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United States Patent [191 [111 4,058,649

Steiner [45] Nov. 15, 1977

[54] COATING COMPOSITIONS AND [56] References Cited

3,041,208 6/1962 H .................................... .. 428/518
[75] Inventor: Robert Henry Steiner, Rochester, 3,309,330 3/1967 Seatillage .............. .. 260/29.6 TA
N-Y- 3,362,841 I/ 1968 Menikhcim ..... .. 260/29.6 TA
' . _ . . . 3,387,997 6/1968 Sculley . . . .. . ... . . . . . . .. 260/29.6 TA

[73] Asslgnee- 11:12?" 0" C'P''t' New Y'k' 3,397,163 8/1968 Bruno ........................... .. 260/28.5 D

[21] Appl. No.: 506,075 Primary Examiner-Paul R. Michl

[22] Filed, Se t 23 1974 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Charles A. Huggett; James D.
' p ' Tierney

Related US. Application Data [57] ABSTRACT

[63] Continuation of Ser, No. 189,743, Oct. 15, 197i, . l - . . . . 1 1
abandoned, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser, No. A mulupo ymef coating composltlon parucu at y
16,211 March 3, 1970, abandoned, adaPted for coating thermoplastic ?lm substrates, com
prising an interpolymer of (a) vinylidene chlonde, (b)
[51] Int. CLZ .............................................. .. C08J 7/04 an alkyl acrylate such as methyl acrylate and (c) meth_
[52] U-S- CL ------------ acrylic acid or mixtures thereof with acrylic acid.
[58] Field of Search ................... .. 2,60/28.5 15, 29.6 T,
260/29.6 TA; 428/518, 910 4 Claims, No Drawings
1 2
the order of about 20% solids, solutions can be em
COATING COMPOSITIONS AND > > ployed because of the processing problems which
THERMOPLASTIC FILM SUBSTRATES COATED would otherwise be encountered with the high molecu
THEREWITH lar weight - high viscosity polymer solutions. Further
more, high vinylidene chloride content multipolymers
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED tend to retain solvents tenaciously, thus requiring exten
APPLICATIONS sive drying times for anything except extremely thin
This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 189,743, coating layers. U.S. Pat. No. 3,397,079 contains a disclo
?led Oct. 15, 1971, now abandoned, which latter appli sure relating to the employment of an organic solvent
cation -was a continuation-in-part of U.S. application coating technique for this type of multipolymer system.
Ser. No. 16,211, ?led Mar. 3, 1970, now abandoned. The latter type of coating system referred to herein
above i.e. an aqueous dispersion or latex coating system,
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,459,582. A latex, by de?
I. Field of the Invention nition, is a dispersion of spherical, polymeric particles in
The present invention relates to coating compositions the range of vfrom about 0.01 up to about 1.0 micron
adapted for application to ?lm substrate materials such (0.004 0.04 mils) diameter in water. Latex coating
as them plastic ?lms, for example, polyole?n ?lms such systems employed for coating application to ?lm sub
as polyethylene, polypropylene, polybutene, copoly strates generally consist of from about 50% to about
mers thereof and the like; polyester ?lms such as, for 60% solids with about 2% to 3% of the solids being
example, polyethylene terephthalate, whereby certain 20 wetting and suspending agents. On drying the applied
properties of such coated ?lms are improved. Speci? coating, the water evaporates and the particles fuse
cally, uncoated polyolefm ?lms such as oriented poly together at their contacting surfaces. By the very nature
propylene for example, have an extremely narrow heat of such a latex coating process, only relatively thick
seal range, whereby such uncoated ?lms exhibit a ten coatings can be obtained. Conversely, when attempts
dency to disorient and shrink when attempts are made 25 are made to apply relatively thin coatings from a latex
to heat seal such ?lms. The coating compositions of the media, i.e. on the order of about 0.05 mils or less, such
present invention, when applied to such a substrate ?lm, coatings are usually characterized by minute voids or
improve the heat seal properties thereof by broadening pinholes therein and, additionally, commercially pro
the heat seal range and lowering the minimum heat seal hibitive, long baking must be employed. Additionally, it
temperature requisiste to achieve satisfactory seals. 30 is not usually practical, due to the dif?culties of'obtain
Additionally, the coating compositions of the present ing uniform dispersion, to add any substantial amount of
invention improve the resistance of ?lms coated there modi?er ingredients to the latex coating system such as,
with to the transmission of gases and vapors. The for example, hot slip additivesand other polymers.
coated ?lms exhibit excellent optical properties and
may be readily heat sealed to other ?lms such as poly 35 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
mer coated cellophane and the like. In accordance with the present invention, applicant
II. Description of the Prior Art has been able to overcome the hereinbefore discussed
The prior art discloses that multipolymers character disadvantages of the coating systems disclosed in the
ized by having a high vinylidene chloride content can prior art as a result of the development of a novel mul
be used advantageously as surface coatings for thermo 40 tipolymer resin composition which may be applied to
