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Beowulf With The Finnsburg Fragment (First Edition 1914)

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jinenie?^^o»* Ofz^ fc^l^fdep»5.fcea.|>c|

^jMgtuiirn rnone^ mi^fuiti meo^o ((SrUt

tea. fceatc: TUin>er^ W^^tfT Cfiop|te- ^C'^oS^

ue&x^ un^en, polcnum peoTtK nyn^um Vu^


o^y hun at^linylc W|i^ ^!7i4» firreTi^^d^

op|i-1ntoni Ttd-^e- Jiyruui fct«e- 2;oTii[-.«in''



f' > ^A ia^i*

129" {Vi^-)
MS. Cott. Vit. A. XV. (reduced) fol.
na ingear dagum. j^eod cyninga

l^rym ge frunon hucSa sejjelinjas elle[a]

fre medon. Oft. scyld scefinj sceaj7e[na]

5 J^reatum monegum m£eg]7um meodo setla

of teah egsode eorl sy35an surest wear[3]

fea sceaft funden he ^Jses frofre 5eba[d]

weiix under wolcnum weorS myndum f/ah.

oS ]>£et him seghwylc ];ara ymb sittendra

lo ofer hroii rade hyran scolds jomban

gyldan ]>a}t wses jod cyniD j. 6£em eafera wses

sefter cenned geonj ingeardum jjone jod

sende folce tofrofre fyren Searfe oa

geat f>«thie per drugon aldor [lejase. lange

15 hwile him ysea lif frea wuldres wealdend

worold are for geaf. beowulf wses breme

blied wide sprang scyldes eafera scede

landiim in. Swa sceal [geong g]uma gode

ge wyrcean fromum feoh giftum. on faeder



Edited by



Cambridge :

at the University Press

New York :

G. P. Putnam's Sons




Inteodtjotion .... ix—xxxviii
Text op BEowDir, with notes 1

The Fight at Finnsbdkg 158

Genealogical TablEs . 163

Index of Persons and Places 164

Glossary 180

Facsimileb of MS.

Folio 129 a Frontispiece

Folio 176 b, with the corresponding

transcripts of ThorkeUn
The editors of Beowulf have, with rare exceptions,
concentrated their attention upon the problem of fixing
and interpreting the text, and have avoided discussing the
literary history of the poem. Theories as to the origin and
structure of Beowulf have been developed, not in editions,
but in monographs such as those of ten Brink, Miillenhoff,
and Boer.
This practice is probably sound : and in accordance with
it I have made no pretence here to deal with questions of the
"higher criticism." I hope to attempt this in an Intro-
duction to Study of Beowulf, which is to be issued
separately. But an editor ought to give an account of the
principles upon which he has worked, and the relation of his
text to the MS. This duty is particularly incumbent upon
him, when he is revising a standard text.

The Manuscript

The Beovmlf has been preserved in one manuscript only,

written about the year 1000 : a feature which it shares with
most extant Old English poetry. As to the history of this
manuscript we have no information, till we find it in the
collection formed by Sir Robert Cotton, which is now in the
British Museum. From its position in 'the book-cases of this
collection the MS. containing Beowulf received the name and
number {Cotton Vitellius A. 15) by which it is still known.
Our first record of it dates from 1705, when Wanley in his
Catalogue of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts described our poem
as telling of the wars which a Dane, Beowulf, waged against
the Kings of Sweden.
X On the Text of Beowulf
Twenty-six years later occurred the disastrous fire m
which so many of the Cottonian MSS. were either destroyed
or, like the Beowulf MS., damaged.
was not till the eighteenth century M^as drawing to
a close that any serious attempt was made to master the poem.
Thorkelin, an Icelander by birth, inspired by that revival of
historical studies which marked the close of the eighteenth
century in Denmark, and doubtless led by Wanley's mis-
description of the MS., came to England, made a transcript

of the MS., and caused a second transcript to be made.

After twenty years of labour his edition was nearing com-
pletion, when Englishman came, the damned
in 1807 "the
thief S" bombarded Copenhagen, and incidentally destroyed
Thorkelin's translation and notes. The much more valuable
transcripts of the MS. fortunately escaped. But the work
had all to be done again, and it was not till 1815 that the first
edition of the Beowulf appeared, under the title of Be Dcuno-
rum rebus gestis. .poema Banicum, dialecto Anglo-saxonica.

Thorkelin's ignorance has been harshly censured by later

students, who have often forgotten that, by his two transcripts,
made more than forty years before any Englishman cared to
study the poem, the Scandinavian scholar had done a service,
the value of which cannot be exaggerated. For after Thor-
kelin's time the MS. continued to deteriorate steadily, by
the dropping away of its charred edges ^. Thorkelin's mis-
translations simply do not matter to us. What does matter
is that he recorded what was to be read in the MS. at the

time he saw it. He, and, to a greater extent, the transcriber

whom he employed, made many
mistakes: but the two
transcripts correct each other:and the mistakes are of a
type easily detected and explained. Indeed Thorkelin's
ignorance of Anglo-Saxon, and the ignorance of his scribe,
add immensely to the value of their transcripts. Had they
^ Aa det var Aaret atten hundrede aa syv
Da Engelsmanden kom, den forbandede Tyv
2 More than thirty years ago, further destruction was prevented
by the
MS. being rebovind, and the parchment inset: but the paper which now
surrounds each parchment leaf necessarily covers letters or portions of letters
on the back.
The Manuscript xi

known more, they would have been tempted to fill in from

conjecture such gaps as they did find, and this would have
deprived their testimony of its value.

Thorkelin's transcripts are generally referred to as A

(the copy made by Thorkelin's order) and B (the copy which
he made personally). Both belong to the year 1787 : they
are preserved in the Royal Library at Copenhagen.
In 1830 the MS. was again copied by Thorpe, who how-
ever did not publish till a quarter of a century later. In
1833 (and more correctly in a second edition, in 1835) Kemble
published the results of his inspection. In 1861 N. F. S.
Grundtvig published a text based upon an examination both
of the MS. and of Thorkelin's transcripts. In 1876 Kolbing
published collations in Herrigs Archiv (lvi.), and both
Wulker (1881) and Holder (1881: from his notes made in
1876) prefixed to their texts a transcription of the MS.,
letter by letter.

Finally, in 1882, a facsimile of the MS. was published by

the Early English Text Society, with a transcription by
Prof Zupitza (quoted in the notes below as "Zupitza"). This
transcription embodies more than Zupitza's personal reading
of the MS.; for he endeavoured "to give the text as far
as possible in that condition in which it stood in the MS.
a century ago." He weighed the evidence of all the scholars,
enumerated above, who had examined the MS. before him,
and he had the advantage of comparing the MS. itself with
Thorkelin's two transcripts, which were sent to the British
Museum for the purpose.
The MS. having thus been collated and- recollated by
eight scholars, each in his day peculiarly competent, it might
well seem that nothing farther remained to be done. And
in fact most recent students have been content to take the
facsimile, and Zupitza's transliteration, as final. But in the
study of a MS. which has suffered as the Beowulf MS. has,
finality is indeed hardly to be reached; and Dr Sedgefield
has shown in his recent edition what good results may yet
be produced by an editor who will look at the MS. for him-
self Cotton Vitellius J.. 15 is still a field in which a student.
xii On the Text of Beowulf
particularly if armed with much patience and a strong lens,
may have, "on the whole, not a bad day's sport."
The facsimile is indeed an excellent one: but when it is
remembered that the MS. has often to be turned many ways,
and examined under many lights, before the stroke of a
letter can be distinguished from some accidental crease, it is
clear that no facsimile can be an adequate substitute for
examination of the MS. itself One example of this will
suffice. An American scholar observed from the facsimile
that the word hea^o in an admittedly defective passage
(11. 62-3) was apparently written over an erasure.
the necessity for an erasure pointed to some kind of confusion
in the mind of the scribe, he concluded that consequently
it was here, and not, as generally supposed, at an earlier

point, that the corruption had crept into the text, and
that therefore the generally accepted emendations must be
given up, and an attempt made to solve the crux by starting
from the point where the "erasure" occurs.
Having made up his mind from the autotype that there
wcLS an erasure, he subsequently examined the MS. at the
British Museum, and whilst thinking that the erasure was
not as manifest in the MS. as in some copies of the autotype,
he adhered to his position. The appearance of an erasure
is indeed so strong in the facsimile that no one has dis-
puted it: and I was therefore greatly surprised, when con-
sulting the MS. itself, to find that it showed no trace of that
roughening of the surface which was to be expected. On
the parchment being held up to the light, all the dim marks,
which in the facsimile (and at first sight in the MS. also)
look like firagments of an erased word, turned out to be
nothing more than strokes of the word on the other side of
the which (as so often in the Beowulf MS.) shine

through the parchment. Yet over the reading of these

"erased letters" there has been considerable, and heated,
controversy: and the discussion of the " erased word" and
of the theories built upon it has been the subject of
seven contributions to a philological periodical S consisting
1 See M.L.N, xix. 121, 122 : xx. 9 : xxi. 143, 255 : xxii. 96, 160.
The Manuscript xiii

altogether of about ten thousand printed words. It is painful

to think that the time of skilled compositors should have
been thus wasted.

facsimile is given of two pages of the MS., and of the
pages in Thorkelin's transcripts A and B corresponding to
the second of these.
The facsimiles of the MS. should be compared with the
corresponding passage in the text. Such a comparison will
show the student what are the main difficulties which beset
the editor, and how he is helped by Thorkelin's transcripts.
Several things will at once be obvious:
(1) The lines of the MS. do not correspond to the
verse lines of the poem. This does not, however, cause any
serious trouble, for so uniform is Old English metre that
cases where there can be any real doubt as to the division
of the lines very seldom occur. Holthausen would put
geaf at the end of 1. 2430 Schiicking at the beginning of

1. 2431.
(2) The punctuation of the MS. is meagre and unre-
liable. The full stop is, indeed, sometimes used as we should
use it: e.g. after the word cyning in 1. 11 of p. 1; but it is

often placed in the middle of a sentence, as after aldorlease,

three lines below.
(3) Though the first word after a full stop is not
infrequently written with a capital, proper names are not
written with capital letters. Hence, for instance, the dispute
whether hondscio (1. 2076) is, or is not, a personal name.
(4) Vowel length is only rarely marked. Hence diffi-

culties like that of determining whether gaist stands for gMst

'stranger' or gmst, ' spirit

(5) One word is sometimes written as two or even three

words, and two words are often written as one. Hyphens are
unknown to the scribes. Hence eofor lie scionon (I. 303)
has been read both as eofor-lw scionon and eofor lic-scionon.
And in addition to the difficulty of interpreting such gaps
as the scribe did undoubtedly leave, we have the further

' A list is given below of the vowels marked long in the MS.
xiv On the Text of Beowulf
diflSculty of deciding and when he did not, intend
when he did,
the vague and indeterminate space which he left between
letters to be regarded as a gap separating two words.

(6) Though there are no glaring examples on the pages

reproduced, appears that the scribes worked mechanically,

sometimes altering the entire meaning of a sentence by

omitting little words, like ne, 'not.' The painfully slow care
with which the Old English letters were traced would tend to
make the scribe lose the general drift of what he was writing.
(7) The spelling is inconsistent: moncynn appears as
manoynne (dat.) in 1. 110, as moncynnes (gen.) in 1. 196, and
as mon cynnes (gen.) in 1955. Yet, compared with that

of many a Middle English MS. or Tudor printed book, the

spelling might almost be called uniform.
(8) be seen that both pages of the MS., but more
It will
particularly the second, are badly damaged at the edges
and corners. With the facsimile of the second page should
be compared the facsimile of the corresponding passage from
Thorkelin's transcripts. When these transcripts were made
the damage cannot have extended beyond the margins, and the
written page must have been, like the transcript, complete ^-
At the present day, out of 108 words, 26 are either quite
gone or damaged. This will give some measure of the value
of Thorkelin's transcripts. Of course even without them we
should still be able to get much information from the texts
of Kemble and Thorpe as to what the MS. was like in its
less damaged state: but, as it is, we depend mainly upon

Thorkelin. As explained above, the mechanical nature of

these transcripts is their greatest merit. It is quite clear
that the transcriber of A had no knowledge whatsoever of
Old English. This is proved by spellings like relite for rekte,
riga for wiga, cri&cm for cwi&an. How slight Thorkelin's own
knowledge must have been at the time he made his transcript
is shown by similar misspellings, e.g. glogu&e for geogutHe.

The handwriting of the second page reproduced from the

Beowulf MS. differs from that of the first. The second hand
1 Thorkelin could not read the first word of 1. 8, but the transcriber got
it right.
-rt^i^C yr^*,m. ^^<^-r-^ <i^t^^,U.^. j^^^L^tt.

Beowulf; Thorkelin's Transcript B. {reduced), 11. 2105—2127.

L^Dii^littr^ li|7ilti^^ aj^lirtkr.jaX'

eft* ^jtrlrjtt^ J^^pi .-I

^ 5^|^k>e ^Uhlice' td^ ]>t^ tejc ft


|e.4w^% l|T'hi«i^ ntmo^yyn j5?&a

MS. Cott. Vit. A. XV. (reduced) fol. 176" (179") ( = 11. 2105-2127)
Transliteration, 11. 2105—2127.

[scildinj f]ela fric5[ende feorran] r[ehte] FoI. 176',

[hwilum hjilde deor hearpan wynne 50

[meljwudu jrette hwilum jyd awraec. soS

\ond sar]lic hwilum syllic spell, rehte asfter

[ri]hte rum heort cyninj. hwilum eft

[ongajn eldo jebunden jomel juS wija

[jiojJuSe cwiSan hilde strengo hreSer

[inn]e weoll ^oune he wintrum frod worn

[jemjunde swa we ]7ser inne anc^langne

[daej] niode naman oSSset niht becwom.

[oSer] to yldum \a. was eft hratSe jearo

[jyrn] wraece. 5rendeles modor. SiSode

[sor]h full sunu deaS fornam wij hete

[wedjra wif unhyre hyre beam jewrsec

[beo]m acwealde ellenlice ]?8Br wses sesc

[her]e frodan fyrn-witan feorh uS

[jenjje. no3er hy bine nemoston sj^San

[mjerjen cwom deaS werig ne denia

[leojde. bronde for baernan

[n]e on bgl hladan. leofne mannan

Letters now entirely lost, or so far lost as to be very

difficult to read, are placed within square brackets.

peah ioiie, tionti on\>iO^-u. -[lit. Uca-n^ona-n. mo^eS jeomop mcfc j|vm«» —
itceoU iViebane boti ho^ hme fciliMnj."-. Jfaxxon. zolie ^elo-Uan" Oe/...

mane-rii. moXmu. y-'u\Soan.metfien com . "the zo »•«« tie T.c|ccei» hdjeoon,

Whk^ffik- ^A^ I7(f*"

T.o'^eUj'f.ilb^x teU j!J.icAenke jreonJMiwv jiel«t*

Jiirilti.' liilbe beon.Uatljtha.fl VVnne Jfi tnei hubu- •y^ertx.e. Iipilu Vjj^ abjiOJC. liS

"jfttKljc (iHilCLl'oUic rpeU.licUxe <zf x^|iikx«.hum ^eal>«.c^Hi»^-nhilu. -.

ect o«-rj<x»\ elbo -7.e«u.nben -t,omel •vuS' -z-iosvulje cHrocuw li»l&« .._

rxheifco kpieoeh mne-j^'eoll. bow lie bi nz.KU. l:kob bojin 'leir>M'nbe]'bct^e|)(e|i

rinne. "7 lanrne. oet- niobe ina.n\a.n onSo<ex.''niVtX. bficbom . tfSeh -co j!|16itnn

potpcei' efr kho^e -i^no "VJ^" bh<B£e.,T.h6Mbfttc9 wioioK . ^roipoe ...

Sohli pu-U i*u.«u- iefltS" kohnam bi^hece beAfto. Bir iinti^he n<|he oe«Kn» ..

-iKbhCK teokn oichecdbe ettenlice Wli biEV- (EJVl kehe Evtoian j^^^n Jjixolk

i!eofili uy^tn-te. MoSeh li^Umt Metnofton fy^SoLW mej^ xen cpo»n tSerti^..—

behiT-tie. iema. leoh&' bfionbe |?oh Dtehnaut >ieon eel hfaiau:t. leojifie

ma-nna-n htolalie otxhitjfi PeoMOeS jrtBO

^eh eihTLCh rxjieoin -p b«s hpo^ htteapa -ZiSKhor^ paha

beleoi t>fiu tMO-n loiwte BeTe«.te. p<x$e!<reooen. •Mic^Sine. Iiiee liealjrooe

Jivieoli-fMo&^ic OM^ioiniou -lejitn-r eohl (t'pe- ejJrtJe e»li>»ie xcrtjl&^e .

tnceid'o -tfiet»icAe< Jicirte fneie-s.c^ex, (c^ooTie*' b(ic{nie.& beis Vibe, cut^

Beowvlft Thorkdin's Transcript A. {reduced), 11. 2098—2136.

The Manuscript xix

begins with moste in 1. 1939. Judith, which follows Beowulf

in the composite MS. Cotton Vitellius A. 15, is asserted on
good authority to be also in this second hand. This is

important, for with the second hand many variations in

spelling are introduced into Beowulf. Our first instinct
would be to attribute these altered spellings to the new
copyist: but since they do not occur in the Judith, this can
hardly be the correct explanation, if he also transcribed that
poem. In that case it would seem rather that the second
scribe copied his original more exactly, and therefore re-
tained features which the first scribe was prone to obliterate.
The peculiarities of spelling which meet us in the later
portion of Beowulf seem, then, to be derived fi:om the MS.
from which our existing copy was transcribed'.
The abbreviations used by the scribes are neither numerous
nor difficult. Instead of ond, which occurs only three times
(11. 600, 1148, 2040), the symbol 7 is almost invariably used.

For JjtBt, f is similarly found. It has been disputed whether

f can also stand for ^a (see note to 1. 15): if it cannot there
are certainly instances in Beowulf where f and J>d have
been confused by a natural scribal blunder. Sense is much
improved by reading f as J>d in 11. 15, 1833, 3134 (cf 2701)
and M as f in 1. 2629.
To signify m, especially final m, the scribe drew a heavy
hooked line over the preceding vowel.
From the times of the earliest O.E. glosses this symbol
is also used occasionally to signify n. The Beowulf scribe,
like the scribe of the almost contemporary Exeter Book, does
not normally use the mark for n^. But the older MS. which
he was copying perhaps did so, and this would account for
such a blunder as hrusam for hrusan (2279) and for the
frequent omission of an n in our manuscript'.

^ See Davidson, and MacClumpha, Differences between the scribes of

Beowulf, in M.L.N., v. 87—89, 245, 378.
' InU. 2645, 2741, read forSam rather than /orfTaw. In pom, (=if>onne) the
mark is used for ne, and (or en on the abnormally contracted last page of the MS.
3 LI. 60, 70, 255, 418, 391, 673, 1176, 1510, 1697, 1883, 2259, 2307, 2545,
2996, 3121, 3155. When final, this may be due to the original having been
in a Northern dialect [Sieversj, § 188. 2].
XX On the Text of Beowulf

Textual Emendation

It ismost important that the student should study the

two facsimile pages of the Beowulf MS. sufficiently to fami-
liarize himself with the forms of the Anglo-Saxon script,

for it is only by this means that he will be able to weigh

the value of the different conjectural emendations. con- A
jecture which seems a very violent one when expressed in
modem type may yet appear very reasonable when we
picture the form of the Old English letters. From this
point of view it is a pity that we have abandoned the custom,
so generally followed at the beginning of Old English studies,
of printing Old English texts in type which was a con-
ventionalized facsimile of the Old English hand. The letters
are picturesque, and can be learnt in five minutes.
Much work was done in the emendation and elucidation
of the text by Grundtvig, Kemble, Thorpe and Ettmtiller.
The constant occurrence of the name of Grundtvig in the
textual notes bears witness to the frequency with which
he cleared up some desperate place in the MS. But these
emendations only represent a portion of Grundtvig's achieve-
ment. Working from Thorkelin's inaccurate text, he made
many more careful examination, were
conjectures which, on a
found to be actually the readings of the MS. Such success
naturally aroused confidence in his conjectural restorations.
The great bulk of Grundtvig's emendations were appended
to the translation which he published in 1820. Other emen-
dations were made in his edition, published in 1861. These
two books have not been sufficiently distinguished by editors
of Beowulf. Yet in discussing the priority of an emendation
it is obviously important to know in which of two books,
separated by more than forty years, a scholar may have
made his conjectures. In this edition, therefore, the word
'Grundtvig,' followed by the number of a page, refers in-
variably to the translation of 1820; references to the edition
of 1861 are specified as such.
Grundtvig had contributed a large number of these
Textual Emendation xxi

emendations to a Copenhagen paper during the year 1815 ^

The perfect editor would no doubt go through these articles,
and note exactly where each emendation first appeared.
But life is short and there is much to do: I have therefore
only referred to these periodical articles of Grundtvig where
it appeared that there was some useful purpose to be gained

by so doing. Generally speaking I have taken Grundtvig's

publication of 1820 as summing up the results of his early
work, and have not striven to go behind it.

The student must not be surprised if he finds the same

emendation attributed by different scholars sometimes to
Kemble and sometimes to Thorpe, since frequently Kemble's
emendations were only suggested in the notes of his second
volume, but were first given in the teoot by Thorpe; and
there was so much intercommunication between the two
scholars that it is not easy to say to whom belongs the credit
of some particular emendations.
Much confusion has also resulted from the differences
between the first edition of Kemble's Beowulf (1833: limited
to 100 copies) and the second revised edition of 1835. For

instance, Zupitza than whom no one knew more of the
history of Beowulf criticism, and whose premature death was
a loss to ^eowwZ/ scholarship from which we are still suffer-
ing —
charged other editors with inaccuracy in their quotations
of Kemble': the explanation is that they were using the
one edition, and he was using the other, and that the two
editions differ very widely. I have therefore thought it
better to differentiate. 'Kemble (d' refers to the edition
of 1833; 'Kemble ,2,' to that of 1835; 'Kemble ,3,' to the list
of emendations which Kemble appended to his translation
in 1837. 'Thorpe' refers, of course, to Thorpe's edition
of 1855.
The labours of Ettmiiller covered a period little shorter
than those of Grundtvig. In my notes, ' Ettmiiller (d

to the translation of 1840: 'Ettmiiller (21' to the abbreviated

Beowulf which appeared in the book of extracts entitled

1 Some eight articles in the Nyeste Skilderie of Kjobmhavn.
2 Archiv, xciv. 328.

xxii On the Text of Beowulf

Engla and Seaama Scopas and Bdceras, 1850: 'Ettmiiller (3)'

to the edition (still abbreviated) of 1875.

A new com-
era begins with the publication of Grein's
plete corpus of Anglo-Saxon poetry, between 1857 and 1864
(4 vols.). Grein's actual text of Beowulf, both in the first
volume of this Bihliothek, and in his subsequent separate
edition, is notwithout its faults but the great lexicon given

in the last two volumes of the Bihliothek brought to bear

upon the interpretation of Beowulf the whole store of know-
ledge of Old English poetic speech. The student who has
made some progress, and hopes to make more, will still find
his best course to be the looking up in Grein's Sprachschatz
of parallels for the usage of any words puzzling him. In
quoting I difi'erentiate 'Grein (d' (1857); 'Grein (2)' (1867);
'Grein (3)' (Grein's hand-copy, corrected, as used by Wiilker).
Since Grein's day the edition of Heyne (1863, etc.), con-
stantly revised, has continued to hold its own (English
translation, Harrison and Sharp, 1882, etc.), rivalled for
two decades by that of Holder (1881, etc. last edit., 1899). :

Kluge added valuable conjectures to Holder's edition: to

these Kluge if quoted in my notes, without details, refers'.

Wiilker 's revision of Grein's Bihliothek (1883, etc.) by giving

scrupulously accurate texts, with full remedied
the one fault of Grein's great work. In recent years four
editions have been published: (1) Trautmann's (1904), dis-
tinguished by bold alterations of the text ; (2) Holthausen's
(third 1912-13),
edit. for its closely packed
references and bibliographies: Holthausen's treatment of the
text represents a middle course between the violent altera-
tions of Trautmann and the conservative text of (3) Schiicking,
whose revision of Heyne (nominally the eighth edit., 1908
tenth, 1913 but amounting in fact almost to a new work)

has restored its place of honour to that classic text whilst ;

(4) Dr Sedgefield's text (second edit., 1913) has

gone far to
remove from English scholarship the reproach of neglect of
the earliest monuments of our literature.
' But 'Kluge followed by a
' figure refers to P.B.B. ix. See p. xxxii.
Aim of the Present Edition xxiii

Aim of the Pbesent Edition

Text. In revising the text I have made it my aim to

retain that conservatism which characterised Mr Wyatt's
edition. In fifty places I have, however, felt compelled,
mainly on metrical grounds, to desert the MS., where
Mr Wyatt adhered to it. But this is balanced by the fact
that in fifty-one places I undertake Jhe defence of the MS.,
even whereMr Wyatt had abandoned it.
When Mr Wyatt's edition was first issued in 1894 it was
necessary for him wanton alterations of the
to protest against
MS. such as fdmigheals for fdmiheals. Such alterations are
now no longer tolerated: and even to argue against them
would be an anachronism: Mr Wyatt has the greatest
reward that can befall a controversialist, that of finding his
protest so generally accepted as to be out of date.
But with the increased knowledge of Old English metre
which we owe to the genius of Sievers, a new reason for
deserting the MS. has been approved, to some extent at
least, by most recent editors. In places where the metre
shows that the original poet must have used a form different
firom -that in our extant MS., it is now usual to put that form
back : to write e.g.frega tor frea, gdan for gdn, doi& for dd&.

To the present editor there seems to be no middle course

between, on the one hand, leaving the language of the poem
in the form given to it by its last transcribers, and, on the
other hand, attempting to rewrite the whole poem in the
language of the eighth century. The rule " to emend the
text where the metre shows the form given in the MS. to be
wrong" sounds simple, but is, in practice, not possible. For
the suspected form may occur in a line which is absolutely
unmetrical, in one which is merely hard to parallel, or in one
which is of a type usually avoided, but undoubtedly to be
found. Are we to alter in all three cases, or only in the first?
And having where it is unmetrical,
altered a form in a place
what are we to do when we meet the identical form in a
place where it is possible ?

xxiv On the Text of Beowulf

Unless we make changes right through, we merely pro-
duce a text which is an inconsistent mixture of eighth and
tenth century forms.
But, it may be said, the MS. itself is not consistent, for
the last transcribers here and there retained earlier forms.
They did, and these forms may be of the greatest value in
enabling us to trace the history of the poem. For that very
reason the issues should not be confused by inserting into
the text a number of ancient forms which are not in the MS.
If we scatter these over the page, the student is led to
believe that he has come across forms like frega, gdan, doi&
in his reading of Beowulf. All the typographical devices of
italicsand brackets cannot prevent this in a poem of over

three thousand lines no student can be expected to remember

for very long exactly what letters are printed in italic, and
exactly what in roman type.
Besides, though we may be certain, on metrical grounds,
that the word gdn in hat in gan (1. 386) represents an earlier
word of two syllables, we cannot be certain whether that
word was gdan or gangan.
The difiBculty that monosyllables in the text have to do
duty as disyllables can be met quite simply. Where the
metre shows that a long vowel or diphthong, such as gdn,
frea was originally disyllabic, I write it with the circumflex
gdn,frea; in other cases the makron is used: hu, tfd. This
method draw the student's attention to the metri-
suffices to
cal fact at the same time he is not misled by seeing in the

text a form for which there is no MS. authority, and which

the original author may, after all, not have used.
To attempt to reinsert these earlier forms is indeed to
carry into text editing the mistake of the architects of half a
century ago, who, finding a fourteenth century church which
showed traces of having been remodelled out of a twelfth
century one, proceeded to knock out the Decorated traceiy in
order to insert their conjectural restoration of the original
Norman lights. By so doing they
merely falsified the history
of the building, and us with windows which are neither
Decorated nor'
Norman but architectural lies.
Text Restoration xxv

Experience has now taught our church restorers that,

however much we may regret the work of the fourteenth
century remodeller, we cannot escape from it. And the
same is true of the text-restoration of Beowulf. To put back
into the text a few sporadic ancient forms is merely to
increase confusion. To put back the whole poem into the
language of about the year 700 is impossible'. How im-
possible can best be shown by means of a comparison. In
the case of Piers Plowman (A text) we have fifteen MSS.,
some belonging to a period but little later than the author's
lifetime. Most of these MSS. are excellent ones, and by a
comparison of them it is possible to reconstruct a text
immensely better than even the best of these MSS. Yet,
whilst the wording of this text can be fixed with considerable
certainty, it is impossible to reconstruct the exact dialectical
colouring in a form which would command any measure of
general consent. How can we hope to do so, then, in the
case of a text extant in one MS., transcribed nearly three
centuries after the poem was first composed ?
It does not follow that we need print the text exactly as
it stands, relegating all attempts at emendation to the notes.
It seems possible to distinguish between those changes in
spelling and grammatical form which the scribes deliber-
ately made with
fair consistency, and those rarer cases where

they have, generally owing to carelessness or misunderstand-

ing, altered the wording of a passage. If the critic thinks
he can emend such passages, he has every right to do so. To
correct blunders which the scribes made inadvertently, and
which they themselves corrected when they noticed them,
is quite a different thing from putting back the language

which the scribes deliberately adopted into that which they

deliberately rejected.
The degree of faithfulness at which the scribe aimed of
course varied greatly with individual cases. It may be ad-
mitted that some ancient scribes had almost as little respect
for the MS. before them as some modern editors. But an
' Holthausen's specimen of a restored text should be compared by all

students. In 25 lines over 100 alterations are needed.

xxvi On the Text of Beowulf
accurate scribe did not as a rule depart from the wording
of his original except as a result of oversight. On the other
hand, even an accurate scribe did not hesitate to alter the
spelling and form of words.
Accordingly, whilst it is often possible from MS. evidence
to aim at reconstructiug the exact words of a text, it is an
immeasurably more diflScult task, unless we have some
external help, to aim at reconstructing the original dialect.
The rule which I have followed is therefore this. Where
there is reason to think that the spelling or the dialectal form
has been tampered with, I do not try to restore the original,
such a task being at once too uncertain and too far-reaching.
But where there is reason to think that the scribe has de-
parted from the wording and grammatical construction of
his original, and that this can be restored with tolerable
certainty, I do so.
And here again the study of metre is of the greatest
help. There can be no possible doubt that a half-line like
secg betsta (1. 947) is unmetrical : that the half-line originally
ran secga betsta. No device of circumflex accents can help
us here, and it appears to me that the editor has no choice
but to write the words as they originally stood. Yet caution
is advisable: where there is even a sporting chance of the

MS. reading being correct I retain it in some instances :

I retain the MS. reading, though firmly believing that it

is wrong; because none of the emendations suggested is

"I have indulged but sparingly," Mr Wyatt wrote, "in
the luxury of personal emendations, because they are ob-

viously the greatest disqualification for discharging duly the

functions of an editor." This view was strongly disputed at
the time, notably by Zupitza, who urged, quite truly, that
the duty of an editor to bring all his powers to bear
it is

upon the construction of a correct text that, for instance,, ;

one of the greatest merits of Lachmann

as an editor lay
precisely in his personal emendations. Yet here discrimina-
tion is desirable. We do not all possess the genius of
Lachmann, and if we did, we have not the advantage he
Text Restoration xxvii

had in being early in the field. On the contrary, we find

the study of Beowulf littered with hundreds of conjectural
emendations. All these the unfortunate editor must judge,
admitting some few to a place in his text, according more
a cursory reference in his notes, but of necessity dismissing
the majority without mention. It will be easier for the
magistrate, if he has to sit in judgment upon none of his
own offspring. True, there are editors, inflexible as Lucius
Junius Brutus, who have filled many pages of periodicals
with conjectural emendations, but who yet, when they ac-
cept the responsibility of editorship, admit that few or none
of their own conjectures are worthy of serious consideration.
But such integrity is rare and where an editor has to judge

between the emendations of so many capable scholars, he

may do well for his own part to adopt a self-denying ordin-
ance. Especially is when he is editing a text
this desirable
on strictly conservative lines would be impertinent for
: it

me, whilst excluding from the text a number of the really

brilliant conjectures of recent students, to allow a place to
my own very inferior efforts. I have therefore followed, and
indeed bettered, Mr Wyatt's example: he made few personal
emendations I have made none.

For, indeed, conjectural emendation has been allowed to

run riot. Advocates of a conservative text are often taunted
with credulous belief in the letter of the manuscript-T-"Buch-
staben-glauben." But, in fact, the charge of superstitious
credulity might more justly be brought against those who
believe that, with the miserably inadequate means at our
we can exactly restore the original text.
disposal, Prof.
Trautmann assures us that the extant manuscript is grossly
faulty, and on the strength of this belief puts forth an
edition full of the most drastic and daring alterations. But,
if we grant (for the sake of argument) that the manuscript

is as grossly erroneous as Prof Trautmann's emendations

postulate, then it follows that it is too bad to afford a sound

basis for conjectural emendation at all. If Prof. Traut-
mann's premises were correct, the only course open to the
editor would be to remove merely those obvious and surface
xxviii On the Text of Beowulf
blemishes of the manuscript as to -vfrhich there can be little oi-
no doubt, and then to say: " This is the best that can be done
with a text so peculiarly corrupt. I therefore leave it at
that, and if I must work at text-criticism, I will choose some
other text, where there is better material at my disposal,
and where I can consequently proceed by critical methods
rather than by guess-work."
And, without going as far as this, we may reasonably
regret that much of the scholarship and acumen squandered
on the conjectural emendation of Beowulf has not been
devoted to certain Middle English texts. There the evidence
is often abundant, and of a kind which, if properly investi-

gated and utilized, would enable us to make indisputable

corrections of important texts in hundreds of places.
Type. The chief innovation, and one which will, I
expect, be generally disapproved, is the introduction into
the text of the Old Eng. symbol ^. Against this ^ most
teachers seem to cherish an unreasoning antipathy. Now,
in itself, it surely matters little whether we reproduce an
Old Eng. consonant by the Mod. Eng. form, or by a facsimile
of the Old Eng. form. By general consent p and S are
used yet it would not matter if we were to write th instead.

But it does matter if the symbol misleads the student.

Now, whilst most consonants have much the same value in
Old as in Mod. Eng., Mod. Eng. g fulfils one only of the three
functions of Old Eng. g. To the elementary student it is
really helpful to have a constant reminder of this fact. He
should not be misled by the spellings hi^ or wi^^e, as he is
only too likely to be by the spellings hig or wigge.
Besides, as has been pointed out by Sievers, with the end
of the Anglo-Saxon period both ^ and g came into use ^ to :

signify the spirant, g the stop. To write g inAnglo-Saxon

texts conveys the idea that the symbol g was added in
Middle English to signify the spirant when in reality it

was the ^ which was used all along and the g which was
added later to denote the stopped sound.
In the text I have therefore followed the Old English
usage, and have written the^ wherever it occurs in the MS.

Hyphens and Punctuation xxix

But where the scribe actually used G, as a capital, I have

retained it. In the Introduction, Notes and Glossary I
write g, as a matter of convenience.
Hyphens and Punctuation. As to the use of hyphens
and the general principles of punctuation there is no change
from the practice advocated by Mr Wyatt in the first edition

It will have been seen that the MS. gives no help in one of the
most difBcult problems that beset the editor of O. E. poems, the
question of the use of hyphens. Grein and Sweet discard them
altogether. I cannot but question whether this is not to shirk one's

duty. At least it is a method that I have not been able at present to

bring myself to adopt, tempting as it is. The difficulty of course is as

to " where to draw the line " where to use a hyphen or to wiite as
one word, where to use a hyphen or write as two words. The former
is the chief difficulty, and here as elsewhere I have endeavoured to

find the path " of least resistance." Prepositional prefixes in my text

are not marked oflf by a hyphen from the following word on the other ;

hand, adverbial prefixes, such as up in wp-lang, ut in ut-weard, are so

marked off This then is where I have, not without misgivings,
"drawn the line." Where the two parts of a compound seem to
preserve their full notional force I have used a hyphen where the ;

seems to be quite subordinate to that of the other,

force of one part
I have written them as one word. It is the familiar distinction of
compounds and derivatives over again, but at a stage of the language
when some compounds were in course of becoming derivatives. Doubt-
less there are mistakes and inconsistencies. I need hardly say I shall

be glad to have them pointed out.

The punctuation of Beowulf has hitherto been largely traditional,
as it and largely German, and German punctuation of course
difiers insome respects from English. Some editors have shown daring
originality in the substitution of colons for the semi-colons, and marks
of exclamation for the full-stops, of previous editors. Periods have
usually been held too sacred to question. I may say at once that,
although I have been extremely conservative in my handling of the text,
I have felt and have shown scant courtesy for much of the traditional
punctuation. Let me state here the principles, right or wrong, upon
which have acted. First, I have made the punctuation as simple as
possible. I have therefore done away with the somewhat fine distinction
between the colon and the semicolon, and have restricted the use of the
former to marking the opening of an oratio recta, and to a very few similar
loci, such as 11. 801, 1392, 1476. In the same way, I have, wherever
possible, done away with parentheses, and with our modern meretricious
marks of exclamation. If the reader's sense or emotions do not tell him
XXX On the Text of Beowulf
where he ought to feel exclamatory, he must suffer the consequences.
Secondly, I have attempted to make the punctuation logical, especially
by the use oi pairs of commas wherever the sequence of a sentence is
interrupted by paraUeUsms. This may be made clearer by a reference
to 11. 1235-7, 1283-i, 3051-2. But, on the other hand, I have as far as
possible avoided breaking up the metrical unit of the half Une with a
Notes. The chief difference between this edition and
its predecessor will be found in the greater dififuseness of
the notes, which have been almost entirely rewritten. " The
infelicity of our times " has compelled me, as revising editor,
to depart from Mr Wyatt's practice of quoting but sparsely
the emendations which he did not accept. In the last

eighteen years the number of emendations and interpre-

tations has multiplied enormously, and many of these it

is impossible to neglect.
To and cons of these disputed
discuss at length the pros
points is such task must be left
impossible in a text-book :

to the lecturer but if no information on the subject is given


in the text-book, the task both of lecturer and student is made

unnecessarily heavy. Authorities are therefore quoted rather
freely and in the manner of quoting them a difficulty arose.

To quote arguments at any length would have been to swell this

book unduly but to quote the name of the scholar who has

originated any conjecture without further particulars, is to

encourage the student in the pestilent superstition that he
is expected to know which scholar holds which particular
view : whereas in reality all that concerns him is the ground
upon which a particular view is held.
The student who reads the seventeen pages in which
Sievers defends the reading egsode eorlas (1. 6) will have had a
lesson which should be of permanent value to him a lesson :

in Old English metre, in Old English syntax, in critical

methods, and above all in the truth that a man should do
with his might that which his hand findeth to do, even
though it be nothing better than the emending of a doubtful
line. The student who understands, if only in broadest out-
line, the grounds upon which Kock defends the MS. readiag
eorl, and Sievers declares eorl impossible, has acquired a
Names of Commentators xxxi

piece of grammatical and metrical knowledge which should

be of constant use to him, as he works through his
Beowulf. The student who, hoping to get marks in an
examination, commits to memory the fact that Kock supports
eorl, Sievers eorlas, has done nothing save degrade his in-

telligence to the level of that of a dog, learning tricks for

a lump of sugar.
For this reason, in quoting the names of the proposers
or defenders of emendations or interpretations, I have in-
dicated (as briefly as possible) the place where further
particulars can be found. Not that I wish to add to the
already heavy yoke of the student by expecting him to look
up all, or indeed any great proportion, of such references.
Even if he looks up none, a constant reminder that these
are references, not formulae to be learnt by heart, is worth
giving. For even the most exacting teacher will hardly
demand that the student should commit to memory the year,
periodical and page in which each emendation appeared.
All such references are placed between square brackets, and
elementary students should skip these portions of the notes.
To the advanced student it is hoped that the references
may be useful and in small classes where the lecturer uses

the "Seminar" method, and expects each member of the

class in turn to study specially some section or aspect of the
poem, they may be worked profitably. If a student is led
by these references to turn only to Klaeber's articles in
Modem Philology, or Sievers' monographs in the Beitrdge,
they will not have been given in vain.
In references to editions and translations, where the
comment will be found under the appropriate line, no
further details are given. The modem editions quoted in
the notes are
Grein-Wulker=Bibliothek der angelsachsischen Poesie, begrundet von
C. W. M. Grein, neu bearbeitet von R. P. WUlker. Bd. i.
Beovnilf, etc., 1883 (1 Halfte, 1881).
Holthausen = Beowulf, herausgegeben von F. Holthausen. Dritte
Auflage, 1912-13.
Trautmann = Das Beowulflied. Bearbeiteter Text u. deutsche Ueber-
setzung von M. Trautmann. Bonn, 1904.

xxxii On the Text of Beowulf

Heyne-Schucking= Beowulf, herausgegeben von M. Heyne. Zehnte
Auflage bearbeitet von L. L. Schiicking, 1913.
Sedgefield = Beowulf, edited by W. J. Sedgefield. Second edit., 1913.

The following translations into English, with commen-

taries, need special mention:
Earle=The Deeds of Beowulf .. .done into modern prose.. .by John
Earle, 1892.
Morris and Wyatt=The tale of Beowulf translated by William Morris
and A. J. Wyatt, 1895.
Gummere^The Oldest English Epic. Beowulf, etc., translated in the
original metres... by Francis B. Gummere, 1909.
Clark Hall = Beowulf... a translation into Modem English prose by
J. B. Clark Hall. New edition, 1911.

But the most important contributions to the study of the

text of Beowulf have appeared of recent years not so much
in editions, as in monographs, and chiefly in periodicals.
Eleven of these, which have to be referred to with special
frequency, are quoted by the author's name and the page
alone. Such abbreviations are to be interpreted thus^
Bugge^, etc. = Studien iiber das Beowulfepos, in P.B.B. xii. 1 — 112,
Cosijn', etc. = Aanteekeningen op den Beowulf, 1892.
Holthausen^is, eto. = Beitrage zur Erklarung des alteng. Epos, in
Z.f.d.Ph., xxxvii. 113—1252.
Klaeber236, etc. = Studies in the Textual Interpretation of Beowulf, in
Mod. Phil, iii. 235—265, 445—465.
Klugei87, etc. = Zum Beowulf, in P.B.B., ix. 187—192.
MoUer, F^. i, etc. = Das altenglische Volksepos. 1883.
MiillenhofF', etc. = Beovulf. Untersuchungen. 1889.
Rieger^si, etc. = Zum Beowulf, in Z.f.d.Ph., 381—416. iii.

Sedgefield etc. = Notes on Beowulf, in M.L.R., v. 286—288.


ten Brink etc. = Beowulf. Untersuchungen. 1888.

(§.i?l 62.)

Trautmanni^i, etc. = Berichtigungen, Vermutungen und Erklarimgen

zum Beowulf, in the Bonner Beitrdge, II. 121 — 192.
'Sievers,' when quoted without further details than the
section, refers to the Grammatik (third edition, German, 1898;
' No
attempt is made here to give a bibliography of Beowulf criticism,
which hope to essay in the separately published Introduction to Beowulf.
' Note that Holthausen without fuller particulars refers to the edition :

Holthausen"' to the article in the Z.f.d.Ph.
Names of Commentators xxxiii

English, 1903): 'Biilbring' to Biilbring's Elementarhuch,

1902 Brandl to the monograph on Englische Literatur

in the second edition of Paul's Grvrndriss (1908).

Any further articles are quoted according to the periodical

in which they are to be found. The title of the periodical
or series is, however, given in an abbreviated form.

^./.rf.4.=Anzeiger fur deutsches Altertum, 1876, etc.

Anglia=\\&, Zeitschrift fur Englische Philologie, 1878, etc.
^rcAi«)=(Herrigs) Archiv fur das Studium der neueren Sprachen und
Litteraturen, 1846, etc.
Engl. (S'<Mc?. = Englische Studien, 1877, etc.
Germania = Qerra&u\a., Vierteljahrsschrift fur deutsche Altertums-
kuude, 1856-92.
/.i^. = Indogermanische Forschungen, 1891, etc.
f^. (?. PA. = Journal of Germanic Philology, 1897-1902 stibsequently, :

V.^.G'.PA. = Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 1903, etc.

i/".Z.i\^. = Modern Language Notes, 1886, etc.

M.L.R. = Th.e Modem Language Review, 1906, etc.

Mod. PAi?. = Modem Philology, 1903, etc.
P.A^. = Beitrage zur Qeschichte der deutschen Spracheund Litteratur
herausgeg. v. H. Paul u. W. Braune, 1874, etc.
Pvh. Mod. Lang. Assoc. .4>ncr. = Publications of the Modern Language
Association of America, 1889, etc.
§./". = QueUen und Forschungen. ..1874, etc.
Tidsskr. = T!idLBskx\ii for Philologi og Peedagogik, 1860, etc.
^/.rf..4. = Zeitschrift fiir deutsches Altertum, 1841, etc.

Z.f.d.Ph. = {Za.6h&r&) Zeitschrift fiir deutsche Philologie, 1869, etc.

.Z!/.c).(?. = Zeitschrift fiir die ijsterreiohischen Gymnasien, 1850, etc.

.^/.2!. = Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Sprachforschung, 1852, etc.


Glossary. Here I have tried to depart as little as

possible from the plan laid down by Mr Wyatt. The
glossary makes no attempt and
at beiag a complete verbal
grammatical index to the poem. It is desirable that such
an index should exist that there should be a place where

a scholar who wishes to know exactly in what places even

the commonest word used in Beowulf, should be able to

find the iaformation he seeks. Such an index is supplied

in Holder's edition, where all the instances in which even
ortd occurs will be found recorded: it is also supplied, on
a slightly different plan, in the editions of Holthausen,
xxxiv On the Text of Beowulf

Heyne-Schucking, and Sedgefield. Finally Mr A. S. Cook

has produced a Concordance to Beowulf (Halle, 1911). The
work having been done so often and so well, it would have
been useless to attempt to convert the glossary to this
edition into yet another complete index to the poem; and
the space saved can be utilized in explaining matters more
necessary perhaps to the elementary student. Indeed, as
Mr Wyatt remarked, a too elaborate glossary may "rob
the work of much of its educative value " : it is better to
" furnish the requisite amount of help and no more."
One of the chief difficulties which beset English students
of Anglo-Saxon is that of preventing their knowledge of
modem English from leading them astray. When we meet
with the word mfter, we must remember that 'after' only
gives one specialized meaning of the O.E. word fier would :

seldom be correctly translated by fear.' Another difficulty '

is the wide range of meanings possessed by the O.E. poetic

vocabulary, and the ease with which a highly abstract passes

into a very concrete idea. Thus dugup signifies doughtiness,
excellence again, it signifies that body of tried veterans

fi-om whom the quality of duguj) is particularly to be ex-

pected. But we can hardly translate dugup simply as
for the abstract meaning reacts upon the con-
warriors ' :

crete they must be doughty warriors. A very close parallel


is supplied by the English word chivalry,' though here the '

original sense is concrete. Starting with the signification of

a body of horsemen, the word comes to signify the quality
which should distinguish a knight. Then the abstract
meaning reflects upon the concrete. When Milton speaks
of paynim chivalry,' or Byron of the chivalry gathered
' '

in Brussels before the field of Waterloo, the word means

more than merely So with dugu]}. 'warriors.'
I have
elsewhere suggested translating it by 'chivalry,' to which,
in both its meanings, it closely approximates : cdpe he dugu^e
J>eaw " he knew the rule of chivalry

1 I Huchon (on Widsith, 1. 98) " rendre dugupe par

cannot agree with M.
' chivalry ' an grown wp men ou de warriors parait peu exact."
lieu de ' ' ' •

I>ugu/> is much more than grown up men.' ThraUs and churls half trained
Acknowledgements xxxv

To avoid dogmatism, and steadily to compare one passage

with another, is the only way of safety. It is by the com-
parative method that Klaeber has been able to throw so
much light upon many dark places in the text. Many
alterations have been made in the glossary in view of the
arguments produced by Klaeber but in the main the

glossary remains Mr Wyatt's work, though of course I take

full responsibility for it in its present form.

The MS. has been carefully examined for the purposes of

this edition. Whenever Zupitza's opinion as to the reading
of the MS. is quoted, it may be taken, unless the contrary is
indicated, that I read the MS. in the same way, though
Zupitza is quoted for authority. With regard to Thorkelia's
transcripts, however, although I have examined these at
Copenhagen, I have trusted mainly to Zupitza, since they
are too clear to leave much room for dispute.

I have to thank many scholars for their generous co-

The proofs of the Introduction, Text and Notes have
been read by my former teacher Prof W. P. Ker, and
by my colleague, Mr J. H. G. Grattan. To both of them, for
performing this friendly office amid great pressure of work,

my most grateful thanks are due. I am indebted to them

for a large number of corrections and suggestions.
Mr Wyatt most kindly placed iu my hands all the
material he had collected for a new edition, including a

copy of Heyne's edition of 1879, with copious MS. notes by

Dr T. Miller, the editor of the O.E. Bede. These MS. notes
would well repay a careful investigation, and to publish
gleanings from them would be an act of piety to the memory
of a good scholar. I regret that through lack of time I have
not been able to make as much use of them for this edition
as I had hoped. Mr Wyatt has further read the proofs
throughout, with scrupulous care, and I am deeply indebted
to him in many ways.

in war may be grown up, and may on occasion even be warriors, but they
are not dugub.
xxxvi On the Text of Beowulf

If the text should be found to be typographically accurate,

thanks are largely due to two old pupils of mine, Miss E. V.
Hitchcock and Mr E. Emson, and also to the Cambridge
Press reader. Prof. Sedgefield kindly placed at my disposal a
which has enabled me
set of the proofs of his second edition,
to bring up to date my references to his most valuable work.
Like every student of Beowulf, I have been particularly
indebted to the bibliographical notes of Holthausen, the
Heyne-Schiicking glossary, the metrical researches of Sievers,
and the syntactical studies of Klaeber. The footnotes give
the names of the originators of emendations adopted in the
text and I have tried to give fairly exhaustive information

of all readings adopted in any recent standard edition: for

a student ought so to study Beowulf as to be able to trans-
late not one particular text, but any.
Lastly, I regret that I have not been in a position to take
the excellent advice recently given by one editor of Beowulf
to another: that he should let his edition mature for the
nine years recommended by Horace. Had I been permitted
to spend so long in revising my proofs, the result would, I

hope, have been a better edition the printer's bill for


corrections would certainly have been enormous. But it is

well to stop weighing pros and cons, as Mosca de' Lamberti
said, since " a thing done hath an end."
For giving which evil counsel, Dante saw the mutilated
form of Mosca in the ninth pit of the eighth circle of Hell.

If I have closured any discussion by a too hasty application

of the principle '
cosa fatta capo ha I hope my punishment

may be more lenient. And so, in the pious words of an

editor of four centuries ago, " If any faute remyt the
be, I
correctyon thereof to them that discretly shall fynde any
reasonable defaute ; and in their so doynge I shall pray god
to sende them the blysse of heven.''

R. W. Chambers.
University College, London,
Auff. 8, 1914.
: :


The following vowels are the only ones certainly marked

long in the MS.

33 dn, 100 -wdt, 123 w6p, 128 -w4t, 210; Mt, 211 Md, 264
lit-, ; ; ; ; ;

h41, 300 bd,d, 301

; dr, 336 -hdr, 357
; hdt, gin, 386 m6t, 442 ; ; ;

dn-, 449 sse, 507

; g4r-, 537 safe(-), 544, 564, 579
m6t, 603 g4d, 660
; ; ;

ndt, 681 sse-, 690 -st6d, 759 dbeag, 775 Mn-, 780 wlc, 821 s£fe-, 895
; ; ; ; ; ;

-f6n, 911; sir, 975; fib, 1038; ddn, 1116; asfe-, 1149; m6d, 1167
bnic, 1177 sfer, 1187; rsfed, 1201 safe, 1223
; win, 1233 -wit, 1274 ; ; ;

-ydo, 1275 hid, 1297 hdr, 1307 bid, 1313 riin-, 1325 wit, 1331
; ; ; ; ;

*r, 1371, 1388 iris, 1390 gi, 1394

; bim, 1407 bin-, 1445 d6m
; ; ; ;

1491, 1528 brdn' 1546 g6d, 1562

; *r, 1587 ;
-bid, 1720 lie, 1863 ; ; ;

g6d, 1870; 888-, 1882 rid, 1883; scfr-, 1895; s^-, 1896, 1924; gir-, 1962

scin, 1965 Ms, 1966 ; -hwfl, 2002 Ifc, 2080

; r6f, 2084 sfd, 2086 ; ; ;

-d6n, 2090; c6m, 2103 sarlfc, 2109 d6m, 2147 ; Hro«gir, 2155 -st61, ; ; ;

2196 in, 2210 (see note) fser, 2230 (see note) -pid, -bid, 2258 in,
; ; ; ;

2280 -w6c, 2287 -bid, 2302 f6r, 2308 -g6d, 2342 wfd-, 2346 -ddm
; ; ; ; ; ;

2376; sir, 2468; min-, 2514; birne stin, 2553; -swit, 2558; -swif,
2559 bid, 2568 -wic, 2577 -swic, 2584 -g6d, 2586 ; wfc-, 2607
; ; ; ;

Wiglif, 2631 gir-, 2641 fine, 2655 -r^c, 2661 stdd, 2679 fyr-, 2689,
; ; ; ;

2701 wis-, 2716 bid, 2736 Iff, 2743, 2751 stod, 2769 d6m, 2820,
; ; ; ; ;

2858; -rid, 2898; (-)c6m, 2944, 2992; id-, 3010; fiis, 3025; -r6f, 3063
Wiglif, 3076; -bid, 3116 fiis, 3119; id, 3138; -r^c, 3144; bin-, 3147.

The following are probably to be included, but there is

some doubt
bit, 742; bin-, 1116; bl6d, 1121; gin, 1163; ir-, 1168; s*-, 1652;
1850 (now either gone or covered by the paper) ; wit, 1863 ; gir-,

2043 ; hrin, 2270 ; gir-, 2674 -swic, 2681 ; -hr6f, 3123 ; -hiis, 3147. ;

On the other hand, the supposed mark over the following

is possibly quite accidental : the scribes scattered little dots
of ink not infrequently over the page :

brim-, 222 ; fus-, 232 ; me, 472 ; win, 1162 ; woe, 1960; dom, 2666,

xxxviii On the Text of Beowulf

With even more certainty the following supposed cases

of marking may be dismissed :

ancre, 303 hat, 897 ; al-walda, 955 aenig, 1099 ; >a,

we, 270 ; ; ;

1151 feonda, 1152 (the supposed mark is that of dr-, 1168, shining

through the page) ao, 2477 ; he, 2704. ;

Schucking adds to the list of vowels marked long till, 2721 and
un{riht), 2739. But the mark over these vowels is quite unlike the
mark of length : it occurs again over up, 2893.

The and most careful scrutiny of the MS. is that of Dr

Sedgefield, I have collated my results with his.
Of the vowels which I have classed as undovhtedly marked long,
Sedgefield regards many as doubtful, and others as too uncertain to be
mentioned at all.
{a) Marked doubtful hy Sedgefield : fdh, 1038 ; d6n, 1116 ; hdr,
1307 ; Sfer, 1371 ; 4n, 2280 ; -bd,d, 2302 ; ddm, 2376 ; wis-, 2716.

(6) Entirely omitted hy SedgefiAd: dn, 100; mdt, 442; sse-, 544;
-f6n, 911; d6m, 1528; gftr-, 1962; sld, 2086; d6m, 2147; -stdl, 2196;
-pdd, 2258 ; -w6c, 2287 ; -r^o, 2661.

After careful and repeated scrutiny under a strong lens, I have no

doubt as to the vowels in both these classes (a) and (6) being in every
case marked long. Many of them appear to me even more clearly so
marked than do some of those which Sedgefield agrees to be certainly
marked long, such as sdr, 975 ; st6d, 2679 ; bdn, 3147.
Of the vowels which I have classed as probable, b4t, 742 ; bdn-, 1116
bl6d, 1121; ix-, 1168; -swdo, 2681 are classed as doubtful by Sedgefield
but gin, 1163 ; sse-, 1652, 1850 ; wdt, 1863 ;
gdr-, 2043 ; hrdn, 2270
g4r-, 2674 ; -hr<5f, 3123 ; -hiis, 3147, are regarded by him as too doubtful
to be recorded at all.

The mark of length consists of a heavy dot, with a stroke sloping

from it over the vowel. This stroke is very faint, and has often faded
in which case the mark of length can only be distinguished from an
accidental blot by noting the position and shape of the dot, or by a
microscopic search for traces of the stroke.
Complete certainty cannot be arrived at, since a stroke is sometimes
For example, after repeated scrutiny
perceptible only in certain lights.
I had classed g&r- (1. 2674) as one of the supposed cases of marking
which might be dismissed. On a final examination I had to alter this,
as I could make out the stroke fairly clearly.

HW^T, WE GlR-DEna in gear-dajum Fol.

J^eod-cyninja jrym jefrunon,
hu 8a sel^elmjas ellen fremedon.
Oft Scyld Scefing scea)?eiia Jreatum,
5 monejum msegjjum meodo-setla ofteah,
egsode eorl[as], sy?55an aerest wearS

Letters supplied in the text, but found neither in the MS. nor in Thor-
kelin's transcripts, are printed within square brackets. When it is clear
that the absence of these letters from the manuscript is not due to the
damage which the MS. has sustained, and that the letters can never have
stood there, both square brackets and italics are used. Other deviations
from the MS. are indicated in the text by italics alone, and the reading of
the MS. is given in a footnote. The term MS. reading ' must not however

be taken to imply that the letters can all be read in the MS. in its present
condition ; but only that there is satisfactory evidence that they once stood
Certain letters and words which, though found in the MS., were pre-
sumably not in the original, but were added by the scribes, have been placed
between brackets thus (}iara). :

Long syllables which can be proved on metrical grounds to represent an

earlier disyllabic are marked by the circumflex gan representing an older

gaan or perhaps having been substituted for the cognate gangan.

2. The original text presumably had gefrugnon, the combination of
consonants making the syllable long, as, in conformity with metrical law,
it should be. For a short account of O.E. metre see Introduction to Beowulf.
5. Two distinct verbs seem to be confused in ofteon: (1) *oftihan, 'to
deny (cf. Goth, teihan) construed with gen. of thing and dat. of person, as

here ; (2) *ofteohan, to tug, draw away (cf Goth, tiuhan) taking an ace. of
' ' .

the thing, as in 1. 2489. [Cf. Sievers in P.B.B. xxix. 306.]

Whether ofteah mean denied or drew away the mead-benches, it
' '

equally indicates a reduction to servitude. Cf. 1. 11 below, and the state-

ment of Saxo Grammaticus concerning Scioldus that 'he subdued the whole
race of the Allemanni and compelled them to pay tribute.' [Ed. Holder,
p. 12.]
6. eorl[ae], Kemblei: MS. eorl. This correction seems desirable (1)
metrically, because the type --x-'-, though found in the second half -line
(cf. 11. 463, 623, etc.), is not elsewhere found in the iirst; and (2) syntacti-
cally, because egsian is elsewhere transitive, and to take eorl here as many = '

an earl seems rather forced : 1. 795 is not quite parallel [cf. Sievers in

P.B.B. xxix. 560-576]. Yet eorl may be defensible [cf. Kock in Anglia
xivii. 219, etc. xxviii. 140, etc. ; Klaeber^^].

B. 1
: —

2 Beowulf
he frofre jebad,
•f fea-sceaft funden; J^ses

weox under wolcnum, weorSS-myadum J^ah,

oS )?a3t him sejhwylc (j^ara) ymb-sittendra

lo ofer hron-rade hyran scolde,

^omban jyldan; ]73et wses jod cyninj.

D^m eafera wses sefter cenned

jeonj in geardura, );one 7od sende
folce to frofre; fyren-tSearfe onjeat,

15 )7aet hie ser drujon aldor-[le]ase

lanje hwile. Him }?aes Lif-frSa,

wuldres Wealdend, worold-are forjeaf;

Beowulf waes breme blsed wide sprang —
Scyldes eafera Scede-landum in.
20 Swa sceal [geonj jjuma jode jewyrcean,
fromum feoh-jiftum, on fseder |
[beajrme,'^ 1 Fol. I29i>.

7, fea-sceaft, as a helpless
' child.' Bee Index of Persons: Scyld; and
ct. umbor-wesende below.
}>tes frofre, 'consolation for that,' i.e. for his helplessness.
9. para ispresumably the addition of a scribe, being opposed to the
usage of Beowulf both (1), metrically, since ^mbsit&ndra makes a complete
half-line, and the preceding J>ara is not only otiose, but irregular [see
Sievers in P.B.B. x. 256]; and (2), syntactically, since si, seo, J>eet is in
Beowulf a demonstrative, and is very seldom used as a mere article. [See
Introduction to Beowulf]
15. psst MS. -JS, which is normally used as an abbreviation for J>mt.

Since the antecedent fyren-Searf is fem., some would take here as an •)>

abbreviation for pa: 'the dire need which they had suffered.' Zupitza
supports this interpretation of although dubiously.

aldor-\le]axe. MS. defective; but there is no reason to doubt that the

missing letters were le. Holthausen, to avoid the syntactical difBoulty of
pmt (see above), reads aldor-[le\as[t'\e, and takes pmt as a conjunction: 'He
[God] knew their cruel need how that, before, they long had suffered want

of a lord.' But we can take pset as a conj. without this change: 'that,
being without a lord, they had before experienced a long time of sorrow':
for dragon lange hwile cf. 1. 87, pirdge gepolode.
For the explanation of aldor-lease see Index of Persons: Heremod.
16. Him, pi.; psss, 'in compensation for that,' i.e. the evil days.
frea. The metre demands a disyllabic form, such as frega [Sievers];
and most recent editors insert this form in the text.
18. Beowulf. Not the hero of the poem.
18, 19. eafera is in apposition with Beowulf. Trautmann, Heyne-
Schiioking and Holthausen follow the emendation of Kemble,
Beowulf wees breme, blsed wide sprang
Scyldes eaferaln] Scede-landum in.
= 'the glory of the son of Scyld spread far and wide.' The alteration is
not necessary [cf. Klaeber in Engl. Stud, xxxix. 428].
20. MS. defective. Grein's reading adopted in text.
21. MS. defective at corner. The respective merits of the restorations
attempted by the earlier editors have been zealously canvassed ever since.
These restorations are
feorme, 'while yet in his father's support' [Kemblej];
: ; ; ;; ;

Beowulf 3

jjset hine on ylde eft ^ewunisea

wil-5esi]7as, }>onne wi5 cume,
leode jelsesten; lof-d£edum sceal
25 in mSjjja jehwsere man jejj^on.
Him 5a Scj'ld jewat to jescsep-hwile
fela-hror feran on Frean wiere
hyne y& setbSron
hi to brimes faroSe,
swa he selfa bsed,
swsese jesij^as,
30 ]7enden wordum weold wine Scyldinja;
leof land-fruma lanje ahte.

bearme, ' bosom ' [Bouterwek, Thorpe : so Holthausen 2, 3]

wine, ' to his father's friends' [Gruudtvig, 1861, p. 1]
mme, ' in his father's house ' [Greiu^ : so Sedgefield, Schiicking];
leofne, ' sustenance [Trautmann].

We are dealing here, not with conjectural emendation, but with attempts
to decipher a MS. reading which has been partially lost. The data which
can still be ascertained are
First a space (^ in.) for two or three letters;
Then a fragment of a letter involving a long down stroke (i.e. either /, r,
s, J>, or w; this letter was seen fully only by the five earliest transcribers or
collators, who unanimously describe it as )'; the fact that Thorkelin in his
edition chose to read J>ina, and altered the r of his transcript to /> in con-
formity with his theory, in no way invalidates this evidence)
Then something which can now be read either as m, in, or blank space
followed by n (the earliest transcribers support only the readings or in) m
Then e.
Wine and asrree are, then, opposed to the evidence of the earliest tran-
scribers, and cannot be read into the MS. even in its present condition, for
they fail to make the line come up to the margin, which the scribe (with
only the rarest exceptions, e.g. 1. 1753) keeps precisely.
Uofne fills the space, but is syntactically faulty [cf. Sievers in P.B.B.
xxix. 306] and the / is inconsistent with the early transcriptions.
feorme gives unsatisfactory sense and is metrically impossible as in-
volving double alliteration in the second half -line;
hearme fits exactly (the hea, for instance, of 1. 40 just fills the necessary
-^in.), and gives satisfactory sense, especially if, with Klaeber [J.E.G.Ph.
vi. 190], we render 'in his father's possession': the young prince gives
-treasures from his father's store-^which, as Klaeber (foUowiug Sievers)
remarks, would agree excellently with Saxo's description of Scioldus pro- :

^erc8...domesticis stipendiii colebat....'

25. Here and elsewhere, as Sievers points out [P.B.B. x. 485], metre
demands, instead of the fem. gehwSre, the form gehwdm, which in the older
language is used with feminines as well as with masculines and neuters.
Cf. Sieverss § 341, N. 4.
31. dhte needs an object, expressed or understood. We may either
supply mentally swwse gesljias or hi [Klaeber*^*] or we may insert hi in the
text: lange hi dhte, 'long he ruled them' [Holthausen]._ Many emendations
have been suggested in order to supply an object to ahte llf in place of:

leof, the chief long possessed his life [Bieger^**]

' ' Issndagaa ahte, possessed

these transitory days' [Kluge's*]; Ian [or ISn} geahte 'possessed the grant,
the land lent by God' [Kock in Anglia, xxvii. 223. For many other emen-
dations and interpretations see Cosijn'; Bright m
M.L.N, s.. 43 {geweald
ior weold) Child in M.L.N, xxi. 175 ; Sievers in P.B.B. xxix. 308].

; .

4 Beowulf

paer set hytSe stod hringed-stefna

isij ond ut-fus, 8e)?eliD5es fer

aledon )?a leofne J»eoden,

35 beaja bryttan on bearm scipes,

mserne be mseste. pSr wses madma fela
of feor-wejum frsetwa gelseded.

Ne hyrde ic cymlicor ceol jegyrwan

hilde-wEepnum ond heaSo-WEedum,

40 billum ond byrnum him on bearme ; Iseg

madma mEenijo, );a him mid scoldon

on flodes seht feor jewitan.
Nalaes hi hine Isessan lacum teodan,
Jieod-gestreonum, ]?on[we] J^a dydon,
45 \& hine set frum-sceafte forS onsendon
Eenne ofer ySe umbor-we|sende. Fol. 130».

pa gyt hie him asetton sejen g[yl]denne

heah ofer heafod, holm beran, leton
jeafon on jar-secj him waBS jeomor
; sefa,

50 murnende mod. Men ne cunnon

secjan to sotSe, sele-rEedende,
hseletS under heofenum, hwa |>Eem hiaeste onfenj.
I ©A wses on burjum Beowulf Scyldinja,
leof leod-cyninj lonje J^raje
55 folcum jefrsije — fseder ellor hwearf,

33. wig, covered with ice [of. Sievers in P.B.B. xxxvi. 422].

38. gegyrwan. In modern English the passive inf. would be used.

4A. J>on\ne\.Thorkelin's emendation : MS. /ora.
46. vmhoT-wesende. Uninfleoted. Cf. SieverSj § 305, N. 1. Cf. 1. 372.
47. MS. defective at corner; missing letters supplied by Kemble,
48-9. Cf._Sievers in P.B.B. xxviii. 271.
51. sele-rsidende, Kembleg following 1. 1346 : MS. sele rsedenne.
52. The nearest parallel to the burial of Soyld is that of Baldr in the
Prose Edda (chap. 48) : But the gods took the body of Baldr, and carried

it to the seashore. Baldr's ship was named Hringhorni : it was the greatest
of all ships, and the gods sought to launch it, and to build the pyre of
Baldr on it. ..Then was the body of Baldr borne out onto the ship. ..Odin
laid on the pyre the gold ring named Draupmr...and Baldr's horse with all
his trappings was placed on the pyre.'
In historic times the chiefs were still burnt or buried in ships.
For the voyage of the dead, cf. the stories of SinfJQtli (O.E. Fitela),
whose body is wafted away by a mysterious ferryman (see Index of Perscms) ;
of Elaine (the lady of Shalott) ; and of Arthur himself, who, like Scyld,
goes "from the great deep to the great deep."
53. Beowulf. Still the prince of 1. 18: to be distinguished from the
hero of the poem.
: ; :

Beowulf 5

aldor of earde — o\ jjset him eft onwoc

heah Healfdene heold )>endeii lifde,

jamol ond jutS-reouw, jiajde Scyldinjas.

Dsem feower beam forS jerimed
60 in worold wocun, weoroda r8eswa[«],
Heorojar ond HrStSjar ond Halja til
hyrde ic, }>8et [ wms Onjelan cwen
HeatSo-Scilfingas heals-5ebedda.
J7a wses HroSjare here-sped jyfen,
65 wijes weorS-mynd, l^aet him his wine-magas
jeorne hyrdon, oSS ]7set seo jeojoB geweox,
majo-driht micel. Him on mod be-arn, .i.v.,„w>A.^.

57-8. heah and gamol are both conventional epithets for Healfdene,

found also in O.N. (Halfdan gamle Skdldshaparmdl, 73: Hal/dan hmstr

Skjolldunga Hyndluljdff, 14).
guif-reomw shows the w on the way to becoming a vowel and causing the
triphthong eou [cf. Zupitza in Z.f.d.A. xxi. 10].
glBide may be an adverb 'gladly,' but is more probably an adjective
agreeing with Scyldingas, ' the gracious, lordly Soyldings [cf. Klaeber in'

Anglia, xxix. 378-9].

60. rSswaln], Kemble;: MS. rSswa. Eemble's emendation has been
widely accepted. The change is exceedingly alight, of. note to 1. 1176.
Indeed in the Anglian original of Beowulf the final n of the oblique cases
of weak nouns may already have been lost, and the scribe who put the
poem into W.S. would not in that case recognize the form as a plural
[CoEijn25]. Cf note to 1. 1543.

62. ...\Pn\elan, Grundtvig [Brage, iv. 500]; Bugge [Tidsskr. viii. 43]
supported this and supplied wses the name of the lady and part of that of

her consort were omitted by the scribe, who wrote hyrde ic -p elan cwen,
without anything to indicate at what point in the sentence the omission
may have occurred.
As the husband is a Swede (HeaSoscilfing, cf. 1. 2205) the coincidence
between elan and the name of the Swedish king Onela is too remarkable to
be overlooked, especially as it relieves us &om having to postulate a
Germanic princess with the extraordinary name of Elan. The reading of
the text, which leaves the lady's name unknown, is therefore preferable to
the theory [of GreiUj, Ettmiillerj, Sedgefieldj, etc.] which makes Elan the
name of the queen, and supplies Ongentheow, father of Onela, as the
hyrde ic }>sit Elan cwen {Ongenpeowes wses]
Headb-Scilfingas heals-gebedda.
There is no external evidence for either alliance : chronologically either is
Kluge [Engl. Stud. xxii. 144], following the Saga of Rolf Kraki, where
Halfdan has a daughter Signy, who weds earl Saevil, suggested
hyrde ic pset [Sigeneow wses Smwjelan cwen.
So Sedgefield 2 and Schiicking. But Saevil was not a king of Sweden. [For
a full discussion of the passage see Trautmann in Anglia, Beiblatt, x. 259.]
63. For gen. sg. in as, of. 11. 2453, 2921; Sievers, § 237, N. 1. For
gebedda, masc. in form, but here fern, in meaning (as foregenga, applied
to Judith's female attendant, Judith, 127), cf. Sievers, § 278, N. i.
67. be-arn from be-ieman, q.v.

6 Beowulf

]78et heal-reced hatan wolde,

Fol- 130\
|raedo-ffim micel, men jewyrcean,
70 J)on[re]e yldo beam Sfre jefrunon,
ond on innan
]>8er eall jedSlan

geongum ond ealdum, swylc him goA sealde,

baton folc-scare ond feorum gumena.
Da ic wide jefrsegn weorc gebannan
75 manigre mSsj^e geond J7isne middan-jeard,
folc-stede frsetwan. Him on fyrste jelomp
Eedre mid yldum, J^eet hit wearS eal jearo,
heal-Eema mjest; scop him Heort naman,
se J»e his wordes jeweald wide hsefde.

80 He beet ne aleh, beajas dselde,

sine set symle. Sele hlifade

heah ond horn-geap; heaSo-wylma bad
latSan liges. Ne waes hit lenje )>a gen,

68. Bask [AngeUaksiak Sproglare, 1817] and Kemblei, followed by most

of the older editors, read /set [he] heal-reced. But he need not be ex-
pressed: it is understood from him in the preceding line.
70. ]>(mln]e is an emendation of Grein^ and Grundtvig (1861, p. 3). If
in other respects we retain the MS. reading, 'greater' must be understood
from micel in the preceding line. Parallels have often been adduced for
this usage of the positive where we should expect the comparative. But
Bright has shown \M.L.N. xxvii. 181-3] that the clearest of these parallels
\Pealms, 117, 8-9: Ps. 118 in our reckoning] is due simply to a literal
translation of a biblical idiom, and that in other cases [e.g. Elene, 647]
the text is very probably corrupt. Bright would alter the text here to
medo-esm micle mare gewyrceanjionne... ' a hall much greater than'.... See
also Cosijn'.
yldo beam, 'the children of men.' Such gen. pis. in are rare, but
undoubted. See Sieversj §237, N. 4. [For a collection of instances, cf.
Klaeber in M.L.N, xvi. 17-18.]
' The kings have not despotic or unlimited
73. Cf. Tacitus [Germ, vii.] :

77. sedre mid yldum, 'presently amid men.' Earle's rendering with a '

quickness surprising to men is forced.


78. Heorot is probably so named from the horns on the gable, cf hom- .

geap, 1. 82. But possibly horn simply means 'corner,' 'gable,' and horn-
geap 'wide-gabled' [cf. Miller in Anglia, xii. 396].
83. Two interpretations of lenge are offered
(1)'the time was not yet at hand that...,' lenge being an adj. meaning
'pertaining to'; gelenge in this sense is not uncommon, but there is no
certain instance of lenge, and to take ' pertaining to ' in the sense of ' at
hand' is forced. However this interpretation [Bieger^^] has been followed
vridely, and recently by Schucking, Sedgefield and Holthauseus.
Or (2) lenge may be another form of the comparative adv. leng (Grein).
The comparative here (where Mod. Eng. would use a positive) would be
paralleled by U. 134, 2555. The meaning would then be ' the time was
not very distant.' [So Klaeber^'.]
Holthausen2 reads longe.
; '

Beowulf 7

fast se eOjf-hete aj>um-swerian

85 jefter wael-niSe waecnan scolde.
Da se ellen-gaest earfotSlice
j^rage ge))olode, se jje in })ystrum bad,
he dogora jehwam
Jiset dream jeh^rde
hludne in healle; J^ser waes hearpan sweg,

90 swutol sanj scopes. Ssegde se \e cu]7e

frumsceaft fira . feorran reccan,
|cwseS ]78et se iElmihtija eortJan worh[te], Fol. 132«.

wlite-beorhtne wang, swa wseter bebugeS

jesette sije-hrej^ij sunnan ond monan
95 leomaa to leohte land-buendum,
ond jefrsetwade foldan sceatas
leomum ond leafum lif eac jesceop ;

cynna jehwylcum, }>ara ?Se cwice hwyrfa)?.

Swa ?Sa driht-juman dreamum lifdoa

100 eadiglrce, otS JSset an onjan
fyrene fre[m]man, feond on helle;

84. ecg-hete, Greinj: MS. secghete. Cf. 1. 1738, and Seafarer, 70.
afmm-swerian qjum=' son-in-law,' sajeor =' father-in-law.' It is clear

that we have to do with a compound, meaning son- and father-in-law,' '

comparable to suhtergefeederan (I. 1164), suhtorfssdran {Widsith, 46), 'nephew

and uncle. All recent editors follow Trautmann in altering djmm-swerian

to abum-sweorum; and it may well be that this was the original reading,
and that the scribe misunderstood a^um as 'oaths' and so came to miswrite
sweorum as swerian to swear.' Yet swerian may perhaps be defended as

= swerigum from *sweriga father-in-law,' a form not elsewhere recorded,


but standing to sweor much as suhtriga to suhtor, both meaning nephew '

(of. Genesis, 1775, his luhtrian wif). [Bugge, Tidsskr. viii. 45-6 defended
swerian, comparing Goth, hroprahans and Icel. feffgar.']
The reference is to the contest between Hrothgar and his son-in-law
Ingeld (of. 11. 2020-69). Possibly the hall was burnt in this contest, which
took place, as we know from Widsith, set Heorote. But more probably

1. 82 refers to the later struggle among the kin of Hrothgar, when the hall

was burnt over Hrothulf 's head. See Index of Persons Hrothulf. :

86. ellen-gmst. Greinj and Bieger^^ emend to the more usual ellor-
gmst, which is also adopted by Earle and Sedgefleld; cf. 11. 807, 1617, etc.
See note to 1. 102.
87. Jrrage, a hard time (Klaeber^"*, comparing Juliana, 464, is peos

J>rag ful strong). See also Beowulf, 1. 2883 [cf. Cosijn^].

92. worh\te'], Kemblei MS. defective at corner.

93. swd, relative : see Glossary.

101. frem\_m\an, Eemble] : MS. defective at edge.
Eafle adopts the emendation [of Bugge™], healle for helle, because it
is' so simple, and gives so much relief.' On the other hand, in 1. 142 he
adopts hel-Segnes for heal-Segnes [as suggested tentatively by Ettmiilleri but
not adopted by him]. Both changes are needless.
feond on helle is simply 'hell-fiend' [Cosijn^]. Cf. helle hmfton, 1. 788.

8 Beowulf

was se grimma jffist grendel haten,

msere mearc-stapa, se }?e moras heold,
fen ond fsesten; fifel-cynnes card

los won-sseli wer weardode hwile,

si)>San-^im Scyppend for^crifen hsefde.

{^n Caines cynne >one cwealm jewraec

ece DrihteD, jjses J^e he Abel slog.

Ne jefeah he l73ere faehiSe, ac he hine feor forwraec,

no Metod for jjy mane, man-cynne fram.

panon untydras ealle onwocon,

eotenas ond ylfe ond orcn^as,

J^a wis lode wunnon
Fol. 132''.
swylce jiljantas,

102. gmst. This ambiguous word may stand for gdst 'spirit,' or giest,
gist, gyst, 'stranger'; giest is, of course, akin to the Latin Jtostis, and some-
times acquires the sense of 'hostile stranger,' 'foe' (e.g. 11. 1441, 1522, 1545
lele-gyst, 2560 gryre-giest).
In U. 1800, 1893 there can be no doubt that gmst stands for giest,
'stranger.' In 1. 2073 and in inwit-gmst (2670) the word is connected with
mco«[i]aji 'to visit,' which makes it highly probable that it means giest and
is used with grim irony. In the last instance we have confirmation from
the fact that gryre-giest is applied to the dragon in 1. 2560 and I should ;

be inclined also to take gsst (2312), nlS-gssst (2699) as= giest, niS-giest.
The dragon is not regarded as a spirit of hell, but as a strange phenomenon.
Grendel and his mother, on the contrary, are regarded as diabolic spirits
(of. 1266); and when applied to them I take gesst=gast 'spirit' (102: wml-
grnt, 1331, 1995: ellor-gMtt, 1349, 1617). This is confirmed by the fact
that 11. 807, 1621 give (ellor)-gdst, which can only mean 'spirit.'
In 1. 1123 gsesta=gasta,
104. Moor and fen were the appropriate dwelling-places of misbegotten
beings. Jordanes, recording Gothic traditions, mentions the offspring of
witches and evil spirits a race 'which was of old amid the fens.' Cf. note

to 1. 426.
106-8. Sievers [P.B.B. ix. 137]
...forscrifen hsefde
in Caines cynne (Jpone cwealm gewrssc
Ice Drihten)...
Had proscribed him amid the race of Cain (the eternal Lord avenged that
death) for that he slew Abel.'
109. fte...fte Mne = Cain... God, Cain.
112. orcneas. The meaning 'sea-monster' is often attributed to this
word (e.g. by Heyne and Sohucking), on the theory that it is a compound, the
first element connected with loel. firkn 'a kind of seal' [cf. Lat. orca 'a kind
of whale'], and the second with O.E. eoh, 'horse.' [Kluge in P.B.B. ix.
188, in part following Heyne.]
But the context seems to demand 'evil spirit,' rather than 'sea-horse.'
From the Lat. Orcus 'Hell, Death' was derived the O.E. ore 'giant' or
'devil,' as is proved by the gloss orcus ore, fiyrs oSSe hel-deofoV
' : Orc-neas
may be a compound of ore with ne 'corpse' (of. ne-fugol, 'oarrion-bird,'
Gen. 2158; dryht-neum, 'host of corpses,' Exod. 163; and Goth, n/ius, 'a
corpse'). [See BuggeS»-82 and in Z.f.d.Ph., iv. 193; and of. ten Brink";
Sievers in P.B.B. xxxvi. 428.]
Beowulf 9

lange J^rage ; he him 8ses lean forseald.

II 115 Gewat Sa neosian, syjjJJan niht becom,

hSan hiises, hii hit Hrinj-Dene
sefter beor-J^e^e jebua hsefdon.
Fand ]Ja tSier inne sej^elinja jedriht

swefan sefter symble; sorje ne ctiBon,

120 wonsceaft wera. Wiht unhselo,
jrim ond srsedij, jearo sona wses,
reoc ond rej^e, ond on raeste jenam
Jritig J7e5na; Jjanon eft jewat
huBe hremij to ham faran,
125 mid jȣere wsel-fylle wica neosan.
Da waes on uhtan mid ser-dseje
Trendies jutS-crseft jumum undyrne ;

]7a wses sefter wiste wop up ahafen,

micel morjen-swej. Msere Jjeoden,
130 3e]»eliDg Sr-god, unbliSe ssefc,

]7olode SrytS-swyS, J^egn-sorje dreah,

sy5)»an hie J7ses laSan last sceawedon,

115. mosian. Sieyers reads neosan, for metrical reasons. Cf. 1. 125. See
Introdvetion to Beowulf: Metre.
116. hean. The weak adj. without definite art. is a feature of early
O.E. poetry. See Introduction to Beowulf. '
120. Sievers [P.B.B. ix. 137] reads wera[s], 'the men knew not
sorrow.' Some edd. put the stop after unhlelo, ' they knew not sorrow, aught
of evil.' But with this punctuation Grim ond grsedig makes a very abrupt
beginning of the next sentence; and I see no reason to doubt that wiht
unhSlo can mean the creature of evil, Grendel ' ; of. hSlo-bearn, ' Saviour-

child' in Crist, 586, 754. [See also Klaeber, Christ. EUmenten, in Anglia,
XXXV. 252.]
128. after wiste, 'after their weal,' or 'after their feasting,' followed
lamentation. This seems a more likely interpretation than that there was
lamentation concerning Grendel's feasting upon the thirty thanes. {Cf.
Eock in Anglia, xxvii. 223.]
131. SryS-swyS. Earle takes this as a noun, 'mighty pain,' 'majestic
rage,' comparing leel. sviSi, a smart from burning.'
Surely this is seeking
trouble, for there is no evidence for any O.E. noun swyS, 'pain, smart,'
whilst the adj. sviyd, 'strong,' is common. It seems, then, natural to take
SryS-swyS as an adj., 'strong in might,' parallel to earm-m)iS, mod-swiff,
which are indisputably adjs., meaning 'strong in arm,' 'strong in mind,'
not nouns meaning 'arm-pain,' 'mind-pain.' Context too supports the
adjectival rendering 'strong in might'; for it is at least as satisfactory here
as 'mighty pain,' and more so in 1. 736, the only other passage where Jiryff-
iwyff oeeurs. If we thus make Jrrgff-swyff an adj., we have to take fiolian as
intransitive. But there is no di£Bculty about this of. 1. 2499, and Maldon,

307. [Earle quotes Grein in support of his interpretation yet Greio, renders

'stark an Kraft.'] I
. : ; '

10 Beowulf

wer^an jastes; wses J^aet gewin to Strang,

Fol. 133«.
\m ond lonssum. Nses hit lenjra [fyrst,
I3S ac ymb ane nitt eft gefremede
mortS-beala mare ond no mearn fore,
fsehtSe ond fyrene wses ;to faest on ]7am.

pa wses eaS-fynde, J^e him elles hwSr

gerumlicor rseste \sohte\,

140 bed Eefter burum, Sa him jebeacnod wses,

jesaegd soSlice, sweotolan tacne
heal-tJejnes hate; heold hyne syS]7an
fyr ond fsestor, se ]JSem feonde setwand.
Swa rixode ond witS rihte wan
14s ana wi?5 eallum, o5 ]78et idel stod

husa selest. Wses seo hwil fnicel

twelf wintra tid torn ge]7olode
wine Scyldin^j'a, weana jehwelcne,
sidra sorga; forSam [sy^S^anl wearS
150 ylda bearnum undyrne cuS,
jyddum jeomore, j^sette grendel wan '\r-'- ,

hwile wi?5 HroJ^jar, hete-niSas wseg, ;\j ^,_.;'li-

fyrene ond fsehJSe fela missera, \,^ -

133. It is not easy to be certain whether wergan, here and in 1. 1747, is

the weak form of werig, ' weary,' or is to be read short, wergd, ' accursed.'
The latter seems to be the more probable. Cf . wergan, wyrgan, ' to curse
[and see Hart in M.L.N, xxii. 220, etc.; and Earle, 168].

136. mare ' further,' 'additional ' murder does not of course imply that
the second attack was more murderous than the first. [Cf. Klaeber*'*.]
morS-beala for morf-healu. Some edd. alter, but see note to 1. 1914.
[Of. Bugge in Z.f.d.Ph. iv. 194 and Sievers in P.B.B. xxix. 312.]
138. The typical understatement of O.B. verse: It was easy to find one

who sought rest outside the hall,' amounts to saying that all deserted it.
139. [softte] Grein 1 ; no gap in MS.
140. sifter burum. The bowers lie outside the hall, as in the ' Gynewulf
and Cyneheard ' episode in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. The retainers, who
would normally sleep in the hall, prefer a bed by the bowers, which are
free from Grendel's attack.
142-3. The survivors held themselves 'the safer the further awav.'
146-7. Sievers [P.B.B. ix. 137]
hUsa selest {wses seo hwil micel)
twelf wintra tid...
147. twelf: MS. .xii.
148. Scyldinga, Grundtvig'*', Eemblej: MS. scyldenda.
149. No gap in MS.: [syS'Jjam,'] supplied by Kemblej, following private
communication from Thorpe. Cf. U. 1453, 2175. Some stop-gap is required
for the alliteration. Klaeber [J.E.G.Ph. vi. 191] supplies secgum, so too
Schtlcking; Holthausen 2, 3 aona; Buggers', sarcwidum; Sievers [P.B.B.
; :

Beowulf 11

sinjale ssece ; sibbe ne wolde

155 wits manna hwone msejenes Deniga,
feorh-bealo feorran, fea );ingian
ne J7£er nSnij witena wenan jjorfte

beorhtre bote to banan. folmum.

[Atol] seglseca ehtende wses, Fol. 133".

i6o deorc dea]7-scua, dujuj^e ond jeojoj^e,

seomade ond syrede, sin-nihte heold
mistije moras; men ne cunnon,
hwyder hel-runan hwyrftum scri)?aS.
Swa fela fyrena feond man-cynnes,
165 atol an-jenjea, oft jefremede,
heardra hynSa; Heorot eardode,
sinc-faje sel sweartum nihtum ;

no he jjone jif-stol jretan moste,

maJjSum for Metode, ne his myne wisse.

xxix. 313], for J>am socnum: cf. 1. 1777. Klaeber, following Sievers' sug-
gestion, substitutes /oriTaM, the form usual in Bemoulf.
154^5. sibbe a,ndL feorh-bealo feorran are possibly parallel, 'hewishednot
for peace, or to remove the life-bale,' the verbal phrase explaining the noun
more fully, as in 11. 185-6, frdfre...wihte gewendan [cf. Bugge*^; Klaeber^].
We can, however, construe sibbe as an instrumental, in which case there
should be no comma after Deniga 'he would not out of compassion to any

man remove the life-bale.' [Cf. Grein; Sievers, P. B.B. xxix. 317.]
156. fea. Kemble^ normalized to fio, and has been followed by all the
editors. Tet ea for lo is a common Anglian (especially Northumbrian)
peculiarity. See Sievers 3 §150. 3.
157-8. wenan to, 'to expect from.' See Glossary: wenan, and cf.
1. 1396.
158. beorhtre is, of course, not comparative, as taken by many editors
and translators, but gen. fem., agreeing with bote, after wenan.
hanan, Kembleji miswritten in MS. hanib. The error possibly arose
. through the influence of folmH (cf. 1. 2961) ; or possibly bam {=banan) in an
older MS. was written with an open a and tlus, as so often, was wrongly
transcribed as u (cf. 11. 581, 2821, 2961).
159. MS. defective. [Atol] Thorpe; [ac se], without a period, Bieger^s*.
163. heUrunan. The fem. hel-rUne, ' witch,' occurs in several glosses
the Gothic equivalent is recorded by Jordanes Filimer, King of the Goths,

found among his people certain witches, ' quas patrio sermone Haliurunnas is
ipse cognominat' [Getica, cap. xxiv.]. It is not clear whether in this passage
in Beowulf we have the fem., or a corresponding masc, hel-runa, not elsewhere
167-9. for Metode is generally taken ' on account of the Lord ': cf. 1. 706,
J)d Metod nolde. Holtzmanu [Germania, viii. 489] makes he refer to Hrothgar
'he could not touch his throne, his treasure, by reason of God's prohibition,
nor have joy in it.' But this seems very difficult, since Grendel has been
the subject for the last fifteen lines. Most probably, then, he refers to
Grendel, who was not suffered to outrage Hrothgar's throne by reason of

God's prohibition: he knew not His mind' (i.e. the fate in store tor him).
But the phrase may mean simply that Grendel is a fiend rejected by God,

12 Beowulf
170 JJset wses wrsec micel wine Scyldinja,
modes brectSa. Moni^ oft jesaet

rice to rune, rsed eahtedon,

hwaet swi?5-ferh?Sum selest wiere

wits fffir-^ryrum to jefremmanne.

175 Hwilum hie geheton sst A^r^f-trafum
wig-weorjjunga, wordum bsedon,
Jjaet him jast-bona jeoce jefremede
wits J>eod-]?reaum. Swylc wses ]?eaw hyra,
hjefienra hyh't ; helle jemundon
180 in mod-sefan, Metod hie ne cu]7on,
dseda Demend, ne wiston hie Drihten 7od,
|ne hiehuru heofena Helm herian ne cu]?on, Pol.

wuldres Waldend. Wa bits J^iem 5e sceal

]?urh slitSne nitS sawle bescufan
185 in iyres fae))m, frofre ne wenan,
wihte jewendan; wel bits )>Eem ]>e m5t
aefter deatS-dsje Drihten secean,
ond to Fseder fsej'mum freoSo wilnian.
Ill Swa tSa mSl-ceare maja Healfdenes
and hence cannot approach GoSi throne or receive a gift in the presenoe
of his Creator. In this case, suggested by Klaeber [J.E.G.Ph. viii. 254]
it is
that ne his myne wisse means 'nor did He (God) take thought of him
(Grendel).' [Parallels for this are given by Elaeber, Christ. Elementen, in
Anglia, xxxv. 254, e.g. Exeter Gnomic Verses, 162, toserleas mon ond wonhydig
pms ne gymeS God.'] Anyway the contrast is between the loyal thane who
approaches th6 throne to do homage and receive gifts, and such a 'hall-
thane' (cf. 1. 142) as Grendel.
[Cf. also Cosijn " ; Kook in Anglia, xxvii. 225 ; Pogatscher in P.B.B. xix.
544, who suggests formetode as a verb from *formetian: 'he despised the
giving of treasure'; Sievers in P.B.B. xxix. 319. Kolbing in Engl. Stud.
iii. 92.]
175. MS. hrserg: Kemble 2 corrected to hearg: Grundtvig (1861,
p. 6) kept nearer to the MS. by retaining the spelling hmrg. This heathen
term had perhaps become less intelligible when our MS. was transcribed,
whence the scribe's error.
It has often been objected that these lines are not consistent with the
Christian sentiments uttered by leading characters elsewhere in the poem
that Hrothgar, for instance, does not talk like a pagan (of. e.g. 11. 1724, seq.).
Attempts have been made to harmonize the discrepancy by supposing that
the Danes are regarded as Christians, but as having in time of stress
relapsed, like the East Angles in the seventh century. [Elaeber, Christ.
Elementen, in Anglia, xxxv. 134 Bright in Bouth's Ballad Theory, 1905,

54, footnote.] But this supposition is unnecessary, for such Christian

sentiments as Hrothgar or Beowulf do ntter are vague and undogmatic,
not unlike the godly expressions that Chaucer puts into the moath of his
pious heathen. [See Introduction to Beowulf.]
189. mSl-ceare, 'the sorrow of this time' (i.e. the time spoken of above)
Beowulf 13

190 sinjala seats ne mihte snotor hseleS


wean onwendan; wses Jjset jewin to swyS,

la]> ond lonssum, ]?e on tSa leode becom,

nyd-wracu ni]?-grim, niht-bealwa m^st.

paet fram ham gefrsegn Hijelaces j^e^n,

195 jod mid 7eatum, -trendies dsSda;

se wffis mon-cynnes maegenes strengest
on ]?Eem dseje ]7ysses lifes,

se]7eleond eacen. Het him y?5-lidan

godne jejyrwan; cwseS, he jutS-cyning
200 ofer swan-rade secean wolde,
mseme )>eoden, J^a him waes manna pearf.

Done si?5-fset him snotere ceorlas

lyt-hwon logon, |]?eah he him leof wSire ; Fol. 134".

hwetton hi5e-[r]ofne, hSl sceawedon.

205 Hsefde se joda 'jeata leoda
cempan jecorone, ]7ara ]?e he cenoste
findan mihte ; fiftena sum
sund-wudu sohte; secg wisade,
lagu-craeftij mon, land-gemyrcu.

mod-ceare, the emendation of Trautmann '", is unnecessary [cf. Sievers in

P.B.B. xxix. 321] : mSl-ceare is probably ace. after seaS, brooded over the '

care ; but might be instrumental, seethed with care ' [Earle].


194. fram ham '

from indicates that Beowulf's home is different from
: '

the scene of Grendel's deeds: Earle rightly renders 'in his distant home.'
Cf. 1. 410.
197. /xBHi can bear the alliteration because emphatic.
203. This, by the customary understatement (cf. 11. 2738, 3029), means
that they heartily approved of his enterprise, as is shown by 1. 415. [Cf.
Klaeber in M.L.N, xvii. 323, and Cosijn^]
204. [T\dfne is the conjecture of Eask [Grundtvig''^''] and is certain.
The MS. is defective: only the lower part of the first letter is left, and this
may have been r, /, /, «, or w. The letter must have been only half legible
even in Thorkelin's time ; transcript A has }>ofne, B fame.
hml sceawedon, watched the omens.' Tacitus notes the attention paid

to auspices and the methods of divination by the ancient Germans. [Germ.

X. : Auspicia sortesque, ut qui maxime, ob§ervant.]
The conjecture of Sedgefield^^ hSl geeawedon, 'gave him a farewell

greeting,' seems unnecessary. [Cf. Klaeber, Engl. Stud. xliv. 123.]

207. fiftena MS. xv.
: With fourteen companions.' Cf. 1. 3123.

209. lagu-crmftig mon. This is often taken to refer to a pilot, but more
probably it relates to Beowulf himself. Seamanship is a characteristic of
the perfect hero, as of Slfrlt in the Nibelungen Lied.
wisade... land-gemyrcu has been rendered 'pointed out the land-marks'
[Earle, Clark-Hall]; but the travellers do not appear to be as yet afloat.
14 Beowulf
2IO Fyrst forfS jewat; flota waes on ySum,
bat under beorje. Beornas gearwe
on stef'n stijon; stieamas wundon,
sund wis sande; secjas bseron
on bearm nacan beorhte frset^we,

215 jutS-searo jeatolic; juman tit scufon,

weras on wil-siS, wudu bundenne.
Tewat )7a ofer wsej-holm winde jefysed
flota fami- heals fujle jelicost,
otS ]7set ymb an-tid o]?res dojores
220 wunden-stefna gewaden haefde,

]7aet 6a litSende land jesawon,

brim-clifu blican, beorjas steape,
side sse-nsessas; J^awaes sund liden
eoletes set ends. '
panon up hratSe
225 Wedera leode on wanj stijon,
s«-wudu sseldon syrcan hrysedon, ;

jtitS-jewaedo ; 'jode J»ancedon,

(SunA-wudu sohte, 1. 208, means he proceeded to the ship,' not neoeaearily


'went on board.') We must therefore either translate 'led them to the

land-boundary' (the shore) [of. Sievers in P.B.B. xxix. 322; Klaeber^'i],
or we must [as has been suggested to me by Mr Grattan] take the phrase
wisade land-gemyrcu quite generally: Beowulf 'was their pilot on this
Of. 1. 2409.
' the time between the arrival at the shore, and
210. Fyrst forS gewdt, '

the embarkation had passed : or, quite generally, ' time passed on.'
' '

216. bundenne, 'well-braced.'

218. fdmi-heals. See Sievers 3 §214, 5.
219. an-tid : MS. an tid. Giein, dn-tidi.=horapri7tia, 'erate Stxmie,'
comparing 'non-tid' hora nana. Cosijn [P.B.B. viii. 568, following
Ettmiiller] contends for an-tid =:and-tid or ond-tid, 'corresponding time,'
'the same time,' so that the phrase would mean 'about the same hour of the
second day.'
Sievers [_P.B.B. xxix. 322, etc.'] regards dntid as 'due time,' comparing
O.N. eindagi, 'agreed time, term,' and points out that ynib, when used to
mark time, means rather 'after' than 'about'; hence 'after the lapse of :

due time, on the next day.' Earle arrives at the same rendering, though on
different grounds, which to me are not clear.
224. eoletes. The word occurs here only. The sense seems to demand
sea then was the sound traversed at the far side of the sea.' Yet this
; '

passive use of liden is dMcult a difficulty which Thorpe sought to avoid
by reading sund-lida ea-lade st ende, the sea-sailer (i.e. boat) at the end of

its watery way.' Bugge [Tidsskr. viii. 47] interpreted stormy sea (O.N. ' '

gl, 'storm'). But the first element, eo, in eolet may, by the Anglian con-
fusion of eo and ea, be the same as ea, river' (Lat. aqiia, Goth. ahwa). Others

suppose the word to mean 'labour' (cognate with Greek i\a6vu), or else to
be a mere 'ghost-word,' the result of a scribe's blunder. [Sedgefield^]

Beowulf 15

J^aes ]7e him yj>-lade eaSe wurdon.

weard Scildinja, Fol. 135«.
Ipa of wealle jeseah
230 se j>e holm-clifu healdan scolde,
beran ofer bolcan beorhte randas,
fyrd-searu fuslicu; bine fyrwyt braec
mffd-jehy^dum, hwset J>a men WEeron.
lewat him \& to waroSe wicje ridan
235 \eyi Hro?S5ares, J?rymmum cwehte
maegen-wudu mundum, mejjel-wordum '
frsegn :

"Hwset syadon je searo-haebbendra

byrniim werede, \e J^us brontne ceol
ofer lagu-strSte Isedan cwomon,
240 hider ofer holmas ? {^HwM, ic hwi]le wses
ende-sieta, sej-wearde heold,
]?e on land Dena nSnij

mid scip-herge sceJSj^an ne meahte.

No her cutSlicor cuman onjunnon

245 lind-haebbende ; ne ge leafnes-word
guS-fremlnendra gearwe ne wisson, - '')

maga jemedu. Ntefre ic maran jeseah

eorla ofer eorlian, Sonne is eower sum,
secj on searwum ; nis j^aet seld-juma
250 w^pnum geweorSad, '
naefwe him his wlite leoje,

230. scolde, 'whose office it was'; cf. 1. 251.

232. See note to 1. 1426.
240. [Hwsit, ic hwi]le wses, the reading of Sievers [Anglia, xiv. 146],
following in part that of Bugge^:
hider ofer holnias! [Hwile ic an wealjle
wses ende-sseta.
MS. hider ofer holmas le wses, etc., without any gap. Thorkelin read the
le as Ic, Eemble as le, but there can be no doubt that it is le, and this makes
walker's conjecture unlikely
hider ofer holmas [hringed-stefnari]!
Ic vises ende-sSta....
The same applies to that of Ettmiiller^:
hider ofer holmas [helmas bSron]?
htoile, 'a long time.'
244. cuman is possibly a noun (cf. 1. 1806). 'Never have strangers,
warriors, made themselves more at home.' [Bugge in Tidsskr. viii. 290.]
For this use of onginnan, — ''bebB,ye,' Klaeber [Anglia, xxviii. 439] compares
ead'mSdlice onginnaS, Gura Pastoralis, 421, 26; and advocates the old read-
ing geleafnes-word for ge leafnes-word, taking wisson (1. 216) as Brd pars.
245-6. Note that in O.E. syntax two negatives do not make
an affirmative.
249-50. 'Ton weapon-decked man is no mere retainer.' Seld-guma,
'hall-man,' i.e. house-earl, retainer. Other suggestions are that it means
16 Beowulf

senile an-syn. Nu ic eower sceal

frum-cyn witan, Sr je fyr |heonan, Fol. 135*.

\vleas-sceaweras, on land "Dena

furjjur feran. Nu je feor-buend,
255 mere-liSende, min[»]e jehyraS
an-fealdne gejjoht; ofost is selest _^
to jecySanne, hwanan eowre cyme syndon.'V'

IV Him ae yldesta ondswarode,

werodes ^isa, word-hord onleab :tJ«riii*^^

260 " We synt jum-cynnes ''veata leode


ond Hijelaces heorS-jeneatas.

Wses min faeder folcum gecyJ'ed,'fe«-»»-—
sej'ele OroHruma Ec5)?eow haten ;^ ' *

tebad wintra worn, aer he on wet hwurfe ^-^ f ~'^*-

265 gamol 01 geardum nine gearwe geman


witena wel-hwylc ^wide 'jeond eorj^an.

We )>urh holdne^ hije hlaford jjinne, ''",' ^^

sunu Healfdenes, secean cw.omon,c-''n'^-^ .

leod-gebyrjean ; wes ]>n us larena jod.
^. JiA-
270 Habba?S we to ]7sem mjeran micel serende ._
Denija irean; ne sceal J»ser dyrhe sum
wesan, "pees ic wene. Ipu wast jif hit is,

'one who remains within the seld,' 'stay-at-home,'. 'o5,rpet-knight,' orthat it

indicates a peasant, one who possesses only a seld. But the seld was a hall
or palace, occupied by warriors and owned by kings, so that these explana-
tions are less satisfactory. [Of. Bugge in Tidsskr. viii. 290-1.]
250. nsefne, Kemble2: MS. nsefre.
253. leas-seeaweras, the MS. reading, meaning 'evil spies,' has been
emended to lease sceaweras [Ettmullerj, Thorpe, followed by all the older
editors]. But this gives a type of line (Expanded D*) which, unless with
double alliteration, is unparalleled. It seems therefore better to keep the
MS. reading.
So abusive a word is surprising in the middle of an otherwise courteous
conversation. But, perhaps, the drift is, as Sievers suggests : ' It is duty my
to (ic sceal) enquire: tell me, rather than (ter), by going further, bring
yourselves under suspicion of being false spies.' [P.B.B. xxix. 329 : cf. also
Klaeber in Anglia, xxix. 379-80.]
255. min[n\e, Kemble2: MS. mine.
258. yldesta, 'chief; cf. 1. 363.
262. Holthausena reads Wm min [frod] feeder: Holthauseuj, Wm
mm feeder folcum [feor] gecyped. This improves the alliteration. From
the point of view of scansion alteration is not essential, since a personal
pronoun can take the stress : cf. 11. 345, 346, 353, 1934, 1984, 2160. This is
not a merelioence^ but usually corresponds to a fine shade of meaning.
269. larena god, 'good to us in guidance.'
; :

Beowulf 17

swa we so]?lice Isecjan hyrdon, I'^ol-

)78et mid Scyldinjum sceaSona ic nat hwylc,

275 deojol daed-hata, deorcum nihtum

eaweS )7urh egsan uncuSne ni?S,
hynSu ond hra-fyl Ic Jjses HrotSjar msej'
]7urhrumne sefan rsed jelseran,
hu he frod ond god feond oferswySe}',
280 jyf him ed-wendan sefre acolde

bealuwa bisiju, bot eft cumaa,

ond ]7a cear-wylmas colran wurtSa]?
oSSe a syj)?5an earfoS-J^raje,

]7rea-nyd ]7ola?S, J^enden ]?Eer wunaS

285 on heah-stede hiisa selest."
Weard majjelode, Seer on wicge sset,

ombeht untbrht : " iEghwasJ^res sceal

scearp scyld-wija jescad witan,

worda ond worca, se \e wel |7ence5.

290 Ic jjset gehyre, J^ast }»is is hold weorod

frean Scyldinga. Tewita]? forS beran
wiepen ond gewsedu, ic eow wisije;
swylce ic magu-j^egnas mine hate
wits feonda jehwone flotan eowerne,

sceaSona, in Thorkeliu's transcript

274. A
only : now only sceo left.
275. Grein hesitated whether to regard this word as dsed-
Mta, one who hates or persecutes by deeds [so Greinj] or dad-hdta, ' one
' '

who promises deeds.' Earle adopts the latter reading, and translates
'author of deeds.' The former is, however, the more probable: hatian
means not merely 'to hate' but 'to pursue with hatred, persecute'; cf.
1. 2466 [see Klaeber'*'].
276. fiurh egsan, in dread wise : for
' ' ^rh
marking attendant circum-
stances, of. 1. 1335, and perhaps 1. 184. [Cf. Klaeber^'i and in Archiv, cxv.
178.] Above, 1. 267, and below, 1. 278, Jiurk retains more clearly its meaning
of cause or instrument. And purh egsan may mean by reason of the awe '

he inspires.' Cf. Seafarer, 103 [and see Cosijn"].

280. edwendan MS. Bugge [Tidiskr. viii. 291] suggested the noun
edwenden, in which case we must take bisigu as gen. dependent upon it
'a change of his trouble.' [So Holthansen and Sedgefield: already in 1861
Grundtvig (p. 117) took the passage in this way, though retaining the
spelling edwendan, which he interpreted as a nouu =
edwenden,'] The emen-
dation edwenden is exceedingly probable, since the verb edwendan occurs
nowhere else : for in 1. 1774, where the MS. gives edwendan, it is necessary
to read this as edwenden; him. edwenden. ..bealuwa bisigum has been sug-
gested : cf. 1. 318, sifa gesunde, and 1. 2170, niSa heardum.
286. Sievera IP.B.B. ix. 137], followed by Holthausen and Sedgefield,
would supply [he] after J>Er. But this seems unnecessary: cf. 1. 1923.
[See Pogatscher, in Anglia, xxiii. 265.]
; :

18 Beowulf

295 niw-iyrwydne nacan on sande,

-^aral^'heaidan, eft byretS T^^ '- --
qf I'set

ofer lagu-strealjnas
leofne mannan Fol. 136".
/^ '^
wuclu wunden-&als to "Weder-mearce, ' '

god-fremmendra swylcum sifejje biS-",^'

300 ]73et/J)ODe hilde-rSs' hal jedijeS."*"' '.

'Tfe-witon him ^a Teran;^ flota' stille bad, '" '

seo'mode on sale sid-fae|/med scip,

on a.ncre faest. JliOior-lic scionon ^ :

ofer hisor-ljerf^an, gehroclen ^Tae

305 ^h ond fyrifieard fern-wearde'' heold
gu^imodjMm men. Tuman onettpn,

297-9.leofne mannan and swylcum may refer to the whole band, ' to
whomsoever it shall be granted' [Kemble, Thorpe]. For a full defence of
this rendering see Klaeber^s"; liofne mannan would be a singular used
colleetively : of. eorl (1. 795), xpelinge (1. 1244). Most recent translators
make of 11. 299, 300, an assertion relating to Beowulf: 'to such a valiant
man it will be granted....' It has been objected that this is to attribute to
the coast-guard a statement which is absurd a view refuted 'by all the —
brave men who have ever fallen in battle [Eieger*^]. Tet he may reason- '

ably say Valiant men like your captain are destined to win.'

299. god-fremmendra. Grundtvig's emendation guS-fremmendra [1861,

p. 10] is needless.
300. Here, too, Sieyers, followed by Sedgefleld, would supply [fee] after
302. sale, Ettmiillers; cf. 11. 226, 1906, and 1917, and modern 'riding
on a hawser.' has been suggested that the MS. reading sole is not im-
possible, and that it might be interpreted as from sol, mod. Kent, sole, a '

muddy pool.' But surely

this is a libel upon the Cattegat.
803, etc. scionon= scinon, 'they shone,' by u-nmlaut, just as riodan
(1. 3169)=niio», 'they rode' (Sieversg § 376): there seems no sufficient
reason to reject this explanation, and, with Grein, to invent a verb scanan,
sceon, or with Sedgefleld to take scionon as an adj. (=scienan, 'bright'),
agreeing with eofor-lic.
hleor-be.r[g'ian, cheek-guards,' EttmuUers, Gering [Z.f.d.Ph. xii. 123 he

compares cinberg, Exod. 175] MS. hleor beran. If we retain the MS.

reading we must either take beran = bSron, 'they bore over their faces,' or
else, with Grein, assume a noun hleor-bera, visor Sedgefield2 reads ofer '
' ;

hleopu beran, they bore, over the hill-sides....'


The latter part of 1. 305 has been widely read ferh wearde heold, ' the
pig' (ferh for fearh, parallel to eofor-llc) 'held guard': but the expression
ferh, 'pig' for eofor, 'boar' is strange [Cosijn']. The reading of the text
ferhwearde heold {ferh for feorh) involves a rapid change from pi. to sg.
but in O.E. poetry this is no insuperable difficulty. Translate the gleaming '

and tempered [helm] held guard of lite over the valiant man (gufrmodgwm men).''
The MS. reading, gupmod grummon, hardly admits of interpretation.
If a verb, grummon must be from grimman, 'to rage, roar,' which gives
no satisfactory sense; the meaning 'hasten' is generally apphed to it here,
but this is forced why should to roar mean to hasten ? And gupmod as

subject {=giljmdd(i)ge 'the valiant ones') is almost equally unsatisfactory,

even if we follow Kemble3 and alter to gu}>-m5d[e'].
Sedgefleld suggests grimmon (Dei. pi.), 'over the fierce ones'- Bright

Beowulf 19

sijon setsomne, oj J^set hy [s]a^l timbred,

jeatolic ond jold-fafi, onjytori mihton ; t^^-^ "^-^

'"J'set wses fore-inserost fold-buendum ^-"^^-^ A*-.«j^>

310 receda under rddefum, on ]7SBm se rica bad;-^-'^'^'
lixte se leoufia ,
ofer landa fela.
Him /""''^
})a lillde-deor [AJof modijra / ^*
torht tetsehte, bset hie tiim to mihton
jejnum sanjan; guS-beorna sum
315 wic5 jewende, word'sefter cwseS:
;.VnVjjjjgl js'^ine to feran; '-'-^-^
Fseder al-walda^'^-
mid ar-stafum eowic jehealde /-^^r './>-
"^7'' !

"! siSa tesunde ' I'c to 'sS wille \

wiS wrarS werod ' wearae healdan. . Pol. 137".

V 320 btrset wses stan-rah, stii wisode ^

'jumum setgsedere. '7uS-byTne scan '^'-i''-''''^ f «- -

lieard hond-locen, hrinj-iren scir h^j^^'
soiig in searwum, )?a hie to sele furSum/--^

m hyra jryre-teatwum jaagan cwomon.

325 Setton s£e-mebe sicle scyldas, . ,, /

rondas rejn-hearde, wi?S pass recedes weal,

bugon yk to bence ; byrnan hringdon, .
__^. c r/i."

^hrt'Jt Uj^'O^ ,«,^>,jt^


[Jlf.i.J?'. X. 43] had made the same emendation, but with adverbial meaning,
Tacitus notes these boar-helmets but as a characteristic, not of the

Germans proper, but of the ^stii {Germ. xlv. Inaigne superstitionis formas

aprorum gestanf].
The straightening out of this passage, so far as it admits of explanation,
is mainly due to Buggers [and in Z.f.d.Ph. iv. 195, etc.], who proposed
eofor lic-scionon
ofer hleorberan gehroden golde
fah ond fyrheard ferh-wearde heold
gup-modgum men.
'The boar, over the visor, adorned with gold, gleaming and tempered,
held guard of life over the valiant man, fair of body (Uc-scwnorC).' Bugge's
interpretation, at least of 11. 305, 306, seems likely, and has been adopted by
Sohiieking and Holthausen2; cf. Klaeber*>^
307. [s]ffiJ timbred, Kemblej: MS. seltimbred.
308. For infinitives in on cf. 11. 2167, 2842, and Sieverss §363, N. 1.
312. [,h]of, Kemble2: MS. of. Both sense and alliteration demand the
315. ^fter, 'thereupon.'
326. regn-hearde. Begn (Goth, ragin, 'counsel,' raginon, 'to rule')
comes in O.N. (regin) to be a synonym for the gods. Here it is used simply
to intensify. Cf. the proper name Eeginhart (Eeynard), appropriately
applied to that 'thoroughly hardened sinner,' the fox.

20 Beowulf
gumena; jaras stodon,
sge-manna searo, samod setjseder.e,. ,.

330 sesc-holt ufan Srseg; wses se iren-'preat

wsepnum jewur^ad. J7a Sser 4l6nc hseleS
7 -^rei^ecjas ^seffcer sepelwm frsejn :<i^.Ai-i
Hwanon ferijeaS ge fsette scyldas, ,

'grSge syrcan ond jrTm^elinas,

335 here-sceafta heap ? Ic eom HroSjares __
af ond omBiht!! Ne seah ic el-J^eodije g'-U'^'''^
]7us manije men modijlicran. tiJi-iMMn^

^ vVgn ic baet ge .for wiencb, nalles for wrsec-siSum
ac fo^ n^^TlbryipmUDQ, C HrotStar sohton." Fol. isv.

340 Him ^a ellen-rof * andswarode,

>^'w^nc^Weaera I§o.d word sefter spraec,
feard under nelme: "We synt Higelaces
Seod-jenea^as ;_ Beowulf is min nama.
Wille ic asecjan sunu Healfdenes,
345 m serum ^o3ne, min Eerende^f*^*'*^
^ alidre fcnunij h§ us jeunnan wile,

J7aet we bine swa godne gretan mo ton.

Wulfgar ma)7elode —
J^aet wses Wendla leod,)?^^'^''''**^

wses his mSd-sera manegum tecySed, -"^^ *"'-"

350 wij end wis-dom — " Ic Jjses ''wine Denija,

frean Scildinta, n'inan wille, , x
Deata bryttan, swa pu bena eart, '

vc-v. •f.-a •'U- o^^-L.-

peoden mserne, ymo pinne Sl5,'>^/<^-|f «-

ond ]?e ondsware '^'^are gecy!San,xivt.<i!t.''':^^--<«-»»-'


355 5e me se goda agifan |;enceS,"tl!*^^^ te;|vKvfe>i*'-

Jj^^^lSwearf \& hrsedlice, "pffir HrotJgar sset
eald ond anhar mid his eorla gedriht;

332. apelwm, Greini (cf. 1. 892, and for the sense U. 251-2): MS.
a scribal blunder due to the hmle& of the previous line.
ftaeZe'-itm— evidently
For oret-, see Sieversj §43, N. 4.
338. Wen. Some editors write this wm' (=wene). Cf. 11. 442 and
344. mnu. The editors from Kemblej downwards have adopted the
more usual form of the dat., suna; but see Sieversj §§270 and 271, N. 2.
357. anhar MS. unhar. Bugge [Z.f.d.Ph. iv. 197] suggests that the

un intensifies: 'very hoary'; so Cosijn's and Sohtioking: but the parallels

quoted in support are not satisfactory. Sedgefieldj retains unhdr, but trans-
lates with hair not yet white. ' But the emendation anhdr [Bugge in Tidsekr.
Beowulf 21

eode ellen-rof, ]7iEt he for eaxlum sestod ^ /« ;•

j DenijaTrean; cu]je he dujutSe ]7eaw.cA**^w , '

v, ' "
360 Wulfjar rSaSelode |t6 his wine-drnfEne : Pol. 138».

