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A Decade of Industrial Ecology

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The document provides an overview of industrial ecology and discusses how it has evolved into its own field of study.

The book is a retrospective on the first 25 years of industrial ecology as a scientific field.

Some of the topics covered in the book include industrial metabolism, sustainability, resource efficiency, supply chains, urban ecology, and more.

Roland Clift Angela Druckman Editors

Taking Stock
of Industrial
Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology
Roland Clift Angela Druckman

Taking Stock of Industrial

Roland Clift Angela Druckman
Centre for Environmental Strategy Centre for Environmental Strategy
University of Surrey University of Surrey
Guildford, UK Guildford, UK

ISBN 978-3-319-20570-0 ISBN 978-3-319-20571-7 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7

Library of Congress Control Number: 2015957425

Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London

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Industrial ecology has come of age: it has its own journal, its own society and, in
this volume, a first full retrospective taking stock of its first quarter of a century
as a scientific field. It is a remarkable achievement.
To speak of society as having an industrial ecology would barely have been
understood, as little as three decades ago. Early in the 1990s, I submitted an article
for a newspaper with the phrase industrial ecology in it, only to have the editor send
it back to me, corrected to industrial economy. At the time, we all knew exactly
what the industrial economy was (or thought we did), but clearly industrial ecol-
ogy could only be a typo. When I explained that it was not, the editor deemed it
best to remove the term, because no one would understand it. Two decades later
industrial ecology is a clearer concept than industrial economy. The former even has
its own Wikipedia entry; the latter, strangely, does not.
Language is a curious commodity. Its malleability appears sometimes to be
almost infinite. Meanings change and mutate over time, as intellectual territory is
created and destroyed. We can respond to this linguistic contortionism in several
distinct ways: at least two of them are wrong.
One of the wrong ways is to suppose that the meanings embedded in terms are
not just fixed but rightly so. We can spend a lot of time and energy defending the
territory that language creates: defile my meanings at your peril; they are part of my
identity and protect my legitimacy in the world. This is a subtly disguised variant on
G. E. Moores (1903) naturalistic fallacy: what is, is what ought to be; and woe
betide offenders. The best way to avoid such an error is not to be too attached to the
precision of language.
Alternatively we can celebrate the loss of meaning in late, postmodern, advanced
consumer capitalism, where nothing is any longer sacred, and definition counts for
naught. Accepting this fluidity of meaning, it is all too easy to allow ourselves to
float above rigour and define away contestation. In fact, a cynical variation on this
theme is to deliberately employ such tactics to create your own territory. Academics
throughout the ages have fallen foul of this. Let us put two unfamiliar words together
and build a career from it. Come on; it is easy: epigenetic precognition, categorical

vi Foreword

hyper-glaciation, collateral proto-determinism. Anyone can play. Does it matter

what it all means? Probably not if it gets my papers published.
Alan Sokal (1996) famously highlighted the problem in a paper submitted to a
leading sociological journal to see if they would publish an article liberally salted
with nonsense if (a) it sounded good and (b) it flattered the editors ideological pre-
conceptions. Sadly, the journal failed the test; they published it. But because they
did, the sociological lesson still resonates: not every unfamiliar coupling of familiar
words can be expected to last the course, let alone contribute to knowledge. The best
way to avoid this error is to become a little more attached to the precision of
Science must somehow chart a course between these two positions. How should
we ensure that our linguistic efforts amount to more than academic birdsong? How
can we develop intellectual territory which contributes meaningfully to understand-
ing? It seems to me that successful scientific terminology has to have three specific
characteristics. First, it must resonate with the cultural context into which it falls.
Second, it must have integrity, allowing its proponents to convey a coherent and
articulate vision. Finally, it must express humility, showing a preparedness to extend
its boundaries, change its focus and, occasionally, when no longer needed, to expire
gracefully in favour of new meanings, better understandings and clearer visions.
Industrial ecology must at least partly have satisfied these conditions. For otherwise,
there would be nothing after 25 years to take stock of, and, as this volume shows,
there clearly is.
Industrial ecology emerged at a time when detailed understandings of the eco-
logical impacts of human activity were painfully thin. Business knew too little about
their supply chains. Citizens understood too little of their footprints. Climate scien-
tists had barely begun the extraordinary collaborative endeavour to chart the impacts
and progress of anthropogenic climate change. Accounting systems, so rigorously
developed for profit and loss, were woefully lacking in the raw material basis of the
modern economy. Industrial ecology, or something akin to it, was clearly missing,
not just in our vocabulary but in our understanding. Its emergence resonated with a
real need: to understand better the complex links between industrial systems, human
society and the biosphere. Industrial ecology was resonant.
Industrial ecology also puts forward a vision. From the outset the language con-
veyed both an idea and an ideal. The idea was that industrial systems are also, in and
of themselves, a part of the natural world and not apart from it. Human systems are
irrevocably entwined in natural systems. Separation is impossible. Two simple
questions form the basis of material flow analysis, one of industrial ecologys most
important tools. Where does it come from? Where does it go to? These two ques-
tions are amongst the most powerful tools we have in our search to understand the
material connection between the economy and the earth; and this connection lies at
the heart of industrial ecologys vision.
But Frosch and Gallopouloss seminal 1989 paper in Scientific American went
further than this. There was, in that early vision, an unashamedly normative compo-
nent. Since industrial systems are inextricably connected to natural ecosystems,
should they not seek to be more like natural ecosystems? Our economies preside
Foreword vii

over a largely linear material throughput. Raw materials are extracted from the
earth, pass through the industrial metabolism (an early linguistic variant on indus-
trial ecology) and are dumped unceremoniously into the environment afterwards,
polluting our atmosphere, our oceans, our rivers and our soils. Nature appears to be
more conservative than this: more circumspect in its operations, more responsive to
the scarcity of available resources. Natural ecosystems tend to reuse, recycle, upcy-
cle and, otherwise, re-employ materials, either in the same or in another ecosystem,
prodigiously. Might it not be a good idea, if industrial systems were to do the same?
At first sight, this normative ideal looks suspiciously like Moores naturalistic
fallacy all over again. It is not generally advisable to argue from what one observes
in nature to what ought to be. But there is a subtle difference here. There were cer-
tainly plenty of rather too linear ecosystems that collapsed entirely, their integrity
damaged beyond repair, their species sometimes lost forever. What nature shows us
then is not what ought to be, but what emerged through evolution as a successful
adaptation in the face of scarce resources. To aim to adopt a successful strategy is
not the same as accepting the naturalistic proposition. Industrial ecologys norma-
tive ideal amounts to a necessary (but not sufficient) strategy for survival.
Finally then, we come to the question of humility. Each new discipline convenes
around a set of personal histories. The contributors to this volume are all serious
scientists, who have dedicated their lives work to improving our understanding of
human society and perhaps its chances of survival. None of them arrived in the
world as fully formed industrial ecologists if such a person could even be said to
exist. Their careers were forged in the furnace of uncertainty. I was one of those
scientists. My early career was firmly anchored in the ideas that became embodied
in industrial ecology. Its journal, its conferences and its society became a part of an
intellectual home for me, as it did for many represented in this book. We did not
always use precisely the same language, but that did not seem to matter. We did not
always agree, but science is not about agreement. It is about conjectures and refuta-
tions. It is about falsifiability. Being prepared to be wrong is as important as actually
being right. A degree of humility is essential for this to work; and industrial ecology,
as an intellectual home, has provided for that.
As my own work evolved, I became a little more separated from the core disci-
pline than many of those represented here. I found myself increasingly interested,
first in the social and later in the macroeconomic drivers of the industrial metabo-
lism. To its credit, far from rejecting these interests, the discipline of industrial ecol-
ogy not only recognized them but sought to include them in its broader remit. The
journal published my article (Jackson 2005) on sustainable consumption, for exam-
ple, without ever questioning its relevance to industrial ecology. And when my work
for the UK Sustainable Development Commission on prosperity and growth was
published, Reid Lifset, long-serving editor of the Journal of Industrial Ecology,
specifically insisted that I should write something on it for the journal (Jackson
I do not suppose for a minute I am alone in this experience. On the contrary, I am
convinced that each of the contributors to this volume could tell a similar story. As
a community of intellect, industrial ecology has been inclusive, adaptive and open
viii Foreword

to change. This is clearly one of the reasons for the success of its scientific language
and the enormous relevance of its ongoing work.
Ultimately, of course, there are limits to the extent that scientific language can
shift the boundaries of its own meaning. The difficult course between precision and
adaptability is navigated over and over again, as societys needs also change.
Circumstances alter; culture reinvents itself. The challenge for science is to respond
to those changes. History is almost as replete with defunct disciplines, which failed
in that task, as ecology is of extinct species. In the long run, perhaps, the arbiter of
success is not longevity, but usefulness. To have survived and thrived for over
25 years is of course a remarkable achievement. But what really counts is the light
that industrial ecology has shed on some of the most pressing issues of our time.
This volume is a fitting testament to that success.

Guildford, Surrey, UK Tim Jackson


Frosch, R. A., & Gallopoulos, N. E. (1989). Strategies for manufacturing. Scientific American,
261(3), 144153.
Jackson, T. (2005). Live better by consuming less. Where is the double dividend in sustainable
consumption. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 9(12), 1936.
Jackson, T. (2009). Beyond the growth economy. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 14, 487490.
Moore, G. E. (1903). Principia ethica. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sokal, A. (1996). Transgressing the boundaries: Towards a transformative hermeneutics of quan-
tum gravity. Social Text, 46/47, 217252.

Introduction ..................................................................................................... xi
Roland Clift and Angela Druckman

Part I State-of-the-Art and Discussions of Research Issues

1 Industrial Ecologys First Decade ......................................................... 3
T.E. Graedel and R.J. Lifset
2 Prospective Models of Societys Future Metabolism:
What Industrial Ecology Has to Contribute......................................... 21
Stefan Pauliuk and Edgar G. Hertwich
3 Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: What Is It
and What Are Its Challenges? ............................................................... 45
Jeroen Guine
4 Industrial Ecology and Cities................................................................. 69
Christopher A. Kennedy
5 Scholarship and Practice in Industrial Symbiosis: 19892014 ........... 87
Marian Chertow and Jooyoung Park
6 A Socio-economic Metabolism Approach to Sustainable
Development and Climate Change Mitigation ..................................... 117
Timothy M. Baynes and Daniel B. Mller
7 Stocks and Flows in the Performance Economy .................................. 137
Walter R. Stahel and Roland Clift
8 Impacts Embodied in Global Trade Flows ........................................... 159
Thomas Wiedmann
9 Understanding Households as Drivers of Carbon Emissions ............. 181
Angela Druckman and Tim Jackson

x Contents

10 The Social and Solidarity Economy: Why Is It Relevant

to Industrial Ecology?............................................................................. 205
Marlyne Sahakian
11 Industrial Ecology in Developing Countries......................................... 229
Megha Shenoy
12 Material Flow Analysis and Waste Management................................. 247
Yuichi Moriguchi and Seiji Hashimoto

Part II Case Studies and Examples of the Application

of Industrial Ecology Approaches
13 Circular Economy and the Policy Landscape in the UK ..................... 265
Julie Hill
14 Industrial Ecology and Portugals National Waste Plans ................... 275
Paulo Ferro, Antnio Lorena, and Paulo Ribeiro
15 The Role of Science in Shaping Sustainable Business:
Unilever Case Study ................................................................................ 291
Sarah Sim, Henry King, and Edward Price
16 Practical Implications of Product-Based
Environmental Legislation ..................................................................... 303
Kieren Mayers
17 Multinational Corporations and the Circular Economy:
How Hewlett Packard Scales Innovation and Technology
in Its Global Supply Chain ..................................................................... 317
Kirstie McIntyre and John A. Ortiz
18 The Industrial Ecology of the Automobile ............................................ 331
Roland Geyer
19 Quantifying the Potential of Industrial Symbiosis:
The LOCIMAP Project, with Applications
in the Humber Region ............................................................................ 343
Malcolm Bailey and Andrew Gadd

Index ................................................................................................................. 359


The Industrial Ecology Paradigm

The earliest use of the term industrial ecology, if not the first application of the
concept, is generally agreed to be in the seminal paper by Frosch and Gallopoulos
(1989), as quoted in several chapters in this book:
The traditional model of industrial activity should be transformed into a more integrated
model: an industrial ecosystem. In such a system the consumption of energy and materials
is optimized, waste generation is minimised, and the effluents of one processserve as the
raw material for another.

The International Society for Industrial Ecology has adopted the definition of
industrial ecology coined by White (1994). Whites definition, while building on the
ideas of Frosch and Gallopoulos, introduces the role of the consumer and stresses
the importance of the wider socio-economic arena:
the study of the flows of materials and energy in industrial and consumer activities, of the
effects of these flows on the environment, and of the influences of economic, political, regu-
latory and social factors on the flow, use and transformation of resources (White 1994).

A later definition by Allenby (2006: 33) defines industrial ecology as

a systems-based, multidisciplinary discourse that seeks to understand emergent behaviour
of complex integrated human/natural systems.

This definition highlights that industrial ecology takes a whole systems approach
and also that it involves many disciplines not just the technical, economic and
environmental fields but also fields such as sociology and philosophy, ethical phi-
losophy in particular.
The term industrial ecology draws an analogy between industrial systems and
natural ecosystems and is founded upon the suggestion that understanding and
applying what can be learnt from natural systems will help us design more sustain-
able industrial systems (Graedel and Allenby 1995; Ehrenfeld 1997). Whether natu-
ral ecosystems are really a helpful model for industrial ecology and whether the
term industrial metabolism would be more appropriate have been much discussed.

xii Introduction

But the key concern behind the rise of industrial ecology is the acceptance that the
way human activities are using, and using up, the planets resources cannot continue
unchecked: we (i.e. human society and our economy) must change to become sus-
tainable. Part of industrial ecology is concerned with analysing economic systems
to identify where unsustainability originates, but, as in the original statement by
Frosch and Gallopoulos, this necessarily leads to suggestions on how the system
should be changed. These two sides of industrial ecology analytical and prospec-
tive/design oriented (in the broadest sense) are illustrated by the chapters in this
A basic premise of industrial ecology is that it is concerned with sustainability.
This demands an articulation of what we mean by sustainability and sustainable
development, given that the terms are contested (and arguably have been diluted
by loose usage). We start by pointing out that development, as in sustainable devel-
opment, is not to be equated with economic development in the sense of increasing
per capita GDP or disposable income. The Brandt Commission (1980) pointed out
firmly that:
One must avoid the persistent confusion of growth with development, and we strongly
emphasise that the prime objective of development is to lead to self-fulfilment and creative
partnership in the use of a nations productive forces and its full human potential.

There is a body of literature exploring this interpretation and the related question
of how happiness and quality of life can best be promoted. Although this question
is only briefly touched upon in the chapters in this book, the point clearly articulated
by the Brandt Commission underlies many of the chapters.
Jackson (2010) has offered one of the most succinct definitions of
Sustainability is the art of living well, within the ecological limits of a finite planet.

Here living well is to be interpreted in two senses. First, it means living pros-
perously with a decent level of material comfort, security and dignity. Second, it
has a moral sense not living at the expense of the well-being of others and thus
feeling your life is good in ethical terms.
Recognition of ecological limits is fundamental: if it were possible to expand
economic activity without limits, sustainability of development would not be a con-
cern. A widespread interpretation of sustainability, which is implicit in many of the
chapters in this book, recognises three dimensions or types of constraints. This is
shown schematically in Fig. 1 in the form of a Venn diagram in which each lobe
represents a possible operating space bounded by constraints, which may be hard
or soft. Techno-economic efficiency represents the ranges of activities available
to us, limited by our technical skills and ingenuity, by the laws of thermodynamics
and by the need to be efficient as defined by the prevailing economic system. An
important point, picked up in several chapters in this book, is that that the laws of
thermodynamics are hard-wired into the universe, whereas the laws of econom-
ics are human constructs and therefore mutable, for example by changes to the fiscal
system. Environmental compatibility represents the range of activities which can
Introduction xiii



Fig. 1 Sustainability and sustainable development (adapted from Clift 1995 and Clift et al. 2013)

be pursued indefinitely within the resource and carrying capacity of the planet. A
promising approach to defining and perhaps quantifying this space has been pro-
posed by Rockstrm et al. (2009) who articulated the idea of a safe operating space
for humanity lying within Planetary Boundaries. Social equity represents the
ethical imperative implicit in the original Brundtland articulation of the idea of sus-
tainable development (WCED 1987) as development that:
meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their needs.

This idea of sustainability has been summed up in some policy statements (e.g.
DETR 1999) along the lines of
the simple idea of ensuring a better quality of life for everyone, now and for generations to

A sustainable future must lie within all three of the operating spaces in Fig. 1.
Thus sustainable living is represented by the region at the centre of the figure.
While the current human economy generally operates within the Techno-economic
Efficiency lobe, as indicated by point X, it obviously does not lie within either of the
other spaces; for example, Rockstrm et al. (2009) have identified domains in which
planetary boundaries are already exceeded, while obvious disparities in quality of
life between different populations and regions show that the global economy does
not operate with the Social equity lobe. Sustainable development is then repre-
sented by a trajectory moving from present practice to the sustainable region.
Industrial ecology aspires to guide this trajectory.
Some of the discussion around sustainable living has been framed in terms of the
so-called IPAT equation (Ehrlich and Holdren 1971), and several chapters in this
book refer to it. The IPAT equation is actually an expression of a conceptual rela-
tionship rather than a formal equation
xiv Introduction


where I represents the impact of human activities on the environment, P is the

human population, A is a measure of affluence (usually interpreted as average per
capita GDP) and T is a measure of technological efficiency of consumption:

T Environmental impact / Unit of GDP .

The IPAT relationship in this simplistic form was originally deployed to frame dis-
cussions over the extent to which technological advances could offset growth in
population and affluence; for example, clean technology is conceived as an
approach to reducing the T term (see Clift and Longley 1994). However, the recog-
nition that well-being or quality of life is distinct from consumption as measured by
GDP has led to a different discussion in industrial ecology and other circles: how
can a good quality of life, the focus of the Social equity lobe in Fig. 1.1, be main-
tained within the constraints represented by the Environmental compatibility lobe?
This means questioning whether A really needs to increase (see, e.g. Jackson 2009),
as well as how far P will increase and whether reducing T can offset these increases.
Like Whites (1994) definition of industrial ecology, the IPAT relationship is
generally conceived in terms of consumption flows GDP but the debate in indus-
trial ecology increasingly refers to the importance of social, environmental and
manufactured stock. The distinction between stocks and flows is therefore impor-
tant; many of the chapters in this book focus on it. The terminology comes from
economics, but the concepts underlie many other disciplines, including most
branches of engineering. A flow variable is one that has a time dimension or flows
over time, like the flow in a stream. A stock variable measures a quantity at a par-
ticular instant, like the quantity of water in a lake. An individual item in the stock
may have a limited life (or, in engineering terms, a limited residence time). Income
is a flow; wealth is a stock. A fleet of vehicles is a stock, but the fuel as it is burnt
and the rate at which new vehicles enter service are both flows. A consumer making
a purchase drives production, which is a flow; the object purchased then joins the
stock of articles, such as appliances and clothing, in the consumers home.

This Book

The motivation for this book, published to coincide with the 8th biennial conference
of the International Society for Industrial Ecology in July 2015, was to review how
industrial ecology has developed over the last 25 years; to provide some examples
of where industrial ecology thinking has made a difference in practice, strategy
and policy; and to set out some of the current challenges in industrial ecology and
how this new grouping of disciplines might develop in the future. The intention is to
provide an introduction which will be valuable for students and other newcomers,
but also a reference source for those already familiar with aspects of industrial
Introduction xv

ecology. Part I comprises a set of chapters which explore current thinking and prac-
tice in different aspects of industrial ecology and indicate how this thinking and
application is likely to develop in the future. Part II gives a selection of areas where
industrial ecology thinking has been applied, to provide valuable insights and hence
to suggest practical actions and policies.
The book is not necessarily intended to be read from start to finish. Experienced
industrial ecologists will be familiar with many of the concepts and should find the
book useful to dip in and out of, according to their current needs and interests. We
suggest that the reader who is new to industrial ecology should start with Chap. 1,
in which Tom Graedel and Reid Lifset set out the history of the developments in
North America which led to the Journal of Industrial Ecology (JIE) and the forma-
tion of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE). In Europe, the ori-
gins of the industrial ecology community are somewhat different: ISIE drew in a
group of researchers and practitioners who had been involved primarily with Life
Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Material Flow Accounting (MFA) but who recog-
nised that they needed a new scientific and professional body with a broader scope.
It is significant that the first conference of the International Society for Industrial
Ecology, in 2001, was held in the Netherlands and organised by researchers at the
University of Leiden best known for their work in LCA but who now thought of
themselves as industrial ecologists.
Subsequent chapters in Part I discuss specific topics in industrial ecology. In
Chap. 2, which exemplifies the whole-system approach to stocks and flows, Stefan
Pauliuk and Edgar Hertwich show how the basic principles of industrial ecology,
such as taking a life cycle approach and stipulating mass balance consistency, are
now being applied in dynamic, forward-looking (prospective) models to study the
potential effect of sustainable development strategies at full scale. They explain how
these newer models are related to more traditional techniques employed in indus-
trial ecology such as LCA (see Guine, Chap. 3), MFA (see Moriguchi and
Hashimoto, Chap. 12) and Input-output Analysis (see Wiedmann, Chap. 8). Pauliuk
and Hertwich also discuss the relationship between new prospective models and
conventional Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs). IAMs are not the subject of a
chapter of this book as, while they have, arguably, a more comprehensive scope,
they lack the robust scientific basis fundamental to industrial ecology. However,
Pauliuk and Hertwich see the integration of the core concepts of industrial ecology
into IAMs as a promising approach to enable enhanced understanding of societys
future metabolism.
From the first recognition of industrial ecology as a way of thinking, Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) has been one of its basic tools. LCA is concerned with identify-
ing the impacts of a supply chain leading to delivery of a product or service. LCA
started with industrial applications, only subsequently developing into a way of
thinking which engaged the attention of the academic community. In Chap. 3,
Jeroen Guine explores one of the current challenges for LCA: how to develop the
tool from its traditional role in identifying and quantifying environmental impacts
to covering all three of the lobes in Fig. 1, i.e. to provide a tool to assess the sustain-
ability of a product or service.
xvi Introduction

In Chap. 4, Chris Kennedy tracks the growing prominence of studies of cities in

the industrial ecology literature. Kennedy conceptualises that urban metabolism
studies are scale-delineated components of wider socio-economic metabolism
studies, and he sees two main challenges for future work. One is to address ques-
tions such as what are the limits to efficiency gains that can be achieved, for exam-
ple, through closing material loops? This relates to the circular economy debate (see
Chaps. 7 (Stahel & Clift) and 13 (Hill)). The other, related, challenge concerns
industrial symbiosis, which is the subject of Chap. 5 (Chertow & Park) and Chap. 19
(Bailey & Gadd), and here Kennedy sees a need to explore how much potential
there is for industrial symbiosis in cities, with a focus on the limitations of urban-
scale agglomeration effects.
In Chap. 5, Marian Chertow and Jooyoung Park focus on industrial symbiosis,
one of the areas within industrial ecology that derives most obviously from the anal-
ogy with natural ecosystems. They describe this as a subfield of industrial ecology
which engages traditionally separate industries and entities in a collaborative
approach to resource sharing that benefits both the environment and the economy.
They start the chapter with a description of Kalundborg, the most famous and often
cited example of industrial symbiosis, and the rest of their chapter charts the
progress of industrial symbiosis worldwide. They conclude that while industrial
symbiosis has achieved a great deal in the last quarter century, much remains to be
done to understand the levels of material exchanges, institutional contexts, cultural
changes and people-to-people collaborations that will enable industrial symbiosis to
flourish worldwide.
Chapter 6, by Tim Baynes and Daniel Mller, again picks up the theme of stocks
and flows in a whole-system perspective. Readers relatively new to industrial ecol-
ogy are advised to read Chap. 4 (Urban metabolism) before embarking on Chap. 6.
Increasing concentration of people in urban centres means that massive investment
is needed in urban infrastructure (i.e. stock) in the coming decades, particularly in
the global South. This will require enormous flows of materials, and there are seri-
ous questions over how this can be accommodated within the Planetary Boundaries.
Once the infrastructure is in place, society is locked in to patterns of behaviour and
economic activity. Baynes and Mller explore how the industrial ecology approach,
drawing on the modelling approaches in Chap. 2, can lead to models of socio-
economic metabolism which guide sustainable development by ensuring that the
time perspective is long term.
The importance of the lifetime of stock is also one of the themes in Chap. 7 by
Walter Stahel and Roland Clift. The idea of a circular economy, involving repeated
rather than once through use of materials, is currently enjoying widespread discus-
sion; indeed, it has been one of the central ideas in industrial ecology from the out-
set. Stahel and Clift explore how focussing on the use of stocks gives insights which
go beyond looking for circular flows, leading to the idea of a performance econ-
omy which focuses on maintenance and exploitation of stock. The performance
economy emphasises business models directed at providing services rather than
selling material products and identifies reuse and remanufacturing as key parts of
the economy. This represents a realisation of industrial ecologys aspiration of
Introduction xvii

rethinking the economy and, in this case, exploring changes to the fiscal regime
which would promote more resource-efficient economies.
In the next chapter, Chap. 8, Thomas Wiedmann considers the environmental and
social impacts of the increase in global trade experienced during recent decades. He
discusses how, for example, todays longer and increasingly complex global supply
chains make it more difficult to connect the environmental impacts of production to
the final consumer of the goods and services. In addition to discussing develop-
ments in analytical tools and data requirements, Wiedmann also discusses the
broadening of indicators. He reviews how studies now extend beyond the traditional
analysis of carbon emissions, to include other environmental indicators such as land
and water use and, importantly, social indicators such as child labour, which extend
the analysis into the Social equity lobe of Fig. 1.
The chapter by Angela Druckman and Tim Jackson (9) follows neatly from
Thomas Wiedmanns Chap. (8), as it takes the concept of footprinting, which
Wiedmann applies to trade, and applies it to household consumption. Both
approaches are based on consumption perspective accounting, which uses whole
systems, life cycle thinking to attribute all impacts along supply chains to final con-
sumers. Druckman and Jackson review the determinants of the carbon footprints of
Western households, the composition of average household footprints, and also dis-
cuss the rebound effect. They conclude that while it is vital to address the systems
of provision of food, energy, housing and transportation, structural income growth
presents a key challenge and that we should seek solutions that provide low carbon
lifestyles with high levels of well-being. Once again, development must not to be
equated with economic growth.
In Chap. 10 Marlyne Sahakian picks up on the importance of the structure of the
economy and the well-being it provides by introducing the concept of the social and
solidarity economy, fully embracing the Social equity lobe in Fig. 1. As noted
above, a high quality of life is the objective, not just economic activity as measured
by GDP. The concept is people centric: it aims to place service to communities
ahead of profit and embraces the notion of reciprocity. Examples of activities of the
social and solidarity economy include social entrepreneurship, crowd funding, fair
trade, community currencies and some forms of peer-to-peer sharing. Many of these
activities are niche: they are often at the grassroots level operating at the margins of
the dominant capitalist economy. Hence, to make progress, the issue of scale is, she
says, the greatest challenge. Importantly for this book, Sahakian analyses the link-
ages between the social and solidarity economy and industrial ecology and finds
many synergies. She also, however, notes a tension that is a challenge for the future,
whereby industrial ecology generally prioritises the environment, whereas the social
and solidarity economy prioritises people. In the terms of Fig. 1, a genuine balance
must be found between the Environmental compatibility and Social equity lobes.
In Chap. 11, Megha Shenoy focuses attention on developing countries the
global South and so returns to the original focus of sustainable development.
The holistic approach of industrial ecology can provide a valuable platform on
which to develop strategies and policies for sustainable development. In turn, the
development of industrial ecology thinking should be informed by experience in the
xviii Introduction

developing world. Efforts in the global South have primarily focussed on cleaner
production and eco-industrial parks (an application of the industrial symbiosis
approach explored in Chap. 5), but awareness of the long-term socio-economic
metabolism effects discussed in Chap. 6 is essential. Lack of essential data to inform
policy is a common problem, and Shenoy suggests that industrial ecology thinking
should be able to find simplified ways to collect and present data on economic and
environmental performance.
Along with life cycle assessment, material flow analysis (MFA) is an essential
tool in the industrial ecologists kit. In Chap. 12, Yuichi Moriguchi and Seiji
Hashimoto outline the development of MFA since the pioneering work of Robert
Ayres and go on to show how MFA is already used to support waste management
and recycling policy. They describe how in Japan, in particular, MFA has always
been seen as one of the tools guiding policy for a circular economy. International
efforts are needed to standardise compilation of MFA data. Input-output analysis,
the approach mainly discussed in Chap. 8, is increasingly used as a way to estimate
and represent material flows.
Following the general essays in Part I outlined above, Part II contains contribu-
tions on more specific areas and applications of industrial ecology.
The circular economy is an increasingly popular concept with policy-makers
and industrialists. Despite its flaws, discussed in Chap. 7, it is an approach which
enables companies to implement some of the principles that are at the heart of
industrial ecology. As such, the circular economy has been adopted as a model by
countries as far apart as China (see Chaps. 5 and 12) and the nations of the European
Union (EU). To demonstrate how EU policies are implemented in practice, in
Chap. 13, Julie Hill discusses how the four administrations that make up the UK
(England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) have implemented EU policies on
the circular economy.
In Chap. 14, Paulo Ferro, Antnio Lorena and Paulo Ribeiro set out how one of
the most direct applications of industrial ecology in public policy Portugals
National Waste Management Plan was developed in partnership between the
Portuguese Environment Agency and the Instituto Superior Tcnico of the University
of Lisbon. The need for a life cycle approach to underpin waste management poli-
cies was recognised from the outset, leading to promotion of a circular economy to
contribute to increasing resource efficiency. The benefits include reductions in the
quantity of waste sent to landfill, increase in recycling of solid waste due to selective
collection and more efficient recovery and treatment, leading to almost halving the
GHG emissions associated with waste management. This is a benchmark example
of what can be achieved by cooperation between government, academia and the
private sector in applying industrial ecology thinking.
In Chap. 15, Sarah Sim, Henry King and Edward Price explain how scientific
analysis is used to guide strategy in a major multinational company in the fast-
moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector. Unilever has a track record as a leader in
applying life cycle thinking LCA has been used for the design of many products,
and the companys Sustainable Living Plan includes extensive product footprint-
ing. Sim and her colleagues foresee that the company will continue to use life cycle
Introduction xix

approaches but recognise the need to develop the framework further and to recog-
nise and operate within absolute sustainability limits rather than working to achieve
incremental improvements. This places their approach squarely within the frame-
work of Fig. 1. They see the planetary boundaries approach initiated by Rockstrm
et al. (2009) as the basis for conceptual developments and practical actions, to be
developed by commercial organisations working with the academic industrial ecol-
ogy community.
Chapter 16 by Kieren Mayers complements Hills Chap. (13) by looking at the
practical implications of product-based environmental legislation. Mayers discusses
how producers address regulations concerning use of hazardous substances in their
supply chains, energy efficiency of products during use and the management of
products at end of life. In this chapter Mayers draws on his wide experience of
working at Sony Computer Entertainment and introduces the reader to the reality of
the challenges faced in the industry. He gives a frank assessment of the progress that
legislation has made towards reducing the environmental impacts of products across
their life cycles and stresses that producers are faced with administratively and
logistically complex challenges.
Chapter 17, by Kirstie McIntyre and John A. Ortiz, returns to the theme of the
circular economy discussed by Stahel and Clift in Chap. 7, and for which Hill set
out the policy landscape with reference to the UK in Chap. 13. McIntyre and Ortiz
discuss how a multinational corporation, Hewlett Packard, operationalise the circu-
lar economy in their global supply chains. They highlight the importance of placing
customers centrally in the system and of viewing them as users rather than consum-
ers. This links with the concept of the sharing economy and the social and solidar-
ity economy as discussed by Sahakian in Chap. 10.
In Chap. 18, Roland Geyer looks at the automobile through the lens of industrial
ecology. Increasingly, decision-makers are looking for a new paradigm for the ser-
vice of personal mobility. The literature is voluminous on how to make cars less
unsustainable and whether the internal combustion engine should be supplanted by
other technologies, including batteries and fuel cells. Lightweighting and end-of-
life recycling are further approaches to reducing the impacts of automobiles. The
basic question, which Geyer uses as his framework to assess their potential, is the
extent to which possible new technologies would reduce rather than just shift the
environmental impacts of personal transport.
Finally, in Chap. 19, Malcolm Bailey and Andrew Gadd review the practical
application of industrial symbiosis (see Chertow, Chap. 5) in a major industrial
cluster, at Humberside in North East England. The scope for industrial symbiosis
applied to existing plants has been exploited, by both top-down and bottom-up
initiatives, and the savings in generation of waste and greenhouse gases are impres-
sive. Even larger potential savings have been identified, but they would require sym-
biotic interrelationships to be designed in, with installations co-located in
eco-industrial parks. Bailey and Gadd raise some practical engineering problems
that need to be addressed systematically, complementing the less technological
issues raised by Chertow and Park in Chap. 5. This returns us to one of the themes
xx Introduction

in industrial ecology: the need for an economic and financial system which aligns
economic performance and environmental performance.
The deadline imposed by having this book available at the International Society
for Industrial Ecologys 2015 conference has meant that some topics we would have
liked to include are not represented. Complex systems are obviously relevant to
industrial ecology, but at least there are many good introductory texts on complex
systems. As will be obvious through some of the chapters of the book (see, e.g.
Chaps. 8, 9, 10 and 17), the social sciences are increasingly interested in and of
interest to industrial ecology. Some of this work, e.g. Fischer-Kowalski and Haberl
(2007), overlaps with another emerging field ecological economics but there is
a growing interest in what the social sciences can contribute to and learn from
industrial ecology. For this we refer the reader to Boons and Howard-Grenville
(2009) and to Baumann et al. (forthcoming).
We hope that new readers and experienced industrial ecologists alike will find
this a useful and interesting volume that takes stock of where industrial ecology has
got to a quarter of a century after Frosch and Gallopoulos first introduced the term
and that also provides insights into the challenges ahead.

Guildford, Surrey, UK Roland Clift and Angela Druckman

Acknowledgement We would like to thank Linda Gessner for her help in editing and producing
the book.


Allenby, B. (2006). The ontologies of industrial ecology? Progress in Industrial Ecology An

International Journal, 3(1/2), 2840.
Baumann, H., Brunklaus, B., Lindqvist, M., Arvidsson, R., Nilsson-Linden, H., & Hildenbrand, H.
(forthcoming). Life cycle methods for management How to analyze the social and organisa-
tional dimensions of product chains. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Boons, F., & Howard-Grenville, J. A. (Eds.). (2009). The social embeddedness of industrial ecol-
ogy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Brandt, W. (1980). North-south: A programme for survival. Report of the Brandt Commission
(p. 23). London: Pan Books.
Clift, R. (1995). The challenge for manufacturing. In J. McQuaid (Ed.), Engineering for sustain-
able development (pp. 8287). London: Royal Academy of Engineering.
Clift, R., & Longley, A. J. (1994). Introduction to clean technology. In R. C. Kirkwood & A. J.
Longley (Eds.), Clean technology and the environment (pp. 174198). Glasgow: Blackie.
Clift, R., Sim, S., & Sinclair, P. (2013). Sustainable consumption and production: Quality, luxury
and supply chain equity. In I. S. Jawahir, Y. Huang, & S. K. Sikdar (Eds.), Treatise on sustain-
ability science and engineering (pp. 291309). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
DETR. (1999). A better quality of life: A strategy for sustainable development for the United
Kingdom. London: (UK) Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions.
Ehrenfeld, J. R. (1997). Industrial ecology: A framework for product and process design. Journal
of Cleaner Production, 5, 8795.
Ehrlich, P. R., & Holdren, J. P. (1971). Impact of population growth. Science, 171(3977), 1212
1217. doi:10.1126/science.171.3977.1212.
Introduction xxi

Fischer-Kowalski, M., & Haberl, H. (Eds.). (2007). Socioecological transitions and global
change Trajectories of social metabolism and land use. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Frosch, R. A., & Gallopoulos, N. E. (1989). Strategies for manufacturing. Scientific American,
261(3), 144153.
Graedel, T. E., & Allenby, B. R. (1995). Industrial ecology. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
Jackson, T. (2009). Prosperity without growth: Economics for a finite planet. London: Earthscan/
Jackson, T. (2010). Keeping out the giraffes. In A. Tickell (Ed.), Long horizons (p. 20). London:
British Council.
Rockstrm, J., et al. (2009). A safe operating space for humanity. Nature, 461, 472475.
WCED. (1987). Our common future Report of the World Commission on Environment and
Development. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
White, R. (1994). Preface. In B. Allenby & D. Richards (Eds.), The greening of industrial ecosys-
tems. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Part I
State-of-the-Art and
Discussions of Research Issues
Chapter 1
Industrial Ecologys First Decade

T.E. Graedel and R.J. Lifset

Abstract Industrial ecology can be said to have begun with a 1989 seminal publi-
cation entitled Strategies for Manufacturing. During the next decade, the eld was
initially dened and developed by researchers in industry and elsewhere who saw
the opportunity for improving corporate and governmental performance related to
the environment and sustainability. They introduced design for environment, indus-
trial symbiosis, and resource use and loss assessments at national and global levels
and enhanced the embryonic specialty of life-cycle assessment. In the same decade,
industrial ecology became widely recognized as a scholarly specialty, with its own
journals and conferences. This chapter reviews industrial ecologys emergence and
evolution, largely from a North American perspective, with emphasis on the elds
lesser-known rst decade.

Keywords Emerging discipline Evolution of industrial ecology History of

industrial ecology International society for industrial ecology Journal of indus-
trial ecology

1 Origins of Industrial Ecology

The 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm is

often seen as milestone in the emergence of a global environmental movement. The
declaration arising from that conference included twenty-six principles, including
several that resonate with what we now know as industrial ecology:
Principle 2: The natural resources of Earth must be safeguarded for the benet of
present and future generations.
Principle 5: The nonrenewable resources of Earth must be employed in such a way
as to guard against the danger of their future exhaustion.

T.E. Graedel (*) R.J. Lifset

Center for Industrial Ecology, Yale University, 195 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511, USA

The Author(s) 2016 3

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7_1
4 T.E. Graedel and R.J. Lifset

Principle 6: The discharge of toxic substances in such quantities or concentra-

tions as to exceed the capacity of the environment to render them harmless must
be halted.
Slightly preceding the Stockholm conference, however, was the establishment of
the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970. Over the next several
decades, the EPA developed air and water pollution control activities seeking to
achieve the sorts of goals articulated in Stockholms Principle 6, creating regulatory
oversight of emissions and the implications of those emissions on human health.
The preservation of resources entered the picture with the widely read book Limits
to Growth (Meadows et al. 1972), but this issue, with the exception of oil, received
only passing attention in the 1970s, both by governments and corporations.
Erkman (1997) has demonstrated that several intellectual threads that eventually
became part of industrial ecology were under development in the 1970s and 1980s:
the concept of industry as an ecosystem, the quantication of material and energy
ows, and the relationships of technology to the general economy. Japan, in particu-
lar, moved during this time toward using advanced technology to limit its demands
for materials and energy (e.g., Watanabe 1972; MITI 1988). This approach embed-
ded industrial ecology thinking in industry to a greater degree than existed else-
where at that time, a distinction that to some degree remains true today.
Almost 30 years after the 1972 Stockholm conference, Robert Frosch and
Nicholas Gallopoulos of the General Motors Research Laboratory published a
paper with the modest title Strategies for Manufacturing. In this paper, Frosch and
Gallopoulos (1989) discussed the environmental impacts of manufacturing, specu-
lated that resource depletion and waste accumulation would be challenges in the
coming years, and provided an innovative approach to address these issues:
The traditional model of industrial activity should be transformed into a more integrated
model: an industrial ecosystem. In such a system the consumption of energy and materials
is optimized, waste generation is minimized, and the efuents of one process serve as the
raw material for another.

With these words, Frosch and Gallopoulos inaugurated the eld of industrial

2 Constructing the Field of Industrial Ecology

Frosch and Gallopoulos were employees of General Motors, rather than university
researchers, and were advocating an environmental ethic that went beyond comply-
ing with existing regulations. Their call to action was soon recognized as acknowl-
edging what some corporations were already doing, or upon which they were soon
to embark. Frosch and Gallopoulos were not the only ones thinking along these lines
but were among the rst to put a public face on these efforts. An admittedly incom-
plete list of some of the most active corporations during the seminal period 1988
1996 includes Volvo (1991; Horkeby 1997), 3M (Holusha 1991), BMW (Holusha
1 Industrial Ecologys First Decade 5

1991), Xerox (Murray 1993; Azar et al. 1995), Procter & Gamble (Pittinger et al.
1993), Pitney Bowes (Ryberg 1993), AT&T (Allenby 1994), Motorola (Hoffman
1995, 1997), IBM (Bendz 1993; Kirby and Pitts 1994), Hewlett-Packard (Bast
1994), Philips (Boks et al. 1996; Stevels 2001, 2009), and Bosch (Klausner et al.
1998). The mantle was also taken up by industrial associations, particularly the
electronics industry (Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
1994; Sony (Scheidt and Stadlbauer 1996); and NEC (Suga et al. 1996)).
It is fair to say that while some corporate initiatives were inspired by altruism to
a signicant degree, those who were involved had other motives as well: simplica-
tion of assembly and disassembly of products (Lundgren et al. 1994), reuse of mate-
rial resources (Porada 1994), and recovery and recycling of components (Azar et al.
1995; Nagel 1997), among others. One of the most dramatic corporate initiatives in
the early years of industrial ecology was that of Volvo, which worked with Swedish
academic and governmental organizations to produce one of the rst workable ver-
sions of life-cycle impact assessment (Steen and Ryding 1992) and then used the
results to inuence the design of Volvo products (Horkeby 1997).
Most of the early corporate and governmental initiatives related to industrial
ecology were uncoordinated and ad hoc. This situation began to change with a con-
ference held in 1991 at the US National Academy of Sciences (Patel 1992).
Attendees at that meeting began the process of identifying what topics should be
included in an industrial ecology framework (material cycles, energy efciency,
inputoutput analysis, etc.). A 1992 conference in Colorado (Socolow et al. 1994)
expanded that framework to incorporate human impacts on natural cycles, IE in
manufacturing, and IE in policy-making. In subsequent years, the eld has pro-
ceeded in fairly straightforward fashion from those foundations. That conference
also provided the name for the eld. As Socolow (1994) describes in the introduc-
tion to the book that came from the conference (Socolow et al. 1994), the choice
was between industrial ecology and industrial metabolism (Ayres 1989). As
conference chair, Socolow chose the former as being the more encompassing of the
two options and one that brought such ecological topics as food chains and resource
reuse into the discussion. Perhaps largely because conference attendees included a
number of those who went on to research and write about this area of study,
Socolows choice stuck. Nonetheless, metabolism has remained an important con-
cept and analogy in the eld (e.g., Octave and Thomas 2009; Gierlinger and
Krausmann 2011), providing a rich and growing framework for much of the mate-
rial ow analysis that is central to industrial ecology.
Governments joined the industrial ecology effort soon after its identication by
corporations (e.g., MITI 1988; Ofce of Technology Assessment 1992;
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1995). Nonetheless, it is noteworthy that,
unlike many other elds of study, the origins of much of industrial ecology lay not
in academia but in industry. IE is today regarded as an academic specialty, but it
continues to rest on the foundation developed and practiced by industry and, to
some extent, by governments.
Industrial ecology was thus becoming a recognized eld in the mid-1990s, but
what exactly was industrial ecology? An early denition by the president of the US
6 T.E. Graedel and R.J. Lifset

National Academy of Engineering attempted to encapsulate what the concept was

all about:
Industrial ecology is the study of the ows of materials and energy in industrial and con-
sumer activities, of the effects of those ows on the environment, and of the inuences of
economic, political, regulatory, and social factors on the ow, use, and transformation of
resources. (White 1994)

This denition remains, 20 years later, as a reasonably good synopsis of the eld.
However, an alternative and more expansive denition was provided a year later:
Industrial ecology is the means by which humanity can deliberately and rationally approach
and maintain sustainability, given continued economic, cultural, and technological evolu-
tion. The concept requires that an industrial system be viewed not in isolation from its sur-
rounding systems, but in concert with them. It is a systems view in which one seeks to
optimize the total materials cycle from virgin material, to nished material, to component,
to product, to obsolete product, and to ultimate disposal. Factors to be optimized include
resources, energy, and capital. (Graedel and Allenby 1995: 9)

This second denition extends the eld outward from a solely industrial focus to
a more societal one and introduces the issue of sustainability. In the twenty-rst
century, this enhanced concept has strongly inuenced the way industrial ecology is
practiced. In fact, a recent sound bite denition of industrial ecology, Industrial
ecology is the science behind sustainability, (Makov 2014) almost bypasses the
industrial focus in the interest of a planetary focus.
Regardless of which denition a particular individual may prefer, a few key
words appear to indicate the scope and focus of the eld: industry, environment,
resources, life cycle, loop closing, metabolism, systems, and sustainability.

3 Building the Tools of the Trade, 19902000

3.1 Life-Cycle Assessment

Life-cycle assessment (LCA) is the methodology that seeks to identify the environ-
mental impacts of a product or process at each stage of its life cycle. Analytical
efforts to quantify emissions and resource loss on a life-cycle basis date from the
1970s (e.g., Bousted 1972; Hunt and Welch 1972), but LCAs rapid growth and its
close relationship with industrial ecology began about 1990, especially in Sweden
(Steen and Ryding, 1992), and it rst became codied in a 1993 handbook (Heijungs
et al. 1992). Klpffer (2006) has reviewed the key role of the Society for
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) in the early development of
LCA. In Europe, a spur for the development of a standard methodology came from
the adoption of LCA as the basis for product labeling (Clift et al. 1994). While the
need for further development of the methodology was widely recognized (e.g.,
Field et al. 1993), adoption of LCA as an industrial ecology tool became increas-
ingly widespread, both in industry and government (Harsch et al. 1996; Matsuno
et al. 1998; Itsubo et al. 2000).
1 Industrial Ecologys First Decade 7

A lively community of methodology developers and practitioners emerged, and

LCA beneted from database development, standards setting, and creation of software.
However, some potential users (especially in industry) found the methodology too
complex and contested to be workable on a routine basis. This led many to work with
the LCA consulting industry that sprang up to respond to a demonstrated need and the
increasing availability of LCA software. An alternative approach was to streamline
LCA (e.g., Graedel et al. 1995; Weitz et al. 1995; Hoffman 1997; Christiansen 1997),
and streamlined LCA (SLCA) has since been used in various forms throughout indus-
try. As a consequence of these initiatives, LCA and SLCA activities in industry are
much more signicant than might be inferred by an outside observer.
In 2002, a new LCA guide addressed in detail many of the issues that had caused
concern in the past (Guine 2002). However, unresolved problems remained, as
pointed out by Reap et al. (2008a, b). LCA remains today in the interesting position
of being viewed as still in development as an academic tool but widely employed in
industry. It will doubtlessly continue to undergo further development, as it contin-
ues to provide important perspectives on industrial product and process design

3.2 Design for Environment

The recovery and reuse of a variety of industrial resources was rather common
early in the twentieth century (Desrochers 2000) but became more challenging as
materials, components, and products became increasingly complex and as resources
appeared abundant. However, in the late 1980s, a number of corporations began to
rethink their product design processes, especially as those processes related to recy-
cling or resource loss (Henstock 1988). The result was methods that looked beyond
product performance, appearance, and price to attributes such as efcient manufac-
turing, fewer parts suppliers, and less inventory (Watson et al. 1990). From that
perspective, it was an easy step to consider environmental factors such as minimiz-
ing energy requirements, decreasing discards from manufacturing, choosing more
sustainable materials, and the like (e.g., Hamilton and Michael 1992; Kirby and
Pitts 1994; Azar et al. 1995; Sheng et al. 1995). Among several related books, the
1996 volume Design for Environment (Graedel and Allenby 1996) stimulated inter-
est among industrial design groups throughout the world (e.g., Klausner et al. 1998;
Stevels 2001). Aspects of disassembly, remanufacture, and recycling, widely dis-
cussed in the 1990s, have continued to be emphasized (Cndido et al. 2011; Go
et al. 2011; Hatcher et al. 2011; Ryan 2014).
Design for environment is becoming increasingly embedded in both the educa-
tional and industrial aspects of product design. Perhaps the best evidence for this is
the broad acceptance of the 2009 book Materials and the Environment: Eco-
Informed Materials Choice, by Cambridge University engineering professor
Michael Ashby (Ashby 2009). This volume is widely used in undergraduate
education and in the industrial design sector, an achievement that is perhaps one of
8 T.E. Graedel and R.J. Lifset

the more signicant (if not the most visible) contributions of the industrial ecology
eld thus far.

3.3 Material Flow Analysis

Material ow analysis (MFA) is the methodology for quantifying the stocks, ows,
inputs, and losses of a resource. It is sometimes used for mixed materials (e.g., con-
struction minerals) but more commonly is directed to a specic resource such as a
particular metal or plastic. For specic resource applications, the methodology is
sometimes termed substance ow analysis (SFA). Early MFA research was con-
ducted by Robert Ayres when he was at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh,
PA. In 1968, he and Alan Kneese contributed to a US Congress report arguing that
economic theory was at odds with the rst law of thermodynamics: materials could
not be consumed physically. Rather, emissions and wastes from economic activ-
ity could only be reduced by lowering the physical input into the economy. This
material balance approach was truly revolutionary for the environmental and eco-
nomic thinking of that time; it predated the book by GeorgescuRoegen (1971)
which is widely regarded as one of the seminal works in ecological economics. The
material balance approach provided the theoretical base for what today has become
material ow accounting (MFA) as well as part of a number of nations public sta-
tistics. Ayress initial MFA application was for emissions from metal processing
activities in the New JerseyNew York area (Ayres and Rod 1986), followed by a
comprehensive study of chlorine (Ayres 1997, 1998, Ayres and Ayres 1997, 1999).
In the same general time period, the MFA approach was also developed in
Switzerland by Baccini and Brunner (1991), who produced an important book on
the topic.
The distinction between bulk MFA and SFA was described by Bringezu and
Moriguchi (2002), who categorized analyses from the perspective of substances,
materials, products, rms, and geographical regions, although MFA studies tended
to dominate early efforts.
The rst metal-specic SFA was directed at zinc in the United States over the
period of 18501990 (Jolly 1993); it showed that about three-quarters of potential
zinc losses to the environment were due to dissipative uses and landll disposal.
Other early MFA studies included those for cobalt in the United States (Shedd
1993), vanadium in the United States (Hilliard 1994), and cadmium in the
Netherlands (van der Voet et al. 1994). In another early effort, Socolow and Thomas
(1997) produced a MFA study for lead in the United States that called for the
integration of risk analysis and highlighted the importance of recycling and techno-
logical transformation. A seminal dynamic study (i.e., a time-dependent SFA) was
completed for aluminum in Germany by Melo (1999).
By 20002010, MFAs had been completed for most metals and in several coun-
tries (Chen and Graedel 2012) and for some polymers (Kleijn et al. 2000; Diamond
et al. 2010; Kuczenski and Guyer 2010). Data challenges continue to constrain the
1 Industrial Ecologys First Decade 9

accuracy of these studies, and resource ows and stocks are highly dynamic, but the
methodology is rm, and the results thereby produced have proven directly relevant
to corporate and public policy (e.g., Pauliuk et al. 2012).

3.4 Socioeconomic Metabolism

Industrial ecology is often viewed as a natural science in that it tends to be directed

at the quantication of such things as use of resources, emissions, recycling rates,
and the like. These concerns are, of course, a consequence of human action. This
realization inspired in the early to mid-1990s the specialty of socioeconomic metab-
olism, in which material input, processing, energy use, and loss are quantied and
viewed from a socio-technical perspective (see Chap. 6). The ultimate task of this
area of study is to relate resource transitions to societal change and to prospects for
and measurement of sustainability (Fischer-Kowakski and Haberl 1998; Moriguchi
2001). A principal manifestation of this approach is the studies of economy-wide
material ows at the level of various societal units, often on a national level.
Use of MFA of national economies began to surge in the 1990s, beginning with
those independently developed for Austria (Steurer 1992), Germany (Schtz and
Bringezu 1993), and Japan (Japanese Environment Agency 1992). The material
ow balance approach was extended to consider transnational resource extractions
induced by domestic demand and to indicate the total material use of an economy,
including the so-called ecological rucksacks (Bringezu 1993; Bringezu and Schtz
1995). Bringezu (1993) related the ecological rucksack idea to national material
ow balances, accounting for the ecological rucksacks of domestic production of
raw materials (e.g., unused extraction) and the ecological rucksacks of imports and
exports. This method provided the basis for the rst international comparisons
through the Resource Flows report (Adriaanse et al. 1997).
National material accounts (NMAs) began with a collaborative study among
researchers from Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, and the United States (Adriaanse
et al. 1997). An important contribution of this study was the identication and quan-
tication of ecological rucksacks, or hidden ows ows such as mineral wastes
and agricultural debris. A subsequent effort (Matthews et al. 2000) added Austria to
the group of countries that were represented and emphasized waste and hazardous
material outputs.
National MFAs aggregate a variety of material inputs and outputs, generating
thereby a number of indicators for the material use of national economies that have
become internationally standardized, among them domestic material input (DMI),
domestic material consumption (DMC), and total material requirement (TMR)
(Fischer-Kowalski et al. 2011).
NMAs have now been completed for many countries and have become a required
output of statistical ofces in European countries. Bringezu et al. (2003, 2004) and
Weisz et al. (2006) have compared the results of NMAs for a number of countries
and found (among many other features) that the domestic material input per capita
10 T.E. Graedel and R.J. Lifset

had not been decoupled on an absolute basis from gross domestic product per cap-
ita. At present, there exist NMAs for almost all countries of the world, documenting
annual material extraction and use as well as trade for the past several decades
(Schaffartzik et al. 2014).

3.5 InputOutput Analysis

Inputoutput tables (IOT) in economics quantify the transactions that occur between
different industrial sectors in an economy. They are expressed as ows from one
sector to another measured in either monetary or mixed units. After some early
thoughts on how economics and industrial practice might be linked (Leontief 1970;
Ayres 1978; Forsund 1985), IOA was proposed as relevant to industrial ecology in
1992 (Duchin 1992). The extension of IO tables to include specic data about
industrial/environmental problems followed fairly soon thereafter in the form of
environmental IOTs (EIOTs) or physical IOTs (PIOTs) (Lave et al. 1995;
Kondo et al. 1998; Lenzen 2001; Nakamura and Kondo 2002).
An increasing number of national statistical ofces produce inputoutput tables
on a regular basis, an activity that provides substantial information that industrial
ecology can draw upon. Enhancements to the earlier EIOT and PIOT methodologies
have now rendered inputoutput analysis increasingly relevant to industrial ecology
and increasingly practiced with the eld (Suh 2009). Several environmentally
extended inputoutput databases covering the global economy are now available
(see Chap. 8). Empirical studies using IO databases are used to analyze problems of
concern in industrial ecology; examples are Nakamura and Kondo (2009) on waste
management (see Chap. 12) and LopezMorales and Duchin (2011) on water man-
agement. In addition, a number of environmentally extended multiregional input
output models allow the attribution of globally extracted natural resources to
individual countries and economic sectors worldwide (Wiedmann et al. 2013).

3.6 UrbanMetabolism

In principle, urban metabolism might not necessarily be regarded as a distinct

branch of the eld, because it merely applies industrial ecology tools in a specic
spatial location. In practice, however, cities are centers of population, of resource
use, and of waste generation, and the data available for such systems is often richer
than elsewhere. As a consequence, urban metabolism has become a subspecialty of
industrial ecology and one that is increasingly widely practiced (see Chap. 4).
The concept of urban metabolism is attributed to a 1965 paper by Wolman. One
of the earliest studies of a quantied urban metabolism is Newcombe et al.s analy-
sis of resource ows in Hong Kong (1978). This exceptionally detailed study, still a
model for todays efforts, quantied ows of human and animal food, glass, plas-
1 Industrial Ecologys First Decade 11

tics, sewage, sulfur dioxide emissions, and much more. This effort was repeated a
quarter-century later (Warren-Rhodes and Koenig 2001), demonstrating strong per
capita increases in food, water, and material consumption. Researchers in Europe
took up the challenge, with examples in Switzerland (Brunner et al. 1994; Baccini
1996) and Sweden (Bergbck et al. 2001) at about the same time period. Newman
(1999) discussed the concept in some detail and applied it to Sydney. Urban indus-
trial ecology is now rather common, a recent example being a metabolic analysis of
six Chinese cities (Zhang et al. 2009).

3.7 Industrial Symbiosis

Industrial symbiosis is the organization of industrial organisms and their processes

so that the efuents of one process serve as the raw material for another process
(Frosch and Gallopoulos 1989). Such arrangements occur because they make good
business sense, often because of the proximity of facilities discarding resources to
those reusing them, as in Kalundborg, Denmark (Anonymous 1990; Ehrenfeld and
Gertler 1997). Increasingly, these systems are recognized as having signicant envi-
ronmental benets as well (Klee 1999).
Many additional examples of industrial symbiosis have been described (e.g.,
Schwarz and Steininger 1997; Van Beers et al. 2007), and in the rst few years of
the twenty-rst century, industrial symbiosis methodology became better codied
(Chertow 2000). Industrial symbiosis is today recognized as a path to improved
operational performance as well as to improved environmental performance in situ-
ations where resource exchanges can be efciently achieved (see Chap. 5).

4 Becoming a Scholarly Field

4.1 Conferences

The rst regular conferences in the eld of industrial ecology were the IEEE
Symposium on Electronics and the Environment that began in 1993 (they have been
held each year since, now under the name International Symposium on Sustainable
Systems and Technology). At about the same time, the AT&T Foundation began to
award university grants for research in industrial ecology (Alexander 1994) and
hosted invited meetings of largely industrial and academic participants each year
from 1994 to 1997 (Laudise and Taylor-Smith 1999).
Having attended Gordon Research Conferences (GRC) on corrosion science in
the late 1980s, one of the authors (T.E.G.) conceived the idea of organizing a GRC
on industrial ecology. The 1996 proposal was successful, and the rst GRC/IE was
held in New London, New Hampshire in 1998. For the rst few (biennial) confer-
ences, it was a challenge to attract more than about 8090 participants, and the
12 T.E. Graedel and R.J. Lifset

conference was on probation during those years. Since that time, the value of a rela-
tively small week-long meeting with invited speakers has become widely appreci-
ated. The GRC/IE now routinely sells out at about 140150 attendees, however,
and has been held in the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Italy as well as in the
United States.
The IEEE and AT&T meetings gradually became less central to the eld as the
Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology began and as the International
Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) began its own biennial conferences; the rst
was held in the Netherlands in 2001. Regional ISIE conferences are now held as
well, and the industrial ecology eld has reached the point where colleagues from
around the world meet each other at regular intervals on one continent or another
around the world.

4.2 Scholarly Journals

A key attribute of a scholarly specialty is the professional journals in which the

research of the eld is published. In industrial ecology, the most widely known of
these is the Journal of Industrial Ecology (JIE), whose rst issue was published in
1997, predating the formation of ISIE by several years.
The genesis of the JIE was a meeting of international leaders in the emerging
eld in 1995. Convened by the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies in
collaboration with programs at MIT and UCLA and with funding from the AT&T
Foundation, the meeting participants expressed substantial support for a peer-
reviewed journal. MIT Press was chosen as the publisher and Yale University agreed
to own the journal. The JIE aimed to reach both academics and professionals and
helped link the North American industrial ecology community to researchers in
Europe and Japan that were active in cleaner production and life-cycle assessment
and to other researchers working in material ow analysis.
The JIE evolved as the market for academic journals changed. What began as a
print-only quarterly journal progressed by adding electronic publication; supporting
information on the Web, online early release of articles, article-level open access,
and expansion of content, the last by transitioning to bimonthly publication (2008)
and by increasing the size of the printed page (2012). In 2015 the journal shifted on
online-only. Translations of abstracts of all journal articles into Chinese began in
2001 with support of the Henry Luce Foundation. The JIE changed publishers to
WileyBlackwell in 2008.
Edited by Reid Lifset since its inception, it has published path-breaking issues on
bio-based products largely before biofuels, and bio-based products became the
intense focus of LCA and GHG emissions research, on e-commerce, bringing rigor
to the discussion of whether bits replacing atoms has a desirable environment
impact, and nanotechnology, drawing attention to the environmental impacts of
nano-manufacturing which had been ignored in many parts of the world.
1 Industrial Ecologys First Decade 13

Other journals with substantial industrial ecology content are Resources,

Conservation, and Recycling (rst issue 1988), and the Journal of Cleaner
Production (rst issue 1993). Industrial ecology research and assessments have
appeared as well in many additional journals, including Ecological Economics (e.g.,
Bringezu et al. 2004), Environmental Science & Technology (e.g., Graedel 2000),
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S. (e.g., Rauch 2009),
Nature (e.g., Lenzen et al. 2012), and Science (Reck and Graedel 2012). It is clear
that there is no longer a shortage of places for industrial ecology papers to be pub-
lished or a lack of editors willing to accept them if they are of satisfactory quality.

4.3 The International Society for Industrial Ecology

By the late 1990s, it was apparent that the eld of industrial ecology needed to orga-
nize itself into a professional society. The issue was discussed in detail in a meeting
hosted by Jesse Ausubel at the New York Academy of Sciences in 2000. Once
again, support was provided by the AT&T Foundation. Based on the consensus of
the international group, the International Society for Industrial Ecology was
launched a year later with the Journal of Industrial Ecology as its ofcial journal.
The Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies agreed to serve as the tempo-
rary international secretariat for the ISIE. As the society and the industrial ecology
community grew, the ISIE created sections focused on industrial symbiosis/eco-
industrial development, socioeconomic metabolism, life-cycle sustainability assess-
ment, organizing sustainable consumption and production, sustainable urban
systems, and environmentally extended inputoutput analysis. More intangibly, but
perhaps more importantly, the ISIE provides continuity, an opportunity for interac-
tion and, along with the JIE, academic legitimation for those seeking to work in
industrial ecology.

4.4 Courses and Textbooks

As with any scholarly eld, training the next generation is important, and doing so
requires pedagogical materials. Aside from scholarly journal articles, several text-
books have been produced for use in industrial ecology-related programs in various
academic elds. They include Industrial Ecology (Graedel and Allenby 1995
[Japanese translation, 1996]); 2nd edition, 2003 [Korean translation, 2004; Chinese
translation, 2005; Russian translation, 2006]), Green Engineering: Environmentally
Conscious Design of Chemical Processes (Allen and Shonnard 2002), Applied
Industrial Ecology: A New Platform for Planning Sustainable Societies (Erkman
and Ramaswamy 2003), Industrial Ecology: konzeptionelle Grundlagen, zentrale
Handlungsfelder, Kernwerkzeuge und erfolgreiche Praxisbeispiele (Isenmann and
von Hauff 2007), Industrial Ecology Management: Nachhaltige Entwicklung durch
14 T.E. Graedel and R.J. Lifset

Unternehmensverbnde (Von Hauff et al. 2012); Crossing Environmental

Mountain Study on Industrial Ecology (Lu 2008), Ecologia Industrial (Ferrao
2009), Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals,Sustainability, Design (Mihelcic
& Zimmerman, 2009, 2nd edition, 2014), and Industrial Ecology and Sustainable
Engineering (Graedel and Allenby 2010).
The rst formal course in industrial ecology was apparently taught at the
Norwegian University of Science and Technology in 1993 (Marstrander et al. 1999).
A few years later, the Delft University of Technology and Philips Consumer
Electronics jointly developed modules for teaching eco-design in industry and in
universities (Stevels 2001). From that beginning, a number of universities in Europe
and North America began offering industrial ecology courses in the latter 1990s and
the early 2000s (Cockerill 2013). This area of study is growing rapidly: a recent
survey identied industrial ecology courses and/or programs at 190 universities and
colleges in 46 countries (Finlayson et al. 2014). As with many young elds, the
scope, level, and content of these courses have considerable diversity, but it is clear
that education in industrial ecology is widespread, growing, and evolving.

5 Epilogue

This review and recollection emphasizes the rst decade or so of the industrial ecol-
ogy eld, largely because the authors had the good fortune to be involved in most of
the developmental activities that occurred during that period and because many
aspects of those activities are not very widely known. It is a great pleasure to us that
the industrial ecology eld has grown enormously in size and inuence since its
founding and has become the science behind sustainability. It will be interesting
and rewarding to watch industrial ecologys further development in the years to
Authors Note Because we are not historians, this contribution inevitably empha-
sizes our own interactions and experiences at the close of the twentieth century. It
also has a North American bias, partly because some of the most signicant parts of
industrial ecologys early days occurred there and partly because that is where we
live. We are, however, grateful for the comments and suggestions from Faye Duchin,
Marina Fischer-Kowalski, and Stefan Bringezu which have signicantly improved
an earlier version of this work. For what we perceive will be of maximum utility to
most readers, the references are largely restricted to English.

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
1 Industrial Ecologys First Decade 15


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Chapter 2
Prospective Models of Societys Future
Metabolism: What Industrial Ecology Has
to Contribute

Stefan Pauliuk and Edgar G. Hertwich

Abstract Scientific assessment of sustainable development strategies provides

decision-makers with quantitative information about the strategies potential effect.
This assessment is often done by forward-looking or prospective computer models
of societys metabolism and the natural environment. Computer models in industrial
ecology (IE) have advanced rapidly over the recent years, and now, a new family of
prospective models is available to study the potential effect of sustainable develop-
ment strategies at full scale.
We outline general principles of prospective modeling and describe the current
development status of two prospective model types: extended dynamic material
flow analysis and THEMIS (Technology-Hybridized Environmental-Economic
Model with Integrated Scenarios). These models combine the high level of techno-
logical detail known from life-cycle assessment (LCA) and material flow analysis
(MFA) with the comprehensiveness of, respectively, dynamic stock models and
input/output analysis (I/O). These models are dynamic; they build future scenarios
with a time horizon until 2050 and beyond. They were applied to study the potential
effect of a wide spectrum of sustainable development strategies, including renew-
able energy supply, home weatherization, material efficiency, and light-weighting.
We point out future applications and options for model development and discuss
the relation between prospective IE models and the related concept consequential
The prospective models for industrial ecology can answer questions that were
previously in the exclusive domain of integrated assessment models (IAMs). A
debate about the relation between the two model families is necessary.

S. Pauliuk (*) E.G. Hertwich

Industrial Ecology Programme and Department for Energy and Process Engineering,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU),
Hgskoleringen 1, 7491 Trondheim, Norway

The Author(s) 2016 21

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7_2
22 S. Pauliuk and E.G. Hertwich

We find that IAMs have a more comprehensive scope than the prospective IE mod-
els, but they often do not obey central IE principles such as the life cycle approach and
mass balance consistency. Integrating core IE principles into IAMs would increase the
scientific quality and policy relevance of the scenarios of societys future metabolism
generated by IAMs, while placing industrial ecology concepts more prominently at
the same time. We provide a sketch of what this integration could look like.

Keywords Socioeconomic metabolism Socio-metabolic transition Sustainable

development strategy Prospective model Industrial ecology Integrated assess-
ment model Policy assessment Dynamic material flow analysis Integrated
hybrid LCA

1 Introduction

1.1 The Great Transformation Ahead

Human interference with global biogeochemical cycles has grown to a level that will
trigger epochal changes, including climatic change and state shifts in the Earths
biosphere. These changes have substantial impact on humanity; they force humans
to adapt or to be proactive and mitigate negative impacts on the environment. The
spectrum of options for future action is wide. It includes technology development
and deployment, economic instruments including taxes and subsidies, regulation
and standards, and changes in consumer choices and lifestyle. Both adaptation and
mitigation will lead to a transformation of the biophysical basis of our society, which
includes agriculture, industry, infrastructure, building stocks and vehicle fleets, and
consumer products, and of the way we build, maintain, and operate this basis.
The coming transformation is the continuation of a historic sequence of socio-
metabolic transitions of mankind, first from the hunter/gatherer to the agrarian and
later from the agrarian to the industrialized society (Fischer-Kowalski and Haberl
2007; Fischer-Kowalski et al. 2014; Krausmann and Fischer-Kowalski 2013). The
coming transformation represents a special global challenge, however, because it is
likely to happen under environmental conditions that are significantly different from
those that enabled the previous two transitions (Barnosky et al. 2012).

1.2 Scientific Response: The Interdisciplinary Systems

Approach and Prospective Models

Environmental literacy is a core feature of higher species. It is the capability []

to appropriately read, utilize, and adapt to environmental information, resources,
and system dynamics (Scholz and Binder 2011). Today, human environmental lit-
eracy is higher than ever before. Humanity uses scientific methods to study the
2 Prospective Models of Societys Future Metabolism: What Industrial Ecology Has 23

biophysical basis of society, to anticipate future challenges associated with the

transformation of that basis, and to offer quantitative and objective assistance to
The scientific approach to studying the transformation faces two major chal-
lenges: (1) The transformation affects many different aspects of society and the
environment; it ignores traditional boundaries between scientific disciplines. (2)
The transformation is a complex process and spans many different scales, which are
interconnected: spatial (local biotopes, cities, regions, countries, the globe), organi-
zational (households, companies, sectors, nations, global community), and tempo-
ral (from immediate consequences to long-term effects several centuries from now).
The necessity to study different scales follows from the nature of the problem: It
is essential to consider the global scale for three reasons: the changes in the environ-
ment are global, our global economy is causing these changes, and relocation of
production activities happens on a global scale. Smaller scales need to be studied as
well because these scales represent the typical scope of decision-making; they form
the arena where interventions take place.
To cope with these two challenges, scientists use an interdisciplinary systems
approach, where the biophysical basis of human society is seen as a complex self-
reproducing (autopoietic) system controlled by human agents (Binder et al. 2013;
Fischer-Kowalski and Weisz 1999). The systems approach to studying the biophysi-
cal basis of human society is called socioeconomic metabolism (SEM) (Fischer-
Kowalski and Haberl 1998); it forms the basis for scientific assessments from the
angle of different disciplines (Pauliuk and Hertwich 2015). A major application of
the systems approach is to quantify possible future impacts of specific transforma-
tion strategies, such as deployment of renewable energy supply or carbon taxation,
on different spatial, temporal, and organizational scales. This forward-looking anal-
ysis is called prospective assessment of transformation strategies. It requires pro-
spective models of socioeconomic metabolism that can capture its future
development. These models are being developed in several scientific fields, includ-
ing integrated assessment model (IAM), econometrics, and industrial ecology (IE).

1.3 Goal and Scope

Unlike IAMs and prospective econometric models, prospective models in industrial

ecology were developed very recently, and so far, the community of researchers
involved has been rather small. A general overview of prospective modeling in
industrial ecology is not available, a gap that we try to fill in this chapter. Our review
includes a discussion of general principles of prospective modeling, and it shows
how the recently developed prospective IE models relate to the established IE
method material flow analysis (MFA), life-cycle assessment (LCA), and input/out-
put analysis (I/O), as well as IAMs.
The remainder of this chapter is structured as follows: First, we describe general
principles of prospective models of societys metabolism. Then, we describe the
state of the art of prospective models in industrial ecology (IE) and explain the rela-
24 S. Pauliuk and E.G. Hertwich

tion of these models to consequential LCA, which is an IE concept that also has a
prospective aspect. Finally, we discuss future applications and options for further
development of prospective IE models, with special focus on the relation to inte-
grated assessment models (IAMs).

2 Principles of Prospective Models of Socioeconomic


2.1 Overview and General Principles

Prospective models of societys metabolism require certain features to be fit for

purpose. They need to follow an interdisciplinary systems approach, as explained
above, and in Table 2.1, we list salient features of the systems approach and mention
briefly how they are commonly implemented.
(1) Dynamic models have an explicit time dimension and contain mechanisms
to generate the future state of the system from its past and from additional
exogenous information. Dynamic models link different time scales with
each other, which is necessary to study how changes on short time scales
affect the long-term dynamics of the system. For example, large-scale sub-
stitution of materials today will alter the recycling system in the future.
Combining dynamic models of SEM with other models with an explicit
time line, like climate models, allows us to study the interaction between
socioeconomic metabolism and the environment over time. Dynamic mod-
els allow for flexible handling of time discounting, e.g., an artificial time
horizon to calculate the global warming potential is not needed in models
where time is explicit. Finally, dynamic models enable researchers to study
changes that happen gradually over time, like the introduction of new tech-

Table 2.1 Salient features of prospective models of socioeconomic metabolism and common
ways of implementing them
Feature Common implementation
Ability to capture different spatial, organizational, and (1) Dynamic models
temporal scales (2) Assessment at full scale
Capability to produce results that are relevant for different (3a) Multilayer modeling
scientific disciplines (3b) Satellite accounts
Ability to determine future consequences of decisions in the (1) Dynamic models
Ability to deal with the indeterminacy (uncertainty) of (4) Scenario modeling with
future development exogenous model parameters
Adherence to generally accepted scientific principles such as (3c) Balancing constraints for
mass and energy conservation or economic balances processes and regions
The numbers refer to the paragraphs below, where more detailed explanation is provided
2 Prospective Models of Societys Future Metabolism: What Industrial Ecology Has 25

nologies and the transformation of in-use stocks that leads to new recycling
opportunities, resource depletion, and declining ore grades.
(2) Assessment at full scale: The ultimate goal of the coming transformation is
to rescale human activity to a level that can be sustained by nature in the
long run and that allows for future human development at the same time.
Identifying the appropriate scale of human activity requires us to study
socioeconomic metabolism on the global level, which was not necessary to
understand the previous socioeconomic transitions.
Socioeconomic metabolism is a nonlinear system, which means that the
impact of upscaling small modifications to the system is in general not pro-
portional to the scaling factor. The upscaling of certain sustainable develop-
ment strategies is subject to local and global constraints for, e.g., land, water,
or mineral resources. Moreover, large-scale implementation of certain strat-
egies feeds back into the system and causes structural change. Examples
include changing recycling systems, technology learning, or rebound and
spillover effects (Hertwich 2005). The total system-wide impact of the strat-
egies potential effect can therefore only be reliably assessed if the latter are
studied at full scale, so that constraints and feedbacks can be included in the
(3ac) Multilayer modeling, satellite accounts, and balancing constraints allow
scientists from different disciplines, like industrial ecologists and econo-
mists, to use a consistent framework to describe societys metabolism and to
address a variety of research questions. In multilayer modeling, the physical
and economic properties of objects are quantified in consistent parallel
frameworks (Pauliuk et al. 2015; Schmidt et al. 2012). Satellite accounts,
like emissions to nature or labor requirements, contain additional informa-
tion about how societys metabolism is connected to the environment and to
human agents. They form the interface between models of SEM and those
from other scientific disciplines, like climate models or environmental
impact assessment. Balancing constraints for the physical and monetary lay-
ers, like industry or market balances, is the most fundamental way to check
the validity of a prospective system description. Prospective models should
always respect these fundamental balances.
(4) Scenariomodeling with exogenous parameters acknowledges the indetermi-
nacy of future development and reduces system complexity to a manageable
level. Only with scenario modeling one can build scientifically credible pro-
spective models of complex indeterminate systems like socioeconomic
metabolism. This central aspect of prospective modeling needs some more
Socioeconomic metabolism is a non-isolated and non-deterministic com-
plex system. It is not isolated, because it exchanges energy and matter with
the inner of the Earth and with space. SEM is non-deterministic, because it
is controlled by human agents that use their environmental literacy to inter-
vene and divert the system from its current trajectory in a non-predictable
26 S. Pauliuk and E.G. Hertwich

manner. For such a system, there is no deterministic model that can predict
its future development. Instead, scientists use prospective models of socio-
economic metabolism to compute future trajectories of the system that are
considered possible but not necessarily likely continuations of historic
development. Such possible future trajectories are called scenarios.
Prospective models use a trick to compute future scenarios for an indetermi-
nate system: First, a number of exogenous parameters, assumptions, and
model drivers are defined, and then these are fed into a dynamic model of
socioeconomic metabolism that is deterministic relative to the exogenous
parameters. Parameters like fertility or efficiency improvement rates, model
drivers like GDP or population trajectories, and assumptions like ceteris
paribus or business as usual describe the possible future development of
certain indicators and system properties on the macro-scale. In a second
step, the prospective model applies the exogenous assumptions to the sys-
tem description and generates a detailed scenario for societys future metab-
olism. Specification of exogenous parameters not only eliminates
indeterminacy from the model, it also reduces the complexity of the system
description by fixing those system variables that one else would have to
determine by modeling poorly understood feedback mechanisms or those
where sufficient empirical data are not available. Scenario analysis is there-
fore an important way to handle our ignorance of human-environment sys-
tems in a productive and transparent way.

2.2 Credible, Possible, and Likely Scenarios

To decide what is a possible future and what is a credible scenario, scientists have
established criteria that prospective models and their results need to fulfill.
Exogenous assumptions need to be plausible and consistent. Often, they follow a
certain scheme or idea that is called story line. Criteria for prospective models
include process balancing constraints such as monetary, mass, or energy balances;
the assumption that certain parameters, like efficiency improvement rates, do not
leave empirically determined ranges; assumptions on human behavior; or the ability
of the model to correctly determine the actual development from a given starting
point in the past, using macro-indicators such as GDP as driver.
Criteria for plausibility, consistency, and properties of exogenous assumptions
and prospective models differ across modeling fields, mainly because of different
academic traditions. This scientific inconsistency has repeatedly led to criticism
across modeling disciplines, like our criticism of integrated assessment models
from an industrial ecology perspective presented below.
Are scenarios, or possible futures, also likely outcomes of future development?
This often-raised question about the predictive capability of scenarios needs clarifi-
cation. Strictly speaking, there cannot be a connection between possibility and like-
lihood in an indeterminate system, and a scenario can never be a prediction of the
2 Prospective Models of Societys Future Metabolism: What Industrial Ecology Has 27

likely future outcome. This dogma, however, contradicts our intuition and the way
the term scenario is often used. Especially when it covers only a short time span into
the future, a scenario for the future development of SEM can appear to have
predictive character (Brjeson et al. 2006). We assert that the apparent short-term
determinacy of the indeterminate socio-metabolic system is a result of the slow
turnover of in-use stocks, such as buildings, infrastructure, and products of different
kinds, which adds considerable inertia to the system. The large amount of social and
biophysical resources required to transform in-use stocks limits the speed at which
the system can deviate from its present state (Pauliuk and Mller 2014). Hence, the
spectrum of likely future states of SEM is the narrower the shorter the time horizon.
Still, this predictability of an indeterminate system differs from the absolute pre-
dictions for truly deterministic systems because in indeterminate systems, unfore-
seen events such as the discovery of new technologies, sudden political changes, or
natural catastrophes can substantially alter the trajectory even in the short run. To
accommodate for the indeterminacy of SEM in the near future, prospective short-
term models of societys metabolism are complemented by risk assessment.
The coming transformation of societys metabolism will require us to rebuild a
substantial fraction of societys in-use stocks. The more complete the transforma-
tion, the less the future state of SEM is determined by present in-use stocks.
Scenarios that cover time scales during which the coming transition may take place
are therefore only little constrained by the inertia given by present stocks.
Consequently, these scenarios have no predictive but explorative (What can hap-
pen?) or normative (How can a specific target be reached?) character (Brjeson
et al. 2006). Prospective models in industrial ecology are used to study the transition
ahead, and hence, the scenarios they generate are explorative or normative but not

3 Prospective Modeling in Industrial Ecology: State

of the Art

3.1 Prospective Modeling with Established IE Methods

Industrial ecology methods and models, which allow us to study complex industrial
systems, have been at the forefront of the interdisciplinary systems approach for
more than three decades. Traditional industrial ecology methods include EE-I/O,
LCA, MFA, urban metabolism, and industrial symbiosis. They cover a wide spec-
trum of spatial, temporal, and organizational scales, from static snapshots of the
supply chain of local companies to studies of the evolution of aggregated material
and energy flow accounts through the last centuries. They offer to decision-makers
quantitative information about supply chains, environmental impacts embodied in
trade, material and energy stocks and flows, and options for system-wide
28 S. Pauliuk and E.G. Hertwich

Industrial ecology methods have reached high levels of sophistication and are
broadly applied in companies and academia alike, but their use for prospective
assessment of transformation strategies has remained a niche application.
Prospective scenario exercises for I/O tables have repeatedly been conducted over
the last decades (Cantono et al. 2008; De Koning et al. 2015; de Lange 1980;
Idenburg and Wilting 2000; Leontief and Duchin 1986; Levine et al. 2007), but this
modeling approach has not entered mainstream research on societys future metabo-
lism. The reason may be twofold: (1) constructing I/O tables for future years
requires many assumptions to be made and (2) using I/O tables in monetary units to
measure interindustry flows, as in the studies above, makes it difficult to include
physical process descriptions for specific technologies. Beyond IE, I/O tables form
the core of computable general equilibrium (CGE) and prospective econometric
models like the E3ME model (Burfisher 2011; Cambridge Econometrics 2014).
Most LCA studies are retrospective and attributional; they use historic data to
model the life cycle of product systems and provide timeless indicators for environ-
mental product performance. Prospective LCA (Lundie et al. 2004; Spielmann et al.
2005) and consequential LCA (CLCA) (Earles and Halog 2011; Finnveden et al.
2009; Whitefoot et al. 2011) add a forward-looking perspective to LCA. They typi-
cally assess transformation strategies on the small scale.
Prospective MFA studies mostly cover metals and building materials but do not
include other layers or satellite accounts (Elshkaki and Graedel 2013; Hatayama
et al. 2010; D. B. Mller 2006; Northey et al. 2014; Pauliuk et al. 2012; Sartori et al.
2008; Gallardo et al. 2014).
From the methods above, only MFA has been used to analyze preindustrial soci-
eties socio-metabolic transitions (Krausmann 2011; Schaffartzik et al. 2014;
Sieferle et al. 2006). These studies quantified trends in the total energy and material
turnover of different socio-metabolic regimes, but they did not assess specific trans-
formation strategies to shift from one regime to another.

