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Global Classroom Report

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Start Your Own


a future's education, today!

Children Deserve
Every Child Is Special!

nothing less.

In the future, all children will COMPETE WITH THEMSELVES.


In Global Schools, they already do.

Leading change in education...

Based on Family know-how of running the worlds largest school and Supported by
CORPORATE BROCHURE 38-country experience recipient of the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education research and evidence
In starting a school, branding and image are initially along with the will to create conscious and caring
important. However, what retains parents and moves a individuals for whom service to humanity is a way of life.
school from strength to strength is how good a school's Global education creates both leaders and team players
education programme is, especially its academics, but who are intrinsically motivated and who strive to do their
also the joyfulness and the confidence it creates in every best always; individuals who are able to distinguish right
child. Global is, first and foremost, an outcomes-based from wrong and become worthy of human nobility.
and values-driven process of transformation of a school. Students in Global Education maximize their potential in
Global is driven by its mission to help create schools that academics and in all that they undertake to do.
make education more meaningful for the individual child


The Global Programme is built upon the Council for Global Education's Global Education Model of Schooling and its
Four Fundamental Building Blocks of Education: Universal Values, Global Understanding, Excellence in All Things and
Service to Humanity. Every child's excellence is brought out by further centralising the principle of 'Compete with


Nurture Global School
Compete with Yourself!
Bring about a positive difference in society.
Enable individual transformation.
Recession free industry
Receive a high level of satisfaction through the service of
children. No dead stock / unsold inventory
NURTURE Cash flow, returns, etc.
Earn respect, appreciation and gratitude.
Have a warm and caring environment to work in.
SCHOOL Nurture International School
Compete with Yourself!
Amongst the greatest of all great
Meet the ever increasing demand for schools of quality.
Learn about education, the most complex issue of our services that can possibly be
CITY times! rendered by man to Almighty
INTERNATIONAL Let income be a by-product of your outstanding work with God is the education and training
SCHOOL City International School
Compete with Yourself! the children. of children. Baha'u'llah

2 Children deserve nothing less...

Global Classroom


Started by educators INCLUDE

Compete with Yourself!

Shaped in real classrooms
Guided by vision MANAGEMENT / JV OPTIONS

Grounded in research LARGE SCALE PROJECTS

Based on travel to and rst-hand study of

education in 38 countries

Global provides its own K-12 content, study methods, diagnostic assessments,
teacher training and supervision across all its schools.
Global is a leader in educational thinking and India s rst education house that
provides standardisation in academics along with transparency, accountability
and quality assurance that goes beyond branding and support.
Global utilizes its family experience of establishing and running the world's
largest K-12 school (City Montessori School), a Guinness World Record Holder
with over 47,000 students in the current session. The family-run CMS also has
the distinction of receiving the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education, the world's
only school to have received this prestigious award.
Global curriculum has been vetted by experts on four continents including THE SCHOOL EDUCATION MARKET
educationists from Cambridge, Harvard, Oxford and Stanford Universities and Education is an exciting sector at this time in India.
Center for Innovation in Education, USA, among others. Experts from
There are very few players in the education field for a country as large as India.
Argentina, the Czech Republic, Finland, Iceland, the Netherlands, Singapore,
South Africa, UK and USA have provided valuable inputs. The vast majority of the Indian schools are set in traditional moulds. Though there
are many schools getting into the reform agenda on their own, most struggle due
Global has involved more than 200 people from four continents in the
to lack of expert support or clarity of direction and lack of real impact on student
development of Global's academic programme that has also been piloted in
learning, motivation and confidence that parents are looking for.
the UK, Iceland and the Czech Republic.
The field of education is so barren, there is a huge potential to make an impact.
Global approach to teaching / learning has further been substantiated with
data and supported by research and evidence.

