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5.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 5-1

5.2 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES...................................................................................... 5-1

5.2.1 Federal Government.......................................................................................... 5-1

5.2.2 State Government ............................................................................................. 5-2

5.2.3 Reforms in Water Resources Management Strategies ......................................... 5-4

5.3 LAWS ON STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ......................................................................... 5-4

5.3.1 Objective and Scope of the Review.................................................................... 5-4

5.3.2 Review of Laws ................................................................................................. 5-4

5.4 REVIEW OF EXISTING LEGISLATION .............................................................................. 5-5

5.4.1 Ownership of Water .......................................................................................... 5-6

5.4.2 Drainage, Building and Earhtworks .................................................................... 5-6

5.4.3 Flood Mitigation ................................................................................................ 5-7
5.4.4 Catchment Management.................................................................................... 5-7
5.4.5 Environmental Protection................................................................................... 5-7
5.4.6 Mining .............................................................................................................. 5-8
5.4.7 Stakeholder Participation ................................................................................... 5-8

APPENDIX 5.A LIST OF LEGISLATION, RULES AND GUIDELINES ............................................... 5-9

Urban Stormwater Management Manual 5-i

Institutional and Legal Framework

5.1 INTRODUCTION (a) National Policy, Planning and Strategy Formulation

Drainage and pollution control of stormwater are two The Federal Government by constitution plays an
important elements that come under a broad topic of important role in the formulation and co-ordination of
water planning. Uncontrolled stormwater can disrupt all water resource policy, of which the management of urban
planning. It can pollute receiving waters, a source of stormwater is an important element. The Government
water that is truly the heart of a societys economy. plays the role as adviser to the State Authority on the need
Stormwater management must, therefore, be carefully to introduce institutional policies or reforms into
planned and implemented; and how this can be done stormwater management. One platform where this can be
depends on the societys institutional and legal framework. implemented is the National Water Resources Council
In short, stormwater management means putting into (NWRC) at the Federal level. Policies thus formulated can
perspective and function, such elements as rights, serve as guide to uniformity in stormwater regulatory
restrictions and enabling legislation. framework and practices in the State. Before NWRC was
active, all stormwater planning including coordination was
This chapter describes the existing institutional and legal handled by the Federal Economic Planning Unit (EPU) of
framework pertaining to stormwater management in the the Prime Ministers Department.
country. It is hoped to provide a brief background of the
presently complex, overlapping and fragmented enabling Urban stormwater planning is best carried out as a sub-set
environment surrounding this stormwater management so of water resources. This can be integrated into the
that users of this manual can understand some of the framework of planning processes at the national level.
imposing difficulties and challenges in the right Concrete strategies are being programmed in the Vision
perspective. 2020 Plan towards sustainable living, of which ecological
sustainability is an integral part. Working towards this
reality, Malaysia has moved forward by becoming one of
the signatory countries participating in the Sustainable
Development Program in pursuance of the Agenda 21 of
Malaysia practices Federal Monarchy with governments at
the Rio Earth Summit.
State levels, co-ordinated centrally by the Federal
Government. It comprises thirteen States and two Federal
(b) Technical Assistance
Territories. The Prime Minister is Head of the Federal
Government, assisted by Cabinet Ministers. Chief Minister
State Governments have continuously received technical
heads individual State Government, assisted by elected
assistance from the Federal Government through their
Executive Councillors (EXCO). For Sabah and Sarawak, the
agencies. Various assistance schemes are available:
State Government comprises State Ministers. All state
secondment of staff, training program, studies and
governments are represented at a lower level by Local
implementation of projects, not excluding preparation of
guidelines, standards and manuals. External assistance is
also available from foreign governments through Federal
The responsibility for urban stormwater management is
EPU. Using these bilateral governmental linkages, the
shared between Federal and State agencies (institutions)
States have been able to gain expertise in new
as depicted in Figure 5.1.

