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DSpace Manual

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DSpace 6.

x Documentation

DSpace 6.x

Author: The DSpace Developer Team

Date: 24 October 2016

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ___________________________________________________________________________ 7
1.1 Release Notes ____________________________________________________________________ 8
1.1.1 6.0 Release Notes ___________________________________________________________ 8
1.2 Functional Overview _______________________________________________________________ 16
1.2.1 Online access to your digital assets ____________________________________________ 17
1.2.2 Metadata Management ______________________________________________________ 19
1.2.3 Licensing _________________________________________________________________ 21
1.2.4 Persistent URLs and Identifiers ________________________________________________ 22
1.2.5 Getting content into DSpace __________________________________________________ 24
1.2.6 Getting content out of DSpace ________________________________________________ 27
1.2.7 User Management __________________________________________________________ 29
1.2.8 Access Control ____________________________________________________________ 30
1.2.9 Usage Metrics _____________________________________________________________ 31
1.2.10 Digital Preservation ________________________________________________________ 33
1.2.11 System Design ___________________________________________________________ 34
2 Installing DSpace ______________________________________________________________________ 37
2.1 For the Impatient _________________________________________________________________ 38
2.2 Hardware Recommendations ________________________________________________________ 38
2.3 Prerequisite Software ______________________________________________________________ 38
2.3.1 UNIX-like OS or Microsoft Windows ____________________________________________ 39
2.3.2 Java JDK 7 or 8 (OpenJDK or Oracle JDK) ______________________________________ 39
2.3.3 Apache Maven 3.0.5 or above (Java build tool) ___________________________________ 40
2.3.4 Apache Ant 1.8 or later (Java build tool) _________________________________________ 41
2.3.5 Relational Database: (PostgreSQL or Oracle) ____________________________________ 41
2.3.6 Servlet Engine (Apache Tomcat 7 or later, Jetty, Caucho Resin or equivalent) ___________ 43
2.4 Installation Instructions _____________________________________________________________ 45
2.4.1 Overview of Install Options ___________________________________________________ 45
2.4.2 Overview of DSpace Directories _______________________________________________ 46
2.4.3 Installation ________________________________________________________________ 46
2.5 Advanced Installation ______________________________________________________________ 56
2.5.1 'cron' jobs / scheduled tasks __________________________________________________ 56
2.5.2 Multilingual Installation ______________________________________________________ 56
2.5.3 DSpace over HTTPS ________________________________________________________ 57
2.5.4 The Handle Server _________________________________________________________ 62
2.5.5 Google and HTML sitemaps __________________________________________________ 65
2.5.6 Statistics _________________________________________________________________ 66
2.6 Windows Installation _______________________________________________________________ 66
2.7 Checking Your Installation __________________________________________________________ 67
2.8 Known Bugs _____________________________________________________________________ 67

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2.9 Common Problems ________________________________________________________________ 67

2.9.1 Common Installation Issues __________________________________________________ 68
2.9.2 General DSpace Issues _____________________________________________________ 69
3 Upgrading DSpace ____________________________________________________________________ 71
3.1 Release Notes / Significant Changes __________________________________________________ 72
3.2 Backup your DSpace ______________________________________________________________ 73
3.3 Update Prerequisite Software (as necessary) ___________________________________________ 74
3.4 Upgrade Steps ___________________________________________________________________ 75
3.5 Troubleshooting Upgrade Issues _____________________________________________________ 82
3.5.1 Manually Upgrading Solr Indexes ______________________________________________ 82
4 Using DSpace ________________________________________________________________________ 84
4.1 Authentication and Authorization _____________________________________________________ 84
4.1.1 Authentication Plugins _______________________________________________________ 84
4.1.2 Embargo ________________________________________________________________ 106
4.1.3 Managing User Accounts ___________________________________________________ 127
4.1.4 Request a Copy __________________________________________________________ 131
4.2 Exporting Content and Metadata ____________________________________________________ 140
4.2.1 OAI ____________________________________________________________________ 140
4.2.2 Exchanging Content Between Repositories _____________________________________ 159
4.2.3 SWORDv1 Client _________________________________________________________ 160
4.2.4 Linked (Open) Data ________________________________________________________ 161
4.3 Ingesting Content and Metadata ____________________________________________________ 173
4.3.1 Submission User Interface __________________________________________________ 174
4.3.2 Configurable Workflow _____________________________________________________ 216
4.3.3 Importing and Exporting Content via Packages __________________________________ 230
4.3.4 Importing and Exporting Items via Simple Archive Format __________________________ 237
4.3.5 Registering Bitstreams via Simple Archive Format ________________________________ 250
4.3.6 Importing Items via basic bibliographic formats (Endnote, BibTex, RIS, TSV, CSV) and online
services (OAI, arXiv, PubMed, CrossRef, CiNii) ___________________________________________ 253
4.3.7 Importing Community and Collection Hierarchy __________________________________ 264
4.3.8 SWORDv1 Server _________________________________________________________ 266
4.3.9 SWORDv2 Server _________________________________________________________ 273
4.3.10 Ingesting HTML Archives __________________________________________________ 284
4.4 Items and Metadata ______________________________________________________________ 285
4.4.1 Authority Control of Metadata Values __________________________________________ 285
4.4.2 Batch Metadata Editing _____________________________________________________ 289
4.4.3 DOI Digital Object Identifier __________________________________________________ 298
4.4.4 Item Level Versioning ______________________________________________________ 309
4.4.5 Mapping Items ____________________________________________________________ 319
4.4.6 Metadata Recommendations ________________________________________________ 321
4.4.7 Moving Items _____________________________________________________________ 323
4.4.8 ORCID Integration _________________________________________________________ 323
4.4.9 PDF Citation Cover Page ___________________________________________________ 336

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4.4.10 Updating Items via Simple Archive Format _____________________________________ 339

4.5 Managing Community Hierarchy ____________________________________________________ 342
4.5.1 Sub-Community Management _______________________________________________ 342
4.6 Statistics and Metrics _____________________________________________________________ 344
4.6.1 DSpace Google Analytics Statistics ___________________________________________ 344
4.6.2 Elasticsearch Usage Statistics _______________________________________________ 346
4.6.3 SOLR Statistics ___________________________________________________________ 350
4.7 User Interfaces __________________________________________________________________ 370
4.7.1 Discovery _______________________________________________________________ 370
4.7.2 Localization L10n _________________________________________________________ 393
4.7.3 JSPUI Configuration and Customization ________________________________________ 398
4.7.4 XMLUI Configuration and Customization _______________________________________ 400
5 System Administration _________________________________________________________________ 470
5.1 Introduction to DSpace System Administration _________________________________________ 470
5.2 AIP Backup and Restore __________________________________________________________ 471
5.2.1 Background & Overview ____________________________________________________ 472
5.2.2 Running the Code _________________________________________________________ 477
5.2.3 Command Line Reference __________________________________________________ 490
5.2.4 Configuration in 'dspace.cfg' _________________________________________________ 496
5.2.5 Common Issues or Error Messages ___________________________________________ 500
5.2.6 DSpace AIP Format _______________________________________________________ 501
5.3 Ant targets and options ___________________________________________________________ 520
5.3.1 Options _________________________________________________________________ 520
5.3.2 Targets _________________________________________________________________ 521
5.4 Command Line Operations ________________________________________________________ 522
5.4.1 Executing command line operations ___________________________________________ 522
5.4.2 Available operations _______________________________________________________ 523
5.4.3 Executing streams of commands _____________________________________________ 524
5.4.4 Database Utilities _________________________________________________________ 525
5.5 Mediafilters for Transforming DSpace Content _________________________________________ 526
5.5.1 MediaFilters: Transforming DSpace Content ____________________________________ 526
5.5.2 ImageMagic Media Filters ___________________________________________________ 532
5.6 Performance Tuning DSpace _______________________________________________________ 534
5.6.1 Review the number of DSpace webapps you have installed in Tomcat ________________ 535
5.6.2 Give Tomcat (DSpace UIs) More Memory ______________________________________ 535
5.6.3 Choosing the size of memory spaces allocated to DSpace _________________________ 537
5.6.4 Give the Command Line Tools More Memory ___________________________________ 538
5.6.5 Give PostgreSQL Database More Memory ______________________________________ 539
5.6.6 SOLR Statistics Performance Tuning __________________________________________ 540
5.7 Scheduled Tasks via Cron _________________________________________________________ 540
5.7.1 Recommended Cron Settings ________________________________________________ 540
5.8 Search Engine Optimization ________________________________________________________ 543
5.8.1 Ensuring your DSpace is indexed _____________________________________________ 543

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5.8.2 Google Scholar Metadata Mappings ___________________________________________ 550

5.9 Troubleshooting Information ________________________________________________________ 551
5.10 Validating CheckSums of Bitstreams ________________________________________________ 552
5.10.1 Checksum Checker _______________________________________________________ 552
6 DSpace Development _________________________________________________________________ 557
6.1 Advanced Customisation __________________________________________________________ 557
6.1.1 Additions module __________________________________________________________ 557
6.1.2 Maven WAR Overlays ______________________________________________________ 557
6.1.3 DSpace Source Release ____________________________________________________ 557
6.1.4 DSpace Service Manager ___________________________________________________ 558
6.2 REST API ______________________________________________________________________ 561
6.2.1 What is DSpace REST API __________________________________________________ 561
6.2.2 Introduction to Jersey for developers __________________________________________ 570
6.2.3 Configuration for DSpace REST ______________________________________________ 570
6.2.4 Recording Proxy Access by Tools ____________________________________________ 571
6.2.5 Additional Information ______________________________________________________ 571
6.2.6 REST Based Quality Control Reports __________________________________________ 571
6.3 Curation System _________________________________________________________________ 590
6.3.1 Changes in 1.8 ___________________________________________________________ 591
6.3.2 Tasks ___________________________________________________________________ 591
6.3.3 Activation ________________________________________________________________ 592
6.3.4 Writing your own tasks _____________________________________________________ 592
6.3.5 Task Invocation ___________________________________________________________ 593
6.3.6 Asynchronous (Deferred) Operation ___________________________________________ 597
6.3.7 Task Output and Reporting __________________________________________________ 597
6.3.8 Task Properties ___________________________________________________________ 598
6.3.9 Task Annotations _________________________________________________________ 600
6.3.10 Scripted Tasks __________________________________________________________ 601
6.3.11 Bundled Tasks __________________________________________________________ 602
6.3.12 Curation tasks in Jython ___________________________________________________ 611
6.4 Date parser tester ________________________________________________________________ 613
6.5 Services to support Alternative Identifiers _____________________________________________ 613
6.5.1 Versioning and Identifier Service _____________________________________________ 614
6.6 Batch Processing ________________________________________________________________ 618
6.7 Extensible control panel ___________________________________________________________ 620
6.7.1 Configuration _____________________________________________________________ 620
7 DSpace Reference ___________________________________________________________________ 623
7.1 Configuration Reference __________________________________________________________ 623
7.1.1 General Configuration ______________________________________________________ 626
7.1.2 The local.cfg Configuration Properties File ______________________________________ 632
7.1.3 The dspace.cfg Configuration Properties File ____________________________________ 635
7.1.4 Optional or Advanced Configuration Settings ____________________________________ 710
7.1.5 Command-line Access to Configuration Properties _______________________________ 718

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7.2 Directories and Files ______________________________________________________________ 719

7.2.1 Overview ________________________________________________________________ 719
7.2.2 Source Directory Layout ____________________________________________________ 720
7.2.3 Installed Directory Layout ___________________________________________________ 721
7.2.4 Contents of JSPUI Web Application ___________________________________________ 722
7.2.5 Contents of XMLUI Web Application (aka Manakin) _______________________________ 722
7.2.6 Log Files ________________________________________________________________ 723
7.3 Metadata and Bitstream Format Registries ____________________________________________ 725
7.3.1 Default Dublin Core Metadata Registry (DC) ____________________________________ 725
7.3.2 Dublin Core Terms Registry (DCTERMS) _______________________________________ 728
7.3.3 Local Metadata Registry (local) _______________________________________________ 731
7.3.4 Default Bitstream Format Registry ____________________________________________ 733
7.4 Architecture ____________________________________________________________________ 735
7.4.1 Overview ________________________________________________________________ 735
7.4.2 Application Layer __________________________________________________________ 737
7.4.3 Business Logic Layer ______________________________________________________ 748
7.4.4 DSpace Services Framework ________________________________________________ 778
7.4.5 Storage Layer ____________________________________________________________ 784
7.5 History ________________________________________________________________________ 793
7.5.1 Changes in 6.x ___________________________________________________________ 794
7.5.2 Changes in 5.x ___________________________________________________________ 800
7.5.3 Changes in 4.x ___________________________________________________________ 816
7.5.4 Changes in 3.x ___________________________________________________________ 830
7.5.5 Changes in 1.8.x __________________________________________________________ 839
7.5.6 Changes in 1.7.x __________________________________________________________ 846
7.5.7 Changes in 1.6.x __________________________________________________________ 853
7.5.8 Changes in 1.5.x __________________________________________________________ 861
7.5.9 Changes in 1.4.x __________________________________________________________ 868
7.5.10 Changes in 1.3.x _________________________________________________________ 871
7.5.11 Changes in 1.2.x _________________________________________________________ 873
7.5.12 Changes in 1.1.x _________________________________________________________ 878
7.6 DSpace Item State Definitions ______________________________________________________ 879

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1 Introduction
DSpace is an open source software platform that enables organisations to:

capture and describe digital material using a submission workflow module, or a variety of programmatic
ingest options
distribute an organisation's digital assets over the web through a search and retrieval system
preserve digital assets over the long term

This system documentation includes a functional overview of the system, which is a good introduction to the
capabilities of the system, and should be readable by non-technical folk. Everyone should read this section first
because it introduces some terminology used throughout the rest of the documentation.

For people actually running a DSpace service, there is an installation guide, and sections on configuration and
the directory structure.

Finally, for those interested in the details of how DSpace works, and those potentially interested in modifying
the code for their own purposes, there is a detailed architecture section.

Other good sources of information are:

The DSpace Public API Javadocs. Build these with the command mvn javadoc:javadoc
The DSpace Wiki contains stacks of useful information about the DSpace platform and the work people
are doing with it. You are strongly encouraged to visit this site and add information about your own work.
Useful Wiki areas are:
A list of DSpace resources (Web sites, mailing lists etc.)
Technical FAQ
Registry of projects using DSpace
Guidelines for contributing back to DSpace has announcements and contains useful information about bringing up an instance of
DSpace at your organization.
The DSpace Community Google Group. Join DSpace-Community to ask questions or join discussions
about non-technical aspects of building and running a DSpace service. It is open to all DSpace users.
Ask questions, share news, and spark discussion about DSpace with people managing other DSpace
sites. Watch DSpace Community for news of software releases, user conferences, and announcements
from the DSpace Federation.
The DSpace Technical Support Google Group. DSpace developers help answer installation and
technology questions, share information and help each other solve technical problems through the
DSpace Technical Support mailing list. Post questions or contribute your expertise to other developers
working with the system.

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The DSpace Developers Google Group. Join Discussions among DSpace Developers. The DSpace
Developers Group is for DSpace developers working on the DSpace platform to share ideas and discuss
code changes to the open source platform. Join other developers to shape the evolution of the DSpace
software. The DSpace community depends on its members to frame functional requirements and high-
level architecture, and to facilitate programming, testing and documentation.

1.1 Release Notes

Online Version of Documentation also available

This documentation was produced with Confluence software. A PDF version was generated directly
from Confluence. An online, updated version of this 6.x Documentation is also available at: https://wiki.

Welcome to Release 6.0, a major feature release for the DSpace platform. Any previous version of DSpace
may be upgraded to DSpace 6 directly. For more information, please see Upgrading DSpace.

1.1.1 6.0 Release Notes

The following is a list of the new features included for the 6.x platform (not an exhaustive list):

DSpace 6.0 ships with a number of new features. Certain features are automatically enabled by default while
others require deliberate activation.
The following non-exhaustive list contains the major new features in 6.0

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Major Java API refactor, supporting UUIDs and Hibernate. The DSpace
Java API has been refactored significantly to make it more modular, and
make it easier to achieve future RoadMap modularity goals. For more
detailed information, see DSpace Service based api or DS-2701. This
feature was contributed by Kevin Van de Velde of @mire, with support
/help from the DSpace Committers.

Hibernate allows us more stability in our database layer

(decreases the likelihood of database specific bugs), and
potentially allows us to support additional database platforms in
the future
UUIDs provide all objects with stable, globally unique identifiers
(instead of existing incremental, non-unique database identifiers).
This simplifies the management of identifiers in our object model.
See also DS-1782.
The Java API itself is now split into three "layers" which are all now
initialized via Spring
Service layer, which contains DSpace business logic
Database Access Object (DAO) layer, which contains
specific Hibernate database queries to locate/find individual
Database Object layer, which provides access to specific
database columns, object properties via Hibernate

Most sites will not notice this major API refactor, as the upgrade is
seamless. However, if you've performed major (Java-level)
customizations, you may need to refactor your own customizations to use
this newly refactored API. Some examples are on the DSpace Service
based api page.

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Enhanced (Reloadable) Configuration System. See Configuration

Reference, Enhanced Configuration Scheme and DS-2654. This feature
was contributed by Tim Donohue of DuraSpace.

Provides easier management of local configurations via a new

local.cfg file. Any configurations (from *.cfg files) can be
overridden in DSpace by simply copying them into your local.cfg
and changing the value. See Configuration Reference
Many configurations now automatically reload as soon as you save
your local.cfg file. This means you don't need to restart Tomcat
every time you need to change a configuration.
Please note: Unfortunately, at this time, some
configurations do still get cached in the XMLUI or JSPUI (or
similar). So, while many will reload, not all of them yet
support this feature.

Enhanced file (bitstream) storage plugins, including support for Amazon

S3 file storage. This feature was contributed by Peter Dietz of Longsight.

Configuring the Bitstream Store (also see

/DSpace/DSpace/pull/1159 and DS-1117)

Configurable site healthcheck (i.e. repository status) reports via email.

This feature was contributed by Jozef Misutka of Lindat.

Healthcheck reports (also see DS-2659).

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XMLUI new features

New framework for metadata import from external sources

(including an out-of-the-box plugin supporting PubMed, and
hopefully more coming soon). This concept was previously only
supported in JSPUI. Screencast example:
/QBImSGbAUZ. These features were contributed by @mire. The
PubMed metadata import plugin was also contributed by the
Netherlands Cancer Institute.
Framework to support metadata import from external
sources: DS-2876
PubMed metadata import plugin: DS-2880
Extensible administrative control panel, allowing institutions to
override or customize the tabs in the XMLUI administrative "control
panel" (see also DS-2625). This feature was contributed by Jozef
Misutka of Lindat.
Export of XMLUI search results to CSV for batch metadata editing.
This feature was previously only supported in JSPUI. See also DS-
1262. This feature was contributed by William Welling of Texas

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REST API new features

REST Based Quality Control Reports for collection manager. See

also DS-2583. This feature was contributed by Terry Brady of
Georgetown University
See Metadata Query Report on
See Collection Filter Report on
Support for all authentication methods via REST (e.g. Shibboleth,
LDAP, etc). See also DS-2898.
New /registries endpoint which provides access to the
metadata registries via REST. See also DS-2539. This feature was
contributed by Terry Brady of Georgetown University.
REST API now provides a version via /status endpoint (inherits
the version of DSpace API). See DS-2619. This feature was
contributed by Ivan Masr.

Search/Discovery enhancements

All searches now default to boolean AND. See DS-2809. This

enhancement was contributed by Andrea Schweer.
New "Has File" facet, which allows you to easily filter by items that
have one or more files. See DS-2648. This enhancement was
contributed by Christian Scheible.
Full text indexing of Excel spreadsheets, so that they are now
searchable. See DS-2629. This enhancement was contributed by
Ed Goulet.
Right-to-left text in PDFs is now indexed for searching. See DS-
1187. This enhancement was contributed by Saiful Amin

Other enhancements:

PDFBox was upgraded to version 2.0 (DS-3035). A new PDFBox

Thumbnail generator was also added and enabled by default (DS-
3052). These features were contributed by Ivan Masr.
OAI-PMH was upgraded for compliance with the OpenAIRE 3.0
guidelines for literature repositories. This enhancement was
contributed by Pedro Prncipe.

Features Removed or Replaced in 6.0

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The configuration file has been replaced

by an enhanced local.cfg configuration file. The new local.
cfg allows you to easily override any configuration (from dspace.
cfg or modules/*.cfg files) by simply copying it into your
local.cfg and specifying a new value. It also provides enhanced
configuration options as detailed in the Configuration Reference
documentation. The old file is no longer
used nor supported.
WARNING: As part of adding this new configuration
scheme, many of the configuration settings in DSpace
(primarily those in modules/*.cfg files) had to be
renamed or prepended with the name of the module. This
means that 5.x (or below) configurations are no longer
guaranteed to be compatible with 6.x. If possible, we
recommend starting with fresh configs (see below), and
moving all your locally customized settings into the new
local.cfg file.
The PDF Citation Cover Page configuration file has been
renamed (from disseminate-citation.cfg to citation-
page.cfg). See this feature's documentation for more details.
The legacy search engine (based on Apache Lucene) and
legacy Browse system (based on database tables) have been
removed from DSpace 6.0 or above. Instead, DSpace now only
uses Discovery (based on Apache Solr) for all Search/Browse
capabilities. See DS-2160. The legacy browse system was
removed by Kevin Van de Velde. The legacy search system was
removed by Tim Donohue.
The DSpace Lightweight Networking Interface (LNI), supporting
WebDAV / SOAP / RPC API, has been removed from DSpace
6.0 or above. We recommend using REST or SWORD (v1 or v2)
as a replacement. However, if you still require it, the old
(unmaintained) LNI codebase is still available at
/DSpace/dspace-lni. This change was contributed by Robin Taylor
of University of Edinburgh.

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Support for SRB (Storage Resource Broker) file storage has

been removed from DSpace 6.0 or above. As it was unmaintained
(and seemingly unused) for many years, this feature was removed
along with its configurations. As a replacement, a new file storage
plugin system was added, featuring a traditional local file storage
option (default) and an Amazon S3 file storage option (see Storage
Layer documentation, especially Configuring the Bitstream Store).
For more information on the removal of SRB support, also see DS-
3055. This change was contributed by Peter Dietz of Longsight.
The user groups Administrator and Anonymous cannot be
renamed or deleted. If you had renamed them, they will be
renamed back to the stock names during the upgrade. DSpace is
now dependent on these specific names due to internal changes.
This change was contributed by Mark Wood of IUPUI.
XPDF PDF Thumbnail generation has been removed. Please
use the ImageMagick or PDFBox thumbnail generators instead.
See DS-2159. This change was contributed by Mark Wood of
The default strategy to create new handles for versioned
Items has changed. If you have Item Level Versioning enabled
and you have versioned Items in your DSpace installation, you
may want to change the configuration to continue using the
mechanism to create handles as it was in DSpace 4 and 5. You
can find more informations here: Item Level
Elasticsearch Usage Statistics feature is deprecated in the 6.0
release. While they still function, and you can continue to use
them, in a future DSpace release they will be removed. If you are
looking for a usage statistics option, we recommend instead using
the default SOLR Statistics engine and/or DSpace's integration
with Google Analytics. See DS-2897 for more information.

A full list of all changes / bug fixes in 6.x is available in the Changes in 6.x section.

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The following individuals have contributed directly to this release of DSpace: Tim Donohue, Mark H. Wood,
Pascal-Nicolas Becker, Kevin Van de Velde, Ivan Masr, Hardy Pottinger, Terry Brady, Andrea Schweer, Philip
Vissenaekens, Peter Dietz, Jonas Van Goolen, Tom Desair, Dylan MEEUS, Luigi Andrea Pascarelli, William
Welling, Christian Scheible, Andrea Bollini, Aleksander Kotyski-Burya, Ondej Koarko, Jozef Miutka, Chris
Wilper, Ilja Sidoroff, Roeland Dillen, Bram Luyten, Marsa Haoua, Claudia Jrgen, Kim Shepherd, Art Lowel, Ivo
Prajer, Petr Karel, Mini Pillai, Facundo Gabriel Adorno, Luiz Claudio Santos, Robin Taylor, Tim Van den
Langenbergh, Arnaud de Bossoreille, Bill Tantzen, Tiago Guimares, Oriol Oliv Comadira, lex Magaz Graa,
Anne Lawrence, Brad Dewar, Bruno Nocera Zanette, David Baker, Ed Goulet, Mateusz Neumann, Monika
Mevenkamp, Pablo Buenaposada, Patricio Marrone, Petya Kohts, Eike Kleiner, Antoine Snyers, Bjorn Jaspers,
Chris Herron, Dan Scott, David Cook, Davor Cubranic, Jos Carvalho, Jozsef Marton, Juan Manuel Cat,
Panagiotis Koutsourakis, Pantelis Karamolegkos, Pedro Prncipe, Philippe Gray, Rodrigo Prado de Jesus,
RomanticCat, Saiful Amin, junwei1229, Keith Gilbertson, Nicolas Schwab, Pablo Buenaposada, samuel, tmtvl,
and others who reviewed and commented on their work. Many of these could not do this work without the
support (release time and financial) of their associated institutions. We offer thanks to those institutions for
supporting their staff to take time to contribute to the DSpace project.

A big thank you also goes out to the DSpace Community Advisory Team (DCAT), who helped the developers to
prioritize and plan out several of the new features that made it into this release. The current DCAT members
include: Augustine Gitonga, Bram Luyten, Bharat Chaudhari, Claire Bundy, Dibyendra Hyoju, Elin Stangeland,
Felicity A Dykas, Iryna Kuchma, James Evans, Jim Ottaviani, Kate Dohe, Kathleen Schweitzberger, Leonie
Hayes, Lilly Li, Maureen Walsh, Pauline Ward, Roger Weaver, Sarah Molloy, Sarah Potvin, Steve Van Tuyl,
Terry Brady, Yan Han and Valorie Hollister.

We apologize to any contributor accidentally left off this list. DSpace has such a large, active development
community that we sometimes lose track of all our contributors. Our ongoing list of all known people/institutions
that have contributed to DSpace software can be found on our DSpace Contributors page. Acknowledgments to
those left off will be made in future releases.

Want to see your name appear in our list of contributors? All you have to do is report an issue, fix a bug,
improve our documentation or help us determine the necessary requirements for a new feature! Visit our Issue
Tracker to report a bug, or join dspace-devel mailing list to take part in development work. If you'd like to help
improve our current documentation, please get in touch with one of our Committers with your ideas. You don't
even need to be a developer! Repository managers can also get involved by volunteering to join the DSpace
Community Advisory Team and helping our developers to plan new features.

The Release Team consisted of:

Tim Donohue (DuraSpace)

Kevin Van de Velde (@mire)
Pascal-Nicolas Becker (Technische Universitt Berlin)

Additional thanks to Tim Donohue from DuraSpace for keeping all of us focused on the work at hand, for
calming us when we got excited, and for the general support for the DSpace project.

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1.2 Functional Overview

The following sections describe the various functional aspects of the DSpace system.

Online access to your digital assets

Full-text search
Supported file types
Optimized for Google Indexing
OpenURL Support
Support for modern browsers
Metadata Management
Choice Management and Authority Control
Collection and Community Licenses
License granted by the submitter to the repository
Creative Commons Support for DSpace Items
Persistent URLs and Identifiers
Bitstream 'Persistent' Identifiers
Getting content into DSpace
The Manual DSpace Submission and Workflow System
Workflow Steps
Submission Workflow in DSpace
Command line import facilities
Registration for externally hosted files
SWORD Support
Getting content out of DSpace
OAI Support
Command Line Export Facilities
Packager Plugins
Crosswalk Plugins
Supervision and Collaboration
User Management
User Accounts (E-Person)
Access Control

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Usage Metrics
Item, Collection and Community Usage Statistics
System Statistics
Digital Preservation
Checksum Checker
System Design
Data Model
Amazon S3 Support

1.2.1 Online access to your digital assets

The online presentation of your content in an organized tree of Communities and Collections is a main feature
of DSpace. Users can access pages for individual items, these are metadata descriptions together with files
available for download. The structure is summarised in this diagram (click to see the image at full size).

Full-text search
DSpace can process uploaded text based contents for full-text searching. This means that not only the
metadata you provide for a given file will be searchable, but all of its contents will be indexed as well. This
allows users to search for specific keywords that only appear in the actual content and not in the provided

DSpace allows users to find their way to relevant content in a number of ways, including:

Searching for one or more keywords in metadata or extracted full-text

Faceted browsing through any field provided in the item description.
Through external reference, such as a Handle

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By clicking on Community and Collection titles to explore their contents

Another important mechanism for discovery in DSpace is the browse. This is the process whereby the user
views a particular index, such as the title index, and navigates around it in search of interesting items. The
browse subsystem provides a simple API for achieving this by allowing a caller to specify an index, and a
subsection of that index. The browse subsystem then discloses the portion of the index of interest. Indices that
may be browsed are item title, item issue date, item author, and subject terms. Additionally, the browse can be
limited to items within a particular collection or community.

For more information on Search/Browse functionality in DSpace, see Discovery.

Supported file types

DSpace can accommodate any type of uploaded file. While DSpace is most known for hosting text based
materials including scholarly communication and electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), there are many
stakeholders in the community who use DSpace for multimedia, data and learning objects. While some
restrictions apply, DSpace can even serve as a store for HTML Archives.

Files that have been uploaded to DSpace are often referred to as "Bitstreams". The reason for this is mainly
historic and tracks back to the technical implementation. After ingestion, files in DSpace are stored on the file
system as a stream of bits without the file extension.

By default, DSpace only recognizes specific file types, as defined in its Bitstream Format Registry. The default
Bitstream Format Registry recognizes many common file formats, but it can be enhanced at your local
institution via the Admin User Interface.

Optimized for Google Indexing

The Duraspace community fosters a close relation with Google to ensure optimal indexing of DSpace content,
primarily in the Google Search and Google Scholar products. For the purpose of Google Scholar indexing,
DSpace added specific metadata in the page head tags facilitating indexing in Scholar. More information can be
retrieved on the Google Scholar Metadata Mappings page. Popular DSpace repositories often generate over
60% of their visits from Google pages.

OpenURL Support
DSpace supports the OpenURL protocol in a rather simple fashion. If your institution has an SFX server,
DSpace will display an OpenURL link on every item page, automatically using the Dublin Core metadata.
Additionally, DSpace can respond to incoming OpenURLs. Presently it simply passes the information in the
OpenURL to the search subsystem. A list of results is then displayed, which usually gives the relevant item (if it
is in DSpace) at the top of the list.

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Support for modern browsers

The DSpace developer community aims to rely on modern web standards and well tested libraries where
possible. As a rule of thumb, users can expect that the DSpace web interfaces work on modern web browsers.
DSpace developers routinely test new interface developments on recent versions of Firefox, Safari and
Chrome. Because of fast moving, automatic, incremental updates to these browsers, support is no longer
targeted at specific versions of these browsers. The community attempts to support the latest official version
and up to 2 older versions of Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

In some cases, modern interfaces are developed alongside older interfaces that no longer receive active
maintenance or improvements. This is particularly true for the original themes for the XML User Interface such
as "Kubrick", "Classic" and "Reference". These themes still reside in the code base but are not optimized for
modern browsers.

1.2.2 Metadata Management

Broadly speaking, DSpace holds three sorts of metadata about archived content:

Descriptive Metadata: DSpace can support multiple flat metadata schemas for describing an item. A
qualified Dublin Core metadata schema loosely based on the Library Application Profile set of elements
and qualifiers is provided by default. This default schema is described in more detail in Metadata and
Bitstream Format Registries. However, you can configure multiple schemas and select metadata fields
from a mix of configured schemas to describe your items. Other descriptive metadata about items (e.g.
metadata described in a hierarchical schema) may be held in serialized bitstreams.
Administrative Metadata: This includes preservation metadata, provenance and authorization policy
data. Most of this is held within DSpace's relational DBMS schema. Provenance metadata (prose) is
stored in Dublin Core records. Additionally, some other administrative metadata (for example, bitstream
byte sizes and MIME types) is replicated in Dublin Core records so that it is easily accessible outside of

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Structural Metadata: This includes information about how to present an item, or bitstreams within an
item, to an end-user, and the relationships between constituent parts of the item. As an example,
consider a thesis consisting of a number of TIFF images, each depicting a single page of the thesis.
Structural metadata would include the fact that each image is a single page, and the ordering of the TIFF
images/pages. Structural metadata in DSpace is currently fairly basic; within an item, bitstreams can be
arranged into separate bundles as described above. A bundle may also optionally have a primary
bitstream. This is currently used by the HTML support to indicate which bitstream in the bundle is the first
HTML file to send to a browser. In addition to some basic technical metadata, a bitstream also has a
'sequence ID' that uniquely identifies it within an item. This is used to produce a 'persistent' bitstream
identifier for each bitstream. Additional structural metadata can be stored in serialized bitstreams, but
DSpace does not currently understand this natively.

Choice Management and Authority Control

This is a configurable framework that lets you define plug-in classes to control the choice of values for specified
DSpace metadata fields. It also lets you configure fields to include "authority" values along with the textual
metadata value. The choice-control system includes a user interface in both the Configurable Submission UI
and the Admin UI (edit Item pages) that assists the user in choosing metadata values.

Introduction and Motivation


Choice Management

This is a mechanism that generates a list of choices for a value to be entered in a given metadata field.
Depending on your implementation, the exact choice list might be determined by a proposed value or query, or
it could be a fixed list that is the same for every query. It may also be closed (limited to choices produced
internally) or open, allowing the user-supplied query to be included as a choice.

Authority Control

This works in addition to choice management to supply an authority key along with the chosen value, which is
also assigned to the Item's metadata field entry. Any authority-controlled field is also inherently choice-

About Authority Control

The advantages we seek from an authority controlled metadata field are:

1. There is a simple and positive way to test whether two values are identical, by comparing authority
Comparing plain text values can give false positive results e.g. when two different people have a
name that is written the same.
It can also give false negative results when the same name is written different ways, e.g. "J.
Smith" vs. "John Smith".

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2. Help in entering correct metadata values. The submission and admin UIs may call on the authority to
check a proposed value and list possible matches to help the user select one.
3. Improved interoperability. By sharing a name authority with another application, your DSpace can
interoperate more cleanly with other applications.
For example, a DSpace institutional repository sharing a naming authority with the campus social
network would let the social network construct a list of all DSpace Items matching the shared
author identifier, rather than by error-prone name matching.
When the name authority is shared with a campus directory, DSpace can look up the email
address of an author to send automatic email about works of theirs submitted by a third party.
That author does not have to be an EPerson.
4. Authority keys are normally invisible in the public web UIs. They are only seen by administrators editing
metadata. The value of an authority key is not expected to be meaningful to an end-user or site visitor.
Authority control is different from the controlled vocabulary of keywords already implemented in the
submission UI:

1. Authorities are external to DSpace. The source of authority control is typically an external database or
network resource.
Plug-in architecture makes it easy to integrate new authorities without modifying any core code.
2. This authority proposal impacts all phases of metadata management.
The keyword vocabularies are only for the submission UI.
Authority control is asserted everywhere metadata values are changed, including unattended
/batch submission, SWORD package submission, and the administrative UI.

Some Terminology

Authority An authority is a source of fixed values for a given domain, each unique value identified by a

. For example, the OCLC LC Name Authority Service.

Authority The information associated with one of the values in an authority; may include alternate
Record spellings and equivalent forms of the value, etc.

Authority An opaque, hopefully persistent, identifier corresponding to exactly one record in the authority.

1.2.3 Licensing
DSpace offers support for licenses on different levels

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Collection and Community Licenses

Each community and collection in the hierarchy of a DSpace repository can contain its own license terms. This
allows an institution to use the repository both for collections where certain rights are reserved and others from
which the content may be accessed and distributed more freely.

License granted by the submitter to the repository

At the end of the manual submission process, the submitter is asked to grant the repository service an
appropriate distribution license. This license can be easily customized on a per collection basis. In its most
common form, the submitter grants to the repository service a non-exclusive distribution license, meaning that
he officially gives the repository service the right to share his or her work with the world.

Creative Commons Support for DSpace Items

DSpace provides support for Creative Commons licenses to be attached to items in the repository. They
represent an alternative to traditional copyright. To learn more about Creative Commons, visit their website.
Support for license selection is controlled by a site-wide configuration option, and since license selection
involves interaction with the Creative Commons website, additional parameters may be configured to work with
a proxy server. If the option is enabled, users may select a Creative Commons license during the submission
process, or select to don't assign a Creative Commons license at all. If a selection is made, metadata and a
copy of the license in the RDF format is stored along with the item in the repository. There is also an indication -
text and a Creative Commons icon - in the item display page of the web user interface when an item is licensed
under Creative Commons. The RDF license is embedded in the html page of the item to allow machine
understanding of the licensing terms. For specifics of how to configure and use Creative Commons licenses,
see the configuration section.

1.2.4 Persistent URLs and Identifiers

Researchers require a stable point of reference for their works. The simple evolution from sharing of citations to
emailing of URLs broke when Web users learned that sites can disappear or be reconfigured without notice,
and that their bookmark files containing critical links to research results couldn't be trusted in the long term. To
help solve this problem, a core DSpace feature is the creation of a persistent identifier for every item, collection
and community stored in DSpace. To persist identifiers, DSpace requires a storage- and location- independent
mechanism for creating and maintaining identifiers. DSpace uses the CNRI Handle System for creating these
identifiers. The rest of this section assumes a basic familiarity with the Handle system.

DSpace uses Handles primarily as a means of assigning globally unique identifiers to objects. Each site running
DSpace needs to obtain a unique Handle 'prefix' from CNRI, so we know that if we create identifiers with that
prefix, they won't clash with identifiers created elsewhere.

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Presently, Handles are assigned to communities, collections, and items. Bundles and bitstreams are not
assigned Handles, since over time, the way in which an item is encoded as bits may change, in order to allow
access with future technologies and devices. Older versions may be moved to off-line storage as a new
standard becomes de facto. Since it's usually the item that is being preserved, rather than the particular bit
encoding, it only makes sense to persistently identify and allow access to the item, and allow users to access
the appropriate bit encoding from there.

Of course, it may be that a particular bit encoding of a file is explicitly being preserved; in this case, the
bitstream could be the only one in the item, and the item's Handle would then essentially refer just to that
bitstream. The same bitstream can also be included in other items, and thus would be citable as part of a
greater item, or individually.

The Handle system also features a global resolution infrastructure; that is, an end-user can enter a Handle into
any service (e.g. Web page) that can resolve Handles, and the end-user will be directed to the object (in the
case of DSpace, community, collection or item) identified by that Handle. In order to take advantage of this
feature of the Handle system, a DSpace site must also run a 'Handle server' that can accept and resolve
incoming resolution requests. All the code for this is included in the DSpace source code bundle.

Handles can be written in two forms:


The above represent the same Handle. The first is possibly more convenient to use only as an identifier;
however, by using the second form, any Web browser becomes capable of resolving Handles. An end-user
need only access this form of the Handle as they would any other URL. It is possible to enable some browsers
to resolve the first form of Handle as if they were standard URLs using CNRI's Handle Resolver plug-in, but
since the first form can always be simply derived from the second, DSpace displays Handles in the second
form, so that it is more useful for end-users.

It is important to note that DSpace uses the CNRI Handle infrastructure only at the 'site' level. For example, in
the above example, the DSpace site has been assigned the prefix '1721.123'. It is still the responsibility of the
DSpace site to maintain the association between a full Handle (including the '4567' local part) and the
community, collection or item in question.

Bitstream 'Persistent' Identifiers

Similar to handles for DSpace items, bitstreams also have 'Persistent' identifiers. They are more volatile than
Handles, since if the content is moved to a different server or organization, they will no longer work (hence the
quotes around 'persistent'). However, they are more easily persisted than the simple URLs based on database
primary key previously used. This means that external systems can more reliably refer to specific bitstreams
stored in a DSpace instance.

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Each bitstream has a sequence ID, unique within an item. This sequence ID is used to create a persistent ID, of
the form:

dspace url/bitstream/handle/sequence ID/filename

For example:

The above refers to the bitstream with sequence ID 24 in the item with the Handle hdl:123.456/789. The foo.html
is really just there as a hint to browsers: Although DSpace will provide the appropriate MIME type, some
browsers only function correctly if the file has an expected extension.

1.2.5 Getting content into DSpace

The Manual DSpace Submission and Workflow System

Rather than being a single subsystem, ingesting is a process that spans several. Below is a simple illustration of
the current ingesting process in DSpace.

DSpace Ingest Process

The batch item importer is an application, which turns an external SIP (an XML metadata document with some
content files) into an "in progress submission" object. The Web submission UI is similarly used by an end-user
to assemble an "in progress submission" object.

Depending on the policy of the collection to which the submission in targeted, a workflow process may be
started. This typically allows one or more human reviewers or 'gatekeepers' to check over the submission and
ensure it is suitable for inclusion in the collection.

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When the Batch Ingester or Web Submit UI completes the InProgressSubmission object, and invokes the next
stage of ingest (be that workflow or item installation), a provenance message is added to the Dublin Core which
includes the filenames and checksums of the content of the submission. Likewise, each time a workflow
changes state (e.g. a reviewer accepts the submission), a similar provenance statement is added. This allows
us to track how the item has changed since a user submitted it.

Once any workflow process is successfully and positively completed, the InProgressSubmission object is
consumed by an "item installer", that converts the InProgressSubmission into a fully blown archived item in
DSpace. The item installer:

Assigns an accession date

Adds a "date.available" value to the Dublin Core metadata record of the item
Adds an issue date if none already present
Adds a provenance message (including bitstream checksums)
Assigns a Handle persistent identifier
Adds the item to the target collection, and adds appropriate authorization policies
Adds the new item to the search and browse index

Workflow Steps
A collection's workflow can have up to three steps. Each collection may have an associated e-person group for
performing each step; if no group is associated with a certain step, that step is skipped. If a collection has no e-
person groups associated with any step, submissions to that collection are installed straight into the main

In other words, the sequence is this: The collection receives a submission. If the collection has a group
assigned for workflow step 1, that step is invoked, and the group is notified. Otherwise, workflow step 1 is
skipped. Likewise, workflow steps 2 and 3 are performed if and only if the collection has a group assigned to
those steps.

When a step is invoked, the submission is put into the 'task pool' of the step's associated group. One member of
that group takes the task from the pool, and it is then removed from the task pool, to avoid the situation where
several people in the group may be performing the same task without realizing it.

The member of the group who has taken the task from the pool may then perform one of three actions:

Workflow Possible actions


1 Can accept submission for inclusion, or reject submission.

2 Can edit metadata provided by the user with the submission, but cannot change the submitted
files. Can accept submission for inclusion, or reject submission.

3 Can edit metadata provided by the user with the submission, but cannot change the submitted
files. Must then commit to archive; may not reject submission.

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Submission Workflow in DSpace

If a submission is rejected, the reason (entered by the workflow participant) is e-mailed to the submitter, and it is
returned to the submitter's 'My DSpace' page. The submitter can then make any necessary modifications and re-
submit, whereupon the process starts again.

If a submission is 'accepted', it is passed to the next step in the workflow. If there are no more workflow steps
with associated groups, the submission is installed in the main archive.

One last possibility is that a workflow can be 'aborted' by a DSpace site administrator. This is accomplished
using the administration UI.

The reason for this apparently arbitrary design is that is was the simplest case that covered the needs of the
early adopter communities at MIT. The functionality of the workflow system will no doubt be extended in the

Command line import facilities

DSpace includes batch tools to import items in a simple directory structure, where the Dublin Core metadata is
stored in an XML file. This may be used as the basis for moving content between DSpace and other systems.
For more information see Item Importer and Exporter.

DSpace also includes various package importer tools, which support many common content packaging formats
like METS. For more information see Package Importer and Exporter.

Registration for externally hosted files

Registration is an alternate means of incorporating items, their metadata, and their bitstreams into DSpace by
taking advantage of the bitstreams already being in accessible computer storage. An example might be that
there is a repository for existing digital assets. Rather than using the normal interactive ingest process or the
batch import to furnish DSpace the metadata and to upload bitstreams, registration provides DSpace the
metadata and the location of the bitstreams. DSpace uses a variation of the import tool to accomplish

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SWORD Support
SWORD (Simple Web-service Offering Repository Deposit) is a protocol that allows the remote deposit of items
into repositories. SWORD was further developed in SWORD version 2 to add the ability to retrieve, update, or
delete deposits. DSpace supports the SWORD protocol via the 'sword' web application and SWord v2 via the
swordv2 web application. The specification and further information can be found at

1.2.6 Getting content out of DSpace

OAI Support
The Open Archives Initiative has developed a protocol for metadata harvesting. This allows sites to
programmatically retrieve or 'harvest' the metadata from several sources, and offer services using that
metadata, such as indexing or linking services. Such a service could allow users to access information from a
large number of sites from one place.

DSpace exposes the Dublin Core metadata for items that are publicly (anonymously) accessible. Additionally,
the collection structure is also exposed via the OAI protocol's 'sets' mechanism. OCLC's open source OAICat
framework is used to provide this functionality.

You can also configure the OAI service to make use of any crosswalk plugin to offer additional metadata
formats, such as MODS.

DSpace's OAI service does support the exposing of deletion information for withdrawn items, but not for items
that are 'expunged' (see above). DSpace also supports OAI-PMH resumption tokens.

Command Line Export Facilities

DSpace includes batch tools to export items in a simple directory structure, where the Dublin Core metadata is
stored in an XML file. This may be used as the basis for moving content between DSpace and other systems.
For more information see Item Importer and Exporter.

DSpace also includes various package exporter tools, which support many common content packaging formats
like METS. For more information see Package Importer and Exporter.

Packager Plugins
Packagers are software modules that translate between DSpace Item objects and a self-contained external
representation, or "package". A Package Ingester interprets, or ingests, the package and creates an Item. A
Package Disseminator writes out the contents of an Item in the package format.

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A package is typically an archive file such as a Zip or "tar" file, including a manifest document which contains
metadata and a description of the package contents. The IMS Content Package is a typical packaging standard.
A package might also be a single document or media file that contains its own metadata, such as a PDF
document with embedded descriptive metadata.

Package ingesters and package disseminators are each a type of named plugin (see Plugin Manager), so it is
easy to add new packagers specific to the needs of your site. You do not have to supply both an ingester and
disseminator for each format; it is perfectly acceptable to just implement one of them.

Most packager plugins call upon Crosswalk Plugins to translate the metadata between DSpace's object model
and the package format.

More information about calling Packagers to ingest or disseminate content can be found in the Package
Importer and Exporter section of the System Administration documentation.

Crosswalk Plugins
Crosswalks are software modules that translate between DSpace object metadata and a specific external
representation. An Ingestion Crosswalk interprets the external format and crosswalks it to DSpace's internal
data structure, while a Dissemination Crosswalk does the opposite.

For example, a MODS ingestion crosswalk translates descriptive metadata from the MODS format to the
metadata fields on a DSpace Item. A MODS dissemination crosswalk generates a MODS document from the
metadata on a DSpace Item.

Crosswalk plugins are named plugins (see Plugin Manager), so it is easy to add new crosswalks. You do not
have to supply both an ingester and disseminator for each format; it is perfectly acceptable to just implement
one of them.

There is also a special pair of crosswalk plugins which use XSL stylesheets to translate the external metadata
to or from an internal DSpace format. You can add and modify XSLT crosswalks simply by editing the DSpace
configuration and the stylesheets, which are stored in files in the DSpace installation directory.

The Packager plugins and OAH-PMH server make use of crosswalk plugins.

Supervision and Collaboration

In order to facilitate, as a primary objective, the opportunity for thesis authors to be supervised in the
preparation of their e-theses, a supervision order system exists to bind groups of other users (thesis
supervisors) to an item in someone's pre-submission workspace. The bound group can have system policies
associated with it that allow different levels of interaction with the student's item; a small set of default policy
groups are provided:

Full editorial control

View item contents

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No policies
Once the default set has been applied, a system administrator may modify them as they would any other
policy set in DSpace

This functionality could also be used in situations where researchers wish to collaborate on a particular
submission, although there is no particular collaborative workspace functionality.

1.2.7 User Management

Although many of DSpace's functions such as document discovery and retrieval can be used anonymously,
some features (and perhaps some documents) are only available to certain "privileged" users. E-People and
Groups are the way DSpace identifies application users for the purpose of granting privileges. This identity is
bound to a session of a DSpace application such as the Web UI or one of the command-line batch programs.
Both E-People and Groups are granted privileges by the authorization system described below.

User Accounts (E-Person)

DSpace holds the following information about each e-person:

E-mail address
First and last names
Whether the user is able to log in to the system via the Web UI, and whether they must use an X509
certificate to do so;
A password (encrypted), if appropriate
A list of collections for which the e-person wishes to be notified of new items
Whether the e-person 'self-registered' with the system; that is, whether the system created the e-person
record automatically as a result of the end-user independently registering with the system, as opposed to
the e-person record being generated from the institution's personnel database, for example.
The network ID for the corresponding LDAP record, if LDAP authentication is used for this E-Person.

As noted above, end-users (e-people) may 'subscribe' to collections in order to be alerted when new items
appear in those collections. Each day, end-users who are subscribed to one or more collections will receive an
e-mail giving brief details of all new items that appeared in any of those collections the previous day. If no new
items appeared in any of the subscribed collections, no e-mail is sent. Users can unsubscribe themselves at
any time. RSS feeds of new items are also available for collections and communities.

Groups are another kind of entity that can be granted permissions in the authorization system. A group is
usually an explicit list of E-People; anyone identified as one of those E-People also gains the privileges granted
to the group.

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However, an application session can be assigned membership in a group without being identified as an E-
Person. For example, some sites use this feature to identify users of a local network so they can read restricted
materials not open to the whole world. Sessions originating from the local network are given membership in the
"LocalUsers" group and gain the corresponding privileges.

Administrators can also use groups as "roles" to manage the granting of privileges more efficiently.

1.2.8 Access Control

Authentication is when an application session positively identifies itself as belonging to an E-Person and/or
Group. In DSpace 1.4 and later, it is implemented by a mechanism called Stackable Authentication: the DSpace
configuration declares a "stack" of authentication methods. An application (like the Web UI) calls on the
Authentication Manager, which tries each of these methods in turn to identify the E-Person to which the session
belongs, as well as any extra Groups. The E-Person authentication methods are tried in turn until one
succeeds. Every authenticator in the stack is given a chance to assign extra Groups. This mechanism offers the
following advantages:

Separates authentication from the Web user interface so the same authentication methods are used for
other applications such as non-interactive Web Services
Improved modularity: The authentication methods are all independent of each other. Custom
authentication methods can be "stacked" on top of the default DSpace username/password method.
Cleaner support for "implicit" authentication where username is found in the environment of a Web
request, e.g. in an X.509 client certificate.

DSpace's authorization system is based on associating actions with objects and the lists of EPeople who can
perform them. The associations are called Resource Policies, and the lists of EPeople are called Groups. There
are two built-in groups: 'Administrators', who can do anything in a site, and 'Anonymous', which is a list that
contains all users. Assigning a policy for an action on an object to anonymous means giving everyone
permission to do that action. (For example, most objects in DSpace sites have a policy of 'anonymous' READ.)
Permissions must be explicit - lack of an explicit permission results in the default policy of 'deny'. Permissions
also do not 'commute'; for example, if an e-person has READ permission on an item, they might not necessarily
have READ permission on the bundles and bitstreams in that item. Currently Collections, Communities and
Items are discoverable in the browse and search systems regardless of READ authorization.

The following actions are possible:


ADD/REMOVE add or remove items (ADD = permission to submit items)

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DEFAULT_ITEM_READ inherited as READ by all submitted items

DEFAULT_BITSTREAM_READ inherited as READ by Bitstreams of all submitted items. Note: only affects
Bitstreams of an item at the time it is initially submitted. If a Bitstream is
added later, it does not get the same default read policy.

COLLECTION_ADMIN collection admins can edit items in a collection, withdraw items, map other
items into this collection.


ADD/REMOVE add or remove bundles

READ can view item (item metadata is always viewable)

WRITE can modify item


ADD/REMOVE add or remove bitstreams to a bundle


READ view bitstream

WRITE modify bitstream

Note that there is no 'DELETE' action. In order to 'delete' an object (e.g. an item) from the archive, one must
have REMOVE permission on all objects (in this case, collection) that contain it. The 'orphaned' item is
automatically deleted.

Policies can apply to individual e-people or groups of e-people.

1.2.9 Usage Metrics

DSpace is equipped with SOLR based infrastructure to log and display pageviews and file downloads.

Item, Collection and Community Usage Statistics

Usage statistics can be retrieved from individual item, collection and community pages. These Usage Statistics
pages show:

Total page visits (all time)

Total Visits per Month

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File Downloads (all time)*

Top Country Views (all time)
Top City Views (all time)

*File Downloads information is only displayed for item-level statistics. Note that downloads from separate
bitstreams are also recorded and represented separately. DSpace is able to capture and store File Download
information, even when the bitstream was downloaded from a direct link on an external website.

System Statistics
Various statistical reports about the contents and use of your system can be automatically generated by the
system. These are generated by analyzing DSpace's log files. Statistics can be broken down monthly.

The report includes following sections

A customizable general overview of activities in the archive, by default including:

Number of items archived
Number of bitstream views
Number of item page views
Number of collection page views
Number of community page views
Number of user logins
Number of searches performed
Number of license rejections
Number of OAI Requests
Customizable summary of archive contents
Broken-down list of item viewings
A full break-down of all performed actions
User logins
Most popular searches
Log Level Information

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Processing information!stats_genrl_overview.png!
The results of statistical analysis can be presented on a by-month and an in-total report, and are
available via the user interface. The reports can also either be made public or restricted to administrator
access only.

1.2.10 Digital Preservation

Checksum Checker
The purpose of the checker is to verify that the content in a DSpace repository has not become corrupted or
been tampered with. The functionality can be invoked on an ad-hoc basis from the command line, or configured
via cron or similar. Options exist to support large repositories that cannot be entirely checked in one run of the
tool. The tool is extensible to new reporting and checking priority approaches.

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1.2.11 System Design

Data Model

Data Model Diagram

The way data is organized in DSpace is intended to reflect the structure of the organization using the DSpace
system. Each DSpace site is divided into communities, which can be further divided into sub-communities
reflecting the typical university structure of college, department, research center, or laboratory.

Communities contain collections, which are groupings of related content. A collection may appear in more than
one community.

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Each collection is composed of items, which are the basic archival elements of the archive. Each item is owned
by one collection. Additionally, an item may appear in additional collections; however every item has one and
only one owning collection.

Items are further subdivided into named bundles of bitstreams. Bitstreams are, as the name suggests, streams
of bits, usually ordinary computer files. Bitstreams that are somehow closely related, for example HTML files
and images that compose a single HTML document, are organized into bundles.

In practice, most items tend to have these named bundles:

ORIGINAL the bundle with the original, deposited bitstreams

THUMBNAILS thumbnails of any image bitstreams
TEXT extracted full-text from bitstreams in ORIGINAL, for indexing
LICENSE contains the deposit license that the submitter granted the host organization; in other words,
specifies the rights that the hosting organization have
CC_LICENSE contains the distribution license, if any (a icenommons license) associated with the item.
This license specifies what end users downloading the content can do with the content

Each bitstream is associated with one Bitstream Format. Because preservation services may be an important
aspect of the DSpace service, it is important to capture the specific formats of files that users submit. In
DSpace, a bitstream format is a unique and consistent way to refer to a particular file format. An integral part of
a bitstream format is an either implicit or explicit notion of how material in that format can be interpreted. For
example, the interpretation for bitstreams encoded in the JPEG standard for still image compression is defined
explicitly in the Standard ISO/IEC 10918-1. The interpretation of bitstreams in Microsoft Word 2000 format is
defined implicitly, through reference to the Microsoft Word 2000 application. Bitstream formats can be more
specific than MIME types or file suffixes. For example, application/ms-word and .doc span multiple versions of
the Microsoft Word application, each of which produces bitstreams with presumably different characteristics.

Each bitstream format additionally has a support level, indicating how well the hosting institution is likely to be
able to preserve content in the format in the future. There are three possible support levels that bitstream
formats may be assigned by the hosting institution. The host institution should determine the exact meaning of
each support level, after careful consideration of costs and requirements. MIT Libraries' interpretation is shown

Supported The format is recognized, and the hosting institution is confident it can make bitstreams of
this format usable in the future, using whatever combination of techniques (such as migration,
emulation, etc.) is appropriate given the context of need.

Known The format is recognized, and the hosting institution will promise to preserve the bitstream as-
is, and allow it to be retrieved. The hosting institution will attempt to obtain enough
information to enable the format to be upgraded to the 'supported' level.

Unsupported The format is unrecognized, but the hosting institution will undertake to preserve the
bitstream as-is and allow it to be retrieved.

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Each item has one qualified Dublin Core metadata record. Other metadata might be stored in an item as a
serialized bitstream, but we store Dublin Core for every item for interoperability and ease of discovery. The
Dublin Core may be entered by end-users as they submit content, or it might be derived from other metadata as
part of an ingest process.

Items can be removed from DSpace in one of two ways: They may be 'withdrawn', which means they remain in
the archive but are completely hidden from view. In this case, if an end-user attempts to access the withdrawn
item, they are presented with a 'tombstone,' that indicates the item has been removed. For whatever reason, an
item may also be 'expunged' if necessary, in which case all traces of it are removed from the archive.

Object Example

Community Laboratory of Computer Science; Oceanographic Research Center

Collection LCS Technical Reports; ORC Statistical Data Sets

Item A technical report; a data set with accompanying description; a video recording of a lecture

Bundle A group of HTML and image bitstreams making up an HTML document

Bitstream A single HTML file; a single image file; a source code file

Bitstream Microsoft Word version 6.0; JPEG encoded image format


Amazon S3 Support
DSpace offers two means for storing bitstreams. The first is in the file system on the server. The second is
using Amazon S3. For more information, see Storage Layer

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2 Installing DSpace
For the Impatient
Hardware Recommendations
Prerequisite Software
UNIX-like OS or Microsoft Windows
Java JDK 7 or 8 (OpenJDK or Oracle JDK)
Apache Maven 3.0.5 or above (Java build tool)
Configuring a Proxy
Apache Ant 1.8 or later (Java build tool)
Relational Database: (PostgreSQL or Oracle)
PostgreSQL 9.4 or later (with pgcrypto installed)
Oracle 10g or later
Servlet Engine (Apache Tomcat 7 or later, Jetty, Caucho Resin or equivalent)
Installation Instructions
Overview of Install Options
Overview of DSpace Directories
Advanced Installation
'cron' jobs / scheduled tasks
Multilingual Installation
DSpace over HTTPS
Enabling the HTTPS support in Tomcat itself (running on ports 8080 and 8443)
Using SSL on Apache HTTPD in front of Tomcat (running on ports 80 and 443)
The Handle Server
To install your Handle resolver on the host where DSpace runs:
To install a Handle resolver on a separate machine:
Updating Existing Handle Prefixes
Google and HTML sitemaps
Windows Installation
Checking Your Installation
Known Bugs
Common Problems
Common Installation Issues
General DSpace Issues

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2.1 For the Impatient

Since some users might want to get their test version up and running as fast as possible, offered below is an
unsupported outline of getting DSpace to run quickly in a Unix-based environment using the DSpace source

Only experienced unix admins should even attempt the following without going to the detailed
Installation Instructions

useradd -m dspace
gzip xzf dspace-6.x-src-release.tar.gz
createuser --username=postgres --no-superuser --pwprompt dspace
createdb --username=postgres --owner=dspace --encoding=UNICODE dspace
psql --username=postgres dspace -c "CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto;"
cd [dspace-source]
cp local.cfg.EXAMPLE local.cfg
vi local.cfg
mkdir [dspace]
chown dspace [dspace]
su - dspace
cd [dspace-source]
mvn package
cd [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-installer
ant fresh_install
cp -r [dspace]/webapps/* [tomcat]/webapps
/etc/init.d/tomcat start
[dspace]/bin/dspace create-administrator

2.2 Hardware Recommendations

You can install and run DSpace on most modern PC, laptop or server hardware. However, if you intend to run
DSpace for a large community of potential end users, carefully review the Hardware Recommendations in the
User FAQ

2.3 Prerequisite Software

The list below describes the third-party components and tools you'll need to run a DSpace server. These are
just guidelines. Since DSpace is built on open source, standards-based tools, there are numerous other
possibilities and setups.

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Also, please note that the configuration and installation guidelines relating to a particular tool below are here for
convenience. You should refer to the documentation for each individual component for complete and up-to-date
details. Many of the tools are updated on a frequent basis, and the guidelines below may become out of date.

2.3.1 UNIX-like OS or Microsoft Windows

UNIX-like OS (Linux, HP/UX, Mac OSX, etc.) : Many distributions of Linux/Unix come with some of the
dependencies below pre-installed or easily installed via updates. You should consult your particular
distribution's documentation or local system administrators to determine what is already available.
Microsoft Windows: After verifying all prerequisites below, see the Windows Installation section for
Windows tailored instructions

2.3.2 Java JDK 7 or 8 (OpenJDK or Oracle JDK)

OpenJDK download and installation instructions can be found here Most
operating systems provide an easy path to install OpenJDK. Just be sure to install the full JDK (development
kit), and not the JRE (which is often the default example).

Oracle's Java can be downloaded from the following location:

/downloads/index.html. Make sure to download the appropriate version of the Java SE JDK.

Make sure to install the JDK and not just the JRE

At this time, DSpace requires the full JDK (Java Development Kit) be installed, rather than just the
JRE (Java Runtime Environment). So, please be sure that you are installing the full JDK and not just
the JRE.

Be aware that Tomcat 7 uses Java 1.6 to compile JSPs by default. See information about Tomcat
below on how to configure it to use Java 1.7 for JSPs. Tomcat 8 uses Java 1.7 for JSPs by default. If
you use another Servlet Container please refer to its documentation on this matter.

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Optional ElasticSearch Usage Statistics feature has its own Java requirements

If you plan to use the (optional) Elasticsearch Usage Statistics feature in DSpace, the ElasticSearch
backend provides its own recommendations regarding Java version.

"Elasticsearch is built using Java, and requires at least Java 7 in order to run. Only Oracles Java and
the OpenJDK are supported. We recommend installing the Java 8 update 20 or later , or Java 7
update 55 or later . Previous versions of Java 7 are known to have bugs that can cause index
corruption and data loss."

(However, if you plan to use the Solr-based Usage Statistics that are enabled by default within
DSpace, you can ignore these additional requirements.)

2.3.3 Apache Maven 3.0.5 or above (Java build tool)

Maven is necessary in the first stage of the build process to assemble the installation package for your DSpace
instance. It gives you the flexibility to customize DSpace using the existing Maven projects found in the [dspace-
source]/dspace/modules directory or by adding in your own Maven project to build the installation package for
DSpace, and apply any custom interface "overlay" changes.

If you will be building the Mirage 2 theme, you will need Maven 3.1 or above.

Maven can be downloaded from the following location:

Configuring a Proxy
You can configure a proxy to use for some or all of your HTTP requests in Maven. The username and password
are only required if your proxy requires basic authentication (note that later releases may support storing your
passwords in a secured keystore in the mean time, please ensure your settings.xml file (usually ${user.home}/.
m2/settings.xml) is secured with permissions appropriate for your operating system).


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2.3.4 Apache Ant 1.8 or later (Java build tool)

Apache Ant is required for the second stage of the build process (deploying/installing the application). First,
Maven is used to construct the installer ([dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-installer), after
which Ant is used to install/deploy DSpace to the installation directory.

Ant can be downloaded from the following location:

2.3.5 Relational Database: (PostgreSQL or Oracle)

PostgreSQL 9.4 or later (with pgcrypto installed)

DSpace 6 requires Postgres 9.4+ with the pgcrypto extension enabled

PostgreSQL users MUST ensure they are running 9.4 or above AND have the pgcrypto extension
installed and enabled.

The pgcrypto extension allows DSpace to create UUIDs (universally unique identifiers) for all objects
in DSpace, which means that (internal) object identifiers are now globally unique and no longer tied to
database sequences.

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PostgreSQL can be downloaded from It is also provided via many operating
system package managers
If the version of Postgres provided by your package manager is outdated, you may wish to use
one of the official PostgreSQL provided repositories:
Linux users can select their OS of choice for detailed instructions on using the official
PostgreSQL apt or yum repository:
Windows users will need to use the windows installer:
Mac OSX users can choose their preferred installation method:
Install the pgcrypto extension. It will also need to be enabled on your DSpace Database (see Installation
instructions below for more info).
On most Linux operating systems (Ubuntu, Debian, RedHat), this extension is provided in the
"postgresql-contrib" package in your package manager. So, ensure you've installed "postgresql-
On Windows, this extension should be provided automatically by the installer (check your
"[PostgreSQL]/share/extension" folder for files starting with "pgcrypto")
Unicode (specifically UTF-8) support must be enabled (but this is enabled by default).
Once installed, you need to enable TCP/IP connections (DSpace uses JDBC):
In postgresql.conf: uncomment the line starting: listen_addresses = 'localhost'.
This is the default, in recent PostgreSQL releases, but you should at least check it.
Then tighten up security a bit by editing pg_hba.conf and adding this line: host dspace
dspace md5. This should appear before any lines matching
all databases, because the first matching rule governs.
Then restart PostgreSQL.

Oracle 10g or later

Details on acquiring Oracle can be downloaded from the following location:
/database/. You will need to create a database for DSpace. Make sure that the character set is one of the
Unicode character sets. DSpace uses UTF-8 natively, and it is suggested that the Oracle database use
the same character set. You will also need to create a user account for DSpace (e.g. dspace) and ensure
that it has permissions to add and remove tables in the database. Refer to the Quick Installation for more
NOTE: If the database server is not on the same machine as DSpace, you must install the Oracle
client to the DSpace server and point tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files to the database
the Oracle server.
For people interested in switching from PostgreSQL to Oracle (or visa versa), you may be able to

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2.3.6 Servlet Engine (Apache Tomcat 7 or later, Jetty, Caucho

Resin or equivalent)

Tomcat 8 Version

Tomcat 8.0.32 (found e.g. in Debian 9 Stretch and Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial) has a bug which will cause
PropertyBatchUpdateException or StringIndexOutOfBoundsException. This was fixed in 8.0.33. More
information can be found in DS-3142.

Tomcat 7 Version

If you are using Tomcat 7, we recommend running Tomcat 7.0.30 or above. Tomcat 7.0.29 and lower
versions suffer from a memory leak. As a result, those versions of tomcat require an unusual high
amount of memory to run DSpace. This has been resolved as of Tomcat 7.0.30. More information can
be found in DS-1553

Apache Tomcat 7 or later. Tomcat can be downloaded from the following location: http://tomcat.apache.
Note that DSpace will need to run as the same user as Tomcat, so you might want to install and
run Tomcat as a user called 'dspace'. Set the environment variable TOMCAT_USER
You need to ensure that Tomcat has a) enough memory to run DSpace and b) uses UTF-8 as its
default file encoding for international character support. So ensure in your startup scripts (etc) that
the following environment variable is set: JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx512M -Xms64M -Dfile.
Modifications in [tomcat]/conf/server.xml : You also need to alter Tomcat's default
configuration to support searching and browsing of multi-byte UTF-8 correctly. You need to add a
configuration option to the <Connector> element in [tomcat]/config/server.xml: URIEncoding="
UTF-8" e.g. if you're using the default Tomcat config, it should read:

<!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 -->

<Connector port="8080"

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You may change the port from 8080 by editing it in the file above, and by setting the variable
CONNECTOR_PORT in server.xml.
Tomcat 8 and above is using at least Java 1.7 for JSP compilation. However, by default, Tomcat 7
uses Java 1.6 for JSP compilation. If you want to use Java 1.7 in your .jsp files, you have to
change the configuration of Tomcat 7. Edit the file called web.xml in the configuration directory of
your Tomcat instance (${CATALINA_HOME}/conf in Tomcat notation). Look for a servlet definition
using the org.apache.jasper.servlet.JSPServlet servlet-class and add two init parameters
compilerSourceVM and compilerTargetVM as you see it in the example below. Then restart



Jetty or Caucho Resin DSpace will also run on an equivalent servlet Engine, such as Jetty (http://www. or Caucho Resin ( Jetty and Resin are configured
for correct handling of UTF-8 by default.

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2.4 Installation Instructions

2.4.1 Overview of Install Options

Two different distributions are available for DSpace, both of which require you to build the distribution using
Apache Maven 3. The steps that are required to execute the build are identical. In a nutshell, the binary release
build will download pre-compiled parts of DSpace, while the building the source release will compile most of
DSpace's source code on your local machine.

It's important to notice that both releases will require outgoing internet connections on the machine or server
where you are executing the build, because maven needs to download 3rd party dependencies that are not
even included in the DSpace source release distribution.

Binary Release (dspace-<version>

This distribution will be adequate for most cases of running a DSpace instance. It is intended to be
the quickest way to get DSpace installed and running while still allowing for customization of the
themes and branding of your DSpace instance.
This method allows you to customize DSpace configurations (in dspace.cfg) or user interfaces,
using basic pre-built interface "overlays".
It downloads "precompiled" libraries for the core dspace-api, supporting servlets, taglibraries,
aspects and themes for the dspace-xmlui, dspace-xmlui and other webservice/applications.
This approach only exposes selected parts of the application for customization. All other modules
are downloaded from the 'Maven Central Repository' The directory structure for this release is the
dspace/ - DSpace 'build' and configuration module
Source Release (dspace-<version>
This method is recommended for those who wish to develop DSpace further or alter its underlying
capabilities to a greater degree.
It contains all dspace code for the core dspace-api, supporting servlets, taglibraries, aspects and
themes for Manakin (dspace-xmlui), and other webservice/applications.
Provides all the same capabilities as the binary release. The directory structure for this release is
more detailed:
dspace - DSpace 'build' and configuration module
dspace-api - Java API source module
dspace-jspui - JSP-UI source module
dspace-oai - OAI-PMH source module
dspace-rdf - RDF source module
dspace-rest - REST API source module

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dspace-services - Common Services module

dspace-sword - SWORD (Simple Web-serve Offering Repository Deposit) deposit
service source module
dspace-swordv2 - SWORDv2 source module
dspace-xmlui - XML-UI (Manakin) source module
dspace-xmlui-mirage2 - Mirage 2 theme for the XMLUI
pom.xml - DSpace Parent Project definition

2.4.2 Overview of DSpace Directories

Before beginning an installation, it is important to get a general understanding of the DSpace directories and the
names by which they are generally referred. (Please attempt to use these below directory names when asking
for help on the DSpace Mailing Lists, as it will help everyone better understand what directory you may be
referring to.)

DSpace uses three separate directory trees. Although you don't need to know all the details of them in order to
install DSpace, you do need to know they exist and also know how they're referred to in this document:

1. The installation directory, referred to as [dspace]. This is the location where DSpace is installed and
running. It is the location that is defined in the dspace.cfg as "dspace.dir". It is where all the DSpace
configuration files, command line scripts, documentation and webapps will be installed.
2. The source directory, referred to as [dspace-source] . This is the location where the DSpace
release distribution has been unpacked. It usually has the name of the archive that you expanded such
as dspace-<version>-release or dspace-<version>-src-release. Normally it is the directory
where all of your "build" commands will be run.
3. The web deployment directory. This is the directory that contains your DSpace web application(s).This
corresponds to [dspace]/webapps by default. However, if you are using Tomcat, you may decide to
copy your DSpace web applications from [dspace]/webapps/ to [tomcat]/webapps/ (with
[tomcat] being wherever you installed Tomcat also known as $CATALINA_HOME).
For details on the contents of these separate directory trees, refer to directories.html. Note that the
[dspace-source] and [dspace] directories are always separate!

If you ever notice that many files seems to have duplicates under [dspace-source]/dspace/target do not
worry about it. This "target" directory will be used by Maven for the build process and you should not change
any file in it unless you know exactly what you are doing.

2.4.3 Installation
This method gets you up and running with DSpace quickly and easily. It is identical in both the Default Release
and Source Release distributions.


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1. Create the DSpace user. This needs to be the same user that Tomcat (or Jetty etc.) will run as. e.g. as
root run:

useradd -m dspace

2. Download the latest DSpace release. There are two version available with each release of DSpace: (
dspace-n.x-release. and dspace-n.x-src-release.zzz); you only need to choose one. If you want a copy of
all underlying Java source code, you should download the dspace-n.x-src-release.xxxWithin each
version, you have a choice of compressed file format. Choose the one that best fits your environment.
a. Alternatively, you may choose to check out the latest release from the DSpace GitHub Repository.
In this case, you'd be checking out the full Java source code. You'd also want to be sure to
checkout the appropriate tag or branch. For more information on using / developing from the
GitHub Repository, see: Development with Git
3. Unpack the DSpace software. After downloading the software, based on the compression file format,
choose one of the following methods to unpack your software:
a. Zip file. If you downloaded do the following:


b. .gz file. If you downloaded dspace-6.x-release.tar.gz do the following:

gunzip -c dspace-6.x-release.tar.gz | tar -xf -

c. .bz2 file. If you downloaded do the following:

bunzip2 | tar -xf -

For ease of reference, we will refer to the location of this unzipped version of the DSpace release
as [dspace-source] in the remainder of these instructions. After unpacking the file, the user may
wish to change the ownership of the dspace-6.x-release to the "dspace" user. (And you may need
to change the group).
4. Database Setup
Also see "Relational Database" prerequisite notes above
A PostgreSQL JDBC driver is configured as part of the default DSpace build. You no longer
need to copy any PostgreSQL jars to get PostgreSQL installed.
Create a dspace database user (this user can have any name, but we'll assume you name
them "dspace"). This is entirely separate from the dspace operating-system user created

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createuser --username=postgres --no-superuser --pwprompt dspace

You will be prompted (twice) for a password for the new dspace user. Then you'll be
prompted for the password of the PostgreSQL superuser (postgres).
Create a dspace database, owned by the dspace PostgreSQL user. Similar to the
previous step, this can only be done by a "superuser" account in PostgreSQL (e.g.

createdb --username=postgres --owner=dspace --encoding=UNICODE dspace

You will be prompted for the password of the PostgreSQL superuser ( postgres).
Finally, you MUST enable the pgcrypto extension on your new dspace database. Again,
this can only be enabled by a "superuser" account (e.g. postgres)

# Login to the database as a superuser, and enable the pgcrypto extension on this
psql --username=postgres dspace -c "CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto;"

The "CREATE EXTENSION" command should return with no result if it succeeds. If it fails
or throws an error, it is likely you are missing the required pgcrypto extension (see
Database Prerequisites above).
Alternative method: How to enable pgcrypto via a separate database schema.
While the above method of enabling pgcrypto is perfectly fine for the majority of
users, there may be some scenarios where a database administrator would prefer to
install extensions into a database schema that is separate from the DSpace tables.
Developers also may wish to install pgcrypto into a separate schema if they plan to
"clean" (recreate) their development database frequently. Keeping extensions in a
separate schema from the DSpace tables will ensure developers would NOT have to
continually re-enable the extension each time you run a "./dspace database
clean". If you wish to install pgcrypto in a separate schema here's how to do that:

# Login to the database as a superuser

psql --username=postgres dspace
# Create a new schema in this database named "extensions" (or whatever
you want to name it)
CREATE SCHEMA extensions;
# Enable this extension in this new schema
CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto SCHEMA extensions;
# Determine what your database "search_path" is set to
# (the search_path is where your database will look for extensions)
SHOW search_path;
# Update your database's "search_path" to also search the new "extensions"

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# You are just appending it on the end of the existing comma-separated

ALTER DATABASE dspace SET search_path TO [existing-search_path-list],
# Grant rights to call functions in the extensions schema to your dspace
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA extensions TO dspace;

Setting up DSpace to use Oracle is a bit different now. You will need still need to get a copy
of the Oracle JDBC driver, but instead of copying it into a lib directory you will need to
install it into your local Maven repository. (You'll need to download it first from this location:
Run the following command (all on one line):

mvn install:install-file

You need to compile DSpace with an Oracle driver (ojdbc6.jar) corresponding to your
Oracle version - update the version in [dspace-source]/pom.xml E.g.:


Create a database for DSpace. Make sure that the character set is one of the Unicode
character sets. DSpace uses UTF-8 natively, and it is required that the Oracle database
use the same character set. Create a user account for DSpace (e.g. dspace) and ensure
that it has permissions to add and remove tables in the database.
NOTE: You will need to ensure the proper db.* settings are specified in your local.cfg
file (see next step), as the defaults for all of these settings assuming a PostgreSQL
database backend.

db.url = jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port/SID
# e.g. db.url = jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/xe
# NOTE: in db.url, SID is the SID of your database defined in tnsnames.ora
# the default Oracle port is 1521
# You may also use a full SID definition, e.g.

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# db.url = jdbc:oracle:thin:@(description=(address_list=(address=(protocol=TCP)

# Oracle driver and dialect

db.driver = oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
db.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect

# Specify DB username, password and schema to use

db.username =
db.password =
db.schema = ${db.username}
# For Oracle, schema is equivalent to the username of your database account,
# so this may be set to ${db.username} in most scenarios

Later, during the Maven build step, don't forget to specify mvn
5. Initial Configuration (local.cfg): Create your own [dspace-source]/local.cfg configuration file
(you may wish to simply copy the provided [dspace-source]/local.cfg.EXAMPLE). This local.cfg
file can be used to store any configuration changes that you wish to make which are local to your
installation (see local.cfg configuration file documentation). ANY setting may be copied into this local.cfg
file from the dspace.cfg or any other *.cfg file in order to override the default setting (see note below). For
the initial installation of DSpace, there are some key settings you'll likely want to override, those are
provided in the [dspace-source]/local.cfg.EXAMPLE. (NOTE: Settings followed with an asterisk
(*) are highly recommended, while all others are optional during initial installation and may be customized
at a later time)
dspace.dir* - must be set to the [dspace] (installation) directory (NOTE: On Windows be sure
to use forward slashes for the directory path! For example: "C:/dspace" is a valid path for
dspace.hostname - fully-qualified domain name of web server (or "localhost" if you just want to
run DSpace locally for now)
dspace.baseUrl* - complete URL of this server's DSpace home page (including port), but
without any context eg. /xmlui, /oai, etc. - "Proper" name of your server, e.g. "My Digital Library".
solr.server* - complete URL of the Solr server. DSpace makes use of Solr for indexing
default.language - Default language for all metadata values (defaults to "en_US")
db.url* - The full JDBC URL to your database (examples are provided in the local.cfg.
db.driver* - Which database driver to use, based on whether you are using PostgreSQL or
db.dialect* - Which database dialect to use, based on whether you are using PostgreSQL or
db.username* - the database username used in the previous step.
db.password* - the database password used in the previous step.

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db.schema* - the database scheme to use (examples are provided in the local.cfg.EXAMPLE)
mail.server - fully-qualified domain name of your outgoing mail server.
mail.from.address - the "From:" address to put on email sent by DSpace. - mailbox for feedback mail.
mail.admin - mailbox for DSpace site administrator.
mail.alert.recipient - mailbox for server errors/alerts (not essential but very useful!)
mail.registration.notify- mailbox for emails when new users register (optional)

Your local.cfg file can override ANY settings from other *.cfg files in DSpace

The provided local.cfg.EXAMPLE only includes a small subset of the configuration

settings available with DSpace. It provides a good starting point for your own local.cfg
However, you should be aware that ANY configuration can now be copied into your
local.cfg to override the default settings. This includes ANY of the settings
/configurations in:
The primary dspace.cfg file ([dspace]/config/dspace.cfg)
Any of the module configuration files ([dspace]/config/modules/*.cfg
Individual settings may also be commented out or removed in your local.cfg, in order
to re-enable default settings.
See the Configuration Reference section for more details.

6. DSpace Directory: Create the directory for the DSpace installation (i.e. [dspace]). As root (or a user
with appropriate permissions), run:

mkdir [dspace]
chown dspace [dspace]

(Assuming the dspace UNIX username.)

7. Build the Installation Package: As the dspace UNIX user, generate the DSpace installation package.

cd [dspace-source]
mvn package

Building with Oracle Database Support

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Without any extra arguments, the DSpace installation package is initialized for PostgreSQL. If
you want to use Oracle instead, you should build the DSpace installation package as follows:
mvn package

Enabling and building the Mirage 2 theme (for XMLUI)

Mirage 2 is a responsive theme for the XML User Interface, added as a new feature in DSpace
5. It has not yet replaced the Mirage 1 theme as the XMLUI default theme.
The Mirage 2 build requires git to be installed on your server. Install git before attempting the
Mirage 2 build.
To enable Mirage 2, add the following to the <themes> section of [dspace-source]/dspace
/config/xmlui.xconf , replacing the currently active theme:



"Mirage 2"






It is important to do this before executing the maven build.

Mirage 2 is not yet activated in the default "mvn package" build. To include it as part of the
build, run:

mvn package -Dmirage2.on=


The speed of this specific step of the build can be increased by installing local copies of the
specific dependencies required for building Mirage 2. The Mirage 2 developer documentation
provides detailed instructions for these installations. After the installation of these
dependencies, you can choose to run:

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mvn package -Dmirage2.on=


Warning: The Mirage 2 build process should NOT be run as "root". It must be run as a non-root
user. For more information see: Mirage 2 Common Build Issues

8. Install DSpace: As the dspace UNIX user, install DSpace to [dspace]:

cd [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-installer
ant fresh_install

To see a complete list of build targets, run: ant help The most likely thing to go wrong here is
the test of your database connection. See the Common Problems Section below for more

9. Decide which DSpace Web Applications you want to install. DSpace comes with a variety of web
applications (in [dspace]/webapps), each of which provides a different "interface" to your DSpace.
Which ones you install is up to you, but there are a few that we highly recommend (see below):
a. "xmlui" = This is the XML-based User Interface (XMLUI), based on Apache Cocoon. It comes with
a variety of out-of-the-box themes, including Mirage 1 (the default) and Mirage 2 (based on
Bootstrap). Between the "xmlui" and "jspui", you likely only need to choose one.
b. "jspui" = This is the JSP-based User Interface (JSPUI), which is based on Bootstrap. Between the
"xmlui" and "jspui", you likely only need to choose one.
c. "solr" (required) = This is Apache Solr web application, which is used by the "xmlui" and "jspui"
(for search & browse functionality), as well as the OAI-PMH interface. It must be installed in
support of either UI.
d. "oai" = This is the DSpace OAI interface. It allows for Metadata and Bitstream (content-file)
harvesting, supporting OAI-PMH (Protocol for Metadata Harvest) and OAI-ORE (Object Reuse
and Exchange) protocols
e. "rdf" = This is the DSpace RDF interface supporting Linked (Open) Data.
f. "rest" = This is the DSpace REST API
g. "sword" = This is the DSpace SWORDv1 interface. More info on SWORD protocol and its usage.
h. "swordv2" = This is the DSpace SWORDv2 interface. More info on SWORD protocol and its usage
10. Deploy Web Applications:

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Please note that in the first instance you should refer to the appropriate documentation for your Web
Server of choice. The following instructions are meant as a handy guide. You have two choices or
techniques for having Tomcat/Jetty/Resin serve up your web applications:
Technique A. Tell your Tomcat/Jetty/Resin installation where to find your DSpace web application
(s). As an example, in the directory [tomcat]/conf/Catalina/localhost you could add files
similar to the following (but replace [dspace]with your installation location):

DEFINE A CONTEXT FOR DSpace XML User Interface: xmlui.xml

<?xml version='1.0'?>

DEFINE A CONTEXT PATH FOR DSpace JSP User Interface: jspui.xml

<?xml version='1.0'?>

DEFINE A CONTEXT PATH FOR DSpace Solr index: solr.xml

<?xml version='1.0'?>

DEFINE A CONTEXT PATH FOR DSpace OAI User Interface: oai.xml

<?xml version='1.0'?>

etc.): \[app\].xml

<?xml version='1.0'?>

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The name of the file (not including the suffix ".xml") will be the name of the context, so for example
xmlui.xml defines the context at http://host:8080/xmlui. To define the root context (
http://host:8080/), name that context's file ROOT.xml.

Tomcat Context Settings in Production

The above Tomcat Context Settings show adding the following to each <Context>
element:reloadable="true" cachingAllowed="false"
These settings are extremely useful to have when you are first getting started with
DSpace, as they let you tweak the DSpace XMLUI (XSLTs or CSS) or JSPUI (JSPs) and
see your changes get automatically reloaded by Tomcat (without having to restart
Tomcat). However, it is worth noting that the Apache Tomcat documentation
recommends Production sites leave the default values in place (reloadable="
false" cachingAllowed="true"), as allowing Tomcat to automatically reload all
changes may result in "significant runtime overhead".
It is entirely up to you whether to keep these Tomcat settings in place. We just
recommend beginning with them, so that you can more easily customize your site
without having to require a Tomcat restart. Smaller DSpace sites may not notice any
performance issues with keeping these settings in place in Production. Larger DSpace
sites may wish to ensure that Tomcat performance is more streamlined.

Technique B. Simple and complete. You copy only (or all) of the DSpace Web application(s) you
wish to use from the [dspace]/webapps directory to the appropriate directory in your Tomcat/Jetty
/Resin installation. For example:
cp -R [dspace]/webapps/* [tomcat]/webapps* (This will copy all the web applications to
cp -R [dspace]/webapps/jspui [tomcat]/webapps* (This will copy only the jspui web
application to Tomcat.)
11. Administrator Account: Create an initial administrator account from the command line:

[dspace]/bin/dspace create-administrator

12. Initial Startup! Now the moment of truth! Start up (or restart) Tomcat/Jetty/Resin. Visit the base URL(s)
of your server, depending on which DSpace web applications you want to use. You should see the
DSpace home page. Congratulations! Base URLs of DSpace Web Applications:
a. JSP User Interface - (e.g.)
XML User Interface (aka. Manakin) - (e.g.)

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OAI-PMH Interface - (e.g.)

verb=Identify (Should return an XML-based response)

In order to set up some communities and collections, you'll need to login as your DSpace Administrator (which
you created with create-administrator above) and access the administration UI in either the JSP or XML
user interface.

2.5 Advanced Installation

The above installation steps are sufficient to set up a test server to play around with, but there are a few other
steps and options you should probably consider before deploying a DSpace production site.

2.5.1 'cron' jobs / scheduled tasks

A few DSpace features require that a script is run regularly (via cron, or similar):

the e-mail subscription feature that alerts users of new items being deposited;
the 'media filter' tool, that generates thumbnails of images and extracts the full-text of documents for
the 'checksum checker' that tests the bitstreams in your repository for corruption;
the sitemap generator, which enhances the ability of major search engines to index your content and
make it findable;
the curation system queueing feature, which allows administrators to "queue" tasks (to run at a later
time) from the Admin UI;
and Discovery (search & browse), OAI-PMH and Usage Statistics all receive performance benefits from
regular re-optimization

For much more information on recommended scheduled tasks, please see Scheduled Tasks via Cron.

2.5.2 Multilingual Installation

In order to deploy a multilingual version of DSpace you have to configure two parameters in [dspace-source]

default.locale, e.g. default.locale = en

webui.supported locales, e.g. webui.supported.locales = en, de

The Locales might have the form country, country_language, country_language_variant.

According to the languages you wish to support, you have to make sure that all the i18n related files are
available. See the Configuring Multilingual Support section for the JSPUI or the Multilingual Support for XMLUI
in the configuration documentation.

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2.5.3 DSpace over HTTPS

If your DSpace is configured to have users login with a username and password (as opposed to, say, client
Web certificates), then you should consider using HTTPS. Whenever a user logs in with the Web form (e.g. their DSpace password is exposed in plain text on the network. This
is a very serious security risk since network traffic monitoring is very common, especially at universities. If the
risk seems minor, then consider that your DSpace administrators also login this way and they have ultimate
control over the archive.

The solution is to use HTTPS (HTTP over SSL, i.e. Secure Socket Layer, an encrypted transport), which
protects your passwords against being captured. You can configure DSpace to require SSL on all
"authenticated" transactions so it only accepts passwords on SSL connections.

The following sections show how to set up the most commonly-used Java Servlet containers to support HTTP
over SSL.

Enabling the HTTPS support in Tomcat itself (running on ports 8080 and
Loosely based on

1. For Production use: Follow this procedure to set up SSL on your server. Using a "real" server certificate
ensures your users' browsers will accept it without complaints. In the examples below,
$CATALINA_BASE is the directory under which your Tomcat is installed.
a. Create a Java keystore for your server with the password changeit, and install your server
certificate under the alias "tomcat". This assumes the certificate was put in the file server.pem:

$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -import -noprompt -v -storepass changeit

-keystore $CATALINA_BASE/conf/keystore -alias tomcat -file

b. Install the CA (Certifying Authority) certificate for the CA that granted your server cert, if
necessary. This assumes the server CA certificate is in ca.pem:

$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -import -noprompt -storepass changeit

-trustcacerts -keystore $CATALINA_BASE/conf/keystore -alias ServerCA
-file ca.pem

c. Optional ONLY if you need to accept client certificates for the X.509 certificate stackable
authentication module See the configuration section for instructions on enabling the X.509

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authentication method. Load the keystore with the CA (certifying authority) certificates for the
authorities of any clients whose certificates you wish to accept. For example, assuming the client
CA certificate is in client1.pem:

$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -import -noprompt -storepass changeit

-trustcacerts -keystore $CATALINA_BASE/conf/keystore -alias client1
-file client1.pem

d. Now add another Connector tag to your server.xml Tomcat configuration file, like the example
below. The parts affecting or specific to SSL are shown in bold. (You may wish to change some
details such as the port, pathnames, and keystore password)

<Connector port="8443"
maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25"
scheme="https" secure="true" sslProtocol="TLS"
keystoreFile="conf/keystore" keystorePass="changeit"
clientAuth="true" - ONLY if using client X.509 certs for authentication!
truststoreFile="conf/keystore" truststorePass="changeit" />

Also, check that the default Connector is set up to redirect "secure" requests to the same port as
your SSL connector, e.g.:

<Connector port="8080"
maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25"
acceptCount="100" />

2. Quick-and-dirty Procedure for Testing: If you are just setting up a DSpace server for testing, or to
experiment with HTTPS, then you don't need to get a real server certificate. You can create a "self-
signed" certificate for testing; web browsers will issue warnings before accepting it, but they will function
exactly the same after that as with a "real" certificate. In the examples below, $CATALINA_BASE is the
directory under which your Tomcat is installed.
a. Create a new key pair under the alias name "tomcat". When generating your key, give the
Distinguished Name fields the appropriate values for your server and institution. CN should be the
fully-qualified domain name of your server host. Here is an example:

$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey \
-alias tomcat \
-keyalg RSA \

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-keysize 1024 \
-keystore $CATALINA_BASE/conf/keystore \
-storepass changeit \
-validity 365 \
-dname ', OU=MIT Libraries, O=Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, L=Cambridge, S=MA, C=US'

You should be prompted for a password to protect the private key.

Since you now have a signed server certificate in your keystore you can, obviously, skip the next
steps of installing a signed server certificate and the server CA's certificate.
b. Optional ONLY if you need to accept client certificates for the X.509 certificate stackable
authentication module See the configuration section for instructions on enabling the X.509
authentication method. Load the keystore with the CA (certifying authority) certificates for the
authorities of any clients whose certificates you wish to accept. For example, assuming the client
CA certificate is in client1.pem:

$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -import -noprompt -storepass changeit \

-trustcacerts -keystore $CATALINA_BASE/conf/keystore -alias client1 \
-file client1.pem

c. Follow the procedure in the section above to add another Connector tag, for the HTTPS port, to
your server.xml file.

Using SSL on Apache HTTPD in front of Tomcat (running on ports 80 and


When using Apache 2.4.2 (and lower) in front of a DSpace webapp deployed in Tomcat,
mod_proxy_ajp and possibly mod_proxy_http breaks the connection to the back end (Tomcat)
prematurely leading to response mixups. This is reported as bug CVE-2012-3502 ( http://web.nvd.nist.
gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2012-3502 ) of Apache and fixed in Apache 2.4.3 (see http://www. . The 2.2.x branch hasn't shown this problem only the 2.4.x
branch has.

Before following these instructions, it's HIGHLY recommended to first get DSpace running in
standalone Tomcat on port 8080. Once DSpace is running, you can use the below instructions to add
Apache HTTP Server in front of Tomcat in order to allow DSpace to run on port 80 and optionally port
443 (for SSL).

One of the easiest routes to both running DSpace on standard ports (80 and 443) as well as using HTTPS is to
install Apache HTTP Server as your primary HTTP server, and use it to forward requests to Tomcat.

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1. Install Apache HTTP Server alongside your Tomcat instance

2. In your Tomcat's server.xml, ensure that the AJP Connector is UNCOMMENTED. Usually this runs on
port 8009, but you can decide to change the port if you desire

<!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->

<Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" />

3. Choose how you'd like to redirect requests from Apache HTTP Server to Tomcat. There are two primary
options (mod_proxy OR mod_jk), just choose ONE. (NOTE: "mod_proxy" is often the easier of the two):
a. OPTION 1: Use "mod_proxy" and "mod_proxy_ajp" Apache modules to redirect requests to
Tomcat (via AJP Connector) - RECOMMENDED
i. Install "mod_proxy" and "mod_proxy_ajp" (usually they are installed by default with Apache
HTTP Server)
ii. Enable both "mod_proxy" and "mod_proxy_ajp" modules. How you do this is often based
on your operating system
1. In Debian / Ubuntu, there's an "a2enmod" command that enables Apache 2
modules. So, you can just run: sudo a2enmod proxy proxy_ajp
2. In other operating systems, you may need to find the appropriate "LoadModule"
configurations (in Apache HTTP Server's main config) and uncomment it. You'll then
need to restart Apache HTTP Server
iii. Create a new Virtual Host in Apache HTTP Server to represent your DSpace site. Here's a
basic example of a Virtual Host responding to any port 80 requests for "":

<VirtualHost *:80>
# Obviously, replace the ServerName with your DSpace site URL

## Apache HTTP Server Logging Settings - modify how you see fit
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/ combined

# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, alert,
LogLevel warn

# There are many more configurations available for Virtual Hosts,

# see the documentation for more details

iv. If you want your site to also respond to SSL requests, you'll need to install and enable "
mod_ssl" and create a second Virtual Host to respond to port 443 requests. An example is
provided below. But much more details are available in the Apache HTTP SSL
Documentation and the mod_ssl documentation

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<VirtualHost *:443>
# Obviously, replace the ServerName with your DSpace site URL

# You can have SSL Apache logging settings here too (see the port 80 example

# Configure your SSL Certificate (you must create one, obviously)

# See the "keytool" instructions above for examples of creating this
# There are also many good guides on the web for generating SSL certificates f
or Apache
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateChainFile /path/to/your/chainfile.crt
SSLCertificateFile /path/to/your/public-cert.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/your/private-key.key

# More information on SSL configurations can be found in the mod_ssl


Extra SSL Configurations for X.509 Client Certificates authentication

If you are using X.509 Client Certificates for authentication: add these
configuration options to the appropriate httpd configuration file, e.g. ssl.conf, and
be sure they are in force for the virtual host and namespace locations dedicated
to DSpace:
## SSLVerifyClient can be "optional" or "require"
SSLVerifyClient optional
SSLVerifyDepth 10
SSLCACertificateFile /path/to/your/client-CA-certificate
SSLOptions StdEnvVars ExportCertData

v. In each of your Apache HTTP Virtual Hosts (see above), use "ProxyPass" configurations to
configure the redirects from Apache HTTP Server to Apache Tomcat. The exact
configurations depend on whether you want to redirect ALL requests to Tomcat, or just
certain paths. Here's a basic example. But much more information and examples can be
found in the mod_proxy documentation

# These are just examples. THEY LIKELY WILL NEED MODIFICATION.

# Again, remember to add these to your EXISTING <VirtualHost> settings


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... (existing settings) ...

# If there's a single path you do NOT want redirected, you can use ! to ignore
# In this case any requests to "/ignored_path" will be handled by Apache HTTPD
and NOT forwarded to Tomcat
ProxyPass /ignored_path !

# These configurations say: By default, redirect ALL requests to port 8009

# (The port MUST match the port of your Tomcat AJP Connector. By default this
usually is 8009)
ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/
ProxyPassReverse / ajp://localhost:8009/

# You may also wish to provide additional "mod_proxy" configurations,

# for more examples and details see the documentation at

b. OPTION 2: Alternatively, use "mod_jk" Apache module to redirect requests to Tomcat (via AJP
Connector). For information on configuring mod_jk, please see the Apache Tomcat Connector
documentation (specifically the "How To" on using the Tomcat Connector with Apache HTTP
Server). You may also refer to our wiki guide for installing DSpace with ModJk.
4. Finally, restart your Apache HTTP Server and test things out.
a. If you hit any issues, it is recommended to search around for guides to running Apache HTTP
Server and Apache Tomcat using either "mod_proxy" or "mod_jk". DSpace does not require any
unique configurations with regards to this redirection from Apache to Tomcat. So, any guides that
generally explain how to redirect requests from Apache to Tomcat should also work for DSpace.

2.5.4 The Handle Server

First a few facts to clear up some common misconceptions:

You don't have to use CNRI's Handle system. At the moment, you need to change the code a little to use
something else (e.g PURLs) but that should change soon.
You'll notice that while you've been playing around with a test server, DSpace has apparently been
creating handles for you looking like hdl:123456789/24 and so forth. These aren't really Handles, since
the global Handle system doesn't actually know about them, and lots of other DSpace test installs will
have created the same IDs. They're only really Handles once you've registered a prefix with CNRI (see
below) and have correctly set up the Handle server included in the DSpace distribution. This Handle
server communicates with the rest of the global Handle infrastructure so that anyone that understands
Handles can find the Handles your DSpace has created.
If you want to use the Handle system, you'll need to set up a Handle server. One is included with
DSpace. Note that this is not required in order to evaluate DSpace; you only need one if you are running
a production service. You'll need to obtain a Handle prefix from the central CNRI Handle site.

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A Handle server runs as a separate process that receives TCP requests from other Handle servers, and issues
resolution requests to a global server or servers if a Handle entered locally does not correspond to some local
content. The Handle protocol is based on TCP, so it will need to be installed on a server that can send and
receive TCP on port 2641.

You can either use a Handle server running on the same machine as DSpace, or you can install it on a
separate machine. Installing it on the same machine is a little bit easier. If you install it on a separate machine,
you can use one Handle server for more than one DSpace installation.

To install your Handle resolver on the host where DSpace runs:

1. To configure your DSpace installation to run the handle server, run the following command:

[dspace]/bin/dspace make-handle-config [dspace]/handle-server

Ensure that [dspace]/handle-server matches whatever you have in dspace.cfg for the handle.dir property.
a. If you are using Windows, the proper command is:

[dspace]/bin/dspace dsrun net.handle.server.SimpleSetup [dspace]/handle-server

Ensure that [dspace]/handle-server matches whatever you have in dspace.cfg for the handle.dir
2. Edit the resulting [dspace]/handle-server/config.dct file to include the following lines in the "server_config"

"storage_type" = "CUSTOM"
"storage_class" = "org.dspace.handle.HandlePlugin"

This tells the Handle server to get information about individual Handles from the DSpace code.
3. Once the configuration file has been generated, you will need to go to
to upload the generated file. The upload page will ask you for your contact information. An
administrator will then create the naming authority/prefix on the root service (known as the Global Handle
Registry), and notify you when this has been completed. You will not be able to continue the handle
server installation until you receive further information concerning your naming authority.
4. When CNRI has sent you your naming authority prefix, you will need to edit the config.dct file. The file
will be found in /[dspace]/handle-server. Look for "300:0.NA/YOUR_NAMING_AUTHORITY". Replace
YOUR_NAMING_AUTHORITY with the assigned naming authority prefix sent to you.
5. Now start your handle server (as the dspace user):


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a. If you are using Windows, there is a corresponding 'start-handle-server.bat' script:


Note that since the DSpace code manages individual Handles, administrative operations such as Handle
creation and modification aren't supported by DSpace's Handle server.

To install a Handle resolver on a separate machine:

The Handle server you use must be dedicated to resolve Handles from DSpace. You cannot use a Handle
server that is in use with other software already. You can use CNRI's Handle Software -- all you have to do is to
add to it a plugin that is provided by DSpace. The following instructions were tested with CNRI's Handle
software version 7.3.1. You can do the following steps on another machine than the machine DSpace runs on,
but you have to copy some files from the machine on which DSpace is installed.

1. Download the CNRI Handle Software: In the tarball you'll find an
INSTALL.txt with installation instructions -- follow it.
2. After installing the CNRI Handle Software you should have two directories: once that contains the CNRI
software and one that contains the configuration of you local Handle Server. For the rest of this
instruction we assume that the directory containing the CNRI Software is /hs/hsj-7.3.1 and the
directory containing the configuration of your local server is /hs/srv_1. (We use the same paths here
as CNRIs INSTALL.txt.)
3. Download the plugin from Select a
release. You can get the source and build it yourself, or just use the JAR file included in the release. In
either case, once you have a dspace-remote-handle-resolver-VERSION.jar, copy it to the
directory containing the CNRI software (/hs/hsj-7.3.1/lib).
4. Create the directory /hs/srv_1/logs.
5. Create the following two files in /hs/

log4j.rootCategory=INFO, A1log4j.appender.A1=org.apache.log4j.
apache.log4j.PatternLayoutlog4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %-5
p %c @

Change the path in the third line, if necessary.handle-dspace-plugin.cfg

dspace.handle.endpoint1 =

If you are using XMLUI take a look in [dspace-install]/config/dspace.cfg, change the URL
above to the value of your dspace.url and add /handleresolver to the end of it. If you are using
JSPUI take a look in [dspace-install]/config/dspace.cfg, change the URL above to the value
of your dspace.url and add /json/hdlresolver to the end of it. If you run more than one DSpace

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Installation, you may add more DSpace Endpoints. Just increase the number at the end of the key for
each: endpoint2, endpoint3....
6. Edit the file /hs/srv_1/config.dct to include the following lines in the "server_config" clause:

"storage_type" = "CUSTOM""storage_class" = "org.dspace.handle.


7. Copy /hs/hsj-7.3.1/bin/hdl-server to /hs/srv_1/start-hdl-server.

8. Edit /hs/srv_1/start-hdl-server:
a. Find the last line that begins with HDLHOME=
b. Below that line add the following one: HDLHOME="/hs/hsj-7.3.1/"
c. Find a line that contains exec java ... net.handle.server.Main ...
d. Add "-Dlog4j.configuration=file:///hs/srv_1/log4j-handle-plugin.
properties -Ddspace.handle.plugin.configuration=/hs/srv_1/handle-dspace-
plugin.cfg" right in front of net.handle.server.Main.
9. If your handle server is running, stop it.
10. From now on you should start this handle server using /hs/srv_1/start-hdl-server

Please note: The Handle Server will only start if it is able to connect to at least one running DSpace
Installation. It only resolves the handles of the DSpace Installations that were running when it was started.

Updating Existing Handle Prefixes

If you need to update the handle prefix on items created before the CNRI registration process you can run the
[dspace]/bin/dspace update-handle-prefix script. You may need to do this if you loaded items prior to CNRI
registration (e.g. setting up a demonstration system prior to migrating it to production). The script takes the
current and new prefix as parameters. For example:

[dspace]/bin/dspace update-handle-prefix 123456789 1303

This script will change any handles currently assigned prefix 123456789 to prefix 1303, so for example handle
123456789/23 will be updated to 1303/23 in the database.

2.5.5 Google and HTML sitemaps

To aid web crawlers index the content within your repository, you can make use of sitemaps. There are
currently two forms of sitemaps included in DSpace: Google sitemaps and HTML sitemaps.

Sitemaps allow DSpace to expose its content without the crawlers having to index every page. HTML sitemaps
provide a list of all items, collections and communities in HTML format, whilst Google sitemaps provide the
same information in gzipped XML format.

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To generate the sitemaps, you need to run [dspace]/bin/dspace generate-sitemaps This creates the sitemaps in

The sitemaps can be accessed from the following URLs (DSpace demo site is provided as example): - Index sitemap - First list of items (up to 50,000) - Subsequent lists of items (e.g. 50,0001 to 100,000) etc...
HTML sitemaps follow the same procedure: - Index HTML based sitemap

When running [dspace]/bin/dspace generate-sitemaps the script informs Google that the sitemaps have been
updated. For this update to register correctly, you must first register your Google sitemap index page ( /dspace
/sitemap) with Google at If your DSpace server requires the use
of a HTTP proxy to connect to the Internet, ensure that you have set and http.proxy.port in

The URL for pinging Google, and in future, other search engines, is configured in [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg
using the sitemap.engineurls setting where you can provide a comma-separated list of URLs to 'ping'.

You can generate the sitemaps automatically every day using an additional cron job:

# Generate sitemaps at 6:00 am local time each day

0 6 * * * [dspace]/bin/dspace generate-sitemaps

More information on why we highly recommend enabling sitemaps can be found at Search Engine
Optimization (SEO).

2.5.6 Statistics
DSpace uses the Apache Solr application underlaying the statistics. There is no need to download any separate
software. All the necessary software is included. To understand all of the configuration property keys, the user
should refer to DSpace Statistic Configuration for detailed information.

2.6 Windows Installation

Essentially installing on Windows is the same as installing on Unix so please refer back to the main Installation
Instructions section.

Download the DSpace source from SourceForge and unzip it (WinZip will do this)

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If you install PostgreSQL, it's recommended to select to install the pgAdmin III tool. It provides a nice
User Interface for interacting with PostgreSQL databases.
For all path separators use forward slashes (e.g. "/"). For example: "C:/dspace" is a valid Windows path.
But, be warned that "C:\dspace" IS INVALID and will cause errors.

2.7 Checking Your Installation

The administrator needs to check the installation to make sure all components are working. Here is list of
checks to be performed. In brackets after each item, it the associated component or components that might be
the issue needing resolution.

System is up and running. User can see the DSpace home page. [Tomcat/Jetty, firewall, IP assignment,
Database is running and working correctly. Attempt to create a user, community or collection.
[PostgreSQL, Oracle] Run the database connection testing command to see if other issues are being
reported: [dspace]/bin/dspace database test
Email subsystem is running. The user can issue this command to test the email system: [dspace]/bin
/dspace test-email It attempts to send a test email to the email address that is set in dspace.cfg (mail.
admin). If it fails, you will get messages informing you as to why, referring you to the DSpace

2.8 Known Bugs

In any software project of the scale of DSpace, there will be bugs. Sometimes, a stable version of DSpace
includes known bugs. We do not always wait until every known bug is fixed before a release. If the software is
sufficiently stable and an improvement on the previous release, and the bugs are minor and have known
workarounds, we release it to enable the community to take advantage of those improvements.

The known bugs in a release are documented in the KNOWN_BUGS file in the source package.

Please see the DSpace bug tracker for further information on current bugs, and to find out if the bug has
subsequently been fixed. This is also where you can report any further bugs you find.

2.9 Common Problems

In an ideal world everyone would follow the above steps and have a fully functioning DSpace. Of course, in the
real world it doesn't always seem to work out that way. This section lists common problems that people
encounter when installing DSpace, and likely causes and fixes. This is likely to grow over time as we learn
about users' experiences.

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2.9.1 Common Installation Issues

Database errors occur when you run ant fresh_install: There are two common errors that
If your error looks like this:

[java] 2004-03-25 15:17:07,730 INFO @ Initializing Database
[java] 2004-03-25 15:17:08,816 FATAL @ Caught exception:
[java] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection refused. Check
that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is
accepting TCP/IP connections.
[java] at
[java] at org.postgresql.Driver.connect(

it usually means you haven't yet added the relevant configuration parameter to your PostgreSQL
configuration (see above), or perhaps you haven't restarted PostgreSQL after making the change.
Also, make sure that the db.username and db.password properties are correctly set in [dspace]
/config/dspace.cfg. An easy way to check that your DB is working OK over TCP/IP is to try this on
the command line:

psql -U dspace -W -h localhost

Enter the dspace database password, and you should be dropped into the psql tool with a
dspace=> prompt.
Another common error looks like this:

[java] 2004-03-25 16:37:16,757 INFO @ Initializing Database
[java] 2004-03-25 16:37:17,139 WARN @ Exception initializing DB
[java] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.postgresql.Driver
[java] at$
[java] at
[java] at

This means that the PostgreSQL JDBC driver is not present in [dspace]/lib. See above.

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GeoLiteCity Database file fails to download or install, when you run ant fresh_install: There
are two common errors that may occur:
If your error looks like this:

[get] Error getting

gz to /usr/local/dspace/config/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz

ConnectException: Connection timed out

it means that you likely either (a) don't have an internet connection to download the necessary
GeoLite Database file (used for DSpace Statistics), or (b) the GeoLite Database file's URL is no
longer valid.
Another common message looks like this:


[echo] (Used for DSpace Solr Usage Statistics)

Again, this means the GeoLite Database file cannot be downloaded or is unavailable for some
reason. You should be able to resolve this issue by following the "Manually Installing/Updating
GeoLite Database File" instructions.

2.9.2 General DSpace Issues

Tomcat doesn't shut down: If you're trying to tweak Tomcat's configuration but nothing seems to make
a difference to the error you're seeing, you might find that Tomcat hasn't been shutting down properly,
perhaps because it's waiting for a stale connection to close gracefully which won't happen.
To see if this is the case, try running: ps -ef | grep java and look for Tomcat's Java
processes. If they stay around after running Tomcat's script, trying running kill on
them (or kill -9 if necessary), then starting Tomcat again.
Database connections don't work, or accessing DSpace takes forever: If you find that when you try
to access a DSpace Web page and your browser sits there connecting, or if the database connections
fail, you might find that a 'zombie' database connection is hanging around preventing normal operation.
To see if this is the case, try running: ps -ef | grep postgres
You might see some processes like this:

dspace 16325 1997 0 Feb 14 ? 0:00 postgres: dspace dspace

idle in transaction

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This is normal. DSpace maintains a 'pool' of open database connections, which are re-used to
avoid the overhead of constantly opening and closing connections. If they're 'idle' it's OK; they're
waiting to be used.
However sometimes, if something went wrong, they might be stuck in the middle of a query, which
seems to prevent other connections from operating, e.g.:

dspace 16325 1997 0 Feb 14 ? 0:00 postgres: dspace dspace


This means the connection is in the middle of a SELECT operation, and if you're not using
DSpace right that instant, it's probably a 'zombie' connection. If this is the case, try running kill
on the process, and stopping and restarting Tomcat.

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3 Upgrading DSpace

These instructions are valid for any of the following upgrade paths:

Upgrading ANY prior version (1.x.x, 3.x, 4.x or 5.x) of DSpace to DSpace 6.x (latest version)

For more information about new features or major changes in previous releases of DSpace, please
refer to following:

Releases - Provides links to release notes for all prior releases of DSpace
Version History - Provides detailed listing of all changes in all prior releases of DSpace

Upgrading database structure/data is now automated!

The underlying DSpace database structure changes and data migrations are now AUTOMATED
(using FlywayDB). This means that you no longer need to manually run SQL scripts. Instead, the first
time you run DSpace, it will auto-update your database structure (as needed) and migrate all your
data to be compatible with the installed version of DSpace. This allows you to concentrate your
upgrade efforts on customizing your site without having to worry about migrating your data!

For example, if you were running DSpace 1.4, and you wish to upgrade to DSpace 5, you can follow
the simplified instructions below. As soon as you point your DSpace 5 installation against the older
DSpace 1.4-compatible database, your database tables (and data) will automatically be migrated to be
compatible with DSpace 5.

Discovery re-index

The FlywayDB migration will trigger a re-index of your Discovery search index after deployment. Some
repository content will be not be discover-able until this process is complete. For large repository
instances, this process could take some time to complete.

Please refrain for customizing the DSpace database tables. It will complicate your next

With the addition of our automated database upgrades, we highly recommend AGAINST customizing
the DSpace database tables/structure or backporting any features that change the DSpace tables

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/structure. Doing so will often cause the automated database upgrade process to fail (and therefore
will complicate your next upgrade).

If you must add features requiring new database tables/structure, we recommend creating new tables
(instead of modifying existing ones), as that is usually much less disruptive to our automated database

Test Your Upgrade Process

In order to minimize downtime, it is always recommended to first perform a DSpace upgrade using a
Development or Test server. You should note any problems you may have encountered (and also how
to resolve them) before attempting to upgrade your Production server. It also gives you a chance to
"practice" at the upgrade. Practice makes perfect, and minimizes problems and downtime.
Additionally, if you are using a version control system, such as subversion or git, to manage your
locally developed features or modifications, then you can do all of your upgrades in your local version
control system on your Development server and commit the changes. That way your Production
server can just checkout your well tested and upgraded code.

In the notes below [dspace] refers to the install directory for your existing DSpace installation, and
[dspace-source] to the source directory for DSpace 5.x. Whenever you see these path references,
be sure to replace them with the actual path names on your local system.

Release Notes / Significant Changes

Backup your DSpace
Update Prerequisite Software (as necessary)
Upgrade Steps
Troubleshooting Upgrade Issues
Manually Upgrading Solr Indexes

3.1 Release Notes / Significant Changes

DSpace 6.0 features some significant changes which you may wish to be aware of before beginning your

The configuration file has been replaced by an enhanced local.cfg

configuration file. The new local.cfg allows you to easily override any configuration (from dspace.
cfg or modules/*.cfg files) by simply copying it into your local.cfg and specifying a new value. It
also provides enhanced configuration options as detailed in the Configuration Reference documentation.
The old file is no longer used nor supported.

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WARNING: As part of adding this new configuration scheme, many of the configuration settings in
DSpace (primarily those in modules/*.cfg files) had to be renamed or prepended with the
name of the module. This means that 5.x (or below) configurations are no longer guaranteed to be
compatible with 6.x. If possible, we recommend starting with fresh configs (see below), and
moving all your locally customized settings into the new local.cfg file.
The PDF Citation Cover Page configuration file has been renamed (from disseminate-citation.
cfg to citation-page.cfg). See this features documentation for more details.
The legacy search engine (based on Apache Lucene) and legacy Browse system (based on
database tables) have been removed from DSpace 6.0 or above. Instead, DSpace now only uses
Discovery (based on Apache Solr) for all Search/Browse capabilities.
The DSpace Lightweight Networking Interface (LNI), supporting WebDAV / SOAP / RPC API, has
been removed from DSpace 6.0 or above. We recommend using REST or SWORD (v1 or v2) as a
replacement. However, if you still require it, the old (unmaintained) LNI codebase is still available at
Support for SRB (Storage Resource Broker) file storage has been removed from DSpace 6.0 or
above. As it was unmaintained (and seemingly unused) for many years, this feature was removed along
with its configurations. As a replacement, a new file storage plugin system was added, featuring a
traditional local file storage option (default) and an Amazon S3 file storage option (see Storage Layer
documentation, especially Configuring the Bitstream Store). For more information on the removal of SRB
support, also see DS-3055.
The user groups Administrator and Anonymous cannot be renamed or deleted. If you had renamed
them, they will be renamed back to the stock names during the upgrade. DSpace is now dependent on
these specific names due to internal changes.
XPDF PDF Thumbnail generation has been removed. Please use the ImageMagick or PDFBox
thumbnail generators instead.
The default strategy to create new handles for versioned Items has changed. If you have Item Level
Versioning enabled and you have versioned Items in your DSpace installation, you may want to change
the configuration to continue using the mechanism to create handles as it was in DSpace 4 and 5. You
can find more informations here: Item Level Versioning#IdentifierServiceOverride.
Elasticsearch Usage Statistics feature is deprecated in the 6.0 release. While they still function, and
you can continue to use them, in a future DSpace release they will be removed. If you are looking for a
usage statistics option, we recommend instead using the default SOLR Statistics engine and/or
DSpace's integration with Google Analytics. See DS-2897 for more information.

3.2 Backup your DSpace

Before you start your upgrade, it is strongly recommended that you create a backup of your DSpace instance.
Backups are easy to recover from; a botched install/upgrade is very difficult if not impossible to recover from.
The DSpace specific things to backup are: configs, source code modifications, database, and assetstore. On
your server that runs DSpace, you might additionally consider checking on your cron/scheduled tasks, servlet
container, and database.

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Make a complete backup of your system, including:

Database: Make a snapshot/dump of the database. For the PostgreSQL database use Postgres'
pg_dump command. For example:

pg_dump -U [database-user] -f [backup-file-location] [database-name]

Assetstore: Backup the directory ([dspace]/assetstore by default, and any other assetstores
configured in the [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg "assetstore.dir" and "assetstore.dir.#" settings)
Configuration: Backup the entire directory content of [dspace]/config.
Customizations: If you have custom code, such as themes, modifications, or custom scripts, you will
want to back them up to a safe location.
Statistics data: what to back up depends on what you were using before: the options are the default
SOLR Statistics, deprecated Elasticsearch Usage Statistics, or the legacy statistics. Legacy stats utilizes
the dspace.log files, Elasticsearch stats stores data in [dspace]/elasticsearch, SOLR Statistics
stores data in [dspace]/solr/statistics. A simple copy of the data directory should give you a
point of recovery, should something go wrong in the update process. We can't stress this enough, your
users depend on these statistics more than you realize. You need a backup.

3.3 Update Prerequisite Software (as necessary)

DSpace 6.x requires the following versions of prerequisite software:

Java 7 or 8 (Oracle or OpenJDK)

Apache Maven 3.0.5 or above
Apache Ant 1.8 or above
PostgreSQL 9.4 or above (with pgcrypto installed), OR
Oracle 10g or above
Tomcat 7 or above

If you're using a theme based on Mirage 2, you will need Maven 3.1 or above. If you are building with mirage2.
deps.included=false (more information at
mirage2) then the following dependencies may need to be updated as well:

node, to version 6 or above

npm, to version 3.10.8 or above

Refer to the Prerequisite Software section of "Installing DSpace" for more details around configuring and
installing these prerequisites.

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3.4 Upgrade Steps

1. Ensure your database is compatible: Starting with DSpace 6.x, there are new database requirements
for DSpace (refer to the Prerequisite Software section of "Installing DSpace" for full details).
a. PostgreSQL databases: PostgreSQL 9.4 or above is required and the "pgcrypto" extension must
be installed.
i. Notes on installing pgcrypto
1. On most Linux operating systems (Ubuntu, Debian, RedHat), this extension is
provided in the "postgresql-contrib" package in your package manager. So, ensure
you've installed "postgresql-contrib".
2. On Windows, this extension should be provided automatically by the installer (check
your "[PostgreSQL]/share/extension" folder for files starting with "pgcrypto")
ii. Enabling pgcrypto on your DSpace database. (Additional options/notes in the Installation

# Login to your "dspace" database as a superuser

psql --username=postgres dspace
# Enable the pgcrypto extension on this database

b. Oracle databases: Oracle database have no additional requirements at this time.

2. Download DSpace 6.x: Either download DSpace 6.x from or check it out directly from the
Github repository.
a. NOTE: If you downloaded DSpace do not unpack it on top of your existing installation. Refer to
Installation Instructions, Step 3 for unpacking directives.
3. Merge any User Interface customizations or other customizations (if needed or desired). If you
have made any local customizations to your DSpace installation they may need to be migrated over to
the new DSpace.
a. NOTE: If you are upgrading across many versions of DSpace at once (e.g. from 1.x.x to 6.x), you
may find it easier to first upgrade DSpace, and then attempt to migrate over your various
customizations. Because each major version of DSpace tends to add new configurations and
features to the User Interface, older customizations may require more work to "migrate" to the
latest version of DSpace. In some situations, it may even be easier to "start fresh", and just re-
customize the brand new User Interface with your local color scheme, header/footer, etc.
b. Customizations are typically housed in one of the following places:
i. JSPUI modifications: [dspace-source]/dspace/modules/jspui/src/main
ii. XMLUI modifications: [dspace-source]/dspace/modules/xmlui/src/main
iii. Config modifications: [dspace]/config


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c. For highly customized DSpace instances, note that the format of the following configuration files
has changed. If you have customized these configuration files, carefully re-integrate your custom
i. dspace/config/dspace.cfg
Note the separator needed between element names:
ii. dspace/config/spring/api/discovery.xml
The following property has been removed
<property name="sortOrder" value="COUNT"/>
And has been replaced with the following
<property name="sortOrderSidebar" value="COUNT"/>
<property name="sortOrderFilterPage" value="COUNT"/>
iii. dspace/modules/xmlui/src/main/webapp/sitemap.xmap
Note the presence of new class names in this file. In particular,note the removal of
4. Replace your old file with a local.cfg (REQUIRED) As of DSpace 6.0, the build.
properties configuration file has been replaced by an enhanced local.cfg configuration file.
Therefore, any old file (or similar [dspace-source]/*.properties files) WILL
BE IGNORED. Instead, you should create a new local.cfg file, based on the provided [dspace-
source]/local.cfg.EXAMPLE and use it to specify all of your locally customized DSpace
configurations. This new local.cfg can be used to override ANY setting in any other configuration file (
dspace.cfg or modules/*.cfg). To override a default setting, simply copy the configuration into your
local.cfg and change its value(s). For much more information on the features of local.cfg, see the
Configuration Reference documentation and the local.cfg Configuration File section on that page.

cd [dspace-source]
cp local.cfg.EXAMPLE local.cfg

# Then edit the local.cfg, specifying (at a minimum) your basic DSpace configuration
# Optionally, you may copy any settings from other *.cfg configuration files into your local.
cfg to override them.
# After building DSpace, this local.cfg will be copied to [dspace]/config/local.cfg, where
it will also be used at runtime.

5. Build DSpace. Run the following commands to compile DSpace :

cd [dspace-source]/dspace/
mvn -U clean package

The above command will re-compile the DSpace source code and build its "installer". You will find the
result in [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-installer

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Defaults to PostgreSQL settings

Without any extra arguments, the DSpace installation package is initialized for PostgreSQL. If
you use Oracle instead, you should build the DSpace installation package as follows:
mvn -U clean package

Enabling and building the DSpace 5 Mirage 2 theme

Mirage 2 is a responsive theme for the XML User Interface, added as a new feature in DSpace
5. It has not yet replaced the Mirage 1 theme as the XMLUI default theme.
To enable Mirage 2, add the following to the <themes> section of src/dspace/config
/xmlui.xconf , replacing the currently active theme:



"Mirage 2"






It is important to do this before executing the maven build.

Mirage 2 is not yet activated in the default "mvn package" build. To include it as part of the
build, run:

mvn -U clean package -Dmirage2.on=


The speed of this specific step of the build can be increased by installing local copies of the
specific dependencies required for building Mirage 2. The Mirage 2 developer documentation
provides detailed instructions for these installations. After the installation of these
dependencies, you can choose to run:

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mvn -U clean package -Dmirage2.on=


Warning: The Mirage 2 build process should NOT be run as "root". It must be run as a non-root
user. For more information see: Mirage 2 Common Build Issues

6. Stop Tomcat (or servlet container). Take down your servlet container.
a. For Tomcat, use the $CATALINA_HOME/ script. (Many Unix-based installations will
have a startup/shutdown script in the /etc/init.d or /etc/rc.d directories.)
7. Update DSpace Installation. Update the DSpace installation directory with the new code and libraries.
Issue the following commands:

cd [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-installer
ant update

The above command will also automatically upgrade all your existing Solr indexes (e.g. for Discovery,
Statistics, OAI-PMH) to the latest version. For large instances, this may take some time. But, it is
important to ensure that your indexes are usable by the latest version of DSpace.
a. If the Solr index upgrade fails, you may need to Manually Upgrade your Solr Indexes. See the
"Troubleshooting Upgrade Issues" section below.
8. Update your DSpace Configurations and/or move them to local.cfg. You should review your
configuration for new and changed configurations in DSpace 6.x.
a. As mentioned above, DSpace 6.0 now includes a new local.cfg Configuration File. So, rather than
editing the dspace.cfg (or any of the modules/*.cfg), it's recommended to simply override
the default values in your own local.cfg. That way, your local.cfg can serve as the record
of which configurations you have actually tweaked in your DSpace, which may help to simplify
future upgrades.
i. WARNING: in order to create this powerful ability to override configurations in your local.
cfg, all modules/*.cfg files had their configurations renamed to be pre-pended with the
module name. As a basic example, all the configuration settings within the modules/oai.
cfg configuration now start with "oai.". Unfortunately, these means that DSpace 5.x
configuration files are NOT guaranteed to be compatible with DSpace 6. For more
information on configurations in DSpace 6 see our updated Configuration Reference.
b. Please notice that, as of DSpace 6, only Discovery (Apache Solr) is supported for search/browse.
Support for Legacy Search (using Apache Lucene) and Legacy Browse (using database tables)
has been removed, along with all their configurations.
c. Also notice that the XPDF media filtering, deprecated in DSpace 5, has been removed. If you
used this, you will need to reconfigure using the remaining alternatives.


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d. It is recommended to review all configuration changes that exist in the config directory, and its
subdirectories. It is helpful to compare your current configs against a clean checkout of your
current version to see what you have customized. You might then also want to compare your
current configs with the configs of the version you are upgrading to. A tool that compares files in
directories such as Meld or DiffMerge is useful for this purpose.
i. After reviewing which configurations you've changed, we recommend moving all your
customized configurations into your local.cfg file, as described above. Examples of how
this might be accomplished are provided in the Configuration Reference.
9. Decide which DSpace Web Applications you want to install. DSpace comes with a variety of web
applications (in [dspace]/webapps), each of which provides a different "interface" to your DSpace.
Which ones you install is up to you, but there are a few that we highly recommend (see below):
a. "xmlui" = This is the XML-based User Interface, based on Apache Cocoon. It comes with a variety
of out-of-the-box themes, including Mirage 1 (the default) and Mirage 2 (based on Bootstrap).
Between the "xmlui" and "jspui", you likely only need to choose one.
b. "jspui" = This is the JSPUI-based User Interface, which is based on Bootstrap. Between the
"xmlui" and "jspui", you likely only need to choose one.
c. "solr" (required) = This is Apache Solr web application, which is used by the "xmlui" and "jspui"
(for search & browse functionality), as well as the OAI-PMH interface. It must be installed in
support of either UI.
d. "oai" = This is the DSpace OAI interface. It allows for metadata and bitstream (content-file)
harvesting, supporting OAI-PMH (Protocol for Metadata Harvest) and OAI-ORE (Object Reuse
and Exchange) protocols
e. "rest" = This is the DSpace REST API
f. "sword" = This is the DSpace SWORDv1 interface. More info on SWORD protocol and its usage.
g. "swordv2" = This is the DSpace SWORDv2 interface. More info on SWORD protocol and its usage
h. "rdf" = This is the DSpace RDF interface supporting Linked (Open) Data.
10. Deploy DSpace Web Applications. If necessary, copy the web applications from your [dspace]
/webapps directory to the subdirectory of your servlet container (e.g. Tomcat):

cp -R [dspace]/webapps/* [tomcat]/webapps/

See the installation guide for full details.

11. Upgrade your database (optional, but recommended for major upgrades). As of DSpace 5 (and above),
the DSpace code will automatically upgrade your database (from any prior version of DSpace). By
default, this database upgrade occurs automatically when you restart Tomcat (or your servlet container).
However, if you have a large repository or are upgrading across multiple versions of DSpace at once,
you may wish to manually perform the upgrade (as it could take some time, anywhere from 5-15 minutes
for large sites).
a. First, you can optionally verify whether DSpace correctly detects the version of your DSpace
database. It is very important that the DSpace version is detected correctly before you attempt
the migration:

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[dspace]/bin/dspace database info

# Look for a line at the bottom that says something like:
# "Your database looks to be compatible with DSpace version ___"

b. In some scenarios, if your database's "sequences" are outdated, inconsistent or incorrect, a

database migration error may occur (in your DSpace logs). In order to AVOID this scenario, you
may wish to manually run the "update-sequences.sql" script PRIOR to upgrade. This "update-
sequences.sql" script will auto-correct any possible database sequence issues. In the future, we
hope to automate this step to avoid any sequence problems:

# General PostgreSQL example

psql -U [database-user] -f [dspace]/etc/postgres/update-sequences.sql [database-name]

# Example for a PostgreSQL database named "dspace", and a user account named "dspace"
# psql -U dspace -f [dspace]/etc/postgres/update-sequences.sql dspace

c. Then, you can upgrade your DSpace database to the latest version of DSpace. (NOTE: check the
DSpace log, [dspace]/log/dspace.log.[date], for any output from this command)

[dspace]/bin/dspace database migrate

d. The database migration should also automatically trigger your metadata/file registries to be
updated (based on the config files in [dspace]/config/registries/). However, if this update was NOT
triggered, you can also manually run these registry updates (they will not harm existing registry
contents) as follows:

[dspace]/bin/dspace registry-loader -metadata [dspace]/config/registries/dcterms-types.

[dspace]/bin/dspace registry-loader -metadata [dspace]/config/registries/dublin-core-
[dspace]/bin/dspace registry-loader -metadata [dspace]/config/registries/eperson-types.
[dspace]/bin/dspace registry-loader -metadata [dspace]/config/registries/local-types.
[dspace]/bin/dspace registry-loader -metadata [dspace]/config/registries/sword-
[dspace]/bin/dspace registry-loader -metadata [dspace]/config/registries/workflow-

e. If the database upgrade process fails or throws errors, then you likely have manually customized
your database structure (and/or backported later DSpace features to an older version of DSpace).
In this scenario, you may need to do some manual migrations before the automatic migrations will
succeed. The general process would be something like this:


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DSpace 6.x Documentation

i. Revert back to your current DSpace database

ii. Manually upgrade just your database past the failing migration. For example, if you are
current using DSpace 1.5 and the "V1.6" migration is failing, you may need to first manually
upgrade your database to 1.6 compatibility. This may involve either referencing the
upgrade documentation for that older version of DSpace, or running the appropriate SQL
script from under [dspace-src]/dspace-api/src/main/resources/org/dspace
iii. Then, re-run the migration process from that point forward (i.e. re-run ./dspace
database migrate)
f. More information on this new "database" command can be found in Database Utilities
12. Restart Tomcat (servlet container). Now restart your servlet container (Tomcat/Jetty/Resin) and test
out the upgrade.
a. Upgrade of database: If you didn't manually upgrade your database in the previous step, then
your database will be automatically upgraded to the latest version. This may take some time
(seconds to minutes), depending on the size of your repository, etc. Check the DSpace log (
[dspace]/log/dspace.log.[date]) for information on its status.
b. Reindexing of all content for search/browse: If your database was just upgraded (either
manually or automatically), all the content in your DSpace will be automatically re-indexed for
searching/browsing. As the process can take some time (minutes to hours, depending on the size
of your repository), it is performed in the background; meanwhile, DSpace can be used as the
index is gradually filled. But, keep in mind that not all content will be visible until the indexing
process is completed. Again, check the DSpace log ( [dspace]/log/dspace.log.[date]) for
information on its status.
13. Reindex SOLR Stats (only necessary if upgrading from 4.x or below). If you were previously using
SOLR stats, the schema changed with DSpace 5; if you are upgrading from any version earlier than 5.x,
you will need to reindex your stats in order to ensure all of your stats data conforms to the new schema
specification. NOTE: it is safe to run a reindex on a live site, the script will store incoming usage data in a
temporary core.
14. Check your cron / Task Scheduler jobs. In recent versions of DSpace, some of the scripts names
have changed.
a. Check the Scheduled Tasks via Cron documentation for details. Especially pay attention to the
Solr Index optimization commands, which ideally should be run regularly (as noted in the previous
b. WINDOWS NOTE: If you are running the Handle Server on a Windows machine, a new [dspace]
/bin/start-handle-server.bat script is available to more easily startup your Handle

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3.5 Troubleshooting Upgrade Issues

3.5.1 Manually Upgrading Solr Indexes

If you run into issues with the auto-upgrade of your Solr search/browse indexes (during the final part of the ant
update step), then you may need to manually upgrade your Solr indexes. Depending on the type of failure,
there are a few possible fixes.

1. If the "ant update" process failed to download the lucene-core-3.5.0.jar, in order to upgrade a
DSpace 1.6.x, 1.7.x or 1.8.x index.
a. You can manually download the lucene-core-3.5.0.jar from
b. Place the lucene-core-3.5.0.jar in your [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-
installer/ directory (i.e. the directory where you ran "ant update" from)
c. Re-Run "ant update". This time, it should find the lucene-core-3.5.0.jar locally and re-
attempt the upgrade of your Solr indexes.
2. If some other error occurred, you may need to manually upgrade your Solr indexes.
a. Upgrading from DSpace 1.6.x, 1.7.x or 1.8.x: In DSpace 1.x versions, we used and older
version of Solr which is no longer compatible with the current version of Solr.
i. If you are using an older version of DSpace, you will see errors similar to this one until you
manually upgrade your index:

Caused by: org.apache.lucene.index.IndexFormatTooOldException: Format version is

not supported (resource: segment _386q in resource ChecksumIndexInput
2.x. This version of Lucene only supports indexes created with release 3.0 and

ii. Manually upgrading your Solr index involves temporarily downloading an older version of
Lucene (on which Solr is based), and calling its IndexUpgrader script, e.g.

# Download Lucene 3.5.0, which can upgrade older Solr/Lucene indexes

wget "
core/3.5.0/lucene-core-3.5.0.jar" -O lucene-core-3.5.0.jar

# Then, actually upgrade the indexes by loading the lucene-core-3.5.0.jar and

calling IndexUpgrader

# Upgrade the Usage Statistics index. Run this if you have Solr Usage Statistics
enabled in your UI.
java -cp lucene-core-3.5.0.jar org.apache.lucene.index.IndexUpgrader [dspace]

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# Upgrade the OAI-PMH indexes. Run this if you use the "oai" webapp.
java -cp lucene-core-3.5.0.jar org.apache.lucene.index.IndexUpgrader [dspace]

# NOTE: You do not need to upgrade the Discovery Search and Browse indexes as
they will be automatically rebuilt on upgrade (See previous upgrade step)

iii. At this point in time, your older indexes will now be compatible with Solr / Lucene 3.5. At
this point they are readable by the latest version of Solr.
iv. However, as a final step, you should still optimize each of these indexes using the
commands detailed in the "Upgrading from DSpace 3.x or Above" step below
b. Upgrading from DSpace 3.x or above: DSpace provides optimization commands for all Solr
indexes. Which ones you need to run depend on which features you are using in DSpace.

# First, ensure your Tomcat is started up. All of the below commands will call Solr
directly, which requires Tomcat to be running.

# Optimize Usage Statistics (based on Solr). Run this if you have Usage Statistics
enabled in your UI.
[dspace]/bin/dspace stats-util -o

# Optimize OAI-PMH indexes (based on Solr). Run this if you use the "oai" webapp.
[dspace]/bin/dspace oai import -o

# NOTE: You should not need to optimize the Discovery Search and Browse indexes, as
they will be automatically rebuilt on upgrade (See previous upgrade step)
# However, you still may wish to schedule optimizing of Discovery Search & Browse (via
cron or similar)
# [dspace]/bin/dspace index-discovery -o

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4 Using DSpace
This page offers access to all aspects of the documentation relevant to using DSpace after it has been properly
installed or upgraded. These pages assume that DSpace is functioning properly. Please refer to the section on
System Administration if you are looking for information on diagnosing DSpace issues and measures you can
take to restore your DSpace to a state in which it functions properly.

4.1 Authentication and Authorization

Authentication Plugins
Managing User Accounts
Request a Copy

4.1.1 Authentication Plugins

Stackable Authentication Method(s)
Authentication by Password
Enabling Authentication by Password
Configuring Authentication by Password
Shibboleth Authentication
Enabling Shibboleth Authentication
Configuring Shibboleth Authentication
Apache "mod_shib" Configuration (required)
Sample shibboleth2.xml Configuration
DSpace Shibboleth Configuration Options
LDAP Authentication
Enabling LDAP Authentication
Configuring LDAP Authentication
Enabling Hierarchical LDAP Authentication
Configuring Hierarchical LDAP Authentication
IP Authentication
Enabling IP Authentication
Configuring IP Authentication
X.509 Certificate Authentication
Enabling X.509 Certificate Authentication
Configuring X.509 Certificate Authentication
Example of a Custom Authentication Method

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Stackable Authentication Method(s)

Since many institutions and organizations have existing authentication systems, DSpace has been designed to
allow these to be easily integrated into an existing authentication infrastructure. It keeps a series, or "stack", of
authentication methods, so each one can be tried in turn. This makes it easy to add new authentication
methods or rearrange the order without changing any existing code. You can also share authentication code
with other sites.

Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication.cfg


Value: = org.dspace.

The configuration property

defines the authentication stack. It is a comma-separated list of class names. Each of these classes implements
a different authentication method, or way of determining the identity of the user. They are invoked in the
order specified until one succeeds.

Existing Authentication Methods include

Authentication by Password (class: org.dspace.authenticate.PasswordAuthentication)

Shibboleth Authentication (class: org.dspace.authenticate.ShibAuthentication)
LDAP Authentication (class: org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPAuthentication)
IP Address based Authentication (class: org.dspace.authenticate.IPAuthentication)
X.509 Certificate Authentication (class: org.dspace.authenticate.X509Authentication)

An authentication method is a class that implements the interface org.dspace.authenticate.

AuthenticationMethod. It authenticates a user by evaluating the credentials (e.g. username and
password) he or she presents and checking that they are valid.

The basic authentication procedure in the DSpace Web UI is this:

1. A request is received from an end-user's browser that, if fulfilled, would lead to an action requiring
authorization taking place.
2. If the end-user is already authenticated:
If the end-user is allowed to perform the action, the action proceeds
If the end-user is NOT allowed to perform the action, an authorization error is displayed.
If the end-user is NOT authenticated, i.e. is accessing DSpace anonymously:


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3. The parameters etc. of the request are stored.

4. The Web UI's startAuthentication method is invoked.
5. First it tries all the authentication methods which do implicit authentication (i.e. they work with just the
information already in the Web request, such as an X.509 client certificate). If one of these succeeds, it
proceeds from Step 2 above.
6. If none of the implicit methods succeed, the UI responds by putting up a "login" page to collect
credentials for one of the explicit authentication methods in the stack. The servlet processing that
page then gives the proffered credentials to each authentication method in turn until one succeeds, at
which point it retries the original operation from Step 2 above.
Please see the source files and for
more details about this mechanism.

Authentication by Password

Enabling Authentication by Password

By default, this authentication method is enabled in DSpace.

However, to enable Authentication by Password, you must ensure the org.dspace.authenticate.

PasswordAuthentication class is listed as one of the AuthenticationMethods in the following configuration:

Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication.cfg


Value: = org.dspace.

Configuring Authentication by Password

The default method org.dspace.authenticate.PasswordAuthentication has the following properties:

Use of inbuilt e-mail address/password-based log-in. This is achieved by forwarding a request that is
attempting an action requiring authorization to the password log-in servlet, /password-login. The
password log-in servlet ( contains code that
will resume the original request if authentication is successful, as per step 3. described above.
Users can register themselves (i.e. add themselves as e-people without needing approval from the
administrators), and can set their own passwords when they do this
Users are not members of any special (dynamic) e-person groups
You can restrict the domains from which new users are able to register. To enable this feature,
uncomment the following line from dspace.cfg: authentication.password.domain.valid = Example options might be '' to restrict registration to users with

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addresses ending in, or ',' to restrict registration to users with

addresses ending in or with addresses in the domain.

A full list of all available Password Authentication Configurations:

Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-password.cfg

Property: authentication-password.domain.valid

Example authentication-password.domain.value =,


Informational This option allows you to limit self-registration to email addresses ending in a particular
Note: domain value. The above example would limit self-registration to individuals with ""
email addresses and all "" email addresses.

Property: authentication-password.login.specialgroup

Example authentication-password.login.specialgroup = My DSpace Group


Informational This option allows you to automatically add all password authenticated users to a specific
Note: DSpace Group (the group must exist in DSpace) for the remainder of their logged in

Property: authentication-password.digestAlgorithm

Example authentication-password.digestAlgorithm = SHA-512


Informational This option specifies the hashing algorithm to be used in converting plain-text passwords to
Note: more secure password digests. The example value is the default. You may select any digest
algorithm available through on your system. At least MD2,
MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 should be available, but you may have
installed others. Most sites will not need to adjust this.

Shibboleth Authentication

Enabling Shibboleth Authentication

To enable Shibboleth Authentication, you must ensure the org.dspace.authenticate.
ShibAuthentication class is listed as one of the AuthenticationMethods in the following configuration:

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication.cfg


Value: = org.dspace.

Configuring Shibboleth Authentication

Shibboleth is a distributed authentication system for securely authenticating users and passing attributes about
the user from one or more identity providers. In the Shibboleth terminology DSpace is a Service Provider which
receives authentication information and then based upon that provides a service to the user. To use Shibboleth,
DSpace requires that you use Apache installed with the mod_shib module acting as a proxy for all HTTP
requests for your servlet container (typically Tomcat). DSpace will receive authentication information from the
mod_shib module through HTTP headers.

Before DSpace will work with Shibboleth, you must have the following:

1. An Apache web server with the "mod_shib" module installed. As mentioned, this mod_shib module acts
as a proxy for all HTTP requests for your servlet container (typically Tomcat). Any requests to DSpace
that require authentication via Shibboleth should be redirected to 'shibd' (the shibboleth daemon) by this
"mod_shib" module. Details on installing/configuring mod_shib in Apache are available at: https://wiki. We also have a sample Apache +
mod_shib configuration provided below.
2. An external Shibboleth Idp (Identity Provider). Using mod_shib, DSpace will only act as a Shibboleth SP
(Service Provider). The actual Shibboleth Authentication & Identity information must be provided by an
external IdP. If you are using Shibboleth at your institution already, then there already should be a
Shibboleth IdP available. More information about Shibboleth IdPs versus SPs is available at: https://wiki.

For more information on installing and configuring a Shibboleth Service Provider see:

Note about Shibboleth Active vs Lazy Sessions:

When configuring your Shibboleth Service Provider there are two Shibboleth paradigms you may use: Active or
Lazy Sessions. Active sessions is where the mod_shib module is configured to product an entire URL space.
No one will be able to access that URL without first authenticating with Shibboleth. Using this method you will
need to configure shibboleth to protect the URL: "/shibboleth-login". The alternative, Lazy Session does not
protect any specific URL. Instead Apache will allow access to any URL, and when the application wants to it
may initiate an authenticated session.

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The Lazy Session method is preferable for most DSpace installations, as you usually want to provide public
access to (most) DSpace content, while restricting access to only particular areas (e.g. administration UI/tools,
private Items, etc.). When Active Sessions are enabled your entire DSpace site will be access restricted. In
other words, when using Active Sesssions, Shibboleth will require everyone to first authenticate before they can
access any part of your repository (which essentially results in a "dark archive", as anonymous access will not
be allowed).

Apache "mod_shib" Configuration (required)

As mentioned above, you must have Apache with the "mod_shib" module installed in order for DSpace to be
able to act as a Shibboleth Service Provider (SP). The mod_shib module acts as a proxy for all HTTP requests
for your servlet container (typically Tomcat). Any requests to DSpace that require authentication via Shibboleth
should be redirected to 'shibd' (the shibboleth daemon) by this "mod_shib" module. Details on installing
/configuring mod_shib in Apache are available at:
/NativeSPApacheConfig General information about installing/configuring Shibboleth Service Providers (SPs)
can be found at:

A few extra notes/hints when configuring mod_shib & Apache:

The Shibboleth setting "ShibUseHeaders" is no longer required to be set to "On", as DSpace will
correctly utilize attributes instead of headers.
When "ShibUseHeaders" is set to "Off" (which is recommended in the mod_shib documentation),
proper configuration of Apache to pass attributes to Tomcat (via either mod_jk or mod_proxy) can
be a bit tricky, SWITCH has some great documentation on exactly what you need to do. We will
eventually paraphrase/summarize this documentation here, but for now, the SWITCH page will
have to do.
When initially setting up Apache & mod_shib, provides a great testing ground
for your configurations. This site provides a sample/demo Shibboleth IdP (as well as a sample Shibboleth
SP) which you can test against. It acts as a "sandbox" to get your configurations working properly, before
you point DSpace at your production Shibboleth IdP.

Below, we have provided a sample Apache configuration. However, as every institution has their own specific
Apache setup/configuration, it is highly likely that you will need to tweak this configuration in order to get it
working properly. Again, see the official mod_shib documentation for much more detail about each of these
settings: These configurations are
meant to be added to an Apache <VirtualHost> which acts as a proxy to your Tomcat (or other servlet
container) running DSpace. More information on Apache VirtualHost settings can be found at: https://httpd.

#### SAMPLE MOD_SHIB CONFIGURATION FOR APACHE2 (it may require local modifications based on your
Apache setup) ####
# While this sample VirtualHost is for HTTPS requests (recommended for Shibboleth, obviously),
# you may also need/want to create one for HTTP (*:80)
<VirtualHost *:443>

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# PLEASE NOTE: We have omitted many Apache settings (ServerName, LogLevel, SSLCertificateFile,
# which you may need/want to add to your VirtualHost

# As long as Shibboleth module is installed, enable all Shibboleth/mod_shib related settings

<IfModule mod_shib>
# Shibboleth recommends turning on UseCanonicalName
# See "Prepping Apache" in
UseCanonicalName On

# Most DSpace instances will want to use Shibboleth "Lazy Session", which ensures that
# can access DSpace without first authenticating via Shibboleth.
# This section turns on Shibboleth "Lazy Session". Also ensures that once they have
# (by accessing /Shibboleth.sso/Login path), then their Shib session is kept alive
<Location />
AuthType shibboleth
ShibRequireSession Off
require shibboleth
# If your "shibboleth2.xml" file specifies an <ApplicationOverride> setting for your
# DSpace Service Provider, then you may need to tell Apache which "id" to redirect Shib
requests to.
# Just uncomment this and change the value "my-dspace-id" to the associated @id attribute
#ShibRequestSetting applicationId my-dspace-id

# If a user attempts to access the DSpace shibboleth login page, force them to authenticate
via Shib
<Location "/shibboleth-login">
AuthType shibboleth
ShibRequireSession On
# Please note that setting ShibUseHeaders to "On" is a potential security risk.
# You may wish to set it to "Off". See the mod_shib docs for details about this setting:
# Here's a good guide to configuring Apache + Tomcat when this setting is "Off":
ShibUseHeaders On
require valid-user

# Ensure /Shibboleth.sso path (in Apache) can be accessed

# By default it may be inaccessible if your Apache security is tight.
<Location "/Shibboleth.sso">
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
# Also ensure Shibboleth/mod_shib responds to this path
SetHandler shib

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# Finally, you may need to ensure requests to /Shibboleth.sso are NOT redirected
# to Tomcat (as they need to be handled by mod_shib instead).
# ALL REQUESTS TO TOMCAT (e.g. ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/)
# ProxyPass /Shibboleth.sso !



Sample shibboleth2.xml Configuration

In addition, here's a sample "ApplicationOverride" configuration for "shibboleth2.xml". This particular
"ApplicationOverride" is configured to use the Test IdP provided by and is just meant as
an example. In order to enable it for testing purposes, you must specify ShibRequestSetting
applicationId testshib in your Apach mod_shib configuration (see above).

<!-- *** Sample Shibboleth Settings for *** -->

<!-- This provides a simple sample of how you could configure -->
<!-- shibboleth2.xml for DSpace sites. -->
<!-- TO ENABLE: You'd need to specify "applicationId" as "testshib" in -->
<!-- your mod_shib settings, e.g. -->
<!-- <Location /> -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ShibRequestSetting applicationId testshib -->
<!-- </Location> -->
<ApplicationOverride id="testshib" entityID="" REMOTE_USER="p

<!-- We'll use a TEST IdP, hosted by the awesome testing
service. -->
<!-- See also:
<Sessions lifetime="28800" timeout="3600" checkAddress="false" relayState="ss:mem"
<SSO entityID="">

<!-- Loads and trusts a metadata file that describes the IdP and how to communicate
with it. -->
<!-- By default, metadata is retrieved from the TEST IdP at -->
<!-- and is cached in a local file named "testshib-idp-metadata.xml". -->
<!-- See also:
/NativeSPMetadataProvider -->
<MetadataProvider type="XML" uri="
backingFilePath="testshib-idp-metadata.xml" reloadInterval="180000"/>

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

DSpace Shibboleth Configuration Options

Authentication Methods:

DSpace supports authentication using NetID, or email address. A user's NetID is a unique identifier from the
IdP that identifies a particular user. The NetID can be of almost any form such as a unique integer, string, or
with Shibboleth 2.0 you can use "targeted ids". You will need to coordinate with your shibboleth federation or
identity provider. There are three ways to supply identity information to DSpace:

1) NetID from Shibboleth Header (best)

The NetID-based method is superior because users may change their email address with the identity provider.
When this happens DSpace will not be able to associate their new address with their old account.

2) Email address from Shibboleth Header (okay)

In the case where a NetID header is not available or not found DSpace will fall back to identifying a user based-
upon their email address.

3) Tomcat's Remote User (worst)

In the event that neither Shibboleth headers are found then as a last resort DSpace will look at Tomcat's remote
user field. This is the least attractive option because Tomcat has no way to supply additional attributes about a
user. Because of this the autoregister option is not supported if this method is used.

Identity Scheme Migration Strategies:

If you are currently using Email based authentication (either 1 or 2) and want to upgrade to NetID based
authentication then there is an easy path. Simply enable shibboleth to pass the NetID attribute and set the netid-
header below to the correct value. When a user attempts to log in to DSpace first DSpace will look for an
EPerson with the passed NetID, however when this fails DSpace will fall back to email based authentication.
Then DSpace will update the user's EPerson account record to set their netted so all future authentications for
this user will be based upon netted. One thing to note is that DSpace will prevent an account from switching
NetIDs. If an account all ready has a NetID set and then they try and authenticate with a different NetID the
authentication will fail.

EPerson Metadata:

One of the primary benefits of using Shibboleth based authentication is receiving additional attributes about
users such as their names, telephone numbers, and possibly their academic department or graduation
semester if desired. DSpace treats the first and last name attributes differently because they (along with email
address) are the three pieces of minimal information required to create a new user account. For both first and
last name supply direct mappings to the Shibboleth headers. In additional to the first and last name DSpace
supports other metadata fields such as phone, or really anything you want to store on an eperson object.
Beyond the phone field, which is accessible in the user's profile screen, none of these additional metadata fields

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will be used by DSpace out-of-the box. However if you develop any local modification you may access these
attributes from the EPerson object. The Vireo ETD workflow system utilizes this to aid students when submitting
an ETD.

Role-based Groups:

DSpace is able to place users into pre-defined groups based upon values received from Shibboleth. Using this
option you can place all faculty members into a DSpace group when the correct affiliation's attribute is provided.
When DSpace does this they are considered 'special groups', these are really groups but the user's
membership within these groups is not recorded in the database. Each time a user authenticates they are
automatically placed within the pre-defined DSpace group, so if the user loses their affiliation then the next time
they login they will no longer be in the group.

Depending upon the shibboleth attributed use in the role-header it may be scoped. Scoped is shibboleth
terminology for identifying where an attribute originated from. For example a students affiliation may be
encoded as "". The part after the @ sign is the scope, and the preceding value is the value.
You may use the whole value or only the value or scope. Using this you could generate a role for students and
one institution different than students at another institution. Or if you turn on ignore-scope you could ignore the
institution and place all students into one group.

The values extracted (a user may have multiple roles) will be used to look up which groups to place the user
into. The groups are defined as "role.<role-name>" which is a comma separated list of DSpace groups.

Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-shibboleth.cfg

Property: authentication-shibboleth.lazysession

Example authentication-shibboleth.lazysession = true


Informational Whether to use lazy sessions or active sessions. For more DSpace instances, you will likely
Note: want to use lazy sessions. Active sessions will force every user to authenticate via
Shibboleth before they can access your DSpace (essentially resulting in a "dark archive").

Property: authentication-shibboleth.lazysession.loginurl

Example authentication-shibboleth.lazysession.loginurl = /Shibboleth.sso/Login


Informational The url to start a shibboleth session (only for lazy sessions). Generally this setting will be "
Note: /Shibboleth.sso/Login"

Property: = true

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-shibboleth.cfg


Informational Force HTTPS when authenticating (only for lazy sessions). Generally this is recommended
Note: to be "true".

Property: authentication-shibboleth.netid-header

Example authentication-shibboleth.netid-header = SHIB-NETID


Informational The HTTP header where shibboleth will supply a user's NetID. This HTTP header should be
Note: specified as an Attribute within your Shibboleth "attribute-map.xml" configuration file.