plastic ?lms such as, for example, oriented polypropyl thermoplastic ?lm substrates without the employment
ene ?lms. As hereinbefore noted, these coatings contrib of organic solvents or utilization of aqueous latex dis
ute improved heat sealability, excellent optical proper persions. In general, applicant has found that by synthe
ties, improved resistance to the transmission of gases sizing a multipolymer containing a predominance of
and vapors, and heat scalability to coated cellophane for 45 vinylidene chloride; a copolymerizable acid monomer
example. ~ such as, methacrylic acid or a mixture of methacrylic
In the past, such coating compositions have been and acrylic acid which mixtures contain a predomi
applied to ?lm substrates utilizing two basic coating nance, i.e. at least 50% or more by weight of meth
application techniques: (1) coating from a solution of a acrylic acid; and a monomer such as alkyl acrylates,
high vinylidene chloride content multipolymer and a 50 methacrylates and acrylonitrile, for example, the disad
suitable organic solvent and (2) coating utilizing a'dis vantages of the prior art coating systems may be over
persion or latex of discrete polymer particles of roughly come. Applicants multipolymer, which may be pre
0.01 to 1 micron in diameter in water, such particles pared as a latex by an emulsion polymerization tech
being stabilized by surface active agents. nique, can be converted to an aqueous polymer solution
The major advantage of the organic solvent coating 55 by the addition of aqueous ammonia. Although high
technique, i.e. solution coating, is the case of ?lm coat vinylidene chloride content polymers are unstable in
ing formation. Since the polymers are mono-molecu the presence of aqueous ammonia because of the strong
larly dispersed in a suitable solvent, coherent ?lms, i.e. tendency toward dehydrochlorination, applicant has
coatings with relative freedom from voids ("pinholes) found that by limiting the ammonia to about 75% of the
are formed by intermingling of the molecules as the theoretical amount required to neutralize the acid com
solvent evaporates on drying. However, the disadvan ponent of the multipolymer, excellent coatings can be
tages of such solution coating techniques are many and applied and dried on ?lm substrates with essentially no
varied. Suitable organic solvent systems for high vinyli discoloration.
dene chloride content multipolymers are relatively ex In particular, applieants novel coating compositions
pensive and quite flammable. Solvent recovery systems 65 which, as hereinbefore discussed, are particularly
are necessarily a requisite for economical operation adapted for use in coating polyolefm substrates such as
with such coating systems. Further, unless very low oriented polypropylene, contain as a ?lm forming com
molecular weight polymers are used, only dilute, i.e. on ponent a resin consisting essentially of an interpolymer
3 4
of (a) from about 5% to about 15% by weight of an a-,B
monoethylenically unsaturated acid selected from the
Vinylidene Chloride
group consisting of methacrylic acid and mixtures of Content Acid Content
methacrylic acid and acrylic acid wherein the meth 50% 5 - 9%
acrylic acid is present in such mixtures in amounts of at 65% 6 - 12%
least about 50% by weight based on the total weight of 80% 7 - 15%
said mixture; and (b) from about 50% to a 85% by
weight of vinylidene chloride; and (c) from about 0% to As hereinbefore discussed, wither methacrylic acid
about 45% by weight of an alkyl acrylate such as, for or mixtures of methacrylic acid and acrylic acid may be
example, methyl acrylate, ethyl acrylate, butyl acrylate employed as the acid moiety in the multipolymer. In the
and the like, methyl acrylate being the preferred alkyl latter case, it has been found that the acrylic acid (AA)
acrylate; or 0 45% by weight of an alkyl methacrylate concentration by weight may not be greater than the
such as methyl, ethyl or butyl methacrylate, for exam
weight concentration of the methacrylic acid when
ple; or acrylonitrile or methacrylonitrile.
15 such mixtures are employed. Applicant has found that if
DESCRIPTION OF SPECIFIC EMBODIMENTS the acid moiety consists of only acrylic acid or mixtures
In order to more clearly characterize the mul thereof with methacrylic acid (MAA) wherein the
tipolymer compositions of the present invention, the acrylic acid is present in amounts over 50% by weight,
following is a description of the speci?c type of mono the resulting multipolymer is not completely soluble in
mer components that are employed to produce ap ammonia water.
plicants multipolymer compositions. 3. Acrylate Monomer Component
1. Vinylidene Chloride (V C12) Monomer Component The acrylate monomer is employed in the mul
It has been found that the vinylidene concentrations 25 tipolymer compositions of the present invention to im
in the multipolymer compositions may be varied as prove the heat sealability of the resultant coating. Thus,
hereinbefore discussed from about 50% by weight to applicant has found that a multipolymer consisting of
about 85% by weight based upon the total weight of the 85/ 15% by weight of vinylidene chloride (VClg) and
multipolymer. The rate of oxygen transmission through methacrylic acid (MAA) respectively, when coated
base ?lms coated with multipolymers containing vary 30 upon a thermoplastic ?lm substrate, results in minimal
