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Managing Human Resources Task 1+2

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Managing Human


Student name: Elena Stefania

Task 1

1.1 Explain Guests model of HRM

Explanation of Guests Model (David Guest's (1989, 1997)

David Guest introduces a HRM model which described six dimensions of analysis such as:

HRM Strategy,
HRM Practices,
HRM Outcomes,
Behaviour Outcome,
Performance Outcome
Financial Outcomes

The main message deliver through Guests Model is HRM practices should be designed for
high quality employees with a great flexibility and commitment for the organisation. The
main outlook of this Guests Model is to describe that HRM is highly different from
traditional personal management and it is rooted from strategic management. On the other
hand this model believes that fundamental elements of the HRM approach have direct impact
with final value of business (David Guest's (1989)
Figure 1- Main Elements of Guest HRM Model




HRM outcomes




















Reduction Of



Job Design

Less Conflicts


Statues And

Source- (David Guest, 1989)

Application of Guest HRM Model to Primark :


Primark has HRM changes which focus on improvement of Innovation, Quality of the
garments and Cost Reduction of garments and fashion items to seek the efficiency. Primark is
targeting to maximise their output and working effectiveness.


Primark has focus on HRM practices to in different sections, these HRM practices are
focusing on manage and lead people. these strategies practicing though out their HR
functions including recruitment and selection, training, design the rewards, identify and job
enrichment and enlargement...etc.As an example selection of employees for Primark has gone
through rough selection process with application checking (Primark, 2013).


Primark has focus on HRM outcomes. Primark HRM practices should be designed for high
quality employees with a great flexibility and commitment for the organisation As results
high committed and inspired staff, high flexible staff who can work at any point in the sales
or operations in retail sector.(Primark, 2013).


Best Quality HRM Outcomes Will Deliver Expected Behaviour Outcome to the Primark such
as motivated employees ,well Co-operation form the employees for day to day operations at

Primark as well as finally those Behaviour Outcome

will lead to good Organisational

Citizenship to the sociality .Therefore, as indicated motivated, higher flexibility will reflect
the Primark staff. Primark has populated as a learning organisation since their attention for
development and training of employee.(Primark, 2013).


By practices of effective HRM practices will lead to generate the effective Performance
Outcome to Primark such as Greater Quality of products, Productivity of employees
,Reduction Of Absenteeism by the employees Less Conflicts among the employees of the
Primark. For example employees fear for losing their job if they did not working on
compliance with HRM practices (Primark, 2013).


These all features at the end help to build Primark as a cost leader since they can manage
their flexible staff as required. And finally, Primark can obtain higher return on investment

Guest model provide hard- soft concepts. Hard HRM is implying that quantitative and
calculative business strategic position for human resources managing while soft HRM is
associated with human relation movement and use of talents for individuals. Storney has
differentiated between hard and soft forms of human resources management where hard form
indicate the cost incurred by the human resources management while soft indicates the
stresses of human aspect of HRM (Atkinson and Meager, 1986).
HR polices can be identified as tight and loose where it indicates the difference between
system based compliance and system based commitment. If the Primarks workers are
working due to compliances are turning to negative respondents for them. For example
employees fear for losing their jobsetc (Primark, 2013). Commitments are self motivated
facts where one can believe that one is doing right thing to do.

With over 700, 000 staff, Primark is a global operator and they are appropriating for
multinational HRM strategies to cope with international demand. Primark is targeting

to maximise their output and working effectiveness. These strategies are focusing on
manage and lead people. These strategies practicing though out their HR functions
including recruitment and selection, training, design the rewards, identify and job
enrichment and enlargement...etc. As results high committed and inspired staff, high
flexible staff who can work at any point in the sales or operations in retail sector.
Therefore, as indicated motivated, higher flexibility will reflect the Primark staff.
Primark has populated as a learning organisation since their attention for development
and training of employees. These all features at the end help to build Primark as a cost
leader since they can manage their flexible staff as required. And finally, they can
obtain higher return on investment (ROI)
Guest model provide hard- soft concepts. Hard HRM is implying that quantitative and
calculative business strategic position for human resources managing while soft HRM is
associated with human relation movement and use of talents for individuals. Storney
has differentiated between hard and soft forms of human resources management where
hard form indicate the cost incurred by the human resources management while soft
indicates the stresses of human aspect of HRM (Atkinson and Meager, 1986).
HR polices can be identified as tight and loose where it indicates the difference between
system based compliance and system based commitment. If the Primarks workers are
working due to compliances are turning to negative respondents for them. For example
employees fear for losing their jobsetc (Primark, 2013). Commitments are self
motivated facts where one can believe that one is doing right thing to do.