5.2.1 Federal Government

(c) Data Collection and Documentation

The Federal Government constitutionally has a

Stormwater data collection and documentation is
responsibility for the protection of the environment. Flood
widespread among Federal agencies. The DID, for
mitigation is related to urban stormwater management in
example, is responsible for rainfall/streamflow data, while
that a river, which may be flood prone, may pass through
the Meteorological Department is responsible for climatic
an urban area with a network of land drainage facilities. In
data. The Department of Environment (DOE) collects and
a flood situation, the river swells and overflows its bank,
monitors water quality data.
thereby transferring its river water onto the drainage
Secondary data can be found scattered in various Federal
Government agencies as follows:
At present flood mitigation is being administered by the
DID, while the DOE is responsible for the regulatory
Mapping - Survey & Mapping Department
control of point source pollution.
Population census - Statistic Department
The roles and responsibilities of the Federal Government Socio Economic data - Economic Planning Unit
and their agencies in stormwater management are Land use - Town & Country Planning Department
described below.

Urban Stormwater Management Manual 5-1

Institutional and Legal Framework

(d) Research and Development or disapproving development planning proposals submitted

by the developers. Layout plans submitted will normally
Stormwater management invariably deals with natural include layout and drain reserves for stormwater drainage.
systems and processes. Mans engineering intervention
has created an impact on these systems, and how it can Most Local Authorities are inadequately staffed, and so are
affect the eco-system, or the human lives for instance, is in no position to discharge their responsibilities fully. For
not fully understood. An understanding of this, especially storm drainage and other technical matter, the Local
under the Malaysian conditions, will certainly help improve Authorities relies on the DID for advice. The DID often
the performance of engineered storm drainage facilities. goes beyond advice, but oftentimes, in the true spirit of
This is possible through the conduct of integrated research inter-departmental corporation, prepares drainage master
and development programs; and in this respect, the plans for the Local Authorities, who at times, run short of
National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia budget. There have been extreme cases in which the DID
(NAHRIM), a Federal agent, can take the initiative to has even undertaken to build some of the trunk drainage
collaborate with local universities. network in the locality, including their operation and
maintenance. Institutionally, there is no clear-cut power
(e) Capacity Building delegation on who is to be responsible for storm drainage.
Thus, a developer has no choice but to refer to, or clarify
Implementation of storm drainage management program with both the DID and Local Authority on who is actually
requires adequate manpower and expert training. responsible for his works on the ground.
Innovative approaches are the key to professional and
managerial staff training in order to cope with changing Arguably, the DID is responsible for flood mitigation and
needs and challenges. The Federal Government is in the river conservancy. Oftentimes, this responsibility overlaps
best position to implement and co-ordinate an integrated with the Local Authorities, in particular, over works
national capacity-building program that will cover aspects involving river improvement and landscaping of river
of stormwater management reserves. Roadside drain is the responsibility of JKR for
roads that are under their jurisdiction. Highway drainage
(f) Financing falls under the responsibility of the Malaysian Highway
Authority, while railway drainage comes under the Railway
Effective urban stormwater management relies on Department. The Town and Country Planning Department
adequate financing to cover cost of infrastructure (TCPD) is generally responsible for preparing Structural
development, O & M and implementation of non-structural Plans (landuse zoning) in consultation with the Local
measures. Financial support can be given to the states Authorities and other agencies including the public.
through direct loans, or grants. Federal assistance may
also be channelled to the state through their agents. For Local Authorities are responsible for preparing Local Plans,
instance, the DID, through such assistance scheme, can although in the past, this has often been handled by TCPD
undertake responsibility for the development of drainage due to shortage of staff on the part of the Local Authority.
infrastructure facilities including their operation and
maintenance. The Federal Government, on the other The State Government has its role to play and this is
hand, can assist the State Government in securing loan summarised below.
facilities for stormwater management projects by
undertaking guarantee to lending agencies. Development (a) State Level Policy, Planning and Strategy Formulation
budget can also be arranged and disbursed for use in state
projects thorough the five-yearly Malaysia Plan co- State Government normally evolves their own policies in
ordinated by the Ministry of Finance. consonance with Federal policies. The state UPEN carries
out overall policy co-ordination, but the task for developing
5.2.2 State Government urban stormwater management policy has always been
shared among the DID, Local Authorities, and TCPD as
Full authority on urban drainage can be placed under the responsible agents on the ground. Tasks include
State jurisdiction. The State EPU can carry out the overall development planning, and formulation of integrated river
planning co-ordination at the state level, while the rest of basin management plans, implementation strategies and
responsibilities can be delegated to Local Authorities. This institutional reforms.
may cover planning, construction, O & M of the drainage
facilities within their respective administrative areas. The (b) Infrastructural Development and Management
Local Authorities, in addition, will undertake the regulatory
responsibility on works carried out by other agencies. (i) Infrastructure Development

