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Circular and Sharing Economy


9. Circular and Sharing Economy Study

Document Title Circular and Sharing Economy Study

Lead Author Arup Associates
Purpose of the Study • To develop the understanding and planned approach to adop-
tion of circular and sharing economy (CSE) principles as they
apply to the development of Old Oak and regeneration propos-
als for Park Royal.
Key outputs • To define CSE as it applies to OPDC
• To establish CSE principles and values to help guide design,
procurement, construction and operation of the development
• To review the flow of resources in and out of OPDC in construc-
tion and once occupied
• To explore opportunities to apply CSE to development at OPDC
• To provide case studies to support opportunities
• To set out an enabling framework to support implementation
Key recommendations • To develop initiatives that will promote CSE in construction and
operational phases of the project wide scale buy in from de-
velopers and businesses is required. OPDC should establish a
team to work to secure support.
• Target key sectors including food, logistics, clean technology,
the sharing economy and smart technology.
• Adopt CSE approaches to design of infrastructure development
including for example in looking at clean and low carbon sourc-
es of energy, water and waste and infrastructure that supports
reuse of those resources
• Adopt innovation in CSE in building design for example in de-
sign for disassembly and adaptation.
• Work with West London Business and Park royal Business
Groups to promote circular economy.
• Embed CSE objectives into procurement policy
• Embed CSE requirements into policy as far as possible
• Work with the GLA, LWARB and Central Government to pro-
mote CE
• Establish clear objectives and targets for CSE on projects espe-
cially on development that is either funded or is developed on
public land
• Look at ways to capture and include the value (economic, social
and environmental) that CE delivers over the long term in as-
sessing development.
• Support investment in business and innovation in the CSE in
the OPDC area especially in Park Royal
Relations to other studies Interfaces with the Utilities Study, Waste Apportionment Study and
Waste Management Strategy
Relevant Local Plan • Strategic Policy SP2 (Good Growth) and SP10 (Integrated De-
Policies and Chapters livery)
• Environment and Utility Policies EU6 (Waste), EU7 (Circular
and Sharing Economy) and EU8 (Sustainable Materials)
Circular and Sharing
Economy Scoping Study for
Old Oak and Park Royal


Issue 2 | 20 April 2017

This report takes into account the particular

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Job number 250605-00

Ove Arup & Partners Ltd

13 Fitzroy Street
LondonW1T 4BQ
United Kingdom
Document Verification

Job title Circular and Sharing Economy Scoping Study for Old Job number
Oak and Park Royal 250605-00
Document title File reference

Document ref REP01

Revision Date Filename 16-11-03_OPDC_Circular_Economy_Report.docx
Draft 1 3 Nov Description First draft for client approval

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

Devni Acharya/
Zach Wilcox/
Name Harriet O’Brien/ Rainer Zimmann
Dan Hill
Chris Green

Draft 2 20 Dec Filename 16-12-20_OPDC_Circular_Economy_Report.docx

2016 Description Final draft for client approval

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

Devni Acharya/
Zach Wilcox/
Name Harriet O’Brien/ Rainer Zimmann
Dan Hill
Chris Green

Issue 1 10 Feb Filename 17-02-10_OPDC_Circular_Economy_Report.docx

2017 Description Issue 1 for client information

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

Zach Wilcox/
Name Various Rainer Zimmann
Dan Hill

Issue 2 20 Apr Filename 17-04-20_OPDC_Circular_Economy_Report.docx

2017 Description Issue 2 with amended report title

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

Zach Wilcox/
Name Various Rainer Zimmann
Dan Hill


Issue Document Verification with Document 

REP01 | Issue 2 | 20 April 2017

OPDC & LWARB Circular and Sharing Economy Scoping Study for Old Oak and Park Royal

Abbreviation Meaning
AD Anaerobic Digestion
ALCO Association of London Cleansing Officers
Arup Ove Arup & Partners Ltd
BBiA Bio-Based and Biodegradable Association
BIM Building Information Modelling
C&I Commercial and Industrial
CCHP Combined Cooling, Heat and Power
CDEW Construction, Demolition and Excavation waste
CECC Circular Economy in the “Chambers of Commerce”
CET Circular Economy Team
CHP Combined Heat and Power
CPP Critical Peak Pricing
DBEIS Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
DCLG Department for Communities and Local Government
Defra Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
DLC Direct Load Control
DMC Domestic Material consumption
DNO Distribution Network Operator
DSR Demand Side Response
EA Environment Agency
ELV End of Life Vehicle
ESCo Energy Service Company
EU European Union
EV Electric Vehicle
GHG Greenhouse Gas
GLA Greater London Authority
HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
IDNO Independent Distribution Network Operator
IDO Infrastructure Delivery Plan
KTN Knowledge Transfer Network
LCCI London Chambers of Commerce and Industry
LROG London Recycling Officers Group
LWARB London Waste and Recycling Board

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OPDC & LWARB Circular and Sharing Economy Scoping Study for Old Oak and Park Royal

Abbreviation Meaning
MEF Managed Ecosystem Fermentation
MSOA Middle Super Output Area
MSW Municipal Solid Waste
NISP National Industrial Symbiosis Programme
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OPDC Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation
PBP Price-Based Programs
PHA Polyhydroxyalkanoates
PV Photovoltaic
R&D Research and Development
RDF Refuse Derived Fuel
RTP Real Time Pricing
SMART Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic, Time-related
SME Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
SPD Supplementary Planning Document
SuDS Sustainable Drainage Systems
TOU Time of Use
UN United Nations
VFM Value-for-Money
WCA Waste Collection Authority
WDA Waste Disposal Authority
WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
WRAP Waste & Resources Action Programme

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OPDC & LWARB Circular and Sharing Economy Scoping Study for Old Oak and Park Royal


1 The circular economy 3

2 Circular economy principles 6

2.1 Guiding principles for the circular economy 6
2.2 Applying the principles in Old Oak and Park Royal 8

3 Resource flows in Old Oak and Park Royal 9

3.1 Overview 9
3.2 Material flows 10
3.3 Energy flows 17
3.4 Water flows 20
3.5 The opportunity ahead 22

4 Opportunities 37
4.1 Overview 37
4.2 Themes 37
4.3 Applying the themes 49

5 Old Oak and Park Royal scenarios 50

6 Case studies 79
6.1 Overview 79
6.2 Anaerobic digestion 79
6.3 Organic waste to proteins 83
6.4 Bio-plastics production 87
6.5 Rooftop farming 89
6.6 Battery storage 94
6.7 Circular hubs 98
6.8 Design for flexibility 102
6.9 Community-led development 105
6.10 Community-owned energy infrastructure 109
6.11 Demand side response 113

7 Enabling framework 118

7.1 How to enable the CE principles and overcome barriers:
policies, incentives, infrastructure and support 118
7.2 Detailed enabling initiatives 126
7.3 Stakeholder engagement 137

8 Action Plan: delivering the circular economy in Old Oak and Park
Royal 141
8.1 Overview 141

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OPDC & LWARB Circular and Sharing Economy Scoping Study for Old Oak and Park Royal

8.2 Briefs for future circular economy work and studies 141
8.3 Next steps 142


Table 1: UK DMC in 2015

Table 2: Demolition waste generation rates
Table 3: Construction waste generation rates
Table 4: Residential energy demands
Table 5: Non-residential energy demands
Table 6: Secondary heat available in MSOA Brent 027, Ealing 015 and
Hammersmith and Fulham 001 in 2013
Table 7: Summary of electricity and heat generation potential from biomass
and RDF generated at the Powerday facility
Table 8: Estimated area of PV modules required to meet different land use
electricity demands
Table 9: Electricity requirements to convert secondary heat available at
various temperatures to usable heat that is delivered at 70˚C
Table 10: Long-list of circular economy initiatives
Table 11: Enabling factors for the Royal Garden scenario
Table 12: Enabling factors for the Clean Tech Estate scenario
Table 13: Enabling factors for the Adaptable Development scenario
Table 14: Enabling factors for the Sharing Community scenario
Table 15: Resource lens scale
Table 16: Economic lens scale
Table 17: Social lens scale


Figure 1: Map of Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation, 2015
(Source: OPDC)
Figure 2: Overview of circular economy application areas
Figure 3: Household waste composition
Figure 4: C&I waste composition
Figure 5: Materials flows in Old Oak and Park Royal in tonnes/annum
Figure 6: Material flows at the Powerday facility in tonnes/annum
Figure 7: Energy flows in Old Oak and Park Royal in MWh/annum
Figure 8: Water flows in Old Oak and Park Royal in million litres/annum
Figure 9: Barcelona Eco Park 3 anaerobic digestion plant, Spain (Source: Ros
Figure 10: Three Rivers Energy biorefinery in Coshocton, Ohio (Source: US
Department of Agriculture via Flickr)
Figure 11: Bioplastic meat tray (Source: Doug Beckers via Flickr)

REP01 | Issue 2 | 20 April 2017

OPDC & LWARB Circular and Sharing Economy Scoping Study for Old Oak and Park Royal

Figure 12: Lufa rooftop farm greenhouses, Montreal (Source: Fadi Hage,
Macrosize Photography via wikimedia)
Figure 13: Portland General Electric's Salem Smart Power Centre (Source:
Portland General Electric via Flickr)
Figure 14: CleanTech One, Singapore (Source: KCyamazaki via wikimedia)
Figure 15: Arup Circular Building 2016, London (Source: Arup Associates)
Figure 16: Malmo, canal housing (Source: La Citta Vita via Flickr)
Figure 17: Moss Community Energy, Salford (Source: 10:10 via Flickr)
Figure 18: Smart domestic energy management (Source: Newtown graffiti
via Flickr)
Figure 19: Reproduced Ellen MacArthur Foundation prioritising matrix
Figure 20: Stakeholder engagement – Regeneris
Figure 21: Stakeholder engagement – Lori Hoinkes, Park Royal Business
Manager at OPDC
Figure 22: Stakeholder engagement – Powerday
Figure 23: Stakeholder engagement – Veolia
Figure 24: Stakeholder engagement – Hawkins Brown


Appendix A
Resource flow modelling assumptions

Appendix B
Resource flow model assumptions for circular economy initiatives

Appendix C
Value lens methodology

REP01 | Issue 2 | 20 April 2017

OPDC & LWARB Circular and Sharing Economy Scoping Study for Old Oak and Park Royal

Important notice and disclaimer

This research report and resource flow model (the "Model") was prepared
by Ove Arup & Partners Ltd (Arup) for the London Waste and Recycling
Board (LWARB) and the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation
(OPDC) in connection with Arup's technical advisory and consultancy
services in respect of the Circular Economy Scoping Study at Old Oak and
Park Royal assignment and its contents are strictly confidential.
This report and the model has been developed using data and assumptions
from a variety of sources. Arup has not sought to establish the reliability of
those sources or verified the information so provided.
Prospective inputs, assumptions and other information have been derived
from different sources. Arup does not accept responsibility for the reliability
or accuracy of such information. Arup emphasises that the realisation of the
prospective information is dependent upon the continued validity of the
assumptions on which it is based. Arup accepts no responsibility for the
realisation of the prospective information; actual results are likely to be
different from those shown in the prospective information because events
and circumstances frequently do not occur as expected, and the differences
may be material.
Arup accepts no duty of care to any person under the relevant terms of its
engagement letter with the LWARB for the development of the research
and Model, its use, nor in respect of any output from it. Accordingly,
regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, and
to the extent permitted by applicable law, Arup accepts no liability of any
kind and disclaims all responsibility for the consequences of any person
(other than the LWARB and OPDC on the above basis) acting or refraining
from acting in reliance on the Model and/or its output for any decisions
made or not made which are based upon such Model and/or its output.

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OPDC & LWARB Circular and Sharing Economy Scoping Study for Old Oak and Park Royal

Figure 1: Map of Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation, 2015 (Source: OPDC)

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OPDC & LWARB Circular and Sharing Economy Scoping Study for Old Oak and Park Royal

1 The circular economy

What is the circular economy?

The circular economy model aims to decouple economic growth from
resource consumption. It is restorative and regenerative by design, and aims
to keep materials, products and components in repetitive technical and
biological loops, maintaining them at their highest utility and value at all
times. For organisations working in and around the built environment this
will mean a considerable structural change to the way the sector plans,
designs, procures, constructs and operates.
Designing out waste and thinking about the way in which materials can be
disassembled and reused at the end of their useful life starts with design of
buildings and infrastructure that is flexible and adaptable. This means
reusing rather than demolishing where possible, designing products and
components so that they can easily be disassembled, and using parts that
lend themselves to up-cycling or recycling. To design out waste and support
product and material reuse and recycling, new business models are needed.
A circular economy actually represents the creation of a more efficient,
higher performance economy and built environment. The transition towards
a circular economy supports the development of more resilient, healthier
and more sustainable cities.
The circular economy also compliments the emerging shifts towards a
‘sharing economy’, enabled by the emergence of smart cities. The sharing
economy promotes more efficient forms of access to services rather than
ownership of products, with potentially minimised resource use and cost
The Old Oak and Park Royal regeneration project is expected to create
25,500 new homes and 65,000 jobs. A circular economy approach to this
process has the potential to create significant cost savings and revenues, to
support environmental protection, reduce resource use and waste, and
contribute to creating healthy and successful business and residential
For example, by refurbishing buildings that are set for demolition,
approximately 21,775 tonnes/annum of demolition waste could be saved
each year for 32 years. Similarly, compost generated by the organic waste
available from Old Oak and Park Royal could be used to grow at least 21% of
the fresh green vegetables requirements of households in the area. Where
more intensive urban farming methods are used, this could increase
At Old Oak and Park Royal, the following processes would facilitate the shift
towards a circular economy:

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1. Design: re-evaluate how buildings and infrastructure are designed to

increase their useful life, for example, by creating more adaptable and
flexible structures, designing for disassembly, and considering how
core elements (façades, structure, glazing, M&E equipment etc) could
be reused at the end of their service life.
2. Services: rethink services especially energy, water, and waste from a
circular perspective. Use low carbon resources, and renewable
materials and energy, maximise their utility through conservation and
demand-side interventions, and design systems to promote circularity,
for example, waste to energy systems, easy waste separation, reuse of
waste materials, and take back schemes.
3. Mobility: rethink the movement of people and things, taking
connectivity into account. Design out the need for vehicles, promote
cycling and walling first, design in infrastructure for car sharing and
low emission vehicles; support public transport as the transport of
4. Reuse: design for reuse of resources, materials and components. For
example, reuse water through sustainable urban drainage systems
(SuDS) and low carbon local water treatment. Design internal fit-outs
from standardised components that can be swapped out, resold and
5. Biological processes: promote nutrient harvesting from the biological
cycle (e.g. food and garden waste) for production of local food on roofs
for example by communities. Extract and reuse biological nutrients via
anaerobic digestion and composting.
6. Engage communities: design and operate the Old Oak and Park Royal
site to encourage local people to adopt circular and sharing economy
approaches. Promote healthy lifestyles by implementing walking or
cycling infrastructure. Promote, invest in and support local renewable
energy generation as a clean, healthy and cost effective approach.

Maximising benefits of the circular economy

To maximise the benefits that a circular economy can bring, one needs to
understand the complex relationships between the built environment,
mobility, public and green spaces, energy, water and material flows. We also
need to address the many layers of human activity that run ‘on top’ of such
things, including retail, education, manufacturing, housing, healthcare,
leisure and so on. The circular economy demands that we employ new
approaches at every stage of these lifecycles.
The circular economy operates at various scales, from the individual
component or asset level – or that of individuals – up to the neighbourhood,
district and city scale, via various forms of community. The Old Oak and

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Park Royal area has the development scale and density to take advantage of
opportunities at each of these levels. It also presents a rare opportunity to
forge a new approach, building individual opportunities in energy, water,
materials and waste into more complex, integrated and cross-cutting
services and business models. This would allow for the emergence, at a
‘system-of-systems’ level, for a measured, documented and communicated
model for the circular economy at scale.
On the Old Oak and Park Royal area, buildings, infrastructure, spaces and
services shall be designed to be adaptable and flexible for different lifespans
and changing uses, rather than one fixed end use. Flexibility shall be
designed in from the start, allowing components to be swapped out,
repaired, replaced and eventually reused. Stakeholders shall collaborate on
digital platforms, sharing and exchanging data and learning, making
informed, incentivised and ultimately intuitive decisions that reinforce the
principles above. And new organisational, regulatory and commercial
mechanisms and incentives will ensure the Old Oak and Park Royal
Development Corporation’s (OPDC’s) values are upheld whilst being
iterated and communicated. The final result will be an exemplary world class
neighbourhood underpinned by new business models, as well as new
cultures of collaboration, innovation and community engagement.

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OPDC & LWARB Circular and Sharing Economy Scoping Study for Old Oak and Park Royal

2 Circular economy principles

2.1 Guiding principles for the circular

The eight circular economy guiding principles stated below have been
formulated for the Old Oak and Park Royal development area to create a
higher performance environment aimed at increasing value for the benefit
of all involved. In following these principles, OPDC and its partners should
be able to develop a strategy that maximises the benefits of the circular
1. Valuable: The circular economy creates new value
Aligning competing commercial, strategic and community interests to create
multiple gains across multiple stakeholders through good ‘place-making’,
creating viable and deliverable developments and outcomes. Creating
economic and social benefits by including revenue streams and cost savings
from new business models, improved asset utilisation, skill development,
and employment creation. Managing risks associated with material scarcity
and supply volatility.
2. Accessible: The circular economy forges new business and
procurement models
Creating new relationships between buyers and sellers based on access and
experience rather than ownership and consumption. Challenging the
existing ‘take, make, use, dispose’ model in procurement and supply chains
by adopting servitisation and performance based models. These substitute
ownership for access and service, reducing costs, extending the service life,
building cradle-to-cradle circular supply chains to recover resources, and
making smart choices convenient and rewarding.
3. Shared: The circular economy forges shared ownership, use and
Adopting a collaborative approach to gain mutual shared benefits from the
development. The provision of community ownership models, and district
wide plug-in utility, infrastructure and social systems such as off-grid and
micro-grid local energy supply, storage and demand management solutions;
shared ‘mobility as a service’ transport options; shared spaces and
amenities; self- and custom-build, and modular construction systems at
community scale; and skill-sharing and resource-sharing services.
4. Systemic: The circular economy enables an innovative system-of-
Digital technologies help to match supply to demand virtually, optimising
material flows and making it easier to share and exchange goods and

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services, including across systems, such as between electric mobility

provision and energy storage. Digital services also facilitate real-time
maintenance tasks that formerly required physical interventions. Sensors,
broadly defined, can optimise operation and use of resources. Digital
services facilitate collaboration, engagement and sharing between people.
5. Resilient: The circular economy builds system reliability,
flexibility and integration
Providing a framework and building blocks for a resilient system able to
withstand, respond to and adapt more readily to acute shocks and chronic
stresses. Digital systems enable predictive maintenance and early warning
systems, as well as building social resilience through local ownership.
6. Optimised: Eliminate waste through optimisation, capture and
reuse of materials and products
Consider the full lifecycle of materials, products and components and select
those that are durable, repairable, recyclable, upgradeable and closed-loop.
Design out waste, design for disassembly, deconstruction and flexibility. Use
low-impact construction materials and approaches including digital tools
such as Building Information Modelling (BIM), standardised components,
off-site manufacturing, and materials passport to allow those materials to be
easily repurposed at their end of service life.
Create reverse cycles through consolidation of deliveries, automated waste
collection systems and smart sensor technology to reduce the leakage of
materials out of the system. Intensify land-use and optimise assets using
real-time algorithmic and predictive approaches to infrastructure analysis,
provision and operation, such as ride-sharing, autonomous mobility, or
peak-shaving of energy flows.
7. Social: The circular economy is built around active,
collaborative engagement
User-focused design and community-led development ensure that people
are at the heart of the development process, and that services are
effectively co-created, tightly bound to their needs and desires, and those of
the overall development. Social values including health, wellbeing and
liveability are promoted and negative externalities minimised.
Collaboration, sharing, and co-creation via open source components and
well-crafted digital services help to optimise asset utilisation and
maintenance, and strengthen trust and community values between users.
8. Renewable: The circular economy enables affordable and secure
forms of renewable energy
Development proposals should take an integrated approach to the provision
of energy and utility systems and infrastructure. This will reduce energy
consumption, supply affordable, clean energy, capture waste for reuse as
energy, and minimise carbon emissions. Capture and reuse of water and

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waste should be treated in the same way. Local ownership of distributed and
decentralised forms of these systems unlocks better asset utilisation,
demand management and local resilience.

2.2 Applying the principles in Old Oak and

Park Royal
Carrying forward the guiding principles and ambitions of the circular
economy, the evidence base which underpins options for circular economy
are established. A resource flows analysis was undertaken to understand and
assess the main opportunities to minimise waste and create circular flows of
materials in Old Oak and Park Royal. This analysis is presented in Section 3.
Taking the lessons from the resource flows analysis, 10 themes for organising
circular economy initiatives are presented in Section 4.
The evidence base (resource flows) and 10 themes provide the basis for
developing promising circular economy initiatives for Old Oak and Park
Royal, which have been presented within four circular economy scenarios for
the Old Oak and Park Royal development area (see Figure 2). These scenarios
are described in Section 5 of this report, and the specific case studies for
projects to deliver the four scenarios are investigated in detail in Section 6.

Opportunity Area OPDC

Neighbhourhood Park Royal Old Oak

Scenario Royal Garden

Clean Tech

Figure 2: Overview of circular economy application areas

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3 Resource flows in Old Oak and Park


3.1 Overview
A high level resource flow model has been developed for the Old Oak and
Park Royal area to understand the resource inputs and outputs without any
circular economy interventions. The flows focus on three main resources:
• Materials – covers the raw material feedstock (input) and solid waste
generation (output).
• Energy – covers energy demand (input) and surplus energy (output).
• Water – covers water demand (input) and wastewater generation
The resource inputs and outputs have been estimated for the first year that
the development is fully operational (i.e. 2050) to get a better understanding
of the maximum opportunity. The exception for this is Construction,
Demolition and Excavation Waste (CDEW) – a solid waste generation
output - as the majority of it would be generated from the construction of
the Old Oak and Park Royal development itself together with any
construction waste contractors based in the development area. Therefore,
CDEW has been estimated for an average year during the construction
period of the Old Oak and Park Royal development.
The key data sets and assumptions used to develop the resource flow model
are provided in the relevant sections below. The full data sets and
assumptions used are provided in Appendix A.
The material, energy and water flows have then been examined to identify
specific resource streams that should be targeted by circular economy
initiatives to facilitate the transition to a circular economy. This will help to
understand the opportunity ahead and the enabling framework required to
facilitate the implementation of the initiatives. The assumptions used to
analyse some of the proposed initiatives is provided in Appendix B.
For the purposes of the resource flow analysis, this information has been
assumed to supersede the numbers published in the Draft Local Plan.

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Why undertake resource flows analysis?

In order to meet many of the key principles of the circular economy, the
project requires an understanding of the quantum and flow of resources
in Old Oak and Park Royal. In particular, the following principles require
an understanding of resource flows to identify opportunities for
circularity, resource efficiency and sharing:
Systemic – the circular economy enables an innovative system-of-
systems approach.
Optimised – eliminate waste through optimisation, capture and reuse of
materials and products.
Renewable – the circular economy enables affordable and secure forms of
Shared – the circular economy forges shared ownership, use and

3.2 Material flows

3.2.1 Raw material inputs

Raw material inputs have been represented by Domestic Material
Consumption (DMC), which measures the total amount of materials used by
an economy and is defined as the annual quantity of raw materials extracted
from the domestic territory, plus all physical imports minus all physical
exports. The DMC indicator was developed by Eurostat and is used by the
European Union (EU), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) and the United Nations (UN). The DMC provides an
assessment of the absolute level of the use of resources including biomass,
metal ores, non-metallic minerals and fossil energy materials.
Biomass refers to organic materials that can be used in food supply, other
products and energy generation. Biomass can include crops, crop residues,
wood and animal products. Metal ores refer to mineral aggregates
containing either ferrous or non-ferrous metals. Non-metallic minerals refer
to essential raw materials for modern society and include marble, granite,
sandstone, porphyry, basalt, other ornamental or building stone (excluding
slate), chalk and dolomite, limestone and gypsum, slate, chemical and
fertiliser minerals, salt, clays and kaolin, sand and gravel, and excavated
earthen materials. Fossil fuel materials refers to coal, natural gas and oil,
used to generate energy 1 and materials.

There is some double counting associated with the portion of fossil fuel materials use to
generate energy and the energy demand supplied by fossil fuels.

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Table 1 sets out the DMC values used in the resource flow model.
Table 1: UK DMC in 2015 2

Material category DMC (tonnes/capita/annum)

Biomass 2.76
Metal ores 0.23
Non-metallic minerals 3.50
Fossil fuel materials 2.38

3.2.2 Solid waste outputs

Household waste
A household waste generation rate of 0.303 tonnes/capita/annum has been
used to forecast the quantities of household waste that would be
generated. 3 The waste generation rate used represents the average
household waste generation rate of the London Borough of Brent, the
London Borough of Ealing and the London Borough of Hammersmith &
Fulham, during the period 2011 and 2036.
The composition of household waste that would be generated has been
modelled based on the national compositional estimates for local authority
collected waste and recycling in England in 2010/11. 4 Figure 3 provides the
household waste composition used. It has been assumed that the household
waste composition would remain the same over the development period.

Eurostat (2016). Material Flow Accounts and Resource Productivity: Tables and Figures.
Available at:
explained/index.php/Material_flow_accounts_and_resource_productivity (Accessed 11
October 2016).
Greater London Authority and SLR Consulting (2014). Waste Arisings Model: Further
Alterations to the London Plan.
Resource Futures (2013). Defra EV0801 National Compositional Estimates for Local Authority
Collected Waste and Recycling in England 2010/11 - Household Waste Composition. Available
5-12-13.pdf (Accessed 11 October 2016).

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OPDC & LWARB Circular and Sharing Economy Scoping Study for Old Oak and Park Royal

Figure 3: Household waste composition

Commercial and industrial waste

A Commercial and Industrial (C&I) waste generation rate of 0.906 tonnes/
employee/annum has been used to forecast the quantities of waste that
would be generated by businesses, institutions and industry. 5 The waste
generation rate used represents the average C&I waste generation rate in
London during the period 2016 and 2036.
The composition of C&I waste that would be generated has been modelled
based on the average C&I waste generated in the London Borough of Brent,
the London Borough of Ealing and the London Borough of Hammersmith &
Fulham in 2009. 6 Figure 4 provides the C&I waste composition used. It has
been assumed that the C&I waste composition would remain the same over
the development period.

Greater London Authority and SLR Consulting (2014). Waste Arisings Model: Further
Alterations to the London Plan.
Defra (2009). Defra Survey of Commercial and Industrial Waste Arisings - Report Tables.
Available at:
env20-ci-data-tables.xls (Accessed 11 October 2016).

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Figure 4: C&I waste composition

According to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

(Defra) 7, the various C&I waste streams can be defined as:
• Animal and vegetable waste – food, manure, and other animal and
vegetable wastes;
• Chemical waste – solvents, acids/alkalis, used oil, catalysts, wastes from
chemical preparation, residues and sludges;
• Common sludges – sludges (common) and dredging wastes;
• Discarded equipment – end of life vehicles (ELVs), batteries, and waste
electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE);
• Healthcare waste – healthcare wastes;
• Metallic waste – metallic wastes;
• Mineral waste – combustion residues, contaminated soils, solidified
mineral wastes and other mineral wastes;
• Non-metallic waste – glass, paper and cardboard, rubber, plastic, wood
and textiles; and
• Non-waste – blast furnace slag and virgin timber i.e. materials that, at the
time of publishing the document, were recently declassified as wastes.

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (2010). Survey of Commercial and
Industrial Waste Arisings 2010 – Interim Results. Available at:
ws/files/2010/11/1011stats.pdf (Accessed 27 October 2016).

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They were chosen to be recorded by Defra for comparability with

previous C&I waste composition surveys.

Construction, demolition and excavation waste

Construction, demolition and excavation waste would be generated by
construction activities. This is distinctly separate to CDEW generated by
waste management facilities in the Old Oak and Park Royal area that
process CDEW – see Powerday example in Section 3.2.4.
Excavation waste resource flows have not been quantified due to the
unavailability of information at such early stages of the project that this
resource flow model has been developed.
The demolition waste that would be generated in the Old Oak and Park
Royal area is based on the volume and type of building that would be
demolished. Table 2 provides the demolition waste generations rates used
in the resource flow model.
Table 2: Demolition waste generation rates 8

Type of building Demolition waste generation rate (tonnes/m3)

Steel frame 0.47
Structural concrete 0.48
Masonry 0.54

The construction waste that would be generated in the Old Oak and Park
Royal area is based on floor area of the new residential, office, retail and
leisure developments that would be built over the development period.
Table 3 provides the construction waste generations rates used in the
resource flow model.
Table 3: Construction waste generation rates 9

Development type Construction waste generation rate

Residential 0.168
Office 0.238
Retail 0.275
Leisure 0.216

Waste & Resources Action Programme (2016). Net Waste Tool - Demolition Bill of Quantities
Estimator. Available at: (Accessed 11 October
BRE (2012). Waste Benchmark Data. Available at:
w_build_projects_by_project_type_31_May_2012.pdf (Accessed 11 October 2016).

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To annualise the construction waste quantities, it has been assumed that

construction and demolition activities would take place equally each year
between 2017 and 2049 (i.e. a 32 year timeframe). 10

3.2.3 Materials flow model

Figure 5 illustrates the quantity and composition of materials that would
flow in and out of the Old Oak and Park Royal area.

Figure 5: Materials flows in Old Oak and Park Royal in tonnes/annum

The total quantity of materials flowing into the Old Oak and Park Royal area
has been estimated as 666,474 tonnes/annum. The majority of the materials
used would be non-metallic minerals (39%). There would be similar
proportion of biomass (31%) and fossil energy materials (27%) used. It
should be noted that there is some double counting associated with the
portion of fossil fuel materials use to generate energy in the materials flow
model and the energy demand supplied by fossil fuels in the energy flow
model. Metal ores used would represent a significantly lower proportion
(3%) of the materials used compared to all other material types. The total
quantity of waste generated has been estimated as 160,200 tonnes/ annum.
C&I waste would account for more than half (61%) of the waste generated
each year. Household waste and demolition waste would account for the
same quantity of waste generated each year (14%). Construction waste
would account for a slightly lower quantity of waste generation each year
(12%) compared to household waste and demolition waste. It should be
noted that the quantities of demolition waste and construction waste will in
fact vary each year depending on the planned construction activities for that

The construction period has been assumed as 2017 to 2049 since the OPDC Phasing
Trajectory (version 5) has forecast that residential units will be available each year from
2018 to 2049.

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year but in the absence of this information, the quantities have been
assumed to be the same each year of the construction period.
Excavated material including contaminated soil have been excluded from
the resource flow model as there is currently a lack for reliable information
given the early stage of the development.

