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Social Studies Map Lesson Plan

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Spring 2017



JMU Elementary Education Program

TITLE OF LESSON - Globe and Geography Activity (Social Studies)


I know this activity is good for students are this time because they have started learning about globes.
Students have helped teacher make a map of the playground with a compass rose and legend. This will be the
activity they do alone. They have already read the book Me On a Map. I will assess their knowledge by
reviewing terms they should already know as a class.


Developmental Objectives Assessment

1. The students will be able to create a I will observe students final project to see if they have created a legible
legend on a map legend on their map. All of the above information will be recorded on the
attached data collection instrument.
2. The students will be able to make a I will observe students final project to see if they made a compass rose
compass rose correctly. I will also note if students refer to the book to correctly write
their compass rose. All of the above information will be recorded on the
attached data collection instrument.
3. The students will refer to the I will note if the child refers to the board without my direction. If it is
instructions on the board for guidance as necessary to call the childs attention to the cards, I will say, What does
they proceed through the activity. the board tell you to do next? and I will explain it as much as necessary.
I will record language that indicates use of the instruction. All of the
above information will be recorded on the attached data collection
4. Students will be able to identify a Before the art activity, students will not be told what they are making.
globe. Afterwards students will be asked what it looks like. I will observe
students oral answer to this question.


Students will create a map of their bedroom with a legend and compass rose. The students will then make
their planet earth using a coffee filter. Students will color blue and green on the coffee filter, then spray it
with water to make planet Earth.


1.4 Thestudentwilldevelopmapskillsby

Spring 2017

The book Theres a Map in My Lap! by Tish Rade (provided by CT)
Blank paper (Provided by CT)
Crayons/color pencils (Provided by CT)
Coffee filters (Provided by me)
Blue and green markers (Provided by CT)
Spray bottle of water (Provided by me)
Tray (Provided by me)
Map of Virginia and USA (Provided by CT)

Before class write instructions on a poster sheet to hang on board
o Take a piece of paper
o Draw a map of room
o Draw Compass rose
o Draw Legend of things in the room
Review terms. Ask what each term means?
o Legend
o Compass rose
o Map
o Globe
o Ask what the four directions are? North, south, east, and west
Show map of Virginia
o Ask what is this a map of?
o Explain that it is a map of the state of Virginia
o Explain that there are 50 states in the U.S.A.
Show a map of the U.S.A.
o Ask what is this a map of?
o Explain that the United States of America is a country
Introduce new terms and ask students to make a prediction of what it means
o Scale
o Latitude
o Longitude
o Cartographer
Introduce the book Theres a Map in My Lap!
o Tell the students to listen for the words we just discussed, when they hear the
word to raise their hand and explain what it means and how they know.
Start reading
o Stop on the 4th page to ask a student what a cartographer is
o Stop on page 6 and ask a student what latitude and longitude are
o Stop on page 8 and ask what a scale is
o Stop on page 12 and talk about the mnemonic device to remember the
o Stop on page 16 and ask what certain symbols mean based on the legend
After reading, review new terms
Explain activity to the class
Spring 2017

Have children pick up a blank piece of paper

Students will then draw a map of their bedroom including legend and compass rose
Groups of 5 will be called to the back table to make globe
o Give each student one coffee filter and a blue and green marker
o Let students color filter
o One by one students will put their filter in the tray and use the spray bottle to
spray with water
o Each one will write their name on a sticky note to put on their project


We have many learning levels in this class, so to insure that they are learning the information, I will use
visuals like the maps and book to show the terms and what they mean by the pictures. I would also write the
terms like state, country, and continent on the board so students will be able to spell the terms and help learn
them. I will also write the instructions on a piece of paper so students can focus on the information and not
trying to remember the instructions. In our class we have two students with special needs. One of the
students will be able to color the filter by himself but may need help spraying it. The other student will most
likely need help with all parts of the activity. This help will come from her aid that is in the class during this


Crafts can get messy and students may fight over the spray bottle. I will fix this by only having a small
number of students work on this part of the activity at a time. To prevent mess, I will lay out newspaper ad
have the children spray water in a tray and lay them out on the newspaper to dry. I will have two or three
spray bottles so, students can each have a turn to spray their own coffee filter. I will also set a limit on the
number of squirts students can use on their filter. (this will need to be tested before setting).


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