" Her syndon jelerede, feorran cumene

ofer J^ienes bejanj, ^eata leode ;
Um. ^r--*lr
]7one yloesMi-, oret-mecjas '"'^'*'^[;'^

Beowulf nemnatS. Hy benan synt,

365 jjset hie, J^eoden min, witS ]7e moton^"**'/
jvordiirfi wrixlan; no Sti him wearne jeteoh^-n^
tJmra je'g'n-cwida, ^
jlsedmaa HrotJjar.
Hy on wiT-getawum \vyr?5e J^inceaS •""'"-

7 eorla ^eaehtlan; huru s6 aldor deah,-^ ^*^'^**5

370 se ]>mm heaSo-nricum hider wisade^^X*^ t-vi^-ji W"
VI HrotSgar majjelode, helm Scyldinga:
" Ic hine cuSe cniht-wesende ;

wses his eald fseder Ecgj^eo haten,

Saem to ham forjeaf Hre]7el 7eata
375 angan dohtor; is his eafora nii

viii.71; Trautmann: adopted by Holthausen] is simple and final. A similar

bad spelling occurs in the Dream of the Rood, 117: the MS. has unforht,
which is nonsense, and has been emended to anforht timid. Such scribal

mistakes were easily made at a period when, the top of the a being left open,
it was hardly distinguishable from u another example is wudu for wadu,

below (1. 581). For anhar, cf. ansund (1. 1000).

367. glmdman, indisputably the MS. reading: Thorkelin's transcript B
reads gltednian [cf. Eieger^^O],
Bugge** defends glmdman, quoting the gloss 'Hilaris gleedman.' The best

interpretation of the word seems, then, to be cheerful. ' Other suggestions


have been that it is the oblique case of a noun glsedma, 'gladness,' or that it
should be read as two words, glsed man. GImd, 'gracious,' is a stock epithet
of princes. Grundtvig's emendation [1861, p. 13] gleed-mod is followed by
Holthauseni,2 and Sedgefield.
368. wig-getdwum. Note the spelling here, and in 11. 395, 2636 the :

editors generaJly alter into the more usual form wig-geatwum, etc., and this
emendation is supported here by metrical considerations. Geatwe is generally
supposed to be a corruption (Sieverss § 43, N. 4) of getdwe. It would seem,
then, that the more primitive form, getawum, has been, by a scribal error,
inserted here, although the metre shows that the form actually used was the
corrupt geatwe. Yet it has been maintained that the two words, geatwe and
getdwe, are from distinct roots {geatwe cognate with frsetwe getSwe with ;

tdwian, 'to prepare'). If so, they were certainly confused and interchanged
by the scribes. [Cf. von Grienberger in Z.f.o.G. 1905, 753.]
372. cniht-wesende, uninfleoted ; see note to 1. 46, above.
373. eald fseder -.MS. ealdfmder. This compound, meaning 'grandfather,
ancestor,' occurs in the forms ealdfeeder, ealdefmder; but its use here is
a strain to the meaning of the passage, and we may safely assume that the
scribe has run two words into one, as in numerous other instances. Eald
fader makes excellent sense.
375. eafora, Grundtvig272, Kembki: MS. eaforan.

22 Beowulf

heard her cumen, s5hte holdne wine.

Donne ssegdon j^set sS-liJjende,

\K tSe gif-sceattas geata fyredon

he ]?ri|ti5es Fol. 138".
^yder to Jjance, )>8et

380 manna msejen-crseft on his mund-gripe

hea)3o-rof hsebbe. Hine halij goA
for ar-stafum us onsende,
to West-Denum, Jjses ic wen hasbbe,
wis vrendles gryre; ic ]7sem godan sceal
385 for his mod-]7rsece madmas beodan.
Beo Su on ofeste, hat in jan
Jiseon sibbe-jedriht samod setjsedere ;

gesaga him eac wordum, ]7set hie sint wil-cuman

Deniga leodum." [pa wi& duru healle
390 Wulfgar eode,] word inne ahead;
" Eow het secgan sige-drihten min,
aldor East-Dena, |78et he eower seTpelu can,

ond ge him syndon ofer sae-wylmas,

heard-hicgende, hider wil-cuman.
395 Nti ge moton gangan in eowrum guS-geatawum,

378-9. Thorpe, Geatum, adopted by Buggers and Earle. The change is

not necessary, because the genitive can be objective: 'presents for the
Geatas.' [So Klaeber«2.]
Jyyder. Cosijn^ would alter to hyder, and make the Danes the recipients
of the treasure: but this weakens the alliteration. need not assume We
that either nation was tributary to the other. Tacitus records similar
interchange of gifts between neighbouring tribes : Gaudent praecipue finiti-
marum gentium donis, quae non modo a singulis sed publice mittu/ntur, electi
equi, magna arma, phalerae torquesque. [Germ, xv.] Of. too 1. 472, below.
379. pritiges: MS. "xxx- tiges.
386-7. The demands of the metre show that gan stands for some di-
syllabic form, gaan or gangan.
sibbe-gedriht refer to Beowulf's men, 'bid this company come into
my presence' (cf. 1. 729), but this compels us to give a forced rendering to
seon : more probably therefore sibbe-gedriht refers to the Danes, and is the
object of seon, bid them come in and see our company.
must supply ' We
hi mentally after in gdn.
Bright [M.h.N. x. 44] suggests hat Ifisef] in ga seo sibbegedriht 'bid that
company (Beowulf's) to go in.' This emendation is supported by Exodus,
214, but is not necessary.
389-90. lpa...eode'], Greiuj: no gap in MS., though the lack of allitera-
tion seems conclusive as to a defect in the text.
inne, '
speaking from inside.
395. gUff-geatawum. See note to 1. 368 and SieverSg § 260, Notes 1, 2.

The emendation of Ettmiillerj guS-getawum has the advantage of avoiding

the abnormal double alliteration in the second half line : for ge- of course
does not alliterate.

Beowulf 23

under here-jriman, HroB^ar jeseoti

IsetaS hilde-bord her onbidaa, •

wudu, wsel-sceaftas, worda jej^injes."

Aras Jja se rica, ymb hine rinc manij,
400 J;ryfSlic jjejna heap ; sume )>8er bidon,
heaSo-reaf heoldon, swa him se |hearda bebead. FoI.

Snyredon setsomne, ^39'-

\& sec5 wisode,
under Heorotes hiof [hyge-rof eode,] ;

heard under helme, ]>adt he on heoSe jestod.l

405 Beowulf maSelode on him byrne scan, —

searo-net seowed smij>es or-)7ancum
" Wses )7u, Hr6?Sgar, hal Ic eom Hijelaces !

maej end majo-tSegn; hsebbe ic mserSa fela

ongunneri on ^eo^o\>e. Me wearS Trendies ]>m^
410 on minre e]>e\-tyri undyrne etifS;
secja?? s£e-li?Send, ]?set jjses sele stande,
reced selesta, rinca jehwylcum
idel ond unnyt, siSSan Sfen-leoht
under heofenes hador beholen weor|7eS.

397. onbidan. The scribe seems to have written onbidman, and to have
erased the m very carelessly, so that one stroke, resembling an i, remains.
Some editors read onbidian.
402. fid is metrically excessive [Sievers in P.B.B. x. 256], the only
parallel being {J>ara)ymbsittendra, where we can be certain that fidra was
not original (see note to 1. 9). Holthausen omits fid here also.
403. [hyge-rof eode], Greinj no gap in MS. :

404. heoSe. The emendation hec^r^Se [Kembleg, suggested by Thorpe]

is adopted by Holthausen and Sedgefield2. Holtzmann [Germ. viii. 490]
showed, by a parallel passage from the Egils saga, how the hearth was in
front of the high seat in a Germanic hall. Beowulf,- before the throne
of Hrothgar, would then be on or near the hearth.
On heoSe has been taken to mean 'in the interior' (cf. hel-heoifo), or 'on
the dais' (from heah). This last inteipretation is difftoult to demon-

407. WsBs; » for e: ef. spr9ec (1. 1171). See Sieversg §427, N. 10;
BiUbring § 92. 1.
411. Most editors have followed Thorkelin and Kemblej in normalizing
to fies. But fixs is a possible Northern form of the nom. maso. [SieverSj
§ 338, N. 4].
As in the Hildebrand Lay, news is brought by seafaring folk {seohdante),
414. hador. If we retain the MS. reading we must take hador as either
(1) 'brightness,' which is unprecedented (hador being elsewhere an adj.)
and does not give good sense, or (2) 'vault of heaven,' connecting with a
word twice recorded in the Riddles, which seems to mean 'receptacle' or
'confinement' (Ixv. [Ixvi.] 3, on headre; xx. [xxi.] 13, on heafiore; cf. Goth.
hefijo, ' chamber ' some editors emend to haSor here in Beowulf). Cf 11. 860,
: .

1773, under swegles begong.

Sedgefieldi transposes the words and reads hador under heqfene, trans-
— : ;

24 Beowulf

415 pa me J^aet jelferdon leode mine,

]7a selestan, snotere ceorlas,
j?eoden HroSsar, ]?8Bt ic )?§ sohte,
for]7an hie msegenes crseft min[M]e cujjon
selfe ofersawon, t5a ic of searwum cwom,
420 fah from feondum, jjser ic fife jeband,
ytSde eotena cyn, ond on ytSum sloj
niceras nihtes, nearo-];earfe dreah,
wraep |Wedera niS ^wean ahsodon Fol. ^39^

(t.r, -'fortraiid jramumf) ond nu wiS Trendel sceal,

425 wis ^am agliecan, ana jehS^an

Sing wi5 )>yrse. Ic \& nu Sa,
brejo Beorht-Dena, biddan wille,

eodor Scyldinja, anre bene, ,-

J»aet 5u me ne forwyrne, wijendra lileo,

430 freo-wine folca, nu ic ]7us feorran com,

J^set ic mote ana [ond] minra eorla jedryht,
\eB hearda heap, Heorot feelsian.

Hsebbe ic eac jeahsod, l^set se Sglseca

for his wou-hydum wsepna ne recceS;
435 ic ]78et t^onne forhipje, swa me Hijelac sie,

lating 'after the bright evening light is hidden under the sky.' [But cf.
Klaeber in Engl. Stud. xliv. 124.] Sedgefield2 under heofene hddor.
418. min[n']e, Greinj MS. mine. Cf. 1. 255.

420. J>Sr ic fife geband. The emendation J>s^a for J>Sr [Eieger^''] it
unnecessary: J>Sr can mean 'when'; Klaeber**^ compares U. 513, 550.
Unless 'eotens' and 'nioers' are different beasts, there is a discrepancy,
since later Beowulf claims to have slain nine nickers (1. 575). It seems
possible that fife is either a form (as Grein thought), or, more probably, a
corruption, of fifel, sea-monster.' There are several conjectures based

upon this, the oldest of which is Bugge's Jimr ic on flfel-geban. Bugge'''

supposes this to have been the reading of a very early MS., which was
later misunderstood and corrupted: geban would be the older form of
geofon, and the phrasB would be parallel to ofer fifel-wSg (Elene, 237),
422. niceras. The word seems to have been used by the different
Germanic peoples for any strange water-being they might meet, from a
mermaid to a hippopotamus.
423. Cf. note to 1. 1206.
426. }>yrse. Cf. the Gottonian Gnomic Verses, 1. 42
' J>yrs sceal on fenne gewunian
ana innan lande."
431-2. dna[ond]...J>es: MS. ana minra eorla gedryht j J>es, etc. Kemble,
transposed the 7 ( = ond ).
434. Cf. 11. 681, etc., 801, etc.
435. sic. In O.B. poetry the metre sometimes demands that sie, sy

Beowulf 25

min mon-drihten, modes blitSe,

J>ifit ic sweord here o)»5e sidne scyld,

jeolo-rand to Sute; ac ic mid jrape sceal
- fon wis feonde, cud ymb feorh sacan <*-^-—
440 latS wi?S lajjum ; Sser jelyfan sceal
Dryhtnes dome se )?e hine deaS nimeS.
Wen ic jjset he wille, jif he wealdan mot,
in )7ffim jtitS-sele 'leotena leode
etan unforhte, swa he |oft dyde Fol. 140«.

445 maejen HreS-manna. Na \\jl minne ]>earft

hafalan hydan, ac he me habban wile
d[r]eore fahne, gif mec deaS nimeB;
byreS blodij wael, byrgean j^encetS,

eteS an-jenga unmurnlice,

45° mearcaS mor-hopu np Su ; ymb mines ne )>earft

lices feorme leuj sorjian.

should be monosyllabic, sometimes disyllabic the spelling is no guide. :

Here it is monosyllabic the verse is of the B type, with resolution of first


accented syllable (xx-x|x-). For cases where sie is disyllabic, see

11. 1831, 2649 Sievers^n P.B.B. i. 477].
Hygelac brought in because, as Beowulf's chief, he shares the credit
of his achievements. [Cf. Tacitus, Germ, xv., and note to 1. 1968, below.]
440—1. gelyfan... Dryhtnes dome. Earle renders 'resign himself to':
for similar sentiment, of. 11. 685, etc.
}>e hine, 'whom.'
443. Geotena. Many editors alter to the normal form Geata. But
(1) the dialectal confusion of eo and ea [SieverSj § 150. 3] is peculiarly apt
to survive in proper names, and (2) weak and strong forms of proper names
alternate ; Beaw compared with Beowa exemplifies both changes. Geotena
is, then, a conceivable form, and the MS. reading should be retained.
Those who hold that the Geatas are Jutes have seen in this form a
confirmation of their theory; and (though I do not share that view) this is
an additional reason for not tampering with the MS. reading.
445. To avoid the difficulty of the alliteration falling on the second ele-
ment in the compound, Schiicking reads mmgen-hreS manna, the pride of men.' '

Hrsedan is an ancient epic title of the Goths it became HreSas by false :

analogy with href, 'glory'; but the term HreS-menn here cannot signify
' Goths.' It may possibly refer to the Geatas, whose king is HreSel, in which
case a comma must be inserted after dyde. But I rather take it to mean the
Danes, part of whose kingdom is in Icelandic called ReiS-Gotaland; this
gives a more satisfactory sense he thinks to treat the Geatas as he did

the Danes.' Cf. 1. 601.

446. hafalan hydan, referring to the rites of burial. It does not
necessarily follow, as has been argued, that there is any reference to the
custom, once prevalent, at any rate in Scandinavian countries, of covering
with a cloth the face of the dead [Konrath in Archiv, xoix. 417].
That Beowulf is declining a guard of honour (heafod-weard) as Schiicking ,

supposes, seems very improbable.

447. d[r'\eore, Grundtvig^*: MS. deore.
450-1. 'Thou needst care no more about my body's sustenance.'
; :

26 Beowulf
Onsend Hijelace, jif mec hild nime,
beadu-scruda betst, )?8et mine breost wereS,
hraegla selest ;
|?set is Hrsedlaa laf,

455 Welandes ^eweorc. '

l^etS a wyrd swa bio seel.")

VII HroS^ar ma]7elode, helm Scyldin^a

For [^]ewy[r]htum j^u, wine min Beowulf,
ond for ar-stafum tisic sohtest.
Tesloh ]7in fseder ftehSe mseste,
460 wear]? he HeajJolafe to hand-bonan
mid Wilfinjum Sa bine Wedera, cyn

for bere-br5gan habban ne mihte.

panon he gesohte Su3-Dena folc

ofer ySa gewealc, Ar-IScyldinga Fol. 140".

465 Sa ic fur]7um weold folce Deui^a,

ond on jeojoSe heold jimme-rice
hord-burh hselej^a. Da wses Heregar dead,

454. HrSdlan. There is no need to alter Hrsedlan into SreSles. For

Sd alternating with eff, of. note to 1. 445 above. The alternation of weak
and strong forms (Hors and Horsa) is common, especially in the names of
ancestral heroes. See note to 1. 443 above.
457. Flor gewyr']htum MS. fere fyhtum. Grundtvig (1861) suggested

F[or w]ere-fyhtum, for defensive fighting.' More than a dozen emendations


have been proposed: that in the text is by Trautmann [in his edition:
otherwise Trautmann^'^], and we must render, with Klaeber [J.E.G.Ph. vi.
191], 'because of deeds done,' i.e. owing to the ancestral ties mentioned
below. [Cf. also Sievers in P.B.B. xxxvi. 401 ; Klaeber«S]. Thorpe, fol-
lowed by Schiicking, reads fore fyhtum, and emended wine to freond, so as
to alliterate. But tlie error obviously lies in fere fyhtum, which should be,
and is not, parallel to ond for dr-stafum [Sievers, P.B.B. ix. 138].
459. Holthausen, followed by recent editors, reads for metrical reasons,
J>in fseder gesloh.
Klaeber^*^ translates 'thy father brought about by fight the greatest
of feuds.' Schiicking, following Klaeber, similarly renders geslian, ' dnroh
Schlagen verursaohen.' But (1) geslSan conveys an idea of finality, and
means to achieve rather than ' to cause ' by blows and (2) since Ecgtheow
' ;

escapes safely, and the Wylfingas have to be content with a money payment
from a third party, such ineffective vengeance could not be described as
the greatest of feuds ; for the honours go to the side which last slays

itsman. I take the fsehS to be a blood-feud preceding and culminating

in the slaying of Heatholaf, by which slaying Ecgtheow 'achieves' the
feud cf. Widsith, 38, Offa geslog cynerica mmst,
: won, achieved by blows, '

the greatest of kingdoms.' [For geslean cf. Kock in Anglia, xxvii. 226-7.]
461. Wedera, Grundtvig (1861, p. 16): MS. gara: see 11. 225, 423, etc.
462. for here-brogan, ' because of the terror of war.'
465. Deniga, Kemblej MS. deninga see 11. 155, 271, etc.
: :

466. ginne rice, 'my ample kingdom,' and gumena rice have been pro-
467. Heregdr. Heorogdr is of course meant. Many editors alter the
name accordingly. When names are confused, it is frequently found, as
Beowulf 27

min yldra mses. unlifi^ende,

beam Healfdenes ; se wses betera ?5onne ic.

470 SitSSau ]7a fsehSe feo j^injode ;-i-l-'-^

sende ic Wylfinjum ofer wseteres hryc5

ealde madinas ; he me a]7as swor.
Sorb is me to secganne on sefan minum
jumena aenjum, hwset me Trendel hafatS
475 bynSo on Heorote mid his hete-)7ancum,
fsep-nij^a jefremed ; is min flet-werod,

wij-beap, jewanod; hie wyrd forsweop

on 'Trendies jryre. 7od ea)7e maij
J7one dol-sceaSan dseda getwsefan.
480 Ful oft jebeotedon beore druncne
ofer ealo-wSje oret-mecgas,
]7aet hie in beor-sele bidan woldon
Trendies juj'e mid jryrum ecga.
Donne wses ]7eos medo-heal on morjen-tid,
485 driht-sele dreor-fah, )7onne daej lixte,
eal |benc-]7elu blode bestymed, Fol. 141».

heall heoru-dreore ; ahte ic holdra jjy Ites,

deorre dujuSe, \e \& deaS fornam.
Site nil to symle ond onssel meoto,
490 sige-hreS seegum, swa )?ia sefa hwette."

and the second element, are kept

here, that the first (alliterating) letter,
intact. Cf SigeferS and SSferS, Ordlaf and Osldf, etc.

470. feo instrumental. The ic of I. 471 is to be understood also with

Jdngode [cf. Koek in Anglia, xxvii. 227].
473. The metre demands to secgan [so Holthausen, Schiicking, and
Sedgefield] similarly in U. 1724, 1941, 2093, 2562.
: The uninflected form
is preserved in11. 316, 2556.

479. -sceaifan: MS. sc'aSan, the e in a different hand.

488. fie.. .fornam, ' since death had taken them away. ' [Klaeber*^',
comparing Biddies, ix. [x.] 11.]
489-90. onsSl...Becgum: MS. on sml meoto sige hreff secgu. The MS.
reading has in the past been very generally defended [e.g. by Leo, Heyne,
Bugge in Tidsskr. viii. 292, Greiuj, Dietrich, Wiilker, Kluge^^], and is
retained by Trautmann'"; onsSl has been taken as the imperative of the
verb, and irteoto as fem. sg. (Grein, Sprachschatz) or neut. pi. (Grein^,
Bugge) of some word not elsewhere recorded, meaning either 'measure,'
'thought,' or 'speech': so onsSl meoto = relax the ties of etiquette' or

'unknit thy thoughts.' The difficulty is that a verb, unless emphatic,

should not take the alliteration. Those who retain the MS. reading
generally take aigehreS as an adj. =sige-hreSig, 'victory famed' (so Heyne,
Trautmann: but it is surely a noun), or make sigehrefsecgum one word.
Holthausen suggested [Z.f.d.Ph. xxxvii. 114] on smlum weota sigehreSgum
— ;

28 Beowulf
pa waes 'Teat-msecgum jeador aetsomae
on beor-sele bene jerymed;
)7aer swiS-ferh]>e sittan eodon,

JrySum dealle. pegn nytte beheold,

495 se ];e on handa bier hroden aalo-wieje,
scencte scir wered. Scop hwilum sanj
hador on Heorote; t>ser waes haeletSa dream,
duguS unlytel Dena ond Wedera.

~i VIII (H)VNferS ma]7elode, Ecjlafes beam,

SCO J;e aet fotum sset frean Scyldinja,
onband beadu-rune —
waes him Beowulfes siS,
modjes mere-faran, micel aef-]>unca,
forjjon )»e he ne u)>e, )7aet eenij otSer man

aefre ImserSa \on ma middan-geardes Fol. 141".

505 jehedde under heofenum ]7onne he sylfa

"Eart ]?u se Beowulf, se \e wis Brecan wunne,
on sidne sai ymb sund flite, Lvrk'^'

?5ffir git for wlence wada cunnedon,

ond for dol-jilpe on deop wseter
510 aldrum ne]?don? Ne inc senij mon,
ne leof ne laS, belean mihte
sorh-fullne siS, )>a git on sund reon;

uegum..., weota being from witian: 'in happiness ordaiu to these viotorions
men as thy soul bids thee.'
The reading on sSl meota sige-hrelf secga [Klaeber in J.E.G.Ph. tI. 192]
is an improvement upon Holthausen's, being much nearer to the MS., and
giving better sense: 'in joyful time think upon viotorj' of men.' This has
since been adopted by Holthausen2. The verb *metian is not elsewhere
recorded, but may be inferred from the Goth, miton, consider.' '

Sedgefieldi suggests an sSl mota sigehreS\ig'\ secgum: 'when time suits

speak, victorious one, to the men Sedgefield2 on sSlum teo (award) sigehreS
' :

Cosiju"' would read Sigehre3secgum,= HreSmonnum= 'unto the Danes.'
499. TJnferff always written with an h in the MS. although alUterating
: ,

with vowels.
505. gehedde. This is usually interpreted 'obtain' or 'achieve,' and
is explained either as a compound of hydan, 'to hide' (Bosworth-ToUer
of. 11. 2235, 3059), or of hedan, 'to heed' (so Sedgefield). But it may be, as
Holthausen (who reads gehegde) and Schiioking suppose [cf. Sievers, P.B.B.
ix. 293], from gehegan (1. 425), 'to carry out,' in which case mffir(fo='deeds
of glory.' Grein adopted all three interpretations in turn.
507. sund flite. The older editors took this as one word, 'swimming
contest.' It is better, however, to render 'didst strive in swimming.' •

[Cf. Bugge in Tidsekr. viii. 48.]

512. reon. The metre demands a disyllabic, here and in l._ 539.
: :

Beowulf 29

)>£er jit eajor-streatn earmum J^ehton,

mse'ton mere-streeta, mundiim brujdon,
515 jlidon ofer jar-secg; jeofon yj'um weol,
wintrys wylm[is]. mi on waeteres ieht
seofon niht swuncon ; he \e aet suncie oferflat,
hsefde mare msegeu. J3a hine on morgen-tid
on Hea)»o-R8emas holm up setbser;
520 Sonon he jesohte swsesne eSel,
leof his leodum lond Brondinja, ^^
freot5o-burh fsejere, Jjser he folc ahte, "''C

burh oud beaga^ jBeot eal witS )>e Fol. 142".

sunu Beanstanes s66e jelSste.

525 Donne wene ic to \q wyrsan jej^injea, ,„'--"

5eah \\i. heaSo-rsesa gehwSr dohte, tV^'-- Ci

jrimre JtiSe, jif }>Ti trendies dearst

niht-longne fyrst nean bidan."
Beowulf ma]7elode, bearn Ec5]7eowes
530 " Hwset ]7U worn fela,
! wine min (H)unfer8,
beore druncen ymb Brecan sprsece,
sffijdest from his siSe. SotJ ic talije,
];aet ic mere-strengo maran ahte,
earfejjo on y)?um, Sonne Eenij oj^er man.

516. wylm[^e], Thorpe MS. wylm. : The alteration is demanded by the

metre, and betters the sense wylm[urn\ or [/aj-ft] wintrys wylm have also

been suggested.
For the gen. sg. wintrys see SieverSj § 44, N. 2 winter properly belongs

to the «-declension, Sieversg § 273.

517. Tacitus [Germ, xi.] notes this reckoning by nights instead of days
Nee dierum numerum, ut nos, sed noctium computant. Cf a sennight, fort- .

519. Heajjo-Emmas, Greinj MS. heafiorsemes. The most correct form

of the name, Hea/>o-Reamas, occurs in Widsith (1. 63) and some editors
would substitute it here.
520. eSel: MS. f^. The O.E. name of this runic character ft was
edel; hence the character is used here and in 1. 913 for the word eifc/.
525. Either we must take wyrsan as gen. pi. for toyrsena, a form which
would be extraordinary, but not quite unprecedented (cf. fiotan and sceotta,
Brunanbwrh, 32) or we must alter gepingea into gepinges [BiegerSS"].

The meaning is 'I expect from thee a worse issue.' Cf. 1. 1396 [and
see Kook in Anglia, xxvii. 224].
nean: a disyllabic.
528. Note the characteristic syntax, 'to await
from near at hand.' So Beowulf hears of Grendel'a deeds, not set ham,
hut from ham; see 1. 194.
530. Un/crd": seenotetol. 499.
534. earfefio, 'stress,' is not a good parallel to mere-strengo, so that
many editors have altered to eafeJ>o, 'strength.'
; ; ;

30 Beowulf

535 Wit )7Bet gecwgdon cniht-wesende

onci jebeotedon —wSron bejen jja Jit

on jeojotS-feore —
J'set wit on jar-secg ut

aldrum iie?5don ond Jiaet geafadon swa.


Haefdoa swurd nacod, J^a wit on sund reon,

540 heard on handa; wit unc wis hron-fixas

werian J^ohton. No he wiht fram me
flod-y)>um feor fleo^an meahte,
hra)7or on holme no ic fram him wolde.

Da wit 8et|somne on sS wseron Fol. 142".

545 fif nihta fyrst, unc flod todraf,

o)> J^aet

wado weallende ; wedera cealdost,

nipende niht ond norJ»an wind,
heaSo-jrim ondhwearf; hreo wseron yj^a.

Waes mere-fixa mod onhrered

550 J»8er me wis laSum lic-syrce min,
heard hond-locen, helpe jefremede
beado-hrffijl broden on breostum Iseg,

golde jegyrwed. Me to jrunde teah

fah feond-scaSa, faeste hsefde

555 jrim on grape; hwajjre me jyfej^e wearS,

}?8et ic aglsecan orde jersehte,
hilde-bille ; hea]?o-r^ fornam
/ mihtij mere-deor ]>urh mine hand^
Y\l\\\ Swa mec gelome laS-jeteouan
560 ]?reatedoa fiearle. Ic him J^enode
deoran sweorde, swa hit gedefe waes
nses hie Seere fylle jefean hififdon,
man-fordSdlan, jjset hie me j^ejon,
symbel ymb-sSton sse-jrunde neah ;

565 ac on merjenne mecum |wunde Fol. 143'.

543. him can take the alliteration because emphatic. Of. 1. 197.
548. ondhwearf: MS. -jhwearf; for the use of this symbol with com-
pound verbs, cf. jswarode, 1. 258. Grain takes hwearf to be an adj., which
he glosses 'versatilis, volubilis,' and compares loel. hverfr, 'shifty.'
565. Some grammarians have seen in mecum (1. 565), sweordum (1. 567),
mmgum (1. 2353), perhaps magum (1. 2614), heafdum (Eood, 63), etc., a
survival of an old instrumental singular. This, however, is exoeedinslv
doubtful [cf. Osthoff, I.F. xx. 163-218].
The use of pi. for sg. is to be found in Latin, Greek and O.E.: of.

Beowulf 31

be y5-lafe uppe laejon, /

sweo[r]dum aswefede, ];3et sy8|>an na
ymb brontne ford brim-liJSeude
lade ne letton. Leoht eastan com,
570 beorbt beacen Todes brimu swa]?redon,

J^set ic sse-nsessas jeseon mihte,

winclije weallas. Wyrd oft nereS

y jinfEejne eorl, )>oiine his ellen deab.

A LHwseJ^ere me ges^lde, ]?3et ic mid sweorde ofsloh
575 niceras nijene. No
on niht jefrsejn

under heofones hwealf heardran feohtan,

ne on eg-streamum earmran mannon
hw«]7ere ic lata fenj feore jedijde,
si|>es werig. Da mec sse ojjbser,

580 flod sefter faroSe, on Finna land,

wadu weallendu. No ic wiht fram \e
swylcra searo-niSa secgan hyrde,
billa brojan ; Breca nsefre git
set heaSo-lace, ne 5ehw8eJ»er incer,

1.1074, bearnum ond broSrum. Similarly here the plural has become almost
an epic formula, which is ueed, although logically inaccurate, since Breca's
sword had no share in this slaughter. [Cf. Cosijn'^. This seems better
than to suppose with Heinzel that Breca and Beowulf together slaughter the
monsters, and that the apparent inconsistency with the preceding lines,
544, etc. , where the separation of Beowulf and Breca is told, is due to that
O.B. 'harking back,' which he justly emphasizes. See A.f.d.A. x. 220.]
567. sweo[r]dum, Kemblej MS. defective at corner, having only swe

and part of 0. Thorkelin's transcript A has sweodum.

568. brontne. Similarly Icel. brattr is used of 'lofty' waves. No
alteration of the text is necessary.
572-3. 'Fate often saves a man if he is not doomed, and if his courage
holds.' The paradox is a favourite one in Germanic literature. Cf. 11. 670,
1056, 1552, where Beowulf is saved by God and his mail; Laxdsela saga,
XV., where two fugitives, crossing a swollen river in winter, are saved
' because they were brave and because longer life was granted to them.'
£Cf. Klaeber in Archiv, cxv. 179.] Cook [M.L.N. viii. 118] quotes many
parallels for the dogma that 'haphelpeth hardy man,' including ^n(2reas,
459, etc. (which may be imitated from this passage).
574. Swapere. Some critics [e.g. Bugge in Tidsskr. viii. 48] have
objected that there is no need for any contrast here. Sievers [P.B.B. ix.
138] justifies the text, comparing the Mod. Eng. use of 'however,' resuming
after a digression, without, necessarily, any idea of contrast.
577. mannon for mannan, cf. 11. 788, 849.
578. hwmpere, Thorpe; MS. hwajiere.
580. Finna land may be Lapland; but at this date there were still
'Finns' in the South, and localities in Southern Sweden have been sug-
gested -which harmonize better with Heajjo-Emmas than Lapland does.
581. wadu, Grundtvig275 and Kembleg: MS. wudu. See 1. 546.

32 Beowulf

585 swa deorlice dSd gefremede

fajum sweordum —no ic ]7ses [^eflites] gylpe—
)>eah ?Su )7inum broSrum to banan wurde,
heafod-mseSUEQ ]?8ts jJti in |helle scealt Fol. 143".

werhSo dreojan, \>eah. ]7in wit du^e.

590 Secje ic ]>e to soSe, sunu Ecglafes,

J?8et ntefre 7re[»i]del swa fela jryra jefremede,
atol se^lseca, ealdre ]>inum,
hyntSo on Heorote, gif J^in hige wserei,

sefa swa searo-grim, swa ]>\i self talast; ,


595 ac he hafaS onfunden, J^set he J>a fsehSe ne J»earf,

atole ec5-)7r8ece, eower leode

swiSe onsittan, Sige-Scyldinga
nymeS nyd-bade, nsenejum ara?S

leode Deifisa, ac he lust wigeS,

600 swefetS ond sende}?, secce ne wene)?
to 'Tar-Denum. Ac ic bim 'reata sceal

586. Igejlites] Kluge; Greini suggested [fela]. Heyne assumed the

loss of two half lines after sweordum, with the unpleasant consequence that
the numbers of his lines were one too many throughout the rest of the
poem. This has been corrected in the latest revision of Heyne: but
students must be prepared to find most references to Beowulf in monographs
following Heyne's old numbering.
587. The same taunt is hurled by Gothmund against Sinfjgtli (Fitela):
Helga kvij>a Hundingsbana, i. 38. There it is an instance of "iiyting,"
mere irresponsible abuse. That it is not to be so taken here appears
from 11. 1167, etc. It is quoted by Beowulf with serious and bitter irony
as XJnferth's greatest achievement. [Of. CoBijn'''.]
591. Gre[n]del, Thorkelin's emendation : MS. gre del.
596. If we retain eower, we must take it as gen. of ge ye dependent '

upon Uode. Trautmann, Holthausenj, 2 and Sedgefield alter to eowre.

599. Kembleg suggested M
[on] lust wigeS, he warreth as it pleaseth

him,' which is supported by 1. 618, he on lust gef>eah. Bugge [Tidsskr-i

VIII. 49] would read JngeS here likewise, he helps himself at will.'

But the MS. can be defended Grendel feels pleasure '

wigeS is then
from wegan, 'to bear' cf. 11. 1777, 1931, 2464.

600. sendeft is the MS. reading, but the meaning is not clear. Leo
translated 'feasteth' but though sand often means 'a course,' 'mess,' or

'dish,' there is no authority for sendan=' to feast.' Schiicking [in his

edition: also in Engl. Stud, xxxix. 103: so Holthausena] renders sendefr
sends to destruction =/ors«ndf/ (cf. 1. 904), but this is not satisfactory.

Yet the emendations proposed are equally inconclusive : Bosworth-

ToUer, scendep, 'puts to shame,' which fails to alliterate; Trautmann'**,
swelgeh, 'swallows'; HolthauBeni_2, swencep, 'torments'; Sedgefield,
serwep, 'Ues in wait' (sierwan), cf. 1. 161.
secce, a dialectal form ; see SieverSg § 151 Thorkelin and Thorpe :

normalized to ssecce, followed by older editors.

601. Thorpe andHeyne2 etc. suppress ic. Thorpe (followed by Earle) then
makes Geata (weak form) the subject, and eafoff ond ellen the object. Heyne-
' ;

Beowulf ^
eafoS Olid ellen ungeara nu ^
5u]je jebeodan. 'jEe]? eft se )>e mot ^
to medo modig, si]?]7an morjen-leoht 0>
ofer ylda beam o]jres dogores, A ^_,
sunne swegl-wered, su)7an scineS.'!/
ba wses on salum ' smces brytta, A
5am61-feax end juS-rof; geoce gelyfde''
Ibrejo Beorht-^^ena jehyrde onlBeowulfe Fol. 144*.^

6io\fblces hyrde fsest-radne'sajjoht./ ^-'^•^^>'

Dser wses Haele)7a hleahtor, "Elyn swySode,
word waeron wynsume. Eode Wealh]7eow forS,
cweir HrotSrares, ^ cynna temyndit, i^.w^'-^.y c, /<io^

rfo^ 5rette jold-nrodeii

tuman on healle
'^ei/^ ond >a frgolic wif / ful Xesealde fk r^'^'^-H
gerest East-Dena epel-wfearder, , ^

bsed hme.bliSne set psere beor-peie, /

leodiim leofne ; he on liist' tebeah' t'JiW^
symbol ond sele-ful, sije-roi kyning.,
620 Ymb-eode |?a ides Helminga <^^y^-^^
, du5u)?e ond geojojje dsel aeshwylcne.-t*^/^"
°kj^^ ^^ alamp,
" ' e.<Lo^-«-'
y^^ sinc-fato'''sealde,
/ bset, hip Beowulfe, biat-nroden cwen,
mode gepifnjen, medo-iui setbser ; ^, ^^/^ ^-i
t^625 5^t|;,3elta l|y, ,,^ej7anc^g 'T^v /,^' ^x,
wis-iKst worduhi, jj']78es Se hire se wilja jelamp, |0
)78Bt'heo on senijne' eorl telyfde tUi^J^
fyrena frofre. He ]?aet fifl' gej^eah,
wsel-reowTwija" [set W^hJ^rfri, (^'-'^ ^'^^61. 144''.

630 ond )7a jyddode juj^e jefysed ; -^^-'^^/r
Beowulf maJ>elode, beam EcjJ^eowes:
takes eafoS ond ellen Geata as subject, guiTe as object, and gives as his
reason for suppressing ic, that we can hardly construe ic Geata as ' I of the
Geatas,' or ' I among the Geatas.' This is true, but, as a previous editor
has remarked, it ' is what Coleridge calls the "wilful ingenuity of blundering."
What is to prevent ic being taken as the subject, and ea/od' ond ellen Geata
as the object ?
603. gufie may be parallel to eafof ond ellen, or may mean 'in battle.'
605. opres dogores, adverbial, 'on the next day,' as in 1. 219.
612. Compare the picture of the gracious lady in the Exeter Book
Gnomic Verses, 85, etc.
617. The verb 'to be' is understood after bUSne, as frequently,
629. The metre demands the unoontracted Wealhfieowan.
B. 3

34 Beowulf
"Ic Jjset hojode, )>a ic on holm jestah,,
-^" sse-bat jesset mid minra secja jedriht,
)7set ic anunga eowra leoda :~ ^ ^-'-^•^ r^^.^^M^
635 willan geworhte, oJ-Se on wael crunje^^"^
"^feond-'grapum fsest. Ic gefremman sceal
ende-dsej "'-^'<^»'- "*•'•'(
'eoriic elien, o)??Se

on ]7isse meodu-healle minne gebidan."^' ^^

Dam wife l?a word wel licodon, / -- '

640 gilp-cwide 7eates ; epde 'jold-l^roden ^-ii^-kw-)

iVeolicu Iblc-cwen ^ to-'hire frean sittan.

pa waes eft swa ser inne on healle

i»ryS-word sprecen, ?Seod on seelum, /^/^
^^,'.1 <*(.
-gjg'g.folca o\ )'8et semninja;*'!^'''-'^^
645 sunu Healfdenes secean wolde^
iefen-raeste ; wiste ''bsem ahlsecan
to ]78em heah-sele hilde ge]?inged, '

si?5San hie sunnari leoht jeseon \ne] meahton,

obSe nipeade ' niht ofer ealle,
650 scadu-helma gesceapu scriSau cwoman, ^
wan under wolcnum. Werod eall aras

[^l-ejjrette J^a guma 6)>errie, '^

HioSgar Beowulf, ond him hsel ahead 1

» win-3ernes jjeweald^ ond )>^t word acwseS : Pol. 145".

655 " Nffifre ic senejum men aer alyfde, _,

644. Semninga must not be taken, as it is by several translators, to

imply a hurried retreat. Precisely as in Mod. Eng. 'presently' (which
indeed well renders semninga), the strict force of 'immediately' must not be
pressed, either here or in 11. 1640 and 1767.
648. [ne], Thorpe's simple emendation, now generally adopted. Bugge
\Tidsskr. viii. 57] proposed, in addition, to regard opSe (1. 649) as equivalent
to ond, as in 1. 2475, and the suggestion was adopted by Heyne and the :

darkness of night ["was" understood, Bugge^'] over all.' This is more satis-
factory than Earle's defence of the usual meaning or There is something
' :

of alternative between twilight and the dead of night.' Trautmann'™ and

Holthausen regard geseon [ne] meahton as metrically incorrect. It is unusual,
but not quite without precedent. [Cf. Sievers, P.B.B. x. 234, and 1. 1504.]
Holthausen2 emends seon [me] meahton Holthausens geseon [ne] magon.

651. wan has changed its meaning from 'dark' to 'pale.' The modern
meaning inappropriate here. In other phrases, such as waters wan,' the
is '

appropriateness of the adjective has been rather increased by the change in

652. [ge^grette. The half line is metrically defective, and the addition
of ge [Grundtvig^*] is the simplest and now the generally accepted remedy
(cf. 1. 2516). Greiua supplied Qlmdmod}, Heynej, etc. [giddumj.
655, etc. The alleged inconsistency between these lines and 11. 480-8 was
:. '

Beowulf 35

sibSan ic bond ond rond hebban mihte,

tSry^-sern Dena btiton ]>e nti Sa.^

Hafa nu ond jeheald husa selest,

-'^"^ temyne
mEerbo, msexen-ellen cyS,->***i^ >f^.o-«-

660 waca wiS wrapum. Ne biSS pe wima jad, ^

jif )?u jjset ellen-weorc. aldre 5edi5est."2'-<^'';;<A^ -t.**.*^ "^^^

X DA bim Hrojjjar gewat mid bis hselej^a jedrybt, "

eodur Scyldin^a, tit of bealle ; "

wolde wij-fruma Wealh]7eo secan,^ ,^ . .

665 cwen to jebeddan. Haefde Kyninj-wjjlddi-

7rendle tQ-jeanes, swa guman gefruntoDj >

sele-weard aseted ; sundor-nytte beheold

ymb aider Dena, eoton-weard abead. ''!'« ^•x-***-^'*/'*'^**^*^
'Huru 7eata leod r georne triiwode ^W-Jteoi-
670 modgan insejpes, .^Mptodes hyldo. /"-t-^^ ^^•'^-'-'•*'^

^i^.) Da be bim of dyde isern-byrnan,

belm of bafelanf sealde bis hyrstea sweord,
irena cyst, ombiht-pegne,
ond gehealdan bet bilde-teatwe. ,

675 7espraec J^a se goda gylp-worda sum, n.

Beowulf I
-reata, £er be on bed stige ': Fol. 145"'.

"No ic me an bere-wsesmun hnajran talige

,.wv^^</ -^l^-K^Ai-fc ,.,,-,uAO-- ?'"-' * '

one of the arguments of Mullenhoff"^ against unity of authorship. The

discrepancy is only apparent. The Danish hall had never before been
entrusted by its king to a stranger. [For the explanation of this, and
similar 'inconsistencies,' ct. Jellinek and JE[rauB in Z.f.d.A. xlv. 265, etc.^
665. MS. kyning, at end of line : there is room for an a, but no trace of
one. Most editors, however, follow Eemblej and read kyning[a\ wuldor.
Bugge^**, Klaeber**, and Sohiioking argue for the MS. reading. In any case
we must follow Miillenhoff'" in interpreting Kyning-wuldor, etc., as 'God'
see Elene, 6 ; Judith, 155. [Cf. Holthausen, Anglia, Beiblatt, xiii. 204.]
668. Thorpe eoton (aoc.) weard (nom.) ahead; Heyne eoton (dat.) weard
(ace.) ahead. The difficulty of the uninflected ace, eoton-weard, seems less
than the difficulties presented by these readings. The e of weardle'i is elided
before the vowel cf. 1. 1932. [See Klaeber*".]

Beowulf is the subject of beheold, ahead.

Sedgefield reads dhad and takes eoton-weard as referring to Beowulf:
'the watcher against the monster stayed behind.'
669. truwode. The metre demands treowde instead of the Southern form
truwode, here and in 11. 1533, 1993, 2322, 2370, 2540, 2953. In 1. 1166 treowde
has been retained by the scribe. [Of. Sievers in P.B.B. i.. 233.]
670. modgan may refer to God, or to Beowulf, or may agree with mmgnes.
673. irena. Metre demands that the second syllable should be long
[cf . note to 1. 6] ; hence here and in 1. 1697 Sievers corrects to irenna (cf
11. 802, 2259) [P.B.B. x. 308; xxix. 568].

677. wasmun; Grundtvig^'', Kemblea, etc. normalize to wSstmum,


36 Beowulf

juJ'-Seweorca )7onne ^I'^ndel nine

for]>an ic hine'^sweorde swebban nelle,

680 aldre beneotai, J^eah ic 'eal maeje. '«";;?^

^a^yr^ he J^araTsoda,
jsjg^t J^aet he me onjean

jC ."-*rand jeheawe, J'eah Be he rof sieZ-^-^^

^ nib-5eweorca ac wit oiTniht sculon

-^ ^"secxe ofersittan, tif he jesecean dear ^^***- .

685 wi5 ofer waepen, ond si)76an witij '^Ol

on swa hw3e]jere bond, halij Dryhten,

meerSo dettie, swa him temet bince."- .

/ Hylde bine ba heajjo-deor, hleor-bolster onfenj -Aav, '}

eorles' andwlitan, ond bine ymb monig
690 snellic sse-rmc , sele-reste jebeah/"'^^
Nsenij beora ^otffce,' J>8et be ]?anon scolde
eft ear3-lufan sefre jesecean, --= ••^^

folc o|7?Se freo-burh, ]7Eer he afeded wses: ^_^,,^_

ac hie haefdon tefrunen, baet hie Eer to fela micles

695 in jjsem wm-sele ^ wsel-deag fornam,

''Denij^a leode. Ac him Dryhten forjeaf
^|^''^wi5-speda'''5ewioru, |Wedera leoclum Fol. 146'.

^Sror ond luftum/ J'set bie^ feond heora

Surh anes cj^en ealle ofercomon,^
70CS sel^rimfitSm ; soS is jecyjjed, -

J>8et mibtij qod manna cynnes

"weold wide-ferhs.
Com on wanre niht
scnSan sceadu-jenja. bceotend swaeion,
]7a )JSBt borS^receJ^ healdah scoldon,
70s ealle btxton anum. past wees yldum cti)?,

Grein to loffismum. But the spelling, though unusual, is not unprecedented.

For M» in place of urn of. wlcun, 1. 1304.
681. para goda, ' of those gentle practices,' i.e. swordmanship,' Earle. '

past, 'to enable him to.'

The its syntax is confirmed by a parallel
text has been doubted, but
quoted by Klaeber*''' from ^Ifric, who, after referring to the Bedemption,
continues 'fixtfolc ne cupe pma goda, J>set hi cwmdon ]>sst lie God ware.'
slea. Subjunctive. The metre demands a disyllabic, side, which many
editors [Holthausen, Schucking, following Ealuza] substitute in the text.
684. secge, from secg, 'sword.'
he, Eemble^: MS. het.
694. hie Sr. Thorpe, %raSr: Kluge'**, followed by Sedgefield, reads ftiera:
an unnecessary change since hie and fela are coordinate. [Cf . Elaeber*°°.]

702. wide, Grundtvig®'. Thorkelin's transcripts, ride now nothing :

left but part of the perpendicular stroke of the first letter.

. '

' '
Beowulf 37

]7ffit hie ne moste, ]7a ^etod nolde, ^ _

under sceadu bre5(fanf

se s[c]yn-sca]7a
ac .he wseccende
-1., .-J-.
,'-''•, >
on andan^
,-// .^^,/t<-.-
, _- , ^-^ ,...
;2, -,

bad boljen-mod beadwa jel^inges. "''^*^*' /

XI 710, Da com of moiie under mist-hleobum'^ ,,^r

Trendel ^onjan/' 7ode8 yrre bser;

mynte se man-scatSa manna cynnes
sumne besyrwah in sele )>am hean.-- •
'''v "
Wod under wdlcnum, to J^ass Jjc he win-reced,^^^^^
715 told-sele jumena, learwost wisse, '

fsetfum lahne; '^'
ne wses past forma siS,^-^-^
l^set he Hrojjjares ham jesohte.-=^- --";""

Niefre he on araor-dajum ^r |ne siJ>tSan Fol. 146".

heafdran hsle neal-Bejnas fand.

720 Com ba to recede "riiic siSian ;*.- -i-A
/ areamum bedseled; duru sona onarn, , ,

fyr-behdum faest, sy|7fSan he hire folmum [sethrjan j*^^"^-^

onbrjed J>a bealo-hydij, Sa [he jejbolten waes,

707. s[c]^M-sca^a, Gr^

MS. symcapa. If we keep the MS. reading,

the parallel of mcui-acaSa (1. 712) favours the derivation of the first element
from synn, 'crime,' rather than (as in sin-here, syn-sTiMd) from sin-, 'in-
cessant.' But the alliteration is incorrect [of. Schroder in Z.f.d.A. xliii.
36S-6]. The second element in a compound noun is the less important, and
therefore should not take the alliteration when the first does not, and
accordingly Grein, followed by Holthausen, Trautmann'^*, Sohiicking,
emended to scinscajja, or scyn-sceafia, 'spectral foe.'
708. he, Beowulf^
719. hea/rdran hSle we may render ' with worse omen ' [Holthausen in
Anglia, xxiv. 267], or 'with sterner greeting.' If we read heardran hale,
'braver men,' we have an exceptional type of line [cf. Sievers in P.B.B. x.
275]. Holthaueeuj after numerous earlier attempts, finally (ii. 170) reads

heardran hwlelscipes], 'more doughty valour,' Sohiicking heardran hmle[Jias],

'more doughty champions.' [For other, conjectures of. Bugge^^, Traut-
722. MS.
defective at edge. Zupitza's transliteration of the MS. has
[gehr]wn hr can be made out, though with much difficulty and some un-

certainty. The preceding letters have been lost, but as there must have been
two preceding letters we can hardly, with Sohiicking and Sedgefield, read
The contention that the simple form is preferable, because whilst hrinan
usually governs the dat., gehrinan more commonly takes the aoc, can be
met by reading [sethrfin (eethrinan takes the gen. and would therefore suit
the context). This excellent suggestion was made by- Grundtvig^'^ in 1820,
but has been generally overlooked.
723. MS. faded. Sd he gebolgen wees was conjectured by Grundtvig'"'
in 1820 and is adopted by recent edd. Kemble and the older edd. read da
hS dbolgen wxs. Zupitza says 'Now bolgen is still distinct, and before it I

think I see traces of two letters of which the first seems to have been g
[I can see nothing of this]: 'but what preceded this is entirely faded.
38 Beowulf
recedes mu|?aii. Ra)»e sefter J»oii
725' on feond treddode,
ifasne flor"
'^eode yrre-mod; him of eajum stod A«y- ^^^ i^j^.-<S^>^
li^ge jelicost leoht uafiejer. ''-v"-*
Teseah he in recede, rinca mani^e,
swefan sibbe^driht samod setjaedere-^ ^
^ 1

73o*''ma5o-rinca heap. f^a his mod ahloj ; «»- • •I' [^

fj-^ nlynte he jedselde,
jjset Sr }»on dsej cwome, i-**-"-"-

1,*^ '" atol ajlseca, anra jehwylces ^ •^--^/ f^"- -

lif wis lic6, ]>a him alumpen wies

/--'-'*'''*' wist- fylle wen. Ne wses bset wyrd ba jen,

735 J78et he ma moste manna cynnes ^ ,^.,u.^

Sicg^an ofer j^a niht. pry?S-swyS beheold ^-*- ^s^^-*^

^ mtej Hijelaces, hii se man-scaSa*-^-^"^ jj'^'^'^Si-

under fEer-jripum ' gefaran wolde. ' -«-/-

Ne )>set se aglseca yldan \o\yXQ,'^'
740 ac he 5e|fen5 hraSe , forman si?5e «^ /"--^'^ Fol. 131».

sl8ependne"'rinp7 " slat unwearnum,-»''—«-''-'*^

.''^<^ bat ban-locan blod edrum dranc, ^j^^^
syn-sn^dum swealh / sona hsefde ^-^^ '^ d^~^

unlyfigendes "eal jefeormod,
745 fet end lolma. ForSS near aetstop, ~^ ~'-
'A^ y-rvt*c-
nam ])a mid handa Jiije-jjihtigne- '' .a-<!5i*V- X. <w-r^

rinc on rseste, <3 rsehte io5ean[es]^«=^^^-<- ^^^ ^

feond mid folme; ^ he onfenj hrajje ^^*-<='^W) "'^^^'^j

inwit-jjancum ond wiS earm jesset.

726. Note the rhymei

727. ligge = lige. Cf. note to 1. 1085.
736. JnyS-swyS.
See note to 1. 131.
738. under fmr-gripum, 'during' or 'in his attack.' Compare the uae ot
under Jjwm, 'during that,' in the Otosiua.' [See Cosijn, P.B.B. xix. 455.]
739. Ne. Grundtvig (1861) altered Ne fimt to No pmr, aud'Holthan8eni,2
adopts no, on the ground that ne should immediately precede its verb. But,
as Elaeber [Engl. Stud, xxzix. 430] points out, we have here the emphatic
ne, 'nor,' which, in Old as in Mod. Eng., is not necessarily preceded by
a negative sentence. Cf. 11. 510, 1071.
741. sJapendne rtftc = Hondscioh see 11. 2076, etc. :

742. 'feet, hands, and all.' Cf. 1. 2080. [See Cosijn".]

747. togeanes, Sievers MS. ongean. The change is metrically essential,

and has been adopted by all recent editors.

748. feond is nom. and refers to Grendel, Beowulf is never so called:
fee must then refer to Beowulf, not to Grendel, since the situation of 11. 750-
754 would be impossible if Beowulf up to that had remained passive.
748-9. onfeng...inwit-Jiancum. Klaeber""^ would understand 'him': 'He

Beowulf 39

750 Sona ]7aet onfunde fyrena hyrde,

]78et he ne mette" middan-geardes,-'^'*-*'-^
""^eorlpan'lggatta, on elran men''—/

-«--^ ^^ mund-tripe maran; * he (on mode) wear?5^*-''~^°-

forht/on ferhSei no py ser tram meante. , ,

7SS Hyje wijss him hin-fus, wolde on heolst'er fleon,&^^-^'^

secan deoffa gedrsej' ; ne wses his drohtolS "Jjffir,

-»-'—^'swylce he on ealder-dajum ser jemette.'^*-'''-'*'^ '*'^^^
"^ lemunde ]7a se TO^d[^]a mSg Hijelaces
"^ jefen-sptEeoe, up-lang astod x-^^i—>'«;^-*-^

760 ond him faeste witS^j "^^fin jras burston ;,9-**^-^»^

/ eoten wses ut-weard ; eorl furj^ur stop. .,*ZLi(itA

f^f,^f*^v~^ Stynte se psera, |[)']ffir he m'eahte 'swa, Pol. 131".

'" ^^^^-'^•--^
widre gewinda,n ond on wej J»anon
fleon on fen-hopu ; wiste his finjra geweald

(Beowalf) received him (Orendel) with hostile intent,' i.e. he did not flinch
or try to avoid the attack but came to grips with Grendel whilst still lying
down. This is the best rendering of onfeng, and is the situation implied in
11. 750 ft. Against this it is objected (Schiicking) that inwit has a significa-
tion of malice and treachery which makes it unsuitable to Beowulf, and that
we should render: 'Beowulf took, perceived, his (Grendel's) treacherous
hostility.' Cosijn" conjectures inwit-fianculum (dat. of adj. inwit- />ancol,
•' hostile in intent,' referring to Grendel). Grein took inwit-panc as an adj.
agreeing with 'Grendel' understood: but in the five other passages where
the word oeenrs in O.B. poetry it is a substantive.
749. wiS earm gesmt has been taken to mean (1) that Beowulf settled
upon Grendel's arm [so, e.g. Clark-Hall] ; (2) that he propped himself on his

own arm [so, e.g., Grein, Gummere]. The second meaning is supported by
The Harrowing of Hell, 67 (Christ and Satan, 432). Mr Grattan writes to
me ' Have you never tried to throw off a bigger man than yourself who has

got you down ? Beowulf is at a disadvantage, having been attacked while

supine. He, with great difficulty, of course, gets one shoulder up, supported
on one arm ; and later, when his grip has alarmed the aggressor and caused
him to pull away, he succeeds in getting on to his legs (1. 759). When once
he has done this, Grendel's chance is up. Beowulf gets a clean grip on him
p. 760). All this is the language of wrestling, which is employed again later
in the struggle with Grendel's mother.'
762. sceatta. Many editors normalise to sceata. But see Sievers, § 230.
756. gedrseg, 'tumult' : the word can be used both in an abstract and in
a concrete sense, ' noisy bearing or ' a noisy assembly.'

758. rnodlijgyt, Bieger : MS. goda. The emendation is necessary for the
sake of the alliteration, and is followed by recent editors: Holthauaen,
Schiicking, Sedgefield.
762. mSra, 'notorious': cf. 1. 103. For other mstanoes see Bosworth-
Jtser. MS. defective at corner only the lower part of the r is now left

but Thorkelin's transcripts agree upon the last two letters, air. As to the
preceding letters, A has a blank, B records to, but with another ink, and
crossed out in pencil. With evidence so confused, the parallel of 1. 797 tells
in favour of fieer, which is read by most editors.

40 Beowulf

765 on jrames jrapum jjset wses jeocor si?5,

^'t-2^ ;

-^J^set se hearm-scai?a Heorute ateah. '-r h^-OU

to '

Drvht-seie dviiede Denum eallum wear5,%^^t^^ -'^-

-^ -

ceaster-biiendum, cenra jehwylcum,

*'" eorlum^ealu-scerweii. Yrre wEeron bejen ^^^'t^^^ *^-^ '- '
770 rejje ren-weardas. Reced hlynsode ;.- ^ «-«'-^'--u^-

Jia wses wundor
wiShiBfde hea];o-deorum,
micel, ]Jset

se win-sde^^
he on nrusan ne
^ ^^^ ^^^

feejer fold-bold ; ac he J»3es fseste wses

innan ond titan iren-bendum -t**"*-- - irry^^

775 searo-)?onCuni besm'ij'od. peer fram sylle abeaj A^-r^ ^

""^ medu-benc rioonij, mine gefrseje, •^ -''^^ A^.^^^
jolde geregnad, ^ |?£er )7a graman wunnon ;
' -g-.^^-t-iiJ

]78es pe weridoii ter , witan Scyldinja,.

jjset hit armid'gemete manna senig,^-
780 feetlic ond 'Kri^lajT^'^tobrecan meahte,a->«^ hi-tJ^
listuro^ tolucan, nym}»e liges fsejim

765. }>mtwsii, Greinj: MS. /»* ftc was. The emendation is generally
765-6. Since tlS is masc, atmU is probably intransitive, and the
second ]im a conj. not a pronoun, as in 1. 717, etc. Translate ' that was a

hard journey, when the rarager betook himself to Heorot.'

769. ealu-scerwen. A similar word, meodu-scerwen, occurs in the
Andreas (1526). The meaning apparently is ' terror as at the loss of
ale,' ' mortal panic' Confusion has ensued because (through an early and
remarkably long-lived error) the word in the Andreas has been read meodu-
scerpen. On the theory that this was the right spelling, a derivation from
scearp, with the meaning of ' sharpening, ferment, bitterness,' has been
advocated [by Sedgefield; von Grienberger in P.B.B. xxxvi. 84; and
Baskervill in his Andreas']. Wiilker's facsimile of the Vercelli Book
shows clearly that the right reading in the Andreas (as in Beowulf) is
scerwen [cf. Sievers in P.B.B. xxxvi. 410; Klaeber in Engl. Stud. xliv.
Apparently we must connect the word with bescerwan=bescerian, 'to
deprive,' a ' deprivation of mead being synonymous with the greatest

distress. Bugge ITidsakr. viii. 294-5] connects with scirian, ' to dispense
(taken ironically, they were given to drink of a deadly wine ').

770. ren-weardas. This has usually been read ren (—regn) weardas,
'mighty guardians'; cf. regn-heard in 1. 326. Holthausen and Klaeber
[J.E.G.Ph. vi. 193] have independently suggested that ren=em=eBm,
'house,' by the common metathesis of r (Sieversj § 179, 1); rendegn
\ren-pegn] — aedis minister occurs in the Erfurt Glossary. 'The guardians
of the house' gives the more satisfactory sense.
779. mid gemete. Klaeber ^^^ argues for the meaning 'in any wise,'
rather than 'with strength,' comparing Bede, 86. 8, ealle gemete=omni-
modo, etc.
780. betlic, Grundtvig278: MS. hetlic. Cf. 1. 1925.
781. Cf. U. 82-5, and the note there.

Beowulf 41

Sw§|°1up astaj Pol- 1*7*-

swutje on^swajjule.
r>^ ^'^ '^'^
'"niwe jen^hlie; NorS-Denum &%od '^^^-^^
--^^J»**V atelic '^^^, anra''5eTRwylcuin,
785 J'a.ra' Tp^ofv/ellie^^'y^'p jehyrdon, **^ "^"^ "^
'^fe^oS,!<^lan''/^7(fdes' 'ondsacaii'
rsige-Teasne sang, sar wanigean-'^-"' '

"cielle'^iEefton. Heold hine faeste,


X^ se jje manna wsps maegene strenjest _* _

790 on ]78em dseje Jyrsses lifes. .^ '
/XII Nolde eorla tleo"' senije Jjinja/^ '^;:>"'^^ ..
]7one^cwealm-cuinan' cwicne forlsetan, --''-*-**- ^-"^^^

ne his lif-datas leoda senigum .^'^-"^ ^=-;?'*'^

^^^-'^'^^ytte'teaBe^^ pser jenehost brsBjd
?''='^'-«- -->t-— ^ -"^ '^''^ ^^
795 eorl Beowulfes ealde IMe,^^^
'^ wolde -ffia-drmtnes ^ reol•&^ea^^an^
mSres 'beMines, Sarnie meahton swa. -^ v ^-.-wt-4-d
Hiebset ne wiston, j^a hie xewin drtijon, ji*<-e-.-vi«=fcuJi
heam^icjende hilde-mecjas,
800 ond pnii^itra rehwope heawan ]>ohton,uZ.-r^ A /S^e^y-
•^ sawle secan : pone syn-scaoan «^ ,_c-«-.^i.«--w ^-'-^
^^5 ofer eor]7an irenna cyst, -^^^j-i-^-i*-^ -j;
^''^'"^ "^
juS-billa nan, gretan nolde

782. swapule.Form and meaning seem alike to connect this word

with meoloffe 1115) and swioSole (MS. swicSole, 1. 3145).
(1. Context
demands the meaning 'flame' and this is supported by the forms swoloS
[see Bosworth-ToUer] and swopel [Anglia, viii. 462], both of which are given
in glosses as equivalent to cauma [' burning '] vel aestus. The meaning
' smoke
'often attributed to these words [Dietrich Z.f.d.A. v. 216] is possibly
due to an attempt to connect the word with sweopol, 'band, swaddling
cloth,' through the meaning of ' enveloping smoke.' But context and the
evidence of the glosses seems conclusive in favour of 'flame' of. O.E.
sioeten, swffijon burn ; O.H. G. suiZwo, ' ard(yr, cauma.'
' '

788. Zupitza and others helle-hmfton ; but nothing is gained by making

the words a compound. For -an of the weak declension -on is not un-
common (of. 1. 849). Holthausen, following a parallel passage in the
Andreas (1342), reads helle hmftling.
Almost all editors insert [to] before fsesie ; and indeed the word may once
have stood at the end of the line in the MS., though there is now no trace
of it, and neither of Thorkelin's transcripts records it.
801. gawle secan. Gering and Klaeber [Christ. Elementen, in Anglia,
XXXV. 465] point out that this looks like a learned phrase: a translation
of the biblical animam quaerere ; yet it may have been a native idiom also
(of. 1. 2422).

fiset understood before fione ; cf. 1. 199.

syn-scaSan. See note to 1. 707.

42 . Beowulf
' ac he sige-wsepnum jforsworen h^fde, Fol. 147^

805 'lecga jehwylcre.

Scolde his aldor-gedal * 'oJ .^^».*^c^~ jm
on Ssem dseje }>ysses lifes
^-i^ *'*' earmlic'^urcSan, ond se ello.r-jast iJM-iJZ^ 'ir^'^^'

ori feonda geweald feor sitSian. tr U'i-v-^ f*^

Da jjset onfunde, se ^e fela seror^^^^^
'^816 modes myrSe^ manna cynne ^-^^--^-^ -.•v^*-—

..^,-./iA*>/«Hyrene tefremede, he lat wio*'7od,

« 0f7 J>a3t him se lic^oma Isestan nolde,
ac hine se mSdeja m^tH^gelaces ^ _j-^ ^.^^^
. hsefde 'Be' honda'; wses geEw8eper"oSrum ,

815 lifijende laS. Lic-sar jebad-*!-^/-*'^-^
atol sejlaeca; him on eaxle wearS-^**—
£^' syn-doih sweotol ; seonowe onsprungon,
burston Ban-locan. ^eowulfe wearS
tuS-hrefS gj'^^e ; scolde Trendel J^onan
82o'^-feorFseoc fleon und,er''Ten-hleoSu,^f:U-<^ .„^^«G©t^/H*r)
secean -wyn-leas wic ; wiste \e. ^eovnor,^ ^'^^^^ '"^'^^''j/
)78et ende gegongen, '^-^-^
his aidres wbbs '
V .

dogera dsej-rim. Uenum eallum wearS ^.law

*-*«« /(^-'->-

aefter ]7am wffiPrsese willa telumpen.

025 TSxMe ]7a jef^lsod, se ]>e ser feorran com,
snotor ond s'wyS-tei'hS ^eleHroSgares, .
generic wiS "^iSej^ niht-weorce jefeh,^ '^ Pol, 148'.
/!ii./^ '55"
ellen-m£erj>um. HBiEfde East-Denum
'leaf-mecga'ilod jilp gelEested,/-^*^)'''^''"^ -^
830 swylce oiicy]75e ealle gebette,^,,-^,^^!^ ^^ /^jU^<Mm^

804. fortmoren, not that Grendel had 'forsworn,' 'renounced' the use
of swords, but that he, had ' laid a spell on the swords of his foes. If we '

translate forsworen as forsworn ' then Ae must be Beowulf others tried to


slay Grendel with the sword, but he, knowing better, had forsworn weapons
[and trusted to his grip]. This is quite a possible rendering, for although
below (1. 805) his must again refer to Grendel, such rapid transitions can
easily be paralleled in O.E. syntax.
For the blunting of swords by the glance, see Saxo, Bk. vi. fed. Holder,
p. 187). •

810. Holthausen would connect myrSe with mierran (Goth, marzjan),

and interpret ' destructiveness,' but it is unnecessary to assume this word,
since light-heartedly gives satisfactory sense.

811. Kemble^ first inserted was after he, and was followed -by almost
all editors except Wiilker. This appears to be a distinct enfeeblement of
the MS. reading. Fag comes at the beginning of a line in the MS., and
Heyne says it cannot be settled whether or no W9es stood before it. But
the facsimile shows ' there was no room for wms before fag (Zupitza). '
Beowulf 43

? inwidTsprje, j^e hie ser drujon '»^;?f**^^

ond for' J7rea-nydum " j^oliaa scoldon,''^*-^ A'""'^-'-^

-'^'^*iorii unjytel. past wses tacen sweotol, uZ*.*^ 'i-^^f^

sy^San hilde-deor '
bond alejde, -&^^ i*vo^
835 earm ond oaSXe' — J^ser wses eaf jeaClor
Trendies^ jrape — under jeapne hrj^
^iii jEVA wa3s on morgen, mine gefrsege, >
y'mo'Jj^ gif-healle monfj <s- -
jQtS-rincI ;

"^^donfolq-tp^n feorran ond nean ^f-v^*-^'*^
840 jeoiid^ md-we5£^''~^undor sceawian, 25~=-<-*'
la|?es f^tas. Nq his lif-jedal --^*--'-''®- J^

sariic J^iihte secga senejum.-^Ti-w^

bara b^ lir-leases'' trode sceawode, .****'
hu he werit-mod on wet banon, _^ J^Um^c^
845 nioa ofercumen on nicera mere, / I ^ I - o
^' fsege ond jeflym^d,'^ feorh-lastas bajr.-^-r^ ^ ^s^ K*->Xai>
Dser wses on blode tem weallende, -

> atol y?Sa' tea,wing eal gemen^ed'

baton heolfre, |heoro-'dreore w§ol^--<f-ri^'-<^ Pol. 148".

850 deaS-fseje deoj- si?SSan dreama leas ^A.^^yA-^

836. MS. defective hr^of^, Grandtvig"^ [an emendation often at-

tributed to Eask, but Grundtvig does not say so]. The reading hi\pf\ is
confirmed by 1. 926. There is no contradiction with 1. 983, if we sup-
pose that the arm is placed outside the hall, reaches over the door, and
towers to the roof. For such a use of under, not necessarily implying that
the hand is within the house, of. 1. 211. [See T. Miller, ' The position of
Grendel's arm in Heorot,' Anglia, xii. 396, etc.; and of. Cosijn".]
845. nlSa ofercumen. Unmetrical: cf. 11. 954, 2150. Holthausen
emends niSa genseged.
846. feorh-ldstas, tracks of failing life.'
[Heyne cf. Klaeber, Anglia,

xxviii. 445.]
849. hdton. MS. hat on heolfre, and so Greinj, Wiilker. Greinj
rightly read liat on as one word, hatan (unnecessarily altering on to an, for
which see 1. 788). The reading hdton is much easier than hat an, and
1. 1428 turns the probability in its favour. No weight can be attached to
the spacing of words in the MS.
850. The MS. reading deog has been explained as dyed ' (Grein) or '

'concealed himself (Heyne after Leo), but no verb deagan with either
meaning is recorded in O.E.
Sievers [P.B.B. ix. 138] heoro-dreore weol deaff-fSge deep 'the deadly
abyss welled with gore'; Bugge*', deaff-fSges deop 'the abyss of the death-
doomed one.' Cosijni', whilst supporting Sievers, suggests tentatively that
the MS. may be right, and that deog is a noun = dea£r, 'dye.' Kemble^ had
already suggested dmg. Considerations of O.E. style favour our taking dealf-
fmge deog or deop as parallel to brim weallende, etc.
However deo/, the Northern form for deaf, from dufan, dive, ' an '

emendation of Zupitza [Arehiv, Ixxxiv. 124-5] and, independently, of

Trautmann"', has been accepted by all recent edd.

44 Beowulf

in fen-freoSo feorh alegde, ij_^.£,ch^.J j1vw>

''•^ '
hjejjene sawle; Jjs^him h'el' onfenj.
panon eft 5ewiton " eald-gesiSas, '
y>-^ -i^/'-y n-vo ^'y^
swylc'e"seon5''mani5'*' of jomen-wajje,
85s fram mere ttiodje' mearum ridan, (^-^^^4-.)
'^'^ Bser wses Beowijlfes
beornas on btancum.
'^"^'insertSo msened; moni^ oft jecwseS, ^
ne norS
bsette sutS be sSm tweonum.^f«i--'--C^ .xcu. il,^^^
ofer eormen-grand oj^er nsenig <-^^ ftZif

860 under jS^^gles begonj selra nsere.-M'Vi^ /^yi^c.

J?" rond-K^bbendra, rices wyr5ra.-^-»-TT^"<'w<2X.? 9 ^a<*^-
Ne hie huru wine-drihten '" wiht ne lo5on,^i^* •''^-^-''^) >v.<..

^ jlsedne HrpStar, ac jjaet wses god eyninj.

Hwilum hea]7o-r5fe hleapan leton, - ^ /i-t^i-—

865 on geflit faran, fealwe mearas, fyt^-rt^j

" SSr him fold-wejas fiegere l^u.h.ton,^<^j-'~^ f'"'^

f^ '

cystum cu?Se. Hwilum

cyuinges j'ejn,
-"^ 'guma gitp-hliBden, Jidda jemyridij;,. -^^-V**^ /^"^"^
se 5e eal-fela eald-jesegena ^.-^-«-»—
^^870 worn jemunde, word oj^er fand ^^m- 2^-.i^
-*' ''-soSe jebunden. Secj eft onjan ^/2*«a A-^«>*^
•* siS Beowulfes "siiyt£rum ]styrian, t, 'uJaJt^"*^ Fol. 149».

ond'^on sped wrecan spel je'rade, -

^wordum wrixlani wel-hwylc 'jecwseS,
875 Lj'ffit he fram Sijemunde secjan hyrde
868. guma gilp-hlsMlen. Certainly not 'bombastic groom,' as Earle:
gilp has not necessarily in O.E. any such evil signification : cf. 11. 640, 1749.
Translate laden with glorious words ' ; or perhaps simply ' proud ' or

' covered with glory ' (as Klaeber^", who compares gylp-geomest [Bede i. 34],
translating gloriae cwpidissimus).
870-1. word oper fand soife gebunden, framed a new story founded'

upon fact [Clark-Hall]. But it is possible, as Eieger^ and Bugge [Z.f.d.Ph.


iv. 203] thought, that 11. 867-874 are all one sentence, and that these words
form a parenthesis (' word followed word by the bond of truth,' Earle). Cf.
Hdvamdl : orff mgr of orSi orffs leitadt, ' word from word found me word.'
Yet, though we may delete the stop in 1. 871, we need not therefore,
with Eieger and Bugge, alter secg to secgan for cyninges J>egn, guma gilp-

hleeden, and secg would all be parallel, subject of ongan styrian eft (1. 871) :

would go with hwilum (1. 867), echoing the hwilum of 1. 864, just as in
11. 2107-11 hwilum hwilum... hwilum eft. [Klaeber^'''.]
For styrian in the sense of ' treat of,' a parallel has been quoted from
Byrhtferth's Handboc : Ne gelyst us Jids Jdng leng styrian.
875. 'Concerning Sigemund, concerning his deeds of valour.' Grein's
emendation Sigemundels] is the more probable in that the next word begins
with s ; but, since it is not absolutely necessary, I refrain.

Beowulf 45

ellen-dsedum, uncujjes fela,

Waelsinjes jewin, wide siSas,

)?ara ^e jumena beam jearwe ne wiston,
fehSe ond fyrena, buton Fitela mid hine,
880 ]7onne he swulces hwset secgan wolde,
earn his nefan, swa hie a wEeron
set niSa jehwam nyd-jesteallan;
hsefdon eal-fela eotena cynnes
sweordum jessejed. Sijemunde jesprong
885 sefter deaS-dseje dom ualytel,
syJ>?San wijes heard wyrm acwealde,
hordes hyrde; he under harne stan,
aej^elinjesbeam, ana jeneSde
frecne dsde; ne wees him Fitela mid;
890 hwaejjre him jesselde, Bset j>aet swurd )>urhw6d

wrsetlicne wyrm, ]7set hit on wealle setstod,

dryhtlic iren; draca mortSre swealt.

Haefde ajlseca elne jejongen,
)?8et he beah-hordes brtiean moste
895 selfes dome ;
|sse-bat jehleod, Fol. lig^

bser on bearm scipes beorhte frsetwa

Wselses eafera; wyrm hat 5emealt.
Se wses wreccena wide meerost
ofer wer-J'eode, wijendra hleo,

900 ellen-dsedum, —he ]>aes ser onSah

879. fyrena US. fyrena.

Does fyrena relate to deeds of violence similar to those told of Sigemund

in the VoUunga Saga, %% 6-8 ?
Concerning Fitela, Sigemund's nephew, and companion in his outlawry,
we learn much in the Old Norae sources. See Index of Persona.
881. The hne is metrically deficient unless we take earn as a disyllabic.
Cf. Germ. Oheim from a presumed Prim. Germ. * auhaimoz.
895. selfes dSme, i.e., he was free to take as much as he liked; an old
Germanic legal phrase, used when one party in a case is allowed to fix the
amount due to him from the other. Cf. 11. 2147 (where see note), 2776.
gehleod. Many editors normalise to gehlod ; gehleod for gehlod may he
parallel to weox for wox; see Sieversg § 392, N. 5.
The loading of the boat with the plunder also follows the dragon fight of
Frotho, in Saxo Grammaticus, Bk. n.
897. See Index of Persons Wals. :

Earle adopts Scherer'B emendation 7ia«[e], 'with heat.' [So Trautmann"*.]

The alteration is unnecessary.
900. Cosijn's emendation aran Sah, with honours throve,' is adopted

by Holthausen, Trautmann, and Barle [cf. Sarraziu in Engl. Stud., xxviii.

408]. For dron= drum cf. scypon, 1. 1154, and heafdon, 1. 1242, and, for the

46 Beowulf

sitSSan Heremodes hild sweSrode,

eafoSond ellen; he mid eotenum wearS
on feonda jeweald forS forlacen,

snude forsended. Hine sorh-wylmas

905 lemede to lanje he his leodum weartS,

eallum sej^ellin^um, to aldor-ceare.

Swylce oft bemearn eerran mBelum
swiS-ferh]7es siS snotor ceorl monij,
se \e him bealwa to bote jelyfde,
910 }78Bt Jjset tSeodnes beam gej^eon scolde,
faeder-ie]?elum onfon, folc gehealdan,
hord ond hleo-burh, h8ele]7a rice, ^.T

eSel Scyldinga. He jjser eallum wearSJ, u/'/'

mjej Higelaces manna cynne,

915 freondum jefaegra hine fyren onwod?^;

phrase aron Sdh, of. weorS-myndum pah, 1. 8. Nevertheless I cannot bring

myself to abandon the clear reading of the MS., which makes at least as
good sense as in many another passage.
901. It has been usual to begin a new paragraph with siffSan: 'After
Heremod's warring time had slackened off, he' (Clark-Hall, Earle, etc.).
The punctuation given above is strongly advocated by Klaeber*". So
Gummere, who comments Heremod, one is told, might have rivalled and

surpassed Sigmuud, but the former fell from grace, turned tyrant, and in
fact was precisely what the aspiring hero should not be quite the opposite, —
say, of this glorious Beowulf.' Sigemund is the greatest wrecca since
In 1. 902 fm must refer to Heremod [not to Sigemund, as MiillenhofEii',
Eieger"^ and others have taken it]. Heremod's story ia continued; just as
in the parallel passage, 1. 1197, etc., sypSan Hdma eetioseg, the story of
Hama is continued in 11. 1200-1. In each case the poet drags in allusions
rather forcibly. But that the connection between Heremod and Sigemund
is not fortuitous, or the work of our poet, is shown by their being also
mentioned together in the Old Norse. See Index of Persons Heremod. :

902. eafoff, Grimm [Andreas u. Elene, 101]: MS. earfoff, retained by

Wiilker; cf. 1. 534. On the other hand see 11. 602, 2349.
eotenum. The word eoten has occurred several times in contexts where
'monster,' 'giant' was applicable. Here for the first time such meaning
seems very doubtful, and we must assume either (1) that from ' giant the '

generalized sense of enemy has come into force [Eieger^^^: Holthausen] or


(2) that the word here is a personal name distinct from the common noun,
perhaps signifying Jutes.' [See Schiicking for references.]

905. Note the false concord. Many edd. unnecessarily alter.

908, etc. The siff (perhaps = going into exile') of Heremod is a dis-

appointment to the wise, who had hoped that he would be a credit to his
909. ' Put their hope in him (Heremod) as a remedy against their evils
{bealwa to). For other instances of to following the noun it governs, see
913, 915. He, 1. 913, ia Beowulf, 'the kinsman of Higelac': but hine,
1. 915, is Heremod.
915. gefsegra, ' more pleasing, comparative of an otherwise unrecorded

Beowulf 47

Hwilutn flitende fealwe strate

mearum meeton. Da wses rnorgen-leoht
scofen ond scynded. |Eode scealc monig Fol. 150*.

swiS-hicjende to sele }>am hean

920 searo-wundor seon ; swylce self cyning
of bryd-bure, beah-horda weard,
tryddode tir-fest Jetrume micle,
cystum 5ecy)?ed, ond his cwen mid him
medo-sti55e maet msejj^a liose. „ '

XIV 925 HroSjar ma)?elode; he to healle geong,

stod on stapole, geseah steapne hrof
jolde fahne ond vrehdles hond:
" Disse ansyne Al-wealdan J^anc
lunjre jelimpe. Fela ic laj>es jebad,
930 grynna set Trendle; a msej vod wyrcan

O.E. gefmg or gefaga, which can be postulated with some likelihood from
the analogy of O.H.G. gifag(o): M.H.G. gevage. [Of. Sievers in Z.f.d.Ph.
xxi. 356 Klaeber iu Anglia, xxviii. 440. ]

916. The story ia resumed, with a repetition of incidents which, to the

older critics, seemed the result of interpolation. MuUenhoff'^" compares
U. 916, etc. with 864, etc.
; 917-8 with 837 ; 918 with 838 ; and 920 with 840.
'Fallow' seems more appropriate to horses than roads (cf. 1. 865), and
Cosiin'" would accordingly emend to fealwum.
924. medo-stigge, see note to 1. 1085.
926. stapole. The obvious meaning is column ' (cf. 1. 2718), and so

Heyne' took the -word here: 'he stood beside the central (wooden) pillar of
Heorot. ' Heyne was thinking no doubt of the Branstock, the central oak

which plays its part in the story of the Volsung hall. Sohiicking and others
still adhere to this interpretation, or to a parallel one which would make the
stapol correspond to the 'high seat pillars' of Icelandic halls [Sarrazin,
Anglia, xix. 370].
But (1) 'beside,' though possible (cf. 1. 1117), is not the most obvious
meaning of on, (2) we have no evidence for any great middle pillar or high
seat pillars in Heorot, and, above all, (3) this would necessitate our supposing
that Grendel's hand had been placed among the ratters, but it seems from
1. 983 to have been outside the hall.

Miller [Anglia, xii. 398] therefore interpreted stapol as the steps leading
up to the door or the landing at the top of them, his authorities being an
O.E. gloss, and the Mid. Eng. use of the word J>e steire of fiftene staples.

In his annotated hand-copy of Beowulf, Miller further quotes instances from

the O.E. translation of Bede of stopoZ = ' footstep,' 'step,' and notes the
parallel of the Odyssey [iii. 404] Nestor seated on the smooth stones

before his door. The same interpretation has been arrived at independently
by Earle'ss.
Eask's emendation on sta/o2e = 'foundation,' 'base,' has been revived by
Bugge'" and Trautmann, but is unnecessary and unsatisfactory too, for he
: '

stood on the floor or ground seems but a feeble remark.


930. grynna has been variously interpreted as snares ( = O.E. grin) or


sorrows ( = 0.E. gym). The latter interpretation is probably correct, for
; .

48 Beowulf
wunder aefter wundre, wuldres Hyrde.
Dast wses ungeara, \^t ic senisra me
•weana ne wende to widan feore

bote 5ebidan, jjonne blode fah

935 husa selest heoro-dreorij stod

wea wid-scofen witena sehwylcwm,
Sara \e ne wendon, }?a3t hie wid'e-ferhB
leoda land-geweorc lajjum beweredon
|scuccum end scinnum. Nu scealc hafaS Pol. 150i=.

940 Jjurh Drihtnes miht dsed jefremede,

?Se we ealle ser ne meahton
snyttrum besyrwau. Hwset )»ffit secjan msej !

efne swa hwylc mse5|>a, (^wa Sone magan cetide

sefter gum-cynnum, jyf heo jyt lyfaS,
945 ]73et'"hyre eald Metod este wsere
beam-jebyrdo. Nti ic, Beowulf, )»ec,

sec5[a] betsta, me for sunu wylle ,,

freojan on ferhj^e ; heald forS tela

niwe sibbe. Ne bits J>e [wjsenijra gad
950 worolde wilna, \e ic jeweald hsebbe.
Ful oft ic for Igssan lean teohhode,
hord-weorjjunje, hnahran rince,

grin, 'snare,' is concrete, meaning 'halter' or 'net': the abstract sense,

capturing,' given to it here by Earle, can hardly be demonstrated.
936. gehwylcum. This very slight change [Kemblej] from MS. ffcfeiej/Jcnc,
though necessary, has been overlooked by most commentators. Elaeber
{Engl. Stud. xlii. 326] argues strongly in its favour : a far-reaching woe

unto every councillor is supported by the comparison of 1. 170, etc.


Schiicking in his last edition [1913] also adopts gehwylcum ; so Holthausens

If we retain the MS. reading we must interpret it to mean that the court
had been scattered by Grendel's attacks, which is clearly not the case (of.
1. 171, and passim). And apart from this the passage presents serious
Unless wea wid-scofen is construed as a nominative absolute, ' fear having
driven far and wide' [Grein, Schiicking, 1910], hmfde must be understood
[Bugge'"] or supplied [Trautmann and Holthausen2 text], 'woe (had) —
scattered each councillor.' Trautmann and Holthausenj further adopt the
emendation [of Greinj], wiSscofen, which they interpret driven away.' '

Holthausen2 , in a note, suggested wean wide scufon, ' woes scattered each
of the councillors': so Sedgefield2: already in 1820 Grundtvig^^' came very
near this : wean vndscufon. Similarly Sedgefieldi , wea wide sceaf.
942, etc. Perhaps a biblical reminiscence.
947. secg[a']. The alteration is necessary here, and in 1. 1759, for
metrical reasons. [Cf. Sievers in P.B.B. x. 312.]
949. [n^Snigra, GreiUj : MS. emigre. Grein afterwards abandoned this
emendation ; Grein^ nsenigre. [Cf. Bugge in Z.f.d.Ph. iv. 208.]

Beowulf 49
s^mran set sascce. J7u \e self hafast^
[mid] dp^um sefremecl; "'*)>aet J>in [^^ iyfaS
955 awa to aldre. Al-walda |>ec ^---^
-^3!^ 5ode forjylde, swa he nti gyt dyde '" !


Beowulf maJ>eIode, ^ beam Ecjjeowes :

,"We Jjaet ellen-weorc , estum miclum,.. -^-"-'^/^^•'^^^

feohtan fremedon, frecne jenetJdon -*• «>.-'««-*'^^

^6o^eafotS uncujjes;"^ u]7e ic swi]>or,^-'»-<^-^*^^*^ Ltzstf-y^^-^^^-''^

^<---^ ^--^-^^-p/
Su hine selfne
)>3St geseon mdste, "^ ' -^

feond on frsetewum fyl-werijne.'"-*^-'^/-^'^ ma.o-'w

Ic hine hraedlice (heardan clammum^ Pol. 15K
on wael-lsedde wri^an }?ohte, t'i''^'^^

965 J>aet he for mMnd-gripe minum scolde^. , ,

licjean lif-bysij, butan his lie swicfe '

ic hine ne mihte, l?a Metod nolde, „ y ^,.

-r janjes jetwseman ; no ic him j^ses jeome aetfealh,
feorh-jenitSlan ; wses to fore-mihtig S^ ^-. - ^.-u,

970 feond on fej^e. HwseJ^ere he his folme forlet

t5 lif-wra]?e ' "'last weardian, >^^' '^'^

eaxle ; no 'pser^s& swa peah '-'

fea-sceaft guma fr6fre jebohte; -'-^^'

'^ no lenj leofaS ''laS-jeteona.^-^"^ •*''-»^V ^-«.-w-
975 synnum jeswehced ; ac hyne sar hafaS:;^'-*"*^'''-

in nyd-gripe nearwe /befongen, /<LA<;^,.<><b

balvfoh beiidu'm ; Sser abidan sceal ^'U-^-^-H^

"^aga' mane fah miclan domes, ^''-^*^
hu him'^scir'';;Metod scrifan willed
980 t)a wses switra seer sunu Jiclaies
on jylp-spraece /juo-jeweorca,
sibKan aetelintas eorles crsefte

954. No gap in MS. Thetoetre demands [mid] before dffidum, and this is
supplied by Holtbanseuj : so Sedgefieldj. Holthauseng, dBdum gefremed[ne'].
[dofii] is sapplied by Kemble,.
962. frsetewum. Grendel bore no armour; but the familiar formula,
the foe in his trappings,' is used, probably not with any such grimly ironical
reference as Trautmauni™ sees, to some fetters with which Beowulf hoped to
deck him.
963. hine, Thorpe: US. him.
965. mund-gripe, Kemblej; MS. hand gripe. The emendation is de-
manded by the alliteration.
976. nyd-gripe, Bugge [Tidsskr. viii. 49] MS. mid gripe ; Thorpe, niS- :

gripe, followed by Sedgefield ; Schiioking, mid nyd-gripe.

B. 4
— :

60 Beowulf

ofer heanne hrof hand sceawedon,

feondes'finjras —foran Egjliwylc wses,

985 stedia 'naegia' gehwylc style jelicost


hsej^enes' hand-sporu, |hilde-rinces '\ Fol. 151".

egl unheoru ;
^jhwylc jecwsetS,

)7set hinf heardr'a'iiaa hrinan wolde^- -"

' '*-'- ^'
-. iren eer-jod, ]>aei tSses ahlsecan '/

990 blodje beadu-folme onberan' woldgj^^

XV DA wses hateii'hre]7e, Heprt innan-weard '-

" folmum gefriEtwod ; fela |7£era wses,

wera ond wifa, ^ pe J^set wia-reced.i- »

jest-sele, jyredon. 'rold-faj scinon

995 web seffcer wajum, wundor-siona fela ^ '"^''

secja jehwylcum, J>ara ]?e on swylc staraB.''^^'—

Wses J^aet beorhte bold tobrocen switSe,

983.' Looked np over' or 'in the direction of the high roof, and saw....'

[Cf.Klaebei^.] See 1. 836, note.

985. This line was first eorreotly divided from the preceding line by
Sievers [P.B.B. ix. 138], who further proposed the emendation
etiSra nwgla style gelicost.

The had been anticipated by earlier editors

details of Sievers' reading
[EttmiiUerg Thorpe]. His reconstniction is satisfactory, and is now generally

adopted [e.g. by Holthausen, Trantmann, and with modification, stiff-tmgla

gehwylc, each of his sharp nails,' by Sedgefield]. But as the reading of the

MS. seems possible, it is here retained in the text [as also by Schiicking].
986. hilde-rinces MS. hilde hilde rinees, the first hilde being the last

word on the page, the second the first word overleaf. In such cases it seems
needless to call attention to the alteration by italics in the text.
spora is elsewhere a weak masc. ; Eiegei* would read spent, ' spears ; so '

Holthausen, spelling hand-speoru (u-umlaut).

987. egl (more usuaBy egle) is well authenticated in the sense of ' awn,'
beard of barley ' : but nowhere else do we find it in the derived sense of
'talon,' 'claw.' Accordingly many take the word here as the adj. egle,
'hateful,' 'grievous' (Goth, agls, 'shameful,' aglus, 'difBcult'), agreeingwith
speru or sporu, and either suppose the u of eglu to be elided, or else restore
it: efliJ', unAeoru, Bieger^*', Schiicking, Holthausen eglu, Trautmann. For

both words cf. ail in New English Dictionary.

988. him must refer to Grendel, whom everyone said no sword might

injure unless [with Sievers, P.B.B. ix. 139, Holthausen, and Sedgefield]
we read Jie for fiset (MS. #) in 1. 989. In that case it refers to Beowulf, who,
having torn off Grendel's claw, might be expected to be proof against
Sievers and Holthausen further alter onberan wolde (1. 990) to dberan
991. Many emendations have been made to avoid the awkward con-
struction hdten hrejie ; Bugge [Tidssltr. viii. 50, following Grundtvig^*],
heatimbred, referring to Heart ; Trautmann, handum hrepe ; Sedgefield,
hdton hrepre, with fervid zeal ' or hat on hrejire, ' zeal in hearts' ; [cf. also

Trautmann'™, Kluge'^']. Holthausenj_ ^ assumed a gap in the MS.

- ;

Beowulf 51

, eal inne-weard iren-beodum fajst,

beorras totliSene'';*" hrof 5,na jenses-' -


looo ealles ansund, se a.^^^a. -' -'^ <^-

J>e '

fyren-dseclum faj oq fleam jewand/ '

aldres orwena. No Jjset ySe byS-

to befleonne, fremine s§ ^e wille ;

ac jesecan sceal sawl-berendra, ,'

lews' nyde jenydde, ni]??Sa bearna,

fi '
- jrund-buendra, jearwe stowe, '

)>eer his lic-homa le^er-bedde faesfc

swefe]? aefter symle. pa waes ssel ond msel,^ •

)?set to healle Iganj Healfdenes sunu Fol. 132'.

loio wolde self cyninj symbel J^icjan.- '^^

Ne jefraejeiT' ic J?a meeglje maran weorode ~

jmb hyra sinc-gyfan' sel jebferan. - ' / .

Bujon y& to bence blsed-ajande,

fylle jefEejon, f^gere jejjiegon
"loi's' medo'-ful manij; majas z(;ara[»i]

' switS-hic^ende on sele }?am hean,

1000. MS. )>e emended by Ettmiiller2 and almost all editors to fici.
: It
does not seem clear that this is necessary: for pe without antecedent can
mean 'where,' 'when,' of. 1. 2468. [Ct Sehiicking, SatzverknWpfunq 1904, ,

pp. 7, 57-8.]
1004. gesecMan, Kemblej : MS. gesacan. If we keep the MS. reading we
must render either 'gain by strife...' (cf. gesUan), or, with Schuoking and
Bosworth-Toller, ' strive against the inevitable prepared place of the chUdren
of men.' Neither of these meanings gives very satisfactory sense gesacan :

seems otherwise unrecorded, and is unmetrical [Sievers in P.B.B. x. 291].

Kemble's gesecean has accordingly been generally accepted. 'Though
a man would flee it, he must seek the grave ' is one of those truisms which
lend themselves to the hypothesis of a didactic interpolator. fCf. Mullen-
sdwl-berendra, bearna and grund-buendra are all parallel [Klaeber*"] and
4epend upon gearwe stowe [Bugge^**].
For another interpretation see Sedgefield.
Trautmann, in part following EttmiiUerj reads, Sghwylc secan sceal sdwl-

herendra nlSe genyded..., 'each of living souls compelled by distress must

swefeif after symle. Cf. 1. 119. Cook [M.L.N, ix. 474] quotes
many parallels for the metaphor of 'life's feast.'
1009. gang. This form, which occurs here, in 1. 1295 and in 1. 1316,
for the normal geong, gwng may perhaps be a dialectal peculiarity of a
former copyist of this section of the poem. [Cf. Brandl**^.]
1013. Thorkelin's transcripts, blsid agande,' A
blsedagande.' The
B '

MS. now has only Used left, and de on the next line.
1015. wdran. Ten Brink'3 and Klaeber [Anglia, xxviii. 442] suggested
iceeron MS. J>ara. All recent editors have adopted this emendation, except

Trautmann'*", who reads mdgas J/wmre, ' the gentle kinsmen. ' Earlier

— :

52 Beowulf
HroSjar ond HroJ^ulf. Heorot innan wses
freondum afylled; ^ nalles facen-stafas
|?enden fremedon.
I020 Fdi-geaf ]7a^Beowulfe


sejen jylctenne sijores to leane,-' -,

^ helm ond byrnan;

hroden' hiite-culnbof,'
m'sere masjjum-sweord manije jesawon
beforan beora beran. Beowulf %e\a)a. ^

1025 fui on flette. No he )?Jere feoh-jyfte " ^;'/|*«. •''-

for sc[e]oten[d]um scamijan tSorfte ;

ne sefrsBjn iclreondlicor
feow^r madmas . .^^ ,,. ;

jolde jejyrede gum-manna fela,-

in ealo-bence 6t5rum jesellan. ^, ,

/ / rr,

editors retained the MS. reading, and attempted to remedy the obscurity by
devices of punctuation. Wyatt in 1894 read:
Bugon Jja to bence blad-agende,
fylle ge^gon ; fcegere gefSgon
medo-fnl manig magas )>ara...

and commented "What is to hinder the antecedent of ]>dra being implied in

blSd-Sgende, in speaking of a court where everyone was doubtless related to
everyone else, as in a Scotch clan?" With this interpretation the blMd-
dgende, who take their places on the mead-bench, are the Danish nobility
generally their kinsmen, who empty many a cup, are Hrothgar and Hrothulf.

But it may be objected (1) that the task of emptying the cups would not be
confined to Hrothgar and Hrothulf ; (2) that the point of the allusion is not
that Hrothgar and Hrothulf are akin to the Daiiish nobility {bWd-agande),
but that they are akin to each other, and are, as yet, true to the ties which
kinship imposes (cf. 11. 1164-5).
The alteration is a very slight one, pajia' (i.e. wdran) might easily be mis-

read ' I'atia' (i.e. }>dra), and the gain in sense is very great. The poet has been
speaking of rejoicing : then, with the tragic irony which he loves, he con-
tinues, beginning a new period, ' The kinsmen too were in the hall no J yet —
was wrong being plotted.' See Index of Persons : Hrothulf.
1020. beam, Grundtvig^^^ : MS. brand.
1022. hilte-cumbor. Ettmiillerj hilde-, followed by Eieger^^, Holthausen,
Trautmann and Schticking (1913) hilte-cumbor perhaps gives satisfactory

sense, banner with a handle ' [of. Cosijn^'], but it is very difficult to account

for hilte instead of hilt. [Cf. Sievers in P.B.B. xzxvi. 420.]

Oosijn'* justifies the punctuation, as given abdve. There is something of
a pause before mSre mdS'/mm-sweord, the final gift, is mentioned. We might
almost render ' and finally a glorious sword.'
1026. sceotendum, Kemblej: MS. scotenum. Kemble's emendation has
been generally followed, especially by recent editors. GreiUj, scoterum.
Heyoei_3 retained the MS. reading, and, when he abandoned it, Eluge
[P.B.B. viii. 533] took up the defence, deriving from scota, 'shooter,' and
quoting oxenum, nefenum, as examples of similar weak dat. pis. But the
alteration is necessary on metrical grounds [cf . Sievers in P.B.B. x. 312]
and see, too, 11. 703, 1154.
1028. fela. Kolbiug would read frean, on the ground that suoh costly
gifts are naturally not given by 'many men,' but by 'kings of men' (Engl.
Stud. xxii. 326).
Beowulf 53

1030 Ymb )>ses helmes hrof ^heafod-beorje

•wirum bewunden , wala utan heold,
j^SBt him itera |la,f frecne ne meahton— . Fol.'152'.

tscur-heard sce)?8an, ^onne scyld-freca .'

onjean jraraum x^njan scolde.

*-^io35 Heht tJa eorla bleo eahta mearas
v.cj fseted-hleore on
flet teon, -- ->

in under eoderas; )jara anum stod

sadol searwum fah, ^ since jewurj^ad ;

J>8et waes hilde-setl "J^heah-cyninjes,

1040 Sonne sweorda J^lac^ sunu Healfdenes
--efnan wolde nsefre on ore' lajj -^ - r '

" '
"^^wid-cupes wi^,
' SSonne walu feollon.
Ond Sa'Beowulfe beja gehwsejjres 9 ^-^
''"<, eodor Injwina on weald jeteah,?-— - >

1045/ wic^a ond wtepna; bet bine wel brucan.'

Swa manlice msere ]>eoden,
1030-1. wala, emendation of Ettmuller^ adopted by Orein MS. heafod :

beorge wirum be wunden walan utan heold. If we leave the MS. reading un-
altered there is a choice of difficulties. Either we must take walan as subject
and heafod-beorge as object, with a striking violation of grammatical concord
in the verb Mold ; or we must (with Heyne and Sociu) take heafod-beorge as
a weak fem. noan in the nom. and walan as object, with considerable loss to
the sense. The nom. pi. scur-beorge {Ruin, 5) also tells against the latter
view, which has no support from analogy. The emendation has accordingly
of late been generally adopted. Sievers, Bugge^", Trautmann and Sedgefield
prefer the more archaic form walu (Goth, walus, staff '). The change is

slight, as in many scripts u and a can hardly be distinguished.

1032. fela. Holthaaseni, 2 and Sedgefield [following Bieger, Lesebtich]
normalize to feola : unnecessarily. See Bulbring, 199 b.
ldf...meahton. So the MS. Since Idfia collective, it may quite conceiv-
ably be the subject of a plural verb meahton. But almost all editors feel
bound to correct what they regard as a false concord. Earlier editors chose
to emend Idf to lafe, because laf is not now in the MS. our authorities for

it being merely Thorkelin's two transcripts. Bat, from the position of the
word, it must have been perfectly clear, when these transcripts were made,
whether the reading was laf or lafe. Therefore to write lafe to agree with
meahton is practically as violent a departure from MS. authority as to write
meahte to agree with laf and since the former change lands us in metrical

difficulties [cf. Sievers in P.B.B. x. 273-4], it is best, if we make any alteration,

to write laf ...meahte [following Thorpe].
1033. scur-heard. Cf. Judith, 79 scurum heardne. Various interpreta-

tions are offered tempered in water ' (cf. ' the ice-brook's temper,' Othello,

V. ii. 253) ; ' hard or sharp in the storm of battle,' ' cutting like a storm.'
[Cf. M.L.N, vii. 193 ; viii. 61 ; xix. 234.] But I doubt if scur does more
than intensify: 'mighty hard.' Cf. Miuot, x. 43: Full swith redy semis
fand J>ai pare a schowre, i.e. a great quantity, abundance.'

1037. under eoderas. The same expression is used in the Heliand (of
the court of the High Priest, into which the earls led Christ thar leddun
' '

ina...erlos undar ederos, 4943).

J •

54 Beowulf
.;.••'•• /,v«. ^.^^..'('•-..>--^^
.-, /, •

hord-weard haelej^a, hea^o-rsesas jeald

ihearum ond madmum, swa hy nSfre man lyhtS,

se \& secgan wile so5 aefter rihte.

XVI 1050 DA "s^t feghwylcum eorla drihten,,'^'fc<- -^ -'
]7ara )7e mid Beowulfe brim-lade teah,.<=*'-'

on J^sere medu-bence maJ>Sum jesealde,-^^^ '-

yr|fe-lafe; ond >one Sane hehf*-< ^'-^ Fol. 153«.

' '
golde forjyldan, ]7orie Se ^rendel ^r

1055 mane swa he hyra ma wolde,-^^*— *-' -^

nefne him witis 'rod wyrd forstode, .i^-^~3^ ' <

ond Sses mannes mod. Metod eallum weold y>i > ^

gumena cynnes, swa he nu jit ddtS;. ,;/-^Ct

for)?an bis andjit seghwser selest,/- 7
1060 ferhSiies fore-]7anc. Fela sceal jebidan '-.— ^^- -'^ '' '

ISbfes ond la]?es, .se )?e longe her -^-^^^ 'a^^-

on Syssum win-dajum worolde bruceS. •/,>, y'-'

paer was sang ond sweg samod set5aedere.-^..t*.^^^,:^^
fore Healfdenes
<c hilde-wisan,. . eJ i>j^i^-i_ ,

1065 ^'men-wudii jreted/'' giii oft wrecen, ,^& /^^ f/7^>.

f/W:' Sonne "heal-jamen HroJ^jares scop

'.'' sefter medo-bence m^nan scolde^^^-^^' --"^^"T
r"Finnes eaferum, Sa hie se fser bejeat,
1048. lylOS. Metre demands two syllables : either ne lyliS or the older
form lehiS.
1051. -Jade, Kemblej: MS. leade.
1056. Ettmiiller takes wyrA as in apposition with God. so Sedgefleld,, :

who objects to the usual construction of wyrdL as object of forstode (see

Glossary), because wyrd cannot be hindered or averted. But this seems
open to dispute, both grammatically (since if, with Sedgefleld, we render
forstode 'help, defend,' we should expect hie not him) and theologically
(since God is vyyrda waldend, Exodus, 432; Andreas, 1056 ; Elene, 80).
1064. fore, 'in the presence of: cf. 1. 1215, and Widsith, 55, 140,
where the phrase is used, as here also, in connection with a minstrel's song.
'Healfdene's war-leader,' in whose presence the song is sung, should then be
Hrothgar. Or possibly we may take hildeviisan as dat. pi., referring to
the old captains who had fought under Healfdene. The phrasei would
then be equivalent to for dugupe, ' before the veterans (1. 2020). Trautmann '

suggests Healfdena. [Cf. also Klaeber in Anglia, xxviii. 449, note ; Traut-
mann'^; Cosijn^*-^'.]
To interpret fore as concerning [Grein, Jahrbuch f. rom. u. engl.

Literatur, 1862, p. 269, note ; Barle] is exceedingly forced, if not im-

possible the hildewlsa would then be Hn£ef. Grein cites as a parallel

Panther, 34, /e ic Sr fore smgde, which he takes as concerning which '

I spoke before.' But this is extremely doubtful. [Cf. tooLiibke in A.f.d.A.

xix. 342.]
1068. Becent editors make the lay begin with 1. 1069: Schucking
[Engl. Stud, xxxix. 106] even with 1. 1071. In both cases we must adopt

Beowulf 55

haele?5 Healf-Dena, Hnsef Scyldinga,

1070 in Fres-waele feallan scolde.
Ne huru Hildeburh herian .)7orfte
Eotena treowe unsynnum wearS

beloren leofum set ]7am fo'nd-plejan,

bearnum ond broSrum hie on jebyrd hruron


1075 jare |wunde j78Bt wses geomuru ides.

Fol. I5i^.

Nalles holin^a Hoces debtor

meotod-sceaft bemearn, syJ>?San morjen com,
Sa heo under swejle jeseon meabte
morJ>or-bealo maja. pser he ser meeste heold
1080 worolde wynne, wij ealle fornam
Finnes Jiejnas, nemne feaum anum,
)7set he ne mehte on \^m meSel-stede
wij Henjeste wiht jefeohtan,
ne J?a wea-lafe wije forj^rinjan

the emendation of Trautmann ^^ eaferan for eaferum : rendering made '

mention of the children of Finn, when the sudden attack fell upon them,
a tale which was a hall-joy adowu the mead-bench. '...It is less satisfactory
from the point of view of style to make the lay begin, as in the text,
with 1. 1068 ; but it enables us to keep eaferum, which we must take as
instrumental: 'At the hands of the children ot Finn. ..the hero of the
Healfdene, Hnsef, was doomed to fall.' [See Klaeber in Anglia, xxviii.
The emendation Heal/denes [Graudtvig^ Kemble,], usual in editions
up to and including Wiilker, is unnecessary and misleading, since Healfdene
is presumably a tribal name. [See Bugge"^ and Index of Persons.']
1070. MS. infr es weele 'r altered from some other letter' [perhaps],

' after it a letter erased, then es on an erasure that fres is all that the

scribe intended to write, is shown by a line connecting r and e.' [Zupitza.]

1072. Eotena. Most of the problems of the Finnsburh story depend
upon one another, and therefore must be considered together. See Index of
Persons, and Introduction to Beowulf. Only the more isolated problems are
dealt with in the notes which follow.
1073. lind; Kemblej for the alliteration MS. hild. :

1074. Apparently Hildeburh lost only one brother. It seems un-

necessary to see, with MoUer, a survival in broSrum of an ancient dual
construction, parallel to wit Scilling, ScUling and I' [^V.E. 59]. Cf. note

to 1. 565.
1079. All editors follow Ettmiillerj in altering he to heo, making fiser
ft«[o] Sr mMste heold worolde wynne refer to Hildeburh. This is not
necessary. Finn lost his thanes where he had had the greatest joy in the
world, i.e. in and around his mead hall.
1081. feaum. The original form must have been feam ; the u has been
inserted on the analogy of other datives.
1083. gefeohtan. 'Kla.ehex [Anglia, xxviii. 443], followed by HolthauseUj
suggests gebeodan, ' offer fight (cf 1. 603) on the ground that wiht gefeohtan,
' . ,

with a dat. of the hostile person, is not a permissible construction. Eieger

{Lesebuch), Holthausenj, 3, wij> gefeohtan. See also Introduction to Beowulf:
56 Beowulf
1085 )7eodnes Bejne; ac hij him SeJ^ingo budon,
)7set hie him otSer flet eal jerymdon,
healle ond heah-setl, ]?8et hie healfre jeweald

wi?S Eotena beam agan moston,

ond set feoh-gyftum Folcwaldan sunu
1090 dojra jehwylce Dene weorjjode,
Henjestes heap hrinjum wenede,
efne swa swiSe sinc-gestreonum
f^ttan joldes, swa he Fresena cyn
on beor-sele byldan wolde.
1095 ©a hie jetruwedon on twa healfa
fseste frio?5u-w£ere Fin Henjeste

elne unflitme aSum |benemde, Fol. 154'.

)»set he ]7a wea-lafe weotena dome

arum heolde, J^aet fS^r senij mon

iicx) wordum ne worcum wsere ne brtece,

ne ])urh inwit-searo Sfre jemsenden,

1085. hig, the Frisians : him, Hengest's men.

The g of hig simply marks that the i is long, precisely as in M.E.
and other scripts y = i. Other examples are hig, 11. 1596, 1770; wigge=
wige, 1656, 1770, 1783; sig = si, 1778; medostigge = medostige, 924; wigtig
=wltig, 1841 (wrongly 'corrected' by many editors into wittig); ligge=:
lige, 727; Scedenigge= Scedenige, 1686. See SieverSj § 24, N., and for
pronunciation of g, % 211, etc. ; [also Cosijn in P.B.B. viii. 571].
1087. healfre. Unless, with Ettmiillerj and Thorpe (followed by Traut-
mann, Holthausen, Sedgefield), we read healfne, we must take this as a gen.
dependent upon geweald, ' control of half the hall.'
1097. With elne unflitme, Guthlac, 923, elne unsldwe, has been com-
pared: unflitme or unhlitme (1. 1129) is obviously an adv., but its form,
meaning, and derivation are doubtful. It may mean ' indisputably,' from
flitan, 'dispute,' or 'immovably,' from /ieotan, 'float'; or, ii unhlitme be
the correct form, it may mean ' by evil lot ' and be connected with hlytm
(1. 3126). It is, of course, conceivable that both forms, unhlitme here and
unflitme below, are correct, and represent different words. [Cf. Bugge^,
Trautmann'85^ von Grienberger in Z.f.o.G. 1905, 748-9.]
1101. gemSnden. This may mean ' nor should they ever break the
treaty,' and be parallel in meaning to wSre ne brSce. No such verb
gemSnan ' to violate an oath is recorded, but the phrase nmne ap ' a per-

jured oath ' (cf. man, wickedness, and mansworn in the Heart of

Midlothian) is very common. (So Grein, Bosworth-Toller, etc.)

More probably, however, this is either the verb mSnan 'to mention' or
mSnan to bemoan,' and we may render (1) ' they (i.e. people in general,

and particularly the Frisians) should not mention it although the Danes
were following the slayer of their lord,' i.e. the Danes are not to be taunted
[Heinzel in A.f.d.A. xv. 192], or (2) 'they (the Danes) should not bemoan,
although....' If we adopt (2) we must (since it is Finn's oath we are
considering) render /at ' upon condition that,' and ponne ' then on the
other hand.' [Cf. Klaeber in Anglia, xxviii. 444.]

Beowulf 57

SSeah hie hira beaj-jyfan banan foljedon

Seoden-lease, y& him swa 5e)?earfod waes;
Jyf jjonne Frysna hwylc frecnan sprjece
1 105 SsBs mor)?or-hetes myndjiend wsere,
]?ODiie hit sweordes ecj sySJSan scolde.
AS waes jesefned, ond icje gold
ahsefen of horde. Here-Scyldinja
betst beado-rinca waes on bsel gearu;
1 1 10 aet J>£em ade waes ej^-gesyne
swat-fah syrce, swyn eal-gylden,
eofer iren-heard, mauij
wundum awyrded; sume on waele orungon.
Het Sa Hildeburh aet Hnsefes ade
1 115 hire selfre sunu sweoloSe befaestan,
ban-fatu baernan ond on bsel d6n
earme on eaxle ides jnornode,

1102. hana must mean 'slayer,' not merely 'foe,' as Helnzel takes it
[A.f.d.A. XV. 192], It does not follow that Finn slew Hnsf with his own
hand. The achievements of the retainers are attributed to the chief, as
Tacitus tells us.
1104. frecnan, Thorpe: MS.frecnen.
1106. Unless we are to understand some word like 'decide' a rather —

violent proceeding something must, as Sievers supposes, be missing here ;
or perhaps the necessary infinitive to scolde is concealed in the word syffffan.
Holthausen suggests sn^d'iran, 'restrain,' or sw^Jfan, 'confirm': Trautmann,
and, independently, Sedgefield, sehtan, ' settle ' Klaeber [J.E.G.Ph. viii. 255]

seman, reconcile,' or geSan, ' declare the truth,' ' prove,' ' settle.'

1107. Aff. The emendation dd, ' the pyre [Grundtvig^^], has had its

supporters in recent times. As Klaeber points out [J.E.G.Ph. viii. 266], it

is more natural that the gold should be fetched from the hoard in order to
deck the funeral pile of Hnasf than for any other purpose.
icge. The meaning ' costly ' or ' massive which has been suggested for

this word is, of course, pure guess-work. It has been proposed to emend
iln'icge-gold, on the analogy of incge-ldfe, 1. 2577, where see note [Singer in
P.B.B. xii. 213 ; so already Eieger, LesebucK] or itge, 'bright,' not found in

O.E., but cf. Icel. itr, 'glorious' [Holthausenj ; but cf. also Anglia, Beiblatt,
xiii. 364]; or See (a word found once on a runic inscription and supposed
to mean 'one's own,' hence, ' domestic wealth ') [Klaeber in J.E.G.Ph. viii.
256] or to write ondicge as one word = ' exciting envy [von Grienberger in
; '

Anglia, xxvii. 331 : butcf. Sievers in P.B.B. xxxvi. 421]; orondiege 'openly,'
not elsewhere recorded, but cf. andSges, 1. 1935, and Goth, anddugjo,
openly' [Bugge^, SedgefieldJ. Holthauseug takes icge = idge eager.' '

1114-7. The emendations here, mostly quite uncertain, are too

numerous to record. Holthausen's eame on eaxle is very probable:
Hildeburh commanded her sons to be placed on the pyre ' by their uncle's
(Hneefs) side.' The tragedy of Finnsburh lies in the slaughter among
kinsfolk. The relation of uncle to sister's son was the most sacred of
Germanic ties (see below, 1. 1186, note), and that the poet should emphasize
this is natural, sunu is probably an Anglian pi. which the W.S. transcriber
has omitted to alter. [Cf. Cosiju in P.B.B. viii. 569.]
58 Beowulf
geomrode giddum. gutS-rinc astah.

Wand |to wolcnum wsel-ffra naEest, Fol. 154".

II20 hlynode for hlawe ; hafelan multon,

ben-jeato burston, SJonne blod setspranc
laS-bite lices. Lig ealle forswealg,
gsesta jifrost, ]?ara tie j^ser 5u5 foraam
beja folces ; wees hira blsed scacen.
XVII 1 125 GEwiton him Sa wijend wica neosian
freondum befeallen, Frysland jeseon,
hamas ond hea-burh. Hengest t5a jyt
wsel-fajne winter wunode mid Finne
[e]l[ne] unhlitme ; eard jemimde,
1 1 30 J^eah J7e he [ne] meahte on mere drifan
hrinjed-stefnan ; holm storme weol,
won wis winde; winter yj;e beleac
is-jebinde, o\ Sset oj^er com
gear in jeardas, swa nil jyt dSS,
135 J»a Se syngales sele bewitiaS,
wuldor-torhtan weder. Da wses winter scacen,
f^ger foldan bearm ; fundode wrecca,
1118. Grundtvig^^ and Eieger'*^ emend to guS-rec. Skeat supports
this reading by ]. 3144, and Elene 795, rec dstigan, and compares guS-rec
with the compound wsd-fyr in the next line. But there is no necessity for
any change, astdh = ascended (i.e. was placed on ') the pyre. The same

expression is found in O.N. {dffr d bdl stigi, of Balder's funeral). [Cf. Bugge
in Tidsskr. viii. 51.]
1120. for hldwe, 'in front of the mound.' It has been objected that
this would not yet have been raised, and emendations have been suggested.
[Of. Klaeber in Engl. Stud, xxxix. 463.] But no change is necessary.
Bodies vrere frequently burnt at the burial place, beside mounds which
had been previously raised. See Introduction to Beowulf: Archaeology ;
1125. Finn's army breaks up and his warriors return home [cf. Klaeber
in J.E.G.Ph. vi. 193].
neosian. Metre favours neosan, which is the more usual form in Beowulf :
cf. 1. 115 (note), 11. 125, 1786, 1791, etc. [and Sievers, P.B.B. x. 233].
1128-9. The reading in the text is that of KemblCj 3. MS. midfinnel
unhlitme; Heyne, mid Finne [caJJes] «mWi«m« ( = uniteiy ') [cf. Bieger^^ '

and Trautmann '87].