Example = SHIB-MAIL


Informational The HTTP header where the shibboleth will supply a user's email address. This HTTP
Note: header should be specified as an Attribute within your Shibboleth "attribute-map.xml"
configuration file.


Example = false


Informational Used when a netid or email headers are not available should Shibboleth authentication fall
Note: back to using Tomcat's remote user feature? Generally this is not recommended. See the
"Authentication Methods" section above.

Property: authentication-shibboleth.reconvert.attributes

Example authentication-shibboleth.reconvert.attributes = false


Informational Shibboleth attributes are by default UTF-8 encoded. Some servlet container automatically
Note: converts the attributes from ISO-8859-1 (latin-1) to UTF-8. As the attributes already were
UTF-8 encoded it may be necessary to reconvert them. If you set this property true, DSpace
converts all shibboleth attributes retrieved from the servlet container from UTF-8 to ISO-
8859-1 and uses the result as if it were UTF-8. This procedure restores the shibboleth
attributes if the servlet container wrongly converted them from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8. Set
this true, if you notice character encoding problems within shibboleth attributes.

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-shibboleth.cfg

Property: authentication-shibboleth.autoregister

Example authentication-shibboleth.autoregister = true


Informational Should we allow new users to be registered automatically?


Property: authentication-shibboleth.sword.compatibility

Example authentication-shibboleth.sword.compatibility = false


Informational SWORD compatibility will allow this authentication method to work when using SWORD.
Note: SWORD relies on username and password based authentication and is entirely incapable of
supporting shibboleth. This option allows you to authenticate username and passwords for
SWORD sessions with out adding another authentication method onto the stack. You will
need to ensure that a user has a password. One way to do that is to create the user via the
create-administrator command line command and then edit their permissions.
WARNING: If you enable this option while ALSO having "PasswordAuthentication" enabled,
then you should ensure that "PasswordAuthentication" is listed prior to "ShibAuthentication"
in your authentication.cfg file. Otherwise, ShibAuthentication will be used to authenticate all
of your users INSTEAD OF PasswordAuthentication.

Property: authentication-shibboleth.firstname-header

Example authentication-shibboleth.firstname-header = SHIB_GIVENNAME


Informational The HTTP header where the shibboleth will supply a user's given name. This HTTP header
Note: should be specified as an Attribute within your Shibboleth "attribute-map.xml" configuration

Property: authentication-shibboleth.lastname-header

Example authentication-shibboleth.lastname-header = SHIB_SN


Informational The HTTP header where the shibboleth will supply a user's surname. This HTTP header
Note: should be specified as an Attribute within your Shibboleth "attribute-map.xml" configuration

Property: authentication-shibboleth.eperson.metadata

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-shibboleth.cfg

Value: authentication-shibboleth.eperson.metadata = \
SHIB-telephone => phone, \
SHIB-cn => cn

Informational Additional user attributes mapping, multiple attributes may be stored for each user. The left
Note: side is the Shibboleth-based metadata Header and the right side is the eperson metadata
field to map the attribute to.

Property: authentication-shibboleth.eperson.metadata.autocreate

Example authentication-shibboleth.eperson.metadata.autocreate = true


Informational If the eperson metadata field is not found, should it be automatically created?

Property: authentication-shibboleth.role-header

Example authentication-shibboleth.role-header = SHIB_SCOPED_AFFILIATION


Informational The shibboleth header to do role-based mappings (see section on roll based mapping
Note: section above)

Property: authentication-shibboleth.role-header.ignore-scope

Example authentication-shibboleth.role-header.ignore-scope = true


Informational Weather to ignore the attribute's scope (everything after the @ sign for scoped attributes)

Property: authentication-shibboleth.role-header.ignore-value

Example authentication-shibboleth.role-header.ignore-value = false


Informational Weather to ignore the attribute's value (everything before the @ sign for scoped attributes)

Property: authentication-shibboleth.role.[affiliation-attribute]

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-shibboleth.cfg

Value: role.faculty = Faculty, Member \
role.staff = Staff, Member \
role.student = Students, Member

Informational Mapping of affiliation values to DSpace groups. See the "Role-based Groups" section above
Note: for more info.

LDAP Authentication

Enabling LDAP Authentication

To enable LDAP Authentication, you must ensure the org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPAuthentication
class is listed as one of the AuthenticationMethods in the following configuration:

Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication.cfg


Value: = org.dspace.

Configuring LDAP Authentication

If LDAP is enabled, then new users will be able to register by entering their username and password without
being sent the registration token. If users do not have a username and password, then they can still register and
login with just their email address the same way they do now.

If you want to give any special privileges to LDAP users, create a stackable authentication method to
automatically put people who have a netid into a special group. You might also want to give certain email
addresses special privileges. Refer to the Custom Authentication Code section below for more information
about how to do this.

Here is an explanation of each of the different LDAP configuration parameters:

Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-ldap.cfg

Property: authentication-ldap.enable

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-ldap.cfg

Example authentication-ldap.enable = false


Informational This setting will enable or disable LDAP authentication in DSpace. With the setting off,
Note: users will be required to register and login with their email address. With this setting on,
users will be able to login and register with their LDAP user ids and passwords.

Property: authentication-ldap.autoregister

Example authentication-ldap.autoregister = true


Informational This will turn LDAP autoregistration on or off. With this on, a new EPerson object will be
Note: created for any user who successfully authenticates against the LDAP server when they first
login. With this setting off, the user must first register to get an EPerson object by entering
their ldap username and password and filling out the forms.

Property: authentication-ldap.provider_url

Example authentication-ldap.provider_url = ldap://\,

Value: ou=mydept

Informational This is the url to your institution's LDAP server. You may or may not need the /
Note: part at the end. Your server may also require the ldaps:// protocol. (This field has no default

Property: authentication-ldap.starttls

Example authentication-ldap.starttls = false


Informational Should we issue StartTLS after establishing TCP connection in order to initiate an encrypted
Note: connection?
Note: This (TLS) is different from LDAPS:

TLS is a tunnel for plain LDAP and is typically recognized on the same port (standard
LDAP port: 389)
LDAPS is a separate protocol, deprecated in favor of the standard TLS method.
(standard LDAPS port: 636)

Property: authentication-ldap.id_field

authentication-ldap.id_field = uid

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-ldap.cfg


Explanation: This is the unique identifier field in the LDAP directory where the username is stored. (This
field has no default value)

Property: authentication-ldap.object_context

Example authentication-ldap.object_context = ou=people\,


Informational This is the LDAP object context to use when authenticating the user. By default, DSpace will
Note: use this value to create the user's DN in order to attempt to authenticate them. It is
appended to the id_field and username. For example uid=username\,ou=people\, You will need to modify this to match your LDAP configuration. (This field has
no default value)

If your users do NOT all exist under a single "object_context" in LDAP, then you should
ignore this setting and INSTEAD use the Hierarchical LDAP Authentication settings below
(especially see "search.user" or "search.anonymous")

Property: authentication-ldap.search_context

Example authentication-ldap.search_context = ou=people


Informational This is the search context used when looking up a user's LDAP object to retrieve their data
Note: for autoregistering. With autoregister=true, when a user authenticates without an
EPerson object we search the LDAP directory to get their name (id_field) and email
address (email_field) so that we can create one for them. So after we have
authenticated against uid=username,ou=people, we now search in ou=people for
filtering on [uid=username]. Often the search_context is the same as the
object_context parameter. But again this depends on your LDAP server configuration.
(This field has no default value, and it MUST be specified when either search.
anonymous=true or search.user is specified)

Property: authentication-ldap.email_field

Example authentication-ldap.email_field = mail


Informational This is the LDAP object field where the user's email address is stored. "mail" is the most
Note: common for LDAP servers. (This field has no default value)

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-ldap.cfg

If the "email_field" is unspecified, or the user has no email address in LDAP, his/her
username (id_field value) will be saved as the email in DSpace (or appended to
netid_email_domain, when specified)

Property: authentication-ldap.netid_email_domain

Example authentication-ldap.netid_email_domain =


Informational If your LDAP server does not hold an email address for a user (i.e. no email_field), you
Note: can use the following field to specify your email domain. This value is appended to the netid
(id_field) in order to make an email address (which is then stored in the DSpace
EPerson). For example, a netid of 'user' and netid_email_domain as
would set the email of the user to be

Please note: this field will only be used if "email_field" is unspecified OR the user in
question has no email address stored in LDAP. If both "email_field" and "
netid_email_domain" are unspecified, then the "id_field" will be used as the email

Property: authentication-ldap.surname_field

Example authentication-ldap.surname_field = sn

Informational This is the LDAP object field where the user's last name is stored. "sn" is the most common
Note: for LDAP servers. If the field is not found the field will be left blank in the new eperson
object. (This field has no default value)

Property: authentication-ldap.givenname_field

Example authentication-ldap.givenname_field = givenName


Informational This is the LDAP object field where the user's given names are stored. I'm not sure how
Note: common the givenName field is in different LDAP instances. If the field is not found the field
will be left blank in the new eperson object. (This field has no default value)

Property: authentication-ldap.phone_field

Example authentication-ldap.phone_field = telephoneNumber


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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-ldap.cfg

Informational This is the field where the user's phone number is stored in the LDAP directory. If the field is
Note: not found the field will be left blank in the new eperson object. (This field has no default

Property: authentication-ldap.login.specialgroup

Example authentication-ldap.login.specialgroup = group-name


Informational If specified, all users who successfully login via LDAP will automatically become members
Note: of this DSpace Group (for the remainder of their current, logged in session). This DSpace
Group must already exist (it will not be automatically created).
This is useful if you want a DSpace Group made up of all internal authenticated users. This
DSpace Group can then be used to bestow special permissions on any users who have
authenticated via LDAP (e.g. you could allow anyone authenticated via LDAP to view
special, on campus only collections or similar)

Property: login.groupmap.*

Example authentication-ldap.login.groupmap.1 = ou=Students:ALL_STUDENTS

Value: authentication-ldap.login.groupmap.2 = ou=Employees:ALL_EMPLOYEES
authentication-ldap.login.groupmap.3 = ou=Faculty:ALL_FACULTY

Informational The left part of the value (before the ":") must correspond to a portion of a user's DN (unless
Note: "" is specified..please see below). The right part of the value
corresponds to the name of an existing DSpace group.

For example, if the authenticated user's DN in LDAP is in the following form:


that user would get assigned to the ALL_STUDENTS DSpace group for the remainder of
their current session.

However, if that same user later graduates and is employed by the university, their DN in
LDAP may change to:


Upon logging into DSpace after that DN change, the authenticated user would now be
assigned to the ALL_EMPLOYEES DSpace group for the remainder of their current session.

Note: This option can be used independently from the login.specialgroup option, which will
put all LDAP users into a single DSpace group. Both options may be used together.

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-ldap.cfg

Property: authentication-ldap.login.groupmap.attribute

Example authentication-ldap.login.groupmap.attribute = group


Informational The value of the "login.groupmap.attribute" should specify the name of a single
Note: LDAP attribute. If this property is uncommented, it changes the meaning of the left part of "
login.groupmap.*" (see above) as follows:

If the authenticated user has this LDAP attribute, look up the value of this LDAP
attribute in the left part (before the ":") of the login.groupmap.* value
If that LDAP value is found in any "login.groupmap.*" field, assign this authenticated
user to the DSpace Group specified by the right part (after the ":") of the login.
groupmap.* value.

For example:

login.groupmap.attribute = group
login.groupmap.1 = mathematics:Mathematics_Group

The above would ensure that any authenticated users where their LDAP "group" attribute
equals "mathematics" would be added to the DSpace Group named "Mathematics_Group"
for the remainder of their current session. However, if that same user logged in later with a
new LDAP "group" value of "computer science", he/she would no longer be a member of the
"Mathematics_Group" in DSpace.

Enabling Hierarchical LDAP Authentication

Please note, that DSpace doesn't contain the LDAPHierarchicalAuthentication class anymore.
This functionality is now supported by LDAPAuthentication, which uses the same configuration

If your users are spread out across a hierarchical tree on your LDAP server, you may wish to have DSpace
search for the user name in your tree. Here's how it works:

1. DSpace gets the user name from the login form

2. DSpace binds to LDAP as an administrative user with right to search in DNs (LDAP may be configured to
allow anonymous users to search)
3. DSpace searches for the user name as within DNs (username is a part of full DN)
4. DSpace binds with the found full DN and password from login form

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5. DSpace logs user in if LDAP reports successful authentication; refuses login otherwise

Configuring Hierarchical LDAP Authentication

Hierarchical LDAP Authentication shares all the above standard LDAP configurations, but has some additional

You can optionally specify the search scope. If anonymous access is not enabled on your LDAP server, you will
need to specify the full DN and password of a user that is allowed to bind in order to search for the users.

Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-ldap.cfg

Property: authentication-ldap.search_scope

Example authentication-ldap.search_scope = 2

Informational This is the search scope value for the LDAP search during autoregistering (
Note: autoregister=true). This will depend on your LDAP server setup, and is only really
necessary if your users are spread out across a hierarchical tree on your LDAP server. This
value must be one of the following integers corresponding to the following values:
object scope : 0
one level scope : 1
subtree scope : 2

Please note that "search_context" in the LDAP configurations must also be specified.


Example = true


Informational If true, DSpace will anonymously search LDAP (in the "search_context") for the DN of
Note: the user trying to login to DSpace. This setting is "false" by default. By default, DSpace will
either use "search.user" to authenticate for the LDAP search (if search.user is specified),
or will use the "object_context" value to create the user's DN.


Example = cn=admin\,ou=people\,

Value: = password


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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-ldap.cfg

The full DN and password of a user allowed to connect to the LDAP server and search (in
the "search_context") for the DN of the user trying to login. By default, if unspecified,
DSpace will either search LDAP anonymously for the user's DN (when search.
anonymous=true), or will use the "object_context" value to create the user's DN.

IP Authentication

Enabling IP Authentication
To enable IP Authentication, you must ensure the org.dspace.authenticate.IPAuthentication class
is listed as one of the AuthenticationMethods in the following configuration:

Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication.cfg


Example Value: = org.dspace.

Configuring IP Authentication
Configuration File: [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-ip.cfg

Once enabled, you are then able to map DSpace groups to IP addresses in authentication-ip.cfg by
setting ip.GROUPNAME = iprange[, iprange ...], e.g:

authentication-ip.MY_UNIVERSITY =, \ # Full IP

13.5, \ # Partial IP, \ # with CIDR, \ # with netmask
2001:18e8::32 # IPv6 too

Negative matches can be set by prepending the entry with a '-'. For example if you want to include all of a class
B network except for users of a contained class c network, you could use: 111.222,-111.222.333.


If the Groupname contains blanks you must escape the spaces, e.g. "Department\ of\ Statistics"

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If your DSpace installation is hidden behind a web proxy, remember to set the useProxies
configuration option within the 'Logging' section of dspace.cfg to use the IP address of the user rather
than the IP address of the proxy server.

X.509 Certificate Authentication

Enabling X.509 Certificate Authentication

The X.509 authentication method uses an X.509 certificate sent by the client to establish his/her identity. It
requires the client to have a personal Web certificate installed on their browser (or other client software) which
is issued by a Certifying Authority (CA) recognized by the web server.

1. See the HTTPS installation instructions to configure your Web server. If you are using HTTPS with
Tomcat, note that the <Connector> tag must include the attribute clientAuth="true" so the server
requests a personal Web certificate from the client.
2. Add the org.dspace.authenticate.X509Authentication plugin first to the list of stackable
authentication methods in the value of the configuration key

Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/authentication.cfg


Value: = org.dspace.
authenticate.X509Authentication = org.dspace.

Configuring X.509 Certificate Authentication

Configuration File: [dspace]/config/modules/authentication-x509.cfg

1. You must also configure DSpace with the same CA certificates as the web server, so it can accept and
interpret the clients' certificates. It can share the same keystore file as the web server, or a separate one,
or a CA certificate in a file by itself. Configure it by oneof these methods, either the Java keystore

authentication-x509.keystore.path = path to Java keystore file

authentication-x509.keystore.password = password to access the keystore

...or the separate CA certificate file (in PEM or DER format): = path to certificate file for CA whose client certs to accept.

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2. Choose whether to enable auto-registration: If you want users who authenticate successfully to be
automatically registered as new E-Persons if they are not already, set the autoregister configuration
property to true. This lets you automatically accept all users with valid personal certificates. The default
is false.

TODO: document the remaining authentication-x509.* properties

Example of a Custom Authentication Method

Also included in the source is an implementation of an authentication method used at MIT,
MITSpecialGroup. This does not actually authenticate a user, it only adds the current user to a special
(dynamic) group called 'MIT Users' (which must be present in the system!). This allows us to create
authorization policies for MIT users without having to manually maintain membership of the MIT users group.

By keeping this code in a separate method, we can customize the authentication process for MIT by simply
adding it to the stack in the DSpace configuration. None of the code has to be touched.

You can create your own custom authentication method and add it to the stack. Use the most similar existing
method as a model, e.g. org.dspace.authenticate.PasswordAuthentication for an "explicit" method
(with credentials entered interactively) or org.dspace.authenticate.X509Authentication for an
implicit method.

4.1.2 Embargo
What is an Embargo?
DSpace 3.0 New Embargo Functionality
Configuring and using Embargo in DSpace 3.0+
Submission Process
Simple Embargo Settings
Advanced Embargo Settings
Restrict list of displayed groups to specific (sub)groups
Private/Public Item
Pre-3.0 Embargo Migration Routine

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Technical Specifications
Item.inheritCollectionDefaultPolicies(Collection c)
Withdraw Item
Reinstate Item
Pre-DSpace 3.0 Embargo Compatibility
Pre-DSpace 3.0 Embargo
Embargo model and life-cycle
Terms assignment
Terms interpretation/imposition
Embargo period
Embargo lift
Post embargo
Extending embargo functionality

What is an Embargo?
An embargo is a temporary access restriction placed on metadata or bitstreams. Its scope or duration may vary,
but the fact that it eventually expires is what distinguishes it from other content restrictions. For example, it is
not unusual for content destined for DSpace to come with permanent restrictions on use or access based on
license-driven or other IP-based requirements that limit access to institutionally affiliated users. Restrictions
such as these are imposed and managed using standard administrative tools in DSpace, typically by attaching
specific policies to Items, Collections, Bitstreams, etc. Embargo functionality was originally introduced as part of
DSpace 1.6, enabling embargoes on the level of items that applied to all bitstreams included in the item. In
DSpace 3.0, this functionality has been extended for the XML User Interface, enabling embargoes on the level
of individual bitstreams.

DSpace 3.0 New Embargo Functionality

Embargoes can be applied per item and per bitstream. The item level embargo will be the default for every
bitstream, although it could be customized at bitstream level.

As a DSpace administrator, you can choose to integrate either Simple or Advanced dialog screens as part of
the item submission process. These are outlined in detail in the sections Simple Embargo Settings and
Advanced Embargo Settings.

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This preference is stored in the dspace.cfg value webui.submission.restrictstep.enableAdvancedForm. If not

set, the default is for Simple Embargo.

Configuration name changed

Please note that the configuration parameter name has been changed in DSpace 4.0 from xmlui.
submission.restrictstep.enableAdvancedForm to webui.submission.restrictstep.enableAdvancedForm

On the level of an individual item, a new Private/Public state has been introducted to control the visibility of item
metadata in the different indexes serving the DSpace web interface (search, browse, discovery), as well as
machine interfaces (REST-API, OAI-PMH, )

The following functionality has been added in DSpace 3.0:

Browse private items

Submission Process
Simple/Advanced Access Step
Upload with embargo step
Edit Item
Make it Private
Make it Public

The following functionality has been modified in DSpace 3.0:

Edit Item
Edit Bitstream
Wildcard Policy Admin Tool

Configuring and using Embargo in DSpace 3.0+

The following sections describe the steps needed to configure and use the new Embargo functionality in

Note: when the embargo will be set at item level or bitstream level a new ResourcePolicy will be added.

As already mentioned the user will be given the opportunity to choose between:

Simple Embargo Settings

Advanced Embargo Settings

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To switch between the two, you need to set following variable in the dspace.cfg file. A value of false (the
default) enables the simple settings while a value of true enables the advanced settings.


Submission Process

To enable the new embargo, changes are required to the item-submission.xml file, located in your config
directory. This file determines which steps are executed in the submission of a new item.

Two new submission steps have been introduced in the file. By default, they are not activated yet:

AccessStep: the step in which the user can set the embargo at item level, effectively restricting access to
the item metadata.
UploadWithEmbargoStep: the step in which the user can set the embargo at bitstream level. If this step
is enabled, the old UploadStep must be disabled. Leaving both steps enabled will result in a
system failure.

Here is an extract from the new file:

<!--Step 3 will be to Manage Item access.


<!-- Step 4 Upload Item with Embargo Features (not supported in JSPUI)
to enable this step, please make sure to comment-out the previous step "UploadStep"

To enable the new Embargo, ensure that the new steps are uncommented and the old UploadStep is
commented out.

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Simple Embargo Settings

Using the simple embargo settings, submitters will be able to define embargoes bound to specific dates, that
are applied to all anonymous and default read access. To keep the interface simple, options to apply
embargoes for particular groups of DSpace users are not shown. The simple embargo settings interface
assumes that embargoes always start immediately upon submission, so only end dates are configurable.

The simple AccessStep Embargo form renders three options for the user:

Private item: to hide an item's metadata from all search and browse indexes, as well as external
interfaces such as OAI-PMH.
Embargo Access until Specific Date: to indicate a date until which the item will be embargoed.
Reason: to elaborate on the specific reason why an item is under embargo.

When Embargo is set, it applies to Anonymous or to any other Group that is indicated to have default read
access for that specific collection.

This shows how the Access step is rendered, using the simple embargo settings:

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The simple UploadWithEmbargoStep form renders two new fields for the user:

Embargo Access until Specific Date: to indicate a date until which the bitstream will be embargoed.
When left empty, no embargo will be applied.
Reason: to elaborate on the specific reason why the bitstream is under embargo.

These fields will be preloaded with the values set in the AccessStep.

The following picture shows the form for the Upload step, rendered using the simple embargo settings with
preloaded values:

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Advanced Embargo Settings

The Advanced Embargo settings are really designed with a submitter in mind who is aware of user groups in
DSpace and has understanding of how Resource Policies work.

The Advanced AccessStep Embargo step allows the users to manage more fine-grained resource policies to
attach to the item.

The form will render the following fields:

Policies List: list of the custom policies already added.

Private Item: whether to hide an item's metadata from all search and browse indexes, as well as external
interfaces such as OAI-PMH.
Name: to give a name to the policy.
Groups: to indicate the user groups to which the policy will apply.
Visible/Embargoed: whether the Item will be visible or embargoed for that specific group.
Embargo Access until Specific Date: to indicate a date until which the item will be embargoed.
Reason: to elaborate on the specific reason why the policy is applied.

The last two fields will be enabled only when Embargoed has been selected.

This step gives the opportunity to the user to manage the policy manually, so that combinations such as the
following will be possible:

Set Embargo for Anonymous

Set Embargo for anyone, except for the users belonging to a specific group
Set Embargo for specific groups, but not for other groups ...

Here is a screenshot of the Access step form that will be rendered for the advanced embargo settings:

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UploadWithEmbargoStep for Advanced Embargo settings displays an additional Policies button next to Edit in
the list of uploaded files.
Clicking it brings you to the a page where you can edit existing policies on the bitstream and add new ones.

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When the button is pushed, a form similar to the one in the AccessStep will be rendered, making it possible to
manage the policies at bitstream level.

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Restrict list of displayed groups to specific (sub)groups

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For large instances of DSpace, the list of Groups can be quite long. Groups can be nested. This means that not
only EPersons can be members of groups, but groups themselves can belong to other groups.

When advanced embargo settings are enabled, you can limit the list of groups displayed to the submitters to
subgroups of a particular group.

To use this feature, assign the super group name to following configuration value in dspace.cfg:


Configuration name changed

Please note that the configuration parameter name has been changed in DSpace 4.0 from xmlui.
submission.restrictstep.groups to webui.submission.restrictstep.groups

Once a specific group is configured as supergroup here, only the groups belonging to the indicated group will
be loaded in the selection dialogs. By default, all groups are loaded.

Private/Public Item
It is also possible to adjust the Private/Public state of an item after it has been archived in the repository.

Here is a screenshot showing the updated Edit Item dialog:

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Private items are not retrievable through the DSpace search, browse or Discovery indexes.

Therefor, an admin-only view has been created to browse all private items. Here is a screenshot of this new

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Pre-3.0 Embargo Migration Routine

A migration routine has been developed to migrate the current Embargo to the new one.

To execute it, run the following command:

./dspace migrate-embargo -a

Technical Specifications

The following sections illustrate the technical changes that have been made to the back-end to add the new
Advanced Embargo functionality.

When an embargo is set at item level or bitstream level, a new ResourcePolicy will be added.

Three new attributes have been introduced in the ResourcePolicy class:

rpname: resource policy name

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rptype: resource policy type

rpdescription: resource policy description

While rpname and rpdescription are fields manageable by users, the rptype is managed by DSpace itself. It
represents a type that a resource policy can assume, among the following:

TYPE_SUBMISSION: all the policies added automatically during the submission process
TYPE_WORKFLOW: all the policies added automatically during the workflow stage
TYPE_CUSTOM: all the custom policies added by users
TYPE_INHERITED: all the policies inherited from the enclosing object (for Item, a Collection; for
Bitstream, an Item).

Here is an example of all information contained in a single policy record:

policy_id: 4847
resource_type_id: 2
resource_id: 89
action_id: 0
epersongroup_id: 0
start_date: 2013-01-01
rpname: Embargo Policy
rpdescription: Embargoed through 2012

To manage Private/Public state a new boolean attribute has been added to the Item:


When an Item is private, the attribute will assume the value false.

Item.inheritCollectionDefaultPolicies(Collection c)
This method has been adjusted to leave custom policies, added by the users, in place and add the default
collection policies only if there are no custom policies.

Some methods have been changed on AuthorizeManager to manage the new fields and some convenience
methods have been introduced:

public static List<ResourcePolicy> findPoliciesByDSOAndType(Context c, DSpaceObject o, String

public static void removeAllPoliciesByDSOAndTypeNotEqualsTo(Context c, DSpaceObject o, String

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public static boolean isAnIdenticalPolicyAlreadyInPlace(Context c, DSpaceObject o, ResourcePolicy

public static ResourcePolicy createOrModifyPolicy(ResourcePolicy policy, Context context, String
name, int idGroup, EPerson ePerson, Date embargoDate, int action, String reason, DSpaceObject dso);

Withdraw Item
The feature to withdraw an item from the repository has been modified to keep all the custom policies in place.

Reinstate Item
The feature to reinstate an item in the repository has been modified to preserve existing custom policies.

Pre-DSpace 3.0 Embargo Compatibility

The Pre-DSpace 3.0 embargo functionality (see below) has been modified to adjust the policies setter and lifter.
These classes now also set the dates within the policy objects themselves in addition to setting the date in the
item metadata.

Pre-DSpace 3.0 Embargo

Embargo model and life-cycle

Functionally, the embargo system allows you to attach "terms" to an item before it is placed into the repository,
which express how the embargo should be applied. What do we mean by "terms" here? They are really any
expression that the system is capable of turning into (1) the time the embargo expires, and (2) a concrete set of
access restrictions. Some examples:

"2020-09-12" - an absolute date (i.e. the date embargo will be lifted)

"6 months" - a time relative to when the item is accessioned
"forever" - an indefinite, or open-ended embargo
"local only until 2015" - both a time and an exception (public has no access until 2015, local users OK
"Nature Publishing Group standard" - look-up to a policy somewhere (typically 6 months)

These terms are interpreted by the embargo system to yield a specific date on which the embargo can be
removed (or "lifted"), and a specific set of access policies. Obviously, some terms are easier to interpret than
others (the absolute date really requires none at all), and the default embargo logic understands only the most
basic terms (the first and third examples above). But as we will see below, the embargo system provides you
with the ability to add your own interpreters to cope with any terms expressions you wish to have. This date that
is the result of the interpretation is stored with the item. The embargo system detects when that date has
passed, and removes the embargo ("lifts it"), so the item bitstreams become available. Here is a more detailed
life-cycle for an embargoed item:

Terms assignment
The first step in placing an embargo on an item is to attach (assign) "terms" to it. If these terms are missing, no
embargo will be imposed. As we will see below, terms are carried in a configurable DSpace metadata field, so

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assigning terms just means assigning a value to a metadata field. This can be done in a web submission user
interface form, in a SWORD deposit package, a batch import, etc. - anywhere metadata is passed to DSpace.
The terms are not immediately acted upon, and may be revised, corrected, removed, etc, up until the next stage
of the life-cycle. Thus a submitter could enter one value, and a collection editor replace it, and only the last
value will be used. Since metadata fields are multivalued, theoretically there can be multiple terms values, but in
the default implementation only one is recognized.

Terms interpretation/imposition
In DSpace terminology, when an Item has exited the last of any workflow steps (or if none have been defined
for it), it is said to be "installed" into the repository. At this precise time, the interpretation of the terms occurs,
and a computed "lift date" is assigned, which like the terms is recorded in a configurable metadata field. It is
important to understand that this interpretation happens only once, (just like the installation), and cannot be
revisited later. Thus, although an administrator can assign a new value to the metadata field holding the terms
after the item has been installed, this will have no effect on the embargo, whose "force" now resides entirely in
the "lift date" value. For this reason, you cannot embargo content already in your repository (at least using
standard tools). The other action taken at installation time is the actual imposition of the embargo. The default
behavior here is simply to remove the read policies on all the bundles and bitstreams except for the "LICENSE"
or "METADATA" bundles. See the Extending embargo functionality section below for how to alter this
behavior. Also note that since these policy changes occur before installation, there is no time during which
embargoed content is "exposed" (accessible by non-administrators). The terms interpretation and imposition
together are called "setting" the embargo, and the component that performs them both is called the embargo

Embargo period
After an embargoed item has been installed, the policy restrictions remain in effect until removed. This is not an
automatic process, however: a "lifter" must be run periodically to look for items whose "lift date" has passed.
Note that this means the effective removal of an embargo does not occur on the lift date, but on the earliest
date after the lift date that the lifter is run. Typically, a nightly cron-scheduled invocation of the lifter is more than
adequate, given the granularity of embargo terms. Also note that during the embargo period, all metadata of the
item remains visible.This default behavior can be changed. One final point to note is that the "lift date", although
it was computed and assigned during the previous stage, is in the end a regular metadata field. That means, if
there are extraordinary circumstances that require an administrator (or collection editor - anyone with edit
permissions on metadata) to change the lift date, this can be done. Thus, one can "revise" the lift date without
reference to the original terms. This date will be checked the next time the "lifter" is run. One could immediately
lift the embargo by setting the lift date to the current day, or change it to "forever" to indefinitely postpone lifting.

Embargo lift
When the lifter discovers an item whose lift date is in the past, it removes ("lifts") the embargo. The default
behavior of the lifter is to add the resource policies that would have been added had the embargo not been
imposed. That is, it replicates the standard DSpace behavior, in which an item inherits its policies from its
owning collection. As with all other parts of the embargo system, you may replace or extend the default
behavior of the lifter (see Extending embargo functionality below). You may wish, e.g., to send an email to an
administrator or other interested parties when an embargoed item becomes available.

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Post embargo
After the embargo has been lifted, the item ceases to respond to any of the embargo life-cycle events. The
values of the metadata fields reflect essentially historical or provenance values. With the exception of the
additional metadata fields, the item is indistinguishable from items that were never subject to embargo.

DSpace embargoes utilize standard metadata fields to hold both the "terms" and the "lift date". Which fields you
use are configurable, and no specific metadata element is dedicated or pre-defined for use in embargo. Rather,
you must specify exactly what field you want the embargo system to examine when it needs to find the terms or
assign the lift date.

The properties that specify these assignments live in dspace.cfg:

# DC metadata field to hold the user-supplied embargo terms

embargo.field.terms = SCHEMA.ELEMENT.QUALIFIER

# DC metadata field to hold computed "lift date" of embargo

embargo.field.lift = SCHEMA.ELEMENT.QUALIFIER

You replace the placeholder values with real metadata field names. If you only need the "default" embargo
behavior - which essentially accepts only absolute dates as "terms" - this is the only configuration required,
except as noted below.

There is also a property for the special date of "forever":

# string in terms field to indicate indefinite embargo = forever

which you may change to suit linguistic or other preference.

You are free to use existing metadata fields, or create new fields. If you choose the latter, you must understand
that the embargo system does not create or configure these fields: i.e. you must follow all the standard
documented procedures for actually creating them (i.e. adding them to the metadata registry, or to display
templates, etc) - this does not happen automatically. Likewise, if you want the field for "terms" to appear in
submission screens and workflows, you must follow the documented procedure for configurable submission
(basically, this means adding the field to input-forms.xml). The flexibility of metadata configuration makes if easy
for you to restrict embargoes to specific collections, since configurable submission can be defined per

Key recommendations:

1. Use a local metadata schema. Breaking compliance with the standard Dublin Core in the default
metadata registry can create a problem for the portability of data to/from of your repository.


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2. If using existing metadata fields, avoid any that are automatically managed by DSpace. For example,
fields like "date.issued" or "date.accessioned" are normally automatically assigned, and thus must not be
recruited for embargo use.
3. Do not place the field for "lift date" in submission screens. This can potentially confuse submitters
because they may feel that they can directly assign values to it. As noted in the life-cycle above, this is
erroneous: the lift date gets assigned by the embargo system based on the terms. Any pre-existing value
will be over-written. But see next recommendation for an exception.
4. As the life-cycle discussion above makes clear, after the terms are applied, that field is no longer
actionable in the embargo system. Conversely, the "lift date" field is not actionable until the application.
Thus you may want to consider configuring both the "terms" and "lift date" to use the same metadata
field. In this way, during workflow you would see only the terms, and after item installation, only the lift
date. If you wish the metadata to retain the terms for any resaon, use 2 distinct fields instead.

After the fields defined for terms and lift date have been assigned in dspace.cfg, and created and configured
wherever they will be used, you can begin to embargo items simply by entering data (dates, if using the default
setter) in the terms field. They will automatically be embargoed as they exit workflow. For the embargo to be
lifted on any item, however, a new administrative procedure must be added: the "embargo lifter" must be
invoked on a regular basis. This task examines all embargoed items, and if their "lift date" has passed, it
removes the access restrictions on the item. Good practice dictates automating this procedure using cron jobs
or the like, rather than manually running it.
The lifter is available as a target of the 1.6 DSpace launcher - see launcher documentation for details.

Extending embargo functionality

The 1.6 embargo system supplies a default "interpreter/imposition" class (the "Setter") as well as a "Lifter", but
they are fairly rudimentary in several respects.

The default setter recognizes only two expressions of terms: either a literal, non-relative date in the fixed format
"yyyy-mm-dd" (known as ISO 8601), or a special string used for open-ended embargo (the default configured
value for this is "forever", but this can be changed in dspace.cfg to "toujours", "unendlich", etc). It will perform a
minimal sanity check that the date is not in the past. Similarly, the default setter will only remove all read
policies as noted above, rather than applying more nuanced rules (e.g allow access to certain IP groups, deny
the rest). Fortunately, the setter class itself is configurable and you can "plug in" any behavior you like, provided
it is written in java and conforms to the setter interface. The dspace.cfg property:

# implementation of embargo setter plugin - replace with local implementation if applicable = org.dspace.embargo.DefaultEmbargoSetter

controls which setter to use.

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The default lifter behavior as described above - essentially applying the collection policy rules to the item - might
also not be sufficient for all purposes. It also can be replaced with another class:

implementation of embargo lifter plugin - - replace with local implementation if applicable = org.dspace.embargo.DefaultEmbargoLifter

Pre-3.0 Embargo Lifter Commands

If you have implemented the pre DSpace 3.0 Embargo feature, you will need to run it periodically to check for
Items with expired embargoes and lift them.

Command used: [dspace]/bin/dspace embargo-lifter

Java class: org.dspace.embargo.EmbargoManager

Arguments short and (long) Description


-c or --check ONLY check the state of embargoed Items, do NOT lift any embargoes

-i or --identifier Process ONLY this handle identifier(s), which must be an Item. Can be

-l or --lift Only lift embargoes, do NOT check the state of any embargoed items.

-n or --dryrun Do no change anything in the data model, print message instead.

-v or --verbose Print a line describing the action taken for each embargoed item found.

-q or --quiet No output except upon error.

-h or --help Display brief help screen.

You must run the Embargo Lifter task periodically to check for items with expired embargoes and lift them from
being embargoed. For example, to check the status, at the CLI:

[dspace]/bin/dspace embargo-lifter -c

To lift the actual embargoes on those items that meet the time criteria, at the CLI:

[dspace]/bin/dspace embargo-lifter -l

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4.1.3 Managing User Accounts

When a user registers an account for the purpose of subscribing to change notices, submitting content, or the
like, DSpace creates an EPerson record in the database. Administrators can manipulate these records in
several ways.

Please note that when a user has submitted content, his EPerson record cannot be deleted because there are
references to it from the submitted item(s). If it is necessary to prevent further use of such an account, it can be
marked "cannot log in".

From the browser: XMLUI


From the browser: JSPUI


From the command line

The user command

The dspace user command adds, lists, modifies, and deletes EPerson records.

To create a new user account:

[dspace]/bin/dspace user --add --email -g John -s User --password hiddensecret

[dspace]/bin/dspace user --add --netid jquser --telephone 555-555-1234 --password hiddensecret

One of the options --email or --netid is required to name the record. The complete options are:

- --add required

- --email email address


- --netid "netid" (a username in an external system such as a directory see Authentication

n Methods for details)

- --password a password for the account. Required.


--givenname First or given name

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-s --surname Last or surname

-t --telephone Telephone number

-l --language Preferred language

-c -- Certificate required? See X.509 Authentication for details.


To list accounts:

[dspace]/bin/dspace user --list

This simply lists some characteristics of each EPerson.

short long meaning

-L --list required

To modify an account:

[dspace]/bin/dspace user --modify -m

short long meaning

-M --modify required

-m --email identify the account by email address

-n --netid identify the account by netid

-g --givenname First or given name

-s --surname Last or surname

-t --telephone telephone number

-l --language preferred language

-c --requireCertificate certificate required?

-C --canLogIn is the account enabled or disabled?

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short long meaning

-i --newEmail set or change email address

-I --newNetid set or change netid

To delete an account:

[dspace]/bin/dspace user --delete -n martha

short long meaning

-d --delete required

-m --email identify the account by email address

-n --netid identify the account by netid

The Groomer
This tool inspects all user accounts for several conditions.

short long meaning

-a --aging find accounts not logged in since a given date

-u --unsalted find accounts not using salted password hashes

-b --before date cutoff for --aging

-d --delete delete disused accounts (used with --aging)

Find accounts with unsalted passwords

Earlier versions of DSpace used an "unsalted hash" method to protect user passwords. Recent versions use a
salted hash. You can find accounts which have never been converted to salted hashing:

Discovering accounts with unsalted password hashes

[DSpace]/bin/dsrun org.dspace.eperson.Groomer -u

The output is a list of email addresses for matching accounts.

Find (and perhaps delete) disused accounts

You can list accounts which have not logged on since a given date:

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Discovering disused accounts

[DSpace]/bin/dsrun org.dspace.eperson.Groomer -a -b 07/20/1969

The output is a tab-separated-value table of the EPerson ID, last login date, email address, netid, and full name
for each matching account.

You can also have the tool delete matching accounts:

Deleting disused accounts

[DSpace]/bin/dsrun org.dspace.eperson.Groomer -a -b 07/20/1969 -d

Email Subscriptions

/*<![CDATA[*/ div.rbtoc1477323615135 {padding: 0px;} div.rbtoc1477323615135 ul {list-

style: disc;margin-left: 0px;} div.rbtoc1477323615135 li {margin-left: 0px;padding-left:
0px;} /*]]>*/

Adding new subscriptions
System configuration for sending out daily emails

Registered users can subscribe to collections in DSpace. After subscribing, users will receive a daily email
containing the new and modified items in the collections they are subscribed to.

Adding new subscriptions

Adding new subscriptions is only available to users who are logged in.

In the XML User interface, new subscriptions are added on the users Profile page.

In the JSP User Interface, a specific dialog "Receive Email Updates" is available from the dropdown in the top
right corner.

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Receive email updates

System configuration for sending out daily emails

To send out the subscription emails you need to invoke the sub-daily script from the DSpace command
launcher. It is advised to setup this script as a scheduled task using cron.

This script can be run with a parameter -t for testing purposes. When this parameter is passed, the log level is
set to DEBUG to ensure that more diagnostic information will be added to the dspace logfile.

4.1.4 Request a Copy

Requesting a copy using the XML User Interface
Requesting a copy using the JSP User Interface
(Optional) Requesting a copy with Help Desk workflow
Email templates
Configuration parameters
Spring Configuration Properties

The request a copy functionality was added to DSpace as a measure to facilitate access in those cases when
uploaded content can not be openly shared with the entire world immediately after submission into DSpace. It
gives users an efficient way to request access to the original submitter of the item, who can approve this access
with the click of a button. This practice complies with most applicable policies as the submitter interacts directly
with the requester on a case by case basis.

Requesting a copy using the XML User Interface

Users can request a copy by clicking the file thumbnail or the blue lock symbol displayed on files that are
restricted to them.

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Restricted Item XMLUI

The request form asks the user for his or her name, email address and message where the reason for
requesting access can be entered.

After clicking request copy at the bottom of this form, the original submitter of the item will receive an email
containing the details of the request. The email also contains a link with a token that brings the original
submitter to a page where he or she can either grant or reject access. If the original submitter can not evaluate
the request, he or she can forward this email to the right person, who can use the link containing the token
without having to log into DSpace.

Each of these buttons registers the choice of the submitter, displaying the following form in which an additional
reason for granting or rejecting the access can be added.

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After hitting send, the contents of this form will be sent together with the associated files to the email address of
the requester. In case the access is rejected, only the reason will be sent to the requester.

After responding positively to a request for copy, the person who approved is presented with an optional form to
ask the repository administrator to alter the access rights of the item, allowing unrestricted open access to

Requesting a copy using the JSP User Interface

Users can request a copy by clicking the green "Request a Copy" button for files that are restricted to them.

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Restricted item JSPUI

The request form asks the user for his or her name, email address and message where the reason for
requesting access can be entered.

After clicking request copy at the bottom of this form, the original submitter of the item will receive an email
containing the details of the request. The email also contains a link with a token that brings the original
submitter to a page where he or she can either grant or reject access. If the original submitter can not evaluate
the request, he or she can forward this email to the right person, who can use the link containing the token
without having to log into DSpace.

After approving or rejecting the request for a copy, the contents of the form will be sent together with the
associated files to the email address of the requester. In case the access is rejected, only the reason will be
sent to the requester.

(Optional) Requesting a copy with Help Desk workflow

(Optional) Request Item with HelpDesk intermediary, is steered towards having your Repository Support staff
act as a helpdesk that receives all incoming RequestItem requests, and then processes them. This adds the
options of "Initial Reply to Requestor" to let the requestor know that their request is being worked on, and an
option "Author Permission Request" which allows the helpdesk to email the author of the document, as not all
documents are deposited by the author, or the author will need to be tracked down by a support staff, as
DSpace might not have their current email address.

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Initial Reply to Requester

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Author permission request, includes information about the original request (requester name, requester email,
requester's reason for requesting). The author/submitter's name and email address will be pre-populated in the
form from the submitter, but the email address and author name are editable, as the submitter's of content to
DSpace aren't always the author.

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Email templates
Most of the email templates used by Request a Copy are treated just like other email templates in DSpace. The
templates can be found in the /config/emails directory and can be altered just by changing the contents and
restarting tomcat.

request_item. template for the message that will be sent to the administrator of the repository, after the
admin original submitter requests to have the permissions changed for this item.

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request_item. template for the message that will be sent to the original submitter of an item with the
author request for copy.

The templates for emails that the requester receives, that could have been customized by the approver in the
aforementioned dialog are not managed as separate email template files. These defaults are stored in the file under the keys

itemRequest.response.body.approve Default message for informing the requester of the


itemRequest.response.body.reject Default message for informing the requester of the


itemRequest.response.body.contactAuthor Default message for the helpdesk to contact the author

itemRequest.response.body. Default message for the helpdesk to contact the requester


Configuration parameters
Request a copy is enabled in DSpace 4 by default. Only two configuration parameters in dspace.cfg relate to
Request a Copy:

Property: request.item.type

Example request.item.type = all


Informational This parameter manages who can file a request for an item. The parameter is optional. When
Note it is empty or commented out, request a copy is disabled across the entire repository. When
set to all, any user can file a request for a copy. When set to logged, only registered users
can file a request for copy.

Property: mail.helpdesk

Example mail.helpdesk =


Informational In JSPUI, the email address assigned to this parameter will receive the emails both for
Note granting or rejecting request a copy requests, as well as requests to change item policies. In
XMLUI, the parameter will also receive these requests to change item policies. However, the
actual requests for copy in XMLUI will initially be directed at the email address of the original
submitter. When this email address can not be retrieved, the address in mail.helpdesk will be
used as a fallback.

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This parameter is optional. If it is empty or commented out, it will default to mail.admin.

Property: request.item.helpdesk.override

Example request.item.helpdesk.override = true


Informational Should all Request Copy emails go to the helpdesk instead of the
Note item submitter? Default is false, which sends Item Requests to the
item submitter.

Spring Configuration Properties

The process that DSpace will determine who the recipient of the Item Request is configureable by Spring.


By default the RequestItemMetadataStrategy is enabled, but falls back to the Item Submitter eperson's name
and email. You can configure the RequestItemMetadataStrategy to load the author's name and email address if
you set that information into an item metadata field.

<bean class=""
Uncomment these properties if you want lookup in metadata the email and the name of the auth

If you don't configure that or if the requested item doesn't have these metadata the submitt

<property name="emailMetadata" value="schema.element.qualifier" />

<property name="fullNameMatadata" value="schema.element.qualifier" />


Otherwise, if you wish to use the Helpdesk Strategy, you have to comment out the other
RequestItemAuthorExtractor, and uncomment:




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4.2 Exporting Content and Metadata

General top level page to group all DSpace facilities for exporting content and metadata.

4.2.1 OAI

OAI Interfaces
OAI-PMH Server
OAI-PMH Server Activation
OAI-PMH Server Maintenance
OAI-PMH / OAI-ORE Harvester (Client)
Harvesting from another DSpace
OAI-PMH / OAI-ORE Harvester Configuration

OAI-PMH Server
In the following sections and subpages, you will learn how to configure OAI-PMH server and activate additional
OAI-PMH crosswalks. The user is also referred to OAI-PMH Data Provider for greater depth details of the

The OAI-PMH Interface may be used by other systems to harvest metadata records from your DSpace.

OAI-PMH Server Activation

To enable DSpace's OAI-PMH server, just make sure the [dspace]/webapps/oai/ web application is
available from your Servlet Container (usually Tomcat).

You can test that it is working by sending a request to: http://[full-URL-to-OAI-PMH]/request?

The response should look similar to the response from the DSpace Demo Server:

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If you're using a recent browser, you should see a HTML page describing your repository. What you're getting
from the server is in fact an XML file with a link to an XSLT stylesheet that renders this HTML in your browser
(client-side). Any browser that cannot interpret XSLT will display pure XML. The default stylesheet is located in
[dspace]/webapps/oai/static/style.xsl and can be changed by configuring the stylesheet
attribute of the Configuration element in [dspace]/config/crosswalks/oai/xoai.xml.

Relevant Links

OAI 2.0 Server - basic information needed to configure and use the OAI Server in DSpace
OAI-PMH Data Provider 2.0 (Internals) - information on how it's implemented - information on the OAI-PMH protocol and its usage (not

OAI-PMH Server Maintenance

After activating the OAI-PMH server, you need to also ensure its index is updated on a regular basis. Currently,
this doesn't happen automatically within DSpace. Instead, you must schedule the [dspace.dir]/bin
/dspace oai import commandline tool to run on a regular basis (usually at least nightly, but you could
schedule it more frequently).

Here's an example cron that can be used to schedule an OAI-PMH reindex on a nightly basis (for a full list of
recommended DSpace cron tasks see Scheduled Tasks via Cron):

# Update the OAI-PMH index with the newest content (and re-optimize that index) at midnight every
# (This ensures new content is available via OAI-PMH and ensures the OAI-PMH index is optimized for
better performance)
0 0 * * * [dspace.dir]/bin/dspace oai import -o > /dev/null

More information about the dspace oai commandline tool can be found in the OAI Manager documentation.

OAI-PMH / OAI-ORE Harvester (Client)

This section describes the parameters used in configuring the OAI-ORE / OAI-ORE harvester (for XMLUI only).
This harvester can be used to harvest content (bitstreams and metadata) into DSpace from an external OAI-
PMH or OAI-ORE server.

Relevant Links

For information on activating & using the OAI-PMH / OAI-ORE Harvester to harvest content into your
DSpace, see Harvesting Items from XMLUI via OAI-ORE or OAI-PMH

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Harvesting from another DSpace

If you are harvesting content (bitstreams and metadata) from an external DSpace installation via OAI-PMH &
OAI-ORE, you first should verify that the external DSpace installation allows for OAI-ORE harvesting.

First, that external DSpace must be running both the OAI-PMH interface and the XMLUI interface to support
harvesting content from it via OAI-ORE.

You can verify that OAI-ORE harvesting option is enabled by following these steps:

1. First, check to see if the external DSpace reports that it will support harvesting ORE via the OAI-PMH
interface. Send the following request to the DSpace's OAI-PMH interface: http://[full-URL-to-
The response should be an XML document containing ORE, similar to the response from the
DSpace Demo Server:
2. Next, you can verify that the XMLUI interface supports OAI-ORE (it should, as long as it's a current
version of DSpace). First, find a valid Item Handle. Then, send the following request to the DSpace's
XMLUI interface: http://[full-URL-to-XMLUI]/metadata/handle/[item-handle]/ore.xml
The response should be an OAI-ORE (XML) document which describes that specific Item. It
should look similar to the response from the DSpace Demo Server:

OAI-PMH / OAI-ORE Harvester Configuration

There are many possible configuration options for the OAI harvester. Most of these are contained in the
[dspace]/config/modules/oai.cfg file (unless otherwise noted below). They may be updated there or
overridden in your local.cfg config file (see Configuration Reference).

Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/oai.cfg

Property: oai.harvester.eperson

Example oai.harvester.eperson =


Informational The EPerson under whose authorization automatic harvesting will be performed. This field
Note: does not have a default value and must be specified in order to use the harvest scheduling
system. This will most likely be the DSpace admin account created during installation.

Property: oai.url

Example oai.url = ${dspace.baseUrl}/oai


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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/oai.cfg

Informational The base url of the OAI-PMH disseminator webapp (i.e. do not include the /request on the
Note: end). This is necessary in order to mint URIs for ORE Resource Maps. The default value of
${dspace.baseUrl}/oai will work for a typical installation, but should be changed if
appropriate. Please note that dspace.baseUrl is defined in your dspace.cfg
configuration file.

Property: oai.ore.authoritative.source

Example oai.ore.authoritative.source = oai | xmlui


Informational The webapp responsible for minting the URIs for ORE Resource Maps. If using oai, the
Note: oai.url config value must be set.

When set to 'oai', all URIs in ORE Resource Maps will be relative to the OAI-PMH
URL (configured by oai.url above)
When set to 'xmlui', all URIs in ORE Resource Maps will be relative to the DSpace
Base URL (configued by dspace.url in the dspace.cfg file)

The URIs generated for ORE ReMs follow the following convention for either setting:

Property: oai.harvester.autoStart

Example oai.harvester.autoStart = false


Informational Determines whether the harvest scheduler process starts up automatically when the XMLUI
Note: webapp is redeployed.

Property: oai.harvester.metadataformats.PluginName

Value: oai.harvester.metadataformats.PluginName = \, Simple Dublin Core

Informational This field can be repeated and serves as a link between the metadata formats supported by
Note: the local repository and those supported by the remote OAI-PMH provider. It follows the
form oai.harvester.metadataformats.PluginName = NamespaceURI,
Optional Display Name . The pluginName designates the metadata schemas that the
harvester "knows" the local DSpace repository can support. Consequently, the PluginName

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/oai.cfg

must correspond to a previously declared ingestion crosswalk. The namespace value is

used during negotiation with the remote OAI-PMH provider, matching it against a list
returned by the ListMetadataFormats request, and resolving it to whatever metadataPrefix
the remote provider has assigned to that namespace. Finally, the optional display name is
the string that will be displayed to the user when setting up a collection for harvesting. If
omitted, the PluginName:NamespaceURI combo will be displayed instead.

Property: oai.harvester.oreSerializationFormat.OREPrefix

Value: oai.harvester.oreSerializationFormat.OREPrefix = \

Informational This field works in much the same way as oai.harvester.metadataformats.

Note: PluginName . The OREPrefix must correspond to a declared ingestion crosswalk, while
the Namespace must be supported by the target OAI-PMH provider when harvesting

Property: oai.harvester.timePadding

Example oai.harvester.timePadding = 120


Informational Amount of time subtracted from the from argument of the PMH request to account for the
Note: time taken to negotiate a connection. Measured in seconds. Default value is 120.

Property: oai.harvester.harvestFrequency

Example oai.harvester.harvestFrequency = 720


Informational How frequently the harvest scheduler checks the remote provider for updates. Should
Note: always be longer than timePadding . Measured in minutes. Default value is 720.

Property: oai.harvester.minHeartbeat

Example oai.harvester.minHeartbeat = 30

Informational The heartbeat is the frequency at which the harvest scheduler queries the local database to
Note: determine if any collections are due for a harvest cycle (based on the harvestFrequency)

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/oai.cfg

value. The scheduler is optimized to then sleep until the next collection is actually ready to
be harvested. The minHeartbeat and maxHeartbeat are the lower and upper bounds on this
timeframe. Measured in seconds. Default value is 30.

Property: oai.harvester.maxHeartbeat

Example oai.harvester.maxHeartbeat = 3600


Informational The heartbeat is the frequency at which the harvest scheduler queries the local database to
Note: determine if any collections are due for a harvest cycle (based on the harvestFrequency)
value. The scheduler is optimized to then sleep until the next collection is actually ready to
be harvested. The minHeartbeat and maxHeartbeat are the lower and upper bounds on this
timeframe. Measured in seconds. Default value is 3600 (1 hour).

Property: oai.harvester.maxThreads

Example oai.harvester.maxThreads = 3

Informational How many harvest process threads the scheduler can spool up at once. Default value is 3.

Property: oai.harvester.threadTimeout

Example oai.harvester.threadTimeout = 24

Informational How much time passes before a harvest thread is terminated. The termination process
Note: waits for the current item to complete ingest and saves progress made up to that point.
Measured in hours. Default value is 24.

Property: oai.harvester.unknownField

Example oai.harvester.unkownField = fail | add | ignore


Informational You have three (3) choices. When a harvest process completes for a single item and it has
Note: been passed through ingestion crosswalks for ORE and its chosen descriptive metadata
format, it might end up with DIM values that have not been defined in the local repository.
This setting determines what should be done in the case where those DIM values belong to
an already declared schema. Fail will terminate the harvesting task and generate an error.
Ignore will quietly omit the unknown fields. Add will add the missing field to the local
repository's metadata registry. Default value: fail.

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/oai.cfg

Property: oai.harvester.unknownSchema

Example oai.harvester.unknownSchema = fail | add | ignore


Informational When a harvest process completes for a single item and it has been passed through
Note: ingestion crosswalks for ORE and its chosen descriptive metadata format, it might end up
with DIM values that have not been defined in the local repository. This setting determines
what should be done in the case where those DIM values belong to an unknown schema.
Fail will terminate the harvesting task and generate an error. Ignore will quietly omit the
unknown fields. Add will add the missing schema to the local repository's metadata registry,
using the schema name as the prefix and "unknown" as the namespace. Default value: fail.

Property: oai.harvester.acceptedHandleServer

Value: oai.harvester.acceptedHandleServer = \,

Informational A harvest process will attempt to scan the metadata of the incoming items (identifier.uri
Note: field, to be exact) to see if it looks like a handle. If so, it matches the pattern against the
values of this parameter. If there is a match the new item is assigned the handle from the
metadata value instead of minting a new one. Default value: .

Property: oai.harvester.rejectedHandlePrefix

Example oai.harvester.rejectedHandlePrefix = 123456789, myeduHandle


Informational Pattern to reject as an invalid handle prefix (known test string, for example) when attempting
Note: to find the handle of harvested items. If there is a match with this config parameter, a new
handle will be minted instead. Default value: 123456789 .

OAI 2.0 Server

What is OAI 2.0?
Why OAI 2.0?
Concepts (XOAI Core Library)
OAI 2.0
Indexing OAI content

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OAI Manager
Scheduled Tasks
Client-side stylesheet
Metadata Formats
Encoding problems
Basic Configuration
Advanced Configuration
General options
Add/Remove Metadata Formats
Add/Remove Metadata Fields
Driver/OpenAIRE compliance
Driver Compliance
OpenAIRE compliance
Sanity check your OAI interface with the OAI Validator
Frequently asked questions and issues

Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting is a low-barrier mechanism for repository
interoperability. Data Providers are repositories that expose structured metadata via OAI-PMH. Service
Providers then make OAI-PMH service requests to harvest that metadata. OAI-PMH is a set of six verbs or
services that are invoked within HTTP.

What is OAI 2.0?

OAI 2.0 is a Java implementation of an OAI-PMH data provider interface developed by Lyncode that uses
XOAI, an OAI-PMH Java Library.

Why OAI 2.0?

Projects like OpenAIRE, Driver have specific metadata requirements (to the published content through the OAI-
PMH interface). As the OAI-PMH protocol doesn't establish any frame to these specifics, OAI 2.0 can, in a
simple way, have more than one instance of an OAI interface (feature provided by the XOAI core library) so one
could define an interface for each project. That is the main purpose, although, OAI 2.0 allows much more than

Concepts (XOAI Core Library)

To understand how XOAI works, one must understand the concept of Filter, Transformer and Context. With a
Filter it is possible to select information from the data source. A Transformer allows one to make some changes
in the metadata before showing it in the OAI interface. XOAI also adds a new concept to the OAI-PMH basic
specification, the concept of context. A context is identified in the URL:<context>

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Contexts could be seen as virtual distinct OAI interfaces, so with this one could have things like:

With this ingredients it is possible to build a robust solution that fulfills all requirements of Driver, OpenAIRE and
also other project-specific requirements. As shown in Figure 1, with contexts one could select a subset of all
available items in the data source. So when entering the OpenAIRE context, all OAI-PMH request will be
restricted to that subset of items.

At this stage, contexts could be seen as sets (also defined in the basic OAI-PMH protocol). The magic of XOAI
happens when one need specific metadata format to be shown in each context. Metadata requirements by
Driver slightly differs from the OpenAIRE ones. So for each context one must define its specific transformer. So,
contexts could be seen as an extension to the concept of sets.

To implement an OAI interface from the XOAI core library, one just need to implement the datasource interface.

OAI 2.0
OAI 2.0 is a separate webapp which is a complete substitute for the old "oai" webapp. OAI 2.0 has a
configurable data source, by default it will not query the DSpace SQL database at the time of the OAI-PMH
request. Instead, it keeps the required metadata in its Solr index (currently in a separate "oai" Solr core) and
serves it from there. It's also possible to set OAI 2.0 to only use the database for querying purposes if
necessary, but this decreases performance significantly. Furthermore, it caches the requests, so doing the
same query repeatedly is very fast. In addition to that it also compiles DSpace items to make uncached
responses much faster.

Details about OAI 2.0 internals can be found here.

As of DSpace 6, the OAI 2.0 Server only uses Solr for its indexing. The previous capability to use
Database indexing has been removed.

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Indexing OAI content

OAI 2.0 uses Solr for all indexing of content.

The Solr index can be updated at your convenience, depending on how fresh you need the information to be.
Typically, the administrator sets up a nightly cron job to update the Solr index from the SQL database.

OAI Manager
OAI manager is a utility that allows one to do certain administrative operations with OAI. You can call it from the
command line using the dspace launcher:


[dspace]/bin/dspace oai <action> [parameters]


import Imports DSpace items into OAI Solr index (also cleans OAI cache)
clean-cache Cleans the OAI cache


-o Optimize index after indexing

-c Clears the Solr index before indexing (it will import all items again)
-v Verbose output
-h Shows an help text

Scheduled Tasks
In order to refresh the OAI Solr index, it is required to run the [dspace]/bin/dspace oai import
command periodically. You can add the following task to your crontab:

0 3 * * * [dspace]/bin/dspace oai import

Note that [dspace] should be replaced by the correct value, that is, the value defined in dspace.cfg
parameter dspace.dir.

Client-side stylesheet
The OAI-PMH response is an XML file. While OAI-PMH is primarily used by harvesting tools and usually not
directly by humans, sometimes it can be useful to look at the OAI-PMH requests directly - usually when setting
it up for the first time or to verify any changes you make. For these cases, XOAI provides an XSLT stylesheet to
transform the response XML to a nice looking, human-readable and interactive HTML. The stylesheet is linked
from the XML response and the transformation takes place in the user's browser (this requires a recent
browser, older browsers will only display the XML directly). Most automated tools are interested only in the XML
file itself and will not perform the transformation. If you want, you can change which stylesheet will be used by
placing it into the [dspace]/webapps/oai/static directory (or into the [dspace-src]/dspace-xoai

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/dspace-xoai-webapp/src/main/webapp/static after which you have to rebuild DSpace), modifying

the "stylesheet" attribute of the "Configuration" element in [dspace]/config/crosswalks/oai/xoai.xml
and restarting your servlet container.

Metadata Formats
By default OAI 2.0 provides 12 metadata formats within the /request context:

3. DIM
8. QDC
9. RDF
10. MARC
12. XOAI

At /driver context it provdes:


And at /openaire context it provides:


Encoding problems
There are two main potential sources of encoding problems:

a) The servlet connector port has to use the correct encoding. E.g. for Tomcat, this would be <Connector
port="8080" ... URIEncoding="UTF-8" />, where the port attribute specifies port of the connector that
DSpace is configured to access Solr on (this is usually 8080, 80 or in case of AJP 8009).

b) System locale of the dspace command line script that is used to do the oai import. Make sure the user
account launching the script (usually from cron) has the correct locale set (e.g. en_US.UTF-8). Also make sure
the locale is actually present on your system.

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Basic Configuration
Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/oai.cfg

Property: storage

Example storage = solr


Information This allows to choose the OAI data source between solr and database

Property: solr.url

Example solr.url = ${default.solr.server}/oai


Informational Solr Server location


Property: identifier.prefix

Example identifier.prefix = ${dspace.hostname}


Informational OAI persistent identifier prefix. Format - oai:PREFIX:HANDLE


Property: config.dir

Example config.dir = ${dspace.dir}/config/crosswalks/oai


Informational Configuration directory, used by XOAI (core library). Contains xoai.xml, metadata format
Note: XSLTs and transformer XSLTs.

Property: cache.dir

Example cache.dir = ${dspace.dir}/var/oai


Informational Directory to store runtime generated files (for caching purposes).


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Advanced Configuration
OAI 2.0 allows you to configure following advanced options:

Metadata Formats

It's an XML file commonly located at: [dspace]/config/crosswalks/oai/xoai.xml

General options
These options influence the OAI interface globally. "per page" means per request, next page (if there is one)
can be requested using resumptionToken provided in current page.

identation [boolean] - whether the output XML should be indented to make it human-readable
maxListIdentifiersSize [integer] - how many identifiers to show per page (verb=ListIdentifiers)
maxListRecordsSize [integer] - how many records to show per page (verb=ListRecords)
maxListSetsSize [integer] - how many sets to show per page (verb=ListSets)
stylesheet [relative file path] - an xsl stylesheet used by client's web browser to transform the output XML
into human-readable HTML

Their location and default values are shown in the following fragment:

<Configuration xmlns=""

Add/Remove Metadata Formats

Each context could have its own metadata formats. So to add/remove metadata formats to/from it, just need add
/remove its reference within xoai.xml, for example, imagine one need to remove the XOAI schema from:

<Context baseurl="request">
<Format refid="oaidc" />
<Format refid="mets" />
<Format refid="xoai" />
<Format refid="didl" />
<Format refid="dim" />
<Format refid="ore" />
<Format refid="rdf" />
<Format refid="etdms" />
<Format refid="mods" />

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<Format refid="qdc" />

<Format refid="marc" />
<Format refid="uketd_dc" />

Then one would have:

<Context baseurl="request">
<Format refid="oaidc" />
<Format refid="mets" />
<Format refid="didl" />
<Format refid="dim" />
<Format refid="ore" />
<Format refid="rdf" />
<Format refid="etdms" />
<Format refid="mods" />
<Format refid="qdc" />
<Format refid="marc" />
<Format refid="uketd_dc" />

It is also possible to create new metadata format by creating a specific XSLT for it. All already defined XSLT for
DSpace can be found in the [dspace]/config/crosswalks/oai/metadataFormats directory. So after producing
a new one, add the following information (location marked using brackets) inside the <Formats> element in

<Format id="[IDENTIFIER]">


Parameter Description

IDENTIFIER The identifier used within context configurations to reference this specific format,
must be unique within all Metadata Formats available.

PREFIX The prefix used in OAI interface (metadataPrefix=PREFIX).

XSLT The name of the XSLT file within [dspace]/config/crosswalks/oai

/metadataFormats directory

NAMESPACE XML Default Namespace of the created Schema

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Parameter Description

SCHEMA_LOCATION URI Location of the XSD of the created Schema

NOTE: Changes in [dspace]/config/crosswalks/oai/xoai.xml requires reloading/restarting the servlet container.

Add/Remove Metadata Fields
The internal DSpace fields (Dublin Core) are exposed in the internal XOAI format (xml). All other metadata
formats exposed via OAI are mapped from this XOAI format using XSLT (xoai.xsl itself is just an identity
transformation). These XSLT stylesheets are found in the [dspace]/config/crosswalks/oai/metadataFormats
directory. So e.g. oai_dc.xsl is a transformation from the XOAI format to the oai_dc format (unqualified Dublin

Therefore exposing any DSpace metadata field in any OAI format is just a matter of modifying the
corresponding output format stylesheet (This assumes the general knowledge of how XSLT works. For a
tutorial, see e.g.

For example, if you have a DC field "local.note.librarian" that you want to expose in oai_dc as <dc:note> (please
note that this is not a valid DC field and thus breaks compatibility), then edit oai_dc.xsl and add the following
lines just above the closing tag </oai_dc:dc>:

<xsl:for-each select="doc:metadata/doc:element[@name='local']/doc:element[@name='note']/doc:element
<dc:note><xsl:value-of select="." /></dc:note>

If you need to add/remove metadata fields, you're changing the output format. Therefore it is recommended to
create a new metadata format as a copy of the one you want to modify. This way the old format will remain
available along with the new one and any upgrades to the original format during DSpace upgrades will not
overwrite your customizations. If you need the format to have the same name as the original format (e.g. the
default oai_dc format), you can create a new context in xoai.xsl containing your modified format with the original
name, which will be available as /oai/context-name.

NOTE: Please, keep in mind that the OAI provider caches the transformed output, so you have to run
[dspace]/bin/dspace oai clean-cache after any .xsl modification and reload the OAI page for the
changes to take effect. When adding/removing metadata formats, making changes in [dspace]/config/crosswalks
/oai/xoai.xml requires reloading/restarting the servlet container.

Driver/OpenAIRE compliance
The default OAI 2.0 installation provides two new contexts. They are:

Driver context, which only exposes Driver compliant items;

OpenAIRE context, which only exposes OpenAIRE compliant items;

However, in order to be exposed DSpace items must be compliant with Driver/OpenAIRE guide-lines.

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Driver Compliance

DRIVER Guidelines for Repository Managers and Administrators on how to expose digital scientific resources
using OAI-PMH and Dublin Core Metadata, creating interoperability by homogenizing the repository output. The
OAI-PMH driver set is based on DRIVER Guidelines 2.0.

This set is used to expose items of the repository that are available for open access. Its not necessary for all
the items of the repository to be available for open access.

What specific metadata values are expected?

To have items in this set, you must configure your input-forms.xml file in order to comply with the DRIVER

Must have a publication date - (already configured in DSpace items)

dc.language must use ISO639-3
the value of dc.type must be one of the 16 types named in the guidelines

How do you easily add those metadata values?

As DRIVER guidelines use Dublin Core, all the needed items are already registered in DSpace. You just need
to configure the deposit process.

OpenAIRE compliance
The OpenAIRE Guidelines 2.0 provide the OpenAIRE compatibility to repositories and aggregators. By
implementing these Guidelines, repository managers are facilitating the authors who deposit their publications
in the repository in complying with the EC Open Access requirements. For developers of repository platforms,
the Guidelines provide guidance to add supportive functionalities for authors of EC-funded research in future

The name of the set in OAI-PMH is "ec_fundedresources" and will expose the items of the repository that
comply with these guidelines. These guidelines are based on top of DRIVER guidelines. See version 2.0 of the

See the Application Profile of OpenAIRE.

What specific metadata values are expected?

These are the OpenAIRE metadata values only, to check these and driver metadata values check page 11 of
the OpenAIRE guidelines 2.0.

dc:relation with the project ID (see p.8)

dc:rights with the access rights information from vocabulary (possible values here)


dc:date with the embargo end date (recommended for embargoed items)

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How do you easily add those metadata values?

Have a dc:relation field in input-forms.xml with a list of the projects. You can also use the OpenAIRE
Authority Control Addon to facilitate the process of finding the project.
Just use a combo-box for dc:rights to input the 4 options:
Use an input-box for dc:date to insert the embargo end date

Relevant Links

OAI 2.0 is a standard part of DSpace 3.0

Download & Install OAI 2.0 for DSpace 1.8.x:

Sanity check your OAI interface with the OAI Validator

There is a very useful validator for OAI interfaces available at, we urge you to use
this validator to confirm your OAI interface is in fact usable.

Frequently asked questions and issues

TODO fill out based on notes from the March DCAT call: DCAT Meeting March 2016

OAI-PMH Data Provider 2.0 (Internals)

OAI-PMH Data Provider 2.0 (Internals)
Unique Identifier
Access control
Modification Date (OAI Date Stamp)
"About" Information
Flow Control (Resumption Tokens)

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OAI-PMH Data Provider 2.0 (Internals)

The DSpace platform supports the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH)
version 2.0 as a data provider. This is accomplished using the XOAI OAI-PMH Java Toolkit.

The DSpace build process builds a Web application archive, [dspace-source]/build/oai.war), in much the same
way as the Web UI build process described above. The only differences are that the JSPs are not included.
This "webapp" is deployed to receive and respond to OAI-PMH requests via HTTP. In a typical configuration,
this is deployed at oai, containing request, driver and openaire contexts, for example:

The "base URL" of this DSpace deployment would be:

But one could also provide the Driver or OpenAIRE contexts:

It is this URL that should be registered with

DSpace provides implementations of the XOAI data sources interfaces.

OAI-PMH allows repositories to expose an hierarchy of sets in which records may be placed. A record can be in
zero or more sets.

DSpace exposes collections and communities as sets.

Each community and collection has a corresponding OAI set, discoverable by harvesters via the ListSets verb.
The setSpec is based on the community/collection handle, with the "/" converted to underscore to form a legal
setSpec. The setSpec is prefixed by "com_" or "col_" for communities and collections, respectively (this is a
change in set names in DSpace 3.0 / OAI 2.0). For example:


Naturally enough, the community/collection name is also the name of the corresponding set.

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Unique Identifier
Every item in OAI-PMH data repository must have an unique identifier, which must conform to the URI syntax.
As of DSpace 1.2, Handles are not used; this is because in OAI-PMH, the OAI identifier identifies the metadata
record associated with the resource. The resource is the DSpace item, whose resource identifier is the Handle.
In practical terms, using the Handle for the OAI identifier may cause problems in the future if DSpace instances
share items with the same Handles; the OAI metadata record identifiers should be different as the different
DSpace instances would need to be harvested separately and may have different metadata for the item.

The OAI identifiers that DSpace uses are of the form:


For example:

If you wish to use a different scheme, this can easily be changed by editing the value of identifier.prefix at
[dspace]/config/modules/oai.cfg file.

Access control
OAI provides no authentication/authorisation details, although these could be implemented using standard
HTTP methods. It is assumed that all access will be anonymous for the time being.

A question is, "is all metadata public?" Presently the answer to this is yes; all metadata is exposed via OAI-
PMH, even if the item has restricted access policies. The reasoning behind this is that people who do actually
have permission to read a restricted item should still be able to use OAI-based services to discover the content.
But, exposed data could be changed by changing the XSLT defined at [dspace]/config/crosswalks/oai

Modification Date (OAI Date Stamp)

OAI-PMH harvesters need to know when a record has been created, changed or deleted. DSpace keeps track
of a "last modified" date for each item in the system, and this date is used for the OAI-PMH date stamp. This
means that any changes to the metadata (e.g. admins correcting a field, or a withdrawal) will be exposed to

"About" Information
As part of each record given out to a harvester, there is an optional, repeatable "about" section which can be
filled out in any (XML-schema conformant) way. Common uses are for provenance and rights information, and
there are schemas in use by OAI communities for this. Presently DSpace does not provide any of this
information, but XOAI core library allows its definition. This requires to dive into code and perform some

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DSpace keeps track of deletions (withdrawals). These are exposed via OAI, which has a specific mechansim for
dealing with this. Since DSpace keeps a permanent record of withdrawn items, in the OAI-PMH sense DSpace
supports deletions "persistently". This is as opposed to "transient" deletion support, which would mean that
deleted records are forgotten after a time.

Once an item has been withdrawn, OAI-PMH harvests of the date range in which the withdrawal occurred will
find the "deleted" record header. Harvests of a date range prior to the withdrawal will not find the record, despite
the fact that the record did exist at that time.

As an example of this, consider an item that was created on 2002-05-02 and withdrawn on 2002-10-06. A
request to harvest the month 2002-10 will yield the "record deleted" header. However, a harvest of the month
2002-05 will not yield the original record.

Note that presently, the deletion of "expunged" items is not exposed through OAI.

Flow Control (Resumption Tokens)

An OAI data provider can prevent any performance impact caused by harvesting by forcing a harvester to
receive data in time-separated chunks. If the data provider receives a request for a lot of data, it can send part
of the data with a resumption token. The harvester can then return later with the resumption token and continue.

DSpace supports resumption tokens for "ListRecords", "ListIdentifiers" and "ListSets" OAI-PMH requests.

Each OAI-PMH ListRecords request will return at most 100 records (by default) but it could be configured in the
[dspace]/config/crosswalks/oai/xoai.xml file.

When a resumption token is issued, the optional completeListSize and cursor attributes are included. OAI 2.0
resumption tokens are persistent, so expirationDate of the resumption token is undefined, they do not expire.

Resumption tokens contain all the state information required to continue a request and it is encoded in Base64.

4.2.2 Exchanging Content Between Repositories

Transferring Content via Export and Import
Transferring Communities, Collections, or Items using Packages
Transferring Items using Simple Archive Format
Transferring Items using OAI-ORE/OAI-PMH Harvester
Copying Items using the SWORD Client

Transferring Content via Export and Import

To migrate content from one DSpace to another, you can export content from the Source DSpace and import it
into the Destination DSpace.

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Transferring Communities, Collections, or Items using Packages

Starting with DSpace 1.7, you can transfer any DSpace content (Communities, Collections or Items) from one
DSpace to another by utilizing the AIP Backup and Restore tool. This tool allows you to export content into a
series of Archival Information Packages (AIPs). These AIPs can be used to restore content (from a backup) or
move/migrate content to another DSpace installation.

For more information see AIP Backup and Restore.

Transferring Items using Simple Archive Format

Where items are to be moved between DSpace instances (for example from a test DSpace into a production
DSpace) the Item Exporter and Item Importer can be used.

First, you should export the DSpace Item(s) into the Simple Archive Format, as detailed at: Importing and
Exporting Items via Simple Archive Format. Be sure to use the --migrate option, which removes fields that
would be duplicated on import. Then import the resulting files into the other instance.

Transferring Items using OAI-ORE/OAI-PMH Harvester

If you are using the XMLUI in both DSpace instances, you may also choose to enable the OAI-ORE Harvester.
This OAI-ORE Harvester allows one DSpace installation to harvest Items (via OAI-ORE) from another DSpace
Installation (or any other system supporting OAI-ORE). Items are harvested from a remote DSpace Collection
into a local DSpace Collection. Harvesting can also be scheduled to run automatically (or by demand).

For more information see Harvesting Items from XMLUI via OAI-ORE or OAI-PMH

Copying Items using the SWORD Client

4.2.3 SWORDv1 Client

The embedded SWORD Client allows a user (currently restricted to an administrator) to copy an item to a
SWORD server. This allows your DSpace installation to deposit items into another SWORD-compliant
repository (including another DSpace install).

At present this functionality has only been developed for the XMLUI and is disabled by default.

Enabling the SWORD Client

Configuring the SWORD Client

Enabling the SWORD Client

To enable the SWORD Client uncomment the SwordClient Aspect in [dspace]/config/xmlui.xconf

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<aspect name="SwordClient" path="resource://aspects/SwordClient/" />

Configuring the SWORD Client

All the relevant configuration can be found in sword-client.cfg. These may be overridden in your local.
cfg config (see Configuration Reference).

Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/sword-client.cfg

Property: sword-client.targets

Example value:
sword-client.targets = http://localhost:8080/sword/servicedocument, \, \, \, \, \

Informational List of remote Sword servers. Used to build the drop-down list of selectable SWORD
note: targets.

Property: sword-client.file-types

Example value: sword-client.file-types = application/zip

Informational List of file types from which the user can select. If a type is not supported by the remote
note: server
it will not appear in the drop-down list.

Property: sword-client.package-formats

Example value:
sword-client.package-formats =

Informational List of package formats from which the user can select. If a format is not supported by the
note: remote server
it will not appear in the drop-down list.

4.2.4 Linked (Open) Data

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Exchanging repository contents
Linked (Open) Data Support within DSpace
Architecture / Concept
Install a Triple Store
Default configuration and what you should change
Configuration Reference


Exchanging repository contents

Most sites on the Internet are oriented towards human consumption. While HTML may be a good format for
presenting information to humans, it is not a good format to export data in a way easy for a computer to work
with. Like most software for building repositories, DSpace supports OAI-PMH as an interface to expose the
stored metadata. While OAI-PMH is well known in the field of repositories, it is rarely known elsewhere (e.g.
Google retired its support for OAI-PMH in 2008). The Semantic Web is a generic approach to publish data on
the Internet together with information about its semantics. Its application is not limited to repositories or libraries
and it has a growing user base. RDF and SPARQL are W3C-released standards for publishing structured data
on the web in a machine-readable way. The data stored in repositories is particularly suited for use in the
Semantic Web, as the metadata are already available. It doesnt have to be generated or entered manually for
publication as Linked Data. For most repositories, at least for Open Access repositories, it is quite important to
share their stored content. Linked Data is a rather big chance for repositories to present their content in a way
that can easily be accessed, interlinked and (re)used.

We don't want to give a full introduction into the Semantic Web and its technologies here as this can be easily
found in many places on the web. Nevertheless, we want to give a short glossary of the terms used most often
in this context to make the following documentation more readable.

Semantic The term "Semantic Web" refers to the part of the Internet containing Linked Data. Just like the
Web World Wide Web, the Semantic Web is also woven together by links among the data.

Linked Data in RDF, following the Linked Data Principles are called Linked Data. The Linked Data
Data Principles describe the expected behavior of data publishers who shall ensure that the published
data are easy to find, easy to retrieve, can be linked easily and link to other data as well.

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Linked Linked Open Data is Linked Data published under an open license. There is no technical
Open difference between Linked Data and Linked Open Data (often abbreviated as LOD). It is only a
Data question of the license used to publish it.

RDF RDF is an acronym for Resource Description Framework, a metadata model. Don't think of RDF
RDF/XML as a format, as it is a model. Nevertheless, there are different formats to serialize data following
Turtle RDF. RDF/XML, Turtle, N-Triples and N3-Notation are probably the most well-known formats to
N-Triples serialize data in RDF. While RDF/XML uses XML, Turtle, N-Triples and N3-Notation don't and
N3- they are easier for humans to read and write. When we use RDF in DSpace configuration files,
Notation we currently prefer Turtle (but the code should be able to deal with any serialization).

Triple A triple store is a database to natively store data following the RDF model. Just as you have to
Store provide a relational database for DSpace, you have to provide a Triple Store for DSpace if you
want to use the LOD support.

SPARQL The SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language is a family of protocols to query triple stores.
Since version 1.1, SPARQL can be used to manipulate triple stores as well, to store, delete or
update data in triple stores. DSpace uses SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol and
SPARQL 1.1 Query Language to communicate with the Triple Store. The SPARQL 1.1 Query
Language is often referred to simply as SPARQL, so expect the SPARQL 1.1 Query Language if
no other specific protocol out of the SPARQL family is explicitly specified.

SPARQL A SPARQL endpoint is a SPARQL interface of a triple store. Since SPARQL 1.1, a SPARQL
endpoint endpoint can be either read-only, allowing only to query the stored data; or readable and
writable, allowing to modify the stored data as well. When talking about a SPARQL endpoint
without specifying which SPARQL protocol is used, an endpoint supporting SPARQL 1.1 Query
Language is meant.

Linked (Open) Data Support within DSpace

Starting with DSpace 5.0, DSpace provides support for publishing stored contents in form of Linked (Open)

Architecture / Concept
To publish content stored in DSpace as Linked (Open) Data, the data have to be converted into RDF. The
conversion into RDF has to be configurable as different DSpace instances may use different metadata
schemata, different persistent identifiers (DOI, Handle, ...) and so on. Depending on the content to convert,
configuration and other parameters, conversion may be time-intensive and impact performance. Content of
repositories is much more often read then created, deleted or changed because the main goal of repositories is
to safely store their contents. For this reason, the content stored within DSpace is converted and stored in a
triple store immediately after it is created or updated. The triple store serves as a cache and provides a
SPARQL endpoint to make the converted data accessible using SPARQL. The conversion is triggered
automatically by the DSpace event system and can be started manually using the command line interface
both cases are documented below. There is no need to backup the triple store, as all data stored in the triple

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store can be recreated from the contents stored elsewhere in DSpace (in the assetstore(s) and the database).
Beside the SPARQL endpoint, the data should be published as RDF serialization as well. With dspace-rdf
DSpace offers a module that loads converted data from the triple store and provides it as an RDF serialization.
It currently supports RDF/XML, Turtle and N-Triples.

Repositories use Persistent Identifiers to make content citable and to address content. Following the Linked
Data Principles, DSpace uses a Persistent Identifier in the form of HTTP(S) URIs, converting a Handle to<handle> and a DOI to<doi>. Altogether, DSpace Linked Data support
spans all three Layers: the storage layer with a triple store, the business logic with classes to convert stored
contents into RDF, and the application layer with a module to publish RDF serializations. Just like DSpace
allows you to choose Oracle or Postgresql as the relational database, you may choose between different triple
stores. The only requirements are that the triple store must support SPARQL 1.1 Query Language and
SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol which DSpace uses to store, update, delete and load converted data
in/out of the triple store and uses the triple store to provide the data over a SPARQL endpoint.

Store public data only in the triple store!

The triple store should contain only data that are public, because the DSpace access restrictions won't
affect the SPARQL endpoint. For this reason, DSpace converts only archived, discoverable (non-
private) Items, Collections and Communities which are readable for anonymous users. Please
consider this while configuring and/or extending DSpace Linked Data support.

The org.dspace.rdf.conversion package contains the classes used to convert the repository content to RDF.
The conversion itself is done by plugins. The org.dspace.rdf.conversion.ConverterPlugin interface is really
simple, so take a look at it you if can program in Java and want to extend the conversion. The only thing
important is that plugins must only create RDF that can be made publicly available, as the triple store provides it
using a sparql endpoint for which the DSpace access restrictions do not apply. Plugins converting metadata
should check whether a specific metadata field needs to be protected or not (see
MetadataExposure on how to check that). The MetadataConverterPlugin is heavily configurable (see below)
and is used to convert the metadata of Items. The StaticDSOConverterPlugin can be used to add static RDF
Triples (see below). The SimpleDSORelationsConverterPlugin creates links between items and collections,
collections and communities, subcommunitites and their parents, and between top-level communities and the
information representing the repository itself.

As different repositories uses different persistent identifiers to address their content, different algorithms to
create URIs used within the converted data can be implemented. Currently HTTP(S) URIs of the repository
(called local URIs), Handles and DOIs can be used. See the configuration part of this document for further
information. If you want to add another algorithm, take a look at the

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Install a Triple Store

In addition to a normal DSpace installation you have to install a triple store. You can use any triple store that
supports SPARQL 1.1 Query Language and SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol. If you do not have one
yet, you can use Apache Fuseki. Download Fuseki from its official download page and unpack the downloaded
archive. The archive contains several scripts to start Fuseki. Use the start script appropriate to the OS of your
choice with the options '--localhost --config=<dspace-install>/config/modules/rdf/fuseki-assembler.ttl'. Instead of
changing to the directory into which you unpacked Fuseki, you may set the variable FUSEKI_HOME. If you're
using Linux and bash, you unpacked Fuseki to /usr/local/jena-fuseki-1.0.1 and you installed DSpace to [dspace-
install], this would look like this:

export FUSEKI_HOME=/usr/local/jena-fuseki-1.0.1 ; $FUSKI_HOME/fuseki-server --localhost --config


Fuseki's archive contains a script to start Fuseki automatically at startup as well.

Make Fuseki connect to localhost only, by using the argument --localhost when launching if you use
the configuration provided with DSpace! The configuration contains a writeable SPARQL endpoint that
allows any connection to change/delete the content of your triple store.

Use Apache mod proxy, mod rewrite or any other appropriate web server/proxy to make localhost:3030
/dspace/sparql readable from the internet. Use the address under which it is accessible as the address
of your public sparql endpoint (see the property public.sparql.endpoint in the configuration reference

The configuration provided within DSpace makes it store the files for the triple store under [dspace-install]
/triplestore. Using this configuration, Fuseki provides three SPARQL endpoints: two read-only endpoints and
one that can be used to change the data of the triple store. You should not use this configuration if you let
Fuseki connect to the internet directly as it would make it possible for anyone to delete, change or add
information to the triple store. The option --localhost tells Fuseki to listen only on the loopback device. You can
use Apache mod_proxy or any other web or proxy server to make the read-only SPARQL endpoint accessible
from the internet. With the configuration described, Fueski listens to the port 3030 using HTTP. Using the
address http://localhost:3030/ you can connect to the Fuseki Web UI. http://localhost:3030/dspace/data
addresses a writeable SPARQL 1.1 HTTP Graph Store Protocol endpoint, and http://localhost:3030/dspace/get
a read-only one. Under http://localhost:3030/dspace/sparql a read-only SPARQL 1.1 Query Language endpoint
can be found. The first one of these endpoints must be not accessible by the internet, while the last one
should be accessible publicly.

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Default configuration and what you should change

In the file [dspace-source]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg you should look for the property event.
dispatcher.default.consumers and add rdf there. Adding rdf there makes DSpace update the triple
store automatically as the publicly available content of the repository changes.

As the Linked Data support of DSpace is highly configurable this section gives a short list of things you probably
want to configure before using it. Below you can find more information on what is possible to configure.

In the file [dspace-source]/dspace/config/modules/rdf.cfg you want to configure the address of the

public sparql endpoint and the address of the writable endpoint DSpace use to connect to the triple store (the
properties rdf.public.sparql.endpoint, In the same file you
want to configure the URL that addresses the dspace-rdf module which is depending on where you deployed it
(property rdf.contextPath) and switch content negotiation on (set property rdf.contentNegotiation.
enable = true).

In the file [dspace-source]/dspace/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-general.ttl you

should change the links to the Web UI of the repository and the public readable SPARQL endpoint. The URL of
the public SPARQL endpoint should point to a URL that is proxied by a webserver to the Triple Store. See the
section Install a Triple Store above for further information.

In the file [dspace-source]/dspace/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-site.ttl you may add

any triples that should be added to the description of the repository itself.

If you want to change the way the metadata fields are converted, take a look into the file [dspace-source]
/dspace/config/modules/rdf/metadata-rdf-mapping.ttl. This is also the place to add information
on how to map metadata fields that you added to DSpace. There is already a quite acceptable default
configuration for the metadata fields which DSpace supports out of the box. If you want to use some specific
prefixes in RDF serializations that support prefixes, you have to edit [dspace-source]/dspace/config

Configuration Reference
There are several configuration files to configure DSpace's LOD support. The main configuration file can be
found under [dspace-source]/dspace/config/modules/rdf.cfg. Within DSpace we use Spring to
define which classes to load. For DSpace's LOD support this is done within [dspace-source]/dspace
/config/spring/api/rdf.xml. All other configuration files are positioned in the directory [dspace-
source]/dspace/config/modules/rdf/. Configurations in rdf.cfg can be modified directly, or
overridden via your local.cfg config file (see Configuration Reference). You'll have to configure where to find
and how to connect to the triple store. You may configure how to generate URIs to be used within the generated
Linked Data and how to convert the contents stored in DSpace into RDF. We will guide you through the
configuration file by file.

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Property: rdf.contentNegotiation.enable

Example rdf.contentNegotiation.enable = true


Informational Defines whether content negotiation should be activated. Set this true, if you use Linked Data
Note: support.

Property: rdf.contextPath

Example rdf.contextPath = ${dspace.baseUrl}/rdf


Informational The content negotiation needs to know where to refer if anyone asks for RDF serializations of
Note: content stored within DSpace. This property sets the URL where the dspace-rdf module can
be reached on the Internet (depending on how you deployed it).

Property: rdf.public.sparql.endpoint

Example rdf.public.sparql.endpoint = http://${dspace.baseUrl}/sparql


Informational Address of the read-only public SPARQL endpoint supporting SPARQL 1.1 Query Language.


Example = http://localhost:3030/dspace/data


Informational Address of a writable SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol endpoint. This address is used
Note: to create, update and delete converted data in the triple store. If you use Fuseki with the
configuration provided as part of DSpace 5, you can leave this as it is. If you use another
Triple Store or configure Fuseki on your own, change this property to point to a writeable
SPARQL endpoint supporting the SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol.


Example = no

Informational Defines whether to use HTTP Basic authentication to connect to the writable SPARQL 1.1
Note: Graph Store HTTP Protocol endpoint.


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Example = dspace

Values: =ecapsd

Informational Credentials for the HTTP Basic authentication if it is necessary to connect to the writable
Note: SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol endpoint.


Example = http://localhost:3030/dspace/sparql


Informational Besides a writable SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol endpoint, DSpace needs a
Note: SPARQL 1.1 Query Language endpoint, which can be read-only. This property allows you to
set an address to be used to connect to such a SPARQL endpoint. If you leave this property
empty the property ${rdf.public.sparql.endpoint} will be used instead.


Example = yes

Values: = dspace = ecapsd

Informational As for the SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol you can configure DSpace to use HTTP
Note: Basic authentication to authenticate against the (read-only) SPARQL 1.1 Query Language

Property: rdf.converter.DSOtypes

Example rdf.converter.DSOtypes = SITE, COMMUNITY, COLLECTION, ITEM


Informational Define which kind of DSpaceObjects should be converted. Bundles and Bitstreams will be
Note: converted as part of the Item they belong to. Don't add EPersons here unless you really know
what you are doing. All converted data is stored in the triple store that provides a publicly
readable SPARQL endpoint. So all data converted into RDF is exposed publicly. Every DSO
type you add here must have an HTTP URI to be referenced in the generated RDF, which is
another reason not to add EPersons here currently.

The following properties configure the StaticDSOConverterPlugin.


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Example = ${dspace.dir}/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-general.ttl

Values: = ${dspace.dir}/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-collection.ttl = ${dspace.dir}/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-community.ttl = ${dspace.dir}/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-item.ttl = ${dspace.dir}/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-site.ttl

Informational These properties define files to read static data from. These data should be in RDF, and by
Note: default Turtle is used as serialization. The data in the file referenced by the property ${rdf.} will be included in every Entity that is converted to RDF. E.g. it can
be used to point to the address of the public readable SPARQL endpoint or may contain the
name of the institution running DSpace.

The other properties define files that will be included if a DSpace Object of the specified type
(collection, community, item or site) is converted. This makes it possible to add static content
to every Item, every Collection, ...

The following properties configure the MetadataConverterPlugin.

Property: rdf.metadata.mappings

Example rdf.metadata.mappings = ${dspace.dir}/config/modules/rdf/metadata-rdf-mapping.ttl


Informational Defines the file that contains the mappings for the MetadataConverterPlugin. See below the
Note: description of the configuration file [dspace-source]/dspace/config/modules/rdf/metadata-rdf-

Property: rdf.metadata.schema

Example rdf.metadata.schema = file://${dspace.dir}/config/modules/rdf/metadata-rdf-schema.ttl


Informational Configures the URL used to load the RDF Schema of the DSpace Metadata RDF mapping
Note: Vocabulary. Using a file:// URI makes it possible to convert DSpace content without having an
internet connection. The version of the schema has to be the right one for the used code. In
DSpace 5.0 we use the version 0.2.0. This Schema can be found here as well: http://digital- The newest version of the
Schema can be found here:

Property: rdf.metadata.prefixes

Example rdf.metadata.prefixes = ${dspace.dir}/config/modules/rdf/metadata-prefixes.ttl


Informational If you want to use prefixes in RDF serializations that support prefixes, you can define these
Note: prefixes in the file referenced by this property.

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The following properties configure the SimpleDSORelationsConverterPlugin

Property: rdf.simplerelations.prefixes

Example rdf.simplerelations.prefixes = ${dspace.dir}/config/modules/rdf/simple-relations-prefixes.ttl


Informational If you want to use prefixes in RDF serializations that support prefixes, you can define these
Note: prefixes in the file referenced by this property.

Property: rdf.simplerelations.site2community

Example rdf.simplerelations.site2community =, http://digital-repositories.

Value: org/ontologies/dspace/0.1.0#hasCommunity

Informational Defines the predicates used to link from the data representing the whole repository to the top
Note: level communities. Defining multiple predicates separated by commas will result in multiple

Property: rdf.simplerelations.community2site

Example rdf.simplerelations.community2site =, http://digital-repositories.

Value: org/ontologies/dspace/0.1.0#isPartOfRepository

Informational Defines the predicates used to link from the top level communities to the data representing the
Note: whole repository. Defining multiple predicates separated by commas will result in multiple

Property: rdf.simplerelations.community2subcommunity

Example rdf.simplerelations.community2subcommunity =, http://digital-


Informational Defines the predicates used to link from communities to their subcommunities. Defining
Note: multiple predicates separated by commas will result in multiple triples.

Property: rdf.simplerelations.subcommunity2community

Example rdf.simplerelations.subcommunity2community =, http://digital-


Informational Defines the predicates used to link from subcommunities to the communities they belong to.
Note: Defining multiple predicates separated by commas will result in multiple triples.

Property: rdf.simplerelations.community2collection

Example rdf.simplerelations.community2collection =, http://digital-


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Informational Defines the predicates used to link from communities to their collections. Defining multiple
Note: predicates separated by commas will result in multiple triples.

Property: rdf.simplerelations.collection2community

Example rdf.simplerelations.collection2community =, http://digital-


Informational Defines the predicates used to link from collections to the communities they belong to.
Note: Defining multiple predicates separated by commas will result in multiple triples.

Property: rdf.simplerelations.collection2item

Example rdf.simplerelations.collection2item =, http://digital-repositories.

Value: org/ontologies/dspace/0.1.0#hasItem

Informational Defines the predicates used to link from collections to their items. Defining multiple predicates
Note: separated by commas will result in multiple triples.

Property: rdf.simplerelations.item2collection

Example rdf.simplerelations.item2collection =, http://digital-repositories.

Value: org/ontologies/dspace/0.1.0#isPartOfCollection

Informational Defines the predicates used to link from items to the collections they belong to. Defining
Note: multiple predicates separated by commas will result in multiple triples.

Property: rdf.simplerelations.item2bitstream

Example rdf.simplerelations.item2bitstream =, http://digital-repositories.

Value: org/ontologies/dspace/0.1.0#hasBitstream

Informational Defines the predicates used to link from item to their bitstreams. Defining multiple predicates
Note: separated by commas will result in multiple triples.

As described in the documentation of the configuration file [dspace-source]/dspace/config/modules/rdf.cfg, the
constant-data-*.ttl files can be used to add static RDF to the converted data. The data are written in Turtle, but if
you change the file suffix (and the path to find the files in rdf.cfg) you can use any other RDF serialization you
like to. You can use this, for example, to add a link to the public readable SPARQL endpoint, add a link to the
repository homepage, or add a triple to every community or collection defining it as an entity of a specific type
like a bibo:collection. The content of the file [dspace-source]/dspace/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-general.
ttl will be added to every DSpaceObject that is converted. The content of the file [dspace-source]/dspace/config
/modules/rdf/constant-data-community.ttl to every community, the content of the file [dspace-source]/dspace

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/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-collection.ttl to every collection and the content of the file [dspace-source]

/dspace/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-item.ttl to every Item. You can use the file [dspace-source]/dspace
/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-site.ttl to specify data representing the whole repository.

This file should contain several metadata mappings. A metadata mapping defines how to map a specific
metadata field within DSpace to a triple that will be added to the converted data. The MetadataConverterPlugin
uses these metadata mappings to convert the metadata of a item into RDF. For every metadata field and value
it looks if any of the specified mappings matches. If one does, the plugin creates the specified triple and adds it
to the converted data. In the file you'll find a lot of examples on how to define such a mapping.

For every mapping a metadata field name has to be specified, e.g. dc.title, dc.identifier.uri. In addition you can
specify a condition that is matched against the field's value. The condition is specified as a regular expression
(using the syntax of the java class java.util.regex.Pattern). If a condition is defined, the mapping will be used
only on fields those values which are matched by the regex defined as condition.

The triple to create by a mapping is specified using reified RDF statements. The DSpace Metadata RDF
Mapping Vocabulary defines some placeholders that can be used. The most important placeholder is dm:
DSpaceObjectIRI which is replaced by the URI used to identify the entity being converted to RDF. That means if
a specific Item is converted the URI used to address this Item in RDF will be used instead of dm:
DSpaceObjectIRI. There are three placeholders that allow reuse of the value of a meta data field. dm:
DSpaceValue will be replace by the value as it is. dm:LiteralGenerator allows one to specify a regex and
replacement string for it (see the syntax of the java classes java.util.regex.Pattern and java.util.regex.Matcher)
and creates a Literal out of the field value using the regex and the replacement string. dm:ResourceGenerator
does the same as dm:LiteralGenerator but it generates a HTTP(S) URI that is used in place. So you can use
the resource generator to generate URIs containing modified field values (e.g. to link to classifications). If you
know regular expressions and turtle, the syntax should be quite self explanatory.

This is a configuration for the triple store Fuseki of the Apache Jena project. You can find more information on
the configuration it provides in the section Install a Triple Store above.

This file defines which classes are loaded by DSpace to provide the RDF functionality. There are two things you
might want to change: the class that is responsible to generate the URIs to be used within the converted data,
and the list of Plugins used during conversion. To change the class responsible for the URIs, change the
following line:

<property name="generator" ref=""/>

This line defines how URIs should be generated, to be used within the converted data. The LocalURIGenerator
generates URIs using the ${dspace.url} property. The HandleURIGenerator uses handles in form of HTTP
URLs. It uses the property ${handle.canonical.prefix} to convert handles into HTTPS URLs. The class org.

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DSpace 6.x Documentation uses DOIs in the form of HTTP URLs if possible, or local URIs if there are
no DOIs. It uses the DOI resolver "" to convert DOIs into HTTP URLs. The class org.dspace.rdf.
storage.DOIHandleGenerator does the same but uses Handles as fallback if no DOI exists. The fallbacks are
necessary as DOIs are currently used for Items only and not for Communities or Collections.

All plugins that are instantiated within the configuration file will automatically be used during the conversion. Per
default the list looks like the following:

<!-- configure all plugins the converter should use. If you don't want to
use a plugin, remove it here. -->
<bean id="org.dspace.rdf.conversion.SimpleDSORelationsConverterPlugin" class="org.dspace.rdf.
<bean id="org.dspace.rdf.conversion.MetadataConverterPlugin" class="org.dspace.rdf.conversion.
<bean id="org.dspace.rdf.conversion.StaticDSOConverterPlugin" class="org.dspace.rdf.conversion.

You can remove plugins if you don't want them. If you develop a new conversion plugin, you want to add its
class to this list.

As described above you should add rdf to the property event.dispatcher.default.consumers and in
dspace.cfg. This configures DSpace to automatically update the triple store every time the publicly available
content of the repository is changed. Nevertheless there is a command line tool that gives you the possibility to
update the content of the triple store. As the triple store is used as a cache only, you can delete its content and
reindex it every time you think it is necessary of helpful. The command line tool can be started by the following
command which will show its online help:

[dspace-install]/bin/dspace rdfizer --help

The online help should give you all necessary information. There are commands to delete one specific entity; to
delete all information stored in the triple store; to convert one item, one collection or community (including all
subcommunities, collections and items) or to convert the complete content of your repository. If you start using
the Linked Open Data support on a repository that already contains content, you should run [dspace-
install]/bin/dspace rdfizer --convert-all once.

Every time content of DSpace is converted or Linked Data is requested, DSpace will try to connect to the triple
store. So ensure that it is running (as you do with e.g. your sevlet container or relational database).

4.3 Ingesting Content and Metadata

This is a new top level page grouping all documentation concerning all different ways to ingest content and
metadata into DSpace

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4.3.1 Submission User Interface

This page explains various customization and configuration options that are available within DSpace for the
Item Submission user interface.

Default Submission Process

Optional Steps
Understanding the Submission Configuration File
The Structure of item-submission.xml
Defining Steps (<step>) within the item-submission.xml
Where to place your <step> definitions
The ordering of <step> definitions matters!
Structure of the <step> Definition
Reordering/Removing/Adding Submission Steps
Assigning a custom Submission Process to a Collection
Getting A Collection's Handle
Custom Metadata-entry Pages for Submission
Describing Custom Metadata Forms
The Structure of input-forms.xml
Adding a Collection Map
Getting A Collection's Handle
Adding a Form Set
Forms and Pages
Composition of a Field
Item type Based Metadata Collection
Automatically Omitted Fields
Configuring Controlled Vocabularies
Adding Value-Pairs
Deploying Your Custom Forms
Configuring the File Upload step
Creating new Submission Steps
Creating a Non-Interactive Step
Configuring StartSubmissionLookupStep
About the Biblio-Transformation-Engine
StartSubmissionLookupStep in action!
SubmissionLookup service configuration file

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Default Submission Process

The DSpace Submission process consists of a series of "steps", where each "step" corresponds to one or more
UI pages. By default, the DSpace Submission process includes the following steps, in this order:

1. "Select Collection" step: If not already selected, the user must select a collection to deposit the Item into.
2. "Describe" step: This is where the user may enter descriptive metadata about the Item. This step may
consist of one or more pages of metadata entry. By default, there are two pages of metadata-entry. For
information on modifying the metadata entry pages, please see Custom Metadata-entry Pages for
Submission section below.
3. "Upload" step: This is where the user may upload one or more files to associate with the Item. For more
information on file upload, also see Configuring the File Upload step below.
4. "Review" step: This is where the user may review all previous information entered, and correct anything
as needed.
5. "License" step: This is where the user must agree to the repository distribution license in order to
complete the deposit. This repository distribution license is defined in the [dspace]/config
/default.license file. It can also be customized per-collection from the Collection Admin UI. If you
are using XMLUI, the default license may be formatted using Simple HTML Fragment Markup.
6. "Complete" step: The deposit is now completed. The Item will either become immediately available or
undergo a workflow approval process (depending on the Collection policies). For more information on the
workflow approval process see: Configurable Workflow.

To modify or reorganize these submission steps, just modify the [dspace]/config/item-submission.

xml file. Please see the section below on Reordering/Removing/Adding Submission Steps.

You can also choose to have different submission processes for different DSpace Collections. For more details,
please see the section below on Assigning a custom Submission Process to a Collection.

DSpace 4.0 has removed the "Initial Questions" step by default

Prior to DSpace 4.0, the "Initial Questions" step preceded all "Describe" steps. However, it was
removed by default in DSpace 4.0.

You may still choose to re-enable the "Initial Questions" step, as needed. However, please note the
warning below about the auto-assigning of Dates in the "Initial Questions" step.

Optional Steps
DSpace also ships with several optional steps which you may choose to enable if you wish. In no particular

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"Access" step: This step allows the user to (optionally) modify access rights or set an embargo during the
deposit of an Item. For more information on this step, and Embargo options in general, please see the
Embargo documentation.
"CC License" step: This step allows the user to (optionally) assign a Creative Commons license to a
particular Item. Please see the Configuring Creative Commons License section of the Configuration
documentation for more details.
"Start Submission Lookup" step: This step allows the user to search or load metadata from an external
service (arXiv online, bibtex file, etc.) and prefill the submission form. For more information on enabling
and using it, please see the section on Configuring StartSubmissionLookupStep below.
"Initial Questions" step: This step asks users a simple set of "initial questions" which help to determine
which metadata fields are displayed in the "Describe" step (see above). These initial questions include:
Multiple Titles: The item has more than one title, e.g. a translated title (If selected, then users will
be asked for an alternative title in the Describe step)
Published Before: The item has been published or publicly distributed before (If selected, then
users will be asked for a publication date and publisher in the Describe step).

Initial Questions will auto-assign a publication date when "Published Before" is


Please note, if you enable Initial Questions, and your users do NOT select "Published
Before" option, then DSpace will auto-assign a publication date ( to that
particular Item.
It may be entirely accurate for some types of content (e.g. for gray literature or even
theses/dissertations) to auto-assign this publication date. As such, you may wish to still
enable "Initial Questions" if your repository is mainly for previously unpublished content.
You may also choose to only enable it for specific Collections see Assigning a custom
Submission Process to a Collection section below.
However, if the Item actually was published in some other location, this will result in an
incorrect publication date being reported by DSpace. This tendency for an incorrect
publication date has been reported by Google Scholar to DSpace developers (see: DS-
1481), which is why the "Initial Questions" are now disabled by default (see DS-1655).

To enable any of these optional submission steps, just uncomment the step definition within the [dspace]
/config/item-submission.xml file. Please see the section below on Reordering/Removing/Adding
Submission Steps.

You can also choose to enable certain steps only for specific DSpace Collections. For more details, please see
the section below on Assigning a custom Submission Process to a Collection.

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Understanding the Submission Configuration File

The [dspace]/config/item-submission.xml contains the submission configurations for both the
DSpace JSP user interface (JSPUI) or the DSpace XML user interface (XMLUI or Manakin). This configuration
file contains detailed documentation within the file itself, which should help you better understand how to best
utilize it.

The Structure of item-submission.xml

<!-- Where submission processes are mapped to specific Collections -->
<name-map collection-handle="default" submission-name="traditional" /> ...
<!-- Where "steps" which are used across many submission processes can be defined in a
single place. They can then be referred to by ID later. -->
<step id="collection">
<!-- Where actual submission processes are defined and given names. Each <submission-process>
many <step> nodes which are in the order that the steps should be in.-->
<submission-definitions> <submission-process name="traditional">
<!-- Step definitions appear here! -->

Because this file is in XML format, you should be familiar with XML before editing this file. By default, this file
contains the "traditional" Item Submission Process for DSpace, which consists of the following Steps (in this

Select Collection -> Describe -> Upload -> Verify -> License -> Complete

If you would like to customize the steps used or the ordering of the steps, you can do so within the <submission-
definition> section of the item-submission.xml .

In addition, you may also specify different Submission Processes for different DSpace Collections. This can be
done in the <submission-map> section. The item-submission.xml file itself documents the syntax required to
perform these configuration changes.

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Defining Steps ( <step> ) within the item-submission.xml

This section describes how Steps of the Submission Process are defined within the item-submission.xml.

Where to place your <step> definitions

<step> definitions can appear in one of two places within the item-submission.xml configuration file.

1. Within the <step-definitions>section

This is for globally defined <step> definitions (i.e. steps which are used in multiple <submission-
process> definitions). Steps defined in this section must define a unique id which can be used to
reference this step.
For example:

<step id="custom-step">

The above step definition could then be referenced from within a <submission-process> as simply
<step id="custom-step"/>
2. Within a specific <submission-process>definition
This is for steps which are specific to a single <submission-process> definition.
For example:


The ordering of <step> definitions matters!

The ordering of the <step> tags within a <submission-process> definition directly corresponds to the order in
which those steps will appear!

For example, the following defines a Submission Process where the License step directly precedes the Initial
Questions step (more information about the structure of the information under each <step> tag can be found in
the section on Structure of the <step> Definition below):

<!--Step 1 will be to Sign off on the License-->

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<!--Step 2 will be to Ask Initial Questions-->
...[other steps]...

Structure of the <step> Definition

The same <step> definition is used by both the DSpace JSP user interface (JSPUI) an the DSpace XML user
interface (XMLUI or Manakin). Therefore, you will notice each <step> definition contains information specific to
each of these two interfaces.

The structure of the <step> Definition is as follows:


Each step contains the following elements. The required elements are so marked:

heading: Partial I18N key (defined in for JSPUI or messages.xmlfor XMLUI) which
corresponds to the text that should be displayed in the submission Progress Bar for this step. This partial
I18N key is prefixed within either the or messages.xml file, depending on the
interface you are using. Therefore, to find the actual key, you will need to search for the partial key with
the following prefix:
XMLUI: prefix is xmlui.Submission. (e.g. "xmlui.Submission.submit.progressbar.describe" for
'Describe' step)
JSPUI: prefix is jsp. (e.g. "jsp.submit.progressbar.describe" for 'Describe' step)The 'heading' need
not be defined if the step should not appear in the progress bar (e.g. steps which perform
automated processing, i.e. non-interactive, should not appear in the progress bar).
processing-class (Required): Full Java path to the Processing Class for this Step. This Processing
Class must perform the primary processing of any information gathered in this step, for both the XMLUI

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and JSPUI. All valid step processing classes must extend the abstract org.dspace.submit.
AbstractProcessingStep class (or alternatively, extend one of the pre-existing step processing
classes in org.dspace.submit.step.*)
jspui-binding: Full Java path of the JSPUI "binding" class for this Step. This "binding" class should
initialize and call the appropriate JSPs to display the step's user interface. A valid JSPUI "binding" class
must extend the abstract class. This property need not
be defined if you are using the XMLUI interface, or for steps which only perform automated processing, i.
e. non-interactive steps.
xmlui-binding: Full Java path of the XMLUI "binding" class for this Step. This "binding" class should
generate the Manakin XML (DRI document) necessary to generate the step's user interface. A valid
XMLUI "binding" class must extend the abstract
AbstractSubmissionStep class. This property need not be defined if you are using the JSPUI
interface, or for steps which only perform automated processing, i.e. non-interactive steps.
workflow-editable: Defines whether or not this step can be edited during the Edit Metadata process with
the DSpace approval/rejection workflow process. Possible values include true and false. If undefined,
defaults to true (which means that workflow reviewers would be allowed to edit information gathered
during that step).

Reordering/Removing/Adding Submission Steps

The removal of existing steps and reordering of existing steps is a relatively easy process!

Reordering steps

1. Locate the <submission-process> tag which defines the Submission Process that you are using. If
you are unsure which Submission Process you are using, it's likely the one with name="traditional",
since this is the traditional DSpace submission process.
2. Reorder the <step> tags within that <submission-process> tag. Be sure to move the entire <step>
tag (i.e. everything between and including the opening <step> and closing </step> tags).
Hint #1: The <step> defining the Review/Verify step only allows the user to review information
from steps which appear before it. So, it's likely you'd want this to appear as one of your last few
Hint #2: If you are using it, the <step> defining the Initial Questions step should always appear
before the Upload or Describe steps since it asks questions which help to set up those later

Removing one or more steps

1. Locate the <submission-process> tag which defines the Submission Process that you are using. If
you are unsure which Submission Process you are using, it's likely the one with name="traditional",
since this is the traditional DSpace submission process.


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2. Comment out (i.e. surround with <! -- and -->) the <step> tags which you want to remove from that
<submission-process> tag. Be sure to comment out the entire <step > tag (i.e. everything between and
including the opening <step> and closing </step> tags).
Hint #1: You cannot remove the Select a Collection step, as an DSpace Item cannot exist without
belonging to a Collection.
Hint #2: If you decide to remove the <step> defining the Initial Questions step, you should be
aware that this may affect your Describe and Upload steps! The Initial Questions step asks
questions which help to initialize these later steps. If you decide to remove the Initial Questions
step you may wish to create a custom, automated step which will provide default answers for the
questions asked!

Adding one or more optional steps

1. Locate the <submission-process> tag which defines the Submission Process that you are using. If
you are unsure which Submission Process you are using, it's likely the one with name="traditional",
since this is the traditional DSpace submission process.
2. Uncomment (i.e. remove the <! -- and -->) the <step> tag(s) which you want to add to that
<submission-process> tag. Be sure to uncomment the entire <step> tag (i.e. everything between
and including the opening <step> and closing </step> tags).

Assigning a custom Submission Process to a Collection

Assigning a custom submission process to a Collection in DSpace involves working with the submission-map
section of the item-submission.xml. For a review of the structure of the item-submission.xml see the section
above on Understanding the Submission Configuration File.

Each name-map element within submission-map associates a collection with the name of a submission
definition. Its collection-handle attribute is the Handle of the collection. Its submission-name attribute is the
submission definition name, which must match the name attribute of a submission-process element (in the
submission-definitions section of item-submission.xml.

For example, the following fragment shows how the collection with handle "12345.6789/42" is assigned the
"custom" submission process:

<name-map collection-handle=" 12345.6789/42" submission-name="custom" />

<submission-process name="custom">

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It's a good idea to keep the definition of the default name-map from the example input-forms.xml so there is
always a default for collections which do not have a custom form set.

Getting A Collection's Handle

You will need the handle of a collection in order to assign it a custom form set. To discover the handle, go to the
"Communities & Collections" page under "Browse" in the left-hand menu on your DSpace home page. Then,
find the link to your collection. It should look something like:

The underlined part of the URL is the handle. It should look familiar to any DSpace administrator. That is what
goes in the collection-handle attribute of your name-map element.

Custom Metadata-entry Pages for Submission

This section explains how to customize the Web forms used by submitters and editors to enter and modify the
metadata for a new item. These metadata web forms are controlled by the Describe step within the Submission
Process. However, they are also configurable via their own XML configuration file ([dspace]/config/input-forms.

You can customize the "default" metadata forms used by all collections, and also create alternate sets of
metadata forms and assign them to specific collections. In creating custom metadata forms, you can choose:

The number of metadata-entry pages.

Which fields appear on each page, and their sequence.
Labels, prompts, and other text associated with each field.
List of available choices for each menu-driven field.

NOTE: The cosmetic and ergonomic details of metadata entry fields remain the same as the fixed metadata
pages in previous DSpace releases, and can only be altered by modifying the appropriate stylesheet and JSP

All of the custom metadata-entry forms for a DSpace instance are controlled by a single XML file, input-forms.
xml, in the config subdirectory under the DSpace home, [dspace]/config/input-forms.xml. DSpace comes with a
sample configuration that implements the traditional metadata-entry forms, which also serves as a well-
documented example. The rest of this section explains how to create your own sets of custom forms.

DSpace Custom Submission Form Template.ods is a workbook to facilitate creating custom submission forms.
The information below is summarized in columns. The "traditional form fields" sheet lists the default submission
fields. The "custom form fields" sheet can be used to facilitate creating a custom submission form. See the
"notes" sheet for more detail.

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Describing Custom Metadata Forms

The description of a set of pages through which submitters enter their metadata is called a form (although it is
actually a set of forms, in the HTML sense of the term). A form is identified by a unique symbolic name. In the
XML structure, the form is broken down into a series of pages: each of these represents a separate Web page
for collecting metadata elements.

To set up one of your DSpace collections with customized submission forms, first you make an entry in the form-
map. This is effectively a table that relates a collection to a form set, by connecting the collection's Handle to
the form name. Collections are identified by handle because their names are mutable and not necessarily
unique, while handles are unique and persistent.

A special map entry, for the collection handle "default", defines the default form set. It applies to all collections
which are not explicitly mentioned in the map. In the example XML this form set is named traditional (for the
"traditional" DSpace user interface) but it could be named anything.

The Structure of input-forms.xml

The XML configuration file has a single top-level element, input-forms, which contains three elements in a
specific order. The outline is as follows:


<-- Map of Collections to Form Sets -->

<name-map collection-handle="default" form-name="traditional" />

<-- Form Set Definitions -->

<form name="traditional">

<-- Name/Value Pairs used within Multiple Choice Widgets -->

<value-pairs value-pairs-name="common_iso_languages" dc-term="language_iso">

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Adding a Collection Map

Each name-map element within form-map associates a collection with the name of a form set. Its collection-
handle attribute is the Handle of the collection, and its form-name attribute is the form set name, which must
match the name attribute of a form element.

For example, the following fragment shows how the collection with handle "12345.6789/42" is attached to the
"TechRpt" form set:

<name-map collection-handle=" 12345.6789/42" form-name=" TechRpt"/>

<form name="TechRept">

It's a good idea to keep the definition of the default name-map from the example input-forms.xml so there is
always a default for collections which do not have a custom form set.

Getting A Collection's Handle

You will need the handle of a collection in order to assign it a custom form set. To discover the handle, go to the
"Communities & Collections" page under "Browse" in the left-hand menu on your DSpace home page. Then,
find the link to your collection. It should look something like:

The underlined part of the URL is the handle. It should look familiar to any DSpace administrator. That is what
goes in the collection-handle attribute of your name-map element.

Adding a Form Set

You can add a new form set by creating a new form element within the form-definitions element. It has one
attribute, name, which as seen above must match the value of the name-map for the collections it is to be used

Forms and Pages

The content of the form is a sequence of page elements. Each of these corresponds to a Web page of forms for
entering metadata elements, presented in sequence between the initial "Describe" page and the final "Verify"
page (which presents a summary of all the metadata collected).

A form must contain at least one and at most six pages. They are presented in the order they appear in the
XML. Each page element must include a number attribute, that should be its sequence number, e.g.

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<page number="1">

The page element, in turn, contains a sequence of field elements. Each field defines an interactive dialog where
the submitter enters one of the Dublin Core metadata items.
Composition of a Field
Each field contains the following elements, in the order indicated. The required sub-elements are so marked:

dc-schema (Required) : Name of metadata schema employed, e.g. dc for Dublin Core. This value must
match the value of the schema element defined in dublin-core-types.xml
dc-element (Required) : Name of the Dublin Core element entered in this field, e.g. contributor.
dc-qualifier: Qualifier of the Dublin Core element entered in this field, e.g. when the field is contributor.
advisor the value of this element would be advisor. Leaving this out means the input is for an unqualified
DC element.
language: If set to true a drop down menu will be shown, containing languages. The selected language
will be used as language tag of the metadata field. This feature is currently supported by JSPUI only and
only valid for fields of input-type onebox, twobox or textarea. A compulsory argument value-pairs-name
must be given containing the name of the value pair that contains all the languages: e.g. <language
value-pairs-name="common_iso_languages">true</language>. If the submission
configuration contains a language element and the XMLUI is used, no language is stored, even not the
default one.
repeatable: Value is true when multiple values of this field are allowed, false otherwise. When you mark
a field repeatable, the UI servlet will add a control to let the user ask for more fields to enter additional
values. Intended to be used for arbitrarily-repeating fields such as subject keywords, when it is
impossible to know in advance how many input boxes to provide.
label (Required): Text to display as the label of this field, describing what to enter, e.g. " Your Advisor's
input-type(Required): Defines the kind of interactive widget to put in the form to collect the Dublin Core
value. Content must be one of the following keywords:
onebox A single text-entry box.
twobox A pair of simple text-entry boxes, used for repeatable values such as the DC subject
item. Note: The 'twobox' input type is rendered the same as a 'onebox' in the XML-UI, but both
allow for ease of adding multiple values.
textarea Large block of text that can be entered on multiple lines, e.g. for an abstract.
name Personal name, with separate fields for family name and first name. When saved they are
appended in the format 'LastName, FirstName'
date Calendar date. When required, demands that at least the year be entered.
series Series/Report name and number. Separate fields are provided for series name and
series number, but they are appended (with a semicolon between) when saved.
dropdown Choose value(s) from a "drop-down" menu list. Note: You must also include a value
for the value-pairs-name attribute to specify a list of menu entries from which to choose. Use this
to make a choice from a restricted set of options, such as for the language item.

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qualdrop_value Enter a "qualified value", which includes both a qualifier from a drop-down
menu and a free-text value. Used to enter items like alternate identifiers and codes for a submitted
item, e.g. the DC identifier field. Note: As for the dropdown type, you must include the value-pairs-
name attribute to specify a menu choice list.
list Choose value(s) from a checkbox or radio button list. If the repeatable attribute is set to true,
a list of checkboxes is displayed. If the repeatable attribute is set to false, a list of radio buttons is
displayed. Note: You must also include a value for the value-pairs-name attribute to specify a list
of values from which to choose.
hint (Required): Content is the text that will appear as a "hint", or instructions, next to the input fields.
Can be left empty, but it must be present.
required: When this element is included with any content, it marks the field as a required input. If the
user tries to leave the page without entering a value for this field, that text is displayed as a warning
message. For example, <required>You must enter a title.</required> Note that leaving the required
element empty will not mark a field as required, e.g.:<required></required>
visibility: When this optional element is included with a value, it restricts the visibility of the field to the
scope defined by that value. If the element is missing or empty, the field is visible in all scopes. Currently
supported scopes are:
workflow : the field will only be visible in the workflow stages of submission. This is good for
hiding difficult fields for users, such as subject classifications, thereby easing the use of the
submission system.
submit : the field will only be visible in the initial submission, and not in the workflow stages. In
addition, you can decide which type of restriction apply: read-only or full hidden the field (default
behaviour) using the otherwise attribute of the visibility XML element. For example:<visibility
otherwise="readonly">workflow</visibility> Note that it is considered a configuration error to limit a
field's scope while also requiring it - an exception will be generated when this combination is
Look at the example input-forms.xml and experiment with a a trial custom form to learn this
specification language thoroughly. It is a very simple way to express the layout of data-entry
forms, but the only way to learn all its subtleties is to use it.

For the use of controlled vocabularies see the Configuring Controlled Vocabularies section.
Item type Based Metadata Collection
This feature is available for use with the XMLUI since DSpace 3.0 and with JSPUI since 3.1. A field can be
made visible depending on the value of dc.type. A new field element, <type-bind>, has been introduced to
facilitate this. In this example the field will only be visible if a value of "thesis" or "ebook" has been entered into
dc.type on an earlier page:


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Automatically Omitted Fields

You may notice that some fields are automatically skipped when a custom form page is displayed, depending
on the kind of item being submitted. This is because the DSpace user-interface engine skips Dublin Core fields
which are not needed, according to the initial description of the item. For example, if the user indicates there are
no alternate titles on the first "Describe" page (the one with a few checkboxes), the input for the title.alternative
DC element is automatically omitted, even on custom submission pages.

When a user initiates a submission, DSpace first displays what we'll call the "initial-questions page". By default,
it contains three questions with check-boxes:

1. The item has more than one title, e.g. a translated title Controls title.alternative field.
2. The item has been published or publicly distributed before Controls DC fields:
3. The item consists of more than one file Does not affect any metadata input fields.

The answers to the first two questions control whether inputs for certain of the DC metadata fields will
displayed, even if they are defined as fields in a custom page. Conversely, if the metadata fields controlled by a
checkbox are not mentioned in the custom form, the checkbox is omitted from the initial page to avoid confusing
or misleading the user.

The two relevant checkbox entries are "The item has more than one title, e.g. a translated title", and "The item
has been published or publicly distributed before". The checkbox for multiple titles trigger the display of the field
with dc-element equal to "title" and dc-qualifier equal to "alternative". If the controlling collection's form set does
not contain this field, then the multiple titles question will not appear on the initial questions page.

Configuring Controlled Vocabularies

DSpace now supports controlled vocabularies to confine the set of keywords that users can use while
describing items. The need for a limited set of keywords is important since it eliminates the ambiguity of a free
description system, consequently simplifying the task of finding specific items of information. The controlled
vocabulary allows the user to choose from a defined set of keywords organised in an tree (taxonomy) and then
use these keywords to describe items while they are being submitted.

The taxonomies are described in XML following this (very simple) structure:

<node id="acmccs98" label="ACMCCS98">

<node id="A." label="General Literature">
<node id="A.0" label="GENERAL"/>
<node id="A.1" label="INTRODUCTORY AND SURVEY"/>

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You are free to use any application you want to create your controlled vocabularies. A simple text editor should
be enough for small projects. Bigger projects will require more complex tools. You may use Proteg to create
your taxonomies, save them as OWL and then use a XML Stylesheet (XSLT) to transform your documents to
the appropriate format. Future enhancements to this add-on should make it compatible with standard schemas
such as OWL or RDF.

New vocabularies should be placed in [dspace]/config/controlled-vocabularies/ and must be

according to the structure described.

Vocabularies need to be associated with the correspondant DC metadata fields. Edit the file [dspace]
/config/input-forms.xml and place a "vocabulary" tag under the "field" element that you want to
control. Set value of the "vocabulary" element to the name of the file that contains the vocabulary, leaving
out the extension (the add-on will only load files with extension "*.xml"). For example:

<label>Subject Keywords</label>
<hint>Enter appropriate subject keywords or phrases below.</hint>

The vocabulary element has an optional boolean attribute closed that can be used to force input only with the
Javascript of controlled-vocabulary add-on. The default behaviour (i.e. without this attribute) is as set closed="
false". This allow the user also to enter the value in free way.

The following vocabularies are currently available by default:

nsi - nsi.xml - The Norwegian Science Index

srsc - srsc.xml - Swedish Research Subject Categories

Adding Value-Pairs
Finally, your custom form description needs to define the "value pairs" for any fields with input types that refer to
them. Do this by adding a value-pairs element to the contents of form-value-pairs. It has the following required

value-pairs-name Name by which an input-type refers to this list.

dc-term Dublin Core field for which this choice list is selecting a value.

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Each value-pairs element contains a sequence of pair sub-elements, each of which in turn contains two

displayed-value Name shown (on the web page) for the menu entry.
stored-value Value stored in the DC element when this entry is chosen. Unlike the HTML select tag,
there is no way to indicate one of the entries should be the default, so the first entry is always the default

Here is a menu of types of common identifiers:

<value-pairs value-pairs-name="common_identifiers" dc-term="identifier">

<displayed-value>Gov't Doc #</displayed-value>

It generates the following HTML, which results in the menu widget below. (Note that there is no way to indicate
a default choice in the custom input XML, so it cannot generate the HTML SELECTED attribute to mark one of
the options as a pre-selected default.)

<select name="identifier_qualifier_0">
<option VALUE="govdoc">Gov't Doc #</option>
<option VALUE="uri">URI</option>
<option VALUE="isbn">ISBN</option>

Deploying Your Custom Forms

The DSpace web application only reads your custom form definitions when it starts up, so it is important to

You must always restart Tomcat (or whatever servlet container you are using) for changes made to the
input-forms.xml file take effect.

Any mistake in the syntax or semantics of the form definitions, such as poorly formed XML or a reference to a
nonexistent field name, will cause a fatal error in the DSpace UI. The exception message (at the top of the stack

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trace in the dspace.log file) usually has a concise and helpful explanation of what went wrong. Don't forget to
stop and restart the servlet container before testing your fix to a bug.

Configuring the File Upload step

The Upload step in the DSpace submission process has two configuration options which can be set with your
[dspace]/config/dspace.cfg configuration file. They are as follows:

upload.max- The maximum size of a file (in bytes) that can be uploaded from the JSPUI (not applicable
for the XMLUI). It defaults to 536870912 bytes (512MB). You may set this to -1 to disable any file size
Note: Increasing this value or setting to -1 does not guarantee that DSpace will be able to
successfully upload larger files via the web, as large uploads depend on many other factors
including bandwidth, web server settings, internet connection speed, etc.
webui.submit.upload.required - Whether or not all users are required to upload a file when they submit an
item to DSpace. It defaults to 'true'. When set to 'false' users will see an option to skip the upload step
when they submit a new item.

Creating new Submission Steps

First, a brief warning: Creating a new Submission Step requires some Java knowledge, and is therefore
recommended to be undertaken by a Java programmer whenever possible

That being said, at a higher level, creating a new Submission Step requires the following (in this relative order):

1. (Required) Create a new Step Processing class

This class must extend the abstract org.dspace.submit.AbstractProcessingStep class
and implement all methods defined by that abstract class.
This class should be built in such a way that it can process the input gathered from either the
XMLUI or JSPUI interface.
2. (For steps using JSPUI) Create the JSPs to display the user interface. Create a new JSPUI "binding"
class to initialize and call these JSPs.
Your JSPUI "binding" class must extend the abstract class
JSPStep and implement all methods defined there. It's recommended to use one of the classes in* as a reference.
Any JSPs created should be loaded by calling the showJSP() method of the
webui.submit.JSPStepManager class
If this step gathers information to be reviewed, you must also create a Review JSP which will
display a read-only view of all data gathered during this step. The path to this JSP must be
returned by your getReviewJSP() method. You will find examples of Review JSPs (named similar
to review-[step].jsp) in the JSP submit/ directory.
3. (For steps using XMLUI) Create an XMLUI "binding" Step Transformer which will generate the DRI XML
which Manakin requires.

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The Step Transformer must extend and implement all necessary methods within the abstract class
It is useful to use the existing classes in* as
4. (Required) Add a valid Step Definition to the item-submission.xmlconfiguration file.
This may also require that you add an I18N (Internationalization) key for this step's heading. See
the sections on Configuring Multilingual Support for JSPUI or Configuring Multilingual Support for
XMLUI for more details.
For more information on <step> definitions within the item-submission.xml, see the section
above on Defining Steps (<step>) within the item-submission.xml.

Creating a Non-Interactive Step

Non-interactive steps are ones that have no user interface and only perform backend processing. You may find
a need to create non-interactive steps which perform further processing of previously entered information.

To create a non-interactive step, do the following:

1. Create the required Step Processing class, which extends the abstract org.dspace.submit.
AbstractProcessingStep class. In this class add any processing which this step will perform.
2. Add your non-interactive step to your item-submission.xml at the place where you wish this step to be
called during the submission process. For example, if you want it to be called immediately after the
existing 'Upload File' step, then place its configuration immediately after the configuration for that 'Upload
File' step. The configuration should look similar to the following:


Note: Non-interactive steps will not appear in the Progress Bar! Therefore, your submitters will not even know
they are there. However, because they are not visible to your users, you should make sure that your non-
interactive step does not take a large amount of time to finish its processing and return control to the next step
(otherwise there will be a visible time delay in the user interface).

Configuring StartSubmissionLookupStep
StartSubmissionLookupStep is a new submission step, available since DSpace 4.0 contributed by CINECA, that
extends the basic SelectCollectionStep allowing the user to search or load metadata from an external service
(arxiv online, bibtex file, etc.) and prefill the submission form. Thanks to the EKT works it is underpinned by the
Biblio Transformation Engine ( ) framework.

To enable the StartSubmissionLookupStep you only need to change the configuration of the id="collection" step
to match the following

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item-submission.xml excerpt

<step id="collection">
<heading></heading> <!--can specify heading, if you want it to appear in Progress Bar-->

UI compatibility

The new step is available only for JSP UI. Nonetheless, if you run both UIs and want the JSP UI
benefit of the new step you can configure it as processing class also for XML as it degrades gracefully
to the standard SelectCollectionStep logic

About the Biblio-Transformation-Engine

The BTE is a Java framework developed by the Hellenic National Documentation Centre ( EKT) and consists of
programmatic APIs for filtering and modifying records that are retrieved from various types of data sources (eg.
databases, files, legacy data sources) as well as for outputting them in appropriate standards formats (eg.
database files, txt, xml, Excel). The framework includes independent abstract modules that are executed
seperately, offering in many cases alternative choices to the user depending of the input data set, the
transformation workflow that needs to be executed and the output format that needs to be generated.

The basic idea behind the BTE is a standard workflow that consists of three steps, a data loading step, a
processing step (record filtering and modification) and an output generation. A data loader provides the system
with a set of Records, the processing step is responsible for filtering or modifying these records and the output
generator outputs them in the appropriate format.

The standard BTE version offers several predefined Data Loaders as well as Output Generators for basic
bibliographic formats. However, Spring Dependency Injection can be utilized to load custom data loaders,
filters, modifiers and output generators.

StartSubmissionLookupStep in action!
When StartSubmissionLookupStep is enabled, the user comes up with the following screen when a new
submission is initiated:

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There are four accordion tabs (default configuration hides the third tab):

1) Search for identifier: In this tab, the user can search for an identifier in the supported online services
(currently, arXiv, PubMed, CrossRef and CiNii are supported). The publication results are presented in the tab
"Results" in which the user can select the publication to proceed with. This means that a new submission form
will be initiated with the form fields prefilled with metadata from the selected publication.

Currently, there are four identifiers that are supported (DOI, PubMed ID, arXiv ID and NAID (CiNii ID) ). But
these can be extended - refer to the following paragraph regarding the SubmissionLookup service configuration

User can fill in any of the four identifiers. DOI is preferable. Keep in mind that the service can integrate results
for the same publication from the three different providers so filling any of the four identifiers will pretty much do
the work. If identifiers for different publications are provided, the service will return a list of publications which
will be shown to user to select. The selected publication will make it to the submission form in which some fields
will be pre-filled with the publication metadata. The mapping from the input metadata (from arXiv or Pubmed or
CrossRef or CiNii) to the DSpace metadata schema (and thus, the submission form) is configured in the Spring
XML file that is discussed later on - you can see a table at the very end of this chapter.

Through the same file, a user can also extend the providers that the SubmissionLookup service can search
publication from.

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2) Upload a file: In this tab, the user can upload a file, select the type (bibtex. csv, etc.), see the publications in
the "Results" tab and then either select one to proceed with the submission or make all of them "Workspace
Items" that can be found in the "Unfinished Submissions" section in the "My DSpace" page.

The "preview mode" in the figure above has the following functionality:

"ON": The list of the publications in the uploaded file will be show to the user to select the one for the
submission. The selected publication's metadata will pre-fill the submission form's fields according to
configuration in the Spring XML configuration file.

"OFF": All the publications of the uploaded file will be imported in the user's MyDSpace page as "Unfinished
Submissions" while the first one will go thought the submission process.

(Regarding the pubmed, crossref and arxiv file upload, you can find the attached file named ""
that contains samples of these three file types)

3) Free search: In this tab, the user can freely search for Title, Author and Year in the four supported providers
(PubMed, CrossRef, Arxiv and CiNii). By default, the four providers are configured to be disabled for free search
but you can enable it via the configuration file. Thus, initially this accordion tab is not shown to the user except
for a data loader is declared as a "search provider" - refer to the following paragraphs.

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The process is the same as in the previous cases. A result of publications is presented to the user to select the
one to preceed with the submission.

4) Default mode submission: In this tab, the user can proceed to the default manual submission. The
SubmissionLookup service will not run and the submission form will be empty for the user to start filling it.

SubmissionLookup service configuration file

The StartSubmissionLookupStep rely on business logic provided by the SubmissionLookup service that can be
heavily extended and customized and is build on top of the BTE.

The basic idea behind BTE is that the system holds the metadata in an internal format using a specific key for
each metadata field. DataLoaders load the record using the aforementioned keys, while the output generator
needs to map these keys to DSpace metadata fields.

The BTE configuration file is located in path: [dspace]/config/spring/api/bte.xml and it's a Spring
XML configuration file that consists of Java beans. (If these terms are unknown to you, please refer to Spring
Dependency Injection web site for more information.)

The service is broken down into two phases. In the first phase, the imported publications' metadata are
converted to an intermediate format while in the second phase, the intermediate format is converted to DSpace
metadata schema

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Explanation of beans:

<bean id="org.dspace.submit.lookup.SubmissionLookupService" />

This is the top level bean that describes the service of the SubmissionLookup. It accepts three properties:

a) phase1TransformationEngine : the phase 1 BTE transformation engine.

b) phase2TransformationEngine : the phase 2 BTE transformation engine

c) detailFields: A list of the keys that the user wants to display in the detailed form of a publication. That is,
when the results are shown, user can see the details of each one. In the detailed form, some fields appear.
These fields are configured by this property. Refer to the table at the very end of this chapter to see the
available values. This property is disabled by default while the list that is shown commented out is the default
list for the detailed form.

<bean id="phase1TransformationEngine" />

The transformation engine for the first phase of the service (from external service to intermediate format)

It accepts three properties:

a) dataLoader : The data loader that will be used for the loading of the data

b) workflow : This property refers to the bean that describes the processing steps of the BTE. If no processing
steps are listed there all records loaded by the data loader will pass to the output generator, unfiltered and

c) outputGenerator : The output generator to be used.

Normally, you do not need to touch any of these three properties. You can edit the reference beans instead.

<bean id="multipleDataLoader" />

This bean declares the data loader to be used to load publications from. It has one property "dataloadersMap",
a map that declares key-value pairs, that is a unique key and the corresponding data loader to be used. Here is
the point where a new data loader can be added, in case the ones that are already supported do not meet your

A new data loader class must be created based on the following:

a) Either extend the abstract class gr.ekt.bte.core.dataloader.FileDataLoader

in such a case, your data loader key will appear in the drop down menu of data types in the " Upload a file"
accordion tab

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b) Or, extend the abstract class or g.dspace.submit.lookup.SubmissionLookupDataLoader

in such a case, your data loader key will appear as a provider in the " Search for identifier" accordion tab

<bean id="bibTeXDataLoader" />

<bean id="csvDataLoader" />
<bean id="tsvDataLoader" />
<bean id="risDataLoader" />
<bean id="endnoteDataLoader" />
<bean id="pubmedFileDataLoader" />
<bean id="arXivFileDataLoader" />
<bean id="crossRefFileDataLoader" />
<bean id="ciniiFileDataLoader" />
<bean id="pubmedOnlineDataLoader" />
<bean id="arXivOnlineDataLoader" />
<bean id="crossRefOnlineDataLoader" />
<bean id="ciniiOnlineDataLoader" />

These beans are the actual data loaders that are used by the service. They are either "FileDataLoaders" or
"SubmissionLookupDataLoaders" as mentioned previously.

The data loaders have the following properties:

a) fieldMap : it is a map that specifies the mapping between the keys that hold the metadata in the input format
and the ones that we want to have internal in the BTE. At the end of this article there is a table that summarises
the fields that are used from the three online services (pubmed, arXiv and crossRef) - which are the ones that
the submission lookup step is capable of reading from the online services - and the keys used internally in the

Some loaders have more properties:

CSV and TSV (which is actually a CSV loader if you look carefully the class value of the bean) loaders have
some more properties:

a) skipLines: A number that specifies the first line of the file that loader will start reading data. For example, if
you have a csv file that the first row contains the column names, and the second row is empty, the the value of
this property must be 2 so as the loader starts reading from row 2 (starting from 0 row). The default value for
this property is 0.

b) separator: A value to specify the separator between the values in the same row in order to make the
columns. For example, in a TSV data loader this value is "\u0009" which is the "Tab" character. The default
value is "," and that is why the CSV data loader doesn't need to specify this property.

c) quoteChar: This property specifies the quote character used in the CSV file. The default value is the double
quote character (").

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pubmedOnlineDataLoader, crossRefOnlineDataLoader , arXivOnlineDataLoader and

ciniiOnlineDataLoader also support another property:

a) searchProvider: if is set to true, the dataloader supports free search by title, author or year. If at least one of
these data loaders is declared as a search provider, the accordion tab "Free search" is appeared. Otherwise, it
stays hidden.

crossRefOnlineDataLoader and ciniiOnlineDataLoader also have two more properties:

a) apiKey/appId respectively: Both these services need to acquire (for free) an API key in order to access their
online services. For CrossRef, visit: and for CiNii visit:

b) maxResults: the maximum results that these services will reply with to your search. By default, this property
is commented out while the default value is 10 for both services.

(Regarding the file dataloaders, you can find the attached file named "" that contains samples of
all the file types that the corresponding data loaders can handle)

<bean id="phase1LinearWorkflow" />

This bean specifies the processing steps to be applied to the records metadata before they proceed to the
output generator of the transformation engine. Currenty, three steps are supported, but you can add yours as

<bean id="mapConverter_arxivSubject" />

<bean id="mapConverter_pubstatusPubmed" />
<bean id="removeLastDot" />

These beans are the processing steps that are supported by the 1st phase of transformation engine. The two
first map an incoming value to another one specified in a properties file. The last one is responsible to remove
the last dot from the incoming value.

All of them have the property "fieldKeys" which is a list of keys where the step will be applied.

In the case you need to create your own filters and modifiers follow the instructions below:

To create a new filter, you need to extend the following BTE abstact class:


You will need to implement the following method:

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public abstract boolean isIncluded ( Record record )

Return false if the specified record needs to be filtered, otherwise return true.

To create a new modifier, you need to extend the following BTE abstact class:


You will need to implement the following method:

public abstract Record modify ( Record record )

within you can make any changes you like in the record. You can use the Record methods to get the values for
a specific key and load new ones (For the later, you need to make the Record mutable)

After you create your own filters or modifiers you need to add them in the Spring XML configuration file as in the
following example:

<bean id="customfilter" class="org.mypackage.MyFilter" />

<bean id="phase1LinearWorkflow" class="gr.ekt.bte.core.LinearWorkflow">

<property name="process">
... <old filters and modifiers>...
<ref bean="customfilter" />

<bean id="phase2TransformationEngine" />

The transformation engine for the second phase of the service (from the intermediate format to DSpace
metadata schema)

Normally, you do not need to touch any of these three properties. You can edit the reference beans instead.

<bean id="phase2linearWorkflow" />

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This bean specifies the processing steps to be applied to the records metadata before they proceed to the
output generator of the transformation engine. Currenty, two steps are supported, but you can add yours as

<bean id="fieldMergeModifier" />

<bean id="valueConcatenationModifier" />
<bean id="languageCodeModifier" />

These beans are the processing steps that are supported by the 2nd phase of transformation engine. The first
merges the values of multiple keys to a new key. The second one concatenates the values of a specific key to a
unique value. The third one translated the three-letters language code to two-letters one (ie: eng to en)

<bean id="org.dspace.submit.lookup.DSpaceWorkspaceItemOutputGenerator" />

This bean declares the output generator to be used which is, in this case, a DSpaceWorkspaceItem generator.
It accepts two properties:

a) outputMap: A map from the intermediate keys to the DSpace metadata schema fields. The table below
displays the default output mapping. As you can see, some fields, while the are read from the input source, are
not output in DSpace since there are no default metadata schema fields to host them. However, if you create
the corresponding metadata field registry, you can come back in this configuration to add a map between the
input field key and the DSpace metadata field.

b) extraMetadataToKeep: A list of DSpace metadata schema fields to keep in the output

The following table presents the available keys from the online services, the keys that BTE uses in phase1 and
the final output map to DSpace metadata fields.

Arxiv PubMed CrossRef CiNii BTE Key (phase 1) Extra Keys


by BTE
(phase 2)

title articleTitle articleTitle title title

published pubDate year issued issued

id url

summary abstractText description abstract

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Arxiv PubMed CrossRef CiNii BTE Key (phase 1) Extra Keys


by BTE
(phase 2)

comment note

pdfUrl fulltextUrl

doi doi doi doi

journalRef journalTitle journalTitle journal journal

author author authors authors authors

authorWithAffiliation authorsWithAffiliation

primaryCategory arxivCategory

category arxivCategory

pubmedID pubmedID

publicationStatus publicationStatus


printISSN printISSN issn jissn

electronicISSN electronicISSN jeissn

journalVolume volume volume volume

journalIssue issue issue issue

language language language

publicationType doiType subtype

primaryKeyword subjects keywords allkeywords

secondaryKeyword keywords allkeywords

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Arxiv PubMed CrossRef CiNii BTE Key (phase 1) Extra Keys


by BTE
(phase 2)

primaryMeshHeading mesh allkeywords

secondaryMeshHeading mesh allkeywords

startPage firstPage spage firstpage

endPage lastPage epage lastpage

printISBN pisbn

electronicISBN eisbn

editionNumber editionnumber

seriesTitle seriestitle

volumeTitle volumetitle


editors editors

translators translators

chairs chairs

naid naid

ncid ncid

publisher publisher

I can see more beans in the configuration file that are not explained above. Why is this?

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The configuration file hosts options for two services. BatchImport service and SubmissionLookup
service. Thus, some beans that are not used in the first service, are not mentioned in this
documentation. However, since both services are based on the BTE, some beans are used by both

2016 Framework for live import from external sources

General Framework
Abstraction of input format
Transformation to DSpace item
Relation with BTE
Implementation of an import source
Inherited methods
Metadata mapping
Framework Sources Implementations
PubMed Integration
Enabling PubMed Lookup (XMLUI Only)
Publication Lookup URL
PubMed Metadata Mapping
PubMed specific classes Config
Metadata mapping classes
Service classes

General Framework

This documentation explains the features and the usage of the importer framework.
Enabling the framework can be achieved by uncommenting the following step in item-submission.xml.
Implementation specific or additional configuration can be found in their related documentation, if any.
Please refer to subdivisions of this documentation for specific implementations of the framework.

Enabling framework


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lookup publications from remote sources

Support for multiple implementations

Abstraction of input format

The importer framework does not enforce a specific input format. Each importer implementation defines which
input format it expects from a remote source. The import framework uses generics to achieve this. Each
importer implementation will have a type set of the record type it receives from the remote source's response.
This type set will also be used by the framework to use the correct MetadataFieldMapping for a certain
implementation. Read Implementation of an import source for more information and how to enable the

Transformation to DSpace item

The framework produces an 'ImportRecord' that is completely decoupled from DSPace. It contains a set of
metadata DTO's that contain the notion of schema,element and qualifier. The specific implementation is
responsible for populating this set. It is then very simple to create a DSPace item from this list.

Relation with BTE

While there is some overlap between this framework and BTE, this framework supports some features that are
hard to implement using the BTE. It has explicit support to deal with network failure and throttling imposed by
the data source. It also has explicit support for distinguishing between network caused errors and invalid
requests to the source. Furthermore the framework doesn't impose any restrictions on the format in which the
data is retrieved. It uses java generics to support different source record types. A reference implementation of
using XML records is provided for which a set of metadata can be generated from any xpath expression (or
composite of xpath expressions). Unless 'advanced' processing is necessary (e.g. lookup of authors in an LDAP
directory) this metadata mapping can be simply configured using spring. No code changes necessary. A
mixture of advanced and simple (xpath) mapping is also possible.

This design is also in line with the roadmap to create a Modular Framework as detailed in https://wiki.duraspace.
org/display/DSPACE/Design+-+Module+Framework+and+Registry This modular design also allows it to be
completely independent of the user interface layer, be it JSPUI, XMLUI, command line or the result of the new
UI projects:

Implementation of an import source

Each importer implementation must at least implement interface org.dspace.importer.external.service.
components.MetadataSource and implement the inherited methods.

One can also choose to implement class org.dspace.importer.external.service.components.

AbstractRemoteMetadataSource next to the MetadataSource interface. This class contains functionality to
handle request timeouts and to retry requests.

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A third option is to implement class org.dspace.importer.external.service.AbstractImportSourceService. This

class already implements both the MetadataSource interface and Source class. AbstractImportSourceService
has a generic type set 'RecordType'. In the importer implementation this type set should be the class of the
records received from the remote source's response (e.g. when using axiom to get the records from the remote
source's XML response, the importer implementation's type set

Implementing the AbstractImportSourceService allows the importer implementation to use the framework's build-
in support to transform a record received from the remote source to an object of class * org.dspace.importer.
external.datamodel.ImportRecord containing DSpace metadata fields, as explained here: Metadata mapping.

Inherited methods
Method getImportSource() should return a unique identifier. Importer implementations should not be called
directly, but class org.dspace.importer.external.service.ImportService should be called instead. This class
contains the same methods as the importer implementations, but with an extra parameter 'url'. This url
parameter should contain the same identifier that is returned by the getImportSource() method of the importer
implementation you want to use.

The other inherited methods are used to query the remote source.

Metadata mapping
When using an implementation of AbstractImportSourceService, a mapping of remote record fields to DSpace
metadata fields can be created.

first create an implementation of class AbstractMetadataFieldMapping with the same type set used for the
importer implementation.

Then create a spring configuration file in [dspace.dir]/config/spring/api.

Each DSpace metadata field that will be used for the mapping must first be configured as a spring bean of class




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Now this metadata field can be used to create a mapping. To add a mapping for the "dc.title" field declared
above, a new spring bean configuration of a class class org.dspace.importer.external.metadatamapping.
contributor.MetadataContributor needs to be added. This interface contains a type argument. The type needs to
match the type used in the implementation of AbstractImportSourceService. The responsibility of each
MetadataContributor implementation is to generate a set of metadata from the retrieved document. How it does
that is completely opaque to the AbstractImportSourceService but it is assumed that only one entity (i.e. item) is
fed to the metadatum contributor.

For example java SimpleXpathMetadatumContributor implements

MetadataContributor<OMElement> can parse a fragment of xml and generate one or more metadata

This bean expects 2 property values:

field: A reference to the configured spring bean of the DSpace metadata field. e.g. the "dc.title" bean
declared above.
query: The xpath expression used to select the record value returned by the remote source.




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Multiple record fields can also be combined into one value. To implement a combined mapping first create a
SimpleXpathMetadatumContributor as explained above for each part of the field.




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Note that namespace prefixes used in the xpath queries are configured in bean "FullprefixMapping" in the same
spring file.






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>Defines the namespace mappin for the SimpleXpathMetadatum contributors</






Then create a new list in the spring configuration containing references to all SimpleXpathMetadatumContributor
beans that need to be combined.

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Finally create a spring bean configuration of classorg.dspace.importer.external.metadatamapping.contributor.

CombinedMetadatumContributor. This bean expects 3 values:

field: A reference to the configured spring bean of the DSpace metadata field. e.g. the "dc.title" bean
declared above.
metadatumContributors: A reference to the list containing all the single record field mappings that need
to be combined.
separator: These characters will be added between each record field value when they are combined into
one field.





", "



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Each contributor must also be added to the "MetadataFieldMap" used by the MetadataFieldMapping
implementation. Each entry of this map maps a metadata field bean to a contributor. For the contributors
created above this results in the following configuration:






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Note that the single field mappings used for the combined author mapping are not added to this list.

Framework Sources Implementations

PubMed Integration
First read the base documentation on external importing This documentation explains the implementation of the
importer framework using PubMed ( as an example.
Enabling PubMed Lookup (XMLUI Only)
The PubMed specific integration of the external sources import requires the following to be active.The PubMed
lookup is done during the "XMLUIStartSubmissionLookupStep" and this can be enabled by adjusting one step
in the [dspace.dir]/config/item-submission.xml. Uncommenting this step will permit the user to do
the PubMed based lookups during their submission.


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<!-- Find publications based on ID/DOI/Title/Author to pre-fill the submission. XMLUI ONLY.
For JSPUI version, see JSPUIStartSubmissionLookupStep under <step-definitions> above.

After uncommenting hat step, simply restart your servlet container, and this lookup step will be available within
your deposit process.
Publication Lookup URL
To be able to do the lookup for our configured import-service, we need to be able to know what URL to use to
check for publications. This URL the publication-lookup.url setting defined within the [dspace.dir]
/config/modules/publication-lookup.cfg. You may choose to modify this setting or override it within
your local.cfg.

This setting can be modified in one of two ways:

You can choose to specific a single, specific URL. This will tell the lookup service to only use one
location to lookup publication information. Valid URLs are any that are defined as a baseAddress for
beans within the [src]/dspace-api/src/main/resources/spring/spring-dspace-addon-
import-services.xml Spring config file.
For example, this setting will ONLY use PubMed for lookups: publication-lookup.
By default, publication-lookup.url is set to an asterisk ('*'). This default value will attempt to
lookup the publication using ALL configured importServices in the [src]/dspace-api/src/main
/resources/spring/spring-dspace-addon-import-services.xml Spring config file

PubMed Metadata Mapping

The PubMed metadata mappings are defined in the [dspace.dir]/config/spring/api/pubmed-
integration.xml Spring configuration file. These metadata mappings can be tweaked as desired. The
format of this file is described in the "Metadata mapping" section above
PubMed specific classes Config
These classes are simply implementations based of the base classes defined in importer/external. They add
characteristic behavior for services/mapping for the PubMed specific data.