3.2 New Approaches to Prospective Modeling in Industrial


The state of development of the above methods to conduct prospective studies of the
next socio-metabolic transition is not satisfactory. The history of IE exhibits several
examples for problems that were overcome by combining different IE methods into
new frameworks. Examples include hybrid LCA (Suh et al. 2004) and WIO-MFA
(Nakamura et al. 2007).
To come closer to the ultimate goal of studying a wide spectrum of transformation
strategies at full scale in a common prospective modeling framework, the established
IE methods have been combined in novel ways. As a result, a new family of prospec-
tive industrial ecology models is available, and we briefly present two of its members,
extended dynamic MFA and THEMIS (Technology-Hybridized Environmental-
Economic Model with Integrated Scenarios), and their application so far.
2 Prospective Models of Societys Future Metabolism: What Industrial Ecology Has 29

In-use stocks of buildings, infrastructure, or products are central in understand-

ing the transition from the present to different possible future states (Pauliuk and
Mller 2014). In-use stocks therefore need to be part of prospective models of
socioeconomic metabolism. They are commonly represented as dynamic stock or
population balance models, which are time series of stocks that are broken down
into age cohorts and specific product types or technologies. The items in each age
cohort and technology class can have specific material composition, energy effi-
ciency, and other parameters necessary to determine the requirements and emissions
of each item in the stock during its useful life.
Next to in-use stocks, prospective models of SEM contain descriptions of the
industries to build up, maintain, and dispose of these stocks and markets that distrib-
ute products or product mixes across users. In-use stocks, industries, and markets
are arranged into a general system description of socioeconomic metabolism
(Fig. 2.1). The universal system structure of the socioeconomic metabolism in



Fig. 2.1 The general structure of the system definitions of the prospective industrial ecology mod-
els (Adapted from Pauliuk et al. (2015))
30 S. Pauliuk and E.G. Hertwich

Fig. 2.1 serves as blueprint for the structure of the system definitions of the different
prospective models, including CGEs and IAMs (Pauliuk et al. 2015).

3.2.1 Prospective Modeling Using Extended Dynamic MFA

MFA models contain both flows and stocks; they are hence a natural starting point
for dynamic and subsequently prospective modeling (Baccini and Bader 1996;
Kleijn et al. 2000; D. B. Mller et al. 2004; van der Voet et al. 2002). MFA studies
focus on a few materials or product groups at a time, and it was clear early on that
prospective modeling with such a limited scope requires exogenous assumptions on
the future development of material demand and technological change. In stock-
driven modeling, the size of in-use stocks and the lifetime distribution of the differ-
ent age cohorts are given exogenously, and deconvolution is applied to determine
material demand and scrap supply (D. B. Mller 2006). The ability of dynamic
stock models to determine future scrap supply from historic material consumption
has enabled prospective modeling of mass-balanced recycling systems (Busch et al.
2014; Hatayama et al. 2009, 2010; Igarashi et al. 2007; E. Mller et al. 2014;
Murakami et al. 2010; Tanikawa et al. 2002). These models often distinguish
between different quality levels of secondary material and contain rules for the sub-
stitution of secondary for primary metal that are similar to system expansion in
LCA or the by-product technology assumption in I/O (Daigo et al. 2014; Hashimoto
et al. 2007; Lvik et al. 2014; Pauliuk et al. 2012, 2013a). Transformation strategies
often affect products and the materials contained therein are not directly addressed.
To understand the role of materials in different transformation strategies, there
hence was a need to include product life cycles into dynamic MFA models, which
led to the development of multilayer MFA and the combination of MFA with pro-
cess-based LCA and life-cycle impact assessment (Milford et al. 2013; Pauliuk
et al. 2013b; Sandberg and Bratteb 2012; Pauliuk 2013).
State-of-the-art extended dynamic MFA models comprise these different trends
and provide large-scale and long-term dynamic assessments of specific transforma-
tion strategies, such as material efficiency (Milford et al. 2013) or passenger vehicle
light-weighting (Modaresi et al. 2014). Starting from scenario assumptions on stock
size and technology choice, these models apply stock-driven modeling to determine
the levels of material production and energy supply that are required to build, oper-
ate, and dispose of the product stocks. They contain material-balanced process
models of the industrial system and use satellite accounts to track resource con-
sumption, energy supply, and emissions to the environment. A special feature of
dynamic extended MFA is the high level of detail of the material cycles in the sys-
tem, the distinction between open-loop recycling (downcycling) and proper recy-
cling, and their capability to quantify how changes in material production and
recycling systems impact the overall effect of a certain transformation strategy.
2 Prospective Models of Societys Future Metabolism: What Industrial Ecology Has 31

3.2.2 Prospective Modeling Using the THEMIS Model

Large-scale deployment of more efficient and renewable energy technology can

substantially reduce the environmental footprint of the global economy. It also leads
to large changes in the carbon footprint of energy-intensive products and services
such as materials or transportation. For example, the environmental superiority of
electrically propelled passenger vehicles compared to gasoline-driven ones depends
to a large extent on the carbon intensity of the electricity supply (Hawkins et al.
2013). Prospective LCAs of future technologies need to account for these different
framing conditions, for example, by conducting a scenario analysis with different
mixes of energy carriers and conversion technologies. Possible future mixes are
commonly determined by integrated assessment models, such as the TIMES/
MARKAL model family (Loulou et al. 2005), which stands behind the Energy
Technology Perspectives of the International Energy Agency (OECD/IEA 2010).
The technology mixes determined by such models can be used to build future sce-
narios for LCA databases, so that the market mix for certain products like electricity
resembles the mix in the IAM scenarios. A thus modified LCA database can be used
to conduct prospective attributional LCAs of future consumption.
The THEMIS model (Technology-Hybridized Environmental-Economic Model
with Integrated Scenarios) is a recent implementation of this principle (Gibon et al.
2015). It provides insights into the comparative environmental impacts and
resource use of different electricity generation technologies (Hertwich et al. 2015).
THEMIS has four main features: (1) Its core is a nine-region integrated hybrid LC
inventory model, which is a combination of foreground information on the specific
technologies studied, a background LC inventory database of generic processes like
materials production and transport, and MRIO tables to cover processes not con-
tained in the LC background. (2) The historic technology mixes for electricity gen-
eration in the nine model regions were replaced with those obtained from the IEA
baseline and BLUE MAP scenarios (OECD/IEA 2010) to build prospective future
LC inventory models for 2030 and 2050. (3) The gradual transformation from the
current to alternative future electricity mixes until 2050 was modeled with an age-
cohort-based stock model of electricity generation assets, so that for every model
year, the economy-wide impacts for building up new, operating, existing, and dis-
posing of retiring electricity generation technology can be determined (Hertwich
et al. 2015). (4) Exogenous scenario assumptions on the improvement of energy
efficiency, capacity factors, and technology in the production of several major mate-
rials including aluminum, copper, nickel, iron and steel, and others were taken from
a prospective study on efficiency improvement (ESU & IFEU 2008).

3.3 The Relation between Prospective IE Models and MFA,

LCA, and I/O Analysis

The prospective IE models are built upon the established IE methods MFA, LCA,
and IOA. They are integrated hybrid models of societys metabolism, in the sense
that they combine a foreground system with high level of detail and strict adherence
32 S. Pauliuk and E.G. Hertwich

to core modeling principles such as mass balance with a generic background system.
The background provides the foreground with auxiliary input, such as electricity
supply for material production, and uses the products exclusively supplied by the
foreground as intermediate requirements in turn.
The foreground of extended dynamic MFA comprises dynamic stock models of
the materials and products studied and process models of the industries that are part
of the material cycles studied. The foreground system is balanced for the products
and material that are within the scope, and the background system supplies energy
and other ancillary inputs to operate the stocks and processes in the foreground.
Environmental impact assessment is carried out for the satellite accounts of relevant
emissions from both foreground and background. Because extended dynamic MFA
contains process models, considers the background economy, and uses impact
assessment, one can also consider these models as macro-LCAs of the total service
provided by the stocks studied, carried out as dynamic studies with scenarios for
future development. The foreground model of extended dynamic MFA contains
markets at all stages, preserves co-production, and contains rules for substituting
secondary material for primary material. It can therefore be reformulated as combi-
nation of a physical waste-I/O model with the by-product technology assumption
combined with a dynamic stock model of the products studied.
THEMIS integrates LCA and I/O modeling and combines the so-obtained hybrid
model of interindustry flows with environmental impact assessment via satellite
accounts. It also contains elements that are commonly found in dynamic MFA:
THEMISs foreground system is coupled to a dynamic stock model of electricity
generation assets, so that material demand for building new assets and recycling of
old ones is determined from the turnover of the capital stock in mass-balanced

3.4 The Relation between Prospective IE Models

and Consequential LCA

The desire to study the potential future consequences of a decision has been a long-
standing motivation for industrial ecology research, and a few recent examples were
cited above. In LCA, this desire has led to the concept of consequential life-cycle
assessment (CLCA), which is designed to generate information on the conse-
quences of a decision (Ekvall and Weidema 2004). While the concept of a conse-
quential LCA is intriguing, it is also poorly defined and subject of controversy
(Brando et al. 2014; Dale and Kim 2014; Finnveden et al. 2009; Hertwich 2014;
Plevin et al. 2014a; Suh and Yang 2014; Zamagni et al. 2012). CLCA was initially
defined as a result of the debate on how to allocate emissions and inputs of pro-
cesses with multiple products to the respective outputs. It focused on the marginal
effect of producing an additional unit of output of a specific product or of recycling
such a product (Ekvall and Weidema 2004). Such allocation problems are addressed
through systems expansion in CLCA, so that the assessment of a product depends
2 Prospective Models of Societys Future Metabolism: What Industrial Ecology Has 33

not only on the product system of the investigated product but also on the product
systems of other products and, in particular, the production volumes of and demand
for those products. This dependence on other product systems is most clearly visible
when scientists, under the heading of consequential LCA, address the question of
what happens to constrained resources when a product is not produced. In the opin-
ion of some, the consequential life-cycle emissions of a bicycle should include
those of combusting the petrol that it does not use because somebody else will
combust that petrol as a response of the market to the bicycle not using that petrol
(Plevin et al. 2014a, b). One of us (Hertwich 2014) has questioned whether it makes
sense to say that the petrol not combusted by the bicycle is part of the product sys-
tem bicycle only because one could have used a car instead. It is also problematic
to say that riding the bicycle to work causes petrol combustion somewhere else in
the economy due to price elasticity. The petrol combustion is rather the consequence
of somebody elses decision somewhere else in the economy.
It is of course a legitimate research questions to ask, e.g., what is the effect of the
massive and intended expansion of cycling in Copenhagen on GHG emissions? The
question, however, remains ill-defined until one juxtaposes the observed or planned
expansion of cycling to some counterfactual possible scenario of increased car or
bus transport. In addition, one needs to define the scope and functioning of the sys-
tem investigated, including the causal mechanisms to be addressed. Mechanisms
may or may not include the fuel market response to the petrol demand in the coun-
terfactual scenario, the effect of the inspiration Copenhagen now provides to town
planners all over the world and the effect of increased life expectancy of the cyclists
on food demand and future economic development. Then one has two scenarios to
compare, and one may colloquially argue the difference between the scenarios that
indicates the effect of Copenhagens cycling policy and the enthusiastic popular
response it has received. Such causality is an imputed, assumed causality; the
assumptions are made in the setup of the systems model and the definition of the
scenarios and the imputation in the interpretation of the scenario results as showing
the difference. Other system models and scenario assumptions may be equally rea-
sonable; the true consequences are unmeasurable because we do not have a second
Earth to run an experiment on.
The early developers of systems expansion as a way of addressing allocation issues
fully understood that system expansion involved assumptions about other product
systems and that results should be interpreted with these assumptions in mind.
We expand our above argument regarding the predictive capacity of prospective
models for indeterminate systems and assert that the hypothetical CLCA approach
as described by Plevin et al. (2014a) faces a dilemma: The capability of the hypo-
thetical CLCA model to reliably predict the future outcome is the better the smaller
the changes to the system and the shorter the time horizon, because fewer human
actors, who are the major source of indeterminacy, are involved if changes are small
and local and the inertia represented by existing stocks is larger in the near future.
Modeling on the small scale with short time horizons is the opposite of what is
needed for studying strategies for a socio-metabolic transition, however, and for
large-scale and long-term changes, prediction remains an illusion. Therefore, we
34 S. Pauliuk and E.G. Hertwich

need a practical and scientifically credible implementation of the ideal represented

by the hypothetical CLCA approach.
In our opinion, prospective IE models provide such implementation. The sce-
nario approach makes explicit the underlying exogenous assumptions that necessar-
ily accompany any prospective model of an indeterminate system. Several authors,
including Zamagni et al. (2012), Plevin et al. (2014a), and Suh and Yang (2014),
acknowledge the importance of scenario modeling for the scientific assessment of
decision-making in general and the questions posed by CLCA in particular. The use
of a comprehensive model of societys metabolism allows us to study the system
with the high level of detail and biophysical consistency that is a distinctive feature
of industrial ecology methods. The combination of the scenario approach and a
detailed model of societys metabolism make prospective IE models a powerful and
scientifically credible approach to explore the potential consequences of decisions.

4 Prospective Modeling in Industrial Ecology: Future


4.1 Future Applications and Model Development

of Prospective Models within Industrial Ecology

A major goal of prospective modeling is to assess bundles of mitigation and adapta-

tion strategies and investigate whether the different strategies together can trans-
form socioeconomic metabolism to a more sustainable state. Studying strategy
bundles reveals which strategies may yield co-benefits and which ones counteract
each other, which is an important information for decision-makers. Bundled assess-
ment leads to big picture scenarios for a feasible future, from which environmen-
tal, economic, and social performance indicators for individual strategies can be
derived. These indicators can then be monitored during real implementation to
ensure that the impact of the strategies is as intended. Performance indicators may
be material, product, industry sector, or region specific.
Strategy bundles affect different materials and energy carriers, which are substi-
tutable to some extent. Flexibility in the choice of materials and energy carriers
allows us to design a more resilient and potentially more sustainable SEM, but it
also represents a challenge for prospective modeling, as models need to provide
insights into the potential consequences of a wide spectrum of material and energy
supply choices.
The cycles of different materials are tightly coupled at several places: Base min-
erals of different materials often occur together; they are coproduced, often with
fixed ratios on certain sites. At higher stages of fabrication, materials are mixed
again into compound materials and alloys, products consist of many different mate-
rials, and finally, waste streams contain material mixes. Assessments of individual
metals on the small scale can neglect this coupling, as it can be assumed that the rest
of the economy is able to supply or absorb ancillary flows and a credit or discredit
2 Prospective Models of Societys Future Metabolism: What Industrial Ecology Has 35

for this service is given by allocation. In prospective modeling of societys future

metabolism at full scale, however, the tight coupling between different material
cycles ultimately necessitates parallel modeling of different materials across prod-
ucts and over time. Only then can one assess whether and how system-wide supply
can meet system-wide demand for different chemical elements at different stages of
the material cycles. Supply-demand imbalances may arise under business-as-usual
assumptions, as studies for aluminum (Modaresi and Mller 2012) and rare earth
metals (Elshkaki and Graedel 2014) show, which points out the necessity to design
future material cycles from a systems perspective.
For dynamic MFA, several trends that point toward comprehensive assessment
of multi-material product portfolios are already emerging. One trend goes toward a
higher level of detail of material types (alloys) and products studied to better under-
stand quality issues in the recycling systems of different materials (Lvik et al.
2014; Ohno et al. 2014). Another trend goes toward modeling of co-occurrence,
co-mining, and co-production of mineral and metal resources and production
systems and energy-ore grade relationships (Graedel et al. 2013; Northey et al.
2014). Finally, there are recent advances in the modeling of the fate of the end-of-
life materials from the waste management industries back into new products using
Markov chains and supply-driven I/O modeling (Duchin and Levine 2013;
Nakamura et al. 2014).
The trend of using I/O models for prospective assessments is also likely to con-
tinue. Service-driven modeling, or if stocks are used as proxy for services stock-
driven modeling, can be used (a) to determine the final demand vector for I/O models
(Kagawa et al. 2015) and (b) to determine the Leontief-A matrix from an age-cohort-
based model of the productive capital stock (Pauliuk et al. 2015). Multilayer model-
ing (Schmidt et al. 2012) can be used to cover different materials in a common I/O
framework, and when building I/O models of future industrial systems, the by-prod-
uct technology construct can be applied to avoid allocation (Majeau-Bettez et al.
2014). A major application of the so-obtained I/O models is the prospective attribu-
tional assessment of certain quanta of final demand to measure strategy performance
and derive policy targets related to specific transformation strategies.

4.2 Linking Industrial Ecology and Integrated Assessment

Models (IAMs)

The most prominent contribution to prospective modeling of societys metabolism

did not emerge from industrial ecology but from other disciplines, especially inte-
grated assessment modeling. While widely successful in generating integrated sce-
narios of the society future metabolism, the biosphere, and the climate system,
integrated assessment models were criticized for several shortcomings (Arvesen
et al. 2011; Pindyck 2013; Stern 2013). To our knowledge, a detailed criticism of
IAMs from an industrial ecology perspective is still lacking; it is also beyond the
scope of this chapter; however, below we list central points of critique and propose
some ideas for the integration of IE principles into IAMs.
36 S. Pauliuk and E.G. Hertwich

4.2.1 Integrated Assessment Models from an Industrial Ecology


In general, one can say that industrial ecologists have a more refined notion of
industry as a complex system than what is currently characterized in most integrated
assessment models. IAMs trace the extraction, refinement, and conversion of energy
carriers but lack a description of the life cycle of the conversion technologies. IAMs
model energy demand and energy efficiency opportunities in industry, buildings,
and transport but lack a description of value chains and hence the interaction of dif-
ferent sectors. IAMs contain a description of material production as the most impor-
tant industrial energy consumer but lack detail regarding the modeling of waste
generation and recycling, co-production, material demand, and associated environ-
mental impacts.
In IAMs, the level of material recycling if recycling is considered at all is in
general not determined from the turnover of the industrial assets and products in the
use phase. Either the material stocks (mostly steel and aluminum) are modeled sep-
arately from capital and product stocks and an average lifetime is used, or there is
no connection at all between the extent of recycling and historic levels of material
consumption. Co-production, substitution of by-products, and industrial symbiosis
are only rudimentarily considered, if at all. Due to the focus on climate change,
other environmental impact categories, like toxicity or acidification, are generally
not taken into account in energy systems models nor are mineral resource depletion
and the relation between ore grade and energy demand for extraction commonly
In a nutshell, we assert that integrated assessment models lack several features
that are central achievements of industrial ecology research. From the perspective of
our field, the scenarios of societys future metabolism constructed by IAMs lack
consistency and validity, which may compromise the credibility of the conclusions

4.2.2 The Link Between the Prospective IE Models and IAMs

Integrating IE principles into IAMs will allow the latter to construct more consistent
and realistic scenarios of societys future metabolism. Moreover, this integration
can increase the scope of IE research, and as a result, both research fields can move
forward. We present some ideas for how this integration could happen.
The general system structure of socioeconomic metabolism acknowledges three
types of processes: the industries, the markets, and the final use phase (Pauliuk et al.
2015). There are canonical models for each process type. Industries are modeled by
production functions, markets by supply and demand curves, and the use phase by
dynamic stock models. We discuss each process type in turn.
(1) Industries: Both IAMs and IE models commonly use Leontief-type production
functions with fixed technical coefficients and no substitution between inputs to
2 Prospective Models of Societys Future Metabolism: What Industrial Ecology Has 37

describe intermediate demand. Technological detail is high in both model fami-

lies, and in IAMs, industrial assets are often modeled as discrete units to simu-
late individual plants. Technological change is exogenous in IE models but
endogenous in some IAMs. We see three ways in which IE principles can
improve the modeling of production processes in IAMs: (1) mass balance con-
sistency between industrial input and output, inclusion of waste generation and
recycling; (2) consideration of multi-output processes and industrial symbiosis,
that is, joint production of commodities and by-products within and across
industrial sectors; (3) separate description of primary and secondary material
production. Point (4) is already part of several IAMs, but the way scrap supply
is modeled differs substantially across different IAMs, and not all approaches
are meaningful from an IE perspective.
(2) Marketsand products: In IE models and IAMs, markets balance supply and
demand. It is common in IE to distinguish between markets for primary prod-
ucts and waste and to require the models to clear both markets at the same time.
Introduction of waste markets into IAMs and the development of mechanisms
for how they are cleared would allow for realistic modeling of waste treatment
and recycling activities. Detailed descriptions of waste handling, recycling, and
substitution of secondary for primary materials are essential in understanding
how a transition to a more circular economy could happen; they should there-
fore be an integral part of future prospective models. More details regarding the
quality of materials, for example, by considering different alloys, will be neces-
sary to build scenarios for the use of secondary materials in different products.
(3) The final use phase comprises in-use stocks such as products used by house-
holds, public buildings and infrastructure, and industrial assets. Both prospec-
tive IE models and IAMs use age-cohort-based dynamic models to represent
in-use stocks. The age cohort technology composition of industrial assets, vehi-
cles, or buildings determines the overall intermediate energy and material
requirements to produce industrial output, drive vehicles, or heat buildings, and
modeling this relation is the traditional strength of IAMs. In-use stocks, how-
ever, also represent material stocks or urban mines. Modeling the material
layer of in-use stocks along with their economic value and technical coeffi-
cients allows us to obtain a comprehensive picture of stocks and to connect the
future extent of waste recovery and recycling to the physical turnover of indus-
trial assets and other in-use stocks. The principles for this multilayer modeling
of stocks are presented elsewhere (Pauliuk et al. 2015), and to implement them
into IAMs, one needs to amend the description of in-use stocks by adding the
material composition layer.
IAMs can also be extended regarding the interaction of SEM with environment
and society. Due to their focus on climate change, IAMs generally focus on green-
house gas emissions, but other types of emissions, such as particulate matter or
heavy metals and other toxic substances, can be readily included (Gibon et al.
2015). IAMs contain detailed descriptions of biotic resources but should be extended
to better reflect the depletion of mineral resources, especially metal ores. More
38 S. Pauliuk and E.G. Hertwich

details can be added on the social side, too, for example, by capturing direct rela-
tions between production activities and society, such as labor requirements at differ-
ent levels of skill or labor conditions (Simas et al. 2014).
IAMs that fully respect IE principles will generate scenarios that include a wide
spectrum of transformation strategies, provide a mass balance consistent and
material-specific representation of SEM, and comprehensively cover interactions of
SEM with the environment and society. These comprehensive and scientifically
credible scenarios of societys future metabolism will then form a common basis for
the analysis by different scientific disciplines.

5 Conclusion

Prospective IE models combine central features of the established IE methods into

a new framework. They allow researchers to conduct comprehensive and dynamic
scenario analyses of societys future metabolism and to study the potential system-
wide effect of sustainable development strategies. The development of these models
is motivated by the desire to study the coming socio-metabolic transition and to
assess the different transformation strategies at full scale and with long-term scope,
while maintaining the high level of detail and biophysical consistency that is a dis-
tinctive feature of industrial ecology methods. The intellectual framing that comes
along with the prospective IE models provides a new slang for the field: It broad-
ens the perspective of industrial ecology research because it gives impulses for the
development of new and important research questions for further refinement and
integration of assessment methods and for the development of a common, model-
independent database of socioeconomic metabolism.
The recent development in industrial ecology methods necessitates a discussion
about the relation between prospective IE models and IAMs since the latter are the
major tool for prospective assessment of transformation strategies. We contributed
to this debate by proposing how industrial ecology principles could become an inte-
gral part of integrated assessment models and how this integration could strengthen
both fields and increase the relevance, robustness, and credibility of scientific
assessment of transformation strategies.
Stefan Pauliuk is a postdoctoral researcher, and Edgar G Hertwich is a profes-
sor at the Industrial Ecology Programme and the Department of Energy and Process
Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU),
Trondheim, Norway.

Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the work of Daniel B Mller, who is the principal
investigator in the development of extended dynamic MFA and who commented on an early draft
of this chapter. Guillaume Majeau-Bettez pointed out the necessity for the overview presented
here. The contribution of Stefan Pauliuk was funded by the Research Council of Norway under the
CENSES Project (Grant number 209697). The funding source was not involved in this work.
2 Prospective Models of Societys Future Metabolism: What Industrial Ecology Has 39

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.


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Chapter 3
Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment:
What Is It and What Are Its Challenges?

Jeroen Guine

Abstract Environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) has developed fast over the
last three decades. Today, LCA is widely applied and used as a tool for supporting
policies and performance-based regulation, notably concerning bioenergy. Over the
past decade, LCA has broadened to also include life cycle costing (LCC) and social
LCA (SLCA), drawing on the three-pillar or triple bottom line model of sustain-
ability. With these developments, LCA has broadened from merely environmental
assessment to a more comprehensive life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA).
LCSA has received increasing attention over the past years, while at the same time,
its meaning and contents are not always sufficiently clear. In this chapter, we there-
fore addressed the question: what are LCSA practitioners actually doing in prac-
tice? We distinguished two sub-questions: which definition(s) do they adopt and
what challenges do they face? To answer these questions, LCSA research published
over the past half decade has been analysed, supplemented by a brief questionnaire
to researchers and practitioners. This analysis revealed two main definitions of
LCSA. Based on these two definitions, we distinguished three dimensions along
which LCSA is expanding when compared to environmental LCA: (1) broadening
of impacts, LCSA = LCA + LCC + SLCA; (2) broadening level of analysis, product-,
sector- and economy-wide questions and analyses; and (3) deepening, including
other than just technological relations, such as physical, economic and behavioural
relations. From this analysis, it is clear that the vast majority of LCSA research so
far has focused on the broadening of impacts dimension. The challenges most
frequently cited concern the need for more practical examples of LCSA, efficient
ways of communicating LCSA results and the need for more data and methods
particularly for SLCA indicators and comprehensive uncertainty assessment. We
conclude that the three most crucial challenges to be addressed first are developing
quantitative and practical indicators for SLCA, life cycle-based approaches to eval-
uate scenarios for sustainable futures and practical ways to deal with uncertainties
and rebound effects.

J. Guine (*)
Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Department of Industrial
Ecology, Leiden University, 9518, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands

The Author(s) 2016 45

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7_3
46 J. Guine

Keywords Life cycle assessment, LCA Life cycle sustainability assessment,

LCSA Life cycle scenario assessment Rebound Uncertainty Social life cycle
assessment, SLCA Life cycle costing, LCC

1 Introduction

Environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) has developed fast over the last three
decades. The first studies that are now recognised as (partial) LCAs date from the
late 1960s and early 1970s, a period in which environmental issues like resource
and energy efficiency, pollution control and solid waste became issues of broad
public concern. One of the first studies quantifying the resource requirements, emis-
sion loadings and waste flows of different beverage containers was conducted by
Midwest Research Institute (MRI) for the Coca Cola Company in 1969. Similar but
independent studies were conducted in Europe by Sundstrm (1971) and by Basler
and Hofman (1974). Together with several follow-ups, this marked the beginning of
the development of LCA as we know it today (Guine 1995; Hunt and Franklin
1996; Baumann and Tillman 2004; Guine et al. 2011).
The period 19701990 comprised the decades of conception of LCA with widely
diverging approaches, terminologies and results. There was a clear lack of interna-
tional scientific discussion and exchange platforms for LCA. LCAs were performed
using different methods and without a common theoretical framework. The obtained
results differed greatly, even when the objects of the study were the same (Guine
et al. 1993).
The 1990s saw a remarkable growth of scientific and coordination activities
worldwide, which among other things is reflected in the number of LCA guides and
handbooks produced (ILV et al. 1991; Lindfors 1992; Grieshammer et al. 1991;
Heijungs et al. 1992; Vigon et al. 1993; Lindfors et al. 1995; Curran 1996; Hauschild
and Wenzel 1998). Also the first scientific journals appeared with LCA as their key
topic or one of their main key topics. The period 19902000 showed convergence
and harmonisation of methods through SETACs coordination and ISOs standardi-
sation activities, providing a standardised framework and terminology, and plat-
forms for debate and harmonisation of LCA methods. During this period, LCA also
became increasingly part of policy documents and legislation, particularly focusing
on packaging. It is also the period that the scientific field of industrial ecology (IE)
emerged, with life cycle thinking and LCA as one of its key tools (Graedel 1996; see
Chap. 1).
The first decade of the twenty-first century has shown an ever-increasing atten-
tion to LCA resulting in new textbooks (e.g. Guine et al. 2002; Baumann and
Tillman 2004; EC 2010; Curran 2012; Klpffer and Grahl 2014). LCA was increas-
ingly used as a tool for supporting policies and (bioenergy) performance-based
regulation. Life cycle-based carbon footprint standards were established worldwide
in this period. During this period, LCA methods were elaborated in further detail,
3 Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: What Is It and What Are Its Challenges? 47

which unfortunately resulted in divergence in methods again. New approaches were

developed with respect to system boundaries and allocation methods (e.g. conse-
quential LCA; see also Chap. 2 of this book), dynamic LCA, spatially differentiated
LCA, environmental inputoutput-based LCA (EIO-LCA) and hybrid LCA. On top
of this, various life cycle costing (LCC) and social life cycle assessment (SLCA)
approaches were proposed and/or developed. This broadening of environmental
LCA to LCC and SLCA draws on the three-pillar (or triple bottom line, TBL) model
of sustainability, distinguishing environmental, economic and social impacts of
product systems along their life cycle. The original conception of LCA only dealt
with the environmental or ecological component, whereas with these latter develop-
ments, LCA broadened itself from a merely environmental LCA to a more compre-
hensive life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA).1 This broadening is consistent
with developments in IE, for which sustainability and the three-pillar model are
principal motivations (Allenby 1999; Graedel and Allenby 1999).
As a matter of course, a subject section was formed within the International Society
for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) in 2011, to focus on life cycle assessment (LCA) as cur-
rently existing and on life cycle sustainability analysis (LCSA) as a direction in which
LCA was developing. Meanwhile several journals have opened up special sections on
LCSA, clearly confirming that we are in the middle of the LCSA age.
While several researchers have proposed definitions and methods for LCSA over
the past recent years, many practitioners are still left in confusion on what LCSA
exactly is, what its methods are and when to apply what. An interesting question
therefore is what are LCSA practitioners doing in practice? We distinguished two
Which definition(s) do they adopt?
What challenges do they face?
In this chapter, these questions will be addressed by first discussing two different
definitions of LCSA and the interpretations of sustainability that these definitions
are grounded in and then analysing the LCSA research published over the past half
decade replenished by inputs from members of the ISIE-LCSA section2 on adopted
definitions of LCSA and main challenges faced. We will conclude with our top three
of the main challenges.3

Sometimes LCSA is taken as life cycle sustainability analysis. For a discussion on the different
reasons for adopting assessment or analysis, we here refer to Zamagni et al. (2009) and Sala et al.
(2013b). Here we adopt assessment to stay close to the ISO definition of LCA.
In order to learn what exactly the understanding of LCSA is by members of the ISIE-LCSA
section, a questionnaire was issued. All members were invited through the sections electronic
platform and through e-mail invitations to provide their views on:
1. Their (preferred) definition of life cycle sustainability assessment
2. Their top three of (scientific and/or practical) challenges for LCSA

Seventeen people reacted on this invitation and their inputs are gratefully used below.
Note that this does not imply that there are no other challenges; it just reflects the authors top three.
48 J. Guine

2 Definitions of LCSA

Definitions of LCSA are not yet carved in a stone. The first use of the term LCSA
was by Zhou et al. (2007), but they only addressed climate change and resource
depletion impacts in their LCA and combined it with an LCC, which doesnt fully
comply with the three-pillar model. Shortly after Zhou et al. (2007), Klpffer and
Renner (2007; see also Klpffer 2008) provided a definition of LCSA, and later on,
Guine et al. (2011) built on that definition. Thus today, at least two definitions of
LCSA exist:
Klpffer and Renner (2007; see also Klpffer 2008): Given the widespread
acceptance of the [triple bottom line] model, it is rather straightforward to pro-
pose the following scheme for Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA):
LCSA = LCA + LCC + SLCA, where LCA is the SETAC/ISO environmental Life
Cycle Assessment, LCC is an LCA-type (environmental) Life Cycle Costing
assessment and SLCA stands for societal or social Life Cycle Assessment.
According to this definition, LCSA thus broadens ISO-LCA to also include eco-
nomic and social aspects adopting a life cycle approach. Klpffer (2003) already
argued for combining LCA with LCC and SLCA, but he did not use the term
LCSA at that time. As mentioned by Klpffer and Renner, this TBL-based life
cycle approach was earlier introduced by the German Oeko-Institut in a method
called Produktlinienanalyse in 1987 (Projektgruppe kologische Wirtschaft
Guine et al. (2011): LCSA links life cycle sustainability questions to knowl-
edge needed for addressing them, identifying available knowledge and related
models, knowledge gaps and defining research programs to fill these gaps. []
It broadens the scope of current LCA from mainly environmental impacts only
to covering all three dimensions of sustainability (people, planet and prosperity).
It also broadens the object (or level) of analysis from predominantly product-
related questions (product level) to questions related to sector (sector level) or
even economy-wide levels (economy level). In addition, it deepens current LCA
to also include other than just technological relations, e.g. physical relations
(including limitations in available resources and land), economic and behav-
ioural relations, etc. [] LCSA is a trans-disciplinary framework for integration
of models rather than a model in itself. LCSA works with a plethora of disciplin-
ary models and guides selecting the proper ones, given a specific sustainability
Guine et al. (2011) basically adopted the definition by Klpffer and Renner
(2007) but added two dimensions and called it a framework rather than a method in
itself. Based on these two definitions, we can thus distinguish between three dimen-
sions along which LCSA expands when compared to (environmental) LCA:
1. Broadening of impacts: LCSA = LCA + LCC + SLCA
2. Broadening level of analysis: product-, sector- and economy-wide questions and
3 Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: What Is It and What Are Its Challenges? 49

3. Deepening: including other than just technological relations, such as physical,

economic and behavioural relations
To better understand the different LCSA definitions above, we need to discuss
the interpretations of sustainability that the different definitions of LCSA are
grounded in.

3 Sustainability

As mentioned above, the Projektgruppe kologische Wirtschaft (1987) firstly intro-

duced a life cycle approach including all three dimensions of sustainability. The
year of publication of their Produktlinienanalyse coincided with the year of publi-
cation of the Brundtland report Our Common Future (WCED 1987). The
Projektgruppe kologische Wirtschaft obviously did not yet use the term
Klpffer (2008; English version of Klpffer and Renner (2007); see also Klpffer
(2003)) extensively discusses what exactly they mean by LCSA. They adopted the
triple bottom line (Elkington 1998) or the three-pillar interpretation of sustain-
ability, referred to as people, planet and prosperity at the World Summit on
Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002. The triple bottom line approach
basically says that for achieving more sustainable futures, environmental, economic
as well as social impacts of activities have to be taken into account. In the World
Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002, also life cycle analy-
sis ( was introduced, and thus, Klpffer
(2003) argues that any environmental, economic, or social assessment method for
products has to take into account the full life cycle from raw material extraction,
production to use and recycling or waste disposal. In other words, a systems
approach has to be taken. The background for the LCSA definition by Klpffer
(2008) and Klpffer and Renner (2007) is thus the triple bottom line or three-
pillar interpretation of sustainability, which is a very common interpretation (e.g.
Mitchell et al. 2004; Blewitt 2008) adopting a system approach.
The Guine et al. (2011) LCSA framework is based on the work done as part of
the EU FP6 CALCAS (Co-ordination Action for innovation in Life Cycle Analysis
for Sustainability) project ( The interpretation of
sustainability is similar to Klpffer (2008) and Klpffer and Renner (2007), but two
additions were made: broadening of the level of analysis and deepening the analysis
itself. The rationales behind these two additions originate from:
(a) An analysis of the bioenergy debate and the role of LCA in this debate (Zamagni
et al. 2009)
(b) The simple observation that although huge efforts have been made to improve
the environmental performance of products applying LCA, little or no progress
has been made improving the environmental sustainability of the global econ-
omy as a whole (Rockstrm et al. 2009; EPA2013; PBL 2013)
50 J. Guine

The bioenergy debate showed that LCAs may show some fundamental flaws when
applied as a tool for supporting bioenergy performance-based regulation (PBR). We
distinguish between flaws related to differences in methods applied between studies
(e.g. related to attributional vs. consequential analysis, data sources, gaps and uncer-
tainties, choices of functional unit, allocation method, impact categories and charac-
terisation method) and flaws in impacts and mechanisms considered for the systems
analysed. For PBRs, LCA results should be robust and lawsuit proof, implying that
the freedom of methodological choices for the handling of such issues as biogenic
carbon balances and allocation should be reduced to an absolute minimum, uncertain-
ties should be properly dealt with and it should be realised that there may be a gap
between the translation of results based on a functional unit of a litre of biofuel to
real-world improvements for millions of litres. There are huge differences between
LCA studies on bioenergy systems as identified by Voet et al. (2010). Besides these
methodological differences, most of these LCA studies have been limited to consider-
ing only environmental impacts and not taking into account system effects and con-
sequences such as indirect land use, rebound effects and market mechanisms. These
all play a role in how a large-scale production of bioenergy could affect the food
market, scarcity, social structure, land use, nature and other conditions that are impor-
tant for society. Large-scale policies to stimulate bioethanol in the USA and Europe
have led to consequences which were not really foreseen and were barely considered
in the preparatory LCA-type studies (Zamagni et al. 2009). A framework for deep-
ened analysis including more of these mechanisms was lacking so far.
The fact that we may improve the environmental performance of products while
still increasing the global pressure on the environment implies that we cannot sim-
ply focus on single product systems only, but also have to broaden our life cycle-
based analyses to baskets of products, sectors and whole economies. Referring to
the well-known IPAT equation (Ehrlich and Holdren 1971), which decomposes
environmental impact (I) into the separate effects of population size (P), affluence
(A) and technology (T), LCAs so far have focused on the pollution per functional
unit of product or service. This basically is no more than a supermicro analysis of
T. If the total consumption of products and services (increasing affluence) and the
size of the population keep increasing meanwhile, we may not achieve any improve-
ment in (macro) global sustainability despite significant progresses in (micro) sus-
tainability of (a number of) individual products and services.
Both these arguments resulted in the LCSA definition by Guine et al. (2011)
which added two dimensions to the definition by Klpffer (2008) and Klpffer and
Renner (2007).

4 LCSA Definitions Adopted in Practice

In order to find out which definition of LCSA practitioners adopt in practice, a bib-
liometric analysis was carried out of the ISI Web of Science (WoS) published by
Thomson Reuters. The keywords used under topic for searching all databases
3 Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: What Is It and What Are Its Challenges? 51

were life cycle sustainability assessment* OR life cycle sustainability analys*

for the time span = 20002014 (accessed on 24/11/2014). The result of this biblio-
metric analysis is shown in Table 3.1. References basically covering the same topic
and originating from the same research institute were grouped together. For exam-
ple, Heijungs et al. (2010), Guine and Heijungs (2011) and Guine et al. (2011)
basically cover the same topic (presenting an LCSA framework covering all three
dimensions of the LCSA definition) and originate from the same research institute
(CML). In addition, references that despite the use of LCSA had little or no connec-
tion to LCSA and the two questions posed here were eliminated from the results.
Put more precisely, a reference was excluded from further analysis if it could not
comply with one or more of the following criteria:
The term LCSA was used to refer to one of the two (revised or otherwise) defini-
tions of LCSA discussed above.
If the reference focused on broadening of impacts, it should include analyses of
all three pillars (e.g. LCA + LCC + SLCA).
If the reference focused on broadening of the level of analysis and/or deepening
the analysis, it should do so as part of LCSA.
The resulting (groups of) references were then analysed on their coverage of the
three dimensions mentioned above (see also Table 3.1).
The bibliometric analysis resulted in about 30 articles covering the topic of LCSA
(Table 3.1). Table 3.1 shows that almost all of the LCSA studies published so far
focus on the broadening of impacts dimension: LCSA = LCA + LCC + SLCA. Among
these studies are many case studies. In addition, explorations have been made to
widen the scope of the three pillars to include, for example, cultural aspects (Pizzirani
et al. 2014). Along a similar line, Jrgensen et al. (2013) argue that when fully
adopting the WCED (1987) definition of sustainability, LCA and SLCA in particu-
lar should be expanded to better cover how product life cycles affect poverty and
produced capital. Only a few studies report on the broadening of the level of analy-
sis and/or deepening dimensions; most of these studies are reviews or method-
ological by nature.
The main keywords popping up among the ISIE-LCSA membership from the
response concerning the question on their preferred definition of LCSA are
environmental-social-economic besides product, sustainability and assessment.
From both the bibliometric analysis and the brief questionnaire, it becomes obvi-
ous that the vast majority of LCSA articles have focused on the broadening of
impacts dimension: LCSA = LCA + LCC + SLCA. However, this may rather be a
limitation of our bibliometric analysis since we only searched for articles including
the terms life cycle sustainability assessment(s) or life cycle sustainability
analysis(es), while many articles in the broadening of the level of analysis (like
IOA) and deepening (like rebound modelling and uncertainty analysis) domains
may not use these terms in their topical descriptions. This immediately touches
upon a problem of too encompassing or too strict definitions: the Guine et al.
(2011) definition of LCSA includes broadening of the level of analysis and deepen-
52 J. Guine

Table 3.1 LCSA references as a result from the bibliometric analysis of the Thomson Reuters ISI
Web of Science (WoS) databases on life cycle sustainability assessment* OR life cycle
sustainability analys* for the time span = 20002014 (accessed on 24/11/2014), classified on their
coverage of the three dimensions of LCSA
Case (C) or
methodology/ Broadening Broadening
References review (M) study impacts analysis Deepening
Klpffer (2008) and M Y N N
Klpffer and Renner
Finkbeiner et al.(2010) C Y N N
Moriizumi et al. (2010) C Y N N
Heijungs et al. (2010), M Y Y Y
Guine and Heijungs
(2011), and Guine et al.
Halog and Manik (2011) M/C Y Y Y
Manzardo et al. (2012) M Y N N
Menikpura et al. (2012) C Y N N
Stamford and Azapagic C Y N N
Traverso et al. (2012a, M/C Y N N
Zamagni (2012) M Y Y Y
Bachmann (2013) M Y N N
Cinelli et al. (2013) Ma Y Y Y
Giesen et al. (2013) M Y Y Y
Hu et al. (2013) M/C Y Y Y
Jrgensen et al. (2013) M Y N N
Kucukvar and Tatari C Y N N
Pesonen and Horn M Y N N
Sala et al. (2013a, b) M Y Y Y
Vinyes et al. (2013) C Y N N
Zamagni et al. (2013) M Y Y Y
Onat et al. (2014) and C Y Y N
Kucukvar et al. (2014a,
Ostermeyer et al. (2013) C Y N N
Stefanova et al. (2014) M/C Y Y Y
Heijungs et al. (2014) C/M N Y Y
Y Yes, N No
This reference is a workshop report
3 Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: What Is It and What Are Its Challenges? 53

ing, while research in these dimensions is often developed as specific approaches

rather than topics under the umbrella of LCSA.

5 Main Challenges Identified in LCSA Studies So Far

The references in Table 3.1 were then analysed on the challenges faced. In Annex 1,
these challenges are summarised for the different (groups of) references. Scanning
through these references and generalising the challenges identified results in the
following interpretation of the main challenges:
The need for data and methods, particularly the lack of (proper and quantitative)
SLCA indicators (Klpffer 2008; Finkbeiner et al. 2010; Traverso et al. 2012a;
Hu et al. 2013; Ostermeyer et al. 2013; Kucukvar and Tatari 2013; Vinyes et al.
2013; Zamagni et al. 2013).
The need for practical (case study) examples (how to put LCSA in practice?)
(Cinelli et al. 2013; Giesen et al.. 2013; Hu et al. 2013; Zamagni et al. 2013).
How to communicate LCSA results (Finkbeiner et al. 2010; Traverso et al.
2012a, b; Bachmann 2013; Pesonen and Horn 2013)?
The need for comprehensive methods dealing with all relevant uncertainties
related to life cycle-based approaches (Zamagni 2012; Pesonen and Horn 2013;
Kucukvar and Tatari 2013 and Kucukvar et al. 2014a, b).
How to deal with technological, economic and political mechanisms at different
levels of analysis (Cinelli et al. 2013; Sala et al. 2013a, b; Zamagni 2012;
Zamagni et al. 2013)?
The need for more dynamic models (Ostermeyer et al. 2013; Onat et al. 2014).
How to deal with value choices and subjectivity in, particularly, the weighting
step (Stamford and Azapagic 2012; Traverso et al. 2012b; Bachmann 2013;
Manzardo et al. 2012; Sala et al. 2013a, b; Vinyes et al. 2013)?
The need for further development of life cycle-based scenario evaluations
(Zamagni 2012; Heijungs et al. 2014).
How to deal with benefits (beneficial impacts), particularly in SLCA (Bachmann
How to avoid double counting (inconsistent application) between LCA, LCC and
SLCA (Zamagni 2012; Bachmann 2013)?
How to deal with different perspectives (producer, customer, societal) on costs in
LCC (Finkbeiner et al. 2010)?
How to (practically) relate (disciplinary) models to different types of life cycle
sustainability questions (Guine et al. 2011; Zamagni et al. 2013; Stefanova et al.
From this list of challenges, those most frequently cited concern the broadening
of impacts dimension in general, the need for more practical examples of LCSA,
efficient ways of communicating LCSA results and the need for more data and
methods particularly for SLCA indicators and comprehensive uncertainty assess-
54 J. Guine

ment. Note that with respect to SLCA, there are many more authors that identified
these challenges (e.g. Jrgensen et al. 2008), but their references were excluded due
to the limitations of our bibliometric analysis (see above).
The number of indicators that the various studies adopt for addressing the three
pillars of sustainability in a life cycle perspective varies from a few (e.g. Moriizumi
et al. limit their LCSA of two mangrove management systems in Thailand to just
three indicators, one for each dimension of the triple bottom line) to several dozen
indicators (e.g. Stamford and Azapagic adopted 43 indicators to address the same
three pillars in their LCSA on electricity options for the UK). The challenges faced
by studies adopting only a few indicators obviously include how to broaden the
number of indicators. The challenges for studies adopting dozens of indicators
include how to communicate their results to decision-makers and/or how to further
weight (evaluate) and aggregate the indicator results, for example, applying (multi-
criteria) decision analysis.
The topic of deepening is addressed less by the studies listed in Annex 1.
Nevertheless, several references mention (e.g. Cinelli et al. 2013; Sala et al. 2013b;
Zamagni 2012; Zamagni et al. 2013; Pesonen and Horn 2013; Kucukvar and Tatari
2013; Kucukvar et al. 2014a, b) and some even address (Hertwich et al. 2014) typi-
cal deepening topics such as the need for comprehensive uncertainty assessment
and methods for dealing with rebound effects. But, again, these references were
excluded from Table 3.1 and Annex 1 due to the limitations of our bibliometric
analysis (see above). However, we feel that deepening discussions are very impor-
tant as part of maturing LCSA approaches. We illustrate this by the example of
modelling rebound effects in a life cycle perspective, which has been addressed by
several authors (Hertwich 2005; Hofstetter et al. 2006; Thiesen et al. 2008; Girod
et al. 2011; Druckman et al. 2011; Font Vivanco and Voet 2014).
Hertwich (2005) defines the rebound effect as a behavioural or other systemic
response to a measure taken to reduce environmental impacts that offsets the effect
of the measure. As a result of this secondary effect, the environmental benefits of
eco-efficiency measures are lower than anticipated (rebound) or even negative
(backfire). For example, the positive effect of more efficient cars has largely been
offset by an overall shift to larger and heavier cars (see Chap. 18). Similarly, the
introduction of high-efficient light bulbs has been combined with an expansion of
the number of light points. Recently, Font Vivanco and Voet (2014) performed a
review describing the state of the art in incorporating the rebound effect into LCA-
based studies and analysed their main strengths and weaknesses. Their literature
review identified a total of 42 relevant scientific documents, from which 17 pro-
vided quantitative estimates of the rebound effect using LCA-based approaches. It
appeared that the inclusion of the rebound effect into LCA-based studies is still one
of the most relevant unresolved issues in the field; [] only few studies provide
quantitative estimates (mostly for carbon dioxide and global warming []). Font
Vivanco and Voet concluded that while a number of LCA-based studies have con-
sidered such effects [], no generally applicable guidelines have been developed so
far; [] consequently, a panoply of non-consensual definitions and analytical
approaches have arisen within the LCA community, and rebound effects have been
3 Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: What Is It and What Are Its Challenges? 55

both unevenly and inconsistently incorporated into LCA-based studies. The results
of this reviews show that, while incorporating the rebound effect into LCA studies
is recognised as a very important topic and has received some attention, there is still
no generally applicable and/or comprehensive method for dealing with rebound in
a life cycle perspective. A similar conclusion is valid with respect to the challenge
of incorporating comprehensive though practical uncertainty assessments into LCA
(see, e.g. Gregory et al. 2013; Harst and Potting, 2013; Henriksson et al. 2014,
2015; Mendoza et al. 2014).
Finally, the bibliographic analysis showed that there are an increasing number of
LCSA studies (e.g. Giesen et al. 2013; Hu et al. 2013; Manzardo et al. 2012;
Stefanova et al. 2014; Heijungs et al. 2014) dealing with scenarios.4 The studies
explore possible configurations of emerging new technologies, product systems or
consumption baskets, comparing their potential impacts to alternative technologies,
product systems and consumption baskets. Such studies are very relevant, particu-
larly if performed ex ante or parallel to the technology development trajectory, as in
that way LCSA is able to advise the technology developer whether developments
are on the right track while identifying hot spots for improvement. Considering
this increase and the relevance of scenarios for evaluating possible more sustainable
futures, we might even consider changing the meaning of the abbreviation LCSA
from life cycle sustainability assessment to life cycle-based scenario assessment.
The results from our brief questionnaire among the ISIE-LCSA membership
largely support the challenges discussed above while particularly adding challenges
as communication with and involvement of stakeholders in the LCSA process, edu-
cation and standardisation of LCSA methods.

6 Conclusions

Adopting the Guine et al. (2011) definition of LCSA while not underestimating
other challenges, we see the following challenges as crucial to address first (one
challenge for each dimension of LCSA):
1. Broadening of impacts: proper, preferably quantitative and practical indicators
for SLCA.
2. Broadening the level of analysis: develop, implement and apply life cycle-based
approaches to evaluate scenarios for sustainable futures.
3. Deepening: develop and implement ways to deal with uncertainties and rebound
effects as comprehensively and practically as possible.
The challenge to develop proper, preferably quantitative and practical, indicators
for SLCA has been present ever since SLCA was proposed as a possible approach.

See also Spielmann et al. (2005), Hertwich et al. (2014) and Koning et al. (2015) that report on
scenario-based life cycle modelling but not as part of an LCSA framework. See also Chap. 2 of this
56 J. Guine

Many proposals have been developed in this area (see Jrgensen et al. 2008), but the
range of methods proposed and developed differs widely. They also often face
implementation problems. The bottom line is that there is not at present anything
resembling an agreed approach or methodology (Clift 2014). Most efforts so far
have focused on finding and developing ways to include social impacts using impact
categories and indicators, similar to environmental LCA. Considering the chal-
lenges identified in Annex 1 and the period over which discussions on SLCAs chal-
lenges have continued, one may wonder whether it is really appropriate to model
social LCA on environmental LCA and whether or not Social LCA is more likely
to develop as a useful tool if it is not forced into the mould of environmental LCA
(Clift 2014). This is not a new discussion since Udo de Haes (see Klpffer 2008)
already argued in 2008 that social indicators do not fit in the structure of LCA
because developing a quantitative relationship of the indicator to the functional
unit or properly handling the high spatial dependency of the indicator is problem-
atic when trying to squeeze such impacts into environmental LCA. To prevent prog-
ress on SLCA coming to a dead end, fundamental re-examination of SLCAs
paradigm seems necessary eventually leading to increased applicability and a more
comprehensive coverage of social benefits and impacts of life cycles. Since a plat-
form for this discussion seems to be lacking, the ISIE-LCSA section could offer
Life cycle-based approaches have an important role to play in assessing scenar-
ios on how to feed, fuel and fibre about nine billion people all longing for the
good life in a sustainable way in 2050 (cf. Frosch and Gallopoulos 1989). We
need to develop approaches and tools within the LCSA framework for evaluating
the sustainability of scenarios for such a future. One of the sub-challenges is to
make sensible and proper use of the different modes of LCA and LCSA available.
The key challenge is to effectively combine backcasting LCSA5 (BLCSA; Heijungs
et al. 2014) with forecasting LCSA (FLCSA) approaches (e.g. Hertwich et al. 2014;
Koning et al. 2015) and eventually also product LCA (CLCA as well as ALCA) in
such a way that policies and transitions towards a more sustainable future can be
properly supported and monitored.6
All our life cycle tools should be accompanied with proper ways of dealing with
uncertainties of data, methodological choices, assumptions and scenarios and pref-

Heijungs et al. (2014) defined backcasting LCSA as exploring ways, in a life cycle perspective, to
stay within normatively defined sustainability levels (e.g. planetary boundaries) through adapted
affluence, population growth and/or technologies.
Note that we make a distinction between supporting policy development and monitoring devel-
oped policies. Its our belief that we need different tools for supporting policy development (e.g.
CLCA; see also Chap. 2 of this book) and for monitoring accepted policy (e.g. ALCA for monitor-
ing bioenergy performance-based regulation through carbon footprint studies). For policy develop-
ment, we need to analyse all possible direct and indirect consequences of potential policy options
using life cycle-based scenario analysis for which CLCA, BLCSA, FLCSA and other scenario-
based life cycle approaches (e.g. Spielmann et al. 2005; Hertwich et al. 2014; Koning et al. 2015)
are best suited. For monitoring existing, accepted policies, we need clear black and white answers
and no scenario-based ranges of answers; for this, ALCA seems better suited.
3 Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: What Is It and What Are Its Challenges? 57

erably also with proper ways of handling rebound effects. This is particularly
important since the results of our tools are increasingly supporting public policies
and performance-based regulations. However, most of our studies still present their
results as point values, suggesting that life cycle tools produce black and white
results with no uncertainties while all experienced practitioners of these tools know
better than this. Thus, in order to maintain and increase the credibility of our life
cycle decision-support tools, we need to develop, as a matter of priority, approaches
to properly and transparently deal with uncertainties associated with data, models,
choices and assumptions of all life cycle-based methods (LCA, LCC, SLCA, IOA,
hybrid LCA, etc.). Several methods have been proposed for this (see above), but the
main remaining challenge is to harmonise them to be comprehensive (e.g. covering
all types of uncertainty for all phases of LCA in a common approach, covering all
types of rebound effects for complete life cycles in a common approach) and imple-
ment them (through, e.g. data and software tools) in the daily practice of practitio-
ners. Similar reasoning is valid for rebound effects.
Finally, as mentioned above, one of the sub-challenges is to make sensible and
proper use of the different modes of LCA and LCSA available. For LCA and LCSA,
we currently have at least the following modes of analysis at our disposal: attribu-
tional (ALCA/ALCSA), backcasting (BLCA/BLCSA), consequential (CLCA/
CLCSA), decision or dynamic (DLCA/DLCSA), exergy (ELCA/ELCSA) and
potentially resulting in AZ LCA/LCSA. We should thus pay due attention to relat-
ing sustainability questions to the most appropriate tools of our industrial ecology
toolbox. The alternative is to throw the dic


Acknowledgements We thank Gran Finnveden, Sheetal Gavankar, Wenjie Liao, Aleksandar

Lozanovski, Sergio Pacca, Stefania Pizzirani, Richard Plevin, Anne Ventura and Bo Weidema for
providing their views on their preferred definition of life cycle sustainability assessment and their
top three of scientific and/or practical challenges for LCSA. Furthermore, we are grateful for the
inputs that Roland Clift provided on previous versions of this manuscript.

Annex 1: Challenges Faced in the LCSA References from the Bibliometric Analysis

References Short topic description Challenges faced

Klpffer (2008) and Klpffer and Discussion of possible definitions for LCSA of products Quantitative methods needed for decision-making if
Renner (2007) different solutions are offered; quantification difficult
challenge for SLCA
Finkbeiner et al.(2010) The life cycle sustainability dashboard and the life cycle Real and substantial implementation of the
sustainability triangle are presented as examples for sustainability concept
communication tools for both experts and non-expert Comprehensive, yet understandable presentation of
stakeholders LCSA results
Different possible perspectives (producer, customer,
societal) when considering the life cycle costs
Data availability
To unambiguously determine and measure sustainability
performance for processes and products
Trade-off between validity and applicability
Moriizumi et al. (2010) To assess the sustainability of two mangrove management Other environmental indicators; estimation of spillover
systems in Thailand using a life cycle approach and using impacts of production activity; combining the results
three indicators: net global warming emissions (CO2-eq.; with decision-support tools
environmental indicator), amount of employment created
in local communities (social indicator) and the value of cash
flow generated (economic indicator)
J. Guine
References Short topic description Challenges faced
Heijungs et al. (2010), Guine Proposal of a framework for LCSA Structuring, selecting and making the plethora of
and Heijungs (2011), and Guine disciplinary models practically available in relation to
et al. (2011) different types of life cycle sustainability questions
To derive consistent criteria for implementing methods
(e.g. attributional, consequential and scenario-based
modelling of systems and related time frames, including
aspects of unpredictability of emerging systems,
complex adaptive systems, etc.)
LCSA research methods and practical examples
Linking approaches to questions
Backcasting LCA
Halog and Manik (2011) Integrated methodology for LCSA by capitalising the n.a.
complementary strengths of different methods used by
industrial ecologists and biophysical economists
Manzardo et al. (2012) To develop a grey-based group decision-making Subjectivity involved in qualitative evaluations
methodology for the selection of the best renewable energy
technology using an LCSA (LCA + LCC + SLCA)
perspective and addressing the issue of uncertainty
Menikpura et al. (2012) Development of a method for comprehensive sustainability n.a.
assessment on most of the critical environmental, economic
and social impacts starting from LCA
Stamford and Azapagic (2012) To identify the most sustainable options for the future UK The influence of priorities and preferences of different
electricity mix applying a sustainability assessment stakeholders on the outcomes of the sustainability
framework developed previously by the same authors assessment of electricity options
Traverso et al. (2012a) The integration of LCSA and the dashboard of sustainability Having (quantitative) data for the (particularly SLCA)
into a so-called life cycle indicators considered
sustainability dashboard (LCSD) and its first application to a
3 Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: What Is It and What Are Its Challenges?

How to handle qualitative data that can particularly be

group of hard floor coverings meaningful in the social assessment, in a basically
quantitative method
References Short topic description Challenges faced

Traverso et al. (2012b) Application of life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) Selection of social LCA indicators
and the life cycle sustainability dashboard (LCSD) for Weighting sets needed for the LCSD
comparing different PV modules More case studies needed, for example, to calibrate
indicators and weights
Zamagni (2012) Editorial on a new section on LCSA How can the LCSA framework be consistently applied,
considering different degrees of maturity of LCA, LCC
and SLCA?
Is adopting the same system boundary for LCA, LCC
and SLCA always feasible and conceptually correct?
What role does scenario modelling play in the LCSA
What approaches exist for including mechanisms in the
How can different domains, normative positions (values)
and empirical knowledge be dealt with?
How can future changing structures of the economy be
accounted for?
How can uncertainty be accommodated and managed?
Bachmann (2013) Ranking of power generation technologies by means of (1) How to separate the different life cycle-based
the total cost approach, adding private and external costs, assessments into environmental, economic or social in
and (2) a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) particular to avoid double counting?
integrating social, economic and environmental criteria The inclusion of risks
Dealing with benefits
Dealing with value choices
Cinelli et al. (2013) Workshop on LCSA: the state-of-the-art and research How to communicate LCSA results?
needs November 26, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark How to put LCSA into practice?
Dealing with technological, economic, political relations
at different scales of analysis
J. Guine

Theoretical roots of LCSA and frameworks

References Short topic description Challenges faced
Giesen et al. (2013) and Hu et al. Putting the LCSA framework of Guine et al. (2011) into How can LCSA be approached practically?
(2013) practice by five operational steps: (1) broad system Only one social impact indicator could be modelled in
definition, (2) making scenarios, (3) defining sub-questions the process-based LCA structure
for individual tools, (4) application of the tools and (5) More case study examples needed
interpreting the results in an LCSA framework
Pesonen and Horn (2013) Streamlined rapid assessment tool the sustainability Development of approaches to quicken the resource-
SWOT and empirical testing of its impact on the corporate consuming inventory and assessment phases of LCSA;
world analysing whether or not it leads changes in either easy-to-understand communication of results;
strategic or operative-level activities streamlined approach for managing uncertainties of all
types with transparency and competence
Sala et al. (2013a, b) Review of main challenges posed to sustainability A framework for SA should be able to better deal with
assessment methodologies and related methods in terms of externalities, interrelations, different applications,
ontology, epistemology and methodology of sustainability multiple stakeholder needs and multiplicity of legitimate
science perspectives of stakeholders, to deal with nonlinearities,
normative choices, uncertainties and risks
LCSA should be developed ([further] in order to:
Guarantee a holistic perspective in the assessment
Be hierarchically different from LCA, eLCC and
sLCA. It should represent the holistic approach
integrating (and not substituting) the reductionist
approach of the single part of the analysis
Enhance transparency and scientific robustness
Tailor the assessment for local/specific impact
Encourage and systematise the interaction among
stakeholders involved in the
development, application and use of the LCSA results
3 Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: What Is It and What Are Its Challenges?

Widen the goal of the integrated assessment (e.g.

including not only negative but also positive impacts)

References Short topic description Challenges faced

Vinyes et al. (2013) LCSA comparison of three domestic collection systems for Quantitative indicators for SLCA
used cooking oil (UCO) to determine which systems should Relating social indicators/impacts to the functional unit
be promoted for the collection of UCO in cities in How to restrict social indicators proposed to a
Mediterranean countries manageable and comparable number
Weighting methods
Zamagni et al. (2013) From LCA to LCSA: concept, practice and future directions. Limited number of LCSA applications, the majority of
Introductory article to a special issue on LCSA which focus on the interface of environmental and
economic aspects; social aspects are less addressed
SLCA data and indicators
Weak understanding at the conceptual level of SLCA
and LCSA
What is the appropriate scale of LCSA: products,
enterprises, communities or nations?
Kucukvar and Tatari (2013) To quantify the overall environmental, economic and social Lack of comprehensive data sets for all three pillars
impacts of the US construction sectors using an economic Uncertainty assessment
inputoutput-based sustainability assessment framework
Onat et al. (2014) Integrating several social and economic indicators Dynamic system approach
demonstrating the usefulness of IO modelling for
quantifying sustainability impacts, providing an economy-
wide analysis and a macro-level LCSA
Kucukvar et al. (2014b) To develop a triple bottom line sustainability assessment Uncertainty assessment; weighting of different impacts
model evaluating the environmental and socio-economic
impacts of pavements
Kucukvar et al. (2014a) Adding fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making method to the Uncertainty of LCA results including weighting of
approach above sustainability indicators and limitation of the EIO
method should be included in decision-making
J. Guine
References Short topic description Challenges faced
Ostermayer et al. (2013) The application and potential of LCSA in the built Dynamic modelling of energy mixes and related LCI
environment, focusing on refurbishment of residential data sets; dynamic modelling of discount rates and
buildings, LCA, LCC and limited social assessment, and energy price scenarios for LCC; suitable indicators for
applying a multidimensional Pareto optimisation method SLCAs
Extreme dependence and differentiation of SLCA
indicators on regional and cultural conditions; lack of
data for SLCA; discussion needed on what aspects need
to be implemented into SLCA at least
Stefanova et al. (2014) An approach to structure the goal and scope phase of LCSA Structured identification of [deepening] mechanisms to
to identify the relevant mechanisms [deepening] to be be modelled in a specific case
further modelled for a case study on a new technology for
the production of high-purity hydrogen from biomass to be
used in automotive fuel cells
Heijungs et al. (2014) Using IO tables, planetary boundaries and minimum Improving the backcasting models to including more
consumption levels to backcast directions to safe operating impact categories, dynamics, definition of a welfare
spaces function, allocation of surplus consumption to
consumption categories, etc.
3 Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: What Is It and What Are Its Challenges?
64 J. Guine

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.


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Chapter 4
Industrial Ecology and Cities

Christopher A. Kennedy

Abstract The study of cities, or urban systems, in Industrial Ecology has a peculiar
history. In the 1960s, there was a false dawn for green cities in the United States
under the Experimental City project, the unfullled plans for which included numer-
ous aspects of Industrial Ecology (IE). When IE eventually began to form as a dis-
cipline in the 1990s, cities or urban systems were at best a fringe topic, although
their importance was recognized by thought leaders in the eld. The development of
research on cities as a theme within IE perhaps followed with the broadening of IE
to include Social Ecology. Then the study of urban metabolism, which had its own
separate literature, arguably became one of the three metabolisms within IE along
with industrial and socio-economic. In this review of work on IE and cities, a Scopus
search of ISI-rated publications nds over 200 papers on the topic, many of which
are in the Journal of Industrial Ecology. Amongst the common themes are papers
on urban industrial symbiosis, urban infrastructure frameworks, transportation,
waste, energy, greenhouse gas emissions, other urban contaminants, metals, phos-
phorus and food in cities. The great ongoing challenge for work on IE and cities
remains to understand the environmental impacts related to urban metabolism and
attempt to reduce them. More specic examples of possible future work include
determining potentials for city-scale industrial symbiosis and uncovering how much
is occurring and exploring theoretical limits to the sustainability of cities using non-
equilibrium thermodynamics.

Keywords Urban systems Urban metabolism Industrial symbiosis Material

ow analysis Energy Water Waste Urban infrastructure

C.A. Kennedy (*)

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto,
35 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 1A4, Canada

The Author(s) 2016 69

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7_4
70 C.A. Kennedy

1 A False Dawn

Between 1966 and 1973, a sustained attempt was made to initiate the construction
of an experimental green city in rural Minnesota, USA (Wildermuth 2008).
Promoted as a solution to the problems of inner city decay and growing concerns
about environmental pollution, a site for the space age city was selected, in 1972,
near the small community of Swatara, 130 miles north of Minneapolis. The vision
for the city, stemming largely from its inuential brainchild Athelstan Spilhaus,
contained concepts that are today central to Industrial Ecology. The Experimental
City would not generate any wastes, as all residuals would become useful sub-
stances. The city regulations would exclude polluting industries. Transport would
be by a guideway network system, eliminating the need for cars. Furnace sewers
would pump away any polluted air produced by delivery trucks in the underground
service roads. Water would be completely recycled. Even buildings and infrastruc-
ture would be constructed from precast modular parts that could be adapted or
reused to meet the changing needs of future generations. Energy supply for the city
would be provided by a fossil-fuel-free power plant, likely nuclear, located at the
city centre. No single part of the city was ever constructed it was a utopian dream
with many failings but it was backed by powerful politicians and received hun-
dreds of thousands of dollars in supporting grants over the 7 years of planning.
The initial instigator of the Experimental City was a scientist of the highest stand-
ing (Wildermuth 2008). Athelstan Spilhaus (19111998) was a South-African born
geophysicist and oceanographer who is credited with developing the bathythermo-
graph while working with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in
Massachusetts. The device, which provides measurements of ocean depth and tem-
peratures from moving vessels, was important for the United States in submarine
warfare during WWII and helped establish Spilhaus as a scientist of notoriety. In
January 1949, at age 37, he was appointed Dean at the University of Minnesotas
Institute of Technology. It was at Minnesota that his interest in future cities rst
began, but Spilhaus was also engaged in a broad range of scientic issues. In 1957,
he began a scientic comic strip known as Our New Age which was published in
102 US and 19 foreign newspapers. From 1954 to 1958, he was US representative on
the executive board of UNESCO and was the commissioner of a hugely successful
popular science exhibit at the 1962 World Fair in Seattle. Following publication of an
article on The Experimental City in Science magazine (Spilhaus 1968), he became
President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1969.
The aspects of Industrial Ecology in the Experimental City link back to Spilhaus
role as the Chair of the Committee on Pollution of the National Academy of Sciences
and National Research Council. As early as 1961, Spilhaus had observed that
Waste is some useful substance that we dont know how to use or we dont yet
know how to use economically (quoted in Wildermuth 2008: 59). The national
committee on pollution, which Spilhaus chaired from 1963, recognized that grow-
ing environment challenges in the United States were linked to increasing population
and urbanization. A report by the committee published in 1967 had some bold solu-
tions; it proposed closed system manufacturing, under which goods were
4 Industrial Ecology and Cities 71

designed in the rst place with the return to the factory for remaking and reuse in
mind (Wildermuth 2008: 64; Committee on Pollution 1966: 06). Spilhaus later
writings on the Experimental City recognized the dematerialization strategy of sell-
ing services rather than products: Instead of owning things in the future, you will
own the services that the things will give you (Wildermuth 2008: 113). In an article
on the Experimental City, he also notes There are examples of industrial symbiosis
where one industry feeds off, or at least neutralizes, the wastes of another and he
provides several examples (Spilhaus 1967: 1131). Recognizing American cities to
be the hot spots for pollution, Spilhaus committee had at rst decided to conduct a
case study in the highly urbanized Delaware River Basin. Getting data on pollution
for the urban area proved, however, to be too challenging due to the myriad of state,
county and municipal governments involved (a common challenge for urban metab-
olism studies). It was this experience with the frustrating institutional structures
within existing cities that to a large extend encouraged Silhaus to pursue his vision
of a full-scale experimental new city.
There were other powerful actors supporting the Experimental City idea
(Wildermuth 2008). Back in Minneapolis, working in parallel to Spilhaus at rst,
newspaper executive Otto Silha had taken an interest in the idea of enclosed cities
that had been popularized by Buckminster Fuller. Silha had strong connections to
government and industry including the US Vice President Hubert Humphrey, who
was a former mayor of Minneapolis. Keen to see Minnesota lead the country on
building new cities, Silha assembled a powerful steering committee and co-opted
Spilhaus to be the front man for the project. Other members of the steering commit-
tee included a retired four-star general, a former economic advisor to President
Kennedy, the personal physician of President Johnson, and further representatives
from government, industry, labour unions, foundations and academia, as well as
Buckminster Fuller. In May 1966, Silhas committee received $248,000 in federal
funding to kick-start the planning of the city, with more to follow. Federal support
for the Experimental City later waned, but then the state government took a stronger
role. On June 4, 1971, Minnesota Governor Wendell Anderson even signed legisla-
tion to create a new state agency known as the Minnesota Experimental City
The great plans for the Experimental City came to nothing, however, due to a
variety of reasons. First Spilhaus vision of the city was utopian, and he was inex-
ible with many details. The utopian aspects were not so much the ambitious techno-
logical features, although some no doubt still needed to be worked out but lay with
the social and cultural dimensions. Spilhaus argued that the city should be designed
for a xed population of 250,000 people, no more or less, and that potential resi-
dents would have to be screened to achieve the right balance of required profes-
sions. Spilhaus saw the city as being a perfectible machine and ignored the
aspirations of regular people. Even after Spilhaus withdrew from the implementa-
tion efforts, Silhas committee continued to make mistakes. In choosing a possible
site for the Experimental City, they failed to suitably engage environmentalists or
local people, the majority of whom saw urbanization of their rural surroundings to
be deplorable. Ultimately, the effort failed on both cultural and environmental
72 C.A. Kennedy

grounds. As one of the local citizens group concluded: the idea of relocating pop-
ulation masses rather than treating and solving problems of cities where they exist
is just as repugnant as timbering without reforestation (Wildermuth 2008:
231). With the failure of the Experimental City project, opportunities to make prog-
ress on both green cities and Industrial Ecology were lost.

2 Formative Years of IE

When Industrial Ecology did emerge in North America around the 1990s, the sub-
ject of green cities or urban systems was at rst largely absent. This can be seen
from examining the contents of early books and conference proceedings in the for-
mative years of Industrial Ecology (Table 4.1). Georg Winters 1988 book on
Business and the Environment considers IE from a corporate perspective; it does
have advice for companies with respect to buildings, but gives no mention to cities.
Contributors to a broad purview of intersections between technology and the envi-
ronment (Ausubel and Sladovich 1989) mention issues of air pollution in cities and
the management of municipal solid waste, but none give specic focus to cities. On
May 2021, 1991, Kumar Patel organized a colloquium on Industrial Ecology at the
US National Academy of Sciences; the 23 papers from the meeting, none of which
were on cities, were published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
A further early publication in which cities are omitted is a collection of papers
edited by Brad Allenby and Deanna Richards (1994). There are also examples of IE
principles being applied earlier than the 1990s outside of North America such as
in Japan in the early 1970s (Erkman 1997). The report from a US-Japan Workshop
on Industrial Ecology, held March 13, 1993, in Irvine, California, however, has no
mention of urban issues either from Japanese or American perspectives (Richards
and Fullerton 1994). Of course, it may be the case that cities were considered in
other early literature pertaining to IE in Japan, or elsewhere for that matter, but
clearly cities were low priority.
The subject of cities did get on the agenda for the 1992 Snowmass conference on
Industrial Ecology and Global Change, which was important for the development of
the discipline (Socolow et al. 1994). Approximately 50 people attended the meeting
in Colorado, supported by the Ofce for Interdisciplinary Earth Studies. One of the
32 papers in the proceedings was a study quantifying methane emissions for an
American city by Robert Harris of the University of New Hampshire (Harris 1994).
In Tom Graedel and Brad Allenbys textbook on Industrial Ecology, cities are
recognized in a chapter on the future of industrial activities (Graedel and Allenby
1995). The section entitled The Ecologically Planned City suggests that engineers
might consider cities as systems to be optimized for sustainability (p. 336), but
discussion is limited to just two paragraphs. The reason for such little detail on cities
perhaps becomes apparent in Allenbys later text on policy frameworks and
implementation of IE which indicates that the science has yet to be done. Under
the subtitle Physical Models of Communities, Allenby (1999: 20) writes:
4 Industrial Ecology and Cities 73

Table 4.1 Coverage of cities or urban systems in early books or conference proceedings on
industrial ecology
Book or conference proceeding Content on cities or urban systems
Winter (1988). Business and the environment: a No chapters, or checklists, specic to cities
handbook of industrial ecology with 22 checklists
for practical use
Ausubel and Sladovich (1989). Technology and Cursory mention of urban air pollution and
environment waste management
National academy of science colloquium on No papers specic to cities
industrial ecology published in PNAS (1992)
Allenby and Richards (1994). The greening of No chapters or cases on cities
industrial ecosystems
Socolow et al. (1994). Industrial ecology and One paper on reducing urban sources of
global change methane
Richards and Fullerton (1994). Industrial No urban content
ecology: U.S. Japan perspectives
Graedel and Allenby (1995). Industrial ecology Two paragraphs on ecologically planned
Ayres and Ayres (1996). Industrial ecology: Brief mention of a proposed industrial
towards closing the materials cycle ecosystem including a municipal waste
treatment plant
Lowe et al. (1997). Discovering industrial Section on applications of IE for local
ecology: an executive brieng and sourcebook government
Allenby (1999). Industrial ecology: policy One paragraph describing the need for
framework and implementation research on physical models of
Ayres and Ayres (2002). A handbook of industrial Three chapters on: urban material ows,
ecology urban planning; and municipal waste
Bourg and Erkman (2003). Perspectives on One chapter on urban transportation and IE
industrial ecology
Note the list of books examined here may not be comprehensive and is inuenced by availability
at the University of Toronto library and online access

It is increasingly chic for some communities to call themselves sustainable communities

yet the science to understand what such assertions really mean has yet to be done.
Developing integrated models of urban communities, including small, relatively self-
contained cities, larger cities with surrounding suburbs, and large megalopolises with
decayed centres and most business activity decentralized throughout the suburbs will be a
necessary step in achieving such an understanding. Urban centres in developing and devel-
oped nations should also be modelled and compared. Such models would include: transpor-
tation, physical infrastructure, food energy, material stocks and ows, and other systems.
Both direct and embedded impacts () should be included. This information would facili-
tate identication of major sources of environmental impacts, patterns of activities that give
rise to them, and potential environmentally preferable technological or mitigation options.
It would also provide a necessary basis for comparing the environmental impacts of differ-
ent kinds of communities, as well as creating higher level, integrated regional models.

Further recognition of the topic of cities is given in Discovering Industrial

Ecology by Ernest Lowe, John Warren and Stephen Moran (1997). The front cover
shows a night-time city panorama superimposed on to a view of Earth from Space.
74 C.A. Kennedy

Inside the authors include a city public works director in a conversation amongst six
professionals about the challenges of implementing IE. A chapter on opportunities
for governments in applying IE discusses the need to develop integrated models of
urban communities. Several pages on local government then describe how practical
applications of IE in cities can lead to waste reduction, extended capacity to local
infrastructure, development of resource exchange markets and related economic
development all of which should be pursued within strategic community green
planning. As part of this planning, Lowe et al. also encourage the study of urban
metabolism (although they call it the industrial metabolism of the community).
In A Handbook of Industrial Ecology (Ayres and Ayres 2002), cities are explic-
itly recognized as being relevant to IE at least to a small extent by the inclusion
of 3, out of 46, chapters relating to urban issues. The rst of these, by Ian Douglas
and Nigel Lawson (2002), shows sensible understating of the dominant material
ow processes being entitled Material flows due to Mining and Urbanization. With
respect to the urban end, Douglas and Lawson distinguish between the urban fabric
of buildings and infrastructure with slow turnover of materials and the other materi-
als such as food, clothing, packaging, water and energy that ow relatively rapidly
through cities. They also note how, over centuries, the in situ deposition of construc-
tion and demolition waste in cities gradually raises the elevation of cities. The
authors also make reference to a limited number of ecological footprint studies and
urban material ow balances, but concede like others previously, that these are chal-
lenging to conduct. They resort to presenting a few measures of Earth moved or
materials placed in major tunnels, airports runways or similar projects in the United
Kingdom or otherwise present national level data.
In Industrial Ecology and Spatial Planning, Clinton Andrews (2002a) explains
some of the important linkages between industrial ecology and the activities of
urban planners. He begins by recognizing that geography matters because it brings
details of scale and the level of analytical resolution to IE. Challenges in applying
IE to cities sometime occur, however, because of misalignment between natural and
political boundaries and the existence of multiple levels of government. Andrews
notes the wide variation in physical characteristics of cities worldwide and also
comments that planning practices are just as varied e.g. ranging from pure regula-
tory roles to those who are active in shaping urban form. He then discusses several
intersections between spatial planning and IE: (1) connection between urban pat-
terns and the environmental performance of cities; (2) the signicant role for plan-
ners in eco-industrial developments, which are subject to a several regulatory issues;
(3) urban waste management; (4) several ways in which the design of the built
environment impacts eco-efciency; (5) the use of non-toxic, biocompatible materi-
als in cities; and (6) the potential for industrial ecologists to study behavioural attri-
butes of citizens, linked to policy interventions. Andrews concludes with a warning
that IE should be careful to learn from some of the ill-conceived, utopian interven-
tions that urban planners implemented in previous decades.
Like planning, prescriptive IE is in danger of cycling from hubris to despair before discov-
ering humility and effectiveness..Until the grand visions of IE are tempered by imple-
mentation experience they will be a poor basis for public decisions. (Andrews 2002a: 487)
4 Industrial Ecology and Cities 75

A second contribution from Andrews in the Handbook examines municipal solid

waste management through the combined lens of IE and political economy. Andrews
(2002b) notes that methods of IE have been used by US waste management policy
analysts since the 1970s for mass ow analysis and since the 1980s for life cycle
assessment. The perspective of political economy is required to address issues
beyond IE such as trans-boundary transport, deregulation and environmental jus-
tice. Andrews provides integrative analysis of the predominant actors at each stage
of the product life cycle. This leads to an examination of the basis for government
intervention and a summary of lessons from implementation.
A further collection of papers on IE edited by Dominique Bourg and Suren
Erkman (2003) includes one urban avoured chapter, out of 28, this being on Urban
Transportation and IE by Tom Graedel and Michael Jensen (2003). The short paper
reviews the costs and benets of automotive transportation and considers three dif-
ferent approaches to optimizing the net benets. An urban system is proposed com-
prising trams, high-speed networks and feeder lines, with automobile restricted to
low-density suburbs and new ways of handling personal cargo developed.
This review of formative literature on IE shows relatively sparing attention to
urban systems, but it would be wrong to conclude that the early protagonists of IE
failed to understand the signicance of cities in environmental challenges. For
example, both Andrews and Graedel were attendees of the Snowmass 1992 summit
and were (and remain) inuential within IE. Andrews was coeditor of the Snowmass
proceedings and went on to become a Chair of Planning at Rutgers University,
where he published several papers pertaining to IE and cities (some discussed below
here). Graedel, the rst Professor of Industrial Ecology, and the rst President of the
International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE), examines metal stocks and
ows in cities within his wider work at other scales. Another who worked on cities
was Jesse Ausubel, coeditor of a National Academy of Engineering book on Cities
and Their Vital Systems (Ausubel and Herman 1988). Like Andrews and Graedel, he
attended the formative meeting of the ISIE in 2000 and also coedited the proceeding
of a National Academy of Engineering meeting on Energy and Environment
(Ausubel and Sladovich 1989). A further attendee at the Snowmass meeting and
early inuence in IE was Arnulf Grbler who had a profound understanding of
the role of cities on global environmental change. In his text Technology and Global
Change (Grbler 1998) which arguably should be the rst textbook read by stu-
dents of IE Grbler clearly describes how the phenomena of urbanization result
from improvements in agricultural productivity.