3.2.4 Powerday plc

Waste management facilities in Old Oak and Park Royal would have their
own separate material flows as they receive waste, which can be generated
both in and out of the development area, process it and transport it off-site
for further treatment or disposal. The Powerday materials recovery facility
located south of Willesden Junction station is the only known waste
management facility to remain as part of the new development. 11
Figure 6 illustrates the quantity and composition of materials that would
flow in and out of the Powerday facility. This is based on information in the
OPDC Waste Strategy 12 and waste returns provided by Powerday to the
Environment Agency (EA) in 2014 13.
The total quantity of waste received at the Powerday facility is
approximately 346,322 tonnes/annum. The facility predominantly receives
CDEW (57%) with the remaining represented by household and C&I waste
The total quantity of waste removed from the site is approximately 328,475
tonnes/annum. The outputs of the facility have been grouped into seven
main types. The majority of materials leaving the site are a mix of bricks,
concrete, gypsum, soils and stones, tiles and ceramics (47%). Refuse derived
fuel (RDF) leaving the site accounts for almost half of that (22%). Other
distinct material streams leaving the site include wood (9%) and metals (3%).

It was recommended in the OPDC Waste Strategy (Draft for Regulation 18 Consultation,
4 February 2016) that Powerday should be safeguarded to meet the London Borough of
Hammersmith and Fulham’s waste apportionment. The site was also present in the Old Oak
and Park Royal masterplan when this report was published.
Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (2016). Waste Strategy, Draft for
Regulation 18 Consultation, 4 February 2016. Available at:
development-corporation-opdc/get-involved-op-5 (Accessed 11 October 2016).
Environment Agency (2015). Waste Data Interrogator 2014. Available at: (Accessed 11 October 2016).

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Figure 6: Material flows at the Powerday facility in tonnes/annum

3.3 Energy flows

3.3.1 Energy demand

The energy flows at Old Oak and Park Royal can generally be broken down
into three energy vectors: electricity, heat and fuel. The resource flow model
focusses on the electricity and heating demands from the buildings that
would be on-site. The demand for each vector will vary depending on the
land use type. The land use schedule used to calculate the energy demand
for each land use has been based on the OPDC Phasing Trajectory (version
Residential energy demands are based on Standard Assessment Procedure
(SAP) results for a typical development modelled to meet different energy
standards. Residential energy demand benchmarks have been reduced over
time to reflect stricter building regulations. Table 4 shows how the
residential energy demands are expected to change over time.
Table 4: Residential energy demands

Energy standard Development Electricity demand Heat demand

period energy (kWh/household/ (kWh/household/
standard applied annum) annum)
Code for 2018 3,670 3,460
Sustainable Homes
Code for 2019-2023 3,260 3,120
Sustainable Homes
Near zero carbon 2024-2050 2,700 3,110

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Table 5 provides the energy demands for non-residential land uses used in
the resource flows model. Less significant reductions in non-residential
energy demands are expected and have therefore been kept constant over
the development period. It should be noted that cooling demand
requirements are incorporated in the electricity demand as most buildings
(if not naturally ventilated) use electricity powered chillers.
Table 5: Non-residential energy demands 14

Land use Electricity demand (kWh/m2) Heat demand (kWh/m2)

Commercial 15 95 102
Retail 165 0
Leisure 17 95 281
Industrial 18 120 286

3.3.2 Secondary heat

Secondary heat sources include waste heat arisings as a by-product of
commercial and industrial activities and heat that exists naturally within the
environment (air, ground, water). There are a wide variety of these sources
each with different characteristics in terms of temperature and availability.
The secondary heat available in the Old Oak and Park Royal area is based on
Greater London Authority data for each geographical Middle Super Output
Area (MSOA) in 2013 19. The three main MSOAs found within the red line
boundary of the Old Oak and Park Royal development are Brent 027, Ealing
015 and Hammersmith and Fulham 001. Table 6 provides a summary of the
secondary heat available in each of the identified MSOAs by source.
Table 6: Secondary heat available in MSOA Brent 027, Ealing 015 and
Hammersmith and Fulham 001 in 2013

Secondary heat source Heat available (MWh/annum)

Brent 027 Ealing 015 Hammersmith &
Fulham 001
Open loop ground 551 147 141
source abstraction

Non-residential energy demands are generally harder to estimate because of the large
variation in use types. Commercial, retail and leisure energy demands are based on CIBSE
(2008). Energy Benchmarks - TM46:2008. The industrial energy demand is based on CIBSE
Guide F (2012). Energy Efficiency in Buildings.
Modelled as ‘General office’.
Modelled as ‘General retail’.
Modelled as ‘Dry sports and leisure facility’.
Modelled as ‘Manufacturing – light’.
Greater London Authority (2013). London’s Zero Carbon Energy Resource – Secondary Heat.
Available at:
secondary-heat (Accessed 12 October 2016).

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Secondary heat source Heat available (MWh/annum)

Brent 027 Ealing 015 Hammersmith &
Fulham 001
Closed loop ground 15,492 4,061 3,996
source abstraction
Air source heat pumps 176,250 0 0
Building heat rejection – 4,590 532 3,841
Building heat rejection – 10,000 5,661 5,698
Building heat rejection – 0 280 0
Industrial sources Part 0 499 1,058
B 20 processes
Commercial building 0 1,854 0
non-HVAC source –
Commercial building 167,905 27,781 0
non-HVAC sources –
Data centres
National grid 0 29,200 0
UK Power Networks 2,948 0 0
Sewer heat mining 2,273 3,353 3,113
TOTAL 380,009 73,368 17,847

3.3.3 Energy flow model

Figure 7 illustrates the electricity, heating and cooling demand in Old Oak
and Park Royal from different land uses as well the secondary heat available
from various sources in the area.
The total energy demand has been estimated as 341,952 MWh/annum.
Heating represents just over half of the energy demand (53%) with the
electricity demand representing the remainder (47%). Residential and
commercial land uses dominate electricity and heating demands.

Part B processes are those that have the potential to cause air pollution and include
activities such as vehicle respraying, petrol stations, waste oil burners, cement works, dry
cleaners, printing, roadstone coating, mobile crushing and surface cleaning.

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Figure 7: Energy flows in Old Oak and Park Royal in MWh/annum

The total quantity of secondary heat that would be available is

approximately 471,224 MWh/annum. The greatest secondary heat sources
are non-HVAC related heat sources from data centres (42%) and air sources
(37%). Smaller sources include national grid infrastructure (6%),
hypothetical open loop ground source abstraction (5%) and building heat
rejected by retail units (5%). A much smaller proportion of secondary heat is
available from building heat rejected by office units (2%), sewer heat (2%),
and UK Power Networks infrastructure (1%). Building heat rejected by
gyms, Part B industrial processes and non-HVAC related heat sources from
supermarkets all contribute a very small proportion (<1%).

3.4 Water flows

3.4.1 Water inflow

The two predominant inflows to the urban cycle include the centralised
water supply, which is imported from outside the area boundary, and the
natural hydrological flows in the form of precipitation. The centralised water
supply can be potable water and non-potable water as described below:
• Potable water – high quality water supplied for uses within the home
including water used for drinking and use in the kitchen and bathroom
except for use in toilet flushing; and
• Non-potable water – water that is used for low-contact uses including
irrigation and toilet flushing. In general, this water is not required to be
of the same quality as that used for potable uses.

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The water demand has been modelled based on the water balance models in
the OPDC Integrated Water Management Strategy 21.

3.4.2 Water outflow

The centralised water supply would be discharged through the wastewater
system as blackwater or greywater as described below:
• Blackwater – wastewater generated from toilets, kitchen and laundry
use that requires disposal through the drainage system. Blackwater has a
higher concentration of contaminants than grey water.
• Grey water – wastewater generated from use in hand basins, baths and
showers that requires disposal through the drainage system.
Precipitation would be lost from the system through roof water,
stormwater, evapotranspiration and infiltration as described below:
• Roof water – the quantity of rainwater which falls directly on rooftops.
This has been split from stormwater due to the differing water quality
characteristics. Within the current system, roof water would leave the
area through the drainage system.
• Stormwater – runoff from the urban environment generated during
rainfall events. This consists predominately of runoff from impervious
areas. Within the current system, roof water would leave the area
through the drainage system.
• Evapotranspiration – water which is returned to the atmosphere
through the processes of evaporation and transpiration of vegetation, on
permeable surfaces.
• Infiltration - the proportion of rainwater which infiltrates through the
soil, entering the groundwater table.
As with the water demand, the wastewater has been modelled based on the
water balance models in the OPDC Integrated Water Management
Strategy 22. However, estimates for evapotranspiration and infiltration were
not used to complete the water mass balance due to the lower relative
confidence and importance of these values to the water management.

Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (2016). Integrated Water Management
Strategy, Draft for Regulation 18 Consultation, 4 February 2016. Available at:
development-corporation-opdc/get-involved-op-5 (Accessed 11 October 2016).
Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (2016). Integrated Water Management
Strategy, Draft for Regulation 18 Consultation, 4 February 2016. Available at:
development-corporation-opdc/get-involved-op-5 (Accessed 11 October 2016).

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3.4.3 Water flow model

Figure 8 illustrates the water flows anticipated from the Old Oak and Park
Royal area. The total volume of water flowing into the area would be
approximately 7,849 million litres/annum. Just over half of this would be
precipitation (53%). There would be a greater potable water demand (36%)
than non-potable water demand (11%).
The total volume of water flowing out of the area would be approximately
6,477 million litres/annum. There would be a greater outflow of black water
and grey water (57%) compared to stormwater and roof water (44%).

Figure 8: Water flows in Old Oak and Park Royal in million litres/annum

3.5 The opportunity ahead

3.5.1 Organic waste treatment

Out of all waste materials generated by households, organic waste would be
the single greatest resource generated at 9,189 tonnes/annum. On top of
this, it is estimated that C&I sources would generate 15,936 tonnes/annum
of organic waste. Therefore, approximately 25,125 tonnes/annum of
organic waste would be available for processing into new useful materials
and products such as animal feed, compost and proteins, or for use in energy
Organic waste that is processed into compost can be used to grow fruit and
vegetables using urban farming techniques, which can then be distributed
back into Old Oak and Park Royal. A portion of the fruit and vegetables will
become food waste, which can be captured again and used to produce
compost, thereby facilitating a closed loop approach.

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It is estimated that by using aerobic composting technology, approximately

12,562 tonnes/annum of compost could be produced, which could be used
in rooftop farming initiatives. The use of this compost in a classic raised bed
farming method would be able to generate approximately 149
tonnes/annum of lettuce heads. This could contribute 21% of fresh green
vegetables required by households in Old Oak and Park Royal, who would
require a total of 706 tonnes/annum 23, resulting in a 21% reduction in the
import of fresh green vegetables into the area for households. 24
Organic waste can also be converted into energy via anaerobic digestion.
Anaerobic digestion is the decomposition of organic material in the absence
of oxygen, which generates biogas and a digestate. The resulting biogas can
be used in combined heat and power (CHP) plant to generate heat and
electricity or in combined cooling, heat and power (CCHP) plants to produce
cooling, heat and electricity. This renewable form of energy can be used to
meet the energy demands of Old Oak and Park Royal. Alternatively, the
biogas can be cleaned and converted into biofuel or upgraded to
biomethane for injection into the gas grid.
The digestate from the anaerobic digestion process can be used to produce
organic fertiliser, which can be used to grow fruit and vegetables as
described above. The digestate can also be dried and compressed into
biomass pellets for use in energy generation. There are other emerging
options to use the digestate, which include:
• Producing polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) that is a precursor for a range of
• Extracting phosphorous; and
• For conversion into a biocoal using the hydrothermal carbonisation
process that can then be used in energy generation. 25
It is estimated that by using anaerobic digestion (thermophilic process) and
CHP plant, approximately 6,028 MWh/annum of electricity and 3,015
MWh/annum of heat could be generated. This represents 4% and 2% of the
total electricity and heat demand of Old Oak and Park Royal, respectively.
The digestate by-product from the process could be converted into 6,030
tonnes/annum of organic fertiliser, which could be used in rooftop farming
initiatives. The use of this organic fertiliser in a classic raised bed farming
method would be able to generate approximately 72 tonnes/annum of

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (2015). Family Food 2014,
amilyfood-2014report-17dec15.pdf (Accessed 14 October 2016).
The contribution of the rooftop farming to food manufacturers in the Park Royal
Industrial Estate cannot currently be quantified in the absence of demand data.
Waste & Resources Action Programme (2015). Optimising the Value of Digestate and
Digestion Systems. Available at:
%20and%20digestion%20systems_0.pdf (Accessed 14 October 2016).

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lettuce heads. This could contribute 10% of fresh green vegetables required
by households in Old Oak and Park Royal, who would require a total of 706
tonnes/annum 26, resulting in a 10% reduction in the import of fresh green
vegetables into the area. 27
Although the opportunity with anaerobic digestion seems small, in reality,
the quantity of organic waste available for anaerobic digestion may be much
higher and would be able to produce more electricity and heat for Old Oak
and Park Royal. This is because the resource flow model currently uses
average C&I waste compositions of the three London boroughs that Old
Oak and Park Royal resides in, as the best available data, to estimate organic
waste. This may not be truly representative of C&I waste generated in Old
Oak and Park Royal as approximately 5% of the 2,150 workplaces in the
Park Royal Industrial Estate are food manufacturing businesses who cover
about 11% of the 2,314,305m2 of industrial area. 28 The larger food
manufacturing businesses in the Park Royal Industrial Estate include:
• McVities – snack food manufacturer specialising in biscuits and cakes;
• SeeWoo – oriental food wholesaler;
• Charlie Bingham’s – manufacturer of fresh prepared foods;
• Bakkavor – manufacturer or fresh prepared foods; and
• Greencore – manufacturer of convenience foods.
The waste generated by these businesses is likely to have a much higher
organic waste composition than what has been used in the resource flow
model. There are also non-food manufacturing businesses in the area that
are likely to have a higher organic waste composition than what has been
used in the resource flow model. This includes Central Middlesex Hospital
where food waste is generated from preparation in the catering kitchens as
well as food leftovers from staff and patients, and Asda where food waste is
generated from unsold food and produce that has passed its sell by date or
has gone off.
There may also be opportunities to accept organic waste generated outside
Old Oak and Park Royal, increasing the organic waste available for
anaerobic digestion even further. For example, there are some companies
based in Park Royal Industrial Estate that supply food to Heathrow Airport

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (2015). Family Food 2014,
amilyfood-2014report-17dec15.pdf; (Accessed 14 October 2016).
The contribution of the rooftop farming to food manufacturers in the Park Royal
Industrial Estate cannot currently be quantified in the absence of demand data.
Greater London Authority (2014). The Park Royal Atlas: An Employment Study of London’s
Largest Industrial Area. Available at:
sion%201.1_0.pdf (Accessed 12 October 2016).

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that could implement a reverse logistics system to bring back food waste
generated at the airport to Old Oak and Park Royal for anaerobic digestion.
With this in mind, an opportunity presents itself to capture the value in
organic waste for use in producing new materials and products or for use in
energy generation.

3.5.2 Non-metallic materials processing

There would be 97,053 tonnes/annum of C&I waste generated. The largest
proportion of the waste would be non-metallic waste, representing 56,327
tonnes/annum (58%). Non-metallic waste covers a range of materials
including glass, paper and cardboard, rubber, plastic, wood and textiles. In
the absence of the exact composition of non-metallic waste that is likely to
be generated, a number of potential circular economy options are presented
below for each material.
• Reuse glass panels – glass panels that are carefully extracted as is from
their original setting can be reused, where applicable.
• Fine aggregate replacement – the use of crushed glass as a fine
aggregate replacement in concrete.
Paper and cardboard
• Recycling – source segregated paper and cardboard, a practice that
should be supported through ongoing behaviour awareness
programmes, can be recycled into new paper and cardboard products.
Businesses who generate paper and cardboard waste should actively
procure and use unwaxed materials to facilitate their subsequent
• Energy recovery – contaminated paper and cardboard waste can be sent
for energy recovery in a range of thermal treatment plants.
• Retreading tyres – where worn tyres are buffed away and a new tread is
bonded to the tyre body using heat and pressure. Only certain worn
tyres can be retreaded so they need to be inspected on a case-by-case
basis before being retreaded.
• Replacement aggregate – use of tyre-derived rubber materials (i.e. size-
reduced rubber fraction of used tyres) in road infrastructure, as roadbed
stabiliser, slope stabiliser, drainage fill, culverts, drainage channels,
bridge abutments and as an additive for rubberised asphalt.
• Energy recovery – tyre pyrolysis involves the thermochemical
degradation of tyres in the absence of oxygen. The resulting products
include syngas, char and a liquid residue referred to as pyrolysis oil. The

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syngas can undergo combustion in CHP plant to generate heat and

electricity. The char can be used as a solid fuel, in the production of
activated carbon or as a soil additive. The pyrolysis oil can be used as a
fuel or refined further into various fractions of oil.
• Recycling – source segregated plastic, a practice that should be
supported through ongoing behaviour awareness programmes, can be
recycled into new plastic materials. This may include new uses of
recycled plastic in filament materials for 3D printing and carpet
• Plastic composites – low grade, mixed plastics can be processed into
plastic composite materials that can be used in products such as indoor
and outdoor furniture, delivery tubs, shower boards, kerbs and
scaffolding board. An example of a process that produces plastic
composites is powder impression moulding.
• Energy recovery – contaminated plastic waste can be sent for energy
recovery in a range of thermal treatment plants.
• Reuse wood panels: wooden panels that are carefully extracted from
their original setting can be reused, where applicable.
• MycoBoardTM – use of wood chips in the production of MycoBoardTM, a
mycelium-engineered wood. Mycelium is a natural glue, which is
formaldehyde-free, safe, and healthy and produces panels that are
strong, machinable and fire-resistant. MycoBoardTM can be used in the
fabrication of structural and non-structural furniture, architectural
panels, door cores and cabinetry. 29 These would all be required by the
Old Oak and Park Royal development but could also be sold on the
general market.
• Energy recovery – shredding wood into wood chips to produce a biomass
fuel for use in energy generation in biomass plants.
• Clothes donations – unrequired clothing can be distributed through a
local network of charity shops.
• Textile recycling – clothes and textiles that cannot be worn or used again
can be sold for other uses such as for padding and stuffing in furniture,
insulation and loudspeaker cones, or for industrial wipes for trades such
as engineering and printing. Some textile fibres can be reclaimed and
mixed with new fibres to re-weave into new clothes and blankets.

Ecovative (2016). Myco Board. Available at:
board (Accessed 14 October 2016).

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• Façade panels – structural façade panels have been successfully

designed and built using high performance biocomposites. These
materials are made of natural textile fibres and biopolymers obtained
from fast growing plants. Biocomposites can be separated from the
technical components and recycled in the biological cycle thus creating a
low impact circular economy solution for building façades.

3.5.3 Industrial symbiosis

One aspect of the circular economy is industrial symbiosis, which can be
defined as the exchange of materials or waste streams between companies,
so that one company’s waste becomes another company’s raw material.
Exchanges can be made with solid, liquid and gaseous raw materials as well
as surplus electricity, heat and water. The benefits of industrial symbiosis
• Maximising use of materials by keeping materials or waste streams in
• Reduced depletion of primary resource reserves;
• Resilience against increasing volatile market prices of resources;
• Using waste to generate renewable energy for use on-site, sale to
developments nearby or sale back to the grid; and
• Reduction in waste management costs.
It is estimated that C&I waste would represent 61% (97,053 tonnes) of the
total solid waste generated each year in Old Oak and Park Royal. With 2,150
workplaces in the Park Royal Industrial Estate alone and additional
businesses becoming operational as a result of the Old Oak and Park Royal
development, there could be opportunities for industrial symbiosis.
This could be facilitated by the use of an online sharing economy platform
similar to the National Industrial Symbiosis Programme (NISP), which
essentially matched unwanted resources by one business with resource
requirements of another business in England from 2005-2013. 30 A similar
sharing economy platform, called Share Peterborough, has been created by
Peterborough Council. The purpose of this business-to-business platform is
to enable local organisations to maximise the use of resources by
exchanging goods and services that are underused or no longer needed, to

NISP was funded by Defra and managed by International Synergies Limited. The
following benefits were achieved from the programme: i) Economic benefits - £1.03 billion
of cost savings to business and £0.99 billion of additional sales to business; ii)
Environmental benefits - 47 million tonnes of landfill diversion and 42 million tonnes of
carbon dioxide savings; and iii) Social benefits - over 10,000 jobs created and a Benefit Cost
Ratio of a minimum 30:1. Reference: URS (2014). Industrial Symbiosis, 13th August 2014.
Available at: (Accessed 19
October 2016).

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promote local organisations and to build a collaborative business

community in the city. 31

3.5.4 Local use of Powerday output materials

Currently, Powerday export the wood chips they produced to two biomass
CHP facilities in the UK (i.e. Ridham Docks and Slough). The majority of the
RDF they produce gets exported to Germany and Sweden for use in waste
to energy plants. Although, they are set to send a portion of it to a new
waste gasification plant in Hoddesdon in Hertfordshire, in the near future.
With a significant increase in energy demand in the area as a result of the
Old Oak and Park Royal development, an opportunity presents itself to
generate local renewable energy using biomass and/or RDF instead of
sending it for use off-site. This has the added benefit of reducing carbon
emissions associated with the transport of the biomass and RDF.
The total electricity demand by the Old Oak and Park Royal development is
estimated to be 161,860 MWh/annum and the total heating demand
180,092 MWh/annum. By using the 28,942 tonnes/annum of biomass
produced at the Powerday site for on-site energy generation and
distribution, approximately 32,881 MWh/annum of electricity and 65,239
MWh/annum of heat would be generated. This means that approximately
20% of the total electricity demand and 36% of the total heat demand could
be met. By using the 72,218 tonnes/annum of RDF produced at the
Powerday site for on-site energy generation and distribution, approximately
96,050 MWh/annum of electricity and 190,574 MWh/annum of heat would
be generated. This means that approximately 59% of the total electricity
demand and 106% of the total heat demand could be met.
Both processes would generate bottom ash. It is estimated that energy
generation from biomass would generate approximate 868 tonnes/annum
of bottom ash, which could be used as a fertiliser or soil conditioner or
second grade aggregate and would be used off-site. It is estimated that
energy generation from biomass would generate approximate 18,054
tonnes/annum of bottom ash, which can be processed into secondary
aggregate for use in road construction as sub base material, in noise
barriers, as a capping layer on landfill sites and in some countries as
aggregate for asphalt or concrete. By selling bottom ash as a product, landfill
diversion is maximised and additional revenue generating streams for the
energy generation plants are created.
Bottom ash also has a relatively high ferrous and nonferrous metal
composition. These can be recovered to facilitate closed loop metal cycles to
reduce the depletion of primary metal ore resources.

Peterborough DNA (2016). What We’ve Done So Far. Available at: (Accessed 19 October 2016).

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Table 7 provides a summary of the electricity and heat that could be

generated using the biomass and RDF generated at the Powerday facility. It
is calculated that, together, the energy generated from biomass and RDF
would be able to meet 95% of the total electricity demand and 112% of the
total heat demand of Old Oak and Park Royal.
Table 7: Summary of electricity and heat generation potential from biomass and
RDF generated at the Powerday facility

Energy feedstock Electricity generation Heat generation

(MWh/annum) (MWh/annum)
Biomass 32,881 65,239
RDF 96,050 190,574
TOTAL 128,930 255,814
% of total demand at 80% 142%
Old Oak and Park Royal

However, it should be noted that the majority of the materials used to

produce the biomass and RDF at the Powerday facility do not currently
originate from within the Old Oak and Park Royal area; for true circularity in
Old Oak and Park Royal area, the materials used to generate energy should
be sourced from within the area. In the context of RDF, approximately 16%
(11,790 tonnes/annum 32) of the 72,218 RDF could be met by household
waste with the remaining 84% (60,428 tonnes/annum) coming from C&I
The idea of an energy centre at the Powerday facility has already been
explored by the company, although they have yet to submit a planning

3.5.5 Sustainable construction

The annual average construction, demolition and excavation waste
generation in the London Borough of Brent, the London Borough of Ealing
and the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, during the period
2016 and 2036, would be approximately 797,719 tonnes/annum. 33
Therefore, the annual construction and demolition waste generated by Old
Oak and Park Royal as estimated in the resource flow model (40,392
tonnes/annum), would represent 5% of all arisings.
The use of material resource efficiency measures and the reduction of waste
can significantly contribute to reducing the environmental impacts of
construction. The five principles of designing out waste set out by the Waste

11,790 tonnes/annum comes from the sum of organic waste and plastic waste estimated
to be generated by households in Old Oak and Park Royal.
Greater London Authority and SLR Consulting (2014). Waste Arisings Model: Further
Alterations to the London Plan.

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& Resources Action Programme (WRAP) 34 provide a comprehensive list of

measures to think about implementing:
1. Design for reuse and recovery - use of existing materials, structures or
components that can be reused/recycled onsite, incorporating site-won
materials into design elements, use of materials and components with a
recycled content, use of locally available materials and components of
sufficient quality and reasonable costs.
2. Design for off-site construction – off-site manufacture or prefabrication
of design elements, offsite assembly of design elements and use of
assembly operations onsite over construction operations.
3. Design for materials optimisation – site layout optimisation techniques,
consideration of the position and levels of built structures, optimising
pile dimensions for specific buildings, simplification of various aspects
(e.g. design, building form, structural systems, building services,
construction sequence/methodology, layout etc), lightweight structures,
reduction of material use, specific construction methods that maximise
opportunities for materials optimisation, using standard dimensions for
design elements, repetition and co-ordination of design across the design
elements to reduce variables, avoid/minimise excess cutting and jointing
of materials that generate waste, use of standardised materials and
components to encourage reuse of off-cuts.
4. Design for waste efficient procurement – project specifications that
been select elements/components/materials and construction processes
that reduce waste or have reduced wastage rates, incorporation of key
performance indicators and targets in the procurement specification
handbook, optimisation of construction methods and logistics practices,
use of supplier take-back schemes.
5. Design for deconstruction and flexibility – considering which design
elements may require flexibility/adaptability for future uses, potential
‘over-specification’ at front-end to accommodate increase in future
provision (e.g. services), maintained requirements that do not create an
excessive amount of waste, incorporating components and materials
that can be recovered for reuse or recycling at end-of-life, specifying
building elements/components/ materials for easy disassembly,
understanding current material and component attributes that would
facilitate future reuse, use of BIM to record which and how elements/
components/materials have been designed for disassembly.
The benefits that can be achieved through designing out waste measures

Waste & Resources Action Programme (undated). Designing out Waste: A Design Team
Guide for Buildings. Available at: (Accessed 26
October 2016).

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• Cost savings associated with waste prevention and reuse of existing

• Wider resource efficiency (e.g. energy, water, transport, sustainable
procurement, labour productivity and carbon savings);
• Cost and programme efficiencies; and
• Opportunities for use of innovative construction processes and

3.5.6 Retaining existing buildings

Demolition waste is estimated to account for 14% of the total solid waste
generated each year in Old Oak and Park Royal. As previously identified,
this is the same quantity of household waste that would be generated each
Reuse is at the heart of the circular economy, therefore, an opportunity
presents itself to reduce demolition waste by refurbishing the buildings
instead of demolishing them. Part demolition of buildings could also be
explored if retaining the entire building is not possible.

3.5.7 District heating and cooling networks

District heating and cooling networks can provide heating and cooling for
whole communities and even cities. These network increase resilience by
helping cities cope with fuel price shocks and manage heating and electricity
demand more accurately.
District heating and cooling networks represent an affordable, efficient, low
carbon, resilient solution to the comfort and hot water needs of domestic
and non-domestic buildings in densely populated areas. The cost and energy
efficiency benefits of such networks also make them a potential tool for
cities to tackle social challenges such as energy poverty.
These systems consist of a distribution network carrying heated or cooled
water from the generation source to the end users thereby avoiding the
need for individual systems. As a result, these networks can facilitate
deployment of a larger amount of renewable heat than by individual
stakeholders. The networks are flexible in that they can be deployed at the
building or community level for the short term with multiple networks
eventually becoming interconnected in the long term.
Energy sources for heating and cooling networks include conventional
options such as local power stations and smaller scale CHP engines, but also
natural sources such as water bodies and geothermal resources, urban
infrastructure sources such as underground train ventilation shafts,
wastewater in sewer pipes and electricity substations, and rejected heat
from a cooled space such as a data centre i.e. secondary heat sources (see
Section 3.5.9).

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An opportunity presents itself to implement district heating and cooling

systems, especially those using secondary heat sources as a low carbon
option, to help meet the heating demand in Old Oak and Park Royal, which
currently represents 43% (180,092 MWh/annum) of the total energy
demand. District heating networks can also help meet the Greater London
Authority (GLA) targets to reduce carbon dioxide emissions for new
developments. 35
A district heating system in Old Oak has already been explored in the OPDC
Old Oak Decentralised Energy report 36 where it has been recommended for
implementation. Opportunities to connect to the nearby decentralised
energy developments proposed at White City and Wembley are also
recommended in the report.

3.5.8 Renewable energy generation

The “energy trilemma” encapsulates three distinct objectives for future
energy systems while also recognising the tension between these
1. Maintaining a reliable and secure energy supply;
2. Ensuring long-term affordability of the energy system; and
3. Drastically reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with
energy generation and supply.
Cities can help solve this trilemma by adapting their energy delivery services
to become more flexible, responsive and decentralised. These adaptations
will enable a greater share of energy to be supplied by renewable and low
carbon sources.
Renewables will be deployed at both the national grid scale in the form of
large-scale biomass, wind, solar, hydro and tidal plants based outside the
city to replace traditional centralised power stations, and at the distribution
or building scale in the form of micro renewables and low carbon heat
sources such as heat pumps, biomass CHP, waste CHP and solar thermal

“For planning applications received by the Mayor on or after 1st October 2016 the
regulated carbon dioxide emissions reduction target for domestic development is zero
carbon and 35 per cent beyond Part L 2013 of the Building Regulations for non-domestic
development” as stated in the following document: Greater London Authority (2016).
Energy Planning: Greater London Authority Guidance on Preparing Energy Assessment, March
2016. Available at:
_march_2016_for_web.pdf (Accessed 13 October 2016).
Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (2016). Old Oak Decentralised Energy,
Draft for Regulation 18 Consultation, 4 February 2016. Available at:
development-corporation-opdc/get-involved-op-5 (Accessed 11 October 2016).

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within the city. Both will help cities meet their growing energy demand while
reducing GHG emissions.
Focussing on renewable energy generation on the distribution and building
scale in Old Oak and Park Royal, there are a number of technology options
that could be used. Anaerobic digestion and energy generation from wood
chips and RDF have already been explored in Section 3.5.1 and Section
Another option is the use of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems that could be
mounted on the roof or integrated into the façade of a building. The energy
generated would be able to be used to meet the building’s own energy
demand or, in certain situations, be fed back into the national grid. Table 8
provides an estimate of the area of solar PV modules required to meet the
electricity demands for different land uses.
Table 8: Estimated area of PV modules required to meet different land use
electricity demands

Land use Area (m2) Area (hectares)

Residential 560,438 56.0
Commercial 420,653 42.1
Retail 48,701 4.9
Leisure 9,347 0.9
Industry 46,186 4.6
TOTAL 1,085,325 108.5

It is unlikely that the total electricity demand at Old Oak and Park Royal
would be able to be met by solar PV due to the large area of PV modules
required. However, a portion of the total electricity demand could be met by
solar PV to help meet GLA targets to reduce carbon dioxide emissions for
new developments. 37

3.5.9 Secondary heat sources

The carbon intensity of most secondary heat sources is lower than that of
heat supplied via large centralised gas boilers, providing a case for its
implementation in a transition to a more low carbon economy.

