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An Accident That Should Never Have Happened: The International Maritime Human Element Bulletin

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The International Maritime Human Element Bulletin

Issue No. 33 September 2013

ISSN 1747-5015

An accident that should never have happened

The role of
human behaviour at sea p3
M a Lin had enjoyed the voyage. Hed
received the extra training he wished for
as well as gaining good experience as a deck
towards the hold access with the intention of
seeing what assistance might be needed.
As the boatswain reached the open hold access
repairman on a modern bulk carrier. He was
hatch, he looked down and saw Ma Lin lying,
pleased to think that he was improving himself
apparently unconscious, on the landing below.
and would soon be eligible to apply for work as
The second mate arrived at that moment and
an engine room fitter. Leave was beckoning and
immediately climbed down
he was looking forward to it as he opened the
hatch to gain access to the cargo hold. He swung The chief mate, to check the condition of
the deck repairman. He
his legs over the coaming and jauntily climbed
An A to Z of maritime down the ladder, followed by the Indian agent. as well as others got down to the landing,
but he felt giddy and
education and training p4-5 Life was good.
who overheard found it difficult to stay
The agent sniffed and, looking perplexed, he on his feet. With alarm
sniffed again wrinkling his nose. Uncertain, the radio he realized the problem
he held his breath and continued to follow the and, holding his breath, he
deck repairman down to the first landing. Ma communication, chased up the ladder and
Lin, by then also sensing something wrong, and, out through the opening,
panicking slightly as the penny dropped, grabbed did not under- where he pushed past the
the ladder and started to climb, two steps at a boatswain and ran aft to
time, towards the open hatch. The agent was hot stand that find the chief mate or
Operational integrity on his heels. Ma Lin lost consciousness near the master. On his way along
top, the rung slipped out of his grip and he toppled
the situation the passageway he passed
backwards, brushing past the agent as he fell to Qiao Hong, walking in the
the landing three metres below.
was critical
other direction. He didnt
say anything: he was focused on the need to raise
The agent scrambled to get out and, gulping the
the alarm with the officers and, besides, he was
fresher air, he made his way to the gangway guard
feeling ill and disorientated.
to tell him what had happened. In response, the
guard, told the Russian chief mate in broken Qiao Hong arrived at the access and was
English over his VHF radio that the deck instructed by the boatswain to climb down to the
repairman required assistance at the access to landing with a harness, which the boatswain had
No 6 hold. The chief mate, as well as others who just grabbed from a nearby store, and to fit it on
A Nautical Institute overheard the radio communication, did Ma Lin. The boatswain had just seen the second
project not understand that the situation was critical for mate climb down and return and, although he
Ma Lin. had noted the anxiety of the second mates
expression, he did not suspect that there might be
Using the VHF the chief mate instructed Qiao
risks involved.
Hong, the AB on watch, to go to help the deck
sponsored by repairman. Qiao Hong, who was qualified and Qiao Hong, knowing nothing of the
The Lloyds Register time served, headed for the starboard main deck circumstances, climbed down to do as he had been
Foundation passageway to assist his friend. The boatswain, instructed. As soon as he reached the landing he
a level-headed experienced man in his late fifties, felt ill and, gasping, had just started to climb back
and the 31 year old Ukranian second mate also up again when he, too, passed out and fell back
overheard the conversation and, they too, headed across the prone, limp body of his friend
David Squire, FNI FCMI

