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Perfect Cuboid: Shubhankar Paul

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-1, Issue-9, November 2013

Perfect Cuboid
Shubhankar Paul

Lets the side of the cuboid be a,b,c.

Abstract In mathematics, an Euler brick, named after The diagonals are d,e,f and the diagonal of the cuboid is g as
Leonhard Euler, is a cuboid whose edges and face diagonals all shown in figure.
have integer lengths. A primitive Euler brick is an Euler brick Now, a + b = d (1)
whose edge lengths are relatively prime. b + c = e (2)
c + a = f (3)
Index Terms Euler brick, cuboid, integer lengths.
a + b + c = g (4)
If, a is prime then a = d - b from (1)
a = (d+b)(d-b)

An Euler Brick is just a cuboid, or a rectangular box, in If a is prime then d-b = 1 and d+b = a
which all of the edges (length, depth, and height) have integer d = (a+1)/2 and b = (a-1)/2
dimensions; and in which the diagonals on all three sides are
also integers. Again from equation (2) a = (e+c)(e-c) = > e-c=1 and e+c =
Again, e = (a+1)/2 and b (a -1)/2
Implies b=c
So, b + c = 2b which is contradiction.
So, a cannot be prime. Similarly, b and c cannot be prime.
So, we conclude that a, b, c none of them can be prime ........
conclusion (1)
Now, a, b, c all are composite number. Lets say all are odd.
From (1), a 1 (mod 4)
a 1 (mod 4)

So if the length, depth and height are a, b, and c respectively, Similarly, b 1 (mod 4)
then a, b, and c are integers, as are the quantities (a2+b2) and And d 1 (mod 4)
(b2+c2) and (c2+a2). S0, left hand side 1+1 = 2 (mod 4) whereas, right hand side
1 (mod 4).
Here is contradiction.
The problem is to find a perfect cuboid, which is an Euler So, a,b,c all cannot be odd .............conclusion (2)
Brick in which the space diagonal, that is, the distance from Lets say a, b, c all are even.
any corner to its opposite corner, given by the formula Then d,e,f,g also even. So, there is a common factor 4 by
(a2+b2+c2), is also an integer, or prove that such a cuboid which all equations will get divided. If still remains even then
cannot exist . again all equations will be divided by 4 until one comes odd.
So, all cannot be even.........conclusion (3)
Let, two of a,b,c be odd and one even.
II. SOLUTION Lets say a,b odd and c even.
Now a 1 (mod 4)
a 1(mod 4)

Similarly, b 1 (mod 4)
From equation (1) left hand side is 2 mod 4. But right side
must be even as odd + odd = even and right side is perfect
square. So, it must be divisible by 4.
Here is the contradiction.
So, two of a,b,c cannot be odd and one cannot be even .
......conclusion (4)
From the above conclusions we can conclude that two of them
must be even and one must be odd.
Manuscript received November 02, 2013. Lets say a,b are even and c is odd.
Shubhankar Paul, Passed BE in Electrical Engineering from Jadavpur
University in 2007. Worked at IBM as Manual Tester with designation
If we divide equation (1) by 4 gives remainder 0 on both sides.
Application Consultant for 3 years 4 months. Worked at IIT Bombay for 3
months as JRF