3 Into the Twenty-First Century

Moving into the twenty-rst century, there is the emergence of an academic research
literature specically concerned with applications of IE to cities. This can be exam-
ined through use of the search function on Scopus, although many caveats are
required. A rst set of search results, shown in Fig. 4.1, is for papers that explicitly
76 C.A. Kennedy

Fig. 4.1 Papers published (19962014) in: (1) Scopus-tracked journals including industrial ecol-
ogy and cities, city, urban or urbanization in the title, abstract or keywords; (2) the Journal of
Industrial Ecology, including the keywords cities, city, urban or urbanization

use the term industrial ecology and any one of four city-related words: cities,
city, urban or urbanization in the title, abstract or keywords. The search
results are modied to remove obvious anomalies as well as articles in press for
2014. Still, the search results include some papers that perhaps do not really reect
the essence of applying IE at the city scale while missing others that do. To give
some examples, several of the early papers discuss eco-industrial parks as a strategy
for sustainable cities, or eco-parks which just happen to be in cities, without really
reecting the idea that industrial symbiosis might be more broadly applied on a city
scale. Similarly, the search picks up a few papers that are focused on household
consumption within cities, which, while contributing to urban metabolism, might
miss industrial and larger-scale urban processes in cities. Another scale-related
problem is that a few papers are included that primarily discuss energy or material
ows at national and regional levels, with only brief mention of processes at the
urban scale. Of the 212 papers recorded in the rst search perhaps as many as half
might be rejected if the search were restricted to research at the city scale. That said,
the search terms exclude a potentially large literature on energy and material ows
in cities that does not use the term industrial ecology. Omitted papers include, for
example, a material ow study of paper in a city (Leach et al. 1997) and an overview
of strategies for the ecological restructuring of cities (Hahn and Simonis 1991). In
more recent years, industrial ecologists have made numerous studies of greenhouse
gas emissions associated with cities (e.g. Kennedy et al. 2009), or urban sustain-
ability more broadly (e.g. Baynes and Wiedmann 2012), many of which are missed.
4 Industrial Ecology and Cities 77

Most signicantly, the search misses many papers on urban metabolism now seen
as central to urban IE but also used in other elds; this will be addressed in a sepa-
rate section below.
A few reoccurring themes can be observed within the Scopus-tracked papers in
the rst search. Starting with a paper by Robbins and Kumar (1999), several authors
discuss the application of industrial symbiosis with an exchange of residuals occur-
ring broadly at a city scale (Cerceau et al. 2014; Liu and Chen 2013; Chen et al.
2012; Giurco et al. 2011; Van Berkel et al. 2009a, b). Amongst these are two papers
by Pierre Desrochers which suggest that industrial symbiosis has a long history in
cities (Desrochers 2002; Desrochers and Leppl 2010). A couple of papers analys-
ing the use of biogas or sewage gas for transportation in Swedish cities might also
be considered examples of city-scale industrial symbiosis (Fallde and Eklund 2015;
Vernay et al. 2013). The topic of waste has been addressed in several papers, includ-
ing work focussed on e-waste (Leigh et al. 2012), healthcare waste (Soares et al.
2013) and construction and demolition waste (Bohne et al. 2008), as well as city-
specic waste studies (Murphy and Pincetl 2013; Chertow and Eckelman 2009).
Urban infrastructure systems have been researched in both broad and narrow con-
texts. In a broad sense, several sustainable infrastructure or resource frameworks
have been published (Ramaswami et al. 2012a, b; Hodson et al. 2012; Agudelo-Vera
et al. 2012). Narrower sector-specic infrastructure studies include those on water
systems, including drinking water, wastewater and storm water (Venkatesh 2013;
De Sousa et al. 2012; Venkatesh and Bratteb 2012; Kenway et al. 2011; Pasqualino
et al. 2011; Venkatesh et al. 2009). At least two papers have examined the historical
use of energy in cities (Reiter and Marique 2012; Baynes and Bai 2012). Also
related to energy, amongst other activities, is a large number of papers on green-
house gas emissions for cities (Ramaswami et al. 2012a, b; Mohareb and Kennedy
2012a, b; Chavez et al. 2012; Sugar et al. 2012; Feng et al. 2012; Shi et al. 2012;
Bullock et al. 2011; Kraines et al. 2010; Lebel et al. 2007; VandeWeghe and
Kennedy 2007), although this is just a subset of a larger literature. Other contami-
nants featured include heavy metals (Batzias et al. 2011) and PBDEs (Vyzinkarova
and Brunner 2013). There is also a distinct grouping of papers on the theme of met-
als in cities, including urban mining (Kral et al. 2014; Zhang et al. 2012; Klinglmair
and Fellner 2010; Mnsson et al. 2009; Drakonakis et al. 2007; Harper et al. 2006).
Similarly, several papers address stocks and ows of phosphorus in cities (Ma et al.
2013; Kalmykova et al. 2012; Li et al. 2012; Fu et al. 2012), while others have
addressed food more broadly (Broeze et al. 2011; Neset et al. 2006; Waggoner
2006). Over 200 papers on cities and IE are picked up in the rst Scopus search,
only a few of which have been mentioned here in order to demonstrate the dominant
themes of the literature.
Much of the recent upward trend in publications on IE and cities is due to papers
in the Journal of Industrial Ecology (JIE); it accounts in particular for the steps up
in publications in 2007 and 2012 (Fig. 4.1). The second search in Fig. 4.1 is for all
titles in the JIE for the keywords cities, city, urban or urbanization. In 2007, JIE had
a quasi special issue on Industrial Ecology and the Global Impacts of Cities, edited
by Xuemei Bai, with nine articles (picked up by the keyword search). Since then
78 C.A. Kennedy

there have been between 2 and 8 urban systems papers per year in JIE, with the
exception of 2012 when 30 papers are recorded. This was due to the publication of
a full special issue on Sustainable Urban Systems with Larry Baker, Shobhakar
Dhakal, Anu Ramaswami and myself as coeditors.
In addition to the journal articles on IE and cities, the past decade has also seen
publication of textbooks on the topic. Amongst these is Sustainable Urban
Metabolism by Paulo Ferro and John Fernndez (2013). Another that explicitly
recognizes IE is Vortex cities to sustainable cities: Australias urban challenge by
Phil McManus (2005).

4 Urban Metabolism

The interdisciplinary eld of Industrial Ecology can today perhaps be broadly

understood as the study of the three types of metabolism industrial, socio-
economic and urban. When IE rst began to establish as a discipline in the 1990s, it
primarily did so with an initial focus on industrial metabolism. Inclusion of urban
metabolism within IE arguably only occurred once IE had broadened to include
Social Ecology (FischerKowalski and Httler 1998); urban metabolism can be seen
as a scale-delineated component of socio-economic metabolism. The term urban
metabolism, however, seems to predate the term industrial metabolism, which is
usually attributed to Ayres (1994). Abel Wolmans inuential paper on the
Metabolism of Cities was published in Scientic American in 1965, while the
notion that cities have a metabolism can perhaps be traced back further to Marx
(Newell and Cousins 2014). Interestingly, Wolman was a member of the Spilhaus
Committee on Pollution in the early 1960s, as was Alan Kneese who co-authored
the highly inuential paper on material ows in an economy with Bob Ayres in the
late 1960s (Ayres and Knesse 1969). So the study of urban metabolism and indus-
trial metabolism do have some shared history.
The topic of urban metabolism nonetheless has its own literature, originally sep-
arate from Industrial Ecology. Starting from the 1970s, quantitative studies of the
metabolism of actual cities have been conducted by researchers from several disci-
plines including civil engineering, chemical engineering, ecology and urban plan-
ning (Kennedy et al. 2007). Signicant contributions to urban metabolism in the
early years included works by Newcombe et al. (1978), Odum (1983), Baccini and
Brunner (1991) and Girardet (1992). The rst urban metabolism study to recognize
the term industrial ecology appears to be Peter Newmans study of Sydney in 1999.
A review of the urban literature with discussion of applications to urban planning
and design is given by Kennedy et al. (2011), with an extension to include a growing
number of Chinese studies by Zhang (2013). Barles (2010) explores the origins of
urban metabolism in relation to sustainable urban development. More recent review
papers by Broto et al. (2012) and Newell and Cousins (2014) have examined rela-
tions between studies of urban metabolism in the elds of industrial ecology, urban
ecology and political ecology.
4 Industrial Ecology and Cities 79

Fig. 4.2 Papers published (19822014) in Scopus-tracked journals including urban metabolism or
metabolism of cities in the title, abstract or keywords. Wolmans 1965 publication off the chart

A further search using Scopus shows an increasing number of publications on

urban metabolism over the past 15 years or so (Fig. 4.2). Around the turn of the
century, there were typically two papers on urban metabolism published each year,
but the number increased to 47 in 2014. The results for early years in this search
should be treated cautiously, as some works recognized today as urban metabolism
studies do not register. Notably, none of the works in the 1970s, between Wolmans
paper and one by Olson in 1982, were picked up in the search. Nonetheless, it is
clear that research on urban metabolism is accelerating.

5 Future Directions

The grand challenge for IE and cities is to understand the environmental impacts of
the urban metabolism and pursue plans and strategies to reduce them. These aspira-
tions are to some extent the same as those of Spilhaus and the Experimental City
project 50 years ago, but necessarily tempered with large doses of practicality, as
raised by authors such as Andrews. Unlike Spilhaus efforts, the applications of IE
have to rst be in todays existing cities, many of which are rapidly growing. It
might be possible in some countries or cultures that new cities are built on green-
eld sites, possibly on the edge of existing cities and principles of IE might be
incorporated to some degree. A small example of an experimental green city does
exist in the case of Mazda, UAE; important lessons have been learnt at Mazda, such
80 C.A. Kennedy

as the cost of building a city with the pedestrian realm one storey up above a ground
oor dedicated to service vehicles and personal rapid transit pods. Nonetheless,
sustainable transformation of todays existing and expanding cities is where the
challenge lies.
Although not complete, the study of cities in Industrial Ecology has come a long
way since Allenbys (1999) observation that the science had yet to be done. Progress
has been made with a combination of broad holistic analyses of urban metabolism
the scale upon which differences are measured and more detailed studies of spe-
cic resource ows or infrastructure systems which reveal the inner workings of
the city. As more cities, hopefully, move towards greater practical application of IE,
then attention to both scales will be important. There is a need for further study of
material ows in cities; few studies have quantied material stocks and ows with
as much detail as those in Lisbon (Niza et al. 2009) or Paris (Barles 2009). More
rened understanding of material ows will be necessary to address questions in a
couple of related future directions discussed below: increased application of indus-
trial symbiosis at the city scale and examination of the thermodynamics of urban
Just how much potential is there for industrial symbiosis to be conducted at the
city scale and how much of such sharing or recycling of residuals is already taking
place? Examples such as the case of Kawasaki, Japan, where 565,000 tonnes of
potential waste per year are diverted through seven key material exchanges hint at
signicant potential for industrial symbiosis in cities (Van Berkel et al. 2009a, b).
Drawing upon four examples of urban regions where waste exchange is practiced,
and citing several nineteenth and early twentieth century authors, Desroches (2002)
argues that urban industrial symbiosis used to be relatively common. The fact that
cities or regional economies have probably always exhibited localized inter-
industry recycling linkages seems highly plausible (Desroches 2002: 35). He sug-
gests that industrial symbiosis is a form of agglomeration effect that occurs due to
the high volumes and close proximity of waste-producing activities in cities. As
well as further empirical studies, perhaps there is potential to develop theoretical
economic models that describe such agglomeration effects. Further research might
also seek to determine the limits to which industrial symbiosis or other notions of
the circular economy can practically be applied in cities. Some categories of materi-
als cannot be recycled or require so much energy as to be undesirable (Ayres 1997;
Allenby 1999; Allwood 2014).
A nal challenging topic, which will also inform the questions on industrial sym-
biosis, is the development of improved theoretical understanding of the urban
metabolism using thermodynamics. This is important for addressing concerns over
possible limits to the notion of sustainable cities. If cities were to pursue high levels
of efciency, and greater closing of material loops through increased industrial
symbiosis, what would be the repercussions, feedbacks or rebound effects? For
example, if todays cities were able to cut their consumption of fossil-fuel energy
use in half, might that just result in the saved fuels being used to build more cities?
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics, as used by Bristow and Kennedy (2015) to under-
stand the growth of cities, might tentatively offer insights into such questions. A
4 Industrial Ecology and Cities 81

Fig. 4.3 Global energy use, urban and rural population, 19652010 (Figure 4.3 from Bristow and
Kennedy 2015)

possibly important nding in this regard is the strong relationship showing that
global energy use is directly proportional to global urban population (Fig. 4.3).
Three areas for future research on the thermodynamics of cities are proposed: (1)
development of nonsteady, nonequilibrium thermodynamic models specic to cities
or systems of cities; (2) more studies of exergy gradients for cities; and (3) explora-
tion of the possible intersection of thermodynamic and economic theories of urban
growth (Bristow and Kennedy 2015).

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.


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Chapter 5
Scholarship and Practice in Industrial
Symbiosis: 19892014

Marian Chertow and Jooyoung Park

Abstract Industrial symbiosis, a subeld of industrial ecology, engages tradition-

ally separate industries and entities in a collaborative approach to resource sharing
that benets both the environment and the economy. This chapter examines the
period 19892014 to take stock of industrial symbiosis. First, we look at the earli-
est days to discuss what inspired industrial symbiosis both in the scholarly literature
and in practice. Next, we draw attention to certain dilemmas and sharpen the dis-
tinctions between industrial symbiosis and some related concepts such as eco-
industrial parks and environmentally balanced industrial complexes. With regard to
dissemination of industrial symbiosis ideas, we found that at the country level,
China has now received the most attention in industrial symbiosis academic research
and this continues to grow rapidly.
The nal section looks at both theory (conceptual knowledge largely from aca-
demia) and practice (on-the-ground experience of public, not-for-prot, and private
organizations working to implement industrial symbiosis) as both are essential to
industrial symbiosis. A bibliometric analysis of the scholarly work, capturing 391
articles indexed in Scopus and Web of Science for 20 years between 1995 and 2014,
is used to dene and track the types of articles, how the mix of articles has changed
over time, and what the most popular journals are. Taking a closer look at the
research literature, distinct themes are identied and discussed such as the scale of
industrial symbiosis, whether industrial symbiosis is based on planning or self-
organization, the role of social factors, and what is known about the actual perfor-
mance of industrial symbiosis. To assess important issues with regard to practice,
we compile a list of industrial symbiosis-related events from database searches of
reports, media, and key consulting and business organizations and examine trends,
mechanisms, and motivations of industrial symbiosis practice by surveying key
practitioners and academics.

M. Chertow (*)
Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University,
195 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511, USA
J. Park
School of Management, Universidad de los Andes, Calle 21 No. 1-20, Bogot, Colombia

The Author(s) 2016 87

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7_5
88 M. Chertow and J. Park

Since 1989, there has been signicant uptake of industrial symbiosis around the
world as shown by the increasing number of journal articles and also events on the
ground. Industrial symbiosis has become more geographically and institutionally
diverse, as more organizations in more countries learn about the ideas and diffuse
regionally specic versions. This presents additional opportunities to understand
the phenomenon, but also makes the search to embrace a coherent framework more

Keywords Eco-industrial park Industrial ecosystem By-product reuse Circular

economy Industrial ecology

1 Introduction

This chapter examines the period 19892014 during which many people associated
with the industrial ecology community have participated in building the knowledge
base of industrial symbiosis. At the heart of industrial symbiosis is cooperative
resource sharing of water, energy, and material by-products and wastes across orga-
nizations for both environmental and economic benet. Taking stock of industrial
ecology includes looking back at the earliest days and threads of industrial symbio-
sis, honoring the catalytic role that the industrial symbiosis in Kalundborg, Denmark,
has played, and compiling some of the lessons learned about how to describe this
phenomenon and its many manifestations as experience and understanding evolve.
Industrial symbiosis is designated as a subeld of industrial ecology where both
theory (conceptual knowledge largely from academia) and practice (on-the-ground
experience of public, not-for-prot, and private organizations working to implement
industrial symbiosis) are highly valued. The chapter includes a bibliometric analy-
sis of the scholarly work, a survey of practitioners and projects, and commentary
from the authors and many other colleagues who contributed ideas for the chapter.

2 Part I: Why People Sometimes Equate Industrial

Symbiosis with Industrial EcologyFrosch
and Gallopoulos, Kalundborg, and Beyond

While there are numerous antecedents to industrial ecology as Erkman (1997) and
others have well demonstrated, many agree that modern industrial ecology was
greatly inspired by, or even began with, the seminal 1989 article in Scientific
American, Strategies for Manufacturing. Written by two members of the research
and development staff at General Motors, this article laid out the conceptual ground-
work for industrial ecology with the idea of following material ows through indus-
trial ecosystems wherein the consumption of energy and material is optimized,
5 Scholarship and Practice in Industrial Symbiosis: 19892014 89

waste generation is minimized and the efuents from one process serve as the raw
material for another (Frosch and Gallopoulos 1989). The notion of an industrial
ecosystem has played an especially large ideation role in industrial symbiosis. This
construct not only denotes a space where industrial symbiosis can occur but also
does so through the introduction of a compelling tie back to natural systems. Indeed,
we now know that the authors had proposed an alternative title that the editors
rejected, but may have offered even more prominence to what would become indus-
trial ecology ideas. This title was Manufacturing: The Industrial Ecosystem View.
As industrial ecology developed, industrial symbiosis became known as a sub-
eld of industrial ecology, distinct from other branches of the new eld in that it
straddles both theory and practice. Not only were Frosch and Gallopoulos employed
by one of the largest automobile companies in the world, but the date of their article,
1989, is the convergent year that the industrial cluster in the City of Kalundborg,
Denmark, which had been developing since the 1960s, began to come into much
view given the extensive network of cooperating industrial operations there.
Industrial ecology lore cites 1989 as the year the label industrial symbiosis was
applied to Kalundborg by Inge Christensen, a pharmacist, and her husband,
Valdemar Christensen, the Kalundborg power plant manager, to describe what was
happening in the Kalundborg industrial ecosystem (Hewes and Lyons 2008). The
inviting imagery of the efuents from one process serving as the raw material for
another and the recognition of the extensive and interconnected resource sharing
network of Kalundborg have proven so powerful for reimagining sustainable indus-
trial development that many people, even today, mistake industrial symbiosis as
what denes all of industrial ecology.
In Kalundborg, 1972 is regarded as the year of the rst real interrm symbiosis
which, it should be noted, also brought a new enterprise to town. The gypsum board
company was established in Kalundborg, in part because of the availability of excess
butane from the nearby oil renery. The butane transaction lasted nearly 30 years,
and while it is now inactive, the gypsum board company remains in place under its
third set of owners. Having ofcially celebrated 40 years with a newly published
booklet (Kalundborg Symbiosis 2014), there is much to look back upon, and it is
hard not to be impressed with the way this icon has continued to evolve and change,
even with the generational passage to new management (Ehrenfeld and Chertow
2002; Ehrenfeld and Gertler 1997; Gertler 1995; Jacobsen 2006; Kalundborg
Symbiosis 2014). In addition to substantial participation from the long-term part-
ners, several new organizations have joined the symbiosis with 33 identied
instances of interrm resource sharing (Fig. 5.1).
There were foundational changes over the years in Kalundborg that could have
shaken the entire system if it were fragile. Instead, this industrial ecosystem has
continuously weathered many varieties of disturbance, from changes in the fuel
type at the power plant to signicant ownership and organizational changes within
the companies such as the doubling in size of the oil renery and the splitting up of
the pharmaceutical operation into two separate companies. Even the ofcial City of
Kalundborg expanded from 20,000 to 50,000 residents during this period based on
reorganization of municipal boundaries. While some have been concerned about
90 M. Chertow and J. Park

19 Sludge
Waste water
Farms Lake The Municipality 1998
treatment RGS 90
Tiss 1Surface water 1961 of Kalundborg
Straw 2009
3 7 Purification 17 Waste water 1995
Surface Heat of water
Inbicon 26 Steam water 1981 22
2009 1973 Water
25 Sea water 2007 10 Surface water 1987 2004
30 29 Bioethanol
27 Condensate
Lignin 9 Steam 1982 2009
2010 11 Cooling DONG Energy Novozymes
Statoil Asnaes Pyroneer
31 water 1987
Refinery Power Station 33 Gasifier 2011 Novo Nordisk
C5/C6 15 Gas 1992
14 Tech.water 1991 8 Steam 1982
2010 13 Sulphur 1990
Fertilizer 2001 Re-use 6 Heat
basin 1980/89
Fish farm 12 4
Fertilizer 20 Biomass/
18 Drain water 1995 5 Yeast
industry 2 21 Deionized water 2002
Fly ash slurry NovoGro
Ash 1976
Gas 1979 1989
1972 16 Gypsum 1993
Gyproc Recovery of nickel Cement Pig farms Farms
and vanadium industry

23 Waste gypsum The Symbiosis Institute

Kara/Noveren 1996

Surface water Purified water Water condensate Deionized water Drain water
Sea water Sludge Yeast slurry/ Biomass/NovoGro Carbohydrate
Waste Gypsum Gypsum Gas (Discontinued) Fly ash Sulphur fertilizer

Fig. 5.1 Kalundborg Symbiosis as of 2012 with two new power plants circled. Both use biomass
rather than fossil fuel (Source:

technology lock-in and path dependence (Reuter et al. 2005; Sagar and Frosch
1997), two of the newest additions to the industrial ecosystem, both biomass power
plants, suggest further breakthroughs in adaptation and regional sustainability (Fig.
5.1). Previously, with only one, albeit large, coal-red power plant, the Kalundborg
system was less resilient to perturbations. Matching the numbers here to Fig. 5.1,
the Inbicon Biomass Renery, begun in 2009, uses local straw (28) for conversion
to bioethanol (29) and also generates lignin pellets (30) and molasses (31). DONG
Energys Pyroneer plant, begun in 2011, is a 6 MW demonstration facility that gas-
ies local biomass (33). Diversifying energy sources has reduced reliance on fossil
fuel toward increased use of bioenergy.
While Kalundborg is a familiar story for most industrial ecologists, the true leg-
acy of Kalundborg comprises all that it spawned geographically and intellectually.
While it is not at all the sole narrative for physically connected enterprises, in a
surprising number of cases evaluated, Kalundborg is directly cited as an inuencing
factor, whether the projects envisioned succeeded or failed. Perhaps most interest-
ing, even with some common reference points such as Frosch and Gallopoulos and
Kalundborg, is how extensive and varied the evolutionary experiments that embed
industrial symbiosis have come to be. The range extends from North American eco-
industrial parks (Cohen-Rosenthal and Musnikow 2003; Ct and Hall 1995; Lowe
and Evans 1995) to Southeast Asian industrial estates (Panyathanakun et al. 2013;
5 Scholarship and Practice in Industrial Symbiosis: 19892014 91

Van Ha et al. 2009) and even to broader concepts such as Japans resource-
circulating society (Morioka et al. 2011) and Chinas ecological civilization (Hu

3 Part II: Bounding Industrial Symbiosis in Time

and SpaceDistinctions and Differences

As a truly multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinary focus of study, industrial symbiosis

easily becomes far-ung and sometimes misunderstood. The diverse communities
of industrial symbiosis, from those who pursue scholarship to those creating policy
to those facing the reality of business development, do not often overlap in ideas and
audiences, as most people see just a part (Fig. 5.2). Some big data colleagues
complain that examining industrial symbiosis is too much work because the infor-
mation sources related to material and energy ows reveal only part of a multifac-
eted story that cannot be told without some human intervention to sort it out (Nikolic
2013, July 1, Personal communication). This section emphasizes a few of the ongo-
ing questions raised and distinctions made as industrial symbiosis has progressed
through time and space.

Theoretical bases for industrial symbiosis research


Systems Industrial Ecology Social

Dynamics Sciences
Material Flow Life Cycle
Analysis Assessment Policy
Thermodynamics Analysis
Complex Theory
Adaptive Industrial
Systems Network
Symbiosis Theory
Ecology Institutional
Ecology Theory

Environmental Regional Transaction Policy &

Accounting Economics Costs Management

Fig. 5.2 Industrial symbiosis examined through many research elds (Source: Ashton and
Chertow, Yale Center for Industrial Ecology, updated 2015)
92 M. Chertow and J. Park

3.1 Industrial Symbiosis: Old, New, or Hidden

One of the distinctive crosscutting themes of industrial ecology is the way it attends
to hidden ows such as (1) the often uncounted overburden left behind from min-
ing extraction that becomes part of mass ow analysis; (2) the missing lead or
mercury or other elements that dissipate into air, water, and soil; and, (3) in indus-
trial symbiosis, resource exchanges that may have been implemented long ago, but
are not known or recognized other than among the participating economic actors as
part of a formal or informal localized supply chain. In each of these classic indus-
trial ecology instances, something formerly hidden or unknown becomes attended
to and counted. By identifying these hidden ows and giving them more careful
attention, both economic and environmental implications are claried. Environmental
consequences can be negative, as with escaping lead, but can often be positive, as
with repurposed sulfur, wastewater, or cogenerated steam characteristic of indus-
trial symbiosis. The nature of economic activities that y under the radar of visibil-
ity and consciousness is a phenomenon within industrial symbiosis rst discussed
by Schwarz and Steininger (1997) and helps to explain the surprise that often
accompanies forays into industrial ecosystems.
In the early 2000s, geographer Pierre Desrochers identied industrial symbiosis
transactions as rearrangements of practices that had come before (Desrochers 2000).
Indeed, as long as there have been people, products, and wastesfrom animal hides
to ower pollen to metal scrapssuch items have been exchanged if the recipient
nds value in the material being received, whether or not there is a special name for
it. Desrochers (2001, 2004) cited numerous industrial examples of resource sharing
over hundreds of years including the role that cities have played in agglomerating
industries in common locations and, in the process, enabling the creation of reuse
and recycling among players in those industries. Desrochers has investigated reuse
of by-products, for example, in Victorian England, and identied some very inter-
esting historical accounts such as an 1862 volume titled Waste Products and
Undeveloped Substances, whose authors attributed the ingenuity they saw around
them to opportunities to earn additional revenue from what appeared to have no
value at all.
Such reections help to stimulate thinking about industrial symbiosis and claims
about it by its observers. When a phenomenon has a strong economic basissuch
as the revenue earning aspect of industrial symbiosisthen there is motivation and
impetus to pursue it. To a large extent, much of industrial symbiosis has been con-
cealed in the broader realm of economic exchanges. What we recognize and indeed
can quantify from todays version of industrial symbiosis is that alongside the
economic benets, environmental ones are generated as well. These benets may be
hidden, but can be demonstrated to the broader community in the form of reduced
emissions and waste and jobs created through reuse and recycling. Once these
industrial symbiosis benets become recognized more broadly and further steps are
taken to continue them, then the activities of the business cluster where they occur
can be classied as a distinct environmental phenomenon beyond what happens in
other economic agglomeration networks (Chertow and Ehrenfeld 2012).
5 Scholarship and Practice in Industrial Symbiosis: 19892014 93

3.2 Single Industry Dominated vs. Multiple Industry


The 1990s was a time when great effort went into creating bounded systems to
include resource sharing across organizations in eco-industrial parks and through
related constructs such as zero-waste projects, by-product synergy, or integrated
biosystems (IBS). Just as there was a convergence in 1989 with the article by Frosch
and Gallopoulos and the revelation of Kalundborg, convergent in 1995 were envi-
ronmental engineer Nelson Nemerows book, Zero Pollution for Industry: Waste
Minimization Through Industrial Complexes, and the rst peer-reviewed journal
article relating to industrial symbiosis appearing in the scientic literature,
Industrial Ecology and Industrial Ecosystems by Ernest Lowe and Laurence
Evans, in the Journal of Cleaner Production. Nemerow imagined the creation of a
system of environmentally balanced industrial complexes where companies in the
complex consume each others by-products as a means of increasing production
efciency and reducing waste. Since 1992, Lowe and colleagues at Indigo
Development along with Professor Ray Ct and colleagues at Dalhousie University
in Nova Scotia and Cornell Universitys former Work and Environment Initiative
led by Ed Cohen-Rosenthal formalized the concept of the eco-industrial park. By
1994, the US EPA had hired Lowe and Indigo, along with the Research Triangle
Institute staff, to develop the concept further.
Notably, the examples of Nemerows environmentally balanced industrial com-
plexes were rooted in individual industries such as pulp and paper, sugar rening,
and textile complexes. In these bounded systems, Nemerow described the wealth of
potential resource sharing opportunities that could be usefully implemented by
related industrial operations. In contrast, Lowe and colleagues were envisioning
business clusters populated by many unrelated rms thereby creating opportunities
for sharing the inputs and outputs from a diverse array of facilities in eco-industrial
parks that would foster economic cooperation, environmental improvement, and
community benet. It was understood that if rms had a high diversity of inputs and
outputs rather than uniformity, there would be numerous new business opportunities
based on reuse of by-products. This distinction of single-industry dominated clus-
ters and multiple industry clusters is an important one. What Kalundborg, Lowe,
and other projects and colleagues demonstrated was the potential involvement of
many, diverse industries and outcomes in one geography.

3.3 Industrial Symbiosis and Eco-industrial Parks (EIPs)

While the section above discusses different lineages of more traditional single-
industry dominated industrial complexes and the broader diversity within eco-
industrial parks, resource sharing occurs in both. Another important element in
sorting out concepts of industrial symbiosis is reexamining its relationship to
94 M. Chertow and J. Park

eco-industrial parks, clusters, and/or estates. When ideas come together from many
different places, traditions, and cultures, there are larger and smaller variations in
content and emphasis even as many institutions are embracing the notion of inter-
rm resource sharing. The international business community has leaned toward
other expressions such as by-product synergy, a keystone of the US Business
Council for Sustainable Development (US BCSD) with focus not only on interrm
resource reuse but also on intra-rm reuse (Mangan 2015, January 19, Personal
communication). The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has greatly popularized the
notion of the circular economy especially in business circles.
One of the early EIP pioneers, Ray Ct of Dalhousie University, recently
expressed his concern with the number of researchers and practitioners who con-
tinue to equate eco-industrial parks with industrial symbiosis or seem to believe that
once industrial symbiosis has occurred within an industrial park, the latter can be
called an eco-industrial park (Ct 2015, January 16, Personal Communication).
Ct perceives the EIP beginning with the land itself and the necessary understand-
ing of the ecological services of the area where the park is to be situated. In this way,
changes to those services can be appropriately addressedfor example, if wetlands
will be compromised, planners could incorporate constructed or engineered wet-
lands. Industrial symbiosis, a less bounded spatial concept than EIP, focuses on
resource reuse and how to achieve it technically, economically, and behaviorally,
more than the physicality of any particular site, which of course is also very impor-
tant (Lowitt 2015, January 20, Personal communication with Director of Devens
Enterprise Center).
According to Ct, even as the park management looks for symbiotic opportuni-
ties involving water, energy, and materials, other key elements of EIPs include, for
example, standards or guidelines for green building features, water cycling, reuse,
and landscaping. Especially when there are many small- and medium-sized compa-
nies in an EIP, then scavenger and decomposer operations can be encouraged to
ll many reuse niches across rms through repair, rent, restore, reclaim, remanu-
facture, and recycle, which become important components of local circular econ-
omies (Ct 2015, January 16, Personal Communication; Geng and Ct 2002).

3.4 Diffusion of Industrial Symbiosis

Now in its twelfth year, the annual Industrial Symbiosis Research Symposium,
building on smaller regional fora, has linked academics and practitioners in 12-day
meetings to discuss and exchange ideas in numerous locations around the globe
(Table 5.1). In addition, based on the bibliometric analysis presented in Part III, it is
possible to track, at least from the perspective of peer-reviewed scientic journals,
those articles in which individual countries received some of the focus of industrial
symbiosis papers (Fig. 5.3). By this measure, China has now received the most
attention in industrial symbiosis academic research and continues to grow rapidly.
The strong interest in China appears to be policy driven following establishment of
the program creating the Chinese National Demonstration EIPs and circular
5 Scholarship and Practice in Industrial Symbiosis: 19892014 95

Table 5.1 The annual Industrial Symbiosis Research Symposium

Year Hosting location Host or contact person
2004 New Haven, Connecticut, Marian Chertow
2005 Stockholm, Sweden Noel Jacobsen
2006 Birmingham, UK Peter Laybourn
2007 Toronto, Canada Ray Ct
2008 Devens, Massachusetts, USA Peter Lowitt
2009 Kalundborg, Denmark Jrgen Christensen
2010 Kawasaki, Japan Tsuyoshi Fujita (with Chinese, Korean, and Japanese
2011 San Francisco, California, Marian Chertow
2012 Tianjin, China Shi Han, Yuyan Song
2013 Ulsan, South Korea Hung-Suck Park
2014 Melbourne, Australia Robin Branson, Biji Kurup
2015 Lausanne, Switzerland Guillaume Massard, Suren Erkman

economy policy. The second highest number of articles is about the USA, followed
by Australia, Denmark, the UK, Finland, Japan, and South Korea, many of which
have or had national industrial symbiosis-related programs and initiatives or have
representative industrial clusters such as Kalundborg and Kwinana. The increasing
focus on developing countries can be seen at the bottom of Fig. 5.3 with each having
one peer-reviewed paper, thus entering the broader conversation. Many more papers
and conference proceedings appear in the gray literature found in search engines
and the ofces of professors, consultants, and project ofcials, but this was not fully
surveyed here.

3.5 Understanding Industrial Symbiosis in a Chinese Context

Given the prominence of industrial symbiosis in China (Fig. 5.3), it is important to

describe its development in more depth. Professor Shi Lei of Tsinghua University
put together some background information, noting that the emergence of industrial
symbiosis and eco-industrial parks in China stems from earlier types of industrial
development following the passage of the 1978 policy on Reform and Opening Up.
In 1984, the rst Economic-Technological Development Areas (ETDAs) began
which, according to Pi and Wang (2004), were designed to break the ice of the
planned economy and subsequently began to focus on attracting foreign direct
investment. These were followed by the development of Hi-Tech Parks (HTP) in the
early 1990s. By the turn of the new century, China had shaped a large industrial
system based on more than 6,000 parks located across China. With the high concen-
tration of industrial activities, resource and environmental problems became
increasingly serious, which ignited the rise of EIPs (Shi 2015, January 18, Personal
96 M. Chertow and J. Park

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
South Korea
Former Soviet Union
South Africa

Fig. 5.3 Countries featured in 286 academic papers on industrial symbiosis (out of total reviewed
of 391) from 1995 to 2014

The rst experimentation happened in single-industry dominated, sector-specic

parks, such as chemicals, metals, and sugarcane, then in ETDAs and HTPs, and
nally in waste-recycling parks. Along with the spread of EIPs, industrial symbiosis
research also has become increasingly diverse in China. The early research mainly
focused on EIP conceptual frameworks motivated by industrial ecology metaphors,
planning methods/tools based on planning theories and frameworks, and symbiosis
system integration from system engineering perspectives. With more and more
cases arising, two additional academic communities joined in industrial symbiosis
research: environment and ecology and economics and management science. The
former mainly focused on win-win solutions, environmental performance evalua-
tion, and formulation of EIP guidelines. The latter mainly focused on cost-benet
analysis, experience identication, and case studies. More recently, research has
5 Scholarship and Practice in Industrial Symbiosis: 19892014 97

begun to uncover the mechanisms and processes of industrial symbiosis from com-
plex theory and network science (Shi and Shi 2014).
Overall, the role of the Chinese government has been crucial in nancing and
promoting EIPs and opening up space for experimentation and exchange. With the
currently perceived need for updating and eco-transformation, Yu et al. (2014b)
found that the planned EIP model is most useful in the early stage of development,
but later it should be combined with a facilitation model to achieve long-term goals
with more exibility. Further, it has become clear that industrial parks cannot suc-
ceed without being effectively embedded into the capital, labor, and resources of
their local regions. China continues to work toward turning eco-industrial niches
into mainstream development, both through practice and through industrial symbio-
sis research (Gibbs 2009; Shi and Yu 2014).

3.6 Organizational Drivers and Barriers

An ongoing quest in industrial symbiosis is the search for a more denitive under-
standing of what drives and what hinders it. Since 2011, there have been three
review articles with emphasis on the social science side (Boons et al. 2011; Jiao and
Boons 2014; Walls and Paquin 2015). Walls and Paquin analyzed 121 industrial
symbiosis articles focused on organizational and institutional issues. Using content
analysis, they analyzed the factors that authors mention most frequently to explain
(1) what facilitates industrial symbiosis in the rst place (antecedents), (2) what
factors generally help industrial symbiosis to grow over time (lubricants), (3) what
inhibits industrial symbiosis over time (limiters), and (4) what are the outcomes of
industrial symbiosis (consequences). Table 5.2 lists the top six factors determined
by Walls and Paquin in each of the four categories, illuminating where organiza-
tional and institutional research in industrial symbiosis has focused. Walls and
Paquins review highlights the role of the social sciences to contribute to a deeper
theory of industrial symbiosis, by taking into account the complex interactions,
motivations, and dynamics that occur within and among organizations. A greater
understanding of these aspects and dynamics is increasingly important for facilitat-
ing and developing robust industrial symbiosis, especially in the policy realm, as
industrial symbiosis grows more diverse in typology, geography, and organizational
contexts (Jiao and Boons 2014).

4 Part III: Industrial Symbiosis in Both

Scholarship and Practice

This section covers scholarship and practice, two integrally related strains of indus-
trial symbiosis. At one level, the rise of bibliometrics has given us a convenient way
to analyze the rapidly developing academic area of focus where peer-reviewed
98 M. Chertow and J. Park

Table 5.2 Drivers and barriers of industrial symbiosis

Antecedents Lubricants
Co-location, proximity Intermediaries, coordinators, and champions
Government regulation Trust, openness
Anchors, scavengers, other roles Knowledge creation or sharing
Diversity of actors involvement Embeddedness
Common strategic vision, beliefs, and Culture or mind-set
Economic reasons Social and network ties
Limiters Consequences
Power, status, asymmetries Innovation
Too much diversity Co-benets: environmental and economic
Exit of player, personnel, or change in ows Learning
Cost, risk Resilience
Environmental regulation too restrictive Lock-in, domino effect
Lack of trust Social capital
Source: Walls and Paquin (2015)

articles increased sixfold over 10 years and doubled since 2010. Some of the nd-
ings of the bibliometric analysis are captured here. At another level, however, it is
through practice that we see actual projects and can assess the extent of the contri-
bution of industrial symbiosis to on-the-ground industrial ecosystems, global
resource management, and collaborative business behavior. Broadly, practitioners
include government actors, private sector actors, and NGO representatives. Of
course, there is a great deal of crossover, and ideally, scholarship can eventually be
tested in practice, and on-the-ground performance can be measured through aca-
demic analysis. Many academics serve as idea brokers and also as evaluators and
have been linked to specic projects such as Baas and Boons in Rotterdam, the
Netherlands; Park in Ulsan, Korea; Ashton in Puerto Rico; and Salmi on the Kola
Peninsula in Russia. Academics also bring projects to light as we have seen in
Styria, Austria, TEDA in China, and stergtland in Sweden. Process engineers,
too, have been important bridges between theory and practice.

4.1 Section A: Industrial Symbiosis in Scholarship

Two questions drove the bibliometric analysis of articles from 1995 to 2014:
What is the intellectual structure of this eld based on a review of the academic
How have frameworks, concepts, and theories advanced in the last 20 years?
This analysis relied on Scopus and ISI Web of Knowledge searches for biblio-
graphic acquisition. Both of these services lean to the scientic aspects of a topic
under study, in contrast to, for example, Google Scholar, which goes beyond strictly
scientic academic journals to include other informative publications. Thus, the
5 Scholarship and Practice in Industrial Symbiosis: 19892014 99

almost 400 articles in this study faced a rigorous test since Scopus and Web of
Science are highly selective about which journals they evaluate. We limited our
search to articles in English. To begin, we compiled all literature returned by search-
ing for eight keywords as follows:
1. Industrial symbiosis
2. By-product exchange
3. By-product synergy
4. Industrial ecosystem
5. Eco-industrial
6. Resource synergy
7. Recycling linkage
8. Recycling network
These keywords, derived from the authors existing sources on industrial sym-
biosis, are considered to be broad enough to capture the most signicant literature
in the eld as it has evolved in different regions although surely some material is
overlooked. The search covers articles published between 1995 and 2014. After
screening for relevance, the 391 papers determined to pertain to industrial symbio-
sis were classied into one of the seven following categories: Foundations,
Performance, Mechanism, Modeling, Structure, Case Study, and Proposal. To avoid
multiple allocation of a paper into several categories, the main objective and content
of the literature was carefully determined according to criteria described in Table
5.5 in the Appendix. The references for these 391 articles are available upon request.

4.2 Results and Analysis of Bibliometric Study

Figure 5.4 shows that the number of industrial symbiosis papers published in peer-
reviewed journals has increased from one paper in 1995 (the rst year of publication
of a paper meeting our criteria) to 75 in 2014. In particular, 2007 is the year that
shows a notable increase in the publication of papers, which is in line with the
observation from Yu et al. (2014a), and, notably, the number of papers more than
doubled between 2010 and 2014. It is not yet known whether the large increase of
articles in 2014 is an outlier, but in general we expect this output to continue to rise
at least in the short to medium term (25 years) given the trajectory.
Before 2004, the main topic of inquiry concerned conceptual aspects of indus-
trial symbiosis. Case studies began to grow by 2004 with the most for any year
being 11 case study articles in 2007. Later, more papers began to focus on analyzing
performance and mechanisms of industrial symbiosis and proposing new ideas or
strategies for its implementation. Modeling as a topic in industrial symbiosis
emerged in 1998, but more than 90 % of modeling papers appeared after 2006. This
implies that the focus of industrial symbiosis research has gradually shifted from
introducing the concept and presenting specic case studies to delving more into
performance and mechanisms of industrial symbiosis and presenting new ideas for
industrial symbiosis.
100 M. Chertow and J. Park





40 Mechanism

30 Structure
Case Study
20 Proposal


Fig. 5.4 The number of industrial symbiosis papers published between 1995 and 2014 divided
into the seven thematic categories

According to Table 5.3, publications of industrial symbiosis papers are concen-

trated in a few journals, most of which also publish industrial ecology articles. Out
of a total of 124 journals publishing industrial symbiosis articles, the top six jour-
nals published fty percent of all the papers captured in the analysis. Figure 5.5
represents the number of industrial symbiosis papers published over time and dif-
ferentiates whether these articles appeared in the top six journals or the others.
Figure 5.5 indicates, in general, that the number of industrial symbiosis papers pub-
lished in journals other than the top six has increased over time: from one paper in
1996 to 36 papers in 2014. This nding reveals that more industrial symbiosis-
related research has emerged in a wider range of journals outside of the core, indi-
cating that industrial symbiosis research is reaching a broader readership.

4.3 Discussion of Industrial Symbiosis Research

The evolution of industrial symbiosis research can be examined qualitatively by

looking at common themes and questions addressed in the literature. One key ques-
tion relates to the scale of industrial symbiosis given that geographic proximity is a
well-recognized element that facilitates industrial symbiosis. Sterr and Ott (2004),
for example, argued that the regional scale is favorable for industrial symbiosis
because it is a scale that is broad enough to offer opportunities for economically
viable material reuse among actors and, at the same time, small enough to allow
communication and collaboration. Responding to these conceptual discussions
5 Scholarship and Practice in Industrial Symbiosis: 19892014 101

Table 5.3 Journals ranked according to the number of industrial symbiosis papers published
Number of IS papers
Name of journal published
Journal of Cleaner Production 90 (23.0 %)
Journal of Industrial Ecology 50 (12.8 %)
Progress in Industrial Ecology 21 (5.4 %)
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 14 (3.6 %)
Business Strategy and the Environment 11 (2.8 %)
Journal of Environmental Management 9 (2.3 %)
International Journal of Sustainable Development and World 7 (1.8 %)
Energy 6 (1.5 %)
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 5 (1.3 %)
Computers & Chemical Engineering
Ecological Economics
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Shengtai Xuebao (Acta Ecologica Sinica)
Environmental Science & Technology 4 (1.0 %)
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
Minerals Engineering
Process Safety and Environmental Protection
Regional Studies


Rest of journals
Top 6 journals





1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Fig. 5.5 The number of industrial symbiosis papers published over time in the top six journals
versus all remaining journals

concerning scale, several studies provided empirical examination of the geographic

scale of industrial symbiosis. Lyons (2007) found no preferable scale for recycling
and remanufacturing in Texas and argued that recycling boundaries vary for differ-
ent types of waste and depend on where demand occurs. Jensen et al. (2011) and
Chen et al. (2012) presented similar ndings about the relationship between reuse
distance, the type of materials, and the location of demand. Data from the former
102 M. Chertow and J. Park

National Industrial Symbiosis Programme (NISP) in the UK showed that half of all
resources were reused within 32.6 km (Jensen et al. 2011). According to the data
from 88 recycling projects in 23 Japanese eco-towns, the average waste collection
and product delivery distance ranged from 15 to 80 km (Chen et al. 2012).
Another key question about industrial symbiosis has evolved around the concept
of self-organization and complex adaptive systems. While one stream of IS research
has focused on how to replicate Kalundborg through deliberate planning (Potts Carr
1998; Roberts 2004; van Leeuwen et al. 2003), another stream of studies focused
more on the organic nature of industrial symbiosis development. Based on historical
appraisals, Desrochers (2004) argued that industrial symbiosis has existed and can
exist primarily through market mechanisms instead of top-down planning. Chertow
(2007) proposed an uncovering approach to industrial symbiosis, which stimu-
lates the identication of existing precursors of symbiosis and nurtures them.
Considering industrial symbiosis as a self-organizing phenomenon was then devel-
oped further by adopting the framework of complex systems science to understand
industrial ecosystems as complex adaptive systems (Chertow and Ehrenfeld 2012).
Along this line of understanding, tools from complex systems began to be applied
to examine evolution and resilience of industrial ecosystems (Cao et al. 2009;
Chopra and Khanna 2014; Romero and Ruiz 2014; Zheng et al. 2013; Zhu and Ruth
2013, 2014).
Early studies view industrial symbiosis mainly as a favorable outcome and
focused on exploring ways to implement the most optimal form of industrial sym-
biosis from technological and economical perspectives. With increasing experi-
ences with successes and failures, however, more studies have examined the role of
social factors (Ashton 2008; Gibbs 2003; Hewes and Lyons 2008; Howard-Grenville
and Paquin 2008; Jacobsen 2007). Some studies describe industrial symbiosis as a
learning process and link it to innovation for sustainability at local and regional
levels (Mirata and Emtairah 2005; Posch 2010; Ristola and Mirata 2007; Walter and
Scholz 2006). Recently, industrial symbiosis was conceptualized as a dynamic pro-
cess, which can offer new insights about the emergence, evolution, and dissolution
of symbiotic relationships and broader institutional dynamics (Boons et al. 2011,
2014; Spekkink 2014).
Finally, measuring performance of industrial symbiosis has attracted much atten-
tion, particularly because economic and environmental benets are what comprise
the core industrial symbiosis approach. Some papers estimated net cost savings for
different industrial symbiosis scenarios (Karlsson and Wolf 2008; Martin et al.
1998) or for existing industrial symbiosis networks in Kalundborg (Jacobsen 2006);
Guayama, Puerto Rico (Chertow and Lombardi 2005); Oahu, Hawaii (Chertow and
Miyata 2011); and Kawasaki, Japan (Van Berkel et al. 2009a). Going beyond quan-
tifying cost savings, Wen and Meng (2014) quantied changes in resource produc-
tivity through industrial symbiosis, and Park and Behera (2014) measured how
symbiosis increases eco-efciency. Park and Park (2014) showed how cost savings
achieved through industrial symbiosis contributed to obtaining competitive advan-
tage in the market.
Understanding the environmental performance of industrial symbiosis began
with quantifying avoided landlling or material/energy use reductions. While these
5 Scholarship and Practice in Industrial Symbiosis: 19892014 103

are based on direct measurement of material/energy changes, more theoretical

understanding of environmental performance came from applying thermodynamic
indicators such as emergy or exergy (Geng et al. 2010, 2014; Valero et al. 2013;
Wang et al. 2005; Yang et al. 2006). Responding to the issue of climate change,
several studies focus on quantifying greenhouse gas or carbon reductions through
industrial symbiosis (Dong et al. 2014; Hashimoto et al. 2010; Jung et al. 2012; Liu
et al. 2012; Salmi and Wierink 2011). Application of life cycle assessment (LCA)
tools to the area of industrial symbiosis was seen mainly after 2010 (Eckelman and
Chertow 2013; Mattila et al. 2012; Sokka et al. 2011b; Yu et al. 2014c). Quantication
efforts have developed along with the discussion of methodological aspects (Martin
et al. 2013; Mattila et al. 2012; Sokka et al. 2008; Wolf and Karlsson 2008) and led
to the further development of comprehensive indicator systems, particularly in
China (Geng et al. 2009, 2012; Tian et al. 2014).

4.4 Section B: Industrial Symbiosis in Practice

Examining industrial symbiosis in practice for this section involved three primary
activities: (1) a review of the project literature with database searches primarily in
Google and LexisNexis and materials recommended by colleagues including the
2012 International Survey on Eco-innovation Parks published by the Swiss Federal
Ofce for the Environment, the expanding activities of International Synergies, and
the newsletters of the Eco-Industrial Development/Industrial Symbiosis (EID/IS)
section of the International Society for Industrial Ecology, (2) the compilation of a
list of industrial symbiosis-related events (Table 5.4), and (3) email correspondence
with key practitioners and academics studying specic projects to reect on ques-
tions posed:
1. What motivates industrial symbiosis in practice, including what is successful
and what is less so?
2. What trends are you seeing and what mechanisms are being adopted for evolu-
tion and change?
3. What linkages/evidence do you see that might show the inuence of academia on
industrial symbiosis practice and industrial symbiosis practice on academia?
Our ndings are outlined below.
Industrial symbiosis practitioners emphasize that to increase the success rate of
industrial symbiosis, the needs and concerns of private businesses must be better
understood and accounted for. Uncovering and identifying viable symbiosis oppor-
tunities are often not enough for success, as private rms may not take up the oppor-
tunity for many reasons such as uncertain risk, inexibility owing to the ownership
structure, and lack of trust. As an example, several textile dyeing companies in a
Chinese industrial park refused low-cost steam from a government-owned coal
plant, as they were reluctant to be tied to a giant. There are also issues with private
businesses being hesitant to disclose internal information (Mangan 2015, January
19, Personal communication; Tian 2015, January 21, Personal communication).
104 M. Chertow and J. Park

Table 5.4 Key events related to industrial symbiosis, 19892014

Year IS-related events
2014 US BCSD launches the Austin Materials Marketplace
European Commission adopts the Communication Towards a Circular Economy: A
Zero Waste Programme for Europe
European Unions Horizon 2020 innovation and research funding plan calls on
industrial symbiosis to deliver circular economy
Finnish Industrial Symbiosis System launched
Southern African Development Community (SADC) Knowledge Sharing Week on
industrial symbiosis in Cape Town
Green Industrial Symbiosis national program launched in Denmark
NISP Canada launched
2013 European Industrial Symbiosis Association (EUR-ISA) launched
European Resource Efciency Platform recommends pan-European network of
industrial symbiosis initiatives
Chinese Association of Circular Economy established
Western Cape Industrial Symbiosis Programme (WISP) pilot project, South Africa
2012 Indo-German Environment Partnership Programme fosters work on EIPs in India
2011 Industrial symbiosis embedded in European Resource Efciency Flagship Initiative,
part of the Europe 2020 Strategy
European Commission adopts the Roadmap to a Resource Efcient Europe
EU, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, and Moldova begin the Industrial Symbiosis Network
for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development in the Black Sea Basin
Portugals National Waste Management Plan introduces the concept of IS
2010 ECOMARK Initiative fosters development of EIPs in France, Greece, Italy, Slovenia,
and Spain
2009 EU funds the project ZeroWIN (Towards Zero Waste in Industrial Networks) that
terminated in 2014
2008 China passes the Law for the Promotion of the Circular Economy, set to begin in 2009
Sweden launches SymbioCity project to promote symbiosis in urban systems
France launches COMETHE project to design methodology and tools for the
implementation of industrial ecology approaches on a business park scale (ended in
2006 China SEPA establishes national guidelines for EIPs
2005 The UK National Industrial Symbiosis Programme (NISP) launched with funding from
Defras Business Resource Efciency and Waste Programme
Korean National Eco-industrial Park Program begins
China NDRC launches circular economy pilot demonstration projects
2004 Progress in Industrial Ecology begins publication
Resource Optimization Initiative founded in India
The annual Industrial Symbiosis Research Symposium initiated at Yale
2001 China SEPA (now MEP) approves the rst national pilot EIP (Guangxi Guitang Group)
2000 The Business Council for Sustainable Development United Kingdom (BCSD-UK)
leads its rst IS program in the Humber region, UK
Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) launched in the UK
5 Scholarship and Practice in Industrial Symbiosis: 19892014 105

Table 5.4 (continued)

Year IS-related events
1997 Journal of Industrial Ecology begins publication
Eco-town program in Japan begins (ended in 2006)
1995 The Business Council for Sustainable Development Gulf of Mexico (BCSD-GM)
receives an EPA grant for by-product synergy
South Korea passes the Act to Promote Environmental Friendly Industrial Structure
1994 The US Presidents Council on Sustainable Development (US-PCSD) assigns
demonstration EIPs
1993 Journal of Cleaner Production begins publication
1992 The predecessor to the US Business Council for Sustainable Development, which was
the Business Council for Sustainable Development Gulf of Mexico (BCSD-GM) is
1991 US National Academy of Sciences meeting on industrial ecology marks the rst ofcial
academic meeting on IE
1990 The Financial Times reports on Kalundborg (November 14)
1989 The term industrial symbiosis is coined in Kalundborg

Practitioners consider it very important to nd ways to move past known hurdles

and to get buy-in from businesses, which is essential for success. Many practitioners
noted the signicance of company champions (Lowitt 2015, January 20, Personal
communication with Director of Devens Enterprise Center; Mangan 2015, January
19, Personal communication) as well as the importance of using the language of
business (costs, revenues, risk) to generate this buy-in (Laybourn 2015, January 26,
Personal communication). Especially in many business situations, as one Nicaraguan
business person was quoted as saying, no company is looking for eco-technologies
or eco-innovation. What they are looking for is a solution to a business problem
(Laybourn 2015, January 26, Personal communication).
Another effective and growing avenue for addressing these concerns is through
platforms and tools offered by industry organizations or facilitator companies.
Industry organizations such as the US BCSD, or facilitators such as NISP, allow
businesses a safe and common platform for discussing synergies through symbiosis
(Mangan 2015, January 19, Personal communication). A growing trend is the use of
Internet-based technological tools (often offered by the aforementioned platforms)
such as the Materials Marketplace by US BCSD, SYNERGie by International
Synergies, or the Resource-eXchange-Platform as part of the ZeroWIN EU project
to further promote coordination and exchanges.
Also emphasized by practitioners is the importance of supportive laws and poli-
cies, as well as enabling regulations to incentivize and promote industrial symbio-
sis. The slow uptake of industrial symbiosis in North America is perceived to be
related to the lack of supportive national policies, in contrast to regions with strong
supportive policies such as Europe and East Asia, which have seen growing num-
bers and scale of industrial symbiosis (Lowitt 2015, January 20, Personal commu-
nication with Director of Devens Enterprise Center; Massard 2015, January 28,
106 M. Chertow and J. Park

Personal communication; Shi 2015, January 18, Personal communication; Tian

2015, January 21, Personal communication).
A potential double-edged sword for industrial symbiosis noted by practitioners
is that governments, organizations, and businesses have diverse motivations for pur-
suing and promoting zero-waste/by-product synergy/eco-development and are not
necessarily strictly focused on industrial symbiosis (Massard 2015, January 28,
Personal communication). A large motivation seems to be the growing cost of land-
lls. Few actors are overly concerned if their activities neatly t an academic mold,
as long as the cost of waste is reduced. While this is benecial for the environment,
it may not acknowledge or increase awareness of industrial symbiosis (Massard
2015, January 28, Personal communication). At the same time, the growing recog-
nition of industrial symbiosis in various national and regional programs and poli-
cies, as illustrated in Table 5.4, is a countervailing positive trend for industrial
Generally, the relationship between practitioners and academics seems produc-
tive. There continue to be several business-interested groups, and academics and
practitioners are both represented in the EID/IS section of the ISIE, which produces
a newsletter and fosters other personal exchanges (Lowitt 2015, January 20, Personal
communication with Director of Devens Enterprise Center). Practitioners appreci-
ate academics for providing graduates who help identify symbiosis opportunities
and seek to determine what is working, what isnt, and why. Academics can also
usefully address big questions such as what is the function of global market com-
petition for the industrial symbiosis system in a given area? Still, there is much
room for improvement. While the literature describes a wide diversity of industrial
symbiosis cases, this diversity appears to be easily overlooked, meaning some
scholarship is built on a limited empirical basis where even the most available anec-
dotes of resource sharing remain out of view (Howard-Grenville 2015, January 28,
Personal communication; Spekkink 2015, January 21, Personal communication).
Practitioners want more novel ideas beyond the existing canon of symbiosis such as
combined heat and power (CHP) or gypsum reuse identied in the academic litera-
ture. Others feel that academics sometimes misunderstand what they see on the
ground or may not sufciently engage the work of practitioners in their research
(Laybourn 2015, January 26, Personal communication; Mangan 2015, January 19,
Personal communication; Tian 2015, January 21, Personal communication).
Going forward, it seems that industrial symbiosis will have to be more attuned to
the wants and needs of private businesses to abate the trust and risk barriers identi-
ed earlier. Also, more attention needs to be paid to the individual and intra-rm
level motivations and dynamics in choosing whether to engage industrial symbiosis
practices (Walls and Paquin 2015). The role of facilitator companies such as
International Synergies, Soes, and many more regionally focused rms will con-
tinue to grow, as will the role of specialized waste companies (Massard 2015,
January 28, Personal communication). While these facilitators can help identify
more opportunities for industrial symbiosis and thus accomplish greater environ-
mental gains, a side effect may be that the direct relationship between rms becomes
weaker as the role of the facilitator grows. This will be an interesting issue for con-
tinued observation.
5 Scholarship and Practice in Industrial Symbiosis: 19892014 107

5 Conclusion: Industrial Symbiosis in a World of Difference

Industrial symbiosis construed as networks of organizations cooperatively sharing

wastes has created irresistible imagery and high hopes for a time when virtually
all water, energy, and materials will be used more than once, and not to do will have
become societally unacceptable. On the one hand, industrial symbiosis research and
practice have blossomed in the last 25 years and have established a signicant and
meaningful subeld of industrial ecology and a record of achievement both in pol-
icy and in the built environment. On the other hand, there is much more work ahead
to prove the appropriateness and effectiveness of industrial symbiosis. The quest is
to understand the level at which material, energy, and water reuse, spurred by the
cooperative behavior inherent in industrial symbiosis, causes real reductions in total
primary resource consumption, actual revenue-generating opportunities for busi-
nesses, net positive environmental externalities for communities, and enhanced
people-to-people collaboration.
We see that industrial symbiosis has become and is becoming more and more
diverse as it expands to additional regions of the world. There is, for example, a
growing foothold in Turkey and Colombia and exploration in southern Africa, with
facilitated or planned projects springing up, not necessarily in the traditional
Kalundborg mold. This diversity is also reected in the wide range of terminology
(as illustrated by the use of eight keywords for the bibliometric search). Indeed, one
of the most vexing puzzles of the last several years has been the difculty of com-
paring across projects: how can we compare a huge, 5,000-company Economic
and Technology Development Zone in China with Kalundborg or small-scale agri-
culturally based systems (Alfaro and Miller 2014; Klee 1999) or a biomass, biofuel,
or biogas region developed in Norrkping and Linkping, Sweden (Martin and
Eklund 2011)?
A new proposal by an international team the authors are working with has been
trying to identify convergence based on the acknowledgement that there are many
paths to industrial symbiosis. These researchers have sorted projects into a typology
of seven industrial symbiosis dynamics that establish the differences but emphasize,
also, that there are common building blocks even in seemingly disparate origins
(Boons et al. 2015). Some colleagues are calling for a stronger linkage between
industrial symbiosis and national and international efforts aimed at climate change,
resource efciency, and circular economy (Ct 2015, January 16, Personal
Communication; Mangan 2015, January 19, Personal communication).
The industrial symbiosis community has a unique property with roots in practice
aided by intellectual development, which is all the richer for the ability to bring this
knowledge back to practice. In 1997, Volume 1 Number 1 of the Journal of Industrial
Ecology had one of the early articles about industrial symbiosis coauthored by
MITs John Ehrenfeld and the graduate student he sent to explore Kalundborg,
Nicholas Gertler. They recognized the opportunity that industrial symbiosis repre-
sents once the spirit of collaboration could be opened and embedded. They stated
the goal we are still seeking that together with new institutional approaches, more
108 M. Chertow and J. Park

deep-seated cultural changes can provide a foundation from which symbioses and
other forms of material exchange begin to actually move economies toward sustain-
ability (Ehrenfeld and Gertler 1997).

Acknowledgments This far-ranging chapter was greatly enhanced by the contributions of numer-
ous colleagues. We would like to thank many thought leaders whose names are mentioned in the
text and also some who helped with research and assembly, especially Shi Lei, Raymond Paquin,
Weslynne Ashton, and Ray Ct. At Yale, we thank Reid Lifset, Tom Yang, and Lillian Childress.

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.


Table 5.5 Seven categories used for bibliometric analysis and criteria for classication
Category Industrial symbiosis classication criteria followed by example paper(s)
Foundations Address concepts or issues regarding industrial symbiosis at an abstract level
Introduce ideas, concepts, potentials of IS Lowe and Evans (1995)
Emphasis on the biological analogy Hardy and Graedel (2002)
Establish a denition, framework, or theory Chertow (2000) and Korhonen
Conduct a comprehensive review of Yu et al. (2014a) and Zhang
industrial symbiosis as a eld of study et al. (2014)
Relate IS to a different eld or concept Parto (2000) and Gregson et al.
Dene and describe characteristics Ashton (2009) and Schiller
et al. (2014)
Performance Evaluate the performance outcomes of industrial symbiosis
Economic performance Jacobsen (2006) and Van
Berkel et al. (2009a)
Environmental performance Mattila et al. (2010), Sokka
et al. (2011a), Dong et al.
(2013), and Eckelman and
Chertow (2013)
Thermodynamic performance Wang et al. (2005), Yang et al.
(2006), and Geng et al. (2014)
Efciency Salmi (2007) and Park and
Behera (2014)
Implications of industrial symbiosis on Mirata and Emtairah (2005)
regional cooperation and innovation and Posch (2010)
Develop evaluation methodologies Sokka et al. (2008) and Mattila
et al. (2012)
Develop evaluation indicators Geng et al. (2009) and Liu
et al. (2014)
5 Scholarship and Practice in Industrial Symbiosis: 19892014 109

Table 5.5 (continued)

Category Industrial symbiosis classication criteria followed by example paper(s)
Mechanism Analyze underlying processes through which Gibbs (2003), Mirata (2004),
IS develops and related inuencing factors Baas and Huisingh (2008),
such as institutional capacity, government Grant et al. (2010), and
policy, and social relations that play a Domenech and Davies (2011)
signicant role
Modeling Adopt and discuss various modeling schemes, for example, to optimize
material flows or to understand evolution or changes in resilience for an
industrial ecosystem
Optimize water, energy, waste ows Nobel and Allen (2000),
Hiplito-Valencia et al. (2014),
and Cimren et al. (2011)
Adopt system dynamics Bailey et al. (1999)
Adopt agent-based modeling Cao et al. (2009) and Kim et al.
Model evolution of industrial symbiosis Qin (2006), Huo and Chai
(2008), and Zhu and Ruth
Model resilience of industrial symbiosis Chopra and Khanna (2014)
Model stability of industrial symbiosis Ng et al. (2014)
Structure Analyze structural elements of the industrial Lyons (2007), Zhang et al.
symbiosis network such as connectance, (2013), and Penn et al. (2014)
diversity, or scale
Case study Present a broad overview of specific industrial symbiosis initiatives/projects
from various perspectives or examine multiple cases to conduct a review or
make comparisons
Case study at the level of rm Zhu et al. (2007)
Case study at the level of industry Wolf and Petersson (2007) and
Dong et al. (2013)
Case study at the level of cluster Park et al. (2008) and Taddeo
et al. (2012)
Case study at the level of city Elabras Veiga and Magrini
Case study at the level of region Baas (2008) and Shi et al.
Case study at the level of nation Van Berkel et al. (2009b), Sakr
et al. (2011), and Su et al.
Proposal Propose a new idea or more specic plan or strategy for industrial symbiosis
using a particular waste material, industry, or site
Proposal pertains to a specic plan or site Alfaro and Miller (2014)
Proposal pertains to a specic industry Anh et al. (2011) and Martin
and Eklund (2011)
Proposal pertains to specic waste materials Mirabella et al. (2014)
Propose plans based on the evaluation of Taskhiri et al. (2014)
potential benets or modeling results
Propose a strategy to design, develop, and Tsvetkova and Gustafsson
implement industrial symbiosis (2012)
110 M. Chertow and J. Park


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Chapter 6
A Socio-economic Metabolism Approach
to Sustainable Development and Climate
Change Mitigation

Timothy M. Baynes and Daniel B. Mller

Abstract Humanity faces three large challenges over the coming decades: urban-
isation and industrialisation in developing countries at unprecedented levels; con-
currently, we need to mitigate against dangerous climate change and we need to
consider nite global boundaries regarding resource depletion.
Responses to these challenges as well as models that inform strategies are frag-
mented. The current mainstream framework for measuring and modelling climate
change mitigation focuses on the ows of energy and emissions and is insufcient
for simultaneously addressing the material and infrastructure needs of development.
The models inability to adequately represent the multiple interactions between
infrastructure stocks, materials, energy and emissions results in notable limitations.
They are inadequate: (1) to identify physically realistic (mass balance consistent)
mitigation pathways, (2) to anticipate potentially relevant co-benets and risks and
thus (3) to identify the most effective strategies for linking targets for climate change
mitigation with goals for sustainable development, including poverty eradication,
infrastructure investment and mitigation of resource depletion.
This chapter demonstrates that a metabolic approach has the potential to address
urbanisation and infrastructure development and energy use and climate change, as
well as resource use, and therefore to provide a framework for integrating climate
change mitigation and sustainable development from a physical perspective.
Metabolic approaches can represent the cross-sector coupling between material and
energy use and waste (emissions) and also stocks in the anthroposphere (including
xed assets, public and private infrastructure). Stocks moderate the supply of ser-
vices such as shelter, communication, mobility, health and safety and employment
The development of anthropogenic stocks denes boundary conditions for indus-
trial activity over time. By 2050 there will be an additional three billion urban

T.M. Baynes (*)

CSIRO Land and Water, PO Box 52, North Ryde, NSW 1670, Australia
D.B. Mller
NTNU: Norges Teknisk-naturvitenskapelige Universitet, Trondheim, Norway

The Author(s) 2016 117

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7_6
118 T.M. Baynes and D.B. Mller

dwellers, almost all of them in developing countries. If they are to receive the level
of services converging on those currently experienced in developed nations, this
will entail a massive investment in infrastructure and substantial quantities of steel,
concrete and aluminium (materials that account for nearly half of industrial emis-
sions). This scenario is confronted by the legacy of existing infrastructure and the
limit of a cumulative carbon budget within which we could restrain global tempera-
ture rise to <2 C.
A metabolic framework incorporating stock dynamics can make an explicit con-
nection between the timing of infrastructure growth or replacement and the material
and energy needs of that investment. Moreover, it provides guidance on the techni-
cal and systemic options for climate mitigation concurrent with a future of intense
urban development and industrialisation.

Keywords Climate change Cross-sector coupling Embodied energy and emis-

sions Flows Infrastructure Metabolic framework MFA Socio-economic
metabolism Stocks

1 Background

There is strong consensus among scientists that climate change is upon us and that
mitigation action is both worthwhile and urgent (UNFCCC 2011; IPCC 2014a). At
the same time, there is widespread recognition that the poverty and inequality in the
developing world is unsustainable and there are internationally agreed goals to rec-
tify this (UN 2012). Climate change research has dened the problem: through mea-
suring and modelling the ows of CO2 and other greenhouse gases (GHGs),
monitoring extreme weather events, acidication of oceans and other observations,
the causes and consequences of climate change have been identied. We can attri-
bute global climate change to a host of different economic activities with some
degree of spatial detail (e.g. Hertwich and Peters 2009; Peters 2010). Current main-
stream models for climate change mitigation (CCM) frame the problem predomi-
nantly as one of the energy systems and one that is located where energy or emissions
are produced or where energy is nally consumed. They emphasise energy and
emissions directly or indirectly associated with activity in different sectors of soci-
ety (including land use change) see Fig. 6.1 but they omit (1) the linkages
between energy use sectors through nonenergy resource ows, (2) the drivers of
resource use (e.g. from infrastructure development) and (3) the secondary resource
availability (e.g. from infrastructure retirement). Thus, the current mainstream
CCM models omit the material boundary conditions of the global system and
opportunities for energy and emissions saving through recycling and reuse of
When we refer to solutions, we ask: what can we do about climate change?
What are the technical and behavioural responses to the challenge? Analysis of
energy and emissions ows is essential but insufcient to address these questions
6 A Socio-economic Metabolism Approach to Sustainable Development and Climate 119


AFOLU Industry Transport Buildings

Energy Industry


Energy flows GHG emissions flows

Fig. 6.1 Summary of the standard approach for emissions accounting, e.g. 2006 IPCC Guidelines
for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (IPPC 2006)

because it has only a poor representation of the capital stocks and infrastructure that
are the mediators of many mitigation initiatives.
Drivers of emissions are seen as consumption and production, connected by pri-
marily linear ows of materials and energy. What is important for CCM interven-
tions and what is usually not well covered is the underlying activity, which is often
associated with infrastructure growth and maintenance. For example, we attach
emissions to aggregate steel production and steel consumption but frequently not to
what the steel is used for, or for how long. If we seek to substitute for, or reduce,
steel in-use (lightweighting), prolong its lifetime in-use or increase the intensity of
use for the product containing steel, these are questions about the stocks in-use
(Pauliuk and Mller 2014). Infrastructures are currently a blind spot in the framing
of climate change mitigation, and they are also an essential link to sustainable
The sectors of buildings, transport and industry account for more than 40 % of
direct GHG emissions and nearly 65 % of direct and indirect energy-related emis-
sions (IPCC 2014a), but to enact mitigation in these sectors requires knowledge of
the stocks in-use, their age structure, current and potential future efciency and the
material resources needed to create them. The same information is also needed in
assessing the requirements (and speed) of future development. It is the services
from capital stocks and infrastructure that are essential to improving and maintain-
ing quality of life, whether they be productive assets that are linked to employment
or roads that enable mobility or schools, hospitals and other public infrastructures
that facilitate education, health and social prosperity.
Some integrated assessment models do include the population dynamics of
stocks and their characteristic efciency for example, the TIMES (Loulou et al.
120 T.M. Baynes and D.B. Mller

2005) and IMAGE (Stehfest et al. 2014) models but they do not account rigor-
ously for materials and the dynamics of ows from stocks at the end of life. The
existing assessment and modelling frameworks are not lacking in scope they
include many sectors of society in detail but often in-use stock dynamics and
cross-sectoral linkages are absent (e.g. Allwood et al. (2010)). Moreover, studies of
material ows and models of aggregate stocks (Davis et al. 2010) rarely couple the
material ow to a capital stock that has both a direct energy efciency characteristic
in operation and an indirect energy and emissions requirement in its own construc-
tion. These issues are also addressed in Chap. 8.
In this chapter, we discuss a socio-economic metabolic framework that can rep-
resent the interlinked nature of sustainable development and climate change mitiga-
tion from a physical perspective. It incorporates stocks and ows of infrastructures,
materials, energy and emissions as well as their multiple linkages through processes
that are treated using mass and energy balances. This allows for a representation of
feedbacks and delays in these material and energy connections through recycling
and maintenance. The metabolic framework is not intended to replace the energy
and emissions framework, but rather expands it in order to reconcile CCM with
sustainable development, to understand the side effects of CCM (co-benets and
risks) and thereby identify effective mitigation pathways.

2 A Socio-economic Metabolism Framework

The concept of socio-economic metabolism is relatively young in the literature.

Here we interpret the term in an inclusive sense that is synonymous with social
(Fischer-Kowalski 1998; Fischer-Kowalski and Weisz 1999), industrial (Ayres
1989) and anthropogenic metabolism (Baccini and Brunner 1991).
Modelling methods that incorporate anthropogenic stocks and ows can trace
their lineage back to the early works of Forrester (1958), but examples where social
metabolism and material and energy ow accounting are united with dynamic stock
analysis are rare (Baccini and Bader 1996; Mller et al. 2004; Lennox et al. 2005;
Mller 2006; Baynes et al. 2009; Mller et al. 2013; Pauliuk and Mller 2014).
Even within that handful, few talk of the services from stocks that are germane to
our discussion on sustainable development.
There are a number of proponents of this integrated thinking and there is a natu-
ral application in urban systems. The Social-Ecological-Infrastructural Systems
Framework of Ramaswami et al. (2012) begins with questions of urban sustain-
ability and expands to the same scope as the socio-economic metabolism frame-
work. They specically include services from internal and trans-boundary
infrastructures, but the key difference from the socio-economic metabolism frame-
work lies in the dynamic treatment of stocks in-use in the latter. In the following
sections, we discuss key features of the socio-economic metabolism framework
(hereafter the metabolic framework or approach) see Fig. 6.2.
6 A Socio-economic Metabolism Approach to Sustainable Development and Climate 121

CO2 Energy Materials

5.9 Gt 5.8 Gt 1.7 Gt 6.5 Gt 2.8 Gt 14.2 Gt 0.03 Gt
16 % 16 % 4% Atmosphere 18 % 8% 38 % 0.1 %

forestry (incl. LUC)


Waste management
Materials production

Other infrastructure


44 EJ 8 EJ
7 EJ 63 EJ 36 EJ 96 EJ 112 EJ
2% 20 % 11 %
Energy industries 31 % 36 %

263 EJ


Fig. 6.2 Socio-economic metabolism framework including energy and emissions ows (as in
IPCC Guidelines) and material ows. Stocks of materials and energy can occur in all segments of
the diagram though in-use stocks lie within the boundary around the economic system

2.1 Energy

Energy and emissions ows, as calculated in the standard formulations of energy

and emissions accounting (OECD/IEA and Eurostat 2005), are still essential com-
ponents of the socio-economic metabolism framework. The quantity of energy
required is a reliable indicator of aggregate economic activity and afuence. The
way in which energy is used in society and sectors of the economy is a measure of
socio-economic status and structure.
The major role of energy accounting is one of monitoring the problem: recording
how much of what type of energy has been used and in which sector of the econ-
omy. This may enable assessment of excessive energy use or of overdependence on
a particular fuel or an emissions-intensive means of providing energy. A socio-
economic metabolism framework extends this accounting framework to have a
more explanatory function by linking energy ows with in-use stocks and material
cycles across sectors. From these explicit connections, we may proceed to simula-
tions to develop possible solutions to global challenges: exploring the questions of
where to effectively intervene in the system to achieve lesser impacts, greater ef-
ciencies or other benecial outcomes for society.
For example, about one-third of the worlds population still relies on the use of
animal power and non-commercial fuels. More than 1.4 billion people have no
access to electricity (Global Energy Assessment 2012). If we are to redress this
122 T.M. Baynes and D.B. Mller

situation in the future, there will likely be a need for both an increase in the ow of
energy and a change to the distribution of its use. This, of course, would need to be
monitored, but it also begets the question of how this change will occur, and we are
immediately drawn into the need to include the energy producing and consuming
stocks in the future analysis, their interconnection and the materials that those
stocks require for operation (and, in the complete picture, the energy efciency of
those stocks and the energy embodied in their constituent materials).1
An energy analysis is basically linear (thermodynamics prevents energy from
being truly recycled in feedback loops). The energy and emissions ow emphasis of
most integrated assessment models has lead analysts to view opportunities for cli-
mate change mitigation as if sectors operated separately. Energy ows into a sector;
it is used in production and transformed into waste heat; and local or upstream GHG
emissions are co-produced. Yet industrial materials are used in transport and build-
ing stocks, and building stocks are part of the capital stock of industry. Clearly,
emission mitigation schemes in different sectors are interrelated.
The ow of materials shown in Fig. 6.2 reveals connections between sectors and
shows how energy-using sectors are dependent. Furthermore, it represents physical
feedbacks material recycling that highlight the importance of circular relations
in production. Lastly, the metabolic picture reveals many more potential interven-
tion points, within and across sectors, than in the linear conception of energy and
emissions accounting in Fig. 6.1.

2.2 Materials

To record energy ows independent of materials is to mute half of the story of social
metabolism. Material ows, as in the economy-wide material ow accounting
EWMFA (EUROSTAT 2009) and as feedback ows in recycled material from
stocks, are an essential component of the metabolic framework (see Chap. 8), and it
is important to track material ows along with energy use. Materials production is
an important energy user, and the production of energy technologies depends on
many critical materials.
While a large portion of energy is consumed directly in providing services like
thermal comfort, lighting, communication or entertainment, industry accounts for
more than 32 % of global nal energy use2 (115EJ in 2005). Production of just ve
materials cement, iron and steel, chemicals, pulp and paper and aluminium accounts
for more than half of industrial energy use (Global Energy Assessment 2012).
While still acknowledging the importance of energy ows in climate change
mitigation, we must also recognise that energy is inextricably linked to material
ows and in-use stocks. For instance, the consumption of hot clean water involves

These issues are addressed from a Global South perspective in Chap. 12.
This includes nal electricity consumption in arc furnaces and smelters that ultimately requires a
great deal more upstream primary energy.
6 A Socio-economic Metabolism Approach to Sustainable Development and Climate 123

the treatment, pumping and heating of the water, and, effectively, we consume the
energy and material simultaneously whether it is in a hot shower or a hot cup of
coffee. Similarly, the energy use and emissions associated with industry are linked
to the movement and transformation of materials: energy may be used in a factory
but the output is the material product.
It has been noted already that there is more embodied energy in household con-
sumption of goods and services than directly consumed energy (Lenzen et al. 2004).
Furthermore, as housing standards improve and operational energy use declines,
there is an increasing importance of embedded emissions in the materials of dwell-
ing construction (Giesekam et al. 2014).
Lastly, and relevant to the next section, materials exhibit dynamic path depen-
dency. Material ows enter and stay in the system as stocks and leave, or are recy-
cled, at a future date. Most energy embedded in products is not recoverable, but an
interesting and useful feature of material stocks in-use is their latent ability to con-
tribute to material and energy saving through recycling in the future.

2.3 The Importance of Representing Stocks

Operational efciency and embodied energy are not simply properties of the aggre-
gated material stock but of individual items making up infrastructure and other arte-
facts (appliances, durable goods, etc.). These stocks contain a great deal of material,
but they also have discrete lifetimes and often interact across sectors to supply ser-
vices to society. This key point has been made by Fischer-Kowalski and Weisz
(1999): physical infrastructure (buildings, machines, artefacts in-use and live-
stock) is core to our understanding of the society-nature interrelation. In-use
stocks represent large monetary investments and determine the long-term dynamics
of social metabolism. Through their long lifetime in-use, they are responsible for
lock-ins of lifestyles and emission pathways.
Urban in-use stocks also relate to the density and accessibility of urban spaces
and the capacity and utility of urban systems such as public transport or water sup-
ply systems. A study of global cities over 10 years (Angel et al. 2010) revealed that
recent trends are away from denser cities, and the implications in both the
industrialised and developing world are for cities to take up yet more space and for
more infrastructure to be needed to ll and connect that space.
Stocks and ows play different roles over different time scales. Over the short-
term (less than 5 years), physical and economic ows can change with the vicissi-
tudes of markets, income (GDP), prices and events. Over the long-term, deeper
structural changes related to population dynamics, urbanisation and infrastructure
development, long-run economic policy, cumulative savings, resource depletion and
institutional arrangements are more connected to the development of stocks. Thus,
long-term change is recorded in the quantity and quality of in-use stocks, and exist-
ing stocks and systems of stocks inuence the long-term future. This is valid from
both the metabolic and the wealth and income perspectives (Piketty 2013).
124 T.M. Baynes and D.B. Mller

Stocks and ows are certainly interrelated. Flows are the material income to a
system, and any net addition to stocks (NAS) is limited through the conservation of
mass by direct material input (DMI) minus domestic processed outputs (DPO)
minus exports. Yet, the use of stocks by society determines the resource ows
needed to operate, maintain or expand the physical stock. The services from stocks
of infrastructure, machines and durable goods are closest to the interests of society;
the socio-economic metabolic framework is driven rst by stocks. Flows of resource
inputs and waste outputs are driven by the need for services provided by stocks
rather than the demand for the ows themselves (Mller et al. 2004; Pauliuk and
Mller 2014). For example, travel by automobile requires a ow of energy, but it is
the stock (the automobile) that enables the conversion of energy into the service of
mobility determines the amount and type of fuel used and resulting emissions.
Stocks in-use record the cumulative resource ows materials and energy
embedded in the infrastructure and artefacts of the socio-economic system. Through
their role in production, the age and efciency of stocks are key factors in the opera-
tional consumption of resource ows in the economy and related GHG emissions.
At the same time, the services from stocks are key for social and material

3 Problem Shifting

An important issue in responding to global challenges is the danger of problem

shifting: the potential for an intervention that alleviates one challenge to exacerbate
the response to another. Without an integrated approach that encompasses stocks
and ows of materials and energy, such a trade-off is underestimated or even invis-
ible. What follows is an example from Mller et al. (2013) using an indicator for the
carbon footprint of infrastructure stocks, the carbon replacement value (CRV) of
the stocks, which is dened as the carbon emissions required to replace an existing
infrastructure stock or to build a new infrastructure stock using currently available
technologies. Mller et al. (2013) based their CRV on upstream carbon emissions
starting with primary production, CRVP. This indicator is used to estimate the car-
bon emissions caused by developing nations if they were to converge on the level of
service provided in industrialised nations. The CRVP for scenarios of infrastructure
development was calculated using a metabolic approach that incorporates stock

3.1 Sustainable Development and the Carbon Budget

Emissions from the operation of infrastructure are generally considered to be the

main concern in the standard energy and emissions approach to GHG accounting:
the models used, such as Davis et al. (2010), represent infrastructure stocks as
6 A Socio-economic Metabolism Approach to Sustainable Development and Climate 125

energy users and GHG emitters but omit the energy and emissions embodied in the
stocks. However, for the developing world to converge on the quality of life enjoyed
in the industrialised world by 2050, there will need to be a signicant increase in the
material and monetary quantity of infrastructure stocks. If we are to use current
energy sources and technology to construct them, this must lead to a large carbon
To estimate the GHG emissions from the materials needed in such a development
scenario, Mller et al. (2013) used data on the key materials of steel, aluminium and
cement (other materials having either less associated emissions or less importance
in infrastructure stocks). They found that current CRVP is similar for most industri-
alised countries at a level of about 50 t CO2 per capita. Assuming a population
growth from currently 6.8 to 9.3 billion, the direct material requirement for infra-
structure and other assets needed to maintain or improve human welfare would
involve an indirect carbon footprint CRVP = 350 Gt CO2 (see Fig. 6.3). The cumula-
tive emissions during the 20002050 time period cannot exceed 10001440 Gt
CO2, if we are to have a 75 % or 50 % probability of limiting warming to less than
2 C, respectively (Meinshausen et al. 2009). About 420 Gt of this amount has
already been emitted between 2000 and 2011 (IPCC2014a) which leaves an emis-
sions budget of approximately 6001000 Gt CO2 for the period from 2012 to 2050.
Just the emissions embedded in the stock yet to be built therefore constitute 3560 %
of the remaining carbon budget, provided developing countries invest in built envi-
ronment stocks similar to industrialised countries and use currently available tech-
nology. This leaves precious little in the carbon budget for using the stock and
emissions beyond 2050.
There is a premise to these calculations that should be acknowledged that achiev-
ing Western-style infrastructure stock is a desirable endpoint of sustainable devel-
opment and that obtaining the same level of services from infrastructure and in-use
stocks involves the same intensity of resource use as seen currently in the developed
world. The former assumption is certainly debateable in terms of environmental
sustainability, and the latter is not necessarily the case as, quite apart from probable
technical improvements, it is possible to realise a better quality of life without the
need for a high-income, high impact society. As a model for this, there is a group of
countries in the so-called Goldemberg corner that have relatively high income and
long average life expectancy with low-carbon lifestyles (Steinberger et al. 2012).
The salient point, however, is the signicant trade-off between the aims of sus-
tainable development and climate change mitigation. The very poor access to basic
infrastructure in developing nations is untenable. If we are to alleviate this situation,
then industrial development and urbanisation in these countries will dominate
growth in infrastructure construction for several decades; this will increase global
material demand and thereby produce GHG emissions.
Problem shifting is not limited to the issues of developing nations. While attempt-
ing to depress the carbon intensity of production and consumption, we face increas-
ing material demands, sometimes for critical materials. Hence, it is important in any
scenario analysis of climate change mitigation to include materials and anticipated
large-scale in-use stocks of materials.
126 T.M. Baynes and D.B. Mller

Fig. 6.3 (a) Total fuel-related per-capita CO2 emissions by country (red and grey bars) compared
to the global per-capita emission level in 2050 to remain within the 2 C target with a 5075 %
probability (red horizontal bar); (b) CRVP at 2008 per capita of existing stocks by country (red and
grey) and of as-yet unbuilt stocks if developing countries converge on the current average Annex I
level (light blue); (c) comparison with emission budget for the period 20002050 to reach the 2 C
target with a 75 % probability. Of this emission budget (1000 Gt CO2), approximately 420 Gt CO2
was already emitted during the period from 2000 to 2011 (Graphic reproduced from Mller et al.

