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Yoga For Runners

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Yoga for runners some basic poses

Pose Pointers and variations Image

Mountain Plant feet firmly; engage quadriceps (knee caps lift)
pose Drop shoulders away from ears; squeeze shoulder blades together

Lift toes to feel the corners of the feet
Explore tucking and pointing tail bone
Upward From mountain pose, inhale, raise arms alongside ears
salute Lengthen torso; look up

Arch to one side, then the other

Forward fold From upward salute, exhale, fold forward, bring sternum toward the
floor and then toward thighs
Hands, fingers line up with toes

If hamstrings are tight, bend the knees!!
Hand position: each hand holds opposite elbow
High plank From forward fold, place hands firmly on floor (bend the knees if
Step right leg, then left leg, behind you
Wrists directly below shoulders; palms press into the floor
Engage abdominal muscles; lengthen entire body
Focal point is few inches in front of hands

Knees on the floor
Low plank From high plank, bring sternum toward the floor
Engage abdominal muscles (!)
Focal point is few inches in front of hands

Knees on the floor
Upward From low plank, press into palms
facing dog Lift sternum toward the sky; come to tops of feet
Look up softly (but dont strain the neck)

Bring knees, chest, chin (in that order) to the floor
Downward From upward dog, press into palms, tuck toes; use abdominal muscles
facing dog to pull hips back
Lengthen arms, torso; press palms into the floor
Feet hip-width apart
Focal point is space between thighs; let head hang loosely

Pedal feet, bend knees, lift up to balls of feet
Chair From mountain pose, press knees together and bend
Extend arms up; look up gently (dont strain the neck)

Explore tucking and pointing tail bone

Lunge From downward dog, bring knee toward chest; place foot between
hands, knee over ankle
Lengthen back quadricep; drop hips toward the floor

Low lunge: Drop back knee to the floor; point toes behind you; sink
hips toward the floor
Warrior A From lunge, place back heel on the floor, toes pointed slightly toward
front; knee over ankle
Raise torso to perpendicular with floor
Raise arms alongside ears, look up slightly
Engage abdominal muscles (!)

High lunge: lift back heel off floor, lengthen and engage quadriceps,
sink hips toward the floor
Warrior B From warrior B, bring back foot perpendicular with front foot
Open torso to the side, extend arms front and back
Lengthen and engage quadriceps
Front knee over ankle
Engage abdominal muscles (!)
Sink hips toward the floor
Bound angle Seated on the floor, bring feet together, heels towards groin
Use hands to open soles of feet
Use forearms to press into thighs
With flat back, fold forward gently, bringing sternum toward feet

Round the back and fold forward, bringing forehead toward feet
Head-to- Seated on the floor, one leg extended, bring sole of foot into opposite
knee thigh
(Make sure the knee is comfortable here. If not, adjust angle of bent
Twist slightly toward outside of extended leg, fold forward gently,
hands reach toward (and hold) front foot
Seated twist Seated on the floor, bring knee towards chest, foot on the floor
Extend opposite arm toward the sky, twist toward bent leg and hook
elbow onto outside of knee/thigh
Place other arm on the floor behind you for support, look over back
Lengthen the spine while inhaling, twist more deeply while exhaling
Boat Seated on the floor, shift weight to just behind sit bones
Extend legs and arms (palms face each other)
Engage upper and lower abdominals
Look at your feet

Bend your knees (especially if you feel strain in the quadriceps)
Bridge Lying on back, bend knees to place feet on floor
Use arms to lift torso off the floor
Walk shoulders toward each other on the floor
Use abdominals to press pelvis toward the sky (head remains on floor)

Clasp hands together on the floor
Legs up the Bring sit bones to the wall, lift legs to perpendicular with floor
Place blanket or bolster under your hips, low back
Extend arms over head
Allow legs to drop open to wide angle
For all poses: Please remember to breath !!!

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