O ur cover article tells a sad tale of an accident
that should never have happened. It
demonstrates a lack of awareness (education) of
Issue No. 6 - Competent people make
the difference
what constitutes an enclosed space and of the pdf ) and its associated video:
dangers of entering such spaces without taking the
necessary precautions; and a lack of training and
drills in rescue procedures. Issue No. 20 - Education, training & career
development crucial for safe operations ( www.
There have been a number of initiatives aimed!_20.pdf )
at improving the awareness of the dangers and its associated video:
of entering enclosed spaces, not least: IMO
The Editor
Resolution A.1050(27) - Revised recommendations
Alert! for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships ( http:// Issue No. 29 - It takes a special sort of person
The Nautical Institute to be a maritime educator and instructor ( www.
php3 ); the Marine Accident Investigators!_29.pdf )
202 Lambeth Road
International Forum (MAIIF) Enclosed Space In Issue No. 6, we describe Education as:
London SE1 7LQ
Entry safety poster and screensaver ( www.
United Kingdom ); the The gradual process of acquiring knowledge
UK Merchant Navy Training Board (MNTB) through learning and instruction, and the criteria for short course training for Entry into development of personal attributes through
Enclosed Spaces ( upbringing and observation and gaining
Short-Course-Criteria---covering-STCW-95 ); and knowledge through textbooks.
Captain Michael Lloyd has written extensively And we describe Training as:
on this subject in The Nautical Institutes
journal Seaways, his most recent article can be The development of skills or knowledge
downloaded from: through instruction or practice, which is a
published/he01145.pdf planned systematic development of the aptitude,
knowledge, understanding, skill, attitude and
The IMOs 92nd Maritime Safety Committee behaviour pattern required by an individual, so
(MSC 92) recently adopted amendments that he/she can adequately carry out a given task
to SOLAS regulation III/19, on emergency or perform in a particular job.
training and drills, to mandate enclosed-space
entry and rescue drills, which will require crew However, in everything we do, there are elements
members with enclosed-space entry or rescue of education and training, particularly when
responsibilities to participate in an enclosed-space addressing the role of human behaviour in respect
entry and rescue drill at least once every two to safety at sea, safety culture change programs or
months. The amendments are expected to enter the development and recognition of people.
into force on 1 January 2015.
The centrespread in this Issue offers some
This Issue of Alert! focusses on Education and thoughts on this subject by way of an A to Z of
Training. It complements what has been said in: Education and Training.

Reports & Studies

Mentoring at Sea - The 10 Minute Challenge Gaming meets Training The Teamsafety Project
Captain Andr L. Le Goubin Steven Gosling

Introducing The Nautical Institutes most recent publication, A select group of European maritime stakeholders have been
Captain Le Goubin explains why mentoring is so vital - and why collaborating in an EU funded research project, the aim of which
it is a role that everyone should be ready to take on is to design and implement an innovative 3D virtual training
platform for seafarer safety training. This paper describes the
work of the Teamsafety project
Downloadable from: Downloadable from:

Join us on the following sites

2 | Alert! | September 2013

The role of human behaviour in safety at sea

The authors
T he authors of the UK Maritime and
Coastguard Agency (MCA) book The Human
Element: a guide to human behaviour in the
message that we all act and behave differently in
different situations and under different external
and internal pressures. The one element that
of the UK shipping industry - have teamed up with a underpins our operations, both ashore and at sea,
maritime training film maker to produce a film and which is so difficult to predict is the human
Maritime and about the role of human behaviour in safety being - our interaction with other people and with
at sea. the equipment we use to carry out our duties. It
Coastguard The film uses a dramatic story to show how
is therefore critical to understand this if we are to
continue to improve and grow the safety cultures
a series of relatively minor oversights and
and standards right across the industry. The
Agency misjudgements by different crew members can
comprehensive understanding and corresponding
work together to create a major incident at sea.
application of the human element are keys to
The film shows how the story unfolds from the
(MCA) book: very different perspectives of each of the five crew
that success.
members involved.
The Human The Human Element: a guide to human behaviour in
Iain Bruce, Health and Safety Manager & DPA
the shipping industry can be downloaded from:
at BP Shipping Ltd, tells how this film has been
Element - have put to good effect as a teaching aid.
The MCA publication The Human Element: a
teamed up guide to human behaviour in the shipping industry
has been well received in BP Shipping and has
with a mari- raised our awareness of how states of mind,
decisions and behaviours impact and affect not
time training only the way that we work, perform and act but
also how these actions can and will affect those
around us.
film maker to
My previous experience as an investigator for
produce a film BP Shippings Marine Incident Investigation
Team has shown me that one common theme in
any incident is that there is always an element
about the role of human interaction that either had a direct
causal link to an incident or contributed to it. For further information about the film, go to:
of human The challenge for me has always been how
best to make the link between the content and
behaviour in themes contained within the book and everyday
situations, bringing the contents and themes to life
so that everyone can understand them.
safety at sea.
In BP Shipping we used to do this with case
studies to tell the story of an incident, asking
individuals what they would have done in a
similar situation as the story unfolds. This was
successful to a degree, but the difficulty came
when trying to relay the human element behind
these cases.
This year the fleet operations team has been using
the newly released Human Element DVD at its
regular sea staff briefing sessions. The DVD tells
the story of a series of relatively minor, seemingly
unconnected, events which together culminate in
the grounding of a vessel. The feedback we have
received thus far, following these sessions, has
been excellent. The content has been described as
thought provoking and insightful. The DVD has
also been used with the shore staff with similar
success and praise.
The Human Element DVD does deliver a clear