“For planning applications received by the Mayor on or after 1st October 2016 the
regulated carbon dioxide emissions reduction target for domestic development is zero
carbon and 35 per cent beyond Part L 2013 of the Building Regulations for non-domestic
development” as stated in the following document: Greater London Authority (2015).
Energy Planning: Greater London Authority Guidance on Preparing Energy Assessment, March
2016. Available at:
_march_2016_for_web.pdf (Accessed 13 October 2016).

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Cities making the transition to energy self-sufficiency and a low carbon

economy will need to adapt infrastructure, buildings and consumers to make
use of both primary and secondary sources of energy to deliver lower
energy costs, resilience and environmental sustainability.
Secondary heat sources include waste heat arising as a by-product of
industrial and commercial activities, including London’s infrastructure, and
heat that exists naturally within the environment (air, ground, water). There
are a wide variety of these sources within London, each with different
characteristics in terms of temperature and availability. There are also
differing practical considerations to be taken into account related to the
heat recovery infrastructure required that can be installed at a site.
For most secondary heat sources, their temperature is too low for direct use
in a heat network. It is therefore necessary to ‘upgrade’ them to a useful
temperature using heat pumps powered by electricity. The efficiency with
which they do this depends largely on the difference in temperature
between the heat at source and the heat as supplied. The greater that
difference, the more electricity is required and the less efficient is the heat
pump. However, some industrial sources produce waste heat at above 70°C
and can be fed directly into heat networks without the need for heat pumps.
Table 9 provides an estimate of the electricity requirements to convert
secondary heat in three main MSOAs found within the red line boundary of
the Old Oak and Park Royal at various temperatures to a usable
temperature of 70˚C, referred to as the delivered heat.
Table 9: Electricity requirements to convert secondary heat available at various
temperatures to usable heat that is delivered at 70˚C

Source Available heat Electricity Delivered heat

(MWh/annum) requirement to (MWh/annum)
upgrade to 70˚C
Ground (open loop) 839 210 1,049
Ground (closed 23,549 11,862 35,411
Air 176,250 140,515 316,764
Building heat 8,962 2,663 11,625
rejection – Office
Building heat 21,359 6,346 27,706
rejection – Retail
Building heat 280 83 363
rejection – Gyms
Industrial sources 1,557 427 1,984
part B processes
Supermarkets 1,854 496 2,350

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Source Available heat Electricity Delivered heat

(MWh/annum) requirement to (MWh/annum)
upgrade to 70˚C
Data centres 195,686 41,025 236,711
National grid 29,200 4,399 33,599
UK Power 2,948 444 3,392
Sewer heat mining 8,740 3,910 12,650
TOTAL 471,224 212,380 683,604

The resource flow model indicates that Old Oak and Park Royal would
require 180,092 MWh/annum of heat. It is estimated that secondary heat
would be able to generate 683,604 MWh/annum, which represents almost
380% of the total heat demand of Old Oak and Park Royal. Therefore, in
reality, a much lower amount of electricity would be required to upgrade the
available heat to 70˚C to meet the heat demand of Old Oak and Park Royal.
It should be noted that a district heating network using secondary heat may
be difficult to implement in retained areas of Park Royal, however, an
opportunity still presents itself for Old Oak.

3.5.10 Water management measure

There will be a significant increase in water demand as a result of the Old
Oak and Park Royal development. A number of water management
measures that can be put in place to reduce potable water demand, non-
potable water demand and the discharge of wastewater and surface water
into drainage infrastructure. Some measures are more applicable to certain
development typologies (new development verses retained development)
than others and would need to be selected for implementation
appropriately. Examples of water management measures are provided
below, all of which have varying degrees of demand and discharge reduction
• Demand management using smart water systems – these systems seek
to reduce the overall water demand. It involves combining data from
sensors on water quality, pressure and flow rate, with asset data and
statistical analysis to gain an insight into asset conditions and systems
performance. This allows leaks to be fixed as soon as possible and
maintenance or replacement requirements to be easily identified and
addressed. Another part of smart water systems are smart water meters
that are connected to a wireless network with readings taken remotely
that enables customers to monitor their real-time water usage, giving
them control over the amount of water they use.

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• Green roofs – where the roof a building is partially of fully covered in a

planted soil layer to facilitate rainfall attenuation and therefore reduced
discharge into the drainage system.
• Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) – a strategic sequence of
techniques used to manage surface water during storm events including
storing and reusing surface water at source to reduce the water entering
watercourses, the removal of pollutants to improve the quality of water
entering watercourses and the delayed discharge of surface water into
• Roof water recycling – rainwater can be collected from the roof of
buildings and stored for reuse locally. Different treatment requirements
are required for different end uses (potable or non-potable), although
these are often less rigorous than for other types of water such as storm
water and grey water due to the reduced exposure to contaminants.
• Grey water recycling – grey water is collected and stored using separate
plumbing to the standard sewage system. The grey water requires
treatment in the form of filtration, biological treatment and disinfection
due to the contaminants and pathogens present in it before being
redistributed for non-potable use.
• Wastewater recycling – wastewater including both black water and grey
water is collected and undergoes advanced treatment (e.g.
microfiltration, reverse osmosis, advanced oxidation etc.) due to the high
concentration of contaminants that can present risks to human health,
before being redistributed for non-potable use.

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4 Opportunities

4.1 Overview
The detailed resource flows analysis of Section 3 provides a rich evidence
base for understanding the opportunities for circular economy at Old Oak
and Park Royal. But, those opportunities are numerous and wide-ranging. A
long-list of circular economy initiatives are presented in Table 10.
In order to provide structure to these initiatives, they have been arranged
by 10 themes: food, water, energy, environment, materials, construction,
mobility, logistics, space and community. These themes provide a
comprehensive means for organising the circular economy initiatives into
sectors through which resource flow can be managed.
Each circular economy initiative in the table includes a brief description and
links to relevant research or existing projects in that area. Each of the
initiatives is considered applicable and feasible to the Old Oak and Park
Royal area; the links provide additional information and context on how
such strategies are already being applied. More comprehensive case studies
are included in Section 6. These provide additional details on the suitability,
benefits and enablers of initiatives directly relevant to Old Oak and Park

4.2 Themes
The themes selected represent the main sectors or focus areas covered by
the initiatives and activities proposed in the scenarios and case studies. The
applicability of these themes to the Old Oak and Park Royal site is briefly
described below.
Localised food production systems such as vertical and rooftop farming,
hydroponics, aeroponics and aquaponics, fuelled by local and shared energy
and resources. Food sharing, distribution and a neighbourhood food market
reduce waste and increase access to high quality, locally grown food.
Sustainable water systems maximise the local water resource. Systems and
services include rainwater collection and recycling, green walls, roofs, and
bio-façades, sustainable drainage systems and green infrastructure, and
smart water demand management, including behaviour change

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Renewable and low carbon energy sources are prioritised, including rooftop
PV, heat pumps, anaerobic digestion, biomass and district heating and
cooling networks. Local energy generation, community-owned assets,
micro- and nano-grids including battery storage, and smart demand
management techniques, including behaviour change programmes, increase
energy security, lower costs, reduce environmental impacts and increase
local resilience.
Techniques to improve local air quality, reduce GHG emissions, reduce
waste and enhance biodiversity are prioritised, including ongoing
measurement, via sensors and digital services. Behaviour change campaigns
incentivize smart choices. Green infrastructure, sustainable transport,
construction and waste techniques and environmentally engaged
communities help to create a healthy, liveable environment. Biological
resources are extracted and reused via anaerobic digestion, composting or
Low impact and renewable materials are selected. Waste becomes a
resource for making new materials and components, and to generate
energy. Demolition waste is reused where possible. Materials are tracked
and recycled using materials passports and databases.
Low impact construction techniques helps to reduce waste and increase
reuse, as well as minimize associated logistics footprints. Modular and
bespoke pre-fabrication, on- and off-site, cut waste and costs, and increase
engagement and access, as well as innovation. New building technologies
are encouraged through on-going engagement activities. Emerging
fabrication technologies and lightweight construction techniques allow for
more agile development models where structures can be easily and
effectively upgraded over time.
Mobility services are planned and delivered to maximise asset utilisation,
reduce environmental impacts, increase access, and promote healthy
lifestyles. Pedestrians and cycling routes are prioritised. Ride-sharing and
shared mobility services using electric and autonomous vehicles is
implemented and prioritised, supported by a backbone of fixed mass transit
connections. Sensor networks, predictive analytics and well-designed user-
facing digital services streamline performance and user experience,
increasing utilisation.

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Consolidated and automated waste systems, and reverse logistics minimise
waste and maximise reuse. Waste streams are captured locally to produce
new sources of energy and resources and minimise transport outside the
district. Robotics and autonomous technologies enable new opportunities
around on-demand last-mile logistics, including drones and ground robotics.
Space is designed for flexibility, interoperability, minimal material use and
waste generation, disassembly and reuse. Shared spaces forms a more
important component, due to possibilities of increased utilisation and
contemporary ownership models. Space use is maximised through well-
designed digital sharing and leasing services. The provision of service
performance including for whole assets, facades, energy systems, materials
and internal fittings is guaranteed by external providers.
Digital platforms help forge and connect communities enabling new models
of sharing and cooperation. Community-led design and ownership of assets
(e.g. energy, waste, mobility, and shared space) helps to build equitable and
engaged diverse communities. Skills and resources are created, exchanged
and shared via digital services. Sustainable behaviour is promoted via
economic and other incentives, for example, revenues for local energy
generation or electric vehicle (EV) storage access.

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Table 10: Long-list of circular economy initiatives

Theme Initiative Overview Related links

Food Rooftop farming An urban farming method that sees the growth of fruit and
vegetables on rooftops using classic raised beds or more
advanced systems like hydroponics, aeroponics and revolutionizes-indoor-farming-1882004257.html
aquaponics. This helps to meet local fruit and vegetable
demands with local produce.
Rooftop An urban farming method that uses redundant rooftop space
greenhouses for housing greenhouses. The greenhouse can reduce heat
loss from the building beneath it while the fruit and vegetables
growing gain from the heat transfer.
Community dining Communal spaces where residents can share food, cook and
eat together. 0fb5e65703ce
Local food market A place to sell locally grown produce from rooftop and other
urban farming activities to the community. Produce is grown
and consumed within the district, minimising incoming food
miles and cost, whilst cultivating local skills and involvement.
Commercial food The distribution of local grown product from rooftop and
distribution other urban farming activities to local businesses e.g. cafes,
restaurants, food manufacturers etc. Helps reduce waste and
Urban community Putting land into community use to grow affordable, fresh,
gardens organic food, and support others to do so.
Water Green roofs Roofs of buildings that are partially or fully covered in a
planted soil layer to facilitate rainfall attenuation and
therefore reduced discharge into the drainage system. Green
roofs can also increase biodiversity.

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Theme Initiative Overview Related links

Roof water recycling Collection, treatment, storage and distribution of rainwater
collected from the roof of buildings for potable or non-potable -harvesting-using-the-weather-to-pay-your-bills
reuse locally depending on treatment used.\
Grey water Collection, treatment, storage and distribution of grey water
recycling for non-potable use using separate plumbing to the standard help/using-water-wisely/greywater-reuse.aspx
sewage system. Treatment includes filtration, biological
treatment and disinfection. -systems-can-they-really-reduce-your-bills
Smart water Reducing water demand by combining data from sensors with
systems water infrastructure asset data and statistical analysis to networks
address inefficiencies in the systems performance and using
smart water meters to enable customers to monitor their real- 1e000073c/SmartWaterSystems_FinalReport-
time water usage. Main_Reduced__April2011.pdf
Energy Anaerobic digestion The decomposition of organic material in the absence of
oxygen, which generates biogas and a digestate. Biogas can be
used as a renewable energy or fuel source and the digestate as opened-ad-plant-fawdon
an organic fertiliser or potentially for bioplastics production,
phosphate extraction and biocoal production.
Energy generation Energy generation using conventional thermal treatment or
from RDF alternative thermal treatment technologies with RDF as bristol/
Energy generation Energy generation using conventional thermal treatment or https://www.mvv-
from biomass alternative thermal treatment technologies with biomass as
feedstock. plant/aboutourplant.jsp
Secondary heat use Use of low carbon waste heat that often requires upgrading to
a high enough temperature using a heat pump before being resource-secondary-heat

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Theme Initiative Overview Related links

District heating and Low carbon distribution network carrying heated or cooled
cooling networks water from generation sources that could include local power park/attractions/around-the-park/energy-centre
station, smaller scale CHP, renewables and secondary heat.
Solar PV An electrical installation using a semiconductor that converts
solar energy into a renewable form of electricity.
Battery storage Battery storage helps mitigate grid infrastructure constraints
by providing reserve capacity in the event of system failure
and assists the seamless integration of renewable energy by 9a5f6a78989d7.pdf
allowing renewable energy to be generated when it is most
efficient, and stored until there is demand for it.
Distributed energy Facilitates renewable energy penetration, helps to stabilise
storage the grid and increases resilience. Battery storage technology energy-storage-uk/
is advancing rapidly while prices are coming down.
Demand side DSR can help provide great savings for consumers by reducing
response (DSR) or shifting electricity usage during peak times in response to tier-2-projects/Low-Carbon-London-
time-based rates or other forms of financial incentives. (LCL)/Presentations/Low+Carbon+London+-+Time-of-
Microgrids Microgrids incorporate energy generation, storage and
demand management systems so that supply and demand are rogrids
matched in a safe, effective and reliable way. The ‘smartness’
of microgrids means that these are compatible with renewable need-them/
energy generation.
Environment Green walls (or Walls of buildings that are partially or fully covered with
Living walls) greenery in a growth medium, which increases biodiversity,

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Theme Initiative Overview Related links

reduces the urban heat island effect, lower emissions and
reduce building’ energy use and associated costs.
Urban green spaces Creating green spaces in dense urban areas helps to reduce
the urban heat island effect, increases public amenity and air-quality-report-v4-single-pages.pdf
lowers emissions. Planting street trees also contributes to
reducing particulate matter in the immediate vicinity and content/uploads/2015/10/LEAF_benefits_of_urban_green_space_2
improving air quality. 015_upd.pdf
Sustainable The management of surface water during storm events to
Drainage Systems reduce, improve the quality of and delay surface water
entering watercourses. Well-designed SuDs also increase
biodiversity and provide public green spaces.
Permeable Provide allow stormwater to filter through, “catch basins” to
pavements capture water and funnel it into the ground. High-albedo
pavements also reflect sunlight to reduce the heat island components/source-control/pervious-surfaces/pervious-surfaces-
effect. overview.html
Materials Waste capture The collection and transfer of waste materials to appropriate
reuse, repair, remanufacturing, recycling and treatment waste-services/local-authorities/refuse-collection
facilities. This could be through the use of refuse collection
vehicles, automated waste collection systems, robotic
collection systems etc.
Centralised A centralised resource centre can provide an improved
resource and energy solution for the diversion of waste from landfill by minimising waste-management-facility
centre the use of materials, energy, land and labour and by
simplifying logistics in comparison to geographically separate management-centre
Materials reuse Material reuse can range from bulky waste and electronic
equipment from households to off-cuts from construction
activities. Reuse centres that may have basic repair and
processing operations can facilitate this initiative.

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Theme Initiative Overview Related links

Organic fertiliser The decomposition of organic material into organic fertiliser
production via composting or use of digestate as an organic fertiliser as a
substitute to manufactured fertilisers.
Bioplastics The bacteria in sewage sludge from wastewater treatment
production plants can be used to produce bioplastics. The process 014/04/chroniques_scientifiques_n17-en.pdf
removes the volatile fatty acids from sewage sludge, which are
mixed with bacteria to digest them and convert them to alue%20of%20digestate%20and%20digestion%20systems_0.pdf
biopolymers, which can then be refined into biodegradable
bioplastics. The use of digestate instead of sewage sludge as
feedstock in the production of bioplastics is currently being
Phosphate Phosphate extraction from wastewater (and potentially
extraction digestate) in the form of struvite or other novel ways can help
to maximise phosphate recovery to ultimately help advance energy-recovery-at-stoke-bardolph-wwtw#.WAjRevkrJaR
phosphorous to material circularity.
RDF production RDF is an umbrella term for prepared fuel derived from
untreated MSW, C&I waste and CDEW. It has a higher energy outlet-with-ferrybridge-multifuel-energy-limited/bp120/
content than normal waste materials and can be used as
feedstock for renewable energy generation. infrastructure/refuse-derived-fuel/
Biomass fuel Biomass fuels can be derived from waste materials including
production food waste and wood waste. It can be used as feedstock for environment-at-ridham-docks/bp119/
renewable energy generation.
Mycelium Mycelium (mushroom roots) can be used as a natural glue for
biomaterials agricultural and wood wastes to produce biodegradable
packaging products. cling/12172439/Ikea-plans-mushroom-based-packaging-as-eco-
Sustainable Using non-toxic, recycled and recyclable materials that do not
construction have an adverse impact on the environment or deplete natural
materials resources.

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Theme Initiative Overview Related links

Circular Local authorities may use procurement mechanisms to
procurement catalyse the introduction of circular economy goods and studies/denmark-public-procurement-as-a-circular-economy-
services including leasing of façades and materials. enabler
Fabrication Design for flexibility Designing buildings to be adapted for different uses in the
future. Helps to maximise assets’ utility. adaptation
Modular design Designing building and structures in modules to allow
component modules to be added, removed or replaced as predicts_the_future_of_buildings_in_2050
Off-site prefab The practice of assembling components of a structure in a
construction factory or other manufacturing site, and transporting site_prefabrication_of_buildings:_A_guide_to_connection_choices
complete assemblies or sub-assemblies to the construction
site where the structure is to be located.
Lightweight The use of less construction materials to conserve natural
construction resources. Less material means less embodied energy in the
Modular The use of factory-produced pre-engineered building units
construction that are delivered to site and assembled as large volumetric apartments_to_solve_student_housing_issues_in_berlin
components or as substantial elements of a building.
Façade leasing Leasing model based on performance based contracts that
facilitates the rate and depth of energy renovations in
buildings. Façades are designed to be removed from buildings
and reused.
Building information To track building material and component attributes to
modelling (BIM) facilitate future maintenance, reuse and recycling.

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Theme Initiative Overview Related links

Additive Additive manufacturing, or also known as 3D printing, refers
manufacturing (3D to a process by which digital 3D design data is used to build up teelwork_makes_3d_printing_premiere
Printing) successive layers of material to form an object or even a
building. This process is avoiding the generation of waste cities-future-housing-architecture
which is associated with the conventional sub-tractive
manufacturing method of removing material to form an
Mobility Pedestrianisation Pedestrian routes are prioritised. Routes are designed to be
safe, and attractive to promote walking. _walking_world
Cycle routes Cycle routes are prioritised. Safe cycle lanes are designed to
facilitate low carbon transport and promote healthy lifestyles.
Bike sharing scheme Initiated across the district, subsidised by a corporate partner
and connected to other transport modes by a central hub. bss
Car sharing scheme Car sharing schemes make greater use of a smaller number of
vehicles, reducing negative impacts such as traffic congestion
and pollution.
Strategic zoning of Creating vehicle free zones through the strategic re-routing of
vehicle access vehicles across road networks. legacy.pdf
Autonomous Self-driving vehicles that are capable of sensing the
vehicles environment around it and navigating without human input. assembly/our-insights/ten-ways-autonomous-driving-could-
Logistics Canal Transportation by canal involves placing filled containers on a
transportation barge or container ship. It is a highly efficient mode of waste
transport e.g. a single 300 tonne barge can take up to 15 waste stations.aspx

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Theme Initiative Overview Related links

transfer trucks off the road thereby significantly reducing
congestion on roads.
Rail transportation Transportation by rail uses containers mounted on flatbed
wagons. The environmental benefits of rail transport over
road transport include lower air emissions at source, greater et.pdf
fuel efficiency and reduced road congestion.
Drone logistics Unmanned aerial vehicles that are capable sensing the
environment around it and navigating without human input s_insights/DHL_TrendReport_UAV.pdf
for use in the movement of goods.
Consolidation A facility where materials and deliveries going into or out of an
centres area are combined to reduce the vehicles on the road. consolidation-centres.pdf
Reverse logistics A closed loop approach that uses remanufacturing,
refurbishment, repair, reuse or recycling to recover and model-to-support-circular-economy/
process materials and products after the point of
Autonomous road Self-driving municipal bots undertaking tasks from waste
logistics collection to street maintenance.
Space Building retrofit Refurbishing of existing building stock to improve efficiency
and functionality. retrofit/retrofit-domestic-buildings
Temporary housing Modular, prefabricated and demountable structures built on
land waiting to be developed. mporary_Housing
Development above Integrated commercial and residential development built
railway directly above and around mayor rail infrastructure sites. urban-realm/property-developments/

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Theme Initiative Overview Related links

Meanwhile uses Using vacant buildings and spaces for temporary, socially
beneficial purposes. ings
Flexible spaces Flexible design approaches create easily adaptable buildings
and spaces with multiple potential uses that evolve over time.
Shared spaces Live-work and co-living developments provide a combination
of serviced private and shared amenity spaces. Digital
platforms can facilitate the space as a service business model developments-around-the-world/
to intensify the use of space.
Sensor network Space and asset performance monitoring and analysis systems
to enhance efficiency and facilitate real time and predictive networks/
maintenance and repair.

Cluster The development of sites in proximity of each other to create

development a geographic concentration of interconnected businesses and 2016_FINAL.pdf
innovation ecosystems.
Community Shared tools Neighbourhood sharing platforms allow people to lend and
platform borrow underutilised household items such as power tools
and surplus food.
Shared skills Skills sharing platform allow people to get free help from
platform neighbours with domestic tasks such as bicycle repairs or
gardening, often in exchange for other tasks.
Community A platform that allows community members to submit design
planning platform proposals for automatic assessment against planning policy
and to facilitate a transparent consultation process.
Community owned Enables communities to produce, store and locally distribute
energy their own energy. Shared ownership give communities more renewable-energy-companies
infrastructure control over type of generation and cost of energy.

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Theme Initiative Overview Related links
Community led Allows local people to oversee the design and construction of
development their own homes and communities to a particular design-development
Circular economy A system in which credits are allocated for services with
credit system circular economy value. This creates a marketplace where a economy-and-the-future-of-work/
token currency can be spent.
Shared industrial An industrial sharing economy platform, which essentially
resources platform matches unwanted resources by one business with resource
requirements of another business.
Circular hubs Circular hubs are designed to attract and provide space for
the incubation and development of a range of businesses europe/
including clean-tech organisations, academic institutions, live-
work spaces, manufacturing facilities and workshop spaces. WNB=C15A587B7BAF2377FCEE364004B17A7D

4.3 Applying the themes

The themes provide and organised long-list of circular economy initiatives and opportunities. However, to illustrate the potential for some of the
most promising initiatives, four scenarios have been developed which demonstrate circular economy cycles in Old Oak and Park Royal. These
scenarios are presented in detail in Section 5.

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5 Old Oak and Park Royal scenarios

In Section 2, eight principles for the circular economy have been defined. To support
a circular economy which is systemic, optimised renewable and shared, a resource
flows analysis was conducted which highlights the flows of materials, energy and
water and opportunities for demand reduction, reuse and optimisation. This baseline
informs the production of circular economy initiatives, which are organised into
themes to facilitate the formulation of scenarios.
The following section presents four scenarios for the circular economy – two in Old
Oak and two in Park Royal. They represent some of the most promising
opportunities for circular economy cycles for their respective areas, and build on the
evidence base of both proven and emerging circular economy initiatives. The
scenarios are represented through an illustrative district, as seen below.

The circular economy initiatives within each scenario are graphically depicted.

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We have developed
a series of scenarios,
as a way of mapping
out systems and
circular initiatives,
grounded in their
physical context.
Park Royal Sites Old Oak

Post-Industrial Site Typologies Commercial

Utilise existing industrial processes

Industry symbiosis Build new communities
Site intensification Smarter use of space and resources
Improve working environment
Opportunities Design in self-sufficiency from day one
Introduce emerging sectors New sharing models
New business-lead communities Build ‘just enough’
Park Royal Scenarios Old Oak Scenarios

1 3

The Royal Garden Adaptable Development

A zero waste urban garden fuelled by High-rise tower developments are
biological nutrients, green infrastructure, designed with circular built-in, from
local energy and advanced logistics. sustainable construction to flexible and
smart space usage.

2 4

Clean Tech Estate Sharing Community

A post-industrial development supports Digital platforms and lightweight
new circular-focused businesses and technologies enable communities to
technological innovation. build, operate and share their
neighbourhood spaces and resources.
A zero waste urban
garden fuelled by
biological nutrients,
green infrastructure,
local energy and
advanced logistics.
The Royal Garden

Import of solid Centralised Resource

1 & organic waste
via barge
& Energy Centre

Existing waste streams are

Waste capture
captured locally and
regionally and transported
to a centralised resource
and energy centre.

Import of solid
& organic waste
via rail
The Royal Garden

2 Generation
from RDF
Separated waste streams Generation
are processed to create from Biomass

new sources of energy and Anaerobic

useful resources.

The Royal Garden

A network of urban
farming initiatives across
Park Royal, fuelled by local
energy and resources and
generating new food
production streams.


Rooftop Green Walls

The Royal Garden

Logistics networks
distribute produce locally
and regionally, through
new and existing
Local food market

via Rail

Drone Logistics Commercial food

Clean Tech
A cluster development
supports new circular-
focused businesses and
technological innovation,
providing clean energy
back to the area.
Clean Tech Estate Digital Digital Platform

Links to Shared
1 Academic
A local incubator is located
Circular Hub
within a cluster
development, providing a
nexus between research
from nearby imperial
White City campus, and
new business ventures Cluster
Building retrofit
that require support and
Clean Tech Estate

The area is demarcated as
a car-free zone - providing
a testing ground for low
carbon clean tech
initiatives such as Funded Clean
Tech Venture
autonomous logistics

Autonomous Strategic Zoning

Logistics of Vehicle Access
Clean Tech Estate

The clustered Battery Storage
development supports
combinatorial innovation,
promoting the
development and
combination of a number
of clean tech initiatives.

Solar PV
Clean Tech Estate

Distributed Energy Network

4 Proving Factory

A ‘proving factory’ turns

prototypes in urban pilot
schemes. For example, a
autonomous vehicle with
battery storage creates a
platform for renewable
distributed energy -
providing free energy to
local businesses.

Charging Points
Adaptable developments
are designed with
circular built-in, from
sustainable construction
to flexible and smart
space usage.
Adaptable Development

1 Temporary Housing

Meantime uses are found

for uninhabited sites
earmarked for Development
development, publicly above railway
activating the site as soon
as possible with temporary
Adaptable Development

2 Suitable Slab Depths

for Daylighting
Construction of high-rise Access to
developments makes use Utility Channels
of cradle-to-cradle Suitable Floor Heights
for Program Flexibility
materials, innovative
fabrication techniques,
Offsite Prefab
building in flexible spaces Construction
and services from day one.

Digital Platform

Adaptable Development
Digital Platform

3 Space on

A variety of mixed-use,
shared and public spaces
are provided throughout
the building. Space-as-a-
service platforms allow
Shared Space
users to access space
when needed, intensifying
the use of the building.

Mixed Use Program

Adaptable Development

4 Lightweight
The building is designed to Structural
be adaptable over time, Redundancy for
through physical changes Extra Storey

such as facade-leasing,
parasitic additions through
lightweight fabrication,
and new technologies that
improve logistics and
maintenance around the Leasing

Digital platforms and
lightweight technologies
enable communities to
build, operate and share
their neighbourhood
spaces and resources.
Sharing Community
Digital Platform

Digital platforms support Community
Planning Platform
local decision making
around planning,
promoting a more
accessible and engaged
discussion and transparent
Sharing Community
Digital Platform

Citizens are able to easily Shared
access and share local Platform
resources, skills and tools, +
easing access to one- CE Credit System

time-use items and

specialist knowledge,
whilst reducing local
resource consumption as a
whole. This is supported
by a credits system that
encourages participation
and exchange.

Community Toolshed
Sharing Community

Community-owned Solar Thermal / PV
infrastructure enables
Domestic Battery Community-Owned
neighbourhoods to Storage Battery Storage
produce, store and locally
distribute their own
energy and resources,
encouraging sustainable
energy production and
reducing reliance on the
national grid.

Micro Grid
Demand Side Response
Sharing Community Digital Platform

services, combined with
shared resources, enables
the community to utilise
individual assets for
communal benefit.

Community Dining Shared Space Platform

OPDC & LWARB Circular and Sharing Economy Scoping Study for Old Oak and Park Royal

6 Case studies

6.1 Overview
This section provides details of 10 circular economy case studies relevant and viable
for implementation at the Old Oak and Park Royal site. The initiatives cover a range
of opportunities, from waste capture and reuse to circular design solutions and
community-led development. Each case study describes the suitability of an
initiative, enablers for its implementation, benefits, examples and relevant
stakeholders and suppliers. The ‘lenses’ give a quick indication of the relative
benefits and costs of an initiative in economic, resource and social terms. This
enables rapid comparison and illustrates the values that may be achieved from a
given initiative. For example, an initiative may have a high capital cost but also have
significant potential to bring increases in resource efficiency and social

6.2 Anaerobic digestion

6.2.1 Summary of initiative

Anaerobic digestion (AD) involves the decomposition of organic material, in the
absence of oxygen, which generates biogas (predominantly a mixture of carbon
dioxide and methane) and a digestate (an organic fertiliser). A variety of organic
wastes can be processed using AD.
The biogas can be used in CHP plants to generate heat and electricity or in CCHP
plants to produce cooling, heat and electricity. A portion of the heat and electricity is
usually used to operate the AD process itself with the remainder exported to the
grid or directly to a development in close proximity. Alternatively, the biogas can be
cleaned to natural gas quality (>95% methane) and used as a vehicle fuel or injected
into a gas distribution network.
The digestate is rich in nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus and can be used as
organic fertiliser or soil conditioner. A recent publication by WRAP on optimising
the value of digestate has also described potential options for using the digestate in
the production of biocoal, bioplastics and as feedstock for phosphorous extraction. 38
However, these options are still under development.

