Phytoplankton Diversity and Macroinvertebrate Assemblage As Pollution Indicators in Sapangdaku River, Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines
Phytoplankton Diversity and Macroinvertebrate Assemblage As Pollution Indicators in Sapangdaku River, Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines
Phytoplankton Diversity and Macroinvertebrate Assemblage As Pollution Indicators in Sapangdaku River, Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines
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13 authors, including:
Marnan T. Libres
Velez College
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Philippine Science High School-Central Visayas Campus, Argao, Philippines
College of Teacher Education, Cebu Normal University, Cebu City, Philippines
Senior High School Department, Labogon National High School, Mandaue City, Philippines
College of Arts and Sciences, Cebu Technological University, Cebu City, Philippines
College of Arts and Sciences, Velez College, Cebu City, Philippines
College of Arts and Sciences, Palompon Institute of Technology, Palompon, Leyte, Philippines
Junior High School Department, Mactan National High School, Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
Research Institute of Tropical Biology and Pharmacological Biotechnology, Cebu Normal University, Cebu
City, Philippines
EdD Science Education Program, Cebu Normal University Graduate School, Cebu City, Philippines
The study assessed the phytoplankton diversity and macroinvertebrate assemblage in Sapangdaku River, Toledo City in Cebu,
Philippines in relation to the habitat preference of the organisms. Three sampling stations were identified as downstream,
midstream and upstream and 5 samples were collected in each site. Phytoplanktons were hauled vertically following the Bottle
sampling method and were identified at the species and/or genus level using phytoplankton identification manuals.
Macroinvertebrates were surveyed using the Kick Sampling method, and were identified up to the Order level using online
taxonomic guides. Findings revealed that 16 phytoplankton genera belonging to five phyla, as well as eight macroinvertebrate
orders, characterize the river. Genus Bacillariophyceae and Order Insecta are the most numerous in the freshwater sources.
The downstream portion of the river, as indicated by the diversity of phytoplanktons and assemblage of macroinvertebrates,
may reflect poor river water quality.
* Corresponding Author: Sherry P. Ramayla
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et al., 2016) and the study of zooplankton assessing the river water quality. Three sampling
composition and abundance during the oil spill of MV stations were selected up to 100 meters from the head
Saint Thomas Aquinas in Mactan Island (Flores et al., of the river where three station points were
2020). Lotic systems such as the river has weak water established namely upstream (10°21'2.592'' N,
currents believed to always contain phytoplankton 123°41'34.368'' E), midstream (10°21'32.364'' N,
(Jindal et al., 2014) and the Sapangdako River is one 123°39'50.544'' E), and downstream (10°23'28.932''
of the rivers in Cebu that requires water quality N, 123°39'6.156'' E). In each station, there were 5
assessment due to reported sighting of the endemic substations (100 meter apart for each substation)
species freshwater goby, Sicyopus cebuensis (Chen chosen to obtain sample variations in the area.
and Shao, 1998). This threatened species requires
clean and pristine streams or rivers to survive. It was Phytoplankton Survey
last seen in 1998 in Uling, City of Naga, Cebu and Phytoplanktons were hauled vertically from the river
anecdotal reports from fisherfolks claimed that they water following the Bottle sampling method (Valencar
have seen it recently. The intermittent sighting of this and Desai, 2004). For each sample, 100-mL sterile
endemic fish is an indication that increased PET bottle was immersed in the middle surface of the
eutrophication in the river water may have caused the water to collect the phytoplanktons. Immediately
disappearance of the fish. It can be associated to the after collection, it was preserved with 1 mL of 1%
rich diversity of phytoplanktons present in the river Lugol’s solution and covered. It was then transported
as the S. cebuensis feeds on phytoplanktons. Aquatic to Cebu Normal University Biology Laboratory where
biota in the river is oftentimes affected by current, the preserved sample was shaken for 30 seconds.
erosion and sedimentation (Veronica et al., 2014).