1.2 Compare the difference between Storey's definition of Human Resource

Management, personnel and industrial Relations IR) practices

There are differences for HRM, personal management (PM) and industrial relations
(IR) activities (Boxall and Purcell, 2003). There are many of different views and
contradictions about these several aspects by different scholars. Stores view for the
human resource management is a new managerial discipline where it indicates different
aspects for PM and IR from human resources management. The main objectives behind
separation of these aspects as PM and IR are to serve the objectives for employer. This
seeks to gain the commitment of employees and aim to satisfy those requirements for
stakeholder (Atkinson and Meager, 1986).
According to Stores view, personal management indicate of job analysis, planning the
employees needs, selecting people for job, manage to train and right salary and
communicate all the employees for organisation.
Normally personal and IR contracts of employees by writing with descriptions but
HRM is more than a physical contract. Personal management mainly deals with
regulations as well as IR but HRM maintain can- do outlook apart from rules. Conflicts
for PM are institutionalised but HRM is de-emphasised. PM and IR decisions are taken
very slowly but HRM can take those decisions in a quicker manner. Also the relations of
PM make their key relations with labour management but HRM evaluates via
customers. Also PM and IR involves with transactional management for make better
results but HR with transformational leadership. HRM is mostly a common in nature
but IR and PM are emphasised on the customized intentions(Sims, 2002). Therefore,
according to Stores view about HRM, PM and IR indicate that there are separate
management disciplines corporate with these three aspects and Primark should identify
the differences of these aspects.

1.2 Assess the implications for line managers and employees of developing a strategic
approach to HRM

The role of line manager is building on the achievement of business or organisational

objectives. Line manager maintains or organises the organisational activities (Ronald et
al, 2005). From the perspective of HR activities at Primark, there is a manager for
human resources and he/she cant go beyond Primarks goals and objectives when
performing the activities. In the operational activities at Primark, line managers should
aware about number of workers work, which section (Gents, ladies or childrenetc)
are busier and which section need more attention. Therefore, general awareness about
the human resources management needs to employ by Primarks line managers to
successful operations (Ronald et al, 2005).
Globalisation has become more competitive between countries and organisation are
looking to take the competitive advantage via different sort of phenomenon (Reilly,
2001). The workforce or employees are major element to make the competitive
advantage for companies and organisations are developing strategic approach for
HRM. That is why organisations are now looking at strategic HRM rather than
HRM.Thestratergic approach for HRM is a logical approach for the management of
people and it integrates the organisational goals with, actions as tactical or integrates
the organisational goals and policies. The all the functions around the human resource
management, therefore, consider for strategic nature while employee recruitment,
selection, rewards or performance appraisal has become strategic nature to acquire the
competitive advantages (Reilly, 2001).

Task 2

2.1 Explain how a model of flexibility is applied to Primark (Handys Shamrock


Growth of the production market, higher competition, and globalisation, use of

technology and cost of labour resulted in requirement for flexible working practices. It
can apply the Charles Handys Shamrock organisation model for Primark to access its
flexibility (Ronald et al, 2005).
This is a model where core workers of organisation are supported by outside
contractors and part time helpers. According to Shamrock organisational structure
there are three different parts and first part of the leaf demonstrates the core staff of
Figure 1: Charles Handys Shamrock organisation model

Source: Ronald et al, (2005).