Waste & Resources Action Programme (2015). Optimising the Value of Digestate and Digestion
Systems – Final Report. Available at:
Report.pdf (26 October 2016).
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Figure 9: Barcelona Eco Park 3 anaerobic digestion plant, Spain (Source: Ros Roca)

6.2.2 Key facts

• There are two main types of AD technologies: mesophilic and thermophilic;
• A mesophilic system accepts wet organic waste feedstock with a dry solids
content of up to 15%. The digestion tank operates in plug flow at temperatures of
20-40˚C for approximately 15-40 days;
• A thermophilic system accepts dry organic waste feedstock with a dry solid
content of 15-40%. The digestion tank is a continuous stirred tank reactor at
temperatures of 50-60˚C for approximately 12-14 days;
• The resulting biogas yield and composition is dependent on the organic waste
feedstock. Biogas yields typically range from 110-170m3 per tonne of organic
waste feedstock; and
• The resulting biogas is composed of approximately 55-70% methane, 30-45%
carbon dioxide and approximately 1% nitrogen, with trace elements of hydrogen

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6.2.3 Lenses

6.2.4 Suitability
• Locations with centralised resources and energy centres;
• Locations adjacent to food and beverage manufacturers, or other suitable
• Strategically located away from sensitive receptors such as residential areas,
schools and water bodies, as far as reasonably practicable;
• Proximity to an electricity load typically not a constraint. However, depending on
the end use of the biogas, it should be located in close proximity to a heat load or
a gas network;
• End-market for the digestate must be identified, otherwise it would require
drying and further thermal treatment via incineration or landfill disposal;
• Land-take requirements are typically between 0.15m2/tonne and 0.4m2/tonne;
• Investment typically by a private developer or local authority company.

6.2.5 Benefits
• Converting the handling of waste from an expense to an additional source of
• Can form part of a wider resource and waste management strategy covering
organic waste generated from a range of different sources;
• The biogas can be used to generate renewable energy;
• Having a local treatment option reduces the emissions related to the transport of
organic waste to treatment or disposal facilities off-site;
• AD offers GHG savings as it reduces methane emissions produced from the
anaerobic decomposition of organic waste in landfill;

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• There are GHG savings offered by using the digestate as a substitute to

manufactured chemical fertilisers, which require energy and non-renewable
mined minerals to produce;
• There are further GHG savings by operating the facility under CHP or CCHP
mode compared to electricity generation only mode, as additional useful energy
in the form of heating and cooling is being extracted from the facility thereby
increasing the overall energy efficiency of the facility; and
• Helps local and national government meet diversion of biodegradable waste
from landfill targets.

6.2.6 Example
The Riverside AD Facility is located within the Willow Lane Industrial Estate in
Mitcham, Surrey, became operational in 2015. The facility is owned and operated by
Riverside AD Limited. The facility covers an area of approximately 0.87 hectares and
is designed to process up to 77,500 tonnes per annum of a range of food waste
including meat, fish, all dairy products, fruit, vegetables, bread cakes, pastries, rice,
pasta, beans, tea and coffee. The food waste is pasteurised and pre-processed to
remove and packaging at an adjacent thermophilic aerobic treatment facility
operated by Riverside Bio Limited. The plastic packaging is washed and sent for
reprocessing. The pre-processed food waste is then delivered to the digester via a
series of steel pipes. The digestion process takes place as 35˚C for up to 60 days.
Biogas drawn from the digester is upgraded to biomethane and injected into the gas
grid. Excess biogas is used to generate electricity from a CHP engine (1.2 MWth). The
digestate by-product is pumped to a holding tank located at the Riverside Bio
Limited facility for separation into solid and liquid fractions and is then despatched
off-site using tankers for use in horticulture as a highly valuable fertiliser. 39

6.2.7 Enablers
• Behavioural change programmes to educate the public on the source segregation
of organic waste;
• Showcasing the economic incentive of on-site AD compared to conventional
organic waste disposal routes;
• Investment from industry or local authority into AD; and
• Renewables Obligation and Feed-in Tariffs that provide economic incentive to
implement AD and associated electricity distribution infrastructure.

6.2.8 Stakeholders
• Local residents;
• Food and beverage manufacturers in the Park Royal Industrial Estate;

Environment Agency (2016). Notice of Variation and Consolidation with Introductory Note: Riverside
AD Limited. Available at:
Notice.pdf (Accessed 26 October 2016).
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• Waste collection and disposal authorities;

• Waste contractors;
• Food manufactures;
• Process suppliers; and
• Investors.

6.2.9 Suppliers
• Bekon Holding AG;
• Biotechnische Abfallverwertungs GmbH & Co KG;
• Hitachi Zosen Inova Kompogas;
• Kompoferm;
• Organic Waste Systems;
• Ros Roca;
• Strabag Umweltanlagen GmbH; and
• Valorga.

6.3 Organic waste to proteins

6.3.1 Summary of initiative

A biorefinery is a facility that uses biological conversion to produce higher value
products compared to the biomass it is produced from. Organic wastes are an ideal
feedstock for biorefineries due to their carbohydrate, protein and lipid content. Of
particular interest at the moment is the use of organic wastes in the production of
protein products, namely animal feed, due to the population growth and the
increased demand on food supply that comes with it. There are a number of
processes that are used in the conversion of organic waste to proteins. The specific
process used is usually dependent on the organic waste feedstock.

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Figure 10: Three Rivers Energy biorefinery in Coshocton, Ohio (Source: US Department of
Agriculture via Flickr)

6.3.2 Key facts

• Spent grain from the brewing and distillery industry can be processed into
protein products using enzymatic hydrolysis;
• Food waste can be processed into protein products using bacterial fermentation;
• Organic material found in food and beverage manufacturing wastewaters can be
processed into protein products using bacteria under controlled conditions;
• The Managed Ecosystem Fermentation (MEF) process involves the fermentation
of a range of organic wastes using an ecosystem of microbes found in the
digestive tract of ruminant animals. The MEF process actively manages the
fermentation process to extract the more valuable long chain molecules unlike
anaerobic digestion where the aim is to break up all longer hydrocarbon chains
into methane and carbon dioxide 40; and
• Final processing steps for the aforementioned conversion processes involve
protein concentration followed by drying to remove excess water and create a
stable, dry and granular product.

Calt, E.A. (2015). Products Produced from Organic Waste Using Managed Ecosystem Fermentation.
Journal of Sustainable Development; Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015.
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6.3.3 Lenses

6.3.4 Suitability
• Locations with centralised resources and energy centres;
• Locations adjacent to food and beverage manufacturer (e.g. Park Royal Industrial
Estate) or other suitable feedstocks;
• Land-take requirements would depend on process technology and treatment
• End markets would need to be identified for the products – the more local, the
better; and
• Investment typically by a private developer.

6.3.5 Benefits
• Up-cycling of nutrients that would otherwise be undervalued or lost;
• Converting the handling of waste from an expense to an additional source of
• Reduced need for importing animal feed to meet growing demand;
• Supports the development of a new market for protein products; and
• The MEF process is capable of producing several thousand dollars of revenue per
ton of organic waste.
• The use of waste and by-products as raw materials in the manufacture of new
products instead of energy generation and disposal, in line with the waste
• The reduced need for importing animal feed reduces environmental impacts
associated with its transport;
• Generation of high quality animal feed of consistent composition that is able to
provide better nutrition to animals; and
• The promotion of industrial symbiosis and, therefore, a sharing economy.

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6.3.6 Examples
South China Reborn Resources (Zhongshan) Company Ltd, EcoPark, Hong Kong
The site covers an area of 0.85ha at the EcoPark in Hong Kong with a capacity to
treat 100 tonnes/day. The company collect food waste from hotels and restaurants
for use in their process, which involves bacterial fermentation and drying processes
to create protein supplements for fish and animal feed. Approximately 15% of the
incoming weight of waste is sold as protein supplement. It is understood that all the
product made in Hong Kong is sold within the local market. The company also
operates facilities in Mainland China. 41
Horizon Proteins, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh campus, UK
Developed by a team at Heriot-Watt University as part of Scotland’s ‘Making Things
Last: A Circular Economy Strategy’, the novel patented ‘Horizon Proteins’ process
prepares a concentrated protein product from pot ale – a liquid residue left over
from the whisky-making process. The product, which contains about 65-80%
protein, is used as salmon feed and hopes to replace traditional proteins used in
salmon feeding such as fish meal and soya bean meal. 42

Nutrinsic, Ohio, USA

The Nutrinsic protein production facility is co-located with MillerCoors at the
brewer’s water reclamation centre in Trenton, Ohio. The facility has the capacity to
produce 5,000 tonnes/annum of its signature protein animal feed known as
ProFlocTM from the wastewater comprising water, waste beer, spent grains and
yeast. 43

6.3.7 Enablers
• Process development to increase scale of treatment processes;
• Behavioural change programmes to educate the public on the source segregation
of organic waste;
• Showcasing the economic incentive of using a biorefinery compared to
conventional organic waste disposal routes; and
• Investment from industry or local authority into biorefineries.

6.3.8 Stakeholders
• Local residents;
• Food and beverage manufacturers in the Park Royal Industrial Estate;

South China Reborn Resources (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd (2016). Recycling Process of Food Waste for Feed
in EcoPark. Available at: (Accessed 26
October 2016).
Horizon Proteins (2016). The Technology. Available at:
technology.html (Accessed 26 October 2016).
Nutrinsic (2014). ProFlocTM: The Future of Animal Nutrition. Available at:
content/uploads/2014/10/ProFlocPresentation.11.2014.pdf (Accessed 26 October 2016).
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• Local authorities;
• Waste collection authorities;
• Waste contractors;
• Process developers and suppliers; and
• Investor.

6.4 Bio-plastics production

6.4.1 Summary of initiative

The bacteria in sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants can be used to
produce bioplastics. The process removes the volatile fatty acids from sewage
sludge, which are mixed with bacteria to digest them and convert them to
biopolymers. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) polymers can then be refined into
biodegradable bioplastics that are 100% derived from wastewater. 44
Bioplastics are already being used in the medical and pharmaceutical industries due
to their biodegradability and biocompatibility. Their uses include sutures, patches,
stents, tissue regeneration scaffolds, nerve guides, grafts, implants, wound
dressings, and other medical products. Further uses include the automotive and
packaging industries.
Though the process is capital intensive at the moment and dependant on the oil price
by competing with fossil fuel-based plastics, the bioplastics produced also have high
value, and the productions costs are likely to reduce as the technology, and scale

Figure 11: Bioplastic meat tray (Source: Doug Beckers via Flickr)

Circulate News (2015). A New Way to Make Plastic. Available at: (Accessed 26 October 2016).
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6.4.2 Key facts

• Sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants can be used to produce
bioplastics that can be used to manufacture a range of consumer products and
technical equipment;
• Use of digestate from AD as feedstock for bioplastics in research and
• The production of bioplastics reduces waste and creates new revenue streams;
• The economic feasibility of bioplastics remains a challenge as products continue
to compete with fossil fuel-based plastics but ongoing market changes are giving
a boost to the bioplastics market.

6.4.3 Lenses

6.4.4 Suitability
• Proximity to feedstock to reduce transport costs; and
• End markets would need to be identified for the bioplastics, potentially in Park
Royal Industrial Estate as a packaging material.

6.4.5 Benefits
• Cost savings from reuse of sewage sludge and reduced costs for waste disposal;
• New revenue stream potential from the sale of bioplastics.
• Increased biodegradability;
• Replaces the need for harmful non-biodegradable fossil fuel based plastics and
contributes to a shift towards using more sustainable materials and products;
• Potential for upcycling of sewage and upcycling of digestate.

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6.4.6 Example
Environmental services company Veolia, via its subsidiary company Aquiris in
Belgium, has successfully completed trials of producing bioplastics from sewage
sludge (i.e. upcycle sewage sludge into a product). Veolia discovered that under
certain conditions bacteria found in activated sludge from wastewater treatment
processes can convert biomass into valuable biopolymers for the plastic and
chemical industries. The process can be used to manufacture pens, vehicle bumpers
and even farm tarpaulin. This closed loop initiative not only minimises waste, it also
creates value for customers and partners. 45

6.4.7 Enablers
• Incentives for R&D companies and environmental services companies;
• Policy and legislation to tighten environmental targets and promote
development of the bioplastics industry;
• Collaboration between waste companies, local authorities and other
stakeholders to identify and overcome barriers;
• Higher oil price (>US $80/barrel); and
• Investment.

6.4.8 Stakeholders
• Waste and wastewater treatment and management companies;
• Food and beverage manufacturers;
• Local authorities;
• Central government; and
• Investors.

6.5 Rooftop farming

6.5.1 Summary of initiative

Rooftop farming helps to maximise local resources and the use of valuable space,
whilst establishing a healthy local food supply and creating opportunities for
community engagement.
Rooftop farming can operate in a closed loop system using rain and wastewater
harvested from rooftops and households, energy and heat generated in the local
area and by buildings, and waste produced by households and businesses. Growing
plants provide cooling and shading to buildings in the summer and thermal insulation
in the winter. Food waste from local homes and businesses can be used as compost.
And food products may be sold locally at a food market, community kitchen and in

Biovox (2015). Turning Brussel’s Wastewater into Bioplastics. Available at: (Accessed 26
October 2016).
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local cafes, minimising food miles and providing fresh produce to the local
population. Surplus food can either be sold or distributed for free to those in need
via local charities, or a virtual community sharing platform.
Aquaponics, aeroponics and hydroponic growing techniques allow growers to
maximise productivity and cultivate a variety of crops throughout the year.
Greenhouses also help to raise productivity and facilitate cultivation of a wider
range of crops. Larger, flat roof surfaces (e.g. factories, warehouses etc) are most
suitable for food growing; successful examples from around the world tend to be at
least 2,000m². The economics of urban food growing depend to a large part on
contextual issues related to resource availability, the local culture and market,
planning regulations and other factors. Capital costs tend to be high and success
stories often involve partnerships (e.g. between landowners, supermarkets, growers
and investors). The industry is still in its infancy but appears to be growing in
response to ongoing food security and pricing issues as well as political and cultural
changes in attitudes.
Urban rooftop farming can also bring together communities, increasing outdoor
activity, social interaction, health and wellbeing. Growing food and building a
temporary food market on land earmarked for future development can further
contribute to reducing food miles and negative environmental impacts whilst
enhancing place-making and community engagement around food growing,
sustainability and healthy living.
There are also opportunities to link food growers and communities with local and
regional businesses - including airports - to create a closed loop system in which
energy, water, food waste, compost/fertiliser, and food products are cycled in
repetitive loops. 46

The Guardian (2014). Next-Gen Urban Farms: 10 Innovative Projects From Around the World.
innovative-projects-from-around-the-world (Accessed 26 October 2016).
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Figure 12: Lufa rooftop farm greenhouses, Montreal (Source: Fadi Hage, Macrosize
Photography via wikimedia)

6.5.2 Key facts

• Urban farming maximises valuable urban rooftop space and helps create a closed
loop between local energy, waste and food resources;
• Rooftop farming promotes sustainability and environmental awareness as well as
raising community interactions and wellbeing;
• Large flat spaces are required and regular access, making it only suitable for
certain buildings and spaces; and
• Currently, social and environmental benefits outweigh economics though an
increasing number of successful cases are starting to illustrate and boost the
economic and business case.

6.5.3 Lenses

6.5.4 Suitability
• Areas with sufficient (surface area) and appropriate (flat and structurally sound)
roof space for food growing;
• Locations with accessible rooftops, where regular access by growers can be
accommodated alongside other business activities e.g. equipment and produce
can be transported in lifts without disturbing primary business functions,
workers and residents 47;
• A suitable transport system to ensure fresh produce (e.g. highly perishable good
like salad) can be moved efficiently between growing facilities, shops/markets,
cafes and waste capturing plants. Reverse logistics and autonomous vehicles may
be used to minimise food miles and pollution and maximise efficiency;
• Communities with sufficient appetite for produce, i.e. shops and markets where
it can be sold; and

Ecologist (2014). Coming to a Rooftop Near You – The Urban Growing Revolution.
n_growing_revolution.html (Accessed 26 October 2016).
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• Areas with on-site or local sources of low carbon or renewable energy


6.5.5 Benefits
• Lower overall costs for fresh produce, and discounts for local volunteers;
• Lower food transport costs;
• Revenues generated from sale of products, which is also likely to remain in the
local economy;
• Potential for job creation and skills development; and
• High efficiency and yield maximises return on investment.

• Maximises under-utilized spaces and rooftops;
• Contributes to improving health outcomes from healthy eating of locally grown
crops and exercise relates to growing and harvesting;
• Potential to create local closed loop system, integrating and maximising food and
other waste, locally generated energy, and water resource streams;
• Reduces food miles and associated environmental impacts including carbon
emissions and air pollution;
• Increases social interaction and wellbeing, providing a communal outdoor
activity accessible to all;
• Maximises use of local resources – energy, heat, water, food waste;
• Provides cooling and shading, and helps counteract the urban heat island effect;
• Can increase biodiversity;
• Raises awareness about food growing and sustainability, providing educational
opportunities for the community and promoting engagement between the public
and local businesses; and
• Food growing on temporary land can contribute to high quality place-making and
increased resident participation, satisfaction and wellbeing.

6.5.6 Example
Gotham Greens have created a 6,000m2 greenhouse using hydroponics on the roof
of a Whole Foods store in Brooklyn, New York. 48 The commercial scale facility
produces over 45,000kg of fresh produce a year, and is supported by 60kW of on-
site solar PV panels. High efficiency design features including LED lighting, advanced

Whole Foods Supermarket (2016). The Greenhouse. Available at: (Accessed 26 October 2016).
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glazing, passive ventilation, and thermal curtains further help to reduce electrical
and heating demand requirements. Energy use is also reduced via rooftop
integration, which helps to insulate the building. Recirculating irrigation systems
capture water for reuse, reducing the need for chemical pesticides, insecticides or
The advanced hydroponic greenhouse system is highly efficient, using 90% less
water than traditional farming methods and achieving 20 times the output per acre.
Gotham Greens and Whole Foods operate in partnership with fresh produce from
the rooftop farm sold in the supermarket below. Whole Foods also offers
educational opportunities for local students and schools to learn about greenhouses,
farming and other environmental issues. 49

6.5.7 Enablers
• Collaboration between growers, land and building owners, and developers to
identify and agree space and other requirements;
• Accessible platforms hosting information portals and guidance, a forum for
sharing experiences, expertise and volunteering opportunities. Case studies of
successful projects may also help to reassure stakeholders curious about the
process, and its costs and benefits;
• Local authority advice and support for urban farming, encouraging existing
commercial building owners and developers to consider opportunities for food
growing. Incentives to host growers on suitable roof spaces could also be
• Workshops and targeted discussions bringing together local and regional
stakeholders including businesses and residents to identify opportunities for
closed loop services;
• Planning regulation adjustments to facilitate development of roof space;
• Investment via mutually beneficial partnerships;
• Incentives from local authority and development coordinators to promote and
de-risk rooftop farming; and
• Advanced food growing technology solutions e.g. hydroponics.

6.5.8 Stakeholders
• Local authorities;
• Land owners;
• Local business leaders;
• Urban and rooftop food growing specialists;
• Developers;

Gotham Greens (2016). Our Farms: Gowanus, Brooklyn, NYC. Available at: (Accessed 26 October 2016).
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• Investors; and
• Community.

6.6 Battery storage

6.6.1 Summary of initiative

The battery storage market is growing rapidly, creating efficiencies and new
opportunities for sustainable urban electricity generation and distribution. 50
Different energy storage technologies can be installed at various points on the
network from the point of generation (e.g. urban power plants such as Energy from
Waste facilities), at the neighbourhood level (e.g. substations) and at the point of use
(e.g. decentralised storage in domestic buildings and electric vehicles). Batteries are
the most common form of electricity storage. Though still expensive at present, the
market for lithium-ion – and increasingly sodium-ion – batteries is growing, and
prices coming down rapidly thanks to the success of companies such as Tesla and the
growth of smart grid applications. Lead-acid batteries are also seeing rapid market
growth. 51
Storage technologies help to accommodate variable renewable energy generation
onto the grid, ensuring that supply can match demand when it is needed. 52 This
increases a city or district’s resilience, adding redundancy and flexibility to the
system and reducing the need for additional conventional (gas) generation. It also
reduces transmission and distribution losses and their associated costs.
Advanced domestic batteries can be charged from local energy generators, e.g. solar
PV and waste to energy, or from the grid outside of peak times, storing and providing
energy to homes when they need it. Larger scale battery and grid storage units can
also be used to manage commercial users’ peak flows and costs, and provide stability
to the grid. The integration of smart energy devices means assets such as fridges and
lighting can be temporarily turned down or off to help manage energy flows in real
time without negatively impacting assets’ performance – see energy demand
management case study for more details.
The batteries in electric vehicles (EVs) can be used to store energy, helping to
regulate and support the electric distribution network when supply is short.
Together, plug-in EVs and new battery technologies can also create mobile

Clean Technica (2016). The Market & Opportunity for Energy Storage in the UK. Available at: (Accessed 26
October 2016).
Tesla (2016). Sustainable Power your Home or Business. Available at: (Accessed 26 October 2016).
Financial Times (2016). Battery-Power Investments Energise UK Renewable Sector. Available at: (Accessed 26 October
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electricity infrastructure, turning the streets into a platform for renewable energy
storage and distribution – see more details in the Clean Tech Estate scenario. After
the end of their useful life in EVs, car batteries can also be used for other storage
purposes, known as second life uses, for example, in home storage – see Nissan
example below.

Figure 13: Portland General Electric's Salem Smart Power Centre (Source: Portland General
Electric via Flickr)

6.6.2 Key facts

• The battery storage market is expanding rapidly and costs declining for ever
more advanced technology solutions 53;
• Battery storage helps commercial and domestic customers to store high quality,
low carbon energy, manage power quality, reliability and ever-increasing costs 54;
• Electric vehicles are contributing to the battery storage market; batteries are
increasingly being used in ‘second-life’ functions following the end of their use as
car batteries, e.g. as domestic storage.

Renewable Energy Association (2015). Energy Storage in the UK: An Overview. Available at: (Accessed
26 October 2016).
Carbon Brief (2016). National Grid sees Major Boost for Solar, Electric Vehicles and Batteries. Available
batteries (Accessed 26 October 2016).
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6.6.3 Lenses

6.6.4 Suitability
• Locations where electric vehicle usage is increasing;
• Dense urban areas with a mix of residential and commercial uses; and
• Large energy users with scheduled functions help maximise storage potential.

6.6.5 Benefits
• Financial savings from avoided need for investment in new gas generation assets;
• Stored surplus electricity can be sold for profit;
• Drives renewable energy technology market and creates jobs;
• Improves transmission and distribution system performance and reduces losses
and associated costs;
• Reductions in prices for battery storage is making renewable energy generation
more commercially competitive;
• Maximises the use of EV batteries;
• Reduces or defers the need for costly grid infrastructure upgrades; and
• Potential to boost the battery manufacturing market.
• Allows renewable energy to be generated when it is most efficient, and stored
until there is demand for it;
• Increases grid resilience and energy security by providing reserve capacity in the
event of system failure;
• Enables the development of island mode and micro grids;
• Increase system stability and efficiency and maintains quality of supply;
• Reduces emissions from energy generation and increases viability of renewable
energy generation; and
• Modular and scalable to meet load requirements – deployable in months rather
than in years in the case of conventional (fossil fuel) peaking plants.
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6.6.6 Example
Electric car manufacturer Nissan is partnering with National Grid, and power
management supplier Eaton and utility Enel to explore ‘second-life’ uses for the
lithium-ion batteries in its EVs. Nissan’s vehicle-to-grid (V2G) trial is the first of its
kind in the UK; the battery is intended for sale on the European market. 55
Nissan’s home xStorage device consists of 12 batteries taken from Nissan EVs. The
system combines Nissan’s LEAF batteries with Eaton’s uninterruptable power
supply (UPS) technology and solar PV to create a stand-alone energy storage and
control package. This allows homeowners to draw power from the National Grid
when it’s cheap or renewable, and store it so that it can be used at peak times at a
lower cost. They can also sell electricity back to the grid for a profit. xStorage costs
£3,200 and allows homeowners to store 4.2kWh. It is primarily aimed at
homeowners with solar panels on their roof.
The company plans to scale up the technology. It claims that if all the vehicles on UK
roads were electric, vehicle-to-grid technology could generate a virtual power plant
of up to 370 GW – enough to power the UK, Germany and France.

6.6.7 Enablers
• Smart grid development and underpinning technology connecting and
communicating between storage facilities and the grid;
• Continuing advances in battery storage technology;
• Policy, regulation or incentives to drive EV and smart grid roll out;
• Contractual agreements to facilitate flow of electricity between battery storage
technologies and the grid; and
• Economies of scale to provide increased volume of batteries.

6.6.8 Stakeholders
• Local authorities;
• Battery technology EV and energy suppliers;
• Aggregators;
• Research institutes;
• Investors; and
• National Grid.

Dezeen (2016). Nissan Reveals its Answer to Tesla’s Powerwall Battery System for the Home. Available
home/ (Accessed 26 October 2016).
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6.7 Circular hubs

6.7.1 Summary of initiative

Circular hubs are designed to attract and provide space for the incubation and
development of a range of businesses including clean tech organisations, academic
institutions, live-work spaces, manufacturing facilities and workshop spaces.
Circular hubs seek to maximise the use of space and enhance business opportunities
by bringing together like-minded groups on a single, specially designed premises.
Clustering facilitates opportunities to incubate and test clean tech and circular
economy initiatives, driving experimentation and innovation. It catalyses
collaboration, increases opportunities for shared learning and knowledge/skills
exchange. 56
Incentives such as reduced business rates, low cost energy and free ride-sharing
services help to attract businesses. On-site restaurants and cafés use food waste
from local businesses and food growing ventures (such as rooftop farming), and co-
living developments enable businesses leaders and workers to live in affordable,
flexible homes on the site. Communal spaces also provide opportunities for
networking, socialising and the casual exchange of ideas.
Planning authorities and developers can facilitate the development of circular hubs
by providing services that businesses can easily plug-in to, e.g. advanced and
accessible digital infrastructure, integrated transport links and fully serviced units,
in which access to utilities and other basics is already set up and included as part of
an inclusive package.
Smart and digital technologies can also help to maximise the site’s efficiency with
flexible space rental and leasing opportunities advertised in real time via space
sharing platforms and services.

London Sustainable Development Commission (2016). Better Future: A Route Map to Creating a
Cleantech Cluster in London. Available at: (Accessed 26
October 2016).
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Figure 14: CleanTech One, Singapore (Source: KCyamazaki via wikimedia)

6.7.2 Key facts

• Clean tech hubs maximise the utility of space, encourage collaboration and drive
• Clean tech hubs tend to require a large land area and must be flexibly designed to
accommodate different business needs including offices, workshops, homes,
factories and research labs and centres and communal spaces;
• Advanced digital infrastructure underpins all activities and must be installed,
maintained and managed consistently to the highest level; and
• Sustainability and circular economy should be prioritised from the start of
development to ensure they are embedded in all business and recreational
activities as the site expands.

6.7.3 Lenses

6.7.4 Suitability
• Major cities with high land values and costs of living;
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• Urban areas with a high volume of varied business sectors already in operation;
• Locations well connected to neighbouring cities and regions; and
• Regions with local authorities and developers prepared to experiment with an
innovative model of development and provide necessary infrastructure and

6.7.5 Benefits
• Circular hubs contribute to tackling the lack of affordable business premises and
affordable homes in major cities;
• Cost savings for business and residential customers from reduced rents and
other outgoings e.g. energy and living costs;
• Enhanced business revenue opportunities from co-location of diverse range of
• Hubs provide attractive investment opportunities; and
• High capital costs but significant economic potential from creation of jobs and
boosting of local economy.
• Circular hubs maximise building asset utilisation which helps to lower energy and
resource use and cut carbon emissions;
• Flexible office space rental (on a daily or monthly basis) is perfect for location
independent businesses of all scales and offers the chance to engage with and
learn from other professionals whilst increasing business and social networking;
• Provide both a resource and skills sharing platform that promotes industrial
symbiosis and helps innovators access the latest technology and market
information, rapidly and efficiently;
• Clustering provides opportunities for collaboration, networking, co-creation and
knowledge/skills exchange;
• Co-location of businesses, academia and manufacturing provides a test-bed
environment to incubate and experiment with innovative technologies and
practices such as autonomous vehicle ride-sharing services;
• Encourages public-private cooperation between local authorities, developers
and businesses; and
• Enhanced liveability, health and wellbeing in hub areas and surrounding regions.

6.7.6 Example
Berlin’s Clean Tech Business Park brings together businesses from clean tech
industries including green energy production and storage, energy efficiency,
sustainable mobility, circular economy, sustainable water management, resource

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and material efficiency and green chemistry. 57 The 90 hectare urban industrial space
in the Marzahn-Hellersdorf district of Berlin offers a premium location at the heart
of Europe’s clean tech sector, links to Berlin’s world renowned research and
development community, and high quality, affordable living options for skilled
workers and executives. Berlin is actively promoting the development of future
technologies with policies designed to support research and collaboration. 58
The Agora Collective in Berlin is a co-working space that provides business spaces,
workshops, cafes, a garden, and event space across five floors. 59 It is aimed at
international and local freelancers, entrepreneurs and clean tech business groups.
Art exhibitions are also held at the Agora Collective helping to engage local artists
and the public in the project.

6.7.7 Enablers
• Supportive regulatory environment including government/local authority
regulations mandating the provision of basic services and guarantee of cut price
business rates;
• Incentives for businesses such as affordable rent prices, energy and rapid
internet connectivity, use of meeting rooms etc;
• Promotion of the hub format and demonstration of benefits to local businesses;
• Investment and business partnerships bringing together investors, tech
companies and local/city authorities.

6.7.8 Stakeholders
• Local authorities;
• International and local businesses;
• Local chamber of commerce;
• Entrepreneurs;
• Artists; and
• Local communities and residents.

CleanTech (2016). CleanTech Business Park Berlin-Marzahn. Available at: (Accessed 26 October 2016).
CleanTech (2016). CleanTech Innovation Centre. Available at: http://cleantech- (Accessed 26 October 2016).
Agora Collective (2016). About Agora. Available at:
(Accessed 26 October 2016).
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6.8 Design for flexibility

6.8.1 Summary of initiative

The aim of design for flexibility is to facilitate multiple uses of a building to maximise
its utility. Designing for flexibility reduces wasted time, effort and materials
traditionally associated with building use transitions and expands the range of
possible users of a building. A building designed for flexibility also allows users and
owners to tailor it and its spaces to their needs with less cost and supports the
return of unneeded materials and components into the supply chain.
Modular design facilitates the effortless customisation and remodelling of a building
and its spaces to suit a range of user needs. It offers a far greater range of
customisation options and therefore enables the building to meet the user needs
precisely to support productivity and occupant health and wellbeing. Effective use
and lease models further support smooth and easy use transitions and adaptable
building spaces make them well suited for temporary socially beneficial ‘meanwhile
uses’ at times when the building or space would otherwise be vacant.
Modular design enables materials and components to be separated and returned to
supply chains when they are no longer needed within the building. Modular design
principles can be applied across the range of building ‘layers’, from its structural core
to internal fit out. Early consideration of these principles in the design process
enables their deep integration within the building fabric and structure.
Digital technology can be utilised to further building adaptability. Digital technology
solutions which integrate sensors and cloud computing - smart systems - can provide
users real time control of the building environment, through elements including
heating, lighting or ventilation. Integration of smart solutions with Intelligent BIM
can provide building users a deeper insight into potential use and customisation
opportunities. 60

Arup (2016). Circular Economy in the Built Environment. Available at: (Accessed
26 October 2016).
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Figure 15: Arup Circular Building 2016, London (Source: Arup Associates)

6.8.2 Key facts

• Design for flexibility aims to enable multiple, diverse uses of a building in order to
maximise its utility;
• Modular design enables customisation of a building in line with new user needs;
• Early consideration modular design principles in the building development
process enable flexibility at a deeper level within the building;
• Integration of digital technologies, sensors and cloud computing through design
can facilitate real time, personalised control of internal building environments;
• Implementation of BIM enables better building design and configuration.