One problem is that many renewable energy technologies are reliant on critical
minerals, for example, neodymium in wind turbines and indium in thin lm solar
cells. Scenarios based on widespread implementation of wind, solar and other alter-
native means of generating electricity shift the problem of decarbonising the energy
sector to one of material criticality. Material criticality is not to be confused with
6 A Socio-economic Metabolism Approach to Sustainable Development and Climate 127

material scarcity. Material criticality may be measured using two orthogonal dimen-
sions: the quantity or importance of a material in an activity and the risk of supply
interruption. Criticality can be represented in a matrix format using these measures,
as shown in Fig. 6.4. This analysis identies a few mineral elements that are at high
risk for supply disruption in the United States, including the rare earth elements
neodymium and dysprosium used extensively in permanent magnets that enable a
number of lightweight electronics and green energy technology.
Despite their name, rare earth metals are not as limited in supply as, for com-
parison, platinum or palladium. Criticality can be a complex function of factors
such as geographical distribution of reserves and stability of government in the
nation owning those reserves (Dawson et al. 2014; Roelich et al. 2014). Although
rare earth elements are often found in other metal ores, e.g. zinc, 95 % of the worlds
current rare earth metal supply comes from China and 72 % of the known geological
reserves of dysprosium are also in China. Criticality is sensitive to such a monopoly
and one uncertainty is the speed at which new mines can be opened outside of
China, but another part of the supply issue is the limited opportunities for recycling
before 2050 due to the long lifetimes of end-use products. These issues are not lim-
ited to critical materials; see, for example, Kushnir and Sandn (2012) on lithium
supply. Roelich et al. (2014) examined electricity system transitions in the United
Kingdom in this light, with a focus on neodymium. While supply disruption was
anticipated to decrease by almost 30 % by 2050, the criticality of low-carbon elec-
tricity production increases ninefold because of an increasing demand for neodym-
ium across a range of technologies.
Economists could argue that more demand will raise prices and thereby make it
economic to exploit more reserves. Whether or not this is valid, and whether or not
production is sufciently responsive to changes in demand, the challenge remains:
over the next human generation, large infrastructure investment decisions will be
made in developing nations, and unless they have affordable greener options, they
will revisit an industrial history in a way that the available carbon budget does not

Fig. 6.4 Medium-term

(515 years) relation of
supply risk to the
importance in clean energy
technologies (From
Fig. 8.2 in the US
Department of Energy
Critical Materials Strategy
(USDOE 2011))
128 T.M. Baynes and D.B. Mller

4 Effective Policymaking: The Case of the Aluminium Sector

The preceding sections expanded on the challenges of climate change mitigation

and the physical aspects of sustainable development. Effective policy that enacts
responsible management of energy, emissions and materials needs to consider:
Increased future demand for services from infrastructure and other xed capi-
tal such as carbon capture and storage (CCS), water treatment plant, roads and
renewable energy technology nearly a billion new dwellings globally
The boundaries imposed by emissions reduction targets
Material resource use and availability
In contrast to some adaptive strategies that aim for resilience through exibility
and reversibility in investments and even reducing the lifetime of investments
(Hallegatte 2009), climate change mitigation is about commitment to long-term
change: setting in place the economic, institutional and physical structures to enable
a sustained transition to a low-carbon future. The rst priority is effective interven-
tions to limit climate change (UNFCCC 2011), followed by the question of whether
a response is efcient in terms of cost or resources required.
What are the options for effective climate change mitigation policy and how does
the metabolic framework generate answers or enable assessment? We use the global
aluminium sector to illustrate a range of policy actions addressing technical and
behavioural change. The energy intensity of producing new aluminium makes it a
major contributor to GHG emissions, and there is also the need for aluminium in the
future infrastructure stocks of both the industrialised and developing world.
Stabilising global average temperature at 2 C above pre-industrial levels by
2050 has been translated into a general reduction of global GHG emissions of
5085 % below levels in 2000 (IPCC 2007). Reducing the emissions from the alu-
minium sector by 50 % would entail a reduction in emissions intensity of nearly 85
% because of the expected threefold increase in global demand for aluminium by
2050 (IEA 2009).
Under these targets, Liu et al. (2013) analysed mitigation options for the alu-
minium industry through estimating demand in current and future in-use stocks.
Their dynamic stock-driven model captured global ows of aluminium from
reserves to post-consumer scrap (shown in Fig. 6.5) and calculated direct and indi-
rect (energy-related) emissions arising from each process (not shown). A 50 %
reduction in emissions compared to 2000 levels at 2050 was found to be only fea-
sible with a combination of optimistic assumptions about rates of recycling, uptake
of new technology, including CCS, and low levels of aluminium in stocks needed
per person (200 kg/person or roughly double the current global average). The latter
assumption implies a signicant contraction in access to aluminium stocks per cap-
ita in developed countries.
If developing nations were to attain the 200600 kg/person allocation of alu-
minium in stocks currently observed in developed nations, the aluminium industry
would not be able to contribute proportionally to the 2 C target. These results indi-
6 A Socio-economic Metabolism Approach to Sustainable Development and Climate 129

Fig. 6.5 The global aluminium material cycle (Graphic reproduced from Liu et al. 2013)

cate the magnitude of the problem at the largest scale and underline the importance
of coupling mitigation strategies with material efciency strategies. The following
sections expand on a selection of strategies, again relating to aluminium stocks and
their use in society.

4.1 Reducing Resource Use in the Product

Currently, global aluminium recycling is dominated by pre-consumer scrap (32.8

Mt). This is useful for reducing energy demand per unit of production by substitut-
ing for energy-intensive virgin aluminium. However, for every ton of aluminium
nally consumed, approximately half a ton goes through various production pro-
cesses, consuming energy and producing emissions but without ever forming a nal
product. These yield losses can be as high as 90 % in aircraft manufacture, and there
is certainly room for improvement in reducing losses in production and using less
material by design in the end product (e.g. lightweighting). Allwood and Cullen
(2012) have a number of other practical suggestions about reducing material and
energy wasted in production in general, including diverting scrap blanks to mak-
ing smaller components prior to recycling and reusing components rather than recy-
cling, e.g. steel I beams in construction can readily be recovered from demolition
for direct use in new building construction.
Post-consumer aluminium scrap recycling has the potential to signicantly lower
total energy use and emissions, reducing energy intensity by 90 % (IEA 2009), but
at present post-consumer scrap (9.8 Mt) is available mainly in the form of used
beverage cans and end-of-life vehicles with 45 % of post-consumer aluminium
going to waste or other repositories.
130 T.M. Baynes and D.B. Mller

4.2 Changing the Demand for Stocks in Providing Services

Ultimately, in-use stocks provide a service and the question here is: can we use
fewer stocks by using them more to obtain the same level of service? Answering
this has less to do with the consumption of a particular material, like aluminium,
and more to do with the characteristics and lifetime of the stock in-use. We may also
seek to change behaviours in the use of stocks.
We look at the example of the stock of US automobiles in which aluminium is
increasingly a material component (Ducker Worldwide 2008). Even with optimistic
improvements in the efciency of aluminium production, embodied energy in auto-
motive parts is likely to increase (Cheah et al. 2009), but there are options for chang-
ing the way auto stocks are used.
For example, collective consumption in the form of car sharing reduces the need
for people to own vehicles in exchange for the inconvenience of not having a private
vehicle on demand. An analysis of the US car sharing market found members of
carshare schemes reduced their number of cars per household, and on aggregate,
every carshare vehicle took between 9 and 13 private vehicles off the road (Martin
et al. 2010). Pauliuk and Mller (2014) also found that reducing vehicle ownership
by a third, reducing vehicle use by 20 % and shifting to smaller vehicles could
reduce emissions in the Chinese passenger vehicle eet by more than 40 % at 2050
(an effect that would be greater than doubling fuel efciency in the same period).
Another way to provide services from less stock is to have longer lived stocks
and infrastructure that are more intensely used. This is counter to the current prac-
tice of planned obsolescence but is compatible with business models using adapt-
able design (Allwood and Cullen 2012) and more radical approaches (Chap. 8). It is
sometimes argued that newer technology introduces greater operational efciencies
and so faster stock turnover is an effective mitigation strategy. However, this needs
to be considered in conjunction with the emissions embodied in the stocks. Kagawa
et al. (2011) demonstrated that, even based on technology from the 1990s and even
when considering the longevity of less efcient vehicles, extending vehicle life-
times in Japan has a net benet in terms of reducing GHG emissions. Further exam-
ples are discussed in Chap. 8.

4.3 Timing

The current impacts of climate change and the prospect of yet higher global tem-
peratures and more extreme weather should already instil urgency in policymakers
to institute climate adaptation and mitigation measures. There are also long-term
benets of early action that interact with large-scale urbanisation and infrastructure
growth. For example, implementing more stringent building codes now that antici-
pate and avoid the impacts of future climate events can have a net economic benet
over the long term (Baynes et al. 2013; Wang et al. 2015). This raises the importance
of timing in effective policymaking.
6 A Socio-economic Metabolism Approach to Sustainable Development and Climate 131

Delaying mitigation action can have long-lived consequences. Retaining or aug-

menting carbon- or energy-intensive technology stocks locks in their emissions
intensity for at least the life of those assets (IPCC 2014a). Where stocks operate in
a system, e.g. roads and private transport, the inertia against change can be even
greater. In many sectors, the technology to achieve cuts in emissions is already
available (Pacala and Socolow 2004; IPCC 2014b), which undermines the contrary
view that it may be better to wait for yet more efcient technology and hold off
investment until that is available.
Returning to the example of the aluminium industry, Liu et al. (2013) explored
four options to reduce resource use in products: scrap collection, minimising losses,
efciency improvement and decoupling emissions from electricity supply. They
also considered three high-level scenarios of reducing the demand for stocks by
assuming different saturation levels for global in-use aluminium per capita. They
found that the effectiveness of mitigation options depended heavily on the stock
dynamics and the timing of stock creation and scrap availability. Among the options
they simulated for reducing emissions in aluminium production was CCS in decar-
bonising electricity. Introducing efciency measures and CCS early (before 2030)
had a greater effect because emissions related to aluminium in new building, trans-
port and communication infrastructure were reduced. Conversely, later in the cen-
tury, maximising scrap collection had an increasing benet as earlier cohorts of
stock came to the end of their lifetime.

5 The Socio-economic Metabolism Framework and Wealth

Building up the infrastructure capacity, as an essential component of wealth, also

involves energy and emissions. A dynamic metabolic analysis properly represents
both physical wealth in in-use stocks and the material and energy ows needed to
create and maintain those stocks. Economic or physical ow measures may repre-
sent growth and development, but they are insufcient to understand long-term
change and the lasting effect of wealth creation. On the basis of environmental and
economic ows alone, developing nations appear highly materialised compared
with industrialised countries and have lower productivity, but a more balanced
assessment, taking into account physical stocks and infrastructure, can provide
information on their relative socio-economic situation. In reporting and modelling
sustainable development, physical in-use stocks are an essential complement to the
current information on ows in the system of environmental and economic
There are conceptual parallels between the economic and environmental account-
ing systems even if their valuation and methodology differ. In the UN system of
national accounting (European Commission et al. 2009), economists measure
income as separate from wealth. Although the income measure of GDP is com-
monly misperceived as a measure of wealth, there is a separate ledger of assets and
liabilities from which net worth is calculated. This is entirely a calculation on
132 T.M. Baynes and D.B. Mller

values of capital stocks that has not been fully translated into the environmental
extensions of national accounts. There is a substantial literature on the valuation of
natural and anthropogenic capital, but there is a strong tendency to use a common
denominator of monetary value or utility. Important physical information is then
lost. For example, there is a world of difference between having a small amount of
high quality, recently built road, and a much larger quantity of ageing, highly depre-
ciated road that will soon be due for repair or replacement; the way capital value is
determined means these two situations could be equivalent in net worth but they are
very different in the services they provide and in their long-term material and energy
Concentrating on the ow measure of GDP is rightly criticised as a false measure
of human well-being, which might be better dened by the accumulation of capac-
ity to provide employment, food, education, safety and security, an approach
explored in Chap. 8. That capacity corresponds more with the quantity and quality
of infrastructure, productive and non-productive capital stocks. Stocks are not
merely the accounting residuals of the net difference in bulk material ows. Through
the services they provide, stocks are indicators of physical wealth, and our ability
(through ows) to maintain and sustain that wealth is equally an important dimen-
sion of reporting and modelling the physical aspect of human well-being.
Just as seeking greater wealth by increasing GDP can produce perverse out-
comes (Costanza et al. 2014), appraising environmental performance through ow
measures alone is insufcient. For example, the metric of domestic material con-
sumption (DMC) is used widely as a macroeconomic indicator of material require-
ments. Developing countries will always have a relatively high DMC until they
attain sufcient infrastructure and capital stock to satisfy the physical demands of
their socio-economic aspirations. Evidence for this comes from growth in DMC of
developing nations in the Asia-Pacic region (UNEP and CSIRO 2013); for exam-
ple, the DMC per capita of China has increased by 640 % over the last 40 years.
Most developed countries have achieved relative material decoupling (lower
DMC/GDP) over the last 30 years (Giljum et al. 2014). Mller et al. (2006) and
Wiedmann et al. (2013) have both suggested that industrialised nations have lower
DMC because they have already established their major infrastructure and their
population has grown more slowly than developing countries or has even saturated.
However, the interpretation may not be so simple. Matthews et al. (2000) calculated
NAS as the residual between input and output ows for a sample of developed
nations with established infrastructure and concluded that the NAS is still 812
tons/capita per year. The authors attributed this to a combination of factors includ-
ing lower occupancy, urban expansion and afuence.
In this chapter, we have used concepts from industrial ecology to frame problems
of the long-term future in terms of both stocks and ows and show how solutions are
substantially inuenced by the creation of physical wealth in stocks and how stocks
can mitigate (or exacerbate) impacts and deliver services to society. The socio-
economic metabolism framework is intended to represent the interaction of stocks
across sectors and enable a more complete integrated assessment of policy options.
As in many areas of industrial ecology, data availability is a hurdle, but the socio-
6 A Socio-economic Metabolism Approach to Sustainable Development and Climate 133

economic metabolism framework discussed in this chapter provides a structured

way for interpreting statistics on physical stocks; automated data collection and
informatics provide the opportunity to capture physical transactions alongside mon-
etary exchanges.

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.


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Chapter 7
Stocks andFlows inthePerformance

WalterR.Stahel andRolandClift

Abstract The performance economy is a concept which goes beyond most inter-
pretations of a circular economy: the focus is on the maintenance and exploitation
of stock (mainly manufactured capital) rather than linear or circular flows of materi-
als or energy. The performance economy represents a full shift to servicisation, with
revenue obtained from providing services rather than selling goods. While the form
of industrial economy which has dominated the industrialised countries since the
industrial revolution is arguably appropriate to overcome scarcities in a developing
economy, the performance model is applicable in economies close to saturation,
when the quantities of new goods entering use are similar to the quantities of goods
being scrapped at the end of life.
Key elements of the performance economy are re-use and re-manufacturing, to
maintain the quality of stock and extend its service life by reducing material inten-
sity, i.e. the material flow required to create and maintain the stock. Because mate-
rial flows represent costs which reduce the revenue from service provision, business
models inherent in the performance economy support the macro-level objective of
extending service life and thereby minimising material intensity. Product life in the
performance economy is limited by technological improvements in the efficiency of
manufactured capital rather than by damage, wear or fashion.
Re-use and re-manufacturing tend to be more labour-intensive and less capital-
intensive than virgin material production or primary manufacturing. This enables
re-use and remanufacturing to be economically viable at smaller scales. It also
enables these activities to substitute labour for energy, reversing the trend which has
characterised industrial economies and offering ways to alleviate current environ-
mental, economic and global challenges; i.e. to make the economy more sustain-
able. However, there are significant barriers to adoption of the performance economy
model, partly because economic and business models generally focus on flows
(GDP or added value) rather than prioritising the quality, value and use of stock.
Promoting the performance model may require a complete re-think of public policy,

W.R. Stahel (*)

The Product-Life Institute, Geneva, Switzerland
R. Clift
Centre for Environmental Strategy, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

The Author(s) 2016 137

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
138 W.R. Stahel and R. Clift

away from subsiding to taxing use of non-renewable resources and away from tax-
ing the use of renewable resources, of which labour is possibly the most important.
Recent analyses of the social costs of unemployment and potential social benefits of
a more resource efficient performance economy provide some of the evidence sup-
porting a shift from flow to stock management.

Keywords Circular economy Flows Goods as services Manufactured capital

Molecules as services Performance economy Re-use Recycling
Remanufacturing Reprocessing Service life Stocks

1 Introduction

Economic activities, particularly trade, are usually characterised in terms of flows of

goods, energy and services. Many areas of industrial ecology focus on flows, and
concepts such as the circular economy are framed in terms of recycling and re-use
flows. However, wealth itself is a stock, not a flow:the wealth of societies is based
on their stocks of goods and capital. Arguably, the quality of life in a developed
society depends more on the quantity and quality (Q&Q) of its stock than on the
flows through the economy. Stocks represent accumulated flows. Therefore, the
flows needed to develop and maintain capital stocks are important, particularly in
developing economies; the relationship between flows and stocks is explored in
Chap. 6. But this chapter explores some of the insights revealed by focussing on
managing and using the stocks themselves rather than flows. This is one of the cen-
tral principles in the concept of the performance economy (Stahel 2010).
Various authors (e.g. Forum for the Future 2015) have proposed categorisations
of the stocks available to a society. Most categorisations propose five forms of capi-
tal; for example, in the context of this chapter:
Natural capital
Cultural capital
Human capital
Manufactured capital
Financial capital.
Natural capital can be treated as a Global Commons, using a stock management
approach, such as sustainable fishing and forestry. If a flow maximisation approach
is applied instead, natural capital will inevitably be degraded, repeating the Tragedy
of the Commons; obvious examples are over-fishing, loss of biodiversity and accu-
mulation of foreign substances such as toxins, salts and plastic debris.
Maintaining quality with its associated tensions is also a widespread concern for
Cultural capital; the UNESCO world heritage programme is regularly faced with
the dilemma of balancing protecting sites against their economic exploitation.
7 Stocks andFlows inthePerformance Economy 139

Cultural capital includes immaterial stocks such as music and local traditions; these
can be shared but commercialised sharing may lead to loss of quality through
Human capital is intrinsically linked with intangible acquired capital; i.e. skills
and capabilities. Human capital is the only resource whose quality can be improved
through education and training. Developing and maintaining human capital as a
renewable resource is one of the issues explored in this chapter.

The Role of Incentives in Flow Versus Stock Management The Case of

If the wealth of societies is based on the quantity and quality (Q&Q) of capital
or stocks, a delicate balance is necessary to maintain stock quantity without
compromising stock quality. Growth can be defined as increase in Q&Q of
stock rather than flow. To achieve this, policy measures need to shift from a
flow to a stock approach: witness reforestation programmes in countries like
Nepal, which are directed and financed by Western organisations.
Local people are paid to grow seedlings, plant them on barren slopes, water
them regularly and protect them by fences- a typical production-driven flow
approach. Local people respond in a flow-focused way by minimising their
work load, which means reforesting slopes near villages rather than the slopes
presenting the biggest hazards (the stock approach). As villagers have con-
flicting priorities, such as feeding their goats and cattle and working as tourist
guides, they will often neglect the maintenance of the fences, and goats will
eat the young trees. A new reforestation programme will follow, financed by
well-meaning sponsors.
In a stock management approach, the villagers are instead paid a modest
fee for each tree on the village property. The driver for reforestation is then
villagers looking for a higher donor income by increasing their stock of trees,
which includes protecting young trees from being eaten by animals as much
as planting new trees. The barrier is that donors, including the World Bank,
generally do not pay for stock management but only for flow. The same
applies to preventive measures versus post-disaster repairs.

The focus in this chapter is on manufactured capital: i.e. material goods and
fixed assets. This includes infrastructure (for energy distribution, communications,
transport, and water and other services), buildings (industrial, commercial, institu-
tional and domestic), equipment (both productive and appliances used by con-
sumers) and durable consumer goods (including, for example, furniture and
garments). Focussing on the stock brings out the importance of something which is
often overlooked: durability or service life of manufactured capital. This is explored
later in this chapter.
140 W.R. Stahel and R. Clift

2 T
 he Circular Economy Loop, Lake
andPerformance Models

Distinguishing between capital stock and flows opens up useful perspectives on the
idea of a circular economy which aspires to replace the linear once through
industrial economy which has dominated business in the industrialised countries
since the industrial revolution. In the linear economy, the focus is on management
of throughput flows. On the macro-economic level, the performance of the indus-
trial economy is judged by measuring the sum of all flows (GDP); on the micro-
economic level, by calculating the value added to the flows. Its optimisation stops at
the point of sale where the responsibility for operating and disposing of the goods is
passed to the buyer.
Arguably, the industrial economy is the best strategy to increase stock and expand
economic activity to overcome scarcities of food, housing, infrastructure and/or
equipment, as they exist in many developing countries. However, in markets near
saturation, so that the number of new goods is similar to the number of scrapped
goods, the relevance of the paradigm of economic growth has been questioned (e.g.
Jackson 2009); in the absence of quantum leap innovation, the circular economy is
a more viable business model than the industrial economy with regard to environ-
mental, economic and social factors. Even where technology quantum leaps do take
place through rapid innovation, the circular economy will complement the indus-
trial economy.
The circular economy is based on value preservation, not value added. The basic
elements are shown schematically in Fig. 7.1. The Reuse Loop includes second-
hand markets (from garage sales and flea markets to eBay) as well as commercial
and private reuse of goods (e.g. refilling of beverage containers, reuse and resale of
garments). These activities are usually carried out locally. Loop 1, labelled
Remanufacturing, includes repair, remanufacturing and upgrading to meet new
technological standards or to meet new fashion expectations(Smith and Keoleian
2004). Remanufacturing may be a local activity (e.g. refurbishing of domestic
appliances or cars) or may be carried out via regional service centres. Loop 2 repre-
sents recycling in which, rather than repairing or re-using manufactured goods and
components, the product is reprocessed to recover secondary materials for return to
the same use. Reprocessing may be a regional activity or may be part of a global
supply system. Reprocessing includes operations such as recycling of paper and
plastics, re-refining of fluids such as lubrication oils (Clift 2001) and, where practi-
cal, depolymerisation of polymers (Clift 1997). Some end-of-life goods and materi-
als may go to other uses, such as export for re-use in other locations or cascading
into lower specification applications (downcycling) including energy recovery, or
may leak from the economic system as waste.
Different interpretations of the circular economy place different emphasis on the
elements in Fig. 7.1. At its simplest (but also least profitable and materially effi-
cient), the circular economy takes the form of the Loop economy, focussed on recy-
cling (loop 2 in Fig. 7.1) in which the material of the product is not lost as waste but
7 Stocks andFlows inthePerformance Economy 141

Global Supply Chains Regional Supply Cycles Local Economy


materials Used
LOOP  Downcycling
or waste


Fig. 7.1 The basic loops of a circular economy (Adapted from Stahel and Reday-Mulvey 1976)

is reprocessed for return to the same use. This is the interpretation embodied in
Chinas Circular Economy laws, for example. In the Loop Economy, ownership
changes with each loop, each owner aiming to achieve the highest profit when pass-
ing on material goods.
The Loop or cradle-to-cradle concept is still framed in terms of flows and
therefore overlooks ways to optimise the physical and economic performance of the
economy based on optimising the use of the stock. An example of good stock man-
agement is provided by the 2008 EU Waste Directive, which appropriately calls for
the reuse and service-life extension of goods as priorities, putting waste prevention
before waste management. The Lake economy uses the same loops as the Loop
economy, but with a focus on value preservation through stewardship and without
changes in ownership: The main economic actors in such an economy are here
termed fleet managers: they operate a fleet of similar goods, such as the vehicles
of haulage or transport companies, and maintain their components (e.g. engines and
tyres in the case of road vehicles). These owners may have their goods repaired or
remanufactured by independent service companies. The focus is on managing the
stock rather than the flows: fleet managers maintain ownership of their stock and
therefore profit from the economic advantages of re-use and remanufacturing
If economic actors are selling performance, through business models such as
goods as services or molecules as services, which means earning revenue and
142 W.R. Stahel and R. Clift

profits from stocks instead of flows, they shift from the Lake Economy, with its
focus on maintaining the stock, to the Performance Economy which focuses on
maximising the value obtained from using the stock. The Performance Economy
demands an internalisation of the costs of waste and of risk over the full service-life
of goods, which in turn are substantial financial incentives to include waste preven-
tion and loss prevention at all stages in the product cycle from design to
The Performance Economy is primarily driven by competitiveness, the Lake
Economy by long-term operation and maintenance cost optimisation and the Loop
Economy by (environmental) legislation. Some of the business implications of the
shift to the Performance model are explored by Stahel (2010) and in Sect. 4 of this
The stock perspective is routine for infrastructure and buildings but less familiar
for other forms of manufactured capital. The shift from a flow to a stock perspective
is enabled when economic actors (companies, consumers and public entities)
assume longer-term ownership or stewardship of, for example, fleets of vehicles or
goods, changing their business approach from the bigger-better-faster-safer model
of an industrial flow economy to the functional view of goods of a Lake Economy.
The motivation for commercial actors is usually to reduce operating costs (for
example, retreading truck tyres by haulage companies, remanufacturing diesel
engines), whereas public actors (armed forces and public administrations like rail-
ways, NASA) seek to reduce long-term system costs (mothballing of warships,
cemeteries of aircraft for access to spare parts). For consumers, the motivation
may be a personal relationship with goods (the teddy bear effect which leads
individuals to keep personal souvenirs such as watches or pens, or family heritage
objects such as paintings or vintage cars). By retaining the ownership of the goods
and their embodied resources, fleet managers gain a resource security with regard to
both future availability of resources and commodity prices. Expected scarcity of
some critical materials therefore provides another driver to take the stock
If loops involve professional services, transaction costs occur, adding to the costs
and often influencing the choice of the next owner: for example, sales such as build-
ings, domestic premises and artworks require fees to individuals or specialist deal-
ers. However, some OEMs take back their own goods, disassemble them and reuse
components as service parts, a strategy pursued by many IT manufacturers, or
remanufacture and remarket them in exchange for faulty products. Such service
exchange systems are used by some European car manufacturers: damaged car
engines and gearboxes which cannot be repaired locally are returned to the OEM in
exchange for an OEM-remanufactured product1; Sony Computer Entertainment
Europe offers a remanufactured exchanged product when customers return a faulty
product for repair, in order to reduce the time a customer is without the product.
Further illustrative examples are discussed in later sections.

VW annually remanufactures 50,000 engines and the same number of gearboxes in a dedicated
plant located in Kassel.
7 Stocks andFlows inthePerformance Economy 143

3 Remanufacturing, Reprocessing andProduct Life

3.1 Material Intensity and Product-Service Intensity

To understand the importance of the quality and durability of stock, it is convenient

to use a formulation introduced by the IPCC in the 5th Assessment Report (2014).2
For a sector producing materials and products for stocks that deliver quantifiable
services, the energy use (ep) and associated GHG emissions (gp) over a specified
accounting period (for example, GJ per year and tonnes CO2e per year) can be bro-
ken down in a form of Kaya (1990) relationship as:

e p = (e / p ) ( p / S ) ( S / d ) d (7.1)

g p = ( g / e) e p = ( g / e) (e / p ) ( p / S ) ( S / d ) d (7.2)

where e represents the energy input to manufacturing and processing, ep is the
energy used specifically to produce the flow p of materials and products (e.g. tonnes
per year) needed to maintain the stock S of the relevant manufactured capital (e.g.
tonnes) and d is the quantity of service delivered in the time period through use of
that capital (e.g. passenger-km per year for the personal transport sector).
These expressions are conceptual, but they reveal the significance of the different
(g/e) is the emission intensity of the sector expressed as a ratio of GHG emissions to
energy used. The emissions arise largely from energy use (directly from com-
busting fossil fuels, and indirectly through purchasing electricity and steam) and
therefore depend most critically on the emission intensity of the background
energy system of the economy where the goods in question are made. However,
emissions also arise from industrial chemical reactions; in particular, producing
cement, chemicals and non-ferrous metals leads to release of significant process
emissions regardless of background energy sources.
(e/p) is the energy intensity of production . Approximately three quarters of indus-
trial energy use worldwide is required to create materials from ores, oil or bio-
mass, with the remaining quarter used in the downstream manufacturing and
construction sectors that convert materials to products (IPCC 2014). In some
cases, particularly for metals, e/p can be reduced by production from reused
components or recycled material (see below) and can be further reduced by
exchange of waste heat and/or by-products between sectors through industrial
(p/S) is the materialintensity of the sector: the material flow required to create and
maintain the stock.

A form of this equation is given in IPCC (2014: 746) but the explanation and interpretation given
here differs from that in IPCC (2014). In the notation used here, upper case letters denote stocks
and lower case denote flows.
144 W.R. Stahel and R. Clift

(S/d) is the product-service intensity; i.e. the quantity ofstock required to deliver the
required service.
Equation 7.1 has a number of important implications, underpinning the specific
business strategies explored in Sect. 4. The emission intensity term, (g/e), depends
primarily on the fuel mix used in the extractive, processing and manufacturing oper-
ations and the background economies in which they are located. The energy inten-
sity of production, (e/p), which is the usual target of industrial improvement and
innovation, is also obviously important. These terms underlie concerns over the
carbon leakage resulting from the potential migration of primary manufacturing
to economies with high carbon intensity and possibly lax environmental standards
(see for example Clift etal. 2013) but the scope for reducing (e/p) is limited by
technological and thermodynamic constraints (Allwood etal. 2012). We therefore
concentrate here on the other terms in Eq. 7.1 which are key for the circular and
performance economies: material intensity, (p/S), and product-service intensity,
(S/d). These parameters are measures of the efficiency and quality of the stock: low
values indicate good system performance. Reducing the product-service intensity
means using capital goods more intensively, for example through pooled use of
vehicles or appliances. Material intensity can be reduced by design measures such
as lightweighting and, importantly but less obviously, is also dependent on prod-
uct life, re-use, remanufacturing and recycling.

3.2 Remanufacturing andReprocessing

To reveal the significance of material and product-service intensities and product

life, we explore the flows needed to maintain the stock of manufactured capital, S,
as shown in Fig. 7.2. The Re-use loop (see Fig. 7.1) is treated here as an activity
needed to keep the stock in use; it is therefore not shown in Fig. 7.2 because inputs
to and losses from re-use are included in iS (see below). Of the flow of goods into
stock, p (as in Eqs. 7.1 and 7.2), a fraction r1 is remanufactured and the balance is
newly manufactured goods incorporating a fraction r2 of recycled material. The
input of primary material to the product system is therefore (1r2)(1r1)p.
Unsurprisingly, increase in r1 or r2 reduces the need for primary material.
More interesting insights emerge from examining other relationships within the
service system, illustrated by Fig. 7.2. The outflow from stock at the end of its (first)
service life is denoted by q. A fraction f1 is routed to remanufacturing, a fraction f2
to recycling and the balance leaves the product system as downcycled goods or
materials or as waste. Material losses, degradation and/or contamination in remanu-
facturing and reprocessing are thermodynamically inevitable and also occur in the
associated logistics, so that r1p<f1q and r2(1r1)p<f2q. The relatively high popula-
tion density in urban areas makes the logistics of collection easier and therefore
supports the development of a circular economy (see, for example van Berkel etal.
2009; Kennedy etal. 2011). The main losses and degradation usually occur in
7 Stocks andFlows inthePerformance Economy 145

iX(-r)(-r)p EXTRACTION &





used materials
f2q STOCK, S
used goods

f1q r1p
LOOP 1 (1-f1-f2)q

Downcycling or

Fig. 7.2 Remanufacturing and recycling to maintain manufactured stock (adapted from Clift etal.
2009 and Clift and Allwood 2011). Interventions per unit of output from operations: iR remanufac-
turing, iM manufacturing, iP reprocessing/recycling, iX extraction and primary processing

r eprocessing. It follows that the economics of the circular economy depend on using
the shorter, more local and less dissipative loops (i.e. re-use and remanufacturing)
and keeping materials separate to minimise contamination.
As well as the material flows within the system, Fig. 7.2 shows the interventions:
i.e. the exchanges across the system boundary. These interventions may be emis-
sions from the system (for example of greenhouse gases or waste material) but the
analysis also applies to inputs (energy or labour, for example) or costs. They are
associated with the operations shown in Fig. 7.2, expressed in proportion to the
quantity of material produced. Interventions, iS, are also associated with use of the
stock to deliver the service. For the whole service system, the total interventions, iT,

iT = [iR r1 + (1 r1 ){iM + r2 iP + (1 r2 )iX }] p + iS (7.3)

We focus initially on the first term in Eq. 7.3, i.e. the interventions associated with
the material flows. If the objective is to reduce iT, the single most important action
is to reduce the material throughput, p; this is explored below. For some materials,
the energy use, emissions, material degradation and/or costs of reprocessing may be
prohibitive (see, for example, Allenby 1999; Allwood 2014). Reprocessing is then
undesirable on cost or environmental grounds, representing a limit to the circular
economy in any of its forms. More commonly, and particularly for manufactured
146 W.R. Stahel and R. Clift

goods, the energy use and emissions are least for remanufacturing and greatest for
primary material production; i.e.

iR < iP < iX (7.4)

while labour input is in the reverse rank order. This underlines the business models
for the performance economy explored in Sect. 4: whilst reprocessing is commonly
(but not universally) beneficial compared to primary production, remanufacturing is
to be preferred over reprocessing. In addition to energy and resource efficiency,
remanufacturing has the benefit of substituting labour input for energy input.

3.3 Product Life

It was noted above that the circular economy model is most appropriate for a mature
economy, with markets near saturation, where the stock of manufactured capital has
already been built up. Under these circumstances the change of stock over time is
relatively small, so that dS/dt0 and pq. This approximation also applies to per-
sonal property, for example clothing (where the stock is limited by storage space)
and furniture (limited by living area). The throughput of material to maintain stock
with long life is then:

p= q= S / T (7.5)

where T is the average service life of the stock. As noted above, the priority is to
reduce p. From Eqs. 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5, the options for reducing energy use and asso-
ciated emissions are, in priority order:
1 . Extend service life, T, to reduce throughput, p
2. Intensify use to reduce stock needed, S
3. Increase the proportion of post-use products remanufactured, f1
4. Increase the proportion of post-use products reprocessed, f2
5. Reduce the inputs required for manufacturing, iM
6. Reduce the inputs required for reprocessing, iP
7. Reduce the inputs required for remanufacturing, iR
8. Reduce the inputs required for primary material production, iX.
This rank order underlines why focussing on stock leads to the priorities which
underpin the performance economy model (see Sect. 4 below) but which are over-
looked in many policy measures. It also leads to useful insights into sustainable
consumption concerning the importance of durable quality goods rather than dis-
posable purchases (Clift etal. 2013).
For products with a short service life, such as beverage containers, the priority is
on the efficiency of loop 2; i.e. on reprocessing/recycling rather than remanufactur-
ing. Figure 7.3 shows a simple recycling loop. The fraction of material returned to
7 Stocks andFlows inthePerformance Economy 147

Other inputs


p (1-f2)q
f2 q
r2p or waste


Fig. 7.3 Simple recycling loop

use after each loop is r2. After n loops, the fraction remaining in use is r2n, which
reduces rapidly even when r2 is relatively high. The average life of the material leav-
ing use in terms of number of uses, , is:3

=1 / (1 r2 ) (7.6)

For paper, recycling damages the fibres so that, to keep from becoming too high,
r2 is limited and a minimum introduction of new material is needed to maintain the
paper properties (Hart etal. 2005). Even for such a valuable material as nickel, used
in many alloys but also in items such as fashion jewellery, only 55 % returns around
the loop (i.e. r2=0.55) so that 30 % remains after two loops and only 17 % after
three. In this particular case, about 2/3 of the losses arise from dissipative use
((1f2)q in Fig. 7.3) and the remaining 1/3 from losses during reprocessing, mainly
of alloy bars used to reinforce concrete structures (Bihoux, quoted in Levy and
Aurez (2014)). For beverage cans, which typically have a life of 3 weeks from can-
ning plant to disposal, even with a high recycling rate of 75 % half the stock is lost
after 6 months in use and effectively all is lost after a year. Even with a highly opti-
mistic recycling rate of 90 %, the metal stock is effectively lost in less than 2 years
of use. By contrast, and emphasising the importance of re-use to extend service life
(T), refillable glass bottles are typically refilled 27 times before reprocessing, so that
the first recycling occurs after about 1 year and a half (Stahel 2010).
In addition to the interventions required to produce and maintain the material
stock, Eq. 7.3 includes those needed to operate it:

iS = (i / d ) d (7.7)

For a more complete analysis, specific to paper recycling allowing for inputs from other sources,
see Gttsching and Pakarinen 2000: 394 and Hart etal. 2005.
148 W.R. Stahel and R. Clift

where (i/d) is the input or emission per unit of service delivered; e.g. the energy or
labour intensity of the service, providing a further measure of the efficiency or qual-
ity of the stock. Technological improvements usually mean that (i/d) decreases over
time. The balance between the interventions needed to operate and to replace the
stock leads to a systematic approach to defining optimal service life (Kim etal.
2003; Keoleian 2013). Combining Eqs. 7.1 and 7.7, the ratio of operating energy
(eS) to production energy (ep) is:

eS / e p = (eS / d ) /[(e p / p ) ( p / S ) ( S / d )] (7.8)

Operating energy is thus more significant, and therefore the optimal service life is
shorter, when the material intensity (p/S) and product-service intensity (S/d) are
low; i.e. when the manufactured capital is well designed and efficiently used.

4 Economic andSocial Implications

The principal of stock management is caring (stewardship) to maintain the quantity

and quality of stock. This applies to most stocks, including natural, human and
manufactured capital, and is radically different from the bigger-better-faster-safer
(fashion) thinking underpinning the industrial economy. The throughput (flow)
optimisation of production in global supply chains is replaced by asset (stock) man-
agement in the circular economy; the economic concept of value added is replaced
by the objective of value preservation. What is of interest to investors is the fact that
the return on investment (ROI) of a remanufacturing plant is usually many times
that of a plant manufacturing the same goods from scratch, due to lower capital cost.
On the other hand, the operating costs, notably labour, are typically much higher.
These differences have a number of important implications.

4.1 Business Models inthePerformance Economy

The essence of the performance economy lies in producing, selling and managing
performance over time (Stahel 2010). Stock management lies at the heart of the
business model because each flow (repair or stock loss) represents a cost. The three
essential components and actors in the performance economy are shown schemati-
cally in Fig. 7.4:
1. Retained ownership of goods and their embodied resources by a manufacturer or
fleet manager; this supports objectives (1) and (2) of the priority list developed
in Sect. 3;
2. The skills and powers of an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), to support
objectives (3) to (8);
7 Stocks andFlows inthePerformance Economy 149


Goods as Molecules
Services as services



Fig. 7.4 The business models of the performance economy

3. The skills of an economic actor responsible for the operation and maintenance
(O & M) of a fleet of goods, to support objectives (3) and (7).
Successful operation in the performance economy incorporates all three compo-
nents. Selling performance (or servicisation) entails internalising the costs of risk
and waste over the full service life of the manufactured capital. As a result, different
ways have emerged to combine the roles of the three different types of actor to
increase stock life, quality and performance and reduce transaction costs. They are
illustrated by the specific examples shown in Fig. 7.4 and itemised in the text box.
Manufacturers exercising the O & M of their goods through service contracts give
their customers a function guarantee; this provides reassurance of quality and
encourages users to retain the stock. This also encourages modular design to facili-
tate upgrading rather than complete replacement; for example, some lift manufac-
turers adapt existing elevators by replacing single doors with modern double door
sets; devices with electric motors can be equipped with electronic speed control to
improve energy efficiency; office equipment companies (e.g. Xerox) use modular
system design with standardised components across different product lines.
Retaining ownership encourages management of end-of-life goods. Performance
monitoring of stock in use and preventive maintenance to guarantee uninterrupted
performance are essential, where possible using maintenance strategies which mini-
mise or eliminate the need to stock spares.
As indicated in Fig. 7.1, the performance economy entails intelligent decentrali-
sation, with generally more localisation of economic activity than in the industrial
150 W.R. Stahel and R. Clift

economy. This provides further opportunities for the development of industrial

symbioses (see Chap. 5). Re-use is inherently local. The geographic scale of Loop
1 activities (remanufacturing) is determined by the mobility of goods, the extent of
standardisation of goods and the batch size necessary to reach a competitive reman-
ufacturing volume. For immobile goods, such as infrastructure and buildings,
service-life extension activities require mobile labour and mobile workshops. For
stand-alone goods, such as engines of tractors, buses, ambulances and vintage vehi-
cles, local remanufacturing workshops may be optimal because the remanufactur-
ing costs are secondary to the clients wish to continue operating the vehicle. In
textile leasing (hotel or hospital textiles, which have to be washed or sterilised
daily), the optimal transport distance is about 100km (Stahel 1995: 249); franchis-
ing can therefore be a better business model than centralised treatment. The geo-
graphic scale of Loop 2 activities (reprocessing) is determined by the technology
used; many metallurgical processes, associated with high capital cost, need to be
operated at large scale to be competitive with primary production. However, the
dominance of labour and logistic costs, rather than capital, in re-use and remanufac-
turing reduce the economies of scale and are therefore consistent with smaller scale,
decentralised operations.

Examples of Business Activities in the Performance Economy

(Figure 7.4)
Selling Performance
tyre use by the mile (e.g. Michelin)
power by the hour (e.g. Rolls-Royce turbines)
illumination: pay per lux ( e.g. Philips)
office equipment: pay per copy (e.g. Xerox)
Molecules as Services
chemical leasing: rent a molecule (e.g. lubricants, cleaning solvents)
mining: nation state grants licence to operate but retains ownership of
the output (WEF 2015)
(2) OEM + (3) O&M
Function Guarantee
commercial and service equipment (e.g. freezers, elevators)
chemical management systems
integrated crop management

7 Stocks andFlows inthePerformance Economy 151


Goods as Services
transport (e.g. shipping, buses, containers)
wet leasing of aircraft: aircraft plus crew plus fuel
real estate (e.g. hotels, time-shares)
short-term equipment rental (e.g. vehicles, tools)

4.2 Employment

What was probably the first research report to articulate the idea of a circular econ-
omy set out to identify the potential for substituting manpower for energy (Stahel
and Reday 1976). It found that on a macro-economic level, three quarters of energy
is used in mining activities and basic material production, while one quarter is used
in manufacturing goods from basic material; the same estimates are reported by
IPCC (2014). For manpower, the proportions are reversed: three quarters of the
labour input into finished products is in the manufacturing of goods, with only one
quarter in resource exploitation and primary production. Service-life extension
focuses on activities which are kin to manufacturing before automation and are the
most labour intensive. As noted in Sects. 2 and 3, end-of-life goods must be col-
lected using non-destructive and non-diluting collection processes (rather than com-
pactor lorries); the collected goods must be disassembled into components and
materials (instead of being shredded); the components and materials must be
screened to separate parts to preserve value (using skills and experience) so that
components can be repaired or remanufactured and materials can be sorted to be
recycled in the purest form and kept separate to minimise contamination. Each of
these steps is more labour-intensive and resource saving than in the linear make-
use-waste approach.
Macro-economic analyses of the impact of service life extension are scarce,
although a recent study by Skanberg for the Club of Rome (2015) has used input/
output analysis to explore the effect on the Swedish economy of increased resource
efficiency. At the micro-economic level, numerous case studies exist (see text box)
on the manpower intensity of reuse, repair and remanufacturing. All confirm the
conclusion that service-life extension activities substitute manpower for energy and
materials, when compared to manufacturing equivalent new goods. This is exempli-
fied by Fig. 7.5, which shows the results of an analysis of different sectors (Product-
Life Institute 2015) with regards to value per weight at the point of sale (/kg) and
labour input per weight (mh/kg; i.e. the labour components of iM and iR in the terms
of Fig. 7.2) associated with manufacturing or remanufacturing: the key activities of
the performance economy are comparable to life-sciences and nanotechnologies,
and a far distance from manufacturing (Product-Life Institute 2015).
152 W.R. Stahel and R. Clift

high mh/kg

Labour-inout per weight (mh/kh)

10 Selling performance reuse

remanufacturing Life sciences


Stone age goods industrial goods smart goods /kg

1 100 mio high
Value per weight (/kg)

Fig. 7.5 Comparison of different sectors by value per weight (/kg) and labour input per weight
(mh/kg) (Source: Product-Life Institute 2015)

Examples of the Manpower Intensity of Re-use, Repair and

Remanufacture (Stahel 2010)
An analysis of the running costs of a 30-year-old automobile (Toyota Corona
Mk II of 1969) reveals that the share of labour costs as a percentage of accu-
mulated total costs increases from 18 % after 10 years to 34 % after 20 years
to reach 48 % after 30 years (Buhrow etal. 1999).
The remanufacture of a Jaguar XJ6 engine necessitated 120 h of labour and
new parts of a total weight of 20 kg; the labour-input per weight ratio of 6
man-hour/kg material input is 240 times that of manufacturinga new car
engine(pp. 198/9).
The Eiffel Tower in Paris is completely repainted every 7 years; 25 painters
spend more than 12 months to apply 60 tonnes of paint on 250,000m2 of iron
elements; the labour input per weight ratio is 0.7 man-hours per kg (p.191).
The remanufacture of the gearbox of a Lorry needs 59 h of manpower if
parts are individually repaired, at a cost of CHF 10,400; or 23.5 h at a cost of
CHF 16,000 if damaged parts are replaced by new ones. (p. 220).
Medieval cathedrals have teams of masons spending a lifetime repairing the
stonework to check decay and prevent the eventual collapse of the landmark
buildings. A similar workshop exists for the Golden Gate Bridge in San
Francisco. (p. 208).
7 Stocks andFlows inthePerformance Economy 153

The biggest potential for creating jobs and developing skills lies in repairing and
remanufacturing standardised goods, such as infrastructure, buildings and stand-
alone mobile and immobile goods, preferably inlocal workshops using and devel-
oping the human capital represented by skilled labour. They thus contribute to
preserving the industrial commons an industrial network of customers, skilled
labour and subcontractors which is an essential knowledge base for innovation and
the emergence of new industries (Pisano and Shih 2012). Some companies active in
repair, maintenance and remanufacturing activities acquire sufficient knowledge to
move upstream into manufacturing innovative new products in their field of activity
(see box).

The Hidden Innovation Potential of Operation and Maintenance

Some companies active in repair, maintenance and remanufacturing activities
acquire sufficient knowledge to move upstream into manufacturing innovative
new products in their field of activity. Witness Israeli Aircraft Industries (IAI),
which started as maintenance service provider before assembling fighter
planes and today is a leading manufacturer of drones (pilot-less remotely con-
trolled aircraft); and Stadler Rail in Switzerland, moving from a local mainte-
nance service provider for rolling stock (railways) to become a major
European manufacturer of regional trains.

4.3 Fiscal Policy

By reducing dependence on primary resources and energy and providing skilled

employment, the performance economy has the potential to alleviate many current
economic, environmental and social problems, i.e. to contribute to improved sus-
tainability. However, promoting and developing this economic model requires a
comprehensive re-examination of public policies, moving away from the frag-
mented policies of most public administrations. The whole system approach of
industrial ecology, which provides the background to the idea of the performance
economy, reveals the inconsistencies between policies to preserve stocks (natural
and cultural capital, for example), totax flows (levies like Value Added Tax) and
stocks (human and financial capital) and to subsidise consumption of stock (such as
fossil fuels).
These inconsistencies are exemplified by the 2012 cash for clunkers policy
followed in 22 countries, which had the ambitions of stimulating national econo-
mies by increasing the demand for new cars (i.e. the flow of new goods) and simul-
taneously reducing GHG emissions from vehicles in use. The policy ignored the
GHG emissions resulting from recycling old cars (i.e. the clunkers) and manufac-
turing their replacements. In many countries, the cars bought were imports; in some
154 W.R. Stahel and R. Clift

cases, clunkers were not destroyed but exported and sold abroad (Ashok etal.
2012; Antoniades 2013). In a circular economy perspective, the same payments
could have been offered to remanufacture/retrofit stock, e.g. to remanufacture the
car engines and convert them to compressed natural gas. As this job is best done
inlocal workshops, it would have created local jobs. It would have avoided the
GHG emissions from recycling the clunkers and manufacturing their replacements,
and substantially reduced emissions in use.
Most current policies promoting a circular economy focus on environmental per-
formance or resource efficiency, exemplified by:
OECD Guidance (2015b): due diligence guidance for responsible supply chains
of minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas (Guidance);
Rules of the U.S.Securities and Exchange Commission on Disclosure of
Payments by Resource Extraction Issuers (US SEC 2012);
UN (2013) Mercury agreement, designed to reduce emissions and ensure an effi-
cient utilisation of stocks of resources;
EU (2008) waste directive to foster waste prevention through reuse and service-
life extension of goods (see Chap. 14).
To promote sustainable development, a new approach should be more holistic,
defining policies which are simple, convincing and cross-cutting with the objective
of preserving stock. The full societal cost of not working has generally been
underestimated, but a recent OECD study has shown a strong link between mental
health and employment (OECD 2015a). Both health and acquired capital of unused
workers (e.g. sub-employed or unemployed people and non-active retirees) can
deteriorate rapidly and even lead to a high risk of developing mental problems
(Coulmas 2012). On the other hand, just as for poorly maintained manufactured
capital, overuse of human capital can also lead to a loss of the stock through, for
instance, burn-out. In general, to promote sustainable development, policies are
needed which promote economic sectors that intelligently use and also preserve all
forms of stocks or capitals. As these activities are more labour and considerably less
resource intensive than manufacturing, sustainable taxation emerges as a key lever
to promote change to a low-carbon resource-efficient society (Stahel 2013).
Examples of a different approach to taxation include:
Do not tax renewable resources, noting that human labour is renewable, but
exclusively tax non-renewable resources, wastes and emissions;
Do not levy value added tax (VAT) on the value preservation of stock (such as
reuse and service-life extension activities);
Give carbon credits to carbon emission prevention (smart stock management) at
the same rate as to carbon emission reductions (cleaner flow).
It must be emphasised that the proposal here is for a shift in the tax base rather
than an increase in tax levels. A fiscal policy of sustainable taxation could make
many subsidy policies redundant; taxing non-renewable resources instead of labour
would give clear incentives to economic actors to shift from flow to stock business
models. In addition, it would make all stock management activities (looking after
7 Stocks andFlows inthePerformance Economy 155

peoples health, looking after natural and cultural capital) more competitive. In the
USA, eleven States do not tax labour (human capital) but flow of non-renewable
resources (for example, the construction industry in Florida, the oil and gas industry
in Texas). In Canada, the move in British Columbia towards taxing GHG emissions
(B.C. 2013) appears to be having effects which are both environmentally and eco-
nomically beneficial (Elgie and Clay 2013). Not levying value-added tax (VAT) on
value preservation activities would give goods in the circular economy a substantial
cost advantage over new goods (around 20 % in most EU countries), again giving
economic actors a clear incentive to change from flow to stock management.

5 Industrial Ecology andthePerformance Economy

The idea of the performance economy has developed separately from developments
in industrial ecology (Stahel 2010). One of the main objectives of this chapter is to
show how thinking on the performance economy embodies the idea of an industrial
ecosystem articulated by Frosch and Gallopoulos (1989), so that the performance
economy is underpinned by and applies industrial ecology concepts and tools
including life cycle management, accounting of material flows and stocks, resource
efficiency, urban metabolism, servicisation and dematerialisation. Localisation of
re-use, remanufacturing and some reprocessing can open up new opportunities for
symbiosis between industrial activities. Although the drivers for the performance
economy are primarily economic (or could be primarily economic under an appro-
priate fiscal regime), the model has the potential to alleviate the same environmen-
tal, economic and social challenges which industrial ecology seeks to address.
The performance economy represents industrial ecology in action.
d Quantity of service delivered in specified time period (e.g. passenger-km per
year for personal transport)
e Energy use (e.g. GJ/year)
ep Energy input to a sector producing material products (e.g. GJ/year)
eS Energy input to using manufactured stock (e.g. GJ/year)
f1 Fraction of q routed to remanufacturing
f2 Fraction of q routed to recycling/reprocessing
g GHG emissions from energy sector (e.g. tonnes CO2e per year)
gp GHG emissions associated with a sector producing material products (e.g.
tonnes CO2e per year)
i Interventions (i.e. exchanges across the system boundary) associated with
operations and activities, per unit of output; i.e. inputs (e.g. energy or labour or
financial costs) or outputs (e.g. emissions or wastes)
p Flow of materials or products into use (e.g. tonnes/year)
q Outflow of materials or products from use phase (e.g. tonnes/year)
156 W.R. Stahel and R. Clift

r1 Fraction remanufactured goods in flow p

r2 Fraction recycled material in newly manufactured goods
S Stock of manufactured capital (e.g. tonnes)
Subscripts Indicate Operation or Activity
M Manufacturing
P Reprocessing
R Remanufacturing
S Use of stock to deliver services
T Total
X Extraction and primary processing

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.


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Chapter 8
Impacts Embodied in Global Trade Flows

Thomas Wiedmann

Abstract The steep and unprecedented growth of globalisation and trade over the
last few decades has led to accelerated economic activity with mixed outcomes.
Continued economic growth and alleviation of poverty in many countries has been
accompanied with an overall increase and shifting of environmental pressures
between countries. Industrial ecology research has contributed decisively to the
knowledge around impacts in trade. This chapter summarises the latest empirical
findings on global change instigated by trade, discusses new methodological devel-
opments and reflects on the sustainability of globalised production and consump-
tion. Significant proportions of up to 64 % of total environmental, social and
economic impacts can be linked to international trade. Impacts embodied in trade
have grown much more rapidly than their total global counterparts. Policies aimed
at increasing the sustainability of production and consumption need to go beyond
domestic regulation and seek international cooperation to target production prac-
tices for exports worldwide.

Keywords Trade-embodied impacts Consumption-based accounting

Environmental footprint Global resource use Multi-region input-output analysis
Sustainability of trade

1 Introduction

The steep and unprecedented growth of globalisation and trade over the last few
decades has led to accelerated economic activity with mixed outcomes. Continued
economic growth and alleviation of poverty in many countries has been accompa-
nied with an overall increase and shifting of environmental pressures between coun-
tries. Industrial ecology research has contributed decisively to the knowledge around

T. Wiedmann (*)
Sustainability Assessment Program (SAP), School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of New South Wales Australia, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
ISA, School of Physics A28, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia

The Author(s) 2016 159

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7_8
160 T. Wiedmann

impacts in trade. This chapter summarises the latest empirical findings on global
change instigated by trade, discusses new methodological developments and reflects
on the sustainability of globalised production and consumption. Significant propor-
tions of up to 64 % of total environmental, social and economic impacts can be
linked to international trade. Impacts embodied in trade have grown much more
rapidly than their total global counterparts. Policies aimed at increasing the sustain-
ability of production and consumption need to go beyond domestic regulation and
seek international cooperation to target production practices for exports
International trade is not a new phenomenon. People have exchanged goods and
services since prehistoric and ancient times. One prominent example of early trade
links between countries and continents is the Silk Roads, a network of trading routes
established between Asia and Europe during the Han Dynasty in China (206 BC
220 AD) (Liu 2010). The trade in Chinese silk and many other goods extended over
6,000 km and was very lucrative. It boosted the economic development of China
and its Middle Asian and European trading partners and became so important that it
was protected militarily by fortified watch towers. The Great Wall was extended to
ensure the protection of the trade route. The Silk Roads importance during ancient
times and up to its golden age during the early middle age was confirmed in 2014,
when parts of the network were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.1
How does this compare to trade in modern times? It is certainly true to say that
international trade accelerates economic development nowadays as it did thou-
sands of years ago. What is different due to economic globalisation and techno-
logical advances, especially in the last 20 years is the unprecedented scale, speed
and complexity of trade movements and transactions.
Over the last few decades, international trade has grown much more rapidly
compared to other indicators of development such as, for example, GDP (gross
domestic product), population or CO2 emissions (Kanemoto and Murray 2013 and
Fig. 8.1). The value of exports of goods and services is almost 300 times larger
today than it was in 1950 (35 times larger by volume; WTO 2013). On average,
exports make up 30 % of a countrys GDP (World Bank 2015). The value added
along global production chains (outside the country of completion) has steadily
increased since 1995, only briefly interrupted in 2008 due to the global financial
crisis (Los et al. 2015; Timmer et al. 2014). This trend is seen as a clear sign that
production has shifted from the regional to the global scale. The expansion of inter-
national trade has changed production and consumption patterns almost every-
where, with wide-ranging implications for economies, societies and the
Undoubtedly, globalisation and trade have helped to alleviate poverty and social
hardship in many countries. According to the World Resources Institute, over the
last 20 years Real incomes in low- and middle-income countries have doubled and
poverty rates have halved. Two billion people have gained access to improved drink-
ing water. Maternal mortality has dropped by nearly half, and the share of those who

Retrieved February 23, 2015 from
8 Impacts Embodied in Global Trade Flows 161

Fig. 8.1 World 200

merchandise exports (by Total
value and volume) and exports
gross domestic product 160 by value
19502012 (index 140
2005 = 100) (Data from Total
WTO 2013) 120 exports



are malnourished has fallen by a third (WRI 2014). At the same time, pressures on
the natural environment have increased tremendously: Every minute of every day
we have been losing the equivalent of 50 soccer fields of forest. Over one billion
people already face water scarcity, and this may triple by 2025. Climate change is
costing $700 billion per year, with the greatest impact on the poor (WRI 2014).
The sheer amount of goods shipped around the world is also unprecedented. Ten
billion tonnes (10 gigatons, Gt) of materials and products were shipped between
countries in 2005 (Dittrich and Bringezu 2010). And this figure includes only the
direct physical trade, i.e. actual shipment of materials and goods. As will be shown
later in this chapter, raw materials are also extracted and processed in order to enable
exports, even though they never leave the country. Adding these indirect material
flows or raw material equivalents to the actual physical trade resulted in a total
amount of 29 Gt of materials associated with trade flows between countries in 2008
(Wiedmann et al. 2015).
In addition to growing in scale, trade has become more complex and fragmented.
The production process of many products occurs in small stages in different coun-
tries, interlinked through complex global supply chain networks. Supply chains
have become longer, more fragmented and more complex. World merchandise
exports of intermediate and final products were almost identical in 1993 (78 % of
world GDP), but exports of intermediate exports have grown faster since and were
15 % of GDP in 2012, whilst exports of final goods only reached 11 % of GDP.
Longer and more fragmented supply chains also mean that places of production
and consumption are more separated and that it becomes more difficult to establish
the link between environmental impacts exerted by the production process and the
final destination of the product. In other words, the cradle-to-gate life cycle
becomes longer, more convoluted and more difficult to assess. Increasingly sophis-
ticated global models have had to be developed to evaluate impacts embodied in
global supply chains (Tukker and Dietzenbacher 2013; Wiedmann 2009; Wiedmann
et al. 2007, 2011).
162 T. Wiedmann

Most of the growth in trade value, volume and complexity occurred in the last
couple of decades only. According to Richard Baldwin, possibly the most influential
change over the last 20 years was the international movement of firm-specific know-
how (Baldwin 2013). Changes in both technology and legislation have made it eas-
ier for multinational companies to exchange knowledge and coordinate internal
processes, enabling them to quickly respond to changing demands and ramp up
production capacities in varying locations. Some large multinational companies,
such as Apple, Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch Shell or IBM, have market values that
are comparable or exceed the GDP of countries such as Belgium, Switzerland,
Sweden, Norway or Saudi Arabia. Therefore, with respect to international produc-
tion and consumption, national borders might not be as influential as they seem.

2 Impacts of Trade: New Insights from Recent Research

2.1 Taking a Consumption-Based Perspective: What Are

Impacts Embodied in Trade?

Two words in this question require further explanation: impacts and embodied.
The term impact is used here in a very wide sense, comprising both pressure and
impact indicators as defined by the causal DPSIR framework (Driving Forces-
Pressures-State-Impacts-Responses) that describes interactions between society
and the environment.2 Environmental pressures include the use of resources, such as
land, water or materials as well as the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) or pol-
lutants. In the stricter definition provided by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) stan-
dards (ISO 2006; Hellweg et al. 2014), environmental impacts represent the (actual
or potential) damage exerted by pressures, e.g. global warming, toxicity or biodiver-
sity loss. Especially in the context of international trade, the expression environ-
mental burden or load has been used as well as burden shifting (e.g. Giljum and
Eisenmenger 2008; Schtz et al. 2004; Zhang et al. 2013) or displacement of pres-
sures (e.g. Steen-Olsen et al. 2012) to describe the change of location where envi-
ronmental pressures or impacts occur when resources from other countries are used
indirectly through trade. For social and economic indicators, the distinction between
pressures and impacts is less well defined. For the sake of simplicity, the term
impact has been used for all indicators in this chapter (see also Table 8.1).
The word embodied describes indirect impacts that can be attributed to, are
associated with or are embedded in activities that are not directly linked to the
impacts. In the context of trade, consuming a product in one country can lead to
impacts in many other countries, depending on where the production and supply
chain processes occur that are required to produce the final consumer product. All

Retrieved February 23, 2015 from
8 Impacts Embodied in Global Trade Flows 163

these supply chain impacts are said to be embodied in the product, even if there is
no direct physical connection. This may be exemplified best in the context of water
use, where the term virtual has been used widely (e.g. Chen and Chen 2013; Dalin
et al. 2012; Orlowsky et al. 2014). The virtual water is not actually physically
embodied in a traded product yet the term embodied is widely used in the litera-
ture to describe indirect impacts. Another expression introduced by Lenzen et al.
2012 is the word implicated which was used by the authors to indicate a connec-
tion between consumption in one country and threat to species in other countries,
even though it would be difficult to prove a direct causal relationship between the
two (a point also made with respect to CO2 emissions embodied in trade, see Jakob
and Marschinski 2013). The term implicated is again used in Alsamawi et al.
2014b to indicate the inequality associated with the trade of commodities between
As an overarching model of evaluating the embodied impacts of consumption,
the concept of environmental footprints has been used widely (Hoekstra and
Wiedmann 2014). Applied at the country level, a nations total footprint is calcu-
lated as follows:
Territorial impacts
+ impacts embodied in imports
impacts embodied in exports
= national footprint
The footprint takes a consumption perspective, in most cases equivalent to a
cradle-to-shelf perspective in LCA. Evaluating footprints has therefore also been
referred to as consumption-based accounting (CBA), in particular in the context of
accounting for national GHG emissions and resource use (Barrett et al. 2013;
Kander et al. 2015; Peters 2008). Countries can use CBA to measure both their
impact as well as their dependence on foreign economies and environments. It is
well known that impacts have increasingly been shifted abroad (Table 8.1). The
consumption view provided by national footprints offers consumer information and
policy options for the mitigation of emissions and resource use that are complemen-
tary to measures based on territorial accounting (Andrew et al. 2013; Barrett et al.
2013). Both perspectives,3 the production (territorial) and the consumption perspec-
tive, provide important insights into the sources and drivers of impacts, and both
have their pros and cons. The production perspective is easier to implement, refers
to environmental pressures at the source and is widely accepted as an accounting
method for national GHG emissions (UNFCCC). However, it does not account for
burden shifting or carbon leakage, both of which can occur if domestic production
is moved abroad. CBA, on the other hand, adds back embodied impacts in imports
to the national balance sheet and correctly accounts for impacts of total national

A third perspective, named income-based (or downstream) responsibility, was introduced by
Marques et al. (2012). This allows for calculating carbon emissions occurring abroad associated
with the trade from which a region or country derives its income (also called enabled emissions)
(Marques et al. 2013).
164 T. Wiedmann

consumption. CBA is more difficult to measure and implement though, and impacts
occurring in foreign jurisdictions are hard if not impossible to influence or control
(Jakob et al. 2014). Furthermore, CBA provides no incentive for countries to pro-
duce clean exports (since impacts embodied in exports are subtracted). It has been
suggested recently to address this drawback by using the world-average carbon
intensity for exporting industries, rather than the domestic average, when calculat-
ing export-related emissions (Kander et al. 2015). Doing so rewards countries that
produce export commodities that are cleaner than their counterparts on the world

2.2 Recent Research on Environmental, Social and Economic

Impacts Embodied in International Trade
2.2.1 Scope and Scale of Embodied Impacts

Numerous studies have been conducted in the last few years to shed light on the
question how trade influences the use and distribution of natural, social and eco-
nomic capital. Table 8.1 summarises some high-level results, in particular the frac-
tion of total global impact that can be attributed to international trade as well as the
major bilateral embodied trade flows. Note that these values depend on the number
of countries or regions used in the various calculation models. As a general rule, the
finer the spatial resolution of the model, the higher the international trade flows, and
the lower the intra-regional trade movements. Where possible, individual countries
were identified as main traders in Table 8.1.
At least a fifth and up to 64 % of global environmental impacts can be linked to
trade (for all references refer to Table 8.1). Greenhouse gas emissions are the best-
studied indicator. About one quarter of all global CO2 emissions are linked to the
production of goods and services that are exported and used to satisfy demand in
countries other than the country where the emissions occur. One study suggests that
the fraction of CO2 embodied in trade could be as high as a third of global emis-
sions. And if the trade of fossil fuels is taken into account, then the amount of dis-
located CO2 emissions from the point of extraction to the point of final consumption
is 37 % or more than 10 Gt of CO2. According to Meng et al. (2015), the median
export share of a countrys territorial emissions was 29 % in 2007, and emissions
embodied in imports made up almost half of the carbon footprints of countries
(median 49 %). The largest bilateral flows of embodied CO2 emissions with well
over 1 Gt of CO2 are from China to the USA. This finding is not surprising given the
large volumes of exports from China and imports to the USA and the fact that
Chinas production system is very carbon intensive (Minx et al. 2011). The EU is
also a large importer of GHG emissions from Asia (0.8 Gt CO2e). When accounting
for international CO2 emissions embodied in investments (instead of total final
demand), China also emerges as the main exporter of investment-embodied emis-
sions and Western Europe and North America as the main importers.

Table 8.1 Global studies quantifying environmental, social and economic impacts embodied in international trade
Largest exporter (i), largest
Fraction of total global importer (ii), largest bilateral
impact embodied in trade trade flow (iii), gross flows, not
Impact (absolute amount, year) net flowsa Method (name of database/model) References
CO2 embodied in (a) 23 % (6.2 Gt CO2, 2004) (a) (i) China (1.43 Gt CO2) (a) MRIO analysis (GTAP) (a) Davis and Caldeira
traded products (ii) USA (1.22 Gt CO2) (2010)
(iii) From China to USA (395 Mt
(b) 23 % (6.4 Gt CO2, 2004) (b) (i) China (1.24 Gt CO2, (b) MRIO analysis (GTAP) (b) Davis et al. (2011)
(ii) USA (1.22 Gt CO2)
(c) 22 % (1.7 Gt C = 6.1 Gt (c) n.p.b (c) Synthesis of MRIO-based studies (c) Peters et al. (2012)
CO2, 2004)
Impacts Embodied in Global Trade Flows

(d) 25 % (7.5 Gt CO2, 2006) (d) (iii) From Canada to USA (d) EEBTc analysis with life cycle (d) Sato (2014)
(195 Mt CO2) inventory factors for carbon intensity of
(e) n.p. (6.9 GtCO2, 2007) (e) n.p. (e) MRIO analysis (GTAP) (e) Andrew et al. (2013)
(f) 33 % (8.3 Gt CO2, 2007) (f) n.p. (f) MRIO analysis (WIOD) (f) Xu and Dietzenbacher
(g) 26 % (7.8 Gt CO2 in (g) (iii) From China to USA (g) MRIO analysis (GTAP) using (g) Peters et al. (2011)
2008) (207 Mt CO2, average MRIO (global supply chains) and
19982008) EEBT (domestic supply chains)
CO2 emissions n.p. (i) Greater China (2.3 Gt CO2, Global Interregional Social Accounting Bergmann (2013)
embodied in 2004) Matrix (GTAP)
investments (ii) Western Europe (3.6 Gt CO2,
Table 8.1 (continued)

Largest exporter (i), largest

Fraction of total global importer (ii), largest bilateral
impact embodied in trade trade flow (iii), gross flows, not
Impact (absolute amount, year) net flowsa Method (name of database/model) References
CO2 emissions (a) 37 % (10.2 Gt CO2, 2004) (a) (i) Russia (1.47 Gt CO2, (a) MRIO analysis (GTAP) (a) Davis et al. (2011)
from traded fossil 2004)
fuels (ii) USA (2.08 Gt CO2)
(b) n.p. (10.8 Gt CO2 in (b) n.p. b) MRIO analysis (GTAP) b) Andrew et al. (2013)
GHG emissions (a) 23 % (8.7 Gt CO2e, 2007) (a) (iii) From Asia to EU (0.79 (a) MRIO analysis (EXIOBASE) (a) Tukker et al. (2014)
(CO2, CH4, N2O) Gt CO2e)
(b) 27 % (10.4 Gt CO2e, (b) (i) China (2.9 Gt CO2e) (b) MRIO analysis (WIOD) (b) Arto et al. (2012)
2008) (ii) USA (1.8 Gt CO2e)
Water (a) 26 % (2,320 Gm3, (a) (i) USA (314 Gm3y) (a) Water Footprint Network method (a) (Hoekstra and
19962005) (ii) USA (234 Gm3y) (Hoekstra et al. 2011) Mekonnen (2012);
(iii) From USA to Mexico
(b) 24 % (1900 Gm3, 2000) (b) (i) USA (180 Gm3) (b) MRIO analysis (Eora) (b) Lenzen et al. (2013)
(ii) USA (300 Gm3)
(iii) From USA to Mexico (34.2
(c) 30 % (2004) (c) (i) China (204 Gm3) (c) MRIO (GTAP) (c) Chen and Chen (2013)
(ii) USA (178 Gm3)
(d) 22 % (2651 Gm3, 2008) (d) (i) China (472 Gm3) (d) MRIO analysis (WIOD) (d) Arto et al. (2012)
(ii) USA (427 Gm3)
Scarce water (32 % (480 Gm3, 2000) (i) India (30 Gm3), MRIO analysis (Eora) Lenzen et al. (2013)
(ii) USA (45 Gm3)
(iii) From Pakistan to USA (7.9
T. Wiedmann
Largest exporter (i), largest
Fraction of total global importer (ii), largest bilateral
impact embodied in trade trade flow (iii), gross flows, not
Impact (absolute amount, year) net flowsa Method (name of database/model) References

Land (a) 24 % (1800 Mgha, 2004) (a)( i) China (218 Mgha) (a) MRIO analysis (GTAP) (a) Weinzettel et al.
(biologically productive land (ii) USA (326 Mgha) (2013)
area) (iii) From China to USA (59
(b) n.p. (b) (i) Russia (258 Mha) (b) MRIO analysis (GTAP) (b) Yu et al. (2013)
(ii) USA (198 Mha)
(iii) From Russia to China (64
(c) 23 % (1660 Mha, 2008) (c) (i) China (160 Mha) (c) MRIO analysis (WIOD) (c) Arto et al. (2012)
(ii) USA (260 Mha)
Cropland 20 % (271 Mha, 2008) (i) USA (37 Mha, 2009) Analysis of bilateral trade data Kastner et al. (2014a)
(ii) China (34 Mha, 2009) (MRIO (FAOSTAT)
analysis suggests that China is a
Impacts Embodied in Global Trade Flows

major exporter Kastner et al.,

(iii) North America to East Asia
(18 Mha)
Threatened 30 % (7500 species threats, (i) Indonesia (238 species MRIO analysis (Eora) Lenzen et al. (2012)
species 2009) threats)
(ii) USA (1262)
(iii) Papua New Guinea to Japan
Energy 35 % (n.p., 2007) (i) Russia (23 PJ) MRIO analysis (EXIOBASE) Simas et al. (2015)
(ii) USA (25 PJ)

Table 8.1 (continued)

Largest exporter (i), largest
Fraction of total global importer (ii), largest bilateral
impact embodied in trade trade flow (iii), gross flows, not
Impact (absolute amount, year) net flowsa Method (name of database/model) References
Raw materials (a) 26 % (15 Gt, 2005) (a) n.p. for countries (a) IOT and bilateral trade analysis (a) Bruckner et al. (2012)
(i) OECD LD (5.5 Gt) (GRAM/OECD)
(ii) OECD HD (9.9 Gt)
(b) 34 % (22 Gt, 2007) (b)( i) China (3.9 Gt) (b) MRIO analysis (GTAP, (b) Giljum et al. (2014)
(ii) USA (3.5 Gt)
(c) 24 % (16 Gt, 2008) (c) (i) China (2.6 Gt) (c) MRIO analysis (WIOD) (c) Arto et al. (2012)
(ii) USA (2.8 Gt)
(d) 41 % (29 Gt, 2008) (d) (i) India (0.5 Gt biomass) (d) MRIO analysis (Eora) (d) Wiedmann et al.
China (5.2 Gt construction (2015)
Russia (1.2 Gt fossil fuels)
Chile (0.7 Gt metal ores)
(ii) USA (0.8 Gt biomass
USA (2.1 Gt construction
USA (1.3 Gt fossil fuels)
USA (0.7 Gt metal ores)
Metal ores 62 % for iron ore (1,380 Mt, (i) Brazil (315 Mt iron ore), MRIO analysis (Eora) Wiedmann et al. (2014)
2008) Australia (44 Mt bauxite)
64 % for bauxite (136 Mt, (ii) China (350 Mt iron ore),
2008) USA (24 Mt bauxite)
T. Wiedmann
Largest exporter (i), largest
Fraction of total global importer (ii), largest bilateral
impact embodied in trade trade flow (iii), gross flows, not

Impact (absolute amount, year) net flowsa Method (name of database/model) References
Ozone precursors 28 % (109 Mt NMVOCe, (i) China (17.4 Mt NMVOCe) MRIO analysis (WIOD) Arto et al. (2012)
emissions 2008) (ii) USA (18.6 Mt NMVOCe)
CO, NOx)
Acid emissions 26 % (2.1 Mt H+e, 2008) (i) China (0.65 Mt H+e) MRIO analysis (WIOD) Arto et al. (2012)
(NH3, NOx, SOx) (ii) USA (0.35 Mt H+e)
(a) Labour (a) 18 % (560 million (a) (i) China (130 mpeq) (a) MRIO analysis (EXIOBASE) (a) Simas et al. (2015)
persons-year equivalents, (ii) USA (115 mpeq)
2007) (iii) China to USA (27 mFTE,
2010, Alsamawi et al. (2014a))
(b) Bad labour (b) 16 % for total labour, 15 (b) (i) The APAC region is the (b) MRIO analysis (EXIOBASE) (b) Simas et al. (2014)
% for low-skilled labour, 17 largest exporter of all forms of
% for forced labour, 18 % (bad) labour, except for child
Impacts Embodied in Global Trade Flows

for occupational health labour and hazardous child

damage, 19 % for child labour for which Africa is the
labour, 19 % for vulnerable largest exporter
employment, 20 % for (ii) n.p.
hazardous child labour and (iii) APAC to Europe for all forms
38 % for labour by women of (bad) labour, except for child
(all numbers for trade labour and hazardous child labour
between seven world regions) for which Africa to Europe is the
largest flow
Wages n.p. (iii) USA to Japan (112 US$bn, MRIO analysis (Eora) Alsamawi et al. (2014a)
Same year as fraction unless otherwise stated
n.p. not provided
EEBT emissions embodied in bilateral trade
170 T. Wiedmann

Virtual water embodied in trade makes up between 22 and 30 % of total global

water use, with the USA taking on a dual role of both largest exporter and importer
of virtual water (though some studies suggest that China is the main exporter).
When adjusting water use numbers with a factor for its scarcity in regions and coun-
tries of extraction, almost one third (32 %) of this scarce water is associated with
trade. India is the largest exporter of scarce water, the USA its largest importer.
Comparable numbers for the share of total impact embodied in trade are reported
for other environmental indicators: 2024 % for land use, 30 % for threatened spe-
cies and 35 % for energy. Even higher is the share for raw materials: 41 % of all raw
materials (biomass, fossil fuels, construction materials, minerals and metal ores) are
extracted worldwide only in order to enable the export of goods and services from
the country of extraction. And for metal ores the majority of extraction occurs due
to export activities: 62 % of the global iron ore extraction and 64 % of the global
bauxite mined are associated with trade. On average, only about one third of all raw
materials actually leave the country of origin on a cargo ship, truck or plane. The
rest are process wastes and auxiliary material flows that, whilst remaining near
extraction sites, can still be attributed to the material footprint of other countries that
import goods and services for their final consumption.
For most environmental impacts the direction of burden shifting (see Sect. 2.1) is
from developed countries to developing countries, but not for all. An indirect threat
to species through trade is experienced in countries such as Papua New Guinea,
Madagascar or Indonesia, whereas air pollution and GHG emissions embodied in
exports occur mostly in China. Russia exports embodied energy and emissions from
traded fossil fuels as well as land. For the virtual use of land through trade, there are
mixed results, depending on the type of land and on the characteristics of the model
used for the analysis. In addition to Russia as the largest exporter of embodied land,
China has been identified as exporting the most biologically productive land area
and the USA as exporting the most cropland. Resource-rich countries that physi-
cally export large quantities of raw materials are also amongst the top exporters of
embodied materials, e.g. India for biomass, Russia for fossil fuels, Chile for metal
ores in general and more specifically Brazil for iron ore and Australia for bauxite.
China virtually exports 39 % of all construction materials extracted worldwide (5.2
Gt of 13.3 Gt). Again, most of this material is not physically shipped abroad but
used domestically in China to build up infrastructure for a highly export-oriented
A strong driver of globalisation has been the move of production to places where
wages and therefore total production costs are relatively low (Timmer et al. 2014).
A large workforce in developing low-wage countries is employed to manufacture
goods for exports, mostly to the developed world. Often working conditions are
poor, and workers have low skills or are exposed to health and safety hazards.
Sometimes children and other vulnerable persons are forced to work. Women often
experience more detrimental conditions than men.
Industrial ecology research entered a new field when several studies were pub-
lished in 2014 that investigated the labour footprint of nations and the role of trade
in employment conditions of exporting countries. On average, about 1618 % of all
8 Impacts Embodied in Global Trade Flows 171

labour in the world is embodied in trade (between seven world regions the num-
bers would be higher when considering trade between all countries). Some forms of
damaging labour conditions seem to be supported by trade, e.g. 20 % of all hazard-
ous child labour is for exports. And 38 % of all work done by women became
embodied in international trade. Asia is the largest exporting region of all forms of
(bad) labour, except for child labour and hazardous child labour for which Africa is
the largest exporter (Simas et al. 2014).
Wages on the other hand are highest in the developed world, and therefore trade
flows of embodied wages take different paths to those for labour. The highest flows
of wages embodied in exports are between developed countries, mostly from the
USA to Japan (and backwards), Canada and Europe, but also to China.
The flow of money in trade has been studied extensively for a long time, but
recently researchers have used newly available multi-region input-output (MRIO)
models to study specific economic aspects of trade, such as fragmentation or value
added (VA) in trade. Trade statistics are normally based on gross export values, thus
double counting the VA along global supply/value chains (Kelly and La Cava 2013).
Interest has therefore grown in VA as a trade commodity that can become embod-
ied in international trade flows, and methodological frameworks have been devel-
oped accordingly (e.g. Koopman et al. 2014). One study found that the foreign VA
content of exports from Luxembourg was 61 % in 2011 (Foster-McGregor and
Stehrer 2013). Interestingly, there seems to be a trend towards value being added by
capital and high-skilled labour and away from less-skilled labour (Timmer et al.
2014). The capital share in the VA of emerging economies is rising, whilst the share
of low-skilled labour in their VA is declining.
Meng et al. (2015) synchronously evaluate VA and CO2 emissions in global
trade. Their detailed analysis confirms the increasing fragmentation of international
trade. They find that more than half (ca. 60 %) of Chinas emissions attributable to
foreign final demand are embodied in the trade of intermediate goods (ca. 40 % of
export emissions are embodied in the trade of final goods). Whether a countrys
emissions become embodied in the trade of final or intermediate goods depends on
its position in the global value chain. Meng et al. (2015) demonstrate how CO2
emissions from Polands metal industry are associated with final demand in the
USA: 90 % of these emissions are embodied in intermediate good trade (roughly
half of which are traded directly between Poland and the USA, and the other half is
traded by way of third countries).

2.2.2 Trends of Impacts Embodied in Trade

The results in Table 8.1 show clearly that trade is associated with a significant dis-
location of environmental, social and economic factors, thus further separating
impacts of production (both negative and positive) in one place from consumption
elsewhere. Forty per cent of the national carbon footprint of the UK is exerted
abroad (Hertwich and Peters 2009) and 75 % of its national water footprint (Hoekstra
and Mekonnen 2012). The numbers presented in Table 8.1 are the latest available,
172 T. Wiedmann

but there has been a strongly increasing trend for the last few decades. For
Land for the export production of crops grew rapidly by +2.1 % per year between
1986 and 2009 (Kastner et al. 2014a). At the same time, land supplying crops for
direct domestic use remained almost unchanged.
Flows of materials embodied in international trade are reported to have increased
by 62 % between 1997 and 2007 (Giljum et al. 2014) and by 123 % between
1990 and 2008 (Wiedmann et al. 2015).
Global trade in embodied iron ore has grown faster than its extraction, by a factor
of 2.7 between 1990 and 2008 (Wiedmann et al. 2014). Trade of embodied baux-
ite has grown by a factor of 2.4.
From 1995 to 2007 total global CO2 emissions from production have increased
by 32 %, whereas global emissions embodied in trade have increased by 80 % in
the same period (from 4.6 Gt or 24 % of global production emissions to 8.3 Gt or
33 %) (Xu and Dietzenbacher 2014).
In the most comprehensive study, Arto et al. 2012 present the trend of impacts
embodied in trade from 1995 to 2008 for the following indicators: land +3.0
Mkm2 (+22 %); raw materials +7.3 Gt (+80 %); blue, green and grey water +1.2
PL (+88 %); acid emissions +734 kt H+e (+54 %); GHG emissions +4.7 Gt CO2e
(+83 %); and ozone precursors emissions +55.3 Mt NMVOCe (+103 %).
These examples show impressively how rapidly impacts associated with trade
have grown in little more than 20 years, given that total global impacts have grown
much slower (land +2 %, raw materials +43 %, water +37 %, acid emissions +12 %,
GHG emissions +29 %, ozone precursors emissions +11 %; Arto et al. 2012).

