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2.B. Soal Bahasa Inggris X Sem 2

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Read the text below and choose the correct answer.

TEXT 1 for number 1-4.

The Legend of Beowulf

Once upon a time, there was a horrible

monster called Grendel. He was half-man and
half-monster. He lived in Denmark. One day,
he went to the King's castle. The king and his
men tried to kill the monster but their swords
were useless. A knight called Beowulf heard
about the problem and went to Denmark to
help the king.
That night, Beowulf and his men took of
their armour and put away their swords and
went to sleep. The monster came into the
castle and killed a knight., Beowulf woke up and fought the monster-he pulled of an
arm! Grendel went back to his home in a lake and died. Grendel's mother was very
angry and the next night she went to the castle and killed a knight .In the morning,
Beowulf went to the lake. He killed Grendel's mother with a special sword. When he
came back, the king was very happy and he gave Beowulf presents and money.
Beowulf went back to his country and became a king. He was king for fifty
years. But one day, a dragon came to his country, and it attacked people. It lived in
a cave with treasure. The dragon was very big and breathed fire. The knights were
afraid and they did not want to fight the dragon. King Beowulf was an old man but
he put on his armour again and went to the dragon's cave with his men.

Taken from Opportunities Elementary, 2003

1. What does the text tell us about ?
a. The king of Denmark
b. A knight and Denmark king
c. A horrible monster called Grendel
d. A horrible monster and his angry mother
e. The legend of Beowulf and horrible monster called Grendel

2. How did Beowulf kill the monster ?

a. He hit the monsters head
b. He cut the monsters neck
c. He pulled of the monsters arm
d. He pulled of the monsters leg
e He cut the monsters leg with his sword

3. That night Beowulf and his men took of their armour and put away their swords
and went to sleep.
What is the antonym of the word in italic ?
a. threw
b. put on
c. took
d. brought

e. kept

4. Beowulf went back to his country and became a king. He was king for fifty
years. But one day a dragon came to his country, and it attacked people. It
lived in a cave with treasure.
What does the word it refer to ?
b King
c.His country
d. People
e. dragon

TEXT 2 for number 5-8.

The tower of London was first built in the 11th century within the roman city
walls its purpose was to protect and control the city. Since then it has been a
fortress a palace and a prison the scene of murder execution ceremonies and years
of imprisonments.
The tower is one of the UK's finest castles and as one of the strongest
fortresses in the land is the home of the crown jewels it also houses a fine collection
of armour and many other displays showing nine centuries of British history.

5. What is the best title of the text above?

a. The Roman City.
b. UKs Finest Castles.
c. The British History.
d. The London History.
e. The Tower of London.

6. For what purpose was the tower built?

a. To protect the palace.
b. To display fine armour.
c. To be the UKs finest castles.
d. To protect and control the city.
e. To be a place of murder execution.

7. What is NOT true about the tower?

a. It is UKs finest castles.
b. It was built in the 11th century.
c. It is the home of the crown jewels.
d. It displays nine centuries of British history.
e. It is one of the strongest fortress in the land.

8. Since then, it has been a fortress a palace and a prison the scene of murder
execution ceremonies and years of imprisonments. The underlined word
a. jail
b. city
c. place
d. tower
e. house

TEXT 3 for number 9-10.

The announcement mainly talks about .

a. Puerto Rican cultural

b. announcement art classes

c. classes opened to HPRSD adult members

d. future dates to be announced

e. announcement art classes at the house of Puerto Rico

10.How many persons are required at most?

a. 1 person

b. 3 persons

c. 5 persons

d. 6 persons

e. 10 persons

TEXT 4 for number 11-13.

China beats Indonesia for 4th straight Thomas Cup

The Associated Press, Kuala Lumpur | Sun, 05/16/2010 4:52 PM | Headlines
Olympic champion Lin Dan took only 43 minutes to overpower Taufik Hidayat
217, 2114 with his superb net play in the first singles at Putra Stadium in Kuala

Doubles pair Cai Yun and Fu Haifeng snatched Chinas second point, edging
Markis Kido and Hendra Setiawan 25-23, 16-21, 21-12 in a three-set thriller that
lasted nearly an hour.
Chen Jin was also stretched to three sets by Simon Santoso before winning
1921, 2117, 217 in 1 hour, 13 minutes.
Lin Dan said he was pleased but exhausted after beating both Taufik and top-
ranked Lee Chong Wei of Malaysia during the tournament.
I am tired, very tired. I hope to change my economy class ticket to first class
when we return home tonight, he said.

11. What is the text is about?

a. Indonesias victory against China.
b. Chinas victory against Indonesia.
c. Indonesia is success in the final round of Thomas Cup.
d. Chinas success reaching the final round of Thomas Cup.
e. Indonesias success reaching the final round of Thomas Cup.