The whole stretch of the river is manifested by various A drop of the sample was fixed in a hemacytomer and
anthropogenic activities, as the Sapangdako River is was observed for the presence of phytoplanktons
inhabited with residents whose livelihood is heavily under a compound microscope. Morphological
dependent on the river and the whole locale for structure used includes cell wall structure, frustule
mining and quarrying. Midstream and downstream markings such as the presence of locomotive
portion of the river are also surrounded with structures (i.e., flagella, cilia), colonies formed,
residential structures in which anthropogenic colour, and shape. The images viewed in the
activities contribute to the water quality condition. microscope were compared to that in the
Hence, the number of phytoplanktons and identification guides of Bellinger and Sigge (2010)
macroinvertebrates varies as water travels down the and the training manual by Gopinathan et al. (2007)
downstream as the organisms are displaced by the at the species and/or genus level.
current and the other factors such as the amount of
nutrient content, DO, temperature, pH, salinity, Macroinvertebrate Survey
among other. In this study, diversity of Benthic macroinvertebrate survey was done using
phytoplanktons and assemblage of benthic Kick Sampling Method (Hayslip, 2007). An identified
macroinvertebrates were assessed in relation to their area (approx. 61 cm x 61 cm) was kicked or disturbed
habitat preference in different portions of the river by the kicker’s foot for about 3 minutes. Dislodged
such as upstream, midstream, and downstream. invertebrates were collected downstream (approx. 1
meter away from the kicker) through a scooping
Materials and methods motion using a D-frame net made of nylon with a
Research Site mesh size of about 0.50-0.80 mm. The collected
This descriptive survey design identified the samples were washed with water and were placed in a
phytoplanktons and benthic macroinvertebrates white plastic container. Other macroinvertebrates
present in Sapangdaku River as components in present in the riverbanks (not caught in the Kick
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Sampling) were also recorded. Morphological genera from five phyla were collected in three
characteristics such as primary metal placement, sampling river stations namely upstream, midstream,
head and dorsal sclerite patterns and others were and downstream. The dominant phytoplankton was
used for identification of samples. Collected samples from family Bacillariophyceae followed in order by
were identified up to the Order level only using online Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Chrysophyceae and
taxonomic guides. Euglenophyceae. It is notable that in all points of the
river, Bacillariophyceae has been consistently
Results and discussions observed while the rest of the phytoplanktons’ genera
Diversity of Phytoplankton in Sapangdaku River were mostly found in the downstream region. The
Results of the phytoplankton survey are presented in observed presence could be attributed to the nutrient
Table 1 below. Phytoplanktons comprised of 16 concentrations as well as other abiotic factors.
Planktonic species abundance is not consistent all Camarines Sur (Baloloy et al., 2016). The abundance
throughout the three sampling sites which may be of pollution tolerant species could be attributed to the
attributed to anthropogenic activities surrounding the aquaculture activities present in the freshwater
river as well as various biotic and abiotic ecological sources, which contributes to high nutrient
components. Diatoms (members of availability.
Bacillariophyceae) were the highest number of
phytoplanktons identified from the sampling stations In the upstream river, there were very few genera of
which is similar to the findings in Lake Buhi, phytoplanktons collected which is likely due to the
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strong river current and since phytoplankton are Synedra ulna and Nitzchia palea, as these species are
drifters, they are easily carried away by the water most tolerant to severe nutrient pollution. In this
(Veronica et al., 2014). Hence, they tend to be more study, the habitat preference of the genera of
concentrated in the downstream where current flow is phytoplanktons identified may reflect the water
low. Bellinger and Sigee (2010) reported that condition of the river. The bioindication implied that
phytoplanktons build-up requires only low rate of the downstream portion of the river is highly enriched
flow and adequate amount of light to reproduce and with nutrients indicating eutrophication.
this is evident in the diverse presence of
Bacillophyceae in the river. The relatively high Assemblage of Macroinvertebrates in Sapangdaku
temperature in the area and light intensity that River
reaches the river water also favors the reproduction The macroinvertebrates present in Sapangdaku River
and photosynthetic activities of phytoplanktons (Yap- are shown in Table 2. Ten species of
Dejeto and Batula, 2016). macroinvertebrates were observed during the survey
in Sapangdaku River, Toledo City. These species were
Furthermore, the differences of phytoplanktons under Class Insecta, Class Arachnida, Class
diversity among sampling sites, as purported by Malacostraca and Class Crustacea. Table 2 showed
Baloloy et al. (2016), is caused by the variation in the the different Orders in each Class of Phylum
physicochemical aspects of the water. In the present Arthropoda seen in the three sampling sites. It is
study, the downstream portion of the river is believed notable that scuds, shrimps and crabs were only
to have poor water quality as reflected by the presence present in the downstream of the river. The rest of the
of pollution-tolerant phytoplankton species (e.g. observed species were present in all sampling sites.