3 Notes on Methodological Developments

This section briefly addresses some of the current issues surrounding the methods
used to quantify impacts associated with trade. The list of topics discussed is not
exhaustive but merely presents some of the highlights discussed in the literature and
the industrial ecology community.

3.1 Merging of Disciplines

The analysis of social and economic indicators in the same way as for environmen-
tal issues namely, from the viewpoint of trade embodiments and by using MRIO
analysis is a new and encouraging trend. It goes hand in hand with a similar devel-
opment in life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) where social LCA increas-
ingly complements the more traditional environmental impact and life cycle costing
assessments (Kloepffer 2008; Parent et al. 2013).
8 Impacts Embodied in Global Trade Flows 173

Embracing and merging of data, metrics and methods from different disciplines is
needed to address the fundamental questions of how a transition to sustainability can
be achieved. Industrial ecology research greatly benefits from such an extension of
its portfolio. After all, humans are part of the ecology of industrial systems. Issues
such as income inequality are of concern to both social and ecological sustainability
(Alsamawi et al. 2014b). It is therefore important that socio-economic issues such as
employment, wages, income inequality, occupational health, bad labour conditions,
slavery, war casualties, etc. are monitored alongside environmental indicators.
It is to be hoped that the joint analysis of data from different fields supports a
similar cooperation across different disciplines. The complexity of the sustainabil-
ity challenge requires inter- and transdisciplinary solutions.

3.2 Assessing Actual Impacts and Their Unsustainability

As mentioned previously, most of the indicators described in this chapter represent

pressures rather than impacts in the strict sense defined by LCA. Most footprint
indicators (and consumption-based accounting studies) are designed to portray indi-
rect pressures (Hoekstra and Wiedmann 2014), but there are recent attempts to
introduce (environmental) impact assessment in footprint analysis.
This is perhaps most prominently the case for water footprinting where it has
been argued that the scarcity of water needs to be incorporated into the metric
(Chenoweth et al. 2014; ISO 2014; Kounina et al. 2013; Ridoutt and Pfister 2010).
Some recent studies related to trade weight water use with data on water scarcity
(e.g. Lenzen et al. 2013; Orlowsky et al. 2014).
A similar case can be made for the material footprint which sums up the mass of
different raw materials into one number, thus reflecting an unweighted physical
measure of pressure and potential impact (Wiedmann et al. 2015). Weighting
according to actual environmental impacts has not been tried yet and is difficult,
because different materials have different impacts, one material may have several
impacts and characterisation data and models for localised impacts are not yet well
developed. However, preliminary attempts of weighting resource footprints based
on resource depletion have been presented (Fang and Heijungs 2014a).
Yet, there remains value in reporting footprints based on pressures alone. The
pure mass or volume of resource use is practical information that relates to physical
reality, i.e. how much actually is flowing. It allows, for example, to address questions
of allocation of limited supplies or security of supply and sustainability of overall
production and consumption. The ultimate goal of footprint accounting in general
(and the assessment of impacts embodied in trade specifically) should be an evalua-
tion of whether or not particular activities are sustainable (Fang and Heijungs 2014b).
Environmental footprints measure human appropriation of natural resources and
need to be interpreted in the context of maximum sustainable levels at the local and
the global scale (Hoekstra and Wiedmann 2014). Exactly how high the sustainable
thresholds of earth systems are is the subject of intense research (Steffen et al. 2015).
174 T. Wiedmann

3.3 Addressing Uncertainty in MRIO Modelling

Currently the only tool to unravel the intricacies of international supply chains is
MRIO modelling. The remarkable development in MRIO databases (Tukker and
Dietzenbacher 2013; Wiedmann et al. 2011) has been accompanied by an equally
impressive number of publications studying the impacts of globalisation and trade.
Some studies have begun comparing the results obtained from different models,
finding reasonable agreement as well as significant discrepancies for certain indict-
ors (e.g. Peters et al. 2012 for CO2 emissions and Wiedmann et al. 2015 and Schoer
et al. 2013 for raw materials).
An important observation was made by Peters et al. (2012) in a pioneering com-
parative study: differences in consumption-based, embodied CO2 emissions from
different models were mostly due to the use of different territorial emission data and
different definitions for allocating emissions to international trade. When adjusting
for these issues, results were robust and in reasonable agreement. Larger discrepan-
cies occur when different approaches are used for the calculations. Kastner et al.
(2014b) find contradictory results for Chinas trade in embodied cropland when
using physical instead of monetary input-output data. And Schoer et al. (2013)
explore the differences of employing life cycle inventory data versus MRIO model-
ling for raw material equivalents embodied in EU27 imports.
A special issue of Economic Systems Research 2014 (26/3) was devoted to the
question of uncertainty in MRIO analysis (Inomata and Owen 2014). Insights
gained included the finding that the trade matrix structure (Leontief Inverse) is one
major determinant of differences (Owen et al. 2014), likely due to assumptions
made during its construction.
Further work remains to be done to improve the accuracy of MRIO models and
to increase confidence in their results. This should include an increase in resolution,
the use of specific process data in mixed units and hybrid LCA models and regular
inter-comparison studies.

4 Is Trade Good or Bad? Some Final Thoughts

Is trade good or bad for sustainability? To answer this question conclusively would
require comparing the status quo with the counterfactual of a world without trade.
Alas, no one knows what this world would look like. It is easy enough to switch
off trade in models and to assume that the final demand is met by domestic produc-
tion alone. But would final demand be the same? Would countries without trade
consume the same amount of the same products? Most likely not. Many countries
would certainly not be able to produce the products they import. What is clear, from
the facts presented in the introduction, is that trade has been a strong driver of eco-
nomic growth around the world. Had trade not happened, the GDP of all countries
would very likely be much lower than it is today. Trade has also undoubtedly
8 Impacts Embodied in Global Trade Flows 175

enabled and reinforced an increased exploitation of resources. Was it not for trade,
many well-endowed countries would have extracted less materials for their own
Some studies have tried to quantify the effects of trade on GHG emissions. Using
the domestic production assumption, Lpez et al. (2013a) found that 1.1 Gt CO2
were avoided trough trade between seven world regions in 2009, representing a
reduction of 18 % of embodied emissions embodied in trade or 4.4 % of global
production emissions. But according to Arto and Dietzenbacher (2014), the increase
in trade at the global level and associated embodied emissions between 1995 and
2008 had little effect on total global GHG emissions. This was because Although
domestically produced goods have been substituted by imports, the production
abroad was on average as emission intensive as the production at home (Arto and
Dietzenbacher 2014, p. 5393).
For individual countries, the balance can be positive or negative, depending on
the relative carbon intensity of their domestic production compared to the main
trading partners. Trade between Spain and China, for example, is said to have
increased global emissions by 30 Mt CO2 in 2005 (Lpez et al. 2013b). Arto et al.
(2014), on the other hand, assert that overall Spain has been avoiding emissions
through trade between 1995 and 2007.4
Undoubtedly, trade has had many economic and social benefits. Yet the eco-
nomic growth spurred by trade has led to a corresponding rapid growth in physical
activity with more raw material extractions, more throughput and more consump-
tion in material terms. Any gains in efficiency achieved through technological
advances were offset by this strong growth in demand. And even if domestic activi-
ties are strictly regulated as, e.g. is the case for air pollution in western countries
global impacts are likely to rise further if policies do not address the issue of impacts
embodied in trade. Kanemoto et al. (2014) have shown that emissions of air pollut-
ants (SO2 and NOx) have been rising rapidly in developing countries, where regula-
tion is missing or patchy. Parts of these emissions are embodied in exports to
developing countries. In general, exports from developing and low-income nations
are more ecologically intensive for GHG emissions, water, scarcity-weighted water,
air pollution, threatened species, biomass, total material flow and ecological foot-
print than those from developed nations (Moran et al. 2013). This has been con-
firmed for SO2 by Grether and Mathys (2013) who argue that trade imbalances tend
to aggravate, rather than alleviate existing asymmetries in pollution intensities.
Policies aimed at increasing the sustainability of production and consumption
need to go beyond domestic regulation and also target production technologies
employed abroad. International cooperation on reducing trade-embodied and total
impacts worldwide is the only way to tackle unsustainability at the national scale.

Arto et al. (2014) estimated the net emissions avoided (NEA) by Spain through trade between
1995 and 2007 and found that a domestic technology assumption (DTA) based on physical values
results in a three times higher estimate of NEA than a DTA based on monetary values. See also
Tukker et al. (2013) for a discussion on how the DTA effects the estimation of CO2 emissions
embodied in imports to Europe.
176 T. Wiedmann

Sato (2014) found that the lions share of global carbon emissions embodied in trade
is concentrated in a relatively small number of product categories of traded goods
(amongst the top ten in 2006 were motor spirit (gasoline/petrol), steel, aluminium,
motor vehicles, ships/boats and Portland cement). This suggests that focusing trade
and mitigation policies on these products may be an effective strategy to tackle at
least the pressing issue of global warming.

Acknowledgements I thank Angela Druckman and Roland Clift from the University of Surrey,
UK, for the invitation to contribute this chapter and for their helpful comments.

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.


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Chapter 9
Understanding Households as Drivers
of Carbon Emissions

Angela Druckman and Tim Jackson

Abstract Households are accountable for nearly three quarters of global carbon
emissions and thus understanding the drivers of these emissions is important if we
are to make progress towards a low carbon future. This chapter starts by explaining
the importance of using an appropriate consumption perspective accounting frame-
work for assessing the carbon footprint of households. This contrasts from the more
commonly used production perspective, as, for many Western countries in particu-
lar, once responsibility for emissions embedded in imported goods and services are
taken into account, consumption emissions are often higher than production
The chapter then reviews findings concerning the determinants and composition
of the carbon footprint of households, focusing on Western countries. One of the
main determinants is income, with carbon footprints increasing with increasing
incomes. However, other drivers, such as household size and composition, rural/
urban location, diet and type of energy supply, also play a part. Studies show that the
majority of an average carbon footprint arises from three domains: transportation,
housing and food. Further analyses aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of the
motivations behind the activities driving emissions, in particular those due to trans-
portation and housing, show that recreation and leisure pursuits are responsible for
a substantial portion of average carbon footprints. Studies indicate, for example,
that activities such as spending time with friends and family in and around the
home, which are generally low carbon and also enhance well-being, should be
encouraged alongside the more mainstream strategies of improving systems of pro-
vision of energy, food, housing and transportation.
The finding that income is one of the principal drivers of carbon emissions is a
challenging and important issue to address, as, for instance, incomes are arguably
the driver of the rebound effect a phenomenon that confounds attempts to reduce
carbon footprints, making reducing emissions more of an uphill task than often
acknowledged. This challenge leads us to a wider, whole-systems approach in
which we view households as an integral part of the system of production and

A. Druckman (*) T. Jackson

Centre for Environmental Strategy, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH, UK

The Author(s) 2016 181

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7_9
182 A. Druckman and T. Jackson

In summary, industrial ecology, with its wide ranging systems approach as shown
in this chapter, has a great deal to contribute to the quest to devise strategies to move
towards lower carbon, fulfilling lifestyles.

Keywords Carbon footprint Consumption-based accounting Environmental

input-output analysis Household carbon-footprint Personal carbon-footprint
Rebound effect Time use Work-time reductions

1 Introduction

Adam Smith stated that consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production
(Smith 1904) thus putting consumption firmly in the field of industrial ecology. In
this chapter we specifically focus on the carbon emissions caused by household
consumption, as these have been estimated to be accountable for around 72 % of
carbon emissions on a global basis (Hertwich and Peters 2009; Wilson et al. 2013).
Thus the study of households1 and how the environmental impacts for which they
are responsible may be reduced is key to achieving a low carbon future.
Accordingly, in this chapter, we first examine the accounting perspective required
to scrutinise the carbon emissions for which household consumption is responsible
(Sect. 2). Section 3 reviews the evidence concerning the determinants of household
carbon missions. In Sect. 4, we introduce the rebound effect a phenomenon that
confounds attempts to reduce carbon footprints, making reducing emissions more
of an uphill task than often acknowledged. In the final section (Sect. 5), we broaden
the focus to look at households in the wider context of systems of production and
consumption, and possibilities of win-win solutions that offer potential to reduce
carbon while at the same time enhancing well-being.
Household consumption is a wide ranging topic and inevitably there are many
limitations to this chapter. One of these is that we focus here on consumption by
Western households. A second is that we do not review the prolific literature on the
driving forces behind household consumption or the ways that household consump-
tion may be reduced.2 And a third limitation is our focus on carbon emissions.
However carbon is defined (see Sect. 2), use of carbon emissions as a single indica-
tor can lead to policies that, while beneficial in terms of reducing global warming,
may lead to unexpected and unintended detrimental consequences in terms of other
environmental impacts. For example, Benders et al. (2012) analysed five environ-
mental impact categories: global warming potential, acidification, eutrophication,

We focus here on household carbon footprints as much of the consumption that gives rise to car-
bon emissions, such as energy use for space heating, arises at a household level. Estimation of per
capita (personal) carbon footprints requires division by the number of people in a household with
appropriate apportioning to children. Apportioning to children is generally done using equivalence
scales (OECD 2015).
For an overview of these literatures see Jackson (2005, 2006, 2009).
9 Understanding Households as Drivers of Carbon Emissions 183

summer smog and land use. Combined analysis of the five impact categories found
that food has the largest environmental impact,3 whereas analysis of greenhouse gas
emissions alone indicated that housing has the largest impact. Nevertheless, climate
change caused by anthropogenic carbon emissions is currently accepted as the most
urgent environmental threat (IPCC 2014) and is thus considered a useful indicator
for the focus of this chapter.

2 Consumption Accounting and Carbon Footprinting

In this Section, we first set out the importance of the type of accounting framework
used for exploring household carbon footprints, and explain how this is different
from the default framework normally applied by governments in assessing their
emissions and in international treaties. The framework is best introduced by posing
the question: to what extent should Western consumers take responsibility for the
things they buy? If, say, a UK consumer purchases a TV manufactured in China,
which nation should take responsibility for the emissions incurred during its manu-
facture? This dilemma illustrates two different accounting approaches that must be
untangled as we strive to devise strategies for a more sustainable future. According
to accounting by the production perspective, China should take responsibility as the
emissions arose on Chinese territory. This is the approach used in the Kyoto Protocol
and is the most commonly used accounting approach (Bows and Barrett 2010;
Wiedmann 2009). An alternative is the consumption perspective. According to this
perspective, the UK should take responsibility, as export to the UK was the driving
force motivating production, and a UK consumer is the primary beneficiary of the
final product (Druckman et al. 2008; Peters and Hertwich 2008a; Peters et al. 2011;
Lenzen 2008; Lenzen et al. 2007; Jackson et al. 2006).
The accounting perspective used is particularly important because accounting
according to the production perspective shows that many Western economies are
successfully reducing their carbon emissions. However, when the consumption per-
spective is used for accounting, not only are carbon emissions often found to be
higher than compared to the production accounts, but they also tend to exhibit a
rising trend (CCC 2013; Baiocchi and Minx 2010; Ahmad and Wyckoff 2003;
Peters and Hertwich 2006a; Baiocchi et al. 2010). The reason for the differences
shown between the two accounting perspectives is the quantity of carbon emissions
embedded in trade, which is the subject of Wiedmans chapter (Chap. 8) in this
book. An example of the importance of the carbon embedded in trade is given by Li
and Hewitt (2008) who found that, through trade with China, the UK reduced its
production based carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 11 % in 2004, com-
pared with a non-trade scenario in which the same type and volume of goods are
produced in the UK.

They analysed 12 COICOP domains: Food, alcohol & tobacco, clothing, housing, furniture,
health, transport, communication, recreation, education, restaurants, others.
184 A. Druckman and T. Jackson

Table 9.1 Recent definitions of a carbon footprint

The carbon footprint is a measure of the exclusive total amount of carbon dioxide emissions
that is directly and indirectly caused by an activity or is accumulated over the life stages of a
product (Wiedmann and Minx 2007: 4)
A carbon footprint is equal to the greenhouse gas emissions generated by a person, organization
or product (Johnson 2008: 1569)
A measure of the total amount of CO2 and CH4 emissions of a defined population, system or
activity considering all relevant sources, sinks and storage within the spatial and temporary
boundary of the population, system or activity of interest. Calculated as CO2e using the relevant
100-year global warming (GWP100) (Wright et al. 2011: 69)
Climate footprint: A measure of the total amount of CO2, CH4, nitrous oxide,
hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride emissions of a defined population,
system or activity considering all relevant sources, sinks and storage within the spatial and
temporal boundary of the population, system or activity of interest. Calculated as CO2
equivalents using the relevant 100-year global warming potential (Williams et al. 2012: 56)
A measure of the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by a single
endeavour or by a company, household, or individual through day-to-day activities over a
given period (Collins English Dictionary 2012)
Source: Birnik (2013: 281)

While many studies explore the carbon emissions embedded in trade,4 some stud-
ies focus specifically on the role of imported goods and services and their associated
emissions in the carbon footprints of households5 (Hertwich and Peters 2009; Lenzen
et al. 2006; Munksgaard et al. 2005; Nijdam et al. 2005; Peters and Hertwich 2006b).
Peters and Hertwich (2006a) put forward a general rule that countries with a high
proportion of imports and relatively clean electricity generation are likely to have a
significant proportion of their household carbon emissions attributed to imports.
This means that, due to the supply chain emissions embedded in imported goods,
households drive emissions in other countries as well as in their own country. For
example, Weber and Mathews (2008) found that nearly 30 % of the carbon dioxide
emitted to meet household demand in the US occurred outside the borders of the US.
Accounting according to the consumption perspective is commonly known as
footprinting: this is the approach adopted in this chapter, and in particular the
chapter is concerned with carbon footprinting. However, the definition of what is
included in a carbon footprint is contentious, as shown in Table 9.1. In this chapter

See for example: Davis and Caldeira (2010), Ahmad and Wyckoff (2003), Andrew et al. (2013),
Atkinson et al. (2011), Cave and Blomquist (2008), Hertwich and Peters (2009), Lin and Sun
(2010), Maenpaa and Siikavirta (2007), Munksgaard et al. (2005), Nakano et al. (2009), Peters and
Hertwich (2008b), Peters et al. (2011), Shui and Hariss (2006), Weber and Peters (2009) and
Knight and Schor (2014).
Consumption accounting attributes carbon emissions to the final demand of a country and is
based on the UN System of National Accounts. According to this system, final demand is com-
posed of government expenditure, capital investment, exports and household expenditure.
Although there is an argument that government expenditure should be re-allocated to households,
as government exists to serve households, it is generally kept as a separate category. A similar
argument relates to investment (Hertwich 2011). In consumption accounting exports are excluded
but imports are included.
9 Understanding Households as Drivers of Carbon Emissions 185

we take a relaxed approach to what we mean by carbon and include reviews of

studies that range from assessing carbon dioxide emissions only to those that take a
more comprehensive greenhouse gas approach. The main difference in results is
that emissions due to food make up a larger portion of the carbon footprint of a
household when the analysis is extended to a basket of greenhouse gases. What we
are more stringent about in this chapter is that we take a whole supply chain, life
cycle approach to assess the carbon emissions caused by households.
There are two basic categories of a household carbon footprint. First are direct
emissions that arise due to direct energy use in the home (such as gas for space and
water heating, and electricity for lighting and powering appliances and gadgets) and
due to burning personal transportation fuels (petrol and diesel). Second is embed-
ded emissions, such as those that arise during our example of the manufacture of a
TV made in China. Embedded emissions along supply chains (arising domestically
and abroad) account for the majority (around 6070 %) of the carbon footprints of
Western households (Druckman and Jackson 2010; Dey et al. 2003; Bin and
Dowlatabadi 2005; Baiocchi et al. 2010).6
Estimates of household carbon footprints are generally derived from expenditure
data. Carbon emissions arising from expenditure on transportation fuels and energy
use in the home are relatively easily estimated from information on prices, the car-
bon content of fuels and information from each countrys Environmental Accounts.
Estimation of carbon emissions embedded in other expenditures is harder and
requires information on the technologies used to manufacture all products and ser-
vices purchased, wherever in the world this may occur. This is generally done using
Environmentally Extended Input-Output Analysis (EE-IOA) (Hertwich 2011;
Munksgaard et al. 2005; Baiocchi et al. 2010; Weber and Matthews 2008; Weber
and Perrels 2000; Lenzen et al. 2004; Wiedmann 2009). EE-IOA is a top-down
methodology that combines information on the structure of the economy with envi-
ronmental data (see Miller and Blair (2009)). There are some notable exceptions to
this methodology. The first is hybrid analysis which combines process-based, bot-
tom-up Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with top down EE-IOA (Benders et al. 2012).
Another exception is the work by Girod and de Haan (2009, 2010) who use a bot-
tom-up LCA methodology only, based on physical functional units such as kg of
food, person kilometres and living square meters.

3 What Makes a Household Carbon Footprint?

In this section we first examine the major socio-economic drivers of household

footprints, we then explore the composition of average carbon footprints, and the
final sub-section examines carbon footprints from the perspective of time-use.

Estimates include 60 % for USA (Bin and Dowlatabadi 2005), 66 % and 70 % for the UK
(Druckman and Jackson 2010 and Baiocchi et al. 2010, respectively), and 70 % for Australia (Dey
et al. 2003).
186 A. Druckman and T. Jackson


GHG emissions (tCO2e/)







0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000
Total expenditure ()

Fig. 9.1 The relationship between household carbon footprints and total household expenditure
(2009) (Source: Chitnis et al. 2014, p. 21)

3.1 The Determinants of Household Carbon Footprints

One of the most important factors determining the carbon footprint of Western
households is household income,7 with (as illustrated in Fig. 9.1) household foot-
prints generally increasing with income (Wier et al. 2001; Dey et al. 2003; Weber
and Matthews 2008; Buchs and Schnepf 2013; Baiocchi et al. 2010; Gough et al.
2011; Kerkhof et al. 2009; Chitnis et al. 2014). As discussed by Baiocchi et al.
(2010) and Dey et al. (2003), this finding dispels the Kuznets curve theory accord-
ing to which, as nations become more developed, incomes rise and emissions are
hypothesized to fall.
Whereas the relationship between income and carbon footprint is strong, studies
have shown that as incomes increase consumers tend to shift their expenditures
away from carbon intensive necessities towards discretionary expenditures that
are generally less carbon intensive (Buchs and Schnepf 2013; Weber and Matthews
2008; Chitnis et al. 2014; Jones and Kammen 2011). For example, Fig. 9.2b shows
that lower income US households tend to incur a greater proportion of their carbon
emissions from necessities such as food and home energy, and in particular the
home energy emissions tend to arise from direct energy use (gas and electricity).
Additionally, Chitnis et al. (2014), in a study of UK households, showed that high
income households incur a higher proportion of their carbon due to Recreation and

Total household expenditure is often used as a proxy for income, as total household expenditure
is generally more accurately captured in surveys than income.
9 Understanding Households as Drivers of Carbon Emissions 187

Fig. 9.2 (a) Carbon footprints by income bracket and household size; (b) Carbon footprints by
category of emissions and income bracket for average household size of 2.5 persons (Source: Jones
and Kammen (2011), Fig. 2, p. 4090)

Culture than lower income households. Weber and Mathews (2008) also point out
that there tends to be a higher diversity in the carbon footprint of households with
higher incomes/total household expenditure.
Exceptions to the general pattern of low income households incurring a greater
proportion of their carbon emissions from direct energy use than upper income
households was found by Kerkhof et al. (2009) who compared four countries. While
they found this pattern for UK and The Netherlands, they found reverse trends in
188 A. Druckman and T. Jackson

Sweden and Norway and attributed this mainly to the use of district heating in
Sweden and the use of low carbon intensity electricity for heating in Norway.
Household size is generally found to be an important determinant of household
carbon emissions (see Fig. 9.2a), as households with more people tend to benefit
from economies of scale (Dey et al. 2003; Baiocchi et al. 2010; Jones and Kammen
2011; Weber and Matthews 2008; Tukker et al. 2010; Gough et al. 2011). As Tukker
et al. (2010) explain, this is because people sharing a dwelling also share energy
using appliances and cohabitants tend to require less living space than single occu-
pants: this reduces the energy required for heating and cooling. Buchs and Schnepf
(2013) note that economies of scale are less important for transport and indirect
emissions, and Gough et al. (2011), in their analysis of different UK household
types, found that younger single person households tend to emit relatively high
amounts due to transport and personal services.
Gough et al. (2011) found statistically significant differences between the emis-
sions of UK households according to employment status, with the working house-
holds exhibiting higher emissions when income and composition are controlled for,
and the unemployed and unoccupied having lower emissions. The explanation
Gough puts forward is that work-rich households tend to have higher emissions due
to commuting and tend to substitute purchased goods and services for household
production. Buchs and Schnepf (2013) added to this by noting that workless house-
holds tend to have higher emissions due to home energy use.
Urban locations are generally more efficient in terms of direct emissions than
rural locations (Wier et al. 2001; Jones and Kammen 2011; Buchs and Schnepf
2013; Baiocchi et al. 2010; Glaeser and Kahn 2010; Tukker et al. 2010). One reason
for this is that urban transportation distances tend to be shorter with greater avail-
ability of public transport options. Another reason is that urban dwellings tend to be
smaller and therefore more efficient to heat (Tukker et al. 2010; Wier et al. 2001;
Baiocchi et al. 2010). Also the heat island effect lowers energy required for space
heating in urban locations8 (EPA2014). However, as Baiocchi et al. (2010) point out,
the general rule of urban households requiring less direct energy and hence having
lower carbon footprints is, in some instances, counterbalanced by the fact that
poorer rural households living in rural locations may not be able to afford a car or
long recreational trips by aeroplane.
Households dwelling in extreme climates generally incur higher carbon emis-
sions due to energy use for space heating and/or air conditioning (Tukker et al.
2010); however this effect is moderated by other factors, such as the type of energy
supply and housing construction. For example, Kerkhof et al. (2009) attributed the
higher household carbon emissions for space heating in the UK and the Netherlands
than in Sweden and Norway to use of natural gas in the first two countries, district
heating in Sweden and low carbon-intensity electricity in Norway. The carbon
intensity of the electricity supply also effects household carbon footprints even if it
is only used for powering lights, appliances and gadgets and not for heating, as
intensities vary widely: for example, electricity from geothermal sources in Iceland

This can reverse in hot climates, with urban locations needing more cooling.
9 Understanding Households as Drivers of Carbon Emissions 189

has an intensity of just 0.00018 kg CO2/kWh, and in Norway the intensity is 0.013 kg
CO2/kWh, compared to the EU average of 0.35 kgCO2/kWh (DEFRA et al. 2014).
The construction of housing also, of course, affects the carbon footprint. For
example, in the UK, much of the housing stock is hard to insulate adequately at
reasonable costs (Hong et al. 2006) and hence occupiers of these dwellings tend to
have relatively high carbon footprints. Also the control systems installed, such as
thermostats, affect carbon footprints (Tukker et al. 2010).
The carbon emissions embedded in food products generally forms a substantial
portion of a carbon footprint (see Sect. 3.2), in particular when analysed in terms of
greenhouse gas emissions instead of carbon dioxide only (Dey et al. 2003; Nijdam
et al. 2005; Tukker and Jansen 2006; Druckman and Jackson 2009, 2010). The type
of diet has a high impact on this. In general, vegetarians and consumers who eat
locally harvested seasonal food tend to have lower per capita environmental impacts
from food consumption than individuals who rely on more traditional diets (Garnett
2013; Tukker et al. 2010).
Education has also been found to play a role in determining household carbon
emissions, with high education being significant and positively related to emissions
once income is controlled for (Baiocchi et al. 2010; Buchs and Schnepf 2013).
Baiocchi et al. (2010) interpret this as support for justification for environmental
education campaigns.
Other factors that influence household carbon footprints include social and cul-
tural differences. This includes how people use their household control systems
(Wood and Newborough 2007), whether, for example, it is the social norm to wear
a jersey indoors during cold weather (Druckman et al. 2011b; Shove 2012), and the
prevalence of a throwaway, consumerist culture, as opposed to a more thrifty way
of living (Cooper 2010).

3.2 Composition of Household Carbon Footprints

In this sub-section, we look in more detail at the composition of average household

carbon footprints of Western households. Generally the categories of transportation,
housing and food make the largest contributions (Jones and Kammen 2011; Caeiro
et al. 2012; Tukker 2006; Tukker and Jansen 2006). For example, Benders et al.
(2012) found that these three domains account for nearly three quarters of carbon
emissions and inclusion of the next largest category, recreation, accounted for around
85 % of average carbon footprints in The Netherlands. Jones and Kammen (2011)
(see Fig. 9.3) assessed carbon emissions of an average US household in five main
categories, with further sub-divisions and also making a distinction between direct
and indirect emissions (blue and green in Fig. 9.3, respectively). While supporting the
general findings that the broad categories of transportation, housing and food make up
the majority of emissions, their analysis found that direct emissions from motor fuels
was the largest sub-category, at around 20 % of the total, with electricity consumption
coming next (15 %), followed by emissions due to meat consumption (5 %).
190 A. Druckman and T. Jackson

Fig. 9.3 Total carbon footprint of a typical US household (48 tCO2e/yr) (Source: Jones and
Kammen (2011), Fig. 1, p. 4090)

Studies vary in the number of categories used for analysing household carbon
footprints, as shown in Table 9.2. Some studies use the top 12 categories of the
Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (COICOP) system
which is part of the UN System of National Accounts (UN 2011).9 COICOP catego-
ries are, however, primarily intended for economic rather than environmental analy-
sis and so other researchers modify the categories to reveal the carbon implications
of expenditures better. For example, Weber and Mathews (2008) add an extra cate-
gory of Utilities/home energy.
Travel is rarely undertaken as an end in itself, as it is generally undertaken to
serve a purpose such as visiting friends, attending a football match or going to work.
Similarly, water heated by gas may be used for food related activities such as wash-
ing up, or, for example, for health and hygiene purposes. Acknowledging this, and
to further elucidate the activities that give rise to carbon emissions, Druckman and
Jackson (2009, 2010) allocate carbon emissions to functional uses. In this approach
all carbon emissions that arise due to activities related to food (for example), such
as emissions due to driving to supermarkets, energy used in preparing food, cooking
and washing-up, emissions embedded in the production of food, and even those

The 12 top COICOP categories are: Clothing and footwear; Housing, water, electricity, gas and
other fuels; Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance; Health;
Transport; Communication; Recreation and culture; Education; Restaurants and hotels;
Miscellaneous goods and services.
9 Understanding Households as Drivers of Carbon Emissions 191

Table 9.2 A summary of selected studies on the carbon footprints of households

Number of Carbon dioxide (CO2) or
Source Country categories greenhouse gases (GHG)?
Druckman and Jackson UK 44 GHG
Jones and Kammen USA 27 GHG
Dey et al. (2003) Australia 17 GHG
Benders et al. (2012) The Netherlands 12 GHG
Gough et al. (2011) UK 5 GHG
Kerkhof et al. (2008) The Netherlands 5 GHG
Jackson et al. (2006) UK 27 CO2
Bin and Bowlatabadi USA 18 CO2
Weber and Mathews USA 13 CO2
Baiocchi et al. (2010) UK 12 CO2
Kerkhof et al. (2009) The Netherlands, UK, 12 CO2
Sweden, Norway
Druckman and Jackson UK 9 CO2

embedded in running the supermarkets, are attributed to the category Food and
Catering. The exception to this is emissions due to space heating which are included
as a separate category as they account for such a high proportion of carbon emis-
sions (13 %). Druckman and Jacksons (2010) analysis shows that there is an ele-
ment of travel emissions in all categories apart from space heating. They find that
while there are a great deal of carbon emissions tied up in the mundane activities of
everyday life, such as keeping families warm (Space Heating 13 %), fed (Food &
Catering 24 %), safe and secure (Household10 11 %) and clothed (Clothing &
Footwear 8 %), Recreation & Leisure is, however, the largest category at around
27 % (Druckman and Jackson 2010).
Understanding emissions due to recreation and leisure is important for a number
of reasons: they arise due to discretionary activities, and so this category may offer
rich opportunities for reductions; this category accounts for a substantial proportion
of the carbon footprint as described above (Druckman and Jackson 2009, 2010;
Benders et al. 2012); emissions in this category are generally increasing, with
energy intensive forms of leisure (such as flying on holidays) generally increasing
whereas less energy intensive leisure activities, such as reading, are stable or
decreasing (Aall et al. 2011). Also there has been an increasing materialisation of
leisure practices, whereby, for example there are increasing tendencies to buy spe-
cialist equipment and clothing for walking and other such pursuits (Aall et al. 2011).

The Household category comprises the carbon emissions that are associated with constructing,
occupying and running a dwelling.
192 A. Druckman and T. Jackson

In order to further understand emissions due to recreation and leisure, Druckman

and Jackson (2010) divided recreation and leisure into 12 sub-categories with
particular focus on holiday/non-holiday activities. They found that carbon emis-
sions due to holidays account for around 10 % of an average UK households entire
carbon footprint. Of this, over half (52 %) of holiday emissions were found to be
due to aviation, and when this was added to other holiday-related transport emis-
sions, transportation accounted for nearly three quarters (74 %) of Holiday emis-
sions. Emissions due accommodation services in hotels were found to make up
around just 16 % of Holiday emissions. These figures give us an indication of how
carbon emissions might be reduced, primarily in this case through reducing holiday
travel emissions. Holidays are, however, a particularly difficult area to tackle: as
Barr et al. (2010) said A holiday is a holiday during which people take a vacation
from their environmental behaviour. Aviation emissions are, in particular, growing
rapidly, and, due to political difficulties in introducing policies to restrict aviation
demand, it is considered unlikely that this trend will be reversed (Macintosh and
Wallace 2009).

3.3 Looking Through the Lens of Time-Use

How we use our time is a key determinant in the emissions for which we are respon-
sible, in particular in the case of discretionary time-use, such as during recreation
and leisure. Additionally, looking through the lens of time-use allows allocation of
emissions due to space heating to functional uses.
Although researchers such as Minx and Baiocchi (2009) and Becker (1965) have
laid out theoretical foundations for the relating how people use their time to sustain-
ability, Godbey (1996) and Godbey et al. (1998) have explored the relationship
between generation of municipal solid waste and time-use in USA, and Jalas (2002)
have related direct and indirect energy use to use of time in Finland, to our knowl-
edge the only study relating carbon emissions to time-use is Druckman et al. (2012).
In their analysis of the carbon emissions per hour of different activities for an
average British household, Druckman et al. (2012) found the most carbon intensive
uses of time are Personal Care (which includes personal washing, clothes and care
of clothing, and health care), Eating & Drinking (which includes alcohol and eat-
ing out) and Commuting. Apart from Sleep & Rest, the broad category of
Leisure and Recreation has the lowest intensity. However, Leisure and Recreation
is the second largest time-use category at 5.7 h per day on average, only exceeded
by Sleeping and Resting at 8.9 h per day (ONS 2006). Further analysis of leisure
and recreation (see Fig. 9.4) showed clearly that activities in and around the home
are the lowest in carbon emissions per hour, and that moving away from the home,
thus incurring emissions due to transportation, increases emissions. Indeed, they
found that emissions for Sports and Outdoor Activities were nearly three times as
carbon intensive as Spending time with family/friends at home.
9 Understanding Households as Drivers of Carbon Emissions 193

Fig. 9.4 Carbon intensity of time use for an average British household (2004) (Source: Druckman
et al. (2012), Fig. 3a, p. 156)

4 The Rebound Effect

The discussions above lead to many suggestions concerning ways that the carbon
footprints of households may be reduced, but this is beyond the scope of this chap-
ter, as explained in Sect. 1. However, a systemic issue that works against many
measures suggested for reducing emissions (such as installing loft insulation and
travelling less) is the rebound effect. The rebound effect, in relation to households,
can be explained as follows (Sorrell 2007; Maxwell et al. 2011): When an action is
carried out that is intended to save energy, it will often result in saving money also.
However, a household always uses its income in some way or other. For example,
when purchasing a car, suppose the purchaser decides to buy one that is more fuel
efficient than the average car on the market. Knowing his normal mileage, he can
calculate the fuel saved, and hence by how much he will expect to reduce his carbon
footprint. However, as less fuel is now used for his normal journeys, less money is
spent on this fuel. This freed up money might be spent on driving further, which will
result in more carbon emissions. This is called the direct rebound effect. Alternatively,
the money saved might be spent on something entirely different from motor vehicle
fuel, such as taking a vacation. This will also give rise to more emissions, and this
194 A. Druckman and T. Jackson

is known as the indirect rebound effect. Alternatively, he might decide, rather than
to spend the money, to save it and therefore he puts it on deposit in a bank. The
bank, however, then invests the money, and this investment, in turn, gives rise to
carbon emissions. This is another example of the indirect rebound effect.
Another type of rebound effect that commonly arises is the embodied rebound
effect, and this is better illustrated through an example of loft insulation. In this
example a person who installs loft insulation can calculate how much energy (and
hence carbon emissions) will be saved through reduced fuel use. However, energy
is used in the manufacture of the loft insulation, and, following the consumption
accounting principle discussed in Sect. 1, carbon emissions from this energy use are
the purchaser of the insulation materials responsibility. Hence these emissions off-
set the expected savings, and this is known as the embodied rebound effect.
If a measure is expected to achieve a reduction of 100 kgCO2e then a rebound
effect of 30 % implies that only 70 kgCO2e was saved, and a rebound effect of
100 % implies that no carbon was saved. A rebound effect greater than 100 % means
that the measure resulted in more, not less, emissions, and, from this view, it would
have been better not to have done the action at all. This is known as backfire.
Until relatively recently, although the rebound effect was a well-known phenom-
enon, there were few studies that had estimated to what extent it is a problem with
respect to households. In the last few years, however, studies have been carried out
to explore it focusing on various different countries. These include Lenzen and Dey
(2002) and Murray (2013) for Australia; Alfredsson (2004) and Brnnlund et al.
(2007) for Sweden; Mizobuchi (2008) for Japan; Kratena and Wuger (2010) for
Austria; and Thomas and Azevedo (2013) for US and Druckman et al. (2011a) and
Chitnis et al. (2013, 2014) for the UK. These studies generally consider a variety of
measures such as abatement actions (for example, reducing the amount of food
wasted, reducing household room temperature thermostat settings and replacing
short car journeys by walking or cycling) and energy efficiency measures (for exam-
ple, installation of cavity wall insulation, loft insulation, condensing boiler, water
tank insulation, energy efficient lighting and purchase of an efficient car). Chitnis
et al. (2014), who estimated the rebound effect in terms of GHG emissions, found
rebound to be around 032 % for measures affecting domestic energy use and
around 2565 % for measures affecting vehicle fuel. The possibility of backfire was
found for measures that reduce food waste, with estimates being around 66106 %
(Chitnis et al. 2014). In general, rebound was found to be larger for lower income
groups (with some exceptions) as they have a higher proportion of expenditure on
direct energy (as discussed in Sect. 3.1) and this expenditure has relatively high
income elasticities (Chitnis et al. 2014).
The conclusion from this rebound effect work is not that encouragement to carry
out the abatement and energy efficiency actions should be abandoned: indeed, for
all except food waste under certain conditions, considerable carbon emissions can
be saved through these means and therefore it is imperative that such actions should
be supported. However, it is vital that governments take into account the rebound
effect when estimating reductions in carbon emissions that can be achieved, else
they stand in danger of systemically missing their carbon reduction targets.
9 Understanding Households as Drivers of Carbon Emissions 195

Nevertheless, efforts should be made to minimize the rebound effect wherever

possible. The best way to do this is to encourage a wholesale shift in expenditure
patterns towards low carbon goods and services. The rebound effect studies also
highlight the importance of investment decisions, and Druckman et al. (2011a)
show that in order to achieve zero rebound, the money saved through the abatement
or efficiency actions should be invested in carbon neutral or reducing investments.

5 Concluding Comments

This chapter has explored the drivers and components of household carbon foot-
prints. Evidence shows that hair-shirt policies, particularly within the realm of
recreation and leisure, are unlikely to gain enough traction to achieve the wide-
spread changes needed (Soper 2008). The holy grail is thus to devise low carbon
lifestyles that achieve maximum happiness. However, economic growth (the policy
goal of most governments11) aims to increase incomes. But it is generally found that
as incomes increase, carbon footprints are likely to increase while well-being levels
off (Lenzen and Cummins 2013; Jackson 2009). This raises the question: which
policies enhance well-being, or at least do not reduce well-being, while being envi-
ronmentally beneficial? Such activities represent win-win opportunities for encour-
aging activities which give rise to relatively low quantities of carbon emissions
while at the same time enhancing well-being and happiness.
Reviews of the literature reveal that social activities such as conversing with
friends and family, making love, reading and carrying out hobbies are low carbon
activities that generally make people happy (Csikszentmihalyi 2006; Holmberg
et al. 2012; Kahneman et al. 2004; Caprariello and Reis 2012; Nassen and Larsson
2015). For many of the activities that generally enhance happiness, the carbon emis-
sions depend on how they are carried out. For example, being close to nature and
physical activities such as walking, exercising and sport can be relatively low carbon
if carried out without the use of personal transportation. Csikszentmihalyi (2006)
talks about how goal-orientated activities can induce high levels of happiness. His
theory is that when a person is carrying out an activity that is all-encompassing, in
that the activity requires total concentration and focus (in other words, the person is
in the flow) then a high state of happiness can be achieved. Examples of this
include playing a musical instrument or singing in a choir, both of which can be
done in relatively low carbon ways, but one of Csikszentmihalyis examples is the
state of flow achieved during downhill skiing, and, depending on where one lives,
this can be a very high carbon activity. Gatersleben et al. (2008) investigated how
volunteering can yield high levels of happiness and, again, this may be carried out
in high or low carbon ways. Shopping is an example of an activity that generally
brings happiness, but is, arguably, rarely a particularly low carbon activity.

The notable exception to this was Bhutan which has had for some years, the goal of increasing
gross national happiness (Zurick 2006).
196 A. Druckman and T. Jackson

This discussion has highlighted some win-win approaches to reducing carbon

emissions while increasing well-being, and these should be key components of
strategies for moving towards a more sustainable future. But before closing this
chapter it is worth taking stock and standing back to take a whole-systems approach.
A whole-systems approach requires looking at systems of production and con-
sumption in which households play a central role. The economy is circular in nature:
in simplistic terms, households earn wages from firms, and firms produce goods and
services to sell to the households. Thus producers are consumers, and consumers
are producers. Linking this understanding with the earlier discussion in which it was
shown that one of the main determinants of a households carbon footprint is
income, and also that households spend or invest all their income, raises another
possible win-win situation: that of working-hours reduction.
Reducing the average number of hours worked per week can have both a scale
effect and a compositional effect (Gough 2013). Hypothetically, due to the scale
effect of fewer hours at work, workers incomes would be reduced, and thus expen-
ditures and consumption would also be expected to be reduced. With each person
working less, there is the possibility of increasing the number of people employed
and thus reducing inequalities. High levels of inequality are associated with low
levels of well-being (Wilkinson and Pickett 2009), and, furthermore, meaningful
work is a generally found to be a positive factor in increasing well-being (Diener
and Seligman 2004). Hence sharing the work may yield multiple benefits (Hayden
The compositional effect can be explained as follows: with lower incomes but
less time at work, peoples use of time outside work would be expected to change,
as would the composition of their expenditure baskets. For example, rather than
buying ready-meals, people may be more inclined to cook from raw ingredients.
Now such changes in time and expenditure budgets might result in higher or lower
carbon emissions. For example, with less time pressure, people might walk and
cycle for short journeys rather than drive. On the other hand, some people may drive
further and more often to visit friends. But if we look back to the graph in Fig. 9.1,
we see that there is good evidence that lower incomes will, in general, result in
lower carbon footprints.
Reducing the working week has been shown to enhance the work-life balance
(Nassen and Larsson 2015; Kasser and Sheldon 2009; Eurofund 2013). For exam-
ple, Hayden (1999) records how French employees reported overall improved qual-
ity of life when their working week was reduced to 35 h. In another investigation
400 Swedish employees who had their worktime reduced to 6 h per day for 18
months reported improved life satisfaction, health and a more equal gender-balance
on time spent on housework (Bildt (2007) cited in Nassen and Larsson (2015)).
The suggestion of reducing working hours must be taken with an important
warning concerning low income groups. Currently many low paid workers are
struggling to meet their weekly household expenses (MacInnes et al. 2014; The
Living Wage Commission 2014), and therefore any initiative to reduce the working
week must be accompanied by special measures to protect them. If these are put in
9 Understanding Households as Drivers of Carbon Emissions 197

place, then work-time reduction offers a promising way to reduce unemployment by

sharing the work, leading to reduced inequalities, while at the same time offering
high prospects of increasing well-being and reducing environmental burdens
(Hayden and Shandra 2009; Victor 2008; Jackson 2009; Coote et al. 2010; Knight
et al. 2013; Pullinger 2014; Rosnick and Weisbrot 2007).
In conclusion, this chapter has reviewed the main determinants of Western
household carbon footprints. What is clear from this body of work is that, seen from
a consumption perspective, the majority of carbon impacts arise from transporta-
tion, food and housing. The need to improve systems of provision of food, energy
and transportation and renovate or rebuild inefficient housing stock is therefore
indisputable. However, where possible these measures should be supplemented by
other approaches. For instance, through further analysis it is evident that recreation
and leisure leads to the single highest proportion of household carbon emissions.
Opportunities should therefore be sought for low carbon leisure activities which
also enhance wellbeing. Such activities might include for instance spending time
with friends and family in and around the home, or engaging in physical recreation
in the local community.
One inescapable finding from this body of work is that income is one of the prin-
cipal drivers of carbon emissions, with carbon footprints increasing with increasing
incomes. Incomes also appear to drive the rebound effect. These understandings led
us to a wider, whole-systems approach in which we view households as an integral
part of the system of production and consumption. Policies on work-time reduction,
with appropriate measures to safeguard low income households, can offer addi-
tional win-win opportunities that, to some extent, overcome this stumbling block.
Ultimately, however, income growth is driven by economic structure. Approaches
which tackle the structural implications of economic growth are also essential to a
meaningful understanding of the potential to reduce carbon footprints. In summary,
industrial ecology, with its wide ranging systems approach as shown in this chapter,
has a great deal to contribute to the quest to devise strategies to move towards lower
carbon, fulfilling lifestyles.

Acknowledgements We are grateful for support from the UKs Economic and Social Research
Council (ESRC) for funding the Research Group on Lifestyles, Values and Environment
(RESOLVE) (Grant Number RES-152-25-1004) and also for support from the UK Department of
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), the ESRC and the Scottish Government for fund-
ing the Sustainable Lifestyles Research Group (SLRG).

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
198 A. Druckman and T. Jackson


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Chapter 10
The Social and Solidarity Economy: Why
Is It Relevant to Industrial Ecology?

Marlyne Sahakian

One can no longer even imagine that there could be a single

standard of value by which to measure things. The neoliberals
() are singing the praises of a global market that is, in fact,
the single greatest and most monolithic system of measurement
ever created, a totalizing system that would subordinate
everything every object, every piece of land, every human
capacity or relationship on the planet to a single standard of
value. David Graeber (2001).
Toward an Anthropological Theory of Value:
The false coin of our own dreams, p. xi.

Abstract The goal of this contribution is to illustrate the linkages between industrial
ecology (IE) and the social and solidarity economy (SSE), an economic paradigm
that is robust in terms of conceptual and historical developments, and active around
the world as a social movement. The SSE includes a range of activities, such as fair
trade, community currencies and some forms of peer-to-peer sharing, to name but a
few. The links and tensions between SSE and IE are considered first conceptually, by
uncovering the theoretical frameworks attached to each field. Three solidarity prac-
tices are then discussed in relation to industrial ecology activities, namely: aspects of
the sharing economy, community currencies and forms of crowd-funding. A main
finding is that the two fields of research and practice are compatible, as neither focus
on economic growth and specifically profit as an ultimate aim; yet IE prioritizes
biophysical considerations, whereas the SSE places more emphasis on people and
power systems, as expected. One insight gleaned through this process is that more
attention could be placed on labour conditions, power relations and governance sys-
tems in industrial ecology, building on previous and ongoing work in this area.
Four main fields of inquiry emerge: understanding whether solidaristic coop-
eratives and enterprises could be more receptive to industrial ecology approaches
and more adept at embracing resource exchanges such as in industrial symbiosis;
ascertaining to what extent companies already involved in symbiotic relations might

M. Sahakian (*)
Industrial Ecology Group, Faculty of Geosciences and the Environment,
University of Lausanne, Batiment Geopolis, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

The Author(s) 2016 205

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7_10
206 M. Sahakian

also embody social and solidarity values, including notions of participative gover-
nance, limited profit-making, a focus on employee benefits, among others; consid-
ering certain forms of crowdfunding as an opportunity for abating economy-wide
rebound effects through more socially just and environmentally sound investments;
and finally, the potential for complementary currencies to work towards industrial
ecology aims. One of the weaknesses of the social and solidarity economy has been
that of scale, as SSE activities tend to take place on a micro-scale, with some nota-
ble exceptions. That being said, the SSE is well underway and expanding, in
research and practice, presenting interesting synergies with IE and opportunities for
further research and action. Bringing together IE and SSE ultimately brings to the
fore a discussion around paradigms and associated values, including societal and
environmental priorities which are not always aligned raising questions around
what values we wish to put forward in our economy, workplaces and society.

Keywords Community currencies Crowd-funding Reciprocity Solidarity

economy Sharing economy

1 Introduction

In the past decade, a slew of terms have emerged to describe new economic models:
the people-first or human economy (Ransom and Baird 2010; Hart et al. 2010), the
new economy (Schor and Thompson 2014), the green economy (UNEP 2011), the
sharing economy (Botsman and Rogers 2010; Gansky 2010), diverse economies
(Gibson-Graham 2006; Gibson-Graham 2008) and the varying definitions of the
circular economy (Yuan et al. 2006; Ellen MacArthur Foundation 2013), to name
but a few. In some cases, these terms represent alternatives to the dominant market
economy, understood here as being based on competition and private ownership; in
most cases, what plays out in practice are economic activities that are at best com-
plementary to and on the fringes of the market economy. Their emergence suggests
a growing interest in finding new ways to engage in production, consumption,
exchanges and financing, to better manage resources, and strive for greater prosper-
ity than what is currently being achieved with the dominant economic model. More
specifically, all of these approaches share the ambition of tackling the question of
how economic systems can better serve rather than be severed from environ-
mental or social aims. The goal of this contribution is to assess whether these mod-
els can bring new fields of reflection and action to the industrial ecology
One reason for this renewed interest in economic models is the heightened con-
cern around recurring financial crises, the destabilization of natural cycles and wid-
ening inequalities. Particularly in times of economic depression, people look for
alternative ways to access products and services, including financial services. In
Switzerland in 1934, in the wake of the Great Depression and facing a credit crunch,
10 The Social and Solidarity Economy: Why Is It Relevant to Industrial Ecology? 207

a group of entrepreneurs created a new currency, the WIR,1 which continues to be

exchanged today notably during economic recessions, where this complementary
currency may have a stabilizing effect on the national economy (Studer 2006). Since
the 20082009 financial crisis in Greece, international press has covered the emer-
gence of new forms of barter, where services and products are traded based on units
of exchange ranging from time to community currencies (Poggioli 2011; Lowen
2012). New peer-to-peer models for sharing resources and services are also very
much in the spotlight today, propelled by information technologies that have made
sharing and bartering activities available on a wider scale and across different sec-
tors. The sharing economy touts lofty goals, such community-building, economic
empowerment, creative expression, but also better resource management. Whether
these goals are achieved remains to be evaluated in practice, particularly in relation
to environmental aims: the notion that sharing could lead to reduced energy and
material throughputs are still up for debate (Cohen 2014). Kalamar (2013) coined
the termed share-washing for attempts by business as usual activities to claim
such social goals.
In this chapter, the social and solidarity economy (SSE) will be considered, an
economic paradigm that is robust in terms of conceptual and historical develop-
ments, but also active around the world as a social movement. The SSE includes a
range of activities, such as fair trade, community currencies, peer-to-peer activities,
cooperative and mutual organizations, some forms of sharing, to name but a few.
This chapter introduces the social and solidarity economy (SSE) as a theoretical
framework, social movement and growing practice around the world. The goal is to
not to contest the competitive market economy or promote the solidarity economy,
per se, but rather place the social and solidarity economy in relation to industrial
ecology (IE). In comparing the SSE to IE in theory and in practice, the chapter dis-
cusses how a different economic paradigm might be relevant to the industrial ecol-
ogy community.
In the section that follows, the social and solidarity economy is defined, with a
discussion around the conceptual links between this economic paradigm and indus-
trial ecology; in the second section, three solidarity practices will be discussed in
relation to IE, namely: activities in the communal sharing economy, community
currencies and solidaristic crowd-funding. By reflecting on the SSE and IE and
understanding the opportunities and challenges this presents, the aim of this chapter
is to further the work of industrial ecology community, both in research and

See Sahakian (2014) for an overview of the WIR as well as community currencies in Argentina
and Japan. The WIR bank emerged from the Wirtschaftsring-Genossenschaft cooperative
(Economic Circle in German, with a play on the word wir, which translates to we or us). Today,
more than 60,000 SMEs exchange WIR currency, a unit in parity with the Swiss franc and more
commonly circulated in German-speaking Switzerland. Given the small scale of WIR exchanges,
there are some doubts as to whether the stabilizing effect can be attributed to the WIR alone; this
claim would merit further investigation.
208 M. Sahakian

2 Conceptual Links

2.1 What Is the Social and Solidarity Economy?

The social and solidarity economy finds its roots in the social economy, which
emerged in the early period of Western industrialization, in the nineteenth century,
when poverty in urban centres was a central concern. The Welsh social reformer
Robert Owen founded the cooperative movement at this time, and cooperatives and
associations became the first line of defence in rallying to address social ails
(Lewis 1997 in Laville 2011). The social economy was relegated to the status of a
third sector in the post-war period, when the market economy was seen as respon-
sible for regulating property and currencies, and where the welfare state was consid-
ered the primary vector for social action through the redistribution of wealth (Laville
1994). The social economy cast in this role of a third sector represented all other
forms of organization, including non-profit and non-governmental activities.
Neoliberal policies, recurring financial crises, as well as the failure of the welfare
state to address social issues, all contributed to a rebirth of the social economy in the
1990s. As inequalities widened and environmental issues expanded to a local and
global scale, the sustainable development paradigm was brought into question in
what has been called a crisis of values, leading to a renewed interest in the social
economy (Laville and Cattani 2006). Almost 10 years after the first Earth Summit,
the participants at the first World Social Forum in 2001 (Porto Alegre, Brazil) ral-
lied around the phrase Another world is possible; the social economy was seen as
playing a prominent role in this new world order. For some, the notion of the social
economy was insufficient, as this term was too closely associated with the third
sector at that time. Arguments were put forward to challenge a definition of the
social economy solely based on the type of entity or legal status.2 From this effort,
the term civil and solidarity economy was coined to account for numerous other
initiatives that had emerged, particularly in Europe, that were neither non-for-profit
nor non-governmental (Laville 2011). Private enterprises, for example, can be built
on social values and have their place in what came to be known as the social and
solidarity economy (SSE), primarily in French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese-
speaking countries, in Europe and in the Americas.
As Fraisse (2003) rightly notes, the SSE is being interpreted in different ways
around the world. In the United States, members of the SSE aim towards the sys-

Historically in France, the definition of the social and solidarity economy had been based on
organizational type: all mutual companies and cooperatives fall under this definition. In Western
Switzerland, however, another definition is upheld, that of guiding principles and key criteria. A
for-profit company can be part of the SSE, as long as it is aligned with the principles of the SSE
and profit-making is not the primary goal. The debate about structure versus content of such orga-
nizations (Kawano 2009) has been focused on the distinction between theory and practice: some
cooperatives may be seeking the economic benefit for their members above all, while some for-
profits may be working towards greater social and environmental aims. Simply put, adopting a
legal form does not guarantee that an entity becomes part of the social and solidarity economy
(Swaton 2011; Defourny et al. 2000).
10 The Social and Solidarity Economy: Why Is It Relevant to Industrial Ecology? 209

temic transformation of the economy as a whole, across all of the diverse ways that
human communities meet their needs and create livelihoods together (Miller in
Kawano et al. 2009: 30), including the private and public sector, and as part of a
counter-hegemonic political economy (Satgar 2014) or post-capitalist agenda
(Kawano 2013). In other contexts, such as Western Switzerland, the stance is more
nuanced: SSE is complementary to the market economy, rather than an alternative;
in the Philippines, the strategy is to create supply chains in the social and solidarity
economy, mostly in rural areas (Sahakian and Dunand 2015). In some cases, the
public sector also takes on the role of promoting the solidarity economy, as is the
case in Luxembourg, which has appointed a Ministry of Labour, Employment and
the Social and Solidarity Economy. In such cases, there is a risk that the public sec-
tor might instrumentalize the social and solidarity economy by outsourcing basic
social services to third parties, under the guise of solidarity, an issue that has been
hotly debated in SSE circles. As the late Bernard Eme also noted, the instrumental-
ization can go both ways: civil society actors can also uphold solidarity values in
order to access state benefits (Eme (2005) in Laville and Cattani 2006).
As a social movement, the social and solidarity economy (SSE) has grown from
local activities to regional and international networks of members, including
researchers and practitioners. In the United States, the simpler solidarity economy
is the preferred term, which emerged from the U.S. Social Forum in 2007 and
resulted in the launch of U.S. Solidarity Economy Network (SEN) (Kawano et al.
2009). In Latin America, SSE has been tied to the new development paradigm
termed buen vivir (the good life) (Giovannini 2014) and has been discussed in the
literature by several authors (Lematre and Helmsing 2012; Hillenkamp 2011, 2013;
Arruda 2004; Singer 2002; among others). Less is known about SSE initiatives in
Asia and Africa.3
Conceptually, the SSE is inspired by the notion of reciprocity put forward by
Karl Polanyi, who famously argued that the economy is embedded in the social
realm; it has a social purpose and is subordinate to and inseparable from social rela-
tions (2001, originally published in 1944). Four ideal-type models are put forward
in his work: (1) the market economy; and non-market economies including (2) self-
sufficiency (including house-holding or relations between family members), (3)
redistribution (usually through government) and (4) reciprocity. Several authors
have argued for the need for the social and solidarity economy to be multidimen-
sional, to include different types of entities, working progressively towards solidar-
istic goals, in a more plural economy and across these four ideal types (Laville
2003; Kawano et al. 2009). Fair trade is an example of the SSE in practice, which
engages with Polanyis different ideal types: the products traded are done so in soli-
darity between consumers and producers, but such activities can benefit from state
support (e.g., redistribution), and also engage with the market economy and house-
holding activities, such as craft making in the home.

For a recent publication from South Africa, see Satgar (2014); for The Philippines, see Sahakian
and Dunand (2015).
210 M. Sahakian

The notion of solidarity tends towards a definition of reciprocity as going beyond

the duality of giving, receiving and the obligation to give in return, to exchanges
across and between different subgroups (Polanyi 1957). Reciprocity in the solidar-
ity economy entails complementary relations based on voluntary interdependence
(Servet 2007: 264), or being invested with the potential of solidarity, consciously
interdependent on others (Servet 2006: 18). This is an important distinction in the-
ory, as it means that the SSE is not solely about reciprocity in dire straits, out of
necessity, towards the relations of master and slave, but rather out of an interest in
the commons and the community. The work of Elinor Ostrom (2001/1990) is rele-
vant here: collective action can be based on voluntary participation and an identifi-
cation of needs, going beyond the individual need or that of a self-interested group,
to broader social and environmental needs. Sahakian and Servet (in press) propose
the term communal sharing to describe forms of sharing that are aligned with the
notion of collective action (Sahakian and Servet in press), a theme that will be fur-
ther explored in the second part of this chapter.
SSE is generally understood as placing human beings at the centre of economic
and social life (ISGC 1997). SSE seeks to foster solidarity by placing more impor-
tance on people, rather than the accumulation of capital or profit. What inspired
early cooperative and associative movements of the nineteenth century and contin-
ues to drive efforts in the SSE today are the limitations on profit making: the finan-
cial gains for investors are subject to limits (Laville 2011). Another aspect is the
emphasis placed on governance systems. The SSE promotes democratic processes
within organizations: SSE entities are usually self-managed, self-organized and
generally independent from State support. According to Laville (2003), SSE is ulti-
mately about promoting democracy on the local level through economic activity, or
the democratization of the economy based on the participatory engagement of all
citizens (Defourny and Develtere 1999; Fraisse et al. 2007). The vision is to include
all types of people in economic life, engaging them to participate as economic
actors, most often at the level of the community. In contexts such as the Global
South, the focus is often on rural contexts and on engaging the poor as primary
stakeholders in economic activities (Sahakian and Dunand 2015).
To summarize some of the guiding principles that are put forward by SSE actors,
the goal of this economy is to place service to its members or to the community
ahead of profit; autonomous management; a democratic decision-making process;
the primacy of people and work over capital in the distribution of revenues
(Defourny et al. 2000). Activities could include some forms of social entrepreneur-
ship; community currencies; micro-credit programs; as well certain worker, con-
sumer and producer cooperatives; community gardens or community supported
agriculture; social reinsertion programs; community-run exchange platforms; do-it-
yourself initiatives; shared services and goods; insurance and financial services,
among others. The extent to which these activities fall under SSE umbrella would
depend on whether they are progressively seeking to participate in this economy
(Swaton and Baranzini 2013), which would need to be evaluated not only in theory
and discourse, but also in practice.
In Geneva, Switzerland, companies who want to be part of the SSE must sign a
charter, and in doing so, they comply with transparency in reporting, engaging in
10 The Social and Solidarity Economy: Why Is It Relevant to Industrial Ecology? 211

activities that are of collective/public interest, being financially autonomous from

subsidies or other forms of support and aiming at non-profit or limited profit-
making. Based on a survey of 195 members in 2008, those employed in the SSE in
Geneva experience a low rate of difference between the highest and lowest salary
(by a factor of 1.32.3), higher average salaries for entry-level work and high rates
of people working on flexible schedules (at an average 5065 % rate of activity)
(APRES-GE 2010). In Geneva, members must then commit to progressively put in
place, over 2 years, an environmental management policy, participatory forms of
management and social management policies that focus on employee diversity and
welfare (Swaton and Sahakian 2014). All sectors of the economy are represented
among the current 265 members, including health and social services, but also
banking and insurance companies, housing cooperatives, food services, arts and
leisure, training and education, among others.
Many SSE activities exist as the grassroots level, either marginalized by or hid-
den within the dominant market economy (Miller in Kawano et al. 2009). SSE tends
to include smaller-scale activities, whether local or regional. In some contexts, the
ambition is to link together different SSE activities in a supply-chain approach, as is
the case in the Philippines where organic feedstock companies and dairy farms are
coming together with fair trade associations (Sahakian and Dunand 2015). Examples
of larger SSE enterprises and regional efforts are less common, raising questions of
scalability. The classic example of a larger scale SSE activity is Mondragn, a coop-
erative based in the Basque region of Spain that is made up of 258 enterprises orga-
nized into a federated governance system including shared financial services and
technical support (Kaswan 2014). The cooperatives in Trento county, northern Italy,
are also on par with the Mondragn example in terms of scale and effectiveness,
according to recent empirical research comparing the two (Prades 2013). The con-
cept of federating cooperative efforts, sharing services and promoting democratic
decision-making processes is underway in different contexts, including the Conseil
qubcois de la co-opration et de la mutualit (CQCM, Canada) and the Democracy
Collaborative centred around the Evergreen Cooperatives in Cleveland, Ohio (ibid.).
A magic number is usually upheld as representing the percentage of jobs that are
involved in the social and solidarity economy: for both France and the City of
Geneva, the SSE is said to represent approximately 10 % of salaried employment
(INSEE 2012; Dunand 2012).

2.2 What Are the Conceptual Links between SSE and IE,
and the Limits?

In the industrial ecology field, economic profit is not a central preoccupation. The
payback of certain efforts in terms of return on investment is important in practice,
where industrial ecology projects are concerned, but profit generating is not explic-
itly part of industrial ecology conceptual developments. The founding theoretical
principles in IE draw from bio-economics, notably the link between natural laws
212 M. Sahakian

and principles, such as thermodynamics and economic systems (Georgescu-Roegen

1971, 2006). In this perspective, economic activities draw from and are dependent
on ecosystem services, suggesting that there are limits to economic growth (Daly
1977; Jackson 2009). Understanding patterns and trends from a biophysical per-
spective means assessing values based on environmental resources (material and
energy), rather than solely price valuation.
IE and SSE therefore share the principle that economic activity should be subor-
dinated to other factors. Yet industrial ecology privileges the biophysical dimension
whereas the social and solidarity economy privileges the social dimension. These
different priority areas could be problematic: Is it more important to aim for solidar-
ity in social relations and governance structures, or to minimize energy and material
throughputs? Can one be done at the expense of the other? This raises ethical issues
in industrial ecology: What if optimal symbiosis is achieved in companies that
exploit labour, for example? This also raises environmental sustainability issues
among SSE enterprises: Can social goals be achieved to the detriment of environ-
mental considerations?
Beyond the conceptual underpinnings that relate industrial ecology to bio-
economics and ecological economics, the novelty of industrial ecology is to draw
inspiration from natural systems. According to Erkman, the entire industrial sys-
tem relies on resources and services provided by the biosphere, from which it can-
not be dissociated (1997: 1), yet material and energy throughputs could be better
managed through a more holistic approach to organizing economic activities and
industrial systems. Biomimicry in industrial ecology implies tending towards
reduced resource throughputs and negative impacts. As a descriptive and analytical
method, industrial ecology helps to uncover the metabolism of systems, drawing
from a comparison with living organisms (Ayres and Simonis 1994) towards under-
standing anthropogenic complex and coupled systems (Fischer-Kowalski et al.
2009). In addition to describing and analysing, IE suggests how such a system might
be restructured to make it compatible with the way natural ecosystems function
(Erkman 1997: 1) and is therefore also an operational tool.
Ehrenfeld (2000) goes a step further in distinguishing these practical features in
the field of IE from its founding conceptual basis, which tends towards a normative
context and can in turn shape paradigmatic thinking. Understood in analogy to natu-
ral systems, industrial ecology is a practical tool; in using natural systems as a meta-
phor, industrial ecology has the potential to go beyond prescription and
techno-focused solutions to become transformative (Ehrenfeld 2003; Hess 2009).
The analogy with natural systems allows IE to disengage with questions related to
people and power relations. There have been efforts to embed industrial ecology in
social relations (Boons and Howard-Grenville 2009). Some work has been done
relating IE to fair employment (Alsamawi et al. 2014), legal considerations (Slone
in Cohen-Rosenthal and Musnikow 2003) and the role of consumer culture and eth-
ics (Hertwich 2005b; Ehrenfeld 2008; Sahakian and Steinberger 2011), but these
aspects have not been sufficiently theorized to date. The work of the late E. Cohen-
Rosenthal on environmental, labour and social issues is a key contribution in this
area. His focus on workplace issues (Cohen-Rosenthal 1979), specifically in the
10 The Social and Solidarity Economy: Why Is It Relevant to Industrial Ecology? 213

industrial ecology community (Cohen-Rosenthal 2004), was consistently critical of

reductionist strategies that would rely solely on engineering know-how, proper tech-
nologies and market-based incentives. For Cohen-Rosenthal, the focus should be on
social processes, or the actual points of connection between material and energy
flows, and specifically connections between people. Yet little attention is given in IE
to the relation between interests, institutions and resources (Opoku 2004), and this
dimension remains to be further conceptualized although interest in this dimen-
sion has been growing in the past decade, as we will now turn to.
IE engages with various tools, which are now considered a part industrial ecology
approaches, including InputOutput Accounting and Material Flow Analysis, as well
as Life Cycle Assessments. The value of LCA has been to extend beyond the end of
pipe perspective, which only addresses final outputs, in terms of pollution and envi-
ronmental degradation. Rather, inputs and outputs are described and can be quanti-
fied and qualified across the production-consumption chain, from extraction of
natural resources, through manufacturing, distribution, usage and final disposal. In
more recent years, social LCA has developed to consider the social impacts in the life
cycle of products and processes (UNEP 2009; Andrews et al. 2009; Hauschild et al.
2008), with more recent work in developing a social hotspots database that includes
a consideration of labour intensity and worker rights (Benoit-Norris et al. 2012) and
on integrating occupational health and safety standards (Scanlon et al. 2015). One
aspect of the social and solidarity economy is that the primacy of people over profit
is not an end of pipe gesture, but rather embedded across the economic activity in
question, from its guiding principles and mission, to how salaries and employee ben-
efits are organized, to how profit is shared. We will come back to this notion in the
next section of this chapter, when we consider forms of end of pipe sharing to dis-
tinguish more robust solidarity economy activities from business as usual.
The notion of reciprocity, which is an important concept underpinning the SSE, is
interesting to explore in relation to IE. If we continue with the notion of IE as being
based on a metaphor, can we identify any forms of reciprocity in nature? In other
terms, do we see cooperation or competition in natural systems? Ehrenfeld (2000)
suggests that a balance is needed between both. Does altruism exist in nature? Perhaps
something closer would be mutualism, which would suggest cooperation between
members that lead to mutually beneficial or even neutral outcomes. For Ehrenfeld,
the power of the concept of industrial ecology lies in its normative context and in
its potential to shape paradigmatic thinking. It is normative in the sense that () three
features of the ecological metaphor community, connectedness, and cooperation
are characteristics we should strive for in designing our worlds. (Ehrenfeld 2000:
238). These three features, of community, connectedness and cooperation, are closely
related to the social and solidarity economy and would merit being further conceptu-
alized. We could draw on the work of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (18091865) here, the
father of mutualism in economic theory, who suggested that human activities could
be mutualized towards the creation of a collective good.
In terms of governance systems, the notion of voluntary engagement in comple-
mentary relations, which is important in the SSE literature, is not explicit in the IE
literature. Forms of auto-organization are usually upheld as the preferred way of
214 M. Sahakian

achieving symbiosis, defined as system exchanges that convert negative environ-

mental externalities in the form of waste that used to be discarded into positive
environmental externalities such as the spillover benefits of decreased pollution and
reduced need for raw material imports (Chertow and Ehrenfeld 2012: 15). Industrial
symbiosis research points to the relevance of self-organizing systems, working in
mutually beneficial forms of cooperation, with mobilization capacity, and on a local
and regional scale (Massard et al. 2014; Chertow and Ehrenfeld 2012; Boons and
Spekkink 2012; Chertow 2007), which is very much the terrain of the social and
solidarity economy. As different cooperative movements begin to federate and cre-
ate new models in the SSE, the industrial ecology community could gain from
understanding how services are shared and maximized between these entities.
Cooperatives are not the usual stomping ground of industrial ecology activities, but
could represent an interesting starting point for discussions that bring together
social and biophysical dimensions.
Given the important role of small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) in developing
countries and following the fourth World Social Forum in 2004 (Mumbai, India), a
report focusing on the social responsibility of SMEs also sought to make a link
between industrial ecology and the solidarity economy. In that report, the late Ramesh
Ramaswamy co-author of a novel book on applied industrial ecology in developing
countries and particularly India (Erkman and Ramaswamy 2003) suggested that
SMEs could gain competitive advantages in the global market by organizing produc-
tion into complementary clusters particularly in the agricultural sector (Asian
Coalition 2004: 17). The report suggested industrial ecology could enhance the
social responsibility of SMEs in four ways, by addressing: producers (greater con-
sciousness in using biodegradable and recyclable materials, lesser waste, more prof-
its); consumers (better quality products); the environment (lesser toxic wastes); and
society at large (more socially responsible enterprises, healthier environment) (ibid.).
In theory, industrial ecology principles should be retained, no matter the organi-
zational structure or system at hand, be it a for-profit SME or a cooperative. Here
industrial ecology joins recent interpretations of the social and solidarity economy,
in focusing more on how guiding principles can be applied in practice, rather than
on institutional settings. That being said, there tends to be a bias towards democratic
systems in the industrial ecology literature; the same is true for the social and
solidarity economy, which upholds democracy as the key governance system. On
this level, the two fields are compatible.

3 Linkages Between the SSE and IE in Practice

3.1 The Sharing Economy vs. End of Pipe Giving:

Applicability to IE

The sharing economy is generally understood as involving sharing in the creation,

financing, production, distribution and consumption of a variety of goods and ser-
vices. Certain activities that fall under this banner are part of the current dominant
10 The Social and Solidarity Economy: Why Is It Relevant to Industrial Ecology? 215

market economy, based on the maximization of utility and the meeting of needs
towards pecuniary goals. On the other hand, the sharing economy could be seen as
part of the solidarity economy, including activities that aim towards solidarity and
mutual support. In the latter reading, sharing would be less about maximizing
unused resources and more about placing resources in the commons, drawing
from theories in environmental governance and alluding to forms of voluntary, col-
lective action around resource usage (Ostrom 2001/1990). A key distinction here is
to understand sharing not as the distribution of pieces of a pie, albeit in collaborative
ways, but rather sharing based on an understanding of identified and recognized
societal needs, through democratic processes, and with regards for current and
future generations (Servet 2014) or as part of the social and solidarity economy.
In either definition of sharing as part of the competitive market economy or the
solidarity economy the notion of optimizing resources is highly compatible with
industrial ecology principles. The de-materialization of the economy has been a
central theme in industrial ecology these past years. Placing value on under- or un-
used resources is also promoted in the sharing economy. Industrial ecology
approaches could help consider the wider system, beyond a unit or transaction, to
determine whether there are any rebound effects associated with such forms of shar-
ing. By renting fashionable clothing, for example, does overall private acquisition
of consumption increase or decrease? Has car sharing led to increases in private car
ownership or increases in public transportation, and over what scale? In terms of
describing activities within the sharing economy, industrial ecology could help pro-
vide a lens through which to understand where sharing is actually taking place: is
there only end of pipe sharing, once a resource has already been developed and
privately owned; or is sharing built into the entire process, in how a product or
service is conceived, delivered and maintained? As an operational tool, industrial
ecology could help suggest how certain practices within a sharing economy could
be restructured, towards a normative goal of more efficient resource usage and less-
ened environmental impact. Industrial ecology has a role to play in helping to better
define whether the sharing economy is leading to a more optimal system overall and
to what extent, based on biophysical considerations.
The sharing economy, in all different forms, is well underway and provides an
opportunity for industrial ecology practitioners to break with the notion of produc-
tion and consumption to consider new ways of maximizing resources, from peer-
to-peer exchanges, as well as new business models. The sharing taking place in the
social and solidarity economy could therefore be a rich terrain for further study and
practice. Industrial ecology methodologies could be applied for better evaluating
and guiding activities towards more efficient resource sharing; but perhaps more
importantly, advances in sharing in the social and solidarity economy could further
inform the industrial ecology community towards a more holistic reading of socio-
industrial ecosystems integrating questions of current and inter-generational soli-
darity and mutual support, as well as questions related to power, trust, wellbeing
and governance, towards collaborative industrial eco-systems.
The emphasis on maximizing local resources towards symbiosis could benefit
from some of the approaches being developed in the sharing economy, not least the
use of information and communication technologies that distinguish from more tra-
216 M. Sahakian

ditional forms of sharing. Tools for sharing are being developed through new
smart phone apps and web sites, using participative methods in their design and
deployment, and based on establishing relations of trust through peer review sys-
tems. Trust has been a central theme in symbiosis studies, within the industrial ecol-
ogy community, and much could be learned from the sharing economy in this
respect. One aspect of the sharing economy that is currently gaining the attention of
researchers and practitioners working on labour relations is the question of casual-
ized labour or the precarity of labour in the sharing economy. In considering the
future of environmental reporting, attention should also be placed on labour issues
as well as human rights (Fatkin in Sarkis 2001). The work of Cohen-Rosenthal
would be relevant here, to place a focus once more on labour conditions and the
workplace, as a way to contribute to employee and societal wellbeing as discussed
in the Chap. 8 by Wiedmann in this volume.
Finally, the maximization of resources through sharing could be more effective
in some cases when taken out of the market economy and placed into the solidarity
economy. As Guillaume Massard suggests, founder of SOFIES industrial ecology
consulting group, the solidarity economy in Geneva allows the development of
business models for material reuse with other conditions than the typical market
conditions, making it attractive to recycle certain materials that would not be col-
lected if subjected to the market economy prices (Massard 2015). In Geneva, social
reinsertion programs are part of the SSE, whereby unemployed people are given
positions in enterprises as part of their training, some of which focus on recycling
materials such as electronic products. In the case where the State does not offer
subsidies to an enterprise directly but allows for this form of subsidized labour, the
business model for recycling such products can become more attractive. Everything
that goes beyond market profitability, this is where the solidarity economy can
introduce different biases, such as complementary currencies or subsidized labour,
according to Massard.

3.2 Community Currencies: Idea of Dmurage

and Applicability to IE

National currencies are a fairly recent invention: centralizing money was first con-
ceived by European royalty, in attempts to limit feudal power, then reinforced by
empires seeking tighter control of the colonies, and finally by the modern nation-
states. Money is far from being neutral: it affects the kind of transactions we make,
and the kinds of relations we establish with those exchanges and within society
(Lietaer and Kennedy 2008); the value of money is ultimately a social construct
(Graeber 2001). Historically, diverse monetary systems always existed in parallel,
around the world, from Europe to Indonesia (Sahakian 2014). The thirteenth cen-
tury Republic of Venice had two types of currencies for external commerce, the
ducat (silver) and zecchino (gold), and two other currencies in less precious metals
10 The Social and Solidarity Economy: Why Is It Relevant to Industrial Ecology? 217

for local exchanges, the nasoni and cavalotti (Lietaer and Kennedy 2008). In mak-
ing a parallel to industrial ecology concepts, having different types of currencies
working together in a complementary manner tends towards ecosystem diversity.
Our national and supra-national currencies, by contrast, are similar to monoculture
farming; a weak euro impacts the entire euro-zone along with international trade,
with no other currencies in place to provide a stabilizing effect. The argument for
complementary currencies rests on the need for system diversity in our monetary
Beyond national currencies, other forms of monetary units exist and are widely
exchanged as complementary currencies, such as airline mileage (The Economist
2005) and Bitcoins (McMillan 2014). One definition of complementary currencies
is that they exist at the nexus of unsatisfied needs and under-utilized resources
(Lietaer and Kennedy 2008). In 2010, an estimated one million people worldwide
engaged in complementary currency systems in over 4,000 associations in over
forty countries (Blanc 2010); no doubt this number has increased since then.
Currencies can have aims other than facilitating exchange, creating wealth, promot-
ing brand loyalty or allowing for the redistribution of wealth through taxation. This
is where the notion of community currencies comes in, as a subset of complemen-
tary currencies, and tied to the guiding principles of the social and solidarity econ-
omy (SSE). Community currencies are often designed towards social or
environmental aims, are generated in and spent in a given region and not tied to
national currencies, thus sheltered from the whims of international financial mar-
kets. The advocates of community currencies point to the need to diversify the local
economic system and harness the potential of regional wealth creation and related
expenditures. For Blanc (2010), one of the main objectives of such currencies is to
resist globalization and encourage the use of local income for local production and
consumption; a second objective is to benefit local populations through a fairer
distribution of wealth, rather than wealth accumulation among an elite; third, such
currencies should aim at transforming the nature of trade and solidifying social rela-
tions based on trust, proximity between producer and consumer and the notion of
producer as consumer (or prosumer). Handbooks designed to guide those inter-
ested in stimulating regional economies are available (Lietaer and Kennedy 2008).
Examples of community currencies have flourished in the past two decades and
around the world through what are called Systmes dchanges locaux (SEL) or
Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS). The first LETS in the UK was created in
Norwich in 1985, growing by 2001 to include 300 trading schemes, involving
22,000 people and an annual turnover equivalent of 1.4 million (Williams et al.
2001 in Seyfang 2007). The local exchange systems can involve the trading of dif-
ferent products and services, but also time as a resource. This relates to time bank-
ing, a form of exchange based on the egalitarian notion that each members time is
equivalent to anothers. Services such as baby-sitting or painting can be exchanged
for computer programming or legal advice, with no distinction between the type of
service offered; it is an hour of time that is being exchanged. Time banks are increas-
ingly the subject of academic research: in the recent edited volume, Sustainable
lifestyle and the quest for plenitude (Schor and Thompson 2014), the up- and down-
218 M. Sahakian

sides of a Boston time bank are discussed, based on empirical research. The reason
LETS have remained small and marginal, in relation to the dominant market econ-
omy, may have to do with a number of factors, which might include the question of
quality of skills being traded, the availability of staple goods and services and gov-
ernment regulations that count LETS earnings as equivalent to cash income, among
others (Seyfang 2007).
Japan was a forerunner in community currency experiments: in the 1970s, a vol-
unteer labour bank allowed for inter-generational care, but was modestly successful
(Hirota 2011). In the late 1990s, the Director of Service Industries Division of the
Ministry of Economics, Trade and Industry (METI), Toshiharu Kato, founded the
Eco-Money network to support regional experiments in new currencies across
Japan.4 By 2003, 25 projects were implemented by 55 different organizations across
the country. The main roles of Eco Money projects are to enhance community integ-
rity, foster public participation, create a sustainable economic environment and
maintain a viable natural environment (Okuno 2004). In the Chiba prefecture, the
peanut was introduced as a regional currency, where one peanut is equal in
value to one yen; one hour of work is equal in value to 1,000 peanuts, with all trans-
actions recorded as plus and minuses on individual record sheets. For example,
peanuts can be gained by helping someone build a web site and driving a neighbour
to the hospital, which can then be used towards paying for a language class (Okuno
2004). Visitors to the 2005 World Exposition in Aichi, Japan, could earn Expo Eco-
Money points through pro-environmental actions (e.g., bringing your own bag to
the store, for example), which were then exchanged for services or products or used
to make donations to environmental projects. In another example in the Yasu-Cho
community in Shiga prefecture, community members came together to help protect
local forests and raise environmental awareness. An eco-yama (eco-mountain) card
was issued to encourage people to earn credit by helping to maintain the forest or to
help develop local renewable energies (solar and biomass). Local stores and busi-
nesses agreed to accept these credits, creating a local currency in solidarity between
local commerce, residents and the natural environment.
Levine (2003) suggests that one of the limits of the IE-natural system analogy is
that products play a central role in the economy: interactions or exchanges in indus-
trial ecology are mutualistic when they create a positive feedback loop in terms of
product value and related economic benefits, yet there is no analogy with a socially
constructed product value in natural systems. We might imagine new ways of
assigning value to under-utilized material and energy resources, by creating new
ways of trading such products and services outside of the capitalist market econ-
omy by incorporating social and environmental values, for example. In relation to

According to Lietaer (2004), eco-monies were introduced as part of a regional development strat-
egy following Katos investigations in regional development elsewhere. His study of high-tech
development models in the United States, including Silicon Valley, lead him to conclude that
regional learning clusters should be promoted, involving entrepreneurs and small corporations,
alongside ecological, economic, and community-driven initiatives (Okuno 2004). Complementary
currencies were seen as part of this design.
10 The Social and Solidarity Economy: Why Is It Relevant to Industrial Ecology? 219

climate change, one proposal is to reward low-carbon investments through the cre-
ation of a monetary unit based on the social cost of carbon (SCC): in this example,
the SCC is neither a market price, nor the tax incorporated in the prices of goods.
It is a notional price defined as the social value of avoided CO2 emissions (Aglietta
et al. 2015: 4), which relies on a strong independent body to calculate exactly what
that price might be. In this approach, the monetary unit is assigned a politically
negotiated value, and not a value based on the whims of a capitalist marketplace.5
To further this example around a SCC currency, the notion of dmurage could be
of interest, defined as a negative incentive against the accumulation of
notes.6Dmurage is a familiar term in complementary currencies, as it stimulates
the constant exchange of complementary currencies, against the accumulation of
wealth and towards its distribution. When a currency has been assigned dmurage,
the more money you accumulate over time, the lesser the value of that money. In the
example of a monetary unit based on the social cost of carbon, this could incentivise
the holders of this currency to accelerate their investments in low-carbon projects
rather than hoard carbon credits for the purpose of financial speculation. To return
to the founding metaphor of IE, the accumulation of benefits (i.e., endless profits) is
not apparent in ecosystems, which tend towards equilibrium. Dmurage could limit
the effects of accumulation for a complementary currency that strives towards envi-
ronmental goals. Whether this type of system would be state and independently
regulated (as Aglietta et al. suggest in relation to this version of a monetary unit
based on the SCC), driven by enterprises, or managed by everyday people remains
to be debated, along with an assessment of the resulting environmental impacts.

