....................................................................260
Limit counter L4UFCNT................................................................... 260
Completing the test.....................................................................260
Pulse-counter logic PCFCNT.......................................................... 260
Function for energy calculation and demand handling ETPMMTR. 261
Verifying the settings.................................................................. 261
Completing the test.....................................................................262
Station communication......................................................................... 263
Multiple command and transmit MULTICMDRCV /
MULTICMDSND.............................................................................. 263
Remote communication........................................................................ 263
Binary signal transfer BinSignReceive, BinSignTransm.................. 263
Basic IED functions...............................................................................264
Parameter setting group handling SETGRPS................................. 264
Verifying the settings.................................................................. 265
Completing the test.....................................................................265
Exit test mode....................................................................................... 265

Section 11 Checking the directionality................................................ 267

Testing the directionality of the distance protection..............................267

10 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
Table of contents

Section 12 Commissioning and maintenance of the fault

clearing system................................................................. 271
Commissioning tests.............................................................................271
Periodic maintenance tests...................................................................271
Visual inspection..............................................................................272
Maintenance tests........................................................................... 272
Preparation................................................................................. 273
Recording................................................................................... 273
Secondary injection.................................................................... 273
Alarm test................................................................................... 273
Self supervision check................................................................274
Trip circuit check.........................................................................274
Measurement of service currents............................................... 274
Restoring.................................................................................... 275

Section 13 Glossary............................................................................ 277

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 11

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 1

Section 1 Introduction

1.1 This manual

The commissioning manual contains instructions on how to commission the IED. The
manual can also be used by system engineers and maintenance personnel for assistance
during the testing phase. The manual provides procedures for the checking of external
circuitry and energizing the IED, parameter setting and configuration as well as verifying
settings by secondary injection. The manual describes the process of testing an IED in a
substation which is not in service. The chapters are organized in the chronological order
in which the IED should be commissioned. The relevant procedures may be followed also
during the service and maintenance activities.

1.2 Intended audience

This manual addresses the personnel responsible for commissioning, maintenance and
taking the IED in and out of normal service.

The commissioning personnel must have a basic knowledge of handling electronic

equipment. The commissioning and maintenance personnel must be well experienced in
using protection equipment, test equipment, protection functions and the configured
functional logics in the IED.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 13

Commissioning manual
Section 1 1MRK 505 345-UUS A

1.3 Product documentation

1.3.1 Product documentation set

Deinstalling & disposal

Planning & purchase



Engineering manual
Installation manual

Commissioning manual
Operation manual

Application manual

Technical manual

protocol manual
Cyber security
deployment guideline

IEC07000220 V4 EN

Figure 1: The intended use of manuals throughout the product lifecycle

The engineering manual contains instructions on how to engineer the IEDs using the
various tools available within the PCM600 software. The manual provides instructions on
how to set up a PCM600 project and insert IEDs to the project structure. The manual also
recommends a sequence for the engineering of protection and control functions, LHMI
functions as well as communication engineering for IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 61850, DNP3,
LON and SPA.

The installation manual contains instructions on how to install the IED. The manual
provides procedures for mechanical and electrical installation. The chapters are organized
in the chronological order in which the IED should be installed.

14 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 1

The commissioning manual contains instructions on how to commission the IED. The
manual can also be used by system engineers and maintenance personnel for assistance
during the testing phase. The manual provides procedures for the checking of external
circuitry and energizing the IED, parameter setting and configuration as well as verifying
settings by secondary injection. The manual describes the process of testing an IED in a
substation which is not in service. The chapters are organized in the chronological order
in which the IED should be commissioned. The relevant procedures may be followed also
during the service and maintenance activities.

The operation manual contains instructions on how to operate the IED once it has been
commissioned. The manual provides instructions for the monitoring, controlling and
setting of the IED. The manual also describes how to identify disturbances and how to
view calculated and measured power grid data to determine the cause of a fault.

The application manual contains application descriptions and setting guidelines sorted per
function. The manual can be used to find out when and for what purpose a typical
protection function can be used. The manual can also provide assistance for calculating

The technical manual contains operation principle descriptions, and lists function blocks,
logic diagrams, input and output signals, setting parameters and technical data, sorted per
function. The manual can be used as a technical reference during the engineering phase,
installation and commissioning phase, and during normal service.

The communication protocol manual describes the communication protocols supported

by the IED. The manual concentrates on the vendor-specific implementations.

The point list manual describes the outlook and properties of the data points specific to the
IED. The manual should be used in conjunction with the corresponding communication
protocol manual.

The cyber security deployment guideline describes the process for handling cyber security
when communicating with the IED. Certification, Authorization with role based access
control, and product engineering for cyber security related events are described and sorted
by function. The guideline can be used as a technical reference during the engineering
phase, installation and commissioning phase, and during normal service.

1.3.2 Document revision history

Document revision/date History
December 2015 First release
A/February 2016 Minor updates

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 15

Commissioning manual
Section 1 1MRK 505 345-UUS A

1.3.3 Related documents

Documents related to RED670 Document numbers
Application manual 1MRK 505 343-UUS
Commissioning manual 1MRK 505 345-UUS
Product guide 1MRK 505 346-BEN
Technical manual 1MRK 505 308-UUS
Type test certificate 1MRK 505 346-TUS

670 series manuals Document numbers

Operation manual 1MRK 500 123-UUS
Engineering manual 1MRK 511 355-UUS
Installation manual 1MRK 514 024-UUS
Communication protocol manual, DNP3 1MRK 511 348-UUS
Communication protocol manual, IEC 61850 Edition 1MRK 511 350-UEN
Point list manual, DNP3 1MRK 511 354-UUS
Accessories guide 1MRK 514 012-BUS
Connection and Installation components 1MRK 513 003-BEN
Test system, COMBITEST 1MRK 512 001-BEN

1.4 Document symbols and conventions

1.4.1 Symbols

The electrical warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard which could
result in electrical shock.

The warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in
personal injury.

The caution hot surface icon indicates important information or warning

about the temperature of product surfaces.

16 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 1

Class 1 Laser product. Take adequate measures to protect the eyes and do
not view directly with optical instruments.

The caution icon indicates important information or warning related to the

concept discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of a hazard
which could result in corruption of software or damage to equipment or

The information icon alerts the reader of important facts and conditions.

The tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your project
or how to use a certain function.

Although warning hazards are related to personal injury, it is necessary to understand that
under certain operational conditions, operation of damaged equipment may result in
degraded process performance leading to personal injury or death. It is important that the
user fully complies with all warning and cautionary notices.

1.4.2 Document conventions

Abbreviations and acronyms in this manual are spelled out in the glossary. The
glossary also contains definitions of important terms.
Push button navigation in the LHMI menu structure is presented by using the push
button icons.
For example, to navigate between the options, use and .
HMI menu paths are presented in bold.
For example, select Main menu/Settings.
LHMI messages are shown in Courier font.
For example, to save the changes in non-volatile memory, select Yes and press .
Parameter names are shown in italics.
For example, the function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting.
Each function block symbol shows the available input/output signal.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 17

Commissioning manual
Section 1 1MRK 505 345-UUS A

the character ^ in front of an input/output signal name indicates that the signal
name may be customized using the PCM600 software.
the character * after an input signal name indicates that the signal must be
connected to another function block in the application configuration to achieve
a valid application configuration.
Logic diagrams describe the signal logic inside the function block and are bordered
by dashed lines.
Signals in frames with a shaded area on their right hand side represent setting
parameter signals that are only settable via the PST or LHMI.
If an internal signal path cannot be drawn with a continuous line, the suffix -int
is added to the signal name to indicate where the signal starts and continues.
Signal paths that extend beyond the logic diagram and continue in another
diagram have the suffix -cont.
Dimensions are provided both in inches and mm. If it is not specifically mentioned
then the dimension is in mm.

1.5 IEC61850 edition 1 / edition 2 mapping

Table 1: IEC61850 edition 1 / edition 2 mapping

Function block name Edition 1 logical nodes Edition 2 logical nodes
Table continues on next page

18 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 1

Function block name Edition 1 logical nodes Edition 2 logical nodes

Table continues on next page

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 19

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Section 1 1MRK 505 345-UUS A

Function block name Edition 1 logical nodes Edition 2 logical nodes

Table continues on next page

20 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 1

Function block name Edition 1 logical nodes Edition 2 logical nodes

Table continues on next page

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 21

Commissioning manual
Section 1 1MRK 505 345-UUS A

Function block name Edition 1 logical nodes Edition 2 logical nodes

Table continues on next page

22 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 1

Function block name Edition 1 logical nodes Edition 2 logical nodes

Table continues on next page

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 23

Commissioning manual
Section 1 1MRK 505 345-UUS A

Function block name Edition 1 logical nodes Edition 2 logical nodes

Table continues on next page

24 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 1

Function block name Edition 1 logical nodes Edition 2 logical nodes

Table continues on next page

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 25

Commissioning manual
Section 1 1MRK 505 345-UUS A

Function block name Edition 1 logical nodes Edition 2 logical nodes


26 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 2
Safety information

Section 2 Safety information

2.1 Symbols on the product

All warnings must be observed.

Read the entire manual before doing installation or any maintenance work
on the product. All warnings must be observed.

Class 1 Laser product. Take adequate measures to protect your eyes and
do not view directly with optical instruments.

Do not touch the unit in operation. The installation shall take into account
the worst case temperature.

2.2 Warnings

Observe the warnings during all types of work related to the product.

Only electrically skilled persons with the proper authorization and

knowledge of any safety hazards are allowed to carry out the electrical

National and local electrical safety regulations must always be followed.

Working in a high voltage environment requires serious approach to avoid
human injuries and damage to equipment.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 27

Commissioning manual
Section 2 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Safety information

Do not touch circuitry during operation. Potentially lethal voltages and

currents are present.

Always use suitable isolated test pins when measuring signals in open
circuitry. Potentially lethal voltages and currents are present.

Never connect or disconnect a wire and/or a connector to or from a IED

during normal operation. Hazardous voltages and currents are present that
may be lethal. Operation may be disrupted and IED and measuring
circuitry may be damaged.

Dangerous voltages can occur on the connectors, even though the

auxiliary voltage has been disconnected.

Always connect the IED to protective ground, regardless of the operating

conditions. This also applies to special occasions such as bench testing,
demonstrations and off-site configuration. This is class 1 equipment that
shall be grounded.

Never disconnect the secondary connection of current transformer circuit

without short-circuiting the transformers secondary winding. Operating
a current transformer with the secondary winding open will cause a
massive potential build-up that may damage the transformer and may
cause injuries to humans.

Never remove any screw from a powered IED or from a IED connected to
powered circuitry. Potentially lethal voltages and currents are present.

Take adequate measures to protect the eyes. Never look into the laser

28 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 2
Safety information

The IED with accessories should be mounted in a cubicle in a restricted

access area within a power station, substation or industrial or retail

2.3 Caution signs

Whenever changes are made in the IED, measures should be taken to

avoid inadvertent tripping.

The IED contains components which are sensitive to electrostatic

discharge. ESD precautions shall always be observed prior to touching

Always transport PCBs (modules) using certified conductive bags.

Do not connect live wires to the IED. Internal circuitry may be damaged

Always use a conductive wrist strap connected to protective ground when

replacing modules. Electrostatic discharge (ESD) may damage the
module and IED circuitry.

Take care to avoid electrical shock during installation and


Changing the active setting group will inevitably change the IEDs
operation. Be careful and check regulations before making the change.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 29

Commissioning manual
Section 2 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Safety information

2.4 Note signs

Observe the maximum allowed continuous current for the different

current transformer inputs of the IED. See technical data.

30 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 3
Available functions

Section 3 Available functions

3.1 Main protection functions

Table 2: Example of quantities

2 = number of basic instances

0-3 = option quantities
3-A03 = optional function included in packages A03 (refer to ordering details)

IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Line Differential

RED670 (Customized)
Differential protection
HZPDIF 87 1Ph high impedance differential protection 0-3
REFPDIF 87N Restricted earth fault protection, low impedance 02
LT3CPDIF 87LT Line differential protection, 3 CT sets, with inzone 1
transformers, 23 line ends
LT6CPDIF 87LT Line differential protection, 6 CT sets, with inzone 1
transformers, 35 line ends
LDLPSCH 87L Line differential protection logic 1
LDRGFC 11RE Additional security logic for differential protection 0-1
Impedance protection
ZMQPDIS, 21 Distance protection zone, quadrilateral characteristic 0-5
ZDRDIR 21D Directional impedance quadrilateral 0-2
ZMCPDIS, 21 Distance measuring zone, quadrilateral characteristic for 0-5
ZMCAPDIS series compensated lines
ZDSRDIR 21D Directional impedance quadrilateral, including series 0-2
FDPSPDIS 21 Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with fixed 0-2
ZMHPDIS 21 Fullscheme distance protection, mho characteristic 0-5
ZMMPDIS, 21 Fullscheme distance protection, quadrilateral for ground 0-5
ZDMRDIR 21D Directional impedance element for mho characteristic 0-2
ZDARDIR Additional distance protection directional function for 0-2
ground faults
Table continues on next page

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 31

Commissioning manual
Section 3 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Available functions

IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Line Differential

RED670 (Customized)
ZSMGAPC Mho impedance supervision logic 0-1
FMPSPDIS 21 Faulty phase identification with load enchroachment 0-2
ZMRPDIS, 21 Distance protection zone, quadrilateral characteristic, 0-5
ZMRAPDIS separate settings
FRPSPDIS 21 Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with fixed 0-2
ZMFPDIS 21 High speed distance protection 01
ZMFCPDIS 21 High speed distance protection for series compensated 01
ZMRPSB 68 Power swing detection 0-1
PSLPSCH Power swing logic 0-1
PSPPPAM 78 Pole slip/out-of-step protection 0-1
OOSPPAM 78 Out-of-step protection 01
ZCVPSOF Automatic switch onto fault logic, voltage and current based 0-1
PPLPHIZ Phase preference logic 0-1

3.2 Back-up protection functions

IEC 61850 ANSI Function description

RED670 (Customized)
Current protection
PHPIOC 50 Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection 0-3
OC4PTOC 51_671) Four step phase overcurrent protection 0-3

EFPIOC 50N Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection 0-1

EF4PTOC 51N Four step residual overcurrent protection 0-3
NS4PTOC 46I2 Four step directional negative phase sequence 0-2
overcurrent protection
SDEPSDE 67N Sensitive directional residual overcurrent and power 0-1
LCPTTR 26 Thermal overload protection, one time constant, Celsius 02
LFPTTR 26 Thermal overload protection, one time constant, 02
CCRBRF 50BF Breaker failure protection 0-2
STBPTOC 50STB Stub protection 0-2
CCPDSC 52PD Pole discordance protection 0-2
GUPPDUP 37 Directional underpower protection 0-2
Table continues on next page

32 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 3
Available functions

IEC 61850 ANSI Function description

RED670 (Customized)
GOPPDOP 32 Directional overpower protection 0-2
BRCPTOC 46 Broken conductor check 1
VRPVOC 51V Voltage restrained overcurrent protection 0-3

Voltage protection
UV2PTUV 27 Two step undervoltage protection 0-2
OV2PTOV 59 Two step overvoltage protection 0-2
ROV2PTOV 59N Two step residual overvoltage protection 0-2
OEXPVPH 24 Overexcitation protection 0-1
VDCPTOV 60 Voltage differential protection 0-2
LOVPTUV 27 Loss of voltage check 1
PAPGAPC 27 Radial feeder protection 01

Frequency protection
SAPTUF 81 Underfrequency protection 0-6
SAPTOF 81 Overfrequency protection 0-6
SAPFRC 81 Rate-of-change frequency protection 0-2

Multipurpose protection
CVGAPC General current and voltage protection 0-4

General calculation
SMAIHPAC Multipurpose filter 0-6

1) 67 requires voltage
2) 67N requires voltage

3.3 Control and monitoring functions

IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Line Differential

SESRSYN 25 Synchrocheck, energizing check and 0-2
SMBRREC 79 Autorecloser 0-4
APC10 3 Apparatus control for single bay, max 10 0-1
apparatuses (1CB) incl. interlocking
APC15 3 Apparatus control for single bay, max 15 0-1
apparatuses (2CBs) incl. interlocking
Table continues on next page

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 33

Commissioning manual
Section 3 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Available functions

IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Line Differential

QCBAY Apparatus control 1
LOCREM Handling of LRswitch positions 1
SLGAPC Logic rotating switch for function selection and 15
LHMI presentation
VSGAPC Selector mini switch 20
DPGAPC Generic communication function for Double Point 16
SPC8GAPC Single point generic control 8 signals 5
AUTOBITS AutomationBits, command function for DNP3.0 3
SINGLECMD Single command, 16 signals 4
I103CMD Function commands for IEC 60870-5-103 1
I103GENCMD Function commands generic for IEC 60870-5-103 50
I103POSCMD IED commands with position and select for IEC 50
I103POSCMDV IED direct commands with position for IEC 10
I103IEDCMD IED commands for IEC 60870-5-103 1
I103USRCMD Function commands user defined for IEC 1
Secondary system
CCSSPVC 87 Current circuit supervision 0-2
FUFSPVC Fuse failure supervision 0-3
VDSPVC 60 Fuse failure supervision based on voltage 0-3
SMPPTRC 94 Tripping logic 6
TMAGAPC Trip matrix logic 12
ALMCALH Logic for group alarm 5
WRNCALH Logic for group warning 5
INDCALH Logic for group indication 5
AND, GATE, INV, Basic configurable logic blocks (see Table 3) 40-280
Table continues on next page

34 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 3
Available functions

IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Line Differential

ANDQT, Configurable logic blocks Q/T (see Table 4) 01
AND, GATE, INV, Extension logic package (see Table 5) 01
FXDSIGN Fixed signal function block 1
B16I Boolean 16 to Integer conversion 18
BTIGAPC Boolean 16 to Integer conversion with Logic Node 16
IB16 Integer to Boolean 16 conversion 18
ITBGAPC Integer to Boolean 16 conversion with Logic Node 16
TEIGAPC Elapsed time integrator with limit transgression 12
and overflow supervision
INTCOMP Comparator for integer inputs 12
REALCOMP Comparator for real inputs 12
CVMMXN, Measurements 6
CMMXU Measurements 10
AISVBAS Function block for service value presentation of 1
secondary analog inputs
EVENT Event function 20
DRPRDRE, Disturbance report 1
SPGAPC Generic communication function for Single Point 64
SP16GAPC Generic communication function for Single Point 16
indication 16 inputs
Table continues on next page

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 35

Commissioning manual
Section 3 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Available functions

IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Line Differential

MVGAPC Generic communication function for Measured 24
BINSTATREP Logical signal status report 3
RANGE_XP Measured value expander block 66
SSIMG 63 Gas medium supervision 21
SSIML 71 Liquid medium supervision 3
SSCBR Circuit breaker monitoring 0-6
LMBRFLO Fault locator 1
I103MEAS Measurands for IEC 60870-5-103 1
I103MEASUSR Measurands user defined signals for IEC 3
I103AR Function status auto-recloser for IEC 60870-5-103 1
I103EF Function status earth-fault for IEC 60870-5-103 1
I103FLTPROT Function status fault protection for IEC 1
I103IED IED status for IEC 60870-5-103 1
I103SUPERV Supervison status for IEC 60870-5-103 1
I103USRDEF Status for user defined signals for IEC 20
L4UFCNT Event counter with limit supervision 30
TEILGAPC Running hour-meter 9
PCFCNT Pulse-counter logic 16
ETPMMTR Function for energy calculation and demand 6

Table 3: Total number of instances for basic configurable logic blocks

Basic configurable logic block Total number of instances
AND 280
INV 420
LLD 40
OR 289
XOR 40

36 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 3
Available functions

Table 4: Total number of instances for configurable logic blocks Q/T

Configurable logic blocks Q/T Total number of instances
ORQT 120

Table 5: Total number of instances for extended logic package

Extended configurable logic block Total number of instances
AND 180
INV 180
LLD 49
OR 180
XOR 49

3.4 Communication

IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Line Differential

Station communication
LONSPA, SPA SPA communication protocol 1
ADE LON communication protocol 1
Table continues on next page

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 37

Commissioning manual
Section 3 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Available functions

IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Line Differential

HORZCOMM Network variables via LON 1
PROTOCOL Operation selection between SPA and IEC 60870-5-103 for 1
RS485PROT Operation selection for RS485 1
RS485GEN RS485 1
DNPGEN DNP3.0 communication general protocol 1
DNPGENTCP DNP3.0 communication general TCP protocol 1
CHSERRS485 DNP3.0 for EIA-485 communication protocol 1
CH1TCP, CH2TCP, DNP3.0 for TCP/IP communication protocol 1
CHSEROPT DNP3.0 for TCP/IP and EIA-485 communication protocol 1
MST1TCP, DNP3.0 for serial communication protocol 1
DNPFREC DNP3.0 fault records for TCP/IP and EIA-485 communication 1
IEC 61850-8-1 Parameter setting function for IEC 61850 1
GOOSEINTLKRCV Horizontal communication via GOOSE for interlocking 59
GOOSEBINRCV GOOSE binary receive 16
GOOSEDPRCV GOOSE function block to receive a double point value 64
GOOSEINTRCV GOOSE function block to receive an integer value 32
GOOSEMVRCV GOOSE function block to receive a measurand value 60
GOOSESPRCV GOOSE function block to receive a single point value 64
GOOSEVCTRRCV Horizontal communication via GOOSE for VCTR
GOOSEVCTRCON GOOSE VCTR configuration for send and receive
MULTICMDRCV, Multiple command and transmit 60/10
FRONT, LANABI, Ethernet configuration of links 1
GATEWAY Ethernet configuration of link one 1
OPTICAL103 IEC 60870-5-103 Optical serial communication 1
RS485103 IEC 60870-5-103 serial communication for RS485 1
AGSAL Generic security application component 1
LD0LLN0 IEC 61850 LD0 LLN0 1
LPHD Physical device information 1
Table continues on next page

38 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 3
Available functions

IEC 61850 ANSI Function description Line Differential

PCMACCS IED Configuration Protocol 1
SECALARM Component for mapping security events on protocols such as 1
DNP3 and IEC103
FSTACCS Field service tool access via SPA protocol over ethernet 1
FSTACCSNA communication
ACTIVLOG Activity logging parameters 1
ALTRK Service Tracking 1
SINGLELCCH Single ethernet port link status 1
PRPSTATUS Dual ethernet port link status 1

Process bus communication IEC 61850-9-2 1)

PRP IEC 62439-3 parallel redundancy protocol 0-1
Remote communication
Binary signal transfer receive/transmit 6/36
Transmission of analog data from LDCM 1
Receive binary status from remote LDCM 6/3/3
Scheme communication
ZCPSCH 85 Scheme communication logic for distance or overcurrent 0-1
ZC1PPSCH 85 Phase segregated scheme communication logic for distance 0-1
ZCRWPSCH 85 Current reversal and weak-end infeed logic for distance 0-1
ZC1WPSCH 85 Current reversal and weak-end infeed logic for phase 0-1
segregated communication
ZCLCPSCH Local acceleration logic 0-1
ECPSCH 85 Scheme communication logic for residual overcurrent 0-1
ECRWPSCH 85 Current reversal and weak-end infeed logic for residual 0-1
overcurrent protection
DTT Direct transfer trip 0-1

1) Only included for 9-2LE products

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 39

Commissioning manual
Section 3 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Available functions

3.5 Basic IED functions

Table 6: Basic IED functions

IEC 61850 or function Description
SELFSUPEVLST Self supervision with internal event list
TIMESYNCHGEN Time synchronization module
BININPUT, Time synchronization
TIMEZONE Time synchronization
DSTBEGIN, GPS time synchronization module
IRIG-B Time synchronization
SETGRPS Number of setting groups
ACTVGRP Parameter setting groups
TESTMODE Test mode functionality
CHNGLCK Change lock function
SMBI Signal matrix for binary inputs
SMBO Signal matrix for binary outputs
SMMI Signal matrix for mA inputs
SMAI1 - SMAI12 Signal matrix for analog inputs
ATHSTAT Authority status
ATHCHCK Authority check
AUTHMAN Authority management
FTPACCS FTP access with password
SPACOMMMAP SPA communication mapping
SPATD Date and time via SPA protocol
DOSFRNT Denial of service, frame rate control for front port
DOSLANAB Denial of service, frame rate control for OEM port AB
DOSLANCD Denial of service, frame rate control for OEM port CD
DOSSCKT Denial of service, socket flow control
GBASVAL Global base values for settings
PRIMVAL Primary system values
Table continues on next page

40 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 3
Available functions

IEC 61850 or function Description

ALTMS Time master supervision
ALTIM Time management
MSTSER DNP3.0 for serial communication protocol
PRODINF Product information
RUNTIME IED Runtime Comp
CAMCONFIG Central account management configuration
CAMSTATUS Central account management status
TOOLINF Tools Information component
SAFEFILECOPY Safe file copy function

Table 7: Local HMI functions

IEC 61850 or function ANSI Description
LHMICTRL Local HMI signals
LANGUAGE Local human machine language
SCREEN Local HMI Local human machine screen behavior
FNKEYTY1FNKEYTY5 Parameter setting function for HMI in PCM600
LEDGEN General LED indication part for LHMI
OPENCLOSE_LED LHMI LEDs for open and close keys
GRP1_LED1 Basic part for CP HW LED indication module

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 41

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 4
Starting up

Section 4 Starting up

4.1 Factory and site acceptance testing

Testing the proper IED operation is carried out at different occasions, for example:

Acceptance testing
Commissioning testing
Maintenance testing

This manual describes the workflow and the steps to carry out the commissioning testing.

Factory acceptance testing (FAT) is typically done to verify that the IED and its
corresponding configuration meet the requirements of the utility or industry. This test is
the most complex and in depth, as it is done to familiarize the user with a new product or
to verify a new configuration. The complexity of this testing depends on several factors,
such as:
New IED type
New configuration
Modified configuration

Site acceptance testing (SAT or commissioning testing) is typically done to verify that the
installed IED is correctly set and connected to the power system. SAT requires that the
acceptance testing has been performed and that the application configuration is verified.

Maintenance testing is a periodic verification that the IED is healthy and has correct
settings, depending on changes in the power system. There are also other types of
maintenance testing.

4.2 Commissioning checklist

Before starting up commissioning at site, check that the following items are available.

Single line diagram

Protection block diagram
Circuit diagram
Setting list and configuration
RJ-45 Ethernet cable (CAT 5)

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 43

Commissioning manual
Section 4 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Starting up

Three-phase test kit or other test equipment depending on the complexity of the
configuration and functions to be tested.
PC with PCM600 installed along with the connectivity packages corresponding to the
IEDs to be tested.
Administration rights on the PC, to set up IP addresses
Product documentation (engineering manual, installation manual, commissioning
manual, operation manual, technical manual and communication protocol manual)

4.3 Checking the power supply

Do not insert anything else to the female connector but the corresponding
male connector. Inserting anything else (such as a measurement probe)
may damage the female connector and prevent a proper electrical contact
between the printed circuit board and the external wiring connected to the
screw terminal block.

Check that the auxiliary supply voltage remains within the permissible input voltage range
under all operating conditions. Check that the polarity is correct before energizing the

4.4 Energizing the IED

4.4.1 Checking the IED operation

Check all connections to external circuitry to ensure correct installation, before energizing
the IED and carrying out the commissioning procedures.

Energize the power supply of the IED to pickup. Keep the DC power supply on until the
Root menu or the selected default screen is shown on the HMI before interrupting the DC
power supply again. The energization could be done in a number of ways, from energizing
a whole cubicle with many IEDs to energizing each single IED one by one.

If HW (i.e. I/O and/or communication boards etc.) have been changed (i.e. removed,
replaced, or added), the user should re-configure the IED by navigating in the local HMI
menu to: Main menu/Configuration/Reconfigure HW modules to activate the changed
hardware modules in order to enable the self-supervision function to detect possible
hardware errors.

Check also the self-supervision function in Main menu/Diagnostics/IED status/

General menu in local HMI to verify that the IED operates properly.

44 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 4
Starting up

Set the IED time if no time synchronization source is configured.

To ensure that the IED is according to the delivery and ordering specifications documents
delivered together with each IED, the user should also after start-up use the built in HMI
to check the IED's:
Software version, Main menu/Diagnostics/IED status/Product identifiers.
Serial number, Main menu/Diagnostics/IED status/Product identifiers.
Installed modules and their ordering number, Main menu/Diagnostics/IED status/
Installed HW.

4.4.2 IED start-up sequence

When the IED is energized, the green LED starts flashing instantly. After approximately
55 seconds the window lights up and the window displays IED Startup. The main menu
is displayed and the upper row should indicate Available after about 90 seconds. A
steady green light indicates a successful startup.

1 2 3
t (s)
0 t1 t2

IEC04000310 V2 EN

Figure 2: Typical IED start-up sequence

1 IED energized. Green LED instantly starts flashing

2 LCD lights up and "IED startup" is displayed
3 The main menu is displayed. A steady green light indicates a successful startup.

If the upper row in the window indicates Fail instead of Available and the green LED
flashes, an internal failure in the IED has been detected. See section "" to investigate the

4.5 Setting up communication between PCM600 and the


The communication between the IED and PCM600 is independent of the communication
protocol used within the substation or to the NCC.

The communication media is always Ethernet and the used protocol is TCP/IP.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 45

Commissioning manual
Section 4 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Starting up

Each IED has an RJ-45 Ethernet interface connector on the front. The front Ethernet
connector shall be used for communication with PCM600.

When an Ethernet-based station protocol is used, PCM600 communication can use the
same Ethernet port and IP address.

To connect PCM600 to the IED, two basic variants must be considered.

Direct point-to-point link between PCM600 and the IED front port. The front port can
be seen as a service port.
Indirect link via a station LAN or from remote via a network.

The physical connection and the IP address must be configured in both cases to enable

The communication procedures are the same in both cases.

1. If needed, set the IP address for the IEDs.
2. Set up the PC or workstation for a direct link (point-to-point), or
3. Connect the PC or workstation to the LAN/WAN network.
4. Configure the IED IP addresses in the PCM600 project for each IED to match the IP
addresses of the physical IEDs.

Setting up IP addresses
The IP address and the corresponding communication subnetwork mask must be set via
the LHMI for each available Ethernet interface in the IED. Each Ethernet interface has a
default factory IP address when the IED is delivered. The IP adress and the subnetwork
mask might have to be reset when an additional Ethernet interface is installed or an
interface is replaced.

The default IP address for the IED front port is and the corresponding
subnetwork mask is, which can be set via the local HMI path Main
menu/Configuration/Communication/Ethernet configuration/FRONT:1.

Setting up the PC or workstation for point-to-point access to IEDs front port

An ethernet cable (max 2 m length) with RJ-45 connectors is needed to connect two
physical Ethernet interfaces together without a hub, router, bridge or switch in between.

46 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 4
Starting up


Tx Tx
Rx Rx
IEC09000096 V2 EN

Figure 3: Point-to-point link between IED and PCM600

The following description is an example valid for standard PCs using Microsoft Windows
operating system. The example is taken from a Laptop with one Ethernet interface.

Administrator rights are required to change the PC communication setup.

It is automatically detected that Tx signals from the IED are received on
the Tx pin on the PC. Thus, a straight (standard) Ethernet cable can be

1. Select Search programs and files in the Start menu in Windows.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 47

Commissioning manual
Section 4 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Starting up


IEC13000057 V1 EN

Figure 4: Select: Search programs and files

2. Type View network connections and click on the View network connections icon.

48 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 4
Starting up


IEC13000058 V1 EN

Figure 5: Click View network connections

3. Right-click and select Properties.


IEC13000059 V1 EN

Figure 6: Right-click Local Area Connection and select Properties

4. Select the TCP/IPv4 protocol from the list of configured components using this
connection and click Properties.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 49

Commissioning manual
Section 4 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Starting up


IEC13000060 V1 EN

Figure 7: Select the TCP/IPv4 protocol and open Properties

5. Select Use the following IP address and define IP address and Subnet mask if the
front port is used and if the IP address is not set to be obtained automatically by the
IED, see Figure 8. The IP address must be different from the IP address chosen for the

50 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 4
Starting up


IEC13000062 V1 EN

Figure 8: Select: Use the following IP address

6. Use the ping command to verify connectivity with the IED.

7. Close all open windows and start PCM600.

The PC and IED must belong to the same subnetwork for this set-up to

Setting up the PC to access the IED via a network

The same method is used as for connecting to the front port.

The PC and IED must belong to the same subnetwork for this set-up to

4.6 Writing an application configuration to the IED

When writing a configuration to the IED with PCM600, the IED is automatically set in
configuration mode. When the IED is set in configuration mode, all functions are blocked.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 51

Commissioning manual
Section 4 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Starting up

The red LED on the IED flashes, and the green LED is lit while the IED is in the
configuration mode.

When the configuration is written and completed, the IED is automatically set into normal
mode. For further instructions please refer to the users manuals for PCM600.

4.7 Checking CT circuits

Check that the wiring is in strict accordance with the supplied connection

The CTs must be connected in accordance with the circuit diagram provided with the
IED, both with regards to phases and polarity. The following tests shall be performed on
every primary CT connected to the IED:

Primary injection test to verify the current ratio of the CT, the correct wiring up to the
protection IED and correct phase sequence connection (that is A, B, C.)
Polarity check to prove that the predicted direction of secondary current flow is
correct for a given direction of primary current flow. This is an essential test for the
proper operation of the differential function and directional protection functions.
CT secondary loop resistance measurement to confirm that the current transformer
secondary loop DC resistance is within the specification for the connected protection
functions. When the measured loop resistance is near the calculated value for
maximum DC resistance, perform a complete burden test.
CT excitation test in order to confirm that the current transformer is of the correct
accuracy rating and that there are no shorted turns in the current transformer
windings. Manufacturer's design curves must be available for the current transformer
to compare the actual results.
Grounding check of the individual CT secondary circuits to verify that each three-
phase set of main CTs is properly connected to the station ground and only at one
electrical point.
Insulation resistance check.

While the CT primary is energized, the secondary circuit shall never be

open circuited because extremely dangerous high voltages may arise.

Both the primary and the secondary sides must be disconnected from the
line and the IED when plotting the excitation characteristics.

52 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 4
Starting up

If the CT secondary circuit ground connection is removed without the

current transformer primary being de-energized, dangerous voltages may
result in the secondary CT circuits.

4.8 Checking VT circuits

Check that the wiring is in strict accordance with the supplied connection diagram.

Correct possible errors before continuing to test the circuitry.

Test the circuitry.

Polarity check when applicable; this test is often omitted for CVTs
VT circuit voltage measurement (primary injection test)
Grounding check
Phase relationship
Insulation resistance check

The primary injection test verifies the VT ratio and the wiring all the way from the primary
system to the IED. Injection must be performed for each phase-to-neutral circuit.

While testing VT secondary circuit and associated secondary equipment,

care shall be exercised to isolate the VT from the circuit being tested to
avoid backcharging the VT from the secondary side.

4.9 Using the RTXP test switch

The RTXP test switch is designed to provide the means of safe testing of the IED. This is
achieved by the electromechanical design of the test switch and test plug handle. When the
test plug handle is inserted, it first blocks the trip and alarm circuits then it short circuits the
CT secondary circuit and opens the VT secondary circuits making the IED available for
secondary injection.

When pulled out, the test handle is mechanically stopped in half withdrawn position. In
this position, the current and voltage enter the protection, but the alarm and trip circuits are

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 53

Commissioning manual
Section 4 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Starting up

still isolated and the IED is in test mode. Before removing the test handle, check the
measured values in the IED.

Not until the test handle is completely removed, the trip and alarm circuits are restored for

Verify that the contact sockets have been crimped correctly and that they
are fully inserted by tugging on the wires. Never do this with current
circuits in service.

Current circuit
1. Verify that the contacts are of current circuit type.
2. Verify that the short circuit jumpers are located in the correct slots.

Voltage circuit
1. Verify that the contacts are of voltage circuit type.
2. Check that no short circuit jumpers are located in the slots dedicated for voltage.

Trip and alarm circuits

1. Check that the correct types of contacts are used.

4.10 Checking the binary I/O circuits

Do not insert anything else to the female connector but the corresponding
male connector. Inserting anything else (such as a measurement probe)
may damage the female connector and prevent a proper electrical contact
between the printed circuit board and the external wiring connected to the
screw terminal block.

4.10.1 Binary input circuits

Preferably, disconnect the binary input connector from the binary input cards. Check all
connected signals so that both input level and polarity are in accordance with the IED

54 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 4
Starting up

4.10.2 Binary output circuits

Preferably, disconnect the binary output connector from the binary output cards. Check all
connected signals so that both load and polarity are in accordance with IED specifications.

4.11 Checking optical connections

Check that the Tx and Rx optical connections are correct.

An IED equipped with optical connections has an minimum space

requirement of 180 mm (7.2 inches) for plastic fiber cables and 275 mm
(10.9 inches) for glass fiber cables. Check the allowed minimum bending
radius from the optical cable manufacturer.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 55

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 5
Configuring the IED and changing settings

Section 5 Configuring the IED and changing settings

5.1 Overview

The customer specific values for each setting parameter and a configuration file have to
be available before the IED can be set and configured, if the IED is not delivered with a

Use the configuration tools in PCM600 to verify that the IED has the expected

Each function included in the IED has several setting parameters, which have to be set in
order to make the IED behave as intended. A factory default value is provided for each
parameter.The Parameter Setting Tool in PCM600 is used when changing setting

All settings can be

Entered manually through the local HMI.

Written from a PC, either locally or remotely using PCM600. Front or rear port
communication has to be established before the settings can be written to the IED.

Make sure that the DC supply is not turned off when the IED saves the
written configuration.

The IED uses a FLASH disk for storing configuration data and process data like counters,
object states, Local/Remote switch position etc. Since FLASH memory is used, measures
have been taken in software to make sure that the FLASH disk is not worn out by too
intensive storing of data.

This means, that to be absolutely sure that all data have been saved to FLASH, it is
necessary to leave the IED with auxiliary power connected after all the commissioning is
done (including setting the Local/Remote switch to the desired position) for at least one
hour after the last commissioning action performed on the IED.

After that time has elapsed, it will be safe to turn the IED off, no data will be lost.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 57

Commissioning manual
Section 5 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Configuring the IED and changing settings

5.2 Configuring analog CT inputs

The analog input channels must be configured to get correct measurement results as well
as correct protection functionality. Because all protection algorithms in the IED utilize the
primary system quantities, it is extremely important to make sure that connected current
transformer settings are done properly. These data are calculated by the system engineer
and normally set by the commissioning personnel from the local HMI or from PCM600.

The analog inputs on the transformer input module are dimensioned for either 1A or 5A.
Each transformer input module has a unique combination of current and voltage inputs.
Make sure the input current rating is correct and that it matches the order documentation.

The primary CT data are entered via the HMI menu under Main menu/Settings/General
Settings/Analog modules/AnalogInputs

The following parameter shall be set for every current transformer connected to the IED:
Table 8: CT configuration
Parameter description Parameter name Range Default
Rated CT primary current in A CT Prim Input from 0 to 99999 3000

This parameter defines the primary rated current of the CT. For two set of CTs with ratio
1000/1 and 1000/5 this parameter is set to the same value of 1000 for both CT inputs. The
parameter CTStarPoint can be used in order to reverse the direction of the CT. This might
be necessary if two sets of CTs have different neutral (WYE) point locations in relation to
the protected busbar.

For main CTs with 2A rated secondary current, it is recommended to connect the
secondary wiring to the 1A input.

Take the rated permissive overload values for the current inputs into

5.3 Reconfiguring the IED

I/O modules configured with PCM600 (BIM, BOM or IOM) are supervised.

I/O modules that are not configured are not supervised.

58 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 5
Configuring the IED and changing settings

Each logical I/O module has an error flag that indicates signal or module failure. The error
flag is also set when the physical I/O module of the correct type is not detected in the
connected slot.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 59

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 6
Establishing connection and verifying the SPA/IEC communication

Section 6 Establishing connection and verifying the

SPA/IEC communication

6.1 Entering settings

If the IED is connected to a monitoring or control system via the rear SPA/IEC port, the
SPA/IEC port has to be set either for SPA or IEC use.