1130. [ne] added by Grundtvig^''. Grein read ne in place of he. Cf.
1. 648.
1134-6. emends ded' to doaif, followed by Sohiicking, who with
Boer {Z.f.d.A. 138] interprets 'as men do at the present day,' alluding
to Hengest's waiting for the return of spring. Much the same meaning is
produced by Sedgefield's emendation, }>dm for J>d: 'until a second year
came to dwellings (i.e. to men) as it (the year) still does come to those who
are continually watching the seasons.' But see Glossary: weotian. That
sele means time ' season ' is pointed out by Cosijn ">.
Beowulf 59

jist of jeardum ; he to gyrn-wrsece

swiSor |]>ohte, )»onne to sse-lade, Fol. 135".

1 140 jif he torn-jemot j^urhteon mihte,

tiEt he Eotena beam inne jemunde.
Swa he ne forwymde worold-rsedenne,
Jjonne him Hunlafing hilde-leoman,
billa selest, on bearm dyde;
1 145 J»ses weeron mid Eotenum ecge cut5e.
Swylce ferhtS-frecan Fin eft bejeat
sweord-bealo sliSen aet his selfes ham,
siJ>San jrimne gripe TuSSlaf end Oslaf
aefter sJe-siSe sorje mtendon,
1 150 setwiton weana dsel; ne meahte waefre mod
forhabban in hrej^re. Da wses heal (h)roden
feonda feorum, swilce Fin slsejen,
cyninj on cor}?re, ond sec cwen numen.

1141. Apparently ^ffitinnemustbetakentogether(=/e... inne), 'inwhioh

he would show his remembrance of the children of the Eotenas (cf. Eock, '

Eng. Sel. Pron., § 102). Sievers [P.B.B. xii. 193] would read }>SBr...inne
where, he knew, the heroes were.' Cf. Holthausen's note.
1142. worold-rssdenne. How does Hengest 'not refuse the way of the
world ? The current explanation has been that it means he died [e.g.

Grein: cf. Heinzel in A.f.d.A. x. 226].

Clark-Hall [M.L.N, xxv. 113] suggests 'he did not run counter to the
way of the world,' i.e. he fell into temptation, and broke his oath to Finn.
[Cf. Klaeber, Christ. Elementen, in Anglia, xxxv. 136.]
Those who suppose that Hengest entered Finn's service with treacherous
intent (Bugge, Earle, etc.) favour the emendation worod-rSdenne (not else-
where found taken as signifying allegiance from weorod, retinue ').
: '
' '

Schticking puts comma after gemunde, and renders stvd... 'in such wise
that,...' i.e., without breaking his allegiance.
1143. hilde-Veoma is probably the name of the sword which Hunlafing
places in Hengest's bosom. See Introduction to Beowulf: Finnsburh.
1150. weana dSl, their manifold woes ' d»/ signifying 'a large part,'

as in Mod. Eng. a deal of trouble.'

[Cf. Kock in Anglia, xxvii. 228.]
ne meahte... hrepre. This is generally interpreted as referring to Finn:
e.g. by Clark-Hall His flickering spirit could not keep its footing in his

breast that is he died.' For wSfre of a spirit about to depart, cf. 1. 2420.
; '

But it is more in accordance with O.E. style that 11. 1150-1 should be
parallel to 11. 1149-50. Hence Bugge [Tidsskr. viii. 295], following
Ettmuller, the spirit (of the attacking party, Guthlaf and Oslaf) could no

longer restrain itself.'

1151. roden, 'reddened,' 'stained by the life-blood of foes,' Bugge
[Tidsskr. viii. 64, 295] MS. hroden covered.' Bugge's emendation

[supported by Sievers, in P.B.B. ix. 139, xxxvi. 407 and Klaeber, in

Anglia, xxviii. 445] is made for metrical reasons (cf. 1. 2916), to prevent
the superfluous double aUiteration in the second half line, and is almost
certainly correct he compares Andreas, 1005, deaS-wang rudon,

1152. feorum, bodies cf. note to 1. 1210.

' :

60 Beowulf
Sceotend Scyldinsa to scypon feredon

115s eal in-jesteald eorS-cyninjes

swylce hie set Finnes ham findan meahton
sigla, searo-jimma. Hie on sie-lade
drihtlice wif to Denum feredon,
Iseddon |t6 leodum.'^-^LeotKwBes asunjen, Fol. 155''.

1 160 gleo-maanes 5yd. Tamen eft a&isih., ''^-^^^''^ ^^^'^^^^"^

beorhtode benc-swej bjrrelas sealdon

; ^-'-y^ h^^-^^j^j ^.

"^in of wunder-fatum. pa cWom Wealh]>eo forS

i-5an under jyldnum- bSage, ]?^r \& jodan twe^en^
'^£eton 8uhter-5effederan ;
)7a gyt wffis hiera sib
setisedere, -Si^^- . ^ , \^,^
1165 'se^hwylc 6Srum try we. Swylce Jjser (H)unierJ; J'yle^
set fotum sast frean Scyldinja; jehwylc hiora his
lerhpe treowde, , , , ' >

]j3et he hsefde mod micel, ]>eah ]?e he his majum

ar-fsest set ecja jelacum. Sprsec Sa ides Scyldinja

"Onfoh jjissum fulle, freo-drihten min,--.-. ^^-^^
1 170 sinces brytta; Jju on sselum wes,-.-A^ tti^ 'f-^'-r-^

gold-wine gnmena, ond to veatum sprsec

mildum wordum, swa sceal man ddnr^^^A-^-^
Beo wi?S lesitas jlsed, geofena jemyndig.-v^^'-^'f^'^
nean bnd feorran yyx. nu hafast. .-w^-:.^ /*•/-( jlu^
1 175 Me man ssBgde, Jjset |)?u 5e for"sunu wolde Fol. 156'.

.. here-ri[re]c habban. Heorot is jefselsod,


1158. M)i/=Hildeburh.
1161. For beorhtian, 'to brighten,' used of sound, of. heaSotorkt, of a
clear loud sound, 1. 2353. Sedgefield reads beorhtmode {beorhtm ' sound').
1163. etc. Note the expanded lines. Cf. 11. 2173 a, 2995.
1164. suhter-gefsederan. See Index of Persons : Hrothulf, Unferth, and
cf. note to 1. 84, ajmm-swerian.
1165. VnfcrJ,:KS.hunferJ>.
1174. We
must either understand (with Holthausen) or read (with
Sedgefield) [^e] Jm nu hafast : ' Be mindful of gifts you have plenty of ;

Ettmiillerj suggested Jm nu IfriSu'] hafast, and the reading /riiftt or
freodo has been widely accepted. But metrically it is unsatisfactory [of.
Sievers in P.B.B. x. 248 but see also xii. 196]. Also the alliteration should

run on n not /.
[See also Bngge^^; Klaeber in J.E.G.Ph. viii. 256-7.]
1176. Kemhle2: M.S. here ric. The omission of the « (written
as a mere stroke above the vowel) is a not uncommon scribal error. Cf.

Beowulf 61

beah-sele beorhta; bruc Jjenden ]>\i mote

manigra medo,, , ond J»inum majum Ijef '

fdc ond rice, j^onne ?Su forS scyle

1 1 80 metod-sceaft sSon. Ic minne can , -

jlsedne Hr6]julT, ^eet he ]>a jeojoBe wile ^-^-/

arum healdan, ^jyf ^u aer Jjonne he, t"- -

'• -
Scildinra, worold oflsetest;-^-'"'^
^t-,v^^_ ^ ^ t •

wene 19, ]>3Bt he mid %bae jyldan wille--^-


1 185 uncran eaferan, jif he ]>set eal jemon, ./ /"/ -

- hwaet wit to willan" "ond to worW-myndum -

umbor-wesendum ser arna jefremedon."/^-- / '-

Hwearf ]ja bl bence, pffir hyre byre WEeron,,— ^' '

HreSric ond HrotJmund, ond hseleba beam, 1

1 190 51050S setgsedere pser se goda sset,;

- ^ - , ^ ',

Be owulf 'leata, be J^aem jebroSrum tw^m. ^

XVIII Him waes furboren, ond freond-labu^^c ,^ '-' .


— -^ wordum bew^jned, ond wundea gold

estum "jeeawed, earm-reade twa, »-''' '"'°

119s' hrsegl ond hrin|^, heals-beaga msest, * Fol. 156".

]7ara ]7e ic on foldan jefraejen hsebbe. -"^ - ;

^aenigne ic under swejle selran hyrde / ''-^- . '

L- hord-madm 'haslej^a, '%y]7i5an Hama setwaeg -<--«--^j-
U. 60, 1510, 1883, 2307. meant, who has been adopted by
Beowulf is
Hrothgar (11. 946 ete.) [of. Klaeber^. The letter should be compared in
which Theodoric the Great adopts a king of the Eruli as his son in arms,
sending him gifts of horses, swords, shields, and other war-trappings, and
instructing him in the duties of his new relationship. [Cassiodorus, Variae
iv. 2.]
1178. medo. Both Thorkelin's transcripts, and B, read medo MS. A :

defective at edge. Editors have usually normaUzed to wMa, but we have

already had a gen. pi. in (see 1. 70). Such gen. pis. are most usually found
in masc. and neut. nouns but cf. para mmra ondswaro in Epist. Alexand.

423 [Anglia, iv. 155]; hyndo in 1. 475 is perhaps also a gen. pi.
1186-7. Holthausen compares Tacitus [Germania, xx.] : sororum filiis
idem apud avunculum qui apud patrem honor and this close tie between the :

maternal uncle and hia sister's sons is of course a feature of many primitive
tribes (see note to 11. 1114-7, above). But Hrothulf is son, not of a sister,
but of the brother Halga, himself a mighty sea-king : he has claims to the
succession which the queen justly fears. See Index of Persons : Hrothulf.
1194. earm-reade: so MS.; Greinj earm-[hyeade. For the occasional
absence of initial ft, especially in the second element of compounds, see
Sieversg § 217, Biilbring § 526.
1198. hord-madm : MS. hard madmum. Almost all editors have emended
to mdSSum [Greini] or matfm [Grundtvig, 1861]. The emendation is here
adopted (though the spelling madm is retained) because (1) a dat. madmum
can only be construed with difficulty, (2) mdSm is metrically superior, and
3) a scribe, having in his original the archaic form maSm or madm, and
62 Beowulf
to pme byrhtan byrig Brosin^a mene,
searo-niSas ileah. '^ ••
I2CX) sijle ond sinc-fset; y-';''< '

Eormenrices, geceas ecne rSed. -- '

' '

pone hrmg hsefde Higelac geata,

'-<' '*- "^ ^-^---<l
nefsi Swertinges, ^
nyhstan siSe, 'T"
/"'-^'^ *-'''-
'siS]?aii he under sejne sine ealgode,-'
1205 wsel-reaf werede; hyne wyrd fot-nam, '
,t tv
svt»?San he for wean ahsode, ^-z ^-.•^"-'
wlenco <•

fsehSe to Frysum. _He_]'a fraetwe wsej,
eorclan-stanas, ^jjfer ySa ful,
" ;

rice 'beoden'; he under rande tecranc.

I2IO '
lenwearf pa in Franena faepm feorh cytimtes,
-^^^ breost-jewsedu ond se beah somod " -'^''-"^ "^^^ ;

wyrsan wig-frecan wsel reafedon^ , ^"-^

^e-t-r-t-^t- ^^-i^-iK^-T.j'-^ ^1'./ O-i' ^'^l^ -'•''

intending to modernize this to maSSwm, might very easUy have miswritten

madmum. [Cf. also Trautmann'*".]
1199. ]>wre, Ettmiillerj MS. here. Apart from difficulties of meaning,

a compound here-heorhtan would be impossible here for the alliteration cf. ;

note to 1. 707.
1200. sine-fset. On the analogy of gold-feet {Phcenix, 302) the meaning
'precious setting' has been proposed [Klaeber, J.E.G.Ph. vi. 194].
fleah, Leo, Grundtvig (1861), Oosijn iP.B.B. viii. 569], Bugge*" MS. :

fecdh. "Fleah gives an easier construction and is confirmed by the fact that,
according to the saga, Hama in reality fled from the enmity of Eormenric.'"

The emendation is accepted by recent editors. See Index of Persom Hama. :

1201. Two explanations of 'he chose the eternal counsel, welfare' have
been suggested. (1) 'He went into the cloister,' as Hama does in the
Thidreks saga. This, it is objected, is hardly a likely interpretation in so
early a poem as Beowulf. The retirement of the hero to a monastery seems
indeed to be a motive found most frequently in French Bomance. Yet, since
we know of early Anglo-Saxon chiefs, e.g. King Ethelred of Mercia and
Eadberht of Northumbria, who did end their days in the cloister, it may
have been a motive also in O.E. poetry. (2) The meaning 'he died' ia
suggested: similar euphemisms for death are common. Bngge^" and Elaeber
IChriat. Elementen, in Anglia, xxxv. 456] combine both meanings: 'he
went into the monastery, and there ended piously.'
But in 1. 1760, and in Exodus, 515, the phrase ece reedas seems rather to
mean counsel such as will lead to eternal benefit,' without any connotation

of either the monastery or the grave. Professor Priebsch suggests to me

that the pious ecne rod, ece rmdas has in both places in Beowulf been sub-
stituted by a monkish copyist for some other phrase. This seems very possible.
1206. wean dhsode, 'he went in search of trouble.' [Cf. Elaeber in
M.L.N, xvi. 30.]
1210. feorh, 'the body' : of. 1. 1152. That Hygelac's body passed into
the posseBsion of his foes is confirmed by the fact that his bones were shown,
much later, near the mouth of the Bhine, presumably in the neighbourhood
of this last fight. There seems no necessity to alter, with Sievers, to feoh
[P.B.B. ix. 139 ; cf. Bugge'»].
1212. reafedon, Ettmiillerj: MS. reafeden; the pi. indie, in en does
occur in O.E. dialects, but so rarely as to make it probable that here it is
only the late scribe's error.

Beowulf 63

'T' sefter tuS-sceare: leata leode-^^^^^/*-;?*'^'?-'*^ ^ ''-^

/ hrea-wic heoldon. Heal swege ontenj. a.<>-v.^') r^^-n4^-

121 5 WealhtSeo ma]?elode, heo fore J?Eem werede sprsec: ^"t*-
"Bruc tSisses beajes, Beowulf leofa, ^ .:,^.c..^zjz^
byse, mid Keele, |ond Jjisses hrsegles neot, Pol. 137'.
]7eo[(i]-5estreona, ona jefeoh tela;'--^'^
^^'^ cen ]7ec mid crsefte, ond pyssum cnyhtum wes
I220 lara litSe ; ic ]?e )?aes lean jeman. 9 /^^-.^.y^^..^.^-^
HafastJ?u ^eiered, JjsetW^feor ond neah
'"eafne wide-ferh]?^ weras ehtigaSji^-^-^-'-^*^**"- «^^^
efne swa 'side '
swa sae bebugetS >-*=.*^.^i-^<»

windjeard, weallas; Wes,"]?enden ]7u lifije.-y^ -*'*^

1225 sej^elinj eadij; ic \q an tela>!^Ti-^/->-'>^-^-*-^^

sinc-jestreona. Beo ]7ii suna minum <• -»<y «-rM-=-)

dsedum jedefe, dream healdende.?^ cyhM^-JJj^y

^^^^ irtto^.
Her is jejhwylc eorl oj^rum jetry we, ^ < ^^

•f 'medes milde, man-drihtne hol[d] j^w ;

1230 J^ejnas syndon* xej'w^re, ]7eod eal jearo, '


drqnciicr'di^ht-juman, doS swa ic bidde.". a^ 3 '^

Eode \&. to setle. pser wses symbla cyst, ^*--V-^/ --^:^

druncon win weras; wyrd ne cu]7on, -^^i^.*-^—

jeo-sceaft jrimme, swa hit aganjen wearS
^.^.iy^^ /*^ - "*•

1213. guS-sceare. On the analogy of inwitseear (1. 2478) it seems that

the 'cutting' or 'shearing' implied by scear is that of the sword of the foe,
not the metaphorical dividing of Fate. Translate then 'after the carnage'
rather than [with Barle, Clark-Hall] 'by the fortune of war.'
1214. Cosijtf' would read Halsbege onfeng WealhSeo maJ>elode, 'Wealh-
theow took the necklet and spake he objects that noise is out of place
' :

here we should expect silence for the speech of Wealhtheow (cf. 11. 1698-9).

1218. /eo[i], Grundtvig^, KemblCj : MS. Jieo ge streona.

1223. MS. side corrected from wide.
1224. windgeard, weallag MS. wind geard weallas. The suggestion of

Kemble,, windge eardweallas, has been very generally adopted,'and is still

retained by Sedgefield. But such an instance of the alliteration being borne
by the second element in a compound seems unprecedented. [Cf. Krackow
in Archiv, cxi. 171.] So it is best either, with Schiicking and Holthausens,
to retain the MS. reading, interpreting ' the home of the winds, the cliSs
(cf. I.229), or to emend with Holthauseni_ 2 > following Ettmuller^, windge
weallas, on the analogy of 1. 572.
1225. Most recent editors put a comma after esjieling, making it a
vocative. It seems to me that such breaks in the half-line are to be avoided
wherever possible. Cf. 11. 130, 2188, 2342. But see Klaeber*".
1229. holld], Thorkelin, Kemblcx MS. hoi. :

1234. geo-sceaft seems to be written for geaaceaft 'gsesceaft, another form =

of geseeaft, 'that which is shaped, creation, fate.' [Cf. Eluge in P.B.B. viii.
64 Beowulf .

1235 eorla manejum. Sy]75an Sfen Cwom,

ond him Hrofjar jewat to hofe slnum,^^^ »*^^
^"rice to raeste, reced weardode r*—-*^"-' -=^ ^U^jl,
'^'-"'"^ swa hie dydon.^
nnimx eorla, oft ser

Benc-J>eiu heredon ; hit jeond-brseded wearS

Beor-scealca"^m •*-«*• <^*'^*^'^-^
1240 beddum,ond bolstrum.
fus ond feeje flet-rseste gelbeaj. • -'^ i^ ^-^Pol. lg7^

Setton him to heaMon hilde-randas, -•'HaL'-^-^-J

bo'rd-wudu beorhtan ; J^ser on bence wses -'**^ -^-"^

ofer sej^elinge yj^-jesene
1245 hea]?o-steapa helmf/- hrinjed byrne, ^-^^^f-*^
}>rec-'wudu )?rymlic. Wses J^eaw hyra, ^-c^^ <^^^ (u^-^fjM^

|78et hie oft wSron anwij-gearwe .>=t-M>-<<y„ /t^ -«-^

je set ham ge on herge, ge jehwsej^er ykx&fy i-^-cc-*—
' efhe swylce mSla, '
swylce hira man-dry htne ,A^-^
1250 ^earf jesfelde; wses seo J^eod tilu.^^'-rA-s^x-i-^^
XIX Sijon )?a to slsepe. Sum sare angeald-^^-'^^^**-^
^^ Eefen-raeste, swa him ful oft gelamp^i^ ^-^a^^^.^
siJ^San jold-sele 7rendel warode,
-i. iLU.
yjjfj^^- gefnde, o]? J^set ende becwom,
125s swyit sefter synnum.. ]?set jesyne wear]?,-

'^'-'^-''^^id-cuj' werum, Jjsette wrecend )7a jyt

lifde sefter laj?um, lanje Jjrage--' '^^ '^^'^

sefter giiS-cearej trendies modor,

ides, aglsec-wif, yrmj»e jemunde,-^"""'*''^''^'^ ^""^"''^
1260 s§ }»e wseter-egesan wunian scolde, j-r,,„^

533.] This co for ea may be Anglian yet it ia also possible that geo is

correct as the first element : ' fate ordained of old.'

jrimme, Ettmiillerg : MS. ^nwme.
1242. heafdon : on for um in dat. pi. Cf. 1. 1154, and note to 1. 900.
1247. The older edd. followed the MS., an wig gearwe : but a/nwig-gearwe,
' prepared for single combat,' or arJidlwig-gearwe, ' prepared for attack,' in-
volve the alliteration running on the vowel instead of on the w of wig, and so
make it easier to scan />mt hie oft wmron. [But cf. Elaeber'^^ and Schiicking.]
1250. The manners depicted are those of Tacitus' Germania [of.
especially cap. xxii,].
1253. warode : MS., as well as Thorkeliu's transcripts, and B ; " the A
parchment under wa is rather thin, and besides there is a blot on the two
letters " (Zupitza). Hence the word has several times been misread farode.
1257. lange prage. The ' higher critics point out that there is a dis-

crepancy between this ' long time and the shortness of the time which does,

in fact, elapse before Grendel's mother executes her vengeance.

1260. se might here refer to Grendel: but there is no reason for so
interpreting it, since below (11. 1392, 1394, 1497) the masc. pronoun is jised of
Beowulf 65

cealde streamas, siJjSan Gkin wearS

to ecj-banan r'- anjan' brej^er, -

fsederen-mEese ; he j^a' faj gewat,^'':
"/ morpre jemearcod, |man-dream fl^orii Fol.^l58».

1265 westen warode. panon woe fela '-^-^^ .- •,

/' *
jeo-sceaft-jasta j waes )>8era -rrendel sum,-" ' '

heoro-wearh hetelic, ^'

se set Heopte fand
wseccendrie wer wijes bidan. -
"'- -- '

p«er him'^ajlEeca ' setjraepe wearSS; ,'""•-" ;? ' -^

1270 WsejJre lie gemundie "'^maegenes sti-enge,-^- - M'-"--^ -

jim-fseste gife, ?Se him 7od sealde,

ona him to Anwaloan are gelyfde, '^"-^-^'^ ^i-.-w^^;

ffolre' ond luttum /Sy he ]?one feond ofercwom,

gehnsejde helle-gast. pa he^ bean gewat, fd'iJXji/'

1275 dreame DecfMed, dea]?-wic s6on, ^-'-^"^^^--^cv-^ ^^
man-cynnes feond. Oad his modor )>a gyt
gifreond galg-iu'od gegan wolde
" '"'—
sorh-lulne siS, sunu dead" wrecan 7^ »^<i^ •^''- : -t--'-.

com ba to Heorotej Sser Hring-Dene

1280 geond pset saeld swsetun. pa Sser sona wearS
ed-hwyrft eorlum, ' sijjfen inne fealh a^^. C^.)
irendles modor. Wses se gryre ISssa
efne swa micteT" swa biS msegj^a crseft,/' 7 - -

wig-gryre wires, be wsepned-men, - ^-J ^^ -^-., -

1285 ]7onne heoru bunden, hamere gejj^'wen

Grendel's mother and even should we, with Thorpe, Greinj and Holt-

hausen, emend to Jte[o], 8e[o], there remain passages like 1. 1379, where
Grendel's mother is called fela-sinnigne secg. The poet is inconsistent,
thinking sometimes of the female sez, sometimes of the daemonic power, of
the monster. Ten Brink"'."'' saw in this confusion traces of an earlier
version in which Beowulf fought under the water with two monsters, one
female, and one male— Grendel's mother and Grendel.
1261. Cain, Grnndtvig''*', Kemblej, etc.: MS. camp.
1266. See note to 1. 1234.
1271. EemblC;,, etc., gin-feeste an unnecessary emendation. For the

change of n to m before labials,

hlimbed, 1. 8034, and see SieverSj § 188.
1278. sunudeaff'.aS.sunufieod. Ettmuller^ conjectured sutuc (i«ad* ; drndT,
written deolf by a Northern scribe, might easily be confused with ffeod ; probably
the mistake originally arose through the wrong d being crossed by a scribe.
Gen. sunu for W.S. suna is also Northern, of. 1. 344.
1280. sona. Holthausen reads sdlc]na, ' a recurrence of attacks.'
1285. gejmien, Greini MS. gejmren. This isolated past part., meaning

apparently 'pressed,' 'compact,' occurs in Boethius, Metra, xx. 134. Metre

demands its restoration here, and in Riddles, Ixxxix. [xci.] 1, though the MS.
has hamere, hamere, gejmren. [Cf. Sievers in P.B.B. ix. 282, 294 ; x. 458.]

B. 5
66 Beowulf

sweord swate fkh, swin ofer helme

^"^ 'ecluiiildyhtis andweard scireS. Pol. 158".

©a wses on healle heard-ec's togen M^^-^

sweord ofer setlum, manij ^'»-' -'-'^i^'^
1290' hafen handa faest; helm ne jemuade, ^^'^^'^^J^^
\& hine se bro^ an5eat.^-^^
^byrnan side,
^ ^-'- Heo wses on ofste, wolde ut ]janon
.,,:cs,'^feore beorjan, T \h heo onfunden was i'>o!i«^ ,*<^»-e-r7-=-u/ ;

hratSe heo sej^elinja anne hsefde
129s fseste befanjen ;
})a heo to renne ganj.
'>^Se wses Hro)?5are h8Ble]>a leofost '*^«-'^-^ | '^<*^««-
"^^ on jesiSes tao^ be ssem tweonum,-i<-^Ci-'j-<^ y^o*^
i*^^^ rice rand-wija, ,
]?one Se heo on raeste abreatj-^^^y^)
blsed-fsestne beorn. Najs Beowulf Sser,

jeteohhod '^-^-p-^---^
1300 ac wses oj^er in 7^, ser
seffcer ma>tSum-tife' mserum 'jeate. -* ^Sa. g^-'-^

Hream wearS in Heprote ; heo under heolire genam

""^^ cujie folme ; cearu waes jeniwod, yi^-^^-t^-v-t-^
Ne jewrixle "-^^^^^^
jewdrden in'wicun.* wses J^set til,

1305 )?aet hie on ba healfa bicgan scoldonJ'^'' ?f ^^

freonda feorura. pa wses frod cyning,
bar hude-rinc, on hreon Imode, Fol. 159».

sy?5)7an he aldor-j^egn unlyfijendne, Mf'-^'^^

jjone deorestan deadne wisse. --^—-'-'v- „«u^l.^
1310 Hra])e wses to btire Beowulf fetodj-'-^-fj^
sijor-eadij secj;^ samod ser-dsege -^ij^ i^'V
eode' eorla sum, sej^ele cempa ^«^- .-i^/^

A self mid jesiSum, )7ser se snotera bad,-*-'^**^^^,^'-''''-*'^

/'^^ „, '
•''' hwsejjre him AZ-walda sefre wille >

1290-1. We must understand any one as subject to gemunde.


J>e hine, whom,' for /a hine, was suggested by Grein, (followed by Heyne,

Sweet, etc.) and is ingeniouB but not necessary. [Cf. Fogatscher, Unautge-
drUcktes SuJgekt im Altenglischen, Anglia, xxiii. 296.]
1302. under heolfre, 'amid the gore,' 'blood-stained.'
1304-6. '
The exchange wag not a good one which they had to buy, to
pay for, with the lives of their friends.' A typical description of a blood-
feud, where, as in the Icelandic sagas, the lives on each side are set off, one
against the other. On bd healfa, not, as often taken, the Danes and the
Geatas, but the monster brood on the one side, and the Danes and Geatas
on the other.
1314. Alwealda, Thorkelin ; Al-walda, Thorpe : MS. alf walda. Cf.
U. 316, 955.
wille. For the tense wiJie, not wolde, Elaeber^^" compares 11. 381, 1928, 2495.
: ^ '

Beowulf 67

131S aefter wea-sgelle^ Vyp® Sefremman.

7an5 ?5a sefter flore fyrd-wyrSe maii_ ^./. :

mid his hanct-lcale — heal-wudu dynede —

pset he tone wisan wordum nsetde f-^^j^^-

frean In5wina, frsesn ^if him wsere

1320 sefter neofi^latJu niht getsese. <;-»-«/•''";' '^''~

XX HroS^ar^maJjelode, ^ hetm Scyldinja

"Ne frin ]>u sefter SEemm;' sorjf^^s jeniwod -^ --^"^^

Denigea leodum. Dead is ^schere,

Yrmenlafes yldra brobor,
1325 min run-wita ond min rsed-bora, c-<T.^^^^-ci^^
eaxl-jestealla, Sonne w§ on orlege -^"-^-^
"* ''
hareIan"were,3on, j^onne hniton fe)7an^.y--'^^<-''^^^^
' '*'"
'^weras cnysedan. |Swy[lcJscolde eorl wesan, Fol. 159".
Xsepelin^ ^jod, swylc iEschere wses. t
1330 WearS'nim on Heorote to hand-banan / " -""'^^^-^
wsel-jsest wselre; ic ne wat nwaeaer -- ' '^^ *--

1317. Someeditors alter to the noimal form hand-scole, of. 1. 1963.

There is no other certain instance of the spelling scale {sceal=icolu in the
Lament of the Fallen Angels, 268, is doubtful). The interchange of a and o
is, however, not unprecedented [of. parallels quoted by Klnge in Kuhn's
Z.f.v.S. xxvi. 101, note: rador and rodor, etc.].
1318. ntegde, Grein : Thorkelin's transcripts A and B, hntegde ; now de
gone. The A is a mere parasitic prefix. Wordum rmgan (riegan) oceurs in
Blene, 287, 559; Exodus, 28, ete.
1320. neod-laffu. Sweet, tieod-laS^e, Bttmullerj, etc., Holthausen, tieod-
laSu[m] ; but see Sieversj § 253, N. 2. Since word-laSu {Crist, 664 ; Andreas,
6BS)=::not 'invitation,' but 'eloquence,' and freoruHaSii above (1. 1192) would
be better suited by 'friendship' than 'friendly invitation,' it seems possible
that neod-laffu here='desire ' (neod), rather than pressing invitation (neod=
' '

nied, 'necessity'). [Of. Klaeber in Archiv, oxv. 179.]

1328. swyllc], Thorkelin's emendation MS. defective at corner. Thorke-

lin's transcripts A
and B, swy scolde.
1329. No gap in MS. Grundtvig's emendation [1861, cedeling}.
1331. wsel-gSst. See note to 1. 102.
hwsideT : MS. hicmjier. Ten Brink'* [ef. Mbller, V.E., 136] saw in hwmj>er,
' which of the two,' a confirmation
of his view that there had been a version
representing Beowulf fighting under the water with both Grendel and his
mother, and that what Hrothgar here states is that he does not know which of
the two is the assailant [of. Schuckingi]. But unless we are prepared, vrith
ten Brink, to regard 11. 1330-1 as an isolated fragment of such a version, out
of harmony with its present context, we must read not ' I know not which
but ' whither ' : since it appears from the context that Hrothgar has no doubt
as to the personality of the assailant, but does not know her exact retreat (cf.
U. 1333, 1339).
We may therefore (1) retain hwseper, attributing to it the meaning of
hwider [Heyne,, Holthausen], for which no precedent can be found ; (2) emend
to hwwder, a form of hwider, of which examples are elsewhere found, see
Bosworth-Toller [GreiUj, Heyncj, Cosiin^^"^, Sedgefield, Sohiiekiugg, etc.];
or (3) emend to hwider [Sweeti, Greiu-Wiilker, etc.]. The via media (2)
seems preferable.
• :

68 Beowulf
'>-<-' jjLMLA,„>-a .*-^;>^-ua_
atol aese wlanc eft-siSas teah,
fylle jefrSjnod. Heo )?a fsehSe wraec, -m^-<->>!^ .-z^ ^k*-^

y% Jju gystraii niht Trendel cwealdest .it^«-y

'335 J'urh hsestne had heardum clammum, ^^-i-cx- ^i<-a, ^^-'^*^

, . forjjanhe to lanje leodfe mine

'^'^'"^/;y'' wanode ond wyrde. He set wije ^ecranj^-"^^-'
ealdres scyldig, ond nu oj^er cwom '^-^^^"-'^
mihti^ man-scaSa, wolde hyre m^j wrecan/-^K"^<!^''"
134° S? f^*"^ hafaS fsehtSe jestseled, >,/V/^d.«a. i<,*^

t-^^^>'T Jjaes ]>e J^inceanmBej " ^jneTaonejum,

se J>e aefter sinc-jyfah on sefan 5100 te)?, -•-'''''t?*^ ^^mIL"
-i^ 7^
hre]7er-healo hearde ; nu seo hand lijetS, ;Ur, -c^t ^d*^ 1!^
se ^e eow wel-^^^cra ^wilna dohte. a--"^*^^ •;>—
't<-- *^i345 Ic baet 1^3-6uend, leode mine, ?r^v^ ^y.^.^tiy^^

sele-raedende, secjan hyrde,-

bset hie tesawon swylce tweien-^^^-*-^^
micle mearc-stapan moras healdan,^'^'''"^ ^^^^-^r^
ellorTXaestas ; "^Ssera QSer wses, / -'^ ^-^^ "-^^*^--
1350 ]78es J?e hie jewislicost ^gewitan meahton/^ '

idese oulicnes; oSer earm-sceapen ''^'^^^^^*^

on weres wsestmum wrsec-lastas trasd, Pol. 160\

' nseme he waes mara >onne aenit man oSer,
pone on jearj^dajum Trendel nemdore (-^iu)

fold-Wende: no hie faeder cunnon, --.-o-- ,'^^^'

135s ' ,

hw8e]?er him eenij wses ^r acenned f^^--^

^^^A^-y- dyrnra tasta. Hie 'dyxeT^nd'?"'

wanteaS, wtili-hleopu, windiie nsessas,,

frecne fen-jelad, Sier fyrjen-stream ^
1360 under nsessa jenipu nij^er gewiteS, oj,,^ hm^ .

1333. The emendation of Eemblej, geJSgnod, 'made glad,' has been
widely accepted: fylle would be tromfyllo, 'feast,' rather than /«JZ, 'fall,'
'death' [of .Esohere]: cf. 11. 562, 1014.
1342. sinc-gyfa should signify 'a ruling (not neoessarily independent)
chief: iEschere may have been, like Wulfgar, a tributary prince. Or
perhaps, with Holthausen, we can take the word as a fem. abstract noun
' after the giving of treasure ' by Hrothgar joyful occasions when the absence

of ^schere would be remembered.

1344. Ettmiillera, etc., geo fie but cf. 11. 1887, 2685.

1351. onllcnes, Kemble,: MS. onlic nses; Sweet, onlic, wses...; Holt-
hausen, following Grundtvig [^ but cf. his edit, of 1861], omits nses.
1334. MS. defective ; Thorkelin's transcripts A and B, nemdod ; Eemblci,
nemlnodon] Kemblcg nemldon].
; ,
howulf 69

fled under foldan. Nis )>aet feor heonon

{*- -•'Vvttf

mil-temearces, bset se mere stanaeo,-'*^-^

ofer psem honiiaa nrinde bearwas,-'^-'^'*''^

wudu wyrtunifest waeter oferhelmaS. i^^^'i^*'^-'^*' -<2:^ ^-^s;:^

1365 pser msej nihta jenwaem niS-wundor seon,

fyr'on flode. No J^ses frod leofaS -^^^^^^ "-****'

5umena b^rna, ]7SBt bone grund wite. ^^^^ ^-riz?i^ AM-nAr>J

Deah ]7e hseS-stapa nundum jeswenced,'^'-^^--'-^ ^ '^''^''-*^-**-^
heorot Hornum trum, holt- wudu sece, '^^^-^ ^^^-
^--^^^ -^1^1'-/-
1370 fieorran jeflymed, ser he feorh seletS, ^--v^ ^-^ jm-.^:^^
aldor on ofre, ser he in wille, '-<- ' -/-^ .^^-^^-^ a^Ujl. <^rfCc^-i->-

h'afelan \hy6Mn\. Nis l^aet heoru stow;>?-";->«.-2i^7.^^'^^

J?onon"yS-^e6lond up astijeS --^^^'^ "V^
won to woTcnum, l^onne wind styre]? ^"-^^>-*-

1375^ latS rewidru, "o5 Sset lyfb drysraab,?-^'*^ /^''"''''^^ ,ul.,^,^jl_

roderas reotaJS. Nu is se rsed lelant

eft aet |pe an,um. aard tit ne const, Fol. 160".

irecne stbwe, tSajr pu findan miht-j^'v^-^'-'^ h^--^

(lela)-sinnisnfi secg ; sec 511 pu dyrre. -^ y-- ^t^"^^^

1380 Ic )?e'^a HehiSe 'feo leanije.z-vi-.-^'-t^'^ -'^-^- '»-*-^-y

^, ,fc,<--u.oA eald-jestreonum, swa ic ser dyde/-' '

^^_3^jjt^'"wundini jolde, ^yf ]7u on we5 cynaest."

1362. standejf, Thorkelin's correction : MS. itanSeS.

1363. Many unsuccessful attempts were made to explain hrinde till
Morris, editing the Blickling Homilies, found there, in a passage (p. 209)
which he supposed to be imitated from these lines in Beowulf, the expression
hrindge bearwas, ' trees covered with frost.' The restoration of hrimige in
the text here was generally accepted.
But the English Dialect Dictionary drew attention to the fact that the
word rind, meaning ' hoar-frost,' was still current in the North of England;
hrinde is then presumably correct, and is a shortened form of *hrindede,
meaning 'covered with frost,' as was pointed out independently by
Mrs Wright [Engl. Stud. xxx. 841] and by Skeat. Hrinde would be con-
nected with hrim, 'hoar-frost,' as sund with swimman: a new example for
the transition from md to nd [of. Holthausen in I.F. xiv. 339].
1372. hydan, supplied by Eemblcj. No gap in MS., but a mark like
a colon shows that the scribe realized that something had been omitted.
1379. MS. fela tinnigne : fela is best omitted, as otherwise it should
take the alliteration.
1380. fee, instrumental.
1382. It is strange that whilst recent editors frequently restore into the
text ancient forms which the later scribes refused to admit, yet here, when
the scribe, by a curious oversight, seems to have copied the early 8th century
form immdini, ' with twisted gold,' most editors refuse to accept it, and
modernize to wundnum.
Wundini is instrumental, parallel to binumini and similar forms in the
70 Beowulf

XXI Beowulf ma)?elode, beam E^|«owesi. ^^^

-^"-^ ^ <i
Ne'^sorga, snotor juma Jeke'biS ^£waBm,

1385 J>aet he his freond wrece, i^onne he fela mmfna "j^l. .

tJre'ffithwvlc sceal ende rebidan-^^-o-;^

? worolde lifes ; wyrce se pe mote
domes Sr deajje; J^aet biS driht-juman -^y4-2«-*^

':/-^^^"^-*'"-''-^ ^"'^
unlifjendup sefter selest.

1390 weard;
Aris, rices utbn hraj^e feran 9^ -f^^';-"-*^

Trendies matan tanr sceawijan. ^ -"^^ '^^^ .'-n..-^«.

f S'-^T"

Ic hit be tehate: ^no be on helm losap,..*.-<^V^

ne on foldan fsebm, ne on fyrjen-holt, y^^u^.^r-u.'^J-f.u^ -u-'flr-

^e on ryfeties grund, 5a pser he wille.

1395 Dys dofor M
xeWld hafa •^^•-^^ /fo^'-'^-^^
^ weana gehwylces, swa ic pe wene to.

Z-*/^ "Shleop g^melaT^^ode }>ancode,

t5a se
mihtisan Drihtne, j^ses se man gelspraec. Fol. I6I'.

pa waes HroStare hors tebSted, -f^^^n-Cii^

1400 wicj^wunden-ieax ; wisa fenjel p-i^.'^-<'^ (^-^^.^.^^

jeatolic jende; jum-fej^a stop

WV« "y ^Uf^i^'' /LC^rf% yi^O^^ jvXX^
early Glosies. [Of. Sievers, Der ags. Instrumental, in P.B.B.
viii. 324, etc.]
That a 10th or 11th century soribe.shonld have written an 8th century form
here is strange, but that be did so must be clear to anyone who will look at
the MS. : the d is now covered, but the next letters are either mi or ini, certainly
not um. (This was noted by Zupitza, and before him by Holder ; Thorkelin's
transcript A has rundmi ; B, wundini.) The scribe in any case would hardly
have copied the old form except through momentary inadvertence. But
surely to suppose, with Bugge'*, that he wrote this mi or ini by error for
num is less reasonable than to suppose that he wrote it because ini (oft»i not
distinguishable from mi) was in the MS. which he was copying.
In that case Beowulf must have been already written down in the 8th
century and our MS. must be derived (no doubt with many intermediate
stages) from this early MS. In any case it is surely no duty of an editor
to remove from the text an interesting old form, from which important
conclusions can possibly be drawn.
1390. Sweet, raj>e, for the sake of the alliteration; but see Sievers,
§ 217, N. 1.
1391. gang : the second g has been added above the line in the MS.
1392. See note to 1. 1260, above.
helm can mean 'protection,' 'refuge,' 'covering' [cf. Schroer in AngUa,
xiii. 335], but is in that case usually followed by a gen., as in helm Scyldinga,
etc. Hence the old emendation holm, 'sea,' is defended by Cosijn". An
example of helm without the gen. dependent on it appears in one of the
Hymns [Greini,ii. 294; Grein-Wiilker, ii. 280] hehne gedygled.
1395. Heyne, ffys dogor, ace. of duration ; so also Schiicking. But it
seems better to read Sys dogor, 'on this day' (instrumental). [See Sievers.
§ 289, and P.B.B. x. 312.]
1401. gende. Ettmiillerj emended to gen[g]de, and has been followed
by the editors. The emendation is probably correct (cf. I. 1412), but gende

Beowulf 71

lind-htebbendra. Lastas w^ron -t-t-<^A.

setter wald-swapum wide tesyne, _
5an5 ofer jnindas ;
[/jew Aeo] jejnum tor

1405 ofer myrcan mbr, majo-j^esna baer VTt-<-<- ^ -e^GX/i-

]>one selestan. sawol-leasne, '-^n^- i5i—
^j^]7ara ]>e mid HroSjare ham eahtode. / <^^ -

" Ofereode \& sej^elinja beam -<»—«< ^ -^^r^^^i-u.

steap stan-hliSo, stige nearwe,
1410 enje aa-paSa^ uncuSS jelad,-"-
^"^^^ neowle naessas, nicor-husa fela ; ry^'^'-^i^ -

he feara sum beforan jenjde .^-t-'—

wisra monna wont sceawian, ^ i-i:«-w- ZSj- (j^-**-*—

oj? ]>set he fseringa / fyr5en-beamas ^^^— -

141 5 ofer name stan hleoniiaii funde,
»V wyn-lgasne wudu ; wseter under stod
y~ '
dreorig ond jedrefed. Denum eallum waes, ,

' '
winum Scyldinja, weorce on mode '^^''^^^^ "^^ '^^'^

to gejdKlnne, Se5ne mone5um,x&^^>-^-^-y ^ "ZCU^-^-

1420 '"loflcyCS^orla'jei'twsemT^ sySjjan .Coheres

on )7am ^otm-cISe '

liafetaa metton. -^^^

Flod blode wlor' — folc to SEejon t^r.^^ r^
-^-"^ [hataS Keolfre. Horn"stundum sonj-/"^ Fol. l6^^

"^fiislic f[yrid]-leo3. Fe)»k eal jesset /v*-^ "-^ " »v^


1425 jesawon Sa aefter wsetere wyrm-cynnes fela,

is retained in the text, as it is a conceivable Kentish form [cf. Sievers, § 215,

N. 1].
1404. \}>wt heo] was suggested by Sievers [P.B.B. ix. 140] to supply the
metrical deficiency. It has been generally adopted. [Other possible stop-
gaps are enumerated by Elaeber, J.B.G.Ph. vi. 195.]
1405-6. mago-pegna... pone selestan: ^schere.
1408. iearn presumably refers to Hrothgar or Beowulf. Yet it may be
pi. for sg. verb with pi. noun, Klaeber'*' compares 11. 904, 2164, 2718.

Some classical parallels for the scenery of the episode of Gxendel's mother
are discussed by Cook (M.L.N. xvii. 418).
1410. This line occurs also in Exodus, 58.
1414. fsiringa. As with semninga (1. 644, q.v.) the meaning must not
be pressed.
1418. winum Scyldinga. The expression is more usual in the sg., re-
ferring to the king alone (11. 30, 148, 170, etc.), but that it can also be used
of the more distinguished retainers seems to follow from 1. 2567. See also
note to 1. 1342 [and cf. Klaeber in J.E.G.Ph. vi. 195].
1423. katan. Cf. 1. 849.
1424. MS. defective at edge. Thorkelin's transcript B gives/...; /[yrd]-
is an emendation of Bonterwek [1859 : Z.f.d.A., xi. 92].

72 Beowulf
sellice see-dracan, sund cunnian,
swylce on'naes-hleoSurii nicras \ic^ea,^l,^>vL^y(tt^ ^^-^
on undern-mJel
SSa oft bewiti5a?S -^tAJ^-^-^
J sorh-fulne siS on sejl-rade, ^^^^-^^ - ^->.«-j—
^•,i.** V '43° wyrmas ond wil-deor hie on wej hiUTon ;
^^(j^ ^'^ ^
f jV bitere ond jeboljne, ^
bearhtm onjeaton, .ssu^^ £i.u- «.

.^ juS-horn^galan: Sumne veata leod f- ^-^^ ^ a*i, j-=.

.''Yk x^?-^
f/' V of flan-bojan feores jetw^de,-" -'*'^ 7
-^ yS-jewinnes, him on atore stod

1435 here-strael hearda; he on holme wses <&'«-'-*-

yt'-u^ <hi^ry^
sundes j^e'ssenra, tSe hyne swylt fornam. .-<6t-*^z2L "^f^^

Hr8e)?e wearts on ySum mid eofer-spreotum -^rn^ ^;**"

beoro-hocyhjtum ~-hearde jenearwod, :^ ';*>'*—^^^
-^%/^^/ -"^ ''^nitSa jenaesed ond on nass togen, --/'-^•'''^ -^ ^*^ ^-^
1440 iTun(Jorlic wsej-tiora ; weras seeawedon Vi-^ts-d ct^-'

jryrelicne jist. 7yrede hine Beowulf

-^'^^ borl-jew^um, nalles for ealdre mearn ;^^<^^/'-''^
^^w ^.-^'- scolde here-byrne hondum tebroden,-' - - '^ >*-*-«•*<

sid ond searo-iah, sund cunnian,/^ -t*^ ctt<-^

1445 seo Se ban-cofan beorjan cupe,--'^-^'^

]78et him hilde-jrap hre)?re ne mihte,--*-'"^**">*-**


ai-' eo'rres inwit-feng' aldre 5esce)>San ;- ,
''^ ^^
ac se hwita helm |hafelan werede, fi-'^***-^ Foi. 169».

mere-jrundas menjan scolde,--^-^**^

se }ie

1426. The syllable lie in words like »eViie is probably sometimes long,
sometimes short. Metrical considerations make it likely that it is here
short. Cf. 11. 232, 641 [and Sievers in F.B.B. x. 504 ; xxix. 568].
1428. It seems more reasonable to suppose that the nickers 'look after,'
or ' undertake,' journeys of their own fraught with trouble, than that they
' look at those of others. See Glossary (be)weoti(m.
' :

1439. gerweged : Sweet, gelhyiMged. But see 1. 2206.

1440. wSg-bora kas been variously interpreted : ' bearer of the waves
[Grain, etc.], 'wave tosser' [cf. Holthausen in Anglia, Beiblatt xiv. 49],
'traveller through the waves' [Cosijni"; also in M.L.N, ii. 7, 1887], 'o£E-
spring of the waves' [von Grienberger, F.B.B. xxxvi. 99 : cf. Sievers in P.B.B.
xxxvi. 431], or piercer of the waves,' from borian, ' to bore ' [an old inter-

pretation adopted recently by Sedgefieldj : but cf. Sievers, Anglia, xiv. 135].
The emendation wSg-fara, 'the wave-farer,' has been suggested [Traut-
mann, followed by Holthauseni_ J : wSg-fara is not recorded, but wmg-faru
is. The word t»%-deor, tentatively suggested by Elaeber [Engl. Stud, xxxix.
463], occurs in Crist, 988.
1447. eorres. Non-W.S. form, corresponding to W.S. ierres, yrres.
1449. mengan may possibly mean 'piingle with, visit,' as usually inter-
preted but mingle together, stir up seems a more likely rendering, in view

of the common use of gemenged = ' disturbed ' (cf. 11. 848, 1593). [Gf. Klaeber
in M.L.N. xvi. 16.]
Beowulf 73

1450 secan sund-jebland since jeweorSad, "--^-"'-'*''-'*-*' ^^'^^ ' *

"^befonsen frea-wrasnum, swa hine fyrn-dajuin.

worhte w^pna smiS, wundrum teode, ^ryiM^^
besette swiii-licum, j'set hine syS^an iio
brond ne' Seado-mecas bitan ne raeahton. '

-t^ --'.j
Nses ]?6nne mStost maBSen-fultuma,^^^'^:^^


him on ^Searfe lah

Hrunting tiama;
Syle HroSjares ; ^-.-^-^^^ Au^-^^'^f^ ^ _

''wsBS J>^m haeft-mece

]?aet wses an foran eald-jestreona;^ '^^'<^^*»*'^*»
"ecf%^ffis iren, ater-tanum fah,-«^^^;^--<' ---^
/.-^^-* ^i^
1460 ahyrded heaj^o-swate ; nsefre hit aet hiide ne swac m-^-'^^-^-^

"-"^ manna fentum,, Mra be hit mid mundum bewand,'^'-^-^^*^''^

se 3e tryrfe-siSas Xetan dorste, J-k<jJ: krfa
folc-stede fara; Dses J^set forma siS,^-^- •'^'*- tv--^^ iT^^
)>set hit ellen-weorc sefnan scolde.
1465 HuriTne jemunde majo Ecslafes-?^-^-' j? c-f' V«^-'*^^
o^-V^' r' eafo^es crseftij, |?set he £er jesprsec - - - -^ 'r^-^"'"^^-'

wing druncen, jja he )?8es weepnes onlah 4,'*^;^^^

'^ ^^^-
selfa ne dorste t^ ^i--^--^.!^*^
selran sweord^ecan7
under ySa 5ewm aldre jenepan,'*^^ 'V^
1470 driht-scyjje clrrojan; }»Sr he dome forleas, '^^ r'^*"^^
-7^ '
elIeh-]m8@rS'um. Ne wses f^m oSrum swa, Fol. 162''.

sySban he hine to tiiSe tetyred hsefde. ,

1454. hrond in the aense of 'sword' is fonnd, though rarely, in 0;E.:

brandr with this meaning is common in O.N. Critics who object to the
parallelism of brand and beado-mecas have suggested brogdne beado-mecas,
'brandished battle-knires ' [cf. Cosijn'^: so, too, Trautmann, Holthansen,
1456. 3yle Hrd3gares : XJnferth.
1457. hssft-mece. The weapon used by Grettir's adversary in the Gretth
saga is called a hepti-sax. See Introdiiction to Beowulf.
1459. dter-tanum, 'twigs of venom,' referring to the wavy damasked
pattern produced on the sword by the use of some corrosive. The term
' treed,'
applied in Mod. Eng. to the pattern similarly produced on calf-
bound books, might be compared. Some have taken the words literally, and
supposed the sword to have been actually poisoned.
The emendation of Cosijn [P.B.B. viii. 571], dter-tmrum for dter-tearum,
'poison drops,' has been supported by Andreas, 1333, earh dttre gemSl, ' the
poison-stained arrow' [Cosijn^], and by a close O.N. parallel often instanced
[first by Bugge, Tidsskr. viii. 66], eldi v6ro eggja/r titan g^rvar, enn eitrdropom
innanfdfiar: 'the edges were tempered with fire and the blade between was
painted with drops of venom,' Brot af Sig. 20, 3. But see note to 1. 1489.
1471. mserdum : Thorkelin's transcripts A
and B, mserdam ; Thorpe,
mm-dum ; Zupitza 'wMrSwm urn at the end of the word is still distinct, and
: :

before vm I think I see a considerable part of rS' um is still clear, but rS


is not now visible, to me.


74 Beowulf
XXII BEOWVLF ma]?elode, beam EcsJ^eowes:
" 7e]7enc nu, se msera ^aga Healfdenes,
1475 snottra l^igSr, nu ic eom siSes i\\s,^^-c^ /-^ ^^ /^"^^
jold-wme juTnena,' hwset wit jlo^sprsecon
jif ic set ]7earfe ]?inrescdde
aldre linnan, J»aet Su me.a wSre-* -<^-«*«>^Ae_
^4or5 gewitenum on fseder stEele.-^ » /"'•^^^-^'^/^'^'^
1480 Was |»u niund'-bora minum majo-Jjajnum, .-?r>K^ ^iii^in

nond-gesellumj, jif mec hild nime;'^-**-^ ^5<5(U -v^^-*-

^J^ swylce^u,,Sa^admas, ]^ J'u me sealdest,/*^-"'*^'-''"''^

'^^^flrSstar leofa, Hitelace onsend. j tr/Mfr^*-";' ,^ ^

Maej ponne ^n J^sem jolde onjitan 7eata dryhten,
1485 'jesecm ^nu Hr^les, "ponne he on J>set sine staratS, ^

.]78et ic 5um-cystum . tfidne funde /-~^ o-f---i>

^ajr^'^ttan, ^^g^ongT^te^-—^;
Ond Jru (H)unfert5 iSt ealde lafe, f^ /"-i'^'^

wratfic w^g^weord, wid-ctiSne man

1490 heard-ect habban; ic me mid Hruntinje
'-^^^^''"^^donr'^wyrce, |o>8e inec'(lea5 nimeS." Fol. 163«.

-^fter baem wordum Weder-7eata leod ^V^

eiste mid eine, / nalas ondsware
'"^Diuaa wdloe : brim-wvlm onfeni--^'^ (/i._L-t*^ t-^-^fv
1495 hilde-rince. Da waes hwil dsejes, ^^ '^'*^ '-s^
Eer he )>one jruud-wonj^ngytan mehte. "-^

Sona Jjset onTunSeT' se ?Se floda begonj cOa. c^n,.*** ]j


'^'^ -SS^-^fre loetlold hund missera, i'^ '/'-'^

fxM!^ jrim ond jrSdij, ]78et jjser jumena sum a^ ^vt.4. ax*^

1474. For this use of se with the vocative, which does not occur else-
where in Beowulf, of. hsdep min se leofa. Hood, 72.
1481. kond-gesellum. As this word does not occur elsewhere, Holthausen
follows Grundtvig (1861, p. 51) in reading hond-gesteallum.
1485. HrMdles. Many editors normalize to RreSles unnecessarily see : ;

notes to 11. 445 and 454.

1488. VnferS: MS. hwnferff.
1489. wSg-sweord. The many emendations suggested are not satis-
factory, nor necessary, for sword with wavy pattern ' seems to explain the

word adequately, although an exact parallel is nowhere found. [Eeproduc-

tions of weapons, with wavy (and also twig-like of. 1. 1459 ) patterns will — —
be found in Gustafson, Norges Oldtid, pp. 102-3.]
1495. hwil dieges, a main while of the day (Earle) not, as sometimes
' ' :

interpreted, a day. '[Cf. Earle's note and Miillenhofli'".]

' For hwil, a long '

time,' cf. 11. 105, 152.

1497. se, of Grendel's mother : contrast heo in 1. 1504. Cf. note to
1. 1360.
Beowulf 75

I5CX3 sel-wihta eard ufan cuiinode.-<:v«*^/a^:-«-^-^»^f ^.^^ •»

«^ ^--/|rap yj^^gC 5u5-rinc jefenj /--i, -^ =*^- ^ "^"^

-^ ^'^"^Sofan cT^mum;' no ]7y aer in gescod ^ "^"^^ c---^^) ^
halan lice; *f.?m5 utan ymbbearh, /•^^'^'^^^ ^'^'^ r.^X^<*
JjaetT^ bone "^rS^hom Surhfon ne mihte, =^-^*> (^^^^ >^ '^^^^i'

1505 l^eirl^oS^^'^'^ la^finsrum.--^'^-^/^"?^

Baer Tja seoonm^^wytffl^lpsi heo to botme com, ''-*^^«^ r».^x
^r<->^^ ^uj^^uaj^.;
nrinja penjel ' to hofe sinum,
swa he ne mihte no (he \ieah modij wses) i^-^ ^^ ^^^ -C^a^vt-

/ wsepna tewealdan ; ac hine wundra pses tela .- ^'^-^j u^-^^-f-^L^"^*.^

,1510 swefnjcte on sunae, sse-deor monig '"'•^--"-'^ 0,0 t d>_-<---'i^/

Mlde-tiixum , here-syrcan brsec, ^-^-^ -^^ "^"""^z/
^Xa- /^^—*^t-
^"-"^ton ^t^an. .Da se eorl ongeat,
>8et he [ml m&^seie^'iaat-hwylcum wses, AA—^—* '"^'"-^ '''^

pser him nsenij wseter wihte ne scepede, c,r.^ju *;-etA,<Aj. ix^^^~

1515 ne him tor hrgf-sele hrinan ne mehte ''»-'->-*-< -vm-i-^i^

^-'-'^f^^ipMI^; ifyr-leoht jeseah, t^o^^~^ Pol. lesi^.o- /->>-^ ^ '^'

"'^^^''''oia^e Igoman beorhte scinan.-^^^--^-^-^ "^ "^

Onjeat J»a se joda^'^'^und-wyrgenne,-^^"^^ ^...-..m.^ - tt/vy"

1502-3. 'No whit the sooner did she harm his body, but it remained
1506. brim-wyllf], Eemble^: MS. brim wyl.
1508. J>eah, Grrein: MS.^»m. Grein's emendation makes good sense.
The majority of editors follow Grundtvig (1861, p. 52), reading fims, but are
not agreed whether to take no with he pss modig wsis or not : and neither
rendering, 'he was,' or 'he was not, brave enough to wield his weapons,'
gives a very satisfactory sense. Schucking and Sedgefleldj read fiSr.
& 1510. »M)e[ra]cte, Eemblej : MS. swecte : the n, which probably in an older
MS. was signified simply by a stroke over the e, has been omitted cf. 1. 1176. :

1511. brsK, probably 'sought to pierce,' like tsehte, 'tried to awake,'

1. 2854. [Cf. Klaeber26i.]
1512. It is not clear whether dglScan is nom. pi., 'the adversaries
annoyed him,' or sg. (gen. or ace), 'they annoyed their adversary.'
1513. [m], Thorpe.
niS-sele, 'hostile hall.' Grein, followed by Heyne and Bugge^*'^, reads
nilf-sele, ' hall in the deep.'
1518. Ongeat. Here the discrepancy is a more real one than usual.
The monster has seized Beowulf at the bottom of the sea, and carried him to
her hall, powerless to use his weapons. Yet 11. 1518-22 give the impression
that Beowulf enters the hall, able to fight, and there, by the light of the fire,
sees Grendel's mother for the first time.
Gummere, following Jellinek and Kraus [Z.f.d.A. xxxv. 273], denies that
the course of the action is hopelessly confused : ' Beowulf, overwhelmed by
the first onset of Grendel's mother, is dragged to her lair, and on the way is
beset by monsters of every kind. Managing to extricate himself from the
coil, he finds he is in a great arched hall, free of the water, and has only the
mother of Greudel before him. He takes good heed of her, and prepares his
But the difSculty of this explanation is that nothing is said in Beowulf
' —
76 Beowulf
mere-wif mihtij; msejen-rses foi'Seaf A. ».«-/d.«.^t-W- -^^/^
"""isao' liilde-bille, howd swente ne ofteah^^^ ^,<t-«J ^ ^^T&j^ -j-^t-

'"'^'set hire on hafetan ^hrin^^rSM ajol'*'*-^^

Da se gist onfand, ;>-5-i^"^^^ ^
|>set se beadd^oma biban nolde,-""'''^^ -^^ > i-Uc
'*^ afere ^e^San, ac seo "e^geswac y'V-.x*^
1525 Seoane sBt bearfe ; tSolode Sr fela /y^<^ >^ j=-<-«£«-u^ -^^--^^
Kon3^mota, helm oft jescair, ^-^i^- p^- ,tf-^„,:J

^"^ 1
fs^esTyr^hraBgl ; Sa wass forma sifS j^^ TX*-^
:/^ deorum madme, Jjset his dom alsej.

Eft w£es an-rsed, nalas elnes Iset,

1530 mgrSa jemyndi^, msej Hylaces.

Wearp ?5a wundem-msel wrsettum jebunden
yrre oretta, ]78et hit on eorSan Isej,

stitSond styl-ecg; strenje getruwode,

mund-gripe msejenes. Swa sceal man d6n,
IS3S J>onne he aet jufSe gegan J^encetJ
longsumne lof, na ymb his lif cearaS.
gefisng ]7a be [/]eaxe —
nalas for fsehtJe mearn
7u?S-7eata leod Trendies modor,
brsBjd )7a beadwe heard, \k he jeboljen wses,

about the hero 'extricating himself from the coil.' The language o€ 1. 1518
would rather lead ns to suppose that the hero meets his adversary for the
first time within the cave. This is certainly the case in the Grettis saga,
and is probably the original form of the story.
1520. Aomd, Bouterwek IZ.f.d.A. xi. 92], Greinj: MS. hard. Sweet,
svienge hand, without explanation. The dat. swenge seems strange we :

should expect the ace., and many editors accordingly alter to swtng here.
1322. gist. The 'stranger' is Beowulf.
1529. an-rmd. Here, and in 1. 1575, it does not seem certain whether we
should read dnrsed, resolute,' or (with Holthausen and Schuoking) am-Sd

=onrwd, 'brave.'
1530. Hylaces. On metrical grounds it is to be presumed that the
original Beowulf had the Northern form of the name, Hygldc [cf. Sievers in
P.B.B. X. 463]. This has nearly everywhere been altered by the scribes to
Hygeldc. We
have here a survival of the older spelling : Hyldc standing for
Hygldc as WiUif for Wiglaf (1. 2853). [Cf. Kla«ber«™ ]
1531. wunden-irml, Kemblej: MS. wundel rrml. Cf. note to 1. 1616.
1534. don for doan, disyllabic. Cf. gdn (=gdan or gangan) below,
1. 1644.
1537. [fleaxe, Bieger: MS. eaxle. Bieger's emendation betters the
alliteration,and has been adopted by Sweet, and by resent editors. Those
who retain the reading goda in 1. 758 would however be justified in quoting
that line as a parallel to gefeng pa he eaxle. To me feaxe appears also to
give better sense: but this maybe disputed. Mr Wyatt writes: 'William
Morris agreed with me that it debased Beowulf's character, turning a wrestle
into an Old Bailey brawl. Hair-pulling is a hag's weapon.'

Beowulf 77

-1540 feorh-jeniSlan, j^set heo on flet jebeah.

' Heo him eft hra)>e (h)and-lean forgeald
5rim|man jrapum, end him togeanes fenj; Fol. 164«.

oferwearp J»a werij-mod wijena strangest,

fe]?e-cempa, )>aBt he on fylle wearS.

1545 Qfeaet ]7a }>one sele-jyst, end hyre seaa; jeteah

brad \ond] brun-ecg, wolde hire beam wrecan,
angan eaferan. Him on eaxle Isbj

breost-net broden; jjset jebearh feore,

wits ord ond wiS ecge injanj forstod.

1550 Hsefde 5a forsitSod sunu EcjJ^eowes
under jynne jrund, ^eata cempa,
nemne him heatSo-byrne helpe gefremede,
here-net hearde, ond halig 76d
jeweold wij-sijor, witig, Drihten, /
1555 rodera Rsedend hit on ryht xesced_*^
ySelice, sy]?i5an he eft astod./

XXIII GEseah Sa on searwum sije-eadig bil,

1541. and-Uan, Bieger"* : MS. hand lean. Rieger's emendation has been
accepted by lecent editors, to allow of the word alliterating with eft.
The same scribal blander appears in 1. 2094, where again the„alliteration
demands the vowel: ondlean. Cf. also 11. 2929, 2972.
1543. oferwearp: if we retain the MS. reading, with the nominatives
itrengest and fefie-cempa referring to Beowulf, we must translate oferwearp,
' stumbled.' But no other instance is to be found of this intransitive nse of
oferweorpan. Hence the emendation of Ettmiiller^, fej>e-cempan: and of
Cosijn'", wigena strengel : ' she overthrew the prince of warriors, the champion'
(cf. 1. 3115). The added n is the slightest of alterations (see note to reeswan,
1. 60), but even this is not essential, since fejie-cempa might refer to
Grendel's mother.
[For a defence of oferwearp = stumbled,' see Schucking in Engl. Stud.

xxxix. 98.]
1545. seax, Ettmiillerj followed by all recent editors except Schucking

MS. seaxe. The emendation is not absolutely necessitated by the accusatives

brad, brun-ecg, which follow, for such a false concord as an apposition in
the ace. following a noun in the dat. can be paralleled. Cf. 1. 2703 [and
Klaeber^'']. It is more conclusive that^««eom seems elsewhere always to take
an ace.
1546. brad [ond] brun-ecg, Heyne, on metrical and syntactical grounds
cf.Maldon, 163. Sohiioking shows that, whereas the conj. may be omitted
when the two adjs. are synonymous, or nearly so (e.g. 1. 1874), it cannot be
omitted when the adjs., as here, signify distinct and independent qualities.
1550. H»/d«, optative: 'would have.'
1551. under gynne grund, under the earth.'

1556. Whether ySeliee should be taken with gesced or with astod has
been much disputed, and does not seem to admit of final decision. The
comparison of 1. 478, God eajre mmg, favours the punctuation of the text.
[Cf. Elaeber in Eng. Stud, xxxix. 431.]
1557. on searwum, among other arms' rather than during the struggle.'

78 Beowulf
eald sweord eotenisp, ecjum )>yhti5,

wijena weorS-mynd ;
Jjset \wibs\ wsepna cyst,

1560 buton hit wses mare tSonne senij mon oSer

to beadu-lace setberan .meahte,
jod ond 5eato]ic, sijanta jeweorc.
He jefen^ ]?a fetel-hilt, freca Scyldinja
hreoh ond heoro-jrim hriDg-mffil sebrsejd,

1565 aldres orwena yrringa |sl6h, Pol. 164''.

]78et hire wi5 halse heard jrapode,

ban-hrinjas braec; bil eal Surhwod
fsejne flSsc-homan; heo on flet jecronj
Sweord wses swatij; secj weorce gefeh.
1570 Lixte se leoma, leoht inne stod,
efae swa of hefene hadre scinetS

rodores candel. He sefter recede wlat,

hwearf \a. be wealle ; wsepen hafenade
heard be hiltum Hijelaces Sejn
1575 yrre ond an-raed — nses seo 005 fracod
hilde-rince, ac he hra]?e wolde
7rendle forjyldan jutS-rsesa fela,

Sara he jeworhte
)?e to West-Denum
oftor micle Sonne on senne siS,
1580 ]7onne he HroSjares heorS-jeneatas
sloh on sweofote, slsepende frset

folces Denijea fyf-tyne men,

ond oSer swylc ut oEferede,
laolicu lac; he him ]>aes lean forjeald,
1585 rejje cempa —
to Sses ]?e he on rseste geseah
guS-werijne Trendel licgan,

S' 1S59. [ajffls] supplied by Grundtvig^™ and Eemble^.

1570. The light, mentioned in 11. 1516-17 (as also in the Grettis saga),
flashes up when Beowulf slays the monster. But leoma has been taken as
'the flashing sword' [cf. Meissner, Z.f.d.A. xlvii. 407], and, since the 'sword
of light' is common in story, this seems not unlikely.
1575. dn-rsed. Holthausen, Schiioking and Sievers [Z.f.d.Ph, xxi. 362]
read an-rmd, 'with forward thought,' 'pushing,' 'brave.' Cf. note to 1. 1529.
1585. We may take to piBs />e as 'until,' referring back to U. 1572, etc.
or we may take it with forgeald, though in the latter case the exact force of
to pees pe is difficult to define he had paid him recompense for that ;
. .

insomuch that he now beheld him...' [Earle]; 'he paid him back.. .to that
degree that...' [Clark-Hall]; 'paid him back... where he saw him lying'
[Sohiicking : cf. Satzverkniipfung, 58].
Beowulf 79

aldor-leasne, swa him ser ggssod

hild aet Heorote. Hra wide spronj,
syjJtSan he sefter deaSe drape )>r6wade,
1590 heoro-sweng heardne; ond hine )?a heafde becearf:

Sona ]78et jesawon snottre |ceorlas, Fol. 165*.

\& Se mid HrofSgare on holm whton,

)?aet wses yJ^-jeblond eal xemenjed,
brim blode fah. Blonden-feaxe
1595 jomele ymb godne on jeador sprEecon,
)»set big jjses setSelinges eft ne wendon,

j>set he sije-hretSi^ secean come

mserne jjeoden, jja ?Sses moni^e jewearS,
]78et hine seo brim-wylf abroten hsefde.
1600 Da com non daejes; nses ofgeafon
hwate Scyldinjas; gewat him ham ]7onon
jold-wine gumena. Tistas seian
modes seoce, ond on mere staredon;
wiston ond ne wendon, ]7set hie heora wine-drihten

1605 selfne jesawon. pa )?set sweord onjan

1589. fee refers to Grendel.
1590. The Beowulf: ftin« refers to Grendel. Though
subject of fteccaj/ is
Grendel, according to 801-3, 987-90, cannot be wounded by the sword of

Beowulf or his companions, there is no inconsistency here, since this is a

magic sword. [Cf. Jellinek and Kraus in Z.f.d.A. xxxv. 278, etc.] The
decapitation of a corpse is frequent in the Icelandic sagas : it prevents the
ghost from 'walking' and doing mischief; and such a motive may, as Gering
supposes, be present here also.
1591. etc. An attempt has been made to make the story run better by
postulating a misplaced leaf, and suggesting that 11. 1591-1605 originally
foUowed 1. 1622. [See F. A. Blackburn in Mod. Phil. ix. 555-566.] But the
story really runs quite well, and the order is the same as in the Grettis saga.
1599. abroten, Kemhle^: MS, abreoten.
1602. setan, Greiuj, following Grundtvig^** sStore: MS. secan. A very
sUght and quite certain correction.
1604. Cosijn IP.B.B. viii. 571] praises the common sense of the

EngUsh editors for having taken wiston a,B=wyscton, 'wished.' So Kemble^

wiscton ; Sweet wyscton. Becent editors make no alteration in the text, but
regard wiston a,s wyscton. Cf. Sieverss §105, N. 8. [Some parallel eases
for the disappearance of the c are quoted in Engl. Stud, xxvii. 218 : cf. also
A.f.d.A. xxiv. 21.] That wiston is to be interpreted 'wished' is confirmed
by the fact, pointed out by Klaeber^^, that wyscaS ond wenaS is a formula
found in Guthlac, 47.
To interpret wiston as 'knew' would necessitate a blending of two
constructions: wiston would require ne gesdwon: ne wendon requires gesdwon
only. Of course we might assume that the two constructions had been

confused confused syntax is common in Beowulf: or we might assume that

ne had dropped out after the ne of selfne 'they knew, and did not merely
expect, that they should not see their lord himself again.' But this gives,
after all, only a feeble sense. For why, in that case, did they wait ?
; :

80 Beowulf
aefter heaj^o-swate hilde-jicelum,
wij-bil wanian; Jiset wses wundra sum,
)?set hit eal jemealt ise jelicost,
Sonne forstes bend Fseder onlseteS,
1610 onwindeS wsel-rapas, se geweald hafaS
stela ond msela; ]?set is sQS Metod.

Ne nom he in ]?aem wicum, Weder-7eata leod,

maSm-£ehta ma, J^eh he ]j^r monige jeseah,
btiton )7one hafelan ond )?& hilt somod
161 5 since fiije; sweord eer jemealt,
forbarn broden mSl ; wses )>aet blod |
to J^ass hat,
Fol. lesb.

settren ellor-gsist, se )»8er inne swealt.

Sona waes on sunde, se ]»e aer a;t ssecce jebad
wij-hryre wratSra, waeter up Jjurhdeaf
1620 wseron yS-jebland eal jefselsod,
eacne eardas, ]»a se ellor-jast
oflet lif-dagas ond J>as Isenan jesceaft.
Com y& to lande lid-manna helm
swit5-mod swymman, see-lace jefeah/ ,

1625 msejen-byrj^enne Jiara ]7e he him mid hsefde.

Eodon him ]?a tojeanes, vode J^ancodon,
?5rySlic Jje^na heap, )?eodnes jefejon,
Jises ]?e hi hyne jesundne jeseon moston.
Da waes of )7£em hroran helm ond byrne

1610. wml-rdpae. Grundtvig^', not understanding wSl, conjectured

wSg-rdpas, which would have the same meaning: 'wave-ropes, ice, icicles.'
This was followed by many of the older editors, and was even adopted by
Sweet {Beader). It is unnecessary, for wSl, 'a deep pool,' occurs not
infrequently, the best-known instance being in the Gottonian Gnomic Verses,
39: leax sceal on wSle mid eceote scriiTan, 'the salmon must go darting in
the pool.' The word is also found in other Germanic dialects, in Scotch
('whyles in a wiel it dimpl't,' Bums, Halloween), and in the North of
1616. broden for brogden. The application of this term to a coat of
mail (11. 552, 1548) shows that the meaning must be 'woven,' 'intertwined'
and the analogy of wunden-nwl (1. 1531) or hring-msel (11. 1521, 1564, 2037)
shows that this is applicable to a sword. It must refer to the damasked,
intertwined patterns on the blade, or possibly to the adornment of the hilt,
[Cf. Sievers, in Anglia, i. 580.]
1616-17. goes with both hat and Settren ' so hot was that blood,
to Jjws :

and so venomous the strange goblin' (Earle).

1622. Jias Isenan geseeaft, 'this transitory world.'
_ 1624-5. To avoid a harsh construction, Bugge'" would alter Jjara to
fiMre : Holthausen sa-lace to sse-ldu:a.
; '

Beowvlf 81

1630 lunjre alysed. Laju drusade,

waeter under wolcnum, wsel-dreore faj.
Ferdon forS ]7onon fe)>e-lastum
ferh]?um impie, foid-wej iriEeton,
cu]>e str^te, cynin5-balde men
1635 from Jȣem holm-clife hafelan bseron
earfotJlice heora iSjhwaejJrum
fela-modijra ; feower scoldon
on ]?£em wsel-stenje weorcum jeferian
to }ȣem 5old-sele Trendies heafod,
1640 oJ> tSaet Isemninja to sele comon Fol. 166*.

frome, fyrd-hwate, feower- tyne

Teata jonjan; jum-dryhten mid,
modij on jemon^e, meodo-won5as trsed.

©a com in 5an ealdor Se5na,

1645 d£ed-cene mon dome jewurj^ad,
hsele, hilde-deor, HroSjar jretan.
pa wses be feaxe on flet boren
7rendle8 heafod, )>^r 5uman druncon,
ejeslic for eorlum ond J^sere idese mid,
1650 wlite-seon wrsetlic; weras on sawon.
XXIV BEOwulf mabelode, , beam Ectbeowes:
d'.' "Hwaet! we ]»e )»as , sse-lac,-' sunu Healfdenes,
leod Scyldinja, lustum brohton"^ i^--^-;'-'' "- "i
. ^-
tires to tacnCj Je_)?u her to locast. ^"' -,

1655 Ic J?set unsofte ealdre jedisde,- 'v

wigje under waetere weorc jenej^de ^ ^ ^ - '^
*^ earfoslicej. aetrihte waes^' -
^^'7 -^ '

jj^c^-^^^^g jSEw^ed, nymSe mec 7od scylde. ' *

1634. For cyning-balde Grein j , followed by Holthausen j, 2 and Sedgefield

[so Cosijn^], reads cyne-balde; the meaning ia the same, 'royally bold': but
the form is more easy to parallel: of. cire- [obviously miswritten for cine-]
bald, Andreas, 171.
1637. All recent editors seem agreed on the punctuation: yet fela-
modigra might well go wiSa feower.
1640. semninga cf. 1. 644. :

1649. fieire idese, Wealhtheow.

1650. iSome editors read misdwon, and make it govern wlite-seon.
1656. Cosijn^ [partly following Thorpe] suggests wig under wsetere
weoree genepde, 'with difficulty did I endure the warfare under the water.'
Klaeber [Engl. Stud, xxxix. 463] tentatively supports wig, retaining weorc.
1657-8. Grundtvig [1861, p. 152], followed by Bugge [Tidsskr. viii. 52]
and Sedgefield, takes wees as 1st pers. and reads guSe, 'I was almost
B. 6
82 Beowulf
Ne meahte ic set hilde mid Hi-untinje
1660"" wiht jewyrcan, .)>eah Jjset w«pen duse;-^^'
ac m6 5eu5e ylda Waldend,. -^,^T i^^-*- ;

wlitij Ihanjian Fol. 166^.

f£et ic on vTage gese'ah
'eald sweord^acen — oftost wisode-^'^^^ .^^...--Z:^

wini^ea' leasum— ,
>set ic Sy wsepne jebr^. .mo^^
1665^ Ofsloh Sa at |8ere ssed'ce,"' J>a me ssel ajeald, cX^-«^ ^fp^
^ buses hyrdas.
}7a )»set hilde-bil i*^-^^
"'^^forbarn, brogden msel, swa >set blod gesprans.-V^-.-^/'^^
bato^t hea>o-W£Lta. hilt^Dan«?i^ ^^^^^ i&.^.-^.*ii-
Ic }?aet

"^ feoncium Eetferede, "^ren^aeda wrsec, a^v^^^.^--^

1670 deaS-cWeaiha' Dfoigea, swa hit jedefe wses. .<>»«-i^-^

Ic hit J>e )7onne 'jehate, j^set }>u on Heorote mosU
"sorii^Igas Iwefan mid j^inra secga jedryht, -2«3, h.^'^TC^'^
ond >e5fia jehwylc ^^mra lleo^a^j^^;^^^_^_^^x^
dujutJe ond io5o]?6 J»aet fu him ondrsedan ne J7earft,

healfe «-"CZ.-'-''r^—
1675 iJ^eoden" Scyldii^a, ^
,on )>a

>'aldor-fealu''eoriumr'''^s^^ >u ser dydest," - <^ z^*'^'^

Da^wses^lden hilt jamelum rince, 2^ ^J^x ^,,<t^*«^ «^
'''iKarum hild-fruman, on hand jyfen,/-^-^-'-^''"'*^ X*^.-^.
-i^z^^*"^ "enta ier-jeweorc ; ^
hit on seht ^ebwearf, ,t^yU^-»^^ .,mM'^'^
1680 Denigea ft^anj^-S^
£ef«er"d§o^a'*hryre, " 7 ^«^
B=vu^ ^^
'""'"^ufcior-smijia jeweorc; ond J>a ]?as worold of5eaf /o^/v'-''
grom-beort juma, 7odes ondsaca^

deprived of my fighting power.' But-the change is unnecessary: the words

mean 'almost was my power of fighting ended.' [See Cosijn'®, who
compares Genesis, 53.]
1663. The subject of wisode is, of course, he understood, referring to
Waldeiid, 1661. Holthausen and Sedgefield, following Sievers, read oft
1666. hyrdas. PI. for sg. cf. note to 1. 565.
: Those who hold that in
the earliest version of the story both Grendel and his mother were slain in
the cave under the water may possibly derive some small support from this
pi. form here.
1675. on pa healfe, 'from that quarter' (from Grendel and his mother).
1677. gylden hilt. It has been suggested tentatively [Kluge in Engl.

Stud. xxii. 145] that this is a proper noun the name of the sword: the
same name is borne by.Eolf's sword Gullinhjalti in the Saga of Bolf Kraki.
But there is no question here of a complete sword, but only of the hilt:
cf. 11. 1614, 1668. [See also Sarrazin in Engl. Stud. xxxv. 19 Lawrence in :

Pub. Mod. Lang. Assoc. Amer. xxiv. 2, 242-4.]

1681. MuUenhoff" and Bugge reject ond as superfluous [so Schroer,
Anglia, xiii. 886; Holthausen and Sedgefield]. It is certainly very unusual
at the beginning of a sentence which is only a parallel expansion of what
precedes [cf. Schiicking in Satzverk. p. 83].
Beowulf 8S
morSres scyldij, ond his modor eap,
''A'''"^ on geweald jehwearf Woroiocyninga
1685 Seem selestan be |s8em tweonum,'^ ''
' Fol. 167».

"Sara )7e on SceSen^gje sceattas dselde.-'^'!—^^-^''^T/^"

HroSSjar maSelode, hylt sceawode,';*-*^ r<^ a^- ^^-t^

^^"^ eame lafe, on tSJem wses or writen
r "^'^fyrn-jewinnes, syS^an flod ofsloh,'"-^

1690 jifen geoteriite, jijanta cyn;'-cx^»^ ^^.•»**>»

1m^ if'^ft-^ frecAe jeferdon ;
^t wses fremde J>eod »- ^
^^ ecean Dryhtne ; him ^aes ende-lean -«- ^^"-^Ji^^

J»urh wSteres wylm Waldend sealde. ?-''-1'^-

Swa wjies on Ssem Meiainum'' sciran joldes '-^ ^^ ^ ^t-*-^

]>urh run-staJSS"\^ rihte jemearcod, '^''"'"'V
geseted ond jesaed, hwam paet sweord jevvorht,-^^^— Z**-^"'*'^
irena cyst, (^rest wSire, 5^^^.,..^
wreo]?en-hilt ond wyrm-fah. .Da se wisa sprsec ^-/-^''^

1686. Sceden-igge MS. scedenigge in one word. It refers to Sehonen


(Skane),now the Boutherumost province of Sweden, bat at this date, and

indeed much later, an integral part of Denmark: Sconia est pulcherrima visa

Daniae provincia Adam of Bremen. It seems to be used here as a name
for the whole Danish realm.
1688, etc. Miillenhoff^^ was doubtless right in seeing in these lines a
reference to the flood, in which the race of giants and descendants of Cain
was destroyed. Cf. Wisdom, xiv. 6, 'For in the old time also, when the
proud giants perished, the hope of the world, governed by thy hand, escaped
in a weak vessel.' Cf. 11. 113, etc., 1562. It is rather fanciful to suppose
(as is often done) that there is any reference to that struggle between Gods
and Giants which we find in Teutonic mythology.
How Grendel's kin lived through the deluge we need not enquire : surely
they were sufiSciently aquatic in their habits. Likewise it is too rationalistic
to see any discrepancy (as does Miillenhoff ") between 11. 1688-9 and
11. 1696-8. The sword bears the names of ancient giants, Grendel's fore-
runners, of the time of the flood. Swords bearing inscriptions on hilt or
blade, either in runic or Boman characters, are not uncommon. A good
example is depicted in Clark-Hall (p. 231). Such writing of spells on
swords is mentioned in Salomon and Saturn, 161, etc. and in the Elder Edda.
Names may also betoken sometimes the owner, sometimes apparently the
smith. The name of one smith, Vlfbem, is thus known from his swords,
[For a representation of two of these, see Gustafson, Norges Oldtid, p. 102;
cf. too Gering in Z.f.d.Ph. xxxviii. 138.]
1691. frecne geferdon might mean ' they bore themselves overweeuingly,'
or 'they suffered direly.'
1694. No final explanation of scennuni is forthcoming. do not even We
know whether we should read on Ssem, scennum, on it (the sword) by means

of wire-work, filigree work,' or on SSm scennum, on the sword guard,' or


'on the metal plates' (with which the hilt was often covered). [This last
'suggestion is that of Cosijn, Taalkundige Bijdragen, i, 286, 1877. He com-
pares Dutch scheen, an iron band.']

1697. irena. See note to 1. 673.

1698. wyrm-fdh. Intertwined serpent figures were a favourite form of
Germanic ornament.

84 Beowulf
sunu Healfdenes : —
switedon ealle .,
1700 "paet, la! msej secgafa, se pe soS ond rint
^ fremetS "pn, folce, feor eal jemon,-/*-'"'^'''^ i^-*"''^^^-'-^"^''^
eald etSel-weard, ]73et t5es eorl wsere ^«vv^x. >tv^ ') o- .^<,^-t-tt>^
"^ geboren betera. Bleed is arsered *«^ —^ -.-^-.-c:*!-*,

jeond wid-wejas,, wine inin Beowulf, _^

1 70s Sin ofer Jjeoda sehwylce. Eal Jju hit jej^yldum

^_ healdest, ,,, i>- -£t,,u^- /-tj^

'^^ mse^en" mid modes snyttrum. Ic "pe sceal imnie^^

swa wit furSum sprsecon
^ ; ?5u
^ ^
scealt to frofre


eal lant-twidit leodum binum, aM^ ^-i^t^-t^

^ ^"^ liiaeleSum to helpe. Ne weartS Heremod swa Fol. 167'>.

1710 "eaforum Ec5virela^ Ar-Scvldinjum;--^!^;-*-*^-^^"^' ''^^'"-'^^

^'ne jeweox he him tomllan, ac to wiBl-fealle /--»-^«-«^^-<«-^

ond to deatS-cWaliii£ Deniga leodum;^ -«!a: A-t*-t>-^

^ <i'*
breat borgetl-Efiod '

beod-5eneatas, X^>h<^ »-«.<.aa^«^

eaxl-^&tealtaS, o\ ]?3et he a^r!£wearf,-<i^^c*>A=i-
1715'mfere jjeoden, mon-dreamum from, j^^*-**!-' '-*^-*-'-^ '-• j*^ *" •

Deah J»e hirie mihtij Tod masjenes wynnum, ^^ ^ '=*<-''^ * '^

_ eafe]7um stepte ofer ealle men, ^

1700. This 'sermon' of Hrothgar (11. 1700-1768), in which the Christian

influence is exceptionally clear (of. 11. 1745-7 with Ephesians Ti. 16), was
naturally attributed by Mullenhon^ to his Interpolator B, whom he regarded
as a person at once theologically minded, and yet learned in tradition. [For
an eloquent defence of the passage, see Earle, pp. 166-7.]
1702. Bugge [Tidsskr. viii. 53] suggests />«( Se eorl nMre. But the
change is imnecessary. In OE. the comparative sometimes appears in a
context where, according to our ideas, no real comparison takes place. Cf.
11. 134, 2555 [and see KlaeBfer^ei].

1707. freoSe, 'protection,' is supposed to be the reading of the MS. here.

All recent editors reaA freode, 'friendship' [Grundtvig^^, which betters the
sense. But I think there is no doubt that Thorkelin, Thorpe, and Walker
were right in reading the MS. itself as freode. That the contrary view has
latterly prevailed is due to Zupitza, who says : ' I think the MS. has freoSe,
not freode; although the left half of the stroke in S has entirely faded, yet
the place where it was is discernible, and the right half of it is left.' But
the alleged trace of the left half is due only to a crease in the parchment,
and of the right half to a mere dot, apparently accidental.
1710. Ecgwela is unknown. He is presumably an ancient king of the
Danes (Ar-Scyldingas), who are thus named the children, or perhaps
retainers (cf . 1. 1068), of their national hero. Miillenhoff =» wished to alter
to eafora, and thus to make Heremod the son of Ecgwela : a change which,
after all, leaves us little wiser about either. Cf. 1. 901, etc.
1714-15. May refer, as Bugge^ thought, to Heremod's lonely death.
Beowulf 85

forS jefremede, ^
hwaej^ere him on ferhjje jreow
breost-hord blod-reo^ ; nallas beajas jeaf--<-o ^u*-^ i^ >

1720 Denum^fter /domie^;^ dream-leas jebad,;?- i^« As^-e^-f

"* )78et he jewinnes weorc ]?r6wade, '^^y^—^ ^*^ --.-^,^ j*

ledd-bealo Idnjsum. Du ]>§ laer be )>on, --i^-«- ^s:^'^ /w^~- .-^z:^

jum^yste OTixitj- ic yis^^ctoe ]>e f^ K^ -«•*/-»-

awraec wintrum n-od. CWundor is to secjanne ^^^-u^/^-^-i^ "> ^•
1725 hfiTmihtij 'rod "S manna cynne
J'urh sidne aemOa' snyttru bryttaS, fi-u-Uc -<a^ /-w^
eard end eorl-scipe ; he ah ealra 5eweald. -^^ •*^*" /-/^-•'vu ^
Hvmum he on lufan IseteS hworfan JtUi «*«-^^-</-;<-^ et- -^^J. ^x-
"monnes mod-Jjej^onc" m%ran cynnes, p^T,t-^' -^^-^^-u:

1730 ^eleS him on^ejjte' eor^an wynne, -^/-ry ^-«,oj-cc


to h'^Hanne hleo-burh wera,'^^"''' 1

^^'''"IjedeJS Eim swa xewealdene .^ worolde daelas, Fol. 168*.

Side rice^ pset he his selia ne maej

-<:Zw< his unsnyttrum ende jej^encean. ^«--*^^-2 ^^ ^-^
1735 WunaS he on wiste; no Hine wiht dw,eletJ
adl ne yldo, ne him inwit-sorh
on sefa[n] sweorceS, ne jesacu ohwser,
ecg-hete, eowetS, ac him eal worold

1722. Bugge^ [following Mullenhofi in A.f.d.A. iii. 182] interpreted

leod-bealo longsum as the 'eternal pain' which Heremod had to sofier for
bis evil deeds. But a, comparison of 1. 1946, where the word is used to
signify the 'national evils' of a wicked queen, favours Clark-Hall's trtms-
lation: 'he suffered misery for his violence, the long-continued trouble of
his folk.'
1724. tecganne. See note to 1. 473.
1726. Jmrh sidne sefan, 'God in his wisdom.'
1728. on lufan, apparently ' allows to wander in delight,' but there are
difSculties both as to this interpretation and also as to the alliteration.
HolthauseUj conjectures on hyhte, Holthauseng', on luston with much the
same meaning; Sedgefield, adopts the conjecture on Keahlufan (cf. 1. 1954),
Sed^efieldj, on hlisan, 'in glory.' Grundtvig [1861, p. 59] had Suggested on
1733. Elaeber [Arehiv, czv. 180] takes his as referring to rice: 'the
proud ruler can conceive no end to his rule.' The same result is achieved by
Trautmann's conjecture selfia, prosperity,' for the rather otiose selfa.

1734. Thorkeliu reads for his unsnyttrum, but for is not in his transcripts.
Eemble omits, Thorpe retains, /or. There would perhaps have been room
for the word in the MS., but in view of the conflicting evidence it seems
impossible to decide whether it ever stood there or no. Cf. Elene, 947.
1737. MS. defective at edge: sefa[n2, Grnndtvig^, Eemble j.
GreiUj ne gesaca ohwwr ecg-hete eoweS, nor doth the adversary any where

manifest deadly hate.' So Sedgefield, and, with slight variation, Holt-

— —
86 Beowulf
wendeJJ on willan. He j^set wyrse ne con^^
XXV 1740 o?S ]>3et him on innan ofer-hygda dSl
weaxetS ond wridaSS, ]?onne se weard swefeS,
sawele hyrde —biS se slsep to fsest
bisgum jebunden, bona swiSe neah,
se )?e fyrenum sceotetJ.
of flan-bogan
1745 ponne biS on hrej^re under helm drepen
biteran strgele —
him bebeorjan ne con
worn wundor-bebodum werjan jastes;
]7inceS him to lytel, j^set he lange heold;
jytsaS jrom-hydi^, nallas on jylp seleS
1750 fsette beajas, ond he ]>a forS-jesceaft
forgyteS ond forjymeS, \3ds ]>e him ^r 7od sealde,
wuldres |Waldend, weorfS-mynda dsel. Fol. 168".

Hit on ende-stsef eft 5elimpeS,

]?set se lic-homa liene jedreoseS,

1755 fsSje ^efealleS; fehtS o)jer to,

se J?e unmurnlice madmas dsele)?,

eorles Eer-^estreon, e^esan ne gymetS.

Bebeorh )>e Sone bealo-ni8, Beowulf leofa,

sec5[a] betsta, ond |>e J^ast selre jeceos,

1760 ece rsedas; oferhyda ne jym,
msere cempa. Nti is J>ines maegnes bleed

1739. The MS. has a stop after con, the usual space with the number
xxT, and then a large capital 0. But it seems impossible to begin a fresh
sentence with oS put, 'until,' as Earle does. Grundtvig [1861, p. 60] and
Grein^ make the break in the middle of 1. 1739, Heyne after 1. 1744.
1740. ofer-hygda dml, 'a deal of presumption, excessive pride.' Cf.
1. 1150, note; and 1. 1752 below.

1741. weard is apparently 'the conscience' [of. Sohiioking, Satzverk.

121], hardly, as Sarrazin ^"^ suggests, the guardian angel.'

1746. him bebeorgan ne con is apparently a parenthesis and icom

wvmdor-bebodum parallel to biteran strSle. [Cf. Klaeber in Archiv, eviii. 369,
and Holthausen in Anglia, Beiblatt, xiii. 364.]
1747. wom=woum.
1748. Zupitza: 'to imperfectly erased between he and lange.'
1750. fsBtte, Thorpe MS. fxdde.

1756. So in the O.N. Bjarkamdl, as preserved by Saxo, the niggardly

spirit of Eoricus (Hredric) is contrasted with the generosity of Boluo
(HroSulf) who succeeded to his throne, and distributed to his followers all
the hoarded treasures of Boricus.
unmurnlice. It is exceptional for un not to take the alliteration (in
Beowulf only here and in 1. 2000). [Cf. Schroder in Z.f.d.A. xliii. 377.]
1757. egesan ne gymeS echoed the idea of recklessness implied in
unmurnlice. There is no necessity for emendation.
1759. secgla'], Sievers [P.B.B. x. 312] : MS. secg, cf. 1. 947.
Beowulf 87

ane hwile; eft sona biS,

|?set ]jec adi oS5e ecj eafoj^es jetwsefeS,
o?S5e fyres fen^, otSSe flsdes wylm,
1765 otStSe gripe nieces, otJSe jares fliht,

o?5tSe atol yldo; oiSSe eajena bearhtm

forsiteS ond forsworceS; semninja biS,

J?aet Sec, dryht-juiua, deatS oferswy;SeS._'

Swa Hring-Dena
ic bund missera
1770 weold under wolcnum, ond hij wijje beleac
manijum msejjja jeond J^ysne middan-jeard
aescum ond ecgum, Jjset ic me senijne
under swejles begonj jesacan ne tealde.
Hwaet me ]73es on ej^le
! edwenden cwom,
1775 Syrn after jomene, seo)?San Trendel weart5,
eald jewinna, injenja min;
|ic ]?Eere socne sinjales waeg Fol. 169».

mod-ceare ihicle. pses sij Metode ]7anc,

ecean Dryhtne, J»3es ?Se ic on aldre gebad,

1780 ]7aet ic on )»one hafelan beoro-dreorigne
ofer eald jewin eagum starije.
7a nu to symbel-wynne dreoh,

wigje weor)>ad; unc sceal worn fela

maj»ma jem^nra, si]7fSan morgan biS."

1785 7eat wses glaed-mod, jeong sona to,

1766-7. Earle and Clark-Hall translate 'glance of eyes will mar and
darken an allusion to the evil eye. But the verbs seem to be intransi-
tive: translate then 'the light of thine eyes shall fail.'
1767. iemninga. Cf. 1. 644.
1770. wigge beleac. It is not clear whether this means that Hrothgar
protected his people 'from war' [Klaeber in Engl. Stud, xxxix. 464] or 'in
war,' 'by his warlike valour.'
The spelling ig = l is particularly frequent in this part of the poem:
hig = hi (1596); wigge =wige (1656, 1783); Scedenigge = Scedemge (1686);
sig^si (1778); wigtig = witig (1841). See note to 1. 1085.
1774. edwenden, Grein: MS. ed wendan. Cf. 11. 280, 2188.
1776. Most editors read eald-gewinna. I have avoided such compounds
except where clearly indicated by the absence of inflection in the adj. Cf.
11. 373, 945, 1781 (where no editor makes a compound of eald gewin) with

11. 853, 1381, 2778.

1781. ofer, after
' ' (of. 1. 2394, note), or possibly ' in spite of ' (cf. 1. 2409).
It seems unnecessary, with Holthausen, to alter to cald-gewinnan, on the
analogy of 1. 1776.
1783. Wiilker, wig-geweor/rad; Holthausen and Sedgefield, partly fol-
lowing Cosijn [P.B.B. viii. 571], who compares Elene, 150, wige [ge]weorJ>ad.
I have followed the MS., for which cf. Elene, 1195.
88 Beowulf
setles neosan, swa se snottra heht.

Pa waes eft swa ser ellen-rofum

flet-sittendum faejere ^ereorded
Diowan stefne. Niht-helm geswearc
1790 deorc ofer dryht-jumum. DujuS eal aras; A*^-'^^""

wolde blonden-feax beddea neosan,

^amela Scyldinj. 7eat unigmetes wel,
rofne rand-wijan, restan lyste ;

sona him sele-jjejn sitSes werjum,

1795 feorran-cundum, forS wisade,
se for andrysnum ealle beweotede
J^ejnes )7earfe, swylce )>y dojore
hea)>o-lit5ende habban scoldon.
Beste hine )>a rutn-heort ; reced hliuade
1800 jeap ond jold-Sh ;
jsBSt inne swaef,

oJ> )7set hrefn blaca heofones wynne

bliS-heort bod ode ;
jtSa com beorht scacan Fol. leg''.

[sclma ssfter sceadwe], Sca]7an Qnetton,

' wWron sejjelinjas eft to leodum
1805 fuse to farenne; wolde feor J^anon
cuma collen-ferhS ceoles neosan.
Heht )»a se hearda Hruntinj beran
sunu Ecjlafes, heht his sweord niman,

1792. unigmetes. Most edd. have followed Grundtvig^' in normalizing

ig to ge. But for the spelling see SieverB^ § 212, N. 1. It shows the
beginning of the development of ge to i, which is commonest after un cf. :

unillc:=ungeKc. Holthausen, on the other hand, wishes to write unigmete

in 2420, 2721, 2728.

1796. beweotede, Grundtvig^'', Eembleg : MS. beweotene.

1798. heapo-Uffmde. See note to 1. 1862.
1799. For hliuade = hlifade, see SieverSj § 194.
1803. There is no gap in the MS., but metre and sense both demand
some supplement : scima sefter sceadwe was suggested by Sievers [Anglia, xiv.
137]. It is satisfactory, and has been generally adopted.
Sedgefield proposes scima scyndan, ' the gleam hastening.'

2 ffd com beorht lleoma]

scacan [ofer scadu],
' da, com beorht [sunne'i
scacan [ofer grundas].
The objection to both these last emendations is that they suppose two
lacunae instead of one.
1805. farenne : MS. farene ne.
1808, etc. Grundtvig [1861, p. 62] suggested the change of sunu [to
suna, and the addition of hlTie after heht : Mullenhofi"^ the substitution of
lanes for Uanes. With these alterations the meaning would be : se hearda

Beowulf 89

leoflic iren; sasjde him Jjses leanes )?anc,

1810 cwsetS, he ]?one giitS-wine jodne tealde,
wij-craeftijne ; nales wordum loj
meces ecje. past wses modi5 secj.
Ond ]7a sitS-frome, searwum jearwe,
wijend wseron, eode weorS Denum
1815 asj^elinj to yppan, ]>aer se 6\ev wses,
hcele hilde-deor HroSjar jrette.
-/_ XXVI Beowulf niaJ>elode, beam Ecjjjeowes
"Nil we sse-liSend secjan wyllaS
feorran-cumene, J»aet we fundia]?
1820 Hijelac secan ; wseron her tela
willum bewenede ;
]»u us wel dohtest.
7if ic )»onne on eor)»an owihte msej
)>inre ruod-lufan maran tilian,

jumena drybten, tSonne ic jyt dyde,

1825 juJS-geweorca ic beo gearo sona.
7if ic ]78et jelfricge ofer floda beganj, Fol. 170*.

)?set ]7ec ymb-sittend ejesan ]?ywa?S,

swa J7ec hetende hwilum dydon,

ic Se Jjusenda }7e5na brinje
1830 haelejja to helpe. Ic on Hijelace wa<,
7eata dryhten, )>eah Se he jeong s^,

(Beowulf) orders Hrunting to be borne to Unferth, bids him take his sword,
thanks him for the loan, and courteously speaks well of it.
But the text can be interpreted as it stands. We may render : Then '

the brave one (Beowulf) bade the son of Ecglaf bear Hrunting, bade him
take his sword.' Or we may suppose that Beowulf has already returned the
sword lent by Unferth. Then se hearda (Unferth) presents the sword to
Beowulf, who courteously thanks him for the gift. The adj. hearda can
well be applied to Unferth, whose spirit no one doubts (11. 1166-7), though
admittedly he is inferior to Beowulf, to whom the term hearda is even
more appropriate (11. 401, 1963). The change of subject (Unferth subject of
heht, Beowulf of smgde) though harsh, can also be paralleled. That a parting
gift should be given to Beowulf by so important an official as Unferth seems
quite natural. The relations of Beowulf and Unferth would, with this inter-
pretation, be curiously like those of Odysseus and Euryalus (Odyssey, viii.
408, etc.). [See Klaeber**". Other interpretations have been suggested by
JeUinek and Kraus, Z.f.d.A. xxxv. 280.]
1816. hsele, Kemble 3 MS. helle.

1828. Most editors follow Grein in normalizing to hettende.

dydon. Metre demands dtedon [Sievers] or dedon [Holthausen].
1830. wdt, Kembl% : MS. wac.
1831. dryhten. We
might expect dryhtne, in apposition with Higelace.
Is this inexact spelling or inexact syntax ?
sy. See note to 1. 435.
: '

90 Beowulf
folces hyrde, he mec fremman wile

wordum ond weorcum, ]?aet ic ]7e wel herije,

ond Jjg to jeoce gar-holt here,

1835 msejenes fultum, J^ser tSe bi8 manna ]7earf.

7if him )>onne Hre)?ric to hofum 7eata

gej^inged', J^eodnes beam, he msBj J^ser fela
freonda findan ; feor-cy)??5e beoS
selran jesohte, J^Sm ]7e him selfa deah."
1840 HroSjar maj^elode him on ondsware
"J7e J;a word-cwydas wijtig Drihten
on sefan sonde; ne hyrde ic snotorlicor
on swa jeonjum feore juman Jjinjian;
]>u eart msegenes stranj ond on mode frod,
1845 wis word-cwida. Wen ic talije,
gif )jaet jejanjeS, J>3et 5e gar nymetS,
hild heoru-jrimme, Hrejjles eaferan,
adl o)>?Se iren ealdor Sinne,
folces hyrde, ond ]7u jjin feorh hafast,
1850 ]73et J?e ISffi-Teatas selran nsebben Fol. 170".

to geceosenne cynioj senigne,

hord-weard hselej^a, jyf ]>u healdan wylt
maja rice. Me yin mod-sefa
licaS lenj swa wel, leofa Beowulf./
1833. wordum ond weoi-cum, Thorpe MS. weordum 7 worcum. Such :

interchange of eo and was encouraged by the fact that in L.W.S. weorc

often became wore: of. Sieyersj § 72.
herige, apparently from herian, praise ' I will honour thee
' but this
' : ' :

sense of herian is hard to parallel the comparison of weordbde in 1. 2096 is


hardly sufficient. The difficulty is, however, even greater if we take the
verb as hergian, 'harry,' and interpret, with Leo and Schiioking, 'supply
with an army,' or, with Cosijn'^, snatch away.' If the symbol -f is some-

times used for /a (see note to 1. 15) it might be so interpreted here fid :

ic fie wel herige, i.e. when I have so much to report in thy praise,' Hygelac

will gladly send help.

1836. Hrepric, Gnindtvig's^ MS. hreprinc. CI. 1. 1189.

1837. gepingeS, GreiUj, partially following Kemblej:, MS. gepinged.

1840. Since Mm
seems hardly sufficient to bear a full stress, Holthausen
supposes a lacuna, which he fills thus :

HroSga/r mapelode, [helm Scyldinga,

eorl seSelum god] on ondsware. Mm
1841. wigtig. KemblCj following Thorpe and followed by most editors,

altered to m(fi(/. But no change is necessary wigtig = wUig. See notes to :

11. 1085 and 1770.

1854. Grein {Sprachschatz, under swd) and Bugge'', followed by most

subsequent editors, leng swd sel, the longer the better
a tempting emen- '

dation. But if one finds gross anomalies in accidence in the Beouulf, why
should one look for a flawless syntax?

Beowulf 91

1855 Hafast ];u jefered, j^set ]jam folcum sceal,

Teata leodum ond 7ar-Denum,
sib 5ein£ene, ond sacu restan,
inwit-ni)7as, )>e hie £er drujon

wesan, J>endeii ic wealde widan rices,

i860 ma)»ma8 jemjene; manij o]7eme
jodum jejrettan ofer janotes bsetS;
sceal hrinj-naca ofer hea/ii brinjan
lac ond hif-tacen. Ic ]7a leode wat
ge wis feond je wis freond fseste jeworhte,
1865 Egjhwses untsele ealde wisan."
Da Jit him eorla hleo inne gesealde,
majo Healfdenes, maj>mas twelfe,
het [A]ine mid J>Sm lacum leode swsese
secean on jesyntum, sniide eft cuman.
1870 7ecyste )Ȥ, cyning aej^elum jod,
J»eoden Scyldinja, 5e5n[a] betstan,
ond be healse jenam; hruron him tearas
blonden-feaxum. Him waes beja wen,
ealdum, in-|frodum, oj^res swiSor, Fol. 171".

1875 J'set h[i;]e seo35a[n na] geseon moston,

1857. gemmne, Sievera {P.B.B. ix. 140] MS. ge mmnum. The Boribal

error arises naturally from the three preceding datives.

1859-61. Holthansen regards wesan and gegrettan as optatives for
wesen, etc., let there be
This compels us to take a pi. gegretten with the

8g. manig. Such syntax is possible, but it is surely simpler to take wesan
and gegrettan as infinitives depending on sceal, sculon, supplied from 1. 1855.
1862. heafu, Klnge'"*: MS. heajm. Heapu was retained by the older
editors, who attributed to it the meaning 'sea' [from Mah: altum, mare,
Grein ; of. also Cosijn, P.B.B. xxi. 10]. This would necessitate long ea :

which would give us a line, not indeed quite unprecedented, but of an

exceedingly unusual type [cf. Sievers in P.B.B. x. 235, 245]. In view of
this difficulty, and of the fact that no certain instance of heapu= ' sea is '

forthcoming, it seems best to adopt the conjecture of Kluge^'", ofer heafu ;

especially as that phrase occurs later (I. 2477).
If we could substantiate a word ften/u meaning sea,' it would certainly

help to explain the compounds heapo-llffende {Beowulf, 1798, 2955 ; Andreas,

426) and heafio-sigel {Riddles, Ixxii. [Ixxiii.] 19). We
can explain these as
'warlike travellers,' etc., but it would be easier if we could take the first
element in the compound as meaning sea.' For this, however, there seems

insufficient evidence.
Sarrazin would retain ofer heafiu, ' after the fight (of. 11. 1857-8). '

1867. twelfe : MS. xii.

1868. hine, Thorpe MS. inne.

1871. fegntal Kemblei MS. dcfl".


1875. 7([i]e, Grundtvig'** : MS. fte.

seodSa[n no]. Bugge* supplied [na] in order to give Hrothgar cause for
92 BeowuHf
modige on mej»le. Wses him se man to l>on leof,
)>set he ]7one breost-wylm forberan ne mehte,
ac him on hrej^re hyje-bendum faest

sefter deorum men dyrne lanjaS

1880 beam wiS blode. Him Beowulf J>anan,
guS-rinc gold-wlanc, jrses-moldan traed
since hremij; bad
a5e[w]d-fr^an, on ancre rad.
se \&
pa wses on janje jifu HroSjares
1885 oft jeaehted. past waes an cyninj
aejhwaes orleahtre, o\ j^aet hine yldo benam
maejenes wynnum, se )>e oft manejum scod.
xxviTCWOM ]>a to flode fela-modijra
haej-stealdra [heap]; hrinj-net baeron,

his tears. The corner of the parchment is here broken away, and, on palaeo-
graphical grounds alone, it is likely that a short word has been lost, though^
when ThorkeUn's transcripts were made, orjly seoSSa was to be seen, as now.
Bugge's conjecture is therefore almost certain, and has been suppoi-ted by
Sievers [Anglia, ziv. 141] and adopted by Trautmann, Holthausen and

geieon, 'see each other.' For a parallel usage of geseon see Andreas,
1012 also gedmlan in the sense of parting from each other is found in
: ' '

Wulfstan. [Cf. Kluge'*' Pogatscher in Anglia, xxiii. 273, 299.]


1879-80. beam, Grein MS. beorn. The meaning must be a secret

: '

longing burnt.' Beorn is an unexampled form of the pret. pf beornan [cf.

SieverSj § 386, N. 2], so that it is necessary to make the slight change to
either born [Thorpe and recent edd.], or beam [Grein], with identical mean-
ing : 'the longing burnt to his blood,' i.e. right into him. So Cosijn^^,.
comparing, for similar use of mid', 1. 2673. [Cf. also Sievers, Z.f.d.Ph. xxi.
363.] Heinzel [A.f.d.A. xv. 190] would interpret beam as in 1. 67 (from
be-ieman, to run, occur ') : but the alliteration is against this.

To avoid the unusual construction in the second half of this line Sedge-
field would read Gewdt him Beowulf panan. Cf. 1. 1601."
1883. dge^nyi-frean, Eemble, MS. agedfrean.

188S. A colon is usually placed after geeehted, and Earle remarks that
what follows is the gist of their talk as they went.' I take it to be a

reflection of the scop.

1887. For se, Greinj [followed by Holthausen] reads seo, old age which '

has marred so many.' Cf. 11. 1344, 2685.

1889. We should expect hseg-stealda, not hwg-stealdra, and the reading
of the text may well be only a misspelling resulting from the preceding
modigra. It is conceivable, however, that the form is here used adjectivally.
The addition of [heap], a conjecture of Grein, and Grundtvig [1861,
p. 65], is metrically essential.
baron. In this type of half-line (A) the second accented syllable is
almost always short if preceded by a compound (e.g. 1. 838, guS-rinc monig).
Sievers [P.B.B. x. 224] would accordingly alter to the infinitive here, and in
this he is followed by Trautmann {beran) and Holthausen {beron = beran).
As Sievers points out, it is possible that the MS. should be read beron, as
there is a dot under the first part of the diphthong se, which perhaps is
intended to cancel it.
; ; ;

Beowulf 93

1890 locene leoSo-syrcan. Land-weard onfand

eft-siS eorla, swa he Mv dyde
no he mid hearrae of hliSes nosan
|5aes[tas] 5rette, ac him tojeanes rad, Fol. 171''.

cwaeS )»8et wilcuman Wedera leodum

1895 sca]7an scir-hame to scipe foron.
pa wses on sande s£e-geap naca
hladen here-wsedum, hringed-stefna
mearum ond ma?Smum; msest hlifade
jofer HroSjares hord-jestreonum.
1900 He )?8em bat-wearde bunden jolde
swurd ^esealde, j^set he sytSj^an wses

on meodu-bence ma)>me j^y weor)>ra,

yrfe-lafe. vewat him on naca
drefan deop wseter, Dena land ofjeaf.

1905 pa waes be maeste mere-hrsejla sum,

se^l sale faest; sund-wudu ]7unede;
no Jjser we^-flotan wind ofer ySum
siSes jetwsefde; sse-senja for,
fleat JSmij-heals forS ofer ytSe,
1910 bunden-stefha ofer brim-streamas,
]7aet hie Teata elifu onjitan meahton,
cilj>e nsessas; ceol up ^ej^ranj
lyft-jeswenced, on lande stod.
Hra]?e waes aet |holme hy?5-weard jeara, Fol. 172».

191 5 se ]>e Sr lanje tid leofra manna

fus set farotSe feor wlatode

1893. MS. defective. A gses (followed by a blank

Thorkelin's transcript
space) ; Grundtvig^'*, gms\tas].
189S. MS. defective. Thorkelin's transcripts, A scawan ; B icapan.
1902. majmie py weorrjrra, Thorpe : MS. mapma py weorpre.
1903. naca : MS. nacan. Grein suggested [yf]-nacan for the allitera-
tion. Eieger"'^ suggested gewdt him on naca, ' the ship went on ': on being
then an adv., emphatic, and therefore capable of alliterating, as in 1. 2523.
The alteration is very slight, for elsewhere (11. 37S, 2769) the scribe adds a
similar superfluous n.
Bugge" supposed two half-lines to have been lost.
1913. Sievers [P.B.B. ix. 141] would supply [ptet he] on lande stod,
comparing 1. 404. [So Holthausen and Sedgefield.]
1914. geara for gearu is probably not a scribal error a for m in final

unaccented syllables can be paralleled. [Cf. Bugge in Z.f.d.Ph. iv. 194

Elaeber, Anglia, xzvii. 419.]
1915. Uofra manna may depend upon fus or upon wlatode, perhaps
upon both: 'looked for the beloved men, longing for them.'

94 Beowulf
sSlde to sande sid-fsej'me scip
oncer-bendum faest, Jjy lies hym y)?a Srym
wudu wynsuman forwrecan meahte.
1920 Het ]?a up beran asjjelinga 5estreon,
fraetwe ond fset-gold; nses him feor J>anoii
to jesecanne sinces bryttan,
Higelac HreJ^linj, \^t set ham wuna?5
selfa mid jesiSum sse-wealle neah.
1925 Bold wses betlic, bre^o rof cyninj,
h^a healle, Hygd swiSe jeonj,
wis,wel Jjungen, j^eah Se wintra lyt
under burh-locan jebiden haebbe
HsereJ'es dohtor; nses hio hnah swa }»eah,

1930 ne to jneaS gifa Tcata leodum,

ma]>m-5estreona. .^VLod JJrytSe \ne\ wsej,
fremu folces cwen, firen ondrysne

1918. oncer-bendum, Grundtvig^^' : MS. oncear-hendum.

1923. Trantmann and Holthausenj, wunade, following Thorpe and
Grein. Sievers [P.B.B. ix. 141] regards this and the next line as oratio
recta. But cf. the present tenses in 11. 1314, 1928, 2495.
Sievers would add he after Jjmr. [So Holthausen.]
1925. Kemble, brego-rof, ' the king was a famous chieftain ' [so Grundtvig
1861, p. 66], but the hyphen is unnecessary. Holthauseng suggests : bree
rof cyning hean healle, ' the brave king enjoyed his high hall ' : brec being
an Anglian form for W. S. breac.
1926. Either we must interpret ' high were the halls ' (an unusual use
of the plural), or (as an instrumental-locative sg.) 'in the high hall';
von Grienberger and Schiicking, heahealle, in the royal hall ' ; Sedgefield,

on heahealle, with the same meaning ; on hean healle has also been sug-
gested [Kluge, Holthauseug].
1928. heebbe. See note to 1. 1923, above.
1931. Mod }}rySe \ne] She [Hygd], brave queen of the
wseg, Schiicking :

folk, had not the mood, the pride of MS. pryHfo wng. The altera-
Thryth ' :

tion is essential, for JjrySo is hardly a possible form, whether we take it as

a common or a proper noun the u would be dropped after the long syllable,

as in Osfiryp, GynepryJ) [cf. J. M. Hart in M.L.N, xviii. 118; Holthausen"^],

Yet Jfrypo is perhaps conceivable as a diminutive of some form like pryfi-
gifu, as Eadu for Eadgifu [cf. Klaeber in Anglia, xxviii. 452]. Both scribes
frequently omit ne of. 11. 44, 1129, 1130, 2006, 2911.