6.8.3 Lenses

6.8.4 Suitability
• New buildings and development areas being designed and built from scratch; and
• Building retrofit or renovation projects.

6.8.5 Benefits
• Reduces cost of use transitions e.g. from commercial uses to residential;
• Optimisation of building and space use opportunities, maximising revenues for
the owner/ developer;
• Building environments can be precisely and easily tailored to user needs to
support productivity; and
• Materials can be returned to the supply chain, or sold via reuse platforms. This
boosts secondary markets for reuse of materials.
• Avoided waste from associated use transitions;

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• Potential for avoiding construction of new buildings and associated impacts e.g.
resource use and emissions; and
• Buildings suitable for beneficial ‘meanwhile uses’ provide opportunities for
place-making and community functions, increasing social interactions and
wellbeing amongst local residents.

6.8.6 Example
The Circular Building was developed by Arup, Frener & Reifer, BAM Construction
and The Built Environment Trust as a prototype to explore the potential for a
completely circular building. 61 The building was showcased in the 2016 London
Design Festival and explores how building design can use off-site fabrication,
modularity and smart systems to develop a simple building which responds to user
needs, minimises energy and water consumption and can be smoothly
deconstructed and returned to the supply chain at the highest possible material
An integrated NextGen Living Wall helps to enhance the space aesthetics and air
quality of the building. These systems are simple to install and maintain and can be
easily dismantled and moved without any wasted materials. As each plant is
individually potted they can be easily removed and replaced without damage to
neighbouring plants, allowing customisation of plant arrangements to suit user
tastes. Desso carpet tiles were used in the Circular Building. While these are
exceedingly modular and allow for customisation, Desso also offers tiles through a
carpet leasing service option. Instead of owning the carpet, customers lease it as a
service from Desso, who install, clean maintain and eventually remove and recycle
the carpet.
Arup investigated options for use and lease options for kitchen appliances. While
some companies, such as Amsterdam-based Bundles, are already offering kitchen
appliances as services, the design team was unable to find a UK-based firm offering
such a service. This highlights the gaps and opportunities that remain in this area. 62
A majority of the elements within the Circular Building can be returned into the
supply chain but those which are modular by design can be returned at a higher
value use. For example, Lindtapers are a clamp type bolt which were used to fix
façade elements to the steel structural beams without making holes in the
steelwork. These provide flexibility, ease of deconstruction and enable reuse and
recycling. Similarly, Fatra water proof membrane sheets were joined in such a way
that allows the membranes to be removed and reused.
Lighting within the Circular Building was provided by Track Sopt Lighting which
incorporates wireless light fitting controls and sensors through Xicato Bluetooth
based LED technology. This opens up the freedom of control of light fittings to
individual users working in a space under ‘their own’ lights. The modules in the light

Arup (2016). Circular Building 2016. Available at: (Accessed 26
October 2016).
Arup (2016). The Circular Building: The Most Advances Reusable Building Yet. Available at:
anced_reusable_building_yet (Accessed 26 October 2016).
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fittings can be updated to cope with developments in technology and the light
fittings themselves have been designed such that key components can be removed
for servicing, repairs and updates.
Each material in the Circular Building comes with its own QR code containing the
information required to allow reuse. Together this information feeds into a
Materials Database created using a cloud-based platform from which data has been
fed to both the Circular Building website and the BIM model.

6.8.7 Enablers
• Policy to drive consideration of design for flexibility early within building design
• Scope within building design for research and investigation into emerging design
for flexibility approaches and engagement with suppliers to develop modular,
intelligent solutions;
• Technology maturity and declining costs (e.g. BIM models, sensor and control
systems and cloud computing);
• Development of products-as-service business models and availability; and
• Education to bring design for flexibility into mainstream practice.

6.8.8 Stakeholders
• Developers;
• Financiers;
• Architects/designers;
• Building engineers; and
• Potential occupants.

6.9 Community-led development

6.9.1 Summary of initiative

Community-led development – also known as self-build and custom-build
development – allows local people to oversee the design and construction of their
own homes and communities. Local authorities can facilitate the process by
providing land or basic services including access to the public highway and
connections for utilities (e.g. electricity, water, and wastewater).
In self-build, a person arranges all elements of the design and construction
themselves, while in community-led and custom-build development a person or
community works with an architect and specialist developer to manage, adapt and
deliver homes to a specific set of criteria. The latter is less hands-on for the client
and may involve the developer managing finance on the project. Both approaches
enable local residents to specify the quality and functionality of their homes,
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adapting the size, lay-out and fittings to their budget and needs. People may also
choose to collaborate on the design of their community based on shared values such
as sustainability. These approaches tends to result in lower costs and can help to
create affordable homes and cohesive, intergenerational communities. 63
Shared services, spaces and assets may be designed-in to maximise space utilisation.
Communal spaces such as kitchens and living areas create opportunities for sharing
meals and skills and casual social interactions between neighbours. Basic internal fit-
outs allow for flexibility of spaces’ use. And sustainable practices such as on-site
renewable energy generation and modular, pre-fabricated house building ‘kits’ help
lower energy and construction costs and increase local resilience.
Digital design sharing and editing services such as BIM may be used to assist the
design process in addition to platforms that facilitate space, asset, and skills rental
and sharing.

Figure 16: Malmo, canal housing (Source: La Citta Vita via Flickr)

6.9.2 Key facts

• Provides ordinary people choice and flexibility as to how their home is designed
and used;
• Tends to be cheaper than buying a house on the open market;
• Can be designed to integrate shared spaces, sustainable elements and boost
opportunities for sharing meals, skills and socialising within a community;

Design Council (2016). Community-Led Design & Development. Available at: (Accessed 26
October 2016).
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• Modularity and prefabricated construction techniques can lower costs and

significantly reduce construction times; and
• A possible solution to the lack of affordable housing in dense urban areas.

6.9.3 Lenses

6.9.4 Suitability
• Groups with a particular shared interest or goal e.g. sustainability or circular
• Individuals seeking more involvement in the building of their homes or influence
over design than can be expected in the open market;
• Individuals and groups seeking to build or join a community rather than an
individual property;
• Locations where regulations/incentives are in place to facilitate self and custom
building e.g. where local authorities have earmarked plots of land especially; and
• May be better suited to denser urban areas with high property prices and land

6.9.5 Benefits
• Cost savings due to low Stamp Duty Land Tax, zero VAT on new build housing
and increased control over choice of materials, size and other features (in the
UK); and
• Lower overall costs than equivalent homes bought on the open market.
• Provides individuals with flexibility and control over design and construction
quality, functionality and affordability of homes;
• Asset utilisation is maximised through space sharing. This lowers overall energy
and resource use which cuts costs and environmental impacts such as carbon

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• Passive house standards, renewable energy sources and other sustainable

approaches contribute to lowering energy costs and environmental impacts and
enhancing resilience; and
• Creation of cohesive, supportive communities, increasing residents’ social and
physical resilience and enhancing the desirability of certain locations.
Communities tend to design in communal green spaces which further contribute
to liveability, sustainability and community wellbeing.

6.9.6 Examples
The Buiksloterham district of Amsterdam is being designed and built using self-build
and circular economy principles. 64 The municipality is working in collaboration with
local businesses, community organisations and individuals to create 3,500 new
homes and 200,000m² of workspace. Sustainability and circularity are at the heart of
the scheme, and self-builders’ applications will be judged on how proposed
developments meet these criteria. The final development area will be zero-waste,
emission-free and entirely energy self-sufficient. All products and materials will be
recovered for reuse, repair and recycling. And incentives will be put in place to
attract businesses to the area, creating a ‘living lab’ for testing smart, digital and
circular technologies and practices.
Amsterdam’s city council is supporting the self-build development approach by
providing plots to private individuals and groups in attractive locations. The city is
also providing urban development guidelines emphasising the need to maximise
space use. Local stakeholders will retain responsibility and authority over local
decision-making towards agreed targets, increasing buy-in and engagement. And
urban sensing and open data infrastructure will be implemented to monitor, manage
and communicate the functioning of the community and its systems. An Action Plan
will be developed providing a community web portal and guidelines for residents,
developers, and other local stakeholders.
Similar self-build and custom-build development projects are underway in Almere
near Amsterdam, in Berlin, and in the UK including the Graven Hill Village
development project in Oxfordshire, the Cohousing Woodside development project
in Muswell Hill, North London as well as Brixton Green South London. 65, 66

6.9.7 Enablers
• The England Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 67;
• Government and local authority support to unlock land, ensure it is affordable
and provide services such as access to utilities. Planning regulations may need to

Amsterdam Smart City (2016). Circular City: Circular Buiksloterham. Available at: (Accessed 26 October 2016).
The Self Build Portal (2016). Almere, Holland. Available at: (Accessed 26 October 2016).
CoHousing Berlin (2016). About CoHousing Berlin. Available at: http://www.cohousing- (Accessed 26 October 2016).
UK Parliament (2015). The Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015. Available at: (Accessed 26 October
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be adjusted to make land easier to buy and develop for private individuals and
• Incentives to encourage groups to choose certain locations, e.g. land cost/rent
and tax reductions;
• Alternative financial and legal arrangements (including mortgages) for purchases
of land by self-build individuals or groups including to promote and enable
shared ownership, and improve access to funding for collective projects;
• Practical support for self-builders, e.g. case studies and examples illustrating
successful projects and how they overcame common obstacles;
• On individual projects, a committed project manager (ideally experienced in
design/ construction) is desirable but to oversee the coordination of the build;
• Information and skills sharing platforms and services amongst communities and

6.9.8 Stakeholders
• Local authorities;
• Central government;
• Architects;
• Builders/construction companies;
• Developers;
• Legal advisers;
• Banks and investors; and
• Community groups and individuals.

6.10 Community-owned energy infrastructure

6.10.1 Summary of initiative

Community-owned energy infrastructure enables neighbourhoods to produce, store
and locally distribute their own energy, and retain a degree of control over local
services and their associated costs. 68 Low and zero carbon solutions such as solar
PV, wind, anaerobic digestion and biomass can be used to fuel a distributed energy
network. 69 This can help to lower the community’s reliance on the grid and increase
local resilience to price volatility and grid failures. Neighbourhood storage facilities

Clark, D., Chadwick, M. (2011). A Rough Guide to Community Energy. Available at:
to_Community_Energy.pdf (Accessed 26 October 2016).
Woking Borough Council (undated). Defra Community Energy. Available at:
(Accessed 26 October 2016).
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further enable communities to balance variable decentralised and renewable energy

and manage peak demand – see battery storage case study.
To manage locally produced energy, communities may choose to develop an Energy
Service Company (ESCo). Unlike conventional energy suppliers, ESCos provide local
businesses and residents with a service – such as heat – rather than equipment – like
a boiler. The ESCo retains responsibility for the performance of the service including
installation, maintenance, and operation, as well as the upfront costs. The end user
effectively leases the energy service (e.g. the provision of heat) at an agreed rate.
A joint public-private ESCo may be developed between a local authority and a
private company (or individuals) to benefit a community. Local authority
involvement helps the organisation to access finance and meet local targets (e.g. on
fuel poverty or carbon emissions), while the private entity may aim to maximise
economic returns, which can be reinvested in local projects that benefit the

Figure 17: Moss Community Energy, Salford (Source: 10:10 via Flickr)

6.10.2 Key facts

• An ESCo can be set up to help a community manage locally produced energy; and
• Community energy projects help communities to implement renewable energy,
increase resilience and lower energy bills.

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6.10.3 Lenses

6.10.4 Suitability
• Dense urban developments;
• Communities looking to implement high cost energy projects but lacking capital
funding; and
• Communities committed to specific goals – such as sustainability or improved air

6.10.5 Benefits
• Communities can earn revenue via a feed in tariff, demand management
mechanisms and sale of energy via a community-run ESCo. Profits can be
reinvested into community projects;
• Helps communities to implement innovative and low carbon energy projects
whilst avoiding upfront costs needed to finance projects and guaranteeing
energy performance levels;
• Contributes to increasing local energy security and resilience to power and price
• Profits can be retained within the local economy and help to lower residents’
energy bills; and
• Potential to stimulate local supply chains and create jobs.
• Enhances local management of energy generation (e.g. choice of technology) and
price setting;
• Maximises local waste streams and minimise landfill through using waste to
• Potential to trial a local smart metering system;
• Integrates renewables and minimise environmental impacts including local
emissions and air quality. Contribute to lowering wider regional and national
emissions; and

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• Promotes engaged communities and social cohesion. Enhance energy

consciousness and facilitate behaviour change.

6.10.6 Examples
In 2000, Thameswey Energy Ltd (an ESCo) was set up as a public-private joint
venture between Woking Borough Council and a Danish biogas plant developer
named Xergi. It uses CHP to supply electricity and heat to local authority buildings,
businesses and homes in Woking. 70
The company receives funding through shareholding capital and loan finance and is
owned 90% by Thameswey Energy Ltd and 10% by Woking Borough Council, who
bought out Xergi at the end of 2011. To avoid charges for using the grid, Thameswey
Energy Ltd established a private electricity network. It was thus able to fund the
development of its own infrastructure and assets and provide electricity to low
income households at below market rates. This helped the borough meet the targets
it set itself around fuel poverty.
Thameswey Energy Ltd invests some of the profits it makes from supplying
electricity back into local energy efficiency programmes. It uses its status as a public-
private venture to avoid capital controls that would ordinarily be placed on a local
authority company. With these savings it has implemented larger scale projects
using private finance and funds recycled through the council’s efficiency fund.
Thameswey Solar Ltd manages 1,800 kW of PV installations on public, community
and residential buildings across the borough. 71 This is enough to power a laptop in
every household or equivalent to the entire average annual electricity demand of
460 households in Woking. It is jointly owned and operated by Thameswey Solar Ltd
and Total Gas Contracts Ltd. It also takes advantage of the government’s feed-in-
tariff. 72

6.10.7 Enablers
• Supportive policy environment including incentives such as tax breaks (e.g.
enterprise investment scheme) or feed-in-tariff;
• A strong community leader with the relevant technical and commercial skills and
experience and supportive group members to share set-up and operation
• On-site or local renewable energy generation capacity;
• Partnerships between local authorities, investors, and technology providers; and
• Local authority approval and engagement with Independent Distribution
Network Operator (IDNOs) and developers.

Thameswey (2016). Welcome to the Thamesway Group. Available at: (Accessed 26 October 2016).
Thameswey Solar (2016). About Thameswey’s Solar Energy. Available at: (Accessed 26 October 2016).
Thameswey Solar (2015). Business Plan 2016-18. Available at: http://cl-assets.public- (Accessed 26 October
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6.10.8 Stakeholders
• Local authorities;
• Community groups/individuals;
• Banks/investors;
• Energy technology suppliers;
• IDNOs;
• Technology experts; and
• Legal advisers.

6.11 Demand side response

6.11.1 Summary of initiative

Demand side response (DSR) is a rapidly developing technical area and commercial
business offering in the power sector. It aims to use electricity more intelligently.
DSR can help provide savings for consumers by reducing or shifting electricity usage
during peak times in response to time-based rates or other forms of financial
incentives. 73 DSR implementation can help more efficient electricity grid operation
by altering consumption patterns to reduce congestion in parts of the network thus
avoiding component failures as well as allowing more renewables, such as solar PV
and wind electricity to feed-in. It also leads to a more economic network operation
by avoiding reliance on expensive power plants to generate electricity to meet peak
demands, allowing consumption to be reduced. DSR will play a significant role in the
transition to smart networks and in the longer term to a transactive energy
paradigm, thus allowing consumers to have an active role in the electricity energy
Currently, various available DSR schemes are offered to both commercial and
residential consumers namely incentive based and price-based programmes. 74 In
incentive DSR programmes, consumers participate voluntarily by allowing the
system operators to control certain electric appliances (e.g. HVAC units) directly
during the peak or emergency periods. DSR schemes such as direct load control

UK Power Networks & EDF Energy (2011). Residential Demand Response – The Dynamic Time-of-Use
Tariff. Available at:
(Accessed 26 October 2016).
UK Government (2014). Smart Meter Roll-Out for the Domestic and Small and Medium Non-Domestic
Sectors (GB). Available at:
er_roll_out_for_the_domestic_and_small_and_medium_and_non_domestic_sectors.pdf (Accessed 26
October 2016).
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(DLC) and interruptible/curtailable service have been used by utilities for some time.
Participants in these programmes are offered incentives in exchange for the
reduction of their loads to pre-defined values. Participants who do not respond may
also be penalized. Price-based programs (PBP), include three different DSR
programmes; these are time of use (TOU), critical peak pricing (CPP), and real time
pricing (RTP). In general, these programmes are based on dynamic pricing rates in
which the main objective is to flatten the demand curve by offering higher price
during peak periods and lower prices during off-peak periods.

Figure 18: Smart domestic energy management (Source: Newtown graffiti via Flickr)

6.11.2 Key facts

• Consumers can make cost savings by joining DSR programmes and volunteering
to alter their electricity usage in various ways;
• Consumers should have a minimum monthly energy consumption depending on
which DSR programme they enrol in. For example, residential consumers using a
TOU programme should have at least an average monthly electricity demand of
• Customers can enrol directly with the distribution network operators (DNOs) or
via an aggregator; and
• Each DSR customer should submit a load reduction plan detailing specific actions
taken to reduce its load down within a certain time duration response (for
example from 30 minutes to four hours).

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6.11.3 Lenses

6.11.4 Suitability
• DSR programmes are suitable anywhere that uses electricity. DSR is enabled
using smart meters, which are designed for easy installation to any asset; and
• DSR has potential applications with the following assets: mining and quarries;
foundries and metal processing; IT and telecoms; commercial property; airport
and hospitals; manufacturing; commercial refrigeration; universities; and water
and wastewater treatment.

6.11.5 Benefits
• Benefits from relative and absolute reductions in electricity demand;
• Benefits resulting from short run marginal cost savings from using DSR to shift
peak demand;
• Benefits in terms of displacing new plant investment from using DSR to shift
peak demand;
• Benefits of using DSR in providing reserve for emergencies/unforeseen events;
• Benefits of DSR in providing standby reserve and balancing for wind;
• Benefits in terms of reduced transmission network investment by reducing
congestion of the network and avoiding transmission network re-enforcement;
• Benefits from using DSR to improve distribution network investment efficiency
and reduced losses.
• Reduction of high levels of pollution (CO2 and other pollutants) created by plants
that generate peak power;
• Helps integrate renewable energy onto the electric grid by providing increased
stability and management;
• Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions; and

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• Increase of social-welfare, as consumers will have the opportunity to participate

on the wholesale energy market.

6.11.6 Examples
UK Power Networks in London engaged a control group of 4,500 households for
trials using smart meters and dynamic, fixed tariffs. This aimed to determine which
appliances are most frequently used by customers, to measure the impact of DSR on
electricity bills and to investigate whether customers were happy to participate in
tariff based DSR services. The trial resulted in consumer savings of 4.3% on annual
electricity bills. It also found that £2.13 million could be saved by the DNO through
deferring reinforcement of grid infrastructure.
DSR participation in the UK market remains small but is growing. Currently DSR
accounts for around 2GW or 3% of the load of the maximum winter peak electricity
demand of around 58GW. Recent trials in the UK also suggest potential reductions
of 8.8% peak load using Time of Use tariffs.
Outside the UK, SA Power Networks in Australia has created a discrete demand
management unit within the Demand and Network Management Department. Using
around 1,000 volunteer households, trials to date indicate a 19-35% reduction in
peak load where direct load control demand management is used. All trials
undertaken investigate three key factors – technology, customer acceptance and
impact on peak reduction. All trials are also exposed to stringent and independent
cost benefit analysis.

6.11.7 Enablers
• The UK government has taken the decision to roll out smart meters to enable
DSR programmes. This will lead to a significant increase in the potential for
DSR 75;
• Incentives to promote DSR projects through regulatory subsidies;
• Creation of uniform standards and methodologies for measuring the cost-
effectiveness of DSR programmes and the associated return on investments; and
• Customer engagement via more accessible educational programmes and policy

6.11.8 Stakeholders
• National government / Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
• Local authorities;
• The Energyst
• The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem);

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• Energy Managers Association;

• Local businesses;
• Investors;
• Aggregators; and
• DNOs.

6.11.9 Suppliers
• DNOs; and
• Aggregators including Energy Pool, REstore, Open Energi, KiWi Power, Reactive

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7 Enabling framework

7.1 How to enable the CE principles and overcome

barriers: policies, incentives, infrastructure
and support
Section 6 provides the first comprehensive options for circular economy
programmes in Old Oak and Park Royal. These options represent the most
promising opportunities for the area and reflect the opportunities for the districts
today and looking forward to the future, from development to operation.
To deliver the circular economy initiatives addressed in this research – among other
wider initiatives which may arise with new opportunities and challenges in OPDC –
stakeholders must clearly identify the challenges or impediments to achieving
success and address them with enabling factors.

7.1.1 Solutions fit for purpose

Some challenges are better met with different enabling tools which the public and
private sector can influence, depending on the characteristics of the challenge and
the tools at the stakeholders’ disposal. In the Figure 20 below, the Ellen MacArthur
Foundation helpfully demonstrate the manner in which various regulatory,
economic and other factors are better addressed by different “enablers.”
Given the extensive list of opportunities in OPDC, it may prove quite challenging to
produce a robust assessment of the matrix above for each initiative. While a deep-
dive may prove helpful at a later stage in the work, we have prepared a method, or
framework, to address the essential enablers for the ten initiatives from Section 6 of
this report which will also build the institutional, financial or policy frameworks to
support a much broader range of initiatives over time.

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High relevance Information Collaboration platforms Business support Government Regulatory frameworks Fiscal
& awareness schemes procurement and frameworks
Medium relevance infrastructure

Public procurement

Industry, consumer,
Low relevance

reporting financial
Waste regulations
Public investment
Technical support
R&D programmes

Financial support

trade regulations
in infrastructure

competition and

duty reductions

VAT or exclude


to businesses

to businesses

strategy and






Not profitable

Economics Capital



Insufficient public goods /


Market Insufficient competition / markets

Imperfect information

Split incentives (agency problems)

Transaction costs

Inadequately defines legal frameworks

Poorly defined targets and objectives

failures Implementation and enforcement

Unintended consequences

Social Capabilities and skills

factors Custom and habit

Figure 19: Reproduced Ellen MacArthur Foundation prioritising matrix 76

Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2015). Delivering the Circular Economy – A Toolkit for Policymakers.

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7.1.2 Bringing the solutions together

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation highlighted the importance of structuring the
enabling factors to support the circular economy in a way that mutually reinforces
them and builds efficiencies in the system. For example, the ten initiatives presented
in Section 6 identified a wide range of enablers which require some form of
education, information and awareness programmes. Creating ten separate
programmes would not only prove logistically difficult, it would be financially
challenging and not provide a means for sharing resources, knowledge and joining up
work. Accordingly, we match enabling factors that share common stakeholders to
identify where common and shared resources or efforts can be focused to deliver a
range of circular economy measures.
Following on from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation framework, we now outline key
enabling factors to overcome the challenges to delivering the ten initiatives outlined
in Section 6. These include education, information, awareness and collaboration
platforms; public procurement and infrastructure; regulatory or policy frameworks;
and fiscal, funding and finance frameworks. In addition, we also identify where
market factors, largely outside of local public or private sector influence, could act as
enablers to circular economy initiative adoption – both economic and technological.

7.1.3 Education, information, awareness and collaboration

A range of initiatives require the public – residents, businesses and visitors – to
change behaviours and be informed and aware of different requirements of living in
a more circular economy. For example, the public will need to understand the
importance of and rules for segregating waste or the opportunities and rules (or new
cultural norms) for community sharing programmes. These can only be effective if
they include tailored programmes for education, information, design, “nudging”, and
rule formation and enforcement.
Oftentimes, the best way to share information, increase awareness or build support
for initiatives is through collaboration platforms. Community groups, online
platforms and knowledge networks can bring residents, businesses and experts
together to help deliver change and support circular economy initiatives.
OPDC Circular Economy Team
For those services which the council controls or influences, the OPDC and three
councils should develop a Circular Economy Team (CET). This team should be
comprised of communications and community engagement specialists who can liaise
with the specific programme and specialist teams within the councils to develop
education, information and awareness programmes. The CET should also work with
design teams to develop “nudge” programmes. For example, studies have found that
matching the shape of recyclables to the shape of the disposal hole in the bin lid can
increase recycling rates by 34%. 77 Working the process and project design teams
can develop effective nudge principles which do not require much education or

Center for Environmental Policy and Behavior (2013). Nudging Environmental Behavior. Available at: (Accessed 26 October 2016).
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awareness of the public but generate a series of “nudges” that encourage the desired
The CET will work with groups across a range of projects, sometimes engaging with
residents and the local community. Other times, they will pull in expertise from the
OPDC or three Borough councils to support educational, information and awareness
for more technical work – like self-build housing.
Circular Community
Community involvement will be essential for delivering many circular economy
measures in Old Oak and Park Royal. They will bring awareness of opportunities for
involvement in community programmes, share knowledge and know-how for
specific projects, and raise awareness and help enforce community rules.
Effective community groups will require strong community leaders, public spaces to
meet and connect with the broad community, and online platforms for collaborating
and carrying out their work. And, to be most effective, the community groups should
have a single point of contact within the OPDC CET to help implement programmes
and provide feedback loops for local government policies, strategies and
Circular Economy in the “Chamber of Commerce” (CECC)
Many circular economy projects require communication among businesses about
new investment opportunities or collaboration to find ways to overcome investment
challenges. Using the existing platforms such as the London Chambers of Commerce
and Industry (LCCI), the Park Royal Business Group and other local business groups
– will make the most of business networks and professional and knowledge
networks. Additional support could be leveraged through the London Enterprise
Panel’s programmes supporting innovation in science and technology and ensuring
London’s status as a “global hub”.

7.1.4 Public procurement and infrastructure

Local and central government play an important role in providing the infrastructure
and public services to support a circular economy. Investment in reuse and recycling
facilities or mandating the use of recycled content materials in construction projects
often bring wider public benefits and can help support emerging sectors and
technologies. Evidence from the Centre for Cities demonstrates the local
government procurement practices can deliver change for more low-carbon and
environmental sustainability programmes while supporting employment and local
economic growth. 78
In Denmark, green public procurement has been shaped at the national and local
government levels. The Partnership for Green Public Procurements is a
collaboration between regional and local governments with the Ministry of
Environment and Food. The partners set criteria such as recyclability, product
lifespan and total cost of ownership to integrate green goals into their procurement

Centre for Cities (2014). Delivering Change: Low Carbon Economy. Centre for Cities: London.
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policies. The cost of administering the Partnership is relatively small, estimated at

less than £150,000 per annum across all government. 79
Often, especially when new technologies and methods are used to implement
circular economy projects, there is limited evidence on effectiveness or cost-
effectiveness. This is a particular challenge for local government which must
demonstrate they are providing value-for-money (VFM). To overcome this
challenge, local government should:
• Share information: learn from one another to understand the opportunities,
challenges and lessons from circular economy investments.
• Re-think costs and benefits: circularity is particularly challenging to model in
public finance terms. Public benefits and cost savings are often realised by
individuals or community groups rather than the public purse. Public
procurement should take into account the wider economic, environmental and
social impacts of projects to support investment in projects that deliver the best
VFM for society.
• Develop new value-capture mechanisms: local government must also find ways
to make the finances stack up. Cost savings often accrue across a wider range of
stakeholders, and often the investor may not have a formal mechanism to
capture the financial benefits of circularity. Within existing rules and regulations,
and working with experts in the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and
Accountancy, local government should work to develop new ways to capture
wider benefits to support the investment case.

7.1.5 Regulatory or policy frameworks

Regulation and policy – both national and local – play an integral role in driving
change for the circular economy. Regulations and policies can either set the rules of
the game, create incentives or set targets to support people and businesses to adapt
their behaviour to a prescribed goal. Three strategic enablers are required to deliver
the regulatory and policy frameworks to support circular economy in Old Oak and
Park Royal: lobbying central government, setting local policies and collaborating
across government bodies to set ambitions and targets.
Lobbying central government to adapt national policies
The UK is one of the most centralised countries in the OECD. Central government
sets most policies and strategies regarding public policy, and they also largely
control the financial resources of local councils. 80
A range of policies and regulatory challenges have been identified as strategic
enablers for the circular economy initiatives in the OPDC area, and most of them are
governed by central government departments. Ofgem, the DBEIS, Defra,
Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and HM Treasury all
set policies which affect the viability of those initiatives, including but not limited to:

Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2016). Denmark: Public Procurement as a Circular Economy Enabler.
circular-economy-enabler (Accessed 10 October 2016).
London Finance Commission.
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• Renewables Obligation and Feed-in Tariffs that provide economic incentive to

implement sustainable energy infrastructure.
• Policy and legislation to tighten environmental targets and promote
development of the bioplastics industry.
• Policy, regulation or incentives to support the uptake of electric vehicles.
• Policy, regulation or incentives to support investment in smart grid technologies
and infrastructure.
• Including circular economy within DBEIS’ new industrial strategies, including
support and incentives for businesses to support circular hubs.
• Planning regulations to support community-led development.
• Support for alternative financial and legal arrangements (including mortgages)
for purchases of land by self-build individuals or groups including to promote and
enable shared ownership, and improve access to funding for collective projects.
• Business support and incentives for new enterprises which support circular
economy projects, like the Enterprise Investment Scheme which offers tax reliefs
for investors in those slightly riskier companies.
This list demonstrates that Central Government policies and programmes play an
integral role in achieving local circular economy initiatives at OPDC. In order to
achieve many local ambitions, the OPDC and GLA will need to engage with
Whitehall to support a wider agenda for policy change.
Setting local policies and programmes in OPDC
Local authorities have control over some local policies, in particular planning policy
and local transport strategies, which can support circular economy initiatives. The
OPDC’s work with developers and community groups will shape the planning
frameworks and policies that will define the parameters of circularity and feasibility
of projects. Examples of local policies and programmes within the remit of the OPDC
or GLA include but are not limited to:
• Planning regulation adjustments to facilitate development of certain types of
buildings or green infrastructure on buildings.
• Policy to drive consideration of design for flexibility early within building design
• Local planning policy and support to encourage community-led development,
particularly around land release and assembly.
• Local authority approval and engagement utility companies, including working
with IDNOs and developers to coordinate utility investments.
Local policies and programmes will shape the ‘rules of the game’ for future
development in the OPDC area. They can creative incentives and define the
parameters across a range of policies and public services which can support the
successful implementation of the circular economy.
Collaborating with central and local government to set ambitions and targets
Setting goals and targets gives stakeholders a concrete ambition to work towards.
Scotland’s Circular Economy Strategy has established a number of goals, including
reducing all food waste by 33% by 2025. A range of initiatives and policies have
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developed from this target, including a programme from Resource Efficient Scotland
which is helping small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to prevent food waste
and the establishment of the Scottish Household Recycling Charter, which promotes
a consistent approach to household recycling, including food. 81
The OPDC, LWARB and other local and central government stakeholders should
work together to set targets for the OPDC area. Targets could include a reduction in
waste compared to the London average, increase in local food grown, reduced
carbon emissions and establishing platforms for sharing by a certain date. Whatever
the ambition or target, they should follow the SMART principles, meaning:
• Specific – target a specific area for improvement;
• Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress;
• Assignable – specify who will do it;
• Realistic – state what results can realistically be achieved, given available
resources; and
• Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved.

