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The "aural brevity" code plans on the PI Injuries

following pages are a representative
sampling of the many codes in use. To
list all of the different code plans MOST COMMONLY USED CODES
would require a separate book. These codes are not repeated, and
Generally, we have limited them to cities should be assumed as used unless
with a population over 100,000 and otherwise indicated.
counties with a population over 250,000. 1 Routine response
The code plans listed were contributed 2 UrgentNo siren or flasher lights
by our readers. We assume they are 3 UrgentUse siren and flasher lights
accurate, but offer no assurance that
they are accurate and/or complete. Your APCO "10" CODES
contributions and/or corrections for 2004 The following are officially
would be most welcome. suggested by the Associated Public
With a little effort, you can figure Safety Communications Officers (APCO).
out most code systems. Example: You hear A semi-official "EXPANDED APCO CODES
unit 71 dispatched to a 211. A few system is listed on the following page.
minutes later, unit 71 reports suspect
in the 211 used an automatic pistol and BASIC APCO CODES
took $25. Not hard to figure out that 10-1 Cannot understand your message
211" is armed robbery. 10-2 Your message is understandable
PHONETIC ALPHABETS 10-3 Stop transmitting
10-4 Message received
A phonetic alphabet is used to avoid
10-5 Relay information to _______
any misunderstanding when spelling names 10-6 Station is busy
or reporting vehicle license numbers. 10-7 Out of service
Two systems are in common use: 10-8 In service
A Adam Alpha 10-9 Repeat last message
B Boston/Boy Bravo 10-10 Negative
C Charles Cocoa/Charlie 10-11 ____ in service
D David Delta 10-12 Stand by
10-13 Report ____ conditions
E Edward Echo
10-14 Information
F Frank Fox/Foxtrot 10-15 Message delivered
G George Golf 10-16 Reply to message
H Henry Hotel 10-17 En route
I Ida India 10-18 Urgent
J John Juliette 10-19 Contact ____
K King Kilo 10-20 Unit location
L Lincoln Lima 10-21 Telephone _____
10-22 Cancel last message
M Mary Mike 10-23 Arrived at scene
N Nancy/Nora November 10-24 Assignment complete
O Ocean Oscar 10-25 Meet ____
P Paul/Peter Papa 10-26 Estimated time of arrival is ____
Q Queen Quebec 10-27 Request driver's license information
R Robert Romeo 10-28 Request vehicle registration
S Sam Sierra information
10-29 Check records
T Tom Tango
10-30 Use caution
U Union Uniform 10-31 Pick up ____
V Victor Victor 10-32 Units requested
W William Whiskey 10-33 Emergency! Clear the air
X X-Ray X-Ray 10-34 Correct time
Y Young Yankee
Z Zebra Zulu

F Fatality
PD Property damage only
EXPANDED APCO CODES 10-92 Illegally parked vehicle Expanded APCO codes except as
10-0 Use caution 10-93 Blockage follows:
10-1 Signal weak 10-94 Drag racing 10-00 Emergency broadcast
10-2 Signal good 10-95 Subject in custody 10-10 Check vehicle/person
10-3 Stop transmitting 10-96 Detain subject 10-11 Request assistance
10-4 Message received 10-97 Test signal 10-12 Request supervisor
10-5 Relay 10-98 Prisoner escape 10-13 Request local police
10-6 Station is busy 10-99 Wanted or stolen 10-14 Request ambulance
10-7 Out of service 10-100 Police needed 10-15 Request fire department
10-8 In Service 10-105 Deceased person 10-16 Prisoner in custody
10-9 Repeat 10-106 Suspicious person 10-17 Check for wants/warrants
10-10 Fight in progress 10-107 Check residence 10-18 Request to HQ
10-11 Animal problem 10-200 Short 10-19 Phone HQ
10-12 Stand by 10-24 Alarm sounding
10-13 Report conditions AIR FORCE SECURITY POLICE 10-26 Prepare to copy
10-14 Prowler report 1 Routine response 10-33 Does not conform to rules
10-15 Civil disturbance 2 Urgent response 10-45 Accident
10-16 Domestic problem 3 Emergency response 10-46 Train emergency
10-17 Meet complainant 4 Check for warrants 10-47 Protect train
10-18 Urgent 5 Traffic stop 10-48 Vandalism
10-19 Go to station 6 Short break 10-49 Assist passenger
10-20 Advise your location 7 Lunch break 10-50 Disturbance
10-21 Phone ____ 8 Subject in custody 10-82 Hostage situation
10-22 Disregard 9 Switch to alternate 10-88 Bomb threat
10-23 Arrived at scene frequency 10-90 Arrived at scene
10-24 Assignment complete 10 Status is secure 10-95 En route
10-25 Report to ____ 11 Alarm activation 10-99 Assist officer
10-26 Detaining suspect 12 Funds escort
10-27 Driver's license 13 Request help ALABAMA
information 14 Fire alarm Department of Public Safety
10-28 Vehicle registration 10-5 Stand by 00 Officer needs help
information 10-6 Station busy/clear 10-0 Use caution
10-29 Check records for want 10-9 Location 10-10 Out of service ) available
10-30 Unauthorized use of radio 10-10 Return to post 10-11 Remain in service
10-31 Crime in progress 10-11 Return to station 10-14 Correct time
10-32 Person with gun 10-12 Phone this location 10-15J1 Have personnel in custody
10-33 Emergency ) all units stand 10-13 Need help ) urgent! 10-15J2 Property in custody
by 10-14 Short break 10-15J3 Prisoner in custody
10-34 Riot 10-15 Non-hostile emergency 10-15J4 Have papers
10-35 Major crime alert 10-16 Hostile emergency 10-16J1 Pick up personnel
10-36 Correct time 10-17 Security alert 10-16J2 Pick up property
10-37 Suspicious vehicle 10-18 Alert force launch 10-16J3 Pick up prisoner
10-38 Stop suspicious vehicle 10-19 Disregard previous message 10-16J4 Pick up papers
10-39 Respond with siren & 10-20 Repeat 10-17 Urgent
flashers 10-21 Radio check 10-18 Any traffic for this unit?
10-40 Do not use siren & flashers 10-22 Security check 10-19 No traffic for you
10-41 Beginning shift 10-23 Time check 10-22 Go to ____
10-42 End shift 10-24 Conditions check 10-25 Disregard last message
10-43 Information 10-25 Go to _____ 10-26 Detaining subject
10-44 Permission to leave 10-26 En route 10-30 Unnecessary use of radio
10-45 Dead animal 10-27 Estimated time of arrival 10-31J1 Hit & run ) injury
10-46 Assist motorist 10-28 Arrived 10-31J2 Hit & run ) property damage
10-47 Emergency road repair 10-29 Last assignment completed 10-32 Person with gun
10-48 Traffic control 10-30 Convoy or escort 10-33 Emergency
10-49 Traffic signal out 10-31 Alarm sounding 10-34 Check tower lights
10-50 Traffic accident 10-32 Stopping vehicle 10-35 Major crime alert
10-51 Request tow truck 10-33 Crime in progress 10-36 Use siren & flashers
10-52 Request ambulance 10-34 Negative 10-37 Do not use siren & flashers
10-53 Roadway blocked 10-35 Crash alert stand-by 10-38J1 Suspicious
10-54 Livestock on roadway 10-36 Fire vehicle ) occupied
10-55 Intoxicated driver 10-37 Traffic accident 10-38J2 Suspicious
10-56 Intoxicated pedestrian 10-39 Telephone citation Vehicle ) unoccupied
10-57 Hit & run accident 10-40 Citation issued 10-39 Stopping suspicious vehicle
10-58 Direct traffic 10-41 No citation issued 10-40 Stolen vehicle
10-59 Escort 10-42 Warning issued 10-41 Beginning tour of duty
10-60 Squad in vicinity 10-43 Refueling 10-42 Ending tour of duty
10-61 Personnel in vicinity 10-44 All units return 10-43 Complete assignment quickly
10-62 Reply to message 10-46 No further assistance 10-44 Permission to leave
10-63 Prepare to copy needed 10-45 Off duty
10-64 Local message 10-47 Meal break 10-46 Assist motorist
10-65 Net message 10-48 Major disaster 10-47 Emergency road repair
10-66 Cancel message 10-48 Officer needs assistance
10-67 Clear for net message ARMY MILITARY POLICE 10-49 Traffic signal out of order
10-68 Dispatch information 10-1 Emergency 10-50 Accident
10-69 Message received 10-2 Emergency assistance 10-50F Fatal accident
10-70 Fire alarm requested 10-50PD Accident with damage only
10-71 Advise nature of alarm 10-3 Accident 10-50PI
10-72 Report progress of alarm 10-4 Request tow truck Accident ) injury
10-73 Smoke report 10-5 Request ambulance 10-50S Accident ) State vehicle
10-74 Negative 10-6 Request civilian police involved
10-75 In contact with_____ 10-7 Pick up prisoners 10-51 Wrecker needed
10-76 En route to_____ 10-8 Prisoner in custody 10-52 Ambulance needed
10-77 Estimated time of arrival 10-9 Request police van 10-53 Roadway blocked
10-78 Request assistance 10-10 Escort 10-54 Livestock on roadway
10-79 Notify coroner 10-11 In service 10-55 Intoxicated driver
10-80 Pursuit in progress 10-12 Out of service 10-56 Intoxicated pedestrian
10-81 Breathalyzer report 10-13 Repeat 10-57 Crime in progress
10-82 Reserve lodgings 10-14 Request location 10-58 Direct traffic
10-83 School crossing assignment 10-15 Go to _____ 10-59 Convoy or escort
10-84 Estimated time of arrival 10-16 Phone ____ 10-60 Attempt to contact
10-85 Arrival delayed 10-17 Go to station 10-61 Go to ____
10-86 Operator on duty 10-18 Assignment completed 10-62 Reply to message
10-87 Pick up 10-19 Do you have contact with 10-63 Prepare to copy
10-88 Advise telephone number ____ 10-64 Message for delivery
10-89 Bomb threat 10-20 Relay message 10-65 Radio log number
10-90 Bank alarm 10-66 Message
10-91 Pick up subject AMTRAK POLICE 10-67 Prowler report
10-68 Dispatch information 67 Direct traffic Mobile County
10-69 Car-to-car clearance 68 Assist citizen Signals
10-70 Fire 70 Crime against person 00 Officer needs help
10-70F Forest fire 71 Property crime 1 Officer in pursuit
10-70H Building fire 72 Morals crime 2 Resisting/Interfering
10-70V Vehicle fire 73 Public order crime 3 Arrest order
10-71 Advise progress of fire 77 Person down 4 Escape
10-72 Meet complainant 78 Mentally disturbed person 7 Traffic accidentno
10-73 Request supervisor 79 Missing person injuries
10-74 Request breathalyzer 80 Airport emergency 8 Traffic accident w/injuries
10-75 Request photographer 90 Desk assignment 9 Struck by vehicle
10-76 Request investigator 99 Miscellaneous complaint 10 Leaving scene of accident
10-77 Request narcotics agency 10-1 Ambulance clearance ) local 11 Traffic violation
10-78 Notify coroner 10-2 Ambulance requested 12 Driving under the influence
10-79 In contact with ____ 10-3 Request paramedic 13 Reckless driving
10-80 Disaster Control Group 10-11 Negative 14 Traffic hazard
10-81 Squad in vicinity 10-16 Request prisoner transport 15 Illegal parking
10-82 Reserve lodging 10-15 Prisoner in custody 19 Homicide
10-83 Hazardous material 10-25 See citizen 20 Assault w/weapon
10-83A Bomb threat 10-44 Leaving assigned area 21 Assault
10-83B Hazardous device 10-48 Meet an officer 22 Person w/weapon
10-84 En route 10-59 Transporting blood 23 Discharging a firearm
10-85 Delayed 10-72 Supervisor requested 24 Person down
10-86 Missing person 10-75 Evidence technician 25 Suicide
10-87 Estimated time of arrival requested 25A Attempt suicide
10-88 Advise phone number of ____ 26 Deceased person
10-89 Deceased person Disposition Codes 27 Drowning
10-90 Bank alarm A Incident report 28 Kidnaping
10-91 Unnecessary use of radio B Arrest report 29 Hostage situation
10-92 Homicide C Accident report 30 Missing person
10-93 Blockade D Follow up 31 Mental case
10-94 Drag racing E Incident and arrest reports 32 Sex offense
10-95 Reckless driving F Accident and arrest reports 33 Rape
10-96 Mental patient G Accident and incident 34 Indecent exposure
10-97A Civil disturbance ) racial reports 35 Child molestation
10-97B Civil disturbance ) teenagers H Accident, incident & arrest 36 Child abuse
10-97C Civil disturbance ) crowd reports 37 Juvenile violation
10-97D Civil disturbance ) fighting I False alarm 38 Interference w/custody
10-98 Prisoner escape J Traffic citation 39 Domestic problem
10-99A Felony want or stolen K Assisted citizen 40 Large fight
10-99B Misdemeanor want or stolen L Assisted other unit 41 Fight
10-100 Pursuit in progress M Canceled 42 Disorderly
N No report 43 Intoxicated person
Birmingham 44 Prowler
Same as Dept. of Public Safety Jefferson County Sheriff 45 Trespassing
except: Same as Dept. of Public Safety, 46 Harassment
00 Officer needs help except: 50A Robbery alarm
02 Burglary/Theft in progress 00 Officer needs help 50C Commercial robbery
03 Rape in progress 0 Details unknown ) use caution 50I Robbery of individual
04 Prowler 1 Robbery alarm 50S Strongarm robbery
05 Robbery alarm 3 Burglary in progress 51 Stolen vehicle
06 Robbery in progress 8 Robbery in progress 52A Theft from vehicle
07 9-1-1 hang-up 12 Trouble at jail 52B Theft from boat
08 Theft of vehicle in 14 Robbery report 52C Theft from commercial
progress 15 Burglary alarm property
09 Homicide 16 Prowler 52R Theft from residence
11 Sexual assault 18 Fire 53 Purse snatch
12 Robbery 20 Traffic accident 54A Burglary from vehicle
13 Assault 21 Leaving scene of an 54B Burglary from boat
14 Abortion accident 54C Burglary from commercial
15 Kidnaping 22 Pedestrian injured property
20 Arson/fire 23 Bomb threat 54R Burglary from residence
20B Bomb threat 24 Homicide/suicide 55 Attempt burglary
20F Explosives found 25 Assault 56A Auto burglar alarm
21 Extortion 26 Mentally disturbed person 56B Boat burglar alarm
22 Burglary 27 Person with weapon 56C Commercial alarm
23 Larceny 29 Person down 56R Residential alarm
24 Stolen vehicle 35 Burglary 57 Criminal mischief
24R Recovered vehicle 38 Larceny 58 Property damage
25 Forgery 42 Vehicle theft 59 Abandoned property
26 Fraud 43 Suspicious circumstances 60 Missing property
27 Embezzlement 45 Hazardous condition 61 Recovered property
28 Stolen property 47 Fight 62 Forgery
29 Vandalism 48 Domestic disturbance 63 Suspicious circumstances
35 Narcotics problem 49 Disorderly person 64 Investigate
36 Indecent exposure 52 Investigate complaint 68 Drug violation
37 Obscene material 55 Vehicle located 69 A.B.C. violation
38 Domestic problem 57 Malicious mischief 70 Gambling
39 Gambling 65 Traffic violation 71 Prostitution
40 Prostitution 68 Direct traffic 75 Fire
41 Liquor problem 71 Assist citizen 76 Bomb threat
48 Obstructing police 73 Animal problem 77 Hazmat incident
49 Escape/wanted person 77 Deceased person 78 Arson
50 Parole violation 78 Missing person 79 Health/safety violation
51 Bribery 79 Intoxicated person 80 Medical emergency
52 Person with a gun 10-15A Prisoner in custody ) male 83 Request close patrol
53 Disorderly situation 10-15B Prisoner in custodyfemale 84 Contact ____
54 Traffic offense 10-17 Pick up prisoner 85 Escort
56 Parking violation 10-23 Arrived at scene 86 Animal problem
57 Trespassing 10-25 Disregard 87 Noise problem
58 Smuggling 10-26 Registration/license check
61 Tax problem 10-29 Check for wanted/stolen Montgomery
62 Animal complaint 10-33 Emergency on the air APCO 10-codes except:
63 Vagrancy 10-48 Meet _____ 00 Officer needs help
64 Suspicious circumstances 10-53 Requested unit en route 3A Robberybusiness
65 Hazardous road conditions 10-72 Stopping vehicle 3B Robberybank
66 Traffic accident 10-73 Request ______ 3C Robberyperson
4B Burglarybusiness 10-26 Disregard last message 10-42 Out of service at home
4R Burglaryresidence 10-55 Bomb threat 10-43 No messages
4V Burglaryvehicle 10-57 Request arson investigator 10-45 Meet____
5 Person killed 10-65 Calling out of service unit 10-46 Any messages?
6 Person shot 10-99 Fire investigation 10-50 Payroll check
7 Shooting in progress 10-100 FD requesting 10-51 Use caution
8 Person with a gun policeemergency 10-52 Switch to channel __
9 Fight in progress 10-82 Reserve lodging
10A Abduction Tuscaloosa County 10-97 Arrived at scene
10C Child abuse/neglect Same as ALABAMA Department of 10-98 Assignment completed
10F Found property Public Safety except: -A Officer involved
10J Jumper 10-15 Transporting prisoner
10L 9-1-1 call hangupl 10-16 Transporting non-prisoner Glendale
10M Vandalism 10-22 Go to ____ Same as Phoenix, except:
10P Suspicious person/vehicle 10-26 Attempt to contact ____ 0 Police vehicle stolen
10S Attempt suicide 10-31 Hit & run accident 8 Back in service
10U Suspicious circumstances 10-34 Shoplifting 103 Out at HQ
11A Closed business alarm 10-35 Aircraft crash alert 104 Out for service
11B Business alarm 10-36 Armed robbery 209 Kidnaping
11K Business alarm 10-37 Strong-arm robbery 239A Large crowd
11R Residential alarm 10-43 Unauthorized use 240C Child abuse
11T Tracking larm 10-45 Reckless driving 241 Child endangerment
12D Domestic violence 10-47 Other non-crime call 250 Pick up on warrant
12F Family disturbance 10-48 Other crime call 251 Court detail
12M Loud music 10-53 Unwanted guest 252 Immigration violation
12U Disturbance 10-54 Unwanted guest disturbance 262 Attempt rape
13 Deceased person 10-60 Burglaryresidential 265 Prostitution
14 Medical problem 10-61 Burglarycommercial 267 Narcotics problem
15 Purse snatching 10-62 Burglary from vehicle 268 Illegal possession of
16 Open building 10-63 Forgery/fraud alcohol
17 Pick up prisoner 10-64 Theft 270 Blood run
18 Lost child 10-65 Rape 309 Liquor violation
19 Missing person 10-66 Bomb threat 313 Child abuse
20 Prowler 10-67 Prowler 314 Child custody problem
21 Person down 10-68 Loud party or music 318 Fraud
22 Intoxicated in public 10-69 Minor disturbance 320 Embezzlement
23 Stolen vehicle 10-71 Arson 391 Trash fire
24 Shop lifter 10-79 Juvenile officer 392 Prisoner escape
25A Vehicle accident with 10-80 Juvenile problem 410 Civil matter
injury 10-82 Area patrol 411 Assist citizen
25B Multiple vehicle accident 10-83 Child abuse 412 Assist motorist
25C Minor vehicle accident 10-85 Hostage situation 413 Impersonating an officer
25E Accident/person trapped 10-87 Kidnaping 415 Landlord-tenant dispute
25H Accident/hazmat 10-90 Robbery alarm 415A Neighbor dispute
26A Hit & run w/injuries 10-91 Burglar alarm 415C Juvenile problem
26B Hit & run w/injuries 10-93 Fight with weapons 415D Intoxicated person
26C Hit & run minor 10-94 Fight with guns 416 Criminal damage
26E Hit & run w/entrapment 10-95 Criminal mischief 417 Person with a gun
26H Hit & run hazmat 417A Person with a knife
27 Traffic violation ARIZONA 418 Dispute
28 Parking violation Arizona Highway Patrol 418G Unwanted guest
29 Assist motorist 1 Bomb threat 419 Criminal information
30 Vehicle blocking 4 No further assistance 470 Forgery
traffic/entrance needed 471 Fraud
31 Direct traffic 7 Lunch 488I Recovered bicycle
32 Intoxicated driver 9 State Representative 489 Vehicle theft
33 Rape 10 State Senator 491H Hostage situation
34 Theft 20 Officer safety check 492 Barricaded subject
35 Stabbing 34 Assist motorist 501 Disorderly conduct
36 Follow-up investigation 101 Begin transporting female 502 Citizen's arrest
37 Out to court 102 End transporting female 503C Court order violation
38 Department duties 103 Out at office 504 Illegal dumping
39 Maintenance 105 Open gate 505 Threatening phone calls
40 Stray dog 106 Close gate 506 Threats
43 Animal bite 211 Armed robbery 507 Traffic signal out
51 Party advised 309 Narcotics suspect 509 Stolen vehicle
52 Arrest made 417G Person with a gun 509R Recovered vehicle
53 Complaint cancelled 417K Person with a knife 555 Homicide
54 False complaint 451 Homicide 584 Traffic control
55 Report made 692 Intoxicated driver 587 Emergency road repair
56 No report required 693 Reckless driving 602 Found child
57 Street cleared 901C Stabbing 647A Suspicious person
58 Released to owner 901S Shooting 647V Suspicious vehicle
59 Unable to locate 926 Request wrecker 651C Cruelty to animals
63 Citations issued 961 Accident ) no injuries 652 Sex crime
64 Assignment completed 962 Accident ) injury 656H Animal bite
65 Stray dog picked up 963 Accident ) fatal 716 City maintenance Dept.
66 Back up unit 998 Officer involved in 901A Attempt suicide
71 Unit cancelled shooting 901D Person down
72 Desk cancelled unit 999 Officer needs help 903 Death notification
74 False alarm 10-10 Out of service ) radio on 905 Arson
75 False alarm 10-11 Talk more slowly 906 Officer needs assistance
76 False alarmweather 10-12 Visitors present 908 Pursuit in progress
99 Other action taken 10-14 Convoy or escort 913 Carrying concealed weapon
10-5 unit to unit 10-15 Prisoner in custody 918 Mental case
10-10 Break 10-16 Mental case ) use caution 926 Request wrecker
10-11 Situation under control 10-17 Papers or package 929 Assist other agency
10-12 Escort 10-24 Trouble at station 961A Accident ) officer involved
10-13 Police requested 10-30 Against rules and 962A Accident ) officer injured
10-14 Request ambulance regulations 963A Accident ) fatal ) officer
10-15 Prisoner in custody 10-34 Disabled vehicle involved
10-16 Change location 10-35 Confidential information 10-11 Beginning shift
10-17 Arrived at scene 10-36 Correct time 10-19 Return to____
10-19 Cancel assignment 10-37 Operator on duty 10-26 Expedite ) detaining subject
10-21 Any traffic for this unit? 10-38F Felony warrant 10-49 Possible warrant
10-22 No traffic for unit 10-38M Misdemeanor warrant 10-92 No further assistance
10-25 Go to ______ 10-40 Stolen vehicle needed
10-93 Stakeout ) stay away 904V Vehicle fire 390C Intoxicated in vehicle
10-94 Lunch 905 Backup needed ) urgent 390D Intoxicated person down
10-95 Short break 906 Backup requested 412 Harassing phone calls
10-96 Begin transporting female 909 Special detail 413 Harassment
10-97 End transporting female 910 Traffic violation 414 Threats
910B Boating violation 415 Neighbor dispute
Disposition Codes 910G Fish & game violation 416 Criminal damage
See: Phoenix 911H 9-1-1 hang-up 417 Juvenile disturbance
913 Carrying concealed weapon 418 Intoxicated person
Maricopa County 917A Abandoned vehicle 419 Noise disturbance
4 No further assistance 918 Mental case 420 Domestic fight
needed 921 Prowler 421 Barking dog
5 Stakeout 925 Request ambulance 422 Person with gun
103 Out at HQ 925A Request air ambulance 423 Person with knife
209 Kidnaping 926 Request tow truck 424 Civil matter
210 Bomb threat 927 Unknown trouble 488 Shoplifting
210B Stolen explosives 928 Found property 507 Direct traffic
211 Robbery 929 Lost property 508 Traffic congestion
211A Hold-up alarm 930 Animal problem 509 Stolen vehicle
212 Strong-arm 931 Dead animal 602 Child neglect
213 Extortion 933 All court alarms 646 Suspicious circumstances
239 Fight 960 Aircraft crash 648 Suspicious vehicle
240 Assault 961 Accident ) no injury 666 Suicide
240C Child abuse 962 Accident with injury 801 Animal pickup
245 Assault with a deadly 963 Accident ) fatal 801D Dead dog
weapon 963A Accident ) alcohol involved 802 Cat pickup
250 Pick up on warrant 963B Boating accident 802D Dead cat
251 Court detail 963H Hit & run 803 Loose animal
261 Sexual assault 990 Prisoner transport 804 Barking dog
265 Prostitution 998 Deputy involved shooting 901S Shooting
267 Narcotics 999 Officer needs help 902 Stabbing
300 Gambling 1000 Emergency switch activated 903 Deceased person
311 Indecent exposure 10-3 Stop transmitting 904 Ambulance dispatched
390B Intoxicated person 10-11 ____ on duty 905 Fire follow-up
390D Person down 10-19 Contact 907 Investigation
392 Prisoner escape 10-35 Are you clear for 908 Solicitor
410 civil matter confidential? 918 Mental case
411 Assist citizen 10-40 Out of service ) available 924 Request rescue
412 Assist motorist 10-41 Escort 925 Request ambulance
413 Impersonating an officer 10-42 Prisoner in custody 955 Request fire department
415 Landlord-tenant dispute 10-43 No messages for you 956 Request I.D. Division
415C Juvenile disturbance 10-44 Does not conform to rules 964 See complainant
415E Noise 10-45 Emergency traffic 990 Request prisoner
415F Family disturbance 10-46 Any messages? transportation
415P Disorderly conduct 10-47 Prepare to copy 10-3 Emergency traffic only
415V Domestic violence 10-48 Deputy at home 10-10 Out of service ) on call
417 Subject with gun 10-50 Switching to frequency __ 10-15 Prisoner in custody
417A Subject with knife 10-51 Felony warrant 10-23 Stand by
459 Burglary 10-52 Misdemeanor warrant 10-25 Tavern check
459A Burglar alarm ) audible 10-53 Attempt to locate 10-30 Does not conform to rules
459S Burglar alarm ) silent 10-54 Vehicle stopped ) may be 10-35 Confidential information
459V Burglary from vehicle dangerous 10-36 Time check
470 Bad check 10-56 Special info requested 10-37 Prepare to copy
470C Credit card fraud 10-57 Your subject possibly 10-38F Felony warrant indicated
472 Unlicenced peddling dangerous 10-38M Misdemeanor warrant
487 Theft 10-58 Possible riot indicated
487S Shoplifting 10-59 Hostage situation 10-40 Stolen vehicle
489 Theft from vehicle 10-66 Clear for cancellation 10-42 Officer at home
505 Threatening phone calls 10-67 Clear for broadcast 10-45 Meet____
509 Stolen vehicle 10-68 Court attendance 10-52 Switch to channel __
509F Recovered vehicle 10-69 Court detail 10-53 Locate ) do not disturb
509R Recovered vehicle 10-70 Public relations event 10-71 At Police range or academy
510 Drag racing 10-71 Out at pistol range 10-78 Court detail
511 Noisy mopeds 10-73 Equipment transfer 10-79 Death notification
555 Homicide 10-74 Minor equipment service 10-90 Traffic signal out of order
584 Traffic control 10-75 Morgue detail 10-91 Assist motorist
585 Traffic hazard 10-76 Notify owner vehicle 10-97 Arrived at scene
586 Illegal parking recovered 10-98 Completed last assignment
647A Suspicious person 10-77 Notify parents of juvenile
674B Suspicious vehicle 10-78 Detention detail Phoenix
647X Suspicious circumstances 10-81 Clinic detail 1 Acknowledgment
652 Sex crime 10-84 Stop sign down 4 No further assistance
666 Suicide 10-85 Wires down required
667 Missing person 10-86 Irrigation water in street 5 Stakeout ) stay away
667A Runaway 10-87 Broken water main 7 Lunch
667J Missing child 10-88 Damaged sidewalk 11 Short break
667S Search & rescue operation 10-89 Holes in street 101 Transporting female ) start
668 Emergency message 10-90 Traffic signal out of order 102 Transporting female ) end
671 Vacation check 10-92 No further assistance 103 Phone extension ____
692 Intoxicated driver needed 105 Out for fuel
693 Reckless driving 10-94 Out for lunch 106 Car wash
712 Trespassing 10-95 Short break 210 Strong arm robbery
714 Illegal dumping 10-98 Out at HQ 211 Armed robbery
715 Illegal burning 10-99 Sheriff's vehicle stolen 211A Hold up alarm
777 Explosion -G Stolen vehicle involved 211T Tracking alarm
778 Illegal firearms -R Recovered 236 Threats
801 Child neglect -Z Attempted 237D Dangerous drugs
802 Child molesting 237G Glue sniffing
900 Drowning Mesa 237L Marijuana
901 Injured person Same as Phoenix, except: 237N Narcotics
901B Sick person 234 Check for marijuana 239 Fight
901C Stabbing 235 Check for narcotics 240 Assault
901D Overdose 237 Check for glue sniffing 245W Assault with deadly weapon
901H Deceased person 238 Trespassing 246 Possible sniper
901S Shooting 245 Assault with a deadly 246C Sniper
902 Follow-up weapon 261 Rape
904 Fire 265 Prostitution 300 Gambling
310 Child molesting 10-46 Checking for messages 5200 Airport alert
311 Indecent exposure 10-47 Prepare to copy 5300 Airport crash
312 Child neglect 10-48 Officer at home 5400 Fuel leak
315 Forgery 10-49 Confidential information 5500 Electrical
316 Bad check 10-50 Switching to channel __ 5600 Explosive
317 Soliciting 10-51 Felony warrant indicated 5700 Explosion ) no fire
318 Defrauding an innkeeper 10-52 Misdemeanor warrant 5800 Building collapse
319 Loss report indicated 6100 Good intent
390 Intoxicated person 10-53 Attempt to locate 6200 Canceled
390D Intoxicated driver 10-54 Have vehicle 6300 Wrong location
390L Liquor law violation stopped ) dangerous 6400 Authorized burning
415A Harassing phone calls 10-56 Special information on 6500 Steam in area
415B Criminal damage subject 6600 EMS no injury
415E Noise disturbance 10-57 Possibly dangerous subject 7000 False call
415F Family fight 10-60 Request female officer for 7100 Malicious mischief
415H Animal disturbance search 7200 Bomb scare
415I Incorrigible juvenile 10-66 Clear to cancel 7300 System malfunction
415J Juvenile disturbance 10-68 Court attendance 7400 Unintentional false
417 Threats 10-69 Court detail 9000 Other
417B Barricaded suspect 10-70 Public relations activity
417G Person with gun 10-71 Police range Scottsdale
417K Person with a knife 10-73 Equipment transfer 101 Transporting person of
418 Civil matter 10-74 Minor repair opposite
418A Landlord-tenant dispute 10-75 Morgue detail sex
418B Neighbor dispute 10-76 Notify vehicle owner 211 Armed robbery
418F Unwanted guest 10-77 Notify parents 246 Sniper/barricade/hostage
418T Trespassing 10-78 Detention detail 311 Indecent exposure
451 Homicide 10-79 Deliver death or emergency 415 Disturbance
459 Burglary message 459 Burglary
459A Burglar alarm 10-81 Clinic detail 487 Theft
459F Burglary from vehicle 10-84 Traffic sign down 901 Deceased person
487 Theft 10-85 Overhead wires down 902 En route
487A Purse snatch 10-86 Irrigation water on street 907 Back up
487B Shoplifting 10-87 Broken water main 909 Directed activity
487F Theft from vehicle 10-88 Damaged sidewalk 918 Mental case
487P Stolen police car 10-89 Hole in street 961 Accident ) no injury
487V Stolen vehicle 10-90 Traffic signal out of order 962 Accident ) injury
488 Recovered property 10-91 Stranded motorist 963 Accident ) fatal
491 Kidnaping 10-92 Request prisoner 999 Officer needs help
508 Traffic detail transportation 10-12 Change frequency
509 Traffic congestion 10-13 Clear microphone
510 Speeding Disposition Codes 10-30 Unnecessary use of radio
585 Traffic hazard 1 Arrestno case report 10-40 Stolen indicated
586 Illegal parking 2 DR form 10-40M Misdemeanor warrant
601 Missing person 3 Unable to locate indicated
601F Found person 4 Civil matter 10-40P Felony warrant indicated
60J Missing juvenile 5 Detail completed 10-45 Meet unit at____
647 Suspicious person 6 Case/Crime report made 10-97 Arrived at scene
647V Suspicious vehicle 7 Interrogated and released 10-98 Completed last assignment
651 Loose animal 8 Accident report made
651A Injured animal 9 Traffic citation; made Tempe
707 Bomb threat 10 Referred to other agency Same as Phoenix, except:
711 Intensive patrol 11 Juvenile referral 210S Strong arm robbery suspect
900 Safety check 12 Tow truck request 211B Bank robbery
901 Sick or injured person 13 Property invoice made 211E Extortion
901C Stabbing 239F Domestic violence
901G Shooting Rural/Metro Fire 241 Child endangerment
901H Deceased person 10 Fire 309L Liquor law violation
901K Request ambulance/en route 11 Residential fire 313 Child abuse
901O Overdose 12 Commercial fire 314 Child custody dispute
902 En route to hospital 13 Structure fire 315C Forged credit card
904 Fire 14 Vehicle fire 315P Forged prescription
905B Fire bomb 15 Brush fire 318F Fraud
906 Officer needs assistance 16 Appliance fire 318 Short change fraud
907 Back up officer 17 Aircraft fire 320 Embezzlement
908 Back up Fire Department 18 Refuse fire 320T Till tap
917 Abandoned vehicle 2100 Assist invalid 415P Loud party
921 Prowler 2200 Water problem 416 Criminal damage
921P Peeping Tom 2300 Smoke report 417D Disturbance
926 Request tow truck 2400 Animal removal 417H Harassment
927 Unknown trouble 2600 Check alarm 419 Criminal information
928 Found property 3090 Overdose or poison 459N Burglary alarm ) silent
928E Found explosives 3100 Person trapped 487G Theft of gas
928I Found bicycle 3110 Suicide 487I Bicycle theft
928N Found narcotics 3120 Vehicle accident 501 Disorderly conduct
960 Police aircraft crash 3130 Bite or sting 502 Assist citizen
961 Accident ) no injuries 3140 Burn 503 Violation ) order of
961H Hit & run ) no injuries 3150 Drowning protection
962 Accident with injuries 3160 Electrocution 503C Violation of court order
962H Hit & run with injuries 3170 Environmental 504 Illegal dumping
963 Accident ) fatal 3180 Fall 505Z Private property towing
963H Hit & run ) fatal 3190 Person down 506 City code violation
965 Breathalyzer required 3210 Choking 507 Traffic signal out
966 Request ID officer 3220 Assault 510 Reckless driving
998 Officer involved in 3290 Deceased 511 Broken water main
shooting 3299 Other trauma 585H Hole in street
999 Officer needs help 3310 Difficulty breathing 585M Stranded motorist
10-19 Contact____ 3320 Heart attack 585W Overhead wires down
10-33 Officer needs help 3330 Sick 588 Parking meter check
10-36 Subject name 3340 Obstetric 601R Juvenile runaway
10-37 Narcotics arrest 3350 Mental case 601Z Runaway returned
10-40 Out of service ) on call 3499 Other medical 602 Found child
10-41 Escort or convoy 4000 Non-EMS rescue 651C Cruelty to animal
10-42 Prisoner in custody 4100 Person trapped 651K Assist Animal Control
10-43 No messages 4200 Animal trapped Officer
10-44 Does not conform to rules 5000 Hazardous condition 656H Animal bite
10-45 Emergency at station 5100 Hazmat 901A Attempt suicide
901D Person down ARKANSAS 211 Armed robbery
903D Death notification Little Rock 211PS Purse snatch
903E Emergency message Police 211S Robbery alarm ) silent
908 Pursuit in progress 10-10 Traffic stop 211SA Strong arm robbery
927 Unknown trouble 10-12 Visitor present 217 Assault with intent to
927A Panic alarm 10-15 Prisoner in custody murder
928P Recovered property 10-17 Papers 220 Attempted rape
929 Assist agency 10-19 En route 240 Assault
959 Aircraft crash 10-23 Stand by 242 Battery
960 Ultra-lite plane down ) no 10-36 Correct time 245 Assault with a deadly
injury 10-40 Can you leave? weapon
960A Ultra-lite plane 10-42 At home 246 Shooting at inhabited
down ) injury 10-49 Meet this unit dwelling
10-35 At South Station 10-51 NCIC check 261 Rape
10-36 At North Station 10-52 No wants 261A Attempted rape
10-38 Clear for information? 10-53 Wants 273A Child neglect
10-39 Activity check 10-63 Hold radio traffic 273D Wife beating ) felony
10-58 Intensive probation subject 10-64 Resume radio traffic 288 Lewd conduct
-J Just occurred 10-88 Phone this unit at ____ 311 Indecent exposure
-R Report 10-98 Assignment complete 314 Indecent exposure
-Z Call back 374B Illegal dumping
Fire Department 390 Intoxicated person
Tucson Signals: 390C Intoxicated in vehicle
Same as Expanded APCO-10 Codes, 9 Traffic accidentno 390D Intoxicated person down
except: injuries 404 Riot
0 Officers residence 9F Traffic accident with 415 Disturbance
1 Clear for confidential fatality 415A Disturbance in vehicle
message 9I Traffic accident with 415B Business dispute
4 No further assistance injuries 415C Disturbance ) juveniles
needed 11 Hit & run accident involved
5 Surveillance 20 Fire 415D Disturbance ) intoxicated
5-1 Hispanic suspect 20B Small fire person
5-2 Indian suspect 21 Nothing showing 415E Loud music or party
5-3 Black suspect 22 Very small fire 415F Disturbance ) family
5-4 Oriental suspect 23 False Alarm 415G Disturbance ) gang
5-5 Caucasian suspect 415J Disturbance ) Juveniles
6 Out for investigation Pulaski County 415N Disturbance ) neighbor
7 Out for meal 10-11 Speaking too fast 417 Person with a gun
11 Santa Cruz sub-station 10-14 Escort 417A Person with a knife
12 Riallito sub-station 10-15 Prisoner in custody 417BS Barricaded suspect
12A Adam-1 storefront 10-16 Pick up prisoner 417SF Shots fired
13 Midtown sub-station 10-17 Pick up papers 451 Arson
14 Pantano sub-station 10-18 Complete assignment ASAP 459 Burglary
14A Eastside sub-station 10-23 Stand by 459A Burglar alarm
19 Main station 10-24 Trouble at station 459S Burglar alarm ) silent
110 County Juvenile Court 10-25 Do you have contact with 470 Forgery
Center ____? 476 Bad checks
115 County jail 10-26 Vehicle maintenance 480 Hit & run ) felony
10-10 Available for calls 10-27 Check name file 481 Hit & run ) misdemeanor
10-12 Completing paperwork 10-31 Request polygraph test 483 Hit & run ) parked vehicle
10-15 Prisoner in custody 10-32 Request breathalyzer test 484 Petty theft
10-16 Vehicle has prisoner screen 10-35 Confidential information 484PS Purse snatch
10-25 Information 10-36 Correct time 487 Grand theft
10-26 Detaining subject 10-37 Operator on duty 488 Petty theft
10-30 Special check 10-42 At home 488B Theft ) bicycle
10-31 Domestic fight 10-49 Meet at ____ 496 Receiving stolen property
10-33 Disturbance 10-50 Traffic check/no traffic 502 Drunk driving
10-34 Bomb threat 10-51 NCIC check 503 Auto theft
10-35 Larceny 10-52 Negative NCIC 503A Recovered vehicle
10-36 Burglary 10-53 Positive NCIC 504 Tampering with vehicle
10-37 Burglary in progress 10-54 No answer at number 505 Reckless driving
10-39 Major incident 10-55 Respond with call numbers 507 Public nuisance
10-40 Prowler 10-60 Report number 510 Speeding or racing vehicles
10-41 Intoxicated person 10-61 Supplemental report 586 Illegal parking
10-42 Vandalism 10-63 Radio net directed 537 Defrauding an innkeeper
10-43 Robbery 10-64 Radio net cleared 586E Vehicle blocking driveway
10-44 Sexual assault 10-66 Cancel want 594 Malicious mischief
10-45 Meet at____ 10-68 Repeat dispatch 595 Runway car
10-46 Fueling vehicle 10-70 Traffic stop 597 Cruelty to animals
10-47 Missing person 10-71 Citation issued 602 Trespassing
10-48 Runaway juvenile 10-72 No citation issued 604 Throwing missiles
10-52 Accident with injuries 10-73 Check location 647 Intoxicated or vagrant
10-53 Accident ) fatal 10-81 Switch to frequency 1 person
10-58 Request wrecker 10-82 Switch to frequency 2 653M Threatening phone calls
10-59 Request ambulance 10-83 Switch to frequency 3 901 Ambulance call ) Traffic
10-72 Request paramedics 10-84 Switch to frequency 4 accident
10-81 Stop and identify 10-85 Switch to frequency 5 901A Ambulance call ) suicide
10-82 Stop and arrest 10-86 Switch to frequency 6 attempt
10-83 Covering unit 10-87 Switch to frequency 7 901H Ambulance call ) deceased
10-84 Request back-up 10-88 Phone number person
10-91 Frequency 1 10-97 Arrived at scene 901K Ambulance en route
10-92 Frequency 2 10-98 Assignment complete 901L Ambulance call ) overdose
10-93 Frequency 3 10-99 Unable to copy 901N Request ambulance
10-94 Frequency 4 901S Ambulance call ) shooting
10-95 Frequency 5 CALIFORNIA Ambulance call ) sick or
10-96 Frequency 6 Standard California Codes injury
10-97 Frequency 7 J Juvenile involved 901T Ambulance call ) traffic
10-99 Officer needs help X Female involved accident
4 No further assistance 901Y Request ambulance if needed
University of Arizona required 902 Accident
Same as Tucson except: 5 Stakeout ) stay away 902A Attempt suicide
9 Building check 7 Lunch 902H En route to hospital
11 University main station 20 Notify news media 902M Request medical aid
12 University sub-station 33 Emergency ) clear the air 902N Traffic accident ) no
13 Campus 187 Homicide injuries
10-19 En route to scene 207 Kidnaping 902T Traffic accident
10-22 University affiliation 207A Kidnaping attempt 903 Aircraft crash
903L Low flying aircraft 952 Report conditions wants
904 Fire 953 Check smoke report 11-28 Rush vehicle registration
904A Fire alarm 954 Arrived at scene info
904B Brush fire 955 Fire under control 11-29 Subject has no record, no
904C Car fire 956 Available for assignment wants
904F Forest fire 957 Fire out on arrival 11-30 Incomplete phone call
904G Grass fire 960X Car stop ) dangerous suspects 11-31 Person calling for help
904I Illegal burning 961 Take a report 11-40 Advise if ambulance needed
904M Trash fire 962 Suspect is armed and 11-41 Request ambulance
904S Structure fire dangerous 11-42 Ambulance not needed
905B Animal bite 966 Sniper 11-43 Doctor required
905D Dead animal 966A Shots heard 11-44 Possible fatality
905I Injured animal 967 Outlaw motorcyclists 11-45 Attempt suicide
905L Loose livestock 975 Can suspect hear your radio? 11-46 Death report
905N Noisy animal 981 Frequency is clear 11-47 Injured person
905R Animal with rabies 982 Are we being received? 11-48 Provide transportation
905S Stray animal 983 Explosion 11-49 Traffic stop
905V Vicious animal 984 Hazardous materials 11-50 Field interrogation
906K Rescue dispatched 995 Labor trouble 11-51 Security check
906N Request rescue 996 Explosion 11-70 Fire alarm
907 Minor disturbance 996A Unexploded bomb 11-71 Fire report
907A Loud radio or TV 996B Bomb explosion 11-78 Paramedics dispatched
907B Ball game in street 996T Bomb threat 11-79 Accident ) ambulance
907K Paramedics dispatched 997 Officer needs help dispatched
907N Request paramedics 998 Officer involved in shooting 11-80 Accident ) serious injury
907Y Are paramedics needed? 999 Officer needs help 11-81 Accident ) minor injury
908 Begging 5150 Mental case 11-82 Accident ) property damaged
909 Traffic congestion 10851 Auto theft 11-83 Accident ) no details
909A Hot wires down 10852 Tampering with vehicle 11-84 Direct traffic
909B Road blockade 11300 Narcotics violation 11-85 Request tow truck
909F Flares needed 11350 Possession of controlled 11-86 Special detail
909T Traffic hazard substance 11-87 Assist officer
910 Can you handle? 11357 Possession of marijuana 11-88 Assist motorist
911 Advise person 20001 Hit & run ) felony 11-98 Meet officer
911A Contact informant 20002 Hit & run ) misdemeanor 11-99 Officer needs help ) urgent!
911B Contact officer 20007 Hit & run ) unattended vehicle
911C Contact citizen 21958 Drunk pedestrian on roadway California Highway Patrol
911N Do not contact informant 22350 Speeding Standard California Codes except:
912 Are we clear? 22500 Illegal parking 10-11 Give FCC mobile ID (KA4993)
913 You are clear 23103 Reckless driver 10-30 Improper use of radio
914 Request detectives 23104 Reckless driver 10-31 Attempt suicide
914A Attempt suicide 23105 Under influence of narcotics 10-35 Backup unit at once
914C Request coroner 23109 Cars racing 10-36 Confidential information
914D Request doctor 23110 Throwing objects at vehicles 10-36A Subject may be armed
914F Request fire department 23151 Drunk driving ) injury involved 10-36F Possible felony want
914H Heart attack 23152 Drunk driver 10-36M Possible misdemeanor want
914N Concerned party notified 23153 Drunk driving ) felony 10-37 Correct time
914S Suicide 10-3 Change channels 11-27 Check driver's license
915 Dumping rubbish 10-10 Out of service-radio on 11-66 Traffic signal not working
916 Holding suspect 10-11 Talk slower 11-86 Bomb threat
916A Officer holding felony 10-12 Visitors present 11-87 Bomb found
suspect 10-14 Convoy or escort detail
916B Citizen holding suspect 10-15 En route to jail with Department of Forestry
916C Citizen holding felony prisoner 10-25 Have contact with?
suspect 10-16 Pick up prisoner 10-37 Name of operator?
917A Abandoned vehicle 10-17 Pick up documents 10-39 Request radio contact with
917P Hold vehicle for 10-23 Stand by ____
fingerprints 10-24 Trouble at the station 10-40 Request phone contact with
918 Mental case 10-27 Check driver's license ____
918A Escaped mental patient 10-29F Subject wanted for felony 10-49 Proceed to____
918V Violent mental case 10-29H Confidential information 5 Dispatch standby
919 Keep the peace follows 932 Turn mobile relay on
920 Missing adult 10-29M Subject wanted for 933 Turn mobile relay off
920A Found adult misdemeanor 949 Burning permit inspection
920C Missing child 10-29T Subject wanted on traffic 980 Radio restricted to
920F Found child warrant emergency only
920J Missing juvenile 10-29V Vehicle reported stolen
921 Prowler 10-30 Subject has no record, no Alameda County
921P Peeping Tom warrants APCO and Standard California Codes
922 Illegal peddling 10-31 Subject has record, no except:
923 Illegal shooting warrants 6 Cover needed by slow down
924 Station detail 10-32 Subject wanted 9 Roadblock
924B Notify the station 10-34 Resume normal broadcasting 10 Caution ) police hazard
925 Suspicious person 10-35 Confidential information 904A Vehicle fire
925V Suspicious vehicle 10-36 Correct time 904B Structure fire
926 Request tow truck 10-37 Name of operator? 904G Vegetation fire
926A Tow truck dispatched 10-39 Message delivered 932 Turn on mobile relay
927 Investigate unknown trouble 10-86 Traffic check 933 Turn off mobile relay
927A Person pulled from telephone 10-87 Meet an officer 949 Burning inspection
927B Open door or window 10-97 Arriving at assignment 953A Investigate gas
927C Patrol crime area 10-98 Assignment completed 956 Assignment incomplete
927D Possible deceased person 10-99 Emergency! 980 Emergency traffic only
927H 9-1-1 call hang-up 11-6 Illegal discharge of 10-6 Change channels
927S Woman screaming firearms 10-11 Give FCC identification
928 Found property 11-7 Prowler 10-12 Visitors present
928B Found bicycle 11-8 Person down 10-14 Citizen holding suspect
928L Lost property 11-10 Take a report 10-17 Request fuel
929 Person down 11-12 Dead animal/Loose livestock 10-18 Equipment exchange
930 See man regarding complaint 11-13 Injured animal 10-24 Request unit-to-unit
930A See the manager 11-14 Animal bite transmission
931 See woman regarding a 11-15 Ball game in street 10-25 Do you have contact with
complaint 11-17 Wires down ____?
932 Woman or child abuse 11-24 Abandoned vehicle 10-26 Clear
933 Open window 11-25 Traffic hazard 10-30 Does not conform to
949 Gasoline spill 11-25X Female motorist needs regulations
950 Burning permit assistance 10-32 Drowning
951 Request fire investigator 11-27 Subject has no record, no 10-33 Alarm sounding
10-34 Assist at office H Clean up after horses 905 Abandoned vehicle
10-35 Time check 906 Person breaking in
10-36 Confidential information Long Beach City 908 Out of service
10-39 Can ____ come to radio? APCO and Standard California Codes 908A Out of service ) meal
10-40 Is ____ available for phone except: 908B Out of service ) personal
call? 9 Dangerous location 908C Out of service ) break
10-42 Check on welfare 215 carjacking 908D Off duty
10-43 Request doctor 960 Shooting 909A In service
10-45 Request condition of 964 Traffic lights out 909D In service ) on duty
patient? 965 Traffic signals not working 910 Prowler
10-45A Patient condition ) good 966 Lights out 911 Suicide attempt
10-45B Patient condition ) serious 969 Gas leak 912 Suspicious person
10-45C Patient condition ) critical 970 Rescue 913 Suicide
10-45D Patient deceased 971 Assist guards 914 Phone station
10-49 Go to ____ 972 Escort victim 915 Phone communications
10-50 Person under influence of 990 Transportation 916 Request unit-to-unit
drugs 1000 Officer needs help alarm 917 Unit-to-unit approved
10-51 Person intoxicated 918 Person calling for help
10-52 Request resuscitator Los Angeles City 921 Car prowler
10-53 Person down J Juvenile involved 922 Intoxicated pedestrian
10-54 Possible deceased person W Female involved 922A Intoxicated person in
10-55 Request coroner A No rain expected vehicle
10-56 Suicide Alpha Meet at rendevous point 922B Intoxicated person on
10-56A Suicide attempt AC Aircraft crash premises
10-57 Missing person FB Fallen balloon 924 Go to station
10-59 Security check B Rain expected 926 Request location
10-60 Lockout BT Bomb threat 927 Bonfire
10-61 Public service K Deceased 927A Explosion
10-62 Meet citizen QT Secrecy regarding location 928C Possible incendiary device
10-62A Take citizen's report Slug Bean-bag ammo requested 928P Bomb threat
10-62B Civil case standby Tom Taser gun requested 929 Fire
10-63 Prepare to copy UPR High Power Rifle requested 933 Burglar alarm
10-64 Found property 1 Acknowledge call 936 Vehicle registration check
10-66 Suspicious person 2 Priority ) no siren or flashers 936A Wants/warrants check
10-67 Person calling for help 2-high First priority call 936G Firearms check
10-68 Phone call for police 3 Respond with siren and 936P Personal property check
10-70 Prowler flashers 937C No information on file
10-71 Shooting 4A No further assistance 937D Suspect is dangerous
10-72 Firearm involved required 937M Information in file
10-73 How do you receive? suspect not in custody 937S Possible information in file
10-79 Bomb threat 6 Investigation 937W Possible warrant on file
10-80 Explosion 6A Investigating ) require 938 Cancel last assignment
10-88 Assume post assistance 940 Meet officer
10-91A Stray animal 6C Investigating ) suspect is 940A Back up officer
10-91B Noisy animal wanted 940B Officer needs help
10-91C Injured animal 6G Gang activity 941 Citizen holding suspect
10-91D Dead animal 6M Investigating militant 943 Fight
10-91E Animal bite activity 945 Ambulance follow-up
10-91G Pick up animal 8 Fire alarm 945A Request ambulance
10-91J Collect animal 8A Working fire 945B Is ambulance needed?