Metadata mapping classes

"PubmedFieldMapping". An implementation of AbstractMetadataFieldMapping, linking to the bean that

serves as the entry point of other metadata mapping

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"PubmedDateMetadatumContributor"/"PubmedLanguageMetadatumContributor". Pubmed specific

implementations of the "MetadataContributor" interface

Service classes

"GeneratePubmedQueryService". Generates the pubmed query which is used to retrieve the records.
This is based on a given item.
"PubmedImportMetadataSourceServiceImpl". Child class of "AbstractImportMetadataSourceService",
retrieving the records from pubmed.

Simple HTML Fragment Markup

A few features of the XMLUI submission user interface, such as the deposit license text, can be marked up
using a subset of HTML. Only these elements may be used:


Do not try to make the content into a complete HTML document. It is just a fragment which will be textually
inserted (not framed) into a larger document.

4.3.2 Configurable Workflow

Instructions for Enabling Configurable Reviewer Workflow in XMLUI
Data Migration
Workflowitem conversion/migration scripts

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Automatic migration
Java based migration
Main workflow configuration
Workflow actions configuration
API configuration
User Selection Action
Processing Action
User Interface configuration
Additional workflow steps/actions and features
Optional workflow steps: Select single reviewer workflow
Optional workflow steps: Score review workflow
Workflow overview features
Known Issues
Curation System
Existing issues

Configurable Workflows are an optional feature that may be enabled for use only within DSpace XMLUI.

The primary focus of the workflow framework is to create a more flexible solution for the administrator to
configure, and even to allow an application developer to implement custom steps, which may be configured in
the workflow for the collection through a simple configuration file. The concept behind this approach was
modeled on the configurable submission system already present in DSpace.

For more information, see the Configurable Workflow Introductory Video

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Instructions for Enabling Configurable Reviewer Workflow in XMLUI

Please note that enabling the Configurable Reviewer Workflow makes changes to the structure of your
database that are currently irreversible in any graceful manner, so please backup your database in
advance to allow you to restore to that point should you wish to do so. It should also be noted that only
the XMLUI has been changed to cope with the database changes. The JSPUI will no longer work if the
Configurable Reviewer Workflow is enabled.

The submission aspect has been split up into muliple aspects: one submission aspect for the submission
process, one workflow aspect containing the code for the original workflow and one xmlworkflow aspect
containing the code for the new XML configurable workflow framework. In order to enable one of the two
aspects, either the workflow or xmlworkflow aspect should be enabled in the [dspace]/config/xmlui.
xconf configuration file. This means that the xmlui.xconf configuration for the original workflow is the following:

<aspect name="Submission and Workflow" path="resource://aspects/Submission/" />

<aspect name="Original Workflow" path="resource://aspects/Workflow/" />

And the xmlui.xconf configuration for the new XML configurable workflow is the following:

<aspect name="Submission and Workflow" path="resource://aspects/Submission/" />

<aspect name="XMLWorkflow" path="resource://aspects/XMLWorkflow/" />

You also have to configure DSpace to load the right services. This is done by commenting the basic workflow
services and uncommenting the xmlworkflow services in [dspace]/config/spring/api/core-services.
xml. After enabling the configurable workflow the mentioned file should contain the following:

<!--Basic workflow services, comment or remove when switching to the configurable workflow -->
<bean class="org.dspace.workflowbasic.TaskListItemServiceImpl"/>
<bean class="org.dspace.workflowbasic.BasicWorkflowItemServiceImpl"/>
<bean class="org.dspace.workflowbasic.BasicWorkflowServiceImpl"/>

<!--Configurable workflow services, uncomment the xml workflow beans below to enable the
configurable workflow-->
<bean class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.storedcomponents.ClaimedTaskServiceImpl"/>
<bean class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.storedcomponents.CollectionRoleServiceImpl"/>
<bean class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.storedcomponents.InProgressUserServiceImpl"/>

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<bean class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.storedcomponents.PoolTaskServiceImpl"/>
<bean class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.storedcomponents.WorkflowItemRoleServiceImpl"/>
<bean class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.storedcomponents.XmlWorkflowItemServiceImpl"/>
<bean class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.XmlWorkflowServiceImpl"/>
<bean class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.WorkflowRequirementsServiceImpl"/>
<bean class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.XmlWorkflowFactoryImpl"/>

Please be careful while editing [dspace]/config/spring/api/core-services.xml as it

controls which parts of DSpace are loaded. Accidentally uncommenting the wrong parts my result in
your DSpace instance not loading properly anymore.

Same as for the core-services.xml from above, comment out the basic workflow factory & enable the
xmlworkflow factory in [dspace]/config/spring/api/core-factory-services.xml. After enabling
the configurable workflow the mentioned file should contain the following:

<!--Basic workflow services, comment or remove when switching to the configurable workflow -->
<!--<bean id="workflowServiceFactory" class="org.dspace.workflowbasic.factory.
<!--Configurable workflow services, uncomment to enable-->
<bean id="workflowServiceFactory" class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.factory.

With the xmlworkflow come some separate tables which hibernate needs to be aware of, and the tables for the
basic workflow can be disregarded. So edit the [dspace]/config/hibernate.cfg.xml file and comment
out the basic workflow classes & enable the xmlworkflow classes. The result is displayed below:

<!--<mapping class="org.dspace.workflowbasic.BasicWorkflowItem"/>-->
<!--<mapping class="org.dspace.workflowbasic.TaskListItem"/>-->
<mapping class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.storedcomponents.ClaimedTask"/>
<mapping class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.storedcomponents.CollectionRole"/>
<mapping class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.storedcomponents.InProgressUser"/>
<mapping class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.storedcomponents.PoolTask"/>
<mapping class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.storedcomponents.WorkflowItemRole"/>
<mapping class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.storedcomponents.XmlWorkflowItem"/>

Workflow Data Migration

You will also need to follow the Data Migration Procedure below.

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Data Migration

Please note that enabling the Configurable Reviewer Workflow makes changes to the structure of your
database that are currently irreversible in any graceful manner, so please backup your database in
advance to allow you to restore to that point should you wish to do so. It should also be noted that only
the XMLUI has been changed to cope with the database changes. The JSPUI will no longer work if the
Configurable Reviewer Workflow is enabled.

Workflowitem conversion/migration scripts

Depending on the workflow that is used by a DSpace installation, different scripts can be used when migrating
to the new workflow.

Automatic migration
Automatic migration can be used when the out of the box original workflow framework is used by your DSpace
installation. This means that your DSpace installation uses the workflow steps and roles that are available out of
the box. The automated migration will migrate the policies, roles, tasks and workflowitems from the original
workflow to the new workflow framework.

Manually kick off this migration by simply running:

[dspace]/bin/dspace database migrate ignored

The "ignored" parameter will tell DSpace to run any previously-ignored migrations on your database. After
enabling Configurable Workflow in your Spring configs (see above), the new automatic migrations will be made
available to the "database migrate" command. As these new migrations were not previously run by "database
migrate", they will be "ignored" until you trigger them by manually running the above command.

For more information on the "database migrate" command, please see Database Utilities.

Java based migration

In case your DSpace installation uses a customized version of the workflow, the migration script might not work
properly and a different approach is recommended. Therefore, an additional Java based script has been
created that restarts the workflow for all the workflowitems that exist in the original workflow framework. The
script will take all the existing workflowitems and place them in the first step of the XML configurable workflow
framework thereby taking into account the XML configuration that exists at that time for the collection to which
the item has been submitted. This script can also be used to restart the workflow for workflowitems in the
original workflow but not to restart the workflow for items in the XML configurable workflow.

To execute the script, run the following CLI command:

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[dspace]/bin/dspace dsrun org.dspace.xmlworkflow.migration.RestartWorkflow -e admin@myrespository.


The following arguments can be specified when running the script:

-e: specifies the username of an administrator user

-n: if sending submissions through the workflow, send notification emails
-p: the provenance description to be added to the item
-h: help


Main workflow configuration

The workflow main configuration can be found in the workflow.xml file, located in [dspace]/config
/workflow.xml. An example of this workflow configuration file can be found bellow.

<!-- collection to workflow mapping -->
<name-map collection="default" workflow="{}"/>
<name-map collection="123456789/0" workflow="{workflow.id2}"/>

<workflow start="{}" id="{}">

<!-- Roles used in the workflow -->

<!-- Steps come here-->

<step id="ExampleStep1" nextStep="ExampleStep2" userSelectionMethod="{UserSelectionActi
<!-- Step1 config-->
<step id="ExampleStep2" userSelectionMethod="{UserSelectionActionId}">

<workflow start="{start.step.id2}" id="{}">
<!-- Another workflow configuration-->

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The workflow map contains a mapping between collections in DSpace and a workflow configuration. Similar to
the configuration of the submission process, the mapping can be done based on the handle of the collection.
The mapping with "default" as the value for the collection mapping, will be used for the collections not occurring
in other mapping tags. Each mapping is defined by a "name-map" tag with two attributes:

collection: can either be a collection handle or "default"

workflow: the value of this attribute points to one of the workflow configurations defined by the "workflow"

The workflow element is a repeatable XML element and the configuration between two "workflow" tags
represents one workflow process. It requires the following 2 attributes:

id: a unique identifier used for the identification of the workflow and used in the workflow to collection
start: the identifier of the first step of the workflow, this will be the entry point of this workflow-process.
When a new item has been committed to a collection that uses this workflow, the step configured in the
"start" attribute will he the first step the item will go through.

Each workflow process has a number of roles defined between the "roles" tags. A role represents one or more
DSpace EPersons or Groups and can be used to assign them to one or more steps in the workflow process.
One role is represented by one "role" tag and has the following attributes:

id: a unique identifier (in one workflow process) for the role
description: optional attribute to describe the role
scope: optional attrbiute that is used to find our group and must have one of the following values:
collection: The collection value specifies that the group will be configured at the level of the
collection. This type of groups is the same as the type that existed in the original workflow system.
In case no value is specified for the scope attribute, the workflow framework assumes the role is a
collection role.
repository: The repository scope uses groups that are defined at repository level in DSpace. The
name attribute should exactly match the name of a group in DSpace.
item: The item scope assumes that a different action in the workflow will assign a number of
EPersons or Groups to a specific workflow-item in order to perform a step. These assignees can
be different for each workflow item.
name: The name specified in the name attribute of a role will be used to lookup the in DSpace. The
lookup will depend on the scope specified in the "scope" attribute:
collection: The workflow framework will look for a group containing the name specified in the name
attribute and the ID of the collection for which this role is used.

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repository: The workflow framework will look for a group with the same name as the name
specified in the name attribute
item: in case the item scope is selected, the name of the role attribute is not required
internal: optional attribute which isn't really used at the moment, false by default

<role id="{} description="{role.description}" scope="{role.scope}" name="{role.
name}" internal="true/false"/>

The step element represents one step in the workflow process. A step represents a number of actions that must
be executed by one specified role. In case no role attribute is specified, the workflow framework assumes that
the DSpace system is responsible for the execution of the step and that no user interface will be available for
each of the actions in this step. The step element has the following attributes in order to further configure it:

id: The id attribute specifies a unique identifier for the step, this id will be used when configuring other
steps in order to point to this step. This identifier can also be used when configuring the start step of the
workflow item.
nextStep: This attribute specifies the step that will follow once this step has been completed under
normal circumstances. If this attribute is not set, the workflow framework will assume that this step is an
endpoint of the workflow process and will archive the item in DSpace once the step has been completed.
userSelectionMethod: This attribute defines the UserSelectionAction that will be used to determine how
to attache users to this step for a workflow-item. The value of this attribute must refer to the identifier of
an action bean in the workflow-actions.xml. Examples of the user attachment to a step are the currently
used system of a task pool or as an alternative directly assigning a user to a task.
role: optional attribute that must point to the id attribute of a role element specified for the workflow. This
role will be used to define the epersons and groups used by the userSelectionMethod.

<step id="{}" nextStep="{}" userSelectionMethod="{}" role=

"{}" >
<!-- optional alternate outcomes, depending on the outcome of the actions you can alter the next
step here -->
<step status="{integer}">{}</step>
<action id="{}"/>
<action id="{}"/>

Each step contains a number of actions that the workflow item will go through. In case the action has a user
interface, the users responsible for the exectution of this step will have to execute these actions before the
workflow item can proceed to the next action or the end of the step.

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There is also an optional subsection that can be defined for a step part called "alternativeOutcome". This can be
used to define outcomes for the step that differ from the one specified in the nextStep attribute. Each action
returns an integer depending on the result of the action. The default value is "0" and will make the workflow item
proceed to the next action or to the end of the step.
In case an action returns a different outcome than the default "0", the alternative outcomes will be used to
lookup the next step. The alternativeOutcome element contains a number of steps, each having a status
attribute. This status attribute defines the return value of an action. The value of the element will be used to
lookup the next step the workflow item will go through in case an action returns that specified status.

Workflow actions configuration

API configuration
The workflow actions configuration is located in the [dspace]/config/spring/api/ directory and is named
"workflow-actions.xml". This configuration file describes the different Action Java classes that are used by the
workflow framework. Because the workflow framework uses Spring framework for loading these action classes,
this configuration file contains Spring configuration.

This file contains the beans for the actions and user selection methods referred to in the workflow.xml. In order
for the workflow framework to work properly, each of the required actions must be part of this configuration.

/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.0.xsd http://www.springframework.

<!-- At the top are our bean class identifiers --->

<bean id="{}" class="{class.path}" scope="prototype"/>
<bean id="{}" class="{class.path}" scope="prototype"/>

<!-- Below the class identifiers come the declarations for out actions/userSelectionMethods -->

<!-- Use class workflowActionConfig for an action -->

<bean id="{}" class="oorg.dspace.xmlworkflow.state.actions.WorkflowActionConfig" scope="p
<constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="{}"/>

<property name="processingAction" ref="{}"/>

<property name="requiresUI" value="{true/false}"/>

<!-- Use class UserSelectionActionConfig for a user selection method -->

<!--User selection actions-->
<bean id="{}" class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.state.actions.
UserSelectionActionConfig" scope="prototype">

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<constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="{}"/>

<property name="processingAction" ref="{}"/>

<property name="requiresUI" value="{true/false}"/>

Two types of actions are configured in this Spring configuration file:

User selection action: This type of action is always the first action of a step and is responsible for the
user selection process of that step. In case a step has no role attached, no user will be selected and the
NoUserSelectionAction is used.
Processing action: This type of action is used for the actual processing of a step. Processing actions
contain the logic required to execute the required operations in each step. Multiple processing actions
can be defined in one step. These user and the workflow item will go through these actions in the order
they are specified in the workflow configuration unless an alternative outcome is returned by one of them.

User Selection Action

Each user selection action that is used in the workflow config refers to a bean definition in this workflow-actions.
xml configuration. In order to create a new user selection action bean, the following XML code is used:

<bean id="{}" class="org.dspace.xmlworkflow.state.actions.UserSelectionActionConfig"

<constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="{}"/>

<property name="processingAction" ref="{}"/>

<property name="requiresUI" value="{true/false}"/>

This bean defines a new UserSelectionActionConfig and the following child tags:

constructor-arg: This is a constructor argument containing the ID the task. This is the same as the id
attribute of the bean and is used by the workflow config to refer to this action.
property processingAction: This tag refers the the ID of the API bean, responsible for the implementation
of the API side of this action. This bean should also be configured in this XML.
property requiresUI: In case this property is true, the workflow framework will expect a user interface for
the action. Otherwise the framework will automatically execute the action and proceed to the next one.

Processing Action
Processing actions are configured similar to the user selection actions. The only difference is that these
processing action beans are implementations of the WorkflowActionConfig class instead of the
UserSelectionActionConfig class.

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User Interface configuration

The configuration file for the workflow user interface actions is located in the [dspace]/config/spring
/xmlui/ and is named "workflow-actions-xmlui.xml". BEach bean defined here has an id which is the action
identifier and the class is a classpath which links to the xmlui class responsible for generating the User Interface
side of the workflow action. Each of the class defined here must extend the
aspect.submission.workflow.AbstractXMLUIAction class, this class contains some basic settings for
an action and has a method called addWorkflowItemInformation() which will render the given item with a
show full link so you don't have to write the same code in each of your actions if you want to display the item.
The id attribute used for the beans in the configuration must correspond to the id used in the workflow
configuration. In case an action requires a User Interface class, the workflow framework will look for a UI class
in this configuration file.

/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.0.xsd http://www.springframework.

<bean id="{}" class="{classpath}" scope="prototype"/>

<bean id="{}" class="{classpath}" scope="prototype"/>

Currently, the authorizations are always granted and revoked based on the tasks that are available for certain
users and groups. The types of authorization policies that is granted for each of these is always the same:


The workflow uses a separate metadata schema named workflow. The fields this schema contains can be
found in the [dspace]/config/registries directory and in the file workflow-types.xml. This schema
is only used when using the score reviewing system at the moment, but one could always use this schema if
metadata is required for custom workflow steps.

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The following tables have been added to the DSpace database. All tables are prefixed with 'cwf_' to avoid any
confusion with the existing workflow related database tables:

The cwf_workflowitem table contains the different workflowitems in the workflow. This table has the following

workflowitem_id: The identifier of the workflowitem and primary key of this table
item_id: The identifier of the DSpace item to which this workflowitem refers.
collection_id: The collection to which this workflowitem is submitted.
multiple_titles: Specifies whether the submission has multiple titles (important for submission steps)
published_before: Specifies whether the submission has been published before (important for
submission steps)
multiple_files: Specifies whether the submission has multiple files attached (important for submission

The cwf_collectionrole table represents a workflow role for one collection. This type of role is the same as the
roles that existed in the original workflow meaning that for each collection a separate group is defined to
described the role. The cwf_collectionrole table has the following columns:

collectionrol_id: The identifier of the collectionrole and the primaty key of this table
role_id: The identifier/name used by the workflow configuration to refer to the collectionrole
collection_id: The collection identifier for which this collectionrole has been defined
group_id: The group identifier of the group that defines the collection role

The cwf_workflowitemrole table represents roles that are defined at the level of an item. These roles are
temporary roles and only exist during the execution of the workflow for that specific item. Once the item is
archived, the workflowitemrole is deleted. Multiple rows can exist for one workflowitem with e.g. one row
containing a group and a few containing epersons. All these rows together make up the workflowitemrole The
cwf_workflowitemrole table has the following columns:

workflowitemrole_id: The identifier of the workflowitemrole and the primaty key of this table
role_id: The identifier/name used by the workflow configuration to refer to the workflowitemrole
workflowitem_id: The cwf_workflowitem identifier for which this workflowitemrole has been defined
group_id: The group identifier of the group that defines the workflowitemrole role
eperson_id: The eperson identifier of the eperson that defines the workflowitemrole role

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The cwf_pooltask table represents the different task pools that exist for a workflowitem. These task pools can
be available at the beginning of a step and contain all the users that are allowed to claim a task in this step.
Multiple rows can exist for one task pool containing multiple groups and epersons. The cwf_pooltask table has
the following columns:

pooltask_id: The identifier of the pooltask and the primaty key of this table
workflowitem_id: The identifier of the workflowitem for which this task pool exists
workflow_id: The identifier of the workflow configuration used for this workflowitem
step_id: The identifier of the step for which this task pool was created
action_id: The identifier of the action that needs to be displayed/executed when the user selects the task
from the task pool
eperson_id: The identifier of an eperson that is part of the task pool
group_id: The identifier of a group that is part of the task pool

The cwf_claimtask table represents a task that has been claimed by a user. Claimed tasks can be assigned to
users or can be the result of a claim from the task pool. Because a step can contain multiple actions, the
claimed task defines the action at which the user has arrived in a particular step. This makes it possible to stop
working halfway the step and continue later. The cwf_claimtask table contains the following columns:

claimtask_id: The identifier of the claimtask and the primary key of this table
workflowitem_id: The identifier of the workflowitem for which this task exists
workflow_id: The id of the workflow configuration that was used for this workflowitem
step_id: The step that is currenlty processing the workflowitem
action_id: The action that should be executed by the owner of this claimtask
owner_id: References the eperson that is responsible for the execution of this task

The cwf_in_progess_user table keeps track of the different users that are performing a certain step. This table
is used because some steps might require multiple users to perform the step before the workflowitem can
proceed. The cwf_in_progress_user table contains the following columns:

in_progress_user_id: The identifier of the in progress user and the primary key of this table
workflowitem_id: The identifier of the workflowitem for which the user is performing or has performed the
user_id: The identifier of the eperson that is performing or has performe the task
finished: Keeps track of the fact that the user has finished the step or is still in progress of the execution

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Additional workflow steps/actions and features

Optional workflow steps: Select single reviewer workflow

This workflow makes it possible to assign a single user to review an item. This workflow configuration skips the
task pool option meaning that the assigned reviewer no longer needs to claim the task. The configuration
consists of the following 2 steps.

AssignStep: During the assignstep, a user has the ability to select a responsible user to review the
workflowitem. This means that for each workflowitem, a different user can be selected. Because a user is
assigned, the task pool is no longer required.
ReviewStep: The start of the reviewstep is different than the typical task pool. Instead of having a task
pool, the user will be automatically assigned to the task. However, the user still has the option to reject
the task (in case he or she is not responsible for the assigned task) or review the item. In case the user
rejects the task, the workflowitem will be sent to the another step in the workflow as an alternative to the
default outcome.

Optional workflow steps: Score review workflow

The score review system allows reviewers to give the reviewed item a rating. Depending on the results of the
rating, the item will be approved to go to the next workflow step or will be sent to an alternative step. The scrore
review workflow consists of the following 2 steps.

ScoreReviewStep: The group of responsible users for the score reviewing will be able to claim the task
from the taskpool. Dependingn on the configuration, a different number of users can be required to
execute the task. This means that the task will be available in the task pool until the required number of
users has at least claimed the task. Once everyone of them has finished the task, the next (automatic)
processing step is activated.
EvaluationStep: During the evaluationstep, no user interface is required. The workflow system will
automatically execute the step that evaluates the different scores. In case the average score is more
than a configurable percentage, the item is approved, otherwise it is rejected.

Workflow overview features

A new features has been added to the XML based workflow that resembles the features available in the JSPUI
of DSpace that allows administrators to abort workflowitems. The feature added to the XMLUI allows
administrators to look at the status of the different workflowitems and look for workflowitems based on the
collection to which they have been submitted. Besides that, the administrator has the ability to permanently
delete the workflowitem or send the item back to the submitter.

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Known Issues

Curation System
The DSpace 1.7 version of the curation system integration into the original DSpace workflow only exists in the
WorkflowManager.advance() method. Before advancing to the next workflow step or archiving the Item, a check
is performed to see whether any curation tasks need to be executed/scheduled. The problem is that this check
is based on the hardcoded workflow steps that exist in the original workflow. These hardcoded checks are done
in the WorkflowCurator and will need to be changed.

Existing issues

What happens with collection roles after config changes

What with workflowitems after config changes
What with undefined outcomes
Config checker
Configurable authorizations?

4.3.3 Importing and Exporting Content via Packages

Package Importer and Exporter
Supported Package Formats
Ingestion Modes & Options
Ingesting a Single Package
Ingesting Multiple Packages at Once
Restoring/Replacing using Packages
Default Restore Mode
Restore, Keep Existing Mode
Force Replace Mode
Disseminating a Single Object
Disseminating Multiple Objects at Once
Archival Information Packages (AIPs)
METS packages

Package Importer and Exporter

This command-line tool gives you access to the Packager plugins. It can ingest a package to create a new
DSpace Object (Community, Collection or Item), or disseminate a DSpace Object as a package.

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To see all the options, invoke it as:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager --help

This mode also displays a list of the names of package ingestion and dissemination plugins that are currently
installed in your DSpace. Each Packager plugin also may allow for custom options, which may provide you
more control over how a package is imported or exported. You can see a listing of all specific packager options
by invoking --help (or -h) with the --type (or -t) option:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager --help --type METS

The above example will display the normal help message, while also listing any additional options available to
the "METS" packager plugin.

Supported Package Formats

DSpace comes with several pre-configured package ingestion and dissemination plugins, which allow you to
import/export content in a variety of formats.

Pre-Configured Submission Package (SIP) Types

AIP - Ingests content which is in the DSpace Archival Information Package (AIP) format. This is used as
part of the DSpace AIP Backup and Restore process
DSPACE-ROLES - Ingests DSpace users/groups in the DSPACE-ROLES XML Schema. This is primarily
used by the DSpace AIP Backup and Restore process to ingest/replace DSpace Users & Groups.
METS - Ingests content which is in the DSpace METS SIP format
PDF - Ingests a single PDF file (where basic metadata is extracted from the file properties in the PDF

Pre-Configured Dissemination Package (DIP) Types

AIP - Exports content which is in the DSpace Archival Information Package (AIP) format. This is used as
part of the DSpace AIP Backup and Restore process
DSPACE-ROLES - Exports DSpace users/groups in the DSPACE-ROLES XML Schema. This is
primarily used by the DSpace AIP Backup and Restore process to export DSpace Users & Groups.
METS - Exports content in the DSpace METS SIP format

For a list of all package ingestion and dissemination plugins that are currently installed in your DSpace, you can

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager --help

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Some packages ingestion and dissemination plugins also have custom options/parameters. For example, to
see a listing of the custom options for the "METS" plugin, you can execute:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager --help --type METS


Ingestion Modes & Options

When ingesting packages DSpace supports several different "modes". (Please note that not all packager
plugins may support all modes of ingestion)

1. Submit/Ingest Mode (-s option, default) submit package to DSpace in order to create a new object(s)
2. Restore Mode (-r option) restore pre-existing object(s) in DSpace based on package(s). This also
attempts to restore all handles and relationships (parent/child objects). This is a specialized type of
"submit", where the object is created with a known Handle and known relationships.
3. Replace Mode (-r -f option) replace existing object(s) in DSpace based on package(s). This also
attempts to restore all handles and relationships (parent/child objects). This is a specialized type of
"restore" where the contents of existing object(s) is replaced by the contents in the AIP(s). By default, if a
normal "restore" finds the object already exists, it will back out (i.e. rollback all changes) and report which
object already exists.

Ingesting a Single Package

To ingest a single package from a file, give the command:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -e [user-email] -p [parent-handle] -t [packager-name] /full/path/to/pa


Where [user-email] is the e-mail address of the E-Person under whose authority this runs; [parent-handle] is the
Handle of the Parent Object into which the package is ingested, [packager-name] is the plugin name of the
package ingester to use, and /full/path/to/package is the path to the file to ingest (or "-" to read from the
standard input).

Here is an example that loads a PDF file with internal metadata as a package:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -e -p 4321/10 -t PDF thesis.pdf

This example takes the result of retrieving a URL and ingests it:

wget -O - | [dspace]/bin/dspace packager -e admin@myu.

edu -p 4321/10 -t PDF -

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Ingesting Multiple Packages at Once

Some Packager plugins support bulk ingest functionality using the --all (or -a) flag. When --all is used, the
packager will attempt to ingest all child packages referenced by the initial package (and continue on
recursively). Some examples follow:

For a Site-based package - this would ingest all Communities, Collections & Items based on the located
package files
For a Community-based package - this would ingest that Community and all SubCommunities,
Collections and Items based on the located package files
For a Collection - this would ingest that Collection and all contained Items based on the located package
For an Item this just ingest the Item (including all Bitstreams & Bundles) based on the package file.

Here is a basic example of a bulk ingest 'packager' command template:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -s -a -t AIP -e <eperson> -p <parent-handle> <file-path>

for example:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -s -a -t AIP -e -p 4321/12

The above command will ingest the package named "" as a child of the specified Parent Object
(handle="4321/12"). The resulting object is assigned a new Handle (since -s is specified). In addition, any child
packages directly referenced by "" are also recursively ingested (a new Handle is also
assigned for each child AIP).

Not All Packagers Support Bulk Ingest

Because the packager plugin must know how to locate all child packages from an initial package file,
not all plugins can support bulk ingest. Currently, in DSpace the following Packager Plugins support
bulk ingest capabilities:

METS Packager Plugin

AIP Packager Plugin

Restoring/Replacing using Packages

Restoring is slightly different than just ingesting. When restoring, the packager makes every attempt to restore
the object as it used to be (including its handle, parent object, etc.).

There are currently three restore modes:


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1. Default Restore Mode (-r) = Attempt to restore object (and optionally children). Rollback all changes if
any object is found to already exist.
2. Restore, Keep Existing Mode (-r -k) = Attempt to restore object (and optionally children). If an object is
found to already exist, skip over it (and all children objects), and continue to restore all other non-existing
3. Force Replace Mode (-r -f) = Restore an object (and optionally children) and overwrite any existing
objects in DSpace. Therefore, if an object is found to already exist in DSpace, its contents are replaced
by the contents of the package. WARNING: This mode is potentially dangerous as it will permanently
destroy any object contents that do not currently exist in the package. You may want to first perform a
backup, unless you are sure you know what you are doing!

Default Restore Mode

By default, the restore mode (-r option) will rollback all changes if any object is found to already exist. The user
will be informed if which object already exists within their DSpace installation.

Use this 'packager' command template:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -r -t AIP -e <eperson> <file-path>

For example:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -r -t AIP -e

Notice that unlike -s option (for submission/ingesting), the -r option does not require the Parent Object (-p
option) to be specified if it can be determined from the package itself.

In the above example, the package "" is restored to the DSpace installation with the Handle
provided within the package itself (and added as a child of the parent object specified within the package itself).
If the object is found to already exist, all changes are rolled back (i.e. nothing is restored to DSpace)
Restore, Keep Existing Mode
When the "Keep Existing" flag (-k option) is specified, the restore will attempt to skip over any objects found to
already exist. It will report to the user that the object was found to exist (and was not modified or changed). It
will then continue to restore all objects which do not already exist. This flag is most useful when attempting a
bulk restore (using the --all (or -a) option.

One special case to note: If a Collection or Community is found to already exist, its child objects are also
skipped over. So, this mode will not auto-restore items to an existing Collection.

Here's an example of how to use this 'packager' command:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -r -a -k -t AIP -e <eperson> <file-path>

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For example:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -r -a -k -t AIP -e

In the above example, the package "" is restored to the DSpace installation with the Handle
provided within the package itself (and added as a child of the parent object specified within the package itself).
In addition, any child packages referenced by "" are also recursively restored (the -a option
specifies to also restore all child pacakges). They are also restored with the Handles & Parent Objects provided
with their package. If any object is found to already exist, it is skipped over (child objects are also skipped). All
non-existing objects are restored.
Force Replace Mode
When the "Force Replace" flag (-f option) is specified, the restore will overwrite any objects found to already
exist in DSpace. In other words, existing content is deleted and then replaced by the contents of the package

Potential for Data Loss

Because this mode actually destroys existing content in DSpace, it is potentially dangerous and may
result in data loss! It is recommended to always perform a full backup (assetstore files & database)
before attempting to replace any existing object(s) in DSpace.

Here's an example of how to use this 'packager' command:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -r -f -t AIP -e <eperson> <file-path>

For example:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -r -f -t AIP -e

In the above example, the package "" is restored to the DSpace installation with the Handle
provided within the package itself (and added as a child of the parent object specified within the package itself).
In addition, any child packages referenced by "" are also recursively ingested. They are also
restored with the Handles & Parent Objects provided with their package. If any object is found to already exist,
its contents are replaced by the contents of the appropriate package.

If any error occurs, the script attempts to rollback the entire replacement process.

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Disseminating a Single Object

To disseminate a single object as a package, give the command:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -d -e [user-email] -i [handle] -t [packager-name] [file-path]

Where [user-email] is the e-mail address of the E-Person under whose authority this runs; [handle] is the
Handle of the Object to disseminate; [packager-name] is the plugin name of the package disseminator to use;
and [file-path] is the path to the file to create (or "-" to write to the standard output). For example:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -d -e -i 4321/4567 -t METS

The above code will export the object of the given handle (4321/4567) into a METS file named "".

Disseminating Multiple Objects at Once

To export an object hierarchy, use the -a (or --all) package parameter.

For example, use this 'packager' command template:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -d -a -e [user-email] -i [handle] -t [packager-name][file-path]

for example:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -d -a -t METS -e -i 4321/4567

The above code will export the object of the given handle (4321/4567) into a METS file named "". In
addition it would export all children objects to the same directory as the "" file.

Archival Information Packages (AIPs)

As of DSpace 1.7, DSpace now can backup and restore all of its contents as a set of AIP Files. This includes all
Communities, Collections, Items, Groups and People in the system.

This feature came out of a requirement for DSpace to better integrate with DuraCloud (
), and other backup storage systems. One of these requirements is to be able to essentially "backup" local
DSpace contents into the cloud (as a type of offsite backup), and "restore" those contents at a later time.

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Essentially, this means DSpace can export the entire hierarchy (i.e. bitstreams, metadata and relationships
between Communities/Collections/Items) into a relatively standard format (a METS-based, AIP format). This
entire hierarchy can also be re-imported into DSpace in the same format (essentially a restore of that content in
the same or different DSpace installation).

For more information, see the section on AIP backup & Restore for DSpace.

METS packages
Since DSpace 1.4 release, the software includes a package disseminator and matching ingester for the DSpace
METS SIP (Submission Information Package) format. They were created to help end users prepare sets of
digital resources and metadata for submission to the archive using well-defined standards such as METS,
MODS, and PREMIS. The plugin name is METS by default, and it uses MODS for descriptive metadata.

The DSpace METS SIP profile is available at: DSpaceMETSSIPProfile

4.3.4 Importing and Exporting Items via Simple Archive Format

Item Importer and Exporter
DSpace Simple Archive Format
Configuring metadata_[prefix].xml for Different Schema
Importing Items
Adding Items to a Collection from a directory
Adding Items to a Collection from a zipfile
Replacing Items in Collection
Deleting or Unimporting Items in a Collection
Other Options
UI Batch Import (JSPUI)
UI Batch Import (XMLUI)
Exporting Items

Item Importer and Exporter

DSpace has a set of command line tools for importing and exporting items in batches, using the DSpace Simple
Archive Format. Apart from the offered functionality, these tools serve as an example for users who aim to
implement their own item importer.

DSpace Simple Archive Format

The basic concept behind the DSpace's Simple Archive Format is to create an archive, which is a directory
containing one subdirectory per item. Each item directory contains a file for the item's descriptive metadata, and
the files that make up the item.


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dublin_core.xml -- qualified Dublin Core metadata for metadata fields belonging to
the dc schema
metadata_[prefix].xml -- metadata in another schema, the prefix is the name of the
schema as registered with the metadata registry
contents -- text file containing one line per filename
collections -- text file that contains the handles of the collections the
item will belong two. Optional. Each handle in a row.
-- Collection in first line will be the owning collection
file_1.doc -- files to be added as bitstreams to the item

The dublin_core.xml or metadata_[prefix].xml file has the following format, where each metadata
element has it's own entry within a <dcvalue> tagset. There are currently three tag attributes available in the
<dcvalue> tagset:

<element> - the Dublin Core element

<qualifier> - the element's qualifier
<language>- (optional)ISO language code for element

<dcvalue element="title" qualifier="none">A Tale of Two Cities</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="date" qualifier="issued">1990</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="title" qualifier="alternative" language="fr">J'aime les Printemps<

(Note the optional language tag attribute which notifies the system that the optional title is in French.)

Every metadata field used, must be registered via the metadata registry of the DSpace instance first, see
Metadata and Bitstream Format Registries.

Recommended Metadata

It is recommended to minimally provide "dc.title" and, where applicable, "". Obviously

you can (and should) provide much more detailed metadata about the Item. For more information see:
Metadata Recommendations.

The contents file simply enumerates, one file per line, the bitstream file names. See the following example:

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Please notice that the license is optional, and if you wish to have one included, you can place the file in the ...
/item_001/ directory, for example.

The bitstream name may optionally be followed by any of the following:


Where '\t' is the tab character.

'BUNDLENAME' is the name of the bundle to which the bitstream should be added. Without specifying the
bundle, items will go into the default bundle, ORIGINAL.

'PERMISSIONS' is text with the following format: -[r|w] 'group name'

'DESCRIPTION' is text of the files description.

Primary is used to specify the primary bitstream.

Configuring metadata_[prefix].xml for Different Schema

It is possible to use other Schema such as EAD, VRA Core, etc. Make sure you have defined the new scheme
in the DSpace Metada Schema Registry.

1. Create a separate file for the other schema named metadata_[prefix].xml, where the [prefix] is
replaced with the schema's prefix.
2. Inside the xml file use the dame Dublin Core syntax, but on the <dublin_core> element include the
attribute schema=[prefix].
3. Here is an example for ETD metadata, which would be in the file metadata_etd.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<dublin_core schema="etd">
<dcvalue element="degree" qualifier="department">Computer Science</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="degree" qualifier="level">Masters</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="degree" qualifier="grantor">Michigan Institute of Technology</dcvalue>

Importing Items
Before running the item importer over items previously exported from a DSpace instance, please first refer to
Transferring Items Between DSpace Instances.

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Command used: [dspace]/bin/dspace import

Java class:

Arguments short and (long) forms: Description

-a or --add Add items to DSpace

-r or --replace Replace items listed in mapfile

-d or --delete Delete items listed in mapfile

-s or --source Source of the items (directory)

-c or --collection Destination Collection by their Handle or database ID

-m or --mapfile Where the mapfile for items can be found (name and directory)

-e or --eperson Email of eperson doing the importing

-w or --workflow Send submission through collection's workflow

-n or --notify Kicks off the email alerting of the item(s) has(have) been imported

-t or --test Test run do not actually import items

-p or --template Apply the collection template

-R or --resume Resume a failed import (Used on Add only)

-h or --help Command help

-z or --zip Name of zipfile

These are mutually exclusive.

The item importer is able to batch import unlimited numbers of items for a particular collection using a very
simple CLI command and 'arguments'

Adding Items to a Collection from a directory

To add items to a collection, you gather the following information:

Collection ID (either Handle (e.g. 123456789/14) or Database ID (e.g. 2)
Source directory where the items reside
Mapfile. Since you don't have one, you need to determine where it will be (e.g. /Import/Col_14/mapfile)
At the command line:

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[dspace]/bin/dspace import --add --collection=CollectionID --

source=items_dir --mapfile=mapfile

or by using the short form:

[dspace]/bin/dspace import -a -e -c CollectionID -s items_dir -m mapfile

The above command would cycle through the archive directory's items, import them, and then generate a map
file which stores the mapping of item directories to item handles. SAVE THIS MAP FILE. Using the map file you
can use it for replacing or deleting (unimporting) the file.

Testing. You can add --test (or -t) to the command to simulate the entire import process without actually
doing the import. This is extremely useful for verifying your import files before doing the actual import.

Adding Items to a Collection from a zipfile

To add items to a collection, you gather the following information:

Collection ID (either Handle (e.g. 123456789/14) or Database ID (e.g. 2)
Source directory where your zipfile containing the items resides
Mapfile. Since you don't have one, you need to determine where it will be (e.g. /Import/Col_14/mapfile)
At the command line:

[dspace]/bin/dspace import --add --collection=CollectionID --

source=items_dir --mapfile=mapfile

or by using the short form:

[dspace]/bin/dspace import -a -e -c CollectionID -s items_dir -z -m


The above command would unpack the zipfile, cycle through the archive directory's items, import them, and
then generate a map file which stores the mapping of item directories to item handles. SAVE THIS MAP FILE.
Using the map file you can use it for replacing or deleting (unimporting) the file.

Testing. You can add --test (or -t) to the command to simulate the entire import process without actually
doing the import. This is extremely useful for verifying your import files before doing the actual import.

Replacing Items in Collection

Replacing existing items is relatively easy. Remember that mapfile you were supposed to save? Now you will
use it. The command (in short form):

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[dspace]/bin/dspace import -r -e -c collectionID -s items_dir -m mapfile

Long form:

[dspace]/bin/dspace import --replace --collection=collectionID --

source=items_dire --mapfile=mapfile

Deleting or Unimporting Items in a Collection

You are able to unimport or delete items provided you have the mapfile. Remember that mapfile you were
supposed to save? The command is (in short form):

[dspace]/bin/dspace import -e -d -m mapfile

In long form:

[dspace]/bin/dspace import --delete --mapfile mapfile

Other Options

Workflow. The importer usually bypasses any workflow assigned to a collection. But add the --
workflow (-w) argument will route the imported items through the workflow system.

Templates. If you have templates that have constant data and you wish to apply that data during batch
importing, add the --template (-p) argument.

Resume. If, during importing, you have an error and the import is aborted, you can use the --resume (-
R) flag that you can try to resume the import where you left off after you fix the error.
Specifying the owning collection on a per-item basis from the command line administration tool
If you omit the -c flag, which is otherwise mandatory, the ItemImporter searches for a file named
"collections" in each item directory. This file should contain a list of collections, one per line, specified
either by their handle, or by their internal db id. The ItemImporter then will put the item in each of the
specified collections. The owning collection is the collection specified in the first line of the collections file.
If both the -c flag is specified and the collections file exists in the item directory, the ItemImporter will
ignore the collections file and will put the item in the collection specified on the command line.
Since the collections file can differ between item directories, this gives you more fine-grained control of
the process of batch adding items to collections.
Importing with BTE
The DSpaceOutputGenerator, which writes the metadata into the DSpace Simple Archive Format, has
been updated to produce the collections file, if a metadata field named "collections" (reserved word)

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exists in the original metadata. This is mainly applicable to the CSV input format which is more flexible,
but could also be implemented with a Modifier that adds the "collections" field to each Record in the BTE
Important note: an entry with the "collections" key should be in the output map that is used by the
More info in Importing Items via basic bibliographic formats (Endnote, BibTex, RIS, TSV, CSV) and
online services (OAI, arXiv, PubMed, CrossRef, CiNii).

UI Batch Import (JSPUI)

Batch import can also take place via the Administrator's UI. The steps to follow are:

A. Prepare the data

1. Items, i.e. the metadata and their bitstreams, must be in the Simple Archive Format describer earlier in
this chapter. Thus, for each item there must be a separate directory that contains the corresponding files
of the specific item.
2. Moreover, in each item directory, there can be another file that describes the collection or the collections
that this item will be added to. The name of this file must be "collections" and it is optional. It has the
following format:

Each line contains the handle of the collection. The collection in the first line is the owning collection
while the rest are the other collection the item should belong to.
3. Compress the item directories into a zip file. Please note that you need to zip the actual item directories
and not just the directory that contains the item directories. Thus, the final zip file must directly contain
the item directories.
4. Place the zip file in a public domain URL, like Dropbox or Google Drive or wherever you have access to
do so. Since such a zip file can be very big in size, the batch import UI needs the URL to download it for
a public location rather than just upload it and get a timeout exception

B. Import the items via the UI

1. Login as an administrator
2. Find the menu on the top right of the page, and select the "Administer" option

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3. Select the "Batch Import" option from the "Content" drop down menu on the top of the page

4. Fill in the form that appears as follows:

Field #1: select the type of the input data that you want to batch import. Be sure to select "Simple Archive
Format" in this drop down menu
Field #2: Copy/Paste the public URL where the zip file mentioned earlier is located
Filed #3: Select the owning collection of the items you are importing. This field is optional meaning that if
you leave it empty, you are supposed to include per item collection information (via the "collections" file
mentioned before) in the Simple Archive Format
Field #4: Select the other collections the item will belong to. You can select more than one collection by
just holding down the Ctrl key on your keyboard. If you select the owning collection in this multiselect
input control, it will be ignored at the very end.

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1) If you select an owning collection from this form, then the "collections" file that may be included in the item
will be ignored.

2) If you do not specify an owning collection, and for some items no "collections" file exists in the item directory,
then the item will not be imported in DSpace

Finally, when you submit the form you will receive a message informing you that the import process is being
executed in the background (since it may take long). At the end, you will receive a success or failure email (to
the email address of your DSpace account) informing you of the status of the import.

C. View past batch imports (that have be done via the UI)

1. Login
2. Visit "My DSpace" page


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3. On the next page, you can see the history of batch imports. For each import, the following information is

The status of the batch import (success or failure)

The number of items that the user tried to import
The number of items that were actually imported

Moreover, the user can take the following actions:

Download the map file that was produced during the import. This file contains a list of items that were
imported with the corresponding handle assigned to them by DSpace.
Delete the imported items. Everything that was imported will be deleted (including the history directory in
the "[dspace]/import" directory)
In case of failure, the user can "Resume" the import. The user is taken to the upload form again, but the
system recognizes the initial import (and the map file) in order to resume the old import. There is a red
label in the form that informs the user about the "Resume" form.

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UI Batch Import (XMLUI)

A SimpleArchiveFormat package can be imported by an administrator in XMLUI. The SimpleArchiveFormat
package needs to be compressed into a ZIP file, and it be will be uploaded to XMLUI through the browser.
DSpace will then process that ZIP, and ingest items into DSpace. A stable network connection is
recommended, as your browser will need to upload a potentially large ZIP file, and then wait while DSpace
processes that ZIP file.

While logged in as an administrator, click on Batch Import (ZIP):

Then, choose the owning collection from the collection dropdown, and browse to the ZIP file on your computer
that has the SimpleArchiveFormat ZIP file.

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If successful, you will get a green message with a list of handles that were imported. It is what is considered the
"map file".

If an error occurred, you will get a red error message with the issue:

Exporting Items
The item exporter can export a single item or a collection of items, and creates a DSpace simple archive in the
aforementioned format for each exported item. The items are exported in a sequential order in which they are
retrieved from the database. As a consequence, the sequence numbers of the item subdirectories (item_000,
item_001) are not related to DSpace handle or item ids.

Command [dspace]/bin/dspace export


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Java class:

Arguments Description
short and
(long) forms:

-t or -- Type of export. COLLECTION will inform the program you want the whole collection. ITEM will
type be only the specific item. (You will actually key in the keywords in all caps. See examples

-i or --id The ID or Handle of the Collection or Item to export.

-d or -- The destination path where you want the file of items to be placed.

-n or -- Sequence number to begin export the items with. Whatever number you give, this will be the
number name of the first directory created for your export. The layout of the export directory is the
same as the layout used for import.

-m or -- Export the item/collection for migration. This will remove the handle and metadata that will be
migrate re-created in the new instance of DSpace.

-x or -- Do not export bitstreams, see the usage scenario below.


-h or -- Brief Help.

Exporting a Collection

The CLI command to export the items of a collection:

[dspace]/bin/dspace export --type=COLLECTION --id=collectionID_or_handle --dest=/path/to

/destination --number=seq_num

Short form:

[dspace]/bin/dspace export -t COLLECTION -i collectionID_or_handle -d /path/to/destination -n


Exporting a Single Item

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The keyword COLLECTION means that you intend to export an entire collection. The ID can either be the
database ID or the handle. The exporter will begin numbering the simple archives with the sequence number
that you supply. To export a single item use the keyword ITEM and give the item ID as an argument:

[dspace]/bin/dspace export --type=ITEM --id=itemID_or_handle --dest=/path/to/destination --


Short form:

[dspace]/bin/dspace export -t ITEM -i itemID_or_handle -d /path/to/destination -n seq_num

Each exported item will have an additional file in its directory, named "handle". This will contain the handle that
was assigned to the item, and this file will be read by the importer so that items exported and then imported to
another machine will retain the item's original handle.

The -m Argument

Using the -m argument will export the item/collection and also perform the migration step. It will perform the
same process that the next section Exchanging Content Between Repositories performs. We recommend that
section to be read in conjunction with this flag being used.

The -x Argument

Using the -x argument will do the standard export except for the bitstreams which will not be exported. If you
have full SAF without bitstreams and you have the bitstreams archive (which might have been imported into
DSpace earlier) somewhere near, you could symlink original archive files into SAF directories and have an
exported collection which almost doesn't occupy any space but otherwise is identical to the exported collection
(i.e. could be imported into DSpace). In case of huge collections -x mode might be substantially faster than full

4.3.5 Registering Bitstreams via Simple Archive Format

Accessible Storage
Registering Items Using the Item Importer
Internal Identification and Retrieval of Registered Items
Exporting Registered Items
Deleting Registered Items

Registering is not Importing

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The procedures below will not import the actual bitstreams into DSpace. They will merely inform
DSpace of an existing location where these Bitstreams can be found. Please refer to Importing and
Exporting Items via Simple Archive Format for information on importing metadata and bitstreams.

Registration is an alternate means of incorporating items, their metadata, and their bitstreams into DSpace by
taking advantage of the bitstreams already being in storage accessible to DSpace. An example might be that
there is a repository for existing digital assets. Rather than using the normal interactive ingest process or the
batch import to furnish DSpace the metadata and to upload bitstreams, registration provides DSpace the
metadata and the location of the bitstreams. DSpace uses a variation of the import tool to accomplish

Accessible Storage
To register an item its bitstreams must reside on storage accessible to DSpace and therefore referenced by an
asset store number in dspace.cfg. The configuration file dspace.cfg establishes one or more asset stores
through the use of an integer asset store number. This number relates to a directory in the DSpace host's file
system or a set of SRB account parameters. This asset store number is described in The dspace.cfg
Configuration Properties File section and in the dspace.cfg file itself. The asset store number(s) used for
registered items should generally not be the value of the assetstore.incoming property since it is unlikely that
you will want to mix the bitstreams of normally ingested and imported items and registered items.

Registering Items Using the Item Importer

DSpace uses the same import tool that is used for batch import except that several variations are employed to
support registration. The discussion that follows assumes familiarity with the import tool.

The DSpace Simple Archive Format for registration does not include the actual content files (bitstreams) being
registered. The format is however a directory full of items to be registered, with a subdirectory per item. Each
item directory contains a file for the item's descriptive metadata (dublin_core.xml) and a file listing the item's
content files (contents), but not the actual content files themselves.

The dublin_core.xml file for item registration is exactly the same as for regular item import.

The contents file, like that for regular item import, lists the item's content files, one content file per line, but each
line has the one of the following formats:

-r -s n -f filepath
-r -s n -f filepath\tbundle:bundlename
-r -s n -f filepath\tbundle:bundlename\tpermissions: -[r|w] 'group name'
-r -s n -f filepath\tbundle:bundlename\tpermissions: -[r|w] 'group name'\tdescription: some text


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-r indicates this is a file to be registered

-s n indicates the asset store number (n)
-f filepath indicates the path and name of the content file to be registered (filepath)
\t is a tab character
bundle:bundlename is an optional bundle name
permissions: -[r|w] 'group name' is an optional read or write permission that can be attached
to the bitstream
description: some text is an optional description field to add to the file
The bundle, that is everything after the filepath, is optional and is normally not used.

The command line for registration is just like the one for regular import:

[dspace]/bin/dspace import -a -e -c collectionID -s items_dir -m mapfile

(or by using the long form)

[dspace]/bin/dspace import --add --collection=collectionID --

source=items_dir --map=mapfile

The --workflow and --test flags will function as described in Importing Items.

The --delete flag will function as described in Importing Items but the registered content files will not be
removed from storage. See Deleting Registered Items.

The --replace flag will function as described in Importing Items but care should be taken to consider different
cases and implications. With old items and new items being registered or ingested normally, there are four
combinations or cases to consider. Foremost, an old registered item deleted from DSpace using --replace
will not be removed from the storage. See Deleting Registered Items. where is resides. A new item added to
DSpace using --replace will be ingested normally or will be registered depending on whether or not it is
marked in the contents files with the -r.

Internal Identification and Retrieval of Registered Items

Once an item has been registered, superficially it is indistinguishable from items ingested interactively or by
batch import. But internally there are some differences:

First, the randomly generated internal ID is not used because DSpace does not control the file path and name
of the bitstream. Instead, the file path and name are that specified in the contents file.

Second, the store_number column of the bitstream database row contains the asset store number specified in
the contents file.

Third, the internal_id column of the bitstream database row contains a leading flag (-R) followed by the
registered file path and name. For example, -Rfilepath where filepath is the file path and name relative to

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the asset store corresponding to the asset store number. The asset store could be traditional storage in the
DSpace server's file system or an SRB account.

Fourth, an MD5 checksum is calculated by reading the registered file if it is in local storage.

Registered items and their bitstreams can be retrieved transparently just like normally ingested items.

Exporting Registered Items

Registered items may be exported as described in Exporting Items. If so, the export directory will contain actual
copies of the files being exported but the lines in the contents file will flag the files as registered. This means
that if DSpace items are "round tripped" (see Transferring Items Between DSpace Instances) using the exporter
and importer, the registered files in the export directory will again registered in DSpace instead of being
uploaded and ingested normally.

Deleting Registered Items

If a registered item is deleted from DSpace, (either interactively or by using the --delete or --replace flags
described in Importing and Exporting Items via Simple Archive Format) the item will disappear from DSpace but
its registered content files will remain in place just as they were prior to registration. Bitstreams not registered
but added by DSpace as part of registration, such as license.txt files, will be deleted.

4.3.6 Importing Items via basic bibliographic formats (Endnote,

BibTex, RIS, TSV, CSV) and online services (OAI, arXiv, PubMed,
CrossRef, CiNii)
These facilities were developed separately for JSPUI and XMLUI.

About the Biblio-Transformation-Engine (BTE)
BTE in DSpace
BTE Configuration
UI for administrators
Case Studies
Abstraction of input format
Transformation to DSpace item
Relation with BTE
Implementation of an import source
Inherited methods
Metadata mapping

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According to the discussion in DS-2876-Framework to better support metadata import from external
sourcesClosed, DSpace 6 is very likely the last version where imports through BTE are supported. In
future versions, it is likely that 2016 Framework for live import from external sources will be extended
to match and exceed all functionality offered by BTE enabled imports.


This functionality is an extension of that provided by Importing and Exporting Items via Simple Archive
Format so please read that section before continuing. It is underpinned by the Biblio Transformation
Engine ( )

About the Biblio-Transformation-Engine (BTE)

The BTE is a Java framework developed by the Hellenic National Documentation Centre (EKT, )
and consists of programmatic APIs for filtering and modifying records that are retrieved from various types of
data sources (eg. databases, files, legacy data sources) as well as for outputing them in appropriate standards
formats (eg. database files, txt, xml, Excel). The framework includes independent abstract modules that are
executed seperately, offering in many cases alternative choices to the user depending of the input data set, the
transformation workflow that needs to be executed and the output format that needs to be generated.

The basic idea behind the BTE is a standard workflow that consists of three steps, a data loading step, a
processing step (record filtering and modification) and an output generation. A data loader provides the system
with a set of Records, the processing step is responsible for filtering or modifying these records and the output
generator outputs them in the appropriate format.

The standard BTE version offers several predefined Data Loaders as well as Output Generators for basic
bibliographic formats. However, Spring Dependency Injection can be utilized to load custom data loaders,
filters, modifiers and output generators.

BTE in DSpace
The functionality of batch importing items in DSpace using the BTE has been incorporated in the
"import" script already used in DSpace for years.

In the import script, there is a new option (option "-b") to import using the BTE and an option -i to declare the
type of the input format. All the other options are the same apart from option "-s" that in this case points to a file
(and not a directory as it used to) that is the file of the input data. However, in the case of batch BTE import, the
option "-s" is not obligatory since you can configure the input from the Spring XML configuration file discussed
later on. Keep in mind, that if option "-s" is defined, import will take that option into consideration instead of the

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one defined in the Spring XML configuration.

Thus, to import metadata from the various input formats use the following commands:

Input Command

BibTeX [dspace]/bin/dspace import -b -m mapFile -e -c

(*.bib) 123456789/1 -s path-to-my-bibtex-file -i bibtex

CSV (*. [dspace]/bin/dspace import -b -m mapFile -e -c

csv) 123456789/1 -s path-to-my-csv-file -i csv

TSV (*. [dspace]/bin/dspace import -b -m mapFile -e -c

tsv) 123456789/1 -s path-to-my-tsv-file -i tsv

RIS (*. [dspace]/bin/dspace import -b -m mapFile -e -c

ris) 123456789/1 -s path-to-my-ris-file -i ris

EndNote [dspace]/bin/dspace import -b -m mapFile -e -c

123456789/1 -s path-to-my-endnote-file -i endnote

OAI-PMH [dspace]/bin/dspace import -b -m mapFile -e -c

123456789/1 -s path-to-my-oai-file -i oai

arXiv [dspace]/bin/dspace import -b -m mapFile -e -c

123456789/1 -s path-to-my-arxiv-file -i arxivXML

PubMed [dspace]/bin/dspace import -b -m mapFile -e -c

123456789/1 -s path-to-my-pubmed-file -i pubmedXML

CrossRef [dspace]/bin/dspace import -b -m mapFile -e -c

123456789/1 -s path-to-my-crossref-file -i crossrefXML

CiNii [dspace]/bin/dspace import -b -m mapFile -e -c

123456789/1 -s path-to-my-crossref-file -i ciniifXML

Keep in mind that the value of the "-e" option must be a valid email of a DSpace user and value of the "-c"
option must be the target collection handle. Attached, you can find a .zip file ( that includes
examples of the file formats that are mentioned above.

BTE Configuration
The basic idea behind BTE is that the system holds the metadata in an internal format using a specific key for
each metadata field. DataLoaders load the record using the aforementioned keys, while the output generator
needs to map these keys to DSpace metadata fields.

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The BTE configuration file is located in path: [dspace]/config/spring/api/bte.xml and it's a Spring
XML configuration file that consists of Java beans. (If these terms are unknown to you, please refer to Spring
Dependency Injection web site for more information.)

Explanation of beans:

<bean id="" />

This is the top level bean that describes the service of the batch import from the various external metadata
formats. It accepts three properties:

a) dataLoaders: a list of all the possible data loaders that are supported. Keep in mind that for each data loader
we specify a key that can be used as the value of option "-i" in the import script that we mentioned earlier. Here
is the point where you would add a new custom DataLoader in case the default ones doesn't match your needs.

b) outputMap: a Map between the internal keys that BTE service uses to hold metadata and the DSpace
metadata fields. (See later on, how data loaders specify the keys that BTE uses to hold the metadata)

c) transformationEngine: the BTE transformation engine that actually consisits of the processing steps that
will be applied to metadata during their import to DSpace

<bean id="batchImportTransformationEngine" />

This bean is instantiated when the batch import takes place. It deploys a new BTE transformation engine that
will do the transformation from one format to the other. It needs one input argument, the workflow (the
processing step mentioned before) that will run when transformation takes place. Normally, you don't need to
modify this bean.

<bean id="batchImportLinearWorkflow" />

This bean describes the processing steps. Currently, there are no processing steps meaning that all records
loaded by the data loader will pass to the output generator, unfiltered and unmodified. ( See next section "Case
studies" for info about how to add a filter or a modifier )

<bean id="bibTeXDataLoader" />

<bean id="csvDataLoader" />
<bean id="tsvDataLoader" />
<bean id="risDataLoader" />
<bean id="endnoteDataLoader" />
<bean id="pubmedFileDataLoader" />
<bean id="arXivFileDataLoader" />
<bean id="crossRefFileDataLoader" />
<bean id="oaipmhDataLoader" />

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These data loaders are of two types: "file" data loaders and "online" data loaders. The first 8 of them belong to
file data loaders while the last one (OAI data loader) is an online one.

The file data loaders have the following properties:

a) filename: it is a String that specifies the filepath to the file that the loader will read data from. If you specify
this property, you do not need to give the option "-s" to the import script in the command prompt. If you,
however, specify this property and you also provide a "-s" option in the command line, the option "-s" will be
taken into consideration by the data loader.

b) fieldMap: it is a map that specifies the mapping between the keys that hold the metadata in the input file and
the ones that we want to have internal in the BTE. This mapping is very important because the internal keys
need to be declared in the "outputMap" of the "DataLoadeService" bean. Be aware that each data loader has
each own input file keys. For example, RIS loader uses the keys "T1, AU, SO ... " while the TSV or CSV use the
index number of the column that the value resides.

Some loaders have more properties:

CSV and TSV (which is actually a CSV loader if you look carefully the class value of the bean) loaders have
some more properties:

a) skipLines: A number that specifies the first line of the file that loader will start reading data. For example, if
you have a csv file that the first row contains the column names, and the second row is empty, the the value of
this property must be 2 so as the loader starts reading from row 2 (starting from 0 row). The default value for
this property is 0.

b) separator: A value to specify the separator between the values in the same row in order to make the
columns. For example, in a TSV data loader this value is "\u0009" which is the "Tab" character. The default
value is "," and that is why the CSV data loader doesn't need to specify this property.

c) quoteChar: This property specifies the quote character used in the CSV file. The default value is the double
quote character (").

The OAIPMHDataLoader has the following properties:

a) fieldMap: Same as above, the mapping between the input keys holding the metadata and the ones that we
want to have internal in BTE.

b) serverAddress: The base address of the OAI provider (server). Base address can be specified also in the "-
s" option of the command prompt. If is specified in both places, the one specified from the command line is

c) prefix: The metadata prefix to be used in OAI requests.

Since DSpace administrators may have incorporated their own metadata schema within DSpace (apart from the
default Dublin Core schema), they may need to configure BTE to match their custom schemas.

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So, in case you need to process more metadata fields than those that are specified by default, you need to
change the data loader configuration and the output map.

I can see more beans in the configuration file that are not explained above. Why is this?

The configuration file hosts options for two services. BatchImport service and SubmissionLookup
service. Thus, some beans that are not used for the latter, are not mentioned in this documentation.
However, since both services are based on the BTE, some beans are used by both services.

UI for administrators
Batch import of files can be done via the administrative UI. While logged in as administrator, visit "Administer"
link and then, under the "Content" drop down menu, choose "Batch import metadata (BTE)"

In the screen that follows, select the file to upload, select the data type of the file to be uploaded (bibtex, csv,
etc.) and finally, select the collections the data need to be inserted to.

Keep in mind, that the type drop down menu includes all the supported data loaders declared in the
configuration XML file that are of type "file". Thus, OAI data loader is not included in this list and in case you
need to create your own data loader you are advised to extend the "FileDataLoader" abstract class rather than
implement the "DataLoade" interface, as mentioned in previous paragraph.

The whole procedure can take long time to complete, in case of large input files, so the whole procedure runs in
the background in a separate thread. When the thread is completed (either successfully or erroneously), the
user is informed via email for the status of the import.

Case Studies
1) I have my data in a format different from the ones that are supported by this functionality. What can I

Either you try to easily transform your data to one of the supported formats or you need to create a new data
loader. To do this, create a new Java class that implements the following Java interface from BTE:

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You will need to implement the following method:

public RecordSet getRecords() throws MalformedSourceException

in which you have to create records - most probably you will need to create your own Record class (by
implementing the gr.ekt.bte.core.Record interface) and fill a RecordSet. Feel free to add whatever code you like
in this method, even to read data from multiple sources. All you need is just to return a RecordSet of Records.

You may also extend the abstract class


if you want to create a "file" data loader in which you need to pass a filepath to the file that the loader will read
the data from. Normally, a simple data loader is enough for the system to work, but file data loaders are also
utilized in the administration UI discussed later in this documentation.

After that, you will need to declare the new DataLoader in the Spring XML configuration file (in the bean with
id=" ") using your own unique key. Use this key as a value
for option "-i" in the batch import in order to specify that the specific data loader must run.

2) I need to filter some of the input records or modify some value from records before outputting them

In this case you will need to create your own filters and modifiers.

To create a new filter, you need to extend the following BTE abstact class:


You will need to implement the following method:

public abstract boolean isIncluded ( Record record )

Return false if the specified record needs to be filtered, otherwise return true.

To create a new modifier, you need to extend the following BTE abstact class:


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You will need to implement the following method:

public abstract Record modify ( Record record )

within you can make any changes you like in the record. You can use the Record methods to get the values for
a specific key and load new ones (For the later, you need to make the Record mutable)

After you create your own filters or modifiers you need to add them in the Spring XML configuration file as in the
following example:

<bean id="customfilter" class="org.mypackage.MyFilter" />

<bean id="batchImportLinearWorkflow" class="gr.ekt.bte.core.LinearWorkflow">

<property name="process">
<ref bean="customfilter" />

You can add as many filters and modifiers you like to batchImportLinearWorkflow , they will run the one after
the other in the specified order.

Abstraction of input format
Transformation to DSpace item
Relation with BTE
Implementation of an import source
Inherited methods
Metadata mapping

This documentation explains the features and the usage of the importer framework.


Look up publications from remote sources.

Support for multiple implementations.

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Abstraction of input format

The importer framework does not enforce a specific input format. Each importer implementation defines which
input format it expects from a remote source. The import framework uses generics to achieve this. Each
importer implementation will have a type set of the record type it receives from the remote source's response.
This type set will also be used by the framework to use the correct MetadataFieldMapping for a certain
implementation. Read Implementation of an import source for more information.

Transformation to DSpace item

The framework produces an 'ImportRecord' that is completely decoupled from DSPace. It contains a set of
metadata DTO's that contain the notion of schema,element and qualifier. The specific implementation is
responsible for populating this set. It is then very simple to create a DSPace item from this list.

Relation with BTE

While there is some overlap between this framework and BTE, this framework supports some features that are
hard to implement using the BTE. It has explicit support to deal with network failure and throttling imposed by
the data source. It also has explicit support for distinguishing between network caused errors and invalid
requests to the source. Furthermore the framework doesn't impose any restrictions on the format in which the
data is retrieved. It uses java generics to support different source record types. A reference implementation of
using XML records is provided for which a set of metadata can be generated from any xpath expression (or
composite of xpath expressions). Unless 'advanced' processing is necessary (e.g. lookup of authors in an LDAP
directory) this metadata mapping can be simply configured using spring. No code changes necessary. A
mixture of advanced and simple (xpath) mapping is also possible.

This design is also in line with the roadmap to create a Modular Framework as detailed in https://wiki.duraspace.
org/display/DSPACE/Design+-+Module+Framework+and+Registry This modular design also allows it to be
completely independent of the user interface layer, be it JSPUI, XMLUI, command line or the result of the new
UI projects:

Implementation of an import source

Each importer implementation must at least implement interface org.dspace.importer.external.service.other.
Imports and implement the inherited methods.

One can also choose to implement class org.dspace.importer.external.service.other.Source next to the Imports
interface. This class contains functionality to handle request timeouts and to retry requests.

A third option is to implement class org.dspace.importer.external.service.AbstractImportSourceService. This

class already implements both the Imports interface and Source class. AbstractImportSourceService has a
generic type set 'RecordType'. In the importer implementation this type set should be the class of the records
received from the remote source's response (e.g. when using axiom to get the records from the remote source's
XML response, the importer implementation's type set is

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Implementing the AbstractImportSourceService allows the importer implementation to use the framework's build-
in support to transform a record received from the remote source to an object of class org.dspace.importer.
external.datamodel.ImportRecord containing DSpace metadata fields, as explained here: Metadata mapping.

Inherited methods
Method getImportSource() should return a unique identifier. Importer implementations should not be called
directly, but class org.dspace.importer.external.service.ImportService should be called instead. This class
contains the same methods as the importer implementatons, but with an extra parameter 'url'. This url
parameter should contain the same identifier that is returned by the getImportSource() method of the importer
implementation you want to use.

The other inherited methods are used to query the remote source.

Metadata mapping
When using an implementation of AbstractImportSourceService, a mapping of remote record fields to DSpace
metadata fields can be created. First create an implementation of class AbstractMetadataFieldMapping with the
same type set used for the importer implementation. Then create a Spring configuration file in [dspace.dir]/config
/spring/api. Each DSpace metadata field that will be used for the mapping must first be configured as a spring
bean of class org.dspace.importer.external.metadatamapping.MetadataFieldConfig.

<bean id="dc.title" class="org.dspace.importer.external.metadatamapping.MetadataFieldConfig">

<constructor-arg value="dc.title"/>

Now this metadata field can be used to create a mapping. To add a mapping for the "dc.title" field declared
above, a new spring bean configuration of a class class org.dspace.importer.external.metadatamapping.
contributor.MetadataContributor needs to be added. This interface contains a type argument. The type needs to
match the type used in the implementation of AbstractImportSourceService. The responsibility of each
MetadataContributor implementation is to generate a set of metadata from the retrieved document. How it does
that is completely opaque to the AbstractImportSourceService but it is assumed that only one entity (i.e. item) is
fed to the metadatum contributor.

For example java SimpleXpathMetadatumContributor implements

MetadataContributor<OMElement> can parse a fragment of xml and generate one or more metadata

This bean expects 2 property values:

field: A reference to the configured spring bean of the DSpace metadata field. e.g. the "dc.title" bean
declared above.
query: The xpath expression used to select the record value returned by the remote source.

<bean id="titleContrib" class="org.dspace.importer.external.metadatamapping.contributor.


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<property name="field" ref="dc.title"/>

<property name="query" value="dc:title"/>

Multiple record fields can also be combined into one value. To implement a combined mapping first create a
SimpleXpathMetadatumContributor as explained above for each part of the field.

<bean id="lastNameContrib" class="org.dspace.importer.external.metadatamapping.contributor.

<property name="field" ref=""/>
<property name="query" value="x:authors/x:author/x:surname"/>
<bean id="firstNameContrib" class="org.dspace.importer.external.metadatamapping.contributor.
<property name="field" ref=""/>
<property name="query" value="x:authors/x:author/x:given-name"/>

Note that namespace prefixes used in the xpath queries are configured in bean "FullprefixMapping" in the same
spring file.

<util:map id="FullprefixMapping" key-type="java.lang.String" value-type="java.lang.String">

<description>Defines the namespace mappin for the SimpleXpathMetadatum contributors</descriptio
<entry key="" value="dc"/>
<entry key="" value="x"/>

Then create a new list in the spring configuration containing references to all SimpleXpathMetadatumContributor
beans that need to be combined.

<util:list id="combinedauthorList" value-type="org.dspace.importer.external.metadatamapping.

contributor.MetadataContributor" list-class="java.util.LinkedList">
<ref bean="lastNameContrib"/>
<ref bean="firstNameContrib"/>

Finally create a Spring bean configuration of class org.dspace.importer.external.metadatamapping.contributor.

CombinedMetadatumContributor. This bean expects 3 values:

field: A reference to the configured spring bean of the DSpace metadata field. e.g. the "dc.title" bean
declared above.
metadatumContributors: A reference to the list containing all the single record field mappings that need
to be combined.

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separator: These characters will be added between each record field value when they are combined into
one field.

<bean id="authorContrib" class="org.dspace.importer.external.metadatamapping.contributor.

<property name="separator" value=", "/>
<property name="metadatumContributors" ref="combinedauthorList"/>
<property name="field" ref=""/>

Each contributor must also be added to the "MetadataFieldMap" used by the MetadataFieldMapping
implementation. Each entry of this map maps a metadata field bean to a contributor. For the contributors
created above this results in the following configuration:

<util:map id="org.dspace.importer.external.metadatamapping.MetadataFieldConfig"
<entry key-ref="dc.title" value-ref="titleContrib"/>
<entry key-ref="" value-ref="authorContrib"/>

Note that the single field mappings used for the combined author mapping are not added to this list.

4.3.7 Importing Community and Collection Hierarchy

Community and Collection Structure Importer
XML Import Format

Community and Collection Structure Importer

This Command-Line tool gives you the ability to import a community and collection structure directory from a
source XML file.

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

Command used: [dspace]/bin/dspace structure-builder

Java class: org.dspace.administer.StructBuilder

Argument: short and long (if available) forms: Description of the argument

-f Source xml file.

-o Output xml file.

-e Email of DSpace Administrator.

XML Import Format

The administrator need to build the source xml document in the following format:

<name>Community Name</name>
<description>Descriptive text</description>
<intro>Introductory text</intro>
<copyright>Special copyright notice</copyright>
<sidebar>Sidebar text</sidebar>
<name>Sub Community Name</name>
<community> ...[ad infinitum]...
<name>Collection Name</name>
<description>Descriptive text</description>
<intro>Introductory text</intro>
<copyright>Special copyright notice</copyright>
<sidebar>Sidebar text</sidebar>
<license>Special licence</license>
<provenance>Provenance information</provenance>

The resulting output document will be as follows:

<community identifier="123456789/1">
<name>Community Name</name>
<description>Descriptive text</description>
<intro>Introductory text</intro>

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<copyright>Special copyright notice</copyright>

<sidebar>Sidebar text</sidebar>
<community identifier="123456789/2">
<name>Sub Community Name</name>
<community identifier="123456789/3"> ...[ad infinitum]...
<collection identifier="123456789/4">
<name>Collection Name</name>
<description>Descriptive text</description>
<intro>Introductory text</intro>
<copyright>Special copyright notice</copyright>
<sidebar>Sidebar text</sidebar>
<license>Special licence</license>
<provenance>Provenance information</provenance>

This command-line tool gives you the ability to import a community and collection structure directly from a
source XML file. It is executed as follows:

[dspace]/bin/dspace structure-builder -f /path/to/source.xml -o path/to/output.xml -e admin@user.


This will examine the contents of source.xml, import the structure into DSpace while logged in as the supplied
administrator, and then output the same structure to the output file, but including the handle for each imported
community and collection as an attribute.


Currently this does not export community and collection structures, although it should only be a small
modification to make it do so

4.3.8 SWORDv1 Server

SWORD (Simple Web-service Offering Repository Deposit) is a protocol that allows the remote deposit of items
into repositories. DSpace implements the SWORD protocol via the 'sword' web application. The version of
SWORD v1 currently supported by DSpace is 1.3. The specification and further information can be found at

SWORD is based on the Atom Publish Protocol and allows service documents to be requested which describe
the structure of the repository, and packages to be deposited.

Enabling SWORD Server

Configuring SWORD Server

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Deposit to SWORD Server

Enabling SWORD Server

To enable DSpace's SWORD server, just make sure the [dspace]/webapps/sword/ web application is
available from your Servlet Container (usually Tomcat).

Configuring SWORD Server

These are the SWORD (v1) configurations. They may be edited directly or overridden in your local.cfg config
(see Configuration Reference).

Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/sword-server.cfg

Property: sword-server.mets-ingester.package-ingester

Example sword-server.mets-ingester.package-ingester = METS


Informational The property key tell the SWORD METS implementation which package ingester to use to
Note: install deposited content. This should refer to one of the classes configured for:

The value of sword.mets-ingester.package-ingester tells the system which named plugin for
this interface should be used to ingest SWORD METS packages.

Properties: mets.default.ingest.crosswalk.EPDCX
(NOTE: These configs are in the dspace.cfg file as they are used by many interfaces)

Example mets.submission.crosswalk.EPDCX = EPDCX


Informational Define the metadata types which can be accepted/handled by SWORD during ingest of a
Note: package. Currently, EPDCX (EPrints DC XML) is the recommended default metadata
format, but others are supported.

Property: crosswalk.submission.EPDCX.stylesheet
(NOTE: This configuration is in the dspace.cfg file)

Example crosswalk.submission.EPDCX.stylesheet = crosswalks/sword-swap-

Value: ingest.xsl

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/sword-server.cfg

Informational Define the stylesheet which will be used by the self-named XSLTIngestionCrosswalk class
Note: when asked to load the SWORD configuration (as specified above). This will use the
specified stylesheet to crosswalk the incoming SWAP metadata to the DIM format for

Property: sword-server.deposit.url

Value: sword-server.deposit.url =

Informational The base URL of the SWORD deposit. This is the URL from which DSpace will construct
Note: the deposit location URLs for collections. The default is ${dspace.baseUrl}/sword
/deposit (where dspace.baseUrl is defined in your dspace.cfg file). In the event that
you are not deploying DSpace as the ROOT application in the servlet container, this will
generate incorrect URLs, and you should override the functionality by specifying in full as
shown in the example value.

Property: sword-server.servicedocument.url

Value: sword-server.servicedocument.url =

Informational The base URL of the SWORD service document. This is the URL from which DSpace will
Note: construct the service document location URLs for the site, and for individual collections. The
default is ${dspace.baseUrl}/sword/servicedocument (where dspace.baseUrl is
defined in your dspace.cfg file). In the event that you are not deploying DSpace as the
ROOT application in the servlet container, this will generate incorrect URLs, and you should
override the functionality by specifying in full as shown in the example value.


Value: =

Informational The base URL of the SWORD media links. This is the URL which DSpace will use to
Note: construct the media link URLs for items which are deposited via sword. The default is
${dspace.baseUrl}/sword/media-link (where dspace.baseUrl is defined in your
dspace.cfg file). In the event that you are not deploying DSpace as the ROOT application

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/sword-server.cfg

in the servlet container, this will generate incorrect URLs, and you should override the
functionality by specifying in full as shown in the example value.

Property: sword-server.generator.url

Value: sword-server.generator.url =

Informational The URL which identifies the SWORD software which provides the sword interface. This is
Note: the URL which DSpace will use to fill out the atom:generator element of its atom
documents. The default is:

If you have modified your SWORD software, you should change this URI to identify your
own version. If you are using the standard 'dspace-sword' module you will not, in general,
need to change this setting.

Property: sword-server.updated.field

Example sword-server.updated.field =


Informational The metadata field in which to store the updated date for items deposited via SWORD.

Property: sword-server.slug.field

Example sword-server.slug.field = dc.identifier.slug


Informational The metadata field in which to store the value of the slug header if it is supplied.


Value: sword-server.accept-packaging.METSDSpaceSIP.identifier =
sword-server.accept-packaging.METSDSpaceSIP.q = 1.0

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/sword-server.cfg

Informational The accept packaging properties, along with their associated quality values where
Note: appropriate. This is a Global Setting; these will be used on all DSpace collections

Property: sword-server.accepts

Example sword-server.accepts = application/zip, foo/bar


Informational A comma separated list of MIME types that SWORD will accept.


Value: sword-server.accept-packaging.[handle].METSDSpaceSIP.identifier =
sword-server.accept-packaging.[handle].METSDSpaceSIP.q = 1.0

Informational Collection Specific settings: these will be used on the collections with the given handles.

Property: sword-server.expose-items

Example sword-server.expose-items = false


Informational Should the server offer up items in collections as sword deposit targets. This will be effected
Note: by placing a URI in the collection description which will list all the allowed items for the
depositing user in that collection on request. NOTE: this will require an implementation of
deposit onto items, which will not be forthcoming for a short while.

Property: sword-server.expose-communities

Example sword-server.expose-communities = false


Informational Should the server offer as the default the list of all Communities to a Service Document
Note: request. If false, the server will offer the list of all collections, which is the default and

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/sword-server.cfg

recommended behavior at this stage. NOTE: a service document for Communities will not
offer any viable deposit targets, and the client will need to request the list of Collections in
the target before deposit can continue.

Property: sword-server.max-upload-size

Example sword-server.max-upload-size = 0

Informational The maximum upload size of a package through the sword interface, in bytes. This will be
Note: the combined size of all the files, the metadata and any manifest data. It is NOT the same
as the maximum size set for an individual file upload through the user interface. If not set, or
set to 0, the sword service will default to no limit.

Property: sword-server.keep-original-package

Example sword-server.keep-original-package = true


Informational Whether or not DSpace should store a copy of the original sword deposit package. NOTE:
Note: this will cause the deposit process to run slightly slower, and will accelerate the rate at
which the repository consumes disk space. BUT, it will also mean that the deposited
packages are recoverable in their original form. It is strongly recommended, therefore, to
leave this option turned on. When set to "true", this requires that the configuration option
upload.temp.dir (in dspace.cfg) is set to a valid location.


Example = SWORD


Informational The bundle name that SWORD should store incoming packages under if sword.keep-
Note: original-package is set to true. The default is "SWORD" if not value is set

Properties: sword-server.keep-package-on-fail

Value: sword-server.keep-package-on-fail=true

Informational In the event of package ingest failure, provide an option to store the package on the file
Note: system. The default is false.

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/sword-server.cfg

Property: sword-server.identify-version

Example sword-server.identify-version = true


Informational Should the server identify the sword version in a deposit response. It is recommended to
Note: leave this unchanged.

Property: sword-server.on-behalf-of.enable

Example sword-server.on-behalf-of.enable = true


Informational Should mediated deposit via sword be supported. If enabled, this will allow users to deposit
Note: content packages on behalf of other users.

Property: sword-server.restore-mode.enable

Example sword-server.restore-mode.enable = true


Informational Should the sword server enable restore-mode when ingesting new packages. If this is
Note: enabled the item will be treated as a previously deleted item from the repository. If the item
had previously been assigned a handle then that same handle will be restored to activity. If
that item had not been previously assign a handle, then a new handle will be assigned.


Value: = \
org.dspace.sword.SWORDMETSIngester =
org.dspace.sword.SimpleFileIngester = SimpleFileIngester

Informational Configure the plugins to process incoming packages. The form of this configuration is as per
Note: the Plugin Manager's Named Plugin documentation: plugin.named.[interface] =
[implementation] = [package format identifier] (see dspace.cfg).
Package ingesters should implement the SWORDIngester interface, and will be loaded
when a package of the format specified above in: sword-server.accept-packaging.
[package format].identifier = [package format identifier] is received. In

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/sword-server.cfg

the event that this is a simple file deposit, with no package format, then the class named by
"SimpleFileIngester" will be loaded and executed where appropriate. This case will only
occur when a single file is being deposited into an existing DSpace Item.

Deposit to SWORD Server

If you'd like to deposit content to your repository via the installed SWORD Server, you'll need to select a
SWORD Client to do so.

A variety of SWORDv1 Clients (in various languages/tools) are available off of
The DSpace XMLUI also comes with an optional SWORDv1 Client which can be enabled to deposit
content from one DSpace to another.
Finally, it's also possible to simply deposit a valid SWORD Zip package via common Linux commandline
tools (e.g. curl). For example:

# Deposit a SWORD Zip package named "" into a DSpace Collection (Handle 1234
56789/2) as user ""
# (Please note that you WILL need to obviously modify the Collection location, user/password
and name of the SWORD package)

curl -i --data-binary "" -H "Content-Disposition:filename=sword-package.

zip" -H "Content-Type:application/zip" -H "X-Packaging:
/METSDSpaceSIP" -u[password] http://[dspace.url]/sword/deposit/123456789/2

# Template 'curl' command:

#curl -i --data-binary "@[zip-package-name]" -H "Content-Disposition:filename=[zip-package-
name]" -H "Content-Type:application/zip" -H "X-Packaging:
/METSDSpaceSIP" -u [user]:[password] http://[dspace.url]/sword/deposit/[collection-handle]

4.3.9 SWORDv2 Server

SWORD (Simple Web-service Offering Repository Deposit) is a protocol that allows the remote deposit of items
into repositories. DSpace implements the SWORD protocol via the 'sword' web application. The specification
and further information can be found at

SWORD is based on the Atom Publish Protocol and allows service documents to be requested which describe
the structure of the repository, and packages to be deposited.

Enabling SWORD v2 Server

Configuring SWORD v2 Server

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Enabling SWORD v2 Server

To enable DSpace's SWORD v2 server, just make sure the [dspace]/webapps/swordv2/ web application
is available from your Servlet Container (usually Tomcat).

Configuring SWORD v2 Server

These are the SWORD (v2) configurations. They may be edited directly or overridden in your local.cfg config
(see Configuration Reference).

Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/swordv2-server.cfg

Property: swordv2-server.url

Value: swordv2-server.url =

Informational The base url of the SWORD 2.0 system. This defaults to ${dspace.baseUrl}/swordv2 (where dspace

Property: swordv2-server.collection.url

Value: swordv2-server.collection.url =

Informational The base URL of the SWORD collection. This is the URL from which DSpace will construct the deposit loca
Note: ${dspace.baseUrl}/swordv2/collection (where dspace.baseUrl is defined in your dspace.cfg

Property: swordv2-server.servicedocument.url

Value: swordv2-server.servicedocument.url =

Informational The service document URL of the SWORD collection. The base URL of the SWORD service document. Thi
Note: service document location urls for the site, and for individual collections. This defaults to ${dspace.baseU
dspace.baseUrl is defined in your dspace.cfg file).

Property: swordv2-server.accept-packaging.collection

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/swordv2-server.cfg

Value: swordv2-server.accept-packaging.collection.METSDSpaceSIP =
swordv2-server.accept-packaging.collection.SimpleZip =
swordv2-server.accept-packaging.collection.Binary =

Informational The accept packaging properties, along with their associated quality values where appropriate.

Property: swordv2-server.accept-packaging.item

Value: swordv2-server.accept-packaging.item.METSDSpaceSIP =
swordv2-server.accept-packaging.item.SimpleZip =
swordv2-server.accept-packaging.item.Binary =

Informational The accept packaging properties for items. It is possible to configure this for specific collections by adding th
Note: example swordv2-server.accept-packaging.collection.[handle].METSDSpaceSIP = http:

Property: swordv2-server.accepts

Value: swordv2-server.accepts = application/zip, image/jpeg

Informational A comma-separated list of MIME types that SWORD will accept. To accept all mimetypes, the value can be

Property: swordv2-server.expose-communities

Value: swordv2-server.expose-communities = false

Informational Whether or not the server should expose a list of all the communities to a service document request. As dep
Note: recommended to leave this set to false.

Property: swordv2-server.max-upload-size

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/swordv2-server.cfg

Value: swordv2-server.max-upload-size = 0

Informational The maximum upload size of a package through the SWORD interface (measured in bytes). This will be the
Note: manifest file in a package - this is different to the maximum size of a single bitstream.

If this is set to 0, no maximum file size will be enforced.

Property: swordv2-server.keep-original-package

Value: swordv2-server.keep-original-package = true

Informational Should DSpace store a copy of the orignal SWORD deposit package?
This will cause the deposit process to be slightly slower and for more disk to be used, however original files
option enabled.


Value: = SWORD

Informational The bundle name that SWORD should store incoming packages within if swordv2-server.keep-origi


swordv2-server.bundle.deleted = DELETED

Informational The bundle name that SWORD should use to store deleted bitstreams if
Note: individual files are updated or removed via SWORD. If the entire Media Resource (files in the ORIGINAL bu
entirety in a bundle of its own

Property: swordv2-server.keep-package-on-fail

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/swordv2-server.cfg

Value: swordv2-server.keep-package-on-fail = false

Informational In the event of package ingest failure, provide an option to store the package on the file system. The default
Note: swordv2-server.failed-package-dir setting.

Property: swordv2-server.failed-package-dir

Value: swordv2-server.failed-package-dir = /dspace/upload

Informational If swordv2-server.keep-package-on-fail is set to true, this is the location where the package would

Property: swordv2-server.on-behalf-of.enable

Value: swordv2-server.on-behalf-of.enable = true

Informational Should DSpace accept mediated deposits? See the SWORD specification for a detailed explanation of depo


swordv2-server.on-behalf-of.update.mediators =, mediator@myd

Informational Which user accounts are allowed to do updates on items which already exist in DSpace, on-behalf-of other
If this is left blank, or omitted, then all accounts can mediate updates to items, which could be a security risk
authenticated user is a "legitimate" mediator


swordv2-server.verbose-description.receipt.enable = false

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/swordv2-server.cfg

Informational Should the deposit receipt include a verbose description of the deposit? For use by developers - recommen


swordv2-server.verbose-description.error.enable = true

Informational should the error document include a verbose description of the error? For use by developers, although you
Note: production systems


swordv2-server.error.alternate.url =

Informational The error document can contain an alternate url, which the client can use to follow up any issues. For exam


swordv2-server.error.alternate.content-type = text/html

Informational The swordv2-server.error.alternate.url may have an associated content type, such as text/ht
Note: indicate to the client what content type it can expect if it follows that url.

Property: swordv2-server.generator.url

Value: swordv2-server.generator.url =

Informational The URL which identifies DSpace as the software that is providing the SWORD interface.

Property: swordv2-server.generator.version

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/swordv2-server.cfg

Value: swordv2-server.generator.version = 2.0

Informational The version of the SWORD interface.


Property: swordv2-server.auth-type

Value: swordv2-server.auth-type = Basic

Informational Which form of authentication to use. Normally this is set to Basic in order to use HTTP Basic.

Property: swordv2-server.upload.tempdir

Value: swordv2-server.upload.tempd = /dspace/upload

Informational The location where uploaded files and packages are stored while being processed.

Property: swordv2-server.updated.field

Value: swordv2-server.updated.field =

Informational The metadata field in which to store the updated date for items deposited via SWORD.

Property: swordv2-server.slug.field

Value: swordv2-server.slug.field = dc.identifier.slug

Informational The metadata field in which to store the value of the slug header if it is supplied.

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/swordv2-server.cfg


Value: =

Informational The metadata field in which to store the value of the atom entry author if it supplied.

Property: swordv2-server.title.field

Value: swordv2-server.title.field = dc.title

Informational The metadata field in which to store the value of the atom entry title if it supplied.

Property: swordv2-server.disseminate-packaging

Value: swordv2-server.disseminate-packaging.METSDSpaceSIP =
swordv2-server.disseminate-packaging.SimpleZip =

Informational Supported packaging formats for the dissemination of packages.



swordv2-server.statement.bundles = ORIGINAL, SWORD, LICENSE

Informational Which bundles should the Statement include in its list of aggregated resources? The Statement will automa
Note: identified by the ${} property, provided that bundle is also listed here (i.e. if you want Origina
should add the SWORD bundle to this list)


Value: = org.dspace.sword2.WorkflowManagerDefault

24-Oct-2016 Page 280 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation


Informational Which workflow manager to use.



swordv2-server.workflowmanagerdefault.always-update-metadata = true

Informational Should the WorkflowManagerDefault plugin allow updates to the item's metadata to take place on items wh
Note the workflow, archive, or withdrawn) ?


swordv2-server.workflowmanagerdefault.file-replace.enable = false

Informational Should the server allow PUT to individual files?

If this is enabled, then DSpace may be used with the DepositMO SWORD extensions, BUT the caveat is th
replace, so this is equivalent to a DELETE and then a POST, which violates the RESTfulness of the server.
identifier as the file it was replacing. As such it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to leave this option turned
enabled client environments

Property: swordv2-server.mets-ingester.package-ingester

Value: swordv2-server.mets-ingester.package-ingester = METS

Informational Which package ingester to use for METS packages.


Property: swordv2-server.restore-mode.enable

Value: swordv2-server.restore-mode.enable = false

Informational Should the SWORD server enable restore-mode when ingesting new packages. If this is enabled the item w
Note: repository. If the item has previously been assigned a handle then that same handle will be restored to activ

24-Oct-2016 Page 281 of 882

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/swordv2-server.cfg

Property: swordv2-server.simpledc.*

Value: swordv2-server.simpledc.abstract = = dc.datesimpledc.rights

Informational Configuration of metadata field mapping used by the SimpleDCEntryIngester, SimpleDCEntryDisseminator


Property: swordv2-server.atom.*

Example =

Informational Configuration of metadata field mapping used by the SimpleDCEntryIngester, SimpleDCEntryDisseminator



swordv2-server.metadata.replaceable = dc.description.abstract, dc.rights, dc.ti

Informational Used by SimpleDCEntryIngester: Which metadata fields can be replaced during a PUT to the Item of an Ato
Note which will be removed when a new PUT comes through (irrespective of whether there is a new incoming va

Property: swordv2-server.multipart.entry-first

Value: swordv2-server.multipart.entry-first = false

Informational The order of precedence for importing multipart content. If this is set to true then metadata in the package
Note: the metadata in the atom entry will override that from the package.

Property: swordv2-server.workflow.notify

Value: swordv2-server.workflow.notify = true

If the workflow gets started (the collection being deposited into has a workflow configured), should a notifica

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/swordv2-server.cfg


Property: swordv2-server.versions.keep

Value: swordv2-server.versions.keep = true

Informational When content is replaced, should the old version be kept? This creates a copy of the ORIGINAL bundle with
Note: DD is the date the copy was created, and X is an integer from 0 upwards.

Property: swordv2-server.state.*

Value: swordv2-server.state.workspace.uri = http://localhost:8080/xmlui/state/inprogress
swordv2-server.state.workspace.description = The item is in the user workspace
swordv2-server.state.workflow.uri = http://localhost:8080/xmlui/state/inreview
swordv2-server.state.workflow.description = The item is undergoing review prior to acceptance in

Informational Pairs of states (URI and description) than items can be in. Typical states are workspace, workflow, arch


swordv2-server.workspace.url-template =

Informational URL template for links to items in the workspace (items in the archive will use the handle). The #wsid# url
Note the item. The example above shows how to construct this URL for XMLUI.

Other configuration options exist that define the mapping between mime types, ingesters, and disseminators. A
typical configuration looks like this: = \
org.dspace.sword2.SimpleZipContentIngester =, \
org.dspace.sword2.SwordMETSIngester =, \
org.dspace.sword2.BinaryContentIngester = = \

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# note that we replace ";" with "_" as ";" is not permitted in the PluginManager names = \
org.dspace.sword2.SimpleZipContentDisseminator =, \
org.dspace.sword2.FeedContentDisseminator = application/atom+xml, \
org.dspace.sword2.FeedContentDisseminator = application/atom+xml_type_feed

# note that we replace ";" with "_" as ";" is not permitted in the PluginManager names = \
org.dspace.sword2.AtomStatementDisseminator = atom, \
org.dspace.sword2.OreStatementDisseminator = rdf, \
org.dspace.sword2.AtomStatementDisseminator = application/atom+xml_type_feed, \
org.dspace.sword2.OreStatementDisseminator = application/rdf+xml

4.3.10 Ingesting HTML Archives

For the most part, at present DSpace simply supports uploading and downloading of bitstreams as-is. This is
fine for the majority of commonly-used file formats for example PDFs, Microsoft Word documents,
spreadsheets and so forth. HTML documents (Web sites and Web pages) are far more complicated, and this
has important ramifications when it comes to digital preservation:

Web pages tend to consist of several files one or more HTML files that contain references to each
other, and stylesheets and image files that are referenced by the HTML files.
Web pages also link to or include content from other sites, often imperceptibly to the end-user. Thus, in a
few year's time, when someone views the preserved Web site, they will probably find that many links are
now broken or refer to other sites than are now out of context.In fact, it may be unclear to an end-user
when they are viewing content stored in DSpace and when they are seeing content included from
another site, or have navigated to a page that is not stored in DSpace. This problem can manifest when
a submitter uploads some HTML content. For example, the HTML document may include an image from
an external Web site, or even their local hard drive. When the submitter views the HTML in DSpace, their
browser is able to use the reference in the HTML to retrieve the appropriate image, and so to the
submitter, the whole HTML document appears to have been deposited correctly. However, later on,
when another user tries to view that HTML, their browser might not be able to retrieve the included image
since it may have been removed from the external server. Hence the HTML will seem broken.
Often Web pages are produced dynamically by software running on the Web server, and represent the
state of a changing database underneath it.

Dealing with these issues is the topic of much active research. Currently, DSpace bites off a small, tractable
chunk of this problem. DSpace can store and provide on-line browsing capability for self-contained, non-dynamic
HTML documents. DSpace allows relative links between HTML documents stored together in a single item to
work. In practical terms, this means:

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No dynamic content (CGI scripts and so forth)

All links to preserved content must be relative links, that do not refer to 'parents' above the 'root' of the
HTML document/site:
diagram.gif is OK
image/foo.gif is OK
../index.html is only OK in a file that is at least a directory deep in the HTML document/site
/stylesheet.css is not OK (the link will break) is not OK (the link will continue to link to the external site
which may change or disappear)
Any 'absolute links' (e.g. are stored 'as is', and will continue to link
to the external content (as opposed to relative links, which will link to the copy of the content stored in
DSpace.) Thus, over time, the content referred to by the absolute link may change or disappear.

4.4 Items and Metadata

Authority Control of Metadata Values
Batch Metadata Editing
DOI Digital Object Identifier
Item Level Versioning
Mapping Items
Metadata Recommendations
Moving Items
ORCID Integration
PDF Citation Cover Page
Updating Items via Simple Archive Format

4.4.1 Authority Control of Metadata Values

Simple choice management for DSpace submission forms
Use simple choice management to add language tags to metadata fields

Hierarchical Taxonomies and Controlled Vocabularies

How to invoke a controlled vocabulary from input-forms.xml
Authority Control: Enhancing DSpace metadata fields with Authority Keys
How it looks in the DSpace user interface
How it works
Original source:

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With DSpace you can describe digital objects such as text files, audio, video or data to facilitate easy retrieval
and high quality search results. These descriptions are organized into metadata fields that each have a specific
designation. For example: dc.title stores the title of an object, while dc.subject is reserved for subject keywords.

For many of these fields, including title and abstract, free text entry is the proper choice, as the values are likely
to be unique. Other fields are likely to have values drawn from controlled sets. Such fields include unique
names, subject keywords, document types and other classifications. For those kinds of fields the overall quality
of the repository metadata increases if values with the same meaning are normalized across all items.
Additional benefits can be gained if unique identifiers are associated as well in addition to canonical text values
associated with a particular metadata field.

This page covers features included in the DSpace submission forms that allow repository managers to enforce
the usage of normalized terms for those fields where this is required in their institutional use cases. DSpace
offers simple and straightforward features, such as definitions of simple text values for dropdowns, as well as
more elaborate integrations with external vocabularies such as the Library of Congress Naming Authority.

Simple choice management for DSpace submission forms

The DSpace Submission forms, defined in the input-forms.xml file, allows the inclusion of value pairs that can
be organized in lists in order to populate dropdowns or other multiple choice elements. If you explore the default
input-forms.xml file, you can see that a number of such value pair lists are already pre defined.


<value-pairs value-pairs-name="common_identifiers" dc-term="identifier">

<displayed-value>Gov't Doc #</displayed-value>

It generates the following HTML, which results in the menu widget below.

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<select name="identifier_qualifier_0">
<option VALUE="govdoc">Gov't Doc #</option>
<option VALUE="uri">URI</option>
<option VALUE="isbn">ISBN</option>

A list of value pairs has following required attributes:

value-pairs-name Name by which an input-type refers to this list.

dc-term Dublin Core field for which this choice list is selecting a value.

Each value-pairs element contains a sequence of pair sub-elements, each of which in turn contains two

displayed-value Name shown (on the web page) for the menu entry.
stored-value Value stored in the DC element when this entry is chosen. Unlike the HTML select tag,
there is no way to indicate one of the entries should be the default, so the first entry is always the default

Use simple choice management to add language tags to metadata fields

DSpace uses the simple choice management to provide a controlled list of language tags. Out of the box
DSpace comes with a list of ISO language tags. You can add further language lists or use the provided one to
let submitters tag languages of metadata fields. Take a look at the part of this documentation about the
configuration of the Submission User Interface. This feature is currently supported in JSPUI only.

Hierarchical Taxonomies and Controlled Vocabularies

The value pairs system works well for short and flat lists of choices. DSpace offers a second way of structuring
and managing more complex, hierarchical controlled vocabularies. In contrast to the value pairs system, these
controlled vocabularies are managed in separate XML files in the [dspace]/config/controlled-
vocabularies/ directory instead of being entered straight into input-forms.xml

The taxonomies are described in XML according to this structure:

<node id="acmccs98" label="ACMCCS98">

<node id="A." label="General Literature">
<node id="A.0" label="GENERAL"/>
<node id="A.1" label="INTRODUCTORY AND SURVEY"/>

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As you can see, each node element has an id and label attribute. It can contain the isComposedBy element,
which in its turn, consists of a list of other nodes.

You are free to use any application you want to create your controlled vocabularies. A simple text editor should
be enough for small projects. Bigger projects will require more complex tools. You may use Proteg to create
your taxonomies, save them as OWL and then use a XML Stylesheet (XSLT) to transform your documents to
the appropriate format. Future enhancements to this add-on should make it compatible with standard schemas
such as OWL or RDF.

How to invoke a controlled vocabulary from input-forms.xml

Vocabularies need to be associated with the correspondent DC metadata fields. Edit the file [dspace]
/config/input-forms.xml and place a "vocabulary" tag under the "field" element that you want to
control. Set value of the "vocabulary" element to the name of the file that contains the vocabulary, leaving
out the extension (the add-on will only load files with extension "*.xml"). For example:

<label>Subject Keywords</label>
<hint>Enter appropriate subject keywords or phrases below.</hint>

The vocabulary element has an optional boolean attribute closed that can be used to force input only with the
Javascript of controlled-vocabulary add-on. The default behaviour (i.e. without this attribute) is closed="
false". This allows the user to enter values as free text in addition to selecting them from the controlled

The following vocabularies are currently available by default:

nsi - nsi.xml - The Norwegian Science Index

srsc - srsc.xml - Swedish Research Subject Categories

Authority Control: Enhancing DSpace metadata fields with Authority Keys

The aforementioned features only deal with text representations of controlled values. DSpace also offers
support for adding authority keys and confidence values to a specific text value entered in a metadata field. The
following terminology applies in the description of this area of DSpace functionality:

Authority An authority is an external source of fixed values for a given domain, each unique value
identified by a key. For example, the OCLC LC Name Authority Service, ORCID or VIAF.

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Authority Record The information associated with one of the values in an authority; may include
alternate spellings and equivalent forms of the value, etc.
Authority Key An opaque, hopefully persistent, identifier corresponding to exactly one record in the

The fact that this functionality deals with external sources of authority makes it inherently different from the
functionality for controlled vocabularies. Another difference is that the authority control is asserted everywhere
metadata values are changed, including unattended/batch submission, SWORD package submission, and the
administrative UI.

How it looks in the DSpace user interface

The difference between an authority controlled metadata field and a non-authority controlled metadata field can
be seen in the Edit interface for an accepted item.

Authority controlled author field edit

This example shows a value for an author name that has been linked with an authority key. The green thumb
represents the associated confidence value "Accepted": This authority value has been confirmed as accurate by
an interactive user or authoritative policy.

How it works

Original source:
Authority Control of Metadata Values original development proposal for DSpace 1.6

4.4.2 Batch Metadata Editing

Batch Metadata Editing Tool
Export Function
Web Interface Export
Command Line Export
Import Function
Web Interface Import
Command Line Import
CSV Format

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File Structure
Editing the CSV
Editing Collection Membership
Adding Metadata-Only Items
Deleting Metadata
Performing 'actions' on items
Migrating Data or Exchanging data
Common Issues

Batch Metadata Editing Tool

DSpace provides a batch metadata editing tool. The batch editing tool is able to produce a comma delimited file
in the CSV format. The batch editing tool facilitates the user to perform the following:

Batch editing of metadata (e.g. perform an external spell check)

Batch additions of metadata (e.g. add an abstract to a set of items, add controlled vocabulary such as
Batch find and replace of metadata values (e.g. correct misspelled surname across several records)
Mass move items between collections
Mass deletion, withdrawal, or re-instatement of items
Enable the batch addition of new items (without bitstreams) via a CSV file
Re-order the values in a list (e.g. authors)

For information about configuration options for the Batch Metadata Editing tool, see Batch Metadata Editing

Export Function

Web Interface Export

Batch metadata exports (to CSV) can be performed from the Administrative menu:

Login as an Administrative user

Browse to the Community or Collection you wish to export, and click "Export Metadata" link to export to a
downloadable CSV
In XMLUI, "Export Metadata" can be found in the "Context" menu on a Community/Collection
In JSPUI, "Export Metadata" can be found in the "Admin Tools" menu on a Community/Collection
Or search for items within your repository, and click "Export Metadata" in the search results to export to a
downloadable CSV
In XMLUI, perform a search, and click on "Export Search Metadata" in the "Context" menu. By
default, this option is only available to Administrators (

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metadata_export=admin), but you can optionally allow any logged in user to export this
metadata (, or anyone (
In JSPUI, perform a search, and click on the "Export Metadata" button above the search results.

Please see below documentation for more information on the CSV format and actions that can be performed by
editing the CSV.

Command Line Export

The following table summarizes the basics.

Command [dspace]/bin/dspace metadata-export


Java class:

Arguments Description
short and
(long) forms):

-f or --file Required. The filename of the resulting CSV.

-i or --id The Item, Collection, or Community handle or Database ID to export. If not specified, all
items will be exported.

-a or --all Include all the metadata fields that are not normally changed (e.g. provenance) or those
fields you configured in the [dspace]/config/modules/bulkedit.cfg to be ignored
on export.

-h or --help Display the help page.

To run the batch editing exporter, at the command line:

[dspace]/bin/dspace metadata-export -f name_of_file.csv -i 1023/24


[dspace]/bin/dspace metadata-export -f /batch_export/col_14.csv -i /1989.1/24

In the above example we have requested that a collection, assigned handle ' 1989.1/24' export the entire
collection to the file 'col_14.csv' found in the '/batch_export' directory.

Please see below documentation for more information on the CSV format and actions that can be performed by
editing the CSV .

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Import Function

Importing large CSV files

It is not recommended to import CSV files of more than 1,000 lines (i.e. 1,000 items). When importing
files larger than this, it may be difficult for an Administrator to accurately verify the changes that the
import tool states it will make. In addition, depending on the memory available to the DSpace site,
large files may cause 'Out Of Memory' errors part way through the import process.

Web Interface Import

Batch metadata imports (from CSV) can be performed from the Administrative menu:

First, complete all editing of the CSV and save your changes
Login as an Administrative User
Click "Import Metadata" and select the CSV file
In XMLUI, "Import Metadata" can be found under the "Administrative" menu on any page
In JSPUI, "Import Metadata" can be found under the "Administer" menu (under your user account
dropdown). On the Adminstration Tools page, select "Import Metadata" from the "Content"
After uploading the CSV, you will be presented with a summary of all changes that will be performed in
the system. You can review these changes and choose whether to apply them or cancel.

Command Line Import

The following table summarizes the basics.

Command used: [dspace]/bin/dspace metadata-import

Java class:

Arguments short and Description

(long) forms:

-f or --file Required. The filename of the CSV file to load.

-s or --silent Silent mode. The import function does not prompt you to make sure you wish to
make the changes.

-e or --email The email address of the user. This is only required when adding new items.

-w or --workflow When adding new items, the program will queue the items up to use the
Collection Workflow processes.

-n or --notify when adding new items using a workflow, send notification emails.

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-t or --template When adding new items, use the Collection template, if it exists.

-h or --help Display the brief help page.

Silent Mode should be used carefully. It is possible (and probable) that you can overlay the wrong data and
cause irreparable damage to the database.

To run the batch importer, at the command line:

[dspace]/bin/dspace metadata-import -f name_of_file.csv


[dspace]/bin/dspace metadata-import -f /dImport/col_14.csv

If you are wishing to upload new metadata without bitstreams, at the command line:

[dspace]/bin/dspace metadata-import -f /dImport/new_file.csv -e -w -n -t

In the above example we threw in all the arguments. This would add the metadata and engage the workflow,
notification, and templates to all be applied to the items that are being added.

CSV Format
The CSV (comma separated values) files that this tool can import and export abide by the RFC4180 CSV
format. This means that new lines, and embedded commas can be included by wrapping elements in double
quotes. Double quotes can be included by using two double quotes. The code does all this for you, and any
good csv editor such as Excel or OpenOffice will comply with this convention.

All CSV files are also in UTF-8 encoding in order to support all languages.

File Structure
The first row of the CSV must define the metadata values that the rest of the CSV represents. The first column
must always be "id" which refers to the item's internal database ID. All other columns are optional. The
other columns contain the dublin core metadata fields that the data is to reside.

A typical heading row looks like:


Subsequent rows in the csv file relate to items. A typical row might look like:

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350,2292,Item title,"Smith, John",2008

If you want to store multiple values for a given metadata element, they can be separated with the double-pipe '||'
(or another character that you defined in your modules/bulkedit.cfg file). For example:


Elements are stored in the database in the order that they appear in the CSV file. You can use this to order
elements where order may matter, such as authors, or controlled vocabulary such as Library of Congress
Subject Headings.

Editing the CSV

If you are editing with Microsoft Excel, be sure to open the CSV in Unicode/UTF-8 encoding

By default, Microsoft Excel may not correctly open the CSV in Unicode/UTF-8 encoding. This means
that special characters may be improperly displayed and also can be "corrupted" during re-import of
the CSV.

You need to tell Excel this CSV is Unicode, by importing it as follows. ( Please note these instructions
are valid for MS Office 2007 and 2013. Other Office versions may vary )

First, open Excel (with an empty sheet/workbook open)

Select "Data" tab
Click "From Text" button (in the "External Data" section)
Select your CSV file
Wizard Step 1
Choose "Delimited" option
Start import at row: 1
In the "File origin" selectbox, select "65001 : Unicode (UTF-8)"
NOTE: these encoding options are sorted alphabetically, so "Unicode (UTF-8)"
appears near the bottom of the list.
Click Next
Wizard Step 2
Select "Comma" as the only delimiter
Click Next
Wizard Step 3
Select "Text" as the "Column data format" (Unfortunately, this must be done for each
column individually in Excel)
At a minimum, you MUST ensure all date columns (e.g. are
treated as "Text" so that Excel doesn't autoconvert DSpace's YYYY-MM-DD
format into MM/DD/YYYY

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To avoid such autoconversion, it is safest to ensure each column is treated as

"Text". Unfortunately, this means selecting each column one-by-one and choosing
"Text" as the "Column data format".
Click Finish
Choose whether to open CSV in the existing sheet or a new one

Tips to Simplify the Editing Process

When editing a CSV, here's a couple of basic tips to keep in mind:

1. The "id" column MUST remain intact. This column also must always have a value in it.
2. To simplify the CSV, you can simply remove any columns you do NOT wish to edit (except for
"id" column, see #1). Don't worry, removing the entire column won't delete metadata (see #3)
3. When importing a CSV file, the importer will overlay the metadata onto what is already in the
repository to determine the differences. It only acts on the contents of the CSV file, rather than
on the complete item metadata. This means that the CSV file that is exported can be
manipulated quite substantially before being re-imported. Rows (items) or Columns (metadata
elements) can be removed and will be ignored.
a. For example, if you only want to edit "dc.subject", you can remove ALL columns
EXCEPT for "id" and "dc.subject" so that you can just manipulate the "dc.subject" field.
On import, DSpace will see that you've only included the "dc.subject" field in your CSV
and therefore will only update the "dc.subject" metadata field for any items listed in that
4. Because removing an entire column does NOT delete metadata value(s), if you actually wish to
delete a metadata value you should leave the column intact, and simply clear out the
appropriate row's value (in that column).

Editing Collection Membership

Items can be moved between collections by editing the collection handles in the 'collection' column. Multiple
collections can be included. The first collection is the 'owning collection'. The owning collection is the primary
collection that the item appears in. Subsequent collections (separated by the field separator) are treated as
mapped collections. These are the same as using the map item functionality in the DSpace user interface. To
move items between collections, or to edit which other collections they are mapped to, change the data in the
collection column.

Adding Metadata-Only Items

New metadata-only items can be added to DSpace using the batch metadata importer. To do this, enter a plus
sign '+' in the first 'id' column. The importer will then treat this as a new item. If you are using the command line
importer, you will need to use the -e flag to specify the user email address or id of the user that is registered as
submitting the items.

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Deleting Metadata
It is possible to perform metadata deletes across the board of certain metadata fields from an exported file. For
example, let's say you have used keywords (dc.subject) that need to be removed en masse. You would leave
the column (dc.subject) intact, but remove the data in the corresponding rows.

Performing 'actions' on items

It is possible to perform certain 'actions' on items. This is achieved by adding an 'action' column to the CSV file
(after the id, and collection columns). There are three possible actions:

1. 'expunge' This permanently deletes an item. Use with care! This action must be enabled by setting
'allowexpunge = true' in modules/bulkedit.cfg
2. 'withdraw' This withdraws an item from the archive, but does not delete it.
3. 'reinstate' This reinstates an item that has previously been withdrawn.

If an action makes no change (for example, asking to withdraw an item that is already withdrawn) then, just like
metadata that has not changed, this will be ignored.

Migrating Data or Exchanging data

It is possible that you have data in one Dublin Core (DC) element and you wish to really have it in another. An
example would be that your staff have input Library of Congress Subject Headings in the Subject field (dc.
subject) instead of the LCSH field (dc.subject.lcsh). Follow these steps and your data is migrated upon import:

1. Insert a new column. The first row should be the new metadata element. (We will refer to it as the
2. Select the column/rows of the data you wish to change. (We will refer to it as the SOURCE)
3. Cut and paste this data into the new column (TARGET) you created in Step 1.
4. Leave the column (SOURCE) you just cut and pasted from empty. Do not delete it.

Common Issues
Metadata values in CSV export seem to have duplicate columns

Batch Metadata Editing Configuration

The Batch Metadata Editing Tool allows the administrator to extract from the DSpace database a set of records
for editing via a CSV file. It provides an easier way of editing large collections.

A full list of all available Batch Metadata Editing Configurations:

Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/bulkedit.cfg

Property: bulkedit.valueseparator

bulkedit.valueseparator = ||

24-Oct-2016 Page 296 of 882

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/bulkedit.cfg


Informational The delimiter used to separate values within a single field. For example, this will place the
note double pipe between multiple authors appearing in one record (Smith, William || Johannsen,
Susan). This applies to any metadata field that appears more than once in a record. The
user can change this to another character.

Property: bulkedit.fieldseparator

Example bulkedit.fieldseparator = ,

Informational The delimiter used to separate fields (defaults to a comma for CSV). Again, the user could
note change it something like '$'. If you wish to use a tab, semicolon, or hash (#) sign as the
delimiter, set the value to be tab, semicolon or hash.

bulkedit.fieldseparator = tab

Property: bulkedit.authorityseparator

Example bulkedit.authorityseparator = ::

Informational The delimiter used to separate authority data (defaults to a double colon ::)

Property: bulkedit.gui-item-limit

Example bulkedit.gui-item-limit = 20

Informational When using the WEBUI, this sets the limit of the number of items allowed to be edited in
note one processing. There is no limit when using the CLI.

Property: bulkedit.ignore-on-export

Value: bulkedit.ignore-on-export =, \, \, dc.description.provenance

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Configuration [dspace]/config/modules/bulkedit.cfg

Informational Metadata elements to exclude when exporting via the user interfaces, or when using the
note command line version and not using the -a (all) option.

Property: bulkedit.allowexpunge

Example bulkedit.allowexpunge = false


Informational Should the 'action' column allow the 'expunge' method. By default this is set to false

4.4.3 DOI Digital Object Identifier

Persistent Identifier
DOI Registration Agencies
Configure DSpace to use the DataCite API
Metadata conversion
Identifier Service
DOIs using DataCite and Item Level Versioning
Command Line Interface
'cron' job for asynchronous reservation/registration
Limitations of DataCite DOI support
Configure DSpace to use EZID service for registration of DOIs
Limitations of EZID DOI support
JSPUI specific configurations
Adding support for other Registration Agencies

Persistent Identifier
It is good practice to use Persistent Identifiers to address items in a digital repository. There are many different
systems for Persistent Identifiers: Handle , DOI , urn:nbn, purl and many more. It is far out of the scope of this
document to discuss the differences of all these systems. For several reasons the Handle System is deeply
integrated in DSpace, and DSpace makes intensive use of it. With DSpace 3.0 the Identifier Service was
introduced that makes it possible to also use external identifier services within DSpace.

DOIs are Persistent Identifiers like Handles are, but as many big publishing companies use DOIs they are quite
well-known to scientists. Some journals ask for DOIs to link supplemental material whenever an article is
submitted. Beginning with DSpace 4.0 it is possible to use DOIs in parallel to the Handle System within
DSpace. By "using DOIs" we mean automatic generation, reservation and registration of DOIs for every item

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that enters the repository. These newly registered DOIs will not be used as a means to build URLs to DSpace
items. Items will still rely on handle assignment for the item urls.

DOI Registration Agencies

To register a DOI one has to enter into a contract with a DOI registration agency which is a member of the
International DOI Foundation. Several such agencies exist. Different DOI registration agencies have different
policies. Some of them offer DOI registration especially or only for academic institutions, others only for
publishing companies. Most of the registration agencies charge fees for registering DOIs, and all of them have
different rules describing for what kind of item a DOI can be registered. To make it quite clear: to register DOIs
with DSpace you have to enter into a contract with a DOI registration agency.

DataCite is an international initiative to promote science and research, and a member of the International DOI
Foundation. The members of DataCite act as registration agencies for DOIs. Some DataCite members provide
their own APIs to reserve and register DOIs; others let their clients use the DataCite API directly. Starting with
version 4.0 DSpace supports the administration of DOIs by using the DataCite API directly or by using the API
from EZID (which is a service of the University of California Digital Library). This means you can administer
DOIs with DSpace if your registration agency allows you to use the DataCite API directly or if your registration
agency is EZID.

Configure DSpace to use the DataCite API

If you use a DOI registration agency that lets you use the DataCite API directly, you can follow the instructions
below to configure DSpace. In case EZID is your registration agency the configuration of DSpace is
documented here: Configure DSpace to use EZID service for registration of DOIs.

To use DOIs within DSpace you have to configure several parts of DSpace:

enter your DOI prefix and the credentials to use the API from DataCite in dspace.cfg,
configure the script which generates some metadata,
activate the DOI mechanism within DSpace,
configure a cron job which transmits the information about new and changed DOIs to the registration

After you enter into a contract with a DOI registration agency, they'll provide you with user credentials and a
DOI prefix. You have to enter these in the dspace cfg. Here is a list of DOI configuration options in dspace.cfg:

Configuration [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg


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Configuration [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg

identifier.doi.user = user123

Informational Username to login into the API of the DOI registration agency. You'll get it from your DOI
Note: registration agency.


identifier.doi.password = top-secret

Informational Password to login into the API of the DOI registration agency. You'll get it from your DOI
Note: registration agency.


identifier.doi.prefix = 10.5072

Informational The prefix you got from the DOI registration agency. All your DOIs start with this prefix,
Note: followed by a slash and a suffix generated from DSpace. The prefix can be compared with a
namespace within the DOI system.


identifier.doi.namespaceseparator = dspace-

Informational This property is optional. If you want to use the same DOI prefix in several DSpace
Note: installations or with other tools that generate and register DOIs it is necessary to use a
namespace separator. All the DOIs that DSpace generates will start with the DOI prefix,
followed by a slash, the namespace separator and some number generated by DSpace. For
example, if your prefix is 10.5072 and you want all DOIs generated by DSpace to look like
10.5072/dspace-1023 you have to set this as in the example value above.

Property: crosswalk.dissemination.DataCite.publisher

Example crosswalk.dissemination.DataCite.publisher = My University Press


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Configuration [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg

Informational The name of the entity which published the item.


Property: crosswalk.dissemination.DataCite.hostingInstitution

Example crosswalk.dissemination.DataCite.hostingInstitution = My University


Informational The name of the entity which hosts this instance of the object. If not configured, it will default
Note: to the value of crosswalk.dissemination.DataCite.publisher.

Property: crosswalk.dissemination.DataCite.dataManager

Example crosswalk.dissemination.DataCite.dataManager = My University Department of Geology


Informational If not configured, it will default to the value of crosswalk.dissemination.DataCite.publisher.


Please don't use the test prefix 10.5072 with DSpace. The test prefix 10.5072 differs from other
prefixes: It answers GET requests for all DOIs even for DOIs that are unregistered. DSpace checks
that it mint only unused DOIs and will create an Error: "Register DOI ... failed:
DOI_ALREADY_EXISTS". Your registration agency can provide you an individual test prefix, that you
can use for tests.

Metadata conversion
To reserve or register a DOI, DataCite requires that metadata be supplied which describe the object that the
DOI addresses. The file [dspace]/config/crosswalks/DIM2DataCite.xsl controls the conversion of metadata from
the DSpace internal format into the DataCite format. You have to add your DOI prefix, namespace separator
and the name of your institution to this file:


Document : DIM2DataCite.xsl
Created on : January 23, 2013, 1:26 PM
Author : pbecker, ffuerste
Description: Converts metadata from DSpace Intermediat Format (DIM) into
metadata following the DataCite Schema for the Publication and
Citation of Research Data, Version 2.2
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""

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<!-- Please add your DOI-Prefix and your namespace separator here (e.g. 10.5072-dspace-). -->
<xsl:variable name="prefix">10.5072-dspace-</xsl:variable>
<!-- The content of the following variable will be used as element publisher. -->
<xsl:variable name="publisher">My University</xsl:variable>
<!-- The content of the following variable will be used as element contributor with
contributorType datamanager. -->
<xsl:variable name="datamanager"><xsl:value-of select="$publisher" /></xsl:variable>
<!-- The content of the following variable will be used as element contributor with
contributorType hostingInstitution. -->
<xsl:variable name="hostinginstitution"><xsl:value-of select="$publisher" /></xsl:variable>
<!-- Please take a look into the DataCite schema documentation if you want to know how to use
these elements. -->


Just change the value in the variable named "publisher".

If you want to know more about the DataCite Schema, have a look at the documentation. If you change this file
in a way that is not compatible with the DataCite schema, you won't be able to reserve and register DOIs
anymore. Do not change anything if you're not sure what you're doing.

Identifier Service
The Identifier Service manages the generation, reservation and registration of identifiers within DSpace. You
can configure it using the config file located in [dspace]/config/spring/api/identifier-service.xml. In the file you
should already find the code to configure DSpace to register DOIs. Just read the comments and remove the
comment signs around the two appropriate beans.

After removing the comment signs the file should look something like this (I removed the comments to make the
listing shorter):


Copyright (c) 2002-2010, DuraSpace. All rights reserved
Licensed under the DuraSpace License.

A copy of the DuraSpace License has been included in this

distribution and is available at:

<beans xmlns=""

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<bean id="org.dspace.identifier.IdentifierService"

<bean id="org.dspace.identifier.DOIIdentifierProvider"
<property name="configurationService"
ref="" />
<property name="DOIConnector"
ref="org.dspace.identifier.doi.DOIConnector" />

<bean id="org.dspace.identifier.doi.DOIConnector"
<property name='DATACITE_SCHEME' value='https'/>
<property name='DATACITE_HOST' value=''/>
<property name='DATACITE_DOI_PATH' value='/doi/' />
<property name='DATACITE_METADATA_PATH' value='/metadata/' />
<property name='disseminationCrosswalkName' value="DataCite" />

If you use other IdentifierProviders beside the DOIIdentifierProvider there will be more beans in this file.

Please pay attention to configure the property DATACITE_HOST. Per default it is set to the DataCite test
server. To reserve real DOIs you will have to change it to Ask your registration agency if
you're not sure about the correct address.

DSpace should send updates to DataCite whenever the metadata of an item changes. To do so you have to
change the dspace.cfg again. You should remove the comments in front of the two following properties or add
them to the dspace.cfg:


event.consumer.doi.class = org.dspace.identifier.doi.DOIConsumer
event.consumer.doi.filters = Item+Modify_Metadata

Then you should add 'doi' to the property event.dispatcher.default.consumers. After adding it, this
property may look like this:


event.dispatcher.default.consumers = versioning, discovery, eperson, harvester, doi

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DOIs using DataCite and Item Level Versioning

If you enabled Item Level Versioning you should enable the VersionedDOIIdentifierProvider instead of
the DOIIdentifierProvider. The VersionedDOIIdentifierProvider ensures that newer versions of
the same Item gets a DOI looking as the DOI of the first version of and item, extended by a dot and the version
number. With DSpace 6 this also became the default for handles if Item Level Versioning is enabled. In the
configuration file [dspace]/config/spring/api/identifier-service.xml you'll find the possiblity to
enable the VersionedDOIIdentifierProvider. If you want to use versioned DOIS, please comment out
the DOIIdentifierProvider as only one of both DOIProviders should be enabled at the same time.

Command Line Interface

To make DSpace resistant to outages of DataCite we decided to separate the DOI support into two parts. When
a DOI should be generated, reserved or minted, DSpace does this in its own database. To perform registration
and/or reservation against the DOI registration agency a job has to be started using the command line.
Obviously this should be done by a cron job periodically. In this section we describe the command line interface,
in case you ever want to use it manually. In the next section you'll see the cron job that transfers all DOIs
designated for reservation and/or registration.

The command line interface in general is documented here: Command Line Operations.

The command used for DOIs is 'doi-organiser'. You can use the following options:

Option Option Parameter Description

(short) (long)

-d -- Transmit information to the DOI registration agency about all DOIs that
delete- were deleted.

-- DOI Transmit information to the DOI registration agency that the specified DOI
delete- was deleted. The DOI must already be marked for deletion; you cannot use
doi this command to delete a DOI for an exisiting item.

-h --help Print online help.

-l --list List all DOIs whose changes were not committed to the registration agency

-q --quiet The doi-organiser sends error reports to the mail address configured in the
property alert.recipient in dspace.cfg. If you use this option no output
should be given to stdout. If you do not use this option the doi-organiser
writes information about successful and unsuccessful operations to stdout
and stderr. You can find information in dspace.log of course.

-r Transmit information about all DOIs that should be registered.

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Option Option Parameter Description

(short) (long)


-- DOI | If a DOI is marked for registration, you can trigger the registration at the
register- ItemID | DOI registration agency by this command. Specify either the DOI, the ID of
doi handle the item, or its handle.

-s -- Transmit to the DOI registration agency information about all DOIs that
reserve- should be reserved.

-- DOI | If a DOI is marked for registration, you can trigger the registration at the
reserve- ItemID | DOI registration agency by this command. Specify either the DOI, the ID of
doi handle the item, or its handle.

-u -- If a DOI is reserved for an item, the metadata of the item will be sent to
update- DataCite. This command transmits new metadata for items whose
all metadata were changed since the DOI was reserved.

-- DOI | If a DOI needs an update of the metadata of the item it belongs to, you can
update- ItemID | trigger this update with this command. Specify either the DOI, the ID of the
doi handle item, or its handle.

Currently you cannot generate new DOIs with this tool. You can only send information about changes in your
local DSpace database to the registration agency.

'cron' job for asynchronous reservation/registration

When a DOI should be reserved, registered, deleted or its metadata updated, DSpace just writes this
information into its local database. A command line interface is supplied to send the necessary information to
the registration agency. This behavior makes it easier to react to outages or errors while using the API. This
information should be sent regularly, so it is a good idea to set up a cron job instead of doing it manually.

There are four commands that should be run regularly:

Update the metadata of all items that have changed since their DOI was reserved.
Reserve all DOIs marked for reservation
Register all DOIs marked for registration
Delete all DOIs marked for deletion

In DSpace, a DOI can have the state "registered", "reserved", "to be reserved", "to be registered", "needs
update", "to be deleted", or "deleted". After updating an item's metadata the state of its assigned DOI is set
back to the last state it had before. So, e.g., if a DOI has the state "to be registered" and the metadata of its

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item changes, it will be set to the state "needs update". After the update is performed its state is set to "to be
registered" again. Because of this behavior the order of the commands above matters: the update command
must be executed before all of the other commands above.

The cron job should perform the following commands with the rights of the user your DSpace installation runs

[dspace]/bin/dspace doi-organiser -u -q
[dspace]/bin/dspace doi-organiser -s -q
[dspace]/bin/dspace doi-organiser -r -q
[dspace]/bin/dspace doi-organiser -d -q

The doi-organiser sends error messages as email and logs some additional information. The option -q tells
DSpace to be quiet. If you don't use this option the doi-organiser will print messages to stdout about every DOI
it successfully reserved, registered, updated or deleted. Using a cron job these messages would be sent as

In case of an error, consult the log messages. If there is an outage of the API of your registration agency,
DSpace will not change the state of the DOIs so that it will do everything necessary when the cron job starts the
next time and the API is reachable again.

The frequency the cron job runs depends on your needs and your hardware. The more often you run the cron
job the faster your new DOIs will be available online. If you have a lot of submissions and want the DOIs to be
available really quickly, you probably should run the cron job every fifteen minutes. If there are just one or two
submissions per day, it should be enough to run the cron job twice a day.

To set up the cron job, you just need to run the following command as the dspace UNIX user:

crontab -e

The following line tells cron to run the necessary commands twice a day, at 1am and 1pm. Please notice that
the line starting with the numbers is one line, even it it should be shown as multiple lines in your browser.

# Send information about new and changed DOIs to the DOI registration agency:
0 1,13 * * * [dspace]/bin/dspace doi-organiser -u -q ; [dspace]/bin/dspace doi-organiser -s -q ;
[dspace]/bin/dspace doi-organiser -r -q ; [dspace]/bin/dspace doi-organiser -d -q

Limitations of DataCite DOI support

Every DSpace installation expects to be the only application that generates DOIs which start
with the prefix and the namespace separator you configured. DSpace does not check whether
a DOI it generates is reserved or registered already.

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That means if you want to use other applications or even more than one DSpace installation to register DOIs
with the same prefix, you'll have to use a unique namespace separator for each of them. Also you should not
generate DOIs manually with the same prefix and namespace separator you configured within DSpace. For
example, if your prefix is 10.5072 you can configure one DSpace installation to generate DOIs starting with
10.5072/papers-, a second installation to generate DOIs starting with 10.5072/data- and another application to
generate DOIs starting with 10.5072/results-.

DOIs will be used in addition to Handles. This implementation does not replace Handles with DOIs in DSpace.
That means that DSpace will still generate Handles for every item, every collection and every community, and
will use those Handles as part of the URL of items, collections and communities.

DSpace currently generates DOIs for items only. There is no support to generate DOIs for Communities and
collections yet.

When using DSpace's support for the DataCite API probably not all information would be restored when using
the AIP Backup and Restore (see DS-1836). The DOIs included in metadata of Items will be restored, but
DSpace won't update the metadata of those items at DataCite anymore. You can even get problems when
minting new DOIs after you restored older once using AIP.

Configure DSpace to use EZID service for registration of DOIs

The EZID IdentifierProvider operates synchronously, so there is much less to configure. You will need to un-
comment the org.dspace.identifier.EZIDIdentifierProvider bean in config/spring/api
/identifier-service.xml to enable DOI registration through EZID.

In config/dspace.cfg you will find a small block of settings whose names begin with identifier.doi.
ezid. You should uncomment these properties and give them appropriate values. Sample values for a test
account are supplied.

name meaning

identifier.doi.ezid. The "shoulder" is the DOI prefix issued to you by the EZID service. DOIs minted by
shoulder this instance of DSpace will be the concatenation of the "shoulder" and a locally
unique token.

identifier.doi.ezid. The username and password by which you authenticate to EZID.



identifier.doi.ezid. You may specify a default value for the required datacite.publisher
publisher metadatum, for use when the Item has no publisher.

Should match identifier.doi.ezid.publisher.

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name meaning


crosswalk. Name of the hosting institution. If not configured, it will be set to the value of
dissemination. crosswalk.dissemination.DataCite.publisher.

crosswalk. Name of the data manager. If not configured, it will be set to the value of crosswalk.
dissemination. dissemination.DataCite.publisher.

Back in config/spring/api/identifier-service.xml you will see some other configuration of the

EZIDIdentiferProvider bean. In most situations, the default settings should work well. But, here's an
explanation of options available:

EZID Provider / Registrar settings: By default, the EZIDIdentifierProvider is configured to use the CDLib
provider ( in the EZID_SCHEME, EZID_HOST and EZID_PATH settings. In most situations,
the default values should work for you. However, you may need to modify these values (especially the
EZID_HOST) if you are registered with a different EZID provider. In that situation, please check with your
provider for valid "host" and "path" settings. If your provider provides EZID service at a particular path on
its host, you may set that in EZID_PATH.
NOTE: As of the writing of this documentation, the default CDLib provider settings should also
work for institutions that use Purdue ( as a provider. Currently, Purdue and
CDLib currently share the same infrastructure, and both and ezid.lib. point to the same location.
Metadata mappings: You can alter the mapping between DSpace and EZID metadata, should you
choose. The crosswalk property is a map from DSpace metadata fields to EZID fields, and can be
extended or changed. The key of each entry is the name of an EZID metadata field; the value is the
name of the corresponding DSpace field, from which the EZID metadata will be populated.
Crosswalking / Transforms: You can also supply transformations to be applied to field values using the
crosswalkTransform property. Each key is the name of an EZID metadata field, and its value is the
name of a Java class which will convert the value of the corresponding DSpace field to its EZID form.
The only transformation currently provided is one which converts a date to the year of that date, named
org.dspace.identifier.ezid.DateToYear. In the configuration as delivered, it is used to convert
the date of issue to the year of publication. You may create new Java classes with which to supply other
transformations, and map them to metadata fields here. If an EZID metadatum is not named in this map,
the default mapping is applied: the string value of the DSpace field is copied verbatim.

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Limitations of EZID DOI support

DOIs will be used in addition to Handles. This implementation does not replace Handles with DOIs in DSpace.
That means that DSpace will continue to generate Handles for every item, every collection and every
community, and will use those Handles as part of the URL of items, collections and communities.

Currently, the EZIDIdentifierProvider has a known issue where it stores its DOIs in the dc.identifier field,
instead of using the dc.identifier.uri field (which is the one used by DataCite DOIs and Handles). See
DS-2199 for more details. This will be corrected in a future version of DSpace.

DSpace currently generates DOIs for items only. There is no support to generate DOIs for Communities and
Collections yet.

JSPUI specific configurations

You can configure whether the JSPUI should show DOIs or handles on item frontdoors. Heading an item
frontdoor there is an informational note containing a Persistent Identifier and the request to use it when one
wants to refer to this item. By setting the property webui.preferred.identifier to doi in dspace.cfg, you can
configure the JSPUI to use DOIs instead of handles which are used by default. This property also controls
which Persistent Identifiers are used in the Version History that is shown if Item Level Versioning is used and
version history is enabled.

Further more you can configure whether DOIs should contain a doi: prefix or not in the version history. The
property webui.identifier.strip-prefixes in dspace.cfg controls this. By default the doi: prefix is stripped (not

Adding support for other Registration Agencies

If you want DSpace to support other registration agencies, you just have to write a Java class that implements
the interface DOIConnector ([dspace-source]/dspace-api/src/main/java/org/dspace/identifier/doi/DOIConnector.
java). You might use the DataCiteConnector ([dspace-source]/dspace-api/src/main/java/org/dspace/identifier/doi
/ as an example. After developing your own DOIConnector, you configure DSpace as if
you were using the DataCite API directly. Just use your DOIConnector when configuring the IdentifierService
instead of the DataCiteConnector.

4.4.4 Item Level Versioning

What is Item Level Versioning?
Important warnings - read before enabling
Enabling Item Level Versioning
Steps for XML UI
Steps for JSP UI
Initial Requirements

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User Interface
General behaviour: Linear Versioning
Creating a new version of an item
View the history and older versions of an item
Versioning model
Versioning Service Override
Identifier Service Override
Version History Visibility
Allowing submitters to version their items (JSPUI only)
Identified Challenges & Known Issues in DSpace 4.0
Only Administrators and Collection/Community Administrators can add new versions
Conceptual compatibility with Embargo
Conceptual compatibility with Item Level Statistics
Exposing version history
Hide Submitter details in version table

What is Item Level Versioning?

Versioning is a new functionality to build the history of an item. Users will have the opportunity to create new
version of an existing item any time the will make a change.

Important warnings - read before enabling

AIP Backup & Restore functionality only works with the Latest Version of Items

If you are using the AIP Backup and Restore functionality to backup / restore / migrate DSpace
Content, you must be aware that the "Item Level Versioning" feature is not yet compatible with AIP
Backup & Restore. Using them together may result in accidental data loss. Currently the AIPs that
DSpace generates only store the latest version of an Item. Therefore, past versions of Items will
always be lost when you perform a restore / replace using AIP tools. See DS-1382.

DSpace 6 changed the way Handles are created for versioned Items

With version 6 the way DSpace crates Handles for versioned Items was changed. If you want to keep
the old behavior of DSpace 4 and 5 you have to enable the
VersionedHandleIdentifierProviderWithCanonicalHandles in the XML configuration files
[dspace]/config/spring/api/identifier-service.xml. See IdentifierServiceOverride
below for details and the comments in the configuration file.

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Enabling Item Level Versioning

By default, Item Level Versioning is disabled in DSpace 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Starting from DSpace 4.0, Item Level Versioning is also supported in JSPUI.

Steps for XML UI

If you wish to enable this feature, you just have to uncomment the "Versioning" aspect in your [dspace]
/config/xmlui.xconf file (and restart your servlet container):

<!-- =====================
Item Level Versioning
===================== -->
<!-- To enable Item Level Versioning features, uncomment this aspect. -->
<aspect name="Versioning Aspect" path="resource://aspects/Versioning/" />

Steps for JSP UI

If you wish to enable this feature, you just have to edit the versioning.enabled settings in your [dspace]
/config/modules/versioning.cfg file. Alternatively, you may override it in your local.cfg config (see
Configuration Reference).

#------------ VERSIONING CONFIGURATIONS ------------#
# These configs are used by the versioning system #
#Parameter 'enabled' is used only by JSPUI

Initial Requirements
The Item Level Versioning implementation in DSpace 3.0 builds on following requirements identified by the
stakeholders who supported this contribution: Initial Requirements Analysis

1. What should be Versionable

a. Versioning happens at the level of an Individual Item
b. Versioning should preserve the current state of metadata, bitstreams and resource policies
attached to the item.
2. Access, Search and Discovery
a. Only the most recent version of an item is available via the search interface


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b. Previous versions of Items should continue to be visible, citable and accessible

c. The Bitstreams for previous versions are retained. If something was once retrievable, it should
always be retrievable.
3. Identifiers
a. Each version of an Item is represented by a separate "versioned" identifier
b. A base "versionhistory" Identifier points to the most recent version of the Item.
c. A revision identifier also exists that is unique to the specific version.
d. When a new version of an Item is deposited, a new revision identifier will be created.
4. Presentation
a. On the item page, there is a link to view previous/subsequent versions.
b. By examining the metadata or identifiers, it is possible to determine whether an item is the most
recent version, the original version, or an intermediate version.
5. Access Control and Rights
a. Certain roles should be able to generate a new version of the item via submission.
b. To submitters, collection manager, administrators will be given to option to create new version of
an item.
c. Rights to access a specific Item should transmute as well to previous versions
d. Rights to access a specific Bitstream should also transmute to previous versions.
6. Data Integrity
a. The relationships between versions should not be brittle and breakable by manipulating Item
metadata records.
b. The relationships between versions should be preserved and predictable in various Metadata
Exports (OAI, Packagers, ItemExport)
c. The relationships between versions should be maintained in SWORD and AIP packaging and be
maintained in updates and restorations.

User Interface

General behaviour: Linear Versioning

From the user interface, DSpace offers linear versioning. As opposed to hierarchical versioning, linear version
has following properties:

A new version can only be created started from the latest available version
When new version has been created and still needs to pass certain steps of the workflow, it is
temporarily impossible to create another new version until the workflow steps are finished and the new
version has replaced the previous one.

Creating a new version of an item

Administrators and collection/community administrators can create new versions of an item from the Item View

1. Click "Create a new version" from the Context Menu in the navigation bar.


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2. Provide the reason for creating a new version that will lateron be stored and displayed in the version

3. Your new version is now creates as a new Item in your Workspace. It requires you to go through the
submission and workflow steps like you would do for a normal, new submission to the collection. The
rationale behind this is that if you are adding new files or metadata, you will also need to accept the
license for them. In addition to this, the versioning functionality does not bypass any quality control
embedded in the workflow steps.

After the submission steps and the execution of subsequent workflow steps, the new version becomes available
in the repository.

View the history and older versions of an item

An overview of the version history, including links to older versions of an item, is available at the bottom of an
Item View page. The repository administrator can decide whether the version history should be available to all
users or restricted to administrators. Since DSpace 6 the repository administrator can decide whether all users

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should be able to see the version submitter/editor or if this information is restricted and can be seen by
administrators only. As this may expose data that my be considered personal (name and email address of the
submitter), we encourage everyone to leave the default setting and reveal those information to administrators


Versioning model
For every new Version a separate DSpace Item will be created that replicates the metadata, bundle and
bitstream records. The bitstream records will point to the same file on the disk.

The Cleanup method has been modified to retain the file if another Bitstream record point to it (the dotted lines
in the diagram represent a bitstream deleted in the new version), in other words the file will be deleted only if
the Bitstream record processed is the only one to point to the file (count(INTERNAL_ID)=1).

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Versioning Service Override

You can override the default behaviour of the Versioning Service using following XML configuration file,
deployed under your dspace installation directory:


In this file, you can specify which metadata fields are automatically "reset" (i.e. cleared out) during the creation
of a new item version. By default, all metadata values (and bitstreams) are copied over to the newly created
version, with the exception of and dc.description.provenance. You may specify
additional metadata fields to reset by adding them to the "ignoredMetadataFields" property in the "versioning-
service.xml" file:

<!-- Default Item Versioning Provider, defines behavior for replicating

Item, Metadata, Budles and Bitstreams. Autowired at this time. -->
<bean class="org.dspace.versioning.DefaultItemVersionProvider">
<property name="ignoredMetadataFields">

Identifier Service Override

Persistent Identifiers are used to address Items within DSpace. The handle system is deeply integrated within
DSpace, but since version 4 DSpace can also mint DOIs. DSpace 4 and 5 supported one type of versioned
handle: The initial version of an Item got a handle, e.g. 10673/100. This handle was called the canonical one.
When a newer version was created, the canonical handle was moved to identify the newest version. The
previously newest version got a new handle build out of the canonical handle extended by a dot and the version
number. In the image below you see a version history of an item using this handle strategy.

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The canonical handle will always point to the newest version of an Item. This makes sense if you hide the
version history. Normal users won't be able to find older versions and will always see just the newest one.
Please keep in mind, that older versions can be accessed by "guessing" the versioned Handle if you do not
remove the read policies manually. The downside of this identifier strategy is that there is no permanent handle
to cite the currently newest version, as it will get a new Handle when a newer version is created.

With DSpace 6 versioned DOIs (using DataCite as DOI registration agency) were added and the default
versioned Handle strategy was changed. Starting with DSpace 6 the
VersionedHandleIdentifierProvider creates a handle for the first version of an item. Every newer
version gets the same handle extended by a dot and the version number. To stay by the example from above,
the first version of an Item gets the Handle 10673/100, the second version 10673/100.2, the third version
10673.3 and so on. This strategy has the downside that there is no handle pointing always to the newest
version. But each version gets an identifier that can be use to cite exactly this version. If page numbers changes
in newer editions the old citations stay valid. This strategy makes sense especially if you present the version
history to all users. In the image below you see a version history using this strategy.

In DSpace 4 and 5 only the strategy using canonical handles (one handle that always points to the newest
version) were implemented. In DSpace 6 the strategy of creating a new handle for each version was

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implemented. With DSpace 6 this new strategy become the default. The strategy using canonical handle still
exists in DSpace but you have to enable the VersionedHandleIdentifierWithCanonicalHandles in
the file [dspace]/config/spring/api/identifier-serice.xml. With DSpace 6 versioned DOIs were
introduced using the strategy that every new version gets a new DOI (extended by a dot and the version
numbers for versions >= 2). To use versioned Handle you have to enable DOIs, you have to use DataCite as
registration agency and you have to enable the VersionedDOIIdentifierProvider in the named
configuration file.

You can configure which persistent identifiers should be used by editing following XML configuration file,
deployed under your dspace installation directory:


No changes to this file are required to enable Versioning. This file is currently only relevant if you want to keep
the identifier strategy from DSpace 4 and 5 or if you want to enable DOIs or even versioned DOIs.

Version History Visibility

By default, all users will be able to see the version history. To ensure that only administrators can see the
Version History, enable versioning.item.history.view.admin in the [dspace]/config/modules
/versioning.cfg OR in your local.cfg file.


Allowing submitters to version their items (JSPUI only)

With DSpace 6.0 it became possible to allow submitters to create new versions of their own items. This
currently works in JSPUI only and is switched off by default to keep the same behavior as XMLUI. The new
versions are going through the normal workflow process if the collection is configured this way. To allow
submitters to create new versions of Item they originally submitted, you have to change the configuration
property versioning.submitterCanCreateNewVersion and set it to true.It is part of the configuration
file [dspace]/config/modules/versioning.cfg but can be overridden in your local.cfg too.

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Identified Challenges & Known Issues in DSpace 4.0

Item Level Versioning has a substantial conceptual impact on many DSpace features. Therefore it has been
accepted into DSpace 3.0 as an optional feature and it is still an option feature in DSpace 4.0. Following
challenges have been identified in the current implementation. As an early adopter of the Item Level Versioning
feature, your input is greatly appreciated on any of these.

Only Administrators and Collection/Community Administrators can add new versions

There is currently no configuration option to allow submitters to create new versions of an item. This
functionality is restricted to Administrators and Collection/Community Administrators. In a context where original
submission of DSpace items is done by non-administrator users, it might also make sense to allow them to
create new versions. Especially given the fact that new versions have to pass through the workflow anyway.

Conceptual compatibility with Embargo

Lifting an embargo currently does not interact with Item Level Versioning. Additional implementation would be
required to ensure that lifting an embargo actually creates a new version of the item.

Conceptual compatibility with Item Level Statistics

Both on the level of pageviews and downloads, different versions of an item are treated as different items. As a
result, an end user will have the impression that the stats are being "reset" once a new version is installed,
because the previous downloads and pageviews are allocated to the previous version.

One possible solution would be to present an end user with aggregated statistics across all viewers, and give
administrators the possibility to view statistics per version.

Exposing version history

The version history is added on the bottom of a versioned item page. A repository administrator can either
decide to show this to all users, or restrict it to admins only. If it is shown to admins only, an end user will have
no way to find the way to an older version. Since DSpace 6 you can also configure if the submitter's name and
email address should be part of the version history or if they should be hidden. To show the submitter might
actually be useful if the editor account is always a generic institutional email address, but may conflict with local
privacy laws if any personal details are included.

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Hide Submitter details in version table

In either the [dspace]/config/modules/versioning.cfg configuration file or your local.cfg, you can
customize the configuration option versioning.item.history.include.submitter. By default this is
set to false, which means that information about the submitter is only viewable by administrators. If you want to
expose the submitters information to everyone (which be useful if all submitters uses generic institutional email
addresses, but may conflict with local privacy laws if personal details are included) you can set this
configuration property to true.

# The property item.history.include.submitter controls whether the name of

# the submitter of a version should be included in the version history of
# an item.

The initial contribution of Item Level Versioning to DSpace 3.0 was implemented by @mire with kind support

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Marine Biology Laboratory, Center for Library and Informatics, History and Philosophy of Science
Arizona State University, Center for Biology and Society

The JSPUI compatibility has been added in DSpace 4.0 by CINECA

4.4.5 Mapping Items

Using the Item Mapper
Mapping collection vs Owning collection
Mapping an item does not modify access rights

The Item Mapper is a tool in the DSpace web user interface allowing repository managers to display the same
item in multiple collections at once. Thanks to this feature, a repository manager is not forced to duplicate items
to display them in different collections

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Using the Item Mapper

In the XML User Interface, the item mapper can be accessed from the "Context" menu from a collection

In the JSP User Interface, the item mapper can be accessed from the "Admin Tools" menu on the right side of a
collection homepage.

Item Mapper - JSPUI Interface

Item Mapper - XMLUI Interface

The item mapper offers an interface to search for items in the repository with the goal of mapping them to the
collection from where you accessed the Item Mapper. While the JSPUI only offers a search for author names,
the XMLUI Item Mapper offers a broader search.

The list of items mapped into the current collection can be consulted through the Item Mapper page. While
JSPUI immediately shows the list of mapped items, the XMLUI requires you to click "Browse mapped items" in
order to access the list.

The list of mapped items provides the functionality to remove the mapping for selected items.

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Mapping collection vs Owning collection

The relation between an item and the collection in which it is mapped is different from the relation that this item
has with the collection to which it was originally submitted. This second collection is referred to as the "owning"
collection. When an item is deleted from the owning collection, it automatically disappears from the mapping
collection. From within the mapping collection, the only thing that can be deleted is the mapping relation.
Removing this mapping relation does not affect the presence of the item in the owning collection.

Mapping an item does not modify access rights

When an item gets mapped into a collection, it does not receive new access rights. I t retains the authorizations
that it inherited from the collection that "owns" it. Collection admins who do not have read access to an item will
not be able to map them to other collections.

4.4.6 Metadata Recommendations

/*<![CDATA[*/ div.rbtoc1477323616992 {padding: 0px;} div.

rbtoc1477323616992 ul {list-style: disc;margin-left: 0px;} div.
rbtoc1477323616992 li {margin-left: 0px;padding-left: 0px;} /*]]>*/
Recommended Metadata Fields
Local Fields

Recommended Metadata Fields

DSpace provides a broad list of metadata fields out of the box (see: Metadata and Bitstream Format Registries),
and a variety of options for adding content to DSpace (both from the UI and from other services). No matter
which Ingest option you use, DSpace recommends ensuring that the following metadata fields are specified:

Title (dc.title)
When submitting an Item via the DSpace web user interface, this field is required.
If you add an Item to DSpace through another means (SWORD, etc), it is recommend to specify a
title for an Item. Without a title, the Item will show up in DSpace a "Untitled".
Publication Date (
When submitting an Item via the DSpace web user interface, this field is required (by default).
However, your System Administrator can choose to enable the "Initial Questions" step
within the Submission User Interface. Enabling this step will cause the following to occur: If
the item is said to be "published", then the Publication Date will be required. If the item is
said to be "unpublished" then the Publication Date will be auto-set to today's date (date of

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submission). WARNING: Google Scholar has recommended against automatically

assigning this "" field to the date of submission as it often results in incorrect
dates in Google Scholar results. See DS-1481 and DS-1745 for more details.
If you add and Item to DSpace through another means (SWORD, etc), it is recommended to
specify the date in which an Item was published, in ISO-8601 (e.g. 2007, 2008-01, or 2011-03-04).
This ensures DSpace can accurately report the publication date to services like Google Scholar. If
an item is unpublished, you can either chose to leave this blank, or pass in the literal string "today"
(which will tell DSpace to automatically set it to the date of ingest)

DSpace will not auto-assign a ""

As of DSpace 4.0, the system will not assign a "" when unspecified.
Previous versions of DSpace (3.0 or below) would set "" to the date of
accession (, if it was unspecified during ingest.
If you are adding content to DSpace without using the DSpace web user interface, there
are two recommended options for assigning ""
If the item is previously published before, please set "" to the date
of publication in ISO-8601(e.g. 2007, 2008-01, or 2011-03-04)
If the item has never been previously published, you may set "
issued='today'" (the literal string "today"). This will cause DSpace to automatically
assign "" to the date of accession (, as it did
You can also chose to leave "" as unspecified, but then the
new Item will have an empty date within DSpace.

Obviously, we recommend specifying as much metadata as you can about a new Item. For a full list of
supported metadata fields, please see: Metadata and Bitstream Format Registries

Local Fields
You may encounter situations in which you will require an appropriate place to store information that does not
immediately fit with the description of a field in the default registry. The recommended practice in this situation is
to create new fields in a separate schema. You can choose your own name and prefix for this schema such as
local. or myuni.

It is generally discouraged to use any of the fields from the default schema as a place to store information that
doesn't correspond with the fields description. This is especially true if you are ever considering the option to
open up your repository metadata for external harvesting.

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4.4.7 Moving Items

Moving Items via Web UI
Moving Items via the Batch Metadata Editor

Moving Items via Web UI

It is possible for administrators to move items one at a time using either the JSPUI or the XMLUI. When editing
an item, on the 'Edit item' screen select the 'Move Item' option. To move the item, select the new collection for
the item to appear in. When the item is moved, it will take its authorizations (who can READ / WRITE it) with it.

If you wish for the item to take on the default authorizations of the destination collection, tick the 'Inherit default
policies of destination collection' checkbox. This is useful if you are moving an item from a private collection to a
public collection, or from a public collection to a private collection.

Note: When selecting the 'Inherit default policies of destination collection' option, ensure that this will not
override system-managed authorizations such as those imposed by the embargo system.

Moving Items via the Batch Metadata Editor

Items may also be moved in bulk by using the CSV batch metadata editor (see Editing Collection Membership
section under Batch Metadata Editing).

4.4.8 ORCID Integration

Use case and high level benefits
Enabling the ORCID authority control
Importing existing authors & keeping the index up to date
Different possible use cases for Index-authority script
Metadata value WITHOUT authority key in metadata
Metadata that already has an authority key from an external source (NOT auto-generated
by DSpace)
Metadata that has already a new dspace generated uid authority key
Processing on records in the authority cache
Submission of new DSpace items - Author lookup
Admin Edit Item
Editing existing items using Batch CSV Editing
Storage of related metadata
Adding additional fields under ORCID

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Integration with other systems beside ORCID

Which information from ORCID is currently indexed in the authority cache?
How can I index additional fields in the authority cache?
How can I use the information stored in the authority cache?
How to add additional metadata fields in the authority cache that are not related to ORCID?
What happens to data if another authority control was already present?
Where can I find the URL that is used to lookup ORCIDs?

The ORCID integration adds ORCID compatibility to the existing solutions for Authority control in DSpace.
String names of authors are still being stored in DSpace metadata. The authority key field is leveraged to store
a uniquely generated internal ID that links the author to more extended metadata, including the ORCID ID and
alternative author names.