12. How many times did Lin Dan win during the tournament?
a. Five times
b. Four times
c. Three times
d. Twice
e. Once

13. . . .. edging Markis Kido and Hendra Setiawan 2523, 16 21, 2112 in a three-
set thriller that lasted nearly an hour. (Paragraph 2)
The word nearly can be replaced by .
a. not far
b. almost
c. preliminary
d. accordingly
e. approximately

TEXT 5 for number 14-17.

The Wolf and the Dog

Once there was a wolf who was nearly dead with hunger. He was very thin, so
that the outline of his bones could be seen clearly beneath his thinning coat of hair.
With hardly enough energy to walk, the wolf had little hope of finding food. As he
lay beneath a large tree, a dog out for a walk noticed him. Seeing how thin and
hungry-looking the wolf was, the dog felt sorry for him and said, "You are in terrible
shape! You look as if you haven't eaten for many days." "You're right," said the wolf.
"I haven't eaten because you and your friends are doing such a good job of
guarding the sheep. Now I am so weak that I have little hope of finding food. I think I
will surely die.
" Then why not join us? Asked the dog. "I work regularly and I eat regularly. You
could do the same. I will arrange it. You can help me and the other dogs guard the
sheep. In that way, we won't have to worry about your stealing the sheep any more
and you won't have to worry about going hungry any more. It's a good deal for both
of us."
The wolf thought it over for a few minutes and then decided that the dog was
right. So they went of together toward the ranch house where the dog lived. But, as
they were walking, the wolf noticed that the hair on a certain part of the dog's neck
was very thin. He was curious about this, for the dog had such a beautiful coat
every where else. Finally, he asked the dog about it. "Oh, don't worry about that,"

said the dog. "It's the place where the collar rubs on my neck when my master
chains me up at night."
"Chained up!" cried the wolf, "Do you mean that you are chained up at night? If
I come to live with you, will I be chained up at night too?"
That's right," answered the dog. "But, You'll get used to it soon enough. I
hardly think about it anymore." "But, if I am chained up, then I won't be able to walk
when I want to take a walk or to run where I want to run," the wolf said. "If I come to
live with you, I won't be free anymore.

After saying this, the wolf turned and ran away. The dog called after the wolf,
saying, "Wait! Come back! I may not be able to do everything I want to do, but I'm
healthy, well-fed, and I have a warm place to sleep. You are too worried about
keeping alive to enjoy life. I'm more free than you are."

Taken from

14. What is the main idea of the second paragraph ?

The dog asked
a.. the wolf to eat regularly
b the wolf to work regularly with him
c. his master to chain up the dogs neck
d.. the dog to eat regularly and not to steal again
e. the wolf to join the other dogs guarding the sheep

15. With hardly enough energy to walk, the wolf had little hope of finding food.
What does the phrase underlined means.
a. Walked lazily
b. Walked slowly
c. Wanted to walk
d. Very weak to walk
e. worked regularly

16. What is the moral value that we can get from the story above?
a. We have to help each other
b. Never want what someone has
c. We have to work if we want to be rich
d. If we want to get something, we have to follow the regulation
e. We cannot ask someone to help us if we dont want to help other people

17. What is the purpose of the text above ?

a. To describe the dog and the wolf
b. To retell the experience of the dog
c. To entertain the reader with the story of the dog and the wolf
d. To explain the reader with the story of the dog and the wolf
e. To persuade the readers with the story of the dog and the wolf

TEXT 6 for number 18-21.

Sangeh is one of the interesting tourist resorts in Bali. It is a small village 20 km

north of Denpasar and home of the large attractions on Bali; the monkey forest
Bukit Sari. The monkey forest is famous for its old temple and, of course, the many
macaque monkeys that rule the place.
The temple, Pura Bukit Sari, is supposed to have been built in the 17th century.
In the temple yard there is an interesting statue of the mythical Garuda bird.
According to Balinese tradition, this place is mentioned in the Hindu epical poem
Ramayana. The legend says that the monkey god Hanuman took control of the
gigantic cosmic mountain Mahameru in order to kill the evil demon Rawana. A piece
of the mountain with monkeys clinging to it fell down on Sangeh and since, then,
the monkeys have lived here.

The monkeys are of the same species as those in Ubud, but a lot more
obnoxious. If you bring food, they will more than likely jump on top of you to grab
the goodies. By all means do not try to take it back or pet the animals, they may
bite. If you follow these simple rules, they make no problem and are just funny to
look at. You can hire a local guide at the entrance who will show you how to treat
the animals and also scare away the nastiest of them. As usual do not have any
loose belongings as they can easily be stolen by the monkeys, and to be safe and
sure you can bring a stick.

18.What is the communicative purpose of the text?

a. To explain where people can go when visiting Bali.
b. To compare two tourist resorts in Bali, Sangeh to Ubud.
c. To state opinions about the most interesting place in Bali
d. To describe Sangeh, one of the interesting tourist resorts in Bali.
e. To give argument why Sangeh becomes an interesting place to go.