10-91L Leash law violation 10 Check for wants and warrants 945C Relieve ambulance
10-91V Vicious animal 12 False alarm 946 Request tow truck
10-95 Request technical unit 20 Notify news media to respond 947 Request prisoner
10-100 Civil disturbance ) mutual aid 30 Burglar alarm transportation
10-101 Civil disturbance ) mutual aid 30A Burglar alarm ) sounds being 947J Request juvenile
11-27 Holding driver for license heard transportation
check 30R Burglar alarm ) ringing 949 Suspicious vehicle
11-51 Escort 37 Vehicle is reported stolen 950 Citizen report
11-52 Funeral detail 99 Emergency! 952 Report from telephone
11-54 Suspicious vehicle 100 In position to intercept company
11-55 Officer being followed 484PS Purse snatch 953 Person down
11-56 Officer being 507FC Firecrackers 955 Stray animal
followed ) caution 586E Car blocking driveway 955A Vicious animal
11-57 Suspicious auto at scenes
11-58 Being monitored ) use phone Los Angeles County Sheriff Orange County
11-59 Check high hazard areas Standard California Codes except: Standard California Codes except:
10-60 Attack in high hazard area 830A Train vs auto accident 19 No other units available
11-65 Traffic signal out 830P Train vs pedestrian accident 920A Missing adult
11-66 Defective traffic signal 831 Train derailment 932 Open door
11-78 Aircraft accident 832 Stalled train 961 Stopping vehicle
11-94 Pedestrian stop 837 Remove train power 968 Want/record check
11-95 Vehicle stop 838 Restore train power 970 Illegal surfing
11-96 Checking suspicious vehicle 840 Check crowd conditions 971 Overturned boat
11-97 Security check on patrol 841 Hazmat incident 972 Speeding boat
842 No service ) advise passengers 973 Swimmer on boat
Contra Costa County 974 Boat adrift
(See: Alameda County) Los Angeles County Fire 975 Wreckage adrift
10 Bomb threat A Request arson investigator 976 Oil slick in water
666 Be on lookout for/road block F Fatality 977 Check mooring line
10-27 Wanted I Firefighter injured 978 Boat aground
10-64 Advise status R Respond emergency 979 Boat sinking
11-26 Occupied stalled vehicle 981 Request radiological team
Modesto 982 Bomb threat
Disneyland (See: Stanislaus County) 10-45 Service equipment
100 Fireworks about to begin 10-46 Moving to better location
100D Delayed opening Napa County 10-96 Test selcall equipment
101 Attraction downroutine (See: Alameda County)
102 Attraction downurgent Riverside
103 Attraction downemergency Oakland Standard California Codes except:
104 Attraction up (Partial) 6 Follow-up
105 Attraction operating at 901 Accident ) no injuries 8 Deceased person
reduced capacity 901A Accident w/injuries 9 No units available
106 Attraction operating at full 901B Accident ) is ambulance 10 Helicopter not available
capacity required? 222 Paramedic call
107 Be on lookout for 901D Accident ) Intoxication 10-12 Units covering
902 Traffic accident involved 10-15 Transporting prisoner
904 Fire 904 Message received 10-42 Transport
10-50 Shakedown 603 Prowler 10-52 Resuscitator
10-57 Suspicious ) send additional 647B Prostitute 10-53 Person down
unit 650 Threats 10-54 Possible deceased person
10-84 File number 790 Senile person 10-55 Request coroner
10-85 Request report review 800 Possible mental case 10-56 Suicide
10-88 Phone ____ 801 Attempt suicide 10-56A Attempt suicide
10-89 Request helicopter 802 Request coroner 10-57 Shots fired
11-1 Bomb threat 806 Uncontrolled juvenile 10-58 Illegal dumping
11-10 Request additional unit 807 Missing juvenile 10-59 Malicious mischief
11-10A Request helicopter 809 Missing person 10-60 Ball game in street
811 Intoxicated 10-62 Meet citizen
Sacramento County 819 Drunk rolling 10-65 Missing person
(See: Alameda County) 851 Stolen vehicle 10-66 Suspicious person
852 Tampering with vehicle 10-67 Person calling for help
San Diego Region 853 Recovered vehicle 10-68 Tree down
Standard California Codes except: 901 Telephone___ 10-69 Wires down
1 Trouble at the station 902 Return to station 10-70 Prowler
6 Remain away from area 904 Meet officer 10-71 Shooting
8 Short break 905 Meet city employee 10-72 Knifing
9 Summer uniform 909 Meet citizen 10-73 How do you receive?
10 S.W.A.T. alert 910 Check well-being of person 10-77 Check barricades
11 S.W.A.T. staging 911 Broken window 10-78 Permission to change zones
37F Felony want 912 Illegal dumping 10-79 Clogged sewer
37M Misdemeanor want 913 Unknown complaint 10-80 Explosion
37T Traffic want 914 Person down 10-81 Broken water main
37V Stolen vehicle 916 Suspicious person in vehicle 10-82 Leaking hydrant
Blue Bus/taxi in trouble 917 Suspicious person 10-88 Permission to go to station
10-17 Report routine 918 Person calling for help 10-91 Animal involved call
10-21H Phone residence ) emergency 1000 Aircraft crash 10-91A Vicious animal
1035 Dangerous person alert 2000 Prisoner escape 10-91B Noisy animal
10-34 Are you clear? 3000 Blockade area 10-91C Injured animal
10-87 Meet officer 10-7A Administrative assignment 10-91D Dead animal
10-88 Request back-up 10-7B Beginning of watch 10-91E Animal bite
10-89 Bomb threat 10-7C Out to court 10-91G Pick up animal
10-97 Arrived at scene 10-7E End of watch 10-91H Livestock
10-98 Completed assignment 10-7F Assignment follow-up 10-91J Pick up animal
11-12 Injured animal 10-7G Fuel/Maintenance 11-23 Traffic hazard
11-13 Dead animal 10-7I Investigation 11-26 Abandoned bicycle
11-27 Felony record ) no want 10-7M Lunch 11-54 Suspicious vehicle
11-28 Misdemeanor record ) no want 10-7R Radio shop or range 11-66 Signals out of order
11-49 Vehicle stop 10-7S At station 11-86 Traffic violation
11-50 Vehicle stop ) check 10-7T On traffic control 11-87 Wash down
registration 10-8F On foot patrol 11-96 Investigating vehicle
11-51 Pedestrian stop 10-25 Backup
11-52 Are you safe? 10-30 Wanted person or vehicle Santa Clara County agencies
11-53 Security check 10-32 Subject/vehicle not wanted Same as San Mateo County except:
11-55 Hazardous material spill 10-34 Confidential info follows 6A&D Armed and dangerous
11-60 Investigate water leak 10-35 Consent to search 6F Felony want
11-66 Traffic signals out of order 10-36 Emergency notification 6H Possible hazard
10-43 Intelligence Division 6M Misdemeanor want
San Francisco interest 9 Answering ring down
Red Felony want or record 10-96 Undercover surveillance 10 Bomb threat
100 Alarm 10-98 Changing location 11 Request Ambulance
148 Resisting arrest authorization
152 Intoxicated driver 12 Notify news media
212 Strong-arm San Joaquin County 20 Officer needs help
213 Purse snatch Same as Stockton 22 Restricted radio traffic
216 Shots fired 43 TAC forces committed
217 Shooting San Mateo County 148 Resisting arrest
219 Knifing 9 Suspicious package 314 Indecent exposure
221 Person with gun 10 Bomb threat 415A Fight
222 Person with knife 12 Unauthorized traffic 476A Bad check
288 Sexual assault 13 Only unit available for call 496 Receiving stolen property
400 Demonstration 14 Vacation house check 499B Joy riding
404 Riot 30 Officer needs help 601 Juvenile offense
405 Citizen holding suspect 647A Child molesting 447A Arson
406 Officer needs help 666 Road block 602 Trespassing
407 Request prisoner 833 Subject has prior weapons 3000 Road block
transportation record 4532 Escape
408 Request ambulance 953A Investigate smell of gas 12025 Carrying concealed weapon
409 Request tow truck 1000 Aircraft crash 10-30 Does not conform to rules
410 Assistance en route 2000 Airport closure plan 10-36 Confidential information
416 Citizen standby 10-3 Change channels 10-40 Is ____ available for phone
417 Person ringing doorbells 10-10 Homeon call call?
418 Fight 10-12 Suspect/others listening 10-44 Maternity case
419 Fight with weapons 10-30 Stolen vehicle 10-66P Suspicious package
420 Juvenile disturbance 10-30F Felony want 10-69 Wire down
470 Fraud 10-30M Misdemeanor want 10-74 Check road conditions
496 Receiving stolen property 10-31A No wants and no record 10-75 Check hole in road
518 Accident ) property 10-31F Felony record ) no want 10-76 Check open ditch
519 Accident ) injury 10-31M Misdemeanor record ) no want 10-78 Check water conditions
520 Aided case 10-32 Drowning 10-94 Drill or inspection
527 Bonfire 10-33 Audible alarm 10-96 Pedestrian stop ) request
528 Fire 10-34 Open door backup
529 Explosion 10-35 Open window 10-99 Open security door
530 Bomb threat 10-39 Request status of___ 11-95 Vehicle stop
531 Possible explosive device 10-41 Notify if ambulance needed 11-96 Vehicle stop ) send backup
found 10-42 Request ambulance
585 Traffic stop 10-43 No ambulance needed Santa Barbara County
586 Traffic congestion 10-44 Doctor requested Expanded APCO and CHP codes except:
587 Illegal parking 10-45 Injury 6C Dangerous suspect
588 Blocked driveway 10-46 Sick 9 Vehicle stop
595 Graffiti 10-47 Ambulance transfer 10 Warrant service
596 Abandoned vehicle 10-48 Ambulance transfer 40 Traffic hazard
600 Road block 10-49 Proceed to___ 50 Major disturbance
601 Trespasser 10-50 Take report 60 Traffic violation
602 Person breaking in 10-51 Intoxicated person 70 Vehicle service
80 Found property 800 Request prisoner 1 Was message received?
100 Bomb threat transportation 6F Felony warrant
1000 Begin operation 800A En route to jail 6M Subject has misdemeanor
10-34 Assistance required at 800B En route to detox center warrant
station 900 Emergency ) stand by 6MV Owner has misdemeanor
10-35 Assist officer 902 Check out warrant
10-40 Backup requested 903 Traffic congestion 6S Subject on parole
10-45 Pick up ____ 905 Abandoned vehicle 12 Attention all units
10-46 Pick up prisoner's meals 906 Check officer welfare 10-27 Any return on request?
11-4 Possible emergency 907 Officer secure 10-42 At residence
11-5 Public assistance 908 Out of service 10-48 Accident ) non injury
11-30 Missing person 909 In service 10-49 Accident with injuries
11-41 Request ambulance 909A On assignment 10-81 Out to sub-station
11-43 Ambulance followup 910 Prowler COLORADO
11-82 Accidentno injuries 911 Shooting Colorado Highway Patrol
11-86 Special assignment 911A Stabbing Same as Expanded APCO Codes
912 Suspicious person
Solano County 913 Suicide Weather & road conditions
(See: Alameda County) 914 Phone ____ 1 High winds
914C Call home 1R High-profile vehicles
Stanislaus County 915 Call radio restricted
APCO and Standard California Codes 918 Person calling for help 2 Restricted visibility
except:: 920 Followup investigation 3 Dry
8A Sounding alarm 922 Intoxicated person 4 Wet
8S Silent alarm 923 Begging 5 Rain
9A Felony stops on file 924 Go to your office 6 Snow
10 Unidentified caller 925 Go to Police Department 7 Slushy
11 Followup 926 Your location? 8 Icy
12 Meeting 928 Explosion 9 Icy spots
15 Bomb threat 928A Bomb threat 10 Snow packed
10-7A Available on pager 928B Bomb found 11 Snow packed spots
10-11 Assist officer 929 Fire 12 Slides
10-16 Request ____ 929L Vehicle leaking gasoline 13 Closed
10-17 Assist agency 930 Smoke investigation 14 Drifting snow
10-25 Any messages? 931 Injured person 15 Snow tires or chains
10-26 No messages' 932 Drowning required
10-27 Station busy 933 Alarm sounding 16 Chains required
10-31 Clear for reports 933T Alarm test 17 Chains on vehicles over 10k
10-32 Remain in service 935 Traffic stop GVW
10-39 Abandoned vehicle 936W Warrant service
10-40 Breaking in 937 Check on ____ Adams County
10-41 Shooting 938 Cancel last assignment 1 Emergency ) priority messages
10-42 At residence 939 Request tow truck only
10-43 Vehicle tampering 940 Meet officer 4 Message received
10-44 Suicide 940A Officer needs help 5 Meet____
10-45 Fire 941 Citizen holding suspect 6 Stopped vehicle
10-46 Drowning 942 Pick up ____ 7 Out of service
10-47 Citizen holding suspect 943 Fight 8 Wanted or stolen indicated
10-49 Firearms involved 944 Stand-by 25 Bomb threat
10-50 Prowler 945 Request ambulance
10-51 Trespassing 945M Request medics Arapahoe County
10-52 Lost person 949 Investigate suspicious car 5 Traffic stop
10-53 Missing person 950 Take report
10-55 Road block 951 Check conditions Aurora
10-56 Short break 953 Person down Same as Colorado Springs except:
10-57 Dog problem 955 Animal problem 8 In service
10-58 Request file number 956 Illegal peddling 9 Mental case
10-59 At Del Puerto Hospital 957 Discharging firearms 10 Wanted or stolen indicated
10-60 Burglar alarm 957B BB guns
10-61 Silent alarm 958 Illegal trash disposal Brighton
10-62 Take report 959 Malicious mischief Same as Adams County
10-63 Obtain information 960 Trespassing
10-64S Subpoena service 961 Broken window Colorado Springs
10-64W Warrant service 962 Meet citizen 1 Radio silence
Alert 1 963 Ball game in street 4 Acknowledgment
Aircraft in trouble 965 Lost or missing person 5F Felony want
Alert 2 965A Lost or missing child 5M Misdemeanor want
Aircraft down 965B Found person 6 Busy
Alert 3 967 Check lights or traffic 7 Lunch
Aircraft crash 969 Wires down 8 Alarm
Blue Cardiac arrest 969A Pole down 9 Deceased person
969B Tree down 10 Bomb threat
Stockton 970 Illegal parking 15 This channel not being
6 Major fire 972 Possible deceased person monitored
9 Scramble message 974 Request Deputy District 16 Stay away from____
10 Urgent call holding Attorney 20 Officer needs help
12 Multiple channel dispatching 976 Subpoena detail M M Malicious mischief
14 Major disaster 977 Check barricades P W T Officer on foot
15 Patrol area and report 986C Repeat message
damage 986D Deliver message Denver
16 Disaster council in command 987 Arrived on scene 1 Phone dispatcher
17 SWAT call-up 987A Unable to locate complainant 2 Phone office
17Z Officer hostage 987C Suspect in custody 3 Go to office
710 Time check 987G No report 4 No want or stolen
711 Go to firing range 988 Any messages? 5 Wanted or stolen indicated
715 Request city photographer 989 Return to beat 6 Arrived at scene
717 Request fingerprint tech 990 Be on lookout for ___ 7 Break
721 Contact County Hospital 992 Advise when detail is 9 Urgent ) no lights or siren
723 Men's jail completed 10 Urgent ) use lights and siren
724 Honor farm 1000 Aircraft crash 12 Routine bar check
725 Women's jail 4000 Escort
728 Lodi Police Department 4532 Prisoner escape Lakewood
729 Tracy Police Department J Juvenile involved Same as Colorado Springs except:
730 Manteca Police Department P Incident in progress 6 Accident alert
731 Ripon Police Department X Female involved 8 Fire
732 Escalon Police Department
733 District Attorney's Office Ventura County Pueblo
1 Arrived at scene 17 Possible escape alert 10-60 Traffic problem
4 Suspect in custody 18 Search for contraband 10-61 Bomb threat
5 Use caution 19 Transporting staff 10-62 Open fire hydrant
6 Juvenile 20 Perimeter check 10-63 Drug activity
7 Out of service 21 Confidential information 10-64 Traffic condition
8 In service 22 Repeat 10-65 Landlord-tenant dispute
9 Go to station 10-66 Larceny
10 Officer needs help C-Med (Northwest) 10-67 Aircraft crash
11 Disregard last message 1 Critical 10-68 Telephone
12F Fatal accident 2 Non-critical 10-69 Escape
12I Accident with injuries 3 Cardiac arrest 10-70 Escaped prisoner
13 Resisting arrest 10-71 Suspicious person
14 No further assistance Signals 10-72 Location
needed 4 Possible deceased 10-73 Roll call
15 Meet supervisor 6 Maternity 10-74 Missing person
16 Permission to leave beat 7 Overdose 10-75 Indecent exposure
19 Mental case 10 Accident 10-76 Mugging
20 Clear channel 11 Accident ) possible fatal 10-77 Meet the officer
12 Routine transfer 10-78 Traffic detail
CONNECTICUT 13 Return to base 10-79 Parking violation
State Police 16 False call 10-80 Rape
A Emergency 17 Patient refuses treatment 10-81 On foot
B Sensitive information 18 Phone 10-82 Vehicle stop
1 Full mobilization 19 St. Mary's Hospital 10-83 Domestic Dispute
2 Emergency operational plans 20 Waterbury Hospital 10-84 Child abuse
3 State Capitol 22 Emergency 10-85 Kidnaping
4 Governor's residence 28 No siren and flashers on 10-86 Criminal mischief
5 Priority use of radio approach 10-87 Neighbor dispute
channel 29 Apparent deceased 10-88 Harassment
6 Priority use of TAC channel 33 On radio 10-89 Threatening
1 34 Off radio 10-90 Trespass
10 Accident 35 In service ) available 10-91 Animal problem
11 Accident ) fatal 36 Out of service 10-92 Strike detail
12 Motor vehicle violation 37 Back at station 10-93 Non-vehicle accident
13 Intoxicated driver 38 Radio check 10-94 Request backup
14 Disabled vehicle 69 Med channel to Center 10-95 Loitering
15 Vehicle registration 10-96 Escort
information Bridgeport Police 10-97 Guard duty
16 Check for stolen 10-1 On duty 10-98 Court appearance
17 Driver's license check 10-2 Off duty 10-99 Routine medical check
20 Missing or wanted person 10-3 Request registration
check information Bridgeport Fire
21 Sexual offense 10-5 En route 19 En route
22 Stolen vehicle 10-6 Out of service 21 In service
23 Active alarm 10-7 In service 24 On scene
23B Active alarm ) no response 10-8 In booking 29 First alarm
23C False alarm 10-9 Case follow-up 30 Second alarm
24 Bomb threat 10-10 Out of service 31 General alarm
25 Prisoner escape 10-11 Training
26 Hostage situation 10-12 Detail for patrol Hartford
31 Out of service 10-13 Emergency button on 10-00 Harassmentleaving scene
32 In service 10-14 Pursuit (FD)
33 Call troop 10-15 Subpoena 10-0 Officer needs help
34 Location? 10-16 Arrest warrant 10-1 Phone HQ (FD)
35 Go to troop 10-17 Check for wanted or missing Use caution (PD)
36 Transport passenger 10-18 Gunshots 10-2 On scene (FD)
37 Transport prisoner 10-19 Abandoned vehicle Go to HQ (PD)
38 Transport package 10-20 Vehicle accident 10-3 Working fire (FD)
39 Radio test 10-21 Accident with injuries What is your location? (PD)
40 Repeat 10-22 Weapons involved 10-5 Request Fire Marshall (FD)
41 Check radio tower 10-23 Burglar alarm Radio silence (PD)
42 Radioactive material 10-24 Assault 10-6 Fatality (FD)
43 Intoxicated person 10-25 Burglary in progress Phone call (PD)
44 Deceased person 10-26 Disturbance 10-7 Request police (FD)
45 Missing person 10-27 Intoxicated person Repeat message (PD)
46 Fire 10-28 Driving while intoxicated 10-8 In service (FD)
47 Bank check 10-29 Fire Pursuit in progress (PD)
48 Blood run 10-30 fireworks 10-9 Out of service (FD)
49 Midnight shift check 10-31 pick up for investigation Notary services (PD)
50 Voluntary response 10-32 Officer needs assistance 10-10 Request ambulance
10-33 Burglary 10-11 Request wrecker
Department of Corrections 10-34 Hit & run 10-12 Request patrol wagon
10-35 Robbery 10-13 Request case #
Blue Disturbance 10-36 Domestic disputeviolent 10-15 Service
Green Escape 10-37 Vice complaint 10-16 Lunch
Orange Officer needs help 10-38 Go to HQ 10-17 Personal relief
Red Fire 10-39 Suspicious incident 18-18 Personal use
White Medical problem 10-40 Abandoned vehicle 10-19 Chauffeur detail
Yellow Hostage situation 10-41 Breaking & entering 10-20 HQ detail
10-42 Suicide 10-21 Transport beat officer
Signals 10-43 Fight 10-22 Transport employee
1 In service 10-44 Stolen vehicle 10-23 Assist Civil process
2 Out of service 10-45 Money transfer 10-24 Warrant service attempt
3 Radio check 10-46 Medical transport 10-25 Referrals
4 Phone 10-47 Report to garage 10-26 Subpoena/Capias
5 Relay message 10-48 Homicide 10-27 Community service
6 Prisoner in custody 10-49 Drowning 10-28 Court detail
7 Prisoner to transport 10-50 Agency referral 10-29 Supervisory detail
8 Escape 10-51 General broadcast 10-30 Vehicle accident
9 Vehicle break-down 10-52 Medical assistance 10-31 Vehicle accident ) personal
10 Institutional emergency 10-53 Boating accident 10-32 Accident other than vehicle
11 Troublesome prisoner 10-54 Suspicious vehicle 10-33 Standing violation
12 Go to _____ 10-55 Illegally parked vehicle 10-34 Moving violation
13 Local inmate transfer 10-56 Vacant house 10-35 Evading responsibility
14 Count inmates 10-57 Juveniles involved 10-36 Intoxicated driver
15 Suspicious vehicle 10-58 Disturbing the peace 10-37 Open hydrant
16 Suspicious person 10-59 License plate check 10-38 Direct school traffic
10-39 Traffic control 50 Fire 68 Dangerous condition exists
10-40 Animal complaint 52 Off the radio 69 Roving gang
10-41 Sick person ) ambulance 53 On the radio 70 Execute cordon plan
needed? 54 Fire under control 71 Loitering
10-42 Sick person ) ambulance sent 59 Phone 72 Request transportation
10-43 Attempt suicide 71 Returning to station 73 Escaped prisoner
10-44 Mental case 79 Location? 75 Carrying weapon
10-45 Deceased person 80 Assignment complete 76 Missing person
10-46 Intoxicated person 85 Radio test 77 Assigned units only
10-47 Domestic problem 100 Drill 78 Resume normal patrol
10-48 Hazardous condition 200 Non-emergency 79 Breaking & entering report
10-49 Heat complaint 81 Shoplifting report
10-50 Missing person Middlesex County 82 Theft report
10-51 Landlord-tenant dispute Fire 83 Purse snatch
10-52 Juvenile complaint 16 Phone____ 84 Vehicle registration check
10-53 Fire 19 Arrived at scene 85 Threats
10-54 Labor dispute 22 En route to scene 86 Bomb threat
10-55 Assist motorist 23 In service at station 87 Property damage
10-56 Lost or found property 32 En route to ____ 88 Animal problem
10-57 Escort 50 Structure fire 89 Dog bite
10-58 Notification 71 Returning to station 90 Sick or injured person
10-59 Directed patrol 80 Assignment complete 91 Assume patrol area of ____
10-60 Bomb threat 81 Request tone check 92 Tampering with vehicle
10-61 Fire bombing 85 Request radio check 93 Noise problem
10-62 Larceny 94 Unwanted person
10-63 Suspicious person New Haven Police 95 Harassing phone calls
10-64 Suspicious vehicle 1 Request ambulance 96 Gambling
10-65 Burglar alarm ) silent 2 Stolen vehicle 97 Glue sniffing
10-66 Burglar alarm ) audible 3 Request supervisor 98 Narcotics complaint
10-67 Breaking & entering 4 Request officer 99 Priority call
10-68 Stolen vehicle 5 Burglary in progress 100 Lost or found property
10-69 Property damage 6 Use caution 101 Meet traffic assistant
10-70 Fight 7 Homicide 102 Engine problem
10-71 False alarm (FD) 8 Suspicious person 103 Flat tire
Breach of peace (PD) 9 Evading responsibility 104 Garage closed
10-72 Bomb threat (FD) 10 Recovered vehicle 105 Garage open
Person refusing to leave 11 Respond to ____ 106 Maintain radio watch
(PD) 12 Suspicious vehicle 107 Stand by for location check
10-73 Noise complaint 13 Out of service 108 Radio repair
10-74 Loitering 14 In service 109 Report of shots fired
10-75 Trespassing 15 Intoxicated driver 110 Unnecessary use of radio
10-76 Group disturbance 16 Intoxicated person 111-124 Unit assignments
10-77 Vice offense 17 See complainant 125 Riot equipment issued
10-78 Kidnaping 18 Meet officer 126 Riot equipment to be issued
10-79 Threats 19 Robbery 127 Tear gas to be issued
10-80 Robbery alarm 20 Fight 128 Return riot equipment
10-81 Escaped person 21 Respond with siren & 129 Disturbance at Hillhouse
10-82 Assault flashers 130 Disturbance at Lee High
10-83 Gun 22 Vehicle accident 131 Disturbance at Wilbur H.S.
10-84 Other weapon 23 Request to go off radio 132 Unit use frequency 1
10-85 Purse snatch 24 Fire 133 Unit use frequency 2
10-86 Mugging 25 Alarm 134 Unit use frequency 3
10-87 Robbery 26 Children involved 135 Motor vehicle violation
10-88 Rape 27 Pick up for investigation 136 Administrative assignment
10-89 Homicide 28 Pursuit in progress 137 Disable repeater
10-90 Unclassified incident 29 Request prisoner 138 Enable repeater
10-91 Escort prisoner transportation 139 Green lights on
10-92 Security detail 30 Adhere to schedule 140 Green lights off
10-93 Food run 31 Do not call dispatcher 141 Radio check OK
10-94 City hall run 32 Dispatcher returned 142 Poor radio reception
10-95 Apparatus accident (FD) 33 Location?
Equipment change (PD) 34 Escort New Haven Fire Department
10-96 Apparatus accidentinjuries 35 Phone ____ 4 Request assistance
(FD) 36 Traffic signal out of order 12 Deceased person
Follow-up (PD) 37 Domestic problem 16 Intoxicated person
10-97 Union business 38 At garage for vehicle 17 Psychiatric case
10-98 Detail service 21 Request box alarm
10-99 Assisting unit 39 Direct traffic 22 Request second alarm
40 Request tow truck 23 Request third alarm
Clearance Codes 41 Respond with flashers only 24 Request fourth alarm
A Arrest made 42 Large gathering 25 Request fifth alarm
C Civil matter 43 Large gathering ) hostile 26 Request ambulance
D No police action 44 Check building 27 Request battalion chief
E False call 45 Serving subpoena 28 Request fire marshal
F False security alarm 46 Lunch 29 Request police
G Group dispersed 47 Out of service ) personal 61 Phone
I Report follows 48 Assault with a weapon 62 Out of service
L Left scene 49 Shooting 63 Available
M Vehicle arrest 50 Windows being broken 64 Radio test
N No such address 51 Request detective 65 On scene
O No report 52 Request investigator 72 Minor fire
P Parking citation issued 53 Deceased person 73 Working fire
R Referred to other agency 54 Fare evasion 74 False alarm
S Settled 55 Fireworks 99 Message received
T Traffic arrest 56 Parking violation 100 Medical cardiac arrest
U Unable to locate 57 Attempt to locate 105 Terminal patient
W Warning 58 Injured animal 105A AIDS patient
X Call canceled 59 Check driver's license 200 Traumatic cardiac arrest
Z Vehicle serviced 60 Sniper
61 Objects being thrown New London County Fire
Signal 62 Person located Signals:
15 Arrived at scene 63 Observe subject or vehicle 23 Emergency
64 Stop subject or vehicle & 24 Disaster
Lichfield County Fire Net check 25 Weather Alert
23 Rescue 65 Accident other than vehicle 50 Fire alarm
30 Arrived on scene 66 Request emergency equipment 51 Report to station
33 Medical emergency 67 Request fire department 52 Off the radio
53 En route 10-32 Motor vehicle 1 Homicide
54 Under control accidentfatality 2 Rape
55 Request police 10-33 Motor vehicle 3 Robbery
56 Request ambulance accidentinjury 4 Assault
57 Request extricating 10-34 Motor vehicle 5 Burglary
equipment accidentdamage 6 Larceny
58 Request Power Company 10-35 Bomb threat 7 Stolen vehicle
59 Phone ____ 10-37 Go to garage 8 Telephone
60 Change frequency 10-38 Go to HQ 9 Arson
61 Apparatus accident 10-39 Open sally port door 10 Counterfeiting/forgery
62 Mutual aid 10-40 Animal problem 11 Fraud
63 Arrived 10-41 Suicide 12 Embezzlement
64 Make inspection 10-42 Attempt suicide 13 Stolen property
65 Aircraft accident 10-43 Deceased person 14 Criminal mischief
66 Aircraft search 10-44 Injured person 15 Weapons violation
67 Second alarm 10-45 Mental case 16 Prostitution
68 General alarm 10-47 Family dispute 17 Sex offense
69 Special call 10-48 Boat in distress 18 Narcotics offense
70 Message 10-49 Time check 19 Gambling
71 Returning 10-51 Burglaryresidential 20 Offense against child
72 Working fire 10-52 Burglarycommercial 21 Driving under influence
73 Apparatus available 10-53 Business dispute 22 Liquor law violation
74 Notify Fire Chief 10-54 Fire 23 Meet
75 Notify Fire Marshall 10-55 Phone _____ 24 Breach of peace
76 Search & Rescue 10-57 Miscellaneous call 25 Suspicious vehicle/person
79 Give location 10-58 Juvenile call 26A Kidnaping
80 All clear 10-59 Assist outside agency 26B Resisting arrest
83 Proceed with caution 10-61 Shoplifting 26C Threatening
85 Radio test 10-62 Larceny from vehicle 26D Trespassing
87 Firemen report86Prepare 10-63 Larceny 26E Harassment
food 10-71 Stolen vehicle 26F Drug paraphernalia
99 Aircraft crash 10-74 Recovered vehicle 26G Probation violation
10-79 Towed vehicle 26H Fugitive
New London County Ambulance 10-91 School crossing/traffic 26I Failure to appear
1 Deceased on arrival 10-92 Municipal service 26J No business permit
2 Bleeding 10-93 Assistance refused 27 Escape
3 Fracture 10-94 Handled by ambulance 28 Loitering on school grounds
4 Cardiac distress 10-95 Complainant gone 29 Runaway juvenile
5 Cardiac arrest 10-96 Unable to locate 30 In service
6 Respiratory distress 10-97 Canceled 31 Out of service
7 Poison 10-98 Patrol 32 Tagging
8 Overdose 10-99 Duplicate report 33 Mentally disturbed person
9 Unknown problem 34 Message received
10 Vehicle accident Fire 35 Switch channels
11 Hospital notified Signals 36 Report conditions
12 Maternity 1 In service 37 Prepare to copy
13 Critical 2 Out of service 38 Radio test
14 Head injury 3 Phone dispatch 39 Go to HQ
15 Routine transfer 4 Fire 40 Animal problem
16B Emotionally disturbed 5 Return/returning to 41 False alarm
17 Shooting quarters 42 Court duty
18 Stabbing 6 Report on incident 43 Vehicle service
20 Terminally ill 7 False alarm 44 Out for meal
21 Suicide 8 Multiple alarm 45 Transporting prisoner
22 Communicable disease 9 Fire under control 47 Warrant service
10 Request police 48 Investigation
Stamford 11 Temporary stop 49 Medical assistance
Police 12 Ambulance call 50 Vehicle accident
4 No further assistance 13 Emergency patient 51 Abandoned vehicle
required 14 Sound street sirens 52 Bomb threat
5 Stakeout 15 Upgrade to full assignment 53 Open business door
6 Call completed 16 Bomb threat 54 Deceased on arrival
7 Out of service 17 Send horn tones 55 Escort
7A Out of carradio on 18 Still alarm 56 Vehicle complaint
7M Lunchradio on 19 Hazmat incident 57 Notification
10 Routine backup 20 Open lock box 58 Found property
20 Assist officerurgent 21 Incident closed 59 Lost property
30 Officer needs help 45 Mental case 60 Stranded motorist
33 Emergency air traffic only 46 Possible AIDS 61 Strike duty
10-1 Homicide 100 Deceased at scene 62 Administrative
10-2 Rape 103 Emergency radio procedures 63 Traffic post
10-3 Robbery 64 Traffic signal check
10-4 Assault with weapon Tolland County 65 Missing person
10-8 Arson (See: New London County) 66 Prowler
10-9 Assault 67 Fire
10-10 Forgery/counterfeit Valley Shore Emergency 68 Assist other
10-11 Bogus check Communications 69 Check 9-1-1 call
10-12 Embezzlement Code 70 Non-criminal call
10-13 Stolen property 8 Bomb threat 71 Suicide
10-14 Vandalism 72 Hazmat problem
10-15 Person with weapon Signals 73 Burglar alarm
10-16 Prostitution 10 Minor fire 74 Notify supervisor
10-17 Sex offense 16 Telephone 75 Request prisoner
10-18 Narcotics 19 Unit arrived on scene transportation
10-19 Gambling 20 Working fire 76 Request Medical Examiner
10-20 Child abuse/neglect 22 Unit responding 77 Request photographer
10-21 Intoxicated driver 23 Non-fire emergency 78 Request lab technician
10-22 Liquor law violation 50 Fire emergency 79 Request detectives
10-23 Intoxicated person 52 Unit on radio 80 Vehicle stop
10-24 Disorderly person 71 Returning to station 81 Request wrecker
10-25 Burglar alarm 80 Situation under control/All 82 Vehicle registration
10-26 Robbery alarm clear information
10-27 Moving traffic violation 81 Radio tone alert testing 83 Driver's license
10-28 Traffic condition 85 Radio test information
10-29 Suspicious vehicle 84 Hit & run
10-30 Found property Waterbury Police Dept. 85 Injury
10-31 Missing or found person Codes: 86 Request fire equipment
87 Request ambulance 10-72 Fire alarm area
88 Request supervisor 10-73 Trouble at station 10-65 Attempting warrant at ____
89 Training assignment 10-74 Officer needs help 10-66 Radio tower lights checked
90 Desk 10-75 Radio silence for emergency 10-67 Permission to go car-to-car
91 Vehicle problem 10-76 Prisoner escape 10-68 Meet officer
92 Location 10-77 Road block 10-69 En route to ____
93 Warrant inquiry 10-78 Bank alarm 10-70 Report to ____
94 Large gathering 10-79 Aircraft crash 10-71 Alert for major emergency
95 Hostile group 10-80 Alarm 10-72 Mobilize for major
96 Resume normal patrol 10-81 Smoke report emergency
97 Fireworks 10-82 Fight 10-73 Report to marshaling area
98 Attempt to locate 10-83 Traffic violation 10-74 Supplement assigned
99 Stand by 10-85 Will be late personnel
100 Officer needs help 10-89 Too much air time 10-75 Activate scrambler
10-90 Confidential ) phone in 10-75A Deactivate scrambler
Waterbury Fire Dept. 10-91 Phone home ) no emergency 10-76 911 call hang-up
10-1 Responding 10-92 Request radio repair 10-77 Radio restriction
10-2 Repeat last message 10-93 All units report at once 10-78 Radio restriction clear
10-3 Verify address 10-94 Permission to use State 10-79 Non-emergency transport
10-5 Pick up red phones vehicle 10-80 Spinal injury
10-7 Phone 10-95 Disaster drill 10-81 Mental patient
10-8 Radio test 10-96 Location is confidential 10-82 Communicable disease
10-9 In service ) returning to 10-97 Transport legislator 10-83 Head injury
station 10-98 Aircraft hijacking 10-84 Seizure
10-10 Out of service 10-85 Convulsions
10-12 Arrived on scene Signal: 10-86 Drowning
10-13 Single company response 1000 Emergency in progress 10-87 Police action
10-14 Automatic or box alarm 10-88 Overdose
10-15 Phone alarm DELAWARE 10-89 Burns
10-16 False alarm Delaware State 10-90 Cardiac arrest
10-17 Out of service at station Expanded APCO codes except: 10-91 Deceased person report
10-18 In service at station 10-1 Situation under control 10-92 Internal injury
10-19 Further investigation 10-2 Arriving at scene 10-93 Fractured limb
10-25 Blocked hydrant 10-3 Go ahead 10-94 Miscarriage
10-30 At residence 10-10 Accident 10-95 Emergency maternity
10-31 Out of city 10-11 Second fire alarm 10-96 Have oxygen ready
10-32 Returning to city 10-12 Request assistance at 10-97 Severe bleeding
10-65 Extrication station 10-98 Stroke
10-75 Hazmat incident 10-14 Convoy or escort 10-99 Heart attack
10-77 Phone at once 10-15 Prisoner in custody 10-100 Emergency ) clear the
10-100 Bomb threat 10-16 Pick up prisoner frequency
10-1000 Fatality 10-17 Meal stop/send food to
Windham County 10-23 Direct traffic Park Police
(See: New London County) 10-24 Send assistance Same as extended APCO codes
10-25 Estimated time of arrival
MAINE 10-26 Advise operators number
10-3 Go ahead 10-26A Record of traffic Washington
10-10 Out of Service ) available violations (unofficial)
10-11 Dispatching too fast 10-26B Record of criminal 1 Expedited response
10-14 Escort violations 2 Routine response
10-15 Have subject in vehicle 10-27 Notify Police agency 10-30 Use caution ) Wanted or
10-17 See complainant 10-29N Not wanted stolen
10-22 Advise phone number 10-29P Wanted 10-50 Vehicle accident
10-23 Stand-by 10-30 Does not conform to rules 10-89 Bomb threat
10-24 Wanted or stolen indicated 10-31 Meet complainant 10-99 (same as 10-4 for 1-officer
10-25 Pedestrian check 10-32 Complainant unit)
10-26 Detaining subject 10-33 Parking violations 1 Expedite
10-30 Unauthorized use of radio 10-33A Disabled vehicle 2 Normal response
10-31 Crime in progress 10-34 Prepare to copy
10-32 Person with weapon 10-35 Confidential information Alarm disposition
10-33 Pursuit in progress 10-36 Time check 1 Accidental by employee
10-34 General alert 10-37 Is Magistrate's court open? 2 Forgot to deactivate
10-36 Correct time 10-37N Not open 3 Equipment malfunction
10-37 Dispatcher on duty? 10-38 Is Magistrate available? 4 Wind
10-38 Stopping suspicious vehicle 10-38N Not available 5 Test
10-39 Suspicious vehicle 10-39 Use caution 6 Suspicious person
10-40 Permission to leave area 10-40 Officer in trouble 7 Illness or injury
10-41 Prowler report 10-41 Checking vehicle or 8 Power failure
10-42 Dog involved pedestrian 9 Water pressure
10-43 Intoxicated pedestrian 10-42 Check clear 10 Steam pressure
10-44 Possible mental case 10-42A Arrest 11 Gas leak
10-45 Domestic trouble 10-42C Crime prevention check 12 Fire
10-46 Prisoner in custody 10-42R Reprimand issued 13 Phone line problem
10-47 Medical examiner needed 10-43 Wrecker needed 14 Other cause
10-48 Unattended death 10-44 Ambulance needed 15 Undetermined
10-49 Possible homicide 10-45 Rescue needed 16 See report
10-50 Officer involved in 10-46 Fire department washdown A Office building
accident 10-47 Dispatch tank truck B Warehouse
10-51 Debris in road 10-48 Alarm C School
10-52 Illegal parking 10-49 Civil disturbance D Financial institution
10-53 Possible DUI 10-50 Contact medical examiner E Business establishment
10-54 Drag racing 10-51 Notify Fire Marshal F Construction site
10-55 Vehicle accident 10-52 Permission to leave sector G Vehicle
10-56 Wrecker needed 10-53 Obstruction in roadway H Residence
10-57 Ambulance needed 10-54 Road blocked I Other
10-58 Direct traffic 10-55 Pick up ____
10-59 Assist motorist 10-56 School crossing assignment FLORIDA
10-60 Lost hunter 10-57 Bomb threat Standard Florida Codes & Signals
10-61 Hunting accident 10-58 Traffic signal out of order 4 No further assistance
10-62 Drowning accident 10-59 Release standby personnel needed
10-63 Night hunting 10-60 Contact C.I. Division 10-10 Out of service ) radio on
10-64 Dog-deer complaint 10-61 Property check 10-11 Talk more slowly
10-65 Boating accident 10-62 Property check clear 10-12 Visitors present
10-66 Snowmobile accident 10-63 Where can ____ be 10-14 Convoy or escort
10-70 Civil disturbance contacted? 10-15 Prisoner in custody
10-71 Bomb threat 10-64 Special unit operating in 10-16 Pick up prisoner
10-17 Investigation 10-58 Entering zone 69R Endangered species incident
10-18 Use siren & flashers 10-61 Vehicle service needed 69S Environmental incident
10-Ex No siren or flashers lights 10-62 Aircraft assignment 69T State fisheries incident
10-23 Stand by 10-63 Request special response 69U Federal fisheries incident
10-24 Send assistance team 69V Trap molesting
10-26 Message received 10-64 Radio net free 69X Non-game wildlife incident
10-27 Pick up_____ 10-65 Can you copy? 70 Gambling
10-30 Against rules and 10-67 License or equipment check 71 Prostitution
regulations 10-68 Agency meeting 72 Scramble communications
10-31 Pursuit in progress 10-69 Fire truck 73 Disengage scramble
10-32 Is breathalyzer available? 10-72 Request aircraft 74 Law enforcement training
10-34 Switch to channel___ 10-73 Request tow boat 75 Search & rescue
10-35 Confidential information 10-76 Switch to channel ____ 76 Disabled vehicle
10-36 Correct time 10-77 Request homicide 77 Weapons violation
10-37 Operator on duty investigator 78 Bribery
10-38 Block road 10-78 Notification of next of kin 79 Background investigation
10-39 Message delivered 10-82 Reserve motel room 80 Illegal eavesdropping
10-41 In possession of___ 10-83 Meet for work break 81 Public Relations assignment
10-42 Out of service at home 10-99 Unable to receive signal 82 Administrative duties
10-43 Message check 10-100 Alert ) remain in contact 83 Regular day off
10-44 Pick up papers w/office 84 Leave
10-45 Call___ 10-200 Correction notice 99 Possible want
10-46 Urgent 10-201 Subpoenas 99C Confirmed want
10-48 Did you receive message? 10-207 Off-duty detail
10-50 Stopping vehicle 10-208 Clear from off-duty detail Disposition Codes
10-51 En route 1 Report
10-52 Estimated time of arrival Signals 2 Accident report
10-53 Arriving at office Same as Standard Florida Signals 3 Felony arrest
10-54 Negative except: 4 Supplementary report
10-55 Car-to-car call 25A Arson 5 Resisting arrest report
10-56 Meet____ 27 Larceny 6 Juvenile report
10-65 Clear for message 28 Vandalism 7 Evidence technician report
10-66 Cancel 30 Shooting 8 Misdemeanor arrest
10-70 Request tow truck 31 Kidnaping 9 Recovered stolen vehicle
10-71 Request ambulance 32 Assault A Unable to locate
10-88 Advise your phone number 33 Battery complainant
10-96 En route 34 Sex offense B Assisted motorist
10-97 Arrived at scene 35 Surveillance C No such address
10-98 Assignment completed 36 Trespassing D Not a police problem
37 Illegal substances case E Gone on arrival
Signals 38 Open compound gate F Peace restored
0 Use caution 39 Close compound gate G Advised
1 Drunk driver 41 Sick/injured person H Advised
2 Drunk pedestrian 42 Assist other agency I Transported victim or
3 Hit & run 43 Accidental injury witness
4 Accident 44 Suicide J Returned to home
5 Murder 45 Officer down K Assisted other agency
6 Escaped prisoner 46 Medical relay L Vehicle storage
7 Deceased person 47 Bomb threat M Issued citation
8 Missing person 48 Explosion N Issued citation
9 Stolen license plate 49 Prowler O Issued citation
10 Stolen vehicle 50 Vehicle stop P Other police service
11 Abandoned vehicle 51 Juvenile offense Q Contact card made
12 Reckless driver 51A Underage alcohol offense R Premises checked
13 Suspicious vehicle 52 Child molestation/abuse S Premises checked
13P Suspicious person 53A Smuggling narcotics T Handled by backup unit
14 Information 53B Smuggling alcoholic U Notice of abandoned
15 Special detail beverages property
16 Obstruction on roadway 53C Smuggling cigarettes V Provided escort
17 Contact 53D Smuggling aliens W Warning issued
18 Felony 53E Smuggling endangered X Advised to desist
19 Misdemeanor species Y Follow-up completed
20 Mentally ill person 53F Smuggling protected Z Administrative
21 Breaking & entering wildlife 0 Supervisory function
22 Disturbance 53G Smuggling protected marine
23 Pedestrian species Brevard County
24 Armed robbery 53H Smuggling other contraband Same as Standard Florida Codes,
25 Fire 54 Aircraft crash except:
26 Drowning 55 Alarm sounding 10-27 Driver's license check
27 Prowler 56 Animal on roadway 10-34 Trouble at jail
28 Riot 57 Impersonating officer 10-40 Intercity
29 Reckless operation of a 58 Fraud 10-47 Out of county
boat 59 Injuries 10-49 Serving warrant
30 Bomb threat 60 Security/protective detail 10-57 Bank detail
31 Narcotics 61 Misdemeanor arrest record 10-67 Serving papers
32 Alarm 62 Felony arrest record 10-68 Request supervisor
63 Violence arrest record 10-72 Request service vehicle
State Law Enforcement Agencies 64 Computer down 10-74 Radio check
Same As Standard Florida Codes 65 Licensed premises 10-75 Out for vehicle repair
except: investigation 10-76 Out to gas pumps
10-17 Keep vehicle under 66 Informant 10-77 Lunch
surveillance 69A Fire hunting incident 10-94 Request backup
10-18 Complete assignment quickly 69B Deer hunting incident 10-99 Not receiving
10-24 Officer needs help 69C Turkey hunting incident 10-100 Alert
10-25 In contact with 69D Quail hunting incident
10-27 Driver's license check 69E Dove hunting incident Signals
10-28 Registration check 69F Duck hunting incident 33 Shoplifting
10-29 Check for stolen/wanted 69G Baited field 34 Vandalism
10-P Check for wanted person 69H Squirrel hunting incident 35 Rape
10-30 Against rules and 69I Transporting game/fish 36 Fraud
regulations 69J Shooting from vehicle 37 Suspicious circumstances
10-33 Emergency radio traffic 69K Illegal fishing/hunting 38 Stolen property
10-34 Request K-9 unit 69L Road hunting 39 Suicide
10-40 Request radio repair 69N License violation 40A Alarm ) residence
10-47 Reports 69O Alligator incident 40B Alarm ) business
10-49 Contact sheriff or police 69P Manatee incident 40F Alarm ) fire
10-57 Leaving zone 69Q Illegal trapping 41 Be on lookout for ____
42 Trespassing 71 Snake 47 Facility check
43 Assault 72 Lost or found property 47C Classified area check
44 Overdose 47P Perimeter check
45 Shooting in area Hillsborough County Sheriff 47V Vehicle check
46 Animal problem Same as Saint Petersburg, except: 48 Security violation
47 Violent weather damage 10-47 Blood run 49 Key request
48 Aircraft crash 10-58 Road Patrol 55 Bomb explosion
49 ERT Alert 10-73 Open gate 55A Bomb threat
50 Possible want on vehicle or 10-91 Detective frequency 66 Rape
person 10-92 Command frequency 66A Attempted rape
10-99 Unable to receive signal 70 Lockshop activity
Broward County 10-105 Request prisoner 95 Narcotics violation
Same as Standard Florida Codes, transportation
except: Disposition codes
10-18 Complete assignment quickly Hillsborough County Fire 1 Accident report
10-27 Complete record check Department 2 Unsecured facility report
10-34 Trouble at jail Same as Standard Florida Codes, 3 Observation report
10-40 Lunch except: 4 Field interrogation
10-47 Blood run 1 Building fire 5 Arrest made
10-49 Serving warrant 2 Vehicle fire 6 Citation issued
10-57 At pistol range 3 Vegetation fire 7 Warning issued
10-58 Teleprinter message 4 False alarm 8 Unfounded call
10-59 Send computer message 5 Drowning I Report to follow
10-60 Assist motorist 6 Aircraft N No report
10-61 Request sergeant 7 Missing person O Other report
10-62 Request Lieutenant 8 Marine fire
10-63 Request bomb squad 9 Explosives Lee County
10-64 Request crime lab 10 Riot Same as Standard Florida Codes &
10-67 Serving civil papers 11 Wash down Signals except:
10-68 Request legal advice 13 Places of assembly 10-10 Lunch
10-69 Request narcotics agency 14 Public Service 10-18 Complete assignment ASAP
10-72 Request helicopter 15 Rescue 10-27 Drivers license check
10-73 Request juvenile unit 16 Request refreshments 10-34 Jail break
10-74 Recall 10-32 Request ambulance 10-49 Serving warrant
10-89 On pager 10-44 Report to _____ 10-57 Jail sally port
10-90 Scramble 10-60 Hot wires down 10-58 Fuel
10-91 Tactical frequency 10-60 Open gate
10-92 Information frequency Signals 10-61 Close gate
10-93 Request detectives 1 En route 10-67 Serving civil papers
10-94 Request backup 2 Arrived at scene 10-68 Need legal advice
10-95 Computer check 3 Request help 10-72 Assist publicon radio
10-96 Phone patch 4 Traffic accident 10-73 Assist other agencyon
10-99 Want indicated 5 Request Sheriff radio
10-100 Alert 6 Emergency over 10-74 Assist other divisionon
10-101 Log on MDT 7 Return to station radio
10-102 Log off MDT 8 In service 10-75 Area checkon radio
10-103 Acknowledge MDT message 9 Phone _____ 10-76 Be on lookouton radio
10-104 MDT system down 10 Investigate 10-77 Assist public
10-105 Request prisoner transport 11 Fire out on arrival 10-78 Assist other agency
10-106 Request medical assistance 12 Release mutual aid 10-79 Assist other division
13 Call Red-5/ Red-6 10-80 Area check
Signals 14 Possible arson 10-81 Be on lookout
16 Child abuse 15 Out of service 10-86 Begin shift
21 Burglary 10-87 End shift
24 Kidnaping Jacksonville 10-91 Pick up suspect
30 Larceny Same as State Law Enforcement 10-95 Subject present
31 Assault 10-99 Not receiving
32 Suicide Kennedy Space Center Security 10-100 Remain in contact with HQ
33 Shooting Same as State Law Enforcement,
34 Stabbing except: Status codes
35 Rape 10-17 Pick up papers 2 Cleared
36 Fight 10-18 Use siren & flashers 4 Advised subject to get
37 Juvenile disturbance 10-31 Approach on foot warrant
38 Domestic disturbance 10-32 Radio check 5 No action required
39 Neighbor disturbance 10-40 Assist officer 6 Reclassify
40 Vandalism 10-43 Information 7 Referred to ____
41 Robbery 10-44 Send K-9 unit 8 Report taken
42 Child molesting 10-47 Away from Center 9 Arrest made
43 Lewd conduct 10-49 Short break 10 Gone on arrival
44 Boat accident 10-51 En route 11 Condition corrected
45 Aircraft crash 10-57 GSA Motor Pool 14 Cancel
46 Bomb threat 10-62 Unable to copy 15 Information only
47 Vice problem 10-64 End of message 17 Truant
48 Open door 10-68 Request supervisor 18 Reassign to ____
49 Alarm 10-85 Out of patrol area
50 Labor trouble 10-96 Changing channel Signals:
51 Trespassing 10-99 Intoxicated suspect 8A Kidnaping
52 Forgery 10-100 Alert ) remain in contact 10B Stolen boat
53 Fraud 13A Suspicious aircraft
54 Aircraft hijack Signals 23 Hitchhiker
55 Explosion 8 Trespass 32I Indecent exposure
56 Alcoholic beverage 8B Trespass on boat 33 Nuisance
violation 17 Hazardous spill 34 Assistance
57 Narcotics 23 Robbery 35 Animal
58 Unlawful assembly 24 Investigation 36 Found property
59 Fire bombing 24A K-9 search of parking lot 37 Shoplifter
60 Sniper fire 24B K-9 search of building 38 Trespass
61 Gambling 29 Alarm 39 Vandalism
62 Racial trouble 30 Person down 40 Recovered
63 Impersonating an officer 32 Assist other agency 41 Possible overdose
64 Larceny from auto 34 Assist motorist 42 Area check
65 Shoplifter 35 Machine pass assistance 42J Juvenile check
66 Civil matter 36 Weapons violation 43 Harassment
67 Sick or injured person 38 Stolen property 44 Firearm
68 Public Service 40 Vandalism 45 Traffic control
69 Loose livestock 44 Security sweep 46 Assault
70 Animal bite 46 Parking problem 47 Violation of county
ordinance 17 Vehicle accident 9R Found auto tags
48 Violation of board 18 Hit & run 11B Disabled vehicle
ordinance 19 Stop vehicle 12B Reckless boat
49 Attempt suicide 20 Drag racing 13I Suspicious circumstances
50 Stabbing 21 Stolen license plate 14 Investigation
51 Shooting 22 Stolen car 18 Trouble at station
52 Request backup 23 Check for warrants 19 Convoy or escort
55 Stalking 24 Check all records 23 Robbery
56 Purse snatch 25 Alarm 28 Suicide
58 Failure to pay 26 Burglary 29 Alarm
70 Tow from private property 27 Larceny 30 Person down
71 Repossession 28 Vandalism 31 Animal problem
77 Alarm 29 Robbery 37 Request paramedics
91 9-1-1 hang up 30 Shooting 38 Request wrecker
31 Homicide 39 Money transfer
Manatee County 32 Assault 40 Prisoner in custody
Same as Standard Florida Codes, 33 Rape 41 Kidnaping
except: 34 Domestic dispute 42 Lunch
