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Geometric Hahn Banach

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We know from finite dimensional geometry that disjoint convex sets can be separated by
planes. In what follows, I follow closely the exposition in the book of H. Brezis, Analyse
Definition 0.1. Let X be a real normed vector space and f : X R be a linear functional,
not necessarily continuous. The set
H = {x X : f (x) = }
is called a hyperplane in X.
We have the simple
Proposition 0.2. The hyperplane H is closed if an only if f is continuous.
Proof. Suppose that H is closed. Then the complement of H in X, H c is open. Pick any
x0 H c . We may assume that f (x0 ) > . There exists an open ball B(x0 , r) H c . Suppose
that there exists x1 B(x0 , r) with f (x1 ) < . Then for all 0 t 1, xt = (1 t)x0 + tx1
B(x0 , r) and hence f (xt ) 6= . Pick
f (x0 )
f (x0 ) f (x1 )
which, by assumption, is in (0, 1). But f (xs ) = which contradicts the fact that xs H c .
Hence we have that f (x) > for all x B(x0 , r). Hence for all z B(0, 1) f (x0 rz) > or
f (x0 )
f (z) < .
f (x0 )
kf k .
The converse is evident. 
Definition 0.3. let A, B X be two sets. We say that the hyperplane H separates the set A
and B if
f (x) , x A , f (x) , x B .
We say that H separates A, B strictly if there exists > 0 such that
f (x) , x A , f (x) + , x B .
The following lemma is useful an is usually attributed to Hermann Minkowski.
Lemma 0.4. Let C be a non-empty, open and convex set. Assume further that 0 C. For
x X set
p(x) = inf{t > 0 : C} .
a) p(x) = p(x) , > 0 , x X ,
b) p(x + y) p(x) + p(y) , x, y X ,

c) C = {x X : p(x) < 1} .
Moreover, there exists a positive constant K such that
p(x) Kkxk .
Proof. The statement a) is obvious. To prove c), denote the set on the right side in c) by C 0 .
p(x) 1 , x C .
If x C then (1 + )x C for some > 0 since C is open and convex. Hence p(x) 1+ < 1.
0 0 x
Thus, C C . Conversely, if x C , then p(x) < 1. There exists 0 < < 1 so that C.
x = + (1 )0 C

because C is convex. Hence, C = C . To prove b) pick anyx, y X. Then
x y
, C
p(x) + p(y) +
because of c). Set
p(y) +
p(x) + p(y) + 2
and note that 0 s 1. Since C is convex
x+y x y
= (1 s) +s C .
p(x) + p(y) + 2 p(x) + p(y) +
Hence, using c), p( p(x)+p(y)+2 ) < 1 and hence
p(x + y) < p(x) + p(y) + 2
for any > 0. For the last point, since C is open, there exists r > so that the open ball
B(0, r) C. Hence, by c), p(x) < 1 for all x B(0, r). Hence for all x X, p(x) kxk
Remark 0.5. The function p(x) defines in the previous lemma is often called the Minkowski
gauge for C.
We first prove a separation theorem for a convex set and a point.
Lemma 0.6. Let C be a non-empty open convex set and let x0 X with x0 / C. There
exists a bounded linear functional such that f (x) < f (x0 ) for all x C, i.e., the hyperplane
H defined by f = f (x0 ) separates x0 from C.
Proof. By shifting the set we may assume that 0 C. Define the subspace
E = {tx0 : t R} .
On this subspace we have the linear functional
g(tx0 ) = tp(x0 ) ,
where p is the Minkowski gauge for C. Note that p(x0 ) 1 since x0 / C. We have that
g(x) p(x) for all x E. If t > 0 then g(tx0 ) = tp(x0 ) = p(tx0 ). If t 0 then g(tx0 ) =
p(|t|x0 ) 0 p(tx0 ). By the Hahn-Banach theorem we may extend g to a linear functional
f on X with the property that f (x) p(x). Because p(x) Kkxk, we have that
|f (x)| Kkxk , x X .