19. The monkeys are of the same species as those in Ubud, but a lot more
obnoxious. (sentence 1 paragraph 3). The bold-typed word has the same
meaning as.
a. very tame
b. very strange
b. very pleasant
d. very interesting
e. very unpleasant
20.The monkeys are of the same species as those in Ubud, but a lot more
obnoxious. The underlined word refers to.
a. resorts
b. tourists
c. Balinese
d. monkeys
e. Sangeh and Ubud

21.The following are what the visitors can do to the monkeys, EXCEPT .
a. treat them well
b. pet the monkeys
c. look at the monkeys
d. bring a stick for security
e. scare the nasty ones away

TEXT 7 for number 22-25.

Mount Merapi Volcano: President Susilo declares national emergency after

new eruptions
Yogyakarta 5 November: 2010:
Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono has declared the ongoing
volcanic eruptions on Mount Merapi a
national disaster. All emergency services
and local security forces dealing with this
crisis will now be co-ordinated by the central
This follows the most violent
eruptions Thursday night since the volcano
erupted on 26 October, killing more than 80
people and sending thousands fleeing
towards Yogyakarta. A football stadium in
the center of the city is now being set up as a
central reception center for the displaced.
By mid-morning 5,000 people were already
crowding the stadium seeking shelter, food, water and medical attention, being
provided by local local authorities, soldiers, Red Cross and NGOs. One Red Cross

volunteer stated that a further 5,000 people were expected to arrive in at the
coming hours. The European Commission Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO)
expert on site saw a steady stream of displaced arriving on motorbikes and on the
back of trucks. Over 80,000 displaced are now reported seeking shelter in the four
districts around the volcano.
Local TV stations broadcast dramatic pictures of aid workers, soldiers and
journalists fleeing villages on the mountain as massive explosions sent pyroclastic
clouds rushing down the slopes of the volcano. Lava rocks ejected by volcano were
reportedly setting houses on fire more than 15km from its summit. The city of
Yogyakarta is now blanket by a smog of volcanic ash covering buildings, cars and
streets with a fine powdery ash. The airport has been closed.
Sumber: http://

22. The following reasons were why 5.000 people were already crowding the
by mid-morning, EXCEPT .
a. to get food
b. to seek water
c. to find shelter
d. to look for pleasure
e. to search medical attention

23. When did President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono declare Merapi eruption a
emergency? He declared it days after the first eruption.
a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 9
e. 10

24. Lava rocks ejected by the volcano were reportedly setting houses on fire
more than 15 km from its
summit. ( Paragrah 3 )The word summit can be replaced by .
a. top
b. hill
c. steep
d. slope
e. valley

25. Lava rocks ejected by volcano were reportedly setting houses on fire more
than 15km from its summit. ( Paragraph 3 ).
The word its refers to.
a. mountain
b. volcano
c. stadium
d. shelter
e. stream

TEXT 8 for number 26-27.

26.What was citizen planner created for? To make the youth understand .

a. their land

b. their planner

c. their guest

d. their certificate

e. their community

27.As what does the website give opportunity to civic leaders?

a. Trainer planner

b. Citizen planner

c. Junior citizen

d. Guest instructor

e. PDF format

TEXT 9 for number 28-31.

Once upon a time there was an old man who was gathering stick in the
forest. He was stopped by age and hard work. When he hobbled painfully, he
thought of his troubles and began to feel regret for himself. With a hopeless gesture,
he threw his bundle of stick on the ground and groaned. Life is too hard. I can not
bear it any longer. If only Death would come and take me. While the words were
out of his mouth, Death in the form of skeleton in a black robe stood in front of him.
I heard you call me, Sir. What can I do for you? he said.

Please, Sir, could you please help me put this bundle of sticks back on my
shoulder again replied the old man.

28. What does the text tell us about? The text tells us about.
a. the old man and the Death
b. the old man who live in the forest
c. the death and the skeleton of the man
d. the man and the skeleton of the Death
e. the old man and the bundle of the stick

29. What was the old mans condition? He was.

a. sick
b. happy
c. strong
d. stopped
e. diligent

30.When he hobbled painfully, he thought of his troubles and began to feel regret
for himself. (Paragraph 1)
What is the meaning of the word underlined?
a. thought hard
b. walked slowly
c. walked lamely
d. walked quickly
e. walked difficulty

31. Life is too hard. I cannot bear it any longer. (Paragraph 1)

The word it on the sentence above refers to.
a. gesture
b. hard life
c. the stick
d. bundle of stick
e. a hopeless gesture

TEXT 10 for number 32-34.

Were having a barbeque party!

Please come and join in on all the fun.