Perfect Cuboid

The equation is divisible by 4. Now it will go on f 16+y (mod 128) which doesnt match with LHS.
dividing by 4 at last it will give d as odd and one of a,
b as odd and another even (divisible by 4). So, v must be odd.
Putting v = 4v1 we get f = 32(4v1)+16+y =
Lets say a = 4m, b = 16n and d = 4p where m, n, p are odd. 128v32+16+y which doesnt give (80+y) as remainder.
Now, from equation (3), c + a = f Here is the contradiction.
Now c (1 or 3) (mod 8) ( as c is odd) Now, a = 64*(4^m)*m1 , b = 64*4^(m+1)*m2 and d =
c 1 (mod 8) 64*(4^m)*m3
Now, from equation (2), if we divide it by 64*4^(m+1) then c
f 1 (mod 8) (as f is also odd)
and e should give same remainder.
m 1 (mod 8) ( as m is also odd) Say, c = 64*4^(m+1)*p1+ p and e = 64*4^(m+1)*p1 + p
4m 4 (mod 8) Now, from equation (4) a + b = (g+c)(g-c)
a 4 (mod 8) Now, LHS is divisible by 64*4^m. Therefore RHS also
should get divided by it.
Now, if we divide equation (3) by 8 LHS gives remainder (g+c)(g-c) = 64*4^m*q*r
4+1=5 and RHS 1 g+c must be equal to 2*64*4^(m-1)*q and g-c = 2r (any
Contradiction. other combination will give c even which is contradiction).
So, m must be even. Implies a = 16m ( putting 2m for m) Solving for c we get, c = 64*4^(m-1)*q - r
Now, if we divide both side of equation (2) by 16 LHS gives 0 c = {64*4^(m-1)*q - r}
whereas RHS gives a number (because 4p is not congruent to c = 64*4^(2m-2)*q - 2*64*4^(m-1)*r + r
0 mod 16 where p is odd)
Contradiction. Equating both c we get, 64*4^(m+1)*p1 + p =
So, d must be divisible by 16. 64*4^(2m-2)*q - 2*64*4^(m-1)*r + r
So, now d = 16p ( putting 2p in place of p) Or, 64*4^(m-1){16p1 64*4^(m-1)*q + 2r) + (p-r) = 0
Accordingly b = 64n (putting 2n in place of n) Now LHS has to be zero. As there are two terms and one is far
Now we have, a = 16m, b = 64n and d = 16p ( where m, bigger than the other (of remainders) so two terms
n, p are odd) independently should be zero.
Now, c (1, 3, 5, 7) (mod 16) P = r and 16p - 64*4^(m-1)*q + 2r = 0
c 1 or 9 (mod 16)
8p - 32*4^(m-1)*q +r =0
f 1 or 9 (mod 16)
2[4p-16*4^(m-1)*q] + r = 0
Now, if we divide both sides of equation (3) by 16 then we can
We se that the first term is even and r is odd. Now
conclude that c and f must give same remainder.
Difference of one even and one odd cannot give a zero.
Lets say c = 16u + y ( y =1 or 9)
Here is the contradiction.
f = 16v + y.
So, two of a,b,c cannot be even and one cannot be
Now, if we divide both side of equation (2) by 16 then we can
odd......conclusion (5)
conclude c and e should give same remainder as b 0 (mod
From the above conclusion there is no such combination of
a,b,c as far as a,b,c are integers.
e = 16w + y.
So, Perfect cuboid doesnt exist where all sides and diagonals
are integers.
Now, if we divide both sides of equation (2) by 32 then also c
and e should give same remainder.
Now, a 16 (mod 32) (as m is odd)
So, if we divide equation (3) by 32 then we get f must be
(16+x) (mod 32) where c x (mod 32). Implies e x (mod
32) Perfect Cuboid doesnt exist.
Now we can write, c = 32u+y ; e = 32w+y and f =
32v+16+y (putting u=2u, w=2w, v=2v+1) REFERENCES
Now, if we divide equation (2) by 64 we get same remainder [1] T.B. Bromhead, On square sums of squares, Math. Gaz., 44 (1960),
of c and e because b 0 (mod 64) p.219220.
Therefore, we can write c = 64u+y and e = 64w+y. (putting [2] E.Z. Chein, On the derived cuboid of an Eulerian triple, Canad.
Math. Bull., Vol 20, no. 4 (1977), p. 509510.
u=2u and w=2w) [3] W.J.A. Colman, On certain semiperfect cuboids, Fibonacci Quart.,
Now, any odd integer can written as 4m1 26 (1988), p. 54-57. See also Some observations on the classical
Now, a = 16(4m1) ( putting 4m1 in place of m) cuboid and its parametric solutions, p. 338-343.
a = 16(16m8m+1) [4] L.E. Dickson, History of the theory of numbers, Vol. 2,
Diophantine Analysis, Carnegie Institute of Washington, (1919),
a 16 (mod 128) Reprint by Chelsea, (1952); Ch. 15, ref. 28, p.448 and cross-refs
to pp.446458; Ch. 19, refs. 130, 4045, pp. 497502,
Now if we divide equation (3) by 128 LHS gives 505507.
[5] M. Gardner, Mathematical Games, Scientific American no. 1, 223
16+64+y or (80+y) as remaider. (July 1970), p.118; Correction, ibid. no. 3 (September 1970),
Now, RHS i.e. f should give the same remainder on p.218.
division by 128. [6] R. Guy, Unsolved problems in number theory, Problem books in
If we put v= 4v then f = 128v+16+y mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 1981.Korec, Nonexistence of

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-1, Issue-9, November 2013

small Perfect Rational Cuboid, Acta Math. Univ.

Comenian.42/43 (1983), p. 7386.
[7] Korec, Nonexistence of small Perfect Rational Cuboid II, Acta
Math. Univ. Comenian. 44/45 (1984), p. 3948.
[8] Korec, Lower bounds for Perfect Rational Cuboids, Math. Slovaca,
42 (1992), No. 5, p.565-582.
[9] M. Kraitchik, On certain Rational Cuboids, Scripta Math. 11
(1945), p. 317326.
[10] M. Kraitchik, Theorie des Nombres, Tome 3, Analyse
Diophantine et application aux cuboides rationelles,
Gauthier-Villars, Paris 1947, p. 122131.
[11] M. Kraitchik, Sur les Cuboides rationelles, Proc. Int. Congr.
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[12] J. Lagrange, Sur le cuboide entier, Seminaire
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[13] J. Lagrange, Sur le Derive du Cubode Eulerien, Canad. Math.
Bull, Vol. 22 (2) (1979), p. 239241.

Shubhankar Paul, Passed BE in Electrical Engineering from Jadavpur

University in 2007. Worked at IBM as Manual Tester with designation
Application Consultant for 3 years 4 months. Worked at IIT Bombay for 3
months as JRF. Published 2 papers at International Journal


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