ing levels of vinylidene chloride is inversely related to acceptable heat seal values in contrast to, for example,
the vinylidene chloride content of the multipolymer. an 80/ 10/ 10-vinylidene chloride/methacrylic acid/
For packaging applications where relatively high bar methyl acrylate multipolymer, which multipolymer
rier properties are desired, a coating polymer with at exhibits improved heat seal properties. Several alkyl
least about 80% vinylidene chloride is required. Con 35 acrylate monomers may be employed as the alkyl acry
versely, the vinylidene chloride level in the mul late component or the multipolymer, including alkyl
tipolymer may be as low as about 50%. Such coatings acrylates such as, for example, methyl, ethyl, butyl,
result in good heat seal strength characteristics for the isobutyl, and octyl acrylates. However, methyl acrylate
coated ?lm and, although the oxygen barrier properties (MA) has been found to be a preferred alkyl acrylate in
' are not as high as in the case of the multipolymers con the present coating composition.
taining higher levels of vinylidene chloride, the barrier Preferred concentrations of the alkyl acrylate compo
properties are still far superior to those exhibited by an nent in the multipolymer coating compositions have
uncoated substrate ?lm such as, for example, uncoated been found to be from about 5% by weight up to about
oriented polypropylene.
45 45% by weight, and more preferably from about 5% up
2. Acid Monomer Component to about 20% by weight, based upon the total weight of
It is desirable that the acid monomer level in ap
the multipolymer.
plicants multipolymer compositions be kept at the mini 4. Molecular Weight of Multipolymer
mum required to confer ammonia solubility on the re
sulting polymer. It has been found that if the acid level In order to produce a relatively high solids content,
is considerably higher than the desired minimum, the ammonia water solution of the hereinbefore described
viscosity of the ammonia water solution of the mul multipolymers, with satisfactory viscosity for coating
tipolymer becomes too high for application of such operations, it is desirable to regulate their molecular
coatings utilizing conventional techniques such as gra weight by incorporating chain transfer agents in the
vure coating for example, and, additionally, the mois polymerization formula. Effective chain transfer agents,
ture sensitivity of the dry coating on the ?lm substrate well known in the art, include alkyl mercaptans, esters
is adversely affected. It has been found that the opti of 2-mercaptoacetic acid, halogenated hydrocarbons
mum acid levels in the multipolymer compositions will and other materials as described, for example, in Ency
vary depending upon the concentration of the vinyli 60 clopedia ofPolymer Science and Technology, Interscience
dene chloride monomer content of the total mul Publishing Co., N.Y.C., Vol. 3, pp. 575-610 (1965).
tipolymer and the nature of the third monomer compo Ethyl mercaptoacetate has been found to be especially
nent such as, for example, the alkyl acrylate component suitable and may be included in the polymerization
of the multipolymer. Applicant has found that when formulation in a ratio of 0.05 to 1.50 parts per hundred
employing methyl acrylate (MA) as the third monomer 65 parts of monomer. More speci?cally, ratios of 0.1 to 1.0
component, the following ranges of acid concentration are effective. The resulting multipolymers exhibit in
in the multipolymer result in satisfactory coating com trinsic viscosities, as measured in tetrahydrofuran solu
positions. tion as 25 C., of less than about 0.50.
5 6
supplied as needed to maintain a reaction temperature
5. Compounding of Coating Additives with the Basic of about 55 i 1 C. with a moderate degree of re?ux
Multipolymer I ~ . ,
ing. An addition rate of about 100 grams per hour was -
It is desirable that the ammonia water solutions of the found to be satisfactory. When all of the monomer was
polymers hereinbefore discussed be compounded with added, stirring and heating was continued for one hour,
speci?c additives to achieve a balance of properties at which time heating was discontinued and the mixture
needed for a useful packaging .?lm. was allowed to cool to room temperature. The latex
As is known in the art, waxes may be utilized in ?lm was screened through a coarse ?lter to remove large
coating compositions. Waxes having melting points particles of precoagulum. The product had a solids
from about 55 C. to about 100 C. are particularly content of about 32.5 i 0.5% and had an opalescent,
preferred. A wide variety of such waxes have been ?uid appearance. On mixing a small quantity of latex
found suitable such as, for example, microcrystalline with an equal volume of 6% ammonia water and warm
hydrocarbon waxes, candellila waxes, paraffin wax, ing to about 60 C., a clear yellowish viscous solution
beeswax, carnauba wax, japan wax, montan wax,v etc. was obtained. A portion of the latex dried at room tem
and synthetic waxes such as hydrogenated castor oil, perature had an intrinsic viscosity of about 0.17 as mea
chlorinated hydrocarbon waxes, long chain fatty acid sured in tetrahydrofuran solution at 25 C.
amides, etc. When carnauba wax is employed in such In the following Table 1, the multipolymer prepared
coating compositions, it has been found that from about in accordance with Example 1, Le. a multipolymer com