6.1.1 Entering SPA settings

The SPA/IEC port is located on the rear side of the IED. Two types of interfaces can be

for plastic fibres with connector type HFBR

for glass fibres with connectors type ST

When using the SPA protocol, the rear SPA/IEC port must be set for SPA use.


1. Set the operation of the rear optical SPA/IEC port to SPA.

The operation of the rear SPA port can be found on the local HMI under Main menu/
Configuration/Communication/Station communication/Port
configuration/SLM optical serial port/PROTOCOL:1
When the setting is entered the IED restarts automatically. After the restart the SPA/
IEC port operates as a SPA port.
2. Set the slave number and baud rate for the rear SPA port
The slave number and baud rate can be found on the local HMI under Main menu/
Configuration/Communication/Station communication/SPA/SPA:1
Set the same slave number and baud rate as set in the SMS system for the IED.

6.1.2 Entering IEC settings

When using the IEC protocol, the rear SPA/IEC port must be set for IEC use.

Two types of interfaces can be used:

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 61

Commissioning manual
Section 6 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Establishing connection and verifying the SPA/IEC communication

for plastic fibres with connector type HFBR

for glass fibres with connectors type ST


1. Set the operation of the rear SPA/IEC port to IEC.

The operation of the rear SPA/IEC port can be found on the local HMI under Main
menu/Configuration/Communication/SLM configuration/Rear optical SPA-
When the setting is entered the IED restarts automatically. After the restart the
selected IEC port operates as an IEC port.
2. Set the slave number and baud rate for the rear IEC port.
The slave number and baud rate can be found on the local HMI under Main menu/
Configuration/Communication/SLM configuration/Rear optical SPA-IEC-
DNP port/IEC608705103
Set the same slave number and baud rate as set in the IEC master system for the IED.

6.2 Verifying the communication

To verify that the rear communication with the SMS/SCS system is working, there are
some different methods. Choose one of the following.

6.2.1 Verifying SPA communication


1. Use a SPA-emulator and send RF to the IED. The answer from the IED should be
the type and version of it, for example, REL670 2.1....
2. Generate one binary event by activating a function, which is configured to an event
block where the used input is set to generate events on SPA. The configuration must
be made with the PCM600 software. Verify that the event is presented in the SMS/
SCS system.

During the following tests of the different functions in the IED, verify that the events and
indications in the SMS/SCS system are as expected.

6.2.2 Verifying IEC communication

To verify that the IEC communication with the IEC master system is working, there are
some different methods. Choose one of the following.

62 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 6
Establishing connection and verifying the SPA/IEC communication


1. Check that the master system time-out for response from the IED, for example after
a setting change, is > 40 seconds.
2. Use a protocol analyzer and record the communication between the IED and the IEC
master. Check in the protocol analyzers log that the IED answers the master
3. Generate one binary event by activating a function that is configured to an event
block where the used input is set to generate events on IEC. The configuration must
be made with the PCM600 software. Verify that the event is presented in the IEC
master system.

During the following tests of the different functions in the IED, verify that the events and
indications in the IEC master system are as expected.

6.3 Fibre optic loop

The SPA communication is mainly used for SMS. It can include different numerical IEDs
with remote communication possibilities. The fibre optic loop can contain < 20-30 IEDs
depending on requirements on response time. Connection to a personal computer (PC) can
be made directly (if the PC is located in the substation) or by telephone modem through
a telephone network with ITU (CCITT) characteristics.
Table 9: Max distances between IEDs/nodes

glass < 1000 m according to optical budget

plastic < 25 m (inside cubicle) according to optical budget

6.4 Optical budget calculation for serial communication with


Table 10: Example

Distance 1 km Distance 25 m
Glass Plastic
Maximum attenuation - 11 dB - 7 dB
4 dB/km multi mode: 820 nm - 62.5/125 um 4 dB -
0.16 dB/m plastic: 620 nm - 1mm - 4 dB
Margins for installation, aging, and so on 5 dB 1 dB
Losses in connection box, two contacts (0.5 dB/contact) 1 dB -
Table continues on next page

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 63

Commissioning manual
Section 6 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Establishing connection and verifying the SPA/IEC communication

Distance 1 km Distance 25 m
Glass Plastic
Losses in connection box, two contacts (1 dB/contact) - 2 dB
Margin for 2 repair splices (0.5 dB/splice) 1 dB -
Maximum total attenuation 11 dB 7 dB

64 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 7
Establishing connection and verifying the LON communication

Section 7 Establishing connection and verifying the

LON communication

7.1 Communication via the rear ports

7.1.1 LON communication

LON communication is normally used in substation automation systems. Optical fiber is
used within the substation as the physical communication link.

The test can only be carried out when the whole communication system is installed. Thus,
the test is a system test and is not dealt with here.

Station HSI Control Center



Star coupler
RER 111


IEC05000663 V2 EN

Figure 9: Example of LON communication structure for a substation automation


Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 65

Commissioning manual
Section 7 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Establishing connection and verifying the LON communication

An optical network can be used within the substation automation system. This enables
communication with the IEDs through the LON bus from the operators workplace, from
the control center and also from other IEDs via bay-to-bay horizontal communication.

The fibre optic LON bus is implemented using either glass core or plastic core fibre optic
Table 11: Specification of the fibre optic connectors
Glass fibre Plastic fibre
Cable connector ST-connector snap-in connector
Cable diameter 62.5/125 m 1 mm
Max. cable length 1000 m 10 m
Wavelength 820-900 nm 660 nm
Transmitted power -13 dBm (HFBR-1414) -13 dBm (HFBR-1521)
Receiver sensitivity -24 dBm (HFBR-2412) -20 dBm (HFBR-2521)

7.2.1 The LON Protocol

The LON protocol is specified in the LonTalkProtocol Specification Version 3 from
Echelon Corporation. This protocol is designed for communication in control networks
and is a peer-to-peer protocol where all the devices connected to the network can
communicate with each other directly. For more information of the bay-to-bay
communication, refer to the section Multiple command function.

7.2.2 Hardware and software modules

The hardware needed for applying LON communication depends on the application, but
one very central unit needed is the LON Star Coupler and optical fibres connecting the star
coupler to the IEDs. To interface the IEDs from the MicroSCADA with Classic Monitor,
application library LIB520 is required.

The HV Control 670 software module is included in the LIB520 high-voltage process
package, which is a part of the Application Software Library in MicroSCADA

The HV Control 670 software module is used for control functions in the IEDs. The
module contains a process picture, dialogues and a tool to generate a process database for
the control application in MicroSCADA.

When using MicroSCADA Monitor Pro instead of the Classic Monitor, SA LIB is used
together with 670 series Object Type files.

66 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 7
Establishing connection and verifying the LON communication

The HV Control 670 software module and 670 series Object Type files are
used with both 650 and 670 series IEDs.

Use the LON Network Tool (LNT) to set the LON communication. This is a software tool
applied as one node on the LON bus. To communicate via LON, the IEDs need to know
The node addresses of the other connected IEDs.
The network variable selectors to be used.

This is organized by LNT.

The node address is transferred to LNT via the local HMI by setting the parameter
ServicePinMsg = Yes. The node address is sent to LNT via the LON bus, or LNT can scan
the network for new nodes.

The communication speed of the LON bus is set to the default of 1.25 Mbit/s. This can be
changed by LNT.

The setting parameters for the LON communication are set via the local HMI. Refer to the
technical manual for setting parameters specifications.

The path to LON settings in the local HMI is Main menu/Configuration/

Communication/SLM configuration/Rear optical LON port

If the LON communication from the IED stops, caused by setting of illegal
communication parameters (outside the setting range) or by another disturbance, it is
possible to reset the LON port of the IED.

Path in the local HMI under Main menu/Configuration/Communication/SLM

configuration/Rear optical LON port

These parameters can only be set with the LON Network Tool (LNT).
Table 12: Setting parameters for the LON communication
Parameter Range Default Unit Parameter description
DomainID 0 0 - Domain identification number
SubnetID* 0 - 255 0 - Subnet identification number
Step: 1
NodeID* 0 - 127 0 - Node identification number
Step: 1
*Can be viewed in the local HMI

Path in the local HMI under Main menu/Congifuration/Communication/SLM

configuration/Rear optical LON port

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 67

Commissioning manual
Section 7 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Establishing connection and verifying the LON communication

These parameters can only be set with the LON Network Tool (LNT).
Table 13: LON node information parameters
Parameter Range Default Unit Parameter description
NeuronID* 0 - 12 Not loaded - Neuron hardware identification number in
hexadecimal code
Location 0-6 No value - Location of the node
*Can be viewed in the local HMI

Path in the local HMI under Main menu/Configuration/Communication/SLM

configuration/Rear optical LON port
Table 14: ADE Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Disabled - - Disabled Operation
TimerClass Slow - - Slow Timer class

Path in the local HMI under Main menu/Configuration/Communication/SLM

configuration/Rear optical LON port
Table 15: LON commands
Command Command description
ServicePinMsg Command with confirmation. Transfers the node address to the LON Network Tool.

7.2 Optical budget calculation for serial communication with


Table 16: Example

Distance 1 km Distance10 m
Glass Plastic
Maximum attenuation -11 dB - 7 dB
4 dB/km multi mode: 820 nm - 62.5/125 um 4 dB -
0.3 dB/m plastic: 620 nm - 1mm - 3 dB
Margins for installation, aging, and so on 5 dB 2 dB
Table continues on next page

68 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 7
Establishing connection and verifying the LON communication

Distance 1 km Distance10 m
Glass Plastic
Losses in connection box, two contacts (0.75 dB/contact) 1.5 dB -
Losses in connection box, two contacts (1dB/contact) - 2 dB
Margin for repair splices (0.5 dB/splice) 0.5 dB -
Maximum total attenuation 11 dB 7 dB

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 69

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 8
Establishing connection and verifying the IEC 61850 communication

Section 8 Establishing connection and verifying the

IEC 61850 communication

8.1 Overview

The rear OEM ports are used for:

process bus (IEC 61850-9-2LE) communication
substation bus (IEC 61850-8-1) communication.

For IEC 61850-8-1 redundant communication, both rear OEM ports are utilized. In this
case IEC 61850-9-2LE communication can not be used.

IEC 61850-9-2LE process bus communication is not supported in the


8.2 Setting the station communication

To enable IEC 61850 communication the corresponding OEM ports must be activated.
The rear OEM port AB and CD is used for IEC 61850-8-1 communication. The rear OEM
port CD is used for IEC 61850-9-2LE communication. For IEC 61850-8-1 redundant
communication, both OEM port AB and CD are used exclusively.

IEC 61850-9-2LE communication can only be used on OEM rear port

X311:C, D.

To enable IEC 61850 station communication:

1. Enable IEC 61850-8-1 (substation bus) communication for port AB.

1.1. Set values for the rear ports AB.
Navigate to: Main menu/Configuration/Communication/Ethernet

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 71

Commissioning manual
Section 8 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Establishing connection and verifying the IEC 61850 communication

Set values for Mode, IPAddress and IPMask. Mode must be set to Normal.
Check that the correct IP address is assigned to the port.
1.2. Enable IEC 61850-8-1 communication.
Navigate to: Main menu/Configuration/Communication/Station
Set Operation to Enabled , PortSelGOOSE and PortSelMMS to the port used
(for example LANAB).
2. Enable redundant IEC 61850-8-1 communication for port AB and CD
2.1. Enable redundant communication.
Navigate to: Main menu/Configuration/Communication/Ethernet
Set values for Operation, IPAddress and IPMask. Operation must be set to
The IED will restart after confirmation. Menu items LANAB:1 and LANCD:
1 are hidden in local HMI after restart but are visible in PST where the values
for parameter Mode is set to Duo.
3. Enable IEC 61850-9-2LE (process bus) communication for port CD.
3.1. Set values for the rear port CD.
Navigate to: Main menu/Configuration/Communication/Ethernet
Set values for Mode, IPAddress and IPMask. Mode must be set to IEC9-2.

There are no settings needed for the IEC 61850-9-2LE communication in the local HMI
branch Station communication. Make sure that the optical fibres are connected correctly.
Communication is enabled whenever the merging unit starts sending data.

8.3 Verifying the communication

To verify that the communication is working a test/analyzing tool, for example ITT600, can be used.
Verifying redundant IEC 61850-8-1 communication
Ensure that the IED receives IEC 61850-8-1 data on both port AB and CD. Browse in the
local HMI to Main menu/Diagnostics/Communication/Redundant PRP and check
that both signals LAN-A-STATUS and LAN-B-STATUS are shown as Ok. Remove the
optical connection to one of the ports AB or CD. Verify that either signal LAN-A-
STATUS or LAN-B-STATUS (depending on which connection that was removed) are
shown as Error and the that other signal is shown as Ok. Be sure to re-connect the removed
connection after completed verification.

72 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 9
Testing IED operation

Section 9 Testing IED operation

9.1 Preparing for test

9.1.1 Requirements
IED test requirements:

Calculated settings
Application configuration diagram
Signal matrix (SMT) configuration
Terminal connection diagram
Technical manual
Three-phase test equipment
Process bus, IEC61850-9-2LE, MU test simulator, if IEC 61850-9-2LE process bus
communication is used.

The setting and configuration of the IED must be completed before the testing can start.

The terminal diagram, available in the technical reference manual, is a general diagram of
the IED.

Note that the same diagram is not always applicable to each specific
delivery (especially for the configuration of all the binary inputs and

Therefore, before testing, check that the available terminal diagram corresponds to the

The technical manual contains application and functionality summaries, function blocks,
logic diagrams, input and output signals, setting parameters and technical data sorted per

The test equipment should be able to provide a three-phase supply of voltages and
currents. The magnitude of voltage and current as well as the phase angle between voltage
and current must be variable. The voltages and currents from the test equipment must be
obtained from the same source and they must have minimal harmonic content. If the test

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 73

Commissioning manual
Section 9 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing IED operation

equipment cannot indicate the phase angle, a separate phase-angle measuring instrument
is necessary.

Prepare the IED for test before testing a particular function. Consider the logic diagram of
the tested protection function when performing the test. All included functions in the IED
are tested according to the corresponding test instructions in this chapter. The functions
can be tested in any order according to user preferences. Only the functions that are used
(Operation is set to Enabled) should be tested.

The response from a test can be viewed in different ways:

Binary outputs signals

Service values on the local HMI (logical signals or phasors)
A PC with PCM600 application configuration software in work online mode

All setting groups that are used should be tested.

This IED is designed for a maximum continuous current of four times the
rated current.

All references to CT and VT must be interpreted as analog values received

from merging units (MU) via IEC 61850-9-2LE communication protocol,
analog values received from the transformer input module, or analog
values received from the LDCM.

When using a MU test simulator, make sure it is set to the correct SVID
and that the system frequency is set to the same as in the IED.

Please observe the measuring accuracy of the IED, the test equipment and
the angular accuracy for both of them.

Please consider the configured logic from the function block to the output
contacts when measuring the trip time.

After intense testing, it is important that the IED is not immediately

restarted, which might cause a faulty trip due to flash memory restrictions.
Some time must pass before the IED is restarted. For more information

74 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 9
Testing IED operation

about the flash memory, refer to section Configuring the IED and
changing settings.

9.1.2 Preparing the IED to verify settings

If a test switch is included, start preparation by making the necessary connections to the
test switch. This means connecting the test equipment according to a specific and
designated IED terminal diagram.

Put the IED into the test mode to facilitate the test of individual functions and prevent
unwanted operation caused by other functions. The busbar differential protection is not
included in the test mode and is not prevented to trip during the test operations. The test
switch should then be connected to the IED.

Verify that analog input signals from the analog input module are measured and recorded
correctly by injecting currents and voltages required by the specific IED.

To make testing even more effective, use PCM600. PCM600 includes the Signal
monitoring tool, which is useful in reading the individual currents and voltages, their
amplitudes and phase angles. In addition, PCM600 contains the Disturbance handling
tool. The content of reports generated by the Disturbance handling tool can be configured
which makes the work more efficient. For example, the tool may be configured to only
show time tagged events and to exclude analog information and so on.

Check the disturbance report settings to ensure that the indications are correct.

For information about the functions to test, for example signal or parameter names, see the
technical manual. The correct initiation of the disturbance recorder is made on pickup and/
or release or trip from a function. Also check that the wanted recordings of analog (real and
calculated) and binary signals are achieved.

Parameters can be entered into different setting groups. Make sure to test
functions for the same parameter setting group. If needed, repeat the tests
for all different setting groups used. The difference between testing the
first parameter setting group and the remaining is that there is no need for
testing the connections.

During testing, observe that the right testing method, that corresponds to the actual
parameters set in the activated parameter setting group, is used.

Set and configure the function(s) before testing. Most functions are highly flexible and
permit a choice of functional and tripping modes. The various modes are checked at the
factory as part of the design verification. In certain cases, only modes with a high

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 75

Commissioning manual
Section 9 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing IED operation

probability of coming into operation need to be checked when commissioned to verify the
configuration and settings.

9.2 Activating the test mode

Put the IED into the test mode before testing. The test mode blocks all protection functions
and some of the control functions in the IED, and the individual functions to be tested can
be unblocked to prevent unwanted operation caused by other functions. In this way, it is
possible to test slower back-up measuring functions without the interference from faster
measuring functions. The test switch should then be connected to the IED.Test mode is
indicated when the yellow PickupLED flashes.

It is important that the IED function to be tested is put into test mode, even if the MU is
sending data marked as "test". The IED will interpret these data as valid if it is not in test

1. Browse to the TestMode menu and press E.

The TestMode menu is found on the local HMI under Main menu/Test/IED test
2. Use the up and down arrows to choose Enabled and press E.
3. Press the left arrow to exit the menu.
The dialog box Save changes appears.
4. Choose Yes, press E and exit the menu.
The yellow pickupLED above the LCD will start flashing when the IED is in test

9.3 Preparing the connection to the test equipment

The IED can be equipped with a test switch of type RTXP8, RTXP18 or RTXP24 or FT.
The test switch and its associated test plug handles are a part of the COMBITEST or FT
system of ABB, which provides secure and convenient testing of the IED.

When using the COMBITEST, preparations for testing are automatically carried out in the
proper sequence, that is, for example, blocking of tripping circuits, short circuiting of CTs,
opening of voltage circuits, making IED terminals available for secondary injection.
Terminals 1 and 8, 1 and 18 as well as 1 and 12 of the test switches RTXP8, RTXP18 and
RTXP24 respectively are not disconnected as they supply DC power to the protection
IED. When FT switch is used for testing, care shall be exercised to open the tripping
circuit, ahead of manipulating the CT fingers.

76 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 9
Testing IED operation

The RTXH test-plug handle leads may be connected to any type of test equipment or
instrument. When a number of protection IEDs of the same type are tested, the test-plug
handle only needs to be moved from the test switch of one protection IED to the test switch
of the other, without altering the previous connections.

Use COMBITEST test system to prevent unwanted tripping when the handle is
withdrawn, since latches on the handle secure it in the half withdrawn position. In this
position, all voltages and currents are restored and any re-energizing transients are given
a chance to decay before the trip circuits are restored. When the latches are released, the
handle can be completely withdrawn from the test switch, restoring the trip circuits to the
protection IED.

If a test switch is not used, perform measurement according to the provided circuit

Never disconnect the secondary connection of a current transformer

circuit without first short-circuiting the transformer's secondary winding.
Operating a current transformer with the secondary winding open will
cause a massive potential build up that may damage the transformer and
cause personal injury.

9.4 Connecting the test equipment to the IED

Connect the test equipment according to the IED specific connection diagram and the
needed input and output signals for the function under test. An example of a connection
is shown in figure 10.

Connect the current and voltage terminals. Pay attention to the current polarity. Make sure
that the connection of input and output current terminals and the connection of the residual
current conductor is correct. Check that the input and output logical signals in the logic
diagram for the function under test are connected to the corresponding binary inputs and
outputs of the IED under test.

The MU test equipment must be connected to the CD port on the OEM

module when process bus IEC61850-9-2LE communication is used.

To ensure correct results, make sure that the IED as well as the test
equipment are properly grounded before testing.

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Section 9 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing IED operation

IN IN (I4,I5)

Test equipment

VN (U4,U5)

IEC 61850

ANSI09000652 V1 EN

Figure 10: Connection example of the test equipment to the IED when test
equipment is connected to the transformer input module

9.5 Releasing the function to be tested

Release or unblock the function to be tested. This is done to ensure that only the function
or the chain of functions to be tested are in operation and that other functions are prevented
from operating. Release the tested function(s) by setting the corresponding Blocked
parameter under Function test modes to No in the local HMI.

When testing a function in this blocking feature, remember that not only the actual
function must be activated, but the whole sequence of interconnected functions (from
measuring inputs to binary output contacts), including logic must be activated. Before
starting a new test mode session, scroll through every function to ensure that only the
function to be tested (and the interconnected ones) have the parameters Blocked and
eventually EvDisable set to No and Yes respectively. Remember that a function is also
blocked if the BLOCK input signal on the corresponding function block is active, which
depends on the configuration. Ensure that the logical status of the BLOCK input signal is
equal to 0 for the function to be tested. Event function blocks can also be individually
blocked to ensure that no events are reported to a remote station during the test. This is
done by setting the parameter EvDisable to Yes.

78 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing IED operation

Any function is blocked if the corresponding setting in the local HMI

under Main menu/Test/Function test modes menu remains Enabled,
that is, the parameter Blocked is set to Yes and the parameter TestMode
under Main menu/Test/IED test mode remains active. All functions that
were blocked or released in a previous test mode session, that is, the
parameter Test mode is set to Enabled, are reset when a new test mode
session is started.


1. Click the Function test modes menu.

The Function test modes menu is located in the local HMI under Main menu/Test/
Function test modes.
2. Browse to the function instance that needs to be released.
3. Set parameter Blocked for the selected function to No.

9.6 Verifying analog primary and secondary measurement

Verify that the connections are correct and that measuring and scaling is done correctly.
This is done by injecting current and voltage to the IED.

Besides verifying analog input values from the merging unit via the IEC 61850-9-2-LE
process bus, analog values from the transformer input module can be verified as follows.

Apply input signals as needed according to the actual hardware and the
application configuration.

1. Inject a symmetrical three-phase voltage and current at rated value.

2. Compare the injected value with the measured values.
The voltage and current phasor menu in the local HMI is located under Main menu/
Measurements/Analog primary values and Main menu/Measurements/Analog
secondary values.
3. Compare the frequency reading with the set frequency and the direction of the
The frequency and active power are located under Main menu/Measurements/
Monitoring/ServiceValues(MMXN)/CVMMXN:x. Then navigate to the bottom
of the list to find the frequency.
4. Inject an unsymmetrical three-phase voltage and current, to verify that phases are
correctly connected.

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Testing IED operation

If some setting deviates, check the analog input settings under

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Analog modules

If the IEC61850-9-2LE communication is interrupted during current

injection, the report tool in PCM600 will display the current that was
injected before the interruption.


IEC10000032 V1 EN

Figure 11: PCM600 report tool display after communication interruption

9.7 Testing the protection functionality

Each protection function must be tested individually by secondary injection.

80 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing IED operation

Verify operating levels (trip) and timers.

Verify alarm and blocking signals.
Use the disturbance handling tool in PCM600 to evaluate that the protection function
has received the correct data and responded correctly (signaling and timing).
Use the event viewer tool in PCM600 to check that only expected events have

9.8 Forcing of binary I/O signals for testing

9.8.1 Forcing concept

Forcing of binary inputs and outputs is a convenient way to test wiring in substations as
well as testing configuration logic in the IEDs. Basically it means that all binary inputs and
outputs on the IED I/O modules (BOM, BIM, IOM & SOM) can be set to a value (i.e active
or not-active), selected by the user, while the IED is in test mode. For inputs, this is true
regardless of the actual signal voltage present on the input. For outputs, any output relay
can be forced to be active or not, regardless of the current requested state of the output in
the IED logic configuration.

Be observant that forcing of binary inputs and outputs on an IED, with

inappropriate setup, can result in potential danger.

9.8.2 How to enable forcing

To enable forcing, the IED must first be put into IED test mode. While the IED is not in
test mode, the LHMI/PCM600 menus that relate to forcing will not have any effect on the
input/output status due to safety reasons. Enable forcing by using LHMI

1. Enable IED Testmode by setting IEDTestMode to On under Main menu/Test/IED

test mode TESTMODE:1.

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Testing IED operation

IEC15000029 V1 EN

2. Exit back to the root menu.

3. Select Yes in the save dialogue box.
Once the IED is in test mode the yellow Start LED starts to blink. Enable forcing using TESTMODE function block

Use the TESTMODE function block, appropriately configured in PCM600/ACT.

It may be convenient to control the input on mentioned component from, for example, an
LHMI function key or similar during commissioning to quickly and easily enter IED test

9.8.3 How to change binary input/output signals using forcing

Once the IED is in IED test mode, the LHMI/PCM600 menus can be used to control input/
output signals freely. Forcing by using LHMI

Editing a signal value directly

Edit the input/output value directly to select the desired logical level, by doing
1. Select the value line of the desired signal, see figure 12.
2. Press the Enter key to edit the value.

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Testing IED operation

IEC15000021 V1 EN

Figure 12: Value line of the desired signal

3. Use the up/down arrows on the LHMI to change the signal value or the
appropriate menu in PCM600.
The status of the signal changes automatically to Forced (i.e. there is no need to
set the status to Forced manually).

On the LHMI, these edit changes have immediate effect. This means that
the value changes directly when the up/down arrow is pressed (i.e. there
is no need to press the Enter key to effectuate the change).

When navigating away from a LHMI forcing menu for an I/O board, the user is prompted
to either leave the signals forced, or to revert all of them back to the unforced state.

IEC15000022 V1 EN

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Testing IED operation

It is possible to power-cycle the IED in this state without losing the forcing
states and values. This means that once a signal is forced, and the IED
remains in IED test mode, the input or output will appear frozen at the
value selected by the user, even if the IED is switched off and back on

Freezing a signal value without changing it

Set the status of a signal to Forced, in the forcing menu that corresponds to the I/O
card in question. See example of LHMI menu in figure 13

IEC15000020 V1 EN

Figure 13: Example of LHMI menu using BIM3

The signal freezes and will not change value even if, for example, a binary input signal
voltage changes level, or if a binary output is activated as the result of a protection function
block activating. Forcing by using PCM600

In PCM600 the concept is a bit different compared to LHMI. The forcing is accomplished
by entering a forcing session. Within such a session, multiple signals on multiple I/O
boards may be edited and changed at the same time and has no effect on the IED. Once the
user is satisfied with the forcing setup, then all the changes can be effectuated
simultaneously towards the IED, potentially changing inputs and outputs on multiple I/O
boards at the same time. It is also possible to abort this operation (described in step 6
below) and to undo all forcing.

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Testing IED operation

1. Right click on the IED in the plant structure and select Signal Monitoring.
2. Click on the List View tab.
3. Click Forcing Session in the menu IED/Start Forcing.

IEC15000023 V1 EN

4. Click Start editing signal value for forcing on the tool bar.

IEC15000024 V1 EN

The Signal Monitoring menu changes and indicates the forcing values that can be

IEC15000025 V1 EN

5. Select and edit the values.

6. Click Acknowledge and send.

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Testing IED operation

IEC15000026 V1 EN

This commits the values to the IED and exits the editing session.
7. Click Cancel to abort the changes and revert back to actual IED values.

IEC15000032 V1 EN

Regardless if the forcing changes are commited or canceled, the forcing is

still active.

To force more signals, click the button Start editing signal value for forcing again.

9.8.4 How to undo forcing changes and return the IED to normal
Regardless of which input/output signals have been forced, all forced signals will return
to their normal states immediately when the IED is taken out of test mode.

When the forcing is removed by exiting from IED test mode, both input
and output signals may change values. This means that logic input signals
may activate functions in the IED and that output relays may change state,
which can be potentially dangerous. Undo forcing by using TestMode component

If the IED test mode was entered through the test mode function block:
1. Deactivate the control input on that block.
This immediately undoes all forcing, regardless of how it was accomplished and
disabled all the way to force signals. Undo forcing by using LHMI

If the IED test mode was enabled to using the LHMI:

86 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing IED operation

1. Set IEDTestMode to Off in the LHMI menu.

2. Exit from the menu and click Yes in the Save dialogue box.
This immediately undoes all forcing, regardless of how it was accomplished and
disabled. Undo forcing by using PCM600

1. Uncheck Forcing Session under the menu IED.

IEC15000031 V1 EN

2. Click Yes in the confirmation dialogue box.

PCM600 will revert all forced signals back to unforced and the real signal values will
immediately take effect again.

This may change both binary input values and output relay states and will
undo any forcing done by using the LHMI.
If the IED is left in test mode, then it is still possible to perform new
forcing operations, both from LHMI and from PCM600

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

Section 10 Testing functionality by secondary injection

10.1 Testing disturbance report

10.1.1 Introduction
The following sub-functions are included in the disturbance report function:

Disturbance recorder
Event list
Event recorder
Fault locator
Trip value recorder

If the disturbance report is enabled, then its sub-functions are also set up and so it is not
possible to only disable these sub-functions. The disturbance report function is disabled
(parameter Operation = Disabled) in PCM600 or the local HMI under Main menu/
Settings/IED Settings/Monitoring/Disturbance report/DRPRDRE:1.

10.1.2 Disturbance report settings

When the IED is in test mode, the disturbance report can be made active or inactive. If the
disturbance recorder is turned on during test mode, recordings will be made. When test
mode is switched off all recordings made during the test session are cleared.

Setting OpModeTest for the control of the disturbance recorder during test mode are
located on the local HMI under Main menu/Settings/IED Settings/Monitoring/
Disturbance report/DRPRDRE:1.

10.1.3 Disturbance recorder (DR)

A Manual Trig can be started at any time. This results in a recording of the actual values
from all recorded channels.

The Manual Trig can be started in two ways:

1. From the local HMI under Main menu/Disturbance records.

1.1. Enter on the row at the bottom of the HMI called Manual trig.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

A new recording begins. The view is updated if you leave the menu and return.
1.2. Navigate to General information or to Trip values to obtain more detailed
2. Open the Disturbance handling tool for the IED in the plant structure in PCM600.
2.1. Right-click and select Execute manual Trig in the window Available
recordings in IED.
2.2. Read the required recordings from the IED.
2.3. Refresh the window Recordings and select a recording.
2.4. Right-click and select Create Report or Open With to export the recordings to
any disturbance analyzing tool that can handle Comtrade formatted files.

Evaluation of the results from the disturbance recording function requires access to a PC
either permanently connected to the IED or temporarily connected to the Ethernet port
(RJ-45) on the front. The PCM600 software package must be installed in the PC.

Disturbance upload can be performed by the use of PCM600 or by any third party tool with
IEC 61850 protocol. Reports can automatically be generated from PCM600. Disturbance
files can be analyzed by any tool reading Comtrade formatted disturbance files.

It could be useful to have a printer for hard copies. The correct start criteria and behavior
of the disturbance recording function can be checked when IED protective functions are

When the IED is brought into normal service it is recommended to delete all recordings,
made during commissioning to avoid confusion in future fault analysis.

All recordings in the IED can be deleted in two ways:

1. in the local HMI under Main menu/Clear/Reset disturbances, or

2. in the Disturbance handling tool in PCM600 by selecting Delete all recordings in the
IED... in the window Available Recordings in IED.

10.1.4 Event recorder (ER) and Event list (EL)

The result from the event recorder and event list can be viewed on the local HMI or, after
upload, in PCM600 as follows:

1. on the local HMI under Main menu/Events, or in more details via

2. the Event Viewer in PCM600.
The internal FIFO register of all events will appear when the event viewer is

90 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

When the IED is brought into normal service it is recommended to delete all events
resulting from commissioning tests to avoid confusion in future fault analysis. All events
in the IED can be cleared in the local HMI under Main Menu//Clear/Clear internal
event list or Main menu/Clear/Clear process event list. It is not possible to clear the
event lists from PCM600.

When testing binary inputs, the event list (EL) might be used instead. No uploading or
analyzing of registrations is then needed since the event list keeps running, independent
of start of disturbance registration.

10.2 Identifying the function to test in the technical reference


Use the technical manual to identify function blocks, logic diagrams, input and output
signals, setting parameters and technical data.

10.3 Differential protection

10.3.1 High impedance differential protection HZPDIF (87)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify
settings". Verifying the settings

1. Connect single-phase or three-phase test set to inject the operating voltage. The
injection is done across the measuring branch.

The required trip and alarm voltage, as well as the used stabilizing
resistance value must be set in the function. Note as well that used
CT input in the IED must have ratio set as 1:1. This is essential for
the measurement of the expected value. Normally a slightly higher

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

operating value is no problem as the sensitivity is not influenced


2. Increase the voltage and make note of the trip value Pickup. This is done by manual
testing and without trip of the test set.
3. Connect the trip contact to the test set to stop the test set for measurement of trip
times below.
4. Reduce the voltage slowly and make note of the reset value. The reset value must be
high for this function.
5. Check the operating time by injecting a voltage corresponding to 1.2 Pickup level.
Make note of the measured trip time.
6. If required, verify the trip time at another voltage. Normally 2 Pickup is selected.
7. If used, measure the alarm level operating value. Increase the voltage and make note
of the trip value AlarmPickup. This is done with manual test and without trip of the
test set.
8. Measure the operating time on the alarm output by connecting the stop of the test set
to an output from tAlarm. Inject a voltage 1.2 AlarmPickup and measure the alarm
9. Check that trip and alarm outputs trip according to the configuration logic.
10. Finally check that pickup and alarm information is stored in the event menu and if
a serial connection to the SA is available verify that the correct and only the required
signals are presented on the local HMI and on the SCADA system.

Information on how to use the event menu is found in the operator's

manual. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.3.2 Restricted earth-fault protection, low impedance REFPDIF

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify
settings". Verifying the settings

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

1. Connect the test set for single-phase current injection to the protection terminals
connected to the CT in the power transformer neutral-to-ground circuit.
2. Increase the injection current and note the operating value of the protection
3. Check that all trip and pickup contacts operate according to the configuration logic.
4. Decrease the current slowly from operate value and note the reset value.
5. Connect the timer and set the current to ten times the value of the IDMin setting.
6. Switch on the current and note the operate time.
7. Connect the test set to terminal A and neutral of the three-phase current input
configured to REFPDIF (87N). Also inject a current higher than half the Idmin
setting in the neutral-to-ground circuit with the same phase angle and with polarity
corresponding to an internal fault.
8. Increase the current injected in A, and note the operate value. Decrease the current
slowly and note the reset value.
9. Inject current into terminals B and C in the same way as in step 7 above and note the
operate and reset values.
10. Inject a current equal to 10% of rated current into terminal A.
11. Inject a current in the neutral-to-ground circuit with the same phase angle and with
polarity corresponding to an external fault.
12. Increase the current to five times the operating value and check that the protection
does not operate.
13. Finally check that trip information is stored in the event and disturbance recorder. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.3.3 Line differential protection L3CPDIF and L6CPDIF (87L)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Requirements" and
section "Preparing for test" in this chapter.

The test of the line differential protection is done with the different IEDs geographically
separated from each other. It is important to note that local actions, in one IED, may cause
operation in remotely located IEDs. In the test of the line differential function actions must
be done in all involved IEDs.

When the protection at one end is activated to Test mode, this information
is automatically sent to remote end IEDs through the LineDiffLogic
function block and the remote functions are then also blocked

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Before test the trip signal to the circuit breaker must be blocked, for example by applying
the COMBITEST test switch or opening the trip link through FT switch.

Line differential protection must be set in test mode. This involves switching the IED to
Test mode and the functions involved in the test. For the Differential protection there are
settings to Test mode and also the activation of the local function with setting "Release
local". Remember also for example the trip function block deblocking to be able to
measure trip times. In the test mode the injected current is communicated to the remote
IEDs and sent back to the IED under test. The echoed current is switched in phase so that
current in phase A is returned in phase B, current in phase B is returned in phase C and
current in phase C is returned in phase A. The magnitude of the returned current can be set
separately as a ratio of the injected current.

Take a line with three IEDs, for example, set the return current from each remote IED to
be 50% of the injected current. Inject a current I in phase A to get the following differential
and bias currents:

Phase A:

IDiff A = IBias A = I injected , A


Phase B:

IDiff B = IBiasB = I injected , A 1240


Phase C:

IDiff B = IBiasB = 0
EQUATION1823-ANSI V1 EN Verifying the settings


1. Block the trip signal from all involved IEDs with local operation released. See
2. Set Test mode to Enabled for the Line differential function for test.
3. Release the local function with setting ReleaseLocal in local HMI under: Main
menu/Test/Line differential test/LineDiffLogic
4. Set the factor of the return currents to 1/(number of current IEDs = 1).
5. Inject a current in phase A and increase the current until the function operates for
phases A and B.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

The injected trip current must correspond to the set IdMin. The service values for
IDiff_A, IBias_A, IDiff_B and IBias_B must be equal to the injected current.
6. Repeat step 4 by current injection in phases B and C.
7. Inject a symmetrical three-phase current, and increase the current until operation is
achieved in all three phases.
The injected trip current must correspond to the set IdMin. The service values for
IDiff_A, IBias_A, IDiff_B, IBias_C, IDiff_C and IBias_C must be equal to the
injected current.
8. Read the transmission delay.
9. Measure the operating time by injection of a single-phase current in phase A.
The injected current must be 4 times the operating current. The time measurement is
stopped by the trip output.
Note that tripping times at this loop test includes sending the local currents to remote
side and with a factor sending them back. This means that tripping times are virtually
double to the times achieved at a real fault or at bench testing.
10. Check the negative sequence fault discriminator by injecting a three-phase current
with changed phase sequence: switch phases A and B. The injected current will now
be seen as a pure negative-sequence current where the phase angle between the local
negative-sequence current and the remote negative-sequence currents will be 120.
With the current above IMinNegSeq, the signal external fault (EXTFAULT) must
apply. No trip must be generated.
11. Disconnect the test equipment and reconnect the current transformers.
12. Read and check the service values of the three-phase current.
13. Switch off the test mode and the release local.
14. With a through load current (maximum current of line ends) of minimum 20% of
IBase the current IDiff and IBias are read in all phases.
IDiff must be less than 10% of the maximum line end current and IBias must be equal
to the largest line end current. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

After finishing a loop test with line in service and before leaving test
mode, the setting ReleaseLocal in local HMI under: Main menu/Test/
Line differential test/LineDiffLogic must be set to BlockAll. If not, the
load current might cause incorrect operation of the differential
function at restarts of the line differential protection IED.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

10.3.4 Additional security logic for differential protection LDRGFC (11) Verifying the settings

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section 1 Overview and section
2 Preparing for test in this chapter.

Current variation local criteria


1. Set Operation to Enabled.

2. Connect the test set for three phase current injection to the appropriate IED
3. Inject symmetrical phase currents equal to half the rated current
4. Increase the injected current in phase A slowly by more than the set Pick Up ICV. No
signal shall be activated.
5. Decrease the injected current in phase A to half the rated current.
6. Increase the injected current in phase A in a step by more than the set Pick Up ICV.
Pickup shall be activated.

Undervoltage criteria

1. Connect the test set for three phase current injection and three phase voltage to the
appropriate IED terminals.
2. Inject symmetrical phase voltages equal to the rated voltage.
3. Decrease the injected voltage in phase A and note the operated value (pickup value)
of the function.
4. Increase the voltage slowly and note the reset value.
5. Connect a trip output contact to a timer.
6. Reduce the injected voltage stepwise to 90 % of the trip level, and check the time
7. Repeat points 3 6 for phases B and C.
8. Inject symmetrical phase voltages equal to the rated voltage.
9. Decrease the injected phase-phase voltage A-B and note the operated value (start
value) of the function.
10. Increase the voltage slowly and note the reset value.
11. Connect a trip output contact to a timer.
12. Reduce the injected voltage stepwise to 90 % of the trip level, and check the time
13. Repeat points 9 12 for phases B-C and C-A.

96 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

Zero sequence overcurrent criteria


1. Connect the test set for three phase voltage injection (A, B, C) or residual voltage
injection (N) to the appropriate IED terminals. This is dependent on how the IED is
fed from the CT .
2. Increase the injected zero sequence current and note the trip value (pickup value) of
the studied step of the function.
3. Decrease the current slowly and note the reset value.
4. Connect a trip output contact to a timer.
5. Set the injected current to 200 % of the trip level of the tested stage, switch on the
current and check the time delay.