Advantages and disadvantages Charles Handys Shamrock organisation model

These are highly trained and professional who come from senior management or
executive level of the organisation. Second leaf indicates the sub contractors, contingent
workforce or contractual fringe. Here, workers are not in a permanent manner instead
seasonal. Employees who have worked for the organisation can be identified as
contingent workforce. Third leaf represents the self- employed professionals or
technicians who hired on contract and project by project basis. They are paid in fees
rather than salary for time (Ronald et al, 2005).
From the aspects of Primark business, they are maintaining these three aspects as
well. The senior management and executive level of employees are locked to Primark
with high standard salaries and benefits and they are the core workers for Primark.
There are rare occupations these sorts of employees are resigning or got fired (Primark,
2013). These employees are direct the lower level of employees and help to create
strategies. For example John Lyttle, Chief Operating Officer, BreegeO'Donoghue, HR, PR
& Advertising Director can be identified. Also Primark has identified when they have a
higher demand in yearly or weekly basis and hire part time contingent staff according
to fill such gaps. November and December are the time period they are seeking part

time employees due to seasonal sales. Primark also outsource several professional
services including part of finance, marketing, operationetc. These are the self
employed professionals for Primark. After analysing all these factors, it can be
identified that Primark as a highly flexible business operate in the industry (Ronald et
al, 2005).
2.2 Discuss types of flexibility

It is difficult to described flexibility by narrow down it for employing of part time

workers. There are different sort of flexibility apply to organisations as such as (Sims,

Numerical Flexibility
Locational Flexibility
Functional Flexibility

Functional flexibility can be simply defined as the ability of an organization to move

employees to other duties or responsibilities within the company (Ronald et al, 2005).In
Addition to that functional flexibility also explained as organizations ability to adapt to
altering or changing circumstances when it requires in various functions such as
operations, training functions, HRM activities etc.Here, employees have more benefits
including learning new things, handle different sorts of machines and techniques with
other components are highlighting.
Numerical flexibility is referred to employing workers on temporary basis or fixed term
contract with hiring and firing. This is related to the external market workers(Sims,
2002). This will make benefits for the employers including cost advantages since only
seasonal factors are considered to hire the workers. Employees only hired if they are
needed and there is a demand for product or services they are offering. Short sighted
people like students can be more opportunity with this nature of flexibility.
Location flexibility refers to transfer the employees for different activities and task in
different locations in the organisation (Sims, 2002).Employees should adapt to different
working environment with location flexibility and their confidence will boost. Employer
has cost advantage mostly through this flexibility.

To ensure Primark location flexibility of the employees, they are providing a top class
training upfront (Primark, 2013). This ensures that employees are working in different
locations and places throughout their employment. For example, operational support
employees are employed as customer assistance workers according to seasonal sales of
Primarks shops (Primark, 2013).
2.3 Assess the use of flexible working practices from both employee and employer
There are different implications or consequences available from the flexible working
practices from both employees and employer perspectives (Ronald et al, 2005).
Flexible Working Practices can be simply defined as the adjusting organization ability
to changing working hours for the internal organisation workers with flexible working
hours.From the employees perspective flexible working hours make them healthy
where they can take their leaves comfortably and less stress. This will also effective in
time management and take more working exposure where working with different
aspects or sections in organisations. Such exposure is definite advantage to ensure the
development of their career (Sims, 2002).Disadvantages include in flexible working
practices contain of employees are getting downsize salary if he get few working hours
and it may de- motivate the employees. Also this may separation from one and other
employees and employees may feel isolation. Employees might difficult to specialise for
a specific area (Sims, 2002).
From the employers perspective main advantage can derive through flexible working
practices include of cost benefit. Rather use of employees in seasonal basis enables them
to save the cost (Sims, 2002). Also it is easy to employed vacant positions rather waiting
from external working employees. But here, as indicates above frustration of the
employees may lead to de- motivate and less productivity can appear.
Working from Home
One of main trend in Flexible Working Practices is working from Home that is it allows
the employees to work in their home on full time basis or part time basis. There are
various advantages in working from Home, Working from Home will assure the grater
Flexible Working Practices and increased productivity as well as it will increase the
greater staff motivation(Ronald et al, 2005).