2 to about 10 parts by weight based upon the total prising VClz (80% by weight), MA (10% by weight),
weight of the multipolymer may be advantageously 20
and MAA (10% by weight) with an intrinsic viscosity
employed in the form of an aqueous dispersion having of 0.17 was compounded with 5 phr carnauba wax and
an average particle size of about 0.1 micron; A particu 0.25 phr talc and applied from an ammoniacal aqueous
larly preferred concentration of wax particles has been solution to the surface of a biaxially oriented polypro
found to be about 5 parts per 100 parts of polymer.
The multipolymer compositions of the present inven pylene ?lm, approximately 0.75 mils thick. The surface
of the oriented ?lm had been subjected to a conven
tion which contain relatively high amounts of vinyli
dene chloride, i.e. on the order of from about 75% up to tional corona discharge treatment and primed with a
about 85% by weight, result in coated ?lms which ex commercially available water based adhesive designed
hibit good frictional properties, i.e. ?lms where the for treated polyole?n ?lms, identi?ed by the manufac
coef?cient of friction is not so high as to make ?lms turer as Accobond 1094, a cross-linked acrylic com
inoperable on automatic packaging equipment. How pound. A prime coating of 0.1 gm./ 1000 in.2 was used.
ever, it has been found desirable in certain instances to The variations in coating weights were achieved by
add small amounts of ?nely divided, insoluble materials conventional coating techniques well known to the art,
to further lower the coef?cient of friction of such e. g. by varying the solids content of the coating mixture
coated ?lms to the low values requisite for high-speed from 15 to 25% and using gravure applicator rolls of
packaging operations. From about 0.1 to about 1.0 parts various cell size.
per 100 parts of polymer of ?nely divided material such Samples of the coated ?lms were heat sealed together
as talc, clay, polyvinyl chloride resin, silica, mica and utilizing both a low pressure heat seal and a crimp heat
the like may be used. Applicant has found that a pre seal. The low pressure heat seals and the crimp heat
ferred formulation is one which contains about 0.25 40 seals were made as follows:
parts per 100 parts of polymer, of talc having an average Low Pressure Heat Seal Test
particle diameter of about 2 microns.
The following example illustrates a speci?c emulsion The low pressure heat seal test is designed to simulate
polymerization technique which may be employed to conditions under which ?lms might be sealed in a typi
produce the novel multipolymer coating compositions 45 cal overwrapping machine. Strips of ?lm are cut, 1 X
of the present invention. 10 inches, with the long direction being in the machine
direction of the ?lm. Two strips of ?lm are superim
EXAMPLE 1 posed with coated surfaces in contact and placed in a
A 2000 ml. ?ask equipped with a stirrer, thermome heat~sealing machine with one movable heat-sealing
ter, condenser, gas inlet tube, and a calibrated dropping 50 platen. On actuation, the heated platen rises, contacts
funnel was charged with 1200 grams of demineralized the underside of the ?lm assembly and lifts it against a
water and 3.0 grams of puri?ed sodium dodecyl sulfate. superimposed weight for a controlled period of time.
A slow stream of nitrogen was admitted with stirring The weight used is } pound over. a 1 square inch area
while the aqueous solution was heated, to about 50 C. and the time of contact is 2 seconds. Five separate seals
The following materials were'mixed and placed in the are made on each strip of ?lm. After conditioning for 4
dropping funnel. hours at 75 F. and 50% relative humidity, strengths are
determined by placing the free ends of the ?lm in the
jaws of a Suter testing machine and peeling the seals
vinylidene chloride " 480 grams
(b) methyl acrylate 60 grams apart at a rate of 20 inches per minute. The maximum
(0) methacrylic acid ;y . 60 grams force in grams is recorded as the heat seal strength.
(d) ethyl mercaptoacetate 3.3 grams
Crimp Heat Seals
With continued heating, 1.8 grams of ammonium per The crimp seal test is designed to simulate conditions
sulfate was added to the aqueoussystem. When com encountered in a form-and-?ll bag-making machine.
pletely dissolved, 0.9 grams of sodium bisul?te was 65 Two heated platens with serrated surfaces are brought
added. When the temperature reached 55 C., the nitro together by air pressure at 10 pounds per square inch on
gen stream discontinued and a slow continuous either side of the ?lmstrips for 3 second, then separated.
addition of the monomer mixture was started. Heat was Testing of the sealsis carried out as above.
7 8
Coating Weight Low Pressure Heat Seal Crimp Heat Seal
gms/ 1000 inF/side (i psi, 2 secs.) (10 psi, 1 sec.)
Examples 210' F. 230' F. 250' F. 210 F. 230 F. 250' F.
(1) 0.57 17 g/in. 140 g/in. 198 g/in. 198 g/in. 256 g/in. 316 g/in.
(2) 0.79 13 g/in. 123 g/in. 212 g/in. 215 g/in. 283 g/in. 329 g/in.
(3) 0.87 13 g/in. 163 g/in. 223 g/in. 238 g/in. 321 g/in. 356 g/in.
(4) 1.06 25 g/in. 168 g/in. 220 g/in. 264 g/in. 296 g/in. 341 g/in.
(5) 1.40 8 g/in. 140 g/in. 237 g/in. 244 g/in. 341 g/in. 418 g/in.
(6) 1.70 27 g/in. 152 g/in. 232 g/in. 271 g/in. 363 g/in. 400 g/in.
(7) 1.98 14 g/in. 14s g/in. 262 g/in. 344 g/in. 42s g/in. 499 g/in.