10-16 Change status 35 Intoxicated person 43 Officer needs help
10-17 Authorized by 36 Missing person 44 Request backup
10-25 In contact with 37 Suspicious vehicle 45 Request assistance
10-27 Arrival delayed 38 Suspicious person 47 Bad check
10-32 Flat tire 39 Prisoner in custody 48 Counterfeit
10-33 Emergency room 40 Felony want 49 Vandalism
10-34 Crew member ill or injured 41 Injury 50 Fugitive
10-37 Operator on duty 42 Request ambulance 51 Traffic light problem
10-38 Request rescue 43 Request doctor 55 Bomb explosion
10-40 Patient is under age 44 Suicide 55A Bomb threat
10-43 Information 45 Deceased person 56 Theft
10-47 Request radio repair 46 Blood transfer 58 Gambling
10-49 Request police 47 Bomb threat 59 Sick or injured person
10-55 Lunch 48 Explosion 60 Illegal fishing
10-56 Meet____ 49 Fire 61 Building check
10-85 Proceeding for water 50 Organized crime activity 62 Harassing phone calls
10-86 Begin tour of duty QRM Repeatthere was 63 Open door or window
10-87 End tour of duty interference 64 Direct traffic
10-89 No units available QRR Call for assistance 65 Noise problem
10-92 Request air packs QRU No messages 66 Rape
10-95 Funeral home will transport QRX Stand by 67 Found property
10-99 Discontinue CPR QSK Go ahead with message 68 Illegal parking
10-100 Officer needs help QSL Are you receiving this 69 Trespasser
station? 70 Disaster
Signals QSM Repeat message 71A Aircraft crash
Same as State Law Enforcement, QSY Change channels 71B Boating accident
except: QTH Your location 71H Helicopter crash
16 Attempt suicide QTR Correct time 71I Industrial accident
19 Rape 72 9-1-1 hang-up
34 Robbery Orange County 73 Unknown trouble
35 Homicide Same as Standard Florida Codes, 74 Solicitor
36 Alarm except: 75 Check well-being
37 Deceased person 10-27 Want indicated on computer 77 Hitchhiker
38 Animal 10-61 Open east-west salliport 78 Sexual violation
39 Bad check 10-62 Unable to copy 79 Child abuse
40 Domestic problem 10-64 End message and clear 82 Out of service ) personal
41 Fight 10-81 Lunch 84 Threats
42 House check 10-82 Single officer unit 85C Stabbing
43 Juvenile problem 10-94 Give test count 85F Fight
44 Larceny 10-96 Switching to channel ) 85S Shooting
45 Open door or window 86 Request K-9
46 Property lost or found Signals 87 Stable duty
47 Sex offense 23 Robbery 90 Impersonating an officer
48 Shoplifter 24 Investigate 91 Liquor law violation
49 Shooting 28 Suicide 92 Illegal dumping
50 Traffic problem 29 Alarm 94 Vehicle service
51 Vandalism 30 Person down 95 Narcotics violation
52 Assault 31 Approach on foot 96 Training
53 Warrant 33 Advise sergeant 97 Court
54 Unknown trouble 37 Request ambulance 98 Meeting
55 Assist 38 Request wrecker 99 Follow-up
56 Civil problem 43 Officer needs help
57 Neighbor problem 44 Officer requests assistance Palm Beach County
58 Sick or injured 51 thru 54 Traffic signal problem South Dispatch Center
59 Trespasser 55 Bomb explosion Same as Broward County, except:
60 Explosion 55A Bomb threat 1 Major fire
61 Business problem 61 House check 2 Minor fire
62 Noise problem 66 Rape 3 Undetermined fire
63 Defrauding an innkeeper 88 Civil disturbance 4 False fire alarm
64 Harassing phone calls 95 Narcotic violation 10-58 At road patrol office
100 Emergency detail 10-73 Vehicle fuel or maintenance
Metro Dade County 10-75 Remain central
Signals Orlando
1 Phone officer Same as Standard Florida Codes, Signals
2 Phone spouse except: Same as Broward County, except:
3 Out to radio repair 10-14 Can you copy? 73 Traffic complaint
4 Out to motor pool 10-27 Want indicated 74 Busy at station
5 Out to station 10-62 Unable to copy
6 Transfer 10-64 End message clear Pasco County Police
7 Cancel 10-94 Give test count Same as Standard Florida, except:
8 Recall 10-96 Changing channels 10-18 Expedite completion of
9 In service 10 Send additional units for assignment
10 Out of service emergency 10-18X Do not use flashers
11 Personal break 20 Recall hostage team 10-67 Road Block
12 Out for lunch 30 Recall SWAT team 10-72 Request photographer
13 Special information 40 Recall E.R.T. team
14 Investigation Signals
15 Back up officer Signals 61 Injured person
16 Intoxicated driver 8R Found person
Pasco County Fire 24 Kidnaping 58 Dead animal
0 Contact doctor 30 Larceny 59 Animal problem
1 Firefighter injured 31 Assault 60 Hot wires down
2 Request law enforcement 32 Suicide 61 Block traffic
3 Unknown type rescue 33 Shooting 62 Airport emergency
4 Injured person 34 Stabbing 63 Supplement report
5 Overdose 35 Rape 64 Vandalism
6 Seizure 36 Fight 65 Threatening phone call
7 Sick 40 Vandalism 66 Juvenile violation
8 Heart attack 41 Robbery 67 Bomb scare
9 Person trapped 43 Lewd conduct 68 Aided at scene
10 Home assistance 45 Aircraft crash 70 Out to court
11 Obstetric case 46 Bomb threat 71 Marine violation
12 School bus involved 49 Alarm 72 Landlord-tenant dispute
13 Victim freed 57 Narcotics 73 Domestic problem
14 Body recovered 59 Fire bombing 74 Checking building
15 Unknown type fire 60 Sniper fire 75 Assigned to Tampa Stadium
16 Structure fire 61 Gambling 76 Threats
17 Vehicle fire 62 Racial trouble 80 Field interrogation
18 Brush fire 65 Shoplifter
19 Working fire 69 Loose livestock Tampa Fire Department
20 Smoke odor 73 Child abuse 0 False alarm
21 False alarm 1 One line
22 Wash down Tampa Police 2 Two lines
23 Mutual aid Same as Standard Florida Codes, 3 Multiple lines
24 Request refreshments except: 4 Minor fire
25 Disaster plan 10-14 Bad weather 5 Trash or woods fire
26 Trash fire 10-16 Request owner to respond 6 Vehicle fire
27 Propane gas leak 10-18 Expedite completion of 7 Bus or gas truck fire
28 Automatic alarm assignment 8 Ship fire
29 Illegal burning 10-19 Return to zone 9 Bomb threat
30 Bomb threat 10-25 In contact with _____ 10 Request _____
31 Explosion 10-31 Request wrecker 10X Request police help
32 Returning ) in service 10-32 Request ambulance 11 Emergency/rescue
33 Returning ) out of service 10-35 Transporting 12 Fire
99 Life in danger 10-38 Change location 13 Fatality at fire
10-40 Request prisoner 15 Fatality at fire
Saint Petersburg transportation 16 Police (emergency)
Same as Highway Patrol, except: 10-44 Report to _____
10-29 Stolen or wanted 10-45 Send in reports Signals
10-72 Request aviation unit 10-49 Traffic signal out 1 Investigation
10-89 On pager 10-57 Pick up papers 2 Relief taps
10-99 Possible computer hit 10-63 Net is directed 3 Return all companies
10-64 Net is clear 4 In service
Signals 10-77 Latent investigation 5 Out of service
16 Child abuse 10-81 Want indicated 6 At station
24 Kidnaping 10-82 Sign chart at hospital 7 Phone fire inspector
30 Larceny 10-85 Out of service ) not PD 8 Public Service rendered
31 Assault function 9 Phone _____
32 Suicide 10-89 Class training ) in service 10 Cruising
33 Shooting 10-90 Field training ) in service 11 Fire out on arrival
34 Stabbing 10-98 Request crime lab 12 All clear
35 Rape 10-99 Request weapons
36 Disturbance 10-999 Request ammunition Volusia County
37 Disturbance ) juvenile Same as Standard Florida Codes,
38 Disturbance ) Domestic Signals except:
39 Disturbance ) neighbor 0 Weapons violation 10-19A Refuel vehicle
40 Vandalism 17 Failure to return rental 10-19B Go to court
41 Robbery property 10-19C Go to service yard
42 Child molesting 21 Breaking & entering vehicle 10-27 Drivers license check
43 Lewd conduct 22 Rape 10-31 Pursuit in progress
44 Boat accident 23 Robbery 10-34 Escaped prisoner
45 Aircraft crash 24 Aggravated assault 10-34A Problem at jail
46 Bomb threat 25 Breaking & entering 10-40 Phone residence
47 Vice problem structure 10-49 Delivering agendas
48 Open door 26 Grand larceny 10-51 En route
49 Alarm 27 Petty larceny 10-58 Scramble
50 Labor trouble 28 Other assault 10-60 Check tower lights
51 Trespassing 29 Fight 10-61 Switch to channel 4
52 Forgery/counterfeit 30 Forgery 10-62 Switch to channel 2
53 Embezzlement/Fraud 31 Counterfeiting 10-68 Require legal advice
54 Hijacked aircraft 32 Embezzlement 10-72 Request rescue unit
55 Explosion 33 Officer needs help 10-81 Request wrecker
56 Alcoholic beverage 34 Stolen property 10-95 Arrived in area
violation 35 Convoy/escort 10-96 Unable to locate
57 Narcotics 36 Vice problem 10-99 Unable to understand
58 Unlawful assembly 37 Sex offense 10-100 Alert ) remain in phone
59 Fire bombing 38 Offense against child contact
60 Sniper 39 Narcotics violation
61 Gambling 40 Alcoholic beverage Signals
62 Racial trouble violation 13A Suspicious circumstances
63 Impersonating an officer 41 Disorderly conduct 13P Suspicious person
64 Theft of auto parts 42 Assist motorist 14A Information not available
65 Shoplifting 43 Gambling 20H Mental case ) homicidal
66 Civil matter 44 Suspicious person 20S Mental case ) suicidal
67 Injured person 45 Fire alarm 21A Breaking & entering
68 Service call 46 Burglar alarm business
69 Animal on roadway 47 Holding suspect 21B Breaking & entering
70 Animal bite 48 Parking violation residence
71 Snake call 50 Stopping vehicle 21C Breaking & entering in
72 Lost or found property 51 Prowler progress
52 Lost/found property 22A Fight
Sarasota County 53 Traffic control 22B Family disturbance
Signals 54 Back up assistance 24A Purse snatch
Same as Standard Florida Codes, 55 Fraud 25A Dwelling fire
except: 56 Pick up prisoner 25B Brush fire
21 Burglary 57 Arrived at scene 25C Vehicle fire
25F Multi-dwelling fire 57 Hunters 10-101 Medical acknowledgment
25H Commercial fire 61 Premises check 10-102 Request rescue unit
25X Explosives 66 Rape 10-103 Request police
27A Trespasser 70 Lost child 10-104 Unable to locate
28A Civil disturbance 95 Drug violation 10-105 Patient refuses service
32 Fraud 96 Vicious animal 10-106 Patient refuses treatment
32A Bad check 97 Illegal entry 10-107 Patient transported by
33 Assault & battery 999 Security host needs help other means
34 Rape 10-108 Transfer patient ____
34A Sex offense GEORGIA 10-109A Patient walking injured
35 Car brake 10-109B Patient moderately injured
36 Shooting Georgia State Patrol 10-109C Patient severely injured
36A Person shot Same as Expanded APCO codes, 10-109D Patient deceased
36B Weapons complaint except: 10-110 Multi-injury accident
37 Suicide 10-11 Talk more slowly
37A Attempt suicide 10-14 Escort duty Signals
38 Gambling 10-15 Have subject in vehicle 1 Abandoned vehicle
39 Juvenile complaint 10-22 Advise your phone number 2 Silent alarm
40A Vandalism of public 10-23 Stand by 3 Audible alarm
property 10-24 Stolen indicated 4 Request ambulance
41 Obscene phone call 10-25 Pedestrian check 5 Request backup
41A Threatening phone call 10-33 Pursuit in progress 6 Burglar in residence
42 Civil complaint 10-34 General alert 7 Burglar in business
43 Larceny 10-37 Dispatcher on duty 8 Driver's license
43A Auto accessory theft 10-39 Investigate suspicious information
43B Stolen bike vehicle 9 Vehicle registration check
43C Shoplifting 10-40 Permission to leave area 10 Check for wanted
44 Kidnaping 10-41 Prowler 11 Stop vehicle
44A Hostage situation 10-42 Dog case 12 Pursuit in progress
45 Narcotics 10-43 Intoxicated pedestrian 13 Request detective
46 Request Investigator 10-44 Possible mental case 14 Request supervisor
48 Request back-up 10-45 Domestic problem 15 Phone ____
49A Pick up partner 10-46 Prisoner in custody 16 Cancel
51 False fire alarm 10-47 Request medical examiner 17 Switch to TAC 2
51A False burglar alarm 10-48 Deceased person 18 Premises check
52 Can handle ) all clear 10-49 Possible homicide 19 Assist at jail
54 Suspicious fire 10-50 GSP cruiser involved in 20 Activate scrambler
55 Fire under control accident 20D Deactivate scrambler
56 Fire out 10-51 Debris in road 21 Open door or window
57 Injury from fire 10-52 Improperly parked vehicle 22 Vandalism
57A Deceased person from fire 10-53 Possible DUI 23 Disorderly Juveniles
58 Need help at fire 10-54 Drag racing 24 Mental case
59 Mutual aid 10-55 Accident 24V Violent mental case
60 Aircraft problem 10-56 Request wrecker 25 Discharging firearms
61 Request Narcotics 10-57 Request ambulance 26 Fireworks
investigator 10-59 Assist motorist 27 Animal problem
62 Request department 10-60 Assist lost hunter 28 Intoxicated person
photographer 10-61 Hunting accident 29 Fight
62A Request evidence technician 10-62 Drowning 30 Intoxicated driver
63 Request fire investigator 10-63 Night hunting 31 Overhead wires down
64 Request detective 10-64 Deer complaint 32 Escaped prisoner
65 Request lifeguard 10-65 Boating accident 33 Fire
65A Request marine patrol 10-66 Snowmobile accident 34 Vice activity
65B Request scuba diver 10-67 Noise complaint 35 Go to station
66 Request electrician 10-70 Civil disturbance 36 Crime in progress
67 Request fire department 10-71 Bomb threat 37 Illegal parking
68 Request state attorney 10-72 Fire alarm 38 Illegal whiskey
68A Request FBI 10-73 Trouble at station 38D Illegal drugs
70 Traffic signal not working 10-74 Officer needs help 39 Contact ____
71 Traffic control device not 10-75 Emergency radio traffic 40 Request Animal Control
working only 40K Destroy animal
72 Illegal parking 10-76 Escaped prisoner 41 Accident
74 Radar in service 10-77 Road block 41I Accident with injuries
74A Radar out of service 10-78 Bank alarm 42 Burglary
80 Towed vehicle 10-79 Aircraft crash 43 Hit & run
81 Burglar alarm 10-80 Business or home alarm 44 Robbery
82 Fire alarm 10-81 Smoke report 45 Larceny or theft
85 Found property 10-82 Fight 46 Person hit by vehicle
86 Lost property 10-83 Traffic violation 47 Person injured
87 Lost child 10-89 Shorten radio transmissions 48 Deceased person
87A Found child 10-90 Unable to give info on 49 Rape
88 Noise radio 50 Shooting
90 Animal problem 10-91 Phone home 51 Stabbing
90A Animal bite 10-92 On assignment 52 Stolen goods
92 Sick person 10-93 Open garage door 53 Suicide
92A Injured person 10-94 Close garage door 54 Suspicious person
92B Narcotics overdose 54A Suspicious vehicle
95 Be on lookout for ____ Signal 55 Unknown trouble
96 Aircraft crash 1000 Radio silence 56 Missing person
96A Aircraft emergency 57 Loud party
97 Boat accident Department of Public Safety 58 Escort
97A Boat emergency Same as Expanded APCO Codes, 59 Meet officer
98 Dangerous street condition except: 60 Molesting female or child
99 Open door 10-17 Robbery 61 Money transfer
100 Radio test 10-17A Armed robbery 62 Call-back number
10-35 Transporting illegal liquor unavailable
Walt Disney World 10-39 Resume normal operations 63 Officer needs help
Same as Standard Florida Codes 10-40 Check with owner 65 Robbery alarm
except: 10-43 Homicide reported 66 Peeping Tom
Signals 10-44 Suicide 67 Person down
13N Undesirable person 10-45 Hold evidence ) GBI en route 68 Person screaming
41 Shoplifter 10-49 Speeding vehicle 69 Person with gun
47 Indecent exposure 10-60 ____ will leave station 70 Prowler
49 Counterfeit money 10-61 FBI agent in following cars 71 Public indecency
50 Assist motorist 10-65 Mechanical breakdown 72 Reckless driving
55 Explosion 10-81 Advise location & status 73 Emergency ) use siren &
55A Bomb threat 10-84 Special detail flashers
73B Emergency ) use flashers only 18 Radio shop deceased
75 Bomb threat 19 Detention 45 Request police ) unruly
76 Person sick 20 Information desk person
77 Shoplifting 21 Field operations Division 47 Injury
78 Lookout 22 Against Department policy 48 Deceased person
79 Theft from vehicle 35 Go to driveway 49 Rape
80 Stray animal 58 Man beating woman 50 Shooting
81 Roadway obstruction 62 Switch zone 51 Stabbing
82 Transporting prisoner 73 Bomb threat 52 Heart attack
83 Wanted person located 75 Air rifles 53 Suicide
84 Direct traffic 86 ID unit 54 Person trapped
85 Request wrecker 87 Administrative Services 55 Person hit by vehicle
86 Domestic trouble Div. 56 Person injured
87 Courtesy run 88 Commissioner's office 57 Intoxicated person
88 Juvenile involved 89 Directed patrol 58 Attempt suicide
89 Request Y.S.B. investigator 90 Threatening phone calls 59 Sick person
90 Check Y.S.B. for wanted 67 Person down
91 Transporting juvenile Medical Service Codes 73 Emergency
92 ____ Y.S.B. office 7-1 Receiving poorly
93 Presentation given at ____ 7-2 Receiving well Cobb County Police
94 Ongoing investigation 7-3 Stop transmitting Same as Expanded APCO Codes,
95 Delinquent act 7-5 Relay except:
96 Unruly act 7-6 Unit busy 10-12 Unwelcome visitors present
97 Curfew violation 7-7 Out of service 10-14 Escort or convoy
98 Deprived juvenile case 7-8 In service 10-15 Prisoner in custody
7-9 Repeat 10-17 Warrants
Disposition codes 7-10 In serviceradio off 10-18 High rate of speed
1 Gone on arrival 7-11 Speak more slowly 10-19 Return to last call
2 Unfounded 7-12 Stand by 10-23 Stand by
3 No action Taken 7-13 Advise road & weather 10-25 Do you have contact with
4 All clear conditions ____
5 Incident report 7-14 Request additional 10-32 Intoximeter available
6 Accident report ambulances 10-37 Identify operator on duty
7 Backup 7-15 At location 10-42 Officer at residence
8 Traffic warning 7-16 Unable to locate
9 Referred to detectives 7-17 En route Signals
10 Arrest 7-18 Without delay Same as GDPS (above) except:
11 Advised warrant 7-19 Disregard 1S Stolen vehicle
12 Juvenile released to 7-20 Location? 5 Kidnaping
parents 7-22 Phone ____ 8 Phone radio room
13 Not located 7-23 Emergency transfer 9 Phone )
14 No such address 7-24 Call completed 13 Use phone
15 Arrived 7-25 Request rescue unit 15 Administrative detail
16 Lunch 7-26 Request police/fire 17 Dumping
17 Private property 7-28 Involved in accident 18 Distressed motorist
18 Officer hostage 7-29 Mechanical problem 19 SWAT call-out
19 Referred to ____ 7-30 Patient refused treatment 20 Animal investigation
20 Field investigation card 7-31 Patient refused transport 21 Business dispute
21 Referred to uniformed 7-33 Stop all use of radio 22 Child abuse
patrol unit 7-34 Patient privately 27 Disorderly person
22 Referred to Youth Services transported 39 Information
23 Juvenile complaint form 7-35 Transport patient 40 Threats
24 Juvenile in custody 7-36 False call 57 Noise violation
58 Assault
Atlanta Police Dept. Atlanta Fire Dept. 62 Obstetrics call
4 Cancel 1 Open gate 64 Begging
5 Domestic call 2 Close gate 74 Liquor violation
6 False alarm 3 Remain available 75 Harassing phone calls
7 In service 4 Message received 80 Hostage and/or barricade
8 Gone on arrival 5 Repeat message situation
9 Handled by ____ 6 Stand by 87 Contact ____
10 Impound 7 Phone 88 Vandalism
11 Information 8 False alarm 89 Bomb threat
12 Investigation 9 Out of service 90 Aircraft crash
13 No such address 10 On scene 91 Civil disorder
14 Owner refused 10A On scene ) auto
15 Owner en route 10B On scene ) booster Status codes
16 Released to owner 10I On sceneinvestigating 1 Emergency response
17 Report 10O On scenefire out 2 Immediate response
18 Check abandoned vehicle 10T On scenetrash fire 3 Routine response
19 Articles stolen 10W On scene ) working fire 4 All clear
20 Subject warned 11 Still alarm 5 Out of vehicle
21 Assistance needed 12 Cancel 5M Lunch
22 Unable to locate 13 In service 6 Unable to locate
23 Arrest made or citation 14 Request ambulance 7 Request backup
issued 15 Request power company 8 En route to follow-up
24 Nothing to call 16 Request gas company 9 On surveillance
25 Explosive device found 17 Request Water Dept. 10 Request detective
26 Arrived at scene 18 Stand by for multiple alarm 11 Gone on arrival
27 Request lunch 19 In quarters 12 Unfounded
28 Record & wanted check 20-29 Call offices 13 No action taken
30 Mayor or family injured 30 Under control 14 Miscellaneous incident
31 Request medical examiner Report
Signals 32 Request arson investigator 15 Incident report
Same as GDPS (above) except: 33 Structure fire 16 Accident report
1 Stolen vehicle 34 Vehicle fire 17 Traffic citation issued
5 Alarm out 35 Outside fire 18 Traffic warning
8 Community relations 36 Person trapped in vehicle 19 Referred to detectives
9 Administrative pull-out 37 Rescue call 20 Wanted person
10 Chief's office 38 Alarm bells ringing 21 On scene
11 City garage 39 Assist person
12 Grady Detention 40 Unknown problem Columbus
13 Detective division 41 Phone Administrative office 10-3 Radio check
14 Identification 42 Request police for traffic 10-12 Any messages?
15 Report section control 10-23 Stand by
16G Go to precinct 43 Respond non-emergency 10-24 Emergency message
17 Radio 44 Request police ) possible 10-31 No such address
10-32 Request intoximeter 8770 Demonstration 10-57 Send additional police
10-43 Request wrecker 8780 Strike 10-59 False alarm
10-44 Request paramedics 9000 Officer needs help 10-60 Lunch
10-83 Switch to channel ___ 9010 Meet officer 10-61 Gone on arrival
10-84 Traffic signal out 9020 Phone HQ 10-62 Is situation under control?
10-85 Computer down 9030 Go to HQ 10-63 No report
10-86 computer down 9040 Phone _____ 10-64 Prepare to make written
10-87 NCIC computer down 9050 Phone home copy
10-97 At scene 9060 Special detail 10-65 Incident report
91 - - Vehicle maintenance 10-66 Accident report
Run Codes 9200 Follow -up 10-67 Citation issued
7100 Homicide 9210 Report 10-69 Occurred outside of County
7110 Suicide 9220 Arrest 10-70 Channel __
7120 Deceased person 9230 At court 10-71 Log on MDT
7200 Rape 9240 Deliver message 10-72 Log off MDT
7210 Child molestation 9250 Lunch 10-73 Acknowledge MDT message
7220 Indecent exposure 9260 Serve subpoena 10-74 Negative
7240 Sexual violation 9270 Transport prisoner 10-75 In contact with ____
7300 Armed robbery 9280 Transport witness 10-76 En route
7310 Robbery 9290 Transport property 10-77 Estimated time of arrival
7320 Purse snatch 9300 Request wagon 10-80 Pursuit in progress
7400 Assault 9310 Request detectives 10-81 On foot with portable radio
7410 Shooting 9320 Request photo unit 10-82 On pager
7420 Cutting 9330 Request coroner 10-83 Direct school traffic
7430 Person with a gun 9340 Meet coroner 10-84 Special detail
7440 Shots fired 9350 Request animal warden 10-85 Telephone patch
7500 Burglary ) commercial 9360 Meet animal warden 10-88 Working radar
7510 Burglary ) residential 9370 Meet rescue squad 10-89 Computer system down
7600 Shoplifting 9400 Use caution 10-90 Computer system working
7610 Theft from vehicle 10-91 Pick up prisoner
7620 Theft Airport Alert Signals: 10-92 Roadway blocked
7700 Stolen vehicle 1 Aircraft with engine 10-93 Request Metro roadblock
7710 Vehicle vandalism malfunction plan
7720 Recovered vehicle 2 Aircraft in trouble 10-94 Building check
7730 Abandoned vehicle 3 Aircraft in ground accident 10-96 Transporting mental case
7800 Vandalism 6 Stand by for alert 10-97 Test signal
7810 Dispute with taxi driver 10-99 Stolen or wanted indicated
7820 Fraud DeKalb County DPS
7830 Bad check 0 Verify unit status Signals
7840 Stolen credit card 1 Go "in service" ASAP 1 Request rescue/en route
7850 Gambling 2 Advise phone number 1E Rescueextrication
7860 Forged prescription 3 Information not available 1H Rescuehazmat
7870 Narcotics violation 4 Stolen or wanted indicated 1R Rescuerope
7880 Other crime 5 NCIC available 1W Rescuedrowning
8000 Alarm 6 NCIC not available 2 Person down
8010 Bank alarm 7 All computer systems 2L Person downemergency
8100 Vehicle accident available 2U Person unconscious
8110 Vehicle accident ) injuries 8 All computer systems 3 Alarm
8120 Hit & run unavailable 3A Fire alarmapartment
8130 Intoxicated driver 9 Stolen or wanted 3B Fire alarmbusiness
8140 Parking violation check ) negative 3M Fire alarmmedical
8150 Speeding 10-0 Use caution 3N Fire alarmhospital
8160 Assist motorist 10-7 At scene 3R Fire alarmResidence
8170 Traffic detail 10-7-0 Unable to locate 4 Call
8180 Escort 10-7-1 Nothing visible 5 Controlled burn
8190 Traffic problem 10-7-2 Using booster hose 6 Continue non-emergency
8200 Domestic problem 10-7-3 Laying out hose 7 Return to station
8210 Crowd gathering 10-7-4 Well involved 8 Send
8220 Disorderly crowd 10-10 Out of service ) available 9 Return all equipment
8230 Fight 10-11 Case number 10 Fire
8240 Neighbor dispute 10-14 Activate Dive Rescue team 10B Firebusiness
8250 Person calling for help 10-15 Prisoner in custody 10D Fireresidence
8260 Disturbing the peace 10-16 As soon as possible 10-E Fireschool
8270 Disorderly conduct 10-17 Request messages 10F FireFactory
8300 Fire 10-19 No messages 10G Firetrash
8310 Assist fire department 10-23 Correct time on MDT 10H Firehospital
8320 Fire bombing 10-25 Situation under control 10I Fireindustrial
8340 Bomb threat 10-26 Request superior 10M Fireapartment building
8350 Trees or wires down 10-30 Unnecessary use of radio 10S Firewarehouse
8360 Odor of gas 10-31 En route to shop 10V Firevehicle
8370 Hazardous situation 10-32 En route to gas pumps 10W Firevegetation
8400 Contact complainant 10-34 Resume normal traffic 10X Fireother
8410 Intoxicated person 10-35 Clear radio for lockout 11 Under control
8420 Person down 10-36 Correct time 12 Fire out
8430 Locate wanted person 10-37 Go to HQ 13 Check location for ____
8440 Holding subject 10-38 Roadblock 14 Assistance needed
8450 Prowler 10-39 Routine check 15 Person trapped
8460 Missing person 10-40 Identify operator on duty 16 Arson suspected
8500 Sick/injured person 10-41 Beginning tour of duty 17 Hit & run
8510 Apparent heart attack 10-42 Ending tour of duty 18 Counterfeit
8520 Blood run 10-44 Use DVP 19 Peeping Tom
8530 Assist invalid 10-45 Switch to code 20D Aircraft crash
8540 Take report at hospital 10-46 Investigation 20S Aircraft in trouble
8550 Person slumped over wheel 10-47 At residence 21 Disorderly juveniles
8560 Accident 10-48 Stopping traffic violator 22 Deceased person
8600 Animal bite 10-49 Serving civil papers 23 Discharging firearms
8610 Animal problem 10-50 Serving warrant 24 Fireworks
8620 Dead animal 10-51 Request wrecker 25 Animal complaint
8700 Unknown problem 10-52 Request ambulance 26 Intoxicated person
8710 Open door/window 10-53 Patient refuses treatment 27 Fight
8720 Recovered property 10-54 Patient transported by 28 Narcotics violation
8730 Investigate occupied other means 29 Abandoned vehicle
vehicle 10-55 Transfer patient 30 Escaped prisoner
8740 Investigate unoccupied 10-56A Minor injuries 31 Fraud
vehicle 10-56B Moderate injuries 32 Solicitors
8750 Investigate person 10-56C Severe injuries 33 Gambling
8760 Investigate premises 10-56D Deceased 34 Vandalism
35 Property damage 62 Switch zone 61 Ringing burglar alarm
36 Illegal parking 64 Begging 62 Work traffic
37 Harassing phone calls 74 Selling alcohol on Sunday 63 Request coroner
38 Service request 75 Shooting air rifles 64 Officer needs assistance
39 Hitchhiker 86 Bomb threat 65 Protect evidence
40 Unknown trouble 87 Pull out 66 Out at City Hall
41 Vehicle accident 88 Phone DUI Task Force 67 Pick up car
41I Vehicle accidentinjuries officer 68 Take prisoner to hospital
41IT Vehicle accidentperson 89 Welfare check of officer 69 Curfew in effect
trapped 70 Curfew violation
42 Burglary Status codes 71 Go to Mayor's office
42J Burglaryjust occurred 1 Gone on arrival 72 Emergency traffic only
42P Burglaryin progress 2 Unfounded 73 Bomb threat
43 Firefighter injured 3 No action required 74 Riot conditions
44 Robbery 4 Miscellaneous report 75 Found property
44J Robberyjust occurred 5 Incident report 76 Request photographer
44P Robberyin progress 6 Accident report 77 Mini-bike violation
45 Theft 7 Traffic citation 78 Abandoned vehicle
45J Theftjust occurred 8 Traffic warning 79 Phone Courthouse
45P Theftin progress 9 Referred to detectives 80 Transport blood
46 Phone hospital 10 No problem 81 Rape
47 Person hit by vehicle 11 Officer needs assistance 82 Indecent exposure
48 Drowning 26 Arrived on scene 83 Phone jail
49 Deceased person 40 Officer being held hostage 84 Request truck
50 Shooting 85 Go to Captain's office
51 Stabbing Macon 86 Go to Solicitor's office
52 Suicide Same as expanded APCO except: 87 Go to District Attorney's
53 Suspicious person 10-96 Mental case office
54 Suspicious vehicle 88 Go to Grand Jury room
55 Missing person Signals 89 Go to Coroner's office
56 Loud party 1 Hit & run 90 Go to Judge's office
57 Shoplifting 2 Traffic accident 91 Out of town
58 Homicide 3 Street blocked 92 Stolen vehicle
59 Meet ____ 4 Speeding vehicle 93 Gambling
60 Illegal dumping 5 Intoxicated driver 94 Prostitution
61 Gas leak 6 Intoxicated person 95 Vandalism
62 Flooding 7 Fight 96 Kidnaping
63 Officer needs help 7W Fight with weapons 97 Child abuse
64 Person refusing to leave 8 Armed robbery 98 Runaway
65 Neighbor dispute 9 Burglary 99 Narcotics violation
66 Child abuse 9P Burglary in progress 100 SWAT alert
67 Rape 10 Discharging firearms 101 Crown control
68 Robbery 11 Homicide
69 Person with weapon 12 Suicide Driver's license status:
70 Prowler 13 Suspicious person A Suspended or revoked
71 Reckless driving 14 Suspicious vehicle B No record of license
72 Lost property 15 Escaped criminal C Expired
73 Vehicle theft 16 Mental case D Habitual violator
73J Vehicle theftjust occurred 17 Fire
73P Vehicle theftin progress 18 Transporting whiskey Incident reports:
74 Wanted person located 19 Phone _____ 1 Traffic citation issued
75 Street hazard 20 Terrorist threats 2 Warning citation issued
76 Fraud 21 Battery 3 No action
77 Kidnaping 22 Missing person 4 Miscellaneous report
78 Attempt to locate 23 Phone Captains office 5 Report
79 Direct traffic 24 Phone Control 6 Accident report
80 Assist motorist 25 Go to Municipal court
81 Trespassing 26 Go to courtroom Savannah
82 Person found 27 Go to Control Same as Expanded APCO codes,
83 Relieve officer 28 Contact _____ except:
84 Train accident 29 Contact police 1 Injuries ) use siren &
85 Check location 30 Contact sheriff flashers
86 Overhead wires down 31 Request Traffic 2 Possible injuries ) use
87 Domestic problem investigator flashers only
88 Bomb threat 32 Coroner advised 3 Subjects have left scene
89 Public indecency 33 Request assistance 4 Crime in progress
90 Frequent patrol 34 Escort 5 Shots fired
91 Disturbance 35 Driver's license check 6 Misdemeanor warrant on file
92 Assault 36 Phone City Hall 7 Felony warrant on file
93 Found property 37 Larceny 8 Suspect armed and dangerous
94 Person held against will 38 Prowler 9 No further assistance
95 Open door or window 39 No driver's license needed
96 Assist invalid 40 Go to radio shop 10 Request supervisor
97 Deliver emergency message 41 Animal bite 11 Suspect is near radio ) use
98 Obscene motorist 42 Deceased person codes
99 Arrest 43 Disorderly teenagers 12 Channel 1 (GSP)
44 Go to jail 14 Channel 4 (NCC)
Fulton County Police 45 Go to Chief's office 15 Channel 3
Signals 46 Go to Detective office 16 Contact by pager
Same as GDPS except: 47 Go to Traffic office 17 Switch to channel 5/Tac 1
5 Breaking street lights 48 Request ambulance 18 Switch to channel
8 Phone Northside 49 Request wrecker 6 ) statewide
9 Phone Southside 50 Request prisoner 19 Switch to primary channel
10 Phone Police Chief transportation 20 Switch to State VHF
11 Phone Garage 51 Person down 21 Operating on portable radio
12 Phone residence 52 Call Control for number 22 On paging
13 Phone Detective Bureau 53 Intoximeter test at jail 23 Repeat
14 Phone I.D. and Records 54 Shooting 24 Contact supervisor
15 Phone radio 55 Stabbing 25 Continue assignment
18 Phone radio shop 56 Out of service for lunch 26 Request unit
19 Phone South Magistrate 57 Illegal possession 27 Request headout wrecker
Court 28 Request wrecker
20 Phone North Magistrate 58 Transport female prisoner 29 Request paramedics
Court to 30 Request ID officer
21 Phone wrecker service hospital 50 Accidental alarm
35 Go to driveway 59 Return prisoner to jail 51 Civil matter
58 Man beating woman 60 Parking meter out of order 52 False alarm
53 Field interview report Status codes 72 Recovered vehicle
54 Field interview ) no report 1 Gone on arrival 73 Attempted vehicle theft
55 Incorrect address 2 Unfounded 8- Narcotics offense
56 No problem at location 3 No action taken 9- Recovered property
57 Police not required 4 Miscellaneous incident 100 Lost/stolen vehicle license
58 Building check 5 Incident report 11- Domestic problem
59 Referred to other agency 6 Accident report 120 Gambling or liquor offense
60 Report form SR-13 issued 7 Traffic citation 13- Emergency aid
61 Transported 8 Traffic warning 14- Security check
62 Unable to locate 9 Referred to detectives 151 Intoxicated driver
complainant 152 Traffic violation
63 Unable to locate suspect ILLINOIS 160 Traffic/road incident
64 Verbal warning given Department of Law Enforcement 170 Suspicious vehicle
65 Warning citation issued Same as expanded APCO codes, 181 Accident ) property damage
66 Citation issued except: 182 Accident ) injury
80 Accident report 10-61 Confidential message 183 Accident ) hit & run
81 Arrest report 10-87 Pick up check 184 Accident ) fatality
82 Arrest report ) juvenile 10-96 Mental subject 185 Accident ) pedestrian
83 Incident report involved
84 Incident report Chicago 186 Accident
10-48 Traffic standard repair 1 Domestic disturbance 191 Illegal dumping
10-86 On duty 2 Teenager disturbance 192 Wires down
10-96 Mental patient 3 Intoxicated person 193 Gas leak
4 Noise 200 Aircraft call
5 Other disturbance 201 Train call
Signals 6 Illegal parking 21- Investigate deceased
1 Fight 7 Assist sick person 220 Fire
2 Intoxicated person 8 Injured person 221 Arson
3 Cutting 9 Person down 222 Attempted arson
4 Hospital investigation 10 Animal bite 223 Bombing
5 Accident 11 Suspicious circumstances 224 Bomb threat
6 Intoxicated driver 12 Person calling for help 225 Grass fire
7 Shooting 13 Found person 230 Threats
8 Burglary 14 Alarm 240 Vandalism
9 Hit & run 15 Request inhalator 250 Suspicious person
10 Phone dispatcher 16 Fire 251 Prowler
11 Go to HQ 17 Escort 252 Solicitor
12 Go to Chief's office 18 Traffic accident 26- Missing person
13 Officer needs help 19 Miscellaneous incident 27- Animal call
14 Phone residence 10-1 Officer needs help 28- Disturbance
15 Burglar alarm 10-4 Acknowledgetwo officer 291 Hunting
16 Go to garage unit 292 Unlawful use of weapon
17 Meet officer 10-99 Acknowledgeone officer 294 Fireworks
18 Fire unit 295 Air rifles
19 Phone switchboard A Unfounded 300 Telephone complaint
20 Person with a gun B Unable to locate 31- Prisoner transport
21 Meet supervisor C No such address 32- Escort
22 Neighborhood complaint D Police not required 33- Alarm
23 Armed robbery E Gone on arrival 34- Assistance
24 Prowler F Peace restored 350 Unclassified call
25 Traffic violation G Advised warrant 360 Unfounded call
26 County ordinance violation H Advised to recontact police (Any code ending in "9" is
27 Disorderly person I Sent to medical facility unfounded)
28 Domestic problem J Returned home
29 Noisy party K Transported to station Du-Comm
30 Injured person L Report submitted Signals:
31 Silent alarm M Traffic citation issued 1 Meet operator
32 Escort N Ordinance complaint issued 2 Pick up papers at station
33 Safety break O Advised legal help 3 Officer needs assistance
34 Go to gas pump P Other police service 4 Personal time
34 Go to wash rack R Arrest made 5 Crime alarm
36 Out to court X Miscellaneous report 6 Confidential
37 Traffic assignment Y Animal bite report 7 Vehicle refueling/wash
38 Short break 8 Complaint #
39 Homicide Cook County 9 Traffic violation stop
40 Arson investigation 10-50J1 Accident ) no injury 10 Vehicle maintenance
41 Vehicle theft 10-50J2 Accident ) injury 11 Bomb threat
42 Theft 10-50J3 Accident ) fatal
43 Open door 10-57J1 Hit & run ) no injury Status codes:
44 Juvenile complaint 10-57J2 Hit & run ) injury 00 Unfounded
45 Vandalism 10-57J3 Hit & run ) fatal 01 referred
46 Deceased person 10-81J1 Transporting Personnel 02 Investigation
47 County complaint 10-81J2 Transporting property 03 Adult arrest
48 Purse snatch 10-81J3 Transporting prisoner 04 Juvenile arrest
49 Mental patient 10-81J4 Transporting papers 05 No complaint ) adult
50 State or Federal violation 06 No complaint ) juvenile
51 Liquor law violation DuPage County 07 Other ) adult
52 Bad check ("-" after number indicates that 08 Other ) juvenile
53 Discharging firearms there 09 Case closed
54 Strong-arm robbery are several categories)
55 Sick person 1- Homicide Quadcom
56 Drag racing 21 Rape Same As Expanded APCO except:
57 Missing person 22 Indecent exposure 10-75 Juvenile problem
58 Bomb threat 23 Attempt rape 10-82 Hunters
59 Sex offense 24 Other sex crime 10-84 Indecent exposure
60 Crowd control 25 Attempted pick-up 10-85 Request inhalator
61 Phone residence 26 Molestation 10-87 Meal break
62 Blood run 31 Robbery 10-91 Alarm out of service
63 City ordinance violation 32 Strong arm 10-96 Mental case
64 Rape 33 Attempted robbery 10-97 Out at station
65 Gambling 41 Assault with gun J-3 Male subject
66 Vice problem 42 Assault with knife J-5 Female subject
67 Arrest warrant service 43 Assault
68 Narcotics 44 Assault with weapon INDIANA
69 Fraud 5- Burglary Indiana State Police
70 Embezzlement 6- Theft Expanded APCO Codes
71 Vehicle theft 8-1 Bomb threat
8-2 Bomb found Weather: 72 Failure to pay
8-3 Homicide A Clear 73 Walk away
8-4 Assault B Overcast 74 Unruly crowd
8-5 Armed robbery C Rain 75 Pursuit
8-6 Robbery D Light snow 76 Road block
8-7 Burglary E Heavy snow 77 Labor dispute
8-8 Alarm F Sleet 78 Communicable disease
8-9 Vandalism G Fog 79 Confidential information
8-10 Disorderly conduct H High wind 80 Civil investigation
8-11 Drowning 81 Change channels
8-12 Suicide Allen County 82 Improper procedure
10-0 Fatality Signals 83 Advise disposition
1 Meet ____ 84 Urgent
Signals 2 Disregard 85 At once
1 Phone your Post 3 Telephone ____ 86 City/County property
2 Phone GHQ 4A Courthouse involved
3 Phone radio 4B City/County building 87 Begin tour of duty
4 Go to GHQ 4C Humane shelter 88 End tour of duty
5 Go to your Post 4S Southgate operations 89 E.O.D.
6 Phone ____ 5 Garage 91 Blood run
7 Extreme emergency 5A Car wash 92 Drowning
8 Meet ____ 5G Gas pumps 93 Aircraft accident
9 Disregard 6 Communications 94 Out of jurisdiction
10 Rush 6R Radio shop 95 In jurisdiction
11 Confidential information 7 Out of service 96 Battery
12 Reply by phone 8 In service 97 Found items
13 Army convoy 9 On scene 98 Vice investigation
14 Plain Clothes detail 10 Location 99 Narcotics investigation
15 Cannot give information on 11 Pick up prisoner 100 Emergency traffic only
air 12 County jail 101 Open door
16 Aircraft accident 12A Lock-up 102 Threats
17 Give emergency right-of-way 13 Ambulance 103 Unwanted party
to ___ 14 Warrant check 104 Kidnaping
18 Target practice 14S Warrant service 105 Officer welfare check
19 Truck check 15 Assist party 106 Officer OK
20 Car wash 16 Pick up items 107 On the air
21 Car lubrication 17 Read motor number 108 Follow-up
22 Car repair 18 Work traffic 109 Illegal dumping
23 Speeding vehicle 19 Escort 110 Known burglar
24 Vehicle and occupants 20 Unknown problem 111 Animal investigation
detained 21 Adult 112 Riot
25 Regular Post meeting 22 Juvenile 120 Grabill
26 Bringing subjects to court 23 Vandalism 121 Woodburn
27 Stopping vehicle 24 Missing person 122 Huntertown
28 Bank detail 25 Vehicle accident 154 Officer needs help
29 Post meeting 26 Vehicle accidentinjuries
30 Special patrol assignment 27 Reckless driving Fort Wayne
31 Traffic congestion 28 Driving under influence (See: Allen County)
32 Check all records this 29 Special event
subject 30 Traffic stop Indianapolis
33 Known burglar 31 Breathalyzer Same as Expanded APCO
34 Possible mental case 32 Death investigation 1 Officer needs assistance
35 Post inspection 32A Death notification 2 Short break
36 Advise work schedule of 33 Disabled vehicle 3 Lunch
____ 33J Vehicle lock-out 4 Go to HQ
37 Any messages? 34 Traffic hazard 5 Security check
38 No messages 35 Parked vehicle 6 Conference
39 Post inspection 36 Parked vehicleoccupied 7 Gas line
40 Subject is wanted 37 Parking violation 30 Notify news media
41 Is lie detector available? 38 Lost or stolen license
42 Is drunkometer available? plate Signals
43J1 Have personnel 39 Stolen vehicle 1 Phone communications
43J2 Have property in possession 40 Alarm supervisor
43J3 Have prisoner in custody 40A Audible alarm 2 Computer down
43J4 Have papers 40B Bank alarm 3 Phone dispatcher
44 Advise traffic conditions 40F Fire alarm 100 Emergency traffic only
45 Broadcast FCC call sign 40L Alarm being monitored 200 Communications center down
46 Pursuit in progress 41 Person down
47 Escort 42 Intoxicated person South Bend
48 Visitors present 43 Disturbance Same as Expanded APCO except:
49 Platoon standby alert 44 Nuisance 10-0 Deceased person
50 Activate riot control 45 Neighborhood disturbance
platoon 46 Domestic disturbance Signals
51 Hazardous material in 47 Removal of items 1 Phone district
transit 48 Suspicious person 2 Phone HQ
52 Hazardous material incident 49 Prowler 3 Phone State Police radio
54 Overtime status 50 Burglary 4 Go to HQ
55 Activity report 51 Theft 5 Go to district
60 Narcotics/drugs involved 52 Shoplifter 6 Phone ____
66 Requested service not 53 Armed robbery 7 Emergency
available 55 Fight 8 Meet ____
80 Not in file 56 Molesting 9 Disregard
100 Emergency ) urgent traffic 57 Strong-arm robbery 10 Expedite
only 58 Shooting 11 Confidential information
59 Stabbing 12 Do not use radio
Department of Transportation 60 Homicide 13 Army convoy
Road condition: 61 Rape 14 Plain clothes detail
1 Dry 62 Person with weapon 15 Cannot broadcast details
2 Wet 63 Attempt to contact 16 Aircraft accident
3 Slushy 64 Unable to locate person 17 Emergency right-of-way
4 Intermittent slick spots 65 Suicide 18 Target practice
5 Loose snow 66 Mental case 19 Truck check
6 Packed snow 67 Indecent exposure 20 Car wash
7 Ice 68 Protect evidence 21 Car service
8 Drifting snow 69 Wires down 22 Car repair
9 Snow plows working 70 Fire 23 Speeding vehicle
71 Explosion 24 Detaining vehicle &
occupants 60 Narcotics 10-46 Intoxicated person
25 District meeting 66 Requested service not 10-47 Accident ) no injuries
26 To court available 10-48 Accident with injuries
27 Stopping vehicle 80 Information not on file 10-49 Ambulance required
28 Bank detail 100 Emergency radio traffic 10-50 Message to deliver
29 District meeting only 10-51 Any answer our number?
30 Special patrol assignment 10-52 Item number
31 Traffic congestion IOWA 10-53 Send TWX
32 Check records Department of Public Safety 10-54 Did you receive TWX?
33 Known burglar Expanded APCO Codes, except: 10-55 Permission to phone ____
34 Mental case 10-48 Traffic standard needs 10-56 Message number
35 District inspection repair 10-57 Repeat dispatch
36 Request duty schedule of 10-81 In-view patrol 10-58 Have you sent ____?
____ 10-83 Welfare check 10-59 Radio service required
37 Any messages? 10-84 Advise estimated time of 10-60 Tower lights out
38 No messages arrival 10-61 Repeat slower
39 District inspection 10-86 Request overtime 10-62 Repeat louder
40 Subject is wanted authorization 10-64 Net clear
41 Request lie detector 10-91 Unnecessary use of radio 10-65 Assignment
42 Request drunkometer 10-96 Mental case 10-66 Cancellation
43J1 Personnel in custody 10-150 Disable repeater 10-67 Clear for item
43J2 Property in custody 10-68 Test count
43J3 Prisoner in custody Department of Transportation 10-69 Test ) no modulation
43J4 Documents in custody Same as above, except: 10-70 Test
44 Advise traffic conditions 10-12 Visitors present 10-71 Tone test
45 Broadcast FCC call sign 10-14 Correct time 10-72 Signal strength
46 In pursuit 10-17 Complete assignment quickly 10-73 Audio quality
47 Escort 10-27 Got to ____ 10-74 Audio is good
48 Visitors present 10-49 Major vehicle breakdown 10-75 Signal interference
49 Platoon location standby 10-58 Fatal accident or fire 10-76 Signal broken
50 Riot control platoon 10-87 Paychecks available 10-77 No contact
55 Activity report 10-78 Audio is poor
60 Narcotics/drugs involved Statewide Law Enforcement 10-79 Switch to channel __
66 Register service not (Most Police & Sheriff) 10-80 Pick up partner
available Same as expanded APCO except: 10-81 Meet ____
80 Not in file 10-81 Vandalism 10-82 Suspicious vehicle
100 Emergency traffic only 10-83 9-1-1 hangup/Welfare check 10-83 Roadway blocked
10-85 Late arrival 10-84 Personnel in area
Vigo County 10-91 Unnecessary use of radio 10-85 Fire
Signals: 10-96 Mental subject 10-86 Correct time
1 Phone District 10-97 Breaking & entering 10-87 Target range
2 Phone HQ 10-150 Disable repeater 10-88 Advise phone number
3 Phone radio 10-200 Request backup 10-89 Use caution
4 Go to GHQ 10-250 Request K-9 unit 10-90 Crime in progress
5 Go to District 10-91 Burglary
6 Phone Statewide Ambulance 10-92 Armed robbery
7 Emergency 4 Natural death 10-93 Bank alarm
8 Meet 5 Accidental death 10-94 Bomb threat
9 Disregard previous 6 Suicide 10-95 Fight
10 Rush 7 Homicide 10-96 Prowler
11 Confidential information 10-97 Domestic disturbance
12 Reply other than by radio Des Moines 10-98 Riot
13 Army convoy 4 Deceased on arrival 10-99 Prisoner escape
14 Plain-clothes detail
15 Unable to broadcast details Signals: Signals
16 Aircraft accident 1 Personal break 1 Armed and dangerous
17 Provide emergency right of 2 At home 2 Resisting arrest
way 3 Require fuel 3 Mental case
18 Firearms practice 4 Lunch break 4 Suicidal
19 Truck check 5 Stopping vehicle 5A Felony offender
20 Car wash 6 Affirmative 5B Misdemeanor offender
21 Vehicle service 8 At jail 5C Traffic offender
22 Vehicle repair 5D Drug offender
23 Speeding vehicle KANSAS 6 Intelligence
24 Detaining vehicle and Statewide 7 Sniper
occupants Green Not urgent 8 Arsonist
25 District meeting Yellow Urgent 9 Felony want
26 Bringing subjects to court Red Critical 10 Misdemeanor want
27 Stopping vehicle\ Blue Cardiac arrest 11 Stolen
28 Bank detail Black Deceased person 12 Bomb explosion
29 District meeting Orange Mental case 13 Officer needs help
30 Special patrol assignment 10-10 Out of service ) available 30 Subject has no record
31 Traffic congestion 10-11 Remain in service 31 Subject has record ) not
32 Check all records 10-12 Visitors present wanted
33 Known burglar 10-14 Escort 32 Subject wanted
34 Possible mental case 10-15 Prisoner in custody 32X Is wanted ) armed and
35 District inspection 10-16 Pick up papers dangerous
36 Request work schedule of 10-17 No messages
10-18 Any messages? Descriptor codes
37 Any messages? 10-25 In contact with ____ 1 White male
38 No messages 10-26 Expedite reply 2 White female
40 Wanted or stolen indicated 10-30 Against rules 3 Black male
41 Is lie detector available? 10-31 All units remain in service 4 Black female
42 Breathalyzer 10-32 Pursuit in progress
43J1 Personnel in possession 10-34 Trouble at ____ Weather codes
43J2 Property in possession 10-35 Roadblock 1 Clear
43J3 Prisoner in custody 10-36 No further assistance 2 Cloudy
43J4 Papers in possession required 3 Road dry
44 Advise traffic conditions 10-37 Not urgent 4 Road wet
45 Broadcast FCC call sign 10-38 Urgent 5 Rain
46 In pursuit 10-39 Emergency 6 Mist
47 Escort 10-40 Fatality 7 Light snow
48 Visitors present 10-41 Wrecker required 8 Heavy snow
49 Platoon standby alert 10-42 At residence 9 Drifting snow
50 Activate riot control 10-43 Meet ____ 10 Fog
platoon 10-44 Stopping vehicle 11 Windy
55 Activity report 10-45 Investigating occupants 12 Blowing dust
13 Snowpacked 2 Smoke showing 10-25 Do you have contact with
14 Snowpacked spots 3 Fire showing ____
15 Icy 10-15 Transporting patient 10-27 Any answer out number?
16 Icy spots 10-44 Fire under control 10-30 Does not conform to rules
17 Slushy 10-53 Deceased person 10-32 Is breathalyzer available?
18 Road sanded 10-35 Confidential information
19 Blizzard Topeka required
20 Road closed Same as Statewide, except: 10-36 Correct time
21 One land road 10-37 Operator on duty
22 Hail Signals 10-45 Accident ) property damage
23 Sleet 5 Known offender 10-46 Accident ) injury
24 Rain and snow mix 14 Officer in danger 10-47 Registration without ID
24 Flooding 20 Lab call 10-49 Payroll checks
21 Stolen vehicle report 10-50 Expense checks
Johnson County 22 Stolen vehicle recovered 10-66 Clear for cancellation
Same as Kansas, except: 23 Assault 10-68 Repeat
10-12 At station 24 Animal problem 10-70 Net message
10-16 Any traffic? 25 Assist citizen 10-88 Advise phone number
10-21 Meet ____ 26 Unknown trouble 10-90 Prepare for inspection
10-32 Require DUI unit 27 Building unsecured 10-97 Arrived at scene
10-39 Military involved 28 Pick up ____ 10-98 Assignment completed
10-41 Intoxicated person 29 Disturbance 10-99 Unable to copy
10-50 Wrecker required 30 Suspicious person
10-80 Traffic signal out of order 31 Missing person Signals
10-81 Phone reference house watch 32 Juvenile problem 1 Officer's residence
10-82 Phone reference message 33 Possible trouble at HQ 2 Meet at location
10-83 Phone reference information 34 Casualty report 3 Any traffic?