7.1.6 Fiscal, funding and finance frameworks

Many circular economy opportunities are profitable but are not realised due to
financial and non-financial barriers. Challenges may arise around managing project
risk, navigating regulations and understanding the true economic and financial costs
and benefits. Businesses or residents may require incentives to adapt their
behaviour or to overcome other market failures. Accordingly, a range of fiscal,
funding and finance frameworks should be implemented to enable circular economy
in Old Oak and Park Royal.
Improving methods for assessing circular economy costs and benefits
The circular economy is inherently difficult to assess regarding the costs of benefits
of projects, as circularity is difficult to model for traditionally linear financial models.
Even more so, business cases must take into account various costs and benefits
which may not be taken into account in traditional cost-benefit models. For example,
measures resulting in waste reduction reduce the long-term demand for land for
waste treatment facilities, which could potentially be used for other purposes. That
additional land may bring more economic benefits but may be of limited value (due
to its location next to a waste facility); at the same time, the reuse value of materials
not sent to landfill may be hard to estimate, especially if it displaces sales of new
OPDC and the GLA will need to work with Government, and HM Treasury in
particular, to agree better methods to assessing the costs and benefits of circular
economy investments within the existing Green Book framework.
Facilitating investment in business and innovation
New and innovative projects will always carry additional risk because of the
unknown factors. Many circular economy measures are new and untested; that risk

Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Scotland: Making things last – a circular economy strategy.
economy-strategy. Accessed 10 October, 2016.
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can keep prevent investment by increasing the costs of capital to a level such that
the project cannot achieve the returns the market demands. However, mechanisms
may be put in place that facilitate investment in such circumstances by reducing risk
through improving investor information, providing guarantees, and providing co-
investment from other parties among others.
When the market is not investing in circular economy projects, the project
developers must first seek to understand what market failures may exist – this may
be low predicted returns, high risk-reward ratios, or lack of market information.
From this point, a range of interventions can be used to meet the specific challenges
of the investment. Examples of typical financial and funding tools include:
• Co-funding or seed funding from the public sector to de-risk an investment.
• Developing arm’s length companies from government bodies which are willing to
take lower financial returns in exchange for greater public benefit.
• Providing market information through marketing and promotions campaigns.
• Government backing of investments (underwriting risk).
• Providing uniform standards and methodologies for measuring programmes’
return on investment so they are more easily comparable.
Incentives will be required to support the circular economy investments in Old Oak
and Park Royal. Incentives often take the form of financial tools to influence
decisions and realise pre-determined objectives. For example, to encourage
technological innovation benefitting environmental projects, incentives are offered
to firms undertaking research and development to reduce their tax liabilities.
Sometimes, local authorities require incentives to overcome market challenges.
Because new development brings additional costs to the local area (in the form of
public services, like school places, or crowding out, like congestion), local
government is incentivised to take on new homes through a New Homes Bonus. For
the circular economy, local government may also require incentives to make
additional investment in community-led development or urban gardening.
Regardless of the end-user or policy target, there are principles for designing good
incentives which should be followed to implement incentives for take up of circular
economy projects and principles. These include:
1. Sufficiently large to influence behaviour;
2. Affects decisions at the margin, to influence decision between doing a little
more and a little less;
3. No thresholds—no minimum or maximum levels of performance;
4. Incentivise the intended behaviour with minimum unintended consequences;
5. Target the appropriate decision markers;
6. Be easy to understand and transparent; and
7. Be predictable and long-term.
Using these principles for a good incentive can help ensure that incentives are used
efficiently and effectively to change behaviours and encourage public goods.

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7.2 Detailed enabling initiatives

To provide further detail to the broader initiatives in Section 7.1, this section provides a long-list of enabling factors which will support the four
circular economy scenarios presented in Section 5. These enabling factors cover a wide range of initiatives, policies and programmes for the
stakeholders who must work together to shape and deliver a circular economy at Old Oak and Park Royal.

7.2.1 Royal Garden 82,83

Table 11: Enabling factors for the Royal Garden scenario
Initiative Enabler category Description of enabler Lead stakeholder Other stakeholders
Waste capture Regulatory All households and businesses in Old Oak and Park Royal should be OPDC; waste collection LWARB; WRAP; Local
frameworks required to segregate their food waste and green waste (i.e. organic authorities (WCAs); residents; Businesses;
waste) to facilitate the collection of uncontaminated organic waste disposal Investors; Developers;
material. This would help to significantly boost London’s recycling authorities (WDAs); Waste contractors
rates and improve the efficiency of downstream organic material Housing associations;
conversion and treatment processes. Commercial developers
Fiscal framework The biggest barriers to organic waste collection is financial. WCAs OPDC; WCAs; WDAs Developers; Investors;
and WDAs should take a ‘total budget’ approach to balance higher Local residents
organic waste collection costs with savings from disposal of less
residual waste (i.e. organic waste is not landfilled), which can make
it economic to fund this initiative.
WCAs should offer a financial incentive (i.e. council tax rebate) to
developers for installing automated waste collection systems.
OPDC and WCAs to seek funding for the retrofit of organic waste
collection systems and removal of single stream waste chutes.
WCAs to provide incentives/rewards (e.g. Bexley Green Point
Scheme) for residents to maximise participation in organic waste
collection in high-density housing areas.

Waste & Resources Action Programme (2016). Food Waste Recycling Action Plan. Available at: (Accessed
30 October 2016).
London Assembly (2015). Bag it or Bin it? Managing London’s Food Waste. Available at:
publications/bag-it-or-bin-it (Accessed 30 October 2016).

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Initiative Enabler category Description of enabler Lead stakeholder Other stakeholders

Education, Develop and maintain educational awareness and behavioural OPDC; WCAs and WDAs; LWARB, WRAP;
information & change programmes to educate the public and businesses on the Community groups;
collaboration economic and environmental benefits of source segregation of Housing associations;
organic waste. Developers; Architects;
OPDC in partnership with the GLA, LWARB and WRAP to develop Local residents; Food and
a clear and consistent London-wide communication strategy to beverage manufacturers
encourage the participation in organic waste collection. in Park Royal;
OPDC to prepare developer guidance for the storage and collection Waste contractors; Social
of organic waste and other recyclables for all building types innovation enterprises;
including high-rise building stock. Association of London
OPDC and WCAs to learner from successful organic waste Cleansing Officers
collection schemes such as Bexley in London and Milan in Italy. (ALCO); London
OPDC and WCAs to collect more reliable data regarding the Recycling Officers Group
collection of organic waste to plan more effective service provision. (LROG);
Link food manufacturing with LWARB’s CE Business Support
Programme – Advance London
Centralised resource Education, A centralised energy and resource centre will require the OPDC; LWARB; WCAs Waste contractors;
and energy centre information & collaboration of developers who design buildings that facilitate the and WDAs Developers; Business
collaboration diversion of waste materials to a centralised resource and energy groups; Social innovation
centre, local authorities who are responsible for municipal solid enterprises; Food and
waste collection, commercial waste collection contractors and beverage manufacturers
businesses or business groups to develop the centralised resource in Park Royal
and energy centre. This could be set up using an organic material
collaboration platform, procured by OPDC.
OPDC to provide long-term direction and certainty regarding the
organic waste collection and treatment.
A business plan should be developed for the new centralised
resource and energy centre. And LWARB will need to take a
stronger brokerage role between waste industry, local authorities
and other businesses to enable the provision of waste treatment

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Initiative Enabler category Description of enabler Lead stakeholder Other stakeholders

Anaerobic Regulatory Renewables Obligation and Feed-in Tariffs provide economic DBEIS; Ofgem Waste contractors;
digestion/energy frameworks incentives to implement renewable energy generation and Investors;
generation from associated electricity distribution infrastructure. The GLA and Developers
RDF/Energy OPDC should lobby DBEIS and Ofgem to ensure the financial
generation from viability of these schemes.
biomass Fiscal frameworks OPDC, LWARB, GLA, business and local industry should evaluate Central government; WCAs; Food and
the opportunities and business cases for investing in this GLA; WDAs; Waste beverage manufacturers
infrastructure. contractors; Investors; in the Park Royal;
Devolution of landfill tax to London would allow more investment Developers Businesses; Business
into organic waste collection and treatment. groups
Education, The OPDC, LWARB and the GLA should work together to Process suppliers; energy Investors; Local
information & demonstrate the economic viability of on-site renewable energy start-ups; social authority; Food and
collaboration generation and distribution compared to using energy from the innovation enterprises beverage manufacturing
National Grid. OPDC should commission open design competitions businesses in Park Royal;
to explore local energy generation and storage possibilities at Developers
micro- and nano-grid scale, and incorporating energy sharing
software and social systems appropriate to current and future Old
Oak and Park Royal communities.
Technological Innovation will be required to support low emissions treatment OPDC; Process suppliers Imperial College West;
forces processes that are not objected by the local community. Knowledge Transfer
OPDC to work with industry partners and academia on innovation Network (KTN); Investors
process to meet low carbon and clean air ambition including
seeking funding sources.
Public procurement GLA to use some of its land holdings to aid and enable (or directly GLA; OPDC; Developers;
& infrastructure provide) new treatment facilities for organic waste. Architects
New buildings should be designed with the required drainage
infrastructure for green walls.

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Initiative Enabler category Description of enabler Lead stakeholder Other stakeholders

Bioeconomy / Education, OPDC to work with Innovate UK and Academia to develop the OPDC; LWARB; Innovate Imperial College West;
organic waste to information & evidence for further developing the bioeconomy identify and UK; Academia KTN;
proteins, bioplastics collaboration develop the further actions deeded to support this sector Bio-Based and
etc Showcasing the economic benefits of using a ‘biorefinery’ compared Biodegradable Industries
to conventional organic waste disposal routes. Association (BBiA);
Set up a practical demonstration project in partnership with Investors
Innovate UK and industry partner.
Green walls Regulatory OPDC Planning regulations shall allow for a presumption in favour OPDC; Local authorities
frameworks of the development of rooftop greenhouses and rooftop farming
unless it causes due harm to the safety or security of buildings.
OPDC should commission open design competitions and planning
studies to explore airborne autonomous logistics for rooftops, in
order to devise planning guidelines.
Rooftop Education, Pre-development: Investigation into the suitability of existing OPDC; Urban farmers; GLA; Local business
greenhouses/ Information & buildings to house rooftop greenhouses or other rooftop farming Developers; Building leaders; Urban farming
Rooftop farming Collaboration activities, including autonomous airborne logistics owners; logistics specialists; Rooftop
Pre-development: Collaboration between urban farmers, logistics companies farming specialists;
companies, developers and building owners to identify and agree on Investors; Local
roof space for use as well as other requirements. community; autonomous
Post development: Accessible platforms hosting information logistics start-ups
portals and guidance, a forum for sharing experiences, expertise
and volunteering opportunities. Procured by OPDC. Platforms
could also host case studies of successful projects that could help to
reassure stakeholders curious about the process, costs and
benefits. OPDC should commission open design competitions and
planning studies to explore subterranean urban farming methods.
Fiscal Frameworks Investment via mutually beneficial partnerships to develop rooftop Urban farmers; OPDC; Local authorities;
greenhouses or other rooftop farming activities. Developers; Building Land owners; Local
owners; Businesses; business leaders ; Urban
Occupants; Local farming specialists;
community Rooftop farming
Fiscal Frameworks Incentives from local authority and development coordinators to Local authority; OPDC; Local authorities;
promote and de-risk rooftop greenhouses or other rooftop farming developers; property Land owners; Local
activities (including logistics). These could include business rates owners/renters; business leaders ; Urban

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Initiative Enabler category Description of enabler Lead stakeholder Other stakeholders

discounts (funded through cost savings through circular initiatives), businesses; social and rooftop food growing
simple planning approval processes, and clear rules and regulations innovation enterprises specialists; Developers;
around insurance and liability. Investors ; Community;
Urban community Education, There shall be a presumption in favour of use for redundant space OPDC; Urban farmers; Local authorities;
gardens / Local food Information & (either of a business, unoccupied building or public space) to locate Local community; Businesses; Land owners;
market Collaboration local food markets where fruit and vegetables grown on rooftop developers; housing Local residents
greenhouses or other local urban farming activities can be sold. In associations
particular, meanwhile spaces shall be allowed to be used for urban
farming through the development stage. There shall be a
presumption in favour of urban farming (and associated waste
recovery) for meanwhile spaces.
OPDC to encourage urban community gardens and community
dining initiatives.
Commercial food Education, Link food manufacturing businesses in Park Royal with LWARB’s OPDC LWARB; Food and
distribution Information & CE Business Support Programme OPDC should commission open beverage manufacturing
Collaboration design competitions and planning studies to explore food businesses in Park Royal;
manufacturing technologies linked to local autonomous logistics, in Heathrow City
order to future-proof planning guidelines. businesses

7.2.2 Clean Tech Cluster

Table 12: Enabling factors for the Clean Tech Estate scenario
Initiative Enabler category Description of enabler Lead stakeholder Other stakeholders
Cluster development Technological Research and development by private companies and academia to Academia; OPDC; private Entrepreneurs
forces develop clean technologies that can be commercialised. companies
OPDC should work with the new Imperial College West to establish
a platform for collaboration, business opportunities and investment
between the research and spinoff companies at Imperial College
West and the Clean Tech Cluster in Park Royal.
Education, The creation of a formal collaboration programme that links London Sustainable Imperial College London;
Information & research and innovation at the Imperial College innovation campus Development Businesses; Business
Collaboration at White City with Old Oak and Park Royal. Commission; DBEIS Groups; GLA

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Initiative Enabler category Description of enabler Lead stakeholder Other stakeholders

OPDC should commission a series of collaboration projects
concerning circular economy principles and opportunities focused
on Old Oak and Park Royal, with Imperial College postgraduate
researchers, with outcomes displays in meanwhile spaces at Old
Oak and Park Royal and at Imperial College West campus. OPDC to
enable a series of maker facilities as a core component of
meanwhile space.
Battery storage Regulatory Regulation or policy incentives that promote driving electric DBEIS; Ofgem; GLA; Imperial College
Frameworks vehicles (EVs) and facilitate the roll out of smart grids and micro- OPDC researchers; Local
grids. authorities;
All new parking spaces should be equipped with EV charging Developers
infrastructure, ensuring a presumption in favour of EVs. All
developments shall also be required to host smart grid
infrastructure for energy storage, battery charging and battery
energy supply, as well as supporting connecting infrastructure for
autonomous vehicles (AVs).
Regulation or policy incentives that enable a Clean Tech Cluster at
Old Oak and Park Royal to be a primary testing ground for AV
OPDC should commission open design competitions and planning
studies to explore the impact of AVs onto planning and urban
design guidelines.
All housing providers, developers and local authorities will be
required to produce fine grain data on mobility systems (including
related environmental data points) across Old Oak and Park Royal,
such that it can be incorporated into GLA London Datastore (whilst
respecting commercial and privacy issues appropriately.)
Regulatory Contractual agreements to facilitate flow of electricity between Entrepreneurs and start- DBEIS; Ofgem; OPDC;
Frameworks battery storage technologies, community-owned micro-grids and ups; National Grid; social Local authorities
sharing systems, and the National Grid. innovation enterprises
Technological Advances in battery storage technology, EV and AV connectivity Entrepreneurs;
forces infrastructure, software and hardware developed by entrepreneurs Businesses; Academia
and businesses in the market or academia for it to become a viable

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Initiative Enabler category Description of enabler Lead stakeholder Other stakeholders

Public Procurement All public sector owned or rented buildings within OPDC shall be Entrepreneurs; Local
& Infrastructure required to have smart grid development and underpinning energy company; Social
technology connecting and communicating between storage innovation enterprises;
facilities and the National Grid. Developers
Overall Education, Holding a global ‘Clean Tech Exhibition’ in the Old Oak and Park OPDC;
Information & Royal area to attract business and investment as well as to lure London Sustainable
Collaboration other clean tech companies into the area. Development
Regulatory Supportive regulatory environment that guarantees reduced DBEIS; HM Treasury Developers; Local
Frameworks business rates and mandates the provision of infrastructure (e.g. authorities;
workshops, physical test spaces and early stage manufacturing Entrepreneurs
centres) with the right services (e.g. energy availability, rapid
internet connectivity, meeting rooms etc).
Regulatory Old Oak and Park Royal shall be able to enforce and regulate the OPDC; Local authorities Developers; Land owners;
Frameworks necessary infrastructure changes (e.g. strategic zoning) to be used DBEIS
as a test bed for new clean technologies developed in the area.

Fiscal and financial The GLA and others shall develop investment proposals to incubate GLA; Chamber of Academia; London
frameworks seed invested start-ups through to the growth investment stage. Commerce and Industry; Sustainable Development
This will bring together investors, academia and clean tech Financial institutions; Commission; OPDC;
companies. GLA will develop research and innovation agenda to Businesses Local authorities
access European and other funding for clean tech-related
infrastructure and activities.
Education, Promotion of the hub format (e.g. by creating information, expertise Entrepreneurs; OPDC; Local authorities
Information & and resource sharing platforms) and demonstration of benefits to Businesses; Business
Collaboration local businesses. OPDC should set up an agile governance entity, groups; Academia
comprising local research stakeholders, in order to align clean tech-
related existing and future development activities onto Old Oak
and Park Royal. A business plan should be also developed for
physical infrastructure on the clean tech estate.

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7.2.3 Adaptable Development

Table 13: Enabling factors for the Adaptable Development scenario
Initiative Enabler category Description of enabler Lead stakeholder Other stakeholders
Meanwhile uses Regulatory OPDC planning regulations shall help unlock land for temporary GLA; Local Authority; Central government;
Frameworks public uses (e.g. food market and temporary housing) though a OPDC; Developers Architects; Builders/
streamlined planning process and “presumption in favour of construction companies;
meanwhile use” within certain prescribed uses and terms. Developers; Legal
advisers; Academia;
Banks and investors; and
Community groups and
Low impact Education, Collaborative working groups (bringing together innovative Architects; Designers; Central government;
construction information and designers, tech companies and educators) helping to integrate low Tech companies; Product Architects; Builders/
materials and collaboration impact techniques and design for flexibility concepts into suppliers construction companies;
techniques; flexible mainstream education and training, subsequently disseminating Developers; Legal
design them into standard practice. advisers; Academia;
Banks and investors; and
Community groups and
Mixed use, shared Regulatory Local policy to promote adaptable mixed-use spaces, including OPDC; Industry groups Central government;
space and public Frameworks planning regulation targets and incentives such as rent/land price Architects; Builders/
space reductions upon demonstration of a design's future adaptation and Construction companies;
reuse potential, and ultimately performance (evidenced through Developers; Legal
real-time usage data). advisers; Academia;
Criteria to be developed through collaboration between designers, Banks and investors;
builders, developers and local planning policy-makers. Community groups and
All housing providers and developers/operators will be required to individuals
produce fine grain data on building systems performance (including
space utilisation as well as utility systems and related
environmental outcomes), across entire lifecycle from pre-
construction to end-of-life, across Old Oak and Park Royal, such
that it can be incorporated into GLA London Datastore (whilst
respecting commercial and privacy issues appropriately.)

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Initiative Enabler category Description of enabler Lead stakeholder Other stakeholders

Adaptable design Education, Promotion of cross-industry partnerships to catalyse design for OPDC; Industry groups Central government;
information and flexibility pilots and collaborative projects (e.g. design Architects; Builders/
collaboration competitions). Construction companies;
Link projects with local research stakeholders, such as Imperial Developers; Legal
College, regarding design and construction innovation (including advisers; Academia;
new materials research). Banks and investors;
LWARB’s CE SME Business Support Programme - Advance London Community groups and
may be used to link and support stakeholders. individuals
Digital platforms Education, Collaboration between OPDC, developers and providers of digital OPDC; Local Authorities; Central government;
information and solutions (e.g. sensors, BIM, cloud computing) to test and Developers; Tech Architects; Builders/
collaboration implement real time controls and space-on-demand services. companies; Academia construction companies;
OPDC should facilitate the creation or procurement of a coherent Developers; Legal
‘space-as-a-service’ platform for Old Oak and Park Royal. advisers; Academia;
Banks and investors; and
Community groups and
Space-as-a-service Fiscal frameworks Funding and support for development of service-based business OPDC; Developers; Tech Central government;
model development and testing of digital platforms hosting companies Architects; Builders/
services. Construction companies;
OPDC should set up an agile governance entity, comprising local Developers; Legal
research stakeholders, in order to align existing and future digital advisers; Academia;
innovation development activities onto Old Oak and Park Royal. Banks and investors;
Community groups and
Circular Public procurement Initiation of circular procurement trial by local authorities and Local Planning Authority; Central government;
procurement and infrastructure OPDC. Incentives and targets for businesses and developers OPDC; Local residents GLA; LWARB; Architects;
encouraging implementation of low impact materials use, pay-per- Builders/ Construction
use and buy back services. Analysis of procurement potential companies; Developers;
including costs and benefits. Legal advisers; Academia;
Banks and investors;
Community groups and

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7.2.4 Sharing Community

Table 14: Enabling factors for the Sharing Community scenario
Initiative Enabler category Description of enabler Lead stakeholder Other stakeholders
Community-led Fiscal Frameworks Promotion of government Housing Development Fund providing OPDC; Developers; Local DCLG; GLA; OPDC; Local
development access to loan finance for custom build, small and medium builders, residents; start-ups; Authority; Land owners
co-housing, and other innovative building methods. Local Housing associations;
authorities and OPDC to agree incentives (e.g. tax breaks and land Social innovation
cost reductions) to encourage specialist developers and self- enterprises
/custom-builders. Creation of policy to enable and encourage land
owners to defer settlement on land until co-housing or small-/
medium-sized building entities are formed and construction is
ready to commence. OPDC to commission open design competition
into co-housing models for high-density development.
Community planning Regulatory Design and development of platform for citizen participation in Local Authority; OPDC; DCLG; GLA; Central
platform frameworks planning and development, including match-funding through Local residents; government; Architects;
partnership with technology providers and oversight of regulatory Technology providers Builders/ Construction
aspects. OPDC to commission strategic design process to explore companies; Developers;
planning innovation possible in Old Oak and Park Royal, related to Legal advisers; Banks and
existence of such a platform. investors; Community
All housing providers, developers/operators and local authorities groups and individuals
will be required to install open communications infrastructure to
enable local platform development and operations. OPDC to
mandate interoperable system design and operations.
Community-owned Fiscal frameworks Provision of tax breaks and other financial incentives to facilitate Local Authority; OPDC;
Energy Services creation of community ESCos to oversee community energy Local residents; IDNOs;
Company (ESCo) projects including renewable energy generation, demand response Technology providers;
services, battery storage sharing mechanisms, trust-based local Banks; social innovation
exchange systems, and micro-grids. OPDC shall run open enterprises
competition for development of digital platform and infrastructure
for local energy sharing networks.
Shared resource Education, OPDC should facilitate the creation or procurement of a coherent Local Authority; OPDC;
platform Information & platform for shared learning, and skills development for Old Oak Local residents
Collaboration and Park Royal Creation, to enable access to shared resource
repositories (e.g. skill-sharing networks, tool bank).

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Initiative Enabler category Description of enabler Lead stakeholder Other stakeholders

Community-owned Education, Initiation of community-expertise groups to facilitate engagement Local Authority; OPDC;
infrastructure Information & between energy, water, materials, waste, mobility and technology Local residents; social
Collaboration companies, social innovation enterprises, and residents to innovation enterprises
understand infrastructure priorities, challenges and opportunities
for communities in Old Oak and Park Royal.
Shared space Education, Education campaigns to promote value of sharing and on-demand Local Authority; OPDC;
platform Information & services, creating longer term support from residents resulting in Local residents
Collaboration lasting behaviour change.
Circular economy Education, Develop a CET comprised of communications and community Local Authority; OPDC; GLA; Developers
team (CET) information and engagement specialists who can liaise with the specific programme Local residents
collaboration and specialist teams within the councils to develop education,
information and awareness programmes raising local involvement
and knowledge about circular initiatives, as well as design, develop
or procure digital platforms.
All housing providers, commercial developer/ operators and local
authorities will be required to install open communications
infrastructure to enable local platform development and
operations. OPDC to mandate interoperable system design and
operations, and to be responsible for data on infrastructure
systems (including shared infrastructure systems) across Old Oak
and Park Royal, to be incorporated into GLA London Datastore
(whilst respecting commercial and privacy issues appropriately.)

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7.3 Stakeholder engagement

Stakeholder engagement: Regeneris Input to deliverables Next steps

- A clean tech cluster in Old Oak and - The idea of one of the scenarios is a - OPDC to consider inplementation of a
Park Royal is recommended by the 'Clean Tech Estate'. 'Clean Tech Estate' cluster based on the
London Sustainable Development findings of the Regeneris report and
Commission. The development of a further discussion with the
major innovation campus by Imperial masterplanning team for Old Oak and
College at White City and the Park Royal
simultaneous redevelopment of Old
Oak and Park Royal brings together
Europe’s top technical university and
Europe’s largest urban redevelopment.
It has the clear potential to provide a
home of global significance for the
cleantech sector in London. The
development of the Imperial College
White City science and innovation
campus could be an intellectual and
creative seed for a clean tech cluster
that spreads out into the neighbouring

Figure 20: Stakeholder engagement – Regeneris

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Stakeholder engagement: Lori Hoinkes, Input to deliverables Next steps

Park Royal Business Manager at OPDC

- Anaerobic digestion explored as part of - It is suggested that Lori Hoinkes and

- Food manufactures are a main target 'The Royal Garden' scenario Rachel Thevanesan continue obtaining
sector resource flows from the selected companies
- Other decentralised renewable forms of
- The Park Royal area has maximised its energy are explored as part of the scenarios to help identify industrial symbiosis
energy demand from the grid. Any including refused derived fuel, biomass, opportunities
additional energy requirements and solar photovoltaics and secondary heat use - To build on this, it is suggested to involve
associated infrastructure have to be funded the Park Royal User Group to obtain
by the company that require the additional - Intensifcation built into 'The Royal
Garden' scenario breadth of data and widen scope of the
energy companies involved
- Suggested to explore anaerobic digestion - With the help of Lori Hoinkes and Rachel
(especially with food waste and energy Thevanesan at OPDC, the following
demand issues) companies have been approached to obtain
resource flows (materials, waste, water,
- Logistics companies seem to have already wastewater, energy, surpluss energy) for
optimised their business in terms of their site: Dephna, Charlie Bingham’s, See
optimising vehicle use and storage space, Woo Food & Panalux, McVities, Greencore,
but there may be scope in reducing vehicles Central Middlesex Hospital, Asda, Vale Inco
on the road and reducing use of corrugated and Bakkavor. Due to delays, the
cardboard (maybe some potential to link information was not received in time to
with food manufactures) include in the resource flow model. Dephna,
- It will be difficult to implement an Central Middlesex Hospital and Vale Inco
initiative with a single company; it is better have already expressed interest in being
to identify clusters to implement an invovled
initiative for
- Little capacity for companies to expand
operations. Future development will be
more about intensification of the area
- Growth sectors including clean tech
identified by Regeneris will only emerge if
they need to be in or in close proximity to
London, and if the right infrastructure and
workspaces are available for them to use
- Lori Hoinkes is able to help approach
specific companies for resource flows as
engagement with the Park Royal businesses
is part of her team's remit

Figure 21: Stakeholder engagement – Lori Hoinkes, Park Royal Business Manager at OPDC

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Stakeholder engagement: Powerday Input to deliverables Next steps

- 7.5acre (three hectares) site with road, rail - Powerday's openness to changes in their - To continue engaging with Powerday
and canal access future operations has put them at the heart mangement sector about OPDC's potential
of 'The Royal Garden' scenario ideas about the Powerday site, and also
- Licensed to process 1.6 million tonnes in other companies in the resource
total with specific licensed quantities for - The different forms of transport that are
management sector (e.g. SUEZ)
waste delivered by road, rail and canal currently underutilised are also part of 'The
Royal Garden' scenario
- Currently only uses road for the delivery
and removal or waste from site. Currently, - All renewable energy sources that
no economic incentives to use canal Powerday currently export off-site are
considered as part of 'The Royal Garden'
- Long-term lease with aspirations to stay scenario
on current site. Already in talks with HS2
Ltd to provide construction waste - Building on decks considered as part of the
management services for them 'High Density Living' scenario
- Definitely considering the removal of
materials during the development period by
rail and canal
- Wood chips sent to biomass plants across
the country
- Majority of RDF generated on-site gets
exported to Germany and Sweden although
Powerday will soon be sending it to the new
gasification plant in Hoddeson, Hertforshire
- Are considering a ~50,000tpa energy
centre on-site using pyrolysis or gasification
- However, they are open to new
suggestions and are not 100% set on having
an energy centre if another opportunity
presents itself. They are open to
negotiations of phasing out construction
waste treatment during the development
period to become a resource hub to service
the waste generated by the development
(potentially using an automated waste
collection system)
- Interested in exploring building on decks
above railway lines to create land value as
in Canary Wharf

Figure 22: Stakeholder engagement – Powerday

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Stakeholder engagement: Veolia Input to deliverables Next steps

- Veolia' operational expertise span across - Their integrated water, waste and energy - It is suggested to compare and contrast
water, waste and energy strategy is similar to the work that Arup the work done by Veolia with the work
have been commission to do, so there was done by Arup to understand the differences
- They are beginning to think about
no input into any deliverables in the flows, metrics and technologies that
resource management from a circular
sit behind the respective models
systems and business perspective
- Veolia are to consider if being a
- They provided OPDC with a suggested
commercial partner to OPDC is something
integrated water, waste and energy
they would be interested in
- OPDC have been approached by other
waste/resource companies but are
interested in bringing in a commercial
partner like Veolia to support future work
looking at the business rational for

Figure 23: Stakeholder engagement – Veolia

Stakeholder engagement: Hawkins Brown Input to deliverables Next steps

- From the initial description of the - Overall scenario development for the Old - Hawkins Brown to consider including
scenarios, Hawkins Brown have identified Oak and Park Royal development areas. circular economy initiatives for Clean Tech
two potential areas where the circualr and the Royal Garden in Willesfen Junction
economy inititives could be applied. This and Victoria Street Estate.
includes an area new Willesden Junction and
an area near Victoria Street Estate

Figure 24: Stakeholder engagement – Hawkins Brown

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8 Action Plan: delivering the circular

economy in Old Oak and Park Royal

8.1 Overview
This study has outlined the evidence base and framework for implementing circular
economy principles within the OPDC area. In order to take this research forward to
the next step of deliverability, OPDC, LWARB and other stakeholders will need to
commission further analysis and feasibility studies. These are outlined in the
sections below.

