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EDU 512 Course Assignment - Components of Language Arts and Social Studies Chart

Content CCSS/1998 Teaching Strategies found throughout Assessment Strategies

Component Content Standards your texts.
Note the Content How do you assess this
List and Standard that How do you teach (or use) this component?
Describe the corresponds with the component?
concept or strategies you have Add text book pages so
selected where Add text book pages so this becomes a this becomes a support
component of appropriate. support document to carry forward into document to carry
language future courses and Student Teaching. forward into future
arts/social Copy and paste in Include 50 Strategies and 40 Strategies courses and Student
studies correct content box. and all texts and Frameworks where Teaching.
content. (See Standard sample appropriate.
under the
Content of 1) CULTURE Social Studies: Pg. 9: Using checklists
Social Studies 2) TIME, CONTINUITY, AND throughout the day teach
(list and give CHANGE students dependability.
brief 3) PEOPLE, PLACES, AND Pg. 7: Creating Classroom Rules: Overall established as a
description of ENVIRONMENTS Creating rules early in the year. collective process.
each content 4) INDIVIDUAL Creating a society in the classroom,
area S/A 1-4, ) DEVELOPMENT AND governed by the set rules. Applying
Stick to the IDENTITY benchmarks or applying different
BIG ideas of 5) INDIVIDUALS, GROUPS, learning opportunities to see whether
the content AND INSTITUTIONS or not the students understand Pg. 13: Using various
areas. Use 6) POWER, AUTHORITY, classroom expectations. examples seen throughout
the 10 AND GOVERNACE the world will assist in
National 7) PRODUCTION, teaching students how to
Content DISTRIBUTION AND work with one another
Strands to CONSUMPTION Pg.11: Developing Multiple through understanding.
help organize 8) SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, Perspectives: Teaching students that Using a world assignment
your content. AND SOCIETY their worlds are often changed or where the students govern
9) GLOBAL CONNECTIONS forced to adapt due to the various parts of the world
10) CIVIC IDEALS AND people/influences around them. can help student work
PRACTICES Without conflict, teaching students that together to create better
understanding others and their roles situations for others.

widens thinking and helps understand
the opinion of others.

SDAIE Teachers must ensure that (1)Anticipatory kwl chart, (2) anticipatory (1) What I know, what I
Strategies for they use appropriate guide, (3) brainstorming, (4) choral reading. want to know, and then
EL Instruction scaffolds to provide access introduce objectives in
to a curriculum that is upcoming learning. (2)
cognitively complex, Students agree or disagree
rigorous and coherent, with questions or series of
focusing on grade-level, statements. (3) students
standards based concepts. work as a whole group
with the teacher. (4)
groups of students present
Higher Levels (From top to bottom) Establish learning goals, frameworks used Using these strategies will
of Critical Create: produce new or for organization, having the outcomes clarify then transpire to student
Thinking original work the objectives. habit. These will create a
Blooms Evaluate: Justify a stand or foundation in which to
Taxonomy decision Also, assists in helping teachers to plan and teach future lessons.
( from WWW Analyze: Draw connections deliver instruction, design appropriate
download 3-5 among ideas assessments, and ensure that instruction
articles) Apply: Use information in and assessments are consistently aligned
new situations. with objectives.
Understand: Explain ideas
or concepts.
Remember: Recall facts and
basic concepts.
Assessment Formal: State tests, Formal: High school CAHSEE. Using these strategies
Types/Define exams worth a grade or Informal: Having a classroom are all useful
Formal score. discussion activating prior knowledge. throughout a variety of
Informal Informal: observations, Rubrics: Criteria for an assignment lessons. Depending on
Rubrics discussions Authentic: meaningful connection made the situation the
Authenti Rubrics: Used for between lesson and students life. students responses are
assessment Portfolio: writing sample at the wide-ranging.
Authentic: meaningful beginning of the year to the end of the
Portfolio: Used for a year.
timespan to show

Data Based Assessment based on the What types of data is typically used? How does data based
Assessment quality and effectiveness of Where/how do teachers get useful data? assessment drive
(Define) lessons and interactions. instruction?
Behavioral, assessments, relationships
between students and teachers. Instruction is geared
towards delivering
effective strategies that
can help students on an
individual level improve
and progress.
Spelling CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.K.1c Phonics worksheets: write simple words with Assessments geared
(Regular plural nouns) short vowel sounds. towards total
CCSS.ELA-Literacy comprehension in order to
L.K.2c (Write letters for Simple sight word game establish a foundation to
sounds) deliver complex words.
CCSS.ELA- Word family worksheets
Literacy.L.K.2d (Spell
words phonetically) Word scrambles
Used to create connections KWL charts These strategies begin the
Background between lessons and Carousel brainstorming lesson with a sort of
Knowledge progress towards difficult Journals collaboration or discussion
concepts. Admit/entrance ticket in order to target prior
knowledge that will be
beneficial in the upcoming