Children deserve nothing less... 3

In the next five years, the brand that will thrive the most will be a brand that
will bring out the best in every child.
GET WORLD CLASS EXPERTISE Providing marginal improvements over existing systems are unlikely to be
Starting up a new school is not easy. Establishing a Global school is much easier as a attractive to the increasingly more discriminating parents.
Global expert team with family know-how of running the world's largest school will be
behind you, supporting you every step of the way. Old education based on the ethics of compete with others is not able to bring
out the best in every child. To bring out the best in every child, education
needs to be based on the new and more powerful principle of "Compete with
AVOID COSTLY MISTAKES Yourself!" A comprehensive education must further be firmly founded upon
Council for Global Education's Four Building Blocks of a New Education:
Without expert support, starting up a school might even be more expensive as mistakes
Universal Values, Global Understanding, Excellence in all Things and Service to
along the way may be costlier in terms of money spent, wrong decisions, or time lost.


With Global, you will attract more students from the beginning. Even if you get a mere
100 students more on average per year in years 1 and 2, this is often enough to offset
the initial licence fees.
Along with competitive fees, you will recover a large proportion of your up-front
license fees just by the fact that you will get a waiver on royalties till you reach a
GAIN CONFIDENCE certain student population, a guarantee offered by no other Brand. in this way
and others, Global partners with you in your success.
Global Education is a vision-led school-based programme that provides World Class
Curriculum complete with on-going diagnosis, teacher training and support to
implement a 21st century education. It is the world s rst education programme YOUR NAME IS A PART OF IT
designed on the principle of Compete with Yourself and focussed on personal If you have a desire to set up a school in a person or organisation's name, Global
excellence of every child. can be "in the memory of", "inspired by" or be "a project of" that person or

Most importantly, it takes time to build reputation of a new school, in the same time as THE RIGHT TIME IS NOW
Global will get you readymade students. Even if you plan to start many schools, you There is opportunity cost to your timing. If it takes you a year longer to get your
may take 10 years or longer to build a reputation big enough to be considered a brand, school started, for example, you are losing in terms of opportunity cost. The
or you will need to spend enormously to establish a market presence. In the meantime, sooner you act, the better your school project will go because you can
you could already be multiplying with Global. Though only recently started with immediately start by putting the pieces together and profiling your school to get
franchise operations, Global is amongst the fastest growing education brands in India. the word out.

4 Children deserve nothing less...

Global Classroom

Away from comparison with others, parents want speci c
information on their own children and what will help them
maximise their potential as individuals. The usual advice,
"work hard", "practice" and "focus on weaknesses" is not
Instead, Global provides frequent, on-going and detailed
"Look, I
topic-wise personal strengths and areas of improvement.
A child is thus prompted to improve upon and compete
against his / her own past performance. Further, every
child is provided with personalised smart study plans that
answer the question, "What next?" Personalised and
differentiated learning materials help close any remaining
gaps in understanding even as a child becomes better at We need a metamorphosis in education.
self-analysis, self-regulation and self-study.
Global's premise of "Compete with Yourself!" creates in
From the cocoon, a butter y must emerge!
every child the feeling, "Yes, I can." Such an intrinsic
motivation is not clearly possible to generate in systems
that rely primarily upon competition with others.
Children progress like never before at the same time as
parents become better informed partners in their child's
Besides providing complete empowerment of the
individual child, Global is a comprehensive programme of
development of a school, complete with quality assurance
and supervision.

Children deserve nothing less... 5

YEAR AFTER YEAR. Academic Support
Our curriculum is internationally methods, activities, marketing, etc.,
researched, well structured and leading up to making the region's best
updated on regular basis. school
Customized inquiry based books Make strategies for student enrollment
which are child centric and reduces plan and facilities and specifications
work load based on curriculum structure
Assistance in getting CBSE/ICSE/IB Fee structure, fee billing forms and
affiliation. procedures
Detailed assessment procedures Admission tests / Class Readiness
for children and teachers Surveys with Diagnostic Report.
Provide on-going support, Provide teacher planners and support for
guidelines, process manuals, on-going quality of implementation
school syllabus etc. Installing of the assessment system,
Provide content and a start up student assessment and performance
website to reflect the school's reviews
mission and vision. Creation and maintenance of school
Provide specification for academic website
offerings, curriculum for students,
training of teachers in Global

Training Support
Providing all curriculum/training Teacher training, creating a culture
manuals change from the beginning because
Periodic training to academic team teachers settle into patterns of behavior
(100 hrs).