3.3 Crowdfunding in the Solidarity Economy:

towards IE Principles

Rifkin claims in his latest book (2014) that we are facing a transformation in modes
of production and operation, largely due to new technologies, and in a transition
from a capitalist to collaborative marketplace. The financial sector is no exception
to this trend: promoted through the Internet and mobile payment services, new

There is much debate around the social cost of carbon (SCC), as well as the notion of a more
versatile shadow price of carbon (SPC) used internally by companies in their strategic planning
(CDP 2013) or in the policy arena (Price et al. 2007). The point here is not to discuss these develop-
ments in depth but rather illustrate the example of how a monetary unit could operate outside of the
marketplace, based on values assigned through policy negotiations assuming democratic pro-
cesses and a strong independent regulatory body.
The notion of dmurage emerged in 1933, when the Austrian village of Wrgl introduced a new
currency designed with a negative incentive against the accumulation of the notes. The National
Bank of Austria closed down this experiment within a few months, fearing it would be replicated
to other regions and ultimately challenge the national currency (Sahakian 2014). The concept is
still alive today, however, with various community currencies building in dmurage to insure the
circulation of notes.
220 M. Sahakian

opportunities for raising donations, credit and loans abound. Given the credit crunch
in certain contexts, some of these online platforms offer more favourable interest
rates than traditional lending mechanisms. Certain financial platforms are business
as usual, facilitated by new technologies; however, some of these online services
could fall under the umbrella of the social and solidarity economy. In Sahakian and
Servet (in press), the distinction is made between crowdfunding that aims towards
communal sharing versus self-interest. Related to the former definition, crowd-
funding that tends towards solidarity implicates people coming together to address
a broader need, serving either social or environmental aims.
Certain crowdfunding platforms attempt to achieve these aims (e.g., SPEAR and
Kisskissbankbank), while others focus specifically on promote investments in
renewable energies (e.g., Solar Mosaic and Wiseed).7 Certain platforms propose
both business as usual projects as well as projects that aim at a social good. Take
for example Kickstarter: raising funds for the customizable smart watch Pebble8
does not aim towards achieving a greater environmental or social common good
(although this may be a matter of perspective), whereas raising funds for favela
painting does aim to transform an under-privileged area of Rio. In the case of Smart
Angels or Unilend,9 the projects financed tend to fall in the business as usual cat-
egory and these platforms are also based on capitalistic notions, in that they are
privately owned and seek pecuniary gains. The type of institutional framework gov-
erning a platform does not determine its mission of purpose. There is currently very
little information publicly available on how such platforms operate in practice,
including their governance systems, and this merits further study, particularly in
relation to notions of democratic governance systems.
Assessing the level of communal sharing and solidarity that takes place
through crowd-funding entails considering a range of factors, including the motiva-
tions for setting up such a platform, for proposing projects and contributing funds.
Such projects would need to be evaluated over time, to ensure that they deliver on
their promises. Crowdfunding could benefit the industrial ecology community in
one obvious way, in raising funds for interesting and novel projects. In other sectors,
crowdfunding has been used to test the viability or public support for certain initia-
tive. Crowdfunding for a new biogas facility for example could demonstrate the
interest and acceptance among the general public for such a project.
There is yet another way in which crowdfunding could work in synergy with
industrial ecology: as an investment tool. The economic gains made through reduc-
ing consumption and via efficiency measures can lead to decreases in consumption
that are lower than expected through a direct rebound effect (Hertwich 2005a).
More challenging to measure is indirect rebound, where for example money saved
through reduced energy or material consumption in one consumption area (e.g.

See associated websites:,,, www.
See Pebble project page on the Kickstarter website:
pebble-e-paper-watch-for-iphone-and-android (Retrieved March 3, 2015).
10 The Social and Solidarity Economy: Why Is It Relevant to Industrial Ecology? 221

switching from car journey to bicycles) leads to funds spent on other energy- and
material-intensive activities (e.g., a long distance flight). Economy-wide rebound
considers the effects such rebounds might have across the economy (Druckman
et al. 2011). Using the savings generated from increased efficiencies to invest in
projects that aim towards industrial ecology goals could be one way to counter such
rebounds (as also discussed by Druckman and Jackson, Chap. 9 in this volume),
with certain crowdfunding platforms providing the opportunity for such invest-
ments (Sahakian and Servet in press). While quantifying and qualifying rebounds is
a difficult exercise, allowing more opportunities for people to invest more directly
in environmentally sound and socially just activities, seems like a logical way

4 Conclusion

In this chapter we have considered the links and tensions between the fields of the
social and solidarity economy (SSE) and industrial ecology (IE), highlighting new
directions for reflection, research and practice in industrial ecology. This exercise
raises more questions than answers. The first main conclusion is about value sys-
tems and paradigms: the SSE tends to place people over profit; the IE field tends to
put planet over profit, both therefore go beyond pecuniary interests yet are based on
differing normative goals. By placing these two fields side by side, it becomes
apparent that the IE field could further theorize questions related to social context
and power structures. The notion of solidarity in relation to the workplace is becom-
ing increasingly topical in discussions around the sharing economy: ethical issues
are emerging around questions of employment security, health and safety standards,
employee personal development and employee sharing in value creation and related
wealth (Conway 2014). The question of labour precarity will no doubt increase in
the coming years, thus the relevance of Cohen-Rosenthals contribution to the IE
literature as well as more recent work on employee wages, health and safety. In
addition to the increasing focus on consumption and consumers in the IE field over
the past decade, more attention could also be given to production and specifically
labour relations: would a world of work based on solidarity contribute to greater
Beyond considering how IE might integrate principles from the SSE, another
approach would be to question whether solidarity, in a community or between dif-
ferent stakeholders in an economic activity, might be a promising foundation for
industrial symbiosis (see Chaps. 5 by Chertow and Park, and 19 by Bailey in this
volume). Rather than create an eco-community or industrial eco-park through top-
down policies, or hope that bottom-up forms of symbiosis will emerge from self-
organizing entities, one interesting new avenue for the industrial ecology community
would be to assess where the SSE is already active in certain fields at the level of
cooperatives, SMEs, larger enterprises, neighbourhoods or regions then build on
the existing relations of trust and solidarity, to maximize resource efficiency.
222 M. Sahakian

Whether solidaristic enterprises would be more receptive to such efforts and more
adept at embracing such resource exchanges remains to be seen and would be an
interesting area of future research. Another field of inquiry would be to ascertain to
what extent companies already involved in symbiotic relations also embody social
and solidarity values. Chertow and Ehrenfeld found that one of the most distinctive
elements of industrial symbiosis is that, while all industrial actors seek to reduce
private costs and increase private benefits, those in the symbiotic networks that have
been studied also participate in the creation of public environmental benefits (2012:
18). Here, the SSE can contribute through an analysis of the profit structure, gover-
nance system, societal aims and, more generally, in better understanding the culture
and values within such systems. Two other fields of inquiry involve the consider-
ation of solidaristic crowdfunding as an opportunity for abating economy-wide
rebound effects through the promotion of more socially just and environmentally
sound investments; and finally, the potential for complementary currencies to work
towards industrial ecology aims, such as reducing global carbon emissions.
One of the weaknesses of the social and solidarity economy has been that of
scale: although various institutions exist at the level of cities, countries and regions
to federate activities across sectors, the actors within the SSE typically operate on a
more micro scale. Over the past few years, there has been increasing attention to
macroeconomic thinking in the industrial ecology and ecological economics com-
munity, questioning notions of wellbeing and prosperity, the inadequateness of cur-
rent models and the need for transformative investments in the future (Rpke in
Cohen et al. 2013; Jackson 2009; Victor 2008). As Tim Jackson put it The truth is
that there is as yet no credible, socially just, ecologically sustainable scenario of
continually growing incomes for a world of 9 billion people. (2009: 86). The social
and solidarity economy is not a magic wand solution and operates at the margins of
the dominant capitalist economy, yet it is well underway and expanding, in research
and practice. Reflecting on how the SSE and industrial ecology community might
come together towards more macro-level perspectives would be a worthy exercise.
One main outcome of this analysis is that transactions and exchanges are important
flows, but more attention should be placed on the underlying values holding together
our everyday practices and put forward in our economy, workplaces and society as
a whole including social and environmental values that are not always aligned.

Acknowledgements The author would like to thank the editors for shepherding this chapter into
this volume and for their comments. I am indebted to the Industrial Ecology Group at the University
of Lausanne for their generous contribution of ideas, including Suren Erkman, Loc Leray, Frederic
Meylan, Ignes Contreiras, Theodore Besson and Vincent Moreau. I thank particularly Jean-Michel
Servet for his detailed comments in relation to the solidarity economy. I thank Guillaume Massard
for his insights, as well as Maurie Cohen and Sophie Swaton for fruitful exchanges around sharing.
The term end-of-pipe sharing emerged from a lively discussion with Nedal Nassar at the 2014
GRC on Industrial Ecology.

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
10 The Social and Solidarity Economy: Why Is It Relevant to Industrial Ecology? 223


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Chapter 11
Industrial Ecology in Developing Countries

Megha Shenoy

Abstract Sustainable development is not a simple, singular and well-tested path. It

needs an interdisciplinary examination of resource use patterns, ecological heritage,
demographics and cultural values. Industrial ecology, owing to its emphasis on
using a holistic approach, can provide a valuable platform to draw out sustainable
strategies and policies for developing countries to implement. It can offer a para-
digm within which IE methods and tools can inform responses to local development
challenges. Within this paradigm, sustainable industrial, rural and urban develop-
ment strategies and policies in developing countries should follow from IE research
and analyses.
A SWOT analysis of IE in developing countries highlights strengths of high
economic growth and threats from outdated policies and inadequate industrial ecol-
ogy awareness in the policy making and governing spheres. Examination of the
IPAT equation in the context of developing countries highlights the role that new
technological hubs such as China and India can play, the significance of increasing
affluence among new consumers in the developing world and the role of popula-
tion in managing resources sustainably.
Research in IE since its introduction to the global south around the mid-1990s
has primarily focused on two concepts of IE cleaner production and eco-industrial
parks largely due to the impetus of development organizations. Other studies
using the IE lens and tools have shown the potential of the IE paradigm in develop-
ing countries. These studies have highlighted the importance of focussing on scarce
resources such as water, examining the possibilities of using well-tested technolo-
gies and evaluating the long-term maintenance of new technologies and practices
before recommending their implementation. New policies in the developing world
can gain from the IE community in terms of assistance in simplifying and downsiz-
ing data requirements, application of solutions to contemporary sustainability chal-
lenges and framing effective policies based on IE concepts.

M. Shenoy (*)
Independent Sustainability Research Consultant,
SJ 102, Shriram Spandhana, Chalghatta, Bangalore 560037, India

The Author(s) 2016 229

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7_11
230 M. Shenoy

Keywords Developing countries Eco-industrial parks Industrial ecology

Sustainability Sustainability policy

1 Introduction

1.1 Benefits of IE for Developing Countries

The topic industrial ecology (IE) in developing countries is as vast as the ocean
and I would not wish to attempt to raft through its entirety with this chapter. Using
my field glasses, I attempt to provide an overview, highlight areas of industrial ecol-
ogy that have been examined in developing countries and two-way streets for devel-
oping countries to benefit from IE and vice versa. Developing countries1 can use the
concepts and tools of IE to ensure that the improvements they make to the quality of
life for their citizens is achieved in harmony with improving the health of ecological
systems, while investing effort, time and resources into a resilient economy. Regions
with higher population densities are also ones whose populations are most at risk
due to climate change and other environmental disasters caused by unsustainable
industrialization. Some of these countries (especially BRICS2 countries) have high
GDP growth rates, owing to relatively recent industrialization, and are at a point
where they could redefine their development paradigm and vision towards
embracing sustainable progress, rather than focusing on narrowly defined economic
expansion (Fig. 11.1).

1.2 GDP Fixation

Despite the overwhelming focus on improving a developing countrys GDP, its citi-
zens have to realize, as renowned environmental and policy analyst Vaclav Smil
(1996) reveals, that there is little worth of Chinas impressive 10 % GDP growth if
the true cost of environmental damage caused by this GDP increase is about 15 %
of its GDP. The out-dated practice of pollute now, clean up later will only degrade
the countrys environment and quality of life and increase economic expenditure on
future remediation efforts (Erkman and Ramaswamy 2003; Chiu and Yong 2004).
Moreover, once a countrys development paradigm and infrastructure are built on a
foundation of modern consumerism reliant on profligate use of fossil fuels,
corrective action to move towards sustainability will be expensive, complex and
challenging to navigate. Some of the reasons for the resistance in developed

Defined as those with a lower Human Development Index (HDI) and lower standard of living
relative to developed countries.
BRICS countries refers to Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
11 Industrial Ecology in Developing Countries 231

Fig. 11.1 Developed and developing countries (CIA 2013; Augusti 2008)

countries to redefine their development paradigms lie in their high accumulated debt
and the enormous investments they have made in infrastructure that is not designed
for sustainability (see Chaps. 6 and 7). When examined further, these aspects may
reveal a potentially more optimistic picture for developing countries.

1.3 Previous Studies on IE in Developing Countries

Sustainable development is certainly not a simple, singular and well-tested path.

Many different interest groups are in conflict over which environmental and social
challenges to tackle first, as well as their solutions. As previous reviews on indus-
trial ecology in developing countries suggest, IE offers an umbrella paradigm, a sort
of panoramic vision within which individual local crises could be approached with
pragmatic solutions. Industrial ecology based solutions offer the advantage of
simultaneously addressing several other interlinked problems to yield concurrent
benefits for all stakeholders (Chiu and Yong 2004; Lowe 2006). A SWOT analysis
of IE in developing countries, based on a previous study that looked at IE in Asian
developing countries (Chiu and Yong 2004), is presented in Table 11.1. Some
strengths, such as rapid economic growth, can also be viewed as a weakness, oppor-
tunity and threat.
In the developing world context, characterized by immediate development chal-
lenges brought on by rapid industrialization and urbanization, Chertow (2008) sug-
gests applying a narrower focus to the word industry in IE, rather than using it in
its broad sense to cover a range of anthropogenic activities. This suggestion may hold
well in contexts such as in Eco-Industrial Parks (EIPs) where resources are cycled
between industrial firms and collective benefits are realized to reduce environmental
and social impacts. However, even in these contexts it is important to realize that, in
232 M. Shenoy

Table 11.1 SWOT analysis for the potential of IE in developing countries (Adapted from Chiu
and Yong 2004)
Strengths Weaknesses
1. Economic growth: Most developing 1. Developing country specific IE based models and
countries are growing fast with large data: Models specific for understanding flows of
foreign direct investments and resources and their interaction with socio-economic
domestic industrialization, especially groups in developing countries need to be developed,
in the BRICS countries. This situation especially in the unorganized/informal sector. Specific
can provide the economic impetus for metric and indicators more suited for developing
funding industrial ecology research countries should be identified. Background data
and implementation in policy and especially that of life cycle inventories (LCIs) for life
industrial innovation. cycle assessments (LCAs) are lacking for most
developing countries.
2. Human resources: Most developing 2. Scarcity in financial resources: There is meager
countries have high population funding for research and development of IE in
densities with demographics developing countries.
emphasizing youth populations,
especially in countries like India.
3. Research: In some developing 3. Dearth of education programs: There are very few
countries, the research and academia specialized educational programs in IE in developing
have been exposed to industrial countries. Most of these programmes are in China
ecology, making this an ideal stage for
the setting up IE research and
education centres.
4. Awareness: People are aware about 4. Inadequate clarity in the role of different governing
sustainability and are looking for bodies: In several developing countries, there is a lack
methods and tools to implement of clarity in the roles of governing bodies for resource
solutions for it. This awareness is management. In many cases, there are gaping gaps in
present amongst the corporates, governance and in some cases there is overlap in the
citizens and the government. responsibilities of public sector institutions. There is a
lack of an integrated and collaborative approach to
resource management.
5. Role of government: The 5. Insufficient data: Data necessary to make content
government in some developing informed policy decisions are insufficient and at times
countries have shown interest in IE unreliable.
and implemented IE based policies, 6. Scarcity of green tech: Lack of innovation and
especially in China. Political access to green and clean industrial technologies.
cooperation can lead to growth of IE 7. Insufficient enforcement: Lack of enforcement of
in groups of these countries such as sustainable policies and for management of resources.
South Asian Association for Regional
Cooperation (SAARC),
Commonwealth countries, etc.
Opportunities Threats
1. Redefine sustainable development: 1. Strong focus on economic growth from rapid
Have an opportunity to redefine their industrialization: There is strong focus on
development paradigm and polices to industrialization and economic growth rather than
maximize social welfare while increasing social welfare. This thrust has already
limiting environmental impacts of damaged the ecological health of developing countries
development focused on consumerism. to a great extent.
11 Industrial Ecology in Developing Countries 233

Table 11.1 (continued)

Opportunities Threats
2. International co-operation: Several 2. Inadequate industrial ecology awareness: Especially
international institutions are in the policy making and governing spheres and the
collaborating with partners in public domain.
developing countries to investigate
systems using IE concepts and tools.
3. Development of new models and 3. Insufficient data: Lack of sufficient macro and micro
tools: Can contribute to the level data to inform policies on sustainable
development of new models and tools management of resources.
in IE.
4. Global political arena: Several 4. Focus on remediation: Stuck in the
developing countries are allying with industrialization pollution remediation running
one another to further their wheel to further development. Lack insights into how
negotiations in global agreements to transition towards sustainable policy development
such as those regarding climate and enforcement. IE may therefore be viewed merely
change. They can use these political as a technical add on or fix to remediate pollution,
collaborations to cross collaborate on caused by inefficient management of resources and
IE based policies and strategies. insufficient lack of enforcement of environmental
5. Outdated policies: Policies in some cases prevent
effective IE implementation. For example Zero
discharge policy in India disallows water cascading
among industries. In some countries laws inhibits the
formation of waste exchange networks and industrial
6. High externalities of industrialization: In several
countries, the externalities associated with industries
are tremendous as proper working conditions,
environmental protection and social benefits to affected
communities are not included in the cost of production.

the absence of an overarching sustainable development paradigm, industrial residues

that are expensive for industries to recycle will be disposed of in the cheapest and
most often not the cleanest of ways. Moreover, polluting industries such as coal fired
power plants in EIPs may be further locked-in in industrial networks, making it dif-
ficult to replace them with cleaner technologies such as plants based on renewable
resources. On the policy front, it is important for developing countries to be aware of
these interlinked complications and think of ways to avoid net long-term damage to
their ecological, social and economic health, as explored in Chap. 6.

1.4 IE in the Policy Context

Around the world, national policies for environmental protection have evolved from
a perception of industrial processes as linear chains, rather than viewing them as
cyclic ones. These policies, therefore, are aimed at cleaning up pollution at the end
234 M. Shenoy

of a chain, rather than avoiding its creation. Furthermore, policies have been artifi-
cially compartmentalized for protection of naturally interconnected systems of air,
water, forests, agricultural lands and urban settlements via separate air, water and
waste acts. More than 30 years after its initiation, industrial ecology has evolved to
inform progressive sustainable policies in the developed world. These policies
include embedding life-cycle thinking in the European Unions legislation and
intelligent design of infrastructure (Chertow et al. 2015). Learning from these sig-
nificant initiatives, developing countries need to progress towards this next genera-
tion of sustainable policymaking whose overarching vision should be to initiate,
support and enforce sustainable conditions.
IE provides an overarching framework for individual polices and schemes that
support sustainable urban, industrial and rural development while ensuring weeding
out, rather than locking in, of polluting technologies. Periodic monitoring of these
policies will ensure that progress is not made in a fragmented and unsystematic
fashion. For instance policies that focus on improving fuel efficiency of automo-
biles may be blind to the requirements of increasing the amount of land utilized for
road transportation, the huge investment required for this infrastructure and the way
it locks development into favouring road transport and ownership of automobiles.
Such short-sighted policies may yield some benefits to the quality of life in the short
term but harm it in the long run.
Considering what has been achieved by industrial ecology in the developed
world and learning from experience is important to avoid reinventing the wheel and
losing out on one of our most precious resources time. However, this is not the
only direction for learning to take place; this chapter highlights the fact that devel-
oping countries not only offer valuable, relatively uncharted landscapes for enrich-
ing our understanding of how industrial ecology can inform sustainable development
but also help uncover unexplored practices and technologies that can provide a simi-
lar level of social welfare by using far less resources.

2 What Has Been Achieved by IE in the Global South?

Taking the glass is half full approach, let us begin examining what the glass con-
tains with a brief history of IE in developing countries. Industrial ecology was first
systematically introduced into developing countries in 1995, when Erkman and
Ramaswamy initiated a collaboration to disseminate and experiment on applying IE
in the Indian context (ROI 2010). This collaboration resulted in the publication of
case studies (Erkman and Ramaswamy 2003) and the establishment of the Resource
Optimization Initiative (ROI). In 1999, an Industrial Ecology conference was orga-
nized at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (Erkman 2015, Origins of
industrial ecology in developing countries. Personal Communication via Email).
Around the same time, in 1997, the faculty of the Dalian University of Technology
(DUT) began its IE work in China.
11 Industrial Ecology in Developing Countries 235

Industrial Ecology

Firm Level Between Firms Regional/Global

1. Design for environment 7. Life cycle assessment 10. Material and energy flow
2. Eco-efficiency 8. Industrial symbiosis
11. Decarbonization/
3. Technological change 9. Loop closing (without Dematerialization
distance component)
4. Extended producer 12. Product-oriented and
responsibility environmental policy

5. Decision making and the 13. Economic instruments of

environment environmental policy

6. Cleaner production

Fig. 11.2 Industrial ecology concepts and tools at the firm level, between firm and regional/global
level (Adapted from Lifset and Graedel 2002)

2.1 Hotspots of IE in the Global South

Available research papers and reports highlight the main streams of IE that have
been researched and implemented in developing countries. Analysing 131 docu-
ments (comprising 83 peer-reviewed journal articles, 27 books and book chapters
and 21 reports from development organizations, institutions and companies) that
examined various concepts and tools of IE (see Fig. 11.2) in the Indian context from
1997 to 2009 (Shenoy and Chertow 2009) revealed that Cleaner Production was a
hot spot being explored in a majority of cases (see Fig. 11.3).
Examination of industrial ecology in other countries has revealed that almost two
decades since its first introduction in developing countries, IE has developed in two
relatively large branches: (1) Cleaner Production and (2) Eco-Industrial
Development. Apart from these two areas, several cases that use Material Flow
Analysis, Life Cycle Assessment, Extended Producer Responsibility and demateri-
alization have been examined in diverse developing world contexts.

2.2 Cleaner Production

Cleaner production (CP) is an IE strategy that has been implemented in several

developing countries since the early 1990s. The Chinese National Cleaner
Production Centre (CNCPC) was established in December 1994 (UNIDO/UNEP
n.d.). In 1995, the world-wide UNIDO/UNEP National Cleaner Production Centre
236 M. Shenoy

Fig. 11.3 Heat map of 131 documents that examined various concepts and tools of IE in India
(CP cleaner production, Decarb decarbonisation, LC loop closing (without distance component),
MEFA material and energy flow analysis, EPR extended producer responsibility, IS industrial sym-
biosis, LCA life cycle assessment, EcoEff eco-efficiency, Other includes IE related topics, such as
social network analysis, social capital, ecological economics, sustainability modelling, scenario
analysis, international environmental agreements and treaties, etc., DecAnaE decision making and
the environment, Tech technology interventions for sustainability, DFE design for environment,
ProdEP product oriented environmental policy)

(NCPC) programme included the CNCPC and established NCPCs in Brazil, India,
Mexico, Tanzania, Tunisia and Zimbabwe (Nishikawa 2009). Since then the pro-
gramme has expanded to include 47 developing and transition countries (UNIDO/
UNEP 2010). In each of these countries, training programmes on CP have been
conducted and in-plant CP assessments have been completed (UNIDO/UNEP
2010). In the 1990s, the World Bank sponsored a project focused on Environmental
Management Capacity Building that resulted in CP promotion efforts in India
(Rathi 2003).
In 2002, CP was included in policy in the Cleaner Production Promotion Law
that was passed by the Chinese government in 2002. This law defines and sets goals
and targets for clean industry, clearly specifies implementation responsibilities and
outlines ways to measure successful implementation of CP in industries (Mol and
Liu 2005). Other developing countries are yet to frame policies to support and facil-
11 Industrial Ecology in Developing Countries 237

itate CP. Currently, the lack of specific policies to facilitate and sustain CP, funding
and capacity for implementation, lax enforcement of regulations and insufficient
external social pressure demanding change are some of the significant barriers to CP
implementation and expansion (Muduli et al. 2013).

2.3 Eco-Industrial Development

Applying the concept of CP at the scale of an industrial area gives rise to eco-
industrial networks that exchange materials and realize collective sustainable ben-
efits (see Chap. 5). In the broadest sense, industrial areas that are either designed or
remodelled for this purpose are called Eco-Industrial Parks EIPs. The first EIP in
the developing world was set up in 2000 by the Chinese Research Academy on
Environmental Science, an affiliated institution of the China State Environmental
Protection Administration (Chiu and Yong 2004). Currently as many as 60 parks
have been approved under the national pilot EIP programme in China (Zhang et al.
2010). In 2009, China framed and enforced the Circular Economy Promotion Law
that supports the development of EIPs, via specific regulations and schemes to raise
resource recycling rates in production, circulation and consumption cycles (WB
2009). In India and in most other developing countries, national or regional policies
that facilitate EIPs are lacking (Ashton and Shenoy 2015). In India, over the past
few years, the German development agency, GIZ, has been involved in the estab-
lishment of EIPs in a few states in India (GIZ n.d.).
Examination of industrial symbiosis in India has revealed high potential for
spontaneously evolved waste exchange networks (Bain et al. 2010). This observa-
tion reveals potential for a bottom-up approach to develop EIPs such as that carried
out by the UK National Industrial Symbiosis Program (NISP) (Boons et al. 2011),
further facilitated by policies and financial assistance that encourage industries to
implement recycling strategies (especially for materials that do not have established
markets). In addition, there is a significant need to (1) develop new methods to
quantify material flows in the large informal sector, and (2) examine power relation-
ships and negotiating authority between partners involved in residue exchanges,
especially between large well-established companies and informal players such as
farmers co-operatives, individual farmers and waste recyclers. Such findings were
revealed when uncovering the residue exchanges involving ash granted by large-
scale companies to individual small land-holding farmers in south India (Bain et al.
In other developing countries, including Cambodia, Vietnam, Egypt, Namibia,
South Africa, Colombia and Peru (UNIDO in prep.; Chertow et al. 2008), eco-
industrial development is at varying stages of development. Most studies that report
and examine EIPs in developing countries have focused on the physical flows of
matter and energy. However, there is a need for a deeper understanding of crucial
aspects of EIPs such as (1) systems for inter-organizational networking opportuni-
ties, (2) stakeholder participation and (3) measurement of life cycle environmental
238 M. Shenoy

and social impacts of EIPs for their long term sustainability (Eckelman and Chertow
2013; Ashton and Shenoy 2015).
Other than CP and EIPs, case studies that examine resource flows in systems in
India have highlighted that in the developing world context it is important to (1)
focus on scarce resources, such as water, including mapping its distribution over
many sources and users, a majority of which are unorganized or informal; (2)
redefine the pollution problems to highlight scarcity and imbalanced use of these
resources; (3) examine the possibilities of using well tested, off-the-shelf technolo-
gies that are used for other purposes before exploring new technologies and (4)
evaluate possibilities and solutions for the long-term maintenance of new technolo-
gies and practices before recommending their implementation (Erkman and
Ramaswamy 2000, 2003; ROI 2005; Shenoy et al. 2010).

3 Current Issues

Continuing with the approach of the glass is half full and asking with what?, we
now examine the current situation: how and with what to fill the rest of the glass. For
IE to yield truly sustainable initiatives in the developing world, we need to view the
current environmental crises as symptoms of a particular development paradigm
(Prins et al. 2010), founded on profligate use of fossil fuels and consumerist atti-
tudes with exorbitant embedded energy and resource demands. Developing coun-
tries need to realize the value of this perspective and not follow the same development
pathway (Shenoy 2010). A new development paradigm which places sustainability
above economic growth has been pioneered by Bhutan in its concept of Gross
National Happiness (GNH) (Ura et al. 2012). In 2011, the UN adopted the Gross
National Happiness (GNH) and is now examining ways to measure this index in
countries around the world (Kelly 2012). However, most developing countries place
economic gains above sustainability in their development, owing to which they have
undergone tremendous environmental damage in the recent past (GFW 2012).

3.1 Impact of Technology

Industrial ecology offers insights on ways to measure and manage impacts (environ-
mental and social) so as to track progress on a sustainable development pathway. In
the IPAT equation,

GDP Environmental impact

Total Environmental Impact Population
Person Unit of per capita GDP

Ehrlich and Holdren (1971) define the third term the technology term as a mea-
sure of how much each unit of production or consumption pollutes. Graedel and
11 Industrial Ecology in Developing Countries 239

Allenby (1995) optimistically place the responsibility of sustainable development on

this technology term to encourage sustainable technological innovation by individual
companies and corporates. Given that developing countries such as China and India
are now emerging as leading technology hubs, technological innovation can contrib-
ute significantly to our sustainable development. Several companies from developing
countries, members of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development
(WBCSD), Global Reporting Initiative, Greening of Industry Network (GIN) and
Asia Pacific Roundtable for Cleaner Production (APRCP), are including sustainabil-
ity and the triple bottom line in their growth strategies. Some of the IE-based technol-
ogy solutions that these companies can adopt are explored in other chapters in this
book. They include (1) greening of the supply chain, (2) extending producer respon-
sibility, (3) environmental certification and (4) dematerializing the economy. Despite
the acceptance of these approaches, it would be nave to entrust corporates entirely
with the responsibility for sustainable development. Although technology and corpo-
rates can play a significant role, there is a definite need for the presence of overarching
policies and government funding to facilitate sustainable technology development.

3.2 Impact of Population and Affluence

From the perspective of a developing country with the worlds highest population
density, it is apparent that the two other terms in the IPAT equation GDP/person
(also called the Affluence term) and Population need to take on equal and some-
times even larger responsibility in shaping a sustainable future. The environmental
impact of the rich and affluent and rural to urban migration in developing countries
can be very significant. For example, in 1990 in India, the collective CO2 emissions
of new consumers was found to be 15 times greater than that of the rest of the
population (Myers and Kent 2004). Analysing the environmental impact of a per-
sons lifestyle with respect to their personal (disposable) income would also be
extremely important for developing countries, to measure and limit the impacts of
increasing affluence and population.

3.3 Policy Development and Funding

Learning from studies that have examined ways for IE to inform policy develop-
ment, developing countries need to defragment environmental policies across sup-
ply chains and across artificially compartmentalized environmental areas. For
example, policies that focus on environmental protection of water more than land
can lead to treatment of waste water only to end up with hazardous sludge that will
continue to contaminate landfills and eventually leach into ground water. In addi-
tion, developing countries require an approach of not simply applying or adapting
240 M. Shenoy

IE concepts and tools but new ways of framing their problems and hence finding
solutions (Erkman and Ramaswamy 2000).
If resources are cycled efficiently, as advocated by the IE paradigm, then we can
expect to devote progressively less financial resources into future remediation. This
argument provides a strong case for the financial value of IE, supporting the allocation
of public funding for (1) industrial ecology research and education; (2) providing finan-
cial assistance to micro-, small-scale and cottage-scale industries to invest in efficient,
clean technologies (Erkman and Ramaswamy 2000) and (3) monitoring environmental
parameters and measures of human development, a task which is made more complex
by the significance of the unorganized sector (Erkman and Ramaswamy 2003).

4 What Can IE Give to the Global South?

Although there is some financial impetus for developing countries to adopt IE, this
need not be the only motivation for adopting IE. Recent research has found that high
levels of human development can be achieved at moderate energy consumption levels
and, more importantly, that increasing energy consumption does not necessarily con-
tribute to higher living standards (Fig. 11.2) (Steinberger and Roberts 2010) (Fig. 11.4).
Human Development Index



1975 regression
0.5 2005 regression
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Primary Energy (GJ per cap)
Human Development Index


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Emissions (tons C per cap)

Fig. 11.4 Human development Index for specific countries vs. energy and carbon emissions from
1975 to 2005. Regression curves for 1975 and 2005 are shown for reference (From Steinberger and
Roberts 2010)
11 Industrial Ecology in Developing Countries 241

4.1 Challenges, Metrics and Models

This motivation to improve human development standards comes with significant

challenges specific to developing countries, due to limited data availability. The IE
community can provide significant assistance to developing countries by simplify-
ing and downsizing data requirements to a point which yields sufficiently accurate
results to inform policy. It would indeed be counterproductive if developing coun-
tries were to wait for economic growth to fuel complex data gathering operations
that can in turn inform their sustainable development policies. Some of the rela-
tively simple metrics developed in IE that can be used to inform specific policies are
ratios of different materials to measure resource efficiency. These ratios along with
the caveats that need to be kept in mind while incorporating them into policies are
in Table 11.2.
In addition, IE research has developed frameworks and models that capture the
complexity of real systems by integrating several IE-based tools, for example the
social-ecological-infrastructural systems (SEIS) framework and LCA analysis in
EIPs (Ramaswami et al. 2012; Eckelman and Chertow 2013). An example of the
socio-economic metabolism approach is advocated in Chap. 6. The SEIS frame-
work is currently being used to assess environmental impacts of emerging cities in
USA, China and India (Ramaswami et al. 2015). A similar framework is the
Integrative Regional Action Planning (IRAP) framework that integrates planning
across undeveloped land, rural and urban regions (Jaderi et al. 2014; Van Zeijl-
Rozema and Martens 2011; Huynen et al. 2004; Lowe 2006). Such integrative
frameworks call for cooperation between various stakeholders and institutions for a
comprehensive understanding of regions, their impacts and solutions. These inte-

Table 11.2 Metrics, policy guidance and caveats for some ratios for understanding ways to
optimize of resource flows
Metrics Policy guidance and caveats
Virgin Materials Incentivize companies to pursue closing of loops rather than
Recycled Materials disposal of industrial residues. Policies need to clearly define
virgin, recycled materials and by-products to avoid
Actual Recycled Materials Industrial cluster level, city level and state level metrics to
Potential Recycled Materials favour those that recycle more

Renewable FuelSources Individual companies, city and state level metrics to favour
Fossil FuelSources renewable energy sources. Although, in most cases a higher
ratio would indicate lower environmental impacts, this may not
always be the case. For e.g. biodiesel from palm oil extracted
from plantations grown on destroyed forest land can have much
higher life cycle impacts compared to fossil fuels (Crutzen
et al. 2008; Fargione et al. 2008)
Economic Output This measure can be used to improve resource efficiency
Material Input
242 M. Shenoy

grative frameworks may need to be adapted to suit developing country contexts and,
in some cases, new models will need to be developed. For example, while smart
cities developed in the global North may be commendable in their ability to capture
complex impacts and employ ecological design, they may not address the economic
and social constraints and challenges in the developing world.
The IE community can also offer solutions to contemporary challenges, includ-
ing how to address the problems of rebound that arises from improving energy
efficiency (Gillingham et al. 2013) and avoiding lock-in of polluting technologies
in eco-industrial networks (Boons et al. 2011; Shi et al. 2010). Analyses on how to
include these effects into policy are needed, not only in countries that already have
energy efficiency and EIP policies in place but also those that are developing new

5 How Can the Global South Contribute to IE?

Industrial ecology concepts and tools have developed primarily in the developed
world. However, owing to their low energy and material consumption patterns,
developing countries can provide unexamined contexts for the developed world to
learn from. Some of these contexts where the IE lens has provided valuable insights
are (1) informal recycling by the unorganized sector in several developing countries
(Medina 1997; Wilson et al. 2006); (2) provisioning of fresh vegetables and fruits
on a regular basis to reduce food wastage due to inefficient management of house-
hold food inventories (Sahakian in press); and (3) water balance of cities in
India (Eckelman et al. 2010).
In some cases, historic management of resources in developing countries has
been postulated as more sustainable than the way resources are currently managed
around the world; examples are flood management along the Brahmaputra in West
Bengal (Rasid and Paul 1987) and community-based construction and maintenance
of water tanks in the pre-British era in various regions in India (Mosse 1997). IE can
offer qualitative and quantitative measures to understand and monitor such

6 Conclusions

Some developing countries have realized the benefits of IE approaches and have
used its concepts for sustainable growth of communities; others are yet to realize the
value of this approach. The benefits of IE for developing countries include strategy
elaboration and policy framing for sustainable development. Developing countries
need to re-examine their development strategies and make important decisions to
improve social welfare and build healthy economies, while protecting their ecologi-
cal heritage. Redefining a countrys development pathway is a complex process that
11 Industrial Ecology in Developing Countries 243

needs an interdisciplinary examination of cultural values, ecological heritage,

resource use patterns and demographics. Due to its emphasis on a holistic approach,
industrial ecology can provide a valuable platform to draw out this redefinition in
ways that can be implemented.

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.


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Chapter 12
Material Flow Analysis and Waste

Yuichi Moriguchi and Seiji Hashimoto

Abstract Material flow analysis (MFA, also known as Material Flow Accounting)
has become one of the basic tools in industrial ecology, since its pioneering devel-
opment by Ayres. This chapter reviews progress in MFA with emphasis on the use
of MFA to support waste management and recycling policy.
Waste statistics are compiled in most developed and some developing countries,
but the basis is insufficiently standardized so that care is needed in making compari-
sons between countries. This also applies to recycling flows, which are difficult to
define and quantify. Waste arising from demolition can be predicted by dynamic mod-
eling which also predicts future resource demand, but the discrepancies between pre-
dicted and reported waste quantities can be large due to missing or dissipated
stock. Metals represent an important and valuable component of waste; metals in end-
of-life vehicles and e-waste in particular need to be quantified for their recycling and
ecological and human health impact assessment. MFA has also been applied to inter-
national trade of secondhand products containing metals. MFA studies on phosphorus
have revealed potential ways to increase recovery that go beyond recycling from obvi-
ous wastes. Analysis of stocks must be an important topic in coming decades.
Policies designed to move the economy towards circularity have been pro-
moted in some countries, including China and Japan, as practical manifestations of
the industrial ecology paradigm. In China, the link to MFA was only recognized
some years after the introduction of the policy, whereas in Japan MFA was accepted
from the outset.
Measures are being advocated, for example by the OECD, to improve the com-
parability of MFA across different data sources. Input-output analysis is increas-
ingly applied to estimate and represent material flows. In general, MFA has matured
to the point where it is now mandated as a tool for national and international policy.
But further expansion and integration are expected.

Y. Moriguchi (*)
Department of Urban Engineering, The University of Tokyo,
7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
S. Hashimoto
Department of Environmental Systems Engineering, Ritsumeikan University,
1-1-1 Noji-higashi, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577, Japan

The Author(s) 2016 247

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7_12
248 Y. Moriguchi and S. Hashimoto

Keywords Material flow analysis Material flow accounting MFA Waste man-
agement and recycling Statistics Input-output analysis Socio-economic metab-
olism Circular economy

1 Introduction Historical and Institutional Perspectives

This chapter reviews the recent progress in methodologies and applications of mate-
rial flow analysis (MFA) with emphasis on waste management and recycling per-
spective. An overview of the progress of economy-wide MFA can be found in a
recent review by Fischer-Kowalski et al. (2011).
Robert Ayres and Allen Kneese presented the first version of what would become
MFA of national economies as early as in 1969 (Ayres and Kneese 1969) (see Chap.
1). Ayres subsequently edited two books on resource accounting (Ayres and Ayres
1998, 1999) as well as a handbook of industrial ecology (Ayres and Ayres 2002).
The section on MFA of this handbook (Bringezu and Moriguchi 2002) begins with
the sentence, understanding the structure and functioning of the industrial or soci-
etal metabolism is at the core of industrial ecology, followed by the definition that
Material flow analysis (MFA) refers to the analysis of the throughput of process
chains comprising extraction or harvest, chemical transformation, manufacturing,
consumption, recycling and disposal of materials. Approaches for quantifying the
metabolism of physical economies were comprehensively reviewed by Daniels and
his colleagues (Daniels and Moore 2001; Daniels 2002).
Looking back on the last two decades, ConAccount, a network of institutions and
experts working on MFA, has played a key role in the progress of MFA (Moriguchi
2007). ConAccount started in May 1996 as a concerted action entitled Coordination
of Regional and National Material Flow Accounting for Environmental
Sustainability. ConAccount convened several times, mainly in Europe. More
recently, it was integrated into the International Society of Industrial Ecology (ISIE)
as a section, now entitled Socio-Economic Metabolism (SEM) (see also Chap. 6).
In addition to national accounting of material flows, MFA has been increasingly
used as a basis for analyzing and planning waste management and recycling sys-
tems. By search on the Web of Science (material flow analysis and waste or
recycling), more than 300 articles that used an MFA approach for analyzing waste
and recycling issues were found. Publications in these areas started in the late 1990s
and the number has gradually increased, to reach more than 50 in 2014. The cita-
tions in each year have also increased up to 800 in 2014 with about 11 average
citations per article. The number of articles and their citation is expected to expand
further. In addition to Journal of Industrial Ecology, many articles are found in jour-
nals such as Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Environmental Science and
Technology, Waste Management, and Waste Management and Research.
The following sections review the empirical studies of MFA for waste manage-
ment and recycling from the viewpoint of target wastes and systems and MFA-
12 Material Flow Analysis and Waste Management 249

based policies and concepts for sustainable resource and waste management. The
chapter goes on to discuss the outlook for possible integration of methodologies and
future developments in MFA.

2 Review of Empirical Studies from the Viewpoint of Target

Wastes and Systems

2.1 Waste in General

In many developed countries, waste statistics are available (e.g. OECD 2005) as a
basis for framing waste management and recycling policy (see Chap. 14).
Institutionalization of the compilation of waste statistics is essential for appropriate
waste management in developing countries (see Chap. 11). However, one of the
issues in waste statistics is that definition and coverage of waste streams (e.g.
municipal/industrial, hazardous/non-hazardous) vary considerably across countries.
Therefore, comparison of waste indicators needs careful interpretation. The same
applies to indicators such as recycling rate.
It is interesting and useful to capture recycling flows as parts of more compre-
hensive picture of material flows: such flows are accounted for in some national
MFAs. However, defining recycling flows is not easy. The first version of the meth-
odological guide for economy-wide MFA (Eurostat 2001) says Recycling flows
are not part of the material balance, because First, data on materials recycled
within statistical units are not normally available. Second, the definition and mea-
surement of recycling flows is difficult. In this regard, Hashimoto and Moriguchi
(2004) categorized the forms of recycling and proposed alternative indicators that
can avoid double-counting and/or inflated recycling flows or rates. Concerning
recycling ratio, Graedel et al. (2011) gave definitions of various metrics related to
end-of-life recycling. Further, Bailey et al. (2008) proposed inputoutput cycling
metrics that can measure cycling of both direct and indirect flows in a complex
system while traditional metrics only account for direct flows. Further discussion
and development are needed on the issue of defining and measuring recycle flows.

2.2 Construction and Demolition Waste

A number of MFA studies are available related to construction and demolition waste
for countries and regions such as China (Shi et al. 2012; Huang et al. 2013), Japan
(Hashimoto et al. 2007, 2009), The Netherlands (Mller 2006), Norway (Bergsdal
et al. 2007), and Taiwan (Hsiao et al. 2002); for cities such as Beijing (Hu, D. et al.
2010; Hu, M. et al. 2010); and for specific infrastructures such as highway traffic
system (Wen and Li 2010).
250 Y. Moriguchi and S. Hashimoto

The dynamic model presented by Mller (2006) is now often used to estimate
future resource demand and waste generation. The feature of this model is that ser-
vice provided by stocks, determined by population and lifestyle, is the driver of
future service demand and related resource demand (see Chaps. 6 and 7). This is a
reasonable assumption when we want to foresee long-term trends of material flows.
Modeling future demolition waste generation is one objective of these MFA
studies. However, Hashimoto et al. (2007) showed that there can be very large dis-
crepancies between the amounts estimated in the studies and the statistical quanti-
ties reported. One possible reason is that considerable amounts of construction
materials do not emerge as wastes. Hashimoto et al. (2007) referred to this as miss-
ing stock or dissipated stock and then proposed a framework for estimating
potential wastes accumulated within an economy (Hashimoto et al. 2009). Materials
input into an economy include dissipatively used materials, such as crushed stone
used for leveling the ground and reclaiming ground, and permanent structures, such
as tunnels and dams with a low probability of being demolished. This point should
be considered when we model future generation of demolition waste and its
Demolition waste is also important from the viewpoint of disaster waste manage-
ment because it is a major portion of the waste to be managed following a disaster.
Tanikawa et al. (2014) estimated such waste as lost material stock, taking the
great east Japan earthquake as a case study. Methodological development for
quickly estimating the amount of disaster waste is important for the IE community,
because planning waste management and recycling is one of the first steps for
recovery from disaster.

2.3 End-of-Life Vehicles and e-Waste

End-of-life vehicles contain many valuable materials that should be recovered (see
Chap. 18). An objective of MFA studies is, therefore, to capture flows of resources
contained in end-of-life vehicles, such as aluminum (Cheah et al. 2009; Mathieux
and Brissaud 2010; Modaresi and Mller 2012; Hatayama et al. 2012), steel, cop-
per, lead, and zinc (Fuse et al. 2009; Yano et al. 2014). Further, Richa et al. (2014)
analyzed lithium-ion battery waste flows from electric vehicles in the future.
Material flows of e-waste have been studied in many countries to support its
management and recycling, e.g. Brazil (Arajo et al. 2012), China (Liu et al. 2006;
Yang et al. 2008; Chung 2012; Zhang et al. 2012; Habuer et al. 2014; Li et al. 2015),
Chile (Steubing et al. 2010), Czech Republic (Polak and Drapalova 2012), Germany
(Walk 2009), Hong Kong (Chung et al. 2011; Lau et al. 2013), India (Dwivedy and
Mittal 2010a, b), Indonesia (Andarani and Goto 2014), Iran (Rahmani et al. 2014;
Alavi et al. 2015), Japan (Yamasue et al. 2007; Oguchi et al. 2008; Yoshida et al.
2009), Nigeria (Osibanjo and Nnorom 2008; Nnorom and Osibanjo 2008), South
Korea (Lee et al. 2007; Kim et al. 2013), Spain (Gutierrez et al. 2010), USA (Kang
and Schoenung 2006; Leigh et al. 2007; Kahhat and Williams 2012; Lam et al.
12 Material Flow Analysis and Waste Management 251

2013; Schumacher et al. 2014), and in the global economy (Yu et al. 2010). Some
studies have estimated flows of specific materials contained in e-waste such as steel,
aluminum, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc (Yamasue et al. 2007; Lam et al. 2013;
Habuer et al. 2014) and parts such as lithium-ion batteries (Chang et al., 2009).
Tracking international trade of second-hand e-products is another research objective
of MFA to assess the potential negative impacts on the environment in importing
countries (Kahhat and Williams 2009, 2012; Yoshida and Terazono 2010; Breivik
et al. 2014).
In many countries, data on e-products and e-waste are limited. Further, consum-
ers tend to store old e-products at home even if they are no longer used. Therefore,
methodological aspects for estimating e-waste flows have been discussed (Leigh
et al. 2007; Yoshida et al. 2009; Gutierrez et al., 2010; Arajo et al. 2012; Wang
et al. 2013; Li et al. 2015). Moreover, Lam et al. (2013) combined MFA with eco-
logical and human health impact assessment caused by heavy metals in e-waste.
Metals in end-of-life vehicles and e-waste need to be quantified for planning recy-
cling and assessing risks. Streicher-Porte et al. (2009) integrated MFA, life cycle
assessment (LCA), and multiple attribute utility theory to evaluate scenarios for
computer supplies to schools in Colombia. These methodological developments
and integration of different tools are important next steps for MFAs.

2.4 Metals in Waste

There is a substantial body of research related to metal flows and stocks (Chen and
Graedel 2012), inevitably including waste and recycling flows.
One of the motivations of metal flow studies is to estimate recycling rates of
those metals. Graedel et al. (2011) provide an overview on the current knowledge of
recycling rates for 60 metals and show that many end-of-life recycling ratios (EOL-
RRs) are very low: only for 18 metals (silver, aluminum, gold, cobalt, chromium,
copper, iron, manganese, niobium, nickel, lead, palladium, platinum, rhenium, rho-
dium, tin, titanium, and zinc) is the EOL-RR above 50 % at present. We need further
research on recycling flows; this should be standardized and institutionalized in the
compilation of statistics.
How many times materials are expected to be recycled is also an interesting and
important question (see Chap. 7). Markov chain modeling has been applied to esti-
mate average times of use of steel (Matsuno et al. 2007), stainless steel (Hashimoto
et al. 2010), nickel (Eckelman et al. 2012), and copper (Eckelman and Daigo 2008).
Results were, respectively, 2.7, 1.94.3, 3, and 1.9 times.
Some studies discuss alloying elements in metal recycling (Nakajima et al. 2011,
2013; Nakamura et al. 2012; Ohno et al. 2014). For example, Ohno et al. (2014)
showed that considerable amounts of alloying elements, which correspond to 78 %
of the annual consumption in electric arc furnace (EAF) steelmaking, are uninten-
tionally introduced into EAFs. This type of analysis is an interesting application of
MFA to help development of more appropriate recycling systems.
252 Y. Moriguchi and S. Hashimoto

As metal stocks in a society are important sources of secondary resources,

research related to the assessment of stocks has been increasing (Gerst and Graedel
2008). Using satellite night-time light observation data is an innovative and interest-
ing methodological approach to stock estimation (Takahashi et al. 2009; Hsu et al.
2013). On the conceptual aspect of stocks as resources, classification of secondary
resources in the anthroposphere was proposed (Hashimoto et al. 2008), based on the
classification of primary resources in the lithosphere, i.e. so-called McKelvey dia-
gram (McKelvey 1972). Analysis of stocks must be an important topic in coming

2.5 Phosphorus in Waste

Phosphorus is as an essential nutrient for agriculture, but phosphate rock is a non-

renewable resource and its deposits will be exhausted in a long term. Therefore, in
addition to increasing phosphorus use efficiency in agricultural systems, phospho-
rus needs to be recovered from all current waste streams (Cordell et al. 2011).
Especially, wastes rich in phosphorus can represent new sources. MFA can provide
an effective tool to identify such new sources.
Sewage sludge is one candidate as a potential source of phosphorus and com-
monly utilized by spreading directly to farm land (Lederer and Rechberger 2010).
However, by conducting MFA of phosphorous in Gothenburg, Sweden, Kalmykova
et al. (2012) concluded that solid waste incineration residues represented a large
underestimated sink of phosphorus and that focusing on wastewater as the sole
source of recovered phosphorus was not sufficient. Further, Matsubae-Yokoyama
et al. (2009) analyzed availability of phosphorus resources that remain untapped for
Japan and found that the quantity of phosphorus in iron and steel-making slag was
almost equivalent to that in imported phosphate ore in terms of both amount and

2.6 Waste Plastics

Attention has been paid to the management of waste plastics. MFAs have been car-
ried out for different types of plastics in many countries, e.g. plastics streams in
general in Austria and Poland (Bogucka et al. 2008), in Germany (Patel et al. 1998),
in India (Mutha et al. 2006), in the Netherlands (Joosten et al. 2000) and in Serbia
(Vujic et al. 2010); for polyethylene terephthalate flows in Colombia (Rochat et al.
2013) and in the US (Kuczenski and Geyer 2010); flows of polyvinyl chloride in
12 Material Flow Analysis and Waste Management 253

China (Zhou et al. 2013), in Japan (Nakamura et al. 2009), and in Sweden (Tukker
et al. 1997; Kleijn et al. 2000); and flows of waste tires in China (Yang et al. 2010),
Thailand (Jacob et al. 2014) and in small island developing states (Sarkar et al.
Implementing MFA of plastics is not easy because many plastics, such as poly-
ethylene and polypropylene, are used in a variety of products, from construction to
consumer products, whose lifetimes are different. Therefore, input-output analysis
has been applied to estimate flows of plastics (Joosten et al. 2000; Nakamura et al.
2009; Yang et al. 2010).

2.7 Spatial System Boundaries

Amongst the body of studies targeting countries and cities are a number with inter-
esting system boundaries.
For example, many islands face waste issues because of their limited avail-
ability of land for waste disposal as well as constrained availability of physical
material resources. Therefore, research on waste flows has been performed for
some small island states (Eckelman and Chertow 2009; Sarkar et al. 2011;
Eckelman et al. 2014). An island is also a useful system for industrial ecology
studies as it is a valuable unit of study for biological sciences (Deschenes and
Chertow 2004).
Industrial ecosystems are another example, where one companys waste becomes
another companys feedstock. Many studies have been undertaken in the field of
industrial symbiosis research (see Chap. 5). For example, Lyons (2007) examined
the issue of geographic scale and loop closing for heterogeneous wastes through an
analysis of the location and materials flows of a set of recycling, remanufacturing,
and waste treatment firms in Texas and showed that there was no preferable scale at
which loop closing should be organized.
A process of waste treatment can also be the subject of MFA. For example,
Chancerel et al. (2009) assessed precious metal flows during preprocessing of waste
electrical and electronic equipment and showed that only 11.5 % of the silver and
25.6 % of the gold and of the palladium reach output fractions from which they can
potentially be recovered.
International transfer of e-waste has been a major concern. Therefore, MFA has
also been applied to international trade of secondhand products (Kahhat and
Williams 2009, 2012; Yoshida and Terazono 2010; Breivik et al. 2014). Such trade
can be seen as the trade of metals contained in the products. Fuse et al. (2009) esti-
mated global flows of metal resources in the used automobile trade.
254 Y. Moriguchi and S. Hashimoto

3 MFA-Based Policies and Concepts for Sustainable

Resource and Waste Management

3.1 Conceptual Progress for Sustainable Resource and Waste

Management and Its Relevance to MFA Cases in China
and Japan

According to Yuan et al. (2006), the circular economy (CE) was first proposed as a
concept by scholars in China in the 1990s, and subsequently formally adopted in
2002 by the central government as a new development strategy. Yuan et al. (2006)
state that the CE concept originates from the industrial ecology paradigm, building
on the notion of loop-closing emphasized in German and Swedish environmental
policy. According to another article on industrial ecology research in China (Shi
et al. 2002), the first time that the term industrial ecology appeared in a Chinese
academic publication was in 1990, published by Tsinghua University Press. Most
recently, the CE was adopted as a keyword to promote resource efficiency policy in
Europe. In summer 2014, the European Commission adopted the Communication
Towards a circular economy: a zero waste program for Europe to establish an EU
framework to promote the circular economy. Chap. 7 explores the different concepts
brought together under the heading circular economy.
Shi et al. (2002) also reviewed the state of research on and practice of core con-
stituents of industrial ecology: LCA, DfE, MFA, EIPs, and closed-loop economies.
They found that the wide gap between LCA application and policy making needed
to be filled and, as compared to LCA, MFA was even less developed in China, as of
early 2000s. Thus MFA was not explicitly linked to CE in China, at least in the early
stage of the policy.
Earlier in 2000 in Japan, a new fundamental law towards Jun-kan (circular)
society was adopted. The initial official translation of the circular society was
recycling-based society but this was subsequently revised to sound material-
cycle (SMC) society. Jun-kan in Japanese and XNHUN in Chinese are
synonymous, both of them meaning circulation. Japans preliminary economy-
wide MFA can be found in a report by a committee organized by the Environment
Agency in 1991 to examine the Jun-kan socio-system (Hashimoto 2009). Here, a
similar phrase to Jun-kan society appeared for the first time in Japans environ-
mental administration. MFA and the circular society concept, therefore, have close
relations for Japan.
A review by Takiguchi and Takemoto (2008) confirmed that the framework of
3Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle) policies to establish a SMC Society was designed
on the basis of research on MFA. A set of three economy-wide MF indicators was
introduced into the Fundamental Plan for SMC Society in 2003, and numerical
targets were set for each indicator. The concept of the 3Rs by Japan was also shared
on a global scale through the Group of Eight (G8) process known as the 3R
12 Material Flow Analysis and Waste Management 255

3.2 Initiatives in National and Intergovernmental Activities,

Focusing on Policy Application of Economy-Wide MFA

Institutional aspects of progress in international MFA studies were reviewed by

Moriguchi (2007), focusing on developments in Japan and in international fora such
as within the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Experts in industrial ecology, including the authors of this chapter themselves, have
played catalytic role in linking industrial ecology studies and their applications to
national and international policies for sustainable resource and waste management.
A typical example of the outcomes from these international activities is the OECD
three-volume guidelines focusing on economy-wide MFA (OECD 2008), published
when OECD and UNEP coorganized a Conference on Resource Efficiency in 2008.
Fischer-Kowalski et al. (2011) reviewed the state-of-the-art and reliability of
MFA data across different sources. They concluded that the MFA framework and
the data generated have reached a maturity that warrants MF indicators to comple-
ment traditional economic and demographic information in providing a sound basis
for discussing national and international policies for sustainable resource use.
International comparison of a few economy-wide MFA indicators (Bringezu et al.
2004), cross country comparisons of economy-wide MFA within the EU (Weisz
et al. 2006) as well as country case studies such as in an EU accession country
(Kovanda et al. 2010) have been conducted. There has been much criticism against
using simplistic summation of different materials by mass as an indicator. Van der
Voet et al. (2005) added a set of environmental weights to the flows of the materials
to calculate indicators with differentiated environmental impact. Another key argu-
ment is accounting for indirect material requirement associated with processed
materials and products. The raw material equivalents (RME) metric of material
consumption addresses the issue of including the full supply chain (including
imports) when calculating national or product level material impacts (Muoz et al.
2009; Schor et al. 2013).
Aoki-Suzuki et al. (2012) conducted a study of how economy-wide MFA indica-
tors are used in a number of developed countries, including analysis of the com-
monalities between countries that are actively using these indicators in policy, and
a survey of the current capacity for economy-wide MFA in developing countries,
including data availability and policy uptake.

4 Current and Future Developments

In parallel with the remarkable progress of empirical MFA studies in industrial ecol-
ogy, there have been developments in statistical institutionalization of physical
accounting as well as methodological elaboration employing Input-Output Tables.
SEEA 2003 (System of integrated Environmental-Economic Accounting, 2003
256 Y. Moriguchi and S. Hashimoto

edition) pays considerable attention to physical flow accounting, in addition to natu-

ral resource stock accounts and environmental protection expenditure accounts, and
introduced the National Accounting Matrix including Environmental Accounts
(NAMEA) as one of the main building blocks (Pedersen and de Haan 2006).
Accounting framework was also discussed in one of the three volumes of OECDs
MFA guidance in 2008. Under the Regulation (EU) 691/2011 on European environ-
mental economic accounts, Eurostat collects economy-wide MFA from the national
statistical institutes of the EU Member States.
Environmental extension of economic Input-Output Tables (IOT) has been
undertaken both by experts in Input-Output analysis and by users of this approach
(see Chap. 8). IOT describes intersectoral monetary flows, but this approach can
provide a consistent framework to describe the physical balance of inflows and out-
flows. Wastes have conventionally not been included in monetary IOT (MIOT)
because of their negative economic value. Attempts were made to include waste
flows by physical IOT (PIOT) (Dietzenbacher 2005) and consistency between
MIOT and PIOT was discussed (Weisz and Duchin 2006). A new framework
designed specifically for the analysis of waste issues was developed by Nakamura
and Kondo (2002), and they and their colleagues published a number of studies on
framework and applications of Waste Input Output (WIO) tables (Nakamura et al.
2007, 2008, 2009). Lenzen and Reynolds (2010) applied a supply and use frame-
work to WIO and confirmed the consistency between their Waste Supply-Use
Tables (WSUT) and WIO. Recently, empirical studies of PIOT at local levels in
China were reported by Liang and Zhang (2011).
Literally, MFA analyses flows of materials. However, there is no reason to restrict
the scope of MFA within this definition. MFA is a general system approach that can
be used to explore various interfaces between
Flows and stocks
Technosphere and ecosphere
Upstream resource issues and downstream waste issue
Valuable materials and toxic substances
Energy (with GHGs) and materials (from non-renewables)
Theoretical analysis/models and on-site practices
Scientific studies and policy applications
so as to understand and improve socio-economic metabolism. Further, integration
of other methodologies such as IO analysis, LCA, risk assessment, environmental
impact assessment, and technology assessment are expected.

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
12 Material Flow Analysis and Waste Management 257


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Part II
Case Studies and Examples
of the Application of Industrial
Ecology Approaches
Chapter 13
Circular Economy and the Policy Landscape
in the UK

Julie Hill

Abstract This chapter sets out the European policy origins of circular economy
thinking in the UK and discusses the extent to which the waste prevention plans
written by the four countries of the UK (to fulfill the EU requirement) start to move
the UK in the direction of more circular approaches. This is important for an under-
standing of what has driven UK action on this agenda. I argue that the circular
economy has become an increasingly vigorous topic of debate in the UK. This has
been manifested mainly through interest and use of the language by leading compa-
nies, but more recently also through political interest in Scotland and Wales, result-
ing in diverging policies in the countries of the UK. Heightened political interest in
some parts of the UK has coincided with uncertainty about activity in the European
Commission. The chapter discusses some of the difficulties in turning the concept
into policy prescriptions.

Keywords Circular economy Waste prevention Resource efficiency Resource

security Resilience

1 Introduction

The circular economy debate in the UK has evolved over the last 34 decades from
a number of converging strands of thinking and activity, with their origins chiefly in
Europe (Hill 2014). European Commission policy development on waste has been
one of the key strands. Academic institutions and think tanks, with support from
some leading businesses, have built on the foundations provided by European pol-
icy to raise awareness of the circular economy concept, but translating the aspira-
tions into more progressive policies is a mixed picture among the four countries
comprising the UK.

J. Hill (*)
Senior Visiting Fellow, Centre for Environmental Strategy, University of Surrey and
Associate of Green Alliance, 36, Buckingham Palace Road, SW1W 0RE London, UK

The Author(s) 2016 265

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7_13
266 J. Hill

What links the various strands of circular economy discourse in the UK is sys-
tems thinking that keeping resources in productive use is not just a matter for
individual firms on the one hand, or consumers on the other, but part of the whole
economic system. This holistic view distinguishes these initiatives from much of
waste management policy in the UK through the 1980s, 1990s and early twenty-first
century, which has taken a predominantly end of pipe view of the problems of
waste. It is also a step on from political discourse concerning resource efficiency,
which has often focused on industrial process efficiency rather than the whole life
cycle of products, and is often unspecific as to which resources it is considering and
what kind of efficiencies count most.

2 The European Unions Development of Waste Policy

and Resource Efficiency Initiatives

European policy and legislation provides the overarching framework for the devel-
opment of circular economy thinking in Europe and the UK. Without the develop-
ment of legislation to limit landfill, reduce carbon emissions, improve recycling of
key materials, introduce producer responsibility for end of life products, restrict
toxic substances in the environment, influence the design of products, develop inte-
grated product policy and, crucially, sign up leading businesses to the ambition of
greater resource efficiency, circular economy thinking would have far less traction.
These actions have themselves been influenced by the more environmentally pro-
gressive European nations, in particular the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and
Sweden. The EU-promulgated notion of the waste hierarchy is an important pre-
cursor to the ideas set out by many of those espousing the circular economy. The
waste hierarchy has legal force through the Waste Framework Directive (EC 2008)
and indicates the order of preference for waste options: prevention before reuse,
reuse before recycling, recycling before energy recovery and lastly disposal. The
circular economy approach can be seen as a more systematic (rather than incremen-
tal and material-based) application of this thinking.
The requirement of the 2008 Waste Framework Directive, for all member states
to produce Waste Prevention Programmes by the end of 2013 (EC 2008), forced the
issue further and gave policy makers an opportunity to set out circular economy
ambitions. Much of the thinking behind this requirement had been done through the
Commissions development of Integrated Product Policy (IPP) a series of initia-
tives starting in 2003 to understand which products accounted for the greatest envi-
ronmental impact. Work under the IPP banner promoted life-cycle thinking and
advanced policy instruments, including the Ecodesign of Energy Using Products
Directive, which aims to reduce the impact of products (EC 2014b).
Integrated Product Policy also underlies another relevant development the pro-
cess begun by the publication of the Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe cham-
pioned by Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik, and adopted by the full
13 Circular Economy and the Policy Landscape in the UK 267

Commission in September 2011 (EC 2011b). The Resource Efficiency Roadmap is

part of the Resource Efficiency Flagship of the Europe 2020 Strategy, which the
European Commission describes as the European Unions growth strategy for the
next decade and aimed at establishing a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy
with high levels of employment, productivity and social cohesion (EC 2011a).
The roadmap can be seen as a move to advance from the position reached by
virtue of decades of waste legislation, and guide member states and businesses
towards a consolidated and comprehensive vision of a resource efficient, circular
economy. The roadmap does not place any legal obligations on member states, but
it does set a number of benchmarks and milestones (notional targets), and has an
ambition (vigorously debated) to agree indicators to measure resource efficiency. It
has also given rise to the European Resource Efficiency Platform (EREP), a multi-
stakeholder group of influential politicians, business people, NGOs and academics
(EREP 2013). In addition, Horizon 2020, which is the EUs framework programme
for research and innovation, is beginning to feature Circular Economy and
Industrial Symbiosis as recognized terms, while OECD has started to refer to
Industrial Ecology.
A parallel initiative has been the development of the EU Raw Materials Initiative
(EC 2014a), which has examined the future prospects for the availability of raw
materials crucial to the economies of the EU. Fourteen materials, mainly metals,
have been identified as critical and recommendations have been developed to secure
future supplies. These recommendations fall into three categories, or pillars: (1)
ensuring a level playing field for access to resources in third countries (often
referred to as resource diplomacy); (2) securing supplies within Europe, such as
reopening historic mines; and (3) improving resource efficiency and recycling, not
least by highlighting how poor our current recovery of key metals is at present. It is
the third pillar that has contributed to the growing circular economy debate.
In 2014, in an attempt to consolidate and extend the progress made to date,
Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik proposed a Circular Economy package
of new policy initiatives. This appeared at the very end of the 20102014 Commission
in July 2014 (EC 2014c). Its principle measures were:
A target of 70 % recycling for municipal waste by 2030
A target of 80 % recycling of packaging waste by 2030
Landfill bans from 2025 for plastics, metals, glass, paper, card and biodegradable
The policy package also included two non-binding targets: the Commission
wanted member states to adopt national strategies to reduce food waste by 30 % by
2025 and proposed a target of a 30 % increase in EU resource productivity by 2030.
The package was greeted with disappointment from environmental groups who
wanted more measures to stimulate activities such as re-use and remanufacturing
(the inner or tighter loops, as described by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation)
(EMF 2013). However, it was not welcomed by some key member states and lead-
ing business groups who felt that the 70 % target was unachievable, and that the
resource productivity target was not implementable, given the absence of good
268 J. Hill

baseline data on which to assess progress against the target. The package did not
survive the formation of the new Commission and was formally withdrawn in
February 2015, as part of a drive to cut red tape (Euroactive 2015). At the same
time, the EU Commission pledged to propose a new and more ambitious package
by the end of 2015. The uncertainty thus generated has been widely criticized by
NGOs and some businesses.

3 UK Policy Responses to Circular Economy Objectives

Businesses are ahead of the policy debate on circular economy in the UK, in terms
of their promulgation of the ideas and their understanding of the opportunities and
barriers. This is evidenced by think tank/business partnerships such as the Ellen
Macarthur Foundation (EMF 2013), the RSAs Great Recovery Project (RSA 2013)
and the Green Alliances Circular Economy Task Force (2015).
In the UK, the last decade of policy developments in Europe have worked through
into policy into four main ways:
Efforts to implement the 50 % recycling target.
Efforts to divert waste from landfill into recycling and energy from waste, par-
ticularly biodegradable wastes.
The implementation of producer responsibility schemes for packaging, end of
life vehicles, electronics and batteries.
Discussions in the four countries comprising the UK of how to move to the inner
loops of re-use and remanufacturing, as well as greater product longevity.
The first three have been relatively successful, but focus on the lower parts of the
waste hierarchy or the outer loops of the circular economy. The last has been most
evident in (1) the publication of a Resource Security Action Plan jointly by the UK
Departments for Environment and for Business, and (2) the development of Waste
Prevention Plans by the four countries of the UK.

4 The Resource Security Action Plan

The UKs Resource Security Action Plan (RSAP) (Defra 2012) was a joint initiative
of the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the
Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) to examine strategies for address-
ing resource security in the UK. The RSAP put more emphasis on recovery (i.e. circu-
lar approaches) than on opening up new sources of materials as a means to provide
greater resource security. It also encouraged the environmental think tank Green
Alliance to establish the Circular Economy Task Force as a means of engaging busi-
nesses in the solutions. The task forces first report, Resource Resilient UK, was pub-
lished in July 2013 (Benton and Hazel 2013) and provided a new account of material
13 Circular Economy and the Policy Landscape in the UK 269

security, as related to the environmental impacts and reputational threats of raw mate-
rials as much as to access. It also made recommendations for how UK policy could
support the development of more circular approaches in pursuit of greater resource
security. The report was well received by Government Ministers and by businesses.

5 Waste Prevention Plans

The Article 29 requirement of the revised EU Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC)

that every member state should produce a Waste Prevention Programme by the end of
2013 provided a vehicle for countries that were so minded to produce something close
to circular economy plans. Of the UKs devolved administrations, the most engagement
has been seen in Scotland and Wales, with Zero Waste initiatives in Scotland developing
rapidly before and during the independence referendum debates in 2014.
Looking at the Waste Prevention Programmes and the targets (Table 13.1) of the
four countries of the UK side by side, some observations can be made:

Table 13.1 Waste prevention targets set by the four countries of the UK
Country and document Waste prevention targets
Safeguarding Scotlands Resources: Reduce Scotlands waste by 7 % by 2017 from
Blueprint for a more resource efficient 2011 levels and achieve a 15 % reduction by 2025
and circular economy (Scottish
Government 2013)
Towards Zero Waste: One Wales, One Overall goal of achieving zero (non-recyclable)
Planet (Welsh Government 2013) waste by 2050 (67 % less than 2007 levels) and an
interim goal of 27 % less by 2025
For household waste, a reduction of 1.2 % every
year to 2050 based on 2006/7 baseline
A general reduction of 1.4 % every year to 2050
based on 2006/7 baseline for industrial waste, with
specific targets for individual priority sectors:
metals, paper, chemicals and food
A reduction of 1.2 % every year to 2050 based on
2006/7 baseline for commercial waste
Prevention is better than cure: the role of No national waste prevention target
waste prevention in moving to a more The Greening Government Commitment aims, by
resource efficiency economy HM 2015, to deliver a reduction in the amount of waste
Government 2013 (but only covers generated from the Government Estate by 25 %
England). (HMG 2013) from a 2009/10 baseline and ensure redundant ICT
equipment is reused or responsibly recycled
The Road to Zero Waste (The waste No targets proposed
prevention programme for Northern
Ireland 2014) (DOENI 2014)
270 J. Hill

The economic advantages of waste prevention and circular economy are empha-
sised far more strongly by the Scottish and Welsh than by England and Northern
Resource security forms a central part of the rationale for waste prevention in all
the plans.
There is a strong emphasis on business taking up the challenge itself, rather than
waiting for further policy initiatives, particularly from England and Northern
There is little money available from government to facilitate action.
The Scottish and Welsh have set waste reduction targets (additionally to recy-
cling targets), although the actions suggested are not explicitly linked to progress
towards the targets.
Targets are for waste reduction, rather than for the value to be recouped through
circular economy approaches.
Other than the targets, when scrutinised in detail, the proposed actions of the four
countries of the UK are not greatly divergent, but there are significant differences in
language and tone. The Scottish Plan is most firmly aligned with the language of the
circular economy, has strong political backing for the idea and has some of the most
practical actions. These include the establishment of the Scottish Institute of
Remanufacture at Strathclyde University, and the Resource Efficient Scotland ser-
vice, which integrates advice to businesses on water, energy and materials, the first
of its kind in the UK. Scottish Government is also considering Resource Utilisation
Assessments which could develop into mass balance exercises (helping businesses
to understand inputs, outputs and consequent resource efficiency). Scotland has the
advantage of building on legislation put in place in 2012, to require sorting of
recyclable wastes by businesses. This was designed to create more certainty around
supply of recyclates which, in turn, is hoped will generate demand for secondary
materials, and there is a target 70 % recycling and maximum 5 % to landfill by 2025
for all Scotlands waste.
A test of the economic policy relevance is that circular economy is part of
Scottish Enterprises business strategy. The Scottish Government also sponsored a
2015 report by Green Alliance in partnership with the Scottish Council for
Development and Industry detailing circular economy opportunities for three key
sectors Oil and Gas, Food and Drink, and Finance (Benton 2015), demonstrating
the extent to which circular economy is seen as potential contributor to growth.
In Wales, the circular economy is tied up with a political commitment to future
generations in a way that is probably unique in the world. The Welsh goal of One
Planet Living drives intervention and the key metric is ecological footprint reduc-
tion (NAWRS 2011). Separate recovery of materials from source is considered the
best way to reduce the footprint (particularly the carbon component): this differs
from the preference of many local authorities in England to collect recyclables
together, or co-mingled. To foster re-use, electronics are being kept whole wher-
ever possible through source segregation.
13 Circular Economy and the Policy Landscape in the UK 271

As well as the waste reduction targets, Welsh measures also promote source seg-
regation of materials for recycling, and there is a target of 70 % recycling of munici-
pal waste by 2025. The existing Sustainable Development Duty is being given
greater force through the forthcoming Environment Bill, with a requirement to
make it an organising principle which is given force through reporting require-
ments. All these measures are felt to contribute towards meeting the waste reduction
The most significant action highlighted in the English Waste Prevention Plan is
the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Sustainability Action Plan (ESAP). This
work is being led by the charity the Waste and Resources Action Programme
(WRAP) on behalf of UK governments and will help organisations that design,
manufacture, sell, repair, re-use and recycle electrical and electronic products to
work collaboratively across the product life-cycle. ESAP will stimulate action
across five themes: extending product durability through design and customer infor-
mation; minimising product returns; understanding and influencing consumer
behaviour on product durability and reparability; implementing profitable, resilient
and resource efficient business models and gaining greater value from re-use and
recycling. By November 2014, over 50 organisations from across the UK electrical
sector had signed up, including Argos, Beko, Dell, Ifixit, LG, Microsoft, Oxfam and
Panasonic (WRAP 2015). This work forms part of WRAPs wider plan for assisting
the transition of the UK to a more circular economy (WRAP 2014).
Overall, however, it is fair to say that policy makers in all the UK countries are
only just getting to grips with what a circular economy might mean, and the oppor-
tunities it presents.
It is not easy to make national policy in this field. As well as trying to influence
individual firms and householders to view their waste differently, and struggling to
measure flows of materials, implementing a more circular economy might imply
seeking to condition the entire economic system in three main ways:
More centralised encouragement, even direction, of what infrastructure is needed
(including infrastructure for collection, sorting and repair/reprocessing of prod-
ucts and materials). Without such an overview and framework to provide some
certainties about the likely scale of the circular economy, it may continue to be
hard to mobilise private sector investment in the large number of new facilities
needed by a genuinely circular economy. None of the country plans suggest
going down this route.
Making secondary materials a more cost effective option than primary. Sometimes
market conditions deliver this on their own, but where they dont (often due to
the costs of reprocessing or other constraints on supply of secondary materials)
there is a case for policy intervention. The 2015 collapse of recovered plastics
companies after the fall in the price of oil illustrates this problem. The answer
could be through taxes on primary resources, or on non-recyclable products.
Alternatively, the incentive could be tax breaks (lowered VAT being the most
often mentioned) on products and materials that are more durable or recyclable.
272 J. Hill

All these options have been debated by policy makers, but tend to end up in the
too difficult box. Plastic carrier bag charges are as far as any of the UK nations
have got so far.
Mandating certain aspects of product design, so that all products are designed for
longevity and recovery from the outset. This should change the economics of
remanufactured versus new goods, by lowering the costs of remanufacturing.
This should also create a new generation of consumer products and, with it, it
might be hoped, a change in consumer preferences away from pursuit of new-
ness, towards embracing the durable, the pre-loved and the reclaimed. It would
create both supply push and demand pull for reused products and recycled mate-
rials. Here, the national plans for Scotland and England signal a cognisance of
this possibility in relation to the EUs Ecodesign Directive but in fairly tentative
Another complexity for policy makers is that the circular economy debate
includes recognition that products and materials have impacts at their point of
sourcing, which may create risks for companies and which should be taken into
account in their supply chain policies. This is challenging but feasible for compa-
nies. For a national government, however, this wider dimension is much harder to
handle, as policy instruments that reach beyond national boundaries need careful
justification, particularly if they seek to go beyond the internal trading arrangements
of the EU. Even EU supranational law making is increasingly under pressure to
justify itself to UK, and particularly English, political discourse.

6 Conclusion

We have seen that the idea of the circular economy has developed slowly over a
period of at least three decades. It builds on the concepts of waste prevention and
resource efficiency by showing where the greatest benefits are to be realised, and by
emphasising the need to consider the sustainability of the sources of raw materials,
as well as their fate. It adds to the development of EU waste and resources policy
over the same period by emphasising the economic as well as environmental bene-
fits of durability and recyclability, the need to more firmly link different actors in the
economy to achieve comprehensive recovery, and the need to condition product
design as the underpinning of the whole system. Progressive businesses are ahead
of government in their use of the term, and they have tools available to drive it
through their supply chains, but most smaller businesses have yet to fully under-
stand the implications. Leading businesses also draw attention to the framework
conditions they need from governments, which include help with collaborative
approaches and better data, but also economic intervention in the form of more
strategic direction to provide investment certainties, with industries (UK Govt 2013)
being the obvious vehicle for this.
13 Circular Economy and the Policy Landscape in the UK 273

Beyond this, progressive companies often privately signal the need for fiscal
intervention, and ways to make secondary resources more cost effective than pri-
mary resources, but rarely make these calls in public. The circular economy debate
needs to move from being one that augments and energises the recycling debate of
the past 30 years, to being about how national economies should be constructed to
meet the challenges of the next 30 years. This means involving finance in all its
forms: the finance industry (which will provide the capital for circular economy
infrastructure); Chief Financial Officers of companies, who will be persuaded of the
monetary benefits and new opportunities presented by circular business models;
and, most crucially, those in finance ministries who set the framework for busi-
nesses through fiscal policy.

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.


Benton, D. (2015). Circular economy Scotland. London: Green Alliance.