6 Language 1) Listening: understanding spoken language 1) Listening to those

Arts Name, 2) Speaking: communicating ideas through around them.
Define, and Demonstrate command of the oral language. 2) Listening to variety of
Provide one conventions of standard English 3) Reading: Understanding written language sounds.
general grammar and usage when 4) Writing: communicating through written 3) Decode to sound and
teaching and writing or speaking. language then associate oral words
assessing 5) Viewing: understanding visual images and with experiences with
strategies for connecting them to accompany spoken or those words.
each written words. 4) Encompasses concepts
language art 6) Visually representing: presenting to make new connections.

strand. information through images either alone or 5) Convey information
alongside spoken or written words. needed for
6) Use of photographs,
drawings, graphs, maps,
and diagrams.
Knowledge Helps assessment
Acquisition 1) Vary practice activities informally and formally by
S/A Ch 5 Determine or clarify the 2) Distribute practice over extended periods 1) modeling the problem-
List meaning of unknown and of time solving process. 2)Design
Knowledge multiple-meaning words and 3) Break complex problems partially completed
Acquisition phrases based on grade 5 4) Provide students with fully completed examples for students to
models/strate reading and content, choosing sample problems. practice. 3) Sequence
gies flexibly from a range of 5) Provide plenty of opportunities to practice activities logically. 4)
strategies. applying problem-solving skills. Space practice activities
appropriately. 5) Monitor
student practice providing
guidance and feedback.
Knowledge 1) Developing and understanding the 1) Access prior knowledge.
Discovery S/A application domain. 2) Examples or data points
Ch. 6 List Use knowledge of language and 2) Creating a target data set 3) Remove missing values
Knowledge its conventions when writing, 3) Data cleaning and preprocessing 4) Find useful attributes
discovery speaking, reading, or listening. 4) Data reduction and projection 5) Classify data
models/strate 5) Choosing the data mining task 6) Generate patterns in
gies 6) Data Mine learning
7) Interpret patterns 7) Perform pattern
8) Discuss discovered knowledge. 8) Check for accuracy.
Content Area
Reading/ CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.5.9 Read different texts on a variety of academic Students will be able to
Reading Integrate information from topics at a various ranges of complexity. develop fluency,
Comprehensio several texts on the same topic - Select a topic within a content area comprehension, and
n in order to write or speak about - Identify books at appropriate reading vocabulary needed to read
the subject knowledgeably. levels and understand the
- Explore informational text and literature concepts and content
- Compare books taught in the classroom.
Visual Three ways of expressing
Language: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.5.1 System of communication using visual the ideas in our minds.
Viewing and Demonstrate command of the elements. 1) Create sounds.
Visually conventions of standard English 2) Move bodies
representing grammar and usage when 3) Draw images
(T. Ch. 6) writing or speaking.

Building CCSS.ELA- Integrationconnecting new vocabulary to Stage 1: Never having

Vocabulary T. LITERACY.CCRA.L.4 prior knowledge seen the term before
Ch. 7 Determine or clarify the Repetitionencountering/using the
meaning of unknown and word/concept many times Stage 2: Knowing there is
multiple-meaning words 3. Meaningful usemultiple opportunities to such a word, but not
and phrases by using use new words in reading, writing and soon knowing what it means
context clues, analyzing discussion.
meaningful word parts, and Stage 3: Having context-
consulting general and bound and vague
specialized reference knowledge of the word's
materials, as appropriate. meaning

Stage 4: Knowing the word

well and remembering it
Handwriting CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.4 Direct instruction Active involvement
With guidance and support
from adults, produce Teacher supervised practice Observing moving
writing in which the models and stop to
development and Mini lessons demonstrate proper
organization are execution if needed
appropriate to task and FOCUSED ON:
purpose. (Grade-specific - How the pencil is held Having students assist one
expectations for writing - How the paper is tilted another.
types are defined in - The slant in the letter
standards 1-3 above.) FOCUSED ON:
- Letter formation
- Size and proportion
- Spacing
- Slant
- Alignment
- Line quality

Grammar CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.3.1 1. Relate knowledge needs to learning Focus on a pattern of error.
Demonstrate command of goals
the conventions of standard 2. Apply higher order thinking skills Correct only the first
English grammar and usage 3. Provide plentiful, appropriate language instance of an error.
when writing or speaking. input
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.3.1.A 4. Use predicting skills Place a check mark in the
Explain the function of 5. Limit expectations for practice margin beside the line
nouns, pronouns, verbs, where the error occurs
adjectives, and adverbs in
general and their functions - Use of weekly mini lessons Discuss patterns and let
in particular sentences. - Student grammar presentations student edit.
- Conference tutorials
- Independent study guide and test

Listening (3 1) Informational listening (listening to learn) ******

types) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.5.1.C 1) Active Listening: ensure
Pose and respond to specific 2) Critical Listening (listening to evaluate a mutual understanding by
questions by making comments and analyze) giving verbal or non-verbal
that contribute to the feedback by asking
discussion and elaborate on the 3) Therapeutic or empathetic listening questions.
remarks of others. (listening to understand feeling and
emotion.) 2) Critical Listening:
evaluate the message with
logic while analyzing the
different arguments
provided by the speaker.