Contract for Employee and Employer

There is different type of contract agreement between employee and employer which
relevant to terms and conditions employment. It can be implied and explicit or written
or collective agreements. Based on the contact Employers' responsibilities are vary such
as different contract such as full-time, part-time, fixed term have deferent
responsibilities which allow Flexible Working Practices to employees (Ronald et al,
PART-TIME for employee and employer
One of main tendency in Flexible Working Practices is working on part-time. Working
on part-time will assure the grater Flexible Working Practices and increased
productivity in terms of employers as well as it will increase the greater staff motivation
in terms of employee. In working part time basis employees work less than 40 hours a
week, and maybe even just five or 10 hours will assure the grater Flexible Working
Practices(Reilly, 2001)
CASUAL for Employee and Employer
A casual employee can change to full-time or part-time employment and normally
casual employee .one of main advantage of casual employee are they Does not
guaranteed hours of work and casual employee usually works irregular hours which
will have high Flexible Working Practices, can end employment without notice .one of
main disadvantage of casual employee are doesn't get paid sick or annual leave (Reilly,

2.4 Discuss the impacts that changes in UK labour market for flexible working practices

One of main fact that needs to talk about the Impacts of changes in UK labour market is
Immigration and benefit cut. Immigration can be simply defined as the movement of
people into another country. In current UK market condition, immigration has become
major problem due to large number of illegal immigrant and opens the gates for EU
citizens to Britain. Even in the non European countries, the structure of labour market

has changed and it is also being empowered with additional government power, welfare
benefit cut. (The Guardian, 2013) .Due to large number of immigration from EU
countries, UK government has to cut down the benefit systems. Most of migrants
claiming in-work welfare payments, such as child benefit, housing benefit and tax
credits, had not been factored in to the government's calculations
Zero hour contracts provide the provisions for create the On call arrangement
between employer and employees. Employment Rights Act 1996, National minimum
wage act 1998 and Working time regulations 1998 can be identified as applied to flexible
working practices in UK (The Guardian, 2013). But in 2011, Zero contract prevented
many parts of the UK including hotel, health and education.
The statistics have been shown that 1.4 million of workers work in zero based contracts
and some of the cases under reported due to lack of knowledge for classified them as
zero hour based employees. Also it has found that Northwest England has prevented the
zero hour contracts. Also young and agricultural related employees force to reject these
contracts (The Guardian, 2013).
Workers subjected to zero hour contracts are denied works at any time for any reason
including declining to respond to a demand to work. Most of the employees are having
doubts about the zero based contract where they have negative attitude about such
contracts since it increases the life pressure on employees.The effect of changes in
labour market has allowed for Primark to changes their practices and arrange
workforce flexible and make people work on Zero based contracts. This has greatly
impacted on how people allocate on working hours.

Task 3

3.1. Explain the form of discrimination that can take place in the workplace
ILO has defined that discrimination in workplace can be happened because of the
differences in individual background, race, age, gender and characteristics which
impede equal opportunity at work (Mishael 2012). If this kind of discrimination in
workplace takes place, human development process is constrained, humiliation,

violations take place and as a result the motivation and standard of the workers get lost.
Thus the firm falls in deep trouble failing to achieve its HRM goal and organizational
Discrimination of gender: Women face negligence in workplace compared to their male
counterparts who enjoy better opportunity and dignity. This kind of practice
demotivates them to join corporate world and economic process. Equal rights,
recognition and responsibility should be provided to both male and female workers for
their motivation.
Discrimination of age: Considering age variances, staffs are discriminated from
opportunity of promotion, transfer and authority. HRM managers should provide equal
opportunity of reward, promotion and transfer to all the staffs based on their
performances and achievements.

Discrimination of background: Discrimination is possible on the basis of the varied

family and institutional background. Thus people from particular educational or family
legacy receive more attention and benefits in their professional life than the other staffs.
All the staffs must be treated equally depending on their skills and expertise;
background should be ignored.
Discrimination of religion: People coming from a minority religious group face
numerous problems to cope up with corporate structure, culture, policy and behavior.
Corporate policies should be set as per to comply with the religious differences and
provide them with equal facilities.
Discrimination of disability: Disable candidates are often underestimated and neglected
in recruitment because of the assumption that they possess less abilities and skills. But
these people can do particular functions and work with excellence. HRM managers
should provide equal opportunity to them during selection process and their
performance should be equally assessed.