Low current criteria


1. Connect the test set for three phase current injection to the appropriate IED
2. Inject a symmetrical three phase current larger than the set value PU_37
3. Decrease the injected current in phase A and note the trip value (pickup value) of the
studied step of the function.
4. Increase the current slowly and note the reset value.
5. Connect a trip output contact to a timer.
6. Decrease the injected current stepwise to 50 % of the trip level and check the time
7. Repeat steps 3 6 for phases B and C. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test mode setting to
disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

10.4 Impedance protection

10.4.1 Distance protection zones, quadrilateral characteristic

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

Measure operating characteristics during constant current conditions. Keep the measured
current as close as possible to its rated value or lower. But make sure it is higher than the
set minimum operating current.

Ensure that the maximum continuous current to the IED does not exceed four times its
rated value, if the measurement of the operating characteristics runs under constant
voltage conditions.

The test procedure has to take into consideration that the shaped load encroachment
characteristic is active. It is therefore necessary to check the setting. To verify the settings
with the shaped load encroachment characteristic the test should be carried out according
to figures 14 and 15 and tables 17 and 18. In cases where the load encroachment
characteristic is activated tests according to the adjusted figures should be carried out.

To verify the settings for the operating points according to the following fault types should
be tested:

One phase-to-phase fault

One phase-to-ground fault

The shape of the operating characteristic depends on the values of the setting parameters.

The figures illustrating the characteristic for the distance protection

function can be used for settings with and without load encroachment. The
solid lines designate the diagram applicable when the load current
compensation is active. The solid line and all test points except 13 are
valid for this case.
When the load current compensation is inactive, the dotted lines and test
point 13 are valid. Test points 5, 6, and 7 are not valid for this

98 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

1 2

11 3

X1 10 4
a 5

R (O/phase)
7 13
9 c 20
40% of RLdFwd
80% of RLdFwd
0.5 x RFPP

ANSI05000368 V1 EN

Figure 14: Distance protection characteristic with test points for phase-to-phase

Table 17: Test points for phase-to-phase loops L1-L2 (Ohm/Loop)

Test point Reach Set value Comments
1 X X1set

R 0
2 X X1set

R R1set

3 X 0.8 x X1set

R 0.8 x R1set+ RFPP/2

4 X 0.5 x X1set

R 0.5 x R1set+ RFPP/2

5 X 0.85 x RFPP x tan (ArgRLd) ArgLd = angle for the maximal load
R 0.85 x RFPP
6 X RLdFw x tan (ArgLd)
7 X 0
8 X 0.2143 x RFPP/2 Exact: 0.8 x RFPP/2 (ArgDir=20)
R 0.8 x RFPP/2
Table continues on next page

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 99

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Test point Reach Set value Comments

9 X 0.4 x RLdFw x tan(ArgDir=20)
R 0.4 x RLdFw
10 X 0.5 x X1set Exact 0.5 x R1set x tan(ArgNegRes=30)

R 0.23 x X1set

11 X 0.8 x X1set Exact 0.5 x R1set x tan(ArgNegRes=30)

R 0.37 x X1 set

12 X 0.5 x X1set

R 0.5 x R1set

13 X 0 Only used when RLdFw > 0.5 x RFPP

R 0.5 x RFPP

Table 17 is used in conjunction with figure 14.

1 2

11 3

10 4
120 5
7 13
9 20
40% of RLdFwd

80% of RLdFwd
alt. 80% of
ANSI05000369 V2 EN

Figure 15: Distance protection characteristic with test points for phase-to-ground

Table 18 is used in conjunction with figure 15.

100 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Table 18: Test points for phase-to-earth L3-E (Ohm/Loop)

Test point Reach Value Comments
1 X (2 x X1set+X0set)/3

R 0
2 X (2 x X1set+ X0set)/3

R 2 x R1set+ R0set)/3

3 X 0.8 x (2 x X1set+ X0set)/3

R 0.8 x (2 x R1set+ R0set)/3 +RFPEset

4 X 0.5 x (2 x X1set+ R0set)/3

R 0.5 x (2 x R1set+R0set)/3 + RFPEset

5 X 0.85 x RFPEset x tan(ArgLdset) ArgLd = angle for the maximal load

R 0.85 x RFPE
6 X RLdFwset x tan(ArgLdSet)
R RLdFwset

7 X 0
R RLdFwset

8 X 0.1072 x RLdFwset Exact: 0.4 x RFPE x tan (ArgDir=20)

R 0.4 x RLdFwset

9 X 0.8 x RLdFwset x tan(ArgDir=20)

R 0.8 x RLdFwset

10 X 0.17 x (2 x X1set + X0 set) Exact: 0.5 x (2 x X1set X0 set)/3

R -0.36 x (2 x X1set + X0set) Exact: 0.5 x (2X1set + X0set)/(3 x

11 X 0.27 x (2 x X1set+X0set) Exact: 0.8 x (2 x X1set + X0set)/3

R 0.57 x (2 x X1set + X0set) Exact: 0.8 x (2X1set + X0set)/(3 x

12 X 0.5 x (2 x X1set + X0set)/3

R 0.5 x (2 x R1set + R0set)/3

13 X 0 Only used when RLdFw > RFPE

R RFPE Measuring the operating limit of set values


Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 101

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

1. Subject the IED to healthy normal load conditions for at least two seconds.
2. Apply the fault condition and slowly decrease the measured impedance to find the
operating value of the phase-to-phase fault for zone 1 according to test point 1 in
figure 14 and table 17. Compare the result of the measurement with the set value.
3. Repeat steps 1 to 2 to find the operating value for test points 2, 3 in table 17.
Observe that the zones that are not tested have to be blocked and the zone that is
tested has to be released.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to find the operating value for the phase-to-ground fault C-E
according to figure 15 and table 18.

Test points 8, 9. 10 and 11 are intended to test the directional lines of

impedance protection. Since directionality is a common function for
all 5 measuring zones, it is only necessary to test points 8, 9. 10 and
11 once in the forward direction in order to test the accuracy of
directionality (directional angles). Directional functionality testing
(trip inside, no-trip outside) should always be made for all
impedance zones set with directionality (forward or reverse). Measuring the operating time of distance protection zones


1. Subject the IED to healthy normal load conditions for at least two seconds.
2. Apply the fault condition to find the operating time for the phase-to-phase fault
according to test point 12 in figure 14 and table 17 for zone 1. Compare the result of
the measurement with the setting t1PP.
3. Repeat steps 1 to 2 to find the operating time for the phase-to-ground fault according
to test point 12 in figure 15 and table 18. Compare the result of the measurement with
the setting t1PE.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to find the operating time for all other used measuring zones.
Observe that the zones that are not tested have to be blocked and the zone that is
tested has to be released. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

102 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

10.4.2 Phase selection with load encroachment, quadrilateral

characteristic FDPSPDIS (21)
Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

The phase selectors operate on the same measuring principles as the impedance measuring
zones. So it is necessary to follow the same principles as for distance protection, when
performing the secondary injection tests.

Measure operating characteristics during constant current conditions. Keep the measured
current as close as possible to the rated value of its associated input transformer, or lower.
But ensure that it is higher than the set minimum operating current.

Ensure that the maximum continuous current to the IED does not exceed four times its
rated value, if the measurement of the operating characteristics runs under constant
voltage conditions.

To verify the settings the operating points according to figures 16 and 17 should be tested.
See also tables 19 and 20 for information.

X (W / phase)

4 85% 3

( X 1 + XN )

ArgNegRes 60 deg
2 R (W / phase)
6 ArgDir

50% of RLdFwd

RFltFwdPG ANSI09000734-1-en.vsd

ANSI09000734 V1 EN

Figure 16: Operating characteristic for phase selection function, forward direction
single-phase faults

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 103

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Table 19: Test points for phase-to-ground loop CG (Ohm/loop)

Test point Reach Value Comments
1 X [X1+XN] XN=(X0-X1)/3
R 0
2 X 0
R RLdFwd When RLdFWd < RFltFwPG
R RFltFwPG When RLdFwdPG > RFltFwPG
3 X 0.85[X1+XN] R0.491(X1+XN)+RFltFwdPG
4 X 0.85[X1+XN] Can be limited by RFltFwPG
R -0.85[X1+XN]
tan (AngNegRes-90)
5 X RFltFwdPGtan (LdAngle) Only when RLdFwd < RFltFwPG
6 X -0,5RLdFwdtan (ArgDir)
R 0,5RLdFwd

Table 19 is used together with figure 16.

X ( W / phase)

4 85% 3

X1 LdAngle

R ( W / phase)
6 7

50% RLdFwd

0.5RFltFwdPP ANSI09000735-1-en.vsd

ANSI09000735 V1 EN

Figure 17: Operating characteristic for phase selection function, forward direction
phase-to-phase faults

104 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Table 20: Test points for phase-to-phase loops A-B (Ohm/phase)

Test point Reach Value Comments
1 X X1
R 0
2 X 0
R RLdFwd When RLdFWd < 0,5RFLdFwPP
R 0.5RFLdFwPP When RLdFwd > 0,5RFLdFwPP
3 X 0.85X1 R=0.491X1+0.5 RFLdFwdPP
R 0.85X11/tan(60)+0.5
4 X 0.85X1 Can be limited by RFLdFwPP
R -0.85X1tan (AngNegRes-90)
5 X 0.5RFLdFwdPPtan (ArgLd) Only when RLdFwd < RFLdFwPP
R 0.5RFLdFwdPP
6 X -0.5RLdFwdtan (ArgDir)
R 0.5RLdFwd

Table 20 is used together with figure 17. Measuring the operating limit of set values


1. Supply the IED with healthy conditions for at least two seconds.
2. Apply the fault condition and slowly decrease the measured impedance to find the
operate value for of the phase-to-ground loop ECG, test point 1, according to figure
16. Compare the result of the measurement with the expected value according to
table 19.
The corresponding binary signals that inform about the operation of the phase
selection measuring elements are available in the local HMI under
Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance Protection/PhaseSelection(PDIS,
3. Repeat steps 1 to 2 to find the operate values for the remaining test points according
to figure 16 and table 19.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 105

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

When the load encroachment characteristic is deliberately set very

high in order not to have an influence, then the test points 2 and 5 can
be replaced by test point 7.

4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to find the operate value for the phase-to-phase fault in A - C
according to figure 17 and table 20. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.4.3 Full scheme distance protection, mho characteristic ZMHPDIS

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

Consider releasing of the zone to be tested by setting the phase selector FMPSPDIS to

The programming of the autorecloser function SMBRREC (79) determines if three-phase

or single-phase trip is initiated as result of the test.

Keep the current constant when measuring operating characteristics. Keep the current as
close as possible to its rated value or lower. But make sure it is higher than the set
minimum operating current.

Ensure that the maximum continuous current in an IED does not exceed four times its
rated value, if the measurement of the operating characteristics runs under constant
voltage conditions.

To verify the mho characteristic, at least two points should be tested.

In the following, three test points are proposed. The mho characteristic always goes
through the origin, which automatically gives a fourth point for the characteristic.

106 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection Phase-to-phase faults

X 1

3 2

ZAngPP R Ohm/phase

IEC07000009 V4 EN

Figure 18: Proposed test points for phase-to-phase fault

Table 21: Test points for phase-to-phase (ohms / phase)

Test reach Value Comments
1 X ZPP sin(ZAngPP)
R ZPP sin(ZAngPP)
2 X 0,5 (ZPP sin(ZAngPP)
R 0,5ZPP + R = 0,5ZPP(1+cos(ZAngPP))
3 X 0,5ZPPsin(ZAngPP)
R 0,5ZPP - R = 0,5ZPP(1-cos(ZAngPP))

Change the magnitude and angle of phase-to-phase voltage to achieve impedances at test
points 1, 2 and 3. For each test point, observe that the output signals, PICKUP, PU_x and
PHPH_FLT are activated where x refers to the actual phase to be tested. After the timer
tPP for the actual zone has elapsed, also the signals TRIP, TRPP and TR_x shall be
activated. Phase-to-ground faults

For simplicity, the same test points as for phase-to-phase faults are proposed, but
considering new impedance values.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 107

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection



ANSI07000010 V1 EN

Figure 19: Proposed test points for phase-to-ground faults

Table 22: Test points for phase-to-ground loops A-B (Ohm/Loop)

Test Reach Value Comments
1 X ZPG sin(ZAngPG)
R ZPG cos(ZAngPG)
2 X 0,5ZPG sin(ZAngPG)
R 0,5ZPG + R = 0,5ZPG (1 - cos(ZAngPG))
3 X 0,5ZPGsin(ZangPG)
R 0,5ZPG - R = 0,5ZPG (1 - cos(ZAngPG))

Check also in the same way as for phase-to-ground fault for each test point that the output
signals PHG_FLT, are activated where x refers to the actual phase to be tested. After the
timer tPG for the zone has elapsed, also the signals TRIP, TRPG and TR_x shall be

10.4.4 Faulty phase identification with load encroachment FMPSPDIS

There is no specific test routine for this function. The function is tested in conjunction with
other impedance (mho) functions.

108 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

10.4.5 Distance protection zones, quadrilateral characteristic,

separate settings ZMRPDIS (21)
Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Preparing for test" in
this chapter.

Consider releasing Zone 1 with the Phase selection with load encroachment, quadrilateral
characteristic (FRPSDPIS). If the autorecloser is not released and in service, trip will
always be three phase.

Measure operating characteristics during constant current conditions. Keep the measured
current as close as possible to its rated value or lower. But make sure it is higher than 30%
of the rated current.

Ensure that the maximum continuous current in an IED does not exceed four times its
rated value, if the measurement of the operating characteristics runs under constant
voltage conditions.

The test procedure has to take into consideration that the shaped load encroachment
characteristic is active. It is therefore necessary to check the setting. To verify the settings
with the shaped load encroachment characteristic the test should be carried out according
to figures 20 and 21 and tables 23 and 24. In cases where the load encroachment
characteristic is activated tests according to the adjusted figures should be carried out.

To verify the settings for the operating points according to the following fault types should
be tested:

One phase-to-phase fault

One phase-to-ground fault

The shape of the operating characteristic depends on the values of the setting parameters.

The figures illustrating the characteristic for the distance protection

function can be used for settings with and without load encroachment. The
solid lines designate the diagram applicable when the load current
compensation is active. The solid line and all test points except 13 are
valid for this case.
Test points 5, 6, and 7 are not valid for this measurement.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 109

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

1 2

11 3

X1 10 4
a 5

R (O/phase)
7 13
9 c 20
40% of RLdFwd
80% of RLdFwd
0.5 x RFPP

ANSI05000368 V1 EN

Figure 20: Distance protection characteristic with test points for phase-to-phase

Table 23 is used in conjunction with figure 20.

1 2

11 3

10 4
120 5
7 13
9 20
40% of RLdFwd

80% of RLdFwd
alt. 80% of
ANSI05000369 V2 EN

Figure 21: Distance protection characteristic with test points for phase-to-ground

Table 24 is used in conjunction with figure 21.

110 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Table 23: Test points for phase-to-phase loops L1-L2 (Ohm/Loop)

Test point Reach Set value Comments
1 X X1set

R 0
2 X X1set

R R1set

3 X 0.8 x X1set

R 0.8 x R1set+ RFPP/2

4 X 0.5 x X1set

R 0.5 x R1set+ RFPP/2

5 X 0.85 x RFPP x tan (LdAngle) LdAngle = angle for the maximal load
R 0.85 x RFPP
6 X RLdFwd x tan (LdAngle)
R RLdFwd
7 X RLdFw x tan (LdAngle)
R 0
8 X 0.2143 x RFPP/2 Exact: 0.8 x RFPP/2 (ArgDir)
R 0.8 x RFPP/2
9 X 0.4 x RLdFwd x tan(ArgDir)
R 0.4 x RLdFwd
10 X 0.5 x X1set Exact 0.5 x R1set x tan(ArgNegRes-90)

R 0.23 x X1set

11 X 0.8 x X1set Exact 0.5 x R1set x tan(ArgNegRes-90)

R 0.37 x X1 set

12 X 0.5 x X1set

R 0.5 x R1set

13 X 0 Only used when OperationLdCmp setting

is 0 (Disabled)
R 0.5 x RFPP

Table 24: Test points for phase-to-earth L3-G (Ohm/Loop)

Test point Reach Value Comments
1 X (2 x X1set+X0set)/3

R 0
2 X (2 x X1set+ X0set)/3

R 2 x R1set+ R0set)/3

Table continues on next page

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 111

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Test point Reach Value Comments

3 X 0.8 x (2 x X1set+ X0set)/3

R 0.8 x (2 x R1set+ R0set)/3 +RFPGset

4 X 0.5 x (2 x X1set+ R0set)/3

R 0.5 x (2 x R1set+R0set)/3 + RFPGset

5 X 0.85 x RFPGset x tan(LdAngleset) LdAngle = angle for the maximal load

R 0.85 x RFPG
6 X RLdFwdset x tan(LdAngleSet)
R RLdFwdset

7 X 0
R RLdFwdset

8 X 02143 x RLdFwdset Exact: 0.8 x RFPG x tan (ArgDir)

R 0.8 x RLdFwdset

9 X 0.8 x RLdFwdset x tan(ArgDir)

R 0.8 x RLdFwdset

10 X 0.17 x (2 x X1set + X0 set) Exact: 0.5 x (2 x X1set X0 set)/3

R -0.36 x (2 x X1set + X0set) Exact: 0.5 x (2X1set + X0set)/(3 x

11 X 0.27 x (2 x X1set+X0set) Exact: 0.8 x (2 x X1set + X0set)/3

R 0.57 x (2 x X1set + X0set) Exact: 0.8 x (2X1set + X0set)/(3 x

tan(AngNegDir 90))
12 X 0.5 x (2 x X1set + X0set)/3

R 0.5 x (2 x R1set + R0set)/3

13 X 0
R RFPG Measuring the operating limit of set values


1. Subject the IED to healthy normal load conditions for at least two seconds.
2. Apply the fault condition and slowly decrease the measured impedance to find the
operating value of the phase-to-phase fault for zone 1 according to test point 1 in
figure 20 and table 23. Compare the result of the measurement with the set value.
3. Repeat steps 1 to 2 to find the operating value for test points 2, 3 in table23.

112 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Observe that the zones that are not tested have to be blocked and the zone that is
tested has to be released.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 above to find the operating value for the phase-to-ground fault
L3-G according to figure 21 and table 24.

Test points 8, 9, 10 and 11 are intended to test the directional lines of

impedance protection. Since directionality is a common function for
all 5 measuring zones, it is only necessary to test points 8, 9, 10 and
11 once, in the forward direction in order to test the accuracy of
directionality (directional angles). Directional functionality testing
(trip inside, no-trip outside) should always be made for all
impedance zones set with directionality (forward or reverse). Measuring the operating time of distance protection zones


1. Subject the IED to healthy normal load conditions for at least two seconds.
2. Apply the fault condition to find the operating time for the phase-to-phase fault
according to test point 10 in figure 20 and table 23 for zone 1. Compare the result of
the measurement with the setting tPP.
3. Repeat steps 1 to 2 to find the operating time for the phase-to-ground fault according
to test point 10 in figure 21 and table 24. Compare the result of the measurement with
the setting tPG.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 2 to find the operating time for all other used measuring zones.
Observe that the zones that are not tested have to be blocked and the zone that is
tested has to be released.

10.4.6 Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with settable angle

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Preparing for test" in
this chapter.

The phase selectors operate on the same measuring principles as the impedance measuring
zones. So it is necessary to follow the same principles as for distance protection, when
performing the secondary injection tests.

Measure operating characteristics during constant current conditions. Keep the measured
current as close as possible to the rated value of its associated input transformer, or lower.
But ensure that it is higher than 30% of the rated current.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 113

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Ensure that the maximum continuous current of an IED does not exceed four times its
rated value, if the measurement of the operating characteristics runs under constant
voltage conditions.

To verify the settings the operating points according to figures 22 and 23 should be tested.
See also tables 25 and 26 for information.

X (W / phase)

4 85% 3

( X 1 + XN )

ArgNegRes 60 deg
2 R (W / phase)
6 ArgDir

50% of RLdFwd

RFltFwdPG ANSI09000734-1-en.vsd

ANSI09000734 V1 EN

Figure 22: Operating characteristic for phase selection function, forward direction
single-phase faults

114 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

X ( W / phase)

4 85% 3

X1 LdAngle

R ( W / phase)
6 7

50% RLdFwd

0.5RFltFwdPP ANSI09000735-1-en.vsd

ANSI09000735 V1 EN

Figure 23: Operating characteristic for phase selection function, forward direction
phase-to-phase faults

Table 25: Test points for phase-to-ground loop CG (Ohm/loop)

Test point Value Comments
1 X [X1+XN] XN=(X0-X1)/3
R 0
2 X 0
R RLdFwd
3 X 0.85[X1+XN] R0.491(X1+XN)+RFFwPE
R 0.85[X1+XN]1/tan(60)+RFFwPE
4 X 0.85[X1+XN]
R -0.85[X1+XN]
tan (AngNegRes-90)
5 X RFltFwdPGtan (LdAngle)
6 X -0,5RLdFwdtan (ArgDir)
R 0,5RLdFwd

The table showing test points for phase-to-ground loops is used together with figure 22.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 115

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Table 26: Test points for phase-to-phase loops A-B

Test point Value Comments
1 X X1
R 0
2 X 0
R RLdFwd
3 X 0.85X1 R=0.491X1+0.5 RFLdFwdPP
R 0.85X11/tan(60)+0.5
4 X 0.85X1
R -0.85X1tan (AngNegRes-90)
5 X 0.5RFLdFwdPPtan (ArgLd)
R 0.5RFLdFwdPP
6 X -0.5RLdFwdtan (ArgDir)
R 0.5RLdFwd

The table showing test points for phase-to-phase loops is used together with figure 23. Measuring the operating limit of set values


1. Supply the IED with healthy conditions for at least two seconds.
2. Apply the fault condition and slowly decrease the measured impedance to find the
operate value for of the phase-to-ground loop ECG, test point 1, according to figure
22. Compare the result of the measurement with the expected value according to
table 25.
The corresponding binary signals that inform about the operation of the phase
selection measuring elements are available in the local HMI under
Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance Protection/PhaseSelection(PDIS,
21)/FRPSPDIS:x .
3. Repeat steps 1 to 2 to find the operate values for the remaining test points according
to figure 22 and table 25.

When the load encroachment characteristic is deliberately set very

high in order not to have an influence, then the test points 2 and 5 can
be replaced by test point 7.

4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to find the operate value for the phase-to-phase fault in A - C
according to figure 23 and table 26.

116 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.4.7 High speed distance protection zones, quadrilateral and mho

characteristic ZMFPDIS (21)
Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Requirements" and section
"Preparing for test" in this chapter.

Measure operating characteristics during constant current conditions. Keep the measured
current as close as possible to its rated value or lower. But make sure it is higher than the
set minimum operating current.

Ensure that the maximum continuous current to the IED does not exceed four times its
rated value, if the measurement of the operating characteristics runs under constant
voltage conditions.

The test procedure has to take into consideration that the shaped load encroachment
characteristic is active. It is therefore necessary to check the setting. To verify the settings
with the shaped load encroachment characteristic the test should be carried out according
to figures 24 and 25 and tables 27 and 28. In cases where the load encroachment
characteristic is activated tests according to the adjusted figures should be carried out.

To verify the settings for the operating points according to the following fault types should
be tested:

One phase-to-phase fault

One phase-to-ground fault

The shape of the operating characteristic depends on the values of the setting parameters.

The figures illustrating the characteristic for the distance protection

function can be used for settings with and without load encroachment. The
solid lines designate the diagram applicable when the load current
compensation is active. The solid line and all test points except 13 are
valid for this case.
When the load current compensation is inactive, the dotted lines and test
point 13 are valid. Test points 5, 6, and 7 are not valid for this

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 117

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

1 2

11 3

X1 10 4
a 5

R (O/phase)
7 13
9 c 20
40% of RLdFwd
80% of RLdFwd
0.5 x RFPP

ANSI05000368 V1 EN

Figure 24: Distance protection characteristic with test points for phase-to-phase

Table 27: Test points for phase-to-phase loops A-B (Ohm/Loop)

Test point Reach Set value Comments
1 X X1set

R 0
2 X X1set

R R1set

3 X 0.8 x X1set

R 0.8 x R1set+ RFPP/2

4 X 0.5 x X1set

R 0.5 x R1set+ RFPP/2

5 X 0.85 x RFPP x tan (LdAngle) LdAngle = angle for the maximal load
R 0.85 x RFPP
6 X RLdFwd x tan (LdAngle)
R RLdFwd
7 X 0
8 X 0.2143 x RFPP/2 Exact: 0.8 x RFPP/2 (ArgDir=20)
R 0.8 x RFPP/2
Table continues on next page

118 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Test point Reach Set value Comments

9 X 0.4 x RLdFwd x tan(ArgDir=20)
R 0.4 x RLdFwd
10 X 0.5 x X1set Exact 0.5 x R1set x tan(ArgNegRes=30)

R 0.23 x X1set

11 X 0.8 x X1set Exact 0.5 x R1set x tan(ArgNegRes=30)

R 0.37 x X1 set

12 X 0.5 x X1set

R 0.5 x R1set

13 X 0
R 0.5 x RFPP

Table 27 is used in conjunction with figure 24.

1 2

11 3

10 4
120 5
7 13
9 20
40% of RLdFwd

80% of RLdFwd
alt. 80% of
ANSI05000369 V2 EN

Figure 25: Distance protection characteristic with test points for phase-to-ground

Table 28 is used in conjunction with figure 25.

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Table 28: Test points for phase-to-ground C-G (Ohm/Loop)

Test point Reach Value Comments
1 X (2 x X1set+X0set)/3

R 0
2 X (2 x X1set+ X0set)/3

R 2 x R1set+ R0set)/3

3 X 0.8 x (2 x X1set+ X0set)/3

R 0.8 x (2 x R1set+ R0set)/3 +RFPGset

4 X 0.5 x (2 x X1set+ R0set)/3

R 0.5 x (2 x R1set+R0set)/3 + RFPGset

5 X 0.85 x RFPGset x tan(LdAngleset) LdAngle = angle for the maximal load

R 0.85 x RFPG
6 X RLdFwdset x tan(LdAngleSet)
R RLdFwdset

7 X 0
R RLdFwdset

8 X 02143 x RLdFwdset Exact: 0.8 x RFPE x tan (ArgDir=20)

R 0.8 x RLdFwdset

9 X 0.8 x RLdFwset x tan(ArgDir=20)

0.8 x RLdFwdset x tan(ArgDir=20)

R 0.8 x RLdFwdset

10 X 0.17 x (2 x X1set + X0 set) Exact: 0.5 x (2 x X1set X0 set)/3

R -0.36 x (2 x X1set + X0set) Exact: 0.5 x (2X1set + X0set)/(3 x

11 X 0.27 x (2 x X1set+X0set) Exact: 0.8 x (2 x X1set + X0set)/3

R 0.57 x (2 x X1set + X0set) Exact: 0.8 x (2X1set + X0set)/(3 x

12 X 0.5 x (2 x X1set + X0set)/3

R 0.5 x (2 x R1set + R0set)/3

13 X 0
R RFPG Measuring the operating limit of set values


120 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

1. Subject the IED to healthy normal load conditions for at least two seconds.
2. Apply the fault condition and slowly decrease the measured impedance to find the
operating value of the phase-to-phase fault for zone 1 according to test point 1 in
figure 24 and table 27. Compare the result of the measurement with the set value.
3. Repeat steps 1 to 2 to find the operating value for test points 2, 3 in table 27
Observe that the zones that are not tested have to be blocked and the zone that is
tested has to be released.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to find the operating value for the phase-to-ground fault C-G
according to figure 25 and table 28.

Test points 8, 9, 10 and 11 are intended to test the directional lines of

impedance protection. Since directionality is a common function for
all six measuring zones, it is only necessary to test 8, 9, 10 and 11
once, in the forward direction in order to test the accuracy of
directionality (directional angles). Directional functionality testing
(trip inside, no-trip outside) should always be made for all
impedance zones set with directionality (forward or reverse). Measuring the operating time of distance protection zones


1. Subject the IED to healthy normal load conditions for at least two seconds.
2. Apply the fault condition to find the operating time for the phase-to-phase fault
according to test point 12 in figure 24 and table 27 for zone 1. Compare the result of
the measurement to the setting tPPZ1.
3. Repeat steps 1 to 2 to find the operating time for the phase-to-ground fault according
to test point 12 in figure 25 and table 28. Compare the result of the measurement to
the setting t1PG.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 2 to find the operating time for all other used measuring zones.
The zones that are not tested have to be blocked and the zone that is tested has to be
released. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 121

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

10.4.8 High Speed distance for series compensated line zones,

quadrilateral and mho characteristic ZMFCPDIS (21)
Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

Measure operating characteristics during constant current conditions. Keep the measured
current as close as possible to its rated value or lower. But make sure it is higher than the
set minimum operating current.

Ensure that the maximum continuous current to the IED does not exceed four times its
rated value, if the measurement of the operating characteristics runs under constant
voltage conditions.

The test procedure has to take into consideration that the shaped load encroachment
characteristic is active. It is therefore necessary to check the setting. To verify the settings
with the shaped load encroachment characteristic the test should be carried out according
to figures 26 and 27 and tables 29 and 30. In cases where the load encroachment
characteristic is activated tests according to the adjusted figures should be carried out.

To verify the settings for the operating points according to the following fault types should
be tested:

One phase-to-phase fault

One phase-to-ground fault

The shape of the operating characteristic depends on the values of the setting parameters.

The figures illustrating the characteristic for the distance protection

function can be used for settings with and without load encroachment. The
solid lines designate the diagram applicable when the load current
compensation is active. The solid line and all test points except 13 are
valid for this case.
When the load current compensation is inactive, the dotted lines and test
point 13 are valid. Test points 5, 6, and 7 are not valid for this

122 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

1 2

11 3

X1 10 4
a 5

R (O/phase)
7 13
9 c 20
40% of RLdFwd
80% of RLdFwd
0.5 x RFPP

ANSI05000368 V1 EN

Figure 26: Distance protection characteristic with test points for phase-to-phase

Table 29: Test points for phase-to-phase loops A-B (Ohm/Loop)

Test point Reach Set value Comments
1 X X1set

R 0
2 X X1set

R R1set

3 X 0.8 x X1set

R 0.8 x R1set+ RFPP/2

4 X 0.5 x X1set

R 0.5 x R1set+ RFPP/2

5 X 0.85 x RFPP x tan (LdAngle) LdAngle = angle for the maximal load
R 0.85 x RFPP
6 X RLdFwd x tan (LdAngle)
R RLdFwd
7 X RLdFwd x tan (LdAngle)
R 0
8 X 0.2143 x RFPP/2 Exact: 0.8 x RFPP/2 (ArgDir=20)
R 0.8 x RFPP/2
Table continues on next page

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 123

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Test point Reach Set value Comments

9 X 0.4 x RLdFwd x tan(ArgDir=20)
R 0.4 x RLdFwd
10 X 0.5 x X1set Exact 0.5 x R1set x tan(ArgNegRes=30)

R 0.23 x X1set

11 X 0.8 x X1set Exact 0.5 x R1set x tan(ArgNegRes=30)

R 0.37 x X1 set

12 X 0.5 x X1set

R 0.5 x R1set

13 X 0
R 0.5 x RFPP

Table 29 is used in conjunction with figure 26.

1 2

11 3

10 4
120 5
7 13
9 20
40% of RLdFwd

80% of RLdFwd
alt. 80% of
ANSI05000369 V2 EN

Figure 27: Distance protection characteristic with test points for phase-to-ground

Table 30 is used in conjunction with figure 27.

124 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

Table 30: Test points for phase-to-ground C-G (Ohm/Loop)

Test point Reach Value Comments
1 X (2 x X1set+X0set)/3

R 0
2 X (2 x X1set+ X0set)/3

R 2 x R1set+ R0set)/3

3 X 0.8 x (2 x X1set+ X0set)/3

R 0.8 x (2 x R1set+ R0set)/3 +RFPGset

4 X 0.5 x (2 x X1set+ R0set)/3

R 0.5 x (2 x R1set+R0set)/3 + RFPGset

5 X 0.85 x RFPGset x tan(LdAngleset) LdAngle = angle for the maximal load

R 0.85 x RFPG
6 X RLdFwdset x tan(LdAngleSet)
R RLdFwdset

7 X 0
R RLdFwdset

8 X 02143 x RLdFwdset Exact: 0.8 x RFPG x tan (ArgDir=20)

R 0.8 x RLdFwdset

9 X 0.8 x RLdFwdset x tan(ArgDir=20)

R 0.8 x RLdFwdset

10 X 0.17 x (2 x X1set + X0 set) Exact: 0.5 x (2 x X1set X0 set)/3

R -0.36 x (2 x X1set + X0set) Exact: 0.5 x (2X1set + X0set)/(3 x

11 X 0.27 x (2 x X1set+X0set) Exact: 0.8 x (2 x X1set + X0set)/3

R 0.57 x (2 x X1set + X0set) Exact: 0.8 x (2X1set + X0set)/(3 x

12 X 0.5 x (2 x X1set + X0set)/3

R 0.5 x (2 x R1set + R0set)/3

13 X 0
R Measuring the operating limit of set values


Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 125

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

1. Subject the IED to healthy normal load conditions for at least two seconds.
2. Apply the fault condition and slowly decrease the measured impedance to find the
operating value of the phase-to-phase fault for zone 1 according to test point 1 in
figure 26 and table 29. Compare the result of the measurement with the set value.
3. Repeat steps 1 to 2 to find the operating value for test points 2, 3 in table 29.
Observe that the zones that are not tested have to be blocked and the zone that is
tested has to be released.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to find the operating value for the phase-to-ground fault C-G
according to figure 27 and table 30.

Test points 8, 9, 10 and 11 are intended to test the directional lines of

impedance protection. Since directionality is a common function for
all six measuring zones, it is only necessary to test points 8, 9, 10 and
11 once, in the forward direction in order to test the accuracy of
directionality (directional angles). Directional functionality testing
(trip inside, no-trip outside) should always be made for all
impedance zones set with directionality (forward or reverse). Measuring the operating time of distance protection zones


1. Subject the IED to healthy normal load conditions for at least two seconds.
2. Apply the fault condition to find the operating time for the phase-to-phase fault
according to test point 10 in figure 26 and table 29 for zone 1. Compare the result of
the measurement with the setting t1PP.
3. Repeat steps 1 to 2 to find the operating time for the phase-to-ground fault according
to test point 10 in figure 27 and table 30. Compare the result of the measurement with
the setting t1PG.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 2 to find the operating time for all other used measuring zones.
Observe that the zones that are not tested have to be blocked and the zone that is
tested has to be released. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

126 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

10.4.9 Power swing detection ZMRPSB (68)

The aim is to verify that the settings of the Power swing detection function ZMRPSB (68)
is according to the setting table and to verify that ZMRPSB (68) operates as expected.

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

Before starting this process, all impedance measuring zones shall be set and in operation.
Test the outer resistive boarder in forward and reverse direction, RLdOutFw and
RLdOutRv and the inner reactive boarder in forward and reverse direction X1InFw and
X1InRv. See figure 28.

The corresponding resistive border for the inner resistive boundary and outer resistive
boundary is calculated automatically from the setting of kLdRFw and kLdRRv.

The inner zone of ZMRPSB (68) must cover all zones by at least 10% margin.

The test is mainly divided into two parts, one which aim is to verify that the settings are
in accordance to the selectivity plan and a second part to verify the operation of ZMRPSB
(68). The proposed test points for validation of the settings are numbered according to
figure 28

Test of the interactions or combinations that are not configured are not considered in this

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 127

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

X1OutFw X ZL

RLdOutRv j j
1 R

RLdInRv RLdOutFw


IEC09000226 V1 EN

Figure 28: Operating principle and characteristic of the power swing detection
function (settings parameters in italic)

RLdInFw = RLdOutFw kLdRFw
RLdInRv = RLdOutRv kLdRRv
X1OutFw = X1InFw + (RLdOutFw - RLdInFw)
X1OutRv = X1InRv + (RLdOutFw - RLdInFw) Verifying the settings


The following output signal shall be configured to binary output available: ZOUT,
measured impedance within outer impedance boundary.

128 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

1. Keep the measured current as close as possible to its rated value or lower. Keep it
constant during the test, but ensure that it is higher than the set minimum operating
2. Ensure that the maximum continuous current to the IED does not exceed four times
its rated value, if the measurement of the operating characteristics runs under
constant voltage conditions.
3. Make the necessary connections and settings of the test equipment for test of point
1 according to figure 28.
4. Decrease the measured three-phase impedance slowly and observe the operation
value for the signal ZOUT.
5. Compare the operation value with the set value.
6. Do the necessary change of the setting of the test equipment and repeat step 4 and
step 5 for point 2, 3 and 4 according to figure 28. Testing the power swing detection function ZMRPSB (68)


The following output signals shall be configured to binary outputs: ZOUT, measured
impedance within outer impedance boundary, ZIN, measured impedance within inner
impedance boundary and PICKUP, power swing detection.

1. Slowly decrease the measured impedance in all three phases until the PICKUP
signal gets activated.
2. Increase the measured voltages to their rated values.
3. Decrease instantaneously voltages in all three phases to the values, which are
approximately 20% lower than the voltage that gives the set value R1LIn at the
predefined test current.
4. The PICKUP signal must not appear.
5. Increase the measured voltages to their rated values. Testing the tR1 timer


The input I0CHECK, residual current (3I0) detection used to inhibit the pickup output
must be configured to the output signal PHG_FLT on the FDPSPDIS (21) or
FRPSPDIS (21) function.
The input BLK_SS, block inhibit of the pickup output for subsequent residual current
detection is connected to FALSE.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 129

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

1. Program the test equipment for a single-phase to ground fault and energize
FDPSPDIS (21) or FRPSDIS (21) and check that the input BLOCK on the power
swing detection function ZMRPSB (68) is activated.
2. Make a test sequence so that a single-phase to ground fault occurs after that the
trajectory of the impedance has passed the outer and inner boundary of ZMRPSB
(68) during power swing. Use the result from test of ZMRPSB (68) above to
determine when the fault shall be applied. The ground-fault must be activated before
tR1 has elapsed.
3. Start the sequence and observe that the PICKUP signal will not be activated. Testing the block input, interaction between FDPSPDIS (21) or FRPSPDIS
(21) and ZMRPSB (78)


The BLOCK input is configured and connected to PHG_FLT output on the FDPSPDIS
(21) or FRPSPDIS (21) function.

1. Make a test sequence so that a single phase-to-ground-fault occurs after that the
trajectory of the impedance has passed the outer boundary but not the inner boundary
of the power swing detection function ZMRPSB (68). Use the result from test of
ZMRPSB (68) above to instance when the fault shall be applied.
2. Start the test sequence by continuously reducing the voltage and observe that the
output signal ZOUT may come, but not PICKUP.
If the input I0CHECK is configured (connected to output signal PHG_FLT on
FDPSPDIS (21) or FRPSPDIS (21), the test of inhibit of ZMRPSB (68) at ground-
fault during power swing can be done in the same way as for test of tR1. The inhibit
of ZMRPSB (68) shall be instantaneous if the input TRSP is activated at the same
time as the input I0CHECK during power swing. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.4.10 Power swing logic PSLPSCH

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Requirements" and
section "Preparing for test" in this chapter.

Most readily available test equipment does not permit simulation of power-swing
conditions and the simultaneous occurrence of different faults with controlled fault

130 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

impedance. For this reason it is necessary to enable the logic by connecting the PUPSD
input signal to some other functional signal, which is used for testing purposes.