Moreover the emendation explains fremu folces cwen, which seems not
very applicable to Thryth also it explains the otherwise unintelligibly

abrupt transition from Hygd to Thryth. Schucking's emendation has been

adopted by Holthausen, and is much the best explanation of a difficult
Hygd and Thryth are contrasted, like Sigmund and Heremod.
The violent introduction of this episode from the Offa-cycle points
probably to an Anglian origin for our poem. See Introduction to Beowulf,
and Index of Persons Thryth.:

1932. Suchier [P.B.B. iv. 501] firen-ondrysne. have elision of final We


Beowulf 95

nsenij ]7set dorste deor jenej^an

swsesra jesiSa, nefne sin frSa,

'935 I'set hire an daejes eajum starede;

ac him wsBl-bende |weotode tealde Fol. l72^

hand-jewii)7ene ; hraj>e seo]7?5an wees

sefter mund-jripe mece jej^injed,
)>set hit sceaden-mael scyran 'moste,
1940 cwealm-bealu cySan. Ne biS swylc cwenlic J^eaw
idese to efnanne, )>eah Se hio Eenlicu sy,
l^aette freoSu-webbe feores onssece

e before a vowel in 11. 338 and 442. But perhaps the true explanation of
the forms frofor in 1. 698 and firen here wiU be found in Sievers,
§ 261, N.
1933. Jjmt anticipates the clause fiat. ..starede (1. 1935).
1934. The MS. may be read either as sinfrea, 'the great lord,' or as
sin frea, ' her lord.' It has been urged that njetrioaUy the first is preferable :
yet instances enough can be found of the possessive bearing the alliteration.
Cf. note to 1. 262.
Thryth is the perilous maiden of legend, who slays her wooers, till the
destined husband arrives. Her cruel acts are prior to her marriage, and
therefore sinfrea, ' the great lord,' i.e. her father, gives good sense. Yet sin

frea is possible none save Offa, her destined husband, could gaze upon her
as a wooer without paying the penalty. [See Cosijn in P.B.B. xix. 454
Elaeber in Anglia, xxviii. 449 ; and Introdv£ticm to Beowulf: Thryth.]
1935. hire an deeges eagum starede. (1) This has been interpreted
' gazed on her by the eyes of day' [Grein, etc.]. But hire an, ' upon her,'
is difficult, for starian on takes the ace. (cf. 11. 996, 1485). (2) If we read
an-dages, the rendering ' gazed upon her by day,' or the whole day,' has '

been proposed [Leo] : but here again the construction, starian hire, to '

gaze upon her,' is inexplicable. The substitution of hie for hire has there-
fore been proposed. (3) The MS. certainly divides an dseges. But, since
little importance can be attached to this spacing, Bugge [Tidsskr. viii. 296],
following a suggestion of P. A. Munch, supposed andSges=and-eges=' in
the presence of (cf. Goth, and-dugjo), governing hire, ' that gazed with his

eyes in her presence.' Suchier [^P.B.B. iv. 502] rendered ' eye to eye,' into '

her face,' apparently following Bugge's etymology.

1938. xfter mund-gripe, 'after the arrest' of the presumptuous gesiS'.
[So Bugge in Z.f.d.Ph. iv. 207; Suchier in P.B.B. iv. 502.] Sedgefleld
interprets mund-gripe as ' strangling,' but this surely would have rendered
the subsequent use of the sword (1. 1939) superfluous.
1939. ' That the adorned sword might make it clear, ' or decide it '

[cf Holthausen in Anglia, Beiblatt, x. 273]

. and make the death known

sceaden-mssl is undoubtedly a compound, ' a sword adorned with diverse or

distinct patterns ' (sceddan, to divide ' or ' decide ').
' [Cf. Sievers in P.B.B.
X. 313 in xxxvi. 429 he compares wunden-mSl, 1. 1531.]
: The older critics
took scedden as a distinct word, qualifying hit: 'might make manifest
(scyran) the matter when it had been decided,' or that it should be de- '

cided.' [So Suchier in P.B.B. iv. 502, and (with unnecessary emendation,
scyrian, after Thorpe's glossary) Bugge in Z.f.d.Ph. iv. 207.] But these
renderings are forced and unnecessary.
The second hand in the MS. begins with moste.
1941. efnanne. Cf. note to 1. 473.
1942. Kemblej, onsece [bo Bieger*'^, Schiicking and Holthausen]. The
emendation is supported by Juliana, 679, feores onsohte, 'deprived of life.'
96 Beowulf
sefter lise-torne leofne mannan.
Huru Jjset onhohsnod[e] Hemminjes m^j.
1945 Ealo-drincende oSer ssedaD,
}>aet hio leod-bealewa ISs jefremede,
inwit-nitSa, syStSan rerest weartS
jyfen jold-hroden 5eon5um cempan,
aeSelum diore, sySSan hio Offan flet

1950 ofer fealone flod be fseder lare

siSe jesohte; tSser hio sytSSSan well
in jum-stole, jode m£ere,
lif-jesceafta lifijende breac,
hiold heah-lufan wiS hselej^a brego,

1955 ealles moa-cynnes, mine 5efr£e5e,

)»owe selestan bi stem tweonum,
eormen-cynnes. ForSam Offa |waes, Fol. 173*.

jeofum ond juSum jar-cene man,

wide 5eweor5od; wisdome heold irv„~y^
i960 eSel sinne. ponon ^om<^r woe
hseleSum to helpe, Hem[m]in5es mjej,
nefa -rarmundes, niSa craeftis.')
XXVIII GEwat him 5a se hearda mid his hond-scole
sylf aefter sande sse-wonj tredan,
1944. onlwhm,od[e\, Thorpe: MS. on hohsnod: onhohsnian does not
occur elsewhere. Dietrich [^Z.f.d.A. xi. 413-5] proposed a derivation from
ft««c = fea«c, 'contempt': Hemming's kinsman scorned this.' But the best

suggestion is that of Bugge [Tidtskr. viii. 302] who took onhohsnian as

'hamstring' [of. O.E. hohsinu: Mod. Eng. hock, hough: M.H.G. (ent)
hdhsenen}. Bugge interpreted the word in a figurative sense, 'stop' 'hinder.'
Hemminges, Kemblei: MS. hem ninges; in 1. 1961 the name is written
heminges. A comparison of the many passages where this name (or its
cognates) appears seems to show that the correct form is Hemming [cf.
Miillenhoff'™; Sievers in P.B.B. x. 501; Binz in P.B.B. xx. 172]. The
kinsman of Hemming who ' put a stop to Thryth's cruel dealings is
' '

presumably Offa.
1945. offer smdan, 'said yet another thing,' i.e. said further
not 'said
' ;

otherwise.' The words do not imply contradiction with what was said
before. [Cf. Cosijn^; Klaeber in Anglia, xxviii. 448.]
1956. If we retained the MS. reading /ass, we should have to take brego
also as a gen., which is unparalleled, the word being elsewhere extant only
in nom. voc. and ace. Hence almost all editors follow Thorpe in altering to
fione. _
1960. For the MS. geomor, which fails to alliterate, Thorpe read Earner;
so, simultaneously and independently, Baohlechner [Germ. i. 298] Eonmr,
Eomser, in the Mercian genealogies, is grandson of Ofia (see Index of
Persons). The emendation seems fairly certain, though a skilful attempt to
defend geomor, as referring to Offa's dulness in his youth, has been made by
Miss Eickert [Mod. Phil. ii. 54-8].

Beowulf 97

1965 wide waroSaa; woruld-candel scan,

si5el sutSan faa; hi siS drujon, v

elne jeeodon, to Bajs Se eorla hleo, \

bonan Onjenj^eoes burjum in innan,
Seonjne juS-cyninj godne jefrunon
1970 hrinjas dselan. Hijelace waes
siS Beowulfes snude gecySed,
]mt ^mr on worSij wigendra hleo,
lind-jestealla, lifijende cwom,
heatSo-laces hal to hofe jonsan.
1975 HraSe wses jerymed, swa se rica behead,
feSe-jestum flet innan-weatd.
Tesset ]>a, wis sylfne, se Sa ssecce genaes,
msej wiiS mseje, |sySSan man-dryhten Fol. 173".

]jurh hleo?!or-cwyde holdne jegrette

1980 meajlum wordum. Meodu-scencum hwearf
geond j^set heal-r^ced HaeretJes dohtor,
lufode tJa leode, liS-waeje baer
Hseuum to handa. Hijelac ongan

1968. The actual 'slayer of Ongentheow' was Eofor: but, according to

Germanic custom, the retainer's achievement is attributed to the chief.
1975. Hraffe alliterates here with r. [Cf. Sievers in P.B.B. x. 272.]
1978-80. Ambiguous. [Cf. Klaeber^^.] DoesBeowulf greet his 'gracious
lord,' or the lord his 'faithful [thane]'?
1981. heal-reced, Kemblei: MS. }>SBt lide reced. Zupitza: 'side added
over the line in the same hand I think, but with another ink. ' Unless two
half lines have been omitted [as Holthausen supposes] the emendation is
necessary for the alliteration.
The meaning of the mark in the MS. under the first e of r^ced is nn-
certain. Zupitza thinks it may be a mere flourish here, whilst it is used to
convert e into as in b^l (1. 2126). In fmSmii (1. 2652) also it is ambiguous
the older form of the optative would have been fsSmim [of. Sievers, § 361].
Under the m of siecce (1. 1989) it seems to be meaningless.
1983. HEmim: MS. ft« nu. Zupitza writes: 'between as and n a letter
(1 think S) erased.' There seems to me no doubt as to the erased letter
having been S.
Hse{ff)num may be a proper name signifying the Qeatas, or some tribe
associated with them. So Bugge", who interprets 'dwellers of the heath'
(of Jutland) in accordance with his theory of the Geatas being Jutes. But
the evidence for any name corresponding to H^(if)nas in Jutland is not
satisfactory. The Hw[ff)ruis would rather be identical with the O.N.
Hei{S)nir, the dwellers in HeiSm^rh, Hedemarken, in central Scandinavia.
Warriors from this district might well have been in the service of Hygelac
or the poet may be using loosely a familiar epic name. That those HseSnas
were known in O.B. tradition seems clear from Widsith, 81. The last
transcriber of Beowulf, not understanding the name, and taking it for the
adj. 'heathen,' may then (as Bugge supposes) have deleted the if, not liking
to apply such an epithet as 'heathen' to Hygelao's men.

B. 7

98 Beowulf
sinne jeseldan in sele J»ara hean
1985 ^jre fricjcean, hyne fyrwet brsec,

hwylce S^-ieata siSas wseron :

"Hu lomp eow on lade, leofa Biowulf,

)>a Sti ^rinja feorr jehojodest
ssecce secean ofer sealt wseter,
1990 hilde to Hiorote ? Ac fSu HroSjare
wid-cu5ne wean wihte gebettest,
mserum Seodne ? Ic Sses mod-ceare
sorh-wylmum seaS, siSe ne truwode
leofes mannes. Ic Se lange baed,
1995 ]>set Su J^one wsel-jeest wihte ne jrette,
lete SuS-Dene sylfe jeweorSan
ju?Se wis 'jrendel. Tode ic J^anc secje,

)'8es 5e ic tJe gesundne geseon moste."

Biowulf maSelode, beam EcjtSioes:
2000 |"pset is undyrne, dryhten Hijelac, Fol. 174^

[oiEere] jemetinj, monejum fira,

hwylc [orlej-Jhwil uncer trendies

wears on Sam wange, Jȣer he worna fela
Sige-Scyldinjum sorje jefremede,
2005 yrmSe to aldre ; ic Saet eall gewrsec,

swa [bejgylpan [ne] J^earf grendeles maga

Greitii, followed by Sedgefield, conjectured hmluni, i.e. dat. pi. of hsBle{/!),
'man, hero.' But although the ff is often dropped in the nom. hale for
hsele^, a dat. pi. hmlwm is not paralleled, and if we wish to interpret the
passage so, it is probably best, with Holthauaen, to alter to hmleffum, the
only recognised form (cf. 1. 2024).
1985. Greiua puts into parenthesis {hyne fyrwet hrszc); but 11. 232, 2784,
show that these words form a satisfactory parallel to fricgcean, and can
govern a following interrogative clause.
1989. MS. Sfcce. See note to 1. 1981.
1991. wid; Thorkelin, Thorpe
MS. wiff. :

1994, The 'discrepancy' with U. 415,

etc. etc., 435, etc., is not one
which need trouble us much.
1995. wsel-gmt. See note to 1. 102.
2001. MS. defective (more than usually) here, and in 1. 2002: [»!««]>
Grein 1
2002. [orleg-2, Thorpe.
2006. MS. defective, here and in 11. 2007, 2009. Many editors (including
recently Sedgefield) follow the reading of Grundtvig296: swd [ne] gylpan
pearf: ne certainly is demanded by the sense, but that ne was not the word
missing before gylpan is implied by Thorkelin's transcripts: A has swabe, B
swal, which seems to show that a portion of a letter involving a long upright
stroke could be read.
Against the reading of the text it may be urged that begielpan is other^

Beowulf 99

[senij] ofer eor?5an uht-hlem Jjone,

se ye lenjest leofatS latSan cynnes

f[acne] bifonjen. Ic Seer furSum cwom
20I0 to Sam hrinj-sele HroSjar jretan;
sona me se msera mago Healfdenes,
sySSan he mod-sefan minne cuSe,
wis his sylfes sunu setl jetsehte.

Weorod wses on wynne; ne seah ic widan feorh

2015 under heofones hwealf heal-sittendra
medu-dream maran. Hwilum mseru cwen,
friSu-sibb folca, flet eall jeond-hwearf,
bfedde byre jeonge ; oft hio beah-wriSan
secje |[sealde], ser hie to setle jeonj. Fol. 174".

2020 Hwilum for [dJujuSe dohtor HroSgares

eorlum on ende ealu-wsege bier,
)7a ic Freaware flet-sittende

wise unknown, and that it assumes an omission of ne where there is no gap

in the MS. But the reading ne gylpan pearf involves difficulties at least as
serious: for gielpan with an ace. can hardly be paralleled, and we should
expect gylpan ne pearf (ne gylpan Jrearf would mean 'nor need he boast').
With difficulties thus on both sides there seems no justification for deserting
the reading of Thorkelin's transcripts [cf. Klaeber in Engl. Stud, xxxix.
2007. Isenig], Kemblei
uht-hlem refers to the crash between Beowulf and Greudel rather than
(as Gummere thinks) to the lamentation caused of old by Orendel (11. 128-9)
which is now no longer to be a cause of boasting to his kin hlem signifies :

'crash' rather than 'lamentation.'

2009. /[acne] bifongen [so Schiicking and Sedgefield] was first suggested
by Bogge'', and is supported by Juliana, 350, where the devil is so described.
Thorkelin's transcripts read A /« and a blank B/er...; Kemblej^^ reads
: ;

fssr-bifongen [soWiilker]; KeToble^jfen-bifongen; Grundtvig [1861,'"p. 69]

fenne bifongen flmce bifongen, ' enveloped in flesh [Trantmann, Holthausen]
; '

is good in itself, but seems incompatible with the (certainly very conflicting)
evidence of Thorkelin's transcripts. These leave us in doubt what was the
letter following/, but make it clear that it was not I.
2018. reading, bsedde, must mean 'constrained, urged them to
The MS.
be merry.' But the conjecture of Klaeber^^' seems likely bSlde from bieldan,

'encouraged, cheered' [so Holthausen^j Schiicking]. Cf. 1. 1094.


2019. MS.defective at corner: Thorpe, [«eaWe]. Many editors have

normalized to hio: but the spelling hie =
Mo can be paralleled. See
Sieversj § 334.
geong. Note the exceptional indicative here, after ser.
2020. MS. defective: [(i]us«(re, Grundtvig^^*.
2021. eorlum on ende. This is often interpreted 'to the earls at the
end of the high table,' i.e. 'the nobles.' But the noblest did not sit at the
end, but in the middle of the table. [Cf. Clark-Hall.] So the meaning
must rather be 'from one end to the other.' Cosijn^" would alter to on
100 Beowulf
nemnan hyrde, )ȣer hio [nae]5led sine
heeleSum sealde. Sio gehaten [is],

2025 jeonj, 5old-hroden, ^ladum suna Frodan;

[hJafaS jeworden
)7aes wine Scyldinja,
rices hyrde, ond ]7set rsed talaS,
]jffit he mid Sy wife wsel-fiehSa dsel,
ssecca sesette. Oft seldan hweer
2030 sefter leod-hryre lytle hwile
bon-gar bujeS, )>eah seo bryd du5e.
dMsej J>aes ]7onne ofj'yncan 8eoden HeatSobeardna
ond J»e5na jehwam J'ara leoda,

j7onne he mid fsemnan on flett j^S,

2023. MS. \nm']gled, Greiu's emendation, is confirmed
defective at edge.
by the nmglede beagas of the Umband'e Message, 1. 34.
2024. MS. defective at edge, here and in 1. 2026: [is] supplied by Kluge.
So all recent editors. That some such short word has been lost at the edge
of the page is clear from the present condition of the MS. and also from
Thorkelin's transcripts.
2026. [hjafaff. MS. defective at edge: emendation of Kemblei.
2028. wal-fsehSa dxl, 'the manifold murderous feuds.' Cf. 11. 1150,
1740, etc., and 2068 below.
2029. Oft ends a line in the MS., which is defective at the beginning of
the next line, the s of seldan being gone. In this gap Heyne proposed to
insert the negative oft [no] seldan hwSr.
: For the tautology of ' often, not
seldom' cf. 1. 3019, and Psalm Ixxiv. 4. [Other parallels quoted by Bugge,
Tidsskr. viii. 54.]
Zupitza's view, however, with which I agree, is that there is not room
enough for no to have stood before seldan, though Kolbing and Willker
think there is. Oft seldan has been defended by Kock [Anglia, xxvn. 233]
as meaning ' as a rule there is seldom a place where the spear rests, when
some time has elapsed....' Eock compares 1. 3062. [See also Klaeber in
Engl. Stud. xliv. 125: he would interpret, 'As a rule it is only in rare
instances and for a short time that the spear rests....']
Sedgefield suggests Oft selS (=sselS) onhwea/rf sifter leodhry re, 'often has
fortune changed after the fall of a prince.' But this hardly gives a satisfactory
sense. Fortune did not change. Ingeld was defeated, Uke his father before
him. Better is the conjecture of HolthauseUj, Oft [bi3'] sel and wmr, often '

is there prosperity and peace....'

2032. Kemblej, etc., read Seodne. In favour of this it can be urged
that ofSyncan always takes a dat. of the person, and that ifeoden is not
a defensible dat. form. But feoden is the clear reading of the MS. and he

would be a bold man who should correct all its grammatical anomalies.
[Cf. Klaeber2«».]
2033. fidra is emphatic, and hence can take the alliteration.
2034. etc. The general drift of what follows is perfectly clear. The
Danish warriors, who escort Freawaru into the hall of the Heathobeard king,
Ingeld (see Index of Persons: Heathobeardan, Ingeld), carry weapons which
have been taken from slaughtered Heathobeard champions during the war
now ended. An old Heathobeard warrior urges on a younger man (ap-
parently not, in this version, Ingeld himself) to revenge, and in the end
this Heathobeard youth slays the Dane, the fSmnan />egn of 1. 2059, who
wears his father's sword; the slayer (se oSer, 1. 2061) takes to flight. Thus
the feud breaks out again.
Beowulf 101

2035 dryht-bearn Dena dujuSa bi werede;

ou him jladiaS jomelra lafe
heard ond hrinj-m£el, HeaSabearna jestreon,
J^enden hie 5am wtepnum wealdan moston,
[xxix] o?S 5set hie forlaeddan to Sam liud-ple^an
2040 swffise jesKas ond hyra sylfra feorh.
ponne cwis set beore, se tSe beah |5esyh?5, Fol. 175^

2035. hi werede, Greiiij MS. biwenede. The alteration is exceedingly


slight, since the difference between n and r in O.E. script is often im-
perceptible, and may well have been so here in the original from which
our Be&wulf MS. was copied cf. urder for under, 1. 2755.

Several interpretations of this passage are possible, (1) he refers, not to

Ingeld, but proleptically to the dryht-bearn Dena: 'when he [viz. the noble
scion of the Danes] moves in the hall amid the chivalry [of the Heatho-
beardan] then doth it displease Ingeld and aJl his men.'
The repeated fionne seems to demand this interpretation. The Heatho-
beardan have consented to bury the feud, but when they see, then they can
no longer control their fury.
But in spite of this, and of the slightness of the emendation bi werede,
which it ahnost necessitates, most critics retain biwenede. We may then
suppose that (2) he refers to Ingeld, the Seoden HeaSobeardna, and that
the conjunction }>mt has to be understood before dryht-bearn it displeases :

Ingeld, 'when he goes with his lady into hall, that his high lords should
entertain a noble scion of the Danes' [Clark-Hall, following Wyatt]. This
interpretation compels us to assume a pi. subject with a sg. verb [duguSa
biwenede), but in subordinate clauses such false concords can be paralleled:
cf. 11. 1051, 2130, 2164, 2251, etc. For the omission of pset of. 1. 801 and
note to 1. 2206.
In both (1) and (2) the dryht-bearn Dena is a young Danish warrior
escorting the queen. Some editors alter to dryht-beom, 'noble warrior.'
(3) Sedgefield takes dryht-bearn Dena to mean the young queen herself:
'it displeases Ingeld when he treads the floor with his wife, that noble
child of the Danes, attended by her chivalry.' With this interpretation it is,
of course, to the duguf, and not to the dryht-bearn, that the mischief-causing
weapons belong.
(4) Elaeber [Engl. Stud, xxxix. 465] would take duguSa biwenede as
a parenthesis: 'the heroes are being feasted.' (For the omission of the
verb 'to be' Elaeber compares 11. 811, 1559.)
2037. HeaSabeama. Thorpe normalized to HeaSobeardna, and has
been followed by most editors. It is not easy to say whether the omission
of the d is an error of the scribe, due to confusion with beam, 'child,' or
whether it represents the omission of the middle consonant, which frequently
occurs when three consonants come together. [Cf. Blilbring, § 533.] The d
is omitted also below (1. 2067) and was likewise omitted by the scribe of the
Exeter Book (Widsith, 49) who, however, corrected himself.
2038-9. hie... hie: the Heathobeard warriors.
2039. The MS. has a large capital at the beginning of this line, such
as one finds elsewhere only at the beginning of a new section (cf. 1. 1740).
But the number xziz [xzvnn] is wanting, and the next break is at 1. 2144,
where the number is xxxi. There are signs of confusion and erasure in the
numbering from the twenty-fourth section (1. 1651) up to this point.
2041. beah is strange, for it is a sword, not an armlet, which is the
cause of strife. If beah can mean simply treasure,' it may be applied to a

sword, like md},3um (11. 2055, 1528). [Cf. Klaeber«2.]

Bugge's would read ba the old warrior gazes upon both Freawaru and

her escort.
, ;

102 Beowulf
eald aesc-wiga, se Se eall 5em[an],
jar-cwealm jumena —him biS 5rim sefa —
onjinne?? jeomor-mod 5eon3[um] cempan
2045 ]7urh hretSra gehygd hijes cunnian,
wij-bealu weccean, ond ]?set word acwyS:
Meaht Sii, min wine, mece ^ecnawan,
)7one )7in fseder to jefeohte bser
under here-5riman hindeman siSe,
2050 dyre iren, ]?£er hyne Dene slo^on,

weoldon wsel-stowe, sytSBan Wi?Ser5yld Isej,

sefter haelej^a hryre, hwate Scyldunjas?
Nu her J»ara banena byre nat-hwylces
fraetwum hremig on flet je^S,
2055 mortSres 5ylpe[t5], ond )>one ma,?S|>um byretJ,
]7one 5u mid rihte
]?e rsedan sceoldest.'
ManaB swa ond myndgaS msela jehwylce
sarum woi'dum, 08 Sset ssel cymeS,
]>3et se fsemnan jjejn fore faeder dsedum
2060 ap.fter billes bite blod-fag swefeS,
ealdres scyldij; him se oSer ]>onan
losaS |[li]fi5ende,con him land jeare. Fol. 175".

ponne bioS [a]brocene on ba healfe

Holthausen's conjecture, beam, referring to the Danish warrior who

carries the sword (the fSmnan }>egn of 1. 2059), has been adopted by
Sedgefield, but abandoned by Holthausen himself.
2042. MS. defective at comer and edge: gem[on], Grundtvig^s*.
2044. MS. defective: Kemblci and Greiui supply ^eon9[um]. Schticking
follows Kemble2, geong[ne].
2048. The alliteration is improved by the addition of frod before feeder
[Holthausen j, so Sedgefield^] or oifxge after [Holthanseog].

2051. WiSergyld. Some of the older editors take the word as a common
noun: soHeynej, iySSan wiSer-gyld Img, 'when vengeance failed.' But a
hero of this name is mentioned in Widaith, 124, although not in a context
which would connect him with this story.
2052. Scyldungas, in apposition with Dene.
2055. MS. defective at edge: gylpeS, KemblCj, For maSJmm referring
to a sword, cf. 1. 1528 and mdi^um-sweord, 1. 1023.
2062. MS. defective at corner and edge here and in two following lines.
Thorkelin's transcripts, A
figende, B eigende ; ThorkeUn's edition, wigende
(so older editors) ; Heyne, [li]figende, followed by all recent editors.
kim is a kind of 'ethic dative' or dative of advantage,' which cannot be

rendered in modern English.

2063. Thorkelin's transcripts A and B orocene (B with a stop before it)
Kemblei [d]broeene [so Zupitza, Holthausen, Sedgefield]; Schiicking, broeene.

The space indisputably fits dbrocene best.

; ;

Beowulf 103

a5-sweord eorla, [syS]t5aii Inselde

2065 weallaS w3Bl-ni8as, ond him wif-lufan
aefter cear-wselmum colran weorSaS.

py ic Hea?5obearna hyldo ne telje,

dryht-sibbe dsel, Denum unfaecne,
freond-scipe faestne.) Ic sceal fortS sprecan
2070 gen ymbe ^rendel, j^aet 5u ^eare cunne,
sinces brytta, to hwan syJSSan wear?S
hond-rjes haBleSSa. SyStSan heofones jim
jlad ofer jrundas, jaest yrre cwom,
eatol sgfen-jrom, user neosan,
2075 tSser we gesunde ssel weardodon.
peer waes Hondscid hild onssege,
feorh-bealu fsegum ; he fyrmest Isej,

jyrded cempa; him 'jrendel wearS,

mjerum magM-j^egne, to muS-bonan,
2080 mannes
leofes lie eall forswealj.

No By ffir lit t5a gen idel-hende

bona blodij-toS, bealewa gemyndij,
of 8am gold-sele jongan wolde
ac he msejnes rof min costode,
2085 Ijrapode jearo-folm. Tlof hangode Fol. 176*.
sid ond syllic, searo-bendum fsest

sio wses ort5oncum eall gegyrwed

deofles crsftum ond dracan fellum.

2064. orf'-«w«ord, Thorkelin's correction : M.&. alf-sweorS.
\isy3yian, Kemblej : MS. defective at edge.
2067. Heaffobearna. Cf. note to 1. 2037.
2076. Hondicio=Sondscide presumably the name of the Geat
slain by Grendel (11. Hondscio is naturally first mentioned by
740, etc.).
name to the people who know him. Of. the delay in mentioning the name
of Beowulf Q. 343).
Some eoUtors have been unwilling to follow Grundtvig and Holtzmann
[Germ. viii. 496] in taking this as a proper name, and have seen in it a
reference to Grendel's 'glove' (cf. 1. 2085). But a comparison of 11. 2482-3
(HmScynne wearS. .guS onsmge), and the fact that place names postulating

a proper name Hondscio are found in both English and German charters
{Andscoheshdm, Handschuchsheim) seems to place the matter beyond doubt.
It is necessary, with Holtzmann and Bieger^'", to alter the hilde of the
MS. to hild. Bugge, in Z.f.d.Ph. iv. 209.]
[Cf. also
2079. magu, Kemblcj: MS. mesrU magu (i.e. magum) pegne. But see
11. 293, 408, etc. The mistake is due to 'repetition,' magu being written,
incorrectly, through the influence of mserii. In 1. 158 we have the opposite
error of ' anticipation.'
2085. ()i«aro, Thorkelin's correction : MS. jeareo.

104 Beowulf
He mec on innan
j?8er unsynnijne,
2090 dior died-fruma, jedon wolde
manijra sumne; hyt ne mihte swa,
sySSan ic on yrre upp-riht astod.
To lanj ys t5 i-eccenne, hu i[c S]am leod-scea?San

yfla gehwylces (h)ond-lean forjeald;

2095 ]>£er ic, )>eoden min, 'j?ine leode
weortJode weorcum. He on wej losade,
lytle hwile lif-wynna br[ea]c
hwaej^re him sio swi?Sre swaSe weardade
hand on Hiorte, ond he hean Sonan,
2100 modes geomor, mere-grund gefeoll.
Me Jjone wsel-rses wine Scildunja
f^ttan jolde fela leauode,
manejum maJSmum, sySSan merjen com,
ond we to symble jeseten hsefdon.
2105 pggr wses jidd ond jleo. 'jomela IScildinj, Fol. 176".

fela fricjende, feorran rehte;

hwilum hilde-deor hearpan wynne,
jomen-wudu jrette, hwilum gyd awraec

2093. reccenne. See note to 1. 473.

MS. defective at edge here and in I. 2097. Thorkelin's transcript has A
huiedam; hu i[c d"]om is a conjecture of Grnndtvig^s'.
2094. ond-lean, Greinj : MS. hand lean. The alliteration demands ond-
lean, since in the first half-line the alliterating word is certainly yfla, not
gehvyylces. See note to 1. 1541, where hand-lean has been similarly mis-
2097. brleayi. The evidence of Thorkelin's transcripts is confused
{briK A; brene altered to brec B). Probably the MS. had breac ; it was so
read, conjecturally, by Eemble^.
2100. Cf. eorffan gefeoll, 1. 2834, and nas gerad, 1. 2898.
2107. Since it is Hrothgar who speaks in 11. 2105-6, and again in
11. 2109-10, it seems natural to assume that he is the hilde-deor who plays

the harp in 1. 2107; rather than [with Earle, Clark-Hall and others] to
assume an abrupt transition from Hrothgar to some anonymous warrior,
and back to Hrothgar again. The poem gives us no ground,' says

Clark-Hall, for attributing to Hrothgar 'the versatility of some modern

monarchs.' But surely the burden of proof must lie with those who adopt
a confused syntax in order to deny musical talent to Hrothgar. The ideal
Germanic monarch was a skilled harper Gunnar could even play with his

toes [Volmnga saga, cap. 87]. And, as a matter of history, the last king of
the Vandals, driven to the mountains, craved three boons from his con-
querors : one was a harp, vrfth which he might bewail his lot. [Procopins,
Sell. Vand. 11. 6.]
2108. gomen, Grundtvig^s' : Thorkelin's transcripts A and B gomel : mel
not now visible in MS.

B^wvlf 105

soS ond sarlic ; hwilum syllic spell

21 10 rehte aefter rihte rdm-heort cyning ;

hwilum eft onjan eldo 5ebunden,

5omel juS-wija giojuSe cwiSaa
hilde-stren JO ; hreSer inne weoU,
)?onne he wintrum frod worn jemunde.
2IIS Swa we \^x irrne ondlanjne dsej
mode naman, oS Saet niht becwQm
QSer to yldum. pa wses eft hraSe
jearo gyrn-wrsece rrendeles modor,
sISode sorh-full ; sunu dea?S fornam,
2I20 wij-hete Wedra. Wif unhyre
hyre beam jewrsec, beorn a.cwealde
ellenlice; jjser waes ^schere,
frodan fyrn-witan, feorh utS-jenje.
NoSer hy hine ne moston, sySSan merjen cwom,
2125 deatS-werijne Denia leode,
bronde forbsernan, ne on b|l hladan
leofne mannan ;
|hio j^set lie setbaer Fol. 177».

feondes fae?S[mum un]der firjen-stream.

pset wses HroSgare hreowa tornost,
2130 Jjara )?e leod-fruman lanje begeate.
pa se Seoden mec Sine life

healsode hreoh-mod, ]7aet ic on holma 5e]7rin5

eorl-scipe efnde, ealdre jenetSde,
mSrSo fremede; he me mede jehet.
2135 Ic 5a Saes waelmes, Tpe is wide cuS,
jrimwe, jryrelicne grund-hyrde fond.

2109. sdrlle. Greinj, followed by Holthauseiij, s searolic, 'cunning.' ,

But note that the song is of an elegiac type. [Cf. Schiioking in Engl. Stud.
xxxiz. 12.]
2i26. MS. hil (= beel). See note to 1. 1981.
2128. fsedlmum], Greinj: MS. torn. Grein's emendation probably
represents what was actually written in the MS. Zupitza gives the MS.
reading as fseffnmga, but unga rests only upon a conjecture of Thorkelin,
and the torn letter, which Thorkelin read as r, may well have been part of
an m.
[u»]der. Eemblej conjectured [^mr un]der.
2131. d"me life, 'conjured me by thy life': certainly not, as Earle
translates it, ' with thy leave.' For leave is leaf; also, how could Hygelac's

leave be obtained?
2136. grimne, Thorpe: MS. grimme.
; ;

106 Beowulf
pser unc hwile w8bs hand-jemEene
holm heolfre weoll, ond ic heafde becearf
in5am [grund-']se\e 7rendeles modor
2140 eacaum ecjum unsofte ]?onan

feorh oSferede ; naes ic fieje \& 5yt

ac me eorla hleo eft jesealde
niaSma menijeo, maja Healfdenes.
XXXI Swa se Seod-kyninj )>eawum lyfde;
2145 nealles ic 5am leanum forloren hsefde,
maejnes mede, ac he me |[ma5ma]8 jeaf, Fol. 177".

sunu Healfdenes, on [minjne sylfes dom,

5a ic 6e, beorn-cyninj, bringan wylle,
estum jeywan. Ten is eall set 6e

2150 [mlnra] lissa jelonj; ic lyt hafo

heafod-ma5a nefhe, Hyjelac, Sec."
Het 6a in beran eafor, heafod-sejn,
heaSo-steapne helm, hare byrnan,

2137. All recent editors read hand gemMiie, but of. German handgemein
werden, 'to fight hand to hand.'
2139. No gap in MS. [grund-'i was conjectured independently by
Grnndtvig297 and Bouterwek (Z.f.d.A. xi. 97]; \jguS-'[sele, Thorpe [followed
by Holthausen and Sedgefield].
2146. MS. defective in corner here and in next line. Thorkelin's
transcripts A and B give Grundtvig*" and Kemblei conjecture
2147. [miri^ie, Kemblei: \>in\ne, the emendation of Grundtvig [1861,
p. 73], gives inferior sense. With on \mlTi\ne sylfes dom of. on hyra sylfra
dom {Maldon, 38), 'at my, their own choice.' Exactly parallel is the old
Icelandic legal expression sjalfdoemi, ' self-doom,' the right of one party to
settle for himself the extent of the compensation he shall receive from the
other. So, too, in the 'Oynewnlf and Cyneheard' episode in the A. S.
Chronicle, the pretender ofiers to the retainers of the fallen king hiera
agmne dom, 'as much as they wished' and in Beowulf, 2964, Ongentheow

had to abide Eafores dnne dom, 'Eofor did as he chose with him.' [See
Kock in Anglia, xxvii. 235.] Cf. the Old Saxon phrase an is seltes dom
[Heliand, 4488, where Sievers' note should be compared].
2149-50. Does this mean 'From now on I look to you only for my
reward: I have done with foreign service'?
2150. MS. lissa gelong is unmetrical [Sievers] : emendations suggested
are lissa gelenge or gelongra but a simpler remedy is to transpose the words

[Holthausen, Litteraturblatt, xxi. 61] or to supply minra before lissa gelong

[Klaeber, in J.E.G.Ph. viii. 257 so HolthauseUj].

hafo. For this old form of the 1st pers. sg. cf. U. 2668, 3000.
2152. Most editors read eafor-heafod-segn. For the triple compound
Cosijn^' compares wulf-heafod-treo. But, as compounds of three words
are as rare in O.E. poetry as compounds of two words are common, it
seems better to make two parallels, like wudu, wsel-sceaftas (1. 398).
But what is this boar ensign 1 A helmet, or au ensign with a boar-figure
upon it? The last alternative is supported by 1. 1021 [Klaeber**^]. The
eoforcumbul of Elene, 259, hardly helps us, being similarly ambiguous.
; ; .

Beowulf 107

5uS-sweord jeatolic, 5yd aefter wrsec:

2155 "Me Sis hilde-sceorp Hr6tS5ar sealde,

snotra fenjel ; sunie worde het,
}?SBt ic his ierest Se est sesaegde
cwaeS ]7set hyt hsefde Hiorojar cyninj,
leod Scyldunja, lanje hwile
2160 no 8y ser suna sinum syllan wolde,
hwatum Heorowearde, ]7eah he him hold wSre,
breost-5ew8edu. Bruc ealles well."

Hyrde ic, J^aet jjam frsBtwum feower mearas

lun5re gelice last weardode,
2165 seppel-fealuwe ; he him est jeteah
meara ond maSma. Swa sceal ImJej d6n, Fol. 178*.

nealles inwit-net oSrum bresdon,

dymum crsefte deaS ren[ian]
hond-jesteallan. Hyjelace wses
2170 niSa heardum nefa swySe hold,
ond jehwseBer oSrum hro}>ra semyndij.
Hyrde ic,he Sone heals-beah
)>8et Hyjde jesealde,
wrsetlicne wundur-maCSum, Sone )?e him WealhSeo

8eod[nes] dohtor, ]7rio wicg somod

2175 swancor ond sadol-beorht ; hyre sySSap wses,
aefter beah-Bege, br[e]ost jeweorSod.
2157. The obvious interpretation is : ' that I should first give thee his
(Hrothgar's) good wishes.' So Schroer [Anglia, xiii. 342], Clark-Hall,
Sedgefield. Yet, according to the general rules of O.E. style, we should
expect 1. 2157 to be parallel to 11. 2158-9. Hence Klaeber«i2 [followed by
Holthausen] suggests that est may mean 'bequest,' 'transmission,' "so that
the meaning would ultimately come near to Grein's old rendering ' that I
the pedigree thereof should report to thee ' [Earle]." Note, however, that
this old rendering, if right, was so by accident. For the older editors mis-
read est as eft ; and having thus turned a noun into an adv. , they were
compelled to find a new object by turning the adv. Srest into a noun,
to which they gave the quite unprecedented meaning of 'origin,' 'pedigree.'
The separation of his from the noun est with which it goes is unusual.
2164. Sg. verb with pi. noun. Cf. 1. 1408 (note). Eemble, etc., wear-
lungre gelice. It is not very clear here which is the adv. and which the
adj. ; are the horses quite alike (' quite ' is a rather forced use of lungre), or
' '

'alike swift'?
2167. bregdon = bregdan.
2168. MS. defective at edge: renlian], Kemblea.
2174. MS. defective at edge : d" eo(J[ncs], Kemble i
2175. sadol-beorht. Cf. 1. 1038.
2176. 6r[p]ost, Thorpe, Grundtvig [1861, p. 74] : MS. brost.
; ;

108 Beowidf
Swa bealdode beam EcjSeowes,
juma juSum cuB, jodum dsedum,
dreah sefter dome, nealles druncne sloj
2180 heorS-jeneatas ; naes him hreoh sefa,

ac he man-cymies mseste crsefte

jin-fsestan gife, \e him 7od sealde,
heold hilde-deor. Hean wses lanje,
swa hyne ^eata beam jodne ne teal don,
2185 ne hyne on medo-bence micles wyrtSne
Idrihten Wedera jedon wolde Fol. 178".

swytSe [wen]don, ]?8et he sleac wsere,

aetSelinj unfrom. Edwenden cwom
tir-eadijum menn torna jehwylces.
2190 Het Sa eorla hleo in jefetian,
hea8o-rof cyning, HreSles lafe
jolde gegyrede; naes mid leatum Sa
sinc-matsjjum selra on sweordes had
he on Biowulfes
J>aet bearai alejde,
2195 ond him jesealde seofan Jjtisendo,
bold ond brejo-stol. Him wses bam samod
on Sam leod-scipe lond gecynde,
eard, eSel-riht, o?5rum swiSor
side rice, )>am Sier selra wses.

2200 Eft J7aet jeiode ufaran dogrum

hilde-hlsemmum, sySSan Hyjelac Iseg,

ond Hear[dr]ede hilde-meceas

under bord-hreoSan to bonan wurdon,

2186. The MS. has dnhten wereda, which means Lord of Hosts [cf.
' '

Baukiu in J.E.G.Ph. viii. 405]. Drihten Wedera, 'lord of the Weder-

Geatas,' the emendation of Cosijn'^, seems exceedingly probable [so Holt-
hansen and Sedgefield].
2187. MS. defective at edge lwm]don is Grein's emendation. Cf Crist,
: .

2195. Probably ' seven thousand hides of land,' which would be an earl-
dom of the size of an English county. [Cf. Kluge in P.B.B. ix. 191 and
2198. oSrum, Hygelao, as being higher in rank (selra). [Cf. Cosijn".]
2202. Hear[<Jr]«de, Grundtvig2»8: MS. ftearede. See 1. 2375.

Beowulf 109

5a hyne jeaohtan on sije-J^eode

2205 hearde hilde-frecan, HeaSo-Scilfin5as,
nitSa jensesdan uefan Hererices
sySSan |Beowulfe brade rice Fol. 179*.

on hand jehwearf. He jeheold tela

fifti^ wintra —wses Sa frod cyninj,
2210 eald e]jel-weard — ,oSan on^anSajt

deorcum nihtum draca rics[i]an,

se 6e on hea[um hope] hord beweotode,

2205. hilde-frecan. Many editors follow Grundtvig [1861, p. 75] in

altering to hildfrecan.
2206. Most editors put a full stop or semicolon at the close of this line,
leaving the sense of J>set geiode, etc. very lame or very obscure. I take the
construction of the passage to be as follows: Jrmt (1. 2200), as in many other
passages in the poem (of. 11. 1846, 1591), has a forward reference like modem
'this,' and is anticipatory of a substantive clause, which usually begins
with a correlative />mt; this substantive clause is contained in 11. 2207-8
(first half), but the conjunction />mt is omitted here, as in 1. 2035, perhaps
because sySSan (1. 2207) is correlative with sySfan (I. 2201).
2207. The folio that begins here (179'), with the word beowulfe, is the
most defective and illegible in the MS. Moreover, it has been freshened up
by a later hand, often inaccurately, so that most of what can be read cannot
be depended upon (e.g. in 1. 2209 the later hand seems to have changed
wintra to wintru). Znpitza transliterates the readings of the later hand, and
gives in footnotes what he can decipher of the original. I reproduce the
more important of these notes: but in many cases I have not been able
to make out as much of the first hand as Zupitza thought could be seen.
All such cases I have noted whenever Zupitza is quoted without comment it

may be taken that I agree.

2209. Many editors follow Thorpe in altering Sd io pat.
2210. dn altered to on by later hand. Of. 1. 100.
2211. TO«[i]an, Kemblej : Thorkelin's transcripts A and B rfc«an now :

gone in MS.
2212. MS. very indistinct ; nothing in Thorkelin's transcripts A and B
between hea and hord. Zupitza, healSoyhlsewe, and in a foot-note ' what is

left of the two letters after liea justifies us in reading them So.' Zupitza's
reading is followed by Holthausen and Schiicking. But it gives unsatis-
factory sense: what is a 'war-mound'? 'A burial mound about which a
fight is going to take place,' says Schiicking this however seems at best

a far-fetched explanation.
Further, there is no evidence that the two missing letters were So they :

look much more like um. And it is clear that the following word was not
hltewe, for the second letter of the word was not I. The word might be hSfre
or hope. Sedgefield reads heaum hSj>e, 'on the high heath': but hsep is
feminine; htejje was also read by Sievers in 1870-1 [P.B.B. xxxvi. 418], so
this is probably to be taken as the MS. reading. However to me it looks
more like heaum hope, 'on the high hollow.' The word hop survives in
Northern English hope, 'a hollow among the hills,' as, for example, in
Forsyth, Beauties of Scotland: 'The hills are everywhere intersected by
small streams called bwns. These, flowing in a deep bed, form glens or
hollows, provincially called hopes.'
Although by the sea, the mound may have stood in such a hollow or
hope cf. the mention of the burn in 11. 2545-6.
110 Beowulf
stan-beorh steapne; stij under Isej

eldum uncus. pSr on innan Jionj

2215 niSa nat-hwylc :::::: h gefenj
h^Snum horde bond ::::::::::
since fiihne he J>8et sytSSan : : : : :

)7[eah] 5[e he] slsepende besyre[d wur]de

J>eofes crsefte; )>8et sio 6iod [onfand]

2213. Later hand stearne.

2214-2220. GreJn'B attempt, in his Beowulf, to reconstruct the passage
is too remote from the extant indications to need recording. That of
Bugge*'-""' is important:
pSr on innan giong
2215 niSffa nat-hwylc, neode to gefeng
hxSnum horde; hand xtgenam
sele-ful since fah; ne he paX sydSan dgeaf,
peak ffe he slsepende besyrede hyrde
peofes creefte: pset se Sioden onfand,
2220 by-folc beorna, pest he gebolgen wsis.
2214. peer on innan giong niSa nat-hwylc can be made out fairly
clearly from the MS. and Thorkelin, and there can be little doubt of the
correctness of the emendation to niSSa, made by Kluge.
But what follows forms one of the severest cruces in Beowulf. Holt-
hausen, in part following earlier editors, reads:
[rieadbys'^ge feng
hMSnum horde; hand [afeorde
seleful] sincfdh:ne hS peet sydfan[ddreg]...
In dire need he (the fugitive) received the heathen hoard his hand removed ;

the jewelled goblet; nor did he (the dragon) endure it patiently.'...

This may be accepted as giving the general sense correctly, and the words
supplied by Holthausen fit exactly into the gaps indicated in Zupitza's
transliteration. But a glance at the MS. shows Holthauseu's restoration to
be impossible (1) immediately preceding gefeng was a letter involving a long

upright stroke i.e. either b, h, I, oi p: (2) there is not room for lafeorde

seleful] ; the space allows, according to Sedgefield's reckoning, only 8 or 9

letters, accordmg to mine 10 or 11, but certainly not 13 (as Zupitza thought)
or 14: (3) [ddreg] cannot be right, for here again the first letter was 6, h, I,
or p.
The suggestion of Klaeber [Anglia, xxviii. 446], ne fte pset sySSan
bemdp, seems 'nor did he (the dragon) afterwards conceal it,' i.e. he
showed evident tokens of his anger.
Sedgefield reads se [pe] n[e]h gep\rd\ng in 1. 2215, and does not attempt to
fiU the gap in 1. 2216 : se pe nek is probably right, but the space does not
allow of geprang.
2217. Zupitza: 'fah originally fac, but h written over c' Heyne-
Schueking, fdcne (cf. 1. 2009).
2218. Grein and Heyne make two lines of this, and have been un-
accountably followed by their modern editors, Wiilker and Schiicking. In
compensation, however, they make one line of 11. 2228, 2229, so that their
reckoning comes right again.
plJeaK] <f[e he] was made out with fair probability by Zupitza.
besyre[d wur^de partly read, partly conjectured, by Kluge.
2219. sio, Kluge. According to Thorkelin's transcripts, the MS. had sie.
The e has now gone; sie is a possible dialectical form for sio (Sieversg
§ 337, N. 4), but, as the e was almost certainly in the later hand, which
has here freshened everything up, we need not hesitate to alter it to o.
onfand, Grein j.
; ;

Beowulf 111

2220 [bu-]folc beorna ]7aet he 5ebol5e[n] wses.

XXXII Nealles mid ^ewealdum wyrm-hord afersec
sylfes willum, se Se him sare jesceod;
ac for |7rea-aedlan )?[eow] nat-hwylces
hseleSa bearna hete-swenjeas fleah,
2225 [aernes] J^earfa, ond SSr inne fealA,
sees syn-bysij. Sona inw[?]atode
Jjset : : : : : Sam 5yst[e jryre-Jbroja stod
hwasSre [earm-]sceapen

[earm-]sceapen Fol. IVS"*.

2230 [J7a hyne] se fter bejeat,

2220. hu-foU or hy-folc seems to be the MS. reading, and has been
adopted by Bugge and Sedgefield. Holthausen follows Kluge, burh-fole but :

the faint traces of letters in the MS. certainly favour by or bu, not burk:
and there is not room for the longer word. Bugge ^t* compares the prose
bifylc, 'neighbouring people, province': Sedgefield renders bO-folc, 'nation,
gebolge[n], GrciUj.
2221. 'weoldum the later hand instead of wealdum, the a being still
recognisable.' (Zupitza.)
The later hand reads wyrm horda crseft, which makes no sense. Kaluza's
wyrmhordabrsBC, 'broke into the dragon's hoard,' has been adopted by Holt-
hausen (q.v.), Schucking, and Sedgefield.
2223. Zupitza, J>\_egn\, and in a foot-note: 'the traces of three letters
between }> and not justify us in reading egn (f>egn, Kemble.)' [So Holthausen
and Schiicking.] But the last three letters are now quite illegible, and even
Thorpe, who made a careful collation of the MS. in 1830, three years before
Kemble's first edition, leaves a blank. As pegn seems from the whole con-
text to be an unlikely term for the fea-sceaftum men (1. 2285), I read pemo,
following Grundtvig [1861, p. 76]. [So Sedgefield.]
2224. Later hand^coft.
2225. semes is not clear, but 'to judge from what is left' (Zupitza), and
that is exceedingly little, it seems to be correct.
fealh, Greiuj Thorkelin's transcripts A and B weall.
: 'Now only weal
left, but w stands on an original /, which is still recognisable [perhajjs] '

and what seemed to be another I in Thorkelin's time may have been the
remnant of an original ft.' (Zupitza.)
2226. The second hand has traced over the obscured letters sona
mwatide, viMah, of course, is nonsense. But what does it misrepresent?
Thorpe [followed by Schucking : cf. Bugge'"!], j^jj^ inwldtode, 'soon he gazed
in': Holthausen, sona he wagode, 'soon he (the dragon) bestirred himself:
Sedgefield, sona he pa, eode.
2227. Grein 2 [followed by Holthausen] suggests /fflr to fill the gap. But
probably more than 3 letters are missing Sedgefield thinks 4, Zupitza 5 ; it

is difQcnlt to say exactly, as the gap comes at the end of a line in the MS.
The indistinct letter after gyst seems to have been e. The traces of the
third word allow us to read [with Grein] gryre.' (Zupitza.)
2228. 'According to the traces left, the first word [i.e. in the MS. line]
may have been earm.' (Zupitza.) Kemble gives it as earm.
2230. Zupitza reads, with some doubt, '/a fttme before se.' The extant
traces seem to me to bear this out with fair certainty.
fSr; Wiilker reads this as fees; Zupitza 'fees freshened up, but s seems

to stand on an original r.' There can be little doubt that this is so.

112 Beowulf
sinc-faet [jeseah]. pier waes swylcra fela
in Sam eorS-[hu]se Sr-jestreona,
swa hy on jear-dagum jumena nat-hwylc,
eormen-lafe se)?elan cynnes,
2235 Jjanc-hycgende j^eer jehydde,
deore maSmas. Ealle hie deai5 fornam
Srran mselum, ond se an ?5a gen
leoda dujuSe, se Sser lenjest hwearf,
weard wine-geomor, wende ]>aes ylcan,
2240 he lytel faec
]78et long-jestreona
brucan moste. Beorh eall jearo
wunode on wonje wseter-ySum neah,
niwe be nsesse, nearo-craeftum faest;
)>8er on innan ba?r eorl-jestreona
224s hringa hyrde hord-wyrSne d^l,
fsettan joldes, fea worda cwaeS
"Heald ]?u nu, hruse, nu hseleSS ne mostan,

2231. After the first line of the new folio, the illegibility is confined to
the edges of the next three lines.
geseah is Heyne's emendation, but I doubt if there is room either for
that or for genom, Holthausenj^j. Yet the metre demands two syllables:
fartde might fit in.
2232. \}vS\se, Zupitza's conjecture.
2237. 'SI the later hand, but i seems to stand on an original e.'
(Zupitza.) I cannot see this.
2239. wears' or weard both make sense.
The fast letter of the first
word was originally IT, although the later hand has not freshened up the
stroke through the d.' (Zupitza.) I cannot detect traces of this stroke and :

weard gives the better sense. [Schiicking reads weard as an emendation.]

'rihde the later hand, but wende the first.' (Zupitza.) Here again I
cannot share this certainty as to the first hand.
Sedgefield was the first to note that the MS. reading yldan has been
clumsily altered from ylcan. Both readings seem to be the work of the
second hand. This is 'a genuine little find to rejoice at' [Klaeber in Engl.

Stud. xliv. 122], as it gives us a simple and intelligible text: the survivor
'expected the same fate as his friends,' viz. that his tenure of the hoard
would be a transitory one.
2244. Hnnon the later hand, but stands on an original a.' (Zupitza.)
Not clear to me.
2245. Zupitza, hard-wyrffne, and in a foot-note: 'jo (or /?) and the
stroke through d in wyrSne not freshened up.' The form hard occurs
nowhere else in Beowulf. Klaeber \Engl. Stud, xxxix. 431] suggested hord-
wyrSne, worthy of being hoarded,' and this was independently adopted by

Sedgefield (both adapting Schiicking's Imrd, wyrSne dwl). The emendation

to hard had already been made by Bouterwek [Z./.d.A. xi. 98].
2246. '/cc later hand, but originally /ca.' (Zapitza.)
2247. 'mwstan later hand, but I thinki see an original under the se;
a also seems to stand on another vowel, u or 0'? (Zupitza.) All very
; ::

Beowulf 113

eorla jehte. Hwaet, hyt ser on 5e

jode bejeaton; guS-deaS fornam,
2250 feorh-bealo frecne, fyra gehwylcne,
leoda minra, ]7ara Se jjis [Zy] ofjeaf;
jesawon sele-dream. |[Ic] nah hwa sweord weje,
otStSe fe[o]r[mie] fseted wsese, [Fol. 180".

drync-fset deore ; duj[utS] ellor scoc.

2255 Sceal se hearda helm [hyrjsted jolde
fsetum befeallen; feormynd swefatJ,
]7a Se beado-jriman bywan sceoldon
je swylce seo here-pad, jebad
sio set hilde
ofer borda jebrsec bite irena,
2260 brosnaS aefter beorne; ne mseg byrnan hrinj
sefter wij-fruman wide feran

2250. rearh bealc later hand, but the first r stands on an original /, and

c on an original 0. (Zupitza.)
' Not clear to me.
fyra, Kembles [Jira]: MS. fyrena.
2251. J>ara : the later hand has Jrana ; ' nor do I see any sign of the
third letter having originally been r.' (Zupitza.)
[lif] supplied by Kemblsj: [leoht], Holthausen.
2252. gesipa sele-dream, a conjecture of Eieger^o^, is adopted by Holt-
hausen. Similar in meaning is {ge)secga sele-dream [Trautmami : and
independently Klaeher, in J. E.G. Ph. vi. 193, Engl. Stud, xxxix. 465]. This
is supported by Andreas, 1656, secga sele-dream ; a support which is all the
more weighty because the writer of the Andreas seems to have imitated the
Beowulf. The change from gesdwon to gesecga is not as violent as it looks
for gesawon in the Anglian original of Beowulf may have been written
gesega(n), which might easily have been miswritten for gesecga or secga.
In support of the text, however, can be quoted Exod. 36, geswSfon sele-
Holthausen supplies ic, as there is a gap in the MS. suf&cient for two
2253. MS. defective here and in 11. 2254, 2255, and 2268 ; fe[oy[mie],
the emendation of Greinj, is supported by Zupitza, who shows that the
remaining traces of the word in the MS. make fetige impossible. A trace of
the tail of an r certainly seems to be visible. Cf. 1. 2266.
A C-line: Bean odde feormie.
2254. dug[uS}, Kemblea.
scoc, Greiaj: MS. seoc.
2255. hyr in [hyr}sted comes at the end of the line and is now lost. It
is recorded by Kemble, after having been conjectured by Grundtvig**.
2256. Many editors have normalized to feormiend or feormend (cf 1. 2761)

but the change is unnecessary.

2259. Irena Sievers would emend to irenln]a [P.B.B. x. 253]. Cf. note

to 673.

2260. mfter beorne: after is here certainly temporal: 'after the death of
the warrior.' The same interpretation is often given to sifter wig-fruman in
the next line. But the two phrases are, in spite of appearances, not parallel
and it is very likely that ssfter wig-fruman means 'behind,' 'following,'
'along with,' the waixior. [Cf. Klaeber in J.E.O.Ph. vi. 197.] This is
certainly the meaning of hmleSum be healfe, 'by the heroes' side.'

B. 8
114 Beowulf
hseleSum be healfe. Nis hearpan wyn,
jomen jleo-beames, ne jod hafoc
jeond ssel swinjeB, ne se swifta mearh
2265 burh-stede beateS. Bealo-cwealm hafaS
fela feorh-cynna forS onsended."

Swa jiomor-mod jiohtSo msende

an ififter eallum, unbliSe hwe[arf]
dsejes ond nihtes, oS Saet deaSes wylm
2270 hran set heortan. Hord-wynne fond
eald uht-sceaSa opene standan,
se Se byrnende biorgas secetS,

nacod niS-draca, nihtes fleojeS

fyre befanjen; hyne fold-buend
2275 |[swi?5e ondr£e]da[5]. He jesecean sceall Fol. 180".

[ho]r[d on]hmsan, )?ier he hseSen jold

waraS wintrum frod; ne bytS him wihte Sy sel.

Swa se Seod-sceaSa J?reo hund wintra

heold on hrusaw. hord-serna sum
2280 eacen-craeftig, oS hyne an abealch

mon on mode ; man-dryhtne baer

2262. Nis, Thorpe's correction. [Of. Bugge, Z.f.d.Ph. iv. 212.] The
MS. has Mffis.Cf. 11. 1923, 2486, where I have kept the MS. reading. But
here the change of tense is too harsh.
2266. forlf Thorkelin's transcripts
: A
and'- B, feorS ; Zupitza reads it
as fortf. He says : ' There is a dot under e, which is besides very indistinct.'
Underdotting is equivalent to erasure.
2268. hwelarf]. Kemble gives the MS. reading as hweop, but the con-
fusion of Thorkelin and the evidence of Thorpe make it very doubtful
whether the last two letters were clear in Eemble's time; and hweop, which
can only mean 'threatened,' makes no sense. It is possible either that
hweop was miswritteu for weop, 'wept,' or that we should read hwearf,
'wandered.' Both suggestions were made by Grein the first is followed by:

Holthansen^ and Schiicking, the second by Holthauseng and Sedgefield. It

seems on the whole less violent to alter the op, which may be a mere guess of
Eemble's, than the h, which stands clearly in the MS.
2275. MS. defective and illegible. Znpitza's emendation. Of. GotUmian
Gnomic Verses, 26 : draca sceal on hlSwe frod, frsetwum wlwac.

2276. \hoy\d on] hrusan was conjectured by Zupitza. on had been

conjectured by EttmiiUerj, hrusan read by Kemble i.
2279. hrusan, Thorkelin's correction so Kemble, etc. : MS. hrusam.

2280. Most editors follow Grundtvig^"", and alter to the normal form
dbealh. Such normalizations would not be tolerated in a Middle English
text why should they be allowed in an Old English one?
: The speUing eh
is interesting here; see Sieverss § 223, N. 1.
2281. MiiUenhoff"! thinks that the lord (man-dryhten) to whom the
treasure was carried, and who in return gave the fugitive his protection,
must be Beowulf. This does not however seem certain. All we know is that
the treasure ultimately came to Beowulf (1. 2404).

Beowulf 115

f^ted weege, frio5o-wSre bsed

hlaford sinne. Da waes hord rasod,
onboren beaja hord; bene jetiSad
2285 fea-sceaftum men. Frea sceawode
fira fyrn-5eweorc forman siSe.
pa se wyrm onwoc, wroht wses jeniwad;
stone fSa sefter stane, stearc-heort onfand
feondes fot-last; he to forS gestop
2290 dyrnan craefte dracan heafde neah.
Swa mseg unfseje eaSe jedigan
wean ond wrtec-siS, se Se Waldeindes
hyldo gehealde)?. Hord-weard sohte
georne aefter jrunde, wolde juman findan,
2295 ]7one ])e him on sweofote sare jeteode;
hat ond hreoh-mod jhlaew oft ymbehwearf Fol. 181'.

ealne utan-weardne ; r\ses Seer ffinij mon

on faere westenne. HwaeSre wijes gefeh,

2283-4. The repetition of hord may perhaps be an error of the scribe.

Holthauseuj [followed by Sedgefield] suggests that the first hord is mis-
written for hlmw, Bagge IZ.f.d.Ph. iv. 212] that the second hord is miswritten
for dSl.
2287. wroht wms geniwad, 'a new, unheard of, strife arose.' Cf. use of
niwe in 783. [See Klaeber^'.]

2295. Cosijn^s, followed by recent editors, reads sdr. But cf. 1. 2526.
2296. hlSw, Kembleg. Thorkeliu's transcripts A
and B have hlwwum.
Grundtvig (ed. 1861, p. 79) hlmw nu.
ymbehwearf. The e of ymbe has probably been inserted by a scribe. [Cf.
Sievers in P.B.B. x. 258, and 11. 2618, 2691, 2734, Finnsburg, 35.]
2297. ealne utan-weardne is unmetrical. Holthausen and Elaeber [Engl,
Stud, xxxix. 465], following Sievers [P.B.B. x. 306; Metrik, §85], propose eal
utanweard; Sohiicking, ealne utweardne. Cf. 1. 2803.
2297-8. The MS. has ne Sar anig mon on pxre westenne hwsiSre hilde

gefeh. This gives a sentence without a verb, and a line which fails to
alliterate. The reading of the text is that of Schiicking's edition [adopted
by Holthauseuj, vol. u. p. 170]: nces is a conjecture of Cosijn^. It makes
sense and gives a metrical line with the least possible disturbance of the
text. Grein reads nc [i«»s] /fflr... Heyne [was] on /Sreieesfejine. Eieger^s

and Sedgefield assume two half-lines to be lost. Sedgefield 2 reconstructs

the passage thus
ealne utan ne wear[l!r\ ffSer Mnig mon
on Jisere westenne [wiht gesyne'].
HwseSre hilde gefeh [ ]
bea^du\-weorces [^eorn] ;

})are, ThorkeUn's transcript B. A has a blank: in the MS. itself nothing

is now left but the lower part of the perpendicular stroke of p. Normally
westen is masc. or neut., and many editors accordingly alter pMre to }>sem.
Considering how corrupt the passage is, little weight can be attached to
westen being treated here as fern.
Grein has haSe, for the alliteration.
116 Beowulf

bea[duwe] weorces; hwilum on beorh sethwearf,

2300 sinc-faet sohte; he ]7SBt sona onfand,

Saet hsefde jumena sum joldes jefandod,
heah-5estreona. Hord-weard onbad
earfotSlice, o?S tSset sefen cwom ;

wses Sa jebolgen beorjes hyrde,

2305 wolde se laSa lije forsyldan

drinc-fset dyre. fa wses dsej sceacen

wyrme on willan ; no on wealle lse[n]5

bidan wolde, ac mid bsele for,

fyre jefysed. Wses se fruma ejeslic

2310 leodum on lande, swa hyt lunjre weartS
on hyra sinc-jifan save jeendod.
XXXIII DA se jsest onjan jledum spiwan,
beorht hofu bsernan; bryue-leoma stod
eldum on andan; no Saer aht cwices
2315 latS lyft-flo5a leefan | wolde. Fol. 181*.

Wses )7a3s wyrmes wig wide gesyne,

nearo-fages niS nean ond feorran,
hu se juS-sceaSa Teata leode
hatode ond hynde. Hord eft jesceat,

2320 dryht-sele dyrnne, ser dsejes hwile ;

haefde land-wara lije befangen,

bsSle ond bronde; beorjes getruwode,

wiges ond wealles; him seo wen geleah.
pa wses Biowulfe broga gecytSed
2325 snude to s65e, J^set his sylfes ham,

bolda selest, bryne-wylmum mealt,

2299. MS. mutilated: })ea\du\-weorees, whioh was probably the MS.

reading, gives a defective line. Holthausen [Anglia, xxi. 366] suggests
bea[du-]weorces [georn]: Klaeber [J.E.G.Ph. viii. 257] beaduwe weorces,
comparing 1. 2626 {gufe rmfor guSrsei) and for the form fealuwe, 1. 216S,
bealuwa, 1. 281, bealewa, 11. 1946, 2082. The we might easily, as Klaeber
points out, have been written once only instead of twice (haplography). [So
Schuoking and Holthausen 3.]
2305. le IdSa, Bugge [Z.f.d.Ph. iv. 212], etc. MS. fela Sa. :

2307. ls^n\g: MS. Iseg. Grundtvig'"" [and Kemblej, following Thorpe's

suggestion], leng. But by adopting the old form Isng we can keep nearer to
the MS. See Sieversj § 89, N. 5.
2312. gsest. See note to 1. 102.
2325. ham. The MS., by an obvious scribal error, has Mm. Curiously
enough Conybeare (p. 150) read the MS. as ham, but the credit of making
the emendation goes to Grundtvig"" and Kemblej.
Beowulf 117

jif-stol geata. past ?5am jodan wses

hreow on hreSre, hyje-sorja msest;
wende se wisa, |7set he Wealdende
2330 ofer ealde riht, ecean Dryhtne,
bitre jebulje; breost innan weoll
]>eostrum jej^oncum, swa him jej^ywe ne waes.
Hsefde lij-draca leoda faesten,
ea-lond utan, eorS-weard Sone,
2335 jledum forjrunden; him tJses ^uS-kyning,
Wedera }?ioden, wrsece leornode.
Heht him )?§. jewyrcean wijendra hleo
eall-irenne, eorla dryhten,
wi5-bord wreetlic ;
|wisse he jearwe, Fol. 182*.

2340 ]78et him holt-wudu he[lpan] ne meahte,

lind wis lije. Sceolde Z^n-daga
aejjelinj ier-god ende 5ebidan,
worulde lifes, ond se wyrm somod,
2332. The dark thoughts are presnmably a foreboding of evil, rather

than any rebellion against divine decree, and their unwonted character (swd
him gefywe ne wm) represents rather a lapse from Beowulf a customary
optimism [Cosijn^] than from his 'high standard of piety' [Earle].
2334. Arguments as to the home of the Geatas have been based upon
interpretations of ea-U>nd as 'island.' But it seems clear that ea-lond need
mean no more than water-land, ' land that is bordered (not of necessity

completely) by water,' as first interpreted by Bugge [Tidsshr, viii. 68. For

' Norway
other examples, of. Krapp in Mod. Phil. ii. 403 and N.E.D. is a :

great Uond compassed abowt almost wyth the See '].

atan, 'from without,' marks the direction of the dragon's attack.
eorS-weard is parallel to Uoda fasten and ea-lond.
Sedgefieldj reads f(m\n]e, comparing for position of Sonne, 1. 3062 and ;

for ffone written for Sonne, 70.


2336. leornode, 'studied, gave his mind to vengeance.' Cf. Gura

Pastoralis, p. 435, 1. 23, geleornaS Sset he deS Seet yfel, gives his mind to

2338. eall-irenne (masc.) forms, of course, a false concord with wig-lord
(ueut. ) Hence many editors [Holthausen j, 21 Schiicking, 1910] have adopted

the emendation irenne scyld proposed by Bugge \Tidsshr. viii. 56]. Bugge
subsequently withdrew his suggestion, in favour of the less probable ex-
planation that there was a form irenne standing to iren as wtterne to Stren
[Z.f.d.Ph. iv. 213]. But syntax is often confused in Beowulf: acyld may
have been in the author's mind when he wrote eall-irenne [cf. Klaeber in
Engl. Stud, xxxix. 465]. Holthausen g reads :

Heht him Jrd gewyrcean wigena hleo \scyld'\

Mr Grattan suggests that irenne is the' weak neuter ;
' that thing all of
This shield all of iron is, of course, as fictitious em the shield with which
Achilles was equipped for his greatest struggle.
2340. MS. defective at comer: fteZpan is Thorkelin's emendation.
2341. i«n, Grundtvig3»i, Kembleg: MS. >end. Of. 1. 2591.

118 Beowulf
)7eah hord-welan
?5e heolde lan5e.
2345 Oferho5ode 5a hringa fen5el,
)78et he |Jone wid-flojan weorode jesohte,
sidan herje; no he him ^d ssecce ondred,
ne him Jjaes wyrmes wig for wiht dyde,

eafoS end alien, forSon he Jer fela,

2350 nearo netSende, nI?Sa jedijde,
hilde-hlemma, sySSan he HroSjares,
sijor-eadij secj, sele fselsode,
ond set juSe for^rap grendeles msejum
latSan cynnes. No ]?8Bt laesest wses

2355 hond-5emot[a], \^y mon Hyjelac sloh,

syBSan -reata cyninj ^utJe rsesum,

frea-wine folca Fres-londum on,

HreSles eafora, hioro-dryncum swealt

bille gebeaten ;
J>onan Biowulf com
2360 sylfes crsefte, sund-nytte dreah ;

hsefde him on earme |[ana] j^rittij Pol. 182''.

hilde jeatwa, he to holme [stjaj.


Nealles Hetware hremje ]Jorf[t]on

feSe-wiges, J>e him foran onjean
2365 linde bseron; lyt eft becwom
fram )>am hild-frecan hames nlosan.
Oferswam Sa sioletSa bijonj sunu EcjfSeowes,

2347. pa, Eembles: MS. pa{=J?am). Smcc is fem. (Sieverss §258, 1).
The by a natural error, has repeated the stroke (signifying m) over
the a, -which he rightly wrote over the i in the preceding hi ( = ftim).
2353. msegum. See note to 1. 565.
2355. }wnd-gemdt[a], Eemblei: MS. Iwnd gemot.
2858. 'Died by the thirsty sword' [Earle, CosijnSB]. The metaphor is
an obvious one. But it is not so easy to say which, of many interpre-
tations, was in the poet's mind. [Cf. Kriiger in P.B.B. ix. 574: Eickert in
Mod. Phil. ii. 67.]
2361. MS. defective at comer, here and in two following lines. Before
prittig, written xxx in the MS., there seems to be space for some three
letters. Oreini supplied [ana\.
2362. [ef^g, Kemblej.
2363. /ior/[t]o?i, Kemblei. hremge porfton, ' needed to be exultant.
2366. Holthausen and Sedgefield take hild-frecan as a dat. pi, =lfet-
warum. But surely it refers to Beowulf : few got them back again from

that war- wolf to see their homes ' [Clark-Hall : so also Earle].
2367. sioleffa ftipoBj = expanse of still waters,' if the conjecture of

Bugge [Z.f.d.Ph. iv. 214] be correct, and sioloff is to be connected with the
Goth, anasilan, to sink to rest.' [Dietrich in Z.f.d.A. xi. 416 would connect

with tol. But we have seen that the apparent occurrence of this word

Beowulf 119

earm an-haja, eft to leodum,

y^v him Hygd gebead hord ond rice,
2370 beajas ond brejo-stol; bearne ne truwode,
)?aet he wi8 ael-fylcum ej>el-stolas
healdan cu8e, 8a waes Hyjelac dead.
No 3y ler fea-sceafte findan meahton
set 5am aeSelinje ffinije Binja,

237s faet he Heardrede hlaford wsere,

o5Se ]7one cynedom ciosan wolde;
hwaeSre he hine on folce freond-larum heold,
estum mid are, oS Ssst he yidra wearS,
Weder-7eatum weold. Hyne wrsec-msecjas
2380 ofer see sohtan, suna Ohteres;
hsefdon hy forhealden helm Scylfinja,
Jjone selestan sse-cyninja,
J^ara Se in Swio-rice sine brytnade,
mserne |]7eoden. Him j^set to mearce weartJ ; l?ol. 183«.

2385 he ]?ier [/]or feorme feorh-wunde hleat

sweordes swenjum, sunu Hyjelaces.
Ond him eft jewat OnjenSioes beam
hames niosan, sySSan Heardred laej,
let Sone brego-stol Biowulf healdan,
2390 -reatum wealdan; Jiset wses jod cyninj.
XXXIV SE Sses leod-hryres lean jemunde
uferan dojrum ; Eadjilse wearS

in 1. 302 with the meaning of sea ia due to a scribal error and the mean-
' ' :

ing of 'muddy pool' is equally unsatisfactory here.]

2370-3. beam, Mrefer to Heardred fea-sceafte to the Geatas.

2377. hine, Thorpe: MS. U

2379. See Index of Persons Onela, Eadgils.

2383. MS. Se Se, the first Se at the end of a line, the second at the
beginning of the next.
2384. With the punctuation given above, Him refers, of course, to
Hygelae's son Heardred 'that was his life's limit.' (For mearc in temporal

sense cf. Genesis, 1719.) Sedgefield takes him pset to mearce wearS with the
preceding lines, interprets him as referring to Onela, the helm Scylfinga, and
mearc as meaning 'territory': Sweden had become his land,' i.e. Onela had

succeeded Ohthere.
2385. for feorme. The MS. has orfeorme, 'forsaken,' which does not
give very satisfactory sense. Grein's on feorme, 'at a banquet,' is an
improvement. Better stiU is for feorme, ' on account of his hospitality.
This was suggested by Moller {V.E. Ill], and has been adopted by most
recent editors and translators.
2387. OngenSioes beam, i.e. Onela.
120 Beowulf
fea-sceaftum freond, folce jestepte

ofer SEe side sunu Ohteres,

2395 wigum ond wSepnum he jewrsec sytStSan ;

cealdum cear-siSum, cyninj ealdre bineat.

Swa he niSa jehwane jenesen hsefde,
sliSra jeslyhta, sunn EcjtSowes,
ellen-weorca, oS SSone anne dseg,
2400 Jje he wits \&m wyrme gewejan sceolde.
Tewat ]7a twelfa sum, torne jebolgen,
dryhten leata dracan sceawian ;

hsefde }>a jefrunen, hwanan sio fsehtS aras,

bealo-niJS biorna ; him to bearme |cwora Fol. 183''.

2405 matS)>um-f8et msere )?urh Saes meldan bond.

Se waes on Sam tSreate ]7reotteo)ja secg,

se Sses orleges or onstealde;

hseft hyje-giomor sceolde bean Sonon
woag wisian. He ofer willan glong,
2410 to tSses Se he eorS-sele anne wisse,
hleew under hrusan holm-wylme neh,
yS-jewinne, se wses innan full
wrsetta ond wira. Weard unhiore,
gearo jiiS-freea, jold-maSmas heold,
2415 eald under eorSan nses ]?a3t ySe ceap

to gejangenne Jumena Eenijum.

Tesset Sa on nsBsse niS-heard cyninj,
Jjenden hcelo ahead heorS-jeneatum,
jold-wine veata. Him wses jeomor sefa,
2420 wiefre ond wsel-fus, wyrd ungemete neah,

2393. By supporting the exiled Eadgils against Onela, Beowulf obtains

his revenge on the Swedes. [Of. Bugge^', etc.'] See note to 1. 2603 and
Index of Persons : Eadgils.
2394. Sohiiokiug adopts the emendation of SohrSder [Z.f.d.A. xliii.
866-7] ofer see-siSe, 'after a journey by water.' SS side means the same as
the wid wester of 1. 2473 : the lakes which separate Swedes and Geatas.
2395. hS, Beowulf cyning, Onela.

2396. cealdum the battle between Eadgils and Onela took place on the

ioe of Lake Weuer; nevertheless, ceald may mean nothing more than
'bitter, hostile.' »
2401. twelfa MS. xii.

2409. wong wisian. Not merely 'to show,' but 'to lead the wav.'
Of. 1. 208.

Beowulf 121

se 8one jomelan jretan sceolde,

secean sawie hord, sundur jedselaa
lif wis lice ; no )7on lanje wses
feorh se))elinges flsesce bewunden.
2425 Biowulf maj>elade, beam Ec5Seowes:
"Fela ic on siojoSe juS-rEesa jenses,
orle^-hwila; ic )7aet eall jemon.
|Ic wses syfan-wintre, }?a mec sinca balder, Fol. 184».

frea-wine folca, set minum fseder jenam;

2430 heold mec end hsefde HreSel cyninj,
geaf me sine end symbel, sibbe gemunde;
him to life
Eses ic latSra owihte
beom in burgum Jjonne his bearna hwylc,
Herebeald ond HseBcyn, oSSe Hyjelac min.
2435 Wses \>&xa yldestan unjedefe(lice)
mseges dSdum mor]7or-bed stred,
sytSSan hyne HaetScyn of horn-bojan,
his frea-wine, flaae geswencte,
miste mercelses ond his msej ofscet,
2440 brotSor oSerne, blodijaa jare.
pset wses feoh-leas jefeoht, fyrenum jesynjad,
hreSre hyge-meSe; sceolde hwsetSre swa \eah
2421. Many
editors follow Grundtvig (ed. 1861, p. 83) and read seo.
Wyrd elsewhere, but of. 11. 1344, 1887, 2685.
is fern,
2423. ]}on lanpe. Sedgefield suggests that J}on may be miswritten for
J>on {=:J>onne), which would then be interpreted, as in 1. 435, etc. 'therefore,
and so.' Keeping />on, we must interpret it was not long from that time.'

2430. Holthausen , and Sedgefield read

geaf me Hredel eyning
sine ond symbel...
HreSel cpning alone is certainly a light line. Holthausen ^ 3 avoids the
difficulty by reading HreSel eyning geaf as the half -line.
2432. owihte. Sievers [P.B.B. x. 256] would read wihte for metrical
reasons [so Schiicking and Holthausen].
2435. ungedefelice is hypermetrical, and is probably miswritten for
ungedefe. [So Holthausen and Schiicking: cf. Sievers, P.B.B. x. 234:
Metrik, § 85.]
2438. Bugge'"^, thinking frea-vnne lord inapplicable, conjectured

freo-wine (=' noble brother,' Earle), comparing Genesis 983, freomSg ofsloh,
hrofioT sinne. Keeping frea-wine smote him who should have been his

2439. ofseet=ofseeat.
2441. fyrenum ial. 1744 perhaps means 'maliciously,' 'treacherously':
but here it has only an intensifying force, exceedingly no malicious
' ^

intent is attributed to Hasthcyn. [Cf. Klaeber^''.]

2442. Holthausen, in part following Greinj, reads HreSle hygeimSo, '
heart sorrow for Hrethel.
122 Beowulf
aeBelinj unwrecen ealdres linnan.
Swa bi?S jeomorlic ^omelum ceorle

2445 to jebidanne, ]>8et his byre ride

gionj on jaljan; J>oniie he 5yd wrece,
sarijne sang, J^onne his sunu hanjatS
hrefne to hroSre, ond he him helpan ne maeg,
eald ond in-frod, senije jefremman.
2450 Symble biS jemyndjad morna jehwylce
|eaforan ellor-siS oJSres ne jymeS
Fol. 184'.

to jebidanne burjum in innan

yrfe-weardas, Jjonne se an hafaS
J'urh deaSes nyd dseda jefondad.
2455 TesyhS sorh-cearij on his suna bure
win-sele westne, wind-jereste
reote berofene; ridend swefaS,
hseleS in hoSraan; nis |»8er hearpan swej,
gomen in jeardum, swylce 5ier iu wieron.
XXXV 2460 GEwiteS Jjonne on sealman, sorh-leoS jaeleS

2444. Swa, such wise,' a comparison of Hrethel's woe to that which

an old man might feel, if his son were hanged. Gering has seen in the grief
ofthis man a reference to Ermanaric, who (in legend) hanged his son but :

the likeness seems remote. Ermanario was not credited with taking the
death of his kin so much to heart.
2445. Cf. galgan ridan in the Fates of Men, 33, and the Scandinavian
'kenning' for the gallows, 'Odin's horse.'
2446. MS. wrece. Grein wreceS, followed by many editors, including
Holthausen and Sedgefield. But the change is unnecessary. [Cf. Bugge in
Tidsskr. viii. 56.]
2448. helpan. Kemblej emended to helpe. There is no other certain
instance of the weak noun. Possibly the scribe wrote helpan for helpe,
thinking of the infinitive. [Cf. Sievers in Z.f.d.Ph. xxi. 357.] Indeed it
would be possible to take helpan and fremman as two parallel infinitives,
' cannot help him, or in any wise support him
' (understanding hine), as sug-

gested by Kock [Anglia, xxvii. 220-1]. But Bnige — ' in any wise lacks

analogy. [Cf. Klaeber*'^ and Sedgefield's note.]

2453. For gen. sg. in -as see SieverSj § 237, N. 1. Cf. 11. 63, 2921.
2454. The alteration of Grundtvig (ed. 1861, p. 84) and Miillenhoff "»,
who transposed dmda and MaJSet, is not necessary.
2456. Holthausen's windge reite, ' windy resting place,' alters the form,
but not the meaning.
2457. reote. The best explanation seems to be that of Holthausen, that
this is a mistranscription for roete or rate (see Sievers j §27, N.), the old
spelling of rete (dat. of *retu, 'joy,' from rot, 'cheerful'; cf. retan, 'cheer').
Holthausen's conjecture is supported by such spellings as beoc for bac in
the Codex Aureus Inscription. An earlier explanation was that of Bugge
[Z.f.d.Ph. iv. 215], who interpreted reot as 'rest.'
twefaS. Klaeber {Anglia, xxviii. 446] adopts Grein's emendation smefeS,
and interprets ridend, as 'the rider on the gallows' (of. 1. 2445); swefaff
might be a Northern singular: see Sieversa §358, N. 2.

Beowulf 123

an asfter anum J>uhte him eall to rum,


wonjas ond wic-stede. Swa Wedra helm

aefter Herebealde heortan sorje
•weallinde wsbj; wihte ne meahte
2465 on Sam feorh-bonan fsejhiSe jebetan;
no Sy gr he ]?one beaSorinc hatian ne meahte
laSum dsedum, J?eah him leof ne wses.
He Sa mid j^sere sorhje, ]?e him sio sar belamp,
5um-dream ofjeaf, Todes leoht jeceas;
2470 eaferum liefde, swa deS eadig mon,
lond ond leod-byrij, ]?a he of life ^ewat.
pa |w8BS synn ond sacu Sweona ond leata, Fol. 185".

ofer [w]id wseter wroht jemsene,

here-niS hearda, sy?SSan HreSel swealt,
2475 o?SSe him OnjenSeowes eaferan weeran
frome, fyrd-bwate, freode ne woldon
ofer heafo healdan, ac ymb Hreosnabeorh
eatolne inwit-scear oft jefremedon.
past miej-wine mine jewraecan,
2480 fsehSe ond fyrene, swa hyt gefrseje waes,
}?eah Se oSer his ealdre jebohte,

2466. heafforinc = Hsethcyn.

hatian, 'pursue with hatred.' [Of. Klaeber in Arehiv, oix. 305.]
2468. Holthansen 1, 2 adopts the reading of Bieger {Lesebuch), J>e him swa
tar helamp, ' which befel him so sorely ' : Schiicking omits sio, on the ground
that an article beginning with s is avoided before a substantive so beginning.
HolthauseUg accordingly reads /e him gio sar belamp.
2473. MS. defective at corner [w]jd, Grundtvig ^^. Thorkelin's tran-

script £ has a blank, but A has rid: a mutilated O.E. w might easily be
mistaken for r.
2475. For oSSe=ond, see note to 11. 648-9.
Sedgefield's conjectures, seoSSe (^siSffan), or oS (fffl[t], do not seem
necessary. War broke out after Hrethel died, and after Ongentheow's sons
had grown to be valiant warriors.
him may be an ^ethic dative' referring to Ongentheow's sons [Bugge in
Tidsskr. viii. 57], in which case it need not be translated, or it might refer
to the Geatas : ' valiant against them.
Holthansen, following Sievers, spells OngenSeos.
2477. Hreosnabeorh is unknown. Sedgefield, following Bugge, reads
Brefna beorh (of. 11. 2925, 2935). But the engagements and the localities
seem to have been distinct; Hreosnabeorh in the land of the Geatas,
Hrefna wudu in the land of the Swedes, as Bugge" admits.
2478. as. ge ge fremedon. Cf. U. 986 (see note), 2383.
2479. mag-wine mine, i.e. Hsethcyn and Hygelac.
2481. his. hit, the emendation of Greinj [adopted by Schiicking and
Sedgefield], is certainly an improvement.

124 Beowulf
heardan ceape ; HaetScynne weartS,
Teata dryhtne, jutS onssege.

pa ic on morjne jefraesn mseg QtSerne

2485 billes ecjum on bonan stselan,

]j£er Ongenjjeow Eofores niosaS:

guS-helm tojlad, jomela Scylfinj
hreas [Aii<^e-]blac ; bond jemunde
f£ehSo genoje, feorh-swenj ne ofteah.
2490 Ic him ]7a maSmas, )7e he me sealde,
geald set gutSe, swa me 5ifetSe waps,
leohtan sweorde; he me lond forjeaf,
eard, eSel-wyn. Nses him Snig J?earf,

)?set he to TifiSum, o55e to prar-Denum,

2495 oSSe in Swio-rice, secean ]7urfe

|wyrsan wij-frecan, weorSe gecypan Pol. IBS',

symle him on feSan

ic beforan wolde,
ana on orde, ond swa to aldre sceall
saecce fremman, )?enden ]7is sweord |>ola8,

2500 )7set mec ser ond siS oft gelseste,

sySSan ic for dujeSum Dseghrefne wearS
to hand-bonan, Huja cempan.
2484-5. Rightly rendered by Bosworth-Toller One kinsman with the :

edge of the sword brought home to the slayer the death of the other' but :

the kinsmen are not Eofor and Wulf, as there explained (since Wulf is not
slain), but Hygelao and HsBthoyn. [See Kock in Anglia, xxvii. 232 Cosijn^.] :

The episode is narrated more fully later (11. 2949-2998).

2486. Grein, niosade but cf. 11. 1923, 1928, etc.

2488. No gap in MS: Ihilde-Jbldc, Holthausen's conjecture [Anglia,

xxi. 366], is followed by recent editors. The word is not extant, but of. wig-
bldc. Exodus, 204.
Bugge [Tidsskr. viii. 297] suggested hrea-blac, 'corpse-pale,' since the
repetition hreas hrea- would have accounted for the scribal blunder; and
Grein heoro-blac ; but both these stop-gaps are metrically objectionable [the
first obviously; for the second cf. Sievers in P.B.B. x. 300].
2489. feorh-sweng. We should expect the gen. with ofteon (see 1. 5).
We also find the dat. (see 1. 1520), and accordingly Holthausen, followed by
Sedgefieldj, would wnte feorh-sweng e here. [Cf. Sievers in P.B.B. xxix. 307.]
Yet the change is unnecessary, for the ace. construction is also found.
2490. The episode is ended him refers to Beowulf s lord, Hygelac.

2495. For the present Jmrfe, cf. heebhe (1. 1928).

2500. mr ond siS, '
early and late.'
2501. It is not clear whether for dugeSum means 'by reason of my
valour ' (cf. 1. 1206 for wlenco), or whether it means ' in the presence
of the
doughty' 2020 fm- duguSe).
(cf. 1.

2501-2. Beowulf praises his sword, which has done him good service
early and late, since the time when he slew Dssghrefn. But the following
lines show that in this feat Beowulf did not use his sword. Hence some

Beowulf 125
Nalles he Sa fraetwe Fres-cyning[e],
breost-weorSunje, brinjan moste,
2505 ac in campe gecronj cumbles hyrde,
aejjelinj on elne; ne wses ecj bona,
ac him hilde-jrap heortan wylmas,
ban-hus jebraec. Nu sceall billes ecj,
bond end heard sweord, ymb hord wijan."
2510 Beowulf matSelode, beot-wordum sprsec,
niehstan siSe : "Ic jeneSde fela
juSa on jeojotSe; jyt ic wylle,
frod folces weard, fsehSe secan,
mSrSum fremman, gif mec se raan-sceaSa
2515 of eortS-sele ut jesecetS."
gejrette 5a jumena jehwylcne,
hwate helm-berend, hindeman siSSe,
swEese jesitSas: "Nolde ic sweord beran,
wsepen to wyrme, jjif ic wiste hu Fol. 186^.

editors [e.g. Sohiioking and Sedgefieldj] separate the two sentences by a

full stop after geleeste, and take syffffan, not as a conj., but as an adv.
Tet the sword may have been taken by Beowulf from the dead Dseghref n
in which case the connection is close enough between 11. 2499 and 2501.
[So Eieger*"; Klaeber in Archiv, cxv. 181.]
2503. Sd freetwe, 'those famous spoils,' clearly the necklet of 11. 1195,
etc., won by Beowulf at Heorot. This had naturally passed to his liege lord.
(But note that in U. 2172, etc., this necklet is said to have been given, not
to Hygelac, but to Hygd.) Dseghrefn must be the slayer of Hygelao: as
such he would, had he lived, have presented the spoils he had won to his
chief. But Beowulf avenged his lord, though the body of Hygelao {Lib.
Monst.) and his arms (1. 1211) remained with the Frankish foe.
Fres-cyningle], Grundtvig^"^, Kemblei: M.S.frescyning.
Who is the Frisian king? Does it refer to some tributary prince, or is it
a title of the Fraukish overlord ? Since Dseghrefn is presumably a Frank
{Huga cempa) he would present the spoils to his own king, Theodoric the
Frank, or to his son Theodobert, who was actually in command. LI. 1210,
2921 also support the interpretation of Fres-cyning as a reference) to the
Frankish overlord. But the writer of Beowulf may well have been using
traditional names which he himself did not clearly understand.
2505. Compe {campe), Kemblej: MS. eempan. If we keep the MS.
reading, we shall have to interpret cempan=cempum, and render 'among
the warriors ' [von Grienberger, Schiicking, 1908 of. Fngl. Stud. xlii. 110].

But in in this sense of 'among' seems unprecedented [Sievers in P.B.B.

xxxvi. 409-10, as Schiicking now admits].
2505-6. cumbles hyrde, eepeling, refer to Dseghrefn.
2509. Morgan [P.B.B. xxxiii. 105] and Holthausen suggest heard-
sweord, for the metre.
2514. Kemble2 , mSrSo, supported by Bugge '"*, and aU recent editors,
on the analogy of 11. 2134, 2645. But the argument from analogy may be
pushed too far, and it is even possible that fremman is intrans., as in
1. 1003.

126 Beowulf
2520 wis Sam ajlsecean elles meahte
jylpe wiSjripan, swa ic 516 wiS grendle dyde
ac ic Sser heatSu-fyres hates wene,
[o]re5es ond attres; forSon ic me on hafu
bord ond byrnan. Nelle ic beorjes weard
2525 oferfleon fotes trem, ac unc [furSur] sceal
weortSan aet wealle, swa unc wyrd jeteoB,
metod manna jehwses. Ic eora on mode from,
]7aet ic wits ]7one juS-flo^an jylp ofersitte.
-rebide je on beorge bymum werede,
2530 secjas on searwum, hwseSer sel mseje
sefter wael-rsese wunde jedyjan
uncer twe5a. Nis )»aet eower siS,

ne gemet mannes nefri[e] min anes,

ptet he wits ajlsecean eofoBo dsele,

2535 eorl-scype efne. Ic mid elne sceall

jold jeganjan, oStSe gixS nimeS,

feorh-bealu frecne, frean eowerne."
Aras tSa bi ronde rof oretta,
heard under helme, hioro-sercean baer
2540 under stan-cleofu, stren5o jetruwode
anes mannes; ne biS swylc earjes sI5.

2520-1. Sievers \P.B.B. ix. 141] suggests pss dglmeean gylpe, ' against
the boast of the adversary.' Sohroer [Anglia, xiii. 345] suggests giipe for
gylpe, ' come to grips with the adversary in war.' I take gylpe = ' with
boast,' i.e. 'in such a manner as, to fulfil my boast.'
2523. [o]reif(!S, Greini.fflttresKemblea: M.S. reffes j hattres. Cf. 11. 2557,
2839. There is a dot over the h of hattres, which Sievers [Z.f.d.Ph. xxi.
3S5] regards as intended by the scribe to signify that h is cancelled. X should
rather regard the dot as accidental.
2525. The second half-line is metrically deficient : furfor is Klaeber's
emendation {Archiv, exv. 181] adopted by Holthausen. Holthausen's earlier
suggestion, /coftte [Litteraturblatt filr germ. u. rom. Philologie, 1900, p. 61],
is adopted by Schiicking. Buggei"^ had also suggested feohte.
In view of the rarity of a ' prelude of two syllables with this type of line

[cf. Sievers in P.B.B. x. 302] Bugge'"* would omit ofer, comparing Maldmi,
HI , fieon fotes trym. [So Sedgefield^.]
Holthausen 3 reads /er^eon {=forJleon).
2528. /ifflt = ' so that.' Sievers' emendation [P.B.B. ix. 141] /»«,
therefore,' is unnecessary. [Cf. Klaeber*^', Schiicking, Satzverk., 25.]
' The conj. Jisst is found to denote the relation between
two facts in the
vaguest possible manner' (Klaeber).
2529. Note that, where the pronoun follows the imperative of the verb,
the normal inflection of the verb is dropped.
2533. MS. defective at edge: nefn[e], GrundtvigS"*.
2534. /»f, Grundtvig3»«, Kemblei: MS. wat.
Beowulf 127
geseah tSa be wealle, |se Se worna fela, Pol. 186'>.

jum-cystum jod, jutSa sedijde,

hilde-hlemma, )>onne hnitan feSan,
2545 sto[w]dan stan-bogan, stream ut Jjonan
brecan of beorge ; waes
)ȣere burnan waelm
heaSo-fyrum hat; ne meahte horde neah
unbyrnende senile hwile
deop gedyjan for dracan lege.
2550 Let ?Sa of breostum, tSa he jebolgen wses,
Weder-geata leod word lit faran,
stearc-heort styrmde; stefn in becom
heaSo-torht hlynnan under harne stan;
hete wses onhrered, hord-weard oncniow
2555 mannes reorde; nses Ster mara fyrst
freode to friclan. From aerest cwom
orutJ ajlfecean tit of stane,
hat hilde-swat; hriise dynede.
Biorn under beorje bord-rand onswaf
2560 wis Sam jryre-gieste, veata dryhten ;

Sa wsBS hrinj-bogan heorte jefysed

saecce to seceanne. Sweord ser gebraed
god guS-cyning, gomele lafe,
ecgum unslaw ; seghwaeSrum waes
2565 bealo-hycgendra |broga fram oSrum. Fol. 187*.

2545. iito\n'\dan, Thorpe: MS. stodan. Thorpe's emendation is con-

firmed by a passage in the Andreas, 1492, etc., where these lines seem to be
2547. ne meahte... deop gedygan, 'eould not endure the depths of the
cave.' Grundtvig*"' reads dear; so Bugge [Tidsskr. viii. 297], but this was
with the belief that the MS. could so be read, whereas the reading is clearly
deop, not dear. Dear has, however, been adopted by Barle and Sedgefield :

'nigh to the hoard could not the hero unsoorched any whUe survive.'
2556. freode. Sedgefield reads /rcoifo.
2559. Biorn refers to Beowulf. Sedgefield reads 60m, and puts the
stop after beorge, making 1. 2559^ a continuation of 11. 2556-8 the earth : '

resounded and burned under the hill.' For biorn, beom=bom, beam he
compares 1. 1880.
2562. seceanne. See note to 1. 473.
Mr 'had already drawn his sword.'
2564. MS. un glaw. ' A letter erased between
I and a in glaw that it :

was e is not quite certain ' (Zupitza), As there is all the appearance of an
uncompleted alteration, I have adopted the emendation of Bugge'"* (following
Thorpe). Klaeber [Anglia, xxix. 380] defends ungleaw, which he takes to
mean ' very sharp,' with un intensifying, as in unhdr (1. 357). But this use
of un appears to be very problematical.
128 Beowulf
StiS-mod jestod wi8 steapne rond
winia bealdor, wyrm jebeah
Sa se
sntide tosomne;
he on searwum bad.
gewat Sa byrnende sebogea scriSan,
2570 to jescipe scyndan. Scyld wel jebearg
life ond lice Isessan hwile
mserum J^eodne, J>onne his myne sohte;
Sser he J>y fyrste forman dojore
wealdan moste, swa him wyrd ne jescraf
2575 hreS aet hilde. Hond lip abreed
^eata dryhten, jryre-fahne sloh
incge lafe, jjset sio eeg jewac
briin on bane, bat unswiSor,
|7onne his tSiod-cyninj J?earfe hsefde,
2580 bysijum jebseded. pa wses beorjes weard
sefter heaSu-swenje on hreoum mode,
wearp wsel-fyre; wide sprunjon
hilde-leoman. HreS-sijora ne jealp
jold-wine 7eata; juS-bill geswac
2585 nacod aet niSe, swa hyt no sceolde,
iren Eer-jod. Ne waes )78et eSe sitS,

}>aBt se maera maja EcgSeowes

2567. winia. Cf. note to 1. 1418.

2570. MS. gscipe. Heyne emended gescife, ' headlong,' basing his con-
jecture upon an O.E. gloss in a MS. of Aldhelm's de Virginitate, now at
Brussels, in which per preceps is rendered niSerscife, with the further ex-
planation niffersceotende in the margin. [Cf. Z.f.d.A. ix. 468 and scyfe in
Bosworth- Toller.] Heyne's emendation has been adopted by Holthansen
and Sedgefield.
2573. dogore: Sievers, followed by Holthausen, would read dogor (un-
inflected instrumental, cf. Sieversj § 289) which improves the metre.
2573, etc. For the first time (literally, the first day) he had to spend

his time in a struggle devoid of victory.' [But cf. Klaeber'H]

2577. MS. incgelafe. The word inege is otherwise unrecorded (but of.
note to 1. 1107). It has been conjectured that it means 'valuable' or
'weighty.' Thorpe conjectured Incges lafe [so Holthausen i_ 2, abandoning
an earlier conjecture, Anglia, Beiblatt, xiii. 78, and Sedgefield], believing the
word 'to be a corruption of some proper name.' If Thorpe's reading is
correct, Ing would presumably be identical with the primaeval hero from
whom the sea-tribes, the Ingaevones, were said to derive their name (see
Index of Persons: Ingwine). Ing is recorded in the O.E. Runic Song, 67,
as a hero of the East Danes. Some have identified Ing and Seeaf.
Holthauseuj, Inglv}in]e[s'] lafe, a tempting conjecture, 'with the sword
which Hrothgar had given him.'
2579. his ]>earfe, probably need of it.'

2581. hreoum. See note to feaum, 1. 1081.


Beowulf 129
Srund-wong ]7one ofgyfan wolde ;

sceolde [o/er] willan wic eardian

2590 elles hwerjen, swa |sceal Eejhwylc mon Fol. 187'.
al^tan Ijen-dagas. Nses ?Sa I0115 to Son,
)78et Sa ajlseceaa hy eft jemetton.
Hyrte hyne hord-weard, hreSer seSme weoU,
niwan stefne; nearo Srowode
259s fyre befonjen, se ?Se ser folce weold.
Nealles him on heape hand-5esteallan,
seSelinja beam, ymbe jestodon
hilde-cystum, ac hy on holt bujon,
ealdre bursan. Hiora in anum weoU
2600 sefa wis sorgum ; sibb sefre ne msej
wiht onwendan, ]7am 5e wel |>enceS.
XXX'V^ Wljlaf wses haten, Weoxstanes sunu,
leoflic lind-wija, leod Scylfinja,

2588. grund-wong was taken by the older editors to mean the earth '

hence grund-wong ofgyfan, to die [so Clark-Hall]. This interpretation of


grund-wong has recently been defended by Klaeber ^Engl. Stud, xxxix. 466].
Since Bugge [Tidsskr. viii. 298], it has been more usual to interpret
grund-wong as the ground in front of the barrow [so Cosijn '•] or the floor of
the dragon's den. Beowulf has hardly got so far as the floor but a con- :

crete, local interpretation is supported by 1. 2770 (cf. too 1. 1496).

Beowulf has to retreat (11. 2586-8) the poet alludes to the issue of the

combat (11. 2589-91) then returns to his description again.


2589. No gap in MS. Rieger"" emends [pfer] willan (cf. 1. 2409)

Greiuj, [wyrmes] willan (cf. 1. 3077); Cosijn s*, \wyrme to] willan.
2595. se Se xr folce weold Beowulf, who had long ruled over his folk.'

[Cf. Cosijn38; Bugge in Z.f.d.Ph. iv. 216.]

2596. hand, Kemblea MS. heand.

2603. Wiglaf is called leod Scylfinga because his father, Weoxstan

(though apparently by origin a Geat), had once been a chief in the service
of the Swedish (Scylfing) king Onela. Weoxstan may well have married
into the family of his king, like Ecgtheow, Eofor, or Bothvar Bjarki such :

a supposition would make the title leod Scylfinga more appropriate to

Wiglaf, and might perhaps explain his mdgum (1. 2614, but see note there),
.ffilfhere, whose name begins with a vowel, would then be a member of the
Swedish royal family (since in Germanic heroic tradition princes of the same
family commonly have names which alliterate together) rather than one of
the Wsegmundingas (whose names run on W).
When Eadgils and Eanmund rebel against their uncle Onela, and take
refuge among the Geatas, Onela" smites them (see 11. 2379-90). Weoxstan,
serving under Onela, slays Eanmund, and, according to Germanic custom,
presents the spoils of his slain foe to his king. But, contrary to custom,
Onela does not accept them (for to do so would be publicly to approve the
slaying of his own nephew) ; yet he rewards the slayer with the spoils, and
hushes up the matter: Onela spake not of the feud, though Weoxstan had

slain his (Onela's) brother's son' (i.e. Eanmund, sou of Ohthere), II. 2618-9.
Tet Weoxstan belongs to the Wsegmundingas (1. 2607), a family of the
Geatas to which Beowulf is related (1. 2814). Why he was serving with

B. 9
; ;

130 Beowulf
msej iElfheres; geseah his mon-dryhten
2605 under here-jriman hat Jjrowian;
jemunde Sa Sa are, )>e he him ^r forjeaf,

•wic-stede weligne Wsegmundinsa,

folc-rihta jehwylc, swa his feeder ahte
ne mihte Sa forhabban, bond rond jefeng,
2610 geolwe Hade, jomel swyrd jeteah.
pset wses mid eldum Eanmundes laf,

|suna Ohtere[s], j^am aet ssecce wearS, Pol. 188».

wr8ecca[n] wine-leasum, Weohstaw bana

meces ecjum, ond his majum setbser

2615 brixii-fajne helm, hriagde byrnan,

eald sweord etonisc, )7set him Onela forjeaf,

his gsedeliDjes guS-gewsedu,

fyrd-searo fuslic; no ymbe S5a fcehtSe sprsec,

)7eah Se he his brotSor beam abredwade.

2620 He frsetwe geheold fela missera,

bill ond byrnan, o?5 tSset his byre mihte

eorl-scipe efnan swa his ser-fseder

jeaf him t5a mid leatum jutS-gewaeda

Eejhwses unrim, ]>a he of ealdre gewat
2625 frodon forS-weg. JJa wses forma siS

geongan cempan, ]?8et he gliSe rses

the national enemy, or why, in spite of this, his own people ultimately
received him back, we do not know. [Cf. Ghadwiok, Origin of the English
Nation, p. 173.] The re-grant (1. 2606) of Weoxatan's fief to Wiglaf must not
be taken as signifying that the fief had been forfeited by Weoxstan a formal :

re-grant is in every case necessitated by the death of the father. [See Widsith,
95-6, and cf. Ghadwiok, p. 169.]
[The diificulties are well explained by Miillenhofi in A.f.d.A. iii. 176-8.]
2612. Ofticre[«], GrundtvigS"^, Kemblci MS. ohtere (partially corrected

by Thorkelin).
2613. MS. defective at corner «irecca[m], Ettmiillerj : Weohstm,

Grundtvig '"*, Kemblej: MS. weohstanes.

2614. mdgum probably means Onela pi. for sg. as in 1. 2353 of. note
: , :

to 1. 565.
his may refer to Weoxstan (see 1. 2603, above) or, more probably, to
2615.The alliteration is improved if, with Eieger, followed by Holt-
hausen, we read byrnan hringde.
2620. He, i.e. Weoxstan.
. Grundtvig [1861, p. 89], followed by Holthausen, supplies J>d before
2623. We must understand Weoxstan as subject to geaf.
Beowulf 131

mid his freo-dryhtne fremman sceolde;

ne jemealt him se mod-sefa, ne his msejes laf
jewac aet wije; ^sst se wyrm onfand,
2630 sytSSan hie tog^dre gegan hsefdon.
Wijlaf maSelode, word-rihta fela,
soBgde gesiSum —
him wses sefa jeomor—
"Ic tSset |m^l jeman, jjser we medu Jiejun, Fol. I88i>.
)7onne we geheton ussum hlaforde
2635 in bior-sele, Se us Sas beajas geaf,
\eet we him Sa giiS-jetawa jyldan woldon,
gif him ]7yslicu Jelumpe, Jjearf
helmas ond heard sweord. De he usic on herge
to tSyssum sitS-fate sylfes wilhira,
2640 onmunde usic meerSa, ond me ]?as maSmas geaf,
)>e he usic jar-wijend gode tealde,
hwate helm-berend, )?eah Se hlaford us
)>is ellen-weorc ana aSohte
to jefremmanne, folces hyrde,
2645 forSam he manna meest mserSa gefremede,
deeda dollicra. Nu is se daeg cumen,
J»8et ure man-dryhten msejenes behofaS
godra giiS-rinca ; wutun gongan to,

helpan hild-fruman, J>enden hyt s;^,

2650 gled-egesa grim. Tod wat on mec,
)7set me is micle leot're, }>8et minne lic-haman

2628. mfe^res, Ettinuller2: MS. ms^enes.

his mMges laf, ' his father's sword.'
2629. J>at, Thorpe: MS. /a.
2633. this appeal to the geslSas to make good their boast there are
two close parallels ; Maldon (212-15) and the Bjarka mdl, as recorded in
the Latin paraphrase of Saxo Grammaticus (Hist. Dan., Bk 11.). It is
a commonplace of Old Germanic poetry and indeed of heroic poetry

2636. See note to 1. 368.
2642. Bugge [Z.f.d.Ph. iv. 216] suggested hlaford User instead of hlaford
Us: Gosiin^, hlaford ur.
2645. forSam MS. forSa Zupitza transliterates forSan. So also
: ;

1. 2741.
penden hit hat sy or Jienden hat sy are alternative suggestions of
Kemblea: hat is supported by Bugge i"^, who compares 1. 2605, and is adopted
by Earle and Sedgeiield.

: .;

132 Beowulf
mid minne sold-gyfan jled fseSmig.
Ne )>ynce?5 me gerysne, J^set we rondas beren
eft to earde, nemne we seror mse^en
fane jefyllan, feorh ealgian Pol. 197".
Wedra tSeodnes. Ic wat geare,

J7aet DEeron eald gewyrht, ]7aet he ana scyle

'jeata dujuSSe jnorn )?rowian,
jesijan set ssecce ; urum sceal sweord ond helm,
2660 byrne ond beadu-scrud, bam jem^ne."
Wod J>a ]7urh )>one wsel-rec, wij-heafolan baer
frean on fultum, fea worda cwae?S

"Leofa Biowulf, Isest eall tela,

swa S5u on jeojuS-feore jeara gecw^de,

2665 ysit 5u ne alsete be ?Se lifijendum
dom jedreosan scealt nu dsedum rof,

setSeling an-hydig, ealle msejene

feorh ealjian; ic Se ful-laestu."

2652. MS. faSmii, optative sing. I take g here to signify m, which is

the oldest form of the optative ending. [Cf. SieverSs § 361.] See note to
1. 1981.

2657. Most editors make a compound eald-gewyrht, which they generally

[Holthausen, Sedgefield, Earle] render ' ancient custom,' etc.
eald-gewyrhtwm occurs in the Dream of the Rood, 100, where it means
' deeds done of old,' with thought of the deserts therefrom resulting. ' Ties
through deeds done ' seems to be the meaning of gewyrht here.
2659. In the MS. a colon, a comma, and a S are placed after urum,
thus : urU The colon signifies that something has been omitted, and

the If [signifying ' it is wanting ' : Lat. deest] corresponds to another if in

the margin, which is followed by the word sceal, between dots, thus : S sceal •

This device, to signify that the word sceal has heen omitted after urum, has
often been misunderstood, and the line misread in consequence.
urum bdm seems a strange way of expressing unc bam. Bugge [Tidsskr.
viii. 58 ; Z.f.d.Ph. iv. 216] supposes a gap. So Eieger*" and Earle. Parallels
can, however, be found Cosijn quotes examples of nSniges ures, ures ndnes,

etc., for nSniges ure, ure nanes [P.B.B. viii. 573] and iowra sel/ra is found
in Orosius [ed. Sweet, 48, 21] for iower selfra.
Sedgefield ^*8 conjectures huru for urum 'surely sword and helmet. ..must

be common to both.'
2660. beadu-scrud, Ettmiillerj (so Thorpe) ; MS. byrdu scrud. The word
byrdu, which is unknown, is defended by von Grienberger IP.B.B. xxxvi. 83]
and byrdu-scrud interpreted to mean ' coat of mail.' Yet it is possible that
beadu has (not unnaturally) been written byrdu through the influence of
the preceding byrne. Holthausen's further alteration [following Cosijn **],
bord ond beadu-scj-ud, does not seem essential, though it certainly improves
the reading of the text, in which the shield is not mentioned, and the coat
of mail enumerated twice.
Bugge ITidiskr. viii. 55 etc.] suggested bywdu scrud, ' adorned vestment'
byvian, to adorn, occurs in 1. 2257.

Beowulf 133
^fter Sam wordum wyrm yrre cwom,
2670 atol inwit-jsest, oSre siSe
fyr-wylmum fah fionda mos[i]an,
laSra manna. Lig-ytSum forborn
bord wis rond[e]; byrne ne meahte
jeonjum jar-wijan jeoce gefremman;
2675 ac se maja jeonja under his msejes scyld
elne jeeode, }>a his ajen w[8es]
jledum forgrunden. pa gen juS-cyninj
m[SrSa] gemunde, maejen-strenjo sloh
hilde-bille, ]>set hyt on heafolan stod
2680 ni]7e jenyded; Nsejling forbserst,
jeswac ffit sfficce sweord Biowulfes,| Fol. ig?".
5omol ond srSj-msel. Him )>8et jifeSe ne wses,
J'set him irenna ecje mihton
helpan set hilde —
waes sio hond to strong
2685 se Se meca jehwane, mine jefrseje,
swenje ofersohte, ]7onne he to ssecce bser
wsepen wund[r-]um heard ; nses him wihte Se sel.

pa wses ]>eod-sceaSa J^riddan siSe,

frecne fyr-draca, fsehSa jemyndig,
2690 rsesdeon Sone rofan, ]7a him rum ageald,
hat ond heaSo-jrim, heals ealne ymbefeng

2671. MS. defective, here and in 11. 2676, 2678. Though evidence
points to niosian having stood in the MS. here, it mast have been a mere
scribal variant of the form niosan, which the metre supports, and which is
also found in Beowulf. See note to 11. 115, 1125.
2673. Tondle], Kemblei MS. rond. The emendation is metrically

necessary ; cf. 1. 3027. Wiif ronde = 'aaiax usioiheroTid.' [Of. Klaeber in

M.L.N. -sjL. 86.]
2675. In the Iliad (vni. 267, etc.) Teuoer fights under the shield of
Ajax. For other remarkable coincidences with Homer cf. U. 2806, 3169.
2676. MS. defective at edge: w[ms\, Grundtvig'M, Kemblei.
2678. MS. defective at edge: m[mr^a\, GrundtvigSM, Kemblei.
2682. That a warrior should have been too strong for his sword seems
to have been quite possible in the Germanic heroic age. It is told of Ofia that
he broke the swords offered him for his duel by simply brandishing them in
the air [Saxo, Hiat. Dan., Bk n: ed. Holder, p. 115]. The Icelandic sagas,
with their greater sobriety, tell of a hero, who, in his last fight, had to keep
straightening out his sword under his foot [Laxdiela Saga, cap. 49].
2686. ponne. Bugge'"', followed by Holthausen, reads pone.
2687. wit»d[r]M7re, Thorpe MS. vmndu. A convincing emendation ; cf.

wundrum wrsstlice. Phoenix, 63; wundrum heah. Wanderer, 98.

2691. ymbefeng. The e is probably a scribal insertion [cf. Sievers in
P.B.B. X. 260] the line runs better when it is deleted.
: .
, ; ,

134 Beowulf
biteran baaum; he seblodejod wear?S
sawul-driore ; swat yS5um weoll.
XXXVII DA ic set )?earfe [^efr^^n] ]7eod-cyiiinges

2695 andlongne eorl ellen cy?5an,

crseft ond cenSu, swa him gecynde wses
ne hedde he ]>aBS heafolan —
ac slo hand jebarn
modiges mannes, ]7Eer he his mseges healp —
j7SBt he }>one niS-gsest niotSor hwene sloh,

2700 secg on searwum, J»set fSffit sweord gedeaf

fah ond faited, ]?set SS^t fyr onjon

sweSrian sySSan. pa gen sylf cyning

geweold his jewitte, wsell-seaxe gebrsed
biter ond beadu-seearp, Jjaet he on byrnan wsej;
2705 forwrat Wedra |helm wyrm on middan. Fol. 189».

Feond jefyldan —
ferh ellen wrsec —
ond hi hyne )>a begen abroten hsefdon,
sib-£et5elingas ; swylc sceolde secg wesan,
)>egn set tSearfe. jJaet 5am j^eodne wses
2710 si?Sas[i] sige-hwi? sylfes dgedum,

2694. No gap in MS. [gefrsegnl Kemblei. : See U. 2484, 2752, etc.

2697. It is not clear whether it was his own head or the dragon's which
Wiglaf did not heed. [For the former interpretation see Cosijn^; for the
latter Bugge"', who compares 1. 2679.]
Wiglaf attacks what he knows to be the more vulnerable part of the
dragon; both Frotho and Fridlevns in Saxo [Bk 11., ed. Holder, p. 39;
Bk VI., p. 181] learn a similar discrimination the parallels between these

dragon fights in Saxo and those in our text are close. Sigurd also attacked
Pafnir from below, but in a more practical and less heroic manner.
2698. mSges, Kemblej: MS. mmgenes (so Grein-Wiilker) cf. L 2628, ;

and foot-note. See also 1. 2879.

2699. See note to 1. 102.
2701. ]mt Smt. Sievers, objecting to this awkward collocation of pmt,
proposed pa Sast [P.B.B. ix. 141]. But Grundtvig had already suggested
that the first }>set (which is written -JS) should be read /a. See note to 1. 15,
where this problem of the interpretation of -jS first meets us. Sedgefield
reads }>a; /at can, however, be defended here. [Cf. Sohiicking, Satz-
verk., 25.]
2704. It seems best, in spite of strict grammatical concord, to take biter
ond beadu-scearp as referring to wsill-seaxe.
2706. gefyldan. EttmiiUerj and Thorpe proposed to read gefylde,
parallel to forwrat Sievers [P.B.B. ix. 141] argues for this reading, which

has been adopted by Sedgefield.

ellen. Cosijn^? suggested ellor [so Holthauseni, 2 but Holthausenj, :

ellen] cf. 11. 55, 2254.

: The meaning would be drove his life elsewhere,'

i.e. to Hell. With much the same meaning Kluge"^ reads feorh edlne
wreec, drove out all his life,' comparing Genesis, 1385.

2710. «iera8[t], Greinj MS. siSds. Grundtvig'"' suggested si/>est.

: Yet
it is possible to defend siSas here as gen. of siff, parallel to worlde geweorces:
Beowulf 135

worlde 5eweorces. Da sio wund onjon,

\e him se eorS-draca ser jeworhte,
swelan ond swellan ; he Jjset soaa onfand,
]?8et him on breostum bealo-ni5[e] weoll,
2715 attor on innan. Da se seSelinj gionj,
Jjset he bi wealle wis-hycjende
gesset on sesse, seah on enta jeweorc,
hii Sa stan-bojan stapulum fseste
ece eoi-S-reced innan healde.
2720 Hyne \& mid handa heoro-dreorijne,
)>eoden mgerne, J'egn unjemete till,

wine-dryhten his, wsetere gelafede

hilde-saedne, ond his he![m] onspeon.
Biowulf maj^elode : he ofer benne sprsec,

2725 wunde wsel-bleate ; wisse he jearwe,

J^ast he dseg-hwila gedrogen hsefde,
eorSan wynn[e] ; ?Sa wses eall sceacen
dojor-gerimes, deaS unjemete neah :

"Nu ic suna minum syllan wolde

2730 jutS-jeweedu, ]7£er me jifeSe swa

That was to the chieftain a viotorioua moment of his allotted epan, of his
sige-Tiwil, Kemble2: MS. sigehwile. After sige, hwile might easily be
written in error for hwil. Greinj, sige-hwila.
2714. The older editors read bealo-nlS, bo also Sedgefieldj but the word :

comes at the end of the line, and evidence points to a letter having been
lost. (Thorkelin's transcripts: A bealomS, B bealo niSi: now only heal left.)
Bealo-niSe is essential on metrical grounds [of. Sievers in F.B.B, a. 269],
and is probably to be regarded as the MS. reading.
2715. giong, 'went.'
2719. ece. Holthausen would read ecnc = eacn«, mighty.' '

Ettmiiller2, Bieger"^ [in an excellent note], Heyne, Holthausen, etc.,

read heoldon. But no change is necessary. For the tense cf. 11. 1923,
1928, 2486 ; and for the sg. verb with pi. subject in a subordinate clause cf.
1. 2164, and see the note to U. 1408 and 2035. Further I do not see why
eoriT-reced should not be the subject How the earth-hall contained within

itself the arches
2728. MS. defective: hel[rn], Greini, etc., following Grimm.
2724. Beowulf speaks ofer benne, over his wound,' wounded as he
' '

was,' just as the warriors boast ofer e.alowSge, over their cups (1. 481).'