September 2013 | Alert! | 3


An A to Z of maritime education and training

Public awareness and understanding of the maritime
industry and the vital role it plays in sustaining day-to-day life
around the world, especially for the promotion of careers in
she can adequately carry out a given task or perform in a
particular job
Alert! Issue No. 6, page 1!_6.pdf

the maritime industry

Knowledge and understanding of a ship and its systems
EST PRACTICE Alert! Issue No. 8, page 1
Voluntary training standards beyond the requirements!_8.pdf
of SOLAS and STCW, such as:
ISM Code, Article 6.3:
The Tanker Officer Training Standard (TOTS)

OMPETENCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM A process for helping a newcomer to the industry to settle
Identifying present and future competence needs, into new working and social environments
facilitating comprehensive communication between sea and

shore regarding training, and turning competence goals into
business results AP ANALYSIS
Alert! Issue No. 20, page 3 Assessing the gap between the knowledge, skills!_20.pdf and attitudes that the people in the organization currently
possess against the knowledge, skills and attitudes that they
Alert! Issue No. 31, page 6 require to meet the organizations objectives. The root of!_31.pdf a training Needs Analysis (TNA) a review of learning and

development needs for staff within the organisation
Alert! Issue No. 11, page 2
Learning that takes place with the instructor and
learner(s) in physically separate locations!_11.pdf
e-learning - learning that is primarily in an electronic format,
i.e., Computer-Based Training (CBT), which may or may not learning-talent-development-needs.aspx
involve the internet
The Manila Amendments to the Seafarers Training,
STCW prescribed mandatory training requirements in
Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Code, Regulation resource management, leadership and teamworking skills
B-I/6 Art 6-11 at operational level, and leadership and managerial skills at management levels
Work-based learning - the development of vocational The Manila Amendments to the Seafarers Training,
learning and skills whereby the student has the opportunity Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Code
to apply in the workplace the academic knowledge acquired

while at University/College
Understanding the cultural backgrounds, beliefs and
Self-directed learning - A process in which students take
attitudes of different nationality groups
the initiative to diagnose their learning needs, formulate
learning goals, identify resources for learning, select and
implement learning strategies, and evaluate learning intelligence.htm
Blended learning - a flexible approach to delivery that
combines distance learning/ e-learning/ work-based
learning with face-to-face university/college teaching/
The first stage in the process of defining the nature and
purpose of the role and the skills and attributes needed to
learning methods

carry out a job, which forms the basis of a job description and
ducation & training person specification
Education the gradual process of acquiring knowledge

through learning and instruction. The development of
personal attributes through upbringing and observation and NOWLEDGE, SKILLS & ATTRIBUTES
gaining knowledge through textbooks The key components of a Competency Framework
Training - the development of skills or knowledge through Knowledge - the theoretical or practical understanding of
instruction or practice. A planned systematic development a subject
of the aptitude, knowledge, understanding, skill, attitude Skill - proficiency that is acquired or developed through
and behaviour pattern required by an individual, so that he/ training or experience

To access all the source documents, scan the QR Code

Attribute a quality or characteristic of a person

Alert! Issues 22-30

Ongoing learning activity, to improve knowledge,
skills and competence. A key component of Continuing
Professional Development (CPD) - the process that enables
maritime professionals to take control of their own learning
and development by carrying out activities that ensure they

are competent and successful throughout their career, both
at sea and ashore EMINDERS
Alert! Issue No. 20, page 6 The use of aide-mmoires, performance aids, reminder!_20.pdf cards, cribsheets, descriptive labels, etc. to assist the
teaching/ learning process

Alert! Issue No. 2, page 1

A work related or professionally based partnership
between two people which gives them the opportunity to IMULATION
share their professional and personal skills and experiences, A realistic imitation, in real time, of any shiphandling,
and to grow and develop in the process radar and navigation, propulsion, cargo/ballast or other ship-
Alert! Issue No. 31, page 8 system incorporating an interface suitable for interactive use
by the trainee or candidate either within or outside of the!_31.pdf operating environment