Make sure that the existing configuration permits monitoring of the CS, TRIP signals on
the binary outputs of the IED. If not, configure connections to unused binary outputs, for
test purposes. Testing the carrier send and trip signals


1. Set the operation of all distance zones, which are supposed to be blocked by the
operation of ZMRPSB (78), to Disabled.
2. Configure the PUPSD functional inputs to the TRIP output of the underreaching
power-swing zone, if the underreaching communication scheme is used.
3. Start instantaneously any kind of fault within the underreaching power-swing zone
and check, that:
The CS signal appears after the time delay, which is equal to the sum of set time
delays for the underreaching zone tnPP or tnPG (dependent on the type of
fault) and for the carrier send security timer tCS. Also add the usual trip time
for the underreaching zone (approximately 30ms).
The TRIP signal appears after the time delay, which is equal to the sum of set
time delays for the underreaching zone tnPP or tnPG (dependent on the type
of fault) and for the trip security timer tTrip. Also add the usual operate time
for the underreaching zone (approximately 30ms).
4. Simulate the receiving of the carrier signal so that the functional input signal CR
becomes a logical one.
5. Configure the PUPSD input to connect to the output PICKUP of the carrier
accelerating zone (Power-swing overreaching zone).
6. Initiate any kind of fault within the carrier accelerating zone and check that the TRIP
signal appears after the time, which is equal to the time delay set on the trip timer
Also consider the (average) trip time of the carrier acceleration zone (approximately
30ms). Testing the influence of the residual overcurrent protection

Additionally connect the IED according to the test instructions for the four step residual
overcurrent protection function EF4PTOC (51N/67N), if the Power swing logic
(PSLPSCH) is configured in a way that is controlled by this protection.


Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 131

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

1. Initiate a single phase-to-ground fault within both power-swing zones.

Make sure that none of CS or TRIP output signals appear after the time delays tCS
and tTrip.
BLKZMUR must appear together with the fault and must remain active until the
fault has been switched off plus the time delay, as set on the tBlkTr timer.
2. Initiate a phase-to-phase fault within the operating area of both power-swing zones.
Make sure that CS and TRIP output signals appear after the time delays tCS.
3. Switch the operation of the zone 1 distance protection function on and fulfill all the
conditions for single-pole autoreclosing.
4. Simulate a single phase-to-ground fault within the reach of zone 1 and both power-
swing zones.
The fault should cause a single-pole tripping with the normal operating time of zone
5. Repeat the fault within the dead time of single-pole autoreclosing.
Make sure, that PSLPSCH generates a BLKZMUR signal and no CS and TRIP. Checking the underreaching zone


1. Set the operation of all normal distance protection zones to Enabled.

2. Simulate a fault without fault resistance in the middle of distance protection zone 1.
Make sure that the trip appears within the operate time for the distance protection
zone 1 and no BLKZMOR output signal appears.
3. Switch off the fault and prepare a new fault without fault resistance within the
normal distance protection zone 2 operate area, but outside the zone 1 operate area.
4. Switch on the fault and move it into the zone 1 operate area with a time delay longer
than the time set on the tDZ timer and faster than the time set on timer tZL.
5. Observe the trip time, which must be equal to the trip time of zone 1, after the
measured impedance enters its operate area.
No delayed operation of zone 1 must be observed.
6. Configure the PUPSD functional input to connect to the PICKUP functional output
and repeat the previous fault.
Fast trip, caused by the operation of zone 1 must appear with a time delay, which is
equal to the set time delay on the timer tZL plus zone 1 normal otrip time. Also,
observe the BLKZMOR functional output signal, which must appear for a short
7. Be sure to establish the original configuration of the IED and the original settings of
all setting parameters.

132 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.4.11 Pole slip protection PSPPPAM (78)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Requirements" and
section "Preparing for test" in this chapter. Verifying the settings

It is assumed that setting of the pole slip protection function PSPPPAM (78) is done
according to impedances as seen in figure 29 and figure 30.

The test is done by means of injection of three-phase current and three-phase voltage from
a modern test device. This test device shall be able to give voltage and current with the
possibility to change voltage and current amplitude and the angle between the injected
voltage and current. The parameter setting shall be according to the real application
chosen values.


1. Feed the IED with current and voltage corresponding to a normal operation point
Injected voltage V equal to base voltage (VBase) and the injected current I equal to
half the base current (IBase). The angle between the voltage and current shall be 0.
2. With maintained amplitude of the injected voltage the current amplitude and angle
is changed to a value ZC/2.
This is done with a speed so that the final impedance is reached after 1 second. As
the injected voltage is higher than 0.92 VBase no PICKUP signal should be
3. With reduced amplitude of the injected voltage to 0.8 VBase the current amplitude
and angle is changed to a value ZC/2.
This is done with a speed so that the final impedance is reached after 1 second. As
the injected voltage is lower than 0.92 VBase the PICKUP signal should be
4. With reduced amplitude of the injected voltage to 0.8 VBase the current amplitude
and angle is changed via ZC/2 to a value corresponding to half IBase and 180
between the injected current and voltage.
This is done with a speed so that the final impedance is reached after 1 second. As
the injected voltage is lower than 0.92 VBase the PICKUP signal should be
activated. In addition to this the signal ZONE1 should be activated.
5. Set N1Limit to 1 and repeat step 4.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 133

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Now the signals TRIP1 and TRIP should be activated.

6. With reduced amplitude of the injected voltage to 0.8 VBase the current amplitude
and angle is changed via ZC + (ZA ZC)/2 to a value corresponding to half IBase
and 180 between the injected current and voltage.
This is done with a speed so that the final impedance is reached after 1s. As the
injected voltage is lower than 0.92 VBase the PICKUP signal should be activated. In
addition to this the signal ZONE2 should be activated.
7. Set N2Limit to 1 and repeat step 6.
Now the signals TRIP2 and TRIP should be activated.

Zone 1 Zone 2




Pole slip
Zone 2
TripAngle Zone 1


ANSI07000099 V2 EN

Figure 29: Setting of the pole slip protection PSPPPAM (78)

134 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Imin > 0.10 IBase

Vmax < 0.92 VBase AND

0.2 f(Ucos) 8Hz

d PickupAngle

Z cross line ZA - ZC

Z cross line ZC - ZB

N1Limit b AND TRIP1

d TripAngle OR TRIP

a ab
N2Limit b AND TRIP2

ANSI07000100 V2 EN

Figure 30: Logic diagram of the pole slip protection PSPPPAM (78) Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.4.12 Out-of-step protection OOSPPAM

The out-of-step protection OOSPPAM (78) function in the IED can be used for both
generator protection and as well for line protection applications.

The main purpose of the OOSPPAM (78) function is to detect, evaluate, and take the
required action during pole slipping occurrences in the power system.

The OOSPPAM (78) function detects pole slip conditions and trips the generator as fast
as possible, after the first pole-slip if the center of oscillation is found to be in zone 1,
which normally includes the generator and its step-up power transformer. If the center of
oscillation is found to be further out in the power system, in zone 2, more than one pole-

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 135

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

slip is usually allowed before the generator-transformer unit is disconnected. A parameter

setting is available to take into account the circuit breaker opening time. If there are several
out-of-step relays in the power system, then the one which finds the center of oscillation
in its zone 1 should operate first.

Two current channels I3P1 and I3P2 are available in OOSPPAM function to allow the
direct connection of two groups of three-phase currents; that may be needed for very
powerful generators, with stator windings split into two groups per phase, when each
group is equipped with current transformers. The protection function performs a simple
summation of the currents of the two channels I3P1 and I3P2. Verifying the settings

The test of the out-of-step protection function is made to verify that the trip is issued if the
following events happen.
the impedance, seen by the function, enters the lens characteristic from one side and
leaves it from the opposite side
the trip is issued according to the settings TripAngle and tBreaker

The tripping zone needs to be detected and confirmed. The test may be performed by
taking into account the following key points that are shown in Figure 31:
the point RE (RE = Receiving End)
the intersection between the line segment SE-RE and the X-line, which is defined
through the setting ReachZ1
the point SE (SE = Sending End)

136 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

I = I(50 Hz) + I(49.5 Hz)

IEC10000141 V2 EN

Figure 31: Trajectory of the impedance Z(R, X) for the injected current with two
components: a 50 Hz component and a 49.5 Hz current component

The test of the out-of-step protection function requires the injection of the analog
quantities for a quite long time. The rating of the analogue channels is considered in order
to avoid any hardware damage. The test current is lower than the continuous permissive
overload current Iovrl of the protection current channels of the transformer module.

If the rated secondary current Irs of the analog channel is 1 A, then the maximum current
test Its is

I ts I ovrl = 4 I rs = 4 A
EQUATION14041 V1 EN (Equation 1)

If the CT of the generator has ratio 9000/1 A, then in primary values

I rp 9000
I t I ovrl , p = I ovrl = 4 = 36000 A
I rs 1
EQUATION14042 V1 EN (Equation 2)

Reference is made to the numerical values of the example, explained in the Setting
guidelines of the Application Manual. A test current equal to 2.5 time the base current of
the generator is chosen; this choice is related to the selected test voltage that is applied
while testing the point SE and RE.

I t = 2.5 I Base = 2.5 8367 = 20918 A

EQUATION14043 V1 EN (Equation 3)

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 137

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

The parameter ReachZ1 defines the boundary between zone 1 and zone 2; it is expressed
in percent of the parameter ForwardX. If the setting of ReachZ1 = 12%, then
corresponding primary value of the reactance is

ReachZ 1 ForwardX 12 59.33

X RZ 1 = ZBase = 0.9522 = 0.0068
100 100 100 100
EQUATION14044 V1 EN (Equation 4)

The calculation of the test voltage, that is related to ReachZ1, is based on the impedance
ZRZ1 that has imaginary part XRZ1 and real part RRZ1 :

Re achZ 1 ForwardR 12 8.19

RRZ 1 = ZBase = 0.9522 = 0.009
100 100 100 100
EQUATION14045 V1 EN (Equation 5)

The magnitude of the impedance ZRZ1 is:

Z RZ 1 = RRZ 1 + X RZ 1 = 0.009 + 0.068 = 0.069 W

2 2 2 2

EQUATION14046 V1 EN (Equation 6)

Hence the reference voltage of the test of the boundary between zone 1 and zone 2 is

Vt ,RZ 1 = Z RZ 1 I t = 0.069 20918 = 1435V

EQUATION14047 V1 EN (Equation 7)

If the test voltage is lower than Vt,RZ1 (or in opposition), then the test is related to the zone
1; if the test voltage is higher than Vt,RZ1, then the test is related to the zone 2.

Considering the resistances and reactances which are related to the settings (ForwardR,
ForwardX) and (ReverseR, ReverseX):

ForwardR 8.19
RFwdR = ZBase = 0.9522 = 0.078
100 100
EQUATION14048 V1 EN (Equation 8)

ForwardX 59.33
X FwdX = ZBase = 0.9522 = 0.565
100 100
EQUATION14049 V1 EN (Equation 9)

ReverseR 0.29
RRvsR = ZBase = 0.9522 = 0.003
100 100
EQUATION14050 V1 EN (Equation 10)

ReverseR 29.6
X RvsX = ZBase = 0.9522 = 0.282
100 100
EQUATION14051 V1 EN (Equation 11)

138 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

and the voltages that are related to them:

Vt ,FwdZ = Z FwdZ I t = R 2 FwdR + X 2 FwdX I t = 0.0782 + 0.5652 20918 = 0.570

0 20918 = 11931V
EQUATION14052 V1 EN (Equation 12)

Vt ,RvsZ = Z RvsZ I t = R 2 RvsR + X 2 RvsX I t = 0.0032 + 0.2822 20918 = 0.282

2 20918 = 5899V
EQUATION14053 V1 EN (Equation 13)

The previous calculations are in primary values. They are transferred to secondary values
to perform injections by a test set. Primary values are transferred to secondary values by
taking into account the CT ratio and the VT ratio (respectively 9000/1 A and 13.8/0.1 kV
in the example).

The magnitude of the secondary voltages, that are related to the points RE and SE of the
R-X plane, needs to be checked.

RE (RFwdR, XFwdX):

VVT ,s 0.1
Vt ,FwdZs = Vt ,FwdZ = 11931 = 86.45V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14054 V1 EN (Equation 14)

SE (RRvsR, XRvsX):

VVT ,s 0.1
Vt ,RvsZs = Vt ,RvsZ = 5899 = 42.75V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14055 V1 EN (Equation 15)

The tests, which are described in this section, may require voltages that have magnitude
equal to 110% of the previous values. The continuous permissive overload voltage of the
protection voltage channels of the TRM module is 420 V; so the previous voltages may be
applied to the analog channels of the IED continuously. Limitations may be related to the
available test set; the current It was calculated by using a factor 2.5 (instead of the
maximum value 4) in order to reduce the magnitude of the test voltage for the points RE
and SE.

Test sets usually do not have a feature to simulate a real network during a power swing and
apply the related analog quantities at the terminal of the generator. The scope of the
present test is not a simulation of a real network. Voltages and currents are supplied in
order to measure an impedance that changes in the time and traverses the plane R-X and,
in particular, the area inside the lens characteristic. The test may be performed by
Symmetric three-phase voltage at 50 Hz. The magnitude depends on the point of the
characteristic that needs to be verified. The following three main points of the line
segment SE-RE need to be checked:

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 139

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

the point RE (RFwdR, XFwdX)

a point which is related to the parameter ReachZ1 (boundary between zone 1
and zone 2)
the point SE (RRvsR, XRvsX)

The phase angle of the test voltages is equal to:

arctan (ForwardX/ForwardR) for tests in the quadrant 1 and 2 of the R-X plane
arctan (ReverseX/ReverseR) -180 for tests in the quadrant 3 and 4 of the R-X plane

Symmetric three-phase current, where the current is the summation of two currents
that have the same magnitude, but different frequencies.
It 20918
I 50 = I tf = = = 10459 A
2 2
GUID-F02E8D18-FF87-45BE-8142-E8FA19F6966B V1 EN (Equation 16)

The first current I50 has frequency 50 Hz, magnitude 10459 A (that is, 1.162 A
secondary) and phase angle 0.
The second current Itf has magnitude 10459 A (that is, 1.162 A secondary), phase
angle 180 (at the starting time of the test) and frequency:
49.5 Hz for the test as generator in the quadrant 1 and 2 of the R-X plane
50.5 Hz for the test as generator in the quadrant 3 and 4 of the R-X plane

When the trajectory of the impedance, that is seen by the protection

function, traverses the lens characteristic then a pole slipping is detected.
The present procedure avoids tests of points of the line SE-RE that are too
close to the R-axis because in that case the voltage is close to zero and,
therefore, the impedance may approach a not defined quantity 0/0.

The accuracy of the impedance reach is 2% of the base impedance; that

is considered while evaluating the test results.

For the test as motor the frequency current may have 50.5 Hz in the
quadrant 1 and 2 of the R-X plane and 49.5 Hz in the quadrant 3 and 4.

140 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Verifying the settings by secondary injection

It is advised to connect the analog output channels of the function block OOSPPAM to the
internal disturbance recorder (and in particular to the function block A4RADR) in order
to perform a better analysis of the tests.

If the device is in test mode, the recording of the disturbances are enabled by the setting in
Main menu/Settings/IED Settings/Monitoring/Disturbance report/
DisturbanceReport/DRPRDRE:1: set the parameter OpModeTest to On.

1. Check the Application Configuration: verify that hardware voltage and current
channels of the IED are properly connected to SMAI function blocks, and that the
proper analog outputs of SMAIs are connected to the analog inputs of the function
block OOSPPAM.
2. Connect three-phase voltage channels of the test set to the appropriate IED terminals.
3. Connect in parallel two groups of three-phase currents of the test set to the appropriate
IED terminals.
4. Connect the appropriate trip output of the IED to the input channel of the test set that
monitors the trip.
5. Go to Main menu/Settings/IED Settings/Impedance protection/
OutOfStep(78,Ucos)/OOSPPAM(78,Ucos):1, and make sure that the function is
enabled, that is, Operation is set to On. Test of point RE (RFwdR, XFwdX)

The trajectory of the impedance does not enter the lens characteristic.

Preliminary steady state test at 50 Hz

Go to Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance protection/
OutOfStep(78,Ucos)/OOSPPAM(78,Ucos):1/Outputs to check the available
service values of the function block OOSPPAM.
Apply the following three-phase symmetrical quantities (the phase angle is related to
phase L1):
VVT ,s 0.1
Vts = 1.1 Vt ,FwdZ = 1.1 11931 = 95.1V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14057 V1 EN (Equation 17)

ForwardX 59.33
Vts = arctan = arctan = 82..14
ForwardR 8.19
EQUATION14058 V1 EN (Equation 18)

frequency of Vts = 50 Hz

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 141

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

I CTs 1
I 50 s = I 50 = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14059 V1 EN (Equation 19)

frequency of I50s = 50 Hz

I CTs 1
It fs = Itf = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14062 V1 EN (Equation 20)

frequency of Itfs = 50 Hz

Check that the service values (VOLTAGE, CURRENT, R(%), X(%)) are according
to the injected quantities and that ROTORANG is close to 0 rad.
For this particular injection the service values are:
VOLTAGE = 13.12 kV
CURRENT = 20918 A
R = 9.01%
X = 65.27%
ROTORANG = 0.04 rad

Note that these values identify a point outside the lens characteristic, even if it is close to
the point RE. Neither START nor TRIP is issued.

Execution of the dynamic test

The test may be performed by using two states of a sequence tool that is a basic feature of
test sets.

State 1: pre-test condition.

Steady voltage and current are applied in order to get a steady high impedance. This
is a point in the plane R-X that is far away from the lens characteristic. Define the
following three-phase symmetrical quantities (the phase angle is related to phase L1):
VVT ,s 0.1
Vts = 1.1 Vt ,FwdZ = 1.1 11931 = 95.1V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14057 V1 EN (Equation 21)

ForwardX 59.33
Vts = arctan = arctan = 82..14
ForwardR 8.19
EQUATION14058 V1 EN (Equation 22)

frequency of Vts = 50 Hz
I50s=0 A

142 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Itfs=0 A

State 2: main test step.

Define the following three-phase symmetrical quantities (the phase angle is related to
phase L1):
VVT ,s 0.1
Vts = 1.1 Vt ,FwdZ = 1.1 11931 = 95.1V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14057 V1 EN (Equation 23)

ForwardX 59.33
Vts = arctan = arctan = 82..14
ForwardR 8.19
EQUATION14058 V1 EN (Equation 24)

frequency of Vts = 50 Hz

I CTs 1
I 50 s = I 50 = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14059 V1 EN (Equation 25)

I50s = 0
frequency of I50s = 50 Hz

I CTs 1
It fs = Itf = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14062 V1 EN (Equation 26)

Itfs = 180
frequency of Itfs = 49.5 Hz

Expected result: the protection function does not issue either start or trip.

The trajectory of the impedance traverses the lens characteristic in zone 2

Preliminary steady state test at 50 Hz

Go to Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance protection/
OutOfStep(78,Ucos)/OOSPPAM(78,Ucos):1/Outputs to check the available
service values of the function block OOSPPAM.
Apply the following three-phase symmetrical quantities (the phase angle is related to
phase L1):
VVT ,s 0.1
Vts = 0.9 Vt ,FwdZ = 0.9 11931 = 77.81V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14063 V1 EN (Equation 27)

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 143

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

ForwardX 59.33
Vts = arctan = arctan = 82..14
ForwardR 8.19
EQUATION14058 V1 EN (Equation 28)

frequency of Vts = 50 Hz

I CTs 1
I 50 s = I 50 = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14059 V1 EN (Equation 29)

I50s = 0
frequency of I50s = 50 Hz

I CTs 1
It fs = Itf = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14062 V1 EN (Equation 30)

Itfs = 0
frequency of Itf = 50 Hz

Check that the service values (VOLTAGE, CURRENT, R(%), X(%) ) are according
to the injected quantities and that ROTORANG is close to 3.14 rad. For this particular
injection the service values are:
VOLTAGE = 10.74 kV
CURRENT = 20918 A
R = 7.37%
X = 53.40%
ROTORANG = -3.09 rad
Note that these values identify a point inside the lens characteristic, in the zone 2, that
is close to the point RE. The START is issued, but no TRIP is performed.

Execution of the dynamic test

The test may be performed by using two states of a sequence tool that is a basic feature of
test sets.

State 1: pre-test condition.

Steady voltage and current are applied in order to get a steady high impedance, that
is, a point in the plane R-X which is far away from the lens characteristic. Define the
following three-phase symmetrical quantities (the phase angle is related to phase L1):
VVT ,s 0.1
Vts = 0.9 Vt ,FwdZ = 0.9 11931 = 77.81V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14063 V1 EN (Equation 31)

144 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

ForwardX 59.33
Vts = arctan = arctan = 82..14
ForwardR 8.19
EQUATION14058 V1 EN (Equation 32)

frequency of Vts = 50 Hz
I50s = 0 A
Itfs = 0 A

State 2: main test step.

Define the following three-phase symmetrical quantities (the phase angle is related to
phase L1):
VVT ,s 0.1
Vts = 0.9 Vt ,FwdZ = 0.9 11931 = 77.81V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14063 V1 EN (Equation 33)

ForwardX 59.33
Vts = arctan = arctan = 82..14
ForwardR 8.19
EQUATION14058 V1 EN (Equation 34)

frequency of Vts = 50 Hz

I CTs 1
I 50 s = I 50 = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14059 V1 EN (Equation 35)

I50s = 0
frequency of I50s = 50 Hz

I CTs 1
It fs = Itf = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14062 V1 EN (Equation 36)

Itfs = 180
frequency of Itfs = 49.5 Hz

Expected result: start of the protection function and trip in zone 2, when trip conditions are

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 145

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection Test of the boundary between zone 1 and zone 2, which is defined by the
parameter ReachZ1

The trajectory of the impedance traverses the lens characteristic in zone 2

Preliminary steady state test at 50 Hz

Go to Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance protection/
OutOfStep(78,Ucos)/OOSPPAM(78,Ucos):1/Outputs to check the available
service values of the function block OOSPPAM.
Apply the following three-phase symmetrical quantities (the phase angle is related to
phase L1):
VVT ,s 0.1
Vts = 1.1 Vt ,RZ 1 = 1.1 1435 = 11.44V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14065 V1 EN (Equation 37)

ForwardX 59.33
Vts = arctan = arctan = 82..14
ForwardR 8.19
EQUATION14058 V1 EN (Equation 38)

frequency of Vts = 50 Hz

I CTs 1
I 50 s = I 50 = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14059 V1 EN (Equation 39)

I50s = 0
frequency of I50s = 50 Hz

I CTs 1
It fs = Itf = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14062 V1 EN (Equation 40)

Itfs = 0
frequency of Itfs = 50 Hz

Check that the service values (VOLTAGE, CURRENT, R(%), X(%)) are according
to the injected quantities and that ROTORANG is close to 3.14 rad. For this particular
injection the service values are:
VOLTAGE = 1.58 kV
CURRENT = 20918 A
R = 1.08%
X = 7.85%
ROTORANG = -3.04 rad

146 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Note that these values identify a point inside the lens characteristic, in the Zone 2, that is
close to the boundary between zone 1 and zone 2. The START is issued, but no TRIP is

Execution of the dynamic test

The test may be performed by using two states of a sequence tool that is a basic feature of
test sets.

State 1: pre-test condition.

Steady voltage and current are applied in order to get a steady high impedance, that
is a point in the plane R-X that is far away from the lens characteristic. Define the
following three-phase symmetrical quantities (the phase angle is related to phase L1):
VVT ,s 0.1
Vts = 1.1 Vt ,RZ 1 = 1.1 1435 = 11.44V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14065 V1 EN (Equation 41)

ForwardX 59.33
Vts = arctan = arctan = 82..14
ForwardR 8.19
EQUATION14058 V1 EN (Equation 42)

frequency of Vt= 50 Hz.

I50s = 0 A
Itfs = 0 A

State 2: main test step.

Define the following three-phase symmetrical quantities (the phase angle is related to
phase L1):
VVT ,s 0.1
Vts = 1.1 Vt ,RZ 1 = 1.1 1435 = 11.44V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14065 V1 EN (Equation 43)

ForwardX 59.33
Vts = arctan = arctan = 82..14
ForwardR 8.19
EQUATION14058 V1 EN (Equation 44)

frequency of Vt = 50 Hz

I CTs 1
I 50 s = I 50 = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14059 V1 EN (Equation 45)

I50s = 0
frequency of I50s = 50 Hz

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 147

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

I CTs 1
It fs = Itf = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14062 V1 EN (Equation 46)

Itfs = 180
frequency of Itfs = 49.5 Hz

Expected result: start of the protection function and trip in zone 2 when trip conditions
are fulfilled.

The trajectory of the impedance traverses the lens characteristic in zone 1

Preliminary steady state test at 50 Hz

Go to Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance protection/
OutOfStep(78,Ucos)/OOSPPAM(78,Ucos):1/Outputs to check the available
service values of the function block OOSPPAM.
Apply the following three-phase symmetrical quantities (the phase angle is related to
phase L1):
VVT ,s 0.1
Vts = 0.9 Vt ,RZ 1 = 0.9 1435 = 9.36V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14066 V1 EN (Equation 47)

ForwardX 59.33
Vts = arctan = arctan = 82..14
ForwardR 8.19
EQUATION14058 V1 EN (Equation 48)

frequency of Vts = 50 Hz

I CTs 1
I 50 s = I 50 = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14059 V1 EN (Equation 49)

I50s = 0
frequency of I50s = 50 Hz

I CTs 1
It fs = Itf = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14062 V1 EN (Equation 50)

Itfs = 0
frequency of Itf = 50 Hz

Check that the service values (VOLTAGE, CURRENT, R(%), X(%)) are according
to the injected quantities and that ROTORANG is close to 3.14 rad. For this particular
injection the service values are:
148 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI
Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

VOLTAGE = 1.29 kV
CURRENT = 20918 A
R = 0.89%
ROTORANG = -3.04 rad
Note that these values identify a point inside the lens characteristic in zone 1, that is
close to the boundary between zone 1 and zone 2. The START is issued, but no TRIP
is performed.

Execution of the dynamic test

The test may be performed by using two states of a sequence tool that is a basic feature of
test sets.

State 1: pre-test condition.

Steady voltage and current are applied in order to get a steady high impedance, that
is a point in the plane R-X which is far away from the lens characteristic. Define the
following three-phase symmetrical quantities (the phase angle is related to phase L1):
VVT ,s 0.1
Vts = 0.9 Vt ,RZ 1 = 0.9 1435 = 9.36V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14066 V1 EN (Equation 51)

ForwardX 59.33
Vts = arctan = arctan = 82..14
ForwardR 8.19
EQUATION14058 V1 EN (Equation 52)

frequency of Vts = 50 Hz
I50s = 0 A
Itfs = 0 A

State 2: main test step.

Define the following three-phase symmetrical quantities (the phase angle is related to
phase L1):
VVT ,s 0.1
Vts = 0.9 Vt ,RZ 1 = 0.9 1435 = 9.36V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14066 V1 EN (Equation 53)

ForwardX 59.33
Vts = arctan = arctan = 82..14
ForwardR 8.19
EQUATION14058 V1 EN (Equation 54)

frequency of Vts = 50 Hz

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 149

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

I CTs 1
I 50 s = I 50 = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14059 V1 EN (Equation 55)

I50s = 0
frequency of I50s = 50 Hz

I CTs 1
It fs = Itf = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14062 V1 EN (Equation 56)

Itfs = 180
frequency of Itfs = 49.5 Hz

Expected result: start of the protection function and trip in zone 1 when trip conditions
are fulfilled. Test of the point SE (RRvsR, XRvsX)

The trajectory of the impedance traverses the lens characteristic in zone 1

Preliminary steady state test at 50 Hz

Go to Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance protection/
OutOfStep(78,Ucos)/OOSPPAM(78,Ucos):1/Outputs to check the available
service values of the function block OOSPPAM.
Apply the following three-phase symmetrical quantities (the phase angle is related to
phase L1):
VVT ,s 0.1
Vts = 0.9 Vt ,RvsZ = 0.9 5899 = 38.47V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14067 V1 EN (Equation 57)

Vts = arctan
ReverseX - 180 = arctan 29.60 - 180 = -90.56

ReverseR 0.29
EQUATION14068 V1 EN (Equation 58)

frequency of Vts = 50 Hz

I CTs 1
I 50 s = I 50 = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14059 V1 EN (Equation 59)

I50s = 0
frequency of I50s = 50 Hz

150 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

I CTs 1
It fs = Itf = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14062 V1 EN (Equation 60)

Itfs = 0
frequency of Itf = 50 Hz

Check that the service values (VOLTAGE, CURRENT, R(%), X(%)) are according
to the injected quantities and that ROTORANG is close to 3.14 rad. For this particular
injection the service values are:
VOLTAGE = 5.31 kV
CURRENT = 20918 A
R = -0.26%
X = -26.65%
ROTORANG = -3.06 rad
Note that these values identify a point inside the lens characteristic in zone 1 that is
close to the point SE. The START is issued, but no TRIP is performed.

Execution of the dynamic test

The test may be performed by using two states of a sequence tool that is a basic feature of
test sets.

State 1: pre-test condition.

Steady voltage and current are applied in order to get a steady high impedance, that
is a point in the plane R-X which is far away from the lens characteristic. Define the
following three-phase symmetrical quantities (the phase angle is related to phase L1):
VVT ,s 0.1
Vts = 0.9 Vt ,RvsZ = 0.9 5899 = 38.47V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14067 V1 EN (Equation 61)

Vts = arctan
ReverseX - 180 = arctan 29.60 - 180 = -90.56

ReverseR 0.29
EQUATION14068 V1 EN (Equation 62)

frequency of Vts = 50 Hz
I50s = 0 A
Itfs = 0 A

State 2: main test step.

Define the following three-phase symmetrical quantities (the phase angle is related to
phase L1):

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 151

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

VVT ,s 0.1
Vts = 0.9 Vt ,RvsZ = 0.9 5899 = 38.47V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14067 V1 EN (Equation 63)

Vts = arctan
ReverseX - 180 = arctan 29.60 - 180 = -90.56

ReverseR 0.29
EQUATION14068 V1 EN (Equation 64)

frequency of Vts = 50 Hz

I CTs 1
I 50 s = I 50 = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14059 V1 EN (Equation 65)

I50s = 0
frequency of I50s = 50 Hz

I CTs 1
It fs = Itf = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14062 V1 EN (Equation 66)

Itfs = 180
frequency of Itfs = 50.5 Hz

Expected result: start of the protection function and trip in zone 1 when trip conditions
are fulfilled.

The trajectory of the impedance does not enter the lens characteristic

Preliminary steady state test at 50 Hz

Go to Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance protection/
OutOfStep(78,Ucos)/OOSPPAM(78,Ucos):1/Outputs to check the available
service values of the function block OOSPPAM.
Apply the following three-phase symmetrical quantities (the phase angle is related to
phase L1):
VVT ,s 0.1
Vts = 1.1 Vt ,RvsZ = 1.1 5899 = 47.02V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14069 V1 EN (Equation 67)

Vts = arctan
ReverseX - 180 = arctan 29.60 - 180 = -90.56

ReverseR 0.29
EQUATION14068 V1 EN (Equation 68)

frequency of Vts = 50 Hz

152 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

I CTs 1
I 50 s = I 50 = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14059 V1 EN (Equation 69)

I50s = 0
frequency of I50s = 50 Hz

I CTs 1
It fs = Itf = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14062 V1 EN (Equation 70)

Itfs = 0
frequency of Itf = 50 Hz

Check that the service values (VOLTAGE, CURRENT, R(%), X(%)) are according
to the injected quantities and that ROTORANG is close to 0 rad. For this particular
injection the service values are:
VOLTAGE= 6.49 kV
CURRENT= 20918 A
R= 0.32%
ROTORANG= 0.08 rad
Note that these values identify a point outside the lens characteristic, even if it is close
to the point SE. Neither START nor TRIP is issued.

Execution of the dynamic test

The test may be performed by using two states of a sequence tool that is a basic feature of
test sets.

State 1: pre-test condition.

Steady voltage and current are applied in order to get a steady high impedance, that
is, a point in the plane R-X which is far away from the lens characteristic. Define the
following three-phase symmetrical quantities (the phase angle is related to phase L1):
VVT ,s 0.1
Vts = 1.1 Vt ,RvsZ = 1.1 5899 = 47.02V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14069 V1 EN (Equation 71)

Vts = arctan
ReverseX - 180 = arctan 29.60 - 180 = -90.56

ReverseR 0.29
EQUATION14068 V1 EN (Equation 72)

frequency of Vts = 50 Hz
I50s = 0 A

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Itfs = 0 A

State 2: main test step.

Define the following three-phase symmetrical quantities (the phase angle is related to
phase L1):
VVT ,s 0.1
Vts = 1.1 Vt ,RvsZ = 1.1 5899 = 47.02V
VVT , p 13.8
EQUATION14069 V1 EN (Equation 73)

Vts = arctan
ReverseX - 180 = arctan 29.60 - 180 = -90.56

ReverseR 0.29
EQUATION14068 V1 EN (Equation 74)

frequency of Vts = 50 Hz

I CTs 1
I 50 s = I 50 = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14059 V1 EN (Equation 75)

I50s = 0
frequency of I50s = 50 Hz

I CTs 1
It fs = Itf = 10459 = 1.162 A
I CTp 9000
EQUATION14062 V1 EN (Equation 76)

Itfs = 180
frequency of Itfs = 50.5 Hz

Expected result: the protection function does not issue either start or trip.

After each test it is possible to download and study the related disturbance recording.

154 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection


TRIPZ1 (tripZone1)
TRIPZ2 (tripZone2)
START (start)
GENMODE (generatorMode)
MOTMODE (motorMode)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
time in seconds

IEC10000142 V1 EN

Figure 32: Boolean output signals for the injected current with two components: a 50
Hz current component and a 49.5 Hz current component

10.4.13 Automatic switch onto fault logic ZCVPSOF

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

The automatic switch onto fault logic function ZCVPSOF is checked using secondary
injection tests together with the Scheme communication logic for distance or overcurrent
protection function and with the dead line detection function (DLD), which is embedded
in ZCVPSOF. ZCVPSOF is activated either by the external input BC, or by the internal
DLD. FUFSPVC is done with a pre-fault condition where the phase voltages and currents
are at zero. A reverse three-phase fault with zero impedance and a three-phase fault with
an impedance corresponding to the whole line is applied. This fault shall cause an
instantaneous trip and result in a TRIP indication.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection Activating ZCVPSOF externally

1. Activate the switch onto fault BC input.

During normal operating conditions, the BC input is de-energized.
2. Set AutoInitMode to DLD disabled and Mode to Impedance.
3. Apply a three-phase fault condition corresponding to a fault at approximately 45%
of the line or with impedance at 50% of the used zone setting and current greater than
30% of IBase.
The ZACC input is activated.
4. Check that the TRIP output, external signals and indication are obtained. Initiating ZCVPSOF automatically and setting mode to impedance

1. Deactivate the switch onto fault BC input.

2. Set the current and voltage inputs to lower than IphPickup and UVPickup for at least
one second.
3. Set AutoInitMode to Voltage and Mode to Impedance.
4. Apply a three-phase fault condition corresponding to a fault at approximately 45%
of the line or with impedance at 50% of the used zone setting and current greater than
30% of IBase.Apply a two-phase fault condition corresponding to a fault at
approximately 45% of the line or with impedance at 50% of the used zone setting and
current greater than 30% of IBase.
The ZACC input is activated.
5. Check that the correct TRIP output, external signals and indication are obtained. Initiating ZCVPSOF automatically and setting mode to VILevel

1. Deactivate the switch onto fault BC input.

2. Set the current and voltage inputs to lower than IphPickup and UVPickup for at least
one second.
3. Set AutoInitMode to Voltage and Mode to VILevel.
4. Apply the three-phase currents in such a way that the magnitudes are greater than
IphPickup and the three-phase voltages in such a way that the magnitudes and lower
than UVPickup at least for the duration of the tDuration setting.
5. Check that the correct TRIP output, external signals and indication are obtained.

156 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.4.14 Phase preference logic PPLPHIZ

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

The Phase preference logic function PPLPHIZ is tested with a three-phase testing
equipment for distance protections. PPLPHIZ is tested in co-operation with the Distance
protection zone, quadrilateral characteristic function ZMQPDIS (21). The distance
protection and the phase preference logic shall be set to values according to the real set
values to be used. The test is made by means of injection of voltage and current where the
amplitude of both current and voltage and the phase angle between the voltage and current
can be controlled.

During the test the following binary signals (outputs) shall be monitored:
Trip signal from distance protection
Trip signal from phase preference logic

1. Connect the test set for injection of voltage and current.

2. Inject voltages and currents corresponding to a phase-to-phase to ground fault within
zone 1 of the distance protection function. In the test one of the current inputs (one of
the faulted phases) is disconnected. The remaining current is the fault current out on
the protected line. All combinations of two phase-to-ground faults with one phase
current are tested. The result shall be according to table 31. It should be checked that
the fault will give phase-to-phase voltage, phase-to-ground voltage, zero-sequence
voltage and phase current so that the conditions set for the logic are fulfilled.

Table 31: Operation at different combinations of faults and operation mode

OperMode Fault type/Faulted phase current to the IED
No Filter Trip Trip Trip Trip Trip Trip
No Pref Trip Trip Trip Trip Trip Trip
1231c Trip No Trip Trip No Trip No Trip Trip
1321c No Trip Trip No Trip Trip Trip No Trip
123a Trip No Trip Trip No Trip Trip No Trip
132a Trip No Trip No Trip Trip Trip No Trip
Table continues on next page

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

OperMode Fault type/Faulted phase current to the IED

213a No Trip Trip Trip No Trip Trip No Trip
231a No Trip Trip Trip No Trip No Trip Trip
312a Trip No Trip No Trip Trip No Trip Trip
321a No Trip Trip No Trip Trip No Trip Trip Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.5 Current protection

10.5.1 Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection 3-phase output

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

To verify the settings the following fault type should be tested:

Phase-to-ground fault

Ensure that the maximum continuous current, supplied from the current source used for
the test of the IED, does not exceed four times the rated current value of the IED. Measuring the trip limit of set values

1. Inject a phase current into the IED with an initial value below that of the setting.
2. Set the operation mode to 1 out of 3.
3. Increase the injected current in the Ln phase until the TR_A (TR_B or TR_C) signal
4. Switch the fault current off.

158 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

Observe: Do not exceed the maximum permitted overloading of the

current circuits in the IED.

5. Compare the measured operating current with the set value.

6. Set the operation mode to 2 out of 3 and inject current into one of the phases. Check
- no operation. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.5.2 Four step phase overcurrent protection 3-phase output

OC4PTOC (51_67)
Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify
settings". Verifying the settings

Verification of the non-directional phase overcurrent function is done as

instructed below, without applying any polarizing voltage.