Benton, D., & Hazell, J. (2013). Resource resilient UK (Circular economy task force). London:
Green Alliance.
Defra. (2012). Resource Security Action plan. London: HM Government.
DOENI (2014). The road to zero waste The waste prevention programme for Northern Ireland.
Belfast, Ireland.
EC. (2008). Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19th
November 2008 on waste and repealing certain directives. E. Commission. Brussels: European
EC. (2011a). Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the
European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. A resource-
efficient Europe Flagship initiative under the Europe 2020 strategy. Brussels: European
EC. (2011b). The roadmap to a resource efficient Europe. Brussels: European Commission.
EC. (2014a, October 8, 2013). Defining critical raw materials. Retrieved February 24, 2015,
EC. (2014b). Integrated product policy. Retrieved February 24, 2015, from
EC. (2014c). Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, The
European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Towards a cir-
cular economy: A zero waste programme for Europe. Brussels: European Commission.
EMF. (2013). Towards the circular economy. Ellen MacArthur Foundation Report No.1.
EREP. (2013). Action for a resource efficient Europe. Brussels: European Commission. Retrieved
February 24, 2015, from
Euroactive. (2015). Ministers want circular economy saved but back commissions better regula-
tion push. Retrieved February 24, 2015, from
dev/ministers-want-circular-economy-saved-backcommissions- better-regulation
Green Alliance. (2015). Circular economy task force. Retrieved February 25, 2015, from http://
Hill, J. (2014, October). The circular economy: From waste to resource stewardship, part I.
Proceedings of the ICE Waste and Resource Management, 168(1), 313.
274 J. Hill

HMG. (2013). Prevention is better than cure: The role of waste prevention in moving to a more
resource efficiency economy. London: Her Majestys Government.
NAWRS. (2011). National assembly for Wales Research Service, key issues for the fourth assembly
(p. 86). Cardiff.
RSA. (2013). The great recovery Investigating the role of design in the circular economy (Vol.
1). London: Royal Society of Arts.
Scottish Government. (2013). Safeguarding Scotlands Resources: Blueprint for a more resource
efficient and circular economy. Edinburgh: Scottish Government.
UK Govt. (2013). Collection. Industrial Strategy: Government and industry in partnership.
Retrieved March 5, 2015, from
Welsh Government. (2013). Towards Zero Waste: One wales, one planet. Cardiff: Welsh
WRAP. (2014). WRAPs vision for the UK circular economy to 2020. Retrieved February 24, 2015,
WRAP. (2015). Electronic and Electricals Sustainability Action Plan (ESAP). Retrieved February 24,
2015, from
Chapter 14
Industrial Ecology and Portugals National
Waste Plans

Paulo Ferro, Antnio Lorena, and Paulo Ribeiro

Abstract This chapter explores how industrial ecology concepts and tools were
used to support the design of waste management systems and policies in Portugal.
The focus is on a set of case studies that illustrate the results of a successful coop-
eration between government, private institutions, and academia to transform waste
into a useful resource for socio-economic development.
The Relvo Eco Industrial Park, an industrial symbiosis case study, is ana-
lyzed, showing that it was possible to build from scratch a large number of synergies
between companies, creating over 300 local jobs and attracting an investment of
over 19 million to a region which was industrially undeveloped.
The partnership between the Portuguese Environment Agency and IST to develop
the National Waste Management Plan enabled design of a policy instrument that
explicitly identified the need for a life-cycle approach to underpin waste manage-
ment policies and that supported a circular economy to contribute to increasing
resource efficiency.
The recent national strategy for urban waste management (PERSU 2020), devel-
oped in 2014, is the latest case study of cooperation between academia and the
government to develop a public policy whose results show that the proposed changes
will lead to a major qualitative leap in the environmental and economic performance
of the sector by 2020. It is estimated that the net GHG emissions will be reduced by
47 %, as demonstrated by an LCA study promoted to support policy development.
These benefits are due not only to reduction of the quantity sent to landfill, espe-
cially the biodegradable fractions, but also to the expected increase in MSW recy-
cling resulting from the increase of selective collection and more efficient treatment
and recovery of mixed wastes. An hybrid input-output model, i.e. with both mone-
tary and mass flows, that explicitly considers seven types of waste, showed that the
new policy will allow for increasing the economic added value of the urban waste
management system by 26 % to 451million and that the number of direct and indi-
rect jobs will increase to 13,000 and 5,500, respectively.

P. Ferro (*)
IST Instituto Superior Tcnico, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
A. Lorena P. Ribeiro
3 Drivers, Engineering, Innovation and Environment, Lisbon, Portugal

The Author(s) 2016 275

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7_14
276 P. Ferro et al.

The evidence reported in this chapter shows that the cooperation between gov-
ernment, academia and private sector in Portugal, based on industrial ecology prin-
ciples and tools, has been able to significantly improve waste management
performance in Portugal since the late 1990s, making the sector an important actor
of the green economy, by combining better environmental performance with eco-
nomic growth and job creation, critical dimensions for enabling sustainable

Keywords Waste Industrial symbiosis LCA Hybrid input-output analysis

Waste management policy

1 Introduction

Earlier works of industrial ecology placed strong emphasis in resource efficiency

and waste minimization. The seminal paper by Frosch and Gallopoulos (1989) sum-
marized the industrial ecosystem as one in which the consumption of energy and
materials is optimized, waste generation is minimized and the effluents of one pro-
cess serve as the raw material for another process. Manufacturing processes in an
industrial ecosystem simply transform circulating stocks of materials from one
shape to another; the circulating stock decreases when some material or energy is
unavoidably lost, and it increases to meet the needs of a growing population. The
authors argue that the traditional model of industrial activity, in which individual
manufacturing processes take in raw materials and generate products to be sold plus
waste to be disposed of, should be transformed into an industrial ecosystem model,
analogous to a biological ecosystem.
Industrial ecology is rooted in this ecological metaphor that provides a concep-
tual model for industrial development, based on improving the material interactions
in and between firms, within a certain geographical distribution or industrial cluster,
emulating ecosystems. Industrial systems would adopt principles such as coopera-
tion, symbiosis (Ehrenfeld 2007), loop-closing (Graedel and Allenby 1995), diver-
sity and systemic approaches (Lifset and Graedel 2002). Industrial ecology has long
evolved from a metaphorical approach to a broad transdisciplinary field (Ehrenfeld
and Gertler 1997, Ehrenfeld 2004) that encompasses both conceptual approaches
(e.g. industrial symbiosis, loop closing, design for recycling) and tools (e.g. life-
cycle assessment, materials and substance flow accounting, economic and physical
input-output based techniques), making it a rich discipline and ripe for inter-
disciplinary knowledge transfer.
This chapter explores how industrial ecology related concepts and tools were
used to support the design of waste management systems and policies in Portugal,
through a set of challenges in which the authors have been involved at Instituto
Superior Tcnico (IST) of the University of Lisbon during their academic careers
and PhD studies and subsequently, for Lorena and Ribeiro, as consultants.
14 Industrial Ecology and Portugals National Waste Plans 277

Industrial ecologys systemic approach to waste management extends the analy-

sis beyond the waste and its collection and treatment processes and includes the
production and use phase of the products that are transformed into waste at the end
of their life. Outcomes of this approach include the Industrial Symbiosis concept, in
which waste flows from one industry are used as resource inputs for another, and
loop-closing, which emphasizes the reintroduction of used material and energy
resources at the production phase in order to reduce extraction and extend the life-
time of stocks.
This chapter is organized in four sections, including this introduction. The next
section provides a historic perspective of the Portuguese waste management poli-
cies and highlights key developments in terms of Industrial Ecology principles.
Section 3 is focused on the most recent municipal solid waste management plan
recently developed in Portugal, and Sect. 4 quantifies its impact assessment making
use of different industrial ecology tools.

2 Portuguese Waste Management Policy 19902014:

The Contribution of Industrial Ecology

Modern Portuguese waste management policies date from the 1990s, when urban
waste was first considered to be a priority for the national environmental policies. In
this context, in 1996, the first national municipal solid waste (MSW) management
plan (PERSU) was approved for the period 19972007. Its main goals were focused
on banning waste dumping in inadequate sites, which represented 73 % of the des-
tination of the MSW generated in Portugal, and structuring a set of regional entities
that would be responsible for local waste management and would have access to
funding for new infrastructures.
In 2006, the revision of the PERSU was launched; it resulted in a new strategy,
PERSU II (20072016), and provided additional funding for installing a set of new
infrastructures that the regional management systems considered necessary to fulfill
the national waste management targets, as derived from EU directives, in terms of
separating the different waste streams during waste collection, avoiding deposition
in landfill and promoting the valorization of the waste collected, particularly wastes
from packaging and those which are biodegradable.
In parallel, industrial ecology principles emanating from academia, with major
involvement of the authors at Instituto Superior Tcnico (IST) University of
Lisbon, were fundamental to establish common development strategies shared by
governmental, private and regional institutions, and to create mechanisms to foster
the closing of material cycles through integrated management systems for end of
life (EOL) products and industrial symbiosis in eco-parks.
The industrial ecology academic contributions to reshape the Portuguese waste
management activities were particularly relevant in the design of the systems that
managed the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) of different products such as
278 P. Ferro et al.

automobiles, tires, electric and electronic products, lubricants and packaging. They
were focused on improving the environmental performance of products and services
through their life cycles, and, in particular, their end-of-life (EOL) disposal and
subsequent processing. This was particularly successful in Portugal due to the
excellent articulation between governmental authorities, academia and the private
sector. More recently, IST has contributed to assessing the benefits of EPR schemes
with the use of IE tools, as will be described in the third section.
Another significant contribution of the IST team consisted in supporting the
development of an eco-industrial park to promote industrial symbiosis. In January
2004, the Portuguese government issued the Law Decree 3/2004, with the objective
of calling for a new approach to hazardous waste management. To prevent frag-
mented treatments and minimize movements and transfers, the Government called
for the creation of an integrated recovery, treatment and elimination center for haz-
ardous wastes (CIRVER). As a result, two companies were to be established in the
municipality of Chamusca. Soon after, several companies approached the munici-
pality with projects and requests to locate their business in the municipality.
IST was invited by the mayor to be a strategic advisor to establish and dissemi-
nate information about IE and IS principles to local agents and to analyze how IE
and IS could be better integrated into the municipalitys strategy. These efforts
resulted in the Relvo Eco Industrial Park (REIP) project, in 2006, under the
leadership of the municipal government. A middle-out approach was adopted (Costa
and Ferro 2010), that supported the successive governmental, university and busi-
ness interventions in the municipality of Chamusca. National government intro-
duced the objectives and policy instruments, and businesses were free to provide
solutions to those challenges. Local government was able to influence the social
context, at the local level, by promoting a variety of events in which agents inter-
acted (e.g. community, industry, university). By establishing an eco-industrial park
to anchor important waste management infrastructures, industries were attracted to
the region and synergies began to emerge. Local government and the university
monitored the process evolution and disseminated information to agents at all lev-
els, in order to foster IS development.
As a result, between 2006 and 2009, a large number of synergies were estab-
lished between companies installed in the eco-park and beyond it, and local jobs
increased from 50 to about 350 in 14 companies, attracting an investment of over
19 million, to a region which was industrially undeveloped. The eco-park was
viewed as very successful model for combining environmental and economic devel-
opment, or the green economy in practice.
All this work has resulted in various academic contributions covering different
aspects, set out in a number of scientific papers, including:
1. The contribution of industrial ecology principles to environmental policy and
business practices: Ferro and Heitor (2000); Eherenfeld et al. (2002); Thore and
Ferro (2002); Ferro and Nhambiu (2006); Dijkema et al. (2006); Ferro (2007);
Costa and Ferro (2010); Niza et al. (2014).
14 Industrial Ecology and Portugals National Waste Plans 279

2. The contribution of industrial ecology principles and tools to the design of spe-
cific EOL managing schemes for products: Freire et al. (2000, 2001);
Giacommucci et al. (2002); Ferro et al. (2002, 2006, 2008); Ferro and Amaral
(2006a, b); Amaral et al. (2006a, b); Ferro and Lorena (2014).
In Portugal, the successful cooperation between academia, the Portuguese gov-
ernment and the private sector was also reflected in different partnerships, notably
between IST and the authorities responsible for waste management, to perform a
variety of tasks such as improving the information management system in Portugal,
technical support on waste management systems and support for policy
An example was the partnership between the Portuguese Environment Agency
and IST to develop a proposal for the Portuguese National Waste Management Plan
(PNGR), made available for public discussion in 2011, which represented the first
policy instrument in Portugal that explicitly identified the need for a life-cycle
approach to underpin waste management policies and that supported a circular
economy to contribute to increasing resource efficiency. The goal of the PNGR was
to promote waste prevention and management as a part of the life-cycle of prod-
ucts, support the circular economy and enable a greater resource efficiency. This
vision or goal is clearly aligned with central concepts of industrial ecology life-
cycle approach and its systemic approach.
The 2011 version of the PNGR was revised in 2014 in order to reflect the most
recent European strategic and legislative framework and waste generation and man-
agement data. However, as a testament to its conceptual relevance and currency, the
vision, goals and objectives of the 2011 version were not significantly altered.
In 2014, the municipal solid waste management strategy, a component of PNGR,
was also reviewed to enable more ambitious targets. Paulo Ferro was invited to
coordinate the working group responsible for the task and the authors of this chapter
were involved in developing the models that facilitated it. As the most recent exam-
ple of the use of IE principles in establishing advanced waste management policies,
the next section will detail the use of IE principles and tools in the design and
impact assessment of the new Portuguese National Plan for MSW PERSU 2020.

3 PERSU 2020

The Portuguese National Plan for Municipal Solid Waste 20142020 PERSU
2020, was commissioned by the Secretary of State for the Environment to be devel-
oped by a Working Group that included the participation of the national and local
public entities, government and academia. This section summarizes the methodol-
ogy adopted and main results of the work developed.
In 2010 and 2011, the European strategic framework emphasized resource effi-
ciency as a pillar of environmental policy. While this was not new for instance, the
6th Environmental Action Program had already pointed in this direction there was
280 P. Ferro et al.

a set of strategic and legislative proposals that marked a clear shift toward the inter-
section of waste and resource efficiency policies (e.g. Commission Communication
Roadmap for a Resource Efficient Europe). Waste was to be seen as a resource
that should be reintroduced into productive processes, avoiding the extraction and
imports of resources.
PERSU 2020 would need to provide a response to the MSW management targets
for 2020, particularly the target of reaching 50 % of preparation for reuse and recy-
cling of MSW (as defined by EU Directive 2008/98/EC). The ambition was also for
the MSW sector to open up tangible opportunities for economic growth and job
creation. Constraints on the growth of the sector were to be identified and avoided
so that key players could take advantage of these opportunities and contribute
simultaneously to the reduction of environmental impacts of waste management
and increase of wealth. The impact of the new plan in these dimensions was to be
quantified making use of IE tools.
In this context, the PERSU 2020 approved by the law: Portaria n. 187-A/2014,
publicada em DR (I Srie) n. 179, de 17 de setembro de 2014, proposes objectives
for the MSW sector that stem from the PNGR and are aligned with the European
strategic framework: The PERSU 2020 maintains the objective of protecting the
environment and human health through the correct use of processes, technologies
and infrastructures, but goes further by promoting waste prevention and the reintro-
duction of waste in the productive processes, thus reducing the need for resource
extraction and ensuring a secure supply to the Portuguese economy, while creating
new jobs and value added.
In designing the PERSU 2020 vision, several principles were established,
Protection of the environment and of human health by preventing or reducing the
adverse impacts of waste generation and management.
Full compliance with the national and European legislation.
PERSU 2020 should not impose technological solutions and allow regional
waste management institutions to determine their own approaches to reach the
defined targets.
Performance targets should be established at the regional level.
Efficient use of infrastructures regional infrastructures are encouraged to
increase process efficiency and to share available treatment capacity.
MSW treatment should support principles of regional self-sufficiency and
Emphasize actions targeting the upstream stages, namely waste prevention and
the collection of sorted MSW.
The IE principle of loop closing stands at the base of PERSU 2020, as clearly
stated in the vision: PERSU 2020 () goes further by promoting () the reintro-
duction of waste in the productive processes, thus reducing the need for resource
extraction. It is a central objective that is materialized in the national targets of
preparation for reuse and recycling and recycling of packaging waste. Regarding
policy options, circularity is promoted through two major vectors: the first is by
limiting new investments in end-of-the-line technologies new landfills and incin-
14 Industrial Ecology and Portugals National Waste Plans 281

eration plants to cases where these are necessary as operational buffers (e.g. when
an adjacent treatment plant is shut down for maintenance) or for waste streams
where recovery is not economically or technically viable (e.g. waste from road
sweeping). This policy is further supported by a suggested increase in landfill and
incineration taxes, historically lower than other Member-states (Watkins et al.
2012). The second vector aims to upgrade the materials recovered from MSW in
order to increase the uptake, in quantity and value, by upstream industries. From the
several actions proposed to achieve this, the priority was to strengthen collection
schemes to increase separation at source, thus reducing contamination and overall
unsorted MSW, to promote ecodesign through voluntary agreements with the pack-
aging industry, and to review the regulatory framework concerning secondary
streams from the waste sector (Residue derived fuels RDF, compost, biogas).
The concepts of cooperation and symbiosis in industrial systems are based on the
premise that a firm can divert unwanted materials from the waste system (or ecosys-
tem) by having them used as resource in a different firm. The same reasoning can be
extended to the secondary wastes of waste treatment. For instance, the bottom ash
from MSW incineration can be used as secondary material for cement production
and the stabilized organic material from mechanical and biological treatment facili-
ties (MBT) can be used to increase organic content in forest soil. Waste manage-
ment systems can also be considered as necessary intermediary processes between
industries, i.e. enablers of industrial symbiosis at a larger scale, if some constraint
prevents the transformation process from occurring at the point of generation of the
waste (e.g. limitations by environmental protection legislation).
Other forms of collaboration occur when firms of the same sector share infra-
structures. For instance, a MSW management firm can use a neighboring RDF prep-
aration facility to avoid the deposition of residual streams from material recovery
facilities in landfill. A positive corollary of this approach is that it allows greater
economies of scale.
The principle of efficient use of infrastructures is supported by the concepts of
symbiosis and cooperation in the Portuguese MSW sector. By restricting new infra-
structures to situations where these are absolutely necessary, PERSU 2020 induces
cooperation between regional companies and the establishment of agreements with
firms from other sectors. Practical examples include the use of RDF in energy inten-
sive industries or deposition of compost in vineyards, forest and other soils with low
organic content. The plan suggests that financial support from available funding to
the MSW sector should be focused on processes that add value to MSW streams
(e.g. MSW separation at source, RFD preparation facilities).
To realize the vision, principles and objectives, it was necessary to develop a full
material flows model of the MSW management system from 2012 to 2020 in order
to evaluate the distance-to-target and identify challenges and opportunities in the
All 23 regional institutions responsible for local MSW management MSW RMS
(MSW regional management systems) were consulted in order to establish a
Business-as-Usual (BaU) scenario for MSW generation and management. The mate-
rial flows expected to occur in 2020 are represented in Fig. 14.1. It is clear that there
is a strong reliance on treatment operations for MSW from unsorted collection. This
282 P. Ferro et al.

Business as Usual (2020)

Avoided Products
126 Anaerobic 47
81 Compost
Plastics and metals Digestion
698 164 Collection of
Glass sorted MSW
Organics 399 361

515 37

MSW Recyclables
1.561 99

4.803 4.105 Collection of

unsorted MSW
1081 12


Fig. 14.1 Most important material flows in the Portuguese MSW sector in the BaU 2020 scenario.
Values in thousand tons (MRF material recycling facility, MT mechanical treatment facility)

results in significantly lower recycling rates when compared to other EU Member-

States, even if significant progress is made in the diversion of MSW from landfill.
These data provided a strong argument for the policy option of emphasizing collection
of sorted waste. Despite the increase in MBT and MT capacity compared to 2012, the
BaU pathway was not sufficient to reach the 2020 proposed targets, specifically in:
Preparation for reuse and recycling: to reach a minimum of 50 % preparation for
reuse and recycling of MSW
Recycling of packaging waste: to reach a minimum of 70 % recycling of packag-
ing waste
Diversion of biodegradable MSW from landfill: to reach a maximum of 35 % of
deposition of biodegradable MSW in landfill (measured relative to the amount of
biodegradable MSW in 1995)
PERSU 2020 assumed the innovative challenge of defining specific targets for
each of the MSW RMS, in accordance with the overall goals established and taking
into account the existing differences between regions and infrastructures. Each of
the 23 MSW RMS is responsible for the treatment and deposition of waste and, in
most cases, they are also responsible for the collection of sorted MSW (waste that
is sorted by households and deposited in specific containers). Exceptions occur in
the most densely populated areas of Lisboa and Porto, where municipalities are
responsible for the collection of sorted waste. Finally, unsorted waste always falls
under municipality responsibility. The involvement of private companies has been
mostly restricted to service contracting by municipalities or minor participation in
the capital of regional companies. There are also major differences in terms of ter-
ritory, population and socio-economic profile, which translate to different waste
generation patterns and management options (collection schemes, infrastructures,
14 Industrial Ecology and Portugals National Waste Plans 283

100% 80

40% 30
0% 0

Preparation for reuse and recycling (%)

Landfill deposition of Biodegradable MSW (%)

Recyling from collection of sorted MSW (kg/cap/y)

Fig. 14.2 PERSU 2020 targets for each MSW regional management system

technology). Target setting for each regional company was a major innovation in the
planning process in Portugal, as in the past the national target did not result in spe-
cific targets for each of the MSW RMS. The targets for each system were based not
only in their development stage and technology profiles but also on exogenous fac-
tors such as population density, in order to ensure proportionality of the effort by
each MSW RMS.
The resulting targets for each of the MSW RMS are represented in Fig. 14.2. It
shows that there is room to attend to the specificities of each system while promoting
a fair incentive for each of them to improve their operation in order for the national
targets to be fulfilled with optimal economic and environmental performance.

4 Impact Assessment of the Portuguese National Plan

for Municipal Solid Waste 20142020

The assessment of the environmental, economic and employment impacts of pack-

aging waste and MSW was commissioned by Sociedade Ponto Verde (SPV), the
Portuguese Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) for packaging waste, and
resulted in two studies whose results are summarized here.

4.1 Environmental Impacts

The environmental assessment of the MSW management system in 2012 and 2020
was performed using attributional life cycle assessment (LCA). The functional unit
selected as the basis for comparison was 1 ton of average MSW managed in Portugal
284 P. Ferro et al.

in 2012. Coproducts were taken into account by the substitution by system expan-
sion or avoided burden method considering the average primary route market
consumption mix. The zero burden assumption was also used, which means that
it was considered that the waste carries none of the upstream burdens into the waste
management system (Clift et al. 2000).
For modeling purposes, the various activities were organized as groups of associ-
ated processes, as follows: (1) waste generation, (2) collection of sorted MSW
(material and biodegradable waste); (3) collection of unsorted MSW; (4) organic
recovery; (5) sorting at MRF; (6) mechanical treatment; (7) mechanical-biological
treatment; (8) energy recovery; (9) recycling; (10) landfill. The secondary wastes
from waste treatment, as also the materials and energy recovery processes, were
also taken into account.
The detailed analysis of the most important foreground processes constitutes the
backbone of the life cycle inventory and was based on primary data obtained from
the companies that handle the waste (e.g. SPV) and on secondary data from LCA
databases and scientific bibliography which were adapted to better reflect the
Portuguese reality.
The results obtained show that for 7 of the 11 environmental impact categories
considered in the study, the reference MSW system configuration leads to a positive
or neutral environmental balance. In these cases, the benefits due to the recovery of
materials and energy obtained by waste recovery processes (avoided impacts), with
special focus on recycling, are bigger or at least equal to the negative impacts gen-
erated by the various waste management activities, like collection, sorting, trans-
port, treatment and recovery. In the remaining four impact categories, the benefits
obtained from waste recovery are not sufficient to mitigate the impacts generated
by its management activities. This is due mainly to a still significant MSW fraction
that is not recovered and is mostly eliminated in landfills (in 2012, 5 4 % of the
Portuguese MSW was directly put in landfill). This is the case, for example, in the
climate change category, where it was estimated that the net GHG emissions
reached 1.1 Mt CO2eq in 2012, equivalent to 1.6 % of the annual GHG emissions in
Comparing the MSW management as a whole with the specific management of
packaging materials, it was found that, on a unit basis, the environmental balance of
the packaging materials is more favorable than the remaining fractions. This is due
in part to the intrinsic characteristics of packaging materials, but also to higher recy-
cling rates achieved and the consequently lower amount sent to landfill, particularly
for glass, paper/cardboard and ferrous metals.
Comparing the 2012 performance with the target for the year 2020 with the strat-
egy defined in PERSU 2020, the results show that the proposed changes will lead to
a major qualitative leap in the environmental performance of the sector. For example,
it is estimated that the net GHG emissions will be reduced by 47 %, which translates
into a emission savings of 522 kt CO2 eq and that the benefits obtained from the
recovery of mineral resources, both fossil and renewable, will increase by 61 %
compared to 2012. These benefits are due not only to reduction of the quantity sent
to landfill, especially the biodegradable fractions, but also to the expected increase
14 Industrial Ecology and Portugals National Waste Plans 285


Person Equivalent (PE)

2012 PERSU 2020



Eutrophication, Climate Change Eutrophication, Photochemical Eutrophication, Acidification Mineral and Particulate matter
marine water terrestrial ozone formation freshwater fossils depletion emissions

Fig. 14.3 Environmental impacts of MSW management per ton of MSW in 2012 and 2020,
according to the objectives of PERSU 2020. Three categories were omitted since in both cases the
values were approximately null

in MSW recycling resulting from the increase of selective collection and more effi-
cient treatment and recovery of mixed wastes (Fig. 14.3).

4.2 Economic Impacts

To assess the economic impacts of the PERSU 2020, it was assumed that in 2020 all
MSW RMS would meet each of their specific targets. The 2020 scenario (based on
these assumptions) was then compared to the reference scenario (based on data
from 2012) to determine the net contribution of the PERSU 2020.
Two variables were covered by the assessment of the economic impacts: the
gross value added and the number of jobs. The methodology used is based on the
input-output (IO) model presented in Ferro et al. (2014). The economic assessment
considers that in the course of its economic activity, a firm uses resources, such as
labor or imports, and that these are direct impacts of the firm. A firm also purchases
goods and services from other companies, which themselves are going to use
resources (these are the first order indirect impacts of the first firm). These firms in
turn make purchases to other firms, leading to second order indirect effects of the
first firm, and so on (Ferro et al. 2014). Finally, substitution impacts arise from, as
the name implies, the materials and energy recovered in the sector studied which
replace output from other sectors (e.g. electricity production from the MSW man-
agement sector reduces the output of thermal power plants).
The IO model developed to study the economic impact of the MSW management
system was a hybrid, i.e. with both monetary and mass flows, that explicitly consid-
ers seven types of waste: unsorted MSW, paper, plastic and metal, glass, refuse
(secondary wastes from MT, MBT and MRF) and ashes. It also considered eight
286 P. Ferro et al.

MSW sectors: collection of unsorted waste, collection of sorted waste, material

recovery facilities, incineration, mechanical biological treatment, incineration,
landfill, packaging PRO, besides the rest of the economy (ROE). The sector ROE
was modeled using the 2008 basic prices symmetric product-by-product Input
Output tables of the Portuguese Department of Prospective Planning and
International Relations (Dias and Domingos 2011), with an aggregation of 85 sec-
tors using the official Portuguese NACE Rev.3 two digit classification. Data for the
MSW management itself was obtained mostly from publicly available accounting
reports from regional companies, annual reports from the Portuguese Environment
Agency (APA references), and, for the 2020 scenario the PERSU 2020 was used.
PERSU 2020 requires the Portuguese MSW management system to increase the
collection rates of sorted waste and to avoid direct deposition in landfill by increas-
ing MT and MBT capacity. Intuitively, the shift from collection of unsorted waste
and landfill deposition to these solutions will lead to higher value added; first,
because more materials with positive economic value are being returned to the
economy (e.g. scrap metal, plastic film); second, because the shift is toward higher
labor and capital intensive processes. The obvious increase in the total cost of the
MSW management system will be partially supported by the producers responsi-
bility organizations (PRO) for packaging waste, which are mandated to compensate
the higher collection cost of sorted waste. The remaining part should be transferred
to the population.
The results obtained for 2012 show that the GVA of the MSW management
activities is 357 million, 55 % of which is related to the collection of unsorted
waste. The activities related to material recycling, which include collection of
sorted MSW and sorting at material recovery facilities, represent 22 % of the total
direct contribution in terms of GVA. Indirect impacts, i.e. the economic activity on
other sectors due to the operational expenses of MSW management system, were
estimated to be 114 million, mostly concentrated in construction activities (con-
tracts for new infrastructure), installation and repair of machinery and specialized
services (consultancy, architecture, engineering, etc.). In the reference year, the
number of jobs in the MSW management system was 11.700, of which nearly 84 %
was attributed to collection activities, especially of unsorted waste. In the rest of the
economy, the number of jobs due to the MSW management system amounts to
If we look at the GVA and number of jobs per ton, there is a clear indication that
the collection of sorted waste and sorting at MRF has higher economic impact than
end-of-the-line solutions such as incineration or landfill.
The 2020 results are thus a consequence of the higher unitary impact of these
activities. In relation to 2012, the GVA in MSW management system is expected to
increase by 26 % to 451 million. The increase in the rest of the economy due to
these activities is significantly higher at 55 %, reflecting the higher operational
costs, i.e. inter-sectorial transactions, of the growing activities (collection of sorted
waste, sorting at MRF, MBT and MT). The number of direct and indirect jobs will
also increase to 13,000 and 5,500, respectively (Fig. 14.4).
14 Industrial Ecology and Portugals National Waste Plans 287

21,000 800
14,392 600
15,000 5,521
419 177
400 114

12,997 200 375

0 -53 -65

-720 -923

-3,000 -200
2012 2020 2012 2020

Substitution Direct Substitution Direct

Indirect Net Indirect Net

Fig. 14.4 Estimated economic impacts and job creation of the MSW sector in 2012 and 2020
(PERSU 2020 scenario)

The evidence reported in this chapter shows that the cooperation between gov-
ernment, academia and private sector in Portugal, based on industrial ecology prin-
ciples and tools, has been able to significantly improve waste management
performance in Portugal, since the late 1990s, making it an important actor of the
green economy, by combining better environmental performance with economic
growth and job creation, critical dimensions for enabling sustainable development.

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.


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Chapter 15
The Role of Science in Shaping Sustainable
Business: Unilever Case Study

Sarah Sim, Henry King, and Edward Price

Abstract Unilever is a leading example of a multinational company in the Fast-

Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector. Unilever has long been an advocate of
sustainable business, using scientific assessment as the basis for its strategy and
initiatives. Given its business, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is established within
the company and there is a current focus on improving the methodology and scope
of LCA. Recent developments include new approaches to fill data gaps for agricul-
tural ingredients and new impact assessment methods for assessing land use change.
We have also adapted LCA approaches to inform corporate strategy and to engage
a broad range of stakeholders both within the company and outside. The most recent
and significant example of this has been the use of product footprinting as an inte-
gral element of Unilevers Sustainable Living Plan (USLP); currently over 2000
products are footprinted annually across 14 countries.
LCA approaches will continue to play an important role in Unilevers strategy.
However, there is an urgent need to develop more predictive, regional/global level
approaches that take into account the limited availability of many earth resources,
the non-linearity of certain impacts and the absolute limits of sustainability. Several
conceptual systems-level frameworks and theories already exist, but the Planetary
Boundary (PB) approach has been selected as the most promising for developments
in data, modelling and contextualization of environmental assessment. We have
identified the need for developments in informatics to exploit new data gathering
approaches as well as new modelling initiatives utilizing Geographical Information
Systems (GIS) mapping and big data approaches. In particular, we see real value
in developing a distinct and novel, PB-enabled normative LCA approach to sup-
port product/service/sectorial decision-making.

Keywords Unilever sustainable living plan Fast-moving consumer goods sector

FMCG Life cycle assessment Environmental footprinting Earth systems sci-
ence Resilience science Planetary boundaries Ecosystem services

S. Sim (*) H. King E. Price

Safety and Environmental Assurance Centre (SEAC), Unilever,
Colworth Park, Sharnbrook, Bedford MK44 1LQ, UK

The Author(s) 2016 291

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7_15
292 S. Sim et al.

1 Introduction

Unilever is a Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) company with over 400
brands, operations in nearly 100 countries and sales in nearly every country in the
world. Our products (foods, beverages, ice cream, home and personal care) are used
2 billion times a day in over half the households on the planet. Our strategy for sus-
tainable growth sets out a vision for leveraging this global reach to improve health
and well-being, reduce environmental impacts and enhance livelihoods. Unilever
has long been a pioneer of sustainability, and throughout this journey, science has
been the foundation for the companys sustainability strategy and initiatives. As
such, the focus of this chapter is not the business case for sustainability in Unilever
(which can be found in Bell (2013a, b); Lingard (2012)), but an illustration of how
science has helped inform and shape the companys thinking on sustainability so far
and also how we will continue to use science to help us think about future
To date, Unilever has relied on scientific methods based around Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) to guide and inform our sustainability decision-making and such
approaches will continue to have an important role to play. However, LCA does not
address all relevant environmental impacts; nor does it deal with each impact cate-
gory in an equally robust way. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop more
predictive approaches that take into account the limited availability of many
resources, the non-linearity of certain impacts and the absolute nature of sustain-
ability as articulated in the planetary boundary concept.

2 The Journey So Far

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is the preferred tool for many organizations to help
them understand the impacts and performance of their products and services in a
rigorous and scientific manner (Baitz et al. 2013). The LCA methodology was codi-
fied in the late 1980s/early 1990s through the work of SETAC and ISO. However,
LCA is not a static tool and it is continually being evolved and improved to reflect
new science and to expand the robustness and scope of the environmental impact
The flexibility of the LCA concept is one of its strengths; in Unilever, we have
exploited this feature and in doing so helped inform and shape our environmental
strategy over the past 20 years (Fig. 15.1). In the mid-1990s, Unilever developed the
Overall Business Impact Assessment (OBIA) approach (Clift and Wright 2000) as
a means to scientifically identify our priority environmental impacts and to inform
the selection of key sustainability programs. Unlike traditional LCA which focuses
on single systems, usually products, the OBIA approach can be used to assess the
effects of all the individual products produced by a business for a given period of
time, typically 1 year. The potential environmental impacts of the business are
15 The Role of Science in Shaping Sustainable Business: Unilever Case Study 293

Defining 3 Embedding Integrated

corporate sustainability in business strategy
sustainability Brands/marketing

Brand footprint
Product Assessment

1980 1990 2000 2010

Fig. 15.1 Evolving development and application of environmental sustainability science within

presented as a profile or imprint and contributions are scaled (normalized) against

annual global totals for each of the indicators and the economic size of the business
(Clift and Wright 2000). By comparing the potential environmental impacts of a
business to the economic size of the business, the OBIA approach helped to identify
those areas where most benefit to the global environment can be achieved. The
insights arising from the application of OBIA led to Unilever focusing on three
sustainability themes in the late 1990s and early 2000s, namely sustainable fisher-
ies, including the co-creation of the Marine Stewardship Council together with
WWF (Constance and Bonanno 2000), the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative
(Unilever 2010) and the creation of institutions such as the Roundtable for
Sustainable Palm Oil and the Sustainable Water Initiative.
Unilever continues to innovatively develop and apply LCA and life cycle think-
ing to help inform strategy and to engage a broader range of stakeholders both
within the company and outside. At a product level, recent method developments
and applications have included new approaches: to fill data gaps in agricultural data
(Mil i Canals et al. 2011; Roches et al. 2010; Nemecek et al. 2012); to better rep-
resent the impacts arising from land use change (Flynn et al. 2012; Mil i Canals
et al. 2013); to better represent the impacts arising from product disposal (Muoz
et al. 2013); and the application of new methods for assessing impacts related to
water (Jefferies et al. 2012 and Van Hoof et al. 2011). In addition, we have devel-
oped approaches to conduct brand/portfolio footprints with examples of Knorr and
Ben & Jerrys (Garcia Suarez et al. 2008; Mil i Canals et al. 2010). LCA also
formed one of the elements of the innovative Brand Imprint process that Unilever
294 S. Sim et al.

Fig. 15.2 Unilever

sustainable living plan

deployed with its Brand teams to help them understand the sustainability impacts
and issues of their brands and to identify sustainability marketing opportunities in
the late 2000s (Gowland 2009).
The most recent and significant example of the use of the LCA approach to guide
sustainability strategy has been the use of product footprinting as an integral ele-
ment of Unilevers Sustainable Living Plan (USLP) (Rigarlsford et al. 2010; UNEP
2015). The USLP footprint, which is an example of an organizational LCA (UNEP
2015) is based on a streamlined process that involves the definition of representative
countries and products. Fourteen countries were selected on the basis of business
parameters (e.g. annual sales and consumer habits) and environmental ones (e.g.
carbon intensity of the electricity grid, waste management infrastructure and water
scarcity). The business and sales in each country are then described by a series of
representative products. Currently over 2000 products are footprinted annually and
one of the key USLP objectives is to decouple business growth in sales from an
increase in the footprint (Fig. 15.2).

3 Looking to the Future

As outlined in the previous section, to date our ability to think about sustainability
has mostly focused around classical LCA, but we recognize the existence of global
environmental limits; the earths systems are not behaving as we have designed our
economic and social systems. What is becoming apparent is that earlier assump-
tions about the stability, linearity, and reversibility of changes in ecosystems and the
Earth systems fell short of what actually happens (Whiteman et al. 2013).
Assessment of corporate decisions in this context cannot be wholly facilitated by
15 The Role of Science in Shaping Sustainable Business: Unilever Case Study 295

Risks / Vulnerabilities / Impact / Uncertainty








Knock-on / Indirect effects increase (+ve/-ve)
Process Knowledge of system & connections decrease

Fig. 15.3 Systems thinking implications for method development and data

traditional LCA approaches. Though these remain important, their focus on eco-
efficiency and relative sustainability will not be sufficient.
The refresh of Unilevers Sustainable Living Plan (USLP) in 2014 (Unilever
2014) articulates a desire to drive transformational change. There are three particu-
lar aspects to this: (1) helping to eliminate deforestation; (2) championing sustain-
able agriculture and smallholder farmers and (3) improving water, sanitation and
hygiene (WaSH). This marks the start of a move towards more holistic, systems-
level analysis and action to achieve a decoupling of growth and impact. Systems-
thinking requires new concepts, approaches, methods and tools. These need to be
predictive, point to early warning signals or non-linear relationships between
growth and environmental impacts (Biggs et al. 2009; Barnosky et al. 2012; Sheffer
et al. 2009, 2012; Wang et al. 2012), be spatially resolved and operational at differ-
ent scales of decision-making, but particularly portfolio, company and sectorial
decisions (Fig. 15.3). Whilst clearly a tall order when considering also the urgency
with which we must act, Unilever has already begun efforts in this direction, for
example, working with the Natural Capital Project at Stanford University to
develop methodologies to help us understand the spatial dependency of Biodiversity
and Ecosystem Services (BES) impacts associated with large scale agricultural
expansion (as implied by the large and converging demand on agricultural raw
materials from the foods, chemicals, energy and textile sectors). The research was
set to explore possible nonlinear changes in environmental impacts which may
arise from different amounts and spatial configurations of land use change, and
which may be affected by corporate strategic sourcing decisions (Chaplin-Kramer
et al. 2015).
296 S. Sim et al.

The need for such systems thinking and macro-level approaches, enabling us to
predict and avoid unintended environmental consequences of growth and strategic
choices (as discussed in Chap. 2), is amply illustrated by the example of biofuels.
IPCC(2007) highlighted the large potential for biofuels to meet the growing energy
needs as well as contributing to GHG emissions reduction, especially in the trans-
portation sector. Escalating oil prices and the uncertainty about sustained oil sup-
plies further added to the growing interest on biofuels (Ravindranath et al. 2009).
As such, a number of governments developed policies and financial incentives to
encourage the production and use of biofuels. Unfortunately, large scale expansion
of biofuel crops has led to land use change (LUC), notably the conversion of natu-
ral lands such as peatlands, forests and grasslands to the production of biofuel
crops. Studies have shown that the possible GHG emissions from the induced
LUC can substantially influence the climate benefit of biofuels production and use
(Leemans et al. 1996; Schlamadinger et al. 2001; Fargione et al. 2008; Searchinger
et al. 2008; Gibbs et al. 2008) [] Fargione et al. (2008) shows that land-use con-
version from native land-uses to biofuel crops leads consistently to significant
GHG emissions and a negative carbon balance, or carbon-debt, for many years
(Ravindranath et al. 2009).

3.1 Conceptual Basis for Developing Scientific Approaches

Several conceptual systems-level frameworks and theories already exist, such as

Ecological Footprint (Wackernagel and Rees 1996), Carrying Capacity (Rees and
Wackernagal 1994) and Limits to Growth (Meadows et al. 1972), but by far the
most promising as a guiding concept for developments in data, modelling and con-
textualisation of environmental assessment is the Planetary Boundaries (PB) con-
cept (Rockstrm et al. 2009a, b; Steffen et al. 2015). This concept stands out for a
number of reasons:
1. The positive framing of a safe operating space or an earth system stability
domain is helpful in a corporate innovation context. Planetary Boundaries
firmly establishes the principle of absolute sustainability, attempting to set lim-
its on how much impact or change can be tolerated in various PB categories
before boundaries are transgressed and the Earth system moves outside of the set
of parameters that are deemed safe for humanity (into a danger zone) and
beyond which global change is likely to have profound negative consequences
for us. However, unlike other concepts such as Limits to Growth, it does not
make assumptions about human ingenuity in terms of technology. As noted by
Steffen et al. (2015), the PB approach is embedded in this emerging social con-
text [rapid increase in human pressures on the planet], but it does not suggest
how to manoeuvre within the safe operating space in the quest for global sustain-
ability. Rather we can view PB as presenting the context for transformative
15 The Role of Science in Shaping Sustainable Business: Unilever Case Study 297

2. For Unilever specifically, there is a strong connection between this framing and
the USLP transformational change agenda, particularly zero net deforestation
(principally aligned to the land system change boundary) and improving water,
sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) (particularly aligned to the biogeochemical flow
and freshwater boundaries) (see Hague 2014).
3. The PB focus and framing also encourages predictive assessment, as opposed to
descriptive or retrospective assessment, since the idea is to recognise the
approach to boundaries so as to find risk-reducing interventions (Steffen et al.
2015) and avoid transgressing the boundaries.
4. Planetary boundaries has received strong interest (with more than 60 peer-
reviewed papers on the subject since the seminal Rockstrm et al. paper in
2009a) and reasonably widespread acceptance, due to its robust empirical base
which draws on both Earth System and Resilience Science. Clearly there is
potential to improve quantification for all nine PB categories and efforts are on-
going in this regard (Carpenter and Bennett 2011; de Vries et al. 2013; Gerten
et al. 2013; Mace et al. 2014), but the approach guarantee[s] a higher degree of
consistency and meaningful aggregation (commensurability) than composite
indices (Whiteman et al. 2013) such as the Ecological Footprint [] which fail
to fulfil fundamental scientific requirements of validity and reliability (i.e. nor-
malization, weighting, and aggregation), and reveal a high degree of arbitrari-
ness (Bhringer and Jochem 2007, in Whiteman et al. 2013).
5. Finally, the concept aims to hold focus on these nine categories simultaneously,
recognising the inter-dependencies between them: this imposes limits to trade-
offs in that temporal and spatial trade-offs could be considered within a PB cat-
egory but not between them (Murphy et al. in prep). Clearly this implies
considerable space for the development of multi-disciplinary approaches.
The planetary boundary (PB) concept is increasingly being accepted as a science
basis for understanding sustainability in business and government policy contexts
(e.g. EU Sustainable Foods Policy development, WBCSD Action 2020), although
measurement and analysis of the actions advocated is required to provide assurance
that actions will and indeed are leading to the right outcomes; or, otherwise stated,
to quantitatively measure the role of companies within the decline [or maintenance]
of Earth systems (Whiteman et al. 2013). We therefore need more studies that
analyse how the micro role of firms and industries interacts with a macro-view of
the world informed by system dynamics in order to better address environmental
externalities (Whiteman et al. 2013). Indeed this is the challenge: PBs are planetary-
scale and conceptual and we need to find ways in which they can be made opera-
tional at various geographical scales (local, regional and global) (see for example,
Nykvist et al. 2013; Cole et al. 2014; Dearing et al. 2014) but particularly decision-
making scales (product, portfolio, company and industry sector). This is where sci-
entific advance aligned to the PB concept is required. An early attempt can be seen
at the sectorial scale with the Mind the Science, Mind the Gap project (CDP et al.
2014), which proposes guidance on methodology to set science based GHG emis-
sions reduction targets in line with a 2 C decarbonisation pathway.
298 S. Sim et al.

3.2 Applying the Planetary Boundaries Approach for Business


There are, however, few such examples since the operationalization of PB is still
immature. We argue for further methodological development to build on existing
data gathering and modelling initiatives using new GIS-based mapping and big
data approaches e.g. Future Earth ( and the UK Centre for
Agricultural Innovation in the area of agri-informatics and sustainability metrics
(White 2015) in order to improve our ability to measure the PBs appropriately, but
to do so in a solution-focused frame. That is to say that even when risks, impacts or
transgression of the PBs are uncertain, we still need approaches that will help to
move the PB approach into day-to-day decisions as a matter of priority. For this
reason, towards the end of 2014, Unilevers Safety and Environmental Assurance
Centre (SEAC) and the Centre for Environmental Strategy, University of Surrey, co-
hosted an expert workshop on this topic. The outcome is a roadmap for how opera-
tionalizing the PB concept can be approached in practical decision-making. This is
a forward looking agenda for research and implementation in which we will pro-
pose a possible framework for progress (Murphy et al. in prep). In summary, the
agenda includes the need for: (1) additional science to underpin each boundary, but
particularly the biodiversity (now revised to biosphere integrity in Steffen et al.
(2015)), chemical pollution (now novel entities in Steffen et al. (2015)) and fresh-
water boundaries1; (2) development or identification of rules of thumb that can be
implemented rapidly; (3) normative debate for example around equity, human/soci-
etal values, governance, land use contests, lifestyle changes, etc. and; (4) tools for
integrating the science in decision-making contexts. In particular, we see real value
in developing a distinct and novel, PB-enabled normative LCA approach to support
the adoption of the PB concept in product/service/sectorial decision-making; this
would be a complement to, and not a replacement of, existing LCA uses.

4 Conclusion

It is evident that Unilevers pioneering position in regards to sustainability is firmly

rooted in our innovative application of, and commitment to, environmental sustain-
ability science. This has helped inform and shape the companys thinking on

These boundary categories were chosen as the focus for the workshop as they are of particular
relevance to Unilever because of the types of products the company designs and markets (acknowl-
edging of course that due to inter-linkages between PB categories, all are relevant in some way or
another to companies such as Unilever). In addition, we believe that (better) definition and consen-
sus of the planetary boundary for these three is particularly important since the boundaries are
either missing entirely (chemical pollution/novel entities), challenging on the basis of scale
(regional vs global) (all three), or indeed now considered to be core PBs in a two level hierarchy
of boundaries (biodiversity/biosphere integrity) (Steffen et al. 2015).
15 The Role of Science in Shaping Sustainable Business: Unilever Case Study 299

sustainability and we will continue to use science to help us address future chal-
lenges. Currently, systems thinking remains in the margins of scientific develop-
ment, but increasingly this needs to be brought to the fore so that large companies
such as Unilever, as well as governments, are better equipped to make choices that
can drive transformational change. This implies even more intensive cross-disci-
plinary activity, merging elements from Environmental Sustainability Science,
LCA, Earth Systems Science, Resilience Science and Economics for more holistic
insights and business/policy relevant assessment tools. The emerging developments
in big data, informatics, and the deployment of imaging technologies and informa-
tion systems to visualize earth systems will facilitate the move towards a more
holistic understanding of environmental impacts and the sustainable management of
Earths resources.

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.


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Chapter 16
Practical Implications of Product-Based
Environmental Legislation

Kieren Mayers

Abstract A number of approaches to industrial ecology are now employed within

environmental legislation, targeting products at various stages of their life-cycle.
These require producers to reduce the hazardous substances content of their prod-
ucts during production, increase product energy efciency during use, and organise
and nance improved recycling and treatment of their products at end of life
(Extended Producer Responsibility, or EPR). Such requirements are increasingly
commonplace in the Americas, Eurasia, and Pacic Rim countries and have sub-
stantial impact. If companies cant comply, then they cant sell their products. There
appears to be little research on the practical steps producers have taken to manage
compliance with this new-wave of product-based requirements, as compared to the
more established areas of environmental management addressing site-based air and
water emissions, resource and energy use, and waste management. Based on a num-
ber of case studies, this chapter explains how such product-based legislation oper-
ates in practice.

Keywords Environmental legislation Environmental management Extended

producer responsibility Industrial ecology Product-based legislation Risk man-
agement Supplier commitment

1 Introduction

Environmental legislation is increasingly targeting various stages of the product

life-cycle. There are a widening range of restrictions on hazardous substances in
different types of products globally, covering an increasing number of substances in
their scope. To ensure their products comply, producers can ask the suppliers to
commit to and sign declarations of compliance, audit production facilities, and

K. Mayers (*)
INSEAD Social Innovation Center, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe,
10 Great Marlborough Street, London W1F 7LP, UK

The Author(s) 2016 303

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7_16
304 K. Mayers

undertake chemical testing of products. If these measures do not succeed, and pro-
ducers are found to be non-compliant, corrective steps are needed to isolate and
clear affected products from distribution.
Energy efciency standards, including power caps, allowances, and power man-
agement, and information requirements, focus on reducing the energy used by a
device to perform a particular dened task. For example, energy allowances are
higher for categories of PCs with more powerful processors. Such standards do not
necessarily result in an overall reduction in energy use of a product, as new products
with increasing performance over time may use more energy overall, even if energy
used per unit output falls.
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) legislation, requiring producers to
nance and organise collection, treatment, and recycling of their products at end of
life, has been enacted for a range of different types of products and in many differ-
ent jurisdictions internationally. The main intention of such regulations is to ensure
producers have nancial incentives to design their products to be easier to treat and
recycle at end-of-life, and also therefore to improve recycling and standards of envi-
ronmental protection at end of life. Typically such regulations covers batteries,
packaging, waste electrical and electronic products, tyres, household hazardous
wastes, and automobiles in many areas of the world.1
This chapter draws on two decades of the authors personal experience working as
an environmental/sustainability professional in the electronics and recycling sector
within Europe, and also a number of associated case studies (Martin 2008; Webb 2014;
Mayers 2007a, b; Mayers and Butler 2013) as an example of how producers respond
to this new wave of product-based regulations. Content has also been taken from a
presentation by the author prepared for a taught module on Life Cycle Assessment at
the Centre for Environmental Strategy at the University of Surrey (Mayers 2011).

2 Dealing with Hazardous Substance

Restrictions in Products

Regulations can target substance use in specic sectors, such as with the European
Union (EU) Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive covering electrical and
electronic equipment (2011/65/EU) and the Packaging and Packaging Waste
Directive (94/62/EC), or may focus on specic chemicals across product classes,
such as with Danish lead restrictions (Danish Statutory Order No. 1012). The EU
REACH Regulation (EC/1907/2006) takes a combined approach by restricting
chemicals according to their specic applications. Overall, applicable substance lim-
its depend on the product and material concerned. For example, as of January 2015,
there are around 17 different hazardous substance regulations in Europe affecting
Sony Computer Entertainment products, restricting 46 different substances, and
including 78 different limit values for different types of products and materials.

See special feature volume on EPR: Journal of Industrial Ecology, Vol. 17, Issue 2, 2013.
16 Practical Implications of Product-Based Environmental Legislation 305

Typically, producers must consider at least ve different factors when assessing

the applicability of substance restrictions to their products:
Which categories of products are in scope e.g. electronic, batteries, packaging?
What is the limit value (allowable concentration per homogenous material or
When will restrictions be implemented?
Which countries does it apply to?
Which materials are affected e.g. plastics, solders, etc.?
The impacts of non-compliance, if caught, are severe. In the last year alone over
370 products were withdrawn from the market due to enforcement actions on haz-
ardous substances within the EU (European Commission 2015). As well as halting
sales, there is a reputational impact on brands, with governments and nongovern-
mental organisations (NGOs) generating exposure by naming and shaming compa-
nies in the media. To ensure they comply with such regulations, producers must
(Martin 2008):
Monitor and track continually evolving legislation
Ensure products can meet prescribed limits
Check that suppliers and factory management understand applicable
Plan phase-out of substances ahead of regulatory deadlines
Check and approve parts and materials before shipping
Retain technical documentation as evidence of compliance
Correct non-compliance incidents
Determine preventative and proactive measures to minimise risk of
Supply chains can be extremely complex, involving networks of tens or hundreds
of actors. Manufacturing activities are most commonly outsourced by brand holders
to third parties. As a result, specic production processes may not be even known to
or under the control of producers and brand-holders. Even if suppliers make stated
commitments to phase out hazardous substances, and include requirements in docu-
mented specications for new products, they may struggle to track and correctly
interpret the plethora of different regulations globally. It may be challenging to nd
substitute materials, and so some companies may simply manufacture products that
only comply with local or selected legislation. Upstream changes in suppliers or
materials can result in unexpected changes to substance concentrations. Producers
may also be unaware of chemical contaminants not deliberately added to their prod-
ucts e.g. black pigments may contain soot, which may contain a wide variety of
heavy metals. Also, different laboratories may sample products differently with dif-
fering results. Finally, national authorities often take differing approaches to com-
pliance and enforcement (Martin et al. 2007). In some countries, enforcement
agencies test products selected from retail outlets to detect non-compliance; in oth-
ers, a lack of technical documentation available from producers is considered to be
an offence.
306 K. Mayers

To protect against these risks and manage elimination of hazardous substances in

their products, producers can use a combination of approaches. As a basic underpin-
ning and assurance, producers can ask their third party manufacturers and suppliers
to complete and sign declarations that they will ensure all materials, components or
products comply with all hazardous substance restrictions applicable in the jurisdic-
tions where the product will be distributed. First and foremost, this alerts suppliers
to the necessary requirements. It also may provide some assurance to producers in
terms of liability for any resulting nancial losses. Signed supplier declarations,
however, do not provide guarantees that the products themselves will be in compli-
ance. Government authorities often nd quite a high proportion of products investi-
gated through market surveillance do not actually comply with substance restrictions.
For an example, in 2014, the Swedish Chemicals Agency found that over 40 % of
the plastic articles such as handbags, wallets, pencil boxes and cases for mobile
phones that they tested contained short-chain chlorinated parafns which are pro-
hibited under the EU Persistent Organic Pollutants Regulation (KEMI 2014).
To minimise risk further, producers can submit samples of products for testing at
laboratories, undertake chemical testing themselves or ask suppliers to provide test
reports that show their products meet legal limits. Testing provides a robust check; for
example, test reports can be used to detect any substances suppliers are unaware of
from sources upstream in their supply chain. Alongside signed supplier declarations,
test reports can also be used to show regulatory enforcement agencies documented
evidence of due diligence. Testing, however, also has its limitations: it only provides a
snap-shot of one or perhaps a few products at one point in time, so multiple samples
may be needed as well as retesting on periodic basis e.g. monthly, quarterly, or annu-
ally. As testing is expensive and samples are usually destroyed in the testing process,
testing statistically representative samples of products can be infeasible.
To gain an overall perspective and level of assurance, producers can also audit
their suppliers manufacturing facilities. Auditing can be used to ascertain the level
of competency and understanding of staff working in manufacturing, ensure the
necessary controls are actually in place, check the effectiveness of procedures used
to control hazardous substances, and assess unforeseen risks in the process. For
example, if manufacturers do not have a process to isolate any products suspected
to have compliance issues from compliant stock, then there is a risk the products
may enter the supply chain. The limitation of such audits is that they too only pro-
vide a snap shot in time of how any supplier may be operating. Audits should,
therefore, be repeated every year or so, but this may involve a substantial amount of
time and resources as global supply chains typically have many different suppliers
For any new substance compliance requirements, producers must ensure their
products comply by time they come into force. There are several different approaches
to stock control that can be used to clear-out older stocks of non-compliant products
(Fig. 16.1).
If preventative measures fail and non-compliant products enter distribution
(where, in the worst-case, producers may face nes and sales prohibitions), then cor-
rective measures are needed both to identify any current non-compliant stocks of
16 Practical Implications of Product-Based Environmental Legislation 307

In distribution each
product is assigned a
unique number or
Clear-out by stock code.
product Compliant items can
be assigned a new
number number so non-
compliant items can
be located and

Block compliant stock

Block and until non-compliant
Clear-out stock has been

FIFO control Allow natural clear-

through of compliant
products using first-in
first-out principle

Audit and pull- Conduct physical

stock checks to sort
back and push forwards
products into

Pallets of non-compliant product

Pallets of compliant product Central warehouse Country warehouses

Fig. 16.1 Stock management approaches to clear-out non-compliant products (Adapted from
Mayers 2011)

products, and also to nd and x whatever oversight or issue is at cause. A producers

supply chain may be made up of both pan-regional, and state or national warehouses,
lled with millions of units of potentially hundreds of different product lines. Each
product line may be supplied by several different manufacturers. Producers must
ascertain which products are affected; whether it is just products from one supplier
in particular, all products, or just those manufactured in a certain time period. The
compliance issue may be related only to specic components or materials e.g. lead
in plastic could be from either the pigment or plasticiser used (Fig. 16.2).
308 K. Mayers

Non-compliant item
Which box?

Which pallet?

Which warehouse?

Which components?

Fig. 16.2 Distinguishing non-compliant products in a supply chain (Adapted from Mayers
(2007a, b). Lifecycle environmental management in the electronics sector. Lecture, University of
Surrey, 12 January)

Not all of these factors are easy to assess or understand, and it may not be straight
forward to distinguish stocks of compliant from non-compliant products across many
warehouses. As a consequence, producers may have to send many samples of product
for testing to try to determine which products in their supply chain are affected. Once
identied, producers may have to take a number of actions: they may have to rework
or replace non-compliant items e.g. power cables, they may dispose of the items if
there is no other option feasible, or they may return the products to the original manu-
facturer for a refund (which is where the signed declaration can be of use).
To solve the problem at source, suppliers must identify and address (a) what
went wrong, (b) how it can be xed, and (c) what can be done to preventive

3 Ensuring Energy Efficiency

Energy using products are covered by a range of different types of energy standards
worldwide. Focusing on electrical and electronic products these include:
Requirements for power management, such that a device switches automatically
into the lowest power mode possible for the function required.
Reductions in power consumption, where the power consumed for a given task
is reduced, such as modal power caps or allowances.
Requirements to inform consumers and users and label devices on their energy
use, and how to use them in a way to minimise energy use.
16 Practical Implications of Product-Based Environmental Legislation 309

Standards may involve voluntary commitments, such as US Energy Star (US

Environmental Protection Agency 2015), or sector voluntary agreements used in the
EU (2009/125/EC), US (US Department of Energy 2015a), Australia and New Zealand
(E3 2015a); regulatory requirements, such as EU Energy Using Products (2009/125/
EC) and Energy Labelling Directives (2010/30/EU), and Australia and New Zealand
Minimum Energy Performance Standards (E3 2015b), and US Federal energy ef-
ciency standards (US Department of Energy 2015b); or regulatory benchmarks, such as
Japans top runner programme to ensure all best technologies are adopted over time
according to leading products on the market (Energy Conservation Centre Japan 2015).
As technological development and innovation occurs relatively rapidly, energy
efciency requirements are typically organised into a succession of chronological
tiers over which requirements are ratcheted up. To comply producers may either
need to retain technical documentation and test reports showing that their products
meet each of the applicable criteria (as in the EU and Australia), or in some cases
may be required to submit their products themselves for testing and certication (as
under US Energy Star requirements). Non-compliant products may either lose their
certication status and must withdraw or change energy labels used, or ultimately,
if mandatory standards are involved, producers may face nes and sales blocks.
The most complex challenge for producers is to understand and keep pace with
the future energy implications of technological development. With the pace of tech-
nological advancement, energy efciency standards are updated every few years to
ensure improvement vs. business as usual. Such assessments consider and com-
pare estimates of total energy use for any potential improvements, considering
power consumed, usage time, and number of units of a product in use to calculate
estimates of total electricity consumption (TEC).
To engage in this process, producers need in-depth understanding and available
research on their consumer usage behaviour, and the energy implications of differ-
ent technology scenarios, to consider energy implications at the early stages of
product development, and also to engage with and gain the understanding of stake-
holders such as environmental and consumer NGOs. Predicting power consumption
of future technology 34 years in advance, considering the timescales for develop-
ing new regulations, involves large amounts of risk for producer. Where it may not
be clear the extent to which a new energy efcient technology may be suitable, or
what implications it may have, further research and development may be needed.
Unless producers engage in continuous dialogue with policy makers and NGO
stakeholders at an early stage, regulations and standards may be developed based on
only rudimentary understanding of their products and services, which may not
result in optimal solutions to energy efciency and may impede innovation.
Compliance with energy standards appears relatively straight forward in com-
parison to substance compliance (discussed above) and Extended Producer
Responsibility (EPR) (discussed below). This is because standards are uniformly
applied and relatively easy to assess. The challenge for producers is to anticipate
and even inuence the direction of future energy policy and standards. If producers
are unable to keep pace and comply with these evolving standards, they may be
forced to withdraw many of their products, as recently observed for vacuum clean-
ers that could not meet 1,800 W power cap within the EU (BBC 2014).
310 K. Mayers

4 Managing Products at End of Life

There are many thousands of different producers, and usually many hundreds or
thousands of waste collection points within any country. As a consequence, under
EPR it is absolutely infeasible for each producer to set-up an individual system to
collect their own branded products from all possible municipal collection centres
and households. Conversely, it would also be an overwhelming task for each house-
holder, or municipal waste collection point, to sort all their waste by hundreds of
brands on a daily basis and try work out which producer to contact to arrange col-
lection (assuming even that the original producer still exists).
This insurmountable economy of scope limits the effectiveness of EPR in prac-
tice; producers have little option other than to co-operate and manage waste collec-
tively within each country. To this end producers have established Producer
Recycling Organisations (PROs) to manage and administer waste arrangements on
their behalf (Fig. 16.3). Based on 2014 data, over 400 EPR systems (most of which
include at least one PRO) have been established worldwide (Lifset 2014).
Setting-up and running PROs can be quite an involved process (Mayers and
Butler 2013). PROs must organise sufcient management, expert, and administra-
tive staff to organise their activities. Management overheads can, therefore, consti-
tute up to 20 % of overall PRO expenditure. There can be considered to be three
stages to PRO implementation: design, build, and operate:

1. Product distribution
Producer payment for EPR compliance
Producer A Producer Recycling
Organisation (PRO)
Producer B
Board of Directors
Payment for recycling within product price (fees can be made visible)

Producer C Finance
Producer Admin.
members Operations
Producer D

Payment for
waste services
Collection through

Municipal waste
retailer outlets

collection sites


2. Waste collection 3. Waste recycling & treatment

Fig. 16.3 Producer recycling organisation set-up and operation (Mayers 2007a)
16 Practical Implications of Product-Based Environmental Legislation 311

PRO planning and system design:

Investigating existing waste infrastructure and legislation
Determining PRO license conditions and requirements
Identifying where waste materials arise, and how the PRO will access them
Assessing which recycling services are available, and at what price
Agreeing how competing PROs will balance their share of waste
Building-up PRO operations and processes:
Appointing PRO staff, and setting-up administration and reporting
Auditing and approval of recycling companies against required standards
Deciding on containers and transport needed for each collection point
Selecting and appointing recyclers and collection companies
Running ongoing operations:
Receiving and responding to requests for collection
Organising day-to-day collection, treatment, and recycling
Collating and submitting reports of quantities collected and processed
Accounting and payment for collection, treatment, and recycling services
Trouble-shooting operational and service problems
Optimising activities to meet cost and key performance indicators
To comply with EPR legislation, producers must rstly understand specic regu-
latory requirements within each country for each type of product. Different regula-
tions may specify different requirements relevant to each producer, for example
reporting and registration procedures. Once requirements have been checked, pro-
ducers must choose which PROs are most appropriate for their products. It may be
possible to choose between several competing PRO services. Some key consider-
ations for producers to take into account before joining a PRO include:
Does the PRO charge a membership fee? How often and how much?
Are recycling fees xed per product sold in advance, or will the amount charged
vary according to the producers share of treatment and recycling costs each
Does the PRO accrue any nancial reserves from the payments producers make?
Who owns those funds and for what purpose?
Does the PRO have the necessary permits and authorisations to operate and full
the producers EPR obligations? Will it ensure the necessary environment
How long is the contract period for? Under which conditions can the PRO termi-
nate the contract?
Once the contract is agreed, are fees xed or can they be changed by the PRO
from time to time? Under what conditions can the PRO increase or lower their
312 K. Mayers

Is the exact wording of the contract xed, or can it be varied according to each
member producers policies?
How often does the PRO require reporting? Annually, quarterly, or monthly?
Are there any other useful services the PRO can provide e.g. collection of WEEE
from ofces, or pan-European EPR compliance services?
Once producers have signed-up to their selected PRO, they must then start report-
ing the amount of products sold and pay any PRO charges due to nance collection,
treatment, and recycling as well as any management and administrative overhead.
Reporting requirements between different countries, types of waste, and PROs can
differ widely e.g. units vs. weight sold, reporting by different sub-categories of prod-
ucts and materials, monthly, quarterly, or annual reporting, or reporting to PROs,
national enforcement agencies, or special registration or clearing house bodies.
Typically producers will have a list of components used in their products (bill of
materials) available, but will not be necessarily aware of the weight of different
packaging materials, or the weight of electronic products with cables but without
batteries, etc. Collecting and then reporting such data, combining it with sales
reports, and completing different formats of reporting forms for different PROs and
different waste streams takes time for operations and environmental managers.
Unfortunately, nancial incentives for improved design of products from EPR are
limited to non-existent. Recycling fees tend to be higher for plastics than for card
and paper packaging, as plastics are more complex to recycle. This provides some
incentives towards use of paper packaging, but not for the packaging to be designed
in a way to ensure it can be easily recycled e.g. easily separated into different mate-
rial types rather than being glued together. In addition, all EPR fees are charged per
unit or weight sold, which will only reward producers if they sell fewer products or
sell smaller products (in the case of weight sold). As products are recycled collec-
tively, and costs shared equally among producers, incentives for each individual
producer for their own products are removed or diminished substantially.
The economies of scope explained above means that it is impractical for produc-
ers to collect and recycle only their own products in an individual EPR system.
Separation of products into thousands of brands at municipal collection points with
only enough space and staff to provide a few waste containers is logistically
impossible. At the household level, putting aside the sheer impracticality of sorting
for kerbside or doorstep collection, it would not be environmentally benecial to
arrange individual collections of waste by brand due to the need for dedicated trans-
port for small volumes. In addition, collection costs would outweigh any recycling
value or cost by several orders of magnitude (for example, consider the costs of
mailing individual parcels).
Collective PRO systems appear to be a necessary component of EPR.
Nevertheless, individual producers can still be made nancially responsible for
waste costs attributable to their products. PROs can allocate costs to producers more
accurately and proportionately based upon the treatment and recycling costs of dif-
ferent types of products (Mayers et al. 2014). For example, display screens with
mercury backlights must be treated before recycling to remove mercury, which is an
expensive process, whereas mercury-free LCDs can be more conventionally recy-
16 Practical Implications of Product-Based Environmental Legislation 313

cled, potentially with a net value. This approach is already in place in France for
packaging and WEEE, using a system of differentiated fees.
While EPR was developed with good motives, in practice its implementation is
both administratively and logistically complex, and to date the main purpose to
incentivise design is largely unfullled.

5 Discussion and Conclusion

Looking back, site-based approaches to environmental management, developed

since mid-seventies, focus on treating environmental problems at end of pipe.
Education in environmental management and sciences from this time focussed
mainly on environmental problems and their causes, environmental protection leg-
islation, environmental management systems, air and water monitoring, water treat-
ment and air pollution control, waste management, and resource and energy use.
Such knowledge is important in managing and reducing the environmental impact
of any particular industrial operation.
Looking forward, managing environmental impacts of the life-cycle of products
from raw material extraction to end-of-life involves altogether different issues,
requiring additional skills from environmental and sustainability managers. In
addition to a basis of understanding of current environmental issues, sociology, eth-
ics, economics, and sustainable development, risk assessment and management, and
life-cycle assessment methods, further expertise is essential as listed below:
Managing hazardous substances in supply chains:
Substance compliance regulations
Materials usage and engineering
Product testing and chemical analysis
Supply chain management
Stock control and auditing
Ensuring energy efciency of products:
Energy efciency legislation
Product development and engineering
Government relations and stakeholder engagement
International standardisation processes
Consumer behaviour and market research
Product testing and power measurement
Implementing EPR for wastes:
EPR legislation
Contract management for PROs
Recycling standards and technologies
Company accounting systems such as SAP to report sales volumes
314 K. Mayers

Managing ows of hazardous substances, recyclable materials, and energy use

throughout the life-cycle of products and considering entire industrial supply chains
with the aim of reducing their environmental impact are administratively and logis-
tically complex. Producers often do not have complete knowledge or direct control
of complex supply chains and cannot always accurately predict the future outcomes
of technology development. Environmental managers must nd new ways to address
gaps in understanding and implement procedures to ensure producers can comply
with this new wave of product-based environmental legislation, and ultimately to
solve and prevent environmental problems at source.
There appears to be very little corresponding information or knowledge of con-
temporary approaches to environmental management in the available literature, and
furthermore, students may miss out if further education only equips them with
knowledge to understand and assess the implications from a life-cycle or sustain-
ability perspective. For example, imagine a surgeon only taught how to diagnose
heart disease, but not how to conduct heart surgery. From a policy perspective, les-
sons from practical experience reinforce the need for harmonised product-based
requirements including applicable standards, product categorisation, reporting, and
proof of compliance. For industrial ecology to move forwards, the practical chal-
lenges and approaches, the administrative procedures, and the management meth-
ods required to solve environmental problems at various stages of a products
lifecycle are surely worth further consideration.

Acknowledgements The author would like to thank Dr. Joachim Zietlow, and Reid Lifset for
their assistance.

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.


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Efciency Groups Announce Set-Top Box Energy Conservation Agreement; Will Cut Energy
Use for 90 Million U.S. Households, Save Consumers Billions. Washington, DC,
USA. Retrieved February 25, 2015, from
US Department of Energy. (2015b). Regulatory processes. Washington, DC, USA. Retrieved
February 25, 2015, from
US Environmental Protection Agency. (2015). Energy efficiency. Washington, DC, USA. Retrieved
February 25, 2015, from
Webb, A. (2014). Evaluating games console electricity use: Technologies and policy options to
improve energy efficiency. Doctoral dissertation, University of Surrey, Guildford.

Dr. Kieren Mayers is Head of Environment and Technology Compliance at Sony Computer
Entertainment Europe, London, and also Executive in Residence at INSEAD Social Innovation
Centre in Fontainebleau.
Chapter 17
Multinational Corporations and the Circular
Economy: How Hewlett Packard Scales
Innovation and Technology in Its Global
Supply Chain

Kirstie McIntyre and John A. Ortiz

Abstract Hewlett Packard discusses how companies can move from the concep-
tual ambiguity of the circular economy to operational reality. The development of
the circular economy concept is described, in particular the extension from resource
efciency: the importance of moving from the idea of consumers to users.
Transitioning from a linear economy to a circular one will require disruptive inno-
vation. For more than 30 years, HP technologies have led large scale changes in a
wide range of markets. We describe how HP is designing products and services
which meet and enable circular economy applications. The examples demonstrate
how a major multinational company like HP can build on its long-held resource
efciency principles to protably drive industry forward in the circular economy. It
is clear that the new style of IT enables many future and current circular economy
initiatives, from car sharing; community garden/power tool sharing and developing
further connections between networks i.e. the sharing economy. The internet of
things has huge potential to retain and grow control over dispersed resources.
Through collaborative technologies and partnerships, and by engaging the innova-
tion potential of others, HP looks to lead the proliferation of full system solutions
that can allow inventors and communities to design and innovate surpassing what
can be imagined today.

Keywords Hewlett Packard Circular economy Up-cycling Closed loop plastic

manufacturing Recycled content plastic Servicization 3D printing

K. McIntyre (*) J.A. Ortiz

Hewlett Packard, Bracknell RG121HN, UK

The Author(s) 2016 317

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7_17
318 K. McIntyre and J.A. Ortiz

1 Circular Economy Introduction

The circular economy is a new buzzword that has caught the attention of a wide
variety of actors within the public and private sector particularly in the last 4 years
or so. The circular economy has developed as a result of the contributions from vari-
ous schools of thought (some inter-related). These include biomimicry, cradle to
cradle, industrial ecology, resource efciency and the performance economy
(Masuda 2014).
Although denitions of circular economy seem to be converging, particularly
towards the denition put forward by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (Ellen
MacArthur Foundation & McKinsey Co. 2014), a uniformly accepted denition is
yet to be reached. In the past, public and private sector, actors have focused on the
idea of resource efciency doing more with less. Eco-efciency measures increase
the ratio of units/value of products and services to environmental impact (positive
or negative). According to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development
(Schmidheiny 1992), eco efciency is achieved by the delivery of competitively
priced goods and services that satisfy human needs and bring quality of life, while
progressively reducing ecological impacts and resource intensity throughout the life
cycle to a level at least in line with the Earths estimated carrying capacity. In short,
it is concerned with creating more value with less impact.
Potentially the starting point of the concept of circular economy comes from the
1966 paper, The economics of the coming spaceship earth (Boulding 1966),
which put forward the idea of circular material ows as a model for the economy.
Boulding called for the need to consider the earth as a closed economic system
where natural resources are limited. Following this industrial ecology made studies
of the material and energy ows in industrial systems, using natural eco-systems as
a guide to create sustainable schemes that operate in accordance with local and
global ecological boundaries (Allenby 2006). Cradle to cradle thinking seeks to
make the further distinction from eco-efciency to eco-effectiveness; the creation
of cyclical ows which allow materials to maintain their quality and status as a
resource (up cycling) instead of minimizing cradle to grave material ows
(Braungart et al. 2007).
There is some discrepancy between the older version of resource efciency and
the newer concept of circular economy. The understanding of resource efciency
often precludes the important idea of moving from consumers to users of durable
goods in the economy. Conversely, circular economy can miss the elements of
cleaner production or eco-efciency measures. Currently it appears that the cir-
cular economy concept is better dened at the higher conceptual level, but not at the
practical, operational level. Circular economy must make the shift from conceptual
ambiguity to operational clarity if it is to be widely and uniformly incorporated by
industry and governments (Masuda 2014).
What is clear to Hewlett Packard (HP) is the need to innovate in a resource con-
strained world. The traditional linear economy of take, make, consume, discard
will not long be viable where planetary resources are being overshot earlier and
17 Multinational Corporations and the Circular Economy: How Hewlett Packard 319

earlier each year (considered to be August 19th in 2014) (Global Footprint Network
2014). For HP, the Circular Economy encompasses a system that is restorative or
regenerative by intention with design that eliminates waste. As an alternative to the
linear approach (take, make, use, discard), HP believes that connecting circular
economy principles to resource efciency is the route to success.
Resource efciency is important to a global scale manufacturer like HP. We can-
not abandon our design for environment principles of:
1. Energy efciency reducing the energy needed to manufacture and use
2. Materials innovation decreasing the amount of materials used and selecting
materials with lower environmental impact
3. Design for recyclability designing equipment that has more value at end-of-
life, is easier to upgrade and/or recycle.
(HP 2014a).
However, HP also understands the need for disruptive innovation to break
through the limits of linear resource consumption models, irrespective of how ef-
cient we become with the materials, energy, water and other resources we use.

2 Why Innovation in Circular Economy Is Important

Three main areas have emerged which have brought this opportunity into sharp
1. Trends furthering the case for resource efciency include:
(a) Risk factors around resource availability and price volatility
(b) Increased public opinion and government regulation concerning environ-
mental and social issues
2. The opinion that traditional resource efciency measures are insufcient to
address current resource challenges
3. The alignment of conditions which will allow for the rapid diffusion of the cir-
cular economy such as:
(a) The introduction of policies and regulations of governments around the
world that support and promote the circular economy
(b) Changing customer/consumer attitudes and other societal shifts that are
essential for the diffusion of circular economy
(c) The advancement of information technologies and other technologies which
drastically increase the feasibility of circular economy.
Each of these drivers will be discussed in turn:
320 K. McIntyre and J.A. Ortiz

2.1 Resource Availability

As of 2015, sharp price increases in commodities since 2000 have erased the real
price declines of the twentieth century. At the same time, price volatility levels for
metals, food and non-food agricultural output in the rst decade of the twenty-rst
century were higher than in any single decade in the twentieth century (McKinsey
Global Institute 2013a). Extended producer responsibility is ever more important to
public sector purchasing and individual consumption of durable and food goods.
The Guardian Sustainable Business pages list climate change, supply chain respon-
sibility, conict minerals and factory workers rights in their top 10 issues of 2014
(Buckingham 2014).

2.2 Resource Efficiency

In modern manufacturing processes, opportunities to increase efciency still exist,

but the gains are largely incremental and unlikely to generate real competitive
advantage or differentiation. The latest IPCC report determined that the global
emissions of greenhouse gases have risen to unprecedented levels, despite a grow-
ing number of policies to reduce climate change. Emissions grew more quickly
between 2000 and 2010 than in each of the three previous decades (IPCC 2014).
With three billion new middle class consumers expected to enter the market by
2030, current efciency measures will not be enough to meet this demand.

2.3 Alignment of Conditions

Conditions for rapid diffusion are aligning. The IT sector and many other industries
see increasing regulation being developed that moves beyond eco-efciency into
new forms of producer responsibility. The early adopters will be the ones to nd
competitive advantage and exponential growth. The millennial generation are more
likely to demand access to services over ownership of products, for example through
subscription services like Netix or mobility access through car leasing (Ross
2014). Big data and data analytics helps companies to drive business growth by
moving from transactions to relationships with their customers. This in turn
drives increased brand loyalty, a concept which is well understood as valuable to
industry via models such as Net Promoter Score (Reichheld 2003).
Having described circular economy principles and why HP thinks it is important
for future business success, the remainder of this chapter will examine the real, at-
scale programs currently underway at HP. These will demonstrate how a major mul-
tinational company like HP can build on its long-held resource efciency principles
to protably drive industry forward in the circular economy.
17 Multinational Corporations and the Circular Economy: How Hewlett Packard 321

3 The Shift from Conceptual Ambiguity to Operational


Scaling circular economy applications to a global level does not come without its
complexities. In this section, three current programs at HP are described to demon-
strate how circular economy principles are being applied now within a $130 billion
business (Fig. 17.1).
At its core, a circular economy aims to design out waste; products are designed
and optimized for a cycle of disassembly and reuse. For technical, durable products
(like computers and printers), the circular economy largely replaces the concept of
consumer with user. Unlike in todays buy-and-consume economy, durable
products are leased, rented or shared wherever possible (Ellen MacArthur
Foundation & McKinsey Co. 2014). In addition, new innovative technologies are
required to fundamentally disrupt traditional manufacturing and supply chain mod-
els. New technological applications will enable greater collaboration in developing
business models, job creation and further innovation.
HPs rst example concerns closed-loop plastic manufacturing. While this may
be considered a resource efcient measure, for many companies it is the rst step to
circular thinking. A report by Ellen MacArthur Foundation & McKinsey Co. for
The World Economic Forum (Ellen MacArthur Foundation & McKinsey Co. 2015)
has identied polypropylene plastic as a high potential material to demonstrate real
change across supply chains. Our example shows the challenges and opportunities
with successful scaling at a global level:

HP parts
Materials recovery and reuse

Print supplies closed loop (rPET, rPP, r2P2),

hardware recycled content (PCs, printers)

HP product
manufacturing Reuse/refurbishment

HP Renew HP
3D printing:
a circular
HP services enabler

Managed Print Services, PC-as-a-service

Maintenance/upgrade model

Indigo, IHPS, accessories


Fig. 17.1 HP circular economy diagram (Hewlett Packard 2015)

322 K. McIntyre and J.A. Ortiz

4 HP R2P2 program

This program highlights Circular Economy innovation of Inkjet Printer cartridges

and demonstrates that by leveraging HPs scale, partnerships, customer relation-
ships, materials knowledge and process innovation, we have closed material loops
in technical grade polypropylene (PP).
1. Closed loop recycling with cascaded PP streams: HP inkjet cartridges returned
by customers are collected, plastic separated, recovered and cleaned. They are
combined with different cascaded PP streams (from other post-consumer appli-
cations) and plastic additives to create a ready-to-mold, 85 % recycled content
plastic (RCP) replacement for virgin plastic resin.
2. Fully closed loop recycling with HP-only streams: HP inkjet cartridges returned
by customers are collected, plastic separated, recovered, cleaned, re-pelletized
and mixed at 2030 % with virgin resin. This process allowed HP to accelerate
the development cycle, providing a very solid example of developing pure
material streams and then incorporating these streams into fully scaled manufac-
turing processes. With this most recent project, HP applied the knowledge and
experience of the past 9 years of closed-loop recycling, reverse logistics, materi-
als development, product design and separation technology to reduce the learn-
ing cycle from nearly 7 years, to approximately 9 months from project start to
manufacturing ramp. This project began its worldwide production ramp on 27
October, 2014.
With the two PP projects fully implemented in manufacturing, HP expects to use
nearly 5 million kilos of recycled PP in 2015. Combined with the multiyear effort
on Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), HP now uses approximately 10 million kilos
of recycled plastic in inkjet cartridges. By 2014 year end, over 90 % of HPs inkjet
cartridges shipped contain recycled plastic from closed loop and cascaded streams
(Fig. 17.2).
HP has achieved this through collaborative effort with several key supply chain
Reverse logistics: HP is using multiple reverse logistics routes (channel partners,
bulk enterprise customer shipments and logistics providers) to collect, process
and recycle 10 million kgs of plastic material every year.
Partner development: A collaborative recycling eco-system has been created to
utilize the strengths of multiple partner suppliers including recycling, material
rening, material development and plastics compounding.
Recycling process and equipment development: This is a very critical piece of
innovation which enables pure material streams to be used without requiring
performance trade-offs.
HP is driving recycling process innovation and recycling equipment develop-
ment including patented recycling equipment and $Ms invested in product disas-
sembly tooling.
17 Multinational Corporations and the Circular Economy: How Hewlett Packard 323

Fig. 17.2 Design changes to high volume ink cartridges to allow for increased recycled plastic
content (Hewlett Packard 2015)

Cascading streams and materials development (Up cycling post-consumer mate-

rials from other products and industries). Developing up cycling solutions for
low value materials (materials from garment industry used in products).
Together with its suppliers, HP has developed analytical and functional quality
tests for incoming RCP (recycled content plastic) feed streams to ensure product
quality is not compromised. This is particularly important when considering for
cascaded streams to be up-cycled into HP products.
Certain challenges of using RCP have been overcome in the course of this work:
Impurities potential impact on ink quality. The ink inside cartridges is a com-
plex chemical formulation designed to perform under specic conditions. HP
doesnt consider that it sells ink or cartridges, customers want the printed page.
Customers also expect that the output is perfect from the rst page to the last.
Molding and performance negative impact to production molds and tools can
cost millions of dollars in damage and lost manufacturing time.
Product component dimensional tolerances (reduced exing in large sheet com-
ponents), manufacturability (ease of manufacturing), yield (reducing material
waste) and supply chain implications.
The assembly and performance in the customers hands.
The qualication of new resin formulations for manufacturing applications can
be a slow process. HP has worked to reduce time for internal certication.
Design teams have been involved in decisions around material properties and
color and cosmetics of nished products. These technical discussions have
debunked the commonly held belief that recovered/recycled materials are infe-
rior through product and process performance testing and quality analysis. RCP
materials have not resulted in any documented customer quality issue/concern.
324 K. McIntyre and J.A. Ortiz

There have been signicant market challenges to overcome: the main one has
been assurance of supply particularly with regard to consistency and quantity.
Pricing stability has been found to be key. HP commodity purchasers are closely
involved with comparisons to virgin materials to ensure there is no nancial
impact from using RCP. A real-time example comes from the late 2014 oil price
slump which has created new challenges for the adoption of recycled plastic.
Virgin resin prices have dropped as much as 30 % per month (HP internal data,
The economics of recycled plastic are interesting and merit further study.
Recycled plastic providers who oat their prices with the virgin resin demand will
most likely feel a pinch when petroleum pricing drops. However, HP believes that
recycled plastic can be priced independently of virgin resin when operating in a
circular model. This makes most sense when long-term collaborative relationships
are established within the supply chain.
HP intends to continue this path of increasing recycled content in products and
components, wherever possible using its own closed-loop material streams. The
next step in this program is to extend into further plastic types and more product
families, thus disrupting the perception that closed-loop solutions can only be pos-
sible in small volume, localized situations. HP demonstrates that a world-wide solu-
tion involving millions of kilograms of material every year is indeed possible.
The next example from HP concerns an inner circle of the circular economy
diagram: that of service models. This is where products are leased or rented to cus-
tomers, either with a service contract or not. The products remain within HPs con-
trol which makes closing material loops, refurbishment, maintenance and repair
much simpler and cost-effective.

