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Linician Pdate: Catheter Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia

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Catheter Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia

Roderick Tung, MD; Noel G. Boyle, MD, PhD; Kalyanam Shivkumar, MD, PhD

V entricular tachycardia (VT) most highlight the range of substrate- Frequent premature ventricular con-
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commonly develops in patients specific strategies used in the electro- tractions are an underrecognized, re-
with structural heart disease. Myocar- physiology laboratory. versible cause of idiopathic cardiomy-
dial infarction results in collagen re- opathy. A correlation with the burden
placement interspersed with surviving Case 1: Symptomatic of premature ventricular contractions
myocardium, which alters impulse Premature Ventricular with cardiomyopathy has been re-
propagation, facilitating re-entry. 1 ported, with higher risk at a burden of
Aside from the postinfarction sub- 20% on Holter analysis.3 Catheter
With Cardiomyopathy ablation is recommended for patients
strate, scar-mediated VT occurs in pa-
An 18-year-old man presented with
tients with nonischemic cardiomyopa- with symptomatic monomorphic ven-
palpitations and fatigue. Over a pe-
thy, Chagas disease, sarcoidosis, tricular ectopy when medications are
riod of 5 months, he had been unable not effective, tolerated, or desired, par-
arrhythmogenic right ventricular car-
to play sports owing to dyspnea on ticularly in those with diminished sys-
diomyopathy, and postsurgical con-
exertion. A resting ECG demon- tolic function. Ablation can result in
genital heart disease. In structurally
strated sinus rhythm with frequent elimination of premature ventricular
normal hearts, VT results from intra-
monomorphic premature ventricular contractions in 80% of cases, with
cellular calcium overload or an abnor-
mal response to adrenergic stimula- contractions. An echocardiogram re- resolution of cardiomyopathy.4,5
tion, promoting triggered activity or vealed an ejection fraction of 35% Two months later, the patient had a
automaticity, respectively. with global hypokinesis. Previous repeat echocardiogram that showed
There are 3 treatment options treatment with -blockers and fle- normalization of the systolic function
for VT, although many patients re- cainide was unsuccessful, and he was with an ejection fraction of 55%. His
quire a combination: an implantable referred for evaluation for catheter fatigue resolved, and he was able to
cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD), anti- ablation. participate in sports again.
arrhythmic medications, and catheter The patient underwent electrophys-
ablation. An ICD provides abortive iological study, and activation map- Case 2: Recurrent
rescue therapy but cannot prevent ping was performed in the right and Implantable
the heart from going into VT. Antiar- left ventricular outflow tracts to locate Cardioverter-Defibrillator
rhythmic therapy has limited efficacy the earliest site of origin. A single Shocks in
and has the potential for multiple side application of radiofrequency energy Ischemic Cardiomyopathy
effects, including proarrhythmia.2 at the earliest site below the left coro- A 71-year-old man with history of
In this Clinician Update, we discuss nary cusp resulted in complete aboli- inferior myocardial infarction and an
3 different VT clinical scenarios that tion of the premature ventricular con- ejection fraction of 25% presented to
are amenable to catheter ablation to tractions (Figure 1). the emergency department with 4 ap-

From the UCLA Cardiac Arrhythmia Center, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles.
Correspondence to Roderick Tung, MD, UCLA Cardiac Arrhythmia Center, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, 47-123 CHS, 10833 Le Conte
Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1679. E-mail
(Circulation. 2011;123:2284-2288.)
2011 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.110.989079

Tung et al Catheter Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia 2285

tion fraction of 25% was admitted for

2 ICD shocks from her biventricular
ICD and heart failure. While being
treated with diuresis, amiodarone, and
inotropes, the patient developed 6 ICD
shocks in a 24-hour period. A lido-
caine drip was added; the patient was
sedated and intubated; and an intra-
aortic balloon pump was placed.
Because the surface ECG exhibited
delayed QRS upstroke or late intrinsi-
coid deflection suggesting an epicar-
dial focus, a combined epi-endo ap-
proach for mapping and ablation was
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undertaken (Figure 3). Epicardial ac-