This extended metadata is stored and managed in a dedicated SOLR index, the DSpace authority cache.

Use case and high level benefits

The vision behind this project consists of the following two aspects:

Lowering the threshold to adopt ORCID for the members of the DSpace community

ORCIDs API has enabled developers across the globe to build points of integration between ORCID and third
party applications. Up until today, this meant that members of the DSpace community were still required to
implement front-end and back-end modifications to the DSpace source code in order to leverage these APIs. As
DSpace aims to provide turnkey Institutional Repository functionality, the platform is expected to provide more
functionality out of the box. Only an elite selection of members in the DSpace community has software
development resources readily available to implement this kind of functionality. By contributing a solution
directly to the core DSpace codebase, this threshold to adopt ORCID functionality in DSpace repositories is
effectively lowered. The ultimate goal is to allow easy adoption of ORCID without customization of the DSpace
software, by allowing repository administrators to enable or disable functionality by means of user friendly

Address generic use cases with appealing end user functionality

This proposal aims to provide user friendly features for both repository administrators as well as non- technical
end users of the system. The addition of ORCID functionality to DSpace should not come at the cost of making
the system more difficult for administrators and end users to use. Scope With this vision in mind, the project
partners wanted to tackle the first phases for repository managers of existing DSpace repositories: ensuring that
ORCIDs are properly associated with new works entering the system, as well as providing functionality to
efficiently batch-update content already existing in the system, with unambiguous author identity information.

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Enabling the ORCID authority control

JSPUI Support

In DSpace 5.0 the functionality only includes user interface functionality for the DSpace XML User

XMLUI Theme Support

In DSpace 5.0 the functionality only adds support for the XMLUI Mirage and Mirage 2 themes. Older
XMLUI themes including Kubrick, Reference and Classic are currently unsupported.

If you wish to enable this feature, some changes are required to the dspace.cfg file. The first step is to
activate the authority as a valid option for authority control, this is done by adding/setting an additional plugin in
the property. An example of this
can be found below. = \
org.dspace.content.authority.SolrAuthority = SolrAuthorAuthority

The feature relies on the following configuration parameters in dspace.cfg. To activate the default settings it
suffices to remove the comment hashes ("#") for the following lines. See the section at the bottom of this page
what these parameters mean exactly and how you can tweak the configuration.

solr.authority.server=${solr.server}/authority = SolrAuthorAuthority = authorLookup = true

The final part of configuration is to add the authority consumer in front of the list of event consumers. Add
"authority" in front of the list as displayed below.

event.dispatcher.default.consumers = authority, versioning, discovery, eperson, harvester

Importing existing authors & keeping the index up to date

When first enabled the authority index will be empty, to populate the authority index run the following script:

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[dspace]/bin/dspace index-authority

This will iterate over every metadata under authority control and create records of them in the authority index.
The metadata without an authority key will each be updated with an auto generated authority key. These will not
be matched in any way with other existing records. The metadata with an authority key that does not already
exist in the index will be indexed with those authority keys. The metadata with an authority key that already exist
in the index will be re-indexed the same way. These records remain unchanged.

Different possible use cases for Index-authority script

Metadata value WITHOUT authority key in metadata

Luyten, Bram is present in the metadata without any authority key.
GOAL: Luyten, Bram gets added in the cache ONCE

All occurences of Luyten, Bram in the DSpace item metadata will become linked with the same generated uid.

Metadata that already has an authority key from an external source (NOT auto-generated by
Snyers, Antoine is present with authority key u12345

The old authority key needs to be preserved in the item metadata and duplicated in the cache.
u12345 will be copied to the authority cache and used as the authority key there.

Metadata that has already a new dspace generated uid authority key
Item metadata already contains an author with name Haak, Danielle and a uid in the authority field 3dda2571-

This uid is preserved and no new record is being created in the authority index.

Processing on records in the authority cache

Running this script again will update the index and keep the index clean. For example if an author occurs in a
single item and that item is deleted the script will need to be run again to remove it from the index. When run
again it will remove all records that no longer have a link to existing authors in the database.

Submission of new DSpace items - Author lookup

The submissions forms have not changed much. The only thing you can notice is an extra button next to the
input fields for the author names. Next to the Add button, which is common for all repeatable fields, there is the
Lookup & Add button.

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It's by clicking on that button that the Look-up User Interface appears. If an author name was filled in but not
added yet, the Lookup User Interface will immediately perform a search for that name. Otherwise the search
field remains empty and a list of known authors is displayed. The list of authors is updated as you type in the
search box.

Authors that already appear somewhere in the repository are differentiated from the authors that have been
retrieved from ORCID.

The authors retrieved from ORCID have their name italicized and they're listed after the authors that are found
in the repository.

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Click on one of these names to see more information about them. The message "There's no one selected" will
vanish, making room for the author's information. The available information can vary: Authors imported from
ORCID have an orcid where the others do not. Authors that have been added without look-up only show their
last name and first name.

To add an author from the Look-up User Interface, you select the author in the list and then you click on the
"Add This Person" button.

To add an author without look-up, you don't go through the Look-up User Interface. Instead you simply use the
"Add" button in the submissions forms.

Admin Edit Item

In the edit metadata page, under the values for the fields, an extra line shows the author
ID together with a lock icon and a Lookup button. The author ID cannot be changed manually. However the
Lookup button will help you change the author name and ID at the same time.

Clicking the Lookup button brings back the Lookup User Interface. This works just the same way as in the
submission forms.

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Editing existing items using Batch CSV Editing

Instructions on how to use the Batch CSV Editing are found on the Batch Metadata Editing documentation page

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ORCID Integration is provided through the Batch CSV Editing feature with an extra available headers "ORCID:". The usual CSV headers only contain the metadata fields: e.g. "". In
addition to the traditional header, another header can be added with the "ORCID:" prefix.
The values in this column are supposed to be ORCIDs.

For each of the ORCID authors a lookup will be done and their names will be added to the metadata. All the
non-ORCID authors will be added as well. The authority keys and solr records are added when the reported
changes are applied.

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Storage of related metadata

ORCID authorities not only link a digital identifier to a name. It regroups a load of metadata going from
alternative names and email addresses to keywords about their works and much more. The metadata is
obtained by querying the ORCID web services. In order to avoid querying the ORCID web services every time,
all these related metadata is gathered in a "metadata authority cache" that DSpace can access directly.

In practice the cache is provided by an apache solr server. When a look-up is made and an author is chosen
that is not yet in the cache, a record is created from an ORCID profile and added to the cache with the list of
related metadata. The value of the Dublin Core metadata is based on the first and last name as they are set in
the ORCID profile. The authority key for this value links directly to the solr document's id. DSpace does not
provide a way to edit these records manually.

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The information in the authority cache can be updated by running the following command line operation:

Command used:
[dspace]/bin/dspace dsrun org.dspace.authority.UpdateAuthorities

Arguments description

-i update specific solr records with the given internal ids (comma-separated)

-h prints this help message

This will iterate over every solr record currently in use (unless the -i argument is provided), query the ORCID
web service for the latest data and update the information in the cache. If configured, the script will also update
the metadata of the items in the repository where applicable.

The configuration property can be set in config/modules/solrauthority.cfg, or overridden in your

local.cfg (see Configuration Reference). = false | true

When set to true and this is script is run, if an authority record's information is updated the whole repository will
be scanned for this authority. Every metadata field with this authority key will be updated with the value of the
updated authority record.

In the Enabling the ORCID authority control section, you have been told to add this block of configuration.

solr.authority.server=${solr.server}/authority = SolrAuthorAuthority = authorLookup = true

The ORCID Integration feature is an extension on the authority control in DSpace. Most of these properties are
extensively explained on the Authority Control of Metadata Values documentation page. These will be revisited
but first we cover the properties that have been newly added.

The solr.authority.server is the url to the solr core. Usually this would be on the solr.server
next to the oai, search and statistics cores. and the subsequent increments configure which fields will be
indexed in the authority cache. However before adding extra fields into the solr cache, please read the
section about Adding additional fields under ORCID.

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That's it for the novelties. Moving on to the generic authority control properties:

With the authority.controlled property every metadata field that needs to be authority controlled is
configured. This involves every type of authority control, not only the fields for ORCID integration.
The choices.plugin should be configured for each metadata field under authority control. Setting the
value on SolrAuthorAuthority tells DSpace to use the solr authority cache for this metadatafield, cfr.
Storage of related metadata.
The choices.presention should be configured for each metadata field as well. The traditional values
for this property are select|suggest|lookup. A new value, authorLookup, has been added to be
used in combination with the SolrAuthorAuthority choices plugin. While the other values can still be used,
the authorLookup provides a richer user interface in the form of a popup on the submission page.
The browse indexes need to point to the new authority-controlled index: webui.browse.index.2 =
author:metadata:dc.contributor.*,dc.creator:text should become webui.browse.index.2
More existing configuration properties are available but their values are independent of this feature and
their default values are usually fine: choices.closed , authority.required, authority.
minconfidence .

For the cache update script, one property can be set in config/modules/solrauthority.cfg:

auto-update-items = false | true

The default value for when the property is missing is false.

The final part of configuration is to add the authority consumer in front of the list of event consumers. Add
"authority" in front of the list as displayed below.

event.dispatcher.default.consumers = authority, versioning, discovery, eperson, harvester

Without the consumer there is no automatic indexing of the authority cache and the metadata will not even have
authority keys.

Changes to the configuration always require a server restart before they're in effect.

Adding additional fields under ORCID

Other metadata fields besides "" can benefit from the ORCID authority control at the same
time. Here is an example of how to get the same ORCID functionality for the "dc.contributor.editor" metadata
field assuming that "" is already configured correctly. It can be achieved by modifying
configuration files only.

First add the same configuration fields that have been added for the ""

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choices.plugin.dc.contributor.editor = SolrAuthorAuthority
choices.presentation.dc.contributor.editor = authorLookup
authority.controlled.dc.contributor.editor = true

This is enough to get the look-up interface on the submission page and on the edit metadata page. The
authority keys will be added and indexed with the information from orcid just as it happens with the Authors.

But you're not completely done yet, There is one more configuration step. Because now when adding new
editors in the metadata that are not retrieved through the external look-up, their first and last name will not be
displayed in the look-up interface next time you look for them.

To fix this, open the file at config/spring/api/orcid-authority-services.xml and find this spring

<bean name="AuthorityTypes" class="org.dspace.authority.AuthorityTypes">

<property name="types">
<bean class="org.dspace.authority.orcid.OrcidAuthorityValue"/>
<bean class="org.dspace.authority.PersonAuthorityValue"/>
<property name="fieldDefaults">
<entry key="dc_contributor_author">
<bean class="org.dspace.authority.PersonAuthorityValue"/>

The map inside the "fieldDefaults" property needs an additional entry for the editor field:

<entry key="dc_contributor_editor">
<bean class="org.dspace.authority.PersonAuthorityValue"/>

With this last change everything is set up to work correctly. The rest of this configuration file is meant for JAVA
developers that wish to provide integration with other systems beside ORCID. Developers that wish to display
other fields than first and last name can also have a look in that section.

Note: Each metadata field has a separate set of authority records. Authority keys are not shared between
different metadata fields. E. g. multiple can have the same authority key and point to the

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same authority record in the cache. But when an ORCID is chosen for a dc.contributor.editor field, a separate
record is made in the cache. Both records are updated from the same source and will contain the same
information. The difference is that when performing a look-up of a person that has been introduced as an
authority for an author field but not yet as an editor, it will show as record that is not yet present in the repository

Integration with other systems beside ORCID

The authority cache and look-up functionality can be extended to use other sources than ORCID or to show
more information in the look-up interface. However some JAVA development is necessary for this. Specific
instructions can be found in the readme file of the org.dspace.authority package.


Which information from ORCID is currently indexed in the authority cache?

Here is a breakdown of the fields stored in the solr cache.

The system/dspace related fields are: id, field, value, deleted, creation_date, last_modified_date, authority_type

The fields with data coming directly from ORCID are: first_name, last_name, name_variant, orcid_id,
label_researcher_url, label_keyword, label_external_identifier, label_biography, label_country. The field
all_labels contains all the values from the other fields starting with "label_".

How can I index additional fields in the authority cache?

There is currently no configuration to control which fields are indexed. The only way to achieve this is to modify
the source code.

List of the files at work for this job:

config/spring/api/orcid-authority-services.xml: OrcidSource contains the URL for orcid's REST
org.dspace.authority.orcid.Orcid makes the REST call
+ org.dspace.authority.orcid.xml.XMLtoBio converts the received XML to a java object (Bio).
+ org.dspace.authority.orcid.model.Bio
+ org.dspace.authority.orcid.OrcidAuthorityValue#create(org.dspace.authority.orcid.model.Bio) inserts all the
values from Bio into the AuthorityValue subclass.
+ org.dspace.authority.orcid.OrcidAuthorityValue#getSolrInputDocument defines what's included in solr.

The files preceded with a '+' would be necessary to modify to add more info into the cache.

How can I use the information stored in the authority cache?

The look-up UI is currently the only place this information is sent to. However just a limited number of fields are
sent. The place in the source code to modify to get more fields there is org.dspace.authority.orcid.

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OrcidAuthorityValue#choiceSelectMap. This is also documented in the readme of the org.dspace.authority


How to add additional metadata fields in the authority cache that are not related to
Make the same configuration step as for adding additional fields under ORCID. Currently the ORCID
suggestions cannot be turned off for specific fields, that would require custom code.

What happens to data if another authority control was already present?

As long as the metadata does not get indexed, there will be no changes. However every time any metadata of
an item is modified, the metadata under authority control for that item will be re-indexed. When that happens a
record will be inserted in the solr cache. That record's ID will be the authority key of the metadata. This can be
done for all metadata at once with the index-authority script.

In short: authority keys that exist prior to enabling the solrauthority are kept. They just won't show in the look-up
until they are indexed.

Where can I find the URL that is used to lookup ORCIDs?

It is found in the config/spring/api/orcid-authority-services.xml configuration file. Look for the
<bean name="OrcidSource">, which is initialized with a URL of

4.4.9 PDF Citation Cover Page

Enabling PDF Cover Pages may affect your site's visibility in Google Scholar (and similar
search engines)

Google Scholar specifically warns against automatically generating PDF Cover Pages, as they can
break the metadata extraction techniques used by their search engine. Be aware that enabling PDF
Cover Pages may also cause those items to no longer be indexed by Google Scholar. For more
information, please see the "Indexing Repositories: Pitfalls and Best Practices" talk from Anurag
Acharya (co-creator of Google Scholar) presented at the Open Repositories 2015 conference.

A known issue with the current implementation of the PDF Citation Cover Page is that primarily only
English/Roman characters are supported. This is due to a limitation in the tool used to generate PDFs.
See DS-2224 for more details on this issue

Adding a cover page to retrieved documents from DSpace that include additional citation information has been
sought, as documents uploaded to the repository might have had their context stripped from them, when they
are just a PDF. Context that might have surrounded the document would be the journal, publisher, edition, and

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more. Without that information, the document might just be a few pages of text, with no way to piece it together.
Since repository policy might be to include this information as metadata to the Item, this metadata can be added
to the citation cover page, so that the derivative PDF includes all of this information.

The citation cover page works by only storing the original PDF in DSpace, and then generating the citation-
cover-page PDF on-the-fly. An alternative set up would be to run the PDF Citation Coverpage Curation Task on
the DSpace repository contents, and then disseminate the pre-generated citation-version instead of generating
it on the fly.

Screenshot of generated citation cover page

Configuration settings for Citation Cover Page

Configuration file renamed to citation-page.cfg and configurations names have changed

As of DSpace 6.0, the configuration file for this feature was renamed from disseminate-citation.
cfg to citation-page.cfg. The renaming was to clarify the purpose of this configuration file, as its
previous name was misleading / confusing to some users.

In addition, all configurations below have now been prefixed with "citation-page" (e.g. the
enable_globally configuration has been renamed to citation-page.enable_globally)

In the {dspace.dir}/config/modules/citation-page.cfg file review the following fields to make sure

they are uncommented:

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Property: citation-page.enable_globally

Example citation-page.enable_globally = true


Informational Boolean to determine is citation-functionality is enabled globally for entire site. This will enable
Note: the citation cover page generator for all PDFs.

Default: disabled

Property: citation-page.enabled_collections

Example citation-page.enabled_collections = 1811/123, 1811/234


Informational List of collection handles to enable the cover page generator for bitstreams within.
Default: blank

Property: citation-page.enabled_communities

Example citation-page.enabled_communities = 1811/222, 1811/333


Informational List of community handles to enable the cover page generator for bitstreams within.
Default: blank

Property: citation-page.citation_as_first_page

Example citation-page.citation_as_first_page = true


Informational Should the citation page be the first page cover (true), or the last page (false).
Default: true, (first page)

Property: citation-page.header1

Example citation-page.header1 = University of Higher Education


Informational First row of header, perhaps for institution / university name. Commas separate multiple
Note: sections of the header (see screenshot above)

Default Value: DSpace Institution

Property: citation-page.header2

citation-page.header2 = Scholar Archive\,

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Property: citation-page.enable_globally


Informational Second row of header, perhaps put your DSpace instance branded name, and url to your
Note: DSpace. A comma is used to separate instance name, and the URL

Default Value: DSpace Repository,

Property: citation-page.fields

Example citation-page.fields =, dc.title, dc.creator,, dc.publisher,

Values: _line_, dc.identifier.citation, dc.identifier.uri

Informational Metadata fields to display on the citation PDF. Specify in schema.element.qualifier form, and
Note: separate fields by a comma. If you want to have a horizontal line break, use _line_

Default Value:,dc.title,dc.creator,,dc.publisher,_line_,dc.


Property: citation-page.footer

Example citation-page.footer = Downloaded from Scholar Archive at University of Higher Education\,

Values: an open access institutional repository. All Rights Reserved.

Informational Footer text at the bottom of the citation page. It might be some type of license or copyright
Note: information, or just letting the recipient know where they downloaded the file from.

Default Value: Downloaded from DSpace Repository\, DSpace Institution's institutional


NOTE: any commas appearing in this text should be escaped as "\,". See example above.

4.4.10 Updating Items via Simple Archive Format

Item Update Tool
DSpace Simple Archive Format
ItemUpdate Commands
CLI Examples

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Item Update Tool

ItemUpdate is a batch-mode command-line tool for altering the metadata and bitstream content of existing items
in a DSpace instance. It is a companion tool to ItemImport and uses the DSpace simple archive format to
specify changes in metadata and bitstream contents. Those familiar with generating the source trees for
ItemImporter will find a similar environment in the use of this batch processing tool.

For metadata, ItemUpdate can perform 'add' and 'delete' actions on specified metadata elements. For
bitstreams, 'add' and 'delete' are similarly available. All these actions can be combined in a single batch run.

ItemUpdate supports an undo feature for all actions except bitstream deletion. There is also a test mode, as
with ItemImport. However, unlike ItemImport, there is no resume feature for incomplete processing. There is
more extensive logging with a summary statement at the end with counts of successful and unsuccessful items

One probable scenario for using this tool is where there is an external primary data source for which the
DSpace instance is a secondary or down-stream system. Metadata and/or bitstream content changes in the
primary system can be exported to the simple archive format to be used by ItemUpdate to synchronize the

A note on terminology: item refers to a DSpace item. metadata element refers generally to a qualified or
unqualified element in a schema in the form [schema].[element].[qualifier] or [schema].
[element] and occasionally in a more specific way to the second part of that form. metadata field refers to a
specific instance pairing a metadata element to a value.

DSpace Simple Archive Format

As with ItemImporter, the idea behind the DSpace's simple archive format is to create an archive directory with
a subdirectory per item. There are a few additional features added to this format specifically for ItemUpdate.
Note that in the simple archive format, the item directories are merely local references and only used by
ItemUpdate in the log output.

The user is referred to the previous section DSpace Simple Archive Format.

Additionally, the use of a delete_contents is now available. This file lists the bitstreams to be deleted, one
bitstream ID per line. Currently, no other identifiers for bitstreams are usable for this function. This file is an
addition to the Archive format specifically for ItemUpdate.

The optional suppress_undo file is a flag to indicate that the 'undo archive' should not be written to disk. This file
is usually written by the application in an undo archive to prevent a recursive undo. This file is an addition to the
Archive format specifically for ItemUpdate.

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ItemUpdate Commands
Command used: [dspace]/bin/dspace itemupdate

Java class:

Arguments short and Description

(long) forms:

-a or -- Repeatable for multiple elements. The metadata element should be in the form dc.x
addmetadata or dc.x.y. The mandatory argument indicates the metadata fields in the dublin_core.
[metadata xml file to be added unless already present (multiple fields should be separated by a
element] semicolon ';'). However, duplicate fields will not be added to the item metadata
without warning or error.

-d or -- Repeatable for multiple elements. All metadata fields matching the element will be
deletemetadata deleted.

-A or -- Adds bitstreams listed in the contents file with the bitstream metadata cited there.

-D or -- Not repeatable. With no argument, this operation deletes bitstreams listed in the
deletebitstreams deletes_contents file. Only bitstream IDs are recognized identifiers for this
[filter plug operation. The optional filter argument is the classname of an implementation of
classname or class to identify files for
alias] deletion or one of the aliases (e.g. ORIGINAL, ORIGINAL_AND_DERIVATIVES,
TEXT, THUMBNAIL) which reference existing filters based on membership in a
bundle of that name. In this case, the delete_contents file is not required for any
item. The filter properties file will contains properties pertinent to the particular filer
used. Multiple filters are not allowed.

-h or --help Displays brief command line help.

-e or --eperson Email address of the person or the user's database ID (Required)

-s or --source Directory archive to process (Required)

-i or --itemfield Specifies the metadata field that contains the item's identifier; Default value is "dc.
identifier.uri" (Optional)

-t or --test Runs the process in test mode with logging. But no changes applied to the DSpace
instance. (Optional)

-P or --provenance

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Prevents any changes to the provenance field to represent changes in the bitstream
content resulting from an Add or Delete. In other words, when this flag is specified,
no new provenance information is added to the DSpace Item when adding/deleting a
bitstream. No provenance statements are written for thumbnails or text derivative
bitstreams, in keeping with the practice of MediaFilterManager. (Optional)

-F or --filter- The filter properties files to be used by the delete bitstreams action (Optional)

-v or --verbose Turn on verbose logging.

CLI Examples
Adding Metadata:

[dspace]/bin/dspace itemupdate -e -s [path/to/archive] -a dc.description

This will update all DSpace Items listed in your archive directory, adding a new dc.description metadata
field. Items will be located in DSpace based on the handle found in 'dc.identifier.uri' (since the -i argument
wasn't used, the default metadata field, dc.identifier.uri, from the dublin_core.xml file in the archive folder, is

4.5 Managing Community Hierarchy

Sub-Community Management

4.5.1 Sub-Community Management

DSpace provides an administrative tool 'CommunityFiliator' for managing community sub-structure. Normally
this structure seldom changes, but prior to the 1.2 release sub-communities were not supported, so this tool
could be used to place existing pre-1.2 communities into a hierarchy. It has two operations, either establishing a
community to sub-community relationship, or dis-establishing an existing relationship.

The familiar parent/child metaphor can be used to explain how it works. Every community in DSpace can be
either a 'parent' community meaning it has at least one sub-community, or a 'child' community meaning it is a
sub-community of another community, or both or neither. In these terms, an 'orphan' is a community that lacks a
parent (although it can be a parent); 'orphans' are referred to as 'top-level' communities in the DSpace user-
interface, since there is no parent community 'above' them. The first operation establishing a parent/child
relationship - can take place between any community and an orphan. The second operation - removing a parent
/child relationship will make the child an orphan.

Command used:

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[dspace]/bin/dspace community-filiator

Java class: org.dspace.administer.CommunityFiliator

Arguments short and (long) forms: Description

-s or --set Set a parent/child relationship

-r or --remove Remove a parent/child relationship

-c or --child Child community (Handle or database ID)

-p or --parent Parent community (Handle or database ID

-h or --help Online help.

Set a parent/child relationship, issue the following at the CLI:

[dspace]/bin/dspace community-filiator --set --parent=parentID --child=childID

(or using the short form)

[dspace]/bin/dspace community-filiator -s -p parentID -c childID

where '-s' or '-set' means establish a relationship whereby the community identified by the '-p' parameter
becomes the parent of the community identified by the '-c' parameter. Both the 'parentID' and 'childID' values
may be handles or database IDs.

The reverse operation looks like this:

[dspace]/bin/dspace community-filiator --remove --parent=parentID --child=childID

(or using the short form)

[dspace]/bin/dspace community-filiator -r -p parentID -c childID

where '-r' or '-remove' means dis-establish the current relationship in which the community identified by
'parentID' is the parent of the community identified by 'childID'. The outcome will be that the 'childID' community
will become an orphan, i.e. a top-level community.

If the required constraints of operation are violated, an error message will appear explaining the problem, and
no change will be made. An example in a removal operation, where the stated child community does not have
the stated parent community as its parent: "Error, child community not a child of parent community".

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It is possible to effect arbitrary changes to the community hierarchy by chaining the basic operations together.
For example, to move a child community from one parent to another, simply perform a 'remove' from its current
parent (which will leave it an orphan), followed by a 'set' to its new parent.

It is important to understand that when any operation is performed, all the sub-structure of the child community
follows it. Thus, if a child has itself children (sub-communities), or collections, they will all move with it to its new
'location' in the community tree.

4.6 Statistics and Metrics

4.6.1 DSpace Google Analytics Statistics

Google Analytics Recording

For a number of years now it has been possible to record User Interface traffic by enabling the recording of
Google Analytics data within DSpace using the or in the
DSpace configuration file dspace.cfg. Until DSpace version 5.0 only User Interface activity could be recorded,
that is to say that downloads initiated straight from a Google search (or any other search engine) were not
recorded. As of DSpace version 5.0 downloads are now recorded as Google 'Events', so that all item page
views and bitstream downloads are now recorded.

Google Analytics Reporting

As of DSpace version 5.0 it has also become possible to expose that recorded Google Analytics data within
DSpace. At present this is only available to those sites using themes based on the XMLUI Mirage2 theme but it
is hoped that further development will result in it being available for other XMLUI themes and for the JSPUI. The
data is retrieved from Google using the Google Analytics Reporting API v3. This feature is disabled by default,
to enable it please follow the instructions below.

Please read the documentation found at

and It is the definitive documentation,
however, it is over detailed for our purposes so the critical steps are summarised below. The theory is that as a
developer you would create a Google project, write your application and store the code in the Google code
repository, then create a Google Service Account which your application could use to retrieve data from the
Google Analytics API. In our case we already have our application, DSpace, but we still have to go through the
motions of creating a project in order to be able to be able to generate the Service Account which we need to
allow DSpace to talk to the Google Analytics API.

1. Enable the Google Analytics XMLUI aspect by editing the configuration file {dspace.dir}/config/xmlui.
2. Logon to the Google Developers Console with whatever
email address you use to access/manage your existing Google Analytics account(s).

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3. Create a new Google Project. The assumption is that you are developing some new software and will
make use of the Google code repository. This is not the case but you need to create the skeleton project
before you can proceed to the next step.
4. Enable the Analytics API for the project. In the sidebar on the left, expand APIs & auth. Next, click APIs.
In the list of APIs, make sure the status is ON for the Analytics API.
5. In the sidebar on the left, select Credentials.
6. Select OAuth / Create new Client ID, then in the subsequent popup screen select Service account.
This will automatically generate the required Service Account email address and certificate.
7. Go to your Google Analytics dashboard Create an account for the
newly generated Service Account email address and give it permission to 'Read and Analyze' at account
level. See *Note below.
8. The generated certificate needs to be placed somewhere that your DSpace application can access and
be referenced as described below in the configuration section..

*Note:- The Google documentation specifies that the Service Account email address should only require 'Read
and Analyze' permission. However, it would appear this may not be the case and it may be necessary to grant
greater permissions, at least initially.

Configuration settings for Google Analytics Statistics

In the [dspace.dir]/config/modules/google-analytics.cfg file review the following fields. These
should be either edited directly or overridden in your local.cfg config file (see Configuration Reference).


Value: Dummy Project

Informational Not sure if this property is required but it was in the example code provided by Google.
Note: Please do not delete.


Example ga:12345678

Informational Logon to the Google Analytics Dashboard and select the Property (or website in plain
Note: English) that you wish to target. Then select the Admin section for the property. You should
then be able to select the 'view settings' for the view you are interested in. The View ID should
replace 12345678 below (note - confusingly the Reporting API documentation refers to the
View ID as Table ID).



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Informational The email address automatically generated when you created the Service Account.

Property: google-analytics.certificate.location

Example /home/example/dslweb--privatekey.p12

Informational The certificate file automatically generated when you created the Service Account.

Property: google-analytics.authorization.admin.usage

Example true

Informational Control if the statistics pages should be only shown to authorized users. If enabled, only the
Note: administrators for the DSpaceObject will be able to view the statistics. If disabled, anyone with
READ permissions on the DSpaceObject will be able to view the statistics.

4.6.2 Elasticsearch Usage Statistics

Elasticsearch Usage Statistics feature is deprecated in 6.0

As of the DSpace 6.0 release, the Elasticsearch Usage Statistics feature is deprecated, and no new
enhancements/improvements will be added. We recommend instead using the default SOLR Statistics
engine and/or DSpace's integration with Google Analytics.

If you are already using Elasticsearch Usage Statistics, you may continue to use them until they are
fully removed in a future release. See DS-2897 for more information.

Added in DSpace 3.0 is an optional statistics engine using Elasticsearch, which may be enabled as an
alternative to the default SOLR Statistics engine (based on Apache SOLR). The motivation for adding
Elasticsearch was to find an alternative statistics processing engine that would handle the workload of a large
amount of statistics data. Additionally, the Elasticsearch statistics display offers another method for creating
statistical queries against your data. Elasticsearch Usage Statistics has been contributed by Peter Dietz of Ohio
State University's Knowledge Bank. The data source for Elasticsearch Statistics is DSpace Usage Events,
where Usage Event is a view or download of a DSpace Object (Bitstream, Item Page, Collection Page,
Community Page). Elasticsearch Statistics is bundled with DSpace, and requires no additional installation of
software, it just needs to be enabled. Elasticsearch is only available for use with XMLUI.

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What data is being recorded?

The default information below is what DSpace will record about a Usage Event. In DSpace 3.0 the fields of data
collected is not configurable through a configuration setting.

Information about the User Requesting the Content

IP Address
Time of Request
DNS / Hostname
User Agent
isBot, a flag that DSpace thinks that user is a robot or not
Geographical Information about where the user is located:
Country Code
Geographical Latitude/Longitude

Information about the DSpace Resource that was used

DSpace Object ID
DSpace Object Type: (Item, Bitstream, Collection, or Community)
If it is relevant, we also store the hierarchy of where this object exists within DSpace
Owning Community
Owning Collection
Owning Item

Enabling Elasticsearch Statistics

Elasticsearch Statistics is disabled by default in DSpace 3.0, the following steps will enable Elasticsearch so
that you can collect data, and present statistics reports.

Modify dspace/config/xmlui.xconf, and uncomment the aspect, Statistics Elasticsearch.

Enable Elastic Search Statistics in dspace/config/xmlui.xconf

If you prefer to use "Elasticsearch" Statistics, you can uncomment the below
aspect and COMMENT OUT the default "Statistics" aspect above.
You must also enable the ElasticSearchLoggerEventListener.
<!-- <aspect name="Statistics - Elasticsearch" path="resource://aspects
/StatisticsElasticSearch/" /> -->

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Modify dspace-xmlui/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/spring/applicationContext.xml and uncomment the following

code block for ElasticSearchLoggerEventListener

Enable ElasticSearchLoggerEventListener

<!-- Elasticsearch -->

<!--<bean class="org.dspace.statistics.ElasticSearchLoggerEventListener">
<property name="eventService">
<ref bean="dspace.eventService" />

After making these two changes, you will then need to rebuild and restart DSpace.

Importing Legacy Data into Elasticsearch Statistics

Once Elasticsearch Statistics has been enabled, it will begin adding all new Usage Events to its data store. To
import your legacy data, you will need to import the data from the dspace.log files. There is no tool yet that
converts SOLR statistics data to Elasticsearch statistics data.

From the (Windows / Linux) terminal, you will need to use the DSpace Command Launcher to convert the
dspace.log files to a statistics log format. Then you will need to import the statistics log format files into DSpace

The Log Converter program converts log files from dspace.log into an intermediate format that can be inserted
into Elasticsearch Statistics.

Command used: [dspace]/bin/dspace stats-log-converter

Java class: org.dspace.statistics.util.ClassicDSpaceLogConverter

Arguments short and Description

long forms):

Input file
-i or --in

Output file
-o or --out

Adds a wildcard at the end of input and output, so it would mean if -i dspace.
-m or --multiple
log -m was specified, dspace.log* would be converted. (i.e. all of the following:
dspace.log, dspace.log.1, dspace.log.2, dspace.log.3, etc.)

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If the log files have been created with DSpace 1.6 or newer
-n or --newformat

Display verbose output (helpful for debugging)

-v or --verbose

-h or --help

An example form of this command would be [dspace]/bin/dspace stats-log-converter -i dspace.

log -o statistics.log -m -n

The Log Importer program takes the intermediate format data produced in the previous step, and imports it into
Elasticsearch Statistics.

Command used: [dspace]/bin/dspace stats-log-importer-elasticsearch

Java class: org.dspace.statistics.util.StatisticsImporterElasticSearch

Arguments short Description

and long forms):

Input file
-i or --in

Adds a wildcard at the end of input and output, so it would mean if -i statistics.
-m or --multiple
log -m was specified, statistics.log* would be imported. (i.e. all of the following:
statistics.log, statistics.log.1, statistics.log.2, statistics.log.3, etc.)

To skip the reverse DNS lookups that work out where a user is from. (The DNS lookup
-s or --skipdns
finds the information about the host from its IP address, such as geographical location,
etc. This can be slow, and wouldn't work on a server not connected to the internet.)

Display verbose output (helpful for debugging)

-v or --verbose

-h or --help

An example form of this command would be [dspace]/bin/dspace stats-log-importer-

elasticsearch -i statistics.log -m

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Viewing Data in Elasticsearch Statistics

In XMLUI, while logged in as an administrator, the Context Panel will have an additional "View Statistics" link
when you browse to a Community, Collection, or Item.

The Statistics Report includes:

Bitstreams with Most Downloads, for all time.

Bitstreams with Most Downloads, previous month.
Total Number of Downloads to Bitstreams within this container, broken down by month.
Number of hits per Country

This data is presented as either a Table or Line Graph, and requires JavaScript to draw the graphics.

4.6.3 SOLR Statistics

DSpace 1.6 and newer versions uses the Apache SOLR application underlying the statistics. SOLR enables
performant searching and adding to vast amounts of (usage) data.
Unlike previous versions, enabling statistics in DSpace does not require additional installation or customization.
All the necessary software is included.

What is exactly being logged ?

Common stored fields for all usage events
Unique stored fields for bitstream downloads
Unique stored fields for search queries
Unique stored fields for workflow events
Web User Interface Elements
Pageview and Download statistics
Home page
Community home page
Collection home page
Item home page
Search Query Statistics
Workflow Event Statistics
Configuration settings for Statistics
Pre-1.6 Statistics settings
Upgrade Process for Statistics
Statistics Administration
Converting older DSpace logs into SOLR usage data
Statistics Client Utility
Statistics differences between DSpace 1.7.x and 1.8.0

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Displayed file statistics bundle configurable

Statistics differences between DSpace 1.6.x and 1.7.0
SOLR optimization added
SOLR Autocommit
Web UI Statistics Modification (XMLUI Only)
Modifying the number of months, for which statistics are displayed
Custom Reporting - Querying SOLR Directly
Top downloaded items by a specific user
Manually Installing/Updating GeoLite Database File

What is exactly being logged ?

DSpace 1.6 and newer

After the introduction of the SOLR Statistics logging in DSpace 1.6, every pageview and file download is logged
in a dedicated SOLR statistics core.

DSpace 3.0 and newer

In addition to the already existing logging of pageviews and downloads, DSpace 3.0 now also logs search
queries users enter in the DSpace search dialog and workflow events.

JSP UI Search Query logging

Due to the very recent addition of Discovery for search & faceted browsing in JSPUI, these search
queries are not yet logged. Regular (non-discovery) search queries are being logged in JSP UI.

Workflow Events logging

Only workflow events, initiated and executed by a physical user are being logged. Automated workflow
steps or ingest procedures are currently not being logged by the workflow events logger.

The logging happens at the server side, and doesn't require a javascript like Google Analytics does, to provide
usage data. Definition of which fields are to be stored happens in the file dspace/solr/statistics/conf/schema.

Although they are stored in the same index, the stored fields for views, search queries and workflow events are
different. A new field, statistics_type determines which kind of a usage event you are dealing with. The three
possible values for this field are view, search and workflow.

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<field name="statistics_type" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" />

Common stored fields for all usage events

<field name="type" type="integer" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" />

<field name="id" type="integer" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" />
<field name="ip" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false" />
<field name="time" type="date" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" />
<field name="epersonid" type="integer" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false" />
<field name="continent" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false"/>
<field name="country" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false"/>
<field name="countryCode" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false"/>
<field name="city" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false"/>
<field name="longitude" type="float" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false"/>
<field name="latitude" type="float" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false"/>
<field name="owningComm" type="integer" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false" multiValued="
<field name="owningColl" type="integer" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false" multiValued="
<field name="owningItem" type="integer" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false" multiValued="
<field name="dns" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false"/>
<field name="userAgent" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false"/>
<field name="isBot" type="boolean" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false"/>
<field name="referrer" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false"/>
<field name="uid" type="uuid" indexed="true" stored="true" default="NEW" />
<field name="statistics_type" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" default="v
iew" />

The combination of type and id determines which resource (either community, collection, item page or file
download) has been requested.

Unique stored fields for bitstream downloads

<field name="bundleName" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false" multiValued="t

rue" />

Unique stored fields for search queries

<field name="query" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false" multiValued="true"/

<field name="scopeType" type="integer" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false" />
<field name="scopeId" type="integer" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false" />
<field name="rpp" type="integer" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false" />
<field name="sortBy" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false" />
<field name="sortOrder" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false" />
<field name="page" type="integer" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false" />

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Unique stored fields for workflow events

<field name="workflowStep" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false" multiValued=

<field name="previousWorkflowStep" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false"
<field name="owner" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false" multiValued="true"/
<field name="submitter" type="integer" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false" />
<field name="actor" type="integer" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false" />
<field name="workflowItemId" type="integer" indexed="true" stored="true" required="false" />

Web User Interface Elements

Pageview and Download statistics

In the XMLUI, pageview and download statistics can be accessed from the lower end of the navigation menu. In
the JSPUI, a view statistics button appears on the bottom of pages for which statistics are available.

If you are not seeing these links or buttons, it's likely that they are only enabled for administrators in your
installation. Change the configuration parameter "authorization.admin.usage" in usage-statistics.cfg to false in
order to make statistics visible for all repository visitors.

Home page
Starting from the repository homepage, the statistics page displays the top 10 most popular items of the entire

Community home page

The following statistics are available for the community home pages:

Total visits of the current community home page

Visits of the community home page over a timespan of the last 7 months
Top 10 country from where the visits originate
Top 10 cities from where the visits originate

Collection home page

The following statistics are available for the collection home pages:

Total visits of the current collection home page

Visits of the collection home over a timespan of the last 7 months
Top 10 country from where the visits originate
Top 10 cities from where the visits originate

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Item home page

The following statistics are available for the item home pages:

Total visits of the item

Total visits for the bitstreams attached to the item
Visits of the item over a timespan of the last 7 months
Top 10 country views from where the visits originate
Top 10 cities from where the visits originate

Search Query Statistics

In the XMLUI, search query statistics can be accessed from the lower end of the navigation menu.

If you are not seeing the link labelled "search statistics", it is likely that they are only enabled for administrators
in your installation. Change the configuration parameter "" in usage-statistics.cfg to
false in order to make statistics visible for all repository visitors.

The dropdown on top of the page allows you to modify the time frame for the displayed statistics.

The Pageviews/Search column tracks the amount of pages visited after a particular search term. Therefor a
zero in this column means that after executing a search for a specific keyword, not a single user has clicked a
single result in the list.

If you are using Discovery, note that clicking the facets also counts as a search, because clicking a facet sends
a search query to the Discovery index.

Workflow Event Statistics

In the XMLUI, search query statistics can be accessed from the lower end of the navigation menu.

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If you are not seeing the link labelled "Workflow statistics", it is likely that they are only enabled for
administrators in your installation. Change the configuration parameter "authorization.admin.workflow" in usage-
statistics.cfg to false in order to make statistics visible for all repository visitors.

The dropdown on top of the page allows you to modify the time frame for the displayed statistics.

The DSpace Statistics Implementation is a Client/Server architecture based on Solr for collecting usage events
in the JSPUI and XMLUI user interface applications of DSpace. Solr runs as a separate webapplication and an
instance of Apache Http Client is utilized to allow parallel requests to log statistics events into this Solr instance.

Configuration settings for Statistics

In the {dspace.dir}/config/modules/solr-statistics.cfg file review the following fields. These
fields can be edited in place, or overridden in your own local.cfg config file (see Configuration Reference).

Property: solr-statistics.server

Example solr-statistics.server =

Values: solr-statistics.server = ${solr.server}/statistics

Informational Is used by the SolrLogger Client class to connect to the Solr server over http and perform
Note: updates and queries. In most cases, this can (and should) be set to localhost (or

To determine the correct path, you can use a tool like wget to see where Solr is responding
on your server. For example, you'd want to send a query to Solr like the following:

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Assuming you get an HTTP 200 OK response, then you should set solr.log.server to
the '/statistics' URL of '' (essentially removing the "/select?q= :"
query off the end of the responding URL.)

Property: solr-statistics.query.filter.bundles

Example solr-statistics.query.filter.bundles=ORIGINAL

Informational A comma seperated list that contains the bundles for which the file statistics will be displayed.

Property: solr-statistics.query.filter.spiderIp

Example solr-statistics.query.filter.spiderIp = false


Informational If true, statistics queries will filter out spider IPs -- use with caution, as this often results in
Note: extremely long query strings.

Property: solr-statistics.query.filter.isBot

Example solr-statistics.query.filter.isBot = true


Informational If true, statistics queries will filter out events flagged with the "isBot" field. This is the
Note: recommended method of filtering spiders from statistics.

Property: solr-statistics.spiderips.urls

Example solr-statistics.spiderips.urls =
Value:, \, \, \, \, \, \

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Informational List of URLs to download spiders files into [dspace]/config/spiders. These files contain lists of
Note: known spider IPs and are utilized by the SolrLogger to flag usage events with an "isBot" field,
or ignore them entirely.

The "stats-util" command can be used to force an update of spider files, regenerate "isBot"
fields on indexed events, and delete spiders from the index. For usage, run:

dspace stats-util -h

from your [dspace]/bin directory

In the {dspace.dir}/config/modules/usage-statistics.cfg file review the following fields. These

fields can be edited in place, or overridden in your own local.cfg config file (see Configuration Reference).

Property: usage-statistics.dbfile

Example usage-statistics.dbfile = ${dspace.dir}/config/GeoLiteCity.dat


Informational The following referes to the GeoLiteCity database file utilized by the LocationUtils to calculate
Note: the location of client requests based on IP address. During the Ant build process (both
fresh_install and update) this file will be downloaded from
/geolitecity if a new version has been published or it is absent from your [dspace]/config

Property: usage-statistics.resolver.timeout

Example usage-statistics.resolver.timeout = 200


Informational Timeout in milliseconds for DNS resolution of origin hosts/IPs. Setting this value too high may
Note: result in solr exhausting your connection pool.

Property: useProxies (Set in dspace.cfg)

Example useProxies = true



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Will cause Statistics logging to look for X-Forward URI to detect clients IP that have accessed
it through a Proxy service (e.g. the Apache mod_proxy). Allows detection of client IP when
accessing DSpace. [Note: This setting is found in the DSpace Logging section of dspace.cfg]

Property: usage-statistics.authorization.admin.usage

Example usage-statistics.authorization.admin.usage = true


Informational When set to true, only general administrators, collection and community administrators are
Note: able to access the pageview and download statistics from the web user interface. As a result,
the links to access statistics are hidden for non logged-in admin users. Setting this property to
"false" will display the links to access statistics to anyone, making them publicly available.


Example = true


Informational When set to true, only system, collection or community administrators are able to access
Note: statistics on search queries.

Property: usage-statistics.authorization.admin.workflow

Example usage-statistics.authorization.admin.workflow = true


Informational When set to true, only system, collection or community administrators are able to access
Note: statistics on workflow events.

Property: usage-statistics.logBots

Example usage-statistics.logBots = true


Informational When this property is set to false, and IP is detected as a spider, the event is not logged.
Note: When this property is set to true, the event will be logged with the "isBot" field set to true.
(see solr-statistics.query.filter.* for query filter options)

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Pre-1.6 Statistics settings

Older versions of DSpace featured static reports generated from the log files. They still persist in DSpace today
but are completely independent from the SOLR based statistics.
The following configuration parameters applicable to these reports can be found in dspace.cfg.

###### Statistical Report Configuration Settings ######

# should the stats be publicly available? should be set to false if you only
# want administrators to access the stats, or you do not intend to generate
# any
report.public = false

# directory where live reports are stored

report.dir = ${dspace.dir}/reports/

These fields are not used by the new 1.6 Statistics, but are only related to the Statistics from previous DSpace

Upgrade Process for Statistics

Example of rebuild and redeploy DSpace (only if you have configured your distribution in this manner)

First approach the traditional DSpace build process for updating

cd [dspace-source]/dspace
mvn package
cd [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-installer
ant -Dconfig=[dspace]/config/dspace.cfg update
cp -R [dspace]/webapps/* [TOMCAT]/webapps

The last step is only used if you do not follow the recommended practice of configuring [dspace]/webapps as
location for webapps in your servlet container (Tomcat, Resin or Jetty). If you only need to build the statistics,
and don't make any changes to other web applications, you can replace the copy step above with:

cp -R dspace/webapps/solr TOMCAT/webapps

Again, only if you are not mounting [dspace]/webapps directly into your Tomcat, Resin or Jetty host (the
recommended practice)

Restart your webapps (Tomcat/Jetty/Resin)

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Statistics Administration

Converting older DSpace logs into SOLR usage data

If you have upgraded from a previous version of DSpace, converting older log files ensures that you carry over
older usage stats from before the upgrade.

Statistics Client Utility

The command line interface (CLI) scripts can be used to clean the usage database from additional spider traffic
and other maintenance tasks. In DSpace 3.0, a script has been added to split up the monolithic SOLR core into
individual cores each containing a year of statistics.

Statistics differences between DSpace 1.7.x and 1.8.0

Displayed file statistics bundle configurable

In DSpace 1.6.x & 1.7.x the file download statistics were generated without regard to the bundle in which the file
was located. In DSpace 1.8.0 it is possible to configure the bundles for which the file statistics are to be shown
by using the query.filter.bundles property. If required the old file statistics can also be upgraded to include the
bundle name so that the old file statistics are fixed.

Backup Your statistics data first

Applying this change will involve dumping all the old file statistics into a file and re uploading these.
Therefore it is wise to create a backup of the {dspace.dir}/solr/statistics/data directory. It is best to
create this backup when the Tomcat/Jetty/Resin server program isn't running.

When a backup has been made start the Tomcat/Jetty/Resin server program.
The update script has one optional command which will if given not only update the broken file statistics but
also delete file statistics for files that where removed from the system (if this option isn't active these statistics
will receive the "BITSTREAM_DELETED" bundle name).

#The -r is optional
[dspace]/bin/dspace stats-util -b -r

Statistics differences between DSpace 1.6.x and 1.7.0

SOLR optimization added

If required, the solr server can be optimized by running

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{dspace.dir}/bin/stats-util -o

More information on how these solr server optimizations work can be found here:

SOLR Autocommit
In DSpace 1.6.x, each solr event was committed to the solr server individually. For high load DSpace
installations, this would result in a huge load of small solr commits resulting in a very high load on the solr
This has been resolved in dspace 1.7 by only committing usage events to the solr server every 15 minutes. This
will result in a delay of the storage of a usage event of maximum 15 minutes. If required, this value can be
altered by changing the maxTime property in the


Web UI Statistics Modification (XMLUI Only)

Modifying the number of months, for which statistics are displayed

Modify line 205 in the file

-6 is the default setting, displaying the past 6 months of statistics. When reducing this to a smaller natural
number, less months are being displayed.

Related: DatasetTimeGenerator Javadoc

Custom Reporting - Querying SOLR Directly

When the web user interface does not offer you the statistics you need, you can greatly expand the reports by
querying the SOLR index directly.



Top downloaded items by a specific user


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facet.field=epersonid You want to group by epersonid, which is the user id.

type:0 Interested in bitstreams only

<lst name="facet_counts">
<lst name="facet_fields">
<lst name="epersonid">
<int name="66">1167</int>

<int name="117">251</int>

<int name="52">42</int>

<int name="19">36</int>

<int name="88">20</int>

<int name="112">18</int>

<int name="110">9</int>

<int name="96">0</int>


Manually Installing/Updating GeoLite Database File

The GeoLite Database file (at [dspace]/config/GeoLiteCity.dat) is used by the Statistics engine to generate
location/country based reports. (Note: If you are not using DSpace Statistics, this file is not needed.)

In most cases, this file is installed automatically when you run ant fresh_install. However, if the file
cannot be downloaded & installed automatically, you may need to manually install it.

As this file is also sometimes updated by, you may also wish to update it on occasion.

You have three options to install/update this file:

1. Attempt to re-run the automatic installer from your DSpace Source Directory ([dspace-source]). This will
attempt to automatically download the database file, unzip it and install it into the proper location:

ant update_geolite

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NOTE: If the location of the GeoLite Database file is known to have changed, you can also run
this auto-installer by passing it the new URL of the GeoLite Database File: ant -Dgeolite=
[full-URL-of-geolite] update_geolite
2. OR, you can manually install the file by performing these steps yourself:
First, download the latest GeoLite Database file from
Next, unzip that file to create a file named GeoLiteCity.dat
Finally, move or copy that file to your DSpace installation, so that it is located at [dspace]
3. OR, you can combine the two alternatives above, by first downloading the GeoLiteCity.dat.gz file to a
location accessible to you, and then configure a file in your home folder. For example,
create a file in the home folder of the user who is running ant to deploy dspace, and
add the following line to it:


This leaves the original downloading behavior intact, but overrides the URL for the GeoLite Database file from
the site to your own location. This typically speeds up the "download" step to about 1 second.

SOLR Statistics Maintenance

DSpace Log Converter
Filtering and Pruning Spiders
Export SOLR records to intermediate format for import into Elasticsearch
Export SOLR statistics, for backup and moving to another server
Import SOLR statistics, for restoring lost data or moving to another server
Reindex SOLR statistics, for upgrades or whenever the Solr schema for statistics is changed
Routine Solr Index Maintenance
Solr Sharding By Year
Technical implementation details

DSpace Log Converter

With the release of DSpace 1.6, new statistics software component was added. The use of Solr for statistics in
DSpace makes it possible to have a database of statistics. With this in mind, there is the issue of the older log
files and how a site can use them. The following command process is able to convert the existing log files and
then import them for Solr use. The user will need to perform this conversion only once.

The Log Converter program converts log files from dspace.log into an intermediate format that can be inserted
into Solr.

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Command [dspace]/bin/dspace stats-log-converter


Java class: org.dspace.statistics.util.ClassicDSpaceLogConverter

Arguments Description
short and
long forms):

-i or --in Input file

-o or -- Output file

-m or -- Adds a wildcard at the end of input and output, so it would mean if -i dspace.log -m was
multiple specified, dspace.log* would be converted. (i.e. all of the following: dspace.log, dspace.log.1,
dspace.log.2, dspace.log.3, etc.)

-n or -- If the log files have been created with DSpace 1.6 or newer

-v or -- Display verbose output (helpful for debugging)


-h or -- Help

The command loads the intermediate log files that have been created by the aforementioned script into Solr.

Command [dspace]/bin/dspace stats-log-importer


Java org.dspace.statistics.util.StatisticsImporter

Arguments Description
(short and

-i or --in input file

-m or -- Adds a wildcard at the end of the input, so it would mean dspace.log* would be imported

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-s or -- To skip the reverse DNS lookups that work out where a user is from. (The DNS lookup finds the
skipdns information about the host from its IP address, such as geographical location, etc. This can be
slow, and wouldn't work on a server not connected to the internet.)

-v or -- Display verbose ouput (helpful for debugging)


-l or -- For developers: allows you to import a log file from another system, so because the handles
local won't exist, it looks up random items in your local system to add hits to instead.

-h or -- Help

Although the DSpace Log Convertor applies basic spider filtering (googlebot, yahoo slurp, msnbot), it is far from
complete. Please refer to Filtering and Pruning Spiders for spider removal operations, after converting your old

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Filtering and Pruning Spiders

Command used: [dspace]/bin/dspace stats-util

Java class: org.dspace.statistics.util.StatisticsClient

Arguments (short Description

and long forms):

-b or -- Reindex the bitstreams to ensure we have the bundle name


-r or --remove- While indexing the bundle names remove the statistics about deleted bitstreams

-u or --update- Update Spider IP Files from internet into [dspace]/config/spiders. Downloads

spider-files Spider files identified in dspace.cfg under property solr.spiderips.urls. See
Configuration settings for Statistics

-f or --delete- Delete Spiders in Solr By isBot Flag. Will prune out all records that have isBot:true

-i or --delete- Delete Spiders in Solr By IP Address, DNS name, or Agent name. Will prune out all
spiders-by-ip records that match spider identification patterns.

-m or --mark- Update isBot Flag in Solr. Marks any records currently stored in statistics that have IP
spiders addresses matched in spiders files

-h or --help Calls up this brief help table at command line.


The usage of these options is open for the user to choose. If you want to keep spider entries in your repository,
you can just mark them using "-m" and they will be excluded from statistics queries when "solr.statistics.
query.filter.isBot = true" in the dspace.cfg. If you want to keep the spiders out of the solr
repository, just use the "-i" option and they will be removed immediately.

Spider IPs are specified in files containing one pattern per line. A line may be a comment (starting with "#" in
column 1), empty, or a single IP address or DNS name. If a name is given, it will be resolved to an address.
Unresolvable names are discarded and will be noted in the log.

There are guards in place to control what can be defined as an IP range for a bot. In [dspace]/config
/spiders, spider IP address ranges have to be at least 3 subnet sections in length 123.123.123 and IP

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Ranges can only be on the smallest subnet [ -]. If not, loading that row will
cause exceptions in the dspace logs and exclude that IP entry.

Spiders may also be excluded by DNS name or Agent header value. Place one or more files of patterns in the
directories [dspace]/config/spiders/domains and/or [dspace]/config/spiders/agents. Each
line in a pattern file should be either empty, a comment starting with "#" in column 1, or a regular expression
which matches some names to be recognized as spiders.

Export SOLR records to intermediate format for import into Elasticsearch

Command used: [dspace]/bin/dspace stats-util

Java class: org.dspace.statistics.util.StatisticsClient

Arguments (short and long forms): Description

-e or --export Export SOLR view statistics data to usage statistics intermediate format

This exports the records to [dspace]/temp/usagestats_0.csv. This will chunk the files at 10,000 records
to new files. This can be imported with stats-log-importer to SOLR Statistics or stats-log-importer-
elasticsearch to Elasticsearch Usage Statistics (deprecated).

Export SOLR statistics, for backup and moving to another server

Command [dspace]/bin/dspace solr-export-statistics

Java class: org.dspace.util.SolrImportExport

Arguments Description
(short and
long forms):

-l or -- optionally export only integer many days worth of statistics


-d or -- optional, directory to use for storing the exported files. By default, [dspace]/solr-export is
directory used. If that is not appropriate (due to storage concerns), we recommend you use this option
to specify a more appropriate location.

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Import SOLR statistics, for restoring lost data or moving to another server
Command [dspace]/bin/dspace solr-import-statistics

Java class: org.dspace.util.SolrImportExport

Arguments Description
(short and
long forms):

-c or -- optional, clears the contents of the existing stats core before importing

-d or -- optional, directory which contains the files for importing. By default, [dspace]/solr-export
directory is used. If that is not appropriate (due to storage concerns), we recommend you use this
option to specify a more appropriate location.

Reindex SOLR statistics, for upgrades or whenever the Solr schema for statistics is
Command [dspace]/bin/dspace solr-reindex-statistics

Java class: org.dspace.util.SolrImportExport

Arguments Description
(short and

-k or -- optional, tells the script to keep the intermediate export files for possible later use (by default all
keep exported files are removed at the end of the reindex process).

-d or -- optional, directory to use for storing the exported files (temporarily, unless you also specify --
directory keep, see above). By default, [dspace]/solr-export is used. If that is not appropriate
(due to storage concerns), we recommend you use this option to specify a more appropriate
location. Not sure about your space requirements? You can estimate the space required by
looking at the current size of [dspace]/solr/statistics

NOTE: solr-reindex-statistics is safe to run on a live site. The script stores incoming usage data in a
temporary SOLR core, and then merges that new data into the reindexed data when the reindex process

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Routine Solr Index Maintenance

Command used: [dspace]/bin/dspace stats-util

Java class: org.dspace.statistics.util.StatisticsClient

Arguments (short Description

and long forms):

-o or --optimize Run maintenance on the SOLR index. Recommended to run daily, to prevent your
servlet container from running out of memory


The usage of this this option is strongly recommended, you should run this script daily (from crontab or your
system's scheduler), to prevent your servlet container from running out of memory.

Solr Sharding By Year

Command used: [dspace]/bin/dspace stats-util

Java class: org.dspace.statistics.util.StatisticsClient

Arguments (short and Description

long forms):

-s or --shard-solr- Splits the data in the main core up into a separate solr core for each year, this will
index upgrade the performance of the solr.


Yearly Solr sharding is a routine that can drastically improve the performance of your DSpace SOLR statistics.
It was introduced in DSpace 3.0 and is not backwards compatible. The routine decreases the load created by
the logging of new usage events by reducing the size of the SOLR Core in which new usage data are being
logged. By running the script, you effectively split your current SOLR core, containing all of your usage events,
into different SOLR cores that each contain the data for one year. In case your DSpace has been logging usage
events for less than one year, you will see no notable performance improvements until you run the script after
the start of a new year. Both writing new usage events as well as read operations should be more performant
over several smaller SOLR Shards instead of one monolithic one.

It is highly recommended that you execute this script once at the start of every year. To ensure this is not
forgotten, you can include it in your crontab or other system scheduling software. Here's an example cron entry
(just replace [dspace] with the full path of your DSpace installation):

# At 12:00AM on January 1, "shard" the DSpace Statistics Solr index. Ensures each year has its
own Solr index - this improves performance.

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0 0 1 1 * [dspace]/bin/dspace stats-util -s

Technical implementation details

After sharding, the SOLR data cores are located in the [dspace.dir]/solr directory. There is no need to define the
location of each individual core in solr.xml because they are automatically retrieved at runtime. This retrieval
happens in the static method located in theorg.dspace.statistics.SolrLogger class. These cores are stored in the
statisticYearCores list each time a query is made to the solr these cores are added as shards by the
addAdditionalSolrYearCores method. The cores share a common configuration copied from your original
statistics core. Therefore, no issues should be resulting from subsequent ant updates.

The actual sharding of the of the original solr core into individual cores by year is done in the shardSolrIndex
method in the org.dspace.statistics.SolrLogger class. The sharding is done by first running a facet on the time to
get the facets split by year. Once we have our years from our logs we query the main solr data server for all
information on each year & download these as csv's. When we have all data for one year we upload it to the
newly created core of that year by using the update csvhandler. One all data of one year has been uploaded
that data is removed from the main solr (by doing it this way if our solr crashes we do not need to start from

4.7 User Interfaces

4.7.1 Discovery
What is DSpace Discovery
What is a Sidebar Facet
What is a Search Filter
What is a tag cloud facet
Discovery Changelist
DSpace 6.0
DSpace 5.0
DSpace 4.0
DSpace 3.0
DSpace 1.8
DSpace 1.7
Configuration files
General Discovery settings (config/modules/discovery.cfg)
Modifying the Discovery User Interface (config/spring/api/discovery.xml)
Structure Summary
Default settings
Non indexed metadata fields
Search filters & sidebar facets Customization

24-Oct-2016 Page 370 of 882

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Hierarchical (taxonomies based) sidebar facets

Sort option customization for search results
Configuring lists of sidebarFacets and searchFilters
Configuring and customizing search sort fields
Adding default filter queries (OPTIONAL)
Access Rights Awareness
Access Rights Awareness - technical details
Customizing the Recent Submissions display
Customizing hit highlighting & search snippets
Hit highlighting technical details
"More like this" configuration
"More like this" technical details
"Did you mean" spellcheck aid for search configuration
"Did you mean" spellcheck aid for search technical details
Customizing the "Tag Cloud" facet
Disabling the "Has file(s)" facet
Discovery Solr Index Maintenance
Advanced Solr Configuration

What is DSpace Discovery

The Discovery Module enables faceted searching & browsing for your repository.

Although these techniques are new in DSpace, they might feel familiar from other platforms like Aquabrowser or
Amazon, where facets help you to select the right product according to facets like price and brand. DSpace
Discovery offers very powerful browse and search configurations that were only possible with code
customization in the past.

Watch the DSpace Discovery introduction video

Since 6.0, Discovery is the only out-of-the-box Search and Browse infrastructure provided in DSpace.

What is a Sidebar Facet

From the user perspective, faceted search (also called faceted navigation, guided navigation, or parametric
search) breaks up search results into multiple categories, typically showing counts for each, and allows the user
to "drill down" or further restrict their search results based on those facets.

When you have successfully enabled Discovery in your DSpace, you will notice that the different enabled facets
are visualized in a "Discover" section in your sidebar, by default, right below the Browse options.

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In this example, there are 3 Sidebar Facets, Author, Subject and Date Issued. It's important to know that
multiple metadata fields can be included in one facet. For example, the Author facet above includes values from
both as well as dc.creator.

Another important property of Sidebar Facets is that their contents are automatically updated to the context of
the page. On collection homepages or community homepages it will include information about the items
included in that particular collection or community.

What is a Search Filter

In a standard search operation, a user specifies his complete query prior to launching the operation. If the
results are not satisfactory, the user starts over again with a (slightly) altered query.

In a faceted search, a user can modify the list of displayed search results by specifying additional "filters" that
will be applied on the list of search results. In DSpace, a filter is a contain condition applied to specific facets. In
the example below, a user started with the search term "health", which yielded 500 results. After applying the
filter "public" on the facet "Subject", only 227 results remain. Each time a user selects a sidebar facet it will be
added as a filter. Active filters can be altered or removed in the 'filters' section of the search interface.

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Another example: Using the standard search, a user would search for something like [wetland + "dc.
author=Mitsch, William J" + dc.subject="water quality" ]. With filtered search, they can start by searching
for [wetland ], and then filter the results by the other attributes, author and subject.

What is a tag cloud facet

Tag cloud facet is another way to display facets of your repository in a "tag cloud" form in which the importance
of each tag is show with font size or color. This format is useful for quickly perceiving the most prominent terms.

This is a classic "tag cloud" facet in a DSpace repository.

Discovery Changelist

DSpace 6.0
The legacy search engine (based on Apache Lucene) and legacy Browse system (based on database tables)
have been removed from DSpace 6.0 or above. Instead, DSpace now only uses Discovery for all Search
/Browse capabilities.

In addition, to support the new Configuration options, all of the Discovery configurations in discovery.cfg
have been prefixed with "discovery." (see configuration below).

DSpace 5.0
The new JSPUI-only tag cloud facet feature is disabled by default. In order to enable it, you will need to set up
the corresponding processor that the PluginManager will load to actually perform the tag cloud query on the
relevant pages. This is configured in the dspace.cfg configuration file using the following properties: .dspace.plugin.CommunityHomeProcessor .dspace.plugin.CollectionHomeProcessor

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The tag cloud has been declared there for you but it is commented out.

DSpace 4.0

Starting from DSpace 4.0, Discovery is the default search and browse solution for DSpace.

General improvements:

Browse interfaces now also use Discovery index (rather than the legacy, now retired, Lucene index)
"Did you means" spell check aid for search

DSpace 3.0

Starting from DSpace 3.0, Discovery is also supported in JSPUI.

General improvements:

Hierarchical facets sidebar facets

Improved & more intuitive user interface
Access Rights Awareness (enabled by default). Access restricted or embargoed content is hidden from
anonymous search/browse.
Authority control & variants awareness (homonyms are shown separately in a facet if they have different
authority ID). All variant forms as recognized by the authority framework are indexed. See Authority


Hit highlighting and search snippets support

"More like this" (related items)

Bugfixes and other changes

Auto-complete functionality has been removed in XMLUI from search queries due to performance issues.
JSPUI still supports auto-complete functionality without performance issues.

DSpace 1.8

Configuration moved from dspace.cfg into config/modules/discovery.cfg and config/spring

Individual communities and collections can have their own Discovery configuration.

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Tokenization for Auto-complete values (see SearchFilter)

Alphanumeric sorting for Sidebarfacets
Possibility to avoid indexation of specific metadata fields.
Grouping of multiple metadata fields under the same SidebarFacet

DSpace 1.7

Sidebar browse facets that can be configured to use contents from any metadata field
Dynamically generated timespans for dates
Customizable "recent submissions" view on the repository homepage, collection and community pages
Hit highlighting & search snippets

Configuration files
The configuration for discovery is located in 2 separate files.

General settings: The discovery.cfg file located in the [dspace-install-dir]/config

/modules directory.
User Interface Configuration: The discovery.xml file is located in [dspace-install-dir]/config
/spring/api/ directory.

General Discovery settings ( config/modules/discovery.cfg )

The discovery.cfg file is located in the [dspace]/config/modules directory and contains following
properties. Any of these properties may be overridden in your local.cfg (see Configuration Reference):



Informational Discovery relies on a Solr index for storage and retrieval of its information. This parameter
Note: determines the location of the Solr index.

Property: discovery.index.authority.ignore[.field]

Example discovery.index.authority.ignore=true

Informational By default, Discovery will use the authority information in the metadata to disambiguate
Note: homonyms. Setting this property to false will make the indexing process the same as the
metadata doesn't include authority information. The configuration can be different on a field
(<schema>.<element>.<qualifier>) basis, the property without field set the default value.

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Property: discovery.index.authority.ignore-prefered[.field]

Example discovery.index.authority.ignore-prefered=true

Informational By default, Discovery will use the authority information in the metadata to query the authority
Note: for the preferred label. Setting this property to false will make the indexing process the same
as the metadata doesn't include authority information (i.e. the preferred form is the one
recorded in the metadata value). The configuration can be different on a field (<schema>.
<element>.<qualifier>) basis, the property without field set the default value. If the authority
is a remote service, disabling this feature can greatly improve performance.

Property: discovery.index.authority.ignore-variants[.field]

Example discovery.index.authority.ignore-variants=true

Informational By default, Discovery will use the authority information in the metadata to query the authority
Note: for variants. Setting this property to false will make the indexing process the same, as the
metadata doesn't include authority information. The configuration can be different on a per-
field (<schema>.<element>.<qualifier>) basis, the property without field set the default value.
If authority is a remote service, disabling this feature can greatly improve performance.

Modifying the Discovery User Interface ( config/spring/api/discovery.xml )

The discovery.xml file is located in the [dspace]/config/spring/api directory.

Structure Summary
This file is in XML format, you should be familiar with XML before editing this file. The configurations are
organized together in beans, depending on the purpose these properties are used for.
This purpose can be derived from the class of the beans. Here's a short summary of classes you will encounter
throughout the file and what the corresponding properties in the bean are used for.

Download the configuration file and review it together with the following parameters

Class: DiscoveryConfigurationService

Purpose: Defines the mapping between separate Discovery configurations and individual collections

Default: All communities, collections and the homepage (key=default) are mapped to defaultConfiguration,
also controls the metadata fields that should not be indexed in the search core (item provenance
for example).

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Class: DiscoveryConfiguration

Purpose: Groups configurations for sidebar facets, search filters, search sort options and recent

Default: There is one configuration by default called defaultConfiguration

Class: DiscoverySearchFilter

Purpose: Defines that specific metadata fields should be enabled as a search filter

Default: dc.title,, dc.creator, dc.subject.* and are defined as search

Class: DiscoverySearchFilterFacet

Purpose: Defines which metadata fields should be offered as a contextual sidebar browse options, each of
these facets has also got to be a search filter

Default:, dc.creator, dc.subject.* and

Class: HierarchicalSidebarFacetConfiguration

Purpose: Defines which metadata fields contain hierarchical data and should be offered as a contextual
sidebar option

Class: DiscoverySortConfiguration

Purpose: Further specifies the sort options to which a DiscoveryConfiguration refers

Default: dc.title and are defined as alternatives for sorting, other than Relevance (hard-

Class: DiscoveryHitHighlightingConfiguration

Purpose: Defines which metadata fields can contain hit highlighting & search snippets

Default: dc.title,, dc.subject, dc.description.abstract & full text from text files.

Class: TagCloudFacetConfiguration

Purpose: Defines the tag cloud appearance configuration bean and the search filter facets to appear in the
tag cloud form. You can have different "TagCloudFacetConfiguration" per community or
collection or the home page

Default settings
In addition to the summarized descriptions of the default values, following details help you to better understand
these defaults. If you haven't already done so, download the configuration file and review it together with the
following parameters.

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The file contains one default configuration that defines following sidebar facets, search filters, sort fields and
recent submissions display:

Sidebar facets
searchFilterAuthor: groups the metadata fields & dc.creator with a facet
limit of 10, sorted by occurrence count
searchFilterSubject: groups all subject metadata fields (dc.subject.*) with a facet limit of 10,
sorted by occurrence count
searchFilterIssued: contains the metadata field, which is identified with the type
"date" and sorted by specific date values
Search filters
searchFilterTitle: contains the dc.title metadata field
searchFilterAuthor: contains the & dc.creator metadata fields
searchFilterSubject: contains the dc.subject.* metadata fields
searchFilterIssued: contains the metadata field with the type "date"
Sort fields
sortTitle: contains the dc.title metadata field
sortDateIssued: contains the metadata field, this sort has the type date
The default configuration contains no defaultFilterQueries
The default filter queries are disabled by default but there is an example in the default
configuration in comments which allows discovery to only return items (as opposed to also
Recent Submissions
The recent submissions are sorted by accessioned which is a date and a maximum
number of 5 recent submissions are displayed.
Hit highlighting
The fields dc.title, & dc.subject can contain hit highlighting.
The dc.description.abstract & full text field are used to render search snippets.
Non indexed metadata fields
Community/Collections: dc.rights (copyright text)
Items: dc.description.provenance

Many of the properties contain lists that use references to point to the configuration elements. This way a
certain configuration type can be used in multiple discovery configurations so there is no need to duplicate

Non indexed metadata fields

The discovery.xml file has configuration to not index certain metadata fields for communities/collections/items.
The configuration is handled in the "toIgnoreMetadataFields" property located in the "org.dspace.discovery.
configuration.DiscoveryConfigurationService" bean. Below is an example configuration that excludes dc.
description.provenance for items & dc.rights for communities/collections:

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<property name="toIgnoreMetadataFields">
<key><util:constant static-field="org.dspace.core.Constants.COMMUNITY"/></key>
<!--Introduction text-->
<!--Short description-->
<!--Copyright text-->
<!--Community name-->
<key><util:constant static-field="org.dspace.core.Constants.COLLECTION"/></key>
<!--Introduction text-->
<!--Short description-->
<!--Copyright text-->
<!--Collection name-->
<key><util:constant static-field="org.dspace.core.Constants.ITEM"/></key>

By adding additional values to the appropriate lists additional metadata can be excluded from the search core, a
reindex is required after altering this file to ensure that the values are removed from the index.

Search filters & sidebar facets Customization

This section explains the properties for search filters & sidebar facets. Each sidebar facet must occur in the
reference list of the search filters. Below is an example configuration of a search filter that is not used as a
sidebar facet.

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<bean id="searchFilterTitle" class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoverySearchFilter">

<property name="indexFieldName" value="title"/>
<property name="metadataFields">

The id & class attributes are mandatory for this type of bean. The properties that it contains are discussed

indexFieldName (Required): A unique search filter name, the metadata will be indexed in Solr under this
field name.
metadataFields (Required): A list of the metadata fields that need to be included in the facet.

Sidebar facets extend the search filter and add some extra properties to it, below is an example of a search
filter that is also used as a sidebar facet.

<bean id="searchFilterAuthor" class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.SidebarFacetConfiguration">

<property name="indexFieldName" value="author"/>
<property name="metadataFields">
<property name="facetLimit" value="10"/>
<property name="sortOrder" value="COUNT"/>
<property name="type" value="text"/>

Note that the class has changed from DiscoverySearchFilter to SidebarFacetConfiguration this is needed to
support the extra properties.

facetLimit (optional): The maximum number of values to be shown. This property is optional, if none is
specified the default value "10" will be used. If the filter has the type date, this property will not be used
since dates are automatically grouped together.
sortOrder (optional):The sort order for the sidebar facets, it can either be COUNT or VALUE. The
default value is COUNT.
COUNT Facets will be sorted by the amount of times they appear in the repository
VALUE Facets will be sorted alphabetically
type(optional): the type of the sidebar facet it can either be "date" or "text", "text" is the default value.
text: The facets will be treated as is
date: Only the year will be stored in the Solr index. These years are automatically displayed in
ranges that get smaller when you select one.

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Hierarchical (taxonomies based) sidebar facets

Discovery supports specialized drill down in hierarchically structured metadata fields. For this drill down to work,
the metadata in the field for which you enable this must be composed out of terms, divided by a splitter. For
example, you could have a dc.subject.taxonomy field in which you keep metadata like "CARTOGRAPHY::
PHOTOGRAMMETRY", in which Cartography and Photogrammetry are both terms, divided by the splitter "::".
The sidebar will only display the top level facets, when clicking on view more all the facet options will be

<bean id="searchFilterSubject" class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.

<property name="indexFieldName" value="subject"/>
<property name="metadataFields">
<property name="sortOrder" value="COUNT"/>
<property name="splitter" value="::"/>
<property name="skipFirstNodeLevel" value="false"/>

Note that the class has changed from SidebarFacetConfiguration to HierarchicalSidebarFacetConfiguration

this is needed to support the extra properties.

splitter (required): The splitter used to split up the separate nodes

skipFirstNodeLevel (optional): Whether or not to show the root node level. For some hierarchical data
there is a single root node. In most cases it doesn't need to be shown since it isn't relevant. This
property is true by default.

Sort option customization for search results

This section explains the properties of an individual SortConfiguration, like sortTitle and sortDateIssued from the
default configuration. In order to create custom sort options, you can either modify specific properties of those
that already exist or create a totally new one from scratch.

Here's what the sortTitle SortConfiguration looks like:

<bean id="sortTitle" class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoverySortFieldConfiguration">

<property name="metadataField" value="dc.title"/>
<property name="type" value="text"/>

The id & class attributes are mandatory for this type of bean. The properties that it contains are discussed

metadataField (Required): The metadata field indicating the sort values

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type (optional): the type of the sort option can either be date or text, if none is defined text will be used.

The DiscoveryConfiguration Groups configurations for sidebar facets, search filters, search sort options and
recent submissions. If you want to show the same sidebar facets, use the same search filters, search options
and recent submissions everywhere in your repository, you will only need one DiscoveryConfiguration and you
might as well just edit the defaultConfiguration.

The DiscoveryConfiguration makes it very easy to use custom sidebar facets, search filters, ... on specific
communities or collection homepage. This is particularly useful if your collections are heterogeneous. For
example, in a collection with conference papers, you might want to offer a sidebar facet for conference date,
which might be more relevant than the actual issued date of the proceedings. In a collection with papers, you
might want to offer a facet for funding bodies or publisher, while these fields are irrelevant for items like learning

A DiscoveryConfiguration consists out of five parts

The list of applicable sidebarFacets

The list of applicable searchFilters
The list of applicable searchSortFields
Any default filter queries (optional)
The configuration for the Recent submissions display
The configuration of the tag cloud facet

Configuring lists of sidebarFacets and searchFilters

After modifying sidebarFacets and searchFilters, don't forget to reindex existing items by running
[dspace]/bin/dspace index-discovery -b, otherwise the changes will not appear.

Below is an example of how one of these lists can be configured. It's important that each of the bean references
corresponds to the exact name of the earlier defined facets, filters or sort options.

Each sidebar facet must also occur in the list of the search filters.

<property name="sidebarFacets">
<ref bean="sidebarFacetAuthor" />
<ref bean="sidebarFacetSubject" />
<ref bean="sidebarFacetDateIssued" />

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Configuring and customizing search sort fields

The search sort field configuration block contains the available sort fields and the possibility to configure a
default sort field and sort order.
Below is an example of the sort configuration.

<property name="searchSortConfiguration">
<bean class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoverySortConfiguration">
<!--<property name="defaultSort" ref="sortDateIssued"/>-->
<!--DefaultSortOrder can either be desc or asc (desc is default)-->
<property name="defaultSortOrder" value="desc"/>
<property name="sortFields">
<ref bean="sortTitle" />
<ref bean="sortDateIssued" />

The property name & the bean class are mandatory. The property field names are discusses below.

defaultSort (optional): The default field on which the search results will be sorted, this must be a
reference to an existing search sort field bean. If none is given relevance will be the default. Sorting
according to the internal relevance algorithm is always available, even though it's not explicitly mentioned
in the sortFields section.
defaultSortOrder (optional): The default sort order can either be asc or desc.
sortFields (mandatory): The list of available sort options, each element in this list must link to an existing
sort field configuration bean.

Adding default filter queries (OPTIONAL)

Default filter queries are applied on all search operations & sidebarfacet clicks. One useful application of default
filter queries is ensuring that all returned results are items. As a result, subcommunities and collections that are
returned as results of the search operation, are filtered out.
Similar to the lists above, the default filter queries are defined as a list. They are optional.

<property name="defaultFilterQueries">

This property contains a simple list which in turn contains the queries. Some examples of possible queries:


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dc.subject:test "Van de Velde, Kevin"

Access Rights Awareness

By default, when searching and browsing using Discovery, you will only see items that you have access to. So,
your search/browse results may differ if you are logged into DSpace. This Access Rights Awareness feature
ensures that anonymous users (and search engines) are not able to access information (both files and
metadata) about embargoed or private items. It also provides you with more direct control over who can see
individual items within your DSpace.

How does Access Rights Awareness work?

Access Rights Awareness checks the "READ" access on the Item.

If the "Anonymous" group has "READ" access on the Item, then anonymous/public users will be able to view
that Item's metadata and locate that Item via DSpace's search/browse system. In addition, search engines will
also be able to index that Item's metadata. However, even with Anonymous READ set at the Item-level, you
may still choose to access-restrict the downloading/viewing of files within the Item. To do so, you would restrict
"READ" access on individual Bitstream(s) attached to the Item.

If the "Anonymous" group does NOT have "READ" access on the Item, then anonymous users will never see
that Item appear within their search/browse results (essentially the Item is "invisible" to them). In addition, that
Item will be invisible to search engines, so it will never be indexed by them. However, any users who have been
given READ access will be able to find/locate the item after logging into DSpace. For example, if a "Staff" group
was provided "READ" access on the Item, then members of that "Staff" group would be able to locate the item
via search/browse after logging into DSpace.

How can I disable Access Rights Awareness?

If you prefer to allow all access-restricted or embargoed Items to be findable within your DSpace, you can
choose to turn off Access Rights Awareness. However, please be aware that this means that restricting "READ"
access on an Item will not really do anything the Item metadata will be available to the public no matter what
group(s) were given READ access on that Item.

This feature can be switched off by going to the [dspace.dir]/config/spring/api/discovery.xml file

& commenting out the bean & the alias shown below.

<bean class="org.dspace.discovery.SolrServiceResourceRestrictionPlugin" id="solrServiceResourceInde


<alias name="solrServiceResourceIndexPlugin" alias="org.dspace.discovery.


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The Browse Engine only supports the "Access Rights Awareness" if the Solr/Discovery backend is
enabled (see Defining the Storage of the Browse Data). However, it is enabled by default for DSpace
3.x and above.

Access Rights Awareness - technical details

The DSpaceObject class has an updateLastModified() method which will be triggered each time an
authorization policy changes. This method is only implemented in the item class where the last_modified
timestamp will be updated and a modify event will be fired. By doing this we ensure that the discovery
consumer is called and the item is reindexed. Since this feature can be switched off a separate plugin has been
created: the SolrServiceResourceRestrictionPlugin. Whenever we reindex a DSpace object all the read rights
will be stored in the read field. We make a distinction between groups and users by adding a ' g' prefix for
groups and the 'e' prefix for epersons.

When searching in discovery all the groups the user belongs to will be added as a filter query as well as the
users identifier. If the user is an admin all items will be returned since an admin has read rights on everything.

Customizing the Recent Submissions display

This paragraph only applies to XMLUI. JSPUI relies on the Browse Engine to show "recent
submissions". This requires that the Solr/Discovery backend is enabled (see Defining the Storage of
the Browse Data).

The recent submissions configuration element contains all the configuration settings to display the list of
recently submitted items on the home page or community/collection page. Because the recent submission
configuration is in the discovery configuration block, it is possible to show 10 recently submitted items on the
home page but 5 on the community/collection pages.

Below is an example configuration of the recent submissions.

<property name="recentSubmissionConfiguration">
<bean class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoveryRecentSubmissionsConfiguration">
<property name="metadataSortField" value=""/>
<property name="type" value="date"/>
<property name="max" value="5"/>

The property name & the bean class are mandatory. The property field names are discusses below.

metadataSortField (mandatory): The metadata field to sort on to retrieve the recent submissions
max (mandatory): The maximum number of results to be displayed as recent submissions

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type (optional): the type of the search filter. It can either be date or text, if none is defined text will be

Customizing hit highlighting & search snippets

This paragraph only applies to XMLUI. JSPUI does not currently support "highlighting & search

The hit highlighting configuration element contains all settings necessary to display search snippets & enable hit

Changes made to the configuration will not automatically be displayed in the user interface. By default,
only the following fields are displayed: dc.title,, dc.creator, dc.contributor,
issued, dc.publisher, dc.description.abstract and fulltext.

If additional fields are required, look for the "itemSummaryList" template.

Below is an example configuration of hit highlighting.

<property name="hitHighlightingConfiguration">
<bean class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoveryHitHighlightingConfiguration">
<property name="metadataFields">
<bean class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.
<property name="field" value="dc.title"/>
<property name="snippets" value="5"/>
<bean class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.
<property name="field" value=""/>
<property name="snippets" value="5"/>
<bean class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.
<property name="field" value="dc.subject"/>
<property name="snippets" value="5"/>
<bean class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.
<property name="field" value="dc.description.abstract"/>
<property name="maxSize" value="250"/>
<property name="snippets" value="2"/>

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<bean class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.
<property name="field" value="fulltext"/>
<property name="maxSize" value="250"/>
<property name="snippets" value="2"/>

The property name & the bean class are mandatory. The property field names are:

field (mandatory): The metadata field to be highlighted (can also be * if all the metadata fields should be
maxSize (optional): Limit the number of characters displayed to only the relevant part (use metadata
field as search snippet).
snippets (optional): The maximum number of snippets that can be found in one metadata field.

Hit highlighting technical details

The org.dspace.discovery.DiscoveryQuery object has a setter & getter for the hit highlighting configuration set
in Discovery configuration. If this configuration is given the resolveToSolrQuery method located in the org.
dspace.discovery.SolrServiceImpl class will use the standard Solr highlighting feature (
/HighlightingParameters). The org.dspace.discovery.DiscoverResult class has a method to set the highlighted
fields for each object & field.

The rendering of search results is no longer handled by the METS format but uses a special type of list named
"TYPE_DSO_LIST". Each metadata field (& fulltext if configured) is added in the DRI and IF the field contains
hit higlighting the Java code will split up the string & add DRI highlights to the list. The XSL for the themes also
contains special rendering XSL for the DRI; for Mirage, the changes are located in the discovery.xsl file. For
themes using the old themes based on structural.xsl, look for the template matching " dri:list[@type='dsolist']".

"More like this" configuration

This paragraph only apply to XMLUI. The JSPUI does not currently support the "More like this"

The "more like this"-configuration element contains all the settings for displaying related items on an item
display page.
Below is an example of the "more like this" configuration.

<property name="moreLikeThisConfiguration">
<bean class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.DiscoveryMoreLikeThisConfiguration">
<property name="similarityMetadataFields">

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<!--The minimum number of matching terms across the metadata fields above before an item
is found as related -->
<property name="minTermFrequency" value="5"/>
<!--The maximum number of related items displayed-->
<property name="max" value="3"/>
<!--The minimum word length below which words will be ignored-->
<property name="minWordLength" value="5"/>

The property name & the bean class are mandatory. The property field names are discussed below.

similarityMetadataFields: the metadata fields checked for similarity

minTermFrequency: The minimum number of matching terms accross the metadata fields above before
an item is found as related
max: The maximum number of related items displayed
minWordLength: The minimum word length below which words will be ignored

"More like this" technical details

The org.dspace.discovery.SearchService object has received a getRelatedItems() method. This method
requires an item & the more-like-this configuration bean from above. This method is implemented in the org.
dspace.discovery.SolrServiceImpl which uses the item as a query & uses the default Solr parameters for more-
like-this to pass the bean configuration to solr (
The result will be a list of items or if none found an empty list. The rendering of this list is handled in the org. class.

"Did you mean" spellcheck aid for search configuration

DSpace 4 introduces the use of SOLR's SpellCheckComponent as an aid for search. When a user's search
does not return any hits, the user is presented with a suggestion for an alternative search query.

The feature currently only one line of configuration to discovery.xml. Changing the value from true to false will
disable the feature.

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<property name="spellCheckEnabled" value="true" />

"Did you mean" spellcheck aid for search technical details

Similar to the More like this configuration, SOLR's spell check component is used with default configuration
values. Any of these values can be overridden in the solrconfig.xml file located in dspace/solr/search/conf/.
Following links provide more information about the SOLR SpellCheckComponent:

Customizing the "Tag Cloud" facet

This paragraph only applies to JSPUI

<!-- Set TagCloud configuration per discovery configuration -->

<property name="tagCloudFacetConfiguration" ref="defaultTagCloudFacetConfiguration"/>

Declare the bean (of class: TagCloudFacetConfiguration) that holds the configuration for the tag cloud facet.

<!--TagCloud configuration bean for homepage discovery configuration-->

<bean id="homepageTagCloudFacetConfiguration" class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.
<!-- Actual configuration of the tagcloud (colors, sorting, etc.) -->
<property name="tagCloudConfiguration" ref="tagCloudConfiguration"/>
<!-- List of tagclouds to appear, one for every search filter, one after the other -->
<property name="tagCloudFacets">
<ref bean="searchFilterSubject" />

This bean has two properties:

tagCloudConfiguration: is the bean which describes the actual appearance parameters

tagCloudFacets: the search filter facets which will be used for the tag cloud. If you leave the list empty,
no tag cloud will appear. If you declare more than one, such number of tag clouds will appear for each
search filter, one after the other.

The appearance configuration can have the following properties, as shown in the following bean:

<bean id="tagCloudConfiguration" class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.TagCloudConfiguration">

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<!-- Should display the score of each tag next to it? Default: false -->
<property name="displayScore" value="true"/>
<!-- Should display the tag as center aligned in the page or left aligned? Possible
values: true | false. Default: true -->
<property name="shouldCenter" value="true"/>
<!-- How many tags will be shown. Value -1 means all of them. Default: -1 -->
<property name="totalTags" value="-1"/>
<!-- The letter case of the tags.
Possible values: Case.LOWER | Case.UPPER | Case.CAPITALIZATION | Case.
Default: Case.PRESERVE_CASE -->
<property name="cloudCase" value="Case.PRESERVE_CASE"/>
<!-- If the 3 CSS classes of the tag cloud should be independent of score
(random=yes) or based on the score. Possible values: true | false . Default: true-->
<property name="randomColors" value="true"/>
<!-- The font size (in em) for the tag with the lowest score. Possible values: any
decimal. Default: 1.1 -->
<property name="fontFrom" value="1.1"/>
<!-- The font size (in em) for the tag with the lowest score. Possible values: any
decimal. Default: 3.2 -->
<property name="fontTo" value="3.2"/>
<!-- The score that tags with lower than that will not appear in the rag cloud.
Possible values: any integer from 1 to infinity. Default: 0 -->
<property name="cuttingLevel" value="0"/>
<!-- The distance (in px) between the tags. Default: 5 -->
<property name="marginRight" value="5"/>
<!-- The ordering of the tags (based either on the name or the score of the tag)
Possible values: Tag.NameComparatorAsc | Tag.NameComparatorDesc | Tag.
ScoreComparatorAsc | Tag.ScoreComparatorDesc
Default: Tag.NameComparatorAsc -->
<property name="ordering" value="Tag.NameComparatorAsc"/>

When tagCloud is rendered there are some CSS classes that you can change in order to change the
appearance of the tag cloud.

Class Note

tagcloud General class for the whole tagcloud

tagcloud_1 Specific tag class for tag of type 1 (based on score)

tagcloud_2 Specific tag class for tag of type 2 (based on score)

tagcloud_3 Specific tag class for tag of type 3 (based on score)

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Disabling the "Has file(s)" facet

Since DSpace 6, a new "Has file(s)" facet has been enabled by default. This facet shows whether items have or
do not have any bitstreams in the "ORIGINAL" bundle.Should you want to turn this off, you can edit [dspace]/
config/spring/api/discovery.xml to remove the following line from the defaultConfiguration and
homepageConfiguration beans (in the sidebarFacets property):

<ref bean="searchFilterContentInOriginalBundle"/>

Then restart your servlet container.

Discovery Solr Index Maintenance

Command [dspace]/bin/dspace index-discovery [-cbhf[r <item handle>]]

Java org.dspace.discovery.IndexClient

Arguments Description
(short and

called without any options, will update/clean an existing index

-b (re)build index, wiping out current one if it exists

-c clean existing index removing any documents that no longer exist in the db

-f if updating existing index, force each handle to be reindexed even if uptodate

-h print this help message

-i Reindex an individual object (and any child objects). When run on an Item, it just reindexes that
<object single Item. When run on a Collection, it reindexes the Collection itself and all Items in that
handle> Collectoin. When run on a Community, it reindexes the Community itself and all sub-
Communities, contained Collections and contained Items.

-o optimize search core

-r remove an Item, Collection or Community from index based on its handle


-s Rebuild the spellchecker, can be combined with -b and -f.

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It is recommended to run maintenance on the Discovery Solr index occasionally (from crontab or your system's
scheduler), to prevent your servlet container from running out of memory:

[dspace]/bin/dspace index-discovery -o

(Since Solr 4, the underlying optimize operation has been discouraged as mostly unnecessary and renamed.

Advanced Solr Configuration

Discovery is built as an application layer on top of the Solr open source enterprise search server. Therefore,
Solr configuration can be applied to the Solr cores that are shipped with DSpace.
The DSpace Solr instance currently runs several cores (which means indexes in Solr parlance). The "statistics"
core is for collection of DSpace usage events for statistical purposes (if you have been collecting statistics for
multiple years, you may have chosen to use sharding and you will see one core per each year collected). The
"search" core is used by Discovery for for search and faceting, for displaying the collection/community hierarchy
and item counts. The "authority" core is used by SolrAuthority to store information about authors, including their
data imported from the ORCID registry.


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Discovery has its own messages.xml file, located at dspace-xmlui/src/main/resources/aspects/Discovery/i18n
/messages.xml. To add your own labels for new fields and facets in a Maven overlay, copy this file to dspace
/modules/xmlui/src/main/resources/aspects/Discovery/i18n/messages.xml and modify this file. Alternatively, you
may add them to the main messages.xml file. Same goes for translations - it's encouraged to submit a single
messages_XX.xml file including messages from all the separate messages.xml files in DSpace.

Advanced search related keys (change "author" to desired field)

Filter name

Facet heading xmlui.ArtifactBrowser.AdvancedSearch.type_author

"Filter by" page heading xmlui.Discovery.AbstractSearch.type_author

4.7.2 Localization L10n

Areas of localization common to JSPUI and XMLUI
Enabling additional locales
Localization of email messages
Metadata localization
XMLUI specific localization
Message catalog
Where to find the message catalog
Where to edit
Difference with JSPUI
JSPUI specific localization
Message catalog
Where to find the message catalog
Where to edit
Localization of input-forms.xml and license.default
Community translations for input-forms.xml and email messages

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DSpace ships with a number of interface translations. This page provides information on areas that can be
localized by means of configuration or customization. By default, DSpace will look at the user's browser
language. If it has a language file in the user's language, it will render the interface in that language. If not, it will
default to English or another default that you have configured.

Areas of localization common to JSPUI and XMLUI

Enabling additional locales

Out of the box, DSpace only has English enabled as a supported locale. Additional locales and the default
locale are managed through the following parameters in dspace.cfg:

dspace.cfg configuration parameters


You can change default.locale to a different one than English after adding it to webui.supported.locales.

Localization of email messages

All email templates used by DSpace can be found in

Path to the DSpace email templates


The contents of the emails can be edited and translated.

Metadata localization
DSpace associates each metadata field value with a language code (though it may be left empty, e.g. for
numeric values).

XMLUI specific localization

Message catalog
XMLUI supports multiple languages through the use of internationalization catalogues as defined by the Cocoon
Internationalization Transformer. Each catalog contains the translation of all user-displayed strings into a
particular language or variant. Each catalog is a single xml file whose name is based upon the language it is
designated for, thus:

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The interface will automatically determine which file to select based upon the user's browser and system
configuration. For example, if the user's browser is set to Australian English then first the system will check if
messages_en_au.xml is available. If this translation is not available it will fall back to messages_en.xml, and
finally if that is not available, messages.xml.

Where to find the message catalog

The latest English message catalog is part of the main DSpace distribution and can be found at:

Location of the XMLUI message catalog in the DSpace source tree


The different translations for this message catalog are being managed separately from the DSpace core
project, in order to release updates for these files more frequently than the DSpace software itself. Visit the
dspace-xmlui-lang project on Github.

Where to edit
In some cases you may want to add additional keys to the message catalog or changing the particular wording
of DSpace concepts. For example, you may want to change "Communities" into "Departments". These kind of
changes may get automatically overwritten again when you upgrade to the newest version of DSpace. It is
therefore advised to keep such changes isolated in the following location:

Recommended location for i18n customizations


After rebuilding DSpace, any messages files placed in this directory will be automatically included in the XMLUI
web application. Files of the same name will override any default files. By default, this full directory path may not
exist or may be empty. If it does not exist, you can simply create it. You can place any number of translation
catalogues in this directory. To add additional translations, just add another copy of the messages.xml file
translated into the specific language and country variant you need.

After building and deploying, DSpace will finally read the files from the following location:

Location where your i18n files are being deployed


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Again, note that you will need to rebuild DSpace for these changes to take effect in your installed XMLUI web

Do not customize your messages in the webapps directory

While it seems like a fast option to change your messages straight in the deployed dspace directory,
these changes are very volatile. If you rebuild and redeploy DSpace, these changes will get lost.

For more information about the [dspace-source]/dspace/modules/ directory, and how it may be used to
"overlay" (or customize) the default XMLUI interface, classes and files, please see: Advanced Customisation

Difference with JSPUI

In JSPUI, a wider range of files, including input-forms.xml and default.license can be localized by adding
_COUNTRY at the end of the filename. This is currently not supported in XMLUI.

JSPUI specific localization

Message catalog
The Java Standard Tag Library v1.0 is used to specify messages in the JSPs like this:

<H1><fmt:message key=""/></H1>

This message can be changed using the config/language-packs/ file. This must be done at
build-time: is placed in the dspace.war Web application file. = Search Results

Phrases may have parameters to be passed in, to make the job of translating easier, reduce the number of
'keys' and to allow translators to make the translated text flow more appropriately for the target language. Here
is an example of a phrase in which two parameters are passed in: = Results {0}-{1} of {2}

Multiple can be created for different languages. See ResourceBundle.getBundle. e.g. you
can add German and Canadian French translations:

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The end user's browser settings determine which language is used by default. The user can change the
language by clicking a link in the UI. These links are visible if more than one language is configured in DSpace.
The English language file (or the default server locale) will be used as a fallback if there's
no language bundle for the end user's preferred language. Note that the English file is not called Messages_en.
properties. This is because it is always available as a fallback, regardless of server configuration.

Where to find the message catalog

The latest English message catalog is part of the main DSpace distribution and can be found at:

Location of the JSPUI message catalog in the DSpace source tree


The different translations for this message catalog are being managed separately from the DSpace core
project, in order to release updates for these files more frequently than the DSpace software itself. Visit the
dspace-api-lang project on Github.

Where to edit
In some cases you may want to add additional keys to the message catalog or changing the particular wording
of DSpace concepts. For example, you may want to change "Communities" into "Departments". These kind of
changes may get automatically overwritten again when you upgrade to the newest version of DSpace. It is
therefore advised to keep such changes isolated in the following location:

Recommended location for i18n customizations


After rebuilding DSpace, any messages files placed in this directory will be automatically included in the JSPUI
web application. Files of the same name will override any default files. By default, this full directory path may not
exist or may be empty. If it does not exist, you can simply create it. You can place any number of translation
catalogues in this directory. To add additional translations, just add another copy of the M file
translated into the specific language and country variant you need.

After building and deploying, DSpace will finally read the files from the dspace-api-4.0.jar file in your [tomcat]
\webapps\jspui\WEB-INF\lib directory.

Again, note that you will need to rebuild DSpace for these changes to take effect in your installed JSPUI web

For more information about the [dspace-source]/dspace/modules/ directory, and how it may be used to
"overlay" (or customize) the default XMLUI interface, classes and files, please see: Advanced Customisation

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Localization of input-forms.xml and license.default

The display labels for input-forms.xml and the text in the default submission license (license.default) are
currently not managed in the messages catalogs. To localize these files, you can create versions of these files
in the same folders, appending _COUNTRY at the end of the filename, before the extension. For example,
input-forms_de.xml can be used to translate the submission form labels in German.

Community translations for input-forms.xml and email messages

Even though they are currently not managed on Github yet, some community translations are available for other
files, such as emails and the input-forms.xml.

Click here to access an overview of community translations (DSpace wiki)

4.7.3 JSPUI Configuration and Customization

The DSpace digital repository supports two user interfaces: one based on JavaServer Pages (JSP)
technologies and one based upon the Apache Cocoon framework (XMLUI). This chapter describes those
parameters which are specific to the JPSUI interface.

Customizing the JSP pages
Styling the Simple Item View

The user will need to refer to the extensive WebUI/JSPUI configurations that are contained in JSP Web
Interface Settings.

Customizing the JSP pages

The JSPUI interface is implemented using Java Servlets which handle the business logic, and JavaServer
Pages (JSPs) which produce the HTML pages sent to an end-user. Since the JSPs are much closer to HTML
than Java code, altering the look and feel of DSpace is relatively easy.

To make it even easier, DSpace allows you to 'override' the JSPs included in the source distribution with
modified versions, that are stored in a separate place, so when it comes to updating your site with a new
DSpace release, your modified versions will not be overwritten. It should be possible to dramatically change the
look of DSpace to suit your organization by just changing the CSS style file and the site 'skin' or 'layout' JSPs in
jsp/layout; if possible, it is recommended you limit local customizations to these files to make future upgrades

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You can also easily edit the text that appears on each JSP page by editing the file.
However, note that unless you change the entry in all of the different language message files, users of other
languages will still see the default text for their language. See Internationalization in Application Layer.

Note that the data (attributes) passed from an underlying Servlet to the JSP may change between versions, so
you may have to modify your customized JSP to deal with the new data.

Thus, if possible, it is recommended you limit your changes to the 'layout' JSPs and the stylesheet.

The JSPs are available in one of two places:

[dspace-source]/dspace-jspui/dspace-jspui-webapp/src/main/webapp/ - Only exists if you downloaded

the full Source Release of DSpace
[dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-[version].dir/webapps/dspace-jspui-webapp/ - The location where
they are copied after first building DSpace.

If you wish to modify a particular JSP, place your edited version in the [dspace-source]/dspace/modules/jspui
/src/main/webapp/ directory (this is the replacement for the pre-1.5 /jsp/local directory), with the same path as
the original. If they exist, these will be used in preference to the default JSPs. For example:

DSpace default Locally-modified version

[jsp.dir]/community-list.jsp [jsp.custom-dir]/dspace/modules/jspui/src/main/webapp/community-list.jsp

[jsp.dir]/mydspace/main.jsp [jsp.custom-dir]/dspace/modules/jspui/src/main/webapp/mydspace/main.jsp

Fonts and colors can be easily changed using your own style sheet. Place a style sheet in [jsp.custom-dir]
/dspace/modules/jspui/src/main/webapp/static/css/] Include a link to the style sheet in all JSP file where you
want to use it. The style sheet styles.css is there mainly for legacy reasons. It is used only for the help popup,
controlled vocabulary popup and header popup.

The 'layout' of each page, that is, the top and bottom banners and the navigation bar, are determined by the
JSPs /layout/header-*.jsp and /layout/footer-*.jsp. You can provide modified versions of these (in [jsp.custom-dir]
/dspace/modules/jspui/src/main/webapp/layout), or define more styles and apply them to pages by using the
"style" attribute of the dspace:layout tag.

1. Rebuild the DSpace installation package by running the following command from your [dspace-source]
/dspace/ directory:

mvn package

2. Update all DSpace webapps to [dspace]/webapps by running the following command from your [dspace-
source]/dspace/target/dspace-installer directory:

ant -Dconfig=[dspace]/config/dspace.cfg update

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3. Deploy the the new webapps:

cp -R /[dspace]/webapps/* /[tomcat]/webapps

4. Restart Tomcat
When you restart the web server you should see your customized JSPs.

Styling the Simple Item View

DSpace offers following CSS classes in the HTML output to style metadata labels and values in the simple item
view, :


Each label and value gets enhanced by a CSS class identifying the metadata field by its schema, element and
qualifier. The pattern for this classes is: schema_element_qualifier. Examples:

Select the CSS classes metadataFieldValue and dc_title to style the title element.
Select the CSS classes metadataFieldValue and dc_description_abstract to style the abstract element

/* Make title bold */

.metadataFieldValue.dc_title {
font-weight: bold;

/* Make abstract italic and enforce the display of its line breaks */
.metadataFieldValue.dc_description_abstract {
white-space: pre-line;
font-style: italic;

4.7.4 XMLUI Configuration and Customization

The DSpace digital repository supports two user interfaces: one based on JavaServer Pages (JSP)
technologies and one based upon the Apache Cocoon framework (XMLUI). This chapter describes those
parameters which are specific to the Manakin (XMLUI) interface based upon the Cocoon framework.

Overview of XMLUI / Manakin

Understanding the Flow of an XMLUI Request
Manakin Configuration Property Keys
Configuring Themes and Aspects

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Multilingual Support
Creating a New Theme
Customizing the News Document
Adding Static Content
Harvesting Items from XMLUI via OAI-ORE or OAI-PMH
Automatic Harvesting (Scheduler)
Additional XMLUI Learning Resources

Overview of XMLUI / Manakin

For more information & diagrams

For a more detailed overview of XMLUI/Manakin, see the following resources:

Introducing Manakin (XMLUI) - Provides an overview of what XMLUI is and how it works.
Learning to Use Manakin (XMLUI) - Overview of how to use Manakin and how it works. Based
on DSpace 1.5, but also valid for current versions
Making DSpace XMLUI Your Own - Concentrates on using Maven to build Overlays in the
XMLUI (Manakin). Also has very basic examples for JSPUI. Based on DSpace 1.6.x but also
valid for current versions.
Manakin theme tutorial - with good debugging tips

The XMLUI (aka Manakin) is built on Apache Cocoon framework. The XMLUI uses Cocoon to provide a
modular, extendable, tiered interface framework

The XMLUI essentially consists of three main tiers, in increasing order of complexity:

1. Style Tier - allows one to use CSS and simple XHTML to stylize an existing XMLUI Theme
2. Theme Tier - allows one to use XSLT, XHTML and CSS to create new, more complex XMLUI Theme(s)
3. Aspect Tier - allows one to use the Cocoon framework and Java (or XSLT) to create new features
(aspects), and generate new content into DRI.

These tiers are very important and powerful because of their modularity. For example, based on your local
expertise with these technologies, your institution may decide to only modify the XMLUI at the "Style Tier" (by
just modifying CSS & images in an existing theme). As you learn more about themes & aspects, you may
decide to slowly venture into the more complex "Theme Tier" and finally into the "Aspect Tier". Other institutions
may determine that all they really need to ever do is make "Style Tier" changes.

Digging in a little deeper, there are three main XMLUI components that are unique to the XMLUI and used
throughout the system. These main components are:

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DRI Schema- Digital Repository Interface (DRI) XML schema, which is the "abstract representation of a
single repository page". The DRI document is XML that contains all of the information (metadata)
available for display on a given page within the XMLUI. This information includes:
Metadata elements (described in METS, MODS, DSpace Internal Metadata (DIM), Qualified
Dublin Core, etc.)
Structural elements (described in TEI light)
For more specific information about DRI Schema along with examples, see DRI Schema
#Aspects - One or more aspects are enabled at a given time. Generally speaking an aspect implements
a set of related features within the XMLUI. More specifically, the enabled aspects are what build the DRI
document. So, Aspects are the only things that can change the structure of the DRI document (or add
/remove content to/from DRI)
Aspects apply to all pages across your entire DSpace site. Each aspect must take a valid DRI
document as its input, and also output a valid DRI document.
Aspects usually are written in Java (and controlled by a Cocoon "sitemap.xmap"). However,
Aspects can also be written in XSLT (provided that the input and output are both valid DRI
#Themes- One or more themes are enabled at a given time. Themes are in charge of stylizing content
into a particular look & feel. More specifically, a theme is what transforms a DRI document into XHTML
(and adds any CSS, javascript, images, etc).
A single Theme may apply to your entire DSpace site, just a specific Community or Collection
(and all members of that Community/Collection), or just a specific page.
A Theme may consist of one or more of the following: an XSLT stylesheet, CSS stylesheets,
images, other static resources.
More information on creating a theme is available at: #Creating a New Theme
Additional Theme Resources include:
Manakin theme tutorial
Manakin Themes and Recipes
Create a new theme (Manakin)

Understanding the Flow of an XMLUI Request

One of the harder things to initially grasp in the XMLUI is how a single user's request (e.g. clicking on a link or
button) flows through the entire system of enabled Aspects and Themes. Understanding this flow is also very
important as you work to build your own Aspects (or complex Themes), as it may allow you to more easily
determine what is going on in the system.

Before getting started, it's worth mentioning that this request flow is controlled via a series of Cocoon Sitemap
files (named sitemap.xmap, themes.xmap and aspects.xmap). These Sitemap files are Cocoon's way of
defining the flow. More information about Cocoon Sitemaps is available at:

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The following explanation provides a high level overview of how a request is processed, how a DRI document is
generated (via Aspects), and then how it is transformed into XHTML (via Themes). As this is a high level
overview, some details are likely left out, but the overarching flow is what is most important.

1. A user visits an XMLUI page (by clicking a link or button, etc)

2. That request begins in the root Cocoon sitemap.xmap (located at [xmlui]/sitemap.xmap). This is
the main entry point for all requests
a. Within that sitemap, various URL path matching takes place. If the request is to download a
document, that document is returned immediately.
b. However, in many cases, the request is for a page within the XMLUI. In this scenario, the root
sitemap.xmap will load the [xmlui]/themes/themes.xmapfile, which controls all the Themes.
i. The themes.xmap file will then load all "matching" themes which are configured in your
[dspace]/config/xmlui.xconf file (see #Themes below).
ii. If more than one theme matches the current URL path, then the first match wins
iii. Once a matching theme is located, that theme's sitemap.xmapfile (located in its theme
directory) is loaded and processed.
1. The theme's sitemap.xmapis in charge of actually loading the theme's XSLT, CSS,
etc. However, before it does that, you'll notice it makes a call to generate the DRI
document for the current page as follows:

<map:generate type="file" src="cocoon://DRI/{1}"/>

2. This DRI call generates a brand new, internal Cocoon request. This request is then
processed back in the root sitemap.xmap (remember how we said that this
sitemap is the main entry point for all requests).
3. Back in the root sitemap, the "DRI/**" call is matched. This causes the [xmlui]/aspects/aspects.
xmapfile to be loaded. As the name suggests, this file obviously controls all the Aspects.
a. The aspects.xmap file will then load all enabled Aspects which are configured in your [dspace]
/config/xmlui.xconf file (see #Aspects below).
b. Each aspect is loaded in the order that it appears. However, multiple aspects may be loaded for
the same URL path. Remember, aspects can build upon each other (we call this an "aspect
chain") as they work together to generate the final DRI document.
c. When an Aspect is loaded, its sitemap.xmap is loaded & processed
NOTE: An aspect's sitemap.xmap is actually compiled into the dspace-xmlui-api.jar
file. However, if you have a copy of DSpace source handy, it can be found in: [dspace-
d. Each aspect is processed one-by-one (again in the order they are listed in xmlui.xconf). Each
aspect may add, remove or change content within the DRI document. After the final aspect is
finished processing, the DRI document is complete.

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HINT: In the XMLUI you can always view the final DRI document by adding "?XML" or
"&XML" on to the end of the current URL in your web browser. See more instructions for
debugging in Manakin theme tutorial.
4. Once the final DRI document is complete (all aspects are done processing), the flow will return back to
your Theme's sitemap.xmap (remember, this is the same location that triggered the loading of the
Aspects in the first place).
5. At this point, your Theme's sitemap.xmap will continue its processing. Generally speaking, most
themes will then perform one or more XSLT transformations (to transform the final DRI document into
XHTML). They also may load up one or more CSS files to help stylize the final XHTML.
6. Finally, once the Theme has completed its processing (remember, only one theme is ever processed for
a single request), the final generated XHTML document is displayed to the user.

Again, the above flow is a slightly simplified version of what is going on underneath the XMLUI. As you can see,
Cocoon Sitemaps are what control most of the XMLUI processing (and the loading of the Aspects and Theme).

Manakin Configuration Property Keys

In an effort to save the programmer/administrator some time, the configuration table below is taken from 5.3.43.
XMLUI Specific Configuration.

Property: xmlui.supportedLocales

Example xmlui.supportedLocales = en, de


Informational A list of supported locales for Manakin. Manakin will look at a user's browser configuration for
Note: the first language that appears in this list to make available to in the interface. This parameter
is a comma separated list of Locales. All types of Locales country, country_language,
country_language_variant. Note that if the appropriate files are not present (i.e.
Messages_XX_XX.xml) then Manakin will fall back through to a more general language.

Property: xmlui.force.ssl

Example xmlui.force.ssl = true


Informational Force all authenticated connections to use SSL, only non-authenticated connections are
Note: allowed over plain http. If set to true, then you need to ensure that the ' dspace.hostname'
parameter is set to the correctly.

Property: xmlui.user.registration

Example xmlui.user.registration = true


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Informational Determine if new users should be allowed to register. This parameter is useful in conjunction
Note: with Shibboleth where you want to disallow registration because Shibboleth will automatically
register the user. Default value is true.

Property: xmlui.user.editmetadata

Example xmlui.user.editmetadata = true


Informational Determines if users should be able to edit their own metadata. This parameter is useful in
Note: conjunction with Shibboleth where you want to disable the user's ability to edit their metadata
because it came from Shibboleth. Default value is true.

Property: webui.user.assumelogin

Example webui.user.assumelogin = true


Informational Determine if super administrators (those who are in the Administrator group) can login as
Note: another user from the "edit eperson" page. This is useful for debugging problems in a running
dspace instance, especially in the workflow process. The default value is false, i.e., no one
may assume the login of another user.

Property: xmlui.user.loginredirect

Example xmlui.user.loginredirect = /profile


Informational After a user has logged into the system, which url should they be directed? Leave this
Note: parameter blank or undefined to direct users to the homepage, or /profile for the user's profile,
or another reasonable choice is /submissions to see if the user has any tasks awaiting their
attention. The default is the repository home page.

Property: xmlui.theme.allowoverrides

Example xmlui.theme.allowoverrides = false


Informational Allow the user to override which theme is used to display a particular page. When submitting
Note: a request add the HTTP parameter "themepath" which corresponds to a particular theme, that
specified theme will be used instead of the any other configured theme. Note that this is a
potential security hole allowing execution of unintended code on the server, this option is only
for development and debugging it should be turned off for any production repository. The
default value unless otherwise specified is "false".

Property: xmlui.bundle.upload


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Informational Determine which bundles administrators and collection administrators may upload into an
Note: existing item through the administrative interface. If the user does not have the appropriate
privileges (add and write) on the bundle then that bundle will not be shown to the user as an


Example = true


Informational On the community-list page should all the metadata about a community/collection be
Note: available to the theme. This parameter defaults to true, but if you are experiencing
performance problems on the community-list page you should experiment with turning this
option off.


Example = 12 hours


Informational Normally, Manakin will fully verify any cache pages before using a cache copy. This means
Note: that when the community-list page is viewed the database is queried for each community
/collection to see if their metadata has been modified. This can be expensive for repositories
with a large community tree. To help solve this problem you can set the cache to be assumed
valued for a specific set of time. The downside of this is that new or editing communities
/collections may not show up the website for a period of time.

Property: xmlui.bistream.mods

Example xmlui.bistream.mods = true


Informational Optionally, you may configure Manakin to take advantage of metadata stored as a bitstream.
Note: The MODS metadata file must be inside the "METADATA" bundle and named MODS.xml. If
this option is set to 'true' and the bitstream is present then it is made available to the theme
for display.

Property: xmlui.bitstream.mets

Example xmlui.bitstream.mets = true


Informational Optionally, you may configure Manakin to take advantage of metadata stored as a bitstream.
Note: The METS metadata file must be inside the "METADATA" bundle and named METS.xml. If

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this option is set to "true" and the bitstream is present then it is made available to the theme
for display.


Example = UA-XXXXXX-X


Informational If you would like to use google analytics to track general website statistics then use the
Note: following parameter to provide your analytics key. First sign up for an account at, then create an entry for your repositories website. Google
Analytics will give you a snipit of javascript code to place on your site, inside that snip it is
your Google Analytics key usually found in the line: _uacct = "UA-XXXXXXX-X" Take this key
(just the UA-XXXXXX-X part) and place it here in this parameter.

Property: xmlui.controlpanel.activity.max

Example xmlui.controlpanel.activity.max = 250


Informational Assign how many page views will be recorded and displayed in the control panel's activity
Note: viewer. The activity tab allows an administrator to debug problems in a running DSpace by
understanding who and how their DSpace is currently being used. The default value is 250.

Property: xmlui.controlpanel.activity.ipheader

Example xmlui.controlpanel.activity.ipheader = X-Forward-For


Informational Determine where the control panel's activity viewer receives an events IP address from. If
Note: your DSpace is in a load balanced environment or otherwise behind a context-switch then you
will need to set the parameter to the HTTP parameter that records the original IP address.

Configuring Themes and Aspects

The Manakin user interface is composed of two distinct components: aspects and themes. Manakin aspects are
like extensions or plugins for Manakin; they are interactive components that modify existing features or provide
new features for the digital repository. Manakin themes stylize the look-and-feel of the repository, community, or

The repository administrator is able to define which aspects and themes are installed for the particular
repository by editing the [dspace]/config/xmlui.xconf configuration file. The xmlui.xconf file consists of two major
sections: Aspects and Themes.

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The <aspects> section defines the "Aspect Chain", or the linear set of aspects that are installed in the
repository. For each aspect that is installed in the repository, the aspect makes available new features to the
interface. For example, if the "submission" aspect were to be commented out or removed from the xmlui.xconf,
then users would not be able to submit new items into the repository (even the links and language prompting
users to submit items are removed). Each <aspect> element has two attributes, name and path. The name is
used to identify the Aspect, while the path determines the directory where the aspect's code is located. Here is
the default aspect configuration:

<aspect name="Displaying Artifacts" path="resource://aspects/ViewArtifacts/" />
<aspect name="Browsing Artifacts" path="resource://aspects/BrowseArtifacts/" />
<aspect name="Searching Artifacts" path="resource://aspects/SearchArtifacts/" />
<aspect name="Administration" path="resource://aspects/Administrative/" />
<aspect name="E-Person" path="resource://aspects/EPerson/" />
<aspect name="Submission and Workflow" path="resource://aspects/Submission/" />
<aspect name="Statistics" path="resource://aspects/Statistics/" />
<aspect name="Original Workflow" path="resource://aspects/Workflow/" />

A standard distribution of Manakin/DSpace includes eight "core" aspects:

ViewArtifacts The ViewArtifacts Aspect is reposonsible for displaying individual item metadata.
BrowseArtifacts The BrowseArtifacts Aspect is reponsible for displaying different browse options
SearchArtifacts The SearchArtifacts Aspect displays the different search boxes. Shouldn't be
activated together with DSpace Discovery.
Administrative The Administrative Aspect is responsible for administrating DSpace, such as creating,
modifying and removing all communities, collections, e-persons, groups, registries and authorizations.
E-Person The E-Person Aspect is responsible for logging in, logging out, registering new users, dealing
with forgotten passwords, editing profiles and changing passwords.
Submission The Submission Aspect is responsible for submitting new items to DSpace, determining the
workflow process and ingesting the new items into the DSpace repository.
Statistics The Statistics Aspect is responsible for displaying statistics information.
Workflow The Original Workflow Aspect is responsible for displaying workflow tasks. Shouldn't be
activated with the new workflow called XMLWorkflow

Following Aspects are optional

XMLWorkfflow This Aspect was added in DSpace 1.8 and is responsible for the new configurable
workflow system. Shouldn't be activated together with the Workflow aspect.
Discovery The Discovery Aspect replaces the standard search with faceted searching. It also takes care
of the faceted browse options. Shouldn't be activated togather with SearchArtifacts.

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SwordClient The SwordClient aspect displays options that allow you to "push" DSpace content to
another SWORD-server enabled system.
XMLTest An aspect to assist developers in creating themes, as it displays different debugging options.

Following Aspects are deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore at all

ArtifactBrowser This aspect has been split up into ViewArtifacts, BrowseArtifacts and SearchArtifacts in
DSpace 1.7.0

The <themes> section defines a set of "rules" that determine where themes are installed in the repository. Each
rule is processed in the order that it appears, and the first rule that matches determines the theme that is
applied (so order is important). Each rule consists of a <theme> element with several possible attributes:

name (always required)The name attribute is used to document the theme's name.
path (always required)The path attribute determines where the theme is located relative to the themes/
directory and must either contain a trailing slash or point directly to the theme's sitemap.xmap file.
regex (either regex and/or handle is required)The regex attribute determines which URLs the theme
should apply to.
handle (either regex and/or handle is required)The handle attribute determines which community,
collection, or item the theme should apply to.
If you use the "handle" attribute, the effect is cascading, meaning if a rule is established for a community
then all collections and items within that community will also have this theme apply to them as well. Here
is an example configuration:

<theme name="Theme 1" handle="123456789/23" path="theme1/"/>
<theme name="Theme 2" regex="community-list" path="theme2/"/>
<theme name="Reference Theme" regex=".*" path="Reference/"/>

In the example above three themes are configured: "Theme 1", "Theme 2", and the "Reference Theme".
The first rule specifies that "Theme 1" will apply to all communities, collections, or items that are
contained under the parent community "123456789/23". The next rule specifies any URL containing the
string "community-list" will get "Theme 2". The final rule, using the regular expression ".", will match
*anything, so all pages which have not matched one of the preceding rules will be matched to the
Reference Theme.

Multilingual Support
The XMLUI user interface supports multiple languages through the use of internationalization catalogues as
defined by the Cocoon Internationalization Transformer. Each catalog contains the translation of all user-
displayed strings into a particular language or variant. Each catalog is a single xml file whose name is based
upon the language it is designated for, thus:

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The interface will automatically determine which file to select based upon the user's browser and system
configuration. For example, if the user's browser is set to Australian English then first the system will check if
messages_en_au.xml is available. If this translation is not available it will fall back to messages_en.xml, and
finally if that is not available, messages.xml.

DSpace XMLUI supplies an English only translation of the interface, which can be found in the XMLUI web
application ([dspace]/webapps/xmlui/i18n/messages.xml), after you first build DSpace.

If you wish to add other translations to the system, or make customizations to the existing messages.xml file,
you can place them in the following directory:


After rebuilding DSpace, any messages files placed in this directory will be automatically included in the XMLUI
web application (and files of the same name will override any default files). By default this full directory path
may not exist (if not, just create it) or may be empty. You can place any number of translation catalogues in this
directory. To add additional translations, just add alternative versions of the messages.xml file in specific
language and country variants as needed for your installation.

To set a language other than English as the default language for the repository's interface, you can simply
rename the translation catalogue for the new default language to "messages.xml".

Again, note that you will need to rebuild DSpace for these changes to take effect in your installed XMLUI web

For more information about the [dspace-source]/dspace/modules/ directory, and how it may be used to
"overlay" (or customize) the default XMLUI interface, classes and files, please see: Advanced Customisation

Creating a New Theme

Manakin themes stylize the look-and-feel of the repository, community, or collection and are distributed as self-
contained packages. A Manakin/DSpace installation may have multiple themes installed and available to be
used in different parts of the repository. The central component of a theme is the sitemap.xmap, which defines
what resources are available to the theme such as XSL stylesheets, CSS stylesheets, images, or multimedia
1) Create theme skeleton
Most theme developers do not create a new theme from scratch; instead they start from the standard theme

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template, which defines a skeleton structure for a theme. The template is located at: [dspace-source]/dspace-
xmlui/dspace-xmlui-webbapp/src/main/webbapp/themes/template. To start your new theme simply copy the
theme template into your locally defined modules directory, [dspace-source]/dspace/modules/xmlui/src/main
/webbapp/themes/[your theme's directory]/.
2) Modify theme variables
The next step is to modify the theme's parameters so that the theme knows where it is located. Open the [your
theme's directory]/sitemap.xmap and look for <global-variables>

<theme-path>[your theme's directory]</theme-path>
<theme-name>[your theme's name]</theme-name>

Update both the theme's path to the directory name you created in step one. The theme's name is used only for
3) Add your CSS stylesheets
The base theme template will produce a repository interface without any style - just plain XHTML with no color
or formatting. To make your theme useful you will need to supply a CSS Stylesheet that creates your desired
look-and-feel. Add your new CSS stylesheets:

[your theme's directory]/lib/style.css (The base style sheet used for all browsers)

[your theme's directory]/lib/style-ie.css (Specific stylesheet used for internet explorer)

4) Install theme and rebuild DSpace
Next rebuild and deploy DSpace (replace <version> with the your current release):

1. Rebuild the DSpace installation package by running the following command from your [dspace-source]

mvn package

2. Update all DSpace webapps to [dspace]/webapps by running the following command from your [dspace-

ant -Dconfig=[dspace]/config/dspace.cfg update

3. Deploy the the new webapps:

cp -R /[dspace]/webapps/* /[tomcat]/webapps


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4. Restart Tomcat
This will ensure the theme has been installed as described in the previous section "Configuring Themes
and Aspects".

Customizing the News Document

The XMLUI "news" document is only shown on the root page of your repository. It was intended to provide the
title and introductory message, but you may use it for anything.

The news document is located at [dspace]/dspace/config/news-xmlui.xml. There is only one version; it is

localized by inserting "i18n" callouts into the text areas. It must be a complete and valid XML DRI document
(see Chapter 15).

Its (the News document) exact rendering in the XHTML UI depends, of course, on the theme. The default
content is designed to operate with the reference themes, so when you modify it, be sure to preserve the tag
structure and e.g. the exact attributes of the first DIV tag. Also note that the text is DRI, not HTML, so you must
use only DRI tags, such as the XREF tag to construct a link.

Example 1: a single language:

<div id="" n="news" rend="primary">
Welcome to my wonderful repository etc etc ...
A service of <xref target="">My University</xref>

Example 2: all text replaced by references to localizable message keys:

<div id="" n="news" rend="primary">

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<xref target=""><i18n:text></i18n:text></xref>

Adding Static Content

The XMLUI user interface supports the addition of globally static content (as well as static content within
individual themes).

Globally static content can be placed in the [dspace-source]/dspace/modules/xmlui/src/main/webapp/static/

directory. By default this directory only contains the default robots.txt file, which provides helpful site information
to web spiders/crawlers. However, you may also add static HTML (*.html) content to this directory, as needed
for your installation.

Any static HTML content you add to this directory may also reference static content (e.g. CSS, Javascript,
Images, etc.) from the same [dspace-source]/dspace/modules/xmlui/src/main/webapp/static/ directory. You may
reference other static content from your static HTML files similar to the following:

<link href="./static/mystyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

<img src="./static/images/static-image.gif" alt="Static image in /static/images/ directory"/>
<img src="./static/static-image.jpg" alt="Static image in /static/ directory"/>

Harvesting Items from XMLUI via OAI-ORE or OAI-PMH

This feature allows you to harvest Items (both metadata and bitstreams) from one DSpace to another DSpace
or from one OAI-PMH/OAI-ORE server to a DSpace instance.

This section will give the necessary steps to set up the OAI-ORE/OAI-PMH Harvester from the XMLUI
(Manakin). This feature is currently not available in the JSPUI.

Setting up a Harvesting Collection:

1. Login to XMLUI and create a new collection.

2. Go to the tab named "Content Source" that appears next to "Edit Metadata" and "Assign Roles " in the
collection edit screens.
3. The two "Content Source" options are "standard DSpace collection" (selected by default) and "collection
harvests its content from an external source". Select "harvests from an external source" option and click


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4. A new set of menus appear to configure the harvesting settings:

"OAI Provider" is in the URL of the OAI-PMH provider that the content from this collection should
be harvested from. The OAI-PMH provider deployed with DSpace typically has the format:
http://dspace.url/oai/request For example, you could use the Demo DSpace OAI-PMH
provider: ""
"OAI Set Id" is the OAI-PMH setSpec of the collection you wish to harvest from. For DSpace, this
Set ID has the format: hdl_<handle-prefix>_<handle-suffix>. For example
"hdl_10673_2" would refer to the Collection whose handle is "10673/2" (on the DSpace Demo
Server, this is the Collection of Sample Items). If the target instance is using OAI 2.0 (DSpace 3.0
or the OAI 2.0 addon for DSpace 1.8.2), replace "hdl_" with "col_" if the set is a collection or with
"com_" if it's a community.
"Metadata format" determines the format that the descriptive metadata will be harvested. The OAI-
PMH server of the source DSpace instance may only support certain metadata formats. Select
"DSpace Intermediate Metadata" if available (as this provides the richest metadata transfer) and
"Simple Dublin Core" otherwise
To determine which metadata formats an OAI-PMH server supports, you can send a
ListMetadataFormats request to that OAI-PMH server. Typically this has the format:
http://dspace.url/oai/request?verb=ListMetadataFormats For example, you
can see which metadata formats are supported by the DSpace Demo Server by visiting:
Click the "Test Settings" button to verify the settings supplied in the previous steps. This will
usually let you know if anything is missing or does not validate correctly. If you receive an error,
you will need to fix the settings before continuing
5. The list of radio buttons labeled "Content being harvested" allows you to select the level of harvest.
These harvesting options include:
Harvest Metadata Only - will only harvest item metadata from the source DSpace (or any OAI-
PMH source)
Harvest metadata and references to bitstreams (requires ORE support) - will harvest item
metadata and create links to files/bitstreams (stored remotely) from the source DSpace (requires
Harvest metadata and bitstreams (requires ORE support) - performs a full local replication.
Harvests both item metadata and files/bitstreams (requires OAI-ORE).
6. Select the appropriate option based on your needs, and click Save

At this point the settings are saved and the menu changes to provide three options:

Change Settings : takes you back to the edit screen (see above instructions)
Import Now: performs a single harvest from the remote collection into the local one. Success, notes, and
errors encountered in the process will be reflected in the "Last Harvest Result" entry. More detailed
information is available in the DSpace log.

"Import Now" May Timeout for Large Harvests

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Note that the whole harvest cycle is executed within a single HTTP request and will time out for
large collections. For this reason, it is advisable to use the automatic harvest scheduler set up
either in XMLUI or from the command line. If the scheduler is running, "Import Now" will handle
the harvest task as a separate thread.

Reset and Reimport Collection : will perform the same function as "Import Now", but will clear the
collection of all existing items before doing so.

Automatic Harvesting (Scheduler)

Setting up automatic harvesting in the Control Panel Screen.

Login as an Administrative user in XMLUI

Visit the "Harvesting" tab under "Administrative > Control Panel"
The panel offers the following information:
Available actions:
Start Harvester : starts the scheduler. From this point on, all properly configured collections
(listed on the next line) will be harvested at regular intervals. This interval can be changed
in the dspace.cfg using the harvester.harvestFrequency parameter.
Pause : the "nice" stop; waits for the active harvests to finish, saves the state/progress and
pauses execution. Can be either resumed or stopped.
Stop : the "full stop"; waits for the current item to finish harvesting, and aborts further
Reset Harvest Status : since stopping in the middle of a harvest is likely to result in
collections getting "stuck" in the queue, the button is available to clear all states.

Additional XMLUI Learning Resources

Useful links with further information into XMLUI Development

Making DSpace XMLUI Your Own - Concentrates on using Maven to build Overlays in the XMLUI
(Manakin). Also has very basic examples for JSPUI. Based on DSpace 1.6.x.
Learning to Use Manakin (XMLUI) - Overview of how to use Manakin and how it works. Based on
DSpace 1.5, but also valid for 1.6.
Introducing Manakin (XMLUI)

Mirage 2 Configuration and Customization

/*<![CDATA[*/ div.rbtoc1477323618071 {padding: 0px;} div.rbtoc1477323618071 ul {list-

style: disc;margin-left: 0px;} div.rbtoc1477323618071 li {margin-left: 0px;padding-left:
0px;} /*]]>*/


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Responsive design
The build process and enabling Mirage 2
NOT building with Mirage2
Common Build Issues
Configuration options
Customizing Mirage 2
The Mirage 2 color scheme
Simple styling customization
Advanced styling customizations
Automatically retrieving the latest versions of Mirage 2 dependencies
Additional Developer documentation

Mirage has been the default XMLUI theme since DSpace 1.7 and has been used as base point for most custom
themes. DSpace 5 includes Mirage 2, also developed by @mire, an upgrade to Mirage built on modern web
technologies. The predominant improvement for the end user is the responsive design. Repository admins and
developers will also benefit because of the tools available to make both simple and advanced customizations.

Responsive design
A responsive website is a website that rearranges its content to fit in different screen sizes. The main focus is to
provide a better overall user experience whether you're browsing on a mobile phone, a tablet or desktop
computer. As opposed to using a separate mobile theme, there's only one version of the website that will work
everywhere. A simply way to find out what the differences are between a narrow screen and a larger screen in
Mirage 2, go to any webpage and resize the browser window. You will notice the sidebar is only shown when
the window is large enough, otherwise a menu button is displayed to get to the sidebar options. The theme
provides a distinct look for each of the 3 different categories of screen sizes: mobile, tablet and desktop.

The build process and enabling Mirage 2

The modern web technologies that power Mirage 2 include a precompiler ( Compass), a package manager (
Bower) and a task runner (Grunt). These tools can only be installed when some prerequisites are present on
the system. DSpace's Maven build process is capable of making a temporary installation of these dependencies
just so the theme can be built. However the overall build time will be significantly shortened if these
dependencies are manually installed on the system (see below for more info).


You will need Maven 3.1 or higher.

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All of the Mirage 2 builds require git. Make sure to install git before starting any of the Mirage 2 builds.

By default, DSpace does not build the Mirage 2 theme (as it lengthens the normal build process).
However, you can easily tell DSpace to build Mirage 2 by running the following from your [dspace-
source] directory:

mvn package -Dmirage2.on=true

If you wish to speed up the Mirage 2 build process, you can do so by pre-installing all of the
Mirage 2 dependencies on your system (by default they will be downloaded each time you rebuild
Mirage 2). This will significantly shorten the build process for Mirage 2. More information on
installing these prerequisites can be found in the Developer Documentation for Mirage 2. Once
these prerequisites have been installed on your local server, you can then build Mirage 2 more
rapidly by running:

# WARNING: This command will only work if you've manually installed *all* the
prerequisites for Mirage 2
mvn package -Dmirage2.on=true -Dmirage2.deps.included=false

Using an exclamation mark character ("!") in Maven directory name will cause a Mirage 2 build
to fail. See: DS-2749-Mirage2 can't be built in a Windows environmentClosed

After building Mirage 2, you can install this theme into your DSpace by simply re-running Ant from
[dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-installer/ :

ant update

To enable Mirage 2, add the following to the <themes> section of your xmlui.xconf, replacing the
currently active theme:

<theme name="Mirage 2" regex=".*" path="Mirage2/" />

Finally, restart your Tomcat or servlet container, and you should see the Mirage 2 theme.

NOT building with Mirage2

As you get used to building with the mirage2.on=true property, if you ever need to again build without the
Mirage2 theme enabled (for example, if you wish to test functionality not associated with the Mirage2 theme),

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you might be tempted to "turn off" Mirage2 building by treating the mirage2.on property as a flag, and setting it
to false. However, if you look at the Maven pom.xml files, you'll see that the value of the property is never
checked, just the existence of it is important. If you wish to build without Mirage2, the easiest thing to do is to
simply omit the mirage2.on property from your mvn command. If you'd really like to ensure the mirage2 profile is
not used, you can explicitly disable the dspace-mirage2 profile with:

mvn package -P-dspace-xmlui-mirage2

Common Build Issues

Running the Mirage 2 build (mvn package -Dmirage.on=true) as the "root" user (or via sudo) will
result in the following error from "Bower". This will result in a broken Mirage 2 build. The fix is to ensure
you are building DSpace as a non-root user account. For more information on this Bower error, see:

bower ESUDO Cannot be run with sudo

Additional error details:

Since bower is a user command, there is no need to execute it with superuser permissions.

The Mirage 2 build requires git. Ensure that git is installed before you launch the Mirage 2 build.
The Mirage 2 build process will attempt to retrieve some dependencies from GitHub via the "git" protocol.
This requires outgoing access to, port 9418. If the machine on which you're running the build
has access restrictions in place for that port but outgoing access via HTTPS (port 443) is allowed, you
can substitute the https protocol by running (with the same user account that will run the maven step):

git config --global url."".insteadOf git://

For more information on this issue, see DS-2428-Mirage 2 build problem - timeout errorClosed
If you want to use the "quick build" option (where you run maven in [dspace-src]/dspace/), you
must install the build dependencies locally, see DS-2368-Mirage2 fails on DSpace 5Volunteer Needed
Maven 3.3.1 is not supported, see DS-2533-Mirage 2 doesn't work with Maven 3.3.xClosed
If you are building on Windows, you may need extra quotes:

mvn package '-Dmirage2.on=true'

Configuration options
Mirage 2 adds two configuration options to dspace.cfg that affect the rendering of bitstream labels on item

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As an administrator, you can choose between displaying the file name (title) or the description (label). Because
bitstream description is an optional value, you can also define a fallback value. The default configuration will
use the label as the first choice, and fall back to the title field.

### Settings for the Item page in Mirage2 theme ###

# Whether the title or the label of a file should be used to display it on the item page
mirage2.item-view.bitstream.href.label.1 = label

# Whether the title or the label of a file should be used as a fallback to display it on the item
mirage2.item-view.bitstream.href.label.2 = title

There are other configuration properties that affect the theme. These aren't new but we mention them here for
the sake of completeness.

When METSRIGHT is included in

DisseminationCrosswalk the item page will display those rights.
The property xmlui.theme.mirage.item-list.emphasis defines the style of the item lists. When
the value is 'file' another style is used.
The property webui.browse.render-scientific-formulas includes a javascript library to render
scientific formulas.
The properties thumbnail.maxheight and thumbnail.maxwidth define the outer bounds for the
dimensions of the item thumbnails in the item lists.

Customizing Mirage 2

Do not attempt the following

Do not attempt to manage local customizations to Mirage 2 in:


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This is where you would put standard XMLUI Themes or customizations. However,
because of the Mirage 2 build process, this won't work.
This is the place where the community, committers and contributors manage the
STANDARD version of Mirage 2. You could change files there if your intention is to
create a contribution that would benefit everyone. But in this case, we are not talking
about a local customization.

Recommended approach

Manage your local Mirage 2 customizations or derived themes in:


Managing your local customizations in this folder comes with the advantage that you ONLY need to
keep files you have changed, compared to the standard Mirage 2 folder. To get you started, the
contributors have added a _style.scss file where you can make local scss customizations:


The Mirage 2 color scheme

The style sheet of Mirage 2 is written in sass and relies on the bootstrap framework. A big advantages of this is
the ease of changing the color scheme. By default Mirage 2 has the colors that are familiar from the classic
Mirage theme, but another color scheme with only the standard bootstrap colors is also ready and available. In
fact this color scheme can be activated by building DSpace using one extra maven profile,

The classic mirage theme is a customization of the bootstrap theme. Thanks to the sass variables, a complete
color scheme can be conceived by modifying one or two variables. These variables are set in the theme's
/styles/classic_mirage_color_scheme/_bootstrap_variables.scss. Copy this file into
[dspace-source]/dspace/modules/xmlui-mirage2/src/main/webapp/themes/Mirage2 and see
what happens when you change $brand-primary. More detailed information on how to customize this file
can be found in the Mirage 2 readme.

How to reuse an existing bootstrap theme is also explained in that section.

Simple styling customization

Simple customizations imply that they only require custom css, e.g. changing the font or the logo. The theme's
_style.scss file is the right place for this. All the lines of css in this file will be included in the theme's style
sheet. Even though it's a file with the scss extention, the usual lines of css will work just as well.

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Advanced styling customizations

For guidelines on how to include javascript, please read the the Additional Developer documentation.

Automatically retrieving the latest versions of Mirage 2 dependencies

Mirage 2 dependencies are automatically pulled in during the Bower step of the build process. For official
DSpace releases, the committers lock the dependencies on a specific version in order to make the behaviour of
the theme predictable.

For development purposes however, it is recommended that set the dependencies to "latest" so you can benefit
from the most recent updates and bugfixes in Mirage 2's dependencies.

You can make these changes in the bower.json file: bower.json

As mentioned in the previous section, make sure you manage this file and any changes you make to it in
[dspace-source]/dspace/modules (e.g. [dspace-source]/dspace/modules/xmlui-mirage2/src
/main/webapp/themes/Mirage2). It is not recommended to update the officially distributed bower.json file
directly in [dspace-source]/dspace-xmlui-mirage2

Additional Developer documentation

Specific guidelines and technical details about Mirage 2 are part of the Readme.MD file in the Mirage 2

Mirage Configuration and Customization

Configuration Parameters
Technical Features
Look & Feel
Structural enhancements for easier customization.
Enhanced Performance
Errors using HTTPS

Mirage is a new XMLUI theme, added in DSpace 1.7 by @mire. The code was mainly developed by Art Lowel.
The main benefits of Mirage are:

Clean new look and feel.

Increased browser compatibility. The whole theme renders perfectly in today's modern browsers (Internet
Explorer 7 and higher, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, ...)
Easier to customize.
Enhanced Performance

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Configuration Parameters
Property: xmlui.theme.mirage.item-list.emphasis

Example xmlui.theme.mirage.item-list.emphasis = metadata


Informational Determines which style should be used to display item lists. Allowed values:
metadata: includes item abstracts in the listing and is suited for scientific articles.
file: immediately shows you whether files are attached to the items, by displaying a
large thumbnail icon for each of the items.
metadata is the default value.

Property: xmlui.theme.enableConcatenation

Example xmlui.theme.enableConcatenation = false


Informational Allows to enable concatenation for .js and .css files. Enhances performance when enabled by
Note: lowering the number of files that needs to be sent to the client per page request (as multiple
files will be concatenated together and sent as one file). Value can be true or false. False by

Property: xmlui.theme.enableMinification

Example xmlui.theme.enableMinification = false


Informational Allows to enable minification for .js and .css files. Enhances performance when enabled by
Note: removing unnecessary whitespaces and other characters, thus reducing the size of files to be
sent. Value can be true or false. False by default.

Technical Features

Look & Feel

The Simple Item Display underwent a full redesign to provide visitors with a clearer overview of available
metadata and associated files.
Item list views can now be displayed in two distinct different styles. Switching between these styles is
possible with the new dspace.cfg parameter 'xmlui.theme.mirage.item-list.emphasis'
The 'metadata' list style includes item abstracts in the listing and is suited for scientific articles.
The 'file' list style immediately shows you whether files are attached to the items, by displaying a
large thumbnail icon for each of the items.

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Structural enhancements for easier customization.

Based on the new restructured dri2xhtml base templates. Templates in the theme, overriding the
new base templates, are located in the same folder hierarchy to ensure full transparency.
Automated browser feature detection for improved browser compatibility.
In other themes, user agent detection is used to identify which browser version your user is using.
Based on the result of this detection, the theme would use a different cascaded style sheet (CSS)
to render a compatible page for the visitor. This approach has 2 major issues:
User agent detection isn't very reliable
Maintaining these different CSS files is a maintenance nightmare for developers, especially
when using features from newer browsers.
Mirage applies two novel techniques to resolve these issues
For compatibility with older Internet Explorer browsers, conditional comments give the body
tag a class corresponding to the version of IE
modernizr is used to detect which css features are available in the user's browser. This way
you can target all browsers that support a certain feature using css classes, and rules
affecting the same element can be put together in the same place for all browsers.
CSS files are now split up according to function instead of browser. style.css will now fit most needs
for customization. Following additional CSS files are included, but will rarely need to be changed:
reset.css ensures that browser-specific initializations are being reset.
base.css contains a few base styles
helper.css contains helper classes to deal with specific functionality.
handheld.css and print.css enable you to define styles for handheld devices and printing of
jQuery and jQueryUI are included by default. To avoid conflicts the authority control javascript has
been rewritten to use jQuery instead of Prototype and

Enhanced Performance

Concatenation and Minification techniques for css and js files.

The IncludePageMeta has been extended to generate URL's to the concatenated version of all
css files using the same media tag.
The ConcatenationReader has been created to return concatenated and minified versions of the
css and js files.
Once js and css files have been minified and concatenated, they are being properly cached. As a
result, the minification and concatenation operations only need to happen once, and do not
include performance overhead.
Caution: when minification is enabled, all code-comments will be removed. This could be a
problem for comments containing copyright notices, so for files with those comments you should
disable minification by adding '?nominify' after the url e.g.
<map:parameter name="javascript" value="lib/js/jquery-ui-1.8.5.custom.min.js?nominify"/>

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Disabled by default, these features need to be enabled in the configuration using the properties
'xmlui.theme.enableConcatenation' and 'xmlui.theme.enableMinification'
These features can be enabled for other themes as well, but will require an alteration of the
theme's sitemap.
Javascript references are included at the bottom of the page instead of the top. This optimizes page load
times in general.


Errors using HTTPS

DSpace 1.7.0 ships with a hardcoded http:// link for JQuery, causing problems for users running 1.7.0 Mirage on
HTTPS. While awaiting the implementation of this fix in an upcoming release, you can solve in the following file:
lib/core/page-structure.xsl, addJavascript template. In this file, you will need to replace

<script type="text/javascript" src="



<script type="text/javascript">
<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">var JsHost = (("https:" == document.location.
protocol) ? "https://" : "http://");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + JsHost + "
/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</xsl:text>

Thanks Peter Dietz for providing this fix. Note: This issue is resolved in 1.7.1

XMLUI Base Theme Templates (dri2xhtml)

Two options for base templates to use

There are two main base templates you can use when creating an XMLUI Theme:

dri2xhtml - used in the generation of default Reference, Classic and Kubrick themes
dri2xhtml-alt - used in the generation of default Mirage theme

You only should use one of these two templates, based on which seems easier to you.

Template Structure

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Configuration and Installation

Template Structure

The dri2xhtml base template is the original template for creating XMLUI themes. It attempts to provide generic
XSLT templates which are then applied across the entire DSpace site, thus making it easier to make site-wide

The dri2xhtml base template is used in the following Themes:

Reference - the default XMLUI theme

Classic - an XMLUI theme which looks similar to JSPUI

Template Structure
The dri2xhtml base template consists of five main XSLTs:

dri2xhtml/structural.xsl - this XSLT is in charge of creating the main layout/page structure of

every page within DSpace
dri2xhtml/General-Handler.xsl - this XSLT is in charge of displaying File download links
throughout DSpace (it matches the METS <fileSec> element).
dri2xhtml/DIM-Handler.xsl - this XSLT is in charge of displaying all DIM (DSpace Intermediate
Metadata) metadata throughout DSpace (it matches any DIM metadata in the METS). By default, this is
the template used to display all metadata.
dri2xhtml/MODS-Handler.xsl - this XSLT is in charge of displaying all MODS metadata throughout
DSpace (it matches any MODS metadata in the METS). By default, this template is not used, as MODS
metadata is not generated by XMLUI by default.
dri2xhtml/QDC-Handler.xsl - this XSLT is in charge of displaying all Qualified Dublin Core (QDC)
metadata throughout DSpace (it matches any QDC metadata in the METS). By default, this template is
not used, as QDC metadata is not generated by XMLUI by default.

The dri2xhtml-alt base template is an alternative template for creating XMLUI themes. It contains the same
XSLT templates from dri2xhtml, but they are divided into multiple files and folders. Each file attempts to group
XSLT templates together based on their function, in order to make it easier to find the templates related to the
feature you're trying to modify.

The dri2xhtml-alt base template is used in the following Themes:


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Configuration and Installation

The alternative basic templates is called "dri2xhtml-alt".
Any of the existing themes can be updated to reference this new set of templates by replacing in your theme.

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:i18n=""
xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0"
exclude-result-prefixes="i18n dri mets xlink xsl dim xhtml mods dc">

comment out original dri2xhtml
<xsl:import href="../dri2xhtml.xsl"/>
and enable dri2xhtml-alt

<xsl:import href="../dri2xhtml-alt/dri2xhtml.xsl"/>

<xsl:output indent="yes"/>

Because the contents of dri2xhtml-alt is identical to the current dri2xhtml.xsl and its derivatives, updating any of
the existing themes to reference the new dri2xhtml-alt should not impose any changes in the rendering of the


No changes to existing templates found in legacy dri2xhtml

Drops inclusion of Handlers other than DIM and Default
Templates divided out into files so they can be more easily located, divided by Aspect, Page and

Template Structure



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DRI Schema Reference

Digital Repository Interface (DRI) is a schema that governs the structure of a Manakin DSpace page when
encoded as an XML Document. It determines what elements can be present in the Document and the
relationship of those elements to each other. This reference document explains the purpose of DRI, provides a
broad architectural overview, and explains common design patterns. The appendix includes a complete
reference for elements used in the DRI Schema, a graphical representation of the element hierarchy, and a
quick reference table of elements and attributes.

Table of Contents:

The Purpose of DRI
The Development of DRI
DRI in Manakin
Aspect Chains
Common Design Patterns
Localization and Internationalization
Standard attribute triplet
Structure-oriented markup
Schema Overview
Merging of DRI Documents
Version Changes
Changes from 1.0 to 1.1
Element Reference

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This manual describes the Digital Repository Interface (DRI) as it applies to the DSpace digital repository and
XMLUI Manakin based interface. DSpace XML UI is a comprehensive user interface system. It is centralized
and generic, allowing it to be applied to all DSpace pages, effectively replacing the JSP-based interface system.
Its ability to apply specific styles to arbitrarily large sets of DSpace pages significantly eases the task of
adapting the DSpace look and feel to that of the adopting institution. This also allows for several levels of
branding, lending institutional credibility to the repository and collections.

Manakin, the second version of DSpace XML UI, consists of several components, written using Java, XML, and
XSL, and is implemented in Cocoon. Central to the interface is the XML Document, which is a semantic
representation of a DSpace page. In Manakin, the XML Document adheres to a schema called the Digital

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Repository Interface (DRI) Schema, which was developed in conjunction with Manakin and is the subject of this
guide. For the remainder of this guide, the terms XML Document, DRI Document, and Document will be used

This reference document explains the purpose of DRI, provides a broad architectural overview, and explains
common design patterns. The appendix includes a complete reference for elements used in the DRI Schema, a
graphical representation of the element hierarchy, and a quick reference table of elements and attributes.

The Purpose of DRI

DRI is a schema that governs the structure of the XML Document. It determines the elements that can be
present in the Document and the relationship of those elements to each other. Since all Manakin components
produce XML Documents that adhere to the DRI schema, The XML Document serves as the abstraction layer.
Two such components, Themes and Aspects, are essential to the workings of Manakin and are described
briefly in this manual.

The Development of DRI

The DRI schema was developed for use in Manakin. The choice to develop our own schema rather than adapt
an existing one came after a careful analysis of the schema's purpose as well as the lessons learned from
earlier attempts at customizing the DSpace interface. Since every DSpace page in Manakin exists as an XML
Document at some point in the process, the schema describing that Document had to be able to structurally
represent all content, metadata and relationships between different parts of a DSpace page. It had to be precise
enough to avoid losing any structural information, and yet generic enough to allow Themes a certain degree of
freedom in expressing that information in a readable format.

Popular schemas such as XHTML suffer from the problem of not relating elements together explicitly. For
example, if a heading precedes a paragraph, the heading is related to the paragraph not because it is encoded
as such but because it happens to precede it. When these structures are attempted to be translated into
formats where these types of relationships are explicit, the translation becomes tedious, and potentially
problematic. More structured schemas, like TEI or DocBook, are domain specific (much like DRI itself) and
therefore not suitable for our purposes.

We also decided that the schema should natively support a metadata standard for encoding artifacts. Rather
than encoding artifact metadata in structural elements, like tables or lists, the schema would include artifacts as
objects encoded in a particular standard. The inclusion of metadata in native format would enable the Theme to
choose the best method to render the artifact for display without being tied to a particular structure.

Ultimately, we chose to develop our own schema. We have constructed the DRI schema by incorporating other
standards when appropriate, such as Cocoon's i18n schema for internationalization, DCMI's Dublin Core, and
the Library of Congress's METS schema. The design of structural elements was derived primarily from TEI, with
some of the design patterns borrowed from other existing standards such as DocBook and XHTML. While the
structural elements were designed to be easily translated into XHTML, they preserve the semantic relationships
for use in more expressive languages.

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DRI in Manakin
The general process for handling a request in DSpace XML UI consists of two parts. The first part builds the
XML Document, and the second part stylizes that Document for output. In Manakin, the two parts are not
discrete and instead wrapped within two processes: Content Generation, which builds an XML representation of
the page, and Style Application, which stylizes the resulting Document. Content Generation is performed by
Aspect chaining, while Style Application is performed by a Theme.

A Theme is a collection of XSL stylesheets and supporting files like images, CSS styles, translations, and help
documents. The XSL stylesheets are applied to the DRI Document to covert it into a readable format and give it
structure and basic visual formatting in that format. The supporting files are used to provide the page with a
specific look and feel, insert images and other media, translate the content, and perform other tasks. The
currently used output format is XHTML and the supporting files are generally limited to CSS, images, and
JavaScript. More output formats, like PDF or SVG, may be added in the future.

A DSpace installation running Manakin may have several Themes associated with it. When applied to a page, a
Theme determines most of the page's look and feel. Different themes can be applied to different sets of DSpace
pages allowing for both variety of styles between sets of pages and consistency within those sets. The xmlui.
xconf configuration file determines which Themes are applied to which DSpace pages (see the XMLUI
Configuration and Customization section for more information on installing and configuring themes). Themes
may be configured to apply to all pages of specific type, like browse-by-title, to all pages of a one particular
community or collection or sets of communities and collections, and to any mix of the two. They can also be
configured to apply to a singe arbitrary page or handle.

Aspect Chains
Manakin Aspects are arrangements of Cocoon components (transformers, actions, matchers, etc) that
implement a new set of coupled features for the system. These Aspects are chained together to form all the
features of Manakin. Five Aspects exist in the default installation of Manakin, each handling a particular set of
features of DSpace, and more can be added to implement extra features. All Aspects take a DRI Document as
input and generate one as output. This allows Aspects to be linked together to form an Aspect chain. Each
Aspect in the chain takes a DRI Document as input, adds its own functionality, and passes the modified
Document to the next Aspect in the chain.