The emulsion polymerization procedure described in nent and identi?ed by the manufacturer as latex
Example 1 was repeated except that ethyl acrylate was CX2139, was compounded with 5 phr camauba wax
employed as the third monomer in place of methyl and 0.5 phr sodium oleate and 0.8 phr of a wetting agent
acrylate. Data on typical coated ?lms with various identi?ed by the manufacturer or Igepal CO-630 were
coating weights are presented in Table 1A. added as wetting agents. The aqueous latex, which was
Low Pressure Heat Seal Crimp Heat Seal
Coating Weight (1 psi, 2 sees.) (10 psi, 1 sec.)
gms/ 1000 inF/side 210' F. 230 F. 250' F. 210' F. 230' F. 250' F.
0.81 7 g/in. 40 g/in. 147 g/in. 200 g/in. 308 g/in. 390 g/in.
1.03 9 g/in. 57 g/in. 157 g/in. 204 g/in. 339 g/in. 413 g/in.
1.77 7 g/in. 92 g/in. 183 g/in. 271 g/in. 341 g/in. 40o g/in.
1.95 5 g/in 120 g/in. 2.08 yin. 268 g/in. 325 g/in. 416 g/in.

The procedure described in Example 1 was repeated not soluble in a concentrated aqueous ammonia water
except that the following monomer mixture was used: solution, was coated onto the surface of a biaxially ori
ented polypropylene base ?lm, identical to the base ?lm
employed in Table I.
Low Pressure Heat Seal Crimp Heat Seal
Coating Weight (i psi, 2 sea.) (10 psi, 1 sec.)
gins/1000 in-zlside 210' F. 230' F. 250' F. 210' F. 230' F. 250' F.
0.11' _- _ _ _ _ _