3) Content Listening:
Understanding and
retaining the information
provided by the speaker.
Talk (3 types) 1) Disputation talk 1) Lots of disagreement
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.5.1.A 2) Cumulative talk and everyone makes own
Come to discussions prepared, 3) Exploratory talk decisions.
having read or studied required 2) Everyone accepts and
material; explicitly draw on that agrees with what peers
preparation and other say.

information known about the 3) Everyone listens
topic to explore ideas under actively, people ask
discussion. questions, ideas may be
advanced Differentiation is key in Connect situational learning to personal lives This can be measured by
learners order to reach wide range in order to create a sense of self-motivation using a personal folder in
Depth and of students. Also, needing in students. which advanced students
Complexity to have a wide range of have additional
(All texts) instructional strategies to resources/activities to
fulfill all requirements of continue growth.
the curriculum.

Social Studies
Skills: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.5.5 Inquiry Assess for completion and
Map Skills Compare and contrast the expectations based off a
History/Tim overall structure (e.g., Generalizations rubric that students will be
elines chronology, comparison, able to easily compare to.
Political cause/effect, Visual projects that require collaboration
Cartoons/ problem/solution) of
(Nonwritte events, ideas, concepts, or
n information in two or more * These types of strategies add variety to
Information texts. lessons and engage both students creativity
) and knowledge of the content.

History-social Before:
Science CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.5.9 - Review vocabulary that will be Assess for completion and
teaching Integrate information from encountered in the reading expectations based off a
strategies several texts on the same - Connect prior knowledge rubric that students will be
required in topic in order to write or - Make predictions able to easily compare to.
TPE 1A speak about the subject - Identify text features (charts, tables,
Simulati knowledgeably. ect..)
ons - Set targets or objectives
Cultural During:
Artifacts - Drawing a non-linguistic
, - Asking questions about key ideas
Works of - Identify unfamiliar ideas, concepts, or
Art words to work with later
Literatur - Using questions, cues, and advance
e organizers
ive After:
Projects - Summarizing and note taking
Student - Comparing notes
Inquiry/R - Providing substantive homework and
esearch practice
- Reinforcing effort and providing

Writing 1. Prewriting 1. Find idea, build on idea,

Processes . plan and structure.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.1 2. Writing
Write opinion pieces on topics 3. Revision 2. Being sure not to stray
or texts, supporting a point of off topic.
view with reasons and 4. Editing
information. 3. A.R.R.R : Add, rearrange,
5. Publishing remove, replace

4. Fine tune manuscript for

grammar, spelling, and

5. Reach readers with

completed work.
Program CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.1 Creative writing programs Organizations used for
observed in Write opinion pieces on topics writers to expand their
school (ex. or texts, supporting a point of Poetry club strategies and learn new
Step up to view with reasons and ways to enhance their
Writing) information. writing.

/Writing for Quote accurately from a text Use prompts that are of interests and simple Providing new knowledge,
Information when explaining what the text to students. explaining a process,
says explicitly and when developing a concept.
drawing inferences from the Assist in learning appropriate text structures,
text. text features, and language through talk- Enumerating and clarifying
aloud. different types of writing,
defining, detailing
components, explaining
behavior or function, and
providing explanation of
Reading/Writi CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.4.10 I Am Poem
ng Poetry By the end of the year, Monitoring use of
read and comprehend Shape Poetry language:
literature, including stories, - Vocabulary choices
dramas, and poetry, in the Turn poems into illustrations - Similes
grades 4-5 text complexity - Metaphors
band proficiently, with Use music - Alliteration
scaffolding as needed at - Onomatopoeia
the high end of the range. - Assonance
- Rhyme
- Half rhyme
- Metre

Reading/Writi CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.4.2 Tompkins:
ng Stories Determine a theme of a Rubrics for specific
story, drama, or poem from Story sequences strategies.
details in the text; Story Maps
summarize the text. Student samples

50 Strategies: Peer review

Hot Seat

Providing Standard affiliated with Be specific as possible

individual specific grade and subject Be sure not to make
feedback to (4th-social studies) Sooner the better learners feel to strictly
all students monitored.
(All Texts- an Address the learners advancement towards
edTPA a goal Guidance in the right tone
requirement) eliminates a sense of
Present feedback carefully competition and alleviates
Involve learners in the process
RTI: Response A multi-tier approach to the Components: high quality, scientifically Students will receive
To early identification and based classroom instruction; ongoing targeted intervention that
Intervention support of students with student assessment, tiered instruction, and allows for adequate
learning and behavior parent involvement. progress to be made in the
needs. classroom.
Intervention Strategies used to monitor Seating student near teacher, seating near a Intervention strategies
Strategies and assess students by positive role model, giving extra time to need to be documented
Select one completing instruction complete tasks, handing worksheets out one and can be eliminated to
strategy from support through a team at a time, assign volunteer homework fit the diverse needs of the
each of the 7 referral process. buddy, pairing students to check work, students.
Parts in the providing visual aids, allowing open book
40 Strategies exams.
Part 1
Part 2

Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7


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