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Ulangan Unit 1

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Ulangan Unit I


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Semester : 1 (satu)

Semester : 1 (satu) Tanggal : ....
Kelas : VIII Tanggal : ....

Nama Nomor Induk

Kelas Tanda Tangan

4. Which of the following statements is NOT

A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct TRUE?
answer. A. The handbag was found in a food
The following dialog is for questions 1 B. The handbag is light blue with a strap.
and 2. C. The handbag has a pocket with zipper
Itok is Renis cousin from Makassar. He stays at on one side.
Renis house during a holiday. He is sampling D. Whoever lost the handbag may claim
a traditional food now. it from the information desk.
Itok : What did you buy, Reni? The following text is for questions 5 to 8.
Reni : I bought srabi.
Itok : Srabi? Is it delicious? This is the first experience for Imaniar to
Reni : Yes, you bet. go to Surabaya, by train. She usually goes
Itok : Can I have a taste? there with her parents, by plane. She is going
Reni : Sure. Here you are. by train now because the plane tickets are sold
Itok : Thanks. out.
Its already 7 p.m. when Imaniar and her
1. The dialog takes place ________. parents arrive at Gambir Railway Station. The
A. at Renis house B. at Itoks house station has three floors, with huge pillars. There
C. at school D. in a canteen are stairs and escalators. It is pretty quiet on
2. Which expression is used to give the first floor. Some passengers are busy with
something? their luggage and others, on their way to the
A. I bought two srabi. second floor. Most of them use the escalators.
B. Is it delicious? Imaniar and her parents go directly to the
C. Sure. Here you are. second floor to wait for the train. There are
D. Yes, you bet. kiosks selling food and drink, magazines and
newspapers. There are also two or three
The following text is for questions 3 and restaurants. Imaniar buys magazines and they
4. decide to have dinner at one of the restaurants.
Dear, shoppers. We found a handbag in Their train will depart at 8:15 p.m.
the food court. It is light brown with a strap. 5. Where are Imaniar and her parents now?
There is a pocket with a zipper on one side. A. At home.
Whoever lost it may claim it from the B. In Surabaya.
information desk near the entrance door C. In an airport.
on the ground floor. Thank you. D. In a railway station.
3. Where can you hear the announcement? 6. Why do Imaniar and her parents go to
A. In a shopping center. Surabaya by train?
B. In a canteen. A. The train tickets are cheaper than the
C. In an office. plane tickets.
D. At home. B. Imaniar wants to experience traveling
by train.

C. The plane tickets are sold out. 10. What is the purpose of the activity?
D. The train tickets are sold out. A. To commemorate the schools 30th
7. Which statement describes Gambir
B. To develop the students life skills and
Railway Station?
A. There are stairs and escalators in the
C. To encourage the students bravery
and understanding.
B. The railway station has two floors.
D. To enhance understanding among the
C. The railway station has no pillars.
students of SMP Dirgantara Utama.
D. The restaurants are only found on the
third floor. 11. So, all students are expected to
The underlined word can be best replaced
by ________.
A. take part B. take of
C. take out D. take over
8. . . . and they decide to have dinner at one
of the restaurants. (Paragraph 3)
The word they refers to ________.
A. kiosks The following text is for questions 12 to
B. passengers 14.
C. two or three restaurants The white butterfly is very beautiful with its
D. Imaniar and her parents beautiful wings, like batik motifs. The body is
grey with thick fur. It seems benign.
The following text is for questions 9 to 11.
Oh no! Its left wing is ripped. The rupture is
IMPORTANT! quite wide. It can no longer fly. Moreover, it has
only one antenna. What a poor butterfly!
To all students of SMP Dirgantara
Utama. 12. What is the text about?
In order to commemorate the schools A. A big butterfly.
30th anniversary, we will have outbound B. A wild butterfly.
training. It is also aimed at enhancing C. An injured butterfly.
brotherhood, friendship and togetherness D. A scary butterfly.
among the students. So, all students are 13. Why cant the butterfly fly?
expected to participate. A. It is benign.
The outbound training will be held on B. Its too fat to fly.
Saturday, September 28, 2013, starting from C. It lost one antennae.
7 until 11 a.m. All students should wear their D. Its left wing is ripped.
sports kit. Bring hats, rope, sticks, drinking
equipment and first aid kits. 14. It can no longer fly. (Paragraph 2)
You need to know that this event will be What does it refer to?
followed by several groups. Each group will A. The butterfly.
consist of ten to fifteen students from Grade B. The left wing.
VII, VIII and IX. It will be fun! C. The antennae.
Enrol your class with the students D. The rapture.
names to Mr. Wisnu or Ms. Yayuk. 15. The students of Class VIIIE ________
Lets develop our brotherhood through very happy because they have passed the
outbound training. speaking test.
A. think B. see
C. feel D. know
Outbound training chief
16. Louwi loves reading and playing music,
9. How long will the outbound training be?
while his sister loves dancing and cooking.
A. For three hours.
It means ________.
B. For four hours.
A. Louwi has the same hobbies as
C. For five hours.
his sister
D. For six hours.

B. Louwis hobbies are diferent (1) When other trees stop bearing fruits,
from his sisters my tree begins to bear fruits.
C. only Louwis sister loves reading (2) This rambutan tree is diferent from
and cooking other rambutan trees in other places.
D. both Louwi and his sister love (3) So, we can still enjoy rambutan
reading and playing music although they are scarce.
(4) It bears big fruits with short hair and
taste sweet.
(5) There is a rambutan tree in my
(6) When rambutan trees in other places
bear fruits, my rambutan tree just
begins to flower.
A. 542631
B. 451623
C. 542613
D. 546213

B. Look around your school canteen

and describe it.

For questions 17 to 19, choose the correct

words to complete the passage.
Lets Talk is an English textbook for junior
high school students. Students and teachers
always (17) ________ this book as learning
media because it provides not only knowledge
but also skills. The students often (18) ________
that the words and sentences are easily
understood. Furthermore, they explain that the
reading materials are very valuable, and the
exercises are very challenging.
Lets Talk (19) ________ also equipped with
teachers manual and CD listening. These are
very beneficials for them during the learning
17. A. chose
B. choosing
C. chooses
D. choose
18. A. remarks
B. remark
C. remakes
D. remake
19. A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
20. The best arrangement of the following
sentences to form a meaningful paragraph
is ________.

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