1. Connect the test set for current injection to the appropriate IED phases.
If there is any configuration logic that is used to enable or block any of the four
available overcurrent steps, make sure that the step under test is enabled (for
example, end fault protection).
If 1 out of 3 currents for operation is chosen: Connect the injection current to phases
A and neutral.
If 2 out of 3 currents for operation is chosen: Connect the injection current into phase
A and out from phase B.
If 3 out of 3 currents for operation is chosen: Connect the symmetrical three-phase
injection current into phases A, B and C.
2. Connect the test set for the appropriate three-phase voltage injection to the IED
phases A, B and C. The protection shall be fed with a symmetrical three-phase
3. Block higher set stages when testing lower set stages by following the procedure
described below:

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 159

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

3.1. Set the injected polarizing voltage slightly larger than the set minimum
polarizing voltage (default is 5% of VBase) and set the injection current to lag
the appropriate voltage by an angle of about 80 if forward directional function
is selected.
If 1 out of 3 currents for operation is chosen: The voltage angle of phase A is
the reference.
If 2 out of 3 currents for operation is chosen: The voltage angle of phase A
the voltage angle of B is the reference.
If 3 out of 3 currents for operation is chosen: The voltage angle of phase A is
the reference.
If reverse directional function is selected, set the injection current to lag the
polarizing voltage by an angle equal to 260 (equal to 80 + 180).
3.2. Increase the injected current, note the trip value of the tested step of the
function and compare it to the set value.
3.3. Decrease the current slowly, note the reset value and compare it to the reset
ratio 95%.
4. If the test has been performed by injection of current in phase A, repeat the test,
injecting current into phases B and C with polarizing voltage connected to phases B,
respectively C (1 out of 3 currents for operation).
5. If the test has been performed by injection of current in phases AB, repeat the test,
injecting current into phases BC and CA with the appropriate phase angle of injected
6. Connect a trip output contact to a timer.
7. Set the injected current to 200% of the trip level of the tested stage, switch on the
current and check the time delay.
For inverse time curves, check the trip time at a current equal to 110% of the trip
current for txMin.
8. Check that all trip and pickup contacts trip according to the configuration (signal
9. Reverse the direction of the injected current and check that the protection does not
10. If 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 3 currents for operation is chosen: Check that the function will
not trip with current in one phase only.
11. Repeat the above described tests for the higher set stages.
12. Check that pickup and trip information is stored in the event menu. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

160 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

10.5.3 Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection EFPIOC (50N)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

To verify the settings the following fault type should be tested:

Phase-to-ground fault

Ensure that the maximum continuous current, supplied from the current source used for
the test of the IED, does not exceed four times the rated current value of the IED. Measuring the trip limit of set values

1. Inject a phase current into the IED with an initial value below that of the setting.
2. Increase the injected current in the Ln or in the neutral (summated current input)
phase until the TRIP signal appears.
3. Disable the fault current
Observe to not exceed the maximum permitted overloading of the current circuits in
the IED.
4. Compare the measured operating current with the set value. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.5.4 Four step residual overcurrent protection, (Zero sequence or

negative sequence directionality) EF4PTOC (51N/67N)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify
settings". Four step directional ground fault protection

1. Connect the test set for single current injection to the appropriate IED terminals.
Connect the injection current to terminals A and neutral.
2. Set the injected polarizing voltage slightly larger than the set minimum polarizing
voltage (default 5% of Vn) and set the injection current to lag the voltage by an angle

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

equal to the set reference characteristic angle (AngleRCA), if the forward directional
function is selected.
If reverse directional function is selected, set the injection current to lag the
polarizing voltage by an angle equal to RCA+ 180.
3. Increase the injected current and note the value at which the studied step of the
function trips.
4. Decrease the current slowly and note the reset value.
5. If the test has been performed by injection of current in phase A, repeat the test,
injecting current into terminals B and C with a polarizing voltage connected to
terminals B, respectively C.
6. Block lower set steps when testing higher set steps according to the instructions that
7. Connect a trip output contact to a timer.
8. Set the injected current to 200% of the trip level of the tested step, switch on the
current and check the time delay.
For inverse time curves, check the trip time at a current equal to 110% of the trip
current for txMin.
9. Check that all trip and pickup contacts trip according to the configuration (signal
10. Reverse the direction of the injected current and check that the step does not trip.
11. Check that the protection does not trip when the polarizing voltage is zero.
12. Repeat the above described tests for the higher set steps.
13. Finally, check that pickup and trip information is stored in the event menu. Four step non-directional ground fault protection

1. Do as described in "Four step directional ground fault protection", but without

applying any polarizing voltage. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.5.5 Four step negative sequence overcurrent protection NS4PTOC

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Requirements" and
section "Preparing for test" in this chapter.

162 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

When inverse time overcurrent characteristic is selected, the trip time of

the stage will be the sum of the inverse time delay and the set definite time
delay. Thus, if only the inverse time delay is required, it is important to set
the definite time delay for that stage to zero.


1. Connect the test set for injection of three-phase currents and voltages to the
appropriate CT and VT inputs of the IED.
2. Inject pure negative sequence current, that is, phase currents with exactly same
magnitude, reversed sequence and exactly 120 phase displaced into the IED with an
initial value below negative sequence current pickup level. No output signals should
be activated. Check under NS4PTOC function Service Values that correct I2
magnitude is measured by the function.
3. Set the injected negative sequence polarizing voltage slightly larger than the set
minimum polarizing voltage (default 5 % of Vn) and set the injection current to lag
the voltage by an angle equal to the set reference characteristic angle (180 -
AngleRCA) if the forward directional function is selected.
If reverse directional function is selected, set the injection current to lag the
polarizing voltage by an angle equal to RCA.
4. Increase the injected current and note the value at which the studied step of the
function trip.
5. Decrease the current slowly and note the reset value.
6. Block lower set steps when testing higher set steps according to the instructions that
7. Connect a trip output contact to a timer.
8. Set the injected current to 200% of the trip level of the tested step, switch on the
current and check the time delay.
For inverse time curves, check the trip time at a current equal to 110% of the trip
current in order to test parameter txmin.
9. Check that all trip and pickup contacts trip according to the configuration (signal
10. Reverse the direction of the injected current and check that the step does not trip.
11. Check that the protection does not trip when the polarizing voltage is zero.
12. Repeat the above-described tests for the higher set steps.
13. Finally, check that pickup and trip information is stored in the event menu. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

10.5.6 Sensitive directional residual overcurrent and power protection

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

IED test set IED


V_A V1
V_B V2
V_C V3



ANSI09000021 V1 EN

Figure 33: Principle connection of the test set

Values of the logical signals belonging to the sensitive directional residual overcurrent
and power protection are available on the local HMI under Main menu/Test/Function
status/Current protection/SensDirResOvCurr(67N,IN>)/SDEPSDE(67N,IN>):x Measuring the trip and time limit for set values

Operation mode 3I0 cos


1. Set the polarizing voltage to 1.2 VNRelPU and set the phase angle between voltage
and current to the set characteristic angle (RCADir). Note that the the current lagging
the voltage.

164 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Take setting RCAComp into consideration if not equal to 0.

2. Inject current until the function picks up, and make sure that the trip current of the
set directional element is equal to the INcosPhiPU setting.
The I Dir (3I0 cos) function activates the PICKUP and PUNDIN output.
3. Assume that is the phase angle between injected voltage (3V0) and current (3I0)
i.e. = RCADir-. Change to for example 45 degrees. Increase the injected
current until the function trips.
4. Compare the result with the set value and make sure that the new injected 3I0 cos
is equal to the setting INcosPhiPU..
Take the set characteristic into consideration, see Figure 34 and Figure 35.
5. Measure the trip time of the timer by injecting a current two times the set
INcosPhiPU value and the polarizing voltage 1.2 VNRelPU.
Tinv =
3I 0 3V0test cos ( )
ANSI13000294 V1 EN (Equation 77)

6. Compare the result with the expected value.

The expected value depends on whether definite or inverse time was selected.
7. Set the polarizing voltage to zero and increase until the boolean output signal
UNREL is activated, which is visible in the Application Configuration in PCM600
when the IED is in online mode. Compare the voltage with the set value VNRelPU .
8. Continue to test another function or complete the test by setting the test mode to

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 165

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

RCADir 0

Trip area

3V0 Vref
3I0 cos


ANSI06000650 V3 EN

Figure 34: Characteristic with ROADir restriction

166 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

RCADir = 0

Trip area

-3V0 =Vref

angle error
Characteristic after
angle compensation

3I0 (prim) 3I0 (to prot)


ANSI06000651 V2 EN

Figure 35: Explanation of RCAcomp

Operation mode 3I0 3V0 cos

1. Set the polarizing voltage to 1.2 VNRelPU and set the phase angle between voltage
and current to the set characteristic angle (RCADir). Note that the current lagging the
2. Inject current until the function picks up, and make sure that the trip power is equal
to the SN_PU setting for the set directional element.
Note that for pick-up, both the injected current and voltage must be greater than the
set values INRelPU and VNRelPU respectively.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

The function activates the PICKUP and PUDIRIN outputs.

3. Assume that is the phase angle between injected voltage (3V0) and current (3I0)
i.e. = RCADir-. Change to for example 45 degrees. Increase the injected
current until the function trips.
4. Compare the result with the set value and make sure that the new injected 3I0 3V0
cos is equal to the setting SN_PU. Take the set characteristic into consideration,
see figure 34 and figure 35.
5. Measure the trip time of the timer by injecting 1.2 VNRelPU and a current to get two
times the set SN_PU trip value.
Tinv = TDSN SRef 3I 0test 3V0test cos ( )
ANSIEQUATION2403 V2 EN (Equation 78)

6. Compare the result with the expected value.

The expected value depends on whether definite or inverse time was selected.
7. Continue to test another function or complete the test by setting the test mode to

Operation mode 3I0 and

1. Set the polarizing voltage to 1.2 VNRelPU and set the phase angle between voltage
and current to the set characteristic angle (RCADir). Note that the current lagging the
2. Inject current until the function picks up, and make sure that the trip current is equal
to the INRelPU setting for the set directional element.

Note that for pickup, both the injected current and voltage must be
greater than the set values INRelPU and VNRelPU respectively.

The function activates the PICKUPand PUDIRIN output.

3. Measure with angles j around RCADir +/- ROADir.
4. Compare the result with the set values, refer to figure 36 for example characteristic.
5. Measure the trip time of the timer by injecting a current to get two times the set
SN_PU trip value.
Tinv = TDSN SRef 3I 0test 3V0test cos ( )
ANSIEQUATION2403 V2 EN (Equation 79)

6. Compare the result with the expected value.

The expected value depends on whether definite or inverse time was selected.
7. Continue to test another function or complete the test by setting the test mode to

168 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

RCA = 0

ROA = 80

Operate area



ANSI06000652 V2 EN

Figure 36: Example characteristic

Non-directional ground fault current protection


1. Measure that the trip current is equal to the INNonDirPU setting.

The function activates the PICKUP and PUDIRIN output.
2. Measure the trip time of the timer by injecting a current of 200% of the trip value.
3. Compare the result with the expected value.
The expected value depends on whether definite time tINNonDir or inverse time was
4. Continue to test another function or complete the test by setting the test mode to

Residual overvoltage release and protection


1. Measure that the trip voltage is equal to the VN_PU setting.

The function activates the PICKUP and PUVN signals.
2. Measure the trip time by injecting a voltage 1.2 times set VN_PU trip value.
3. Compare the result with the set tVN trip value.

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

4. Inject a voltage 0.8 VNRelPU and a current high enough to trip the directional
function at the chosen angle.
5. Increase the voltage until the directional function is released.
6. Compare the measured value with the set VNRelPU trip value. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.5.7 Thermal overload protection, one time constant, Fahrenheit/

Celsius LFPTTR/LCPTTR (26)
Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

Check that the input logical signal BLOCK is logical zero and that on the local HMI, the
logical signal TRIP, PICKUP and ALARM are equal to logical zero. Measuring the trip and time limit of set values

Testing the protection without external temperature compensation


1. Quickly set the measured current (fault current) in one phase to about 300% of IRef
(to minimise the trip time), and switch the current off.
2. Reset the thermal memory on the local HMI under Main menu/Reset/Reset
temperature/ThermalOverload1TimeConst(PTTR,26)/LFPTTR:x, Main
menu/Reset/Reset temperature/ThermalOverload1TimeConst(PTTR,26)/
3. Switch the fault current on and take note of the temperature, available on the local
HMI under Main menu/Test/Function status/Current protection/
ThermOverLoad1TimeConst(PTTR,26)/LFPTTR:x/TEMP, Main menu/
Test/Function status/Current protection/
4. Check the time until the actual temperature TEMP has reached the AlarmTemp level
during injection.
Monitor the signal ALARM until it appears on the corresponding binary output or on
the local HMI.
5. Measure the LFPTTR/LCPTTR (26)protection trip time.
Use the TRIP signal from the configured binary output to stop the timer.

170 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

6. Take the TEMP readings.

Compare with the setting of TripTemp.
7. Activate the BLOCK binary input.
The signals ALARM, PICKUP and TRIP should disappear.
8. Reset the BLOCK binary input.
9. Check the reset limit (TdReset).
Monitor the signal PICKUP until it disappears on the corresponding binary output or
on the local HMI, take the TEMP readings and compare with the setting of
10. Compare the measured trip time with the setting according to the formula.
11. Reset the thermal memory.
12. Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the test mode setting to
Disabled. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.5.8 Breaker failure protection, phase segregated activation and

output CCRBRF (50BF)
Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

The Breaker failure protection, 3-phase activation and output function CCRBRF (50BF)
should normally be tested in conjunction with some other function that provides an initiate
signal. An external BFI_3P signal can also be used.

To verify the settings in the most common back-up trip mode 1 out of 3, it is sufficient to
test phase-to-ground faults.

At mode 2 out of 4 the phase current setting, Pickup_PH can be checked by single-phase
injection where the return current is connected to the summated current input. The value
of residual (ground fault) current IN set lower than Pickup_PH is easiest checked in back-
up trip mode 1 out of 4. Checking the phase current trip value, Pickup_PH

The check of the Pickup_PH current level is best made in FunctionMode = Current and
BuTripMode = 1 out of 3 or 2 out of 4.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 171

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

1. Apply the fault condition, including BFI_3P of CCRBRF (50BF), with a current
below set Pickup_PH.
2. Repeat the fault condition and increase the current in steps until a trip occurs.
3. Compare the result with the set Pickup_PH.
4. Disconnect AC and BFI_3P input signals.

Note! If No CBPos Check or Retrip off is set, only back-up trip can be used
to check set IP>. Checking the residual (ground fault) current trip value Pickup_N set below
Check the low set Pickup_N current where setting FunctionMode = Current and setting
BuTripMode = 1 out of 4

1. Apply the fault condition, including BFI_3P of CCRBRF (50BF), with a current just
below set Pickup_N.
2. Repeat the fault condition and increase the current in steps until trip appears.
3. Compare the result with the set Pickup_N.
4. Disconnect AC and BFI_3P input signals. Checking the re-trip and back-up times

The check of the set times can be made in connection with the check of trip values above.

Choose the applicable function and trip mode, such as FunctionMode = Current and
RetripMode = CB Pos Check .

1. Apply the fault condition, including initiation of CCRBRF (50BF), well above the
set current value. Measure time from BFI_3P of CCRBRF (50BF).
2. Check the re-trip t1 and back-up trip times t2 and t3.
In applicable cases, the back-up trip for multi-phase pickupt2MPh and back-up trip
2, t2 and t3 can also be checked. To check t2MPh, a two-phase or three-phase
initiation shall be applied.
3. Disconnect AC and BFI_3P input signals. Verifying the re-trip mode

Choose the mode below, which corresponds to the actual case.

In the cases below it is assumed that FunctionMode = Current is selected.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

Checking the case without re-trip, RetripMode = Retrip Off

1. Set RetripMode = Retrip Off.

2. Apply the fault condition, including initiation of CCRBRF (50BF), well above the
set current value.
3. Verify that no re-trip, but back-up trip is achieved after set time.
4. Disconnect AC and BFI_3P input signals.

Checking the re-trip with current check, RetripMode = CB Pos Check

1. Set RetripMode = CB Pos Check.

2. Apply the fault condition, including initiation of CCRBRF (50BF), well above the
set current value.
3. Verify that re-trip is achieved after set time t1 and back-up trip after time t2
4. Apply the fault condition, including initiation of CCRBRF (50BF), with current
below set current value.
5. Verify that no re-trip, and no back-up trip is obtained.
6. Disconnect AC and BFI_3P input signals.

Checking re-trip without current check

1. Set RetripMode = No CBPos Check.

2. Apply the fault condition, including initiation of CCRBRF (50BF), well above the
set current value.
3. Verify that re-trip is achieved after the set time t1, and the back-up trip after time t2.
4. Apply the fault condition, including initiation of CCRBRF (50BF), with current
below set current value.
5. Verify that re-trip is achieved after set time t1, but no back-up trip is obtained.
6. Disconnect AC and BFI_3P input signals. Verifying the back-up trip mode

In the cases below it is assumed that FunctionMode = Current is selected.

Checking that back-up tripping is not achieved at normal CB tripping

Use the actual tripping modes. The case below applies to re-trip with current check.

1. Apply the fault condition, including initiation of CCRBRF (50BF), with phase
current well above set value Pickup_PH.
2. Interrupt the current, with a margin before back-up trip time, t2. It may be made at
issue of re-trip command.
3. Check that re-trip is achieved, if selected, but no back-up trip is obtained.
4. Disconnect AC and BFI_3P input signals.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

The normal mode BuTripMode = 1 out of 3 should have been verified in the tests above.
In applicable cases the modes 1 out of 4 and 2 out of 4 can be checked. Choose the mode
below, which corresponds to the actual case.

Checking the case BuTripMode = 1 out of 4

It is assumed that the ground-fault current setting Pickup_N is below phase current setting

1. Set BuTripMode = 1 out of 4.

2. Apply the fault condition, including initiation of CCRBRF (50BF), with one-phase
current below set Pickup_PH but above Pickup_N . The residual ground-fault
should then be above set Pickup_N.
3. Verify that back-up trip is achieved after set time. If selected, re-trip should also
4. Disconnect AC and BFI_3P input signals.

Checking the case BuTripMode = 2 out of 4

The ground-fault current setting Pickup_N may be equal to or below phase-current setting

1. Set BuTripMode = 2 out of 4.

2. Apply the fault condition, including initiation of CCRBRF (50BF), with one-phase
current above set Pickup_PH and residual (ground fault) above set Pickup_N.
3. Verify that back-up trip is achieved after set time. If selected, re-trip should also
4. Apply the fault condition, including initiation of CCRBRF (50BF), with at least one-
phase current below set Pickup_PH and residual (ground fault) above set Pickup_N.
The current may be arranged by feeding three- (or two-) phase currents with equal
phase angle (I0-component) below Pickup_PH, but of such value that the residual
(ground fault) current (3I0) will be above set value Pickup_N.
5. Verify that back-up trip is not achieved.
6. Disconnect AC and BFI_3P input signals. Verifying instantaneous back-up trip at CB faulty condition

Applies in a case where a signal from CB supervision function regarding CB being faulty
and unable to trip is connected to input 52FAIL.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

1. Repeat the check of back-up trip time. Disconnect current and input signals.
2. Activate the input 52FAIL. The output CBALARM (CB faulty alarm) should appear
after set time tCBAlarm. Keep the input activated.
3. Apply the fault condition, including initiation of CCRBRF (50BF), with current
above set current value.
4. Verify that back-up trip is obtained without intentional delay, for example within
20ms from application of initiation.
5. Disconnect injected AC and BFI_3P input signals. Verifying the case RetripMode = Contact

It is assumed that re-trip without current check is selected, RetripMode = Contact.

1. Set FunctionMode = Contact

2. Apply input signal for CB closed to relevant input or inputs 52a_A (B or C).
3. Apply input signal, or signals for initiation of CCRBRF (50BF).
4. Verify that phase selection re-trip and back-up trip are achieved after set times.
5. Disconnect the trip signal(s). Keep the CB closed signal(s).
7. Apply input signal(s), for initiation of CCRBRF (50BF).
8. Arrange disconnection of CB closed signal(s) well before set back-up trip time t2.
9. Verify that back-up trip is not achieved.
10. Disconnect injected AC and BFI_3P input signals. Verifying the function mode Current&Contact

To be made only when FunctionMode = Current&Contact is selected. It is suggested to

make the tests in one phase only, or at three-pole trip applications for just three-pole

Checking the case with fault current above set value Pickup_PH
The operation shall be as in FunctionMode = Current.

1. Set FunctionMode = Current&Contact.

2. Leave the inputs for CB close inactivated. These signals should not influence.
3. Apply the fault condition, including initiation of CCRBRF (50BF), with current
above the set Pickup_PH value.
4. Check that the re-trip, if selected, and back-up trip commands are achieved.
5. Disconnect injected AC and BFI_3P input signals.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

Checking the case with fault current below set value Pickup_BlkCont
The case shall simulate a case where the fault current is very low and operation will
depend on CB position signal from CB auxiliary contact. It is suggested that re-trip
without current check is used, setting RetripMode = No CBPos Check.

1. Set FunctionMode = Current&Contact.

2. Apply input signal for CB closed to relevant input or inputs 52a_A (B or C)
3. Apply the fault condition with input signal(s) for initiation of CCRBRF (50BF). The
value of current should be below the set value Pickup_BlkCont
4. Verify that phase selection re-trip (if selected) and back-up trip are achieved after set
times. Failure to trip is simulated by keeping the signal(s) CB closed activated.
5. Disconnect the AC and the BFI_3P signal(s). Keep the CB closed signal(s).
6. Apply the fault and the initiation again. The value of current should be below the set
value Pickup_BlkCont.
7. Arrange disconnection of BC closed signal(s) well before set back-up trip time t2. It
simulates a correct CB tripping.
8. Verify that back-up trip is not achieved. Re-trip can appear for example, due to
selection Re-trip without current check.
9. Disconnect injected AC and BFI_3P input signals. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.5.9 Stub protection STBPTOC (50STB)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

Logical signals for STBPTOC (50STB) protection are available on the local HMI
underMain menu/Settings/Setting group N/Current protection/Stub(PTOC,
50STB)/STBPTOC:x Measuring the trip limit of set values

1. Check that the input logical signals BLOCK and ENABLE and the output logical
signal TRIP are all logical zero.
2. Activate the input ENABLE on the STBPTOC (50STB) function block
3. For a short while inject a current (fault current) in one phase to about 110% of the set
operating current, and switch the current off.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

Observe to not exceed the maximum permitted overloading of the current circuits in
the IED.
4. Switch the fault current on and measure the operating time of STBPTOC (50STB).
Use the TRIP signal from the configured binary output to stop the timer. The
operation should be instantaneously.
5. Activate the input BLOCK on the STBPTOC (50STB) function block.
6. Switch on the fault current (110% of the setting).
No TRIP signal should appear.
7. Switch off the fault current.
8. For a short while inject a current (fault current) in same phase to about 90% of the
set operating current, and switch the current off.
9. Switch the fault current on.
No TRIP signal should appear.
10. Switch off the fault current.
11. Reset the ENABLE binary input.
12. Switch the fault current on.
No TRIP signal should appear.
13. Disable the fault current. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.5.10 Pole discrepancy protection CCPDSC (52PD)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify
settings". Verifying the settings

1. External detection logic, Contact function selection = ContactSel setting equals

CCPDSC (52PD) signal from CB. Activate the EXTPDIND binary input, and
measure the operating time of CCPDSC (52PD).
Use the TRIP signal from the configured binary output to stop the timer.
2. Compare the measured time with the set value tTrip.
3. Reset the EXTPDIND input.
4. Activate the BLKDBYAR binary input.
This test should be performed together with Autorecloser SMBRREC (79).
5. Activate the EXTPDIND binary input.
No TRIP signal should appear.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

6. Reset both BLKDBYAR and EXTPDIND binary inputs.

7. Activate the BLOCK binary input.
8. Activate EXTPDIND binary input.
NO TRIP signal should appear.
9. Reset both BLOCK and EXTPDIND binary inputs.
10. If Internal detection logic Contact function selection = ContactSel setting equals
Pole position from auxiliary contacts. Then set inputs 52b_A...52a_C in a status that
activates the pole discordance logic and repeats step 2 to step 6.
11. Unsymmetrical current detection with CB monitoring: Set measured current in one
phase to 110% of current release level. Activate CLOSECMD and measure the
operating time of the CCPDSC (52PD) protection.
Use the TRIP signal from the configured binary output to stop the timer.
12. Deactivate the CLOSECMD: Set measured current in one phase to 90% of Current
Release level. Activate CLOSECMD.
NO TRIP signal should appear.
13. Repeat the previous two steps using OPENCMD instead of CLOSECMD.
Asymmetry current detection with CB monitoring: Set all three currents to 110% of
Current Release level. Activate CLOSECMD.
NO TRIP signal should appear due to symmetrical condition.
14. Deactivate the CLOSECMD. Decrease one current with 120% of the current
unsymmetrical level compared to the other two phases. Activate CLOSECMD and
measure the operating time of the CCPDSC (52PD) protection.
Use the TRIP signal from the configured binary output to stop the timer.
15. Deactivate the CLOSECMD. Decrease one current with 80% of the current
unsymmetrical level compared to the other two phases. Activate CLOSECMD.
NO TRIP signal should appear. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.5.11 Directional underpower protection GUPPDUP (37)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify
settings". Verifying the settings

The underpower protection shall be set to values according to the real set values to be used.

178 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

The test is made by means of injection of voltage and current where the amplitude of both
current and voltage and the phase angle between the voltage and current can be controlled.
During the test, the analog outputs of active and reactive power shall be monitored.

1. Connect the test set for injection of voltage and current corresponding to the mode
to be used in the application. If a three-phase test set is available this could be used
for all the modes. If a single-phase current/voltage test set is available the test set
should be connected to a selected input for one-phase current and voltage.
Table 32: Calculation modes
Set value: Mode Formula used for complex power calculation
A, B, C
S = V A I A* + VB I B* + VC I C *
EQUATION2055 V1 EN (Equation 80)

S = V AB I A* - VBC IC *
EQUATION2056-ANSI V1 EN (Equation 81)

S = 3 VPosSeq I PosSeq*
EQUATION2057-ANSI V1 EN (Equation 82)

S = VAB ( I A* - I B* )
EQUATION2058-ANSI V1 EN (Equation 83)

S = VBC ( I B* - IC * )
EQUATION2059-ANSI V1 EN (Equation 84)

S = VCA ( I C * - I A* )
EQUATION2060-ANSI V1 EN (Equation 85)

Table continues on next page

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

Set value: Mode Formula used for complex power calculation

S = 3 VA I A*
EQUATION2061-ANSI V1 EN (Equation 86)

S = 3 VB I B*
EQUATION2062-ANSI V1 EN (Equation 87)

S = 3 VC I C *
EQUATION2063-ANSI V1 EN (Equation 88)

2. Adjust the injected current and voltage to the set values in % of IBase and VBase
(converted to secondary current and voltage). The angle between the injected current
and voltage shall be set equal to the set direction Angle1, angle for stage 1 (equal to
0 for low forward power protection and equal to 180 for reverse power protection).
Check that the monitored active power is equal to 100% of rated power and that the
reactive power is equal to 0% of rated power.
3. Change the angle between the injected current and voltage to Angle1 + 90. Check
that the monitored active power is equal to 0% of rated power and that the reactive
power is equal to 100% of rated power.
4. Change the angle between the injected current and voltage back to 0. Decrease the
current slowly until the PICKUP1 signal, pickup of stage 1, is activated.
5. Increase the current to 100% of IBase.
6. Switch the current off and measure the time for activation of TRIP1, trip of stage 1.
7. If a second stage is used, repeat steps 2 to 6 for the second stage. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.5.12 Directional overpower protection GOPPDOP (32)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify
settings". Verifying the settings

The overpower protection shall be set to values according to the real set values to be used.
The test is made by means of injection of voltage and current where the amplitude of both

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

current and voltage and the phase angle between the voltage and current can be controlled.
During the test the analog outputs of active and reactive power shall be monitored.

1. Connect the test set for injection of voltage and current corresponding to the mode
to be used in the application. If a three phase test set is available this could be used
for all the modes. If a single phase current/voltage test set is available the test set
should be connected to a selected input for one phase current and voltage.
2. Adjust the injected current and voltage to the set rated values in % of IBase and
VBase (converted to secondary current and voltage). The angle between the injected
current and voltage shall be set equal to the set direction Angle1, angle for stage 1
(equal to 0 for low forward power protection and equal to 180 for reverse power
protection). Check that the monitored active power is equal to 100% of rated power
and that the reactive power is equal to 0% of rated power.
3. Change the angle between the injected current and voltage to Angle1 + 90. Check
that the monitored active power is equal to 0% of rated power and that the reactive
power is equal to 100% of rated power.
4. Change the angle between the injected current and voltage back to Angle1 value.
Increase the current slowly from 0 until the PICKUP1 signal, pickup of stage 1, is
activated. Check the injected power and compare it to the set value Power1, power
setting for stage 1 in % of Sbase.
5. Increase the current to 100% of IBase and switch the current off.
6. Switch the current on and measure the time for activation of TRIP1, trip of stage 1.
7. If a second stage is used, repeat steps 2 to 6 for the second stage. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.5.13 Broken conductor check BRCPTOC (46)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify
settings". Measuring the trip and time limit of set values

1. Check that the input logical signal BLOCK to the BRCPTOC (46) function block is
logical zero and note on the local HMI that the output signal TRIP from the
BRCPTOC (46) function block is equal to the logical 0.
2. Set the measured current (fault current) in one phase to about 110% of the set
operating current Pickup_PH.

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Observe to not exceed the maximum permitted overloading of the current circuits in
the terminal.
3. Switch on the fault current and measure the operating time of BRCPTOC (46).
TRIP is controlled by Gate 13 in the configuration.
Use the TRIP signal from the configured binary output to stop the timer.
4. Compare the measured time with the set value tOper.
5. Activate the BLOCK binary input.
6. Switch on the fault current (110% of the setting) and wait longer than the set value
No TRIP signal should appear.
7. Switch off the fault current.
8. Set the measured current (fault current) in same phase to about 90% of the set
operating current Pickup_PH. Switch off the current.
9. Switch on the fault current and wait longer than the set value tOper.
No TRIP signal should appear.
10. Switch off the fault current. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.5.14 Voltage-restrained time overcurrent protection VRPVOC(51V)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify
settings". Verifying the settings

Verifying settings by secondary injection

1. Connect the test set for three-phase current injection and three-phase voltage
injection to the appropriate IED terminals.
2. Go to Main menu/Settings/IED Settings/Current protection/
VoltageRestOverCurr ( 51V,2(I>/V<))/VRPVOC (51V,2(I>/V<)):1/General
and make sure that the function is enabled, that is, Operation is set to Enabled.
3. The test of the function may be performed by injecting restrain voltage and
increasing the injected current(s). Note the value at which the PICKUP and STOC
signals are set.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

In the following equations, restrain voltage is the magnitude of the

minimum phase-to-phase voltage in secondary volts.

The set trip value in secondary amperes is calculated according to the following
First part of the characteristic (Restrain voltage 25% of VBase):
Picup _ Curr CT sec VDepFact
100 CTprim 100
ANSI13000291 V1 EN (Equation 89)

Second part of the characteristic (25% of VBase Restrain voltage VHighLimit/

100*VBase), valid when setting parameter VDepMode = Slope:
Pickup _ Curr CT sec VDepFact
IBase 1
100 CTprim 100 25 VT sec Pickup _ Curr CT sec VDepFact
Re strainVoltage VBase + IBase
(VHighLimit 25) VBase VT sec 10 0 VTprim 100 CTprim 100

100 VTprim
ANSIEQUATION2433 V2 EN (Equation 90)

Third part of the characteristic (VHighLimit/100*VBase Restrain voltage):

Picup _ Curr CT sec
100 CTprim
ANSIEQUATION2434 V1 EN (Equation 91)

Example (rated secondary current = 5A):

CT ratio 10 000/5A
VT ratio 10 kV/100 V
Pickup_Curr 100%
VDepFact 25%
VHighLimit 100%
IBase 10 000 A
VBase 10 kV

A test for each section of the characteristic of the function VRPVOC may be
performed; that may be achieved by applying the following voltages:
First section of the characteristic:
If VDepMode = Slope, the minimum measured phase-to-phase voltage is lower than
0,25*VBase; if VDepMode = Step, the minimum measured phase-to-phase voltage
is lower than VHighLimit/100*VBase:
VA: Ampl = 10 / 3; Angle = 0
VB: Ampl = 10 / 3; Angle = 240
VC: Ampl = 100 / 3; Angle = 120

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Second section of the characteristic only:

If VDepMode = Slope, the minimum measured phase-to-phase voltage is between
0,25*VBase and VHighLimit/100*VBase:
VA: Ampl = 50 / 3; Angle = 0
VB: Ampl = 50 / 3; Angle = 240
VC: Ampl = 100 / 3; Angle = 120
Last section of the characteristic:
If VDepMode = either Slope or Step, the minimum measured phase-to-phase voltage
is higher than VHighLimit/100*VBase:
VA: Ampl = 105/ 3; Angle = 0
VB: Ampl = 105/ 3; Angle = 240
VC: Ampl = 105 / 3; Angle = 120
4. Inject the voltages that are related to the first part of the characteristic, and then
slowly increase the phase current IA from 0.0 A up to the value the function trips.
The PICKUP and STOC signals must be activated when the amplitude of the phase
current IA is slightly above 0.25 A on the secondary side. The corresponding trip
signals TROC and TRIP will be activated after the pre-set time delay has expired.
5. Decrease the current IA slowly and note the reset value.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 applying voltages that are related to the second and the last
section of the characteristic; the function trips when IA is slightly higher than: 0.5 A
in the second section; 5A in the last section.
7. Connect the trip output contact to the input channel of the test set in order to stop the
injection and measure the trip time.
8. If definite time delay is used for the overcurrent step, set the setting Characterist =
ANSI Def. Time. Apply the voltages related to the last part of the characteristic and
inject a current IA 200% higher than the set tripping level, and check the definite
time delay for trip (the signals TROC and TRIP of the protection function VRPVOC
are active in trip condition).
9. If inverse time delay is used for the overcurrent step, the parameter setting
Characterist shall be properly set; we can refer, for example, to the setting IEC Very
inv.; If the IEC Very inverse time characteristic is selected, the trip signals TROC
and TRIP will trip after a time defined by the equation:
13.5 * k
t [s] =
Pickup _ Curr
ANSIEQUATION2435 V1 EN (Equation 92)

t Trip time in seconds
I Measured value (for example, phase current)

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

Pickup_Curr Set trip value

This means that if the measured phase current jumps from 0 to 2 times the set trip
level and time multiplier k is set to 1.0 s (default value), then the TROC and TRIP
signals will trip after a time delay equal to 13.5 s tolerance.
Taking into account the above explanation, inject the voltages related to the last part
of the characteristic and inject a current IA 200% higher than the set operation level,
and check the trip time delay.

If tDef_OC is set to a value different from 0 s, then this time delay is

added to the one that is defined by the IDMT characteristic.

10. Check the pickup and trip information that are stored in the event menu.
11. The previous step 8 or 9 may be repeated also for the first and second section of the
12. Supply the IED with symmetric three-phase voltages at their rated values. Go to
Main menu/Settings/IED Settings/Current protection/
Undervoltage and set the setting Operation_UV = Enabled to activate the
undervoltage stage.
13. Slowly decrease the voltage in two phases simultaneously, until the STUV and
PICKUP signals appear.
14. Note the trip value. The set trip value in secondary volts is calculated according to
the following equation:

Pickup _ Volt VBase VT sec

100 3 VTprim
ANSIEQUATION2436 V2 EN (Equation 93)

If the VRPVOC function is used as an overcurrent protection with

undervoltage seal-in, it is necessary to first inject sufficient current
to activate the STOC signal before the under-voltage step is allowed
to trip. In order to achieve that, apply symmetric three-phase
voltages at their rated value and then inject a current IA that is 200%
higher than the set tripping level. Then slowly decrease the voltage
in two phases simultaneously, until the STUV and PICKUP signals

15. Increase slowly the applied voltages of the previous two phases and note the reset
16. Check that the trip output of the relay is connected to the input channel of the test in
order to stop the injection and measure the trip time.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

17. Inject symmetric three-phase voltages at their rated value and check that the STUV
and PICKUP signals reset as well as the trip signals of the function block (TRIP and
18. Instantaneously decrease the voltage in two phases simultaneously to a value 20%
lower than the set trip value (take into account the previous note if VRPVOC is
configured in ACT with the undervoltage seal-in feature).
19. Measure the definite time delay for the TRUV and TRIP signals and compare it with
the set value tDef_UV.
20. Check that pickup and trip information is stored in the event menu. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.6 Voltage protection

10.6.1 Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV (27)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify
settings". Verifying the settings

Verification of PICKUP value and time delay to trip for Step 1

1. Check that the IED settings are appropriate, especially the PICKUP value, the
definite time delay and the 1 out of 3 operation mode.
2. Supply the IED with three-phase voltages at their rated values.
3. Slowly decrease the voltage in one of the phases, until the PICKUP signal appears.
4. Note the trip value and compare it with the set value.

The trip value in secondary volts is calculated according to the

following equations:

For phase-to-ground measurement:

186 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

Vpickup < VBase VT sec

100 3 VTprim
ANSIEQUATION2430 V1 EN (Equation 94)

For phase-to-phase measurement:

Vpickup < VT sec
100 VTprim
ANSIEQUATION2431 V1 EN (Equation 95)
5. Increase the measured voltage to rated load conditions.
6. Check that the PICKUP signal resets.
7. Instantaneously decrease the voltage in one phase to a value about 20% lower than
the measured trip value.
8. Measure the time delay for the TRIP signal, and compare it with the set value.
9. Check the inverse time delay by injecting a voltage corresponding to 0.8

For example, if the inverse time curve A is selected, the trip signals
TRST1 and TRIP trip after a time corresponding to the equation:

t (s) =
1 -
Vpickup <
ANSIEQUATION2428 V1 EN (Equation 96)

t(s) Trip time in seconds
TD1 Settable time multiplier of the function for step 1
V Measured voltage
Vpickup< Set pickup voltage for step 1

For example, if the measured voltage jumps from the rated value to 0.8 times the set
pickup voltage level and time multiplier TD1 is set to 0.05 s (default value), then the
TRST1 and TRIP signals trip at a time equal to 0.250 s tolerance.
10. The test above can be repeated to check the inverse time characteristic at different
voltage levels.
11. Repeat the above-described steps for Step 2 of the function.

Extended testing
The tests above can be repeated for 2 out of 3 and for 3 out of 3 operation mode.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 187

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.6.2 Two step overvoltage protection OV2PTOV (59)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify
settings". Verifying the settings

Verification of single-phase voltage and time delay to trip for Step 1

1. Apply single-phase voltage below the set value Pickup1.

2. Slowly increase the voltage until the PU_ST1 signal appears.
3. Note the trip value and compare it with the set value Pickup1.

The trip value in secondary volts is calculated according to the

following equations:

For phase-to-ground measurement:

Vpickup > VBase VT sec

100 3 VTprim
ANSIEQUATION2426 V1 EN (Equation 97)

For phase-to-phase measurement:

Vpickup > VT sec
100 VTprim
ANSIEQUATION2427 V1 EN (Equation 98)
4. Decrease the voltage slowly and note the reset value.
5. Set and apply about 20% higher voltage than the measured trip value for one phase.
6. Measure the time delay for the TRST1 signal and compare it with the set value.
7. Check the inverse time delay by injecting a voltage corresponding to 1.2
8. Repeat the test to check the inverse time characteristic at different over-voltage
9. Repeat the above-described steps for Step 2 of the function.

188 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection Extended testing

1. The tests above can be repeated for 2 out of 3 and for 3 out of 3 operation mode. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.6.3 Two step residual overvoltage protection ROV2PTOV (59N)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify
settings". Verifying the settings

1. Apply a single-phase voltage either to a single-phase voltage input or to a residual

voltage input with the pickup value below the set value Pickup1.
2. Slowly increase the value until PU_ST1 appears.
3. Note the trip value and compare it with the set value.
4. Decrease the voltage slowly and note the reset value.
5. Set and apply a 20% higher voltage than the measured trip value for one phase.
6. Measure the time delay for the TRST1 signal and compare it with the set value.
7. Check the inverse time delay by injecting a voltage corresponding to 1.2

For example, if the inverse time curve A is selected, the trip signals
TRST1 and TRIP trip after a time corresponding to the equation:

t (s ) =
U1 > 1

IECEQUATION2429 V1 EN (Equation 99)

t (s) =
- 1
Vpickup >
ANSIEQUATION2429 V1 EN (Equation 100)

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

t(s) Trip time in seconds
TD1 Settable time multiplier of the function for step 1
V Measured voltage
Vpickup> Set pickup voltage for step 1

For example, if the measured voltage jumps from 0 to 1.2 times the set pickup
voltage level and time multiplier TD1 is set to 0.05 s (default value), then the TRST1
and TRIP signals trip at a time equal to 0.250 s tolerance.
8. Repeat the test for Step 2 of the function. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.6.4 Overexcitation protection OEXPVPH (24)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify
settings". Verifying the settings

1. Enable function.
2. Connect a symmetrical three-phase voltage input from the test set to the appropriate
connection terminals of the overexcitation protection OEXPVPH (24) is configured
for a three-phase voltage input.
A single-phase injection voltage is applied if the function is configured for a phase-
to-phase voltage input.
OEXPVPH (24) is conveniently tested using rated frequency for the injection
voltage and increasing the injection voltage to get the desired overexcitation level.
3. Connect the alarm contact to the timer and set the time delay tAlarm temporarily to
4. Increase the voltage and note the operate value Pickup1.
5. Reduce the voltage slowly and note the reset value.
6. Set the alarm time delay to the correct value according to the setting plan and check
the time delay, injecting a voltage corresponding to 1.2 Pickup1.
7. Connect a trip output contact to the timer and temporarily set the time delay
t_MinTripDelay to 0.5s.