The Local Authorities by law may however impose land The Local Authority is generally responsible for the design
developers to construct connecting drains to the nearest and construction of urban storm drainage facilities.
point of discharge. It makes the final decision approving, Registered engineering consultants and contractors from

5-2 Urban Stormwater Management Manual

Institutional and Legal Framework

the private sector normally provide such services. (iv) Public Awareness and Education
Construction works are normally tendered out, or
negotiated, or given out to private developers on turnkey The public must realize that they have a part to play in
basis. Project development concepts such as Design-and- ensuring success of stormwater management planning. It
Built (DB), Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT), or BOOT are must have first and foremost, the awareness,
common. understanding of, and the right attitudes towards
stormwater issues at hand. The State must disseminate
(ii) Infrastructure Ownership information to the public and implement campaigns to
educate the public by way of increasing their
Infrastructure facilities developed by State Government understanding of the issues. At present, these activities
agencies on State land, belong to the State Government. are being carried out by the DID and Local Authorities on
This includes infrastructures that are built by private limited scale.
developers and handed over to the State Government.
There is no policy currently available on the question of (v) Enforcement
ownership for projects developed by Federal agencies on
State land. Enforcement of legislation for storm drainage is essential.
The responsibility for this presently rests mainly on the
(iii) Infrastructure Management Land Administrator, Local Authority and the DOE
(Table 5.1).
The O&M responsibility for the completed storm drainage
facilities is shared between the Local Authority and DID, Table 5.1 Enforcement Authority Related to Stormwater
and where permissible, is handled by their departmental
staff. However, the Local Authority is often short of
Offences Enforcement Authority
manpower, and so in no position to manage all the
facilities in their locality. Under such stress, the Local Land-use violation Land Administrator/Local
Authority has no choice but to contract out the Authority
management services to service providers.
Littering and unauthorised Local Authority
solid waste disposal
(c) Regulatory Responsibilities
Unlicensed blockages and Land Administrator/Local
(i) Establishment of Legislative Support diversions Authority
Effluent discharge Department of Environment
Effective regulation of storm drainage management relies / Local Authority
on the establishment of a comprehensive legislative Violations
framework. Current situation calls for revising and Unauthorised discharge Land administration
repealing outdated laws and introducing additional
and abstraction
regulations and procedures in line with contemporary
practices. The State Government has the power, to act
upon it. All Draft Bills will be tabled to the State Assembly
for approval before being finally gazetted for enactment. (d) Financing

(ii) Co-ordination and Conflict Resolution Adequate funding is a binding constraint for effective
stormwater management. The State Government and the
In stormwater management, one is always confronted with Local Authorities need to expand expenditure annually for
land-water issues that will result in conflicting views. An the development of land drainage facilities, including
institutional platform is essentially required to discuss and operation and maintenance. This often puts the
sort out these differences, so that consensus of opinion authorities in a difficult financial situation, and support
can be reached. At the District level, this is achieved from public funding is needed to ease out the financial
through the meetings of the Majlis Tindakan Daerah, burden. Funds may be available from a variety of sources
chaired by the District Officer (DO). This is further - financial institutions, Federal grants, Federal loans, State
discussed, when necessary, on a more regional basis at the consolidated fund, or quit rent (including drainage tax
State level, where the meetings of the Majlis Tindakan depending on locality); but these sources may be limited in
Negeri, chaired by the Chief Minister (CM), are regularly their financial capacity.
held. The print media play their role in airing the views to
the public. The Local Authority also has other sources of income -
Assessment Rates, Drainage Fee, Licensing Fee and
(iii) Approvals and Licensing (refer to Chapter 6) revenue from car parks and other activities. Some states
have imposed drainage contributions to developers. This