6 Children deserve nothing less...

Global Classroom

Operational Support Advertisement / Marketing Support

Contact person at the Global Introducing the vendors and suppliers Nation-wide advertisements and launching of school
Classroom Head office for (school uniforms, books etc) through newspapers, Timely visits by our support staff
resolving queries. To act as knowledge advisor on the magazines & the electronic
media Marketing communication
Approval and permissions application process for the planning,
(guidance) developing application and managing of Mention of the Franchisee's Complete guidance on admission
the accreditation process for CBSE, ICSE centre details on Global campaign strategy along with
School operating procedures designs of all communications and
/ IB Boards. The physical work for Classroom website
Continuous support by mails and getting an NOC and other formalities professionally prepared events
visit to school for assessing and any payments to be made for prospectus, brochures, Assistance and support in framing
strengths and weaknesses of the getting the accreditation are to be newspaper advertisement, effective marketing strategies and
system. borne by The Promoters. mailers, leaflets, banners, etc. advertising plans as per inputs of
(only design) your local area.
Provide school logos, Centralized designing of handbills,
Infrastructure Support brochures, flyers, forms and catalogues, visiting cards, letter
hoarding designs, profiling the heads, advertisements etc.
Site visit & layout plan Guidance on selecting the site for the
school in the best possible way
Assistance in developing School if required
Guidelines for inauguration
infrastructure and designing Infrastructure specification (for e.g. size
interiors of construction required from first year
Guidance on Interior Designing to commencement of the project)
(for e.g wall, ceiling, furniture, Setting up of language and Other Support
floor, colour scheme, mathematics labs Competitive Strategy training of new and old teachers,
furniture/fixtures etc) Project report to help line up financing Development continuous R&D and feedback from
Guidance on School Set-up Architectural concepts, designs and all stakeholders
Above all, setting up a
Including Furniture, Outdoor & services based on BALA (Building As a profitable organisation that Supervision and Quality assurance
Indoor Equipment and Swimming Learning Aid) provides quality education
Pool Conducting parent orientation
Helping you to sustain quality After School Programmes
year after year through

Recruitment Support
Support and guidance in Guidance for number of teachers, salary
interviewing, recruiting and structures and other staff requirements
evaluating teaching staff, principal Training of Principal and teachers
and PRO

Children deserve nothing less... 7

In cities with a population exceeding 25 Lakhs, the land Construction costs vary from place to place and depend upon the quality of nish. On average,
needs to be a minimum of 1 acre including adequate space count on spending Rs 1000-1200 per sq. ft. including nishing with electrical, plumbing,
for playgrounds and sports facilities. bathrooms, ooring, etc.
In all other places, the school must possess at least 2 acres of
land with building and playground facilities.
A larger parcel of land is always better as it provides many RETURN ON INVESTMENT
more opportunities for the children and a school's expansion It should be possible to reach break-even on on-going expenses in one year, and start to pay
including offer of residential facilities, staff quarters, etc. mortgage on construction in year 2 when a bank's moratorium period ends. As the cost of land has
A world class residential school should have 20 some acres of sky-rocketed in recent years, it is not possible to pay for land costs with a school's income in a short
land to allow for a vast range of facilities and for nature period of time. A school should, however, be debt free on its building within 5 to 7 years.
integration. A typical K12 school will have approximately 70,000-90,000 sq. ft. constructed area when
When more land is available, a school may be built along completely built.
with old people's homes. In this way not only some common Construction may be carried out in phases.
facilities like swimming pool, common areas, gym, dining
halls, cafeteria, etc., can be shared by the children and staff Other costs of a school infrastructure such as furniture, labs, buses, playground and other
of the school, both children and the senior-people will equipment, etc., depend upon the number of classes, grades taught, and projected student
bene t in a myriad ways in such a collaborative population as are added to an emerging school each year.

8 Children deserve nothing less...

Global Classroom

Global's K12 Schools 10-STEPS TO YOUR

1 Fill up Area Survey Form.

2 Get site approved.

Aligarh Dibrugarh
Kanpur Lucknow 3 Sign agreement and complete formalities.
Balaganj Jaunpur
Ballia Katuria
Jhansi Orai Get architect on board, if not built,
Gorakhpur 4 or nalise changes to present building, if any.