190 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

8. Increase the voltage and note the Pickup2 operate value

9. Reduce the voltage slowly and note the reset value.
10. Set the time delay to the correct value according to the setting plan and check the
time delay t_MinTripDelay, injecting a voltage corresponding to 1.2 Pickup2.
11. Check that trip and alarm contacts operate according to the configuration logic.
12. Set the cooling time constant temporarily to min value (1min.) to quickly lower the
thermal content.
13. Wait for a period equal to 6 times t_CoolingK switch 20 minutes on a voltage 1.15
Pickup1 and check the inverse operate time.
Wait until the thermal memory is emptied, set the cooling time constant according
to the setting plan and check another point on the inverse time curve injecting a
voltage 1.3 Pickup1.
14. Finally check that PICKUP and TRIP information is stored in the event menu. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.6.5 Voltage differential protection VDCPTOV (60)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Requirements" and
section "Preparing for test" in this chapter. Check of undervoltage levels

This test is relevant if the setting BlkDiffAtVLow = Yes.

Check of V1Low

1. Connect voltages to the IED according to valid connection diagram and figure 37.
2. Apply voltage higher than the highest set value of VDTrip, V1Low and V2Low to the
V1 three-phase inputs and to one phase of the V2 inputs according to figure 37.
The voltage differential PICKUP signal is set.

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VB 2


ANSI07000106 V2 EN

Figure 37: Connection of the test set to the IED for test of V1 block level

1 is three-phase voltage group1 (V1)
2 is three-phase voltage group2 (V2)

3. Decrease slowly the voltage in phase VA of the test set until the PICKUP signal
4. Check V1 blocking level by comparing the voltage level at reset with the set
undervoltage blocking V1Low.
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 to check V1Low for the other phases.

The connections to V1 must be shifted to test another phase. (VA to

VB, VB to VC, VC to VA)

Check of V2Low

1. Connect voltages to the IED according to valid connection diagram and figure 38.

192 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection






VB 2


ANSI07000107 V2 EN

Figure 38: Connection of the test set to the IED for test of V2 block level

1 is three-phase voltage group1 (V1)
2 is three-phase voltage group2 (V2)

2. Apply voltage higher than the highest set value of VDTrip, V1Low and V2Low to the
V1 three-phase inputs and to one phase of the V2 inputs according to figure 38.
The voltage differential PICKUP signal is set.
3. Decrease slowly the voltage in phase VC of the test set until the PICKUP signal
4. Check V2 blocking level by comparing the voltage level at reset with the set
undervoltage blocking V2Low. Check of voltage differential trip and alarm levels


1. Connect voltages to the IED according to valid connection diagram and figure 39.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection






VB 2


ANSI07000108 V2 EN

Figure 39: Connection of the test set to the IED for test of alarm levels, trip
levels and trip timer

1 is three-phase voltage group1 (V1)
2 is three-phase voltage group2 (V2)

2. Apply 1.2 Vn (rated voltage) to the V1 and V2 inputs.

3. Decrease slowly the voltage of in phase VA of the test set until the ALARM signal
is activated.

The ALARM signal is delayed with timer tAlarm

4. Check the alarm operation level by comparing the differential voltage level at
ALARM with the set alarm level VDAlarm.
5. Continue to slowly decrease the voltage until PICKUP signal is activated.
6. Check the differential voltage operation level by comparing the differential voltage
level at PICKUP with the set trip level VDTrip.
7. Repeat steps 1 to 6 to check the other phases.
Observe that the connections to V1 must be shifted to test another phase. (VA to VB,
VB to VC, VC to VA)

194 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection Check of trip and trip reset timers


1. Connect voltages to the IED according to valid connection diagram and figure 39.
2. Set Vn (rated voltage) to the V1 inputs and increase V2 voltage until differential
voltage is 1.5 operating level (VDTrip).
3. Switch on the test set. Measure the time from activation of the PICKUP signal until
TRIP signal is activated.
4. Check the measured time by comparing it to the set trip time tTrip.
5. Increase the voltage until PICKUP signal resets. Measure the time from reset of
PICKUP signal to reset of TRIP signal.
6. Check the measured time by comparing it to the set trip reset time tReset. Final adjustment of compensation for VT ratio differences


1. With the protection in test mode, view the differential voltage service values in each
phase on the local HMI under Main menu/Test/Function status/Voltage

The IED voltage inputs should be connected to the VTs according to

valid connection diagram.

2. Record the differential voltages.

3. Calculate the compensation factor RF_x for each phase.
For information about calculation of the compensation factor, see the application
4. Set the compensation factors on the local HMI under Main menu/Settings/Settings
group N/Voltage protection/VoltageDiff(PTOV,60)/VDCPTOV:x
5. Check that the differential voltages are close to zero. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

10.6.6 Loss of voltage check LOVPTUV (27)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify
settings". Measuring the trip limit of set values

1. Check that the input logical signals BLOCK, CBOPEN and BLKU are logical zero.
2. Supply a three-phase rated voltage in all three phases and note on the local HMI that
the TRIP logical signal is equal to the logical 0.
3. Switch off the voltage in all three phases.
After set tTrip time a TRIP signal appears on the corresponding binary output or on
the local HMI.

Note that TRIP at this time is a pulse signal, duration should be

according to set tPulse.

4. Inject the measured voltages at rated values for at least set tRestore time.
5. Activate the CBOPEN binary input.
6. Simultaneously disconnect all the three-phase voltages from the IED.
No TRIP signal should appear.
7. Inject the measured voltages at rated values for at least set tRestore time.
8. Activate the BLKU binary input.
9. Simultaneously disconnect all the three-phase voltages from the IED.
No TRIP signal should appear.
10. Reset the BLKU binary input.
11. Inject the measured voltages at rated values for at least set tRestore time.
12. Activate the BLOCK binary input.
13. Simultaneously disconnect all the three-phase voltages from the IED.
No TRIP signal should appear.
14. Reset the BLOCK binary input. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

10.6.7 Radial feeder protection PAPGAPC (27)

The Signal Monitoring tool in PCM600 shows the service values that are available on the
Local HMI as well. Verifying the settings

Values of the logical signals for PAPGAPC (27) are available on the local HMI under:
Main menu/Tests/Function status/Voltage protection/RadialFeeder(27, V<)/
PAPGAPC(27, V<):1

Test for fast fault clearing

Connect the test set for the injection of three phase voltages and currents to the
appropriate terminals of the IED.
Enable the fast fault clearance by setting FastOperation to TRUE, and also connect
the inputs BLKDLFLT to TRUE and FUSEFAIL to FALSE.
Also assume circuit breaker is in closed position, that is CBCLOSED is high, prior to
fault occurrence.
Create a single phase fault on phase A such that phase A voltage is lower than
VPhSel< times quadrature phase to phase voltage and set Tau to default value.
Activate carrier receive CR signal.
Check that TRIP, TR_A, ARST and ARST_A are generated with the conditions
Check that activated trip signals and pickup signals are blocked by enabling BLKTR
and BLKST.
Check that all activated signals are disabled by BLOCK input.
If required, perform creating faults on the remaining phases in the similar way.

Test of delayed fault clearing for single pole tripping

Connect the test set for the injection of three phase voltages and currents to the
appropriate terminals of the IED.
Enable the delayed fault clearance for single pole tripping by setting Del1phOp to
1Ph (Enabled), Del3PhOp to FALSE (Disabled) and also connect the inputs
Also assume circuit breaker is in closed position, that is input CBCLD is high, prior to
fault occurrence.
Create a single phase fault on phase A such that phase A voltage is lower than
VPhSel< times quadrature phase to phase voltage and set Tau to default value and
also inject the residual current such that it exceeds set Pickup_N value.
Check that output TRIN is activated after a set delay of tResCurr if ResCurrOper is
set to high.
Check that TRIP and TR_A are generated with the conditions described after a set
delay time of t1Ph and the outputs ARST and ARST_A are also activated.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 197

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

Check that activated trip signals and pickup signals are blocked by enabling BLKTR
and BLKST.
Check that all activated signals are disabled by BLOCK input.
If required, perform creating faults on the remaining phases in the similar way.

Test of delayed fault clearing for three pole tripping

Connect the test set for the injection of three phase voltages and currents to the
appropriate terminals of the IED.
Enable the delayed fault clearance for three pole tripping by setting Del3phOp to
TRUE (Enabled), Del1PhOp to 3Ph (Disabled) and also set the inputs BLKDLFLT
Also assume circuit breaker is in closed position, that is, the input CBCLOSED is high
prior to fault occurrence.
Create a BC fault such that their phase voltage magnitudes are lower than VPhSel<
times corresponding quadrature phase to phase voltage and set Tau to default value.
Check that TRIP, TR_A, TR_B and TR_C are generated after the set delay time of
t3Ph and ARST, ARST3PH, ARST_A, ARST_B and ARST_C are also activated.
Check that activated trip signals and pickup signals are blocked by enabling BLKTR
and BLKST.
Check that all activated signals are disabled by BLOCK input. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the testing by setting the parameter TestMode to
Disabled under: Main menu/Tests/IED test mode/TESTMODE:1

Restore connections and settings to their original values if they were changed for testing

10.7 Frequency protection

10.7.1 Underfrequency protection SAPTUF (81)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify
settings". Verifying the settings

Verification of PICKUP value and time delay to trip

198 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

1. Check that the IED settings are appropriate, for example the PICKUP value and the
time delay.
2. Supply the IED with three-phase voltages at their rated values.
3. Slowly decrease the frequency of the applied voltage, until the PICKUP signal
4. Note the operate value and compare it with the set value.
5. Note the trip value and compare it with the set value.
6. Increase the frequency until rated operating levels are reached.
7. Check that the PICKUP signal resets.
8. Instantaneously decrease the frequency of the applied voltage to a value about 1%
lower than the trip value (a step change more than 2% will increase the time delay).
9. Measure the time delay of the TRIP signal, and compare it with the set value. Note
that the measured time consists of the set value for time delay plus minimum trip
time of the pickup start function (80 - 90 ms).

Extended testing

1. The test above can be repeated to check the time to reset.

2. The tests above can be repeated to test the frequency dependent inverse time

Verification of the low voltage magnitude blocking

1. Check that the IED settings are appropriate, for example the PUFrequency, VMin,
and the tDelay.
2. Supply the IED with three-phase voltages at rated values.
3. Slowly decrease the magnitude of the applied voltage, until the BLKDMAGN signal
4. Note the voltage magnitude value and compare it with the set value VMin.
5. Slowly decrease the frequency of the applied voltage, to a value below
6. Check that the PICKUP signal does not appear.
7. Wait for a time corresponding to tDelay, make sure that the TRIP signal does not
appear. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

10.7.2 Overfrequency protection SAPTOF (81)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify
settings". Verifying the settings

Verification of PICKUP value and time delay to trip

1. Check that the settings in the IED are appropriate, for example the PICKUP value
and the time delay.
2. Supply the IED with three-phase voltages at their rated values.
3. Slowly increase the frequency of the applied voltage, until the PICKUP signal
4. Note the trip value and compare it with the set value.
5. Decrease the frequency to rated operating conditions.
6. Check that the PICKUP signal resets.
7. Instantaneously increase the frequency of the applied voltage to a value about 1%
lower than the trip value (a step change more than 2% will increase the time delay).
8. Measure the time delay for the TRIP signal, and compare it with the set value. Note
that the measured time consists of the set value for time delay plus minimum trip
time of the pickup function (80 - 90 ms).

Extended testing

1. The test above can be repeated to check the time to reset.

Verification of the low voltage magnitude blocking

1. Check that the settings in the IED are appropriate, for example the PUFrequency,
VMin, and the tDelay.
2. Supply the IED with three-phase voltages at their rated values.
3. Slowly decrease the magnitude of the applied voltage, until the BLKDMAGN signal
4. Note the voltage magnitude value and compare it with the set value, VMin.
5. Slowly increase the frequency of the applied voltage, to a value above
6. Check that the PICKUP signal does not appear.
7. Wait for a time corresponding to tDelay, make sure that the TRIP signal does not

200 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.7.3 Rate-of-change frequency protection SAPFRC (81)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify
settings". Verifying the settings

PICKUP value and time delay to trip

1. Check that the settings in the IED are appropriate, especially the PICKUP value and
the definite time delay. Set PickupFreqgrad, to a rather small negative value.
2. Supply the IED with three-phase voltages at their rated values.
3. Slowly decrease the frequency of the applied voltage, with an increasing rate-of-
change that finally exceeds the setting of PickupFreqgrad, and check that the
PICKUP signal appears.
4. Note the trip value and compare it with the set value.
5. Increase the frequency to rated operating conditions, and zero rate-of-change.
6. Check that the PICKUP signal resets.
7. Instantaneously decrease the frequency of the applied voltage to a value about 20%
lower than the nominal value.
8. Measure the time delay for the TRIP signal, and compare it with the set value.

Extended testing

1. The test above can be repeated to check a positive setting of PickupFreqGrad.

2. The tests above can be repeated to check the time to reset.
3. The tests above can be repeated to test the RESTORE signal, when the frequency
recovers from a low value. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 201

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

10.8 Multipurpose protection

10.8.1 General current and voltage protection CVGAPC

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Requirements" and
section "Preparing for test" in this chapter.

One of the new facilities within the general current and voltage protection function
CVGAPC is that the value, which is processed and used for evaluation in the function, can
be chosen in many different ways by the setting parameters CurrentInput and

These setting parameters decide what kind of preprocessing the connected three-phase CT
and VT inputs shall be subjected to. That is, for example, single-phase quantities, phase-
to-phase quantities, positive sequence quantities, negative sequence quantities, maximum
quantity from the three-phase group, minimum quantity from the three-phase group,
difference between maximum and minimum quantities (unbalance) can be derived and
then used in the function.

Due to the versatile possibilities of CVGAPC itself, but also the possibilities of logic
combinations in the application configuration of outputs from more than one CVGAPC
function block, it is hardly possible to define a fully covering general commissioning test. Built-in overcurrent feature (non-directional)


1. Go to Main menu/Test/Function test modes/Multipurpose protection/

GeneralCurrentVoltage(GAPC)/CVGAPC:x and make sure that CVGAPC to be
tested is unblocked and other functions that might disturb the evaluation of the test
are blocked.
2. Connect the test set for injection of three-phase currents to the appropriate current
terminals of the IED.
3. Inject current(s) in a way that relevant measured current (according to setting
parameter CurrentInput) is created from the test set. Increase the current(s) until the
low set stage trips and check against the set trip value.
4. Decrease the current slowly and check the reset value.
5. Block high set stage if the injection current will activate the high set stage when
testing the low set stage according to below.
6. Connect a TRIP output contact to the timer.
7. Set the current to 200% of the trip value of low set stage, switch on the current and
check the time delay.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

For inverse time curves, check the trip time at a current equal to 110% of the trip
current at t_MinTripDelay.
8. Check that TRIP and PICKUP contacts trip according to the configuration logic.
9. Release the blocking of the high set stage and check the trip and reset value and the
time delay for the high set stage in the same way as for the low set stage.
10. Finally check that PICKUP and TRIP information is stored in the event menu.

Information on how to use the event menu is found in the operator's

manual. Overcurrent feature with current restraint

The current restraining value has also to be measured or calculated and the influence on
the operation has to be calculated when the testing of the trip value is done.


1. Trip value measurement

The current restraining value has also to be measured or calculated and the influence
on the operation has to be calculated when the testing of the trip value is done. Overcurrent feature with voltage restraint


1. Connect the test set for injection of three-phase currents and three-phase voltages to
the appropriate current and voltage terminals of the IED.
2. Inject current(s) and voltage(s) in a way that relevant measured (according to setting
parameter CurrentInput and VoltageInput) currents and voltages are created from
the test set.
Overall check in principal as above (non-directional overcurrent feature)
3. Trip value measurement
The relevant voltage restraining value (according to setting parameter
VoltageInput) has also to be injected from the test set and the influence on the trip
value has to be calculated when testing of the trip value is done.
4. Trip time measurement
Definite times may be tested as above (non-directional overcurrent feature). For
inverse time characteristics the PICKUP value (to which the overcurrent ratio has to
be calculated) is the actual pickup value as got with actual restraining from the
voltage restraining quantity.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection Overcurrent feature with directionality

Please note that the directional characteristic can be set in two different ways either just
dependent on the angle between current and polarizing voltage (setting parameter
DirPrinc_OC1 or DirPrinc_OC2 set to or in a way that the trip value also is dependent on
the angle between current and polarizing voltage according to the I cos(F) law (setting
parameter DirPrinc_OC1 or DirPrinc_OC2 set to I cos(F). This has to be known if a
more detailed measurement of the directional characteristic is made, than the one
described below.


1. Connect the test set for injection of three-phase currents and three-phase voltages to
the appropriate current and voltage terminals of the IED.
2. Inject current(s) and voltage(s) in a way that relevant measured (according to setting
parameter CurrentInput and VoltageInput) currents and voltages are created from
the test set.
3. Set the relevant measuring quantity current to lag or lead (lag for negative RCA
angle and lead for positive RCA angle) the relevant polarizing quantity voltage by
an angle equal to the set IED characteristic angle (rca-dir) when forward directional
feature is selected and the CTWYEpoint configuration parameter is set to ToObject.
If reverse directional feature is selected or CTWYEpoint configuration parameter is
set to FromObject, the angle between current and polarizing voltage shall be set
equal to rca-dir+180.
4. Overall check in principal as above (non-directional overcurrent feature)
5. Reverse the direction of the injection current and check that the protection does not
6. Check with low polarization voltage that the feature becomes non-directional,
blocked or with memory according to the setting. Over/Undervoltage feature


1. Connect the test set for injection three-phase voltages to the appropriate voltage
terminals of the IED.
2. Inject voltage(s) in a way that relevant measured (according to setting parameter
VoltageInput) voltages are created from the test set.
3. Overall check in principal as above (non-directional overcurrent feature) and
correspondingly for the undervoltage feature.

204 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.9 Secondary system supervision

10.9.1 Current circuit supervision CCSSPVC (87)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

The Current circuit supervision function CCSSPVC (87) is conveniently tested with the
same three-phase test set as used when testing the measuring functions in the IED.

The condition for this procedure is that the setting of IMinOp is lower than the setting of
Pickup_Block. Verifying the settings

1. Check the input circuits and the trip value of the IMinOp current level detector by
injecting current, one phase at a time.
2. Check the phase current blocking function for all three phases by injecting current,
one phase at a time. The output signals shall reset with a delay of 1 second when the
current exceeds 1.5 IBase.
3. Inject a current 0.1 IBase to the reference current input Analogue channel ID
current input 5.
4. Increase slowly the current in one of the phases current input and check that FAIL
output is obtained when the current is about 0.9 IBase. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.9.2 Fuse failure supervision FUFSPVC

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 205

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

The verification is divided in two main parts. The first part is common to all fuse failure
supervision options, and checks that binary inputs and outputs trip as expected according
to actual configuration. In the second part the relevant set trip values are measured. Checking that the binary inputs and outputs trip as expected

1. Simulate normal operating conditions with the three-phase currents in phase with
their corresponding phase voltages and with all of them equal to their rated values.
2. Connect the nominal dc voltage to the 89bS binary input.
The signal BLKV should appear with almost no time delay.
The signals BLKZ and 3PH should not appear on the IED.
Only the distance protection function can trip.
Undervoltage-dependent functions must not trip.
3. Disconnect the dc voltage from the 89b binary input terminal.
4. Connect the nominal dc voltage to the MCBOP binary input.
The BLKVand BLKZ signals should appear without any time delay.
All undervoltage-dependent functions must be blocked.
5. Disconnect the dc voltage from the MCBOP binary input terminal.
6. Disconnect one of the phase voltages and observe the logical output signals on the
binary outputs of the IED.
BLKV and BLKZ signals should appear simultaneously wether the BLKV and
BLKZ reset depends on the setting SealIn on or off. If on no reset, if off
7. After more than 5 seconds disconnect the remaining two-phase voltages and all three
There should be no change in the high status of the output signals BLKV and
The signal 3PH will appear.
8. Establish normal voltage and current operating conditions simultaneously and
observe the corresponding output signals.
They should change to logical 0 as follows:
Signal 3PH after about 25ms
Signal BLKV after about 50ms
Signal BLKZ after about 200ms Measuring the trip value for the negative sequence function

Measure the trip value for the negative sequence function, if included in the IED.

206 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

1. Simulate normal operating conditions with the three-phase currents in phase with
their corresponding phase voltages and with all of them equal to their rated values.
2. Slowly decrease the measured voltage in one phase until the BLKV signal appears.
3. Record the measured voltage and calculate the corresponding negative-sequence
voltage according to the equation (observe that the voltages in the equation are

3 V2 = VA + a 2 VB + a VC
EQUATION1818-ANSI V1 EN (Equation 101)

are the measured phase voltages
V A VB and VC

2 p
j 3
a = 1 e 3
= -0,. 5 + j

4. Compare the result with the set value of the negative-sequence operating voltage
(consider that the set value 3V2PU is in percentage of the base voltage VBase).
5. Repeat steps 1 and 2. Then slowly increase the measured current in one phase until
the BLKV signal disappears.
6. Record the measured current and calculate the corresponding negative-sequence
current according to the equation (observe that the currents in the equation are

3 I 2 = I A + a I B + a IC

ANSIEQUATION00021 V1 EN (Equation 104)

are the measured phase currents
I A , I B and I C

2 p
j 3
a = 1 e 3
= -0,. 5 + j

7. Compare the result with the set value of the negative-sequence operating current.
Consider that the set value 3I2< is in percentage of the base current IBase.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection Measuring the trip value for the zero-sequence function

Measure the trip value for the zero-sequence function, if included in the IED.

1. Simulate normal operating conditions with the three-phase currents in phase with
their corresponding phase voltages and with all of them equal to their rated values.
2. Slowly decrease the measured voltage in one phase until the BLKV signal appears.
3. Record the measured voltage and calculate the corresponding zero-sequence voltage
according to the equation (observe that the voltages in the equation are phasors):

3 V0 = V A + VB + VC
EQUATION1819-ANSI V1 EN (Equation 107)


V A VB and VC are the measured phase voltages


4. Compare the result with the set value of the zero-sequence tripping voltage (consider
that the set value 3V0Pickup is in percentage of the base voltage.)
5. Repeat steps 1 and 2. Then slowly increase the measured current in one phase until
the BLKV signal disappears.
6. Record the measured current and calculate the corresponding zero-sequence current
according to the equation (observe that the currents in the equation are phasors):

3 I0 = IA + IB + IC
ANSIEQUATION00019 V1 EN (Equation 109)

are the measured phase currents
I A , I B and I C

7. Compare the result with the set value of the zero-sequence trip current. Consider that
the set value 3I0< is in percentage of the base current IBase. Measuring the trip value for the dead line detection function

1. Apply three-phase voltages with their rated value and zero currents.
2. Decrease the measured voltage in one phase until the DLD1PH signal appears.
3. This is the point at which the dead line condition is detected. Check the value of the
decreased voltage with the set value VDLDPU (VDLDPU is in percentage of the
base voltage VBase).

208 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

4. Apply three-phase currents with their rated value and zero voltages.
5. Decrease the measured current in one phase until the DLD1PH signal appears.
6. This is the point at which the dead line condition is detected. Check the value of the
decreased current with the set value IDLDPU (IDLDPU is in percentage of the base
current IBase). Checking the operation of the dv/dt and di/dt based function

Check the operation of the dv/dt and di/dt based function if included in the IED.

1. Simulate normal operating conditions with the three-phase currents in phase with
their corresponding phase voltages and with all of them equal to their rated values.
2. Change the voltages and currents in all three phases simultaneously.
The voltage change must be higher than the set value DVPU and the current change
must be lower than the set value DIPU.
The BLKV and BLKZ signals appear without any time delay. The BLKZ
signal will be activated only if the internal deadline detection is not activated
at the same time.
3PH should appear after 5 seconds, if the remaining voltage levels are lower
than the set VDLDPU of the dead line detection function.
3. Apply normal conditions as in step 1.
The BLKV, BLKZ and 3PH signals should reset, if activated, see step 1 and 2.
4. Change the voltages and currents in all three phases simultaneously.
The voltage change must be higher than the set value DVPU and the current change
must be higher than the set value DIPU.
The BLKV, BLKZ and 3PH signals should not appear.
5. Repeat step 2.
6. Connect the nominal voltages in all three phases and feed a current below the trip
level in all three phases.
7. Keep the current constant. Disconnect the voltage in all three phases simultaneously.
The BLKV, BLKZ and 3PH signals should not appear.
8. Change the magnitude of the voltage and current for phase 1 to a value higher than
the set value DVPU and DIPU.
9. Check that the pickup output signals PU_DV_A and PU_DI_A and the general
pickup signals PU_DV or PU_DI are activated.
10. Check that the pickup output signals for the current and voltage phases 2 and 3 are
activated by changing the magnitude of the voltage and current for phases 2 and 3.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.9.3 Fuse failure supervision

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

Checking the operation of binary input and output

1. Simulate normal operation conditions with three-phase voltage on the main fuse
group and the pilot fuse group. Ensure the values are equal to their rated values.
2. Disconnect one of the phase voltage from the main fuse group or the pilot fuse group.
Observe the binary outputs of the IED. The MAINFUF or the PILOTFUF signals are
simultaneously activated. Only the output circuit related to the open phase will be
active i.e either MAINFUF or PILOTFUF.
3. Establish a normal voltage operating condition and observe the corresponding output
signals. MAINFUF or PILOTFUF should change to 0 in about 27 ms.
4. Set normal conditions as mentioned in step 1.
5. Enable the BLOCK binary input and repeat step 2. MAINFUF or PILOTFUF should
not appear.

Checking the operation of MAINFUF and PILOTFUF

1. Simulate normal operation conditions with three-phase voltage on the main fuse
group and the pilot fuse group. Ensure the values are equal to their rated values.
2. Decrease one of the three-phase voltages on main fuse group or pilot fuse group. The
voltage change must be greater than the set value for Vdif Main block or Vdif Pilot
alarm. MAINFUF or PILOTFUF signals are activated without any time delay.
3. Set normal conditions as mentioned in step 1. MAINFUF or PILOTFUF signals
should reset.
4. Set SealIn to On, Vdif Main block to 20% of VBase and VSealIn to 70% of VBase.
5. Apply three-phase voltages with the value slightly below VSealIn level.
6. Decrease one of the three-phase voltages on main fuse group. The voltage change
must be greater than the set value for Vdif Main block. MAINFUF signal is activated.
7. After more than 5 seconds increase the measured voltage back to the value slightly
below VSealIn level. MAINFUF signal should not reset.
8. Slowly increase measured voltage to the value slightly above VSealIn until
MAINFUF signal resets.
9. Record the measured voltage and compare with the set value VSealIn.

210 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.10 Control

10.10.1 Synchrocheck, energizing check, and synchronizing SESRSYN


This section contains instructions on how to test the synchrochecksynchronism check,

energizing check, and synchronizing function SESRSYN (25) for single, double and
breaker-and-a-half arrangements.

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

At commissioning and periodical checks, the functions shall be tested with the used
settings. To test a specific function, it might be necessary to change some setting
parameters, for example:

AutoEnerg = Disabled/DLLB/DBLL/Both
ManEnerg = Disabled
Operation = Disabled/Enabled
Activation of the voltage selection function if applicable

The tests explained in the test procedures below describe the settings, which can be used
as references during testing before the final settings are specified. After testing, restore the
equipment to the normal or desired settings.

A secondary injection test set with the possibility to alter the phase angle and amplitude
of the voltage is needed. The test set must also be able to generate different frequencies on
different outputs.

The description below applies for a system with a nominal frequency of 60

Hz but can be directly applicable to 50 Hz. SESRSYN (25) can be set to
use different phases, phase to ground or phase to phase. Use the set
voltages instead of what is indicated below.

Figure 40 shows the general test connection principle, which can be used during testing.
This description describes the test of the version intended for one bay.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

Figure 41 shows the general test connection for a breaker-and-a-half diameter with one-
phase voltage connected to the line side.

Test VMeasure
equipment V-Bus Ph/N
Input Phase

VA Ph/Ph
VN Input Phase

ANSI05000480 V3 EN

Figure 40: General test connection with three-phase voltage connected to the line

212 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

ANSI05000481 V4 EN

Figure 41: General test connection for a breaker-and-a-half diameter with one-
phase voltage connected to the line side Testing the synchronizing function

The voltage inputs used are:

V3PL1 VA, VB or VC line 1 voltage inputs on the IED

V3PBB1 Bus1 voltage input on the IED

Testing the frequency difference

The frequency difference test should verify that operation is achieved when the frequency
difference between bus and line is less than set value of FreqDiffMaxand above set value
of FreqDiffMin. The test procedure below will depend on the settings used. Input
STARTSYN must be activated during the test.

FreqDiffMax = 50.2 Hz

FreqDiffMin = 50.01 Hz

tBreaker = 0.080 s

1. Apply voltages

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 213

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

1.1. V-Line = 100% VBaseLine and f-Line = 60.0 Hz

1.2. V-Bus = 100% VBaseBus and f-Bus = 60.15Hz
2. Check that a closing pulse is submitted at a closing angle equal to calculated phase
angle value from the formula below. Modern test sets will evaluate this
Closing Angle = |( (fBus fLine) * tBreaker * 360 degrees) |
fBus= Bus frequency
fLine= Line frequency
tBreaker = Set closing time of the breaker
3. Repeat with
3.1. V-Bus = 100% VBaseBus and f-bus = 60.25 Hz, to verify that the function does
not trip when frequency difference is above limit.
4. Verify that the closing command is not issued when the frequency difference is less
than the set value FreqDiffMin. Testing the synchrocheck check

During the test of SESRSYN (25) for a single bay arrangement, these voltage inputs are

V-Line VA, VB or VC line 1 voltage input on the IED according to the connection in SMT
V-Bus V5 voltage input on the IED according to the connection in SMT

Testing the voltage difference

Set the voltage difference to 0.15 p.u. on the local HMI, and the test should check that
operation is achieved when the voltage difference VDiffSC is lower than 0.15 p.u.

The settings used in the test shall be final settings. The test shall be adapted to site setting
values instead of values in the example below.

Test with no voltage difference between the inputs.

Test with a voltage difference higher than the set VDiffSC.

214 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

1. Apply voltages V-Line (for example) = 80% GblBaseSelLine and V-Bus = 80%
GblBaseSelBusGblBaseSelBus with the same phase-angle and frequency.
2. Check that the AUTOSYOK and MANSYOK outputs are activated.
3. The test can be repeated with different voltage values to verify that the function trips
within the set VDiffSC. Check with both V-Line and V-Bus respectively lower than
the other.
4. Increase the V-Bus to 110% GblBaseSelBus, and the V-Line = 90% GblBaseSelLine
and also the opposite condition.
5. Check that the two outputs for manual and auto synchronism are not activated.

Testing the phase angle difference

The phase angle differences PhaseDiffM and PhaseDiffA respectively are set to their final
settings and the test should verify that operation is achieved when the phase angle
difference is lower than this value both leading and lagging.

Test with no voltage difference.

1. Apply voltages V-Line (for example) = 100% GblBaseSelLine and V-Bus = 100%
GblBaseSelBus, with a phase difference equal to 0 degrees and a frequency
difference lower than FreqDiffA and FreqDiffM.
2. Check that the AUTOSYOK and MANSYOK outputs are activated.
The test can be repeated with other phase difference values to verify that the function
trips for values lower than the set ones, PhaseDiffM and PhaseDiffA. By changing
the phase angle on the voltage connected to V-Bus, between d degrees, the user
can check that the two outputs are activated for a phase difference lower than the set
value. It should not trip for other values. See figure 42.

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection


No operation
V-Line operation


ANSI05000551 V1 EN

Figure 42: Test of phase difference

3. Change the phase angle between +d and -d and verify that the two outputs are
activated for phase differences between these values but not for phase differences
outside, see figure 42.

Testing the frequency difference

The frequency difference test should verify that operation is achieved when the FreqDiffA
and FreqDiffM frequency difference is lower than the set value for manual and auto
synchronizing check, FreqDiffA and FreqDiffM respectively and that operation is blocked
when the frequency difference is greater.

Test with frequency difference = 0 mHz

Test with a frequency difference outside the set limits for manual and auto synchronizing
check respectively.

1. Apply voltages V-Line equal to 100% GblBaseSelLine and V-Bus equal to 100%
GblBaseSelBus, with a frequency difference equal to 0 mHz and a phase difference
lower than the set value.
2. Check that the AUTOSYOK and MANSYOK outputs are activated.
3. Apply voltage to the V-Line equal to 100% GblBaseSelLine with a frequency equal
to 50 Hz and voltage V-Bus equal to 100% GblBaseSelBus, with a frequency outside
the set limit.
4. Check that the two outputs are not activated. The test can be repeated with different
frequency values to verify that the function trips for values lower than the set ones.
If a modern test set is used, the frequency can be changed continuously.

Testing the reference voltage

1. Use the same basic test connection as in figure 40.

216 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

The voltage difference between the voltage connected to V-Bus and V-Line should
be 0%, so that the AUTOSYOK and MANSYOK outputs are activated first.
2. Change the V-Line voltage connection to V-Line2 without changing the setting on
the local HMI. Check that the two outputs are not activated. Testing the energizing check

During the test of the energizing check function for a single bay arrangement, these
voltage inputs are used:

V-Line VA, VB or VC line1 voltage inputs on the IED

V-Bus Bus voltage input on the IED

When testing the energizing check function for the applicable bus, arrangement shall be
done for the energizing check functions. The voltage is selected by activation of different
inputs in the voltage selection logic.

Live voltage level is fixed to 80% VBase and dead voltage level to fixed 40% VBase.

The test shall be performed according to the settings for the station. Test the alternatives
below that are applicable.

Testing the dead line live bus (DLLB)

The test should verify that the energizing check function trips for a low voltage on the V-
Line and for a high voltage on the V-Bus. This corresponds to the energizing of a dead line
to a live bus.

1. Apply a single-phase voltage 100% GblBaseSelBus to the V-Bus, and a single-phase

voltage 30% GblBaseSelLine to the V-Line.
2. Check that the AUTOENOK and MANENOK outputs are activated after set
tAutoEnerg respectively tManEnerg.
3. Increase the V-Line to 60% GblBaseSelLine and V-Bus to be equal to 100%
GblBaseSelBus. The outputs should not be activated.
4. The test can be repeated with different values on the V-Bus and the V-Line.

Testing the dead bus live line (DBLL)

The test should verify that the energizing check function trips for a low voltage on the V-
Bus and for a high voltage on the V-Line. This corresponds to an energizing of a dead bus
to a live line.

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

1. Verify the settings AutoEnerg or ManEnerg to be DBLL.

2. Apply a single-phase voltage of 30% GblBaseSelBus to the V-Bus and a single-
phase voltage of 100% GblBaseSelLine to the V-Line.
3. Check that the AUTOENOK and MANENOK outputs are activated after set
tAutoEnerg respectively tManEnerg.
4. Decrease the V-Line to 60% GblBaseSelLine and keep the V-Bus equal to 30%
GblBaseSelBus. The outputs should not be activated.
5. The test can be repeated with different values on the V-Bus and the V-Line.

Testing both directions (DLLB or DBLL)

1. Verify the local HMI settings AutoEnerg or ManEnerg to be Both.

2. Apply a single-phase voltage of 30% GblBaseSelLine to the V-Line and a single-
phase voltage of 100% GblBaseSelBus to the V-Bus.
3. Check that the AUTOENOK and MANENOK outputs are activated after set
tAutoEnerg respectively tManEnerg.
4. Change the connection so that the V-Line is equal to100% GblBaseSelLine and the
V-Bus is equal to 30% GblBaseSelBus. The outputs should still be activated.
5. The test can be repeated with different values on the V-Bus and the V-Line.

Testing the dead bus dead line (DBDL)

The test should verify that the energizing check function trips for a low voltage on both the
V-Bus and the V-Line, that is, closing of the breaker in a non-energized system. Test is
valid only when this function is used.

1. Verify the local HMI setting AutoEnerg to be Disabled and ManEnerg to be DBLL.
2. Set the parameter ManEnergDBDL to Enabled.
3. Apply a single-phase voltage of 30% GblBaseSelBus to the V-Bus and a single-
phase voltage of 30% GblBaseSelLine to the V-Line.
4. Check that the MANENOK output is activated after set tManEnerg.
5. Increase the V-Bus to 80% GblBaseSelBus and keep the V-Line equal to 30%
GblBaseSelLine. The outputs should not be activated.
6. Repeat the test with ManEnerg set to DLLB with different values on the V-Bus and
the V-Line voltage. Testing the voltage selection

Testing the voltage selection for single CB arrangements

This test should verify that the correct voltage is selected for the measurement in the
SESRSYN function used in a double-bus arrangement. Apply a single-phase voltage of

218 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

100% GblBaseSelLine to the V-Line and a single-phase voltage of 100% GblBaseSelBus

to the V-Bus.

If the VB1/2OK inputs for the fuse failure are used, they must be activated, during tests
below. Also verify that deactivation prevents operation and gives an alarm.

1. Connect the signals above to binary inputs and binary outputs.

2. Connect the voltage inputs to the analog inputs used for each bus or line depending
of the type of busbar arrangement and verify that correct output signals are

Testing the voltage selection for double breaker

This test should verify that correct voltage is selected for the measurement in the
SESRSYN function used for a diameter in a Breaker-and-a-half arrangement. Apply a
single-phase voltage of 100% GblBaseSelLine to the V-Line and a single-phase voltage of
100% GblBaseSelBus to the V-Bus. Verify that correct output signals are generated.

1. Connect the analog signals to the voltage inputs, in pair of two for V1 and V2. (Inputs
V3PB1, V3PB2, V3PL1, V3PL2)
2. Activate the binary signals according to the used alternative. Verify the measuring
voltage on the synchronizing check function SESRSYN (25). Normally it can be
good to verify synchronizing check with the same voltages and phase angles on both
voltages. The voltages should be verified to be available when selected and not
available when another input is activated so connect only one voltage transformer
reference at each time.
3. Record the voltage selection tests in a matrix table showing read values and
AUTOSYOK/MANSYOK signals to document the test performed.

Testing the voltage selection for 1 1/2 CB arrangements

At test of the SESRSYN (25) function for a breaker-and-a-half diameter the following
alternative voltage inputs can be used for the three SESRSYN (SESRSYN 1, SESRSYN
2, SESRSYN 3) functions. These three SESRSYN functions can either be in one, two or
three different IEDs. Table 33 describes the scenario when SESRSYN 1, SESRSYN 2 and
SESRSYN 3 all are in the same IED. If SESRSYN 3 is in another IED, WA1 will be
considered as WA2 and LINE2 as LINE1. The voltage is selected by activation of
different inputs in the voltage selection logic as shown in table 33 and figure 43.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 219

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

Table 33: Voltage selection logic

SESRSYN CBConfig Section to Activated Activated Activated Activated Indication
setting be B1QCLD B2QCLD LN1QCLD LN2QCLD from
synchroniz input on input on input on input on SESRSYN
ed IED from IED from IED from IED from on IED
SESRSYN 1 breaker- Bus1 LN1 989 B1SEL,
(Operates on and-a-half Line1 LN1SEL
CB1 52) bus CB
Bus1 CB2 252 LN2 989 B1SEL,
Line2 LN2SEL
Bus1 CB2 252 CB3 352 B1SEL,
Bus2 B2SEL
SESRSYN 2 Tie CB Line1 LN1 989 LN2 989 LN1SEL,
(Operates on Line2 LN2SEL
CB2 252)
Bus1 CB1 52 LN2 989 B1SEL,
Line2 LN2SEL
Bus2 CB3 352 LN1 989 B2SEL,
Line1 LN1SEL
Bus1 CB1 52 CB3 352 B1SEL,
Bus2 B2SEL
SESRSYN 3 breaker- Bus2 LN2 989 B2SEL,
(Operates on and-a-half Line2 LN2SEL
CB3 352) bus alt.
CB Bus2 CB2 252 LN1 989 B2SEL,
(mirrored) Line1 LN1SEL
Bus2 CB2 252 CB1 52 B1SEL,
Bus1 B2SEL

220 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Bus 1

Bus 2

CB1 52 CB3 352


CB2 252

LN1 989 LN2 989

Line 1 Line 2

ANSI11000274 V1 EN

Figure 43: Objects used in the voltage selection logic Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.10.2 Autorecloser for 1/2/3-phase operation SMBRREC (79)

Verification of the Autorecloser for 1/2/3-phase operation function SMBRREC (79) for
single-phase, two-phase or three-phase reclosing attempts can be considered to consist of
two parts.
One part to verify the internal logic and timing of the function
One part to verify its interaction with the protection system

This section deals with verification of SMBRREC (79) itself. However, it is practical to
initiate SMBRREC (79) by activating a protection function, for example, by secondary
injection tests.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 221

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

The purpose of verification before commissioning is to check that entered selections,

setting parameters and configuration render the intended result. The function is flexible
with many options and facilities. At commissioning only the selections and settings
intended for use are verified. If one chooses to reduce some time settings in order to speed
up verification, be careful to set the parameters at intended operational values at the end
of the verification procedure. One such parameter is the tReset time that must be timed out
before a new test sequence can be performed.

