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Understanding which steel bridge bridge crossings

elements are fracture critical members ARE YOU SURE THATS

will provide the required protection FRACTURE CRITICAL?
while saving on in-service inspection. BY ROBERT J. CONNOR, PH.D., KARL FRANK, P.E., PH.D.,

ONE OF THE MOST NOTEWORTHY bridge failures in

the United States occurred in 1967, when the Point Pleasant Total Fracture
Bridge over the Ohio River (also known as the Silver Bridge) Control Plan
collapsed, resulting in 46 deaths.
The collapse was due to brittle fracture of one of the eyebars
that formed the suspension system of the bridge. The subse- Fabrication
quent failure investigation revealed that the fracture was due and Shop
to brittle propagation of a tiny crack in the eyebar. Because the Inspection
fracture toughness of the eyebar was extremely low, a relatively
small crack led to a brittle fracture of the eyebar, which in turn
led to the collapse of the bridge.
This collapse was the catalyst for many changes in mate- Material
rial specifications, design, fabrication and shop inspection of & Design
steel bridges. These requirements are codified in the AASHTO
Bridge Design Specifications and the AASHTO/AWS D1.5 Bridge Figure 1 The three legs of a total fracture control plan for

Welding Code (AWS) and are applied to tension members whose bridges.
fracture could lead to bridge collapse. (Another bridge inci-
dentthe failure of a pin-and-hanger assembly, which trig-
gered the collapse of one span of the Mianus River Bridge in It is essential to understand that the FCP was specifically
1983served as the impetus for enhanced field inspection re- developed in response to failures (i.e., brittle fractures) in non-
quirements for these same members.) redundant tension members that occurred in the 1970s. Such
members, which may be either entirely (e.g., a truss member)
The Three-Legged Stool or partially (e.g., a flexural member) in tension became known
Today, a total fracture control plan (FCP) is often illustrated as fracture critical members (FCMs). An FCM is defined by the
as a three-legged stool, where each leg is made up of a part of Code of Federal Regulations (23CFR650 Bridges, Structures and
the plan, as illustrated in Figure 1. (Since the introduction of Hydraulics) as a steel member in tension, or with a tension
the FCP, the authors are not aware of any failures in fracture element, whose failure would probably cause a portion of or the
critical members fabricated to the FCP. Hence, the FCP con- entire bridge to collapse.
cept appears to be serving its intended purpose.) Prior to the FCP, the design of tension members was based

Robert Connor ( is an associate professor of civil engineering and director of the S-BRITE Center at Purdue University.
Karl Frank ( is chief engineer with Hirschfeld Industries. Bill McEleney ( is managing director
of NSBA. John Yadlosky ( is HDRs bridges and structures operations director.