1.1' - - - - -

1.32 8 g/in. 35 g/in. 132 g/in. 119 g/in. 265 g/in. 313 g/in.
1.56 s g/in. 100 g/m. 11a g/in. 184 g/m. 223 g/in. 275 g/in.
1.70 27 g/m. 152 g/in. 232 g/in. 271 g/in. 363 g/in. 400 g/in.
2.03 13 gfui. 19a g/in. 25s g/in. 323 g/in. 365 g/in. 443 g/in.
I Very hazy, incoherent coating on ?lm surface.

13$, As shown by the data presented in the foregoing

vinylidene chloride 0 m 30 Table II, when attempts to form a satisfactory coating
n-butyl acrylate 48 grams 8 employing an aqueous latex were made, coherent clear
when d 72 m 12 5 coatings could not be obtained at coating weights below
about 1.3 grams/1000 inJ/side and heat seal strengths
Data on typical coated ?lms are presented in the were poor below a coating weight of about 1.5
following Table IB. grams/1000 in.2/side.
Low Pressure Heat Seal Crimp Heat Seal
Coating Weight (2 psi, 2 sees.) (10 psi, 1 sec.)
gins/10m inF/side 210 F. 230 F. 250' F. 210' F. 230' F. 250' F.
1.01 2 g/in. 62 g/in. 157 g/in. 140 gfm. 196 g/in. 266 g/in.
1.65 10 g/in. 110 g/in. 205 g/in. 210 g/in. 320 g/in. 380 g/in.

As shown in the preceding Tables 1, IA and IB, In the following Table III, a multipolymer was pre
strong heat seals may be obtained employing varied pared utilizing the polymerization process described in
speci?c embodiments of the coating composition of the US. Patent No. 3,397,163, comprising a vinylidene
present invention at relatively low coating weights, i.e. 60 chloride/methyl acrylate/acrylic acid (80/20/4) mul
as low as 0.57 grams/1000 in.2/side. Since the mul tipolymer dispersion. A camauba wax dispersion was
tipolymer was totally soluble in concentrated ammonia compounded with the aqueous dispersion to give 5 phr
water, a solution, rather than latex, coating technique wax solids based upon the total weight of the mul
could be employed resulting in coherent coatings at tipolymer solids. The multipolymer dispersion was not
very low coating weights which exhibited excellent 65 soluble in concentrated ammonia water, and was there
heat seal properties as illustrated in Table I. fore applied to the surface of a biaxially oriented poly
In the following Table II, a commercially available propylene base ?lm, identical to the base ?lm employed
VClz base latex, containing no acidic monomer compo in Table I, as an aqueous latex.
4,058,649 10
Low Pressure Heat Seal Crunp Heat Seal
Coating Weight i psi, 2 sees.) 10 psi, 2 sec
gms/l?ll inF/side 210' F. 230' F. 250' F. 210' F. 230' F. 250' F.
0.63 0 . 5 . 27 ' 6i ' ' . l4l . 265 ' .

0.89 0 win. 03 gfm. 40
l0 g/in
5:: 42
52 gfin. 126
161 gfm. 261
311 g/in.
1.07 24 g/m. 123 g/ia. 300 g/in. 161 gfm. g/m. 395 g/in.
1.41 11 gfm. 135 g/in. 290 g/in. 174 gfm. 355 g/m. 47! g/n.
2.10 21 g/in. 14s g/m. 32o g/in. 220 grin. 404 grin. 510 g/in.