10-84 Advise phone number 35 Sex offense 4 Report to Post
10-90 Subject can hear radio 36 Check on citizen well-being 5 Mealtime
10-91 Who is on duty? 37 Deceased person 6 Phone ____
10-92 Vehicle service 39 Theft 7 Officer needs help
10-93 Active warrant 40 Bad checks 8 Disregard
10-94 Active item 41 Information received 9 Emergency
10-95 Record of violence 42 Relieve officer 10 Confidential message
10-97 Arrived at scene 43 Service request
10-98 Assignment complete 44 Notify ____ Jefferson County
J1 Homicide 45 Miscellaneous incident 10-5 Out for meal
J2 Rape 46 Out of vehicle with K-9 10-10 Out of service but
J3 Robbery 48 Shoplifting available
J4 Assault 49 On foot with radio 10-12 Confidential information
J5 Burglary 50 Out to garage 10-15 Prisoner in custody
J6 Larceny 51 Phone residence 10-16 Shoplifting
J7 Auto theft 52 Intoxicated person 10-18 Any messages?
J8 Narcotics 53 Provide escort 10-19 No messages
J9 Felony 57 Vandalism 10-22 Go to ____
J10 Armed and dangerous 58 Relief 10-25 Assignment completeno
J11 Resists arrest 63 Traffic violation report
J12 Mental case 64 Traffic problem 10-26 Assignment completeno #
J13 Parolee 65 First-aid call 10-27 Advise report number
J14 Bomb threat 99 Trouble at HQ 10-30 Officer needs help
J15 Misdemeanor want 10-31 Domestic problem
J16 Felony want Wichita 10-32 Unknown problem
J17 Misdemeanor record Same as Kansas, except: 10-33 Burglary in progress
J18 Ordinance record 1 Flames visible ) no smoke 10-34 Robbery
J19 Traffic record 2 Smoke visible 10-35 Burglary alarm
3 Flames visible 10-36 Prowler
Johnson County Fire Alarm Center 4 Fire under control 10-37 Fight
Same as above, except: 5 Noise in building 10-38 Person with gun
10-11 Responding to call 6 Glass breaking 10-38A Person with knife
10-17 10-11 with only one 7 Noises heard 10-39 Shooting
firefighter 9 Activate scrambler 10-39A Stabbing
10-23 Phone station ) public 10 Spider channel 10-40 Hospital run
service 20 No relief available 10-41 Report
10-24 Trouble at station ) call 21 Mail run 10-42 Meet complainant
police 22 Armed robbery 10-43 Robbery ) no gun
10-26 Phone residence ) public 23 Disable repeater 10-44 Abandoned vehicle
service 24 Burglary 10-45 Release vehicle
10-76 En route to hospital 25 Hostage situation 10-46 Disorderly person
10-77 No contact 26 Bomb threat 10-47 Intoxicated person
10-83 Phone dispatcher ) public 27 Swindle alert 10-48 Accident ) hit & run
service 10-50 Employee injured 10-49 Accident ) no injuries
10-51 Require supervisor 10-50 Accident with injuries
Kansas City Police 10-52 Require Traffic 10-51 Request wrecker
Same as Johnson County, except: Investigator 10-52 Traffic
10-10 Meet ____ 10-53 Require traffic control 10-53 Wires down
10-11 Out of serviceon call 10-54 Require detectives 10-54 Investigation
10-27 Warrant check 10-55 Body recovered 10-55 Intoxicated driver
10-35 Intoxicated person 10-81 Phone home 10-56 Indecent exposure
10-36 Disturbance 10-88 Medical Adviser frequency 10-57 Child Molester
10.38 Shooting 10-89 Medical Adviser patch 10-58 Unattended children
10-41 Stolen vehicle 10-59 Meet officer
10-45 Traffic stop Signals 10-60 Vehicle tampering
10-53 Suicide 5 Require officer for report 10-62 Loud music or party
10-60 Officer needs help 6 Require officer for trouble 10-70 Fire ) vegetation or trash
10-65 Meal break 7 Send officer ) urgent 10-71 Fire ) structure or vehicle
10-85 Request back-up 10 Radiogram # 10-72 Reckless driving
10-91 Are you alone? 10-73 Drag racing
10-93 Valid warrant KENTUCKY 10-74 Disorderly person in
10-100 Check for warrants Kentucky State Police vehicle
10-10 Subject to call 10-75 Bomb threat
Response codes 10-11 Talking too fast 10-76 Plane crash alert
A Emergency 10-12 Visitors present 10-77 Plane crash
B Urgent 10-14 Convoy or escort 10-80 Deceased person
C Normal 10-15 Prisoner in custody 10-81 Heart attack
10-16 Pick up prisoner 10-82 Injured person
Kansas City Fire 10-17 Pick up papers 10-83 Sick person
1 Nothing visible 10-24 Trouble at Post 10-84 Person down
10-85 Subject wanted 10-11 Treated ) declined ambulance clear
10-85A Subject may be dangerous 10-12 Transported by private 10-64 Net cleargo ahead with
10-86 No further assistance vehicle traffic
needed 10-13 No patient at scene 10-74 Radar assignment
10-87 Injured or stray animal 10-14 Patient left scene 10-97 Arrived at scene
10-88 Advise phone number 10-15 Malicious false call 10-98 Assignment completed
10-89 Barking dog 10-16 Refused exam/treatment
10-90 Missing person 10-17 Cancel Signals
10-91 Speak louder 10-24 Treated ) ambulance not 2 Investigation
10-92 Speak softer required 3 Homicide
10-94 Radio test 10-29 Are you OK.? 4 Suicide
10-95 Officer being held hostage 10-41 Notify hospital 5 Deceased person
10-96 Hostage situation 10-42 Request orders from 6 Drowning
10-97 Rape hospital 7 Missing person
10-51 Request police 8 Escapee
Lexington Metro Police 10-52 Request fire department 9 Kidnaping
1 Arrest made 10-53 Request EMB backup 10 Rape
2 Advised warrant 10-54 Civil disturbance 11 Assault/battery
3 Assistance rendered 10-55 Redispatched run 12 Shooting
4 Vehicle investigated 10-58 Hijacking 13 Stabbing
5 Investigation completed 10-63 Asthma attack 14 Fight
6 Subject investigated 10-64 Mental patient 15 Armed robbery
7 Field information report 10-65 Maternity 16 Burglary
8 Assignment complete 10-66 Hemorrhage 17 Theft
9 Citation issued 10-67 Rape 18 Property damage
10 Notice/summons served 10-68 Burn 19 Civil matter
12A Accidental False alarm 10-69 Drug overdose 20 Juvenile complaint
12M Mechanical false alarm 10-70 Train derailment 21 Domestic trouble
12P Personal false alarm 10-72 Hazardous material 22 Loose stock/animal
12R Refusal 10-73 Explosion complaint
12U False alarmunknown cause 10-78 Helicopter landing 23 Animal bite
12W Weather related false alarm 10-79 Transfer 24 Vandalism
13 Gone on arrival 10-85 Stroke 25 Disturbance
15 Not needed 10-86 Drowning 26 Shooters at
17 Report made 10-87 Electrocution 27 Loud music/party
18 Information not available 10-94 Animal bite 28 Prowler
19A To St. Joseph Hospital 10-95 Diabetic 29 Suspicious person
19B To Good Samaritan Hospital 10-96 Unconscious 30 Suspicious vehicle
19C To Central Baptist Hospital 10-97 Difficulty breathing 31 Intoxicated person
19D To U of Kentucky Hospital 10-98 Poison 32 Intoxicated driver
19E To Eastern State Hospital 10-99 Seizure 33 Hit & run accident
19F To Veterans Admin Hospital 34 Extortion/threats
19H To Humana Hospital LOUISIANA 35 Check building/alarm
20 Problem settled State Police 36 Request for patrol
21A Unfounded Expanded APCO code except: 37 Trespasser
21B Unable to locate 10-10 Out of serviceon call 38 Illegal dumping
22A Wrecker requested by owner 10-12 Visitors present 39 Annoying/threatening phone
22B Wrecker requested by police 10-14 Convoy calls
28 Possible mental case 10-15 Prisoner in custody 40 Fire
30A Subject has impaired sight 10-23 Stand by for clear channel 41 Assist Fire Department
30B Subject has impaired 10-26 Obtain data on ____ 42 Narcotic overdose
hearing 10-41 Call this station on other 43 Assist motorist
30C Subject has impaired speech frequency 44 Unauthorized use
30D Subject has physical 10-42 Officer ____ now at home 45 Traffic stop
impairment 10-50 No traffic for you 46 Traffic control
10-60 Next message number 47 Traffic hazard
Same as Kentucky State Police 10-64 Net clear 48 Stolen vehicle
except: 10-65 Clear for assignment 49 Abandoned vehicle
10-56 Out for booking 10-71 Go ahead 50 Airplane crash
10-57 Intoxicated driver 10-78 Request ambulance 51 Medical emergency
10-58 Intoxicated person 10-79 Request wrecker 52 Traffic accidentno
10-71 Stolen vehicle 10-81 Officer will be at your injuries
station 53 Traffic accidentinjuries
Signals 10-97 Arrived at scene 54 Train derailment
01 Officer at residence 10-98 Assignment completed 55 Indecent behavior
02 Meet ____ 56 Recovered property
03 Any messages for this unit? Caddo Parish 57 Narcotics law violation
04 Go to HQ Same as expanded APCO codes 58 Warrant execution
05 Lunch except: 59 Prostitution
06 Phone ____ 10-10 Out of servicesubject to 60 Hazmat incident
07 Officer needs help call 61 Commitment order
08 Disregard 10-11 Dispatching too fast 62 Surveillance
09 Emergency 10-14 Escort 63 Welfare concern
10A Subject is wanted 10-15 Prisoner in custody 64 Lower jail elevator
10B Subject is dangerous 10-16 Pick up prisoner 65 Two-wheel
10C Vehicle reported stolen 10-17 Pickup papers 66 Four-wheel
15 Bomb threat 10-18 Expedite reply 67 Logoff time
20 Spouse abuse center 10-24 Call home 68 Illegal parking
25 Contagious disease 10-25 Pick up officer 69 Escort assignment
41 To jail 10-26 Driver's license check 70 Officer needs assistance
X Courtesy break 10-27 Record check 71 Request investigator
10-29 Stolen 72 Request I.D. technician
Louisville Police 10-30 Does not conform to rules 73 Request K-9 unit
Same as Jefferson County except: 10-31 NCIC check 74 Request P.E.I operator
10-16 Pick up ____ 10-32 Check local warrants 75 Request supervisor
10-66 Residence/business check 10-34 Subject or vehicle wanted 76 Request hazmat unit
10-35 Confidential information 77 Request tactical team
Louisville Airport Authority 10-37 Advise name of officer 78 Request
1-1 Plane crash 10-40 Special assignment ambulance/helicopter
2-2 Plane crash alert 10-42 Contact officer 79 Request Fire Department
7-7 Fire 10-44 Unit ___ is calling you 80 Fatalityadvise Coroner
10-46 Unit is not available 81 Request tow truck
Louisville EMS 10-50 No trafficresume patrol 82 Request Search & Rescue
Same as Jefferson County, except: 10-58 Switch to another radio 83 Request public utility
10-1 All units stand by channel 84 Request rabies control
10-3 Cruise district 10-60 On pager officer
10-6 En route 10-63 Net in usewill advise when 85 Request stock patrol unit
86 Request Highway Department 63D Demonstration 10-17 Pick up papers
87 9-1-1 hangup 63S Sit-in 10-23 Status check
88 Explosion 64 Armed robbery 10-24 Unit not available
89 Fireworks/Noisy animal 65 Robbery 10-25 Officer needs help
90 Check area for 65P Purse snatch 10-26 Phone residence
speeding/racing 66 Threats 10-31 Check for local warrants
91 Suspicious circumstances 67 Theft 10-32 Check NCIC
92 Impersonating an officer 67A Vehicle theft 10-35 Confidential information
93 Motorcycle complaint 67B Bicycle theft 10-37 Advise officer name
94 Assist party to recover 67C Theft from vehicle 10-38 Phone communications
property 67P Pickpocket 10-39 Contact officer
95 Reckless driving 67S Shoplifting 10-40 Dead animal
96 Render aid/blood escort 69 Possession of stolen 10-41 Debris in street
97 Deliver message property 10-49 Pick up officer
98 HQ assignment 71 Bad check 10-50 No messages
99 Miscellaneous call 72 Forgery 10-51 Phone message
80 Crime against juvenile 10-60 Traffic violation
New Orleans Police 81 Indecent behavior 10-64 Resume normal traffic
10-3 All units stand by 82 Prostitution 10-68 Switch channels
10-6 Call residence 83 Soliciting 10-72 Radar assignment
10-10 Out of service ) available 84 Pandering 10-73 Notify coroner
10-11 Dispatching too fast 89 Crime against nature 10-78 Request wrecker
10-12 Visitors present 90 Gambling 10-80 On assignment
10-14 Your destination? 91 Unlawful sales to minor 10-81 At vehicle maintenance
10-15 Prisoner in custody 93 Cruelty to juvenile 10-82 Traffic signal out
10-16 Pick up prisoner 94 Discharging firearms 10-83 At radio shop
10-17 Advise names of officers in 94F Fireworks 10-84 Broken utility main
unit 95 Illegal carrying of weapons 10-85 Loose livestock
10-18 Return for additional 97 Picketing 10-86 Utility line down
information 98 Intoxicated driver 10-87 Prisoner transfer
10-23 Stand by 99 Reckless driver 10-88 Special assignment
10-24 Check registration 100 Hit & run 10-89 At Academy
10-25 Check for stolen 101 Desecration of graves 10-90 At HQ
10-26 Check for record 102 Cruelty to animals 10-97 At court
10-28 Request emergency clearance 103D Disturbance 10-99 Break
10-29 Confidential information 103F Fight
10-30 Correct time 103M Mental case Signals
10-31 Checking clear 103R Riot 3 Assault
10-32 Situation under control 106 Obscenity 4 Homicide
10-33 Does not conform with rules 107 Suspicious person 5 Discharging firearm
10-34 Left city 108 Officer needs help 7 Suicide
10-35 Returned to city 109 Aggravated escape 9 Robbery alarm
10-36 Racial incident 110 Escape 10 Robbery
10-40 Lunch 112 Impersonating an officer 11 Theft in progress
10-41 Coffee break 284 Peeping Tom 12 Vandalism in progress
10-42 Short break 966 Narcotics violation 15 Audible alarm
10-50 Not available for 16 Burglary report
assignment New Orleans Fire Dept. 17 Check building
10-55 Officer needs help 10-1 Phone 18 Surveillance
10-61W Check for wants 10-2 Involved in accident 21 Indecent exposure
10-97 Arrived at scene 10-3 Request police for crowd 22 Disperse crowd
10-98 Assignment complete control 23 Juvenile complaint
10-99 Change channels 10-5 Request emergency unit 24 Loud music/party
10-6 In quarters 25 Request detective
Signals 10-9 Bomb threat 26 Request lab technician
14 Ambulance en route 10-10 Request public utility 28 Speeding
15 Citizen holding suspect 10-12 Repeat message 30 Direct traffic
17 Attachment 10-13 Request Fire Prevention 31 Intoxicated person
18 Traffic incident officer 32 Intoxicated driver
19 Intoxicated person 10-14 Company on scene 33 Hit & run
20 Accident 10-15 Request photographer 34 Prowler
20A Aircraft crash 10-16 Request State Fire Marshal 35 Suspicious person
20F Accident ) fatal 10-17 Request Building Inspector 36 Fight
20I Accident with injuries 10-18 Request police tow truck 37 Domestic problem
21 Complaint 10-19 Request mechanic 38 Animal complaint
22 Disperse subjects 10-21 Additional information 39 Train derailment
23 Traffic congestion 10-22 Check origin of call 40 Disorderly person
24 Medical emergency 10-23 Holding all companies 41 Burglary in progress
25 Phone dispatcher 10-24 Holding some companies 42 Armed robbery
26 Meet officer 10-25A False alarm 43 Assault
27 Attempted crime 10-26 Working fire 44 Stabbing
28 Inciting a felony 10-27 Can handle 45 Shooting
29 Deceased person 10-28 Return to quarters 46 Theft report
30 Homicide 10-29 Fire under control 47 Purse snatching
34 Aggravated battery 10-30 Fire out 48 Stolen vehicle
35 Simple assault 10-31 Fatality 49 Accident report
37 Aggravated assault 10-32 District Chiefs report to 50 Assist officer
38 Simple assault HQ 51 Fire
39 Negligent injury 10-33 District Chiefs needed 52 Minor accident
42 Aggravated rape 10-35 Units await further 53 Major accident
43 Rape instructions 54 Investigation
44 Aggravated kidnaping 10-50 Foamite operation 55 Field investigation
45 Kidnaping 10-60 Dangerous chemical spill 56 Abandoned vehicle
51 Aggravated arson 10-500 Enemy attack 57 Road hazard
51B Bomb threat 10-600 Civil disaster alert 58 Traffic congestion
52 Arson 10-700 Civil disaster activation 59 Ambulance call
52E Explosion 10-800 Natural disaster alert 60 See complainant
52F Fire 10-900 Natural disaster activation 61 Stalled vehicle
59 Criminal mischief 62 Silent alarm
60 Aggravated burglary Shreveport 63 Deceased person
62 Burglary 10-10 Out of service ) subject to 64 School zone
62A Silent alarm call 65 Vandalism report
62C Theft from vehicle 10-11 En route 66 Disturbance
62R Residential burglary 10-12 At scene 67 Shoplifter
62S Safe burglary 10-14 Escort 68 Explosion
63 Prowler 10-15 Prisoner in custody 70 Electronic tag alarm
63A Aiding & abetting sit-in 10-16 Pick up prisoner 71 Locate electronic tag
73 Motorcycle complaint 10-16 Request backup 54 Traffic stop
74 Parking violation 10-17 Phone station 55 Traffic enforcement detail
76 Arrest 10-18 Go to station 91 Supervisory duty
77 Assist Fire Department 10-25 Stopping suspicious vehicle 92 Mealtime
79 Commitment order 10-26 Switch to citywide channel 99 Other activity
10-30 Person or vehicle wanted
MAINE 10-31 Crime in progress Prince George's County
10-3 Go ahead 10-32 Sufficient units at scene 10-5 Transport passenger
10-10 Out of Service ) available 10-34 Civil disturbance 10-10 Busy but available
10-11 Dispatching too fast 10-35 Major crime alert 10-11 Transmitting too fast
10-14 Escort 10-36 Description 10-12 How many units available
10-15 Have subject in vehicle 10-37 Request tow truck 10-14A Escort Army
10-17 See complainant 10-38 Request ambulance 10-14B
10-22 Advise phone number 10-39 Reporting police vehicle Escort bank
10-23 Stand-by disabled 10-14E Escort explosives
10-24 Wanted or stolen indicated 10-40 Request crime lab 10-14F Escort funeral
10-25 Pedestrian check 10-41 Request impound truck 10-14L Escort liquor
10-26 Detaining subject 10-42 Request animal shelter 10-14M Escort Marines
10-30 Unauthorized use of radio 10-43A Traffic signal out 10-14N Escort Navy
10-31 Crime in progress 10-43B Traffic signal red out 10-14W Escort wide load
10-32 Person with weapon 10-43C Traffic signal not changing 10-15 Prisoner in custody
10-33 Pursuit in progress 10-43D Traffic sign down 10-16 In area ) checking
10-34 General alert 10-44 Request permission to ____ 10-17 Rechecking area
10-36 Correct time 10-45 Permission denied 10-18 On scene
10-37 Dispatcher on duty? 10-46 Permission granted 10-21 Any calls?
10-38 Stopping suspicious vehicle 10-47 Negative 10-25 Advise contact
10-39 Suspicious vehicle 10-48 Affirmative 10-26 Advise reply
10-40 Permission to leave area 10-50 Helicopter landing 10-27 Check for stolen
10-41 Prowler report 10-90 Looting 10-30 Against rules and
10-42 Dog involved 10-91 Shooting regulations
10-43 Intoxicated pedestrian 10-92 Continued looting 10-31 Resolved ) no report
10-44 Possible mental case 10-93 Continued sniping 10-32 Assignment complete ) see
10-45 Domestic trouble report
10-46 Prisoner in custody Signals 10-33 Important business at
10-47 Medical examiner needed 13 Officer needs assistance station
10-48 Unattended death 30 Accident 10-34 Lookout
10-49 Possible homicide 31 Accident with injury 10-35 Confidential information
10-50 Officer involved in 32 Accident with fatality 10-36 Correct time
accident 10-37 Identify operator
10-51 Debris in road 10-40 Phone number
10-52 Illegal parking 10-41 No calls
10-53 Possible DUI Montgomery County 10-42 Check operator's license
10-54 Drag racing Expanded APCO codes except as 10-62 Unable to copy ) use phone
10-55 Vehicle accident follows: 10-63 Prepare to copy
10-56 Wrecker needed 10-5 On scene 10-64 Network clear for message
10-57 Ambulance needed 10-10 Out of service but 10-70 Statewide message
10-58 Direct traffic available 10-85 ____ left station
10-59 Assist motorist 10-11 Dispatching too rapidly 10-86 Call home at once
10-60 Lost hunter 10-12 Advise weather/road 10-89 ____ is calling your
10-61 Hunting accident conditions station
10-62 Drowning accident 10-13 Request wrecker 10-90 Away from radio
10-63 Night hunting 10-15 Prisoner in custody 10-94 Radio test
10-64 Dog-deer complaint 10-16 Request to meet ____ 10-95 Any previous record?
10-65 Boating accident 10-19 Request shift commander 10-97 Advise reception
10-66 Snowmobile accident 10-21 Request field supervisor
10-70 Civil disturbance 10-23 Check for valid license Signals
10-71 Bomb threat 10-24 Contact desk clerk 1 Contact station
10-72 Fire alarm 10-25 Do you have contact with 1I Contact station immediately
10-73 Trouble at station ____ 3 Go to station
10-74 Officer needs help 10-26 Go to station 3I Go to station immediately
10-75 Radio silence for emergency 10-27 Advise phone number of ____ 4 Meet complainant
10-76 Prisoner escape 10-31 Any calls for this unit? 5 Suspicious unoccupied
10-77 Road block 10-32 No calls vehicle
10-78 Bank alarm 10-40 Officer welfare check 6 Suspicious occupied vehicle
10-79 Aircraft crash 10-41 Officer OK 6I Intoxicated driver
10-80 Alarm 10-50 Officer needs help 7 Suspicious person
10-81 Smoke report 10-51 Request assistance 7A Person with a weapon
10-82 Fight 10-60 Stolen/wanted is indicated 7I Intoxicated person
10-83 Traffic violation 10-70 Stay away from location 8 Check vehicle registration
10-85 Will be late 10-86 Phone spouse 9A Accident ) no injuries
10-89 Too much air time 10-97 Advise radio reception 9F Accident ) fatal
10-90 Confidential ) phone in 10-99 Acknowledgetwo officer 9I Accident ) Injury
10-91 Phone home ) no emergency unit 11 Hit & run ) no injuries
10-92 Request radio repair 10-100 Major disturbancesend 11F Hit & run ) fatal
10-93 All units report at once backup 11I Hit & run ) injury
10-94 Permission to use State 12 Escaped prisoner
vehicle Status codes: 13 Officer needs help
10-95 Disaster drill 11 Traffic court 14 Felony warrant
10-96 Location is confidential 12 Other court 15F Fight
10-97 Transport legislator 13 Crossing detail 15R Riot
10-98 Aircraft hijacking 16 Commercial establishment 18 Security check
check 20 Request Fire Department
Signal: 21 Traffic warrant service 20E Escort ambulance
1000 Emergency in progress 22 Assisting unit 22 Unknown trouble
23 Traffic escort 25 Animal complaint
MARYLAND 24 Crime warrant/arrest 25B Animal bite
Maryland State Police 26 Suspicious circumstances 25F Dead animal
Expanded APCO Codes 27 Investigation 25I Animal injured
28 ID field investigation 26 Routine patrol suspended
Baltimore 29 K-9 activity 44 Bomb threat
10-1 Signal check 31 Transport to jail 46 Motorcycle disturbance
10-3 Poor signal 32 Out of county 47 Rape or robbery
10-5 No acknowledgment 33 Vehicle maintenance 50 Cross burning
10-11 Meet ____ 34 School safety 60 Assault
10-12 Not available 51 Other detail 61 Vandalism
10-14 Prisoner transport 52 Traffic control 62 Breaking and entering
10-15 Urgent prisoner transport 53 Traffic problem 63 Theft
63A Theft from vehicle 13 Out of city 3 Rescue & EMS
64 Homicide 14 Tow service 4 Hazardous condition
65 Sex offense 15 Traffic 5 Service call
66 Suicide 16 Moving violation 6 Good intention call
67 Drowning 17 At car wash 7 False alarm
68 Disorderly conduct 18 At shooting range 8 Natural disaster
69 Loud party 19 On foot 9 Other calls
70 Intoxicated person 20 At gas pumps
71 Domestic problem 21 En route Brockton
72 Juvenile problem 22 At emergency shelter 4 Caution ) suspect may be
73 Disorderly juveniles 23 Guarding prisoners armed
75 Request camera 25 At community service 10-1 False alarm
76 Control assistance needed meeting 10-1A Fire
76M Assist motorist 26 At special event 10-1B Released by Fire Dept.
78 Burglar alarm 35 Inspecting licensed 10-2 Subject under surveillance
79 Unlocked building premises 10-2A Rush reply
81 Death report 10-3 Report to be filed
82 Meet officer Disposition codes 10-3A No report required
83 Notification A No incident 10-5 Matter settled
84 Robbery B Unable to locate informant 10-6 Will meet complainant
85 Kidnaping C No such address 10-8A In service ) coffee break
86 Breaking in D Not a police matter 10-9A Record check ) rush reply
87 School traffic detail E Suspect gone on arrival 10-10 Stolen car check
88 Departmental paperwork F Peace restored 10-11 License check
89 Found property G Advised warrant 10-12 Returning with prisoner
91 Refueling H Advised to call police 10-13 Officer set
98 Out of patrol area again 10-14 Request tow truck
99 Lunch I Taken to station 10-15 Pursuit in progress
100 Emergency Petition Service J Field interrogation report 10-16 Will continue investigation
(EPS) K Traffic citation issued 10-17 Out to court
L Parking citation issued 10-18 Transporting to hospital
MASSACHUSETTS M Advised to seek legal help 10-19 Transporting to VA hospital
Massachusetts State Police N Accidental alarm 10-20 Transporting prisoner
1 Stand-by for emergency O False 10-21 Stopping vehicle
2 Phone barracks P Service rendered 10-22 Unable to locate
3 Phone ____ AR Arriving on scene 10-23 Permission to leave zone
4 Out of service CR Clearing assignment 10-24 Request Highway Department
5 In service ON Logging on 10-25 Request Edison
6 What is your location? OF Logging off 10-26A Request Registry Police
7 Return to barracks 10-26B Request Safety Officer
8 Stopping suspicious vehicle Boston Fire Department 10-26C Request photographer
9 Registration information A Apparatus in accident 10-27 Request Medical Examiner
10 Check for stolen B Apparatus mechanical 10-28 Request BCI Detective
11 License data malfunction Bureau
12 Any messages for me? C Proceed at reduced speed 10-29 Request Animal Control
13 Radio test 10-1 Call quarters 10-30 Request ambulance
14 Missing or wanted 10-2 Cancel response 10-35 Permission to go to station
15 Officer needs help 10-3 Call dispatcher 10-43 Clear for call
16 Accident investigation 10-5 Repeat message 10-44 In vehicle & clear
17 Clear 10-6 Stand by 10-45 Accidental alarm
18 Permission to leave patrol 10-7 Verify information
19 Escort detail 10-8 In service Signals
20 Priority urgent message 10-9 Off the air 1 Fire
21 Officer needs help 10-10 Unit location 2A Alarm ) audible
22 Request for mutual aid 10-11 Radio test 2B Alarm ) silent
23 Fire alarm 10-12 Preliminary report 2C Alarm ) telephone
24 Request rescue squad 10-13 Request help 3A Vehicle accident
25 Request tow truck 10-14 Progress report 3B Pedestrian accident
26 Switching to sub-regional 10-17 Unrest 3C Industrial accident
net 10-18 Holding 1 engine, 1 truck 4 Prowler
28 Switching to State police 10-19 Holding 1 engine 4C Check area for prowler
net 10-20 Under control 5A Domestic disturbance
29 Check your radio 10-21 Brush fire 5B Intoxicated person
30 Go to _____ 10-22 Outside rubbish 5C Keep the peace
31 Officer down 10-23 Abandoned vehicle fire 6 Location
10-24 Vehicle fire 7A Out of service
Boston Police Department 10-25 Manhole/transformer fire 7B Out of service ) on radio
Incident codes: 10-26 Food on stove 8A Out of car on detail
1 Burglar alarm 10-27 Compactor fire 8B Coffee break
2 Citizens alarm 10-28 Subway/railroad fire 9A Suspicious driver
3 Person calling for help 10-30 Smoke/fire showing 9B Intoxicated driver
4 Escort duty 10-31 Incinerator fire 10A Abandoned car
5 Fire alarm 10-32 Defective oil burner 10B Stolen car
7 Large disturbance 10-33 Odor of smoke 11 Hit & run
8 Investigate persons 10-34 Sprinkler problem 12 Prisoner in custody
9 Investigate premises 10-35 Alarm system problem 13 Officer needs help
10 Landlord-tenant dispute 10-36 Vehicle emergency 14A Phone home ) Emergency
11 Lock-out 10-37 Public assistance 14B Phone home ) no emergency
12 Noisy disturbance 10-38 Steam leak 15 Robbery
13 Prowler 10-40 Utility emergency 16 Breaking and entering
14 Police services 10-41 Request Fire Marshal 17 Larceny
15 Intoxicated person 10-44 Request ambulance 18 Larceny of vehicle
16 Disturbance in structure 10-47 Request police 19 Malicious damage
10-51 Hazardous road conditions 20 Emergency ) clear frequency
Service codes 10-60 Major emergency 21A Barking dog
1 Vehicle maintenance 10-75 Working fire 21B Injured dog
2 Radio repair 10-76 High-rise incident 22 Juvenile gang
3 Training 10-80 Hazmat incident 23 Assault & battery
4 Transporting female 10-84 Unit on scene 24 Assault & battery w/firearm
5 Transporting prisoner 10-86 Foam operations 25 Homicide
6 At court 10-88 Unit responding to incident 26 Hunters shooting
7 Escort 10-92 False alarm 27A Intoxicated trespasser
8 School crossing 10-99 Out more than 30 minutes 27B Trespasser
9 Headquarters assignment 28 Juvenile problem
10 Lunch Disposition Codes (basic): 29 Escort
11 Warrant service 1 Fire 30 Notification to be made
12 Warrant service 2 Over pressure rupture 31A Transporting to hospital
31B Transporting 95 Telephone other station 5 Domestic disturbance
32 Pick up parcel 96 Notify Chief 6 Gang disturbance
32A Pick up dinner 97 Returning to quarters 7 Ambulance call
32B Pick up coffee 98 Responding 8 Phone
33 See complainant 99 Message received 9 Intoxicated person
34 Phone station 10 Assist officer
35 Go to station Massachusetts Bay Transit 10E Officer needs help
36A Sick person down Authority 11 Prowler
36B Intoxicated person down 10-1 Request back-up 12E Emergency transportation
37 Mental case 10-2 Request assistance 14 Take report
38A Resuscitator call 10-3 Phone station 21 Assault
38B Overdose 10-5 Investigate 22 Go to station
39A Deceased person 10-6 Arrived at call 24 Out for lunch
39B Suicide 10-7 In service 29 Suspicious person
40 Bomb threat 10-8 Status update 42 Emergency button activated
40A Bomb threat ) evacuate 10-9 Go to station 49 Burglary
40B Bomb threat ) stand by 10-10 Check for stolen or wanted 64 Report location and mileage
41 Sex offense 10-11 Check license registration 69 Robbery
41C Rape 10-12 Switch to channel 2 90 Switch to frequency ___
42 Report status 10-13 Units stand by 130P Go to Pearl St station
43 Illegal parking 10-14 Disable repeater 911 Call police emergency line
44 Narcotics 10-15 Fatality
45 Subject with police radio 10-16 Request supervisor Springfield Fire
46 Pick up party 10-17 Provide escort Signals:
10-18 On detail duty 1 Rewind box
Fall River 10-19 Off detail duty 3 Chief officer respond
3-1 Assist officer 10-20 Request break 4 Company in service
3-2 Accident 10-21 Call detail unit 4-4 All companies responding
3-3 Abandoned vehicle 10-22 Phone residence 5 Emergency
3-4 Vehicle investigation 10-40 Supervisor inspection 6 Bomb threat
3-5 Illegal parking 10-41 Station check 7 Request police
3-6 Recovered vehicle 10-42 High visibility patrol 8 Out of service
3-7 Stolen vehicle 10-43 Directed patrol 10 Request ambulance
3-8 Assault & battery 10-44 Bus check 11 Request medical examiner
3-9 Breaking & entering 10-45 Bus ride-along 12 Request Fire Marshall
3-10 Strong-arm robbery 10-46 Clear bus ride-along Blue False alarm
4-1 Booking room Orange Nothing showing
4-2 Continued investigation New Bedford Red Working fire
4-3 Disperse gang 1 Emergency ) clear the air Yellow First equipment can handle
4-4 Disturbance 2 Return to normal operation
4-6 Animal complaint 3 Officer needs help Worcester
4-6 Domestic problem 4 Caution ) subject may be 2 Phone ____
4-7 Intoxicated person armed 3 Go to ____
4-8 Fire 10-100 Message for all units 4 Out of service
4-9 Larceny 4507 Out of service 5 In service
4-10 Meet complainant 4510 Fight 9 Request registration
5-1 Malicious mischief 4514 Prowler information
5-2 Missing person 4515 Disturbance 10 Check for stolen
5-3 Ill person 4516 Family problem 11 Check drivers license
5-4 Suspicious circumstances 4517 Meet complainant 17 Lunch
5-6 Transportation 4518 Stolen vehicle 20 Bomb threat
5-7 Lunch 4519 Go to station 124 Pick up ____
6-2 Trespassing 4520 Your location? 140 Snow complaint
7-1 Phone station 4521 Phone station 144 Found/recovered property
7-2 Phone dispatcher 4522 9-1-1 hangup 150 Notification assignment
7-4 Stand by for message 4523 Arrived at scene 160 Assist citizen
8-1 Out of service 4531 Crime in progress 205 Residential alarm
9-1 In service 4533 Emergency 206 Commercial alarm
12 Notification 4543 Information wanted 207 Vehicle alarm
36 Extra assignment 4546 Assist motorist 210 Silent alarm
Black Armed robbery 4550 Accident 211 Robbery alarm
Blue Request inhalator 4551 Request wrecker 230 Fire alarm
Gray Concealed weapon 4552 Request ambulance 240 Bonfire
Green Burglary in progress ) no 4555 Intoxicated driver 250 Vehicle fire
siren 4556 Intoxicated disturbance 320 Disorderly person
Orange Major disturbance 4564 Deliver message 321 Disorderly group
Purple Mental case 4570 Fire alarm 322 Fight
Red Injury involved 4578 Request assistance 323 Intoxicated person down
White Alarm 4580 Investigate break 324 Intoxicated & disorderly
Yellow Bomb threat 4590 Burglar alarm 330 Suspicious person
4595 Bomb scare 331 Suspicious vehicle
Status codes 4599 Request prisoner 332 Prowler
1 Transporting transportation 341 Discharging firearms
2 Writing report 4601 Report made 345 Loud party
3 Coffee break 4602 Arrest ) no report made 346 Loud radio
4 Gassing up 4603 Arrest ) report made 351 Animal complaint
7 Vacant house check 4604 Assisted 360 Domestic dispute
9 Serving warrant 4605 Suppressed 361 Neighbor dispute
10 Transporting prisoner 4606 Further investigation 509 Stolen bicycle
13 Traffic detail 4607 Civil matter 510 Stolen vehicle
14 Police vehicle disabled 4608 Gone on arrival 511 Recovered vehicle
15 At court 4609 Unfounded 530 Missing person
16 Service call for station 4610 Settled privately 531 Found person
17 En route to station 4611 False alarm 601 Sick person
18 At car wash 4612 False fire alarm 602 Injured person
33 To station 4613 Warned 603 Deceased person
40 Bank alarm test 4614 Delivered 705 Malicious mischief
41 Personal errand 4615 Unable to deliver 710 Homicide
4616 In service 720 Rape
Groveland 4617 Valid alarm 730 Assault
(See: Lawrence) 4618 Completed directed patrol 740 Armed robbery
750 Strong-arm robbery
Lawrence Springfield Police 760 Larceny
91 In service 1 Person down 761 Larceny from vehicle
92 Out of service 2 Dog complaint 762 Attempted larceny from
93 Telephone... 3 Traffic stop vehicle
94 Request food 4 Vehicle accident 770 Breaking & entering
dwelling Signals 9620 Traffic hazard
780 Breaking & entering 1 Traffic stop 9621 Blocked driveway
commercial 2 Emergency at station 9622 Overtime parking
811 Vehicle accidentdamage 3 Go to station 9627 Parking on private property
812 Vehicle accidentinjury 4 Officer needs help 9940 Out to court
813 Vehicle accidentHit & run 5 Phone for details 9960 Serving subpoena
814 Vehicle obstruction 15 Check for all vehicles this 9970 Transporting prisoner
815 Vehicles racing subject 9971 Transporting prisoner
840 Abandoned vehicle 31 Out of state registration 9980 Personal break
850 Parking violation check 9990 Lunch
920 Rape in progress 32 V.I.N. status check 10-1 Emergency ) use siren and
930 Assault in progress 35 Driver status check flashers
935 Assault w/weapon in 37 Stolen vehicle 10-2 Negative
progress 42 Drivers license check 10-3 Affirmative
940 Armed robbery in progress 45 Prisoner 10-5 Go to station
950 Strong-arm in progress 46 Vehicle impounded 10-6 Record check is negative
960 Larceny in progress 47 Registration and vehicle 10-7 Phone ____
961 Larceny from vehicle in check 10-8 Subject is present
progress 48 Violation and warrant check 10-9 Pick up ____
962 larceny of vehicle in 49 Name search 10-10 Prepare to copy
progress 10-11 In progress
970 Breaking & entering in Ann Arbor 10-12 Emergency radio traffic
progress 1 Emergency ) use siren & only
980 Breaking & entering in flashers 10-13 Officer needs help
progress 2 Emergency ) flashers only 10-14 Request ambulance
3 No siren or flashers 10-15 Request cover unit
Michigan State Police 4 Routine response 10-16 Stopping suspicious vehicle
(Condensed list) 151 Subject has gun 10-17 Resume normal radio traffic
Expanded APCO Codes except: 601 Male black 10-18 Any messages for this unit?
10-9 Subject has misdemeanor 602 Female black 10-19 No messages
warrant 603 Male Caucasian 10-21 Traffic stop
10-10 Subject has felony warrant 604 Female Caucasian 10-22 Check for warrants
10-12 Visitor or official present 605 Hippie 10-23 Check for stolen
10-14 Request medical examiner 1310 Felony assault 10-24 Check for traffic
10-37 Can your subject hear 1410 Armed robbery violations
radio? 1510 Robbery 10-25 Check vehicle registration
10-39 Subject can monitor our 1610 Strong-arm robbery 10-26 Arrived at scene
radio 1710 Purse snatch 10-27 Assignment complete
10-49 Accidentinjuries 2110 Homicide 10-28 Unnecessary radio traffic
10-59 Meet complainant 2211 Rape 10-29 Warrant or stolen indicated
10-60 Check area 3291 Indecent exposure 10-30 In service
10-72 Your alarm activatedare 3390 Assault & Battery 10-31 Out of service
you OK? 4110 Breaking & entering 10-32 Disregard
10-74 Accidental activation 4510 Larceny 10-33 Stand by
10-99 Shots being firedrequest 5440 Shoplifting 10-34 No further assistance
backup 6610 Arson needed
6810 Destruction of property 10-35 Stakeout
Uniform Crime Reporting Codes 6910 Person with a gun 10-36 Is ambulance needed?
(Condensed list) 7110 Vehicle theft 10-37 Ambulance not needed
0900 Homicide 7111 Grand theft ) vehicle 10-38 Repeat
1000 Kidnaping 7310 Theft from vehicle 10-39 Pick up ____
1100 Sexual assault 8110 Forgery 10-40 Meet supervisor at station
1200 Robbery 8620 Possession of narcotics 10-41 Out for reports
1300 Assault 8810 Operating under influence 10-42 Meet officer
2000 Arson 8821 Liquor law violation 10-43 Miscellaneous call
2100 Extortion 8830 Intoxicated & disorderly 10-44 Gas
2200 Burglary 8840 Prowler 10-45 time check
2300 Larceny 8843 Fight 10-46 Request wrecker
2400 Motor vehicle theft 8870 Runaway 10-47 Phone home
2500 Forgery/counterfeiting 8902 Kidnaping 10-48 Pick up prisoner
2800 Stolen property 8903 Nuisance phone calls 10-49 Request taxi
3500 Controlled substance 8904 Soliciting 10-50 Serving warrant
violation 8907 Bomb threat 10-51 Follow-up investigation
3600 Sex offense 8961 Reckless driving 10-52 Check office for messages
3700 Obscenity 9010 Injured person 10-53 Complete assignment quickly
3800 Family offense 9012 Request ambulance 10-54 Transporting
3900 Gambling 9013 Overdose 10-55 Crowd gathering
4100 Liquor law violation 9030 Fire 10-56 Request detectives
4200 Intoxication 9040 Deceased person 10-57 Request medical examiner
4800 Obstructing police 9140 Silent alarm 10-58 Traffic & Weather report
4900 Escape 9141 Audible alarm 10-59 Meet complainant
5200 Weapons offense 9161 Property check 10-60 Do not contact complainant
5300 Disturbing the peace 9220 Accident ) injury 10-61 Subject in custody
5400 Traffic offense 9240 Hit & run ) injury 10-72 Alarm activated ) are you OK?
5500 Health & safety violation 9260 Accident ) no injury 10-74 Accidental alarm ) I'm OK
5800 Smuggling 9280 Hit & run ) no injury
6300 Vagrancy 9291 Accident ) unattended vehicle Warren
9300-1 Traffic Accident 9310 Domestic trouble Same as Expanded APCO except as
9300-2 Accident (non-traffic) 9330 Noisy party follows:
9300-3 Traffic violation 9440 Missing person 10-48 Traffic standard repair
9300-4 Parking violation 9510 Suspicious circumstances 10-83 Open back door
9300-8 Breathalyzer test 9511 Missing vehicle 10-92 Meal break
9500-1 Fire 9512 Be on lookout for ____ 10-96 Mental subject
9500-2 Explosion 9515 Escapee 10-100 Armed robbery in progress
9700-1 Aircraft accident 9520 Dispute
9700-2 Hunting accident 9530 Dog bite Washtenaw County Law Enforcement
9700-3 Shooting accident 9531 Barking dog 11 Homicide
9700-4 Boating accident 9532 Dog at large 21 Rape
9800-6 Family dispute 9533 Dead animal 31 Armed robbery
9800-7 Suspicious circumstances 9550 Found property 32 Unarmed robbery
9800-8 Lost or found property 9554 Damaged property 41 Assault with intent to kill
9800-9 Narcotics overdose 9560 Mental subject 42 Assault with intent to harm
9900-1 Suicide 9561 Extra patrol 43 Assault with deadly weapon
9900-2 Deceased person 9565 Littering 52 Breaking and entering
9900-3 Missing person 9580 Escort 53 Accident ) injury
9900-4 Natural disaster 9581 Money transport 61 Petty larceny
9612 Traffic violation 62 Grand larceny
63 Larceny from building J-3 Prisoner 3 Subject has traffic warrant
64 Theft from vehicle J-4 Papers 4 Subject has misdemeanor
66 Failure to pay warrant
71 U.D.A.A. Washtenaw County Fire Dept 5 Subject has felony warrant
72 Theft Green Nothing visible 10 Officer needs help
74 Attempt U.D.A.A. Red Flames visible 15 Station under attack
81 Assault & battery Yellow Smoke visible 20 Emergency radio traffic
121 Person with a gun 1 Emergency ) use siren & only
10-1 Emergency response flashers 21 Disable repeater
10-2 Negative 2 Respond with flashers only 25 Civil disturbance
10-3 Affirmative 3 No siren or flashers 30 Lunch
10-5 Return to station 4 No siren or flashers in 35 Mental subject
10-10 Prepare to copy area 45 Dispatcher away from radio
10-11 In progress 5 Routine response 50-1 Aircraft crash ) major
10-12 Visitors present 6 Allow police to secure area 50-2 Aircraft crash ) possible
10-13 Officer needs help first 50-3 Aircraft crash ) non-
10-15 Transporting emergency
10-18 Any messages for this unit? Signals 80 Phone home
10-19 No messages Same as Law Enforcement "10-XX" 88 Phone home at once
10-21 Phone home codes, 200 Robbery in progress
10-22 Phone the station except as follows: 201 Burglar alarm
10-25 Disregard 11 Stand by for response 2011 Robbery alarm
10-26 Traffic stop 13 Firefighter needs help 202 Go to station
10-27 Warrant or want indicated 14 First arriving unit advise 2022 Go to station at once
10-30 Unnecessary use of radio status 203 Person with a gun
10-33 Emergency radio traffic 16 Apparatus breakdown 2033 Barricaded subject ) Poss.
only 17 Request test count hostage
10-34 Emergency at station 25 Discontinue response 20-33 Sniper
10-35 Stakeout 26 Can handle ) return other 204 Missing person
10-36 Confidential information units 205 Accident ) no injury
10-37 Subject is present 27 Available for response 2055 Accident
10-39 Subject able to monitor our 28 Proceed at reduced speed 20-55 Accident ) injury
radio 29 Accidental false alarm 206 Petty larceny
10-41 Lunch 31 Intentional false alarm 2066 Grand larceny
10-42 Meet officer 35 Remain in radio contact 207 Animal complaint
10-43 Switch to channel ) 38 Aircraft crash 2077 Animal bite
10-44 Request supervisor 39 Airport standby 208 TX your station
10-45 Request assistance 44 Switch to DNR frequency 2088 Phone station at once
10-51 Request wrecker 46 Request jaws of life 209 Civil disturbance
10-52 Request ambulance 47 Hazardous materials 210 Meet officer
10-53 Request medical examiner incident 211 Assist officer
10-54 Request detectives 48 Hazmat activation 212 Breaking & entering report
10-55 Request fire equipment 50 Traffic accident 213 Breaking & entering in
10-59 Meet complainant 54 Request fire marshal progress
10-60 Check area 55 Request Emergency 214 Drag racing
10-61 Money transport Management 215 Your location?
10-66 Bomb threat 56 Request Red Cross 216 Bomb threat
10-67 Alarm 57 Request Chaplain 217 Request assistance
10-72 Alarm activated ) are you OK? 58 Request fuel truck 235 Arrived at scene
10-74 Accidental alarm ) I'm OK 60 Request law enforcement 236 Assignment complete
10-76 Regroup this radio with 63 Funeral detail 247 Permissions to talk car-to-
____ 65 Persons overcome by car
10-77 Unlock radio #____ and smoke/fumes 248 Check for warrants
reprogram 70 High rise or hotel fire 2488 Check for warrants and
10-78 Request private regroup 71 Request additional traffic
w/dispatch equipment 249 Request vehicle status
10-79 Request private regroup 72 Request additional check
with ____ equipment 2499 Request vehicle
10-80 Alarm 73 Request mobile command post registration check
10-85 Request command officer 74 Request air bottle refill
10-90 Open door or window unit MINNESOTA
10-92 Fresh coffee at station 75 Recall off-duty personnel Minnesota State Patrol
10-99 Officer has been taken 76 Industrial accident rescue 10-10 Out of service ) on radio
hostage 77 Surface transportation 10-11 Talk slower
14-3 Indecent exposure accident 10-12 Visitors present
14-4 Indecent liberties 78 Building collapse 10-14 Convoy or escort
16-3 Possession of narcotics 79 Construction accident 10-15 Prisoner in custody
18-3 Intoxicated and disorderly 80 Civil disturbance 10-16 Daily reports
19-1 Fight 81 On-scene triage 10-17 Make pickup
19-7 Fight 82 Major disaster 10-23 Check for messages
19-7 Disturbance 83 Activate siren 10-24 Clear ) no messages
202 Suspicious circumstances 84 Alert general public 10-25 Have contact with_____
23-1 Traffic violation 85 Countywide fire 10-26 Call district office
24-1 Parking violation mobilization 10-27 Any answer our number?