solely upon prevention of yielding; there were minimal require- ria, the member must be clearly labeled as FCM on the design
ments on steel toughness (i.e., no Charpy V Notch toughness plans. This is essential as it alerts the fabricator to obtain the
requirements) and less stringent fabrication and shop inspec- proper material and fabricate the member to the FCP. However,
tion requirements. In fact, there was no AWS bridge welding in addition to the more stringent material and fabrication re-
code in existence. Researchers and engineers alike recognized quirements, the member will also be subject to more rigorous
that control of brittle fracture in non-redundant tension mem- and costly arms-length in-service inspection every two years for
bers, or portions of members in tension, was important. a highway bridge.
In short, the primary objective of the FCP is to prevent
brittle fractures of non-redundant tension members and ten- Applying an FCP
sion components. The material, fabrication and shop inspec- Interestingly, during the development of the FCP, those
tion portions of the FCP are intended to minimize the fre- who crafted the provisions recognized that engineers, given
quency and size of discontinuities that might initiate a crack the choice, will often specify the most conservative option pro-
and also to ensure that materials with greater flaw tolerance vided in a specification and in this case, potentially require the
are used for these members. Arms-length in-service field in- FCP regardless of member loading, type, etc. simply because it
spection is intended to discover fatigue cracks before they be- would be perceived to be safer. To avoid this, the commentary
come a critical size. to the FCP in AWS explicitly states that it is not intended to be
used for members the engineer simply deems important. In
Classifying a Member as an FCM fact, the commentary goes so far as to state that the FCP is not
To be classified as an FCM, two basic yet specific criteria intended to be used for anything but bridges. For example, see
must be met: this wording from the commentary:
1. An FCM must be subjected to net tensile stresses The fracture control plan should not be used indiscrimi-
from either axial or bending forces. For example, a member nately by the designers as a crutch to be safe and to circumvent
that carries 100 kips in dead load compression but 200 kips good engineering practice. Fracture critical classification is not
in live load tension would satisfy this portion of the definition intended for important welds on non-bridge members or an-
since the net force is tension. It is recognized that for brittle cillary products; rather it is only intended to be for those mem-
fracture to occur and propagate, tensile forces that exceed any bers whose failure would be expected to result in a catastrophic
compressive forces must be present in the member. As another collapse of the bridge.
example, in a simple-span beam only the components of the Thus, although a member may be deemed important, if
beam in tension (i.e., bottom flange and portion of the web in it does not meet the two criteria cited above the member shall
tension) would meet this requirement. not be classified as an FCM. For example, failure of an end-
2. An FCM must be determined to be non-redundant. post of a simple span truss will most likely cause collapse of the
While definitions vary slightly, the concern is for members span. However, since it is never subjected to tension, it would
whose fracture would result in collapse of the bridge or a por- be incorrect to label it as an FCM simply because it is a critical
tion of the bridge. A member with an alternate load path or important member in the bridge. This commentary leaves
i.e., a redundant membershould not be considered fracture little to interpretation.
critical. Members such as the lower tension chord of a truss, Despite the guidance in the specifications, it has become
single or double eyebars or pin and link hangers are typi- apparent that some design engineers occasionally incorrectly
cally considered as non-redundant members and identified as classify steel members as FCMs. This is likely due to inexperi-
FCMs because it is presumed that if the member were to fail ence and lack of familiarity with the spirit and objective of the
in brittle fracture, it could trigger the collapse of the bridge. AASHTO/AWS FCP. Nevertheless, in order to properly iden-
In the absence of a more rigorous system analysis, this is of tify when a member should be classified as an FCM, it is best to
course a reasonable assumption. It is these types of members first examine the definitions contained in various specifications
that were on the minds of the individuals who developed the (underlines are for emphasis):
FCP. In contrast, however, the tension flanges of multi-girder From AWS:
bridges are not considered FCMs because the adjacent girders AASHTO/AWS D1.5 Bridge Welding Code, Article 12.2.2
provide a redundant load path and load capacity in the event Definitions
of a fracture of any given girder. Fracture critical member (FCM). Fracture critical members
If either of the above criteria is not met, the member shall or member components are tension members or tension com-
not be considered an FCM. That is true of every specification ponents of bending members (including those subject to rever-
in the United States governing steel bridge design, fabrication sal of stress), the failure of which would be expected to result
and in-service inspection that includes the concept of an FCM. in collapse of the bridge. The designation FCM shall mean
The responsibility to designate a member or member com- fracture critical member or member component. Members and
ponent as an FCM is incumbent on the design engineer. Once components that are not subject to tensile stress under any con-
it is determined that the element meets both of the above crite- dition of live load shall not be defined as fracture critical.