Encouraging seafarers to fulfil their career aspirations,
preparing them for promotion onboard or into shore
Ensuring that maritime college lecturers and trainers are
appropriately qualified to teach/train those competencies for
management, or directing them towards post-graduate which they are employed to teach and to have an up to date
education or advanced skills training to allow them to appreciation of modern day ship operations and of the new
diversify into the wider maritime sector technology aboard ships
Alert! Issue No. 20 Alert! Issue No. 6, page 6!_20.pdf!_6.pdf

Onboard continuation training and drills to ensure
Alert! Issue No. 20, page 2!_20.pdf

compliance with SOLAS/ISM and other international
conventions and resolutions, and for the updating of PDATING/REVALIDATION
individual skills The revalidation of certificates of competency
Alert! Issue No. 20, page 3 The Manila Amendments to the Seafarers Training,!_20.pdf Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Code, Regulation I/11

Improving personal awareness and identity, developing
Short films that can be viewed online or downloaded
to a PC or Mobile device, aimed at anyone with an interest in
talents and potential, building human capital and facilitating
employability the Maritime Human Element
centrespread_4.pdf W ORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
Developing and supporting people to ensure access

To verify the quality of maritime training providers
globally to a uniform standard
to a skilled and flexible workforce
Alert! Issue No. 20, page 6!_20.pdf
CertificationofManagementSystems.asp DevelopingPeople/Pages/default.aspx

Photo: Vario Images, VP 3673362, Student in shipping training room

SailSafe - transforming the safety culture of the company
Captain Jamie Marshall, Vice President, Fleet Operations, British Columbia Ferry Services Inc.

I n 2007 BC Ferries launched its flagship

safety culture change program SailSafe,
with a goal of transforming the safety
just culture, wherein employees are not
punished for honest mistakes or errors in
judgment, and instead learning is gleaned

look? And, what are we prepared to
do about it? These questions are
fundamental principles of the effort to
culture of the company and being a world from all opportunities. Because of this, identify, control and monitor risk.
leader in safety management. A simple employees never have a reason not to
3. Ownership -
approach was taken which included: report an incident or near-miss that
Generate Sound Local Procedures
engaging our people, the union and can serve as a learning experience for the
international expertise, integrating risk entire company. The most important elements of
management into daily operations, and safety in the workplace are: clarity
creating a learning culture through the A 5 Point Plan was developed as part of the
of tasks, suitability of equipment/tools
introduction of human factors knowledge at continued focus on safety: and the organization of the work that
all levels. 1. Communication - is done. These elements involve a level
Send a Positive Message of detail that requires a deep sense of
2012 saw the transition from the
local ownership.
implementation of a safety program to There are more lessons that can be
embodying safety as a normal part of all learned by looking at the good work 4. Education -
business activities, with the ultimate goal of that our employees do than by looking Develop a Learning Culture
SailSafe to be for the program to no longer at just the things that go wrong. By
be necessary as safety becomes completely Rather than experience the traditional
focusing on increasing the number of saw tooth learning curve - learning
ingrained in every activity undertaken things that go right, we reduce the
every day at BC Ferries. lessons the hard way then slowly
number of things that go wrong. forgetting until the next big accident -
By April of 2013 nearly 4,500 ALERTs we seek to institutionalize learning in
2. Preparedness -
(identified hazards or near misses) had order to create a smooth, and continuous
Anticipate, Plan and Rehearse
been submitted by employees. This wealth upward learning curve.
of learning events has been fostered by How far into the future and deep
a shift in safety culture, specifically to a beneath the surface are we willing to 5. Health & Wellness -
Create a Healthy Workplace
BC Ferries business success depends
Operational Risk Management Process not only on a skilled workforce but
If clarity of tasks, suitability of equipment or organization of work could be improved also a healthy workforce. The health
to make work safer at your worksite, then the Operational Risk Management and the lifestyle choices made by an
Process (ORMP) is for you. employee are important considerations
The ORMP is a process that allows us to critically analyze the way that our work not only for determining an employees
is organized, using risk management principles and includes the following individual risk of injury but also for
escalating steps to ensure the most appropriate assessment of risk: injury recovery and overall long
term health.
1: Initial Assessment Report (IAR)
Used to assess and document urgent identied hazards, learning events, accidents Acknowledging that safety cannot be
or violence in the workplace managed from behind a desk, in the past
A key input to the Risk Register used to capture, share and monitor risk year BC Ferries piloted a new resilience
information and solutions engineering based approach by conducting
May lead to a Task Analysis, Risk Assessment or Site Investigation to better operational readiness exercises on seven
understand the risk vessels. By delivering realistic training
scenarios vessel teams were able to
2: Task Analysis (TA) embrace the concept of performance
Primary means for a worksite to review local procedures and improve them, as adjustments under varying conditions to
required, to reect the work as done rather than the work as imagined ensure success and learning from mistakes.
A qualitative analysis of a procedure to reect work as done rather than work as The result was improved cross-departmental
imagined, involving supervisors and workers who know the procedure coordination, more competent vessel teams
Relies on employee involvement to thoroughly explore the work procedure from and higher morale.
the perspective of safety, quality and eciency
Employees receive basic awareness training in risk management Overall, through a combination of
continually pushing for change and
3: Risk Assessment (RA) introducing new and more sophisticated
Addresses more complex risks in order to improve the overall system safety tools, we have seen a renewed
RA sessions guided and assisted by trained and experienced facilitators vitality in the safety performance at
BC Ferries.