Urban Stormwater Management Manual 5-3

Institutional and Legal Framework

contribution is used to partly cover the expenditure for 5.3.1 Objective and Scope of the Review
upgrading, and O&M of the main drainage system.
The section reviews the present stormwater management
(e) Emergency Management laws that are being practised in the country. The purpose
of the review is to determine the potential areas of
Developments in the past have been inadequately planned. stormwater management on which appropriate legislative
These have resulted in negative impacts to the control may be imposed.
environment - flash flooding, erosion problems, slope
failures and stormwater pollution and have caused 5.3.2 Review of Laws
damage to properties, hardship to the population, and
even deaths. Such mishaps can be avoided by having In addressing stormwater management issues, one has to
mitigating plans as well as emergency and hazard keep in mind laws such as associated with the following:
management plans. At present, emergency response is
principally under the care of the District Officer (DO). This water which includes rivers, groundwater, lakes,
includes activities such as advance warning, rescue wetlands, estuaries, coastal waters and other water
operation, temporary relocation and general assistance. bodies (collectively referred to as water sources) as
Operations of these activities are administered in the DOs all drains ultimately flow into such water sources;
Disaster Operation Room. Regional emergency response land and the development/exploitation of such land;
involving disasters in multiple districts, however, is carried
out in the Disaster Operations Centre at the State level.
Supporting input and logistics in emergency situations are municipal administration, which is under the authority
also obtained from other government agencies such as the of the State Authority/Local Government; and
Army, Police, Fire Department, DID, JKR, TNB, Telekom, environmental management
Hospitals, RELA, KEMAS, DOE etc.
Other issues such as State/Federal/Local Authority
The Local Authority generally has the responsibility for the relationships, administrative practices on the ground and
post-incidence remedial and cleaning activities made constitutional jurisdictions are also important.
possible through the support of other agencies.
The position of the Federal and State governments with
5.2.3 Reforms in Water Resources Management regard to the following public issues by constitution is
Strategies reviewed.

Uncontrolled developments have resulted in increased (a) Water

water stress, pollution and impacts from floods etc. These
issues have reached levels that can force stakeholders to It is generally accepted that "water" is constitutionally a
look into new approaches to water resources management. State matter, and that water by definition includes rivers,
For instance, the State of Selangor has recently taken lakes, streams, and water beneath the surface of the land.
reformatory steps by establishing the first water authority, However, this is not necessarily and exclusively so,
SWMA, in the country. because the Federal Government has free hands and
exclusive power on their water-based projects in the State
such as water supplies, river and canal works, or also
resource utilisation works such as hydropower generation,
navigation within ports, marine fisheries and mining.
Stormwater management essentially deals with how storm
However, there are exceptions to the rule for works that
runoff from urban areas can be effectively reduced and
are wholly and strictly located within the State, or those
drained, and its quality improved with minimum impact on
that are regulated by an agreement between the States
life and property. Traditionally speaking, many regard this
as some localised problem that can be solved by merely
conveying the water as quickly as possible away from the
The Parliament has power to make laws with respect to
affected area. This approach, it is now realised, is
any matter in the State List for the purpose of promoting
obsolete, because this is merely transferring the problem
uniformity in the laws of two or more States. The federal
to another locality downstream. The new approach to
power however has its limitations. Article 78 of the
stormwater management is to look at drainage and
Constitution stipulates that any law passed in the
pollution abatement within the context of integrated
Parliament, which restricts the right of a State to the use of
management of water resources.
any river wholly within that State, shall not have effect
unless it is approved by the State Legislature. Water rates
are a source of revenue to the States. Further, the Federal
Government cannot exercise executive authority over
matters in the Concurrent List unless Federal or State