25-2 No license plates 86 Deceased person 10-28B Check boat registration
25-3 No operators license 87 Temporary morgue 10-28S Check snowmobile
1410 M.D.O.P. 88 Drowning registration
2115 Operating under influence 89 Request underwater rescue 10-30 Does not conform to rules
2620 Kidnaping diving 10-32 Is breathalyzer available?
2639 Riot 91 Establish landing zone 10-34 Trouble at station
29-3 Drowning 10-35 Confidential information
29-6 Deceased person Weather Signals 10-36 Correct time
33-9 Mental subject 1 Traveler's advisory 10-37 Stop at_____
3310 Family disturbance 2 Severe thunderstorm warning 10-38 Investigating
35-4 Gang fight 3 Severe thunderstorm watch 10-39 Assist officer
35-5 Emergency message 4 Winter storm watch 10-40 Location confidential
35-6 Family fight 5 Tornado watch 10-41 Switch to channel___
35-7 Fire 6 Winter storm warning 10-42 Call home
35-10 Missing person 7 Tornado warning 10-43 Advise your phone number
35-12 Severe weather 8 Blizzard warning 10-44 Drivers license clear
601 Male black 9 Fog advisory 10-45 Drivers license check
602 Female black 10 Freezing rain advisory 10-46 Fish & Game violation check
603 Male Caucasian 10-47 Urinalysis report
604 Female Caucasian Wayne County Sheriff 10-48 Blood alcohol report
605 Hippie K Fatality 10-49 Pedestrian on freeway
J-1 Personnel 1 File check is clear 10-50 Accident ) property damage
J-2 Property 2 Subject has bench warrant 10-51 Accident ) tow truck en route
10-52 Accident ) injury 8 Missing person report 10-42 Fight
10-53 Accident ) medical aid en 9 Casualty report J1
route 10 Supplemental report to Knife
10-54 Accident ) fatality follow J2
10-54A Request coroner 11 Unable to locate Gun
10-55 Funeral 12 Defective alarm 10-43 Alarm
10-56 Intoxicated driver 13 Referred to other J1
10-57 Intoxicated person jurisdiction Bank
10-58 Request permission to talk 14 Civil matter ) no police J2
to___ involved Burglary
10-59 Frequency clear 15 Other agency notified J3
10-60 Next item number? 16 Suspicious circs checked OK Robbery
10-61 Clear for assignment 17 Subjects agreed to desist 10-44 Disturbance
10-62 En route to assignment 18 Nothing found 10-45 All units acknowledge
10-63 Net directed 19 Assist ) no report 10-46 Meet complainant
10-64 Net free 20 Request personal 10-47 Prowler report
10-65 Clear for item or 21 Request lunch 10-48 Meal break
assignment 22 Party will not file report 10-49 Traffic stop
10-66 Clear for cancellation 23 Domestic problem ) settled 10-50 Accident
10-68 Repeat dispatch 24 Grass fire J1 No injuries
10-69 Narcotics investigation 25 Structure fire J2 Injuries
10-70 Net message 26 Canceled by dispatcher J3 Hit & run
10-71 Proceed with messages 28 Transporting ) no report J4 Emergency vehicle involved
10-72 Dead person 10-80 No record of warrant 10-53 Requested equipment en
10-73 Abandoned vehicle 10-81 Misdemeanor warrant route
10-74 Theft 10-83 Misdemeanor warrant 10-54 Livestock on roadway
10-75 Juvenile problem 10-89 Felony warrant 10-57 Road blocked
10-76 See complainant 10-92 Felony pick-up 10-57J1 Establish road block
10-77 Prowler 10-95 Known to be armed 10-58 Abandoned/disabled vehicle
10-78 Ambulance call 10-97 Known to resist arrest 10-60 Next item number
10-79 Domestic disturbance 10-61 Prepare to transmit
10-80 Sex crime St. Paul 10-62 Teletype traffic
10-81 Bank alarm 13 Officer needs help! 10-63 Any reply our request?
10-82 Burglary 10-1 Clear Channel 1 traffic 10-64 Lunch
10-83 Disturbance 10-2 Clear Channel 2 traffic 10-69 All units attention
10-84 Fight 10-24 Vehicle check 10-70 Burglary
10-85 Stabbing 10-25 Vehicle registration 10-71 Fire
10-86 Armed robbery 10-26 Vehicle registration 10-71J1 Vehicle fire
10-87 Shooting 10-30 Silent alarm 10-72 Suicide
10-88 Officer needs help 10-31 Crime in progress 10-73 Bomb threat
10-89 Homicide 10-33 Sex crime 10-74 Rape
10-90 Tower light check 10-34 Bomb threat 10-75 Robbery
10-91 Disregard further help 10-48 Open garage door 10-76 Homicide
10-92 Reserve lodgings for____ 10-55 Disable repeater 10-77 Shooting
10-93 Computer down 10-80 No record 10-78 Unknown trouble
10-94 Radio service at___ 10-81 Misdemeanor warrant 10-79 Subject deceased
10-95 Radio check 10-83 Misdemeanor warr. ) no night 10-80 Urgent response
10-96 Civil Defense alert serv 10-81 Silent response
10-97 Civil Defense evacuation 10-89 Felony warrant 10-82 Suspicious vehicle
10-98 Civil Defense "take cover" 10-92 Felony pickup ) no warrant 10-82J1 Suspicious person
10-99 Civil defense test 10-95 Use caution 10-83 Stopping suspicious vehicle
10-98 Complete field ID card 10-84 Stolen vehicle
Minnesota Hospitals 10-85 Theft
1 Routine MISSISSIPPI 10-86 Missing person
2 Respond as soon as possible Reported used by State Police 10-87 Paychecks ready
3 Respond with red lights & APCO codes except as follows: 10-88 Advise telephone number
siren 10-3 Affirmative 10-89 Radio check
86 Reevaluate last order 10-10 On assignmentsubject to 10-90 Radar calibrated
10-5 En route call 10-91 Civil disturbance
10-6 Out of service at home 10-11 Remain in service 10-92 Mental case
10-7 At scene 10-12 Visitors present 10-93 Be On Lookout for
10-8 Clear and in service 10-13 Weather & road comditions 10-94 Pursuit
10-9 Leaving scene 10-14 Correct time 10-95 HIV positive
10-10 Out at ____ 10-15 In custody
10-11 Arriving at medical J1 Personnel Widely used codes
facility J2 Property Expanded APCO codes except;
10-12 Visitors present J3 Prisoner 10-35 Returning to station
10-14 Need billing information J4 Documents 10-36 Traffic stop
10-16 Clear as soon as possible 10-16 Pick up ____ 10-40 Emergency traffic only
10-17 Monitored call 10-17 Urgent 10-41 Trouble at station
10-18 Off the air 10-18 Any traffic for this unit 10-42 Crime in progress
10-19 On radio 10-19 No traffic 10-43 Person with gun
10-20 Location 10-22 Report to ____ 10-44 Fight
10-21 Deceased on arrival 10-25 Disregard 10-44J1 Fight with knife
10-25 Psychiatric case 10-30 Improper use of radio 10-44J2 Fight with gun
10-31 Request triple I 10-45 Major crime alert
Bloomington 10-32 Response to triple I 10-46 Alarm
Expanded APCO Codes, except: J1 Assault on police officer 10-46J1 Bank alarm
10-12 Visitors present J2 Violent crimes 10-46J2 Burglar alarm
10-52 Accident ) injury J3 Cocaine 10-46J3 Robbery alarm
10-54 Accident ) fatal J4 Marjuana 10-47 Disturbance
10-88 Person advised to call you J5 Controlled substance 10-47J1 Domestic problem
10-99 Officer needs help! J6 Vehicle theft 10-48 Prowler
J7 Property crime 10-49 Meet complainant
Ramsey County 10-34 Request backup 10-50J1 Traffic accident ) no
Same as State Patrol, except: 10-37 Open door injuries
1 Investigation report to 10-38 Indecent exposure 10-50J2 Traffic accident ) injuries
follow 10-39 Emergency traffic at 10-50J3 Hit & run
2 Arrest report to follow station 10-50J4 Emergency vehicle in
3 Accident report to follow 10.40 Crime in progress accident
4 Accident arrest report to 10-41 person with a gun 10-57 Direct traffic
follow J1 10-58 Illegal parking
5 Field information card to Handgun 10-60 Item number
follow J2 10-61 Copy message
6 General arrest report to Shotgun 10-62 Teletype traffic
follow J3 10-63 Detaining subject
7 Towed vehicle report Rifle 10-64 All units acknowledge
10-67 Message received officers 25 Illegal parking
10-69 Message for all units 10-97J4 Violent felon 26 Theft
10-70 Burglary 10-99J1 Misdemeanor want 27 Mental case
10-71 Fire 10-99J2 Felony want 28 Missing person
10-72 Suicide 10-99J3 Wanted ) may be armed 29 Molestation
10-73 Bomb threat 10-99J4 Wanted ) Use caution 30 Open door or window
10-74 Rape 31 Prowler
10-75 Armed robbery St. Louis County 32 Robbery
10-76 Homicide Same as Expanded APCO except as 33 Runaway juvenile
10-77 Shooting follows: 34 Assist the citizen
10-78 Unknown trouble 10-29J1 Misdemeanor arrest record 35 Sex offense
10-79 Deceased person 10-29J2 Felony arrest record 36 Shoplifting
10-82 Suspicious circumstances 10-29J3 Considered dangerous 37 Sick or injured person
10-83 Stopping suspicious person 10-40 Tactical situation 38 Stolen vehicle
10-84 Stolen vehicle 10-44J1 Personal relief 39 Stolen bicycle
10-85 Theft 10-44J2 Vehicle service 40 Suspicious circumstances
10-86 Missing person 10-44J3 Vehicle wash 41
10-87 Paychecks available 10-44J4 Lunch 42 Traffic stop
10-89 Radio check 10-50J1 Minor accident 43 Unknown trouble
10-90 Illegal use of radio 10-50J2 Accident with injuries 44 Vandalism
10-91 Civil disturbance 10-50J3 Accident ) road blocked 45 Traffic warrant
10-92 Mental case 10-50J4 Accident with fatality 46 Criminal warrant
10-93 Observe area 10-68 Crime information 138 Accident
10-94 Pursuit in progress 10-80 Unit-to-unit radio traffic 211 Disturbance
10-95 In possession 10-81 Prisoner in custody 213 Intoxicated person
10-95J3 Prisoner in custody 10-82 Confidential 214 Fight
10-96 Remain in service 10-83 Switch to channel 6 or 8 219 Shooting
10-97 Any traffic for this unit? 10-86 Computer down 229 Burglary in progress
10-98 Return to regular channel 10-89 Confidential 241 Burglary report
10-99 Switch channels 10-92J1 Beginning contract patrol 247 Strong-arm robbery
10-92J2 Ending contract patrol 311 Suicide
MISSOURI 10-95 Bomb threat 313 Homicide
Missouri Highway Patrol 10-98 Prior offenses 315 Deceased person
Same as expanded APCO except: 10-99J1 Misdemeanor wanted or 319 Sick or injured person
10-3 Will comply with stolen 335 Bomb threat
10-5J1 Relay personnel 10-99J2 Felony wanted or stolen 405 Meet officer
10-5J2 Relay property or papers 10-99J3 Wanted and considered
10-5J3 Relay Prisoner dangerous Disposition Codes:
10-10 Minor detail ) available for DC-1 Written report
call MONTANA DC-2 Unable to locate
10-11 Remain in service Widely used codes DC-3 Unfounded
10-12 Visitors present Expanded APCO codes except as DC-4A Message delivered
10-13J1 Advise flying conditions follows: DC-4B Note left on door
10-14 Correct time 10-10 Off duty DC-4C Note left with neighbor
10-15J1 Personnel in custody 10-11 Speak more slowly DC-4D Service assist
10-15J2 Property in custody 10-12 Visitors present DC-5A Alarm malfunction
10-15J3 Prisoner in custody 10-14 Escort DC-5B Employee error
10-16 Vehicle check 10-15 Prisoner in custody DC-5C Appears secure
10-17 Urgent 10-23 Stand by DC-6 Traffic/Crowd control
10-18 Any messages? 10-24 Trouble at station DC-6A Miscellaneous traffic
10-19 No messages 10-31 Driver's license check DC-7 FIR completed
10-22 Go to ____ 10-35 Confidential information DC-8A Minor disturbance
10-25 Disregard 10-42 Officer at home DC-8B Loud Party
10-26 Detaining subject 10-54 Vehicle accidentno DC-8C Intoxicated person
10-27 Operator on duty injuries DC-10A Civil problem
10-28 Registration information 10-55 Wrecker dispatched
10-30 Unauthorized radio traffic 10-56 Vehicle accidentinjuries Missoula
10-34 Trouble at station 10-57 Wrecker and amb. dispatched 1 Homicide
10-35 Major crime alert 10-58 Vehicle accidentfatal 2 Rape
10-36 Confidential information 10-59 Is wrecker on the way? 3 Robbery
10-38 Officer needs help 10-60 Is ambulance on the way? 4 Assault
10-39J1 Respond for traffic 10-61 Intoxicated driver 5 A Burglary/residence
observation 10-62 Reckless driver 5 B Burglary/commercial
10-39J2 Check traffic 10-97 Arrived at scene 6 Theft
10-39J3 Respond to roadblock 10-98 Scene cleared 7 Stolen vehicle
10-40 Car-to-car traffic 74 Recovered vehicle
10-44 Message received by all Billings 8 Assault/ no weapon
stations Same as Widely used codes except: 90 Arson
10-47J1 Report follows 10-10 Coffee break 100 Forgery/counterfeit
10-47J2 No report 10-11 ____ on duty 110 Fraud
10-47J3 Unfounded 10-14 Message information 120 Embezzlement
10-47J4 Referred to other agency 10-24 Officer needs assistance 130 Stolen property
10-47J5 Assisted other agency 10-38 Everything secure 140 Vandalism
10-47J6 Continuing investigation 15 Weapons involved
10-47J7 Other report Signals: 160 Prostitution/vice
10-50J1 Minor accident 1 Abandoned vehicle 170 Sex offense
10-50J2 Injury accident 2 Vehicle accident 180 Narcotics offense
10-50J3 Accident ) road blocked 3 vehicle accidentHit & run 190 Gambling
10-50J4 Fatal accident 4 Vehicle accidentinjury 200 Family/child problem
10-51 Wrecker required 5 Alarm 210 Driving under influence
10-51J1 Wrecker en route 6 Animal problem 220 Liquor law violation
10-52 Ambulance required 7 Assault 230 Intoxicated pedestrian
10-52J1 Ambulance en route 8 ATL 240 Disorderly conduct
10-53 Request coroner 9 Bomb threat 250 Resisting an officer
10-53J1 Coroner notified 10 Residential burglary 260A Unwanted phone calls
10-54 Drag racing 11 Commercial burglary 260C Tampering w/motor vehicle
10-55 Driving while intoxicated 14 Bad check 260D Trespassing
10-59 Convoy or escort 15 Deceased person 260E Escapee
10-61 Request backup 16 Disturbance 260F Vehicle theft
10-70 Fire 17 Intoxicated person 260G Obscene publication
10-83 At residence 18 Domestic disturbance 260H Soliciting without license
10-87 Paychecks available 19 Found property 260L Littering
10-90 Bank/burglar alarm 20 Fight 260M Bomb threat
10-96 Mental case 21 Fire 260O Kidnaping
10-97J1 Subject has record 22 Firearms violation 260P Found explosive device
10-97J2 May be armed and dangerous 23 Traffic problem 260Q Tampering with US mail
10-97J3 Subject has assaulted 24 Other problem 270 Suspicious circumstances
280 Loitering Yellowstone County 749 Lost/Found property
29 Runaway 10 Codes same as Billings 756 Municipal code violation
30 Traffic accident 759 Notice to appear/Warning
31 Traffic enforcement Incident codes: 763A Harassing phone calls
32 Court 101A Shooting 763B Harassmentother
33 Unattended death 101B Stabbing 770 Open door or window
341 Medical problem 101C Assault 772 Parole violation
342 Lost or found 101D Bodily assault 777A Suspicious person
343 Suspect in vehicle 101E Threat 777B Suspicious person in
344 Suspect on foot 101 Other assault vehicle
345 Officer needs assistance 103 Domestic abuse 777C Unattended vehicle
346 Welfare check 108 Bomb threat 777D Suspicious circumstances
347 Accidental gunshot wound 115A Homicide 785A Prowler
35 Lost or found property 115C Suicide 785B Trespasser
352 Extra patrol 115D Deceased person 808 Miscellaneous call
353 Alarm 115F Deceasedcause unknown 903 Building check
354 Abandoned vehicle 115G Deceasedaccidental 906 Bar check
356 Premises check 122A Rape 909A Civil process served
357 Vacation check 122B Statutory rape 909B Civil process not served
358 Hazard 122C Indecent exposure 912 In court
359 Snowball 122D Other sex offense 915 Vehicle maintenance
36 Animal problem 129A Robbery with a gun 918A Crime follow-up
37 Disturbance 129B Robbery with a knife 918B Traffic follow-up
377 Prowler 129C Robbery with other weapon 918C Arrest follow-up
379 SWAT call out 129D Strong-arm robbery 924 Office duty
38 Administrative call 129E Robbery with unknown weapon 925 Lockwood substation
39 fire 134A Concealed weapon 927 Prisoner transport
397 Hazmat response 134B Weapon discharged 930 Service assistance
398 Aircraft crash 134C Weapon brandishing 933 Subpoena
401 Vehicle repossession 135D Weapon offense 934A City summons served
410 Fish & Game problem 202A Structure fire 934B City summons not served
420 Refer to other agency 202B Vehicle fire 935A County summons served
202C Other fire 935B County summons not served
Adam Disposition codes: 209 Rescue 939A City traffic citation
1 Arrested 214 Mental case 940A County traffic citation
2 Cited 223 Sick or injured person 942 Miscellaneous traffic
3 Field ID card 223A Attempted suicide problem
4 Warned and released 203B Intoxicated person 951A City warrant served
5 Questioned and released 203C Other sick or injury 952A County warrant served
6 Follow up 310A AccidentHit & run 975 Foot patrol
7 Unfounded call 310B Accident
8 Report at station 310C Accident with injury NEBRASKA
9 Report at location 310D Accident with fatality State Patrol
10 See prosecutor 317 Driving under influence Most Police & Sheriffs
11 Jail duties 324A Abandoned vehicle Expanded APCO Codes except:
12 Prisoner transported 324B Other traffic hazard 10-10 Out of service ) on radio
13 Assist at station 381 Office duty 10-11 Talk slower
14 Assisted officer 382 Laurel police dispatch 10-12 Visitors present
15 Received instructions 404A Inhalant violation 10-14 Convoy or escort
16 Supervised activity 404B Marijuana violation 10-15 Prisoner in custody
17 Peace restored 404C Opiates violation 10-16 Pick up prisoner
18 Advised to recall police 404D Other narcotics violation 10-17 Make pickup
19 Transported to hospital 411 Gambling 10-23 Interference
20 Assistance rendered 418 Prostitution 10-24 Trouble at station
21 Advised to contact attorney 425 Vice 10-26 Rush reply
22 Eliminated hazardous 505 Arson 10-30 Does not conform to rules
condition 512A Residential burglary 10-31 Is lie detector available?
23 Vehicle refueled 512B Commercial burglary 10-34 Fight
24 Vehicle washed 519 Forgery 10-35 Subject is wanted
25 Radio repaired 526A Fraudulent check 10-36 Correct time
26 Other car repair 526B Defrauding an innkeeper 10-37 Operator on duty
27 Vehicle picked up 526C Other fraud 10-38J1 On assignment ) plain
28 Lunch 533A Theft of vehicle clothes
29 Short break 533B Purse snatch 10-38J2 Returning to uniform
30 Short break 533C Shoplifting 10-39 Request registration
31 Equipment repair 533D Theft from vehicle information
32 Marked for impound 533E Theft of vehicle parts 10-40 Drug violation
33 Returned to owner 533F Theft of bicycle 10-41 Beginning tour of duty
34 Owner notified 533G Theft from building 10-42 Officer at residence
35 Returned home 533H Theft from coin machine 10-43 Return to station
36 Impounded 533I Other theft 10-44 Accident ) no injuries
37 Booked property 540A Residential vandalism 10-45 Accident with injuries
38 Court papers served 540B School vandalism 10-46 Request wrecker
39 Testified in court 540C Vehicle vandalism 10-47 Intoxicated driver
40 Unable to locate 540D Business vandalism 10-48 Speeding
41 No such address 540E Other vandalism 10-49 Direct traffic
42 Suspect gone 606 Child abuse 10-50 Use caution
43 complainant gone 613 Child neglect 10-51 School bus inspection
44 No action required 617 Contributing to delinquency 10-52 Traffic stop
45 Assignment complete 619 Custodial interference 10-53 Phone contact
46 Canceled 620 Lost/found child 10-54 Meet ____
47 Unable to complete 627A Curfew violation 10-55 Request ambulance
assignment 627B Runaway 10-56 Request fire equipment
48 Computed hit 627C Underage alcohol violation 10-57 Confidential information
49 Directed traffic 707 Alarm 10-58 Request operator
50 Verified VIN number 714A Domestic pet problem information
51 Road 714B Livestock problem 10-59 Attention all units
52 Brand inspection 721 Attempt to locate 10-60 Check for license
53 Officer pickup 722 Missing person suspension
54 Bank detail 728 Civil problem 10-61 Officer taking sick leave
55 Alcohol related 735A Fight 10-62 Assist motorist
56 Do you need help? 735B Loud party 10-63 Serving warrant
57 Person removed 735C Keg party 10-65J1 Probable accidental death
60 Prisoner causing trouble 735D Other disorderly conduct 10-65J2 Probably suicide
61 Juvenile related 744 Explosives 10-65J3 Probable homicide
62 745 Escape 10-66 Equipment in unit
63 In pursuit 747 Littering 10-68 Repeat dispatch
10-70 Message 836 Dangerous suspect 4 Emergency no longer exists
10-71 Intrusion alarm 837 Stolen vehicle 5 Activate jail camera
10-72 Road Block 838 Animal problem 30 Does not conform to rules
10-73 Intoxicated pedestrian 839 Homicide 401 Accident
10-74 Be on lookout for ____ 840 Sick person 401A Hit & run
10-75 Stolen vehicle 841 Fire 401B Accident with injury
10-76 Ending tour of duty 842 Accident with injuries 401C Accident on private
10-77 No contact 843 Accident ) no injuries property
10-78 Information 844 Hit & run accident 402 Fire
10-79 Switch to emergency 845 Reckless driving 403 Prowler
frequency 846 Intoxicated driver 404 Unknown trouble
10-80 Bomb threat 847 Traffic congestion 404A 9-1-1 disconnect
10-81 Stand-by alert 848 Illegal parking 405 Suicide
10-82 Reserve hotel room for 849 Vehicle registration check 406 Burglary
officer 850 Vehicle blocking access 406A Burglar alarm
10-83 Phone or contact 851 Personal break 407 Robbery
10-84 advise arrival 852 Coffee break 407A Robbery alarm
10-85 Message for delivery 853 Unruly crowd 408 Intoxicated person
10-87 Pay checks available 854 Vacation check 409 Intoxicated driver
10-88 Advise phone number 855 Bomb threat 410 Reckless driver
10-89 Request assistance 856 Property damaged 411 Stolen vehicle
10-90 Mental case 857 Larceny 411A Recovered vehicle
10-92 Known problem person 858 Rape 413 Person with a gun
10-93 Frequency check 859A Check for wanted 413A Person with a knife
10-94 Test without voice 859B Check state records 413B Person with other deadly
10-95 Radio test with voice 860 Drivers license check weapon
10-97 Arrived at scene 861 Officer needs help 414 Grand larceny
10-98 Assignment completed 862 Records indicate wanted or 414A Petit larceny
10-99 Unable to copy stolen 414C Larceny from person
863 No want or stolen record 415 Assault/battery
Disposition codes: 864 Missing or runaway person 415A Assault/battery with a gun
1 Report 865 Does not conform to rules 415B Assault/battery with other
2 Arrest 866 Follow-up investigation weapon
3 Citation 867 Meet informant 416 Fight
3A Criminal citation 868 Out to court 416A Juvenile disturbance
4 Gone on arrival 869 Partner out of vehicle 416B Other disturbance
5 Unable to locate 870 Registration check 417 Family disturbance
6 Civil matter 871 Reports 418 Missing person
7 Assignment complete 872 Person in police vehicle 418A Found person
8 Referred to ____ 873 Morals violation 418B Runaway
875 Unlocked door 419 Deceased person
Signals: 420 Homicide
1 No wants or warrants Omaha 421 Sick or injured person
1A Traffic record only EMS Codes: 421A Mentally ill person
1B Misdemeanor record 1 Minor condition 422 Injured officer
1C Traffic and misdemeanor 2 Not serious 423 See person for information
record 3 Serious condition 424 Abuse/neglect
2 Felony record ) no wants 4 Deceased on arrival 425 Suspicious circumstances
3 Misdemeanor warrant 99 Cardiac arrest 425A Suspicious person
4 Drivers license suspended 425B Suspicious vehicle
5 Reported stolen Airport Alert: 426 Rape
6 Felony want or warrant 1 Aircraft with minor problem 427 Kidnap
7 Failed to appear 2 Aircraft with major problem 428 Child molest
8 Make field interrogation 3 Aircraft crash 429 Indecent exposure
card 430 Animal complaint
9 Bomb threat assignment NEVADA 431 Missing/found property
10 Firearms registration Nevada Highway Patrol 432 Fraud
permit Expanded APCO except as follows: 433 Stolen property
46 Lifetime suspension of 4 Officer is O.K. 434 Illegal shooting
license 5 On surveillance 435 Embezzlement
66 Suspected gang member 7 Meal 437 Keep the peace
88 No further assistance 10-26 Request suspect's criminal 438 Traffic problem
needed record 439 Assist citizen
8-0 Lunch 10-27D Discrepancy in license 440 Wanted suspect
9-5 Personal break record 441 Malicious destruction
9-6 Servicing vehicle 10-28D Discrepancy in registration 442 Aircraft emergency
A-A Mental case record 443 Assist officer
X Dangerous person 10-48 Request traffic signal 444 Officer needs help
repair 444A Panic alarm at Metro
Reported, not verified: 10-50F Traffic accidentfatal facilities
4 When convenient 10-50H Traffic accidentHit & run 445 Explosive device
810 Out of service 10-50I Traffic accidentinjuries 446 Narcotics
811 In service 10-50P Traffic accidentno 447 Civil matter
812 Lunch injuries 461 Non-criminal detail
813 Phone HQ 10-50U Traffic accidentunknown 462 Directed patrol activity
814 Go to HQ injuries 463 Investigation
815 Obtain information 10-60 Checkpoint operation 465 Stakeout
816 Phone residence 10-61 Vehicle weighing operation 467 Vehicle stop
817 Transporting person 10-62 Vehicle inspection 468 Person on foot
818 Financial transaction 10-63 Terminal inspection 469 Bar/perimeter check
819 Intoxicated person 10-69 Hazmat situation 480 Maintenance
820 Disturbance 10-95 Radio check 481 Detail
821 Fight 11-10C Use caution 482 Lunch
822 Burglar alarm 11-10F Felony hit 483 Coffee
823 Domestic problem 11-10M Misdemeanor warrant hit 484 Court
824 Unruly party 11-33 Officer needs help 486 Range
825 Unruly juveniles J-1 Transporting personnel 492 Transport
826 Prowler J-1X Transporting female 494 Out of vehicle
827 Provide escort J-2 Transporting property Z Attempted
828 Child molestation J-3 Transporting prisoner G Gang-related
829 Indecent exposure J-3X Transporting female "Red" Emergency on this channel
830 Assault prisoner
831 Burglary J-4 Transporting paperwork Disposition codes
832 Robbery "Red" Emergency radio traffic A Arrested
833 Suicide only B Citation issued
834 Suspicious person C Report only
835 Deceased person Las Vegas D Arrest and report
E Citation and report 10-69 Aircraft crash 9-3 Phone station
F Unfounded 10-70 Missing person 9-3-1 Go to station
G Dispatch canceled 10-70W Wanted person 9-7 Escort
H Gone on arrival 10-71 Request Fish & Game 9-8 Disorderly group
I Unable to locate 10-72 Transporting mental case 10-2 Pursuit in progress
J Settled at scene 10-73 Escapee 10-3 Request ambulance
K Requires officers report 10-74 Use scrambler 10-6 Out of service
L Handled by other 10-75 Return to regular 10-7 In service
jurisdiction assignment 10-8 Request wrecker
M Subject warned and advised 10-76 Leaving assigned area 200-1 Mental case
N Back-up only 10-77 Report conditions 300-1 Indecent exposure
O False alarm 10-78 Meet ____ 300-2 Sexual assault
P Refused to sign complaint 10-79 Assignment complete 500-1 Deceased person
Q Handled by other unit 10-80 Prison alert 500-3 Suicide
R Radio broadcast only 10-81 Estimated time of arrival 1000-3 Suspect is armed
S Non-criminal detail 10-82 Will be late arriving
complete 10-83 Out for vehicle repair Lakes Region
10-84 Out for radio repair Mutual Aid
NEW HAMPSHIRE 10-85 Assisting motorist 20 Bomb threat
Statewide Law Enforcement 10-86 Road/weather conditions 21 Attempt suicide
4 Emergencyno siren or 10-87 Administrative relay 22 Deceased on arrival
flashers 10-88 See complainant 24 Police
10-1 In service 10-89 Traffic check
10-2 Out of service 10-90 Subject has scanner NEW JERSEY
10-3 Send your message 10-91 Hazmat problem New Jersey State Police
10-4 Repeat 10-92 Bank alarm 1 Use caution
10-5 Acknowledgment 10-93 Computer down 2 Urgent
10-6 Stand by 10-94 Prisoner in custody 3 Routine
10-7 Unable to understand you 10-95 Female in custody
10-8 Transporting suspect 10-96 Shoplifter Signals
10-9 Phone ____ 10-97 Vehicle complaint 1 Emergency ) stand by
10-10 Request phone number 10-99 Vehicle stop 2 Robbery
10-11 Go to ____ 3 Homicide
10-12 Disregard last message Signals: 4 Aggravated assault
10-13 Assist motorist 1000 Emergencyclear the air 5 Breaking & entering
10-14 Lunch 6 Escape
10-15 Court duty Statewide Medical 7 Drunk & disorderly
10-16 Unattended vehicle 1 Heart attack 8 Domestic disturbance
10-17 Suspect arrested 2 Respiratory 9 Prowler
10-18 Location 3 Drug reaction 10 Burglar or bank alarm
10-19 Intoxicated driver 3A Alcohol reaction 11 Accident
10-20 Request vehicle information 4 Head injury 12 Hit & run
10-21 Request vehicle wants 5 Dizziness/fainting 13 Assist motorist
10-22 Request drivers license 6 Fracture 14 Intoxicated driver
check 7 Abdominal pain 15 Vehicle Look-up
10-23 Request wants or warrants 8 Neck/back injury 16 NCIC record check
10-24 Check for felony record 9 Cardiac arrest 17 Suspicious car
10-25 Vehicle accident 10 Deceased on arrival 18 Stolen car
10-25X Hit & run accident 11 Convulsions/epilepsy 19 Set up roadblock
10-26 Vehicle accident ) fatal 12 Lacerations/abrasions 20 Change location
10-27 Request rescue squad 13 Hemorrhaging 21 Radio check
10-28 Request tow truck 14 Maternity 22 Out of service
10-29 Request fire equipment 15 Miscarriage 23 In service
10-30 Road construction 16 Burns 24 Investigation
10-31 Request county attorney 17 Puncture 25 Detail completed
10-32 Request medical examiner 18 Shock 26 Meet ____
10-33 Emergency on the radio 19 Gunshot 27 Trooper needs help
10-34 Officer needs help 20 Stabbing 28 Location
10-35 Road block 21 Stroke 29 Phone ____
10-36 Use cautionsuspect armed 22 Reaction to surgery 30 Go to barracks
10-37 Mental case 23 Eye injury 31 Emergency at barracks
10-38 Blood relay 24 Multiple injuries 32 Escort
10-39 Escort VIP 25 Dislocation/sprain 33 Attempt to locate
10-40 Follow at safe distance 26 Diabetic coma 34 Bomb threat
10-41 Suspicious vehicle 27 Elderly 35 Explosion
10-42 Stop at once 28 Unknown problem 36 Sniper
10-43 Pursuit in progress 29 Check accident victim 37 Discontinue post
10-44 Suspicious circumstances 30 Accident
10-45 Stolen 30A Vehicle accident Department of Corrections
10-46 Breathalyzer 30I Industrial accident Same as Expanded APCO codes
10-47 Explosion 31 Severe infection except:
10-48 Fire 32 Drowning 10-2 Radio Check
10-49 Water problem 33 Unconscious 10-3 Affirmative
10-50 Homicide 40 Private ambulance service 10-12 Stand by for assignment
10-51 Sexual assault 45 No service required 10-14 Do you have a message?
10-52 Burglary 50 Bomb threat 10-16 Pick up
10-53 Kidnaping 55 Suicide 10-17 In service at office
10-54A Accidental death 60 Request medical referee 10-18 Any messages
10-54D Drowning 75 Mental case 10-19 On standby at residence
10-54N Natural death 100 Request police 10-22 False alarm
10-54S Suicide 10-23 On pager standby
10-55 Robbery Hudson/Nashua Area 10-24 Assignment complete
10-56 Assault & battery Blue Medical emergency 10-25 Disregard
10-57 Controlled substance Green Crime in progress 10-32 Vehicle emergency
violation Orange Business alarm 10-33 Emergency
10-58 Larceny 4-1 Vehicle accident 10-76 Destination
10-59 Intoxicated person 4-2 Stolen vehicle 10-91 Speaking too soft
10-60 Fight 4-3 Abandoned vehicle 10-92 Speaking too loud
10-61 Domestic disturbance 4-4 Suspicious vehicle 10-94 Test count
10-62 Bomb Scare 4-5 Intoxicated driver 10-99 Escape in progress
10-63 Request bomb squad 4-6 Hit & run
10-64 Barricaded subject 4-100 Accident ) injuries Atlantic City
10-65 Request SWAT team 4-500 Accident ) fatal 1 Life threatening ) 1st
10-66 Shots fired 8-1 Fire alarm priority
10-67 Request K-9 unit 8-2 Fire reported 2 Accident2nd priority
10-68 Request additional 9-1 Domestic complaint 3 Other ) 3rd priority
assistance 9-2 Intoxicated person 4 4th Priority
7 Deceased person 55 Assist other department 45 Personal break
20 Mental case 56 Disabled vehicle 46 Any messages for this unit?
21 Juvenile 057 Accident ) no injury 47 Check disabled vehicle
22 Noise disturbance 57 Accident with injury 48 Loud party
23 Trouble 59 Fire alarm 49 Check building
24 Suspicious person 65 Parking complaint 50 Do not transmit
25 Prowler 68 Request photographer 51 Improper use of radio
26 Fight 69 Hit & run 52 Vehicles racing
27 Intoxicated person 71 Pedestrian struck by 53 Suspicious vehicle
28 Domestic problem vehicle 54 Request tow truck
29 Neighborhood dispute 72 Request ambulance 55 Radar check
30 Officer needs help 73 Request paramedics 56 Request ambulance
31 Breaking and entering 74 Request tow truck 57 Telephone HQ
32 Burglar 75 Request tow truck for 58 Check for stolen
33 Stabbing impound 59 Check vehicle registration
34 Burglar alarm 76 Go to ____ 60 Check for wanted
35 Shooting 77 SWAT response 61 Homicide
36 Homicide 78 K-9 response 62 Sexual crime
37 Suicide 79 Hazmat incident 63 Narcotics offense
38 Robbery 80 Escort 64 Robbery
39 Bomb threat 81 Escort to HQ 65 Vandalism
41 Stolen vehicle 84 Switch to frequency ___ 66 Shoplifting
42 Recovered vehicle 85 Meet unit ____ 67 Mental case
43 Accident 86 Phone HQ when convenient 68 Check for wants or warrants
44 Hit & run 87 Phone HQ at once 69 Juvenile complaint
45 Riot 87A Phone your home ) no 70 Animal complaint
46 Use caution ) armed suspect emergency 71 Fight
47 Warrant 87B Phone Division office 72 Time check
48 Expedite 88 Go to HQ 73 Shooting
49 Complainant 90 Out of service 74 Suicide
50 Aircraft crash 91 In service 75 Request medical examiner
51 Attention all units 92 Disregard dispatch 76 Missing person
52 Escort 93 Vehicle stop 77 Domestic problem
53 Out of service 94 Check for stolen or wanted 78 Notify prosecutor
54 In service 95 Check vehicle registration 79 Notify Chief of Police
55 Phone call 96 Assist unit 80 Out at residence
56 Ambulance ) hospital 97 Is frequency clear? 81 Neighbor complaint
57 Test call 98 Emergency ) clear the 82 Notifications
58 Unfounded call frequency 83 Noise complaint
61 Fire 99 Bomb threat 84 Check welfare
62 Stand by 100 Stolen or wanted indicated 85 Assaultpast
75 Lunch 101 Officer needs help 86 Remove subj from premises
102 Dangerous situation 87 Follow-up report
Atlantic County Fire Dept. R-1 Vacant building check 100 Emergency ) radio silence
1 Go to HQ
2 In service Burlington County Cumberland County
3 Out of service 1 Go to HQ See: Camden County
7 Chief 4 Phone ____
9 Phone dispatch 5 Meet ____ Gloucester County
10 Testing 9 Present location Same as Camden County
11 Stand by
27 Ambulance Camden County Hudson County
28 Fire 1 Go to HQ 10-1 Riot
28W Working fire 2 In service 10-2 Assist officer
29 Vehicle accident 3 Out of service 10-3 Robbery in progress
39 Cancel 4 Phone 10-4 Robbery alarm
40 Expedite 5 Meet ____ 10-5 Burglar alarm
42 Injury 6 Radio check 10-6 Homicide
43 Hospital 7 Pick up 10-7 Shooting
46 Location 8 Bank 10-8 Cutting
53 Station off 9 Stand by 10-9 Fire alarm
54 Station on 10 Investigation 10-10 Breaking & entering
56 Investigation 11 Fire 10-11 Call command
65 Mutual aid requested 12 Suspicious person 10-12 Report to command
66 Fire under control 13 Prowler 10-13 Phone dispatch
67 Second alarm 14 Intoxicated person 10-14 Acknowledge
75 Bomb threat 15 Accident 10-15 Repeat message
78 Silent alarm 16 Hit & run 10-16 Stand by
79 Request police 17 Burglary/larceny 10-17 Report on signal
18 Armed robbery 10-18 Out of service
Bergen County 19 Caution ) suspect is armed 10-19 In service
8 First aid for injured 20 Stolen vehicle 10-20 Arrived at scene
person 21 Cancel 10-21 Gone on arrival
8x First aid ) oxygen needed 22 Urgent response 10-22 No police action required
9 Lunch 23 Drowning 10-23 Condition corrected
10 Short break 24 Location 10-24 Referred to court
20 Your location? 25 Provide escort 10-25 Arrest
21 Radio test 26 Assistance requested 10-26 Escort
31 Burglary in progress 27 Civil disturbance 10-27 See complainant
32 Burglary report 28 Bomb threat 10-28 Disorderly conduct
33 Burglar alarm 29 Alarm 10-29 Intoxicated person
34 Suspicious person or 30 Available 10-30 Fight in public
vehicle 31 Emergency ) radio silence 10-31 Accident ) no vehicle
35 Disorderly conduct 32 Area search plan for 10-32 Vehicle accident
36 Intoxicated driver fugitive 10-33 Request ambulance
40 Robbery in progress 33 Vehicle stop 10-34 Cancel ambulance
41 Robbery report 34 Check for record 10-35 Assist
44 Assault 35 Disregard 10-36 Deceased on arrival
46 Homicide 36 Acknowledge 10-37 Stolen car alarm
47 Theft 37 Use other band 10-38 Missing person
48 Missing person 38 Lunch 10-39 Vehicle registration check
49 Missing from hospital 39 Warrant service 10-40 No report
50 Criminal mischief 40 Assignment complete 10-41 Tampering with vehicle
51 Property damage 41 Report conditions at scene 10-42 Wanted alarm
52 Request medical examiner 42 Deceased person 10-43 license plate
53 Suicide 43 Request rescue squad 10-44 Dangerous situation
54 Traffic detail 44 Request fire department 10-45 Family dispute
10-46 Fire hydrant open 10-68 Repeat last message 212 D-run
10-47 Fire hydrant blocked 10-69 Drowning 220 Be on lookout
10-48 Driveway blocked 10-71 Drill 225 Notification
10-49 Mail 10-72 Situation under control 240 Abandoned vehicle
10-50 Transportation 10-80 Transportation 241 Phone Command
10-51 Animal complaint 10-81 Fracture 242 Go to Command
10-52 Utilities call 10-83 Laceration 243 Meet officer
10-53 Investigate 10-84 Asphyxiation 244 Meal time
10-54 Notification 10-85 Poisoning 250 Report to court
10-55 Request wrecker 10-86 Burns 260 Tree down
10-56 Mugging 10-87 Animal or snake bite 270 Investigation
10-57 Purse snatch 10-88 Maternity case 280 Motor vehicle code
10-58 Bomb threat 10-89 Hemorrhage violation
10-59 Remain away from area 10-90 Stroke 283 Request tow truck
10-60 Meal break 10-91 Heart attack 284 Assist motorist
10-62 Unit requested 10-92 Convulsions 285 Traffic escort
10-63 Unavailable at present 10-93 Deceased person 286 Traffic detail
10-94 Gunshot 287 Minor oil spill
Monmouth County 10-95 Overdose 290 Vehicle problem
10-0 Officials present 10-96 Mental case 291 Animal bite
10-1 Stand by for phone call 10-99 Cardiac arrest 292 Noise complain
10-2 Phone ____ 293 Inured animal
10-3 Go to HQ New York & New Jersey Port 300 Fire
10-5 Repeat Authority 305 Threats
10-6 Stand by 8-8 Fire 310 Labor trouble
10-9 Arrived at scene of call 8-8E Explosion 312 Theft report
10-10 Assignment complete 8-10 Disturbance 320 Burglary from business
10-11 Prepare to copy 8-11 Person with weapon report
10-12 Record check 8-12 Shots fired 321 Burglary from residence
10-13 Look up 8-13 Assist police officer report
10-14 Assist motorist 8-14 Backup requested 322 Burglary from vehicle
10-15 Accident 8-14C Vehicle pursuit report
10-16 Hit & run 8-14F Foot pursuit 323 Stolen vehicle report
10-17 Request wrecker 8-15 Suspicious person 324 Theft report
10-18 First aid 8-15B Investigate unattended bag 325 Vandalism report
10-19 fire 8-15H Investigate homeless person 328 Vehicle recovered
10-21 Abandoned vehicle 8-16 Person in custody 330 Crime report
10-22 Stolen vehicle 8-17 Strike activity 340 Missing person report
10-23 Suspicious vehicle 8-18 Loose animal 341 Property recovered
10-24 Intoxicated person 8-19 Ambulance call 342 Person found
10-25 Escort 8-20 Assisted situation 350 Accident ) no injuries
10-26 Alarm 8-21 Vehicle accident 360 Vehicle alarm
10-27 Meet ____ 8-22 Personal injury 361 Special detail
10-28 Homicide 8-23A Past assault 370 Suspicious person
10-29 Deceased on arrival 8-23B Past burglary 372 Suspicious vehicle
10-30 Assault & battery 8-23D Drug offense past 375 Arson report
10-31 Domestic problem 8-23H Harassment past 381 Flooding
10-32 Disorderly conduct 8-23L Past larceny 382 Fight
10-33 Sex crime 8-23M Homicide past 384 Landlord vs tenant
10-34 Fight 8-23R Past robbery 385 Report conditions
10-35 Suspicious person 8-23T Trespassing past 389 Dangerous animal
10-36 Vandalism 8-25 Hijacking 390 Disorderly conduct
10-37 Mental case 8-26 Alarm 400 Sex crime report
10-38 Armed robbery 8-27A Assault 410 Armed robbery report
10-39 Larceny 8-27B Burglary 411 Mugging report
10-40 Breaking & entering 8-27C Cargo theft 413 Shooting report
10-41 Prisoner/subject 8-27H Harassment 414 Cutting report
10-42 Bomb threat 8-27K Kidnaping 415 Assault report
10-43 Riot 8-28L Larceny 416 Assault w/weapon report
10-47 Subject armed 8-27R Robbery 426 Holding shoplifter
10-48 Officer needs help 8-27S Sexual assault 500 Major fire
10-49 Urgent 8-27T Trespassing 506 Deceased on arrival
10-50 Use caution 8-28 Bomb threat 512 Theft from person in
10-51 Use speech privacy 8-29 Skyjacking progress
8-30 Juvenile activity 513 Shots fired
Signals 8-36 Meal 522 Burglary from vehicle in
1-1-1 Maintain radio silence 8-37 Relief progress
8-38 Personal 523 Vehicle being stolen
Morris County 8-39 Phone 524 Theft in progress
10-1 Emergency ) no radio traffic 8-40 Go to HQ 525 Vandalism in progress
10-6 Property check 8-42 Request vehicle check 530 Crime in progress
10-9 Confidential information 8-45 Request record check 550 Accident with injuries
10-10 Officer needs help 8-49 Lost property 551 Person injured or ill
10-11 Prisoner in custody 8-50 Meet officer 552 Mental case
10-12 Visitors present 8-51 Missing child 553 Accident ) police vehicle
10-14 Escort 8-53 Disabled vehicle involved
10-22 No further action 8-54 Request taxi 555 Request back-up
10-24 Trouble at station 8-55 Reckless driver 560 Burglar alarm at business
10-25 Intoxicated driver 8-56 Intoxicated driver 561 Burglar alarm at residence
10-26 Is breathalyzer available? 8-60 Vehicle stop 570 Person with weapon
10-30 Outside speaker is on 8-61 Dangerous roadway 571 Suspicious vehicle
10-36 Correct time 8-62 Parking problem 572 Person wanted
10-43 Homicide 8-63 Structure collapse 573 Holding suspect
10-44 Suicide 8-70 Out of service 574 Prowler
10-45 Fire 8-75 Repeat message 581 Wires down
10-46 Accident 8-76 Stand by 582 Fight with weapons
10-47 Domestic trouble 8-90 Call unfounded 585 Family disturbance
10-48 Stopping vehicle 8-91 Situation corrected 586 Violation of restraining
10-49 Pick up 8-98 Resuming patrol order
10-60 Alarm 605 Homicide
10-61 Burglar alarm Newark 606 Suicide
10-62 Assault 200 Miscellaneous 608 Sex crime in progress
10-63 Bomb threat 201 Escort 610 Armed robbery in progress
10-64 Theft 202 Prisoner transportation 611 Mugging in progress
10-65 Robbery 203 Transportation 613 Shooting in progress
10-66 Weapons involved 210 Door check 614 Cutting in progress
10-67 Sexual assault 211 W.A.R. run 615 Assault in progress
616 Assault w/weapon in 10-47 Intoxicated driver 10-54 Vehicle stop
progress 10-48 Use caution 10-55 Request paramedics
617 Riot 10-49 Any messages? 10-56 Arrived at scene
620 Business burglary in 10-50 No messages 10-57 Drug problem
progress 10-51 Industrial accident 10-76 SWAT team requested
621 Residential burglary in 10-52 Drowning 10-82 Request backup
progress 10-53 Officer is clear 27-0 Forgery
640 Heart attack 10-54 Stopped vehicle ) may be 27-1 Kidnaping
650 Pedestrian injured dangerous 27-2 Sexual assault
656 Assist Fire Department 10-55 Request ambulance 27-3 Armed robbery
657 Assist EMS 10-56 Change location 27-4 Assault
660 Bank robbery alarm 10-57 Intoxicated pedestrian 27-5 Burglary
661 Robbery alarm 10-58 Mental case ) violent 27-6 Theft
667 Bomb threat 10-59 Mental case ) non-violent 27-7 Stolen vehicle
685 Domestic violence 10-60 Request emergency 27-8 Homicide
687 Pursuit in progress assistance 27-9 Assault with a deadly
688 Barricaded subject 10-61 This officer has been weapon
692 Person screaming for help injured 43-1 Suicide
709 Airport disaster 10-62 NMSP unit involved in
710 Aircraft crash accident Signal
711 Major explosion 10-63 Request coroner 7 Stolen vehicle located
712 Major chemical spill 10-64 Domestic problem
713 Dignitary assassination 10-65 Clear for assignment Bernalillo County
714 Structure collapse 10-66 Cancel Same as State Police except:
715 Train wreck 10-67 Station carry this message 10-17 Pick up papers
755 Officer needs help 10-68 Fight 10-18 Complete assignment ASAP
10-69 Breaking & entering 10-24 All units return to station
Warren County 10-70 Crime in progress 10-38 Report satisfactory
See: Morris County 10-71 Homicide 10-39 Message delivered
10-72 Start roadblock 10-40 Available for radio call?
NEW MEXICO 10-73 Cancel roadblock 10-51 Message for phone delivery
State Police 10-74 Rape 10-52 Officer clear
Also used by most law enforcement 10-75 Stolen vehicle 10-65 All units copy
agencies. 10-76 Vandalism 10-68 Repeat dispatch
1 Homicide 10-77 Switch to F-4 (154.920MHz) 10-70 Coffee break
2 Rape 10-78 Prowler 10-73 Report radio signal quality
3 Robbery 10-79 Deceased person 10-74 Stakeout
4 Assault 10-80 Armed and dangerous 10-83 Phone ____
5 Burglary 10-81 Officer will be at station 10-86 Officer left for____
6 Theft 10-82 Make hotel reservations 10-88 Advise phone number
7 Vehicle theft 10-83 Undercover investigation 10-89 Request radio service
9 Forgery 10-84 Informant in unit 10-90 Radio tech at station
10 Fraud/embezzlement 10-85 Keep vehicle under 10-91 Prepare for inspection
11 Weapons violation surveillance ) 10-92 Poor radio signal
13 Vice do not stop 10-99 Cannot copy radio signal
14 Indecent exposure 10-86 Attempt suicide
15 Offenses against family 10-87 Can you meet ____?
16 Narcotics violation 10-88 Advise phone # NEW YORK
17 Alcoholic beverage 10-89 Assault State Police File Codes
violation 10-90 NMSP aircraft going down 1 Stolen vehicle
18 Intoxication 10-91 NMSP aircraft emergency 2 Vehicle registration check
19 Disorderly conduct landing 3 Report to Division HQ
20 Vagrancy 10-92 NMSP aircraft closing 4 Hit & run
21 Gambling flight plan 5 Wanted person
22 Driving while intoxicated 10-93 NMSP aircraft in adverse 6 Missing person
23 Reckless driving weather 7 Burglary
24 Suspicious circumstances 10-94 NMSP aircraft switching to 8 Robbery
26 Arson, vandalism, etc FAA 9 Lost or missing property
27 Open business 10-95 NMSP aircraft on ground 10 Stolen property
28 Frequent patrol 10-96 Campus unrest 11 Assault
29 Dog bite 10-97 Arrived at scene 12 Homicide
30 Suicide 10-98 Assignment completed 13 General information
31 Deceased 10-100 Riot conditions exist 14 Administrative message
34 Fight 15 Request for information
35 Bank alarm Albuquerque 16 Lost or stolen license
10-10 Out of service ) subject to Same as expanded APCO codes plates
call except: 20 Criminal investigation
10-11 Talking too fast 10-15 Domestic dispute 28 Weather & road conditions
10-12 Visitors present 10-16 Transporting prisoner 44 Test messages follow
10-13 Advise conditions 10-18 Intoxicated person
10-14 Escort 10-23 Sex crime Signals
10-15 Prisoner in custody 10-24 Traffic congestion 1 Governor's vehicle
10-16 Pick up prisoner 10-25 Contact _____ 7 Failure to pay toll
10-17 Traffic hazard 10-28 Missing juvenile 9 Assist at HQ
10-18 Livestock on roadway 10-29 Check for warrants 11 Corrections vehicle
10-24 Trouble at station 10-30 Juvenile problem 30 Patrol requests assistance
10-25 Do you have contact with 10-31 Suspicious circumstances 31 Patrol requests "hit"
____? 10-32 Fight response
10-26 Do not use siren 10-33 Fire 33 Collector requests
10-27 Any reply our request? 10-34 Meet officer assistance
10-30 Does not conform to rules 10-35 Confidential information 34 T-way team requests
and regs 10-38 Vandalism assistance
10-31 Bomb scare 10-39 Civil disturbance 35 Armored car
10-32 Demonstration 10-40 Gang activity 35D Armored car disabled
10-34 Clear for local dispatch 10-41 Neighbor dispute 44 Radar detail
10-35 Confidential information 10-42 Take report 55 Patrol's location
10-36 Correct time 10-43 Request rescue squad 66 CVE patrol
10-38 Request mechanic 10-44 Traffic accidentno 77 ELDEC patrol
10-39 Civil Defense dispatch injuries 90 Overtime approved.