The verification test is performed together with protection and trip functions. Figure 44
illustrates a suggested testing arrangement, where the circuit-breaker (CB) is simulated by
an external bi-stable relay (BR), for example a relay type RXMVB2 or RXMD or Breaker
Simulator of ABB. The following manual switches are used:

Switch or push-button to close (SC)

Switch or push-button to trip (ST)
Switch for CB ready condition (SRY)

If no bi-stable relay or breaker simulator is available, replace it with two self-reset

auxiliary relays and use a self-holding connection.

Use a secondary injection IED test set to trip the protection function. The test set shall be
switched off when a trip signal is given or when the BR comes to open position to simulate
real conditions.

The CB simulation can be made more elaborate, including simulation of the operating
gear condition, CBREADY of either the type ready for a Close-Open (CO) cycle, or the
type ready for an Open-Close -Open (OCO) cycle.

The CB condition CBREADY of a type, CO, shall be high (true) until a closing operation
is performed. It then goes low (false) for a recharging time of about 5 - 10s. After that it
is high again.

A CB condition CBREADY of a type, OCO shall be high (true) before and during tripping
(Initiate reclosing). During tripping it goes low for a recharging time, for example, 10s. It
may thus be low at the instant of reclosing. After each Open or Close operation it may need
a recharging period before it goes high again.

In the example of CB simulation arrangement, the CBREADY condition is simulated by

a manual switch, SRY.

Information and material for the verification:

222 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Protection or control unit, IED, configured and with settings entered.

Configuration diagram for the IED
Terminal diagram for the IED, or plant circuit diagram including the IED
Technical reference manual for the IED
IED test set for secondary injection
Means to indicate, measure and record operation and times, for example an event
recording facility
A bi-stable relay (BR) or two auxiliary relays to simulate a CB
Two push-buttons (SC, ST) to operate the BR and a change-over switch (SRY) to
simulate CBREADY
Possibly a switch simulation the synchronizing check SESRSYN (25) condition

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection



CB 52a


To test


ANSI04000202 V2 EN

Figure 44: Simulating the CB operation by a bi-stable relay/breaker simulator and

manual switches Preparation of the verification

1. Check the function settings on the local HMI under Main menu/Settings/Setting
group N/Control/Autorecloser79,5(0>1)/SMBRREC:x

224 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

If any timer settings are reduced to speed up or facilitate the testing, they shall be set
to normal after testing. A temporary label on the IED can be a reminder to restore
normal settings after which a verification test should be performed.
2. Decide if a synchronizing check function SESRSYN (25) shall be included in the
If SESRSYN (25) as an internal function or external device is not operated by the
injection, input signal SYNC must be connected as a permanent high signal or
controlled by a switch.
3. Read and make notes of the reclosing operation counters on the local HMI under
Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/AutoRecloser79,5(0>1)/
Possibly reset the counters to Zero. Counters are reset in the reset menu.
4. Make arrangements for the simulation of the CB, for example as in figure 44.
5. Make arrangements for indication, recording and time measurements.
The signals for ,52a, RI, CLOSECMD, READY and other relevant signals should
preferably be arranged for event recording with time tagging. If that is not possible,
other means of time measurement and recording should be arranged. Switching the autorecloser for 1/2/3-phase operation function to Enabled

and Disabled

1. Set the Operation setting to Disabled and check the state.

2. Set the Operation setting to Enabled and check the state, including SETON and
The CB should be closed and ready.
3. If external control inputs OFF/ON are used, check that they work. Set ExternalCtrl =
On and use the control inputs to switch On and Off, and check the state of the
function. Verifying the autorecloser function SMBRREC (79)

Select the test cases to be run according to what is applicable to the particular application.
It can be, for example,

three-phase single-shot reclosing

two-shot reclosing
single-phase and three-phase single-shot reclosing

Below, a case with single-phase and three-phase single-shot reclosing is described.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

1. Set Operation = Enabled.

2. If the synchronizing check SESRSYN (25) is not to be operated, ensure that the
signal SYNC input is activated. If SESRSYN (25) is to be included, ensure that it is
supplied with the appropriate AC quantities.
3. Simulate CB closed position by closing switch SC to make the BR relay pick-up.
4. Simulate CBREADY by closing the switch SRY, and leave it closed.
5. Inject AC quantities to give a trip, for example, a one-pole trip, to the BR and to the
RI input.
Observe and preferably record the operation. The BR relay shall trip and reclose
(pick-up). After reclosing, the SRY switch can be opened for about 5s and then
closed again.
The autoreclosing open time and the sequence should be checked, for example in the
event recording. Check also the operation indications (disturbance report) and the
operation counters on the local HMI under Main menu/Test/Function status/
Should the operation not be as expected, this should be investigated. It could be
caused by an inappropriate setting or missing condition such as CBREADY.
6. Repeat the sequence by simulating a permanent fault.
Shortly after the reclosing shot, a new fault is applied. If a single-shot reclosing
program is selected, there shall be one reclosing operation and then blocking of
SMBRREC (79) for the set Reset time.
Before a new reclosing sequence can be run, the CBREADY and 52a (CB closed)
must be set manually.
7. Repeat the sequence by simulating a three-phase transient and permanent faults, and
other applicable cases, such as signal to RI_HS and high-speed reclosing.
If just single-phase reclosing is selected, FirstShot = 1ph, a check can be run to make
sure that a three-pole trip does not result in any reclosing. Other similar cases can be
checked as required. Checking the reclosing conditions

When checking the influence of a releasing condition it is suggested to first run a sequence
with the condition fulfilled. When the condition signal is removed, and a new sequence is
run, it indicates that the result was due to the changed condition. In case of a blocking
signal the procedure should be similar. Start without the blocking or inhibit signal, and
then run a sequence with the blocking or inhibit signal added.

Checking the influence of the INHIBIT signal

226 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

1. Check that the autorecloser function SMBRREC (79) is operative, for example, by
making a reclosing shot without the INHIBIT signal.
2. Apply a fault and thereby a RI signal. At the same time, or during the open time,
apply a signal to the input INHIBIT.
3. Check that the reclosing sequence is interrupted and no reclosing takes place.

Check closing onto a fault

1. Check that the autorecloser function SMBRREC (79) is operative, for example by
making a reclosing shot.
Keep the CBREADY signal high.
2. Set the breaker simulating relay BR in Open position.
3. Close the BR relay and apply immediately a fault and thereby a RI signal.
4. Check that no reclosing takes place.

Checking the influence of CB not ready for reclosing

1. Check that the autorecloser function SMBRREC (79) is operative, for example by
making a reclosing shot.
Keep the CB simulator BR closed. Remove the CBREADY signal by opening SRY.
2. Apply a fault and thereby a RI signal.
3. Check that no reclosing takes place.

Checking the influence of synchronizing check (at three-pole reclosing)

1. Check that the autorecloser function SMBRREC (79) is operative, for example, by
making a three-pole reclosing shot with the SESRSYN (25)synchronizing check
Set the SESRSYN (25) function to Off to eliminate the signal connected to input
signal SYNC.
2. Apply a fault causing three-phase trip and thereby a RI and a TR3P signal.
3. Wait for the tSync time-out limit.
Check that no reclosing is made.

Checking the response when autoreclosing is Off


1. Check that the autorecloser function SMBRREC (79) is operative, for example by
making a reclosing shot.
Set the autoreclosing operation to Off, for example by external control.
The output READY shall be low, and PREP3P shall be high.
2. Apply a single phase fault and thereby a RI signal.
3. Check that a definitive three phase trip and no reclosing takes place.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

Testing autoreclosing in a multi-breaker arrangement

The usual arrangement is to have an autorecloser function SMBRREC (79) per circuit-
breaker. They can be in different CB related IEDs or in a common IED.
A master SMBRREC (79) function is set with Priority = High.
A slave SMBRREC (79) function is set with Priority = Low.

See the application manual for an illustration of typical interconnections.

The two functions can be checked individually by carefully applying RI, WAIT, and
INHIBIT signals.

It is also possible to verify the two functions together by using CB simulating equipment
for two CB circuits. There should be interconnections from the master to the slave
function, WFMASTER - WAIT, and UNSUCCL - INHIBIT, as shown in the illustration
referred to above.

Restoring equipment
After the tests, restore the equipment to normal or desired state. Check the following items
in particular:

1. Check the operation counters.

Reset the counters to zero, if that is the user's preference. The counter reset function
is found on the local HMI under Main menu/Reset/Reset counters/
2. Restore settings that may have been modified for the tests back to normal.
3. Disconnect the test switch, CB simulating arrangement and test circuits.
Reconnect any links or connection terminals, which may have been opened for the
4. Reset indications, alarms and disturbance recordings.
Clearing of the disturbance report can be done via the Disturbance Handling in
PCM600 or the local HMI. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

228 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

10.10.3 Apparatus control APC

The apparatus control function consists of four types of function blocks, which are
connected in a delivery-specific way between bays and to the station level. For that reason,
test the total function in a system, that is, either in a complete delivery system as an
acceptance test (FAT/SAT) or as parts of that system.

If a block/unblock command is sent from remote to function, while the

IED is shut down, this command will not be recognized after the start up,
thus the command that was sent prior to the shut down is used. In such
cases, where there is a mismatch, the user is advised to make a complete
cycle of block/unblock operations to align the statuses.

10.10.4 Single command, 16 signals SINGLECMD

For the single command function block, it is necessary to configure the output signal to
corresponding binary output of the IED. The operation of the single command function
(SINGLECMD) is then checked from the local HMI by applying the commands with
Mode = Off, Steady or Pulse, and by observing the logic statuses of the corresponding
binary output. Command control functions included in the operation of different built-in
functions must be tested at the same time as their corresponding functions.

10.10.5 Interlocking
Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

Values of the logical signals are available on the local HMI under Main menu/Tests/
Function status/Control/Apparatus control/Interlocking. The Signal Monitoring in
PCM600 shows the same signals that are available on the local HMI.

The interlocking function consists of a bay-level part and a station-level part. The
interlocking is delivery specific and is realized by bay-to-bay communication over the
station bus. For that reason, test the function in a system, that is, either in a complete
delivery system as an acceptance test (FAT/SAT) or as parts of that system.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

10.11 Scheme communication

10.11.1 Scheme communication logic for distance or overcurrent

protection ZCPSCH (85)
Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

Check the scheme logic during the secondary injection test of the impedance or
overcurrent protection functions.

Activation of the different zones verifies that the CS signal is issued from the intended
zones. The CS signal from the independent tripping zone must have a tSendMin minimum

Check the tripping function by activating the CR and CR_GUARD inputs with the
overreaching zone used to achieve the PLTR_CRD signal.

It is sufficient to activate the zones with only one type of fault with the secondary injection. Testing permissive underreaching

1. Activate the receive (CR) signal in the IED.

2. Apply healthy normal load conditions to the IED for at least two seconds.
3. Apply a fault condition within the permissive zone.
4. Check that correct trip outputs, external signals, and indications are obtained for the
actual type of fault generated.
5. Check that other zones operate according to their zone timers and that the send (CS)
signal is obtained only for the zone configured to generate the actual signal.
6. Deactivate the receive (CR) signal in the IED.
7. Check that the trip time complies with the zone timers and that correct trip outputs,
external signals, and indications are obtained for the actual type of fault generated. Testing permissive overreaching

1. Activate the receive (CR) signal in the IED.

2. Apply healthy normal load conditions to the IED for at least two seconds.
3. Apply a fault condition within the permissive zone.
4. Check that correct trip outputs, external signals, and indication are obtained for the
actual type of fault generated.

230 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

5. Check that the other zones operate according to their zone timer and that the send
(CS) signal is obtained only for the zones that are configured to give the actual
signal. Also the zone connected to CS underreach is giving CS in this mode.
6. Deactivate the IED receive (CR) signal.
7. Apply healthy normal load conditions to the IED for at least two seconds.
8. Apply a fault condition within the permissive zone.
9. Check that trip time complies with the zone timers and that correct trip outputs,
external signals, and indications are obtained for the actual type of fault generated. Testing blocking scheme

1. Deactivate the receive (CR) signal of the IED.

2. Apply healthy normal load conditions to the IED for at least two seconds.
3. Apply a fault condition within the forward directed zone used for scheme
communication tripping.
4. Check that correct trip outputs and external signals are obtained for the type of fault
generated and that the trip time complies with the tCoord timer (plus relay
measuring time).
5. Check that the other zones trip according to their zone times and that a send (CS)
signal is only obtained for the reverse zone.
6. Activate the IED receive (CR) signal.
7. Apply a fault condition in the forward directed zone used for scheme communication
8. Check that the no trip from scheme communication occurs.
9. Check that the trip time from the forward directed zone used for scheme
communication tripping complies with the zone timer and that correct trip outputs,
external signals, and indications are obtained for the actual type of fault generated. Testing delta blocking scheme

1. Deactivate the receive (CR) signal of the IED.

2. Apply healthy normal load conditions to the IED for at least two seconds.
3. Apply a fault condition within the forward directed zone used for scheme
communication tripping.
4. Check that correct trip outputs and external signals are obtained for the type of fault
generated and that the trip time complies with the tCoord timer (plus relay
measuring time).
5. Check that the other zones trip according to their zone times and that a send (CS)
signal is only obtained for the reverse zone.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

6. Check that for a forward fault, carrier send (CS) signal is first obtained from the delta
based fault inception detection (as it is not directional) , and immediately inhibited
by the forward zone.
7. Activate the IED receive (CR) signal.
8. Apply a fault condition in the forward directed zone used for scheme communication
9. Check that the no trip from scheme communication occurs.
10. Check that the trip time from the forward directed zone used for scheme
communication tripping complies with the zone timer and that correct trip outputs,
external signals, and indications are obtained for the actual type of fault generated. Checking of unblocking logic

Check the unblocking function (if the function is required) when checking the
communication scheme.

Command function with continuous unblocking (Unblock = 1)


1. Activate the guard input signal (CR_GUARD) of the IED.

2. Using the scheme selected, check that a signal accelerated trip (TRIP) is obtained
when the guard signal is deactivated. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.11.2 Phase segregated scheme communication logic for distance or

overcurrent protection ZC1PPSCH (85)
Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

Check the scheme logic during the secondary injection test of the impedance protection

Activating of the different zones and phases verifies that the CS_x signal are issued from
the intended zones. The CS_x signal from the independent tripping zone must have a
tSendMin minimum time.

Check the tripping function by activating the CRLx inputs with the overreaching zone
used to achieve the CACCLx signals.

232 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

It is sufficient to activate the zones with all types of fault with the secondary injection. Testing permissive underreaching

1. Activate the receive (CRLx) signal in the IED.

2. Apply healthy normal load conditions to the IED for at least two seconds.
3. Apply a fault condition within the permissive zone.
4. Check that correct trip outputs, external signals, and indications are obtained for all
the actual types of fault generated.
5. Check that other zones operate according to their zone timers and that the send
(CS_x) signal is obtained only for the zone and phase configured to generate the
actual signal.
6. Deactivate the receive (CRLx) signal in the IED.
7. Check that the trip time complies with the zone timers and that correct trip outputs,
external signals, and indications are obtained for the actual type of fault generated. Testing permissive overreaching

1. Activate the receive (CRLx) signal in the IED.

2. Apply healthy normal load conditions to the IED for at least two seconds.
3. Apply a fault condition within the permissive zone.
4. Check that correct trip outputs, external signals, and indication are obtained for the
all actual types of fault generated.
5. Check that the other zones operate according to their zone timer and that the send
(CS_x) signal is obtained only for the zones and phases that are configured to give
the actual signal. Also the zone connected to CS_x underreach is giving CS_x in this
6. Deactivate the IED receive (CRLx) signal.
7. Apply healthy normal load conditions to the IED for at least two seconds.
8. Apply a fault condition within the permissive zone.
9. Check that trip time complies with the zone timers and that correct trip outputs,
external signals, and indications are obtained for the actual type of fault generated. Testing blocking scheme

1. Deactivate the receive (CRLx) signal of the IED.

2. Apply healthy normal load conditions to the IED for at least two seconds.
3. Apply a fault condition within the forward directed zone used for scheme
communication tripping.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

4. Check that correct trip outputs and external signals are obtained for the type of fault
generated and that the operate time complies with the tCoord timer (plus relay
measuring time).
5. Check that the other zones operate according to their zone times and that a send
(CS_x) signal is only obtained for the reverse zone.
6. Activate the IED receive (CRLx) signal.
7. Apply a fault condition in the forward directed zone used for scheme communication
8. Check that the no trip from scheme communication occurs.
9. Check that the trip time from the forward directed zone used for scheme
communication tripping complies with the zone timer and that correct trip outputs,
external signals, and indications are obtained for the actual type of fault generated. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.11.3 Current reversal and Weak-end infeed logic for distance

protection 3-phase ZCRWPSCH (85)
Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

Values of the logical signals for ZCRWPSCH are available on the local HMI under Main
menu/Tests/Function status / Scheme communication / ZCRWPSCH(85) /ZCRWPSCH:

The Signal Monitoring in PCM600 shows signals that are available on the Local HMI.

The current reversal logic and the weak-end infeed functions are tested during the
secondary-injection test of the impedance or overcurrent protection zones together with
the scheme communication logic for the distance protection function ZCPSCH (85). Current reversal logic

It is possible to check the delay of the CS send signal with tDelayRev by changing from
a reverse to a forward fault.

By continuously activating the CR input and changing from a reverse to a forward fault,
the delay tDelayRev can be checked.

234 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Checking of current reversal

The reverse zone timer must not operate before the forward zone fault is
applied. The user might need to block the reverse zone timer setting during
testing of current reversal.

The forward zone timer must be set longer than the tDelayRev set value.

1. Activate the receive (CRL) signal.

2. Set the healthy condition to an impedance at 50% of the reach of the reverse zone
connected to IRV.
3. After the pickup condition is obtained for reverse zone, apply a fault at 50% of the
reach of the forward zone connected to WEIBLK2.
4. Check that correct trip outputs and external signals are obtained for the type of fault
generated. The operation time should be about the tDelayRev setting longer than the
carrier accelerated trip (TRIP) recorded for the permissive overreach scheme
5. Restore the forward and reverse zone timer to its original setting. Weak end infeed logic

Weak-end infeed logic at permissive overreach schemes

1. Check the blocking of the echo with the injection of a CRL signal >40ms after a
reverse fault is applied.
2. Measure the duration of the echoed CS signal by applying a CRL receive signal.
3. Check the trip functions and the voltage level for trip by reducing a phase voltage and
applying a CRL receive signal.

Testing conditions
Only one type of fault is sufficient, with the current reversal and weak-end infeed logic for
distance protection function ZCRWPSCH (85). Apply three faults (one in each phase).
For phase A-G fault, set these parameters:

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

Table 34: Phase A-G parameter values

Phase I (Amps) Phase-angle (Deg) V (Volts) Phase-angle (Deg)
A 0 0 Set less than 0
B 0 240 69.3 240
C 0 120 69.3 120

If wanted, change all settings cyclically for other faults (BG andCG).

The setting parameter WEI is set to Echo & Trip.

1. Apply input signals according Table 34.

2. Activate the receive (CR) signal.
3. After the IED has operated, turn off the input signals.
4. Check that trip, send signal, and indication are obtained.

The ECHO output gives only a 200 ms pulse. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.11.4 Local acceleration logic ZCLCPSCH

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

The logic is checked during the secondary injection test of the impedance measuring
zones. Verifying the settings

1. Provide the IED with conditions equivalent to normal load for at least two seconds.
2. Deactivate the conditions for accelerated function.
3. Apply a phase-to-ground fault at 100% of line impedance.
4. Check that the fault is tripped with the second zone time delay.

236 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

5. Provide the IED with conditions equivalent to normal load for at least two seconds.
6. Activate the condition for accelerated function either by the autorecloser or by the
7. Apply a phase-to-ground fault at 100% of line impedance.
8. Check that the fault is tripped instantaneously. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.11.5 Scheme communication logic for residual overcurrent

protection ECPSCH (85)
Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

Before testing the communication logic for residual overcurrent protection function
ECPSCH (85), the four step residual overcurrent protection function EF4PTOC (51N/
67N) has to be tested according to the corresponding instruction. Once this is done,
continue with the instructions below.

If the current reversal and weak-end infeed logic for ground-fault protection is included,
proceed with the testing according to the corresponding instruction after the testing the
communication logic for residual overcurrent protection. The current reversal and weak-
end-infeed functions shall be tested together with the permissive scheme. Testing the directional comparison logic function

Blocking scheme

1. Inject the polarizing voltage 3V0 at 5% of VBase (EF4PTOC, 51N67N) where the
current is lagging the voltage by 65.
2. Inject current (65 lagging the voltage) in one phase at about 110% of the set
operating current, and switch the current off with the switch.
3. Switch the fault current on and measure the operating time of the communication
Use the TRIP signal from the configured binary output to stop the timer.
4. Compare the measured time with the set value tCoord.
5. Activate the CR binary input.
6. Check that the CRL output is activated when the CR input is activated.

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

7. Switch the fault current on (110% of the set operating current) and wait longer than
the set value tCoord.

No TRIP signal should appear.

8. Switch the fault current off.

9. Reset the CR binary input.
10. Activate the BLOCK digital input.
11. Switch the fault current on (110% of the set operating current) and wait for a period
longer than the set value tCoord.

No TRIP signal should appear.

12. Switch the fault current and the polarizing voltage off.
13. Reset the BLOCK digital input.

Permissive scheme

1. Inject the polarizing voltage 3V0, which is 5% of VBase (EF4PTOC, 51N67N)

where the current is lagging the voltage by 65.
2. Inject current (65 lagging the voltage) into one phase at about 110% of the set
operating current, and switch the current off with the switch.
3. Switch the fault current on, (110% of the set operating current) and wait longer than
the set value tCoord.

No TRIP signal should appear, and the CS binary output should be


4. Switch the fault current off.

5. Activate the CR binary input.
6. Switch the fault current on (110% of the set operating current) and measure the
operating time of the ECPSCH (85) logic.
Use the TRIP signal from the configured binary output to stop the timer.
7. Compare the measured time with the setting for tCoord.
8. Activate the BLOCK digital input.
9. Switch the fault current on (110% of the set operating current) and wait for a period
longer than the set value tCoord.

238 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

No TRIP signal should appear.

10. Switch the fault current and the polarizing voltage off.
11. Reset the CR binary input and the BLOCK digital input. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.11.6 Current reversal and weak-end infeed logic for residual

overcurrent protection ECRWPSCH (85)
Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in the section "".

Values of the logical signals for ECRWPSCH are available on the Local HMI under Main
menu/Tests/Function status/Scheme communication/ECRWPSCH(85)/ECRWPSCH:1.

The Signal Monitoring in PCM600 shows service values that are available on the Local
HMI as well.

First, test the four step residual overcurrent protection function EF4PTOC (51N/67N) and
then the current reversal and weak-end infeed logic according to the corresponding
instructions. Then continue with the instructions below. Testing the current reversal logic

1. Inject the polarizing voltage 3V0 to 5% of VBase and the phase angle between
voltage and current to 155, the current leads the voltage.
2. Inject current (180 AngleRCA) in one phase to about 110% of the set operating
current of the four step residual overcurrent protection (INDir).
3. Check that the IRVL output is activated in the disturbance recorder after the set time
4. Abruptly reverse the current to AngleRCA setting lagging the voltage, to operate the
forward directional element.
5. Check that the IRVL output still is activated after the reversal with a time delay that
complies with the setting tDelayRev.
6. Switch off the polarizing voltage and the current. Testing the weak-end infeed logic

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 239

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

If setting WEI = Echo

1. Inject the polarizing voltage 3V0 to (180 AngleRCA) of VBase and the phase
angle between voltage and current to 155, the current leads the voltage.
2. Inject current (180 AngleRCA) in one phase to about 110% of the setting
operating current (INDir).
3. Activate the CRL binary input.

No ECHO and CS should appear.

4. Abruptly reverse the current to the setting of AngleRCA setup lagging the voltage, to
operate the forward directional element.

No ECHO and CS should appear.

5. Switch off the current and check that the ECHO and CS appear on the corresponding
binary output during 200ms after resetting the directional element.
6. Switch off the CRL binary input.
7. Activate the BLOCK binary input.
8. Activate the CRL binary input.

No ECHO and CS should appear.

9. Switch off the polarizing voltage and reset the BLOCK and CRL binary input.

If setting WEI = Echo & Trip

1. Inject the polarizing voltage 3V0 to about 90% of the setting (3V0PU) operating
2. Activate the CRL binary input.

No ECHO, CS and TRWEI outputs should appear.

3. Increase the injected voltage to about 110% of the setting (3V0PU) operating
4. Activate the CRL binary input.

240 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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Testing functionality by secondary injection

5. Check that the ECHO, CS and TRWEI appear on the corresponding binary output or
on the local HMI.
6. Reset the CRL binary input.
7. Activate the BLOCK binary input.
8. Activate the CRL binary input.

No ECHO, CS and TRWEI outputs should appear.

9. Reset the CRL and BLOCK binary input.

10. Inject the polarizing voltage 3V0 to about 110% of the setting (3V0PU>) and adjust
the phase angle between the voltage and current to (180- AnglRCA) setting, the
current leads the voltage.
11. Inject current in one phase to about 110% of the set trip current (INDir).
12. Activate the CRL binary input.

No ECHO and TRWEI should appear.

13. Abruptly reverse the current to 65 lagging the voltage to trip the forward directional

No ECHO and TRWEI should appear.

14. Switch the current off and check that the ECHO, CS and TRWEI appear on the
corresponding binary output during 200ms after resetting the directional element. If
EF4PTOC also trips in forward direction, CS should be obtained.
15. Switch the polarizing voltage off and reset the CRL binary input. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.11.7 Direct transfer trip logic

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 241

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection Low active power and power factor local criteria LAPPGAPC (37_55)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Requirements" and
section "Preparing for test" in this chapter.

1. Connect the test set for three-phase current injection and three-phase voltage to the
appropriate IED terminals.
2. Inject symmetrical phase voltages equal to the rated voltage.
3. Decrease the injected current in phase A and note the operated value (pickup value)
of the studied step of the function. This current shall have the same phase angle as
the injected phase voltage. The active power for operation is calculated as:
P = Vph Iph (single-phase active power).
4. Increase the current slowly and note the reset value.
5. Connect a trip output contact to a timer.
6. Set the injected current to 50% of the operate level in the tested stage. Switch on the
current and check the time delay.
7. Check that all trip and pickup contacts operate according to the configuration (signal
8. Finally check that pickup and trip information is stored in the event memory. Repeat
steps 3 6 for phases B and C.
9. Inject symmetrical phase voltages and phase currents in all three phases, equal to
SBase (rated voltage and current).
10. Increase the phase angle between the injected phase voltages and phase current, and
note the operate value . The corresponding power factor is equal to
pf = cos j .
11. Decrease the phase angle and note the reset value.
12. Set the phase angle of the injected current slightly higher than the operate value.
Switch on the current and check the time delay.
13. Check that all trip and pickup contacts operate according to the configuration (signal
14. Finally check that pickup and trip information is stored in the event memory.

Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes. Compensated over- and undervoltage protection COUVGAPC (59_27)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Requirements" and
section "Preparing for test" in this chapter.

242 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

1. Set OperationOV to Enabled.

2. Connect the test set for three-phase current injection and three-phase voltage to the
appropriate IED terminals.
3. Inject symmetrical phase voltages equal to the rated voltage.
4. Decrease the injected voltage in phase A and note the operated value (pickup value)
of the function.
5. Increase the voltage slowly and note the reset value.
6. Connect a trip output contact to a timer.
7. Reduce the injected voltage stepwise to 90% of the operate level, and check the time
8. Check that all trip and pickup contacts operate according to the configuration (signal
9. Finally, check that pickup and trip information is stored in the event menu. Repeat
steps 4 9 for phases B and C.
If voltage compensation will be used, do the following steps:
10. Set EnShuntReactor to Enabled and activate input signal SWIPOS.
11. Check that the line impedance (R1 and X1) and reactor impedance (Xc) are set to the
correct values.
12. Inject symmetrical phase voltages equal to the rated voltage.
13. Increase the injected current (same phase angle as the injected voltage) in phase A
from zero and note the operated value (pickup value) of the function. Check that this

value is equal to:

V = Vinjected - [ Iinjected - j
Xcp ]
(RL + jXL )

14. Repeat step 13 for phases B and C.

15. Set OperationOV to Enabled.
16. Connect the test set for three-phase current injection and three-phase voltage to the
appropriate IED terminals.
17. Inject symmetrical phase voltages equal to the rated voltage.
18. Increase the injected voltage in phase A and note the operated value (pickup value)
of the function.
19. Decrease the voltage slowly and note the reset value.
20. Connect a trip output contact to a timer.
21. Increase stepwise the injected voltage to 110% of the operate level, and check the
time delay.
22. Check that all trip and pickup contacts operate according to the configuration (signal
23. Finally check that pickup and trip information is stored in the event memory. Repeat
steps 17 22 for phases B and C.
If voltage compensation will be used do the following steps:
24. Set EnShuntReactorto Enabled and activate input signal SWIPOS.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 243

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

25. Check that the line impedance (R1 and X1) and reactor impedance (Xc) are set to the
correct values.
26. Inject symmetrical phase voltages equal to 120% of the rated voltage.
27. Increase the injected current (same phase angle as the injected voltage) in phase A
from zero and note the operated value (pickup value) of the function. Check that this

value is equal to:

V = Vinjected - [ Iinjected - j
Xcp ]
(RL + jXL )

Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes. Sudden change in current variation SCCVPTOC (51)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Requirements" and
section "Preparing for test" in this chapter.

1. Set Operation to Enabled.

2. Connect the test set for three-phase current injection to the appropriate IED
3. Inject symmetrical phase currents equal to half the rated current.
4. Increase the injected current in phase A slowly by more than the set IPickup. No
signal shall be activated.
5. Decrease the injected current in phase A to half the rated current.
6. Increase the injected current in phase A in a step by more than the set IPickup. Pickup
and trip signal shall be activated. Carrier receive logic LCCRPTRC (94)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Requirements" and
section "Preparing for test" in this chapter.

1. Set Operation to Enable.

2. Select OpMode according to the application: If two carrier channels are used and
high security shall be used set OpMode = 2 Out Of 2, otherwise 1 Out Of 2.
3. Connect switchable binary signal/s CR! and CR2 to the binary input/s to be used for
the carrier receive (CR) signal/s.
4. Connect switchable binary signal/s to the binary input to be used for the local check
signal. If three pole trip is used only one LOCTR is used. If single pole trip is used
in addition the phase selective signals LOCTR_A, LOCTR_Band LOCTR_C are

244 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

5. Connect switchable binary signal/s to the binary input to be used for the
communication supervision signal/s CHERR1 and CHERR2.
If OpMode = 2 Out Of 2:
6. Activate input and check output signals according to table 35 and 36.
Table 35: Activate input signals if OpMode = 2 Out Of 2

Table 36: Activate output signals if OpMode = 2 Out Of 2

Non X X
7. Connect the trip output to a timer.
8. Have inputs CR!and CR2 activated. Start the timer from activation of input LOCTR
and stop the timer from TRIP output.
9. Check the trip time.
If OpMode = 1 Out Of 2:
10. Activate input and check output signals according to table 37 and 38.
Table 37: Activate input signals if OpMode = 1 Out Of 2
Table continues on next page

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 245

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection


Table 38: Activate output signals if OpMode = 1 Out Of 2

Non X
11. Connect the trip output to a timer.
12. Have inputs CR! and CR2 activated. Start the timer from activation from activation
of input LOCTR and stop the timer from TRIP output.
13. Check the trip time.

Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes. Negative sequence overvoltage protection LCNSPTOV (47)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Requirements" and
section "Preparing for test" in this chapter.

246 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection





ANSI10000014 V1 EN

Figure 45: Connection of test equipment

1. Connect the test set for three-phase voltage injection to the appropriate IED
terminals as shown in Figure 45
2. Increase the injected voltage and note the operated value (pickup value) of the
studied step of the function.
3. Decrease the voltage slowly and note the reset value.
4. Connect a trip output contact to a timer.
5. Set the injected voltage to 110% of the operate level of the tested stage. Switch on
the current and check the time delay.
6. Check that all trip and pickup contacts operate according to the configuration (signal
7. Finally check that pickup and trip information is stored in the event memory.

Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes. Zero sequence overvoltage protection LCZSPTOV (59N)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Requirements" and
section "Preparing for test" in this chapter.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 247

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

1. Connect the test set for three-phase voltage injection (A, B, C) or residual voltage
injection (N) to the appropriate IED terminals. This depends on how the IED is fed
from the VT.
2. Increase the injected zero sequence voltage and note the operated value (pickup
value) of the studied step of the function.
3. Decrease the voltage slowly and note the reset value.
4. Connect a trip output contact to a timer.
5. Set the injected voltage to 110% of the operate level in the tested stage, switch on the
current and check the time delay.
6. Check that all trip and pickup contacts operate according to the configuration (signal
7. Finally check that pickup and trip information is stored in the event memory.

Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes. Negative sequence overcurrent protection LCNSPTOC (46)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Requirements" and
section "Preparing for test" in this chapter.





ANSI10000013 V1 EN

Figure 46: Connection of test equipment to the IED

248 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

1. Connect the test set for three-phase current injection to the appropriate IED
terminals as shown in Figure 46
2. Increase the injected current and note the operated value (pickup value) of the
studied step of the function.
3. Decrease the current slowly and note the reset value.
4. Connect a trip output contact to a timer.
5. Set the injected current to 200% of the operate level of the tested stage. Switch on the
current and check the time delay.
6. Check that all trip and pickup contacts operate according to the configuration (signal
7. Finally check that pickup and trip information is stored in the event memory.

Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes. Zero sequence overcurrent protection LCZSPTOC (51N)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Requirements" and
section "Preparing for test" in this chapter.

1. Connect the test set for three-phase voltage injection (A, B, C) or residual voltage
injection (N) to the appropriate IED terminals. This is dependent on how the IED is
fed from the CT.
2. Increase the injected zero-sequence current and note the operated value (pickup
value) of the studied step of the function.
3. Decrease the current slowly and note the reset value.
4. Connect a trip output contact to a timer.
5. Set the injected current to 200% of the operate level of the tested stage. Switch on the
current and check the time delay.
6. Check that all trip and pickup contacts operate according to the configuration (signal
7. Finally check that pickup and trip information is stored in the event memory.

Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 249

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection Three phase overcurrent LCP3PTOC (51)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Requirements" and
section "Preparing for test" in this chapter.

1. Connect the test set for three-phase current injection to the appropriate IED
2. Increase the injected current in phase A and note the operated value (pickup value)
of the studied step of the function.
3. Decrease the current slowly and note the reset value.
4. Connect a trip output contact to a timer.
5. Set the injected current to 200% of the operate level of the tested stage. Switch on the
current and check the time delay.
6. Check that all trip and pickup contacts operate according to the configuration (signal
7. Finally check that pickup and trip information is stored in the event memory.
8. Repeat steps 2 7 for phases B and C.

Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes. Three phase undercurrent LCP3PTUC (37)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Requirements" and
section "Preparing for test" in this chapter.

1. Connect the test set for three-phase current injection to the appropriate IED
2. Inject a symmetrical three-phase current larger than the set value I<.
3. Decrease the injected current in phase A and note the operated value (pickup value)
of the studied step of the function.
4. Increase the current slowly and note the reset value.
5. Connect a trip output contact to a timer.
6. Decrease the injected current step-wise to 50% of the operate level and check the
time delay.
7. Check that all trip and pickup contacts operate according to the configuration (signal
8. Finally check that pickup and trip information is stored in the event memory.
9. Repeat steps 2 7 for phases B and C.

Completing the test

250 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.12 Logic

10.12.1 Tripping logic, common 3-phase output SMPPTRC (94)

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

This function is functionality tested together with other protection functions (line
differential protection,ground-fault overcurrent protection, and so on) within the IED. It
is recommended that the function is tested together with the autorecloser function, when
built into the IED or when a separate external unit is used for reclosing purposes. The
instances of SMPPTRC (94) are identical except for the name of the function block
SMPPTRC (94). The testing is preferably done in conjunction with the protection system
and autoreclosing function. Three-phase operating mode

1. Check that AutoLock and TripLockout are both set to Disabled.

2. Initiate a three-phase fault.
An adequate time interval between the faults should be considered, to overcome a
reset time caused by the possible activation of the Autorecloser function SMBRREC
(79). The function must issue a three-pole trip in all cases, when trip is initiated by
any protection or some other built-in or external function. The following functional
output signals must always appear simultaneously: TRIP, TR_A, TR_B. TR_C and
TR3P. 1ph/3ph operating mode

In addition to various other tests, the following tests should be performed. They depend on
the complete configuration of an IED:


1. Make sure that TripLockout and AutoLock are both set to Disabled.
2. Initiate different single-phase-to-ground faults one at a time.
3. Initiate different phase-to-phase and three-phase faults.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 251

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Consider using an adequate time interval between faults, to overcome a reset time,
which is activated by SMBRREC (79). A three-pole trip should occur for each
separate fault and all of the trips. Functional outputs TRIP, all TR_A, TR_B, TR_C
and TR3P should be active at each fault.

No other outputs should be active.

4. Initiate a single phase-to-ground fault and switch it off immediately when the trip
signal is issued for the corresponding phase. Initiate the same fault once again within
the reset time of the used SMBRREC (79).
5. Initiate a single phase-to-ground fault and switch it off immediately when the trip
signal is issued for the corresponding phase. Initiate the second single phase-to-
ground fault in one of the remaining phases within the time interval, shorter than
tEvolvingFault (default setting 2.0s) and shorter than the dead-time of SMBRREC
(79), when included in the protection scheme.
Check that the second trip is a three-pole trip and that a three-phase autoreclosing
attempt is given after the three-phase dead time. Functional outputs TRIP, TR_A,
TR_B, TR_C and TR1P should be active during the first fault. No other outputs
should be active. Functional outputs TRIP, all TR_A, TR_B, TR_C and TR3P
should be active during second fault. 1ph/2ph/3ph operating mode

In addition to other tests, the following tests, which depend on the complete configuration
of an IED, should be carried out.


1. Make sure that AutoLock and TripLockout are both set to Disabled.
2. Initiate different single-phase-to-ground faults one at a time.
Take an adequate time interval between faults into consideration, to overcome a
reset time, which is activated by the autorecloser function SMBRREC (79). Only a
single-pole trip should occur for each separate fault and only one of the trip outputs
(TR_A, TR_B, TR_C) should be activated at a time. Functional outputs TRIP and
TR1P should be active at each fault. No other outputs should be active.
3. Initiate different phase-to-phase faults one at a time.
Take an adequate time interval between faults into consideration, to overcome a
reset time which is activated by SMBRREC (79). Only a two-phase trip should occur
for each separate fault and only corresponding two trip outputs (TR_A, TR_B,
TR_C) should be activated at a time. Functional outputs TRIP and TR2P should be
active at each fault. No other outputs should be active.
4. Initiate a three-phase fault.

