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April 7 2017 Newsletter

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30th Edition April 7, 2017

Our Lady of Unity Catholic

2016-2017 School Year
Dear Parents & Friends, FACTS FINANCIAL 8th GRADE NEWS
I often speak about all of the ANALYSIS We will be having an 8 th
people who are working behind Although the majority of our grade parent meeting on
the scenes to help make our families have completed their Tuesday right before the PTO
school so great. You may not online financial analysis with meeting, beginning at 5:30pm.
be aware of some volunteers FACTS, there are still a few We will discuss graduation
who work so hard to make an who need to take care of this. and the 8th grade gift.
impact on our school. I want to Your child is not fully enrolled Also, I was just made aware
mention a couple of people until you have been verified of a new scholarship for 8th
today and hopefully the next through FACTS, paid your grade students going on to a
time you see either of them you registration fee, brought all of Catholic High School. Your
will give them a big Thank your financial obligations to child was given the application
you! OLU current, completed your this week. Please contact the
OLU Parishioner Sherry enrollment and scholarship office if you are interested in
Johnson is the chairperson of documentation, and met with this scholarship and did not
the 5th annual Car Show that Mrs. Butters to set up tuition receive the application. It is
will be held April 22. She has payments for next year. If you for a $2500 scholarship to one
chaired this event since its are wondering what the next of the area Catholic Schools
inception. All of the money that step is in your enrollment and must be submitted ASAP.
is raised by the Car Show goes process, please call Ms.
directly to OLU School to be Carmen.
used on faith formation through UPCOMING EVENTS
the rental of buses for our April 9Palm Sunday
students to attend Vocation April 118th Grade
For immigration guidance
Day and the Pro Life Forum. Parent Meeting @5:30pm
or counsel, please call Greg
A former teacher that some April 11PTO Meeting @
Bole. He is an attorney at La
of you may remember, Becky 6:00pmInternet Safety
Luz Center for Immigration
Sachen, has been spending
Legal Assistance in the Presentation for Parents
many hours working with Mrs.
Catholic Charities building at April 13Holy Thursday
Schlake researching and
2220 Central Avenue, Kansas April 14NO SCHOOL/
writing a grant for the new
City, KS 66102. 913-906- Good Friday
preschool and after school care
8926. April 16Easter Sunday
building. The grant will
hopefully help fund the startup April 17NO SCHOOL/
costs and allow for a successful INTERNET SAFETY Easter Monday
beginning of this new school Tuesday night at 6:00pm April 18-21NO SCHOOL
endeavor. the PTO will be hosting a very Faculty National Catholic
I hope you will acknowledge important presentation for Education Association
these two and their examples parents and other adult Conference
of sacrifice and charity during caregivers of our students. April 22OLU Car Show
this Lenten Season and use Sunflower House will be here April 246th & 7th Grade
them as a model for your own to discuss some alarming
Field Day @ BWHS
lives. dangers that are available to
April 265th Grade
our children online. This is an
adult only meeting. Vocation Day
God Bless! Babysitting and snacks will be


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