5 HP Device-as-a-Service Program

HP is currently developing business models in all levels of circularity. Market forces

and new customer norms are growing and shaping the companys portfolio of
device-as-a-service product offerings to become a larger part of its business portfo-
lio. Current programs are offered to all types of customer, from the home user to the
large enterprise such as Government departments or companies like banks or
HP Renew This program currently remanufactures server, storage and net-
working products, offering the same reliability, functionality and warranty as
new HP products. In 2013, 3.7 million units were processed through HPs 5
facilities across the world. Returned, loaned or trial units are completely remanu-
factured so they can be fully utilized and are not unnecessarily wasted. HP
Renew is a full-scale worldwide product example of remanufactured and rede-
ployed servers, storage and networking solutions.
17 Multinational Corporations and the Circular Economy: How Hewlett Packard 325

MPS Managed Print Services (printers) Printing is offered to enterprise and

small businesses as a service. Through a variety of nancing or lend/lease busi-
ness offerings, customers can choose their level of involvement with the manage-
ment of devices. HP today has nearly 1 million devices managed as a service,
and the average age of the printer in management is 57 years. At printer end-
of-service, approximately 75 % of those printers are refurbished and remarketed
to other customers. The remainder are determined unusable in their whole state,
therefore go for recycling by certied providers, thus providing potential feed-
stock into other closed loop material streams.
HP subscription services (computers) Launched in June 2014, this product
offering meets the needs of small and medium businesses that need to scale their
computing capabilities very quickly and have less desire to own products. A
formal program has started now with several HP channel partners (resellers) who
will sell bundles of hardware and services under a lease from HP Financial
Services. Started in the UK, France and Spain, it is too early to show detailed
results, however early feedback from customers and reseller partners is very
positive. This is a good example of where business benets from a circular prod-
uct service model, customers are satised and the prot margins secure the long-
term sustainability of the business model.
Instant Ink Inkjet printer ink supplies are managed for home users to address
the recognised pain points of (1) Ink availability (running out at the crucial
moment), and (2) Ink cost. Through internet-connected printers, HPs Instant ink
service allows customers to pay for only the ink they need to print, on a monthly
basis. Ink is re-supplied automatically to the home via the national postal service.
There is no contract and no get-out fee. Cartridge recycling is offered as part of
the service. There are further opportunities to close material loops from con-
sumer printers, HP will be exploring this in the future. By enabling this business
model for users, HPs product designers can reduce material consumption by
4565 % over traditional supplies purchase models.
The above programs briey describe some of the device-as-a-service models that
HP currently offers to the market. The success factors in these programs are as
The service must be what the customer wants.
Products offered must not be perceived to be of lower value than outright pur-
chased goods.
The service must be easy (and fun) to use.
Closing material/product loops to prolong product lives is key.
The business model must be protable for the company in order to facilitate
further innovation to eliminate waste.
Connected technology is also key to the ease of use and rapid dissemination of
such service models for durable goods such as IT products. HP service and repair
businesses are using such technology to manage capital assets in customer prem-
ises. With Visual Remote Guidance Integrated with Google Glass , HP has
326 K. McIntyre and J.A. Ortiz

pioneered remote support on its IHPS (Inkjet High-Speed Print Systems) equip-
ment. Customers can diagnose and service their printing systems with the virtual
assistance of an HP technician viewing their problems in real time. This technology
is intended for capital industrial printing systems now, but has far-reaching implica-
tions in the service economy.
In the last example described below, it is shown how innovative technology can
be used to disrupt and transform accepted norms in manufacturing and supply

6 HP Multijet Fusion 3D Printing

The HP-led digitization of printing revolutionized the industry, turning printing

upside down, reducing waste and inefciency (Hewlett Packard 2014b). It created
the ability to print completely unique material with variable data, instead of being
constrained by one master with many copies, transforming supply chains and indus-
tries as a result. Allowing printing to become personalized, localized, customized,
targeted and unique, the results are valued and not thrown away, reducing waste.
One example is grocery store circulars. By enabling one client to customize their
magazines by local customer base, their circulars went from being 32 pages to just
four, while conversion rates rose dramatically. Digitization has also led the print-on-
demand revolution. In publishing, 3040 % books are unsold. With digital printing,
copies can mirror demand, whilst the digital print process prints pristine pages rst
time round, instead of creating large volumes of waste whilst presses are set up.
3D printing presents HP with another tremendous opportunity to transform sup-
ply chains and industries. Identied as one of 12 disruptive technologies that will
transform life, business and the global economy (McKinsey Global Institute
2013b), 3D printing offers the ability to produce both rapidly and inexpensively
short runs or one-of-a-kind parts. In contrast to traditional manufacturing which
typically cuts, grinds or molds raw materials into shape, 3D printing builds to shape.
In addition, 3D printing will revolutionize part manufacturing and the part distri-
bution supply chain by offering local, on-demand production. It is easy to envisage
the local car repair garage printing the replacement part for your car, rather than
waiting for it to be delivered from inventory held elsewhere. The connection to the
circular economy is clear, 3D print technology removes the need to hold large,
potentially redundant inventories of spare parts. Maintenance and repair business
models become more nancially attractive; products are designed to be repaired,
upgraded and maintained thus prolonging their lives and eco-effectiveness.
The following paragraphs explain how HPs version of 3D printing addresses
some of the current restrictions and technical difculties of the existing
In additive manufacturing technology commonly called 3D printing objects
are built from selective addition of material rather than by molding or by traditional
methods of subtractive machining, where material is removed by cutting and
17 Multinational Corporations and the Circular Economy: How Hewlett Packard 327

grinding. Candidates for 3D printing include the functional and aesthetic compo-
nents of machines, consumer and industrial products that are produced in short
runs typically less than 1000 units, and, in particular, highly customized and high-
value products that may be one-of-a-kind. Because 3D printing builds objects from
cross-sections, complex parts previously requiring multiple elements that were
welded or assembled together can now be built either as a monolithic structure or
from fewer subcomponents. For example, some types of 3D printing can produce
parts with hollow internal structures and complex 3D internal passages (for air or
other uids) that once required several sections to be tted together with sealing
surfaces between them.
HPs vision for 3D printing is the revolution of part manufacturing (how parts are
made) and the part distribution supply chain (where and when parts are made). In
the near term, affecting the creative process by making far more useful parts avail-
able to a much broader audience. And in the longer term, disrupting supply chains
with 3D printing technology. In order for that disruption to occur, there must be
signicant changes in the economics of 3D printing and in the standards for main-
taining quality.
Current 3D printing machines could be categorized in two groups, machines that
produce smooth parts with good detail, and machines that produce parts with good
strength. Because of the materials that are currently used to produce smooth parts
with good detail, this group of machines does not make parts with good strength. In
contrast, because of point energy needed to produce parts with good strength, this
group of machines does not produce smooth parts with detail. Further, many exist-
ing processes fuse or cure the materials together at a focused point, for example
using a focused laser beam to fuse, or using a single nozzle to extrude. This point-
processing limits the build speed of these technologies. In the end, adoption of cur-
rent technologies may be limited by imperfect parts, and slow productivity.
As with many 3D printing processes, HP Multi Jet FusionTM technology starts
by laying down a thin layer of material in the working area. Next, the carriage con-
taining an HP Thermal Inkjet array passes from left-to-right, printing chemical
agents across the full working area. The layering and energy processes are com-
bined in a continuous pass of the second carriage from top-to-bottom. The process
continues, layer-by-layer, until a complete part is formed. At each layer, the car-
riages change direction for optimum productivity.
High productivity can lead to challenges in making quality parts. For parts to
work, its important to ensure that the material has been properly fused and that part
edges are smooth and well-dened. To achieve quality at speed, HP invented a pro-
prietary multi-material printing process where the materials are applied by HP
Thermal Inkjet arrays. In addition to fusing and detailing agents, HPs technology
can employ additional materials to transform properties at each volumetric pixel (or
voxel). Color and even different materials can be used in the same print run to pro-
duce complex, multi-dimensional parts.
To realize this full potential of 3D printing, HPs vision is to develop a 3D print-
ing platform designed to become an industry standard, and HP is inviting creative
collaboration in materials for 3D printing. These breakthroughs in materials and
328 K. McIntyre and J.A. Ortiz

agent-material interactions can power the widespread adoption of 3D design and

hardware innovation resulting in a digital transformation of manufacturing as wide-
spread and profound as the way HPs Thermal Inkjet solutions changed traditional
printing. Software to manage the design process is equally important, the current
shortcomings of the CAD-based format in terms of processing time and object
dimensional precision are a barrier for the production of complex, high-precision
parts by new technologies such as HP Multi Jet Fusion technology. Furthermore,
this format only allows geometric representation, so it does not allow voxel-by-
voxel (volumetric pixel) information to be carried from the CAD software to the
printer. To realize the full potential of 3D printing, the roadmaps of 3D printers and
3D CAD software must be aligned, and the roadmaps must be accompanied by a
change to a more information-rich le format.
Comparison to commercially available 3D printing technologies has demon-
strated clear advantages to HPs technology and its material set to dene new levels
of part quality, high part functionality, at 10 times the build speed and at much
improved economics. A key feature of the technology is the potential to modify
material properties to produce controlled variations of the mechanical and physical
characteristics within a part, i.e. parts can have different materials built-in during
the manufacturing process, instead of being welded or connected later. This can
enable many new possibilities in the design and performance of parts built by 3D

7 Conclusion

Moving from a linear economy to a circular one will require disruptive innovation.
For more than 30 years, HP technologies have disrupted and led printing technolo-
gies in a wide range of markets. This chapter has described how HP is designing
products and services which meet and enable circular economy applications. HP has
a long history of resource efciency of doing more with less this is accepted
good business sense. HP also knows that there are good business advantages in
extending into the circular economy.
Saving resources = lower virgin material spend (greater protability)
New, convenient business models = happy customers (and repeat business)
The extension of effort does not come without its challenges:
High grade plastics: consistency quantity quality
Closing our own material loops (from service models)
Expanding service offerings to more customers
HP is working to overcome internal and industry perceptions of recycled content
materials, business model protability and the need to market new business values
to customers. There is further work to align incentives throughout HPs supply
17 Multinational Corporations and the Circular Economy: How Hewlett Packard 329

chain; from customers (users) through channel partners (resellers) to manufacturing

design teams. Managing across geographies is key to multinational businesses,
being able to move products (both new and for refurbishment) across the world is
vital to establishing the economies of scale which make circular business models
nancially viable.
It is clear that the new style of IT enables many future and current circular econ-
omy initiatives from car sharing, community garden/power tool sharing and devel-
oping further connections between people and manufactured goods. The internet of
things has huge potential to retain and grow control over dispersed resources. The
interconnection of uniquely identiable embedded computing devices (e.g. sensors)
within the existing internet infrastructure is expected to offer advanced connectivity
of devices, systems and services that goes beyond machine-to-machine communi-
cations (M2M) and covers a variety of protocols, domains and applications. M2M
applications will allow both wireless and wired systems to communicate with other
devices, in situations such as industrial automation, logistics, Smart Grids, Smart
Cities, health and defence for monitoring and control purposes.
Through collaborative technologies and partnerships, and by engaging the inno-
vation potential of others, HP looks to lead the proliferation of full system solutions
that can allow inventors to design and build assemblies that have form and function
surpassing what can be imagined and manufactured today.
About HP Hewlett Packard (HP) delivers innovation in printing, personal comput-
ing, software, services and IT infrastructure. HP offers the industrys broadest port-
folio, most expansive scope and deepest industry expertise to deliver value and
improved outcomes for customers in almost every country in the world. The com-
pany is at the forefront of technological innovations that advance the way society
lives and works, enabling it to play a vital role in enabling sustainable growth.
Operating in more than 170 countries, Hewlett Packard has long been a leader in
global citizenship one of its seven corporate objectives since 1957. With more
than seven billion people seeking greater prosperity worldwide, balancing economic
growth with environmental sustainability calls for innovation and leadership.
Working towards a more sustainable world, HP responds to this challenge by
improving the efciency of products and solutions, supply chain and operations.
By combining the expertise of HPs 308,000 people, its innovative technology
portfolio and collaborative partnerships, the company is working to develop and
share solutions that streamline and replace resource-intensive processes. Building
on its size and scale, HP believes it is uniquely positioned to advance solutions that
improve lives and make the world a better place. The business will move forward by
reducing HPs own environmental footprint, and that of its customers, while helping
people prosper and companies thrive.

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
330 K. McIntyre and J.A. Ortiz


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Chapter 18
The Industrial Ecology of the Automobile

Roland Geyer

Abstract For the last 100 years, virtually every automobile was an internal com-
bustion vehicle (ICV) powered by either gasoline or diesel and mostly made from
steel. Even as the ICV was identied as a source of serious environmental impact, it
continued to outcompete others, arguably more environmentally benign, transporta-
tion modes. Banning lead from gasoline, requiring catalytic converters, and increas-
ing powertrain efciency allowed the ICV to respond to environmental criticism
and continue its dominance over other transportation technologies. Today, well over
one billion ICVs are in use worldwide.
Since the turn of the last century, however, this dominance is beginning to be
contested, not so much from other transportation modes but from alternative auto-
motive designs and fuels, such as biofuels, lightweight materials, and fuel cell,
hybrid, and battery electric powertrains. All of these alternatives are meant to
decrease the environmental impacts of cars, but in all cases there is concern about
trade-offs, unintended consequences, and regrettable substitutions. This chapter dis-
cusses history and recent developments of automobiles from an industrial ecology
perspective. Such a perspective is necessary to determine the extent to which the
emerging automotive technologies can genuinely reduce rather than simply shift the
environmental impacts of automobiles.

Keywords Industrial ecology of automobiles Environmental sustainability of

cars Biofuels Advanced powertrains Lightweight automotive materials

1 Introduction

Since time immemorial people and goods had been transported by horse-drawn car-
riages. This changed in the late nineteenth century, when self-propelled carriages
started to appear in Europe and the United States. In 1897 the New York Times
predicted that the mechanical wagon with the awful name automobile [] has

R. Geyer (*)
Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, UCSB,
3426 Bren Hall, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5131, USA

The Author(s) 2016 331

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7_18
332 R. Geyer

come to stay. The newspaper went on to say that man loves the horse, and he is
not likely ever to love the automobile (Cohn 2009). We all know which one of
those two predictions was wrong.
After a century of undisputed domination, the gasoline- or diesel-powered inter-
nal combustion vehicle (ICV) nally has to contend with some serious competition.
The staple automotive material, steel, has also come under considerable competitive
pressure. Interestingly, all contenders, be they biofuels, hydrogen, hybrid or pure
electric powertrains, aluminum, or ber-reinforced polymers, are all marketed as
ways to reduce the environmental impacts of cars. For this reason, the demand for
industrial ecology expertise, especially life cycle assessment, has increased signi-
cantly in the automotive world. While all these developments are relatively recent,
the history of environmental concerns caused by cars is almost as old as the history
of the car itself.
The modern automobile, or car, was rst created in Europe in the late nineteenth
century by inventors and entrepreneurs such as Karl Benz, Gottlieb Daimler, and
Wilhelm Maybach. It is based on four-stroke gasoline or diesel engines, invented,
among others, by Nikolaus Otto and Rudolf Diesel, even though cars using steam
engines and electric motors were also developed at that time. While electric vehicles
(EVs) enjoyed considerable success in the early twentieth century, continuous
improvement of ICV design and performance together with a steady decline in ICV
prices and increasing availability of gasoline lead to an eventual demise of the EV
industry by 1920. After the turn of the century, supply and demand of ICVs started
to increase rapidly, both in Europe and in the United States. While France was ini-
tially the largest producer of vehicles, it was soon overtaken by the United States,
which introduced and perfected mass production of vehicles. No car epitomizes the
affordable, mass-produced automobile more than the Model T, introduced by Henry
Ford in 1908. Over 15 million models were produced worldwide by the time Ford
ceased production of the Model T in 1927.
The rst environmental drama began to unfold in 1921 when Thomas Midgley,
who was working for Charles Kettering at the General Motors Research Corporation,
discovered tetraethyl leads (TEL) excellent antiknock properties and patented it
(Kitman 2000). Both were aware of viable antiknock alternatives to TEL which
couldnt be patented, such as ethanol. The toxicity of lead had been known for sev-
eral thousand years, and the proposal to use TEL as gasoline additive almost
instantly sparked public health controversies. Acute lead poisoning was common in
the early TEL production plants. In fall 1924, 5 of 49 TEL workers in Standard Oils
Bayway Renery in New Jersey died of acute lead poisoning, and 32 had to be hos-
pitalized. As a result, New York City, New Jersey, and Philadelphia banned leaded
gasoline, jeopardizing GM, DuPont, and Standard Oils plan to make TEL the lead-
ing antiknock additive. To address and preempt growing public health concerns
about TEL, General Motors commissioned research from the US Bureau of Mines
in 1923 and asked the Surgeon General Hugh Cumming to hold public hearings in
1925. The hearings were inconclusive and charged an expert committee to further
investigate the public safety of TEL. While some experts mentioned the risk of
chronic exposure, all ofcial reports and statements focused on the risk of acute lead
18 The Industrial Ecology of the Automobile 333

poisoning and eventually declared TELs use as gasoline additive safe. The exis-
tence of less toxic alternatives, such as ethanol, was ignored by both the industry
and relevant public health ofcials.
By the early 1960s, TEL was in virtually all US gasoline and was quickly expand-
ing in the rest of the world. Around the same time cars were identied as a major
source of photochemical smog in highly motorized areas such as Los Angeles. That
ICVs powered by (leaded) gasoline cause signicant environmental problems
nally became undeniable when scientists started to notice dangerous and rising
levels of lead in the environment and human blood, and the smog caused by cars
went from bad to worse. In the early 1970s, US car makers decided to use catalytic
converters to meet the emerging tailpipe emission standards. This was bad news for
TEL, which poisons catalytic converters. At the same time the recently founded US
EPA started to consider phasing out leaded gasoline to reduce chronic lead expo-
sure. TEL was eventually banned in California in 1992 and in the rest of the United
States in 1996. In the EU, catalytic converters became mandatory in 1990, and lead
was nally banned in 2000.
By then, the use of lead in gasoline had caused catastrophic levels of lead pollu-
tion. While lead levels in human blood decrease quickly in regions where leaded
gasoline is banned, TEL is still used in many developing economies, and elevated
levels of lead can be found in virtually every corner of the earth. Banning TEL
required the use of an alternative antiknock. The United States and other countries
decided to use methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) to replace lead, a typical material
substitution approach to pollution prevention. Unfortunately, MTBE is highly water
soluble, and even small fuel spills can contaminate large amounts of groundwater.
MTBE may also be a carcinogen. This is an example of the environmental trade-offs
that are frequently involved in substitution approaches. As a result, the use of MTBE
has been phased out in the United States, which now uses ethanol as antiknock and
oxygenate, the same substance that was ignored in the 1920s. There seems to be a
certain amount of reinventing the wheel in environmental problem solving. The
rediscovery of reusable bags, containers, and packaging come to mind here.
Three-way catalytic converters are classic end-of-pipe technology designed to
control pollution. They are extremely successful in reducing CO, NOX, and hydro-
carbon emissions from vehicles but require platinum and slightly reduce powertrain
performance. More importantly, it could be argued that they have enabled stagger-
ing levels of ICV ownership and use. This means that photochemical smog is still a
major problem in areas like Los Angeles, only now caused by vast numbers of low
or ultralow-emission vehicles as opposed to the fewer cars with high emissions in
the 1960s. Also, catalytic converters do nothing to CO2, so the enormous prolifera-
tion of ICVs, partially enabled by this end-of-pipe technology, leads to an equal
increase in automotive greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which has nally come
under scrutiny. In 2006, the UNFCCC reported rising GHG emission trends and
noted that in particular, transport remains a sector where emission reductions are
urgently required but seem to be especially difcult to achieve.
Initially, environmental automotive regulation focused on the air pollutants CO,
VOC, NOX, and PM. After the oil crisis in 1973, the United States also added fuel
334 R. Geyer

economy standards. Today, over 70 % of the global new vehicle market is subject to
GHG and/or fuel economy standards (Miller and Faanha 2014). This worldwide
commitment to automotive emission reductions has led car manufacturers to rethink
the automobile. The prevalent car design, the steel-based ICV powered by gasoline
or diesel, is being challenged by alternative fuels, powertrains, and structural mate-
rials. The following sections will discuss these developments from an industrial
ecology perspective. Such a perspective is necessary to determine whether these
alternatives offer overall environmental impact reductions or instead shift burdens
to other life cycle stages or other environmental concerns.

2 Biofuels

Biofuels are not an invention of the modern environmental movement but were
commonplace until coal began to fuel the industrial revolution in the second half of
the eighteenth century. The diesel engine at the World Fair in Paris in 1900 ran on
peanut oil, and Rudolf Diesel himself believed that vegetable oil would become an
important fuel. An early version of Ottos engine ran on ethanol. The Model T was
designed to run on gasoline or ethanol, and Henry Ford thought that ethanol was the
fuel of the future. In the 1930s gasoline blended with ethanol from corn was pro-
posed in the United States to support its ailing agriculture. High oil prices and oil
shortages during World War II and the oil crises in the 1970s briey renewed US
interest in corn ethanol. These phases were short-lived, however, and gasoline and
diesel from petroleum became and remained the exclusive fuels for the growing
eet of ICVs in the United States.
The same is true for the rest of the world, with the exception of Brazil, where
ethanol from sugarcane has been used to fuel cars since the 1920s. Brazilian ethanol
production increased steadily until cheap oil became consistently available after
World War II. However, prompted by the oil crises in the 1970s, Brazil launched a
National Ethanol Program in 1975 (Garten Rothkopf 2007). Among other things,
this program included ethanol subsidies and mandated that all gasoline be blended
with ethanol at certain ratios and that ethanol be sold at lower prices than gasoline.
As a result, Brazil became the worlds largest fuel ethanol producer and consumer
by far. In the 1980s oil prices tumbled to historic lows, where they stayed until the
end of the millennium. This eroded the economic case for ethanol, and Brazilian
production was relatively at during that period at around 1115 billion liters per
year (EIA 2015).
Between 1981 and 2001, annual corn ethanol production in the United States
increased at a slow but steady pace from 0.3 to 6.7 billion liters, which was mainly
fostered by subsidies. After 2000, progressive replacement of MTBE with ethanol
further helped to increase US production. However, the big boost for US ethanol
came with the creation of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program in the
Energy Policy Act of 2005 and its expansion in the Energy Independence and
Security Act of 2007. In 2007, the United States produced 18.5 billion liters of
18 The Industrial Ecology of the Automobile 335

ethanol and overtook Brazil as the worlds largest producer. The surge in corn etha-
nol production in the United States was accompanied by an increasingly heated
debate about its energy and GHG benets. A growing number of so-called fuel
cycle or well-to-wheel studies became available with a wide range of contradictory
ndings. Fuel cycle or well-to-wheel analyses are essentially life cycle assessments
(LCAs) of fuels, even though many of the early studies were from researchers out-
side of the LCA community and without reference to existing LCA standards.
Studies by Patzek and Pimentel received particular media attention as they found
that, over its life cycle, corn ethanol requires more fossil energy inputs than it has
caloric value and emits more GHGs than gasoline. Studies from other research
groups, however, concluded that cumulative fossil energy demand and life cycle
GHG emissions of corn ethanol are substantially lower than those of gasoline. A
meta-analysis intent on settling the controversy was probably one of the rst LCAs
published in the journal Science, even though it never mentions the term LCA
(Farrell et al. 2006). Unsurprisingly, the study found that the wide range in results
was due to differences in inventory data, system boundaries, and coproduct alloca-
tion. It concluded that the GHG savings of corn ethanol are moderate but those of
cellulosic ethanol substantial. Unfortunately, producing cellulosic ethanol, also
called second-generation biofuel, is much more difcult than starch- and sugar-
based ethanol, since it is very hard to break down the lignocellulosic feedstock in an
economically viable way. So hard, in fact that the US Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) retroactively reduced the 2013 RFS target volume for cellulosic eth-
anol from 1 billion gallons to 810,185 gallons (EPA 2014a).
The environmental reputation of biofuels received its next challenge in 2008,
when two studies in the same issue of Science reported their ndings on the GHG
implications of land use change (LUC) (Fargione et al. 2008; Searchinger et al.
2008). Fargione et al. found that clearing land for fuel crop production creates a
signicant carbon debt and that biofuels require 17 to 420 years to generate GHG
savings of the same size. Searchinger et al. argued that using feedstock from exist-
ing elds does not avoid this issue since it induces indirect land use change (iLUC)
by removing the crop from its prior market. For example, corn used for ethanol is
now missing as animal feed, which causes land conversion for new corn production
elsewhere. Searchinger et al. conclude that corn and cellulosic ethanol have higher
GHG emissions than gasoline when iLUC is included. Naturally, these strong nd-
ings were contested by many, including biofuel associations and the US Department
of Energy. Californias Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) and the new RFS include
GHG emissions from iLUC but with conicting results. The controversy about
LUC and iLUC continues. Both effects are prime examples of consequential LCA
and thus question the usefulness of attributional LCA for environmental decision
making (Plevin et al. 2014). It is interesting to note that none of the original LUC
and iLUC researchers came from the industrial ecology or LCA communities.
The next twist in the biofuel saga came the following year with two more Science
publications. The rst pointed out that turning fuel crops into electricity for battery
electric vehicles (BEVs) rather than biofuels for ICVs would roughly double crop-
to-wheel conversion efciency (Ohlrogge et al. 2009). The second showed how this
336 R. Geyer

translates into substantially larger life cycle energy and GHG benets, even if you
consider that BEVs have signicantly larger cradle-to-gate production energy inputs
and GHG emissions than equivalent ICVs (Campbell et al. 2009). However, one
major drawback of any sun-to-wheels transportation pathway based on biomass is
that the energy conversion efciency of photosynthesis is typically below 1 %
(Blankenship et al. 2011). This means that vast areas of land are needed to harvest
signicant amounts of solar energy (McDonald et al. 2009). A much more efcient
alternative would be direct photovoltaic conversion into electricity. Such a PV-BEV
system is orders of magnitude more land use efcient than even the most optimistic
biomass scenarios and has equal or higher energy and GHG benets (Geyer et al.
2013). PV-powered BEVs are conceptually appealing but have some technical and
operational challenges, one of which is the timing of PV power supply and EV
charging demand.

3 Powertrains

Electric vehicles had all but vanished by 1920, apart from some niche applications
such as the iconic British milk oat. The modern era of the EV began when General
Motors (GM) unveiled a BEV prototype called Impact at the 1990 Los Angeles
Auto Show. This was encouraging news for the California Air Resources Board
(CARB), which had been working on a low-emission vehicle (LEV) program to
help areas such as Los Angeles meet federal air quality standards (Collantes and
Sperling 2008). CARB had come to the conclusion that improvements in conven-
tional powertrains alone would not achieve the required emission reductions. As a
result, CARB added a so-called zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) mandate to the LEV
program of 1990. The mandate species that car sales of the major manufacturers
had to be composed of at least 2 % ZEVs by 1998, 5 % by 2001, and 10 % by 2003.
A ZEV is dened as having no tailpipe emissions of air criteria pollutants. CARB
clearly had BEVs in mind, but since its regulation has to be technology neutral, it
pointed out that fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) would also meet the denition. The ZEV
mandate is arguably the single biggest driver behind the emergence of alternative
powertrains. It is interesting to note that it emerged from concerns over air quality
and not oil resources or climate change. In the United States, fuel economy can only
be regulated at the federal level. After a White House proposal to increase fuel
economy standards failed in congress in 1992, the Clinton administration started the
Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV) with the goal to develop
dramatically more fuel-efcient powertrains (Malakoff 1999). The research collab-
orative, which was cancelled in 2001 by the Bush administration, focused on diesel-
electric hybrids and FCVs rather than BEVs.
In late 1997 Toyotas Prius, the rst mass-produced hybrid-electric vehicle
(HEV), went on sale in Japan. A few years later, Honda and Toyota started selling
HEVs in the United States. In contrast, only a number of concept vehicles were cre-
ated under the PNGV program. Measured in ZEV sales, Californias ZEV mandate
18 The Industrial Ecology of the Automobile 337

was also not a success. Between 1996 and 2003 just over 4,400 BEVs, such as GMs
EV1 and Toyotas electric RAV4, were leased or sold (Bedsworth and Taylor 2007).
The ZEV mandate had to be amended many times to make it achievable. First, the
1998 and 2001 ZEV sales requirements were dropped. Next, new vehicle categories
and alternative compliance pathways were created. It became possible to substitute
BEV sales with larger sales of HEVs and smaller sales of FCVs. If this sounds all
very complicated thats because it is. Thanks to the LEV program and its ZEV man-
date, California has now a veritable zoo of vehicle categories. Ten years after GM
introduced the Impact, BEVs were all but forgotten again. HEV sales climbed
steadily, though, and more and more car manufacturers offered hybrid-electric ver-
sions of their models. At the same time FCVs were increasingly seen as the automo-
tive endgame, with car companies and governments making bold announcements
about the impending rollout of hydrogen cars and infrastructure. While mass-
produced FCVs always appeared to be another 5 years away, BEVs returned with a
roar in the form of the Tesla Roadster in 2008. Since then many BEV and plug-in
hybrid-electric (PHEV) models have entered the market, the most successful of
which are the Nissan Leaf, the Chevy Volt, and the plug-in Prius. And just when
people started to wonder whether hydrogen cars were a pipe dream after all, Toyota
revealed the Mirai at the 2014 Los Angeles Auto Show, the rst commercially avail-
able FCV.
All four challengers of the incumbent ICV involve an electric motor and a trac-
tion battery. This allows all of them to recover and store the cars kinetic energy
through regenerative braking. However, motors and batteries differ in size and the
way they are used. In parallel HEVs, the electric motor is combined with an internal
combustion engine (ICE), and both provide torque to the wheels. With typical val-
ues between 1 and 2 KWh, HEVs have the smallest traction batteries and thus the
smallest all-electric driving range. HEVs still use liquid fuels, typically gasoline or
diesel, as their exclusive energy source. In PHEVs the traction battery can be
charged directly from an external electric power source. With typical values between
5 and 10 KWh, it is larger than in HEVs, which increases all-electric driving range.
BEVs and FCVs use only electric motors for traction and typically dont contain
any internal combustion engines. An interesting exception is the Chevy Volt which
has a gasoline engine but uses it only to charge the battery. FCVs have batteries for
intermediate energy storage but use hydrogen tanks for main energy storage. The
fuel cell converts the hydrogen into electricity. Hydrogen is an energy carrier, not an
energy source, and needs to be produced rst. Earlier plans for on-board hydrogen
production, e.g., through hydrocarbon reforming, are no longer being pursued. In
BEVs the only energy storage device is the battery, and the only traction device is
the motor. BEVs therefore have the simplest powertrains but also require the largest
Battery technology, in particular cost and energy density, has improved substan-
tially over the years and is a key determinant in alternative powertrain choice and
design. GMs EV1 used lead-acid batteries. Toyotas HEVs use nickel metal hydride
(NiMH) batteries with roughly double the energy density. All BEVs use lithium ion
(Li-ion) chemistries with roughly four times the energy density of lead-acid
338 R. Geyer

batteries. It is thus the energy density of Li-ion batteries that enabled the latest
reemergence of the BEV, even though they still have smaller driving ranges and
longer charging times than ICVs. It has also been pointed out that EVs are only as
clean as the electricity they use, a somewhat obvious observation for industrial ecol-
ogists (Moyer 2010).
Relative to the incumbent ICV, alternative/advanced powertrains have higher
tank-to-wheel energy efciency but also higher cradle-to-gate production impacts,
due to the nature of their components, such as batteries, fuel cells, and electric
motors (Demirdven and Deutch 2004; ANL 2014). In the case of HEVs, it is rela-
tively simple to show that the fuel savings far outweigh the additional production
impacts. Life cycle comparisons of the other alternative powertrains are compli-
cated by the fact that they use electricity and hydrogen as fuel, which can be pro-
duced in many different ways (Samaras and Meisterling 2008; Notter et al. 2010;
Hawkins et al. 2012). Currently, most hydrogen is produced through steam reform-
ing of hydrocarbon fuels. To eliminate the need for fossil fuels, it is frequently
stated that the hydrogen for FCVs should ideally come from electrolysis of water
powered by renewable electricity. However, it would be considerably more energy
efcient to use renewable electricity directly in BEVs rather than convert it into
hydrogen through electrolysis and then back into electricity in a fuel cell. The detour
via hydrogen has the advantage, though, that hydrogen is easier to store than

4 Lightweight Materials

In addition to more efcient powertrains, the PNGV also researched lightweight

materials for vehicle mass reduction. Such a mass reduction increases the fuel econ-
omy of the vehicle without reducing its size. The use of lightweight materials is
usually also seen as necessary to compensate for the higher mass of advanced pow-
ertrains. A material is regarded as lightweight if it achieves signicant mass reduc-
tion relative to mild steel without compromising other design parameters, but there
is no precise denition. The considered materials are typically aluminum and mag-
nesium alloys, ber-reinforced polymers, and advanced high-strength steels (AHSS)
(DOE 2014). With the exception of AHSS, the primary production of lightweight
materials has signicantly higher environmental impacts than mild steel production.
In fact mass reduction potential appears to be correlated to production impacts
(Geyer 2013). Again, LCA is required to quantify the trade-off between the increase
in material production emissions and the decrease in vehicle use phase emissions.
The trade-off needs to be studied on a case-by-case basis, but different studies of
similar cases frequently yield conicting results. There is signicant debate about
the amount of mass reduction lightweight materials can achieve in practice, since
this is not directly observable and has to be either modeled or derived from analysis
of proxy data sets. The same is true of the relationship between vehicle mass reduc-
tion and fuel economy improvement. Initial use of simplistic rules of thumb is
18 The Industrial Ecology of the Automobile 339

slowly being replaced by physics-based powertrain models (Kofer and Rohde-

Brandenburger 2010). It turns out, for example, that the regenerative braking and
the higher efciency of advanced powertrains signicantly reduce the impact of
vehicle mass reduction on fuel economy. This challenges the gospel that advanced
powertrains require lightweight materials. Other sources of uncertainty are the
assumed total mileage of the vehicle and, as always, the inventory data of the
involved processes, such as material and fuel production.
By far the most contentious issue, however, is the question of how recycled con-
tent and end-of-life recycling impacts the net environmental benets of lightweight
automotive materials (Geyer 2008). The controversy over how to account for mate-
rial recycling is generic to LCA and not specic to vehicle mass reduction. There is
a plethora of literature explaining, comparing, and reviewing the various existing
recycling methodologies. In the case of lightweight automotive materials, changing
recycling methodology can change the rank-ordering of the results, which is highly
unsatisfactory. Consequential system expansion is the only way to determine the
actual effects of material recycling. Environmental studies of lightweight materials,
just like those of biofuels, therefore call into question the usefulness of attributional
LCA for public policy making. Attempts at consequential LCA, on the other hand,
highlight the large uncertainties intrinsic to consequential analysis. Car manufactur-
ers all know and use LCA and are well aware of its ambiguities in particular with
regard to recycling. Policy makers are currently reluctant to change automotive
emission regulations from tailpipe to life cycle, regardless of the fact that the latter
perspective is superior in principle.
As a result, all public policy on automotive GHG emissions focuses of fuel econ-
omy or tailpipe CO2 (Miller and Faanha 2014). None use a full life cycle perspec-
tive; in particular vehicle production impacts are ignored by all of them. Many car
manufacturers therefore see lightweight materials as an important way to meet these
standards. So far, Ford made the boldest move and decided to make the body struc-
ture of the 2015 model of its most successful vehicle, the F150 pickup truck, entirely
aluminum. Ford states that this enabled mass reductions of up to 700 pounds (318
kg) and fuel economy improvements of up to 20 % relative to 2014 model. While it
is clear that such a dramatic change to Americas best-selling vehicle is an enor-
mous economic gamble, it is unclear what the net climate change impacts of this
move are. Rather than trying to predict the consequences of such a change, say
through consequential LCA, we are now running the experiment. Luckily, this
experiment is bound to have a less dramatic outcome than the one of adding lead to

5 Conclusions

The use of automobiles experienced phenomenal growth ever since cars started
being mass-produced just over 100 years ago. Today, well over one billion vehicles
are in use worldwide (OICA 2015). In 2013 alone, over 65 million cars and almost
340 R. Geyer

22 million commercial vehicles were added. Thanks to rapidly developing econo-

mies like China and India, there is no end of this growth in sight.
Serious efforts to reduce the environmental impacts of this ever-growing vehicle
eet are relatively recent. In the EU, catalytic converters became mandatory only 25
years ago, and lead was banned only 15 years ago. The United States moved earlier
to reduce air pollutants from cars but is lagging in terms of fuel efciency. In fact,
the fuel economy of new light-duty vehicles in the United States declined between
1987 and 2004 (EPA 2014b). This trend was driven by increases in vehicle weight,
power, and acceleration and also the growing share of so-called sports utility vehi-
cles (SUVs), wiping out all advances in engine and powertrain efciency. These
trends are currently at or at least increasing more slowly.
It is unlikely, though, that this is enough to reduce the environmental impacts
from a huge and growing global car eet to acceptable levels, which is why more
and more decision makers are looking for a new automotive paradigm. It is cur-
rently unclear what will be the future fuel, powertrain, or even material of the car. It
is clear, however, that the tools and concepts of industrial ecology could and should
play a vital role in evaluating environmental trade-offs and avoiding unintended
consequences. Humans have a substantial track record of causing large environmen-
tal problems, the conventional ICV being one of them. Yet humans are also starting
to build a track record of solving environmental problems. Lets hope that with the
enlightened use of industrial ecology, the future automobile will be one such

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.


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Chapter 19
Quantifying the Potential of Industrial
Symbiosis: The LOCIMAP Project,
with Applications in the Humber Region

Malcolm Bailey and Andrew Gadd

Abstract The Humber region, in North East England, is a major hub of industrial
activity and trade. It has seen applications of industrial symbiosis for many years,
initially centred on top-down infrastructure projects with large capital investment
but subsequently following a bottom-up approach engaging industries in the area.
Reductions in GHG emissions and waste generation have already been impressive.
The possibilities for further savings, recognising the European Unions aspirations
for deep GHG cuts and the objectives of the A.SPIRE partnership involving 114
stakeholders from the process industries in Europe, have been explored in the
LOCIMAP (low-carbon industrial manufacturing parks) project, which involved
partners from across Europe. Industrial symbiosis has been central in the plans for
LOCIMAP from the outset. Studies conducted for LOCIMAP have revealed that
more substantial savings require industrial symbiosis to be designed in, rather than
developed once facilities exist. Major further savings depend on co-location of
activities in eco-industrial parks to enable systematic process integration, but fol-
lowing this approach raises further questions, including:
How can such systems be engineered without compromising safety?
What are the implications for system resilience?
How does close integration affect operations such as maintenance?
The project has shown that we have the engineering ability to achieve deep
reductions in energy use and GHG emissions provided industries can be located in
eco-industrial parks with interactions designed according to thermodynamic prin-
ciples. Barriers to realising this concept, to achieve a new industrial revolution,
include an economic and scal system which means that design for optimal eco-
nomic performance leads to different outcomes from designing for optimal environ-
mental performance.

Keywords Eco-industrial parks Energy integration Humberside Industrial

symbiosis Resource innovation

M. Bailey (*) A. Gadd

Link2Energy Ltd, 1-3 Bigby Street, DN20 8EJ Brigg, North Lincolnshire

The Author(s) 2016 343

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7_19
344 M. Bailey and A. Gadd

1 Introduction: Brief History of Industrial Symbiosis

in the Humber Region

The Humber is the largest river system in the UK and is responsible for draining
20 % of the UKs land mass. It captures drainage waters as far south as Birmingham
through the Trent River system and north into Yorkshire through the Ouse. The river
itself is the boundary between Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire. It is a major
navigation channel and its banks are home to signicant industrial clusters. The
natural geography and geology of the Humber bring signicant advantages for the
location of industry. The deep water channel swings rst to the south bank and then
to the north. The ports of Immingham, Grimsby and Hull are located at these touch-
ing points and in combination make up the largest tonnage port complex in the
UK. Twenty-seven per cent of UKs rening capacity is located here; 25 % of UKs
rail freight originates here, much of which nds home in the steel and power indus-
tries; just north of the Humber estuary, 20 % of UKs gas is landed at Easington, fed
by the Langeled pipeline, the worlds longest underwater pipeline, via the Sleipner
gas processing platform (Fig. 19.1).
In addition to ports and logistics, the chemical industry is a highly signicant
cluster. With a turnover of 6 billion, it provides employment for 10,000 people
within 120 companies that include global brands such as BP and Croda Chemicals.
The food sector, based historically on the shing industry, has been dominant in the

Fig. 19.1 Arial overview of Immingham/South Killingholme (industrial areas in orange)

19 Quantifying the Potential of Industrial Symbiosis: The LOCIMAP Project 345

towns of Grimsby and Hull. Grimsby, known as Europes Food Town, is home to a
high concentration of food producers, supported by cold storage, logistics, engi-
neering and packaging services. The town is synonymous with seafood, including
brands such as Findus and Youngs, and represents 70 % of the entire UK seafood
processing capacity. Steel processing at Scunthorpe has its origins in the iron depos-
its of the Jurassic limestone escarpment that is found at either side of the estuary.
Seventeen per cent of UKs power-generating stations including Drax,
Eggborough, Ferrybridge, Cottam, Radcliffe, Humber Power and Centrica lie inland
from the Humber region. With only 8 % of UKs electricity demand, the Yorkshire
and Humber region is a net exporter of power to the rest of the country. The heavy
industrial base of the wider Yorkshire and Humber economy is the source of 23 %
of the CO2 emissions of England and Wales (89 Mte) (Environment Agency) and
over six million tonnes of commercial and industrial waste arisings (Defra 2011,
2014) (Fig. 19.2).

Fig. 19.2 Strategic location of the Humber within the North Sea basin
346 M. Bailey and A. Gadd

Immingham CHP is one of the largest combined heat and power (cogeneration)
plants in Europe. The 1,220 MWe facility provides steam and electricity to Phillips
66s Humber Renery, steam to the neighbouring Lindsey renery and merchant
power into the UK market. With more recent regional investment in wind power and
the bioethanol plant at Saltend that add to the existing CCGT and CHP power plants,
the Humber has been positioned as the Energy Estuary.
This rich industrial activity of the Humber and the wider Yorkshire and Humber
region have made it a natural home for applying industrial symbiosis principles (see
Chertow 2007 and Chap. 5). The early work on industrial symbiosis on Humberside
around the turn of the millennium was centred on the large capital projects of the
region. These included the Immingham CHP plant, studies on a Humber bundle
considered to link the chemical and gas generation plants of the north and south
bank through a strategic pipelines crossing beneath the river, together with a further
major study of material streams within the Humbers chemical industry. This top-
down approach, considering major infrastructure initiatives, was later replaced
with a bottom-up widespread engagement of industrial partners taken by the
NISP-Humber from 2003 onwards (Mirata 2004). This was one of the three pilot
regions at the start of the UK National Industrial Symbiosis Programme (NISP); it
became the NISP-Yorkshire and Humber region in 2005. Over the subsequent 5
years alone, this programme engaged with 700 companies in Yorkshire and Humber
and documented CO2 reductions of 780,000 tonnes per annum for its clients and a
reduction of 1,400,000 tonnes in material being landlled.
Link2Energy Ltd ran these latter two industrial programmes on behalf of
International Synergies Ltd. Initially the funding was from the regional develop-
ment agency Yorkshire Forward and subsequently from the Department of Food and
Rural Affairs (DEFRA). From 2012 Link2Energy Ltd developed its own indepen-
dent commercial programme Re:Sourcing UK with a focus on high-value opportu-
nities and innovation. It is against this background and experience that Link2Energy
Ltd was invited to provide industrial symbiosis expertise into the European FP7-
funded project LOCIMAP, below.
The strategic importance of the Humber region has also been recognised by a
study carried out by the University of Surrey on the Evolution and Resilience of
Industrial Ecosystems (ERIE) project. Two further papers draw extensively on the
work in the Humber region, Habitat Suitability Index Mapping for Industrial
Symbiosis Planning (Jensen et al. 2012) and Quantifying Geographic Proximity:
Experiences from the United Kingdoms National Industrial Symbiosis Programme
(Jensen et al. 2011).

2 The LOCIMAP Project

Europes 2020 growth strategy (EC 2012) commits to limiting greenhouse gas emis-
sions by 20 % compared to 1990 levels, creating 20 % of Europes energy needs
from renewables and increasing energy efciency by 20 %. Within this broad
19 Quantifying the Potential of Industrial Symbiosis: The LOCIMAP Project 347

strategy, an international non-prot public-private partnership (PPP) has been set

up: A Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efciency
(A.SPIRE)1 with the private sector as a partner. A.SPIRE has set further targets for
2030, below. It was launched as part of the Horizon 2020 framework programme,
which is in turn the biggest EU research and innovation programme ever with nearly
80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020).
A.SPIRE represents more than 114 industrial and research process industry
stakeholders from over a dozen countries spread throughout Europe. It was estab-
lished through the joint efforts of 8 industry sectors: chemical, steel, engineering,
minerals, non-ferrous metals, cement, ceramics and water. The mission of A.SPIRE
is to ensure the development of enabling technologies and best practices along all
the stages of large-scale existing value chains that will contribute to a resource-
efcient process industry. Through purposeful cooperation across all sectors and
regions, A.SPIRE has developed a strategic roadmap that addresses research, devel-
opment and innovation activities as well as policy matters towards the realisation of
its 2030 targets. The ultimate goal is to promote the deployment of innovative tech-
nologies and solutions required to reach long-term sustainability for Europe and its
process industries in terms of global competitiveness, ecology and employment.
The 2030 targets are:
1. A reduction in fossil energy intensity of up to 30 % from current levels through
a combination of, for example, energy-saving processes (including enhanced use
of optimisation techniques, monitoring and modelling via ICT tools), process
intensication, energy recovery, sustainable water management, cogeneration
(i.e. combined heat and power) and progressive introduction of alternative
(renewable) energy sources within the process cycle.
2. A reduction of up to 20 % in non-renewable, primary raw material intensity
compared to current levels by increasing chemical and physical transformation
yields and/or using secondary or renewable raw materials. This may require
more sophisticated and more processed raw materials.
The A.SPIRE PPP objective is to develop the enabling technologies and solu-
tions along the value chain, required to reach long term sustainability for Europe in
terms of global competitiveness, ecology and employment.
The low-carbon industrial manufacturing parks (LOCIMAP) project was funded
by the European Commission under the Framework 7 programme. It was set up to
explore this very conundrum, examining not only technical but also economic and
business (and even political) factors as it sought to contribute to the development of
a roadmap for a closed-loop economy in a major continent with the longest indus-
trial history and a relatively stable population. The project was managed by North
East Process Industry Cluster (NEPIC) and included participation from four indus-
trial parks: the chemical park at BASF Espaola SL in Spain, Wilton in the UK
represented by Sembcorp Utilities (UK) Ltd, Kokkola Industrial Park in Finland and
Kalundborg Municipality Denmark.

348 M. Bailey and A. Gadd

LOCIMAP considered the potential for the integration of a number of high CO2-
emitting industries and had industrial partners within its team to bring in a high level
of detail on process operations within the key sectors; these were Cemex UK
Cement Limited, Papiertechnische Stiftung (PTS) from Germany representing the
pulp and paper industry, VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut GmbH (BFI) the iron
and steel industry also from Germany and Terreal of France for the ceramic indus-
try. In addition Phillips 66 provided key information on petrochemical operation.
Four technical specialist companies participated in the technical and business analy-
ses: Parsons Brinckerhoff Sp. z.o.o. from Poland, Svenska Miljinstitutet (IVL)
from Sweden, Link2Energy Ltd from the UK and the Institut Europeen
DAdministration Des Affaires (INSEAD) from France. External communications
were managed by the European Chemical Site Promotion Platform (ECSPP) from
the Netherlands.2
The project concept was to re-examine the structure of industrial parks using best
practice benchmarks from across leading parks in the EU and elsewhere, the focus
being to substantially improve energy and resource efciency, reduce CO2 emis-
sions and improve competitiveness. From the outset, substantial advantages were
anticipated through migration towards more completely integrated manufacturing,
centred on concentrating activities in new industrial park structures supported by
dedicated services optimisation.
At one of the LOCIMAP steering groups, a chance remark was made that what
we need to underpin the future of manufacturing in Europe is a new industrial revo-
lution. The context was of course a comment on the magnitude of the change that
this project was looking to dene in order to make a tangible impact on the competi-
tiveness of European industry. From the outset, the ambition was to much more than
the squeezing out of a few percentage points in process efciency. Rather the goal
was to explore the potential for a step change breakthrough.
Conscious of the old adage that if you always do what youve always done, then
you always get what youve always got, this challenge for an industrial revolution
further emboldened the project to be courageous in its thinking. The LOCIMAP
project therefore looked to explore a range of parameters that could make such a
change and has included not only technical but also economic and business (and
even political) factors. At the heart of the analysis was the construction of a virtual
industrial park where full optimisation of the industrial processes could be consid-
ered with all technical and business constraints removed.
Even before a presentation of the options, the reader may already, and rightly, be
thinking that any such technical changes, no matter how good, may be replicated
globally; therefore any grounds for optimism may be a respite rather than a long-
term solution and still leave us with the original question as to how we secure the
competitiveness of the European manufacturing base. The response to this is, in
part, to refer to the potential of the closed-loop economy. Europe alone, of all the
major continents, has a relatively stable population; if we consider that we have all
the materials we need within the economy, then we can indeed close the material

19 Quantifying the Potential of Industrial Symbiosis: The LOCIMAP Project 349

loops. Coupled with the high-value innovative and entrepreneurial landscape that
we need to make this happen, do we indeed have the basis for this new industrial
revolution? This question and how we might take steps towards this within a low-
carbon economy are addressed in general in Chaps. 6 and 7. The LOCIMAP proj-
ect sought to address the question specically within the context of industrial

3 LOCIMAP: Guiding Principles

Industrial symbiosis was recognised as the key principle to achieving this industrial
revolution by the LOCIMAP project. It represents the cornerstone of not only a low-
carbon industrial manufacturing park but a low-carbon economy. This business
principle, if not the name, has been in operation as long as industry has existed; it is
greatly underexploited.
A number of sectors have prepared roadmaps to a low-carbon industry, e.g.
Cement Technology Roadmap 2009 (OECD et al. 2009), Steels Contribution to a
Low-Carbon Europe 2050 (Wrtler et al. 2013), Paving the Way to 2050: The
Ceramic Industry Roadmap (Cerame-Unie 2012), Unfold the Future: The Forest
Fibre Industry 2050 (CEPI 2011) and Roadmap to a low-carbon bio-economy: An
Aluminium Roadmap to a low carbon Europe: Lightening the Load (EAA 2012).
These are highly professional documents, but (with the possible exception of the
cement industry and to some extent the paper industry) they are in many cases lim-
ited in their vision, principally restricting the analysis to their own sector. To be
truly effective, industrial symbiosis needs to be cross-sectoral. More than that, it
should go beyond the optimisation of resources in a given location to the selection
of the location at the point of business investment. Ultimately, the driver for the
uptake is simply that of best practice business delivering both competitivity and
environmental benets.
The requirement is to deploy the principles of industrial symbiosis in a bold and
strategic way. For example, why shouldnt the blast furnace off-gas from the iron
and steel industry be used as syngas within the chemical industry? To illustrate the
point, many factories within the chemical or petrochemical industry have as the
unavoidable result of established processes and despite the efforts of generations
of engineers signicant quantities of low-grade heat. Similarly, many food facto-
ries have a demand for cooling. The potential for the chemical industry supplying
refrigeration capacity through absorption chilling opens up a solution that is not
available within single sectors. This is a far-ranging comment since it implies a
breadth of imagination at not only the business and engineering level but also that
of strategic planning. Though it may not be always practicable for two sectors to be
cheek by jowl geographically, this does not prevent them from having a thermody-
namic umbilical link. Again, these examples draw in the requirement to be strategic
and to include local government, planners and politicians alongside business and
350 M. Bailey and A. Gadd

For industrial symbiosis to deliver its full commercial potential in terms of engi-
neering efciency, it needs to move beyond the rst-generation approach of material
transfer. This is certainly not to dismiss the benet of long-radius synergies involv-
ing material transfers from further aeld; the positive carbon credit for use of mate-
rial by-products against the extraction and processing of virgin materials is eminently
quantiable. However, real progress is only achievable by including the integration
of heat and power in short-radius synergies with associated heat and power supply
networks in dedicated industrial eco-parks. It will clearly be an economic impossi-
bility to optimise utility systems that rely on close proximity between partner organ-
isations unless they really are co-located. The park concept is key to this.
Furthermore, within a CO2 minimisation agenda, supply chain integration is likely
to be subservient to the industrial symbiosis objective. This is not the case now,
where logistics represent the primary threads holding the supply chain together.
This shift will require reconguration or even a redenition of the supply chain, but
this will need an effective powerful driver either of long-term policy or of carbon
Residual low-grade heat presents a major opportunity for further improving the
already good CO2 performance of our industrial parks. However, we suggest that a
change in mindset is needed so that its use is considered from the outset, as part of
the overall process design. Whilst district heating systems for residential areas are
good, they suffer from high seasonality of demand; what is required is a constant
demand of industrial proportions. The example already cited, regarding the devel-
opment of district cooling systems powered by residual heat through absorption
chilling systems, requires bold planning moves such as co-location in the food
industry, with its typically high demand for refrigeration, cold stores, data centres,
etc., alongside the sources of residual heat, particularly the chemical, petrochemical
and power industries.
As a consequence of this study, Link2Energy Ltd has proposed such a system for
the South Humber Bank; waste heat from the petrochemical plants is being consid-
ered to provide cooling for a cluster of food companies 10 km away with the two
sites potentially linked through a utility corridor within the coastal industrial strip.
However, not all residual heat is low grade. By way of example, the energy ows
through an integrated steel complex dwarf those of most other industries, and the
ability to recover waste heat from the cooling of products and from the slags, though
inevitably difcult and a technological challenge (that is being grasped), is a signi-
cant source of potential high-grade heat and hence of reduced emissions.
The recovery of heat is clearly only of value if there is a home for it. Industrial
clustering on parks is paramount to capitalise on this potential. The challenge is clear:
how can we better integrate our industries and deliver collective CO2 emission reduc-
tions rather than leave industries isolated and subject to carbon leakage pressures?
Furthermore, each future park may benet from having its own technology cen-
tre for evaluating the optimum utility congurations of the resident industries in a
dynamic setting, for assessing new opportunities for the valorisation of by-products
and for the deployment of new technology. There are certainly examples of this
across Europe (e.g. CPI at Wilton, Chemelot Campus, etc.)
19 Quantifying the Potential of Industrial Symbiosis: The LOCIMAP Project 351

Most of the specic sector roadmaps cite technology advances within their plan
for 2020 and 2050 targets. In most instances, the ways suggested to bring about a
reduction in CO2 footprint are sector specic. An example is the ULCOS project.3
ULCOS stands for ultra-low carbon dioxide (CO2) steelmaking. It is a consortium
of 48 European companies and organisations from 15 European countries that have
launched a cooperative research and development initiative to enable drastic reduc-
tion in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from steel production. The consortium con-
sists of all major EU steel companies, of energy and engineering partners, research
institutes and universities and is supported by the European commission. The aim
of the ULCOS programme is to reduce the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of
todays best routes by at least 50 %. Other initiatives include the deployment of
high-efciency kilns as examples of material changes such as the development of
articial pozzolans within the cement industry (OECD et al. 2009). However, if the
challenge is to deliver a low-carbon economy, then the ultimate requirement is to
base the design of that (industrial) economy on thermodynamic principles (Bakshi
et al. 2011).
LOCIMAP brought together an array of existing and emerging technologies that
individually offer an ability to recover and to transfer heat from one process to
another and which are key to achieving the ambition for integration. Further, the
management of such integrated systems will demand an overarching control phi-
losophy and deployment of ICT (see LOCIMAP White Paper 3).
Link2Energy Ltd is active in developing opportunity within both the Humber
and Tees river basins for the deployment of ameless oxy-combustion FPO sys-
tems. Suitable for a wide variety of wet waste materials including renewables, the
technology is capable of very high operating efciency and low emissions due to the
absence of nitrogen. It has also pioneered the development of hydrothermal car-
bonisation for the treatment of organic materials including poultry litter and is
applicable in several industries within the Humber hinterland.
Process techniques such as pinch technology make it possible to dene minimum
utility consumption for individual processes and also the optimum energy target for
integration of quite disparate processes. This powerful technique has been used
extensively within the process industries in particular. LOCIMAP extended the
technique to the application across a virtual industrial park. The end result is a pow-
erful blueprint for integrating processes from the chemical, petrochemical, pulp and
paper, ne chemical and biofuel sectors together with some from the iron and steel
and non-ferrous metal industries.
The LOCIMAP project has sought to minimise the release of carbon through
intelligent synergies between industries. Processes are under development else-
where to use CO2 as a feedstock. Some products may be manufactured from ue-
gas CO2, e.g. cyclic carbonates, but the market for these products is small in
comparison with present emissions. Carbon capture and storage is the ultimate
backstop, and many of the individual sector roadmaps forecast the importance of
this technology within their 2050 view on CO2 reductions. It may become increas-

352 M. Bailey and A. Gadd

ingly important, and indeed an asset, for future industrial parks to be geographically
located on a carbon capture and transportation highway umbilically linked to a car-
bon storage facility. Carbon management and CO2sequestration will be at the heart
of a future low-carbon industrial park and become part of the utility system.
In the Yorkshire and Humber region, National Grid is helping to develop solu-
tions to reduce the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from power stations and indus-
trial plants. A solution being explored is carbon capture, transportation and storage
(CCS) technology capturing carbon dioxide emissions and transporting them to be
stored permanently beneath the seabed in natural porous rock formations or depleted
oil and gas elds. If approved, the Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross-Country
Pipeline project4 will involve the construction of a cross-country pipeline and a
subsea pipeline to transport carbon dioxide from fossil fuel power stations and
industrial plants in the region to a permanent geological storage site beneath the
North Sea. The onshore pipeline would be 75 km long and would use the same sort
of technology as the national high-pressure gas pipeline network, owned and oper-
ated by National Grid. It would be up to 24 (about 600 mm) in diameter and buried
at least 1.2 m below ground. The carbon dioxide would be transported in liquid form
at a pressure of 150 barg. The subsea pipeline would be the same size and on the
seabed. Offshore, the carbon dioxide would be transported at a pressure of up to 200
barg to a geological storage site beneath the North Sea. The pipeline would have the
capacity to transport up to 17 million tonnes of carbon dioxide every year. The long-
term aspiration is for the pipeline to form the foundation of a regional CCS network,
potentially capturing tens of millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide every year.
As noted above, the major themes within LOCIMAP, the optimisation of steam
and power systems, cannot be realised within supply chain integration unless the
manufacturing units are co-located. It will clearly be an economic impossibility to
integrate utility systems that rely on close proximity between partner organisations
unless that is the case. Within the CO2 agenda, supply chain integration is subservi-
ent to the industrial symbiosis question. This may even lead to a reconguration or
even a redenition of the supply chain.
The waste industry will play an increasing role within the industrial landscape of
such symbiotic parks through the provision of feedstock. Whilst industrial symbio-
sis and the exchange of industrial by-products as feedstocks are vital in future
industrial parks, the importance of post-consumer waste as a feedstock will also
grow. For some elements, e.g. copper, it is recorded that there is more material in the
technosphere rather than the geosphere, and there is much concern over the avail-
ability of a range of other critical raw materials. In some cases the concentration
of these materials is greater in post-consumer and industrial wastes than in the vir-
gin ore; some process are natural concentrators of the ore, e.g. the levels of germa-
nium and gallium in coal ashes are inevitably almost 100 times that in the coal.
Despite many critical raw materials being nonindigenous to Europe, recycling and
recovery rates of such elements and compounds are still amazingly low.

19 Quantifying the Potential of Industrial Symbiosis: The LOCIMAP Project 353

These changes in feedstock supply will have a bearing on energy demands and
CO2 emissions. The aluminium industry is a good and current case of an industry
that has already shifted focus towards a recycled feedstock and shows the improved
economics and environmental performance through recycling of aluminium (e.g.
cans) compared with the life cycle implications of producing virgin metal (see
Chap. 6).
Resource innovation, the recovery of component parts of waste streams,
whether that is critical raw materials from mineral based industries, proteins and
avonoids from industrial food wastes or phosphates from water discharges, repre-
sents an improvement in utilisation of nite resources which will need to shape
future policy and approach. Avoiding the closure of material loops is not a future
option; this is not a matter of principle, but ultimately one of economics and the
emerging industries will be integral to a changing mix on the future industrial park.
Again, to lean on the thermodynamic argument for materials as well as for our
utility studies, the more dissipated our resources, the higher the entropy and the
more the energy required to recover them. It is surely better to sprout a new industry
on a collocated industrial park to recover critical material from y ash before we
provide it as an ingredient to make cement.
Link2Energy has a legacy of successful material exchanges that minimise mate-
rial being sent to landll. However more recent examples of resource innovation in
the Humber area relate to the development of a marine biorenery for the extraction
of phospholipids from sh and particular salmon skins. The project, which was
funded by the Innovate for Growth competition run by the Technology Strategy
Board, engaged a Grimsby-based food factory, academia and a local company spe-
cialising in extraction technology. It has replicated this collaborative approach with
academia and industry for a number of other high-value resource innovation proj-
ects. These include the extraction of proteins and peptides from reject potatoes,
avonoids from waste citrus fruit and rare earth metals from by-product residues
from the mineral industry. The company is also engaged with valorisation of alka-
line leachates from the steel industry as part of a 3-year study funded by the Natural
Environment Research Council (NERC).
To realise the benets identied in LOCIMAP, it will be necessary to challenge
existing approaches to business. These challenges are twofold. The intra-park chal-
lenge goes beyond utility platform sharing and into process integration. The extra-
park collaboration goes beyond intercompany exchange into public-private sector
The key advantage of the low-carbon park is that it provides the location where
minimum energy and lowest cost can exist together. The model for that business
may take many forms and will be determined by culture and public sector policy
and support. Enlightened self-interest may prove sufciently strong to engineer
some of these changes. LOCIMAP has excellent exemplars from within its own
partners as to what can be achieved already through industrial and industrial-municipal
collaborations; examples are provided by the parks at Tarragona, Kokkola, Wilton
and Kalundborg.
354 M. Bailey and A. Gadd

But, as outlined in LOCIMAP White Paper 4, the low-carbon future requires

developments of new approaches and public engagement that can be effective in
delivering business solutions at the park level. The project view is that the establish-
ment of Synergy Management Services organisations is probably the best way to
go. These need to be led by the park operator or by the industrial cluster with sup-
port from the local public sector with an interest in sustainability themselves.
One such example is the Saltend Chemicals Park, a cluster of world-class chemi-
cals and renewable energy business at the heart of Humberside, established by BP
Chemicals Ltd in 2009. Today a number of leading organisations operate on the
370-acre site, sharing an established infrastructure and extensive provision of ser-
vices, feedstocks and utilities, enabling them to drive down costs, increase ef-
ciency and boost protability. The site has seen 500 million of investment in recent
years and its products range from clothing to paints, pharmaceuticals and

4 Prospects

If the size of the prize from this level of integration were small, there would be little
drive for pursuing the concepts outlined. However, the conclusion of the LOCIMAP
work suggests that the prize is very high. In fact, it is so high that such integrated
systems could deliver not only the EU 2020 targets but those set by the SPIRE proj-
ect also. In contrast with the ever-increasing squeeze on existing assets through
traditional resource efciency, the benet achieved by the coordinated and symbi-
otic co-location promises major benets at both thermodynamic and business levels
(Fig. 19.3).
Such a strategic shift raises big questions. How can we engineer such systems
without compromising safety? What are the implications for system resilience?
How can such a closely integrated arrangement manage operational necessities such
as maintenance schedules? Such questions would need to be answered in time for
the present, it is sufcient to recognise the scale of the prize on offer through such
an approach.
What happens if we do not take this bold approach? The project highlighted the
concerns by its partners regarding carbon leakage, and this is seen as a hidden bar-
rier. Each manufacturer, and each park, provided information on the legislative and
taxation structures within which they operate. They commented on their driving
forces in terms of the costs involved in related investments for improvement and in
buying carbon credits. Beyond that, they were invited to outline any company or
sector initiatives at the 2050 time horizon. In essence the feedback to the project
conrmed that carbon trading has the potential to increase economic pressures on
the more energy-intensive sectors to leave the European economy. This will dispro-
portionately affect parks.
The project further examined present and future potential by-product linkages
between the sectors represented within LOCIMAP. Whilst the loss of an industry
19 Quantifying the Potential of Industrial Symbiosis: The LOCIMAP Project 355

Impact of Integration on Heat Demand

in the LOCIMAP virtual Park
Heat Load (MW)

Total of Process Hot Total of Non- Integrated Park Integrated Park with
Streams Integrated but Full Waste Heat
Optimised Processes Recovery

Fig. 19.3 Impact of process integration within a virtual LOCIMAP park

sector from the European industrial mix has negative impact enough on the social
and economic perspective, the LOCIMAP studies have further highlighted the loss
that an industry makes on the overall potential integration and optimisation which is
far wider that when considering the industry in isolation. The loss in potential not
only for heat and power integration but for material by-product integration and the
closing of material loops has a quantiable and negative impact on environmental
performance of the whole. LOCIMAP makes the case for the evaluation of the
impact of CO2 emissions not only up the stack, which the EU ETS addresses, but
also enabled by that industrys presence; in essence, this is an argument for a conse-
quential approach to evaluation (see Chaps. 2 and 3). The case is made for the reten-
tion and development of those industries which are world leading in terms of CO2.
Diversity of industry types is seen as the cornerstone of successful and resilient
industrial symbiosis exemplied by a low-carbon park; the positive impact on resil-
ience is undervalued by the omission of by-product synergy quantication.

5 Conclusion

We conclude that the application of these principles, through the appropriate design
of industrial parks and the development of opportunities for process integration, has
the potential to exceed the targets set within EU ETS under which the majority of
356 M. Bailey and A. Gadd

our participating industries operate and also the targets within SPIRE. The question
is: what are the barriers to achieving this? The project sees three major challenges
to existing business models:
This low-carbon future requires developments of new approaches and public
engagement that can be effective in delivering business solutions at the park
level. Some of the benecial opportunities are already available and could be
implemented now within existing industrial clusters. What is needed is a culture
change to think and work cross-sectorally. This process is not easy and will need
stimulus but is essentially one of knowledge transfer. The mechanism is one of
allowing normal business drivers to effect change once opportunities are visual-
ised. The establishment of Synergy Management Services organisations is
probably the best way to go. These need to be led by the park operator or by the
industrial cluster with support from the local public sector with an interest in
sustainability themselves.
The second barrier lies beyond industrialists, engineers and business owners and
relates to local and national government and planning. A new investment is not
best served by offering location at a number of greeneld sites, rather by the
optimum integration with existing facilities. The answer to a low-carbon econ-
omy is a thermodynamic one, and planning needs to allow for this, even to the
extent of (physically) linking, for example, the chemical and food industries.
Policies need to be created which encourage such developments.
The third barrier is that some of the opportunities are not economic under the
existing landscape. This becomes a societal and a political issue. What is the
price of carbon? If we really want a low-carbon economy, how do we introduce
measures that deliver the low-carbon benets without disadvantaging European
manufacturing within a global playing eld? The fundamental issue is that, given
a brief to design the most economic system, the outcome will be different from
designing the lowest carbon system. The work shows that we have the engineer-
ing capability to deliver low-carbon systems; the question is a societal one as to
whether we have the will and understanding to change the rules to align eco-
nomic and environmental performance.
Can we go so far as to say we have the ingredients for a new industrial revolu-
tion? Does delivering low-carbon manufacturing within the landscape of closing
loops contribute to this? What is the future role of the waste industry? The
LOCIMAP project sought to inform opinion on all these points. It goes beyond the
bilateral synergies rightly documented as exemplars to a much more strategic
approach to energy and resource efciency that demands that the requirement for a
low-carbon industry inform primary planning and design specications.
So the question is: what do we need to do to deliver a low-carbon manufacturing
park? The answer is not green, or 42; its thermodynamic! The task is to com-
municate this to policymakers and to translate these principles back to the source of
their inspiration: concrete experience from the contributing industrial parks of
Tarragona, Wilton, Kokkola and Kalundborg and of course to the Humber.
19 Quantifying the Potential of Industrial Symbiosis: The LOCIMAP Project 357

Acknowledgements The work presented draws extensively but not exclusively on White Paper 5
of project 296010 LOCIMAP. This coordination and support action was funded by the European
Commission under the Framework 7 programme; their support is appreciated. The partners in the
project are NEPIC, BASF, Link2Energy, ECSPP, INSEAD, Sembcorp, PTS, IVL Svenska,
Kokkola Industrial Park, Kalundborg Kommune, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Cemex, Terreal and
BFI. This report acknowledges the collaborative effort of all the above organisations.

Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.


A full list of White Papers from the project is available from White Paper 1: The
challenges facing the European Industrial Parks; White Paper 2: Industrial Symbioses; White
Paper 3: Smart Future Industrial Parks; White Paper 4: New Operational & Organisational
Structures; White Paper 5: 10 Principles for a Low Carbon Future.
Bakshi, B. R., Gutowski, T. G., & Sekulic, D. P. (Eds.). (2011). Thermodynamics and the destruc-
tion of resources. New York: Cambridge University Press.
CEPI. (2011). Unfold the future: The Forest Fibre Industry, 2050 roadmap to a low carbon bio-
economy. Brussels: Confederation of European Paper Industries. Retrieved April 20, 2015,
Cerame-Unie. (2012). Paving the way to 2050. The ceramic industry roadmap. Brussels: European
Ceramic Industry Association. Retrieved April 20, 2015, from
Chertow, M. R. (2007). Uncovering industrial symbiosis. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 11(1),
Defra. (2011). Commercial and industrial waste survey 2009. London: Department of the
Environment, Food & Rural Affairs.
Defra. (2014). New methodology to estimate waste generation by the commercial and industrial
sector in England. London: Department of the Environment, Food & Rural Affairs.
EAA. (2012). An Aluminium roadmap to a low carbon Europe: Lightening the load. Brussels:
European Aluminium Association. Retrieved April 20, 2015, from
EC. (2012). Europe 2012: Europes growth strategy. Brussels: European Commission.
Jensen, P. D., Basson, L., Hellawell, E. E., Bailey, M. R., & Leach, M. (2011). Quantifying geo-
graphic proximity: Experiences from the United Kingdoms National Industrial Symbiosis
Programme. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2011.02.003.
Jensen, P. D., Basson, L., Hellawell, E. E., & Leach, M. (2012). Habitat suitability index mapping
for industrial symbiosis planning. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 16(1), 3850.
Mirata, M. (2004). Experiences from early stages of a national industrial symbiosis programme in
the UK: Determinants and coordination challenges. Journal of Cleaner Production, 12(810),
OECD, IEA, & World Business Council for Sustainable Development. (2009). Cement technology
roadmap 2009: Carbon emissions reductions up to 2050. Retrieved April 20, 2015, from http://
Wrtler, M., Schuler, F., Voigt, N., Schmidt, T., Dahlmann, P., Lngen, H. B., & Ghenda, J.-T.
(2013). Steels contribution to a low-carbon Europe 2050: Technical and economic analysis of
the sectors CO2 abatement potential. London: BCG. Retrieved April 20, 2015, from http://

A 230, 232, 234, 237, 239, 241, 249, 250,

Accounting 253, 254, 256, 340
consumption perspective, 163, 183, 184 Circular economy (CE), 37, 80, 94, 104, 107,
production perspective, 163, 183 138, 140142, 144146, 148, 151, 154,
Agglomeration, 80, 92 155, 206, 237, 254, 265273, 279,
Auditing, 306, 311, 313 317329
Automobiles/automotives/cars/vehicles Cities. See Urban
electric vehicles, 250, 332, 336 Climate change
fuel cell vehicle, 336338 adaptation, 130
internal combustion vehicle, 332, 337, mitigation, 117133
338, 340 Closed
low emission vehicle, 336 loop recycling, 322
plug-in hybrid-electric models, 337 system, 70
zero-emission vehicle, 336, 337 Contaminants, 77, 305
Convergence, 46, 93, 107
Cross-sector coupling, 120
B Crowdfunding, 207, 219222
Batteries, 250, 251, 268, 304, 305, 312, 335, Currencies, 207, 208, 210, 216219, 222, 279
337, 338
corn ethanol, 334, 335 D
sugarcane ethanol, 334 Demolition, 74, 77, 129, 249250
Biogas, 77, 107, 220, 281 Developing countries, 95, 125, 126, 132, 140,
Business models/strategy, 101, 130, 140, 170, 175, 214, 229243, 249, 255
141, 146, 148151, 154, 215, 216, Dynamic modelling, 24, 26, 37, 53, 63, 250
270, 271, 273, 321, 324326, 328,
329, 356
Ecodesign, 14, 266, 272, 281
C Eco-efficiency, 54, 74, 102, 236, 318, 320
Carcinogen, 333 Eco-industrial parks (EIP), 76, 93, 94, 96, 97,
Catalytic converter, 333, 340 104, 105, 231, 233, 237, 238, 241, 242,
Chemical testing, 304, 306 254, 278
China, 91, 9498, 103, 104, 107, 127, 132, Economic-technological development areas
141, 160, 164171, 174, 175, 183, 185, (ETDA), 95, 96

The Author(s) 2016 359

R. Clift, A. Druckman (eds.), Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20571-7
360 Index

Emissions H
embedded/embodied, 125, 163165, 170, Hazardous substances directive, 304
172, 175, 176 Household, 23, 37, 76, 123, 130, 181197,
greenhouse gas, 33, 37, 163, 164, 172, 175, 209, 242, 269, 271, 282, 292, 304, 312
183, 189, 194, 335, 346 Housing, 140, 183, 188190197, 211
Energy intensity, 128, 143, 144, 347
Energy use, 9, 80, 81, 102, 118, 121123, 143,
145, 146, 155, 182, 185188, 192, 194, I
304, 308, 309, 313, 314 Income, 123125, 131, 139, 163, 173,
Enforcement agencies, 305, 306, 312 186189, 193197, 217, 218, 222, 239
Engines, 95, 141, 142, 150, 152, 154, 332, 334, 337 Industrial symbiosis, 11, 88, 94, 103, 104,
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 4, 107, 108, 214
49, 93, 104, 105, 188, 333, 335, 340 Inequality/inequity, 118, 163, 173, 196
European Union (EU) Infrastructure, 22, 27, 29, 70, 73, 74, 77, 80,
Ecodesign of Energy Using Products 118120, 123125, 127, 128, 130132,
Directive, 266 139, 140, 142, 150, 153, 170, 230, 231,
extended producer responsibility, 235, 236, 234, 249, 271273, 277, 278, 280283,
304, 309, 320 286, 294, 311, 329, 337, 346, 354
integrated product policy, 266 Input-output analysis, 10, 13, 23, 151,
REACH, 304 253, 256
resource efficiency roadmap, 267 multi-region, 171
Waste Framework Directive, 266, 269 Integrated assessment model (IAM), 23, 24,
Extended producer responsibility (EPR), 235, 26, 31, 3538, 119120, 122
236, 277278, 304, 309313, 320 Integrated product policy (IPP), 266
Exports, 9, 124, 160, 161, 164, 170, 171, 175, 184 Intensity
carbon, 31, 125, 144, 164, 175, 188,
193, 294
F emission, 128, 131, 143, 144
Fair trade, 207 energy, 128, 129, 143, 144, 347
Fiscal intervention, 273 material, 143144, 148, 347
Food, 5, 33, 50, 73, 74, 77, 132, 140, 183, International Panel on Climate Change(IPCC),
185187, 189191194, 197, 211, 242, 118, 119, 121, 125, 128, 131, 143, 151,
267270292, 295, 297, 320, 344346, 183, 296, 320
349, 350, 353, 356 Internet of things (IoT), 329
carbon, 31, 46, 56, 124, 125, 164, 171,
182193, 195197 K
ecological, 74, 175, 270, 296, 297 Kalundborg, 11, 8891, 93, 95, 102, 105, 107,
household, 185, 186 347, 353, 356, 357
labour, 170
personal, 182
trade, 163, 170, 171, 173, 174 L
water, 171, 173 Labour conditions, 171, 173, 216
Forecasting, 56 child labour, 169, 171
Land use change (LUC), 293, 295, 296, 335
G product-based environmental, 318, 329
GDP, 26, 123, 131, 132, 140, 160162, 174, environmental, 142, 303
230231, 239 Leisure, 191, 192, 195, 197, 211
Globalisation, 159, 160, 170, 174 Life cycle assessment (LCA)
Goods as services, 141142, 151 attributional, 28, 31, 335, 339
Government consequential, 24, 28, 3234, 47, 335, 339
municipal, 71, 278 hybrid, 28, 47, 57, 174
participative, 216 social, 48, 51, 53, 55, 56, 172, 213
Index 361

Life cycle management, 155 Remanufacturing, 101, 140148, 150, 151,

Life cycle thinking, 46, 234, 266, 293 153, 155, 156, 253, 267,
268, 272
Reprocessing, 140, 143148, 150, 155,
M 156, 271
Manufacturing, 4, 5, 7, 70, 88, 89, 143146, Resilience, 98, 102, 109, 128, 297, 299, 346,
148, 151154, 156, 213, 248, 276, 305, 354, 355
306, 320323, 326, 328, 329, 348, 349, Resource
352, 356 efficiency, 107, 221, 241, 254, 266268,
Markets, 12, 25, 29, 3133, 36, 37, 50, 74, 102, 272, 319, 320, 328, 348, 354
106, 123, 130, 140, 146, 162, 164, 193, security, 142, 268, 269
206209, 211, 213219, 237, 271, 284, Risk
294, 298, 305, 306, 309, 313, 320, 324, assessment, 27, 256, 313
325, 328, 332, 334, 335, 337, 346, 351 management, 313
Mass balance, 22, 30, 32, 37, 38, 270
Material flow analysis (MFA), 8, 9, 23, 27, 28,
3032, 35, 38, 248256 S
Material selection, 129 Scenario, 2428, 3038, 53, 55, 56, 60, 61, 63,
Metabolism 102, 124126, 131, 183, 222, 236, 251,
industrial, 5, 78 281, 282, 285287, 309, 336
socio-economic, 910, 120124, 131133 Servicization, 149, 155
urban, 1011, 27, 71, 74, 7680, 155 Sewage, 11, 77, 252
Metals, 8, 28, 30, 34, 35, 37, 75, 77, 92, 96, Sharing economy, 207, 214216, 221
127, 143, 147, 168, 170, 171, 216, Snowmass Conference on Industrial Ecology
251253, 267, 269, 284286, 305, 320, and Global Change, 72
337, 347, 351, 353 Solidarity economy, 205222
Mining, 74, 151 Spatial planning, 74
Substance flow analysis (SFA), 8
P commitment, 324
Performance economy, 137156, 318 compliance, 303
Phosphorus, 77, 252 declarations, 306
Photochemical smog, 333 non-compliance, 305
Planetary boundaries (PBs), 56, 63, 292, Supply chains, 27, 92, 148, 154, 161163,
296298 165, 174, 184, 185, 209, 211, 239,
Pollution, 4, 46, 50, 7073, 93, 170, 175, 213, 255, 272, 305308, 313, 314,
214, 233234, 238, 298, 313, 333 317329, 350, 352
Producer Recycling Organisations (PRO), 283, Sustainability, 6, 9, 13, 14, 456472, 76, 90,
286, 310312 102, 108, 120, 125, 153, 160, 172175,
192, 212, 230232, 236239, 248, 271,
272, 292299, 304, 313, 314, 325, 329,
R 347, 354, 356
Reciprocity, 209, 210, 213 Sustainable communities, 73
Rebound, 25, 50, 51, 54, 55, 57, 80, 193195, Sustainable development, 25, 38, 49, 117133,
215, 220222, 242 154, 208, 231234, 238, 239, 241, 242,
Recreation, 183, 186, 190192, 197 271, 287, 313
down-cycling, 30
end-of-life, 249 T
open-loop, 30 Technology-Hybridized Environmental-
standards, 313 Economic Model(s) with Integrated
up-cycling, 323 Scenarios (THEMIS), 28, 31, 32
Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and 3D printing, 326328
restriction of Chemicals (REACH), 304 Time-use, 185, 192193
362 Index

Thermodynamics, 8, 80, 81, 103, 108, 122, V

144, 349, 351, 353, 354, 356 Value added (VA), 140, 148, 160, 171, 280,
Trade, 611, 27, 58, 138, 159176, 183, 184, 285, 286
207, 209, 211, 217, 218, 251, 253
Transport, 31, 33, 36, 70, 75, 119, 122, 123,
131, 139, 141, 143, 150, 151, 155, W
183, 188, 190, 192, 234, 284, 311, Waste
312, 333, 352 energy recovery, 140, 266, 284
Framework Directive, 266, 269
management, 10, 35, 7375, 141, 247256,
U 266, 276281, 284, 287, 294, 313
Urban material recovery, 281, 286
ecology, 78 municipal solid, 72, 75, 192, 277, 279,
experimental cities, 70, 71 283287
green cities, 70, 72 prevention, 141, 142, 154, 266, 268272,
infrastructure, 77 279, 280
metabolism, 1011, 27, 71, 74, 7680, 155 Water, 4, 10, 11, 25, 70, 74, 77, 88, 92, 94,
mining, 77 107, 109, 122, 123, 128, 139, 160163,
planners/planning, 74 166, 170173, 175, 185, 190, 194, 233,
systems, 13, 72, 73, 75, 78, 104, 120, 123 234, 238, 239, 242, 270, 293295, 297,
urbanization, 70, 71, 7477, 123, 125, 298, 313, 319, 333, 338, 344, 347, 353
130, 231 Well-being, 132, 182, 195197, 292
US Business Council for Sustainable Work time/working hours, 196, 197
Development (US BCSD), 94, World Business Council for Sustainable
104, 105 Development (WBCSD), 239, 297

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