10-40 Advise progress on 10-45 Traffic accidentinjuries
assignment 10-46 Request tow truck Department of Correctional
10-41 Transporting female 10-47 Intoxicated driver Services
10-42 At home 10-48 Use caution 1 Officer needs help
10-43 Drag-racing 10-49 Information 2 Major emergency
10-44 Accident ) no injuries 10-51 Holding message 3 Alert canceled
10-45 Accident with injuries 10-52 Motion detector activated 4 Request supervisor
10-46 Request wrecker 10-53 Alarm 5 Fire
6 Fight 10-84 Fare dispute 10-22 Dispatch 2nd alarm
7 Situation under control 10-85 Check evasion list for 10-23 Dispatch 3rd alarm
8 Medical emergency prior record 10-30 Request refreshments
17 Clear all channels for 10-87 Not on evasion list 10-45 Request police
emergency 10-88 On evasion list 10-46 Deceased person ) notify
22 Inmate missing 10-89 Police en route police
10-90 Bomb threat 10-70 Minor fire
State Thruway 10-91 Weapons threat 10-75 Working structure fire
B Phone ____ 10-98 All trains wait at next 10-92 False alarm
Red Flash Major accident/Wrong station
way Veh. 10-99 Emergency radio traffic Johnson City
only See: Broome County
7 Failure to pay toll Consolidated Edison Co. Monroe County
33 Emergency Signals: Police
55 Location 1 Unit in service 10-10 Fight
2 Off the air 10-11 Fight with weapons
Broome County 3 Report location 10-12 Assault report
Same as APCO expanded code except: 4 Message received 10-16 Domestic problem
10-10 Out of serviceon radio 5 Reception poorchange 10-17 Neighbor dispute
10-14 Escort or convoy location 10-18 Harassment
10-15 Arrived at jail barracks 6 Repeat last transmission 10-21 Burglary in progress
10-16 Pick up prisoner 7 Request unit-to-unit 10-22 Burglary report
10-17 Pick up papers 8 Phone office 10-23 Arrived at scene
10-23 Stand by 9 Phone details 10-25 Criminal mischief
10-25 Do you have contact with 10 Return to last location 10-30 Signal 30 plan
____ 11 Radio test 10-31 Robbery in progress
10-35 Confidential information 12 Radio failure 10-32 Robbery report
10-37 Location check 21 Manhole fire 10-36 Correct time
10-65 Clear for message 22 Underground cable trouble 10-38 Stopping suspicious vehicle
10-68 Repeat dispatch 23 Underground equipment 10-41 Larceny in progress
10-97 Arrived at scene trouble 10-42 Larceny report
10-98 Completed assignment 24 Underground service trouble 10-46 Assist motorist
10-99 Unable to receive signal 25 Water leak 10-50 Accident
10-100 All units copy 26 Water in manhole 10-51 Accident ) injuries unknown
12-61 Intoxicated person 27 Outage to high-tension 10-52 Accident ) ambulance en route
12-62 Intoxicated driver customer 10-53 Stolen vehicle
12-63 Hit & run accident 31 Wires burning 10-56 Issuing citation
12-64 Prowler 32 Wires down or broken 10-57 Directed patrol
12-65 Suspicious person 33 Overhead equipment trouble 10-58 Direct traffic
12-66 Fight 34 Overhead service trouble 10-61 Vehicle obstructing access
12-67 Family disturbance 35 Pole down or broken 10-62 Parking complaint
12-68 Radio test 36 Tree branch on wire 10-66 Potential emergency at
12-71 Burglary 37 Pole on fire airport
12-72 Armed robbery 41 Gas leakoutside 10-70 Need assistance
12-73 Assault 42 Gas in manhole 10-71 Go to office
12-74 Stabbing 43 Gas in street opening 10-72 Accidental alarm
12-75 Shooting 44 Gas leak at foundation wall 10-73 Turn off repeater
12-76 Kidnaping 45 Gas fire 10-74 Turn on repeater
12-77 Homicide 49 Major gas leak 10-78 Mental case
12-80 Stolen vehicle 51 Gas leakinside 10-80 Pursuit in progress
12-81 Fire 52 Poor pressure 10-83 Turn off three-way
12-82 Vehicle accident 53 No gas 10-84 Call home ) no emergency
12-83 Suicide 54 Vent blowing 10-99 Airport emergency
12-84 Investigate 55 Service stoppage
12-85 Youth disturbance 56 Major gas leakpublic Fire
12-86 Traffic congestion building 1 Out of service
12-87 Bad street condition 71 Vapor entering 2 In service
12-88 Phone HQ 72 Steam leak 3 False alarm
12-89 Phone Chief's office 73 Manhole flooded 4 Investigation
12-90 Phone your office 74 Send more equipment 5 Working fire
12-91 Ambulance call 75 No steam 6 Ambulance
12-92 Assist ambulance 76 Pressure complaint 7 Gas crew
12-93 Go to HQ 78 Steam main break 8 Electric crew
12-97 Other police agency at 80 Meal break 9 Arrived on scene
scene 81 No light 10 Bomb scare
12-99 Respond with red lights & 82 Voltage complaint 11 En route
siren 83 Street light trouble 12 Dispatcher's emergency
12-100 Emergency radio traffic 84 No payment 13 Civil unrest
only 85 O.P.C. required or 14 Phone dispatcher
responding 15 Fire under control
Signal 86 Additional help responding 16 Repeat message
10 Officer needs assistance 91 Extreme emergency
92 Explosion Nassau County Police
Buffalo Metro Rail 94 Accident with injury 10-1 Available
Same as APCO expanded code except: 95 Electric shock 10-2 Radio check
10-9 Need to use restroom 96 Inhalator needed 10-3 Return to post
10-25 Dirty car 97 Fire 10-5 Personal break
10-40 How do you receive this 98 Water main break 10-6 Short break
station? -----W No access 10-7 Lunch
10-51 Go to ____ and assist -----X Temporarily repaired 10-8 Clear from lunch
10-55 Check for flooding -----Y Permanently repaired 10-10 Phone
10-60 Check train operator -----Z OK on arrival 10-11 Go to station
10-61 Employee injured 10-12 Acknowledge call
10-62 Employee sick Dutchess County Fire Control 10-13 Report to jail
10-63 Person injured or sick 3 Phone ____ 10-15 Outstanding warrant or loss
10-68 Repeat message 10-1 Responding to alarm 10-16 On crossing duty
10-71 Collision with object 10-2 On scene 10-17 Off crossing duty
10-72 Collision with person 10-5 Repeat 10-18 Any messages?
10-73 Collision with vehicle 10-6 Stand by 10-19 No messages
10-74 Collision with other Metro 10-9 In quarters 10-21 Check license for stolen
vehicle 10-10 Equipment return to 10-22 Check license
10-75 Derailment quarters 10-23 Check vehicle registration
10-78 Request assistance 10-12 Continue without siren & 10-24 Check for warrants
10-80 Fire flashers 10-25 Check state and NCIC
10-83 Object thrown at Metro 10-13 Critical situation at scene records
vehicle 10-21 Request additional units 10-26 Check for vehicle loss
10-30 Station assignment 27E Request Power company 10-80 Referred to other unit
10-31 Out to station 27G Request Gas company 10-82 Arrest
10-32 Out to court 27H Request Highway Department 10-83 Report
10-33 Clear channel 27R Request LIRR response 10-84 Arrived at scene
10-36 Correct time 27W Request Water Department 10-85 Request additional unit
10-38 Request unit-to-unit 28 Request refilling air 10-86 Transporting female
10-39 Complainant bottles 10-87 Unit to hospital
10-40 Disregard assignment 29 Request Chaplain 10-88 Vehicle pursuit
10-41 Request additional unit 30 Request refreshments at 10-89 Other status
10-42 Request 2 additional units scene 10-90F1 Domestic incident report
10-43 Request supervisor 31 Request fuel at scene 10-90F2 Domestic incident report
10-44 Request impound 32 Sound general alarm 10-90J1 Domestic incident report
10-45 Request detectives 33 Request mutual aid 10-90J2 Domestic incident report
10-46 Request S.I.B. 34 Invalid in building 10-90N Notice served
10-47 Request Medical Examiner 35 Switch to countywide 10-90U Unable to gain entrance
10-48 Request prisoner frequency 10-90X Unfounded
transportation 36 Switch to battalion 10-90Y Unnecessary call
10-49 Request telephone company frequency 10-90Z Gone on arrival
10-50 Request power company 37 Switch to unit-to-unit 10-91 No report required
10-51 Request washdown frequency 10-92 Arrest
10-52 Request ambulance 38 Training or drill 10-92C Crime arrest
10-53 Request emergency truck 39 Verify location of alarm 10-92F Family offense arrest
10-54 Request Mini Moe 40 Your location? 10-92Q Other arrest
10-55 Request large tow truck 41 Sound horns ) evacuate 10-93C Crime report to be filed
10-56 Request small tow truck building 10-93F Complaint reportdomestic
10-57 Request light truck 49 Deceased on arrival 10-93J Complaint reportdomestic
10-58 Request bomb disposal unit 50 Request police ) civil 10-93Q Other report to be filed
10-59 Request crime scene search disturbance 10-94 Handled by previous tour
10-60 Request helicopter 71 thru 90 Drill, training, social 10-95 Referred to other agency
10-61 Request marine unit events 10-96 Summons served
10-62 Mental case 78 Funeral or memorial 10-97E1 Mental case to hospital
10-63 Responding to Command services 10-97E2 Mental case released
10-64 Prisoner in custody 80 Parade 10-97H Patient to hospital
10-65 Respond to ____ 82 Fund drive 10-97R Refused treatment
10-66 Responding to ____ 86 Blood drive 10-98 Available
10-67 Out on assignment 88 Ball game 10-99 Other final disposition
10-68 Out of service this shift 89 Picnic 10-99T4 Veh accidentno tow truck
10-70 Frequency in use req
10-78 Officer needs help New York City Police 10-99T5 Veh accidentDARP tow
10-80 Responding 10-1 Phone Command needed
10-81 Arrived on scene 10-2 Go to command 10-99T6 Veh accidenttow needed
10-82 Transporting to hospital 10-3 Phone dispatcher 10-99T7 Veh accidenttow needed
10-83 Arriving at hospital 10-5 Repeat 10-99T8 Still waiting for tow
10-84 Leaving hospital for post 10-6 Stand by
10-85 Return to post 10-7 Verify address New York City Fire Department
10-86 On post 10-10 Possible crime 10-1 Phone _____
10-87 Routine response 10-11 Alarm 10-2 Return to quarters
10-91 Meet ____ 10-12 Holding suspect 10-3 Phone dispatcher
10-92 Meet at Command Post 10-13 Assist officer 10-4 Message acknowledged
10-93 Meet at major crime scene 10-14 Check suspicious vehicle 10-5 Repeat message
10-94 Respond with shotgun & vest license 10-6 Stand by
10-95 Respond with jump suits & 10-15 Check vehicle license 10-7 Verify location of fire
helmets 10-16 Reported stolen 10-8 In service
10-96 Respond in old clothes 10-17 No wants 10-8-1 From other quarters
10-97 Firearms team 10-18 Warrant on file 10-8-2 Unit is outside its
10-99 Emergencysilent response 10-19 Warrant check negative response area
10-20 Robbery report 10-9 Off the air
Nassau County Fire 10-21 Burglary report 10-10 Location
Signals 10-22 Larceny report 10-11 Request radio check
1 Eliminate unnecessary radio 10-24 Assault report 10-12 Report conditions on
use 10-25 Child abuse report arrival
3 Firefighter injured in 10-29 Other Crime report 10-13 Fire Marshal needs
accident 10-30 Robbery in progress assistance
4 Unit disabled ) need 10-31 Burglary in progress 10-14 Roster staffing engine
assistance 10-32 Larceny in progress (four)
5 Activate traffic signals 10-33 Bomb threat 10-18 One engine, one truck
6 Stand by for orders 10-34 Assault in progress required
7 Release firefighters in 10-35 Child abuse in progress 10-19 One engine or one truck
stations 10-39 Other crime in progress required
8 Still alarm ) grass, car or 10-40 thru 10-49 Rapid 10-20 Proceed to locationreduced
oil mobilization speed
9 Emergency or rescue call 10-50 Disorderly conduct 10-21 Brush fire
10 Working fire ) clear the air 10-51 Roaming gang 10-22 Outside rubbish fire
11 Phone at your convenience 10-52 Dispute 10-23 Abandoned vehicle fire
12 Fire under control 10-53 Vehicle or pedestrian 10-24 Vehicle fire
13 Return to quarters accident 10-25 Manhole fire
14 Request police for traffic 10-54 Ambulance call 10-25-1
14A Request police ambulance 10-55 Ambulance callPolice not Manhole fire in building
14M Request police ) mental case needed 10-25-2
14R Request police rescue 10-56 Advise if ambulance needed Blown manhole cover
15 Radio check 10-56O Person down 10-25-3
16 Request doctor 10-57 Ambulance ) second call Smoke from manhole
17 Not available for duty 10-58 Assist ambulance 10-25 (white) Manhole problem
18 Available for duty 10-59 Fire alarm abated
19 Leaving district 10-60H Check disabled vehicle 10-26 Food on stove
20 Returning to district 10-60I Pursuit 10-27 Compactor fire
21 Responding 10-61 Precinct assignment 10-28 Subway/Railroad fire
22 Arrived at scene 10-62 Out of service 10-28-1
23 Message received 10-63 Lunch MTA
24 Request Fire 10-65 Utility problem 10-28-2
Marshal ) routine 10-66 Unusual incident Other than MTA
25 Request Fire Marshal at 10-67 Traffic problem 10-28-3
once 10-68 See complainant Power removal
25D Request Fire 10-69 Other non-crime problem 10-28-4
Marshal ) fatality 10-75D Directed patrol Confirm power removal
25HM Request Fire Marshal ) Hazmat 10-75P Foot patrol 10-28-5
26 Request Health Department 10-75V Vertical patrol Emergency in transit
10-31 Clogged incinerator 10-6 Stand by 10-51 Unauthorized vendor
10-32 Defective oil burner 10-7 Verify address 10-52 Dispute
10-33-1 10-12 Update 10-53 Vehicle accident
Smell of smoke 10-13 Request assistance 10-54 Aided
10-33-2 10-14 Verify status 10-55 Mentally disturbed person
Other odor 10-15 Current location 10-56 Request ambulance
10-34-1 10-20 Reduce response speed 10-57 Request X-ray equipment]
Sprinkler alarm malfunction 10-21 One-alarm fire 10-58 Unattended article
10-34-2 10-22 Two-alarm fire 10-59 Fire
Alarm System malfunction 10-23 Three-alarm fire 10-61 Department assignment
10-34-3 10-24 Four-alarm fire 10-62 Mechanical problem
Alarm from other source 10-25 Multiple-alarm fire 10-63 Lunch
10-35-1 10-26 Occupied high-rise building 10-64 Request short break
Defective alarm 10-27 Medical facility incident 10-65 Utility problem
10-35-2 10-29 Explosives report 10-67 Parking or traffic
Alarm triggered by other 10-30 Explosion condition
source 10-31 Rapid transit incident 10-68 See complainant
10-35-3 10-32 Ground transportation 10-69 Other non-crime incident
Recorded alarm incident 10-70 Using portable radio
10-36 Auto accident 10-33 Structure collapse 10-72 Foot patrol
10-36-1 10-34 Construction incident 10-74 Prisoner transport
Accidentwash down 10-35 Elevator incident 10-75 Officer not reporting for
10-36-2 10-36 Toxic fumes incident duty
Accidentno injuries 10-37 Tunnel incident 10-76 Request K-9 unit
10-36-3 10-38 Harbor incident 10-77 Request detective unit
Accident with injuries 10-39 Aircraft emergency standby 10-78 Request anti-crime unit
10-36-4 10-40 Aircraft crash 10-79 Request supervisor
Accident w/extrication 10-42 Civil disturbance 10-80 Location
10-37 Assist citizen 10-43 Hostage situation 10-84 Arrived at scene
10-37-1 10-44 Power failure 10-85 Request additional unit
Deceased on arrival 10-48 Hazmat incident 10-86 Female in custody
10-37-2 10-58 Standby response 10-90D Debris removed
Resuscitation 10-59 Miscellaneous incident 10-90E Person ejected
10-37-3 10-62 Out of service 10-90F For other authority
Illness or injury 10-63 Responding 10-90N Notice served
10-38-1 10-71 Priority one calls holding 10-90O Off in error
CO alarmdefective unit 10-72 Priority two calls holding 10-90U Unable to gain entry
10-38-2 10-81 At hospital 10-90W Warned and released
CO alarmlow level 10-82 En route with patient 10-90X Unfounded
10-38-3 10-83 Deceased on arrival 10-90Y Unnecessary call
CO alarmemergency 10-85 Need additional units 10-90Z Gone on arrival
10-38-4 10-87 Cancel 10-91 Non-crime corrected
CO alarm not activated 10-88 Arrived at scene 10-91F Corrected/Fare paid
10-40-1 10-89 Available 10-92C Crime arrest
Gas company emergency 10-90 Unfounded 10-92Q Other arrest
10-40-2 10-93 Medical aid refused 10-93C Crime report prepared
Electric company emergency 10-94 Patient treated and 10-93Q Report prepared
10-40-3 transported 10-94 Handled by previous tour
Water emergency 10-95 Patient not transported 10-95 Referred to other agency
10-40-4 10-97 Unit available 10-96 Summons served
Steam leak 10-98 Unit available out of area 10-97H Removed to hospital
10-41-1 10-99 Unit available by phone 10-97R Refused medical attention
Suspicious fireOccupied 10-100 Personal matter 10-97T Treated and released
unit 10-98 In service and available
10-41-2 New York City MTA 10-99 Completed last assignment
Suspicious fireunoccupied MTA Police
Struct. 10-1 Phone _____ Subway system
10-41-3 10-2 Report to your command 12-1 All units stand by
Suspicious fireunoccupied 10-3 Phone dispatcher 12-2 Fire or smoke
Veh 10-4 Message received 12-3 Flood or broken water main
10-41-4 10-5 Repeat last transmission 12-4 Acknowledgment
Suspicious fireVacant 10-6 Stand by 12-5 Stalled train
structure 10-7 Out of service 12-6 Derailment
10-44 Request ambulance 10-8 In service 12-7 Request assistance
10-45-1 10-9 Cancel 12-8 Passenger with weapon
Deceased at scene 10-10 Possible crime 12-9 Person under train
10-45-2 10-11 Alarm 12-10 Unauthorized personnel on
Life-threatening injury 10-12 Officer holding suspect track
10-45-3 10-13 Assist officer 12-11 Serious vandalism
Serious injury 10-14 Check suspicious vehicle 12-12 Disorderly passenger
10-47 Request police 10-15 Check for wanted
10-48 Request police ) emergency 10-16 Reported stolen or wanted Oneida County
10-51 Cancel outside activities 10-17 negative stolen or wanted 0 Fire out
10-60 Major emergency response 10-18 In pursuit 1 Contact Sheriff's Dept.
10-70 Water relay required 10-30 Armed robbery 2 Accident ) no injuries
10-75 Request full assignment 10-31 Burglary 3 Contact Undersheriff
10-76 High-rise firecommercial 10-32 Larceny 4 Accident ) injuries
10-77 High-rise fireresidential 10-33 Explosive device/threat 5 Contact HQ
10-80-1 10-34 Assault 6 Aircraft crash
Hazmat problemno special 10-35 Theft of service 7 Check vehicle registration
units 10-36 Train stoned 7A Check for stolen
10-81-2 10-37 Debris placed 8 Assault
Hazmat problemspecial 10-38 Criminal mischief 9 Investigate complaint
units 10-39 Other crime 10 Assist other unit
10-84 First unit announce arrival 10-40 Escort 11 Check for record and/or
10-85 Fire Marshal needs police 10-41 Message wanted
10-86 Foam operations 10-42 Correct time 12 Burglary
10-91 Emergencyno Fire Dept. 10-43A Train hit vehicle 12A Burglary in progress
action 10-43D Train hit debris 13 Special detail
10-92 False alarm 10-43P Train hit person 14 Forgery
10-99 Out over 30 minutes 10-44 Train collision 15 Warrant
10-45 Train in emergency 16 Deceased person
New York City E.M.S. 10-46 Train derailed 17 Meet ____
10-1 Phone ____ 10-47 Trespasser 18 Animal bite
10-2 Go to station 10-48 Quality of life problem 19 Phone ____
10-3 Phone dispatcher 10-49 Condition 19A Request gas company
10-5 Repeat 10-50 Disorderly conduct 19B Request electric company
19C Request telephone company 41 Detail completed 8-38 Personal
20 Domestic problem 42 Report/deposition 8-39 Phone
21 Prisoner in custody 43 No police action 8-40 Go to HQ
22 Drowning 44 M.O. Coding sheet 8-42 Request vehicle check
23 Lunch 45 K-9 building search 8-45 Request record check
24 Intoxicated person 46 K-9 directed search 8-49 Lost property
25 Go to HQ 47 K-9 person check 8-50 Meet officer
26 Fight 48 K-9 bomb detection 8-51 Missing child
27 Emergency run 51 K-9 evidence search 8-53 Disabled vehicle
27A Request doctor 52 Family offense notification 8-54 Request taxi
27B Contact hospital 53 K-9 criminal apprehension 8-55 Reckless driver
28 Fire 54 K-9 officer protection 8-56 Intoxicated driver
28A Working fire 55 K-9 demonstration 8-60 Vehicle stop
28B Fire under control 56 K-9 Narcotics detection 8-61 Dangerous roadway
29 Request squad 10-31 Subject has prior record 8-62 Parking problem
30 Gambling 10-32 Transport within county 8-63 Structure collapse
31 Request tow truck 10-33 Transport female prisoner 8-70 Out of service
32 Homicide 10-34 Transport out of county 8-75 Repeat message
33 In service 10-40 Suspicious person 8-76 Stand by
34 Juvenile complaint 10-41 Warrant on file 8-90 Call unfounded
35 On patrol 10-42 Vehicle stop 8-91 Situation corrected
36 Larceny 10-43 Go to station 8-98 Resuming patrol
37 Out of service 10-50 Officer needs help
38 Missing person 10-78 Ambulance call Rockland County
39 Location 10-79 Accident ) no injuries Police
40 Person with a gun 10-80 Accident ) injuries 100 Emergencyradio silence
40A Person with a knife 10-96 Request tow truck 101 Phone your station
41 Unit in radio contact 10-98 Break 102 Phone radio headquarters
42 Nature unknown 103 Phone ___________
43 Residence Signals: 104 Go to station
44 Officer needs help 27 Drivers license check 105 Ambulance
45 Advise news media 28 Vehicle registration check 106 Go to ________
46 Prowler 29 OLEIS check 107 Accidentno injuries
47 Obtain report at once 30 NYSPIN check 108 Accident w/injuries
48 Rape 31 No prior arrests/wants 109 Aircraft incident
48A Other sex offense 32 Confidential information 110 Drowning
49 Request radio repair 50 Officer needs assistance 111 Disorderly conduct
50 Robbery 96 Request tow truck 112 Fight
50A Robbery in progress 98 Personal break 113 Mentally disturbed person
51 Unable to answer 114 Domestic dispute
52 Shooting Disposition Codes: 115 Fire
54 Stabbing 1 Report taken 116 Hit & run accident
55 Civil Defense alert 2 Arrest made 117 Peddler
56 Stolen vehicle 3 Natural illness 118 Hazmat incident
57 Bomb threat 4 Civil matter 119 Intoxicated person
58 Suicide 5 Gone on arrival 120 Suspicious person
60 Suspicious person 6 Settled on arrival 121 Prowler
60A Suspicious vehicle 7 Unable to locate 122 Burglar alarm
62 Traffic detail 8 Referred to other agency 123 Missing person
64 Vandalism 9 False alarm report 124 Stolen vehicle
66 Prisoner escape 10 Assist 125 Medical emergency
68 Mental patient 126 Traffic post
70 Burns Port Authority of New York and New 127 Escort
72 Fracture Jersey 128 Armed robbery
74 Head injury 8-8 Fire 129 Burglary
74A Eye injury 8-8E Explosion 130 Assist officer
74B Ear injury 8-10 Disturbance 131 Larceny
76 Hemorrhage 8-11 Person with weapon 132 Assault
99 Emergency ) all units stand 8-12 Shots fired 133 homicide
by 8-13 Assist police officer 134 Suicide
101 Set up breathalyzer 8-14 Backup requested 135 Vehicle vs animal accident
8-14C Vehicle pursuit 136 Our of car
Onondaga County 8-14F Foot pursuit 137 Leaving post
1 Citation issued 8-15 Suspicious person 138 Returning to postavailable
2 Radar special detail 8-15B Investigate unattended bag 139 Lunch
3 Parking citation issued 8-15H Investigate homeless person 140 Short break
11 Report written 8-16 Person in custody 141 Subject in custody
12 Arrest made 8-17 Strike activity 142 DWI test
13 Evidence technician report 8-18 Loose animal 144 Meet officer at ________
14 Civil matter 8-19 Ambulance call 145 Arrival time
15 General investigation 8-20 Assisted situation 146 Emergency at your station
report 8-21 Vehicle accident 147 Warrant check
16 Juvenile appearance ticket 8-22 Personal injury 148 License/registration check
17 Vehicle accident report 8-23A Past assault 149 Computer down
18 Property report 8-23B Past burglary 150 Possible hit
19 Supplement report 8-23D Drug offense past 170 Major disturbance
20 Suspected rabies report 8-23H Harassment past 171 Bomb threat
21 Vehicle report 8-23L Past larceny 199 Extreme medical emergency
22 Missing/found person report 8-23M Homicide past 200 Subject may be armed
23 Open door/window report 8-23R Past robbery
24 Firearms discharge report 8-23T Trespassing past Fire
25 Snowmobile report 8-25 Hijacking Signals
26 Warrant/summons attempt 8-26 Alarm 10 Fire
27 Snowmobile summons 8-27A Assault 11 Situation under control
28 Observation report 8-27B Burglary 12 Working fire
29 Appearance ticket issued 8-27C Cargo theft 13 Refreshments
30 Interdepartmental memo 8-27H Harassment 14 Return(ing) to headquarters
31 Crime lab request form 8-27K Kidnaping 15 Assignment complete
32 Officer injured/sick report 8-28L Larceny 16 Drill
33 Repossession report 8-27R Robbery 17 False alarm
34 Use of force report 8-27S Sexual assault 18 Hazmat incident
35 General message report 8-27T Trespassing 19 Arson investigator
36 Report mailed 8-28 Bomb threat 20 Emergency other than fire
37 Affidavit made 8-29 Skyjacking
38 Complaint information 8-30 Juvenile activity Rochester
39 Warrant/summons processed 8-36 Meal (See: Monroe County)
40 Photos taken 8-37 Relief
Suffolk County 21 At scene 10-24HWVehicle fire on highway
County Police 22 Location 10-25 Defective oil burner
1 Stolen motor vehicle 23 Miscellaneous alarms 10-26 Food on stove
2 Vehicle used for crime 24 Mutual aid 10-27MHManhole fire
3 Set up road block 25 Dismiss personnel 10-27TRTransformer fire
4 Hit & run 26 Boat fire 10-28 Inside rubbish
5 Wanted or escaped person 27 Aircraft crash 10-29 Structure fire
6 Missing person 28 In service 10-30 Using full assignment
7 Burglary 29 Turn on traffic signal 10-31 High-rise building fire
8 Armed robbery 34 Phone HQ 10-32 Accidental alarm
9 Property lost or missing 35 Working fire 10-33 Defective sprinkler system
10 Property stolen 50 Deceased on arrival 10-34 Vehicle accident
11 Assault 51 Bleeding 10-35 Defective alarm system
12 Homicide 52 Breathing 10-36HYOpen hydrant
13 Wanted for kidnaping 53 Burns 10-36LI
16 Lost or stolen plates 54 Poisoning Lock In
10-1 Officer needs help 55 Heart 10-36OLLock out
10-2 Larceny 56 Head injuries 10-36OSOutside smoke
10-3 Burglary 57 Maternity 10-36SI
10-5 Homicide 58 Fracture Smoke Investigation
10-7 See complainant 59 Routine transportation 10-36WAWater condition
10-8 Sick or injured person 60 Extra Oxygen requested 10-36WIWires down
10-9 Inhalator 61 Doctor requested at scene 10-37 Electrical
10-10 Vehicle accident 62 Doctor requested at 10-38 Outside fire
10-11 Phone communications bureau hospital 10-40 Other incident
10-12 Go to Command 63 Clergy requested at scene 10-45 E.M.S.
10-13 Phone Command 64 Clergy requested at 10-45C E.M.S. communicable disease
10-14 Stolen vehicle hospital 10-46 Aero-Med helicopter landing
10-15 Robbery 10-51 AFI canceled
10-16 Fight Westchester County 10-60 Building collapse
10-17 Disturbance Fire codes 10-61 Major building collapse
10-18 Mealtime 10-1 Phone 10-71 Injury
10-19 Gone on arrival 10-2 Return to quarters 10-72 Deceased
10-20 Intoxicated driver 10-3 Tone test 10-73 Request arson investigator
10-21 Hit & run 10-5 Repeat message 10-80 Interior gas emergency
10-22 Unruly group 10-7 Verify location 10-81 Hazmat response
10-23 Request detective 10-9 Present location? 10-82 Request hazmat unit
10-24 Fire 10-10 Emergency traffic only 10-83 Multi-agency hazmat
10-25 Prowler 10-11 Radio test response
10-26 Escort 10-12 Ambulance call 10-84 On scene
10-27 In service 10-13 Mutual aid call 10-85 Confined space rescue
10-28 Out of service 10-14 Drill or meeting 10-86 High-angle rescue
10-29 Check vehicle registration 10-15 Report to control 10-87 Elevator emergency
10-30 Missing person 10-16 False alarm 10-92 False alarm
10-31 Lost child 10-17 Responding 10-97 Mutual aid given
10-32 Transporting prisoner 10-19 Arrived at scene 10-98 Relocation
10-33 Switch to mobile frequency 10-20 Proceed at reduced speed 10-99 Mutual aid received
10-34 Suspicious circumstances 10-21 Working fire
10-35 Request your location 10-22 Structure fire NORTH CAROLINA
10-36 Arrived at scene 10-23 Rubbish fire Highway Patrol
10-38 Completed last assignment 10-24 Vehicle fire 10-19 In contact
10-39 Any messages? 10-25 Brush fire 10-33 Officer needs help
10-40 Prisoner food 10-26 Public assistance 10-40 Fight
10-41 Bank robbery 10-27 Request police 10-41 Beginning tour of duty
10-42 Bomb threat 10-28 Request fire investigator 10-42 Ending tour of duty
10-43 Report to relief point 10-29 Progress report 10-43 Pursuit in progress
10-45 Warrant check 10-30 Situation under control 10-44 Riot
10-45A License check 10-33 Request additional manpower 10-45 Bomb threat
10-46 Confidential information 10-35 Extrication call 10-46 Bank alarm
10-47 Dangerous person 10-36 EMS assistance 10-47 Complete assignment quickly
10-50 At home ) on call 10-39 In service on pager 10-48 Detaining subject ) expedite
10-55 Switch to data frequency 10-40 In quarters 10-49 Drag racing
10-60 Completed assignment ) no 10-50 Accident
report Dept. of Corrections 10-51 Request wrecker
10-65 Give mobile call sign 10-59 All Secure 10-52 Request ambulance
10-66 Vehicle service 10-98 Escape 10-53 Roadway blocked
10-71 Bank alarm Green Escape in progress 10-54 Hit & run
10-72 Commercial alarm Yellow Escape in progress 10-55 Intoxicated driver
10-73 Residential alarm Red Successful escape 10-56 Intoxicated pedestrian
10-80 Immediate response 10-57 Request breathalyzer
10-85 Violent domestic dispute Yonkers 10-58 Direct traffic
10-91 Request local assistance Fire Department 10-59 Escort or convoy
10-92 Request district assistance 10-1 Your location? 10-60 Investigate suspicious
10-93 Request major assistance 10-2 Return to quarters vehicle
10-99 Special emergency 10-3 Phone dispatcher 10-61 Stopping suspicious vehicle
10-5 Repeat message 10-62 Burglary
Fire signals 10-6 Stand by 10-63 Investigate
1 Extreme emergency 10-7 Verify address 10-64 Crime in progress
2 En route to alarm 10-8 In serviceavailable 10-65 Robbery report
3 Additional help needed 10-9 Off radio 10-66 Request coroner
4 Situation under control 10-11 Radio test 10-67 Investigate death report
5 Return to base 10-12 First in unit report 10-68 Livestock on roadway
6 Leaving unit unattended 10-13 Apparatus breakdown 10-69 Advise phone number
7 Returned to unit 10-14 Accident involving 10-70 Improperly parked vehicle
8 Request refreshments apparatus 10-71 Improper use of radio
9 Standing by 10-15 Request police 10-72 Prisoner in custody
10 Request police 10-16 Request ambulance 10-73 Mental case
11 Request utility company 10-17 Request ConEdison 10-74 Escaped prisoner
12 Brush fire 10-18 Return all companies except 10-75 Wanted or stolen indicated
13 Structure fire 1 10-76 Prowler report
14 Vehicle fire 10-19 Return all companies except 10-77 Assist fire department
15 Drill ___ 10-78 Abandoned vehicle report
16 Ambulance call 10-20 Proceed at reduced speed 10-79 Vehicle fire report
17 Vehicle breakdown 10-21 Brush fire 10-80 Reckless driving report
18 En route to hospital 10-22 Outside rubbish fire 10-81 Speeding report
19 Radio test 10-23 Incinerator 10-82 Disabled motorist report
20 Switch to frequency 2 10-24RDVehicle fire on street 10-83 Improper registration
report 85 Snake bite 14 Drowning
10-84 Driver's license violation 90 Difficulty breathing 15 Electrocution
report 100 Search for missing person 16 Eye injury
10-85 Mini bike violation report 200 Search for drowning victim 17 Fall
500 Major disaster 18 Headache
Signals 19 Heart problem
1 Suspect armed and dangerous Charlotte 20 Heat/cold exposure
2 Narcotics involved Police 21 Hemorrhage
4 Vehicle stored or recovered Same as Expanded APCO Codes, 22 Industrial accident
8 Equipment is ready for except: 23 Poison/overdose
service 100 Cardiac arrest 24 Miscarriage
9 Meeting 10-19 In contact 25 Attempt suicide
11 Prepare for emergency duty 10-36 Follow-up 26 Illness
12 Report for emergency duty 10-39 Request crime scene search 27 Stabbing
13 Conviction or revocation 10-40 Fight 28 Stroke
14 Current suspension or 10-41 Begin tour of duty 29 Vehicle accident
revocation 10-42 End tour of duty 30 Traumatic injury
15 Hazardous materials 10-43 Pursuit in progress 31 Unconscious
involved 10-44 Riot 32 Unknown problem
19 Aircraft crash report 10-45 Bomb threat 34 Request for mutual aid
20 Aircraft in difficulty 10-46 Burglary alarm 36 Stand by
report 10-47 Expedite completion of 40 Exposure
21 Request repairs assignment 41 Airport code
22 Collision report 10-48 Subject detained 42 Police/fire support
23 Message requires special 10-49 Drag race 43 Demonstration
handling 10-54 Hit & run 44 Administrative
24 Daily accident summary 10-57 Request breathalyzer 45 Other
25 Assistance needed to make 10-62 Burglary 47 Gunshot
arrest 10-63 Investigate
26 Computer down 10-64 Crime in progress Cumberland County
10-65 Armed robbery Same as Highway Patrol, except:
State Wildlife Commission 10-66 Notify coroner 1 Robbery
Signals 10-67 Deceased person report 2 Rape
1 At assigned location 10-68 Livestock on roadway 3 Homicide
2 Move to alternate location 10-69 Advise phone number 4 Accident with fatality
3 Changing location 10-70 Improperly parked vehicle 5 Suicide
4 Suspect under observation 10-71 Improper use of radio 9 Kidnaping
5 Suspect stopped 10-72 Prisoner in custody 10-78 Dog problem
6 Suspect moving 10-73 Mental case 10-79 Domestic problem
7 Suspect using equipment 10-74 Prisoner escape 10-80 Return to ____
8 Following suspect 10-75 Stolen or wanted indicated 10-81 Person with gun
9 Operation complete 10-76 Prowler 10-82 Use siren & flashers
10 Any messages? 10-77 Assist Fire Department 10-83 Do not use siren & flashers
11 Any activity? 10-78 Permissions to leave zone 10-84 Request permission to leave
12 No activity 10-79 Injury area
13 Activity 10-80 Fire alarm 10-85 Assist motorist
14 Report activity 10-81 Advise nature of fire 10-86 Traffic sign needs repair
20 At residence 10-82 Meet complainant 10-87 Traffic signal not working
21 On call ) available 10-83 Missing person 10-88 Any unit ____
22 Visitors present 10-84 Traffic signal malfunction 10-89 Prepare to make written
23 Confidential information 10-85 Property damage copy
24 Subject in custody 10-86 Larceny 10-90 Direct traffic at school
25 Remain in service 10-87 Larceny of vehicle 10-91 Delayed
26 Unable to remain in service 10-88 Suspicious person 10-92 Pick up papers
27 Advise my residence 10-89 Reckless driving 10-93 Any information for us?
30 Check boat registration 10-90 Assault 10-94 Fire alarm
31 Boat accident 10-91 Domestic problem 10-95 Advise nature of fire
32 Drowning 10-92 Assault with a deadly 10-96 Report progress of fire
33 Reckless boat operation weapon 10-97 Smoke report
34 Intoxicated boat operator 10-93 Disturbance
40 Request Highway Patrol 10-94 Person with gun Forsyth County
41 Request Sheriff 10-95 Rape Same as Highway Patrol, except:
42 Request Police 10-96 Assist motorist 10-80 Fire alarm
43 Request rescue equipment 10-97 Dog involved situation 10-81 Report nature of fire
44 Request Coast Guard 10-98 Emergency repair needed 10-82 Report progress of fire
50 Disregard previous message 10-99 Warrant 10-83 Smoke visible
51 Reverse meaning of previous 10-84 No smoke visible
message Signals 10-85 Request additional fire
52 Maintaining radio silence 1 At garage units
53 Cancel radio silence 2 Clean up equipment 10-B Building fire
54 Maintain radio silence 3 At headquarters 10-C Fire under control
55 Cancel radio silence 4 At satellite facility 10-F False alarm
56 Switch to alternate channel 5 At court 10-G Grass fire
57 Radio check 6 Phone ____ 10-M Major fire
58 Request test count 7 Meet ____
59 Request radio technician 8 Lunch Medical Codes
60 Improper use of radio 9 At jail Blue Deceased
10 At ambulance station Green Obstetrics
Rescue Squads 13 Revocation/prior DWI Orange Suicide
(Widely used) conviction Red Shooting
Signals: 14 Check for Silver Stabbing
5 Unknown complaint revocation/suspension Violet Fight
10 Foul play injury White Overdose
15 No response EMS Yellow Heart attack
20 Transport 1 Abdominal pains
25 Emergency transport 2 Allergic reaction Signals
30 Heart attack/stroke 3 Animal bite 00 Change to other patrol
35 Diabetic stroke/coma 4 Assault sector
40 Obstetrics case 5 Back pain 1 Request CR number and time
45 Heat/cold exposure 6 Breathing problem 2 Request lunch
50 Deceased on arrival 7 Burns 3 Out of service
55 Burns 8 Carbon monoxide 5 Request to go car-to-car
60 Serious bleeding 9 Cardiac arrest 6 Phone ____
65 Internal bleeding 10 Chest pains 7 Meet ____
70 Non-vehicle accident 11 Choking 8 equipment
75 Epilepsy 12 Convulsions/seizure 9 Alarm information
80 Overdose 13 Diabetic 10 Investigate accident
11 Visitors present 2 Personal 38 Overdose
12 Report for emergency duty 3 Court 39 Attempt suicide
13 Intoxicated driver 4 Serving paper 40 Injection/Snake bite
14 Request law enforcement 5 Special assignment 41 Check-up
21 Garage 6 Vehicle service 43 Hemorrhaging
22 Report of injury or 7 Building inspection 44 Deceased on arrival
fatality 8 Meet another unit 10-14 Emergency response
23 Message ) clear to copy 9 Administrative 10-17 Delayed with patient
24 Daily accident summary 10-22 Cancel
25 Need immediate help to make Assignment complete (10-24) Codes S-1 No injuries
arrest 1 Report filed S-2 Patient refused
26 Computer down 2 Warrant advised S-3 Transported by private
27 Does not comply with rules 3 Arrest or citation vehicle
4 Assisted other unit S-4 Not needed
Greensboro 5 Picked up animal S-5 Fake call
Police 6 Warned S-9 Other
Same as Expanded APCO Codes, 7 Information given 10-26 Any calls holding?
except: 8 Unfounded 10-27 No calls holding
10-35 Noise 9 Other 10-35 Advise if police are en
10-53 Request fire equipment route
10-61 Breaking & entering Driver's License Check (10-27) 10-51 Entering the Band
10-62 Check traffic Codes 10-52 Clearing the Band
10-64 Debris in road 13 Revocation and/or DWI 10-55 EMS unit involved in
10-65 Overhead wires down conviction accident
10-67 Request snow or ice removal 14 Suspension or revocation 10-60 Which hospital?
10-68 Check condition of road 10-61 Cone Hospital
10-69 Assault Signals 10-62 Westley Long Hospital
10-75 Larceny 0 Officer needs help 10-64 L. Richardson Hospital
10-79 Deceased person 1 Officer taking action 10-65 High Point Hospital
10-82 Foot pursuit in progress 25 Officer is prisoner or 10-71 Fee paid
10-84 Rape hostage 10-91 Unnecessary use of radio
10-85 Liquor or narcotics 50 Situation under control 10-96 Mental patient
10-91 Reported robbery Fire Signals
10-97 Pick up prisoner 10-39 Emergency response 0 Send police at once ) urgent
10-40 Non-emergency 1 At office
Out of Service (10-7) Codes 10-52 Request EMS 2 Lunch break
10 Lunch 10-58 Request police for traffic 3 Flat tire
11 Break 10-67 Ice/snow removal 4 Refueling
12 Personal 10-70 Fire 5 Transporting equipment
20 Equipment service 10-71 Smoke report 6 Vehicle problem
30 Court 10-72 Advise nature of fire 7 Personal
40 Administrative 10-73 Report progress on fire 8 Meet unit
41 Training 10-74 Negative 9 Public service
50 Follow-up 10-76 En route 10 At residence
51 Follow up 10-77 Advise time of arrival 11 Request additional crew
10-78 Request assistance 12 Request police
Assignment Complete (10-24) Codes 10-79 Advise Medical Examiner 13 Request fire equipment
10 Report filed 10-89 Bomb threat 14 Request rescue
11 Juvenile report 15 Request supervisor
12 Supplemental report Signals: 16 Request director
13 Field interview 0 Firefighter needs help 17 Request tow truck
14 Alarm report 4 Hazardous materials present 18 Reported trapped in vehicle
15 Other report 5 Radioactive materials 19 Trapped in vehicle
20 Information given present 50 Situation under control
21 Non-report/accident report 50 Situation under control
22 Accident investigation 75 Fire under control Fire
23 Exchange information Alerts
24 Tow-in report EMS 1 Aircraft with minor problem
30 Arrest 1 Heart attack 2 Aircraft with major problem
31 Cited and released 2 Stroke 3 Aircraft crash
32 Warning 3 Convalescent
40 Assisted 4 Oxygen Fire Conditions Reports
41 Provided information 5 OB in labor 1 Minor fire
50 No action 2 Small working fire
51 Unable to locate 6 OB hemorrhage 3 Major fire
7 Unconscious 6 Fatality
Signals 8 Head & facial cuts 7 False alarm
0 Officer needs help 9 Head injury 8 Suspicious fire
1 Officer taking action 10 Neck injury 10 Fire out
2 Computer is down 11 Back injury
3 Residence of handicapped 12 Hip injury Mecklenburg County
person 13 Multiple injuries (See: Charlotte)