3.2 Discuss the practical implications of equal opportunities legislations

Firms and organizations develop equal opportunity rules, so that equal treatment of the
staffs and minimized discrimination in work environment can be ensured. Employees
right is secured in HR and all other sectors of operations and managements including
job structure, recruitment, reward, transfer and financial benefits after retirement.
Discrimination can be of two types- direct and indirect.
Direct: Individuals who are discriminated and less favorable than other employees from
desired background, characteristics to the employers.
Indirect: All staffs receive equal rights and rules but those rules might prove impossible
or difficult to comply with because of particular restrictions and culture.
To introduce and raise equality in all sectors of firms structure and activities, a firm
should comply with some crucial factorsCreating equal promotional and salary opportunities.
Complying with the workplace legislation act.

Eradicating any unlawful acts or workplace harassment.

Assisting employees building communication between those who own favorable
individualities and those who dont.
Adapting facilities for staffs that dont carry particular characteristics.

3.3 Compare the approaches to managing equal opportunities and managing diversity

Task 4

4.1 Identify and compare the performance management methods used

Performance assessment is very essential for a firm. It lets the firm know about the
required modifications to improve the performance of the staffs. Different assessment
techniques are used for the evaluation of performance. The techniques of evaluation
that can be very useful in valuing quantity and quality of performance are:
MBO: A predetermined performance standard is maintained and the
actual performance is matched to find new policies and other
modifications. It is graded based on the attainment of structural goal
through performance.
Assessment centers: Managers join assessment centers and
performance is then measured by trainers. Through drills like virtual
work scenario, group mission, the ommuniqu aptitude, planning
proficiency, leadership excellence, creativity, tolerance range etc. are
assessed. This technique is more trustworthy and effective to evaluate
the future development of performance and requirements than the
other evaluation methods.
Psychological assessment: Psychological assessment is practiced by
emotional test, knowledge profundity conversation and other in-depth
assessments. This system is used to measure the potentialities and
understanding for forthcoming performances. Individualities, emotional
and motivational aspects are judged and which affect their work and
360 degree feedback: Supervisors, team-members and customers, ownself determine the assessment in this process. Appropriate response,
multiple evaluation and greater self-development is possible through
this method.

4.2 Assess the approaches to managing employee welfare

Worker welfare management includes the activities that simplifies

employee life and make lives more valuable. Managers must offer
assistances, services, inspiration, safety, medical facilities and cultural
events to maintain the labor force for a lengthy period. The purposes of
a firm behind the worker welfare are given below:

Delivering healthy work atmosphere.

Developing job desirability for more effective employment.

Attaining established labor force and squeeze labor turnover.

Preserving against trade and labor unions.

Achieving more efficiency and constructive employee relation this

supports co-operation.

Employee welfare applied must be assessed regularly to analyze

the financial paybacks and expenses. Welfare managers require
assessing specific principles of welfare management-

Determine if the undertakings are sufficient for fulfilling the

actual needs of workforces.

The financing method must be well-structured and the cost of

welfares should be balanced and viable.

Facilities and benefits must be adapted complying with the

personal heterogeneity. This customization of facilities is also
known as the cafeteria approach.

Periodical evaluation will explain the achievement of the

accomplishments based on the criticism.

4.3 Discuss the implications of health and safety legislation implications on human
resource practices

Health and safety standard must be followed in the workplace according to the health
and safety rule. Prevention of harms, accidents at factory, violence and other safety
matters are dealt in this matter. Supervisors, managers and personnel are accountable
to ensure the safety guidelines and regulations. Workforces might reject to work if
working circumstance is dangerous. Firm might fail to attract the capable and talented
staffs and trapped in competitive disadvantage. So, for raising brand image and value of
the organization to the prospective labor market, achieving sustainable workforces and
increasing efficiency, a firm should monitor and abide by health and safety principles.
According to the Health and Safety at work act (1974), health and welfare concern and
the responsibilities of the managers, workers and those investors who possess control in
working structure.

4.4 Evaluate the impact of topical issues on human resource practices

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