5-4 Urban Stormwater Management Manual

Institutional and Legal Framework

laws specifically provide for it. Thus, whilst the Federal (c) Drainage
Government may legislate for uniformity in water laws in
the country, it must take into consideration the restrictions Drainage and irrigation is enumerated as a specific item in
mentioned above. The Federal Government has enacted the Concurrent List. This implies both the Federal and
legislation on matters that may be considered in the State State Government have legislative power over this
List. These laws include the Waters Act, Land particular function. However, as explained above, the
Conservation Act, Fisheries Act, Street, Drainage and State List includes water related items such as water
Building Act, Town and Country Planning Act, Local supplies, rivers and canals, control of silt and riparian
Government Act and National Land Code. rights, and also administration of land, which is prescribed
exclusively in the State List. Forest, control of silt, land
The State Authorities, by virtue that water and matters improvement and soil conservation are also enumerated in
relating thereto, and in particular land, are within their the State List. Thus, the State Government has extensive
jurisdiction, are in a better position to control and regulate power over drainage and matters related thereto, taken as
the water resources on their ground. The State of a whole.
Selangor in particular, has enacted the Selangor Waters
Management Enactment (SWMAE), followed in line of (d) Municipal Administration
action by the establishment of SWMA, and SWMA is
committed to regulating and managing the states water Pursuant to item 4, List II of the Ninth Schedule, Local
resources on sustainable basis. Government including its services, local administration,
obnoxious trades and public nuisances in Local Authority
(b) Land areas, is under the jurisdiction of the State Government.
Article 95A also establishes the formation of the National
Pursuant to item 2, List II of the Ninth Schedule, all Council for Local Government (which comprises Federal
matters relating to land are placed under the State and State representatives chaired by the Minister) which
jurisdiction. The Parliament has enacted NLC for the formulates national policies for the promotion,
purpose of addressing uniformity in the administration of development and control of local government throughout
land throughout the Federation. The definition of land the Federation and for the administration of any laws
includes land under water. Together with land, related relating thereto. The Federal and State Governments
matters such as forestry, agriculture and mining are under shall implement the policy so formulated. It is also the
the State jurisdiction. Article 91 also establishes the duty of the Federal and State Governments to consult the
formation of the National Land Council (which comprises Council in respect of any proposed legislation dealing with
Federal and State representatives chaired by the Minister) Local Government.
which formulates national policies for the promotion and
control of the utilisation of land for mining, agriculture, (e) Environmental Management
forestry or any other purpose. The Federal
Government, or any State Government, may consult the There is no direct reference to the control and regulation
Council with respect to any matter relating to the utilisation of environmental pollution in the Constitution as concern
of land, or in respect of any purported legislation, dealing for the environment and pollution control is relatively a
with land or the administration of any such law. The new issue. It is necessary therefore to infer the source of
Federal and State Governments shall implement the policy authority for environmental matters by examining
so formulated. particular issues.

The management of river basins including their catchments It has been decided by the Malaysian Court of Appeal that
has a deciding impact on drainage issues. The (in the event of conflict between State law and the Federal
Constitution contains no direct reference to the EQA), the application of any environmental legislation will
management or control of such catchment areas. depend on the specific subject matter to which it is to be
Compared to the Federal List, however, the State List applied and whether the State or Federal Government has
includes matters pertaining to land including colonisation, power over the matter under the constitution.
land improvement and soil conservation, agriculture and Environmental matters related to land, water and municipal
forestry and water, including rivers, canals, riparian rights, services for example, will be under the State Government.
turtles and river fishing. The Concurrent List includes the
protection of wild animals, birds, national parks, drainage
and irrigation and rehabilitation of land, which has suffered
soil erosion. It would appear that the State has more
Consistent with the constitutional position whereby both
power over catchment management than the Federal
the Federal and State Governments appear to have
jurisdiction over water, water resources management in
Malaysia is covered by numerous Federal and State laws.
Legislation in Malaysia, directly or indirectly related to

Urban Stormwater Management Manual 5-5

Institutional and Legal Framework

water, land, municipal government and the environment, is These By-laws, in general, do allow for control of all
itemised in Appendix 5.A earthworks including those related to drainage. The
present By-laws do not, however, provide adequate
5.4.1 Ownership of Water controls in respect of prevention of siltation and water
Various aspects of legislation relating to water vest
ownership of water in the State Government, particularly in Development is often initiated with the conversion and
terms of water that occurs in rivers and water bodies subdivision of land under the NLC. Generally, any proposal
within the State. Pursuant to this, the Waters Act 1920 for conversion and subdivision is accompanied by a plan
provides that "the entire property and control of all rivers which shows river and drain reserves. It must also
in any State is and shall be vested solely in the Ruler of conform to any Draft Structure Plan and/or Local Plan for
such State". It defines a "river" to include: the area.

