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Lesson Plan - Science Sarah Castle

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Sarah Castle
EDI 430
Elements of the Lesson
Evidence that Documents the Elements

K-ESS3-2 Ask questions to obtain information about the

purpose of weather forecasting to prepare for, and respond to,
Common Core Standards for
severe weather. * **
English Language Arts
* - Integrates traditional science content with engineering.
**- Allow for local, regional, or Michigan specific contexts or
examples in teaching and assessment.
Objectives/Targets and I can
The students will (TSW) prepare for and respond to, severe
weather such as tornados.
What am I going to teach?
I CAN explain the safety procedures for a tornado when I
What will the students be able to
am at school and at home.
do at the end of the lesson?
What formative assessments are
Formative Assessment
used to inform instruction?
The students will draw what they will do at home to stay safe
from a tornado.

Lesson Management: Focus and

Organization Lesson Management:
What positive strategies, I hope to keep students on task by creating an interactive
techniques and tools will you use? lesson that will keep moving.
What ideas for on task, active and I plan to gather the students to the carpet by playing the clean
focused student behavior? up song, and then counting down from ten. By zero the
expectation is that they are all sitting criss-cross applesauce
on the carpet, with mouths quiet and arms in their lap.
Throughout the lesson I will ask them to talk to their partners
every once in a while and gather their attention again by
either singing everybody listen . (Student response: to
you ) or by ringing our Stop, Look, and Listen bell.
Student Management: Students will be given a first
warning as a reminder to listen and learn at the carpet. They
may be asked to move apart, if it is going to be a repeating
problem. After the first warming has been given they will be
asked to take a seat at their table will spend 5 minutes inside
during recess and draw what it looks like to sit quietly on the

Students will move from their tables after eating snack, to the
carpet to begin science.
Students will move from the carpet to closet to practice the
tornado safety drill.

Active Student Participation-

Students will actively participate in demonstrating the
procedure for a classroom tornado drill.

Classroom Management Focus-

On the carpet students will show that they are a part of the
group by sitting crisscross applesauce and hands in their lap
and voices off. Students who cannot show that they are ready
to be a part of the group will get one warning as their reminder
to listen and learn, and then if the problem proceeds they will
have to sit at their table spot and spend five minutes inside
with me during recess. The expectation for students who want
to contribute is that they raise their hand and wait to be called
on by the teacher.

At the table students will raise hands if they have questions, or

if they are confused. They can also ask questions of their table
partner and their table group.
Introduction: Creating Excitement
and Focus for the Lesson Target The teacher will generate interest by modeling a tornado in a
What will you do to generate bottle.
interest? I will access the students prior knowledge of tornado safety by
How will you access prior reminding them of the drills we do in the classroom.
knowledge? We will practice the classroom tornado procedure and review
What will you practice/review? the steps of the procedure.

Input: Setting up the Lesson for

Student Success Task Analysis
- Remind students of the tornado drill we had on Friday
Task analysis: - I Can statement on board
What information does the - Demonstrate tornado in a bottle
learner need? If needed how - Quiz students on what we do in our classroom to stay
will it be provided? safe from a tornado
How is the lesson scaffolded? - Practice the classroom tornado procedure
Thinking levels: questions to - Discuss why the different parts of the procedure are
engage students thinking important
Remembering - Tell story of the time my home town was hit by a tornado
Understanding - Show pictures and tell the students how the people in
those homes stayed safe
- Turn and talk to partners what they would do at their
Analyzing home to stay safe from a tornado
Evaluating - Students will draw what they will do at home to stay safe
Creating from a tornado
Accommodations: differentiating to
meet student needs Thinking Levels:
Remediation/intervention Remembering: remind students of the tornado drill on Friday
Extension/enrichment Understanding: describe the procedure for a tornado
Learning styles Applying: demonstrate the classroom tornado procedure
Methods, Materials and Integrated Analyzing: compare how to stay safe at home and at school
Technology Evaluating: support why the different parts of the procedure
- Materials and Integrated are important
Creating: design a plan for what they will do at home to stay
safe from a tornado

Remediation/Intervention -
- Students who may struggle with these concepts will be
asked to sit next to the CT at the beginning of the lesson,
so that she can guide them through the lesson when they
get confused.
Technology list
- Highly motivated students will participate actively and
encourage their partners.

- 1 liter bottle, water, food coloring, dish soap
- Paper and crayons
- Pictures of tornado-wrecked houses

Modeling: I Do
Model tornado in a bottle.
SHOW/TELL (Visual/Verbal Input)
Tell facts about tornado speed, occurrence, warning signs, etc
HOW/WHAT (Questioning and
Tell how to stay safe from a tornado at school.
Checking for Understanding Quiz students on what we do in our classroom to stay safe
Samples of questions to be asked from a tornado.
Ways in which students will Where do we go? The closet
respond and be engaged What should we do? Kneel with our heads down and hands
Formative assessment strategies to over our head
be implemented What should be our voice level? 0 no talking/no sounds
Guided Practice: We Do
What do the teacher and student
do together? Practice the tornado drill procedure
How will a gradual release of
responsibility be accomplished?

Collaborative (You Do Together)

and/or Independent Practice (You
Turn and talk to partners what they would do at their home to
What practices will be
stay safe from a tornado.

How will the I can statement(s) be
The students will (TSW) prepare for and respond to, severe
weather conditions such as tornados.
How will students be involved?
I CAN explain the safety procedures for a tornado when I am
What connections to future
at school and at home.
learning will occur?

Assessment Students will draw what they will do at home to stay safe from
What evidence supports that the a tornado.
objective(s) were met? This assessment will show that students know what to do to
What do my students know, stay safe from a tornado when they are at home,
understand and are able to do? demonstrating understanding and knowledge of the actions
What formative assessments will necessary to prepare and respond to severe weather
be used to inform instruction? conditions.
How do you know that the objective(s)/target(s) was met? What is your evidence?
Using your assessment data how will you change the lesson or instruction for the next time?
How well did the students perform/respond? Were all my students engaged?
How was my timing?
How many students struggled? What will I do to help the student(s) who struggled?
What will I do to extend the learning for those students who met target?
What did everyone know? What did no one know? Were there any surprises?

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