AASHTO/AWS D1.5 Bridge Welding Code, Article C12.2.2 lapse of the bridge. As an example, fatigue cracks were found in
Commentary on Definitions late 1970 at cover plate terminations on the Yellow Mill Pond
Tension members or member components whose failure bridge, which carried I-95 in Connecticut. The girders had nu-
would not cause collapse of the bridge are not fracture criti- merous small cracks and although one girder almost completely
cal. Compression members and portions of bending members fractured, the bridge continued to carry traffic.
in compression may be important to the structural integrity of While a portion of these members is subjected to tension
the bridge, but do not come under the provisions of this plan. due to bending, failure of a single stringer or girder would not
Compression components do not fail by fatigue crack initiation result in collapse of the bridge or even a part of the roadway.
and extension, but rather by yielding or buckling. Multiple stringers supported by transverse floor beams are also
inherently redundant.
From the American Railway Engineering and Floor beams. Some engineers have chosen to classify floor
Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA): beams fracture critical, perhaps in consideration of the support
AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 15, Article of the roadway. Floor beams should be assessed for FCM sta- tus in the same manner as any other bridge memberi.e., is
Fracture critical members (FCM) are defined as those fracturing of a floor beam likely to result in the collapse of the
tension members or tension components of members whose bridge? Regarding roadway support, consider the following:
failure would be expected to result in collapse of the bridge 1. Is the bridge deck composite with the stringers and floor
or inability of the bridge to perform its design function. The beams? If so, in order for the riding surface to collapse,
identification of such components must, of necessity, be the the entire floor system must suffer a fracture.
responsibility of the bridge designer since virtually all bridges 2. Are there continuous stringers over the floor beams? Con-
are inherently complex and the categorization of every bridge tinuous stringers offer an alternate load path for the ve-
and every bridge member is impossible. However, to fall within hicle load.
the fracture critical category, the component must be in tension. 3. How are the floor beams framed into the main longitudi-
Further, a fracture critical member may be either a complete nal elements? Can a failed floor beam in conjunction with
bridge member or it may be a part of a bridge member. the bridge deck carry load via an arching action spanning
AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, across the fracture?
Chapter 15, Article 4. Assuming the tension side of the floor beam fails, is it rea-
Members or member components whose failure would not sonable to assume the entire floor beam would suffer a
cause the bridge to be unserviceable are not considered frac- full-depth fracture?
ture critical. Compression members and member components In most cases, floor beams in conjunction with continuous
in compression may, in themselves, be critical but do not come stringers and the continuity of the deck will provide a redundant
under the provisions of this Plan. system capable of carrying the vehicle load without a collapse.
As clearly stated in these specifications, compression mem- The authors have observed cases where engineers have clas-
bers or components of members in compression are not to sified floor beams as FCMs on bridges where the floor beams
be considered FCM. Both AREMA and AWS use essentially are spaced very closely, such as three feet or less. It is difficult to
the same definitions and state that compression members do imagine that failure of a floor beam spanning from main girder
not come under the provisions of the FCP. Further, redun- to main girder spaced so closely could result in collapse of the
dant members do not come under the provisions of the FCP. bridge or roadway. If one were to idealize the main girders as
The use of the phrase do not also leaves no interpretation supports between which the floor beams span, the cross section
and differs from other typical specification type verbiage, such that carries the load would be comprised of multiple girders
as should or may. (i.e., floor beams). Hence, by definition, the floor beams could
not be classified as FCMs at such close spacing.
FCM or not? If a floor beam is judged to be fracture critical, only the por-
In the interest of providing guidance, a few typical members tion subjected to tensile stresses should be subjected to the FCP.
found in steel bridges are listed along with basic rationale for If the floor beam is a rolled beam, while the entire beam would
either classifying or not classifying the member as an FCM. be required to meet the more stringent CVN material require-
Multi-girder bridges and stringers. Bridges with mul- ments, only the portion in tension is subjected to the FCP fabri-
tiple longitudinal members, such as girder bridges with three cation and inspection requirements. Hence, welds made to the
or more girders or stringer beams of long-span bridges, are ex- compression flange would not be subjected to the FCP even
amples of members with alternate load paths in the event of a though the rolled beam is a single piece of steel. If the floor
fracture. Their criticality is similar to the bridge deck, where beam is a fabricated plate girder, the tension flange and the web
fracture would result in local failure of the deck but not col- must meet the more stringent CVN material requirements of


the FCP. However, only the portion of the web that is in ten- visions of the FCP. For example, see this excerpt from AWS
sion needs to meet the FCP fabrication requirements. The top Article Attachments:
flange, which is only in compression, would not be considered Any attachment welded to a tension zone of an FCM mem-
fracture critical. Also, if the floor beam is designed as a simply ber shall be considered an FCM when any dimension of the at-
supported member, small negative moments that may be pro- tachment exceeds 100 mm [4 in.] in the direction parallel to the
duced due to a shear connection at the ends would not justify calculated tensile stress in the FCM. Attachments designated
classifying the top flange as FC material. FCM shall meet all requirements of this FCP.
Primary longitudinal girders. While the FCP applies to The FCP clearly states the attachment must be located on
various elements, it was failure in elements such as primary lon- the portion of the member subjected to tensile stresses. Hence,
gitudinal girders that led to the development of the plan. The a longitudinal stiffener that is welded to a girder in the tension
classic main girders of a two-girder bridge can reasonably be zone of the web plate must meet the FCP, while a longitudinal
classified as FCMs since failure of one of the beams may be ex- stiffener in the compression zone of a web plate does not need
pected to lead to collapse of the bridge. In the absence of any to meet the FCP, as shown in Figure 2. Note that even though
rigorous system analysis, the portions of the girders subjected the attachment is welded to a web platewhich is designated as
to tension (flange and web) would be classified as FCMs and be FCM in terms of the material selection (see AWS C12.2.2.2)
required to meet the FCP, while the portion of the girder that is due to the fact that a portion of the web is in tension (since
only subjected to compression does not, as illustrated in Figure 2. the welding of the longitudinal stiffener is on the compression
Tension chords or diagonals in trusses. Generally speak- portion of the web) there is no need to invoke the FCP. Note
ing, most tension diagonals and chords in trusses would be clas- also that short attachments, such as a transverse stiffener, which
sified as FCMs. is always less than 4 in. long in the direction of primary stress,
Tie girders. Generally speaking, tension ties would be clas- need not be classified as FCM.
sified as FCMs.
Miscellaneous attachments to FCMs. In addition to pri- Ongoing Research
mary members, certain attachments must also be classified as There are currently several research projects under way fo-
FCMs and be fabricated to the requirements of the FCP. The cusing on bridges and bridge members traditionally classified as
reason for this is to ensure that components such as longitudi- fracture critical. Individual projects are studying the following
nal stiffeners meet the same requirements as the base metal of areas:
the primary member. Further, the welds used to attach these Member-level redundancy. This research effort is examin-
components to the primary member must also meet the pro- ing the strength and fatigue performance of both riveted and