(a) a tributary of a river and any other stream or Drainage in municipal areas is the responsibility of the
natural water course; and Local Authorities under the LGA and SDBA. Every Local
Authority is empowered to make by-laws to provide drains
(b) any canal declared by the State Authority of the in the interest of public health. None of the authorities
State . . . by notification in the Gazette. have, however, made any drainage by-laws. Local
authorities, in general, refer all major drainage works to
The Waters Act applies to Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, the local office of the DID for their views. This gives an
Malacca, Penang and the Federal Territory. Kedah has a opportunity for the latter to offer comments keeping in
similar state enactment. The District Office is the licensing mind the various Guidelines mentioned in Appendix 5.A.
authority under the Waters Act. In Selangor, the Act has These views/comments may then be incorporated by the
been repealed and replaced with the SWMAE. The SWMAE Local Authority in the conditions for approval imposed on
is a much more comprehensive legislation and vests far the developer. The Authority is also empowered to impose
greater power of control over all waters including a drainage rate or fee to defray the construction and
wetlands, ground water, lakes and other water bodies and maintenance cost of such drainage systems. The SDBA
coastal waters. Similar legislation has been enacted in imposes an obligation on the Local Authority to construct
Sabah and Sarawak. and maintain drains. The cost for construction and
maintenance of such drains may be recovered from
State ownership of water is further entrenched by the NLC persons who are "frontagers" to such works. Usually the
which identifies "water" as an integral element of "land," developer of a housing scheme is required to pay a deposit
whose disposition is subject principally to State control. to enable the Authority to construct drains. Alternatively,
Several States such as Pahang, have gazetted river the developer is required to construct the drains to
reserves under the NLC. The Mining Enactment, 1929 also standards determined by the Local Authority. The Local
treats "water" as a property which vests with the Ruler of Authority has power under this Act to levy fees or charges
the State. The abstraction, diversion, or use of water, to enable it to defray expenses in executing its functions.
whether it is surface or underground, is subject to the It also has power to determine the location, design, flow
control of the State Authority. There is no private and other detailed characteristics of drainage in any area
ownership rights to water. In practice, the owner or within its jurisdiction. Buildings must be erected with
occupier of land, may use water for domestic purposes, adequate surface and storm water drains.
and in this respect, may not require a licence to enjoy such
usage. The Waters Act (and the SWMAE) specifically The Drainage Works Ordinance is generally applied to
prohibits, except for subsistence agriculture, the diversion agricultural areas. Drainage areas have to be declared by
of water from any river, or the taking of any water except the State Authority prior to the enforcement of the
in accordance with the terms of a licence. Licences to provisions of the Act. Drainage rates may then be imposed
divert water from rivers for private, domestic, or industrial to defray the cost of the provision of such drainage
purposes, or for agriculture, may be granted under these facilities. The Ordinance is implemented by the DID.
Whilst the SDBA provides adequate power for the design
5.4.2 Drainage, Building and Earhtworks and layout of drainage, it does not however provide for
controls over the quality of discharge of such drains. The
The carrying out of any earthworks and buildings is quality of discharge may be controlled under other
controlled under the SDBA. The SDBA provides sufficient legislation such as the SWMAE and the EQA. Local
power to Local Authorities to effect control on all buildings Authorities have some limited power (under the LGA) in
and earthworks within their jurisdiction. Earthworks terms of controlling discharge of effluents and noxious
includes earthworks undertaken on any land which substances into any drain. Local Authorities, DOE and
includes land under water. Most Local Authorities have other relevant agencies such as the SWMA and DID will
prescribed Earthworks By-Laws to control all earthworks.

5-6 Urban Stormwater Management Manual

Institutional and Legal Framework

have to work together to determine the quality of layout plan stage. The project proponents should use the
discharges into any water source. various Guidelines as the basis for their project proposals.

