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Filmtec BW30-400

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Product Information

FILMTEC Membranes
8" BW30-400 High Surface Area Brackish Water RO Element

The FILMTEC BW30-400 element instead of from the use of higher flux targets with fewer elements.
has a nominal active membrane area membrane or elevated feed pressure, This can mean more compact sys-
of 400 square feet (37 m2) and an the rate of membrane fouling remains tems and significantly lower system
average permeate flow of 10,500 gpd low. This means higher flow rates can component and installation expense.
(40 m3/d) under standard conditions, be sustained over time and element The productivity advantages of the
yet external element dimensions are service life is prolonged. Lower pres- FILMTEC BW30-400 element can
identical to those of conventional 8" sure operation also means system also be employed in the design of new
elements. Because the high productivi- operating economy is enhanced. systems that produce the desired gpd
ty of the FILMTEC BW30-400 element The high surface area of the FILMTEC (m3/d) while operating at lower feed
results from increased surface area BW30-400 element permits design of pressures.
and increased element efficiency new RO systems that meet productivity
Product Specifications
Nominal Active Surface Product Water Flow Stabilized Salt
Product Area ft2 (m2) Rate gpd (m3/d) Rejection CI- (%)
BW30-400 400 (37) 10,500 (40) 99.5
1. Permeate flow and salt rejection based on the following standard conditions: 2000 ppm NaCI. 225 psi
(1.6 MPa), 77F (25C), pH 8, and 15% recovery.
2. Flow rates for individual elements may vary but will be no more than 7% below the value shown.
3. Minimum salt rejection for individual elements is 98.0%.


Feed Fiberglass Outer Wrap

End Cap
U-Cup Brine Seal Brine Product

Operating Limits
Membrane Type .............................................................................Thin-Film Composite
Maximum Operating Pressure............................................................600 psi (4.1 MPa)
Maximum Operating Temperature .............................................................113F (45C)
Maximum Feed Turbidity ......................................................................................1 NTU
Free Chlorine Tolerance...................................................................................<0.1 ppm
pH Range, Continuous Operation...........................................................................211
pH Range, Short-Term Cleaning (30 min.) .............................................................112
Maximum Feed Flow ...........................................................................85 gpm (19 m3/h)
Maximum Feed Silt Density Index .........................................................................SDI 5

Single-Element Recovery Dimensions Inches (mm)

Product (Permeate Flow to Feed Flow) A B C
BW30-400 0.15 40 (1,016) 1.125 (29) 7.9 (201)
4. Consult the most recent DESIGN GUIDELINES for multiple-element applications and recommended 1 inch = 25.4 mm
element recovery rates for various feed sources.
5. Element to fit 8.00-inch (203 mm) I.D. pressure vessel.

*Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company

FILMTEC Membranes FilmTec Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company.
FILMTEC Membranes
For more information about FILMTEC membranes,
call Dow Liquid Separations business:
North America . . . . . . . . . . .1-800-447-4369
Latin America . . . . . . . . . . .(+55) 11-5188-9345
Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(+31) 20-691-6268
Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(+81) 3-5460-2100
Australia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(+61) 2-9776-3226

Stabilized Salt Rejection Figure 1. Stabilized salt rejection Important Operating Information
performance of FILMTEC 1. Keep elements moist at all times
The minimum salt rejection elements after system startup
specifications set by FilmTec were after initial wetting.
established primarily for quality assur- 2. If operating specifications given in
ance (QA) purposes to ensure the % Rejection this Product Information bulletin
integrity of each element we produce. 98.5 are not strictly followed, the limited
A stabilized salt rejection specification 98 warranty will be null and void.
is provided as a supplement to the 97.5
minimum specification to provide a 3. Permeate obtained from first hour

more useful basis for projecting actual 0 5 10 15 20 25 of operation should be discarded.

Time (Hrs)

system performance. 4. To prevent biological growth

To learn more about the importance
This stabilized salt rejection during storage, shipping or system
of stabilized salt rejection in selecting
specification is based on laboratory shutdowns it is recommended that
membrane elements, request the
salt challenge tests conducted under FILMTEC elements be immersed
brochure Understanding RO Element
the same basic conditions as the mini- in a protective solution. The stan-
Salt Rejection Specifications.
mum salt rejection test. However, dard storage solution contains 1.5
Call your local Dow area listed above
the duration of the test is extended to percent (by weight) sodium
and request Form No. 609-00154
allow the membrane to reach a stabi- metabisulfite (food grade).
(CH 172-113-E). Also ask for infor-
lized wet condition to better simulate
mation about our ROSA (Reverse 5. Elements must be in use for at
long-term rejection characteristics.
Osmosis System Analysis) computer least six hours before formalde-
Extensive field testing has shown that,
program. Developed by the Liquid hyde is used as a biocide. If the
when FILMTEC elements reach a
Separations business of The Dow elements are exposed to formalde-
stabilized condition after initial system
Chemical Company, the ROSA pro- hyde before being in use for this
startup, their salt rejection perfor- period of time, a loss in flux may
gram uses specific information about
mance exceeds the conservative result.
your system to simulate its operation
numbers generated by our QA tests.
and to provide an accurate picture of 6. The membrane shows some
This higher level of salt rejection
what you can expect from FILMTEC resistance to short-term attack by
remains highly consistent over time
elements for the life of the elements chlorine (hypochlorite). Continuous
as shown in Figure 1. Although even
under real-life conditions. Data pro- exposure, however, may damage
this extended stabilized salt rejection
vided by the ROSA program allow you the membrane and should be
test cannot take into account the many
to make element selection decisions avoided.
system variables FILMTEC elements
basedon system-specific information
may encounter in the field, it produces 7. The customer is fully responsible
instead of relying on generalized
a salt rejection number that is a useful for the effects of incompatible
specification numbers derived from QA
starting point for projecting the perfor- chemicals on elements. Their
or laboratory tests.
mance of FILMTEC elements in your use will void the element limited
system. warranty.

Notice: The use of this product in and of itself does not necessarily guarantee the removal of cysts and pathogens from water.
Effective cyst and pathogen reduction is dependent on the complete system design and on the operation and maintenance of the system.

Notice: No freedom from any patent owned by Seller or others is to be inferred. Because use conditions and applicable laws may differ from one
location to another and may change with time, Customer is responsible for determining whether products and the information in this document are
appropriate for Customers use and for ensuring that Customers workplace and disposal practices are in compliance with applicable laws and
other governmental enactments. Seller assumes no obligation or liability for the information in this document. NO WARRANTIES ARE GIVEN; ALL

Published June 1998.

Form No. 609-00091-698XQRP

*Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company CH 172-077-E-698R

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