Start construction or renovation as

5 needed / interior decoration / playground.

Behrampur Hire PRO and Principal. Order all

6 furniture and equipment.
Among the fastest growing education brands! Set up a parent / child information room
Global's K12 Schools in the last 2+ years 7 with multimedia and activities that showcase
your school's pedagogy.
Nurture International School Dibrugarh Assam
Nurture International School Katuria Bihar
Nurture International School Bangalore Karnataka Hire staff and get them trained by

Chikmagalur Nurture International School Chikmagalur Karnataka
Global trainers.
Nurture International School Baramati Maharashtra
Nurture Global School Pune (forthcoming) Maharashtra
Nurture International School Berhampur Orissa
Bangalore Launch press conferences and

Nurture International School
Nurture International School
Nurture International School
Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
9 open days.
Nurture International School Jhansi Uttar Pradesh
Nurture International School Kanpur Uttar Pradesh

Nurture International School
City International School
City International School
Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
10 Inaugurate your new school!
City International School Faizabad Uttar Pradesh
City International School Jaunpur Uttar Pradesh
City International School Lucknow Uttar Pradesh
City International School Mohanlalganj Uttar Pradesh
The journey of a thousand miles begins
(Several others are in the pipeline.)
with the rst step. Lao-Tzu

Children deserve nothing less... 9

A good education is one that nurtures

So What is a Good Education? a good human being,

a good member of a family,
a good member of a community; and,
a good citizen of the world.

Global Understanding
Heart to love
Universal Values
Spirit to be

Universal Values

Excellence In All Things

Global Understanding
Excellence in All Things

Mind to discover

Service to Humanity

Service to Humanity
Skills to do
The Council for Global Education USA / INDIA

10 Children deserve nothing less...

Global Classroom


Traditional study materials are made for a class assuming that the Curriculum for all subjects Assessments for all subjects and solutions
teachers will teach and the children will follow. In Global curriculum, Study materials and solutions for all Comprehensive teacher training
children often learn by themselves. Teachers are facilitators. subjects Supervision support
Children learn through application and discovery. Study materials
are deductive and highly visual. Children nd it easier to work with
these materials than traditional textbooks. Thinking Skills, Discovery, Nature Integration, GK, Moral Education, SUPW, Arts, etc., are fully
Research shows that if we double the thinking time, we double a integrated in the thematic / inquiry based teaching of social studies and science
child's performance.

A year's coursework is divided into six parts called At the end of each tier, there is a diagnostic test for Tactile understanding is followed by work in
tiers. This makes the bag lighter. Children enjoy self evaluation. creative worksheets that weave theory in visual
nishing each tierbook and look forward to the The tierbooks are self-planners. Each tierbook has and creative ways. They allow self-learning and
next. ve units of work for ve weeks, one unit for each discovery. The work within each unit is further
Each tierbook is aimed at mastery of topics inside. week. Time serves as a guideline and perfection is broken up into short modules graded from easy to
Children also cover more subject matter in an the goal, not completion of syllabus at the cost of dif cult. Further practice sessions focus on
equivalent period of time compared with typical understanding. Each unit begins with teacher improvement of speed and accuracy. Even dif cult
textbook / workbook / notebook combinations. guidelines for kinesthetic, interactive and hands-on subjects like mathematics and English grammar
This is because dividing a year s course work into learning with emphasis on the active involvement come alive for the individual child. Every child
parts better engages a child's psychology. of every child. For this, buckets and containers with moves forward more effectively and more joyfully
suf cient quantities of materials are used (as and feels more intrinsically motivated.