5.4.3 Flood Mitigation 5.4.5 Environmental Protection

Under the Ministerial Functions Act, 1969, the Minister of The Environmental Quality Act (EQA), 1974, a Federal law,
Agriculture is entrusted with the responsibility for flood is the principal legislation that protects the environment.
mitigation and river conservancy works. Federal Section 25 of the EQA provides that "no person shall,
allocations are a major source of funds for flood mitigation unless licensed, emit, discharge or deposit any waste into
projects and the DID is responsible for the implementation any inland waters in contravention of acceptable
of the projects. Local Authorities generally refer all major conditions". The Minister of Science, Technology and
drainage projects to the DID. Because it has a macro view Environment may specify acceptable conditions for
of drainage which often cuts across municipal and State emission or discharge of waste into any area of the
boundaries, the DID is well positioned to advise the Local environment. Pursuant to this Act, several regulations
Authorities. From a strictly legal position however, have been enacted. The Environmental Quality (Prescribed
drainage within the Local Authority areas is the sole Premises) (Crude Palm Oil) Regulations 1977 regulate
responsibility of the Local Authority. This includes such discharge from palm oil refineries. The Environmental
measures as maintenance of river reserves, wetlands and Quality (Prescribed Premises) (Raw Natural Rubber)
flood plains, and prevention of siltation through control of Regulations 1978 regulate discharge from rubber
soil erosion; and control of peak flow, and on-site retention operations. The Environmental Quality (Sewerage and
of runoff requires implementation largely by the Local Industrial Effluents) Regulations 1979 regulate discharge
Authorities. from the industrial sector. The EQA has also prescribed
catchment areas for water intake points and such areas
5.4.4 Catchment Management are classified for the purpose of maintaining water quality.
The application of any rules pertaining to water or rivers
In order to minimise, prevent or mitigate potential will, however, require prior approval of the State
problems of flooding, ensure adequate flow of waters and concerned.
maintain water quality, catchment areas must be carefully
managed, preserved and protected. The immediate land The EQA applies to all States in the country. However,
reserves surrounding rivers and other water sources, such Sabah and Sarawak have enacted some of the provisions
as wetlands, should be similarly managed. There are of the EQA, particularly the requirement for EIA, into state
various laws that govern all these matters. The Waters Act legislation. The DOE licences prescribed premises to
imposes a minimum river reserve of 50 feet or greater monitor their discharges and to monitor water quality from
(which has to be declared by the Land Office). The Land these discharges to ensure the discharges are maintained
Conservation Act, 1960 enables the State Authority (the within the stipulated limits. Section 34(A) of the EQA
Land Administrator) to declare any area to be "hill land" by provides for environmental impact assessment (EIA). The
notification in the Gazette. Thus, the land cannot be Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activities)
disturbed to prevent soil erosion and siltation. Guidelines (Environmental Impact Assessment) Order, 1987 has
issued by the DOE are also meant for controlling soil prescribed measures to prevent or mitigate the impact of
erosion and siltation. Under the Forest Enactment, State large projects. The EIA requirement is a preventive
Authorities may declare forest area as reserved forest for measure to ensure that proposed projects take into
the purpose of protecting catchment areas. Thus all consideration environmental matters in their
activities within the area are prohibited. Generally, land implementation. The EIA regulations do not cover ongoing
administration is undertaken by the NLC, and this law can development projects or small sized projects, while the
also be used to control development. EQA does not cover non-point source pollution.

Detailed urban planning is sanctioned by the State Besides the EQA, the SWMAE provides for control of
Authorities under the TCPA. Within the Local Authority pollution in water sources in Selangor. The Enactment
areas, the Structure Plan and Local Plan can play a critical prohibits the discharge of any poisonous, noxious or
role in controlling and determining appropriate polluting matter that will render any water source harmful
development compatible with land use patterns within the to public health, safety or welfare, or to animal or plant life
catchment area. The Structure Plan is a policy statement, or other beneficial uses of such water source. However,
whilst the Local Plan is a more detailed urban design plan. discharges may be made by licence approved by the
Drainage issues are part and parcel of the Local Plan. SWMA in line with the SWMAs overall strategy of
Under the amended TCPA, planning permission has to be protection and sustainable management of a water source.
accompanied by a development proposal report, which will Except for the Fisheries Act and the SWMAE, none of the
contain a description of the physical environment of the other laws covers the requirement for minimum flow to
area including contours, drainage, catchments and other protect in-stream resources.
natural features. Drainage issues are to be resolved at the