Hence f is bounded. Further, f (x0 ) = g(x0 ) = p(x0 ) 1 and f (x) p(x) < 1 for all
x C. 
Theorem 0.7. Let A, B X be two non-empty disjoint convex sets. Assume that A is open.
Then there exists a closed hyperplane H that separates A and B.
Proof. Set C = {x X : x = y z, y A, z B}. It is easily seen that the set C is convex.
C = zB (A z)
and A is open so is C. C is not empty and moreover, the origin 0 / C. By the previous
lemma there exists a bounded linear functional f on X which separates C and the origin,i.e.,
f (x) < 0 all x C, or f (y z) < 0 for all y A, z B. Hence we have that f (y) < f (z) for
all y A, z B. From this it follows that
sup f (y) inf f (z)
yA zB

and choosing between these two numbers yields the desired hyperplane. 
Theorem 0.8. Let A, B be two non-empty convex and disjoint sets. Assume that A is compact
and B is closed. Then there exists a closed hyperplane that separates the sets strictly.
Proof. Consider the set
A = A + B(0, ) , B = B + B(0, ) .
Recall that A is the set of all vectors x that can be written as x = y + z where y A and
z B(0, ). Both sets A and B are non-empty, open and convex. This is trivial to verify.
For small enough A B = . If not there would be a sequence n 0 and a sequence
of points xn such that xn An Bn . This means that xn = yn + zn where yn A and
zn B(0, n ) and since A is compact there is a convergent subsequence ynk which converges
to some point in y A. Hence xnk y A and since B is closed y B, a contradiction.
By the previous theorem, there exists a closed hyperplane that separates A and B . Hence,
there exists a bounded linear functional f and a number such that
f (x + z1 ) f (y + z2 ) , x A, y B, z1 , z2 B(0, ) .
f (x) + kf k f (y) kf k , x A, y B .

Remark 0.9. If the underlying space is finite dimensional, then a stronger statement holds.
Assume that A and B are disjoint, and convex, then they can be separated by a hyperplane.
No additional assumptions on A and B are needed. This is false if the underlying space is
infinite dimensional as the following example again taken from Breziss book, shows.
Take X to be `1 , i.e., the space of all summable sequences. Let X be the set of all sequences
of the form
x2n = 0 ,
x = (x1 , 0, x3 , 0, x5 , 0, . . . )

where we, of course, assume that

|x2j1 | <
Consider the set Y given by all sequence that satisfy
y2n = n y2n1 ,
i.e., the sequences of the form
y1 y3 y5
y = (y1 , , y3 , 2 , y5 , 3 , . . . )
2 2 2
|y2j1 | < .
It is easy to see that X as well as Y are closed subspaces of `1 . Consider the point in `1 given
by c2n1 = 0 and c2n = 21n , i.e.,
1 1 1 1
c = (0, , 0, 2 , 0, 3 , 0, 4 , . . . ) .
2 2 2 2
This point is neither in X nor in Y . However, it is in the closure of the sum, X + Y , in fact
we have
X + Y = `1 .
To prove this consider the set S of all sequences z `1 that have only finitely many non-zero
elements. We know that S = `1 . However, every element in S can be written as a sum of
points in X and in Y . We simply have to consider the system of equations
zj = xj + yj , j = 1, 2, 3, . . . ,
z2n1 = x2n1 + y2n1 , z2n = , n = 1, 2, . . . ,
which is solved by setting
y2n1 = 2n z2n , x2n1 = z2n1 2n z2n .
Because the sequence z consists of zeros for all but finitely many terms,
|y2j1 | < , |x2j1 | < .
j j

Hence, X + Y = `1 . Note that c / X + Y since this means that

y2n1 = 1 , y2n = n , x = 0 .
The sequence yj is not summable. This example shows that, in general, it is not true that
whenever X, Y are closed subspaces then X + Y is closed. Note that this carries over to `p
1 < p < . Now define the set
A = X c ,B = Y .
Both sets are closed and disjoint, for if d A B then

for some x X and y Y and hence c = x y which is not true. Hence, we have two disjoint
closed sets A, B. The set B is linear and the set A is affine. Moreover, A + B = `1 . That the
two sets cannot be separated by a closed hyperplane hinges now on the following lemma.
Lemma 0.10. Let B be a linear space and f a linear functional. Suppose that there exists
R such that f (y) . Then f (y) = 0 for all y B.
Proof. Clearly 0 = f (0) implies that 0. Further for any > 0 and y B, f (y)
and hence f (y) /. Since may be any positive number we have that f (y) 0 for all
y B. Hence, we may choose = 0. The relation f (y) = f (y) 0 implies that f (y) 0
for all y B and hence f (y) = 0 for all y B.

Suppose that there exists a bounded linear functional f and R with
f (x) , x A , f (y) , y B .
From the previous lemma we may choose = 0 and we also have that f (y) = 0, y B and
f (x) 0, x A. Pick any z `1 . There exists a sequence of points xn A and yn B so
that z = limn (xn + yn ). Hence, since f is bounded we have that
f (z) = lim f (xn + yn ) = lim [f (xn ) + f (yn )] 0 .
n n

By replacing z by z we find that f (z) = 0 and since z is arbitrary, f must be the zero
functional. Hence A and B cannot be separated.

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