Bacillariophyceae, Chrysophyceae). Asis et al. (2006)
accounted such abundance to the increase of The survey identified six species of
nutrients transported from the upstream going down, macroinvertebrates that are useful as indicator of the
while Parmar et al. (2016) attributed this to the high water quality status of the area. These species
concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen indicating includes crayfish, crabs, riffle beetles, water strider,
the increased rate of planktons reproduction. dragonflies and freshwater shrimps. Crayfish
Conversely, Barinova and Krupa (2017) found out (Voshell, 2002; Reynolds et al., 2013), crabs (Sanders
that the upper watershed of the river is the most et al., 1998), water strider (Pal et al., 2012),
polluted part as manifested by the high abundance of freshwater shrimps (Voshell, 2002; Webb, 2011) and
phytoplanktons due to the water source that is dragonflies (Sahlén and Ekestubbe, 2001) were
influenced by agricultural and industrial run-off. The somewhat tolerant species to pollution while riffle
diversity and richness of phytoplankton is dependent beetles (Elliott, 2008) is considered as intolerant
upon the water condition particularly the availability species to pollution. The result of the survey conforms
of nutrients N and P that are influenced by the to this data except for the riffle beetles where it is
anthropogenic inputs. Each species or group of present in all sampling sites.
phytoplankton has different reaction to nutrients
causing their abundance could be different in Richardson (1925; 1929) and Gaufin (1958) identified
different body of waters (Veronica et al., 2014; Yap- crustaceans along with odonates as intolerant species
Dejeto and Batula, 2016). to water pollution, where they could only be found in
clean water (Cairns and Parts, 1993). Among the
Diatoms or Bacillophyceae have been widely used in crustacean species, crayfish is considered as tolerant
assessing the human impacts on the freshwater species to pollution. This species was present only in
quality (Bellinger and Sigee, 2010). Two species of the downstream area of Sapangdako River. Alikhan et
this phylum is of significant indication namely, al. (1990) reported that crayfish absorb heavy metals
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such as copper, magnesium, zinc, nickel and Philippine streams particularly on caddisflies showed
cadmium in several parts of the body of the a positive result where caddisflies have high
organisms such as the hepatopancreas, gills, contaminants of copper in their body. The utilization
exoskeleton and viscera with the highest of water resource of winged macroinvertebrates such
concentrations in the gut, gills and hepatopancreas as the dragonflies and other flies made them
although the author indicated that the use of crayfish vulnerable to heavy metal accumulation. This could in
as an indicator species of heavy metal pollution is still turn be used as indication of the pollution of the
debatable. rivers. Although this is outside of the scope of the
present study but it is noteworthy of the possibility of
The study of David (2003) on bioaccumulation of using the species for future studies on heavy metal
heavy metals of macroinvertebrate species in contamination.
Riffle beetle is the only observed species that is not nutrient content among many others which may have
tolerant to pollution. This species is usually found in been induced by the anthropogenic activities. The
running water. Elliot (2008) identified riffle beetles downstream portion of the river as indicated by the
as sensitive to pollution and other conditions in the diversity of phytoplanktons may reflect poor river
river such as water flow and temperature, which make water quality. The water quality of Sapangdaku in
it an excellent indicator of water pollution and climate Toledo City is somewhat polluted based on the
change. However, in this survey, riffle beetles were presence of the following pollution tolerant macro
found in upstream to downstream areas. Its presence invertebrates species - crayfish, crabs, scuds, water
in the downstream areas is probably due to drift strider and dragonflies particularly on the
movements in the water. downstream. The presence of riffle beetles all
sampling sites which needs further verification as this
Conclusion and future directions species is sensitive to pollution.
The diversity of phytoplanktons in Sapangdako River
is characterized by sixteen genera that belong to the This study provided only a one-time picture of
five phyla. The variation in the number of Sapangdaku River. For future directions, constant
phytoplanktons observed may be attributed to various monitoring of the freshwater indicator species is
factors such as the water current, temperature, recommended for proper management of this
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