Children deserve nothing less... 11

Handbook/ Log
Materials List
for Schools
FAQs for
My Daily
My Reading
Global is the only K-12 brand to provide complete academic solutions that allow high Book (Diary)
academic performance of every child and standardisation across its schools.
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6

STUDY MATERIALS Tierbooks (6 per subject)

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6

TO Boards (1-100) vk
Self Diagnostic Assessments and Reports in all subjects (24 to 36 assessments and reports / child / year)

Inspire 1 Inspire 2 Empower 1

(Tier 1, 2, 3)
Inspire 3 Inspire 4 Empower 2

Global is not centered on study materials. Instead, its goal is school transformation. Global puts
emphasis on a school's ethos, positive languages and processes:
1. Culture, ethos and positive languages are accompanied by study processes and methods that
make learning joyful and accelerated. Data on each student's academic topic wise performance
Number System: Writing numbers and number names for 100 Addition I: Colouring and adding two digit numbers in 100 63 Multiplication I: Filling in the boxes using tables as in 2 x 8 40
the given expanded notations as in 8 tens and 7 square grid as in 20 + 35 = 55 =16, 4 x 9 = 36, 5 x 7 = 35
Eighty Seven Multiplication I: Multiplying using grid as in 34 x 2 = 68 30
Addition I: Counting and adding the given animals and 100 Number System : Arranging and writing the given numbers 20
writing answers in the given boxes as in 9 sheep + 6 sheep = from smallest to largest as in 18, 9, 20, 10 can be written as
9, 10, 18, 20

before and after a tier of work documents improvement and creates transparency for the child,
15 sheep
Number System: Filling in the boxes to complete the 100 Addition II: Adding 2-digit numbers with 2-digit numbers 20
pattern using grid as in 49 + 58 = 107
Addition I: Word problems as in if there are 35 star fish and 20
Number System: Partitioning a tens number and larger 93
43 gold fish in a pond, then there are 35 + 43 = 78 fish
two-digit numbers into tens and ones as in 13 is 1 ten and 3

parents and management.

Addition I: Word problems as in if 3 teaspoons of sugar is 20
Multiplication I: Multiplying using repeated addition as in 5 93
needed for 1 packet of cookies, then number of teaspoons of
+ 5 + 5 = 3 times 5 = 15 sugar required for making 2 packets will be 3 + 3 = 6

2. Assessments and reporting lead to better self-concept and self-evaluation. Personalised reports not
only inform but also inspire and empower every child with the feeling, Yes, I can! and create
intrinsic motivation in every child.
3. Student centered, discovery based, scienti cally designed and visual study materials encourage self
EMPOWER 1 ( in all subjects) EMPOWER 2 ( in all subjects) study, goal setting, time management, self analysis and perfection of study objectives. Study
materials, divided for each subject into six tiers of work also address the psychology of the child
and the teacher. This makes learning easy and differentiated to address the individual child in
whole classrooms for maximum success of every child in every class.
Research & Evidence Based: All methods and processes are research based and supported by
10 to 12 full diagnostic reports / child / year
evidence. Data on every child's progress provides transparency, accountability and credibility.

12 Children deserve nothing less...

Global Classroom


Every child gets a



Study Plans Personalised

GREEN means GOOD Concepts a child is Good in and needs to maintain with practice

BLUE means MODERATELY GOOD Concepts a child is Moderately Good in and needs to further consolidate
"Yes, I Can!"
RED means LIMITED Concepts a child is Limited in and needs to focus on better understanding

Children deserve nothing less... 13

is better inspired Develops an intrinsic love for learning / Inspires leadership skills
builds motivation from within
learns better Prepares for the unknown
gains in confidence Promotes discovery

Develops global citizenship

becomes more creative
Encourages competition with oneself
develops better thinking skills Preserves self confidence and nurtures
better understands personal strengths and Inculcates life skills and instills values confidence
areas of improvement
Nurtures cooperation and team spirit
becomes a better partner in his / her learning,
can learn by self, is more intrinsically motivated
becomes more caring, respectful and responsible
focuses on beauty and perfection
progresses in many more ways than in the past...


Syllabus focused Learning focussed
TEXTBOOKS Same for all Customised for the individual child
Limited in graded learning Highly graded learning

Focus on syllabus coverage Focus on understanding and perfection

TEACHING Little on-going check on class assimilation Measures on-going class assimilation
Limited individual attention Focused individual attention

Selective Q A based class competition Assessments lead to self diagnosis

ASSESSMENTS Periodic and marks focused Continuous and learning focused, propels a
student forward

Primarily through parent-teacher meetings On-going teacher-parent-school involvement

INVOLVEMENT Limited individual attention Continuous feedback
Personalised attention to each child

14 Children deserve nothing less...

Global Classroom

The hallmark of a Global school is that it has one curriculum that has
EXCELLENCE IN ALL THINGS been prepared according to Global's vision, "Compete with Yourself!"