Urban Stormwater Management Manual 5-7

Institutional and Legal Framework

Part VIII of the LGA also provides for the control of 5.4.6 Mining
activities or nuisance that may pollute any stream,
channel, public drain or other water course within the Local The Mining Enactment, 1929 allows the taking, diversion
Authority area. Local Authorities may: and discharge of water, subject to the approval of the
State Authorities, for the purposes of mining. The NLC
1. prevent littering or depositing of any wastes or filth; enables the Land Administrator to license the extraction of
rock material, including sand, from rivers. The impact of
2. prevent any waste being allowed to flow into such
such mining activities on river regimes can be severe and
drainage channel or the discharge of any liquid or
will cause a disruption to the waterflow including an
adverse impact on the river in-stream resources.
3. regulate bathing or washing by persons or of animals; Proposals for drainage into the rivers must give due
consideration to such impacts. In Selangor, the SWMAE
4. prohibit, abate, remove or prevent the occurrence of
has now imposed a requirement for consultation and
any nuisance;
approval by the SWMA prior to the approval of these
5. control the method of cultivation, irrigation and the activities.
use of manure or fertilisers;
5.4.7 Stakeholder Participation
6. control the keeping of fish; and

7. generally do all things necessary for or conducive to Participation by the affected parties including consumers,
the safety, health and convenience of the public. water users, land owners and non-government
organisations in the decision making and implementation
Nearly all Local Authorities have enacted various rules
process has generally resulted in better compliance with
related to the above including anti-litter, vandalism and
the laws. Implementation has also generally been more
public cleansing (See Appendix 5.A, Municipal Laws for the
effective and less costly. No law, except the SWMAE,
full list). The existing by-laws do not, however, provide
provides for the participation and encouragement of
controls over issues related to pollution in general, or non-
formation of stakeholder groups. The absence of such law
point source pollution as in (5) above, which is an
should not hinder efforts by the statutory agencies to
important source of non point pollution.
encourage stakeholder participation through administrative
means and public education.

5-8 Urban Stormwater Management Manual

Institutional and Legal Framework



33. Uniform Building By-laws
34. Earthworks By-Laws
1. Waters Act, 1920
35. Stray Animal By-laws
2. Geological Survey Act, 1974
36. Licensing of Trades, Businesses and Industries
3. Irrigation Areas Act, 1953
4. Street, Drainage and Building Act, 1974
37. Refuse Collection, Removal and Disposal By-Laws
5. The Forest Act, 1984
38. The Public Cleansing By-Laws
6. The National Land Code, 1965
39. Anti-Litter By-laws
7. The Drainage Works Act, 1954
40. Parks By-laws
8. The Fisheries Act, 1985
9. Environmental Quality Act, 1974
10. Land Conservation Act, 1960
11. Town and Country Planning Act, 1976
41. Urban Drainage Design Standards and Procedures
12. Local Government Act, 1976
in Malaysia, 1975, Federal DID.
13. Selangor Waters Management Authority
42. Guidelines on River Front Development, Federal
Enactment, 1999
14. Mining Enactment, 1929
43. Guidelines on the Prevention and Control of Soil
15. Sewerage Services Act, 1993 Erosion and Siltation in Malaysia, 1996, DOE
16. Sarawak Given Ordinance, 1993 44. Use of Flood Detention Ponds as Part of Open
Space, JPBD 1997.
17. Sabah Water Resources Enactment, 1998
18. Sabah Conservation of the Environment
19. Sabah Land Ordinance, 1930
20. Sabah Forest Enactment, 1965
21. Sarawak Water Ordinance, 1994
22. Sarawak Land Code, 1958
23. National Resources and Environment Ordinance,
1958, Sarawak
24. Local Authority Ordinance, Sarawak, Cap. 117
25. Local Government Enactment, Sabah Ordinance
26. Town & Country Planning Enactment, Sabah, Cap.
27. Town & Country Planning Ordinance, Sarawak,
Cap. 87
28. Forest Ordinance, Sarawak, Cap. 126
29. Drainage & Irrigation, Sabah Ordinance 15/1956
30. Drainage Works Ordinance, 1966, Sarawak
31. Mining Enactment, 1960, Sabah
32. Mining Ordinance, 1949, Sarawak

Urban Stormwater Management Manual 5-9

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