As shown by the data presented in foregoing Table TABLE V

III, coherent coatings could be produced at relatively Film Sam les from Table 1
low coating weights, however, heat seals at moderate
heat temperatures such as on the order of about 250' F. 180:: E: :29) Big) E; g: CD500
could not be obtained at coating weights below about $31 m 1:58 2'80 319.; 4
1.0 grams/1M inF/side. Obviously, for economic com
mercial application of such coatings on packaging ?lms, l.6
1000.5 1002.2
0.4 982.4
0.6 90
it is desirable to use as low a coating weight as possible
and also to obtain satisfactory heats at as low a tempera
ture as mule 0-18 0.19 0.13 0.24
Accordingly, from the data presented in the forego- 3,8 .13. L2 L7
ins Tables it will be apparent that applicant has now *mmaewamawmmmmmaym ion-p.90,
developed a vinylidene chloride base multipolymer loll-Fm
coatingsystemcapableofbeingcoatedonto?lmsub Mars. 0 "94-63.
stratesfromanaqueousammoniacalsolutiontoprovide has-m1. D 1434-66.
excellent low tunperature heat seal properties for ?lm 25
substrates at a of coating weight. Although the present invention has been described
As illustrated in the following Table IV, a number of with preferred embodiments, it is to be understood that
the novel multipolymer coating compositions of the modi?cations and variations may be resorted to, with
present invention were prepared utilin'ng the emulsion out departing from the spirit and scope of this invention,
30 asthoseskilledintheutwillreadilyunderstand. Such
ple LTheprecent by weight composition of the vinyli-_ variations and are considered to be within
denechloridqmethylacrylatqandacidcomponentsof the purview and scope ofthe appended claims.
the multipolymer were varied to-illustrate the affect of What is cla'aned is: '
such variations on heat seal properties. The mu] 1. A biaxially oriented polypropylene ?lm substrate
tipolymerswereappliedtothesurfaceoforientedpoly 35 having a surface coating ofa heat scalable composition
propylene?lmsidmticaltothoseemployedinpreced essentially of an interpolymer of (a) from
ingTable l.AsshowninTableIV,excellentheatseal . about 5% to about 15% by weight of a monoethyleni
propertieswereobtainedwiththemultipolymercoat-. cally unsaturated acid selected from the group consist
ingeventhoughthevinylidenechloride ing of methacrylic acid and mixtures of methacrylic
contentofthemultipolymerwasvariedintherangeof"o acidandacrylicacid,(b) fr0mabout50%toabout 85%
by weight of vinylidene chloride, and (c) from about
weight. 5% to about 45% by weight of an alkyl acrylate se
__ Coating Prague 11m Seal Crimp l-leat Seal
M w?llll (in. laws) (minim)
vc IA 10111 M 11000 111.1 210' F. 230' F. 250' F. 210' F 230' F. 250' F.
50 40 6.7 3.3 ass 190 m. 323 m. 370 m. m. 323 1n. 426 m.
65 26 6 3 091 155 51m 243 $1. 340 $11. 213 $11 295 gm. 356 $1...
15 15 1o 0 0.75 82 g/m. 160 I'm. 290 g/in. 259 3/111. 310 gl'm 300 g/in.
as 0 1s 0 090 20 gfm. 112 g/in. 220 g/in. 210 gfm. 230 g/m 210 grin.

lected from the group consisting of methyl, ethyl, butyl,

isobutyl and octyl acrylates.
2. A thermoplastic ?lm substrate as defined in claim 1
having a surface coating wherein said coating is further
55 characterized by containing from about 0.1% to about
1.0% by weight, based upon the total weight of said
interpolymelftpf ;,!,_1,,_1_Q, ?g?lticonsisting of ?nely di
Other improved properties of the ?linsof ma-await linsoluble particulate material having a
present invention are illustrated in the following Table particle size of from about 1 to about 5 microns.
V wherein coated ?lm samples identical to the ?lm 60 3. A thermoplastic ?lm substrate as de?ned in claim 1
samples employed in Table I are compared with a com wherein said coating is further characterized by con
mercially available, high vinylidene chloride content taining a cold slip, anti-blocking material comprising a
latex coated oriented polypropylene ?lm identi?ed by ?nely divided wax. - , ,
the manufacturer as CD-SOO. As shown by the data 4. A thermoplastic ?lm substrate as de?ned in-claim 6
presented in the following Table V, a coated ?lm made 65 wherein said ?nely divided, water-insoluble particulate
in accordance with the present invention exhibits oxy material consists of a member selected from the group
gen transmission resistance equivalent to the commer consisting of talc, silica, clay, mica and polyvinyl chlor
cially available product but with substantially lower ide resin. .
coating weights.

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