Common Design Patterns

There are several design patterns used consistently within the DRI schema. This section identifies the need for
and describes the implementation of these patterns. Three patterns are discussed: language and
internationalization issues, standard attribute triplet (id, n, and rend), and the use of structure-oriented markup.

Localization and Internationalization

Internationalization is a very important component of the DRI system. It allows content to be offered in other
languages based on user's locale and conditioned upon availability of translations, as well as present dates and
currency in a localized manner. There are two types of translated content: content stored and displayed by

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DSpace itself, and content introduced by the DRI styling process in the XSL transformations. Both types are
handled by Cocoon's i18n transformer without regard to their origin.

When the Content Generation process produces a DRI Document, some of the textual content may be marked
up with i18n elements to signify that translations are available for that content. During the Style Application
process, the Theme can also introduce new textual content, marking it up with i18n tags. As a result, after the
Theme's XSL templates are applied to the DRI Document, the final output consists of a DSpace page marked
up in the chosen display format (like XHTML) with i18n elements from both DSpace and XSL content. This final
document is sent through Cocoon's i18n transformer that translates the marked up text.

Standard attribute triplet

Many elements in the DRI system (all top-level containers, character classes, and many others) contain one or
several of the three standard attributes: id, n, and rend. The id and n attributes can be required or optional
based on the element's purpose, while the rend attribute is always optional. The first two are used for
identification purposes, while the third is used as a display hint issued to the styling step.

Identification is important because it allows elements to be separated from their peers for sorting, special case
rendering, and other tasks. The first attribute, id, is the global identifier and it is unique to the entire document.
Any element that contains an id attribute can thus be uniquely referenced by it. The id attribute of an element
can be either assigned explicitly, or generated from the Java Class Path of the originating object if no name is
given. While all elements that can be uniquely identified can carry the id attribute, only those that are
independent on their context are required to do so. For example, tables are required to have an id since they
retain meaning regardless of their location in the document, while table rows and cells can omit the attribute
since their meaning depends on the parent element.

The name attribute n is simply the name assigned to the element, and it is used to distinguish an element from
its immediate peers. In the example of a particular list, all items in that list will have different names to
distinguish them from each other. Other lists in the document, however, can also contain items whose names
will be different from each other, but identical to those in the first list. The n attribute of an element is therefore
unique only in the scope of that element's parent and is used mostly for sorting purposes and special rendering
of a certain class of elements, like, for example, all first items in lists, or all items named "browse". The n
attribute follows the same rules as id when determining whether or not it is required for a given element.

The last attribute in the standard triplet is rend. Unlike id and n, the rend attribute can consist of several space
delimited values and is optional for all elements that can contain it. Its purpose is to provide a rendering hint
from the middle layer component to the styling theme. How that hint is interpreted and whether it is used at all
when provided, is completely up the theme. There are several cases, however, where the content of the rend
attribute is outlined in detail and its use is encouraged. Those cases are the emphasis element hi, the division
element div, and the list element. Please refer to the Element Reference for more detail on these elements.

Structure-oriented markup
The final design pattern is the use of structure-oriented markup for content carried by the XML Document. Once
generated by Cocoon, the Document contains two major types of information: metadata about the repository
and its contents, and the actual content of the page to be displayed. A complete overview of metadata and

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content markup and their relationship to each other is given in the next section. An important thing to note here,
however, is that the markup of the content is oriented towards explicitly stating structural relationships between
the elements rather than focusing on the presentational aspects. This makes the markup used by the Document
more similar to TEI or Docbook rather than HTML. For this reason, XSL templates are used by the themes to
convert structural DRI markup to XHTML. Even then, an attempt is made to create XHTML as structural as
possible, leaving presentation entirely to CSS. This allows the XML Document to be generic enough to
represent any DSpace page without dictating how it should be rendered.

Schema Overview
The DRI XML Document consists of the root element document and three top-level elements that contain two
major types of elements. The three top-level containers are meta, body, and options. The two types of elements
they contain are metadata and content, carrying metadata about the page and the contents of the page,
respectively. Figure 1 depicts the relationship between these six components.

Figure 1: The two content types across three major divisions of a DRI page.

The document element is the root for all DRI pages and contains all other elements. It bears only one attribute,
version, that contains the version number of the DRI system and the schema used to validate the produced
document. At the time of writing the working version number is "1.1".

The meta element is a the top-level element under document and contains all metadata information about the
page, the user that requested it, and the repository it is used with. It contains no structural elements, instead
being the only container of metadata elements in a DRI Document. The metadata stored by the meta element is
broken up into three major groups: userMeta, pageMeta, and objectMeta, each storing metadata information
about their respective component. Please refer to the reference entries for more information about these

The options element is another top-level element that contains all navigation and action options available to the
user. The options are stored as items in list elements, broken up by the type of action they perform. The five
types of actions are: browsing, search, language selection, actions that are always available, and actions that
are context dependent. The two action types also contain sub-lists that contain actions available to users of
varying degrees of access to the system. The options element contains no metadata elements and can only
make use of a small set of structural elements, namely the list element and its children.

The last major top-level element is the body element. It contains all structural elements in a DRI Document,
including the lists used by the options element. Structural elements are used to build a generic representation of

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a DSpace page. Any DSpace page can be represented with a combination of the structural elements, which will
in turn be transformed by the XSL templates into another format. This is the core mechanism that allows
DSpace XML UI to apply uniform templates and styling rules to all DSpace pages and is the fundamental
difference from the JSP approach currently used by DSpace.

The body element directly contains only one type of element: div. The div element serves as a major division of
content and any number of them can be contained by the body. Additionally, divisions are recursive, allowing
divs to contain other divs. It is within these elements that all other structural elements are contained. Those
elements include tables, paragraph elements p, and lists, as well as their various children elements. At the
lower levels of this hierarchy lie the character container elements. These elements, namely paragraphs p, table
cells, lists items, and the emphasis element hi, contain the textual content of a DSpace page, optionally
modified with links, figures, and emphasis. If the division within which the character class is contained is tagged
as interactive (via the interactive attribute), those elements can also contain interactive form fields. Divisions
tagged as interactive must also provide method and action attributes for its fields to use.

Figure 2: All the elements in the DRI schema (version 1.1).

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Merging of DRI Documents

Having described the structure of the DRI Document, as well as its function in Manakin's Aspect chains, we now
turn our attention to the one last detail of their use: merging two Documents into one. There are several
situations where the need to merge two documents arises. In Manakin, for example, every Aspect is
responsible for adding different functionality to a DSpace page. Since every instance of a page has to be a
complete DRI Document, each Aspect is faced with the task of merging the Document it generated with the
ones generated (and merged into one Document) by previously executed Aspects. For this reason rules exist
that describe which elements can be merged together and what happens to their data and child elements in the

When merging two DRI Documents, one is considered to be the main document, and the other a feeder
document that is added in. The three top level containers (meta, body and options) of both documents are then
individually analyzed and merged. In the case of the options and meta elements, the children tags are taken
individually as well and treated differently from their siblings.

The body elements are the easiest to merge: their respective div children are preserved along with their
ordering and are grouped together under one element. Thus, the new body tag will contain all the divs of the
main document followed by all the divs of the feeder. However, if two divs have the same n and rend attributes
(and in case of an interactive div the same action and method attributes as well), those divs will be merged into
one. The resulting div will bear the id, n, and rend attributes of the main document's div and contain all the divs
of the main document followed by all the divs of the feeder. This process continues recursively until all the divs
have been merged. It should be noted that two divisions with separate pagination rules cannot be merged

Merging the options elements is somewhat different. First, list elements under options of both documents are
compared with each other. Those unique to either document are simply added under the new options element,
just like divs under body. In case of duplicates, that is list elements that belong to both documents and have the
same n attribute, the two lists will be merged into one. The new list element will consist of the main document's
head element, followed label-item pairs from the main document, and then finally the label-item pairs of the
feeder, provided they are different from those of the main.

Finally, the meta elements are merged much like the elements under body. The three children of meta -
userMeta, pageMeta, and objectMeta - are individually merged, adding the contents of the feeder after the
contents of the main.

Version Changes
The DRI schema will continue to evolve overtime as the needs of interface design require. The version attribute
on the document will indicate which version of the schema the document conforms to. At the time Manakin was
incorporated into the standard distribution of DSpac the current version was "1.1", however earlier versions of
the Manakin interface may use "1.0".

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Changes from 1.0 to 1.1

There were major structural changes between these two version numbers. Several elements were removed
from the schema:includeSet, include, objectMeta, and object. Originally all metadata for objects were included
in-line with the DRI document, this proved to have several problems and has been removed in version 1.1 of the
DRI schema. Instead of including metadata in-line, external references to the metadata is included. Thus, a
reference element has been added along with referenceSet. These new elements operate like their
counterparts in the previous version except refrencing metadata contained on the objectMeta element they
reference metadata in external files. The repository and repositoryMeta elements were alse modified in a similar
manner removing in-line metadata and refrencing external metadata documents.

Element Reference
Element Attributes Required?









action required for interactive behavior




id required




method required for interactive

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Element Attributes Required?

n required







DOCUMENT version required



id required

n required



type required









hi rend required

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Element Attributes Required?









id required

n required





element required







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Element Attributes Required?









url required

repositoryID required



id required

n required



type required


repositoryID required

url required





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Element Attributes Required?

role required


cols required

id required

n required


rows required




userMeta authenticated required




type required

xref target required

Top-Level Container

The body element is the main container for all content displayed to the user. It contains any number of div
elements that group content into interactive and display blocks.




div (any)


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<document version=1.0>
<meta> ... </meta>
<div n="division-example1"
<div n="division-example2" id="XMLExample.div.division-example2"
interactive="yes" action=""
<options> ... </options>

Rich Text Container

Structural Element

The cell element contained in a row of a table carries content for that table. It is a character container, just like p
, item, and hi, and its primary purpose is to display textual data, possibly enhanced with hyperlinks, emphasized
blocks of text, images and form fields. Every cell can be annotated with a role (the most common being
"header" and "data") and can stretch across any number of rows and columns. Since cells cannot exist outside
their container, row, their id attribute is optional.




hi (any)
xref (any)
figure (any)
field (any)


cols: (optional) The number of columns the cell spans.

id: (optional) A unique identifier of the element.
n: (optional) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings.
rend: (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.

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role: (optional) An optional attribute to override the containing row's role settings.
rows: (optional) The number of rows the cell spans.

<table n="table-example" id="XMLExample.table.table-example" rows="2"

<row role="head">
<cell cols="2">Data Label One and Two</cell> <cell>Data Label
<cell> Value One </cell> <cell> Value Two </cell> <cell> Value
Three </cell>

Structural Element

The div element represents a major section of content and can contain a wide variety of structural elements to
present that content to the user. It can contain paragraphs, tables, and lists, as well as references to artifact
information stored in artifactMeta, repositoryMeta, collections, and communities. The div element is also
recursive, allowing it to be further divided into other divs. Divs can be of two types: interactive and static. The
two types are set by the use of the interactive attribute and differ in their ability to contain interactive content.
Children elements of divs tagged as interactive can contain form fields, with the action and method attributes of
the div serving to resolve those fields.




head (zero or one)

pagination (zero or one)
table (any)
p (any)
referenceSet (any)
list (any)
div (any)


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action: (required for interactive) The form action attribute determines where the form information should
be sent for processing.
behavior: (optional for interactive) The acceptable behavior options that may be used on this form. The
only possible value defined at this time is "ajax" which means that the form may be submitted multiple
times for each individual field in this form. Note that if the form is submitted multiple times it is best for the
behaviorSensitiveFields to be updated as well.
behaviorSensitiveFields: (optional for interactive) A space separated list of field names that are
sensitive to behavior. These fields must be updated each time a form is submitted with out a complete
refresh of the page (i.e. ajax).
currentPage: (optional) For paginated divs, the currentPage attribute indicates the index of the page
currently displayed for this div.
firstItemIndex: (optional) For paginated divs, the firstItemIndex attribute indicates the index of the first
item included in this div.
id: (required) A unique identifier of the element.
interactive: (optional) Accepted values are "yes", "no". This attribute determines whether the div is
interactive or static. Interactive divs must provide action and method and can contain field elements.
itemsTotal: (optional) For paginated divs, the itemsTotal attribute indicates how many items exit across
all paginated divs.
lastItemIndex: (optional) For paginated divs, the lastItemIndex attribute indicates the index of the last
item included in this div.
method: (required for interactive) Accepted values are "get", "post", and "multipart". Determines the
method used to pass gathered field values to the handler specified by the action attribute. The multipart
method should be used for uploading files.
n: (required) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings.
nextPage: (optional) For paginated divs the nextPage attribute points to the URL of the next page of the
div, if it exists.
pagesTotal: (optional) For paginated divs, the pagesTotal attribute indicates how many pages the
paginated divs spans.
pageURLMask: (optional) For paginated divs, the pageURLMask attribute contains the mask of a url to a
particular page within the paginated set. The destination page's number should replace the {pageNum}
string in the URL mask to generate a full URL to that page.
pagination: (optional) Accepted values are "simple", "masked". This attribute determines whether the div
is spread over several pages. Simple paginated divs must provide previousPage, nextPage, itemsTotal,
firstItemIndex, lastItemIndex attributes. Masked paginated divs must provide currentPage, pagesTotal,
pageURLMask, itemsTotal, firstItemIndex, lastItemIndex attributes.
previousPage: (optional) For paginated divs the previousPage attribute points to the URL of the
previous page of the div, if it exists.
rend: (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element. In the case of the div
tag, it is also encouraged to label it as either "primary" or "secondary". Divs marked as primary contain
content, while secondary divs contain auxiliary information or supporting fields.

<div n="division-example"

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<head> Example Division </head>
<p> This example shows the use of divisions. </p>
<table ...>
<referenceSet ...>
<list ...>
<div n="sub-division-example"
<p> Divisions may be nested </p>

Document Root

The document element is the root container of an XML UI document. All other elements are contained within it
either directly or indirectly. The only attribute it carries is the version of the Schema to which it conforms.




meta (one)
body (one)
options (one)


version: (required) Version number of the schema this document adheres to. At the time of writing the
only valid version numbers are "1.0" or "1.1". Future iterations of this schema may increment the version


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Text Container

Structural Element

The field element is a container for all information necessary to create a form field. The required type attribute
determines the type of the field, while the children tags carry the information on how to build it. Fields can only
occur in divisions tagged as "interactive".




params (one)
help (zero or one)
error (any)
option (any - only with the select type)
value (any - only available on fields of type: select, checkbox, or radio)
field (one or more - only with the composite type)
valueSet (any)


disabled: (optional) Accepted values are "yes", "no". Determines whether the field allows user input.
Rendering of disabled fields may vary with implementation and display media.
id: (required) A unique identifier for a field element.
n: (required) A non-unique local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings within an
interactive division. This is the name of the field use when data is submitted back to the server.
rend: (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.
required: (optional) Accepted values are "yes", "no". Determines whether the field is a required
component of the form and thus cannot be left blank.
type: (required) A required attribute to specify the type of value. Accepted types are:

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button: A button input control that when activated by the user will submit the form, including all
the fields, back to the server for processing.
checkbox: A boolean input control which may be toggled by the user. A checkbox may have
several fields which share the same name and each of those fields may be toggled independently.
This is distinct from a radio button where only one field may be toggled.
file: An input control that allows the user to select files to be submitted with the form. Note that a
form which uses a file field must use the multipart method.
hidden: An input control that is not rendered on the screen and hidden from the user.
password: A single-line text input control where the input text is rendered in such a way as to
hide the characters from the user.
radio: A boolean input control which may be toggled by the user. Multiple radio button fields may
share the same name. When this occurs only one field may be selected to be true. This is distinct
from a checkbox where multiple fields may be toggled.
select: A menu input control which allows the user to select from a list of available options.
text: A single-line text input control.
textarea: A multi-line text input control.
composite: A composite input control combines several input controls into a single field. The only
fields that may be combined together are: checkbox, password, select, text, and textarea. When
fields are combined together they can posses multiple combined values.

<hi> ... </hi>
<xref> ... </xref>
<figure> ... </figure>
<field id="" n="name" type="text"
<params size="16" maxlength="32"/>
<help>Some help text with <i18n>localized
<value type="raw">Default value goes

Text Container

Structural Element

The figure element is used to embed a reference to an image or a graphic element. It can be mixed freely with
text, and any text within the tag itself will be used as an alternative descriptor or a caption.



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rend: (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.
source: (optional) The source for the image, using either a URL or a pre-defined XML entity.
target: (optional) A target for an image used as a link, using either a URL or an id of an existing element
as a destination.

<hi> ... </hi>
<xref> ... </xref>
<field> ... </field>
<figure source=""> This is a static image.
</figure> <figure source=""
This image is also a link.

Text Container

Structural Element

The head element is primarily used as a label associated with its parent element. The rendering is determined
by its parent tag, but can be overridden by the rend attribute. Since there can only be one head element
associated with a particular tag, the n attribute is not needed, and the id attribute is optional.




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id: (optional) A unique identifier of the element

n: (optional) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings
rend: (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.

<div ...>
<head> This is a simple header associated with its div element.
<div ...>
<head rend="green"> This header will be green.
<head> A header with <i18n>localized content</i18n>.
<table ...>
<head> ...
<list ...>
<head> ...

Text Container

Structural Element

The optional help element is used to supply help instructions in plain text and is normally contained by the field
element. The method used to render the help text in the target markup is up to the theme.





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<hi> ... </hi>
<xref> ... </xref>
<figure> ... </figure>
<field id="" n="name" type="text"
<params size="16" maxlength="32" />
<help>Some help text with <i18n>localized

Rich Text Container

Structural Element

The hi element is used for emphasis of text and occurs inside character containers like p and list item. It can be
mixed freely with text, and any text within the tag itself will be emphasized in a manner specified by the required
rend attribute. Additionally, hi element is the only text container component that is a rich text container itself,
meaning it can contain other tags in addition to plain text. This allows it to contain other text containers,
including other hi tags.




hi (any)
xref (any)
figure (any)
field (any)


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rend: (required) A required attribute used to specify the exact type of emphasis to apply to the contained
text. Common values include but are not limited to "bold", "italic", "underline", and "emph".

This text is normal, while <hi rend="bold">this text is bold and
this text is <hi rend="italic">bold and

Structural Element

The instance element contains the value associated with a form field's multiple instances. Fields encoded as an
instance should also include the values of each instance as a hidden field. The hidden field should be appended
with the index number for the instance. Thus if the field is "firstName" each instance would be named
"firstName_1", "firstName_2", "firstName_3", etc...






None listed yet.

Example needed.

Rich Text Container

Structural Element

The item element is a rich text container used to display textual data in a list. As a rich text container it can
contain hyperlinks, emphasized blocks of text, images and form fields in addition to plain text.

The item element can be associated with a label that directly precedes it. The Schema requires that if one item
in a list has an associated label, then all other items must have one as well. This mitigates the problem of loose
connections between elements that is commonly encountered in XHTML, since every item in particular list has
the same structure.


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hi (any)
xref (any)
figure (any)
field (any)
list (any)


id: (optional) A unique identifier of the element

n: (optional) A non-unique local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings
rend: (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.

<list n="list-example"
<head> Example List </head>
<item> This is the first item
</item> <item> This is the second item with <hi ...>highlighted text</hi>,
<xref ...> a link</xref> and an <figure
<list n="list-example2"
<head> Example List </head>
<label>ITEM ONE:</label>
<item> This is the first item
<label>ITEM TWO:</label>
<item> This is the second item with <hi ...>highlighted
text</hi>, <xref ...> a link</xref> and an <figure
<label>ITEM THREE:</label>
<item> This is the third item with a <field ...> ... </field>
<item> This is the third item in the list

Text Container

Structural Element

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The label element is associated with an item and annotates that item with a number, a textual description of
some sort, or a simple bullet.






id: (optional) A unique identifier of the element

n: (optional) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings
rend: (optional) An optional rend attribute provides a hint on how the label should be rendered,
independent of its type.

<list n="list-example"
<head>Example List</head>
<item> This is the first item </item>
<item> This is the second item with <hi ...>highlighted text</hi>,
<xref ...> a link</xref> and an <figure
<list n="list-example2"
<head>Example Sublist</head>
<item> This is the first item </item>
<item> This is the second item with <hi ...>highlighted
text</hi>, <xref ...> a link</xref> and an <figure
<item> This is the third item with a <field ...> ... </field>
<item> This is the third item in the list </item>

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Structural Element

The list element is used to display sets of sequential data. It contains an optional head element, as well as any
number of item and list elements. Items contain textual information, while sublists contain other item or list
elements. An item can also be associated with a label element that annotates an item with a number, a textual
description of some sort, or a simple bullet. The list type (ordered, bulleted, gloss, etc.) is then determined either
by the content of labels on items or by an explicit value of the type attribute. Note that if labels are used in
conjunction with any items in a list, all of the items in that list must have a label. It is also recommended to avoid
mixing label styles unless an explicit type is specified.




head (zero or one)

label (any)
item (any)
list (any)


id: (required) A unique identifier of the element

n: (required) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings
rend: (optional) An optional rend attribute provides a hint on how the list should be rendered,
independent of its type. Common values are but not limited to:
alphabet: The list should be rendered as an alphabetical index
columns: The list should be rendered in equal length columns as determined by the theme.
columns2: The list should be rendered in two equal columns.
columns3: The list should be rendered in three equal columns.
horizontal: The list should be rendered horizontally.
numeric: The list should be rendered as a numeric index.
vertical: The list should be rendered vertically.
type: (optional) An optional attribute to explicitly specify the type of list. In the absence of this attribute,
the type of a list will be inferred from the presence and content of labels on its items. Accepted values
form: Used for form lists that consist of a series of fields.
bulleted: Used for lists with bullet-marked items.
gloss: Used for lists consisting of a set of technical terms, each marked with a label element and
accompanied by the definition marked as an item element.
ordered: Used for lists with numbered or lettered items.

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progress: Used for lists consisting of a set of steps currently being performed to accomplish a
task. For this type to apply, each item in the list should represent a step and be accompanied by a
label that contains the displayable name for the step. The item contains an xref that references the
step. Also the rend attribute on the item element should be: "available" (meaning the user may
jump to the step using the provided xref), "unavailable" (the user has not meet the requirements to
jump to the step), or "current" (the user is currently on the step)
simple: Used for lists with items not marked with numbers or bullets.

<div ...>
<list n="list-example"
<head>Example List</head>
<item> ... </item>
<item> ... </item>
<list n="list-example2"
<head>Example Sublist</head>
<label> ... </label>
<item> ... </item>
<label> ... </label>
<item> ... </item>
<label> ... </label>
<item> ... </item>
<label> ... </label>
<item> ... </item>

Top-Level Container

The meta element is a top level element and exists directly inside the document element. It serves as a
container element for all metadata associated with a document broken up into categories according to the type
of metadata they carry.




userMeta (one)
pageMeta (one)

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repositoryMeta (one)



<document version=1.0>
<userMeta> ... </userMeta>
<pageMeta> ... </pageMeta>
<repositoryMeta> ... </repositoryMeta>
<body> ... </body>
<options> ... </options>

Text Container

Structural Element

The metadata element carries generic metadata information in the form on an attribute-value pair. The type of
information it contains is determined by two attributes: element, which specifies the general type of metadata
stored, and an optional qualifier attribute that narrows the type down. The standard representation for this
pairing is element.qualifier. The actual metadata is contained in the text of the tag itself. Additionally, a language
attribute can be used to specify the language used for the metadata entry.






element: (required) The name of a metadata field.

language: (optional) An optional attribute to specify the language used in the metadata tag.
qualifier: (optional) An optional postfix to the field name used to further differentiate the names.

<metadata element="identifier" qualifier="firstName"> Bob
</metadata> <metadata element="identifier" qualifier="lastName"> Jones
</metadata> <metadata ...> ...

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<metadata element="rights"
qualifier="accessRights">user</metadata> <metadata ...> ...

Top-Level Container

The options element is the main container for all actions and navigation options available to the user. It consists
of any number of list elements whose items contain navigation information and actions. While any list of
navigational options may be contained in this element, it is suggested that at least the following 5 lists be




list (any)



<document version=1.0>

<meta> ... </meta>

<body> ... </body>


<list n="navigation-example1"

<head>Example Navigation List 1</head>

<item><xref target="/link/to/option">Option

<item><xref target="/link/to/option">Option

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<list n="navigation-example2"

<head>Example Navigation List 2</head>

<item><xref target="/link/to/option">Option

<item><xref target="/link/to/option">Option






Rich Text Container

Structural Element

The p element is a rich text container used by divs to display textual data in a paragraph format. As a rich text
container it can contain hyperlinks, emphasized blocks of text, images and form fields in addition to plain text.




hi (any)
xref (any)
figure (any)
field (any)


id: (optional) A unique identifier of the element.

n: (optional) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings.

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rend: (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.

<div n="division-example"

<p> This is a regular paragraph.

</p> <p> This text is normal, while <hi rend="bold">this text is bold
and this text is <hi rend="italic">bold and italic.</hi></hi>
</p> <p> This paragraph contains a <xref
target="/link/target">link</xref>, a static <figure
source="/image.jpg">image</figure>, and a <figure target=
"/link/target" source="/image.jpg">image link.</figure>


Metadata Element

The pageMeta element contains metadata associated with the document itself. It contains generic metadata
elements to carry the content, and any number of trail elements to provide information on the user's current
location in the system. Required and suggested values for metadata elements contained in pageMeta include
but are not limited to:

browser (suggested): The user's browsing agent as reported to server in the HTTP request.
browser.type (suggested): The general browser family as derived form the browser metadata field.
Possible values may include "MSIE" (for Microsoft Internet Explorer), "Opera" (for the Opera browser),
"Apple" (for Apple web kit based browsers), "Gecko" (for Netscape, Mozilla, and Firefox based
browsers), or "Lynx" (for text based browsers).
browser.version (suggested): The browser version as reported by HTTP Request.
contextPath (required): The base URL of the Digital Repository system.
redirect.time (suggested): The time that must elapse before the page is redirected to an address
specified by the redirect.url metadata element.
redirect.url (suggested): The URL destination of a redirect page
title (required): The title of the document/page that the user currently browsing.

See the metadata and trail tag entries for more information on their structure.




metadata (any)
trail (any)

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<userMeta> ... </userMeta>


<metadata element="title">Example DRI



<metadata ...> ... </metadata>


<trail source="123456789/6"> A bread crumb item


<trail ...> ... </trail>




Structural Component

The params element identifies extra parameters used to build a form field. There are several attributes that may
be available for this element depending on the field type.






cols: (optional) The default number of columns that the text area should span. This applies only to
textarea field types.

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maxlength: (optional) The maximum length that the theme should accept for form input. This applies to
text and password field types.
multiple: (optional) yes/no value. Determine if the field can accept multiple values for the field. This
applies only to select lists.
operations: (optional) The possible operations that may be preformed on this field. The possible values
are "add" and/or "delete". If both operations are possible then they should be provided as a space
separated list. The "add" operations indicates that there may be multiple values for this field and the user
may add to the set one at a time. The front-end should render a button that enables the user to add more
fields to the set. The button must be named the field name appended with the string "_add", thus if the
field's name is "firstName" the button must be called "firstName_add".The "delete" operation indicates
that there may be multiple values for this field each of which may be removed from the set. The front-end
should render a checkbox by each field value, except for the first, The checkbox must be named the field
name appended with the string "_selected", thus if the field's name is "firstName" the checkbox must be
called "firstName_selected" and the value of each successive checkbox should be the field name. The
front-end must also render a delete button. The delete button name must be the field's name appended
with the string "_delete".
rows: (optional) The default number of rows that the text area should span. This applies only to textarea
field types.
size: (optional) The default size for a field. This applies to text, password, and select field types.


<field id="" n="name" type="text"


<params size="16"

<help>Some help text with <i18n>localized


<default>Default value goes here</default>



Metadata Reference Element

reference is a reference element used to access information stored in an external metadata file. The url attribute
is used to locate the external metadata file. The type attribute provides a short limited description of the
referenced object's type.

reference elements can be both contained by includeSet elements and contain includeSets themselves, making
the structure recursive.

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referenceSet (zero or more)


url: (required) A url to the external metadata file.

repositoryIdentifier: (required) A reference to the repositoryIdentifier of the repository.
type: (optional) Description of the reference object's type.

<includeSet n="browse-list"
<reference url="/metadata/handle/123/4/mets.xml"
repositoryID="123" type="DSpace
Item"/> <reference url="/metadata/handle/123/5/mets.xml"
repositoryID="123" />

Metadata Reference Element

The referenceSet element is a container of artifact or repository references.




head (zero or one)

reference (any)


id: (required) A unique identifier of the element

n: (required) Local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings
orderBy: (optional) A reference to the metadata field that determines the ordering of artifacts or
repository objects within the set. When the Dublin Core metadata scheme is used this attribute should be
the element.qualifier value that the set is sorted by. As an example, for a browse by title list, the value
should be sortedBy=title, while for browse by date list it should be sortedBy=date.created

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rend: (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.
type: (required) Determines the level of detail for the given metadata. Accepted values are:
summaryList: Indicates that the metadata from referenced artifacts or repository objects should
be used to build a list representation that is suitable for quick scanning.
summaryView: Indicates that the metadata from referenced artifacts or repository objects should
be used to build a partial view of the referenced object or objects.
detailList: Indicates that the metadata from referenced artifacts or repository objects should be
used to build a list representation that provides a complete, or near complete, view of the
referenced objects. Whether such a view is possible or different from summaryView depends
largely on the repository at hand and the implementing theme.
detailView: Indicates that the metadata from referenced artifacts or repository objects should be
used to display complete information about the referenced object. Rendering of several references
included under this type is up to the theme.

<div ...>
<head> Example Division </head>
<p> ... </p>
<table> ... </table>
<referenceSet n="browse-list"
id="XMLTest.referenceSet.browse-list" type="summaryView"
<head>A header for the includeset</head>

Metadata Element

The repository element is used to describe the repository. Its principal component is a set of structural metadata
that carrier information on how the repository's objects under objectMeta are related to each other. The principal
method of encoding these relationships at the time of this writing is a METS document, although other formats,
like RDF, may be employed in the future.




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repositoryID: requiredA unique identifier assigned to a repository. It is referenced by the object element
to signify the repository that assigned its identifier.
url: requiredA url to the external METS metadata file for the repository.


<repository repositoryID="123456789"
url="/metadata/handle/1234/4/mets.xml" />


Metadata Element

The repositoryMeta element contains metadata references about the repositories used in the used or
referenced in the document. It can contain any number of repository elements.

See the repository tag entry for more information on the structure of repository elements.




repository (any)




<userMeta> ... </usermeta>

<pageMeta> ... </pageMeta>


<repository repositoryIID="..." url="..."



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Structural Element

The row element is contained inside a table and serves as a container of cell elements. A required role attribute
determines how the row and its cells are rendered.




cell (any)


id: (optional) A unique identifier of the element

n: (optional) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings
rend: (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.
role: (required) Indicates what kind of information the row carries. Possible values include "header" and

<table n="table-example" id="XMLExample.table.table-example" rows="2"



<cell cols="2">Data Label One and


<cell>Data Label Three</cell>


</row> <row>

<cell> Value One </cell>

<cell> Value Two </cell>

<cell> Value Three </cell>



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Structural Element

The table element is a container for information presented in tabular format. It consists of a set of row elements
and an optional header.




head (zero or one)

row (any)


cols: (required) The number of columns in the table.

id: (required) A unique identifier of the element
n: (required) A local identifier used to differentiate the element from its siblings
rend: (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.
rows: (required) The number of rows in the table.

<div n="division-example"

<table n="table1" id="XMLExample.table.table1" rows="2"


<row role="head">

<cell cols="2">Data Label One and


<cell>Data Label Three</cell>




<cell> Value One </cell>

<cell> Value Two </cell>

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<cell> Value Three </cell>





Text Container

Metadata Element

The trail element carries information about the user's current location in the system relative of the repository's
root page. Each instance of the element serves as one link in the path from the root to the current page.






rend: (optional) A rendering hint used to override the default display of the element.
target: (optional) An optional attribute to specify a target URL for a trail element serving as a hyperlink.
The text inside the element will be used as the text of the link.


<metadata element="title">Example DRI



<metadata ...> ... </metadata>


<trail target="/myDSpace"> A bread crumb item pointing to a

page. </trail> <trail ...> ... </trail>

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Metadata Element

The userMeta element contains metadata associated with the user that requested the document. It contains
generic metadata elements, which in turn carry the information. Required and suggested values for metadata
elements contained in userMeta include but not limited to:

identifier (suggested): A unique identifier associated with the user. (suggested): The requesting user's email address.
identifier.firstName (suggested): The requesting user's first name.
identifier.lastName (suggested): The requesting user's last name.
identifier.logoutURL (suggested): The URL that a user will be taken to when logging out.
identifier.url (suggested): A url reference to the user's page within the repository.
language.RFC3066 (suggested): The requesting user's preferred language selection code as describe by
rights.accessRights (required): Determines the scope of actions that a user can perform in the system.
Accepted values are:
none: The user is either not authenticated or does not have a valid account on the system
user: The user is authenticated and has a valid account on the system
admin: The user is authenticated and belongs to the system's administrative group

See the metadata tag entry for more information on the structure of metadata elements.




metadata (any)


authenticated: (required) Accepted values are "yes", "no". Determines whether the user has been
authenticated by the system.



<metadata element="identifier" qualifier="email"></metadata>

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<metadata element="identifier" qualifier="firstName">Bob</metadata>

<metadata element="identifier" qualifier="lastName">Jones</metadata>

<metadata element="rights" qualifier="accessRights">user</metadata>

<metadata ...> ... </metadata>


<trail source="123456789/6">A bread crumb item</trail>

<trail ...> ... </trail>



<pageMeta> ... </pageMeta>


Rich Text Container

Structural Element

The value element contains the value associated with a form field and can serve a different purpose for various
field types. The value element is comprised of two subelements: the raw element which stores the unprocessed
value directly from the user of other source, and the interpreted element which stores the value in a format
appropriate for display to the user, possibly including rich text markup.




hi (any)
xref (any)
figure (any)


optionSelected: (optional) An optional attribute for select, checkbox, and radio fields to determine if the
value is to be selected or not.
optionValue: (optional) An optional attribute for select, checkbox, and radio fields to determine the value
that should be returned when this value is selected.

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type: (required) A required attribute to specify the type of value. Accepted types are:
raw: The raw type stores the unprocessed value directly from the user of other source.
interpreted: The interpreted type stores the value in a format appropriate for display to the user,
possibly including rich text markup.
default: The default type stores a value supplied by the system, used when no other values are

<hi> ... </hi>
<xref> ... </xref>
<figure> ... </figure>
<field id="" n="name" type="text"
<params size="16" maxlength="32"/>
<help>Some help text with <i18n>localized
<value type="default">Author,

Text Container

Structural Element

The xref element is a reference to an external document. It can be mixed freely with text, and any text within the
tag itself will be used as part of the link's visual body.






target: (required) A target for the reference, using either a URL or an id of an existing element as a
destination for the xref.

<xref target="/url/link/target">This text is shown as a link.</xref>

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5 System Administration
This top level node intends to hold all system administration aspects of DSpace including but not limited to:

Troubleshooting system errors
Managing Dependencies

In this context System administration is defined as all technical tasks required to get DSpace in a state in which
it operates properly so its behaviour is predictable and can be used according to all the guidelines under "Using

5.1 Introduction to DSpace System Administration

DSpace operates on several levels: as a Java servlet (in a servlet container like Tomcat), cron jobs, and on-
demand operations. This section explains many of the on-demand operations. Some of the command
operations may be also set up as cron jobs. Many of these operations are performed at the Command Line
Interface (CLI) also known as the Unix prompt ($). Future references will use the term CLI when a command
needs to be run at the command line.

Below is the "Command Help Table". This table explains what data is contained in the individual command/help
tables in the sections that follow.

Command used: The directory and where the command is to be found.

Java class: The actual java program doing the work.

Arguments: The required/mandatory or optional arguments available to the user.

DSpace Command Launcher

With DSpace Release 1.6, the many commands and scripts have been replaced with a simple
[dspace]/bin/dspace <command> command. See the Application Layer chapter for the details of
the DSpace Command Launcher.

AIP Backup and Restore

DSpace AIP Format
Ant targets and options
Command Line Operations

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Executing streams of commands

Database Utilities
Mediafilters for Transforming DSpace Content
ImageMagick Media Filters
Performance Tuning DSpace
Scheduled Tasks via Cron
Search Engine Optimization
Google Scholar Metadata Mappings
Troubleshooting Information
Validating CheckSums of Bitstreams

5.2 AIP Backup and Restore

Background & Overview
How does this differ from traditional DSpace Backups? Which Backup route is better?
How does this help backup your DSpace to remote storage or cloud services (like DuraCloud)?
AIPs are Archival Information Packages
AIP Structure / Format
Running the Code
Exporting AIPs
Export Modes & Options
Exporting just a single AIP
Exporting AIP Hierarchy
Exporting Entire Site
Ingesting / Restoring AIPs
Ingestion Modes & Options
The difference between "Submit" and "Restore/Replace" modes
Submitting AIP(s) to create a new object
Submitting a Single AIP
Submitting an AIP Hierarchy
Submitting AIP(s) while skipping any Collection Approval Workflows
Restoring/Replacing using AIP(s)
Default Restore Mode
Restore, Keep Existing Mode
Force Replace Mode
Restoring Entire Site
Performance considerations
Disable User Interaction for Cron
Command Line Reference
Additional Packager Options
How to use additional options
Configuration in 'dspace.cfg'

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AIP Metadata Dissemination Configurations

AIP Ingestion Metadata Crosswalk Configurations
AIP Ingestion EPerson Configurations
AIP Configurations To Improve Ingestion Speed while Validating
Common Issues or Error Messages

5.2.1 Background & Overview

AIP Backup & Restore functionality only works with the Latest Version of Items

If you are using the new XMLUI-only Item Level Versioning functionality (disabled by default), you
must be aware that this "Item Level Versioning" feature is not yet compatible with AIP Backup &
Restore. Using them together may result in accidental data loss. Currently the AIPs that DSpace
generates only store the latest version of an Item. Therefore, past versions of Items will always be lost
when you perform a restore / replace using AIP tools.

Additional background information available in the Open Repositories 2010 Presentation entitled
Improving DSpace Backups, Restores & Migrations

As of DSpace 1.7, DSpace now can backup and restore all of its contents as a set of AIP Files. This includes all
Communities, Collections, Items, Groups and People in the system.

This feature came out of a requirement for DSpace to better integrate with DuraCloud, and other backup
storage systems. One of these requirements is to be able to essentially "backup" local DSpace contents into the
cloud (as a type of offsite backup), and "restore" those contents at a later time.

Essentially, this means DSpace can export the entire hierarchy (i.e. bitstreams, metadata and relationships
between Communities/Collections/Items) into a relatively standard format (a METS-based, AIP format). This
entire hierarchy can also be re-imported into DSpace in the same format (essentially a restore of that content in
the same or different DSpace installation).

Benefits for the DSpace community:

Allows one to more easily move entire Communities or Collections between DSpace instances.
Allows for a potentially more consistent backup of this hierarchy (e.g. to DuraCloud, or just to your own
local backup system), rather than relying on synchronizing a backup of your Database (stores metadata
/relationships) and assetstore (stores files/bitstreams).
Provides a way for people to more easily get their data out of DSpace (whatever the purpose may be).
Provides a relatively standard format for people to migrate entire hierarchies (Communities/Collections)
from one DSpace to another (or from another system into DSpace).

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How does this differ from traditional DSpace Backups? Which Backup
route is better?
Traditionally, it has always been recommended to backup and restore DSpace's database and files (also known
as the "assetstore") separately. This is described in more detail in the Storage Layer section of the DSpace
System Documentation. The traditional backup and restore route is still a recommended and supported option.

However, the new AIP Backup & Restore option seeks to try and resolve many of the complexities of a
traditional backup and restore. The below table details some of the differences between these two valid Backup
and Restore options.

Traditional Backup & AIP Backup & Restore

Restore (Database and

Supported Backup
/Restore Types

Can Backup & Yes (Requires two backups Yes (Though, will not backup/restore items which are
Restore all DSpace /restores one for Database not officially "in archive")
Content easily and one for Files)

Can Backup & No (It is possible, but Yes

Restore a Single requires a strong
Community understanding of DSpace
/Collection/Item database structure & folder
easily organization in order to only
backup & restore metadata
/files belonging to that single

Backups can be No (Again, it is possible, but Yes

used to move one requires a strong
or more Community understanding of DSpace
/Collection/Items to database structure & folder
another DSpace organization in order to only
system easily. move metadata/files
belonging to that object)

Can Backup & Yes (Requires two backups No (Currently Item Level Versioning is not fully
Restore Item /restores one for Database compatible with AIP Backup & Restore. AIP Backup &
Versions and one for Files) Restore can only backup/restore the latest version of an

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Traditional Backup & AIP Backup & Restore

Restore (Database and

Supported Object
Types During
Backup & Restore

Supports backup Yes Yes

/restore of all
metadata, files,
logos, etc.)

Supports backup Yes Yes

/restore of all

Supports backup Yes Yes

/restore of all
Item Templates

Supports backup Yes No (This is a known issue. All previously harvested

/restore of all Items will be restored, but the OAI-PMH/OAI-ORE
Collection harvesting settings will be lost during the restore
Harvesting settings process.)
(only for
Collections which
pull in all Items via

Supports backup Yes Yes

/restore of all
Withdrawn (but not
deleted) Items

Supports backup Yes Yes (During restore, the AIP Ingester may throw a false
/restore of Item "Could not find a parent DSpaceObject" error (see
Mappings between Common Issues or Error Messages), if it tries to restore
Collections an Item Mapping to a Collection that it hasn't yet

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Traditional Backup & AIP Backup & Restore

Restore (Database and

restored. But this error can be safely bypassed using

the 'skipIfParentMissing' flag (see Additional Packager
Options for more details).

Supports backup Yes No (AIPs are only generated for objects which are
/restore of all in- completed and considered "in archive")
Submissions (or
those currently in
an approval

Supports backup Yes Yes (Custom Metadata Fields will be automatically

/restore of Items recreated. Custom Metadata Schemas must be
using custom manually created first, in order for DSpace to be able to
Metadata Schemas recreate custom fields belonging to that schema. See
& Fields Common Issues or Error Messages for more details.)

Supports backup Yes (if you backup your Not by default (unless you also backup parts of your
/restore of all local entire DSpace directory as DSpace directory note, you wouldn't need to backup
DSpace part of backing up your files) the '[dspace]/assetstore' folder again, as those files are
Configurations and already included in AIPs)

Based on your local institutions needs, you will want to choose the backup & restore process which is most
appropriate to you. You may also find it beneficial to use both types of backups on different time schedules, in
order to keep to a minimum the likelihood of losing your DSpace installation settings or its contents. For
example, you may choose to perform a Traditional Backup once per week (to backup your local system
configurations and customizations) and an AIP Backup on a daily basis. Alternatively, you may choose to
perform daily Traditional Backups and only use the AIP Backup as a "permanent archives" option (perhaps
performed on a weekly or monthly basis).

Don't Forget to Backup your Configurations and Customizations

If you choose to use the AIP Backup and Restore option, do not forget to also backup your local
DSpace configurations and customizations. Depending on how you manage your own local DSpace,
these configurations and customizations are likely in one or more of the following locations:

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[dspace] - The DSpace installation directory (Please note, if you also use the AIP Backup &
Restore option, you do not need to backup your [dspace]/assetstore directory, as those
files already exist in your AIPs).
[dspace-source] - The DSpace source directory

How does this help backup your DSpace to remote storage or cloud
services (like DuraCloud)?
While AIP Backup and Restore is primarily a way to export your DSpace content objects to a local filesystem (or
mounted drive), it can also be used as the basis for ensuring your content is safely backed up in a remote
location (e.g. DuraCloud or other cloud backup services).

Simply put, these AIPs can be generated and then replicated off to remote storage or a cloud backup service for
safe keeping. You can then pull them down either as an entire set, or individually, in order to restore one or
more objects into your DSpace instance. While you could simply backup your entire DSpace database and
"assetstore" to a cloud service, you'd have to download the entire database backup again in order to restore
any content. With AIPs, you can instead just download the individual AIP files you need (which can decrease
your I/O costs, if any exist) for that restoration.

This upload/download of your AIPs to a backup location can be managed in a manual fashion (e.g. via your own
custom code or shell scripts), or you can use a DSpace Replication Task Suite add-on to help ease this process

The Replication Task Suite add-on for DSpace allows you the ability to backup and restore DSpace contents to
/from AIPs via the DSpace Administrative Web Interface. It also includes "connectors" to the DuraCloud API, so
you can configure it to automatically backup/retrieve your AIPs to/from DuraCloud. Installing this add-on means
you can now easily backup and restore DSpace to DuraCloud (or other systems) simply via the DSpace
Administrative Web Interface. More information on installing and configuring this add-on can be found on the
Replication Task Suite page.

Makeup and Definition of AIPs

AIPs are Archival Information Packages

AIP is a package describing one archival object in DSpace.
The archival object may be a single Item, Collection, Community, or Site (Site AIPs contain
site-wide information). Bitstreams are included in an Item's AIP.
Each AIP is logically self-contained, can be restored without rest of the archive. (So you could
restore a single Item, Collection or Community)
Collection or Community AIPs do not include all child objects (e.g. Items in those Collections or
Communities), as each AIP only describes one object. However, these container AIPs do contain
references (links) to all child objects. These references can be used by DSpace to automatically
restore all referenced AIPs when restoring a Collection or Community.

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AIPs are only generated for objects which are currently in the "in archive" state in DSpace. This
means that in-progress, uncompleted submissions are not described in AIPs and cannot be
restored after a disaster. Permanently removed objects will also no longer be exported as AIPs
after their removal. However, withdrawn objects will continue to be exported as AIPs, since they
are still considered under the "in archive" status.
AIPs with identical contents will always have identical checksums. This provides a basic means of
validating whether the contents within an AIP have changed. For example, if a Collection's AIP
has the same checksum at two different points in time, it means that Collection has not changed
during that time period.
AIP profile favors completeness and accuracy rather than presenting the semantics of an object in
a standard format. It conforms to the quirks of DSpace's internal object model rather than
attempting to produce a universally understandable representation of the object. When possible,
an AIP tries to use common standards to express objects.
An AIP can serve as a DIP (Dissemination Information Package) or SIP (Submission Information
Package), especially when transferring custody of objects to another DSpace implementation.
In contrast to SIP or DIP, the AIP should include all available DSpace structural and administrative
metadata, and basic provenance information. AIPs also describe some basic system level
information (e.g. Groups and People).

AIP Structure / Format

Generally speaking, an AIP is an Zip file containing a METS manifest and all related content bitstreams.

For more specific details of AIP format / structure, along with examples, please see DSpace AIP Format.

5.2.2 Running the Code

Exporting AIPs

Export Modes & Options

All AIP Exports are done by using the Dissemination Mode (-d option) of the packager command.

There are two types of AIP Dissemination you can perform:

Single AIP (default, using -d option) - Exports just an AIP describing a single DSpace object. So, if you
ran it in this default mode for a Collection, you'd just end up with a single Collection AIP (which would not
include AIPs for all its child Items)
Hierarchy of AIPs (using the -d --all or -d -aoption) - Exports the requested AIP describing an
object, plus the AIP for all child objects. Some examples follow:
For a Site - this would export all Communities, Collections & Items within the site into AIP files (in
a provided directory)

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For a Community - this would export that Community and all SubCommunities, Collections and
Items into AIP files (in a provided directory)
For a Collection - this would export that Collection and all contained Items into AIP files (in a
provided directory)
For an Item this just exports the Item into an AIP as normal (as it already contains its Bitstreams
/Bundles by default)

Exporting just a single AIP

To export in single AIP mode (default), use this "packager" command template:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -d -t AIP -e <eperson> -i <handle> <file-path>

for example:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -d -t AIP -e -i 4321/4567

The above code will export the object of the given handle (4321/4567) into an AIP file named "".
This will not include any child objects for Communities or Collections.

Exporting AIP Hierarchy

To export an AIP hierarchy, use the -a (or --all) package parameter.

For example, use this 'packager' command template:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -d -a -t AIP -e <eperson> -i <handle> <file-path>

for example:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -d -a -t AIP -e -i 4321/4567

The above code will export the object of the given handle (4321/4567) into an AIP file named "". In
addition it would export all children objects to the same directory as the "" file. The child AIP files are
all named using the following format:

File Name Format: <Obj-Type>@<Handle-with-dashes>.zip

e.g.,, ITEM@123456789-200.
This general file naming convention ensures that you can easily locate an object to restore by its
name (assuming you know its Object Type and Handle).
Alternatively, if object doesn't have a Handle, it uses this File Name Format: <Obj-Type>@internal-
id-<DSpace-ID>.zip (e.g.

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AIPs are only generated for objects which are currently in the "in archive" state in DSpace. This means that in-
progress, uncompleted submissions are not described in AIPs and cannot be restored after a disaster.

Exporting Entire Site

To export an entire DSpace Site, pass the packager the Handle <site-handle-prefix>/0. For example, if
your site prefix is "4321", you'd run a command similar to the following:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -d -a -t AIP -e -i 4321/0

Again, this would export the DSpace Site AIP into the file "", and export AIPs for all
Communities, Collections and Items into the same directory as the Site AIP.

Ingesting / Restoring AIPs

Ingestion Modes & Options

Ingestion of AIPs is a bit more complex than Dissemination, as there are several different "modes" available:

1. Submit/Ingest Mode (-s option, default) submit AIP(s) to DSpace in order to create a new object(s) (i.
e. AIP is treated like a SIP Submission Information Package)
2. Restore Mode (-r option) restore pre-existing object(s) in DSpace based on AIP(s). This also attempts
to restore all handles and relationships (parent/child objects). This is a specialized type of "submit",
where the object is created with a known Handle and known relationships.
3. Replace Mode (-r -f option) replace existing object(s) in DSpace based on AIP(s). This also
attempts to restore all handles and relationships (parent/child objects). This is a specialized type of
"restore" where the contents of existing object(s) is replaced by the contents in the AIP(s). By default, if a
normal "restore" finds the object already exists, it will back out (i.e. rollback all changes) and report which
object already exists.

Again, like export, there are two types of AIP Ingestion you can perform (using any of the above modes):

Single AIP (default) - Ingests just an AIP describing a single DSpace object. So, if you ran it in this
default mode for a Collection AIP, you'd just create a DSpace Collection from the AIP (but not ingest any
of its child objects)
Hierarchy of AIPs (by including the --all or -aoption after the mode) - Ingests the requested AIP
describing an object, plus the AIP for all child objects. Some examples follow:
For a Site - this would ingest all Communities, Collections & Items based on the located AIP files
For a Community - this would ingest that Community and all SubCommunities, Collections and
Items based on the located AIP files
For a Collection - this would ingest that Collection and all contained Items based on the located
AIP files
For an Item this just ingest the Item (including all Bitstreams & Bundles) based on the AIP file.

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The difference between "Submit" and "Restore/Replace" modes

It's worth understanding the primary differences between a Submission (specified by -s parameter) and a
Restore (specified by -r parameter).

Submission Mode (-s mode) - creates a new object (AIP is treated like a SIP)
By default, a new Handle is always assigned
However, you can force it to use the handle specified in the AIP by specifying -o
ignoreHandle=false as one of your parameters
By default, a new Parent object must be specified (using the -p parameter). This is the location
where the new object will be created.
However, you can force it to use the parent object specified in the AIP by specifying -o
ignoreParent=false as one of your parameters
By default, will respect a Collection's Workflow process when you submit an Item to a Collection
However, you can specifically skip any workflow approval processes by specifying -w
Always adds a new Deposit License to Items
Always adds new DSpace System metadata to Items (includes new "", "dc.
date.available", "" and "dc.description.provenance" entries)
WARNING: Submission mode may not be able to maintain Item Mappings between Collections.
Because these mappings are recorded via the Collection Handles, mappings may be restored
improperly if the Collection handle has changed when moving content from one DSpace instance
to another.

Restore / Replace Mode (-r mode) - restores a previously existing object (as if from a backup)
By default, the Handle specified in the AIP is restored
However, for restores, you can force a new handle to be generated by specifying -o
ignoreHandle=true as one of your parameters. (NOTE: Doesn't work for replace mode
as the new object always retains the handle of the replaced object)
Although a Restore/Replace does restore Handles, it will not necessarily restore the
same internal IDs in your Database.
By default, the object is restored under the Parent specified in the AIP
However, for restores, you can force it to restore under a different parent object by using
the -p parameter. (NOTE: Doesn't work for replace mode, as the new object always retains
the parent of the replaced object)
Always skips any Collection workflow approval processes when restoring/replacing an Item in a
Never adds a new Deposit License to Items (rather it restores the previous deposit license, as
long as it is stored in the AIP)
Never adds new DSpace System metadata to Items (rather it just restores the metadata as
specified in the AIP)

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Changing Submission/Restore Behavior

It is possible to change some of the default behaviors of both the Submission and Restore/Replace
Modes. Please see the Additional Packager Options section below for a listing of command-line
options that allow you to override some of the default settings described above.

Submitting AIP(s) to create a new object

The Submission mode (-s) always creates a new object with a newly assigned handle. In addition by default it
respects all existing Collection approval workflows (so items may require approval unless the workflow is
skipped by using the -w option). For information about how the "Submission Mode" differs from the "Replace /
Restore mode", see The difference between "Submit" and "Restore/Replace" modes above.

Submitting a Single AIP

AIPs treated as SIPs

This option allows you to essentially use an AIP as a SIP (Submission Information Package). The
default settings will create a new DSpace object (with a new handle and a new parent object, if
specified) from your AIP.

To ingest a single AIP and create a new DSpace object under a parent of your choice, specify the -p (or --
parent) package parameter to the command. Also, note that you are running the packager in -s (submit)

NOTE: This only ingests the single AIP specified. It does not ingest all children objects.

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -s -t AIP -e <eperson> -p <parent-handle> <file-path>

If you leave out the -p parameter, the AIP package ingester will attempt to install the AIP under the same
parent it had before. As you are also specifying the -s (submit) parameter, the packager will assume you want
a new Handle to be assigned (as you are effectively specifying that you are submitting a new object). If you
want the object to retain the Handle specified in the AIP, you can specify the -o ignoreHandle=false
option to force the packager to not ignore the Handle specified in the AIP.

Submitting an AIP Hierarchy

AIPs treated as SIPs

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This option allows you to essentially use a set of AIPs as SIPs (Submission Information Packages).
The default settings will create a new DSpace object (with a new handle and a new parent object, if
specified) from each AIP

To ingest an AIP hierarchy from a directory of AIPs, use the -a (or --all) package parameter.

For example, use this 'packager' command template:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -s -a -t AIP -e <eperson> -p <parent-handle> <file-path>

for example:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -s -a -t AIP -e -p 4321/12

The above command will ingest the package named "" as a child of the specified Parent Object
(handle="4321/12"). The resulting object is assigned a new Handle (since -s is specified). In addition, any child
AIPs referenced by "" are also recursively ingested (a new Handle is also assigned for each child

Another example Ingesting a Top-Level Community (by using the Site Handle, <site-handle-prefix>

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -s -a -t AIP -e -p 4321/0

The above command will ingest the package named "" as a top-level community (i.e. the
specified parent is "4321/0" which is a Site Handle). Again, the resulting object is assigned a new Handle. In
addition, any child AIPs referenced by "" are also recursively ingested (a new Handle is also
assigned for each child AIP).

May want to skip Collection Approvals Workflows

Please note: If you are submitting a larger amount of content (e.g. multiple Communities/Collections)
to your DSpace, you may want to tell the 'packager' command to skip over any existing Collection
approval workflows by using the -w flag. By default, all Collection approval workflows will be
respected. This means if the content you are submitting includes a Collection with an enabled
workflow, you may see the following occur:

1. First, the Collection will be created & its workflow enabled

2. Second, each Item belonging to that Collection will be created & placed into the workflow
approval process

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Therefore, if this content has already received some level of approval, you may want to submit
it using the -w flag, which will skip any workflow approval processes. For more information, see
Submitting AIP(s) while skipping any Collection Approval Workflows.

Item Mappings may not be maintained when submitting an AIP hierachy

When an Item is mapped to one or more Collections, this mapping is recorded in the AIP using the
mapped Collection's handle. Unfortunately, since the submission mode (-s) assigns new handles to
all objects in the hierarchy, this may mean that the mapped Collection's handle will have changed (or
even that a different Collection will be available at the original mapped Collection's handle). DSpace
does not have a way to uniquely identify Collections other than by handle, which means that item
mappings are only able to be retained when the Collection handle is also retained.

If you encounter this issue, there are a few possible workarounds:

1. Use the restore/replace mode (-r) instead, as it will retain existing Collection Handles.
Unfortunately though, this may not work if the content is being moved from a Test DSpace to a
Production DSpace, as these existing handles may not be valid.
2. OR, use the submission mode with the "--o ignoreHandle=false". This will also retain existing
Collection Handles. Unfortunately though, this may not work if the content is being moved from
a Test DSpace to a Production DSpace, as these existing handles may not be valid.
3. OR, remove all existing Item Mappings and re-export AIPs (without Item Mappings). Then,
import the hierarchy into the new DSpace instance (again without Item Mappings). Finally,
recreate the necessary Item Mappings using a different tool, e.g. the Batch Metadata Editing
tool supports bulk editing of Collection memberships/mappings.

Missing Groups or EPeople cannot be created when submitting an individual Community or

Collection AIP

Please note, if you are using AIPs to move an entire Community or Collection from one DSpace to
another, there is a known issue (see DS-1105) that the new DSpace instance will be unable to (re-)
create any DSpace Groups or EPeople which are referenced by a Community or Collection AIP. The
reason is that the Community or Collection AIP itself doesn't contain enough information to create
those Groups or EPeople (rather that info is stored in the SITE AIP, for usage during Full Site Restores

However, there are two possible ways to get around this known issue:

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EITHER, you can manually recreate all referenced Groups/EPeople in the new DSpace that
you are submitting the Community or Collection AIP into.
Note that if you are using Groups named with DSpace Database IDs (e.g.
COMMUNITY_1_ADMIN, COLLECTION_2_SUBMIT), you may first need to rename
those groups to no longer include Database IDs (e.g. MY_SUBMITTERS). The reason is
that Database IDs will likely change when you move a Community or Collection to a new
DSpace installation.
OR, you can temporarily disable the import of Group/EPeople information when submitting the
Community or Collection AIP to the new DSpace. This would mean that after you submit the
AIP to the new DSpace, you'd have to manually go in and add in any special permissions (as
needed). To disable the import of Group/EPeople information, add these settings to your
dspace.cfgfile, and re-run the submission of the AIP with these settings in place:

mets.dspaceAIP.ingest.crosswalk.METSRIGHTS = NIL
mets.dspaceAIP.ingest.crosswalk.DSPACE-ROLES = NIL

Don't forget to remove these settings after you import your Community or Collection AIP.
Leaving them in place will mean that every time you import an AIP, all of its Group
/EPeople/Permissions would be ignored.

Submitting AIP(s) while skipping any Collection Approval Workflows

By default, the Submission mode (-s) always respects existing Colleciton approval workflows. So, if a
Collection has a workflow, then a newly submitted Item will be placed into that workflow process (rather than
immediately appearing in DSpace).

However, if you'd like to skip all workflow approval processes you can use the -w flag to do so. For example,
the following command will skip any Collection approval workflows and immediately add the Item to a

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -s -w -t AIP -e <eperson> -p <parent-handle> <file-path>

This -w flag may also be used when Submitting an AIP Hierarchy. For example, if you are migrating one or
more Collections/Communities from one DSpace to another, you may choose to submit those AIPs with the -w
option enabled. This will ensure that, if a Collection has a workflow approval process enabled, all its Items are
available immediately rather than being all placed into the workflow approval process.

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Restoring/Replacing using AIP(s)

Restoring is slightly different than just submitting. When restoring, we make every attempt to restore the
object as it used to be (including its handle, parent object, etc.). For more information about how the "Replace
/Restore Mode" differs from the "Submit mode", see The difference between "Submit" and "Restore/Replace"
modes above.

There are currently three restore modes:

1. Default Restore Mode (-r) = Attempt to restore object (and optionally children). Rollback all changes if
any object is found to already exist.
2. Restore, Keep Existing Mode (-r -k) = Attempt to restore object (and optionally children). If an object is
found to already exist, skip over it (and all children objects), and continue to restore all other non-existing
3. Force Replace Mode (-r -f) = Restore an object (and optionally children) and overwrite any existing
objects in DSpace. Therefore, if an object is found to already exist in DSpace, its contents are replaced
by the contents of the AIP. WARNING: This mode is potentially dangerous as it will permanently destroy
any object contents that do not currently exist in the AIP. You may want to perform a secondary backup,
unless you are sure you know what you are doing!

Default Restore Mode

By default, the restore mode (-r option) will throw an error and rollback all changes if any object is found to
already exist. The user will be informed if which object already exists within their DSpace installation.

Restore a Single AIP: Use this 'packager' command template to restore a single object from an AIP (not
including any child objects):

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -r -t AIP -e <eperson> <AIP-file-path>

Restore a Hierarchy of AIPs: Use this 'packager' command template to restore an object from an AIP along
with all child objects (from their AIPs):

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -r -a -t AIP -e <eperson> <AIP-file-path>

For example:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -r -a -t AIP -e

Notice that unlike -s option (for submission/ingesting), the -r option does not require the Parent Object (-p
option) to be specified if it can be determined from the package itself.

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In the above example, the package "" is restored to the DSpace installation with the Handle
provided within the package itself (and added as a child of the parent object specified within the package itself).
In addition, any child AIPs referenced by "" are also recursively ingested (the -a option specifies to
also restore all child AIPs). They are also restored with the Handles & Parent Objects provided with their
package. If any object is found to already exist, all changes are rolled back (i.e. nothing is restored to DSpace)

Highly Recommended to Update Database Sequences after a Large Restore

In some cases, when you restore a large amount of content to your DSpace, the internal database
counts (called "sequences") may get out of sync with the Handles of the content you just restored. As
a best practice, it is highly recommended to always re-run the "update-sequences.sql" script on
your DSpace database after a larger scale restore. This database script should be run while DSpace
is stopped (you may either stop Tomcat or just the DSpace webapps). PostgreSQL/Oracle must be
running. The script can be found in the following locations for PostgreSQL and Oracle, respectively:

More Information on using Default Restore Mode with Community/Collection AIPs

Using the Default Restore Mode without the -a option, will only restore the metadata for that
specific Community or Collection. No child objects will be restored.
Using the Default Restore Mode with the -a option, will only successfully restore a Community
or Collection if that object along with any child objects (Sub-Communities, Collections or Items)
do not already exist. In other words, if any objects belonging to that Community or Collection
already exist in DSpace, the Default Restore Mode will report an error that those object(s) could
not be recreated. If you encounter this situation, you will need to perform the restore using
either the Restore, Keep Existing Mode or the Force Replace Mode (depending on whether you
want to keep or replace those existing child objects).

Restore, Keep Existing Mode

When the "Keep Existing" flag (-k option) is specified, the restore will attempt to skip over any objects found to
already exist. It will report to the user that the object was found to exist (and was not modified or changed). It
will then continue to restore all objects which do not already exist.

One special case to note: If a Collection or Community is found to already exist, its child objects are also
skipped over. So, this mode will not auto-restore items to an existing Collection.

Restore a Hierarchy of AIPs: Use this 'packager' command template to restore an object from an AIP along
with all child objects (from their AIPs):

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[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -r -a -k -t AIP -e <eperson> <AIP-file-path>

For example:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -r -a -k -t AIP -e

In the above example, the package "" is restored to the DSpace installation with the Handle
provided within the package itself (and added as a child of the parent object specified within the package itself).
In addition, any child AIPs referenced by "" are also recursively restored (the -a option specifies to
also restore all child AIPs). They are also restored with the Handles & Parent Objects provided with their
package. If any object is found to already exist, it is skipped over (child objects are also skipped). All non-
existing objects are restored.

Force Replace Mode

When the "Force Replace" flag (-f option) is specified, the restore will overwrite any objects found to already
exist in DSpace. In other words, existing content is deleted and then replaced by the contents of the AIP(s).

May also be useful in some specific restoration scenarios

This mode may also be used to restore missing objects which refer to existing objects. For example, if
you are restoring a missing Collection which had existing Items linked to it, you can use this mode to
auto-restore the Collection and update those existing Items so that they again link back to the newly
restored Collection.

Potential for Data Loss

Because this mode actually destroys existing content in DSpace, it is potentially dangerous and may
result in data loss! You may wish to perform a secondary full backup (assetstore files & database)
before attempting to replace any existing object(s) in DSpace.

Replace using a Single AIP: Use this 'packager' command template to replace a single object from an AIP
(not including any child objects):

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -r -f -t AIP -e <eperson> <AIP-file-path>

Replace using a Hierarchy of AIPs: Use this 'packager' command template to replace an object from an AIP
along with all child objects (from their AIPs):

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[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -r -a -f -t AIP -e <eperson> <AIP-file-path>

For example:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -r -a -f -t AIP -e

In the above example, the package "" is restored to the DSpace installation with the Handle
provided within the package itself (and added as a child of the parent object specified within the package itself).
In addition, any child AIPs referenced by "" are also recursively ingested. They are also restored
with the Handles & Parent Objects provided with their package. If any object is found to already exist, its
contents are replaced by the contents of the appropriate AIP.

If any error occurs, the script attempts to rollback the entire replacement process.

Restoring Entire Site

In order to restore an entire Site from a set of AIPs, you must do the following:

1. Install a completely "fresh" version of DSpace by following the Installation instructions in the DSpace
At this point, you should have a completely empty, but fully-functional DSpace installation. You will
need to create an initial Administrator user in order to perform this restore (as a full-restore can
only be performed by a DSpace Administrator).
2. Once DSpace is installed, run the following command to restore all its contents from AIPs

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -r -a -f -t AIP -e <eperson> -i <site-handle-prefix>/0 -o

skipIfParentMissing=true /full/path/to/your/

a. While the "-o skipIfParentMissing=true" flag is optional, it is often necessary whenever

you are performing a large hierarchical site restoration. Please see the Additional Packager
Options section below.

Please note the following about the above restore command:

Notice that you are running this command in "Force Replace" mode (-r -f). This is necessary as your
empty DSpace install will already include a few default groups (Administrators and Anonymous) and your
initial administrative user. You need to replace these groups in order to restore your prior DSpace
contents completely.
<eperson> should be replaced with the Email Address of the initial Administrator (who you created
when you reinstalled DSpace).
<site-handle-prefix> should be replaced with your DSpace site's assigned Handle Prefix. This is
equivalent to the handle.prefix setting in your dspace.cfg

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/full/path/to/your/ is the full path to the AIP file which represents your DSpace
SITE. This file will be named whatever you named it when you actually exported your entire site. All other
AIPs are assumed to be referenced from this SITE AIP (in most cases, they should be in the same
directory as that SITE AIP).

Highly Recommended to Update Database Sequences after a Large Restore

In some cases, when you restore a large amount of content to your DSpace, the internal database
counts (called "sequences") may get out of sync with the Handles of the content you just restored. As
a best practice, it is highly recommended to always re-run the "update-sequences.sql" script on
your DSpace database after a larger scale restore. This database script should be run while DSpace
is stopped (you may either stop Tomcat or just the DSpace webapps). PostgreSQL/Oracle must be
running. The script can be found in the following locations for PostgreSQL and Oracle, respectively:

Performance considerations
When importing large structures like the whole site or a large collection/community, keep in mind that this can
require a lot of memory, more than the default amount of heap allocated to the command-line launcher (256 Mb:
JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx256m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"). This memory must be allocated in addition to the
normal amount of memory allocated to Tomcat. For example, a site of 2500 fulltext items (2 Gb altogether)
requires 5 Gb of maximum heap space and takes around 1 hour, including import and indexing.

You can raise the limit for a single run of the packager command by specifying memory options in the
JAVA_OPTS environment variable, e.g.:

JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx4096m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" /dspace/bin/dspace packager -u -r -a -f -t AIP -e -i 123456789/0

If the importer runs out of heap memory, it will crash either with "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead
limit exceeded", which can be suppressed by adding "-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit" to JAVA_OPTS, or with "java.
lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space". You can increase the allocated heap memory and try again, but
keep in mind that although no changes were made in the database, the unsuccessfully imported files are still
left in the assetstore (see DS-2227).

Disable User Interaction for Cron

If you wish to run any of the following commands from a cron job (or similar), then you may wish to disable all
user interaction using the -u (--no-user-interaction) flag. For example, supposing you wanted to
perform a full Site Backup (see Exporting Entire Site above) via a cronjob, you could simply run that command
passing it the "-u" flage like this:

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# Perform a full site backup to AIPs(with user interaction disabled) every Sunday at 1:00AM
# NOTE: Make sure to replace "123456789" with your actual Handle Prefix, and "" with
your Administrator account email.
0 1 * * * [dspace]/bin/dspace packager -u -d -a -t AIP -e -i 123456789/0 [full-path-

5.2.3 Command Line Reference

The following flags are valid to pass to the [dspace]/bin/dspace packager command:

Flag Ingest Description / Usage


-a (--all) both For Ingest: recursively ingest all child AIPs (referenced from this AIP).
For Export: recursively export all child objects (referenced from this parent object)

-d (-- export- This flag simply triggers the export of AIPs from the system. See Exporting AIPs
disseminate) only

-e ( ingest- The email address of the EPerson who is ingesting the AIPs. Oftentimes this
eperson) only should be an Administrative account.

-f (-- ingest- Ingest the AIPs in "Force Replace Mode" (must be specified in conjunction with -
force- only r flag), where existing objects will be replaced by the contents of the AIP.

-h (--help) both Return help information. You should specify with -t for additional package
ingest specific help information

-i (-- both For Ingest: Only valid in "Force Replace Mode". In that mode this is the identifier
identifier) ingest of the object to replace.
[handle] and
For Export: The identifier of the object to export to an AIP

-k (--keep- ingest-
existing) only

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Flag Ingest Description / Usage


Specifies to use "Restore, Keep Existing Mode" during ingest (must be specified
in conjunction with -r flag). In this mode, existing objects in DSpace will NOT be
replaced by their AIPs, but missing objects will be restored from AIPs.

-o (-- both This flag is used to pass Additional Packager Options to the Packager command.
option) ingest Each type of packager may define its own custom Additional Options. For AIPs,
[setting]= and the valid options are documented in the Additional Packager Options section
[value] export below. This is repeatable (e.g. -o [setting1]=[value] -o [setting2]

-p (-- ingest Handle(s) of the parent Community or Collection to into which an AIP should be
parent) only ingested. This may be repeatable.

-r (-- ingest Specifies that this ingest is either "Restore Mode" (when standalone), "Restore,
restore) only Keep Existing Mode" (when used with -k flag) or "Force Replace Mode" (when
used with -f flag)

-s (-- ingest Specifies that this ingest is in "Submit Mode" where an AIP is treated as a new
submit) only object and assigned a new Handle/Identifier, etc.

-t (-- both Specifies the type of package which is being ingested or exported. This controls
type) ingest which Ingester or Disseminator class is called. For AIPs, this is always set to "-
[package- and t AIP"
type] export

-u (--no- both Skips over all user interaction (e.g. question prompts). This flag can be used
user- ingest when running the packager from a script or cron job to bypass all user
interaction) and interaction. See also Disable User Interaction for Cron

Additional Packager Options

In additional to the various "modes" settings described under "Running the Code" above, the AIP Packager
supports the following packager options. These options allow you to better tweak how your AIPs are processed
(especially during ingests/restores/replaces).

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Option Ingest Default Description

or Value

createMetadataFields= ingest- true Tells the AIP ingester to automatically create any
[value] only metadata fields which are found to be missing from the
DSpace Metadata Registry. When 'true', this means as
each AIP is ingested, new fields may be added to the
DSpace Metadata Registry if they don't already exist.
When 'false', an AIP ingest will fail if it encounters a
metadata field that doesn't exist in the DSpace
Metadata Registry. (NOTE: This will not create missing
DSpace Metadata Schemas. If a schema is found to be
missing, the ingest will always fail.)

filterBundles=[value] export- defaults to This option can be used to limit the Bundles which are
only exporting exported to AIPs for each DSpace Item. By default, all
all file Bundles will be exported into Item AIPs. You could
Bundles use this option to limit the size of AIPs by only exporting
certain Bundles. WARNING: any bundles not included
in AIPs will obviously be unable to be restored. This
option can be run in two ways:

Exclude Bundles: By default, you can provide a

comma-separated list of bundles to be excluded
from AIPs (e.g. "TEXT, THUMBNAIL")
Include Bundles: If you prepend the list with the
"+" symbol, then the list specifies the bundles to
be included in AIPs (e.g. "+ORIGINAL,
LICENSE" would only include those two
bundles). This second option is identical to using
"includeBundles" option described below.

(NOTE: If you choose to no longer export

LICENSE or CC_LICENSE bundles, you will also
need to disable the License Dissemination
Crosswalks in the aip.disseminate.
rightsMD configuration for the changes to take

ignoreHandle=[value] ingest- Restore If 'true', the AIP ingester will ignore any Handle
only /Replace specified in the AIP itself, and instead create a new
Mode Handle during the ingest process (this is the default

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Option Ingest Default Description

or Value

defaults to when running in Submit mode, using the -s flag). If

'false', 'false', the AIP ingester attempts to restore the Handles
Submit specified in the AIP (this is the default when running in
Mode Restore/replace mode, using the -r flag).
defaults to

ignoreParent=[value] ingest- Restore If 'true', the AIP ingester will ignore any Parent object
only /Replace specified in the AIP itself, and instead ingest under a
Mode new Parent object (this is the default when running in
defaults to Submit mode, using the -s flag). The new Parent
'false', object must be specified via the -p flag (run dspace
Submit packager -h for more help). If 'false', the AIP ingester
Mode attempts to restore the object directly under its old
defaults to Parent (this is the default when running in Restore
'true' /replace mode, using the -r flag).

includeBundles= export- defaults to This option can be used to limit the Bundles which are
[value] only "all" exported to AIPs for each DSpace Item. By default, all
file Bundles will be exported into Item AIPs. You could
use this option to limit the size of AIPs by only exporting
certain Bundles. WARNING: any bundles not included
in AIPs will obviously be unable to be restored. This
option expects a comma separated list of bundle
METADATA"), or "all" if all bundles should be included.

(See "filterBundles" option above if you wish to exclude

particular Bundles. However, this "includeBundles"
option cannot be used at the same time as

(NOTE: If you choose to no longer export LICENSE or

CC_LICENSE bundles, you will also need to disable
the License Dissemination Crosswalks in the aip.
disseminate.rightsMD configuration for the
changes to take affect)

manifestOnly=[value] false

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Option Ingest Default Description

or Value

both If 'true', the AIP Disseminator will only import/export a

ingest METS Manifest XML file (i.e. result will be an unzipped
and 'mets.xml' file), instead of a full AIP. This METS
export Manifest contains URI references to all content files,
but does not contain any content files. This option is
experimental and is meant for debugging purposes
only. It should never be set to 'true' if you want to
be able to restore content files. Again, please note
that when you use this option, the final result will be an
XML file, NOT the normal ZIP-based AIP format.

passwords=[value] export- false If 'true' (and the 'DSPACE-ROLES' crosswalk is

only enabled, see #AIP Metadata Dissemination
Configurations), then the AIP Disseminator will export
user password hashes (i.e. encrypted passwords) into
Site AIP's METS Manifest. This would allow you to
restore user's passwords from Site AIP. If 'false', then
user password hashes are not stored in Site AIP, and
passwords cannot be restored at a later time.

skipIfParentMissing= ingest- false If 'true', ingestion will skip over any "Could not find a
[value] only parent DSpaceObject" errors that are encountered
during the ingestion process (Note: those errors will still
be logged as "warning" messages in your DSpace log
file). If you are performing a full site restore (or a
restore of a larger Community/Collection hierarchy),
you may encounter these errors if you have a larger
number of Item mappings between Collections (i.e.
Items which are mapped into several collections at
once). When you are performing a recursive ingest,
skipping these errors should not cause any problems.
Once the missing parent object is ingested it will
automatically restore the Item mapping that caused the
error. For more information on this "Could not find a
parent DSpaceObject" error see Common Issues or
Error Messages.

unauthorized=[value] export- unspecified If 'skip', the AIP Disseminator will skip over any
only unauthorized Bundle or Bitstream encountered (i.e. it
will not be added to the AIP). If 'zero', the AIP

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Option Ingest Default Description

or Value

Disseminator will add a Zero-length "placeholder" file to

the AIP when it encounters an unauthorized Bitstream.
If unspecified (the default value), the AIP Disseminator
will throw an error if an unauthorized Bundle or
Bitstream is encountered.

updatedAfter=[value] export- unspecified This option works as a basic form of "incremental

only backup". This option requires that an ISO-8601 date is
specified. When specified, the AIP Disseminator will
only export Item AIPs which have a last-modified date
after the specified ISO-8601 date. This option has no
affect on the export of Site, Community or Collection
AIPs as DSpace does not record a last-modified date
for Sites, Communities or Collections. For example,
when this option is specified during a full-site export,
the AIP Disseminator will export the Site AIP, all
Community AIPs, all Collection AIPs, and only Item
AIPs modified after that date and time.

validate=[value] both Export If 'true', every METS file in AIP will be validated before
ingest defaults to ingesting or exporting. By default, DSpace will validate
and 'true', everything on export, but will skip validation during
export Ingest import. Validation on export will ensure that all exported
defaults to AIPs properly conform to the METS profile (and will
'false' throw errors if any do not). Validation on import will
ensure every METS file in every AIP is first validated
before importing into DSpace (this will cause the
ingestion processing to take longer, but tips on
speeding it up can be found in the "AIP Configurations
To Improve Ingestion Speed while Validating" section
below). DSpace recommends minimally validating AIPs
on export. Ideally, you should validate both on export
and import, but import validation is disabled by default
in order to increase the speed of AIP restores.

How to use additional options

These options can be passed in two main ways:

From the Command Line

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From the command-line, you can add the option to your command by using the -o or --option parameter.

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -r -a -t AIP -o [option1]=[value] -o [option2]=[value] -e admin@myu.


For example:

[dspace]/bin/dspace packager -r -a -t AIP -o ignoreParent=false -o createMetadataFields=false -e

Via the Java API call

If you are programmatically calling the org.dspace.content.packager.DSpaceAIPIngester from your

own custom script, you can specify these options via the org.dspace.content.packager.
PackageParameters class.

As a basic example:

PackageParameters params = new PackageParameters;

params.addProperty("createMetadataFields", "false");
params.addProperty("ignoreParent", "true");

5.2.4 Configuration in 'dspace.cfg'

The following new configurations relate to AIPs:

AIP Metadata Dissemination Configurations

The following configurations allow you to specify what metadata is stored within each METS-based AIP. In
'dspace.cfg', the general format for each of these settings is:

aip.disseminate.<setting> = <mdType>:<DSpace-crosswalk-name> [, ...]

<setting> is the setting name (see below for the full list of valid settings)
<mdType> is optional. It allows you to specify the value of the @MDTYPE or @OTHERMDTYPE
attribute in the corresponding METS element.
<DSpace-crosswalk-name> is required. It specifies the name of the DSpace Crosswalk which
should be used to generate this metadata.
Zero or more <label-for-METS>:<DSpace-crosswalk-name> may be specified for each

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AIP Metadata Recommendations

It is recommended to minimally use the default settings when generating AIPs. DSpace can only
restore information that is included within an AIP. Therefore, if you choose to no longer include some
information in an AIP, DSpace will no longer be able to restore that information from an AIP backup

The default settings in 'dspace.cfg' are:

aip.disseminate.techMD - Lists the DSpace Crosswalks (by name) which should be called to
populate the <techMD> section of the METS file within the AIP (Default: PREMIS, DSPACE-ROLES)
The PREMIS crosswalk generates PREMIS metadata for the object specified by the AIP
The DSPACE-ROLES crosswalk exports DSpace Group / EPerson information into AIPs in a
DSpace-specific XML format. Using this crosswalk means that AIPs can be used to recreated
Groups & People within the system. (NOTE: The DSPACE-ROLES crosswalk should be used
alongside the METSRights crosswalk if you also wish to restore the permissions that Groups
/People have within the System. See below for more info on the METSRights crosswalk.)
aip.disseminate.sourceMD - Lists the DSpace Crosswalks (by name) which should be called to
populate the <sourceMD> section of the METS file within the AIP (Default: AIP-TECHMD)
The AIP-TECHMD Crosswalk generates technical metadata (in DIM format) for the object
specified by the AIP
aip.disseminate.digiprovMD - Lists the DSpace Crosswalks (by name) which should be called to
populate the <digiprovMD> section of the METS file within the AIP (Default: None)
aip.disseminate.rightsMD - Lists the DSpace Crosswalks (by name) which should be called to
populate the <rightsMD> section of the METS file within the AIP (Default: DSpaceDepositLicense:
DSPACE_DEPLICENSE, CreativeCommonsRDF:DSPACE_CCRDF, CreativeCommonsText:
The DSPACE_DEPLICENSE crosswalk ensures the DSpace Deposit License is referenced/stored
in AIP
The DSPACE_CCRDF crosswalk ensures any Creative Commons RDF Licenses are reference
/stored in AIP
The DSPACE_CCTEXT crosswalk ensures any Creative Commons Textual Licenses are referenced
/stored in AIP
The METSRights crosswalk ensures that Permissions/Rights on DSpace Objects (Communities,
Collections, Items or Bitstreams) are referenced/stored in AIP. Using this crosswalk means that
AIPs can be used to restore permissions that a particular Group or Person had on a DSpace
Object. (NOTE: The METSRights crosswalk should always be used in conjunction with the
DSPACE-ROLES crosswalk (see above) or a similar crosswalk. The METSRights crosswalk can
only restore permissions, and cannot re-create Groups or EPeople in the system. The DSPACE-
ROLES can actually re-create the Groups or EPeople as needed.)
aip.disseminate.dmd - Lists the DSpace Crosswalks (by name) which should be called to populate
the <dmdSec>section of the METS file within the AIP (Default: MODS, DIM)

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The MODS crosswalk translates the DSpace descriptive metadata (for this object) into MODS. As
MODS is a relatively "standard" metadata schema, it may be useful to include a copy of MODS
metadata in your AIPs if you should ever want to import them into another (non-DSpace) system.
The DIM crosswalk just translates the DSpace internal descriptive metadata into an XML format.
This XML format is proprietary to DSpace, but stores the metadata in a format similar to Qualified
Dublin Core.

AIP Ingestion Metadata Crosswalk Configurations

The following configurations allow you to specify what DSpace Crosswalks are used during the ingestion
/restoration of AIPs. These configurations also allow you to ignore areas of the METS file (in the AIP) if you do
not want that area to be restored.

In dspace.cfg, the general format for each of these settings is:

mets.dspaceAIP.ingest.crosswalk.<mdType> = <DSpace-crosswalk-name>
<mdType> is the type of metadata as specified in the METS file. This corresponds to the value of
the @MDTYPE attribute (of that metadata section in the METS). When the @MDTYPE attribute is
"OTHER", then the <mdType> corresponds to the @OTHERMDTYPE attribute value.
<DSpace-crosswalk-name> specifies the name of the DSpace Crosswalk which should be used to
ingest this metadata into DSpace. You can specify the "NULLSTREAM" crosswalk if you
specifically want this metadata to be ignored (and skipped over during ingestion).

By default, the settings in dspace.cfg are:

mets.dspaceAIP.ingest.crosswalk.DSpaceDepositLicense = NULLSTREAM
mets.dspaceAIP.ingest.crosswalk.CreativeCommonsRDF = NULLSTREAM
mets.dspaceAIP.ingest.crosswalk.CreativeCommonsText = NULLSTREAM

The above settings tell the ingester to ignore any metadata sections which reference DSpace Deposit Licenses
or Creative Commons Licenses. These metadata sections can be safely ignored as long as the "LICENSE" and
"CC_LICENSE" bundles are included in AIPs (which is the default setting). As the Licenses are included in
those Bundles, they will already be restored when restoring the bundle contents.

More Info on Default Crosswalks used

If unspecified in the above settings, the AIP ingester will automatically use the Crosswalk which is
named the same as the @MDTYPE or @OTHERMDTYPE attribute for the metadata section. For
example, a metadata section with an @MDTYPE="PREMIS" will be processed by the DSpace
Crosswalk named "PREMIS".

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AIP Ingestion EPerson Configurations

The following setting determines whether the AIP Ingester should create an EPerson (if necessary) when
attempting to restore or ingest an Item whose Submitter cannot be located in the system. By default it is set to
"false", as for AIPs the creation of EPeople (and Groups) is generally handled by the DSPACE-ROLES crosswalk
(see #AIP Metadata Dissemination Configurations for more info on DSPACE-ROLES crosswalk.)

mets.dspaceAIP.ingest.createSubmitter = false

AIP Configurations To Improve Ingestion Speed while Validating

It is recommended to validate all AIPs on ingestion (when possible). But validation can be extremely slow, as
each validation request first must download all referenced Schema documents from various locations on the
web (sometimes as many as 10 schemas may be necessary to download in order to validate a single METS
file). To make matters worse, the same schema will be re-downloaded each time it is used (i.e. it is not cached
locally). So, if you are validating just 20 METS files which each reference 10 schemas, that results in 200
download requests.

In order to perform validations in a speedy fashion, you can pull down a local copy of all schemas. Validation
will then use this local cache, which can sometimes increase the speed up to 10 x.

To use a local cache of XML schemas when validating, use the following settings in 'dspace.cfg'. The general
format is:

mets.xsd.<abbreviation> = <namespace> <local-file-name>

<abbreviation> is a unique abbreviation (of your choice) for this schema
<namespace> is the Schema namespace
<local-file-name> the full name of the cached schema file (which should reside in your
[dspace]/config/schemas/ directory, by default this directory does not exist you will need
to create it)

The default settings are all commented out. But, they provide a full listing of all schemas currently used during
validation of AIPs. In order to utilize them, uncomment the settings, download the appropriate schema file, and
save it to your [dspace]/config/schemas/ directory (by default this directory does not exist you will need
to create it) using the specified file name:

#mets.xsd.mets = mets.xsd

#mets.xsd.xlink = xlink.xsd
#mets.xsd.mods = mods.xsd
#mets.xsd.xml = xml.xsd
#mets.xsd.dc = dc.xsd
#mets.xsd.dcterms = dcterms.xsd
#mets.xsd.premis = PREMIS.xsd

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#mets.xsd.premisObject = PREMIS-Object.xsd

#mets.xsd.premisEvent = PREMIS-Event.xsd
#mets.xsd.premisAgent = PREMIS-Agent.xsd
#mets.xsd.premisRights = PREMIS-Rights.xsd

5.2.5 Common Issues or Error Messages

The below table lists common fixes to issues you may encounter when backing up or restoring objects using
AIP Backup and Restore.

Issue / Error How to Fix this Problem


Ingest/Restore Error: If you receive this problem, you are likely attempting to Restore an Entire Site, but are
"Group Administrator not running the command in Force Replace Mode (-r -f). Please see the section on
already exists" Restoring an Entire Site for more details on the flags you should be using.

Ingest/Restore Error: If you receive this problem, one or more of your Items is using a custom metadata
"Unknown Metadata schema which DSpace is currently not aware of (in the example, the schema is
Schema named "mycustomschema"). Because DSpace AIPs do not contain enough details to
encountered recreate the missing Metadata Schema, you must create it manually via the DSpace
(mycustomschema)" Admin UI. Please note that you only need to create the Schema. You do not
need to manually create all the fields belonging to that schema, as DSpace will
do that for you as it restores each AIP. Once the schema is created in DSpace, re-
run your restore command. DSpace will automatically re-create all fields belonging to
that custom metadata schema as it restores each Item that uses that schema.

Ingest Error: "Could When you encounter this error message it means that an object could not be ingested
not find a parent /restored as it belongs to a parent object which doesn't currently exist in your DSpace
DSpaceObject instance. During a full restore process, this error can be skipped over and treated as
referenced as 'xxx a warning by specifying the '-o skipIfParentMissing=true' option (see
/xxx'" Additional Packager Options). If you have a larger number of Items which are
mapped to multiple Collections, the AIP Ingester will sometimes attempt to restore an
item mapping before the Collection itself has been restored (thus throwing this
error). Luckily, this is not anything to be concerned about. As soon as the Collection
is restored, the Item Mapping which caused the error will also be automatically
restored. So, if you encounter this error during a full restore, it is safe to bypass this
error message using the '-o skipIfParentMissing=true' option. All your Item
Mappings should still be restored correctly.

Submit Error: This error means that while submitting one or more AIPs, DSpace encountered a
PSQLException: Handle conflict. This is a general error the may occur in DSpace if your Handle
ERROR: duplicate sequence has somehow become out-of-date. However, it's easy to fix. Just run the

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Issue / Error How to Fix this Problem


key value violates [dspace]/etc/postgres/update-sequences.sql script (or if you are using

unique constraint Oracle, run: [dspace]/etc/oracle/update-sequences.sql).

5.2.6 DSpace AIP Format

Makeup and Definition of AIPs
AIPs are Archival Information Packages.
General AIP Structure / Examples
Customizing What Is Stored in Your AIPs
AIP Details: METS Structure
Metadata in METS
DIM (DSpace Intermediate Metadata) Schema
DIM Descriptive Elements for Item objects
DIM Descriptive Elements for Collection objects
DIM Descriptive Elements for Community objects
DIM Descriptive Elements for Site objects
MODS Schema
AIP Technical Metadata Schema (AIP-TECHMD)
AIP Technical Metadata for Item
AIP Technical Metadata for Bitstream
AIP Technical Metadata for Collection
AIP Technical Metadata for Community
AIP Technical Metadata for Site
PREMIS Metadata for Bitstream
Example of DSPACE-ROLES Schema for a SITE AIP
Example of DSPACE-ROLES Schema for a Community or Collection
METSRights Schema
Example of METSRights Schema for an Item
Example of METSRights Schema for a Collection
Example of METSRights Schema for a Community

Makeup and Definition of AIPs

AIPs only store the Latest Version of Items

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If you are using the new XMLUI-only Item Level Versioning functionality (disabled by default), you
must be aware that this "Item Level Versioning" feature is not yet compatible with AIP Backup &
Restore. Using them together may result in accidental data loss. Currently the AIPs that DSpace
generates only store the latest version of an Item. Therefore, past versions of Items will always be lost
when you perform a restore / replace using AIP tools.

AIPs are Archival Information Packages.

AIP is a package describing one archival objectin DSpace.

The archival object may be a single Item, Collection, Community, or Site (Site AIPs contain
site-wide information). Bitstreams are included in an Item's AIP.
Each AIP is logically self-contained, can be restored without rest of the archive. (So you could
restore a single Item, Collection or Community)
Collection or Community AIPs do not include all child objects (e.g. Items in those Collections or
Communities), as each AIP only describes one object. However, these container AIPs do contain
references (links) to all child objects. These references can be used by DSpace to automatically
restore all referenced AIPs when restoring a Collection or Community.
AIPs are only generated for objects which are currently in the "in archive" state in DSpace. This
means that in-progress, uncompleted submissions are not described in AIPs and cannot be
restored after a disaster. Permanently removed objects will also no longer be exported as AIPs
after their removal. However, withdrawn objects will continue to be exported as AIPs, since they
are still considered under the "in archive" status.
AIPs with identical contents will always have identical checksums. This provides a basic means of
validating whether the contents within an AIP have changed. For example, if a Collection's AIP
has the same checksum at two different points in time, it means that Collection has not changed
during that time period.
AIP profile favors completeness and accuracy rather than presenting the semantics of an object in
a standard format. It conforms to the quirks of DSpace's internal object model rather than
attempting to produce a universally understandable representation of the object. When possible,
an AIP tries to use common standards to express objects.
An AIP can serve as a DIP (Dissemination Information Package) or SIP (Submission Information
Package), especially when transferring custody of objects to another DSpace implementation.
In contrast to SIP or DIP, the AIP should include all available DSpace structural and administrative
metadata, and basic provenance information. AIPs also describe some basic system level
information (e.g. Groups and People).

General AIP Structure / Examples

Generally speaking, an AIP is an Zip file containing a METS manifest and all related content bitstreams, license
files and any other associated files.

Some examples include:

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Site AIP (Sample:

METS contains basic metadata about DSpace Site and persistent IDs referencing all Top Level
METS also contains a list of all Groups and EPeople information defined in the DSpace system.
(NOTE: By default, user passwords are not stored in AIPs, unless you specify the 'passwords'
flag. See Additional Packager Options.)
Community AIP (Sample:
METS contains all metadata for Community and persistent IDs referencing all members
(SubCommunities or Collections). Package may also include a Logo file, if one exists.
METS contains any Group information for Commmunity-specific groups (e.g.
METS contains all Community permissions/policies (translated into METSRights schema)
Collection AIP (Sample:
METS contains all metadata for Collection and persistent IDs referencing all members (Items).
Package may also include a Logo file, if one exists.
METS contains any Group information for Collection-specific groups (e.g.
METS contains all Collection permissions/policies (translated into METSRights schema)
If the Collection has an Item Template, the METS will also contain all the metadata for that Item
Item AIP (Sample:
METS contains all metadata for Item and references to all Bundles and Bitstreams. Package also
includes all Bitstream files.
METS contains all Item/Bundle/Bitstream permissions/policies (translated into METSRights


Bitstreams and Bundles are second-class archival objects; they are recorded in the context of an Item.
BitstreamFormats are not even second-class; they are described implicitly within Item technical
metadata, and reconstructed from that during restoration
EPeople are only defined in Site AIP, but may be referenced from Community or Collection AIPs
Groups may be defined in Site AIP, Community AIP or Collection AIP. Where they are defined depends
on whether the Group relates specifically to a single Community or Collection, or is just a general site-
wide group.

What is NOT in AIPs

DSpace Site configurations ([dspace]/config/ directory) or customizations (themes, stylesheets, etc) are
not described in AIPs
DSpace Database model (or customizations therein) is not described in AIPs
Any objects which are not currently in the "In Archive" state are not described in AIPs. This means that in-
progress, unfinished submissions are never included in AIPs.

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Customizing What Is Stored in Your AIPs

If you choose, you can customize exactly what information is stored in your AIPs. However, you should be
aware that you can only restore information which is stored within your AIPs. If you choose to remove
information from your AIPs, you will be unable to restore it later on (unless you are also backing up your entire
DSpace database and assetstore folder).

AIP Recommendations

It is recommended to minimally use the default settings when generating AIPs. DSpace can only
restore information that is included within an AIP. Therefore, if you choose to no longer include some
information in an AIP, DSpace will no longer be able to restore that information from an AIP backup

There are two ways to go about customizing your AIP format:

1. You can customize your dspace.cfg settings pertaining to AIP generation. These configurations will
allow you to specify exactly which DSpace Crosswalks will be called when generating the AIP METS
2. You can export your AIPs using one of the special options/flags.

AIP Details: METS Structure

This METS Structure is based on the structure decided for the original AipPrototype, developed as
part of the MIT & UCSD PLEDGE project.

mets element
@PROFILE fixed value="" (this is how we identify
an AIP manifest)
@OBJID URN-format persistent identifier (i.e. Handle) if available, or else a unique identifier. (e.g.
@LABEL title if available
@TYPE DSpace object type, one of "DSpace ITEM", "DSpace COLLECTION", "DSpace
@ID is a globally unique identifier, built using the Handle and the Object type (e.g. dspace-
mets/metsHdr element
@LASTMODDATE last-modified date for a DSpace Item, or nothing for other objects.
agent element:

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@OTHERTYPE = "DSpace Archive",

name = Site handle. (Note: The Site Handle is of the format [handle_prefix]/0, e.g.
agent element:
@OTHERTYPE = "DSpace Software",
name = "DSpace [version]" (Where "[version]" is the specific version of DSpace software
which created this AIP, e.g. "1.7.0")
mets/dmdSec element(s)
By default, two dmdSec elements are included for all AIPs:
1. object's descriptive metadata crosswalked to MODS (specified by mets/dmdSec
/mdWrap@MDTYPE="MODS"). See #MODS Schema section below for more information.
2. object's descriptive metadata in DSpace native DIM intermediate format, to serve as a
complete and precise record for restoration or ingestion into another DSpace. Specified by
mets/dmdSec/mdWrap@MDTYPE="OTHER",@OTHERMDTYPE="DIM". See #DIM (DSpace
Intermediate Metadata) Schema section below for more information.
For Collection AIPs, additional dmdSec elements may exist which describe the Item Template for
that Collection. Since an Item template is not an actual Item (i.e. it only includes metadata), it is
stored within the Collection AIP. The Item Template's dmdSec elements will be referenced by a
div @TYPE="DSpace ITEM Template" in the METS structMap.
When the mdWrap @TYPE value is OTHER, the element MUST include a value for the @OTHERTYPE
attribute which names the crosswalk that produced (or interprets) that metadata, e.g. DIM.
mets/amdSec element(s)
One or more amdSec elements are include for all AIPs. The first amdSec element contains
administrative metadata (technical, source, rights, and provenance) for the entire archival object.
Additional amdSec elements may exist to describe parts of the archival object (e.g. Bitstreams or
Bundles in an Item).
techMD elements. By default, two types of techMD elements may be included:
PREMIS metadata about an object may be included here (currently only specified for
Bitstreams (files)). Specified by mdWrap@MDTYPE="PREMIS". See #PREMIS
Schema section below for more information.
DSPACE-ROLES metadata may appear here to describe the Groups or EPeople
related to this object (_currently only specified for Site, Community and Collection).
#DSPACE-ROLES Schema section below for more information.
rightsMD elements. By default, there are four possible types of rightsMD elements
which may be included:
METSRights metadata may appear here to describe the permissions on this object.
#METSRights Schema section below for more information.

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DSpaceDepositLicense if the object is an Item and it has a deposit license, it is

contained here. Specified by mdWrap@MDTYPE="OTHER",@OTHERMDTYPE="
CreativeCommonsRDF If the object is an Item with a Creative Commons license
expressed in RDF, it is included here. Specified by mdWrap@MDTYPE="OTHER",
CreativeCommonsText If the object is an Item with a Creative Commons license
in plain text, it is included here. Specified by mdWrap@MDTYPE="OTHER",
sourceMD element. By default, there is only one type of sourceMD element which may
AIP-TECHMD metadata may appear here. This stores basic technical/source
metadata about in object in a DSpace native format. Specified by
Technical Metadata Schema (AIP-TECHMD) section below for more information.
digiprovMD element.
Not used at this time.
mets/fileSec element
For ITEM objects:
Each distinct Bundle in an Item goes into a fileGrp. The fileGrp has a @USE attribute
which corresponds to the Bundle name.
Bitstreams in bundles become file elements under fileGrp.
Set @SIZE to length of the bitstream. There is a redundant value in the <techMD>
but it is more accessible here.
Set @MIMETYPE, @CHECKSUM, @CHECKSUMTYPE to corresponding bitstream values.
There is redundant info in the <techMD>. (For DSpace, the @CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5"
at all times)
SET @SEQ to bitstream's SequenceID if it has one.
SET @ADMID to the list of <amdSec> element(s) which describe this bitstream.
Only if the object has a logo bitstream, there is a fileSec with one fileGrp child of
The fileGrp contains one file element, representing the logo Bitstream. It has the
same @MIMETYPE, @CHECKSUM, @CHECKSUMTYPE attributes as the Item content
bitstreams, but does NOT include metadata section references (e.g. @ADMID) or a @SEQ
See the main structMap for the fptr reference to this logo file.
mets/structMap - Primary structure map, @LABEL="DSpace Object", @TYPE="LOGICAL"
For ITEM objects:
1. Top-Level div with @TYPE="DSpace Object Contents".

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For every Bitstream in Item it contains a div with @TYPE="DSpace BITSTREAM".

Each Bitstream div has a single fptr element which references the bitstream
If Item has primary bitstream, put it in structMap/div/fptr (i.e. directly under the div
with @TYPE="DSpace Object Contents")
For COLLECTION objects:
1. Top-Level div with @TYPE="DSpace Object Contents".
For every Item in the Collection, it contains a div with @TYPE="DSpace ITEM".
Each Item div has up to two child mptrelements:
a. One linking to the Handle of that Item. Its @LOCTYPE="HANDLE", and
@xlink:href value is the raw Handle.
b. (Optional) one linking to the location of the local AIP for that Item (if known).
Its @LOCTYPE="URL", and @xlink:href value is a relative link to the AIP
file on the local filesystem.
If Collection has a Logo bitstream, there is an fptr reference to it in the very first div.
If the Collection includes an Item Template, there will be a div with @TYPE="DSpace
ITEM Template" within the very first div. This div @TYPE="DSpace ITEM
Template" must have a @DMDID specified, which links to the dmdSec element(s) that
contain the metadata for the Item Template.
For COMMUNITY objects:
1. Top-Level div with @TYPE="DSpace Object Contents".
For every Sub-Community in the Community it contains a div with @TYPE="
DSpace COMMUNITY". Each Community div has up to two mptrelements:
a. One linking to the Handle of that Community. Its @LOCTYPE="HANDLE", and
@xlink:href value is the raw Handle.
b. (Optional) one linking to the location of the local AIP file for that Community (if
known). Its @LOCTYPE="URL", and @xlink:href value is a relative link to
the AIP file on the local filesystem.
For every Collection in the Community there is a div with @TYPE="DSpace
COLLECTION". Each Collection div has up to two mptrelements:
a. One linking to the Handle of that Collection. Its @LOCTYPE="HANDLE", and
@xlink:href value is the raw Handle.
b. (Optional) one linking to the location of the local AIP file for that Collection (if
known). Its @LOCTYPE="URL", and @xlink:href value is a relative link to
the AIP file on the local filesystem.
If Community has a Logo bitstream, there is an fptr reference to it in the very first div.
For SITE objects:
1. Top-Level div with @TYPE="DSpace Object Contents".
For every Top-level Community in Site, it contains a div with @TYPE="DSpace
COMMUNITY". Each Item div has up to two child mptrelements:


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a. One linking to the Handle of that Community. Its @LOCTYPE="HANDLE", and

@xlink:href value is the raw Handle.
b. (Optional) one linking to the location of the local AIP for that Community (if
known). Its @LOCTYPE="URL", and @xlink:href value is a relative link to
the AIP file on the local filesystem.
mets/structMap - Structure Map to indicate object's Parent, @LABEL="Parent", @TYPE="
Contains one div element which has the unique attribute value TYPE="AIP Parent Link" to
identify it as the older of the parent pointer.
It contains a mptr element whose xlink:href attribute value is the raw Handle of the
parent object, e.g. 1721.1/4321.

Metadata in METS
The following tables describe how various metadata schemas are populated (via DSpace Crosswalks) in the
METS file for an AIP.

DIM (DSpace Intermediate Metadata) Schema

DIM Schema is essentially a way of representing DSpace internal metadata structure in XML. DSpace's internal
metadata is very similar to a Qualified Dublin Core in its structure, and is primarily meant for descriptive
metadata. However, DSpace's metadata allows for custom elements, qualifiers or schemas to be created (so it
is extendable to any number of schemas, elements, qualifiers). These custom fields/schemas may or may not
be able to be translated into normal Qualified Dublin Core. So, the DIM Schema must be able to express
metadata schemas, elements or qualifiers which may or may not exist within Qualified Dublin Core.

In the METS structure, DIM metadata always appears within a dmdSec inside an <mdWrap MDTYPE="OTHER"
OTHERMDTYPE="DIM"> element. For example:

<dmdSec ID="dmdSec_2190">

By default, DIM metadata is always included in AIPs. It is controlled by the following configuration in your

aip.disseminate.dmd = MODS, DIM

DIM Descriptive Elements for Item objects

As all DSpace Items already have user-assigned DIM (essentially Qualified Dublin Core) metadata fields, those
fields are just exported into the DIM Schema within the METS file.

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DIM Descriptive Elements for Collection objects

For Collections, the following fields are translated to the DIM schema:

DIM Metadata Field Database field or value

dc.description 'introductory_text' field

dc.description.abstract 'short_description' field

dc.description.tableofcontents 'side_bar_text' field

dc.identifier.uri Collection's handle

dc.provenance 'provenance_description' field

dc.rights 'copyright_text' field

dc.rights.license 'license' field

dc.title 'name' field

DIM Descriptive Elements for Community objects

For Communities, the following fields are translated to the DIM schema:

DIM Metadata Field Database field or value

dc.description 'introductory_text' field

dc.description.abstract 'short_description' field

dc.description.tableofcontents 'side_bar_text' field

dc.identifier.uri Handle of Community

dc.rights 'copyright_text' field

dc.title 'name' field

DIM Descriptive Elements for Site objects

For the Site Object, the following fields are translated to the DIM schema:

Metadata Field Value

dc.identifier.uri Handle of Site (format: [handle_prefix]/0)

dc.title Name of Site (from dspace.cfg '' config)

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MODS Schema
By default, all DSpace descriptive metadata (DIM) is also translated into the MODS Schema by utilizing
DSpace's MODSDisseminationCrosswalk. DSpace's DIM to MODS crosswalk is defined within your
[dspace]/config/crosswalks/ configuration file. This file allows you to customize the
MODS that is included within your AIPs.

For more information on the MODS Schema, see

In the METS structure, MODS metadata always appears within a dmdSec inside an <mdWrap MDTYPE="MODS"
> element. For example:

<dmdSec ID="dmdSec_2189">
<mdWrap MDTYPE="MODS">

By default, MODS metadata is always included in AIPs. It is controlled by the following configuration in your

aip.disseminate.dmd = MODS, DIM

The MODS metadata is included within your AIP to support interoperability. It provides a way for other systems
to interact with or ingest the AIP without needing to understand the DIM Schema. You may choose to disable
MODS if you wish, however this may decrease the likelihood that you'd be able to easily ingest your AIPs into a
non-DSpace system (unless that non-DSpace system is able to understand the DIM schema). When restoring
/ingesting AIPs, DSpace will always first attempt to restore DIM descriptive metadata. Only if no DIM metadata
is found, will the MODS metadata be used during a restore.

AIP Technical Metadata Schema (AIP-TECHMD)

The AIP Technical Metadata Schema is a way to translate technical metadata about a DSpace object into the
DIM Schema. It is kept separate from DIM as it is considered technical metadata rather than descriptive

In the METS structure, AIP-TECHMD metadata always appears within a sourceMD inside an <mdWrap

<amdSec ID="amd_2191">
<sourceMD ID="sourceMD_2198">

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By default, AIP-TECHMD metadata is always included in AIPs. It is controlled by the following configuration in
your dspace.cfg:

aip.disseminate.sourceMD = AIP-TECHMD

AIP Technical Metadata for Item

Metadata Field Value

dc.contributor Submitter's email address

dc.identifier.uri Handle of Item

dc.relation.isPartOf Owning Collection's Handle (as a URN)

dc.relation. All other Collection's this item is linked to (Handle URN of each non-owner)

dc.rights.accessRights "WITHDRAWN" if item is withdrawn

AIP Technical Metadata for Bitstream

Metadata Value

dc.title Bitstream's name/title

dc.title. Bitstream's source


dc.description Bitstream's description

dc.format Bitstream Format Description

dc.format. Short Name of Format


dc.format. MIMEType of Format


dc.format. System Support Level for Format (necessary to recreate Format during restore, if the format
supportlevel isn't know to DSpace by default)

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Metadata Value

dc.format. Whether Format is internal (necessary to recreate Format during restore, if the format isn't
internal know to DSpace by default)

Outstanding Question: Why are we recording the file format support status? That's a DSpace property,
rather than an Item property. Do DSpace instances rely on objects to tell them their support status?
Possible answer (from Larry Stone): Format support and other properties of the BitstreamFormat
are recorded here in case the Item is restored in an empty DSpace that doesn't have that format
yet, and the relevant bits of the format entry have to be reconstructed from the AIP. --lcs

AIP Technical Metadata for Collection

Metadata Field Value

dc.identifier.uri Handle of Collection

dc.relation.isPartOf Owning Community's Handle (as a URN)

dc.relation. All other Communities this Collection is linked to (Handle URN of each non-owner
isReferencedBy )

AIP Technical Metadata for Community

Metadata Field Value

dc.identifier.uri Handle of Community

dc.relation.isPartOf Handle of Parent Community (as a URN)

AIP Technical Metadata for Site

Metadata Field Value

dc.identifier.uri Site Handle (format: [handle_prefix]/0)

At this point in time, the PREMIS Schema is only used to represent technical metadata about DSpace
Bitstreams (i.e. Files). The PREMIS metadata is generated by DSpace's PREMISCrosswalk. Only the
PREMIS Object Entity Schema is used.

In the METS structure, PREMIS metadata always appears within a techMD inside an <mdWrap MDTYPE="
PREMIS"> element. PREMIS metadata is always wrapped withn a <premis:premis> element. For example:

<amdSec ID="amd_2209">

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<techMD ID="techMD_2210">

Each Bitstream (file) has its own amdSec within a METS manifest. So, there will be a separate PREMIS techMD
for each Bitstream within a single Item.

By default, PREMIS metadata is always included in AIPs. It is controlled by the following configuration in your

aip.disseminate.techMD = PREMIS, DSPACE-ROLES

PREMIS Metadata for Bitstream

The following Bitstream information is translated into PREMIS for each DSpace Bitstream (file):

Metadata Field Value

<premis:objectIdentifier> Contains Bitstream direct URL

<premis:objectCategory> Always set to "File"

<premis:fixity> Contains MD5 Checksum of Bitstream

<premis:format> Contains File Format information of Bistream

<premis:originalName> Contains original name of file

All DSpace Groups and EPeople objects are translated into a custom DSPACE-ROLES XML Schema. This XML
Schema is a very simple representation of the underlying DSpace database model for Groups and EPeople.
The DSPACE-ROLES Schemas is generated by DSpace's RoleCrosswalk.

Only the following DSpace Objects utilize the DSPACE-ROLES Schema in their AIPs:

Site AIP all Groups and EPeople are represented in DSPACE-ROLES Schema
Community AIP only Community-based groups (e.g. COMMUNITY_1_ADMIN) are represented in
Collection AIP only Collection-based groups (e.g. COLLECTION_2_ADMIN, COLLECTION_2_SUBMIT,
etc.) are represented in DSPACE-ROLES Schema

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In the METS structure, DSPACE-ROLES metadata always appears within a techMD inside an <mdWrap

<amdSec ID="amd_2068">
<techMD ID="techMD_2070">

By default, DSPACE-ROLES metadata is always included in AIPs. It is controlled by the following configuration
in your dspace.cfg:

aip.disseminate.techMD = PREMIS, DSPACE-ROLES

Example of DSPACE-ROLES Schema for a SITE AIP

Below is a general example of the structure of a DSPACE-ROLES XML file, as it would appear in a SITE AIP.

<Group ID="1" Name="Administrator">
<Member ID="1" Name="" />
<Group ID="0" Name="Anonymous" />
<Group ID="70" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/57_ADMIN">
<Member ID="1" Name="" />
<Group ID="75" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/57_DEFAULT_READ">
<MemberGroup ID="0" Name="Anonymous" />
<Group ID="71" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/57_SUBMIT">
<Member ID="1" Name="" />
<Group ID="72" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/57_WORKFLOW_STEP_1">
<MemberGroup ID="1" Name="Administrator" />

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<Group ID="73" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/57_WORKFLOW_STEP_2">
<MemberGroup ID="1" Name="Administrator" />
<Group ID="8" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/6703_DEFAULT_READ" />
<Group ID="9" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/2_ADMIN">
<Member ID="1" Name="" />
<Person ID="1">
<CanLogin />
<Person ID="2">
<CanLogin />
<SelfRegistered />

Why are there Group Names with Handles?

You may have noticed several odd looking group names in the above example, where a Handle is
embedded in the name (e.g. "COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/57_SUBMIT"). This is a translation of a
Group name which included a Community or Collection Internal ID (e.g.
"COLLECTION_45_SUBMIT"). Since you are exporting these Groups outside of DSpace, the Internal
ID may no longer be valid or be understandable. Therefore, before export, these Group names are all
translated to include an externally understandable identifier, in the form of a Handle. If you use this
AIP to restore your groups later, they will be translated back to the normal DSpace format (i.e. the
handle will be translated back to the new Internal ID).

Orphaned Groups are Renamed on Export

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If a Group name includes a Community or Collection Internal ID (e.g. "COLLECTION_45_SUBMIT"),

and that Community or Collection no longer exists, then the Group is considered "Orphaned".

In 1.8.2 and above, the Group is renamed using the following format: "ORPHANED_[object-
type]_GROUP_[obj-id]_[group-type]" (e.g. "ORPHANED_COLLECTION_GROUP_10_ADMIN").
Prior to 1.8.2, the Group was renamed with a random key: "GROUP_[random-hex-key]_[object-
type]_[group-type]" (e.g. "GROUP_123eb3a_COLLECTION_ADMIN"). This old format was
discontinued as giving the groups a randomly generated name caused the SITE AIP to have a
different checksum every time it was regenerated (see DS-1120).

The reasoning is that we were unable to translate an Internal ID into an External ID (i.e. Handle). If we
are unable to do that translation, re-importing or restoring a group with an old internal ID could cause
conflicts or instability in your DSpace system. In order to avoid such conflicts, these groups are
renamed using a random, unique key.

Example of DSPACE-ROLES Schema for a Community or Collection

Below is a general example of the structure of a DSPACE-ROLES XML file, as it would appear in a Community
or Collection AIP.

This specific example is for a Collection, which has associated Administrator, Submitter, and Workflow approver
groups. In this very simple example, each group only has one Person as a member of it. Please notice that the
Person's information (Name, NetID, etc) is NOT contained in this content (however they are available in the
DSPACE-ROLES example for a SITE, as shown above)

<Group ID="9" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/2_ADMIN" Type="ADMIN">
<Member ID="1" Name="" />
<Group ID="13" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/2_SUBMIT" Type="SUBMIT">
<Member ID="2" Name="" />
<Group ID="10" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/2_WORKFLOW_STEP_1" Type="WORKFLOW_STEP_1">
<Member ID="1" Name="" />
<Group ID="11" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/2_WORKFLOW_STEP_2" Type="WORKFLOW_STEP_2">
<Member ID="2" Name="" />
<Group ID="12" Name="COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/2_WORKFLOW_STEP_3" Type="WORKFLOW_STEP_3">

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<Member ID="1" Name="" />

METSRights Schema
All DSpace Policies (permissions on objects) are translated into the METSRights schema. This is different than
the above DSPACE-ROLES schema, which only represents Groups and People objects. Instead, the
METSRights schema is used to translate the permission statements (e.g. a group named "Library Admins" has
Administrative permissions on a Community named "University Library"). But the METSRights schema doesn't
represent who is a member of a particular group (that is defined in the DSPACE-ROLES schema, as described

METSRights should always be used with DSPACE-ROLES

The METSRights Schema must be used in conjunction with the DSPACE-ROLES Schema for Groups,
People and Permissions to all be restored properly. As mentioned above, the METSRights metadata
can only be used to restore permissions (i.e. DSpace policies). The DSPACE-ROLES metadata must
also exist if you wish to restore the actual Group or EPeople objects to which those permissions apply.

All DSpace Object's AIPs (except for the SITE AIP) utilize the METSRights Schema in order to define what
permissions people and groups have on that object. Although there are several sections to the METSRights
Schema, DSpace AIPs only use the <RightsDeclarationMD> section, as this is what is used to describe
rights on an object.

In the METS structure, METSRights metadata always appears within a rightsMD inside an <mdWrap

<amdSec ID="amd_2068">
<rightsMD ID="rightsMD_2074">

By default, METSRights metadata is always included in AIPs. It is controlled by the following configuration in
your dspace.cfg:

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aip.disseminate.rightsMD = DSpaceDepositLicense:DSPACE_DEPLICENSE, \

Example of METSRights Schema for an Item

An Item AIP will almost always contain several METSRights metadata sections within its METS Manifest. A
separate METSRights metadata section is used to describe the permissions on:

the Item itself

each Bundle (group of files) in the Item
each Bitstream (file) within an Item's bundle

Below is an example of a METSRights sections for a publicly visible Bitstream, Bundle or Item. Notice it
specifies that the "GENERAL PUBLIC" has the permission to DISCOVER or DISPLAY this object.

<rights:RightsDeclarationMD xmlns:rights=""
<rights:Permissions DISCOVER="true" DISPLAY="true" MODIFY="false" DELETE="false" />

As of DSpace 3, DSpace policies/permissions may also have a "start-date" or "end-date" (to support Embargo
functionality). Such a policy on an Item may look like this. Notice it specifies that the "GENERAL PUBLIC" has
the permission to DISCOVER or DISPLAY this object starting on 2015-01-01, while the Group "Staff" has
permission to DISCOVER or DISPLAY this object until 2015-01-01.

<rights:RightsDeclarationMD xmlns:rights=""
<rights:Context CONTEXTCLASS="GENERAL PUBLIC" start-date="2015-01-01" in-effect="false">
<rights:Permissions DISCOVER="true" DISPLAY="true" MODIFY="false" DELETE="false" />
<rights:Context CONTEXTCLASS="MANAGED_GRP" end-date="2015-01-01" in-effect="true">
<rights:UserName USERTYPE="GROUP">Staff</rights:UserName>
<rights:Permissions DISCOVER="true" DISPLAY="true" MODIFY="false" DELETE="false" />

Example of METSRights Schema for a Collection

A Collection AIP contains one METSRights section, which describes the permissions different Groups or People
have within the Collection

Below is an example of a METSRights sections for a publicly visible Collection, which also has an Administrator
group, a Submitter group, and a group for each of the three DSpace workflow approval steps. You'll notice that

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each of the groups is provided with very specific permissions within the Collection. Submitters & Workflow
approvers can "ADD CONTENTS" to a collection (but cannot delete the collection). Administrators have full

<rights:RightsDeclarationMD xmlns:rights=""
<rights:UserName USERTYPE="GROUP">COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/2_SUBMIT</rights:UserName>
<rights:Permissions DISCOVER="true" DISPLAY="true" MODIFY="true" DELETE="false" OTHER="true"
<rights:UserName USERTYPE="GROUP">COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/2_WORKFLOW_STEP_3</rights:UserName>
<rights:Permissions DISCOVER="true" DISPLAY="true" MODIFY="true" DELETE="false" OTHER="true"
<rights:UserName USERTYPE="GROUP">COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/2_WORKFLOW_STEP_2</rights:UserName>
<rights:Permissions DISCOVER="true" DISPLAY="true" MODIFY="true" DELETE="false" OTHER="true"
<rights:UserName USERTYPE="GROUP">COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/2_WORKFLOW_STEP_1</rights:UserName>
<rights:Permissions DISCOVER="true" DISPLAY="true" MODIFY="true" DELETE="false" OTHER="true"
<rights:UserName USERTYPE="GROUP">COLLECTION_hdl:123456789/2_ADMIN</rights:UserName>
<rights:Permissions DISCOVER="true" DISPLAY="true" COPY="true" DUPLICATE="true" MODIFY="true"
<rights:Permissions DISCOVER="true" DISPLAY="true" MODIFY="false" DELETE="false" />

Example of METSRights Schema for a Community

A Community AIP contains one METSRights section, which describes the permissions different Groups or
People have within that Community.

Below is an example of a METSRights sections for a publicly visible Community, which also has an
Administrator group. As you'll notice, this content looks very similar to the Collection METSRights section (as
described above)

<rights:RightsDeclarationMD xmlns:rights=""
<rights:UserName USERTYPE="GROUP">COMMUNITY_hdl:123456789/10_ADMIN</rights:UserName>

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<rights:Permissions DISCOVER="true" DISPLAY="true" COPY="true" DUPLICATE="true" MODIFY="true"

<rights:Permissions DISCOVER="true" DISPLAY="true" MODIFY="false" DELETE="false" />

5.3 Ant targets and options


Ant targets should be run as the service user

A word of warning: in order to ensure proper permissions and file ownership are maintained, you are
advised to run these ant targets as the service user (commonly 'dspace' or 'tomcat'). This is a change
for DSpace 5.0. Running them as any other user is likely to cause problems, especially with the new
Solr index maintenance targets.

5.3.1 Options
DSpace allows three property values to be set using the -D<property>=<value> option. They may be used in
other contexts than noted below, but take care to understand how a particular property will affect a target's


Whether to overwrite configuration files in [dspace]/config. If true, files from [dspace]/config and
subdirectories are backed up with .old extension and new files are installed from [dspace-src]/dspace/config
and subdirectories; if false, existing config files are untouched, and new files are written beside them with .
new extension.

Possible values: true, false

Default: true

Context: update, init_configs


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If a path is specified, ant uses values from the specified file and installs it in [dspace]/config in the appropriate

Possible path to configuration file to be used


Default: [dspace-src]/config/dspace.cfg

Context: update, update_configs, update_code, update_webapps, init_configs, fresh_install,

test_database, setup_database, load_registries, clean_database


If true, builds .war files; if false, no .war files are built.

Possible values: true, false

Default: true

Context: update, update_webapps, fresh_install

5.3.2 Targets
Target Effect

update Creates backup copies of the [dspace]/bin, /etc, /lib, and /webapps directories with
the form /<directory>.bak-<date-time>. Creates new copies of [dspace]/config, /etc,
and /lib directories. Does not affect data files or the database. (See overwrite, config,
war options.)

update_configs Updates the [dspace]/config directory with new configuration files. (See config

update_geolite Dowload and install GeoCity database into [dspace]/config.

update_code Creates backup copies of the [dspace]/bin, /etc, and /lib directories with the form
/<directory>.bak-<date-time>. Creates new copies of [dspace]/config, /etc, and /lib
directories. (See config option.)

update_webapps Updates [dspace]/webapps directory. (See config, war options.)

update_solr_indexes Checks if any Solr indexes need upgrading (to latest Solr), and if so, upgrades them.

init_configs Writes configuration files to [dspace]/config. (See overwrite, config options.)


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Target Effect

Deletes existing [dspace]/bin, /lib, and /etc directories, and installs new copies;
overwrites /solr application files, leaving data intact. (See config option.)

fresh_install Performs a fresh installation of the software, including the database &amp; config.
(See config, war options.)

test_database Tests database connection using parameters specified in dspace.cfg. (See config

setup_database Creates database tables. Database schema must exist and relevant parameters
specified in dspace.cfg. (See config option.)

load_registries Loads metadata &amp; file format registries into the database. (See config option.)

clean_backups Removes [dspace]/bin, /etc, /lib, and /webapps directories with .bak* extensions.

clean_database Drops all DSpace database tables, destroying all data. (See config option.)

5.4 Command Line Operations

Executing command line operations
Available operations
General use
Legacy statistics
SOLR Statistics

The DSpace command launcher or CLI interface offers the execution of different maintenance operations. As
most of these are already documented in related parts of the documentation, this page is mainly intended to
provide an overview of all available CLI operations, with links to the appropriate documentation.

5.4.1 Executing command line operations

The CLI interface is found at [dspace]/bin/dspace. Execute it without arguments or with the -h option to
see all available operations. Execute dspace op -h to see details about the op operation.


bin/dspace -h

bin/dspace cleanup -h

bin/dspace cleanup

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bin/dspace cleanup --verbose

5.4.2 Available operations

General use
bitstore-migrate: Migrate all files (bitstreams) from one assetstore (bitstore) to another
checker: Run the checksum checker
checker-emailer: Send emails related to the checksum checker
classpath: Calculate and display the DSpace classpath
cleanup: Remove deleted bitstreams from the assetstore
community-filiator: Tool to manage community and sub-community relationships
create-administrator: Create a DSpace administrator account (see Installing DSpace)
curate: Perform curation tasks on DSpace objects
database: Perform various tasks / checks of the DSpace database
doi-organiser: Transmit information about DOIs to the registration agency.
dsprop: View the value of a DSpace property from any configuration file (see Configuration Reference)
dsrun: Run a (DSpace) Java class directly (used mainly for test purposes)
embargo-lifter: Pre DSpace 3.0 embargo manager tool used to check, list and lift embargoes
export: Export items or collections
filter-media: Perform the media filtering to extract full text from documents and to create thumbnails
generate-sitemaps: Generate search engine and html sitemaps (see Search Engine Optimization)
harvest: Manage the OAI-PMH harvesting of external collections (see OAI harvesting docs)
import: Import items into DSpace (see Importing and Exporting Items via Simple Archive Format)
index-authority: import authorities and keep SOLR authority index up to date
index-discovery: Update Discovery (Solr) search and browse Index
itemupdate: Item update tool for altering metadata and bitstream content in items (see Updating Items
via Simple Archive Format)
make-handle-config: Run the handle server simple setup command
metadata-export: Export metadata for batch editing
metadata-import: Import metadata after batch editing
migrate-embargo: Embargo manager tool used to migrate old version of Embargo to the new one
included in dspace3
oai: OAI script manager
packager: Execute a packager
rdfizer: tool to convert contents to RDF
read : execute a stream of commands from a file or pipe
registry-loader: Load entries into a registry (see Metadata and Bitstream Format Registries)
structure-builder: Build DSpace community and collection structure (see Importing Community and
Collection Hierarchy)
sub-daily: Send daily subscription notices

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test-email: Test the DSpace email server settings are OK

update-handle-prefix: Update handle records and metadata when moving from one Handle prefix to
user: Create, List, Update, Delete EPerson (user) records
validate-date: Test date-time format rules
version: Show DSpace version and other troubleshooting information

Legacy statistics
stat-general: Compile the general statistics
stat-initial: Compile the initial statistics
stat-monthly: Compile the monthly statistics
stat-report-general: Create the general statistics report
stat-report-initial: Create the initial statistics report
stat-report-monthly: Create the monthly statistics report

SOLR Statistics
Scripts for the statistics that are stored in SOLR:

solr-export-statistics:Export Solr statistics data to CSV (for backup or moving to another server)
solr-import-statistics: Import Solr statistics data from CSV (for restoration, or moving to another server)
solr-reindex-statistics: Reindex Solr statistics data (for upgrades or updates to Solr schema)
stats-log-converter: Convert dspace.log files ready for import into solr statistics
stats-log-importer: Import previously converted log files into solr statistics
stats-log-importer-elasticsearch: Import solr-format converted log files into Elasticsearch Usage Statistics
stats-util: Statistics Client for Maintenance of Solr Statistics Indexes

5.4.3 Executing streams of commands

You can pass a sequence of commands into the dspace command-line tool using the read command.

Execute commands... this way

...from a file [dspace]/bin/dspace read a-command-file a pipeline some-other-command | [dspace]/bin/dspace read -

some-other-command | [dspace]/bin/dspace read

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5.4.4 Database Utilities

This command can be used at any time to manage or upgrade the Database. It will also assist in
troubleshooting PostgreSQL and Oracle connection issues with the database.

Command [dspace]/bin/dspace database


Java class:

Valid Description

test Test the database connection settings (in [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg or local.cfg)

are OK and working properly. This command also validates the database version is
compatible with DSpace.

info Provide detailed information about the DSpace database itself. This includes the database
type, version, driver, schema, and any successful/failed/pending database migrations.

This command, along with "test", is very useful in debugging issues with your database.

migrate Migrate the database to the latest version (if not already on the latest version). This uses
FlywayDB along with embedded migrations scripts to automatically update your database to
the latest version.

Optionally, you can run "migrate ignored" to also include any database migrations which
are flagged as "Ignored" by the "info" command.

repair Attempt to "repair" any migrations which are flagged as "Failed" by the "info" command. This
runs the FlywayDB repair command.

Please note however, this will NOT automatically repair corrupt or broken data in your
database. It merely tries to re-run previously "Failed" migrations.

clean Completely and permanently delete all tables and data in this database. WARNING: There is
no turning back! If you run this command, you will lose your entire database and all its

This command is only useful for testing or for reverting your database to a "fresh install" state
(e.g. running "dspace database clean" followed by "dspace database migrate" will
return your database to a fresh install state)

By default the 'clean' command is disabled (to avoid accidental data loss). In order to enable
it, you must first set db.cleanDisabled=false in either your local.cfg or dspace.cfg.


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Validate the checksums of all previously run database migrations. This runs the FlywayDB
'validate' command.

5.5 Mediafilters for Transforming DSpace Content

mageMagick Image Thumbnail Generator

MediaFilters: Transforming DSpace Content

Available Media Filters
Enabling/Disabling MediaFilters
Executing (via Command Line)
Creating Custom MediaFilters
Creating a simple Media Filter
Creating a Dynamic or "Self-Named" Format Filter
Configuration parameters

5.5.1 MediaFilters: Transforming DSpace Content

DSpace can apply filters or transformations to files/bitstreams, creating new content. Filters are included that
extract text for full-text searching, and create thumbnails for items that contain images. The media filters are
controlled by the dspace filter-media script which traverses the asset store, invoking all configured
MediaFilter or FormatFilter classes on files/bitstreams (see Configuring Media Filters for more
information on how they are configured).

Available Media Filters

Below is a listing of all currently available Media Filters, and what they actually do:

Name Java Class Function Default Enabled

input by
formats Default?

PDF Text extracts the full text of Adobe PDF yes
Extractor PDFFilter Adobe PDF
documents (only if text-
based or OCRed) for

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Name Java Class Function Default Enabled

input by
formats Default?

full text indexing.

(Uses the Apache
PDFBox tool)

HTML Text extracts the full text of HTML, Text yes
Extractor HTMLFilter HTML documents for
full text indexing.
(Uses Swing's HTML

Word Text extracts the full text of Microsoft yes

Extractor WordFilter Microsoft Word or Word
Plain Text documents
for full text indexing.
(Uses the "Microsoft
Word Text Mining"

Excel Text extracts the full text of Microsoft yes

Extractor ExcelFilter Microsoft Excel Excel,
documents for full text Microsoft
indexing. (Uses the Excel XML
"Apache POI" tools.)

PowerPoint extracts the full text of Microsoft yes

Text PowerPointFilter slides and notes in Powerpoint,
Extractor Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft
and PowerPoint XML Powerpoint
documents for full text XML
indexing (Uses the
Apache POI tools.)

PDFBox creates thumbnail Adobe PDF yes

JPEG PDFBoxThumbnail images of the first
Thumbnail page of PDF files

JPEG creates thumbnail BMP, GIF, yes

Thumbnail JPEGFilter images of GIF, JPEG JPEG,
and PNG files image/png


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Name Java Class Function Default Enabled

input by
formats Default?

Branded creates a branded BMP, GIF,

Preview BrandedPreviewJPEGFilter preview image for GIF, JPEG,
JPEG JPEG and PNG files image/png

ImageMagick Uses ImageMagick to BMP, GIF, no

Image ImageMagickImageThumbnailFilter generate thumbnails image/png,
Thumbnail for image bitstreams. JPG, TIFF,
Generator Requires installation of JPEG,
ImageMagick on your JPEG 2000
server. See
ImageMagick Media

ImageMagick Uses ImageMagick Adobe PDF no

PDF ImageMagickPdfThumbnailFilter and Ghostscript to
Thumbnail generate thumbnails
Generator for PDF bitstreams.
Requires installation of
ImageMagick and
Ghostscript on your
server. See
ImageMagick Media

Please note that the filter-media script will automatically update the DSpace search index by default.

Enabling/Disabling MediaFilters
The media filter plugin configuration filter.plugins in dspace.cfg contains a list of all enabled media
/format filter plugins (see Configuring Media Filters for more information). By modifying the value of filter.
plugins you can disable or enable MediaFilter plugins.

Executing (via Command Line)

The media filter system is intended to be run from the command line (or regularly as a cron task):

[dspace]/bin/dspace filter-media

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With no options, this traverses the asset store, applying media filters to bitstreams, and skipping bitstreams that
have already been filtered.

Available Command-Line Options:

Help : [dspace]/bin/dspace filter-media -h

Display help message describing all command-line options.
Force mode : [dspace]/bin/dspace filter-media -f
Apply filters to ALL bitstreams, even if they've already been filtered. If they've already been
filtered, the previously filtered content is overwritten.
Identifier mode : [dspace]/bin/dspace filter-media -i 123456789/2
Restrict processing to the community, collection, or item named by the identifier - by default, all
bitstreams of all items in the repository are processed. The identifier must be a Handle, not a DB
key. This option may be combined with any other option.
Maximum mode : [dspace]/bin/dspace filter-media -m 1000
Suspend operation after the specified maximum number of items have been processed - by
default, no limit exists. This option may be combined with any other option.
Plugin mode : [dspace]/bin/dspace filter-media -p "PDF Text Extractor","Word
Text Extractor"
Apply ONLY the filter plugin(s) listed (separated by commas). By default all named filters listed in
the filter.plugins field of dspace.cfg are applied. This option may be combined with any other
option. WARNING: multiple plugin names must be separated by a comma (i.e. ',') and NOT a
comma followed by a space (i.e. ', ').
Skip mode : [dspace]/bin/dspace filter-media -s 123456789/9,123456789/100
SKIP the listed identifiers (separated by commas) during processing. The identifiers must be
Handles (not DB Keys). They may refer to items, collections or communities which should be
skipped. This option may be combined with any other option. WARNING: multiple identifiers must
be separated by a comma (i.e. ',') and NOT a comma followed by a space (i.e. ', ').
NOTE: If you have a large number of identifiers to skip, you may maintain this comma-separated
list within a separate file (e.g. filter-skiplist.txt). Use the following format to call the program.
Please note the use of the "grave" or "tick" (`) symbol and do not use the single quotation.
[dspace]/bin/dspace filter-media -s `less filter-skiplist.txt`
Verbose mode : [dspace]/bin/dspace filter-media -v
Verbose mode - print all extracted text and other filter details to STDOUT.
Adding your own filters is done by creating a class which implements the
mediafilter.FormatFilter interface. See the Creating a new Media/Format Filter topic and
comments in the source file for more information. In theory filters could be
implemented in any programming language (C, Perl, etc.) However, they need to be invoked by
the Java code in the Media Filter class that you create.

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Creating Custom MediaFilters

Creating a simple Media Filter

New Media Filters must implement the interface. More information on
the methods you need to implement is provided in the source file. For example:

public class MySimpleMediaFilter implements FormatFilter

Alternatively, you could extend the class, which just defaults to
performing no pre/post-processing of bitstreams before or after filtering.

public class MySimpleMediaFilter extends MediaFilter

You must give your new filter a "name", by adding it and its name to the
mediafilter.FormatFilter field in dspace.cfg. In addition to naming your filter, make sure to specify its input
formats in the filter.<class path>.inputFormats config item. Note the input formats must match the short
description field in the Bitstream Format Registry (i.e. bitstreamformatregistry table). = \ = My Simple Text Filter, \ ... =

If you neglect to define the inputFormats for a particular filter, the MediaFilterManager will never call that filter,
since it will never find a bitstream which has a format matching that filter's input format(s).

If you have a complex Media Filter class, which actually performs different filtering for different formats (e.g.
conversion from Word to PDF and conversion from Excel to CSV), you should define this as described in
Chapter .

Creating a Dynamic or "Self-Named" Format Filter

If you have a more complex Media/Format Filter, which actually performs multiple filtering or conversions for
different formats (e.g. conversion from Word to PDF and conversion from Excel to CSV), you should have
define a class which implements the FormatFilter interface, while also extending the Chapter
SelfNamedPlugin class. For example:

public class MyComplexMediaFilter extends SelfNamedPlugin implements FormatFilter

Since SelfNamedPlugins are self-named (as stated), they must provide the various names the plugin uses by
defining a getPluginNames() method. Generally speaking, each "name" the plugin uses should correspond to a
different type of filter it implements (e.g. "Word2PDF" and "Excel2CSV" are two good names for a complex
media filter which performs both Word to PDF and Excel to CSV conversions).

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Self-Named Media/Format Filters are also configured differently in dspace.cfg. Below is a general template for a
Self Named Filter (defined by an imaginary MyComplexMediaFilter class, which can perform both Word to PDF
and Excel to CSV conversions):

#Add to a list of all Self Named filters = \
#Define input formats for each "named" plugin this filter implements = Microsoft
Word = Microsoft

As shown above, each Self-Named Filter class must be listed in the
mediafilter.FormatFilter item in dspace.cfg. In addition, each Self-Named Filter must define the
input formats for each named plugin defined by that filter. In the above example the MyComplexMediaFilter
class is assumed to have defined two named plugins, Word2PDF and Excel2CSV. So, these two valid plugin
names ("Word2PDF" and "Excel2CSV") must be returned by the getPluginNames() method of the
MyComplexMediaFilter class.

These named plugins take different input formats as defined above (see the corresponding inputFormats

If you neglect to define the inputFormats for a particular named plugin, the MediaFilterManager
will never call that plugin, since it will never find a bitstream which has a format matching that plugin's
input format(s).

For a particular Self-Named Filter, you are also welcome to define additional configuration settings in dspace.cfg
. To continue with our current example, each of our imaginary plugins actually results in a different output format
(Word2PDF creates "Adobe PDF", while Excel2CSV creates "Comma Separated Values"). To allow this
complex Media Filter to be even more configurable (especially across institutions, with potential different
"Bitstream Format Registries"), you may wish to allow for the output format to be customizable for each named
plugin. For example:

#Define output formats for each named plugin Format = Adobe PDF = Comma Separated

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Any custom configuration fields in dspace.cfg defined by your filter are ignored by the MediaFilterManager, so it
is up to your custom media filter class to read those configurations and apply them as necessary. For example,
you could use the following sample Java code in your MyComplexMediaFilter class to read these custom
outputFormat configurations from dspace.cfg:

#Get "outputFormat" configuration from dspace.cfg

String outputFormat = ConfigurationManager.getProperty(MediaFilterManager.FILTER_PREFIX + "." +
MyComplexMediaFilter.class.getName() + "." + this.getPluginInstanceName() + ".outputFormat");

Configuration parameters

Example = JPEGFilter


Informational By default mediafilter derivatives / thumbnails inherit the permissions of the parent bitstream,
Note but you can override this, in case you want to make publicly accessible derivative / thumbnail
content, typically the thumbnails of objects for the browse list. List the MediaFilter names that
would get public accessible permissions. Any media filters not listed will instead inherit the
permissions of the parent bitstream.

5.5.2 ImageMagic Media Filters

ImageMagic Media Filters
DSpace Configuration
Thumbnail Dimensions
Conversion Utility Path
Overwriting Existing Thumbnails
Additional Customization

The ImageMagick Media Filters provide consistent, high quality thumbnails for image bitstreams and PDF

These filters require a separate software installation of the conversion utilities (ImageMagick and Ghostscript).

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The media filters use the library im4java to invoke the conversion utilities. This library constructs a conversion
command launches a sub-process to perform the generation of media files.

Install ImageMagick on your server
If you wish to generate PDF thumbnails, install Ghostscript on your server
The ImageMagick and Ghostscript executables should be accessible from the same directory (e.g. /usr

DSpace Configuration
In the filter.plugins section your dspace.cfg file, uncomment the ImageMagick media filter definition.

ImageMagick Image Thumbnail, ImageMagick PDF Thumbnail, \

This will activate the following settings which are already present in dspace.cfg = ImageMagick Image Thumbnail, \ = ImageMagick PDF Thumbnail

These media filters contain the following configuration properties

Thumbnail Dimensions
The following properties are used to define the dimensions of the generated thumbnails.

# maximum width and height of generated thumbnails

thumbnail.maxwidth = 80
thumbnail.maxheight = 80

Conversion Utility Path

The following property provides a path to the ImageMagick and GhostScript utilities. = /usr/bin

Overwriting Existing Thumbnails

The The ImageMagick media filters can differentiate thumbnails created by the DSpace default thumbnail
generator and thumbnails that were manually uploaded by a user. The media filter reads the bitstream

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description field to make this determination. A regular expression can be provided to define the set of
thumbnails that should be overwritten by the ImageMagick thumbnail generator. Thumbnail descriptions
matching this pattern will be overwritten even if the -f option is not passed to the filter media process. = ^Generated Thumbnail$

The ImageMagick media filter will use the bitstream description field to identify bitstreams that it has created
using the following setting. Bitstreams containing this label will be overwritten only if the -f filter is applied. = IM Thumbnail

Thumbnail descriptions that do not match either of the patterns listed above are presumed to be manually
uploaded thumbnails. These thumbnails will not be replaced even if the -f option is passed to the filter media

DSpaces uses JPEG as format for thumbnails. While JPEG doesn't support transparency, PDF, PNG and other
formats does. As those formats are used as outgoing material in DSpace, DSpace has to care about
transparency during the generation of the thumbnails. In combination of special versions of ImageMagick and
Ghostscript it may occur, that completely transparent areas will become black. As solution ImageMagick
recommends to flatten images extracted from PDFs before they are stored as JPEG. Since DSpace 5.2 the
ImageMagick media filter flatten thumbnails extracted from PDFs. If you run in to problems you lead back to
flattening of the extracted images, you can switch the flattening off by setting the following property in dspace.
cfg to false: = false

Additional Customization
The ImageMagick conversion software provides a large number of conversion options. Subclasses of these
media filters could be written to take advantage of the additional conversion properties available in the software.

Note: The PDF thumbnail generator is hard-coded to generate a thumbnail from the first page of the PDF.

5.6 Performance Tuning DSpace

Review the number of DSpace webapps you have installed in Tomcat
Give Tomcat (DSpace UIs) More Memory
Give Tomcat More Java Heap Memory
Give Tomcat More Java PermGen Memory

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Choosing the size of memory spaces allocated to DSpace

Give the Command Line Tools More Memory
Give the Command Line Tools More Java Heap Memory
Give the Command Line Tools More Java PermGen Space Memory
Give PostgreSQL Database More Memory
SOLR Statistics Performance Tuning

The software DSpace relies on does not come out of the box optimized for large repositories. Here are
some tips to make it all run faster.

5.6.1 Review the number of DSpace webapps you have installed

in Tomcat
By default, DSpace includes a number of web applications which all interact with the underlying DSpace data
model. The DSpace web applications include: XMLUI, JSPUI, OAI, RDF, REST, SOLR, SWORD, and
SWORDv2. The only required web application is SOLR as it is utilized by several of the other web applications
(XMLUI, JSPUI and OAI). See the Installing DSpace documentation for more information about each of these
web applications.

Any of the other web applications can be removed from your Tomcat, if you have no plans to utilize that
functionality. The fewer web applications you are running, the less memory you will require, as each of these
applications will be allocated memory when started up by Tomcat.

5.6.2 Give Tomcat (DSpace UIs) More Memory

Give Tomcat More Java Heap Memory

Java Heap Memory Recommendations

At the time of writing, DSpace recommends you should give Tomcat >= 512MB of Java Heap Memory
to ensure optimal DSpace operation. Most larger sized or highly active DSpace installations however
tend to allocate more like 1024MB to 2048MB of Java Heap Memory.

Performance tuning in Java basically boils down to memory. If you are seeing "java.lang.
OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" errors, this is a sure sign that Tomcat isn't being provided with
enough Heap Memory.

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Tomcat is especially memory hungry, and will benefit from being given lots of RAM. To set the amount of
memory available to Tomcat, use either the JAVA_OPTS or CATALINA_OPTS environment variable, e.g:

CATALINA_OPTS=-Xmx512m -Xms512m


JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx512m -Xms512m

The above example sets the maximum Java Heap memory to 512MB.

Difference between JAVA_OPTS and CATALINA_OPTS

You can use either environment variable. JAVA_OPTS is also used by other Java programs (besides
just Tomcat). CATALINA_OPTS is only used by Tomcat. So, if you only want to tweak the memory
available to Tomcat, it is recommended that you use CATALINA_OPTS. If you set both
CATALINA_OPTS and JAVA_OPTS, Tomcat will default to using the settings in CATALINA_OPTS.

If the machine is dedicated to DSpace a decent rule of thumb is to give tomcat half of the memory on your
machine. At a minimum, you should give Tomcat >= 512MB of memory for optimal DSpace operation. (
NOTE: As your DSpace instance gets larger in size, you may need to increase this number to the several GB
range.) The latest guidance is to also set -Xms to the same value as -Xmx for server applications such as

Give Tomcat More Java PermGen Memory

Java PermGen Memory Recommendations

At the time of writing, DSpace recommends you should give Tomcat >= 128MB of PermGen Space to
ensure optimal DSpace operation.

If you are seeing "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" errors, this is a sure sign that
Tomcat is running out PermGen Memory. (More info on PermGen Space:

To increase the amount of PermGen memory available to Tomcat (default=64MB), use either the JAVA_OPTS
or CATALINA_OPTS environment variable, e.g:

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The above example sets the maximum PermGen memory to 128MB.

Difference between JAVA_OPTS and CATALINA_OPTS

You can use either environment variable. JAVA_OPTS is also used by other Java programs (besides
just Tomcat). CATALINA_OPTS is only used by Tomcat. So, if you only want to tweak the memory
available to Tomcat, it is recommended that you use CATALINA_OPTS. If you set both
CATALINA_OPTS and JAVA_OPTS, Tomcat will default to using the settings in CATALINA_OPTS.

Please note that you can obviously set both Tomcat's Heap space and PermGen Space together
similar to:
CATALINA_OPTS=-Xmx512m -Xms512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

On an Ubuntu machine (10.04) at least, the file /etc/default/tomcat6 appears to be the best
place to put these environmental variables.

5.6.3 Choosing the size of memory spaces allocated to DSpace

psi-probe is a webapp that can be deployed in DSpace and be used to watch memory usage of the other
webapps deployed in the same instance of Tomcat (in our case, the DSpace webapps).

1. Download the latest version of psi-probe from

2. Unzip probe.war into [dspace]/webapps/

cd [dspace]/webapps/
unzip probe.war -d probe


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3. Add a Context element in Tomcat's configuration ( in or in ) and make it privileged (so that it can monitor
the other webapps):
EITHER in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml

<Context docBase="[dspace]/webapps/probe" privileged="true" path="/probe" />

OR in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/probe.xml

<Context docBase="[dspace]/webapps/probe" privileged="true" />

4. Edit $CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml to add a user for loggin into psi-probe (see more in

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

<user username="admin" password="t0psecret" roles="manager" />

5. Restart Tomcat
6. Open (edit domain and port number as necessary) in your browser
and use the username and password from tomcat-users.xml to log in.

In the " System Information " tab, go to the " Memory utilization " menu. Note how much memory Tomcat is
using upon startup and use a slightly higher value than that for the -Xms parameter (initial Java heap size).
Watch how big the various memory spaces get over time (hours or days), as you run various common DSpace
tasks that put load on memory, including indexing, reindexing, importing items into the oai index etc. These
maximum values will determine the -Xmx parameter (maximum Java heap size). Watching PS Perm Gen grow
over time will let you choose the value for the -XX:MaxPermSize parameter.

5.6.4 Give the Command Line Tools More Memory

Give the Command Line Tools More Java Heap Memory

Similar to Tomcat, you may also need to give the DSpace Java-based command-line tools more Java Heap
memory. If you are seeing "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" errors, when running a
command-line tool, this is a sure sign that it isn't being provided with enough Heap Memory.

By default, DSpace only provides 256MB of maximum heap memory to its command-line tools.

If you'd like to provide more memory to command-line tools, you can do so via the JAVA_OPTS environment
variable (which is used by the [dspace]/bin/dspace script). Again, it's the same syntax as above:

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JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx512m -Xms512m

This is especially useful for big batch jobs, which may require additional memory.

You can also edit the [dspace]/bin/dspace script and add the environmental variables to the
script directly.

Give the Command Line Tools More Java PermGen Space Memory
Similar to Tomcat, you may also need to give the DSpace Java-based command-line tools more PermGen
Space. If you are seeing "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" errors, when running a
command-line tool, this is a sure sign that it isn't being provided with enough PermGen Space.

By default, Java only provides 64MB of maximum PermGen space.

If you'd like to provide more PermGen Space to command-line tools, you can do so via the JAVA_OPTS
environment variable (which is used by the [dspace]/bin/dspace script). Again, it's the same syntax as


This is especially useful for big batch jobs, which may require additional memory.

Please note that you can obviously set both Java's Heap space and PermGen Space together similar
JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx512m -Xms512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

5.6.5 Give PostgreSQL Database More Memory

On many linux distros PostgreSQL comes out of the box with an incredibly conservative configuration - it uses
only 8Mb of memory! To put some more fire in its belly edit the shared_buffers parameter in postgresql.
conf. The memory usage is 8KB multiplied by this value. The advice in the Postgres docs is not to increase it
above 1/3 of the memory on your machine.

For More PostgreSQL Tips

For more hints/tips with PostgreSQL configurations and performance tuning, see also:

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5.6.6 SOLR Statistics Performance Tuning

This @mire article covers two different methods to enhance performance for the SOLR statistics, that are part
of DSpace 1.6 and newer versions.

Note that the Auto Commit method is already integrated in DSpace 1.7 and above.

5.7 Scheduled Tasks via Cron

Several DSpace features require that a script is run regularly (via cron, or similar). Some of these features

the e-mail subscription feature that alerts users of new items being deposited;
the 'media filter' tool, that generates thumbnails of images and extracts the full-text of documents for
the 'checksum checker' that tests the bitstreams in your repository for corruption;
the sitemap generator, which enhances the ability of major search engines to index your content and
make it findable;
the curation system queueing feature, which allows administrators to "queue" tasks (to run at a later
time) from the Admin UI;
and Discovery (search & browse), OAI-PMH and Usage Statistics all receive performance benefits from
regular re-optimization.

These regularly scheduled tasks should be setup via either cron (for Linux/Mac OSX) or Windows Task
Scheduler (for Windows).

5.7.1 Recommended Cron Settings

If you are on Linux or Mac OSX, you should add these cron settings under the OS account which is running
DSpace (or Tomcat). For example, login as that user and type the following to edit the user's crontab.

crontab -e

While every DSpace installation is unique, in order to get the most out of DSpace, we highly recommend
enabling these basic cron settings (the settings are described in the comments):

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## You obviously may wish to tweak this for your own installation,
## but this should give you an idea of what you likely wish to schedule via cron.
## NOTE: You may also need to add additional sysadmin related tasks to your crontab
## (e.g. zipping up old log files, or even removing old logs, etc).

# Full path of your local DSpace Installation (e.g. /home/dspace or /dspace or similar)
DSPACE = [dspace]

# Shell to use

# Add all major 'bin' directories to path


# Set JAVA_OPTS with defaults for DSpace Cron Jobs.

# Only provides 512MB of memory by default (which should be enough for most sites).
JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx512M -Xms512M -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"

# HOURLY TASKS (Recommended to be run multiple times per day, if possible)
# At a minimum these tasks should be run daily.