6 | Alert! | September 2013

Operational integrity - recognising and developing people
Elpiniki Stylogianni, HR Manager, Almi Tankers S.A, Greece

we have adopted
I n July 2011, Almi Tankers became the first oil
tanker management company worldwide to be
fully recognised according to the UKs Investors
The IIP framework helps to establish an inclusive
and rewarding working environment, in which
people are given the opportunity to contribute to
in People Standard, following an audit by target and objective setting and are encouraged
the value of IIP International at the companys head office to identify the training activities and support they
in Athens. need in order to perform better.

operational We believe that a tanker management company By involving people in these processes and
needs to be totally trusted to deliver a reliable empowering them to make decisions and take
service that is safe, environmentally responsible actions with the support rather than specific
integrity as our and punctual. This is why we have adopted the direction of management, you encourage a sense
value of operational integrity as our guiding of ownership amongst individuals for the tasks in
guiding principle. principle. This means reliability, responsibility and which they are involved.
trustworthiness. It is an ethos that is expected of
Almi Tankers is very proud to have become the
This means all members of the team at all levels.
first tanker management company in the world
The Investors in People (IIP) standard, which to be fully recognised according to the Standard
reliability, demonstrates commitment to growth and to and look forward to continuing our work with
improving business performance through the the team at IIP International in order to reach the
responsibility development and recognition of people at all highest levels of recognition.
levels, helps us adhere to our values; it has already
enabled us to achieve our initial vision of growing
and trust- For further information about Investors in People go to:
into a reliable tanker management company
characterised by its operational integrity.
worthiness. It is
Almi Tankers has always recognised people to be
a companys most important resource. For this
an ethos that is

expected of all
reason, the company sought IIP recognition from
the outset of its activities. YOUR PRIORITY:
The IIP Standard was developed in 1990 in
members of the
collaboration with leading UK businesses of
all sizes and has become well recognised the
team at all levels.
world over. The Standard provides a framework
of principles that are used to improve business
performance and competitiveness through a
planned approach to setting and communicating
business objectives. The accomplishment of these
objectives is achieved through the involvement
and development of people.
The IIP Standard is one which can benefit any
organisation, building an organisational culture of
continuous improvement. For us, IIP recognition
is a method of demonstrating our belief that our
people are our most valuable asset.
The Standard represents a best practice in human
resources by matching what people can do and
what they are motivated to do with what the
organisation expects them to achieve.
Furthermore, the framework helps people
understand why their role is important in the
achievement of the organisations goals. In an
industry as dynamic as shipping, it is important
that team members from all levels are fully
committed to and engaged in the companys
objectives and the important concept of
continuous improvement.