[Cf. Cosijn", and Klaeber, Archiv, civ. 287, where the passage is elaborately
discussed. Corson's rendering, 'beyond (i.e. concerning other things than)
his wound,' M.L.N., iii. 193, seems impossible.]
2725. wsel-bleate. Holthausen, following Grein [Sprachschatz], reads
wsd-blate, ' deadly pale.' Of. Grist, 771, bldtast benna.
2727. M))/nj![e], Thorkelin's correction: MS. defective.
136 Beowulf
sefter wurde Fol.l89^
senij yrfe-|weard
lice gelenge. Ic Sas leode heold
fiftij wintra ; uses se folc-cyninj

ymbe-sittendra Jenis tSara,

2735 \^ mec juS-winum jretan dorste,

ejesan ©Son. Ic on earde bad
m£el-5esceafta, heold min tela,

ne sohte searo-niSas, ne me swor fela

a?5a on unriht. Ic Saes ealles mae^

2740 feorh-bennum seoc 5efean habban;
fortSam me witan ne Searf Waldend fira
morSor-bealo maja, )7onne min sceaceS

lif of lice. Nu Su lunjre geonj

hord sceawian under harne stan,
2745 Wijlaf leofa, nu se wyrm lijetS,

swefetS sare wund, since bereafod.

Bio nu on ofoste, \sBi ic ser-welan,

jold-aeht onsite, gearo sceawige

swejle searo-gimmas, ]78et ic tSy seft mse^e
2750 sefter maSSum-welan min alsetan

lif ond leod-scipe, }>one ic lon5e heold."

XXXVIII DA ic snude jefrse^n sunu Wihstanes

sefter word-cwydum wundum dryhtne
hyran heaSo-siocum, hrinj-net beran,
2755 bro5dne beadu-sercean, under beorjes hrof.

7eseah Sa si5e-hre?5i5, |?a he bi sesse jeonj,

majo-J^ejn [modig matSBum-sijla fealo, Fol. 190».

gold glitinian jrunde jetenje,

wundur on wealle, ond J»ses wyrmes denn,

2738. fela. A. typical example of that understatement so common in

O.E. poetry. We must not, of course, suppose (as some have done) that
Beowulf admits to having sworn some false oaths, but not many. Cf.
1. 203.
2749. Eieger''"-^ saw in swegle a corruption of sigle, 'brooch,' com-
paring the parallel passage, 1. 1157. Holthausen and Sedgefieldj read pi.
aiglu; Klaeber^^" defends the sg. form sigle, quoting parallels for such
collocation of sg. and pi.
2755. under, Thorkelin's correction : MS. urder.
2757. Most editors normalise to fela or feola. But see Sievers,
§§ 276, N. 5, and 150, B ; Biilbring § 236.
2759. ond. Trautmann, followed by Holthausen and Sedgefield, reads
Beowulf 137

2760 ealdes uht-flogan, orcas stondan,

fyrn-manna fatu, feormend-]ease,
hyrstum behrorene. peer wsbs helm monig
eald ond omij, earm-beaja fela
searwum ^esjeled. Sine eatSe maeg,
2765 gold on 5rund[e], jum-cynnes jehwone
oferhigian, hyde se Se wylle.
Swylce he siomian jeseah sejn eall-jylden
heah ofer horde, hond-wundra miest,
jelocen leotSo-crseftum ; of Sam leoma stod,
2770 Jjset he jjone grund-wonj onjitan meahte,
wr^^e jiondwlitan. Nsbs Sees wyrmes ]?£er
onsyn ffinij, ac hyne ecj fomam.
©a ic on hlsewe jefrffijn hord reafian,
eald enta jeweorc, anne mannan,
2775 him on bearm hladon bunan ond discas
sylfes dome ; sejn eac jenom,
beacna beorhtost. Bill ser jescod
—ecj wses iren — eald-hlafordes

2760. atondan : Holthausen, following Ettmiiller. , reads stodan.

2765. MS.' defective at edge, grundle], Grundtvig *'', Kemblei.
2766. No satisfactory explanation of oferhigian is forthcoming. The
general drift is that gold gets the better of man, 'hide the gold whoso will.'
But how? Because, in spite of all, the gold is discovered again? Or
because, when found, it carries a curse with it ? Ofer-higian may possibly
be a compound of higian, 'to strive' (Mod. Eng. 'hie'), and so mean 'to
over-reach.' An interpretation very widely accepted is 'to make proud,
vain : hence deceive.
' '
In this connection it has been proposed to connect

oferhigian with heah, 'high,' and with Goth, ufarhduhids, 'puffed up, vain'
[Bugge, in Tidsskr. viii. 60, 298; Klaeber in Engl. Stud, xxxix. 466]; or with
oferhyd (oferhygd), oferhydig, 'proud' [Kluge^^^, followed by Schiicking,
who spells oferhidgian, and others]. Against the last it is objected [Holt-
hausen] that a derivative from the adj. oferhydig must preserve the accent
on the first syllable, and so cannot alliterate with ft. Sedgefield^** suggests
oferhiwian (not elsewhere recorded, but assumed to mean ' deceive ': hiwian
means 'to assume a false appearance,' 'to feign'): Sedgefieldj, oferhig[e
h]San, ' raise him above his (usual) mind, render presumptuous.'
2769. Earle follows Thorpe in reading leoffo-crseftum (with eo), looked

by speUs of song. This seems forced and unnecessary.


Uoma, Kemblej,: MS. leoman. For the opposite mistake cf. 1. 60.
2771. wrate, Thorpe, here and in 1. 3060 MS. wrsece in both places.

2775. hladon: MS. hlodon. Grundtvig™^ emended to hladan, but it is

not necessary to alter the second a. For infin. in -on cf. 11. 308, etc., and
see Sieverss § 363, N. 1.
2777. Sr gesedd : MS. serge scod. Kemble ser-gescod, sheathed in

brass.' This has the support of Thorpe and Grein, but lacks analogy ; for
the reading in the text cf. 1. 1587, and 11. 1615, 2562, and 2973.
2778. BiU...eald-hldforde», the MS. reading, is understood by Bugge
138 Beowulf
]7am Kara maOma mund-bora wses
2780 longe hwile, lij-ejesan waej
hatne for horde, hioro-weallende
middel-nihtum, |o5 )78et he morSre swealt. Pol. 190*.

Ar wiES on ofoste, eft-sitSes georn,

frsetwum jefyrSred; hyne fyrwet braec,

2785 hwseSer collen-ferS cwicne gemette

in Sam wong-stede Wedra ]7eoden,
ellen-siocne, )ȣer he hine ser forlet.

He Sa mid )7am matSmum mSme ]?ioden,

dryhten sinne, driorijne fand
2790 ealdres set ende; he hine eft ongon
wseteres weorpan, oS ^set wordes ord
breost-hord ]7urhbraec. {Blowulf reordode,]
jomel on jioAtSe jold sceawode:
" Ic Sara frastwa Frean ealles Sane,

2795 Wuldur-cyninje, wordum secje,

ecum Dryhtne, lj>e ic her on starie,
Jjses Se ic moste minum leodum
£er swylt-dseje swylc jestrynan.
Nu ic on maSma hord mine bebohte

[Tidsskr. viii. 300], Holthausen, and Schiicking to mean the sword of

Beowulf, by Miillenhoff '^2 the sword of the former possessor of the hoard.
It is obvious that 11. 2779-2782 refer to the dragon. Whether eald-
hlafordes be taken to mean Beowulf or the former owner will probably
depend on the interpretation of 1. 2777. If we read Sr gescod, we shall
interpret the sword of the lord of old time [Beowulf] with iron edge had

slain the guardian of the treasure.' If, with Kemble, we read bill Sr-gescod,
this wiU be object of genom in 1. 2776, and we must accordingly delete
the full stop.
Bieger''!* and Cosijn^' read eald-hldforde ( = the dragon) in apposition
with />am. [This is adopted by Earle and Sedgefield.]
2791. waiteres. Kembleg, etc. emended to wsetere but the instrumental

gen. seems possible enough [Bugge in Z.f.d.Ph. iv. 218 Cosijn^*]. Cf. ;

guff-geweorca, 1. 1825.
2792. No gap in MS. Beowulf maSelode was suggested by Grundtvig""*
and Eemblcs [so Sedgefield]. But since maSelode is never found in the
second half-line, other suggestions have been made Blowulf reordode :

[Holthausen] or fid se beorn gesprmc [Schucking the repetition of the


letters rsec would account for the scribe's omission].

2793. giohSe, Thorpe (following KemblOj, gehdb] MS. giogo3e. Cf.:

2799. Instances of in, on=' in exchange for,' are quoted by Klaeber
{Anglia, xxvii. 258] : He bebohte beam wealdendes on seolfres sine, Crist and
Satan, 577.
mine, Ettmiillerj : MS. minne.

Beowulf 139

2800 frode feorh-leje, fremmatS gena

leoda J>earfe; ne msej ic her lenj wesan.
HatatS heaSo-mSre hltew jevvyrcean
beorhtne sefter bsele set brimes nosaD
se seel to gemyndum minuni leodum
2805 heah hlifian on Hrones-nsesse,
]7aet hit sse-liSend syStSan hatan
Biowulfes biorh, ?5a Se brentinjas
ofer |floda jenipu feorran drifaS." Fol. 191».

Dyde him of healse hrinj gyldenne

2810 ]?ioden ]7rist-hydig ; J»e5ne jesealdef"
geonguni^^ar-wigan, gold-fahne helm,
beah ond byrnan, het hyne brucaif "well.
"pu eart ende-laf usses cynnes,
WEejmundiDja ; ealle wyrd forsweo^
2815 mine majas to metod-sceafte,
eorlas on elne; ic him sefter sceal."

past waes ]7am jomelan ginjseste word

breost-jehyjdum, £er he bsel cure,

hate heaSo-wylmas ; him of hrseSre gewat

2820 sawol secean sotS-fsestra dom.
[xxxix] Da wa3S gejonjen gumaw unfrodum
earfotSlice, ]7ast he on eorSan jeseah
]'one leofestan lifes set ende

2800. gena. Thorpe, ge nu and this emendation has been adopted by


most recent editors. It does not appear necessary.

2803. Holthausen and Klaeber [Engl. Stud, xxxix. 465], following
Sievers, read teorht (see note to 1. 2297), and similarly pxt for se in the
next line.
2806. Cf. Odyssey, xxiv. 80, etc. Then around them [the bones of

Achillea] did we, the holy host of Argive warriors, pile a great and gloriou^
tomb, on a jutting headland above the broad Hellespont, that it might be
seen afar from off the sea by men, both by those who now are, and by
those who shall be hereafter.'
2814. forsweop, Kemblej: MS. for speof (speof at the beginning of the
next line).
2819. hrseHre : MS. hvtmdre, which might very easily have been mis-
written for hrmSre. Kemblcj emended hreSre.
2820. There is no number in the MS. after this line to indicate the
beginning of a new section, but there is a space, and 1. 2821 begins with a,
large capital. The next ' fitte-'number (1. 2892) is xl.
2821. guman, Grein2: MS. gwmu unfrodu, doubtless another instance
of 'anticipation.' Cf. 1. 158, where the MS. has banu folmu, and see

140 Beowulf
bleate jebSran. Bona swylce Isej,

2825 egeslic eorB-draca ealdre bereafod,

bealwe*"xeb8eded."" Beah-hordum lent
wyrm woh-bosen wealdan ne moste,
ac him irenna ecja fomamon,
hearde, heaSo-scearde, homera lafe,

2830 J»aet se wid-floga wundum stille

hreas on hrusan hord-aerne neah:

nalles |sefter lacende hwearf
lyffce Fol. 191".

ansyn ywde, ac he eorSan gefeoll
2835 for Saes hild-fruma^ hond-jeweorce.
Hum Jjset on lande lyt manna ?5ah
msejen-agendra, mine jefrseje,
Jieah 5e he dseda jehwses dyrstig wsere,
J7aet he wis attor-sceaSan oreSe gersesde,
2840 oSSe hring-sele hondum styrede,
gif he WBBccende weard onfunde
buon on beorge. Biowulfe wearS
dryht-maSma dsel deaSe forgolden;
haefde SjhwseSer ende jefered
2845 ISnan lifes. Nses 5a lang to Son,

2828. Grein 1 emended to hine : so Schiicking and

Sedgefiield, on the
ground that in other instances fomiman governs the ace. But see Klaeber
lEngl. Stud. xlii. 323] who instances forgripan with the dat., Beowulf, 2353
Genesis, 1275.
2829. Thorpe's emendation heaSo-scearpe, ' battle sharp,.' has been
followed by many editors, and, indeed, it seems very probable that scearpe
might have been miswritten scearde, through the influence of the preceding
hearde. Yet scearde can be defended [Sehiioking in Engl. Stud, xxxix.
2834. eorSan gefeoll, 'fell to the earth.' Cf. 11. 2100, and 2898, nms
2836. ore lande, 'in the world.'
lyt probably dat. after Sdh, has prospered with few.'
is '
takes lyt as nom., translating few have attained or achieved
for this ' :

meaning of cfeore he compares Gottonian Gnomic Verses, 44, gif Keo nelle on
folce gej/eon, if she will not attain among the people that... and a number

of examples from the O.E. version of Bede's History, etc. [of. Anglia, xxvii.
2841. wseccende. Thorpe altered to wseccendne. But wteecende as aoc.
sing. maso. can be paralleled : ef. 1. 46, umbor-wesende.
2842. bu.on=buan.
2844. SghwmSer, Kemblej: MS. seghwseSre. Grein,, sghwseSre (ace.
pi.),ende (nom.). But of. 1. 3063 ; besides, Sghwaffer is found nowhere else
in the pi.

Beowulf 141
>set ?5a hild-latan holt ofjefanf"
tydre treow-lojan tyne setsomne,
8a ne dorston ser dareSum lacan
on hyra man-dry htnes miclan )?earfe;
2850 ac hy scamiende scyldas bseran,
juS-jew^du, J78er se 5omela Iseg;

wlitan on Wilaf. He jewergad sset,

feSe-cempa, frean eaxlum neah,
wehte hyne waetre; him wiht ne speow.
2855 Ne meahte he on eorSan, 5eah he uSe'^'wel,
on Sam frum-jare feorh jehealdan,
ne 5aes Wealdendes wiht oncirran?'
Wolde dom Ixodes dsedum rsedan' Pol. 192«.

jumena jehwylcum, swa he nu jen d^S.

2860 pa wses set 5am jeonjum jrim ondswaru
eSS-bejete, jjam Se ser his elne forleas.
Wijlaf maSelode, Weohstanes sunu,
sec[jj'] sarij-ferS seah on unleofe :

"pset la! msej secjan, se Se wyle soS specan,

2865 ]7a3t se mon-dryhten, se Sow 5a maSmas geaf,
eored-jeatwe, \q je ]?£er on standaS,
— j7onne he on ealu-bence oft jesealde
heal-sittendum helm ond byrnan,
]7eoden his J^ejnum, swylce he )>rydlicost
2852. It is possible that (infin.), in which case only a
comma should be placed after Img. [So Sedgefield.] Most editors have
followed Thorkelin in normalizing to Wlglaf. See note to 11. 218 and 1530.
2854. wehte, ' tried to awake him ' [Klaeber^'^]. Cf. brsBc (1. 1511).
Sedgefield*^ suggests wette = wsette, 'wetted.'
speow, Thorkelin MS. speop.

2857. The reading of the text would mean change aught ordained of

God.' Most editors follow Thorpe in substituting willan for wiht [so
Holthausen and Schucking]. Klaeber suggests weorold-endes wiht, any- '

thing of the end of his life ' ; i.e. ' he could not avert his death at all
[j. E.G. Ph. viii. 258].
2860. The strong form geongum. after Ufam is, of course, exceptional,
and isprobably only a scribal error for geongan. Holthausen and Schucking
alter to geongan. See note to 1. 158.
2863. ae<^'], Thorkelin's correction MS. sec.

2869. /rrydllcost. From /ry/. Thorkelin*'^ corrected to J>ry/>licost

here, and this spelling with if has been retained down to the present day.
The scribe is sometimes careless in crossing his d's, but in the only other
passage I know where the word occurs [Byrhtferth's Handhoc, ed. Klnge
in Anglia, viii. 302, 1. 14] the same spelling with d occurs. Under the
circumstances d for if is quite a normal phonetic development (cf. Sievers,
§ 201, 3) and this spelling should surely be retained in the text.
! , :

142 Beowulf
2Z70 ower feor oS5e neah findan meahte —
]7aet he geDunja guS-gewsedu
wraSe forwurpe, Sa hyne wig bejet.
Nealles folc-cyninj fyrd-jesteallum
gylpan ]7orfte; hwsetSre him qoA uSe,

2875 sigora Waldend, J^set he hyne sylfne jewrsec

ana mid ecje, J^a him wses elnes )>earf.

Ic him lif-wraSe lytlemeahte

aBtgifan set gu8e, ond onjan swa J^eah
ofermin gemet maejes helpan.
2880, Symle wses \f saemra, jjonne ic sweorde drep
ferhS-jeniSlan ; fyr unswiSor
weoll of jewitte. l^ergendra to lyt
jjrong ymbe Jieoden, hyne sio Ifraj becwom.
]7a Fol. 192''.

Hii sceal sinc-J^ejo ond swyrd-gifu,

2885 eall etSel-wyn, eowrum eynne
lufen alicjean ! Lond-rihtes mot,
jjsere mseg-burge, monna Eejhwylc
id el hweorfan, sySSan seSelingas
feorran gefricgean fleam eowerne,
2890 dom-leasan deed. DeaS biS sella
eorla gehwylcum ]7onne edwit-lif."

2881. fyr unswlSor. This was defended by Kieger*^^ as a conjectural

emendation, and an exact scrutiny of the MS. shows it to be the actual
reading, except for the negligible discrepancy in the division of the letters :

Jyrun (u altered from a) swiSor. Greiu conjectured /^r ran swiSbr. Since
this is inconsistent with wies />y smmra (1. 2880) we should then have to
make Beowulf, instead of the dragon, the subject of wxs. Some [e.g.
Cosiju"' and Sedgefield] take Beowulf, in any case, as the subject of wses:
but it seems better to make the dragon the subject. This is clearer if, with
Sievers [P.B.B. ix. 142] and Holthausen, we alier ferhS-genifflan to ferhS-
genidla, putting a comma after drep.
2882. Wergendra, Grundtvig^"^, Kemble^ MS. fergendra, which is

unmeaning, and does not alliterate, p and p are easily contused.

2883. )>rdg, time of terror.'
Cf. note to 1. 87.
2884. Hu. This was altered by Kemblej to nu, and almost all editors
have followed. Yet, as Holthausen tentatively suggests, hu makes good
sense as introducing an exclamatory clause. Cf. WaTiderer, 99 Hu seo :

Jrrdg gewdt...
2886. If lufen means love,' it certainly forms an unsatisfactory parallel

to eSelwyn. [Cf. Sievers in P.B.B. xxxvi. 427.]

2890. MS. died corrected from dsel.
2890-1. Does Wiglaf mean you had better go and hang yourselves ?

Tacitus [Germ, vi] mentions suicide as the last refuge from such disgrace
multique superstites bellorum infamiam laqueo finierunt. [Of. Scherer
Kleinere Schriften, 1. 490, for a comparison of this passage with other
: '

Beowulf 143
XL Heht tSa ]7£Bt heaSo-weorc to ha5an biodaa
up ofer e^-clif, \^x Jjset eorl-weorod
morgen-lonjne dseg mod-giomor sset
2895 bord-hsebbende, beja on wenum,
ende-dojores ond eft-cymes
leofes monnes. Lyt swijode
niwra spella, se Se nses gerad,
ac he sotSlice ssegde ofer ealle
2900 "Nu is wil-jeofa Wedra leoda,
dryhten geata, deatJ-bedde fsest,

wunaS wael-reste wyrmes dsedum.

Him on efn lijeSS ealdor-gewinna
siex-bennuni seoc ; sweorde ne meahte
^2905 on 6am ajlsecean eenije j^inja
wunde jewyrcean. Wijlaf sitetS

ofer Biowulfe, byre Wihstanes,

eorl ofer 0(5rum unlifigendum,
healdeS hije-mEeSum |heafod-wearde Pol. 193».

2910 leofes ond laSes. Nu ys leodum wen

orlej-hwile, syBSan under[?ie]
Froncum ond Frysum fyll cyninjes
wide weorSeS. Wses sio wroht scepen
documents showing the punishment of the unfaithful retainer, and
Bouterwek in Z.f.d.A. xi. 108 for a comparison with other formulas of
solemn denunciation.]
2893. eg-clif, Kemh\e^: MS. ecg clif. Kemble's emendation is supported
by 1. 577, and has been adopted by almost all later editors, it being urged
that ecg is used only of weapons in O.E.' This however is far from being

the case: ecg, 'verge, brink of high ground,' occurs very frequently in the
charters. Nevertheless, since nws in 1. 2898 makes it probable that the
army was stationed on a sea-cliff, I adopt Kemble's emendation, though
with hesitation.
2898. See note to 1. 2834.
2904. siex-bennum. Holthausen and Sedgefield spell sex-bennum [from
seax']. Cf. Sieverss § 108, 2.
2909. Kemble2 and Kieger^" read hige-meSum, 'holds watch over the
spirit-wearied, i.e. the dead.' This is not, in reality, a textual alteration,
since in the Anglian original meffum and mSSum would have coincided in
form ; but we should rather have expected hige-meSra, agreeing with leofes
ond lades. Sievers [P.B.B. ix. 142; but cf. F.B.B. xxxvi. 419] and, tenta-
tively, Bugge '"^ would read hige-mede, weary of soul,' qualifying Wiglaf,

to whom 2852, 2863 : hyge-mede occurs in

similar epithets are applied, 11.

1. 2442, where, however, it seems to mean ' wearying the mind.' Bugge
also suggests hige-meSum, from a presumed hige-meSu, ' weariness of spirit
£so Holthausen].
2911. under[ne], Greiui: MS. under. Cf. 1. 127, and, for omission of
m, 1. 1931.
144 Beowulf

heard wiS5 Hugas, sy?5?San Higelac cwom

2915 faran flot-herge on Fresna land,
)7ffir hyne Hetware hilde 5e(h)nse5don,

elne geeodon mid ofer-msejene,

)7set se byrn-wiga bujan sceolde,
feoll on feSan ; nalles fraetwe jeaf

2920 ealdor dugoSe. Us waes a syStSan

Merewioingas milts unjyfeSe.
Ne ic te Sweo-Seode sibbe otSSe treowe
wihte ne wene ; ac wses wide cu?5,

Jjsette OngenSio ealdre besnytSede

2925 Hse?Scen HreJ^linj wis Hrefna-wudu,
]7a for onmedlan serest jesohton
-reata leode TuS-Scilfinjas.
Sona him se froda faeder Ohtheres,

eald ond ejes-full, (h)ondslyht ajeaf,

2930 abreofc brim-wisan, bryd aheorde,
jomela io-meowlan jolde berofene,
Onelan modor ond Ohtheres,
ond 5a foljode feorh-jeniSlan,

2916. MS. gehnsigdon: genSgdon, ' assailed,' Greiiii and Bngge {Tidtikr.
64] followed by Holthausen and Sedgefield : cf. 1. 2206.
viii. This has the
advantage of avoiding double alliteration in the second half-line : of. 1. 1151
and note.
2919. The prince gave no treasures to his retainers (as he would

have done had he been victorious). [So Bugge^"'.]

2921. Greinj, etc., Merewioinga, following Thorpe (Grundtvig^™ had
suggested mere-wicinga). But correction is unnecessary Merewioingas is :

gen. Eg., 'of the Merovingian king.' See note to 1. 2453. [So Bugge in
Tidsskr. viii. 300.]
2922. ie is the unaccented subsidiary form of to. Instances occnr both
in E.W.S. (Cura Pastoralis) and in early glosses. Cf. O.S. ti-, te- ; O.H.G.
zi, ze. See Bosworth- Toller, and Napier's O.B. Glosses.
2929. ondslyht, a correction of Greiuj ; MS. hond slyht, here and in
1. 2972. The change is necessary for the alliteration. Cf. 1. 1641 (and
note), and see SieverSj § 217, N. 1.
2930. dbreot. Some editors follow Kemble^ in normalizing to abreat.
But confusion of eo and ea is common in the non-W. S. dialects, and traces
of it are abundant in Beowulf. Further, in this type of strong verb, eo is
found in place of ea, even in W.S. See Sieversj § 384, N. 2.
brim-wisan refers to Hsethcyn, who must have carried off the wife of
bryd aheorde. The MS. has bryda heorde. No importance can be
attached to the spacing of the MS. yet the verb aheordan, to release
: '

from guardianship (heard) is not elsewhere recorded, and is doubtful.


Holthauseni, 2 afeorde, removed so Sedgefeld

Holthausens follows
: ;

Bugge"', ahredde, saved.' '


Beowulf 145

oS Sset hi oSeodon earfoSlice

2935 in Hrefnes-holt hlaford-lease.
Besaet Sa sin-herje sweorda lafe
wundum werje; |weaii oft gehet Fol. xgs".

earmre teohhe ondlonje niht

cwaeS, he on merjenne meces ec^um
2940 jetan wolde, sum[e] on 5al5-treowu[m]
{fuglum\ to jamene. Frofor eft gelamp
sarij-modum somod ser-dseje,
syJSSan hie Hyjelaces horn ond byman,
jealdor onjeaton, j^a se joda com
2945 leoda dujoJSe on last faran.
XLi Wses sio swat-swaSu Sw[e]ona ond veata,
wsel-iEes weora, wide jesyne,
hu Sa folc mid him fsehtSe towehton.
gewat him Sa se joda mid his jsedelinjum,
2950 frod, fela-jeomor, fsesten secean,
eorl Onjenjjio ufor oncirde ;

hsefde Higelaces hilde jefrunen,

wlonces wij-craeft; wiSres ne trtiwode,
he sse-mannum
J?3et onsacan mihte,
2955 heaSo-liSendum, hord forstandan,
beam ond bryde; beah eft jjonan

2940-1. Sedgefield, following Thorpe, reads gretan but the change is :

unnecessary getan, to destroy, is not uncommon in the compound dgetan.


[For the etymology cf. I.F. xx. 327, where Holthausen adduces Lithuanian
and Lettish cognates.]
The MS. has sum on galg treowu to gamene Thorpe corrected 8um[e] and

supplied [fugluni], comparing Judith, 297, fuglum to frofre Kemblej had :

emended to treowu[m].
Bugge"' [of. Tidsskr. viii. 60], Holthausen, and Sievers [P.B.B. ix. 143]
suppose a gap here of a line or more, and this is borne out by the fact that,
even after making the three corrections in the text in U. 2940-1, the con-
struction is not very satisfactory.
2943. ham ond byman are to be taken together in apposition with
gealdor [with Holthausen], rather than Tyyman construed as a gen. dependent
on gealdor [with Schiicking, etc.].
2946. Sw[e\ona, Thorkelin's correction MS. swona. :

2949. se goda is Ongentheow. Bugge'™ proposed gomela (cf. 1. 2968),

because he thought so complimentary a word inapplicable to the Swedish
king in the mouth of the Geat who is here speaking. An unnecessary
scruple cf. 1. 2382 for praise of a Swedish king.

2951. It is difficult to say whether ufor means on higher ground or ' '

further away.' [Cf. Koek in Anglia, xxvii. 236.]
2955. heaSo-llSendum. See note to 1. 1862.

B. 10
146 Beowulf
eald under eorB-weall. pa wses seht boden
Sweona leodum, sejn Higelace ;

freoSo-wong ]jone ford" ofereodon,

2960 syBSan HreSlinjas to hajan ]?ruii5on.

peer wearS OnjenSiow ecjum sweorda,

blonden-fexa, on bid wrecen,
J>aet se Jjeod-cyninj Safian sceolde
Eafores |anne doin. Hyne yrringa PoL 194».

2965 Wulf Wonreding wsepne jercehte,

)7set bim for swenje swat sedrum spronj
forSunder fexe. Nses he forht swa Seh,
jomela Scilfinj, ac forjeald hra?Se
wyrsan wrixle wsel-hlem ]7one,
2970 syStSan Seod-cyninj J^yder oncirde.
Ne meahte se snella sunu Wonredes
ealdum ceorle (h)ondslyht jiofan,
ac he him on heafde helm Sr jescer,
]73Bt he blode fah bugan sceolde,
2975 feoll on foldan; naes he feeje ]>a jit,

2957-9. If we retain the MS. reading, we must interpret : ' Pursuit was
offered to the Swedes and a captured banner [was] offered to Hygelao.'
Thus many editors, and lately Sohiicking, who quotes parallels for the
importance attached in Germanic times to the capture of the enemy's
banner. [Cf. Cosijn''.] This reading compels us to take boden with two
widely different nouns, but 1. 653 may be quoted as a parallel to this
[Klaeber^"] ; and, though the construction is harsh, none of the emenda-
tions are sufficiently convincing to justify our deserting the MS.
Sehroer [Anglia, xiii. 347] takes SAt as ' treasure, and alters leodum to

' the treasure of the Swedes and a banner were offered [as ransom]
leoda : to
Hygelac.' So, too, Sedgefield, but without altering the text were offered :

by the people of the Swedes to Hygelac' Buggei"' [and in Tidsikr. viii. 61],
following Kembleg and Thorpe, read Hygelaces, and explained the banner :

of Hygelac was raised as a sign of pursuit' But this also involves a forced
construction : therefore if we read Hygelaces it is better to delete the semi-
colon, and construe with Holthausen : ' the banners of Hygelac overran the
fastness [so Clark-Hall].
' Sievers, swcc Hygelaces, 'the battle of Hygelac,'
parallel to eeht.
Holthausen, oht, pursuit,' for eeht.

2959. /ord", Thorkelin's correction : MS. ford.

2960. Is the haga ( ' enclosure ') equivalent here to the wi-haga {' phalanx ')
of MaJdtm, 102 ? [Cf. Cosijnss.]
2961. sweorda, Kemblcj: MS. sweordu. Cf 1. 158. .

2964. Grundtvig"", Eafores. But see 1. 2757 (note), and of. eafor,
1. 2152.

anne dom. See note to 1. 2147.

2972. See note on 1. 2929.
2973. M, Ongentheow ; him, Wulf,
2974^-6. /!«, Wulf.

Beowulf 147
ac hg hyne gewyrpte, J>eali Se him wund hrine.
Let se hearda Hijelaces J^ejn
brad[?i]e mece, J)a his bro?Sor Isbj,
eald sweord eotonisc, entiscne helm
2980 brecan ofer bord-weal; 5a jebeah cyning,
folces hyrde, wees in feorh dropen.
Da wSron monije, )>e his miej wriSon,
ricone arSrdon, ?5a him gerymed wearS,
)>set hie wsel-stowe wealdan moston.
2985 penden reafode rinc oSerne,
nam on OngenSio iren-byrnan,
heard swyrd hilted ond his helm somod;
hares hyrste Higelace baer.
He t5[am] frsetwum feng, ond him fsegre gehet
2990 leana [mid] |leodum, ond gelSste swa ; Fol. 194".
geald Jjoae guS-rses veata dryhten,
HreSles eafora, J>a he to ham becom,
lofore ond Wulfe mid ofer-maSmum,
sealde hiora gehwasSrum hund J>usenda
2995 landes ond locenra beaga; ne Sorfte him Sa lean
mon on middan-gearde, syS8a[»j,] hie Sa mserSa

2977. Holthausen and Sedgefield, following Sievers, insert /a after lit.

pegn, Eofor.
2978. 6ra<i[m]c, Thorpe hrade. : MS.
2982. his mSg, Eofor's brother, Wulf.
2985. rinc, Eofor od'eme, Ongentheow.

2989. MS. detective at corner <f[am], Grundtvig'^".


2990. MS. defective at corner room for either two or three letters.

Kemble 1 ,
[ots] ; Grundtvig (1861, p. 102), [mid]. Bugge "s compares 11. 2611,
gelSste, Kemblej . MS. gelsesta.
2994. According to Plummer [Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 11,* 23]
and Eluge [P.B.B. ix. 191], hides must be understood. But an earldom

of 100,000 hides would have been about the size of the whole land of the
Geatas : Sussex contained only 7,000 see 1. 2195. Again, how, in this :

case, are we to construe locenra biagal I should rather, with Eieger*i= and
Schiicking, understand some money denomination the value of 100,000 :

Bceattas in land and rings a great, but not inconceivable, reward.


2995. The typical O.E. figure of understatement. It is not clear,

however, whether fdm is sg. or pi. whether it is the generosity of Hygelao

vrhich is being celebrated (in which case ne Sorfte... middan-gearde must be

taken as a parenthesis), or the valour of Eofor and Wulf.
2996. sySSa[n-\, Grundtvig^" MS. sySffa. Cf. note to 1. 60.

148 Beowulf
ond tSa lofore forjeaf anjan dohtor,
ham-weorSunge, hyldo to wedde.
paet ys sio fsehtSo ond se feond-scipe,
3000 wiel-niS wera, Sees ?Se ic \wen\ hafo,

J>e us seceaS to Sweona leoda,

syStSan hie sefricjeaS frean userne
ealdor-leasne, J'one Se £er geheold
wis hettendum hord ond rice
3005 sBfter hasleSa hryre, hwate Scildinjas,
folc-red fremede, oSSe furSur jea
eorl-scipe efnde. Nu is ofost betost,

J^set we ]7eod-cyning )>ier sceawian,

ond Jjone jebrinjan, ]»e us beagas jeaf,
3010 on ad-faere. Ne seel anes hwset
meltan mid j^am modijan, ac j^asr is maSma hord^
gold unrime, grimme 5ecea[po]d,
ond nu set siSestan sylfes feore

3000. No gap in: MS.

[wen], Kemblei. Of. 1. 383.
3001. For theleoda see Wulfstan (ed. Napier), p. 106, 1. 23 and Psalmt
Ixxi. 10. [Of. Sievers § 264 and Boyster in M.L.N, xxiii. 122.]
3005. Miilleuhoff "' considered this line a careless repetition of 1. 2052,
and this is the easiest way out of the difficulty. Thorpe explained : It would '

appear that Beowulf, in consequence of the fall of Hrothgar's race [hmlej>a

hryre] was called to rule also over the Danes (Scyldings).' Klaeber calls
this an 'extraordinary assumption,' but we may note that, according to
Saxo (Book in) the throne of Denmark was thus left vacant after the fall

of Hrothulf, and was taken by a Swedish prince, who ruled jointly over
both kingdoms. Since Saxo does not recognise any kingdom of the Geatas
apart from the Swedes, this might reasonably be interpreted as a reminis-
cence of such a tradition as Thorpe assumes. The Geatio kingdom was at
this date nearing its fall. It is accordingly exceedingly improbable that
any such rule existed as a historic fact for its existence in tradition of. the

empire attributed to king Arthur.

Most editors follow Grein^ and alter to Scylfingas, and this can be
taken (1) in apposition with hie in 1. 3002, which is intolerably forced;.
(2) parallel with hord ond rice in 1. 3004, in which case we can only suppose
that the term Scylfingas could be applied equally, on the ground of common
ancestry, to both Swedes and Geatas ; compare 1. 2603, where Wiglaf is
called lead Scylflnga ; (3) 1. 3005 might be taken as a parenthesis '
After :

the fall of the heroes, the Scylfingas were bold' ; or (4) it can be transposed
to follow 1. 3001 [Ettmiillerg : so Holthausen and Sedgefield]. -

But, since so little relief is gained by altering the text to Scylfingas, it is

better to let Scildingas stand, unless we have the courage to make the
satisfactory alteration to SS-Geatas [with Klaeber, whose discussion of the
subject in J.E.G.Ph. viii. 258-9 should be consulted].
3007. Nu is, Kemble2: MS. meis. Me is is a possible reading : 'As for-
me,' as it seems to me.'

3012. MS. defective at corner gecea[po]d, Eemble,.

; :

Beowulf 149
beajas [jebohjte; ^p& sceall brond fretan,
3015 Med jjeccean, jnalles eorl wejan Fol. 195».
maSSum to jemyndum, ne maejS scyne
habban on healse hring-weorSunge,
ae sceal geomor-mod, jolde bereafod,
oft, nalles eene, el-land tredan,
3020 nu se here-wisa hleahtor alejde,
gameh ond jleo-dream. ForSon sceall jar wesan,
monij morjen-ceald, mundum bewunden,
hsefen on handa, nalles hearpan swej
wijend weccean, ac se wonna hrefn
3025 fus ofer fsejum fela reordian,
earne secjan hu him set ^te speow,
]?enden he wis wulf[e] wsel reafode."
Swa se secj hwata secjjende waes
laSra spella; he ne leaj fela
3030 wyrda ne worda. Weorod eall aras
eodon unbliSe under Earna-naes,
wollen-teare, wundur sceawian.
Fundon 8a on sande sawul-leasne
hlim-bed healdan, J?one )7e him hrinjas jeaf
303s serran m^um; )?a wses ende-dsej
jodum jejonjen, jpset se juS-cyninj,
Wedra ]>eoden, wundor-deatSe swealt.
^r hi )>ffir jesejan syllicran wiht,

3014. \jgeboh'\te MS. defective, Grundtvig'" suggested bebohte. We


may interpret gebohte as a pret. sing., with Biowulf understood as subject

or as pi. of the past part., agreeing with beagas. [Cf. Lawrence in J.E.G.Ph.
X. 638.]
3027. wulfle], Grnndtvig''' : MS. wulf. Correction metrically necessary.
Cf. 1. 2673. [See Martin in En^l. Stud. xx. 295.]
3028. Grein2, secg-hwata (i.e. 'sword-brave '), a quite unnecessary com-
pound se secg hwata is paralleled by se maga geonga (1. 2675). [Cf. Bugge,

Tidsskr. viii. 61.]

For secggende see Sievers 3 § 216, N. 1.
3034. See note on 1. 1271.
3039. According to Znpitza the MS. has serrun (' u altered from a by
erasure '). But I should read this as ssrran, and attribute the partial oblitera-
tion to accident.
See Sieversj § 304, N. 3.
3038. But first they saw a stranger being there ' [Clark-Hall]. Many

attempts have been made to improve this sentence [/]ffir hi fid geiegan,

foUowed by Holthausen and Sedgefield. But, though

Sievers' emendation, is
somewhat awkwardly phrased, the meaning seems clear. [Cf Klaeber in .

150 Beowulf
wyrm on wonge wiSer-rsehtes y^t
3040 laSne licjean; wses se lej-draca,
^rimlic 5ry[re-fah], [jledum besw^led. Fol. 195'.

Se wses fiftiges fot-gemearces

lanj on lejere; lyft-wynne heold
nihtes hwilum, nySer eft gewat
3045 dennes niosian ; wses Sa deaSe faest,

hsefde eoriS-scrafa ende jenyttod.

Him bij stodan bunan ond orcas,
discas lajon ond dyre swyrd,
omige, Jjurhetone, swa hie wi?5 eortSan fseSm
3050 ]7usend wintra Jjser eardodon
J?onne wses )>8et yrfe eacen-crseftij,
iu-monna gold, jaldre bewunden,
Jjset SSam hring-sele hilnan ne moste
jumena ^nij, nefne god sylfa,

3055 sijora SoS-cyninj, sealde J^am Se he wolde

—he is manna jehyld — hord openian,
Engl. Stud, xxxix. 427.] The fifty- foot-long dragon would naturally be the
first thing to attract the gaze of those approaching.
3041. MS. defective at corner gry[re], Thorkelin Heyne's gryre-gmt
: ;

(of. 1. 2560) was based on Kolbing's statement that there is room for from
four to six letters on the missing corner. [So Holthausen and Schiicking.]
Znpitza, on the other hand, reads gryr^e'] simply. Xet an examination of
the other side of the leaf, where several letters have been lost, makes it
probable that more than one letter has been lost on this side also. On the
other hand, there is hardly room for gry[re-gasf] but grylre-fah] [Bugge :

in Tidsskr. viii. 52] fills the gap well, and has the support of 1. 2576.
3043-4. It is not clear whether lyft-wynne means 'joy in the air, pleasure
of flying,' or is equivalent to wynsumne lyft, 'the joyous air,' abstract for
concrete, like eard-lufan (1. 692). [For this last rendering cf. Cosiju''.]
Equally it is uncertain whether we should construe nihtes hwilum as
by night, at times [of. Bugge*™] or in the time of night' [CosijnSB].
' '

3045. niosian. See note to 1. 115.

3049. It is unnecessary to follow Kemblej and normalize Jmrhetone to
The emendation ome Jmrhetone, eaten through with rust [Scheinert in

P.B.B. XXX. 377], is one of those improvements of the MS. which are hardly
3050. Jmsend wintra. Miillenhofi draws attention to the discrepancy
with 1. 2278, according to which the time was 300 years. Kriiger [P. B.B. ix.
577] tries to reconcile the passages by interpreting swa here ' as if,' ' as
though.' But the discrepancy is immaterial. [Cf. Cosiin*.]
3051. Jionne, i.e. when the gold was laid in the earth [Bugge''-*].
3056. Buggei™ [followed by Holthausen and Schucking] would read
hsdejia for manna [so Morgan in P.B.B. xxxiii. 110], so as to get the
alliterating syllable in the right place. The same improvement can be made
more simply by transposing the words : he is gehyld manna [Sedgefieldj].
Greiuj reads helsmanna gehyld in apposition to hord; so Earle: 'to open
the hoard, the sorcerers' hold.'
— ' ;

Beowulf 151

efne swa hwylcuin manna, swa him gemet ?Suhte.

XLli pa wass jesyne, ]?aBt se si?5 ne Sah

J»am Se unrihte inne gehydde
3060 wrseie under wealle. Weard ffir ofsloh
feara sumne; \& sio fsehS gewearS
jewrecen wraSlice. Wundur hwar ]>onne
eorl ellen-rof ende jefere
lif-jesceafta, Jjonne lenj ne msej
3065 mon mid his [majgum medu-seld buan.
Swa waes Biowulfe, |)»a he biorjes weard Pol. 196'.

sohte, searo-niSas; ne cuSe, seolfa

]7urh hwset his worulde jedal weorSan sceolde.
Swa hit oS domes dsej diope benemdon
3070 Jjeodnas meere, ]?§, Sset J^eer dydon,
]»3et se seog wsere synnum scildij,

hergum geheaSerod, hell-bendum faest,

3058, mean, apparently, that the issue was a bad one for the
dragon. Bugge™' ^^ attempts a re-arrangement of 11. 3051-76, and makes
11. 3058-60 refer to the fugitive who originally stole the treasure.
3060. wrme, Thorpe: MS. wrmce. Cf. 1. 2771.
3061. feara sumne means Beowulf, being 'one of a few' (of. 1. 1412),
i.e. Beowulf with few companions. But, by the usual understatement,
'few' here probably means 'none.' Cosijn*" compares Rood, 69, maite
weorode, interpreting with a small company,' as meaning quite alone.
' '

3062 ff. The meaning seems to be 'It is a subject for wonder [i.e. it is
uncertain] where a man will end his life, when he may no longer dwell on
this earth. Even so was it with Beowulf he knew not...'; ponne in
1. 3062 is parallel with ponne in 1. 3064. [See Kock in Anglia, xxvii. 238
Sievers in P.B.B. ix. 143 Nader in Anglia, x. 544-5 Cosijn^", who com-
; ;

pares Alfred's Cura Pastoralis, Preface (ed. Sweet, p. 8), uncuS hu longe, it '

isuncertain how long.']

On the other hand we might take the swa in 1. 3066 and swa in 1. 3069
as correlative, with seolfa... sceolde forming a parenthesis. The meaning
would then be 'It happened unto Beowulf in such wise as the J>eodnas

mwre had laid the spell.'

3065. MS. defective at corner [ma^um, Kemble j.

8067. sohte governs both biorges weard and searo-nlffas.

Sedgefield reads searo-niSa, comparing for the adverbial gen. pi. U. 845,
3068. Jrarh hwset, 'by what.' >This is explained in the following lines
(3069-8073) Beowulf's death is really caused by the curse which, unknown

to him, had been placed upon the gold by the great chiefs (peodnas mssre)
who had it in olden time. [Cf. Klaeber in Engl. Stud, xxxix. 432.] So
feared were these curses that forms of prayer are extant for purifying
vasa reperta in locis antiquis. [See Rituale Eccl. Dunelmensis, Surtees
Society, 97, etc., and Bouterwek in Z.f.d.A. xi. 109.] The curse on the
Niblung hoard may be compared.
3069. dwpe. Holthauseni, diore so Sedgefield. :

3072. hergum. Holthauseni,^ conjectures fte/^Mm, 'confined by cares.'

The change {p. to p) is a slight one, but hardly for the better : hergum
makes a good parallel to hellbendum.

152 Beowulf
wommum gewitnad, se Sone wonj strade;
nses he jold-hwate jearwor haefde
3075 Ajendes est ser gesceawod.

Wijlaf maSelode, Wihstanes sunu :

"Oft sceall eorl monij anes willan

wrsec adreogaw, swa us jeworden is.
Ne meahton we jelseran leofne j^eoden,
3080 rices hyrde, rSd senigne,
J?8et he ne jrette jold-weard \aae,
lete hyne licgean, j^ser he lonje wses,

wicum wunian oS woruld-ende;

heold on heah jesceap. Hord ys jesceawod,
3073. strude, Grundtvig"" : MS. strade. [Ct. Bugge"*.] See 11. 581
and 3126 : a and u are in many scripts hardly distinguishable.
8074-5. The MS. reading is difiaoult, but admits of interpretation, if we
take nm as the adv. of negation (cf. 1. 562) ' Not before had he
: (Beowulf)
beheld more fully the gold-abounding grace of the Lord' i.e. this was the

biggest prize of gold which God had ever granted to him. [So Bugge in
Tidstkr. viii. 62, etc.'] The MS. is also tentatively defended by Cosijn",
but with a, different explanation ' he (Beowulf) had by no means in gold-

greedy wise igold-hwmte) accurately surveyed (gearwor gesceawod, cf. 1. 2748)

the owner's inheritance (the dragon's hoard) .' [For est = inheritance, cf. also
' '

Klaeber^M. ] This would mean that, although Wiglaf had shown him some
of the spoils, Beowulf had not been able to survey the hoard closely.
MuUenhoff [Z.f.d.A. xiv. 241] also retains the MS. reading.
Holthausen's objection that gold-hwmte must be wrong, because hwmt
is only compounded with abstract nouns, seems invalid : bled-hwat, ' flower
or fruit abounding {Riddles, i. [11.] 9), is an exact parallel, and Holthausenj

returns to gold-hwmte as an adv.

Neither Bugge's rendering nor Cosijn's gives very good sense, but neither
are any of the suggested emendations satisfactory. Sievers [P.B.B. ix. 148]
reads mas* he goldhwsetes gearwor hmfde, etc., 'Beowulf had not experienced
the favour of the gold-greedy owner (the dragon)'; Eieger*" and Cosijn*',
nffls he gold hwmSre gearwor hsefde \pfer1 agendes est mr gesceawod, ' Beowulf
had never looked more eagerly upon gold which he had gained against the
will of its owner ' ; ten Brink "^ and Wyatt, «»s [i.e. ne wms] he gold-hwset
gearwor Aje/de...' Beowulf was not avaricious; rather he had experienced
the grace of the Lord ' (and therefore was endowed with the virtues)
HolthauseUj, Schiicking, and Sedgefield read goldShte or goldfrsetwe, ' never
before had Beowulf gazed more eagerly upon gold adornments, the delight
[or inheritance] of their owner'; or we might interpret the same reading,
with Schiicking [£mjr!. Stud, xxxix. Ill], partly following Trautmann, 'rather
would he [se secg of 1. 3071] not have gazed upon the gold adornments...'
If the text is to be altered at all it would probably be best to read
hie...heefdon for he...hmfde: 'in no wise had these avaricious lords known
the grace of the Creator,' i.e. the authors of the spell were heathen. Cf.
note to 1. 3068 and 11. 175-188.
3078. adreogan, Kemblej: MS. a dreogeff.
3084. 'We could not dissuade him; he held (on)to his high fate,' or
'he held on (adv.) his high fate.' Greiu and Toller give several instances
of the intrans. use of healdan, and of on used adverbially. See also
Matzner's O.E. Diet., p. 405, col. 1; among other passages there quoted
is; hald hardiliche J>at tu haues bigunnen, St. Kath., 676.
Beowulf 153

3085 5rimme jejonjen; wsbs }7SBt gifeSe to swiS,

]je ?5one {^peod-cyning] )>yder ontyhte.
Ic wses )?8er inne ond ]>set eall jeondseh,
recedes geatwa, ]7a me gerymed waes
nealles swEeslice, siS alyfed
3090 inu under eorS-weall. Ic on ofoste gefenj
micle mid mundum msejen-byrSenne
hord-gestreona, hider |ut setbsBr Fol. 196".

cyninge minum ; cwico wees ]>a gena,

wis ond jewittig. Worn eall jesprsec

3095 jomol on gehSo, ond eowic gretan het,

bsed )?3t 56 jeworhton sefter wines djedum
in bSl-stede beorh J^one h^an,
micelne ond mEerne, swa he manna wees
wijend weorSfullost wide 'jeond eorSan,
3100 Jjenden he burh-welan briican moste.
Uton nil efstan otSre \s%&e\

seon ond secean SQaxo[-^imma\ jejrsec,

wundur under wealle; ic eow wisige,
J'set je jenoje neon sceawiaS

Beading hieoldon [Heyne-Schiioking, Holder], we must render 'we have

gotten a hard destiny,' or, perhaps, fate appointed from on high' ; reading

healdan [Kemblej etc.], 'leave him (the dragon) to fulfil his high destiny'
[Earle, Sedgefield] ; or we might read heoldon= healdan [Bugge in Z.f.d.Ph.
iv. 220-2, q.v. for further suggestions].
gesceawod. Sarrazin [Engl. Stud, xxviii. 410] suggests geceapod,
' purchased.'

3085. gifeSe, 'Fate,' rather than, with Buggei"', 'that which enticed
the king (i.e. the treasure) was granted (gifeSe) in manner too overpowering,
i.e. at too great a price, bought too dear.'
3086. No gap in^ MS. ; [J>md-cyning'\, Greiuj; Grundtvig^" had sug-
gested peoden.
3094. wis and gewitiig, either ' the prudent and wise king ' [Scheinert
in P.B.B. XXX. 381, footnote] or 'still alert and conscious' [Klaeber in
Anglia, xxix. 382]. This last interpretation is supported by the use ot
gewittig in ^Ifrio's Homilies, e.g. 11. p. 24, 1. 12 : Keo J^ierrihte wearS
gewittig, 'she forthwith became of sound mind.'
3096. sefter wines d^dum, 'in memory of the deeds of our king,' is
defended by Cosijn''i against the conjecture of Bugge [Tidsskr. viii. 300],
sfter wine deadum, '
in memory of your dead king.'
3101. No gap in MS. ; [sUfe], Grundtvig^'^, Kembleg.
3102. Line defective both in sense and metre. Bugge "^ supplied
[gimmd], comparing 11. 1157, 2749.
3103-4. Sievers [P.B.B. ix. 144] suggests J?ser for /asS, with ic eow wisige
in parentheses ; so too Holthausen. [But see Schiioking, Satzverk. 26.]
Grundtvig'i^ normalized neon to mean, but unnecessarily. [See SieverSj
§ 150, 3, and Bugge in Tidsskr. viii. 68.]
154 Beowulf
3105 beajas ond brad gold. Sie sio b^r jearo
Eedre geaefned, ]7onne we ut cymen,
ond Jjonne jeferian frean tiseme,
leofne mannan, J>ier he lonje sceal

on Saes Waldendes wsere jej^olian."

31 10 Het Sa jebeodan byre Wihstanes,
haele hilde-dior, hseleSa monegum,
bold-ajendra, )7set hie bsel-wudu
feorran feredon, folc-ajende,
godum tojenes : " Nti sceal jled fretan
31 15 —weaxan wonna lej — wigena strenjel,
Jione jebad
?Je oft isern-scure,
J'onne straela storm strenjum jebseded
scoc ofer scild-weall, sceft nytte heold,
fefer-jearwum fas flane full-eode."
3120 Huru se snotra sunu Wihstanes
acijde of cor?5re Icynijes ]7egnas Fol. 198*.

syfone [setjsomne, )?a selestan,

eode eahta sum under inwit-hrof
hilde-rinc[a] ; sum on handa beer
3125 Eeled-leoman, se Se on orde seonj.
Najs Sa on hlytme, hwa \iBt hord strude,

3113. folc-dgende may be nom. pi. [Cosijn*i] or dat. sg. [Bugge^"'].

3115. The introduction of a parenthesis between the verb fretan and its
object strengel is certainly strange. Consequently many editors take weaxan,
not as the intrans. verb ' to grow,' but as a trans, verb, meaning ' to devour,'
parallel to fretan and, with it, governing strengel. Various cognates and
derivations have been suggested. Cosijn connects with Lat. vesci, Earle
and Sedgefield with wascan 'to bathe, envelope,' Holthauseu with Goth.
fra-wisajt, to spend, exhaust.'

8119. feSer-gearwum, Kemblej, partly following an emendation of

Thorkelin MS. fseder gearwu.

3121. This folio, the last, is very badly mutilated.

cyniges. Thorkelin corrected to cymln'lges. But cynig is a recognized
form in the late 10th and 11th centuries.
3122. AU recent editors read [td]-somne, following Zupitza, who hovfever
admits : now to entirely gone.' But there seems to be no evidence that it

existed even in Thorkelin's time its occurrence in Kemble2 seems to be due


to conjecture. In the absence of evidence in its favour, I read lmt']somne

with Greinj; cf. 1. 2847.
3124. hilde-rincla]. Style and metre necessitate this emendation, made
independently by Ettmiiller2 and Sievers [P.B.B. ix. 144]: of. U 1412.
[For a defence of the MS. reading, see Cosijn".]
3126. 'It was not decided by lot vfho should...' means, by the usual
under-statement, that all pressed to take part. [Klaeber in Engl. Stud.
xxxix. 432.]
. . ,

Beowulf 155
sySSan orwearde Eenigne dsel
secgas jesejon on sele wunian,
ISne licjan; lyt eenij mearn,
3130 ]7set hi ofostlic[e] ut jeferedon
dyre maSmas. Dracan ec scufun,
wyrm ofer weall-clif, leton weg niman,
flod fseSmian, fraetwa hyrde.
pa wses wunden jold on wsen hladen,
3135 ieghwaes unrim ; se]jelin^ boren,
bar hilde[-Wnc], to Hrones-nsesse.
XLIII Him Sa gegiredan leata leode
ad on eorSan unwaclicne,
helm[Mm] behonjen, hilde-bordum,
3140 beorhtum byrnum, swa he bena wses;
alejdon Sa tomiddes mserne ]?eoden
hseleS hiofende, hlaford leofne.
Onjunnon ]?a on beorge bsel-fyra msest
wijend weccan; wud[u]-rec astah
3145 sweart ofer swioSole, swojende le^f

wope bewunden —wind-blond Jelseg —

oS ]78et he 5a ban-hus gebrocen hsefde,
hat on hreSre. Hijum unrote
mod-ceare msendon mon-dryhtnes cw[e]alm ;

3150 swylce jiomor gyd |[s]la 5[eo-]meowle Fol. 198*.

3130. ofostllc[e] MS. defective at edge, emended by Ettmiillerj.


3134. MS. -p, which should stand for }>sst (but see note to 1.115): J>a,
Thorkelin's emendation, so Kemble^ : pmr, Kembleg
3135. SBj>eling, Eemblcg: MS. mpelinge. Probably the original MS. had
apelingc [Buggeio^]. See Sievers, § 215.
3136. MS. hilde to. ' I am unable to decide whether there is an
erasure of one letter after hilde or an original blank ' (Zupitza) : \rine\ is
an emendation of Ettmiiller2 cf. 11. 1307 and 3124.

3139. helm.[wm\, Grein : MS. helm.

Sedgefield reads helmum behengon, to avoid the discrepancy between
unwaclicne (inflected) and behongen (uninfleoted).
3144. Hole in MS. wud[u], Kemblei

3145. MS. swiciole swioSble is Thorpe's conjecture, though he gave


an impossible interpretation of it. See note to 1. 782.

leg, Thorpe: MS. Ut.
3147. he refers to leg (1. 3145).
3149. MS.
torn at foot: cwlelalm, Eemblei.
3150, etc. All that can either be made out at present, or for which we
have adequate evidence in Thorkelin's transcripts or elsewhere, is given in
the text. It seems clear that the mutilated passage occupies six lines (not
seven, as was unaccountably supposed by Heyne and WiUker, and still is
by Schuoking).
: ''

156 Beowulf
. . . sorg-cearij seelSe jeneahhe,
jjset hio hyre ::::::: jas hearde on : : ede
wael-fylla wonn : : : : des egesan
3155 hySo h : d.
: :Heofon rece swe[a]l5.
: : :

veworhton Sa Wedra leode

hl[Sw] on [A]liSe, se waes heah ond brad,
[wEeJj-liBendum wide ^[ejsyne,

It must be remembered tbat this page has been almost entirely freshened
up in a later hand, and, in part, erroneously. Thus in 11. 3150, 3155, though
only \s]ia, hySb can now be read, no doubt lio, hynSo were the original
readings. Bugge's restoration is therefore not to be discredited merely
because a letter does not agree with what is now visible in the MS.
The reconstruction of 11. 3150-55 made by Bugg©"""" is, apart from the
last half-line, not to be improved upon
3150 swylce giomor-gyd slo geo-nieowle
mfter Beowulfe bunden-heorde
song sorg-cearig, sSde geneahhe,
/>wt hio hyre hearm-dagas hearde ondrede
wSsl-fylla worn wigendes egesan
3155 hynSo ond hseft-nyd heof on rice wealg.
geo (1. 3150) had been conjectured by Ettmiiller, and sio geo-meowle,
partly conjectured, partly deciphered, by Zupitza, who pointed out that this
reading was confirmed by the Latin gloss anug written above. Under an
exceptionally good light, Zupitza had also read, or thought he had been '

able to read,' first metodes, and later [w]igendes (1. 3154). The 6 of bunden-
heorde (1. 3151) was conjectured by Greinj. All the remainder of this
excellent restoration is due to Bugge.
But Bugge's last half-line, heof on rice wealg, ' lamentation in a strange
land,' is a wanton departure from the MS., and is certainly wrong. The
MS. reading is clearly heofon rece swealg, heaven swallowed the smoke '

[swealg was conjectured by Ettmiillerj: on further examination it proved to

be the MS. reading].
Bugge comments upon his reconstruction: 'For the whole passage cf.
11. 3016-20. Beowulf 8 aged widow {geo-nieowle) was perhaps Hygd; cf.
11. 2369 ff.'
A close parallel is provided by the Fates of Men, 46-7, ' the lady laments,
seeing the flames consume her son.' [For the O.E. song of lament over the
dead, cf. Schiicking in Engl. Stud, xxxix. 1, etc.] Compare too the lament of
Andromache over Hector [Iliad xxiv. 725-45], which has the same governing
motive : the fear that, now the tribal hero is dead, nothing but captivity
awaits the defenceless folk. See also 11. 2999, etc. 3016, etc. ,

3153. ' The first two letters after hearde look like on or an, the letter
before de may have been e, as the stroke that generally connects e with a
following letter is preserved' (Zupitza).
3157. Zupitza, leode hi : on life, and in a foot-note ' I am unable to
: :

make out hl&w after leode : the two last letters seem to me to be rather eo
[certainly]; hlsew is recorded by Eemblci as the MS. reading. See 1. 3169.
Thorpe, hliSe.
Holthausen [followed by Schiicking] reads, for the sake of the metre,
hl[Sw] on [fe]Mife[» nosanj.
3158. The remainder of this page of the MS. is frequently illegible or
defective, both at the edges and elsewhere.
wmg is Eemble's conjecture.

Beowulf 157
ond betimbredon on tyn dajum
3160 beadu-rofes been; bronda lafe
wealle beworhton, swa hyt weorSlicost
fore-snotre men findan mihton.
Hi on beorj dydon beg ond siglu,
eall swylce hyrsta, swylce on horde ser
3165 mS-hedije men jenumen haefdon;
forleton eorla gestreon eorSan healdan,
gold on jreote, Jjjer hit nu jen lifaS
eldum swa unnyt, swa hi[t serojr wses.
Pa ymbe hlsew riodan hilde-deore
3170 aejjelinja beam ealra twelfa,
woldon [ceare] cwiSan, kyninj mSnan,
word-jyd wrecan, ond ymb w[er] sprecan;
eahtodan eorl-scipe, ond his ellen-weorc
dujuSum demdon, swa hit 5ede[fe] bits,
3175 mon his wine-dryhten
J'set wordum herge,
ferhSum freoje, )7onne he forS scile
of Itc-haman [laeded] weor?San.
Swa bejnornodon Teata leode
hlafordes [hryjre, heorS-jeneatas;
3180 cwiedon J>3et he wSre wyruld-cyninj,
manna mildust ond mon-[8w]8erust,
leodum li?Sost, ond lof-jeornost.
3163. heg. Thorpe, beagas [so Holthausen, begas].
3168. Zupitza, hi : : : : r ; h[it mro]r, Kemblej
3169. So when
Attila was buried (doubtless according to Gothic rites)
mounted horsemen rode round the body as it lay in state. The account of
the burial of Achilles {Odyssey, zxiv. 68-70) may also be compared And : '

many heroes of the Achaeans moved in armour around thy pyre as thou
wast burning, both foot and horse.'
3170. twelfa may be a gen., attracted to ealra, but more probably it is
miswritten for twelfe, 'twelve of the entire body' [EttmTiller2 So Klaeber .

in M.L.N,xvi. 17, Holthausen, Schiicking, Sedgefield. Cf. also Einenkel in

Anglia, xxvii. 5, 51].
3171. Zupitza, : : ; ceare, Grein; hie, Sedgefield.
: :

3172. Zupitza, w : ; wer, Grein. :

3174. Hole in MS. gedelfel Kemblej. :

3177. Zupitza: 'lachaman MS., but there can be little doubt that lac
instead of lie is owing only to the late hand.'
Zupitza, :: ; Kemble, ISne, so Schiicking.
: : Eluge, Trautmann, Sedge-
field, lysed. But the reading ISded is supported by a comparison of the Speech
of the Soul, 21, sySSan of liehoman ISded weere [Jacobsen, so Holthausen].
3179. Zupitza, : : re ; Thorpe, hryre.

3180. wyruld-cyning. Kemble, etc., cyning[a].

3181. MS. torn at foot [tfwISrust, Grundtvig'". :
' '

George Hickea first printed the fragment of the Fight at Finmburg in his
Thesaurus (1705 vol. i. p. 192). He mentions that he had found it written

on a single leaf in a MS. of 'Semi-Saxon' Homilies in the Lambeth Library.

Repeated search has failed to discover this leaf, and we have nothing to
depend on but Hickes' very inaccurate transcript [quoted as 'Hictes' in the
notes below].

* * * [hor]nas bymatS nsefre ?

HleoJ?rode 8a hea^o-jeonj cyninj:

" Ne Sis ne dagaB eastan, ne her draca ne fleogeS,

ne her Sisse healle hornas ne byrnatS,

5 ac her forJ> beraS,
fujelas singaS,

1. The first three words belong to a watcher (possibly Hengest), who is

answered by the war-young king (Hnaf ).

[horjnas, supplied by Bieger, Lesebuch.

2. Trautmann and Holthausen would write, for the sake of the metre,
Sa hUoJyrode.
heapo-geong, Grundtvig's correction; Hickes, hearo geong.
3. (fjs, 'this light '^ eastan, Grundtvig: Hickes, eastun; a and u are

easily and often confused, cf. 1. 27 below and Beowulf, 158, 581, etc.
5-6. The two half-lines make sense individually, but do not combine.
Hence it has been generally supposed that between them two half-lines
have been lost, though there is no gap indicated by Hickes. Bugge \Tidsskr.
viii. 305, P.B.S. xii. 23], following in part a suggestion of Bieger ILesebiwh,
of. Z.f.d.A. xlviii. 9], proposed :

ac h£r for}) beraff

[fyrd-searu rincas,
fugelas singaf,
fiacre fldnbogari]
' But here champions bear forward their battle array : the flickering birds
of the bow [i.e. arrows] sing.'
Another suggestion is to make the two recorded half-lines fit each other
either by altering her to fer [ =fmr], ' they bring forward the sudden assault
[Grein, so Heyne, and, though abandoned by Grein, the conjecture was long-
lived], or beraS to feraS, ' they, i.e. the foes, press forward [Grundtvig, '

followed by Holthausen], In this case the fugelas will be birds: either

carrion birds [ten Brink, Pauls Grdr. n. i. 545] or the birds of the mornkig
[Klaeber in Anglia, xxviii. ,447] ; this last interpretation is supported by a
parallel in the Bjarkamdl, the opening call to arms of which has struck
many students as resembling Finmburh.
; '

The Fight at Finnshurg 159

SylleS jrEej-hama, 5uS-wudu hlynnetS,

scyld scefte oncwyS. Nu ]7es mona
wa?5ol u^der wolcnum; nu arisatS wea-dseda,
lo Se Bisne folces ni8 fremman willatS.
Ac onwacnijeaS nu, wijend mine,
habbaS eowre [A.]lenca[n], hicseaj? on ellen,
]>inda5 on orde, wesatS onmode." «

14, IS Da aras maenij ^old-hladen tSegn, jyrde hine his

Da to dura eodon drihtlice cempan,
SijeferS and Eaha, hyra sword jetujon,
and set 6]?rum durum Ordlaf and Tuj^laf,
and Hengest sylf hwearf him on laste.

7. grseg-hama, ' the grey coat,' may refer equally well to the wolf or to
a coat of mail.
8. Jres mona, 'the moon,' is quite idiomatic. [Of. Klaeber in Archiv,
CXT. 181.]
9. waSol. Exact meaning unknown. Suggestions, full (moon) [ao ' '

Holthausen and Schucking]; 'inconstant' [Boer, Z.f.d.A. xlvii. 143]; 'half

covered' [von Grienberger, P.B.B. xxxvi. 100]. The M.H.G. 'wadel' has
often been quoted in illustration ; but as this term is ambiguous, denoting
sometimes the full, sometimes the new moon, it does not help much. Of.
Grimm's Mythology, trans. Stallybrass, iii. 711.
12. [h]Z«nca[n]landa, which Hiokes gives, is unintelligible.
; The
obvious correction habbaif eowre linda [Bugge in Tidsskr. viii. 305], ' seize
your shields,' is unsatisfactory from the point of view of alliteration, and
habbaif or hebbaS 'eowre handa [Ettmiiller, Grein, Heyue, Sedgefield], 'raise
your hands,' does not give very satisfactory sense hlencan was suggested, but

not adopted, by Bugge [P.B.13. xii. 23], and has been adopted by Holthausen
and Trautmann. Exodus, 215, etc., Moyses behead eorlas..,habban heora
hlencan, hycgan on ellen, seems to be connected with the Finnsburg passage,
and it seems probable therefore that hlencan should be restored here.
hicgeaS is Grundtvig's obviously successful correction of Hickes' hie
13. pindaff on orde, Ye who are in the front rank, show your temper

[Eieger, Z./.d.4. xlviii. 10; Klaeber, Engl. Stud, xxxix. 428]. Till Traut-
mann [B.B. vii. 41] this was erroneously read windaS, and 'corrected' to
viinnad'. Sedgefield retains windaS.
14. Metrically this, line seems rather overweighted, and it is likely
enough that two lines have here been telescoped into one. Holthausen [in
part following Trautmann] reads
drds [of rseste rum-heort] mssnig
goldhladen [gum-'ifegn gyrde hine his swurde.
Then arose from his couch many a valiant and gold-bedeoked thane.'
17. Sigeferth, prince of the Seogan (1. 25), is clearly identical with the
Sseferth, prince of the Syogan, mentioned in Widsith, 31.
Eaha. Most editors emend to Eawa, a form for which there is more
authority, as it occurs in the Mercian Genealogy.
18. durum. PI. for sg.
Ordlaf : Ordlaf and Guthlaf are no doubt identical with the Quthlaf and
Oslaf of Beowulf, 1148.
' ;

160 The Fight at Finnshurg

20 Da 5yt 7arulf[e] TuSere styrde,
tSset he swa freolic feorh forman sij>e

to tSffire healle durum hyrsta ne bcere,

nu. hyt ni]7a heard anyman wolde
ac he frsejn ofer eal undearninja,
25 deor-mod haele)?, hwa 8a duru heolde.
"Sisefer]? is min nama (cwe]> he), ic eom Secgena

wreccea wide cuS. Fsela ic weana jebad,
heardra hilda; Se is jyt her witod,
swsej^er Su sylf to me secean wylle."
30 Da waes on wealle wsel-slihta jehlyn,
sceolde ceUod bord cenum on handa,

20. Jja gyt, as in Maldon, 273, serves to intioduce a new incident in

the chain of events. [Klaeber in Engl. Stud, xxxix. 307.]
styrde, Ettmiiller's emendation. Hickes, etyrode ; but the sense demands
restiaiued ' rather than ' incited.'
Guthere is apparently the speaker and Garulf the person who is being
restrained. For it is G-arulfwho, neglecting the advice, falls.
Garulfe, Trautmann : Garulf, Hickes, followed by most recent editors.
But ttyran should take a dat. of the person and the metre of the line
is improved by reading Garulfe. [Cf. Klaeber in Engl. Stud, xxxix. 307.]
21-22. Hickes has he...baran. We
must alter either to hie hSran
[Grein, Heyne] or to he. ..hare [Kemble]. The context emphatically favours
the eg. because the advice to hold back from the attack can obviously be
given to a special person for a special reason, but cannot be recommended
generally. [Eieger in Z.f.d.A. xlviii. 11.]
forman sifie, ' in the first brunt,' or perhaps ' in his first battle.' Guthere
is probably, as Klaeber points out [Engl. Stud, xxxix. 307], the uncle of
Garulf. It is essentially the part of the uncle, in heroic poetry, to watch
over and advise the nephew. Guthlaf and Guthere would then be brothers.
The parallel examples quoted by Klaeber from the Waltarius and the
Nibelungen Lied, where the uncle restrains the nephew, are not quite
apposite, as in those cases the uncle has personal reasons for not wishing
the nephew to join in the fight. Hygelao restraining Beowulf (U. 1994, etc.)
is more appropriate.
25. etc. »i/a fteard refers to Sigeferth ; he...deor-mod halej> io Graxxili.
24. eal Trautmann, ealle, for metrical reasons, followed by Holthausen.

26. cwe/> he is hypermetrical, and doubtless the insertion of some

27. wreccea. Hickes, wrecten. Grundtvig emended t to c.
Feela. There is no necessity, either here or in 1. 35, to normalize, as
many editors have done, to fela.
weana. Conybeare's emendation. Hickes, weuna.
28. heardra, Kemble's emendation. Hickes, heordra.
29. swseper, probably ' thou canst have from me what thou wilt, good or
evil,' rather than, as ten Brink thinks [Pauls Grdr. 11. i. 546], a bitter jest,
' thou canst have from me which thou wUt, either " woes " or " sharp
30. on wealle, Ettmiiller : Hickes, on healle. The alliteration demands
the change.
31. cellod, Grein; bord, Kemble: Hickes, Celms bars'. A comparison
' ;

The Fight at Finnshurg 161

ban-helm berstan. Buruh-Selu dynede,

oS set t5ffire juSe 'jarulf jecranj,
ealra aerest eor?5-buendra,
35 ^utSlafes sunu, ymbe hyne godra fsela,

Hwearf [/Jlacra hrsew hrsefen, wandrode

sweart and sealo-brtin ; swurd-leoma stod
swylce eal Finns-buruh fyrenu wsere.
Ne gefrsejn ic neefre wurj^licor set wera hilde
40 sixtij sije-beorna sel sebserann,

ne nwixe swanas swetne medo sel forjyldan,

Sonne Hnsefe juldan his hseg-stealdas.

Hig fuhton fif dajas, swa hyra nan ne feol

with Maldon, 283, leaves little doubt as to the correctness of the restoration
the meaning of cellod is a more difficult matter. Suggestions are ' keel- :

shaped [Grein]
' '
vaulted [Lat celatv^, Kluge]
: '
' chilled, cold
; '

in P.B.B. XV. 431]; leather-covered = c^Jiod

' [Trautmann in B.B. '

vii. 46]: having a boss or beak, cele [Bosworth-ToUer].


HolthauseUa proposed celorjlses, 'the man's, warrior's, shield,' the sg.

used collectively HolthauseUg clSne.
: ,

32. ban-helm means either (1) 'bone-protector,' 'shield,' parallel to

bord, or (2) bdn-hus, body,' object to brecan, the shield being used in the

last resort as a weapon of offence, as it was by Hereward the Wake.

34. eorff-buendra, perhaps ' iirst of all the dwellers in that land,' i.e. of
the natives, Eotenas or Frisians, who are attacking Hnaf and his men.
35. The Guthlaf here, father of one of the assailants, can hardly be
identical with the Guthlaf of 1. 18, who is one of the besieged. It is
probably not a case of the tragic meeting of father and son on opposite
sides, for, if so, more would surely have been made of it. It is possible that
we are dealing with two heroes of the same name [Klaeber in Engl. Stud.
xxxix. 308] or that GuSlaf here is a corrupt reading [Trautmann, B.B.
vii. 48].
36. Hwearf lf]lacra hrmw hrsefen, the quickly moving raven hovered

over the corpses,' an emendation hazarded by Bugge [P.B.B. xii. 27:

Conybeare had already conjectured hrMw], for Hickes' Hwearjlacra hrser.
But, as Bugge recognized, the sense does not fit the metre. Grundtvig,
followed by Grein,, had suggested hwearflicra hrSw, 'the corpses of the
swift,' a phrase explaining godra fsela above. [So Sedgefield.] Jellinek
suggests hwearf laSra hreas, 'a crowd of foemeu fell' [P.B.B. xv. 431];
Holthausen, hwearf [6]iacr-a hreas, 'a company of pale [corpses] fell';
Trautmann, hrSnjoblacra hwearf [noun] hrsefen wundrode, the raven gazed '

in astonishment at the mass of the corpse-pale [slain].

40, etc. Of. Beowulf, 2633 ft.
41. nsefre, Grundtvig : Hickes, nefre.
swanas swetne medo, Grein, partly following Ettmiiller; Hickes, swa
noc hwitne medo.
43. This line, with the alliteration on the fourth accented syllable, is
unmetrical. Hence Rieger and Grein postulated a gap of two half-lines,
and suggested various stop-gaps which MoUer finally improved into
hig fuhton fif dagas [forSgerlmed
ond nihta offer swylc] swa hyra...,
and Trautmann
hig fuhton fif dagas [ferhS-grimme hseUS
ond niht eaWiswd: hyra....

B. 11
162 The Fight at Finnsburg
driht-jesiSa, ac hig Sa duru heoldon.
4S Da jewat him wund hseletS on wsej janjan,
sffide ]73Bt his byrne abrocen waere,
here-sceorp unhror, and eac waes his helm ?Syrl.

Da hine sona frsegn folces hyrde,

hii Sa wijend hyra wunda genseson,
50 o58e hwaejier Ssera hyssa * * *

44. duru must be pi., and is very probably an error for dura. Similar
miswritings of u for a occur in 11. 3 and 27.
46. etc. It seems impossible to decide who is the wounded champion or
whether the king who enquires is Husef or Finn. Is it possible that the
speaker is Hnsef, who enquires why the wigend, the opposing warriors, seem
to recover miraculously from the blows which his men give them? The
position would then be identical with that in Seimskringla [ed. J6usson, i.
449], when King Olaf Tryggvason 'looked forward on the ship and saw his
men swinging their swords and smiting fast, but that the swords bit ill,
and he shouted, "Is it because ye raise your swords so dully that I see
they bite not?" A man answered, "Our swords are blunted and
47. Hickes has here-sceorpum hror, 'the brave one in his battle array,'
which can be construed as in apposition to wund heeled'. Thorpe, followed
by Bugge and moat editors, here-sceorp unhror, in appcsition with byrne, an
exceedingly probable emendation. The interpretation of unhror is, however,
not clear. Is it ' not stirring in the sense of 'firm,' ' trusty,' ' his bymie

was broken, his trusty war gear,' or is it not stirring,' 'inactive,' 'useless,'

' his bymie was broken and his war gear useless ? So Hialto exclaims

in the Bjarka mdl, as translated by Saxo [Bk. n, p. 65],

lam dure aciei et spicula scutum
Frustratim secuere meum, partesque minutim
Avulsas absumpsit edax per prelia ferrum...
Bupti etenim clypei retinacula sola supersunt.
48. Holthausenj transposes, for the metre fid frmgn hine sona.

50. Eieger [Z.f.d.A. xlviii. 12] suggests that the struggle probably ended
by the hall being fired, Hnsef and his sixty men being driven into the open,
and Hnsef there slain by Finn. This is improbable, for in that case we may
presume that they would have all been overwhelmed, whilst we gather from
Beowulf, 1082-5, that after Hnsef'a death they were able, under Hengest's
leadership, to hold out against Finn successfully to the end.

The names of the corresponding characters in Scandinavian legend are added in

italics ; first the Icelandic forms, then the Latinized names as recorded by
Saxo Grammaticus.


Scyld Soefing [Skjgldr, Scioldus]

Beowulf [not the hero of the poem]

Healfdene [Halfdan, Haldanus]

[no Scandinavian


The student will find particulars of many of the persons and places
mentioned in Beowulf in the following books (among others)
Chadwick, Origin of the English Nation, 1907.
Clark, Sidelights on Teutonic History during the Migration Period, 1911.
Chadwick, The Heroic Age, 1912.
The Introduction to the study of Beowulf, supplementary to the present
volume, will include a discussion of the origin of the legends most prominent
in Beowulf.
Many of the characters mentioned in Beowulf are also referred to in
Widsith. The references are to my edition (Cambridge Press, 1912).

Abel, slain by Cain (q.v.), 108.

£lfliere. Wiglaf is called ' kinsman of ^Ifhere,' 2604.

JEEChere, Hrothgar's counsellor and comrade in arms, slain and carried off
by Grendel'B dam in revenge for her son, 1288-1344, 2120-2130.
Sr-Scyldingaa, 464, Honour-Scyldings, a name of the Danes; see Scyl-
BSanstan, Breca's father, 524. MiiUenhoff^ has suggested that the first

element in the name may be connected with O.N. bauni, dog-fish," '

thus echoing the aquatic names of Breca (q.v.) and the Brondingas.
Beorht-Dene, 427, 609, Bright-Danes; see Dene.
Beowulf the Dane (not the hero of the poem), 18, 53, an ancestor of the
Danish king Hrothgar. Cf. Chadwick, Origin, 273, 291.
Beowulf the Geat (the second scribe, who begins in the MS. in 1. 1939,
preserves the spelling 'Biowulf,' 1987, 1999, etc.), the hero of the
poem, first mentioned as Hygelac's thane in 1. 194, first named in

1. 343. He is the son of Ecgtheow (263, etc.) his mother's name is ;

not given, but she was the daughter of Hrethel, king of the Geatas, and
therefore sister of Hygelac (871-5). After his seventh year Beowulf was
brought up at the court of his grandfather, Hrethel (2428-34). In his
youth (Uke many other heroes of legend) he was despised as slothful
(2183-9), but when he grew up his hand had the strength of thirty
other men's (379, cf. 2361). He gained glory in a swimming match
with Breca (506-581), voyaged to Heorot, the hall of Hrothgar, king
of the Danes, and purged from the ravages of Grendel and

Grendel's mother (q.v.), with both of whom he wrestled successfully.

It is as a hand-slayer (2502) that he attains his chiefest fame (2684 fC.).
' '
Persons and Places 165
He accompanied Hygelac in his fatal expedition against the Eetware,
and saved his own life, after the by swimming (2359 ff.)-
fall of his king,
He refused the throne, offered him by Hygelao's widow (2369 ff.) acted ;

as guardian and protector to Hygelao's son Heardred (2377), and on the

death of the latter became king of the Geatas, whom he ruled for fifty
years (2209). Finally he slew, and was slain by, a fiery dragon
(2210, etc.).

setting against which Beowulf s exploits are depicted is historic :

Hygelac was undoubtedly ruling the Geatas in the years following

500 A.D., and there is no reason to doubt that the other sovereigns
mentioned are equally authentic. The contrast in tone between this
historic settingand the fanciful character of Beowulf's chief exploits
is and has led to the widely prevalent theory that our hero is
a compound of a historic prince (Beowulf of the Geatas) and a mythical
monster-quelling Beowa, who would be identical with the Beow, son of
Sceldwea (Soyld), found in the Anglo-Saxon genealogies. The theory of
double origin derives some support from the fact that our poem recog-
nizes two Beowulfs, one the son of Scyld and the other the prince of
the Geatas. Presumably the monster-slaying exploits have been trans-
ferred from the one to the other; but this theory does not admit of
proof. For further details see Introduction to Beowulf : and for theories
as to the etymology of the name Beowulf see (tjiter alia) Cosijn'"'; Bugge
in Tidsskr. viii. 287 ; Binz in P.B.B. xx. 133, 159 ; Sarrazin in Engl.
Stud. xlii. 19.

Breca, son of Beanstan (524), and a chief of the Brondingas (521). Unferth
taunts Beowulf with his unsuccessful swimming-match with Breca.
Beowulf asserts that he was the better swimmer, and could have out-
paced Breca, but did not wish to do so (543).
Breca probably had a place in Old English legend, quite independently
of Beowulf he is mentioned as prince of the Brondingas, and a famous

ruler, in Widsith, 1. 25. The names are suggestive of a sea-story:

brecan used in O.E. of a ship dashing over the waves (Elene, 244,

Andreas, 223, 513), and branding has for centuries been in use among
the sailors of the North Sea to signify 'breakers,' 'surge.' But we
need not therefore regard Breca as a mythological abstraction of the
sea, which Beowulf conquers. A swimming contest between young men
is a favourite episode in Germanic story. Cf. Bugge^".

Brondingas, 521, see Breca.

Brosinga mene (Joel. Brisinga men), the famous Brising necklace. The
collar given to Beowulf ia compared with it (1. 1197 ff .). Incidentally we
are told that Hama carried off the Brosinga mene from Eormenric. In
Scandinavian poetry the Brisinga men is the adornment of the goddess
Preyja; but although Eormenric (q.v.) is a well-known figure in this
Old Norse poetry, he is there in no way connected with the necklet.
Elaborate theories have been invented, especially by Miillenhoff, to
connect the Scandinavian references to the necklet with the English
and German references to Eormenric, but these theories are necessarily
hazardous. See Widsith, Introduction, p. 30, etc.

166 Beowulf
Cain is the ancestor of Grendel (107 ff., 1261 ff.), as of monsters and giants
generally see Emerson, "Legends of Cain, especiallyin Old and Middle

English," in Pub. Mod. Lang. Assoc. Amer. 1906, xxi. 831, particularly
§ vi., on " Cain's descendants." Such a theological view of Grendel is
not an isolated one, limited to the two passages where Cain's name
occurs, but runs through the whole earlier portion of the poem. Con-
trast the dread (but not hellish) fire drake. For further notes on Cain's
kin, cf. Bugge8i-2j Eittredge, F.B.B. xiii. 210.
DsBghrefn (dat. 2501) a warrior of the Hugas, seems to have killed Hygelac

(cf. 1207-14 with 2503-4). Beowulf was his hand-slayer (2501-8). '

Dene (gen. Dena Denia 2125), the Danes, the subjects of

242, Deniga 271,
Hrothgar. Their head-place is Heorot (q.v.), and their territory in-
cludes what is now the southern extremity of Sweden (Skaane), which
is, indeed, the only portion of their kingdom specifically mentioned by

name in our poem (Scede-landum, 19 ; Sceden-lg, 1686). They are

called by various names : Beorht-Dene, Gar-Dene, Hring-Dene, in
allusion to their warlike character ; East-Dene, NorS'-Dene, SuS-Dene,
West-Dene, in allusion to their wide distribution ; Scyldingas, Ingwine,
and Hredmen, all of which see.

Eadgils, son of Ohthere.

What is and Eaumund in the poem, as
told of the brothers Eadgils
must have been originally
in the case of the other allusions and episodes,
intended for hearers who were supposed to know all about them. For
US, the order and nature of the events referred to are often by no means
clear. In this particular instance, however, it is not difficult to put
together a complete story, as we have the Scandinavian accounts to
help us.
Eanmund and Eadgils are banished from Sweden for rebellion against
their uncle, king Ouela (2379 and take refuge at the court of the Geat

king, Heardred. The an asylum with his hereditary

fact of their finding
foes (see Ongentheow) causes Onela to invade the land of the Geatas
(2202 ff.) and to slay Heardred (2384 ft.); but Beowulf succeeds to the
throne (2389-90). Beowulf at a later time (2392) balances the feud by
supporting Eadgils in the invasion of Sweden, in which Eadgils slays
the king, his uncle Onela (2391 ff.), and takes the throne. This version
of the story is confirmed by reference to the Norse accounts, in which
A'Sils (= Eadgils) slays Ali (= Onela) on the ice of Lake Wener (see
1. 2396). Cf. Clark, Sidelights, 149, etc. ; and Introduction to Beowulf.
Eafor {gen. 2964). See Eofor.
Eanmund, 2611, son of Ohthere ; see Eadgils. Fighting, together with his
brother Eadgils, against his uncle Onela, he was slain by Weohstan,
who was at that time obviously a retainer of Onela. See note to
1. 2603.
Eama-nses, 3031, Eagles'-ness, near the scene of Beowulf s fight with the
£ast-Dene, 392, 616, East-Danes; see Dene.
Ecglaf, 499, father of Unferth.
Ecg^ow (Eogjieo, 373 ; gen. Eogjiioes, 1999), father of Beowulf the Geat

Persons and Places 167

married the only daughter of Hrethel, king of the GeataB and father of
Hygelae (373-5). Having slain Heatholaf, the Wylfing, Bogtheow seeks
protection at the court of Hrothgar in the early days of his kingship
Hrothgar accepts his fealty, and settles the feud by a money-payment
(459 ff.).

Ecgwela, 1710 (see note), apparently an ancient king of the Danes.

Eofor (dat. lofore, 2993, 2997), a warrior of the Geatas, son of Wonred and
brother of Wulf. He comes to the aid of Wulf in his combat with
Ongentheow, whom he slays. Hygelao liberally rewards both the
brothers, and gives his only daughter to Eofor (2484 ff., 2961 ff.).
[Weyhe, in Engl. Stud, xxxix. 14, etc., seeks to connect this episode
with several Scandinavian tales presenting similar features.]
EomSr (MS. geomor), 1960, son of Ofla and Thryth (q.v.).
Eormenric, 1201 ; see Brosinga mene. The existence of Eormenrio, king
of the Goths, is certified by the contemporary evidence of Ammiauus
MarceUinus (xxxi. 3, 1), who records how Ermenrichus (=0.E. Eor-
menrio) warred victoriously against his neighbours, till the Huns broke

in upon his extensive empire, after which he slew himself (about the
year 375 a.d.). Eormenrio was remembered in the traditions of all the
Germanic peoples as the type of ji tyrant: he was supposed to have
slain his wife Swanhild and his nephews the Harlungen (O.E. Here-
lingas), and to have persecuted and exiled a third nephew, Theodorio
of Verona. This last evil deed is chronologically impossible, the sup-
posed nephew not having been born till eighty years after the death of
the supposed uncle. The story of the murder of Swanhild is based on
a cruel vengeance which the king is stated to have executed upon the
wife of a traitor who had escaped him
(Jordanes, xxiv.). Of the origin
of the tale of the Harlungen we know nothing. By a
murder of the
series of most hazardous conjectures it has been argued that it was
through this murder that Eormenric became possessed of the Brosinga
mene, which Hama in turn stole from him.
How well-known Eormenric was in Old English tradition is proved
from the references to him in Widsith and Dear. See Clark, Sidelights,
232, etc.; Widsith, Introduction, pp. 15-36.
Eotenas, 1072, 1088, 1141, 1145; see Finn.
Finn (Fin, 1096, 1146, 1152; r/ere. Pinnes, 1068, etc.), king of the Frisians,

in some way comes to blows with Hnsef, the brother of his wife HUde-
burh. Hnaef is the son of Hoc and lord of the Hooingas (Widsith,
1. 29), who are a Danish, or at least half-Danish, clan (and are therefore
called Healf-Dene, q.v.). Hnsef is slain, but ultimately vengeance for
his death is taken upon Finn.
The story has to be pieced together from the short fragment of the
Lay of Finnsburg, and from the references in the Finn-Episode in
Beowulf (1068-1159), which are allusive and obviously intended for
people who knew the story quite well. Agreement has not been reached
as to the relation of these two versions. According to Moller, Hnsef
attacks Finn, in vengeance for an old quarrel, in which Finn had carried
off his sister Hildeburh by force and slain his father Hoc. [For all
168 Beowulf
this there is no evidence whatever.] Hnaf is slain, and peace made
between Finn and Hengest, the successor of Hntef and captain of the
Danish survivors. But the Frisians, MoUer assumes, break the truce
and attack Hengest. This, according to him, is the night attack
described in the Fragment.
Mailer's view is open to at least half a dozen objections, of which the
most serious are (1) that it forces us to suppose that the war-young '

king ' who is attacked by night in the Fragment is Hengest, whilst the
evidence would lead us to suppose it to be Hnasf ; and (2) that it forces
us to assume a stirring night attack to have taken place between
11.1145 and 1146 of the Episode, although there is no mention of it there.
This theory is, therefore, now generally discredited, and most recent
scholars foUow in the main the view of Bugge that Finn attacked Hnsef :

by night, and that this is the night attack narrated in the Fragment ;

and that it is which is alluded to in the Episode as

also the struggle
preceding those further events which the Episode then narrates more at
Bugge's theory, though much more satisfactory than that of MoUer,
involves a very serious difficulty: it forces us to suppose that the Danish
survivors ultimately entered the service of the Frisian king, in spite
of the fact that he had slain their lord by treachery. Such conduct
would be contrary to all the ties of Germanic honour, and cannot be
reconciled with the praise which, in the Fragment, is given to the
bearing of the Danish thanes.
The responsibility for the attack is placed, in Beowulf, upon a people
called the Eotenas, whom critics have identified either with the Frisians
[so Bugge, etc.] or with the Danes [so Moller] according to the view
taken as to the beginning of the fight. Neither identification is very
satisfactory, and a better solution is, I think, to be found by supposing
the Eotenas to be a distinct tribe, possibly identical with the Eote or
Yte, whom modern historians know as Jutes.
Arohseologioal and historic evidence points to the Frisians having
been a great nation, whilst the other tribes mentioned as taking part in
the struggle —
the Hocingas or Healfdene, the Secgan, and the Eotenas —
are smaU and obscure clans. For it is clear that the Hocingas or Healf-
dene, though Danish, are not identical with the Danish nation proper,
which was never ruled by kings named Hoc or Hnsef.
Finn, king of the Frisians, probably called a meeting of chieftains of
subordinate clans subject to or allied with him, such as we read of in
the Norse sagas. At this meeting a night attack was made upon Hnsef
and the Hocingas by Garulf, presumably prince of the Eotenas. It
may be assumed that the supreme chief, Finn, had no share in this
treachery, though he had to interfere in order to end the conflict, and
to avenge his son, who had fallen in the struggle. It is quite possible
that Finn slew Hncef with his own hands, but this does not necessarily
follow from his being called the slayer of Hnsef (1. 1102) since the chief

is responsible for the acts of his followers. So Hygelac is called slayer '

of Ongentheow (1. 1968). '

Persons and Places 169
Such a succession of events would explain allusions in the poem not
explicable on other hypotheses, and the action of the Danish survivors,
in making peace with Finn, becomes less unintelligible if Finn had no
hand in the original treachery, and interfered only to avenge a slain
son. That, nevertheless, this peace should have been broken, and Finn
in the end slain, is quite in accordance with the usual development of
a Germanic feud. Compare the story of Ingeld, and other tales where
the tragic interest lies not merely in the actual fighting, but in the
struggle in the minds of the heroes, who have to harmonize the
duty of revenge with other conflicting claims.
Of. Clark, Sidelights, 177, etc.; MoUer, V.E., 46-99; Bugge^o, etc.;
Boer in Z.f.d.A. xlvii. 125, etc. ; Introduction to Beowulf.
Finnaa, 580, the Finns. The sea washed Beowulf up on their land at the
end of his swimming-match with Breoa.
Fltela, 879, 889, nephew and comrade of the outlaw Sigemund (q.v.). Their
adventures are told at length in the Icelandic Vglsunga Saga. Vglsung
( = 0.E. Waels), the father of Sigmund and Signy, is treacherously slain,

with his retinue, by the husband of Siguy, on a visit. Sigmund alone

escapes, and becomes an outlaw. Signy sends him as helper her son
SinfJ9tli (=Pitela), who is also Sigmund's own son. They take their
vengeance, and Sigmund regains his father's throne. But Sinfjgtli is
at last slain through the wiles of Sigmund's wife, whose kin he has
slain. Sigmund takes the corpse of Sinfjgtli to the sea, and places it
in a small boat to be ferried across a fiord whereupon both the boat :

and the boatman, who is doubtless Odin, vanish.

Polowalda, 1089, the father of Finn.
Francan, 1210, see Froucan.
Freawaru {ace. Freaware 2022), daughter of Hrothgar and Wealhtheow, and
wife of Ingeld. See Ingeld.
Fresan, 1093, 2915, see Frysan.
Fres-cyning, 2503, the king of the [West] Frisians; see Frysan.
Fres-lond (pi.), 2357, the land of the [West] Frisians; see Frysan.

Fres-wael, 1070, the Frisian field or place of battle, where Hnsef fell ; see
Froda, 2025, father of Ingeld (q.v.).

Froncau (gen. Francna 1210), the Franks. Hygelae was defeated and slain,

in his historic invasion of the Netherlands, by a combined army of

Frisians and Franks (1202 ff., 2910 ff.).

Frysan (gen. Fresena 1093, Frysna 1104, Fresna 2915), the Frisians. The
Frisians are alluded to in two connections, (1) as the people of Finn
(q.v.; 1068 ff.), who are apparently the main body of the Frisians,

dwelling east and north of what is now the Zuyder Zee; (2) as the
[West] Frisians, who combined with the Franks against Hygelae
(1202 ff., 2912 fl.). The land of the former is called 'Frys-land' in
1. 1126, that of the latter '
Fres-lond ' (pi.) in 1. 2357, 'Fresna land '

1. 2915 ; but that this is a purely accidental distinction is clear from

Widsith, where the e and y are reversed (11. 27, 68).
Frya-land, 1126, the land of the Frisians. See Frysan.
170 Beowulf
Gar-Dene, 1, 601, 1856, 2494, Spear-Danes ; see Dene.
Garmund, 1962. Eomaer ia Garmundes.' Garmund is
said to be 'nefa
presumably the Wsermund of the Mercian genealogy of the Anglo-Saxon
Chronicle, in which Offa and Eomser also appear.
Geat, 640, 1301, 1785, 1792, the Geat (i.e. Beowulf). Used in the gen. pi.,
Beowulf Geata, 'Beowulf of the Geatas,' 374, 1191, 1202, etc. [Of.
Sievers in P.B.B. xxix. 309-11.]
Geatas {gen. Geotena 443), the people to whom Beowulf belonged. They
are also called GuS-Geatas, HreSlingas, Sse-Geatas, Weder-Geatas, and
Wederas. Evidence both etymological and historical is in favour of
the identification of the Geatas with the inhabitants of what is now
Southern Sweden, south of the great lakes (the Swedish Gotar, O.N.
Gautar). We have references in Greek writers to these Gautoi as an
independent nation in the second century, and again in the sixth and ;

though at a later date they were absorbed in Sweden, the title of the
king of Sweden, rex Sveorum Gothorumque, commemorates to the
present day the old distinction.
Another theory (the warmest advocates of which have been Fahlbeck,
Bugge, and Schiitte) identifies the Geatas with the Jutes. But the
arguments in favour of this view are not conclusive.
Cf. Bugge^, etc.; ten Brink i'^, etc.; Schiick, Folknamnet Geatas,
Upsala, 1907; Schutte in J.B.G.Ph. xi. 574, etc.; Introduction to
Geat-mecgas {dat. Geat-msecgum 491, gen. Geat-mecga 829), Geat men,
referring to the fourteen Geatas (207) who accompanied Beovralf to
GlfSas (2494), probably the Gepidae, a people closely akin to the Goths, and
originally their neighbours, dwelling near themouth of the Vistula.
They migrated south in the third century, and founded a kingdom in
what is now S.E. Hungary, which was overthrown by the Langobardi
in the sixth century. After this the Gepidae disappear from history,
though their mention here and in Widsith (1. 60) points to the name
having survived in tradition.
Grendel {gen. Grendles 127, 195, 2002, etc., Grendeles 2006, 2118, 2139,
2353; dat. Grendle 666, 930, 1577, 2521, etc.), the famous monster,
slain by Beowulf. He is of the kindred of Cain (1265 ff.). His father is

unknown (1355).
Grendles modor (Grendeles modor 2118, 2139), Grendel's dam, the slaying of
whom is Beowulf's second great exploit. She is sometimes spoken of as
a male, sometimes as a female; cf. 11. 1260, 1379, 1392, 1394, 1497,
2136 with 1292 ff., 1339, 1504 ff., 1541 ff.
GflB-Geatas, 1538, War-Geatas see Geatas. ;

Gtl'Slaf, 1148, a Danish warrior under Hneef and Hengest. Since it was
customary to give brothers names in which the same element occurred,
it is probable, on a priori grounds alone, that the Ordlaf who is asso-

ciated with Gutblaf (F. 18) is his brother, and that Hunlaf, who would
be the father of Hunlafing, is a third brother. This is confirmed by
the discovery of Chadwick, that, in the Latin summary of the Skjgl-

Persons and Places 171

dunga Saga, a Danish king named Leifm is mentioned, who had seven
sons, three of whom were called Hunleifus, Oddleifus, and Gunnleifus,
names which correspond exactly to Hunlaf, Ordlaf, and Guthlaf.
Gfl«-Scilflngas, 2927, War-Scylfings; see Scylflngas.
HsereS, 1929, 1981, the father of Hygd, Hygelao's wife. [Cf. Binz, P.B.B.
XX. 162.]
H3B«cyn (HseScen 2925, dat. Hse^cynne 2482), second son of Hrethel, Mug
of the Geatas. He accidentally kills his elder brother Herebeald with
an arrow during his father's lifetime (2435 ff.) ; succeeds to the throne
at his father's death, but falls in battle at Bavenswood fighting against
the Swedish king Ongentheow (2923 ff.).

H8B(15)nas. See note to 1. 1983.

Halga, 61, the good {til), younger brother of Hrothgar. He is the father

of Hrothulf (1017, etc.), for he corresponds to the Scandinavian Helgi,

the father of Eolf Kraki (= Hrothulf).
Hama, 1198; see Brosinga mene. Hama is the Heime of continental
German tradition, the comrade of Wittioh (0.£. Wudga, Widia), with
whom he is also associated in Old English story {Widsith, 11. 124, 130).
In German, just as in Old English legend, Hama harries and robs the
tyrant Eormenric (Ermrich, Erminrek).
Cf. Bugge^^,Widsith, Introduction, pp. 48-57.
Healfdene, 57, king of the Danes, son of Beowulf the Scylding. As father
ofHrothgar and Halga (=Hroarr and Helgi), he is known to us from
Scandinavian sources.
Healf-Dene, Half-Danes, the tribe to which Hnsef belongs ; see 1. 1069.
The name may perhaps signify a tribe akin to the Danes, but inde-
pendent, or half independent, of the central Danish power at Leire
Heardred, son of Hygelac and Hygd. While still under age (2370) he
succeeds his father as king of the Geatas, so that Beowulf for a time
acts as his counsellor and protector (2377). He is slain by the Swedes
under Onela (2200 ff., 2879 ff.).
HeaVo-Beardan (2032, etc.), the tribe to which Ingeld (q.v.) belongs. They
have been identified with the Langobardi, the tribe from whom the
Lombards are descended ; and with the Heruli, who are known to have
been at feud with the Danes. But evidence for either identification is
insufficient, though early kinship with the Langobardi is probable
enough. Cf. Widsith, ed. Chambers, pp. 205-6.
HeaSolaf, 460, a warrior of the Wylfings, slain by Ecgtheow, the father of
HeatSo-RMmas, 519, the people on whose shores Breca is cast after his
swimming-match with Beowulf. The name is given more correctly in
Widsith (1. 63) as HeaSb-Beamas they are the Old Norse Baumar, and

have given their name to Eomerike in Southern Norway, near the

modern Christiania.
HeaVo-Scilfingas (gen. sg. HeaSo-Scilfingas 63), 2205, Battle-Scylfings; see
Helmingas, 620. Hrothgar's queen, Wealhtheow, is '
a woman of the
172 Beowulf
Helmings,' but we have no satisfactory information as to the elan.
[Cf. Binz, P.B.B. xx. 177.]
Hemming, 1944*, 1961*- 'Kinsman of Hemming' describes both Ofla

(q.T.) and his son Eomser.

Hengeat, 1083, 1091, 1096, 1127, took command of the Danes after Hnsef s
fall ; see Finn.
Heorogar (Heregar 467, Hiorogar 2158), 61, eldest son of Healfdene, and
elder brother of Hrothgar (468). His arms are given by Hrothgar to
Beowulf, and Beowulf gives them to Hygelac (2155 ff.).
Heorot (Heort 78, dat. Heorute 766, Hiorte 2099), the hall Heorot or Hart,
which Hrothgar built (67 ff.). The site of Heorot can almost certainly
be identified with Leire in Seeland, which, according to Scandinavian
tradition, was the capital of the kings whose names correspond to
Hrothgar and Hrothulf.
Heoroweard, 2161, son of Heorogar; see Hrothulf.
Herebeald, 2434, 2463, eldest son of the Geat king Hrethel, accidentaEy
killed with an arrow by his brother Hsthoyn (2435 ff.).
Heremod, 901, 1709, a Danish king, is twice introduced as a kind of stock
example of a bad and cruel king. In the end he is betrayed into the
hands of his foes (903). He would seem to have preceded Scyld, and it
must have been after his fall that the Danes suffered owing to lack of
a lord (cf. 1. 15). See Chadwiok, Origin, 148 ff., 272 f., 291 ff.;
Bugge'^, etc.

Hereric, 2206. Heardred is called ' Hererioes nefa.' Probably Hereric was
the brother of Hygd ; the tie with the uncle on the mother's side was
always peculiarly close.
Here-Scyldingas, 1108, the Army-Scyldings; see Scyldlngas.
netware, 2363, 2916, the Hattuarii, the tribe against whom Hygelac made
the raid in which he met his death. They were a Frankish people, and
seem, in classical times, when they are first mentioned as submitting to
Tiberius, to have been dwelling between the Bhine and the present
Zuyder Zee. Subsectnently they spread higher up the Rhine, to the
neighbourhood of the modern Cleves, and it was no doubt here that
Hygelac attacked the Attoarios,' as they are called in the account of

this attack given in the Liber Bisiorisa Francorum (see Hygelac).

Hildeburh, 1071, 1114, daughter of Hoc (1076), and wife of Finn ; see Finn.
Hnaf, 1069, 1114, feU in the fight with Finn on the 'Fres-wsel ' (1070) ; see
Hoc, father of Hildeburh (1076) ; see Finn.
Hondscio, 2076, the one of Beowulf's fourteen comrades, in his expedition
to the Danish kingdom, whom Orendel devoured before attacking
Beowulf (740 ff., 2076 ff.).
Hrefna-wudu, 2925, Eaveuswood, where Ongentheow slew Hcethcyn. Also
Hrefnes-holt, 2935. See above.
Hreosna-beorb, 2477, the scene of the marauding invasions of Q-eatland
made by Onela and Ohthere after the death of Hrethel.
HreSel (gen. weak form HrSdlan 454, gen. Hradles 1485), king of the
Persons and Places 173
Geatas ; he was ' nefa ' to Swerting (1203), father of Hygelao, and
grandfather of Beowulf (373 ff.), to whom he left his coat of mail (454).
He died of grief at the loss of his eldest son Herebeald (2435 ff.), who
was accidentally shot by his own brother Hssthcyn.
HreSling, son of Hrethel ; applied in 1. 1923 to Hygelao, and in 1. 2925 to
HreSlingas, 2960, the people of Hrethel, the Geatas ; see CSatas.
HretS-men, 445, a name of the Danes ; see Dene.
Hre«rlc, 1189, 1836*, son of Hrothgar.
Hring-Bene, 116, 1279, Bing-Danes ; see Dene.
Hronea-nsss, 2805, 3136, 'Whale's Ness.' Beowulf, in his dying speech,
names this place as the site of the barrow which is to hold his ashes
and perpetuate his name.
HrSVgSx, 61, etc., king of the Banes, and builder of Heorot. The Scandi-
navian records [Saga of Rolf Kraki, Saxo G;rammatious) know him as
'Hroarr' or 'Eoe.'
HrStSmund, 1189, son of Hrothgar.
HroVulf, 1017, 1181, the son of Hrothgar's younger brother Halga (q.v.).

He lived at the Danish court. Wealhtheow expresses the hope that he

vrillbe good to their children in return for their kindness to him, if he
survives Hrothgar (1180 H.). It would seem that this hope was not
destined to be fulfilled (1164r-5). We know from Scandinavian sources
that Boluo (Hrothulf) deposed and slew Bj^ricus (Hrethric) and that
finally his hall was burnt over his head and he himself
slain by
Hiarwarus (Heoroweard).
Cf. Chadwick, Origin, 146, etc.; Widsith, Introduction, pp. 81, etc.;
Introduction to Beowulf; Clark, Sidelights, 63, etc.
Hrunting, 1457, 1490, 1659, 1807, the sword of TJnferth (q.v.), which he
lends to Beowulf for his fight with Grendel's mother.
Hllgas, 2502, 2914. A name for the Franks current in Germanic epic
Cf. the Quedlinburg Annals, " olim omnes Franci Hugones vocabantur
a suo quodam duce Hugone " (Monumenta Germ., folio, SS. iii. 31).
HunferS, see UnferB.
HOnlaflng, 1143, the son of Hunlaf . Huulaf is almost certainly a brother of
Guthlaf and Ordlaf, and therefore a warrior on the Danish side. When
the son of Hunlaf places a sword in Hengest's bosom, this signifies that
Hengest enters his service. It may be that Hunlaf was slain by Finn's
men in the fighting at Finnsburg, and that, by doing aUegiauce to his

sou, Hengest undertakes to help to avenge him, and thus to break his

oath to Finn and the Botenas.

Hygd, 1926, 2172, 2369, daughter of Hsereth (1929), wife of Hygelao (q.v.),
and mother of Heardred; see 1926 ft., and Hygelao.
Hygelac (usually spelt Higelac, 435, etc.; Hygelac 2151, etc.; gen. Hygelaces
2886, 2943, Higelaces 194, etc., Hylaces 1530; dat. Hygelace 2169,
Higelace 452, etc.), the reigning king of the Geatas during the greater
part of the action of the poem. He is the third son of Hrethel, and
uncle to Beowulf see genealogical tables.

174 Beowulf
When his brother Hsethcyn was defeated and slain by Ongentheow
at Eavenswood (2924), Hygelao came quickly in pursuit (2943) and put
Ongentheow to flight (2949) ; but though, as the leader of the attack,
he is called * Ongentheow's banesman (1968), the actual slayer was '

Eofor (q.v.), whom Hygelac rewards with the hand of his only daughter
(2977 ff.). At the later time of Beowulf s return from his expedition
against Grendel, Hygelao, who is still young (1831), is married to Hygd,
who is herself very young and has not long been queen (1926-8) she
' ' ;

would seem then to have been his second wife.

Hygelac came by his death in his historical invasion of the Nether-
lands, which is four times referred to in the poem (1202 ff., 2854 ff.,
2501 ft., 2913 ft.), and occurred between 512 and 520 a.d. We have an
account of this raid of ' Chlochilaicus (sic) in the History of Gregory of

Tours, who wrote in the same century in which it took place and in ;

the anonymous Liber Historiw Francorum, which, though much later,

preserves original features which are wanting in the earlier account.

Of. Clark, Sidelights, 42, etc. ; and Introduction to Beowulf.
Ingeld, son of Froda (2025), and prince of the Heathobeardan.
Beowulf tells Hygelac that Hrothgar's daughter Freawaru is promised
in marriage to Ingeld, and that the Danish king hopes thereby to
terminate the feud between the two peoples (2024 ft.). Beowulf goes on
to foretell that these hopes will prove vain (2067-9). That this was
actually the case we learn from Widsith, 11. 45-49, which tells how
Ingeld made an unsuccessful attack upon Hrothwulf and Hrothgar at
" Hrojjwulf and Hro'Sgar heoldon longest
sibbe setsomne suhtorfsedran,
hy forwrSoon Wicinga cynu

and Ingeldes ord forbigdan,

forheowan set Heorote HeatSobeardna J>rym."

The story of Ingeld (Ingellus) is also told by Saxo Grammaticus,

though with some essential variations.
Cf. Clark, Sidelights, 103, etc. ; Widsith, Introduction, pp. 79-81.
Ingwlne used in Beowulf, 1044, 1319, as synonymous with Danes.' It is
is '

obviously connected with the term Ingsevones,' which, according to


Tacitus, was the name of those Germanic peoples who dwelt proximi
Oceano. Ing, the eponymous hero from whom the Ingwine claimed
to derive their name, is referred to in the Bunic Poem, 67-8 :
Ing was
first seen among the East Danish folk.'
Cf. Chadwick, Origin, 209, 287-90, 295-6.
lofor, 2993, 2997; see Eofor.
Merewloiug {gen. Merewioingas 2921), the Merwing or Merovingian king of
the Franks.
NsBgllng, 2680, the name of the sword which Beowulf used in his encounter
with the dragon.
NorV-Dene, 783, North-Danes ; see Dene.
Offa, 1949, 1957, king of the Angles (' Offa weold Ongle,' Widsith, 1. 35). The
Persons and Places 175
reference to Offa as a descendant of Garmund and ancestor of Eomsar
[MS. geomor] identifies him with Ofia son of WsBrmund, whose name
occurs in the Mercian pedigree twelve generations above that of Offa II,
the historic king of Mercia. Offa the First must, if this pedigree is
accurate, have ruled over the Angles towards the end of the fourth century,
whilst they were still dwelling on the Continent; and there is very little

doubt that he actually did so. His warlike exploits are alluded to in
Widsith (11. 35-44), and much later we have a detailed account of
them in the Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus, and in the Life of
Offa I, written at St Albans (both documents belonging to about the
year 1200).
The Beowulf poet gives no details of these warUke exploits, but
speaks at some length of Thryth, the fierce queen of Ofia. In the
Lives of the Two Offas, Thryth has been confused with Cynethryth,
the historic wife of Offa II, and the story of the fierce wife is attributed
in an altered form to the later king. There is little doubt, however,
that the tale really belongs to Ofia I, and that Thryth is a type of the

perilous maiden, known to Germanic and classical story, who causes

her wooers to be slain,
till at length she meets with her destined lover.

See Suchier in F.B.B. iv. 500; Chadwiok, Origin, 118-145; Widsith,

Introduction, pp. 84-92 Introduction to Beowulf; and especially

Bickert in Mod. Phil. ii. 29-76, 321-376.

Ohthere (gen. Ohteres 2380, 2394, 2612, Ohtheres 2928, 2932), son of the
Swedish king Ongentheow, and father of Eanmund and Eadgils.
Onela, 2616, 2932, brother of Ohthere, and king of Sweden at the time of
the rebeUion of Eanmund and Eadgils. He invades the land of the
Geatas, and slays Heardred (2387). At a later time Beowulf avenges
his late king by supporting Eadgils in an invasion of Sweden, in which
Onela is slain
(2391 fi.) See £ad^s.

Ongen)>eow (nom. Ongenfeow 2486, Ongenjiio 2924, 2951, Ongenbiow 2961;

gen. OngenJ^eowes 2475, Ongenjjeoes 1968, Ongenjjioes 2387; dat. On-
genjiio 2986), king of the Swedes, and father of Onela and Ohthere.
The early strife between the Swedes and the Geatas, in which he plays
the leading part, is told in fi., and more fully in 11. 2910-98.
11. 2472
In retaliation for the marauding invasions of Onela and Ohthere (2475),
Hsetheyn invades Sweden, and captures Ongeutheow's queen. Ongen-
theow then invades the land of her captor, whom he slays, and rescues
his wife; but in his hour of triumph he is attacked in his turn by
Hygelao near Eavenswood, and falls by the hand of Eofor (q.v.).
Ordlaf, a Danish warrior engaged against the Frisians {Finnsburg, 18). In
the Finnesburh episode in Beowulf (1148) he is called Oslaf, but that
Ordlaf is the more correct form is clear from the Danish form of the

name in the Skjgldunga Saga Oddleif. See Gu^af.
Oslaf, 1148 ; see Ordlaf.
Sii-Geatas, 1850, 1986, Sea-Geatas; see Geatas.
Scede-land (pi.), 19, = Sceden-Ig (q.v.).

Soeden-Ig (dat. Sceden-igge 1686; 0. Norse Skaney), the most southern

portion of the Scandinavian peninsula. See note to 1. 1686.

176 Beowulf
ScSfing, 4 ; see Scyld.
Scyld Sceflng, 4, 19, 26, the mythical founder of the Danish Scylding
dynasty. He comes as a child across the sea, and, after a glorious
reign, his body is sent back in a funeral ship over the ocean. His
mysterious advent rather precludes the idea of his parentage being
known. We may then interpret Scyld Scefing not as '
son of Soeaf
but as 'Scyld with the sheaf,' for according to one version the child
was found in the boat with his head resting on a sheaf of corn. Or we
may suppose that the story was originally told of Sceaf, and has
been transferred to Scyld. The names of both Scyld and Soeaf occur
in the West Saxon genealogy, and two Anglo-Latin historians, Ethel-
werd and William of Malmesbury, tell the tale, but make the hero
Sceaf, not Scyld.
See Chadwick, Origin, 274-285 ; Widsith, Introduction, pp. 117-
121 ; Introduction to Beowulf.
Scylding (Seilding 2105), 1792, the Scylding, i.e. Hrothgar.
Scyldingas (Scyldungas 2052; gen. Scildunga 2101, Scyldunga 2159, Soyl-
dinga 30, etc.), 58, etc., the Soyldings, descendants of Scyld (q.v.), the
name Danish dynasty, commonly extended to include
of the reigning
the Danish people. They are also called Ar-Scyldingas, Here-SeyMingas,
Sige-Scyldingas, and Jxod-Seyldingas (q.v.). Of. Chadwick, Origin,
284, and see Dene.
Scylflng (Soilfing 2968), 2487, the Scylfing, i.e. Ongentheow.
Scylflngas, 2381, the Scylfings, the name of the reigning Swedish dynasty,
extended to the Swedish people in the same way as Scyldings to the '

Danes. They are also called GuS-Scylfingas, HeaSo-Scylfingas (q.v.).

Cf. Chadwick, Origin, 250.
If the MS. reading of 1. 2603 is correct, Beowulf's kinsman Wiglaf
belongs to the family of the Scylfings as well as to that of the Wseg-
mundings (2814). Wiglaf may have been related to the Swedish house
through his mother Wiglaf 's father Weohstan had been in the service

of the Swedish king, and may well have wedded a Swedish princess.
Sigemund, 875, 884, son of Wsels, and uncle of Pitela. In our poem
Sigemund slays the dragonin the Vglsunga Saga and the Nibelungen-

lied, it is Sigemnnd's son, Sigurd or Siegfried, who does the deed.

See 11. 874-900. Cf. Chadwick, Origin, 148, 299 Binz in P.B.B. ;

XX. 191.
Sige-Scyldingas, 597, 2004, Victory-Seyldings, a name of the Danes; see
SIlS-Dene, 463, 1996, South-Danes; see Dene.
Sweon, 2472, 2946*, 2958, 3001, the Swedes, called also 'Sweo->eod,' and
their country 'Swio-rioe.' They are ruled by the Scylfing dynasty.
Their home was in Sweden, north of the Geatas.
Sweo-)>eod, 2922, = Sweon (q.v.).