Global study methods integrate kinesthetic, tactile, visual and scienti c methods. Classroom strategies involve every child in hands-on interactive learning. These methods help children discover the
facts by themselves and understand better. World class assessments help students self-assess progress, plan and study smarter. Every child learns more and shows greater progress than in the past.

Children deserve nothing less... 15

Training in Hands-on Mathematics by Global Trainer Bob-Baratta Lorton

TEACHER TRAINING THAT School Environment / Ethos Assessments Pedagogies

Vision setting Assessments that Montessori and Waldorf methods / Reggio
INSPIRES AND EMPOWERS Creative and thinking classrooms

inspire and empower
Reporting and report
Inquiry based learning
Making values real
BRINGING HOME TOP NATIONAL & cards based on the Constructivism
Accelerated and advanced methods of
premise of 'Compete
learning Use of Multiple Intelligences
with Yourself!
INTERNATIONAL EXPERTISE... Personalised and differentiated teaching Bloom's Taxonomy
Self analysis and
Use of languages that heal, encourage and evaluation Accelerated and advanced methods of
positively reinforce learning
On-going diagnostics
Positive school ethos, soft side Personalised and differentiated teaching
Creative worksheets
Leadership by example and homework
Teacher, a facilitator

16 Children deserve nothing less...

Global Classroom

Methods Settings
Hands-on mathematics Dream classrooms
Phonics Multi-age settings
Interactive English Classroom organisation
Science experiments Seating arrangements
Role plays and mini acts Team work settings
Music and movement
Cooperative Games No school can exceed the quality of its teachers. We have to train our teachers in a systematic manner in which the end results, the
assessments, the study materials, the methods and the processes are all part of an integral whole and training addresses them as a
and more... whole for greatest impact. Piece-meal approaches to training are often less effective.


Children deserve nothing less... 17

Global's education has been developed with the help of over 200 educators from across the globe.
The programme has been perfected since 2000 with a multi-year trial in three countries: Iceland,
Compete with self, not others: Sunita Gandhi
UK and India and pilots elsewhere.
NAGPUR: Many people only talk about universal values, global understanding,
changing the education system, but excellence in all things and service to
INTERNATIONAL SAGES AND ADVISORS only a few like Sunita Gandhi have
successfully experimented to
'Sing your own song- a thought beyond
Andr Roberfroid, Deryn Harvey, UK Mikko Korhoneno, Finland implement changes in the system. The curriculum,' Sunita said in the existing system
The Netherlands existing education system in India creativity of children is suppressed by spoon-
Geeta Gandhi Kingdon, UK Mindy Blaise, Hong Kong
Andy Harvey, UK stresses more on competition with feeding them. She said, "Spoon-feeding with
Hanna Ragnarsdottir, Iceland Oscar Marin, Argentina others, but she staunchly believes that
Anneke Tolsma, The information is 19th century's idea of
Helena Thuneberg, Finland Pirjo Koivula, Finland the key to potential development is imparting education to meet the needs of
Howard Gardner, USA Robert J Saunders, USA competition with oneself. industries, to nd skilled, intelligent
Aurelia Garcia, Argentina
Indu Eisenberg, Germany Steinunn Gudnadottir, Iceland While addressing the principals' workforce to drive industrial revolution. This
Bill Huitt, Germany conference at Vanamati on Friday, she system is outdated today, but still it is widely
Lynne Lawrence, USA Stella Fernandez, Singapore
Bob Baratta-Lorton, USA spoke at length with her experiences practised all over the world, even India."
Matthew Rich, South Africa and experimentation in the school According to her, a broader and bolder
Dave Faulkner, Australia
Maxine Swensson, Australia education eld. The senior education education is the need of 21st century which
Dee Loftus, UK adviser of City Montessori School in should embrace creative and innovative
Lucknow, which holds a Guinness world work from children.
record for highest pupil strength of The schools generally focus on what syllabus
47,000 and 5,000 staff members, was in must be covered, but the chief guest
the city to inaugurate third Principal suggested that giving impetus to outcome
Iceland Educational Conference (PEC). for which education is imparted is more
UK Chairman of Desh Gaurav Social and important. "Outcome like developing good
CZECH Republic
Educational Society Dinanath Dasture character and performing good work must be
and convener Mrinalini Dasture shared preferred than budding talent of smart
USA the dais. Based on Sunita's visits to work," she said.
more than 35 countries for experiencing
their education system, she has
Sri Lanka established Nurture International
India Welfare Society, a programme based on
four building blocks of education:

Global Pilots A Research-Based Approach to

Dr Sunita Gandhi was invited as the Keynote in April 2013 to Finland's Annual Conference on Education
Educational Transformation
organised by the Finnish National Board of Education, Finland. Finland produces the world's best
academic results as per well-known TIMSS & PISA international assessments and comparisons.

18 Children deserve nothing less...

Global Classroom





Children deserve nothing less... 19


Sunita Gandhi has travelled to and studied education systems in 38 countries and engaged in innovative work in education
worldwide. She has founded and run schools in India, the Czech Republic and Iceland. These schools and others on three
continents have served as laboratory for her to test ideas of an education more suited to the needs and aspirations of children
living in the 21st century. In Iceland, India and the UK, she has piloted personalized and differentiated methods and assessments
that aim to inspire and empower every child. Her work based on the principle of 'compete with yourself has had an appeal to
educators worldwide. Her school partnership programmes for new and existing schools aim at school transformation.
She has founded and run the Council for Global Education in Washington, DC, USA, the Education Society of Iceland, Islensku
menntasamtokin ses, Iceland, and the Nurture International Welfare Society, India, to promote a new vision of education. Her
latest project, the Global Classroom Pvt. Ltd. in India is to speed-up a process of reform at schools and help create a
demonstration value in the new education based on the principle of 'Compete with yourself'. These efforts have been supported
by her vision and passion for an education that brings out the best in every child for both personal and social good. They are
further supported by research and evidence. She has established DEVI - Dignity, Education, Vision International, a non-pro t NGO
Dr Sunita Gandhi
and started her rst school for the underprivileged at the age of 14. Her experience in education is unique and spans a vast range,
PhD, Cambridge University, UK
from the bottom-up grassroots level and practices in everyday classrooms, to worldwide top-down education policy reform.
President, Council for
Global Education, USA Dr Sunita Gandhi has a PhD in Physics from Cambridge University, UK, and a Bachelors in Physics from Imperial College, London
Convenor, EdWW and University. At Cambridge, she received three merit based scholarships: The Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Scholarship, The
Ed Leadership, India Overseas Student Award and Trinity College Scholarship. Subsequently, Sunita Gandhi was selected to the Young Professionals
Programme at the World Bank, Washington, DC, USA. There she worked on education policy and development for nearly 10 years.
Sunita Gandhi grew up to a family of educators that have founded and run the world's largest school, in Lucknow, India, with over
47,000 students currently on roll. It holds a Guinness World Record for being the world's largest school and is the world's sole
school recipient of the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education.

Education Times The Times of India Mentor Magazine for Principals

20 Children deserve nothing less...

Global Classroom

Montessori eme right with family at

the ted by Dr Gandhi to
rti Gandhi, Founders, City Dr Sunita Gandhi on extr across the world were invi
Dr Jagdish and Dr Mrs Bha the UNE SCO Prize for Peace rs in Paris, at the Awards Cer
emony. Education experts from cation based on the principle of
kno w, rece iving SCO Hea dqu arte uss Glo bal Edu
School (CMS), Luc 2. UNE Iceland in 2003 to disc er, founder of
Headquarters in Paris, 200 Above, Dr Howard Garden
Education at the UNESCO compete with yourself. cati on and Dr Ellen Winner,
eme nt in edu
Multiple Intelligences mov Global Programme
giving their inputs on the
Psychology Professor, are
in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Universal Values