cess was obtained before anticoagula-
tion with heparin following the tech-
nique described by Sosa et al,8 and
endocardial access was obtained via a
transseptal approach on full anticoag-
ulation. Mapping within the pericardial
space revealed a significantly greater
Figure 1. A 12-lead ECG of ventricular bigeminy with left bundle-branch morphology and extent of scar on the epicardium com-
inferior axis with early precordial transition (top). Earliest site of activation (bottom right) pared with the endocardium in the
preceded QRS by 35 milliseconds (Abl bi) with a QS complex with unipolar recording (Abl
uni). Successful ablation site (Abl) below the left coronary cusp in the aortic root (red basal lateral region (see Figure 3).
dashed outline) shown during coronary angiography of the left main artery (LMCA). Ventricular tachycardia was induced
and was not hemodynamically toler-
propriate ICD shocks in a 48-hour during VT. In these instances, activity ated, requiring immediate cardiover-
period. Amiodarone was initiated, and during diastole (pre-QRS) is sought sion. Pace mapping demonstrated a
the patient presented 3 weeks later because this represents slow conduc- better match from the epicardium than
with lightheadedness; device interro- tion within the scar before it exits the the endocardium. Epicardial ablation
gation showed 35 episodes of VT at a circuit and captures the myocardium, was performed at the site of perfect
rate of 140 bpm, which were termi- represented by the QRS (Figure 2B). pace map. A second poorly tolerated
nated with antitachycardia pacing over Critical isthmuses exhibit specific re- VT was induced, and pace mapping
the prior 10 days. The patient was sponses to entrainment mapping 6 from the endocardium in the annular
referred for catheter ablation. (Table 1). The majority of ischemic
scar region revealed the best match.
cardiomyopathy patients have multi-
A basal inferolateral scar was con- Ablation was performed in this region,
ple inducible VTs, and when VT is
firmed by contrast-enhanced computed and the patient was rendered nonin-
not hemodynamically tolerated, a
tomography scan (3-dimensional re- ducible. She remained free of VT re-
substrate-based ablation strategy de-
construction), and electroanatomic pendent on the identification of late currence for 2 weeks, and her hemo-
mapping and late potentials within the potentials (areas of slow conduction) dynamic profile improved on
scar demonstrated excellent pace-map and pace mapping is implemented. inotropes. She was discharged home
matches (Figure 2A). Clinical VT was Single-center experience and multi- after a transition to oral medications.
induced, and entrainment mapping center registries demonstrate an effi- The deleterious effects of ICD
demonstrated proof of a critical isth- cacy of 50% to 75% at 6 to 12 shocks, appropriate and inappropriate,
mus with diastolic activity. Ablation months.7 in patients with advanced heart failure
at this site resulted in prompt termi- have been well documented. 9,10
nation of the VT (Figure 2B). Ami- Case 3: Ventricular Whether VT is merely a surrogate for
odarone was discontinued, and the Tachycardia Storm in pump deterioration or ICD shocks are
patient experienced an improved Nonischemic directly injurious to myocardial func-
quality of life without any ICD ther- Cardiomyopathy With tion remains unclear. Nevertheless, re-
apies in the following 10 months. Epicardial Ablation current VT necessitating ICD therapy
Fewer than 20% of VTs are hemo- A 66-year-old woman with idiopathic is commonly seen with decompensated
dynamically stable to enable mapping dilated cardiomyopathy and an ejec- heart failure and vice versa.
2286 Circulation May 24, 2011
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Figure 2. A, Correlation of computed tomography scan and electroanatomic map showing basal inferolateral aneurysmal scar. Left, A
late potential within this scar yields a perfect pace map of the targeted ventricular tachycardia (right). B, A 12-lead ECG of ventricular
tachycardia with middiastolic activity (boxes) recorded on ablation catheter (Abl; left). Theoretical construct of intramural scar-mediated
reentry with diastolic activity recorded in the isthmus (electrodes 1 through 5) before exiting the circuit (bold arrow) between 2 areas of
collagen (blue) on trichrome staining of an experimental infarction. Prompt termination of ventricular tachycardia during ablation
(Abl:ON) at the site demonstrating concealed entrainment (bottom).