252 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

5. Initiate a single phase-to-ground fault and switch it off immediately when the trip
signal is issued for the corresponding phase. Initiate the same fault once again within
the reset time of the used SMBRREC (79).
A single-phase fault shall be given at the first fault. A three-pole trip must be initiated
for the second fault. Check that the corresponding trip signals appear after both
faults. Functional outputs TRIP, TR_A, TR_B, TR_C and TR1P should be active
during first fault. No other outputs should be active. Functional outputs TRIP, all
TR_A, TR_B, TR_C and TR3P should be active during second fault.
6. Initiate a single phase-to-ground fault and switch it off immediately when the trip
signal is generated for the corresponding phase. Initiate the second single-phase-to-
ground fault in one of the remaining phases within the time interval, shorter than
tEvolvingFault (default setting 2.0s) and shorter than the dead-time of SMBRREC
(79), when included in the protection scheme.
7. Check, that the output signals, issued for the first fault, correspond to a two-phase
trip for included phases. The output signals generated by the second fault must
correspond to the three-phase tripping action. Circuit breaker lockout

The following tests should be carried out when the built-in lockout function is used in
addition to possible other tests, which depends on the complete configuration of an IED.

1. Check that AutoLock and TripLockout are both set to Disabled.

2. Activate shortly the set lockout (SETLKOUT) signal in the IED.
3. Check that the circuit breaker lockout (CLLKOUT) signal is set.
4. Activate shortly thereafter, the reset lockout (RSTLKOUT) signal in the IED.
5. Check that the circuit breaker lockout (CLLKOUT) signal is reset.
6. Initiate a three-phase fault.
A three- trip should occur and all trip outputs TR_A, TR_B, TR_C should be
activated. Functional outputs TRIP and TR3P should be active at each fault. The
output CLLKOUT should not be set.
7. Activate the automatic lockout function, set AutoLock = Enabled and repeat.
Besides the TRIP outputs, CLLKOUT should be set.
8. Reset the lockout signal by activating the reset lockout (RSTLKOUT) signal.
9. Activate the trip signal lockout function, set TripLockout = Enabled and repeat.
All trip outputs (TR_A, TR_B, TR_C) and functional outputs TRIP and TR3P must
be active and stay active after each fault, CLLKOUT should be set.
10. Reset the lockout.
All functional outputs should reset.
11. Deactivate the TRIP signal lockout function, set TripLockout = Disabled and the
automatic lockout function, set AutoLock = Disabled.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 253

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.13 Monitoring

10.13.1 Gas medium supervision SSIMG

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Testing the liquid
medium supervision for alarm and lock out conditions" and section "Completing the test"
in this chapter.

Check that the input logical signal BLOCK is logical zero and that on the local HMI, the
logical signals PRES_ALM, PRES_LO, TEMP_ALM and TEMP_LO are equal to logical
zero. Testing the liquid medium supervision for alarm and lock out conditions

1. Connect binary inputs to consider gas pressure and gas density to initiate the alarms.
2. Consider the analogue pressure input PRESSURE to initiate the alarms.
3. Gas pressure lock out input can be used to set PRES_LO signal, check the signal
status in local HMI under Main menu/Test/Function status/Monitoring/Gas
medium supervision SSIMG/PRES_LO
4. Reduce the pressure level input below PresAlmLimit, check for PRES_ALM signal
status in local HMI under Main menu/Test/Function status/Monitoring/Gas
medium supervision SSIMG/PRES_ALM
5. Activate BLOCK binary input, the signals PRES_ALM, PRES_LO should
6. Reset the BLOCK binary input.
7. Check for reset lock out input RESET_LO to reset PRES_LO lock out signal.
8. Conduct these steps for temperature input as well to detect and reset TEMP_ALM and
TEMP_LO signals.
9. Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to

254 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to Off.
Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing

10.13.2 Liquid medium supervision SSIML

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Liquid medium
supervision SSIML" and section "Completing the test" in this chapter.

Check that the input logical signal BLOCK is logical zero and that on the local HMI, the
logical signals LVL_ALM, LVL_LO, TEMP_ALM and TEMP_LO are equal to logical zero. Testing the liquid medium supervision for alarm and lock out conditions

1. Connect the binary inputs to consider liquid level to initiate the alarms.
2. Consider the analogue level input LEVEL to initiate the alarms.
3. Liquid level lock out input can be used to set LVL_LO signal, check the signal status
in local HMI under Main menu/Test/Function status/Monitoring/Liquid
medium supervision SSIML/LVL_LO
4. Reduce the liquid level input below LevelAlmLimit, check for LVL_ALM signal
status in local HMI under Main menu/Test/Function status/Monitoring/Liquid
medium supervision SSIML/LVL_ALM
5. Activate BLOCK binary input, the signals LVL_ALM, LVL_LO should disappear.
6. Reset the BLOCK binary input.
7. Check for reset lock out input RESET_LO to reset the LVL_LO lock out signal.
8. Conduct these steps for temperature input as well to detect and reset TEMP_ALM and
TEMP_LO signals.
9. Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Off. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to Off.
Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing

10.13.3 Breaker monitoring SSCBR

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section Testing the IED

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 255

Commissioning manual
Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

The Signal Monitoring tool in PCM600 shows the service values that are available on the
Local HMI as well.

Values of the logical signals belong to the breaker monitoring are available on the local
HMI under: Main menu/Test/Function status/Monitoring/BreakerMonitoring/
SSCBR:x Verifying the settings

1. Connect the test set for the injection of a three-phase current to the appropriate current
terminals of the IED.
2. If current need to be injected for a particular test, it should be done in the phase
selected by the PhSel parameter.
3. Follow the sequence for positioning the auxiliary contacts before testing:

4. Test of CB contact travel time
4.1. Test the set timing defined by OpenTimeCorr, CloseTimeCorr, tTrOpenAlm
and tTrCloseAlm.
4.2. Change the status of the auxiliary contacts such that travel time to open
TTRVOP and travel time to close TTRVCL exceed the respective set values
(tTrOpenAlm and tTrCloseAlm). The measured travel time for opening and
closing is shown on TTRVOP and TTRVCL respectively.
4.3. Check that TRVTOPAL and TRVTCLAL are activated.
5. Test of CB status
5.1. Test the set current level defined by AccStopCurr.
5.2. Check the CLOSEPOS output by changing the POSOPEN to 0 and POSCLOSE
to 1.
5.3. Check the OPENPOS output by changing the POSOPEN to 1 and POSCLOSE
to 0 and also inject the current in the selected phase slightly lower and higher
than AccStopCurr set value. Only for a current lower than set AccStopCurr
should activate the output POSOPEN.
5.4. Check the circuit breaker is in INVDPOS if auxiliary contacts read same value
or CB is open and inject the current in selected phase more than AccStopCurr
set value.
6. Test of remaining life of CB

256 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

6.1. Test the set timing defined byRatedOperCurr, RatedFltCurr, OperNoRated,

OperNoFault, DirCoef, CBLifeAlmLevel.
6.2. Vary the phase current in the selected phase from below rated operated current,
RatedOperCurr to above rated fault current, RatedFltCurr of a breaker.
6.3. The remaining life of CB output CBLIFEPH is estimated when the CB is
changed from closed to open position. Check that the output CBLIFEPH is
decreased with a value that corresponds to the injected current.
6.4. CBLIFEAL is activated as soon as CBLIFEPH is below the set
CBLifeAlmLevel value.
7. Test of accumulated energy
7.1. Test the actual set values defined by AccSelCal to Aux Contact, ContTrCorr
and AlmAccCurrPwr.
7.2. Inject phase current in the selected phase such that its value is greater than set
AccStopCurr value.
7.3. When the breaker goes to open position, accumulated energy IPOWPH is
calculated. The calculated value can be seen on the output IPOWPH.
7.4. Alarm signal IPOWALPH appears when IPOWPH is greater than set
AlmAccCurrPwr value.
7.5. Lockout signal IPOWLOPH appears if IPOWPH exceeds further to the threshold
value LOAccCurrPwr.
7.6. Calculation of accumulated energy IPOWPH is stopped when injected current
is lower than set AccStopCurr value.
8. Test of CB operation cycles
8.1. Test the actual set values defined by OperAlmLevel and OperLOLevel.
8.2. The operation counter, NOOPER is updated for every close-open sequence of
the breaker by changing the position of auxiliary contacts POSCLOSE and
8.3. OPERALM is activated when NOOPER value exceeds the set OperAlmLevel
value. The actual value can be read on the output NOOPER.
8.4. OPERLO is activated when NOOPER value exceeds the set OperLOLevel
9. Test of CB spring charge monitoring
9.1. Test the actual set value defined by SpChAlmTime.
9.2. Enable SPRCHRST input. Also activate SPRCHRD after a time greater than set
time SpChAlmTime.
9.3. At this condition, SPCHALM is activated.
10. Test of CB gas pressure indication

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

10.1. Test the actual set value defined bytDGasPresAlm and tDGasPresLO.
10.2. The output GPRESALM is activated after a time greater than set time of
tDGasPresAlm value if the input PRESALM is enabled.
10.3. The output GPRESLO is activated after a set time of tDGasPresLO value if the
input PRESLO is enabled. Completing the test

1. Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the Test mode setting to
2. Restore connections and settings to their original values if they were changed for
testing purposes.

10.13.4 Event function EVENT

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Requirements" and
section "Preparing for test" in this chapter.

During testing, the IED can be set when in test mode from PST. The functionality of the
event reporting during test mode is set in the Parameter Setting tool in PCM600.

Use event masks

Report no events
Report all events

In test mode, individual event blocks can be blocked from PCM600.

10.13.5 Fault locator LMBRFLO

Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in section "Preparing the IED to verify

The Fault locator function LMBRFLO depends on other functions to work properly, that
is, phase selection information from distance protection function and analog information
supplied by the trip value recorder function. Check that proper binary initiate (pickup or
tripping) and phase selection signals are connected and voltage and current signals are
configured (parameter settings).

The result is displayed on the local HMI or via PCM600. Distances to faults for the last 100
recorded disturbances can be found on the local HMI under Main menu/Disturbance
Records/Disturbance #n(n = 1100)/General Information

258 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

If PCM600 is used, the result is displayed on the recording list after upload, including loop
selection information.
Table 39: Test settings
Parameter Condition
Healthy conditions V = 69.3 V, I = 0 A & ZF = 0
Impedance |Z| Test point

Zx (X0 + 2 X1)/3 For single-phase faults

Zx X1 For three and two phase faults
Zx (X0 + 2 X1 XM)/3 For single-phase fault with mutual zero-
sequence current

Impedance angle ZF Test angle

ZF arctan[(X0 + 2 X1) / (R0 + 2R1)] For single-phase faults

ZF arctan(X1/R1) For two-phase faults Measuring the operate limit

1. Set the test point (|Z| fault impedance and ZF impedance phase angle ) for a
condition that meets the requirements in table 39.
2. Subject the IED to healthy normal load conditions for at least two seconds.
3. Apply a fault condition.
Check that the distance-to-fault value displayed on the HMI complies with equations
111, 112 and 113

p = ------x- 100
EQUATION123 V1 EN (Equation 111)

in % for two- and three-pole faults

3 Zx
p= 100
X0 + 2 X1
EQUATION124 V1 EN (Equation 112)

in % for single-phase-to-ground faults

3 Zx
p = --------------------------------------------- 100
X0 + 2 X1 XM
EQUATION125 V1 EN (Equation 113)

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

in % for single-phase-to-ground faults with mutual zero sequence current.

p = the expected value of a distance to fault in percent
Zx = set test point on the test set

X0 = set zero-sequence reactance of a line

X1 = set positive-sequence reactance of a line
XM = set mutual zero-sequence impedance of a line Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.13.6 Limit counter L4UFCNT

The Limit counter function L4UFCNT can be tested by connecting a binary input to the
counter and applying pulses to the counter. The speed of the pulses must not exceed the
cycle time of the function. Normally the counter will be tested when testing the function
that the counter is connected to, such as the trip function. When the function is configured,
test it together with the function that operates it. Trig the function and check that the
counter result corresponds to the number of operations. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the Test mode setting to Off.
Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing

10.14 Metering

10.14.1 Pulse-counter logic PCFCNT

The test of the Pulse-counter logic function PCFCNT requires the Parameter Setting tool
in PCM600 or an appropriate connection to the local HMI with the necessary
functionality. A known number of pulses with different frequencies are connected to the
pulse counter input. The test should be performed with settings Operation = Enable or
Operation = Disable and the function blocked or unblocked. The pulse counter value is
then checked in PCM600 or on the local HMI.

260 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

10.14.2 Function for energy calculation and demand handling

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section Overview and
section Preparing for test in this chapter. Verifying the settings

Common test equipment can be used to determine the injection of current and voltage and
time measurement.

Verification of EAFACC & ERFACC output

1. Connect the test set for injection of three-phase currents and three phase voltage to the
appropriate current and voltage terminals of the IED.
2. Ensure the instantaneous values of active and reactive power from CVMMXN
function block are connected to ETPMMTR function block active and reactive power
3. Enable the EnaAcc setting and set tEnergy as 1 minute.
4. Activate the STARTACC input and supply the IED with three phase currents and
voltages at their rated value.
5. Check that the ACCINPRG signal appears continuously.
6. Note the EAFACC and ERFACCvalue after 1 minute and compare it with calculated
energy value.
7. Similarly check after each 1 minute whether the calculated integrated energy value
and EAFACC and ERFACC outputs are matching.
8. After some time (multiple of minute) remove the current and voltage input from
CVMMXN function block.
9. Check the EAFACC and ERFACC output in the next 1 minute cycle for the retaining
the same value.
10. Activate STOPACC input after some time and supply the IED with same current and
11. Check that the ACCINPRG signal disappears immediately and EAFACC and
ERFACC outputs also stop updating.
12. Similarly the testing can be done for EAFACC and ERFACC outputs by changing the
power inputs directions through direction settings.

Verification of MAXPAFD & MAXPRFD outputs

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

1. Repeat the above test steps 1 to 2.

2. Set tEnergy setting as 1 minute and supply the IED with three phase currents and
voltages at their rated value till 1 minute.
3. Check the MAXPAFD and MAXPRFD outputs after 1 minute and compare it with last
1 minute average power values.
4. Increase either three phase current or voltage above the last 1 minute value.
5. After 1 minute check the MAXPAFD and MAXPRFD whether it is showing the last 1
minute average power value as maximum.
6. Next 1 minute cycle reduce the current or voltage below previous value.
7. Check after 1 minute whether the MAXPAFD and MAXPRFD outputs are retaining the
old maximum value.
8. Similarly the testing can be done for MAXPAFD and MAXPRFD outputs by changing
the power inputs directions through direction settings.

Verification of EAFALM & ERFALM outputs

1. Repeat the above test steps 1 to 2.
2. Set tEnergy setting as 1 minute and supply the IED with three phase currents and
voltages at their rated value till 1 minute.
3. Ensure that the active and reactive energy values are less than the EALim and ERLim
setting default values respectively.
4. Check that EAFALM and ERFALM are low.
5. Increase the supply currents or voltage in next 1 minute cycle such that the active or
reactive energy values are greater than the EALim and ERLim setting default values
6. Check that EAFALM and ERFALM are high after 1 minute.
7. Similarly the testing can be done for EARALM and ERRALM outputs by changing the
power inputs directions through direction settings. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

262 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection

10.15 Station communication

10.15.1 Multiple command and transmit MULTICMDRCV /

The multiple command and transmit function (MULTICMDRCV / MULTICMDSND) is
only applicable for horizontal communication.

Test of the multiple command function block and multiple transmit is recommended to be
performed in a system, that is, either in a complete delivery system as an acceptance test
(FAT/SAT) or as parts of that system, because the command function blocks are
connected in a delivery-specific way between bays and the station level and transmit.

Command and transmit function blocks included in the operation of different built-in
functions must be tested at the same time as their corresponding functions.

10.16 Remote communication

10.16.1 Binary signal transfer BinSignReceive, BinSignTransm

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Preparing the IED to
verify settings".

To perform a test of Binary signal transfer function (BinSignReceive/BinSignTransm),

the hardware (LDCM) and binary input and output signals to transfer must be configured
as required by the application.

There are two types of internal self supervision of BinSignReceive/BinSignTransm

The I/O-circuit board is supervised as an I/O module. For example it generates FAIL
if the board is not inserted. I/O-modules not configured are not supervised.
The communication is supervised and the signal COMFAIL is generated if a
communication error is detected.

Status for inputs and outputs as well as self-supervision status are available from the local
HMI under

Self-supervision status: Main menu/Diagnostics/Internal events

Status for inputs and outputs: Main menu/Test/Function status, browse to the
function group of interest.
Remote communication related signals: Main menu/Test/Function status/
Communication/Remote communication

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Section 10 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Testing functionality by secondary injection

Test the correct functionality by simulating different kind of faults. Also check that sent
and received data is correctly transmitted and read.

A test connection is shown in figure 47. A binary input signal (BI) at End1 is configured
to be transferred through the communication link to End2. At End2 the received signal is
configured to control a binary output (BO). Check at End2 that the BI signal is received
and the BO operates.

Repeat the test for all the signals configured to be transmitted over the communication

ANSI07000188 V1 EN

Figure 47: Test of RTC with I/O

10.17 Basic IED functions

10.17.1 Parameter setting group handling SETGRPS

Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Requirements" and
section "Preparing for test" in this chapter.

264 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 10
Testing functionality by secondary injection Verifying the settings

1. Check the configuration of binary inputs that control the selection of the active
setting group.
2. Browse to the ActiveGroup menu to achieve information about the active setting
The ActiveGroup menu is located on the local HMI underMain menu/Test/
Function status/Setting groups/ActiveGroup
3. Connect the appropriate dc voltage to the corresponding binary input of the IED and
observe the information presented on the local HMI.
The displayed information must always correspond to the activated input.
4. Check that the corresponding output indicates the active group.
Operating procedures for the PC aided methods of changing the active setting groups
are described in the corresponding PCM600 documents and instructions for the
operators within the SCS are included in the SCS documentation. Completing the test

Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode setting to
Disabled. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they were changed
for testing purposes.

10.18 Exit test mode

The following procedure is used to return to normal operation.

After exiting the IED test mode, make sure that the MU is returned to
normal mode.

1. Navigate to the test mode folder.

2. Change the Enable setting to Disable. Press the 'E' key and the left arrow key.
3. Answer YES, press the 'E' key and exit the menus.

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 11
Checking the directionality

Section 11 Checking the directionality

11.1 Overview

Before starting this process, all individual devices that are involved in the fault clearance
process of the protected object must have been individually tested and must be set in
operation. The circuit breaker must be ready for an open-close-open cycle.

The directional test is performed when the protected object is energized and a certain
amount of load current is available. It is also necessary to know the flow of the load current
(import or export, i.e. forward or reverse) by help of the indication from an external
instrument (energy-meter, or SCADA information).

The design of the test procedure depends on the type of protection function to be tested.
Some items that can be used as guidelines are the following.

11.2 Testing the directionality of the distance protection

The test is performed by looking at the information given by the High speed distance
protection ZMFPDIS, ZMFCPDIS or the directional function ZDRDIR or ZDMRDIR
whichever is used.

1. Make sure that all control and protection functions that belong to the object that are
going to be energized have been tested and are set to be in operation
2. Make sure that the primary load current fulfills the following conditions (by using an
external equipment):
The magnitude of the primary load current must be higher than the minimum
operating current set for the directional elements in the IED. In case of default
settings this means:
load current > 5% of base current
Otherwise the settings IMinOpPG and IMinOpPP for ZDRDIR or
ZDMRDIR are available under the HMI menu: Main menu/
Settings/IED Settings/Impedance protection/

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Section 11 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Checking the directionality

The primary load impedance must have an angle (PHI) between the setting angles for
the directional lines. In case of default settings this means:
for forward (exported) load: -15 deg < PHI < 115 deg
for reverse (imported) load: 165 deg < PHI < 295 deg
The settings for forward load: - ArgDir < PHI < ArgNegRes and the settings for
reverse load: 180 deg - ArgDir < PHI < 180 deg + ArgNegRes included in the
directional functions ZDRDIR or ZDMRDIR are available under the HMI menu:
Main menu/Settings/IED Settings/Impedance protection/
3. The directionality of the load current is shown by the High speed distance protection
ZMFPDIS or ZMFCPDIS under the HMI menu: Main menu/Test/Function status/
Impedance protection/HighSpeedDistance or by the directional function ZDRDIR
or ZDMRDIR and it is available under the HMI menu: Main menu/Test/Function
status/Impedance protection/DirectionalImpedance
The following will be shown if the load current flows in forward (exporting)
L1Dir = Forward
L2Dir = Forward
L3Dir = Forward
The following will be shown if the load current flows in the reverse direction
L1Dir = Reverse
L2Dir = Reverse
L3Dir = Reverse
Compare this result with the information given by the external equipment, it must be
the same. If the direction of the three phases is not the same, this is a sign of incorrect
connection of the voltage or current transformers serving the distance protection
function. It is also possible that there is a wrong setting for the earthing point for one
or more of the CTs serving distance protection (the setting name is: CTStarPoint
available under the HMI menu:Main menu/Configuration/Analog modules).
If the directional function shows forward when it should show reverse (or vice-versa)
for all the three phases, this probably means a wrong connection of CTs and/or VTs
serving the distance protection, or it can mean a wrong setting of earthing point (the
setting name is : CTStarPoint) for all the three CTs, or it could mean a wrong setting
for the pre-processing blocks (3PhaseAnalogGroup under the HMI menu: Main
menu/Configuration/Analog modules) connected to the CTs/VTs and serving the
distance protection (verify that no wrong negation has been set; the setting name is:
If the directional function shows No direction for all the three phases it can mean
that the load current is below the minimum operating current or that the load

268 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

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1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 11
Checking the directionality

impedance has an angle which is outside the above given valid angles for determining
forward or reverse direction.
If the directional function shows No direction for only some of the three phases, this
probably means a wrong CTs/VTs connection.
4. The measured impedance information is available under the same menu. These
values are not affected by the minimum operating current setting of ZDRDIR or
ZDMRDIR and the measured values are shown any time the load current is higher
than 3% of the base current:
The measured impedance information can still be used to determine the direction of
the load. A positive resistance measured in all phases indicates a forward (exporting)
resistive load (active power), while a negative sign indicates a reverse (importing)
resistive load (active power). Usually it is enough to look at the resistive values to get
information of the load direction, that must anyway be compared with the indication
given by external equipment measuring the same power flow.

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Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 12
Commissioning and maintenance of the fault clearing system

Section 12 Commissioning and maintenance of the fault

clearing system

12.1 Commissioning tests

During commissioning all protection functions shall be verified with the setting values
used at each plant. The commissioning tests must include verification of all circuits by
highlighting the circuit diagrams and the configuration diagrams for the used functions.

Further, the settings for protection functions are tested and recorded carefully as outlined
for the future periodic maintenance tests.

The final testing includes primary verification of all directional functions where load
currents is checked on the local HMI and in PCM600. The magnitudes and angles of all
currents and voltages should be checked and the symmetry verified.

Directional functions have information about the measured direction and, for example,
measured impedance. These values must be checked and verified as correct with the
export or import of power available.

Finally, final trip tests must be performed. This involves activation of protection functions
or tripping outputs with the circuit breaker closed and the tripping of the breaker verified.
When several breakers are involved, each breaker must be checked individually and it
must be verified that the other involved breakers are not tripped at the same time.

12.2 Periodic maintenance tests

The periodicity of all tests depends on several factors, for example the importance of the
installation, environmental conditions, simple or complex equipment, static or
electromechanical IEDs, and so on.

The normal maintenance practices of the user should be followed. However, ABB's
recommendation is as follows:

Every second to third year

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 271

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Section 12 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Commissioning and maintenance of the fault clearing system

Visual inspection of all equipment.

Removal of dust on ventilation louvres and IEDs if necessary.
Periodic maintenance test for protection IEDs of object where no redundant
protections are provided.

Every four to six years

Periodic maintenance test for protection IEDs of objects with redundant protection

First maintenance test should always be carried out after the first half year
of service.

When protection IEDs are combined with built-in control, the test interval
can be increased drastically, up to for instance 15 years, because the IED
continuously reads service values, operates the breakers, and so on.

12.2.1 Visual inspection

Prior to testing, the protection IEDs should be inspected to detect any visible damage that
may have occurred (for example, dirt or moisture deposits, overheating).

Make sure that all IEDs are equipped with covers.

12.2.2 Maintenance tests

To be made after the first half year of service, then with the cycle as proposed above and
after any suspected maloperation or change of the IED setting.

Testing of protection IEDs shall preferably be made with the primary circuit de-energized.
The IED cannot protect the circuit during testing. Trained personnel may test one IED at
a time on live circuits where redundant protection is installed and de-energization of the
primary circuit is not allowed.

ABB protection IEDs are preferably tested by aid of components from the COMBITEST
testing system or FT test systems described in information B03-9510 E. Main components
are RTXP 8/18/24 test switch usually located to the left in each protection IED and RTXH
8/18/24 test handle, which is inserted in test switch at secondary testing. All necessary
operations such as opening of trip circuits, short-circuiting of current circuits and opening
of voltage circuits are automatically performed in the right order to allow for simple and
safe secondary testing even with the object in service.

272 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 12
Commissioning and maintenance of the fault clearing system

Important components of FT test system are FT1, FTx, FT19, FT19RS, FR19RX switches
and assemblies as well as FT-1 test plug. Preparation

Before starting maintenance testing, the test engineers should scrutinize applicable circuit
diagrams and have the following documentation available:
Test instructions for protection IEDs to be tested
Test records from previous commissioning and maintenance tests
List of valid settings
Blank test records to fill in measured values Recording

It is of utmost importance to carefully record the test results. Special test sheets covering
the frequency of test, date of test and achieved test values should be used. IED setting list
and protocols from previous tests should be available and all results should be compared
for differences. At component failures, spare equipment is used and set to the requested
value. A note of the exchange is made and the new measured values are recorded. Test
records for several years of testing should be stored in a common file for a station, or a part
of a station, to give a simple overview of the period of testing and achieved test values.
These test records are valuable when analysis of service disturbances shall be done. Secondary injection

The periodic maintenance test is done by secondary injection from a portable test set. Each
protection shall be tested according to the secondary injection test information for the
specific protection IED. Only the setting values adopted shall be checked for each
protection function. If the discrepancy between obtained value and requested set value is
too big the setting should be adjusted, the new value recorded and a note should be made
in the test record. Alarm test

When inserting the test handle of RTXP or using FT plugs, the alarm and event signalling
is normally blocked. This is done in the IED by setting the event reporting to Disabled
during the test. This can be done when the test handle is inserted or the IED is set to test
mode from the local HMI. At the end of the secondary injection test it should be checked
that the event and alarm signalling is correct by activating the events and performing some
selected tests.

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Section 12 1MRK 505 345-UUS A
Commissioning and maintenance of the fault clearing system Self supervision check

Once secondary testing has been completed, it should be checked that no self-supervision
signals are activated continuously or sporadically. Especially check the time
synchronization system, GPS or other, and communication signals, both station
communication and remote communication. Trip circuit check

When the protection IED undergoes an operational check, a tripping pulse is normally
obtained on one or more of the output contacts and preferably on the test switch. The
healthy circuit is of utmost importance for the protection operation. If the circuit is not
provided with a continuous trip-circuit supervision, it is possible to check that circuit is
really closed when the test-plug handle has been removed by using a high-ohmic
voltmeter and measuring between the plus and the trip output on the panel. The
measurement is then done through the trip coil of the circuit breaker and therefore the
complete trip circuit is checked.

Note that the breaker must be closed.

Please observe that the test system does not provide built-in security
during this test. If the instrument should be set on Amp instead of Volts,
the circuit breaker naturally is tripped, therefore, great care is necessary.

Trip circuit from trip IEDs to circuit breaker is often supervised by trip-circuit
supervision. It can then be checked that a circuit is healthy by opening tripping output
terminals in the cubicle. When the terminal is opened, an alarm shall be achieved on the
signal system after a delay of some seconds.

Remember to close the circuit directly after the test and tighten the
terminal carefully. Measurement of service currents

After a maintenance test it is recommended to measure the service currents and service
voltages recorded by the protection IED. The service values are checked on the local HMI
or in PCM600. Ensure that the correct values and angles between voltages and currents are
recorded. Also check the direction of directional functions such as Distance and
directional overcurrent functions.

274 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 12
Commissioning and maintenance of the fault clearing system

For transformer differential protection, the achieved differential current value is

dependent on the tap changer position and can vary between less than 1% up to perhaps
10% of rated current. For line differential functions, the capacitive charging currents can
normally be recorded as a differential current.

The zero-sequence current to ground-fault protection IEDs should be measured. The

current amounts normally very small but normally it is possible to see if the current circuit
is "alive".

The neutral-point voltage to an ground-fault protection IED is checked. The voltage is

normally 0.1 to 1V secondary. However, voltage can be considerably higher due to
harmonics. Normally a CVT secondary can have around 2.5 - 3% third-harmonic voltage. Restoring

Maintenance is very important to improve the availability of the protection system by

detecting failures before the protection is required to operate. There is however little point
in testing healthy equipment and then putting it back into service with an open terminal,
with a removed fuse or open miniature circuit breaker with an open connection, wrong
setting, and so on.

Thus a list should be prepared of all items disturbed during test so that all can be put back
into service quickly and without overlooking something. It should be put back into service
item by item and signed by the responsible engineer.

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 275

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 13

Section 13 Glossary

AC Alternating current
ACC Actual channel
ACT Application configuration tool within PCM600
A/D converter Analog-to-digital converter
ADBS Amplitude deadband supervision
ADM Analog digital conversion module, with time synchronization
AI Analog input
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AR Autoreclosing
ASCT Auxiliary summation current transformer
ASD Adaptive signal detection
ASDU Application service data unit
AWG American Wire Gauge standard
BBP Busbar protection
BFOC/2,5 Bayonet fibre optic connector
BFP Breaker failure protection
BI Binary input
BIM Binary input module
BOM Binary output module
BOS Binary outputs status
BR External bistable relay
BS British Standards
BSR Binary signal transfer function, receiver blocks
BST Binary signal transfer function, transmit blocks
C37.94 IEEE/ANSI protocol used when sending binary signals between
CAN Controller Area Network. ISO standard (ISO 11898) for serial

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 277

Commissioning manual
Section 13 1MRK 505 345-UUS A

CB Circuit breaker
CBM Combined backplane module
CCITT Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and
Telephony. A United Nations-sponsored standards body within
the International Telecommunications Union.
CCM CAN carrier module
CCVT Capacitive Coupled Voltage Transformer
Class C Protection Current Transformer class as per IEEE/ ANSI
CMPPS Combined megapulses per second
CMT Communication Management tool in PCM600
CO cycle Close-open cycle
Codirectional Way of transmitting G.703 over a balanced line. Involves two
twisted pairs making it possible to transmit information in both
COM Command
COMTRADE Standard Common Format for Transient Data Exchange format
for Disturbance recorder according to IEEE/ANSI C37.111,
1999 / IEC60255-24
Contra-directional Way of transmitting G.703 over a balanced line. Involves four
twisted pairs, two of which are used for transmitting data in both
directions and two for transmitting clock signals
COT Cause of transmission
CPU Central processing unit
CR Carrier receive
CRC Cyclic redundancy check
CROB Control relay output block
CS Carrier send
CT Current transformer
CU Communication unit
CVT or CCVT Capacitive voltage transformer
DAR Delayed autoreclosing
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (The US
developer of the TCP/IP protocol etc.)
DBDL Dead bus dead line

278 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
1MRK 505 345-UUS A Section 13

DBLL Dead bus live line

DC Direct current
DFC Data flow control
DFT Discrete Fourier transform
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DIP-switch Small switch mounted on a printed circuit board
DI Digital input
DLLB Dead line live bus
DNP Distributed Network Protocol as per IEEE Std 1815-2012
DR Disturbance recorder
DRAM Dynamic random access memory
DRH Disturbance report handler
DSP Digital signal processor
DTT Direct transfer trip scheme
EHV network Extra high voltage network
EIA Electronic Industries Association
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
EMF Electromotive force
EMI Electromagnetic interference
EnFP End fault protection
EPA Enhanced performance architecture
ESD Electrostatic discharge
F-SMA Type of optical fibre connector
FAN Fault number
FCB Flow control bit; Frame count bit
FOX 20 Modular 20 channel telecommunication system for speech, data
and protection signals
FOX 512/515 Access multiplexer
FOX 6Plus Compact time-division multiplexer for the transmission of up to
seven duplex channels of digital data over optical fibers
FTP File Transfer Protocol
FUN Function type

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 279

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Section 13 1MRK 505 345-UUS A

G.703 Electrical and functional description for digital lines used by

local telephone companies. Can be transported over balanced
and unbalanced lines
GCM Communication interface module with carrier of GPS receiver
GDE Graphical display editor within PCM600
GI General interrogation command
GIS Gas-insulated switchgear
GOOSE Generic object-oriented substation event
GPS Global positioning system
GSAL Generic security application
GSE Generic substation event
HDLC protocol High-level data link control, protocol based on the HDLC
HFBR connector type Plastic fiber connector
HMI Human-machine interface
HSAR High speed autoreclosing
HV High-voltage
HVDC High-voltage direct current
IDBS Integrating deadband supervision
IEC International Electrical Committee
IEC 60044-6 IEC Standard, Instrument transformers Part 6: Requirements
for protective current transformers for transient performance
IEC 60870-5-103 Communication standard for protection equipment. A serial
master/slave protocol for point-to-point communication
IEC 61850 Substation automation communication standard
IEC 6185081 Communication protocol standard
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE 802.12 A network technology standard that provides 100 Mbits/s on
twisted-pair or optical fiber cable
IEEE P1386.1 PCI Mezzanine Card (PMC) standard for local bus modules.
References the CMC (IEEE P1386, also known as Common
Mezzanine Card) standard for the mechanics and the PCI
specifications from the PCI SIG (Special Interest Group) for the
electrical EMF (Electromotive force).

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IEEE 1686 Standard for Substation Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs)

Cyber Security Capabilities
IED Intelligent electronic device
I-GIS Intelligent gas-insulated switchgear
IOM Binary input/output module
Instance When several occurrences of the same function are available in
the IED, they are referred to as instances of that function. One
instance of a function is identical to another of the same kind but
has a different number in the IED user interfaces. The word
"instance" is sometimes defined as an item of information that is
representative of a type. In the same way an instance of a
function in the IED is representative of a type of function.
IP 1. Internet protocol. The network layer for the TCP/IP protocol
suite widely used on Ethernet networks. IP is a connectionless,
best-effort packet-switching protocol. It provides packet
routing, fragmentation and reassembly through the data link
2. Ingression protection, according to IEC 60529
IP 20 Ingression protection, according to IEC 60529, level
IP20- Protected against solid foreign objects of 12.5mm
diameter and greater.
IP 40 Ingression protection, according to IEC 60529, level IP40-
Protected against solid foreign objects of 1mm diameter and
IP 54 Ingression protection, according to IEC 60529, level
IP54-Dust-protected, protected against splashing water.
IRF Internal failure signal
IRIG-B: InterRange Instrumentation Group Time code format B,
standard 200
ITU International Telecommunications Union
LAN Local area network
LIB 520 High-voltage software module
LCD Liquid crystal display
LDCM Line differential communication module
LDD Local detection device
LED Light-emitting diode

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Section 13 1MRK 505 345-UUS A

LNT LON network tool

LON Local operating network
MCB Miniature circuit breaker
MCM Mezzanine carrier module
MIM Milli-ampere module
MPM Main processing module
MVAL Value of measurement
MVB Multifunction vehicle bus. Standardized serial bus originally
developed for use in trains.
NCC National Control Centre
NOF Number of grid faults
NUM Numerical module
OCO cycle Open-close-open cycle
OCP Overcurrent protection
OEM Optical Ethernet module
OLTC On-load tap changer
OTEV Disturbance data recording initiated by other event than start/
OV Overvoltage
Overreach A term used to describe how the relay behaves during a fault
condition. For example, a distance relay is overreaching when
the impedance presented to it is smaller than the apparent
impedance to the fault applied to the balance point, that is, the
set reach. The relay sees the fault but perhaps it should not
have seen it.
PCI Peripheral component interconnect, a local data bus
PCM Pulse code modulation
PCM600 Protection and control IED manager
PC-MIP Mezzanine card standard
PMC PCI Mezzanine card
POR Permissive overreach
POTT Permissive overreach transfer trip
Process bus Bus or LAN used at the process level, that is, in near proximity
to the measured and/or controlled components

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PSM Power supply module

PST Parameter setting tool within PCM600
PT ratio Potential transformer or voltage transformer ratio
PUTT Permissive underreach transfer trip
RASC Synchrocheck relay, COMBIFLEX
RCA Relay characteristic angle
RISC Reduced instruction set computer
RMS value Root mean square value
RS422 A balanced serial interface for the transmission of digital data in
point-to-point connections
RS485 Serial link according to EIA standard RS485
RTC Real-time clock
RTU Remote terminal unit
SA Substation Automation
SBO Select-before-operate
SC Switch or push button to close
SCL Short circuit location
SCS Station control system
SCADA Supervision, control and data acquisition
SCT System configuration tool according to standard IEC 61850
SDU Service data unit
SLM Serial communication module.
SMA connector Subminiature version A, A threaded connector with constant
SMT Signal matrix tool within PCM600
SMS Station monitoring system
SNTP Simple network time protocol is used to synchronize
computer clocks on local area networks. This reduces the
requirement to have accurate hardware clocks in every
embedded system in a network. Each embedded node can
instead synchronize with a remote clock, providing the required
SOF Status of fault

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Section 13 1MRK 505 345-UUS A

SPA Strmberg Protection Acquisition (SPA), a serial master/slave

protocol for point-to-point and ring communication.
SRY Switch for CB ready condition
ST Switch or push button to trip
Starpoint Neutral/Wye point of transformer or generator
SVC Static VAr compensation
TC Trip coil
TCS Trip circuit supervision
TCP Transmission control protocol. The most common transport
layer protocol used on Ethernet and the Internet.
TCP/IP Transmission control protocol over Internet Protocol. The de
facto standard Ethernet protocols incorporated into 4.2BSD
Unix. TCP/IP was developed by DARPA for Internet working
and encompasses both network layer and transport layer
protocols. While TCP and IP specify two protocols at specific
protocol layers, TCP/IP is often used to refer to the entire US
Department of Defense protocol suite based upon these,
including Telnet, FTP, UDP and RDP.
TEF Time delayed gound-fault protection function
TLS Transport Layer Security
TM Transmit (disturbance data)
TNC connector Threaded Neill-Concelman, a threaded constant impedance
version of a BNC connector
TP Trip (recorded fault)
TPZ, TPY, TPX, TPS Current transformer class according to IEC
TRM Transformer Module. This module transforms currents and
voltages taken from the process into levels suitable for further
signal processing.
TYP Type identification
UMT User management tool
Underreach A term used to describe how the relay behaves during a fault
condition. For example, a distance relay is underreaching when
the impedance presented to it is greater than the apparent
impedance to the fault applied to the balance point, that is, the
set reach. The relay does not see the fault but perhaps it should
have seen it. See also Overreach.

284 Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI

Commissioning manual
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UTC Coordinated Universal Time. A coordinated time scale,

maintained by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures
(BIPM), which forms the basis of a coordinated dissemination
of standard frequencies and time signals. UTC is derived from
International Atomic Time (TAI) by the addition of a whole
number of "leap seconds" to synchronize it with Universal Time
1 (UT1), thus allowing for the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit,
the rotational axis tilt (23.5 degrees), but still showing the
Earth's irregular rotation, on which UT1 is based. The
Coordinated Universal Time is expressed using a 24-hour
clock, and uses the Gregorian calendar. It is used for aeroplane
and ship navigation, where it is also sometimes known by the
military name, "Zulu time." "Zulu" in the phonetic alphabet
stands for "Z", which stands for longitude zero.
UV Undervoltage
WEI Weak end infeed logic
VT Voltage transformer
X.21 A digital signalling interface primarily used for telecom
3IO Three times zero-sequence current.Often referred to as the
residual or the ground-fault current
3VO Three times the zero sequence voltage. Often referred to as the
residual voltage or the neutral point voltage

Line differential protection RED670 2.1 ANSI 285

Commissioning manual
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