Swerting, 1203. Hygelac is called his nefa.' '

Swio-rlce, 2383, 2495, the land of the Swedes', modern Svea Bike see SwSon. ;

Jjeod-Scyldingas, 1019, 'the mighty nation of the Scyldings,' a name of

the Danes ; see Scyldingas.
Persons and Places 177
pry*, 1931, wife of the Angle king Offa (q.v.), is introduced in contrast to
Hjgd, in much the same way asHeremod is a foil to Beowulf. She is
at first the type of cruelty. But by her marriage with Offa she is
subdued and changed. See 11. 1931-62.
UnferiS, 499, 530, 1165, 1488 (his name is always 'Hunfer«' in the MS.,
but alliterates with vowels), son of Eoglaf, and spokesman (1165, 1456)
of Hrothgar, at whose feet he sits (500, 1166). He is of a jealous dis-
position (508-6), and is twice spoken of as the murderer of his own
brothers (587, 1167). For his flyting with Beowulf see U. 506-606.

He afterwards lends his sword Hrunting for Beowulf's encounter with

Grendel's mother (1455), but it fails the hero at need (1522, 1659).
The sword is returned to Unferth, and according to one interpretation
by Unferth to Beowulf (1807).
finally given
has been conjectured that Unferth is the evil counsellor, through
whose advice trouble arose between Hrothgar and Hrothulf (q.v.).
WSgrnundingas, 2607, 2814, Wsegmundings, the family to which both Beo-
wulf and Wiglaf belong see Soylflngaa.

Wsels, 897, father of Sigemund ; see also Fitela.

Wselsing, 877, son of Waels, i.e. Sigemund.
WealliJ>eow, 612 (Wealhf>eo, 664, 1162, 1215; dat. WealhJ>eon, 629), of the
family of the Helmings (620), Hrothgar's queen. Mention is made of
her queenly hospitality to Beowulf (612 ff., 1188 ff., 1215 ft.).
Wederas (gen. Wedera 225, etc. but the second scribe uses the contracted

gen. Wedra everywhere but in 1. 2336 see 11. 2120, 2462, etc.), = Weder-
' ' ;

Geatas, a name of the Geatas (q.v.).

Weder-Geatas, 1492, 1612, 2379, 2551 see Wederas. ;

Wedei-mearo, 298, Wedermark, apparently a name for the land of the

Wederas or Weder-Geatas, i.e. the Geatas.
WSland, 455 (the Vglundr of the Bdda), the famous smith of Germanic
legend, the maker of Beowulf's coat of mail. (See the Franks' casket
in the British Museum, and of. Wayland Smith's forge in Berkshire.)
The best account of Weland will be found in Jiriczek, Die Deutsche
Heldensage, 1898, pp. 1-54.
Wendlas, 348. Wulfgar (q.v.) is a 'chief of the Wendlas.' They are
probably the inhabitants of Vendill, the modern Vendsyssel in the
north of Jutland. We have evidence that the northern portion of
Jutland was, at the time of Hrothgar, inhabited by a Danish folk : the
Wendlas are therefore probably to be regarded as a Danish clan, subject
to Hrothgar.
It is just possible,however, that the Wendlas are the Vandals of
history,whose name was long remembered, though at this date they
had migrated far south. If so, Wulfgar would be a wandering champion
who has settled at the court of Hrothgar. [So Mullenhoff^"-*", Bugge'.]
There was also a famous Vendil, north of Upsala, but it is not very
probable that the Wendlas here referred to are connected with it. See
Widsith, 1. 59, and the note there given.
WSoIiBtan, 2613 (gen. Weohstanes 2862, Weoxstanes 2602, Wihstanes 2752,
etc.), father of Wiglaf, and slayer of Eanmund (q.v.).

B. 12

178 Beowulf
West-Dene, 383, 1578, West-Danes see Dene. ;

WIglaf, son of Weohstan. He

a kinsman of Beowulf (2813), a Wseg-

munding (2814), and a chief of the Scylfings (2608). He was chosen

' '

with ten others (2401, 2847) to accompany Beowulf on his expedition

against the dragon (2638 ff.), and he alone justified the choice. Taking
shelter under Beowulf's shield (2675), he showed the utmost valour,
and was the iirst to wound the dragon (2694 ff.). To him alone Beowulf
made his dying speech,and gave his dying bequests (2809 ff.). He up-
braids the coward thanes (2886), and gives orders for the burial of the
hero in accordance with his dying instructions (2802, 3094 ad fin.).
WiBergyld, 2051 (see note), the name of a Heathobeard warrior.

Wonred, 2971, father of Wulf and Eofor (q.v.).

WonrediEff, 2965, son of Wonred, i.e. Wulf (q.v.).
Wulf, 2965, 2993, son of Wonred and brother of Eofor (q.v.). Wulf attacks
Ongentheow and is disabled by him, but his brother Eofor comes to his
aid and slays Ongentheow single-handed (2964 ff.)
Wulfgar, 848, 360, 890*, a chief of the Wendlas (q.v.); an official of
Hrothgar's court, who is the first to greet the Geatas (331 ff.), and
introduces them to Hrothgar.
Wylflngas Wilfingum 461, Wylfingum 471). Heatholaf, who was slain

by Beowulf's father, was a warrior of this tribe. They are probably

identical with the Wulfingas mentioned in Widsith, 29, and with the
WUlfinge who in High German story are the faithful retainers of
Theodorio of Verona (Dietrich von Bern). This last identification
derives some support from the fact that in both cases members of the
family form their names by compounds in heaSo : e.g. Heatholaf,
Yrmenlaf, 1324, younger brother of .ffischere (q.v.).
. :

The order of words is strictly alpliabetical, except in the case of
compound verbs, which will be found under their simple verbs.

Past participles compounded with ge- are usually glossed under the
simple verb (Sieversj § 366), but occasionally an infinitive also compounded
with ge- is assumed.
ae comes between ad and af
V and (> are treated as identical, and come after t.

Numerous cross references are given, especially for unusual forms, but
not as a rule for mere flexional forms, such as parts of verbs, which a know-
ledge of grammar should suiSoe to trace.

All words are glossed under forms which actually occur in the poem, not
under normaUsed forms. When divergent forms of the same word occur and
cross references are not given,
io (both initial and medial) should be sought under eo,
y „ i,
a (before nasals) ,, o.

Dative and Instrumental are not distinguished, except when they have
different forms, as in the singular of adjectives and of some pronouns.

Where the Modem English word Is directly connected with the given
Old EngUsh equivalent it is printed In small capitals. But the student
must remember that In 'Beowulf we normally find the word in its West
Saxon form, which often differs from that Anglian form fl'om which the
modem word is derived. Where the Modern EngUsh word is descended from a
related word, whether in O.E. or belonging to some other Gtermanic dialect.
It is printed in small italic capitals. Such related words may naturally
show umlaut changes or a different ablaut-grade.
Of course the Modern English etymological equivalent is often quite
unsatisfactory as a translation. See Preface, p. zzxiv.
Gothic cognates have been given in eases where it appeared that they
would be helpful, but not in cases where the Gothic parallel, without further
details, might mislead a student (e.g. Goth, cwens, O.E. cwen). When
doubtful whether or not to insert a Gothic cognate, I have quoted it if it
occurs in parts of the Gothic Bible usually read by students, but have avoided
exceptional words.
An Asterisk is placed after the reference in cases where the word is not
found in the MS., but is conjecturaUy restored.

The following abbreviations alone require explanation

N.B. All compound verbs must be sought under their simple verbs.

w. m., vexation, 502.

seg-hwa, seg-hwaet, jprore., each, every
a, adv., AT, ever, always, 283, etc. one, every man, etc., 1384.
[Gf. Goth, kiw.]
rag-hwses, gen. neut. used ad-
ac, conj., but, 109, etc. [Of. Goth.
verHally, in every respect, alto-
ak.] _gether, 1865, 1886, 2624, 3135.
ac, adv., interr.,='La,t. nonne, used SBg-hwser, adv., everywHEKE, 1059.
to mark a question, 1990. fflg-hwsB'Ser, pron. eithek, each {usu.

ad, St. m. funeral pile, pyre, 1110 etc.

, , of two), 2564, 2844: .Sghwse^res
ad-faru, st. /., [pyre-FAKing] way sceal scearp soyldwiga gesoad
on to the funeral pile, 3010. witan, worda ond worca, a sharp '

adl, St. f. buming-fever, hence sick-

, shield-warrior must know the dif-
ness, 1736, etc. ,
ference between words and works,'
ader, st.f., stream, channel, vein; 287 earfo^lJce heora seghwsetSrum,

dat. pi. blod edrum dranc, drank ' '

with difficulty for each one of
blood in streams, or from his '
_them,' 1636.
_ veins,' 742; cf. 2966. SBg-hwylc,
89dre, adv., quickly, 77, etc. (1) pron., each,
everyone, 984,
^fen, St. m. and neut., even, evening, etc.; with gen., 1050, etc.;
_ 1235, 2303. (2) adj., each, every, 621, etc.
sfen-grom, adj., [EVENing-angry] saglssca, see aglaca.
fierce in the evening, 2074. 3Sg-weard, st. /., sea-wASD, watch
Sfen-leoht, st. neut., EVENing-LiGHi, by the sea-coast, 241.
_413. aaht, St. /., owning, possession,
SBfen-rsest, st.f., EVENing-EEsr, 646, power, 42, 516, etc. [Cf. Goth.
_1252. _ Mhts and O.E. agan.]
asfen-spisec, st. /., EVEHing-sPEECH, abt, St. /., pursuit, chase, 2957 (see
759. note).
sefnan, see efhan. -sebted, see eahtian.
xtre, adv., evek, at any time, 70, etc. seled, St. m., fire, 3015.
sefter, prep., aftek (1) time; 85, 117, ieled-leoma, w. m., fire-gleam, torch,
etc. (2) relation concerning, ac-
: 3125.
cording to, 332, 944, etc. (3) posi- ael-fylce, st. neut., alien folk,
tion: along, on the side of, 140, foreign nation, 2371. [bbI, cf.
995, etc. Mtter beome, 'after Goth, aljis fylce, cf. folc]

(the death of) the warrior,' 2260; sel-militig, adj. [cf. eaU], almighty;
ffifter ma'SSum-welan, ' after
ob- weak, Be ^Imihtiga, 92.
taining wealth of treasure,' 2750; sel-wiht, St. /., [alien-wioHT] strange
with the tide, 580,
oaf ter f arotSe, '
_ monster, 1500.
3096 {see note). [Cf. Goth, aftra.] sene, adv., osce, once only, 3019.
sefter, adv., aeteb, afterwards, 1389, asnig, adj.-pron., any, anyone, 474,
315 (thereupon), etc. eafera ffifter ; 503, etc. rumi. nses se folc-oyniug

cenned, 'a son born coming after ymbe-sittendra Snig Sara fe,
him,' 12; so 2731. among neighbouring
:;' ;;

Glossary 181
there^was not one that,' 2734. at the hands of, from, 629, etc. nu :

_For EBnige }>inga see jjing. is se rSd gelang eft est ^e auum,
sen-llo, adj., \[otiE-ixss\ unique, ' now is the rede again along of
_ peerless, 251, 1941.
_ thee alone,' 1377.
senne, see i,n. set, St. n., EATing, meal, 3026.
seppel-fealu, adj., apple-p allow, aet-gSBdere, adv., toGETHEK, 321,
_ apple or reddish yellow, 2165. etc.; after samod, 'all together,'
JBr, adv., EBE, erst, before, formerly,
329^ etc.
15, ete.j earlier, 2500 ; first, 3038. 8Bt-grEBpe, adj., at grips with,
no J>y ser, 'none the sooner,' 754, 1269.
etc. ; ffir he feorh sole's... Sr he..., set-rilite, adv., almost, 1657.
'he will sooner give up life than set-sonme, adv., together, 307, etc.
he^ .
1370. ' [C/. Goth. Mris.] SBttren, adj., poisonous, 1617.
aer is often used simply to mark se)>ele, adj., noble, 198, etc.
that the verb is pluperfect : sweord sebeling, st. m., atheling, noble,
ffir gemealt, the sword had melted,
' prince, 3, etc.
1615. Of. 2562, 2777, 3060. se)ielu,St. neut. (always pi. in ^Beo-
seror, com/par., before, formerly, wulf), noble descent, lineage,
first, 809, etc. 332*, 392: sejielum god, diore,
ierest, sv/perl., [ekst] first, 6, good, dear, by virtue of lineage,'

_eto. _ 1870, 1949.

E9r, prep., with dat., eke, before, aetSm, st. m., breath," 2593.
_1388, etc. agan, pret. pres. v., pres. ah, pret.
SBr, conj. EKE, before
, usu. with : ahte (ought) ows, possess, have,

sulyj.252, etc.; with indie. 2019. 487, etc. ; absolutely, 31 (but see
Correl. with Sr adv. (q. v.), 1371. note). Neg. form nah=ne-(-ah,
ser )>on, conj., eke, 731. 2252. [Cf. Goth. Aigan.]
ser-dseg, st. m., [eke-dat] morning agen, adj. (pp. of agan), own, 2676.
twilight, day-break, 126, etc. Agend, st. m. (pres. part.), owwer,
iirende, st. neut., ebrand, 270, 345. perhaps = God, 3075 (see note to
srest, see ar. U. 3074-5).
99r-fseder, st. m. , [eee-pathek] father, agend-frea, w. m., oir^ing lord,
_ 2622. owner, _1883*.
ser-gestreon, st. neut., [ERE-treasure] aglseca, SBgleeca, w. m. : adversary
ancient treasure, former gain, 1757, hence: (1) monster, 159, 425, 433,
_ 2232. 556, 592, 732, 739, 816, 1000,
:sr-g^eweorc, st. neut., [eee-wokk] 1269, 2520, 2534, 2557, 2905,
ancient work, 1679. ahlascan, 646, 989; (2) champion,
Eer-god, adj., [eke-good] good before 893, perhaps 1512 (see note)
others, very good, 130, 989, etc. both meanings combined, 2592.
sm, St. neut., house, 2225*. [C/. aglSc-wK, St. neut., monster- wife ;
Goth, razn, and O.E. renweardas, nom. Grendles modor, ides, aglSc-
_ 1.770.] wif, 1259.
arra, compar. adj. (formed from adv. ah, ahte, see agan.
Sr), earlier, former »rran : ahsian, (ascian), w. v., learn by
mSlum, in former times,' 907,
' ASKing, 423, 483, 1206. [Bievers,
_2237, 3035. § 204. 3.]
aer-wela, w. m., [eke-weal] ancient aht ( = a-wiht), St. neut., aught;
_ wealth, 2747. with gen. aht cwices, 'aught liv-
sea, St. neut. carrion, carcase, corpse
, ing,' 2314; see also o-wlht.
dat. atol Sse wlanc, the dire '
aider, see ealdor.
creature carrion-proud' (Grendel's Al-walda, Alwealda, w. m., the
mother exulting over jEsohere's ALL-ifTEicer, God, 316, 928, 955,
corpse), 1332. 1314.
sesc, St. m., [ash] spear, 1772. an, 1225, pres. sg. 1st o/unnan, q. v.
sesc-holt, St. neut., [ash- wood] spear, an, prep., see on.
330. an, num. (adj. and pron.), ace. sg.
aesc-wiga, w. m. [ASH-warrior] spear-
m. arme and snne:
warrior, 2042. (1) ONE, AN, A, 46, 100, 135, etc.
set, prep, with dat., at, in, of time, with the def. art. 1053, 2237;
place and circumstance, 32, etc. emphatic, sometimes perha/ps de-

182 Beowulf
monstrative, 1458, 1885, 2410, crete sense, estate, 2606; gen. pi.
2774 : weak masc. ana, only, ama, 1187 ;dat. pi. arum healdan,
aloNE, 145, etc. on Bnne bKS,
' hold in (with) honour, hold safe,'
'once,' 1579; gen. pi. anra geh- 296, 1099, 1182.
wylces, gehwylcum, ' of, to, each ar-fsest, adj., [kindness-FAST] merci-
one,' 732, 784; (=Lat. alter) an ful [cf. Klaeber«9J 1168.
sefter anum, the one for the
' arian, w. v., with dat., respect, spare,
other,' 2461. 598.
(2) oNly, aloNE, 46, 1377, 2964 -am, see -iernaa.
(sole) ; gen. anes hwset, a part ' ar-stafas, st. m. pi, only, favour,
only,' 3010. [C/. Goth, iins.] mercy, kindness, 317, 882, 458.
ancor, st. m., anchoa, 303, 1883. atellc, adj., horrible, dire, 784.
[From Lat. ancora.] ater-tan, st. m., poison-twig, 1459
and, see end. (see note). [Cf. Goth, tains, and
auda, w. m., indignation, evil intent, Mod. Eng. toe in mistletoe.]
mischief, 2814 ; dat. wrajjum on atol, eatol, adj., dire, horrible, 159*,
andan, ' meaning mischief to the etc. ; dat. pi. atolan, 1502.
foe,' 708. [Cf. Goth, us-anan, attor, St. neut., poison, venom, 2715
breathe out. '] gen. sg. attres, 2523*.
and-glt, St. neut., understanding, in- attor-scea%a, w. in., [poison-
telligence, 1059. BCATHer] poisonous foe, 2839.
and-lean, see ond-lean. aU, St. m., OATH, 472, etc. [Cf.
and-long, see ond-long. Goth. 4i}is.]
and-rysno, st. /., etiquette, courtesy, aS-sweord, st. n., OATH-swEABing,
attention due, 1796. oath, 2064.
and-weard, adj. ace. neut., sweord
: aUum-swerlan, w. m. pi., father-
swate fah swin of er-helme... and- in-law and son-in-law dat. aiSum-

weard scire'S, the blood-stained

' swerian, 84 (but see note).
sword cuts the opposed boar,' awa, adv., aye, ever; in awa to
i.e. the boar standing on the op- aldre, 'for ever and ever,' 955;
posed (foe's) helmet, 1287. see also a.
and-wlita, w. m., face, countenance,
689. B
an-feald, adj., onefold, plain, frank,
256. [Cf. Goth. 4infal|)S.] ba,bam, see begen.
anga, w. adj., oNly, sole, 375, 1262, bsdan, w. v., constrain, oppress,
1547, 2997. [Cf. Goth, ainaha.] urge, encourage, 2018 (see note);
aiig;eng(e)a, w. m., [oNE-ooer] one pp. gebffided, 2580, 2826, 3117.
who goes alone (of Grendel), 165, [Cf. Goth, baidjan.]
449. bWl, St. neut., fire, burning, 2308,
an-haga, w. m., a solitary, 2368. 2322 b§l, 2126 (see note) the fire
; ;

an-bar, adj., hoary, 357* (see note). _of the funeral pile, pyre, 1109, etc.
an-hydig, adj., resolute, 2667. bsel-tyr, St. neut., fibe of the funeral
an-mod, adj., resolute, F. 13. pile, 3148.
3,n-pseS, st. m., [one-path] lonesome liiel-stede, st. m., pyre-siEAD, place
path, or single track, 1410. of the funeral pUe, 3097.
an-raed, adj., resolute, 1529 (see basl-wudu, St. m., pyre- wood, wood
note), 1575. _for the funeral pile, 8112.
an-Bund, adj., sound, 1000. bSBT, St. /., BIEE, 3105.
an-syn, see on-syn. -bssran, w. v.
an-tid, St. /., 219 (see note). ge-bieran, w. v., bear oneself,
anunga, adv., oNce for all, utterly, behave, fare, 2824; with two com-
634 paratives, ne gefrsegen ic [la mffig)>e
An-walda, w. m., [os-wiBLDer'] God, maran weorode...sel gebSran, 'I
1272. heard not that that people in
anwlg-gearu, adj., prepared for greater numbers ever bore them-
single combat, 1247 (see note). selves better,' 1012; cf. P. 40.
ar, St. m., messenger, 336, 2788. bssman, w. v., trans., bubn, 1116,
[Cf. Goth, fcus.] 2318. [Cf. Goth, -gabrannjan.]
ar, St. /., honour, kindness, benefit, forbsernan, w. v., trans., bum
favour, grace, 2378, 1272 ; in con- up, 2126.

Glossary 183
l>3ataii, w. v., bridle, hit: pp. gebseted, beado-grlma, w. m., battle-mask,
1399. helmet, 2257.
bBBlJ, St. neut.,bath, 1861. beado-brsegl, st. neut., [battle-BAiL]
baldor, see bealdor. coat of mail, 552.
balu, adj., BALEful;, balwon, beado-leoma, w. m., [battle-ray]
977. sword, 1528.
ban, St. neut., bone, 2578 (of the beado-mece ,st.m. ,battle-sword, 1454.
dragon's teeth), 2692. beado-rinc, st. m., [battle-]warrior,
bana, see bona. 1109.
ban-cofa, jo. m., [bone-cove] body, beadu-folm, st.f., battle-hand, 990.
1445. beadu-lac, st. neut., battle-play,
ban-fset, st. neut. [bone-vat] body, battle, war, 1561.
ace. pi. ban-fatu, 1116. beadu-rof, adj., battle-strong, 3160.
Mn-fSg, adj., BONE-dight, adorned beadu-rlln, st. /., [hattle-BUNE]
with antlers, 780. quarrel, 501.
ban-belm, st. m., P. 32 (see note). beadu-sceaxp, adj., battle-SHAEP,
b3,n-taTing, st. m., bone-bing, verte- 2704.
bra, 1567. beadu-scrtld, st. neut., [battle-
bg,n-h11s, St. neut. bone-house, body,
, sHKOun] coat of mail, 458, 2660*
2508, 3147. (see note),
b^n-loca, w. m., bone-xoc^, joint, beadu-serce, w. /., battle-sAKK, coat
818 ; BONE-iocirer, body, 742. of mail; ace. sg. beadu-sercean,
bannan, st. v. [cf. ban in sense of 2755. [Sieversj § 159, 1, 2.]
sununon ']. beadu- weorc, st. neut., battle-woBK,
ge-bannan, st. v., order; inf. battle, 2299* (but see note),
Sa io wide gefrssgn weoro geban- beag, beab, st. m., ring, circlet
nan manigre mMg]ie, then I learnt '
(armlet, necklace, etc.), money,
that orders for the work were given treasure, 35, 80, etc.; ace. sing.
widely to many a tribe, 74. ' used collectively, beg, 3168. [Cf.
bat, St. m., BOAT, 211. O.E. biigan.]
bat-weard, st. m., boat-waed, 1900. beag-gyfa, w. m., rmg-oiyer, 1102.
be, bl, prep., with dat., by in its beag-liroden,[0.£.*hreo5an,'adom']
various meanings, originally and adj. {pp.), ring-adorned, 628.
usu. local, more rarely instru- beab-hord, st. neut., ring-HOAKo,
mental (nearer in meaning to 894, etc.
German bei than Eng. by) : BEside, beab-sele, st. to., ring-hall, hall in
near, by, 36, 814, 1191, 1537, which rings were given, 1177.
1722, 1872, 1905, 1950, 2243, beah-)>egu, st.f., ring-receiving, 2176
2538, 2716, 2756; by, along, 566 (referring to Hygd's receiving
(rest), 1188 (motion), 1578; by from Beowulf the necklace which
(in 'I'U do my duty by you'), in Wealhtheow gave him).
connexion with, 1723. Following beab-writSa, w. m., riag-wBEATH,
its case, him big, 3047. WSpen circlet, 2018.
hafenade heard be hiltum, raised ' bealdian, w. v., bear oneself BOLDly,
the sharp weapon by the hilt,' 2177.
1574 ; be ^e lifigendum, during '
bealdor, baldor, st. m., prince, lord,
thy life,' 2665; wses se gryre Isessa 2428, 2567. [Cf O.N. Baldr.]
efne swa miele, swa bi^ msegjia bealo, bealu, st. neut., bale, evil, wffipned-men, ' the terror ruin, 2826; gen. pi. bealwa, 909,
was less even by so much, as is bealuwa, 281, bealewa, 2082.
women's power beside (in com- bealo, bealu, adj., see balu.
parison with) a man,' 1284. bealo-cwealm, st. m., BALEful or
be (bl) sSm tweonum = be- violent death, 2265.
tweonum s£em, between the ' bealo-hycgende, adj. (pres. part.),
seas,' 858, 1297, 1685, 1956. [BALE-thinking] intending evil,
beacen, st. neut., beacon, 570, 2777 2565.
nom. been, 3160. bealo-bydig, adj. ,
beacnian, w. v., [beckon] indicate intending evil, 723.
pp. gebeacnod, 140. bealo-niS, st. m., [BALB-envy, -hate,
beado, beadu, st. f. , battle, war, 709 -mischief] baleful envy, malicious
gen. beaduwe, 2299 *,beadwe, 1589. hatred, 1758, 2404, 2714.
,; .

184 Beowulf
bearlitin, st. m. a-beodan, st. v., announce,
brightness, 1766 (see note). 390; offer, 668; pret. him hiel
(2) sound, 1431.
ahead, 'bade him hail, wished
bearm, st. m., [baem] lap, bosom, him health,' 653; hSlo ahead,
35, etc., 21*, 2404 (possession). 'bade farewell,' 2418.
[Of. Goth, barms.] be-beodan, st. v., bid, com-
beam, st. neut., baien, child, son, mand, order, 401, 1975.
59, etc. ; pi. ylda beam, 605, ge-beodan, st. v., proclaim,
gumena beam, 878, niWa bearn(a) offer, give, 603, 2369; inf. het )>a

1005, the ohUdren ol men.' \_Cf.

' gebeodan byre Wihstanes...hEB-
Goth, barn.] le^a monegum, 'then the son of
beam-gebyrdo, st. /., BAiEN-B/Bth, Weohstan ordered that it should
child-bearing; gen. 946. be proclaimed to many heroes,'
beam, st. m., grove, wood, 1363. 3110.
beatau, st. v., beat, smite, paw, beod-geneat, st. m., board-comrade,
2265; pp. gebeaten, 2359. table-companion, 343, 1713.
been, see beaceu. beon, irreg. v., 'EE,pres. sg. 3rd bi'S,
bed(d), St. neut., bed, 140, etc. [Cf. 183, etc., byS, 1002, 2277; pi.
Goth, badi.] beoS, 1838, bioS, 2063; imperat.
be-foran, adv., beeoee ; of place, sg. beo, 386, etc., bio, 2747.
1412, of time, 2497. bgor, St. neut., beee, beer-drinking,
be-foran, prep., with ace., befoee, 480, 531, 2041.
1024. beorgan, st. v., with dat., defend,
beg, see beag. protect, save, 1293, 1445; pret.
begen, m., ba, /. and neut., num. pi. burgan, 2599. [Cf. Goth.
and adj.-pron., both, 536, etc. bairgan.]
gen. bega foloes, ' of the folk of be-beorgan, st. v., ward (a
both [peoples],' 1124; bega wen, danger) from oneself: construed
expectation of both things,' 1873.
(1) with refl. dat. of the person,
be-gong, be-gang, st. m., extent, him bebeorgan ne con, 'he cannot
expanse, compass, circuit, 362, save himself,' 1746; (2) with dat.
860, etc.; ace. bigong, 2367. of the person and ace. of the thing,
belgan, st. v., swell with anger, 1758.
anger oneself; pp. gebolgen ge-beorgan, st. v., with dat.,
'swollen,' 2401, 'swollen with protect, save; pret. gebearg, 2570,
anger, enraged,' 723* (see note), gebearh, 1548.
1539,2220*,ete.;;)J.gebolgne,14Bl. ymb-beorgan, st. v., [about-
a-belgan, st. v., anger; pret. proteot] surround and protect 1503 ,

abealoh, 2280. beorb, biorh, beorg, st. m., baeeow,

ge-belgan, st. v., with dat., hiU, mountain, grave-mound, 211,
anger; pret. suhj. gebulge, 2331. etc.
ben, St. /., [bene] boon, request, beorbt, adj., bkight, light, shining,
428, 2284. splendid, 158, 231, etc.; weaTc
bena, w. m., suppliant, 352, 364; forms, beorhte, 997, byrhtan,
nom. swa he bena wffis, 'as he 1199, etc. [Cf. Goth, bairhts.]
had begged,' 3140. beorbtost, superl., eeightest,
bene, st.f., bench, 327, etc. 2777.
benc-sweg, st. m., BBNOH-sound, beorhte, adv., sEioHTly, 1517.
noise from the benches, 1161. beorbtian, w. v., intrans., BEioHien,
beno-(>el, st. neut., [benoh-theal] sound clearly, 1161 (see note).
bench-board, bench, 486, 1239. beom, bloru, st. m., hero, warrior,
bend, st. m. /., band, bond, 977, 211, 856, 1024, etc.
1609. [Cf. Goth, bandi.] beornan, see byrnan.
ben-geat, st. neut., wound-OATE, beom-cyning, st. m., warrior-KiNO,
opening of a wound, 1121. 2148.
benn, st. /., wound, 2724. [Cf. beor-seealc, st. m., [BEEK-senescH^i]
Goth, banja.] drinker, comrade, 1240.
beodan, blodan, st. v. beor-sele, blor-sele, st. m., beek-

(1) announce, 2892. hall, 482, 2635, etc.

(2) offer, give, 385, 1085, 2957. beor-Jiegu, st. f. [sEEE-taking] beer-

[Cf. Goth, -biudan.] drinking, 117, 617.

Glossary 185
bSot, St. neut., vow, boast, 80, 523. biddan, st. v., [bid] ask, beg, pray,
[Cf. Goth. biMit, 'strife.'] 29, 176, 1994, etc.; pret. sg. bsed
biotian, w. v. hine blrSne, 'begged him to be
ge-beotian, w. u., vow, boast, blithe,' 617; with ace. pers. and
480, 536. gen. rei, io t>e... biddan wille...
beot-word, st. neut., [boast-woRD] anre bene, 'I will ask of thee one
boastful word, 2510. boon,' 427; frio'So-wtere bsed
beran, st. v. hlaford sinne, 'asked peace of his
(1) BEAK, carry, wear, 48, 437, lord,' 2282. [Cf Goth, bidjau.]
2055, 2281, etc.; pres. sg. _3rd, big, see bl.
byre^, 296, etc.; pret. pi. bSron, blgong, see begong.
213, etc., bSran, 2850. bll(l), sP, neut,, bell, sword, 40, etc.
(2) BEAK, give birth to; pp. gebo- bindan, st. v., bind: pp. bunden,
ren, born, 1703. 216 (see note), 1285, 1900; ge-
set-beran, st. v., beak to, carry bunden, 871, 1531, 1743, 2111.
to, bear, 28, 519, etc. ge-bindan, st. v., bind, 420.
for-beran, st. v., forbear, re- on-blndan, st. v., unbind; pret.
strain, 1877. sg. onband beadu-rune, 'opened a
on-beran, st. v., beak off, rifle, quarrel,' 501.
impair, diminish, 990, 2284. bisgu, blsigu, see bysigu.
o|)-beran, st. v., bear to, bear, bitaii, St. v., BITE, out, 742, 1454, etc.
579. bite, St. m. bite, 2060, 2259.

berian, w. v., bare, clear, 1239. biter, adj., bitter, cutting, sharp,
berstan, st. v., intrans., burst, 760 furious, 1431, 1746, 2704; dat.
(crack), 818, 1121, F. 32. pi. biteran, 2692.
for-beratan, st. v., intrans., bitre, adv., BiTTEKly, 2331.
burst, break in pieces, snap, 2680. blao, adj., BLEAK, bright, brilliant,
betan, ?c. v. [C/. Goth, botjan.] 1517.
g;e-betan, w. v., amend, make blsec, adj., black, 1801.
good, requite, 1991, 2465; pp. blied, St. TO., breath, life, prosperity,
pi. gebette, 830. renown, 18, 1124, 1703, 1761.
betera, adj. compar. (o/god), better, blsed-agande, adj. {pres. part.),
469, 1703. [C/. Goth, batiza.] suooess-oirMng, prosperous, 1013.
betost, betst, svperl., best, 453, bliid-fsest, adj., prosperous, re-
3007, etc.; weak forms betsta, 947, nowned, 1299.
betstan, 1871. blanca, w. m., a white horse, 856.
betllc, adj., excellent, splendid, bleate, adv., miserably, pitifully,
780 », 19i25. 2824.
bl, see be. bllcan, St. v., shine, gleam, 222.
bl-, see be-, bllSe, adj., blithe, joyous, 617;
bicgan, see bycgan. gracious, with gen., 436. [Cf.
bid, St. neut.,Bn>ing; on bid wreoen, Goth, bleijis.]
'brought to bay,' 2962. bllS-heort, adj., BLiTHE-HEARTed,
bidan, St. v., with gen. or absolutely, 1802.
BIDE, abide, wait for, 82, 87, etc. blod, St. neut., blood, 486, 742, etc.
a-bldan, st. v., with gen., aeidb, blodegian, w. v., make bloody;
await, -977. pp. geblodegod, 2692.
ge-bldan, st. v. bldd-fag, adj., BLOOD-stained, 2060.
(1) usu. with ace. or governed blodig, adj., bloody, 2440, etc.
clause, BIDE, abide, endure, ex- blSdig-toU, adj., BLooDY-TooTHed,
perience, 7, 264, 638, etc.; pp. 2082.
gebiden, 1928 imperat. absolutely,
; blod-reow, adj., BLOoD-fierce, blood-
gebide ge, 2529. (2) with gen., thirsty, 1719.
wait for; dat. inf. o'Sres...t5 ge- blonden-feax, adj., [BLENvei-
bldannc.yrfeweardas, 'to wait for haired] gray-haired, 1594, 1791,
another heir,' 2452. 187B; weak nom. sg. blonden-fexa,
on-bldan, st. v. with gen. aBiDE,
, , 2962.
await; 2302, inf. Iseta^ hildebord bodian, w. v. , [bode] announce, 1802.
her onbidan...wordage)>inges, 'let bolca, w. m., gangway, 231.
your battle-boards here abide the bold, St. neut., BuiLDing, 997,
issue of words,' 397. 1925, etc.
' ;

186 Beowulf
boId-9,gend, st. m. {pres. part.), a-bregdan^ si. v., swing, lift;
house-owjfer, 3112. pret. sg. abrSd, 2575.
bolgen-mod, adj., swollen in mood, ge-bregdan, st. v., with ace.
enraged, 709, 1713. or dat.
bolster, St. m., bolster, 1240. (1) draw; pret. gebrsegd, gebrSd,
bona, bana, ^D. m., bane, banesman, 1564, 1664, 2562, 2703.
slayer, 158*, 587, etc. (2) BRAID, weave; pp. gebroden,
bon-gar, st. m., BANE-spear, deadly 1443.
spear, 2031. on-bregdan, j«. v., burst open;
bord, St. neut., [boabd] shield, 2259, pret. sg. onbrsed, 723.
2524, 2673, F. 31*. brego, St. m., prince, lord, king,
bord-basbbend, adj. {pres. part.), 427, 1954 (see note to 1. 1956), etc.
[BOAKD-HAving] sMeld-bearing, worn, brego rof cyning, the prince '

2895. [was] a brave king,' 1925.

bord-breoSa, w. m., [BOABD-cover] brego-stSl, st. m., [prince-STooL]
shield, 2203. [Gf. O.E. hreoSan.] throne, dominion, 2196, 2370,
bord-rand, st. m., [B0AED-]shield, 2389.
2559. breme, adj., [bbemb, brim] re-
bord-weaJ, st. m., board-wall, nowned, 18.
shield, 2980. breuting, m., high ship, 2807.
bord-wudu, st. m., [board- wood] [Gf.O.E. bront.]
shield; ace. pi. 1243. breost, st. f. and neut., breast,
bet, St. /., boot, remedy, help, com- 2176*, etc.; pi. 453, etc.
pensation, 158, 281, etc. [Gf. breoBt-geliygd,st./. aruJneut., bbeast-
Goth, bota.] thought, thought of the heart,
botm, St. m., bottom, 1506. 2818.
brad, adj., broad, wide, ample, breost-gewsBdu, st., [breast-
1546, 2207, 2978*, 3105, etc. weeds] coat of mail, 1211, 2162.
[Cf. Goth, br&its.] breost-bord, st. neut., [ereast-
brsedan, w. v., BBOADen. [Gf. hoaed] breast's treasure, mind,
Goth, braidjan.] thought, 1719, 2792.
geond-brsdau, w. v., over- breost-net, st. neut., breast-net,
spread, 1239. coat of chain-mail, 1548.
brecan, st. v. breost-weorSung, st. /. , breast-
(1) break, 1100, 1511 (see
trans., adomment, 2504 (see 11. 1202 fi.).
note), 2980; hine fyrwyt brsec, breost- wylm, st, m., [breast- ttexl-
curiosity tormented him (as to) ,
ing] heaving of the breast, grief,
232, 1985, 2784. 1877.
(2) intrans. , break, 2546. brSotan, st. »., break, kill, 1713.
a-brecan, st.t;., break into, spoil, a-breotan, st. v., break up,
2063*, 2221*, F. 46. destroy, kill, 1298, 1599*, 2707,
ge-breoan, st. v., break, crush, 2930 (see note).
shatter, 2508, 3147. brim, st. neut., [brim] surge, billow,
st. v., break to sea, mere, 28, 570, 847, 1594,
pieces,knock about, 780, 997. 2803.
turb-brecan, st. v., break brim-clif, st, neut., [ebim-gliff]
THROUGH, 2792. sea-cliff, 222.
w.m., grief, 171 [Gf. brecan.]
brec|>a, . brim-lad, st.f., ocean-way, 1051*.
-bredwian, w. v. brim-llSend, st, m. {pres. part.),
a-bredwian, w. v., prostrate, sea-farer, 568.
slay, 2619. brim-stream, st. m., sea-STREAM,
bregdan, st. v., with ace. or dat. 1910.
(1) brandish, whirl, puU, draw, brim-wlsa, w, m,, [sea-wisE] sea-
707, 794, 1539 (throw); pret. pi. leader, sea-king, 2930.
mundum brugdon, brandished '
brim-wylf, st. /., she mere-woLF,
your hands,' 514; pp. broden, 1506*, 1599.
brogden msel, 'sword,' 1616 (see brim- wylm, st, m,, mere- wsiiing,
note), 1667. surge, 1494.
(2) braid, weave; inf. bregdon, bringan, st, andw. d., bring, 1829, etc.
2167; pp. broden, 552, 1548; ace. ge-bringan, st. and w. v., bring ;
sg. f. brogdne, 2755. subj. pres. pi. gebringan, 3009.
. :

Glossary 187
broden, see bregdan. bune, w. /., cup, drinking- vessel,
broga, w. m., terror, 1291, etc.; 2775, 3047.
gen. sg. 583. bflr, St. neut., bowee, room, 140,
brond, st. m., brand, burning, fire, etc.
sword, 1454, 2126, 2322, 3014, burg, burh, st. /., bueoh, borough,
3160. fortified place,
castle, city, 53,
bront, adj., high, steep, towering, 523, 1968, 2433, 2452; dat. byrig,
238, 568 (see note), 1199.
brosnlan, w. v., crumble, perish, burb-loca, w. m., mj-sas-LOCE,
2260. castle-look, town -precincts, 1928.
brobor, st. m., beother, 587, 1074, burb-stede, st. m., buroh-stead,
etc.; gm. brotSor, 2619. courtyard, 2265.
brflcau, st. v., with gen., brook, use, burh-)>elu, st. castle floor, buruh-
f. ,

enjoy, 894, etc.; without expressed J'elu,F. 32.

object, 1045, 1487, etc. burh-wela, w. m., [bukgh-weal]
brOn, adj., brown, 2578. [For wealth of a castle or city,
'brown' applied to metal objects 3100.
cf. Mod. Eng. 'BnENish.'] bume, w. /., burn, stream, 2546.
brttn-eog, adj., BEowN-Enoed, 1546. [Of. Goth, bruuna.]
brfln-f5,g, adj., BEowN-coIoured, of bnruh, see burh.
brown hue, 2615. baton, prep., with dat., but, except,
bryd, st. f., eeide, wife, 2031; ace. 73, 657, 705.
sg. bryd, 2930, bryde, 2956. [C/. bllton, bfltan, conj. [ be-iitan].=
Goth, brujjs.] (1) with subj., unless, 966.
bryd-bllr, st. neut., brtde-bowek, (2) with indie, withoUT, but that,
woman's room, 921. except, 1560; in elliptical sen-
bryne-leoma, w. m. BURNing-ray
, tences, 879, 1614.
(the dragon's vomit of fire), 2313. bycgan, bicgan, w. v., buy, 1305.
bryne-wylm, st. m.,
[suBJving- [Cf. Goth, bugjan.] ^,,^
JTEiiing] surge of fire, 2326. be-bycgan, w. v., sell, '2799.
brytnlan, w. v., distribute; pret. sg. ge-bycgan, w. v., buy, obtain,
brytnade, 2383. 973; pret, his ealdre gebohte,
brytta, w. m., distributer, giver, 'paid for [it] with his life,'
35, 352, etc. {Cf. O.E. breotan.] 2481; pp. pi. 3014*.
bryttian, w. v., distribute, bestow, byldan, w. v., encourage, 1094.
1726. [From beald.]
bflan, V. [toth strong and weak]. byme, w.f., trumpet, 2943. [From
(1) intrans., dwell; inf. biion, beam.]
2842. byrdu-scrfld, st. neut., 2660 (see
(2) trans., dwell in, inhabit, note),
occupy, 3065; pp. gebun, 117. byre, st. m., son, boy, youth, 1188,
btl-folc, St. n., nation, 2220* (see etc.
note) byrele, st, m., oup-sEAEei, 1161.
bflgan, St. v., bow, bend, stoop, 327, byreU, see beran.
2031, 2598, 2918, etc.; pret. sg. byrgean, w. v., taste, 448.
beah, 2956 ; pp. gebogen, 2569. byrbt, see beorlit.
a-bUgan, st. v., [bow away] give byrig, see burg,
way, start, 775. byman, st. v., intrans., burn, 1880
be-btlgan, st. v., [bow about] (see note) ; pres. part, bymende,
encompass, 93, 1223. 2272, 2569. [Gf. Goth, brin-
ge-bflgau, St. v., pret. gebeag, nan.]
gebeah for-byruan, st. v., intrans.,
(1) intrans., bow, bend, fall, 1540, pret. forbarn, forbom: burn up,
2567, 2980. 1616, 1667, 2672.
(2) trans., bow to; pret. sg. sele- ge-byrnan, st. v., intrans.,
reste gebeah, 'lay down on his burn, be burnt, 2697.
bed in the hall,' 690; so 1241. byme, w. /., byeny, coat of mail,
bunden-beord, adj., with tresses 40, 238, 405, etc. [Cf. Goth.
BOUND, 3151* (see note). brunjo.]
bunden-Btefna, w. m., bound-stem, bym-wiga, w. m., BYHjjr- warrior,
bound-prow, ship, 1910. mailed warrior, 2918.
188 Beowulf
byaig^u, [BDsmess] trouble,
St. /., ge-oeoaan, st.choose, 1201
nom, bisigu, 281; Aat.
affliotion; (see note), 1759, 2469, 2638; dat.
pi. bisgum, 1743, bysigum, 2580. inf. geoeosenne, 1851.
l)y1S, see beon. cigan, w. V.
bywan, w. v., prepare, adorn, 2257. a-clgan, w. v., call, summon,
cirran, w. v.
on-cirran, w. v.
camp, St. m., or neut., battle, 2505*- (1) trans., turn, change, 2857 (see
can, see cunnan. note).
candel, st. /., candle, 1572 (of the (2) intrans., turn, return, 2951,
sun). [From Lat. oandela.] 2970.
ceald, adj., cold, 1261, 2396 (see clif, St. neut., clifp, 1911.
note). [C/. Goth, kalds.] clomm, olamm, st. m., clasp, grip,
cealdost, superl., coldest, 546. 963, 1335, 1502.
ceap, St. m., [cheap] bargain, pur- cnawan, st. v.
chase, 2415, 2482. ge-onawan, st. v., know, recog-
ceapian, w. v., [cHEAPen] purchase; nise, 2047.
pp. geceapod, 3012*. [C/. Goth. on-cii3.wan, st. v., know, recog-
kaupon.] nise, 2554.
cearian, w. v., cake, take care, cniht, St. m., [knight] boy, 1219.
1536. [C/. Goth, karon.] cnilit-weaende, adj. (pres. part.),
cear-s5t5,st. m., [oAKE-journey] ex- being a boy or youth, 372, 535.
pedition bringing sorrow, 2396. cnyaaan, w. v., crash, clash; pret.
eearu, st. /., cake, sorrow, 1303, pi. onysedan, 1328. [Cf. Goth.
3171*. [C/. Goth, kara.] knussjan.]
cear-wylm, -wselm, st. m., [cabe- col, adj., COOL.
wELzing] surge of care, wave of colra, compar., cooler, 282,
sorrow, extreme grief, 282, 2066. 2066.
[Sieversj § 159, 3.] coUen-ferlitS, -ferS, adj., [swollen-
ceaster-bflend, st.m.{pres.part.),dieiii- minded] of excited spirit, bold-
zen of a city, 768. [Lat. castra.] minded, 1806, 2785.
31* (see note).
cellod, adj., F. con, conat, see cunnan.
cempa, w. m., champion, fighter, corSer, st. neut., troop, guard,
206, 1312, etc. [Frrnn camp.] crowd, 1153, 3121.
cene, adj., keen, bold, brave, 768, coatian, w. v., with gen., try, prove,
P. 31. 2084.
cenost, superl., keenest, bold- craaft, st. m., might, strength; skill,
est, 206. ceatt; 418, 699, etc.; dat. pi.
cennan, w. v. [Gf. Goth, kannjan.] deofles craaftum, 'with devil's
(1) beget, bear, bring forth, 12, devices,' 2088.
943. crseftlg, adj., [ckapty] strong,
(2) declare; imperat. sg. refl. cen powerful, 1466, 1962.
Jpeo, 1219. cringan, st. v., cbinge, fall, 635,
a-oennan, w. v., beget, bear, 1356. 1113.
cenVu, St. /., KEENness, boldness. ge-cringan, st. v., cbinge, fall;
pret. sg. georong, 1568, 2505,
ceol, St. m., ship, 38, etc. [ceol georang, 1337, georanc, 1209,
survives in Northern dialectal form P. 33.
KEEL, 'a flat bottomed vessel, a cuma, w. m., coMer, 1806 (see also
lighter,' but is distinct from Mod. note to 244).

Eng. 'keel,' which is from the cuman, st. u., pret. c(w)om: come,
Norse.] 23, etc.; subj. pres. pi. cymen,
ceorfan, st. v., cabte. 3106; pret. pi. cwomon, 239, etc.,
be-ceorfan, st. v., with ace. cwoman, 650; pp. pi. cumene,
pers. and dat. rei, cut ofi, 1590, 361. Often with foil. inf. {which
2138. is sometimes best translated by a
oeorl, St. m., chukl, man, 202, etc. pres. part.}, 268, 710, etc. [Cf.
ceoaan, closan, st. v., choose, ac- Goth, quiman.]
cept, 2376, 2818; pp. pi. geco- be-cuman, st. v., pret. bec(w)om-
rone, 206. [Gf. Goth, kiusan.] (1) COME, 115, 192, etc.
Glossary 189
(2) with ace. pers., befall, 2883. able '), customs, courtesies, eti-
ofer-cuman, st.v. ovekcome pret. ;
quette, 613.
sg. oferowom, 1273; pret. pi. oyne-dSm, st. m., KiNgDOM, 2376.
ofercomon, 699; pp. 845. cyning, kyning, st. m., king, 11,
cumbol, St. m.j standard, banner, 619, 3171, etc.
2505. cyning-bald, adj., [kino-bold] roy-
cunnan, pret.-pres. o., pres. sg. 1st, ally bold, 1634.
Srd, con, can, 2nd, const: Kyning-wuldor, st. m., KiNoly
(1) with ace. or clause, know, be glory. King of glory, God, 665.
acquainted witli, 359, 372, 392, c^pan, w. v., sell. [Cf. ceap.]
418, 1180, 1377, 1739, etc.; with ge-cypan, w. v., buy, purchase,
ace. and clause, 1355. hire, 2496.
(2) with inf., know how to, be cyssan, w. v.
able to, 50, 90, 182, etc. ge-oyssan, w. v., kiss, 1870.
cvumlan, w. v., with
ace. or gen., cyst, St. /., [csoosing] choice,
try, make explore, 508,
trial of, choice quality, excellence, pick,
1426, 1444, 1500, 2045. 673, 802, 867, 923, etc.: wSpna
cms, adj. {pp. of cunnan, ef. Goth. cyst, choicest of weapons,' 1559.

kvm)>s), known, well known, [C/. ceosan.]

famous, 150, etc. c^an, w. v., make known, show,
ctHS-lIce, adv., openly. 659, etc. ; pp.gecySed, made '

cttS-Ucor, comyar. more openly, , known, famed,' 262, IFrcrm etc.

244. ell's, cf. Goth, kunjijan.]
cwealm, st. m., [QUELLing] murder, ge-cySan, w, v., make known,
death, 107, 3149*- 257, 354.
cwealm-bealn, st. neut., death-BAiiE,
deadly evil, 1940. D
cwealm-cuma, w. m., murderous
coMer, 792. dad, DEEn, act, 181, etc.; aec.
cweccan, w. v., [cause to qvaks\ dffid,585, etc., dSde, 889;
brandish, 235. haf a^. .dffide gef ondad,' has experi-

cwellan, w. v., quell, kill, 1334. enced deeds (of violence),' 2454.
a-cwellan, w. v., quell, kill, died-cene, adj., [deed-keen] bold
886, 1055, 2121. in act, 1645.
cwen, St. /., QUEEN, wife, 62, etc. dsBd-ftuma, w. m., [DEED-chief] doer
cwen-llc, adj., queenly, womanly, _of deeds, 2090.
1940. daed-liata, w. m., [DEED-HAier] one
cwe'San, st.say, speak, 2041;
v., who shows his hatred in deeds,
pret. cwEe^, 'quoth,' 92, etc.; persecutor, 275 (see note).
cwetS, F. 26. [Cf. Goth. qij>an.] dSBg, St. TO., DAY, 197, 485, etc. [Cf.
a-cweSan, st. v., say, speak; Goth, dags.]
pres. sg. acwyS, 2046; pret. sg. dseges, gen. of dseg used ad-
acwselS, 'quoth,' 654. verUally, by day, 2269.
ge-cweSan, st. v., say, agree, dsg-hwll, St. /., DAY-WHILE, day;
535, 2664; pret. sg. gecwse'S, ace. pi., 2Ti&.
'quoth,' 857, etc. dseg-rlm, st. neut., [day-kime] num-
on-cweVan, st. v., answer, ber of days ; nam. dogera dsegrim,
F. 8.
the number of his days,' 823.
cwlc, cwlco, adj., quick, living, d»l, St. m., DEAL, part, portion,
alive, 98, etc. share, 621, etc.; a large part,
cwlVan, w. v., with ace., lament, great deal, 1150, 1740, 1752, 2028,
mourn, 2112, 8171. 2068, 2245, 2843.
-owyU, see -cwetSan. dSlau, w. v., DEAL, divide, distribute,
cjmie, St. m., coiuring; pi. 257. share, 80, 2584, etc. [Cf. Goth.
cymen, see cuman. diiljanj
cym-Uce, adv. be-dselan, w. v., with dat. rei,
cym-llcor, compar., in more deprive, bereave, 721, 1275.
COMELY fashion, more 38. fitly, ge-dsSlan, w. v., deal out, 71;
cyn(ii), St. neut., kin, race, 98, 107, divide, part, 781, 2422.
421, etc. [Cf. Goth, kuni.] dagian, w. v., dawn, F. 8.
oyn(n), adj. and noun, ('aKiN, suit- daroV, st. m., bast, javelin, 2848.

190 Beowulf
dead, adj. bead, 467, etc. \Cf. Goth.
, dol-scea'Sa, w. m., DO£tish
daujjs.] scATsei, foolish or rash foe, 479.
*deagan, st. v., dye; but see note dom, St. m., doom, judgment, 441,
to 850.
1. etc. ; free-will, choice, 895, 2147,
dSah, see dugan. etc. ; glory, 885, 2666, sefter

deall, adj., proud of, adorned by, dome, 'according to right custom,'
494. 1720 dreah setter dome, lived,

dear, dearst, see durrau. employed himself, according to

deaS, St. m,, death, 441, etc. right, or honour,' 2179.
dea'S-bedd, st. neut., death-bed, dom-leas, adj., [glory-LESs] inglo-
2901. rious, 2890.
dea'S-cwalu, st. /., [b-exts-qvell- don, irreg. ?;., do, make, take, esteem,
ing] violent death, slaughter, 1712. put, lay, 444, etc. pres. sg. deS,

deaS-cwealm, st. m., [dsats-qubll- 1058 pret. sg. dyde, etc., 44, 1676,

ing] violent death, slaughter, 1670. 2809, etc. : him Hunlafing hilde-
deaB-dseg, st. m., death-day, 187, leoman...on bearm dyde, the son '

885. of Hunlaf gave the sword into his

dea15-fSge, adj., [death-fey] doomed [Hengest's] bosom,' 1144; ne him
to death, 850. >ses wyrmes wig for wiht dyde,
deatS-sofla, w. m., DEAXH-shadow, eafo^ ond eUen, he esteemed the

deadly sprite, 160. worm's warfare as naught, its

deaU-werig, adj. death-weaky, dead,
, strength and courage,' 2348.
2125. ge-don, St. v., do, make, put,
dea?-wIo, st. neut., [death-wick] esteem, 2090, 2186; pres. sg.
dwelling of the dead, 1275. gede«, 1782.
deman, w. v., deem; adjudge, 687; dorste, pret. of durran.
extol, 3174. IFrom dom, cf. Goth. draca, w. m., drake, dragon, 892,
domjan.] 2088, 2211, etc., F. 3. [From Lat.
demend, St. m.(pres.part.), judge, 181. draco.]
denn, neut., den, 2759, 3045.
st. -draBdan, st. v.
deofol, St. m. and neut., devil, 756, on-drSdan, st. v., dread, 1674,
1680, 2088. IFrom Greek, through 2276*, pret. ondred, 2347.
Lat. diabolus.] The alliteration of 1. 1674 shows
deogol, see d^gel. that this was regarded as a com-
deep, St. neut., deep, 2549 (see note). pound of a verb driidan whether

deop, adj., deep, 509, 1904. [Cf. this is so, or whether it is from
Goth, diups.] ond-rsedan is disputed. [See
deor, dlor, adj., bold, brave, fierce, Pogatscher in Anglia, Beiblatt,
1933, 2090. [Cf. Goth, dius.] XIV. 182.]
deorc, adj., daek, 160, 275, etc. dreah, see dreogan.
deore, see dyre. dream, st. m., joy, mirth, 88, 99,
deor-llc, adj., bold, 585. etc.
deor-mod, adj., valiant, P. 25. dream-leas, adj., joyLEss, 1720.
deS, see don. drgfan, w. v., trouble, stir, 1904;
-digan, see -dygan. pp. gedrefed, 1417. [Cf. Goth.
diope, adv., DEEPly, 3069. drobjan.]
diore, see dyre. dreogan, st. v., [dbee] go through,
disc, st.m., DISH, 2775, 3048. [From experience, suffer, enjoy, 589,
Greek through Lat. discus.] r470, 2179- {see dom), etc. ; im-
dogor, St. neut., day, 219, 2573 (see perat. sg. dreoh, 1782; pret. sg.
note), etc.; inst. sg. dogore, 1797, dreah, 131 pret. pi. drugon, 798,

dogor, 1395 (see note) gen. pi. ; 1966 ; pp. gedrogen, ' spent,' 2726
dogora, 88, dogera, 828, dogra, sund-nytte' dreah, did a feat of

1090. swimming,' 2860. [Cf. Goth.

dogor-gerim, st. neut., number of driugan.]
days, 2728. a-dreogan, st. v., endure, 3078*.
doMor, St. /., DADGHTEE, 375, etc. dreor, st. m. or neut., blood, 447*
dol-gllp, St. m. and rwut., [DOitish [Cf. O.E. dreosan.]
yelp] foolhardiness, 509. dreor-fah, adj., blood-stained, 485.
dol-llc, adj., rash, desperate, auda- dreorig, drlorlg, adj., [dreaby]
cious, 2646. bloody, 1417, 2789.
Glossary 191

dreosan, st. v. IGf. Goth, driusan.] 589, etc. ;

pret. sg. dohte, 526,
ge-dreosan, st. v., fall, sink, 1344, etc. be DoaaHtj, avail, 369,

faQ, decline, 1754, 2666. 573, etc., with gen. 526; treat well
drepan, st. v., strike, hit; pret. sg. (with dat.), 1821.
drep, 2880; pp. drepen, 1745, dugut!, St. f. (1) DopGHtiness (2) the
, ;

dropen, 2981. DouGBtj, tried warriors, often con-

dreps, St. m., stroke, blow, 1589. trastecJmt/jgeogoS, 'the youthful,'
drlfan, st. v., drive, 1130, 2808. 160, etc. In 'Beowulf the meaning
to-drlfaa, st. v., drive asunder, is usually concrete, the abstract
545. meaning doughtiness is rare ; it
' '

drlht-, see dryht-. occurs in dugu'Sum, 'doughtily,'

drUiten, see dryhten. 3174, and [perhaps) for dugulSum,
drincan, st. v., drink, 742, 1233, 2501 (see note). [C/. Germ.
etc. ; pp. drunoen, drunk, having
' Tugend.]
drunk (not necessarily to intoxica- *dnrran, pret.-pres. dare; pres.
tion),' 531, etc. ; pi. drunone, sg. dear, dearst, 684, 527 pres. ;

480, etc. subj. dyrre, 1379; pret. sg. dorste,

drinc-faet, see dryac-faet. 1462, etc. [C/. Goth, gadatirsan.]
drohtolS, St. 7ft. way of life, faring,
, duru, St./., DOOR, 389*, 721, F. 14, etc.
756. [Of. O.E. dreogan.] dwellan, w. v., [dwell] mislead,
dropen, see drepan. deceive, hinder; pres. sg. dwelelS,
drOsian, w. v., subside, 1630 [perhaps 1735. [Cf.Goth. dwals, 'foolish.']
drowse]. dyde, dydon, see don.
dryht-beam, st. neut., [noble bairn] dygan, w. V.
noble youth, noble scion ace. ; ge-dygan, ge-dlgan, w. v., sur-
2033. vive, escape, endure, 578, 300,
dryhten, drihten, st. m. 661, etc.
(!) lord, chieftain, 1050, 1484, dygel, deogol, a^j., secret, hidden,
etc. ;dat. dryhtne, 2483, etc., 275, 1357.
dryhten, 1831 (see note). dyhtig, adj., doughty, 1287.
(2) Lord (of the Deity), 108, etc. dynnan, w. v., din, resound; pret.
dryht-geslS, st. m. man at arms, , sg. dynede, 767, etc.
F. 44. dyre, deore, adj., dear, in both
dryht-gmna, driht-guma, w. m., senses, costly and beloved, 561,
warrior, noble warrior, 99, 1790, 1528, 1879, etc. ; nom. diore,
etc. 1949 ; gen. sg. f. deorre, 488.
dryht-llc, driht-llc, adj., lordly, deorest, superl., dearest, 1309.
courtly, royal, noble, excellent, dyme, adj., secret, hidden, 271,
892, F. 16 weak neut. drihtlice
; 1879, etc.
wlf, 1158. dyrre, see durran.
dryht-maSum, st. in., lordly treasure, dyrstig, adj. , daring, bold with gen. ;

2843. 2838. [C/..*durran.]

dryht-scype, driht-scype, st.m., [war-
rior-SHip] heroic deed, bravery, E
dryht-sele, driht-sele, st. m., lordly eac, adv., eke, also, 97, etc. ; once
hall, warrior-hall, 485, etc. ec, 3131. [C/. Goth, auk.]
dryht-Bibb, st./., troop-peace, peace eacen, adj. [pp. of *eacan : cf. Goth.
between bands of warriors, 2068. 4ukan], [EKEd] great, extensive,
drync-ffflt, drinc-fset, st. n., [dkink- mighty, powerful, 198, 1621, 1663,
vat] drinking vessel, 2254, 2306. 2140.
drysmian, w. v., darken, grow dark, eacen-crseftig, adj., enormously
1375. strong, immense, 2280, 3051.
dllfan, St. v., dive (see note to 1. 850). eadig, adj., rich, prosperous, 1225,
ge-ddfan, st. v., dive into, sink 2470. [Gf. Goth, audags.]
into; pret. sg. gedeaf, 2700. eadig-llce, adv., happily, 100.
urh-dilfan, st. i;., difethrouoh, eafor, see eofor.
swim through; pret. sg. Jjurhdeaf, eafora, eafera, w. m., chUd, son, 12,
1619. etc. ; eaferan, 1185.
dugan, pret.-pres. v.,pres. sg. indie. eafoS, St. neut., strength, might,
deah, 369, etc. pres. sg. subj. duge.
902*, etc.; ace. pi. eofotSo, 2534;
; '

192 Beowulf
dat. pi. eafelSum, 1717: ic him etc.; vitals, 1434: to aldre, 'for
Geata sceal eafoS ond ellen...guj>e life, for ever, always,' 2005, 2498;
gebeodan, I shall proclaim to him
' awa to aldre, ' for ever and ever,
the strength, courage and warfare 955.
of the Geatas,' 602 (see note to aldoT-bealu, st. neut,, life-BALE,
1. 601). death, 1676.
gage, w. neut., eye, 726, etc. [Cf. aldor-oearu, st. /., life-CAEE,
Goth, augo.] 906.
eagor-stream, st. m., water-STEEAM, aldor-dssg, ealder-dseg, st, m.,
513. life-DAT, day of life, 718, 757.
eahta, num. eight,
, 1035 ; gen. ealita aldor-gedal, si. neut,, life-part-
sum, '
one of eight, with seven ing, death, 805.
others,' 3123. [Cf. Goth, ahtau.] ealdor-gewimia, w, m. [life-yntraer]

ealitian, w. v., consider, deliberate life-adversary, 2903.

about, esteem, praise, watch over: ealdor-leas, aldor-leas, adj., lifbless,
pres. pi. ehtiga'S, 1222 pret. ; 15, 1587, 3004.
sg. eahtode, 1407 pret. pi. eahte-
; [ALL-many] very many,
eal-fela, ad/.,
don, 172, eahtodan, 3173; pp. with gen., 88S ace. ealfela... worn,

geeehted, 'esteemed, praised,' 1885. 'a very great number,' 869.

eal(l), adj., all, 71, etc. ; nom. sg.f. ealgian, w. v., defend, protect, 796,
eal, 1738 ; neut. pi. eal, 486. In 1204, etc. [Of. Goth, alhs,
some instances it is impossible to 'temple.']
say certainly whether the word is eall, see eal.
an adj. or an adv. : 77, 1230, eal(l)-gylden, adj., auj-golben,
1567, 1620, 2241. Substantively, 1111, 2767.
sg. and pi. : 145, 649, 2162, 2794, eaU-Iren, adj., all-ikon, 2338 (see
1727 (all things), 2461 (everything) note).
gm. pi. ealra, ' in all, 3170 with
' ; ealo-benc, ealu-benc, st. /., ale-
gen. 744, 835, 1057, 1122, 2149, bench, 1029, 2867.
2727. [Cf. Goth, alls.] ealo-drincend, st. m. {pres, part,),
eal, adv., all, 680, 1708, 3164 ALE-DEiNzer, 1945.
{see Jieah). Sa-lond, st, neut,, water-LAND; ace.
ealles, adv. {gen. of eall), all, 2334 (see note). iWithea,,cf,Goth.
altogether, 1000. ahwa.]
eaM, adj., old, 72, etc.; ace. pi. ealo-wsege, ealu-w^e, st, neut.,
neut. ealde, 2330: eald Metod, ALE-stoup, tankard of ale, 481,
'our God of old,' 945; gold- 495, 2021.
maSmas heold eald under eortSan, ealu-acerwen, st.f., great terror, 769
' the old [dragon] held gold-trea- (see note).
sures under the earth,' 2415. [Of. earn, st. m,, [eme] uncle, mother's
Goth, al^eis.] brother, 881.
yldra, compar., eldek, older, eard, st, m,, country, estate, home,
468, etc. dwelling, 56, 104, 1621 (expanses),
yldesta, weak superl., eldest, 1727, 2198, 2493, 2736, etc.
senior, chief, 258, etc. eardian, w. v,
ealder-, see under ealdor-. (1) intrans,, dwell, rest, 3050.
eald-gesegen, st. /., old saga, old
(2) trans,, inhabit, 166; irif, wic
tradition, 869. eardian, ' take up his abode,' 2589.
eald-gesiS, st. m., old comrade, 853. eard-lufu, w, /., home-LovE, dear
eald-gestreon, st. neut,, old treasure, home, 692. [Sieverss § 278, N. 1.]
1381, 1458. earfotS, st, neut., hardship, stress;
eald-hlaford, st. m., old loed (Beo- ace, pi, earfetSo, 534.
[Cf. Goth.
wulf), 2778 (but see note). arb4il>s, 'work.']
ealdor, aider, st. m., [aldeb- in earfo«-lIce, adv., hardly, with diffi-
alderman] chief, lord, prince, culty, 86, etc.; with trouble,
sovereign, 56, etc. sorrowfully, 2822.
aldor-leas, adj., princeLESs, earfo5-J>rag, st. f., time of stress,
without a chief, 15*. time of tribulation, 283. [See
aIdor-|iegn, st. m., [prince- Sievers, P.B.B., xvin. 406.]
thanb] chief thane, 1308. earg, adj., cowardly; gen. absolutely,
ealdor, aldor, st. neut., life, 510, earges sitS, ' coward's way,' 2541.

Glossary 193
eann, it. m., arm, 513, etc. [Gf. eft, adv., AFTer, afterwards, again,
Goth, arms.] back, 22, etc.
earm, adj., wretched, 2368, 2938; eft-cyme, st. n., back-comng, re-
weak fern, earme, 1117. [C/. turn, 2896.
Goth, arms.] eft-slB, St. m., back-journey, return,
earmra, compar., more wretched, 1332, etc.
577. eg-clif, St. neut., sea-CLiFP, 2893*.
earm-beag, U. m., AEM-ring, armlet, egesa, w. m., fear, terror, 784, etc.;
2763. ace. egsan, 276 (see note). [Gf.
earm-[h]r§ad, st. /., AHM-ornament, Goth, agis.]
1194 (see note). egea-full, adj., terrible, 2929.
earm-llc, adj., wretched, miserable, eges-llo, adj., terrible, 1649, etc.
807. egl, St. /., [Aiii=a spike or awn of
earm-sceapen, adj. (pp.), wretched- barley] claw, 987 (see note).
SHAPEN, miscreated, miserable, egsa, see egesa.
1351, 2228*, 2229*. egalan, w. v., terrify; pret. 6 (see
«arn, st. m., ekne, eagle, 3026. note)
eart, art, 352, 506, etc., 2ndsg. pres. Sg-stream, st. m., water-siREAM,
indie, of wesan (q. v.). ocean current, 577.
eastan, adv., from the east, 569, ebtan, w. v., with gen., pursue, per-
F. 3*. secute, 159, 1512.
eatol, see atol. ehtigaS, see eahtian.
SaSe, ylSe, adj., easy, pleasant, 228, elde, see ylde.
1002, etc. ; once eSe, 2586. eldo, see yldo.
eaSe, adv., easily, 478, etc. el-land, st. neut. , alien land, strange
SaU-fynde, adj., easy to find, 138. land, 3019.
Sawan, see ywan. ellen, st. neut., strength, courage,
eaxi, St. /., [axle] shoulder, 816, bravery, 3, 573, etc.; dat. sg. elne,
835, etc. sometimes best rendered by an adv.,
eazl-gestealla, w. m., shoulder- courageously,
2676 ; sometimes

comrade, bosom friend, 1326, 1714. with strictly adverbial force,

ec, see eac. 'quickly,' 1967, 'absolutely,' 'al-
§oe, adj., eternal, 108, etc. together,' 1097, 1129. [Cf. Goth.
ecg, St. /., EDGE (of a, weapon), aljan.]
sword, 1106, etc. ; gen. pi. eoga, ellen-dSd, st. /., [strength-oEED]
483, etc. deed of strength or courage, 876,
ecg-bana, w. m., [edoe-bane] sword- 900.
slayer, 1262. ellen-gsBSt, st. m., [strength-GHosT]
ecg-hete, st. m., edge-hate, sword- powerful sprite, 86 (see note to
hate, 84*, 1738. 1. 102).
ecg-^acu, St. /., ECOE-onset, sword- ellen-Uce, adv., mightily, courage-
onset, armedattack, 596. ously^2122.
ed-hwyrft, st. m., return, change, ellen-maarSu, st. /., [might-renown]
reverse, 1281. [Of. hweorfan.] fame for strength or courage, feat
edre, see sdre. of strength, 828, 1471.
ed-wenden, st. /., return, change, ellen-rSf, adj. courage-strong, famed

1774*, 2188. for strength or courage, 340, 358,

edwit-llf, St. neut. life of reproach,
, 1787, 3063.
life of infamy, 2891. elleu-sloc, adj., [strength-sioK]
efii, adj., EVEN. strengthless, 2787.
on efn, with dat., even with, ellen-weoro, st. neut., strength-woRK,
beside, 2903. deed of might or courage, 661, etc.
efban, sefnan, w. v., achieve, accom- elles, adv., else, otherwise, 138, etc.
plish, make, 1041, 1254, etc. ; pp. ellor, adv., ELsewhithER, 55, 2254.
gesefned, 3106 ; SI'S wa3s geasfned, ellor-gast, ellor-gsest, st. m., [elsc-
'the oath was sworn,' 1107. whithER-GHosT] sprite living else-
ge-SBfnan, w. o., perform, etc., where, alien sprite, 807, 1349,
538. 1617, 1621. (See note to 1. 102.)
etna, adv., even, 943, etc. ellor-siS, St. m., journey elsewhither,
efstan, w. v., hasten, 1493, 8101. death, 2451.
[P.B.B. X. 606: from ofost.] elne, see ellen.

B. 13
; ;

194 Beowulf
elra, adj., another, 752 [compar. of eorllc (=eorl-lic), adj., eabl-like,
•el(l), Goth, aljis— TOOS found in noble, 637.
elles and ellor]. eorl-sclpe, st. m., eaklship, courage,
adj., of alien nation, heroic deeds, 1727, 2133, etc.
foreign, 336. eorl-weorod, st. neut., [EABL-host]
warrior-band, 2893.
ende, st. m., end, 224, etc.; ace.
hsafde eoriS-sorafa ende genyttod, eormen-cynn, st. neut., [vast kin]
had had the last of his earth- mankind, 1957.
caves,' 3046; dat. eorlum on eormen-grund, st. m., [vast aKonun]
ende, 2021 (see note). [C/. Goth. the whole broad earth, 859.
andeis.] eormen-iaf, st.f., [vast LEAVVD.g\ im-
ende-dseg, st. m., end-day, day of mense legacy, 2234.
death, 637, 3035. eorre, see yrre.
eude-dogor, st. neut., esd-dat, day of eorS-bflend, st. m. (pres. part.),
death, 2896. dweller in the land, F. 34.
ende-laf, st. /., [T.m>-LEAving] last eorfS-cyning, st. m., eabth-king,
remnant, 2813. earthly king, 1155.
ende-lean, st. neut., END-reward, final eorV'draca, iv. m. , earth -drake,
reward, 1692. earth-dragon, 2712, 2825.
ende-s5ta, w. m., [END-sirter] coast- eorSe, w. /., earth, world, 92, 2834
guard, 241. (see note), etc.
ende-stsef, st. m., [end-staff] end; eotV-Ms, St. neut., eakth-house,
ace. on ende-stssf, 'towards, in, 2232*.
the end,' 1753. eortS-reced, st. neut., EARTH-house,
endian, w. v. earth-hall, 2719 (see note).
ge-eudian, w. v., end; pp. eorB-sersef, st. neut., EARTH-cave;
geendod, 2311. gen. pi. eortS-scrafa, 3046.
enge, adj., narrow, 1410. eorS-sele, st. m., EARTH-hall, 2410,
ent, St. m., giant, 1679, 2717, 2515.
2774. eorS-weall, st. m., earth-wall,
entisc, adj., gigantic, 2979. 2957, 3090.
eode, eodon, see gan. eorlS-weard, st. ni., EARTH-possession,
eodor, st. m. land-property, locality, 2334.
(1) fence, barrier; ace. pi.
under eoten, eoton, st. m., ettin, giant,
eoderas, within the barriers, into
' monster, 112, 421, 761, 883, 902
the house,' 1037, (see note), etd.
(2) protector, lord, prince, 428, eotenisc, eotonisc, adj., gigantic, of
1044; nam. eodur, 663. a giant, 1558, 2979; ace. etonisc,
eofer, eofor, st. m., boar, figure of a 2616.
boar upon a helmet, 1112, 1328; eoten-weard, st. /., [ettin-ward]
ace. eafor, 2152. ward or watch against a monster
eofer-spreot, st. m., boar-spear, 1437. ace. eoten-weard ahead, ' offered
eofor-Uc, St. neut., boar-LiKsness, watch against Greudel,' 668 (see
figure of a boar upon a, helmet note),
pi. 303. eow, pers. pron., ace. and dat. pU
eotoV, see eafoS. (of |;u), yon, 391, 2865, etc.
eolet, St. m. or neut.; gen. 224 (see eowan, see ywan.
note). eower, pers. pron:, gen. pi. {of ]>u),
eom, AM, see wesan. of TO0, 248, etc.
eorclan-stan, st. m., precious stone, eower, poss. adj., your, 251, etc.
1208. [Of. O.N. jarkna-steinn, eowic, pers. pron., ace. pi. (of ]>u),
and Goth, -alrkns, 'good, holy.'] YOU, 317, 3095.
eored-geatwe, st. f. pi., troop-trap- est, St. /., favour, grace, 958, 2165,
pings, military equipments, 2866. etc.; ace. 2157 (see note), 3075; dat.
[eored from * eoh-rad.] pi. estum, with adverbial force,
eorl, St. m., earl, noble, warrior, 'graciously, gladly, kindly,' 1194,
6, 248, etc. 2149, 2378. [Of Goth, ansts.]
eorl-gestreon, st. neut., eabls' este, adj., gracious; with gen. hyre
treasure, 2244. ...este wSre beam-gebyrdo, 'was
eoTl-gewiede, st. neut., [eabl-webds] gracious to her in her child-
armour, 1442. bearing,' 94S.

Glossary 195
etan, st. v., eat, 444, 449. ^rlnga, adv., suddenly, 1414 (see
^UTh-etan, st. v., eat throuoh; note), 1988.
pp. pi. Jjurhetone, 3049. f»T-til8, St. m., [FEAB-malice] sudden
etonlac, see eotenlsc. mischief, 476.
615-tiegSte, adj., [easy-BEGorten] faest, adj., fast, 137, etc.; oftenwith
easily got, 2861. dat. 1290, 1878, etc.
etSe, see SaVe. fsestan, w. v., fastcu.
SiSel, St. m., native land, fatherland, be-fsestan, w. v., commit to,
land, estate, 520, etc. 1115.
eUel-rllit, st. neut., land-EioHT, 2198. fseste, adv., fast, 554, etc.
eBel-stol, st. to., [fatherland-STOOL] fsastor, compar., faster, 143.
native seat; pi. country, 2371. fsesten, st. neut., FASxness, strong-
eSel-turf, st. /., native tdkf, native hold^ 104, 2333, 2950.
soil; dat. e'Sel-tyrf, 410. f89Bt-rsed, adj., [fast-bede] firm-
eUel-weard, st. m., fatherland-wABD, purposed, steadfast, 610.
guardian of his country, 616, fast, St. ne«{. VAT, vessel, flagon, 2761.

1702, 2210. fSBt, St. neut., plating, gold-plate,

eSel-wyn, st. /., home joy, joyful 716, 2256.
home, 2885; ace. e«el-wyn, 2498. fsBted, adj. {pp.), plated, gold-plated,
etS-gesyne, yS-gesene, adj., [easy-] 2253, etc.: contracted forms fStte,
manifest, easily visible {not seen, JSttan, 333, 1093, 1750*.
pp.), 1110, 1244. fssted-bleor, adj., with bridle
covered with plates of gold, 1036.
fSt-gold, St. neut., plated qold,
facen, st. neut., treachery, crime, fiette, fSttan, see fSted.
2009*. fseVm, St. m., [fathom] embrace,
facen-stsef, st. m. , treachery, 1018. bosom, lap, 185, 188, 1393, etc.;
fa9C, St. neut. , period of time, 2240. power, 1210.
f^der, m., fatheb, 55, 316 (of
St. fseSmlan, w. v., embrace, 2652, 3133.
God), fasder, 21, etc.
etc.; gen. lag, fah, adj., stained, coloured,
fseder-setielu, st. neut. pi.,ancestral variegated, bright, shining, 305,
virtue, dat. pi. 911. 1615, 1631, 2701, 420 (blood-
fsederen-mieg, st. m., kinsman on stained), 1038 (bedecked); ace.
the fathek's side, 1263. [C/. sg. m. fagne, fahne, 725, 447, 2217,
Goth, fadrein, 'paternity.'] etc.
fSge, adj., FEY, doomed, 846, etc. fah, fag, adj.
fiegen, adj., faln, glad, 1633. (1) hostile, 554; nam. he fag witS
fssger, adj., faib, beautiful, 522, etc. God, 'he a foe to God,' 811.
[Of. Goth, fagrs.] Substantively, foe; ace. sg. m.
ixgeie, faegre, adv., FAiEly, be- fane, 2655; gen. pi. fara, 578,
comingly, courteously, 1014, 1788, 1463.
etc. (2) guilty, outlawed, 978, 1001,
fiBgh'S, see fffihtS. 1263.
-ffflgon, see -feon. falme, see fag, ta,h.
fJBhS, fxtiSo, St. /., FEUD, hostility, Rlmlg-beals, adj., FOAMv-necked,
2403, 2999; ace. fSh«e, 137, etc., 1909; f ami-heals, 218.
i£Bgh«e, 2465, fffih«o, 2489. fandian, see fondiau.
fsela, see fela. fS,ue, see fah, fag.
^Isian, w. v., cleanse, 432, etc.; -fangen, see -fon.
pp. gefSlsod, 825, etc. fara, see S,h, ^g.
fSnme, w. /., maid, lady, 2034, faran, st. v., faee, go, 124, etc.;
2059. pret. sg. for, 1404, etc.; pi. foron,
fser, St. neut., craft, vessel, 33. 1895, dat. inf. fareime, 1805*.
fSr, St. m., [feab] sudden attack or ge-faran, st. v., faee, 738.
danger, 1068, 2230*. faroV, St. m., tide, stream, flood,
^r-gripe, st. m., feab-gbip, sudden 28, etc.
grip, 738, 1516. fSa, pi. adj., few; aec. {with gen.)
ffflr-gryre, st. m., [PEAB-terror] worda, 2246, 2662 gen. feara,
tea, ;

sudden terror, terror of sudden 1412, 3061 (see note) ; dat. feaum,
danger, 174. 1081. [C/. Goth. pi. ttmki.]

196 Beowulf
-feah, see -feon. of money, valuable gift, 21, 1025,
fealli, see 1089.
feallan, st. v., fall, 1070, etc. pret. feoh-leas, adj., pee-less, not to be
sg. feol(l), 772, 2919, etc. atoned for with money, 2441.
be-feallan; ]yp. befeallen, 'de- feobtan, st. v., fight, F. 43.
prived, bereft,' 1126, 2256. ge-feobtan, st. v., figbt out,
ge-feallan, st. v. achieve, 1083.
(1) intrans. , tall, 1755. feohte, w. /., fight, 576, 959.
(2) trans., fall to, fall on to, 2100, feolan, st. v., penetrate; pret. sg.
2834 {see note). fealh, 1281, 2225*- [C/. Goth.
fealo, see fela. filhan. ]
fealu, adj., fallow, yellow, dun; 39t-feolan, st. v., cleave, stick;
ace. sg. m.
fealone, 1950; /. pret. EBtfealh, 968.
fealwe, 916; ace. pi. fealwe, 865. -feon, St. V.
fSa-Bceaft, adj., wretched, destitute, ge-feon, st. v., rejoice; pret.
7, 973, 2285, 2373, 2393. sg. gefeah, 109, etc., gefeh, 827,
feax, St. neut., hair, hair of the etc.; pret. pi. gefSgon, 1014,
head, dat. feaxe, 1537*, 1647, gefegon, 1627.
fexe, 2967. fSond, St. m., FIEND, foe, 101, 164,
fedan, w. v., feed. [Cf. Goth. etc. [Cf. Goth, fijands.]
fodjan.] feond-grap, st. /., piENE-Giezp,
Sl-fedan, w. v. bring up, 693.
, foe's grasp, 636.
-fSgon, see -feon. feond-Bca'Ba, w. m., [piEND-sc^rHer}
-feh, see -feon. dire foe, 554.
fehS, see fon. feond-acipe, st. m., fiendship, en-
fel (-fSol), st.f., file; felalaf, mity, 2999.
'leaving of files, i.e. sword,' 1032. feor, adj., fab, 1361, 1921.
fela, St. neut., indecl., nrach, many, feor, adv., far, afar, 42, 109, 542, 808,
36, etc. [Cf. Goth, filu, dat. 1221, 1340, etc.; once feorr, 1988;
fil4u.] of time, 'far back,' 1701. [Cf.
Usu. with gen. sg. <yr pi.; fealo, Goth, falrra, 'far.']
2757; see also worn. tyr, compar., farther, 143, 252.
Used as an adj. qualifying worn feor-btlend, st. m. (pres. part.), par
(q. v.), 530, etc. dweller, dweller afar; pi. 254.
fela, adv., much, greatly, 1385, etc.; feor-cySU, St. /., par country; pi.
fsela,F. 27, 35 (see micel). f eor-cyJj'Se beo'S selran gesohte \>tem
fela-geomor, adj. very sad, 2950.
, fie him selfa deah, 'distant lands
fela-hror, adj., very vigorous, 27. are better sought by one who is
fela-mSdig, adj., [very moody] very himself a good man,' 1838.
brave, 1637, 1888. feorh, St. m. neut., life, 73, 439,
fela-synnig, adj., very siNful, 1379 1152 (bodies), 1210 (see note),,
(but see note), 2040, etc.; gem. feores, 1433, etc.;
fell, St. neut.,fell, skin, 2088. dat. feore, 1843, etc.; ace. ferh {see
fen(n), st. neut., fen, moor, 104, wrecan), 2706; wtes in feorh
1295. [_Cf. Goth, fani, 'clay.'] dropen, 'was mortally wounded,'
fen-freoSo, st. /., FEu-refuge, 851. 2981; widan feorh, 'ever,' 2014;,
feng, St. m., clutch, grasp, 578, dat. to widan feore, 'ever,' 933.
1764. [Cf. Goth, fairhwus, 'world.']
fSng, see f5n. feorh-bealu, -bealo, strong neut.,
fengel, st. m., prince, 1400, 1475, life-BALE, deadly evil, 156, 2077,
2156, 2345. 2250, 2537.
fen-geiad, st. neut., FEN-path, 1359. feorh-benn, st. /., life-wound, deadly
fen-hliS, st. neut., PEN-slope; pi. wound, 2740.
fen-hleoSu, 820. feorh-bona, w. m., [life-BANE] mur-
fen-hop, St. neut., FEN-retreat, derer, 2465.
'sloping hollow with a fenny feorb-cynn, st. neut., life-KiN, gene-
bottom' (Skeat), 764. ration or race of men, 2266.
feoh, St. neut., pee, property, money; feorb-genlSla, w. m., life-foe, deadly
dat. sg., feo (fea), 156 (see note), foe, 969, 1540, 2933.
etc. {Cf. Goth, falhu.] feorb-iaet, st. m., life-step, 846 (see
feoh-gift, -gylt, St. /., PEE-GiFT, gift note).

Glossary 197
feorh-legu, st. /., decreed term of ge-ferian, w. o., bear, bring,
Vde, hence conclusion of life, ace. 1638, 3130; imperat. pi. 1st, ge-
nil ic on maSma hord mine be- ferian, 'let us bear,' 3107.
bohte frode feorh-lege, 'now that of-ferlan, w. v., bear off, 1583.
in exchange for the hoard of o8-ferian, w. v., bear away,
treasures I have sold my
old life,' save, 2141.
2800. fetel-hllt, St. neut., belted hilt,
feorh-seoc, adj., life-sicK, mortally 1563.
wounded, 820. fetian, w. v., fetch; pp. fetod, 1310.
feorh-sweng, st. m., [Vde-switiG] ge-fetian, w. v., fetch, bring,
deadly blow, 2489. 2190.
feorh-wund, st. /., life-wouND, leUa, w. m., troop on foot, troop,
deadly wound, 2385. 1327, 1424, 2497, 2544, 2919.
feorh-weard, st. /., guard over life, feBe, St. neut., movement, pace,
305 (see note). 970.
feonn, st. /., food, sustenance, 451 feSe-cempa, w. m., foot-champion,
(see note), 2385* (see note). foot-warrior, 1544, 2853.
feormend-leas, adj., polisher-LESs, feSe-gest, st. m., foot-GUEST, 1976.
wanting the furbisher, 2761. feSe-last, st. m., [movement-track]
feormian, w. v. foot-track, 1632.
(1) polish; siibj. pres. 2253*. feSer-gearwa, st. f. pi., feather-
(2) eat, devour; pp. gefeormod, gear, 3119*.
744. fe'Se-wIg, St. m., foot-war, battle on
feormynd, st. m. {pres. part.), foot, 2364.
polisher; pi. 2256. fex, see feax.
feorran, w. v., banish, 156. flf, num., FIVE, 545, F. 43; inflected,
feorran, adv., from apab, fife, 420. [C/. Goth, fimf.]
(1) of space, 361, etc. fifel-cynn, st. neut., monster-KiN,
(2) of time, 91, 2106 (of old race of monsters, 104.
times). fif-teue, num., fifteen; ace. tft-
feoTTan-cund, adj., come from aFAs, tyne, 1582; inflected gen., flf-
1795. tena sum, 'with fourteen others,' ^.
feor-weg, st. m., fak way, distant 207.
land, 37. flftlg, num., fifty; as adj. 2209;
feower, num., four, 59, 1027, 1637, with gen. 2733; inflected gen. sg.
2163. fiftiges, 3042.
feower-tyne, num. foukteen, 1641.
, flndan, st. «., find, 7, 207, etc.;
ferau, w. v., fare, go, 27, etc.; obtain, prevail, 2373: pret. fand,
pret. pi. ferdon, 839, 1632 ; subj. 118, etc.; funde, 1415, etc.; inf.
pres. pi., feran, 254. swa hyt weortSlieost fore-snotre
ge-ferau, w. v. men findan mihton, 'as very wise
(1) trans., go to, reach, gain, men could most worthily devise
bring about, 1221, 18S5, 2844, it,' 3162.
3063. , on-flndan, st. v., find out, per-
(2) intrans., fare; pret. pi., 1691 ceive, 750, 1293, 1890, etc.
(see note). finger, st. m., finger, 760, etc.
ferh, 2706, see feorh. flras, St. m. pi., men, 91, etc.; gen.
ferh, St. m., [paebow] pig, 305 (see pi. fyra, 2250*. [P. B. B. x.
note), 487.]
ferh-weard, see feorh-weard. firen, fyren, st. /., crime, violence,
ferhU, St. m. or neut., heart, mind, 754, 915, etc.; ace. fyrene, 101, 137,
etc. [connected with feorh, 'life']. 153, etc., firen, 1932: dat. pi.
ferhS-frec, adj. bold-minded, 1146.
, fyrenum, by crimes, maliciously,'

ferhS-genlSla, w. m., life-foe, deadly 1744. For 2441 see note. [Gf.
foe, 2881. Goth, falrina, 'accusation.']
ferlan, w. v., [fekey] bear, carry, fyren-daed, st. /. , crime-DEED,
bring ; pres. pi. f erigea^, 333 deed of violence, 1001, 1669.
pret. pi. feredon, 1154, etc., fy- fyren-Kearf, st. f., [crime-need]
redon, 378; pp. pi. geferede, 361. dire distress, 14.
[t/. Goth, farjan.] fl^en-, see fjrrgen-.
set-ferian, w. v., bear off, 1669. flseac, St. neut., flesh, 2424. .
198 Beowulf
flsesc-homa, w. m., PLESH-oovering, folc-red, st. m., polk-bede; ace.
body, 1568. folo-red fremede, 'did what was
fiacor, adj., flickering, quickly for the public good,' 3006.
moving, P. 36*. folc-rilit, St. neut., polk-eight,
arrow, barb, 2438, 3119.
flan, St. m., public right, 2608.
flan-boga, w. m., arrow-sow, 1433, folc-scaru, st.f., folk-shake, (public)
1744. land, 73.
fleah, see fleon. folc-stede, st. m., folk-stead, 76
fleam, st. m., flight, 1001, 2889. (Heorot) ; ace. folc-stede fara,
fleogan, st. v., ply, 2273, F. 3. 'the field of battle,' 1463.
fleon, St. v., FLEE, 755, etc.; pret. folc-toga, w. m., POLK-leader, 839.
sg., with ace, fleah, 1200* (see fold-bold, St. neut., eaith-BuiLDing,
note), 2224. hall on the earth, 773.
be-fleon, st. v., with ace, flee, fold-bflend, st. m. (pres. part.),
escape from; dat. inf. no bffit earth-dweller, 309; pi. fold-buend,
fSe byS to befleonue, 'that (fate 2274, fold-buende, 1355.
or death) will not be easy to folde, w. /., earth, ground, world,
escape from,' 1003. 96, 1137, 1196, etc.
ofer-fleon, st. v., plee from; inf. fold-weg, St. m., earth-wAY, 866,
nolle ic beorges weard oferfleon 1633.
fotea trem, 'I wUl not flee from folglan, w. u., poLLow, pursue,
the barrow's warden a foot's 1102, 2933.
space,' 2525. folm, st.f., hand, 158, etc.
flSotan, St. v., [fleet] float, swim, fon, St. v., seize, take, receive,
542, 1909. grapple, clutch, 439; pres. 3rd,
flet, 8*. neut., floor, floor of a hall, feh'S oSer to, 'another inherits
hall, 1025, 1036, 1086, etc. (the treasure),' 1755; pret. feng,
flet-raest, st. /., floor-EEsi, bed in a 1542, with dat. 2989. [Cf. Goth.
hall, 1241. fahan.]
flet-sittend, st. m. (pres. part.), be-fon, bl-fSn, st. v., seize,
floor-siTTing, hall-sitter, 1788, seize on, embrace; pp. befongen,
2022. 976, 1451, 2274, etc., bifongen,
flet-werod, st. neut., [floor-host] 2009, befangen, 1295, etc.
hall-troop, 476. ge-fon, St. v., with ace, seize;
fllht, St.m., FLIGHT, 1765. pret. gefeng, 740, 1501, 1537, 1563,
flltan, St. v., [Sc. flite] contend, 2215, 2609, 3090.
strive, 916 ; pret. sg. 2nd, 507. on-fon, St. v., usu. with dat.,
ofer-flltan, st. v., ovEHCome, receive, take, seize, 911; imperat.
517. sg. onfoh, 1169 ; pret. onfeng, 52,
flod, St. m., FLOOD, 42, 545, etc. 1214, etc.; 748 (see note).
[C/. Goth, flodus.] ^urh-fon, with
st. v., ace.,
fl6d-y8, St./., FLOOD- wave, 542. [seize through] penetrate, 1504.
flSr, St.m., FLOOR, 725, 1316. wiU-fon, St. v., with dat.,
flota, w. m., [FLoATer] bark, shin, grappjg with; pret. wilS-feng, 760.
210, etc. ymbe-lda, st. v., with ace.,
flot-here, st. m., [PLOAT-armyl fleet, [seize about] encircle, enclose;
2915. pret. ymbefeng, 2691.
flyman, w. v., put to flight; pp. fondian, fandian, w. v., with gen.,
geflymed, 846, 1370. [Of. fleam.] search out, prove, experience;
-foil, see -f5n. pp. gefaudod, 2301, hafatJ dSda
folc, St. neut.,
polk, nation, people, gefondad, 'has experienced deeds
warriors, army, 14, 55, 262, etc. (of violence),' 2464.
The plural is sometimes used with for, prep.
thesame meaning as the singular, (1) with dat., before, 358, 1026,
1422, etc.; cf. leod, leode. 1120, 1649, 2020, 2990; before or
folc-lgend, st. m. (pres. part.), because of, 169, 2781; por, out of,
[FOLK-o>rj?er] folk-leader, 3113 (see from, through, because of, on
note). account of, about, 110, 338-9,
fOlC-CWSn, St.f., POLK-QUEEN, 641. 385, 508, 832, 951, 965, 1442,
folc-cyning, st. m., polk-kihg, 2733, 1615, 2501 (see note), 2549, 2926,
2873. 2966, etc.; for (purpose), 382, 468.
Glossary 199
(2) with ace, fok, instead of, as, note) ; of the Deity, the Lord, 27,
947, 1175, 2348. 2794. [Gf. Goth, fr^uja.]
foran, adv., beroEE, to the fore, frSa-drUiten, st. m. lord and master,

forwards, 984, 1458; Jie him foran 796.

ongean linde bSron, 'who bare frea-wlne, st. m., lord-friend, friend-
their linden-shields forwards a- ly ruler, 2357, 2429; ace. 2438.
gainst him,' 2364. ftea-wrasn, st. /. , lordly chain
ford, St. m. roRD, 568.
, (diadem surrounding the helmet),
fore, prep., with dat., beFOEE, 1215, 1451.
1064 (see note) in the presence of,
; freca, w. m., [feeok], bold man,
for, through, because 2059. of, warrior, 1563. [Gf. Mod. Germ.
fore, adv. therefore, for
, 136. it, frech, 'audacious.']
fore-masre, adj,, [FOEE-great]. frecne, adj., daring, audacious, 889,
fore-mSrost, superl. , most 1104, 2689 ; dangerous, dread,
famous of all, 309. fearful, 1359, 1378, 2250, 2537.
fore-mlhtlg, adj. , [foke-mightt] (See Forster in Engl. Stvd. xxxix.
over-powerful, 969. 327-39.)
fore-snotor, adj. [FOKE-prudent] frecne, adv., daringly, fiercely, ter-
very wise, 3162. ribly, 959, 1032, 1691 (see note).
fore->anc, st. m., ^oTCETBouGHi, 1060. fremde, adj., foreign, 1691.
forht, adj., fearful, afraid, 754, freme, adj. brave, excellent, 1932.

2967. fremman, w. v., fbame, do, accom-

forma, adj. superl. [of fore), first, plish, bring about, try, 3, 101*,
716, etc. 1003, 2514 (see note), etc. ; further,
forst, St. m., PEOST, 1609. support, 1832 ; pret. fremede, 3006,
forV, adv., pobth, forward(s), away, etc. ; pp. gefremed, 954, etc., ace.
on, 45, 210, 2289 (see to, adv.), f. gefremede, 940.
etc.; ge-fremman, w. v., frame, do,
of time, henceforth, from now, work, etc., 174, etc.; pret. hine
948, 2069. mihtig God...foiiS gefremede,
for-'Sam, for-San, for-Von, adv., '
him mighty God advanced,' 1718.
FOK THAT, therefore, 149, 418, etc. freo-burh, st. /., feee bdegh, free
for-)>on he, conj., because, 503. city, noble city, 693.
forS-gesceaft, st.f., [FOEiH-creation] freod, St. /., friendship, 1707 (see
future world or destiny, 1750. note), 2476, 2556.
for-bon, see for-ISam. freo-dryhten, st. m., noble lord, 1169,
fortS-weg, St. m. , eoeth-way, way 2627.
forth, 2625. freogan, w. v., love, show love, treat
fSt, St. m., FOOT, 500, 745, etc. kindly, 948, 3176. [Cf. Goth.
fot-gemearc, st. neut,, foot-maek, frijon.]
foot-length, foot; gen. sg. fiftiges freo-llc, adj., [feee-like] noble, 615,
fot-gemearces lang, fifty feet
' F. 21; fern, freolicu, 641.
long,' 3042. freond, st. m., feiend, 915, etc. [Cf.
fot-last, St. m. FooT-track, 2289.
, Goth, frijonds.]
fracod, adj., worthless, 1575. [Cf. freond-lar, st. /., [feienb-lore],
Goth, frakunnan, 'despise.'] friendly counsel, 2377.
frsegn, see frignan. freond-labu, st. /., rEXEUBLT cheer,
fr^gnlan, w. v. 1192 (see note to 1. 1320, neod-
ge-frsgnian, w. v., make la«u).
famous; pp. gefrSgnod, 1333. freond-llce, adv.
trsBtwa, frsetwe, st. f. pi., adorn freondllcor, com/par., in a more
ments, jewels, decorated armour, FRiENDLT way, 1027.
37, etc.; dat. frsetwum, 2054, etc. fi:Sond-scipe, st. m., feiendshif,
frsetewum, 962. 2069.
w. v., adorn,
fir89tw(l)aii, 76; pp. flrgo-wlne, st. m., noble lord, 430.
gefrsetwod, 992. [C/. Goth. freoVo, St. /., protection, peace,
-fratwjan.] 188.
ge-frsetw(i)aji, w. v., adorn treoSo-burh, st. /., protecting bubgh,
pret. sg. gefrsetwade, 96. peaceful city, 522.
fram, see from, freoSo-wong, st. m., peace-plain, place
frea, w. m., lord, 271, etc., 1934 (see of refuge, 2959.

200 Beowulf
fireoVu-webbe, w. /., peace- iKE^rer, fullsstan, see under lastan.
lady, 1942._ fultiun, St. m., help, aid, 698, 1273,
frioSo-wsBr, frloBu-wter, st. /., 1835, 2662.
peaoe-oompact, treaty of peace, funde, pret., see findan.
1096, 2282. fundian, w. v., hasten, intend, strive
ftiSu-sibl), St. /., peace-kin, to go, 1137, 1819.
peace-bringer, 2017. furtJum, adv., first, 328, 465, 2009;
fretan, st. v., [fket] devour, con- at first, formerly, 1707.
sume, 1581, 3014, 3114. [Cf. furSur, adv., fukther, further for-
Goth, fra-itan.] ward, 254, 761, 2525', 3006.
friogean, st. v., ask, learn; inf. flls, adj., ready, eager, longing, 1241,
fricgcean, 1985 ; pres. part, fela 1475, etc.; hastening, inclined,
friogende, ' learning much, experi- 1916 (see note to 1. 1915), 1966.
enced,' 2106. ftlB-lIc, adj., ready, prepared, 1424,
ge-fricgean, w. v., learn, 3002 ; 2618 ; neut. pi. fusliou, 232.
pres. subj. 1826, 2889. fyf-tjne, see fif-tene.
friclan, w. v., seek for, 2556. lyu, St. m., FALL, 1544, 2912.
fMgnan, frinan, st. v., ask, inquire, fyilan, w. V. [From full, cf. Goth.
851; imperat. sg. frin, 1322; pret. fuUjan.]
sg. frffign, 236, etc. [Cf. Goth. a-iyilan, w. v., fill up, fill, 1018.
fraihnan.] fyllan, w. V. [From feall.]
ge-frignan, st. v., learn, hear ge-fyUan, w. v., fell, 2655
of pret. sp., gefrsegn, 74, 194, etc.,
pret. pi. gefyldan, 2706.
gefrsBgen, 1011 ; pret. pi. gefrunon, ^Uo, St. /., FILL, 562, 1014, 1333.
2, etc., gefrungon, 666; pp. gefru- fyl-werlg, adj., fall-weaics, weary
nen, 694, etc., gefrsegen, 1196. to the point of falling, 962.
Often follmbed by ace. and inf. tyi, see feor, adv.
74, 1969, etc. fyr, St. neut., fike, 185, etc.
fnnan, see frignan. f^as, see firas.
IrioSo-, frloSu-, fri'Su-, see freotSo-. fSr-bend, st. m.f., tike-band, band
IrBd, adj., old, wise, 279, 1806, etc. forged with fire, 722.
[C/. Goth. froJ>s.] fjrrd-gestealla, w. m., army-com-
frofor, St. /., solace, comfort, 14, rade, 2873.
etc.; ace. frofre, 7, etc., frofor, fyrd-hom, st. m. , army-coat, coat of
698. mail, 1504.
from, adj., forward, keen, bold, lyrd-hrsegl, st. neut., [army-BAn.]
1641, 2476, 2527; splendid, 21. armour, 1527.
from, firam, prep., with dat., fkom, fyrd-hwsBt, od/., [army-active] war-
away from, 194 (see note), 420, like, brave ; pi. fyrd-hwate, 1641,
541, 1635, 2565, etc.; of, con- 2476.
cerning, 532, 581, etc. Following f^d-leo8, St. neut., army-lay, war-
its case, 110, etc. song, 1424*.
&om, fram, adv., away, forth, 754, fyr-draoa, w. m., fiee-dkake, fire-
2556. dragon, 2689.
fttuna, w. m., beginning, 2309. . fyrd-seaxu, st. neut., [army-] armour,
fnim-cyn, st. neut., [first kin] lin- 2618 pi. 232.

eage, origin, 252. fyrd-wyrUe, adj., [army-ifojirsy]

fnun-gar, st. m., [first-spear, cf. war-worthy, distinguished in war,
Lat. primipilus] chieftain, 2856. 1316.
ftum-sceaft, st. /., first creation, f^en, see flren.
beginning, 45, 91. fyren, adj., aFHiE, F. 38.
-trunen, -frungon, -frunon, see f^gen-beam, st. m., [mountain-BEAM]
-frignan. mountain-tree, 1414. [Cf. Goth., FOWL, bird; dat. sgr. fugle, fairguni.]
218; rwm. pi. fugelas, F. 6; dat. fyrgen-holt,8t. neut., mountain-HOLT,
pi. 2941*. [Cf Goth, fugls.] mountain-wood, 1393.
fal, adv., FULL, very, 480, 951, 1252. fyrgen-strgam, flrgen-stream, st. m.,
fal(l), St. neut., cup, beaker, 615, mountain-BTEEAM, 1859, 2128.
etc. ; ace. ySa, ful, the cup of
fyr-heard, adj., fiee-hakd, fire-
the waves, i.e. the sea,' 1208. hardened, 305.
ftOl, adj., FULL, 2412. tyrlan, see ferlan.
; : ;;

Glossary 201
fyr-lSoht, sf. neut., mkelioht, 1516. ge-g3,n, St. a., pret.
fyrmest, adv. superl. {of fore), gelode (2200):
FOREMOST, 2077. first, (1) GO (intrans.), 1967, 2676.
fyru-dagas, st. m. pi., former days, (2) oo(trans.), make, venture,
days of old, 1451. [C/. Goth. 1277, 1462.
fairueis, '
old.'] gain (by going), obtain, 1535;
l^m-geweorc, st. neut., former work, VJith dependent clause, 2917.
ancient work, 2286. (4) happen, 2200.
jym-gewiim, st. neut., former strife, , St. v., with ace. , oo
ancient strife, 1689. OVER, 1408, 2959.
^n-mann, st. m., former man, man cS-gan, St. v., GO (to), 2934.
of old, 2761. ymb-gan, st. v., with ace, go
fyrn-wita, iv. m., former counsellor, about, go around, 620.
old counsellor, 2123. gang, St. m., Going, journey, 1884
fyrst, St. m., time, space of time, 76, power of going, 968; track, 1391,
545, etc. 1404.
lyrSran, w. v., pdrthek; pp. frset- gang, gangan, see gongan.
wum gefyrSred, furthered by, ' ganot, St. m., gannet. Solan goose,
urged on by, the jewels (hasten- ' 1861.
ing to show them to Beowulf), gar, St. m., spear, javelin, 328, etc.
2784. [Frmn furtSor.] gar-cSne, adj., spear-KESN, spear-
lyr-wet, -wyt, st. neut., curiosity, bold, 1958.
232, etc. gar-cwealm, st. m., [spear-QPBii-
fyr-wylm, st. m., riKB-ir^iiing, ing] death by the spear, 2043.
surge of fire, 2671. gar-holt, St. neut., spear-HOLT, spear-
fyaan, w. v., make ready, incite; shaft, spear, 1834.
pp. gefysed, 630, 2309, 2561; gar-secg, st. m., ocean, 49, 515, 537.
winde gefysed, impelled by the '
gar-wiga, w.m., spear-warrior, 2674,
wind,' 217. [From fus.] 2811.
gar-wlgend, st. m. (pres. part.),
spear- warrior, 2641.
G gaat, giest, St. m., ghost, sprite,
devil, 102 (see note), 133, etc.
gad, St. neut., lack, 660, etc. [C/. gen. pi. gasta, 1357, gsesta,
Goth. gMdw.] 1123.
gsedeling, st. m., relative, comrade, gast-bona, w. m., [ghost-bane] soul-
2617, 2949. slayer, the devil, 177.
gsest, gaest, see note to 1. 102. ge, conj., and, 1340; ivith swylce,
gsX, see gan. 2258; carrel., both. ..and,' '

galan, sing, sound, 786, 1432;

st. v., 1248, 1864.
pres. sg., gsele^, 2460. gS, pers. pron. (pi. of J>u), ye, you,
a-galan, st. v., sing, ring; pret. 237, etc.
agol, 1521. geador, adv., Iogether, 835 ; with
galdor, see gealdor. setsomne, 491.
galga, w. m. gallows, 2446.
, on geador, toGEiHER, 1595.
galg-mod, adj., [sad-Moon] sad in ge-sehtle, w. /., high esteem, 369.
mind, gloomy, 1277. geald, see gyldan.
galg-treow, st. neut., gallows-tree, gealdor, st. neut.
2940. (1) sound, blast, 2944.
gamen, gamol, see gomen, gomol. (2) incantation; dat. galdre, 3052.
gan, irreg. v., go; pres. indie. 3rd, gealp, see gUpan.
gStS, 455 pres. subj. ga, 1394 geap, adj., spacious, extensive,

pret. eode, 858, 493, etc. ; imperat. roomy, 836, 1800.

ga, 1782 ; pp. sy^^an hie togsedre gear, st. neut., year, 1134. [C/.
gegan hsefdon, after they had' Goth, jer.]
closed in strife,' 2630. (See also geara, gen. pi. (in adverbial
gongan.) sense), of yore, formerly, 2664.
fuU-gan, St. v., with dat., follow geard, st. m., yard; always pi. in
and aid; pret.' Bceft...flane fuU- 'Beowulf,' courts, dwelling-place,
eode, the' shaft followed and 13, 265, 1134, 1138, 2459. [C/.
aided the barb,' 3119. Goth, gards, 'house.']
. ; ;

202 Beowvlf
gSax-dagas, st. m. pi., tobe-days, gegnum, adv., forwards, straight,
days of yore, 1, 1354, 2233. direct, 314, 1404.
geare, see gearwe. gehlyn, st. n., noise, din, F. 30.
gearo, gearu, once geara, adj., take, gehSo, see giobSo.
ready, prepared, 77, 1109, 1914, ge-hwa, pron., with gen., each, each
etc. with gen. 1825
; aec. eg. f.
; one ace. gehwone, gehwane, 294,

gearwe, 1006 pi. gearwe, 211,

2397, etc.; dat. m. gehwam, geh-
etc. wSm, 88, 1420, etc. ; dat. f.
gearo, adv., well, 2748. See also gehwSre, 25. Maso form with
gearwe. dependent gen. of fern, or heut, n.
gearo-folm, adj., ready-handed, 2838, 2765.
2085*. ge-hw3Br, adv., everywHERE, 526.
geaxwe, geare, adv., well, 265, 2656, ge-bwseSer, pron. eiTHER, 584, etc.

etc.; withne, 'not at all,' 246. mym. neut., an wig gearwe ge set
gearwor, compar. more readily,
, ham ge on herge, ge gehweejier
3074. Jiara efne swylce mSla, ready for '

gearwost, superl., most surely, war both at home and in the field,
715. and either (i.e. both) of them even
-geat, see -gitan. at such times,' 1248.
geato-Uc, adj., stately, splendid, ge-Uwylc, ge-hwelc, adj.-pron., with
215, 308, 1401, 1562, 2154. gen. each, 98, 148, etc.
geatwa, st. f. pi., garniture, 3088. ge-hygd, St. f. and neut., thought,
ge-bedda, w. m. or /., BED-fellow, 2045.
665. [Of. heals-gebedda.] ge-hyld, st. neut., protection, 3056.
ge-brsec, st. neut., crash, 2259. [Gf. \_From healdan.]
brecan.] ge-lac, at, neut., play, 1040, 1168.
ge-broUor, ge-bro8ru, st. m. pi., ge-lad, St. neut., [lode] path, 1410.
BROTHERS, 1191. ge-lang, see ge-long.
ge-byrd, st. f. or neut., order, . ge-lenge, adj., bezoj^eing to, 2732.
established order, fate, 1074. ge-llc, adj., LIKE, 2164 (but see note).
ge-cynde, adj., [kind] natural, he- ge-llcost, superl., likest, most
reditary, 2197, 2696. like, 218, 727, 985, 1608.
ge-dal, St. neut., severance, parting, ge-15me, adv., frequently, 559.
3068. [Of. Goth. daUs, ' division.'] ge-long, ge-lang, adj. gelong (ge-

ge-defe, adj., meet, fitting, 561, lang) £et he, '

aLONG of, dependent
1670, 3174*; friendly, 1227. on.Jhee,' 1376, 2150.
ge-drseg, st. neut., tumult, 756 (see ge-msene, ad/., common, in common,
note) 1784, etc. [Cf. Goth, gam&ins.]
ge-dryht, ge-driht, st. /. band, , ge-mede, st. neut., consent, 247.
troop, 118, 431, etc. ge-met, at. neut., measure, power,
ge-fsegra, compar. adj., more pleas- ability, 2533, 2879; mid gemete,
ing; nom. he... wears.. .freondum '
in any wise,' 779 (see note).
gefsegra ; hine fyren onwod, ' he ge-met, adj., meet, 687, 3057.
(Beowulf) became more dear to ge-meting, at.f., meeting, 2001.
his friends ; him (Heremod) crime ge-mong, st. neut., troop, 1643.
assailed,' 915 (see note). ge-mynd, st. f. and neut, reMiuner, ,

-gefan, see -gifan. memorial, 2804, 3016. [Cf. Goth.

ge-fea, w. m., joy, 562, 2740. gamunds.]
ge-feoht, St. neut., fight, 2048, ge-myndlg, adj., MiNnful, 613, etc.
2441. gen, adv., aGAiN, yet, still, 734, 2070,
ge-flit, St. neut., 'Ji/rlng,' contest, 3006, etc. often with jia, nil, 83,

match, 586*, 865. 2859, etc.

ge-frsege, adj., renowned, notorious, gena, adv., still, 2800, 3093.
55,_2480. ge-neahhe, adv., enough, 783; fre-
ge-frsBge, st. neut., hearsay; dat. quently, 3152.
(instr.) sg. mine gefrtege, ' as I genehost, superl., very often:
nave heard or learned,' 776, 837, genehost braagd eorl Beowulfes
1955, 2685, 2837. ealde lafe, 'very abundantly did
ge-frEBgnian, w. v. , make famous an earl of Beowulf draw... i.e.
pp. gefrSgnod, 1833. many an earl of Beowulf drew,'
Segn-cwlde, st. m., reply, 367. 794.
; :

Glossary 203
gengan, gengde, see gongan. ge-saca, w. m., adversary, 1773.
ge-nip, St. neut., mist, 1360, 2808. ge-sacu, st.f., strife, 1737.
ge-n5g, adj., enoi/oh, 2489, 3104. ge-scad, St. neut., difference, 288.
ginunga, adv. wholly, utterly, 2871.
, geacEep-hwU, st. /., [sH^ped while]
geo, glo, lu, adv., formerly, 1476, fated hour, 26.
2459, 2521. [C/. Goth, ju.] ge-8oeaft, st. /., [what is SHAPEri]
geoc,8«./.,help, 177, 608, 1834, 2674. creation, world, 1622. [Cf. scyppan
geocor, adj., dire, sad, 765. and Goth, gaskafts.]
geofon, gifen, gyfen, st. neut., ocean, ge-sceap, st. neut., shape, 650;
362, 515, 1394, 1690. destiny, 3084 (see note).
geofU, see gifta. ge-scipe, st. netit., fate, 2570 (see
geogotS, giogoU, St. /., yoniH, both note).
abstract and concrete ( = younger ge-selda, w. m., hall-fellow, comrade,
warriors), 66, etc.; gen. iogo'Se, 1984.
1674. ge-si?, St. m., retainer (originally
geogoS-feorh, st. m. and neut., youth- comrade in a journey), 29, etc.
life,days of youth, 537, 2664. ge-slyht, St. neut., slaying, encoun-
geolo, adj., tellow, 2610. ter, 2398. [Cf. O.E. slean.]
geolo-rand, st. m., yellow buckler, ge-Btreon, st. neut., possession, trea-
yellow shield, 438. sure, 1920, 2037, 3166.
geo-mann, see in-moim. gest-sele, st. m., oxjEST-hall, 994.
geo-meowle, to. /., former maiden, ge-sund, adj., sound, safe and sound,
spouse, 3150*; ace. io-meowlan, 1628, 1988 with gen. siSa gesunde,

2931. [Of. Goth, mawilo.] '

safe and sound on your journeys,'
gSomor, glomor, adj., sad, 49, 3150, 318.
etc. /. geomuru, 1075.
ge-BWing, St. neut., swing, eddy, 848.
geomore, adv., sadly, 151. ge-syne, adj., evident, visible, 1255,
geomor-Uc, adj., [sad-iiiKE] sad, etc.
2444. ge-synto, st. /., sounnness, health,
geomor-mod, giomor-mod, adj., 1869.
[sad-MooD] sad-minded, sorrowful, -get, see -gitan.
2044, 2267, 3018. ge-tiese, adj., quiet, pleasant, 1320.
geomrlan, w. v., lament, 1118. getan, w. v., slay, destroy, inf.
geomuru, see gSomor. ewBB'S,he on mergenne meces ee-
geond, prep., with ace., [yokd] gum getan wolde, sume on galg-
throughout, 75, etc. treowum fuglum to gamene,
geong, giong, adj., young, 13, etc.; '
quoth, he would destroy [them]
dat. sg., geongum, 2044*, etc., in the mom with the edges of the
geongan, 2626. sword, [hang] some on gallows-
glngsest, superl. yovngest, last
, trees for a sport for birds,' 2940
weak, 2817. (see note).
geong, 2743, see gongan. ge-tenge, adj., lying on, 2758.
geong, see gongan. ge-trum, st. neut. troop, 922.,

geom, adj., YEABNing, eager, 2783. ge-trywe, adj., tkue, faithful, 1228.
[Cf. Germ, gem.] ge-^lnge, st. neut. :

geome, adv., eagerly, gladly, 66, (1) terms, pi. 1085.

etc.; well, 968. (2) issue, 398, 709; gm. pi. ge-
geomor, compar., more surely, Kngea, 525 (see note).
821. m., THOUGHT, resolution,
ge-|>o2it, St.

geo-sceaft, st. /., fate, 1234 (see 256, 610.

note). ge-bonc, St. m. and neut., Tsouont,
geOBceatt-gilst, st. m., fated spirit, 2332.
1266. ge-^aec, st. neut. heap, 3102.

geotan, st. pour, rush, 1690.

v., ge-brlng, st. neut., throng, eddy,
[Cf. Goth, giutan.] 2132^
ge-rad, a<i7.,BkUful, 873. [Cf. Goth. ge-^wsere, adj. , gentle, 1230.
garail>s, 'due.'] ge-byld, St. /., patience, 1395, etc.
ge-rOm-lice, adv., eoomily. gej'yldum, adverbially, patiently, '

ge-rflmlicor, compar. , more steadily,' 1705.

roomily, further away, 139. ge-^ywe, adj., [TBEWy'] wonted,
ge-rysne, adj., befitting, 2653. customary, 2332,

204 Beowulf
ge-wsede, st, neut., weeds, armour glf-stSl, St. m., GiEt-STOOL, throne,
292. 168 2327
ge-wealc, st. neut., [walk] rolling, gUu, St. /., Girt, 1173, 1271, etc.;
464. gen. pi. gifa, 1930, geofena, 1173
ge-weald, st. neut., TviELmng, power, dat. pi. geofum, 1958.
control, 79, 808, 2221 (see mid), gigant, St. TO., giant, 113, 1562, 1690.
etc. [P.B.B. X. 501. From Greek,
ge-wealden, adj. (pp.), subject, 1732. through hat. gigantem.]
ge-weorc, st. neut., work, 455, etc. gilp, gylp, St. m. and neut., [yelp]
ge-wider, st. neut., weather, storm, boast, 829, 1749, 2521 (see note
tempest; pi. 1375. to 11. 2520-1), etc.; on gylp,
ge-wif, St. neut., web, of destiny, 'proudly,' 1749.
fortune; pi. gewiofu, 697. [C/. gilpam, gylpan, st. v. [yelp] boast, ,

O.E. wefan.] 586, 2583, etc.

ge-win(n), st. neut., strife, struggle, be-gilpan, st. v., boast of, 2006*
133, etc. (see note).
ge-winna, w. to., striver, foe, 1776 gilp-cwlde, St. m., [YELP-speeoh]
(see note). boasting speech, 640.
ge-wiofU, see ge-wif. gUp-m^den, adj. {pp.), [yelp-laden]
gewia-lice, adv. glory-laden, 868 (see note).
gewis-lioost, superl., most cer- gylp-sprfflc, St./., [yelp-speech]
tainly, 1350. boasting-speech, 981.
ge-witt, St. neut., wit, senses, 2703; gylp-word, st. neut. [yelp-wokd]

head, 2882. boastful word, 675.

ge-wlttlg, adj., [witty] 3094 (see gim, St. m., gem, 2072. [From, Lat.
note). gemma, whence 'gem.']
ge-worht, see wyrcan. gim-fsest, see gin-fsest.
ge-wiixle, st. neut., exchange, 1304. gitnme-iice, adj., gem-EiCH, rich in
ge-wyrht, st. neut., desert, 457* jewels, 466 (see note),
(see note); pi. 2657. gin-fsest, gim-fsest, adj., [wide-PAST]
gld(d), gyd(d), st. neut., formal ample, 1271 (see note), 2182.
speech, song, dirge, 151, etc. gingsest, see geong.
glest, gist, gyst, gaest, guest, -glnnan, st. o.
stranger (often = hostile stranger), on-ginnan, st. v. , beoiN, under-
1138, 1441, 1522, 2227: geest, take, attempt, 244 (see note), 409,
1800, 1898; probably also, 2312 2878, etc.; pret. sg. ongan, 100,
(see note to 1. 102). [C/. Goth. etc.; ongon, 2790.
gasts.] gio, see geo.
gif, gyf. conj., IF, 442, 944, etc. ; if glofan, see gifan.
= whether, 272, etc. giogoS, see geogo9.
gifan, glofan, st, v., pret. geaf, giobtSo, St. /., sorrow, care; dat.
geafon, pp. gyfen: give, 49, 64, gioh'So, 2267, giohtSe, 2793*,
1719, etc. geh«o, 3095.
a-gifan, st. v., give back, 355, giomor, see geomor.
2929. giong, see geong.
SBt-gifan, St. v., give (to), ren- -giredan, see -gyrwan.
der, 2878. gist, see giest.
for-glfan, st. v., give, 17, etc. git, pers. pron. (dual of \>u), ye two,
of-gifan, of-gyfan st. v., give 508, etc.
up, leave, 1600, 2251, 2588, etc.; git, gtt, adv. , YET, still, 47, 536, 944,
pret. pi. ofgefan, 2846. 956, etc.
gifen, see geofon. -gitan, pret. -geat, -geaton.
St. v.,
glfeUe, gyfeSe, adj., aiven, granted, an-gltan, see on-gitan.
299, 555, etc. be-gitan, st. v., bet, obtain,
gifeSe, neut. used as a noun, seize, befall, 1068, 2249, etc.;
thing granted, fate, 3085 (see pret. sg. beget, 2872 ;
pret, subj.
note). [sg.for pi.) begeate, 2130: ferh'S-
gif-aeall, St. f. GiFt-HALL, 838.
, freoan Fin eft begeat sweord-bealo
^fre, adj., greedy, 1277. sli^en, dire sword-bale afterwards

gifrost, superl,, greediest, 1123. befeU the bold-minded Finn,' 1146

glf-sceatt, St. m., gift oftreasure,378. (c/. 2230).