A VT storm is defined as 3 epi- first line. Sedation and insertion of an ics. In this setting, titration of ino-
sodes of VT within a 24-hour period. intra-aortic balloon pump are often tropes must be done with caution.
Treatment with intravenous amioda- necessary to decrease adrenergic stim- Neuraxial modulation has been shown
rone, lidocaine, and/or procainamide is ulation and to optimize hemodynam- to be effective in cases refractory to
Tung et al Catheter Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia 2287

Table 1. Mapping Techniques

for Catheter Ablation of
Ventricular Tachycardia
Hemodynamically stable VT
Activation mapping
Idiopathic (triggered or automatic): earliest
site of origin
Scar-mediated (reentry): diastolic activity
Presystolic (30% TCL)exit
Middiastolic (30%70% TCL)isthmus
Early diastolic (70% TCL)entrance
Entrainment mapping of isthmus
Concealed fusion
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Hemodynamically unstable VT
Electroanatomic substrate mapping/scar
Pace mapping
Targeting of late potentials
Linear ablation lesions sets
Scar border zones
Scar transection
Connecting scars and anatomic
boundaries, ie, annulus
Mechanical hemodynamic support, ie, IABP,
VT indicates ventricular tachycardia; TCL, Figure 3. A 12-lead ECG of clinical ventricular tachycardia with a perfect pace map of
tachycardia cycle length; PPI, postpacing interval; the ventricular tachycardia from the epicardium. Top left, Combined epicardial (Epi) and
S-QRS, stimulus to QRS; EGM-QRS, electrogram endocardial (Endo) mapping in the left anterior oblique projection (bottom left). A coronary
to QRS; IABP, intra-aortic balloon pump; and sinus (CS) catheter is shown. Electroanatomic mapping demonstrates a greater extent of
LVAD, left ventricular assist device. epicardial (bottom right) scar compared with endocardial scar (top right). Red circles repre-
sent areas of radiofrequency application. LMCA indicates left main coronary artery.

conventional treatment.11 When con-

trol of arrhythmia cannot be achieved, sary to access the pericardium and to cardiomyopathy who develop VT are
bridging mechanical support, ie, ven- release adhesions.16,17 at high risk for morbidity and mortal-
tricular assist device or extracorporeal Catheter ablation of VT has evolved ity; procedural complications, which
membrane oxygenation, may be under- significantly over the past 2 decades include stroke (1%), tamponade (1%
taken to stabilize patients for catheter with conceptual and technological ad- to 3%), and death (1%), have been
vancements. Patients with advanced shown to be acceptably low in experi-
ablation (Table 2).
Ablation of VT in the setting of a enced centers. The results of multi-
storm has been shown to be effec- Table 2. Management of Ventricular center registries and Substrate Map-
Tachycardia Storm ping and Ablation in Sinus Rhythm to
tive.12 In cases of nonischemic cardio-
myopathy, fibrosis tends to be patchier -blockade Halt Ventricular Tachycardia (SMASH-
and more basal with variable mural Antiarrhythmic drug therapy VT), the first randomized trial in VT
involvement; fewer late potentials are Intubation, deep sedation ablation,18 have prompted the paradigm
found within scar.13,14 Epicardial scar shift from use of catheter ablation as a
Mechanical hemodynamic support, ie, IABP,
is frequently more extensive than en- LVAD last-resort palliation to a preemptive
docardial scar, and epicardial mapping Neuraxial modulation: thoracic epidural strategy for the management of recurrent
with ablation is an important adjunct anesthesia, left stellate ganglionectomy VT.
for successful VT ablation.15 In cases Catheter ablation
with prior chest surgery, a limited IABP indicates, intra-aortic balloon pump; and Disclosures
thoracotomy incision may be neces- LVAD, left ventricular assist device. None.
2288 Circulation May 24, 2011

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Catheter Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia
Roderick Tung, Noel G. Boyle and Kalyanam Shivkumar

Circulation. 2011;123:2284-2288
doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.110.989079
Circulation is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231
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