8.2 Briefs for future circular economy work and

Five key areas have been identified for further developing circular economy policies,
programmes and investments in Old Oak and Park Royal. These include:
1. OPDC Infrastructure Development Plan for the Circular Economy. The
Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) identifies OPDC’s infrastructure
requirements including social, physical and green infrastructure. The IDP sets
out what is needed, where it is needed and when it is needed. It should also
provide an update on the delivery of the required infrastructure to date. Each
infrastructure type should be accompanied by an Infrastructure Delivery
Schedule, which provides further detail on delivery, funding sources, costs and
identifies whether there are any funding gaps. The IDP should be updated on
an annual basis to support the Local Plan.
2. Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for OPDC Circular Economy
policies. It provides a framework which will guide development over the
development period, ensuring that regeneration is coordinated, sustainable
and embodies the circular economy principles. The SPD well be part of the
OPDC framework of planning documents, and it will be a material planning
consideration in deciding planning applications in the Opportunity Area.
3. Individual project feasibility studies and business cases. Whenever the public
sector is considering new policies or investments, they should carry out the
appropriate assessments to support making the best decision. According to
HM Treasury Green Book, “All new policies, programmes and projects,
whether revenue, capital or regulatory, should be subject to comprehensive
but proportionate assessment, wherever it is practicable, so as best to promote
the public interest.” Feasibility studies and the various iterations of business
cases should be conducted on activities covered by the Green Book including:
• Policy and programme development;
• New or replacement capital projects;
• Use or disposal of existing assets;
• Specification of regulations; and
• Major procurement decisions.

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4. Impact Assessments for Circular Economy Programme: Implementation into

Planning Policy. A range of impact assessments are likely to be required for
adopting circular economy principles into OPDC planning policy and for the
implementation of major policies, programmes and investments. These impact
assessments may include:
• Equality Impact Assessments;
• Social Impact Assessments;
• Environmental Impact Assessments;
• Health Impact Assessments; and
• Sustainability Impact Assessments.
Conducting such assessment can also help improve the strategic and economic
cases for certain policies, programmes and investments by taking into account
the wider benefits of circular economy projects which may not be properly
assessed or valued otherwise.
5. Baseline studies for long-term evaluation. Economic, social and environmental
baseline studies will be required to conduct a proper evaluation of the impacts
of circular economy measures in the OPDC area. This evaluation will give
OPDC and government an understanding of the impacts of the circular
economy which is informed by a comparison with what would have happened
without it; help to shape and inform the way we think about the circular
economy in London and the UK; inform the planning of future major
infrastructure and regeneration schemes; and contribute to the sparse wider
evidence base on the impact of circular economy on economic, social and
environmental outcomes.

8.3 Next steps

Research and stakeholder engagement are considered the most pressing and
relevant next steps. For each of the four circular economy scenarios, a process of
planning and evaluation will help to identify which activities can be initiated
immediately and which require further scheduling, engagement and funding.

8.3.1 Scenario planning and further research

• Draft a plan for practically initiating activities under each scenario; include cost
estimates, timings and prospective partners for each.
• Evaluate potential changes required to planning and other local regulations to
facilitate delivery of circular economy solutions.
• Start to identify barriers and build business cases to support solutions
considered challenging to implement.
Examples of planning activities for each scenario:
• Scenario 1 – conduct research into best practice food growing techniques and
technologies, for example, most appropriate food crops for rooftops and green
spaces taking into account climate, water and energy requirements,
transportation capacity and lifespan, costs and materials requirements.

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• Scenario 2 – update energy requirement calculations for Park Royal and engage
local energy providers to consider possibility of joining local district heat
networks in Wembley and White City.
• Scenario 3 – plan meanwhile activities by assessing available space, investigate
planning requirements and funding opportunities, identify potential partners.
• Scenario 4 – identify examples of best practice in community-led development
and community-owned infrastructure. Assess structural and contractual
underpinnings and feasibility for Old Oak and Park Royal.

8.3.2 Stakeholder engagement

• Fulfil existing commitments and plan future engagement opportunities with
existing contacts, for example, with Park Royal businesses, Powerday, Middlesex
Hospital, Veolia, West London Business etc.
• Identify other/new local stakeholders and initiate early engagement to
understand priorities and synergies. For example, initial conversations may be
set up with digital technology providers to understand requirements to
implement systems, e.g. integrated transport systems and autonomous vehicle
• Establish a stakeholder engagement plan to capture all current and future
activities and regularly assess outcomes, challenges and further opportunities.
• Engage with local council, OPDC partners, designers and contractors to
introduce circular economy principles and encourage them to create their own
circular economy plans.
• Conduct workshops to promote circular economy planning and support
stakeholders to understand and identify opportunities and increase
• Initiate an information sharing service (email or social media platform) to keep
stakeholders informed, promote networking and plan ahead.

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Appendix A
Resource flow modelling

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Appendix A: Resource flow modelling assumption

Assumption Value Units Comment Source


Existing residential units 2,800 households OPDC (2016). Draft Local Plan.
Additional residential units 26,804 households Total housing provision OPDC - Phasing Trajectory v5
from OPDC 'Design and
Technical Study Input'
column (26,247 households)
plus hotel and student
accommodation provided
(26,804 households)
Total residential units 29,604 households Calculated value -
Residential unit density - Brent 2.684 capita/household Average between 2011 and GLA & SLR Consulting Final Waste Arisings
2036 value Model 6 Feb 2014 FALP
Residential unit density - Ealing 2.642 capita/household Average between 2011 and GLA & SLR Consulting Final Waste Arisings
2036 value Model 6 Feb 2014 FALP
Residential unit density - 2.280 capita/household Average between 2011 and GLA & SLR Consulting Final Waste Arisings
Hammersmith & Fulham 2036 value Model 6 Feb 2014 FALP
Residential unit density - 2.535 capita/household Calculated average -
Residential population 75,053 capita Calculated value -

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Existing employee population 36,000 employees OPDC (2016). Draft Local Plan.
Additional employee population - 59,000 employees 3,108 new retail jobs / OPDC (2016). Development Capacity Study.
Old Oak 56,000 new office jobs
Additional employee population - 12,100 employees 300 new retail jobs / 11,800 OPDC (2016). Development Capacity Study.
Park Royal new industrial jobs
Additional employee population - 71,100 employees OPDC (2016). Development Capacity Study.
Total employee population 107,100 employees Calculated value -

Total material consumption

High level materials

Biomass consumption 2.76 tonnes/capita/annum UK Domestic Material European Commission (2015). Material Flow
Consumption (DMC) 2015 Accounts and Resource Productivity: Tables
and Figures.
Metal ores consumption 0.23 tonnes/capita/annum UK Domestic Material European Commission (2015). Material Flow
Consumption (DMC) 2015 Accounts and Resource Productivity: Tables
and Figures.
Non-metallic minerals 3.50 tonnes/capita/annum UK Domestic Material European Commission (2015). Material Flow
consumption Consumption (DMC) 2015 Accounts and Resource Productivity: Tables
and Figures.
Fossil energy materials 2.38 tonnes/capita/annum Fossil energy materials European Commission (2015). Material Flow
consumptions includes fossil fuel sources Accounts and Resource Productivity: Tables
used to generate energy and and Figures.
materials. There may be

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

some double counting with
energy demand.

Household material consumption (specific examples of consumption)

Fresh green vegetables 0.009 tonnes/capita/annum Department for Environment, Food & Rural
Affairs (2015). Family Food 2014.
Fruit and vegetable consumption 0.113 tonnes/capita/annum Department for Environment, Food & Rural
Affairs (2015). Family Food 2014.
Food consumption 0.308 tonnes/capita/annum Calculated value (excludes Department for Environment, Food & Rural
liquids and eggs) Affairs (2015). Family Food 2014.

Household waste generation

Household waste generation 0.301 tonnes/capita/annum Calculated value -

rate - Brent
Household waste generation 0.293 tonnes/capita/annum From 2016-2036 GLA & SLR Consulting Final Waste Arisings
rate - Ealing Model 6 Feb 2014 FALP
Household waste generation 0.316 tonnes/capita/annum From 2016-2036 GLA & SLR Consulting Final Waste Arisings
rate - H&F Model 6 Feb 2014 FALP
Household waste generation 0.303 tonnes/capita/annum Calculated average -
rate - Average
Organic waste composition 40% % Department for Environment, Food & Rural
Affairs (2013). EV0801 National Compositional
Estimates for Local Authority Collected Waste
and Recycling in England 2010/11.
Paper & cardboard waste 22% % Department for Environment, Food & Rural
composition Affairs (2013). EV0801 National Compositional

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Estimates for Local Authority Collected Waste
and Recycling in England 2010/11.
Plastics waste composition 11% % Department for Environment, Food & Rural
Affairs (2013). EV0801 National Compositional
Estimates for Local Authority Collected Waste
and Recycling in England 2010/11.
Glass waste composition 7% % Department for Environment, Food & Rural
Affairs (2013). EV0801 National Compositional
Estimates for Local Authority Collected Waste
and Recycling in England 2010/11.
Metals waste composition 3% % Department for Environment, Food & Rural
Affairs (2013). EV0801 National Compositional
Estimates for Local Authority Collected Waste
and Recycling in England 2010/11.
Wood waste composition 1% % Department for Environment, Food & Rural
Affairs (2013). EV0801 National Compositional
Estimates for Local Authority Collected Waste
and Recycling in England 2010/11.
Textiles waste composition 3% % Department for Environment, Food & Rural
Affairs (2013). EV0801 National Compositional
Estimates for Local Authority Collected Waste
and Recycling in England 2010/11.
Inerts waste composition 4% % Department for Environment, Food & Rural
Affairs (2013). EV0801 National Compositional
Estimates for Local Authority Collected Waste
and Recycling in England 2010/11.

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Residual waste composition 7% % Department for Environment, Food & Rural
Affairs (2013). EV0801 National Compositional
Estimates for Local Authority Collected Waste
and Recycling in England 2010/11.
WEEE waste composition 1% % Department for Environment, Food & Rural
Affairs (2013). EV0801 National Compositional
Estimates for Local Authority Collected Waste
and Recycling in England 2010/11.
Hazardous waste composition 1% % Department for Environment, Food & Rural
Affairs (2013). EV0801 National Compositional
Estimates for Local Authority Collected Waste
and Recycling in England 2010/11.
Total waste composition 100% % Department for Environment, Food & Rural
Affairs (2013). EV0801 National Compositional
Estimates for Local Authority Collected Waste
and Recycling in England 2010/11.

Commercial and industrial waste generation

Commercial and industrial waste 0.969 tonnes/employee/annu 2016 value GLA & SLR Consulting Final Waste Arisings
generation rate m Model 6 Feb 2014 FALP
Commercial and industrial waste 0.937 tonnes/employee/annu 2021 value GLA & SLR Consulting Final Waste Arisings
generation rate m Model 6 Feb 2014 FALP
Commercial and industrial waste 0.905 tonnes/employee/annu 2026 value GLA & SLR Consulting Final Waste Arisings
generation rate m Model 6 Feb 2014 FALP
Commercial and industrial waste 0.875 tonnes/employee/annu 2031 value GLA & SLR Consulting Final Waste Arisings
generation rate m Model 6 Feb 2014 FALP

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Commercial and industrial waste 0.845 tonnes/employee/annu 2036 value GLA & SLR Consulting Final Waste Arisings
generation rate m Model 6 Feb 2014 FALP
Commercial and industrial waste 0.906 tonnes/employee/annu Calculated average -
generation rate - average m
Animal & vegetable waste 16% % Average C&I waste Department for Environment, Food & Rural
composition generation in LB Brent, Affairs (2010). Survey of Commercial and
Ealing and Hammersmith & Industrial Waste Arisings - Report tables 2009.
Chemical waste composition 8% % Average C&I waste Department for Environment, Food & Rural
generation in LB Brent, Affairs (2010). Survey of Commercial and
Ealing and Hammersmith & Industrial Waste Arisings - Report tables 2009.
Common sludges composition 0% % Average C&I waste Department for Environment, Food & Rural
generation in LB Brent, Affairs (2010). Survey of Commercial and
Ealing and Hammersmith & Industrial Waste Arisings - Report tables 2009.
Discarded equipment 4% % Average C&I waste Department for Environment, Food & Rural
composition generation in LB Brent, Affairs (2010). Survey of Commercial and
Ealing and Hammersmith & Industrial Waste Arisings - Report tables 2009.
Healthcare waste composition 6% % Average C&I waste Department for Environment, Food & Rural
generation in LB Brent, Affairs (2010). Survey of Commercial and
Ealing and Hammersmith & Industrial Waste Arisings - Report tables 2009.
Metallic waste composition 6% % Average C&I waste Department for Environment, Food & Rural
generation in LB Brent, Affairs (2010). Survey of Commercial and
Industrial Waste Arisings - Report tables 2009.

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Ealing and Hammersmith &
Mineral waste composition 3% % Average C&I waste Department for Environment, Food & Rural
generation in LB Brent, Affairs (2010). Survey of Commercial and
Ealing and Hammersmith & Industrial Waste Arisings - Report tables 2009.
Non-metallic waste composition 58% % Average C&I waste Department for Environment, Food & Rural
generation in LB Brent, Affairs (2010). Survey of Commercial and
Ealing and Hammersmith & Industrial Waste Arisings - Report tables 2009.
Non-waste composition 0% % Average C&I waste Department for Environment, Food & Rural
generation in LB Brent, Affairs (2010). Survey of Commercial and
Ealing and Hammersmith & Industrial Waste Arisings - Report tables 2009.

Construction, demolition and excavation waste generation

Additional residential units 26,804 households Total housing provision OPDC - Phasing Trajectory v5
from 'Design and Technical
Study Input' column (26,247
households) plus hotel and
student accommodation
provided (26,804
Residential usable space 94 m2 In 2014, homes had an Department for Communities and Local
average usable floor space Government (2016). English Housing Survey
of 94 square metres Housing Stock Report 2014-15.
Residential development area 2,519,548 m2 Estimated floor space -

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Office development area 660,360 m Total office floor space OPDC - Phasing Trajectory v5
provision from 'Design and
Technical Study Input'
Retail development area 44,018 m2 Total retail and leisure floor OPDC - Phasing Trajectory v5
space provision from
'Design and Technical Study
Input' column. OPDC Retail
and Leisure Needs study
suggests potential retail
floor space is 3 times more
than potential leisure space
Leisure development area 14,673 m2 Total retail and leisure floor OPDC - Phasing Trajectory v5
space provision from
'Design and Technical Study
Input' column. OPDC Retail
and Leisure Needs study
suggests potential retail
floor space is 3 times more
than potential leisure space
Industrial development area 57,400 m2 Represents designated new OPDC (2016). Draft Local Plan.
industrial development
areas (i.e. Strategic
Industrial Locations), which
reflects existing industrial
uses rather than replacing
non-industrial uses - as
described by Peter

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Farnham, OPDC Principal
Planning Officer
Commercial residential 0.168 tonnes/m2 Building Research Establishment (2012). Waste
construction waste generation Benchmark Data.
Commercial office construction 0.238 tonnes/m2 Building Research Establishment (2012). Waste
waste generation rate Benchmark Data.
Commercial retail construction 0.275 tonnes/m2 Building Research Establishment (2012). Waste
waste generation rate Benchmark Data.
Commercial leisure construction 0.216 tonnes/m2 Building Research Establishment (2012). Waste
waste generation rate Benchmark Data.
Commercial industrial 0.126 tonnes/m2 Building Research Establishment (2012). Waste
construction waste generation Benchmark Data.
Average floor height 3 m Assumption -
1A demolition volume (steel 135,632 m3 Buildings to be demolished: OPDC Demolition Schedule
frame) Portal West Business
Centre, The Portal, Ramada
Encore Hotel and two other
1B demolition volume (structural 13,394 m3 Buildings to be demolished: OPDC Demolition Schedule
concrete) Newly built, not yet
2 demolition volume (structural 120,466 m3 Buildings to be demolished: OPDC Demolition Schedule
concrete) Perfume factory and
Victoria Industrial Estate

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

3 demolition volume (masonry) 2,309 m Buildings to be demolished: OPDC Demolition Schedule
Esso station and two other
4 demolition volume (-) 0 m3 - OPDC Demolition Schedule
5 demolition volume (masonry) 112,520 m3 Buildings to be demolished: OPDC Demolition Schedule
Westway Estate and Brunel
6 demolition volume (steel 317,818 m3 Buildings to be demolished: OPDC Demolition Schedule
frame) Torpedo Factory, Chandos
Park Industrial Estate,
Europa Studios, Boden
House, Waitrose, Lewis
House, HR Owen, Acton
Business Centre, Hedley
Humpers, Bestway Cstering,
Jack Wills, Braitrim House
and other buildings
7 demolition volume (steel 61,208 m3 Buildings to be demolished: OPDC Demolition Schedule
frame) Chandelier Building,
Pentacostal City Mission
Inc, Willesden Diesel
Locomotive Depot and two
other buildings
8 demolition volume (steel 310,264 m3 Buildings to be demolished: OPDC Demolition Schedule
frame) Apex Industrial Estate,
Gateway Trading Estate,
Hyrthe Road Industrial
Estate and Regents House

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

9 demolition volume (steel 37,326 m OPDC Demolition Schedule
10 demolition volume (steel 34,737 m3 OPDC Demolition Schedule
11A demolition volume (steel 13,403 m3 Buildings to be demolished: OPDC Demolition Schedule
frame) Triangle Business Park
11B demolition volume 5,254 m3 OPDC Demolition Schedule
12 demolition volume (steel 7,887 m3 OPDC Demolition Schedule
13 demolition volume (steel 28,356 m3 Buildings to be demolished: OPDC Demolition Schedule
frame) Powerday Recycling Centre
14 demolition volume (steel 20,636 m3 OPDC Demolition Schedule
15A demolition volume (steel 26,800 m3 Buildings to be demolished: OPDC Demolition Schedule
frame) Railyard
15B demolition volume (steel 26,800 m3 Buildings to be demolished: OPDC Demolition Schedule
frame) Railyard
16 demolition volume (steel 97,131 m3 Buildings to be demolished: OPDC Demolition Schedule
frame) Railyard
17 demolition volume (-) 0 m3 OPDC Demolition Schedule
18 demolition volume (steel 58,435 m OPDC Demolition Schedule

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

19 demolition volume (steel 31,462 m OPDC Demolition Schedule
Steel frame demolition waste 0.470 tonnes/m3 WRAP Net Waste Tool - Demolition Bill of
generation rate Quantities Estimator
Structural concrete demolition 0.480 tonnes/m3 WRAP Net Waste Tool - Demolition Bill of
waste generation rate Quantities Estimator
Masonry demolition waste 0.540 tonnes/m3 WRAP Net Waste Tool - Demolition Bill of
generation rate Quantities Estimator
Excavation waste generation 0 Scoped out due to early -
rate stage of project and
therefore unavailable
Development period 32 years Construction period OPDC - Phasing Trajectory v5
assumed from 2017 to 2049
seeing as residential units
are planned to come online
in 2018 with the last
residential units planned to
come online in 2049

Powerday materials received on-site

Construction waste - 2014 198,894 tonnes/annum Latest available data that OPDC (2016). Waste Strategy.
there is associated materials
removed from site data for
MSW + C&I waste - 2014 147,428 tonnes/annum Latest available data that OPDC (2016). Waste Strategy.
there is associated materials
removed from site data for

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Total - 2014 346,322 tonnes/annum Calculated value

Powerday materials removed from site

Paper & Cardboard - 2014 90 tonnes/annum 0% Environment Agency Waste Data Interrogator
Plastic - 2014 237 tonnes/annum 0% Environment Agency Waste Data Interrogator
Metals - 2014 10,107 tonnes/annum 3% Environment Agency Waste Data Interrogator
Wood - 2014 28,942 tonnes/annum 9% Environment Agency Waste Data Interrogator
Bricks, concrete, gypsum, mixed 153,092 tonnes/annum 47% Environment Agency Waste Data Interrogator
construction and demolition, 2015
soils and stones, tiles, ceramics -
RDF - 2014 72,218 tonnes/annum 22% Environment Agency Waste Data Interrogator
Other - 2014 63,789 tonnes/annum 19% Environment Agency Waste Data Interrogator
Total - 2014 328,475 tonnes/annum 100% Environment Agency Waste Data Interrogator

Energy demand

Total residential units 29,604 households OPDC - Phasing Trajectory v5

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Commercial development area 660,360 m Total office floor space OPDC - Phasing Trajectory v5
provision from 'Design and
Technical Study Input'
Retail development area 44,018 m2 Total retail and leisure floor OPDC - Phasing Trajectory v5
space provision from
'Design and Technical Study
Input' column. OPDC Retail
and Leisure Needs study
suggests potential retail
floor space is 3 times more
than potential leisure space
Leisure development area 14,673 m2 Total retail and leisure floor OPDC - Phasing Trajectory v5
space provision from
'Design and Technical Study
Input' column. OPDC Retail
and Leisure Needs study
suggests potential retail
floor space is 3 times more
than potential leisure space
Industrial development area 57,400 m2 Represents designated new OPDC (2016). Draft Local Plan.
industrial development
areas (i.e. Strategic
Industrial Locations), which
reflects existing industrial
uses rather than replacing
non-industrial uses - as
described by Peter

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Farnham, OPDC Principal
Planning Officer
Boiler efficiency 85% % Standard operational -
Residential electricity demand 2,823 kWh/household/annu Calculated average over Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) results
m development period 2018- for typical development modelled at different
2050 building codes
Residential heating demand 3,115 kWh/household/annu Calculated average over Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) results
m development period 2018- for typical development modelled at different
2050 building codes
Commercial electricity demand 95 kWh/m2/annum Modelled on 'General CIBSE (2008). Energy Benchmarks -
office'. Demand includes TM46:2008.
lighting, cooling, employee
appliances, standard IT,
basic tea room
Commercial heating demand 102 kWh/m2/annum Calculated by multiplying CIBSE (2008). Energy Benchmarks -
fossil-thermal typical TM46:2008.
benchmark (kWh/m2) with
boiler efficiency
Retail electricity demand 165 kWh/m2/annum Modelled on 'General retail'. CIBSE (2008). Energy Benchmarks -
Demand includes lighting, TM46:2008.
cooling,appliances for small
number of employees
Retail heating demand 0 kWh/m2/annum Calculated by multiplying CIBSE (2008). Energy Benchmarks -
fossil-thermal typical TM46:2008.
benchmark (kWh/m2) with
boiler efficiency

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Leisure electricity demand 95 kWh/m /annum Modelled on 'Dry sports and CIBSE (2008). Energy Benchmarks -
leisure facility'. Demand TM46:2008.
includes lighting and basic
office equipment
Leisure heating demand 281 kWh/m2/annum Calculated by multiplying CIBSE (2008). Energy Benchmarks -
fossil-thermal typical TM46:2008.
benchmark (kWh/m2) with
boiler efficiency
Industrial electricity demand 120 kWh/m2/annum Modelled on CIBSE Guide F (2012). Energy Efficiency in
'Manufacturing - light'. Buildings.
Electricity demand assumed
to equal 'other uses' of
building related energy and
all process related energy
Industrial heating demand 286 kWh/m2/annum Modelled on CIBSE Guide F (2012). Energy Efficiency in
'Manufacturing - light'. Heat Buildings.
demand assumed to equal
'space heating' of building
related energy

Secondary heat

Available heat for MSOA: Brent 027 (E02000119)

Open loop ground source 551 MWh 2013 available low grade
abstraction heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Closed loop ground source 15,492 MWh 2013 available low grade
abstraction heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Air source heat pumps 176,250 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Building heat rejection - Office 4,590 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Building heat rejection - Retail 10,000 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Building heat rejection - Gyms 0 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Industrial sources part B 0 MWh 2013 available low grade
processes heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Commercial building sources - 0 MWh 2013 available low grade
Non HVAC - Supermarkets heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Commercial building sources - 167,905 MWh 2013 available low grade
Non HVAC - Data centres heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
National grid infrastructure 0 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
UKPN infrastructure 2,948 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Sewer heat mining 2,273 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Total 380,009 MWh Calculate value -
Available heat for MSOA: Ealing 015 (E02000252)
Open loop ground source 147 MWh 2013 available low grade
abstraction heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Closed loop ground source 4,061 MWh 2013 available low grade
abstraction heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Air source heat pumps 0 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Building heat rejection - Office 532 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Building heat rejection - Retail 5,661 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Building heat rejection - Gyms 280 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Industrial sources part B 499 MWh 2013 available low grade
processes heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Commercial building sources - 1,854 MWh 2013 available low grade
Non HVAC - Supermarkets heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Commercial building sources - 27,781 MWh 2013 available low grade
Non HVAC - Data centres heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
National grid infrastructure 29,200 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
UKPN infrastructure 0 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Sewer heat mining 3,353 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Total 73,368 MWh Calculated value -

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Available heat for MSOA: Hammersmith & Fulham 001 (E02000372)
Open loop ground source 141 MWh 2013 available low grade
abstraction heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Closed loop ground source 3,996 MWh 2013 available low grade
abstraction heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Air source heat pumps 0 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Building heat rejection - Office 3,841 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Building heat rejection - Retail 5,698 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Building heat rejection - Gyms 0 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Industrial sources part B 1,058 MWh 2013 available low grade
processes heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Commercial building sources - 0 MWh 2013 available low grade
Non HVAC - Supermarkets heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Commercial building sources - 0 MWh 2013 available low grade
Non HVAC - Data centres heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
National grid infrastructure 0 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
UKPN infrastructure 0 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Sewer heat mining 3,113 MWh 2013 available low grade
heat zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-heat
Total 17,847 MWh Calculated value -

Water inflow

Potable demand 2,803 million litres/annum OPDC (2016). Integrated Water Management
Non-potable demand 902 million litres/annum OPDC (2016). Integrated Water Management
Precipitation 4,144 million litres/annum OPDC (2016). Integrated Water Management

Water outflow

Blackwater 1,912 million litres/annum OPDC (2016). Integrated Water Management

Greywater 1,738 million litres/annum OPDC (2016). Integrated Water Management
Stormwater 1,728 million litres/annum OPDC (2016). Integrated Water Management
Roof water 1,099 million litres/annum OPDC (2016). Integrated Water Management
Infiltration - unknown value OPDC (2016). Integrated Water Management
Evapotranspiration - unknown value OPDC (2016). Integrated Water Management

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Appendix B
Resource flow model
assumptions for circular
economy initiatives

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OPDC & LWARB Circular and Sharing Economy Scoping Study for Old Oak and Park Royal

Appendix B: Resource flow model assumption for CE initiatives

Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Aerobic composting of organic waste

Compost generation from 50% % The aerobic composting process

organic waste reduces the input organic waste by teOverview.pdf
approximately 50% in mass and 80% in

Anaerobic digestion

Solid digestate generation from 30% % About 70% mass reduction Based on information from Braunschweig
feedstock Biowaste Plant, Germany
Biogas yield per tonne 140 m3/tonne 110-170m3/tonne Eunomia (2007). Feasability Study
Concerning AD in Northern Ireland.
Methane content of biogas 60% % Approximately 60% methane and 40% -
carbon dioxide
Calorific value of biogas 40 MJ/m3 CV methane 40MJ/m3 (890.61 kJ/mol) UK National Physical Laboratory
Electricity generation efficiency 30% % CHP gas engine 30% efficiency -
MJ to kWh conversion 0.28 kWh/MJ -
Parasitic load 15% % -
Heat generation 300 kWh/tonne Based on information from Braunschweig
Biowaste Plant, Germany

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Process heat requirements (if 60% % About 50-60% Based on information from Braunschweig
thermophilic process) Biowaste Plant, Germany
Compost generation from solid 80% % Based on information from Braunschweig
digestate Biowaste Plant, Germany
Biomass pellet production from 31% % WRAP (2012). Driving Innovation in AD
solid digestate Optimisation - Uses for Digestate.

Energy generation from refuse derived fuel

Net calorific value of refuse 19 MJ/kg High quality RDF produced with NCV Based on information from Larnaca MBT
derived fuel 19-22 MJ/kg Plant, Cyprus, and information provided in
WRAP (2012). A Classification Scheme to
Define the Quality of Waste Derived Fuels.
Annual plant operational hours 8,000 hours Minimal down time -
Electricity generation efficiency 28% % Modelled as combustion. CHP gas -
engine 30% efficiency
Parasitic load 10% % Calculated using the heat and European Commission (2006). Integrated
electricity produced compared with the Pollution Prevention and Control:
heat and electricity exported Reference Document on the Best Available
Techniques for Waste Incineration.
Heat generation efficiency 50% % -
Bottom ash generation 25% % The bottom ash typically represents Defra (2013). Incineration of Municipal
around 20%-30% of the original waste Solid Waste.
feed. The average value has been taken.

Energy generation from biomass

Net calorific value of wood chips 16.23 MJ/kg Modlled on 'Treated wood - Others' ECN Phyllis classification

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Annual plant operational hours 8,000 hours Minimal down time -
Electricity generation efficiency 28% % Modelled as combustion. CHP gas -
engine 30% efficiency.
Parasitic load 10% % Calculated using the heat and European Commission (2006). Integrated
electricity produced compared with the Pollution Prevention and Control:
heat and electricity exported Reference Document on the Best Available
Techniques for Waste Incineration.
Heat generation efficiency 50% %
Bottom ash generation 3% % The bottom ash from the process would
represent 1% to 5% of the total 00000138/M00002815/AI00012693/$Ite
throughput. Therefore, an average
value has been undertaken.