Glossary 205
for-gytan, st. v. , fokobt, 1751i gold-hwffit, adj., [G0LD-activ«]
on-gitan, on-gytan, st. v. greedy for gold, 3074 (see note).
(1) GET hold of, seize; pret. sg. gold-m9,8uiu, St. m., ooLD-treasure,
angeat, 1291. 2414.
(2) get hold of with the mind, gold-sele, st. m. , ooLD-hall, 715,
perceive, 14, 1431, 1723, 2748, 1253, 1639, 2083.
etc. inf. ongyton, 308.
gold-weard, st. m., [gold-wakd]
gladlan, w. v., shine triumphantly, guardian of gold, 3081.
2036. gold-wine, st. m., GOLD-friend,
glssa, adj., [glad] gracious, 58 (see prince, 1171, etc.
note), etc. gold-wlanc, adj. , gold proud, 1881.
glsed-man, adj., cheerful, courteous, gomban, w. ace, tribute, 11. [Only
367 (see note). twice recorded: gender and exact
gl:ed-m5d, adj., glad of mood, 1785. form of nom. uncertain."]
gled, st.f., GLEED, ember, fire, 2312, gomen, gamen, st. neut., game,
etc. mirth, joy, 1160, 2459, etc.
gled-egesa, w. m., GusED-terror, gomen- waS, st. /., [oAME-path]
terror of fire, 2650. joyous journey, 854.
gleo, St. neut., glee, 2105. gomeu-wudu, st. m., [game-wood]
gleo-beam, »t. m., [glee-beam], glee- harp, 1065, etc.
wood, harp, 2263. gomol, gomel, gamol, adj., old,
gleo-dr€am, st. m., [GLEE-joy] mirth, gray, aged, ancient, 58, 2112,
3021. 3095, etc.; weak gomela, gamela,
gleo-mann, st. m., gleeman, min- 1792, 2105, etc.; gem. pi. gomehra
strel, 1160. lafe, 'the heirlooms of their
gUdan, glide, 515, etc.
St. v., fathers before them,' 2036.
tS-gUdan, St. v., [glide asunder] gamol-feaz, adj., gray-haired,
fall to pieces, 2487. 608.
glltinlan, w. v., GLirter, glisten, gongao, gangan, gengan, st. v. go, ,

gleam, 2758. 314, 395, etc.; iwperat. geong,

glof, St./., glove; pouch, bag, 2085 2743; pret. geong, 925, etc., giong,
(see ten Brink, 123, footnote). 2214, etc.; gang, 1009 (see note)
gn§a8, adj., niggardly, 1930. 1295; 1316 gende, 1401 (see note)

gnom, St. m. or neut., sorrow, 2658. gengde, 1412; pp. gegongen, 822,
gnomian, w. v., mourn, 1117. 3036 ; inf. gangan cwomon, came '

be-gnorman, w. v., with ace, going, marching,' 324; so 711,

bemoan, 3178. 1642, 1974. (See also gaa.)
God, St. m., God, 13, etc. 3,-gangan, st. v., go forth, be-
god, adj., GOOD, 11, etc.; pi. gode, fall, 1234.
'good men,' 2249. ge-gangan, ge-gongan, st. v.:
god, St. neut., good, goodness, good (1) gain (by eoing), obtain, 2536;
thing, good gift, 20, 1952, etc.; pp. gegongen, 3085, with depend-
dat. pi. manig ojierne godum ge- ent clause, 893 ; dat. inf. gegan-
grettan, '
many a one [shall] greet nenne, 2416.
another with good things,' 1861; (2) come to pass, happen, 1846;
gen. pi. goda, 681 (see note), pp. gegongen, 2821.
god-fremmend, st. m. (pres. part.), griedig, adj., geeedy, 121, etc. [Of.
[GOOD-Hi^jiring] framer of good, Goth, gredags, 'hungry.']
one who acts well or bravely, 299. grsBg, adj., GKAT, 330, etc.
gold, St. neut., gold, 304, etc. grsg-bama, w. m. the GRAY-coated

gold-aht, St. /. treasure in gold,

, one, F. 7.
2748. grsBg-miel, adj., marked, or coloured
gold-fag, -ah, adj., GOLDcn-hued, GBAY, 2682.
adorned with gold, gold-brocaded, greeamolde, w. /., gkass-mould,
308, 994, 1800, 2811. grass-plain, 1881.
gold-gyfa, w. m., goh)-givek, gram, adj., angry, hostile, 424, 765,
2652. 777, 1034.
gold-liladen,a<Z?. (pp.),aoLD-adomed, grap, St. /., GBip, clutch, 438, 836,
P. 15. etc.
gold-liroden, adj. (pp.), oold- grapian, w. v., gbope, gripe, grasp,
adorned, 614, etc. 1566, 2085.
206 Beowulf
grSot, St. neut., geit, earth, 3167. gxyre-tSiIi, adj., [oBisly-stained]
greotan, st. v. [Scotch gbeet] weep, horribly bright, 2576, 3041*.
1342. giyre-geatwa, st. f. pi., asiilj
gretan, w. o., pret. grette: greet: trappings, warlike trappings, 324.
(1) salute, 347, etc. gryre-glest, st. m., GBJsly guest,
seek out, attack, terrible stranger, 2560.
(2) approach,
touch, 168, 803, 1995, 2735, 3081, gryre-leoU, st. neut., Gsrely lay,
etc. terrible song, 786.
ge-gretan, io. v., gbeet, 652*, gryre-Uc, adj., grisly, terrible,
1979, 2516; inf. gegrettan, 1861. 1441, 2136.
grim(m), adj., gkim, 121, etc.; dat. gryre-sHS, st. m., amslj journey,
pi. grimman, 1542. terrible expedition, 1462.
gilm-Iielm, st. m., visored HELniet, giima, w. m., man, 20*, etc,
334. gum-cynu, st. neut., [man-KiN] race,

grim-IIc, adj., gkim[-like], 3041. tribe, or nation of men, 260, 944,

grimman, st. v., rage; pret. pi. 2765.
grummon, 306 (but see note to gum-cyst, St./., manly virtue, 1723,
U. 303, etc.). etc.;dat. pi. gum-cystum god,
giimme, adv., OKmly, terribly, 'excellently good,' 1486, 2543.
3012, 3085. gum-dream, st. m., joy of men,
grlndan, st. v. 2469.
for-grindau, st. v., grind down, gum-diyhten, st. m., lord of men,
grind to pieces, destroy; ruin, 1642.
withdat.,4:-ii; with ace. 2335,2677. gum-feSa, w. m., troop of warriors
gripan, st. v., gripe, grasp, seize, on foot, 1401.
1501. gum-mann, st. m., man, 1028.
for-grlpan, st. v., with dat., gum-stol, St. m., [man-STooL] throne,
grip[e] to death, 2353. 1952.
wiS-gTlpan, st. v., gripe at, gflS, St. /., war, battle, fighting-
grapple with, 2521. power, 438, etc.
gripe, St. m., grip, 1148, etc. gftS-beorn, st. m., warrior, 314.
grom heort, adj., fierce-HEARied, gaS-bill, St. neut., war-BiLL, 803,
hostile-hearted, 1682. 2584.
grom-hydig, adj., angry-minded, gflS-byme, w. /., yf&r-BYRNY, coat
hostile-minded, 1749. of mail, 321.
growan, st. v., grow; pret. sg. gflS-cearu, st. /., war-CARE, war-
greow, 1718. sorrow, 1258.
grund, St. m. ground, earth, bot-
, gUtS-crsBft, St. m., war-CRAPT, war-
tom, floor, 553, 1367, 1404, etc. might, 127.
grund-bflend, st. m. (vres. part.), gfl«-cyning, -kyning, st. m., war-
[GROUND-dweller] inhabitant of KiNG, 199, 1969, etc.
earth, 1006. gflV-deatS, St. m., war-DEATH, death
grund-hyrde, st. m., [ground-herd] in battle, 2249.
guardian of the bottom (of the gtlS-floga, w. m., war-fizer, 2528.
mere), 2136. g^V-freca, w. m., bold fighter, 2414.
grund-sele, st. m., GKouND-haU, gftU-fremmend, st. m. (prres. part.),
hall or cave at the bottom (of the war-FEAMer, warrior, 246.
mere), 2139* (see note). gWS-geatwa, -getawa, st.f. pi., war-
grund-wong, st. m., GRouND-plain, raiment, war-gear, war-equip-
plain, floor (of a cave), bottom ments; ace. gutS-getawa, 2636;
(ofa mere), 1496, 2588 (see note), dat. gu'S-geatawum, 395. [See
2771. note to 1. 368 (wig-getdwum) and
grund-wyrgen, st. /., [oEouND-hag] Sieverss § 43, N. 4.]
of Grrendel's dam at the bottom gdlS-gewasde, st. neut., war-WEED,
of the mere, 1518. [Gf. wearg, armour; nom. pi. giitS-gew^du,
' accursed. '] -gewffido, 227, 2730, etc.; gu«-
giyn, see gym. gewoeda, 2623, either gen. pi. or
gryre, st. m., terror, terrible deed, = giiS-gewSdu.
384, 478, 483, 591. gtHS-geweorc, st. neut., war-woKK,
gryre-brSga, w. m., asisly terror, warlike deed, 678, 981, 1825.
horror, 2227*. gatS-helm, St. m., war-HELM, 2487.
. :

Glossary 207
gflfl-liom, at. m., war-HOEN, 1432. gyrede, etc. , see gyrwan.
gfl1S-lir§8, St. m. or neut., war-fame, gym, gryn, st. masc. or fem., sorrow,
819. 1775; gryn, 930 {see note).
gWS-kyning, see gflU-oyning. gyrn-wraou, st. /., revenge for
gflS-leoS, St. neut., war-lay, battle- harm, 1138, 2118.
song, 1522. gyrwan, w. v., pret. gyrede, pp.
gftlS-mSdIg, adj. [war-Moocy] of war-
, gegyr(w)ed: gear, prepare, equip,
like mind, 306* (see note to 11. 303, adorn, 994, 1472, 2087, etc.; pp.
etc.). pi. gegyrede, 1028, etc. [i^Vom
gUV-rsea, st. m., [war-u^cs] attack gearo. ]
in war, storm of battle, 1577, ge-gyrwan, w. v., gear, pre-
2426, 2991. pare, 38, 199 ; pret. pi. gegiredan,
g11'S-reo(u)-w, adj., war-fierce, 58. 8137.
gtlV-rlnc, St. m., warrior, 838, 1501, gyst, see giest.
1881, 2648. gystra, adj., yestee, 1334.
gttS-r6f, adj., war-famed, 608. g^, see git.
&flS-soear, st. m. [war-SHE^Bing]
, gytsian, w. v., b§ greedy, covet,
slaughter in battle, 1213. 1749.
gUS-sceatSa, w. m., war-scATHer,
battle-foe, 2318. H
gflB-searo, st. neut., war-armour, babban, w. hsefde: have,
v., pret.
215, 328. 383, etc.; often as auxiliary,
m., war-hall, 443.
fflitS-sele, St. 106, etc. Pres. 1st, hafu, 2523,
grdS-aweord, st. neut., war-swoKD, hafo, 2150, 3000; 2nd, hafast,
2154. 953, etc.; 3rd, hafa«, 474, etc.
gtH-werig, adj., war-WEAKT, dead, Negative form of suhj. pres. pi.
1586. nsebben, 1850.
gdU-wiga, w. m., warrior, 2112. for-liabban, w. v., keep back,
gfllS-wine, st. m., war-friend, sword, retain, refrain, 1151 (see note to
1810, 2735. 1. 1150), 2609.

gfl'S-wudu, St. m., war-wooD, spear, wiS-habban, w. v., wiTHstand,

F. 7. resist, 772.
g:yd(d), see gid(d). had, St.m., [-hood] condition,
gyddiau, w. v., speak, 630. quality, manner, wise, 1297, 1335,
e^, see gif 2193. [Cf. Goth, haidus, 'man-
gyfan, see gifan. ner.']
gyfen, n. see geofon.
, hador, st. m., receptacle, 414 (see
gyfen, pf. , see gifan. note).
gyfeSe, see gifeSe. hador, adj., clear-voiced, 497.
gyldau, St. v., pret. geald: yield, hadre, adv., clearly, brightly, 1571.
pay, repay, 11, 1184, 2636, etc. hsef, St. 7ieut., sea, mere; pi. heafo,
a-gyldan, st. v., offer (oneself, 1862*, 2477.
itself) ;
pret. Jia me Sffil ageald, haefen, see hebban.
'when the opportunity offered hssft, St. m., captive, 2408. [Cf.
itself to me,' 1665; so 2690. Goth, hafts.]
an-gyldau, st. v., pay for, 1251. haefta, w. m., captive; ace. hsefton,
for-gyldan, st. v., repay, re- 788 (see note).
quite, atone for, 114,956, 1054, etc. hasft-mece, st. m., [nAET-swordJ
gylden, adj., golden, 47*, etc. [C/. hilted sword, 1457.
Goth, gulbeins.] bseft-nyd, st.f., captivity, 3155*.
gyllan, st. v., yell, P. 7. hieg-steald, st. m. , bachelor, liege-
gylp, see gilp. man, young warrior, 1889, P. 42.
gylpan, see gUpan. hSl, st.f. and neut.
g^mau, w. v., with gen., heed, care, (1) HEALth, good luck, greeting,
incline to, 1757, 1760, 2451. [C/. 653, 1217.
Goth. g4umjan.] (2) omen, 204 (see note), 719.
for-gyman, w. v., with ace., Ii88le(15), St. m., man, hero, warrior,

neglect, despise, 1751. nom. sing. hseleS, 190, etc.; hsele,

gyn(ii), adj., wide, spacious; ace. 1646, etc.; nom. pi. hsele^, 52,
m. sg. gynne, 1551. etc.; gen. hseleba, 467, etc. (Cf.
gyrdan, w. v., ontn, 2078, F. 15. note to 1. 1983.)
. ;

208 Beowulf
llSBlo, St. /., HEALth, HAJLi farewell, batian, w. v., with ace., hate,
2418. pursue with hatred, 23ld, 2466.
haarg-trsef, st. neut., idol-tent, b§, beo, bit, pers. pron., he, she, it,
heathen fane, 175*. 7, etc.; sing. nom. m., he, /. heo,
lissste, adj., violent, 1335. 627, etc.; hio, 455, etc.; n. hit,
tSSen, adj., heathen, 179, 852, etc. 77, etc.; hyt, 2091, etc.; ace. m.,
hJeCen, st. m., heathen, 986. [Cf. hine, 22, etc., hyne, 28, etc., /.
Goth, haijino.] hie, re. hit, 116, etc., hyt, 2091,
liie'S-stapa, w- m., HEATH-STEpper, etc.; gm. m. n., his, /. hire, 641,
stag, 1368. etc., hyre, 1188, etc.; dat. m. n.,
hafa, imperat. sg. of habban. him, /. hire, 626, etc., hyre, 945,
hafela, liafala, Ixeafola, w. m., etc. Plur. m. f. n., nom. ace, hie,
head, 446, 672, etc. 15, etc., hy, 307, etc., hi, 28, etc.,
hafen, see hebban. hig, 1085, etc., gen., hira, 1102,
bafenian, w. v., heave, uplift; pret. etc., hyra, 178, etc., hiera, 1164,
hafenade, 1573. heora, 691, etc., hiora, 1166, etc.;
bafo, hafu, see habban. dat. him, 49, etc. Used reflexively,
bafoc, St. m., hawk, 2263. 26, 301, 2949, 2976, etc. Alliter-
baga, w. m., [haw] hedge, enclosure, ating, he, 505. Possessive dat-. 40,
entrenchment, 2892, 2960. etc.
hal, adj., hale, safe and
whole, b§a, see beab.
sound, 800, 1503: wees. ..hal, b6a-burb, st. /., high burgh, chief
'hail,' 407; with gen. heatSo-laces 1127.
hal, 'safe and sound from the beafo, see bsef
strife,' 1974. [Cf. Goth, h&ils.] beafod, st. neut., head, 48, etc.;
baUg, adj., holy, 381, 686, 1553. dat. pi. heafdon, 1242. [Cf. Goth.
bals, see beals. haubib.]
bam, m., home; ham, uninflected
St. beafod-beorg, st.f., HEAo-protection
dat. used with preps., 124, etc. ace. sg. 1030 [see wala).
[Gf. Goth, h&ims, 'village.'] beafod-msBg, st. m., HEAD-kinsman,
bamer, see homer. near relative, 588; gen. pi. hesktoi-
bam-weorSung, st. /., HOME-adorn- maga, 2151.
ing, that which graces a home, hSafod-segn, st. m. neut., HEAn-sign,
2998. 2152 (see note).
band, see bond, bSafod-weard, st. /., head-wabd,
bangian, see bongian. guard over the head, 2909.
bar, adj., hoar, hoary, gray, 887, beafola, see bafela.
etc.; gen. hares hyrste, 'the old beab, adj., high, 57, etc.; ace. sg.
man's (Ongentheow's) harness,' m. heanne, 983; gen. dat. hean,
2988. 116, 713; dat, sg. m. heaum,
bat, adj., HOT, 1616, etc.; dat. sg. 2212*; pi. hea, 1926. Denoting
baton (see note), 849; nom. wyrm position, heah ofer horde, 'high
hat gemealt, 'the dragon melted above the hoard,' 2768. [Cf.
in its heat,' 897. Goth. hfi,uhs.]
batost, superl., hottest, 1668. beab-cyning, st. m., high king,
bat, St. neut., seat, 2605. 1039.
batan, st. v.: bSah-gestr§on, st. neut., high trea-
(1) order, command, 293, bid, '
sure, splendid treasure, 2302.
386, etc.; pret. sg. heht, 1035, beab-lufu, w. f., high love, 1954.
etc.; het, 198, etc.; pp. 'Sa, wses beab-sele, st. m., high hall, 647.
haten hretie Heort innan-weard bgab-setl, st. neut., high settle,
folmum gefrsetwod, then was the
high seat, throne, 1087.
order quickly given, and Heorot beab-atede, st. m., high stead,
within was adorned by hands,' high place, 285.
991. beal(l), St. /., HALL, 89, etc.; pi.
(2) name, call, 102, etc.; subj. healle, 1926.
pres. pi. hatan, 2806. beal-sern, st. neut., HALL-house, 78.
ge-batan, st, v., usu. with ace, bealdan, st. v., with ace, pret.
promise, vow, 1392, 2024, etc.; heold, 2183, etc., hiold, 1954:
with gen. 2989; pret. gehet, 175, HOLD, keep, protect, have, possess,
2937, etc. inhabit, 230, etc.; rule, 57, 1852;

Glossary 209
mhj. sg. for pi. 2719, hold up bearde, adv., habd, 1438, 3153.
(but see note). Geata
leode beard-ecg, adj., HABD-EDOEd, 1288,
hrea-wio heoldon, 'the corpses of 1490.
the Geatas covered the field,' beard-bicgende, adj. (pres. part.),
1214 3084 (see note) soeft nytte
; ; [HABD-thinking] brave-minded,
heold, 'the shaft did its duty,' bold of purpose, 394, 799.
3118. [C/. Goth, haldan.] beanu, st. m., haem, insult, 1892.
be-healdan, st. v., with ace, bearm-dseg, st. m., day of sorrow,
11) HOM), guard, (2) behold, 1498 3153*.
(sundor-) nytte Ijeheold, 'minded, bearm-scaSa, w, m., Ibajim-scath-
attended to, the (special) service,' er] harmful foe, 766.
494, 667; bry^-swy'S beheold mSg bearpe, w.f., habp, 89, etc.
Higelaces, Hygelac's
mighty bealSerian, w. v., restrain, confine;
kinsman beheld,' 736. pp. hergum gehea^erod, confined '

for-healdan, st. v., with ace, in idol-fanes (-groves), i.e. ac-

come short in duty towards, set cursed,' 3072.
at nought, 2381. beatSo-byme, w. /., h&ttle-BYENT,
ge-healdan, st. v., with ace, coat of mail, 1552.
HOLD, have, keep, guard, rule, beaSo-deor, adj., battle-brave, bold
317, 658, 674, 911, 2293, etc.; in fight, 688, 772.
pret. he geheold tela, 'he ruled bea«o"-fyr, bea'Su-fyr, st. neut.,
[it] well,' 2208. battle-FiEE, 2522, 2547.
healf, St. /., HALF, side, 800, 1675 bea'So-geong,«(J;.,battle-TonNG,F.2*.
(see note), etc. [Gf. Goth. beaSo-grim, adj., battle-OEiM, 548,
halbs.] 2691.
healf, adj., half; gen. sg.f. healfre beaVo-lac, st. neut., battle-play, 584,
[healle], 1087. 1974.
heal-gamen, st. neut., hall-game, beatSo-llSend, st.m. {pres. part.) war- ,

mirth in hall, 1066. like-farers, warrior-sailors, 1798,

beal-reced, st. neut., HALL-house, 2955. _See note to 1. 1862.
palace, 68, 1981* (see note). beaSo-msare, adj., battle-great,
heals, St. m., neck, 1872, etc.; dat. famous in war, 2802.
sg. halse, 1566. [C/. Goth. beaSo-rSs, st. m., [battle-u^c^]
hals.J rush of battle, 526, 557, 1047.
heals-beag, -heah, st. m., neck-ring, beaSo-reaf, st. neut., battle-dress,
carcanet, 1195, 2172. armour, 401.
beals-gebedda, w. m. /., beloved beatSo-rinc, st. m., warrior, 370, 2466.
BED-fellow, wife, 63. beaflo-rof, adj., battle-strong, war-
bealsian, w. v., entreat, 2132. renowned, 381, 864, 2191.
beal-Bittend, st. m. (pres. part.), beaSo-sceaxd, adj., battle-notched,
HALL-siTTer, 2015, 2868. battle-gashed, 2829 (see note).
beal-|>egn, st. m., hall-thane, 142, bea'So-seoc, adj., battle-siCK, wound-
719. ed in battle, 2754.
heal-wudu, st. m., hall-wood, 1317. beaVo-steap, adj., [battle-STEEp]
bean, adj., abject, ignominious, towering or bright in battle, 1245,
despised, 1274, 2099, 2183, 2408. 2153.
bean, beanne, see beab. beaSo-swat, st. m. hattle-swEAT,

beap, St. m., heap, band, company, blood shed in battle, 1460, 1606,
335, 400, etc. 1668.
beard, adj., habd, hardy, strong, beaSo-torbt, adj., battle-bright,
brave, cruel, severe, 166, 322, clear in battle, 2553.
342, 432, 540, 1574, 1807, etc.; beaSo-wsede, st. neut., [battle-WEED]
wk. hearda, 401, etc.; dat. pi. armour, 39.
heardan, 963. With gen. 'brave beaBo-weorc, st. neut., battle-woEK,
in,' 886, 1539, etc. Adverbial 2892.
usage: J>8et hire witS halse heard beaUo-wylm, st. m., [battle- wEii-
grapode, 'so that [the sword] ing] flame-surge, surging of fire,
smote her sharply on the neck,' 82, 2819.
1566. [C/. Goth, hardus.] beaSu-sweng, st. m., [haXtle-swma]
beardra, compar., hakdeb, 576, battle-stroke, 2581.
719. beawan, st. o., hew, 800.

210 Beowulf
ge-heawan, st. v., hew, cleave, heoro-blac, adj., [sword-BtE^Jsr]
682. sword-pale, 2488* (see note).
hebban, st. v., pp. hafen, hsefen: heoro-dreor, heoru-dreor, st. m. or
HEAVE, raise, lift, 656, 1290, 3023. neut., sword-blood, 487, 849.
[C/. Goth, hafjan.] heoro-dreorig, adj., [sword-DREAKv]
a-hebban, st. o., upheave, up- sword-goiy, 935, 1780, 2720.
lift,128, 1108. hioro-dryne, st. m., sword-
hedan, w. v., with gen., heed; pret, DBiNK, 2358 (see note).
2697 (see note). heoro-glfre, adj., [sword-greedy]
ge-hedan, w. v., 505 (see note). fiercely greedy, 1498.
hefen, see heofon. heoro-grim, heoru-grim, adj.,
-hegan, w. V. [sword-GBiM] fiercely grim, 1564,
ge-hSgan, w. v., carry out, hold 1847.
(a meeting, etc.) Mng gehegan,
; heoro-hocyhte, adj., [sword-HooKed]
'to hold a meeting,' 425: see also savagely barbed, 1438.
505, note. [C/. 0. JSf. heyja, hloro-serce, w. /., [sword-SABK]
'conduct a meeting, duel, etc.'] shirt of mail; ace. hioro-sercean,
hSht, see Mtan. 2539. [Sieverss § 159. 1, 2.]
hel(l), st.f., HELL, 101, etc. heoro-sweng, st. m., [sword-SHTifo]
helan, st. v. sword-stroke, 1590.
be-helan, st. v., hide; pp. be- heorot, st. m., habt, 1369.
holen, 414. hioro-weallende, adj. {pres.
hell-bend, st. m. and f. seiiTi-eoud, , part.), [sword-] fiercely WELLing;
3072. ace. sg. m. -weallende, 2781.
helle-gast, St. m., hell-ohost, 1274. beoro-wearh, st. m., [sword-felon]
helm, St. m., [helm]: fierce monster, 1267.
(1) helmet, 672, etc. heorr, st. m., hinge, 999. [Gf.
(2) covert, protection, 1B92 (see Chaucerian harire.]
note). heorte, w. /., heakt, 2270, 2463,
(3) protector, king, 371, etc.; 2507, 2561. [Gf. Goth, hairto.]
God, 182. heoru, see heoro.
helm-berend, st. m. {pres. part.), heortt-geniat, st', m., EEABTH-com-
[HELM-BEAKiug] hclmet-wearer, rade, 261, etc.
2517, 2642. heoS, st.f., 404 (see note),
helmian, w. v. her, adv., hebe, hither, 244, etc.
ofer-helmlan, w. v., with ace, here, st. m., army; dat. sg. herge,
ovEEhang, overshadow, 1364. 2347, 2638; on herge, 'in the
help, st.f., HELP, 551, etc. field,' 1248. [Gf. Goth, harjis.]
helpan, st. v., help, 2340*, etc. here-brSga, w. m., army-tprror, fear
heipe, w. f. HELP, 2448 (an exceed-
, of war, 462.
ingly doubtful form: see note). here-byrne, w. /., army-BiBwr, coat
hel-rdna, w. m., (but see note), of mail, 1443.
sorcerer, 163. here-grlma, w. m., army-mask,
heofon, St. m., heaven, 52, etc.; visored helmet, 396, 2049, 2605.
dat. hefene, 1571. here-net, st. neut., army-KEi, coat
heolfor, St. m. or neut., gore, 849, of ring-mail, 1553.
1302, 1423, 2138. here-nl8, st. m., army-hate, hosti-
heolster, st. m. or neut., place of lity, 2474.
concealment, darkness, 755. [Of. here-pa,d, st. /., army-coat, coat of
Mod. Eng. holsteb of a pistol, mail, 2258.
and 0. E. helkn, 'hide.'] here-rinc, st. m., army-man, war-
heonan, heonon, adv., hencc, 252, rior, 1176*.
1361. here-sceaft, st. m., [army-SHAPi]
heora, gen. pi. of he (q. v. ). spear, 335.
-heordan, w. v. here-Bceorp, st. n., war-dress, F. 47.
*a-heordan, w. v., liberate, here-sped, st. /., [army-sPEEc] suc-
2980 (see note), cess in war, 64.
heorde, see bunden-heorde. here-Btrlel, st. m., army -arrow,
heore, adj., canny, pleasant, 1372. war-arrow, 1435.
heoro, heoru, st. m., sword, 1285. here-syrce, w. /., army-sAEK, shirt
[Gf. Goth, hairus.] of mail, 1511.
Glossary 211
liere-wnde, neut.,
s*. hllde-lileinm, -hleemm, st. m., battle-
armour, 1897. crash, crash of battle, 2201, 2351,
bere-wastm, st. m., army-might, 2544.
prowess in war; dat. pi. here- hilde-lSoma, w. m., battle-ray:
wsesmun, 677. [Sec Biilbring in
(1) battle-flame (of the dragon),
Anglia, Beiblatt, xv, 160, note.] 2583.
here-wlsa, w. m., [army -wise] army-
(2) flashing sword, 1143 (see note),
leader, 3020. hllde-mece, st. m., battle-sword; pi.
here, St. m., idol-grove, idol-fane, hilde-meceas, 2202.
3072 {see healSerian). hUde-mecg, st. m., battle-man, war-
berge, n., see here. rior, 799.
herge, v., see herlan. bilde-rses, st. m., [battle-s^cE] rush
herian, w. v., with ace, praise, 182, of battle, 300.
1071; pres. subj. herige, herge, hilde-rand, st. m., battle-shield, 1242.
1833 (see note), 3175. [C/. Goth. hilde-rinc, at. m., battle-man, war-
hazjan.] rior, 986, etc.
hete, St. m., hate, 142, 2554. [Cf. bilde-ased, adj., [sad] battle-sated,
Goth, hatis.] 2723.
hete-Uc, adj., full of hatred, hate- hilde-sceorp, st. neut., battle-dress,
ful, 1267. armour, 2155.
hete-nlS, st. m., HAiE-enmity, bitter hllde-setl, [battle-SEiiLE] st. neut.
enmity, 152. battle-seat, saddle, 1039.
hete-BWeng, st. m., HAiE-blow; pi. bilde-streugo, st.f., battle-sTRENoth,
hete-swengeas, 2224. 2113.
bete-Kl^C, St. m., HATE-IHOUOHt, hilde-awat, st. m. \ha\ii\e-awEAT]

malice, 475. war-breath (of the dragon), 2558.

hettend, st. m., HAier, foe, 1828 hilde-tflx (hilde-ttlso), st. m. battle-
(hetend), 3004. TnsK,_1511. [Sieversj § 204, 3.]
liicgan, see hilde-wspen, st. neut. , battle-WEAPON,
mder, adv., hxtheb, 240, 370, 394, 39.
3092. hilde-wlsa, w. m., [battle-wisE] battle-
hige, see hyge. leader, 1064.
-hlglan, w. V. liild-freca, see hllde-freca.
ofer-lilgian, w. v., 2766 (see lilld-finima, w. m., battle-chief, 1678,
note). 2649, 2835.
hild, St. /., battle, war, 452, etc.; hild-lata, w. m., [battle-LATE] laggard
prowess in battle, 901, 2952. in battle, 2846.
liUde-bil(l), St. neut., battle-BiLi;, hilt, St. m. neut., hilt, sword-hUt,
sword, 557, etc. 1668, 1677 (see note), 1687; pi.
liilde-blac, adj., [yren-BLEAK] war- (of a single weapon; cf. 'Julius
pale, 2488* (see note). Caesar' v. 3. 43) 1574, 1614.
lillde-bord, st. neut., [battle-BOAim] hUte-ciunhor, st. neut., [niLT-banner]
shield, 397, 3139. staff -banner, 1022 (but see note),
Ulde-cyst, st. f., [battle- virtue] bra- hilted, adj., hilted, 2987.
very in battle, 2598. hludema, superl. adj., EiNDMost, last,
hilde-deor, -dior, adj., battle-brave, 2049, 2517.
bold m
battle, 312, etc. hin-fUs, adj., [HENce-ready] eager to
tilde-freca, hild-freca, w. m., battle- be gone, 755.
hero, 2205, 2366. hio=heo, fern, o/he (q. v.).
hllde-geatwe, st. f. pi., battle-trap- hlofan, w. and st. v., lament ; pres.
pings, equipments for war, armour, part. 3142. [Cf. Goth, hiufan and
674, 2362. Sievers, P. B. B. ix. 278.]
bilde-gicel, st. m. battle-iciCLE ; dat.
, blold, see healdan.
pi. tSa Jiset sweord ongan sefter hiora, gen. pi. o/he (q. v.).
heaj)0-swate hLlde-gicelum...wan- hioro-, see heoro-.
ian, 'then the sword began to hladan, st. v., lade, load, lay, 1897,
dwindle in icicles of gore in con- 2126, 3134; inf. hladon, 2775*-
sequence of the blood (of the ge-hladan, st. v., lade, load;
monster),' 1606. pret. gehleod, 895.
Iiilde-gr9,p, st. f., battle-grasp, war- hlsest, St. masc, [last] load, freight,
clutch, 1446, 2507. 52.


212 Beowulf
USw, Maw, St. m., [low, in place- hof, St. neut., court, dwelling, man-
names] mound, burial mound, sion, 312*, 1236, etc.
1120, 2411, 3157 *, etc. [Cf. Goth bSfian, w. v.
hmiw.] be-hofian, w. v., with gen., [be-
hiaford, St. m., lobd, 267, etc. hove] need, 2647.
hlaford-leas, adj., lokd-less, 2935. hogode, see bycgan.
Maw, see MSw. -hSbsDlan, w. v.
Meahtor, tt. m., laughter, 611, * on-hobBnian, w. v., check 1944
3020. (but see note)
Meapan, st. v., leap, gallop, 864. ixolA,adj. friendly, gracious, 267, 290,

a-Meapan, st. v., leap up, 1397. 376, etc.; faithful, loyal, 487,
Menca, Mence, w, m. and /., link, 1229*, etc.
coat of mail, F. 12*. hBllnga, adv., without reason, 1076.
Meo, St. m., [lee] refuge, protection, bolm, St. m., ocean, sea, mere, 48,
protector (used of a chieftain or etc.
king), 429, 791, etc. bolm-clif, St. neut., sea-CLirr, 230,
Meo-biirli, St. /., protecting bubgh or 1421, 1635.
city, 912, 1731. bolm-wylm, st. m., [sea-jTEiiing]
-Meed, see -Madan. sea-surge, 2411.
Meonlan, w. v., lean, slope, 1415. bolt, St. neut., holt, wood, 2598,
hleor-berge, TO./., cheek-guard, 304* 2846, 2935.
(see note to 11. 303, etc.). taolt-wudu, St. m., holt-wood; wood,
Meor-bolster, st. m., [cheek-] bolster, forest, 1369; wood (material), 2340.
688. homer, bamer, st. m., hammer, 1285;
Meotan, st. v., with ace, get by lot, gen. pi. homera lafe, 'leavings of
2385. hammers, i.e. swords,' 2829.
MSolSor-cwyde, st. m., [sound-speech] h6n, St. V. [Cf. Goth, hahan.]
courtly speech, ceremonious speech, be-bon, st. v., trans., bans
1979. with; pp. behongen, 3139.
bleoVrian, w. v., speak, P. 2. bond, band, st. /., hand, 558, 656,
Mldan, St. V. etc.
to-MIdan, St. v., spring apart; band-bona, -bana, w. m., [hand-
pp. pi. tohlidene, 999. bane] hand-sl_ayer, 460, 1330, 2502.
MleMian, st. v. [Cf. Goth, hlahjan.] haJid-geniEene, adj. [hand-mean]

a-MieMian, st. v., laugh aloud; hand hand nam. neut. J>sr unc
to ;

pret. sg., ahlog, 730. hwile wffis hand-gemSne, 'there

MIfian, w. v., tower, 2805; pret. we two engaged a while hand to
hllfade, 81, 1898, hliuade, 1799. hand,' 2187 (see note). \Ger.
[P. B. B. X. 502.] haud-gemein.]
Mim-bed, st. neut., LEANing bed, band-ffewriUen, adj. (pp.), hand-
(last) resting-place, 3034. [See WREATHeA, hand-twisted; pi. 1937.
note and cf. O.E. hlinian, hleonian, hEind-sporu, st. /., hand-spur,
'to recline.'] claw, 986 (see note).
bins, St. neut., cli£f, slope, 1892, bond-gemot, st. neut., hai<!d-meet-
3157*. ing, hand to hand
1526, fight,
MO.d, adj., LOUD, 89. 2355.
Myn, St. m., din, noise, 611. bond-gesella, w. m., HAND-comrade,
Mynnan, Mynian, w. v., resound, 1481.
roar, crackle, 2553, F. 7; pret. hly- hond-geatealla, band-gestealla, w.
node, 1120. m., HAND-to-hand-comrade, 2169,
Uynsian, w. v., resound, 770. 2596*-
Mytm, St. m., lot, 3126. bond-geweorc, st. neut., handiwork,,
bnsBgan, w, v. 2885.
ge-bnSg^an, w. v., with ace, fell, bond-l§an, band-lean, see oudlean.
vanquish, 1274, 2916 (but see note). bond-locen, adj. [pp.), HAND-LOOKed,
Imab, adj., mean, base, illiberal, 322, Ml.
1929. hond-rses, st. m., [Bisn-aACE] hand
bnagra, bnahra, compar., lower, to hand fight, 2072.
inferior, 677, 952. bond-scolu, band-scalu, st. /., [hand-
bnltan, st. v., encounter, clash, 1327; shoal] hand-troop, followers, 131T
pret. pi. hnitan, 2544. (see note), 1968.

Glossary 213
bond-slylit, see ondslyht. hream, m., noise, clamour, 1302.
hond-wundor, «{. neut., [hand-won- hrea-wlc, st. neut., [corpse-wioK]
deb] wonderful handiwork, 2768. abode of corpses, 1214 (see heal-
-hongen, see -hon. dan).
hongian, hangiam, w. v., hang, 1363, hrelh, hrsefeu, st. m., raven, 1801,
1662, etc. etc.,F. 36.
hop, St. «., glen, 2212* (see note). hrSmig, adj., exultant, 124, etc.; pi.
iLOrd, St. neut., hoard, treasure, 887, hremge, 2363.
912, etc. [Gf. Goth, huzd.] hreoh, hreow, adj., rough, fierce,
hord-sem, st. neut. HOABD-hall, trea-
, cruel, sad, 1564, 2180; dat. sg. m.
sure-cave, 2279, 2831. hreon, 1307, hreoum, 2581; pi.
hord-burh, st. /., hoaed-burgh, hreo, 548.
wealthy city, 467. hreoh-mOd, adj., of fierce mood, of
hord-gestreon, st. neut., HOABD-trea- sad mood, 2132, 2296.
sure, 1899, 3092. breosan, st. v., fall, 1074, 1430, etc.
iLord-madm, st. m., HOAED-treasure, be-hreosan, st. v., deprive; pp.
hoarded jewel, 1198* (see note). pi. behrorene, 2762.
hord-weard, st. m., [hoabd-wabd] •hrgolSan, st. v., cover, clothe, adorn;
guardian of a hoard or treasure, pp. hroden, gehroden, 304, 495,
1047 (of the king), 2293 (of the 1022.
dragon), etc. hreow, St. /., distress, grief, 2129,
hord-wela, M).m.,H0AED-wEAL, wealth 2328.
of treasure, 2344. . hreran, w. v.
hord-weofSung, st. /., [HOABD-hon- on-hreran, w. v., rouse, arouse,
ouring] honouring by gifts, valu- stir up, 549, 2554. [Gf. hror.]
able reward, 952. hre'S, St. m. or neut. , glory, renown
hord-wynn, st. /., noAKD-joy, joy- ace. 2575 (see note to 11. 2573, etc.).
giving hoard, 2270. hrcSe, see hratSe.
hord-wyrlS, adj., woETBy of being brelSer, st. neut., breast, heart, 1151,
hoarded, 2245*. 1446, etc.; dat. sing. hrse'Sre,
horn, St. m., hobn, 1369, etc., gable 2819 *.
of a hall, F. 1*,F. 4. hreSer-bealo, st. neut., heart-BALE;
hom-hoga, w. m., horn-bow, 2487. nom. )>aBS )>e Mnoean mseg tegne
hom-geap, adj., with wide interval monegum hrejier-bealo hearde,
. . .

between (the hobns on) the gables, '

as it may seem, heavy heart-woe
82 (see note to 1. 78). to many a thane,' 1343.
hom-ieced, st. neut., [HOKN-house, brgS-slgor, St. m. or neut., trium-
i.e.] a house with horns on the phant victory, 2583.
gables, or a house with gables, 704. hrlmlg, adj., eimt, covered with hoar-
hors, St. neut., horse, 1399. frost (see note to 1. 1363).
hos, St. /., bevy, 924. {Gf. Goth. hrlnan, st. v., usu. w. dat., touch,
hansa, 'company': and *Han- lay hold of, 988, 2270, etc.; subj.
seatic League.') beah ISe him wund hrine,
pret. sg.
hotSma, w.m., darkness, concealment, 'though the wound touched him
grave, 2458. close,' 2976.
hra, hrSw, st. neut., corpse, 1588, set-hrlnan, st. v., w. gen., touch,
F. 36*. IGf. Goth, hraiwa-.] lay hold of, 722*.
hreedllce, adv., hastily, quickly, 356, hrinde, adj. (^p.), =hrindede, covered
963. [Gf. hra«e.] with RIND, frosty, 1363 (see note),
hrsefen, see hrefn. hring, st. m., ring, ring-maU, 1202,
hrsegl, St. neut., [eail] dress, armour, 1503, etc.; nam. byrnan hring,
454, 1195, 1217. 'ring-mail of the bymy, ringed
hrsVre, see hrelSer. bymy,' 2260.
hrlew, see hra. hringan, w. v., ring, rattle, 327.
hra-fyl, St. m., fall of corpses, hring-hoga, w. m., [eing-bow] one
slaughter, havoc, 277. that bends himself in the shape of
hralSe, hrseSe, adv., [bathe] quickly, a ring (the dragon), 2561.
hastily, 224, 740, etc.; hre«e, 991; hringed, adj. (pp.), ringed, 1245;
ra«e, 724. inflected 2615.
hraSor, comipar., [rather] more hringed-Btefha, w. m., ship with
quickly, 543. BINOED STEM, 32, CtO.

214 Beowulf
hring-Iren, s*. rwat. , eing-ieon ; mim. Iiwset, adj., active, keen, bold; weak
hring-iren soir song in searwum, hwata, 3028 dat. hwatum, 2161

the bright Iron rings rang in the pi. hwate, 1601, etc.
armour,' 322. hws9t, pron., see hwa.
hring-mSl, adj., EiNO-adomed, 2037, hwset, interj., what, lo, 1, 240*,
used as subst., BiNO-sword, 1521, 530, etc.
1564. hwseVer, adj. -pron., whetheb, which
hring-naca, w. m., [Eme-bark] ship of two; mom. gebide ge...hw£eSer
with a ringed prow, 1862. sel m£ege...uncer twega, 'await ye
hring-net, st. neut., [eing-nbt] shirt whether of us twain may the
of mail made of rings, 1889, 2754. better,' 2530; ace. f. on swa hwse-
Iirlng-sele, st. m., Bmo-hall, 2010, ^ere hond...swa him gemet bince,
2840, 3053, etc. '
on whichsoever hand it may seem
liring-weorBung, st. /., BiNO-adom- to him meet,' 686. [Cf. Goth.
ment, 3017. hwajjar.]
liroden, see IireoVan. hwseVer, hwaelSre, conj., whetheb,
href, St. m. BOOF, 403, 836*, 926, 983,
, 1314, 1356, 2785.
etc. liwsBS(e)re, adv., however, yet, 555,
Iir5f-gele, st. m., Boored hall, 1515. 578 ' , etc. anyway, however that

hron-fix (hron-flsc), st. m., whale- may be, 674 (see note) with swa ;

FisH, whale, 540. [See Sievers. beah, 2442.

§ 204, 3.] hwan, see hw3,.
bron-rad, st.f., whale-EOAD, sea, 10. bwanan, hwanon, adv., wHENoe,
hror, adj., stirring, valorous, strong, 257, 333, etc.
1629, P. 47 (but see note). hwSx, see bwnr.
brStSor, St. m. or neut., benefit, hwata, hwate, hwatum, see liwset,
joy, 2171, 2448. [C/. hre«.] adj.
hrflse, w.f., earth, 2247, etc. hwealf, St. /., vault, 576, etc.
tirycg, St. m., eidge, back, 471. hwene, adv., a little, a trifle,
luyre, st. m., fall, destruction, 1680, 2699.
etc. [C/. O.E. hreosan.] hweorfan, st. v., turn, wander, go,
hryssan, w. v., shake, 226. [C/. 356, etc. ; ellor hwearf , ' departed
Goth, -hrisjan.] elsewhere, died,' 55.
hll, adv., HOW, 3, etc. In exclama- set-hweorfan, st. d., return, 2299.
tion, 2884. ge-hweorfim, st. v., pass, go,
hund, St.m. hound, 1368.
, 1210, 1679, 1684, 2208.
huad, num., with gen., Hnunred, geond-hweorfan, st. v., traverse,
1498, etc. 2017.
hfiru, adv., indeed, especially, «,t osd-hweorfan, st. v., turn
least, verily, 182, etc. against; pret. nortJan wind...ond-
hils, St. n«««., HOUSE, 116, etc. hwea/tf, 'a wind from the north
hfl«, St. /., booty, plunder, 124. [Cf. blew against [us],' 548.
Goth. hunj)s, 'captivity.'] ymb(e)-hweorfan, st. v., with
hwa, m. and /., liw8Bt, neut., interr. ace, turn about, go round, 2296
and indef. pron., who, what, any (see note).
(one), somewhat, 52, 3126, etc. hwergen, adv., in elles hwergen,
With gen. hw6et...hyn'So, 'what 'ELSEWHERE,' 2590.
humiliation,' 474; swulces hwtet, hwettan, w. v., whet, urge, en-
'somewhat of such (matter),' 880; courage, 204, 490. [From hwset,
anes hwset, ' somewhat only, a 'keen,' cf. Goth, -hwatjan.]
part only, 3010. Nah hwa sweord
' hwH, St. /., while, space of time,
wege, 'I have no one who may 146, 1495, etc. dat. pi., used ad-

wear sword,' 2252; dat. hwam, verbially, hwilum, at whiles, '

'for whom,' 1696; instr. to hwan sometimes, whilom, of old,' 175,

syS'San wearS hond-rSs hseletSa, 864, 867, etc.; 'at one time.
'to what issue the hand-fight of another,' 2107-8-9-11.
heroes afterwards came,' 2071. hwlt, adj., white, flashing, 1448.
[C/. Goth, hwas.] hwopan, st. v., see note to 2268.
hwasder, see hwyder. hworfan, see iweorfan.
liWisr, adv^, whebb, anywhere, 2029, hwyder, hwseder, adv., whithee, 168,
elles hwaer, 'emewheke,' 138. 1331 * (see note).
: .

Glossary 215
hwylc, adj.-pron., which, what, any, ge-b^ran, w. v., hear, learn,
274 {see witan), 1986, 2002, etc.; 255, 290, 785, etc.
with gen., 1104, 2iSS. [Cf. Goth. hyrdan, w.v. [From heard, cf. Goth.
hwUeiks.] hardjan.]
Bwa hwylc swa, see swa. 9,-hyrdan, w. v., BARDen, 1460.
nwyrfan, w. v., move, 98. [Cf. hyrde, st. m., [herd] keeper, guard-
hweorfan.] ian, etc., 610, etc. ; nom. wuldres
hwyrft, St. m., going, turn; Hyrde, 'the King of glory,' 931,
'in their goings, or to and fro,' fyrena hyrde, 'lord in the king-
163. dom of crime," 750. [Cf. Goth.
hycgan, hlcgan, w.v., think, resolve hairdeis.]
(upon) pret. hogode, 632, F. 12 *.
; byre, gen. and dat. sg. f. of he (q. v.).
[(y. Goth, hugjan.] hyrst, St. f,, harness, accoutrement,
for-lilcgau, w, v., FORgo, reject, adornment, 2988, 3164, F. 22.
despise, 485. hyrstan, w. v., adorn; pp. 'dight,
ge-hyogan, w. v., purpose, 1988. jewelled,' 672, 2255*.
ofer-hyogan, w. v., scorn, 2345. hyrtau, w. v., HEABTen, embolden;
b^dan, w. v., hide, 1372*, 2766; with refl. pron., 2593. [Frmn
bury, 446. heorte.]
ge-h^dan, w.v., hide, 2235, 3059. hyse, hysse, st. m., youth, 1217, F.
hyge, hige, st. m., mind, soul, tem- 50.
per, purpose, 267, etc. [Cf. Goth. hyt, (mtt) St. /., HEAT, 2649.
hugs.] _ hyt, neut. of he (q. v.)
hlge-mseS, st. j.,mind-honour, iyS, St. f., HYTHE, haven, 32.
heart-reverence, 2909 (but see hyUo, see note on 11. 3150, etc.
note). hyU-weard, st. m., [hythe-ward]
Mge-meVe, adj., wearying the guard of the haven, 1914.
soul or mind, 2442.
Uge-^lhtlg, adj., great-hearted,
Jiige-^Tymm, st. m., [mind-
strength] magnanimity, 339. io, pers. pron. , I, 38, etc. ; ace. me,
hyge-bend, st. m. /., mind-BOjfD; 415, etc., mec, 447; gen. min,
dat. pi., hyge-beudum f8est...dyrne 2084, etc. dat. me, 316, etc. ; dual

langalS, 'a secret longing... fast in nom. wit, 535, etc. ; ace. unc, 540,
the bonds of his mind,' 1878. etc. gen. uncer, 2002, etc. ; dat.

hyge-glomor, adj., sad at heart, unc, 1783, etc. ; pi. nom. we, 1,
2408. etc.; ace. iisic, 458, etc.; gen. fire,
hyge-r3f, hige-rSf, adj., strong of 1386, user, 2074 ; dat. us, 269.
mind or heart, valiant, 204 *, 403 *. lege, adj., 1107 (see note).
hyge-sorg, st. /., sorkow of^mind or Idel, adj., idle, empty, 145, 413;
heart, 2328. deprived; rwm. lond-rihtes...idel,
hyht, St. m., hope, 179. [C/. hyc- 'deprived of land-right,' 2888.
gan.] Idel-hende, adj.,iDiiE-HANDedL, empty-
byldan, w. v., HEEii(D) over, incline handed, 2081.
(oneself), lie down; pret. 688. Idea, st.f., woman, lady, 620, etc.
hyldo, St. /., favour, friendliness, ieman, st. v. [Cf. Goth, rinnan.]
670, 2293, 2998; ace. hyldo ne be-ieman, st. v., bun, occur;
telge...Denum unfScne, 'I reckon pret. him on mod beam, it occur- '

not their favour sincere towards red to him,' 67.

the Danes,' 2067. [Cf. hold.] on-ieman, st. v., spring open;
hym, of he (q. v.). pret. onarn, 721.
h^nan, w. v., humiliate, oppress, in, prep. , in, with dat. (of rest) and
2319. [From hean.] ace. (of motion)
hyne, ace. sg. m. of he (q. v.). (1) with, dat., in, on, 13, 25, 87,
hynSo, b^Su, St. /., humiliation, 89, 324, 443, 1029, 1952, 2505,
166, 277, 475, 593, 3155*. 2599, 2635, 2786, 3097, etc. ; after
liyra, gen. pi. o/he (q. v.). its case, 19 of time, 1.

hyran, w, hear, learn, 38, 62,

v., (2) with ace, into, 60, 185, 1210,
273, 1197, etc.; with dat. pers., 2935.
obey, 10, etc. [Cf. Goth, hausjan.] in innan, see innan.
; :

216 Beowulf
in, adv., in, 386, 1037, etc.; once iren-heard, adj., iron-habd, 1112.
inn, 3090. iren-^reat, st. m., lEON-band, troop
in, St. neut., inn, dwelling, 1300. of armed men, 330.
tno, pers. pron. {dat. dual, of hii), to is, St. neut., ice, 1608.
you two, 510. isem-byme, w. /., byrny of iron,
incer, pers. pron. {gen. dual, of fu), coat of iron mail, 671. [Gf.
of you two, 684. O.E. iren.]
inoge, adj., 2577 (see note). iseni-scttr, st. /., jbow-showee,
in-frod, adj., very old, 1874, 2449. 3116. [sciir is elsewhere masc,
in-gang, st.m., entrance, 1549. but for use here cf. Goth, skura.]
In-genga, w. m., iN-Goer, invader, is-gebind, st. neut., ice-bond, 1133.
1776. isig, adj., lOT, covered with ice, 33.
in-gesteald, st. neut., house-property, iu, see geo.
1155. iu-monn, st. m., former man, man of
inn, see in, adv. olden times, 3052.
innan, adv., withiN, inside, 774, etc.
in innan, within ; with pre-
ceding dat. 1968, 2452. K
on innan, within, 2715; with
preceding dat. 1740. kyning, 619, 3171; Kyning-wuldor,
|>Sr on innan, therein, there- 665, see oynlng.
within, in there, 71, 2089, etc.
innan-weard, adj., inwakd, inside,
interior, 991, 1976.
inne, adv., mside, within, 390 (see la, interj., lo, 1700, 2864.
note), 642, 1866, etc.; therein, lac, St. neut., gift, offering, booty,
1141_. prey, 43, 1584, etc.
t>8Br inne, therein, 118, etc. lacan, st. v., play, 2832, 2848. [C/.
inne-weard, adj., inwakd, interior, Goth, laikan, to leap.'] '

998. for-lacan, st. v., decoy, betray,

Inwid-sorg, see inwit-sorli. 903.
inwit-feng, st. m., malicious grasp, lad, St. /., [lode] way, faring, jour-
1447. _ney, 569, 1987.
inwit-gseat, st. m., malicious ocest, Isedan, w. v., lead, bring, 239, 1159,
foe, 2670 (see note to 1. 102). 3177* ; i)jp. gelSded, 37. [C/.lI«an,
inwit-hrof, st. m., malicious koof, lad, 'go.']
3123. for-lsedan, w. v., w. ace, mis-
inwit-net, st.-neut., treacherous net, _lead; pret. pi., forljeddan, 2039.
malicious snare, 2167. IsBfan, w. v., LEAVE, 1178, 2315, etc.
tnwit-niS, st. m., treacherous hate, _[From led : cf. Goth, laibjan.]
malicious enmity, 1858, 1947. lau, St. neut., loan (see note to
inwit-acear, st. m., malicious slaugh- _11. 1808, etc.)
ter, inroad, 2478. Issn-dagas, st. m., loan-datis, fleAt-
inwit-searo, st. neut., malicious cun- _iiig days, 2341*, 2591.
ning, 1101. lane, adj., fleeting, transitory, 1622,
inwlt-sorh, inwid-sorg, st. /., [hostile etc.
or malicious soerow] sorrow caused Iseng, see longe.
by a foe, 831, 1736. Iseran, w. d., teach, 1722. [Gf. Goth.
inwit-Sanc, st. m., hostile or mali- liisjan.]
cious THOuasi, 749 (see note). ge-ljeran, w. v., teach, persuade,
-iode, see -gan. _give (advice), 278, 415, 3079.
iogoS, see geogoS. Ises, compar. adv., less, 487, 1946
io-meowle, see gSo-mSowle. {see se).
iren, st. neut., ibon, sword, 892, etc.
3«m.pZ., irena, irenna, 673, 802, etc.
_ i>f ISs, conj., LEst, 1918.
Isasa, compar. adj., less, lesser,
iren, adj., of iron, 1459, 2778. [Of. fewer, 1282, 2571 Igssan, ;

O.E. isem.] 43. Absolutely, for Itessan, ' for

iren-bend, st. m. /., ib,ois-band, less,' 951.
774, 998.
iren-byme, w. moN-BTUNT, coat
_ ISsest, sitpcrZ. ad;., LEAST, 2354.
/., ISstan, w. V.
of iron mail, 2986.
(1) with dat., LAST, hold out, 812.
; ,

Glossary 217
(2)mtft occ, do, perfonn, 2663.
latSra, eompar., more LOATnly,
fUl-lwstan, w. v., with dat., more hateful, 2432.
help; pres. sg. 1st ful-lastu,
ia%-bite, St. m., ioe-siTE, wound,
ge-lrestan, w, v. :
13.8-getSona, w. m., evil-doer,
(1) with ace. or dat., help, serve,
monster, 559, 974.
24, 2500.
ia,S-lIc, adj., loathly, 1584.
(2) usu. with ace, do, perform, leaf, St. neut,, leae, 97.
fulfil, _etc., 1706, 2990*, etc.
ISafUes-woTd, st. neut., leave-wokd,
ge-lfflsted, pp. of ISstan or ge- permission, pass-word, 245.
Isestan, 'performed,' 829.
-leah, see -leogran.
last, adj., [late] slow; with gen. lean, st. neut., reward, 114, 951,
_1529. [Cf. Goth, lats, '
slothful.'] 1021, etc. [Of. Goth. J&un.]
l»tan, St. v., LET, allow, 48, eto. lean, st. v., w. ace, blame; pres.
a-lsetan, st. v., let, 2665; let sg. Zrd lyh«, 1048; pret. log, 203,
go, leave, 2591, 2750. eto.
for-lstan, st. v., let, leave be-Iean, st. v., with oaic. rei and
behind, 970, 2787, 3166 ; let go, dat. pers., dissuade from, prohibit,
st. v., leave, 1183, leanian, w. v., with acc. rei and dat,
st. v., loosen, 1609.
pers., pay for, repay, reward for,
1380, 2102.
laf, St. LEAving, heirloom, be-
/., leas, adj., [-less] with gem., lacking,
quest (often a sword), 454, etc. deprived of, 850, 1664. [Cf. Goth.
[C/. Goth, l&iba, 'remnant.'] laus, empty.']

lafian, w. v. ISas-sceawere, st. m., spy, 253 (see

ge-lafian, w. v., lave, refresh, note).
2722. lecgan, w. v. [Cf. Goth, lagjan.]
lagu, St. m. lake, water, sea, 1630.
3,-lecgan, w. v., lay, lay down,
lagu-crseftig, adj., [sea-oBATTT] skil- lay aside, 34, 834, etc.
ful as a sailor, 209. leg, see lig.
lagu-strSt, St. /., [sea-STKEET] way leger, st. neut., [lair] lying, 8043.
over the sea, 239. [Cf. Goth, ligrs, bed, couch.']

lagii-strSam, st. m., sea-STREAM, legerbedd, st. neut. death-BED, grave


current, tide, 297. 1007.

lah, see leon. -leli, see leogan.
land, see lond. lemlan, lemman, w. v., lame,
lang, see long. trouble; pret, sg. with pi. nom.,
langaS, st. m., LONoing, 1879. lemede, 905.
lange, see longe. leng, see longe.
lang-twidig, see long-twidig. lenge, 83 (see note),
15.r, St. /., LOBE, instruction, guid- lengest, see longe.
ance, 1950; gen. pi. lara, 1220, lengra, see long.
larena, 269. ISod, St. m., prince, chief, 341,
last, St. m., track, trace, 132, etc. etc.
[Cf. Goth. Mists.] 15od, st.f,, people, nation, 596, 599,
on last(e), with preceding dat., eto. ; pi. leoda, 3001. [See leode.]
in the tracks of, behind, 2945, leod-bealo, st. neut., [nation-BALE]
F. 19. national evil, 1722 (see note) ; gen,
13,8, adj., [loth], LOAinly, loath- pi. -bealewa, 1946.
some, hated, hostile, 134, 511, ISod-burg, St. /., [nation -b0eoh]
2315, 2467, eto. ; dat. pi. la«an, chief city; acc. pi. -byrig, 2471.
1505. leod-cynlng, st. m., nation-KiNO,
Often used absolutely, foe, loathed king of a people, 54.
foe, 550, 841, 1061 ; gen. pi. 242 leode, St. m. pi., people, 24, 362, etc.
weak, se latSa, 2305* latS wi'S ; [See leod, st. f, and cf. Germ,
la>um, 'foe with foe,' 440; esfter Leute.]
laSum, 'after the loathed foe,' leod-fruma, w. m., nation-chief,
1257; neut. fela io laSes gebad, prince of a people, 2130.
much hostility or evil I endured,'
ISod-gebyrgea, w. m., protector of
929. a people, 269. [Cf, beorgan.]
218 Beowulf
leod-liryre, st. m., fall of a prince or lio-sar, St. neut., body-soEE, wound
people, 2030, 2391. in the body, 815.
leod-soeaSa, w. m., scathbt of a lic-syrce, w. /., body-SAKK, shirt of
people, national foe, 2093. mail, 550.
leod-aeipe, st. m., [people-SHip] Ud-mann, st. m., sea-MAN, 1623.
nation, 2197, 2751. lit, neut., life, 97, etc.

leof, adj., LiBP, dear, 31, etc. llfa^S, etc., see libban.

leofaS, see libban. lif-bysig, adj., [life-busy] in the

leof-lic, ad/., dear, beloved, precious, throes of death, 966.
1809, 2608. lif-dagas, st. m. pi., life-days, 793,
leogan, st. v., lie, belie, 250, 3029. 1622.
[Gf. Goth, liugan.] LIf-frea, w, m., LiFE-lord, Lord of
S,-leogan, st. v., with ace. rei, life, 16.
beLiE, falsify; pret. aleb, 80. lif-gedal, st. neut., LiFE-parting,
ge-leogan, st. v., with dat.pers., death, 841.
deceive; pret. geleah, 2323. lif-gesoeaft, st. /., destiny, 1953,
leoht, St. neut., light, brilliance, 3064.
569, 727, etc. [Gf. Goth. Huha)'.] Iif-wra15u, st. /., LiFE-proteetion,
leoht, adj., light, bright, flashing, 971, 2877.
2492. lif-wynn, st. f. LiFB-joy, 2097.

leoma, w. m., gleam, ray, 311, 1570 lig, leg, St. m., flame, 83, 2549,
(see note), etc. etc. ; dat. ligge, 727.
leomum, see lim. lig-draca, leg-draca, w. m., flame-
leon, St. v., LEni; pret. lah, 1456. drake, flaming dragon, 2338, 3040.
[0/. Goth, leihwan.] lig-egesa, w. m., flame-terror, 2780.
on-leon, st. v., with gen. rei and lige-tom, St. neut., [LYing-anger]
dat.pers., LEni; pret. onlah, 1467. pretended insult, 1943. (See
leomlan, w. v., learn, study, devise, Bugge, Z.f.d. Ph., iv. 208.)
2336 (see note). ligge, see lig.
leosam, st. v., lose. [Of. Goth. lig-yS, St. /., flame- wave, 2672.
(fra-)liusan.] Um, St. neut., limb, branch; dat. pi.
be-leosan, st. v., deprive pp. ;
leomum, 97.
beloren, 1073. limpan, st. v., happen, befall; pret.
for-lgosan, st. v., with dat., lomp, 1987.
LOSE, 1470, etc. a-llmpan, st. v., befall, 622, 733.
leoS, St. neut., lay, 1159. be-limpan, st. v., befall, 2468.
leoBo-crseft, st. m., [limb-CKAri] ge-Iimpan, st. v., befall, happen,
hand-craft; da*. jaJ. segn...gelocen 76, 626 (be fulfilled), 929 (be given),
leo^o-orsef turn", a banner woven
' etc.
by skill of hand,' 2769 (see note). ge-lumpen, pp. of limpan or
leoSo-syrce, w. /., limb-SABS, shirt of gelimpan, 'fulfilled,' 824.
maU, 1505, 1890. lind, St. /., LiHDen, shield (made of
lettan, w. v., with ace. pers. and gen. linden), 2341, 2365, 2610.
rei, LET, hinder, 569. [Gf. Goth. Ijnd-gestealla, w. m., shield-com-
latjan.] rade, comrade in arms, 1973.
Utiljau, w. v., pres. sg. Ufa's, lyfaS, lind-hsebbende, st. m. {pres. part.),
leofa'S; suhj. lifige; pret. lifde, [LiNDen-HAving] shield-warriors,
lyfde; pres. part, lifigende: live, 245, 1402.
57, etc. lind-plega, w. m., LiNien-PLAY,
lie, St. n., [ltoh] body, 451, etc.; battle, 1073*, 2039.
corpse, 1122, etc. [Gf. Goth, leik.] lind-wlga, w. m., Liniien-warrior,
llcg(e)an, st. v., lie, lie down, lie shield-warrior, 2603.
low, lie dead, 40, etc. ; fail, 1041. linnan, st. v., with gen. or dat.,
a-Ucg(e)an, st. v., fail, cease, cease, depart, be deprived, 1478,
1528, 2886. 2443.
ge-licg(e)an, st. v., sink to rest, liss, St. /. favour, 2150.
, [From
3146. *li«s, cf. WSe, 'gentle.']
lic-homa, lic-hama, w. m., [lvch- list, St. m. andf., cunning;
covering] body, 812, 1007, etc. adverbially, 781.
lician, w. v., with dat., [uke] please, liVan, St. v., go; pp. liden, 'tra-
639, 1854. versed,' 223 (see note to 1. 224).
: ;

Glossary 219
iHSe, adj., gentle, mild, 1220. t5-ltlcan, St. v., shatter, destroy,
USoat, swperl., gentlest, 3182. 781.
liSend, s«. ro. (jjres. part.), [going] lufen, St. /., hope, comfort, 2886
sailor, 221. [occurs here only ; Goth.
lilS-wSge, St. neut., stoup of drink, lubains, hope,' but see note].

1982. [C/. GoJft. lei>u, 'strong lufian, w. v., love, hence, show love,
drink.'] treat kindly, 1982.
Imm, M). D., gleam, glisten; vret. luf-tacen, st. neut., love-token,
lixte, 311, 485, 1570. 1868.
locen, see lUcau. lufu, w. /., love, 1728 (see note).
IScian, w. v., look, 1654. lungre, adv.
lof, St. m., praise, 1536. 11) quickly, hastily, 929, 1630, etc.
lof-dSd, St. /., praise-DEED, deed (2) quite, 2164 (but see note).
worthy of praise, 24. lust, St. m., [lust] pleasure, joy ace.

lofgeom, adj. , YEAsmng for praise, on lust, lustum, ' with joy,
lof-geomost, swperl. , most eager with pleasure,' 618, 1653.
for praise, 8182. lyfan, w. V.
ISg, see lean, a-iyfan, w. v., entrust, permit,
lomp, see limpan. 655, 3089.
lond, land, st. neut., land, 221, 2197, ge-lffan, w. v., beLiEVB in, trust
2836 (see note), etc. for, rely on ; with dat. pers. 909
laud-ftuma, w. m., LAND-ohief, with dat. rei, 440, 608; >£Bt heo
ruler of a land, 31. on anigne eorl gelyfde fyrena
land-gemyrcu, st. neut. pi., frofre (ace), ' that she believed in
LAND-MARKS, boundaries, shore, any earl for comfort from crime,
209. [Cf. O.E. mearo.] 627; him to Anwaldan are {ace.)
land-geweorc, st. neut., land- gelyfde, ' believed in favour from
WOKK, stronghold, 938. the Almighty for himself,' 1272.
laud-waru, st. /., LAND-people; [_Gf. Goth, gal&ubjan.]
pi. land-wara, people of the
' lyfa*, lyfde, see libban.
land,' 2321. lyft, St. m. f. neut., [lept] air, 1375,
land-weard, st. m., [land-wabd] etc.
guardian of a country, 1890. lyft-floga,w. m., [LiFi-Piier] flier
lond-bflend, land-bilend, st. m. {pres. in the air, 2315.
part.), LAND-dweller, 95, 1845. lyft-geswenced, adj. (pp.), wind-
land-kight, right
lond-rllit, St. neut., urged, driven by the wind, 1918.
of a citizen or freeholder, 2886. lyft-wynn, st. /., [LiFT-joy] air-joy,
long, lang, adj., long, 16, 54, etc. 8043 (see note).
Jxng-twiSig, adj., LONO-granted, lyhV, see lean,
lasting, 1708. lysan, w. v. [From leas, cf. Goth.
lengra, compar., longer, 134. l&usjan.]
longe, lange, adv., long, 31, etc. a-lysan, w. v., loose, loosen,
leng, Issng, compar., longbt, 1630.
leng, 451, 974, etc. ; laeng, 2307. lystan, w. v., impers., with ace. pers.,
lengest, swperl., longe&t, 2008, LIST, please ; pret. 1793. [From
2288. lust.]
long-gestreon, st. neut., [LONG-pos- lyt, neut. adj. or n., indecl., few,
session] treasure of long ago, 2365 ; with gen. 1927, 2150, 2882,
2240. 2836 (dat.) (see note).
long-sum, adj., [lono-some] lasting 1ft, adv., LiTTle, but Uttle, 2897,
long, 134, etc. 3129.
losiaji, w. v., [lose oneself] escape, lytel, adj., little, 1748, 2097, etc. ;
1392, etc. ace. f. lytle hwile, ' but a little
Iflcau, St. v., LOCK, interlock, while,' 2030.
weave ; j)p. locen, gelocen, 'looked, lyt-hwon, adv., littIc, but little (see

of interlocked rings,' 1505, 1890, note), 203.

2769, 2995.
be-ltlcan, st. v., lock, secure; M
pret. beleac, 1132, 1770.
on-lltcan, st. v., unlock; pret. ma, compar. adv., with gen., mo.
onleac, 259. More, 504, etc. [Gf. Goth, mkia.]

220 Beowulf
madmas, etc., see ma8(S)iim. maga, w. m., son, man, 189, etc.
mseg, see magan. mSlga, see mng.
mrag, St. m., kinsman, blood-relative, magan, pret, pres. v., mat, can, be
408, etc. pi. magas, etc., 1015,
able; pres. sg. 1st and 3r(J msBg,
etc. gen. pi. maga, 2006 dat. pi.
; 277, etc., ind meaht, 2047, miht,
magum, _1178, etc., 2614 (see 1378; pres. subj. sg. msege, 2530,
note), msBgum, 2353. etc., pi. msBgen, 2654; pret.
miig-btirg, st. /., [kin-BUBOH] meahte, 542, 648, etc., mihte,
family; gen. mSg-burge, 2887. 190, 308, etc., mehte, 1082, etc.
msege, msegen, 2654, see magan. With gan omitted, 754.
msegen, si. neut., main, strength, mage, w. f., kinswoman, 1391.
force, army, 155, 445, etc. mago, si.7n.,kinsman, son, man, 1465,
msegen-agende, adj. {pres. part.), etc. [Gf. Goth, magus, boy.'] '

[MAiN-oi^OTng] mighty, 2837. mago-driht, st. /., kindred-troop,

msegen-byrtSen, st.f., main-bdkthen, band of warriors, 67.
great burden, 1625, etc. mago-rinc, st. m., retainer, warrior,
msegen-crseft, st. m., main-ceaft, 730.
mighty strength, 380. mago-|>egii, magu->egn, st. m.,
msegen-ellen, st. neut. MAiN-strength, , THANE, 293, 408, 1405, etc.
great courage, 659. man(n), see mon(n).
meegen-fultum, st. m., MAiN-aid, manna, see mon(n).
strong help, 1455. man, st. neut., wickedness, crime,
maegen-rss, st. m., [main-b^cb] 110, 97_8, 1055.
mighty impetus, onset, 1519. man-fords9dla, w. m. wicked de- ,

msegen-strengo, st. /., main- stroyer, 563.

STEENGth; dat, 2678. manian, w. v., exhort, 2057.
meegen-wudu, st. m., [main-wood] manig, see monig.
spear, 236. man-lice, adv., in a manly way,
maeg^S, st. /., maid, woman, 924, 1046.
etc. [Cf. Goth, magajjs.] man-sc(e)aSa, w. m., wicked sca-
miegS, St. /., tribe, people, 5, etc. Tser, deadly foe, 712, 737, etc.
msg-wlne, st. m., kinsman-friend; mara, compar., adj. (of mioel),
pi. 2479. greater, mightier, 247, 518, 533,
msBl, St. neut., [meal, cf. Goth, mel, etc. ; neut., with gen., mare, moee,
' time.']
136._ [Gf. Goth, maiza.]
(1) time, occasion, 316, 1008, etc. mfflst, superl., [most] greatest,
sword with marks, 1616, 1667. 78, etc. ; neut., with gen., 2645, etc.
msel-oearu, st.f., time-OAEE, 189 (see maSelian, w. v., harangue, discourse,
note) speak, 286, etc. [Cf. Goth.
mrol-gesceaft, st.f., time appointed, maj>ljan.]
2737. maSm-abt, st. /., valuable posses-
msenan, w. v., [mean] with ace, sion, 1613, 2833. [Gf. agan.]
declare, proclaim, 857, 1067 (see matSm-gestrgon, st. neut., jewel-
note to 1. 1101). treasure, 1931.
mssnan, w. v., trans, and intrans., maS(1S)um, St. m., thing of value,
MOAN, bemoan, mourn, lament, treasure, jewel, 169, etc. ; madme,
1149, 2267, 3149, 3171. 1528; pi. ma'Smas, madmas, etc.,
msenig, see monlg. 36, 41, 385, etc. [Cf. Goth.
msenigo, see menigeo. m4ij)ms.]
miere, adj., famous, notorious, 103, matSSum-fset, st. neut., treasure-TAT,

762,Jt301, etc. [Of. Goth, -mereis.] costly vessel, 2405.

msarost, superl., 898. maSSum-gifu, st. /., treasure-oiFt,
mSrtSo, mlirVu, st. /., glory, fame, 1301.
504, 659, etc.; deed of gloiy, maSSum-sigle, st. neut., treasure-
exploit, 408, 2134, 2645 ; dat. pi. jewel, costly sun-shaped ornament,
as adv., gloriously, 2514. [Of. 2767.
Goth, merijja.] m9,S8um-sweord, st. neut., treasure-
mSst, St. m., MAST, 36, etc. swoED, sword inlaid with jewels,
mast, see mara. 1023.
mSte, adj., small. maSSum-wela, w. m., [treasure-WEAL]
mStOBt, superl., smallest, 1455. wealth of treasure, 2750.
; ;;,

Glossary 221
me, pers. pron., ace. and dat. of io, mere, it. m., mere, sea, 845, etc.
ME, to me, 316, 415, etc. ; dat. for [Gf. Goth, marei.]
myself, 2738. mere-deoT, st, neut., mere-deer,
meagol, adj., forceful, earnest, sea-monster, 558.
solemn, 1980. mere-fara, w. vi., MERE-FABer, sea-
meahte, meahton, see magan. farer, 502.
mSaras, etc., see mearh. mere-fix (mere-flsc), st. m., mere-
mearc, st.f., mark, limit; dat. 2384 pish, sea-fish, 549. [Sieversa
(see note). [C/. Goth, marka.) § 204, 3.]
mearcian, w. v., mark, stain, en- mere-grund, st. m., [mere-ground]
grave, 450; pp. gemearcod, 1264, bottom of a mere or sea, 1449,
1695. 2100.
mearc-stapa, w. m., MARK-srepper, mere-hrsBgl, st. neut., [mere-rail]
march-stalker, 103, 1348. sea-garment, sail, 1905.
mearli, st. m., [mabe] horse; pi. mere-liSend, st, m. (pres. part.),
mearas, etc., 865, etc. [MEEE-going] sailor, 255.
meam, see muman. mere-strsBtj st. /., [mere-street]
mec, pers. pron., ace. of ie, me, 447, way over the sea, 514.
etc. mere-strengo, st.f,, [MEEE-sTEENoth]
mece, at. m., sword, 565, etc. [C/. strength in swimming, 533.
Goth, mekeis.] mere-wif, st. neut., [mere-wipe] mere-
med, St. /., MEED, reward, 2134, etc. woman, 1519.
gen. pi. medo, 1178. mergen, see morgen.
medo, medu, st. m., mead, 2633; met, St. neut., thought; pi. meoto,
F. 41, dat. 604. 489 (see note).
medo-sem, st. neut., MEAD-hall, metan, st. v., mete, measure, pass
69. over, 514, 917, 924, 1633.
medo-benc, medu-benc, meodu-benc, metan, to. v., meet, find, 751, 1421.
st.f., MEAD-BENCH, 776, 1052, 1067, ge-metan, w. v., meet, find,
1902, 2185. 757, 2785 pret. pi. hy {ace.) ge-

medo-fiil, st. neut., MEAD-cup, 624, metton, met each other,' 2592.

1015. \Cf. Goth, gamotjan.]

medo-heal, meodu-heall, st.f., mead- *metian, w. v., think; imp. meota
WAT.T.484, 638.
, (ms. meoto) 489 (see note).
medo-sl^g, st.f., MEAD-path, path to Metod, st, m.. Creator, God, 110,
the mead-hall, 924. etc.; fate, 2527.
medu-dream, st. m. MEAC-joy, 2016.
, metod-sceaft, meotod-sceaft, st, /.
meda-seld, 8^ neut. MEAD-hall, 3065.
, appointed doom, 1077, 2815, 1180
meodo-setl, st. neut., mead- (Creator's glory). [Of. Klaeber
settle, 5. in Anglia, xxxv., 465.]
meodo-wong, st. m., MEAD-plain, meCel, st. neut., council, 1876. [Cf,
field where the mead-hall stood, Goth, majil, market-place.']

1643. meVel-Btede, st, m., meeting-place,

meodu-scenc, st. m., mead- 1082.
draught, mead-cup, 1980. meSel-word, st. neut., council-woRD,
me&te, see magan. formal word, 236.
melda, w. m., informer, finder, 2405. micel, adj., miokle, great, 67, etc.
meltan, st. v., intrans., melt, 1120, gen. micles wyr^ne, worthy of '

etc. much,' 2185. [Cf. Goth, mikils.]

ge-meltan, st. v., melt, 897, etc. micles, gen. used advirtially
mene, st. m. collar, necklace, 1199.
, to f ela micles, far too much,

mengan,w.i;. MiNGle;^^). gemenged,

: 694.
848, 1449 (see note), 1593. micle, instr. used adverbially,
menigeo, msenigo, st. /., many, by MUCH, much, 1579, 2651 ; so
multitude, 41, 2143. swa miele, by so much,' 1283.

meodo-, meodu-, see under medo-. mid, prep. , loith dat, and aee.
meoto, see met, metian. (1) with dat., with, among, 77,
meotod-, see metod-. 195, 274, etc. ; following its case,
mercels, st. m., mabk, aim, 2439. 41, 889, 1625; of time, 126 ; with,
[Sieversa § 159, 1, 2: ef. O.E. by means of, through, 317, 438,
mearc] etc.: mid rihte, 'by right,' 2056;

222 Beowulf
mid gewealdmn, of his own
' m5d-sefa, w. m. [MooD-mind] mind,

accord,' 2221; mid him, 'among courage, 180, 349, 1853, 2012,
themselves,' 2948. 2628.
(2) with ace, with, among, 357,
mod-liracu, st.f., [mood-] daring, 385.
879, 2652, etc. [Gf. Goth. mi)>.] moii(n) man(ii), st, m., weak manna;

mid, adv., with them, withal, there- dat. sg. men(n); pi. men: man, 25,
with, 1642, 1649. etc.; weak ace. sg. mannan, 297
middau-geard, st. m., [mid- yard] (see note), 1943, 2127, 2774, 3108;
world, earth, 75, etc. ; gen. ' in mannon, 577.
the world,' 504, etc. [C/. Goth. men, man, indef. pron., one, they,
midjungards.] people, 1172, 1175, 2355.
midde, w. /., MiDDle, 2705. mona, w. m., moon, 94, F. 8. [Gf.
mlddel-nilit, st. /., middle of the Goth, mena.]
NiQHT, 2782, 2833. mon-cynn, man-cynn, st. neut.,
jnlht, St. /., MIGHT, 700, 940. [Gf. MANKiNd, 110, 164, 196, 1276,
Goth, mahts.] 1955, 2181.
mUite, see magan. mon-dream, man-dream, st. m.,
mmtig, adj., miohty, 558, etc. [man-dkeam] human joy, 1264,
milde, adj., mild, kind, 1172, 1229. 1715.
mllduBt, superl., mildest, kind- mon-dryhten, -drlhten, man-dryb-
est, 3181. ten, -drihten, st. m., [MAN-]lord,
mll-gemearc, st. neut., mile-maiie, etc., 436, 1229, 1978, 2865, etc.
measure by miles; gen. nis Jjffit monig (moneg-), manig (maneg-),
feor heonon mil-gemearees, ' that adj., MANY, 6, 75, etc.; msenig,
is not many miles away,' 1362. F. 14; rurm. monig oft gesset rice
[From hat. milia, miUia.] to riine, 'many a mighty one oft
milts, St. f., jfiiDness, kindness, sat in council,' 171. Often abso-
2921. lutely, 857, etc.; and with de-
min, jyers. pron. (gen. sg. of io), of pendent gen. pi. 728, etc. [Gf.
me, 2084, 2533. Goth, manags.]
min, poss. adj. {gen. sg. of ic), mine, mon-)>ware, adj., [MAN-]gentle, kind
my, 255, etc. to men, 3181*-
missan, w. v., w. gen., miss, 2439. mor, St. m., moob, 103, etc.
mlssere, st. neut., half-year, 153, morgen, mergen, st. m., dat. morgne,
1498, 1769, 2620. mergenne: morn, MORNing, mor-
mist-hUU, St. neut., Misi-slope, misty row, 565, 837, 2484, etc.; gen.
hiU-side; dat. pi. misthleoJ>um, pi. moma, 2450.
710. morgen-ceald, adj., MORNing-coLD,
mistlg, adj., misty, 162. cold in the morning, 3022.
mod, St. neut. morgeu-leolit, st. neut., MORNiug
(ij MOOD, mind, etc., SO, etc. LIGHT, morning sun, 604, 917.
(2) courage, 1057, etc. morgen-long, adj., MORNing-LONO,
mSd-cearu, st. /., mood-cabe, sor- 2894.
row of mind or heart, 1778, 1992, morgen-sweg, m., [MORN-socfGff]
3149. morning-clamour, 129.
mddega, modgan, etc., see mSdlg. morgen-tid, st. /., MORNing-TiDE,
mSd-gehygd, st. f. and neut., mind- 484, 518.
thought, 233. mor-bop, st.nejtt. MOOR-hollow, slop-
, '

mod-ge^onc, st. m. and neut. mind- , ing hollow on a moorside (Skeat), '

THOUGHt, 1729. 450.

mod-giomor, adj., sad in mind or morna, see morgen.
heart, 2894. morS-bealu, st. neut., MURDer-BALE,
modlg, adj., weak mod(i)ga, modega; murder, 136.
gen. m. mod(i)ges; pi. mod(i)ge: moriSor, st. neut., mubder, 892, etc.
[moody] brave, proud, 312, 502, etc. [Gf. Goth. maur))r.]
modig-Uc, adj., [moody-lhue]. morSor-bealo, st, neut., mubder-
mSdig-licra, compar., braver, BALE, murder, 1079, 2742.
prouder, 337. morSor-bed, st. neut., murder-bed,
mSd-lufu, w. /., [mood-love] heart's 2436.
love, 1823. morSor-hete, st. m., mobdebous
modor, st.f., mother, 1258, etc. HATE, 1105.
; :

Glossary 223
mSste, see mOtan. pi. gen£egdan,_2206, 2916* (see
mOtaji, pret. pres. v., may, be to, note) ; pp. genSged, 1439.
MUST, 186, 2886, etc.; pret. moste, nragl, St. m., NAIL, 985.
168, 2574, etc.; pret. pi. mostan, nffigllan,w. v., nail; pp. nsegled,
2247*. _^nailed, riveted, studded,' 2023*.
munan, pret. pres. v. nsanig (=ne senig), adj.-pron., not
ge-munan, {pret. pres.) v., have ANY, none, no, 859, etc.; with
in MiNi, remember; pres. gemon, gen. pi. 157, eto. _
geman, 265, 1185, etc.; pret. ge- nSre, nSron, =:ne wSre, ue wseron,
mundon, 179, eto.; imp. sg. ge- see wesan.
myne, 659. n8es,=ne wees, see wesan.
on-mvman, pret. pres. v., reifiwd nses, neg. adv., not, not at all, 562, etc.
pret.onmunde usio mSrSa, 're- iues(8), St. m., NESS, headland, 1358,
minded UB of glory, urged us on etc.
to great deeds,' 2640. nsea-hliV, st. neut., NESs-slope, head-
mund, st.f., hand, 236, eto. land-slope ; dat. pi. nffls-hleotSum,
mund-bora, w. m., protector, 1480, 1427.
2779. [C/. beran.] n9,li, = ne ah, see 3.gan.
mund-gripe, st. ro., hand-ORip, 380, nalas, nalses, nales, nallas, nalles,
etc., 1938 (see note). see nealles.
miiman, st. v., mourn, be anxious, nam, see niman.
reck, care, 50, 136, etc. nama, w. m., name, 78, 343, 1457,
be-mornan, st. v., with ace, F. 26.
BEMODEN, mourn over, 907, 1077. n9,man, -nSLmon, see niman.
mtlVa, w. m., mooth, 724. [C/. nan, ( = ne an), adj.-pron., none, no,
Goth. mun)>s.] 988; with gen. pi. 803, F. 43.
mflU-bona, w. m., mouth-banje, one nat, =:ne wat, see witan.
who slays by biting, 2079. nat-hwylc (=ne wat hwylc; of. 1.
myndglan, w. v., call to mind: 274), adj.-pron., [wot Not which]
(1) with gen., remember, 1105. • some, some one, a certain (one),
(2) TBMIND, 2057. 1513; with gen. pi. 2215, 2223,
ge-myndgian, w. v., bring to 2233, etc.
MIND, remember; pp. gemyndgad, ne, ne, neg. particle. Not, 38, 1384,
2450. etc.; doubled,, 182, 245-6,
myne, st. m. : [Cf. Goth, muns.] etc.; n5^, 2124>^ ne...n6,
(1) wish, hope, 2572. 1508. Often found irCcomposition
(2) love: ace. ne his myne wisse, with verbs, e.g. nah, nsebben, nses,
'nor did he know his mind,' 169 nolde, nat, etc., for which see agan,
(see note). habban, wesan, willan, witan; in
-myne, see munan. composition with a, ffinig, etc., it
myntan, w. v., be miNiei, intend, forms the words na, nsnig, etc.
712, 731, 762. (q- ^)-
myrce, MUBKy, 1405.
adj., Correlated with ne or another
myrlS, st. /., mxbth; dat. modes negative, not.. .nor, neither... nor,
myrSe, 810 (see note). etc., 511, 1082-4, etc.;, 1100-1;, 168-9,
575-7, etc.; n6..,,
N 1392-4, 1735-7; n£, 583-
4, 718; nalles... ne, 3015-6.
na, neg. adv.. Never, Not at all, not, ne, not preceded by another nega-
445, 567, 1536, 1875*. tive, 'nor,' 510, 739 (see note),

naca, w. m., bark, craft, 214, 295, 1071.

1896, 1903. Correlated with a doubled negative
nacod, adj., naked, 539, 2585; bare, ne...nEenig. ..nSre, 858-60.
smooth, 2273. nSah, adj., niqh, near, 1743, 2728,
nseblien, 1850, =ne hsebben, see 2420. [C/. Goth, nehw.]
habban. niehst, nyhst, superl., [next]
nsefue, see nefne. last, 1203, 2511.
nieCre, adv., never, 247, etc. n6ali, adv., nigh, near, 1221, 2870;
niegan, w. v., greet, accost, 1318*. with dat. 564, 1924, 2242, etc.
ge-nSgan, w. v., assail; pret. near, compar., NEABer, 745.
224 Beowulf
nealles, etc. (=ne ealles), adv., Kot neSan, w. v.: [Of. Goth, nanjjjan.]
at ALL, by no means, 2145, etc.; (1) with ace, dare, encounter,
nalles, 338, etc.; nallaa, 1719, 2850.
etc.; nales, 1811 ; nalas, 1493, (2) with dat., risk, 510, 538.
etc.; nalses, 43. ge-neSan, w. v.:
neau, neon, adv., from near, near, (1) with ace. hazard, dare, ven-
528 (at close quarters), 839, 3104, ture on, brave, 888, 959, 1656,
etc. [Gf. neah.] 1933, 2511.
nearo, st. neut., [nakeow] straits, (2) with dat. risk, 1469, 2133.
distress, 2350, 2594. nicor, st. m., niceeb (sea-monster),
nearo, adj., naeeow, 1409. 422, etc.
nearo-craeft, st. m., [nakkow-cbaft] uicor-hlls, st. neut., nickee- house,
inaccessibility, 2243. cavern of a sea-monster, 1411.
nearo-fHh, st. m., [nabbow-foe] foe niehst, see neah, adj.
causing distress ;
gen. nearo-fages, nlgen, num., nine; inflected, 575.
2317. [C/. Goth, niun.]
nearo-bearf, st. /., [NAEKOw-need] niht, St. /., NioHT, 115, etc. [Of.
dire distress, 422. Goth, nahts.]
nearwe, adv. NAEBOwly, 976.
, nilites, gen. (m.) used adverb-
nearwian, w. v., [naeeow] straiten, ially, of a NIGHT, by night, 422,
press; pp. genearwod, 1438. 2269, etc.
nefa, w. m., nephew, 881, etc.; nlht-bealu, st. neut., night-bale,
grandson, descendant, 1208, 1962. evil at night, 193.
nefae, nsefne, nenme, conj.: niht-helm, st. m., night-helm, night,
(1) unless, 250*, 1056, 1552, etc.; 1789.
except that, 1353. nUit-long, adj., night-long, 528.
(2) In elliptical sentences, with nlht-weorc, st. neut., night-wobk,
quasi-prepositional force, unless, 827.
save, 1934, 2151, 2533. niman, st. v., take, seize; pres. Srd,
neb, see neah, adj. nimeg, nymetJ, 441, 598, etc.;
nelle, = ne wille, see willan. pret. sg., nam, nom, 746, 1612,
nenman, w. name, call, 864,
v., etc.; pret. pi. naman, 2116; pp.
etc. \Gf. Goth, namnjan.] (ge)numen, 1153, 3165.
be-nenman, w. v., declare a-nlman, st. v., take away,
solemnly, 1097, 3069. F. 23.
nemne, prep., with dat., except, be-niman, st. v., deprive; pret.
1081. benam, 1886.
nemne, conj., see neflie. for-niman, st. v., carry off;
neod-laSu, st.f., pressing invitation, pret. fornam, -namon, 488, 2828,
or desire, 1320 (see note). etc.
ngon, see nean. ge-niman, st. v., take, seize,
ngos(l)an, nIos(i)an, w. v., with gen., take away, clasp; pret. genam,
visit, revisit, attack, 115, 125, genom, 122, 2776, etc.
2388, 2671, etc.; pres. Srd niosa'S, nlod, St. /., desire, pleasure, 2116.
2486. nIos(i)an, see neos(l)an.
neotan, st. v., use, enjoy, 1217. niolSor, see nlVer.
be-neotan, bl-neotan, st. v., niowe, see nlwe.
with ace. pers. and dat. rei, de- nlpan, st. v., darken, 547, 649.
prive, 680, 2396. nis, =:ne is, see wesan.
neoSor, see niUer. nl8, St. m., envy, hate, violence, war,
neowol, adj., steep; pi. neowle, struggle, 184, 827, etc.; affliction,
1411. 423.
nerian, w. v., save, preserve, 572; Gen. pi. used instrumentally in ,

pp. genered, 827. [C/. Goth. fight, in war, by force, 845, 1439,
nasjan.] 1962, 2170, 2206.
nesan, st. v. nlSaa, see niSSas.
ge-nesan, st. v.: nDS-draca, w. m., [envy-DEAKB]
(1) intrant, survive, escape, 999. malicious dragon, 2273.
(2) trans, survive, escape (from), mi^er, nyUer, adv., [nbthek] down,
1977, 2426, F. 49; pp. genesen, downwards, 1360, 3044; compar.
2397. nioVor, further down, 2699.
: :

Glossary 225
niB-gsBBt, St. m., [envy-euEST] mali- nytt, St. /., duty, office, service,
cious guest, 2699. (See note to 494, 3118.
1. 102.) nyttlan, w. v., with gen.
nlS-geweorc, st. neut. [envy-woEK] , ge-nyttian, w. v., with ace,
work of enmity, deed of violence, use, enjoy; pp. genyttod, 3046.
683. nyUer, see niSer.
nfiS-grim, adj., [envy-oRiM] mali-
ciously grim or terrible, 193.
niS-heard, adj., war-HABD, hardy
in war, 2417.
nlV-hedtg, adj., war-minded, 3165. of, prep., with dat., from, 37, etc.;
nl8-sele, st. m., hostile hall, 1513 OP {after ut), 663, 2557; out of,
(see note). 419; OFF, 672. Following case:
niWSas, nlSaa, st. m. pi., men, 1005, ^a he him of dyde, 'then he
2215. [Cf. Goth, nijjjos, 'kins- doFFed,' 671. [Of. Goth, af.]
men. '] ofer, prep., over, with ace. (of
niS-wundor, st. neut. , dread wonder, motion, etc.) and dat. (of rest)
1365. (1) with ace, over, 10, 46, etc.
nlwe, adj., new, 783 (startling), 949, against, 2330, 2409, 2589*, 2724
etc.; dat. weak nlwan, niowan, (see note); above, beyond, 2879
Etefne, 'anew,' 1789, 2594. [Cf. without, 685; of time, after, 736,
Goth, niujis.] 1781 (but see note). Ofer eor'San!
nlwian, w. v., reNEw; pp. geniwod, 'on earth,' 248, etc.; ofer wer-
geniwad, 1303, 1322, 2287 (see }>eode, throughout the nations of

note), men,' 899 ofer ealle, so that all

; '

nlw-tyrwed, adj. (pp.), new-tabbed, eould hear,' 2899; ofer eal, P. 24.
295. (2) with dat., over, 481, etc.
no, adv.. Not at all, not, 136, 168 [Cf. Goth, ufar.]
(scene), 541, 543, 1508 {scene), etc. ofer, St. m., bank, shore, 1371.
nolde, =ne wolde, see wlUan. ofer-hygd, -h^d, st. f. neut., con-
nSm, see niman. tempt, pride, 1740, 1760.
non, St. /., [noon] ninth hour, ofer-mssgen, st. neut., oveb-main,
3 p.m., 1600. [From Lat. nona.] superior force, 2917.
norV, adv., north, 858. ofer-maSum, st. m., [over- treasure]
norSan, adv., from the north, 547. very rich treasure, 2993.
nose, 10. /., [nose] naze, cape, 1892, ofOBt, St. /., haste, 256, 3007 dat. ;

2803. ofoste, ofeste, ofste, 386, 1292,

ndSer (=ne o hwcetSer), adv., nob, 2747, etc. [P. B. B. x. 505.]
2124. ofost-llce, adv., hastily, 3130*.
nil, adv., now, 251, etc. oft, adv., OFT, often, 4, etc.
ntl, con/., now, now that, seeing oftor, compar., oFTenEB, 1579.
that, 430, etc.; correlative with oftost, superl., oFienEST, 1663.
nil, adv., 2Ti^6-5. 5-hwier, 5- wer, adv., anywHEBE,
nyd, St. /., NEED, compulsion, 1005, 1737, 2870.
2454 (pangs). [Cf. Goth. nau>s.] ombeht, ombiht, st. m., servant,
nydan, w. v., force, compel; pp. messenger, 287, 336. [Cf.
genyded, 2680; inflected, genfAAe, Goth, andbahts.]
1005 (see gesacan). ombilit-|iegn, st. m., attendant-
nyd-bad, st. f. [NEED-pledge] forced
THANE, 673.
toU, 598. 6mig, adj. rusty, 2763, etc.

nyd-gestealla, w. m. NEED-eomrade, , on, an (677, 1247, 1935), prep., on;

comrade in or at need, 882. with dat. and ace, usu. dat. of
nyd-grlpe, st. m. [need-gbip] dire
rest and ace. of motion, tut in-
grip, 976*. stances of tlie ace. are common,
nyd-wracu, st.f., [NBED-jra^cjs-] dire as will be seen, in which there is
ruin, 193. no suggestion, or the merest sug-
nyhst, see neah, adj. gestion, of motion
nyman, see niman. (1) with dat., of place and time,
nymSe, conj., unless, 781, 1658. on, in, 40, 53, 76, 409, 607, 609,
nyt, adj., useful, of use, 794. [Cf. 677, 702, 782, 847, 891, 926,
Goth, -nuts.] 1041, 1292, 1352, 1544, 1581, 1618

; ',

226 Beowulf
(A-3wimming), 1643, 1662, 1830 soio hild onsSge, 'there warfare
(with respect to), 1884, 2197, 2248, assailed Hondscio,' 2076.
2276, 2311 (upon), 2705, 3157, etc.; on-syn, an-si^n, st. f. sight, appear-

after its case, 1935 (but see note) ance, form, 251, 928, 2772, 2834.
2357, 2866 in, among, 1557 at,
; ; on-weald, st. m., [iriEii>ing] con-
126, 303, 575, 683, 3148; by, 1484. trol, possession, 1044.
(2) with ace, onto, into, 35, 67, open, adj., open, 2271.
etc.; on, in, 507, 516, 627, 635, openian, w. v., open, 3056.
708, 996, 1095, 1109, 1297, 1456, or, St. m., beginning, origin, van,
1675, 2132, 2193, 2690, 2650 (with 1041, 1688, 2407.
regard to; cf. 1830-1), etc.; of ore, St. m., flagon, 2760, etc. [Cf.
time, 484, 837, 1428, etc.; to, 2662, Goth, aiirkeis. From Lat. uroeus.]
1739 (according to) orcneas, st. m. pi., monsters, 112
878 (see sped), 1579 (see an), 1753 (see note).
(xeeendestsef), 2799 (»eefeorh-legu), ord, St. neut., point, front, van, 556,
2908 (see efn), 2962 (see wrecan); etc.
oil gebyrd, 'by fate,' 1074; an ord-fnima, w. m., chief, prince, 263.
wig, 'for war,' 1247 (see note); on oret-mecg, st. m,, warrior, 832, 363,
ryht, 'rightly,' 1555; on unriht, 481. \
'falsely, 2739 ; on gylp, proudly,
' ' oretta, w. m., warrior, 1532, 2538.
1749; on minne sylfes dom, 'at [Cf. oret, from orhat, 'a caUiug
my own disposal, choice,' 2147; out, challenge, \ and see Sieverss
))e ic her on starie, 'on which § 48, N. 4.] 1

I am here gazing,' 2796. orelS-, see orul!.

[Gf. Goth, ana.] or-feorme, adj., devoid of, destitute,
on innan, see Innan. wretched (see note to 1. 2885).
on weg, AWAY, 768, etc. or-leahtre, adj., blameless, 1886.
on, adv., on, 1650, 3084 (see note). or-lege, st. neut., battle, war, 1326,
oncer-bend, st. m. /., ancsos-band, 2407.
anchor-chain, 1918*. orleg-hwll, st. /., battle-WHiLE, time
on-cyt5(S), St. /., distress, suffering, of battle or war, 2002 *, 2427, 2911.
880, 1420. or-)>onc, OT-)>anc, st. m., [original
ond, conj., and, 39, etc.; usually the TuouoHt] skill, 406; dat. pi.
symbol 7 is used in Beowulf : ond
adverbially, skilfully, 2087.
occurs in 11. 600, 1148, 2040. In em's, St. neut., breath, 2557; gen.
Hickes' transcript of Finnsburh'
' ore«es, 2523*; dat. ore«e, 2839.
and is used exclusively. [From or, 'out of,' and u'5=otS=
ondlean, st. m., requital, 1541*, *an>, cf. Goth, us-anan, 'to breathe
2094* (see notes: in both cases forth.']
miswritten in ms hondlean). or-wearde, adj., wAnnless, un-
ond-long, and-long, adj., (1) live- guarded, 3127.
LONG, 2115, 2988; (2) stretching or-wena, adj. (weak form), with gen.,
or standing up to; andlongne [wEBNless] hopeless, despairing,
eorl, 'the earl upstanding,' 2695. 1002, 1565. [Cf. Goth, us-wena.]
on-dryane, adj., terrible, 1932. 08, prep., w. ace, until, 2899, etc.
ond-saca, w. m., adversary, 786, oB Jist, conj., tni, untU, 9, etc.;
1682. oUS >Eet, 66.
ond-slyht, st. m., back-stroke, re- oSer, num. adj.-pron., other, (the)
turn blow, 2929, 2972. one, (the) other, the second,
ond-swaru, st.f., answer, 354, 1498, another, 219 (see note), 503, 1583,
1840, 2860. (see swylc), etc.; correl. o'Ser...
onettan, w. v., hasten; pret. pi. 6«er, '^ne...the other,' 1349-51;
306, 1803. [P. B. B. i. 487.] oSer ssedan, 'said further,' 1945
on-gean, prep., with dat., AOAiNst, (see note). [Cf. Goth, an^ar.]
towards, at, 1034; after its case, oBS, see oU.
681, 2364 (see foran). o15t5e, conj.:
onllc-nes, st.f., likeness, 1351*. (1) or, 283, etc.
on-mod, see an-m5d. (2) and, 649 (see notetol. 648), 2475.
on-medla, w. m., arrogance, 2926. iSwer, see ohwar.
on-Siege, adj., impending, attacking, o-wiht, pron., aught; dat. a whit,
fatal, 2483; nom. Jisr wees Hond- 1822, 2432. See -also aht.
Glossary 227
B rSot, 2457 (see note).
rSotan, st. v., weep, 1376.
rsBcan, w. v., intrans., reach; pret. restan, w. v., best, cease, 1793, etc.
rfflhte, 747. re|>e, adj., fierce, furious, 122, etc.
ge-rsecan, w. v., trans., beach; rice, St. neut., realm, 861, etc.
pret. gerShte, 556, 2965. rice, adj., rich, powerful, mighty,
ried, St. m., [rede] advice, counsel, 172, etc.
help, benefit, gain, 172, etc. rlcone, adv., quickly, 2983.
rndan, st. and w. v. [bead] : riosian, rlxlan, w. v., reign, rule,
(1) intrans., rede, decide, decree, domineer, 144, 2211*.
2858. ridan, st. v., ride, 234, 1883, etc.;
(2) irons., possess, 2056. pret. pi. riodan, 3169.
rSd-bora, w. m., counsellor, 1325. ge-rldan, st. v., with ace., bide
[C/. beran.] over, 2898.
R^dend, st. m. (pres. part.), Buler ridend, st. m. (pres. part.), Einer;
JGod), 1555. pi. ndend, 2457.
rseran, w. v, [C/. Goth. (ur)rtojan.] riht, St. neut., right, 144, 1700, etc.;
S,-raran, w. v., bear, raise, ace. on riht, 'rightly,' 1555; dat.
exalt, extol, 1703, 2983. setter rihte, 'in accordance with
I9S, St. m., RACE, rush, storm, right,' 1049, etc.; ace. pi. ofer
_onslaught, 2356, 2626. ealde riht, contrary to the ancient

rasan, w. v., race, rush, 2690. law' (sing., ealde being the weak
ge-rnsan, w. v., race, rush, form), 2330.
2839. rihte, adv., BioHiIy, 1695.
rsest, St. /,, REST, resting-place, bed, rlman, w. v., count, number; pp.
_122, etc' gerimed, 59.
rseswa, w. m., leader, 60. rlnc, St. m., man, wight, warrior,
rand, see rond. 399, etc.
rasian, w. v., explore; pp. rasod, riodan, see rIdan.
2283. risan, st. v.
raSe, see hraSe. 3.-rIsan, st. u., arise, 399, etc.
reafian, w. v., reave, rob, plunder; ilxian, see ncsian.
pret. reafode, reafedon, 1212, rodor, st. m., sky, heaven, 310,
2985, etc. [C/. Goth. rdubOn.] 1376, 1555, 1572.
Ije-reaflan, w. v., bereave; pp., rof, adj., strong, brave, renowned,
with dat., bereft, 2746, etc. 1793, 1925, 2538, 2666, 2690;
rec, St. m., beek, smoke, 3155. with gen. 682, 2084.
reccan, w. v., with gen., beck, care; rond, rand, st. m., shield, 231, 656,
pres. 3rd, recce's, 434. 2538, 2673 (boss), etc.
reccan, w. v., relate, tell, 91; dat. rand-wiga, w. m., shield-
inf. reccenne, 2093; pret. rehte, warrior, 1298, etc.
2106, 2110. rond-hssbbend, st. m. (pres. part.),
reced, st. neut., house, building, [shield-HAving] shield- warrior, 861.
haU, 310, 412, etc. rowan, st. v., bow, swim; pret. pi,
regn-heard, [mighty-HAED]
adj., reon=reowon, 512, 539.
wondrous hard, 326 (see note), rUm, St. m., room, space, 2690.
regnian, renian, w. v., prepare, rflm, adj., EOOMy, spacious, ample,
adorn, 2168*; pp. geregnad, 777. great, 2461; Jjurh rumne sefan,
ren-weard, st. m., 770 (see note). 'gladly and freely and with all
reoo, fierce, 122. good will,' 278.
reodan, st. v., make red, 1151*. rflm-heort, adj., [room-heart] great-
reofan, st. v. hearted, 1799, 2110.
te-reofan, st. v., bereave, rto, St. f., RUNE, council, 172.
deprive; pp., ace. sg. f., berofene, rfln-stsBf, St. m., rune-stilYE, runic
2457, 2931. letter, 1695.
reon, see rowan, rfln-wlta, w. m., [rune-] wise man,
reord, st. f., speech, 2555. [C/. councillor, 1325.
Goth, razda.] rybt, see riht.
reordian, w. v., speak, 2792*, 3025. ryman, w. v. \Jrom rum]:
ge-reordian, w. v., prepare a (1) make Boomy, prepare; pp.
feast; pp. gereorded, 1788. gerymed, 492, 1975.

228 Beowulf
(2) make boom, clear a way; B^-lac, St. neut., SEA-booty, 1624;
pp. fSa him gerymed wear's, Jjtet occ. pi. sffi-lac, 'sea-spoils,' 1652.
hie wsel-stowe wealdan moston, Sffl-lad, St. /., sEA-path, sea-voyage,
'when the way was made clear _1139, 1157.
for them so that they were s»lan, w. v., bind, tie, secure, 226,
masters of the field, 'i 2983; so 1917; pp. gesSled, bound, twisted,

3088. interwoven,' 2764. [From sal,

ge-r:yman, w. v., make EooMy, cf. Goth, s^iljan.]
prepare, 1086. ou-sslan, w. v., unbind; see
note to 1. 489.
S stslan, w. v., happen. [From ssl.]
ge-siilan, w. v., often impers.
sacan, tt. v., strive, 439. [Cf. Goth. befall, chance, happen, 574, 890
sakan, 'rebuke, dispute.'] 1250.
ou-sacan, st. v.: BSBld, St. neut., hall, 1280.
(1) ivith ace. pers. and gen. rex, Bte-liSend, st. m. {pres. part.), sea-
attack: pres. subj. Jiastte frecSu- farer; nam. pi. sS-llSend, 411
webbe feores onsEece...leofne man- 1818, 2806 sse-Uaende, 377.

nan, 'that a peaceweaver should BffilSe, 3152 note to 11. 3150, etc.)
assail the life of a beloved man,' sn-mami, m., sea-man, 329, 2954.
1942. S8B-metSe, adj., sea- weary, 325.
(2) with ace. rei and dat. pers., siemra, compar. adj. {without pos.)
refuse, dispute, 2954. worse, weaker, 953, 2880.
aaou, strife, 1857, 2472)>^c.
St. /., Bffl-nsBBB, St. m., sEA-NESs, headland
ssece, 154. [Of. sasoc.]
^ _223, 571.
sadol, St. m., saddle, 1038. sssne, adj.
sadol-beorlit, adj., saddle-beioht, sSnra, compar., slower, 1436.
_2175. ss-rinc, st. m. sea- warrior, 690.

sa,jt. m.f., SEA, 318, etc.; dat. pi. ssB-BiS, St.m., sEA-journey, 1149.
sffim, 858, etc. [Cf. Goth. s4iws.] sS-weall, St. m., sea-wall, 1924.
sse-bat, St. m., sea-boat, 633, 895. sli-wong, st, m., SEA-plain, shore,
Bseoc, St. /., strife, fight, contest, _1964.
953, 1977, 2029, etc.; gen. sg. Bsa-wudu, St. m., sea-wood, ship, 226.
'seooe, 600. [Cf. sacu, and Goth. Bffl-wylm, St. m., [sea- tFEiiing]
sakjo.] sea-surge, 393.
ssece, see sacu. -saga, see -secgan.
sS-cyiiliig, St. m., sea-king, 2382. sal, St. m., rope, 302*, 1906.
s^dan, see secgan. s3ilum, see ssel.
SK-deor, st. neut,, sea-deer, sea- samod, see somod.
monster, 1510. Baud, St. neut., sand, 213, etc.
Bs-draca, w, m., sea-deake, sea- Bang, St. m., song, 90, etc.
_dragon, 1426. Bar, St. neut., soee, pain, wound,
ssBgan, w. v., cause to sink, lay 787, 975 ; nom. sio sax, 2468 (gender
low; pp. gesffiged, 884. [Cf. extraxyrdinary ; see note) ace. sare,

_slgan, sag.] ' harm,' 2295. [Gf. Goth, sair.]