# Regenerate DSpace Sitemaps every 8 hours (12AM, 8AM, 4PM).

# SiteMaps ensure that your content is more findable in Google, Google Scholar, and other major
search engines.
0 0,8,16 * * * $DSPACE/bin/dspace generate-sitemaps > /dev/null

# (Recommended to be run once per day. Feel free to tweak the scheduled times below.)

# Update the OAI-PMH index with the newest content (and re-optimize that index) at midnight every
# (This ensures new content is available via OAI-PMH and ensures the OAI-PMH index is optimized for
better performance)
0 0 * * * $DSPACE/bin/dspace oai import -o > /dev/null

# Clean and Update the Discovery indexes at midnight every day

# (This ensures that any deleted documents are cleaned from the Discovery search/browse index)
0 0 * * * $DSPACE/bin/dspace index-discovery > /dev/null

# Re-Optimize the Discovery indexes at 12:30 every day

# (This ensures that the Discovery Solr Index is re-optimized for better performance)
30 0 * * * $DSPACE/bin/dspace index-discovery -o > /dev/null

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# run the index-authority script once a day at 12:45 to ensure the Solr Authority cache is up to
45 0 * * * $DSPACE/bin/dspace index-authority > /dev/null

# Cleanup Web Spiders from DSpace Statistics Solr Index at 01:00 every day
# (This removes any known web spiders from your usage statistics)
0 1 * * * $DSPACE/bin/dspace stats-util -i

# Re-Optimize DSpace Statistics Solr Index at 01:30 every day

# (This ensures that the Statistics Solr Index is re-optimized for better performance)
30 1 * * * $DSPACE/bin/dspace stats-util -o

# Send out subscription e-mails at 02:00 every day

# (This sends an email to any users who have "subscribed" to a Collection, notifying them of newly
added content.)
0 2 * * * $DSPACE/bin/dspace sub-daily

# Run the media filter at 03:00 every day.

# (This task ensures that thumbnails are generated for newly add images,
# and also ensures full text search is available for newly added PDF/Word/PPT/HTML documents)
0 3 * * * $DSPACE/bin/dspace filter-media

# Run any Curation Tasks queued from the Admin UI at 04:00 every day
# (Ensures that any curation task that an administrator "queued" from the Admin UI is executed
# asynchronously behind the scenes)
0 4 * * * $DSPACE/bin/dspace curate -q admin_ui

# (Recommended to be run once per week, but can be run more or less frequently, based on your
local needs/policies)
# Run the checksum checker at 04:00 every Sunday
# By default it runs through every file (-l) and also prunes old results (-p)
# (This re-verifies the checksums of all files stored in DSpace. If any files have been changed
/corrupted, checksums will differ.)
0 4 * * * $DSPACE/bin/dspace checker -l -p
# NOTE: LARGER SITES MAY WISH TO USE DIFFERENT OPTIONS. The above "-l" option tells DSpace to
check *everything*.
# If your site is very large, you may need to only check a portion of your content per week. The
below commented-out task
# would instead check all the content it can within *one hour*. The next week it would start again
where it left off.
#0 4 * * 0 $DSPACE/bin/dspace checker -d 1h -p

# Mail the results of the checksum checker (see above) to the configured "mail.admin" at 05:00
every Sunday.
# (This ensures the system administrator is notified whether any checksums were found to be
0 5 * * 0 $DSPACE/bin/dspace checker-emailer

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# (Recommended to be run once per month, but can be run more or less frequently, based on your
local needs/policies)
# Permanently delete any bitstreams flagged as "deleted" in DSpace, on the first of every month at
# (This ensures that any files which were deleted from DSpace are actually removed from your local
# By default they are just marked as deleted, but are not removed from the filesystem.)
0 1 1 * * $DSPACE/bin/dspace cleanup > /dev/null

# YEARLY TASKS (Recommended to be run once per year)
# At 2:00AM every January 1, "shard" the DSpace Statistics Solr index.
# This ensures each year has its own Solr index, which improves performance.
# NOTE: This is scheduled here for 2:00AM so that it happens *after* the daily cleaning & re-
optimization of this index.
0 2 1 1 * $DSPACE/bin/dspace stats-util -s

5.8 Search Engine Optimization

Please be aware that individual search engines also have their own guidelines and recommendations
for inclusion. While the guidelines below apply to most DSpace sites, you may also wish to review
these guidelines for specific search engines:

"Indexing Repositories: Pitfalls and Best Practices" talk from Anurag Acharya (co-creator of
Google Scholar) presented at the Open Repositories 2015 conference
Google Scholar Inclusion Guidelines
Bing Webmaster Guidelines

5.8.1 Ensuring your DSpace is indexed

Anyone who has analyzed traffic to their DSpace site (e.g. using Google Analytics or similar) will notice that a
significant (and in many cases a majority) of visitors arrive via a search engine such as Google or Yahoo.
Hence, to help maximize the impact of content and thus encourage further deposits, it is important to ensure
that your DSpace instance is indexed effectively.

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DSpace comes with tools that ensure major search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Google Scholar) are able to
easily and effectively index all your content. However, many of these tools provide some basic setup. Here's
how to ensure your site is indexed.

For the optimum indexing, you should:

1. Keep your DSpace up to date. We are constantly adding new indexing improvements in new releases
2. Ensure your DSpace is visible to search engines.
3. Enable the sitemaps feature this does not require e.g. registering with Google Webmaster tools.
4. Ensure your robots.txt allows access to item "splash" pages and full text.
5. Ensure item metadata appears in HTML headers correctly.
6. Avoid redirecting file downloads to Item landing pages
7. Turn OFF any generation of PDF cover pages
8. As an aside, it's worth noting that OAI-PMH is generally not useful to search engines. OAI-PMH has its
own uses, but do not expect search engines to use it.

Keep your DSpace up to date

We are constantly adding new indexing improvements to DSpace. In order to ensure your site gets all of these
improvements, you should strive to keep it up-to-date. For example:

As of DSpace 5.0, the DSpace robots.txt file now includes references to Sitemaps by default (see DS-
1936), and also blocks known bad bots (see DS-2335).
As of DSpace 4.0, DSpace has provided several enhancements, which were requested by the Google
Scholar team. These included providing users (and web indexers) a way to browse content by the date it
was added to DSpace (see DS-1482), ensuring the "" field is set more accurately (see DS-
1481), and enhancing the logic behind the "citation_pdf_url" HTML <meta> tag (see DS-1483)
As of DSpace 1.7, DSpace has improved how its Item-level metadata is made available to Google
Scholar. For the 1.7.0 release, the DSpace Developers worked directly with the Google Scholar
developers, to ensure DSpace is generating the "citation_*" HTML "<meta>" tags (i.e. Highwire Press
tags) that Google Scholar recommends in their Indexing Guidelines.
As of DSpace 1.5, DSpace has support for sitemaps (both simple HTML pages of links, as well as the protocol). It also includes item metadata in the HTML HEAD element of item display pages,
ensuring that the metadata can be effectively indexed no matter what changes you might have made to
your DSpace's layout or style.
As of DSpace 1.4, DSpace has support for the "if-modified-since" HTTP header. This basically means
that if an item (or bitstream therein) has not changed since the last time a search engine's crawler
indexed it, that item/bitstream does not have to be re-retrieved, sparing your server.

Additional minor improvements / bug fixes have been made to more recent releases of DSpace.

Ensure your DSpace is visible to search engines

First ensure your DSpace instance is visible, e.g. with:

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If your site is not indexed at all, all search engines have a way to add your URL, e.g.:


Enable the sitemaps feature

DSpace provides a sitemap feature that we highly recommend you enable to ensure proper indexing.
Sitemaps allow DSpace to expose its content in a way that makes it easily accessible to search engine
crawlers. Sitemaps also help ensure that crawlers do NOT have to visit every page in your DSpace (which
means the crawlers can get in and get out quickly, without taxing your site). Without sitemaps, search engine
indexing activity may impose significant loads on your repository.

HTML sitemaps provide a list of all items, collections and communities in HTML format, whilst Google sitemaps
provide the same information in gzipped XML format.

To enable sitemaps, all you need to do is run [dspace]/bin/dspace generate-sitemaps once a day.

Just set up a cron job (or scheduled task in Windows), e.g. (cron):

# Regenerate sitemaps at 6:00 AM local time each morning

0 6 * * * [dspace]/bin/dspace generate-sitemaps

Once you've enabled your sitemaps, they will be accessible at the following URLs:

XML Sitemaps / syntax: [dspace.url]/sitemap

HTML Sitemaps: [dspace.url]/htmlmap

So, for example, if your "dspace.url =" in your "dspace.cfg" configuration file, then the
HTML Sitemaps would be at: ""

The generate-sitemaps command

This command accepts several options:

Option meaning

-h Explain the arguments and options.


-s Do not generate a sitemap in format.


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Option meaning

-b Do not generate a sitemap in htmlmap format.


-a Notify all configured search engines that new sitemaps are available.


-p URL Notify the given URL that new sitemaps are available. The URL of the new sitemap will be
appended to the value of URL.
--ping URL

You can configure the list of "all search engines" by setting the value of sitemap.engineurls in dspace.

Make your sitemap discoverable to search engines

Even if you've enabled your sitemaps, search engines may not be able to find them unless you provide them
with a link. There are two main ways to notify a search engine of your sitemaps:

1. Provide a hidden link to the sitemaps in your DSpace's homepage. If you've customized your site's
look and feel (as most have), ensure that there is a link to /htmlmap in your DSpace's front or home
page. By default, both the JSPUI and XMLUI provide this link in the footer:

<a href="/htmlmap"></a>

2. Announce your sitemap in your robots.txt. Most major search engines will also automatically discover
your sitemap if you announce it in your robots.txt file. By default, both the JSPUI and XMLUI provide
these references in their robots.txt file. For example:

# The FULL URL to the DSpace sitemaps

# XML sitemap is listed first as it is preferred by most search engines
# Make sure to replace "[dspace.url]" with the value of your 'dspace.url' setting in your
dspace.cfg file.
Sitemap: [dspace.url]/sitemap
Sitemap: [dspace.url]/htmlmap

a. These "Sitemap:" lines can be placed anywhere in your robots.txt file. You can also specify
multiple "Sitemap:" lines, so that search engines can locate both formats. For more information,
b. Be sure to include the FULL URL in the "Sitemap:" line. Relative paths are not supported.

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Search engines will now look at your XML and HTML sitemaps, which serve pre-generated (and thus served
with minimal impact on your hardware) XML or HTML files linking directly to items, collections and communities
in your DSpace instance. Crawlers will not have to work their way through any browse screens, which are
intended more for human consumption, and more expensive for the server.

Create a good robots.txt

The trick here is to minimize load on your server, but without actually blocking anything vital for indexing.
Search engines need to be able to index item, collection and community pages, and all bitstreams within items
full-text access is critically important for effective indexing, e.g. for citation analysis as well as the usual
keyword searching.

If you have restricted content on your site, search engines will not be able to access it; they access all pages as
an anonymous user.

Ensure that your robots.txt file is at the top level of your site: i.e. at, and NOT e.g. If your DSpace instance is served from e.g.,
you'll need to add /dspace to all the paths in the examples below (e.g. /dspace/browse-subject).


Some URLs can be disallowed without negative impact, but be ABSOLUTELY SURE the following URLs can be
reached by crawlers, i.e. DO NOT put these on Disallow: lines, or your DSpace instance might not be indexed

/*/browse-date (UNLESS USING SITEMAPS)
/community-list (UNLESS USING SITEMAPS)

Example good robots.txt

Below is an example good robots.txt. The highly recommended settings are uncommented. Additional, optional
settings are displayed in comments based on your local configuration you may wish to enable them by
uncommenting the corresponding "Disallow:" line.

# The FULL URL to the DSpace sitemaps

# XML sitemap is listed first as it is preferred by most search engines
# Make sure to replace "[dspace.url]" with the value of your 'dspace.url' setting in your dspace.
cfg file.
Sitemap: [dspace.url]/sitemap

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Sitemap: [dspace.url]/htmlmap

# Default Access Group
# (NOTE: blank lines are not allowable in a group record)
User-agent: *
# Disable access to Discovery search and filters
Disallow: /discover
Disallow: /search-filter
# For JSPUI, replace "/search-filter" above with "/simple-search"
# Optionally uncomment the following line ONLY if sitemaps are working
# and you have verified that your site is being indexed correctly.
# Disallow: /browse
# If you have configured DSpace (Solr-based) Statistics to be publicly
# accessible, then you may not want this content to be indexed
# Disallow: /statistics
# You also may wish to disallow access to the following paths, in order
# to stop web spiders from accessing user-based content
# Disallow: /contact
# Disallow: /feedback
# Disallow: /forgot
# Disallow: /login
# Disallow: /register

WARNING: for your additional disallow statements to be recognized under the User-agent: * group, they
cannot be separated by white lines from the declared user-agent: * block. A white line indicates the start of
a new user agent block. Without a leading user-agent declaration on the first line, blocks are ignored. Comment
lines are allowed and will not break the user-agent block.

This is OK:

User-agent: *
# Disable access to Discovery search and filters
Disallow: /discover
Disallow: /search-filter
Disallow: /statistics
Disallow: /contact

This is not OK, as the two lines at the bottom will be completely ignored.

User-agent: *
# Disable access to Discovery search and filters
Disallow: /discover
Disallow: /search-filter

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Disallow: /statistics
Disallow: /contact

To identify if a specific user agent has access to a particular URL, you can use this handy robots.txt tester.

For more information on the robots.txt format, please see the Google Robots.txt documentation.

Ensure Item Metadata appears in the HTML HEAD

It's possible to greatly customize the look and feel of your DSpace, which makes it harder for search engines,
and other tools and services such as Zotero, Connotea and SIMILE Piggy Bank, to correctly pick out item
metadata fields. To address this, DSpace (both XMLUI and JSPUI) includes item metadata in the <head>
element of each item's HTML display page.

<meta name="DC.type" content="Article" />

<meta name="DCTERMS.contributor" content="Tansley, Robert" />

If you have heavily customized your metadata fields away from Dublin Core, you can modify the crosswalk that
generates these elements by modifying [dspace]/config/crosswalks/

Google Scholar Metadata in HTML HEAD

In addition to Dublin Core <meta> tags in the HTML HEAD, DSpace also includes Google Scholar specific
metadata fields in each item's HTML display page.

<meta content="Tansley, Robert; Donohue, Timothy" name="citation_authors" />

<meta content="Ensuring your DSpace is indexed" name="citation_title" />

These meta tags are the "Highwire Press tags" which Google Scholar recommends. If you have heavily
customized your metadata fields, or wish to change the default "mappings" to these Highwire Press tags, they
are configurable in [dspace]/config/crosswalks/

Much more information is available in the Configuration section on Google Scholar Metadata Mappings.

Avoid redirecting file downloads to Item landing pages

Make sure that you never redirect "direct file downloads" (i.e. users who directly jump to downloading a file,
often from a search engine) to the associated Item's splash/landing page. In the past, some DSpace sites have
added these custom URL redirects in order to facilitate capturing statistics via Google Analytics or similar.

While these URL redirects may seem harmless, they may be flagged as cloaking or spam by Google, Google
Scholar and other major search engines. This may hurt your site's search engine ranking or even cause your
entire site to be flagged for removal from the search engine.

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If you have these URL redirects in place, it is highly recommended to remove them immediately. If you created
these redirects to facilitate capturing download statistics in Google Analytics, you should consider upgrading to
DSpace 5.0 or above, which is able to automatically record bitstream downloads in Google Analytics (see DS-
2088) without the need for any URL redirects.

Turn OFF any generation of PDF cover pages

While DSpace offers a PDF Citation Cover Page option, this option may affect your content's visibility in search
engines like Google Scholar. Google Scholar (and possibly other search engines) specifically extracts metadata
by analyzing the contents of the first page of a PDF. Dynamically inserting a custom cover page can break the
metadata extraction techniques of Google Scholar and may result in all or much of your site being dropped from
the Google Scholar search engine.

For more information, please see the "Indexing Repositories: Pitfalls and Best Practices" talk from Anurag
Acharya (co-creator of Google Scholar) presented at the Open Repositories 2015 conference.

In general, OAI-PMH is not useful to Search Engines

Feel free to support OAI-PMH, but be aware that in general it is not useful for search engines:

No reliable way to determine OAI-PMH base URL for a DSpace site.

No standard or predictable way to get to item display page or full text from an OAI-PMH record, making
effective indexing and presenting meaningful results difficult.
In most cases provides only access to simple Dublin Core, a subset of available metadata.
NOTE: Back in 2008, Google officially announced they were retiring support for OAI-PMH based
Sitemaps. So, OAI-PMH will no longer help you get better indexing through Google. Instead, you should
be using the DSpace 'generate-sitemaps' feature described above.

5.8.2 Google Scholar Metadata Mappings

Google Scholar, in crawling sites, prefers Highwire Press tags. This schema contains names which are all
prefixed by the string "citation_", and provide various metadata about the article/item being indexed.

As of DSpace 1.7, there is a mapping facility to connect metadata fields with these citation fields in HTML. In
order to enable this functionality, the switch needs to be flipped in dspace.cfg:

google-metadata.enable = true

Once the feature is enabled, the mapping is configured by a separate configuration file located here:

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Please, note that the file location changed between DSpace 1.7 and 1.8. It's now in the "crosswalks"
directory, so check that the google-metadata.config configuration property points to the right file:

google-metadata.config = ${dspace.dir}/config/crosswalks/google-metadata.

This file contains name/value pairs linking meta-tags with DSpace metadata fields. E.g

google.citation_title = dc.title
google.citation_publisher = dc.publisher
google.citation_author = | | dc.creator

There is further documentation in this configuration file explaining proper syntax in specifying which metadata
fields to use. If a value is omitted for a meta-tag field, the meta-tag is simply not included in the HTML output.

The values for each item are interpolated when the item is viewed, and the appropriate meta-tags are included
in the HTML head tag, on both the Brief Item Display and the Full Item Display. This is implemented in the

Note: In DSpace 5, the field google.citation_authors was changed to google.citation_author.

5.9 Troubleshooting Information

You can quickly get some basic information about the DSpace version and the products supporting it by using
the [dspace]/bin/dspace version command.

$ bin/dspace version
DSpace version: 4.0-SNAPSHOT
SCM revision: da53991b6b7e9f86c2a7f5292e3c2e9606f9f44c
OS: Linux(amd64) version 3.7.10-gentoo
Discovery enabled.
Lucene search enabled.
JRE: Oracle Corporation version 1.7.0_21
Ant version: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.8.4 compiled on June 25 2012
Maven version: 3.0.4
DSpace home: /home/dspace

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5.10 Validating CheckSums of Bitstreams

Checksum Checker
Checker Execution Mode
Checker Results Pruning
Checker Reporting
Cron or Automatic Execution of Checksum Checker
Automated Checksum Checkers' Results

5.10.1 Checksum Checker

Checksum Checker is program that can run to verify the checksum of every item within DSpace. Checksum
Checker was designed with the idea that most System Administrators will run it from the cron. Depending on the
size of the repository choose the options wisely.

Command used: [dspace]/bin/dspace checker

Java class:

Arguments short and (long) Description


-L or --continuous Loop continuously through the bitstreams

-a or --handle Specify a handle to check

-b <bitstream-ids> Space separated list of bitstream IDs

-c or --count Check count

-d or --duration Checking duration

-h or --help Calls online help

-l or --looping Loop once through bitstreams

-p <prune> Prune old results (optionally using specified properties file for

-v or --verbose Report all processing

There are three aspects of the Checksum Checker's operation that can be configured:

the execution mode

the logging output

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the policy for removing old checksum results from the database
The user should refer to Chapter 5. Configuration for specific configuration beys in the dspace.cfg file.

Checker Execution Mode

Execution mode can be configured using command line options. Information on the options are found in the
previous table above. The different modes are described below.

Unless a particular bitstream or handle is specified, the Checksum Checker will always check bitstreams in
order of the least recently checked bitstream. (Note that this means that the most recently ingested bitstreams
will be the last ones checked by the Checksum Checker.)

Available command line options

Limited-count mode: [dspace]/bin/dspace checker -c To check a specific number of

bitstreams. The -c option if followed by an integer, the number of bitstreams to check. Example: [dspace
/bin/dspace checker -c 10 This is particularly useful for checking that the checker is executing
properly. The Checksum Checker's default execution mode is to check a single bitstream, as if the option
was -c 1
Duration mode: [dspace]/bin/dspace checker -d To run the Check for a specific period of time
with a time argument. You may use any of the time arguments below: Example: [dspace/bin
/dspace checker -d 2h(Checker will run for 2 hours)

s Seconds

m Minutes

h Hours

d Days

w Weeks

y Years

The checker will keep starting new bitstream checks for the specific durations, so actual execution
duration will be slightly longer than the specified duration. Bear this in mind when scheduling checks.
Specific Bitstream mode: [dspace]/bin/dspace checker -b Checker will only look at the
internal bitstream IDs. Example: [dspace]/bin/dspace checker -b 112 113 4567 Checker will
only check bitstream IDs 112, 113 and 4567.
Specific Handle mode: [dspace]/bin/dspace checker -a Checker will only check bitstreams
within the Community, Community or the item itself. Example: [dspace]/bin/dspace checker -a
123456/999 Checker will only check this handle. If it is a Collection or Community, it will run through the
entire Collection or Community.
Looping mode: [dspace]/bin/dspace checker -l or [dspace]/bin/dspace checker -L
There are two modes. The lowercase 'el' (-l) specifies to check every bitstream in the repository once.

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This is recommended for smaller repositories who are able to loop through all their content in just a few
hours maximum. An uppercase 'L' (-L) specifies to continuously loops through the repository. This is not
recommended for most repository systems. Cron Jobs. For large repositories that cannot be completely
checked in a couple of hours, we recommend the -d option in cron.
Pruning mode: [dspace]/bin/dspace checker -p The Checksum Checker will store the result of
every check in the checksum_history table. By default, successful checksum matches that are eight
weeks old or older will be deleted when the -p option is used. (Unsuccessful ones will be retained
indefinitely). Without this option, the retention settings are ignored and the database table may grow
rather large!

Checker Results Pruning

As stated above in "Pruning mode", the checksum_history table can get rather large, and that running the
checker with the -p assists in the size of the checksum_history being kept manageable. The amount of time for
which results are retained in the checksum_history table can be modified by one of two methods:

1. Editing the retention policies in [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg See Chapter 5 Configuration for the
property keys. OR
2. Pass in a properties file containing retention policies when using the -p option.To do this, create a file
with the following two property keys:

checker.retention.default = 10y
checker.retention.CHECKSUM_MATCH = 8w

You can use the table above for your time units. At the command line: [dspace]/bin/dspace
checker -p retention_file_name <ENTER>

Checker Reporting
Checksum Checker uses log4j to report its results. By default it will report to a log called [dspace]/log
/checker.log, and it will report only on bitstreams for which the newly calculated checksum does not match
the stored checksum. To report on all bitstreams checked regardless of outcome, use the -v (verbose)
command line option:

[dspace]/bin/dspace checker -l -v (This will loop through the repository once and report in detail
about every bitstream checked.

To change the location of the log, or to modify the prefix used on each line of output, edit the [dspace]
/config/templates/ file and run [dspace]/bin/install_configs.

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Cron or Automatic Execution of Checksum Checker

You should schedule the Checksum Checker to run automatically, based on how frequently you backup your
DSpace instance (and how long you keep those backups). The size of your repository is also a factor. For very
large repositories, you may need to schedule it to run for an hour (e.g. -d 1h option) each evening to ensure it
makes it through your entire repository within a week or so. Smaller repositories can likely get by with just
running it weekly.

Unix, Linux, or MAC OS. You can schedule it by adding a cron entry similar to the following to the crontab for
the user who installed DSpace:

0 4 * * 0 [dspace]/bin/dspace checker -d2h -p

The above cron entry would schedule the checker to run the checker every Sunday at 400 (4:00 a.m.) for 2
hours. It also specifies to 'prune' the database based on the retention settings in dspace.cfg.

Windows OS. You will be unable to use the checker shell script. Instead, you should use Windows Schedule
Tasks to schedule the following command to run at the appropriate times:

[dspace]/bin/dspace checker -d2h -p

(This command should appear on a single line).

Automated Checksum Checkers' Results

Optionally, you may choose to receive automated emails listing the Checksum Checkers' results to the email
address specified in the mail.admin configuration property. Schedule it to run after the Checksum Checker
has completed its processing (otherwise the email may not contain all the results). As of DSpace 4.1, an email
is only generated if the selected report contains at least one bitstream needing attention.

Command used: [dspace]/bin/dspace checker-emailer

Java class: org.dspace.checker.DailyReportEmailer

Arguments short and (long) Description


-a or --All Send all the results (everything specified below)

-d or --Deleted Send E-mail report for all bitstreams set as deleted for today.

-m or --Missing Send E-mail report for all bitstreams not found in assetstore for today.

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-c or --Changed Send E-mail report for all bitstreams where checksum has been changed
for today.

-u or --Unchanged Send the Unchecked bitstream report.

-n or --Not Processed Send E-mail report for all bitstreams set to longer be processed for today.

-h or --help Help

You can also combine options (e.g. -m -c) for combined reports.

Cron. Follow the same steps above as you would running checker in cron. Change the time but match the
regularity. Remember to schedule this after Checksum Checker has run. For an example cron setup, see
Scheduled Tasks via Cron.

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6 DSpace Development
This section contains information on how to modify, extend and customize the DSpace source code.

6.1 Advanced Customisation

It is anticipated that the customisation features described in the JSPUI and XMLUI customisation sections will
be sufficient to satisfy the needs of the majority of users, however, some users may want to customise DSpace
further, or just have a greater understanding of how to do so.

Additions module
Maven WAR Overlays
DSpace Source Release

6.1.1 Additions module

This module was added in DSpace 3.0 and should be used to store dspace-api changes, custom plugins, ...
Classes placed in [dspace-source]/dspace/modules/additions will override those located in the
dspace-api. This module will be used for all the webapps located in the [dspace-source]/dspace/modules
directory and in the command line interface. It is recommended to place all dspace-api changes in this
module so the changes made are contained in a single module, making it easier to get an overview of changes

6.1.2 Maven WAR Overlays

Much of the customisation described in the JSPUI and XMLUI customisation sections is based on Maven WAR
Overlays. In short, any classes or files placed in [dspace-source]/dspace/modules/* will be overlayed
onto the selected WAR. This includes both new and amended files.

For more details on Maven WAR Overlays and how they relate to DSpace, see this presentation from Fall 2009:
Making DSpace XMLUI Your Own
(Please note that this presentation was made for DSpace 1.5.x and 1.6.x, but much of it still applies to current
versions of DSpace.)

6.1.3 DSpace Source Release

If you have downloaded the 'dspace-src-release' (or checked out the latest DSpace Code via GitHub), there are
two main build options that are available to you:

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1. Full Build: Running mvn package from the root [dspace-source]directory

This option will rebuild all DSpace modules from their Java Source code, then apply any Maven
WAR Overlays. In other words, all subdirectories of [dspace-source] are recompiled/rebuilt.
2. Quick Build: Running mvn package from the [dspace-source]/dspace/directory
This option performs a "quick build". It does not recompile/rebuild all DSpace modules. All it does
is rebuild and re-apply any Maven WAR Overlays to the previously compiled source code. In other
words, the ONLY code that will be recompiled/rebuilt is code that exists in [dspace-source]
/dspace/modules/* (the Maven WAR Overlay directories)

Which build option you need to use will depend on your local development practices. If you have been careful to
utilize Maven WAR Overlays for your local code/changes (putting everything under [dspace-source]
/dspace/modules/*), then the Quick Build option may be the best way for you to recompile & reapply your
local modifications. However, if you have made direct changes to code within a subdirectory of [dspace-
source] (e.g. /dspace-api, /dspace-xmlui, /dspace-jspui, etc.) then you will need to utilize the Full
Build option in order to ensure those modifications are included in the final WAR files.

6.1.4 DSpace Service Manager

Configuring Addons to Support Spring Services
Configuration Priorities
Configuring a new Addon
Addon located as resource in jar
Addon located in the [dspace]/config/spring directory
The Core Spring Configuration
Utilizing Autowiring to minimize configuration complexity.
Accessing the Services Via Service Locator / Java Code
Architectural Overview
Service Manager Startup in Webapplications and CLI

The DSpace Spring Service Manager supports overriding configuration at many levels.


Configuring Addons to Support Spring Services

Configuring Addons to support Spring happens at two levels. Default Spring configuration is available in the
DSpace JAR or WAR resources directory and allows the addon developer to inject configuration into the service

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manager at load time. The second level is in the deployed [dspace]/config/spring directory where configurations
can be provided on a addon module by addon module basis.

This latter method requires the addon to implement a SpringLoader to identify the location to look for Spring
configuration and a place configuration files into that location. This can be seen inside the current [dspace-

Configuration Priorities
The ordering of the loading of Spring configuration is the following:

1. configPath = "spring/spring-dspace-applicationContext.xml" relative to the current classpath

2. addonResourcePath = "classpath*:spring/spring-dspace-addon-*-services.xml" relative to the current
3. coreResourcePath = "classpath*:spring/spring-dspace-core-services.xml" relative to the current
4. Finally, an array of SpringLoader API implementations that are checked to verify "config/spring/module"
can actually be loaded by its existence on the classpath. The configuration of these SpringLoader API
classes can be found in dspace.dir/config/modules/spring.cfg.

Configuring a new Addon

There are 2 ways to create a new Spring addon: a new Spring file can be located in the resources directory or
in the configuration [dspace]/config/spring directory. A Spring file can also be located in both of these locations
but the configuration directory gets preference and will override any configurations located in the resources

Addon located as resource in jar

In the resources directory of a certain module, a Spring file can be added if it matches the following pattern:
"spring/spring-dspace-addon-*-services.xml". An example of this can be found in the dspace-discovery-solr
block in the DSpace trunk. (spring-dspace-addon-discovery-services.xml)
Wherever this jar is loaded (JSPUI module, XMLUI module, DSpace command line, ...) the Spring files will be
processed into services.
Addon located in the [dspace]/config/spring directory
This directory has the following subdirectories in which Spring files can be placed:

api: when placed in this module the Spring files will always be processed into services (since all of the
DSpace modules are dependent on the API).
discovery: when placed in this module the Spring files will only be processed when the discovery library
is present (in the case of discovery in the xmlui & in the command line interface).
jspui: only processed for the JSPUI.
xmlui: only processed for the XMLUI (example: the configurable workflow).

The reason why there is a separate directory is that if a service cannot be loaded, which would the case for the
configurable workflow (the JSPUI would not be able to retrieve the XMLUI interface classes), the kernel will
crash and DSpace will not start.

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Configuring an additional subdirectory for a custom module

So you need to indeed create a new directory in [dspace]/config/spring. Next you need to create a class that
inherits from the "org.dspace.kernel.config.SpringLoader". This class only contains one method named
getResourcePaths(). What we do now at the moment is implement this in the following manner:

public String[] getResourcePaths(ConfigurationService configurationService) {
StringBuffer filePath = new StringBuffer();
filePath.append("{}"); //Fill in the module name in this string
try {

//By adding the XML_SUFFIX here it doesn't matter if there should be some kind of spring.
xml.old file in there it will only load in the active ones.
return new String[]{new File(filePath.toString()).toURI().toURL().toString() +
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
return new String[0];

After the class has been created you will also need to add it to the "spring.springloader.modules" property
located in the [dspace]/config/modules/spring.cfg.
The Spring service manager will check this property to ensure that only the interface implementations which it
can find the class for are loaded in.

By doing this way we give some flexibility to the developers so that they can always create their own Spring
modules and then Spring will not crash when it can't find a certain class.

The Core Spring Configuration

Utilizing Autowiring to minimize configuration complexity.

Please see the following tutorials:

DSpace Spring Services Tutorial

The TAO of DSpace Services

Accessing the Services Via Service Locator / Java Code

Please see the following tutorials:

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DSpace Spring Services Tutorial

The TAO of DSpace Services

Architectural Overview
Please see Architectural Overview here: DSpace Services Framework

Service Manager Startup in Webapplications and CLI

Please see the DSpace Services Framework

Several good Spring / DSpace Services Tutorials are already available:

DSpace Spring Services Tutorial

The TAO of DSpace Services


What is DSpace REST API
Installing the REST API
Disabling SSL
REST Endpoints
Index / Authentication
Schema and Metadata Field Registry
Report Tools
Model - Object data types
Introduction to Jersey for developers
Configuration for DSpace REST
Recording Proxy Access by Tools
Additional Information

6.2.1 What is DSpace REST API

The REST API module provides a programmatic interface to DSpace Communities, Collections, Items, and

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DSpace 4 introduced the initial REST API, which did not allow for authentication, and provided only READ-
ONLY access to publicly accessible Communities, Collections, Items, and Bitstreams. DSpace 5 builds off of
this and allows authentication to access restricted content, as well as allowing Create, Edit and Delete on the
DSpace Objects. DSpace 5 REST API also provides improved pagination over resources and searching. There
has been a minor drift between the DSpace 4 REST API and the DSpace 5 REST API, so client applications will
need to be targeted per version.

Installing the REST API

The REST API deploys as a standard webapp for your servlet container / tomcat. For example, depending on
how you deploy webapps, one way would be to alter tomcat-home/conf/server.xml and add:

<Context path="/rest" docBase="/dspace/webapps/rest" />

In DSpace 4, the initial/official Jersey-based REST API was added to DSpace. The DSpace 4 REST API
provides READ-ONLY access to DSpace Objects.

In DSpace 5, the REST API adds authentication, allows Creation, Update, and Delete to objects, can access
restricted materials if authorized, and it requires SSL.

Disabling SSL
For localhost development purposes, SSL can add additional getting-started difficulty, so security can be
disabled. To disable DSpace REST's requirement to require security/ssl, alter [dspace]/webapps/rest
/WEB-INF/web.xml or [dspace-source]/dspace-rest/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml and
comment out the <security-constraint> block, and restart your servlet container. Production usages of
the REST API should use SSL, as authentication credentials should not go over the internet unencrypted.

REST Endpoints
The REST API is modeled after the DSpace Objects of Communities, Collections, Items, and Bitstreams. The
API is not a straight database schema dump of these entities, but provides some wrapping that makes it easy to
follow relationships in the API output.

HTTP Header: Accept

Note: You must set your request header's "Accept" property to either JSON (application/json) or XML
(application/xml) depending on the format you prefer to work with.

Example usage from command line in XML format with pretty printing:

curl -s -H "Accept: application/xml" http://localhost:8080/rest/communities | xmllint --format -

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Example usage from command line in JSON format with pretty printing:

curl -s -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8080/rest/communities | python -m json.tool

For this documentation, we will assume that the URL to the "REST" webapp will be http://localhost:8080/rest/
for production systems, this address will be slightly different, such as: The path to
an endpoint, will go after the /rest/, such as /rest/communities, all-together this is: http://localhost:8080/rest

Another thing to note is that there are Query Parameters that you can tack on to the end of an endpoint to do
extra things. The most commonly used one in this API is "?expand". Instead of every API call defaulting to
giving you every possible piece of information about it, it only gives a most commonly used set by default and
gives the more "expensive" information when you deliberately request it. Each endpoint will provide a list of
available expands in the output, but for getting started, you can start with ?expand=all, to make the endpoint
provide all of its information (parent objects, metadata, child objects). You can include multiple expands, such
as: ?expand=collections,subCommunities .

Index / Authentication

REST API Authentication has changed in DSpace 6.x. It now uses a JSESSIONID cookie (see below).
The previous (5.x) authentication scheme using a rest-dspace-token is no longer supported.

Method Endpoint Description

GET / REST API static documentation page

POST /login Login to the REST API using a DSpace EPerson (user). It returns a JSESSIONID
cookie, that can be used for future authenticated requests.

Example Request:

# Can use either POST or GET (POST recommended). Must pass the parameters "e
mail" and "password".
curl -v -X POST --data "" https://dspa

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=6B98CF8648BCE57DCD99689FE77CB1B8; Path=/rest/;
Secure; HttpOnly

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Method Endpoint Description

Example of using JSESSIONID cookie for subsequent (authenticated) requests:

curl -v --cookie "JSESSIONID=6B98CF8648BCE57DCD99689FE77CB1B8" https://dspac
# This should return <authenticated>true</authenticated>, and information
about the authenticated user session

Invalid email/password combinations will receive an HTTP 401 Unauthorized


Please note, special characters need to be HTTP URL encoded.

For example, an email address like (notice the +
special character) would need to be encoded as

POST /logout Logout from the REST API, by providing a JSESSIONID cookie. After being posted
this cookie will no longer work.

Example Request:

curl -v -X POST --cookie "JSESSIONID=6B98CF8648BCE57DCD99689FE77CB1B8"

After posting a logout request, cookie is invalidated and the "/status" path should show
you as unauthenticated (even when passing that same cookie). For example:

curl -v --cookie "JSESSIONID=6B98CF8648BCE57DCD99689FE77CB1B8" https://dspac
# This should show <authenticated>false</authenticated>

Invalid token will result in HTTP 400 Invalid Request

GET /test Returns string "REST api is running", for testing that the API is up.

Example Request:


Example Response:

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Method Endpoint Description

REST api is running.

GET /status Receive information about the currently authenticated user token, or the API itself (e.g.
version information).

Example Request (XML by default):

curl -v --cookie "JSESSIONID=6B98CF8648BCE57DCD99689FE77CB1B8" https://dspac

Example Request (JSON):

curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" --cookie "JSESSIONID=6B98CF8648BCE57DC


Example JSON Response:

"fullname":"DSpace Administrator",

Communities in DSpace are used for organization and hierarchy, and are containers that hold sub-Communities
and Collections. (ex: Department of Engineering)

GET /communities - Returns array of all communities in DSpace.

GET /communities/top-communities - Returns array of all top communities in DSpace.
GET /communities/{communityId} - Returns community.
GET /communities/{communityId}/collections - Returns array of collections of community.
GET /communities/{communityId}/communities - Returns array of subcommunities of community.
POST /communities - Create new community at top level. You must post community.
POST /communities/{communityId}/collections - Create new collections in community. You must post

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POST /communities/{communityId}/communities - Create new subcommunity in community. You must

post Community.
PUT /communities/{communityId} - Update community. You must put Community
DELETE /communities/{communityId} - Delete community.
DELETE /communities/{communityId}/collections/{collectionId} - Delete collection in community.
DELETE /communities/{communityId}/communities/{communityId2} - Delete subcommunity in

Collections in DSpace are containers of Items. (ex: Engineering Faculty Publications)

GET /collections - Return all collections of DSpace in array.

GET /collections/{collectionId} - Return collection with id.
GET /collections/{collectionId}/items - Return all items of collection.
POST /collections/{collectionId}/items - Create posted item in collection. You must post an Item
POST /collections/find-collection - Find collection by passed name.
PUT /collections/{collectionId} - Update collection. You must put Collection.
DELETE /collections/{collectionId} - Delete collection from DSpace.
DELETE /collections/{collectionId}/items/{itemId} - Delete item in collection.

Items in DSpace represent a "work" and combine metadata and files, known as Bitstreams.

GET /items - Return list of items.

GET /items/{item id} - Return item.
GET /items/{item id}/metadata - Return item metadata.
GET /items/{item id}/bitstreams - Return item bitstreams.
POST /items/find-by-metadata-field - Find items by metadata entry. You must post a MetadataEntry.
POST /items/{item id}/metadata - Add metadata to item. You must post an array of MetadataEntry.
POST /items/{item id}/bitstreams - Add bitstream to item. You must post a Bitstream.
PUT /items/{item id}/metadata - Update metadata in item. You must put a MetadataEntry.
DELETE /items/{item id} - Delete item.
DELETE /items/{item id}/metadata - Clear item metadata.
DELETE /items/{item id}/bitstreams/{bitstream id} - Delete item bitstream.

Bitstreams are files. They have a filename, size (in bytes), and a file format. Typically in DSpace, the Bitstream
will the "full text" article, or some other media. Some files are the actual file that was uploaded (tagged with
bundleName:ORIGINAL), others are DSpace-generated files that are derivatives or renditions, such as text-
extraction, or thumbnails. You can download files/bitstreams. DSpace doesn't really limit the type of files that it
takes in, so this could be PDF, JPG, audio, video, zip, or other. Also, the logo for a Collection or a Community,
is also a Bitstream.

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GET /bitstreams - Return all bitstreams in DSpace.

GET /bitstreams/{bitstream id} - Return bitstream.
GET /bitstreams/{bitstream id}/policy - Return bitstream policies.
GET /bitstreams/{bitstream id}/retrieve - Return data of bitstream.
POST /bitstreams/{bitstream id}/policy - Add policy to item. You must post a ResourcePolicy
PUT /bitstreams/{bitstream id}/data - Update data/file of bitstream. You must put the data
PUT /bitstreams/{bitstream id} - Update metadata of bitstream. You must put a Bitstream, does not alter
the file/data
DELETE /bitstreams/{bitstream id} - Delete bitstream from DSpace.
DELETE /bitstreams/{bitstream id}/policy/{policy_id} - Delete bitstream policy.

You can access the parent object of a Bitstream (normally an Item, but possibly a Collection or Community
when it is its logo) through: /bitstreams/:bitstreamID?expand=parent

As the documentation may state "You must post a ResourcePolicy" or some other object type, this means that
there is a structure of data types, that your XML or JSON must be of type, when it is posted in the body.

In DSpace, Communities, Collections, and Items typically get minted a Handle Identifier. You can reference
these objects in the REST API by their handle, as opposed to having to use the internal item-ID.

GET /handle/{handle-prefix}/{handle-suffix} - Returns a Community, Collection, or Item object that

matches that handle.

Assembling a full representation of the community and collection hierarchy using the communities and
collections endpoints can be inefficient. Retrieve a lightweight representation of the nested community and
collection hierarchy. Each node of the hierarchy contains minimal information (id, handle, name).

GET /hierarchy - Retrieve a lightweight representation of the nested community and collection hierarchy.

Schema and Metadata Field Registry

GET /registries/schema - Return the list of schemas in the registry

GET /registries/schema/{schema_prefix} - Returns the specified schema

GET /registries/schema/{schema_prefix}/metadata-fields/{element} - Returns the metadata field within a

schema with an unqualified element name

GET /registries/schema/{schema_prefix}/metadata-fields/{element}/{qualifier} - Returns the metadata

field within a schema with a qualified element name

POST /registries/schema/ - Add a schema to the schema registry

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POST /registries/schema/{schema_prefix}/metadata-fields - Add a metadata field to the specified


GET /registries/metadata-fields/{field_id} - Return the specified metadata field

PUT /registries/metadata-fields/{field_id} - Update the specified metadata field

DELETE /registries/metadata-fields/{field_id} - Delete the specified metadata field from the metadata field

DELETE /registries/schema/{schema_id} - Delete the specified schema from the schema registry

Note: since the schema object contains no data fields, the following method has not been implemented: PUT

Report Tools
Reporting Tools that allow a repository manager to audit a collection for metadata consistency and bitstream
consistency. See REST Based Quality Control Reports for more information.

Collection Report Tool on

Metadata Query Tool on

GET /reports - Return a list of report tools built on the rest api

GET /reports/{nickname} - Return a redirect to a specific report

GET /filters - Return a list of use case filters available for quality control reporting

GET /filtered-collections - Return collections and item counts based on pre-defined filters

GET /filtered-collections/{collection_id} - Return items and item counts for a collection based on pre-
defined filters

GET /filtered-items - Retrieve a set of items based on a metadata query and a set of filters

Model - Object data types

Here are all of the data types, not all fields are necessary or supported when posting/putting content, but the
output contains this information:

Community Object

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{"id":456,"name":"Reports Community","handle":"10766/10213","type":"community","link":"/rest/communities
null,"copyrightText":"","introductoryText":"","shortDescription":"Collection contains materials pertaining to the
Able Family","sidebarText":"","countItems":3,"subcommunities":[],"collections":[]}

Collection Object

{"id":730,"name":"Annual Reports Collection","handle":"10766/10214","type":"collection","link":"/rest/collections


Item Object

{"id":14301,"name":"2015 Annual Report","handle":"123456789/13470","type":"item","link":"/rest/items/14301","

lastModified":"2015-01-12 15:44:12.978","parentCollection":null,"parentCollectionList":null,"

Bitstream Object

{"id":47166,"name":"appearance and physiology 100 percent copied from wikipedia.pdf","handle":null,"type":"

description":"","format":"Adobe PDF","mimeType":"application/pdf","sizeBytes":129112,"parentObject":null,"

ResourcePolicy Object


MetadataEntry Object

{"key":"dc.description.abstract", "value":"This is the description abstract", "language": null}

User Object


Status Object

{"okay":true,"authenticated":true,"email":"","fullname":"DSpace Test User","token":"6d45daaa-


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6.2.2 Introduction to Jersey for developers

The REST API for DSpace is implemented using Jersey, the reference implementation of the Java standard for
building RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS 1). That means this API should be easier to expand and maintain than
other API approaches, as this approach has been widely adopted in the industry. If this client documentation
does not fully answer about how an endpoint works, it is helpful to look directly at the Java REST API code, to
see how it is implemented. The code typically has required parameters, optional parameters, and indicates the
type of data that will be responded.

There was no central ProviderRegistry that you have to declare your path. Instead, the code is driven by
annotations, here is a list of annotations used in the code for

@Path("/communities"), which then allows it to be routed to http://localhost:8080/communities, this is

then the base path for all the requests within this class.
@GET, which indicates that this method responds to GET http requests
@POST, which indicates that this method responds to POST http requests
@PUT, which indicates that this method responds to PUT http requests
@DELETE, which indicates that this method responds to DELETE http requests
@Path("/{community_id}"), the path is appended to the class level @Path above, this one uses a
variable {community_id}. The total endpoint would be http://localhost:8080/rest/communities/123, where
123 is the ID.
@Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML }), this indicates that
this request expects input of either JSON or XML. Another endpoint accepts HTML input.
@PathParam("community_id") Integer communityId, this maps the path placeholder variable
{community_id} to Java int communityID
@QueryParam("userIP") String user_ip, this maps a query param like ?userIP= to Java String
user_id variable, and user_id == ""

6.2.3 Configuration for DSpace REST

Property rest.stats

Example true

Informational Boolean value indicates whether statistics should be recorded for access via the REST API;
Note Defaults to 'false'.

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6.2.4 Recording Proxy Access by Tools

For the purpose of more accurate statistics, a web-based tool may specify who is using it, by adding parameters
to the request:


If no parameters are given, the details of the HTTP request's sender are used in statistics. This enables tools to
record the details of their user rather than themselves.

6.2.5 Additional Information

Additional information can be found in the README for dspace-rest, and in the GitHub Pull Request for DSpace
REST (Jersey).

Usage examples can be found at:

6.2.6 REST Based Quality Control Reports

/*<![CDATA[*/ div.rbtoc1477323621296 {padding: 0px;} div.

rbtoc1477323621296 ul {list-style: disc;margin-left: 0px;} div.
rbtoc1477323621296 li {margin-left: 0px;padding-left: 0px;} /*]]>*/
API Calls Used in these Reports
Report Screen Shots
Collection QC Report
Metadata Query Report
Installation and Configuration
Installing in DSpace 6
Disabling the REST Reports
Configuring Access of the Reporting Tools
Configure the REST Reports that can be requested by name
Configure Item handle resolution
Enable User Authentication (Password AuthN only) for REST reports
Configure the database-specific format for a regex expression
Configure the sets of filters of interest to your repository managers
Other filter configuration settings

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Enabling Sort-able Report Tables

Installing in DSpace 5

These reports utilize the DSpace REST API to provide a Collection Manager with

an overview of their collections

a tool to query metadata for consistency

When deploying the DSpace REST API, and institution may choose to make the API publicly accessible or to
restrict access to the API.

If these reports are deployed in a protected manner, the reporting tools can be configured to bypass DSpace
authorization when reporting on collections and items.

API Calls Used in these Reports

REST Reports - Summary of API Calls

Report Screen Shots

Collection QC Report

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REST Reports - Collection Report Screenshots with Annotated API Calls

Metadata Query Report

REST Reports - Metadata Query Screenshots with Annotated API Calls

Installation and Configuration

Installing in DSpace 6
This code is part of the DSpace 6 code base.

Disabling the REST Reports

The REST reports will be enabled by default in DSpace 6. To disable the execution of these reports, remove the
following line from dspace-rest/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml

Enable/disable report resources in the REST API


Configuring Access of the Reporting Tools

The reports can be configured with anonymous access or the reports can be configured to bypass authorization

Bypassing authorization checks allows collection owners to view the status of all items in the repository without
authenticating through the REST API. This option is recommended if you have secured access to your REST

If your REST API is publicly accessible, deploy the reports with anonymous access and consider providing an
authorization token for access to the report calls.

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Configure Authorization for REST Reports

# Enable/disable authorization for the reporting tools.

# By default, the DSpace REST API will only return communities/collections/items that are
accessible to a particular user.
# If the REST API has been deployed in a protected manner, the reporting tools can be configured
to bypass authorization checks.
# This will allow all items/collections/communities to be returned to the report user.
# Set the rest-reporting-authenticate option to false to bypass authorization
rest.reporting-authenticate = false

Configure the REST Reports that can be requested by name

# Configure the report pages that can be requested by name

# Create a map of named reports that are available to a report tool user
# Each map entry should be prefixed with rest-report-url
# The map key is a name for a report
# The map value is a URL to a report page
# A list of available reports will be available with the call /rest/reports.
# If a request is sent to /rest/reports/[report key], the request will be re-directed to the
specified URL
# This project currently contains 2 sample reports. Eventually, additional reports could be
introduced through this mechanism. = /rest/static/index.html = /rest/static/query.html

Configure Item handle resolution

Enable the appropriate path to use to resolve an item handle restReport.js. (Depends on

Item Handle Resolution

this.ROOTPATH = "/xmlui/handle/"
//this.ROOTPATH = "/jspui/handle/"
//this.ROOTPATH = "/handle/"

Enable User Authentication (Password AuthN only) for REST reports

Override the following function in your report file to enable/disable password AuthN for the REST reports.
(Depends on

This setting can be found in restReport.js

Enable/Disable Password AuthN

//disable this setting if Password Authentication is not supported

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this.makeAuthLink = function(){return true;};

Configure the database-specific format for a regex expression

# The REST Report Tools may pass a regular expression test to the database.
# The following configuration setting will construct a SQL regular expression test appropriate to
your database engine
rest.regex-clause = text_value ~ ?

Configure the sets of filters of interest to your repository managers

# A filter contains a set of tests that will be applied to an item to determine its inclusion in a
particular report.
# Private items and withdrawn items are frequently excluded from DSpace reports.
# Additional filters can be configured to examine other item properties.
# For instance, items containing an image bitstream often have different requirements from a item
containing a PDF.
# The DSpace REST reports come with a variety of filters that examine item properties, item
bitstream properties,
# and item authorization policies. The existing filters can be used as an example to construct
institution specific filters
# that will test conformity to a set of institutional policies.
# points to a list of classes that contain available
# Each class must implement the ItemFilterList interface.
# ItemFilterDefs: Filters that examine simple item and bitstream type properties
# ItemFilterDefsMisc: Filters that examine bitstream mime types and dependencies between
# ItemFilterDefsMeta: Filters that examine metadata properties
# ItemFilterDefsPerm: Filters that examine item and bitstream authorization policies = \,\,\


Other filter configuration settings

The configuration file contains other settings that will control the behavior of the filters that you have enabled.

Enabling Sort-able Report Tables

1. Install sortable.js

2. Add to /dspace/modules/rest/src/main/webapp/static/reports
3. Include sortable.js in index.html and query.html

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3. DSpace 6.x Documentation

Uncomment the following in index.html and query.html

<!-- <script src="sorttable.js"></script> -->

4. Enable sortable in the report code in restCollReport.js and restQueryReport.js


var CollReport = function() {;
//If sortable.js is included, uncomment the following
//this.hasSorttable = function(){return true;}

var QueryReport = function() {;
//If sortable.js is included, uncomment the following
//this.hasSorttable = function(){return true;}


var CollReport = function() {;
//If sortable.js is included, uncomment the following
this.hasSorttable = function(){return true;}

var QueryReport = function() {;
//If sortable.js is included, uncomment the following
this.hasSorttable = function(){return true;}

Installing in DSpace 5
This feature is not a part of the DSpace 5 code base. Please see the following notes to enable a DSpace 5
compatible version of these reports.

1. Install
a. This code also exists at
reports-for-5_x (
2. Change the following code into restCollReport.js and restQuery.js to pull the correct id for each DSpace

Change the following in restCollReport.js and restQuery.js

var CollReport = function() {;
var QueryReport = function() {;

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Change TO

var CollReport = function() {;
this.getId = function(obj) {return;}
var QueryReport = function() {;
this.getId = function(obj) {return;}

REST Reports - Collection Report Screenshots with Annotated API Calls

Initial Report Display

API Call


Select Filters of Interest

API Call


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View Filtered Counts

API Call


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View Items of Interest

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API Call


Select additional fields to display

API Call


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View Updated Results

API Call


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Download CSV File for Metadata Update

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CSV File ready compatible with DSpace Metadata Update

REST Reports - Metadata Query Screenshots with Annotated API Calls

Set collections to Query

API Call


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Pre-defined Queries are Available

Multiple Metadata Fields can be Queried

API Call


Apply Filters if Desired

API Call


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Select Additional Fields to Display

API Call


View Results

API Call



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Export as CSV for DSpace Metadata Update Process

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REST Reports - Summary of API Calls

/*<![CDATA[*/ div.rbtoc1477323621404 {padding: 0px;} div.rbtoc1477323621404 ul {list-

style: disc;margin-left: 0px;} div.rbtoc1477323621404 li {margin-left: 0px;padding-left:
0px;} /*]]>*/

GET /rest - Summary of API Calls

GET /rest/reports - List of Available Reports
GET /rest/reports/[report name] - Redirect to a Specific Report
GET /rest/filters - Return filters to apply to a list of items
GET /rest/filtered-collections - Return collections and item counts based on pre-defined filters
GET /rest/filtered-collections/{collection_id} - Return items and item counts for a collection based on pre-
defined filters
GET /rest/filtered-items - Retrieve a set of items based on a metadata query and a set of filters

GET /rest - Summary of API Calls

The response from this call includes the set of REST report calls that are available.

GET /reports - Return a list of report tools built on the rest api

GET /reports/{nickname} - Return a redirect to a specific report

GET /filters - Return a list of use case filters available for quality control reporting

GET /filtered-collections - Return collections and item counts based on pre-defined filters

GET /filtered-collections/{collection_id} - Return items and item counts for a collection based on pre-
defined filters

GET /filtered-items - Retrieve a set of items based on a metadata query and a set of filters

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GET /rest/reports - List of Available Reports

The response from this call includes the set of reports that are available

collection: /rest/static/index.html
item-query: /rest/static/query.html

GET /rest/reports/[report name] - Redirect to a Specific Report

This will re-direct to the configured report

GET /rest/filters - Return filters to apply to a list of items

The response will return the list of available filters. These have been configured in rest.cfg.

GET /rest/filtered-collections - Return collections and item counts based on pre-

defined filters
This request is similar to the call /rest/collections except that it allows the user to supply a comma separated list
of filters to apply to the collection.

The response will contain

The total count of items for each collection

The count of items that match each filter

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The count of items that match all filters combined

GET /rest/filtered-collections/{collection_id} - Return items and item counts for a

collection based on pre-defined filters
This request is similar to the call /rest/collections/{collection_id} except that it allows the user to supply a comma
separated list of filters to apply to the collection.

The response will contain

The total count of items for the collection

The count of items that match each filter
The count of items that match all filters combined

When combined with the expand=items parameter, this call will return the set of items that match a filter or set
of filters. It may be necessary to paginate through these results.

GET /rest/filtered-items - Retrieve a set of items based on a metadata query and a set
of filters
This request allows a collection owner to construct a complex metadata query against specific metadata fields
applying a number of comparison operators.

The search features of DSpace allow an end user to discover items via search. This command allows the
collection owner to audit and enforce metadata consistency within a collection.

The query will consist of the following components

Metadata Field Query

Field(s) to be searched
Search operator
Search value (if applicable)
Collection scope (optional)
Comma separated list of collections to search
A comma separated list of item filters that will be applied to all results.
It may be necessary to paginate through results when applying a highly selective filter

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6.3 Curation System

As of release 1.7, DSpace supports running curation tasks, which are described in this section. DSpace
includes several useful tasks out-of-the-box, but the system also is designed to allow new tasks to be added
between releases, both general purpose tasks that come from the community, and locally written and deployed

Changes in 1.8
Writing your own tasks
Task Invocation
On the command line
In the admin UI
In workflow
In arbitrary user code
Asynchronous (Deferred) Operation
Task Output and Reporting
Status Code
Result String
Reporting Stream
Task Properties
Task Annotations
Scripted Tasks
performDso() vs. performId()
Bundled Tasks
MetadataWebService Task
ISSN to Publisher Name
HTTP Headers
Result String Programatic Use
Limits and Use
NoOp Curation Task
Bitstream Format Profiler
Required Metadata
Virus Scan
Setup the service from the ClamAV documentation.
DSpace Configuration
Task Operation from the Administrative user interface
Task Operation from the Item Submission user interface

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Task Operation from the curation command line client

Table 1 Virus Scan Results Table
Link Checkers
Basic Link Checker
Metadata Value Link Checker
Microsoft Translator
Configure Microsoft Translator

6.3.1 Changes in 1.8

New package: The default curation task package is now org.dspace.ctask. The tasks supplied with
DSpace releases are now under org.dspace.ctask.general
New tasks in DSpace release: Some additional curation tasks have been supplied with DSpace 1.8,
including a link checker and a translator
UI task groups: Ability to assign tasks to groups whose members display together in the Administrative
Task properties: Support for a site-portable system for configuration and profiling of tasks using
configuration files
New framework services: Support for context management during curation operations
Scripted tasks: New (experimental) support for authoring and executing tasks in languages other than

6.3.2 Tasks
The goal of the curation system ("CS") is to provide a simple, extensible way to manage routine content
operations on a repository. These operations are known to CS as "tasks", and they can operate on any
DSpaceObject (i.e. subclasses of DSpaceObject) - which means the entire Site, Communities, Collections, and
Items - viz. core data model objects. Tasks may elect to work on only one type of DSpace object - typically an
Item - and in this case they may simply ignore other data types (tasks have the ability to "skip" objects for any
reason). The DSpace core distribution will provide a number of useful tasks, but the system is designed to
encourage local extension - tasks can be written for any purpose, and placed in any java package. This gives
DSpace sites the ability to customize the behavior of their repository without having to alter - and therefore
manage synchronization with - the DSpace source code. What sorts of activities are appropriate for tasks?

Some examples:

apply a virus scan to item bitstreams (this will be our example below)
profile a collection based on format types - good for identifying format migrations
ensure a given set of metadata fields are present in every item, or even that they have particular values
call a network service to enhance/replace/normalize an item's metadata or content
ensure all item bitstreams are readable and their checksums agree with the ingest values

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Since tasks have access to, and can modify, DSpace content, performing tasks is considered an administrative
function to be available only to knowledgeable collection editors, repository administrators, sysadmins, etc. No
tasks are exposed in the public interfaces.

6.3.3 Activation
For CS to run a task, the code for the task must of course be included with other deployed code (to [dspace]
/lib, WAR, etc) but it must also be declared and given a name. This is done via a configuration property in
[dspace]/config/modules/curate.cfg as follows:

### Task Class implementations = org.dspace.ctask.general.NoOpCurationTask = noop = org.dspace.ctask.general.ProfileFormats =
profileformats = org.dspace.ctask.general.RequiredMetadata =
requiredmetadata = org.dspace.ctask.general.ClamScan = vscan = org.dspace.ctask.general.MicrosoftTranslator =
translate = org.dspace.ctask.general.MetadataValueLinkChecker =

For each activated task, a key-value pair is added. The key is the fully qualified class name and the value is the
taskname used elsewhere to configure the use of the task, as will be seen below. Note that the curate.cfg
configuration file, while in the config directory, is located under "modules". The intent is that tasks, as well as
any configuration they require, will be optional "add-ons" to the basic system configuration. Adding or removing
tasks has no impact on dspace.cfg.

For many tasks, this activation configuration is all that will be required to use it. But for others, the task needs
specific configuration itself. A concrete example is described below, but note that these task-specific
configuration property files also reside in [dspace]/config/modules

6.3.4 Writing your own tasks

A task is just a java class that can contain arbitrary code, but it must have 2 properties:

First, it must provide a no argument constructor, so it can be loaded by the PluginManager. Thus, all tasks are
'named' plugins, with the taskname being the plugin name.

Second, it must implement the interface "org.dspace.curate.CurationTask"

The CurationTask interface is almost a "tagging" interface, and only requires a few very high-level methods be
implemented. The most significant is:

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int perform(DSpaceObject dso);

The return value should be a code describing one of 4 conditions:

0 : SUCCESS the task completed successfully

1 : FAIL the task failed (it is up to the task to decide what 'counts' as failure - an example might be that
the virus scan finds an infected file)
2 : SKIPPED the task could not be performed on the object, perhaps because it was not applicable
-1 : ERROR the task could not be completed due to an error

If a task extends the AbstractCurationTask class, that is the only method it needs to define.

6.3.5 Task Invocation

Tasks are invoked using CS framework classes that manage a few details (to be described below), and this
invocation can occur wherever needed, but CS offers great versatility "out of the box":

On the command line

A simple tool "CurationCli" provides access to CS via the command line. This tool bears the name "curate" in
the DSpace launcher. For example, to perform a virus check on collection "4":

[dspace]/bin/dspace curate -t vscan -i 123456789/4

The complete list of arguments:

-t taskname: name of task to perform

-T filename: name of file containing list of tasknames
-e epersonID: (email address) will be superuser if unspecified
-i identifier: Id of object to curate. May be (1) a handle (2) a workflow Id or (3) 'all' to
operate on the whole repository
-q queue: name of queue to process - -i and -q are mutually exclusive
-l limit: maximum number of objects in Context cache. If absent, unlimited objects may be added.
-s scope: declare a scope for database transactions. Scope must be: (1) 'open' (default value) (2)
'curation' or (3) 'object'
-v emit verbose output
-r - emit reporting to standard out

As with other command-line tools, these invocations could be placed in a cron table and run on a fixed
schedule, or run on demand by an administrator.

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In the admin UI
In the UI, there are several ways to execute configured Curation Tasks:

1. From the "Curate" tab/button that appears on each "Edit Community/Collection/Item" page: this
tab allows an Administrator, Community Administrator or Collection Administrator to run a Curation Task
on that particular Community, Collection or Item. When running a task on a Community or Collection, that
task will also execute on all its child objects, unless the Task itself states otherwise (e.g. running a task
on a Collection will also run it across all Items within that Collection).
NOTE: Community Administrators and Collection Administrators can only run Curation Tasks on
the Community or Collection which they administer, along with any child objects of that
Community or Collection. For example, a Collection Administrator can run a task on that specific
Collection, or on any of the Items within that Collection.
2. From the Administrator's "Curation Tasks" page: This option is only available to DSpace
Administrators, and appears in the Administrative side-menu. This page allows an Administrator to run a
Curation Task across a single object, or all objects within the entire DSpace site.
In order to run a task from this interface, you must enter in the handle for the DSpace object. To
run a task site-wide, you can use the handle: [your-handle-prefix]/0

Each of the above pages exposes a drop-down list of configured tasks, with a button to 'perform' the task, or
queue it for later operation (see section below). Not all activated tasks need appear in the Curate tab - you filter
them by means of a configuration property. This property also permits you to assign to the task a more user-
friendly name than the PluginManager taskname. The property resides in [dspace]/config/modules

curate.ui.tasknames = profileformats = Profile Bitstream Formats

curate.ui.tasknames = requiredmetadata = Check for Required Metadata

When a task is selected from the drop-down list and performed, the tab displays both a phrase interpreting the
"status code" of the task execution, and the "result" message if any has been defined. When the task has been
queued, an acknowledgement appears instead. You may configure the words used for status codes in curate.
cfg (for clarity, language localization, etc):

curate.ui.statusmessages = -3 = Unknown Task

curate.ui.statusmessages = -2 = No Status Set
curate.ui.statusmessages = -1 = Error
curate.ui.statusmessages = 0 = Success
curate.ui.statusmessages = 1 = Fail
curate.ui.statusmessages = 2 = Skip
curate.ui.statusmessages = other = Invalid Status

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As the number of tasks configured for a system grows, a simple drop-down list of all tasks may become too
cluttered or large. DSpace 1.8+ provides a way to address this issue, known as task groups. A task group is a
simple collection of tasks that the Admin UI will display in a separate drop-down list. You may define as many or
as few groups as you please. If no groups are defined, then all tasks that are listed in the ui.tasknames property
will appear in a single drop-down list. If at least one group is defined, then the admin UI will display two drop-
down lists. The first is the list of task groups, and the second is the list of task names associated with the
selected group. A few key points to keep in mind when setting up task groups:

a task can appear in more than one group if desired

tasks that belong to no group are invisible to the admin UI (but of course available in other contexts of

The configuration of groups follows the same simple pattern as tasks, using properties in [dspace]/config
/modules/curate.cfg. The group is assigned a simple logical name, but also a localizable name that
appears in the UI. For example:

# ui.taskgroups contains the list of defined groups, together with a pretty name for UI display
curate.ui.taskgroups = replication = Backup and Restoration Tasks
curate.ui.taskgroups = integrity = Metadata Integrity Tasks
# each group membership list is a separate property, whose value is comma-separated list of
logical task names
curate.ui.taskgroup.integrity = profileformats, requiredmetadata

In workflow
CS provides the ability to attach any number of tasks to standard DSpace workflows. Using a configuration file
[dspace]/config/workflow-curation.xml, you can declaratively (without coding) wire tasks to any step
in a workflow. An example:

<mapping collection-handle="default" taskset="cautious" />
<taskset name="cautious">
<flowstep name="step1">
<task name="vscan">
<notify on="fail">$flowgroup</notify>
<notify on="fail">$colladmin</notify>
<notify on="error">$siteadmin</notify>

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This markup would cause a virus scan to occur during step one of workflow for any collection, and automatically
reject any submissions with infected files. It would further notify (via email) both the reviewers (step 1 group),
and the collection administrators, if either of these are defined. If it could not perform the scan, the site
administrator would be notified.

The notifications use the same procedures that other workflow notifications do - namely email. There is a new
email template defined for curation task use: [dspace]/config/emails/flowtask_notify. This may be
language-localized or otherwise modified like any other email template.

Tasks wired in this way are normally performed as soon as the workflow step is entered, and the outcome
action (defined by the 'workflow' element) immediately follows. It is also possible to delay the performance of
the task - which will ensure a responsive system - by queuing the task instead of directly performing it:

<taskset name="cautious">
<flowstep name="step1" queue="workflow">

This attribute (which must always follow the "name" attribute in the flowstep element), will cause all tasks
associated with the step to be placed on the queue named "workflow" (or any queue you wish to use, of
course), and further has the effect of suspending the workflow. When the queue is emptied (meaning all tasks
in it performed), then the workflow is restarted. Each workflow step may be separately configured,

Like configurable submission, you can assign these task rules per collection, as well as having a default for any

In arbitrary user code

If these pre-defined ways are not sufficient, you can of course manage curation directly in your code. You would
use the CS helper classes. For example:

Collection coll = (Collection)HandleManager.resolveToObject(context, "123456789/4");

Curator curator = new Curator();
System.out.println("Result: " + curator.getResult("vscan"));

would do approximately what the command line invocation did. the method "curate" just performs all the tasks
configured (you can add multiple tasks to a curator).

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6.3.6 Asynchronous (Deferred) Operation

Because some tasks may consume a fair amount of time, it may not be desirable to run them in an interactive
context. CS provides a simple API and means to defer task execution, by a queuing system. Thus, using the
previous example:

Curator curator = new Curator();

curator.addTask("vscan").queue(context, "monthly", "123456789/4");

would place a request on a named queue "monthly" to virus scan the collection. To read (and process) the
queue, we could for example:

[dspace]/bin/dspace curate -q monthly

use the command-line tool, but we could also read the queue programmatically. Any number of queues can be
defined and used as needed.
In the administrative UI curation "widget", there is the ability to both perform a task, but also place it on a queue
for later processing.

6.3.7 Task Output and Reporting

Few assumptions are made by CS about what the 'outcome' of a task may be (if any) - it. could e.g. produce a
report to a temporary file, it could modify DSpace content silently, etc. But the CS runtime does provide a few
pieces of information whenever a task is performed:

Status Code
This was mentioned above. This is returned to CS whenever a task is called. The complete list of values:

-3 NOTASK - CS could not find the requested task

-2 UNSET - task did not return a status code because it has not yet run
-1 ERROR - task could not be performed
0 SUCCESS - task performed successfully
1 FAIL - task performed, but failed
2 SKIP - task not performed due to object not being eligible

In the administrative UI, this code is translated into the word or phrase configured by the ui.statusmessages
property (discussed above) for display.

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Result String
The task may define a string indicating details of the outcome. This result is displayed, in the "curation widget"
described above:

"Virus 12312 detected on Bitstream 4 of 1234567789/3"

CS does not interpret or assign result strings, the task does it. A task may not assign a result, but the "best
practice" for tasks is to assign one whenever possible.

Reporting Stream
For very fine-grained information, a task may write to a reporting stream. This stream is sent to standard out, so
is only available when running a task from the command line. Unlike the result string, there is no limit to the
amount of data that may be pushed to this stream.

The status code, and the result string are accessed (or set) by methods on the Curation object:

Curator curator = new Curator();

int status = curator.getStatus("vscan");
String result = curator.getResult("vscan");

6.3.8 Task Properties

DSpace 1.8 introduces a new "idiom" for tasks that require configuration data. It is available to any task whose
implementation extends AbstractCurationTask, but is completely optional. There are a number of
problems that task properties are designed to solve, but to make the discussion concrete we will start with a
particular one: the problem of hard-coded configuration file names. A task that relies on configuration data will
typically encode a fixed reference to a configuration file name. For example, the virus scan task reads a file
called "clamav.cfg", which lives in [dspace]/config/modules. And thus in the implementation one would

host = configurationService.getProperty("");

and similar. But tasks are supposed to be written by anyone in the community and shared around (without prior
coordination), so if another task uses the same configuration file name, there is a name collision here that can't
be easily fixed, since the reference is hard-coded in each task. In this case, if we wanted to use both at a given
site, we would have to alter the source of one of them - which introduces needless code localization and

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Task properties gives us a simple solution. Here is how it works: suppose that both colliding tasks instead use
this method provided by AbstractCurationTask in their task implementation code (e.g. in virus scanner):

host = taskProperty("");

Note that there is no name of the configuration file even mentioned, just the property name whose value we
want. At runtime, the curation system resolves this call to a configuration file, and it uses the name the task has
been configured as as the name of the config file. So, for example, if both were installed (in curate.cfg) as:

org.dspace.ctask.general.ClamAv = vscan, = virusscan,

then "taskProperty()" will resolve to [dspace]/config/modules/vscan.cfg when called from ClamAv

task, but [dspace]/config/modules/virusscan.cfg when called from ConflictTask's code. Note that the
"vscan" etc are locally assigned names, so we can always prevent the "collisions" mentioned, and we make
the tasks much more portable, since we remove the "hard-coding" of config names.

The entire "API" for task properties is:

public String taskProperty(String name);

public int taskIntProperty(String name, int defaultValue);
public long taskLongProperty(String name, long defaultValue);
public boolean taskBooleanProperty(String name, boolean default);

Another use of task properties is to support multiple task profiles. Suppose we have a task that we want to
operate in one of two modes. A good example would be a mediafilter task that produces a thumbnail. We can
either create one if it doesn't exist, or run with "-force" which will create one regardless. Suppose this behavior
was controlled by a property in a config file. If we configured the task as "thumbnail", then we would have in

...other properties...
thumbnail.maxheight = 80
thumbnail.maxwidth = 80

Then, following the pattern above, the thumbnail generating task code would look like:

if (taskBooleanProperty("forceupdate")) {
// do something

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But an obvious use-case would be to want to run force mode and non-force mode from the admin UI on
different occasions. To do this, one would have to stop Tomcat, change the property value in the config file, and
restart, etc However, we can use task properties to elegantly rescue us here. All we need to do is go into the
config/modules directory, and create a new file called: thumbnail.force.cfg. In this file, we put only one


Then we add a new task (really just a new name, no new code) in curate.cfg:

org.dspace.ctask.general.ThumbnailTask = thumbnail
org.dspace.ctask.general.ThumbnailTask = thumbnail.force

Consider what happens: when we perform the task "thumbnail" (using taskProperties), it reads the config file
thumbnail.cfg and operates in "non-force" profile (since the value is false), but when we run the task "
thumbnail.force" the curation system first reads thumbnail.cfg, then reads thumbnail.force.cfg
which overrides the value of the "forceupdate" property. Notice that we did all this via local configuration -
we have not had to touch the source code at all to obtain as many "profiles" as we would like.

6.3.9 Task Annotations

CS looks for, and will use, certain java annotations in the task Class definition that can help it invoke tasks more
intelligently. An example may explain best. Since tasks operate on DSOs that can either be simple (Items) or
containers (Collections, and Communities), there is a fundamental problem or ambiguity in how a task is
invoked: if the DSO is a collection, should the CS invoke the task on each member of the collection, or does the
task "know" how to do that itself? The decision is made by looking for the @Distributive annotation: if present,
CS assumes that the task will manage the details, otherwise CS will walk the collection, and invoke the task on
each member. The java class would be defined:

public class MyTask implements CurationTask

A related issue concerns how non-distributive tasks report their status and results: the status will normally
reflect only the last invocation of the task in the container, so important outcomes could be lost. If a task
declares itself @Suspendable, however, the CS will cease processing when it encounters a FAIL status. When
used in the UI, for example, this would mean that if our virus scan is running over a collection, it would stop and
return status (and result) to the scene on the first infected item it encounters. You can even tune @Supendable
tasks more precisely by annotating what invocations you want to suspend on. For example:


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public class MyTask implements CurationTask

would mean that the task would suspend if invoked in the UI, but would run to completion if run on the

Only a few annotation types have been defined so far, but as the number of tasks grow, we can look for
common behavior that can be signaled by annotation. For example, there is a @Mutative type: that tells CS that
the task may alter (mutate) the object it is working on.

6.3.10 Scripted Tasks

The procedure to set up curation tasks in Jython is described on a separate page: Curation tasks in

DSpace 1.8 includes limited (and somewhat experimental) support for deploying and running tasks written in
languages other than Java. Since version 6, Java has provided a standard way (API) to invoke so-called
scripting or dynamic language code that runs on the java virtual machine (JVM). Scripted tasks are those
written in a language accessible from this API. The exact number of supported languages will vary over time,
and the degree of maturity of each language, or suitability of the language for curation tasks will also vary
significantly. However, preliminary work indicates that Ruby (using the JRuby runtime) and Groovy may prove
viable task languages.

Support for scripted tasks does not include any DSpace pre-installation of the scripting language itself - this
must be done according to the instructions provided by the language maintainers, and typically only requires a
few additional jars on the DSpace classpath. Once one or more languages have been installed into the DSpace
deployment, task support is fairly straightforward. One new property must be defined in [dspace]/config

curate.script.dir = ${dspace.dir}/scripts

This merely defines the directory location (usually relative to the deployment base) where task script files should
be kept. This directory will contain a "catalog" of scripted tasks named task.catalog that contains
information needed to run scripted tasks. Each task has a 'descriptor' property with value syntax:


An example property for a link checking task written in Ruby might be:

linkchecker = ruby|rubytask.rb|

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This descriptor means that a "ruby" script engine will be created, a script file named "rubytask.rb" in the
directory <script.dir> will be loaded and the resolver will expect an evaluation of "" will
provide a correct implementation object. Note that the task must be configured in all other ways just like java
tasks (in ui.tasknames, ui.taskgroups, etc).

Script files may embed their descriptors to facilitate deployment. To accomplish this, a script must include the
descriptor string with syntax:
$td=<descriptor> somewhere on a comment line. For example:

# My descriptor $td=ruby|rubytask.rb|

For reasons of portability, the <relFilePath> component may be omitted in this context. Thus, "
$td=ruby||" will be expanded to a descriptor with the name of the embedding file.

Scripted tasks must implement a slightly different interface than the CurationTask interface used for Java tasks.
The appropriate interface for scripting tasks is ScriptedTask and has the following methods:

public void init(Curator curator, String taskId) throws IOException;

public int performDso(DSpaceObject dso) throws IOException;
public int performId(Context ctx, String id) throws IOException;

The difference is that ScriptedTask has separate perform methods for DSO and identifier. The reason for that is
that some scripting languages (e.g. Ruby) don't support method overloading.

performDso() vs. performId()

You may have noticed that the ScriptedTask interface has both performDso() and performId()
methods, but only performDso is ever called when curator is launched from command line.

There are a class of use-cases in which we want to construct or create new DSOs (DSpaceObject) given an
identifier in a task. In these cases, there may be no live DSO to pass to the task.
You actually can get curation system to call performId() if you queue a task then process the queue - when
reading the queue all CLI has is the handle to pass to the task.

6.3.11 Bundled Tasks

DSpace bundles a small number of tasks of general applicability. Those that do not require configuration (or
have usable default values) are activated to demonstrate the use of the curation system. They may be removed
(deactivated by means of configuration) if desired without affecting system integrity. Those that require
configuration may be enabled (activated) by means editing DSpace configuration files. Each task - current as of
DSpace 4.0 - is briefly described below.

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MetadataWebService Task
DSpace item metadata can contain any number of identifiers or other field values that participate in networked
information systems. For example, an item may include a DOI which is a controlled identifier in the DOI registry.
Many web services exist to leverage these values, by using them as 'keys' to retrieve other useful data. In the
DOI case for example, CrossRef provides many services that given a DOI will return author lists, citations, etc.
The MetadataWebService task enables the use of such services, and allows you to obtain and (optionally) add
to DSpace metadata the results of any web service call to any service provider. You simply need to describe
what service you want to call, and what to do with the results. Using the task code ( [taskcode]), you can
create as many distinct tasks as you have services you want to call.

Each task description lives in a configuration file in 'config/modules' (or in your local.cfg), and is a simple
properties file, like all other DSpace configuration files (see Configuration Reference). All of the settings
associated with a given task should be prepended with the task name (as assigned in config/modules
/curate.cfg). For example, if the task name is issn2pubname in curate.cfg, then all settings should start
with "issn2pubname." Your settings can either be set in your local.cfg , or in a new configuration file which
is included (include = path/to/new/file.cfg) into either your local.cfg or the dspace.cfg. See the
Configuration Reference for examples of including configuration files, or modifying your local.cfg

There are a few required properties you must configure for any service, and for certain services, a few
additional ones. An example will illustrate best.

ISSN to Publisher Name

Suppose items (holding journal articles) include 'dc.identifier.issn' when available. We might also want to
catalog the publisher name (in 'dc.publisher'). The cataloger could look up the name given the ISSN in various
sources, but this 'research' is tedious, costly and error-prone. There are many good quality, free web services
that can furnish this information. So we will configure a MetadataWebService task to call a service, and then
automatically assign the publisher name to the item metadata. As noted above, all that is needed is a
description of the service, and what to do with the results. Create a new file in 'config/modules' called
'issn2pubname.cfg' (or whatever is mnemonically useful to you). The first property in this file describes the
service in a 'template'. The template is just the URL to call the web service, with parameters to substitute values
in. Here we will use the 'Sherpa/Romeo' service:


When the task runs, it will replace '{dc.identifier.issn}' with the value of that field in the item, If the field has
multiple values, the first one will be used. As a web service, the call to the above URL will return an XML
document containing information (including the publisher name) about that ISSN. We need to describe what to
do with this response document, i.e. what elements we want to extract, and what to do with the extracted
content. This description is encoded in a property called the 'datamap'. Using the example service above we
might have:

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Each separate instruction is separated by a comma, so there are 2 instructions in this map. The first instruction
essentially says: find the XML element 'publisher name' and assign the value or values of this element to the 'dc.
publisher' field of the item. The second instruction says: find the XML element 'romeocolor', but do not add it to
the DSpace item metadata - simply add it to the task result string (so that it can be seen by the person running
the task). You can have as many instructions as you like in a datamap, which means that you can retrieve
multiple values from a single web service call. A little more formally, each instruction consists of one to three
parts. The first (mandatory) part identifies the desired data in the response document. The syntax (here '
//publisher/name') is an XPath 1.0 expression, which is the standard language for navigating XML trees. If the
value is to be assigned to the DSpace item metadata, then 2 other parts are needed. The first is the 'mapping
symbol' (here '=>'), which is used to determine how the assignment should be made. There are 3 possible
mapping symbols, shown here with their meanings:

'->' mapping will add to any existing value(s) in the item field
'=>' mapping will replace any existing value(s) in the item field
'~>' mapping will add *only if* item field has no existing value(s)

The third part (here 'dc.publisher') is simply the name of the metadata field to be updated. These two mandatory
properties (template and datamap) are sufficient to describe a large number of web services. All that is required
to enable this task is to edit 'config/modules/curate.cfg' (or your local.cfg), and add 'issn2pubname'
to the list of tasks: = org.dspace.ctask.general.MetadataWebService =
issn2pubname = org.dspace.ctask.general.MetadataWebService =

If you wish the task to be available in the Admin UI, see the Invocation from the Admin UI documentation
(above) about how to configure it. The remaining sections describe some more specialized needs using the
MetadataWebService task.

HTTP Headers
For some web services, protocol and other information is expressed not in the service URL, but in HTTP
headers. Examples might be HTTP basic auth tokens, or requests for a particular media type response. In
these cases, simply add a property to the configuration file (our example was 'issn2pubname.cfg') containing all
headers you wish to transmit to the service:

[taskcode].headers=Accept: application/xml||Cache-Control: no-cache

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You can specify any number of headers, just separate them with a 'double-pipe' (' ||'). Ensure that any commas
in values are escaped (with backslash comma, i.e. '\,').

One potential problem with the simple parameter substitutions performed by the task is that the service might
expect a different format or expression of a value than the way it is stored in the item metadata. For example, a
DOI service might expect a bare prefix/suffix notation ('10.000/12345'), whereas the DSpace metadata field
might have a URI representation (''). In these cases one can declare a
'transformation' of a value in the template. For example:


The 'doi:' prepended to the metadata field name declares that the value of the 'dc.relation.isversionof' field
should be transformed before the substitution into the template using a transformation named 'doi'. The
transformation is itself defined in the same configuration file as follows:

[taskcode].transform.doi=match 10. trunc 60

This would be read as: exclude the value string up to the occurrence of '10.', then truncate any characters after
length 60. You may define as many transformations as you want in any task, although generally 1 or 2 will
suffice. They keywords 'match', 'trunc', etc are names of 'functions' to be applied (in the order entered). The
currently available functions are:

'cut' <number> = remove number leading characters

'trunc' <number> = remove trailing characters after number length
'match' <pattern> = start match at pattern
'text' <characters> = append literal characters (enclose in ' ' when whitespace needed)

When the task is run, if the transformation results in an invalid state (e.g. cutting more characters than there are
in the value), the un-transformed value will be used and the condition will be logged. Transformations may also
be applied to values returned from the web service. That is, one can apply the transformation to a value before
assigning it to a metadata field. In this case, the declaration occurs in the datamap property, not the template:


Here the task will apply the 'shorten' transformation (which must be defined in the same config file) before
assigning the value to 'dc.publisher'.

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Result String Programatic Use

Normally a task result string appears in a window in the admin UI after it has been invoked. The
MedataWebService task will concatenate all the values declared in the 'datamap' property and place them in
the result string using the format: 'name:value name:value' for as many values as declared. In the example
above we would get a string like 'publisher: Nature romeocolor: green'. This format is fine for simple display
purposes, but can be tricky if the values contain spaces. You can override the space separator using an
optional property 'separator' (put in the config file, with all other properties). If you use:


for example, it becomes easy to parse the result string and preserve spaces in the values. This use of the result
string can be very powerful, since you are essentially creating a map of returned values, which can then be
used to populate a user interface, or any other way you wish to exploit the data (drive a workflow, etc).

Limits and Use

A few limitations should be noted. First, since the response parsing utilizes XPath, the service can only operate
on XML, (not JSON) response documents. Most web services can provide either, so this should not be a major
obstacle. The MetadataWebService can be used in many ways: showing an admin a value in the result string in
a UI, run in a batch to update a set of items, etc. One excellent configuration is to wire these tasks into
submission workflow, so that 'automatic cataloging' of many fields can be performed on ingest.

NoOp Curation Task

This task does absolutely nothing. It is intended as a starting point for developers and administrators wishing to
learn more about the curation system.

Bitstream Format Profiler

The task with the taskname 'formatprofiler' (in the admin UI it is labeled "Profile Bitstream Formats") examines
all the bitstreams in an item and produces a table ("profile") which is assigned to the result string. It is activated
by default, and is configured to display in the administrative UI. The result string has the layout:

10 (K) Portable Network Graphics

5 (S) Plain Text

where the left column is the count of bitstreams of the named format and the letter in parentheses is an
abbreviation of the repository-assigned support level for that format:

U Unsupported
K Known
S Supported

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The profiler will operate on any DSpace object. If the object is an item, then only that item's bitstreams are
profiled; if a collection, all the bitstreams of all the items; if a community, all the items of all the collections of the

Required Metadata
The "requiredmetadata" task examines item metadata and determines whether fields that the web
submission (input-forms.xml) marks as required are present. It sets the result string to indicate either that
all required fields are present, or constructs a list of metadata elements that are required but missing. When the
task is performed on an item, it will display the result for that item. When performed on a collection or
community, the task be performed on each item, and will display the last item result. If all items in the
community or collection have all required fields, that will be the last in the collection. If the task fails for any item
(i.e. the item lacks all required fields), the process is halted. This way the results for the 'failed' items are not

Virus Scan
The "vscan" task performs a virus scan on the bitstreams of items using the ClamAV software product.
Clam AntiVirus is an open source (GPL) anti-virus toolkit for UNIX. A port for Windows is also available. The
virus scanning curation task interacts with the ClamAV virus scanning service to scan the bitstreams contained
in items, reporting on infection(s). Like other curation tasks, it can be run against a container or item, in the GUI
or from the command line. It should be installed according to the documentation at It
should not be installed in the dspace installation directory. You may install it on the same machine as your
dspace installation, or on another machine which has been configured properly.

Setup the service from the ClamAV documentation.

This plugin requires a ClamAV daemon installed and configured for TCP sockets. Instructions for installing
ClamAV ( http:// clamdoc .pdf )

NOTICE: The following directions assume there is a properly installed and configured clamav daemon. Refer to
links above for more information about ClamAV.
The Clam anti-virus database must be updated regularly to maintain the most current level of anti-virus
protection. Please refer to the ClamAV documentation for instructions about maintaining the anti-virus

DSpace Configuration
In [dspace]/config/modules/curate.cfg, activate the task:

Add the plugin to the list of curation tasks.

### Task Class implementations = org.dspace.ctask.general.NoOpCurationTask = noop

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DSpace 6.x Documentation = org.dspace.ctask.general.ProfileFormats =
profileformats = org.dspace.ctask.general.RequiredMetadata =
# This is the ClamAV scanner plugin = org.dspace.ctask.general.ClamScan = vscan = org.dspace.ctask.general.MicrosoftTranslator =
translate = org.dspace.ctask.general.MetadataValueLinkChecker =

Optionally, add the vscan friendly name to the configuration to enable it in the administrative it in the
administrative user interface.

curate.ui.tasknames = profileformats = Profile Bitstream Formats

curate.ui.tasknames = requiredmetadata = Check for Required Metadata
curate.ui.tasknames = checklinks = Check Links in Metadata
# Enable ClamAV from UI
curate.ui.tasknames = vscan = Virus Scan

In [dspace]/config/modules, edit configuration file clamav.cfg: =
# Change if not running on the same host as your DSpace installation.
clamav.service.port = 3310
# Change if not using standard ClamAV port
clamav.socket.timeout = 120
# Change if longer timeout needed
clamav.scan.failfast = false
# Change only if items have large numbers of bitstreams

Finally, if desired virus scanning can be enabled as part of the submission process upload file step. In
[dspace]/config/modules, edit configuration file submission-curation.cfg:

submission-curation.virus-scan = true

Task Operation from the Administrative user interface

Curation tasks can be run against container and item dspace objects by e-persons with administrative
privileges. A curation tab will appear in the administrative ui after logging into DSpace:

1. Click on the curation tab.

2. Select the option configured in ui.tasknames above.
3. Select Perform.

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Task Operation from the Item Submission user interface

If desired virus scanning can be enabled as part of the submission process upload file step. In [dspace]
/config/modules, edit configuration file submission-curation.cfg:

submission-curation.virus-scan = true

Task Operation from the curation command line client

To output the results to the console:

[dspace]/bin/dspace curate -t vscan -i <handle of container or item dso> -r -

Or capture the results in a file:

[dspace]/bin/dspace curate -t vscan -i <handle of container or item dso> -r - > /<path...>/<name>

Table 1 Virus Scan Results Table

GUI (Interactive Mode) FailFast Expectation

Container T Stop on 1st Infected Bitstream

Container F Stop on 1st Infected Item

Item T Stop on 1st Infected Bitstream

Item F Scan all bitstreams

Command Line

Container T Report on 1st infected bitstream within an item/Scan all contained Items

Container F Report on all infected bitstreams/Scan all contained Items

Item T Report on 1st infected bitstream

Item F Report on all infected bitstreams

Link Checkers
Two link checker tasks, BasicLinkChecker and MetadataValueLinkChecker can be used to check for broken or
unresolvable links appearing in item metadata.

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This task is intended as a prototype / example for developers and administrators who are new to the curation

These tasks are not configurable.

Basic Link Checker

BasicLinkChecker iterates over all metadata fields ending in "uri" (eg. dc.relation.uri, dc.identifier.uri, dc.source.
uri ...), attempts a GET to the value of the field, and checks for a 200 OK response.
Results are reported in a simple "one row per link" format.

Metadata Value Link Checker

MetadataValueLinkChecker parses all metadata fields for valid HTTP URLs, attempts a GET to those URLs,
and checks for a 200 OK response.
Results are reported in a simple "one row per link" format.

Microsoft Translator
Microsoft Translator uses the Microsoft Translate API to translate metadata values from one source language
into one or more target languages.
This task cab be configured to process particular fields, and use a default language if no authoritative language
for an item can be found. Bing API v2 key is needed.

MicrosoftTranslator extends the more generic AbstractTranslator. This now seems wasteful, but a
GoogleTranslator had also been written to extend AbstractTranslator. Unfortunately, Google has announced
they are decommissioning free Translate API service, so this task hasn't been included in DSpace's general set
of curation tasks.

Translated fields are added in addition to any existing fields, with the target language code in the 'language'
column. This means that running a task multiple times over one item with the same configuration could result in
duplicate metadata.

This task is intended as a prototype / example for developers and administrators who are new to the curation

Configure Microsoft Translator

An example configuration file can be found in [dspace]/config/modules/translator.cfg.

# Configuration properties used solely by MicrosoftTranslator #
# Curation Task (uses Microsoft Translation API v2) #
## Translation field settings

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## Authoritative language field

## This will be read to determine the original language an item was submitted in
## Default: dc.language
translator.field.language = dc.language

## Metadata fields you wish to have translated

translator.field.targets = dc.description.abstract, dc.title, dc.type

## Translation language settings

## If the language field configured in translate.field.language is not present
## in the record, set translate.language.default to a default source language
## or leave blank to use autodetection
translator.language.default = en

## Target languages for translation

translator.language.targets = de, fr

## Translation API settings

## Your Bing API v2 key and/or Google "Simple API Access" Key
## (note to Google users: your v1 API key will not work with Translate v2,
## you will need to visit and activate
## a Simple API Access key)
## You do not need to enter a key for both services. = YOUR_MICROSOFT_API_KEY_GOES_HERE = YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_GOES_HERE

6.3.12 Curation tasks in Jython

As mentioned in the "Scripted Tasks" chapter of Curation System, you can write your curation tasks in several
languages, including Jython (a flavour of Python running on JVM).

Setting up scripted tasks in Jython

1. Download the latest Jython installer jar (e.g. jython-installer-2.5.3.jar) from
2. Get jython.jar and the Lib directory.
a. either unzip the installer jar:
unzip -d [dspace]/lib/ jython-installer-2.5.3.jar jython.jar Lib/unzip -
d [dspace]/webapps/xmlui/WEB-INF/lib/ jython-installer-2.5.3.jar jython.
jar Lib/
b. or use it to install Jython:

java -jar jython-installer-2.5.3.jar --console

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Note: Installation location doesn't matter, this is not necessary for DSpace. You can safely delete
it after you retrieve jython.jar and Lib.
3. Install Jython to DSpace classpaths (step 2a already did this for you):
a. The goal is to put jython.jar and the jython Lib/ directory into every DSpace classpath you
intend to use, so it must be installed in both [dspace]/lib and the webapp that deploys to
Tomcat (if you want to run from the UI) - [dspace]/webapps/xmlui/WEB-INF/lib/. There
are no special maven/pom extensions - just copy in the jar and Lib/.
b. You can use symlinks if you wish as long as allowLinking (Tomcat <=7, Tomcat 8) is set to true in
that context's configuration. However, be warned that Tomcat documentation lists allowLinking="
true" as a possible security concern.
c. Note: Older versions of Jython mention the need for jython-engine.jar to implement JSR-223.
Don't worry about that, new Jython versions, e.g. 2.5.3 don't require this.
4. Configure the curation framework to be aware of your new task(s):
a. set up the location of scripted tasks in the curation system. This means simply adding a property
to [dspace]/config/modules/curate.cfg:
b. in this directory, create a text file named "task.catalog". This is a Java properties file where
lines beginning with '#' are comments. Add a line for each task you write. The syntax is following:

# logical task name = script engine name|file name|constructor invocation


don't put spaces around the pipe character or you'll get an error similar to this one:
ERROR org.dspace.curate.TaskResolver @ Script engine: 'python ' is
not installed
The "script engine name" is what ever name (or alias) jython registers in the JVM. You can
use both "python" and "jython" as engine name (tested on jython 2.5.3).
The logical task name can't conflict with existing (java) task names, but otherwise any
single-word token can be used.
The file name is just the script file name in the script.dir directory
"constructor invocation" is the language specific way to create an object that implements
the task interface - it's ClassName() for Python
c. If you want pretty names in the UI, configure other curate.cfg properties - see " ui.tasknames"
(or groups etc)
5. Write your task.
In the directory configured above, create your task (with the name configured in "task.catalog").
The basic requirement of any scripted task is that it implements the ScriptedTask Java interface.
So for our example, the file might look like this:

from org.dspace.curate import ScriptedTask

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class MyTask(ScriptedTask):
def init(self, curator, taskName):
print "initializing with Jython"

def performDso(self, dso):

print "perform on dso"
return 0

def performId(self, context, id):

print "perform on id %s" % (id)
return 0

6. Invoke the task.

You can do this the same way you would invoke any task (from command line, in the admin UI, etc). The
advantage of scripting is that you do not need to restart your servlet container to test changes; each
task's source code is reloaded when you launch the task, so you can just put the updated script in place.
Example of invocation from command line:

[dspace]/bin/dspace curate -t mytask -i 123456789/123 -r -

Note: "-r -" means that the script's standard output will be directed to the console. You can read more
details in the "On the command line" chapter of the Curation System page.

See also
Curation System page in the official documentation
Nailgun - for speeding up repeated runs of a dspace command from the command line

6.4 Date parser tester

Some parts of DSpace use a custom date/time parser (org.dspace.util.MultiFormatDateParser)
which is driven by a table of regular expressions, so it can match any of a variety of formats. The table is found
in config/spring/api/discovery-solr.xml. To test new and altered rules, you can use the DSpace
command line tool's validate-date command. You can simply pass it a date/time string on the command
line (dspace validate-date 01-01-2015). You can pipe a stream of strings to be validated, one per line (
dspace validate-date < Or you can have it prompt you for each string to be tested (
dspace validate-date).

6.5 Services to support Alternative Identifiers

Together with the Item Level Versioning an Identifier Service was introduced that make it possible to integrate
new Identifiers. Currently the Identifier Service is used for Items only, but this may be changed in future

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versions of DSpace. Identifiers used for different versions are an very important point as part of an versioning
strategy. The following documentation describes the Identifier Service in the context of Item Level Versioning,
nevertheless the Identifier Service is also used for Items when the Item Level Versioning is switched off.

6.5.1 Versioning and Identifier Service

DSpace Item Versioning is encapsulated as an Extensible Service that may be reimplemented by the local
repository maintainers to produce alternate versioning behaviors and Identifier Schemes. Versioning Services
layer on top of IdentifierServices dedicated to Encoding, Resolution, Minting and Registration of Identifiers for
specific DSpace Items. It is through this highly extensible layering of functionality where local developers can
alter the versioning behavior and introduce their own local enhancements. The DSpace Service Manager,
based on the Spring Framework, provides the key leverage for this flexibility.

Versioning Service
The Versioning Service will be responsible for the replication of one or more Items when a new version is
requested. The new version will not yet be preserved in the Repository, it will be preserved when the databases
transactional window is completed, thus when errors arise in the versioning process, the database will be

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properly kept in its original state and the application will alert that an exception has occurred that is in need of

The Versioning Service will rely on a generic IdentifierService that is described below for minting and registering
any identifiers that are required to track the revision history of the Items.

public interface VersioningService {

Version createNewVersion(Context c, int itemId);

Version createNewVersion(Context c, int itemId, String summary);

void removeVersion(Context c, int versionID);

void removeVersion(Context c, Item item);

Version getVersion(Context c, int versionID);

Version restoreVersion(Context c, int versionID);

Version restoreVersion(Context c, int versionID, String summary);

VersionHistory findVersionHistory(Context c, int itemId);

Version updateVersion(Context c, int itemId, String summary);

Version getVersion(Context c, Item item);


Identifier Service
The Identifier Service maintains an extensible set of IdentifierProvider services that are responsible for two
important activities in Identifier management:

1. Resolution: IdentifierService act in a manner similar to the existing HandleManager in DSpace, allowing
for resolution of DSpace Items from provided identifiers.
2. Minting: Minting is the act of reserving and returning an identifier that may be used with a specific
3. Registering: Registering is the act of recording the existence of a minted identifier with an external
persistent resolver service. These services may reside on the local machine (HandleManager) or exist as
external services (PURL or EZID DOI registration services)

public interface IdentifierService {

* @param context
* @param dso

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* @param identifier
* @return
String lookup(Context context, DSpaceObject dso, Class<? extends Identifier> identifier);

* This will resolve a DSpaceObject based on a provided Identifier. The Service will
interrogate the providers in
* no particular order and return the first successful result discovered. If no
resolution is successful,
* the method will return null if no object is found.
* TODO: Verify null is returned.
* @param context
* @param identifier
* @return
* @throws IdentifierNotFoundException
* @throws IdentifierNotResolvableException
DSpaceObject resolve(Context context, String identifier) throws
IdentifierNotFoundException, IdentifierNotResolvableException;

* Reserves any identifiers necessary based on the capabilities of all providers in the
* @param context
* @param dso
* @throws org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException
* @throws java.sql.SQLException
* @throws IdentifierException
void reserve(Context context, DSpaceObject dso) throws AuthorizeException, SQLException,

* Used to Reserve a Specific Identifier (for example a Handle, hdl:1234.5/6) The
provider is responsible for
* Detecting and Processing the appropriate identifier, all Providers are interrogated,
multiple providers
* can process the same identifier.
* @param context
* @param dso
* @param identifier
* @throws org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException
* @throws java.sql.SQLException
* @throws IdentifierException

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void reserve(Context context, DSpaceObject dso, String identifier) throws

AuthorizeException, SQLException, IdentifierException;

* @param context
* @param dso
* @return
* @throws org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException
* @throws java.sql.SQLException
* @throws IdentifierException
void register(Context context, DSpaceObject dso) throws AuthorizeException,
SQLException, IdentifierException;

* Used to Register a Specific Identifier (for example a Handle, hdl:1234.5/6) The
provider is responsible for
* Detecting and Processing the appropriate identifier, all Providers are interrogated,
multiple providers
* can process the same identifier.
* @param context
* @param dso
* @param identifier
* @return
* @throws org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException
* @throws java.sql.SQLException
* @throws IdentifierException
void register(Context context, DSpaceObject dso, String identifier) throws
AuthorizeException, SQLException, IdentifierException;

* Delete (Unbind) all identifiers registered for a specific DSpace item. Identifiers
are "unbound" across
* all providers in no particular order.
* @param context
* @param dso
* @throws org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException
* @throws java.sql.SQLException
* @throws IdentifierException
void delete(Context context, DSpaceObject dso) throws AuthorizeException, SQLException,

* Used to Delete a Specific Identifier (for example a Handle, hdl:1234.5/6) The
provider is responsible for
* Detecting and Processing the appropriate identifier, all Providers are interrogated,
multiple providers

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* can process the same identifier.

* @param context
* @param dso
* @param identifier
* @throws org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException
* @throws java.sql.SQLException
* @throws IdentifierException
void delete(Context context, DSpaceObject dso, String identifier) throws
AuthorizeException, SQLException, IdentifierException;

6.6 Batch Processing

In the current DSpace design, the database transactions are in most of the cases relatively long: from Context
creation to the moment the Context is completed. Especially when doing batch processing, that transaction can
become very long. The new data access layer introduced in DSpace 6 which is based on Hibernate has built-in
cache and auto-update mechanisms. But these mechanisms do not work well with long transactions and even
have an exponentially adverse-effect on performance.

Therefore we added a new method enableBatchMode() to the DSpace Context class which tells our
database connection that we are going to do some batch processing. The database connection (Hibernate in
our case) can then optimize itself to deal with a large number of inserts, updates and deletes. Hibernate will
then not postpone update statements anymore which is better in the case of batch processing. The method
isBatchModeEnabled() lets you check if the current Context is in "batch mode".

When dealing with a lot of records, it is also important to deal with the size of the (Hibernate) cache. A large
cache can also lead to decreased performance and eventually to "out of memory" exceptions. To help
developers to better manage the cache, a method getCacheSize() was added to the DSpace Context class
that will give you the number of database records currently cached by the database connection. Another new
method uncacheEntity(ReloadableEntity entity) will allow you to clear the cache (of a single object)
and free up (heap) memory. The uncacheEntity() method may be used to immediately remove an object
from heap memory once the batch processing is finished with it. Besides the uncacheEntity() method, the
commit() method in the DSpace Context class will also clear the cache, flush all pending changes to the
database and commit the current database transaction. The database changes will then be visible to other

BUT uncacheEntity() and commit() come at a price. After calling this method all previously fetched
entities (hibernate terminology for database record) are "detached" (pending changes are not tracked anymore)
and cannot be combined with "attached" entities. If you change a value in a detached entity, Hibernate will not
automatically push that change to the database. If you still want to change a value of a detached entity or if you
want to use that entity in combination with attached entities (e.g. adding a bitstream to an item) after you have
cleared the cache, you first have to reload that entity. Reloading means asking the database connection to re-

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add the entity from the database to the cache and get a new object reference to the required entity. From then
on, it is important that you use that new object reference. To simplify the process of reloading detached entities,
we've added a reloadEntity(ReloadableEntity entity) method to the DSpace Context class with a
new interface ReloadableEntity. This method will give the user a new "attached" reference to the requested
entity. All DSpace Objects and some extra classes implement the ReloadableEntity interface so that they
can be easily reloaded.

Examples on how to use these new methods can be found in the IndexClient class. But to summarize, when
batch processing it is important that:

1. You put the Context into batch processing mode using the method:

boolean originalMode = context.isBatchModeEnabled();


2. Perform necessary batch operations, being careful to call uncacheEntity() whenever you complete
operations on each object. Alternatively, you can commit() the context once the object cache reaches a
particular size (see getCacheSize()). Remember, once an object is "uncached", you will have to
reload it (see reloadEntity()) before you can work with it again:

final Iterator<Item> itemIterator = itemService.findByCollection(context, collection);

// Loop through all items

while (itemIterator.hasNext()) {
// Get access to next Item
Item item =;

... do something with Item ...

// To prevent memory issues, discard Item from the cache after processing

// Remember: calling commit() will decache all objects


// So, if you need to reuse your Collection *post* commit(), you'd have to reload it
Collection collection = context.reloadEntity(collection);

3. When you're finished with processing the records, you put the context back into its original mode:


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6.7 Extensible control panel

The administrative control panel with DS-2625 makes it easier to craft new (potentially repository specific)
content available to administrators only. If your admins need to see logs (but you don't want to give access to
the whole machine), if they need to see environment variables, some specific queries, or just need a place for
links to content harvesters/quality control; consider putting it together as a control panel tab. You'll need at least
s ome Java knowledge...

Below you'll find details about the control panel configuration and an example of a "minimal" tab.

6.7.1 Configuration
The control panel is configured in dspace/config/modules/controlpanel.cfg. This file contains a list of named
plugins (see PluginManager) implementing the ControlPanelTab interface. Then there is a list of enabled tabs,
these will be visible in the actual control panel; this list is called simply controlpanel.tabs. The names given in
the list are used as i18n message keys together with "xmlui.administrative.ControlPanel.tabs." as a prefix, ie.
when you name a tab "Java Information" the message key is "xmlui.administrative.ControlPanel.tabs.Java
Information". The message value is what you see in the control panel.

Currently the configured tabs are the same tabs that were present in the previous non-configurable version. You
can remove any of them by removing/commenting the appropriate line.

Creating new tabs

New tabs should extend AbstractControlPanelTab and implement addBody method.

A new tab is a matter of few lines:

--- /dev/null
+++ b/dspace-xmlui/src/main/java/org/dspace/app/xmlui/aspect/administrative/controlpanel/Test

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import java.sql.SQLException;
+import java.util.Map;
+public class TestTab extends AbstractControlPanelTab {

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+ @Override
+ public void addBody(Map objectModel, Division div) throws WingException {
+ Para para = div.addPara();
+ para.addContent("I am your new tab. You can reach me via ");
+ para.addXref(this.web_link, this.web_link);
+ }

Notice the link to the tab itself (ie. contextPath + "/admin/panel?tab=" + tab_name) is obtained with this.
web_link. That comes in handy when the tab accepts parameters.

Now add the new tab to the configuration:

--- a/dspace/config/modules/controlpanel.cfg
+++ b/dspace/config/modules/controlpanel.cfg
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ controlpanel.tabs = Configuration
controlpanel.tabs = SystemWide Alerts
controlpanel.tabs = Harvesting
controlpanel.tabs = Current Activity
+controlpanel.tabs = Test Tab

### Define Control Panel Tab Plugins / Names (one per line)
### These define the names of each Control Panel Tab plugin (names are used to enable/disabl

@@ -19,3 +20,4 @@ = org.d = org.d = org.d = org.d

And finally the message key:

--- a/dspace-xmlui/src/main/webapp/i18n/messages.xml
+++ b/dspace-xmlui/src/main/webapp/i18n/messages.xml
@@ -2030,6 +2030,7 @@
<message key="xmlui.administrative.ControlPanel.tabs.SystemWide Alerts">SystemWide A

<message key="xmlui.administrative.ControlPanel.tabs.Harvesting">Harvesting</message

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<message key="xmlui.administrative.ControlPanel.tabs.Current Activity">Current Activ

+ <message key="xmlui.administrative.ControlPanel.tabs.Test Tab">1..2..3 TEST</message

<!-- -->

<message key="xmlui.administrative.SystemwideAlerts.countdown"><strong>In {0} minute

For more elaborate examples refer to the already configured Tabs or see the ControlPanel* classes in

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

7 DSpace Reference
Configuration Reference
Directories and Files
Metadata and Bitstream Format Registries
Application Layer
Business Logic Layer
DSpace Services Framework
Storage Layer
Changes in 6.x
Changes in 5.x
Changes in 4.x
Changes in 3.x
Changes in 1.8.x
Changes in 1.7.x
Changes in 1.6.x
Changes in 1.5.x
Changes in 1.4.x
Changes in 1.3.x
Changes in 1.2.x
Changes in 1.1.x
DSpace Item State Definitions

7.1 Configuration Reference

There are a numbers of ways in which DSpace may be configured and/or customized. This chapter of the
documentation will discuss the configuration of the software and will also reference customizations that may be
performed in the chapter following.

For ease of use, the Configuration documentation is broken into several parts:

General Configuration - addresses general conventions used with configuring the local.cfg file,
dspace.cfg and other configuration files which use similar conventions.
The local.cfg Configuration Properties File - describes how to use the local.cfg file to store all your
locally customized configurations
The dspace.cfg Configuration Properties File - specifies the basic dspace.cfg file settings (these
settings specify the default configuration for DSpace)

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Optional or Advanced Configuration Settings - contain other more advanced settings that are optional in
the dspace.cfg configuration file.

The full table of contents follows:

General Configuration
Configuration File Syntax
Special Characters
Specifying Multiple Values for Properties
Including other Property Files
Configuration Scheme for Reloading and Overriding
Why are there multiple copies of some config files?
The local.cfg Configuration Properties File
The dspace.cfg Configuration Properties File
Main DSpace Configurations
DSpace Database Configuration
To provide the database connection pool externally
DSpace Email Settings
Wording of E-mail Messages
File Storage
Logging Configuration
General Plugin Configuration
Configuring the Search Engine
Handle Server Configuration
Delegation Administration: Authorization System Configuration
Login as feature
Restricted Item Visibility Settings
Proxy Settings
Configuring Media Filters
Crosswalk and Packager Plugin Settings
Configurable MODS Dissemination Crosswalk
XSLT-based Crosswalks
Testing XSLT Crosswalks
Configurable Qualified Dublin Core (QDC) dissemination crosswalk
Configuring Crosswalk Plugins
Configuring Packager Plugins
Event System Configuration
Checksum Checker Settings
Item Export and Download Settings
Subscription Emails
Hiding Metadata
Settings for the Submission Process

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Configuring the Sherpa/RoMEO Publishers Policy Database Integration

Configuring Creative Commons License
WEB User Interface Configurations
Browse Index Configuration
Defining the storage of the Browse Data
Defining the Indexes
Defining Sort Options
Other Browse Options
Browse Index Authority Control Configuration
Tag cloud
Author (Multiple metadata value) Display
Links to Other Browse Contexts
Recent Submissions
Submission License Substitution Variables
Syndication Feed (RSS) Settings
OpenSearch Support
Content Inline Disposition Threshold
Multi-file HTML Document/Site Settings
Sitemap Settings
Authority Control Settings
Configuring Multilingual Support
Setting the Default Language for the Application
Supporting More Than One Language
Changes in dspace.cfg
Related Files
JSPUI Upload File Settings
JSP Web Interface (JSPUI) Settings
JSPUI Item Mapper
Display of Group Membership
JSPUI Item Recommendation Setting
Controlled Vocabulary Settings
XMLUI Specific Configuration
Optional or Advanced Configuration Settings
The Metadata Format and Bitstream Format Registries
Metadata Format Registries
Bitstream Format Registry
Configuring Usage Instrumentation Plugins
The Passive Plugin
The Tab File Logger Plugin
Behavior of the workflow system
JSPUI: Per item visual indicators for browse and search results
Recognizing Web Spiders (Bots, Crawlers, etc.)

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Command-line Access to Configuration Properties

7.1.1 General Configuration

In the following sections you will learn about the different configuration files that you will need to edit so that you
may make your DSpace installation work.

DSpace provides a number of textual configuration files which may be used to configure your site based on
local needs. These include:

[dspace]/config/dspace.cfg : The primary configuration file, which contains the main

configurations for DSpace.
[dspace]/config/modules/*.cfg : Module configuration files, which are specific to various modules
/features within DSpace.
[dspace]/config/local.cfg : A (optional, but highly recommended) localized copy of configurations
/settings specific to your DSpace (see The local.cfg Configuration Properties File below)
Additional feature-specific configuration files also exist under [dspace]/config/, some of these
default.license : the default deposit license used by DSpace during the submission process
(see Submission User Interface documentation)
hibernate.cfg.xml : The Hibernate class configuration for the DSpace database (almost
never requires changing)
input-forms.xml : The default deposit input forms for DSpace (see Submission User Interface
item-submission.xml : the default item submission process for DSpace (see Submission User
Interface documentation)
launcher.xml : The configuration of the DSpace command-line "launcher" ( [dspace]/bin
/dspace , see the DSpace Command Launcher documentation) : The default logging settings for DSpace log files (usually placed in
news-side.html and news-top.html : HTML news configuration files for the JSPUI
homepage (see JSPUI Configuration and Customization)
news-xmlui.xml : News configuration file for the XMLUI homepage (see XMLUI Configuration
and Customization)
workflow.xml : Configuration for the Configurable Workflow feature (not used by default)
xmlui.xconf : Configuration for the XMLUI (see XMLUI Configuration and Customization)

As most of these configurations are detailed in other areas of the DSpace documentation (see links above), this
section concentrates primarily on the "*.cfg" configuration files (namely dspace.cfg and local.cfg).

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Configuration File Syntax

We will use the dspace.cfg as our example for input conventions used throughout the system. These same
input conventions apply to all DSpace *.cfg files.

All DSpace *.cfg files use the Apache Commons Configuration properties file syntax. This syntax is very similar
to a standard Java properties file, with a few notable enhancements described below.

Comments all start with a "#" symbol. These lines are ignored by DSpace.
Other settings appear as property/value pairs of the form: = property value
Certain special characters (namely commas) MUST BE escaped. See the "Special Characters" section
Values assigned in the same *.cfg file are "additive", and result in an array of values. See "Specifying
Multiple Values for Properties" below.

Some property defaults are "commented out". That is, they have a "#" preceding them, and the DSpace
software ignores the config property. This may cause the feature not to be enabled, or, cause a default property
to be used.

The property value may contain references to other configuration properties, in the form ${}.
A property may not refer to itself. Examples:

dspace.dir = /path/to/dspace = My DSpace

# will be equal to "My DSpace is great!" = ${} is great!

# will be equal to "/path/to/dspace/rest/of/path" = ${dspace.dir}/rest/of/path

# However, this will result in an ERROR, as the property cannot reference itself = ${}

Special Characters
Certain characters in *.cfg files are considered special characters, and must be escaped in any values. The
most notable of these special characters include:

Commas (,) : as they represent lists or arrays of values (see "Specifying Multiple Values for Properties"
Backslashes (\) : as this is the escape character

This means that if a particular setting needs to use one of these special characters in its value, it must be
escaped. Here's a few examples:

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# This setting is INVALID. DSpace is expecting your site name to be a single value,
# But, this setting would create an array of two values: "DSpace" and "My Institution" = DSpace, My Institution

# CORRECT SETTING (commas is escaped)

# Instead, if the name of your DSpace includes a comma, you need to escape it with "\," = DSpace\, My Institution

# As the backslash is the escape character, this won't work = \some\path

# If you want a literal backslash, you need to escape it with "\\"
# So, the below value will be returned as "\some\path" = \\some\\path

Additional examples of escaping special characters are provided in the documentation of the Apache Commons
Configuration properties file syntax.

Specifying Multiple Values for Properties

Because DSpace supports the Apache Commons Configuration properties file syntax, it is much easier to
specify multiple values for a single setting. All you have to do is repeat the same property name multiple times
in the same *.cfg file.

For example:

# The below settings define *two* AuthenticationMethods that will be enabled, LDAP and Password
# Notice how the same property name is simply repeated, and passed different values. = org.dspace.authenticate.
LDAPAuthentication = org.dspace.authenticate.

# Alternatively, you can also define them as a comma-separated list

# (In this scenario, you would NOT escape the comma, as you want them to be considered multiple
# So, this single line is exactly equavalent to the settings above: = org.dspace.authenticate.
LDAPAuthentication, org.dspace.authenticate.PasswordAuthentication

Please be aware that this ONLY works if you are reusing the exact same configuration in the same
configuration file. This causes the values to be "additive" (i.e they are appended to the same list).

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However, as you'll see below, the local.cfg file always overrides settings elsewhere. So, if the above
"AuthenticationMethod" plugin was specified in both your authentication.cfg and your local.cfg, the
value(s) in your local.cfg would override the defaults in your authentication.cfg (more on that below).

Additional examples of creating lists or arrays of values are provided in the documentation of the Apache
Commons Configuration properties file syntax.

Including other Property Files

Because DSpace supports the Apache Commons Configuration properties file syntax, it also can include
/embed property files within other property files by using the "include=" setting.

For example, the dspace.cfg includes/embeds all of the default config/modules/*.cfg files via a series
of "include=" settings near the bottom of the dspace.cfg. As an example, here's a small subset of those
include calls:

# defines our modules subdirectory

module_dir = modules

# The following lines include specific "authentication*.cfg" files inside your dspace.cfg
# This essentially "embeds" their configurations into your dspace.cfg,
# treating them as if they were a single configuration file.
include = ${module_dir}/authentication.cfg
include = ${module_dir}/authentication-ip.cfg
include = ${module_dir}/authentication-ldap.cfg
include = ${module_dir}/authentication-password.cfg
include = ${module_dir}/authentication-shibboleth.cfg

This ability to include properties files within others is very powerful, as it allows you to inherit settings from other
files, or subdivide large configuration files. Be aware that this essentially causes DSpace to treat all included
configurations as if they were part of the parent file. This means that, in the above example, as far as DSpace is
concerned, all the settings contained within the authentication*.cfg files "appear" as though they are
specified in the main dspace.cfg.

This ability to include other files is also possible with the local.cfg file, should you want to subdivide your
localized settings into several locally specific configuration files.

Configuration Scheme for Reloading and Overriding

In DSpace 6.0, while the DSpace API supports dynamically reloading configurations, the user
interfaces (e.g. XMLUI and JSPUI) still cache some configuration settings. This means that while the
API layer may reload a new value, that new value may not always affect/change the behavior of your
user interface (until you restart Tomcat). This is something we are working to correct in future versions
of DSpace.

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Because DSpace supports the Apache Commons Configuration, its configurations can now be reloaded without
restarting your servlet container (e.g. Tomcat). By default, DSpace checks for changes to any of its runtime
configuration files every 5 seconds. If a change has been made, the configuration file is reloaded. The 5 second
interval is configurable in the config-definition.xml (which defines the configuration scheme DSpace

Additionally, DSpace provides the ability to easily override default configuration settings (in dspace.cfg or
modules/*.cfg) using a local.cfg file (see The local.cfg Configuration Properties File) or using System Properties
/ Environment Varilables.

Both of these features are defined in DSpace's default "configuration scheme" or "configuration definition" in the
[dspace]/config/config-definition.xml file. This file defines the Apache Commons Configuration
settings that DSpace utilizes by default. It is a valid "configuration definition" file as defined by Apache
Commons Configuration. See their Configuration Definition File Documentation for more details.

You are welcome to customize the config-definition.xml to customize your local configuration scheme
as you see fit. Any customizations to this file will require restarting your servlet container (e.g. Tomcat).

By default, the DSpace config-definition.xml file defines the following configuration scheme:

Configuration File Syntax/Sources: All DSpace configurations are loaded via Properties files (using the
Configuration File Syntax detailed above)
Note: Apache Commons Configuration does support other configuration sources such as XML
configurations or database configurations (see its Overview documentation). At this time, DSpace
does not utilize these other sorts of configurations by default. However, it would be possible to
customize your local config-definition.xml to load settings from other locations.
Configuration Files/Sources: By default, only two configuration files are loaded into Apache Commons
Configuration for DSpace:
local.cfg (see The local.cfg Configuration Properties File documentation below)
dspace.cfg (NOTE: all modules/*.cfg are loaded by dspace.cfg via "include="
statements at the end of that configuration file. They are essentially treated as sub-configs which
are embedded/included into the dspace.cfg)
Configuration Override Scheme: The configuration override scheme is defined as follows. Configurations
specified in earlier locations will automatically override any later values:
System Properties (-D[setting]=[value]) override all other options
Environment Variables
dspace.cfg (and all modules/*.cfg files) contain the default values for all settings.
Configuration Auto-Reload: By default, all configuration files are automatically checked every 5 seconds
for changes. If they have changed, they are automatically reloaded.

For more information on customizing our default config-definition.xml file, see the Apache Commons
Configuration documentation on the configuration definition file. Internally, DSpace simply uses the

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DefaultConfigurationBuilder class provided by Apache Commons Configuration to initialize our

configuration scheme (and load all configuration files).

Customizing the default configuration scheme

Because the config-definition.xml file is just a Configuration Definition file for Apache
Commons Configuration, you can also choose to customize the above configuration scheme based on
your institution's local needs. This includes, but is not limited to, changing the name of "local.cfg",
adding additional configuration files/sources, or modifying the override or auto-reload schemes. For
more information, see the Configuration Definition File Documentation from Apache Commons

Why are there multiple copies of some config files?

It is important to remember that there are multiple copies of each configuration files in an installation of
DSpace. The primary ones to be aware of are:

1. The "source" configuration file(s) are found under in [dspace-source]/dspace/config/ or

subdirectories. This also includes the [dspace-source]/local.cfg
2. The "runtime" configuration file(s) that are found in [dspace]/config/

The DSpace server (webapp) and command line programs only look at the runtime configuration file(s).

When you are revising/changing your configuration values, it may be tempting to only edit the runtime file. DO
NOT do this. Whenever you rebuild DSpace, it will "reset" your runtime configuration to whatever is in your
source directories (the previous runtime configuration is copied to a date suffixed file, should you ever need to
restore it).

Instead, we recommend to always make the same changes to the source version of the configuration file in
addition to the runtime file. In other words, the source and runtime files should always be identical / kept in sync.

One way to keep the two files in synchronization is to edit your files in [dspace-source]/dspace/config/
and then run the following commands to rebuild DSpace and install the updated configs:

cd [dspace-source]/dspace/
mvn package
cd [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-installer
ant update_configs

This will copy the source configuration files into the runtime ([dspace]/config) directory. Another option to
manually sync the files by copying them to each directory.

Please note that there are additional "ant" commands to help with configuration management:

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"ant update_configs" ==> Moves existing configs in [dspace]/config/ to *.old files and replaces them
with what is in [dspace-source]/dspace/config/

"ant -Doverwrite=false update_configs" ==> Leaves existing configs in [dspace]/config/ intact. Just
copies new configs from
[dspace-source]/dspace/config/ over to *.new files.

7.1.2 The local.cfg Configuration Properties File has been replaced by local.cfg

As of DSpace 6, the old "" configuration file has been replaced by this new "
local.cfg" configuration file. For individuals who are familiar with the old file,
this new local.cfg differs in a few key ways:

Unlike, the local.cfg file can be used to override ANY setting in any
other configuration file (dspace.cfg or modules/*.cfg). To override a default setting,
simply copy the configuration into your local.cfg and change its value(s).
Unlike, the local.cfg file is not utilized during the compilation process
(e.g. mvn package). But, it is automatically copied alongside the final dspace.cfg into your
installation location ([dspace]/config/), where it overrides default DSpace settings with
your locally specific settings at runtime.
Like, the local.cfg file is expected to be specified in the source
directory by default ([dspace-source]). There is an example ([dspace-source]/dspace
/config/local.cfg.EXAMPLE) provided which you can use to create a [dspace-source]

Many configurations have changed names between DSpace 5 (and below) and DSpace 6

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of DSpace, you will need to be aware that many
configuration names/keys have changed. Because Apache Commons Configuration allows for auto-
overriding of configurations, all configuration names/keys in different *.cfg files MUST be uniquely
named (otherwise accidental, unintended overriding may occur).

In order to create this powerful ability to override configurations in your local.cfg, all modules/*.
cfg files had their configurations renamed to be prepended with the module name. As a basic
example, all the configuration settings within the modules/oai.cfg configuration now start with

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Additionally, while the local.cfg may look similar to the old, many of its
configurations have slightly different names. So, simply copying your into a local.cfg
will NOT work.

This means that DSpace 5.x (or below) configurations are NOT guaranteed compatible with DSpace
6. While you obviously can use your old configurations as a reference, you will need to start with fresh
copy of all configuration files, and reapply any necessary configuration changes (this has always been
the recommended procedure). However, as you'll see below, you'll likely want to do that anyways in
order to take full advantage of the new local.cfg file.

As of DSpace 6, it is now possible to easily override default DSpace configurations (from dspace.cfg or
modules/*.cfg files) in your own local.cfg configuration file.

A example [dspace-source]/dspace/config/local.cfg.EXAMPLE is provided with DSpace. The

example only provides a few key configurations which most DSpace sites are likely to need to customize.
However, you may add (or remove) any other configuration to your local.cfg to customize it as you see fit.

To get started, simply create your own [dspace-source]/dspace/config/local.cfg based on the

example, e.g.

cd [dspace-source]/dspace/config/
cp local.cfg.EXAMPLE local.cfg

You can then begin to edit your local.cfg with your local settings for DSpace. There are a few key things to
note about the local.cfg file:

Override any default configurations: Any setting in your local.cfg will automatically OVERRIDE a
setting of the same name in the dspace.cfg or any modules/*.cfg file. This also means that you can
copy ANY configuration (from dspace.cfg or any modules/*.cfg file) into your local.cfg to specify
a new value.
For example, specifying dspace.url in local.cfg will override the default value of dspace.
url in dspace.cfg.
Also, specifying oai.solr.url in local.cfg will override the default value of oai.solr.url
in config/modules/oai.cfg
Configuration Syntax: The local.cfg file uses the Apache Commons Configuration Property file
syntax (like all *.cfg files) . For more information see the section on Configuration File Syntax above.
This means the local.cfg also supports enhanced features like the ability to include other
config files (via "include=" statements).
Override local.cfg via System Properties: As needed, you also are able to OVERRIDE settings in your
local.cfg by specifying them as System Properties or Environment Variables.

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For example, if you wanted to change your dspace.dir in development/staging environment,

you could specify it as a System Property (e.g. -Ddspace.dir=[new-location]). This new
value will override any value in both local.cfg and dspace.cfg.

When you build DSpace (e.g. mvn package), this local.cfg file will be automatically copied to [dspace]
/config/local.cfg. Similar to the dspace.cfg, the "runtime" configuration (used by DSpace) is the one in
[dspace]/config/local.cfg. See the Why are there multiple copies of some config files? question above
for more details on the runtime vs source configuration.

Here's a very basic example of settings you could place into your local.cfg file (with inline comments):

# This is a simple example local.cfg file which shows off options

# for creating your own local.cfg

# This overrides the default value of "dspace.dir" in dspace.cfg

dspace.dir = C:/dspace/

# This overrides the default value of "dspace.baseUrl" in dspace.cfg

dspace.baseUrl =

# The overrides the default "dspace.url" setting it to the same value as my "baseUrl" above
dspace.url = ${dspace.baseUrl}

# If our database settings are the same as the default ones in dspace.cfg,
# then, we may be able to simply customize the db.username and db.password
db.username = myuser
db.password = mypassword

# For DSpace, we want the LDAP and Password authentication plugins enabled
# This overrides the default AuthenticationMethod in /config/modules/authentication.cfg
# Since we specified the same key twice, these two values are appended (see Configuration File
Syntax above) = org.dspace.authenticate.
LDAPAuthentication = org.dspace.authenticate.

# For the example, we'll override the default oai.url in /config/modules/oai.cfg

oai.url = ${dspace.baseUrl}/oaipmh

# We'll also override the default oai.solr.url in /config/modules/oai.cfg

# Notice here we're referencing a configuration (solr.server) that only exists in dspace.cfg
# This is allowed. Your local.cfg can reference configs from other *.cfg files.

# Finally, this local.cfg also supports adding "include=" statements, to include

# additional local configuration files.
# In this example, a local-rest.cfg and local-curate.cfg (in the same directory)
# will automatically be included as part of this local.cfg.
# This allows you to subdivide you local configs in as many (or few) config files

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# as you desire.
include = local-rest.cfg
include = local-curate.cfg

7.1.3 The dspace.cfg Configuration Properties File

Any dspace.cfg setting can be overridden in your local.cfg

Remember, any of the below dspace.cfg settings can be copied into your local.cfg configuration file
and overridden. So, rather than editing the dspace.cfg (or any of the modules/*.cfg), it's
recommended to simply override the default values in your local.cfg. That way, your local.cfg
can serve as the record of which configurations you have actually tweaked in your DSpace, which may
help to simplify future upgrades.

The dspace.cfg contains basic information about a DSpace installation, including system path information,
network host information, and other like items. It is the default configuration file for DSpace, used by DSpace
when it is actively running. However, as noted above, any of these default configurations may be overridden in
your own local.cfg configuraiton file.

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Main DSpace Configurations

Property: dspace.dir

Example /dspace

Informational Root directory of DSpace installation. Omit the trailing slash '/'. Note that if you change this,
Note: there are several other parameters you will probably want to change to match, e.g.
assetstore.dir .

(On Windows be sure to use forward slashes for the directory path! For example: "C:/dspace"
is a valid path for Windows.)

Property: dspace.hostname

Example dspace.hostname =


Informational Fully qualified hostname; do not include port number.


Property: dspace.baseUrl


Informational Main URL at which DSpace Web UI webapp is deployed. Include any port number, but do not
Note: include the trailing '/'.

Property: dspace.url

Example dspace.url =


Informational URL that determines whether JSPUI or XMLUI will be loaded by default. Include port number
note etc., but NOT trailing slash. Alternatively to the example, this url can have /jspui at the end if
you are using jspui instead of xmlui. You can also opt to run your UI app as your servlet
engine's "ROOT" webapp. In that case, ensure that you remove /xmlui or /jspui.

Property: dspace.oai.url

Example dspace.oai.url = ${dspace.baseUrl}/oai


Informational The base URL of the OAI webapp (do not include /request).

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Example = DSpace at My University


Informational Short and sweet site name, used throughout Web UI, e-mails and elsewhere (such as OAI
Note: protocol)

DSpace Database Configuration

Many of the database configurations are software-dependent. That is, it will be based on the choice of database
software being used. Currently, DSpace properly supports PostgreSQL and Oracle.

Property: db.url

Example db.url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/dspace_-services


Informational The above value is the default value when configuring with PostgreSQL. When using Oracle,
Note: use this value:

Property: db.username

Example db.username = dspace


Informational In the installation directions, the administrator is instructed to create the user "dspace" who
Note: will own the database "dspace".

Property: db.password

Example db.password = dspace5


Informational This is the password that was prompted during the installation process (cf. 3.2.3. Installation)

Property: db.schema

Example db.schema = vra


Informational If your database contains multiple schemas, you can avoid problems with retrieving the
Note: definitions of duplicate objects by specifying the schema name here that is used for DSpace
by uncommenting the entry. This property is optional.


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Example db.maxconnections = 30

Informational Maximum number of Database connections in the connection pool


Property: db.maxwait

Example db.maxwait = 5000


Informational Maximum time to wait before giving up if all connections in pool are busy (in milliseconds).

Property: db.maxidle

Example db.maxidle = -1

Informational Maximum number of idle connections in pool. (-1 = unlimited)


Property: db.statementpool

Example db.statementpool = true


Informational Determines if prepared statement should be cached. (Default is set to true)


Property: db.poolname

Example db.poolname = dspacepool


Informational Specify a name for the connection pool. This is useful if you have multiple applications
Note: sharing Tomcat's database connection pool. If nothing is specified, it will default to

To provide the database connection pool externally

Alternately, you may supply a configured connection pool out of JNDI. The object must be named jdbc
/dspace (the full path is java:comp/env/jdbc/dspace). DSpace will always look up this name and, if
found, will use the returned object as its database connection pool. If not found, the above db.* properties will
be used to create the pool.

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If you are using Tomcat, then the object might be defined using a <Resource> element, or connected to a
<Resource> child of <GlobalNamingResources> using a <ResourceLink> element. See your Servlet
container's documentation for details of configuring the JNDI initial context.

Earlier releases of DSpace provided a configuration property db.jndi to specify the name to be looked up, but
that has been removed. The name is specified in config/spring/api/core-hibernate.xml if you really
need to change it.

DSpace Email Settings

The configuration of email is simple and provides a mechanism to alert the person(s) responsible for different
features of the DSpace software.

DSpace will look up a javax.mail.Session object in JNDI and, if found, will use that to send email. Otherwise it
will create a Session using some of the properties detailed below.

Property: mail.server

Example mail.server =


Informational The address on which your outgoing SMTP email server can be reached.

Property: mail.server.username

Example mail.server.username = myusername


Informational SMTP mail server authentication username, if required. This property is optional.

Property: mail.server.password

Example mail.server.password = mypassword


Informational SMTP mail server authentication password, if required. This property is optional/

Property: mail.server.port

Example mail.server.port = 25


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The port on which your SMTP mail server can be reached. By default, port 25 is used.
Change this setting if your SMTP mailserver is running on another port. This property is

Property: mail.from.address

Example mail.from.address =


Informational The "From" address for email. Change the '' to the site's host name.

Property: feedback.recipient

Example feedback.recipient =


Informational When a user clicks on the feedback link/feature, the information will be sent to the email
Note: address of choice. This configuration is currently limited to only one recipient. Since DSpace
4.0, this is also the email address displayed on the contacts page.

Property: mail.admin

Example mail.admin =


Informational Email address of the general site administrator (Webmaster)


Property: alert.recipient

Example alert.recipient =


Informational Enter the recipient for server errors and alerts. This property is optional.

Property: registration.notify

Example registration.notify =


Informational Enter the recipient that will be notified when a new user registers on DSpace. This property is
Note: optional.

Property: mail.charset

Example mail.charset = UTF-8


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Informational Set the default mail character set. This may be over-ridden by providing a line inside the email
Note: template 'charset: <encoding>', otherwise this default is used.

Property: mail.allowed.referrers

Example mail.allowed.referrers = localhost


Informational A comma separated list of hostnames that are allowed to refer browsers to email forms.
Note: Default behavior is to accept referrals only from dspace.hostname. This property is optional.

Property: mail.extraproperties

Value: mail.extraproperties = mail.smtp.socketFactory.port=465, \, \

Informational If you need to pass extra settings to the Java mail library. Comma separated, equals sign
Note: between the key and the value. This property is optional.

Property: mail.server.disabled

Example mail.server.disabled = false


Informational An option is added to disable the mailserver. By default, this property is set to 'false'. By
Note: setting value to 'true', DSpace will not send out emails. It will instead log the subject of the
email which should have been sent. This is especially useful for development and test
environments where production data is used when testing functionality. This property is


Example = myDSpace


Informational Specifies the name of a javax.mail.Session object stored in JNDI under java:comp/env
Note: /mail. The default value is "Session".

Property: default.language

Example default.language = en_US


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Informational If no other language is explicitly stated in the input-forms.xml, the default language will be
Note: attributed to the metadata values.

Wording of E-mail Messages

Sometimes DSpace automatically sends e-mail messages to users, for example, to inform them of a new work
flow task, or as a subscription e-mail alert. The wording of emails can be changed by editing the relevant file in
[dspace]/config/emails . Each file is commented. Be careful to keep the right number 'placeholders' (e.g.

Note: You should replace the contact-information " or call us at xxx-555-

xxxx" with your own contact details in:

File Storage

Beginning with DSpace 6, your file storage location (aka bitstore) is now defined in the [dspace]
/config/spring/api/bitstore.xml Spring configuration file. By default it is defined as the
[dspace]/assetstore/. More information on modifying your file storage location can be found at
Configuring the Bitstream Store in the Storage Layer documentation.

DSpace supports multiple options for storing your repository bitstreams (uploaded files). The files are not stored
in the database, instead they are provided via a configured "assetstore" or "bitstore".

By default, the assetstore is simply a directory on your server ([dspace]/assetstore/) under which
bitstreams (files) are stored by DSpace.

At this time, DSpace supports two primary locations for storing your files:

1. Your local filesystem (used by default), specifically under the [dspace]/assetstore/ directory
2. OR, Amazon S3 (requires your own Amazon S3 account)

More information on configuring or customizing the storage location of your files can be found in the Storage
Layer documentation.

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Logging Configuration
Property: log.init.config

Example log.init.config = ${dspace.dir}/config/


Informational This is where your logging configuration file is located. You may override the default log4j
Note: configuration by providing your own. Existing alternatives are:

log.init.config = ${dspace.dir}/config/
log.init.config = ${dspace.dir}/config/

Property: log.dir

Example log.dir = ${dspace.dir}/log


Informational This is where to put the logs. (This is used for initial configuration only)

Property: loglevel.dspace

Example loglevel.dspace = INFO


Informational Log level for all DSpace-specific code (org.dspace.* packages). By default, DSpace only
Note: provides general INFO logs (in order to keep log sizes reasonable). As necessary, you can
temporarily change this setting to any of the following (ordered for most information to least):

Please be aware we do not recommend running at the DEBUG level in Production for
significant periods of time, as it will cause the logs to be extremely large in size.

Property: loglevel.other

Example loglevel.other = INFO


Informational Log level for other third-party tools/APIs used by DSpace (non-DSpace specific code). By
Note: default, DSpace only provides general INFO logs (in order to keep log sizes reasonable). As
necessary, you can temporarily change this setting to any of the following (ordered for most
information to least): DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL

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Please be aware we do not recommend running at the DEBUG level in Production for
significant periods of time, as it will cause the logs to be extremely large in size.

Property: useProxies

Example useProxies = true


Informational If your DSpace instance is protected by a proxy server, in order for log4j to log the correct IP
Note: address of the user rather than of the proxy, it must be configured to look for the X-Forwarded-
For header. This feature can be enabled by ensuring this setting is set to true. This also
affects IPAuthentication, and should be enabled for that to work properly if your installation
uses a proxy server.

Previous releases of DSpace provided an example ${dspace.dir}/config/log4j.xml as an alternative to log4j.

properties. This caused some confusion and has been removed. log4j continues to support both Properties and
XML forms of configuration, and you may continue (or begin) to use any form that log4j supports.

General Plugin Configuration


Example /opt/dspace/plugins/aPlugin.jar:/opt/dspace/moreplugins

Informational Search path for third-party plugin classes. This is a colon-separated list of directories and JAR
Note: files, each of which will be searched for plugin classes after looking in all the places where
DSpace classes are found. In this way you can designate one or more locations for plugin
files which will not be affected by DSpace upgrades.

Configuring the Search Engine

Since DSpace 4.0 the advanced search module named Discovery (based on Apache SOLR) is the
default search provider. It provides up-to-date features, such as filtering/faceting, hit highlighting,
search snippets, etc.

Detailed documentation is available for customization, see Discovery.

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Handle Server Configuration

The CNRI Handle system is a 3rd party service for maintaining persistent URL's. For a nominal fee, you can
register a handle prefix for your repository. As a result, your repository items will be also available under the
links<<handle prefix>>/<<item id>>. As the base url of your repository might change or evolve,
the persistent URL's secure the consistency of links to your repository items. For complete
information regarding the Handle server, the user should consult The Handle Server section of Installing

Property: handle.canonical.prefix

Example handle.canonical.prefix =

Value handle.canonical.prefix = ${dspace.url}/handle/

Informational Canonical Handle URL prefix. By default, DSpace is configured to use
Note: as the canonical URL prefix when generating dc.identifier.uri during submission, and
in the 'identifier' displayed in item record pages. If you do not subscribe to CNRI's handle
service, you can change this to match the persistent URL service you use, or you can force
DSpace to use your site's URL, e.g. handle.canonical.prefix = ${dspace.url}
/handle/. Note that this will not alter dc.identifer.uri metadata for existing items (only
for subsequent submissions).

Property: handle.prefix

Example handle.prefix = 1234.56789


Informational The default installed by DSpace is 123456789 but you will replace this upon receiving a
Note: handle from CNRI.

Property: handle.dir

Example handle.dir = ${dspace.dir}/handle-server


Informational The default files, as shown in the Example Value is where DSpace will install the files used for
Note: the Handle Server.

Property handle.additional.prefixes

Example handle.additional.prefixes = 1234.56789.0, 1234.56789.1, 987


Informational List any additional prefixes that need to be managed by this handle server. For example, any
Note: handle prefixes that came from an external repository whose items have now been added to
this DSpace. Multiple additional prefixes may be added in a comma separated list.

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Delegation Administration: Authorization System Configuration

It is possible to delegate the administration of Communities and Collections. This functionality eliminates the
need for an Administrator Superuser account for these purposes. An EPerson that will be attributed Delegate
Admin rights for a certain community or collection will also "inherit" the rights for underlying collections and
items. As a result, a community admin will also be collection admin for all underlying collections. Likewise, a
collection admin will also gain admin rights for all the items owned by the collection.

Authorization to execute the functions that are allowed to user with WRITE permission on an object will be
attributed to be the ADMIN of the object (e.g. community/collection/admin will be always allowed to edit
metadata of the object). The default will be "true" for all the configurations.

Community Administration: Subcommunities and



Example Value:

create-subelement = true

Informational Note: Authorization for a delegated community administrator

to create subcommunities or collections.


Example Value:

delete-subelement = true

Informational Note: Authorization for a delegated community administrator

to delete subcommunities or collections.

Community Administration: Policies and The group

of administrators


Example Value:

policies = true

Informational Note: Authorization for a delegated community administrator

to administrate the community policies.

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Example Value:

group = true

Informational Note: Authorization for a delegated community administrator

to edit the group of community admins.

Community Administration: Collections in the

above Community


Example Value:

collection.policies = true

Informational Note: Authorization for a delegated community administrator

to administrate the policies for underlying collections.


Example Value:

collection.template-item = true

Informational Note: Authorization for a delegated community administrator

to administrate the item template for underlying


Example Value:

collection.submitters = true

Informational Note: Authorization for a delegated community administrator

to administrate the group of submitters for underlying


Example Value:

collection.workflows = true

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Informational Note: Authorization for a delegated community administrator

to administrate the workflows for underlying collections.


Example Value:

collection.admin-group = true

Informational Note: Authorization for a delegated community administrator

to administrate the group of administrators for
underlying collections.

Community Administration: Items Owned by

Collections in the Above Community


Example Value:

delete = true

Informational Note: Authorization for a delegated community administrator

to delete items in underlying collections.


Example Value:

withdraw = true

Informational Note: Authorization for a delegated community administrator

to withdraw items in underlying collections.


Example Value:

reinstate = true

Informational Note: Authorization for a delegated community administrator

to reinstate items in underlying collections.


Example Value:

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policies = true

Informational Note: Authorization for a delegated community administrator

to administrate item policies in underlying collections.

Community Administration: Bundles of Bitstreams,

related to items owned by collections in the above


Example Value:

create-bitstream = true

Informational Note: Authorization for a delegated community administrator

to create additional bitstreams in items in underlying


Example Value:

delete-bitstream = true

Informational Note: Authorization for a delegated community administrator

to delete bitstreams from items in underlying


Example Value:

cc-license = true

Informational Note: Authorization for a delegated community administrator

to administer licenses from items in underlying

Community Administration:
The properties for collection administrators work core.authorization.collection-admin.policies
similar to those core.authorization.collection-admin.template-
of community administrators, item
with respect to collection administration.

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Collection Administration:
Item owned by the above CollectionThe properties core.authorization.collection-admin.item.delete
for collection core.authorization.collection-admin.item.
administrators work similar to those of withdraw
community administrators,
with respect to administration of core.authorization.collection-admin.item.
items in underlying collections. policies

Collection Administration:
Bundles of bitstreams, related to items owned by core.authorization.collection-admin.item.create-
collections in the bitstream
above Community. The properties for collection core.authorization.collection-admin.item.delete-
work similar to those of community administrators, cc-license
with respect to
administration of bitstreams related to items in
underlying collections.

Item Administration. core.authorization.item-admin.policies

The properties for item administrators work similar
to those
of community and collection administrators, with
respect to administration of
items in underlying collections.

Item Administration:
Bundles of bitstreams, related to items owned by core.authorization.item-admin.create-bitstream
collections in the core.authorization.item-admin.delete-bitstream
above Community. The properties for item

administrators work
similar to those of community and collection
with respect to administration of bitstreams
related to items in underlying collections.

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Login as feature
Property: webui.user.assumelogin

Example webui.user.assumelogin = true


Informational Determine if super administrators (those whom are in the Administrators group) can login as
Note: another user from the "edit eperson" page. This is useful for debugging problems in a running
dspace instance, especially in the workflow process. The default value is false, i.e., no one
may assume the login of another user.

Please note that this configuration parameter has changed name in DSpace 4.0 from
xmlui.user.assumelogin to webui.user.assumelogin as it is now supported also in the

Restricted Item Visibility Settings

By default RSS feeds and subscription emails will include ALL items regardless of permissions set on them. If
you wish to only expose items through these channels where the ANONYMOUS user is granted READ
permission, then set the following options to false.

Property: harvest.includerestricted.rss

Example harvest.includerestricted.rss = true


Informational When set to 'true' (default), items that haven't got the READ permission for the ANONYMOUS
Note: user, will be included in RSS feeds anyway.

Property: harvest.includerestricted.subscription

Example harvest.includerestricted.subscription = true


Informational When set to true (default), items that haven't got the READ permission for the ANONYMOUS
Note: user, will be included in Subscription emails anyway.

Proxy Settings
These settings for proxy are commented out by default. Uncomment and specify both properties if proxy server
is required for external http requests. Use regular host name without port number.


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Example Value =

Informational Note Enter the host name without the port number.

Property: http.proxy.port

Example Value http.proxy.port = 2048

Informational Note Enter the port number for the proxy server.

Configuring Media Filters

Media or Format Filters are classes used to generate derivative or alternative versions of content or bitstreams
within DSpace. For example, the PDF Media Filter will extract textual content from PDF bitstreams, the JPEG
Media Filter can create thumbnails from image bitstreams.

Media Filters are configured as Named Plugins, with each filter also having a separate configuration setting (in
dspace.cfg) indicating which formats it can process. The default configuration is shown below.

Property: filter.plugins

Value: filter.plugins = PDF Text Extractor, Html Text Extractor, \
Word Text Extractor, JPEG Thumbnail

Informational Place the names of the enabled MediaFilter or FormatFilter plugins. To enable Branded
Note: Preview, comment out the previous one line and then uncomment the two lines in found in

Word Text Extractor, JPEG Thumbnail,\

Branded Preview JPEG


Value: = \ = PDF Text Extractor, \ = HTML Text Extractor, \ = Word Text Extractor, \ = JPEG Thumbnail, \ = Branded Preview JPEG

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Informational Assign "human-understandable" names to each filter



Value: = Adobe PDF = HTML, Text = Microsoft Word = BMP, GIF, JPEG, \
image/png = BMP, \
GIF, JPEG, image/png

Informational Configure each filter's input format(s)


Property: pdffilter.largepdfs

Example pdffilter.largepdfs = true


Informational It this value is set for "true", all PDF extractions are written to temp files as they are indexed.
Note: This is slower, but helps to ensure that PDFBox software DSpace uses does not eat up all
your memory.

Property: pdffilter.skiponmemoryexception

Example pdffilter.skiponmemoryexception = true


Informational If this value is set for "true", PDFs which still result in an "Out of Memory" error from PDFBox
Note: are skipped over. These problematic PDFs will never be indexed until memory usage can be
decreased in the PDFBox software.

Names are assigned to each filter using the

FormatFilter field (e.g. by default the PDFilter is named "PDF Text Extractor".

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Finally, the appropriate filter.<class path>.inputFormats defines the valid input formats which each
filter can be applied. These format names must match the short description field of the Bitstream Format

You can also implement more dynamic or configurable Media/Format Filters which extend SelfNamedPlugin

More Information on MediaFilters

For more information on Media/Format Filters, see the section on Mediafilters for Transforming
DSpace Content.

Crosswalk and Packager Plugin Settings

The subsections below give configuration details based on the types of crosswalks and packager plugins you
need to implement.

More Information on Packagers & Crosswalks

For more information on using Packagers and Crosswalks, see the section on Importing and Exporting
Content via Packages.

Configurable MODS Dissemination Crosswalk

The MODS crosswalk is a self-named plugin. To configure an instance of the MODS crosswalk, add a property
to the DSpace configuration starting with ""; the final word of the property
name becomes the plugin's name. For example, a property name
defines a crosswalk plugin named "MODS".

The value of this property is a path to a separate properties file containing the configuration for this crosswalk.
The pathname is relative to the DSpace configuration directory, i.e. the config subdirectory of the DSpace
install directory. Example from the dspace.cfg file:


Example = crosswalks/

Values: = crosswalks/

Informational This defines a crosswalk named MODS whose configuration comes from the file [dspace]
Note: /config/crosswalks/ . (In the above example, the lower-case name
was added for OAI-PMH)

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The MODS crosswalk properties file is a list of properties describing how DSpace metadata elements are to be
turned into elements of the MODS XML output document. The property name is a concatenation of the
metadata schema, element name, and optionally the qualifier. For example, the element in
the native Dublin Core schema would be: The value of the property is a line containing
two segments separated by the vertical bar ("|"_): The first part is an XML fragment which is copied into the
output document. The second is an XPath expression describing where in that fragment to put the value of the
metadata element. For example, in this property: = <mods:name>
<mods:roleTerm type="text">author</mods:roleTerm>

Some of the examples include the string "%s" in the prototype XML where the text value is to be inserted, but
don't pay any attention to it, it is an artifact that the crosswalk ignores. For example, given an author named
Jack Florey, the crosswalk will insert

<mods:roleTerm type="text">author</mods:roleTerm>
<mods:namePart>Jack Florey</mods:namePart>

into the output document. Read the example configuration file for more details.

XSLT-based Crosswalks
The XSLT crosswalks use XSL stylesheet transformation (XSLT) to transform an XML-based external metadata
format to or from DSpace's internal metadata. XSLT crosswalks are much more powerful and flexible than the
configurable MODS and QDC crosswalks, but they demand some esoteric knowledge (XSL stylesheets). Given
that, you can create all the crosswalks you need just by adding stylesheets and configuration lines, without
touching any of the Java code.

The default settings in the dspace.cfg file for submission crosswalk:

Properties: crosswalk.submission.MODS.stylesheet

Example Value: crosswalk.submission.MODS.stylesheet = crosswalks/mods-submission.


Informational Configuration XSLT-driven submission crosswalk for MODS


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As shown above, there are three (3) parts that make up the properties "key":

crosswalk.submission.PluginName.stylesheet =
1 2 3 4

crosswalk first part of the property key.

submission second part of the property key.
PluginName is the name of the plugin. The path value is the path to the file containing the crosswalk
stylesheet (relative to /[dspace]/config).
Here is an example that configures a crosswalk named "LOM" using a stylesheet in [dspace]/config
crosswalk.submission.LOM.stylesheet = crosswalks/d-lom.xsl
A dissemination crosswalk can be configured by starting with the property key crosswalk.dissemination.
crosswalk.dissemination.PluginName.stylesheet = path
The PluginName is the name of the plugin (!) . The path value is the path to the file containing the crosswalk
stylesheet (relative to /[dspace]/config).

You can make two different plugin names point to the same crosswalk, by adding two configuration entries with
the same path:

crosswalk.submission.MyFormat.stylesheet = crosswalks/myformat.xslt
crosswalk.submission.almost_DC.stylesheet = crosswalks/myformat.xslt

The dissemination crosswalk must also be configured with an XML Namespace (including prefix and URI) and
an XML schema for its output format. This is configured on additional properties in the DSpace configuration:

crosswalk.dissemination.PluginName.namespace.Prefix = namespace-URI
crosswalk.dissemination.PluginName.schemaLocation = schemaLocation value

For example:

crosswalk.dissemination.qdc.namespace.dc =
crosswalk.dissemination.qdc.namespace.dcterms =
crosswalk.dissemination.qdc.schemalocation = \

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If you remove all XSLTDisseminationCrosswalks please disable the XSLTDisseminationCrosswalk in

the list of selfnamed plugins. If no XSLTDisseminationCrosswalks are configured but the plugin is
loaded the PluginManager will log an error message ("Self-named plugin class "org.dspace.content.
crosswalk.XSLTDisseminationCrosswalk" returned null or empty name list!").

Testing XSLT Crosswalks

The XSLT crosswalks will automatically reload an XSL stylesheet that has been modified, so you can edit and
test stylesheets without restarting DSpace. You can test a crosswalk by using a command-line utitlity. To test a
dissemination crosswalk you have to run:

[dspace]/bin/dspace dsrun org.dspace.content.crosswalk.XSLTDisseminationCrosswalk <plugin name>

<handle> [output-file]

For example, you can test the marc plugin on the handle 123456789/3 with:

[dspace]/bin/dspace dsrun org.dspace.content.crosswalk.XSLTDisseminationCrosswalk marc 123456789/3

Informations from the script will be printed to stderr while the XML output of the dissemination crosswalk will be
printed to stdout. You can give a third parameter containing a filename to write the output into a file, but be
careful: the file will be overwritten if it exists.

Testing a submission crosswalk works quite the same way. Use the following command-line utility, it calls the
crosswalk plugin to translate an XML document you submit, and displays the resulting intermediate XML (DIM).
Invoke it with:

[dspace]/bin/dspace dsrun
org.dspace.content.crosswalk.XSLTIngestionCrosswalk [-l] <plugin name> <input-file>

where <plugin name> is the name of the crosswalk plugin to test (e.g. "LOM"), and <input-file> is a file
containing an XML document of metadata in the appropriate format.

Add the -l option to pass the ingestion crosswalk a list of elements instead of a whole document, as if the List
form of the ingest() method had been called. This is needed to test ingesters for formats like DC that get called
with lists of elements instead of a root element.

Configurable Qualified Dublin Core (QDC) dissemination crosswalk

The QDC crosswalk is a self-named plugin. To configure an instance of the QDC crosswalk, add a property to
the DSpace configuration starting with ""; the final word of the property name
becomes the plugin's name. For example, a property name defines a
crosswalk plugin named "QDC".

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The following is from dspace.cfg file:

Properties: crosswalk.qdc.namspace.qdc.dc

Example crosswalk.qdc.namspace.qdc.dc =


Properties: crosswalk.qdc.namspace.qdc.dcterms

Example crosswalk.qdc.namspace.qdc.dc =


Properties: crosswalk.qdc.schemaLocation.QDC

Value: crosswalk.qdc.schemaLocation.QDC = \ \ \


Example = crosswalks/


Informational Configuration of the QDC Crosswalk dissemination plugin for Qualified DC. (Add lower-case
Note: name for OAI-PMH. That is, change QDC to qdc.)}}

In the property key "" the value of this property is a path to a separate
properties file containing the configuration for this crosswalk. The pathname is relative to the DSpace
configuration directory /[dspace]/config . Referring back to the "Example Value" for this property key, one
has crosswalks/ which defines a crosswalk named QDC whose configuration comes from
the file [dspace]/config/crosswalks/ .