September 2013 | Alert! | 7

Trainee Induction
I nduction is a process for helping a
trainee to settle into new working and
social environments. There are two periods
Company induction
The purpose of the company induction
It is during the first few weeks on board
that new trainees attitudes and impressions
will be firmly shaped and which will
should be to engender in the trainee a
where a new entrant may find him/herself determine whether they stay or leave
sense of belonging to that company. The
feeling vulnerable, that is: during the first after the first trip. Onboard induction is
following subject areas are suggested
semester at college and then during the first an ongoing process that is only complete
for inclusion:
sea phase. It is important, therefore, that when the trainee feels accepted as a valued
the trainee is made fully aware of what the
college and company expect of them, of
An introduction to the company, its member of the ships team. But, the trainee
mission and organisational structure also has an important role in this process:
what they should expect of the company attentiveness and a willingness to learn
and college and of what they should expect Communications will engender support from the whole
of those who will be responsible for their
onboard training.
The Training agreement ships team.

The induction process should start at

Conditions of service (pay and Everyone who comes into contact with the
new trainee will have some influence on
allowances, subsistence, leave etc)
the initial interview, during which the the induction process. Successful induction
prospective trainee must be made aware of Required standards of dress is based on pre-planning - having some
the various social and cultural issues that formalised system that is thought out before
could affect their decision as to whether Safety the trainee arrives. The Master will have
they are suited for a career at sea: Accommodation/living arrangements ultimate responsibility in ensuring that
the companys induction procedures are
1. On board environment Discipline and complaints procedure, implemented on board, but it will usually
including bullying and discrimination be the new trainees immediate supervisor
The trainee could easily feel socially who will carry out the induction process.
isolated, especially during the first trip
(With grateful thanks to the UK Merchant Navy
to sea, if the first language of the trainee College/university induction Training Board)
is not that of the majority of those
The first college/university phase is often
serving onboard.
referred to as pre-sea training. As such it
should cover an outline of the industry
2. Discrimination
and its organisation; ship familiarisation;
In what is a male-dominated industry, it survival and safety; accident prevention;
practical seamanship; health and hygiene The International Maritime
is important that women trainees are not
Human Element Bulletin
discriminated against. and further training opportunities.
Editor: David Squire, FNI
3. Attitude and motivation Published by the Nautical Institute, the
Shipboard induction worlds leading international professional
The attitude and motivation of the
The trainee will invariably arrive onboard body for qualified mariners
trainee is important if this is wrong it
can frustrate everything else. just as the ship is preparing to leave port.
Induction may not be really possible until Membership info:
4. Understanding different cultures the ship is underway, but it is extremely The opinions expressed herein are those of the editor
important that the trainee completes the or contributors and do not necessarily represent the views
The trainee must have an understanding Safety Induction programme before the of The Nautical Institute or Lloyds Register Foundation.
of the cultural backgrounds, beliefs and ship sails, The Nautical Institute and Lloyd's Register Foundation,
attitudes of the different nationality their affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective

groups with which they may work, both Every trainee should be entrusted to a officers, employees or agents are, individually and
collectively, referred to as 'The Nautical Institute
at college and at sea. responsible crew member to show them and Lloyd's Register Foundation'. The Nautical
their accommodation, explain the social Institute and Lloyd's Register Foundation assume
no responsibility and shall not be liable to any
arrangements and introduce them to other person for any loss, damage or expense caused
5. Understanding the risks
ship staff. The newcomer should then by reliance on the information or advice in this
Bulletin or howsoever provided, unless that person
The trainee must be made aware of be interviewed by the Master or head of has signed a contract with an entity from The Nautical
the risks that they may face when at sea, department who can explain about the Institute and Lloyd's Register Foundation for the
provision of this information or advice and in that
not least piracy and criminalisation of more formal aspects of employment, pay, case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the
the seafarer. disciplinary procedures etc. terms and conditions set out in that contract.
Design & artwork production by:
Jacamar (UK) Ltd +44 (0)23 92410108
This bulletin is distributed and promoted with the kind support of: Printing by: Indigo Press +44 (0)23 8023 1196
Global Maritime Education & Training Association (GlobalMET); International Federation of Shipmasters' Associations
(IFSMA); International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS); Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technol- Website by: Jacamar (UK) Ltd +44 (0)23 92410108
ogy (IMarEST); International Maritime Pilots' Association (IMPA); NewsLink; Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN); Royal Photography: Danny Cornelissen,
Institution of Naval Architects (RINA), +31625555172

8 | Alert! | September 2013

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