Figure 2 Example of classification of FCM components on a plate girder (created by Robert Connor).

Top flange not FCM since it is

only subjected to compression Longitudinal stiffener is not FCM since it is
installed on compression side of web

Since a portion of web is in tension, it is Tension

Transverse stiffener not FCM since
required to meet FCP and must be
it less than 4 in. long in the
identified as FCM
direction of primary stress
24-in.-long gusset plate is required to meet FCP and
Bottom flange must meet FCP and must be identified as FCM since it is installed on
must be identified as FCM since it tension side of web and is greater than 4 in. in length
is the tension flange


bolted built-up members. While it is accepted that built-up reliably detected during normal inspections. By treating brittle
members possess some level of internal redundancy, it has not fracture like any other limit state (e.g., buckling), it can be ef-
been fully quantified through large-scale experimental or ana- fectively mitigated eliminating the need for the term FCM in
lytical research. Pooled fund study TPF-5(253) is characteriz- terms of long-term inspection.
ing this behavior and will result in evaluation and design guide-
lines for such members to ensure sufficient redundancy exists. Safer Bridges
System redundancy. Several studies are under way, such The AASHTO/AWS D1.5 FCP has been in place for near-
as NCHRP Project 12-87a (research funded by AISC/NSBA ly 35 years and appears to have eliminated brittle fractures in
focusing on twin-tub girders) as well as research sponsored by steel bridges through improved material toughness, fabrication
other agencies that are working to develop modeling, evalu- practices and shop inspection. Additionally, the modern steels,
ation and design guidance related to analyzing bridges tradi- in particular the HPS grades, possess far superior toughness
tionally classified with FCMs. While it is generally presumed than those used before the introduction of the FCP. The com-
that failure of an FCM will cause collapse of the structure, field bination of these factors provides much greater safety than our
experiences where such failures have occurred suggest other- legacy bridges built before the FCP.
wise in all but extreme cases, such as in the Silver Bridge. These While the additional first cost associated with the FCP have
projects will result in rational criteria to characterize the ben- been estimated to be 5% to 10% of the total steel fabrication
efits of load redistribution provided by the structural contribu- cost, the FCP should not be invoked based on the false assump-
tions of the deck slab, secondary members, parapets and other tion that this will somehow make the bridge better. Designers
components not traditionally used. Further, the minimum live and owners must appreciate that once a member is classified
load capacity that is to be maintained in the faulted state will as an FCM, it is subjected to arms-length biennial inspections
also be defined. for the life of the bridge. As a result, the long-term costs associ-
Exploitation of superior-toughness steel. It is well known ated with inspection greatly increase the life-cycle cost of the
that modern steels, in particular the HPS grades, offer far supe- structure. When invoked arbitrarily, this simply increases costs,
rior fracture toughness than older steels. However, the current with little or no increase in actual performance of the structures.
A709 toughness requirements for HPS grade, while good, do not In summary, engineers are encouraged to become familiar
fully exploit the potential benefits of the HPS grades in terms of with the existing AASHTO/AWS D1.5 Bridge Welding Code
fracture resistance. These grades are consistently produced with provisions to ensure they are specified only when necessary and
toughness levels that far exceed minimum requirements. The re- appropriate. Doing so will result in the most economical steel
search being conducted through pooled fund study TPF-5(238) structure and is in the best interest of the owner, fabricator and
explores the benefits of increasing the toughness requirements of public. Further, as current research progresses and is moved
some steel grades so that brittle fracture is no more likely than into practice, the meaning of the term fracture critical will cer-
any other limit state, thereby effectively taking fracture off the tainly evolve. In fact, with modern steels, modern fatigue design
table so to speak. In the extremely unlikely event a fatigue crack approaches and advanced analytical tools, we may see a time
were to develop, tolerable crack sizes will be large enough to be when the term fracture critical will no longer be relevant. 


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