You will also need to configure the namespaces and schema location strings for the XML output generated by
this crosswalk. The namespaces properties names are formatted:

crosswalk.qdc.namespace.prefix = uri

where prefix is the namespace prefix and uri is the namespace URI. See the above Property and Example
Value keys as the default dspace.cfg has been configured.

The QDC crosswalk properties file is a list of properties describing how DSpace metadata elements are to be
turned into elements of the Qualified DC XML output document. The property name is a concatenation of the

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metadata schema, element name, and optionally the qualifier. For example, the
element in the native Dublin Core schema would be: . The value of the property is
an XML fragment, the element whose value will be set to the value of the metadata field in the property key.

For example, in this property:

dc.coverage.temporal = <dcterms:temporal />

the generated XML in the output document would look like, e.g.:
<dcterms:temporal>Fall, 2005</dcterms:temporal>

Configuring Crosswalk Plugins

Ingestion crosswalk plugins are configured as named or self-named plugins for the interface org.dspace.
content.crosswalk.IngestionCrosswalk. Dissemination crosswalk plugins are configured as named or
self-named plugins for the interface org.dspace.content.crosswalk.DisseminationCrosswalk.

You can add names for existing crosswalks, add new plugin classes, and add new configurations for the
configurable crosswalks as noted below.

Configuring Packager Plugins

Package ingester plugins are configured as named or self-named plugins for the interface org.dspace.
content.packager.PackageIngester . Package disseminator plugins are configured as named or self-
named plugins for the interface org.dspace.content.packager.PackageDisseminator .

You can add names for the existing plugins, and add new plugins, by altering these configuration properties.
See the Plugin Manager architecture for more information about plugins.

Event System Configuration

If you are unfamiliar with the Event System in DSpace, and require additional information with terms like
"Consumer" and "Dispatcher" please refer to:

Property: event.dispatcher.default.class

Example event.dispatcher.default.class = org.dspace.event.BasicDispatcher


Informational This is the default synchronous dispatcher (Same behavior as traditional DSpace).

Property: event.dispatcher.default.consumers

Example event.dispatcher.default.consumers = search, browse, eperson


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Informational This is the default synchronous dispatcher (Same behavior as traditional DSpace).

Property: event.dispatcher.noindex.class

Example event.dispatcher.noindex.class = org.dspace.event.BasicDispatcher


Informational The noindex dispatcher will not create search or browse indexes (useful for batch item
Note: imports).

Property: event.dispatcher.noindex.consumers

Example event.dispatcher.noindex.consumers = eperson


Informational The noindex dispatcher will not create search or browse indexes (useful for batch item
Note: imports).


Example =


Informational Consumer to maintain the search index.



Example {{ = }}
Value: Community | Collection | Item | Bundle+Add | Create | Modify |
Modify_Metadata | Delete | Remove

Informational Consumer to maintain the search index.


Property: event.consumer.browse.class

Example event.consumer.browse.class = org.dspace.browse.BrowseConsumer


Informational Consumer to maintain the browse index.


Property: event.consumer.browse.filters


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event.consumer.browse.filters =
Community | Collection | Item | Bundle+Add | Create | Modify |
Modify_Metadata | Delete | Remove

Informational Consumer to maintain the browse index.


Property: event.consumer.eperson.class

Example event.consumer.eperson.class = org.dspace.eperson.EPersonConsumer


Informational Consumer related to EPerson changes


Property: event.consumer.eperson.filters

Example event.consumer.eperson.filters = EPerson+Create


Informational Consumer related to EPerson changes


Property: event.consumer.test.class

Example event.consumer.test.class = org.dspace.event.TestConsumer


Informational Test consumer for debugging and monitoring. Commented out by default.

Property: event.consumer.test.filters

Example event.consumer.test.filters = All+All


Informational Test consumer for debugging and monitoring. Commented out by default.

Property: testConsumer.verbose

Example testConsumer.verbose = true


Informational Set this to true to enable testConsumer messages to standard output. Commented out by
Note: default.

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

DSpace embargoes utilize standard metadata fields to hold both the "terms" and the "lift date". Which fields you
use are configurable, and no specific metadata element is dedicated or predefined for use in embargo. Rather,
you specify exactly what field you want the embargo system to examine when it needs to find the terms or
assign the lift date.

Property: embargo.field.terms

Example embargo.field.terms = SCHEMA.ELEMENT.QUALIFIER


Informational Embargo terms will be stored in the item metadata. This property determines in which
Note: metadata field these terms will be stored. An example could be dc.embargo.terms

Property: embargo.field.lift

Example embargo.field.lift = SCHEMA.ELEMENT.QUALIFIER


Informational The Embargo lift date will be stored in the item metadata. This property determines in which
Note: metadata field the computed embargo lift date will be stored. You may need to create a DC
metadata field in your Metadata Format Registry if it does not already exist. An example could
be dc.embargo.liftdate


Example = forever


Informational You can determine your own values for the embargo.field.terms property (see above). This
Note: property determines what the string value will be for indefinite embargos. The string in terms
field to indicate indefinite embargo.


Example = org.dspace.embargo.

Value: DefaultEmbargoSetter

Informational To implement the business logic to set your embargos, you need to override the
Note: EmbargoSetter class. If you use the value DefaultEmbargoSetter, the default implementation
will be used.


Example = org.dspace.embargo.

Value: DefaultEmbargoLifter

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Informational To implement the business logic to lift your embargos, you need to override the EmbargoLifter
Note: class. If you use the value DefaultEmbargoLifter, the default implementation will be used.

More Embargo Details

More details on Embargo configuration, including specific examples can be found in the Embargo
section of the documentation.

Checksum Checker Settings

DSpace now comes with a Checksum Checker script ([dspace]/bin/dspace checker) which can be
scheduled to verify the checksum of every item within DSpace. Since DSpace calculates and records the
checksum of every file submitted to it, this script is able to determine whether or not a file has been changed
(either manually or by some sort of corruption or virus). The idea being that the earlier you can identify a file has
changed, the more likely you'd be able to recover it (assuming it was not a wanted change).


Example = org.dspace.

Value: checker.SimpleDispatcher

Informational The Default dispatcher is case non is specified.


Property: checker.retention.default

Example checker.retention.default = 10y


Informational This option specifies the default time frame after which all checksum checks are removed
Note: from the database (defaults to 10 years). This means that after 10 years, all successful or
unsuccessful matches are removed from the database.

Property: checker.retention.CHECKSUM_MATCH

Example checker.retention.CHECKSUM_MATCH = 8w

Informational This option specifies the time frame after which a successful match will be removed from your
Note: DSpace database (defaults to 8 weeks). This means that after 8 weeks, all successful
matches are automatically deleted from your database (in order to keep that database table
from growing too large).

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More Checksum Checking Details

For more information on using DSpace's built-in Checksum verification system, see the section on
Validating CheckSums of Bitstreams.

Item Export and Download Settings

It is possible for an authorized user to request a complete export and download of a DSpace item in a
compressed zip file. This zip file may contain the following:
contents (listing of the contents)
handle file itself and the extract file if available

The configuration settings control several aspects of this feature:


Example = ${dspace.dir}/exports


Informational The directory where the exports will be done and compressed.


Example = ${dspace.dir}/exports

Value: /download

Informational The directory where the compressed files will reside and be read by the downloader.


Example = 48

Informational The length of time in hours each archive should live for. When new archives are created this
Note entry is used to delete old ones.


Example = 200



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The maximum size in Megabytes (Mb) that the export should be. This is enforced before the
compression. Each bitstream's size in each item being exported is added up, if their
cumulative sizes are more than this entry the export is not kicked off.

Subscription Emails
DSpace, through some advanced installation and setup, is able to send out an email to collections that a user
has subscribed. The user who is subscribed to a collection is emailed each time an item id added or modified.
The following property key controls whether or not a user should be notified of a modification.

Property: eperson.subscription.onlynew

Example eperson.subscription.>

Informational For backwards compatibility, the subscription emails by default include any modified items.
Note: The property key is COMMENTED OUT by default.

Hiding Metadata
It is now possible to hide metadata from public consumption that is only available to the Administrator.

Property: metadata.hide.dc.description.provenance

Example metadata.hide.dc.description.provenance = true


Informational Hides the metadata in the property key above except to the administrator. Fields named here
Note: are hidden in the following places UNLESS the logged-in user is an Administrator:

1. XMLUI metadata XML view, and Item splash pages (long and short views).
2. JSPUI Item splash pages
3. OAI-PMH server.

To designate a field as hidden, add a property here in the form: metadata.hide.SCHEMA.

ELEMENT.QUALIFIER = true. This default configuration hides the dc.description.
provenance field, since that usually contains email addresses which ought to be kept private
and is mainly of interest to administrators.

Settings for the Submission Process

These settings control three aspects of the submission process: thesis submission permission, whether or not a
bitstream file is required when submitting to a collection and whether to show a progress bar during the file

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Property: webui.submit.blocktheses

Example webui.submit.blocktheses = false


Informational Controls whether or not the UI blocks a submission which is marked as a thesis.

Property: webui.submit.upload.required

Example webui.submit.upload.required = true


Informational Whether or not a file is required to be uploaded during the "Upload" step in the submission
Note: process. The default is true. If set to "false", then the submitter (human being) has the option
to skip the uploading of a file.

Property: webui.submit.upload.html5

Example webui.submit.upload.html5 = true


Informational If the browser supports it, JSPUI uses html5 File API to enhance file upload. If this property is
Note: set to false the enhanced file upload is not used even if the browser would support it.

Property: webui.submit.upload.progressbar

webui.submit.upload.progressbar = true

Informational Whether to show a progress bar during file upload. Please note that to work this feature
Note: requires a JSON endpoint (json/uploadProgress) that is enabled by default. See the named
plugin for the interface = uploadProgress

This property is actually supported only by the JSPUI. The XMLUI doesn't yet provide a
progress bar indicator for file upload.

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Configuring the Sherpa/RoMEO Publishers Policy Database Integration

DSpace 4.0 introduced integration with the Sherpa/RoMEO Publishers Policy Database in order to allow
displaying the publisher policy in the submission upload step. The submission step interface is available in
JSPUI (since DSpace 4.0) and in XMLUI (since DSpace 5.0) and enabled by default, however to use it in
production (over 500 requests per day), you must register for a free API key (see below for details).


webui.submission.sherparomeo-policy-enabled = true

Informational Controls whether or not the UI submission should try to use the Sherpa/RoMEO Publishers
Note: Policy Database Integration (default true)

Property: sherpa.romeo.url

sherpa.romeo.url =

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Informational The Sherpa/RoMEO endpoint. Shared with the authority control feauture for Journal Title
Note: autocomplete see AuthorityControlSettings

Property: sherpa.romeo.apikey

sherpa.romeo.apikey = YOUR-API-KEY

Informational Allow to use a specific API key to raise the usage limit (500 calls/day for unregistred user).
You can register for a free api access key at

The functionality rely on understanding to which Journal (ISSN) is related the submitting item. This is done out
of box looking to some item metadata but a different strategy can be used as for example look to a metadata
authority in the case that the Sherpa/RoMEO autocomplete for Journal is used (see AuthorityControlSettings)

The strategy used to discover the Journal related to the submission item is defined in the spring file /config

<bean class=""
<property name="issnItemExtractors">
<bean class="">
<property name="metadataList">
<!-- Use the follow if you have the SHERPARoMEOJournalTitle enabled
<bean class="">
<property name="metadataList">
</bean> -->

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Configuring Creative Commons License

The following configurations are for the Creative Commons license step in the submission process. Submitters
are given an opportunity to select a Creative Common license to accompany the item. Creative Commons
licenses govern the use of the content. For further details, refer to the Creative Commons website at .

Creative Commons licensing is optionally available and may be configured for any given collection that has a
defined submission sequence, or be part of the "default" submission process. This process is described in the
Submission User Interface section of this manual. There is a Creative Commons step already defined (step 5),
but it is commented out, so enabling Creative Commons licensing is typically just a matter of uncommenting the
CC License step.

Since DSpace 5.6 Creative Commons licensing is captured in exactly the same way in each UI. The Creative
Commons REST API is utilized. This allows DSpace to store metadata references to the selected CC license,
while also storing the CC License as a bitstream. The following CC License information are captured:

The URL of the CC License is stored in the "dc.rights.uri" metadata field (or whatever field is configured
in the "cc.license.uri" setting below)
The name of the CC License is stored in the "dc.rights" metadata field (or whatever field is configured in
the "" setting below). This only occurs if "cc.submit.setname=true" (default value)
The RDF version of the CC License is stored in a bitstream named "license_rdf" in the CC-LICENSE
bundle (as long as "cc.submit.addbitstream=true", which is the default value)

Behaviour change

Since DSpace 5.6 Creative Commons licensing is captured in exactly the same way in each UI and
some fix has been introduced.

For JSPUI users this mean:

The full (HTML) text of the CC License is not longer stored in a bitstream named "license_txt" in
the CC-LICENSE bundle
Previous existent license_txt remain untouched but new item will not receive such bitstream

For XMLUI users:

the RDF version of the CC License is now stored properly without the Creative Commons API
XML envelop ( DS-3326-XMLUI: Creative Commons store a wrong xml for rdf licenseClosed)
previous RDF license, i.e. the one associated with item created with version less than 5.6
remain untouched

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The following configurations (in dspace.cfg) relate to the Creative Commons license process:

Property: cc.api.rooturl

Example cc.api.rooturl =


Informational Generally will never have to assign a different value - this is the
Note: base URL of the Creative Commons service API.

Property: cc.license.uri

Example cc.license.uri = dc.rights.uri


Informational The field that holds the Creative Commons license URI. If you change
Note: from the default value (dc.rights.uri), you will have to reconfigure
the XMLUI for proper display of license data


Example = dc.rights


Informational The field that holds the Creative Commons license Name. If you
Note: change from the default value (dc.rights), you will have to
reconfigure the XMLUI for proper display of license data

Property: cc.submit.setname

Example cc.submit.setname = true


Informational If true, the license assignment will add the field configured with
Note: the "" with the name of the CC license; if false,
only "cc.license.uri" field is added.

Property: cc.submit.addbitstream

Example cc.submit.addbitstream = true


Informational If true, the license assignment will add a bitstream with the CC
Note: license RDF; if false, only metadata field(s) are added.

Property: cc.license.classfilter

cc.license.classfilter = recombo,mark

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Informational This list defines the values that will be excluded from the license
Note: (class) selection list, as defined by the web service at the URL:

Property: cc.license.jurisdiction

Example cc.license.jurisdiction = nz

Informational Should a jurisdiction be used? If so, which one? See

Note: for a list of possible codes (e.g. nz = New Zealand, uk = England and Wales, jp = Japan)

WEB User Interface Configurations

General Web User Interface Configurations
In this section of Configuration, we address the agnostic WEB User Interface that is used for JSPUI and XMLUI.
Some of the configurations will give information towards customization or refer you to the appropriate


Example = false


Informational Sets whether to display the contents of the license bundle (often just the deposit license in the
Note: standard DSpace installation).


Example = true


Informational Controls whether to display thumbnails on browse and search result pages. If you have
Note: customized the Browse columnlist, then you must also include a "thumbnail" column in your
configuration. (This configuration property key is not used by XMLUI. To show thumbnails
using XMLUI, you need to create a theme which displays them).

Property: webui.browse.thumbnail.maxheight

Example webui.browse.thumbnail.maxheight = 80

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Informational This property determines the maximum height of the browse/search thumbnails in pixels (px).
Note: This only needs to be set if the thumbnails are required to be smaller than the dimensions of
thumbnails generated by MediaFilter.

Property: webui.browse.thumbnail.maxwidth

Example webui.browse.thumbnail.maxwidth = 80

Informational This determines the maximum width of the browse/search thumbnails in pixels (px). This only
Note: needs to be set if the thumbnails are required to be smaller than the dimensions of thumbnails
generated by MediaFilter.


Example = true


Informational This determines whether or not to display the thumbnail against each bitstream. (This
Note: configuration property key is not used by XMLUI. To show thumbnails using XMLUI, you need
to create a theme which displays them).

Property: webui.browse.thumbnail.linkbehavior

Example webui.browse.thumbnail.linkbehavior = item


Informational This determines where clicks on the thumbnail in browse and search screens should lead.
Note: The only values currently supported are "item" or "bitstream", which will either take the user to
the item page, or directly download the bitstream.

Property: thumbnail.maxwidth

Example thumbnail.maxwidth = 80

Informational This property sets the maximum width of generated thumbnails that are being displayed on
Note: item pages.

Property: thumbnail.maxheight

Example thumbnail.maxheight = 80

Informational This property sets the maximum height of generated thumbnails that are being displayed on
Note: item pages.

Property: webui.preview.enabled

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Example webui.preview.enabled = false


Informational Whether or not the user can "preview" the image.


Property: webui.preview.maxwidth

Example webui.preview.maxwidth = 600


Informational This property sets the maximum width for the preview image.

Property: webui.preview.maxheight

Example webui.preview.maxheight = 600


Informational This property sets the maximum height for the preview image.

Property: webui.preview.brand

Example webui.preview.brand = My Institution Name


Informational This is the brand text that will appear with the image.

Property: webui.preview.brand.abbrev

Example webui.preview.brand.abbrev = MyOrg


Informational An abbreviated form of the full Branded Name. This will be used when the preview image
Note: cannot fit the normal text.

Property: webui.preview.brand.height

Example webui.preview.brand.height = 20

Informational The height (in px) of the brand.


Property: webui.preview.brand.font

webui.preview.brand.font = SansSerif

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Informational This property sets the font for your Brand text that appears with the image.

Property: webui.preview.brand.fontpoint

Example webui.preview.brand.fontpoint = 12

Informational This property sets the font point (size) for your Brand text that appears with the image.

Property: webui.preview.dc

Example webui.preview.dc = rights


Informational The Dublin Core field that will display along with the preview. This field is optional.


Example = false


Informational Determines if communities and collections should display item counts when listed. The default
Note: behavior if omitted, is false.

Property: webui.strengths.cache

Example webui.strengths.cache = false


Informational When showing the strengths (i.e. item counts), should they be counted in real time, or fetched
Note: from the cache. Counts fetched in real time will perform an actual count of the index contents
every time a page with this feature is requested, which may not scale. If you set the property
key is set to cache ("true"), the counts will be cached on first load

Browse Index Configuration

The browse indexes for DSpace can be extensively configured. These configurations are used by Discovery.
This section of the configuration allows you to take control of the indexes you wish to browse, and how you wish
to present the results. The configuration is broken into several parts: defining the indexes, defining the fields

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upon which users can sort results, defining truncation for potentially long fields (e.g. authors), setting cross-links
between different browse contexts (e.g. from an author's name to a complete list of their items), how many
recent submissions to display, and configuration for item mapping browse.

Property: webui.browse.index.<n>

Example webui.browse.index.1 = dateissued:item:dateissuedwebui.browse.index.

Value: 2 = author:metadata:dc.contributor.*,dc.creator:text

Informational This is an example of how one "Defines the Indexes". See "Defining the Indexes" in the next
Note: sub-section.

Property: webui.itemlist.sort-option.<n>

Example webui.itemlist.sort-option.1 = title:dc.title:title


Informational This is an example of how one "Defines the Sort Options". See "Defining Sort Options" in the
Note: following sub-section.

Defining the storage of the Browse Data

Optionally, you may configure a custom implementation use for the Browse DAOs both for read
operations (create/update operations are handled by Event Consumers). However, as of DSpace 6,
DSpace only includes one out-of-the-box option:

SOLR Browse Engine (SOLR DAOs), default since DSpace 4.0 - This enables Apache Solr to
be utilized as a backend for all browsing of DSpace. This option requires that you have
Discovery (Solr search/browse engine) enabled in your DSpace.

Property: browseDAO.class

Example browseDAO.class = org.dspace.browse.SolrBrowseDAO


Informational This property configures the Java class that is used for READ operations by the Browse
Note: System. You need to have Discovery enabled (this is the default since DSpace 4.0) to
use the Solr Browse DAOs

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Defining the Indexes

If you make changes in this section be sure to update your SOLR indexes running the Discovery
Maintenance Script, see Discovery

DSpace comes with four default indexes pre-defined: author, title, date issued, and subjects. Users may also
define additional indexes or re-configure the current indexes for different levels of specificity. For example, the
default entries that appear in the dspace.cfg as default installation:

webui.browse.index.1 = dateissued:item:dateissued
webui.browse.index.2 = author:metadata:dc.contributor.*,dc.creator:text
webui.browse.index.3 = title:item:title
webui.browse.index.4 = subject:metadata:dc.subject.*:text
#webui.browse.index.5 = dateaccessioned:item:dateaccessioned

There are two types of indexes which are provided in this default integration:

"item" indexes which have a format of webui.browse.index.<n> = <index-name> : item :

<sort-type> : (asc | desc)
"metadata" indexes which have a format of webui.browse.index.<n> = <index-name> :
metadata : <comma-separated-list-of-metadata-fields> : (date | text) : (asc
| dec) : <sort-type>

Please notice that the punctuation is paramount in typing this property key in the dspace.cfg file. The
following table explains each element:

Element Definition and Options (if available)

webui.browse. n is the index number. The index numbers must start from 1 and increment
index.<n> continuously by 1 thereafter. Deviation from this will cause an error during install or a
configuration update. So anytime you add a new browse index, remember to increase
the number. (Commented out index numbers may be used over again).

<index-name> The name by which the index will be identified. In order for the DSpace UI to display
human-friendly description for this index, you'll need to update either your Messages.
properties (JSPUI) or messages.xml (XMLUI) with new message keys referencing this

JSPUI Example (

browse.type.metadata.<index-name> = My New Field

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Element Definition and Options (if available)

XMLUI Example (messages.xml):

<message key="xmlui.ArtifactBrowser.Navigation.
browse_<index-name>">My New Fields</message>
<message key="xmlui.ArtifactBrowser.ConfigurableBrowse.
title.metadata.<index-name>">Browsing {0} by My New Field {
<message key="xmlui.ArtifactBrowser.ConfigurableBrowse.
trail.metadata.<index-name>">Browsing {0} by My New Field<
<message key="xmlui.ArtifactBrowser.ConfigurableBrowse.
<index-name>.column_heading">My New Field</message>

(metadata|item) Only two options are available: "metadata" or "item"

"metadata" indexes allow you to index all items based on one or more
metadata fields. The list of fields should be provided as part of the "metadata"
configuration. Only items which have values for these fields will appear in this
index (e.g. if you have a "metadata" index for "dc.subject.*", an item will not
appear in that browse/search if it doesn't have a "dc.subject.*" value). The
browse index will have to parts: first it lists all values of the specified metadata
fields. If the user select one of these values the index lists all items in which the
specified metadata field is assigned with the selected value.
Note: If you set a <sort-type> to be used, this sort type is not used on the
values of the metadata fields but on the order of the items when listing all
items that have a specific value of the metadata field.
"item" indexes provide you with a browseable list of ALL items in the site,
sorted by a particular metadata field. The field this index is sorted by is
referenced by <sort-option-name> (which should refer to a corresponding "
webui.itemlist.sort-option.<n>" setting... see Defining Sort Options
below for more information)

<schema- (Only for "metadata" indexes) The schema used for the field to be index. The default is
prefix> dc (for Dublin Core).

<element> (Only for "metadata" indexes) The schema element. In Dublin Core, for example, the
author element is referred to as "Contributor". The user should consult the default
Dublin Core Metadata Registry table in Appendix A.


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DSpace 6.x Documentation

Element Definition and Options (if available)

(Only for "metadata" indexes) This is the qualifier to the <element> component. The
user has two choices: an asterisk "" or a proper qualifier of the element. The
asterisk is a wildcard and causes DSpace to index all types of the schema
element. For example, if you have the element "contributor" and the qualifier ""
then you would index all contributor data regardless of the qualifier. Another example,
you have the element "subject" and the qualifier "lcsh" would cause the indexing of only
those fields that have the qualifier "lcsh". (This means you would only index Library of
Congress Subject Headings and not all data elements that are subjects.

<sort-type> (Optional, should be set for "item" indexes) This refers to the sort type / data type of the

date the index type will be treated as a date object and sorted as such
text the index type will be treated as plain text and sorted as such
(any other value refers to a custom <sort-type> which should be defined in a
corresponding webui.itemlist.sort-option.<n> setting. See Defining
Sort Options below for more information.)

<sort-order> (Optional) The default sort order. Choose asc (ascending) or desc (descending).
Ascending is the default value, but descending may be useful for date-based indexes
(e.g. to display most recent submissions first)

Defining Sort Options

If you make changes in this section be sure to update your SOLR indexes running the Discovery
Maintenance Script, see Discovery

Sort options/types will be available when browsing a list of items (either on " item" index type above or after
selecting a specific value for "metadata" indexes). You can define an arbitrary number of fields to sort on. For
example, the default entries that appear in the dspace.cfg as default installation:

webui.itemlist.sort-option.1 = title:dc.title:title
webui.itemlist.sort-option.2 =
webui.itemlist.sort-option.3 =

The format of each entry is web.browse.sort-option.<n> = <sort-type-name>:<schema-prefix>.

<element>.<qualifier>:<datatype>. Please notice the punctuation used between the different
elements. The following table explains the each element:

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Element Definition and Options (if available)

webui. n is an arbitrary number you choose.


<sort-type- The name by which the sort option will be identified. This is the name by which it is
name> referred in the "webui.browse.index" settings (see Defining the Indexes).

<schema- The schema used for the field to be sorted on in the index. The default is dc (for Dublin
prefix> Core).

<element> The schema element. In Dublin Core, for example, the author element is referred to as
"Contributor". The user should consult the default Dublin Core Metadata Registry table
in Appendix A.

<qualifier> This is the qualifier to the <element> component. The user has two choices: an asterisk
"*" or a proper qualifier of the element.

<datatype> This refers to the datatype of the field:

date the sort field will be treated as a date object
text the sort field will be treated as plain text.
title the sort field will be treated like a title, which will include a link to the item page

Other Browse Options

We set other browse values in the following section.


Example = false


Informational This enable/disable the show of frequencies (count) in metadata browse <n> refers to the
Note: browse configuration. As default frequencies are shown for all metadata browse


Value: = \


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This sets the option for how the indexes are sorted. All sort normalizations are carried out by
the OrderFormatDelegate. The plugin manager can be used to specify your own delegates for
each datatype. The default datatypes (and delegates) are:

author = org.dspace.sort.OrderFormatAuthor
title = org.dspace.sort.OrderFormatTitle
text = org.dspace.sort.OrderFormatText

If you redefine a default datatype here, the configuration will be used in preferences to the
default. However, if you do not explicitly redefine a datatype, then the default will still be used
in addition to the datatypes you do specify. As of DSpace release 1.5.2, the multi-lingual
MARC21 title ordering is configured as default, as shown in the example above. To use the
previous title ordering (before release 1.5.2), comment out the configuration in your dspace.cfg

Browse Index Authority Control Configuration

Property: webui.browse.index.<n>

Example webui.browse.index.5 = lcAuthor:metadataAuthority:dc.contributor.

Value: author:authority


Tag cloud
Apart from the single (type=metadata) and full (type=item) browse pages, tag cloud is a new way to display the
unique values of a metadata field.

To enable tag cloud browsing for a specific index you need to declare it in the dspace.cfg configuration file
using the following option:

Property: webui.browse.index.tagcloud.<n>

Example webui.browse.index.tagcloud.1 = true


Informational Enable/Disable tag cloud in browsing for a specific index. n is the index number of the
Note: specific index which needs to be of type metadata.

Possible values: true, false

Default value is false.

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If no option exists for a specific index, it is assumed to be false.

You do not have to re-index discovery when you change this configuration

Tag cloud configuration

The appearance configuration for the tag cloud is located in the Discovery xml configuration file ( dspace/config
/spring/api/discovery.xml). Without configuring the appearance, the default one will be applied to the tag cloud

In this file, there must be a bean named browseTagCloudConfiguration of class org.dspace.discovery.

configuration.TagCloudConfiguration. This bean can have any of the following properties. If some is missing,
the default value will be applied.

displayScore Should display the score of each tag next to it? Default: false

shouldCenter Should display the tag as center aligned in the page or left aligned? Possible values: true |
false. Default: true

totalTags How many tags will be shown. Value -1 means all of them. Default: -1

cloudCase The letter case of the tags.

Possible values: Case.LOWER | Case.UPPER | Case.CAPITALIZATION | Case.



randomColors If the 3 css classes of the tag cloud should be independent of score (random=yes) or based
on the score. Possible values: true | false . Default: true

fontFrom The font size (in em) for the tag with the lowest score. Possible values: any decimal.
Default: 1.1

fontTo The font size (in em) for the tag with the lowest score. Possible values: any decimal.
Default: 3.2

cuttingLevel The score that tags with lower than that will not appear in the rag cloud. Possible values:
any integer from 1 to infinity. Default: 0

ordering The ordering of the tags (based either on the name or the score of the tag)

Possible values: Tag.NameComparatorAsc | Tag.NameComparatorDesc | Tag.

ScoreComparatorAsc | Tag.ScoreComparatorDesc

Default: Tag.GreekNameComparatorAsc

When tagCloud is rendered there are some CSS classes that you can change in order to change the tagcloud

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Class Note

tagcloud General class for the whole tagcloud

tagcloud_1 Specific tag class for tag of type 1 (based on score)

tagcloud_2 Specific tag class for tag of type 2 (based on score)

tagcloud_3 Specific tag class for tag of type 3 (based on score)

Author (Multiple metadata value) Display

This section actually applies to any field with multiple values, but authors are the define case and example here.


Example Value: = dc.contributor.*

Informational Note: This defines which field is the author/editor, etc. listing.

Replace dc.contributor.* with another field if appropriate. The field should be listed in the configuration for
webui.itemlist.columns, otherwise you will not see its effect. It must also be defined in webui.
itemlist.columns as being of the datatype text otherwise the functionality will be overridden by the specific
data type feature. (This setting is not used by the XMLUI as it is controlled by your theme).

Now that we know which field is our author or other multiple metadata value field we can provide the option to
truncate the number of values displayed by default. We replace the remaining list of values with "et al" or the
language pack specific alternative. Note that this is just for the default, and users will have the option of
changing the number displayed when they browse the results. See the following table:


Example = < n >


Informational Where < n > is an integer number of values to be displayed. Use -1 for unlimited (the
Note: default value).

Links to Other Browse Contexts

We can define which fields link to other browse listings. This is useful, for example, to link an author's name to a
list of just that author's items. The effect this has is to create links to browse views for the item clicked on. If it is
a "single" type, it will link to a view of all the items which share that metadata element in common (i.e. all the
papers by a single author). If it is a "full" type, it will link to a view of the standard full browse page, starting with
the value of the link clicked on.

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Example = author:dc.contributor.*


Informational This is used to configure which fields should link to other browse listings. This should be
Note: associated with the name of one of the browse indexes (webui.browse.index.n) with a
metadata field listed in webui.itemlist.columns above. If this condition is not fulfilled,
cross-linking will not work. Note also that crosslinking only works for metadata fields not
tagged as title in webui.itemlist.columns.

The format of the property key is<n> = <index name>:<display column metadata> Please
notice the punctuation used between the elements.

Element Definition and Options (if available) n {{n is an arbitrary number you choose

<index name> This need to match your entry for the index name from webui.browse.index
property key.

<display column Use the DC element (and qualifier)


Examples of some browse links used in a real DSpace installation instance: = author:dc.contributor.*

Creates a link for all types of contributors (authors, editors, illustrators, others, etc.) = subject:dc.subject.lcsh

Creates a link to subjects that are Library of Congress only. In this case, you have a browse index that contains
only LC Subject Headings = series:dc.relation.ispartofseries

Creates a link for the browse index "Series". Please note this is again, a customized browse index and not part
of the DSpace distributed release.

Recent Submissions

Since DSpace 4.0 this applies only to JSPUI. XMLUI uses Discovery to configure the recent

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This allows us to define which index to base Recent Submission display on, and how many we should show at
any one time. This uses the PluginManager to automatically load the relevant plugin for the Community and
Collection home pages. Values given in examples are the defaults supplied in dspace.cfg

Property: recent.submission.sort-option

Example recent.submission.sort-option = dateaccessioned


Informational Define the sort name (from webui.browse.sort-options) to use for displaying recent
Note: submissions. (Only used by JSPUI)

Property: recent.submissions.count

Example recent.submissions.count = 5

Informational Defines how many recent submissions should be displayed at any one time. (Only used by
Note: JSPUI)

There will be the need to set up the processors that the PluginManager will load to actually perform the recent
submissions query on the relevant pages. This is already configured by default dspace.cfg so there should be
no need for the administrator/programmer to worry about this. = \ = \

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Submission License Substitution Variables


(property key broken up for display purposes only)

Value: = \
org.dspace.content.license.SimpleDSpaceObjectLicenseFormatter = collection, \
org.dspace.content.license.SimpleDSpaceObjectLicenseFormatter = item, \
org.dspace.content.license.SimpleDSpaceObjectLicenseFormatter = eperson

Informational It is possible include contextual information in the submission license using substitution
Note: variables. The text substitution is driven by a plugin implementation.

Syndication Feed (RSS) Settings

This will enable syndication feeds links display on community and collection home pages. This setting is not
used by the XMLUI, as you enable feeds in your theme.

Property: webui.feed.enable

Example webui.feed.enable = true


Informational By default, RSS feeds are set to true (on) . Change key to "false" to disable.

Property: webui.feed.items

Example webui.feed.items = 4

Informational Defines the number of DSpace items per feed (the most recent submissions)

Property: webui.feed.cache.size

Example webui.feed.cache.size = 100


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Informational Defines the maximum number of feeds in memory cache. Value of "0" will disable caching.

Property: webui.feed.cache.age

Example webui.feed.cache.age = 48

Informational Defines the number of hours to keep cached feeds before checking currency. The value of " 0"
Note: will force a check with each request.

Property: webui.feed.formats

Example webui.feed.formats = rss_1.0,rss_2.0,atom_1.0


Informational Defines which syndication formats to offer. You can use more than one; use a comma-
Note: separated list. The following list are the available values: rss_0.90, rss_0.91, rss_0.92, rss_0.
93, rss_0.94, rss_1.0, rss_2.0, atom_1.0.

Property: webui.feed.localresolve

Example webui.feed.localresolve = false


Informational By default, (set to false), URLs returned by the feed will point at the global handle resolver (e.
Note: g. If set to true the local server URLs are used (e.g.

Property: webui.feed.item.title

Example webui.feed.item.title = dc.title


Informational This property customizes each single-value field displayed in the feed information for each
Note: item. Each of the fields takes a single metadata field. The form of the key is <scheme prefix>.
<element>.<qualifier> In place of the qualifier, one may leave it blank to exclude any qualifiers
or use the wildcard "*" to include all qualifiers for a particular element.


Example =


Informational This property customizes each single-value field displayed in the feed information for each
Note: item. Each of the fields takes a single metadata field. The form of the key is <scheme prefix>.
<element>.<qualifier> In place of the qualifier, one may leave it blank to exclude any qualifiers
or use the wildcard "*" to include all qualifiers for a particular element.

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Property: webui.feed.item.description

Value: webui.feed.item.description = dc.title,, \
dc.contributor.editor, dc.description.abstract, \

Informational One can customize the metadata fields to show in the feed for each item's description.
Note: Elements are displayed in the order they are specified in dspace.cfg.Like other property keys,
the format of this property key is: webui.feed.item.description = <scheme prefix>.<element>.
<qualifier>. In place of the qualifier, one may leave it blank to exclude any qualifiers or use the
wildcard "*" to include all qualifiers for a particular element.


Example =


Informational The name of field to use for authors (Atom only); repeatable.

Property: webui.feed.logo.url

Example webui.feed.logo.url = ${dspace.url}/themes/mysite/images/mysite-logo.

Value: png

Informational Customize the image icon included with the site-wide feeds. This must be an absolute URL.

Property: webui.feed.item.dc.creator

Example webui.feed.item.dc.creator =


Informational This optional property adds structured DC elements as XML elements to the feed description.
Note: They are not the same thing as, for example, webui.feed.item.description. Useful when a
program or stylesheet will be transforming a feed and wants separate author, description,
date, etc.


Example =


Informational This optional property adds structured DC elements as XML elements to the feed description.
Note: They are not the same thing as, for example, webui.feed.item.description. Useful when a

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program or stylesheet will be transforming a feed and wants separate author, description,
date, etc.

Property: webui.feed.item.dc.description

Example webui.feed.item.dc.description = dc.description.abstract


Informational This optional property adds structured DC elements as XML elements to the feed description.
Note: They are not the same thing as, for example, webui.feed.item.description. Useful when a
program or stylesheet will be transforming a feed and wants separate author, description,
date, etc.

Property: webui.feed.podcast.collections

Example webui.feed.podcast.collections = 1811/45183,1811/47223


Informational This optional property enables Podcast Support on the RSS feed for the specified collection
Note: handles. The podcast is iTunes compatible and will expose the bitstreams in the items for
viewing and download by the podcast reader. Multiple values are separated by commas. For
more on using/enabling Media RSS Feeds to share content via iTunesU, see: Enable Media
RSS Feeds

Property: webui.feed.podcast.communities

Example webui.feed.podcast.communities = 1811/47223


Informational This optional property enables Podcast Support on the RSS feed for the specified community
Note: handles. The podcast is iTunes compatible and will expose the bitstreams in the items for
viewing and download by the podcast reader. Multiple values are separated by commas. For
more on using/enabling Media RSS Feeds to share content via iTunesU, see: Enable Media
RSS Feeds

Property: webui.feed.podcast.mimetypes

Example webui.feed.podcast.mimetypes = audio/x-mpeg,application/pdf


Informational This optional property for Podcast Support, allows you to choose which MIME types of
Note: bitstreams are to be enclosed in the podcast feed. Multiple values are separated by commas.
For more on using/enabling Media RSS Feeds to share content via iTunesU, see: Enable
Media RSS Feeds

Property: webui.feed.podcast.sourceuri

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Example webui.feed.podcast.sourceuri = dc.source.uri


Informational This optional property for the Podcast Support will allow you to use a value for a metadata
Note: field as a replacement for actual bitstreams to be enclosed in the RSS feed. A use case for
specifying the external sourceuri would be if you have a non-DSpace media streaming server
that has a copy of your media file that you would prefer to have the media streamed from. For
more on using/enabling Media RSS Feeds to share content via iTunesU, see: Enable Media
RSS Feeds

OpenSearch Support
OpenSearch is a small set of conventions and documents for describing and using "search engines", meaning
any service that returns a set of results for a query. See extensive description in the Business Layer section of
the documentation.

Please note that for result data formatting, OpenSearch uses Syndication Feed Settings (RSS). So, even if
Syndication Feeds are not enable, they must be configured to enable OpenSearch. OpenSearch uses all the
configuration properties for DSpace RSS to determine the mapping of metadata fields to feed fields. Note that a
new field for authors has been added (used in Atom format only).

Property: websvc.opensearch.enable

Example websvc.opensearch.enable = false


Informational Whether or not OpenSearch is enabled. By default, the feature is disabled. Change the
Note: property key to "true" to enable.

Property: websvc.opensearch.uicontext

Example websvc.opensearch.uicontext = simple-search


Informational Context for HTML request URLs. Change only for non-standard servlet mapping.
Note: IMPORTANT: If you are using XMLUI and have Discovery enabled, this property's value
should be changed to discover.

Property: websvc.opensearch.svccontext

Example websvc.opensearch.svccontext = open-search/


Informational Context for RSS/Atom request URLs. Change only for non-standard servlet mapping.
Note: IMPORTANT: If you are using XMLUI and have Discovery enabled, this property's value
should be changed to open-search/discover.

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Property: websvc.opensearch.autolink

Example websvc.opensearch.autolink = true


Informational Present autodiscovery link in every page head.


Property: websvc.opensearch.validity

Example websvc.opensearch.validity = 48

Informational Number of hours to retain results before recalculating. This applies to the Manakin interface
Note: only.

Property: websvc.opensearch.shortname

Example websvc.opensearch.shortname = DSpace


Informational A short name used in browsers for search service. It should be sixteen (16) or fewer
Note: characters.

Property: websvc.opensearch.longname

Example websvc.opensearch.longname = ${}


Informational A longer name up to 48 characters.


Property: websvc.opensearch.description

Example websvc.opensearch.description = ${} DSpace repository


Informational Brief service description


Property: websvc.opensearch.faviconurl

Example _websvc.opensearch.faviconurl =


Informational Location of favicon for service, if any. They must by 16 x 16 pixels. You can provide your own
Note: local favicon instead of the default.

Property: websvc.opensearch.samplequery

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Example websvc.opensearch.samplequery = photosynthesis


Informational Sample query. This should return results. You can replace the sample query with search
Note: terms that should actually yield results in your repository.

Property: websvc.opensearch.tags

Example websc.opensearch.tags = IR DSpace


Informational Tags used to describe search service.


Property: websvc.opensearch.formats

Example websvc.opensearch.formats = html,atom,rss


Informational Result formats offered. Use one or more comma-separated from the list: html, atom, rss.
Note: Please note that html is required for auto discovery in browsers to function, and must be the
first in the list if present.

Content Inline Disposition Threshold

The following configuration is used to change the disposition behavior of the browser. That is, when the browser
will attempt to open the file or download it to the user-specified location. For example, the default size is 8MB.
When an item being viewed is larger than 8MB, the browser will download the file to the desktop (or wherever
you have it set to download) and the user will have to open it manually.

Property: webui.content_disposition_threshold

Example value: webui.content_disposition_threshold = 8388608

Informational The default value is set to 8MB. This property key applies to the JSPUI interface.

Property: xmlui.content_disposition_threshold

Example Value: xmlui.content_disposition_threshold = 8388608

Informational The default value is set to 8MB. This property key applies to the XMLUI (Manakin)
Note: interface.

Other values are possible:

4 MB = 41943048 MB = 838860816 MB = 16777216

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Multi-file HTML Document/Site Settings

The setting is used to configure the "depth" of request for html documents bearing the same name.

Property: webui.html.max-depth-guess

Example webui.html.max-depth-guess = 3

Informational When serving up composite HTML items in the JSP UI, how deep can the request be for us to
Note: serve up a file with the same name? For example, if one receives a request for " foo/bar/index.
html" and one has a bitstream called just "index.html", DSpace will serve up the former
bitstream (foo/bar/index.html) for the request if webui.html.max-depth-guess is 2 or greater. If
webui.html.max-depth-guess is 1 or less, then DSpace would not serve that bitstream, as the
depth of the file is greater. If webui.html.max-depth-guess is zero, the request filename and
path must always exactly match the bitstream name. The default is set to 3.

Property: xmlui.html.max-depth-guess

Example xmlui.html.max-depth-guess = 3

Informational When serving up composite HTML items in the XMLUI, how deep can the request be for us to
Note: serve up a file with the same name? For example, if one receives a request for " foo/bar/index.
html" and one has a bitstream called just "index.html", DSpace will serve up the former
bitstream (foo/bar/index.html) for the request if webui.html.max-depth-guess is 2 or greater. If
xmlui.html.max-depth-guess is 1 or less, then DSpace would not serve that bitstream, as the
depth of the file is greater. If _webui.html.max-depth-guess _is zero, the request filename and
path must always exactly match the bitstream name. The default is set to 3.

Sitemap Settings
To aid web crawlers index the content within your repository, you can make use of sitemaps.

Property: sitemap.dir

Example sitemap.dir = ${dspace.dir}/sitemaps


Informational The directory where the generate sitemaps are stored.


Property: sitemap.engineurls

Example sitemap.engineurls =


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Informational Comma-separated list of search engine URLs to "ping" when a new Sitemap has been
Note: created. Include everything except the Sitemap UL itself (which will be URL-encoded and
appended to form the actual URL "pinged").Add the following to the above parameter if you
have an application ID with Yahoo:
/updateNotification?appid=REPLACE_ME?url=_ . (Replace the component _REPLACE_ME
with your application ID). There is no known "ping" URL for MSN/Live search.

Authority Control Settings

Two features fall under the header of Authority Control: Choice Management and Authority Control of Item
("DC") metadata values. Authority control is a fully optional feature in DSpace 1.6. Implemented out of the box
are the Library of Congress Names service, and the Sherpa Romeo authority plugin.

For an in-depth description of this feature, please consult: Authority Control of Metadata Values


Value: = \
org.dspace.content.authority.SampleAuthority = Sample, \
org.dspace.content.authority.LCNameAuthority = LCNameAuthority, \
org.dspace.content.authority.SHERPARoMEOPublisher = SRPublisher, \
org.dspace.content.authority.SHERPARoMEOJournalTitle = SRJournalTitle

Informational --


Value: = \

Property: lcname.url

Example lcname.url =


Informational Location (URL) of the Library of Congress Name Service


Property: sherpa.romeo.url / sherpa.romeo.apikey

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Informational Please refers to the Sherpa/RoMEO Publishers Policy Database Integration section for details
Note: about such properties. See Configuring the Sherpa/RoMEO Publishers Policy Database

Property: authority.minconfidence

Example authority.minconfidence = ambiguous


Informational This sets the default lowest confidence level at which a metadata value is included in an
Note: authority-controlled browse (and search) index. It is a symbolic keyword, one of the following
values (listed in descending order): accepted, uncertain, ambiguous, notfound, failed,
rejected, novalue, unset. See org.dspace.content.authority.Choices source for


Example = 12

Informational This property sets the number of selectable choices in the Choices lookup popup

Configuring Multilingual Support

[i18n Locales]

Setting the Default Language for the Application

Property: default.locale

Example default.locale = en

Informational The default language for the application is set with this property key. This is a locale
Note: according to i18n and might consist of country, country_language or
country_language_variant. If no default locale is defined, then the server default locale will be
used. The format of a local specifier is described here:

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Supporting More Than One Language

Changes in dspace.cfg
Property: webui.supported.locales

Example Value: webui.supported.locales = en, de

or perhaps webui.supported.locales = en, en_ca, de

Informational All the locales that are supported by this instance of DSpace. Comma separated list.

The table above, if needed and is used will result in:

a language switch in the default header

the user will be enabled to choose his/her preferred language, this will be part of his/her profile
wording of emails
mails to registered users, e.g. alerting service will use the preferred language of the user
mails to unregistered users, e.g. suggest an item will use the language of the session
according to the language selected for the session, using dspace-admin Edit News will edit the news file
of the language according to session

Related Files
If you set webui.supported.locales make sure that all the related additional files for each language are available.
LOCALE should correspond to the locale set in webui.supported.locales, e. g.: for webui.supported.locales =
en, de, fr, there should be:

Files to be localized:

[dspace-source]/dspace/config/default_LOCALE.license - should be pure ASCII

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[dspace]/webapps/jspui/help/collection-admin_LOCALE.html - in html keep the
jump link as original; must be copied to [dspace-source]/dspace/modules/jspui
[dspace]/webapps/jspui/help/index_LOCALE.html - must be copied to [dspace-
[dspace]/webapps/jspui/help/site-admin_LOCALE.html - must be copied to

JSPUI Upload File Settings

To alter these properties for the XMLUI, please consult the Cocoon specific configuration at /WEB-INF/cocoon

Property: upload.temp.dir

Example upload.temp.dir = ${dspace.dir}/upload


Informational This property sets where DSpace temporarily stores uploaded files.

Property: upload.max

Example upload.max = 536870912


Informational Maximum size of uploaded files in bytes. A negative setting will result in no limit being set.
Note: The default is set for 512Mb.

JSP Web Interface (JSPUI) Settings

The following section is limited to JSPUI. If the user wishes to use XMLUI settings, please refer to Chapter 7:
XMLUI Configuration and Customization.

Property: webui.itemdisplay.default

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Value: webui.itemdisplay.default = dc.title, dc.title.alternative, \
dc.contributor.*, dc.subject,, \
dc.publisher, dc.identifier.citation, \
dc.relation.ispartofseries, dc.description.abstract, \
dc.description, dc.identifier.govdoc, \
dc.identifier.uri(link), dc.identifier.isbn, \
dc.identifier.issn, dc.identifier.ismn, dc.identifier

Informational This is used to customize the DC metadata fields that display in the item display (the brief
Note: display) when pulling up a record. The format is: <schema>.<element>.
<_optional_qualifier> . In place of the qualifier, one can use the wildcard "*" to include
all fields of the same element, or, leave it blank for unqualified elements. Additionally, two
additional options are available for behavior/rendering: (date) and (link). See the following

dc.title = Dublin Core element "title" (unqualified)

dc.title.alternative = DC element "title", qualifier "alternative"
dc.title.* = All fields with Dublin Core element 'title' (any or no qualifier)
dc.identifier.uri(link) = DC identifier.uri, rendered as a link = DC date.issued, rendered as a date
The file controls how the fields defined above will display to the
user. If the field is missing from the file, it will not be displayed. Look in under the metadata.dc.<field>. Example:
metadata.dc.contributor.other = Authors = Authors
metadata.dc.title.* = Title
Please note: The order in which you place the values to the property key control the order in
which they will display to the user on the outside world. (See the Example Value above).


Value: webui.resolver.1.urn = doi
webui.resolver.1.baseurl =
webui.resolver.2.urn = hdl
webui.resolver.2.baseurl =

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Informational When using "resolver" in webui.itemdisplay to render identifiers as resolvable links, the base
Note: URL is taken from <code>webui.resolver.<n>.baseurl<code> where <code>webui.resolver.
<n>.baseurl<code> matches the urn specified in the metadata value. The value is appended
to the "baseurl" as is, so the baseurl needs to end with the forward slash almost in any case.
If no urn is specified in the value it will be displayed as simple text. For the doi and hdl urn
defaults values are provided, respectively and are used.
If a metadata value with style "doi", "handle" or "resolver" matches a URL already, it is simply
rendered as a link with no other manipulation.

Property: webui.preferred.identifier

Example webui.preferred.identifier = handle


Informational At the top of the item view a persistent identifier is shown to be used to refer to this item. If
Note: you use Item Level Versioning and DSpace is configured to, it shows a version history. Per
default DSpace uses handle as preferred identifier. If you've configured DSpace to register
DOIs you can decide to use DOIs instead of handles at the top of the item view and within the
version history. Set the property webui.preferred.identifier = doi to do so.

Property: webui.identifier.strip-prefixes

Example webui.identifier.strip-prefixes = true


Informational In the version history Persistent Identifiers can be shown with or without their prefixes, e.g. a
Note: handle can be shown as handle:10673/6 or just as 10673/6. A DOI can be can be shown as
10.5072/example-doi-123 or as doi:105072/example-doi-123. This property controlls whether
the handles are stripped (default) or not.


Value: = \

Informational Specify which strategy to use for select the style for an item.

Property: webui.itemdisplay.thesis.collections

Example webui.itemdisplay.thesis.collections = 123456789/24, 123456789/35


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Informational Specify which collections use which views by Handle.


Property: webui.itemdisplay.label.restricted.bitstreams

Example webui.itemdisplay.label.restricted.bitstreams = true



If set to all, all users will get a

warning if access restrictions are in place for an bitstream. If a resource policy with an
unreached start date for anonymous users is in place, the date is shown as well. Any other
values than "all" will suppress the warning.
Should access restricted bitstreams be labeled as such? If set true, all bitstreams which
cannot currently not be read by an anonymous user are labeled as being access restricted. If
a resource policy to allow read access for anonymous users with an unreached start date
exists, this date is shown as well.


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Value: webui.itemdisplay.metadata-style = schema.element[.qualifier|.*]
webui.itemdisplay.metadata-style = dc.type

Informational Specify which metadata to use as name of the style


Property: webui.itemlist.columns

Value: webui.itemlist.columns = thumbnail,, dc.title, \

Informational Customize the DC fields to use in the item listing page. Elements will be displayed left to right
Note: in the order they are specified here. The form is <schema prefix>.<element>[.<qualifier> | .*]
[(date)], ...
Although not a requirement, it would make sense to include among the listed fields at least
the date and title fields as specified by the webui.browse.index configuration options in
the next section mentioned. (cf.)
If you have enabled thumbnails (, you must also include a
'thumbnail' entry in your columns this is where the thumbnail will be displayed.

Property: webui.itemlist.width

Example webui.itemlist.width = *, 130, 60%, 40%


Informational You can customize the width of each column with the following line--you can have numbers
Note: (pixels) or percentages. For the 'thumbnail' column, a setting of '*' will use the max width
specified for browse thumbnails (cf. webui.browse.thumbnail.maxwidth, thumbnail.

webui.itemlist.browse.<index name>.sort.<sort name>.columns
webui.itemlist.sort.<sort name>.columns
webui.itemlist.browse.<browse name>.columns
webui.itemlist.<sort or index name>.columns

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Informational You can override the DC fields used on the listing page for a given browse index and/or sort
Note: option. As a sort option or index may be defined on a field that isn't normally included in the
list, this allows you to display the fields that have been indexed/sorted on. There are a
number of forms the configuration can take, and the order in which they are listed below is the
priority in which they will be used (so a combination of an index name and sort name will take
precedence over just the browse name).In the last case, a sort option name will always take
precedence over a browse index name. Note also, that for any additional columns you list,
you will need to ensure there is an itemlist.<field name> entry in the messages file.

Property: webui.itemlist.dateaccessioned.columns

Example webui.itemlist.dateaccessioned.columns = thumbnail,

Value: accessioned(date), dc.title, dc.contributor.*

Informational This would display the date of the accession in place of the issue date whenever the
Note: dateaccessioned browsed index or sort option is selected. Just like webui.itemlist.columns,
you will need to include a 'thumbnail' entry to display the thumbnails in the item list.

Property: webui.itemlist.dateaccessioned.widths

Example webui.itemlist.dateaccessioned.widths = *, 130, 60%, 40%


Informational As in the aforementioned property key, you can customize the width of the columns for each
Note: configured column list, substituting ".widths" for ".columns" in the property name. See the
setting for webui.itemlist.widths for more information.

Property: webui.itemlist.tablewidth

Example webui.itemlist.tablewidth = 100%


Informational You can also set the overall size of the item list table with the following setting. It can lead to
Note: faster table rendering when used with the column widths above, but not generally

Property: webui.session.invalidate

Example webui.session.invalidate = true


Informational Enable or disable session invalidation upon login or logout. This feature is enabled by default
Note: to help prevent session hijacking but may cause problems for shibboleth, etc. If omitted, the
default value is "true". [Only used for JSPUI authentication].

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Example = UA-XXXXXX-X


Informational If you would like to use Google Analytics to track general website statistics then use the
Note: following parameter to provide your Analytics key.

JSPUI Item Mapper

Because the item mapper requires a primitive implementation of the browse system to be present, we simply
need to tell that system which of our indexes defines the author browse (or equivalent) so that the mapper can
list authors' items for mapping

Define the index name (from webui.browse.index) to use for displaying items by author.


Example Value: = author

Informational If you change the name of your author browse field, you will also need to update this
Note: property key.

Display of Group Membership

Property: webui.mydspace.showgroupmembership

Example Value: webui.mydspace.showgroupmembership = false

Informational Note: To display group membership set to "true". If omitted, the default behavior is false.


SFX Server is an OpenURL Resolver.

Property: sfx.server.url

Example sfx.server.url =


sfx.server.url =

Informational SFX query is appended to this URL. If this property is commented out or omitted, SFX
Note: support is switched off.

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All the parameters mapping are defined in [dspace]/config/sfx.xml file. The program will check the
parameters in sfx.xml and retrieve the correct metadata of the item. It will then parse the string to your

For the following example, the program will search the first query-pair which is DOI of the item. If there is a DOI
for that item, your retrieval results will be, for example:

Example. For setting DOI in sfx.xml


If there is no DOI for that item, it will search next query-pair based on the [dspace]/config/sfx.xml and
then so on.

Example of using ISSN, volume, issue for item without DOI


For parameter passing to the <querystring>


Please refer to these:


Program assume won't get empty string for the item, as there will at least author, title for the item to pass to the

For contributor author, program maintains original DSpace SFX function of extracting author's first and last


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JSPUI Item Recommendation Setting

Property: webui.suggest.enable

Example Value: webui.suggest.enable = true

Informational Show a link to the item recommendation page from item display page.

Property: webui.suggest.loggedinusers.only

Example Value: webui.suggest.loggedinusers.>

Informational Enable only if the user is logged in. If this key commented out, the default value is false.

Controlled Vocabulary Settings

DSpace now supports controlled vocabularies to confine the set of keywords that users can use while
describing items.

Property: webui.controlledvocabulary.enable

Example webui.controlledvocabulary.enable = true


Informational Enable or disable the controlled vocabulary add-on. WARNING: This feature is not compatible
Note: with WAI (it requires JavaScript to function).

The need for a limited set of keywords is important since it eliminates the ambiguity of a free description
system, consequently simplifying the task of finding specific items of information.

The controlled vocabulary add-on allows the user to choose from a defined set of keywords organized in an tree
(taxonomy) and then use these keywords to describe items while they are being submitted.

We have also developed a small search engine that displays the classification tree (or taxonomy) allowing the
user to select the branches that best describe the information that he/she seeks.

The taxonomies are described in XML following this (very simple) structure:

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<node id="acmccs98" label="ACMCCS98">

<node id="A." label="General Literature">
<node id="A.0" label="GENERAL"/>
<node id="A.1" label="INTRODUCTORY AND SURVEY"/>

You are free to use any application you want to create your controlled vocabularies. A simple text editor should
be enough for small projects. Bigger projects will require more complex tools. You may use Proteg to create
your taxonomies, save them as OWL and then use a XML Stylesheet (XSLT) to transform your documents to
the appropriate format. Future enhancements to this add-on should make it compatible with standard schemas
such as OWL or RDF.

In order to make DSpace compatible with WAI 2.0, the add-on is turned off by default (the add-on relies
strongly on JavaScript to function). It can be activated by setting the following property in dspace.cfg:

webui.controlledvocabulary.enable = true

New vocabularies should be placed in [dspace]/config/controlled-vocabularies/ and must be

according to the structure described. A validation XML Schema (named controlledvocabulary.xsd) is
also available in that directory.

Vocabularies need to be associated with the correspondent DC metadata fields. Edit the file [dspace]
/config/input-forms.xml and place a "vocabulary" tag under the "field" element that you want to control.
Set value of the "vocabulary" element to the name of the file that contains the vocabulary, leaving out the
extension (the add-on will only load files with extension "*.xml"). For example:

<!-- An input-type of twobox MUST be marked as repeatable -->
<label>Subject Keywords</label>
<hint> Enter appropriate subject keywords or phrases below. </hint>
<vocabulary [closed="false"]>nsi</vocabulary>

The vocabulary element has an optional boolean attribute closed that can be used to force input only with the
JavaScript of controlled-vocabulary add-on. The default behavior (i.e. without this attribute) is as set closed="
false". This allow the user also to enter the value in free way.

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The following vocabularies are currently available by default:

nsi - nsi.xml - The Norwegian Science Index

srsc - srsc.xml - Swedish Research Subject Categories

3. JSPUI Session Invalidation

Property: webui.session.invalidate

Example webui.session.invalidate = true


Informational Enable or disable session invalidation upon login or logout. This feature is enabled by default
Note: to help prevent session hijacking but may cause problems for shibboleth, etc. If omitted, the
default value is 'true'.

XMLUI Specific Configuration

The DSpace digital repository supports two user interfaces: one based upon JSP technologies and the other
based upon the Apache Cocoon framework. This section describes those configurations settings which are
specific to the XMLUI interface based upon the Cocoon framework. (Prior to DSpace Release 1.5.1 XMLUI was
referred to Manakin. You may still see references to "Manakin")

Property: xmlui.force.ssl

Example xmlui.force.ssl = true


Informational Force all authenticated connections to use SSL, only non-authenticated connections are
Note: allowed over plain http. If set to true, then you need to ensure that the " dspace.hostname"
parameter is set correctly.

Property: xmlui.user.registration

Example xmlui.user.registration = true


Informational Determine if new users should be allowed to register. This parameter is useful in conjunction
Note: with Shibboleth where you want to disallow registration because Shibboleth will automatically
register the user. Default value is true.

Property: xmlui.user.editmetadata

Example xmlui.user.editmetadata = true


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Informational Determines if users should be able to edit their own metadata. This parameter is useful in
Note: conjunction with Shibboleth where you want to disable the user's ability to edit their metadata
because it came from Shibboleth. Default value is true.

Property: xmlui.session.ipcheck

Example xmlui.session.ipcheck = true


Informational Check if the user has a consistent ip address from the start of the login process to the end of
Note: the login process. Disabling this check is not recommended unless absolutely necessary as
the ip check can be helpful for preventing session hijacking. Possible reasons to set this to
false: many-to-many wireless networks that prevent consistent ip addresses or complex
proxying of requests.
The default value is true.

Property: xmlui.user.loginredirect

Example xmlui.user.loginredirect = /profile


Informational After a user has logged into the system, which url should they be directed? Leave this
Note: parameter blank or undefined to direct users to the homepage, or /profile for the user's profile,
or another reasonable choice is /submissions to see if the user has any tasks awaiting their
attention. The default is the repository home page.

Property: xmlui.theme.allowoverrides

Example xmlui.theme.allowoverrides = false


Informational Allow the user to override which theme is used to display a particular page. When submitting
Note: a request add the HTTP parameter "themepath" which corresponds to a particular theme, that
specified theme will be used instead of the any other configured theme. Note that this is a
potential security hole allowing execution of unintended code on the server, this option is only
for development and debugging it should be turned off for any production repository. The
default value unless otherwise specified is "false".

Property: xmlui.theme.enableConcatenation

Example xmlui.theme.enableConcatenation = false


Informational Enabling this property will concatenate CSS, JS and JSON files where possible. CSS files
Note: can be concatenated if multiple CSS files with the same media attribute are used in the same

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page. Links to the CSS files are automatically referring to the concatenated resulting CSS file.
The theme sitemap should be updated to use the ConcatenationReader for all js, css and
json files before enabling this property.

Property: xmlui.theme.enableMinification

Example xmlui.theme.enableMinification = false


Informational Enabling this property will minify CSS, JS and JSON files where possible. The theme sitemap
Note: should be updated to use the ConcatenationReader for all js, css and json files before
enabling this property.

Property: xmlui.theme.mirage.item-list.emphasis

Example xmlui.theme.mirage.item-list.emphasis = file


Informational When set to "file" the item listings in your repository will include the generated thumbnails of
Note: uploaded files. Alternatively, you can set this parameter to metadata to put more emphasis on
the metadata and effectively hide the thumbnails.
The default value is "metadata".

Property: mirage2.item-view.bitstream.href.label.1

Example mirage2.item-view.bitstream.href.label.1 = label

Value: mirage2.item-view.bitstream.href.label.2 = title

Informational Mirage 2 theme ONLY

Determines if the bitstream filename (title) or description (label) is being used as the display
label on the hyperlinks to download the actual files. By default, the file description (label) will
be shown. If this value is empty, the filename (title) will be used as a fallback. More
information and screenshots.

Property: xmlui.bundle.upload

Example xmlui.bundle.upload = ORIGINAL, METADATA, THUMBNAIL, LICENSE,


Informational Determine which bundles administrators and collection administrators may upload into an
Note: existing item through the administrative interface. If the user does not have the appropriate
privileges (add and write) on the bundle then that bundle will not be shown to the user as an


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Example = true


Informational On the community-list page should all the metadata about a community/collection be
Note: available to the theme. This parameter defaults to true, but if you are experiencing
performance problems on the community-list page you should experiment with turning this
option off.


Example = 12 hours


Informational Normally, the XMLUI will fully verify any cache pages before using a cache copy. This means
Note: that when the community-list page is viewed the database is queried for each community
/collection to see if their metadata has been modified. This can be expensive for repositories
with a large community tree. To help solve this problem you can set the cache to be assumed
valued for a specific set of time. The downside of this is that new or editing communities
/collections may not show up the website for a period of time.

Property: xmlui.bitstream.mods

Example xmlui.bitstream.mods = true


Informational Optionally, you may configure XMLUI to take advantage of metadata stored as a bitstream.
Note: The MODS metadata file must be inside the "METADATA" bundle and named MODS.xml. If
this option is set to 'true' and the bitstream is present then it is made available to the theme
for display.

Property: xmlui.bitstream.mets

Example xmlui.bitstream.mets = true


Informational Optionally, you may configure Manakin to take advantage of metadata stored as a bitstream.
Note: The METS metadata file must be inside the "METADATA" bundle and named METS.xml. If
this option is set to "true" and the bitstream is present then it is made available to the theme
for display.


Example = UA-XXXXXX-X


Informational If you would like to use Google Analytics to track general website statistics then use the
Note: following parameter to provide your analytics key. First sign up for an account at

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DSpace 6.x Documentation, then create an entry for your repositories website. Google

Analytics will give you a snippet of javascript code to place on your site, inside that snip it is
your Google Analytics key usually found in the line: _uacct = "UA-XXXXXXX-X" Take this key
(just the UA-XXXXXX-X part) and place it here in this parameter.

Property: xmlui.controlpanel.activity.max

Example xmlui.controlpanel.activity.max = 250


Informational Assign how many page views will be recorded and displayed in the control panel's activity
Note: viewer. The activity tab allows an administrator to debug problems in a running DSpace by
understanding who and how their dspace is currently being used. The default value is 250.

Property: xmlui.controlpanel.activity.ipheader

Example xmlui.controlpanel.activity.ipheader = X-Forward-For


Informational Determine where the control panel's activity viewer receives an events IP address from. If
Note: your DSpace is in a load balanced environment or otherwise behind a context-switch then you
will need to set the parameter to the HTTP parameter that records the original IP address.


Example = admin


Informational Determine the access rights necessary to export DSpace metadata from search results in a
Note: CSV format (compatible with Batch Metadata Editing tool). By default, only Administrators can
export metadata from search results. Other options include:

admin = Administrative users only

user = Any logged in user
anonymous = Anyone in the world

7.1.4 Optional or Advanced Configuration Settings

The following section explains how to configure either optional features or advanced features that are not
necessary to make DSpace "out-of-the-box"

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The Metadata Format and Bitstream Format Registries

The [dspace]/config/registries directory contains three XML files. These are used to load the initial contents of
the Dublin Core Metadata registry and Bitstream Format registry and SWORD metadata registry. After the initial
loading (performed by ant fresh_install above), the registries reside in the database; the XML files are not

In order to change the registries, you may adjust the XML files before the first installation of DSpace. On an
already running instance it is recommended to change bitstream registries via DSpace admin UI, but the
metadata registries can be loaded again at any time from the XML files without difficult. The changes made via
admin UI are not reflected in the XML files.

Metadata Format Registries

The default metadata schema is Dublin Core, so DSpace is distributed with a default Dublin Core Metadata
Registry. Currently, the system requires that every item have a Dublin Core record.

There is a set of Dublin Core Elements, which is used by the system and should not be removed or moved to
another schema, see Appendix: Default Dublin Core Metadata registry.

Note: altering a Metadata Registry has no effect on corresponding parts, e.g. item submission interface, item
display, item import and vice versa. Every metadata element used in submission interface or item import must
be registered before using it.

Note also that deleting a metadata element will delete all its corresponding values.

If you wish to add more metadata elements, you can do this in one of two ways. Via the DSpace admin UI you
may define new metadata elements in the different available schemas. But you may also modify the XML file (or
provide an additional one), and re-import the data as follows:

[dspace]/bin/dspace dsrun org.dspace.administer.MetadataImporter -f [xml file]

The XML file should be structured as follows:

<scope_note>Use primarily for thesis advisor.</scope_note>

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Bitstream Format Registry

The bitstream formats recognized by the system and levels of support are similarly stored in the bitstream
format registry. This can also be edited at install-time via [dspace]/config/registries/bitstream-formats.xml or by
the administration Web UI. The contents of the bitstream format registry are entirely up to you, though the
system requires that the following two formats are present:

Deleting a format will cause any existing bitstreams of this format to be reverted to the unknown
bitstream format.

Configuring Usage Instrumentation Plugins

A usage instrumentation plugin is configured as a Spring bean in the applicationContext.xml for each of the
various user interface web applications. It will require the injection of an instance of EventService, which it will
use to register itself on the UsageEvent bus. See the configuration file for examples.

More than one such plugin may be configured each will receive all usage events.

If you wish to write your own, it must extend the abstract class org.dspace.usage.AbstractUsageEventListener.

The Passive Plugin

The Passive plugin is provided as the class org.dspace.usage.PassiveUsageEventListener. It absorbs events
without effect, and serves as a simple example of how to write a UsageEvent listener.

The Tab File Logger Plugin

The Tab File Logger plugin is provided as the class org.dspace.usage.TabFileUsageEventListener. It writes
event records to a file in tab-separated column format. If left unconfigured, it will write to [DSpace]/log
/usage-events.tsv. To specify the file path, provide an absolute path, or a path relative to log.dir, as the
value for usageEvent.tabFileLogger.file in dspace.cfg.

Behavior of the workflow system

DSpace contains workflow systems to review submissions as described in detail as part of the architecture of
the business logic layer. There is the original workflow systems and a configurable one. The file [dspace]
/config/modules/workflow.cfg contains properties to configure details of the workflow systems.

The property workflow.reviewer.file-edit controls whether files may be added/edited/removed during

review (set to true) or whether files can be downloaded during review only.


#Allow the reviewers to add/edit/remove files from the submission

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#When changing this property you might want to alert submitters in the license that reviewers can
alter their files

Both workflow systems send notifications on new Items waiting to be reviewed to all EPersons that may resolve
those. Tasks can be taken to avoid that two EPersons work on the same task at the same time without knowing
from each other. When a EPerson returns a task to the pool without resolving it (by accepting or rejecting the
submission), another E-Mail is sent. In case you only want to be notified of completely new tasks entering a
step of the workflow system, you may switch off notifications on tasks returned to the pool by setting workflow.
notify.returend.tasks to false in config/modules/workflow.cfg as shown below:


# Notify reviewers about tasks returned to the pool

workflow.notify.returned.tasks = false

By default notifications are sent for tasks returned to the pool. This configuration works for the original workflow
system as well as for the configurable xml workflow system.

JSPUI: Per item visual indicators for browse and search results
Visual indicators per item allow users to mark items in browse and search results. This could be useful in many
scenarios, some of them follow:

1. If your repository contains items of different type (articles, book chapters, pictures) you can mark the type
of each item using an icon.
2. If your repository has items with bitstreams but also has items with no bitstream, you could indicate this
fact to the users using the visual indicators
3. If you have applied copyright licences in the bitstreams or items, you could notify users about that in the
browse or result list
4. If you want your users to spot some items out of the list easily or if you want to differentiate some items
from the others you could use the visual indicators

The visual indicators extension has the following specs:

1. Multiple marks can be added per item (i.e. mark the type of the item and the availability of the bitstreams)
2. Easy configuration of the strategy of what mark to display in every item
3. Marks based on images or a generic class (i.e. a glyphicon icon for bootstrap)
4. Display tooltip when hovering the mark + localization of the tooltip
5. Easy addtion of new strategies for any type of mark the user desires
6. Add css styles for the user to configure the position of the marks in the list row

Some theory:

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A mark is an instance of the class:

Each mark can have the following properties:

imageName: a path to the image that will be displayed for the specific mark
classInfo: the css class to be applied in the mark (useful if you do not want to add an image but just an
icon from the bootstrap glyph icons)
link: the link to be applied in the mark (optional)
tooltip: the tooltip to be shown when hovering over the mark (optional)

When you need to add a mark in an Item then you need to create a strategy that determined what mark to
display per item. Strategy classes need to implement the interface:

Your strategy class just needs to implement the following method from the above Interface:

public ItemMarkingInfo getItemMarkingInfo(Context context, Item item) throws SQLException;

Which is, given an item, return the Mark info to display.

Currently, there are three Strategies included by default:


This strategy decides the mark to display per item based on a value of a metadata field (i.e. dc:type)

It accepts two properties:

metadataField: the metadata field to be used for searching the value in the form schema.element.
mapping: a Java Map of Strings to ItemMarkingInfos

If the String (key of the map) is found as a value in the metadataField field, then the mark denoted by the value
of the map will be displayed.


This strategy decides the mark to display per item based on the collection this item belongs to.

It accepts one property:

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mapping: a Java Map of Strings to ItemMarkingInfos

The String (key of the map) is the collection handle (i.e.: 123456789/1) and if an items belongs to this collection,
the mark denoted by the object of the map will be displayed


This strategy decides the mark to display per item based on the availability (exists or not) of a bitstream within
the item.

It accepts to properties:

nonAvailableImageName: the image to display for the mark if no bitstreams exist for the item
nonAvailableImageName: the image to display for the mark if at least one bistream exist for the

Moreover, this strategy add a link in the mark (in case there are bitstreams in the item) to the first bitstream of
the item

How to:

In order to enable a mark for the result or browse list you need to change the option:


of the dspace.cfg file.

You need to include a mark_[value] key in any column order you like. Do not add the brackets and you can
replace the value with any word has a meaning for your marking type. You may add multiple marks (i.e.: one
in the first column and one at the last)

For example, the following line is a valid option value:

webui.itemlist.columns = mark_type,, dc.title, dc.contributor.*,


In the aforementioned case, you just added two marks, one in the first column for the type of the item and one
in the last item for the availability.

Now its time to declare what mark_type and mark_availability means. This is done in the Spring
configuration file config/sping/api/item-marking.xml, via the dependency injection feature.

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In this file, for each mark_[value] key you add in the dspace.cfg file, you need to add a Spring bean with[value]. The class of this bean must be an
implementation of

Thats all!

For our example, we need to declare two beans (one for mark_type and one for mark_availability).

<!-- Enable this strategy in order to mark item based on the value of a metadata field -->
<bean class="" id="
<property name="metadataField" value="dc.type" />
<property name="mapping" ref="typeMap"/>

<!-- Enable this strategy in order to mark items based on the availability of their bitstreams -->
<bean class="" id="org.dspace.
<property name="availableImageName" value="image/available.png" />
<property name="nonAvailableImageName" value="image/nonavailable.png" />

For the mark_type, we have declared the strategy to be ItemMarkingMetadataStrategy which means that
the value of a metadata field (dc.type in our case) will determine the mark of each item. Here is the mapping:

<bean class="java.util.HashMap" id="typeMap">

<ref bean="type1MarkingInfo"/>
<ref bean="type2MarkingInfo"/>

Thus, if the value of dc.type field is equal to image the type1MarkingInfo bean will be used for the marking, if
it is equal to video the type2MarkingInfo bean will be used, otherwise, no mark will be displayed.

<bean class="" id="type1MarkingInfo">

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<property name="classInfo" value="glyphicon glyphicon-picture"/>

<property name="tooltip" value="itemlist.mark.type1MarkingInfo"/>
<bean class="" id="type2MarkingInfo">
<property name="imageName" value="image/type2.png"/>
<property name="tooltip" value="itemlist.mark.type2MarkingInfo"/>

Tooltip property contains the localized key to display.

Keep in mind that the Strategy that you may write can have its own logic on how to create the ItemMarkingInfo
per item. The only requirement of the feature is to add in the Spring configuration file the initial beans one for
each mark you have declared in the dspace.cfg file.


The title for the column of each mark is titled based on the localized key itemlist.mark_[value], so you just
need to add the specific keys in the messages.propertied files.

Moreover, the following CSS styles are applied to the various aspects of the mark:

mark_[value]_th: a style applied to the column header

mark_[value]_tr: a style applied to the each row

Add these classes to the css file and apply any style you like (like centering the text or the image)

Recognizing Web Spiders (Bots, Crawlers, etc.)

DSpace can often recognize that a given access request comes from a web spider that is indexing your
repository. These accesses can be flagged for separate treatment (perhaps exclusion) in usage statistics. This
requires patterns to match against incoming requests. These patterns exist in files that you will find in config

In the spiders directory itself, you will find a number of files provided by These files contain
network address patterns which have been discovered to identify a number of known indexing services and
other spiders. You can add your own files here if you wish to exclude more addresses that you know of. You will
need to include your files' names in the list configured in config/modules/solr-statistics.cfg. The*.txt files can be updated using a tool provided by DSpace. See SOLR Statistics for details.

In the spiders directory you will also find two subdirectories. agents contains files filled with regular
expressions, one per line. An incoming request's User-Agent header is tested with each expression found in
any of these files until an expression matches. If there is a match, the request is marked as being from a spider,
otherwise not. domains similarly contains files filled with regular expressions which are used to test the domain
name from which the request comes. You may add your own files of regular expressions to either directory if
you wish to test requests with patterns of your own devising.

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Many configuration names/keys have changed!

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of DSpace, you will need to be aware that many
configuration names/keys have changed. Because Apache Commons Configuration allows for auto-
overriding of configurations, all configuration names/keys in different *.cfg files MUST be uniquely
named (otherwise accidental, unintended overriding may occur).

In order to compensate for this, all modules/*.cfg files had their configurations renamed to be
prepended with the module name. As a basic example, all the configuration settings within the
modules/oai.cfg configuration now start with "oai.".

Additionally, while the local.cfg may look similar to the old, many of its
configurations have slightly different names. So, simply copying your into a local.cfg
will NOT work.

This means that DSpace 5.x (or below) configurations are NOT compatible with the Enhanced
Configuration Scheme. While you obviously can use your old configurations as a reference, you will
need to start with fresh copy of all configuration files, and reapply any necessary configuration
changes (this has always been the recommended procedure). However, as you'll see in the next
section, you'll likely want to do that anyways in order to take full advantage of the new local.cfg file.


7.1.5 Command-line Access to Configuration Properties

You can resolve a configuration property name to its value using the command dspace dsprop -p some. The output is undecorated and may be suitable for use in scripts.

The dsprop command has these options:

name argument meaning

-- name the name of the desired property. This "option" is required.



-- name the name of the module in which the property is found. If omitted, the value of --
module property is the entire name. If used, the name will be composed as
For example, "-m dspace -p url" will look up the value of dspace.url.

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name argument meaning

--raw if used, this prevents the substitution of other property values into the value of the
requested property.

--help Display help similar to this table.



7.2 Directories and Files

Source Directory Layout
Installed Directory Layout
Contents of JSPUI Web Application
Contents of XMLUI Web Application (aka Manakin)
Log Files File.

7.2.1 Overview
A complete DSpace installation consists of three separate directory trees:

The source directory:: This is where (surprise!) the source code lives. Note that the config files here are
used only during the initial install process. After the install, config files should be changed in the install
directory. It is referred to in this document as [dspace-source].
The install directory:: This directory is populated during the install process and also by DSpace as it
runs. It contains config files, command-line tools (and the libraries necessary to run them), and usually --
although not necessarily -- the contents of the DSpace archive (depending on how DSpace is
configured). After the initial build and install, changes to config files should be made in this directory. It is
referred to in this document as [dspace].
The web deployment directory:: This directory is generated by the web server the first time it finds a
dspace.war file in its webapps directory. It contains the unpacked contents of dspace.war, i.e. the JSPs
and java classes and libraries necessary to run DSpace. Files in this directory should never be edited
directly; if you wish to modify your DSpace installation, you should edit files in the source directory and
then rebuild. The contents of this directory aren't listed here since its creation is completely automatic. It
is usually referred to in this document as [tomcat]/webapps/dspace.

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7.2.2 Source Directory Layout

LICENSE - DSpace source code license.
README - Obligatory basic information file.
local.cfg.EXAMPLE - an example "local.cfg" file, which can be used to store all your local
configuration overrides. See Configuration Reference.
dspace/ - Directory which contains all build and configuration information for DSpace
bin/ - Some shell and Perl scripts for running DSpace command-line tasks. Primary among
them is the 'dspace' commandline utility
config/ - Configuration files:
controlled-vocabularies/ - Fixed, limited vocabularies used in metadata entry
crosswalks/ - Metadata crosswalks - property files or XSL stylesheets
emails/ - Text and layout templates for emails sent out by the system.
modules/ - Configurations for modules / individual features within DSpace
registries/ - Initial contents of the bitstream format registry and Dublin Core element
/qualifier registry. These are only used on initial system setup, after which they are
maintained in the database.
dspace.cfg - The Main DSpace configuration file
dc2mods.cfg - Mappings from Dublin Core metadata to MODS for the METS export.
default.license - The default license that users must grant when submitting items.
dstat.cfg , - Configuration for statistical reports.
input-forms.xml , item-submission.xml - Submission UI configuration files
news-side.html - Text of the front-page news in the sidebar, only used in JSPUI.
news-top.html - Text of the front-page news in the top box, only used in JSPUI.
news-xmlui.xml - Text of the front-page news, only used in XMLUI
etc/ - This directory contains administrative files.
postgres/ - Administrative scripts for PostgreSQL
oracle/ - Administrative scripts for Oracle.
modules/ - The Web UI modules "overlay" directory. DSpace uses Maven to automatically
look here for any customizations you wish to make to DSpace Web interfaces.
jspui - Contains all customizations for the JSP User Interface.
src/main/resources/ - The overlay for JSPUI Resources. This is the location to
place any custom files. (Previously this file had been
stored at: _[dspace-source]/config/language-packs/Messages.properties_
src/main/webapp/ - The overlay for JSPUI Web Application. This is the
location to place any custom JSPs to be used by DSpace.
oai - Contains all customizations for the OAI-PMH Interface.
sword - Contains all customizations for the SWORD (Simple Web-service Offering
Repository Deposit) Interface.
xmlui - Contains all customizations for the XML User Interface (aka Manakin).

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src/main/webapp/ - The overlay for XMLUI Web Application. This is the

location to place custom Themes or Configurations.
i18n/ - The location to place a custom version of the XMLUI's
messages.xml (You have to manually create this folder)
themes/ - The location to place custom Themes for the XMLUI (You
have to manually create this folder).
solr/ - Solr configuration files for all Solr indexes used by DSpace.
src/ - Maven configurations for DSpace System. This directory contains the Maven and Ant
build files for DSpace.
target/ - (Only exists after building DSpace) This is the location Maven uses to build your
DSpace installation package.
dspace-[version].dir - The location of the DSpace Installation Package (which can
then be installed by running ant update)

The Source Release contains the following additional directories :-

dspace-api/ - Java API source module
dspace-jspui/ - JSP-UI source module
dspace-oai - OAI-PMH source module
dspace-rdf - RDF source module
dspace-rest - REST API source module
dspace-services - Common Services module
dspace-sword - SWORD (Simple Web-serve Offering Repository Deposit) deposit service source
dspace-swordv2 - SWORDv2 source module
dspace-xmlui - XML-UI (Manakin) source module
dspace-xmlui-mirage2 - Mirage 2 theme for the XMLUI
pom.xml - DSpace Parent Project definition

7.2.3 Installed Directory Layout

Below is the basic layout of a DSpace installation using the default configuration. These paths can be
configured if necessary.

assetstore/ - assetstore files. This is where all the files uploaded into DSpace are stored by
default. See Storage Layer.
bin/ - shell scripts for DSpace command-line tasks. Primary among them is the 'dspace'
commandline utility
config/ - configuration, with sub-directories as above
etc/ - Administrative and database management files
exports/ - temporary storage for any export packages
handle-server/ - Handles server files and configuration

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imports/ - temporary storage for any import packages

lib/ - JARs, including dspace-api.jar, containing the DSpace classes
log/ - Log files
reports/ - Reports generated by statistical report generator
solr/ - Solr search/browse indexes
triplestore/ - RDF triple store index files (when enabled)
upload/ - temporary directory used during file uploads etc.
webapps/ - location where DSpace installs all Web Applications

7.2.4 Contents of JSPUI Web Application

DSpace's Ant build file creates a dspace-jspui-webapp/ directory with the following structure:

(top level dir)

The JSPs
web.xml - DSpace JSPUI Web Application configuration and Servlet mappings
dspace-tags.tld - DSpace custom tag descriptor
fmt.tld - JSTL message format tag descriptor, for internationalization
lib/ - All the third-party JARs and pre-compiled DSpace API JARs needed to run JSPUI
classes/ - Any additional necessary class files

7.2.5 Contents of XMLUI Web Application (aka Manakin)

DSpace's Ant build file creates a dspace-xmlui-webapp/ directory with the following structure:

(top level dir)

aspects/ - Contains overarching Aspect Generator config and Prototype DRI (Digital Repository
Interface) document for Manakin.
i18n/ - Internationalization / Multilingual support. Contains the messages.xml English language
pack by default.
themes/ - Contains all out-of-the-box Manakin themes
Classic/ - The classic theme, which makes the XMLUI look like classic DSpace
Kubrick/ - The Kubrick theme
Mirage/ - The Mirage theme (see Mirage Configuration and Customization)
Reference/ - The default reference theme for XMLUI
dri2xhtml/ - The base theme template, which converts XMLUI DRI (Digital Repository
Interface) format into XHTML for display. See XMLUI Base Theme Templates (dri2xhtml)
for more details.
dri2xhtml-alt/ - The alternative theme template (used by Mirage Theme), which also
converts XMLUI DRI (Digital Repository Interface) format into XHTML for display. See
XMLUI Base Theme Templates (dri2xhtml) for more details.

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template/ - An empty theme template...useful as a starting point for your own custom theme
dri2xhtml.xsl - The DRI-to-XHTML XSL Stylesheet. Uses the above 'dri2xhtml' theme to
generate XHTML
themes.xmap - The Theme configuration file. It determines which theme(s) are used by
lib/ - All the third-party JARs and pre-compiled DSpace JARs needed to run XMLUI
classes/ - Any additional necessary class files
cocoon.xconf - XMLUI's Apache Cocoon configuration
logkit.xconf - XMLUI's Apache Cocoon Logging configuration
web.xml - XMLUI Web Application configuration and Servlet mappings

7.2.6 Log Files

The first source of potential confusion is the log files. Since DSpace uses a number of third-party tools,
problems can occur in a variety of places. Below is a table listing the main log files used in a typical DSpace
setup. The locations given are defaults, and might be different for your system depending on where you
installed DSpace and the third-party tools. The ordering of the list is roughly the recommended order for
searching them for the details about a particular problem or error.

Log File What's In It

[dspace]/log Main DSpace log file. This is where the DSpace code writes a simple log of events and
/dspace.log. errors that occur within the DSpace code. You can control the verbosity of this by editing the
yyyy-mm-dd [dspace-source]/config/templates/ file and then running "ant init_configs".

[dspace]/log Apache Cocoon log file for the XMLUI. This is where the DSpace XMLUI logs all of its
/cocoon.log. events and errors.

[tomcat]/logs This is where Tomcat's standard output is written. Many errors that occur within the Tomcat
/catalina.out code are logged here. For example, if Tomcat can't find the DSpace code ( dspace.jar), it
would be logged in catalina.out.

[tomcat]/logs If you're running Tomcat stand-alone (without Apache), it logs some information and errors
/hostname_log. for specific Web applications to this log file. hostname will be your host name (e.g. dspace.
yyyy-mm-dd.txt and yyyy-mm-dd will be the date.

[tomcat]/logs If you're using Apache, Tomcat logs information about Web applications running through
/apache_log. Apache (mod_webapp) in this log file (yyyy-mm-dd being the date.)

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[apache] Apache logs to this file. If there is a problem with getting mod_webapp working, this is a
/error_log good place to look for clues. Apache also writes to several other log files, though error_log
tends to contain the most useful information for tracking down problems.

[dspace]/log The Handle server runs as a separate process from the DSpace Web UI (which runs under
/handle-plug. Tomcat's JVM). Due to a limitation of log4j's 'rolling file appenders', the DSpace code
log running in the Handle server's JVM must use a separate log file. The DSpace code that is
run as part of a Handle resolution request writes log information to this file. You can control
the verbosity of this by editing [dspace-source]/config/templates/log4j-handle-plugin.

[dspace]/log This is the log file for CNRI's Handle server code. If a problem occurs within the Handle
/handle-server. server code, before DSpace's plug-in is invoked, this is where it may be logged.

[dspace] On the other hand, a problem with CNRI's Handle server code might be logged here.

PostgreSQL PostgreSQL also writes a log file. This one doesn't seem to have a default location, you
log probably had to specify it yourself at some point during installation. In general, this log file
rarely contains pertinent information--PostgreSQL is pretty stable, you're more likely to
encounter problems with connecting via JDBC, and these problems will be logged in dspace.
log. File.
the file [dspace]/config/ controls how and where log files are created. There are three sets of
configurations in that file, called A1, A2, and A3. These are used to control the logs for DSpace, the checksum
checker, and the XMLUI respectively. The important settings in this file are:

These lines control what level of logging takes place. Normally they should be set to
log4j. INFO, but if you need to see more information in the logs, set them to DEBUG and
rootCategory= restart your web server

log4j.appender. This is the name of the log file creation method used. The DailyFileAppender creates a
A1=org.dspace. new date-stamped file every day or month.

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log4j.appender. This sets the filename and location of where the log file will be stored. It iwll have a date
A1.File=${log.dir} stamp appended to the file name.

log4j.appender. This defines the format for the date stamp that is appended to the log file names. If you
A1. wish to have log files created monthly instead of daily, change this to yyyy-MM

log4j.appender. This defines how many log files will be created. You may wish to define a retention
A1.MaxLogs=0 period for log files. If you set this to 365, logs older than a year will be deleted. By default
this is set to 0 so that no logs are ever deleted. Ensure that you monitor the disk space
used by the logs to make sure that you have enough space for them. It is often important
to keep the log files for a long time in case you want to rebuild your statistics.

7.3 Metadata and Bitstream Format Registries

Default Dublin Core Metadata Registry (DC)
Dublin Core Terms Registry (DCTERMS)
Local Metadata Registry (local)
Default Bitstream Format Registry

7.3.1 Default Dublin Core Metadata Registry (DC)

The default DSpace Dublin Core Metadata Registry was originally derived from the 15 Dublin Core elements.
This registry initializes the default schema, where dc is used to identify the namespace. As this registry is
meant to track the Dublin Core standard, it's recommended that the local DSpace administrator not add/remove
metadata fields from this namespace; the "local" namespace should be used instead (see below).

element qualifier scope note

contributor A person, organization, or service responsible for the content of the

resource. Catch-all for unspecified contributors.

contributor advisor Use primarily for thesis advisor.

contributor author Author(s) of the work (used by default)

contributor editor

contributor illustrator

contributor other

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element qualifier scope note

coverage spatial Spatial characteristics of content.

coverage temporal Temporal characteristics of content.

creator May be used as an alternative to ""

date Use qualified form if possible.

date accessioned Date DSpace takes possession of item.

date available Date or date range item became available to the public.

date copyright Date of copyright.

date created Date of creation or manufacture of intellectual content if different

from date.issued.

date issued Date of publication or distribution.

date submitted Recommend for theses/dissertations.

identifier Catch-all for unambiguous identifiers not defined by qualified form;

use identifier.other for a known identifier common to a local
collection instead of unqualified form.

identifier citation Human-readable, standard bibliographic citation of non-DSpace

format of this item

identifier govdoc A government document number

identifier isbn International Standard Book Number

identifier issn International Standard Serial Number

identifier sici Serial Item and Contribution Identifier

identifier ismn International Standard Music Number

identifier other A known identifier type common to a local collection.

identifier uri Uniform Resource Identifier

description Catch-all for any description not defined by qualifiers.

description abstract Abstract or summary.

description provenance The history of custody of the item since its creation, including any
changes successive custodians made to it.

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element qualifier scope note

description sponsorship Information about sponsoring agencies, individuals, or contractual

arrangements for the item.

description statementofresponsibility To preserve statement of responsibility from MARC records.

description tableofcontents A table of contents for a given item.

description uri Uniform Resource Identifier pointing to description of this item.

format Catch-all for any format information not defined by qualifiers.

format extent Size or duration.

format medium Physical medium.

format mimetype Registered MIME type identifiers.

language Catch-all for non-ISO forms of the language of the item,

accommodating harvested values.

language iso Current ISO standard for language of intellectual content, including
country codes (e.g. "en_US").

publisher Entity responsible for publication, distribution, or imprint.

relation Catch-all for references to other related items.

relation isformatof References additional physical form.

relation ispartof References physically or logically containing item.

relation ispartofseries Series name and number within that series, if available.

relation haspart References physically or logically contained item.

relation isversionof References earlier version.

relation hasversion References later version.

relation isbasedon References source.

relation isreferencedby Pointed to by referenced resource.

relation requires Referenced resource is required to support function, delivery, or

coherence of item.

relation replaces References preceeding item.

relation isreplacedby References succeeding item.

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element qualifier scope note

relation uri References Uniform Resource Identifier for related item

rights Terms governing use and reproduction.

rights uri References terms governing use and reproduction.

source Do not use; only for harvested metadata.

source uri Do not use; only for harvested metadata.

subject Uncontrolled index term.

subject classification Catch-all for value from local classification system. Global
classification systems will receive specific qualifier

subject ddc Dewey Decimal Classification Number

subject lcc Library of Congress Classification Number

subject lcsh Library of Congress Subject Headings

subject mesh MEdical Subject Headings

subject other Local controlled vocabulary; global vocabularies will receive specific

title Title statement/title proper.

title alternative Varying (or substitute) form of title proper appearing in item, e.g.
abbreviation or translation

type Nature or genre of content.

Used by several functional areas of DSpace. DO NOT REMOVE WITHOUT INVESTIGATING THE

This field is included in the default DSpace Submission User Interface. Removing this field from your registry
will break the default DSpace submission form.

7.3.2 Dublin Core Terms Registry (DCTERMS)

The Dublin Core Terms (DCTERMS) registry was introduced in DSpace 4. This registry initializes an optional
metadata schema, where dcterms is used to identify the namespace. In DSpace 4, none of these fields are
used by any of the system functionality out of the box. The registry and schema were added as a first step to
facilitate the future migration of the DSpace specific DC schema, to this schema that complies to current Dublin
Core standards.

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The main advantage of the DCTERMS schema is that no field name details gets lost during harvesting, as
opposed to harvesting of so called "simple" dublin core, where the qualifiers from the above schema are omitted
during harvesting.

As this registry is meant to track the Dublin Core Terms standard, it's recommended that the local DSpace
administrator not add/remove metadata fields from this namespace; the "local" namespace should be used
instead (see below).

term scope note

abstract A summary of the resource.

accessRights Information about who can access the resource or an indication of its security status.
May include information regarding access or restrictions based on privacy, security, or
other policies.

accrualMethod The method by which items are added to a collection.

accrualPeriodicity The frequency with which items are added to a collection.

accrualPolicy The policy governing the addition of items to a collection.

alternative An alternative name for the resource.

audience A class of entity for whom the resource is intended or useful.

available Date (often a range) that the resource became or will become available.

bibliographicCitation Recommended practice is to include sufficient bibliographic detail to identify the

resource as unambiguously as possible.

conformsTo An established standard to which the described resource conforms.

contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource. Examples of a

Contributor include a person, an organization, or a service.

coverage The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource,
or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant.

created Date of creation of the resource.

creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource.

date A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource.

dateAccepted Date of acceptance of the resource.

dateCopyrighted Date of copyright.

dateSubmitted Date of submission of the resource.

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term scope note

description An account of the resource.

educationLevel A class of entity, defined in terms of progression through an educational or training

context, for which the described resource is intended.

extent The size or duration of the resource.

format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource.

hasFormat A related resource that is substantially the same as the pre-existing described
resource, but in another format.

hasPart A related resource that is included either physically or logically in the described

hasVersion A related resource that is a version, edition, or adaptation of the described resource.

identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.

instructionalMethod A process, used to engender knowledge, attitudes and skills, that the described
resource is designed to support.

isFormatOf A related resource that is substantially the same as the described resource, but in
another format.

isPartOf A related resource in which the described resource is physically or logically included.

isReferencedBy A related resource that references, cites, or otherwise points to the described

isReplacedBy A related resource that supplants, displaces, or supersedes the described resource.

isRequiredBy A related resource that requires the described resource to support its function,
delivery, or coherence.

issued Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource.

isVersionOf A related resource of which the described resource is a version, edition, or adaptation.

language A language of the resource.

license A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource.

mediator An entity that mediates access to the resource and for whom the resource is intended
or useful.

medium The material or physical carrier of the resource.

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term scope note

modified Date on which the resource was changed.

provenance A statement of any changes in ownership and custody of the resource since its
creation that are significant for its authenticity, integrity, and interpretation.

publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available.

references A related resource that is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to by the described

relation A related resource.

replaces A related resource that is supplanted, displaced, or superseded by the described


requires A related resource that is required by the described resource to support its function,
delivery, or coherence.

rights Information about rights held in and over the resource.

rightsHolder A person or organization owning or managing rights over the resource.

source A related resource from which the described resource is derived.

spatial Spatial characteristics of the resource.

subject The topic of the resource.

tableOfContents A list of subunits of the resource.

temporal Temporal characteristics of the resource.

title A name given to the resource.

type The nature or genre of the resource.

valid Date (often a range) of validity of a resource.

7.3.3 Local Metadata Registry (local)

Editing the DC and DCTERMS schemas is recommended against because it may complicate the upgrade path
in case a newer version of DSpace needs to make changes or migrations in these standard metadata fields.
Therefore, an empty metadata schema called "local" is provided (since DSpace 6), which can be used by the
DSpace administrator as a namespace for custom local metadata fields. Such custom fields would be anything
that does not fit into DC or DCTERMS. Future DSpace migrations will not touch fields in the "local" namespace.

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element qualifier scope note

<empty by default> <fields to be populated by DSpace administrator if needed>

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7.3.4 Default Bitstream Format Registry

Mimetype Short Description Support Internal Extensions
Description Level

application/octet- Unknown Unknown data format Unknown false


text/plain License Item-specific license agreed upon to Known true


application/marc MARC Machine-Readable Cataloging Known false


application Mathematica Mathematica Notebook Known false ma


application Microsoft Microsoft Word Known false doc

/msword Word

application/pdf Adobe PDF Adobe Portable Document Format Known false pdf

application Postscript Postscript Files Known false ai, eps, ps


application/sgml SGML SGML application (RFC 1874) Known false sgm, sgml

application/vnd. Microsoft Microsoft Excel Known false xls

ms-excel Excel

application/vnd. Microsoft Microsoft Powerpoint Known false ppt

ms-powerpoint Powerpoint

application/vnd. Microsoft Microsoft Project Known false mpd, mpp,

ms-project Project mpx

application/vnd. Microsoft Microsoft Visio Known false vsd

visio Visio

application WordPerfect WordPerfect 5.1 document Known false wpd


application/x-dvi TeX dvi TeX dvi format Known false dvi

application/x- FMP3 Filemaker Pro Known false fm


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application/x- LateX LaTeX document Known false latex


application/x- Photoshop Photoshop Known false pdd, psd


application/x-tex TeX Tex/LateX document Known false tex

audio/basic audio/basic Basic Audio Known false au, snd

audio/x-aiff AIFF Audio Interchange File Format Known false aif, aifc,

audio/x-mpeg MPEG MPEG Audio Known false abs, mpa,

Audio mpega

audio/x-pn- RealAudio RealAudio file Known false ra, ram


audio/x-wav WAV Broadcase Wave Format Known false wav

image/gif GIF Graphics Interchange Format Known false gif

image/jpeg JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group Known false jpeg, jpg
/JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF)

image/png image/png Portable Network Graphics Known false png

image/tiff TIFF Tag Image File Format Known false tif, tiff

image/x-ms-bmp BMP Microsoft Windows bitmap Known false bmp

image/x-photo- Photo CD Kodak Photo CD image Known false pcd


text/css CSS Cascading Style Sheets Known false css

text/html HTML Hypertext Markup Language Known false htm, html

text/plain Text Plain Text Known false asc, txt

text/richtext RTF Rich Text Format Known false rtf

text/xml XML Extensible Markup Language Known false xml

video/mpeg MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group Known false mpe,

mpeg, mpg

video/quicktime Video Video Quicktime Known false mov, qt


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Used by several functional areas of DSpace. DO NOT REMOVE WITHOUT INVESTIGATING THE

7.4 Architecture
DSpace System Architecture

7.4.1 Overview
The DSpace system is organized into three layers, each of which consists of a number of components.

DSpace System Architecture

The storage layer is responsible for physical storage of metadata and content. The business logic layer deals
with managing the content of the archive, users of the archive (e-people), authorization, and workflow. The

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application layer contains components that communicate with the world outside of the individual DSpace
installation, for example the Web user interface and the Open Archives Initiative protocol for metadata
harvesting service.

Each layer only invokes the layer below it; the application layer may not use the storage layer directly, for
example. Each component in the storage and business logic layers has a defined public API. The union of the
APIs of those components are referred to as the Storage API (in the case of the storage layer) and the DSpace
Public API (in the case of the business logic layer). These APIs are in-process Java classes, objects and

It is important to note that each layer is trusted. Although the logic for authorising actions is in the business logic
layer, the system relies on individual applications in the application layer to correctly and securely authenticate
e-people. If a 'hostile' or insecure application were allowed to invoke the Public API directly, it could very easily
perform actions as any e-person in the system.

The reason for this design choice is that authentication methods will vary widely between different applications,
so it makes sense to leave the logic and responsibility for that in these applications.

The source code is organized to cohere very strictly to this three-layer architecture. Also, only methods in a
component's public API are given the public access level. This means that the Java compiler helps ensure that
the source code conforms to the architecture.

Packages within Correspond to components in Application layer

org.dspace Business logic layer (except storage and app) Storage layer

The storage and business logic layer APIs are extensively documented with Javadoc-style comments. Generate
the HTML version of these by entering the [dspace-source]/dspace directory and running:

mvn javadoc:javadoc

The resulting documentation will be at [dspace-source]dspace-api/target/site/apidocs/index.html. The package-

level documentation of each package usually contains an overview of the package and some example usage.
This information is not repeated in this architecture document; this and the Javadoc APIs are intended to be
used in parallel.

Each layer is described in a separate section:

Storage Layer
Bitstream Store

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Business Logic Layer

Core Classes
Content Management API
Workflow System
Administration Toolkit
E-person/Group Manager
Handle Manager/Handle Plugin
Browse API
History Recorder
Checksum Checker
Application Layer
Web User Interface
OAI-PMH Data Provider
Item Importer and Exporter
Transferring Items Between DSpace Instances
METS Tools
Media Filters
Sub-Community Management

7.4.2 Application Layer

The following explains how the application layer is built and used.

Web User Interface

Web UI Files
The Build Process
Servlets and JSPs (JSPUI Only)
Custom JSP Tags (JSPUI Only)
Internationalization (JSPUI Only)
Message Key Convention
Which Languages are currently supported?
HTML Content in Items
Thesis Blocking
OAI-PMH Data Provider
DSpace Command Launcher
Older Versions
Command Launcher Structure

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Web User Interface

The DSpace Web UI is the largest and most-used component in the application layer. Built on Java Servlet and
JavaServer Page technology, it allows end-users to access DSpace over the Web via their Web browsers. As of
Dspace 1.3.2 the UI meets both XHTML 1.0 standards and Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) level-2 standard.

It also features an administration section, consisting of pages intended for use by central administrators.
Presently, this part of the Web UI is not particularly sophisticated; users of the administration section need to
know what they are doing! Selected parts of this may also be used by collection administrators.

Web UI Files
The Web UI-related files are located in a variety of directories in the DSpace source tree. Note that as of
DSpace version 1.5, the deployment has changed. The build systems has moved to a maven-based system
enabling the various projects (JSPUI, XMLUI, etc.) into separate projects. The system still uses the familar 'Ant'
to deploy the webapps in later stages.

Location Description

[dspace-source]/dspace-jspui/dspace-jspui-api/src Web UI source files


[dspace-source]/dspace-jspui/dspace-jspui-api/src Servlet Filters (Servlet 2.3 spec)


[dspace-source]/dspace-jspui/dspace-jspui-api/src Custom JSP tag class files


[dspace-source]/dspace-jspui/dspace-jspui-api/src Servlets for main Web UI (controllers)


[dspace-source]/dspace-jspui/dspace-jspui-api/src Servlets that comprise the administration part of the Web

/main/java/org/dspace/app/servlet/admin UI

[dspace-source]/dspace-jspui/dspace-jspui-api/src Miscellaneous classes used by the servlets and filters


[dspace-source]/dspace-jspui The JSP files

[dspace-source]/dspace/modules/jspui/src/main This is where you place customized versions of JSPs

/webapp see JSPUI Configuration and Customization

[dspace-source]/dspace/modules/xmlui/src/main This is where you place customizations for the Manakin

/webapp interface see XMLUI Configuration and Customization

[dspace-source/dspace/modules/jspui/src/main This is where you can place you customize version of the
/resources file.

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[dspace-source]/dspace-jspui/dspace-jspui- Custom DSpace JSP tag descriptor


The Build Process

The DSpace Maven build process constructs a full DSpace installation template directory structure containing a
series of web applications. The results are placed in [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-installer/. The
process works as follows:

All the DSpace source code is compiled, and/or automatically downloaded from the Maven Central code
/libraries repository.
A full DSpace "installation template" folder is built in [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-
This DSpace "installation template" folder has a structure identical to the Installed Directory Layout

In order to then install & deploy DSpace from this "installation template" folder, you must run the following from
[dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-installer/ :

ant -D [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg update

Please see the Installing DSpace instructions for more details about the Installation process.

Servlets and JSPs (JSPUI Only)

The JSPUI Web UI is loosely based around the MVC (model, view, controller) model. The content management
API corresponds to the model, the Java Servlets are the controllers, and the JSPs are the views. Interactions
take the following basic form:

1. An HTTP request is received from a browser

2. The appropriate servlet is invoked, and processes the request by invoking the DSpace business logic
layer public API
3. Depending on the outcome of the processing, the servlet invokes the appropriate JSP
4. The JSP is processed and sent to the browser
The reasons for this approach are:

All of the processing is done before the JSP is invoked, so any error or problem that occurs does not
occur halfway through HTML rendering
The JSPs contain as little code as possible, so they can be customized without having to delve into Java
code too much
The servlet is always loaded first. This is a very simple
servlet that checks the dspace-config context parameter from the DSpace deployment descriptor, and

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uses it to locate dspace.cfg. It also loads up the Log4j configuration. It's important that this servlet is
loaded first, since if another servlet is loaded up, it will cause the system to try and load DSpace and
Log4j configurations, neither of which would be found.

All DSpace servlets are subclasses of the DSpaceServlet class. The DSpaceServlet class handles some basic
operations such as creating a DSpace Context object (opening a database connection etc.), authentication and
error handling. Instead of overriding the doGet and doPost methods as one normally would for a servlet,
DSpace servlets implement doDSGet or doDSPost which have an extra context parameter, and allow the
servlet to throw various exceptions that can be handled in a standard way.

The DSpace servlet processes the contents of the HTTP request. This might involve retrieving the results of a
search with a query term, accessing the current user's eperson record, or updating a submission in progress.
According to the results of this processing, the servlet must decide which JSP should be displayed. The servlet
then fills out the appropriate attributes in the HttpRequest object that represents the HTTP request being
processed. This is done by invoking the setAttribute method of the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest object
that is passed into the servlet from Tomcat. The servlet then forwards control of the request to the appropriate
JSP using the JSPManager.showJSP method.

The JSPManager.showJSP method uses the standard Java servlet forwarding mechanism is then used to
forward the HTTP request to the JSP. The JSP is processed by Tomcat and the results sent back to the user's

There is an exception to this servlet/JSP style: index.jsp, the 'home page', receives the HTTP request directly
from Tomcat without a servlet being invoked first. This is because in the servlet 2.3 specification, there is no
way to map a servlet to handle only requests made to '/'; such a mapping results in every request being directed
to that servlet. By default, Tomcat forwards requests to '/' to index.jsp. To try and make things as clean as
possible, index.jsp contains some simple code that would normally go in a servlet, and then forwards to home.
jsp using the JSPManager.showJSP method. This means localized versions of the 'home page' can be created
by placing a customized home.jsp in [dspace-source]/jsp/local, in the same manner as other JSPs.

[dspace-source]/jsp/dspace-admin/index.jsp, the administration UI index page, is invoked directly by Tomcat

and not through a servlet for similar reasons.

At the top of each JSP file, right after the license and copyright header, is documented the appropriate attributes
that a servlet must fill out prior to forwarding to that JSP. No validation is performed; if the servlet does not fill
out the necessary attributes, it is likely that an internal server error will occur.

Many JSPs containing forms will include hidden parameters that tell the servlets which form has been filled out.
The submission UI servlet (SubmissionController is a prime example of a servlet that deals with the input from
many different JSPs. The step and page hidden parameters (written out by the SubmissionController.
getSubmissionParameters() method) are used to inform the servlet which page of which step has just been
filled out (i.e. which page of the submission the user has just completed).

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Below is a detailed, scary diagram depicting the flow of control during the whole process of processing and
responding to an HTTP request. More information about the authentication mechanism is mostly described in
the configuration section.

Flow of Control During HTTP Request Processing

Custom JSP Tags (JSPUI Only)

The DSpace JSPs all use some custom tags defined in /dspace/jsp/WEB-INF/dspace-tags.tld, and the
corresponding Java classes reside in The tags are listed below. The dspace-tags.
tld file contains detailed comments about how to use the tags, so that information is not repeated here.

layout: Just about every JSP uses this tag. It produces the standard HTML header and <BODY>_tag.
Thus the content of each JSP is nested inside a _<dspace:layout> tag. The (XML-style)attributes of this
tag are slightly complicated--see dspace-tags.tld. The JSPs in the source code bundle also provide
plenty of examples.
sidebar: Can only be used inside a layout tag, and can only be used once per JSP. The content between
the start and end sidebar tags is rendered in a column on the right-hand side of the HTML page. The
contents can contain further JSP tags and Java 'scriptlets'.

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date: Displays the date represented by an org.dspace.content.DCDate object. Just the one
representation of date is rendered currently, but this could use the user's browser preferences to display
a localized date in the future.
include: Obsolete, simple tag, similar to jsp:include. In versions prior to DSpace 1.2, this tag would use
the locally modified version of a JSP if one was installed in jsp/local. As of 1.2, the build process now
performs this function, however this tag is left in for backwards compatibility.
item: Displays an item record, including Dublin Core metadata and links to the bitstreams within it. Note
that the displaying of the bitstream links is simplistic, and does not take into account any of the bundling
structure. This is because DSpace does not have a fully-fledged dissemination architectural piece yet.
Displaying an item record is done by a tag rather than a JSP for two reasons: Firstly, it happens in
several places (when verifying an item record during submission or workflow review, as well as during
standard item accesses), and secondly, displaying the item turns out to be mostly code-work rather than
HTML anyway. Of course, the disadvantage of doing it this way is that it is slightly harder to customize
exactly what is displayed from an item record; it is necessary to edit the tag code (
jsptag.ItemTag). Hopefully a better solution can be found in the future.
itemlist, collectionlist, communitylist: These tags display ordered sequences of items, collections and
communities, showing minimal information but including a link to the page containing full details. These
need to be used in HTML tables.
popup: This tag is used to render a link to a pop-up page (typically a help page.) If Javascript is
available, the link will either open or pop to the front any existing DSpace pop-up window. If Javascript is
not available, a standard HTML link is displayed that renders the link destination in a window named '
dspace.popup'. In graphical browsers, this usually opens a new window or re-uses an existing window of
that name, but if a window is re-used it is not 'raised' which might confuse the user. In text browsers,
following this link will simply replace the current page with the destination of the link. This obviously
means that Javascript offers the best functionality, but other browsers are still supported.
selecteperson: A tag which produces a widget analogous to HTML <SELECT>, that allows a user to
select one or multiple e-people from a pop-up list.
sfxlink: Using an item's Dublin Core metadata DSpace can display an SFX link, if an SFX server is
available. This tag does so for a particular item if the sfx.server.url property is defined in dspace.cfg.

Internationalization (JSPUI Only)

XMLUI Internationalization

For information about XMLUI Internationalization please see: XMLUI Multilingual Support.

The Java Standard Tag Library v1.0 is used to specify messages in the JSPs like this:


<H1>Search Results</H1>

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<H1><fmt:message key=""/></H1>

This message can now be changed using the config/language-packs/ file. (This must be
done at build-time: is placed in the dspace.war Web application file.) = Search Results

Phrases may have parameters to be passed in, to make the job of translating easier, reduce the number of
'keys' and to allow translators to make the translated text flow more appropriately for the target language.


<P>Results <%= r.getFirst() %> to <%= r.getLast() %> of <%=r.getTotal() %></P>


<fmt:message key="">
<fmt:param><%= r.getFirst() %></fmt:param>
<fmt:param><%= r.getLast() %></fmt:param>
<fmt:param><%= r.getTotal() %></fmt:param>

(Note: JSTL 1.0 does not seem to allow JSP <%= %> expressions to be passed in as values of attribute in <fmt:
param value=""/>)

The above would appear in the file as: = Results {0}-{1} of {2}

Introducing number parameters that should be formatted according to the locale used makes no difference in
the message key compared to string parameters: = {0} bytes

In the JSP using this key can be used in the way belov:

<fmt:message key="">
<fmt:param><fmt:formatNumber><%= bitstream.getSize()%></fmt:formatNumber></fmt:param>

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(Note: JSTL offers a way to include numbers in the message keys as = {0,number} bytes. Setting
the parameter as <fmt:param value="${variable}" /> workes when variable is a single variable name and doesn't
work when trying to use a method's return value instead: bitstream.getSize(). Passing the number as string (or
using the <%= %> expression) also does not work.)

Multiple can be created for different languages. See ResourceBundle.getBundle. e.g. you
can add German and Canadian French translations:

The end user's browser settings determine which language is used. The English language file Messages.
properties (or the default server locale) will be used as a default if there's no language bundle for the end user's
preferred language. (Note that the English file is not called this is so it is always
available as a default, regardless of server configuration.)

The dspace:layout tag has been updated to allow dictionary keys to be passed in for the titles. It now has two
new parameters: titlekey and parenttitlekey. So where before you'd do:

<dspace:layout title="Here"
parenttitle="My DSpace">

You now do:

<dspace:layout titlekey=""

And so the layout tag itself gets the relevant stuff out of the dictionary. title and parenttitle still work as before for
backwards compatibility, and the odd spot where that's preferable.

Message Key Convention

When translating further pages, please follow the convention for naming message keys to avoid clashes.

For text in JSPs use the complete path + filename of the JSP, then a one-word name for the message. e.g. for
the title of jsp/mydspace/main.jsp use:


Some common words (e.g. "Help") can be brought out into keys starting jsp. for ease of translation, e.g.:

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jsp.admin = Administer

Other common words/phrases are brought out into 'general' parameters if they relate to a set (directory) of
JSPs, e.g. = Delete

Phrases that relate strongly to a topic (eg. MyDSpace) but used in many JSPs outside the particular directory
are more convenient to be cross-referenced. For example one could use the key below in jsp/submit/saved.jsp
to provide a link back to the user's MyDSpace:

(Cross-referencing of keys in general is not a good idea as it may make maintenance more difficult. But in
some cases it has more advantages as the meaning is obvious.)

jsp.mydspace.general.goto-mydspace = Go to My DSpace

For text in servlet code, in custom JSP tags or wherever applicable use the fully qualified classname + a one-
word name for the message. e.g. = Title

Which Languages are currently supported?

To view translations currently being developed, please refer to the i18n page of the DSpace Wiki.

HTML Content in Items

For the most part, the DSpace item display just gives a link that allows an end-user to download a bitstream.
However, if a bundle has a primary bitstream whose format is of MIME type text/html, instead a link to the
HTML servlet is given.

So if we had an HTML document like this:


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The Bundle's primary bitstream field would point to the contents.html Bitstream, which we know is HTML (check
the format MIME type) and so we know which to serve up first.

The HTML servlet employs a trick to serve up HTML documents without actually modifying the HTML or other
files themselves. Say someone is looking at contents.html from the above example, the URL in their browser
will look like this:

If there's an image called figure1.gif in that HTML page, the browser will do HTTP GET on this URL:

The HTML document servlet can work out which item the user is looking at, and then which Bitstream in it is
called figure1.gif, and serve up that bitstream. Similar for following links to other HTML pages. Of course all the
links and image references have to be relative and not absolute.

HTML documents must be "self-contained", as explained here. Provided that full path information is known by
DSpace, any depth or complexity of HTML document can be served subject to those constraints. This is usually
possible with some kind of batch import. If, however, the document has been uploaded one file at a time using
the Web UI, the path information has been stripped. The system can cope with relative links that refer to a
deeper path, e.g.

<IMG SRC="images/figure1.gif">

If the item has been uploaded via the Web submit UI, in the Bitstream table in the database we have the 'name'
field, which will contain the filename with no path (figure1.gif). We can still work out what images/figure1.gif is by
making the HTML document servlet strip any path that comes in from the URL, e.g.
Strip this

BUT all the filenames (regardless of directory names) must be unique. For example, this wouldn't work:


since the HTML document servlet wouldn't know which bitstream to serve up for:

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since it would just have figure.gif

To prevent "infinite URL spaces" appearing (e.g. if a file foo.html linked to bar/foo.html, which would link to bar
/bar/foo.html...) this behavior can be configured by setting the configuration property webui.html.max-depth-

For example, if we receive a request for foo/bar/index.html, and we have a bitstream called just index.html, we
will serve up that bitstream for the request if webui.html.max-depth-guess is 2 or greater. If webui.html.max-
depth-guess is 1 or less, we would not serve that bitstream, as the depth of the file is greater. If webui.html.max-
depth-guess is zero, the request filename and path must always exactly match the bitstream name. The default
value (if that property is not present in dspace.cfg) is 3.

Thesis Blocking
The submission UI has an optional feature that came about as a result of MIT Libraries policy. If the block.theses
parameter in dspace.cfg is true, an extra checkbox is included in the first page of the submission UI. This asks
the user if the submission is a thesis. If the user checks this box, the submission is halted (deleted) and an error
message displayed, explaining that DSpace should not be used to submit theses. This feature can be turned off
and on, and the message displayed (/dspace/jsp/submit/no-theses.jsp can be localized as necessary.

OAI-PMH Data Provider

This information now has it's own subpage: OAI-PMH Data Provider 2.0 (Internals)

DSpace Command Launcher

Introduced in Release 1.6, the DSpace Command Launcher brings together the various command and scripts
into a standard-practice for running CLI runtime programs.

Older Versions
Prior to Release 1.6, there were various scripts written that masked a more manual approach to running CLI
programs. The user had to issue [dspace]/bin/dsrun and then java class that ran that program. With release 1.5,
scripts were written to mask the [dspace]/bin/dsrun command. We have left the java class in the System
Administration section since it does have value for debugging purposes and for those who wish to learn about
programming or wish to customize the code at any time.

Command Launcher Structure

There are two components to the command launcher: the dspace script and the launcher.xml. The DSpace
command calls a java class which in turn refers to launcher.xml that is stored in the [dspace]/config directory

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launcher.xml is made of several components:

<command> begins the stanza for a command

<name>_name of command_</name> the name of the command that you would use.
<description>_the description of the command_</description>
<step> </step> User arguments are parsed and tested.
<class>_<the java class that is being used to run the CLI program>_</class>
Prior to release 1.5 if one wanted to regenerate the browse index, one would have to issue the following
commands manually:

[dspace]/bin/dsrun org.dspace.browse.IndexBrowse -f -r
[dspace]/bin/dsrun org.dspace.browse.ItemCounter

In release 1.5 a script was written and in release 1.6 the command [dspace]/bin/dspace index-init
replaces the script. The stanza from launcher.xmlshow us how one can build more commands if needed:

<description>Update the search and browse indexes</description>
<step passuserargs="false">
<step passuserargs="false">
<step passuserargs="false">

7.4.3 Business Logic Layer

Core Classes
The Configuration Service
Content Management API

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Other Classes
What's In Memory?
Dublin Core Metadata
Support for Other Metadata Schemas
Packager Plugins
Plugin Service
Using the Plugin Service
Types of Plugin
Self-Named Plugins
Obtaining a Plugin Instance
Lifecycle Management
Getting Meta-Information
LegacyPluginServiceImpl Class
SelfNamedPlugin Class
Errors and Exceptions
Configuring Plugins
Configuring Singleton (Single) Plugins
Configuring Sequence of Plugins
Configuring Named Plugins
Use Cases
Managing the MediaFilter plugins transparently
A Singleton Plugin
Plugin that Names Itself
Stackable Authentication
Workflow System
Administration Toolkit
E-person/Group Manager
Special Groups
Miscellaneous Authorization Notes
Handle Manager/Handle Plugin
Harvesting API
Browse API
Using the API
Checksum checker
OpenSearch Support
Embargo Support
What is an Embargo?
Embargo Model and Life-Cycle

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Core Classes
The org.dspace.core package provides some basic classes that are used throughout the DSpace code.

The Configuration Service

The configuration service is responsible for reading the main dspace.cfg properties file, managing the 'template'
configuration files for other applications such as Apache, and for obtaining the text for e-mail messages.

The system is configured by editing the relevant files in [dspace]/config, as described in the configuration

When editing configuration files for applications that DSpace uses, such as Apache Tomcat, you may
want to edit the copy in [dspace-source] and then run ant update or ant overwrite_configs
rather than editing the 'live' version directly! This will ensure you have a backup copy of your modified
configuration files, so that they are not accidentally overwritten in the future.

The ConfigurationService class can also be invoked as a command line tool:

[dspace]/bin/dspace dsprop This writes the value of from

dspace.cfg to the standard output, so that shell scripts can access the DSpace configuration. If the
property has no value, nothing is written.

For many more details on configuration in DSpace, see Configuration Reference

This class contains constants that are used to represent types of object and actions in the database. For
example, authorization policies can relate to objects of different types, so the resourcepolicy table has columns
resource_id, which is the internal ID of the object, and resource_type_id, which indicates whether the object is
an item, collection, bitstream etc. The value of resource_type_id is taken from the Constants class, for example

Here are a some of the most commonly used constants you might come across:

DSpace types

Bitstream: 0
Bundle: 1
Item: 2
Collection: 3
Community: 4
Site: 5
Group: 6
Eperson: 7

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DSpace actions

Read: 0
Write: 1
Delete: 2
Add: 3
Remove: 4

Refer to the org.dspace.core.Constants for all of the Constants.

The Context class is central to the DSpace operation. Any code that wishes to use the any API in the business
logic layer must first create itself a Context object. This is akin to opening a connection to a database (which is
in fact one of the things that happens.)

A context object is involved in most method calls and object constructors, so that the method or object has
access to information about the current operation. When the context object is constructed, the following
information is automatically initialized:

A connection to the database. This is a transaction-safe connection. i.e. the 'auto-commit' flag is set to
A cache of content management API objects. Each time a content object is created (for example Item or
Bitstream) it is stored in the Context object. If the object is then requested again, the cached copy is
used. Apart from reducing database use, this addresses the problem of having two copies of the same
object in memory in different states.
The following information is also held in a context object, though it is the responsibility of the application
creating the context object to fill it out correctly:

The current authenticated user, if any

Any 'special groups' the user is a member of. For example, a user might automatically be part of a
particular group based on the IP address they are accessing DSpace from, even though they don't have
an e-person record. Such a group is called a 'special group'.
Any extra information from the application layer that should be added to log messages that are written
within this context. For example, the Web UI adds a session ID, so that when the logs are analyzed the
actions of a particular user in a particular session can be tracked.
A flag indicating whether authorization should be circumvented. This should only be used in rare, specific
circumstances. For example, when first installing the system, there are no authorized administrators who
would be able to create an administrator account!As noted above, the public API is trusted, so it is up to
applications in the application layer to use this flag responsibly.
Typical use of the context object will involve constructing one, and setting the current user if one is
authenticated. Several operations may be performed using the context object. If all goes well, complete
is called to commit the changes and free up any resources used by the context. If anything has gone
wrong, abort is called to roll back any changes and free up the resources.

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You should always abort a context if any error happens during its lifespan; otherwise the data in the system
may be left in an inconsistent state. You can also commit a context, which means that any changes are written
to the database, and the context is kept active for further use.

Sending e-mails is pretty easy. Just use the configuration manager's getEmail method, set the arguments and
recipients, and send.

The e-mail texts are stored in [dspace]/config/emails. They are processed by the standard java.text.
MessageFormat. At the top of each e-mail are listed the appropriate arguments that should be filled out by the
sender. Example usage is shown in the org.dspace.core.Email Javadoc API documentation.

The log manager consists of a method that creates a standard log header, and returns it as a string suitable for
logging. Note that this class does not actually write anything to the logs; the log header returned should be
logged directly by the sender using an appropriate Log4J call, so that information about where the logging is
taking place is also stored.

The level of logging can be configured on a per-package or per-class basis by editing [dspace]/config
/ You will need to stop and restart Tomcat for the changes to take effect.

A typical log entry looks like this:

2002-11-11 08:11:32,903 INFO @ anonymous:


This is breaks down like this:

Date and time, milliseconds 2002-11-11 08:11:32,903


Java class

User email or anonymous anonymous

Extra log info from context session_id=BD84E7C194C2CF4BD0EC3A6CAD0142BB

Action view_item

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Extra info handle=1721.1/1686

The above format allows the logs to be easily parsed and analyzed. The [dspace]/bin/log-reporter
script is a simple tool for analyzing logs. Try:

[dspace]/bin/log-reporter --help

It's a good idea to 'nice' this log reporter to avoid an impact on server performance.

Utils contains miscellaneous utility method that are required in a variety of places throughout the code, and thus
have no particular 'home' in a subsystem.

Content Management API

The content management API package org.dspace.content contains Java classes for reading and manipulating
content stored in the DSpace system. This is the API that components in the application layer will probably use

Classes corresponding to the main elements in the DSpace data model (Community, Collection, Item, Bundle
and Bitstream) are sub-classes of the abstract class DSpaceObject. The Item object handles the Dublin Core
metadata record.

Each class generally has one or more static find methods, which are used to instantiate content objects.
Constructors do not have public access and are just used internally. The reasons for this are:

"Constructing" an object may be misconstrued as the action of creating an object in the DSpace system,
for example one might expect something like:

Context dsContent = new Context();

Item myItem = new Item(context, id)

to construct a brand new item in the system, rather than simply instantiating an in-memory instance of an
object in the system.
find methods may often be called with invalid IDs, and return null in such a case. A constructor would
have to throw an exception in this case. A null return value from a static method can in general be dealt
with more simply in code.
If an instantiation representing the same underlying archival entity already exists, the find method can
simply return that same instantiation to avoid multiple copies and any inconsistencies which might result.

Collection, Bundle and Bitstream do not have create methods; rather, one has to create an object using the
relevant method on the container. For example, to create a collection, one must invoke createCollection on the
community that the collection is to appear in:

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Context context = new Context();

Community existingCommunity = Community.find(context, 123);
Collection myNewCollection = existingCommunity.createCollection();

The primary reason for this is for determining authorization. In order to know whether an e-person may create
an object, the system must know which container the object is to be added to. It makes no sense to create a
collection outside of a community, and the authorization system does not have a policy for that.

Items are first created in the form of an implementation of InProgressSubmission . An InProgressSubmission

represents an item under construction; once it is complete, it is installed into the main archive and added to the
relevant collection by the InstallItem class. The org.dspace.content package provides an implementation of
InProgressSubmission called WorkspaceItem; this is a simple implementation that contains some fields used by
the Web submission UI. The org.dspace.workflow also contains an implementation called WorkflowItem which
represents a submission undergoing a workflow process.

In the previous chapter there is an overview of the item ingest process which should clarify the previous
paragraph. Also see the section on the workflow system.

Community and BitstreamFormat do have static create methods; one must be a site administrator to have
authorization to invoke these.

Other Classes
Classes whose name begins DC are for manipulating Dublin Core metadata, as explained below.

The FormatIdentifier class attempts to guess the bitstream format of a particular bitstream. Presently, it does
this simply by looking at any file extension in the bitstream name and matching it up with the file extensions
associated with bitstream formats. Hopefully this can be greatly improved in the future!

The ItemIterator class allows items to be retrieved from storage one at a time, and is returned by methods that
may return a large number of items, more than would be desirable to have in memory at once.

The ItemComparator class is an implementation of the standard java.util.Comparator that can be used to
compare and order items based on a particular Dublin Core metadata field.

When creating, modifying or for whatever reason removing data with the content management API, it is
important to know when changes happen in-memory, and when they occur in the physical DSpace storage.

Primarily, one should note that no change made using a particular org.dspace.core.Context object will actually
be made in the underlying storage unless complete or commit is invoked on that Context. If anything should go
wrong during an operation, the context should always be aborted by invoking abort, to ensure that no
inconsistent state is written to the storage.

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Additionally, some changes made to objects only happen in-memory. In these cases, invoking the update
method lines up the in-memory changes to occur in storage when the Context is committed or completed. In
general, methods that change any metadata field only make the change in-memory; methods that involve
relationships with other objects in the system line up the changes to be committed with the context. See
individual methods in the API Javadoc.

Some examples to illustrate this are shown below:

Will change storage

Context context = new
Bitstream b = Bitstream.find
(context, 1234);

Will not change storage (context aborted)

Context context = new
Bitstream b = Bitstream.find
(context, 1234);

The new name will not be stored since update was not invoked
Context context = new
Bitstream b = Bitstream.find
(context, 1234);

The bitstream will be included in the bundle, since update doesn't need
Context context = new to be called
Bitstream bs = Bitstream.find
(context, 1234);
Bundle bnd = Bundle.find
(context, 5678);

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What's In Memory?
Instantiating some content objects also causes other content objects to be loaded into memory.

Instantiating a Bitstream object causes the appropriate BitstreamFormat object to be instantiated. Of course the
Bitstream object does not load the underlying bits from the bitstream store into memory!

Instantiating a Bundle object causes the appropriate Bitstream objects (and hence BitstreamFormats) to be

Instantiating an Item object causes the appropriate Bundle objects (etc.) and hence BitstreamFormats to be
instantiated. All the Dublin Core metadata associated with that item are also loaded into memory.

The reasoning behind this is that for the vast majority of cases, anyone instantiating an item object is going to
need information about the bundles and bitstreams within it, and this methodology allows that to be done in the
most efficient way and is simple for the caller. For example, in the Web UI, the servlet (controller) needs to pass
information about an item to the viewer (JSP), which needs to have all the information in-memory to display the
item without further accesses to the database which may cause errors mid-display.

You do not need to worry about multiple in-memory instantiations of the same object, or any inconsistencies
that may result; the Context object keeps a cache of the instantiated objects. The find methods of classes in org.
dspace.content will use a cached object if one exists.

It may be that in enough cases this automatic instantiation of contained objects reduces performance in
situations where it is important; if this proves to be true the API may be changed in the future to include a
loadContents method or somesuch, or perhaps a Boolean parameter indicating what to do will be added to the
find methods.

When a Context object is completed, aborted or garbage-collected, any objects instantiated using that context
are invalidated and should not be used (in much the same way an AWT button is invalid if the window
containing it is destroyed).

Dublin Core Metadata

The Metadatum class is a simple container that represents a single Dublin Core-like element, optional qualifier,
value and language. Note that since DSpace 1.4 the MetadataValue and associated classes are preferred (see
Support for Other Metadata Schemas). The other classes starting with DC are utility classes for handling types
of data in Dublin Core, such as people's names and dates. As supplied, the DSpace registry of elements and
qualifiers corresponds to the Library Application Profile for Dublin Core. It should be noted that these utility
classes assume that the values will be in a certain syntax, which will be true for all data generated within the
DSpace system, but since Dublin Core does not always define strict syntax, this may not be true for Dublin Core
originating outside DSpace.

Below is the specific syntax that DSpace expects various fields to adhere to:

Element Qualifier Syntax Helper Class

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date Any or ISO 8601 in the UTC time zone, with either year, month, day, DCDate
unqualified or second precision. Examples:_2000 2002-10 2002-08-14
1999-01-01T14:35:23Z _

contributor Any or In general last name, then a comma, then first names, then DCPersonName
unqualified any additional information like "Jr.". If the contributor is an
organization, then simply the name. Examples:_Doe, John
Smith, John Jr. van Dyke, Dick Massachusetts Institute of
Technology _

language iso A two letter code taken ISO 639, followed optionally by a two DCLanguage
letter country code taken from ISO 3166. Examples:_en fr
en_US _

relation ispartofseries The series name, following by a semicolon followed by the DCSeriesNumber
number in that series. Alternatively, just free text._MIT-TR;
1234 My Report Series; ABC-1234 NS1234 _

Support for Other Metadata Schemas

To support additional metadata schemas a new set of metadata classes have been added. These are
backwards compatible with the DC classes and should be used rather than the DC specific classes wherever
possible. Note that hierarchical metadata schemas are not currently supported, only flat schemas (such as DC)
are able to be defined.

The MetadataField class describes a metadata field by schema, element and optional qualifier. The value of a
MetadataField is described by a MetadataValue which is roughly equivalent to the older Metadatum class.
Finally the MetadataSchema class is used to describe supported schemas. The DC schema is supported by
default. Refer to the javadoc for method details.

Packager Plugins
The Packager plugins let you ingest a package to create a new DSpace Object, and disseminate a content
Object as a package. A package is simply a data stream; its contents are defined by the packager plugin's

To ingest an object, which is currently only implemented for Items, the sequence of operations is:

1. Get an instance of the chosen PackageIngester plugin.

2. Locate a Collection in which to create the new Item.
3. Call its ingest method, and get back a WorkspaceItem.
The packager also takes a PackageParameters object, which is a property list of parameters specific to
that packager which might be passed in from the user interface.

Here is an example package ingestion code fragment:

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Collection collection = find target collection

InputStream source = ...;
PackageParameters params = ...;
String license = null;

PackageIngester sip = (PackageIngester) PluginManager

.getNamedPlugin(PackageIngester.class, packageType);

WorkspaceItem wi = sip.ingest(context, collection, source, params, license);

Here is an example of a package dissemination:

OutputStream destination = ...;

PackageParameters params = ...;
DSpaceObject dso = ...;

PackageIngester dip = (PackageDisseminator) PluginManager

.getNamedPlugin(PackageDisseminator.class, packageType);

dip.disseminate(context, dso, params, destination);

Plugin Service

In DSpace 6, the old "PluginManager" was replaced by org.dspace.core.service.

PluginService which performs the same activities/actions.

The PluginService is a very simple component container. It creates and organizes components (plugins), and
helps select a plugin in the cases where there are many possible choices. It also gives some limited control
over the life cycle of a plugin.

The following terms are important in understanding the rest of this section:

Plugin Interface A Java interface, the defining characteristic of a plugin. The consumer of a plugin asks
for its plugin by interface.
Plugin a.k.a. Component, this is an instance of a class that implements a certain interface. It is
interchangeable with other implementations, so that any of them may be "plugged in", hence the name. A
Plugin is an instance of any class that implements the plugin interface.
Implementation class The actual class of a plugin. It may implement several plugin interfaces, but must
implement at least one.
Name Plugin implementations can be distinguished from each other by name, a short String meant to
symbolically represent the implementation class. They are called "named plugins". Plugins only need to
be named when the caller has to make an active choice between them.

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SelfNamedPlugin class Plugins that extend the SelfNamedPlugin class can take advantage of
additional features of the Plugin Manager. Any class can be managed as a plugin, so it is not necessary,
just possible.
Reusable Reusable plugins are only instantiated once, and the Plugin Manager returns the same
(cached) instance whenever that same plugin is requested again. This behavior can be turned off if

Using the Plugin Service

Types of Plugin
The Plugin Service supports three different patterns of usage:

1. Singleton Plugins There is only one implementation class for the plugin. It is indicated in the
configuration. This type of plugin chooses an implementation of a service, for the entire system, at
configuration time. Your application just fetches the plugin for that interface and gets the configured-in
choice. See the getSinglePlugin() method.
2. Sequence Plugins You need a sequence or series of plugins, to implement a mechanism like Stackable
Authentication or a pipeline, where each plugin is called in order to contribute its implementation of a
process to the whole. The Plugin Manager supports this by letting you configure a sequence of plugins
for a given interface. See the getPluginSequence() method.
3. Named Plugins Use a named plugin when the application has to choose one plugin implementation out
of many available ones. Each implementation is bound to one or more names (symbolic identifiers) in the
configuration. The name is just a string to be associated with the combination of implementation class
and interface. It may contain any characters except for comma (,) and equals (=). It may contain
embedded spaces. Comma is a special character used to separate names in the configuration entry.
Names must be unique within an interface: No plugin classes implementing the same interface may have
the same name. Think of plugin names as a controlled vocabulary for a given plugin interface, there is
a set of names for which plugins can be found. The designer of a Named Plugin interface is responsible
for deciding what the name means and how to derive it; for example, names of metadata crosswalk
plugins may describe the target metadata format. See the getNamedPlugin() method and the
getAllPluginNames() methods.

Self-Named Plugins
Named plugins can get their names either from the configuration or, for a variant called self-named plugins,
from within the plugin itself.

Self-named plugins are necessary because one plugin implementation can be configured itself to take on many
"personalities", each of which deserves its own plugin name. It is already managing its own configuration for
each of these personalities, so it makes sense to allow it to export them to the Plugin Manager rather than
expecting the plugin configuration to be kept in sync with it own configuration.

An example helps clarify the point: There is a named plugin that does crosswalks, call it CrosswalkPlugin. It has
several implementations that crosswalk some kind of metadata. Now we add a new plugin which uses XSL

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stylesheet transformation (XSLT) to crosswalk many types of metadata so the single plugin can act like many
different plugins, depending on which stylesheet it employs.

This XSLT-crosswalk plugin has its own configuration that maps a Plugin Name to a stylesheet it has to, since
of course the Plugin Manager doesn't know anything about stylesheets. It becomes a self-named plugin, so that
it reads its configuration data, gets the list of names to which it can respond, and passes those on to the Plugin

When the Plugin Service creates an instance of the XSLT-crosswalk, it records the Plugin Name that was
responsible for that instance. The plugin can look at that Name later in order to configure itself correctly for the
Name that created it. This mechanism is all part of the SelfNamedPlugin class which is part of any self-named

Obtaining a Plugin Instance

The most common thing you will do with the Plugin Service is obtain an instance of a plugin. To request a
plugin, you must always specify the plugin interface you want. You will also supply a name when asking for a
named plugin.

A sequence plugin is returned as an array of _Object_s since it is actually an ordered list of plugins.

See the getSinglePlugin(), getPluginSequence(), getNamedPlugin() methods.

Lifecycle Management
When PluginService fulfills a request for a plugin, a new instance is always created.

Getting Meta-Information
The PluginService can list all the names of the Named Plugins which implement an interface. You may need
this, for example, to implement a menu in a user interface that presents a choice among all possible plugins.
See the getAllPluginNames() method.

Note that it only returns the plugin name, so if you need a more sophisticated or meaningful "label" (i.e. a key
into the I18N message catalog) then you should add a method to the plugin itself to return that.

Note: The PluginService refers to interfaces and classes internally only by their names whenever possible, to
avoid loading classes until absolutely necessary (i.e. to create an instance). As you'll see below, self-named
classes still have to be loaded to query them for names, but for the most part it can avoid loading classes. This
saves a lot of time at start-up and keeps the JVM memory footprint down, too. As the Plugin Manager gets used
for more classes, this will become a greater concern.

The only downside of "on-demand" loading is that errors in the configuration don't get discovered right away.
The solution is to call the checkConfiguration() method after making any changes to the configuration.

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LegacyPluginServiceImpl Class
The LegacyPluginServiceImpl class is the default PluginService implementation. While it is possible to
implement your own version of PluginService, no other implementations are provided with DSpace

Here are the public methods, followed by explanations:

Object getSinglePlugin(Class interfaceClass) - Returns an instance of the singleton

(single) plugin implementing the given interface. There must be exactly one single plugin configured for
this interface, otherwise the PluginConfigurationError is thrown. Note that this is the only "get plugin"
method which throws an exception. It is typically used at initialization time to set up a permanent part of
the system so any failure is fatal. See the plugin.single configuration key for configuration details.
Object[] getPluginSequence(Class interfaceClass) - Returns instances of all plugins that
implement the interface interfaceClass, in an Array. Returns an empty array if no there are no matching
plugins. The order of the plugins in the array is the same as their class names in the configuration's value
field. See the plugin.sequence configuration key for configuration details.
Object getNamedPlugin(Class interfaceClass, String name) - Returns an instance of a
plugin that implements the interface interfaceClass and is bound to a name matching name. If there is no
matching plugin, it returns null. The names are matched by String.equals(). See the plugin.named and
plugin.selfnamed configuration keys for configuration details.
String[] getAllPluginNames(Class interfaceClass) - Returns all of the names under which
a named plugin implementing the interface interfaceClass can be requested (with getNamedPlugin()).
The array is empty if there are no matches. Use this to populate a menu of plugins for interactive
selection, or to document what the possible choices are. The names are NOT returned in any predictable
order, so you may wish to sort them first. Note: Since a plugin may be bound to more than one name, the
list of names this returns does not represent the list of plugins. To get the list of unique implementation
classes corresponding to the names, you might have to eliminate duplicates (i.e. create a Set of classes).

SelfNamedPlugin Class
A named plugin implementation must extend this class if it wants to supply its own Plugin Name(s). See Self-
Named Plugins for why this is sometimes necessary.

abstract class SelfNamedPlugin

// Your class must override this:
// Return all names by which this plugin should be known.
public static String[] getPluginNames();

// Returns the name under which this instance was created.

// This is implemented by SelfNamedPlugin and should NOT be
public String getPluginInstanceName();

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Errors and Exceptions

public class PluginConfigurationError extends Error

public PluginConfigurationError(String message);

An error of this type means the caller asked for a single plugin, but either there was no single plugin configured
matching that interface, or there was more than one. Either case causes a fatal configuration error.

public class PluginInstantiationException extends RuntimeException

public PluginInstantiationException(String msg, Throwable cause)

This exception indicates a fatal error when instantiating a plugin class. It should only be thrown when something
unexpected happens in the course of instantiating a plugin, e.g. an access error, class not found, etc. Simply
not finding a class in the configuration is not an exception.

This is a RuntimeException so it doesn't have to be declared, and can be passed all the way up to a
generalized fatal exception handler.

Configuring Plugins
All of the Plugin Service's configuration comes from the DSpace Configuration Service (see Configuration
Reference). You can configure these characteristics of each plugin:

1. Interface: Classname of the Java interface which defines the plugin, including package name. e.g. org.
2. Implementation Class: Classname of the implementation class, including package. e.g.
3. Names: (Named plugins only) There are two ways to bind names to plugins: listing them in the value of a
plugin.named.interface key, or configuring a class in plugin.selfnamed.interface which extends the
SelfNamedPlugin class.
4. Reusable option: (Optional) This is declared in a plugin.reusable configuration line. Plugins are reusable
by default, so you only need to configure the non-reusable ones.

Configuring Singleton (Single) Plugins

This entry configures a Single Plugin for use with getSinglePlugin():

plugin.single.interface = classname

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For example, this configures the class org.dspace.checker.SimpleDispatcher as the plugin for interface org.

Configuring Sequence of Plugins

This kind of configuration entry defines a Sequence Plugin, which is bound to a sequence of implementation
classes. The key identifies the interface, and the value is a comma-separated list of classnames:
plugin.sequence.interface = classname, ...
The plugins are returned by getPluginSequence() in the same order as their classes are listed in the
configuration value.

For example, this entry configures Stackable Authentication with three implementation classes: = \
org.dspace.eperson.X509Authentication, \
org.dspace.eperson.PasswordAuthentication, \

Configuring Named Plugins

There are two ways of configuring named plugins:

1. Plugins Named in the Configuration A named plugin which gets its name(s) from the configuration is
listed in this kind of entry:_plugin.named.interface = classname = name [ , name.. ] [ classname = name..
]_The syntax of the configuration value is: classname, followed by an equal-sign and then at least one
plugin name. Bind more names to the same implementation class by adding them here, separated by
commas. Names may include any character other than comma (,) and equal-sign (=).For example, this
entry creates one plugin with the names GIF, JPEG, and image/png, and another with the name TeX: = \ = GIF, JPEG, image/png \ = TeX

This example shows a plugin name with an embedded whitespace character. Since comma (,) is the
separator character between plugin names, spaces are legal (between words of a name; leading and
trailing spaces are ignored).This plugin is bound to the names "Adobe PDF", "PDF", and "Portable
Document Format". = \ = TeX \ = Adobe PDF, PDF, Portable Document Format

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NOTE: Since there can only be one key with plugin.named. followed by the interface name in the
configuration, all of the plugin implementations must be configured in that entry.
2. Self-Named Plugins Since a self-named plugin supplies its own names through a static method call, the
configuration only has to include its interface and classname:plugin.selfnamed.interface = classname [ ,
classname.. ] The following example first demonstrates how the plugin class, XsltDisseminationCrosswalk
is configured to implement its own names "MODS" and "DublinCore". These come from the keys starting
with crosswalk.dissemination.stylesheet.. The value is a stylesheet file. The class is then configured as a
self-named plugin:

crosswalk.dissemination.stylesheet.DublinCore = xwalk/TESTDIM-2-DC_copy.xsl
crosswalk.dissemination.stylesheet.MODS = xwalk/mods.xsl = \
org.dspace.content.metadata.MODSDisseminationCrosswalk, \

NOTE: Since there can only be one key with plugin.selfnamed. followed by the interface name in the
configuration, all of the plugin implementations must be configured in that entry. The
MODSDisseminationCrosswalk class is only shown to illustrate this point.

Use Cases
Here are some usage examples to illustrate how the Plugin Service works.

Managing the MediaFilter plugins transparently

The MediaFilterService implementation relies heavily on the Plugin Service. The MediaFilter classes become
plugins named in the configuration. Refer to the Configuration Reference for further details.

A Singleton Plugin
This shows how to configure and access a single anonymous plugin, such as the BitstreamDispatcher plugin:


The following code fragment shows how dispatcher, the service object, is initialized and used:

BitstreamDispatcher dispatcher = (BitstreamDispatcher)PluginManager.getSinglePlugin


int id =;

while (id != BitstreamDispatcher.SENTINEL)

do some processing here

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id =;

Plugin that Names Itself

This crosswalk plugin acts like many different plugins since it is configured with different XSL translation
stylesheets. Since it already gets each of its stylesheets out of the DSpace configuration, it makes sense to
have the plugin give PluginService the names to which it answers instead of forcing someone to configure those
names in two places (and try to keep them synchronized).

Here is the configuration file listing both the plugin's own configuration and the PluginService config line:

crosswalk.dissemination.stylesheet.DublinCore = xwalk/TESTDIM-2-DC_copy.xsl
crosswalk.dissemination.stylesheet.MODS = xwalk/mods.xsl = \

This look into the implementation shows how it finds configuration entries to populate the array of plugin names
returned by the getPluginNames() method. Also note, in the getStylesheet() method, how it uses the plugin
name that created the current instance (returned by getPluginInstanceName()) to find the correct stylesheet.

public class XsltDisseminationCrosswalk extends SelfNamedPlugin

private final String prefix =
public static String[] getPluginNames()
List aliasList = new ArrayList();
Enumeration pe = ConfigurationManager.propertyNames();

while (pe.hasMoreElements())
String key = (String)pe.nextElement();
if (key.startsWith(prefix))
return (String[])aliasList.toArray(new

// get the crosswalk stylesheet for an instance of the plugin:

private String getStylesheet()
return ConfigurationManager.getProperty(prefix +

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Stackable Authentication
The Stackable Authentication mechanism needs to know all of the plugins configured for the interface, in the
order of configuration, since order is significant. It gets a Sequence Plugin from the Plugin Manager. Refer to
the Configuration Section on Stackable Authentication for further details.

Workflow System
The primary classes are:

org.dspace. contains an Item before it enters a workflow


org.dspace. contains an Item while in a workflow


org.dspace. responds to events, manages the WorkflowItem states. There are two implementations,
workflow. the traditional, default workflow (described below) and Configurable Workflow.

org.dspace. contains List of defined workflow steps


org.dspace. people who can perform workflow tasks are defined in EPerson Groups

org.dspace.core. used to email messages to Group members and submitters


The default workflow system models the states of an Item in a state machine with 5 states (SUBMIT, STEP_1,
STEP_2, STEP_3, ARCHIVE.) These are the three optional steps where the item can be viewed and corrected
by different groups of people. Actually, it's more like 8 states, with STEP_1_POOL, STEP_2_POOL, and
STEP_3_POOL. These pooled states are when items are waiting to enter the primary states. Optionally, you
can also choose to enable the enhanced, Configurable Workflow, if you wish to have more control over your
workflow steps/states. (Note: the remainder of this description relates to the traditional, default workflow. For
more information on the Configurable Workflow option, visit Configurable Workflow.)

The WorkflowService is invoked by events. While an Item is being submitted, it is held by a WorkspaceItem.
Calling the start() method in the WorkflowService converts a WorkspaceItem to a WorkflowItem, and begins
processing the WorkflowItem's state. Since all three steps of the workflow are optional, if no steps are defined,
then the Item is simply archived.

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Workflows are set per Collection, and steps are defined by creating corresponding entries in the List named
workflowGroup. If you wish the workflow to have a step 1, use the administration tools for Collections to create
a workflow Group with members who you want to be able to view and approve the Item, and the workflowGroup
[0] becomes set with the ID of that Group.

If a step is defined in a Collection's workflow, then the WorkflowItem's state is set to that step_POOL. This
pooled state is the WorkflowItem waiting for an EPerson in that group to claim the step's task for that
WorkflowItem. The WorkflowManager emails the members of that Group notifying them that there is a task to
be performed (the text is defined in config/emails,) and when an EPerson goes to their 'My DSpace' page to
claim the task, the WorkflowManager is invoked with a claim event, and the WorkflowItem's state advances
from STEP_x_POOL to STEP_x (where x is the corresponding step.) The EPerson can also generate an
'unclaim' event, returning the WorkflowItem to the STEP_x_POOL.

Other events the WorkflowService handles are advance(), which advances the WorkflowItem to the next state.
If there are no further states, then the WorkflowItem is removed, and the Item is then archived. An EPerson
performing one of the tasks can reject the Item, which stops the workflow, rebuilds the WorkspaceItem for it and
sends a rejection note to the submitter. More drastically, an abort() event is generated by the admin tools to
cancel a workflow outright.

Administration Toolkit
The org.dspace.administer package contains some classes for administering a DSpace system that are not
generally needed by most applications.

The CreateAdministrator class is a simple command-line tool, executed via [dspace]/bin/dspace create-
administrator, that creates an administrator e-person with information entered from standard input. This is
generally used only once when a DSpace system is initially installed, to create an initial administrator who can
then use the Web administration UI to further set up the system. This script does not check for authorization,
since it is typically run before there are any e-people to authorize! Since it must be run as a command-line tool
on the server machine, generally this shouldn't cause a problem. A possibility is to have the script only operate
when there are no e-people in the system already, though in general, someone with access to command-line
scripts on your server is probably in a position to do what they want anyway!

The DCType class is similar to the org.dspace.content.BitstreamFormat class. It represents an entry in the
Dublin Core type registry, that is, a particular element and qualifier, or unqualified element. It is in the administer
package because it is only generally required when manipulating the registry itself. Elements and qualifiers are
specified as literals in org.dspace.content.Item methods and the org.dspace.content.Metadatum class. Only
administrators may modify the Dublin Core type registry.

The org.dspace.administer.RegistryLoader class contains methods for initializing the Dublin Core type registry
and bitstream format registry with entries in an XML file. Typically this is executed via the command line during
the build process (see build.xml in the source.) To see examples of the XML formats, see the files in config
/registries in the source directory. There is no XML schema, they aren't validated strictly when loaded in.

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E-person/Group Manager
DSpace keeps track of registered users with the org.dspace.eperson.EPerson class. The class has methods to
create and manipulate an EPerson such as get and set methods for first and last names, email, and password.
(Actually, there is no getPassword() method an MD5 hash of the password is stored, and can only be verified
with the checkPassword() method.) There are find methods to find an EPerson by email (which is assumed to
be unique,) or to find all EPeople in the system.

The EPerson object should probably be reworked to allow for easy expansion; the current EPerson object
tracks pretty much only what MIT was interested in tracking - first and last names, email, phone. The access
methods are hardcoded and should probably be replaced with methods to access arbitrary name/value pairs for
institutions that wish to customize what EPerson information is stored.

Groups are simply lists of EPerson objects. Other than membership, Group objects have only one other
attribute: a name. Group names must be unique, so (for groups associated with workflows) we have adopted
naming conventions where the role of the group is its name, such as COLLECTION_100_ADD. Groups add and
remove EPerson objects with addMember() and removeMember() methods. One important thing to know about
groups is that they store their membership in memory until the update() method is called - so when modifying a
group's membership don't forget to invoke update() or your changes will be lost! Since group membership is
used heavily by the authorization system a fast isMember() method is also provided.

Two specific groups are created when DSpace is installed: Administrator (which can bypass authorization) and
Anonymous (which is assigned to all sessions that are not logged in). The code expects these groups to exist.
They cannot be renamed or deleted.