Sunday, 3 August 2008, at 3 o clock

Diponegoro street No. 18

Mr Smith and the family

RSVP to Mr Smith at (031) 332 432

32. What will the main meal be at the party?

a. Tomato soup.
b. Fried chicken.
c. French fries.
d. Lamb satay.
e. Steak.

33. When will the guest come to Mr. Smiths house?

a. In the afternoon.

b. In the morning.
c. At midnight.
d. At midday.
e. At dawn.

34. RSVP is the abbreviation for the French phrase rpondez sil vous plat. It
a. please come
b. please answer
c. please be on time
d. please bring money
e. please ask some questions

TEXT 11 for number 35-37.

The grizzly bear lives in the uplands of western North America. Grizzlies are
normally solitary active animals, but in coastal areas the grizzly bears congregate
alongside streams, lakes, and rivers during the salmon spawn.
Every other year, the females (sows) produce one to four young (most
commonly two) which are small and weight only about 200 grams (one pound). A
sow is very protective of her of springs and will attack if she is being threatened.
Male grizzly bears can range from weights of 180 to 680 kilograms (400-1.500
pounds) and stand 2.44 meters (8 feet) tall of their hind legs, the females are
smaller. Their coloring ranges widely across geographic areas, from blond to deep
brown or red. These diferences, primarily due to the diferent environments,
particularly, with regard to diet and temperature.
The grizzly has a large hump over the shoulders which is a muscle mass used
to powerful, however. The muscles in the lower legs provide enough strength for the
bear to stand up on its hind legs, giving it a better view of its surrounding. The head
is large and round with a concave facial profile.
In spite of their massive size, these bears can run at speeds of up to 40
kilometers per hour (25 miles per hours) however, they are slower running downhill
rather than uphill because of the large hump of muscle over the shoulders.

35.What is paragraph one about?

a. The grizzly bear.
b. The life of grizzly bear.
c. The male grizzly bear.
d. The habitat of grizzly bear.
e. Physical characteristic of grizzly bear.

36.A sow is very protective of her of springs and .

The underlined word also means .
a. food
b. babies
c. spouses
d. habitats
e. families

37.A sow is very protective of her of springs and will attack if she is being
threatened. The underlined word refers to.
a. a sow
b. the male
c. the female
d. of spring
e. grizzly bear

TEXT 12 for number 38-40.

Obama will make visit to Indonesia Nov. 5

Reuters October 29, 2010
President Barack Obama will visit
Indonesia's largest mosque and make a major
outdoor speech directed at the global Muslim
community when he visits Indonesia next
month, the White House said Thursday.
Obama leaves on Nov. 5 on a 10-day
trip to India, Indonesia, South Korea and
Japan. On
Nov. 10 in Jakarta, Obama will visit the
Istiqlal Mosque, and then make his speech
from another, outdoor location, where there
could be a large crowd.
The U.S. president was due to travel to Indonesia in March and in June, but
put of the visit each time because of domestic political concerns, which
disappointed and angered some Indonesians.
Obama also will announce a new "comprehensive partnership" with Indonesia
on security, economic and people-to-people issues, said Jefrey Bader, the
president's top Asian adviser.
He will talk about the partnership in the speech, but also Indonesia's rise as a
democracy and emerging economy, close relationship with the United States and
Copyright (c) Postmedia News

38. The text tells us about.

a. Obamas trip to Indonesia
b. Obamas speech in Indonesia
c. The visit of Barack Obama to Indonesia
d. The plan of the U.S. president visit Indonesia
e. The U.S. presidents arrival to Indonesia this year

39. Why did Obama put of his visit to Indonesia in March and June?
He put of his visit because of.
a. his disappointment with Indonesians
b. his anger with some Indonesians
c. domestic political concerns
d. a major outdoor speech
e. a large crowd

40. but put of the visit each time because of domestic political concerns,
( Paragraph 4 )
The word put of is similar in meaning to.
a. postpone
b. convert
c. change
d. arrive
e. come

(SMA Katolik Diponegoro Blitar)

Tim Penyusun

Drs. H. Kayis H.M., M.Pd. (SMAN 2 Jombang)

Khoirur Roziqin, S.Pd. I. (SMAN 1 Kediri)
Luh Putu Mertawati, S.Pd. (SMAN 1 Kademangan

Drs. Muh. Yasin, M.Pd. (SMAN 1 Kandat)
Wirawan, S.Pd. (SMAN 1 Pacet Kabupaten
Tri Mei H., S.Pd (SMAN 1 Wungu Kabupaten
Kustyorini, S.Pd. (SMAN 4 Kota Madiun)
A. Khusairi (SMA Islam Brawijaya Kota
Sutarnik, S.Pd. (SMA Katolik Diponegoro Blitar)
Nara Sumber:
Drs. Suhanto Kastaredja, M.Pd. (SMAN 14 Surabaya)


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