4 Hazmat situation 14 Internal injury
5 Radioactive materials 15 Should injury Raleigh
50 Situation under control 16 Broken arm Same as Expanded APCO Codes
75 Fire scene under control 17 Broken leg 1 Transport subject
50 Situation under control 18 Bruises & abrasions 2 Lunch
19 Body cuts 3 Flat tire
Guilford County 20 Extremity cuts 4 Serving warrant
Sheriff 21 Stab wound 5 Phone
Same as Expanded APCO Codes, 22 Gunshot wound 6 Vehicle repairs
except: 23 Chemical burn 7 Radio repairs
10-75 Larceny ) shoplifting 24 Internal burns 8 Meeting unit
10-79 Reported breaking & 25 Shock 9 Coffee break
entering 26 Diabetic seizures 10 Stopping vehicle
10-82 Foot Pursuit in progress 27 Epileptic seizures 11 Tow-in
10-83 Hostage situation 28 Other convulsions 12 Out to district court
10-84 Rape 29 Kidney trouble 13 Out to superior court
10-85 Liquor or narcotics 30 Pneumonia 14 Out to court
violation 31 Choking 15 Writing report
10-91 Robbery alarm 32 Asthma 16 Out to station
10-92 Robbery in progress 33 Sick 17 Investigation
10-97 Transport prisoner 34 Nervous condition 18 Security check
35 Appendicitis 19 Out to court
Out of Service (10-7) Codes 36 Intoxicated 20 Other
1 Follow-up 37 Oral poison A Report made
B Arrest made 27 Improper procedure 28D Explosion
C Completed assignment 28 Post secure 30 Gambling
D Warrant advised 29 Relay 32 Homicide
E Unable to locate incident 30 Fatal accident reported 34 Juvenile
F Unable to locate 31 Property damage accident 34A Juvenile problem
complainant reported 36 Theft
G Ordinance enforced 31A Injury accident reported 36A Theft in progress
H Warned 32 Roadway blocked 38 Missing Person
I Referred to other agency 33 Drowning 40 Subject with gun
J Unfounded 34 Motor vehicle fire 40A Subject with knife
L Investigation 36 Fire 42 Nature unknown
M Pick up animal 37 Disabled vehicle 44 Officer needs help
N No further action 38 Meal 46 Prowler
39 Location 48 Rape
Signals 40 Emergency 48A Sex offense
6 Phone ____ 41 At once 48B Indecent exposure
7 Meet ____ 42 Report on station 50 Robbery
8 Equipment ready for service 43 All units phone Post 50A Robbery in progress
10 Traffic stop 44 All units report to Post 52 Shooting
13 Conviction or revocation 45 Resume normal patrol 54 Stabbing
14 Suspension or revocation 46 FCC inspector present 56 Stolen vehicle
26 Computer down 47 Traffic preference 56A Wanted vehicle
35 Breaking & entering 48 Stand-in examiner 58 Suicide
44 Burglar alarm 49 Aircraft forced landing 60 Suspicious person
45 Disturbance 50 Unidentified aircraft 60A Suspicious vehicle
65 Robbery 51 Aircraft crash 62 Traffic detail
66 Rape 52 Radioactive material 64 Vandalism
67 Overdose shipment 66 Prisoner escape
68 Suicide 53 Hazardous load 68 Animals on roadway
69 Larceny 54 Accident ) explosives on 70 Emergency notification
75 C & R driver board 72 Threats/harassment
86 Person down 55 Explosion 74 Hazardous spill
100 All units report location 56 Train accident 76 Mental case
101 Shots fired 57 Bomb threat 78 Alarm drop
102 Shooting 58 Suspect can hear radio 80 Traffic jam
103 Homicide 59 Permits 82 Disabled vehicle
1000 Assume roadblock post 60 Convoy 84 Open door
3000 Alert status 73 Prisoner 84A Open window
4000 All units report in 74 Incarceration 86 Traffic offense
5000 National Guard called out 75 Wanted for felony 86A Motorcycle/mini-bike
76 Wanted for misdemeanor complaint
Wake County 77 Check for wants & warrants 88 Bomb threat
See: Raleigh 78 Record not wanted 90 Train derailment
79 Mental case
Winston-Salem 86 Drug courier alert Signals
See: Forsyth County 87 Backup requested 1 Contact sheriff
88 Officer needs assistance 3 Contact Chief Deputy
NORTH DAKOTA 99 Officer needs help 5 Contact HQ
Bismarck 7 Registration check
Expanded APCO Codes except as Ohio Turnpike 7A Stolen file check
follows: (When different from above) 9 Complaint
10-39 Traffic stop 48 High windsstop oversize 11 Record check
10-83 Prisoner in custody loads 11A Warrant check
10-86 Message delivered 53A Explosives 13 Special detail
10-89 Juvenile problem 53B Poison gas 15 Warrant or papers
10-92 At residence 53C Liquid gas 15F Felony warrant
10-95 On surveillance 37A Out of gas 15M Misdemeanor warrant
10-96 Mental case 37B Flat tire 17 See ____
10-97 Narcotics problem 37C Engine trouble 19 Phone ____
10-101 Lunch 37X Unconfirmed disabled 21 Prisoner
10-103 Deceased person vehicle 23 Out to lunch
10-104 Visitors present 65 Use detour routes 25 Go to HQ
10-109 Bar check 66 Discontinue detour routes 27 Emergency run
10-111 Ambulance transfer 70 Open administration gate 29 Emergency squad
10-112 Bomb threat 71 Authorized persons entering 29A Air ambulance
72 Unauthorized persons 29B Funeral home
OHIO entering 31 Wrecker
Ohio State Highway Patrol 89 Toll officer in trouble 33 In service
Signals 95 Toll alarm test 35 On patrol
1 Out of service 99 Toll booth silent alarm 35 Situation under control
2 In service 100 Wrong way driver 37 Out of service
3 Out of service ) on call 39 Location
4 Out of service ) equipment Buckeye State Sheriff's Assn. 41 One unit on radio
repair 2 Accident 43 Residence
5 Rush 2A Hit & run accident 45 Contact news media
6 Reference previous traffic 4 Accident with injuries 47 Report
7 At your convenience 4A Hit & run accident 49 Radio repair
8 Signal weak w/injuries 51 Cannot reply
9 Unable to answer 6 Aircraft crash 53 Mental case
10 Phone ) - 8 Assault 55 Civil defense alert
11 Phone GHQ 10 Assist unit 57 Escort/parade
12 Phone DHQ 12 Burglary 57A Bank escort
13 Phone Post 12A Burglary in progress 59 Computer down
14 Phone radio 12B Burglary alarm 61 Pick up other unit
15 Phone home 14 Bad check or forgery 63 Investigation
16 Computer problems 16 Deceased person 65 Detectives requested
16A Technical problems 18 Dog bite 65B Hostage negotiation
17 Accident report number 18A Animal complaint 65C S.W.A.T.
18 Relay traffic 20 Domestic problem 65D K-9 unit
19 Relay by phone 20A Neighbor dispute 65E Victim advocate
20 Go to ____ 22 Drowning 65G Prosecutor
21 Go to GHQ 24 Intoxicated person 67 Urgent callnon-emergency
22 Go to DHQ 26 Fight 67B Returning to county
23 Go to Post 28 Fire 69 Narcotics
24 Go to radio 28A Vehicle fire 71 Change channel
25 Go home 28B Structure fire 77 Building check
26 Dispatcher alone 28C Occupants trapped in fire 85 Fuel stop
90 Emergency radio traffic 10-30B Request fire department 10-97 Refueling
91 9-1-1 hangup 10-30C Request rope rescue team 10-98 Tour assignment
99 Emergency radio traffic 10-30D Non-emergency EMS detail 10-99 Cardiac arrest
only 10-31 Request K-9 10-100 Urgent situation
10-32 Request license/vehicle reg
Akron info Barberton
1 Personal break 10-33 No Signals
2 Meet ____ 10-34 Yes 1 Personal matter
3 Lunch 10-35 Robbery 2 Meet ____
4 Intoxicated person 10-36 Arrived at scene 3 Meal
5 Emergency traffic 10-37 Assignment completed 4 Intoxicated person
6 Robbery 10-38 Change to State PD 5 Violence with weapon
7 Burglary frequency 6 Robbery
8 Accident 10-39 Change to Lima PD frequency 7 Burglary
9 Suspicious person 10-40 Use caution 8 Vehicle accident
10 Fight 10-41 Disregard previous 9 Suspicious person
11 Tampering with vehicle information 10 Disturbance
12 Report 10-42 Domestic violence 11 Tampering with vehicle
13 Prisoner in custody 10-42A Domestic violence w/weapons 12 Take a report
14 Traffic complaint 10-43 En route to assignment 13 Prisoner in custody
15 Juvenile problem 10-44 Mental case 14 Traffic complaint
16 Injured animal 10-45 Missing adult 15 Juvenile involved
17 Phone ____ 10-45B Missing juvenile 16 Animal complaint
18 Go to station 10-46 Location 17 Telephone ____
19 Bomb threat 10-47 Request immediate 18 Go to station
20 Fire assistance 19 9-1-1 hang up
21 Officer needs help 10-47B Assisting other agency 20 Fire
22 Drowning 10-48 Request shift commander 21 Officer needs help
23 In service 10-49 Request detectives 22 Warrant
24 Out to court 10-50 Request Chief Deputy 23 Alarm
25 Radio check 10-51 Request sheriff 24 Traffic stop
26 Misdemeanor warrant 10-52 Request detective commander 25 Radio test
27 Felony warrant 10-53 Request coroner 26 Request o truck
28 Phone home 10-54 Civil paper service 27 Request ambulance
29 Out of service 10-55 Repeat 28 Request rescue/EMS
30 Suicide 10-56 Request to leave patrol 29 Shoplifter
31 Location area 30 Arrived/out of service
32 Request ambulance 10-57 Felonious assault 31 In service
33 Shooting 10-57A Felonious assault w/deadly 32 Unlock vehicle
34 Stabbing weapon 33 Emergency radio traffic
35 Request tow truck 10-57C Shots fired 34 Escort
36 Request prisoner 10-58 Shoplifter 35 Loud party or noise
transportation 10-59 Deceased person 36 Bomb threat
37 Alarm 10-60 Stand by for further 37 Block fire lights
38 Shoplifter 10-61 Stolen vehicle 38 Open door or window
39 Traffic stop 10-61B Recovered vehicle 39 Special detail
40 Special detail 10-62 Traffic stop 40 Unusual circumstances
41 Caution ) suspect is 10-63 Emergency run 41 S.W.A.T. callout
dangerous 10-63 Blood run 42 Domestic disturbance
42 Out to Fallsview 10-63C Pursuit 43 Mentally disturbed person
43 Mental case 10-64 Request wrecker
10-65 Bomb threat Butler County
Allen County 10-65A Bomb explosion Signals
10-1 Out of service 10-66 Train derailment 1 Pick up officer
10-2 In service 10-66B Hazmat incident 2 Meet this unit
10-3 Acknowledge message 10-66C Explosion 3 Stop transmission
10-4 Intoxicated person 10-67 Severe weather 4 Message received
10-5 Emergency 10-67B Tornado report 5 Use siren & flashers
10-6 Fight 10-68 Pedestrian stop 6 Lunch
10-6A Fight with weapons 10-69 Status check 7 In service
10-6B Menacing 10-69B Situation under control 8 Out of service
10-7 Phone station 10-70 Theft 9 On detail ) available
10-7B Telephone annoyance 10-71 Civil complaint 10 Officer needs help
10-8 Go to station 10-72 Suspicious person 11 Intoxicated person
10-9 Report 10-72B Stalking 12 Disturbance
10-9B Follow up 10-72C Unwanted guest 13 Person with a weapon
10-10 Fire 10-73 Unsecured building 14 Prowler
10-10B Arson 10-74 Sexual abuse 15 Rape
10-11 Prowler 10-74B Rape 16 Suicide
10-11B Trespassing 10-74C Child sexual abuse 17 Deceased person
10-12 Criminal damage 10-75 Forgery/bad check 18 Robbery
10-13 Juvenile problem 10-76 Police information 19 Burglary in progress
10-14 Meet ____ 10-77 Kidnaping 20 Location
10-15 Escort 10-78 Receiving stolen property 21 Go to station
10-15B Prisoner in custody 10-78B Recovered property 22 Phone ____
10-15C Mental case escort 10-79 Drug trafficking 23 Switch channels
10-16 Animal problem 10-79B Drug abuse 24 Assist other department
10-17 Breaking & entering 10-80 Concealed weapon 25 Overdose
10-18 Burglar alarm 10-81 Hostage situation 26 Drowning
10-18A Robbery alarm 10-81A Barricaded suspect 27 Person down
10-18B Contact key holder 10-82 Health & safety violation 28 Shooting
10-18C-I False alarm 10-82B Prostitution 29 Stabbing
10-19 Trouble at station 10-83 Other problem 30 Accident ) no injury
10-19B Escape 10-84 9-1-1 hang up 31 Accident with injury
10-20 Vehicle accidentproperty 10-85 Sheriff's unit maintenance 32 Escort
damage 10-86 House check 33 Traffic violation
10-21 Vehicle accidentinjuries 10-87 Corrections officer 34 Suspicious person and/or
10-21F Vehicle accidentfatal activity vehicle
10-22 Vehicle accidentHit & run 10-88 Warrant check 35 Check for wants
10-23 Intoxicated driver 10-89 Subject wanted 36 Check for stolen
10-24 Investigate vehicle 10-90 Range officer activity 37 Check vehicle registration
10-25 Assist motorist 10-91 Request tactical team 38 Request wrecker
10-26 Meal 10-92 Request dive team 39 Information
10-27 Open lower level door 10-93 Request hostage negotiator 40 Take report
10-28 Close lower level door 10-94 Request S.I.D unit 41 Pick up prisoner
10-29 Female 10-95 D.A.R.E. officer assignment 42 Prisoner in custody
10-30 Request rescue 10-96 Court officer assignment 43 Arrived at scene
44 Maternity case 71 Deliberate false alarm 201 No report on call
45 Mental case 72 Bomb scare 202 Report made
46 Bomb Threat 73 System malfunction 203 Unfounded
47 Notify Sheriff 74 Accidental false 204 Gone on arrival
48 Open fire hydrant 75 Accidental false 300 Out of service
49 Assist citizen 301 Arrived at scene
50 Animal bite Columbus 400 Phone ____
52 Dog problem 1 Report 500 At radio repair
54 Hunters 2 No report
55 Missing or found child 3 Arrest made Greene County
56 Missing person 4 Hospital Same as Buckeye State Sheriff
59 Noise complaint 5 Parking complaint handled
60 Civil disturbance 6 Vehicle/property impounded Hamilton County
61 Disturbance at bar 7 No arrest 0 No units available
62 Domestic disturbance 8 Assignment complete 1 Computer down
63 Child abuse 9 No action taken 4 No further assistance
64 Indecent exposure 10-1 General alarm (city) needed
65 Stand by 10-2 General alarm (county) 5 Officer needs assistance
66 Hostage situation 10-3 Officer needs help 6 Out for investigation
67 Kidnaping 10-4 Vehicle accident 7 Lunch
68 Found property 10-4A Hit & run accident 8 En route to hospital
70 Theft 10-5 Vehicle accident w/injury 9 En route with mental case
71 Bicycle theft 10-6 Speeding QD Driver's license check
72 Vehicle theft 10-7 Burglary QHW Check for wants and
73 Shoplifting 10-8 Burglary in progress warrants
75 Panic button 10-9 Bad check report QR Vehicle registration check
76 Pursuit in progress 10-10A Stolen bicycle QV Vehicle registration check
77 Emergency radio traffic 10-10B Recovered bicycle
only 10-11 Check for stolen Signals
78 Vacation home check 10-12 Check registration 1 Phone station
79 Permit holder check 10-13 Check for citations 2 Go to station
80 Arson 10-14 Knifing 3 Accident
81 Request rescue 10-15 Phone home 4 Reported fire
82 Request fire department 10-16 Disturbance 5 Person down
83 Burglar alarm ) residence 10-17 Domestic disturbance 6 Robbery alarm
84 Burglar alarm ) commercial 10-18 Deceased person 7 Burglar alarm
86 Burglary ) residence 10-19 Intoxicated 8 See complainant
87 Burglary ) commercial 10-20 Drowning 9 Shooting or Stabbing
88 Open door or window 10-21 Animal bite 10 Fight
89 Vandalism 10-22 Animal complaint 11 Prowler
90 Unruly group 10-23 Escort assignment 12 Vehicle violation
92 Looting 10-24 Fire squad 13 Unknown trouble
93 Riot 10-25 Fire 14 Suspicious person
94 Group vandalism 10-26 Fight 15 Suspicious vehicle
95 Request coroner 10-27 Hospital report 16 Person with a weapon
96 Escaped prisoner 10-28 Homicide 17 Disorderly crowd
97 Open door 10-29 Juvenile complaint 18 Person injured
98 Request detectives 10-30 Larceny 19 Meet officer
99 Disregard last message 10-31 Missing person 20 Juvenile complaint
100 Turn off receiver 10-31A Missing person found 21 Prisoner in custody
10-32 Message 22 Sick person
Cincinnati 10-33 Person with gun 23 Suspicious person in
See: Hamilton County 10-33A Person with knife building
10-34 Unknown complaint 24 Traffic problem
Cleveland 10-35 Motor vehicle information 25 Investigate ____
Fire Department 10-36 Roadway obstructed 26 In service
00 Unknown nature 10-37 VIP/visitor 27 Out of service
11 Structure 10-38 Property damage 28 Bank escort
12 Outside 10-39 Prowler 29 Animal complaint
13 Vehicle 10-40 Recovered property 30F Felony wants indicated
14 Grass/brush 10-41 Robbery report 30M Misdemeanor wants indicated
15 Rubbish 10-42 Robbery in progress 30T Traffic wants indicated
16 Explosionno fire 10-43 Shooting 31 Holding adult shoplifter
17 Spill 10-43A Hunters shooting 32 Holding juvenile shoplifter
21 Steam rupture 10-44 Sex offense 33 Special detail
22 Air/gas rupture 10-45 Stolen vehicle 35 Arrived on scene
31 Inhalator call 10-45A Stolen vehicle recovered 38 Request wrecker
32 EMT call 10-46 Squad run 39 Transporting female
33 Lock in 10-47 Suicide 44 Advise location
34 Search 10-47A Attempt suicide 50 Bomb threat
35 Extrication 10-48 Suspicious vehicle 52 Message assignment
36 Advanced life saving 10-48A Suspicious person 55 Phone Communications
transport 10-49 Vice complaint 66 Bank alarm
37 ALS rescue 10-50 Wanted suspect 77 Recorded alarm
38 Lock-in 10-50A Wanted felon 87 Open building
39 Other rescue 10-51 Prisoner transportation 88 Subject not in custody
41 Spill/leak 10-52 Tow trunk 89 Subject in custody
42 Bomb disposal 10-53 Change channel 99 Trouble at station
43 Excessive heat 10-54 Direct traffic 100 Pigeon drop
44 Power lines 10-55 Residence check
45 Electrical short 10-56 Advise number King's Island Security
46 Aircraft standby 10-59 Urgent ) no siren or flashers 1 Take report
47 Chemical emergency 10-60 Urgent ) use siren & flashers 2 Trouble
49 Other hazard R Report to station 3 Emergency
51 Lockout Signal Call station 4 Minor violation
52 Remove water 5 Major violation
53 Smoke removal Dayton 99 Evacuation
54 Animal rescue Code A Emergency ) No radio traffic B Bomb threat
55 Assist police C counterfeit
56 Illegal burning Signals D Disaster
57 Fill in 11 Lunch L Dangerous animal escaped
59 Other service call 12 Reports
61 Smoke scare 20 No assistance required Signals:
62 Wrong location 54 Bomb found 1 In service
63 Controlled burning 54A Bob threat 2 Phone extension
64 Vicinity alarm 99 Officer needs help 3 Investigate complaint
65 Steam/gas 200 In service 4P Disorderly conduct
5A Vehicle theft 19 Weapon involved 37 Phone residence
5B Burglary from vehicle 20 Registration check 38 Emergency notification
5C Bad check 21 File check 39 Location
5E Theft from employee 22 Record check 40 Inhalator call
5K Theft by employee 23 Warrant check 41 Drowning
5P Personal property theft 24 Computer down 42 Alarm
5S Shoplifting 25 Meet ____ 43 Fire
6P Possession of drugs 26 Phone ____ 44 Special assignment
6U Use of drugs 27 Emergency response 45 Request ambulance
7 Lost person 28 Sexual assault 46 Juvenile complain
8 Assistancenon-emergency 29 Aircraft crash 47 Intercity traffic
9 Unauthorized entry 30 Request unit-to-unit 48 Emergency traffic
9A Attempted unauthorized 31 Request tow truck 49 Cancel last message
entry 32 Mental case 50 Equipment problem
10 First aid 33 Alarm 51 Computer down
10I Injury 34 At residence 52 Lunch
10R Rescue 35 Drowning 53A Accident ) no injuries
10S Sick 36 Request coroner 53B Accident with injuries
11 Assault 37 Stolen vehicle 53C Accident ) pedestrian hit
12I Intoxicated 38 Intoxicated person 53D Accident ) train involved
12P Possession of alcohol 39 Location 53E Hit & run
13 Ejection 40 Explosion 54 Switch channels
14 Life squad 41 Bomb threat 55 Traffic violation
15 Accident 42 Fire 56 Public relations assignment
16P Parking violation 43 Shots fired 99 Officer needs help
16T Traffic violation 44 Gang activity 100 In service
17 Vehicle problem 45 Sniper 101 Request town truck
17K Keys locked in vehicle 46 Missiles thrown at vehicles 200 Out of service
17L Lost Vehicle 47 Prisoner in custody
17M Vehicle problem Trumbull County
18 Criminal mischief Montgomery County 2 Traffic accidentno
19P Suspicious person 10-54 Livestock on roadway injuries
19V Suspicious vehicle 10-79 Request coroner 3 Emergency situation
20 Fight 10-96 Mental case 4 Traffic accident with
21 Robbery 10-97 Neighbor dispute injuries
22 Officer needs assistance 10-98 Escaped prisoner 5 Emergency radio traffic
23 Fire only
24 Burglary Disposition codes 9 Can anyone else hear this?
25 Locate emergency A Arrest made
26 Lost property B Detail complete Signals:
27 Lunch break C Citation issued 7 Registration information
28 Go to HQ D Dispatch canceled 15 Warrant information
29 Out of service F Field ID card made 19 Contact party by phone
30 Location? G Gone on arrival 21 Prisoner in custody
31 Rotation H Handled by other 25 Go to HQ
32 Name check jurisdiction 33 Unit in service
33 Severe weather L Unable to locate 35 Unit on assignment
35 Money room detail N No report 37 Unit out of service
36 Special detail R Report 39 Location
38 Physically secured S Supplemental report 56 Alarm drop
39 Area patrolled U Unfounded 99 Officer needs help
40G Gun W Warning issued
40K Knife Wayne County
41L County license check Signals Sheriff Signals:
41W Wants and warrants check 00 Riot 1 Contact Chief
42 Cannot answer 1 Homicide 2 Accidentproperty damage
50 Quadrant set-up 2 Rape 3 Contact Patrol Captain
50N North quadrant 3 Robbery 4 Accidentinjury
50S South quadrant 4 Aggravated assault 5 Phone HQ
96 Alarm drop 5 Burglary 6 Aircraft crash
97 Mechanical violation 5A Attempted burglary 6T Train crash
98 Safety violation 6A Grand larceny 7 Check license registration
6B Petty larceny 7A Check files for stolen
Mahoning County 7 Vehicle theft 8 Assault
1 Incident in progress 8 Arson 9 Investigate complaint
2 Incident just occurred 9 Assault 10 Assist unit
3 Past incident 10 Forgery or counterfeit 11 Check for arrest record
4 Request ambulance 11 Fraud 11A Prepare to copy
5 On scene 12 Embezzlement 12 Burglary report
6 No further assistance 13 Stolen property 13 Special detail
needed 14 Vandalism 14 Bad check/forgery
7 Situation not under control 15A Person with a gun 15A Warrant
8 Special assignment 15B Person with a knife 15C Civil paper
10 Assist unit 15C Person with a weapon 16 Deceased on arrival
66 Escape 16 Vice problem 17 Meet party
99 Emergency situation 17 Sex offense 18 Dog bite
100 Surveillance 18 Narcotics problem 18A Animal call
19 Gambling 19 Contact party by phone
Signals 20 Domestic dispute 20 Domestic problem
1 Homicide/Suicide 21 Intoxicated driver 21 Prisoner
2 Armed robbery 22 Liquor law violation 21A Following suspect
3 Shooting/stabbing 23 Intoxication 22 Drowning
4 Prowler 24 Disorderly conduct 23 Out of servicelunch
5 Suspicious circumstances 25 Vagrancy 24 Drunk
6 Accident 26A Animal bite 25 Return to HQ
7 Fight 26B Deceased person 25A Dispatcher relief
8 Investigate situation 26C Missing person 26 Fight
9 Juvenile problem 26D Other type calls 27 Emergency run
10 Phone dispatcher 26E Threats 28 Fire
11 Go to station 27 Suspicious circumstances 28A Vehicle fire
12 Emergency 30 Suicide 28B Explosion
13 Out of service 31 Attempt suicide 29 Request ambulance
14 In service 32 Aircraft crash 30 Gambling
15 Traffic report 33 Go to ____ 31 Request tow truck
16 Citizen report 34 Meet ____ 31A Disabled vehicle
17 Property report 35 Warrants 32 Homicide
18 Unknown trouble 36 Phone ____ 33 Car in service
34 Juvenile problem 43 Request Fire Marshall 83 Accident ) police unit
35 On patrol 44 Request wrecker involved
36 Larceny 45 Request food 87 Intoxicated pedestrian
37 Car out of service 46 Request utility 88 Intoxicated driver
38 Missing person 47 Missing person search 89 Hit & run
39 Location? 48 Storm warning
40 Person with a gun 49 Phone ____ Medical condition report:
40A Person with a knife 50 Meet ____ 1 Patient stable
41 One unit in radio contact Red Highway industrial accident 2 Poor but stable
42 Unknown problem Yellow Unknown injury 3 Critical and unstable
43 At home Blue Coronary 4 Respiratory arrest
44 Officer needs help 5 Full arrest
45 Contact news media Condition: 6 Deceased on arrival
46 Prowler 1 Fair
47 Take report 2 Poor Tulsa Police
47A Need data 3 Critical Same as Highway Patrol except:
48 Rape 10-16 Transporting subject
48A Sex offense Youngstown 10-23 Stand by
48X Indecent exposure (See: Mahoning County) 10-24 All unit emergency
49 Radio repair 10-26 Obtain vehicle information
50 Robbery OKLAHOMA 10-31 Polygraph test
50A Robbery in progress Oklahoma Highway Patrol 10-38 Report OK
51 Unable to answer (and many counties) 10-41 Radio test
51A Unable to copyrepeat 10-10 Out of service ) radio on 10-44 Message received
52 Shooting 10-11 Talk more slowly 10-46 Lunch
54 Stabbing 10-12 Can subject hear me? 10-47 Call home
55 Civil defense alert 10-14 Convoy or escort 10-48 Radio signals?
56 Stolen car 10-15 Prisoner in custody 10-49 Break
57 Escort money 10-16 Pick up Prisoner 10-51 Message for local delivery
57A Funeral escort 10-17 Pick up papers 10-52 Message for assignment
58 Suicide 10-23 Officer needs help 10-53 Misdemeanor warrant
60 Suspicious person 10-24 All unit emergency at 10-54 Felony warrant
60A Suspicious vehicle station 10-57 Minor hazmat spill
61D Open door 10-25 Do you have contact with 10-58 Major hazmat spill
61W Open window ____ 10-59 Out of vehicle
62 Traffic detail 10-26 Assist motorist 10-66 Recovery
63 Stopping vehicle 10-27 any answer out number? 10-67 Carry this message
64 Vandalism 10-30 Against rules and 10-68 Repeat dispatch
65 Computer down regulations 10-69 Any calls?
66 Prisoner escape 10-31 Breathalyzer operator to 10-70 Helicopter refueling
67 At your convenience ____ 10-75 Intoxicated driver
68 Request detectives 10-32 Is breathalyzer available? 10-76 Accident ) no injuries
69 Running radar 10-35 Confidential information 10-77 Accident ) minor injuries
70 Alarm 10-36 Correct time 10-78 Accident ) major injuries
71 Snow or ice control 10-37 Operator on duty 10-79 Hit & run
72 Bomb threat 10-39 Message delivered 10-91 Domestic violence
73 Garage door up 10-40 Is ____ available for call? 10-93 Cancel alarm
74 Mental case 10-41 Request traffic record 10-94 Valid alarm call
75 Garage door down summary 10-95 False alarm
76 Sick person 10-42 Check complete driver's
77 Improper radio procedure record OREGON
78 Harassing phone calls 10-43 Verify driver's license State Police
99 Emergency traffic only 10-44 Check for record and wants 0 Officer needs help
10-45 Coffee break 1 Routine response
Fire Signals 10-46 Meet for subject check 2 Urgent ) use flashers only
1 In service 10-47 Subject may be dangerous 3 Urgent ) use siren and
2 At scene 10-48 NCIC hit ) safe to send info? flashers
3 Out of service 10-49 Check commercial 4 No further assistance
4 En route to hospital registration needed
5 Return to station 10-50 No messages 5 Surveillance
6 Hold man at station 10-51 Pick up partner for 6 Meet ____
7 Returning to station roadblock 7 Out to lunch
8 Location? 10-52 Set up roadblock 12-1 In service
9 False alarm 10-53 Discontinue roadblock 12-2 Out of service
10 Unknown type of fire 10-54 Estimated time of arrival 12-3 Go to station
11 Residential fire 10-63 Emergency only 12-4 Phone ____
12 Commercial fire 10-64 Channel clear 12-5 Repeat
13 Industrial fire 10-65 Broadcast stolen vehicle 12-6 Contact ____
14 Vehicle fire 10-69 Have you dispatched to 12-7 Vehicle registration check
15 Vegetation fire ____? 12-8 Legal owner of vehicle
16 Farm building fire 10-70 Stopping possible dangerous 12-9 Location
17 School fire veh 12-10 Driver's license check
18 Church fire 10-71 Vehicle not dangerous 12-11 Subject description on
19 Aircraft fire 10-72 Information incomplete license
20 Request mutual aid 10-73 Rebroadcast in proper form 12-12 Unable to copy
21 Box alarm 10-80 Private vehicle on 12-13 Attention all units and
22 General alarm emergency run stations
23 Smoke investigation 10-82 Reserve motel room 12-14 Relay to station
24 Bomb threat 10-84 Report to ____ 12-15 Locate for emergency
25 Public service 10-85 Keep vehicle under message
26 Working fire surveillance 12-16 Accident ) no injuries
27 Supply line laid 10-86 Pick up partner 12-16A Accident ) fatal
28 Fire under control 10-87 Aircraft assignment 12-16B Accident ) no ambulance sent
29 Fire out 10-88 Advise phone number 12-17 Accident with injuries
30 Unknown type rescue 10-90 Officer safety check 12-18 Request ambulance
31 Heart 10-97 Arrived at scene 12-19 Request tow truck
32 Breathing difficulty 10-98 Assignment completed 12-20 Check for wanted or stolen
33 Bleeding 12-21 No wants
34 Poisoning Signals 12-22 Misdemeanor record ) no want
35 Highway accident 8 Civil disturbance 12-23 Felony record ) no want
36 Farm accident 9 Bomb threat 12-24A Felony want
37 Home accident 11 Do you copy? 12-24B Misdemeanor want
38 Industrial accident 13 Unable to copy 12-25 Confidential information
39 Water accident 30 Accident ) fatality 12-26 Off duty
40 Request law enforcement 76 Accident 12-27 Call by radio from office
41 Request coroner 81 Accident ) minor 12-28 Suspicious person or
42 Request doctor 82 Accident ) major circumstances
12-29 Disturbance 7 Check for wants PENNSYLVANIA
12-30 Reckless driver 7W Subject wanted State Penal Codes
12-31 Intoxicated driver 8 Vehicle registration check 601 Driving without valid
12-32 Intoxicated person 10 Lunch license
12-33 Emergency radio traffic 11 Alarm at County facility 2501 Homicide
only 12 Improper radio use 2502 Murder
12-34 Resume normal radio traffic 20 Alert SET team 2701 Assault
12-35 Abandoned vehicle 30 Officer needs assistance 2702 Aggravated assault
12-36 Fish & game violation 2705 Reckless endangerment
12-37 Advise road & weather Portland Police 2606 Terrorist threats
conditions APCO codes plus the following: 2709 Harassment
12-38 Switch to channel ____ 10-42 Switch to channel ___ 2901 Kidnaping
12-39 Out of vehicle with 10-43 Phone your office 3121 Rape
portable radio 10-45 Open garage door 3122 Statutory rape
12-40 Stand by 10-46 Confidential information 3125 Corrupting a minor
12-41 Go ahead with message 10-47 Person injuredminor 3126 Indecent assault
12-42 No messages 10-48 Person injuredmajor 3127 Indecent exposure
12-43 Disregard 10-49 Person injuredfatal 3301 Arson
12-44 Correct time 10-51 Can subject hear radio? 3304 Criminal mischief
12-45 Vehicle maintenance 10-52 Subject wantedfelony 3306 Opening fire hydrants
12-46 Vehicle maintenance 10-53 Subject wantedmisdemeanor 3502 Burglary
information 10-54 Wanted status confirmed 3503 Criminal trespassing
12-47 Computer files unavailable 10-55 Subject clearuse caution 3701 Robbery
12-48 Computer files available 10-61 Prisoner in custody 3714 Reckless driving
12-49 Paper service 10-62 Transporting prisoner 3731 Drunk driving
12-49A Possible homicide 10-63 Transporting citizen 3732 Vehicular homicide
12-50 Request back-up 10-64 Transport assignment 3925 Receiving stolen property
12-51 Radio service required complete 3926 Theft of services
12-52 Radio service en route 10-71 Warrant service 4101 Forgery
12-53 Operating on temporary 10-72 Assignment from Command 4105 Bad checks
power 10-73 Followup 4106 Forged credit cards
12-54 Test ) advise reception 10-74 Servicing equipment 4304 Endangering welfare of
12-55 Give test count 10-75 Stakeout (Code 5) children
12-56 Copy assignment 10-79 End of shift 4905 Filing false police report
12-57 Disabled vehicle 10-81 Short break 5104 Resisting arrest
12-58 Narcotics activity 10-82 Meal break 5121 Escape from custody
12-59 Advise home of late arrival 10-83 Writing reports 5501 Riot
12-62 Silent alarm 10-84 Investigating vehicle or 5503 Disorderly conduct
12-97 Radio check person 5504 Harassing phone calls
12-98 Officer needs assistance 10-85 Premises security check 5505 Public drunkenness
12-99 Officer needs help 10-86 On foot patrol 5506 Loitering/prowling
10-89 Available 5513 Illegal gambling
Disposition Codes 5902 Prostitution
1 No action taken Disposition Codes 6308 Drinking by a minor
2 Traffic citation issued S1 Unable to locate person 6501 Littering
2A 55 MPH citation S2 No such address
2B 65 MPH citation S3 Condition does not exist Pennsylvania State Police
2C Seat belt citation T1 False alarm 10-7R Out of service ) at home
2D Child belt citation T2 Premises secure 10-18 Urgent
3 Traffic Warning issued T3 Secured premises 10-19 In contact
3A Seat belt warning W1 Assignment completed 10-21I Telephone ____ immediately
4 Taken to jail W2 Person assisted 10-25 Return to ____
4A DUI arrestState highway W3 Person advised 10-37 Intoxicated person
4B DUI arrestCounty/City road W4 Hazard corrected 10-40 Advise if ) - available for
5 Report taken W5 Delivered call
6 No report taken W6 Peace restored 10-42 Does not conform to
7 Log in Daily Report W7 Nuisance abated regulations
8 Unable to locate W8 Arrest 10-43 Advise road/weather
9 Field identification report X1 Person checked OK conditions
10 Unfounded X2 Vehicle checked OK 10-44 Acknowledge
11 Referred to outside agency Y1 FCR completed 10-45 Vehicle accident
12 Recontactcase continuing Y2 Warning issued 10-46 Detaining subject
13 Civil matterno action taken Y3 Citation issued 10-47 Need ambulance
14 No patrol available Z1 Warrant served 10-88 Have package for ____
15 Followup Z2 Warrant not served 10-89 ____ is calling you
16 Information obtained 10-97 Request for radio check
17 Truck inspection Portland EMS Codes 10-99 Emergency at this station
18 Cite and release AB Abdominal complaint
19 Miscellaneous AL Allergy reaction Signal
20 ODOT advised AN Animal bite 33 Officer needs help
AS Assault with weapon
Douglas County BK Back pain Allentown
(See Oregon State) BE Behavior problem Same as Lehigh County except:
BL Bleeding 10-60A Request detectives
Eugene BR Breathing problem 10-60B Request juvenile officer
1 Normal response BU Burn 10-69 Evacuation scene
2 Respond with red lights CH Chest pain 10-85 How soon available?
only DI Diabetic problem 10-99 Request coroner
3 Respond with red lights & DR Drowning
siren EL Electrocution Dauphin County
4 No further assistance EY Eye problem 10-10 Off duty
needed FA Fall 10-12 Visitors present
5 Confidential information HE Headache 10-14 Escort
6 Our for investigation HC Heat/cold 10-15 Prisoner in custody
7 Lunch break HZ Hazmat incident 10-36 Correct time
7-15 Short break IN Inhalation problem 10-38 Assignment complete
8 Biohazard or AIDS MN Man down 10-44 Fire
9 Emergency radio traffic OD Drug overdose 10-45 Accident
12 Unit making traffic stop OB Pregnancy problem 10-46 Detaining subject ) rush
SZ Seizure reply
Lane County SK Illness 10-75 Check NCIC for wanted
4 No further assistance ST Stroke 10-90 Arrived at scene
required TA Traffic accident 10-97 How is radio reception?
5 Emergency traffic only TR Traumatic injury 10-200 Emergency at station
5 Sam Begin encrypted UN Unconscious 10-300 Civil disorder
transmission UK Unknown problem
6 Out for investigation Signals
1 Robbery Look-Up codes: 10-23 Robbery
2 Shooting 1 Homicide 10-24 Request fire department
3 Hit & run 2 Rape 10-25 Disregard last message
5 Person with a weapon 3 Robbery 10-26 Hit & run
6 Molesting case 4 Aggravated assault & 10-27 Holding subject
7 Suspicious person battery 10-30 Disturbance
8 Robbery report 5 Burglary 10-31 Alarm
9 Disorderly conduct 6 Larceny 10-32 Emergency at station
10 Prowler 7 Vehicle theft 10-33 Bomb threat
12 Request coroner 8 Other assaults 10-34 Transport mental case
13 Officer needs help 9 Arson 10-35 Major crime alert
13R Riot 10 Forgery 10-36 Confidential information
14 Special detail 11 Fraud 10-37 Intoxicated driver
17 Phone home 12 Embezzlement 10-38 See complainant
19 Missing person 13 Stolen property 10-39 Advise phone number
20 Serving warrant 14 Vandalism 10-40 Intoxicated person
21 Mental case 15 Weapons offense 10-41 Fight
22 Suicide 16 Prostitution 10-42 Homicide
23 Homicide 17 Sex offenses 10-43 Suicide
24 Request ambulance 18 Narcotics 10-44 Officer needs help
25 Request tow truck 19 Gambling 10-45 Accident
26 Bank escort 20 Abandonment 10-46 Request ambulance
28 Bomb threat 21 O.W.I. 10-47 Request wrecker
29 Narcotics investigation 22 Liquor laws 10-48 Mental case
30 Escaped prisoner 23 Intoxication 10-49 Person with weapon
500 Criminal history record 24 Disorderly conduct 10-50 Escort
25 Vagrancy 10-51 Fire
Lackawanna County 26 Other offenses 10-52 Suspicious person and/or
10-33 Officer needs help 27 Suspicious circumstances vehicle
10-40 Caution: frequency being 28 Loitering 10-53 Go to station
monitored 29 Missing person 10-54 Unfounded complaint
10-41 Begin tour of duty 30 Motor vehicle violation 10-55 Check residence
10-42 End tour of duty 31 Obscene material 10-56 Injury
10-43 Suicide 32 Election laws 10-57 Prowler
10-44 Drowning 33 Game laws 10-58 Parking complaint
10-45 Request coroner 34 Perjury & contempt 10-59 Burglary
10-46 Advise any record/warrant 35 Probation violation 10-60 Suspicious vehicle
10-47 Holding subject 36 Parole violator 10-61 Request officer
10-48 Fire report 37 Conditional release 10-62 Criminal mischief
10-49 Does not conform to violator 10-63 Narcotics problem
regulations 38 Bail violator 10-64 Shooting in area
10-50 Accident 39 Escaped prisoner 10-65 Harassment
10-51 Request wrecker 40 Blackmail 10-66 Officer well being check
10-52 Request ambulance 41 Juvenile delinquency 10-67 Request coroner
10-53 Request traffic assistance 42 Abortion 10-68 Underage drinking
10-54 Direct traffic 43 Bribery 10-69 Rape
10-55 Investigate suspicious 44 Obstructing justice 10-70 Assault
vehicle 45 Kidnaping 10-71 Vehicle stop
10-56 Investigate suspicious 46 Corrupting 10-72 Person locked out of
person 47 Counterfeiting vehicle
10-57 Stopping suspicious 10-73 Check welfare of person
veh/person Lancaster County 10-74 Assist Police
10-58 Driving under the influence Same as expanded APCO codes, 10-75 Request assistance
10-59 Urgent ) use siren and except: 10-76 Disabled vehicle
flashers 10-37 Intoxicated person 10-77 Runaway juvenile
10-60 Do not use siren and 10-40 Advise if ____ on station 10-87 Short break
flashers 10-42 Does not conform to rules 10-88 Lunch
10-61 In pursuit 10-43 Advise road conditions 10-90 Arrived at scene
10-62 Traffic light out 10-44 Stations involved 10-91 Assignment complete
10-63 Highway hazard acknowledge 10-97 Advise reception
10-64 Assist motorist 10-45 Vehicle accident
10-65 Hit & run 10-46 Detaining subject Ambulance Codes
10-66 Lost or stolen plate 10-47 Request ambulance A Adult
10-67 Road blocked 10-61 Start tour of duty C Child
10-68 Dead animal on roadway 10-62 End tour of duty 1 Cardiac arrest
10-69 Dog problem 10-63 Off duty ) PSP on call 2 Stroke
10-70 Convoy or escort 10-66 Disable repeater 3 Obstetrics
10-71 Drag racing 10-70 Prisoner in custody 4 Fracture
10-72 Wires down 10-71 Mental patient 5 Overdose
10-73 Burglar alarm 10-72 Bomb threat 6 Respiratory problem
10-74 Armed robbery 10-73 Escort 7 Code blue
10-75 Bank alarm 10-74 Return to station 8 Mental case
10-76 Crime in progress 10-75 Sexual offense 9 Diabetic
10-77 Prison escape 10-76 Suicide 10 Seizure
10-78 Bomb threat 10-82 Repeat mode ____ 11 Hemorrhage
10-79 Shooting 10-88 Package for 12 Unknown problem
10-80 Person with a gun 10-89 ____ is calling 13 Transport
10-81 Riot 10-97 Advise reception 14 Industrial accident
10-82 Mental case 10-99 Warrant service 15 Gunshot wound
10-83 Prowler report 16 Electrical shock
10-84 Fight Lehigh County 17 Unconscious
10-85 Domestic problem 302 Mental case 18 Drowning
10-86 Disorderly conduct 10-1 Clear the air 19 Poison
10-87 Public indecency 10-3 Disorderly group 20 Lacerations
10-88 Public nuisance 10-5 Repeat message 21 Burns
10-89 Harassment 10-9 Child molesting
10-90 Threats 10-10 Animal problem Class
10-91 Obscene phone call 10-11 Theft 1 Prognosis poor
10-92 loitering 10-12 Visitors present 2 Prognosis good
10-93 Trespassing 10-13 Purse snatch 3 Prognosis excellent
10-94 Intoxicated person 10-14 Indecent exposure 4 Check-out only
10-95 Military AWOL 10-15 Have ____ in possession 5 Deceased
10-96 Attempt to locate 10-16 Pick up ____
10-97 Test signal 10-17 Rush ) urgent Luzerne County
10-98 Prepare to copy 10-18 Any messages? See: Lackawanna County
10-99 Message canceled 10-19 No messages
10-22 Meet ____ Philadelphia
Blue Heart attack 12 No information available 10-41 Request salvage
DK Intoxicated person 13 Request to go out-of- 10-42 Request tanker
45 Accident report service 10-43 Request grass truck
48 Incident report 14 Relay to local broadcast 10-44 Request assistance
302 Mental case stations 10-45 Request city fire unit
601 Check traffic record 15 Resume normal operation 10-47 Out on arrival
1037 Intoxicated driver 16 Out of vehicle ) radio on 10-48 False alarm
5292 Deceased person 21 Visitors present 10-50 Vehicle accident
10-55 Phone State arson
Reading Emergency Medical Service 10-61 Lay line
4 Officer needs help 1 Heat Exhaustion 10-62 Increase pressure
5 Activate scrambler 2 Heat stroke 10-63 Decrease pressure
6 Busy 3 Seizure 10-64 Disconnect hydrant
7 Out of service 4 Diabetic reaction 10-70 Request ambulance
8 In service 5 Insulin reaction 10-71 Apparatus involved in
9 Assist officer 6 Poisoning accident
10 Poor radio reception 7 Communicable disease 10-72 Request wrecker
11 Open sally port door 8 Unconscious 10-75 Firefighter injured
12 Close sally port door 9 Possible deceased
11 Abrasion/contusion Charleston County
RHODE ISLAND 12 Avulsion Same as Expanded APCO codes,
Signals: 13 Laceration except:
1 Phone barracks 14 Puncture 4 Armed robbery
2 Go to barracks 15 Gunshot 12 Arson
5 Accident 16 Burn 15 Overdose
6 No radio traffic 17 Hemorrhage 22 Abandoned vehicle
8 OK to use radio 20 Crushing 29 Vice problem
10 Hit & run accident 21 Amputation 40 Accident
15 Armed robbery 22 Dislocation 43 Stabbing
20 Stolen vehicle 23 Sprain/strain 44 Drowning
30 Lost or missing person 24 Fracture 46 Officer needs help
50 Intoxicated driver 30 Concussion 48 Shots heard
31 Paralysis 49 Shooting
32 Spinal injury 71 Arrest warrant
Providence Fire 40 Hysteria 72 Search warrant
Red Working fire 41 Syncope 84 Be on lookout for ____
Yellow Under control 42 Psychogenic shock 95 Jail
Blue False alarm 43 Psychiatric 96 Hospital
44 Overdose 10-18 Theft
SOUTH CAROLINA 45 Alcohol impairment 10-26 Kidnaping
State Highway Patrol 50 Vomiting 10-34 Burglary
Same as Expanded APCO Codes, 51 G.U. Problem 10-35 Burglary from vehicle
except: 52 G.I. distress 10-38 Vandalism
4 Use siren & flashers 53 G.I. bleeding 10-39 Vandalism to vehicle
10-0 Pursuit in progress 60 Ob prenatal 10-40 Suspicious person
10-19 In contact 61 Ob postnatal 10-44 Suspicious vehicle
10-40 Road repairs 62 Ob emergency 10-47 Alarm
10-43 Urgent ) use siren & Flashers 63 Ob abortion 10-48 Assault
10-44 Do not use siren & flashers 64 Ob problem 10-54 Strong-arm robbery
10-47 Investigate suspicious 70 Apnea 10-60 Vehicle in ditch
vehicle 71 Dyspnea 10-62 Missing person
10-48 Stopping suspicious vehicle 72 Hyperventilation 10-64 Harassing phone calls
10-49 Civil disturbance 73 Pulmonary edema 10-65 Emergency message
10-58 Riot 74 Respiratory difficulty 10-66 Trespassing
10-59 Person with gun 80 Coronary problem 10-67 Patrol
10-60 Request coroner 81 Congestive heart failure 10-68 Runaway
10-61 Illegal use of radio 82 Stroke 10-69 Out at court
10-62 Escaped prisoner 83 Cardiac arrest 10-71 Person down
10-63 Advise phone number 90 Anaphylactic shock 10-72 Smoke or fog report
10-64 Bomb threat 91 Toxin shock 10-73 Livestock on roadway
10-65 Blockade 92 Trauma 10-75 Indecent exposure
10-66 Drag racing 93 Vertigo 10-78 Riot
10-67 Subject in custody 95 Non-ambulatory transport 10-82 Rape
10-68 Mental case 96 Other item 10-84 Escape
10-69 Detaining subject ) expedite 97 ALS needed 10-85 Jailbreak
10-71 Wanted or stolen indicated 98 Refuel 10-86 Shoplifting
10-72 Larceny 10-87 Child molesting
10-73 Break-in Anderson County 10-88 Suicide
10-74 Robbery Fire Codes 10-93 Tower light out
10-75 Shooting 10-10 Stand by at station 10-96 Mental subject
10-76 Assault 10-14 Request power company 10-97 Breach of trust
10-77 Vandalism 10-15 Request telephone company 10-98 Request permission to ____
10-79 Prowler 10-16 Train wreck
10-80 Suspicious person 10-17 Lost Person Columbia
10-81 Missing person 10-19 Return to station Police
10-82 Domestic problem 10-22 Request fire marshal Basic APCO + Highway Patrol,
10-83 Fight 10-23 Request coroner except
10-83 Crime in progress 10-24 Odd fire 10-45 Dead animal in roadway
10-85 Alarm 10-25 Request forest ranger 10-46 Assist motorist
10-86 Out of vehicle ) available 10-26 House fire 10-54 Direct traffic
10-87 Permission to leave patrol 10-26-1 10-57 Hit & run
10-88 Squad in vicinity Mobile home fire 10-70 Fire
10-89 Escort 10-26-2
10-90 Prepare to copy Chimney fire Signals
10-91 Return to ____ 10-26-3 1 Handle by mail
10-92 Delayed Commercial fire 2 Delivered
10-93 Message received 10-27 Grass fire 3 Driving with suspended
10-94 General broadcast 10-28 Trash fire license
10-95 Pick up prisoner 10-29 Vehicle fire 4 Officer taken hostage
10-96 Breathalyzer operator 10-30 Arson 5 Permission to use patrol
10-98 Switch to regional channel 10-31 Repeat location car
10-99 Traffic signal not working 10-32 Radio check 6 Permission to go to
10-33 All firefighters to station Columbia
Signals 10-34 Cancel fire call 7 Send ____ to Columbia for
9 Confidential investigation 10-38 Request Highway Patrol vehicle
10 Remain in vehicle 10-39 Request county deputy 8 Permission to go to
11 Check with owner 10-40 Request rescue squad Columbia HQ
17 Officer originated 10-73 Intoxicated person 10-5J1 Relay Personnel
complaint 10-74 Malicious mischief 10-5J2 Relay property
18 No further assistance 10-75 Missing person 10-44 Stopping vehicle
needed 10-76 Harassing phone calls 10-53 Request backupnon-
19 Do not use radio 10-77 Trespassing emergency
20 Tower lights out 10-78 Warrant 10-99 Emergency message
21 Visitors present 10-79 Special assignment
26 Switch to channel 1 10-80 Domestic dispute Signals
27 Switch to channel 2 10-81 Fight 16 Deceasedunknown cause
28 Switch to channel 3 10-82 Sexual assault
29 Switch to channel 5 10-83 Alcohol/drug problem Adams County
30 Rape 10-84 Theft 1 Emergency traffic only
31 Kidnaping 10-85 Breaking & entering 4 Message acknowledged
32 Homicide 10-86 Assault 5 Arrest made
33 Armed robbery 10-87 Stolen vehicle 6 Stopped vehicle
34 Strong-arm robbery 10-88 Suspicious person/prowler 7 Out of service
35 Burglary from vehicle 10-89 Person deceased 8 Wanted or stolen
36 Animal complaint 10-90 Kidnaping 25 Bomb threat
37 Unlocked vehicle
38 Human error SOUTH DAKOTA EMS First Response
39 Mechanical error Highway Patrol 00 Hazmat or infection
40 Residence check 10-3 Landline residence situation
10-10 Out of service but 1 Priority
Fire Department available 4 Message received
Signals: 10-11 Dispatching too fast 7 Out of service
F-1 Minor fire 10-12 Visitors present 9 Break
F-2 Working firemay require 10-13 Advise road & weather 10 Respond emergency
help conditions 11 Seizure
F-3 Major firerequest 10-14 Escort 12 Intoxicated or overdose
additional 10-15 Prisoner in custody 13 Scene unsafewait for
F-4 Can handle 10-16 Check NCIC on subject clearance
F-6 Security dogs at ____ 10-16H NCIC hit on subject 14 Negative
F-7 False alarm 10-17 Pick up papers 15 Affirmative
F-8 Alert arson investigator 10-23 Status check 16 Accident located
F-9 Fie under control 10-24 Report to ____ 17 Expect phone call at ______
F-10 Fire is out 10-25 Do you have contact with 18 Phone me at ______
F-11 Advise type of flammable ____? 19 Switch to blue channel
substance 10-26 Contact by radio or phone 20 Switch to orange channel
F-12 Call for LP gas agent 10-27 Any reply our message? 21 Switch to black channel
F-13 Request Water Dept boost 10-29H Local Want & warrant 69 Special
pumps 10-29W Warrant check only circumstancesfemale
F-14 Live wires down 10-30 Does not conform to 70 Special circumstancesmale
F-15 Set traffic lights en route regulations 80 Gunshot wound
F-16 Chief officer return to 10-31 Request tow truck 81 Stabbing
scene 10-32 Request ambulance 82 Unknown circumstances
F-17 Call for Chief 10-33 Emergency traffic on radio 99 Medic down
F-18 Assistant Chief in house 10-35 Confidential information 100 Request policeemergency
F-19 Request traffic officer 10-36 Correct time 199 Medic downshots fired
F-20 Unable to dispatch details 10-37 Who is operator on duty? 200 Unit involved in accident
10-39 Message delivered 299 Clear sceneemergency
Greenville City & County 10-40 Request permission car-to-
10-3 Cancel last message car Minnehaha County
10-5 En route 10-41 Car-to-car permission Same as Highway Patrol except as
10-6 Arrived on scene granted follows:
10-10 Out of vehicle with radio 10-42 At home 10-10 Break
10-11 Remain in service 10-44 Stopping vehicle 10-17 Serving civil papers
10-12 Visitor present 10-45 Two-officer patrol 10-25 Request film in booking
10-13 Lunch 10-46 Accidentinjuries 10-43 Lunch break
10-14 Escort 10-47 Accidentno injuries 10-51 Driving while intooxicated
10-16 Expedite completion of 10-48 Assist tribal police (DWI)
assignment 10-49 Traffic signal out 10-55 Change channels
10-17 Any messages for this unit? 10-50 Use caution 10-65 Stand by to copy
10-18 Message delivered 10-53 Request backup 10-75 Person with AIDS
10-19 Meet ____ 10-54 Request backupemergency 10-80 Dangerous subject
10-22 Switch to regional channel 10-58 Check record 10-100 Transporting officer
10-24 Meet complainant 10-59 Driver's license check
10-26 Unit busy 10-60 Next case number Case classifications
10-27 Estimated time of arrival 10-70 Any messages for this unit? 1 Homicide
10-28 Correct time 10-71 Request coroner 2 Rape
10-29 Follow-up 10-78 Information 3 Robbery
10-30 Identification division 10-78P Protection order 4 Aggravated assault
10-32 Service center 10-78S Sex offender 5 Burglary
10-33 EMS requesting police 10-80 Any narcotics information? 6A Pickpocket
10-34 House check 10-82 Request room reservation 6B Purse snatch
10-36 Extra patrol 10-88 Phone this unit at ____ 6C Shoplifting
10-40 Fire 10-89 Out of service for 6D Theft from vehicle
10-41 Request backup maintenance 6E Theft of vehicle
10-42 General broadcast 10-90 Civil disturbance accessories
10-43 Hold radio traffic 10-97 Arrived at scene 6F Bicycle theft
10-44 Alarm 10-98 Assignment complete 6G Theft from building
10-45 Robbery 10-99 Officer needs help 7 Vehicle theft
10-46 Prisoner in custody 10-100 Short break 8 Arson
10-47 Mental case patient 9 Assault
10-48 Escapee Signals 10 Forgery/Counterfeit
10-49 Weapon 1 Accidentinjury 11 Fraud
10-51 Request ambulance 2 Accidentno injury 12 Embezzlement
10-52 Traffic congestion 6 Drowning 13 Stolen property
10-53 Suspicious vehicle 7 Intoxicated person 14 Vandalism
10-54 Request license information 8 Intoxicated driver 15 Firearms violation
10-55 Request wrecker 11 Fire 16 Prostitution
10-56 Vehicle stop 15 Homicide 17 Sex offense
10-57 Reckless driver 16 Bad check/DOA 17A Molestation
10-58 Pursuit 20 Suicide 17B Statutory rape
10-59 Intoxicated driver 17C Indecent exposure
10-70 Bomb threat/hazmat State Law Enforcement 17D Other
10-71 Animal problem (Most Police and Sheriff) 18 Controlled substance
10-72 Bad check Same as Highway Patrol except: violation
19 Gambling 10-22 Lunch 10-31 Is lie detector available
20 Offense against family 10-23 Short break 10-34 Clear for local dispatch
21 Intoxicated driver 10-25 Do you have contact with 10-38 Station report satisfactory
22 Alcoholic beverage ____ 10-39 Your message delivered
violation 10-26 Permission to leave area 10-40 Advise if officer delivered
23 Public intoxication ____ 10-41 Tune to emergency broadcast
24A Loud music 10-30 Does not conform to rules 10-42 Call criminal justice
24B Disorderly conduct 10-31 Subject wanted complex
25 Vagrancy 10-32 Request breathalyzer 10-53 Wanted
26A Suicide 10-34 Officer needs help 10-54 Arrest and hold
27 Bomb threat 10-35 Confidential information 10-55A kidnaping
28 Curfew violation 10-36 Correct time 10-55B Rape
29 Runaway juvenile 10-37 Operator on duty 10-56 Prowler
30 Juvenile delinquent 10-38 Request back-up 10-57 Overweight vehicle
31A Assisted other 10-39 Request TBI agent 10-63 Net directed
31B Assisted 10-40 No units available 10-65 Clear for message
31C Missing person 10-41 Civil defense test 10-66 Clear for cancellation
31D Mental case 10-42 Back up local agency 10-67 Stations carry this message
31E Escort 10-43 Want officer ) investigation 10-68 Repeat dispatch
31F Open door or window 10-44 Stolen vehicle 10-69 Have you dispatched
31G Public health 10-45 Accident 10-70 Net message
31H Cared for ill 10-46 Accident with injuries 10-71 proceed with traffic
31I Other 10-47 Request ambulance 10-78 Possible air attack
31J Served parking warrant 10-48 Request wrecker 10-79 Air attack
31K Warrant service 10-49 Intoxicated driver 10-81 Officer will be at your
31L Public service presentation 10-50 No traffic station
31M House check 10-51 Driving without license 10-83 Have officer phone station
32A Lost property 10-52 Armed robbery 10-85 Officer left this station
32B Found property 10-53 Hit & run 10-87 Officer will be at ____
33A Lost animal 10-55 Kidnaping 10-88 What is officer's home
33B Found animal 10-56 Rape number
33C Animal bite 10-58 Intoxicated person 10-89 Request radio repair
33D Other animal problem 10-59 Mental case 10-90 Radio service is at station
34 Vehicle accident ) fatal 10-60 Missing person 10-91 Prepare for inspection
35 Vehicle accident ) injuries 10-61 Suspicious person 10-92 Poor transmitter
35A Vehicle overturned 10-64 Radio net clear 10-93 Frequencies to be checked
35B Solo vehicle accident 10-66 Bomb threat 10-94 Test with no modulation
35C Pedestrian injured 10-67 Hostage situation 10-95 Test with modulation
35D Accident with other vehicle 10-68 Barricaded subject 10-96 Test continuously for one
35E Accident off roadway 10-69 Weapon involved minute
35F Accident with parked 10-70 Deceased person 10-99 Unable to receive
vehicle 10-71 Demonstration 10-100 Urgentproceed with caution
35G Accident with train 10-72 Riot
35H Accident with bicycle 10-73 Roadblock Signals:
35I Accident with animal 10-74 Transporting blood 1 Open gate
35J Hit & run 10-75 Aircraft crash 2 Close gate
36 Vehicle accident 10-76 Do you have traffic for 3 Change from channel
37 Traffic violations ____ 4 Report to HQ
38A Public accident 10-77 Radio repairs 5 Report to post
38B Home accident 10-78 Vehicle maintenance 6 Phone
38C Occupational accident 10-79 Vehicle wash 7 Emergency
38D Firearms accident 10-80 Fixed observation point 8 Meet ____
39 Home accident 10-81 Stopping violator 9 Disregard
10-82 Stopping suspicious vehicle 10 Rush
Disposition Codes: 10-83 Assisting motorist 11 Confidential
A1 Sioux Falls report 10-84 Assisting citizen 12 Reply by phone
B1 Brandon report 10-85 Serving warrant
C1 County report 10-86 Abandoned vehicle Chattanooga Metro
D1 Field identification card 10-87 Improperly parked vehicle 400 Block city
A2 To Juvenile Detention 10-88 Obstructing roadway 401 Lunch
Center 10-89 Disabled vehicle 402 Short break
B2 To hospital 10-90 Request fire department 403 Phone the sergeant
C2 To threshold 10-91 Request rescue unit 404 Traffic violation
D2 To county jail 10-92 Request helicopter 405 Phone desk clerk
E2 To Children's Inn 10-93 Request tactical unit 406 Meet complainant
A3 Ambulance handled 10-94 Request underwater rescue 407 Out of service
B3 Fire Department handled team 408 In service
C3 Sheriff handled 10-95 Request K-9 unit 409 Purse snatching
D3 Humane Society handled 10-96 Request radio test 410 Shoplifter
E3 Highway Patrol handled 10-97 Arrived at scene 411 Intoxicated person
A4 Gone on arrival 10-98 Completed assignment 412 Fight
B4 Unable to locate 413 Vehicle accident
C4 Detoxed Signals 414 Prowler
D4 Unfounded 1 Phone Post 415 Juvenile problem
E4 Civil matter 2 Phone HQ 416 Shooting
F4 Matter settled 3 Switch to channel ) 417 Stabbing
G4 Advised 4 Go to HQ 418 Meet ____
H4 Assisted 5 Go to Post 419 Burglary in progress
J4 Tagged 6 Phone ____ 420 Ambulance
K4 Checks OK 7 Emergency 421 Fire
M4 Resecured 8 Meet ____ 422 Armed robbery
N4 No report 9 Disregard 423 Phone ____
P4 Sent on way 10 Rush 424 Residential burglary
425 Making arrest
Sioux Falls Criminal Justice Complex 426 Commercial burglary
See: Minnehaha County Department of Safety codes except: 427 Sexual assault
10-10 Investigation 428 Check vehicle registration
TENNESSEE 10-16 Pick up prisoner 429 Location
Department of Safety 10-17 Pick up papers 430 Disorderly conduct
10-10 Out of service ) available 10-18 Complete assignment quickly 431 Parking violation
10-11 Speaking too fast 10-19 Go to station 432 Abandoned vehicle
10-12 Visitors present 10-22 Cancel 433 Suspicious person
10-14 Escort 10-23 Interferencestand by 434 Missing person
10-15 Prisoner in custody 10-24 Trouble at station 435 Mechanical problem
10-16 Transporting subject 10-26 Request vehicle 436 Escort
10-17 Advise road conditions registration info 437 Direct traffic
10-19 Advise traffic conditions 10-27 Fire 438 Stolen vehicle
439 Stolen motorcycle/bicycle 10-84 Juvenile problem Nashville Metro
440 Mugging 10-85 Disturbance 10-3 Special assignment
441 Mental case 10-86 Fire 10-13 Suspects very dangerous
442 Bomb threat 10-87 Mental case 10-14 Convoy or escort
443 Officer needs help 10-88 Child abuse 10-16 Transport prisoner
444 Request wrecker 10-89 Indecent exposure 10-30 Record check for warrants
445 Indecent exposure 10-90 Suspicious person 10-32 Breathalyzer test
446 Burglar alarm 10-91 Deceased person 10-34 Correct time
447 Traffic congestion 10-92 Bicycle investigation 10-35 Mental case
448 Suicide 10-93 Molester 10-40 Suspicious person
449 Deceased person 10-94 Assault 10-41 Domestic problem
450 Phone residence 10-95 Firecrackers 10-42 Intoxicated person
451 Warrant on file 10-96 Property check 10-43 Investigate disturbance
452 Traffic patrol 10-99 Bomb threat 10-44 Disorderly conduct
453 Theft from vehicle A Report submitted 10-45 Accident ) no injury
454 Theft B Unable to locate 10-46 Accident ) injuries
455 Demonstration C Unable to locate address 10-47 Request medical assistance
456 Riot D Unable to locate suspect 10-48 Request wrecker
457 Abandoned children E No police action 10-49 Vehicle blocking right of
458 Street/traffic light F Problem solved way
problem G Advised 10-50 Theft
459 Disabled vehicle H Vehicle check OK 10-51 Stabbing
460 Out to city shop I Suspect check OK 10-52 Shooting
461 Out to wash rack J Property check OK 10-53 Robbery
462 Out to radio shop K Verbal warning 10-54 Person with a weapon
463 Break L Citation issued 10-57 Fight
464 Out to court M Arrest made 10-58 Prowler
465 S.T.E.P. location N Unfounded 10-59 Indecent exposure
466 Person down O Officer needs assistance 10-60 Blood run
467 Open door P Handled by other agency 10-61 Fire
468 Assist citizen Q In service 10-62 Person calling for help
469 Property damage R Message delivered 10-63 Attempt suicide
470 Deceptive practices S Left note 10-64 Deceased person
471 Assault T Items recovered 10-65 Animal problem
472 School investigation U Vehicle towed 10-66 Bomb threat
473 Found property V Marked tires 10-67 Rape
474 Accidental injury W Transported to other agency 10-68 Kidnaping
475 Arson Y Signed in 10-70 Burglary ) residence
476 Lost property Z Canceled 10-71 Burglary ) other
478 Child abuse 10-72 Stolen
479 Request backup Knoxville 10-73 Hazardous material
480 No units available Same as Knox County, except: 10-75 Missing person
481 Be on lookout for ____ 1 Go to HQ 10-77 Gang activity
482 Roadway obstruction 2 Phone HQ 10-78 Criminal vice
483 Outstanding felony warrant 3 Change channels 10-79 Occult activity
484 Request S.W.A.T. 4 Phone office 10-80 Child abuse
485 Overdose 5 Go to office 10-82 Request backup
499 Arrived on scene 6 Phone ____ 10-83 Shots fired
7 Emergency 10-85 Escaped prisoner
Knox County 8 Meet ____ 10-87 Safety hazard
Same As Dept of Public Safety, 9 Disregard 10-89 Drowning
except: 10 Rush 10-92 Fixed post traffic
10-12 Traffic 11 Confidential information 10-93 Traffic violation
10-16 Pick up prisoner 12 Reply via landline 10-94 Short beak
10-17 Pick up papers 13 Blocked driveway 10-95 Lunch
10-18 Out to court 14 Blocked alley 10-96 Business check
10-23 Prisoner escape 15 Illegal parking 10-97 Arrived on scene
10-24 Trouble at station 16 Traffic congestion 10-98 Assignment complete
10-25 Vehicle stop 17 Reckless driver 10-99 Advise complaint number
10-26 Loud party 18 Speeding 1000 Bank robbery
10-27 Vandalism 19 Abandoned vehicle 2000 Aircraft crash
10-31 Lie detector test 20 Assist motorist 3000 Barricaded suspect
10-34 Clear for dispatch 21 Open door 4000 Sniper
10-38 Sick person 22 Open window 5000 Personnel in danger
10-39 Injured person 23 Lights out 6000 Riot
10-40 Hostage situation 10-12 Visitors present 7000 Train derailed
10-41 Missing person 10-18 Complete assignment 8000 Explosion
10-42 Trespassing 10-25 Do you have contact with -A Alarm
10-51 Strong-arm; robbery ____ -E Emergency
10-54 Place under arrest 10-40 Is office available for -J Juvenile
10-55 Larceny phone -P In progress
10-56 Prowler 10-42 Phone Sheriff -R Report
10-57 Alarm 10-88 Advise phone number -V Vehicle
10-59 Fight
10-60 Suicide attempt Memphis Incident ID codes
10-61 Suicide Signals A Alarm
10-62 Homicide 5 Location secure B Bank security
10-63 Kidnaping 12 On foot C Complainant
10-64 Rape C Out of service D Domestic disturbance
10-65 Attempt rape DQ Driver's license check E Emergency escort
10-66 Breaking & E Ready to enter (SWAT) F Felony
entering ) business H Phone residence J Juvenile
10-67 Breaking & L Lunch break M Misdemeanor
entering ) residence FQW Felony warrant P Psychological evaluation
10-68 Breaking & entering ) vehicle MQW Misdemeanor warrant R Radar used
10-69 Breaking & entering ) machine Q No routine radio traffic S Subject
10-70 Shoplifter QA Suspicious item T Directed traffic
10-71 Bad check QG Stolen gun check V Assisted motorist
10-74 Lost property QV Check for stolen W Assisted warrant service
10-75 Deliver message QW Check for warrants
10-77 Civil defense test RQ Vehicle registration Disposition Codes
10-78 Enemy attack imminent information 1 Report complete
10-79 Major disaster W Wanted 2 Arrest
10-80 Stabbing X One officer in unit 3 Citation
10-81 Shooting Purple up Officer injured 4 Assist citizen
10-82 Disorderly conduct Purple down Officer deceased 5 Gone on arrival
10-83 Domestic trouble Z Suspect in custody 6 Assist other unit
7 Advised 10-12 Visitors present 10-8-3 Unfounded
8 Advised civil matter 10-23 Subject wanted for 10-8-4 False call
9 Warned misdemeanor 10-8-5 Civil matter
10 No response 10-24 Subject wanted for felony 10-8-6 No report
11 Disregard 10-25 Check out of area for 10-29-1 Traffic warrant
12 Location secure wanted 10-29-2 Misdemeanor warrant
13 False call 10-26 Check for local record 10-29-3 Felony warrant
14 Assistance refused 10-30 Not in accordance with
rules Dallas
Signals 10-34 Officer needs help 01 Top priority call
1 Contingency operation 10-35 Confidential information 4 9-1-1 hang up
2 Deploy out of sight 10-36 Correct time 6 Disturbance
3 Confidential 10-37 Name of operator 6X Major disturbance
4 Go to station 10-40 Request out for lunch 7 Accident ) minor
5 Advise if officer is safe 10-41 Not clear for lunch 7X Accident with injury
6 Phone ____ 10-44 ____ has traffic for you 8 Intoxicated person
7 All units remain away 10-50 No traffic 9 Theft
8 Meet me at ____ 10-51 Do you have traffic for me? 11 Burglary
9 Disregard 10-97 Arrived at scene 12 Burglar alarm
10 Rush 10-98 Completed assignment 13 Prowler
11 Switch to secondary channel 14 Stabbing
12 Switch to county wide Disposition codes 15 Assist officer
channel 1 Offense report 16 Injury
13 Switch to assigned channel 2 Accident report 17 Gang fight
14 Switch to records channel 3 Arrest report 18 Fire alarm
15 Switch to CB channel ) 4 Continuation 19 Shooting
16 Stop all radio traffic 5 Incident report 20 Robbery
6 Service call 21 Robbery alarm
TEXAS 7 X-dispatch 22 Animal problem
Department of Public Safety 8 No contact 23 Parking violation
Official APCO codes plus: 24 Abandoned property
10-35 Crime in progress Signals 25 Criminal assault
10-38 Vehicle stop 1 Abandoned property 26 Missing person
10-39 permit check 2 Abandoned vehicle 27 Deceased person
10-40 Expedite ) subject detained 3 Accident ) minor 28 Sickness
10-41 Beginning tour of duty 4 Accident ) major 29 Open building
10-42 Ending tour of duty 5 Hit & run 30 Prisoner
10-43 Request criminal history 6 Animal ordinance violation 31 Malicious mischief
10-44 permitted to carry handgun 7 Assault 32 Suspicious person
10-46 Assist motorist 8 Rape 33 Poisoning
10-47 Abandoned vehicle 9 Assist motorist 34 Suicide
10-48 Road hazard 10 Assist officer 35 Blood transportation
10-50 Traffic accident 11 Assist traffic 36 Abandoned child
10-51 Request tow truck 12 Bomb threat 37 Street blocked
10-52 Request ambulance 13 Burglar alarm 38 Meet complainant
10-54 Livestock on roadway 14 Burglary ) residence 39 Drag racing
10-55 Intoxicated driver 15 Burglary ) commercial 40 Other
10-56 Warrant indicated 16 Burglary ) vehicle 41 Felony in progress
10-58 Intoxicated pedestrian 17 Burglary in progress 45 Tactical call-out
10-59 Escort 18 Deceased person 50 Lunch
10-60 Unit in vicinity 19 Stabbing 51 Coffee break
10-68 Warrant indicated 20 Mental case 52 City court
10-70 Assisting unit 21 Coffee break 53 County court
10-71 Officer needs assistance 22 Disturbance 54 Escort
10-72 Check for safety of officer 23 Domestic disturbance 55 Stopping violator
10-73 Advise current status 24 Drag racing 56 Out to station
10-74 Road block 25 Drowning 57 Out to garage
10-79 Request Justice of 26 Narcotics violation 58 Routine investigation
Peace/Coroner 27 Intoxicated subject 59 Follow-up investigation
10-80 In pursuit 28 Warrant service 60 Special assignment
10-81 Breathalyzer needed 29 Write reports 61 Foot patrol
10-85 Building access requested 30 Escort 62 Public service
10-86 Officer on duty 31 Fight 63 Cover element
10-89 Bomb threat 32 Fire 64 Out to radio shop
10-90 Alarm 33 Fireworks 65 Use telephone
10-91 Prisoner transfer 34 Injured person 66 End tour of duty
10-92 Suspicious activity 35 Indecent exposure 67 Other
10-93 Disturbance 36 Vacation check
10-94 Confidential radio traffic 37 Investigation Fort Worth
10-95 Subject in custody 38 Prisoner transfer APCO Codes except as follows:
10-96 Mental subject 39 Lost child 10-3 Disregard
10-97 Known offender 40 Lunch 10-10 Minor detailavailable
10-98 Criminal history indicated 41 Meet complainant 10-11 Remain in service
10-99 Wanted/Stolen indicated 42 Meet ____ 10-12 Visitors present
43 Missing person 10-14 Escort
Abilene 44 Dead animal 10-15 Prisoner in custody
Same as expanded APCO except: 45 Open door or window 10-16 Meet officer at ____
10-43 Switch to Channel B 46 Other 10-17 Pick up papers
10-46 Disabled vehicle 47 Parking violation 10-18 Any messages for us?