Global Understanding
Excellence In All Things
Service to Humanity
Council for Global Education, USA

ated for their level through

acknowledged and appreci In India, recognition is pro
vided at the nationwide
Principals and teachers are Sau nde rs and Dr Sunita Gandhi, e (ww w.ed and
Dr Rob ert nt Init iativ
innovative work. Here, USA, present Education We Wa , some
ncil for Global Education, s ( To date
Co-Founders of the Cou Prin cipa ls in Iceland. Ed Leadership Roundtable ss Indi a have been honoured
teac her s and ools acro
awards and recognition
to 250 individuals from sch hips, Ed Innovator
vation In-Process Fellows
with the Ed Leader Inno
and other Awards.

Children deserve nothing less... 21

Established Brand: Global is based on 38-country experience and Research-Based Organisation: Global is a unique curriculum based on evidence and a
family know-how of running the world's largest school, a Guinness schooling system developed on the basis of 54 years of experience in the education sector, and
World Record Holder and recipient UNESCO Prize for Peace Education. pilots in the UK, the Czech Republic and Iceland, among others.

Proven Record: Global has some 20 franchise schools across India in A Gratifying Experience: You will feel very grati ed when children, parents and the society
just over 2 years. will appreciate your honest efforts in the service of children.

RURAL Mohanlalganj, UP SEMI-URBAN Pathankot, Punjab URBAN Aligarh, UP

"Global programme is based on thought that every child is "Global has been providing the right set of teaching "The most unique way of nurturing children is via activities.
special. By this programme, we can help the students who material that has details on a daily planning mode that It has helped children to develop interest in learning and
are weak in studies. With the help of Tierbooks, classroom could be tracked with a target date and monitored interacting more. Each tier itself is a teacher. The help
becomes child oriented by which children develop the effectively. This helps in retaining the con dence level of boxes and the notes given underneath explain the topic
habit of self learning. It is in the nurture of the students the teacher and parents with a focused target. Is peci cally better. The exercises have just to be completed by lling
that they become happy when they get new books. liked the children of mixed ages learning together that answers which is far better than copying from the board as
Global's Nurture Programme make students happy for six helps the children learn from their seniors as a child learns it saves a lot of time. No topic is left untouched be it a life
times because the whole syllabus is divided into six tiers." from another child more easily. The activities like the eld cycle of a butter y or a structure of an animal cell or a
work and others add value to the teaching that you impart human eye or any other. A child may not have an
Omkar Nath, Founder, and they are aligned to the lessons that are currently encyclopedic knowledge on all topics but is even not
City International School, being taught, this is a good aspect as the child practically ignorant of them."
Mohanlalganj City International School sees what is being taught."
Compete with Yourself! Ashok Kulshrestha, Founder,
Raman Bhalla, Founder, Nurture International School,
Nurture International School Nurture International School Aligarh Nurture International School
Pathankot Compete with Yourself! Compete with Yourself!

22 Children deserve nothing less...

Global Classroom

Inviting you to join hands with

since children deserve nothing less...

Lead Change in Education.


Global's vision is to create a better Global's mission is to in uence Global's goal is to help schools
world through a new education policy, create demonstration value implement a global education and
more suited to the needs of the and support the empowerment of put into practice it s mission to
21st century, an education schools in order to bring out the inspire every child to become
founded upon Council for Global best and highest in each child and both good and smart through
Education's four building blocks of to help every child become a new and advanced processes,
education: Universal Values, caring, conscious and contributing methods, materials, training and
Global Understanding, Excellence world citizen. support based on the principle of
in All Things and Service to 'Compete with Yourself'.
A Future's Education, Today! Humanity.

Children deserve nothing less... 23

Team-up With Experience
Universal Values

Excellence In All Things

Global Understanding
Leading change in education...
Nurture Global School
Compete with Yourself!
Nurture International School
Compete with Yourself!
City International School
Compete with Yourself! Council for Global Educa on, USA
Service to Humanity

We need a metamorphosis in education. From a caterpillar, a butter y must emerge!

GLOBAL CLASSROOM PVT. LTD. 9235 6200 13 / 14 / 15 SMS: GLOBAL to 58888

10 G Station Road, Lucknow, UP, India Email:

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