Sffi-geap, adj., sEA-wide, spacious, s5x, adj., SOEE, 2058.
_1896. Bare, adv., soEEly, 1251, 2222, 2311,
BSB-genga, w. m., SEA-Goer, ship, 2746.
_1882, 1908. sarig, adj., soeey, sad, 2447.
ssegon, see seon. sarlg-fefB, adj., [soEET-heart] sore
Bs-grund, st. m., sea-geound, bottom at heart, 2863.
of the sea, 564. Baxlg-mod, adj., [soeet-mood] in
sSl, St. neut., hall, 307*, etc.; ace. mournful mood, 2942.
sel, 167. sar-Uc, adj., [soee-like] painful, sad,
bSI, St. m.f. [Cf. Goth, sels.] 842, 2109.
(1) time, season, occasion, oppor- aawl-berend, st. m. (pres. part.),
tunity, 489 (see note), 622, 1008, [souL-BEAKing] being endowed with
etc. ; aec. sg. sele, 1135 (see note a soul, 1004.
to 11. 1134-6). sawol, St. /., soDL, 2820, etc.; aec,
(2) happiness, joyance, bliss, 643, gen. sawle, 184, 2422, etc. ; gen.
etc. ; dat. pi. salum, 607. sawele, 1742. [Gf. Goth, s^iwala.]
Glossary 229
E3.wol-lgas, 89,WTa-ieas, soulless, life- scgotan, St. v. shoot, 1744.

less, 1406, 3033. ge-Bceotan, st. v., with ace.,

sSiWUl-drlor, st. m. or neut., [soul- shoot or dart into, hurry to ; pret.
gore] life's blood, 2693. sg. hord eft gesoeat, 2319.
scacan, st. v.,pre8. sg. soeaoelS, 2742, of-sceotan, st. v., with ace,
pp. seaeen, sceaeen, 1124, 2306, SHOOT OFF, lay low, kill; pret. sg.,
etc. : SHAKE, go, depart, hasten, ofscet, 2439.
1136, 2254*, etc., 1802; pret. sceotend, st. to. (pres. part.), SHOOTer,
straela storm strengum gebSded warrior; pi. 703, 1026* (see note),
sooe ofer scild-weall, 'the storm 1154.
of arrows, sent by the strings, flew scepen, see scy^jpan.
over the shield-wall,' 3118. scerau, st. v., sheab, out, 1287.
sc9,daii, St. V. ge-aceran, st. v. shear, cut in

ge-Bcadan, st. v., decide; pret. two, 1526; pret. sg. gesoer, 2973.
gesced, 1555. -scet, see -sceotan.
scadu-helm, st, m., [shade-heliu] sce'SSan, st. and w. v., usu. with dat.,
shadow-covering, cover of night; SCATHE, injure, 1514, 1S24, 1887,
gen. pi. scadu-helma gesceapu, etc. ; absolutely, 243. [C/. Goth.
'shapes of the shadows,' 650. skaj>jan.]
scainl(g)an, w. v., be asHAMsd, 1026, ge-Bce'8tSaJi, w. v., with dat.,
2850. SCATHE, injure, 1447, 1502, 1587.
sca^a, see scea^a. Pret. sg. se ^e him sare gesoeod,
sceaeen, sceacetS, see scacan. 'who injured himself sorely,' 2222,
scead, st. neut,, shade: ace. pi. 2777 (see note),
under soeadu bregdan, draw under ' sclld-, see soyld-.
the shades, i.e. kill,' 707: see also sclle, see sculan.
note to 1. 1803. [C/. Goth, ska- solma, w. TO., brightness, gleam,
dus.] 1803 ' (see note),
sceaden-mal, adj., curiously inlaid solnan, Bcynan, st. v., shine, 1517,
sword, 1939. etc., F. 6; pret. pi. scinon, 994,
sceadn-genga, w. m., SHADE-soer, scionon, 303 (see note).
prowler by night, 703. soinna, w. m., apparition, 939.
sceal, etc., see sculan. scionon, see sclnan.
soealo, St. to., td3,xsha.l, retainer, scip, St. neut., ship, 302, etc.; dat.
918, 939. [Cf. Goth, skalks.] pi. scypon, 1154.
scearp, adj., shabf, 288. scip-here, st. m., sHip-army, naval
Bceat, St. m., [sbeet] comer, re- force; dat. soip-herge, 243.
gion, quarter, 96 gen. pi. seeatta,
BClr, adj., SHEEE, bright, 322, 496,
752. [C/. Goth, sk^uts, 'hem of 979 ; weak gen. 1694.
a garment.'] sclr-bam, adj., bright-coated, with
Bceatt, St. m., money, 1686. [C/. shining mail, 1895.
Goth, skatts.] Bcod, see sceSSan.
Bcea^a, sca|>a, w. to., scathbi, foe, scolde, etc., see sculan.
warrior: iwm. pi. scafian, 1803, scop, St. m., [SHAPer] maker, bard,
1895; gen. pi. sceaj>ena, 4, scea- etc., 90, 496, 1066.
«ona, 274. scop, see scyppan.
sceawi(g)an, w. v. with ace. [show, , scota, w. TO., SHoorer, warrior.
shew] espy, see, view, observe, See note to 1. 1026.
840, 843, 1391, etc. pres. pi, subj.
Borlfan, st. v., [shrive] prescribe,
sceawian, 3008 pret. pi. sceawe-
pass sentence, 979. [From Lat.
don, 132, etc.; pp. gesoeawod, scrlbo.]
3075, 3084. for-scrlfan, st. v., with dat. pers.,
'-seed, see -scadan. proscribe, 106.
ge-scrlfan, st. v., prescribe pret.
soeft, St. TO., SHAFT, 3118, F. 8. :

seel, see sculan. sg. swa him wyrd ne gescraf hre^

scencan, w. u., sktnk, pour out; sethilde, 'in such wise that weird
pret. sg. scenote, 496. , did not assign to him triumph in
Bcennum, dat. pi., 1694 (see note). battle,' 2574.
-sceod, see -sce'SSan. scrlVan, st. v., stride, stalk, glide,
sceolde, see sculan. wander, move, 163, 650, 703, 2569.
-sceop, see -scyppan. scucca, w, TO., devil ; dat. pi. 939.
: ;

230 Beowulf
sctlfan, St. v., with ace, shove, scyran, w. v., bring to light, hence
launch, 215, 918 pret. pi. soufun,
decide, 1989. [Cf. scir.]
3131. [Cf. Ooth. -skiuban.] Be, sec, l>8et, detnonst. adj., the, that,
be-scllfan, st. v., with ace. shove, ,
Sing.: nam. m. se; /. seo, 66
cast, 184. etc. ; slo, 2098, etc. ; n. \>set ; ace
wid-scflfan, st. v., [wide-shove] m. Jjone /. jpa; n. }>SBt ; gen. m.

scatter, 936 (see note). n. >£es ; /. JpSre ; dat. m. n. Jjam

Eoulan, pret. pres. v., pres. sg. 1st, 52, etc., J>am, 425, etc.; instr. m.
Srd soeal, 20, etc., seel, 455, etc., n. i>y; f. >£ere.
sceall, 1862, etc. ; pres. subj. scyle, PL: nom. acc.,m.f. n., Jia; gen.
1179, 2657, scUe, 3176; pret. m. /. n. Jiara; dat. m. f. n. ))ffim
soolde, 10, etc., sceolde, 2841, etc., 370, etc., >am, 1855, etc. Follow
2nd sg. sceoldest, 2056; pi. scol- ing its noun : ace. m. J>one, 2007
don, 41, etc., sceoldon, 2257: shall, ^ara, 2734. Allitera-
etc.; 3en. pZ.
must, have as a duty, be obliged, ting, dat. m. tfflm, in the phrase
ought, pret. shodld, was to, etc., '
on Jjsem dsege, >isses lifes ' 197
230, etc. sometimes expressing mere
; ,790, 806; aec.f. sg. >a, 736, 1675
futurity, 384, etc. He gesecean instr. neut. Jjy, 1797; gen. pi. J>ara,
sceall hord on hrusan, 'it is his to 2033. Correl. with se used as a
seek the hoard in the earth,' 2275. [relative pron.:, 2865, 3071-
With foil. inf. omitted une soeal : '3; seo... sio, 2258. See also he.
worn f ela niaj>nia gemsenra [wesan], [Cf. Goth, sa, so, Jiata.]
1783; urum sceal sweord ond helm sg, m., s§o, sio,/.,)>SBt, neut., pron.

...bam gemffine, 'to us both shall I. Demonst. pron., that, that

one sword and helmet [be] in com- one, he, etc. sing. nom. m. se, /.

mon,' 2659; soeal se hearda helm seo, sio, n. ))8et; ace. m. Jpone, /.
...fffitum befeaUen, 2255; >onne Jia, n. ))Eet gen. m. n. Jjsbs, /. Jjare

•Su forS scyle, 1179; so, 2816. dat. m. n. Jigm, 183, etc., Jiam
scllr-heard, adj., [showeb-haed] 1083 1957, /. Jjffire; instrum. m. n. J>y,
(see note). 87, etc., >e, 821, etc., ton, 504,
scyld, St. m., shield, 325, etc. etc. Immediately followed by the
scild-weall, st. m., shield-wall, rel. particle >e (q. v.): nom. se i>e,
8118. 90, etc. ; ace. J)one >e, dat. ))am Jie;
Bcyldan, w. v., shijeld: pret. nym^e gen. pi. Jjara >e, 98, etc., 1625 ('of
mec God scylde, ' unless God had those things which'). With J;e
shielded me,' 1658. omitted: >am=J)am))e, 2199, 2779.
scyld-freca, w. m., SHiELD-warrior, Correl. with se used as a rel. pron.:
1083., 2406-7.
scyldig, aAj., guilty; with dat., syn- Special usages
num scildig, 3071 ; with gen. 1683; (1) gen. neut. )>Ees, of that, of this,
ealdres scyldig, 'having forfeited thereof, for that, for this, therefor,
his life,' 1338, 2061. 7, etc. Correl. with Jjset, conj.,
Bcyld-wlga, w. m., shield- warrior, 2026-8, etc. See also ^ses, adv.
288. (2) instr. neut. |>y, >e, by that,
scyle, see sculan. therefore, 1273, 2067. Correl. with
sc^an, see sc&ian. J>e, conj. (q. v.), 487, 1436, 2688.-
scyndan, w. v., hasten, 918, 2570. Often with comparatives, THE 821, :

Bc^e, adj., SHEEN, beauteous, 3016. etc., 2880; no >y ser, 'none the
[Cy. Goth, skauns, 'beautiful.'] sooner,' 754, etc.
scyn-sca)>a, w.m., spectral-foe, 707* (3) instr. neut. J>on, 2428 (see note);
(see note). J)on ma,
'(the) more,' 504; sefter
Bcyp, see BCip. J)on, 'after that,' 724; Sr })on,
Bcyppan, st. v., shape, create, make, 'ere,' 731; be >on, 'by that,' 1722;
78; wass sio wroht soepen heard t5 J)on, JjSBt, 'until,' 2591, 2845;
wi^ Hugas, the strife was made
to J>on, 'to that degree, so,' 1876.
hard against the Hugas,' 2918. See also under to.
[Cf. Goth, -skapjan.] II. Bel. pron., that, who,
ge-scyppan, st. v., shape, create, which, what; m. se, 143, etc.; se
97. for seo, 2421 (see also ^e); neut.
Scyppend, st. m. [pres. part.), SHAPEr, J)eet='what,' 15 (but see note),
Creator, 106. 1466, 1748, m. ace. )>one, 13, etc.;
. ;

Glossary 231
/. ace. >a, 2022 ; gen. neut. Gode ge-sSc(e)aii, w. v., 684, 1004*
Jjanoode Jjses
. . se man geBprteo,
. (see note), etc.; dat. inf. to gese-
'thanked God for what the man canne, 1922 ; pret. pi. gesohton,
spake,' 1398; J)£es ic wene, 'ac- 2926, gesShtan, 2204: seek, in its
cording to what I expect, as I various meanings as above, 463, etc.;
ween,' 272; so, 383; dat. sing, often of hostile attack, 2515, etc.
m. and neut. >Sm, J>am, 137, etc., ofer-aSc(e)an, w. v., ovEEtax,
exclusively J)am in portion of poem test too severely; pret. sg. se %
written hy second scribe ; pi. i>a,, meca gehwane...swenge ofersohte,
41, etc. See also baes, adv. 'which with its aiding overtaxed
b%3 )ie, see under )>89b. every swo^d,' 2686.-'
sealde, etc., see sellan. secc, see ssscc.
aealma, w. m., sleeping-place, couch, secg, St. m., man, etc., 208, 213, etc.;
chamber, 2460. of Grendel's mother, 1379.
sealo-brUn, adj., sallow-eeown, dark- secg, st.f., sword, 684.
brown, F. 37. seegan, w. v., 51, etc.; sat, speak,
sealt, adj., salt, 1989. dat. inf. to secganne, 473, 1724;
searo, st. neut. pret. sg. ssegde, 90, etc., ssde, F.
(1) skill, device, cunning, dat. pi. 46; pret. pi. seagdon, 377, etc.,
adverhially, searwum, cunningly, '
Sffldan, 1945; pp. gessegd, gesSd,
curiously,' 1038, 2764; 'published, made manifest,' 141,
(2) [cunningly devised] ajmour, 249, 1696. Imperf. with partitive gen.
323, 329, etc., 1557 (see note); secggende wses la'Sra spella, 'was
(3) ambush, straits, 419 (but the telling dire tales,' 3028.
meaning may be when I did off
a-secgan, w. v., say out, declare,
my armour ') 344.
searo-bend, st. m. f., cunning bai^b, ge-secgan, w. v., say, 2157;
2086. imperat. sg. gesaga, 388.
searo-jah, adj., cunningly coloured, sefa, w.m., mind, soul, heart, 49, etc.
variegated, 1444. Beft, compar. adv. (o/softe), soi^'Ter,
searo-gimm, st. m., cunning gem, more easily, 2749.
jewel of artistic workmanship, -Began, see -seon.
1157, 2749, 3102*. segen, see segn.
searo-grlm, adj., [cunniug-OKiM] cun- segl, St. neut., sail, 1906.
ningly fierce, or fierce in battle, segl-rad, st.f., sail-eoad, sea, 1429.
594. segn, St. m. neut., baimer, 1204; ace.
Bearo-hssbbend, st. m. {pres. part.), segn, 2767, 2776, segen, 47, 1021,
[armour-HAving] warrior, 237. 2958 (see note to 11. 2957-9).
searo-net, st. neut., [cunning- or [Fromh. signum, whence 'sign.']
armoux-NET] coat of mail, 406. -segou, see -seon.
searo-ni'S, st. m., armour-strife, hos- -Beh, see -seon.
tility, 582, 3067; cunning -hatred, Bel, see Bsel.
wile, plot, 1200, 2738. ael, compar. adv. {no positive, ef.
searo-bonc, st. m., cunning selra), better, 1012, 2277, 2530,
THOVGHi, 775. 2687, F. 40, 41.
searo-wimdor, st. neut., [ounning- seldan, adv., seldom, 2029 (see note).
wondee] rare wonder, 920. seld-guma, w. m. hall-man , nam. :

seaz, St. neut., hip-sword, dagger, sg., 249 (see note).

1545. sele, St. m., haU, 81, etc.; of the
secan, secean, w. v., 664, 187, etc. dragon's lair, 3128.
dat. inf. to seceanne, 2562; pres. Bele, see bsI.
pi. {fut.) seoeaS, 3001; pret. pi. Bele-dream, st. m., hall-joy, 2252
sohton, 339, sohtan, 2380: seek in (see note).
its various meanings; visit, go to, sele-ful, St. neut., hall-beaker, hall-
strive after, 139*, 208, etc., 2380 cup, 619.
(of a friendly visit) Sawle secan, . sele-gyat, st. m., hall-ouEST, 1545.
sele-rSdend, st. m. {pres. part.),
801; so, secean sawle hord,
2422. Intrans. 2293, 3001 (of a [hall-counsellor] haJl-ruler, 51 *,
hostile attack); >onne his myne 1346.
sohte, 'than his wish (hope) Bele-reBt, st. /., hall-BEST, bed in a
SOUGHT,' 2572. [Cf. Goth, sokjan.] hall, 690.

232 Beowulf
BSlest, etc., see under sSlra. seen, see, look, 387, etc.;
St. v., inf.
sele-|>egrn, st. m., hall-iHANE, cham- m8eg...seon, 'there it is
J>ffir pos-
berlain, 1794. sible to see, there may one see,'
sele-weard, st. m., fhall-wAKD] guard- 1365; yre«. pi., sSgon, 1422. [Cf.
ian of a hall, 667. Goth, saihwan.]
self, reflex, adj. ; nom. sg. self, 594, ge-seon, st. v., see, 229, etc.;
920, etc., sylf, 1964; weak self a, see one another, 1875; pret. pi.
29, 1924, etc., seolfa, 3067, sylfa, gesawon, 221, etc., gesegon, 3128,
505, etc.; ace. sg. m. selfne, 961, gesegan, 3038; subj. gesa-
etc., sylfne, 1977, 2875 ; gen. sg. m. won, 1605.
selfes, 700, etc., sylfes, 2013, etc.; geond-seon, st. v., see through-
/. selfre, 1115 Tiom. pi. selfe, 419,
; out, see over; pret. sg. geondseh,
sylfe, 1996; gen. pi. sylfra, 2040: 3087.
SELF, etc. Often absolutely 419, ofer-seou, st. v., ovebsee, sur-
2222, etc. on minne sylfes dom,
; vey, look on, 419.
2147. Sometimes agreeing with on-seon, st. v., look on, look at,
the nom. instead of with the oblique 1650 (but see note).
case next to which it stands: l>u seonu, St. /., sinew; nom. pi. seon-
]>e (dat.) self, 953; )>£em tpe him owe, 817.
aelfa deah, 1839. seCSan, st. v., with ace, seethe,
sella, see aelra. brood over; pret. sg. mSl-ceare,
seUan, syllan, w. v., [sell] give, mod-oeare... sea's, 190 (see note to
give up, 72, etc. [Gf. Goth, saljan, 1. 189), 1993.
to bring an offering.'] Beo98an, see si'SVan.
ge-sellan, w. v., [sell] give, 615, seowlan, w. v., sew, link; pp. seowed
etc. (of a bymy), 406.
sel-lio, syl-llc ( = seld-lic), adj., rare, sess, St. m., seat, 2717, 2756.
strange, 2086, 2109 ; sellice, setan, see sittan.
1426. [Gf. Goth. sUda-leiks.] setl, St. neut., settle, seat, 1232,
syl-llcra.compar., 3tranger,3038. 1289, etc.
selra, compar. adj. [no positive, but aettan, w. v., set, set down, 325,
cf. Goth, sels], better, 860, etc., 1242; pp. geseted, 1696. [Cf.
2198 (see note), nom. sg. m. sella, Goth, satjan.]
2890. Absolutely, Jjcet selre, 1759. 3,-settan, w. v., set, set up, 47;
selest, superl., best, 146, etc. pp. aseted, 667.
Weak form, reced selesta, 412; be-settau, w. v., beset, set about,
and often after the def. art. se, 1453.
1406, etc. ge-settan, w. v.:
semnlnga, ad«., forthwith, presently, (1) set, 94.
644 (see note), 1640, 1767. (2) set at rest, 2029.
sendan, w. v., send, IB, 471, 1842. slb(b), St. /., peace, kinship, friend-
[C/. Goth, sandjan.] ship, 949, etc. ; uninfleeted ace.
for-sendan, w. v., send away, sibb, 154, 2600 (see note). [Cf.
904. Goth, sibja.]
on-sendan, w. v., send away, sib-ss'Seling, st. m., kindred-ATHEL-
send off, 382, 452, 1483; with iNO, 2708.
forS, 45, 2266. slbbe-gediiht, st. /., kindred-band,
sendan, w. v., 600 (see note). band of kindred-warriors, 387 (see
sSo, see se, se. note), 729.
aeoc, adj., sick, 'sick unto death,' aid, adj., broad, ample, great, 149,
1603, 2740, 2904. [Cf Goth. 1291, 1726 (see note), etc.; weak
sinks.] forms 1733, 2199, 2347.
seofon, SEVEN, 517; ace. seofan, side, adv., widely, 1223.
2195 ; inflected syfoue, 3122. [C/. sld-fa'8me, adj., [wide-EATHOMed]
Goth, sibun.] broad-bosomed, 1917.
seolfa, see self. ald-fse'Smed, adj. {pp.), [wide-PATHOM-
seomlan, siomian, w. v. ed] broad-bosomed, 302.
(1) rest, ride, lie, stand, 302, 2767. sId-rand, st. m., broad shield, 1289.
seomade ond syrede, he held him-
ale, see wesan.
selfin ambush, and entrapped aiex-benn, st. /., hipknife- wound,
them,' 161. 2904. [From seax.]
. :

Glossary 233
slg, see vesan. sound, 496, 1423, F. 6; pret. sg.
s^an, St. v., sink, march down, hring-iren soir song in searwum,
307, 1251. 'the bright iron rings rang in the
ge-Blgan, sink, fall, 2659.
st. v., armour,' 323.
sige-beom, st. m., victorious warrior, a-slngan, st. v., sing, sing out,
F. 40. 1159.
sige-dilhten, st. m,, victory-lord, sin-here, st. m., [continuous army]
victorious prince, 391. army drawn out, very strong,
sige-SacUg, adj., rich in victories, immense ; dat. sin-herge, 2936.
victorious, 1557. sin-nlht, st. /., long night; sin-
slge-folc, St. neut., victory -folk, vic- nihte, 'duringthelongnights,'161.
torious people, 644. sln-sulSd, see syn-sniid.
sige-hre'S, st. m. neut., victory -fame, stnt, see wesan.
presage of victory, confidence or sio, see se, se.
exultation in victory, 490. slolcB, St., still water, 2367 (see
sige-hrSIJlg, adj., victory exultant, note)
exulting in victory, 94, 1597, 2756. siomian, see seomian.
sige-hwn, St. /., viotory-WHiLE, 2710 sittan, St. V. ; pret. pi. sseton, 1164,
(see note). setan, 1602*; pp. geseten, 2104:
Bigel, St. neut., sun, 1966. SIT, 130, etc. ; inf. eodon sittan,
sige-lSas, adj., victory-LESs, of de- '
went and sat,' 493.
feat, 787. be-slttan, st. v., [sit by] besiege,
8ige-r5f, adj., victory-famed, victor- 2936.
ious, 619. for-slttan, st. v., fail; pres. sg.
sige-^Sod, St. /. , victory-nation, vic- 3rd, 1767 (see note to 11. 1766-7).
torious people, 2204. ge-sittau, st. v.
slge-wSpen, st. neut. victory -weapon,
, (1) intrans. sit, sit together, 171,
804. 749 (see note), etc.
slgle, St. neut., sun-shaped orna- (2) trans, sit down in, 633.
ment, jewel, 1157, 1200 ace. pi. ; ofer-sittan, st. v., with ace,
slglu, 3163. abstain from, refrain from, 684,
sigor, St. m. or neut., victory, 1021, 2528.
2875, 3055. of-sittan, st. v., with aec., sit
sigor-eadig, adj., rich in victories, upon, 1545.
victorious, 1311, 2352. on-sittan, st. v., with aec,
sia, pass, adj., his, her, 1236, etc. dread, 597.
sine, St. neut., treasure, jewelry, ymb-sittan, st. v., with aec,
gold, silver, prize, 81, etc. sit about, sit round, 564.
siac-fset, st. neut., treasure-VAT, SI'S, St. m.. [C/. Goth, sinjis.]
costly vessel, casket, 1200 (but (1) way, journey, adventure, 765,
see note), 2231, 2300; ace. pi. etc., (exploit), 908 (way of
sinc-fato sealde, passed the
' life or
exile —
see note), 1971
jewelled cup,' 622. (return), 2586 (course), 8089 (pas-
Binc-fag, adj. treasure-variegated,

bedecked with treasure weak ace. ; (2). time, repetition, 716, 1579,
sg. neut. sino-fage, 167. 2049, etc.
sinc-gestreon, st. neut., treasure- sH5, compar. adv. {pos. srS) ; ser ond
possession, costly treasure, 1092, SI'S, '
earlier and
2500. later, '

1226. siBest, siUast, superl. adj. [no pos.,

slnc-gifa, sinc-gyfa, w. m., treasure- except the adv., but cf, Goth.
Givex, 1012, 1342 (see note), 2311. sei>us, 'late'], latest, last, 2710*,
sinc-m3,WSmn, st. m., treasure- jewel absolutely, set siSestan, at latest, '

(sword), 2193. at the last,' 3013.

siS-fsBt, St. m., expedition, 202 dat,
/., treasure-taking,
sinc-|>ego, st.
receiving of treasure, 2884. si«-fate, 2639.
siB-from, adj., [journey-forward]
sin-frea, st. m., great lord, 1934.
sin-gal, adj., continuous, 154. ready for a journey, 1813.
Bin-gSla, adv., continually, 190. aVSisux, w. v., journey, 720, 808,
sin-gales, ayn-gales, adv., continu- 2119.
for-siSian, w. v., [journey
ally, always, 1135, 1777.
slngan, st. u.,pret. song, sang : sins. amiss] perish, 1550.
: '

234 Beowulf
si'S^au, sjSSan, seoWan, ad,v., snyttnim, dat. pi. used adver-
[siTHENce] siNce, after, afterwards, bially, wisely, 872.
142, etc. For 1106, see note : ter snyBSan, w. v.
ne si'SSan, 'before nor since,' 718. be-anyUSan, w. v., deprive,
Gmrel. with sy^an, ccmj., 2201-7. 2924.
BitSBau, syifSan, seo'S^an, conj., Bocn, St. /., persecution ; dat. Jjasre
[siTHENoe] siNce, after, when, 106, socne, from that persecution,

etc. With pret. =pluperf. 1978, 1777. [C/. Goth, sokns, ' search,
etc. With pret. and plwperf. enquiry.']
sySSan mergen com, ond we t5 Bomod, samod, adv., together, 1211,
symble geseted lisefdon, 2103-4. 2196, etc. with setgaedere, 329,

sixtig, with gen., sixty, F. 40. 387, etc.

slsep, 8*. m., SLEEP, 1251, 1742. somod, samod, prep. , with dat. ;
slSpan, St.v., sleep; pres. part., somod '(samod) Sr-dsege, '
ace. sg. m. slSpendne, 741, unin- dawn,' 1311, 2942.
flected, 2218 ace. pi. 1581.
; Bona, adv., soon, 121, etc.
Bleac, adj., slack, 2187. Bong, see slngan.
slean, st. v., pret. sg. sloh, slog. [Cf. sorg-, see sorh-.
Goth, slahan.] sorglaa, w. v., sorrow, care, 451,
I. intrans. strike, 681, 1565, 1384.
2678. sorh, St. /., SORROW, 473, etc. ; obi.
II. tram. sg. sorge, llj, 2004, etc. dat. ;

(1) strike, 2699. sorhge, 2468.
(2) SLAT, 108, etc. sorh-cearig, sorg-cdarlg, adj., [sob-
ge-slean, st. v., with ace. gain, : Row-CABEful] sorrowful, heart-
achieve by fighting, 459 (see broken, 2455, 3152.
note) ; pret. pi. hie %a msr^a ge- 8orh-ful(t), adj., soRROwruL, 512,
slogon, they gained glory by
1278, 1429, 2119.
fighting,' 2996. sorh-leas, adj., sohrowless, free
of-Blean, st. v., slat, 574, 1665, from sorrow, 1672.
1689, 3060. Borh-leo'S, st. neut., soERow-lay,
slitan, St. v., slit, tear to pieces, lamentation, 2460.
741. Borh-wylm, st. m., [sorrow- JKEii-
BliSe, adj., savage, hurtful, danger- ing] surge of sorrow or care, 904,
ous, 184, 2398. 1993.
sllBen, adj., dire, deadly, 1147. BoS, St. neut., SOOTH, truth, 532,
smiS, St. m., smith, 406; nom. etc.; dat. to so^e, 'for sooth,'
wSpna smVS, '
weapon-smith,' 51, etc. ; inst. s&Se, used adver-
1452. bially, 'truly, with truth,' 524,
BmiSian, w. v. 871.
be-sml'Sian, w. v., make firm so*, adj., [sooTH] true, 1611, 2109.
by smith's work, 776. SoU-cyning, st. m., [Sooth-king]
Bnell, adj., brisk, prompt, keen, God, 3055.
bold weak nom. sg. m. sneUa,
; so'S-fSBBt, adj., SOOTHFAST, just, 2820.
2971. sotS-lice, adv., [soothly] truly, 141,
snel-Uc, adj., brisk, prompt, keen, 273, 2899.
bold, 690. Bpecan, speak, 2864, see sprecan.
Bnotor, snottor, adj., wise, prudent, sped, St. f., SPEED, success ; ace. on
190, etc. pi. snotere, 202, snottre,
; sped, ' with good speed, success-
1591 ; weak nom. sg. m. snottra, fully,' 873.
1313, etc., snotra, 2156, etc. ab- ; spel(l), St. neut., spell, story, tale,
solutely, 1786, etc. [C/. Ooth. tidings, 2109, 2898, 3029 ; ace. pi.
suutrs.] spel gerade, skilful tales,' 873.

snotor-lice, adv. spiwau, St. v., spew; inf. gledum

snotor-Ucor, compar., more spiwan, 'to vomit forth gleeds,'
wisely, more prudently, 1842. 2312.
EnQde, adv., quickly, 904, etc. [C/. Bponnan, st. v.
Goth, sniwan, 'hasten.'] on-Bponnan, st. v., unsfan,
snyrlan, w. v., hasten, 402. loosen pret, onspeon, 2723.

Bnyttru, st. /., wisdom, prudence, spSwan, St. v., impers., with dat,
942, 1706, 1726. [C/. snotor.] pers., speed, succeed; pret. sg.
'; ;

Glossary 235
him wiht ne speow, he had no '
the nails was most like to steel,'
sueeess,' 2854* hu him set Ste
; 985 (see note).
speow, how he sped at the eating,
stefli, St. m., stem (of a ship), 212.
3026. stefn, St. m., time, repetition; dat.
spraac,st, /., speech, 1104. sg. niwan (niowan) stefne, anew,' '

sprecan, specan, st. v., speak, say, 1789, 2594.

341, 531, etc. ; imperat. sing., stefn, st.f., voice, 2552.
spraec, 1171 ; with foil, clause, stellan, w, v.
gomele ymb godne on geador on-steUan, w. v., institute, set
sprfficon, J>8et old men spake
hig. .
' on foot, 2407.
together about the hero, [saying] Btepan, w. v., exalt, 1717. [Prom
that they...,' 1595. steap.]
ge-sprecan, st. u., speak, 675, ge-stepan, w. v., exalt; pret.
1398, etc. sg. folce gestepte...sunu Ohteres,
springan, st. v., fret, sprong, sprang 'he advanced the son of Ohthere
SPRING, 18 (spread), 1588 (gape), with an army,' 2393.
2582 (shoot), 2966 (spurt). steppan, st. v., step, march; pret.
set-springan, st. v., spbinq stop, 761, 1401.
forth; pret. sg. setspranc, 1121. st-steppan, st. v., step forward
gerspringan, st. v., pret. ge- pret. totS near sestop, 745.
sprong, gesprang: speIno forth, ge-steppan, st. v., step; pret.
arise, 884, 1667. =pluperf. gestop, 2289.
on-springan, st. v., spbinq a- stig, St. /., path, 320, 2213; aec.
part, 817. pi. stige, 1409.
stal, St. m., place, stead, 1479. slagan, st. v., ['to sty' Spenser] —
[Sieverss § 201, N. 2.] go, ascend, descend, 212, 225,
BtSlan, w. V. : to impute to, avenge 676 pret. J)a he to holme stag,

upon, 2485 (see note) ; feor hafa'S '

when he went down to the sea
fffih^e gestffiled, ' she has gone far (to swim),' 2362*.
in avenging the feud,' 1340. a-stigan, st. v., ascend, arise,
Stan, St. m., stone, rock, 887, etc. 1373 pret. astag, 782, astah,

[C/. Goth, stains.] 1160, 8144; gu«-rinc astah, 1118

stan-beorh, st. m., stone-babrow, (see note).
barrow or cave of rock, 2213. ge-atigan, st. v., [sty] go ;
stan-boga, w. m., [stone-bow] stone- Jja ic on holm gestah, ' when I
arch, arch of rock; ace. sg. 2545, went onto the sea (into the ship),'
2718 (see note to 1. 2719). 632.
stan-cllf, St. neut., stone-clife, cliff 2830; adv., 301.
stille, adj., still,
of rock; ace. pi. stan-cleofu, 2540. stlncan, [stink] sniff, snuff;
st. v.,
standan, see stondan. pret. stone ^a cefter stane, he '

stan-fah, [stone- variegated]

adj., sniffed the scent along the rock,'
paved or inlaid with stones, 320. 2288. [Yet this may very possibly
stan-hUIS, st. neut., STONE-slope, be a distinct word stlncan, to *

rocky slope ace. pi. stan-hliSo,

; circle round,' cognate with Goth.
1409. stigquan and Icel.stakkva.]
stapol, St. m., [staple]: sti«, adj., stout, 1533, 985* (see

(1) column ; dat. pi. 'Sa stanbogan note).

stapulum fseste, ' the stone-arches atiV-mod, adj., stout of mood, 2566.
firm on columns, ' 2718. stondan, standan, st. v., stand, 32,
(2) step, 926 (see note), etc. 726 (come), 783 (arise), 1037

starlan, w. v., pres. sg. 1st starige, (lie), etc.; pret. pi. stodon, 328,

starie, 3rd stara^, pret. starede, stodan, 3047 lixte se leoma, leoht

staredon: stake, gaze, 996, 1485, inne stod, the beam shone forth,

etc. light filled the place,' 1570 (see

BtSap, adj., steep, towering, tall, note) ; stod eldum onandan, 'shone
222, etc. forth for a trouble to men,' 2313.
Btearc-heort, adj., [staek-heaet] a-stondan, st. v., stand, stand
stout-hearted, 2288, 2552. up, 759, 1556, 2092.
stede, St. m., stead, place; gen. pi. set-stondan, st. v., stand (in),
wees steda nffigla gehwylc style strike into, 891.
gelioost, ' each of the places of foT-stondan, for-standan, st. v..
; ;

236 Beowulf
withsTAND, avert, defend, 1549 substantively, or as an indef.
ccmxtrued, either with ace. of thing pron., 400, 1251, 1432, etc.; neut.
averted: him wyrd forstode, ne sceal JjSr dyme sum wesan,
'averted fate from them,' 1056; 'there shall be naught secret,'
ingang forstod, prevented entry,'
' 271. Often with partitive gen.
1549 ; or ace. of person or thing 675, 713, 1499, etc.; esp. with
defended : hea'SolKendum hord gen. of numerals and adjs. of
forstandan, '
defend his hoard quantity: fiftena sum, 'one of
against the ocean-farers,' 2955. fifteen, i.e. with fourteen others,'
ge-stoudan, st. v., stand, take 207; so 3123, 1412, 2091; sumne
up one's stand, 358, 404, 2566, feara, one of a few, i.e. some

2597. few,' 3061 (see note). In a few

stop, see steppan. cases sum appears to have a certain
storm, St. m., stoem, 1131, 3117. demmst. force, 248, 314, 1312, 2279.
stow, St. /., place, 1006, 1372, 1378. sund, St. neut., swimmag, 507, 517,
strs9l, St. m. /., arrow, shaft, 1746, 1436, 1618; souun, channel, sea,
32-17. 213, etc.
street, st. /.,steeet, road, 320, 916, simd-geWand, st. neut., [sound-
1634. [From Lat. strata.] BLBNii], tumult of the waves, 1450.
Strang, see strong. sund-nytt, st. /., [swjMming-use]
stream, st. m., stkeam, flood, 212, ace. sund-nytte ieah, ' achieved
1261, 2545. a feat of swimming,' 2360.
strggan, w. v., strew; pp. stred, sundor-nytt, st. /., special service,
2436. [Cf. Goth, straujan.] 667.
streng, st. m., stbino, 3117. sundur, adv., asimnEE, 2422.
strengel, st. m., strong chief, 3115. sund-wudu, st. m., [sound-wood]
strengest, see strong. ship, 208, 1906. ,

atrengo, st. f,, STEENoth; ace. dat. Bunne, w.f., son, 94, 606, 648.
strenge, 1270, 1533, dat. strengo, sunu, St. m., son, 268, etc. dat. suna,

2540. 1226, etc., sunu, 344.

strong, Strang, adj., stkono, 133, sfl'S, adv., south, southwards, 858.
2684; with gen. msegenes Strang, slllSan, adv., from the south, 606,
strong in might,' 1844. 1966.
strengest, superl. , steongest, BwH:
1543; with gen. or dat. msBgenes, I.adv. of manner and degree,
mffigene, strengest, 196, 789. so, thus, 20, etc. : leng swa wel,
BtrHdan, st. v., spoU, plunder; subj. 'the longer the better,' 1854.
pret. strude, 3073*, 3126. II. conjunctive adv., as in its
strynan, w. v. [From, streon.] various meanings, 29, 1667 (so
ge-str:^aii, w. v., obtain, ac- soon as), 2184 (since), etc.; in
quire, 2798. 2622; eft swa
elliptical sentences,
stund, St. /., time, hour; dat. pi. Sr, 642; correl. with swa I., 594,
adverbially, stundum, from time'
1092-3, etc. swa me Higelac

to time,' 1423. sie... modes bli^e, 'so may H. be

style, St. neut., steel; dat. 985. gracious to me,' 435 ; swa hyra
styl-ecg, adj., siEEL-EDoed, 1533. nan ne feol, ' in such wise that
styman, w. v. none of them feU,' F. 43.
l)e-styman, w. v., wet, 486. in..=rel. prcm.; wlite-beorhtne
styran, w. v., steee, guide, restrain, wang, swa wseter bebiigelS, the '

F. 19*. ICf. Goth, stiarjan, beauteous-bright plain, which

estabhsh.'] water encompasses,' 93.
styrlan, to. «., stie, disturb, 1374, IV. conj., so that, 1508, 2006.
2840; handle, treat, 872 (see swa |>eah, swa Seh, however,
note). 972, 2967, etc.; redundant after
styrman, w. v., storm, 2552. hwcB'Sre, 2442.
suhter-gefsederan, w. m. pi., uncle swa liW3e'5ere...awa., whichso-
and nephew, 1164. ever, 686-7.
sum, adj., some, one, a certain, swa hwylc.swa, with gen.,
2156. Although sum always has WHicHsoever, 943, 3057.
the inflections of an adj. (see swslan, TO. V. [sweal]
1. 1432), it is more often used be-Bwalan, to. v., scorch, 3041.
Glossary 237
Bwees, adj., dear, own dear, 29, 520, ge-swenean, st. v., strike, bring
etc. low, 2438.
Bwsisllce, adv., gently, 3089. ge-Bwenced, pp. {of swencan or
swseber, pron., whichever of two gesweneau), made to toil, harassed,
[ =
swa-hwEe>er], F. 29. harried, pressed, 975, 1368.
svan, St. TO., young warrior, F. 41*. sweng, St. m., swing, stroke, 1520
[C/. SWAIN from O.N. sveinn.] (see note), etc.
swancoT, adj., [swank] slender, sweofot, St. m. or neut., sleep, 1581,
2175. 2295.
&wan-ra,d, st. /. , swan-boad, sea, sweoIcS, St. m. or neut., flame, 1115
200. (see note to 1. 782).
swapan, st. v. [swoop] -sweop, see -Bwapan.
for-swapan, st. v., sweep away, Bweorcan, st. v., grow dark, 1737.
sweep off, 477, 2814*. for-sw(e)orcan, st. v., grow dim,
Ewarian, w. v. 1767 (see note to 11. 1766-7).
ond-swarian, and-swarlan, w. ge-sweorcan, st. v., lour, 1789.
v., ANSWER, 258, 340. Bweord, swurd, swyrd, sword, st.
swat, St. TO., [sweat] blood, 1286, neut., swoKD, 437, etc. pi. sweord,

2693, 2966. 2638, swyrd, 3048, sword, F. 17.

adj., blood-stained, 1111.
sw3,t-fali, Bweord-bealo, st. neut., sword-bale,
swatig, adj., bloody, 1569. death by the sword, 1147.
swat-swaBu, st. /., [sweat-s7ia.tb.} Bweord-freca, w. m., swoed- warrior,
blood-track, 2946. 1468.
BwalSilan, w. v., subside; pret. pi. Bwurd-leoma, w. m., swosD-light,
swatSredon, 570. See also sweVrlan. F. 37.
swaSu, [swath] St. f., track, 2098; Bwyrd-gifli, st. f., swoKD-oiving,
ace. him sio swHSre swa'Se weard- 2884.
ade hand, his right hand showed
sweotol, adj., clear, 833; mom.
where he had been,' 2098. swutol, 90; weah dat. sweotolan,
BwatSul, St. m. or neut. , flame, 782 (see 141 ; wear^ sweotol, became

note), visible,' 817.

sweart, adj., swabt, black, dark, 167, Bwerian, st. v., swear, 472, 2738.
8145, F. 37. [C/. Goth, swarts.] for-Bwerian, st. v., with dat.,
Bwebban, w. v., send to sleep, kiU, forswear, lay a spell upon, 804
679 ; pres. sg. 3rd, swefe'S, 600. (see note).
a-swebban, w. v., put to sleep, Bwete, adj. sweet, F. 41.
kill pret. part. pi. aswefede, 567.
Ewe'Srian, w. u., wane, lessen, 901,
Bwefan, st. v., sleep, sleep the sleep 2702.
of death, 119, 1008, etc.; pret. pi. Bwlcan, St. v., fail, disappear, escape,
swSfon, 703, swSfun, 1280. 966, 1460.
-swefede, see -swebban. ge-Bwioan, st. v., weaken, fail,
BwefeS, see swebban. 1524, 2584, 2681.
Bweg, St. TO., sound, noise, 89, 644, swifau, St. V.
. etc. on-swifan, st. v., swing forward,
Bwegel, St. neut. sky, 860, 1078, etc.
, raise, 2559.
Bwegel, adj. , bright, clear, 2749. swift, adj., swm; weak, 2264.
Bwegl-wered, adj., ether-clad, rad- Bwige, adj., silent.
iant, 606. BWlgra, compar., more silent,
Bwelan, st. v., bum, 2713. 980.
Bwelgan, st. v., swallow; pret., Bwlgian, w. v., be silent pret. sg.

with dat., swealh, 743, swealg, swigode, 2897, pZ. swigedon, 1699.
3155*; pret. subj., absolutely, Bwilce, see swylce.
swulge, 782. swlmman, swymman, st. v., swim,
for-swelgan, st. v., swallow 1624.
up, 1122, 2080. ofer-Bwimman, st. u., ovee-swim,

swellan, st. v., swell, 2713. swim over; pret. oferswam, 2367.
Bweltau, St. v., [swelter] die, Bwin, swyn, st. neut., swine, image
1617, etc. with cognate dat.
; of a boar on a helmet, 1111,
moHSre, -dea«e, 892, 2782, 3037. 1286.
Bwencan, w. v., molest, oppress, Bwmcan, st. v., swink, toil, 517.
1510*. [Of. Bwinoan.] Bwingan, st. v., swing, 2264.

238 Beowulf
awln-llc, St. neut., swiNE-shape, sw^, see swin.
image of a boar, 1453. awynaian, w. v., resound, 611.
swIoSol, m. or neut., flame, 3145*
St. awyrd, see aweord.
(see note to 1. 782). awytS, see swiS.
BT»TO, swyB, adj., strong, severe, -aw^an, see -ainVan.
191, 3085. [C/. Goth, swings.] awylSe, see awlVe.
8Wi8ra, compar., stronger; nam. ay, see wesan.
fern,slo switSre hand, ' the right syfan-wintre, adj., seven winters
hand,' 2098. old, 2428.
swiSan, St. and w. v. ayfone, see Beofon.
ofer-swylSan, st. and w. v., ovek- -ayhV, see -aeon.
power, overcome, 279, 1768. 8ylf(a), see self.
BW^e, adv., strongly, greatly,
BTrttSe, ayll, st.f., SILL, base, floor, 775.
very, 597, etc. syllan, see aellan.
swiSor, compar., more greatly, syllic, see sellic.
more, more especially, rather, 960, Bymliel, st. neut. feast, banquet, 564,

1139, 1874, 2198. etc. dat. symble, 119, 2104, symle,


swiS-ferhU, awy1S-ferh15, adj., strong 81, 489, 1008. [From Greek through
souled, stout-hearted, 173, 498 Lat. symbola, a share
' ' ; cf. Holt-
826, 908. hausen, Anglia, Beiblatt xm. 226.]
swlS-Ucgende, adj. (pres. part.) symbel-wynn, st. /., feast-joy,
[strong-thinking] stout-hearted, in feasting, 1782.
919, 1016. aym(b)le, adv., always, 2450, 2497,
swiiS-mod, adj., [strong-Moon] stout- 2880. [Gf. Goth, simle, 'once.']
hearted, 1624. symle, n., see aymbel.
swogan, St. v., sound; pres. part. syn-byaig, adj., [sin-eusy] guilt-
3145. [Gf. Goth. ga-sw6gjan, ' to haunted, troubled by guilt, 2226.
sigh,' and O.E. swegan.] ayn-dolli, st, neut. , ceaseless wound,
Bwor, see swerian. incurable wound, 817.
-sworean, see -sweoroan. syndon, see wesan.
sword, see sweord. ayngales, see singalea.
swuloes, see swylc. syngian, w. v., sm; pp. gesyngad,
swurd, see sweord. 2441.
swutol, see sweotol. synn, st. /., sin, crime, injury,
swylc, adj. -pram., such, such as, as. hatred, struggle, 975, 1255, 2472,
[Gf. Goth, swa-leiks.] 3071.
I. (=L. talis) such: syn-Bca15a, w. m., cruel scathbi,
(1) adj. 582, 1347, etc. 707 jsee note), 801.
(2) pran. 299 (with gen.), 996; ayn-ansed, st. /., [ceaseless piece]
gm. swuloes, 880 (see Uwa); ace. huge gulp, 743.
o^er swylc tit ofierede, carried out '
synt, see wesan.
and off another such [number,],' Byrce, w. f, sabk, shirt of mail,
1583. 226, 334, 1111.
II. (=L. qualis) such as, 1156 ayrwan, w. v., ensnare, 161. [From
(with gen.), 1797, 2869; ace. eaE searu.]
gedffilan... swylc him God sealde, be-syrwan, w. v., ensnare, 713,
' deal out all that God gave him,' etc.; contrive, 942; besyred, 2218*.
72. sySSan, see siWan.
III. (=L. talis. ..qualis) swylc...
swylo, 'such.,' 1249 (with
gen.), 1328-9, 3164.
swylce taoen, st. neut., token, 833; dat.
I. adi;., as well as, likewise, 113, taoue, 141, 1654. [Gf. Goth.
293, etc. ; once swilce, 1152. taikns.]
II. conjunctive adv., as, 757; as tScan, w. V.
if, F. 38.
ge-tsBcan, w. v., teach, indicate,
swylt, St. m., death, 1255, 1436. assign, 313, 2013.
{Gf. Goth, swulta-.] talian, w. v., reckon, claim, 532,
swylt-dseg, St. m., death-DAT, 2798. 594, 677, 2027; pres. sg. 1st wen
[Gf. sweltan.] io talige, ' I reckon it a thing to be
swynuuan, see awlmmau. expected, ' 1845.

Glossary 239
te, prep, with dat., to, from, 2922 tir-fSBSt, adj., [glory-FASi] glorious,
(see note), 922.
tear, st. m., teak, 1872. [C/. Goth. tir-leas, adj., glory-LESs; gen. sg.
tagr.] absolutely, 843.
tela, adv., well, 948, etc. tilSian, w. v., impers., with gen.,
telge, see tellan. grant; pp. wsB3...bene getilSad,
tellan, w. v., tell, reckon, deem, '(of) the boon (it) was granted,'
794, etc.; pres. sg. 1st telge, 2067: 2284.
ac him weel-bende weotode tealde, t6, prep., with dat., to, towards, 28,
'but [if he did] he might reckon etc.: as, esp. in predicative
death-bands prepared for himself,' dats., 14, to so^e, 'as a fact,' 51,
1936. etc.:with verbs of asking, etc. at
tech, St. /., band, troop; dat. sg. the hands of, from, 158, 525, 601,
teohhe, 2938. etc.; at (time), 26.
teoliliian, w. v., assign, 951; pp. Special usages
geteohhod, 1300. (1) for, in adverbial phrases of
teon, St. v., [tow} tug, draw, 553, time: to aldre, 'for ever,' 955,
1036, 1288 (of a sword), 1439; 2005, 2498; to life, 'in his life-
pret. sg. brim-lade teah, 'took the time, ever,' 2432; to widan feore,
ocean-way,' 1051 ; so eft-sSSas teah, 'ever,' 933.
1332. [Cf. Goth, tiuhan.] (2) to, with gerundial infin., 316,
9.-teon, St. v., [rcro] take; pret. 473 (see note), etc.
sg. ateah, 766 (see note to (3) weorSan to, 'to become,' 460,
11. 765-6). 587, etc.
ge-teon, st. v., tug, draw, 1545, (4) Following its case: him to,
2610, F. 17; deliver, 1044: im- 'to it,' 313; 909 (see note); 1396

perat. sg. no ^u him wearne geteoh (see wenan) i>e >u her to locast,

^Snra gegn-cwida, 'do not Ihou 'on which thou lookest here,'
give them a refusal of thy replies,' 1654; lis seoea'S to Sweona leoda,
366; pret. sg. he him est geteah
the peoples of the Swedes wilt
meara ond matJma, 'he presented come against us,' 3001.
to him the horses and treasures,' to hwan, see hwa, hwEet.
2165. to bses, adv., so, 1616.
of-teon, St. v., tuq off or away, to |>sea >e, conjunctive phrase,
withhold; with gen. rei and dat. TO (the point) where, thither
pers., 5; with dat. rei, 1520; with Whence, 714, 1967, 2410; to the
ace. rei, 2489. See of-teon, below point (degree) that, until, 1585
and note to 1. 5. (see note).
(lOrli-teon, st. v., [tug thkough] to |>on, adv. to that degree, so,

bring about, 1140. 1876.

teon, St. v., accuse. [Gf. Goth. to bon, sat, until, 2591, 2845;
teihan, 'show.'] see Be.
of-teon, deny, 5 (see note) and to, adv.:
of. of-teon, above. {!)= preposition without expressed
teon, w. v., with ace, make, adorn, object (cf. the particles of separable

provide, 1452; pret. pi. teodan, verbs in German) thereio, to him,


43. to it, 1422, 1755, 1785, 2648.

ge-teon, w. v., appoint, arrange, (2) too, before adjs. and advs.,
prepare, 2295, 2526. 133, 187, 191, etc.: to fela micles,
'far too much,' 694; he to for^
tid, St.f., TIDE, TIME, 147, 1915.
til(l), adj., good, 61, 1250, 1304, gestop, 'he had stepped too far
2721. forward,' 2289.
tilian, w. v., with gen., [till] gain, to-gjedre, adv., togethee, 2630.
1823. to-geanes, to-genes, prep., with dat.,
tlmbran, w. v., timber, build, 307. following its case, Towards, aoAiNst,
be-tlmt>ran, w. v., [betimbeb] 666, 747*, 1542, 1626 (to meet),
build; pret. pi., betimbredon, 1893: godum togenes, 'to where
3159. the good man lay,' 3114.
tir, St. m., glory, 1654.
to-geanes, adv.: grap J;a togeanes,
tir-eadig, adj., [glory-blessed] 'then she clutched at [him],'
glorious, happy in fame, 2189. 1501.
240 Beowulf
to-middes, adv., in the Mmst, 3141. tfdre, adj., feeble, unwarlike, 2847.
torht, adj., bright, clear, 313. tyhtan, w. v.
torn, St. neut., anger, rage, 2401; on-tyhtan, w. v., entice, 3086.
insult, distress, 147, 833, 2189. tyn, TEN, 3159 inflected tyne, 2847.

torn, adj. [Cf. Goth, talhun.]

tomost, superl., bitterest, 2129.
tom-gemot, st. neut., [wrath- jifBEr-
ing] angry meeting, encounter,
1140. a:
to-somne, adv., together, 2568. I. adv., then, 26, etc.
tredan, st. v., with ace, tkead, II. rei. adv. or eonj., with indie.,
1352, 1964, etc. when, as, since, seeing, 201, etc.;
treddian, tryddian, w. v., intrans., correl. with >a above, 140, etc.
TREAD, go, 725, 922. )>a, adj.-pron., see se, se.

trem, st. m. or neut.: ace. sg. biim, THEM, see se, se.
adverbially, fotes trem, 'a foot's JiSr : [Cf. Goth. >ar.]
breadth or space,' 2525. I. adv., TpEEE, 32, etc.; un-
treow, St. /., TEoth, TKuth, good emphatic {ItSee mod. there with
faith, 1072, 2922. [C/. Goth. impers. verm) \271, 440, etc. For
triggwa.] tSSr on innan, ,71, 2089, etc., see
treowan, w. v., with dat., trow, innan.
trust: pret. sg. gehwylc hiora his II. rei. adv., where, 286, etc.; (to)
ieiht>e treowde, 'each of them where, 356, etc.; if, 1835. With
trusted Unferth's mind,' 1166. Bwa following: 'S£er...swa, 'if so
(See also triiwian.) be that,' 797, 2730. (Cf. note to
treow-loga, w. m., TKoth-Liar, troth- J. 762.)
breaker, 2847. )>3ara, |>sere, see se, se.
trodu, st.f., track, 843. )>ses, adj.-pron., see se, se.
trum, adj., strong, 1369. )i9S, adv.:
trdwlan, w. v., with gen. or dat., (1) therefore, 900, 1992, etc.; see
TROW, trust, believe, 669, 1993, etc. se.
ge-trtlwlan, w. v.: (2) so, 773, 968, etc.
(1) with gen. or dat., trow, trust; taes (>e, conj.:
with gen., 2322, 2540; with dat., 11) as, 1341, 1350, 3000.
1533. (2) because, 108, 228, 626, 1628,
(2) with ace, confirm; pret. pi. 1751, 1998, 2797, etc.; eorrel.with
getriiwedon, 1095. preceding Jiees, 1779.
tryddian, see treddian. to |>83s )>e, see to.
trywe, adj., true, 1165. [Cf. Goth. l>SBt,adj.-pron., see se, se.
triggws.] tiset,conj., THAT, so that, 62, etc.;
twa, see twegen. until, 84, 1911; in that, 3036;
twafan, w. v. oftencorrel. with the demonst. neut.
ge-twSfan, w. v., usu. with pron. >a2t or >8es (see se), 778-9,
ace. pers. and gen. rei, divide, 1591-3, 1598-9, etc.; repeated,
sever, separate, restrain, 479, 2864-5-71. See note to 1. 765.
etc.; pp. getwfflfed, 'ended,' 1658. J>aet )ie, eonj., that, 1846.
twaman, w. v. Jjsette ( = )3ffit >e), conj., that, 151, etc.
ge-twSman, w. v., with aec. bafian, w. v., with ace., consent to,
pers. and gen. rei, sever, cut off, submitto, 2963.
968. see -)>icgan.
twegen, m., twa,/. and neut., num., bam, see se, se.
TWAiM, iwo, 1095, 1163, etc.; gen. banan, see bonan.
twega, 2532; dat. twSm, 1191. banc, St. m.:
[Of. Goth. tw4i.] (1) with gen.
rei, thanks, 928,
twelf, num., twelve; 147; twelfa, 1997, etc.
3170 (see note). [Of. Goth. (2) content, pleasure; dat. sg. ba
twa-lif.] ie gif-sceattas Geata fyredon
tweonum, dat. ~ pi. of distrih. nu- Jpyder to bance, 379.
meral: be (bi) sfflm tweonum, banc-hycgende, adj. (pres. part.),
by the two seas, i.e. beTWEEN the [rHotrcjHt-thinking], TsovGuttvl,
seas,' 858, 1297, 1685, 1956. 2235.
Glossary 241
>ancian, w. v., thank, 625, 1397; bSah, adv., THOUGH, yet, however,
pret. pi., J)ancodon, 1626, Jjan- 1508.
cedon, 227. Bw3, beab, see bwS,.
^ajion, see ^onan. bearf, st. /., need, 201, etc.; ace.
^a,ra, see se, sg. fremma'S gena leoda bearf e, 'fulfil
^B, see ^3. still the people's need,' 2801. [Cf.
()|, rel. particle, indecl., who, that, Goth, barba.]
which, etc. bearf, v., see burfan.
(1) Alone, 192, 500, etc.; ace. sg. bearfa, w.m., semes bearf a, 'shelter-
355, 2182; dat. sg. 2400, 3001; less,' 2225.
rum. pi. 45, etc.; ace. pi. 2490, ((/e-)bearfian, w. v., necessitate,
2796 gen. pi. 950 dat. pi. >e ge
; ; render necessary; pp. gebearfod,
>8er on standalJ, 'in which ye stand 1103.
there,' 2866; so 1654: heo ba bearle, adv., severely, hard, 560.
fffih^ wrsec, Jpe Jju gystran niht beaw, St. m., [thew] custom, 178,
Grendel cwealdest, 'she avenged etc.; dat. pi. 'in good customs,'
the feud, in which thou killedst 2144.
Grrendel yesternight,' 1834; mid bee, pers. pron. {archaic ace. of bu),
Jjffire sorhge, >e him sio sar belamp, thee, 946, etc.
with the sorrow, wherewith that
beccean, w. v., [thatch] cover,
blow befell him (see sar),' 2468. enfold, 3015; pret. pi. behton,
(2) Immediately preceded by se, seo, 513.
))8et, etc.; se Jie, 103,
1260, 1342, begn, St. m., thane; used of Beo-
1449, 1462 {antee. oengum) ; se be wulf, 194, etc., Hengest, 1085,
for seo i>e, 1344, 1887, 2685 ; seo Wiglaf, 2721, etc.
]>e, 1445; Soue J>e, 1054, 1298, begn-Borg, st. /., thane-sobrow,
2056, 2173 ; pi. >a ]>e, 1592. Cor- sorrow for one's thanes, 131.
relatives: >e, 506 (followed begon, begun, see bicgan.
by verb in 2nd pers.) ; seo hand beh, see beah. >e, 1343-4; sio l>e, behton, see beccean.
2684-5. beno(e)an, w. v., think, intend:
N.B. After Jiara Jpe the verb is usu. with following inf., 355, 448
often in the sg.: 843, 996, 1051, (fut.), 739, etc.; with dependent
1461, 2130, 2251, 2383. clause, 691; absolutely, 289, 2601
(3) Followed by redundant he ace. : (see onwendan).
sg.m. )>e hine dea^ nime^, whom ' S,-benc(e)an, w. v., think out,
death will take,' 441, cf. 1436, etc. intend, 2643.
t>3es be, see |>3eB, adv. ge-benc(e)an, w. v., with ace,
Vsii be, see Jiset, conj. THINK, think of, 1474, 1734.
)>eah )>e, see beah. benden, adv., then, 1019, 2985.
)>e, see for|>am. benden, conj., with indie, or subj.,
to bses i>e, see to. while, whilst, 30, etc.
be, pers. pron. (ace. and dat. of ]>u), bengel, st. m., prince, king, 1507.
THEE, to thee, etc., 417, etc. With bSnian (=begniau), w. v., with dat.,
a comparative, than thou, 1850. serve, 560.
H) demMist. pron. see se. , beod, St. /., people, nation, 643, etc.
be, conj.: [Cf. Goth, biuda.]
(1) because, correl. with a pre- bsod-cyning, -kyning, |aod-cyiiing,
ceding by, be {see se), 488, 1436. St. m., nation-KiNG, king of a
De he i3sie...geoeas...J>e, 'on this people, 2, 2144 (Hrothgar), 2579
account he chose us, because,' (Beowulf), 2963 (Ongentheow),
2638-41. etc.
242. bSoden, bioden, st. m., prince, king,
(2) that, so that,
-beab, see -bicgan. 34, dat. beodne, 345, etc.,
beali, conj., usu. with subj., rarely beoden, 2032; pi. beodnas, 3070.
indie. (1102): though, although, [Cf. Goth, biudans.]
203, etc.; <mce,\>eh, 1613; beah ic beoden-leas, adj., prince-LESS, with-
eal msege, ' although I may, 680. ' out one's chief, 1103.
beod-gestreon, st. neut., nation-
[Cf. Goth, b^uh.]
beah be, conj., usu. with subj., treasure, national possession, 44,
THOUGH, although, 682, etc. 1218*.

242 Beowulf
^Sod-kynlng, see )>eod-cyiiing. ^olian, w. v., [thole] endure: [Of.
Hod-scea'Sa, w. m., nation-soATHei, Goth. J>ulan.]
national foe, 2278, 2688. (1) trans. 832, 1525, etc.
(eod-t>rea, st. f. and w. m., national (2) intram. 2499.
misery, 178. ge-^olian, w. v., [thole]:
Hof, St. m., THIEF, 2219. (1) tram., endure, 87, 147; dat.
Hon, St. v., thrive, succeed, 8; pret. inf. to gejjolianne, 1419.
sg. 2836 (see note). [0/. Goth. (2) intrans., wait patiently, 3109.
)>eihan.] >on, jwora., see se.
ge-^Son, St. v., thrive, 25, 910; to ^n, adv., to that degree, so,
imperat. sg., 1218. 1876; see se.
on-)>eon, st. v., thrive; pret. sg. to >on, |>set, until, 2591, 2845;
he J)EBS Sr on))a,h, 'he therefore see se.
throve erewhile,' 900 (but see ^onan, Irauon, |>auan, tanon, adv.,
note). THENcA 819, 520, 1668, 111, etc.;
>eon (=>ywan), w. v., oppress, 2736. sometimes of personal origin, 1960,
Hos, see bes. etc.
Hostre, adj., dark, 2332. ^one, see se, se.
How, St. m., slave, 2223*. jionne, adv., then, 377, etc.; re-
tiea, )ieos, |>is, demonst. adj., this, peated, 1104-6. See ]>oime, conj.
nom. m. Jies, /. Jieos, n. )Aa;
airag. ^onne, conj.:
ace. m. J)isne, 75, Jiysne, 1771, (1) when, while, with indie, and
/. )>as, 71. >is; gen. m. n. J>isses, subj., 23, 573, etc.; in elliptical
1216, >ysses, 197, etc., /. Jiisse; sentence, breac J>onne moste, 'en-
dat. m. n. J>issum, 1169, 'Syssum, joyed [him or them] while I
2639,/. >isse; instrum. m. n. ^ys. might,' 1487. Correl. witftjjonne,
Plur. m. f. n. nom. ace, J>as ; gen. adv.: 484-5, 2032-4; Jionne he
J)issa, dat. Jjyssum, 1062, etc. gyd wrece...j>onne his sunu han-
Hcg(e)an, st. v., with aec, seize, gar, '[that] he should then utter
take, partake of, eat, 736, 1010; a dirge, when his son is hanging,'
pret. pi. indie. J'egun, 2633, subj. 2446-7.
Jiegon, 563. (2) THAN, after compars.: 44*,
ge-^icgan, st. v., with aec., etc. With compar. omitted: medo-
take, receive, 1014; pret. sg. ge- 8Bm mieel...J)onne yldo beam
).eah, 618, 628; ge>ah, 1024. ffifre gefrunon, 'a great mead-
in, pois. adj., thine, thy, 267, etc. hall, [greater] than the children
>lnc(e)an, see )>yncan. of men ever heard of,' 70* (but
)>indau, st. v., swell with pride, see note).
anger, etc., P. 13. ^onou, see Hnan.
^ing, St. neut., thing, matter, afiair, txxctte, see J>urfan.
409, 426; gen. pi. Snige J>iriga, trag, St. /., time ; ace. sg. of dwra-
'by any means, in any way, on tion of time, 54, 114, 1257; nom.
any condition, at all,' 791, 2374, sg. >a hyue slo Jirag becwom,
2905. 'when the time (of stress) came
HngS'ii, w. v., determine, appoint, upon him,' 2883 ; cf. 87 (see note).
1938; pp. wiste JiSm ahlScan... [Of. Goth. Jjragjan, 'to run.']
hilde ge>inged, 'knew that battle |>rea-nedla, w. m., dire need, 2223.
was in store for the monster,' 647. [Cf 0. E. uyd.]
ge-)>ingau, w. v., withrefl. dat., frrea-nyd, st. /., dire need, oppres-
determine (to come, go, etc.); sion, misery, 284; dat. pi. )>e hie
pres. gif him Jjonne HreJ>rio to ...for Jirea-nydum Jjolian scoldon,
hofum Geata geMnge'S, 'if then 'which they through dire com-
Hrethrio betakes him to the pulsion had to endure,' 832.
Geats' court,' 1836. m., troop, band, 4, 2406.
)>reat, st.
^inglan, w. v.: treatlan, w. v., iHEEAien, press;
(1) address, speak, 1843. pret. pi. mec...J>reatedon J>earle,
(2) compound, settle, allay, 156, 'pressed me hard,' 560.
470. )«rec-wudu, st. m., [might-woon]
Mod-, see Hod-. spear, 1246.
^odeu, see ^eoden. )>r6o, jlrio, num. neut. (of trie),
\aa, demonst. adj., see Hs. THBEE, 2278, 2174. [C/.Gof/i.hreis.]
Glossary 243
^reottSo^a, ord. num., THinTEEnTH, beaga, 2994 (see note). Even
2406. without a dependent gen. : ace, pi.
bridda, ord. num., thied, 2688. ond him gesealde seofan >usendo,
ringan, st. v., intrans., throng, 2195.
2960; pret. sg. >rong, 2883. by, see se, sS.
for-brlngan, «{. v., snatch, by Ises, conj., LBst, 1918.
rescue, 1084. byder, adv., thitheb, 379, 2970,
ge-bringan, st. v., throng, 3086.
bound, 1912. byhtig, adj., doughty, strong, 1558.
bno, see |>rgo. [Cf. beon.]
rist-nydig, adj., bold-minded, 2810. -byle, St. m., spokesman, 1165, 1456.
biitig, britUg, St. neut., with gen., byncan, bincean, w. v., with dat.
THIRTY, 123, 2361; gm. sg. 379. pers., seem, 368, 687, etc.; some-
brong, see bringan. times impers., 2653.
brSwian, w. v., suffer, 2605, etc.; of-byncan, w. v., displease,
pret. sg. >r6wode, 2594, J>rowade, 2032.
1589, 1721. byrl, adj., pierced, P. 47.
ge-^itiea, pp. (isolated: Sievers. byrs, St. m., giant, 426.
§ 385, N. 1), forged, 1285 (see bys, see bes.
note). bys-lic, adj. , [thi/slike] such ; nom.
|>rym(m), m., might, force, 1918;
st. ng- /.. byslicu, 2637.
glory, 2; dat. pi. adverbially, bysne, bysses, byssum, see bes.
>rymmum, 'powerfully,' 235. bystru, St. /., darkness, 87. [C/.
brym-lic, adj., mighty, glorious, beostre.]
1246. bywau, w. v., oppress, 1827, see been.
br^, St. /., strength; dat. pi. [C/. beow.]
>rySum dealle, 'proud in their
strength,' 494.
bryU-sern, st. neut., mighty house, U
noble haU, 657.
J>rfS-lic, adj., excellent, 400, 1627. ufan, adv., from above, above,
bryd-licoBt, superl., most excel- 330, 1500.
lent; ace. pi. 2869 (see note). nfera, compar. adj., later; dat. pi.
bryS-BwyB, adj., strong in might, uferan, 2392, ufaran, 2200.
131 (see note), 736. ufor, compar. adv., higher, up-
brJIS-word, st. neut., choice or wards, on to higher ground, 2951
mighty woed, excellent talk, 643. (but see note).
^^ pers. pron., thou, 269, etc.; aec. fllite, w. /., dawn, twilight, 126.
sg. Jiec, J>e (q. v.). [C/. Goth, uhtwo.]
Jiungen, ge-bungen, adj. (pp.), flht-floga, w. m., d&Yfn-Fzier, 2760.
[thriven] mature, distinguished, flht-Uem, St. m., din or crash
excellent, 624, 1927. [C/. J>eon in the dawn, 2007.
and see SieverSj §§ 383, N. 3, flht-acealSa, w. m., dawn-sc^irifer,
386, N. 2.] dawn-foe, 2271.
bunian, w. v., THUNder, resound, umbor-wesende, adj. (pres. part.),
groan, hum; pret. J)unede, 1906. being a child, 46, 1187.
g«-J>uren, see ^e-brtien. un-l)li1!e, adj., unblithe, joyless,
burfan, pret. pres. v., need: pres. 130, 2268, 3031.
J>earf, Jjearft, 445, 595, etc.; suhj. un-byrnende, adj. (pres. part.),
>urfe, 2495; pret. >orfte, 157, etc.; UNBUBNing, without being burnt;
pret. pi. 2363* (see note). [Cf. nom. sg. absolutely, 2548.
Goth. t>aurhan.] unc, pers. pron. (dat. and ace. dual
burh, prep., with ace., thbough, of ic), to us two, us two, 540,
local, causal, instrumental or 545, 2137, etc.
marking attendant circumstances uncer, pers. pron. (gen. dual of ic),
(see note to 1. 276), 267, etc. of us two, 2532 ; coupled with the
bus, adv., THUS, 238, 387, 430. gen. of a proper name, uncer
bflseud, St. neat., thousand, 3050; Grendles, 'of Grendel and me,'
pi. >usenda, 1829. Without fol- 2002.
lowing noun of measure: gen. pi. uncer, poss. adj. (see above), our
hund Jjusenda landes ond locenra (dual) dat. pi. uncran, 1185.

244 Beowulf
un-clltS, adj., cncouth, unknown, un-liflgende, un-lyfigende, adj. (pres.
evil, 1410, 2214;
276, gen. sg: part.), UNLiving, lifeless, dead,
absolutely, 960 (Grendel) ; uncujies 468, 744, 1308, 2908; dat. sg. m.
fela, 'many a thing unknown,' J)set bi'S driht-guman unlifgendum
876. sefter selest, 'that will afterwards
xmiei, prep., dndeb: be best for the noble warrior when
(1) with dat. (of rest), 8, etc.;
dead,' 1389.
amid, 1302, 1928; (temporal) un-iytel, adj., [dnlittle] no little,
during, 738 (see note). 498, 833, 885.
(2) with ace. (of motion, expressed un-mumlioe, adv., UNMouRNfulLY,
or implied), 403, etc.; within, without hesitation, recklessly, 449,
underneath, 1037. To denote ex- 1756.
tent: under swegles begong, 'under mman, pret.-pres. v., grant, will,
the sky's expanse,' 860, 1773; wish, OWN, 503, 2874; pres. sg.
under heofones hwealf, 2015. 1st, an, 1225; sulg. pret. \st, u>e
under, adv., undeb, beneath, 1416, ic swi>or, >8Bt 'Su hine self ne geseon
2213. moste, 'I would rather that thou
undem-msBl, st. ncM/:.,[uNDEKN-MEAL] mightst have seen himself,' 960;
morning-time, 1428. 3rd, Jieah he u^e wel, 'how much
un-deamlnga, adv., openly, P. 24. soever he wished,' 2855.
[C/. dyrne.] ge-unnan, pret.-pres. v., grant,
un-dyme, un-deme, adj., DNseoret, 346, 1661.
manifest, 127, 2000, 2911*. un-nyt, adj., useless, 413, 3168.
un-dyme, adv., UNseoretly, openly, un-riit, St. neut., uneight, wrong,
150, 410. 1254, 2739.
un-fJBOae, adj., DNguileful, sincere. un-rihte, adv., UNEiGHily, wrongly,
un-fsge, adj., [cnfet] undoomed, un-rim, st. neut. countless number,

not fated to die, 573, 2291. 1238, 2624, 3135.

un-fSger, adj., nNPAiB, 727. un-iime, adj., countless, 3012.
un-flitme, adv., iucontestably, 1097 im-rot, adj., [uNglad] sad, 3148.
(see note). un-slaw, adj., [unslow] not slow;
un-fortt, adj., UNafraid, 287. nom. sg. ecgum unslaw, 'not slow
uu-forhte, adv., fearlessly, 444. of edge,' 2564* (see note).
un-frod, adj., not old, young, 2821. un-anyttro, st. /., UNwisdom; dat.
un-from, adj., inert, not bold, un- pi. his unsnyttrum, 'in his folly,'
warlike, 2188. 1734.
un-geara, adv., not of yoke: un-softe, adv., [uNsoFily] with diffi-
(1) but now, 932. culty, 1655, 2140.
(2) erelong, 602. un-awi5e, adv.
un-gedSfelioe, -adv., unfittingly, un-swiBor, compar. less strongly,

unnaturally, 2435. 2578, 2881.

un-gemete, adv., [uNM^Eily] im- un-synnig, adj., UNSiNning, guiltless,
measurably, 2420, 2721, 2728. 2089.
iin-gemetes, adv. {gen. of adj. un- un-synnum, adv. [dat. pi. of *un-
gemet, vhmeet), immeasurably, synn), 'siNlessly,' 1072.
unigmetes, 1792 (see note). un-tale, adj., blameless, 1865.
un-gyfeSe, adj., not granted, 2921. un-tydre, st. m., evil progeny; nom.
un-hSlo, St. /., [uNHEAiith] destruc- pi. untydras, 111.
tion gen. sg. wlht unhclo, 120
; , un-wacMc, adj., [tj-sweakuxe,'] firm,
(see note). strong, 3138.
un-heore, un-hiore, un-hfre, adj., un-weamum, adv., without hind-
UKcanny, monstrous, 2120, 2413; rance, 741.
nom. sg. f. unheoru, 987. un-wrecen, adj. (pp.), UNirjiE^xed,
unUitme, adv. 1129 (see note to unavenged, 2443.
1. 1097). flp, adv., HP, 128, 224, etc.
unliror, adj., not stirring, F. 47 (see ftp-lang, adj., [uplong] upright, 759.
note). uppe, adv., UP, 566.
unigmetes, adv. see ungemetes.
, upp-ribt, adj., dpbioht, 2092.
un-lSof, adj., [unlief] not dear, Are, pera. pron. {gen. pi. of io), of us,
unloved; absolutely, 2863. 1386.

Glossary 245
lire, poss. adj. (see above), o0b, 2647, See Sieversj § 392, 2. [Gf. Qoth.
Qrum, pers. pron. (anrnn. form of the gawaknan.]
dat. pi. of ic, used here for une), to on-wsacnan, [awaken] 2287; be
us, 2659 (see note). born, arise, spring, 56, 111.
Us, pers. pron. {dat. pi. of io), to us, wsed, St. n., flood, sea, wave; nom,
346, 382, etc. for us, 2642.
; pi, wado, 546; wadu, 581*: gen.
flser, pers. pron. (=ure, gen. pi. of pi. wada, 508.
io) ; user neosan, 'to visit us,' wsefre, adj., WAVEnmg, about to
2074. die, expiring, 1150 (but see note),
daer, poss. adj. (see above), our ace. ; 2420; wandering, 1331.
sg. m. iiseiTie, 3002; gem. sg. neut. wseg, see weg.
usses, 2813; dat. sg. m. tlssum, wsBg-bora, w. m., 1440 (see note).
2634. wsege, si. neut., stoup, flagon, tank-
tlsio,pers. pron. {ace. pi. of io), us, _ard, 2253, 2282.
458, 2638, etc. wsBg-holm, St. m., the billowy sea,
usses, ussum, see User, poss. adj. _217.
Ht, adv., OUT, 215, etc. wseg-UtSend, st. m. (p^-es, part.),
fltan, adv. from withouT, witliout,
, wave-farer, sea-farer, 3158*.
774, etc. [Cf. Goth. Qtana.] waegnan, w. v.
Iltan-wearcl, adj., outward, the out- be-wsegnan, w. v., offer, 1193.
side of, 2297. wSg-Bweord, st. neut., wave-swoKD,
at-ftls, adj., ouTward bound, ready sword with a wavy pattern, 1489.
to start, 33. WSBI, St. neut., slaughter, the slain,
uton, see wutun. corpse, 448, etc.; nom. pi. walu,
flt-weard, adj., [outwaed] webs iit- 1042.
weard, 'was outward bound,' 761. wsBl-bedd, st. neut,, slaughter-BEC,
see unnau.
-Q'Se, 964.
tUS-genge, adj., escaping, transitory; wsel-bend, st. m. f., slaughter-sosD,
nom. sg. wses .Ssohere...feorh il'S- Ae^th-BAND, 1936.
genge, 'life departed from Me- wsBl-bleat, adj. [slaughter-wretched]

chere,' 2123. ace, f. wunde wsel-bleate, 'his

deathly pitiful wound,' 2725.
W wsel-deat!, st. m., slaughter-DEATH,
death by violence, 695.
wa, interj., woe: wa bi'S J)Sm...wel wsel-dreor, st. m. or neut., slaughter-
bi«>£em,.., 183, 186. [C/. Goth. gore, 1631.
wai.] wsel-fsehB, st. /., slaMghtei-FEUD,
waclan, w. v., watch; imperat. sg. deadly feud, 2028.
waoa, 660. See wseccan. wsel-fag, adj., slaughter-stained,
wacnigean. cruel, bitter, 1128.
on-wacnlgeaji, w, v., intrans. wsel-feall, -fyll, st. m., slaughter-
[awaken], F. 10. EALL, violent death, 3154 dat. sg. ;

wadau, st. v., wade, go; pret. sg. geweox he... to w£el-fealle...Deniga
wod, 714, 2661 pp. gewaden, 220.
leodum, 'he waxed great for a
on-wadan, st. v., assail; pret. sg. slaughter to the Danish people,'
bine fyren on wod, 'him (Heremod) 1711.
crime assaUed,' 915. wael-ftls,adj. [slaughter-ready] ex-
Jnirh-wadan, st. v., wade pecting death, 2420.
THBODGH, pierce, penetrate, 890, wsel-fyll, see wsel-feall.
1567. wsel-fyllo, St. f. slaughter-FiLL, fill

wado, etc., see wsed. of slaughter, 125.

wssccan, w. v., participle only found, wffll-tyr, St. neut., slaughter-riEE,
except in North: for other parts death-bringing fire, 2582; corpse-
wacian used of. Sieversg § 416, 5
: ;
fire, pyre, 1119.

WATCH, keep slwake, pres. part., waal-gSst, St. m., slaughter-oHosi,

nom. sg. m. wceccende, 708, ace. 1331, 1995 (see note to 1. 102).
sg. m. wseccendne 1268, wseooende, wsel-blem, st. m., slaughter-crash,
2841. terrible blow, 2969.
wseonan, st. v., intrans. [waken], wsell-seax, st. neut., slaughter-knife,
arise, spring, come, be bom, 85, deadly short-sword ; dat. sg. {with
1265, 1960; pret. pi. wooun, 60. uninfleeted adjs.) wsell-seaxe ge-

246 Beowulf
brsed biter ond beadu-scearp, drew ' Waldend, see Wealdend.
his keen and battle-sharp knife,' wald-swseV, st. neut., or
2703. wald-swa'Su, st. /., [wold-swath]
Wffilm, see wylm. forest-track, forest-path; dat. pi.
wsel-i^, m., deadly enmity, 85,
St. wald-swa^um, 1403.
2065, 3000. walu, see waal.
wsBl-rSs, St. m., [slaughter- jj^cjs] wan, v., see winnan.
deadly strife, mortal combat, 824, wan, adj., see won.
2581, 2947. wandrlan, w. v., wander, P. 36.
wSl-rap, St. m., [pool-uoPE] icicle, wang, see wong.
1610 (see note). wanian, w. v.: .

wsel-reaf, st. neut., slaughter-spoil, (1) intrans., wane, diminish, 1607.

battle-booty, plunder, 1205. (2) trans., diminish, curtail, de-
wffll-rec, m.,
St. slaughter-BEEK, crease, 1337 ; pp. gewanod, 477.

deadly fumes, 2661. wanigean, w. v., bewail, lament;

ws9l-reow, adj., slaughter-fierce, inf. gehyrdon gryre-leoS galan
fierce in strife, 629. Godes ondsacan, sige-leasne sang,
vrsel-rest, st. /., [slaughter-KESi] bed sar wanigean helle hrefton, heard '

of (violent) death, 2902. God's adversary singing his terror-

WEBl-sceaft, St. m., slaughter-SHAri, lay, his song without victory, hell's
deadly spear, 398. captive bewailing his sore,' 787.
wsel-slyUt, St. m., deadly slaughter, w3.ran, see wesan.
F. 30. [C/. O.E. slean.] warian, w. v., buabd, inhabit, 1253,
wsel-steng, st. m., slaughter-pole, 1265, 2277 (guards); pres. pi.
spear, 1638. warigeatS, 1358.
wsel-stow, St. /., slaughter-place, waxo'S, St. m., [waeth] shore, 234,
battle-field, 2051, 2984. 1965.
wgen, st. ni., wain, wagon; ace. sg. wat, etc., WOT, see witan.
walSol, adj., F. 9 (see note).
wsepen, st. neut., weapon, 250, etc.; we, pers. pron. {pi. o/io), we, 1, 260,
ace. pi. WEBpen, 292. etc.
wSpned-mon(n) ?».,, st. weaponed wea, w.m., woe, 191, etc.;
MAN, man, 1284. weana, 148, etc.
wSr, St. /., compact, treaty, 1100; wea-died, st./., deed of woe, deed of
keeping, protection, 27, 3109. evil, P. 9.
[f>.B.B. X. 511.] weal(l), St. m., gen. weaUes, dat,
wseran, etc., see wesan. wealle, ace. weal, 326 wall in its:

wsBstm, St. m., growth, form; dat. various meanings ; rampart, burgh-
pi. on weres wsestmum, in man's ' wall, 785, etc. ; wall of a building,
form,' 1352. 326, 1573; natural wall of rook,
waster, st. neut., wateb, the sea, 93, sometimes the side of a barrow or
etc. ; dat. wastere, 1425, 1656, den, 2307, 2759, 3060, etc. ; wall
2722, wffitre, 2854; instrumental of cliff, 229, etc. [From Lat.
gen. he hine eft ongon wseteres vallum.]
weorpan, 'he began again to wea-lS.f, St./., [woE-iE^nng] wretch-
sprinkle him with water,' 2791. ed remnant (of either army after
wseter-egesa, w. m., WATEu-terror, the fight in which Hnaef fell), 1084,
the terrible mere, 1260. 1098.
wseter-ylS, st.f., wATEK-wave, 2242. wealdan, st. v., with dat., gen., or
wag, St. m., wall, 995, 1662. absolutely, wield, rule, rule over,
wala, w. m., wale, 'wreath' (in govern, possess, control ; pre-
heraldry), a protecting rim or roll vail; 442, etc. penden wordum
on the outside qf the helmet weold wine Soyldinga, 'while the
(Skeat) nom. sg. ymb Jises helmes
; friend of the Soyldings still had
hrof heafod-beorge wirum bewun- power of speech,' or 'ruled with
den wala iitan heold, 'round the his word,' 30; 2574 (see note to
helmet's crown the "wreath," 11. 2573, etc ), wselsti'iwe wealdan,

wound about with wires, gave pro- ' to be masters of the field, 2984. '

tection for the head from the out- ge-wealdan, st. v., with gen.,
side,' 1031 (see note). [Cf. Goth. dat., or ace., wield, control, pos-
walus.] sess, bring about, 1509, 1554, 2703.

Glossary 247
Wealdend, Waldend, st. m. (preg. sat-wegaa, st. v., bear away,
part.), the wiELDen:, God, 1693, carry off, 1198.
etc.; often with dependent gen.,
17, wegan, st. v.
etc. ; gen. Wealdendes, 2857, Wal-
ge- wegan, st. v., engage, fight,
dendes, 2292, 3109; dat. Weal- 2400.
dende, 2329. wSg-flota, w. m., wave-ELOAier, ship,
weall, see weal. 1907.
weallan, st. «,, well, boil, be agi- wehte, see weccan.
tated, literally and figuratively; wel(l), adv., well, rightly, much,
pret. weoll, 2113, 2138, etc.; weol,
186, 289, etc.; usual form wel, but
515, etc.; pres. part, weallende, well, 2162, 2812.
847, weallinde, 2464; nom. pi. wel-hwylc, indef. adj. and pron.
neitt. weallende, 546, weallendu, I. Pron. : with gen. wel-hwyle
581. Ingelde weallalS wcel-uMas, witena, 'every councOlor,' 266;
'in Ingeld's breast deadly hatred neut. absolutely, everything, 874.
wells up,' 2065; hre«er S'Sme II. Adj. every, 1344.
weoU, 'his breast swelled with wellg, adj., wEALthy, rich, 2607.
breath,' 2593. wen, St. /., wEENing, expectation,
weall-clif, st. neat., wall-glut, sea- 383, 734, etc.: wen ic talige, 'I
eliff, 3132. reckon it a thing to be expected,'
weard, st.m., [wakd], guarlwi, 1845; dat. pi. bega on wenum,
owner, 229, 1741 (see aote), etc. ende-dogores ond eft-cymes leofes
weard, st. /., wakd, watch, 305, monnes, 'in expectation of both,
319. the day of death and the return of
weardian, w. v., wakd, guard, in- the dear man' (i.e. expecting one
dwell, 105, 1237, 2075. Especially or the other), 2895.
in the phrase last or swatSe weard- wenan, w. v., with gen., infin., clause,
ian: inf. he his folme forlet...last or absolutely : ween, expect, hope,
weardian, he left his hand behind
157, etc. ; pres. sg. 1st wen, 338,
to mark his track,' 971; so pret; 442: >Ees io wene, 'as I hope,'
weardade, 2098; pret. sg. for pi. 272; swa ie Jie wene to, 'as I
in subordinate clause, i>eet J>am expect from thee,' 1396; similarly
f rsetwum f eower mearas ... last wear- with 157-8 (see note), 525 (see
dode, 'that four horses followed note), 1272-3; with inf. ic snigra
the armour,' 2164. me weana ne wende. .bote gebidan, .

weam, st. /., refusal, 366. '

I expected not to abide the remedy
wea-spell, st. neut., woE-stKUL, of any of my woes,' 933; with gen.
tidings of woe, 1315. and clause, hig ))8es aetSelinges eft
weaxan, st. v., wax, grow, 8, 1741; ne wendon, >set he... come, 'they
3115 (see note). expected not the atheling again,
ge-weaxan, st, v., wax, grow, that he would come,' 1596.
become, 66, 1711. wendan, w. v., intrans., wend, turn,
web, St. neut., web, tapestry; nom. 1739. [Cf. Goth, wandjan.]
pi. 995. ed- wendan, w. v., intrans. turn ,

wecc(e)an, w. v., wake, rouse, stir back, desist, cease, 280 (but see
up, 2046, 3024; pret. wehte, 2854. note).
Basl-fyra maest weccan ' to kindle
. . .
ge- wendan, w. v., trans, and
the greatest of funeral piles,' 3144. intrans., turn, change, 186, 315.
[Cf. Goth, (us)-wakjan.] on-wendan, w. v., trans., turn
td- weccan, w. v., wake up, stir aside, set aside, avert, 191 sibb :

up; to-wehton, 2948. jefre ne mseg wiht onwendan, J)p,m

wedd, St. neut., pledge, 2998. iSe wel >enceS, 'naught can ever
weder, st. neut., weathek, 546; nom. set aside kinijjiip, to a right-minded
pi. weder, 1136. man,' 2601.
wegt-st. m., WAY ; in on weg, away,' ' wenian, w. v., honour, 1091.
264, etc., on wseg, F. 45. be-wenian, bi- wenian, w. v.,
weg, St. m., wave, 3132. [Cf. wseg- entertain, attend on; pp. pi. be-
(bora).] wenede, 1821; see also note to
wegan, st. v., bear, wear, wage, 3015, 1. 2035.
pres. sg. Srd wige'5, 599 ; pret. wseg, weorc, St. neut., wokk, deed, trouble,
132, etc.!; subj. pres. wege, 2252. 74, etc. ;
gen. pi. worda ond woroa.

248 Beowulf
289; wordum ne worcum, weorSian, w. v., woetht ('Lear,' ii.
1100: he J)ses gewinnes weorc 2. 128), honour, adorn, 2096, 1090,
>rowade, 'he suffered trouble for etc. pp. geweor^od, 2176
; ge- ;

that strife,' 1721; dat. pi. ad- weor«ad, 250, 1450, 1959; gewur-
verbially, weoroum, 'with diffi- «ad, 331, 1038, 1645; weorSad,
culty,' 1638; dat. (instr.) sg. 1783.
weorce, used adverbially, 'griev- weorW-lIoe, adv.
ously,' 1418. wuriSlIcor, compar., morewoKTH-
weorod, see werod. Ilt, p. 39.
weorpan, st. v., [wasp]: [Cf. Goth. weorV-lIcost, superl. most ,

wairpan.] WOKTHiLY, 3161.

(1) with ace. rei, throw, 1531. weorB-mynd, st. m. f. and neut.,
(2) with ace. pers. and gen. rei, woBship, honour, glory, 8, 65, 1559,
sprinkle, 2791. 1752 dat. pi. to worS-myndum,

(3) with dat., east forth, 2582. 'for (his) honour,' 1186.
for-weorpan, st. v., throw away; weotena, see wita.
pret. subj. forwurpe, 2872. weotian, w. v., prepare, etc.: pp. ace.
ofer-weorpan, st. v., stumble, wBelbende weotode, death-
1543 (but see note).
bands prepared, appointed, destin-

weortS, St. neut., wobth, price, pay, ed,' 1936; witod, P. 28. [Cf.
2496. Goth, witoj), 'law.']
weorS, woetht, honoured, dear;
adj., te-weotian, be-wltian, w. v.,
nom. m. weoriS Denum SB^eliug,
sg. observe, etc. : pres. pi. \>a, 'Se syn-
'the atheling dear to the Danes,' gales sele bewitia'5, 'those [wea-
1814. See also wyife. [Cf. Goth. thers, days] which continually
-wairJ)S.] observe the season,' 1135; bewiti-
weor})ra,co7repar.,worthier,1902*. ga'S sorhfulne sr5, 'make a journey
weorlSan, st. v., become, be, befall, fuU of woe,' 1428 (see note) ; pret.
happen, come, 6, etc.; ire/, wur^an, sg. ealle beweotode J>egnes ^earfe,
807 pres. pi. wurSa'S, 282 pret.
; ;
' attended to all the thane's needs,'
sg. he on fylle wearS, 'he fell,' 1796*; hord beweotode, 'watched
1544; pp. geworden, 'happened, over aboard,' 2212.
arisen,' 1304, 3078. Often with war, St. m., man, 105 (used of Gren-
predicative dat. governed by to, del), etc.; wera, 120, etc.;
and dat. pers. : ^u scealt to frofre weora, 2947. [Cf. Goth, wair.]
weortSan, .leodumjiinum, hsele'Sum
. wered, st. neut., beer, mead, 496.
to helpe, 'thou shalt be for a werede, etc., see werod.
comfort to thy people, a help to werga, adj., cursed; gen. sg. wergan
the heroes,' 1707; so also 460, gastes, 133 (Grendel: see note),
etc. [Cf. Goth. wair>an.] 1747 (the devil).
ge-weorSan, st. v. werge, etc., see wSrig.
(1) intrans., become, be, happen, wergend, st. m. (pres. part, o/werian),
3061. defender, 2882*.
(2) trans., agree about, settle; inf. werglan, w. v., weary; pp. gewergad,
tset 'Su...lete SiiS-Dene sylfe ge- 2852.
weor^an gu^e wiS Grendel, that '
werhflo, st.f., curse, damnation; ace.
thou wouldst let the South Danes sg. werhSo, 589. [Cf. Goth, war-
themselves settle their war with gi>a.]
Grendel,' 1996. werian, w. v., guard, defend, protect,
(3) impers., with gen., and follow- 453, 1205, etc.; reflex., 541; pp.
ing clause in apposition, appear, nom. pi. 238, 2529. [Cf. Goth.
seem, seem good; pret. ))a tStes wafjan.]
monige gewearlS, >8Bt..., 'then it be- werian, w. v., defend ; pret.
appeared to many that . . .
' 1598; pp. subj. beweredon, 938.
hafa^ geworden wine Scyld-
Jjses werig, adj., with gen. or dat., weary,
inga...>BBt..., 'this had seemed good 579; dat. sg. wergum, 1794; ace.
to the friend of the Scyldings, f. sg. or pi. werge, 2937.
that,' 2026. w§rig-in5d, adj., weary of mood,
weorB-full, adj. 844, 1543.
weort-fullost, swperl., [wobth- werod, weorod, st. neut., troop, band,
fullest], woKTHiest, 3099. 290, 319, 651, etc.; dat. werede,
: ;

Glossary 249
1215, 2035*; weorode, 1011, 2346; wid-weg, St. m., wide-way, way lead,
gen. pi. wereda, 2186 ; -weoroda,
ing afar, highway; ace. pi. geond
60. [Cy. O.E. wer.] wid-wegas, 'along distant ways,'
•wer-|>goa, st.f., [man-nation] people;
'far and wide,' 840, 1704.
ace. pi. ofer wer-Jieode, 'through-
wif, st.neut., wiB'E, woman, 615, etc.
out the nations of men,' 899. Wif-lUfU, Wif-lUfe, 10. /., WEPE-LOVE,
wesan, irreg. v., be, 272, etc.; pres. love for one's wife, 2065. [See
sg. 3rd is, 256, 1761, etc. ys, 2093,
; Sievers3§218, N. 1.]
2910, 2999, 3084; pres. pi. sint, wig, St. m. or neut.
388 synt, 260, 342, 864 syndon,
; ;
(1) war, battle, 28, 65, etc. dat.;

287, 257, etc. ; pres. subj. sg. sie, and instr. wigge, 1656, 1770 (see
435, etc.; sy, 1881^, etc.; sig, 1778, note), 1783.
etc. ; pret. pi. wseron, 233, etc.
(2) war-prowess, valour, might,
w»ran, 2475, waran, 1015*; im- 350, 1042, 2323, 2348.
perat. sg. wes, 269, etc., wses, 407. wiga, w. m., warrior, 629, etc.
Negative forms : pres. sg. 3rd nis, [P.B.B. X. 511.]
249, etc. ; pret: sg. 1st and 3rd wigan, St. v., war, fight, 2509. .

nses, 134, etc.; pret. pi. nsron, wlg-bealu, St. neut., war-BAUE, the
2657 ; pret. subj. sg. nsere, 860, etc. evils" of war, 2046.
Special usages wig-bil, .St. neut., war-EiLL, war-
(1) Omission of infin. 617, 1857, sword, 1607.
2363, 2497, 2659 ; also 992, 2256. wlg-bord, St. neut., [war-soAKo] war-
(2)Forming, with a pres. part., an shield, 2339.
imperf. tense: secgende wsbs, 'was wig-oraeft, st. m., war-CKAFT, war-
saying,' 8028. might, 2953.
weste, adj. , waste; ace. sg. m. westne, wlg-crseftig, adj., war-OKAFTY,
2456. mighty in battle, 1811.
westen, st. m. and neut., waste, Trtgend, st. m. (pres. part.), warrior,
1265; dat. westenne, 2298 (see 3099; ace. sing, or pi. wigend,
note). 3024, nom. pi. wigend, 1125,
wic, St. neut., [wick] dwelling, 821, 1814, 3144, gen. pi. wigendra,
etc.; often in pi., 125, etc.; dat. 429, etc.
pi. wicun, 1304. [Lat. vicus.] wig-freoa, w. m., war-wolf, warrior,
wican, St. V. 1212, 2496.
ge-wlcan, st. v., intrans., weak- wIg-Jtuma, w.m. ,war-ohief ,664, 2261.
en, give way, 2577, 2629. wigge, see wig.
wlcg, St. neut., horse, steed, 284, wig-getawa, st. f. pi., war-equip-
286, 1400, etc.; pi. wieg, 2174. ments, 368. [See gdV-geatwa.]
[Cf. O.E. wegan, 'carry.'] wig-giyre, st. m., war-terror, 1284.
wic-stede, st. m., [wick-stead] dwel- wig-heafola, w. m., [war-head] war-
ling-place, 2462, 2607. helmet, 2661.
wid, adj., WIDE, extended, long, of wig-heap, st. m., war-HEAP, band of
space and time, 877, 933, 1859, etc. warriors, 477.
Trid-cflS, adj., [wide-couth] widely wig-iete, st. m., war-HATE, 2120.
known, 1256, etc.; gen. absolutely wig-hryre, st. m., [war-falling]
wId-cu'Ses (i.e. Hrothgar), 1042. slaughter, 1619.
wide, adv., widely, 18, etc.; quali- wig-sigor, St. m. or -neut., war-
fying a superlative, wide marost, victory, 1554.
'the most famous far and wide,' wig-sped, ^st. f. war-SPEED, success

898. in war, 697.

widre, compar.; widre gewin- wigrtlg, see witig.
dan, 'to flee away more widely, wig-weorSung, st. /., idol-wonship,
escape further,' 763. sacrifice, 176. [P.B.B. x. 511.
wlde-ferhU, st. m., [wroE-life], only Cf. Goth, weihs, 'holy.']
used as ace. of time, for a long time, wiht,
from generation to generation, I. St. /., WIGHT, being, crea-
702*, 987, 1222. ture, 120 (see note), 3038.
wid-floga, w. m., wiDE-j-iier (the II. St. f. neut., WHIT, auOHT,
dragon), 2346, 2830. 2601 (see onwendan), 1660, 2857

widre, see wide. (see note) ; aee. for wiht, for '

wid-scofeu, see under sctlfan. aught,' 2348; with gen., 581.

; : ;

250 Beowulf
in. Adverbial use, aoGHT, at wind-blond, st. neut., \yiiKi)-BLEND]
all; almost always negative (with tumult of winds, 3146.
ne), naught, noT at all, no whit. wlnd-geard, st. m., dwelling of the
(1) Ace, with ne or no: 541, 862, winds, 1224.
etc. ; no hine wiht dwelelS adl ne wind-gerest, st. /., [wind-eest] wind-
yldo, ' aiokness or age hinders swept resting-place, 2456 (see
him not a whit,' 1735. note).
(2) Dat. ; with ne, 186, 1514, etc. wlndig, adj., windy; pi. windige,
affirmatively, 1991. 572, 1358.
wll-ciuna, w. m., [wiLL-coMer] wel- wine, St. m., friend, esp. friend and
come guest, 388, 394, 1894. lord, friendly ruler, 30, 148, 170
wU-deor (= wild deor), st. neut., gen. pi. winigea, 1664 ; winia,
[WEDD deek] wild beast, 1430. 2567.
wile, see wUlan. wine-dryhten, wine-drihten, st. m.,
wil-geofa, w. m., wiLL-Gzrer, joy- friend-lord, friend and lord, friend-
giver, 2900. ly ruler, 360, 862, 1604, etc.
wil-gesi'S, St. m., [wiLL-companion] wlne-geomor, adj. , friend-sad,
willing or loved companion, 23. mourning for the loss of friends,
willa, w, m., will, wish, desire, 2289.
desirable thing ; joy, pleasure wine-leas, adj., friendLESs, 2613.
sake : 626, etc. ; dat. sg. to wO- wine-mSg, st. m., friend-kinsman,
lan, 'for his pleasure,' 1186; anes relative and friend, loyal subject;
willan, for the sake of one,' 3077
pi. wine-magas, 65.
gen. pi. wilna, 660, 950, 1344; winia, winigea, see wine.
dat. pi. willum, according to our
winnan, st. v., [win] strive, fight,
wishes,' 1821; so sylfes willum, 113, 506; pret. sg. 3rd wan, 144,
2222, 2639. [Gf. Goth, wilja.] 151, won, 1132 ; pi. wunnon, 777.
willan, irreg. v., will: pres. sg. \st win-reced, st. neut., wiNE-house,
wille, 318, 344, etc.; wylle, 947, etc. wine-hall, 714, 993.
2nd wylt, 1852; 3rd! wile, 346; win-sele, st. m., wiNE-hall, 695, 771,
wyle, 2864; wiUe, 442, 1371, etc.; 2456.
wylle, 2766; pi. wyUa«, 1818. winter, st. m., winter, year, 1128,
Negative forms : nelle = ne -t- wille, etc. ;
gen. sg. wintrys, 516 ; pi.
679,2524; nolde=ue-hwolde, 706, wintra, 147, etc.
791, 2518, etc. With omission of wir, St. m., wiee, wire-work, filagree,
inf. no ic fram him wolde, 543. 1031, 2413.
wilnlan, w. v., desire, 188. wis, adj., WISE, 1413, 1845, 3094
wil-si'S, St. m., [wiLL-joumey] willing (see note), etc. Weak forms: nom.
journey, 216. m. wisa, 1400, 1698, 2329; aec.
win, St. neut., wine, 1162, 1233, sg. wisan, 1318.
1467. [From Lat. vlnum.] wisa, w. m., wise one, guide, 259.
wia-sern, st. neut., wiNE-hall, 654. Tris-dom, St. m., wisdom, 350, 1959.
wind, St. m., wind, 217, etc. wise, w. /., WISE, fashion; instru-
wln-deeg, st. m., strife-UAY, day of mental ace. (Grein), eald,e wIsan,
strife, 1062. '
in the old fashion,' 1865.
windan, st. v., intrans., wind, twist, wis-fsest, adj., [wise-past] wise, 626.
212, 1119, 1193, etc. pp. dat. sg.; wis-hycgende, adj. (pres. part.),
wundini golde, ' with twisted gold,' wiSE-thinking, 2716.
1382 (see note). wisian, w. v., with ace. rei, dat.
set- windan, st. v., with dat. pers., or absolutely, [make wise]
pers., WIND away, escape, 143. point out, show ; direct, guide,
be- windan, st. v., wind about, lead 2409, etc. ; pres. sg. 1st

brandish, enclose, grasp, mingle, wisige, 292, etc. ; pret. sg. wisode,
1031, 1461, etc.; pp. galdre be- 320, 402, etc. wisade, 208 (see

wunden, ' wound about with in- note to 1. 209), etc.

cantation, encompassed with a, wisse, see witan.
spell,' 3052. wist, St. (from wesan)
ge-windan, st. v., intrans., (1) weal, 128, 1735.
WIND, turn, flee away, 763, 1001. (2) meal; possibly 128, but see
on-wlndan, st. v., djovind, note.
1610. wiste, wist, see witan.
:; ;

Glossary 251
wlst-fyllo, food-riLL, abund-
St. /., wilS, prep, with dat. and ace., with
ant meal gen. sg. wist-fylle, 734.
; (with ace. 152, etc., with dat. 113,
wit, St. neut., wit, 589. etc.), can often be rendered by Mod.
wit, pers. pron. (dual of io), we two, Eng. 'with,' especially with verbs
535, etc. denoting strife, such as winnau,
wita, IV. m., wise man, councillor, 152 ; but against ' is a rendering

pi. the wiTAN, 778 wltena, more generally satisfactory, 326,
157, etc., weotena^ 1098. etc. ; sometimes towards (ace.) 155,
witan, pret. pres. v., [wit] know, 1864; iy (ace), 2013, 2566; from
764, 1863, 2519, etc. pres. sg. 1st ; (dat.), 827, 2423. With ace. and
and 3rd wat, 1331, etc. negative, ; dat. in the same sentence : 424-6
nat, 681, etc.; 2nd wast, 272; gesset >a witS sylfne...mfflg wi^
pret. sg. 1st' and 3rd wiste, 646, mffige, he sat then by [the king]

etc.; wisse, 169, etc.; pret. pi., himself, kinsman with kinsman,'
wiston, 181, etc. ; wisson, 246 1977-8 wi« duru healle, to the
: '

to ^8BS '5e he eorlS-sele anne door of the hall,' 389* wi'S earm ;

wisse, to where he knew that

gesset (see note to
1. 749) forborn ;

earth-hall to be, knew of that bord wi^ rond[e], the shield was

earth-hall,' 2410 ; so, 715 ; pres. burnt up to the boss,' 2673; wiS
sg. 1st, io on Higelace wat..,J)£et Hrefnawudu, 'by (over against)
he, 'I know concerning Hygelac, Eavenswood,' 2925.
that he,' 1880*; negative, soea- wifler-rselites, adv., opposite, 3039.
•Sona io nat hwilc, ' I know not wHSre, St. neut., resistance, 2953.
which of scatters, some foe,' 274; wlanc, see wlonc.
Srd, God wat on mec (ace), Jpset wlatlan, w. v., look, look for, 1916.
me is miole leofre, God knows '
[C/. Goth, wlaiton, 'to look round '].
concerning me that I would much in-wlatlan, w. v., to gaze in,
rather,' 2650. 2226*.
ge-witan, pret.-pres. v., know, wlenco, st.f., pride, bravado, daring;
1350. dat. wlenco, 338, 1206, wlenoe,
witan, St. v., with ace. rei and dat. 508.
pers., [wite] reproach, blame, wlitan, St. v., gaze, look, 1572, 1592;
2741. pret. pi. wlitan, 2852.
set-witan, st. v., with ace. rei, giond-wlitan, si.j;., look through,
TWIT, blame, charge pret. pi. ;
view thoroughly, 2771.
setwiton weana dSl, charged [him] ' wUte, St. TO., countenance, 250. [Cf.
with their many woes,' 1150. Goth, wlits.]
o'S- witan, with ace. rei
st. v., wlite-beorlit, adj., of eeight aspect,
and dat. pers., reproach inf. ne ; 93.
^orfte him ISa lean olSwitan mon wllte-seon, st.f., sight, 1650.
on middan-gearde, no man on ' wlitig, adj., beautiful, 1662.
earth needed to reproach him (or wlonc, wlanc, adj., proud, 331, 341,
them: see note) with those re- 2833, 2953 with dat. sese wlanc,

wards,' 2995. 'carrion-proud,' 1332.

gewitan, st. v., depart, go, 42, 115, w5c, see wsecnan.
123, 210 (see note), etc.; often woh, adj., crooked, wrong; dat. pi.
with reflex dat. 26, 662, 1125, etc. him bebeorgan ne con wom wun-
often followed by inf. {in many dor-bebodum wergan gastes, he '

cases best rendered by a pres. part.) knows not how to protect himself
234, 291, 853, 2387, etc. pp., dat. ;
against the crooked wondrous com-
sg. m., i>8et 'Su me a wsere fort! mands of the cursed spirit,' 1747
gewitenum on feeder stsele, that ' (if so punctuated, but see note).
thou wouldst aye be to me when woh-bogen, adj. (pp.), orooked-
dead in a father's place,' 1479. Bowed, coiled, 2827.
wltian, see weotian. woloen, St. neut., welkin, cloud;
witig, adj., WITTY, wise (applied to dat. pi. wolcnum, 8, etc.
the Deity), 685, etc. ; wigtig, 1841. wolde, pret. of wUlan.
[P.B.B. X. 511.] woUen-teare, adj., with WELL'mg
witnian, w. punish, torment; pp.
v., TEAES, 3032.
wommum gewitnad, tormented ' wSm, see w5h.
with plagues,' 3073. wonun, St. m., spot, plague, 3073.

252 Beowulf
won, v., see wiunan. make abstract nouns); ace. sg.,
•won, wan, adj., [wan] dark, 702, 1142 (see note).
1374; rwm. pi. neut., wan, 651; worSlg, St. m., homestead, court,
weak form wonna, 3024, 3115. precincts, street, 1972.
wong, wang, st. m., plain, meadow, wortJ-mynd, see weorU-mynd.
93, etc. woruld-candel, st. /., wokld-candle,
wong-Btede, st. m., [plain-STEAD] the sun, 1965.
ehampaign spot, 2786. wonild-ende, st,m., woeld-enb, the
won-hyd, st.f. [wan-, i.e. un-thought]
end of the world, 3083.
carelessness, rashness, 434. wracu, St. /., revenge ace. sg. ;

wonn, 3154 (see note to 11. 3150, etc.). wrffice, 2336. [Of. Goth, wraka.]
won-sffllig, adj., unhappy; won-sSli, wrSc, St. neut., wback, misery,
105. exile, 170, 3078.
won-sceaft, st. /., [wAN-sji^iping] wrsBcca, see wreooa.
misery, 120. wrsece, see wracu.
wop, St. wEEPing, 128, 785,
m., wrSc-last, st. m., exile-track, path
3146. O.E. wepan.]
[C/. of exiles, 1352.
wore, see weoro. wrsBC-msecg, st. m., banished man,
word, St. neut., wokd, 30, etc. The exile, 2379.
dat. pi. is common with verbs of wrsBC-siS, St. m., WB^cx-journey,
saying: 176, 388, 1193, 2795, exile, 2292 ; dat. pi. nalles for
3175. wrsBc-silSum ac for hige->rymmum,
word-cwlde, -owyde, st. m., woed- '
by no means because of banish-
saying, speech, 1841, 1845, 2753. ment, but out of magnanimity,'
word-gyd, st. neut., woBD-lay, dirge, 338.
3172. wrset, st.f,, ornament, jewel; ace.
word-hord, st. neut., wokd-hoaed, ijZ.jwrjete, 2771*, 3060*;
259. wrjetta, 2413 ; dat. pi. wrattum,
word-rilit, st. neut., [wobd-kight] 1531.
right or befitting word, 2631. wrsBt-lic, adj., ornamental, curiously
worlite, see wyroan. wrought, splendid, wondrous, 891,
worn, St. multitude, number,
m., 1489, etc.
264 ; ace. sg. Jjonne he wintrum wrat!, adj., weoth, hostile, abso-
Irod worn gemunde, when he, ' lutely, foe; 319, 660, etc.
old in years, remembered the num- wralSe, adv., amiss, 2872.
ber [of them],' or 'remembered wralS-lice, adv., weothly, wrath-
many a thing,' 2114. Qualified fuUy, 3062.
by tela, or eall nom. sg. worn fela,
: wrecan, st. v., with ace, wreak,
a great number,' 1783 ; ace. sg. drive, drive out, utter, avenge,
})fl worn fela,..ymb Breean sprfflce, 423, 1278, etc. ; often wrecan gid,
' thou hast said a great deal about spel, etc., 'utter, rehearse a lay,
Breca,' 530 ; eal-fela eald-gesegena legend, or tale,' 873, etc. : subj.
worn, ' a very great number of old pres. Jjonne he gyd wreoe, ' [that]
tales,' 870; worn eall gesprsee then he should utter a dirge,'
gomol, the aged one spake very
2446; pret. sg. ferh ellen wrsec,
many things,' 3094. Similarly in 'strength drove out life,' 2706
gen. pi. governed by fela with gen. : (see note); pp. wearB...on bid
sg. worna fela...sorge, very much ' wrecen, was driven to bay,' 2962.

sorrow,' 2003; with gen. pi. worna a- wrecan, st. v., tell ; with ace,
fela...gutSa, 'very many wars,' gid, 1724, 2108.
2542. for-wrecan,- st. v., with ace,
worold, St. /., woELD, 60, etc.; gm. drive away, banish, 109, 1919.
sg. worulde, 2343, worlds, 2711; ge-wreean, st. v., usu. with ace,
his worulde gedal, his severance ' WEEAK, avenge, 107, 3062, etc.
from the world,' 3068. »pret. pi. gewTffican, 2479 ; with
worold-ar, st. /., woKiiD-honour, 17. reflex, ace 2875 ; absolutely, he
worold-cynlng, wymld-cynlng, st. gewrffic sy^an, he took ven-

m., woBLD-KiNO, mighty king, geance afterwards,' 2395.

1684, 3180. wrecca, w. m., weetch, exile, wan-
worold-rssden, st. /., the way of the derer, adventurer, 898, 1137, F.
woBLD (rffiden, ' condition,' used to 27*; dat. wxsBcean, 2613*.
; :

Glossary 253
wiecend, st. m. {pres.part.), wEEAKer, wundor-dSa?, st. m., wondee-death,
avenger, 1256. wondrous death, 3037.
wreoVen-Iiilt, adj., with wEEAiHed wundor-Iic, adj., [wondeklike] won-
or twisted hilt, 1698. drous, 1440.
wxidlan, w. v., grow, 1741. [P.B.B. wondor-sion, st. /., woNDEK-sight,
X. 511.] wondrous sight, 995.
wiitan, St. v., WHITE, engrave, 1688. wundor-smi'S, st.m., wonder-smith,
for-wiitan, st. v., cut asunder, mystic-smith, 1681.
2705. wundur-maWum, st. m., wonder-
wiiSan, with ace, [writhe]
st. v., jewel, wondrous jewel, 2173.
bind, 964; bind up, 2982. wunian, w. v., [won] :

wrixl, st.f. orneut., exchange, 2969. (1) intrans. dwell, remain, 284,
wrizlan, w. v., with dat. wordum, 1128, etc.; with dat. wicum wu-
exchange, interchange, words,'
' nian, 3083.
366, 874. (2) trans, indwell, inhabit, 1260,
wroht, m. and f., strife, contest,
St. 2902.
2287, 2473, 2913. [C/. Goth. ge-wunian, w. v., with ace.,
wrohs, ' accusation.'] dwell remain with
with, ; suij.
wudu, St. m. WOOD
, : pres. pi. gewunigen, 22.
(1) a wood, 1364, 1416. -WTirtSad, see weorSian.
(2) a spear ; ace. pi. wudu, 398. wvirSan, see weorSan.
(3) a ship, 216, 298, 1919 nom. ; wurtjlic, see weorSlic.
sg. wudu wunden-hals. =
wutun, uton, let us, with foil, inf.,
wudu-rec, st. m., wood-beek, smoke, 1390, 2648, 3101. [Cf. O.E. ge-
3144*. witan. ]
wuldor, St. neut., glory; gen. sg. wyle, wfOaX, wylle, wylt, see
wuldres, 17, etc. [C/. Goth. wUlau.
wuljirs.] wylm, wsalm, st. m., surge, flood,

WTildor-torlit, adj., glory-bright; pi. 516, etc. [See Sieversj, § 159,

1136. 1 and 2.]
Wuldur-cjming, st.m., Glory-KINO, wyn-leaa, adj., joyiESs, 821, 1416.
the Emg of glory, 279S. wynn, st.f., joy, 1080, etc.
wulf, St. m., WOLF, 3027. wyn-sum, adj., winsome, joyous,
wulf-Mi'S, St. neut., woLF-slope; ace. 1919 neut. pi. wynsume, 612.

pi. wulf-hletfSu, 1358. wyroan, w. v., wobk pret. worhte, ;

wund, st.f., WOUND, 2711, etc.; ace. WBOUGHT [Of. Goth, waiirkjan]
sg. wunde, 2725, etc. (1) with aee. work, make, 92, 930,
wand, adj., wonuoed, 565, etc. 1452 pret. part. pi. {as adj.) ' dis-

wunden-feax, adj., with wound, i.e. posed,' feeste geworhte, steadfast,' '

twisted, hair, 1400. 1864.

WTinden-hals, adj. [wouND-neck] with ,
(2) with gen. achieve subj. pres. ;

twisted or curved prow, 298. wyrce se )>e mote domes, ' achieve

wunden-mSl, st. neut., [wound- glory he who may,' 1387.

he-wyrcan, w. v., surround,
sword] sword with winding, curv-
ornaments, 1531*-
ing, 3161.
wunden-stefna, w. m., [wound-stem] ge-wyro(e)an, w. v., trans., wobk,
ship with twisted or curved stem, accomplish, achieve, 635, 1491,
1660 subj. pret. pi. geworhton,
neut., wondeb-vat, 3096 ge,wyrcean J>8et, bring it '

wunder-fset, st. ;

wondrous vessel; dat. pi. 1162. about that,' 20.

wiuidini, see windan. wyrd, St. /., WEiBD, fate, 455, 477,
wundor, st. neut., wondek, 771, etc.
nom. wundur, wyrdan, w. v., destroy; pret. sg.
monster, 1509 : ace.
3062, etc.; ace. wunder, wyrde, 1337.
a-wyrdan, w. v. destroy, 1113.
931; dat. wundre, 931; gen.*^.
wyrm, st. m., wokm, dragon, 886,
wundra, 1607 dat. pi. adverbially,

1452, etc.
wundrum, ' wondrous(ly),'
2687*. wyrm-cynn, tt. neut.,
serpent kind, 1425.
wundor-tebod, st. neut., wondee-
wyrm-filli, adj.jWOEM-adorned, snake-
command, wondrous command,
adorned, 1698.
; : ,

254 Beowulf
wyrm-hord, et. nmt., woem-hoabd, gen. pi. ymb-sittendra, 9; ymbe-
dragon's hoard, 2221. sittendra, 2734.
wyrnan, w. v. [from weam]. yppe, w.f., high seat, throne, 1815.
for-wyrnan, w. v., refuse, 429, [From up.]
1142. yrfe, st. neut., heritage, 3051. [Cf.
wyrp, st.f., change, 1315. Goth, arbi.]
wyrpan, w. v. [from weorpan]. yrfe-iaf, st.f., heirloom, 1053, 1903.
ge-wyrpan, w, v., recover; with yrfe-weard, st. m., heir, 2731 ; gen.
reft,, ace. 2976. sg. yrfe-weardas, 2453 (see note).
wyrsa, adj. compar. (o/yfel), wobse, yrmlSo, st. f. misery ; ace. yrm'Se,

1212, etc. gen. pi. wyrsan, 525

; ; 1259, 2005. [From earm.]
neut. ace. sg. absolutely, Jjset wyrse, yrre, st. neut., anger, 711, 2092.
1739. [Cf. Goth, wairsiza.] yrre, eorre, adj., angry, 769, 1532,
wyrt, st.f., [wokt] root, 1364. etc. ; gen. sg. used subtantively
wyrlJe, adj., worthy, 368, 2185. eorres, of the angry one,' 1447.

wyilSra, compar., worthier, 861. [Cf. Goth, alrzeis.]

See also weortS. yire-m5d, adj. , angry in mood, angry-
wyruld-, see worold-. minded, 726.
wyscan, w. v., wish ; pret, pi, wiston, yrrtnga, adv., angrily, 1565, 2964.
1604 (see note). ys, see wesan.
fS, St. /., wave, 548, etc. ; ace. sg.
orpl.yiSe, 46, 1132, 1909.
ylSan, to. v., destroy, 421. [Cf. Goth.
&u>s, 'desert.']
yBe, 1002, 2415, see ealSe.
ytel, St. neut., evil ; gen. pi. yfla, ySe-Uce, adv., easily, 1556 (see
2094. [Cf. Goth, ubils.] note).
ylca, pron., the same, ilk, 2239. ylS-geblond, -gebland, st. neut.,
yldan, w. v., delay, put off, tarry BLENBing of waves, surge, 1378,
inf. 739 [from eald]. 1593 pi. 1620.

ylde, elde, st. m. pi., men, 70, 77, yS-gesene, see elS-ges^e.
150, etc.; dat. eldum, 2214, 2814, ^-gewinn, st. neut., wave-strife,
2611, 3168. 1434, 2412.
yldesta, see eald. yB-lad, St. /., [wave-LODE] wave-path,
yldo, st.f., [eld] age, old age, 1736, way over the sea ; pi. 228.
etc. ; dat. ylde, 22, eldo, 2111. y8-iaf, [wave-iEJFing] what
St. /.,

yldra, see eald. is left or thrown up by the waves,

ylfe, St. m. pi., elves, 112. the foreshore, 566.
ymt, ymbe, prep., with ace., about, ylS-lida, w. m., wave-sailer, ship,
around, concerning, local, tem- 198. [Cf. U«an, to go.'] '

poral, denoting object, etc., 899, ^an, eawan, eowan, w. v.

etc. following its case, 689 ymb
; ; (1) trans, show; pres. sg. eawe^,
ane niht, 'after one night,' 135, 276; pret. ywde, 2884.
and cf. note to 1. 219. (2) intrans. appear ; pres. sg.
ymbe, adv., about, around, 2597. eowe«, 1738.
ymbe-sittend, ymb-sittend, st. m. ge-ywan, ge-eawan, w. v., pre-
(pres.2)ar{.),[about-siTTing] neigh- sent, proffer, 2149 pp. ge-eawed,

bour; nom.yZ. ymbe-sittend, 1827; 1194.


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