10-48 Repair traffic sign 48 Person with gun 10-19 No messages
10-65 New assignment 49 Vehicle theft 10-22 Go to ____
10-67 Clear for message 50 Recovered vehicle 10-25 Personnel on duty?
10-75 Traffic stop 51 Prowler 10-26 Criminal record information
10-78 Officer needs help 52 Radar 10-30 Arrived at jail with
10-79 Request JP 53 Short break prisoner
10-82 Attempt suicide 54 Robbery 10-31 Request medical examiner
10-90 Burglar alarm 55 School crossing 10-32 Dispatch Rape Crisis to
10-96 Mental case 56 Shooting Hospital
10-100 Request time for meal 57 Special assignment 10-34 Trouble at station ) need
10-101 Out for meal 58 Suspicious person help
10-102 Maximum units out 59 Theft 10-35 Officer needs help
10-107 Stand by to copy 60 Vandalism 10-36 Assist police unit
10-108 Obtain report 10-50 Request police wrecker
Austin 10-51 Owner requests wrecker
Arlington Same as Expanded APCO except: 10-52 Request rotation wrecker
10-10 Out of service ) available 10-8-1 Report filed 10-53 Assignment to license check
10-11 Dispatching too rapidly 10-8-2 Supplemental report lane
10-54 Assist at repair of traffic 76 Medical alert 10-30 Use caution
sign 77 Shots fired 10-31 Pick up____
10-55 Assignment to radar detail 78 Hospital guard detail 10-32 ____ Units requested
10-57 Assignment to school 79 9-1-1 hang-up 10-33 Officer needs help
crossing 80 Teen curfew violation 10-34 Correct time
10-80 Phone residence 81 Surveillance 10-36 Security check
10-81 Phone office 82 Warrant preparation 10-43 Shuttle
10-82 Phone dispatcher 83 Warrant service 10-47 Suspicious circumstances
10-83 Phone desk officer 90 Community service 10-48 Disturbing the peace
10-84 Phone detective office 99 Out of vehicle 10-53 Traffic control
10-85 Pick up ____ 10-54 Switch to channel ___
10-95 Give radio test Houston Police 10-58 Aircraft crash
10-96 Request radio technician Expanded APCO Codes, except: 10-59 Reckless driver
10-97 Request to switch talkgroup 10-10 Negative 10-60 Traffic stop
____ 10-11 ____ on duty 10-61 Vehicle inspection
10-98 Switch to talk group ___ 10-14 Message 10-62 Request unit-to-unit
10-15 Message delivered 10-64 Vandalism
Signals 10-16 Reply to message 10-65 Juvenile problem
1 Accident ) minor 10-17 En route to ____ 10-66 Major crime alert
2 Accident ) major 10-18 Urgent 10-67 Net message
3 Hit & run 10-19 In contact 10-68 Runaway juvenile
4 Assault 10-26 Estimated time of arrival 10-69 Missing person
5 Sexual assault 10-30 Danger ) use caution 10-73 Rape
6 Abandoned bicycle 10-31 Pick up 10-74 Civil disturbance
7 Burglar alarm ) silent 10-32 ) units needed 10-75 Domestic problem
8 Burglar alarm ) audible 10-33 Officer needs help 10-76 See complainant
9 Burglar in building 10-34 Correct time 10-77 Return to____
10 Burglary investigation 10-40 Subject detained ) expedite 10-82 Prisoner in custody
11 Stabbing 10-48 Request criminal history 10-83 Confidential information
12 Deceased person 10-71 Officer needs assistance 10-84 Visitors present
13 Mental case 10-72 Officer safety check 10-85 Victims condition
14 Disturbance 10-73 Are you OK? 10-85A Victim's condition fair
15 Domestic disturbance 10-97 Known offender 10-85B Victim's condition poor
16 Dog bite 10-98 Criminal history indicated 10-85C Victim's condition
17 Rabid dog critical
18 Animal ordinance violation Houston Fire Department 10-85D Victim's condition
19 Intoxicated person 10-8 In service at home possible fatal
20 Intoxicated person down 10-10 In service on radio 10-85E Victim's condition fatal
21 Intoxicated person in 10-12 On pager 10-86 Crime in progress
vehicle 10-15 Correct time 10-87 Abandoned vehicle
22 Intoxicated driver 10-16 Pick up prisoner or witness 10-88 Person with a gun
23 Fight 10-17 Hazmat team 10-91 Burglary
24 Gang fight 10-20 At Fire Alarm Building 10-92 Theft
25 Fire 10-24 Request arson investigator 10-93 Unnecessary use of radio
26 Report to hospital 10-30 Request Fire Prevention 10-94 Contact your residence
27 Injured person officer 10-95 At residence
28 Meet ambulance 10-33 Request police traffic 10-96 Mental case
29 See complainant control 10-98 Prison break
30 Parking violation 10-34 Obtain information
31 Traffic violation 10-35 Request photographer
32 Person with a gun 10-36 Request wrecker Ogden
33 Pick up prisoner 10-37 Request mechanic Expanded APCO codes except:
34 Prowler 10-38 Request relief crew 10-5 Vehicle accident
35 Prowler attempting to break 10-40 Request police for crowd 10-5F Vehicle accidentfatality
in control 10-5P Vehicle accidentdamage
36 Robbery 10-41 Request one police unit only
37 Shooting 10-42 Request two police units 10-5PI Vehicle accidentinjury
38 Suspicious person 10-43 Assist 10-10 On call
39 Suspicious vehicle 10-50 Deceased person 10-11 Transmitting too fast
40 Theft investigation 10-51 Request body car 10-12 Visitors present
41 Abandoned vehicle 10-52 Request Public Info officer 10-14 Unnecessary use of radio
42 Abandoned property 10-85 En route to hospital 10-15 Intoxicated driver
43 Coffee break 10-87 Arriving at hospital 10-16 Intoxicated person
44 Court 10-81 Fire Administration HQ 10-16W Intoxicated female
45 Canceled call 10-97 Arrived at scene 10-17 En route
46 Meal 10-98 Units on incident switch to 10-18 Vehicle speeding/racing
47 Escort F-9 10-25 Do you have contact with
48 Flat tire ____?
49 Garage Airport codes 10-30 Check for revocation
50 Information 1 Minor problem 10-34 Clear for APB
51 Investigation 2 Major problem 10-40 Homicide
52 Loose livestock 3 Aircraft crash 10-41 Assault w/deadly weapon
53 Malicious mischief A 1-20 souls on board 10-42 Robbery
54 Meet ____ B 21-75 souls on board 10-43 Rape
55 Missing person C 76-260 souls on board 10-44 Indecent exposure
56 Open door D More than 260 souls on 10-45 Burglary
57 Open window board 10-47 Disturbance
58 Radio repair 10-57 Juvenile problem
59 Out to HQ Signals 10-65 Permission to contact
60 Stolen car 1-7 Recall off-duty personnel 10-66 Permission to leave area
61 Other 2-11 Second alarm 10-70 Stolen vehicle
62 Unit secured 3-11 Third alarm 10-77 St. Benedicts Hospital
63 Back up officer 4-11 Fourth alarm 10-78 McKay-Dee Hospital
64 Citizen called for police 5-11 Fifth alarm 10-79 Request immediate
65 Vacation check assistance
66 Business check UTAH 10-80 Riot
67 Possible burglary in Statewide APCO 10-81 Meet ____
progress Same as Expanded APCO except as 10-85E Fatality
68 Robbery alarm follows: 10-86 Check abandoned vehicle
69 Radar detail 10-10 Negative 10-91 Prowler
70 Process crime scene 10-11 ____ on duty 10-96 Phone home
71 Accident on private 10-14 Information 10-97 Arrived at scene
property 10-15 Message delivered 10-98 Detail complete
72 Drag racing 10-16 Reply to message 10-99 End of shift
73 Interpreter 10-17 En route
74 Panic alarm 10-19 Contact____ Salt Lake County Sheriff
75 Tactical call-out 10-26 Estimated time of arrival Same as Expanded APCO Code except:
10-10 Negative 10-99M Misdemeanor want 500 Major disaster
10-11 ____ on duty
10-14 Information VERMONT Arlington County
10-15 Message delivered Same as APCO Expanded Codes, Same as Expanded APCO Codes,
10-16 Reply to message except: except:
10-17 En route 10-32 Units needed 10-13 Officer needs help
10-19 Contact____ 10-48 Traffic standard repair 10-26 On portable radio
10-26 Estimated time of arrival 10-84 Advise time of arrival 10-27 Go direct to ____
10-30 Use caution 10-30 Check for parking tickets
10-31 Pick up____ VIRGINIA 10-31 Suspicious persons
10-32 ____ Units requested Virginia State Police 10-64 Pick up order for station
10-33 Officer needs help 10-19 In contact 10-65 Meal time
10-43 Shuttle 10-40 Bomb threat 10-66 Phone residence ) no
10-47 Suspicious circumstances 10-41 Beginning tour of duty emergency
10-48 Disturbing the peace 10-42 Ending tour of duty 10-67 Non-emergency message at
10-49 Assault 10-43 Suspicious vehicle station
10-53 Deceased on arrival 10-44 Suspicious person 10-75 Out of service with papers
10-54 Traffic control 10-45 Stopping suspicious vehicle 10-85 Incident time and number
10-56 Traffic problem 10-46 Disabled vehicle 10-87 Advise impound number
10-58 Follow-up 10-47 Pursuit in progress 10-91 Bank check
10-59 Reckless driver 10-48 Wanted person 10-93 Security check
10-60 Traffic stop 10-49 Person with gun 10-97 Silent alarm
10-61 Vehicle inspection 10-50 Accident 10-98 Audible alarm
10-62 Stolen vehicle 10-51 Tow truck required
10-63 Car prowler/burglary 10-52 Ambulance required Chesapeake
10-64 Vandalism 10-53 Road blocked Same as Expanded APCO Codes,
10-65 Juvenile problem 10-54 Livestock on roadway except:
10-66 Stand by for broadcast 10-55 Intoxicated driver 10-100 Officer needs help
10-67 Make call 10-56 Intoxicated pedestrian
10-68 Runaway juvenile 10-57 Hit & run Dam Neck Fleet Training Center
10-69 Missing person 10-58 Direct traffic 10-8x Transporting female
10-70 Unnecessary use of radio 10-59 Fight 10-10 Out of service
10-71 Fight 10-81 Breathalyzer test 10-14 Escort
10-72 Indecent exposure 10-94 Drag racing 10-15 Pick up subject
10-73 Rape 10-96 Mental case 10-16 Subject in custody
10-74 Civil disturbance 10-17 Be on lookout for ____
10-75 Domestic problem Signals 10-19 Assignment complete
10-76 See complainant 2 Contact HQ via Teletype 10-30 Investigate complaint
10-77 Return to____ 13 Officer needs help 10-32 Moving violation
10-79 Stolen bicycle 13-I Trouble at ____ 10-35 Alarm at ____
10-81 Shoplifting 16 Working radar 10-36 Pursuit in progress
10-82 Prisoner in custody 17 Checking details 10-37 Have stopped at ____
10-83 Confidential information 18 Aircraft crash 10-38 Radio check
10-84 Visitors present 21 Give FCC identification
10-85 Victims condition 22 Give reception report Signals
10-86 Crime in progress 25 Turn on mobile relay 3-1 Report to HQ
10-87 Abandoned vehicle 26 Turn off mobile relay 9 Accident ) property damage
10-88 Person with a gun 31 Switch to surveillance 9-1 Accident ) injury
10-91 Burglary channel 9-2 Accident ) no injuries
10-92 Theft 52 Subject may attempt to 12 Investigate occupants
10-93 Armed robbery leave state 13 Patrolman needs help
10-94 Switch to channel____ 64 Riot 15 Disturbance
10-95 At residence 65 Report for riot duty 20 Fire
10-96 Mental case 66 Report for riot duty ) urgent 21 Aircraft crash
10-97 Shooting in area 22 Deceased person on beach
10-98 Check with Sheriff's Office Department of Transportation 23 Request ambulance
10-10 Pedestrian 24 Bomb threat
10-11 Respond to ____
10-12 Investigate and report at Fairfax County
Salt Lake Valley ____ 10-10 Out of service ) available
See: Valley Emergency 10-13 Escort 10-12 Visitors present
Communications Center 10-14 Entering tunnel 10-14 Escort or convoy
10-15 Exiting tunnel 10-15 Prisoner in custody
Valley Emergency Communications 10-16 Suspicious person 10-16 Leaving area
Center 10-17 Bridge lift 10-17 Warrant service
Same as Statewide APCO except: 10-18 Fire 10-18 Criminal record check
4 Officer secure 10-22 Medical problem 10-23 Minimum radio traffic
9-1 Officer needs help 10-23 Disabled vehicle 10-24 Available on portable radio
9-2 Request backup 10-24 Animal problem 10-25 Stakeout
9-7 Person with gun 10-25 Vehicle accident 10-26 Backup unit requested ) not
9-8 Mental case 10-26 Check location urgent
9-11 Deceased person 10-37 On assigned post 10-26I Backup unit
9-16 Intoxicated person 10-77 Radio check requested ) emergency
9-17 Robbery 10-100 Employee needs help 10-30 Wanted or stolen
9-21 Burglary 10-31 Stopping vehicle
10-7 Person with a gun Various Rescue Squads 10-32 Road check
10-10 At home Signals: 10-34 Negative
10-13 Shakedown 5 Unknown complaint 10-35 Radar setup
10-14 Stakeout 10 Injury from crime 10-36 Correct time
10-15 Prisoner in custody 15 No response 10-37 Operator name
10-33 Officer needs help 20 Transport 10-40 Off-duty unit
10-33A Psychiatric problem 25 Emergency 10-42 Out of service ) residence
10-33B Violent person 30 Heart attack/stroke 10-52 No units available
10-33C Person w/gun threatening 35 Diabetic stroke/coma 10-61 Possible Deceased person
10-33D Firefighter injured 40 Maternity/OB. case 10-65 Police assistance required
10-39 Respond with red lights & 45 Heat/cold exposure 10-97 Arrived on scene
siren 50 Deceased on arrival 10-98 Assignment complete
10-40 Respond immediatelyno 55 Burn 10-99 Assignment complete ) no
siren 60 Serious bleeding report
10-41 On duty 65 Internal bleeding 10-99V Parking violation ) no report
10-42 Off duty 70 Non-vehicle accident
10-45 Request backup 75 Epilepsy Signals
10-46 Confirm officer status 80 Overdose 1 Phone ____
10-49 Traffic stop 85 Snake bite 4 Meet complainant
10-50 Traffic accident 90 Difficult breathing 6D Intoxicated driver
10-55 Intoxicated driver 100 Search for missing person 6X Intoxicated pedestrian
10-99F Felony want 200 Search for drowned person 7 Larceny
7S Shoplifting 10-31 Felony 10-83 Disabled vehicle
9 Accident 10-32 Burglary 10-84 Traffic signal malfunction
9F Fatal accident 10-33 Prowler 10-85 Lost child
9I Accident with injury 10-34 Injury 10-86 Escaped prisoner
10 Ambulance 10-35 Fatality 10-87 Kidnaping
11 Hit & run 10-36 Correct time 10-88 Contact Chief's office
11F Hit & run ) fatality 10-89 Confidential information
11I Hit & run ) injury Signals 10-90 Personal break
12 Escaped prisoner 13 MP needs help 10-91 Request breathalyzer
13 Officer needs help 50 Alarm or armed robbery 10-92 Burglar alarm
13F Firefighter needs help 100 Request direct unit-to-unit 10-93 Robbery
13I Trouble at station 10-94 Mental case
15 Unlawful assembly Hampton 10-95 Arson
15F Fight 10-1 Phone HQ 10-96 Check tower lights
15R Riot 10-2 Location 10-97 Contact coroner
20 Traffic 10-3 Go to HQ 10-98 Request I.D. officer
21 Trespassing 10-5 Short break 10-99 Request taxi
22 Abandoned vehicle 10-6 Lunch
23 Alarm 10-9 Investigating vehicle & Hampton Roads Transit
24 Animal involvement occupants 10-2 Location
24D Dog bite 10-10 Intoxicated driver 10-10 Accident
25 Assault 10-11 Out of service at HQ 10-24 Correct time
25F Malicious wounding 10-12 Out of service at court 10-34 Short break
26 Bad check 10-13 Intoxicated person 10-40 Mechanical failure
27 Burglary 10-14 Suspicious person/vehicle 10-41 Farebox failure
27 Burglary ) safe 10-15 Armed person
27I Burglary in progress 10-16 Request vehicle license Newport News
28 Escort information Same as Expanded APCO Codes,
29 Domestic problem 10-17 Vehicle accidentno except:
30 Fire injuries 10-99 [Police] Wanted or stolen
30A Vehicle fire 10-18 Vehicle accidentinjuries [Fire] Deceased person
31 Firearms violation 10-19 Vehicle accidentfatal 8 Hazardous materials
32 Juvenile case 10-20 Request ambulance involved
34 Mental case 10-21 Request wrecker Green Water rescue
35 Missing person 10-22 Out of service Black SWAT team
36 Homicide 10-23 Hit & runno injuries
37 Open door or window 10-24 Hit & runinjuries Clearing Codes
38 Lost or found property 10-25 Hit & runfatal (spoken phonetically)
39 Prowler 10-26 Jail break A A Accidental activation
40 Robbery 10-27 Officer needs help A C Advised to comply
40I Robbery in progress 10-28 Disturbance A I Accident investigated
41 Service 10-29 Illegally parked vehicle A M Arrest made
42 Sex case 10-30 Prowler C C Call canceled
42E Indecent exposure 10-31 Speeding vehicle F A False alarm
42R Rape 10-32 Disorderly conduct F C False call
43 Kidnaping 10-33 Vandalism F I Field interview
44 Stolen vehicle 10-34 Out to HQ with prisoner I N Information
44R Recovered vehicle 10-35 On scene K H Key holder
45 Suicide 10-36 Warrant service N A No action
46A Suspicious vehicle 10-37 Meet complainant N D No disposition
46E Suspicious event 10-38 Fire N K No key holder
46F Suspicious fire 10-39 Meet officer N R Non-reportable
46P Suspicious person 10-40 Vehicle stop for traffic N S No service (of warrant)
46W Suspicious person with violation N V No violation
weapon 10-41 Repeat P G Pamphlet given (domestic
47 Vandalism 10-42 Correct time violence)
48 Handle warrant 10-43 Last assignment completed P T Parking ticket
49 Bomb threat 10-44 Remain in service R P Report pending
50 Loud party 10-45 Loud party R T Report taken
51 Telephone problem 10-46 Computer system down R S Released on summons
52 Disorderly conduct 10-47 Prisoner in custody S I Summons issued
53 Narcotics case 10-48 Radar assignment U F Unfounded
55 Unclassified 10-49 Escort U L Unable to locate
10-50 Stand by V T Vehicle towed
Fort Monroe Military Police 10-51 Information not on file W A Warrants advised
10-1 Emergency ) no radio traffic 10-52 Time call W G Warning given
10-2 Emergency ) assistance needed 10-53 Confidential assignment WR Weather related
10-3 Accident 10-54 Blood run
10-4 Wrecker requested 10-55 Emergency message Signals
10-5 Ambulance requested 10-56 Cancel 1 Rape
10-6 Civilian Police requested 10-57 Abandoned vehicle 2 Headquarters
10-7 Pick up prisoners 10-58 Phone ____ 3 [police] Report
10-8 Prisoner in custody 10-59 Larceny [fire] Detectives requested
10-9 Request police van 10-60 Breaking & entering 4 Uniformed officer requested
10-10 Escort 10-61 Stolen vehicle 6 Fire investigator requested
10-11 In service 10-62 Narcotics violation 8 In court
10-12 Out of service 10-63 Overdose 9 Problem with police vehicle
10-13 Repeat 10-64 Indecent exposure 10 Armed robbery
10-14 Location 10-65 Trespassing 11 Vehicle service or
10-15 Go to ____ 10-66 Bomb threat refueling
10-16 Phone ____ 10-67 Deceased person 12 Stolen vehicle
10-17 Go to station 10-68 Suicide 13 Officer or firefighter
10-18 Assignment complete 10-69 Homicide needs help
10-19 Do you have contact with 10-70 Juvenile involved 17 Check area
____ 10-71 Open door 18 Aircraft crash
10-20 Relay 10-72 Open window 20 Personal relief
10-21 Request desk record check 10-73 Drowning
10-22 Cancel 10-74 Runaway Special codes
10-23 Unlawful assembly 10-75 Out of service at jail Code black Tac team requested
10-24 Acknowledge 10-76 Out of service at garage File 41 Fatality
10-25 Fight 10-77 Out of service for fuel Hard Shell Parking citation
10-26 Unknown trouble 10-78 Flat tire
10-27 Animal involved 10-79 Accidentpolice vehicle Fire Department
10-28 Request information on involved 3 Detective requested
decal # 10-80 Dead animal 4 Police Requested
10-29 Traffic stop 10-81 Barking dog 6 Investigator requested
10-30 Fire 10-82 Street sign down 13 Firefighter needs help
C ode 8 10-25 Police dispatched 10-48H Hit & run
Hazardous materials 10-26 Person in building 10-48I Accident with injury
Code green Water emergency 10-27 Civilian injured 10-54A Burglary alarm
10-99 Deceased on arrival 10-28 Firefighter injured 10-54O Burglary report
10-56 Larceny
10-29 Vehicle fire 10-57 Property destruction
Norfolk 10-30 Vehicle accident 10-58 Trespassing
Signals 10-31 Person trapped in vehicle 10-59 Building check
2 Assist 10-33 Accident 10-60 Fire
3 Request assistance 10-34 Accident ) firefighter 10-65M Missing juvenile
4 Acknowledgment involved 10-65R Runaway juvenile
5 See complainant 10-35 Accident ) civilian involved 10-66 Aiding delinquency of a
6 Officer not acknowledging 10-36 Correct time minor
7 Out of service 10-37 Smoke visible 10-67 Child abuse
10-67N Child neglect
8 In service 10-38 Lay line in 10-67S Sexual abuse of child
9 Arrived at scene 10-39 Lay line out 10-68B Sexual battery
10 Cancel 10-41 Repeat address 10-68E Indecent exposure
11 Officer involved 10-42 Address received 10-68R Rape
12 General broadcast 10-43 Did you receive? 10-75A Suspicious vehicle
13 Utility defect 10-45 Correct address 10-75P Suspicious person
14 Request services 10-46 Request sprinkler 10-75S Suspicious circumstances
15 Prisoner in custody 10-47 Apparatus down 10-76 Missing person
16 Confirmed want 10-49 Delayed 10-77 Prowler
10-80 Narcotics or vice problem
17 Possible want 10-50 Standby in service 10-81 Bomb threat
18 Subject with communicable 10-51 Request electrician 10-82C Bad check
disease 10-52 Request fire alarm 10-82M Counterfeit
19A Report to VA Beach & electrician 10-82P Counterfeit prescriptions
Tidewater 10-53 Request Fire Chief 10-83 Selling without permit
19B Report to Granby & 21st 10-54 Request Deputy Chief 10-84 Legal process
19C Report to Thole & Granby 10-55 Bomb threat 10-85 Utility problem
19D Report to Tidewater & Thole 10-56 Unruly crowd 10-86F Found property
19E Report to Southern Shopping 10-57 Grass or trash fire 10-86L Lost property
10-87 Directed patrol
Ctr. 10-58 Request fire 10-88 Community relations
19F Report to Military & E 10-60 Open front door 10-89A Animal at large
Little creek 10-61 Open read door 10-89B Animal bite
19G Report to Willowood & 10-67 Radio test 10-89I Injured animal
Granby 10-69 Fire alarm circuit out of 10-89T Animal trap
19H Report to Lafayette & service 10-90 SWAT operation
Tidewater 10-70 Request photographer 10-90T SWAT training
20 Location 10-71 Request Fire Inspector
21 Phone _____ 10-72 Request Duty Officer Prince William County
Same as Expanded APCO except as
22 Computer check ) person 10-77 Person overboard follows:
23 Computer check ) vehicle 10-78 Body in water P Incident in progress
24 Computer check ) property 10-11 Warrant service
25 Radio check Portsmouth 10-15 Found property
26 Radio check ) OK 10-1 Officer needs help 10-26 Kidnaping
27 Radio check ) poor 10-2 In service 10-35 Bad check
28 Stand by 10-3 Out of service 10-39 Phone call complaint
29 Weapon involved 10-5 Secure from tour of duty 10-40 Drug related incident
30 Request city wrecker 10-6 Officer needs assistance 10-40A Alcohol related incident
10-43 Using portable radio
31 Request contract wrecker 10-7 Vehicle being serviced 10-44 Indecent exposure
32 Request police wrecker 10-8A Alternate channel 10-47 Vandalism
33 Owner requests wrecker 10-8C Phone ____ 10-48 Shoplifter in custody
34 Recall 10-8R Report to ____ 10-50I Accident w/injury
35 Switch to subfleet ___ 10-9 Location 10-50F Accident w/fatality
36 Correct time 10-10 Meet officer 10-57I Hit & run w/injury
37 Request supervisor 10-11 Officer safety check 10-57F Hit & run w/fatality
38 Violent subject 10-12 Arriving at scene 10-61 Shooting into dwelling
39 Suicidal subject 10-13 Clear the air 10-62 Residential burglary
10-14 Officer in court 10-61A Attempt burglary
40 Terminally ill subject 10-62B Commercial burglary
41 Special call-in 10-15 Notification
10-16 Send additional units 10-62D Open door or window
42 Activate trench rescue 10-65 Unconscious person
10-17C Transport complainant
43 No smoke or flames visible 10-17D Transport personnel 10-66 Assault
44 Smoke visible 10-17P Transport prisoner 10-67 Deceased person
45 Flames visible 10-20 See complainant 10-67H Homicide
46 Flames visible 10-21D Intoxicated person 10-67N Natural death
47 Fully involved 10-21L Loud noise 10-67S Suicide
48 Request additional fire 10-21O Disorderly person 10-68 Firearms violation
10-22 Crowd 10-69 Disorderly conduct
units 10-71 Parking violation
49 Dispatch second alarm 10-23 Assault
10-23F Felonious assault 10-71T Traffic obstruction
50 Dispatch third alarm 10-72A Animal complaint
10-24A Domestic assault
51 Burn victim 10-24D Domestic problem 10-72B Animal bite
52 Smoke inhalation victim 10-25 Robbery 10-72C Cruelty to animal
53 Fire fatality 10-25A Robbery Alarm 10-72D Barking dog
54 Activate Hazmat response 10-25O Robbery report 10-72L Loose animal
55 Declare Hazmat phase ___ 10-26 Person with a gun 10-72R Animal regulation violation
56 Odor of gas 10-27 Barricaded person 10-72T Transport animal
10-28 Shots fired 10-72W Game Warden incident
57 Odor of smoke 10-73 Jail incident
98 Emergency ) stand by 10-29H Hostage situation
10-29K Kidnaping 10-75 Suspicious person
99 Officer needs help 10-78 Barricaded person
10-30J Jail break
10-30P Escaped prisoner 10-79 Hostage situation
Norfolk Naval Base Fire Dept 10-31I Injured person 10-80 Vehicle theft
10-1 Alarm 10-31M Mental case 10-80I Impounded vehicle
10-2 Added engine 10-32 Deceased person 10-80R Recovered vehicle
10-3 Added ladder 10-32D Drowning 10-80T Tampering with vehicle
10-5 False alarm 10-32H Homicide 10-80U Unauthorized use of vehicle
10-32S Suicide 10-81 Prisoner in custody
10-6 Out of service 10-81E Escaped arrestee
10-9 On scene 10-40 Traffic stop
10-41 Driver's license check 10-82 Armed robbery
10-10 Secure 10-82S Strong-arm robbery
10-42 Full record check
10-12 Inhalator 10-43 Direct traffic 10-83 Visitor present
10-13 Police investigate 10-44 Escort 10-84 Missing adult
10-14 Escort 10-45 Parking violation 10-84C Child abuse
10-15 Second alarm 10-46 Disabled vehicle 10-84J Missing juvenile
10-16 Third alarm 10-47 Reckless driving 10-85 Trespassing
10-17 Fire out 10-47D Intoxicated driver 10-86 Radar detail
10-48 Accident 10-87 Loitering
10-18 Courtesy 10-89 Larceny
10-22 Request police 10-48C Accident ) city property
involved 10-90F False alarm
10-23 Request ambulance 10-91 Abandoned vehicle
10-48F Accident ) fatal
10-92 Rape 60 Arson 292 Person with a weapon
10-93 Loud party 61 False alarm 311 Assist Federal agency
10-95 Bomb threat 62 Person down 312 Assist State agency
10-96 Mental case 63 Laying hose 313 Assist County agency
10-97 Transmit FCC call sign 64 Traffic control 314 Assist City agency
10-100 SWAT team activation 69 Abandoned vehicle 330 Casualty
10-101 Animal in trap 70 Parking complaint 341 Navigational hazard
10-102 Throwing missiles 71 Hold vehicle for finger 342 Water emergency
10-105 Unknown trouble prints 350 Hazard
10-109 Pursuit 72 Stolen vehicle 361 Found person
10-110 Other ) priority 3 77 Narcotics activity 362 Lost person
10-111 Other ) priority 1 78 Overdose 363 Missing person
10-115 Service request 81 Animal complaint 364 Runaway
10-120 Supplemental report 82 Illegal dumping 365 Military A.W.O.L.
10-121 Police information report 88 Break 371 Missing property
10-200 Presidential emergency 99 Records indicate wanted 372 Found property
10-300 Aircraft crash 100 Stolen/hit & run 390 Assist citizen
333 Officer needs help 415 Blocking traffic
430 Accident investigation
Signal Seattle 440 Assist motorist
13 Officer needs help M.I.R. Codes: 450 Driving while intoxicated
10 Homicide 460 Moving violation
Virginia Beach 20 Rape Unknown suspect 465 Pedestrian violation
Signal 13: Officer needs help 21 Rape Known suspect 470 Parking violation
10 Lunch 30 Armed robbery 481 Traffic control
11 Personal 31 Mugging/purse snatch 482 Pursuit
12 Coffee break 40 Assault 510 Officer needs help
20 Traffic 41 Threats 520 Officer needs assistance
21 Assist citizen 42 Telephone threats 908 Reports
30 Court 43 Assault w/firearms 909 Meet supervisor
31 Radar assignment 49 Gang assault 910 Station duty
32 Supervisor on scene 50 Residential burglary 911 Community service
33 Road block assignment victim out 912 Court
40 Assist officer 51 Residential burglary 913 Hospital guard
41 Commercial business check victim home 914 Prisoner escort
50 Directed patrol 52 Commercial burglary 915 Escort
60 Investigation 54 Burglary unoccupied 917 Stakeout
65 Follow-up building 919 Footbeat
70 Mail or property transfer 61 Theft from auto 920 In-service training
71 Prisoner in custody 62 Bicycle theft 921 Transport
72 Warrant or court papers 63 Car prowler 922 Assigned detail
73 Vehicle maintenance 64 Shoplifter 924 Kingdome event
80 Training 65 Theft 925 Seattle Center event
81 Special assignment 80 Domestic threat 926 Hostage situation
90 Headquarters 81 Domestic disturbance 930 Out at precinct
91 Refueling 82 Domestic violence 931 Meal
10-18 Speak more slowly 83 Domestic violence w/arrest 932 Coffee break
10-19 Disregard 84 Keep domestic peace 933 Vehicle maintenance
10-35 Switch frequency 85 Serve court order 934 Out of vehicle
10-36 Correct time 86 Assist victim by court order 935 No reply to call
10-97 Arrived at scene 87 Enforce court order 940 Out at range
10-98 Assignment complete 90 Explosion 950 Out of service
91 Arson
WASHINGTON 92 Reckless burning Disposition Codes:
Kitsap County Agencies 100 Fraud A Arrest made
1 In service 101 Forgery B Criminal citation issued
2 Out of service 110 Kidnaping C No arrest no report
3 At station 111 Custody problem D Evidence submitted
4 Report to station 121 Gambling E No arrest report
5 Emergency ) use siren & 122 Illegal liquor sale H Follow-up report
flashers 124 Pornography I Non-criminal citation
6 Domestic disturbance 125 Prostitution K Report
7 Vandalism 126 Other vice problem L Service of order
8 Dog complaint 130 Property damage M Unfounded
9 Assault 131 Vandalism N Non-criminal referral
10 Accident 139 Gang graffiti O Warning given
11 Accident ) injury 141 Lewd conduct P Public order restored
12 Intoxicated person 142 Molestation Q Unable to locate
13 Driving under influence 150 Child abandoned or abused R No police action required
14 Outsiders may be listening 160 Prowler S No such address
15 Any messages? 161 Trespassing T Provided transportation
16 Road block 170 Misc. misdemeanor U Provided assistance
17 Stand by for message 174 Intoxicated minor V Canceled by radio
18 Pick up____ 176 Intoxicated person X Extra unit
19 Back up unit 179 Drive-by shooting no
20 Phone ____ injury WEST VIRGINIA
22 On portable radio 181 Narcotic report West Virginia State Police
23 Meet this unit 182 Narcotic warrant 1 Phone the station
24 Pick up partner 183 Found narcotics 2 Go to ____
25 Your location? 184 Narcotics violation 3 Phone company HQ
26 No other unit in service 185 Overdose 4 Go to Company HQ
27 Escort 191 Felony warrant service 5 Officer needs help
28 Mental case 192 Misdemeanor warrant service 6 Accident
29 Chronic complainant 211 False bank alarm 6A Accident with injuries
30 Bomb threat 212 False commercial alarm 6B Accident ) fatal
31 Crime in progress 213 False fire alarm 7 Hit & run
32 Request ambulance 214 False residential alarm 7A Hit & run with injuries
33 Request wrecker 217 False school alarm 7B Hit & run ) fatal
34 Request coroner 218 False alarm 8 Traffic congestion
35 Major crime alert 220 Mental case 9 Intoxicated driver
36 Emergencystand by 221 Transport mental case 10 Intoxicated citizen
41 Check for stolen 242 Fight 11 Traffic obstruction
42 Traffic stop 243 Juvenile disturbance 12 Fight
43 Drivers license check 244 Noise 12A Fight with knives
44 Vehicle registration check 245 Disturbance 12B Fight with gun
44 Driver's license check 249 Gang disturbance 13 Robbery
45 Wants/warrants check 250 Mischief or nuisance 13A Armed robbery
46 Local vehicle/person check 260 Injured, dead or dangerous 14 Stolen vehicle
47 Foot patrol animal 15 Auto strippers
51 Fire 261 Animal problem 16 Breaking & entering
52 Drowning 271 Check premises 16A B & E ) suspect on premises
53 Suicide 273 Check business licenses 16B Breaking in
54 Homicide 274 Check business 16C Larceny
55 Rape 275 Crime prevention detail 16E Burglary
56 Armed robbery 280 Suspicious person 17 Suspicious person
57 Prowler 281 Suspicious vehicle 18 Homicide
58 Suspicious circumstances 282 Suspicious circumstances 19 Suspicious vehicle
59 Gun involved 291 Person with a gun 20 See complainant
21 Suicide 10-40 [Police] No siren or 230 Larceny
22 Drowned person flashers 235 Liquor violation
22A Drowning person 10-40 [Fire] Ready for another 245 Delinquent minor
23 Transporting illegal liquor call? 250 Minor in possession of
24 Cock fighting 10-44 Message received alcohol
25 Gambling 10-45 Car change 260 Narcotics violation
26 Vandalism 10-46 Crew change 265 Obscene communications
27 Disorderly conduct 10-47 Car wash 300 Possession of stolen
28 Disturbing public worship 10-48 School crossing property
29 Escaped prisoner 10-49 Hourly report mark 305 Receiving stolen property
30 Jail break 10-50 Accident 310 Prostitution
31 Indecent exposure 10-51 Request wrecker 311 Rape
32 Illegal discharge of 10-52 Request ambulance 315 Reckless driving
firearms 10-53 Request police 317 Resisting arrest
33 Trespassing 10-55 Intoxicated driver 320 Robbery
34 Kidnaping 10-59 Convoy or escort 325 Sexual assault
35 Riot 10-63 Switch to channel 3 330 Sex offense
36 Vehicle tampering 10-64 Switch to channel 4 332 Theft from vehicle
37 Stabbing 10-65 Switch to channel 5 335 Trespassing
38 Kidnaping 10-66 Switch to channel 6 340 Vandalism
39 Bad check 10-67 Switch to channel 7 345 Vice incident
40 Counterfeiter 10-68 Switch to channel 8 350 Weapons violation
41 Arson 10-70 Fire and/or heavy smoke 385 Other felony
42 Rape showing 390 Other high misdemeanor
43 Fraud 10-74 Request rescue squad 395 Other misdemeanor
44 Felonious assault 10-75 Address verification 399 Other traffic violation
45 Bank robbery 10-76 False alarm 401 Abandoned vehicle
46 Payroll robbery 10-78 Investigating cause of 405 Accident ) property damage
47 Forgery alarm 415 Alarm
48 Impersonating an officer 10-79 Report progress of fire 420 Animal control complaint
49 Sodomy 10-81 Rewind box 425 Assist other agency
50 Transporting stolen goods 10-83 Give report/description 430 Assist citizen
51 Concealing stolen goods 10-86 Plant job 431 Welfare check
52 Hawker or peddler 10-89 Request radio repair 432 Assist Gillette PD
53 Adultery 10-91 Speak louder 435 Assist motorist
54 Gambling 10-92 Speak less loudly 436 Assist Game & Fish Dept.
55 Fugitive 10-93 Frequency check 437 Assist Highway Patrol
56 Reckless driving 10-94 Give radio test 440 Attempt to locate
57 Game law violation 10-99 [Police] Want or stolen 441 Bar incident
57A Carrying uncased gun indicated 444 Civil matter
57B Hunting out of season 10-99 [Fire] Person deceased 457 Curfew violation
57C Dynamiting for fish 460 Deceased person
58 Carrying concealed weapon Priority 465 Deliver message
59 Interview witness 1 Respond with lights and 466 Destruction of property
60 Escort funeral flashers 467 Domestic dispute
60A Direct traffic at funeral 2 Respond as quickly as 469 Drug information
61 Missing person possible 470 Escort detail
62 Mine explosion 3 Normal response 471 Explosive
63 Parking without lights 4 Lowest priority call 475 Family fight
64 Prostitution 476 Game & Fish
65 Gypsies Disposition codes: 477 Gun call
66 Mann Act violation C-1 Arrest 501 Information item
67 Short change swindle C-2 Arrest of juvenile 505 Intoxicated person
68 Noisy radio C-3 Pending 515 Runaway
69 Meet complainant C-4 CIB disposition 516 Labor dispute
70 Fire C-5 CIB followup 517 Livestock
72 Go to Department HQ C-6 No prosecution 520 Noise complaint
73 Meet officer C-7 Emergency detention 525 Mental case
74 Vehicle fire C-8 Filed (other) 530 Missing person
75 Forest fire C-9 Unfounded 535 Open door or window
76 Phone District HQ C-10 Advised 537 Potential hazard
77 Go to District HQ C-11 State citation issued 540 Prisoner incident
101 Subversive activity C-12 City citation issued 545 Prisoner transport
10-7A Contract assignment C-13 Followup 550 Found property
complete C-14 Ordered to appear 555 Lost Property
10-8A En route to contract C-15 Unable to locate 565 Suicide
assignment complainant 569 Suspicious circumstances
10-14A Message delivered C-18 Assignment completed 570 Suspicious person
10-14B Death notification C-19 False alarm 580 Traffic citation
delivered 600 Traffic complaint
10-15 In custody 605 Traffic stop
10-35 Individual wanted WYOMING 610 Unwanted person
10-41 Beginning tour of duty 105 Animal control violation 615 Vehicle impound
10-41A Beginning contract tour of 107 Arrest and hold for other 617 Vehicle registration check
duty agency 619 Warning written
10-42 Ending tour of duty 110 Arson 620 Warrant service
10-42A Ending contract tour of 115 Assault 625 Outstanding warrant
duty 120 Vehicle theft 699 Other incident
10-88 Advise public service 125 Brandishing weapon 703 Backup
number 130 Disturbing the peace 705 Breathalyzer operation
140 Burglary 710 Follow-up
WISCONSIN 142 Child abuse or neglect 730 Crime prevention detail
Expanded APCO Codes 143 Child molesting 733 Equipment
144 Property destruction 735 Field Interrogation
Milwaukee Police & Fire 145 Intoxicated driver 737 General investigation
10-12 Visitors present 152 Intoxicated person 740 Lunch
10-16 Pick up ____ 152 Avoiding arrest 742 End of watch
10-17 Urgent ) rush 156 Interfering with an officer 745 Personal business
10-18 Any messages? 165 Escape 750 Report preparation
10-19 No messages 174 False report 760 Roll call
10-22 Go to ____ 175 Forgery or counterfeit 765 Security check
10-25 Disregard last message 180 Bad check 766 Animal control patrol check
10-26 Holding subject 205 Gambling 770 Service vehicle
10-30 Unauthorized use of radio 210 Fish & Game violation 771 Training
10-33 Traffic control needed 216 Hit & run 773 Verbal warning
10-34 Officer needs help 220 Homicide 797 Status check
10-36 Correct time 225 Kidnaping 799 Other down time

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