Food production

Raised beds on green roofs

Growing medium required for 0.18 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Amaranth growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.00 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Arugula growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.40 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Asparagus growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.11 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Beans (grown on pole) growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.09 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Beets growth multiplied by root depth

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Growing medium required for 0.20 m Calculated value - area required for -
growing Broccoli growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.24 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Brussels Sprouts growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.24 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Cabbage growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.02 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Carrots growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.26 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Cauliflower growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.03 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Celery growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.27 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Corn growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.28 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Cucumber growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.70 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Eggplant growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.09 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Kale growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.15 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Lettuce (head) growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.01 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Onions growth multiplied by root depth

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Growing medium required for 0.06 m Calculated value - area required for -
growing Peas growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.15 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Peppers growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.08 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Potatoes growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.00 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Radish growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.12 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Spinach growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.53 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Squash growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.06 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Strawberry growth multiplied by root depth
Growing medium required for 0.64 m3 Calculated value - area required for -
growing Tomatoes growth multiplied by root depth
Portion of growing medium that 25% %
is organic compost 1904.pdf
Number of times organic 2 applications/ -
compost applied annum
Density of organic compost 0.6 tonnes/m3

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

posting_Basics1.pdf and compost
Mass of lettuce head 0.00053 tonnes/plant medium iceberg lettuce head
9 =lettuce
Vertical farming
Gotham Greens Greenpoint, 0.032 tonnes/annum/m2 Our flagship greenhouse, built in 2011,
Brooklyn, NYC greenhouse was the first ever commercial scale farms/greenpoint
vegetable growth rate greenhouse facility of its kind built in
the United States. The rooftop
greenhouse, designed, built, owned and
operated by Gotham Greens, measures
over 15,000 square feet and annually
produces over 100,000 pounds of fresh
leafy greens. The greenhouse remains
one of the most high profile
contemporary urban agriculture
projects worldwide. Designed and built
with sustainability at the forefront, the
facilities’ electrical demands are offset
by 60kW of on-site solar PV panels with
high efficiency design features
including, LED lighting, advanced
glazing, passive ventilation, and thermal
curtains, sharply reduce electrical and
heating demand. Rooftop integration
further reduces energy use while
serving to insulate the historic
Greenpoint Wood Exchange building,

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

which once housed a bowling alley,
All produce is grown using recirculating
irrigation systems that capture all
water for reuse and are free of any
harmful chemical pesticides,
insecticides or herbicides. The
greenhouse employs integrated pest
management solutions, including
biological controls such as using
beneficial insects to prey on harmful
15,000 ft2 = 1,394m2
100,000 pounds/annum = 45
Gotham Greens Gowanus, 0.049 tonnes/annum/m2 Gotham Greens’ second greenhouse
Brooklyn, NYC greenhouse facility was built in 2013 in the farms/gowanus
vegetable growth rate Brooklyn neighbourhood of Gowanus,
on the roof of Whole Foods Market’s
first ever Brooklyn store. The rooftop
greenhouse, designed, built, owned and
operated by Gotham Greens, measures
over 20,000 square feet and grows over
200,000 pounds of fresh leafy greens,
herbs and tomatoes each year. Perhaps
the most ecologically advanced
supermarket development in the
country, the innovative project also
features a 157kW CHP plant and a

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

325kW solar PV system located in the
parking lot.
20,000 ft2 = 1,858 m2
200,000 pounds/annum = 91
Gotham Greens Hollis, Queens, 0.483 tonnes/annum/m2 Gotham Greens’ third and largest New
NYC greenhouse vegetable York City greenhouse facility is located
growth rate in the Greater Jamaica neighbourhood
of Hollis, Queens. Spanning 60,000
square feet, the greenhouse, designed,
built and operated by Gotham Greens,
was completed in 2015 and grows over
5 million heads of fresh leafy greens
each year for the New York City
market. The climate controlled
greenhouse employs advanced
automated greenhouse technologies
while demonstrating that urban
agriculture can be more than a small
scale gardening project but rather a
robust food manufacturing business.
60,000 ft2 = 5,574m2
Assume lettuce are grown
1 head of lettuce = 539g = 0.000539
5,000,000 million heads of
lettuce/annum = 2,695 tonnes/annum

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Gotham Greens Pullman, 0.774 tonnes/annum/m Opened in 2015, our largest and most
Chicago greenhouse vegetable technologically advanced greenhouse farms/pullman
growth rate built until date, is located in the Pullman
neighbourhood of Chicago's south side.
Measuring over 75,000 square feet, the
greenhouse represents the world’s
largest and most productive rooftop
farm. Our Pullman facility annually
grows up to 10 million heads of leafy
greens and herbs, year-round, for the
finest retailers and restaurants across
the greater Chicagoland area. Spanning
nearly two acres, the climate controlled
greenhouse facility, owned and
operated by Gotham Greens, is located
on the second floor rooftop of Method
Products manufacturing plant. The
unique partnership between Gotham
Greens and Method Products, leaders
in their respective industries — urban
farming and eco-friendly cleaning
products — is a ground-breaking vision
for the 21st century manufacturing
facility. Method’s factory, designed
by William McDonough + Partners, is
the world's first LEED-Platinum
certified manufacturing plant in its
75,000 ft2 = 6,968 m2
Assume lettuce are grown

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

1 head of lettuce = 539g = 0.000539
10,000,000 head of lettuce/annum =
5,390 tonnes/annum
Sky Greens vertical farming 0.321 tonnes/annum/m2 Half a ton of his Sky Greens bok choy
vegetable growth rate and Chinese cabbages, grown inside 11/06/164428031/sky-high-vegetables-
120 slender 30-foot towers, are already vertical-farming-sprouts-in-singapore
finding their way into Singapore's
grocery stores. Ng's technology is called vertical-farming-singapores-solution-feed-
"A-Go-Gro," and it looks a lot like a 30- local-urban-population/
foot tall Ferris wheel for plants. Trays of
Chinese vegetables are stacked inside GhmoAeA
an aluminium A-frame, and a belt
rotates them so that the plants receive
equal light, good air flow and irrigation.
The whole system has a footprint of
only about 60 square feet, or the size of
an average bathroom. Sky Greens was
the world's first commercial vertical
farm. Plants are grown on 9m tall, A-
shaped troughs, each hosting 38 tiers of
troughs. Troughs rotate around the
aluminium towers to ensure uniform
distribution of sunlight, proper air
circulation and irrigation.
Each tower is capable of producing
150kg of vegetables each month.
60ft2 = 5.6m2
150 kg/month = 1.8 tonnes/annum

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Mirai Corp vertical farming 0.847 tonnes/annum/m Mirai Corp, a 25,000 square foot
vegetable growth rate facility, is currently world’s largest
indoor farm. The facility uses 40% less
power, 80% less food waste, and 99%
less water than outdoor fields. It is also
100x more productive than outdoor
fields, producing 10,000 lettuce heads
per day.
25,000 ft2 = 2,323m2
1 head of lettuce = 539g = 0.000539
10,000 head of lettuce/annum =

Solar PV

Panel size 1.6 m2 Average value -

Panel rating 0.255 kW Average value -
Panel orientation (variation from 0 Average value for London -
Panel slope 40 degrees Average value -
kWp/kWh factor 985 kWp/kWh Using panel orientation and panel slope -
assumption in the 'Microgeneration
Certification Solar Irradiation Chart
from the London Region'.
Solar electricity systems are given a
rating in kilowatts peak (kWp). This is
essentially the rate at which it

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

generates energy at peak performance
for example at noon on a sunny day.

Shading factor 0.95 Average value -

Electricity requirements for heat pumps to upgrade secondary heat sources

Delivered heat at 70 degrees Celsius for MSOA: E02000119 (Brent part of OPDC development)
Open loop ground source 689 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
abstraction Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Closed loop ground source 23,296 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
abstraction Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Air source heat pumps 316,764 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Building heat rejection - Office 5,953 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Building heat rejection - Retail 12,972 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Building heat rejection - Gyms 0 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Industrial sources part B 0 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
processes Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Commercial building sources - 0 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Non HVAC - Supermarkets Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Commercial building sources - 203,105 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Non HVAC - Data centres Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
National grid infrastructure 0 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
UKPN infrastructure 3,392 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Sewer heat mining 3,290 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Total 569,463 MWh Calculate value -
Delivered heat for MSOA: E02000252 (Ealing part of OPDC development)
Open loop ground source 184 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
abstraction Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Closed loop ground source 6,106 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
abstraction Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Air source heat pumps 0 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Building heat rejection - Office 690 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Building heat rejection - Retail 7,343 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Building heat rejection - Gyms 363 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Industrial sources part B 636 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
processes Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Commercial building sources - 2,350 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Non HVAC - Supermarkets Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Commercial building sources - 33,606 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Non HVAC - Data centres Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

National grid infrastructure 33,599 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
UKPN infrastructure 0 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Sewer heat mining 4,854 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Total 89,729 MWh Calculated value -
Delivered heat for MSOA: E02000372 (Hammersmith & Fulham part of OPDC development)
Open loop ground source 176 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
abstraction Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Closed loop ground source 6,009 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
abstraction Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Air source heat pumps 0 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Building heat rejection - Office 4,982 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Building heat rejection - Retail 7,391 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Building heat rejection - Gyms 0 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Industrial sources part B 1,349 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
processes Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Commercial building sources - 0 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Non HVAC - Supermarkets Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Commercial building sources - 0 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Non HVAC - Data centres Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
National grid infrastructure 0 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
UKPN infrastructure 0 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Sewer heat mining 4,506 MWh 2013 delivered heat at 70 degrees
Celsius zero-carbon-energy-resource-secondary-
Total 24,413 MWh Calculated value -
Electricity input requirements for MSOA: E02000119 (Brent part of OPDC development)
Open loop ground source 138 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
abstraction heat pump

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Closed loop ground source 7,804 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
abstraction heat pump
Air source heat pumps 140,515 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump
Building heat rejection - Office 1,364 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump
Building heat rejection - Retail 2,971 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump
Building heat rejection - Gyms 0 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump
Industrial sources part B 0 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
processes heat pump
Commercial building sources - 0 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
Non HVAC - Supermarkets heat pump
Commercial building sources - 35,201 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
Non HVAC - Data centres heat pump
National grid infrastructure 0 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump
UKPN infrastructure 444 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump
Sewer heat mining 1,017 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump
Total 189,453 MWh -
Electricity input requirements for MSOA: E02000252 (Ealing part of OPDC development)

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Open loop ground source 37 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
abstraction heat pump
Closed loop ground source 2,046 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
abstraction heat pump
Air source heat pumps 0 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump
Building heat rejection - Office 158 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump
Building heat rejection - Retail 1,682 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump
Building heat rejection - Gyms 83 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump
Industrial sources part B 137 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
processes heat pump
Commercial building sources - 496 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
Non HVAC - Supermarkets heat pump
Commercial building sources - 5,824 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
Non HVAC - Data centres heat pump
National grid infrastructure 4,399 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump
UKPN infrastructure 0 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump
Sewer heat mining 1,500 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Total 16,361 MWh -
Electricity input requirements for MSOA: E02000372 (Hammersmith & Fulham part of OPDC development)
Open loop ground source 35 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
abstraction heat pump
Closed loop ground source 2,013 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
abstraction heat pump
Air source heat pumps 0 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump
Building heat rejection - Office 1,141 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump
Building heat rejection - Retail 1,693 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump
Building heat rejection - Gyms 0 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump
Industrial sources part B 290 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
processes heat pump
Commercial building sources - 0 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
Non HVAC - Supermarkets heat pump
Commercial building sources - 0 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
Non HVAC - Data centres heat pump
National grid infrastructure 0 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump
UKPN infrastructure 0 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Sewer heat mining 1,393 MWh Includes coefficient of performance of -
heat pump
Total 6,565 MWh Calculated value -
Water strategy savings
Demand management demand reduction
Park Royal - existing 122 million Up to 27% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Park Royal - new build 28 million Up to 11% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Old Oak Common 408 million Up to 14% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Demand management discharge reduction
Park Royal - existing 122 million Up to 6% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Park Royal - new build 28 million Up to 7% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Old Oak Common 408 million Up to 11% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Green roofs demand reduction
Park Royal - existing 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Park Royal - new build 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Old Oak Common 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Green roofs discharge reduction
Park Royal - existing 233 million Up to 10% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Park Royal - new build 35 million Up to 9% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Old Oak Common 167 million Up to 4% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Roof water recycling demand reduction
Park Royal - existing 197 million Up to 42% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Park Royal - new build 62 million Up to 27% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Old Oak Common 238 million Up to 8% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Roof water recycling discharge reduction
Park Royal - existing 197 million Up to 9% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Park Royal - new build 63 million Up to 16% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Old Oak Common 238 million Up to 6% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Grey water recycling demand reduction
Park Royal - existing 0 million Unlikely to be feasible for existing OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum buildings Management Strategy.
Park Royal - new build 63 million Up to 27% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Old Oak Common 642 million Up to 21% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Grey water recycling discharge reduction
Park Royal - existing 0 million Unlikely to be feasible for existing OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum buildings Management Strategy.
Park Royal - new build 63 million Up to 16% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Old Oak Common 642 million Up to 17% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Green source control measures demand reduction
Park Royal - existing 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Park Royal - new build 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Old Oak Common 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Green source control measures discharge reduction

REP01 | Issue 2 | 20 April 2017 Page B22

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Park Royal - existing 237 million Up to 11% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Park Royal - new build 11.5 million Up to 3% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Old Oak Common 24 million Up to 1% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Below ground storage demand reduction
Park Royal - existing 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Park Royal - new build 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Old Oak Common 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Below ground storage discharge reduction
Park Royal - existing 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Park Royal - new build 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Old Oak Common 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Strategic SuDS networks demand reduction
Park Royal - existing 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Park Royal - new build 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Old Oak Common 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Strategic SuDS networks discharge reduction
Park Royal - existing - million Unknown but there would be a reduced OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum volume of surface water Management Strategy.
discharge through enhanced
evapotranspiration and biological
Park Royal - new build - million Unknown but there would be a reduced OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum volume of surface water Management Strategy.
discharge through enhanced
evapotranspiration and biological
Old Oak Common - million Unknown but there would be a reduced OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum volume of surface water Management Strategy.
discharge through enhanced
evapotranspiration and biological
Downstream stormwater retention ponds or wetlands demand reduction
Park Royal - existing 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Park Royal - new build 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Old Oak Common 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Downstream stormwater retention ponds or wetlands discharge reduction
Park Royal - existing - million Unknown but there would be a reduced OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum volume of surface water discharge Management Strategy.
through enhanced evapotranspiration.
Park Royal - new build - million Unknown but there would be a reduced OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum volume of surface water discharge Management Strategy.
through enhanced evapotranspiration.
Old Oak Common - million Unknown but there would be a reduced OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum volume of surface water discharge Management Strategy.
through enhanced evapotranspiration.
Stormwater recycling demand reduction
Park Royal - existing 0 million Unlikely to be feasible for existing OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum buildings Management Strategy.
Park Royal - new build 681 million Up to 21% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Old Oak Common
Stormwater recycling discharge reduction
Park Royal - existing 0 million Unlikely to be feasible for existing OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum buildings Management Strategy.
Park Royal - new build 681 million Up to 17% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Old Oak Common
Wastewater recycling demand reduction

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Park Royal - existing 0 million Unlikely to be feasible for existing OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum buildings Management Strategy.
Park Royal - new build 681 million Up to 21% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Old Oak Common
Wastewater recycling discharge reduction
Park Royal - existing 0 million Unlikely to be feasible for existing OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum buildings Management Strategy.
Park Royal - new build 681 million Up to 17% reduction OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Old Oak Common
Expansion of the counters creek flood alleviation scheme demand reduction
Park Royal - existing 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Park Royal - new build 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Old Oak Common 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Expansion of the counters creek flood alleviation scheme discharge reduction
Park Royal - existing 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Park Royal - new build 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.
Old Oak Common 0 million OPDC (2016). Integrated Water
litres/annum Management Strategy.

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

Car sharing
A 2014 study supports that car 0.24 vehicles/househol 49% reduction (from 0.47 vehicles per http://ac.els-
sharing has resulted in reduced d household)
car ownership. They found that S2214140513000054-
the average vehicles per main.pdf?_tid=b6399a4e-865e-11e6-9e2d-
household prior to car sharing is 00000aacb35f&acdnat=1475165382_af15
0.47, and the average after car e66d9449f353d17755c8d233a390
sharing is 0.24.
The comparison of the use of
walking, cycling and public
transport for carshare members
compared with non-car share
members undertaken by Sioui et
al. (2012) is slightly nuanced.
They found that 82% of trips
undertaken by their study
participants (1311 households)
were by these modes compared
to 53% of trips undertaken by
the general population of the
same city (as measured by a
comprehensive citywide
household travel survey). This is
possibly related to vehicle
ownership in that once a car
sharing member is freed from the
fixed cost of a vehicle, they are
more likely to consider the true
cost of alternatives, choosing the

REP01 | Issue 2 | 20 April 2017 Page B27

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

most appropriate mode on a
journey by journey basis.

Shared autonomous vehicles

AutoVots (i.e. shared Policy insight:
autonomous vehicles) could 1. Actively managing freed capacity and sharing-economy-how-shared-self-driving-
remove up to 44% of all cars space is still necessary to lock in cars-could-change-city-traffic/
travelling today at peak hours benefits. http://www.itf-
assuming high capacity public
2. The deployment of self-driving and
transport and 23% reduction if -drivingcars.pdf
shared fleets in an urban context will
there is not.
directly compete with the way in which
taxi and public transport services are news/autonomous-cars-will-shrink-the-
currently organised. Labour issues will market-study/
be significant but there is no reason
why public transport operators or taxi
companies for that matter could not an
active role in delivering these services.
Governance of transport services
including concession rules and
arrangements will have to adapt.
3. The drastic reduction in the number
of cars will significantly impact car
manufacturer business models. New
service based models will develop
under these conditions but it is unclear

REP01 | Issue 2 | 20 April 2017 Page B28

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Assumption Value Units Comment Source

who will manage them and how they
will be monetised.
Smart energy
Demand side response demand 60- % Demand side response: A review of Departments of Energy and Climate Change
reduction 200% previous demand side response trials (2015). Towards a Smart Energy System.
with a range of different tariffs (e.g.
Time of Use, Critical Peak Pricing)
found that peak energy demand
reductions are 60-200% greater with
automation and / or control by other
parties (e.g. suppliers, Distribution
Network Operators) than without.
Smart meters demand reduction 3-11% % The combination of smart meters and
real-time displays consistently resulted ystem/uploads/attachment_data/file/32185
in energy savings of up to 11%, with an 2/Policy_Factsheet_-
average of 3%. _Smart_Grid_Final__BCG_.pdf
Smart energy systems demand 27% % A smart energy system can reduce
reduction energy consumption to 27% (this 6/smartenergysystemsworkshop/2._Michae
includes a mixture of renewable energy l_H%C3%9CBNER.pdf
sources, smart sensors, smart mobility,
smart electricity appliances, and
vertical farming/façade greening).

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Appendix C
Value lens methodology

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C1 Value lenses

C1.1 Resource lens

The resource lens evaluates each proposed circular economy initiative on a
scale between one and five based on the increase in resource efficiency from
‘business as usual’ where the initiative is not implemented. An increase in
resource efficiency can come from the direct reduction in the consumption
of resources (e.g. the generation of local solar power to reduce the demand
from the grid), an initiative that seeks to close the loop on resources so that
they do not have to be imported into Old Oak and Park Royal (e.g. the
distribution of vegetables grown on rooftop farms to meet local demand) or
it can come from optimising the use of a resource (e.g. meanwhile use
allowing a building to be used 24 hours a day compared to 10 hours a day).
The resources in question can include energy, materials, water and space.
The relevant resource for each initiative depends on the initiative’s theme.
Table 15 sets out the resource lens scale. A scoring of one represents a
negligible increase in resource efficiency while a scoring of five represents a
very high increase in resource efficiency. The resource lens scale and the
scoring is described further below.
Table 15: Resource lens scale

Score Description
1 Negligible increase in resource efficiency
2 Low increase in resource efficiency
3 Medium increase in resource efficiency
4 High increase in resource efficiency
5 Very high increase in resource efficiency

Score 1: A negligible increase in resource efficiency represents an initiative

with no or extremely little impact to resource efficiency from business as
usual. This contradicts the fundamental objective of the circular economy
but has been included for completeness. In any case, these initiatives would
receive a scoring of one on the resource lens.
Score 2: A low increase in resource efficiency represents a small
improvement from business as usual. For example, a high level estimate
indicates that 25,125 tonnes/annum of organic waste could be used as
feedstock for anaerobic digestion. 84 The digestate by-product from the
process could be converted into 6,030 tonnes/annum of organic fertiliser,
which could be used in rooftop farming initiatives. The use of this organic

In reality, this could be much higher using real organic waste data from the Park Royal
Industrial Estate.

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fertiliser in a classic raised bed farming method would be able to generate

approximately 72 tonnes/annum of lettuce heads. This could contribute
10% of fresh green vegetables required by households in Old Oak and Park
Royal, who would require a total of 706 tonnes/annum 85, resulting in a 10%
reduction in the import of fresh green vegetables into the area. 86 Therefore,
rooftop farming would receive a scoring of two on the resource lens. It
should be noted that more intensive rooftop farming methods such as
greenhouses and vertical farms would produce a greater yield of fresh green
vegetables for the same farming area and would therefore provide a greater
contribution to the fresh green vegetables required by households. As a
result, they would receive a higher scoring on the resource lens.
Score 3: A medium increase in resource efficiency represents a moderate
improvement from business as usual. For example, grey water recycling
initiatives could reduce the potable water demand in new buildings up to
27% in new build areas of Park Royal and up to 21% in Old Oak. 87 Grey
water recycling is unlikely to be feasible for existing buildings in Park Royal
due to the plumbing requirement for dedicated grey water collection
pipework and non-potable redistribution pipework. Therefore, grey water
recycling as water management strategy would achieve a scoring of three on
the resource lens.
Score 4: A high increase in the resource efficiency represents a substantial
improvement from business as usual. For example, it has been found that
members of car sharing organisation either surrender a vehicle after joining
or defer an otherwise intended vehicle purchase. One specific study found
that the average vehicles per household prior to car sharing was 0.47 and
the average after car sharing was 0.24. 88 This is an approximate 49%
reduction in vehicles driving on the roads of Old Oak and Park Royal.
Therefore, car sharing schemes would achieve a scoring of four on the
resource lens. Ride sharing using autonomous vehicles has been found to
remove up to 44% of all cars travelling today at peak hours 89, which would
also achieve a scoring of four on the resource lens.

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (2015). Family Food 2014,
amilyfood-2014report-17dec15.pdf (Accessed 14 October 2016).
The contribution of the rooftop farming to food manufacturers in the Park Royal
Industrial Estate cannot currently be quantified in the absence of demand data.
Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (2016). Integrated Water Management
Strategy, Draft for Regulation 18 Consultation, 4 February 2016. Available at:
development-corporation-opdc/get-involved-op-5 (Accessed 14 October 2016).
Martin, E., Shaheen, S.A., Lidicker, J. (2010). Impact of Carsharing on Household Vehicle
Holdings Results from North American Shared-Use Vehicle Survey. Transportation Research
Record 2143, 150–158.
International Transport Forum (2015). Urban Mobility System Upgrade: How Shared Self-
Driving Cars Could Change City Traffic, http://www.itf- (Accessed 14 October 2016).

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Score 5: A very high increase in resource efficiency represents close to

100% or 100% resource efficiency. For example, secondary heat use via
heat pumps in a district heating network for Old Oak and Park Royal would
be able to generate almost 380% of the total heating demand (as calculated
in Section 3.5.9 ). Therefore, secondary heat use would achieve a scoring of
five on the resource lens.

C1.2 Economic lens

The circular economy initiatives bring both economic benefits and costs
which can be borne by different people or organisations. The economic lens
take into consideration both the benefits and costs impacts to the wider
local economy as a whole.
Economic Benefits
The economic benefits include both value creation and cost reduction.
On the value creation side, direct financial revenue can be generated from
the sales of products and services associated with circular economy
initiatives, for example locally-produced food or ride-sharing services.
Increased flexibility, sharing of spaces and resources, and increased lifecycle
may have positive externalities, which increase productivity of an
investment or businesses in the area. For example, shared co-working space
encourages more interaction and communication, exchanging knowledge
and ideas, which can promote innovation and increase productivity.
Economic benefits can also be seen from cost reduction perspective. Direct
financial cost savings can be achieved through the use of recycled and
reused materials, prolonging the lifecycle of existing resources, or reducing
input costs through shared or locally-sourced goods. For example, the
modularisation and pre-cast of construction materials could reduce the
waste in construction materials and achieve cost savings in construction.
Negative externalities can be reduced, especially on environmental
externalities, but also on the reduced loss in economic value of time from
congestion. For example, clean energy and shared transport could reduce air
pollution and congestion, which also save people’s time to be devoted to
more productive uses.
Economic Costs
There will be costs associated with these initiatives, including direct
financial costs and indirect costs, such as negative externalities. Direct
financial costs include investing, operating and maintaining the
infrastructure, materials and programmes. The true financial costs are the
additional costs of initiatives as compared to business of usual. For example,
the true financial costs of a roof-top farm would be the difference between
the costs of appropriate planting, irrigation and drainage systems compared
to the costs of standard roof and drainage systems.

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There are also indirect costs from the opportunity cost of the new initiative.
For example, if the workers employed for a circular economy project could
potentially create higher value elsewhere or the land area used for urban
farming achieves lower land value than if it were developed for commercial
uses, these represent indirect costs (in the form of opportunity costs). Other
indirect costs include negative externalities, or costs borne by people or
organisations outside the decision or transaction. Negative externalities can
occur when circular economy reduces demand (and thus sales and profits) of
goods because residents and businesses are reusing and sharing more of
their own resources.
Table 12 sets out the economic lens scale. A scoring of one represents low
economic benefits and high economic costs while a score of five represents
very high economic benefits and low economic costs. The economic lens
scale and the scoring is described further below.
Table 16: Economic lens scale

Score Description
1 Low economic benefits, high economic costs
2 Low economic benefits, low economic costs
3 Medium economic benefits, medium economic costs
4 High economic benefits, high economic costs
5 Very high economic benefits, low economic costs

Note: When deciding where each initiatives lie on the scale of the lens, we
prioritise high economic benefits, high economic costs to low economic
benefits, low economic costs, as bigger impact could be delivered.
Score 1: Such projects would be ineffective or have minimal positive impact
and are expensive compared to their benefits as well as compared to other
options for achieving the same means. An example project could include
building a waste landfill with outdated technologies on greenfield land.
Score 2: A project receiving this score achieved limited benefits, but it was
also low cost to implement. For example, a system of paper leaflets
explaining in vast detail the importance of separating different types of
recycling may change the recycling behaviours of a few people, but it will
have been at minimal cost to produce and disseminate the information.
Score 3: This type of project will achieve moderate gains, but it will also
increase in price compared to other, lower-cost solutions. This type of
project would likely use established technologies and have moderate capital
investment costs. Developing shared tool shed/workshops for communities
may require some additional investment in capital, but the long-term cost
saving for space and resources can bring measurable benefits to the
community including cost savings on tools and maintenance and repairs

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Score 4: These projects achieve high benefits but at high financial costs.
These projects may be deemed worthwhile so long as the stakeholders have
the resources available and the gains are large and of particular interest.
Capital-intensive projects which require substantial infrastructure fall into
this category. Many heavy public transport projects can fall into this
Score 5: Projects achieving this score have high impact and relatively little
cost. Such projects are fairly uncommon. Particular care should be given to
ensure that the low financial costs of investment have not accrued as hidden
economic, social or environmental costs. Examples of projects have been
suggested from using “nudge” principles. In Edinburgh, the use of smaller
waste collection bins and larger recycling bins increased household
recycling by 85 percent. The cost was minimal, but the effects were very
large in comparison. 90

C1.3 Social lens

The circular economy has the potential to create employment opportunities,
cut waste, raise standards of living, improve air quality, and enhance public
health and social equality. While social factors are often harder to quantify
than economic indicators, social values are essential to the functioning of a
city or district, its liveability, and attractiveness to current and prospective
residents, businesses and investors. Efforts to understand and quantify the
social benefits of specific circular economy initiatives are now underway,
though the metrics used to capture them are not always in hard financial
For example, we know that meanwhile space developments provide
important resources for business and communities but these values are not
readily translatable into revenue generated or saved. Instead there is a
growing acknowledgement that the public realm and quality place-making
are essential to building vibrant and diverse communities and increasing
business success. The social values added by such projects are illustrated by
other metrics, such as the desirability of businesses to move to an area,
increased investment in an area or improved public health. Social value also
tends to not to be measured consistently. Rather it is judged on a case-by-
case basis depending on stakeholders’ priorities, for example, whether they
are aiming to improve health outcomes or create space for community
activities and so on. It is thus more difficult to match initiatives to a position
on the social lens than for the other two lenses.
Table 17 sets out the social lens scale. A scoring of one represents a
negligible increase in social improvement while a scoring of five represents a

Zero Waste Scotland (2015). Edinburgh ‘Nudging’ Success in Recycling. Available at:
99-success-recycling (Accessed 14 October 2016).

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very high increase. The resource lens scale and the scoring is described
further below.
Table 17: Social lens scale

Score Description
1 Negligible increase in social improvement
2 Low increase in social improvement
3 Medium increase in social improvement
4 High increase in social improvement
5 Very high increase in social improvement

Score 1: An initiative that creates a negligible increase in social

improvement as compared to a business as usual scenario. Initiatives that
are more focused on enhancing the other two areas – resources and
economics – but that have little social impact may be included in this score.
For example, while anaerobic digestion has strong implications for resource
reuse and waste reduction, as well as long-term costs savings, it will bring
little or no benefit in the social sense, for example in raising standards of
living. Any positive impact may be considered highly indirect or vicarious
and therefore a score of one can be assigned to the initiative.
Score 2: A low increase in social improvement from business as usual.
Flexible design of buildings, for example, creates multiple uses for assets and
maximises their utility. This will bring certain positive social impacts, for
example by creating additional job opportunities and boosting the
manufacturing industry (e.g. for modular assets). Flexibly designed buildings
can also be tailored to users’ needs which can support productivity as well as
improve the desirability of a certain building or location. The capacity to
influence the use of a building or space – for example by choosing to convert
office space into recreational uses creates a positive attitude towards built
assets and can increase health and wellbeing for building occupants.
Score 3: A medium increase in social improvement from business as usual.
Local food growing not only minimises food waste and packaging waste but
can also help reduce poverty and facilitate community engagement around
food cultivation. Food growing promotes healthy eating and gives people
the opportunity to learn new skills and spend time outdoors, activities
known to promote healthy lifestyles, increase social cohesion and reduce
isolation and obesity. Food growing also contributes to raising awareness
about health and consumption patterns which may lead to longer term
social improvements, for example in consciousness and behaviour towards
food waste and energy use. These changes will eventually create more
socially and environmentally conscious places where externalities such as
poor air quality are minimised and people enjoy healthier lifestyles.
Score 4: A high increase in social improvement from business as usual.
Community-led development, self- and custom-build housing projects have

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the capacity to create a range of positive social impacts. By involving

ordinary people in the design and planning of their homes and community
spaces, opportunities for shared learning, skills exchange, collaboration and
social engagement are created. When users have influence over the design
of their future spaces, they tend to include socially advantageous elements
such as green space and green infrastructure. These create multiple benefits
including increased biodiversity, reduced heat risk and increased shading,
cooling and water retention, improved air quality, community engagement
and social cohesion, higher levels of resident satisfaction and wellbeing, and
the promotion of physical activity such as cycling and walking. Shared
amenity spaces are often designed into homes and businesses (i.e. kitchens
and dining areas) further promoting the sharing of produce, cooking and
casual social interaction.
Score 5: A very high increase in social improvement from business as usual.
Community-owned energy infrastructure provides communities and local
residents with the capacity to produce their own energy and increase the
control they exert over how their energy is generated and the price they pay
for it. Local ownership will necessarily bring people together to decide upon
priorities and targets. For example, a community may decide that air quality
is extremely important to them and thus choose energy generation sources
that produce the least pollutants. Engagement in and influence over this
process is socially empowering for members of that community, a trait
closely associated with a high level of social wellbeing. Installing, monitoring
and maintaining new infrastructure will also create jobs and support the
local economy which in turn will create wellbeing and avoid social challenges
such as crime, drug abuse and unrest. Recycling of revenue generated from
the sale of energy may also be used to initiate socially-oriented activities in
the community – such as the creation of recreational spaces and funding of
health and educational facilities and programmes.

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