Another kind of Group is also implemented in DSpace special Groups. The Context object for each session
carries around a List of Group IDs that the user is also a member of currently the MITUser Group ID is added to
the list of a user's special groups if certain IP address or certificate criteria are met.

The primary classes are:

org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeService does all authorization, checking policies against Groups

org.dspace.authorize.ResourcePolicy defines all allowable actions for an object

org.dspace.eperson.Group all policies are defined in terms of EPerson Groups

The authorization system is based on the classic 'police state' model of security; no action is allowed unless it is
expressed in a policy. The policies are attached to resources (hence the name ResourcePolicy,) and detail who
can perform that action. The resource can be any of the DSpace object types, listed in org.dspace.core.
Constants (BITSTREAM, ITEM, COLLECTION, etc.) The 'who' is made up of EPerson groups. The actions are

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also in (READ, WRITE, ADD, etc.) The only non-obvious actions are ADD and REMOVE, which
are authorizations for container objects. To be able to create an Item, you must have ADD permission in a
Collection, which contains Items. (Communities, Collections, Items, and Bundles are all container objects.)

Currently most of the read policy checking is done with items communities and collections are assumed to be
openly readable, but items and their bitstreams are checked. Separate policy checks for items and their
bitstreams enables policies that allow publicly readable items, but parts of their content may be restricted to
certain groups.

Three new attributes have been introduced in the ResourcePolicy class as part of the DSpace Embargo

rpname: resource policy name

rptype: resource policy type
rpdescription: resource policy description

While rpname and rpdescription _are fields manageable by the users the _rptype is a fields managed by the
system. It represents a type that a resource policy can assume beteween the following:

TYPE_SUBMISSION: all the policies added automatically during the submission process
TYPE_WORKFLOW: all the policies added automatically during the workflow stage
TYPE_CUSTOM: all the custom policies added by users
TYPE_INHERITED: all the policies inherited by the DSO father.

An custom policy, created for the purpose of creating an embargo could look like:

policy_id: 4847
resource_type_id: 2
resource_id: 89
action_id: 0
epersongroup_id: 0
start_date: 2013-01-01
rpname: Embargo Policy
rpdescription: Embargoed through 2012

The AuthorizeService class'

authorizeAction(Context, object, action) is the primary source of all authorization in the system. It gets a list of
all of the ResourcePolicies in the system that match the object and action. It then iterates through the policies,
extracting the EPerson Group from each policy, and checks to see if the EPersonID from the Context is a
member of any of those groups. If all of the policies are queried and no permission is found, then an
AuthorizeException is thrown. An authorizeAction() method is also supplied that returns a boolean for
applications that require higher performance.

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ResourcePolicies are very simple, and there are quite a lot of them. Each can only list a single group, a single
action, and a single object. So each object will likely have several policies, and if multiple groups share
permissions for actions on an object, each group will get its own policy. (It's a good thing they're small.)

Special Groups
All users are assumed to be part of the public group (ID=0.) DSpace admins (ID=1) are automatically part of all
groups, much like super-users in the Unix OS. The Context object also carries around a List of special groups,
which are also first checked for membership. These special groups are used at MIT to indicate membership in
the MIT community, something that is very difficult to enumerate in the database! When a user logs in with an
MIT certificate or with an MIT IP address, the login code adds this MIT user group to the user's Context.

Miscellaneous Authorization Notes

Where do items get their read policies? From the their collection's read policy. There once was a separate item
read default policy in each collection, and perhaps there will be again since it appears that administrators are
notoriously bad at defining collection's read policies. There is also code in place to enable policies that are timed
have a start and end date. However, the admin tools to enable these sorts of policies have not been written.

Handle Manager/Handle Plugin

The org.dspace.handle package contains two classes; HandleService is used to create and look up Handles,
and HandlePlugin is used to expose and resolve DSpace Handles for the outside world via the CNRI Handle
Server code.

Handles are stored internally in the handle database table in the form:


Typically when they are used outside of the system they are displayed in either URI or "URL proxy" forms:


It is the responsibility of the caller to extract the basic form from whichever displayed form is used.

The handle table maps these Handles to resource type/resource ID pairs, where resource type is a value from
org.dspace.core.Constants and resource ID is the internal identifier (database primary key) of the object. This
allows Handles to be assigned to any type of object in the system, though as explained in the functional
overview, only communities, collections and items are presently assigned Handles.

HandleService contains static methods for:

Creating a Handle
Finding the Handle for a DSpaceObject, though this is usually only invoked by the object itself, since
DSpaceObject has a getHandle method

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Retrieving the DSpaceObject identified by a particular Handle

Obtaining displayable forms of the Handle (URI or "proxy URL").
HandlePlugin is a simple implementation of the Handle Server's net.handle.hdllib.HandleStorage
interface. It only implements the basic Handle retrieval methods, which get information from the handle
database table. The CNRI Handle Server is configured to use this plug-in via its config.dct file.

Note that since the Handle server runs as a separate JVM to the DSpace Web applications, it uses a separate
'Log4J' configuration, since Log4J does not support multiple JVMs using the same daily rolling logs. This
alternative configuration is located at [dspace]/config/ The
[dspace]/bin/start-handle-server script passes in the appropriate command line parameters so that
the Handle server uses this configuration.

In additional to Handles, DSpace also provides basic support for DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers). For
more information visit DOI Digital Object Identifier.

DSpace's search code is a simple, configurable API which currently wraps Apache Solr. See Discovery for more
information on how to customize the default search settings, etc.

Harvesting API
The package also provides a 'harvesting' API. This allows callers to extract information
about items modified within a particular timeframe, and within a particular scope (all of DSpace, or a community
or collection.) Currently this is used by the Open Archives Initiative metadata harvesting protocol application,
and the e-mail subscription code.

The Harvest.harvest is invoked with the required scope and start and end dates. Either date can be omitted.
The dates should be in the ISO8601, UTC time zone format used elsewhere in the DSpace system.

HarvestedItemInfo objects are returned. These objects are simple containers with basic information about the
items falling within the given scope and date range. Depending on parameters passed to the harvest method,
the containers and item fields may have been filled out with the IDs of communities and collections containing
an item, and the corresponding Item object respectively. Electing not to have these fields filled out means the
harvest operation executes considerable faster.

In case it is required, Harvest also offers a method for creating a single HarvestedItemInfo object, which might
make things easier for the caller.

Browse API
The browse API uses the same underlying technology as the Search API (Apache Solr, see also Discovery). It
maintains indexes of dates, authors, titles and subjects, and allows callers to extract parts of these:

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Title: Values of the Dublin Core element title (unqualified) are indexed. These are sorted in a case-
insensitive fashion, with any leading article removed. For example: "The DSpace System" would appear
under 'D' rather than 'T'.
Author: Values of the contributor (any qualifier or unqualified) element are indexed. Since contributor
values typically are in the form 'last name, first name', a simple case-insensitive alphanumeric sort is
used which orders authors in last name order. Note that this is an index of authors, and not items by
author. If four items have the same author, that author will appear in the index only once. Hence, the
index of authors may be greater or smaller than the index of titles; items often have more than one
author, though the same author may have authored several items. The author indexing in the browse API
does have limitations:
Ideally, a name that appears as an author for more than one item would appear in the author
index only once. For example, 'Doe, John' may be the author of tens of items. However, in
practice, author's names often appear in slightly differently forms, for example:

Doe, John
Doe, John Stewart
Doe, John S.

Currently, the above three names would all appear as separate entries in the author index even
though they may refer to the same author. In order for an author of several papers to be correctly
appear once in the index, each item must specify exactly the same form of their name, which
doesn't always happen in practice.
Another issue is that two authors may have the same name, even within a single institution. If this
is the case they may appear as one author in the index. These issues are typically resolved in
libraries with authority control records, in which are kept a 'preferred' form of the author's name,
with extra information (such as date of birth/death) in order to distinguish between authors of the
same name. Maintaining such records is a huge task with many issues, particularly when
metadata is received from faculty directly rather than trained library catalogers.
Date of Issue: Items are indexed by date of issue. This may be different from the date that an item
appeared in DSpace; many items may have been originally published elsewhere beforehand. The Dublin
Core field used is date.issued. The ordering of this index may be reversed so 'earliest first' and 'most
recent first' orderings are possible. Note that the index is of items by date, as opposed to an index of
dates. If 30 items have the same issue date (say 2002), then those 30 items all appear in the index
adjacent to each other, as opposed to a single 2002 entry. Since dates in DSpace Dublin Core are in
ISO8601, all in the UTC time zone, a simple alphanumeric sort is sufficient to sort by date, including
dealing with varying granularities of date reasonably. For example:


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Date Accessioned: In order to determine which items most recently appeared, rather than using the
date of issue, an item's accession date is used. This is the Dublin Core field date.accessioned. In other
aspects this index is identical to the date of issue index.
Items by a Particular Author: The browse API can perform is to extract items by a particular author.
They do not have to be primary author of an item for that item to be extracted. You can specify a scope,
too; that is, you can ask for items by author X in collection Y, for example.This particular flavor of browse
is slightly simpler than the others. You cannot presently specify a particular subset of results to be
returned. The API call will simply return all of the items by a particular author within a certain scope. Note
that the author of the item must exactly match the author passed in to the API; see the explanation about
the caveats of the author index browsing to see why this is the case.
Subject: Values of the Dublin Core element subject (both unqualified and with any qualifier) are
indexed. These are sorted in a case-insensitive fashion.

Using the API

The API is generally invoked by creating a BrowseScope object, and setting the parameters for which particular
part of an index you want to extract. This is then passed to the relevant Browse method call, which returns a
BrowseInfo object which contains the results of the operation. The parameters set in the BrowseScope object

How many entries from the index you want

Whether you only want entries from a particular community or collection, or from the whole of DSpace
Which part of the index to start from (called the focus of the browse). If you don't specify this, the start of
the index is used
How many entries to include before the focus entry

To illustrate, here is an example:

We want 7 entries in total

We want entries from collection x
We want the focus to be 'Really'
We want 2 entries included before the focus.

The results of invoking Browse.getItemsByTitle with the above parameters might look like this:

Rabble-Rousing Rabbis From Sardinia

Reality TV: Love It or Hate It?
FOCUS> The Really Exciting Research Video
Recreational Housework Addicts: Please Visit My House
Regional Television Variation Studies
Revenue Streams
Ridiculous Example Titles: I'm Out of Ideas

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Note that in the case of title and date browses, Item objects are returned as opposed to actual titles. In these
cases, you can specify the 'focus' to be a specific item, or a partial or full literal value. In the case of a literal
value, if no entry in the index matches exactly, the closest match is used as the focus. It's quite reasonable to
specify a focus of a single letter, for example.

Being able to specify a specific item to start at is particularly important with dates, since many items may have
the save issue date. Say 30 items in a collection have the issue date 2002. To be able to page through the
index 20 items at a time, you need to be able to specify exactly which item's 2002 is the focus of the browse,
otherwise each time you invoked the browse code, the results would start at the first item with the issue date

Author browses return String objects with the actual author names. You can only specify the focus as a full or
partial literal String.

Another important point to note is that presently, the browse indexes contain metadata for all items in the main
archive, regardless of authorization policies. This means that all items in the archive will appear to all users
when browsing. Of course, should the user attempt to access a non-public item, the usual authorization
mechanism will apply. Whether this approach is ideal is under review; implementing the browse API such that
the results retrieved reflect a user's level of authorization may be possible, but rather tricky.

Checksum checker
Checksum checker is used to verify every item within DSpace. While DSpace calculates and records the
checksum of every file submitted to it, the checker can determine whether the file has been changed. The idea
being that the earlier you can identify a file has changed, the more likely you would be able to record it
(assuming it was not a wanted change).

org.dspace.checker.CheckerCommand class, is the class for the checksum checker tool, which calculates
checksums for each bitstream whose ID is in the most_recent_checksum table, and compares it against the last
calculated checksum for that bitstream.

OpenSearch Support
DSpace is able to support OpenSearch. For those not acquainted with the standard, a very brief introduction,
with emphasis on what possibilities it holds for current use and future development.

OpenSearch is a small set of conventions and documents for describing and using 'search engines', meaning
any service that returns a set of results for a query. It is nearly ubiquitous but also nearly invisible in modern
web sites with search capability. If you look at the page source of Wikipedia, Facebook, CNN, etc you will find
buried a link element declaring OpenSearch support. It is very much a lowest-common-denominator abstraction
(think Google box), but does provide a means to extend its expressive power. This first implementation for
DSpace supports none of these extensions many of which are of potential value so it should be regarded as a
foundation, not a finished solution. So the short answer is that DSpace appears as a 'search-engine' to
OpenSearch-aware software.

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Another way to look at OpenSearch is as a RESTful web service for search, very much like SRW/U, but
considerably simpler. This comparative loss of power is offset by the fact that it is widely supported by web tools
and players: browsers understand it, as do large metasearch tools.

How Can It Be Used

Browser IntegrationMany recent browsers (IE7+, FF2+) can detect, or 'autodiscover', links to the
document describing the search engine. Thus you can easily add your or other DSpace instances to the
drop-down list of search engines in your browser. This list typically appears in the upper right corner of
the browser, with a search box. In Firefox, for example, when you visit a site supporting OpenSearch, the
color of the drop-down list widget changes color, and if you open it to show the list of search engines,
you are offered an opportunity to add the site to the list. IE works nearly the same way but instead labels
the web sites 'search providers'. When you select a DSpace instance as the search engine and enter a
search, you are simply sent to the regular search results page of the instance.
Flexible, interesting RSS FeedsBecause one of the formats that OpenSearch specifies for its results is
RSS (or Atom), you can turn any search query into an RSS feed. So if there are keywords highly
discriminative of content in a collection or repository, these can be turned into a URL that a feed reader
can subscribe to. Taken to the extreme, one could take any search a user makes, and dynamically
compose an RSS feed URL for it in the page of returned results. To see an example, if you have a
DSpace with OpenSearch enabled, try:<your query>

The default format returned is Atom 1.0, so you should see an Atom document containing your search
You can extend the syntax with a few other parameters, as follows:
Parameter Values

format atom, rss, html

scope handle of a collection or community to restrict the search to

rpp number indicating the number of results per page (i.e. per request)

start number of page to start with (if paginating results)

sort_by number indicating sorting criteria (same as DSpace advanced search values

Multiple parameters may be specified on the query string, using the "&" character as the delimiter, e.g.:<your query>&format=rss&scope=123456789/1

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Cheap metasearchSearch aggregators like A9 (Amazon) recognize OpenSearch-compliant providers,

and so can be added to metasearch sets using their UIs. Then you site can be used to aggregate search
results with others.

Configuration is through the dspace.cfg file. See OpenSearch Support for more details.

Embargo Support

What is an Embargo?
An embargo is a temporary access restriction placed on content, commencing at time of accession. It's scope or
duration may vary, but the fact that it eventually expires is what distinguishes it from other content restrictions.
For example, it is not unusual for content destined for DSpace to come with permanent restrictions on use or
access based on license-driven or other IP-based requirements that limit access to institutionally affiliated
users. Restrictions such as these are imposed and managed using standard administrative tools in DSpace,
typically by attaching specific policies to Items or Collections, Bitstreams, etc. The embargo functionally
introduced in 1.6, however, includes tools to automate the imposition and removal of restrictions in managed

Embargo Model and Life-Cycle

Functionally, the embargo system allows you to attach 'terms' to an item before it is placed into the repository,
which express how the embargo should be applied. What do 'we mean by terms' here? They are really any
expression that the system is capable of turning into (1) the time the embargo expires, and (2) a concrete set of
access restrictions. Some examples:
"2020-09-12" - an absolute date (i.e. the date embargo will be lifted)"6 months" - a time relative to when the
item is accessioned"forever" - an indefinite, or open-ended embargo"local only until 2015" - both a time and an
exception (public has no access until 2015, local users OK immediately)"Nature Publishing Group standard" -
look-up to a policy somewhere (typically 6 months)
These terms are 'interpreted' by the embargo system to yield a specific date on which the embargo can be
removed or 'lifted', and a specific set of access policies. Obviously, some terms are easier to interpret than
others (the absolute date really requires none at all), and the 'default' embargo logic understands only the most
basic terms (the first and third examples above). But as we will see below, the embargo system provides you
with the ability to add in your own 'interpreters' to cope with any terms expressions you wish to have. This date
that is the result of the interpretation is stored with the item and the embargo system detects when that date has
passed, and removes the embargo ("lifts it"), so the item bitstreams become available. Here is a more detailed
life-cycle for an embargoed item:

1. Terms Assignment. The first step in placing an embargo on an item is to attach (assign) 'terms' to it. If
these terms are missing, no embargo will be imposed. As we will see below, terms are carried in a
configurable DSpace metadata field, so assigning terms just means assigning a value to a metadata
field. This can be done in a web submission user interface form, in a SWORD deposit package, a batch
import, etc. - anywhere metadata is passed to DSpace. The terms are not immediately acted upon, and
may be revised, corrected, removed, etc, up until the next stage of the life-cycle. Thus a submitter could

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enter one value, and a collection editor replace it, and only the last value will be used. Since metadata
fields are multivalued, theoretically there can be multiple terms values, but in the default implementation
only one is recognized.
2. Terms interpretation/imposition. In DSpace terminology, when an item has exited the last of any
workflow steps (or if none have been defined for it), it is said to be 'installed' into the repository. At this
precise time, the 'interpretation' of the terms occurs, and a computed 'lift date' is assigned, which like the
terms is recorded in a configurable metadata field. It is important to understand that this interpretation
happens only once, (just like the installation), and cannot be revisited later. Thus, although an
administrator can assign a new value to the metadata field holding the terms after the item has been
installed, this will have no effect on the embargo, whose 'force' now resides entirely in the 'lift date' value.
For this reason, you cannot embargo content already in your repository (at least using standard tools).
The other action taken at installation time is the actual imposition of the embargo. The default behavior
here is simply to remove the read policies on all the bundles and bitstreams except for the "LICENSE" or
"METADATA" bundles. See the section on Extending Embargo Functionality for how to alter this
behavior. Also note that since these policy changes occur before installation, there is no time during
which embargoed content is 'exposed' (accessible by non-administrators). The terms interpretation and
imposition together are called 'setting' the embargo, and the component that performs them both is called
the embargo 'setter'.
3. Embargo Period. After an embargoed item has been installed, the policy restrictions remain in effect
until removed. This is not an automatic process, however: a 'lifter' must be run periodically to look for
items whose 'lift date' is past. Note that this means the effective removal of an embargo is not the lift
date, but the earliest date after the lift date that the lifter is run. Typically, a nightly cron-scheduled
invocation of the lifter is more than adequate, given the granularity of embargo terms. Also note that
during the embargo period, all metadata of the item remains visible. This default behavior can be
changed. One final point to note is that the 'lift date', although it was computed and assigned during the
previous stage, is in the end a regular metadata field. That means, if there are extraordinary
circumstances that require an administrator (or collection editor anyone with edit permissions on
metadata) to change the lift date, they can do so. Thus, they can 'revise' the lift date without reference to
the original terms. This date will be checked the next time the 'lifter' is run. One could immediately lift the
embargo by setting the lift date to the current day, or change it to 'forever' to indefinitely postpone lifting.
4. Embargo Lift. When the lifter discovers an item whose lift date is in the past, it removes (lifts) the
embargo. The default behavior of the lifter is to add the resource policies that would have been added
had the embargo not been imposed. That is, it replicates the standard DSpace behavior, in which an item
inherits it's policies from its owning collection. As with all other parts of the embargo system, you may
replace or extend the default behavior of the lifter (see section V. below). You may wish, e.g. to send an
email to an administrator or other interested parties, when an embargoed item becomes available.
5. Post Embargo. After the embargo has been lifted, the item ceases to respond to any of the embargo life-
cycle events. The values of the metadata fields reflect essentially historical or provenance values. With
the exception of the additional metadata fields, they are indistinguishable from items that were never
subject to embargo.

More Embargo Details

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More details on Embargo configuration, including specific examples can be found in the Embargo
section of the documentation.

7.4.4 DSpace Services Framework

Architectural Overview
DSpace Kernel
Kernel registration
Service Manager
Basic Usage
Standalone Applications
Application Frameworks (Spring, Guice, etc.)
Web Applications
Providers and Plugins
Provider Stacks
Core Services
Caching Service
Configuration Service
Configuring Event Listeners

The DSpace Services Framework is a backporting of the DSpace 2.0 Development Group's work in creating a
reasonable and abstractable "Core Services" layer for DSpace components to operate within. The Services
Framework represents a "best practice" for new DSpace architecture and implementation of extensions to the
DSpace application. DSpace Services are best described as a "Simple Registry" where plugins can be "looked
up" or located. The DS2 (DSpace 2.0) core services are the main services that make up a DS2 system. These
includes services for things like user and permissions management and storage and caching. These services
can be used by any developer writing DS2 plugins (e.g. statistics), providers (e.g. authentication), or user
interfaces (e.g. JSPUI).

Architectural Overview

DSpace Kernel
The DSpace Kernel manages the start up and access services in the DSpace Services framework. It is meant
to allow for a simple way to control the core parts of DSpace and allow for flexible ways to startup the kernel.

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For example, the kernel can be run inside a single webapp along with a frontend piece (like JSPUI) or it can be
started as part of the servlet container so that multiple webapps can use a single kernel (this increases speed
and efficiency). The kernel is also designed to happily allow multiple kernels to run in a single servlet container
using identifier keys.

Kernel registration
The kernel will automatically register itself as an MBean when it starts up so that it can be managed via JMX. It
allows startup and shutdown and provides direct access to the ServiceManager and the ConfigurationService.
All the other core services can be retrieved from the ServiceManager by their APIs.

Service Manager
The ServiceManager abstracts the concepts of service lookups and lifecycle control. It also manages the
configuration of services by allowing properties to be pushed into the services as they start up (mostly from the
ConfigurationService). The ServiceManagerSystem abstraction allows the DSpace ServiceManager to use
different systems to manage its services. The current implementations include Spring and Guice. This allows
DSpace 2 to have very little service management code but still be flexible and not tied to specific technology.
Developers who are comfortable with those technologies can consume the services from a parent Spring
ApplicationContext or a parent Guice Module. The abstraction also means that we can replace Spring/Guice or
add other dependency injection systems later without requiring developers to change their code. The interface
provides simple methods for looking up services by interface type for developers who do not want to have to
use or learn a dependency injection system or are using one which is not currently supported.

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The DS2 kernel is compact so it can be completely started up in a unit test (technically integration test)
environment. (This is how we test the kernel and core services currently). This allows developers to execute
code against a fully functional kernel while developing and then deploy their code with high confidence.

Basic Usage
To use the Framework you must begin by instantiating and starting a DSpaceKernel. The kernel will give you
references to the ServiceManager and the ConfigurationService. The ServiceManager can be used to get
references to other services and to register services which are not part of the core set.

Access to the kernel is provided via the Kernel Manager through the DSpace object, which will locate the kernel
object and allow it to be used.

Standalone Applications
For standalone applications, access to the kernel is provided via the Kernel Manager and the DSpace object
which will locate the kernel object and allow it to be used.

/* Instantiate the Utility Class */

DSpace dspace = new DSpace();

/* Access get the Service Manager by convenience method */

ServiceManager manager = dspace.getServiceManager();

/* Or access by convenience method for core services */

EventService service = dspace.getEventService();

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

The DSpace launcher (


) initializes a kernel before dispatching to the selected command.

Application Frameworks (Spring, Guice, etc.)

Similar to Standalone Applications, but you can use your framework to instantiate an org.dspace.utils.
DSpace object.

<bean id="dspace" class="org.dspace.utils.DSpace"/>

Web Applications
In web applications, the kernel can be started and accessed through the use of Servlet Filter/ContextListeners
which are provided as part of the DSpace 2 utilities. Developers don't need to understand what is going on
behind the scenes and can simply write their applications and package them as webapps and take advantage
of the services which are offered by DSpace 2.

Providers and Plugins

For developers (how we are trying to make your lives easier): The DS2 ServiceManager supports a plugin
/provider system which is runtime hot-swappable. The implementor can register any service/provider bean or
class with the DS2 kernel ServiceManager. The ServiceManager will manage the lifecycle of beans (if desired)
and will instantiate and manage the lifecycle of any classes it is given. This can be done at any time and does
not have to be done during Kernel startup. This allows providers to be swapped out at runtime without
disrupting the service if desired. The goal of this system is to allow DS2 to be extended without requiring any
changes to the core codebase or a rebuild of the code code.

Developers can provide an activator to allow the system to startup their service or provider. It is a simple
interface with 2 methods which are called by the ServiceManager to startup the provider(s) and later to shut
them down. These simply allow a developer to run some arbitrary code in order to create and register services if
desired. It is the method provided to add plugins directly to the system via configuration as the activators are
just listed in the configuration file and the system starts them up in the order it finds them.

Provider Stacks
Utilities are provided to assist with stacking and ordering providers. Ordering is handled via a priority number
such that 1 is the highest priority and something like 10 would be lower. 0 indicates that priority is not important
for this service and can be used to ensure the provider is placed at or near the end without having to set some
arbitrarily high number.

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Core Services
The core services are all behind APIs so that they can be reimplemented without affecting developers who are
using the services. Most of the services have plugin/provider points so that customizations can be added into
the system without touching the core services code. For example, let's say a deployer has a specialized
authentication system and wants to manage the authentication calls which come into the system. The
implementor can simply implement an AuthenticationProvider and then register it with the DS2 kernel's
ServiceManager. This can be done at any time and does not have to be done during Kernel startup. This allows
providers to be swapped out at runtime without disrupting the DS2 service if desired. It can also speed up
development by allowing quick hot redeploys of code during development.

Caching Service
Provides for a centralized way to handle caching in the system and thus a single point for configuration and
control over all caches in the system. Provider and plugin developers are strongly encouraged to use this rather
than implementing their own caching. The caching service has the concept of scopes so even storing data in
maps or lists is discouraged unless there are good reasons to do so.

Configuration Service
The ConfigurationService controls the external and internal configuration of DSpace 2. It reads Properties files
when the kernel starts up and merges them with any dynamic configuration data which is available from the
services. This service allows settings to be updated as the system is running, and also defines listeners which
allow services to know when their configuration settings have changed and take action if desired. It is the
central point to access and manage all the configuration settings in DSpace 2.

Manages the configuration of the DSpace 2 system. Can be used to manage configuration for providers and
plugins also.

Handles events and provides access to listeners for consumption of events.

In DS2 a request is an atomic transaction in the system. It is likely to be an HTTP request in many cases but it
does not have to be. This service provides the core services with a way to manage atomic transactions so that
when a request comes in which requires multiple things to happen they can either all succeed or all fail without
each service attempting to manage this independently. In a nutshell this simply allows identification of the
current request and the ability to discover if it succeeded or failed when it ends. Nothing in the system will
enforce usage of the service, but we encourage developers who are interacting with the system to make use of
this service so they know if the request they are participating in with has succeeded or failed and can take
appropriate actions.

In DS2 a session is like an HttpSession (and generally is actually one) so this service is here to allow
developers to find information about the current session and to access information in it. The session identifies

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the current user (if authenticated) so it also serves as a way to track user sessions. Since we use HttpSession
directly it is easy to mirror sessions across multiple servers in order to allow for no-interruption failover for users
when servers go offline.


Configuring Event Listeners

Event Listeners can be created by overriding the the EventListener interface:

In Spring:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<bean id="dspace" class="org.dspace.utils.DSpace"/>

<bean id="dspace.eventService"

<bean class="">
<property name="eventService" >
<ref bean="dspace.eventService"/>

( will need to register itself with the EventService, for which it is passed a reference to that
service via the eventService property.)

or in Java:

DSpace dspace = new DSpace();

EventService eventService = dspace.getEventService();

EventListener listener = new;


(This registers the listener externally the listener code assumes it is registered.)

Several tutorials on Spring / DSpace Services are available:

DSpace Spring Services Tutorial

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

The TAO of DSpace Services

7.4.5 Storage Layer

In this section, we explain the storage layer: the database structure, maintenance, and the bitstream store and
configurations. The bitstream store, also known as assetstore or bitstore, holds the uploaded, ingested, or
generated files (documents, images, audio, video, datasets, ...), where as the database holds all of the
metadata, organization, and permissions of content.

RDBMS / Database Structure

Maintenance and Backup
Configuring the RDBMS Component
Custom RDBMS tables, colums or views
Bitstream Store
Configuring the Bitstream Store
Configuring Traditional Storage
Configuring Amazon S3 Storage
Migrate BitStores

RDBMS / Database Structure

DSpace uses a relational database to store all information about the organization of content, metadata about
the content, information about e-people and authorization, and the state of currently-running workflows. The
DSpace system also uses the relational database in order to maintain indices that users can browse.

DSpace 6 database schema (Postgres). Right-click the image and choose "Save as" to save in full resolution.
Instructions on updating this schema diagram are in How to update database schema diagram.

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Most of the functionality that DSpace uses can be offered by any standard SQL database that supports
transactions. However at this time, DSpace APIS use some features specific to PostgreSQL and Oracle, so
some modification to the code would be needed before DSpace would function fully with an alternative
database back-end.

The package provides access to an SQL database in a somewhat simpler

form than using JDBC directly. The primary class is DatabaseManager, which executes SQL queries and
returns TableRow or TableRowIterator objects.

The database schema used by DSpace is initialized and upgraded automatically using Flyway DB. The
DatabaseUtils class manages all Flyway API calls, and executes the SQL migrations under the org. package and the Java migrations under the org.dspace.
storage.rdbms.migration package. While Flyway is automatically initialized and executed during the
initialization of DatabaseManager, various Database Utilities are also available on the command line..

Maintenance and Backup

When using PostgreSQL, it's a good idea to perform regular 'vacuuming' of the database to optimize
performance. By default, PostgreSQL performs automatic vacuuming on your behalf. However, if you have this
feature disabled, then we recommend scheduling the vacuumdb command to run on a regular basis.

# clean up the database nightly

40 2 * * * /usr/local/pgsql/bin/vacuumdb --analyze dspace > /dev/null 2>&1

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Backups: The DSpace database can be backed up and restored using usual PostgreSQL Backup and Restore
methods, for example with pg_dump and psql. However when restoring a database, you will need to perform
these additional steps:

After restoring a backup, you will need to reset the primary key generation sequences so that they do not
produce already-used primary keys. Do this by executing the SQL in [dspace]/etc/postgres
/update-sequences.sql, for example with:

psql -U dspace -f [dspace]/etc/update-sequences.sql

Configuring the RDBMS Component

The database manager is configured with the following properties in dspace.cfg:

db.url The JDBC URL to use for accessing the database. This should not point to a connection pool,
since DSpace already implements a connection pool.

db. JDBC driver class name. Since presently, DSpace uses PostgreSQL-specific features, this
driver should be org.postgresql.Driver.

db. Username to use when accessing the database.


db. Corresponding password ot use when accessing the database.


Custom RDBMS tables, colums or views

When at all possible, we recommend creating custom database tables or views within a separate schema from
the DSpace database tables. Since the DSpace database is initialized and upgraded automatically using
Flyway DB, the upgrade process may stumble or throw errors if you've directly modified the DSpace database
schema, views or tables. Flyway itself assumes it has full control over the DSpace database schema, and it is
not "smart" enough to know what to do when it encounters a locally customized database.

That being said, if you absolutely need to customize your database tables, columns or views, it is possible to
create custom Flyway migration scripts , which should make your customizations easier to manage in future
upgrades. (Keep in mind though, that you may still need to maintain/update your custom Flyway migration
scripts if they ever conflict directly with future DSpace database changes. The only way to "future proof" your
local database changes is to try and make them as independent as possible, and avoid directly modifying the
DSpace database schema as much as possible.)

If you wish to add custom Flyway migrations, they may be added to the following locations:

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Custom Flyway SQL migrations may be added anywhere under the
sqlmigration package (e.g. [src]/dspace-api/src/main/resources/org/dspace/storage
/rdbms/sqlmigration or subdirectories)
Custom Flyway Java migrations may be added anywhere under the
migration package (e.g. [src]/dspace-api/src/main/java/org/dspace/storage/rdbms
/migration/ or subdirectories)
Additionally, for backwards support, custom SQL migrations may also be placed in the [dspace]/etc/
[db-type]/ folder (e.g. [dspace]/etc/postgres/ for a PostgreSQL specific migration script)

Adding Flyway migrations to any of the above location will cause Flyway to auto-discover the migration. It will
be run in the order in which it is named. Our DSpace Flyway script naming convention follows Flyway best
practices and is as follows:

SQL script names: V[version]_[date]__[description].sql

E.g. V5.0_2014.09.26__DS-1582_Metadata_For_All_Objects.sql is a SQL migration
script created for DSpace 5.x (V5.0) on Sept 26, 2014 (2014_09_24). Its purpose was to fulfill
the needs of ticket DS-1582, which was to migrate the database in order to support adding
metadata on all objects.
More examples can be found under the
Java migration script naming convention: V[version]_[date]__[description].java
E.g. V5_0_2014_09_25__DS_1582_Metadata_For_All_Objects_drop_constraint.
java is a Java migration created for DSpace 5.x (V5_0) on Sept 25, 2014 (2014_09_25). Its
purpose was to fulfill the needs of ticket DS-1582, specifically to drop a few constraints.
More examples can be found under the package
Flyway will execute migrations in order, based on their Version and Date. So, V1.x (or V1_x) scripts are
executed first, followed by V3.0 (or V3_0), etc. If two migrations have the same version number, the date
is used to determine ordering (earlier dates are run first).

Bitstream Store
DSpace offers two means for storing content.

1. Storage in a mounted file system on the server (DSBitStore)

2. Storage using AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service), (S3BitStore).

Both are achieved using a simple, lightweight BitStore API, providing actions of Get, Put, About, Remove.
Higher level operations include Store, Register, Checksum, Retrieve, Cleanup, Clone, Migrate. Digital assets
are stored on the bitstores by being transferred to the bitstore when it is uploaded or ingested. The exception to
this is for "registered" objects, that the assets are put onto the filesystem ahead of time out-of-band, and during
ingest, it just maps the database to know where the object already resides. The storage interface is such that
additional storage implementations (i.e. other cloud storage providers) can be added with minimal difficulty.

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DSBitStore stores content on a path on the filesystem. This could be locally attached normal filesystem, a
mounted drive, or a mounted networked filesystem, it will all be treated as a local filesystem. All DSpace needs
to be configured with for a filesystem, is the filesystem path, i.e. /dspace/assetstore, /opt/data/assetstore. The
DSBitStore uses a "Directory Scatter" method of storing an asset within 3 levels of subfolders, to minimize any
single folder having too many objects for normal filesystem performance.

S3BitStore uses Amazon Web Services S3 (Simple Storage Service) to offer limitless cloud storage into a
bucket, and each distinct asset will have a unique key. S3 is a commercial service (costs money), but is
available at low price point, and is fully managed, content is automatically replicated, 99.999999999% object
durability, integrity checked. Since S3 operates within the AWS network, using other AWS services, such virtual
server on EC2 will provide lower network latency than local "on premises" servers. Additionally there could be
some in-bound / out-bound bandwidth costs associated with DSpace application server outside of the AWS
network communicating with S3, compared to AWS-internal EC2 servers. S3 has a checksum computing
operation, in which the S3 service can return the checksum from the storage service, without having to shuttle
the bits from S3, to your application server, and then computing the checksum. S3BitStore requires an S3
bucketName, accessKey, secretKey, and optionally specifying the AWS region, or a subfolder within the bucket.

There can be multiple bitstream stores. Each of these bitstream stores can be traditional storage or S3 storage.
This means that the potential storage of a DSpace system is not bound by the maximum size of a single disk or
file system and also that filesystem and S3storage can be combined in one DSpace installation. Both filesystem
and S3 storage are specified by configuration. Also see Configuring the Bitstream Store below.

Stores are numbered, starting with zero, then counting upwards. Each bitstream entry in the database has a
store number, used to retrieve the bitstream when required. An example of having multiple asset stores
configured is that assetstore0 is /dspace/assetstore, when the filesystem gets nearly full, you could then
configure a second filesystem path assetstore1 at /data/assetstore1, later, if you wanted to use S3 for storage,
assetstore2 could be s3://dspace-assetstore-xyz. In this example various bitstreams (database objects) refer to
different assetstore for where the files reside. It is typically simplest to just have a single assetstore configured,
and all assets reside in that one. If policy dictated, infrequently used masters could be moved to slower/cheaper
disk, where as access copies are on the fastest storage. This could be accomplished through migrating assets
to different stores.

Bitstreams also have an 38-digit internal ID, different from the primary key ID of the bitstream table row. This is
not visible or used outside of the bitstream storage manager. It is used to determine the exact location (relative
to the relevant store directory) that the bitstream is stored in traditional storage. The first three pairs of digits are
the directory path that the bitstream is stored under. The bitstream is stored in a file with the internal ID as the

For example, a bitstream with the internal ID 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 is stored in the



The reasons for storing files this way are:

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Using a randomly-generated 38-digit number means that the 'number space' is less cluttered than simply
using the primary keys, which are allocated sequentially and are thus close together. This means that the
bitstreams in the store are distributed around the directory structure, improving access efficiency.
The internal ID is used as the filename partly to avoid requiring an extra lookup of the filename of the
bitstream, and partly because bitstreams may be received from a variety of operating systems. The
original name of a bitstream may be an illegal UNIX filename.
When storing a bitstream, the BitstreamStorageService DOES set the following fields in the
corresponding database table row:

The remaining fields are the responsibility of the Bitstream content management API class.

The bitstream storage manager is fully transaction-safe. In order to implement transaction-safety, the following
algorithm is used to store bitstreams:

1. A database connection is created, separately from the currently active connection in the current DSpace
2. An unique internal identifier (separate from the database primary key) is generated.
3. The bitstream DB table row is created using this new connection, with the deleted column set to true.
4. The new connection is _commit_ted, so the 'deleted' bitstream row is written to the database
5. The bitstream itself is stored in a file in the configured 'asset store directory', with a directory path and
filename derived from the internal ID
6. The deleted flag in the bitstream row is set to false. This will occur (or not) as part of the current DSpace

This means that should anything go wrong before, during or after the bitstream storage, only one of the
following can be true:

No bitstream table row was created, and no file was stored

A bitstream table row with deleted=true was created, no file was stored
A bitstream table row with deleted=true was created, and a file was stored
None of these affect the integrity of the data in the database or bitstream store.

Similarly, when a bitstream is deleted for some reason, its deleted flag is set to true as part of the overall
transaction, and the corresponding file in storage is not deleted.

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The above techniques mean that the bitstream storage manager is transaction-safe. Over time, the bitstream
database table and file store may contain a number of 'deleted' bitstreams. The cleanup method of
BitstreamStorageService goes through these deleted rows, and actually deletes them along with any
corresponding files left in the storage. It only removes 'deleted' bitstreams that are more than one hour old, just
in case cleanup is happening in the middle of a storage operation.

This cleanup can be invoked from the command line via the cleanup command, which can in turn be easily
executed from a shell on the server machine using [dspace]/bin/dspace cleanup. You might like to have
this run regularly by cron, though since DSpace is read-lots, write-not-so-much it doesn't need to be run very

# Clean up any deleted files from local storage on first of the month at 2:40am
40 2 1 * * [dspace]/bin/dspace cleanup > /dev/null 2>&1

The bitstreams (files) in traditional storage may be backed up very easily by simply 'tarring' or 'zipping' the
[dspace]/assetstore/ directory (or whichever directory is configured in dspace.cfg). Restoring is as simple
as extracting the backed-up compressed file in the appropriate location.

It is important to note that since the bitstream storage manager holds the bitstreams in storage, and information
about them in the database, that a database backup and a backup of the files in the bitstream store must be
made at the same time; the bitstream data in the database must correspond to the stored files.

Of course, it isn't really ideal to 'freeze' the system while backing up to ensure that the database and files match
up. Since DSpace uses the bitstream data in the database as the authoritative record, it's best to back up the
database before the files. This is because it's better to have a bitstream in storage but not the database
(effectively non-existent to DSpace) than a bitstream record in the database but not storage, since people would
be able to find the bitstream but not actually get the contents.

With DSpace 1.7 and above, there is also the option to backup both files and metadata via the AIP Backup and
Restore feature.

Configuring the Bitstream Store

BitStores (aka assetstores) are configured with [dspace]/config/spring/api/bitstore.xml

Configuring Traditional Storage

By default, DSpace uses a traditional filesystem bitstore of [dspace]/assetstore/

To configure traditional filesystem bitstore, as a specific directory, configure the bitstore like this:

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<bean name="" class="

<property name="incoming" value="0"/>
<property name="stores">
<entry key="0" value-ref="localStore"/>

<bean name="localStore" class="" scope="singleton">

<property name="baseDir" value="${dspace.dir}/assetstore"/>

This would configure store number 0 named localStore, which is a DSBitStore (filesystem), at the filesystem
path of ${dspace.dir}/assetstore (i.e. [dspace]/assetstore/)

It is also possible to use multiple local filesystems. In the below example, key #0 is localStore at ${dspace.
dir}/assetstore, and key #1 is localStore2 at /data/assetstore2. Note that incoming is set to store "1",
which in this case refers to localStore2. That means that any new files (bitstreams) uploaded to DSpace will be
stored in localStore2, but some existing bitstreams may still exist in localStore.

<bean name="" class="

<property name="incoming" value="1"/>
<property name="stores">
<entry key="0" value-ref="localStore"/>
<entry key="1" value-ref="localStore2"/>
<bean name="localStore" class="" scope="singleton">
<property name="baseDir" value="${dspace.dir}/assetstore"/>
<bean name="localStore2" class="" scope="singleton">
<property name="baseDir" value="/data/assetstore2"/>

Configuring Amazon S3 Storage

To use Amazon S3 as a bitstore, add a bitstore entry s3Store, using S3BitStoreService, and configure it
with awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey, and bucketName. NOTE: Before you can specify these settings, you
obviously will have to create an account in the Amazon AWS console, and create an IAM user with credentials
and privileges to an existing S3 bucket.

<bean name="" class="


24-Oct-2016 Page 791 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

<property name="incoming" value="1"/>

<property name="stores">
<entry key="0" value-ref="localStore"/>
<entry key="1" value-ref="s3Store"/>
<bean name="localStore" class="" scope="singleton">
<property name="baseDir" value="${dspace.dir}/assetstore"/>
<bean name="s3Store" class="" scope="singleton">
<!-- AWS Security credentials, with policies for specified bucket -->
<property name="awsAccessKey" value=""/>
<property name="awsSecretKey" value=""/>
<!-- S3 bucket name to store assets in. example: longsight-dspace-auk -->
<property name="bucketName" value=""/>
<!-- AWS S3 Region to use: {us-east-1, us-west-1, eu-west-1, eu-central-1, ap-southeast-1, ...
} -->
<!-- Optional, sdk default is us-east-1 -->
<property name="awsRegionName" value=""/>
<!-- Subfolder to organize assets within the bucket, in case this bucket is shared -->
<!-- Optional, default is root level of bucket -->
<property name="subfolder" value=""/>

The incoming property specifies which assetstore receives incoming assets (i.e. when new files are uploaded,
they will be stored in the "incoming" assetstore). This defaults to store 0.

S3BitStore has parameters for awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey, bucketName, awsRegionName (optional), and
subfolder (optional).

awsAccessKey and awsSecretKey are created from the Amazon AWS console. You'll want to create
an IAM user, and generate a Security Credential, which provides you the accessKey and secret. Since
you need permission to use S3, you could give this IAM user a quick & dirty policy of
AmazonS3FullAccess (for all S3 buckets that you own), or for finer grain controls, you can assign an IAM
user to have certain permissions to certain resources, such as read/write to a specific subfolder within a
specific s3 bucket.
bucketName is a globally unique name that distinguishes your S3 bucket. It has to be unique among all
other S3 users in the world.
awsRegionName is a region in AWS where S3 will be stored. Default is US Eastern. Consider distance
to primary users, and pricing when choosing the region.
subfolder is a folder within the S3 bucket, where you could organize the assets to be in. If you wanted
to re-use a bucket for multiple purposes (bucketname/assets vs bucketname/backups) or DSpace
instances (bucketname/XYZDSpace or bucketname/ABCDSpace or bucketname

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

Migrate BitStores
There is a command line migration tool to move all the assets within a bitstore, to another bitstore. bin
/dspace bitstore-migrate

[dspace]/bin/dspace bitstore-migrate
usage: BitstoreMigrate
-a,--source <arg> Source assetstore store_number (to lose content). This is a number such
as 0 or 1
-b,--destination <arg> Destination assetstore store_number (to gain content). This is a number
such as 0 or 1.
-d,--delete Delete file from losing assetstore. (Default: Keep bitstream in old
-h,--help Help
-p,--print Print out current assetstore information
-s,--size <arg> Batch commit size. (Default: 1, commit after each file transfer)

[dspace]/bin/dspace bitstore-migrate -p
store[0] == DSBitStore, which has 2 bitstreams.
store[1] == S3BitStore, which has 2 bitstreams.
Incoming assetstore is store[1]

[dspace]/bin/dspace bitstore-migrate -a 0 -b 1

[dspace]/bin/dspace bitstore-migrate -p
store[0] == DSBitStore, which has 0 bitstreams.
store[1] == S3BitStore, which has 4 bitstreams.
Incoming assetstore is store[1]

7.5 History
Changes in 6.x
Changes in 5.x
Changes in 4.x
Changes in 3.x
Changes in 1.8.x
Changes in 1.7.x
Changes in 1.6.x
Changes in 1.5.x
Changes in 1.4.x
Changes in 1.3.x
Changes in 1.2.x
Changes in 1.1.x

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

7.5.1 Changes in 6.x

Changes in DSpace 6.0

Changes in DSpace 6.0

New Features in 6.0

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- CSV export of Sep 12, Feb 03, Ivan Masr William Closed Fixed
1262 search results in 2012 2016 Stanley
XMLUI Welling

DS- DSpace needs Nov 12, Feb 03, Mark H. Mark H. Closed Fixed
1782 local object 2013 2016 Wood Wood

DS- Provide REST Apr 06, Apr 11, Terry Brady Terry Closed Fixed
2539 API function to 2015 2016 Brady
dump the

DS- Extend DSpace May 19, Apr 11, Terry Brady Terry Closed Fixed
2583 REST API verbs 2015 2016 Brady
to support

DS- Add ability to filter Jun 22, Apr 15, Kevin Van Ed Closed Fixed
2629 Excel (xls and 2015 2016 de Velde Goulet
xlsx) files for full (@mire)
text searching

DS- Fulltext available Jul 09, Dec 17, Ivan Masr Christian Closed Fixed
2648 sidebar facet for 2015 2015 Scheible

DS- Java 8 Support for Jul 13, Aug 16, Tim Tim Closed Fixed
2653 DSpace 2015 2016 Donohue Donohue

DS- Reloadable Jul 14, Jul 04, Tim Tim Closed Fixed
2654 Configurations via 2015 2016 Donohue Donohue

24-Oct-2016 Page 794 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

Apache Commons

DS- Add configurable Jul 17, Jan 28, Ivan Masr Jozef Closed Fixed
2659 "healthcheck" 2015 2016 (@lindat)
system emailing
internals of the
repository on
regular basis

DS- Spanish Aug 04, Nov 17, Ivan Masr Miguel Closed Fixed
2693 translation update 2015 2015 Carro

DS- Adopt Service- Aug 12, Jul 27, Kevin Van Tim Closed Fixed
2701 based API 2015 2016 de Velde Donohue
refactor of existing (@mire)
Java API

DS- Framework to Nov 12, Apr 27, Unassigned Roeland Closed Fixed
2876 better support 2015 2016 Dillen
metadata import (@mire)
from external

DS- Pubmed Nov 12, Aug 03, Unassigned Roeland Closed Fixed
2880 integration into 2015 2016 Dillen
XMLUI submission (@mire)

DS- JSPUI: Let users Nov 13, Apr 27, Pascal- Pascal- Closed Fixed
2888 add language 2015 2016 Nicolas Nicolas
tags in Becker Becker
submission's edit
metadata step

DS- Nov 13, Nov 13, Pascal- Pascal- Closed Fixed
2890 util.Util. 2015 2015 Nicolas Nicolas
getUUIDParameter Becker Becker
(...) is quite noisy
and produces a
lot of NPEs

DS- Remove support Feb 11, Mar 23, Peter Dietz Tim Closed Fixed
3055 for SRB (Storage 2016 2016 Donohue

24-Oct-2016 Page 795 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

Resource Broker)
as it's
unmaintained and

16 issues

Improvements in 6.0

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter

DS- Pluggable storage / S3 - ID: 2561561 Mar 06, Apr 02, Peter Dietz Charles
79 2009 2016 Kiplagat

DS- Update OAI-PMH to fully obey 'metadata. Jul 11, Oct 21, Pascal- Tim
950 hide.SCHEMA.ELEMENT.QUALIFIER' 2011 2015 Nicolas Donohue
configuration settings Becker

DS- Full-text indexing of right-to-left PDF files Jun 07, Feb 03, Ivan Masr Saiful
1187 2012 2016 Amin

DS- DSpace has too many configurations Nov 15, Apr 27, Mark H. Mark H.
1390 2012 2016 Wood Wood

DS- Support StartTLS in LDAPAuthentication Mar 13, Feb 17, Ivan Masr Ivan
1518 2013 2016 Masr

DS- Allow submitter to create a new version of Dec 01, Sep 16, Pascal- Andrea
1814 an item 2013 2016 Nicolas Bollini

DS- Create a separate Maven artifact for the Dec 11, Feb 18, Mark H. Mark H.
1837 MultiRemoteDSpaceRepositoryHandlePlugin 2013 2016 Wood Wood

DS- Rewrite ConfigurationManager methods to Aug 23, Feb 15, Tim Mark H.
2115 wrap ConfigurationService 2014 2016 Donohue Wood

DS- Move LNI to a separate GitHub project Aug 28, Feb 03, Robin Tim
2124 2014 2016 Taylor Donohue

DS- Deprecate XPDF in DSpace 5, remove in Sep 24, May 04, Mark H. Peter
2159 DSpace 6 2014 2016 Wood Dietz

DS- Remove Lucene search index support and Sep 24, Sep 28, Tim Tim
2160 DBMS browse support from DSpace 2014 2016 Donohue Donohue

24-Oct-2016 Page 796 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter

DS- Remove deprecated Lucene search index Oct 10, Feb 22, Tim Mark H.
2187 support 2014 2016 Donohue Wood

DS- Remove deprecated DBMS browse support Oct 10, Apr 05, Tim Mark H.
2188 2014 2016 Donohue Wood

DS- export without bitstreams Nov 18, Dec 11, Ivan Masr Petya
2315 2014 2015 Kohts

DS- Add border on Thumbnail Item Nov 21, Mar 01, Unassigned Wesley
2318 2014 2016 Bastos

DS- Export for ORCID authority cache Dec 17, Dec 02, Unassigned Bram
2372 2014 2015 Luyten

DS- Sort out Unit vs. Integration tests, and run Jan 09, Feb 03, Mark H. Mark H.
2397 them separately 2015 2016 Wood Wood

DS- OAI transformers (xsl) are not able to use Jan 26, Jan 31, Ivan Masr Christian
2426 relative paths for import 2015 2016 Scheible

DS- Upgrade to Apache Commons DBCP v2.x, Feb 11, Jan 15, Tim Tim
2452 and Apache Commons Pool 2.x 2015 2016 Donohue Donohue

DS- update Google Analytics tracking JS snippet Feb 27, Jan 21, Ivan Masr Ivan
2478 2015 2016 Masr

Showing 20 out of98 issues

Bug Fixes in 6.0

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- java.lang. Dec 29, Aug 22, Tim Lee Li Closed Fixed
444 ClassCastException: 2009 2016 Donohue
cannot be cast to

24-Oct-2016 Page 797 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- Vocabulary with Mar 19, Apr 25, Kevin Van Onivaldo Closed Fixed
850 closed="true" not 2011 2016 de Velde Rosa
save value filled (@mire) Junior

DS- Item level versioning Oct 23, Apr 11, Pascal- Claudia Closed Fixed
1349 exposes personal 2012 2016 Nicolas Jrgen
data (name and Becker
email of submitter,
versioning creator)

DS- saving the Edit Oct 14, Mar 23, Unassigned Ivan Masr Closed Fixed
1698 policy form without 2013 2016
specifying action
results in stacktrace

DS- Maven filtering Nov 26, Feb 15, Unassigned Bram Closed Fixed
1805 broken for SOLR 2013 2016 Luyten
artifact (Atmire)

DS- XPDF requires Jan 15, Feb 17, Mark H. Tim Closed Fixed
1865 manually installing a 2014 2016 Wood Donohue
JAR which is NOT
available in Maven

DS- currentLocale in DRI Feb 23, Oct 06, Andrea Supasate Closed Fixed
1924 document is not 2014 2015 Schweer Choochaisri

DS- editing bitstream Feb 28, Oct 18, Unassigned Jose Closed Fixed
1929 description changes 2014 2016 Blanco

DS- Embargo reason Apr 01, Apr 20, Kevin Van Michael Closed Fixed
1955 field max input length 2014 2016 de Velde Hicke

DS- NullPointerException Jun 05, May 18, Joo Melo Ondej Closed Fixed
2020 in org.dspace.xoai. 2014 2015 Koarko

24-Oct-2016 Page 798 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- OpenSearch is still Nov 07, Feb 22, Tim Mark H. Closed Fixed
2268 dependent on 2014 2016 Donohue Wood
Lucene indexing,
which might not be

DS- Item-level versioning Dec 10, Jul 28, Pascal- Andrea Closed Fixed
2358 discards embargo 2014 2015 Nicolas Schweer

DS- command usage Dec 22, Aug 01, Mark H. Hardy Closed Fixed
2379 output for dspace 2014 2016 Wood Pottinger
(from launcher.xml)
is unsorted

DS- RDFConsumer tries Jan 13, May 08, Pascal- Pascal- Closed Fixed
2403 to index unpublished 2015 2015 Nicolas Nicolas
WorkspaceItems Becker Becker

DS- The oai "Show Jan 16, Jan 20, Ivan Masr Ondej Closed Fixed
2412 more" link in 2015 2015 Koarko
stylesheet has a
fixed verb

DS- No longer possibile Jan 26, May 12, Joo Melo Christian Closed Fixed
2423 to create additional 2015 2015 Scheible
Filter for OAI-PMH

DS- Stop relying on Feb 03, Mar 30, Tim Bram Closed Fixed
2437 alphabetical loading 2015 2016 Donohue Luyten
of jars in WEB-INF (Atmire)

DS- altmetrics.field Feb 06, Mar 30, Mark H. lex Magaz Closed Fixed
2446 property is not read 2015 2016 Wood Graa

DS- Feb 20, Apr 15, Mark H. Mark H. Closed Fixed
2463 non_engines.txt is 2015 2016 Wood Wood
outdated and slow

DS- METS format in OAI Feb 25, May 08, Ivan Masr Ivan Masr Closed Fixed
2474 includes only the 2015 2015
first author

24-Oct-2016 Page 799 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Showing 20 out of266 issues

7.5.2 Changes in 5.x

Changes in DSpace 5.6
Changes in DSpace 5.5
Changes in DSpace 5.4
Changes in DSpace 5.3
Changes in DSpace 5.2
Changes in DSpace 5.1
Changes in DSpace 5.0

Changes in DSpace 5.6

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- Creative Commons Jun 05, Oct 13, Luigi Dan Closed Fixed
2604 license assignment 2015 2016 Andrea Ishimitsu
silently fails in JSPUI Pascarelli

DS- Integrity error on file Jun 18, Oct 05, Pascal- Eike Closed Fixed
2623 uploads 2015 2016 Nicolas Kleiner

DS- Cannot send email Aug 13, Oct 13, Bram Roeland Closed Fixed
2702 using SSL 2015 2016 Luyten Dillen
(Atmire) (@mire)

DS- error when missing Nov 11, Sep 30, Ivan Masr Ivan Closed Fixed
2874 Context Description in 2015 2016 Masr

DS- Any registered user Nov 18, Oct 13, Andrea Andrea Closed Fixed
2895 can modify inprogress 2015 2016 Bollini Bollini

DS- Bitstreams of Mar 10, Oct 13, Andrea Mark H. Closed Fixed
3097 embargoed and/or 2016 2016 Bollini Wood
withdrawn items can
be accessed by

Unassigned Closed Fixed

24-Oct-2016 Page 800 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- METSRightsCrosswalk Apr 21, Aug 17, Michael

3140 NPE During AIP 2016 2016 Marttila
Restore - No
Anonymous Read

DS- Policy form merge field May 06, Aug 11, Ivan Masr Oriol Closed Fixed
3206 values when perform 2016 2016
group search

DS- Recyclable Cocoon Jun 15, Aug 01, Hardy Andrea Closed Fixed
3246 components should 2016 2016 Pottinger Schweer
clear local variables

DS- expand parameter was Jun 22, Sep 30, Unassigned Terry Closed Fixed
3248 not passed during new 2016 2016 Brady
item creation when
accessing find-by-

DS- SQL Injection Jun 27, Oct 13, Unassigned Bram Closed Fixed
3250 Vulnerability in 5.x 2016 2016 Luyten
REST API (Atmire)

DS- AIP Restore is not Jul 14, Aug 17, Tim Tim Closed Fixed
3266 respecting access 2016 2016 Donohue Donohue
restrictions (on Items)

DS- Request a copy for "all Aug 19, Aug 25, Tim William Closed Fixed
3294 restricted files" not 2016 2016 Donohue Tantzen

DS- XML External Entity Sep 07, Oct 13, Unassigned Seth Closed Fixed
3309 (XXE) vulnerability in 2016 2016 Robbins

DS- XMLUI: Creative Sep 16, Sep 26, Luigi Luigi Closed Fixed
3326 Commons store a 2016 2016 Andrea Andrea
wrong xml for rdf Pascarelli Pascarelli

DS- Some test fails during Sep 26, Sep 26, Luigi Luigi Closed Fixed
3340 the preparation of 2016 2016 Andrea Andrea
DSpace 5.6 release Pascarelli Pascarelli

24-Oct-2016 Page 801 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- Authorization denied Sep 29, Oct 11, Luigi Ivan Closed Fixed
3347 for Anonymous access 2016 2016 Andrea Masr
to restricted bistream Pascarelli

17 issues

Changes in DSpace 5.5

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status

DS- Item. Mar 18, Feb 15, Ivan Ondej Closed

2517 findByMetadataFieldAuthority 2015 2016 Masr Koarko
wrong sql query

DS- "NOT" XOAI filter not working Oct 16, Feb 11, Ivan Patricio Closed
2820 for SOLR configuration 2015 2016 Masr Marrone

DS- Mirage2: printing an item Nov 17, Aug 01, Hardy Hardy Closed
2893 page includes the URL to the 2015 2016 Pottinger Pottinger

DS- Update DataCite default Nov 27, Nov 27, Pascal- Pascal- Closed
2923 configuration 2015 2015 Nicolas Nicolas
Becker Becker

DS- REST-API /handle endpoint Dec 06, Dec 15, Bram Bram Closed
2936 broken 2015 2015 Luyten Luyten
(Atmire) (Atmire)

DS- Missing DSpaceWebapp in Dec 10, Dec 11, Bram Bram Closed
2946 dspace-rest module 2015 2015 Luyten Luyten
(Atmire) (Atmire)

DS- Incorrect metadata element Jan 21, Jan 22, Ivan Jing Pu Closed
2998 "dcterms.comformsTo" in 2016 2016 Masr
dspace registry configuration

DS- XOAI wrong URL encoding Feb 08, Feb 09, Ivan Claudia Closed
3050 2016 2016 Masr Jrgen

DS- JSPUI Edit News feature can Feb 15, May 16, Andrea Tim Closed
3063 be used to view/edit other 2016 2016 Bollini Donohue
files readable to Tomcat user

24-Oct-2016 Page 802 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status

DS- Sherpa/Romeo ungraded Feb 29, Feb 29, Ivan Jing Pu Closed
3085 journal (gray) shows error 2016 2016 Masr

DS- XMLUI Directory Traversal Mar 07, May 16, Tim Tim Closed
3094 Vulnerability in Themes 2016 2016 Donohue Donohue

11 issues

Changes in DSpace 5.4

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status

DS- ResourceNotFoundException Jul 05, Nov 05, Unassigned Nestor Closed

1207 on redirect 2012 2015 Oviedo

DS- currentLocale in DRI Feb 23, Oct 06, Andrea Supasate Closed
1924 document is not changed 2014 2015 Schweer Choochaisri

DS- Cannot create administrator Jan 13, Nov 02, Tim Andrea Closed
2408 in fresh install - no admin 2015 2015 Donohue Schweer
group found

DS- Incorrect dependencies drag Mar 09, Oct 16, Mark H. Mark H. Closed
2502 javax.servlet:servlet-api into 2015 2015 Wood Wood
all webapp.s

DS- XOAI - from/until argument Mar 25, Nov 02, Unassigned Christian Closed
2524 only works with date 2015 2015 Scheible
including the time

DS- Mirage 2 doesn't work with Apr 01, Nov 17, Bram Andrea Closed
2533 Maven 3.3.x 2015 2015 Luyten Schweer

DS- XOAI does not support non Apr 10, Nov 04, Tim Claudia Closed
2542 granular YYYY-MM-DD 2015 2015 Donohue Jrgen
harvesting properly

DS- OAI Item Record contains all May 13, Nov 03, Unassigned Christian Closed
2573 virtual sets independent if the 2015 2015 Scheible
item is in the set or not

DS- May 26, Oct 16, Ivan Masr Andrea Closed

2591 2015 2015 Schweer

24-Oct-2016 Page 803 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status

Wrong path to respond.min.

js in Mirage 2 page-structure.

DS- Mirage 2 - wrong URL for May 26, Oct 16, Ivan Masr Andrea Closed
2592 OpenSearch description.xml 2015 2015 Schweer

DS- REST api collection items Jul 14, Nov 04, Unassigned Ed Goulet Closed
2655 'offset' does not function 2015 2015

DS- Google Scholar ordering of Jul 28, Oct 13, Bram Christian Closed
2679 metadata tags with multiple 2015 2015 Luyten Scheible
values (like authors) broken (Atmire)

DS- REST-API /handle not Aug 03, Dec 06, Peter Dietz Ondej Closed
2692 reflecting updates 2015 2015 Koarko

DS- XMLUI metadata browse Aug 11, Oct 28, Unassigned Andrea Closed
2698 cache validity doesn't 2015 2015 Schweer
consider value count

DS- Search not working as Aug 12, Nov 04, Andrea Andrea Closed
2699 expected 2015 2015 Schweer Schweer

DS- Solr core "authority" spews Aug 18, Aug 01, Hardy Mark H. Closed
2706 failure log entries for libraries 2015 2016 Pottinger Wood
not used

DS- rest /colections/<id>/items Aug 24, Nov 04, Unassigned Monika Closed
2719 ignores offset parameter 2015 2015 Mevenkamp

DS- Erroneous String Compare Aug 31, Oct 28, Tim KimKM Closed
2733 2015 2015 Donohue

DS- XSS in JSPUI search form Sep 02, May 16, Tim Genaro Closed
2736 2015 2016 Donohue Contreras

DS- Expression language Sep 02, May 16, Tim Genaro Closed
2737 Injection in JSPUI search 2015 2016 Donohue Contreras

Showing 20 out of31 issues

Changes in DSpace 5.3

24-Oct-2016 Page 804 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P

DS- Searching produces ParseException Dec 01, Jul 15, Tim Sean Xiao
2339 with Lucene special char as input 2014 2015 Donohue

DS- Item-level versioning discards Dec 10, Jul 28, Pascal- Andrea
2358 embargo 2014 2015 Nicolas Schweer

DS- Discovery Search NPE or Solr Feb 20, Jul 15, Tim Raul Ruiz
2461 SyntaxError if search string contains 2015 2015 Donohue
a colon

DS- Simple Search with two colons Feb 25, Jul 15, Tim Oliver
2472 throws NullPointerException 2015 2015 Donohue Goldschmidt

DS- OAI full import does not clean the Apr 13, Jul 06, Claudia Claudia
2543 cached responses 2015 2015 Jrgen Jrgen

DS- NPE when indexing harvested items Apr 27, Jul 06, Tim Andrea
2554 for OAI 2015 2015 Donohue Schweer

DS- Did you mean option missing in Apr 29, Jul 06, Bram Mini Pillai
2560 Mirage2 2015 2015 Luyten (@mire)

DS- Jump to value in descending browse May 11, Aug 01, Hardy Andrea
2571 jumps too far 2015 2016 Pottinger Schweer

DS- Resource policies rptype is null after May 21, May 21, Ivan Masr Ondej
2587 upgrading 2015 2015 Koarko

DS- Assembly configurations for May 22, Aug 01, Mark H. Hardy
2590 producing distribution files have 2015 2016 Wood Pottinger
multiple issues

DS- Withdrawn items remain in OAI-PMH May 26, Aug 07, Tim Tim
2593 until the next full re-import 2015 2015 Donohue Donohue

DS- Long file names overlap the second May 27, Jun 16, Ivan Masr lex Magaz
2594 column of item metadata in Mirage 2 2015 2015 Graa

DS- OAI-PMH mets format doesn't Jun 01, Jun 02, Ivan Masr Andrea
2598 expose 2015 2015 Schweer

DS- Jun 05, Jul 15, Tim Anonymous

2602 2015 2015 Donohue (No Reply)

24-Oct-2016 Page 805 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P

Clicking on a letter when browsing

by title or year when browsing by
date does not work

DS- The citation_pdf_url metadata is null Jun 05, Jul 07, Mark H. Nicolas
2603 when it shouldn't 2015 2015 Wood Schwab

DS- Expired embargos make bitstreams Jun 12, May 16, Pascal- Pascal-
2614 and items accessible even if they did 2015 2016 Nicolas Nicolas
not pass the workflow (yet) Becker Becker

DS- Test Email reports mail sent Jun 16, Jun 16, Ivan Masr Roeland
2618 successfully if mail.server.disabled 2015 2015 Dillen

DS- cocoon misspelled as coocon Jun 18, Jun 20, Bram Ondej
2620 2015 2015 Luyten Koarko

DS- Wrong mapping for dc metadata in Jul 17, Jul 22, Unassigned Ondej
2658 html head 2015 2015 Koarko

DS- Disable Jul 22, Apr 27, Tim Roeland

2673 "findAuthorizedPerfomanceOptimize" 2015 2016 Donohue Dillen
setting for detemining Select (@mire)
Collection dropdown

20 issues

Changes in DSpace 5.2

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- Export for Dec 17, Dec 02, Unassigned Bram Closed Fixed
2372 ORCID 2014 2015 Luyten
authority (Atmire)

DS- update Jan 23, Apr 23, Ivan Masr Ivan Masr Closed Fixed
2420 entity 2015 2015

24-Oct-2016 Page 806 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

diagram in
5.x docs

DS- Pre-5 Solr Mar 04, May 20, Andrea Andrea Closed Fixed
2487 usage 2015 2015 Schweer Schweer
stats geo
may get
lost when
to 5

DS- Pre-3 Solr Mar 04, May 20, Unassigned Andrea Closed Fixed
2489 usage 2015 2015 Schweer
stats do
not contain
uid field

DS- Update Mar 16, Mar 16, Ivan Masr CTU Closed Fixed
2509 REST api 2015 2015 Developers
md in

DS- New Apr 01, May 08, Ivan Masr Bram Closed Fixed
2531 entries for 2015 2015 Luyten
the robots (Atmire)
user agent

6 issues

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status

DS- JSPUI Embargo Apr 07, May 14, Pascal- Denis Fdz Closed
1965 functionality uncompleted 2014 2015 Nicolas

DS- NullPointerException in org. Jun 05, May 18, Joo Melo Ondej Closed
2020 dspace.xoai.filter. 2014 2015 Koarko

24-Oct-2016 Page 807 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status

DS- SWORDv2 ingestion fails Sep 04, May 14, Kevin Van Jan Closed
2131 with NullPointerException 2014 2015 de Velde Lievens

DS- Request item copy doesn't Oct 10, May 14, Unassigned lex Closed
2186 always use 2014 2015 Magaz
RequestItemAuthorExtractor Graa

DS- Statistics Shard not Oct 22, May 20, Unassigned Terry Closed
2212 working, version conflict 2014 2015 Brady

DS- Unable to use command Oct 25, May 08, Ivan Masr CTU Closed
2218 "update-handle-prefix" 2014 2015 Developers

DS- command usage output for Dec 22, Aug 01, Mark H. Hardy Closed
2379 dspace (from launcher.xml) 2014 2016 Wood Pottinger
is unsorted

DS- RDFConsumer tries to Jan 13, May 08, Pascal- Pascal- Closed
2403 index unpublished 2015 2015 Nicolas Nicolas
WorkspaceItems Becker Becker

DS- Incompatible oracle sql Jan 22, May 08, Ivan Masr Raul Ruiz Closed
2418 method on 2015 2015
(used by REST API)

DS- No longer possibile to Jan 26, May 12, Joo Melo Christian Closed
2423 create additional Filter for 2015 2015 Scheible
OAI-PMH interface

DS- Context Filter not working Jan 26, Apr 22, Joo Melo Christian Closed
2424 in OAI interface 2015 2015 Scheible

DS- Mirage 2 - Edit Collection - Feb 09, May 13, Unassigned Bram Closed
2449 Label item template missing 2015 2015 Luyten

DS- Discovery Search NPE or Feb 20, Jul 15, Tim Raul Ruiz Closed
2461 Solr SyntaxError if search 2015 2015 Donohue
string contains a colon

DS- METS format in OAI Feb 25, May 08, Ivan Masr Ivan Masr Closed
2474 includes only the first author 2015 2015


24-Oct-2016 Page 808 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status

DS- Browse and discovery Mar 03, May 08, Claudia Claudia
2482 location (community, 2015 2015 Jrgen Jrgen
collection) lost, so one is
always browsing the whole

DS- sword.compatability Mar 03, Mar 05, Tim Tim Closed

2483 configuration misspelled in 2015 2015 Donohue Donohue

DS- Missing fields in solr Mar 04, May 21, Unassigned Andrea Closed
2486 statistics data from 2015 2015 Schweer
previous DSpace versions

DS- advertised OAI deletion Mar 05, Feb 03, Ivan Masr Ivan Masr Closed
2491 mode doesn't correspond 2015 2016
to actual mode

DS- "View more" link is shown Mar 06, Mar 06, Ivan Masr lex Closed
2493 even when there aren't 2015 2015 Magaz
more items Graa

DS- wrong SQL in REST /items Mar 08, Feb 05, Ivan Masr Ivan Masr Closed
2501 /find-by-metadata-field 2015 2016

Showing 20 out of39 issues

Changes in DSpace 5.1

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- DSpace5 Nov 13, Feb 19, Ivan Heiki Closed Fixed
2290 Estonian 2014 2015 Masr Epner

1 issue

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- Mirage 2 - No Jan 28, Jul 08, Unassigned Art Closed Fixed
2429 mention of Git 2015 2015 Lowel

24-Oct-2016 Page 809 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

prerequisite in

1 issue

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- Internal System Error Aug 07, Nov 10, Kim Hardik Closed Fixed
640 when browsing with 2010 2015 Shepherd Mishra
wrong argument

DS- Sitemap generator Sep 13, Feb 22, Mark H. Mark H. Closed Fixed
1265 does not defend 2012 2015 Wood Wood
against empty

DS- Cross-site scripting Oct 15, Mar 25, Luigi Sean Xiao Closed Fixed
1702 (XSS injection) is 2013 2015 Andrea
possible in JSPUI Pascarelli
Recent Submissions

DS- XMLUI returns 500 Jan 30, Feb 24, Tim Tim Closed Fixed
1896 response for most 2014 2015 Donohue Donohue
invalid "/static" URLs

DS- Problem in [Control Jun 20, Aug 01, Hardy Royopa Closed Fixed
2034 Panel]->[Dspace 2014 2016 Pottinger
Configuration] - org.
The 'characters'
parameter is required
for list items.

DS- Cross-site scripting Jun 30, Mar 25, Luigi Gabriela Closed Fixed
2044 (XSS injection) is 2014 2015 Andrea Mircea
possible in JSPUI Pascarelli
Discovery search form

DS- XMLUI allows access Sep 03, Aug 01, Tim Hardy Closed Fixed
2130 to theme XSL files 2014 2016 Donohue Pottinger

24-Oct-2016 Page 810 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- Unable to complete Oct 17, Jan 28, Unassigned CTU Closed Fixed
2201 installation of DSpace 2014 2015 Developers
with non-empty
variable "db.schema"
configuration file

DS- Error pages Nov 11, Feb 23, Tim Terry Closed Fixed
2278 improperly formatted 2014 2015 Donohue Brady
on certain url patterns

DS- bug in SpiderDetector. Dec 10, Feb 20, Unassigned William Closed Fixed
2355 java 2014 2015 Tantzen

DS- The oai "Show more" Jan 16, Jan 20, Ivan Masr Ondej Closed Fixed
2412 link in stylesheet has 2015 2015 Koarko
a fixed verb

DS- cannot add new Jan 20, Aug 01, Unassigned Hardy Closed Fixed
2415 metadata field to an 2015 2016 Pottinger
existing item with
Oracle back-end

DS- JSP UI ignores Jan 23, Feb 22, Unassigned Eike Closed Fixed
2419 authorization.admin. 2015 2015 Kleiner

DS- Typos in xoai.xml Jan 26, Jan 27, Ivan Masr Christian Closed Fixed
2425 prevent filters from 2015 2015 Scheible
being used

DS- DSpace API does not Jan 27, May 08, Tim Tim Closed Fixed
2427 always filter results 2015 2015 Donohue Donohue
by the DB schema of
current connection

DS- JSPUI should send Feb 03, Feb 03, Pascal- Pascal- Closed Fixed
2435 HTTP 400 Bad 2015 2015 Nicolas Nicolas
Request if specified Becker Becker
Browse index is not

Ivan Masr Closed Fixed

24-Oct-2016 Page 811 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- OAI indexing fails if a Feb 04, Feb 04, Christian

2438 metadata field 2015 2015 Scheible
contains a value with
more than 32766

DS- XMLUI Directory Feb 05, Mar 07, Tim Tim Closed Fixed
2445 Traversal Vulnerability 2015 2016 Donohue Donohue

DS- JSPUI Path Traversal Feb 09, Mar 25, Pascal- Pascal- Closed Fixed
2448 Vulnerability 2015 2015 Nicolas Nicolas
Becker Becker

19 issues

Changes in DSpace 5.0

New Features in 5.0 (16 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Alternative Metrics - Framework, Integration of AltMetric Mark H. Wood Graham Triggs
1222 and PlumX

DS- Perform Batch Imports from Administrative UI Peter Dietz Tim Donohue

DS- Language menu Ivan Masr Jordan Pianc


DS- Select the collection already selected in the previous Keiji Suzuki Keiji Suzuki
1968 operation

DS- Use HTML5 to upload files in Submission Process of JSPUI Pascal-Nicolas Pascal-Nicolas
1994 Becker Becker

DS- DSpace/ORCID integration Kevin Van de Velde Hardy

2049 (@mire) Pottinger

DS- Mirage 2 Responsive theme for the XMLUI Kevin Van de Velde Bram Luyten
2052 (@mire) (Atmire)

DS- XMLUI compatibility for Sherpa/Romeo lookup during item Kevin Van de Velde Bram Luyten
2053 submission (@mire) (Atmire)

24-Oct-2016 Page 812 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Linked (Open) Data support for DSpace Pascal-Nicolas Pascal-Nicolas

2061 Becker Becker

DS- Provide ImageMagick / Ghostscript Filter Media Plugin for Peter Dietz Terry Brady
2105 Thumbnail Generation

DS- Provide a place for third-party plugins Mark H. Wood Mark H. Wood

DS- Add an XMLUI aspect to report Google Analytics stats Robin Taylor Robin Taylor

DS- Per item configurable visual indicators for browse and Kostas Stamatis Kostas
2162 search results Stamatis

DS- New REST api with CRUD operations Peter Dietz CTU
2168 Developers

DS- Generate citation PDF with cover page Peter Dietz Peter Dietz

DS- Batch Import via the UI (new features and improvements) Kostas Stamatis Kostas
2177 Stamatis

16 issues

Improvements in 5.0 (64 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Rendering MathML code in abstracts using MathJax Peter Dietz George Simeonov

DS- Replace dependency on commons-httpclient Mark H. Wood Mark H. Wood


DS- improve clean_database ant target to work better with Hardy Hardy Pottinger
1578 Oracle Pottinger

DS- All DSpaceObjects should have metadata support Mark H. Wood Mark H. Wood

DS- Page not found look and feel Tim Donohue Bram Luyten (Atmire)

24-Oct-2016 Page 813 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- OAI 2.1 : Improvements (and fixes) Joo Melo Joo Melo

DS- Support NUMERIC columns in database query result Mark H. Wood Mark H. Wood
1738 sets

DS- Remove strange, redundant pool validation from DBMS Mark H. Wood Mark H. Wood
1746 layer

DS- Increase robustness of SolrServiceImpl date format Mark H. Wood Bram Luyten (Atmire)
1775 guessing

DS- Add a new oai format 'junii2' Ivan Masr Keiji Suzuki

DS- Improvement of Collection Dropdown on Move Item Page Ivan Masr Thomas Misilo

DS- Introduction of URL validators in SolrServiceImpl breaks . Unassigned Roeland Dillen

1820 local urls (@mire)

DS- Official statement on DSpace 5 browser support Bram Luyten Bram Luyten (Atmire)
1831 (Atmire)

DS- Solr monthly statistics is not localised Tim Donohue Eliana de Mattos Pinto
1838 Coelho

DS- Use geoip and dnsjava official artifacts at Maven Central Mark H. Wood Mark H. Wood

DS- Use the official JMockit artifacts instead of our own Mark H. Wood Mark H. Wood

DS- Rehabilitate DCValue Mark H. Wood Mark H. Wood


DS- Build DSpace into a standard directory to better support Mark H. Wood Tim Donohue
1889 install automation

DS- Shibboleth attributes may need to be reconverted Hardy Pascal-Nicolas Becker

1906 Pottinger

DS- JSPUI validity fixes Andrea Bollini Ivan Masr


Showing 20 out of64 issues

24-Oct-2016 Page 814 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Bugs Fixed in 5.0 (159 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- The Select Collection step performs badly with a large number of Peter Dietz Robin Taylor
682 collections

DS- uncaught NPE in stats-log-converter -m Mark H. Wood Ivan Masr


DS- Month names without translation Unassigned Anonymous

1418 (No Reply)

DS- Login as User redirecting to wrong page Ivan Masr Christos

1447 Rodosthenous

DS- bug in current DSpace (3.1) with log importing Mark H. Wood James Halliday

DS- Browse subjects by collection count bug Kevin Van de Kevin Van de
1597 Velde (@mire) Velde (@mire)

DS- I18nUtil.getMessage() does not return the intended language's Andrea Bollini Keiji Suzuki
1599 message

DS- LDAP never uses the specified email_field Tim Donohue Ivan Masr

DS- When run command dspace "dspace stat-initial" Mark H. Wood Anonymous
1795 (No Reply)

DS- Distributed dspace.cfg causes noise about unconfigured Mark H. Wood Mark H. Wood
1798 XSLTDisseminationCrosswalk

DS- Maven filtering broken for SOLR artifact Unassigned Bram Luyten
1805 (Atmire)

DS- Incorrect label for search in community in navigation section. Ivan Masr Bavo Van Geit

DS- Move dspace.url to as an independent variable Bram Luyten Bram Luyten
1823 (default value in dspace.cfg can cause issues) (Atmire) (Atmire)

DS- Invalid bootstrap CSS Mark H. Wood Mark H. Wood


DS- OAI-PMH indexes metadata of non-public Items Joo Melo Tim Donohue

24-Oct-2016 Page 815 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- String "Browse Items by:" of navibar is not in messages. Tim Donohue Tiago
1858 properties Murakami

DS- Too many ROMEs Mark H. Wood Mark H. Wood


DS- CheckSum Checker Emailer sends emails for 0 issues, doesn't Tim Donohue Tim Donohue
1873 specify any site info

DS- Delete unnecessary spring discovery configuration xml. Kevin Van de Bavo Van Geit
1886 Velde (@mire)

DS- assembly descriptor uses the wrong namespace Ivan Masr Roeland Dillen
1887 (@mire)

Showing 20 out of159 issues

7.5.3 Changes in 4.x

Changes in DSpace 4.7
Changes in DSpace 4.6
Changes in DSpace 4.5
Changes in DSpace 4.4
Changes in DSpace 4.3
Changes in DSpace 4.2
Changes in DSpace 4.1
Changes in DSpace 4.0

Changes in DSpace 4.7

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- Any registered Nov 18, Oct 13, Andrea Andrea Closed Fixed
2895 user can 2015 2016 Bollini Bollini

DS- Bitstreams of Mar 10, Oct 13, Andrea Mark H. Closed Fixed
3097 embargoed and 2016 2016 Bollini Wood
/or withdrawn

24-Oct-2016 Page 816 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

items can be
accessed by

2 issues

Changes in DSpace 4.6

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- Cannot send Aug 13, Oct 13, Bram Roeland Closed Fixed
2702 email using 2015 2016 Luyten Dillen
SSL (Atmire) (@mire)

DS- XML External Sep 07, Oct 13, Unassigned Seth Closed Fixed
3309 Entity (XXE) 2016 2016 Robbins
vulnerability in

DS- ItemTest and Sep 16, Sep 16, Pascal- Pascal- Closed Fixed
3328 CollectionTest 2016 2016 Nicolas Nicolas
fails in Becker Becker

DS- Test fails into Sep 19, Sep 19, Luigi Luigi Closed Fixed
3330 dspace-4_x 2016 2016 Andrea Andrea
Pascarelli Pascarelli

4 issues

Changes in DSpace 4.5

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- JSPUI Edit Feb 15, May 16, Andrea Tim Closed Fixed
3063 News feature 2016 2016 Bollini Donohue
can be used to
view/edit other
files readable
to Tomcat user

24-Oct-2016 Page 817 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- XMLUI Mar 07, May 16, Tim Tim Closed Fixed
3094 Directory 2016 2016 Donohue Donohue
Vulnerability in

2 issues

Changes in DSpace 4.4

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- XSS in JSPUI Sep 02, May 16, Tim Genaro Closed Fixed
2736 search form 2015 2016 Donohue Contreras

DS- Expression Sep 02, May 16, Tim Genaro Closed Fixed
2737 language 2015 2016 Donohue Contreras
Injection in
JSPUI search

2 issues

Changes in DSpace 4.3

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- Cross-site Oct 15, Mar 25, Luigi Sean Closed Fixed
1702 scripting (XSS 2013 2015 Andrea Xiao
injection) is Pascarelli
possible in
JSPUI Recent

DS- XMLUI returns Jan 30, Feb 24, Tim Tim Closed Fixed
1896 500 response 2014 2015 Donohue Donohue
for most invalid
"/static" URLs

Closed Fixed

24-Oct-2016 Page 818 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- Cross-site Jun 30, Mar 25, Luigi Gabriela

2044 scripting (XSS 2014 2015 Andrea Mircea
injection) is Pascarelli
possible in
search form

DS- XMLUI allows Sep 03, Aug 01, Tim Hardy Closed Fixed
2130 access to 2014 2016 Donohue Pottinger
theme XSL files

DS- XMLUI Feb 05, Mar 07, Tim Tim Closed Fixed
2445 Directory 2015 2016 Donohue Donohue

DS- JSPUI Path Feb 09, Mar 25, Pascal- Pascal- Closed Fixed
2448 Traversal 2015 2015 Nicolas Nicolas
Vulnerability Becker Becker

6 issues

Changes in DSpace 4.2

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- Ukrainian May 30, Jul 16, Ivan Parhomenko Closed Fixed
913 translation 2011 2014 Masr Yaroslav
for Manakin

DS- Shibboleth Feb 07, Aug 01, Hardy Pascal- Closed Fixed
1906 attributes 2014 2016 Pottinger Nicolas
may need to Becker

DS- Complete Mar 01, Mar 06, Ivan Washington Closed Fixed
1932 Update 2014 2014 Masr Ribeiro

24-Oct-2016 Page 819 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution


DS- Language Mar 11, May 29, Mark H. Sonmez Closed Fixed
1943 Selection _ 2014 2014 Wood CELIK

DS- zh_TW Jul 02, Jul 16, Ivan Chunmin Closed Fixed
2047 language 2014 2014 Masr Tai
for dspace
4.1 jspui

5 issues

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- uncaught NPE in Dec 03, Mar 26, Mark H. Ivan Closed Fixed
1411 stats-log-converter 2012 2014 Wood Masr

DS- XMLUI "Browse Jun 20, Apr 23, Bram Denis Closed Fixed
1584 by" sorting Bug 2013 2014 Luyten Fdz

DS- Solr Search Empty Feb 20, Aug 01, Hardy Denis Closed Fixed
1919 FilterQuery bug 2014 2016 Pottinger Fdz

DS- OAI-PMH Identify Feb 27, Jul 17, Ivan Masr Ondej Closed Fixed
1928 response well- 2014 2014 Koarko
formed but invalid

DS- DS-1867 caused Mar 08, Jul 28, Tim Mohsen Closed Fixed
1940 error running "mvn 2014 2014 Donohue

DS- http://mobile.demo. Mar 11, Aug 01, Hardy Thomas Closed Fixed
1944 2014 2016 Pottinger Misilo

DS- Solr floods catalina. Mar 12, Apr 09, Mark H. Mark H. Closed Fixed
1946 out with unwanted 2014 2014 Wood Wood

Closed Fixed

24-Oct-2016 Page 820 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- Missing m-tweaks. Mar 13, Jul 16, Tim Thomas

1947 js for mobile theme 2014 2014 Donohue Misilo

DS- incorrect xml Apr 01, Jul 09, Mark H. Roeland Closed Fixed
1957 workflow script for 2014 2014 Wood Dillen
oracle (@mire)

DS- Discovery Apr 02, Jul 17, Mark H. Mark Closed Fixed
1958 OutOfMemoryError 2014 2014 Wood Diggory
when indexing
Large Bitstreams

DS- Use HTTPS with Apr 04, Jul 28, Mark H. Mark H. Closed Fixed
1961 2014 2014 Wood Wood

DS- to many open files Apr 15, Aug 01, Hardy Roeland Closed Fixed
1970 exception when 2014 2016 Pottinger Dillen
update lucene (@mire)

DS- 'bte-io' (v Apr 15, Aug 01, Hardy Tim Closed Fixed
1971 dependency from 2014 2016 Pottinger Donohue
EKT has an invalid
dependency in its

DS- REST API holds Apr 27, Jul 16, Peter Dietz Peter Closed Fixed
1986 on to context for 2014 2014 Dietz
too long, should
use DB pool

DS- "dspace classpath" May 11, Jun 05, Mark H. Ivan Closed Fixed
1998 CLI command 2014 2014 Wood Masr
does nothing,
throws error

DS- Catalan translation May 15, May 16, Ivan Masr lex Closed Fixed
2004 of Discovery strings 2014 2014 Magaz

DS- JSPUI with Oracle May 22, Jun 05, Mark H. Denis Closed Fixed
2013 DB - Browse items 2014 2014 Wood Fdz

24-Oct-2016 Page 821 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution


DS- dim crosswalk has Jun 24, Jul 16, Tim Antoine Closed Fixed
2035 missing values 2014 2014 Donohue Snyers

DS- DSpace upgrade Jun 24, May 08, Kevin Van Kevin Closed Fixed
2036 with oracle 2014 2015 de Velde Van de
database, no (@mire) Velde
discovery results (@mire)

DS- Oracle dspace- Jun 24, Aug 01, Unassigned Hardy Closed Fixed
2038 schema_3-4.sql 2014 2016 Pottinger
upgrade script
contains a minor

Showing 20 out of22 issues

Changes in DSpace 4.1

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- Community- Jan 13, Jul 28, Ivan Denis Closed Fixed
1860 list doesn't 2014 2014 Masr Fdz
show all

DS- "Consuming Jan 15, Jan 21, Richard Tim Closed Fixed
1866 Web 2014 2014 Rodgers Donohue
curation task
is missing

DS- Update Feb 14, Feb 14, Ivan Tiago Closed Fixed
1911 translation of 2014 2014 Masr Murakami

3 issues

24-Oct-2016 Page 822 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- XOAI validation Jan 09, Jul 24, Joo Christos Closed Fixed
1445 issues - 2013 2014 Melo Rodosthenous
response gave

DS- bug in current Apr 06, Feb 05, Mark H. James Closed Fixed
1531 DSpace (3.1) 2013 2014 Wood Halliday
with log

DS- having a DOT in Apr 17, Sep 22, Ivan Jose Blanco Closed Fixed
1536 handle prefix 2013 2014 Masr
causes identifier.
uri to be cut off
when being

DS- Upgrade to Oct 30, Dec 20, Mark H. Mark H. Wood Closed Fixed
1744 latest log4j 2013 2013 Wood

DS- Wrongly aligned Nov 05, Jan 29, Ivan Marina Closed Fixed
1756 text on item 2013 2014 Masr Muilwijk
view in mobile

DS- Missing images Nov 05, Jan 22, Ivan Marina Closed Fixed
1757 in mobile theme 2013 2014 Masr Muilwijk

DS- Pagination link Nov 11, Feb 20, Kim Raul Ruiz Closed Fixed
1779 error in JSPUI 2013 2014 Shepherd
discovery search

DS- When run Nov 17, Feb 26, Mark H. Anonymous Closed Fixed
1795 command 2013 2014 Wood (No Reply)
dspace "dspace

DS- Incorrect label Dec 02, Jan 27, Ivan Bavo Van Closed Fixed
1816 for search in 2013 2014 Masr Geit

24-Oct-2016 Page 823 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

community in

DS- Proxy Dec 11, Dec 21, Kevin Kevin Van de Closed Fixed
1832 configuration 2013 2013 Van de Velde
set in system Velde (@mire)
properties if (@mire)

DS- Collection Dec 11, Jan 30, Kevin Kevin Van de Closed Fixed
1833 content source 2013 2014 Van de Velde
harvesting test Velde (@mire)
does not work (@mire)
with ORE

DS- Collection Dec 11, Feb 17, Kevin Kevin Van de Closed Fixed
1834 content source 2013 2014 Van de Velde
harvesting test Velde (@mire)
does not check (@mire)
sets properly

DS- Invalid Dec 11, Jan 29, Mark H. Mark H. Wood Closed Fixed
1835 bootstrap CSS 2013 2014 Wood

DS- Cannot deposit Dec 18, Jul 28, Andrea lex Magaz Closed Fixed
1846 new item via 2013 2014 Schweer Graa

DS- OAI harvest Dec 20, Feb 18, Kevin Kevin Van de Closed Fixed
1848 issues when 2013 2014 Van de Velde
starting from Velde (@mire)
control panel (@mire)
/command line

DS- Unhandled Jan 08, Jan 31, Kostas Kostas Closed Fixed
1857 exception in 2014 2014 Stamatis Stamatis
BTE batch
import when
uploading CSV
files with

24-Oct-2016 Page 824 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- JSPUI eperson Jan 15, Feb 20, Ivan Denis Fdz Closed Fixed
1863 and group 2014 2014 Masr
selection should
use the new

DS- Maven build Jan 15, Apr 09, Tim Tim Donohue Closed Fixed
1867 issues from [src] 2014 2015 Donohue
/dspace/ , error
finding target

DS- CheckSum Jan 21, Apr 09, Tim Tim Donohue Closed Fixed
1873 Checker 2014 2015 Donohue
Emailer sends
emails for 0
issues, doesn't
specify any site

DS- XMLUI mobile Jan 23, Jan 23, Ivan Ivan Masr Closed Fixed
1878 theme front 2014 2014 Masr
page search

Showing 20 out of31 issues

Changes in DSpace 4.0

New Features in 4.0 (27 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Request Copy function for XMLUI and JSPUI Ivan Masr Brian Freels-
824 Stendel

DS- Recent items addon : Listing of most recently added items to Keiji Suzuki Joo Melo
831 DSpace

24-Oct-2016 Page 825 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Create new users from the command line Mark H. Stuart Lewis
1083 Wood

DS- (JSP)UI Import from bibliographics database/formats Andrea Andrea Bollini

1252 Bollini

DS- EmailService to encapsulate the sending of mail Mark H. Mark H. Wood

1269 Wood

DS- Creative Commons Locale Ivan Masr Juan Corrales

1336 Correyero

DS- "dspace version" command-line script Mark H. Ivan Masr

1456 Wood

DS- Add a way for harvesters to find recently added items (request from Unassigned Tim Donohue
1482 Google)

DS- Store link to "primary bitstream" in citation_pdf_url for Google Andrea Tim Donohue
1483 Scholar (request from Google) Schweer

DS- DOI support for dspace-api Mark H. Pascal-Nicolas

1535 Wood Becker

DS- Stream multiple commands into one invocation of bin/dspace Mark H. Mark H. Wood
1567 Wood

DS- Porting curation task administrative UI to JSPUI Andrea Keiji Suzuki

1613 Bollini

DS- Porting of the Login As feature to JSPUI Andrea Andrea Bollini

1622 Bollini

DS- Upgrade DSpace-SOLR to SOLR 4 Andrea Andrea Bollini

1623 Bollini

DS- Reset password in edit eperson for administrator (as in XMLUI) Andrea Andrea Bollini
1624 Bollini

DS- Sherpa/Romeo integration in the submission upload step Andrea Andrea Bollini
1633 Bollini

DS- AJAX progress bar for file upload in JSPUI Andrea Andrea Bollini
1639 Bollini

Curation Task for Consuming Web Services

24-Oct-2016 Page 826 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Richard Richard

1647 Rodgers Rodgers

DS- Adopt/Create an official DSpace REST API Peter Dietz Tim Donohue

DS- New JSPUI look & feel Andrea Andrea Bollini

1675 Bollini

Showing 20 out of27 issues

Improvements in 4.0 (50 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Remove dspace/bin/dspace_migrate script Mark H. Wood Stuart Lewis


DS- SOLR - Spider detection to match on hostname or Mark H. Wood Peter Dietz
790 useragent

DS- When 'mail.server.disabled = true' put text of email in log Mark H. Wood usha sharma
792 file?

DS- Language switch for xmlui and some basic i18n stuff Ivan Masr Claudia Jrgen

DS- EPerson last_active field is defined but never filled Mark H. Wood Mark H. Wood

DS- Solr search accent insensitive Andrea Bollini Fabio Bolognesi


DS- Show a single search box in the front page Unassigned lex Magaz
1168 Graa

DS- use better image downscaling method in filter-media Bram Luyten (Atmire) Ivan Masr

DS- Enable Discovery By Default in XMLUI Kevin Van de Velde Mark Diggory
1272 (@mire)

DS- batch-create users from command line Mark H. Wood Ivan Masr

24-Oct-2016 Page 827 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- A porting advanced embargo function to JSPUI Andrea Bollini Keiji Suzuki

DS- Discovery should obsolete webui.strengths.cache Ivan Masr Ivan Masr


DS- Testing of dissemination crosswalks Ivan Masr Pascal-Nicolas

1459 Becker

DS- Add SOLR logging config file Mark H. Wood Hilton Gibson

DS- Fix Capitalization of Submissions & workflow tasks in Ivan Masr Thomas Misilo
1472 xmlui messages.xml

DS- Improvement of Collection Dropdown Ivan Masr Thomas Misilo


DS- "" is often incorrectly set (reported from Unassigned Tim Donohue
1481 Google)

DS- I18n in default.license and input-forms.xml Bram Luyten (Atmire) Onivaldo Rosa
1484 Junior

DS- Stop ehcache new-version check Ivan Masr Mark H. Wood


DS- make current interface language accessible in DRI Ivan Masr Ivan Masr

Showing 20 out of50 issues

Bugs Fixed in 4.0 (111 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Item mapper search case sensitive (jspui only) Keiji Suzuki Claudia
402 Jrgen

DS- Command line utility -S throws Mark H. Wood Toni

449 AuthorizeException Prieto

DS- 'dspace harvest -g' (ping) doesn't Mark H. Wood Mark H.

803 Wood

24-Oct-2016 Page 828 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- file description at UploadStep Mark H. Wood Kostas

888 Maistrelis

DS- Monthly stats report ignores items archived on first and last day of the Andrea Andrea
951 month Schweer Schweer

DS- Browse by author or subject with special characters Unassigned Cedric

992 Devaux

DS- xmlui "wildcard policy admin tool" does nothing Ivan Masr james
1119 bardin

DS- ItemImport BitStream Registration does not properly set the Kostas Thomas
1132 Description Stamatis Autry

DS- BinaryContentIngester in SWORDv2 creates a new ORIGINALS Richard Jones Marco

1149 bundle every time a bitstream is ingested to an Item Fabiani

DS- collection view doesn't show content by default Kevin Van de Ivan
1188 Velde (@mire) Masr

DS- DSpace org.dspace.core.Context caching problem Unassigned DSpace

1205 @

DS- Only collections are exported when exporting a community Keiji Suzuki lex
1212 Magaz

DS- IP authentication configuration does not apply netmask and CIDR Mark H. Wood Alexey
1235 ranges correctly Maslov

DS- Provide a link to More Submissions at the bottom of Recent Kevin Van de Samuel
1278 Submissions Velde (@mire) Ottenhoff

DS- Item without Title inaccessible via the UI unless for the admin via ID Kostas Claudia
1322 or Handle Stamatis Jrgen

DS- Clarify documentation: versioned items will re-enter Collection Kevin Van de Tim
1335 workflow approval? Velde (@mire) Donohue

DS- Mobile XMLUI theme fails to load when reloading item view page Ivan Masr Moises A.

DS- Adding supervisor order bug Keiji Suzuki Jonathan

1399 Blood

24-Oct-2016 Page 829 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- ShibbolethAuthentication has multiple NPE and Findbugs issues Hardy Pottinger Ian Boston

DS- Duplicate Headers when bitstream has a comma in the title (Chrome) Ivan Masr Jonathan
1422 Blood

Showing 20 out of111 issues

7.5.4 Changes in 3.x

Changes in DSpace 3.6
Changes in DSpace 3.5
Changes in DSpace 3.4
Changes in DSpace 3.3
Changes in DSpace 3.2
Changes in DSpace 3.1
Changes in DSpace 3.0

Changes in DSpace 3.6

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- XMLUI Mar 07, May 16, Tim Tim Closed Fixed
3094 Directory 2016 2016 Donohue Donohue
Vulnerability in

1 issue

Changes in DSpace 3.5

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- XSS in JSPUI Sep 02, May 16, Tim Genaro Closed Fixed
2736 search form 2015 2016 Donohue Contreras

DS- Expression Sep 02, May 16, Tim Genaro Closed Fixed
2737 language 2015 2016 Donohue Contreras
Injection in

24-Oct-2016 Page 830 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

JSPUI search

2 issues

Changes in DSpace 3.4

This release includes the following security fixes. All of these tickets require a valid JIRA account to view the

DS-1702 - Cross-site scripting (XSS injection) is possible in JSPUI Recent Submissions listings
DS-2044 - Cross-site scripting (XSS injection) is possible in JSPUI Discovery search form
DS-2445 - XMLUI Directory Traversal Vulnerabilities
Also resolves related, minor theme access issues DS-1896 and DS-2130.
DS-2448 - JSPUI Directory Traversal Vulnerability

Changes in DSpace 3.3

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- having a DOT in Apr 17, Sep 22, Ivan Jose Closed Fixed
1536 handle prefix 2013 2014 Masr Blanco
causes identifier.
uri to be cut off
when being created

DS- Unable to remove Aug 10, Jan 16, Andrea Andrea Closed Fixed
1619 items after 2013 2015 Bollini Bollini

DS- Collection content Dec 11, Feb 17, Kevin Kevin Closed Fixed
1834 source harvesting 2013 2014 Van de Van de
test does not Velde Velde
check sets properly (@mire) (@mire)

DS- Get page refresh Jan 30, Jan 30, Kevin Kevin Closed Fixed
1893 after adding a 2014 2014 Van de Van de
value in the Velde Velde
submission forms (@mire) (@mire)
clears all metadata

24-Oct-2016 Page 831 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

DS- OAI not always Jan 31, Jul 28, Kevin Kevin Closed Fixed
1898 closing contexts 2014 2014 Van de Van de
Velde Velde
(@mire) (@mire)

DS- Discovery Apr 02, Jul 17, Mark H. Mark Closed Fixed
1958 OutOfMemoryError 2014 2014 Wood Diggory
when indexing
Large Bitstreams

DS- Use HTTPS with Apr 04, Jul 28, Mark H. Mark H. Closed Fixed
1961 2014 2014 Wood Wood

DS- "dspace classpath" May 11, Jun 05, Mark H. Ivan Closed Fixed
1998 CLI command 2014 2014 Wood Masr
does nothing,
throws error

DS- JSPUI with Oracle May 22, Jun 05, Mark H. Denis Closed Fixed
2013 DB - Browse items 2014 2014 Wood Fdz

9 issues

Changes in DSpace 3.2

Improvements in 3.2 (1 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS-1592 "HEYYYY!!!!" appears in logs of dspace-oai Tim Donohue Tim Donohue

1 issue

Bugs Fixed in 3.2 (12 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

"clean_backups" removed from help section of build.xml

24-Oct-2016 Page 832 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Ivan Brian Freels-

1123 Masr Stendel

DS- In OAI-PMH "Identify" response, the <description> is no longer Joo Tim Donohue
1479 configurable Melo

DS- OAI 2.0 Bug (set & from/until parameters) Joo Joo Melo
1507 Melo

DS- Memory leak in CachingService Robin Robin Taylor

1527 Taylor

DS- Invalid bitstream URL in OAI Joo Keiji Suzuki

1537 Melo

DS- DSpace's .gitignore wrongly ignores all *.properties files Tim Tim Donohue
1540 Donohue

DS- dspace-lni-client is detached from the project tree and won't build Mark H. Mark H.
1550 Wood Wood

DS- swordv2-server.cfg not updated during build process Ivan Andrew

1554 Masr Waterman

DS- fix names of LDAP configuration properties Ivan LifeH2O

1576 Masr

DS- Restricted resource message shown twice Ivan Andrea

1581 Masr Schweer

DS- discovery.cfg doesn't use the "solr.server" setting from, Tim Tim Donohue
1593 hardcodes its own URL Donohue

DS- DSpace 3.2 OAI-PMH Functionality needs JDK 1.7 (Java 7) Joo Samuel
1609 Melo Ottenhoff

12 issues

This release also includes the following security fix:

DS-1603 - Resolves a security issue in JSPUI

Changes in DSpace 3.1

Improvements in 3.1 (3 issues)

24-Oct-2016 Page 833 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Porting the document type-based submission (DS-1127) to Ivan Masr Keiji
1361 JSPUI Suzuki

DS- Refactor SOLR Statistics to use OpenCSV or Apache Kevin Van de Velde Tim
1407 Commons CSV (@mire) Donohue

DS- In OAI src for jquery uses an http only Joo Melo Thomas
1457 Misilo

3 issues

Bugs Fixed in 3.1 (14 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- OpenAIRE and Driver OAI does not work Joo Melo Juan Corrales
1414 Correyero

DS- Setting collection OAI provider Joo Melo Joo Melo


DS- NPE when removing roles from Collection workflow steps Kevin Van de Ian Boston
1416 Velde (@mire)

DS- Thumbnails in discovery search results do not point to the item Ivan Masr Elvi S. Nemiz

DS- IdentifierProvider.register(Context, DSpaceObject, String) Ivan Masr Pascal-

1424 should be able to throw a IdentifierException Nicolas

DS- DSpace OAI - Oracle DB issues Joo Melo Artur Konczak


DS- SolrLogger performance issue Andrea Schweer Andrea

1426 Schweer

DS- Second-level browse Unassigned Andrea

1427 Schweer

DS- DSpace 3.0 Oracle compatibility Hardy Pottinger Hardy

1435 Pottinger

missing related items feature (xmlui)

24-Oct-2016 Page 834 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Kevin Van de Thomas

1449 Velde (@mire) Misilo

DS- Missing type-bind in input-forms.dtd Ivan Masr Ivan Masr


DS- In OAI DOCTYPE tag is displayed on Firefox Ivan Masr Thomas

1455 Misilo

DS- OAI Harvester settings missing from oai.cfg Joo Melo Tim Donohue

DS- StatisticsServlet attempts to show JSP twice when there are no Ivan Masr Bram Luyten
1464 reports (Atmire)

14 issues

Changes in DSpace 3.0

New Features in 3.0 (15 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- OAI Extended Addon : Adding filter and modifying capacities to the Joo Melo Joo Melo
829 OAI interface

DS- Created a DSpace API module to contain api changes Kevin Van Kevin Van
981 de Velde de Velde
(@mire) (@mire)

DS- DSpace Shibboleth authentication module needs to support Lazy Scott Phillips Scott Phillips
1012 Authentication, NetID based authentication, and additional EPerson

DS- mobile dspace theme Ivan Masr Jonathon

1017 Scott

DS- Statistics utilities should be filters Mark H. Mark H.

1059 Wood Wood

DS- Search results preview Mark Howard

1080 Diggory Shand

Ensure that DSpace can run on java 7 Robin Taylor

24-Oct-2016 Page 835 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Kevin Van

1081 de Velde

DS- Create controlled vocabulary support for the XMLUI. Kevin Van Kevin Van
1130 de Velde de Velde
(@mire) (@mire)

DS- New config setting to skip IP checks when authenticating a user Sands Fish Samuel
1192 Ottenhoff

DS- Item Level Versioning Mark Mark

1194 Diggory Diggory

DS- DSpace XOAI Data Provider Ivan Masr DSpace @

1202 Lyncode

DS- DSpace Discovery for JSPUI Andrea Andrea

1217 Bollini Bollini

DS- BrowseDAO based on discovery Andrea Andrea

1218 Bollini Bollini

DS- Batch import from basic bibliographic formats (Endnote, BibTex, RIS, Robin Taylor Kostas
1226 TSV, CSV) Stamatis

DS- Statistics implementation in Elastic Search Peter Dietz Peter Dietz


15 issues

Improvements in 3.0 (55 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Hit highlighting in search results Unassigned Charles

172 Kiplagat

DS- Make the OAI sets configurable Ben Ben

277 Bosman Bosman

DS- Enable styling collection "strength" Tim Ivan

601 Donohue Masr

Peter Dietz

24-Oct-2016 Page 836 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- On login screen, keyboard input focus should be set to the first field (E-mail Andrea
722 Address) so you don't have to use the mouse (XMLUI) Bollini

DS- SFX button + SFX in Mirage Mark Ivan

820 Diggory Masr

DS- Simplify, internationalize org.dspace.statistics.util.LocationUtils Mark H. Mark H.

844 Wood Wood

DS- Salt PasswordAuthentication Mark H. Alex

861 Wood Lemann

DS- Advanced Embargo Support Mark Mark

895 Diggory Diggory

DS- Embargo Overhaul: Utilize ResourcePolicy Start and Stop datestamps for Unassigned Mark
908 enforcing embargo in DSpace Diggory

DS- Assign users in LDAP group to DSpace group on login Ivan Masr Samuel
1078 Ottenhoff

DS- Handle authority and confidence fields in Bulk Editing Ivan Masr Keiji
1084 Suzuki

DS- Adding "referrer" to solr statistics schema Unassigned Fabio

1116 Bolognesi

DS- Increase the default upload limit to the maximum allowed by cocoon (2GB) Scott Scott
1124 Phillips Phillips

DS- Submission improvements: document type-based submission Robin Nestor

1127 Taylor Oviedo

DS- Maven Project Consolidation Mark Mark

1144 Diggory Diggory

DS- Migrate to GitHub Tim Mark

1150 Donohue Diggory

DS- Refactor Browse related code out of InitializeDatabase into Robin Robin
1156 InitializeBrowseDatabase Taylor Taylor

DS- Cleanup various code comment typos and whitespace issues Tim Ivan
1158 Donohue Masr

24-Oct-2016 Page 837 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Refactor class InitializeDatabase to use Configuration Service rather than Robin Robin
1160 ConfigurationManager Taylor Taylor

DS- LDAP: if no adminUser is set, build the DN using the object_context Ivan Masr Samuel
1180 Ottenhoff

Showing 20 out of55 issues

Bugs Fixed in 3.0 (90 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Input Form Fields, fields with restricted visibility can't be made Unassigned Claudia
334 mandatory Jrgen

DS- OAI-ORE, References to bitstreams in harvested records incorrect Unassigned Keith

489 Gilbertson

DS- OAI-PMH non-persistent oai identifiers Joo Melo Claudia

766 Jrgen

DS- When a "qualdrop_value" is set to "required", submit form always Kevin Van de Onivaldo
851 fails Velde (@mire) Rosa

DS- DSpace Test supporting files get quickly out of date Mark H. Wood Mark
859 Diggory

DS- DSpaceControlledVocabulary always returns an empty list Mark H. Wood Ariel Lira
886 (SEDICI)

DS- Last modified timestamp doesn't trigger on bitstream delete Kevin Van de Bram
899 Velde (@mire) Luyten

DS- Encoding of discovery facet urls Kevin Van de Jennifer

910 Velde (@mire) Whalan

DS- Concurrent task claiming and editing of metadata possible for same Kevin Van de Bill Hays
918 item in submission workflow Velde (@mire)

DS- Authority Control Bug Andrea Bollini Joo Melo


Tim Donohue

24-Oct-2016 Page 838 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Mirage theme authority control popup (choice-support.js) breaks on David

972 more results Chandek-

DS- No linebreaks allowed in submission form textboxes Mark Diggory Bram

1023 Luyten

DS- Item view in Mirage theme broken when ORIGINAL or CONTENT Kevin Van de Jennifer
1039 bundle present and empty Velde (@mire) Whitney

DS- 'ant help' refers to 'install_code' target which does not exist Mark H. Wood Mark H.
1043 Wood

DS- Select Collection step limits length of collection name, leading to Peter Dietz Peter Dietz
1044 difficulty in picking the correct collection.

DS- superfluous warning in dspace.log Kevin Van de Ivan Masr

1048 Velde (@mire)

DS- Items without date.accessioned are perminantly sorted to the top of Scott Phillips Scott
1052 all date based searches. Phillips

DS- References to bitstreams not from the 'ORIGINAL' bundle are Scott Phillips lex Magaz
1055 shown in harvested items Graa

DS- When multiple authentication methods are enabled the Scott Phillips Scott
1056 LoginChooser will place an blank div prior to logging in Phillips

DS- Filenames and BitstreamFormat detection break on filenames with Kevin Van de Mark
1061 equal signs in them Velde (@mire) Diggory

Showing 20 out of90 issues

7.5.5 Changes in 1.8.x

Changes in DSpace 1.8.3
Changes in DSpace 1.8.2
Changes in DSpace 1.8.1
Changes in DSpace 1.8.0

Changes in DSpace 1.8.3

24-Oct-2016 Page 839 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Improvements in 1.8.3 (1 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS-1587 Update 1.7.x and 1.8.x branches for Git/GitHub Tim Donohue Tim Donohue

1 issue

Bug Fixes in 1.8.3

DS-1603 - Resolves a security issue in JSPUI

Changes in DSpace 1.8.2

Improvements in 1.8.2 (2 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS-949 Curation needs to document queueing with workflow configuration Richard Wendy
Rodgers Bossons

DS- Increase the default upload limit to the maximum allowed by Scott Phillips Scott Phillips
1124 cocoon (2GB)

2 issues

Bugs Fixed in 1.8.2 (8 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Encoding of discovery facet urls Kevin Van de Jennifer

910 Velde (@mire) Whalan

DS- Concurrent task claiming and editing of metadata possible for same Kevin Van de Bill Hays
918 item in submission workflow Velde (@mire)

DS- superfluous warning in dspace.log Kevin Van de Ivan Masr

1048 Velde (@mire)

DS- System-wide Curation Task UI is missing a "Task" label Tim Donohue Tim Donohue

DS- AIP Backup & Restore doesn't restore a Bitstream's "Sequence ID" Tim Donohue Tim Donohue

24-Oct-2016 Page 840 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- AIP Backup & Restore : SITE AIP has a different checksum Tim Donohue Tim Donohue
1120 everytime when orphaned Collection/Community groups exist

DS- When adding a Bitstream to a Bundle, the 'bitstream_order' is Tim Donohue Tim Donohue
1122 always set to the 'sequence_id'

DS- Edit Harvesting Collection Content Source tab broken Kevin Van de Kevin Van de
1129 Velde (@mire) Velde (@mire)

8 issues

Changes in DSpace 1.8.1

Improvements in 1.8.1 (1 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS-1099 Bulgarian Translation for DSpace 1.8.1 Claudia Jrgen Vladislav Zhivkov

1 issue

Bugs Fixed in 1.8.1 (14 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Last modified timestamp doesn't trigger on bitstream delete Kevin Van de Bram Luyten
899 Velde (@mire) (Atmire)

DS- Items without date.accessioned are perminantly sorted to the top Scott Phillips Scott Phillips
1052 of all date based searches.

DS- References to bitstreams not from the 'ORIGINAL' bundle are Scott Phillips lex Magaz
1055 shown in harvested items Graa

DS- When multiple authentication methods are enabled the Scott Phillips Scott Phillips
1056 LoginChooser will place an blank div prior to logging in

DS- Subscription email reports new items twice, sometimes. Scott Phillips Scott Phillips

DS- Authentication error with external login in JSPUI Kevin Van de Kevin Van de
1064 Velde (@mire) Velde (@mire)

24-Oct-2016 Page 841 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Removing a metadata field from an item does not update the Scott Phillips Scott Phillips
1068 browse sorting indexes.

DS- DSpaceObjectManager unnecessarily keeps references to Andrea Andrea

1070 DSpace objects Schweer Schweer

DS- DB connection leak in DAVServlet Robin Taylor Bo Gundersen


DS- Separator replacement in URIs fail Robin Taylor Bo Gundersen


DS- Visualisation of static pages is broken in 1.8 Peter Dietz lex Magaz
1076 Graa

DS- XMLUI & CLI always show a NullPointerException after running Tim Donohue Tim Donohue
1077 a Site-wide Curation Task

DS- CC license process fails with java.lang. Peter Dietz Dan Ishimitsu
1090 NegativeArraySizeException.

DS- Potential NPE error when mapping items Scott Phillips Scott Phillips

14 issues

Changes in DSpace 1.8.0

New Features in 1.8.0 (13 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- RSS feeds to support richer features, such as iTunes Peter Dietz Peter Dietz
528 Podcast or Media RSS

DS- Marker ticket for developing a Sword client for DSpace. Robin Taylor Robin Taylor

DS- check files on input for viruses, and verify file format Robin Taylor Jose Blanco

DS- My Archived Submissions in XMLUI Tim Donohue Brian Freels-

673 Stendel

Mark H. Wood Mark H. Wood

24-Oct-2016 Page 842 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Make launcher's classpath calculation available to external

737 scripts

DS- allow for bitstream display order to be changed Kevin Van de Velde Jose Blanco
749 (@mire)

DS- Delete / withdraw items via bulk csv editing Stuart Lewis Stuart Lewis

DS- Add MARCXML crosswalk for OAI-PMH Robin Taylor Timo Aalto

DS- Link Checker curaton task Kim Shepherd Stuart Lewis


DS- XML configurable workflow Ben Bosman Bram De

968 Schouwer

DS- Provide links to RSS Feeds Peter Dietz Peter Dietz


DS- DSpace 1.8: Add Curation Task Groups to GUI Richard Rodgers Wendy
1001 Bossons

DS- SWORD v2 implementation for DSpace Stuart Lewis Stuart Lewis


13 issues

Improvements in 1.8.0 (45 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Need to remove all release repository and pluginRepository entries from Mark Mark
514 Maven poms. Diggory Diggory

DS- Ability to perform maintenance on SOLR with solr.optimize Ben Peter Dietz
615 Bosman

DS- Tidy up URL mapping for DisplayStatisticsServlet (JSPUI servlet that Kim Kim
690 handles solr statistics) Shepherd Shepherd

DS- Deprecate & Remove old '' class, as it Tim Tim

708 is obsolete Donohue Donohue

24-Oct-2016 Page 843 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Unification of license treatment in xmlui and jspui Claudia Claudia

715 Jrgen Jrgen

DS- Add ability to disable the building of particular DSpace modules Tim Tim
791 /interfaces from source code Donohue Donohue

DS- Czech localization of 1.7.0 Claudia Ivan Masr

798 Jrgen

DS- Bulgarian Translation for DSpace 1.7.0 Claudia Vladislav

801 Jrgen Zhivkov

DS- Translate file to spanish Claudia lvaro

837 Jrgen Lpez

DS- Adding Field to Choice Authority to allow Authorities to be able to know Mark Fabio
839 field being required Diggory Bolognesi

DS- Add Ability to create Top Level Community in at the home page. Mark Mark
840 Diggory Diggory

DS- create a non-Porter Stemming analyzer for DSpace Tim Hardy

849 Donohue Pottinger

DS- Split the Creative Commons and Licence steps into two seperate steps. Robin Robin
852 Taylor Taylor

DS- Licenses on non-DSpace files have been replaced by DSpace Tim Peter Dietz
854 boilerplate license Donohue

DS- CHANGES file now obsolete in SVN - point at online History Tim Tim
857 Donohue Donohue

DS- Add ability to rename bitstreams (filenames) in XMLUI Kim Kim

862 Shepherd Shepherd

DS- Upgrade DSpace XMLUI to use Spring 3.0.5.RELEASE Mark Mark

884 Diggory Diggory

DS- ./bin/generate-sitemaps with ./bin/dspace generate-sitemaps Mark H. Jason

890 Wood Stirnaman

DS- Improve Logging & XMLUI Error Handling of Curation Tools Tim Tim
896 Donohue Donohue

Add documentation about overlays

24-Oct-2016 Page 844 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Robin Alex

901 Taylor Lemann

Showing 20 out of45 issues

Bugs Fixed in 1.8.0 (82 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Withdrawn items displayed as "restricted" rather than withdrawn Robin Taylor Tim
135 Donohue

DS- Single-argument Item.getMetadata does not work with mixed- Stuart Lewis Nicholas
215 case metadata Riley

DS- Wrong date issued during submission Robin Taylor Claudia

401 Jrgen

DS- UI cosmetics, "My Exports" displayed in navigation bar, when no Robin Taylor Claudia
435 user is logged in Jrgen

DS- Collection Short Description not visible Unassigned Ronee

533 Francis

DS- SOLR statistics file download displays all files and not only Kevin Van de Claudia
599 those in the Bundle Original Velde (@mire) Jrgen

DS- Unfinished submissions see cc-rdf file instead of their uploaded Richard Rodgers Peter Dietz
612 PDF in the uploads step.

DS- Exceed maximum while uploading files got the user stuck Peter Dietz Claudia
620 should lead to a friendly error page Jrgen

DS- Wrong Parameter Name in web.xml comment Mark H. Wood Andy Smith

DS- Page does not exist Peter Dietz Hardik

641 Mishra

DS- IPAuthentication doesn't work with IPv6 addresses Mark H. Wood Stuart Lewis

DS- Duplicated template in Kubrick theme Mark H. Wood Mark H.

717 Wood

24-Oct-2016 Page 845 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- MetadataSchema: cache out of sync after calling delete() Claudia Jrgen Janne
761 Pietarila

DS- OAI-PMH ListRecords false no result answer and missing Unassigned Claudia
764 resumptionToken Jrgen

DS- All XMLUI Error Pages respond with 200 OK, instead of 404 Not Kim Shepherd Tim
768 Found Donohue

DS- SWORD deposits fail when ingest events are fired if Discovery Kim Shepherd Kim
785 event consumer is configured Shepherd

DS- HTTPS renders with errors due to a hardcoded HTTP link Peter Dietz Bram Luyten
789 (Atmire)

DS- missing # in Update Configuration Files Claudia Jrgen Jason

793 Stirnaman

DS- Item.match() incorrect logic for schema testing Stuart Lewis Stuart Lewis

DS- jqueryUI javascript gets imported without corresponding CSS Ben Bosman Bram Luyten
808 (Atmire)

Showing 20 out of82 issues

7.5.6 Changes in 1.7.x

Changes in DSpace 1.7.3
Changes in DSpace 1.7.2
Changes in DSpace 1.7.1
Changes in DSpace 1.7.0

Changes in DSpace 1.7.3

Improvements in 1.7.3 (2 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS-1587 Update 1.7.x and 1.8.x branches for Git/GitHub Tim Donohue Tim Donohue

DS-1588 Update 1.7.x branch to build properly with Maven 3 Tim Donohue Tim Donohue

24-Oct-2016 Page 846 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

2 issues

Bug Fixes

DS-1603 - Resolves a security issue in JSPUI

Changes in DSpace 1.7.2

Bugs Fixed in 1.7.2 (3 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- 'IllegalArgumentException: No such column rnum' error in DSpace 1.7.x Peter Hardy
841 XMLUI admin eperson (with Oracle backend) Dietz Pottinger

DS- XMLUI caches community / collection page which doesn't show a Peter Peter Dietz
871 recently submitted item immediately Dietz

DS- DSpace Configuration service error when using "dspace" script. Mark Kevin Van de
875 Diggory Velde

3 issues

Changes in DSpace 1.7.1

Improvements in 1.7.1 (11 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Unification of license treatment in xmlui and jspui Claudia Claudia

715 Jrgen Jrgen

DS- Solr statistics documentation in DSpace manual and DSDOC is out-of-date, Kim Kim
720 wrong, and inconsistent with dspace.cfg Shepherd Shepherd

DS- New Japanese messages for 1.7.0 Claudia Keiji

770 Jrgen Suzuki

DS- Czech localization of 1.7.0 Claudia Ivan

798 Jrgen Masr

DS- Bulgarian Translation for DSpace 1.7.0 Claudia Vladislav

801 Jrgen Zhivkov

24-Oct-2016 Page 847 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Enable "restore mode" ingestion via sword Scott Scott

828 Phillips Phillips

DS- Translate file to spanish Claudia lvaro

837 Jrgen Lpez

DS- Adding Field to Choice Authority to allow Authorities to be able to know field Mark Fabio
839 being required Diggory Bolognesi

DS- Add Ability to create Top Level Community in at the home page. Mark Mark
840 Diggory Diggory

DS- Release DSpace Services version 2.0.3 Mark Mark

856 Diggory Diggory

DS- CHANGES file now obsolete in SVN - point at online History Tim Tim
857 Donohue Donohue

11 issues

Bugs Fixed in 1.7.1 (20 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Single-argument Item.getMetadata does not work with mixed-case Stuart Nicholas
215 metadata Lewis Riley

DS- UI cosmetics, "My Exports" displayed in navigation bar, when no user is Robin Claudia
435 logged in Taylor Jrgen

DS- Exceed maximum while uploading files got the user stuck should lead to a Peter Dietz Claudia
620 friendly error page Jrgen

DS- Page does not exist Peter Dietz Hardik

641 Mishra

DS- Mirage theme - lists of unifished submission/workflow task wron link in Claudia Claudia
758 collection column Jrgen Jrgen

DS- MetadataSchema: cache out of sync after calling delete() Claudia Janne
761 Jrgen Pietarila

DS- Collection admin cannot add bitstreams unless there is at least one bundle Peter Dietz Eija Airio

24-Oct-2016 Page 848 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- SWORD deposits fail when ingest events are fired if Discovery event Kim Kim
785 consumer is configured Shepherd Shepherd

DS- DSpace 1.7.0 only builds properly for Maven 2.2.0 or above Unassigned Tim
788 Donohue

DS- HTTPS renders with errors due to a hardcoded HTTP link Peter Dietz Bram
789 Luyten

DS- missing # in Update Configuration Files Claudia Jason

793 Jrgen Stirnaman

DS- Item.match() incorrect logic for schema testing Stuart Stuart

806 Lewis Lewis

DS- jqueryUI javascript gets imported without corresponding CSS Ben Bram
808 Bosman Luyten

DS- Empty dc.abstract dim field (in mets XML) creates an empty span tag, Ben Bram
809 causing page display errors in all Internet Explorer version Bosman Luyten

DS- AbstractMETSIngester creates an item before adding descriptive metadata Tim Stuart
821 Donohue Lewis

DS- DatabaseManager is no longer Oracle compliant Ben Ben

823 Bosman Bosman

DS- Autocomplete in authority control contains small errors in Mirage Ben Ben
843 Bosman Bosman

DS- MetadataExposure settings for dc.description.provenance are ignored Kim Kim

853 /overridden by XMLUI templates Shepherd Shepherd

DS- Multicore SOLR needs prevent remote access to solr cores Mark Kim
858 Diggory Shepherd

DS- SWORD still uses dspace.url rather than dspace.baseUrl Kim Stuart
860 Shepherd Lewis

20 issues

Changes in DSpace 1.7.0

24-Oct-2016 Page 849 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

New Features in 1.7.0 (12 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Provide metatags used by Google Scholar for enhanced indexing Sands Sarah
396 Fish Shreeves

DS- Add ability to export/import entire Community/Collection/Item structure (for Tim Tim
466 easier backups, migrations, etc.) Donohue Donohue

DS- Move item - inherit default policies of destination collection Stuart Stuart
525 Lewis Lewis

DS- Having a most used item list similar to the recent submissions Ben Claudia
603 Bosman Jrgen

DS- New testing framework (GSoC 2010) Stuart Stuart

643 Lewis Lewis

DS- New Base Theme For DSpace 1.7.0 Ben Ben

710 Bosman Bosman

DS- Discovery release for XMLUI Ben Ben

711 Bosman Bosman

DS- PowerPoint Text Extraction for DSpace Media Filter Keith Keith
714 Gilbertson Gilbertson

DS- Modular Configuration (Curation) Richard Richard

726 Rodgers Rodgers

DS- Curation System (Core Elements) Richard Richard

728 Rodgers Rodgers

DS- Administrative UI for Curation (XMLUI) Richard Richard

730 Rodgers Rodgers

DS- Tools for (load) testing Graham Graham

733 Triggs Triggs

12 issues

Improvements in 1.7.0 (50 issues)

24-Oct-2016 Page 850 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Bitstreams should be returned ordered Peter Dietz Flvio

192 Botelho

DS- Add ability for various Packager plugins to report their custom "options" via Tim Tim
387 command line Donohue Donohue

DS- Consider making the JSPUI styles.css.jsp a static file Stuart Stuart
467 Lewis Lewis

DS- Upgrade to latest Google Analytics tracking code Stuart Stuart

550 Lewis Lewis

DS- LC Authority Names - Lookup Feature - names w/o dates Kim Mark
557 Shepherd Diggory

DS- On login screen, keyboard input focus should be set to the first field (E-mail Andrea Oleksandr
561 Address) so you don't have to use the mouse (JSPUI) Bollini Sytnyk

DS- Upgrade DSpace Services to next release Mark Mark

571 Diggory Diggory

DS- Use modified Cocoon Servlet Service Impl in place of existing to support Mark Mark
577 proper Cocoon Block addition. Diggory Diggory

DS- Patch for SFX (OpenURL resolver) Jeffrey Yin Yin

588 Trimble Latt

DS- New INSTALL event when an Item is approved Mark H. Mark H.

590 Wood Wood

DS- Error Handling in the XMLUI interface after section expired Tim Antero
613 Donohue Neto

DS- Recommended versions of prerequisites becoming outdated Mark H. Mark H.

618 Wood Wood

DS- Export cleanup Robin Claudia

621 Taylor Jrgen

DS- Bulgarian for DSpace 1.6.0 Claudia Vladislav

625 Jrgen Zhivkov

DS- Make the timeout for the extended resolver dnslookup configurable Jeffrey Claudia
628 Trimble Jrgen

Remove /bin scripts (replaced by 'dspace' commmand)

24-Oct-2016 Page 851 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Jeffrey Stuart

646 Trimble Lewis

DS- Need Help Testing LNI refactoring changes in AIP Backup/Restore Work Unassigned Tim
647 Donohue

DS- Modern Browsers are not identified in XMLUI main sitemap.xmap Tim Tim
648 Donohue Donohue

DS- Bulgarian Localizatoin for DSpace 1.6.2 Claudia Vladislav

650 Jrgen Zhivkov

DS- Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) translation for XML-UI 1.6.2 Claudia Erick
653 Jrgen Rocha

Showing 20 out of50 issues

Bugs Fixed in 1.7.0 (89 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- xmlui hardcoded string in - ID: 2088360 Mark H. Andrea

63 Wood Bollini

DS- xmlui browse in empty collection displays "Now showing items 1-0" of 0 - Scott Keith
123 incorrect numbering Phillips Gilbertson

DS- Special groups shown for logged in user rather than for user being Stuart Stuart
242 examined Lewis Lewis

DS- XMLUI Item Mapper cannot handle multiple words in search box Stuart Tim
268 Lewis Donohue

DS- Item's submission license accessible without beiing configured to be public Claudia Claudia
426 Jrgen Jrgen

DS- Restricted Bitstream prompts for login, then forwards user to MyDSpace Kim Tim
431 Shepherd Donohue

DS- DCDate.displayDate(false,*) displays only year Mark H. Mark H.

469 Wood Wood

24-Oct-2016 Page 852 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Accessing site-level 'mets.xml' in XMLUI doesn't work properly for handle Kim Tim
471 prefixes with periods (e.g. 2010.1) Shepherd Donohue

DS- Url in browser is incorrect after login Ben Ben

493 Bosman Bosman

DS- DatabaseManager.process() unnecessarily limits range of DECIMAL or Mark H. Mark H.

494 NUMERIC Wood Wood

DS- Broken link in the documentation section 8.2.3. Jeffrey Robin

495 Trimble Taylor

DS- Date month and day get default values when user returns to describe form Robin Gabriela
497 Taylor Mircea

DS- Kubrick Theme - NaN in Item Browse Robin Keith

501 Taylor Gilbertson

DS- Retrieving country names in SOLR can return ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Peter Peter
509 when country code is unchecked Dietz Dietz

DS- Duplicate listing of dependencies in dspace-sword/pom.xml Stuart Caryn N.

518 Lewis

DS- Withdrawn items not shown as deleted in OAI Kim John

527 Shepherd

DS- Malformed Japanese option values in the authority lookup window Kim Keiji
537 Shepherd Suzuki

DS- restricted items are being returned in OAI GetRecord method while using Ben Ben
538 harvest.includerestricted.oai Bosman Bosman

DS- Misspelled attribute in MODS/METS output Keith Andrew

539 Gilbertson Hankinson

DS- Harvest not internationalized Claudia Claudia

543 Jrgen Jrgen

Showing 20 out of89 issues

7.5.7 Changes in 1.6.x

Changes in DSpace 1.6.2
Changes in DSpace 1.6.1

24-Oct-2016 Page 853 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Changes in DSpace 1.6.0

Changes in DSpace 1.6.2

Improvements in 1.6.2 (1 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS-595 Czech localization of 1.6.1 Claudia Jrgen Ivan Masr

1 issue

Bugs Fixed in 1.6.2 (7 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- DSRUN does not start Service Manager Stuart Lewis Mark
516 Diggory

DS- start-handle-server script broken - Error in launcher.xml: Invalid Unassigned Keith

584 class name Gilbertson

DS- Errors in 1.5.x -> 1.6.x and 1.6.0 - 1.6.1 upgrade steps Jeffrey Kim
604 Trimble Shepherd

DS- Invalid identifiers not escaped Stuart Lewis Stuart Lewis


DS- Batch metadata import missing item headers Stuart Lewis Stuart Lewis

DS- update-handle-prefix wrong in docs Jeffrey Stuart Lewis

609 Trimble

DS- SyndicationFeed expects to be available as a java. Robin Robin Taylor

610 util.Date Taylor

7 issues

Changes in DSpace 1.6.1

Improvements in 1.6.1 (7 issues)

24-Oct-2016 Page 854 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Embargo Jeffrey Jim

430 Trimble Ottaviani

DS- Ukrainian for DSpace 1.6.0 Claudia Serhij

500 Jrgen Dubyk

DS- Attachment spelled as attachement in DailyReportEmailer Stuart Keith

508 Lewis Gilbertson

DS- Documentation for "schema" attribute in metadata xml files Jeffrey Keith
534 Trimble Gilbertson

DS- LC Authority Names - Lookup Feature - names w/o dates Kim Mark
557 Shepherd Diggory

DS- Upgrade DSpace Services to next release Mark Mark

571 Diggory Diggory

DS- Use modified Cocoon Servlet Service Impl in place of existing to support Mark Mark
577 proper Cocoon Block addition. Diggory Diggory

7 issues

Bugs Fixed in 1.6.1 (37 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- unknown protocol: resource Mark Mark

239 Diggory Diggory

DS- Special groups shown for logged in user rather than for user being Stuart Stuart
242 examined Lewis Lewis

DS- CC License being assigned incorrect Mime Type during submission. Jeffrey Steven
295 Trimble Williams

DS- Accessing site-level 'mets.xml' in XMLUI doesn't work properly for handle Kim Tim
471 prefixes with periods (e.g. 2010.1) Shepherd Donohue

DS- statistics.item.authorization.admin ignored by xmlui Ben Claudia

483 Bosman Jrgen

DS- Url in browser is incorrect after login Ben Ben

493 Bosman Bosman

24-Oct-2016 Page 855 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Date month and day get default values when user returns to describe form Robin Gabriela
497 Taylor Mircea

DS- Kubrick Theme - NaN in Item Browse Robin Keith

501 Taylor Gilbertson

DS- embargo-lifter command missing from launcher.xml Stuart Stuart

506 Lewis Lewis

DS- Log Converter difference between docs (log-converter) and launcher (stats- Jeffrey Peter
507 log-converter) Trimble Dietz

DS- Retrieving country names in SOLR can return ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Peter Peter
509 when country code is unchecked Dietz Dietz

DS- Connection leak in SWORD authentication process Andrea Andrea

513 Bollini Bollini

DS- DSRUN does not start Service Manager Stuart Mark

516 Lewis Diggory

DS- Duplicate listing of dependencies in dspace-sword/pom.xml Stuart Caryn N.

518 Lewis

DS- Reordering of 1.5 -> 1.6 upgrade steps in DSpace manual Jeffrey Stuart
523 Trimble Lewis

DS- ItemUpdate - script and manual updates Jeffrey Stuart

526 Trimble Lewis

DS- Withdrawn items not shown as deleted in OAI Kim John

527 Shepherd

DS- Malformed Japanese option values in the authority lookup window Kim Keiji
537 Shepherd Suzuki

DS- restricted items are being returned in OAI GetRecord method while using Ben Ben
538 harvest.includerestricted.oai Bosman Bosman

DS- Misspelled attribute in MODS/METS output Keith Andrew

539 Gilbertson Hankinson

Showing 20 out of37 issues

Changes in DSpace 1.6.0

24-Oct-2016 Page 856 of 882

DSpace 6.x Documentation

New Features in 1.6.0 (20 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Bulk Metadata Editing Jeffrey Charles Kiplagat

161 Trimble

DS- Give METS ingester configuration option to make use of Stuart Stuart Lewis
194 collection templates Lewis

DS- Allow the primary bitstream to be set in the item importer / Stuart Stuart Lewis
195 exporter Lewis

DS- New -zip option for item exporter and importer Unassigned Stuart Lewis

DS- Creative Commons - option to set legal jurisdiction Unassigned Stuart Lewis

DS- Community Admin XMLUI: Delegated Admins Patch Andrea Tim Donohue
228 Bollini

DS- Authority Control, and plug-in choice control for Metadata Jeffrey Larry Stone
236 Fields Trimble

DS- Contribution of @MIRE Solr Based Statistics Engine to Mark Mark Diggory
247 DSpace. Diggory

DS- Hide metadata from full item view Larry Stone Claudia Jrgen

DS- OAI-PMH + OAI-ORE harvesting support Jeffrey Scott Phillips

289 Trimble

DS- Embargo feature Jeffrey Stuart Lewis

317 Trimble

DS- DSpace command launcher Jeffrey Stuart Lewis

321 Trimble

DS- ItemUpdate - new feature to batch update metadata and Jeffrey Richard Rodgers
323 bitstreams Trimble (OLD acct)

DS- Add support for OpenSearch syndicated search conventions Jeffrey Richard Rodgers
324 Trimble (OLD acct)

DS- Create new session on login / invalidate sessions on logout Stuart Stuart Lewis
330 Lewis

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Add alternate file appender for log4j Graham Graham Triggs
359 Triggs

DS- JSPUI tags/views for @mire Solr statistics module Kim Kim Shepherd
363 Shepherd

DS- Add META tags identifying DSpace source version to Web UIs Larry Stone Larry Stone

DS- Item importer - new option to enable workflow notification Jeffrey Stuart Lewis
388 emails Trimble

DS- Email test script Jeffrey Stuart Lewis

447 Trimble

20 issues

Improvements in 1.6.0 (46 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Factor out common webapp installation - ID: 2042160 Mark H. Charles
52 Wood Kiplagat

DS- METS exposed via OAI-PMH includes descritpion.provenance Stuart Stuart Lewis
196 information Lewis

DS- handle.jar 6.2 needs adding to DSpace Maven repository Mark Stuart Lewis
201 Diggory

DS- IPAuthentication extended to allow negative matching Stuart Stuart Lewis

213 Lewis

DS- Internal Server error - include login details of user Stuart Vanessa
219 Lewis Newton-

DS- XMLUI 'current activity' recognises Google Chrome as Safari Stuart Stuart Lewis
221 Lewis

DS- Configurable passing of Javamail parameter settings Stuart Stuart Lewis

234 Lewis

DS- Move item function in xmlui Unassigned Stuart Lewis


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DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- DSpace Assembly Improvement Mark Mark

241 Diggory Diggory

DS- Bulk Metadata Editing: XMLUI aspect and forms Kim Kim
251 Shepherd Shepherd

DS- Interpolate variables in the Subject: line of email templates as well Stuart Larry Stone
252 Lewis

DS- Community Admin JSPUI: porting of the DS-228 patch Andrea Andrea
261 Bollini Bollini

DS- Make delegate admin permissions configurable Jeffrey Andrea

270 Trimble Bollini

DS- Make the OAI DC crosswalk configurable Unassigned Andrea

271 Bollini

DS- README update for top level of dspace 1.6.0 package directory Stuart Van Ly
291 Lewis

DS- Refactor SQL source and Ant script to avoid copying Oracle versions Larry Stone Larry Stone
297 over PostgreSQL

DS- Allow long values to be specified for the max upload request (for Graham Stuart Lewis
299 uploading files greater than 2Gb) Triggs

DS- Option to disable mailserver Jeffrey Ben Bosman

306 Trimble

DS- Offer access in AbstractSearch to QueryResults for subclasses Ben Ben Bosman
307 Bosman

DS- documentation on an added optional configuration parameter Jeffrey Ben Bosman

308 Trimble

Showing 20 out of46 issues

Bugs Fixed in 1.6.0 (102 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Monthly statistics skip first and last of month - ID: 2541435 Stuart Charles
44 Lewis Kiplagat

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Links not working due to trailing white space in dspace.url Claudia Claudia
114 Jrgen Jrgen

DS- File preview link during submission leeds to page not found Claudia Claudia
118 Jrgen Jrgen

DS- XMLUI Feedback form breaks with multiple hostnames Kim Keith
121 Shepherd Gilbertson

DS- xmlui browse in empty collection displays "Now showing items 1-0" of 0 - Scott Keith
123 incorrect numbering Phillips Gilbertson

DS- Anchor in submission doesn't work Larry Stone Andrea

128 Bollini

DS- File description not available in XMLUI Stuart Samuel

156 Lewis Ottenhoff

DS- metadataschemaregistry_seq is not initialized correctly under Oracle Stuart Larry

191 Lewis Stone

DS- OAI RDF crosswalk fails when DC value is null Stuart Larry
193 Lewis Stone

DS- Deleting a primary bitstream does not clear the primary_bitstream_id on Claudia Graham
197 the bundle table Jrgen Triggs

DS- File descriptions can not be removed/cleared in XMLUI Unassigned Kim

198 Shepherd

DS- SWORD module doesn't accept X-No-Op header (dry run) Unassigned Claudio
199 Venturini

DS- SWORD module requires the X-Packaging header Stuart Claudio

200 Lewis Venturini

DS- Input form visibility restriction doesn't work properly Andrea Andrea
206 Bollini Bollini

DS- turnOffAuthorisationSystem() can throw a NPE Stuart Stuart

209 Lewis Lewis

DS- NPE thrown during Harvest of non-items when visibility restriction is Stuart Stuart
212 enabled Lewis Lewis

Migrating items that use additional metadata schemas causes an NPE Unassigned

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Stuart
216 Lewis

DS- Hardcoded String in the license bitstream Andrea Andrea

217 Bollini Bollini

DS- Cannot add/remove email subscriptions from Profile page in XMLUI Tim Tim
218 Donohue Donohue

DS- Email alerts due to internal errors are not sent, if context is missing Claudia Claudia
222 Jrgen Jrgen

Showing 20 out of102 issues

7.5.8 Changes in 1.5.x

Changes in DSpace 1.5.2
Changes in DSpace 1.5.1
Changes in DSpace 1.5.0

Changes in DSpace 1.5.2

New Features in 1.5.2 (3 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS-48 shibboleth+dspace1.5.1 patch - ID: 2412723 Mark Charles Kiplagat


DS- Usage event (statistics) Plugin hook for 1.5 (SF Mark H. Bradley McLean
108 2025998) Wood

DS- Catalan translation Claudia Centre de Supercomputaci de

214 Jrgen Catalunya

3 issues

Improvements in 1.5.2 (38 issues)

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS-4 Refactor LDAPServlet to use Stackable Authentication - ID: 2057231 Stuart Charles
Lewis Kiplagat

DS- 'My Account' disappears following exports - ID: 2495728 Stuart Charles
11 Lewis Kiplagat

DS- Fix for bug [1774958] Nested folders do not export correctly - ID: 2513300 Stuart Charles
13 Lewis Kiplagat

DS- Hierarchical LDAP support - ID: 2057378 Stuart Charles

16 Lewis Kiplagat

DS- Feature Request #1896717 Registration notification missin - ID: 2041754 Stuart Charles
19 Lewis Kiplagat

DS- Fix for hardcoded metadata language qualifiers - ID: 2433387 Claudia Charles
21 Jrgen Kiplagat

DS- Hardcoded String in jspui browse - ID: 2526153 Claudia Charles

30 Jrgen Kiplagat

DS- Bug 2512868 Double quote problem in some fields of JSPUI - ID: Claudia Charles
31 2525942 Jrgen Kiplagat

DS- Add File Format Descriptions to XMLUI 1.5.x - ID: 2433852 Unassigned Charles
34 Kiplagat

DS- Enable Google Sitemaps for XMLUI - ID: 2462293 Unassigned Charles
35 Kiplagat

DS- DSpace 1.5 XMLUI - Enable METS <amdSec> using crosswalks - ID: Unassigned Charles
36 2477820 Kiplagat

DS- Fix for toDate method in DCDate - ID: 2385187 Stuart Charles
39 Lewis Kiplagat

DS- for DSpace 1.5.1 JSPUI - ID: 2540683 Unassigned Charles
45 Kiplagat

DS- Bug 1617889 Years < 1000 do not display in simple item view - ID: Andrea Charles
46 2524083 Bollini Kiplagat

DS- Add support for rendering DOI links in JSPUI (1.4, 1.5) - ID: 2521493 Andrea Charles
47 Bollini Kiplagat

Italian translation xmlui - ID: 1984513

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Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Andrea Charles

78 Bollini Kiplagat

DS- XMLUI Cocoon logs should not be stored under [xmlui-webapp]/WEB-INF Unassigned Tim
85 /logs/ Donohue

DS- XMLUI file download links break in Google search results if file Tim Tim
87 'sequence' number changes. Donohue Donohue

DS- Upgrade XMLUI to Cocoon 2.2 Mark Mark

93 Diggory Diggory

DS- Verify Configuration Options are still applicable with the Cocoon User Mark Mark
94 community. Diggory Diggory

Showing 20 out of38 issues

Bugs Fixed in 1.5.2 (75 issues)

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Controlled vocab:he URL http://localhost:8080/jspui/subject-search gives Andrea Andrew

1 internal error and a stack trace in dspace.log Bollini Peter

DS- "Not found" page returns 200 OK instead of 404 Not Found - ID: 2002866 Mark H. Charles
2 Wood Kiplagat

DS- DSpace1.5.1(XML) problem with Login to restricted bitstreams - ID: 2164955 Stuart Charles
5 Lewis Kiplagat

DS- XHTML Head Dissimination Crosswalk exposes provenance info - ID: Stuart Charles
6 2343281 Lewis Kiplagat

DS- HTML tags not stripped in statistics display - ID: 1896225 Stuart Charles
7 Lewis Kiplagat

DS- DSpace Home link style in breadcrumb trail - ID: 1951859 Stuart Charles
8 Lewis Kiplagat

DS- Restricted Items metadata exposed via OAI - ID: 1730606 Stuart Charles
9 Lewis Kiplagat

Implicit group for all registered users - ID: 1587270

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

Key Summary Assignee Reporter

DS- Stuart Charles

10 Lewis Kiplagat

DS- Exception handling for deleting a metadata field - ID: 1606439 Stuart Charles
12 Lewis Kiplagat

DS- xmlui Administrative log in as another eperson - ID: 2086481 Stuart Charles
14 Lewis Kiplagat

DS- Submission verify page handles dc.identifier.* incorrectly - ID: 2155479 Unassigned Charles
15 Kiplagat

DS- DSpace 1.5 Controlled Vocab (edit-metadata.jsp) - ID: 1931796 Stuart Charles
17 Lewis Kiplagat

DS- DSpace 1.5.1(XMLUI) Wrong dir usage of StatisticsLoader - ID: 2137425 Stuart Charles
18 Lewis Kiplagat

DS- 2 Authentications with LoginPage cause connection exhaust - ID: 2352146 Claudia Charles
20 Jrgen Kiplagat

DS- News stored not language dependend - ID: 2125833 Unassigned Charles
22 Kiplagat

DS- DSQuery invalid check for empty query string - ID: 2343849 Unassigned Charles
23 Kiplagat

DS- Error in authorization to submit when you add collection. - ID: 1725817 Unassigned Charles
24 Kiplagat

DS- SWORD Service Document fails if Collection is untitled - ID: 1968082 Stuart Charles
25 Lewis Kiplagat

DS- Hardcoded Strings in DSQuery - ID: 2493794 Claudia Charles

26 Jrgen Kiplagat

DS- NullPointerException possible in review.jsp - ID: 1571645 Claudia Charles

27 Jrgen Kiplagat

Showing 20 out of75 issues

Changes in DSpace 1.5.1

General Improvements and Bug Fixes in 1.5.1

(Scott Philips)

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

(Scott Phillips) Fixed bug where users could not finish registering nor reset
their password because the authentication method signatures were changed.
Jay Paz (SF#1898241) Additional fixes to patch to enable reuse of methods.
Added the ability to manage sessions with site wide alerts to prevent users from authenticating.
Fixes a bug where the ability to edit an item durring workflow step 2 is not displayed.
Jay Paz (SF#1898241) Add item Export from jspui and xmlui.
Added easy support for google analytics statistics
Added the ability for super admins to login as other users.
Added an activity viewer to the Control Panel

(Mark Diggory)

Fix for SF Bug #2082236 Subscription notification (sub-daily) no emails sent

#2102580 William Hays: Duplicate Handle exception when replacing bitstreams
#2102617 Sands Fish: X509Authentication fails to assign appropriate specialgroups
(Sands Fish) Add "Select Primary Bitstream" functionality to submission workflow
Guard against Community/Collection metadata having only whitespace characters
and eliminate cases where null pointer exceptions would be thrown
Improve DSIndexer logic in both branches to support removal of items from index
when withdrawn from repository.
(Sands Fish) Provides fix for AuthenticationUtil where users ID's are not properly compared.
Fix NullPointerException cause by nullified Context object in LNI map item to new collection.
Block Basic Authentication "details" from being exposed in dspace logs.
(Bill Hays) Close InputStreamReaders explicitly to release any file handles back to OS.
correct linking on pages when xmlui is the ROOT webapplication
correct issue with sitemap redirection of mydspace uri.
Add serlet-api to overlay wars to reduce compile time errors when adding classes
Correct issues in feed generation
XMLUI Adjust Advanced Search to use search properties from dspace.cfg.
Correct bug in Body.toSAX where startElement is called instead of end element.
Correct issue with libraries being excluded from wars

(Claudia Juergen)

Fix for SF bug #2090761 Statistics wrong use of dspace.dir for log location
Fix for SF bug #2081930 xmlui hardcoded strings in
Fix for SF bug #2080319 jspui hardcoded strings in browse
Fix for SF bug #2078305 xmlui hardcoded strings used in UI in xmlui-api
Fix for SF bug #2078324 xmlui hardcoded strings used in UI in General-Handler.xsl
SF patch #2076066 Review in jspui submission non-dc metadata
SF Bug #1983859 added Foreign Lucene Analyzers to poms
SF Bug #1989916 - missing LDAP authentication key

(Stuart Lewis)

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

#1947036 Patch for SF Bug1896960 SWORD authentication and LDAP + 1989874 LDAPAuthentication
pluggable method broken for current users
Added copying of registration email template to 1.4 to 1.5 upgrade instructions
Fix for SF bug #2055941 LDAP authentication fails for new users in SWORD and Manakin

(Zuki Ebetsu / Stuart Lewis)

#1990660 SWORD Service Document are malformed / Corrected Atom publishing MIME types

(Stuart Lewis / Claudia Juergen)

Updated installation and configuration documents for new statistics script, and removed references to

(Tim Donohue)

Fix for SF bug #2095402 - Non-interactive Submission Steps don't work in JSPUI 1.5
Fix for SF bug #2013921 - Movement in Submission Workflow Causes Skipped Steps
Fix for SF bug #2015988 - Configurable Submission bug in SubmissionController
Fix for SF bug #2034372 - Resorting Search Results in JSPUI always gives no results
Updates to Community/Collection Item Counts (i.e. strengths) for XMLUI.
1.5 upgrade instructions were missing Metadata Registry updates necessary to support SWORD.

(Graham Triggs)

Fix various problems with resources potentially not being freed, and other minor fixes suggested by
Replace URLEncoder with StringEscapeUtils for better fix of escaping the hidden query field
Fix #2034372 - Resorting in JSPUI gives no results
Fix #1714851 - set eperson.subscription.onlynew in dspace.cfg to only include items that are new to the
Fix issue where the browse and search indexes will not be updated correctly if you move an Item
Fix problem with SWORD not accepting multiple concurrent submissions
Fix #1963060 Authors listed in reverse order
Fix #1970852 - XMLUI: Browse by Issue Date "Type in Year" doesn't work
Statistics viewer for XMLUI, based on existing DStat. Note that this generates
the view from the analysis files (.dat), does not require HTML report generation.
Fixed incorrect downloading of bitstream on withdrawn item
Add JSPUI compatible log messages to XMLUI transformers
Clean up use of ThreadLocal
Improved cleanup of database resources when web
application is unloaded
Fix bug #1931799 - duplicate "FROM metadatavalue&quot
Fixed Oracle bugs with ILIKE operators and LIMIT/OFFSET clauses

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

Changes in DSpace 1.5.0

General Improvements in 1.5.0

Highly configurable and theme-able new user interface (Manakin).

Apache Maven-based modular build system.
LNI (Lightweight Network Interface) service. Allows programmatic ingest of content via WebDAV or
SWORD (Simple Web-service Offering Repository Deposit): repository-standard ingest service using
Atom Publishing Protocol.
Highly configurable item web submission system. All submission steps are configurable not just
metadata pages.
Browse functionality allowing customisation of the available indexes via dspace.cfg and pluggable
normalisation of the sort strings. Integration with both JSP-UI and XML-UI included.
Extensible content event notification service.
Generation of Google and HTML sitemaps

Bug fixes and smaller patches in 1.5.0

New options for ItemImporter to support bitstream permissions and descriptions.

1824710 Fix - Change in Creative Commons RDF.
1794700 Fix - Stat-monthly and stat-report-monthly
1566820 Patch - Authentication code moved to new org.dspace.authenticate package, add IP AUth
1670093 Patch - More stable metadata and schema registry import Option to generate community and
collection "strength" as a batch job
1659868 Patch - Improved database level debugging
1620700 Patch - Add Community and Sub-Community to OAI Sets
1679972 Fix - OAIDCCrosswalk NPE and invalid character fix, also invalid output prevented
1549290 Fix - Suggest Features uses hard coded strings
1727034 Fix - Method MetadataField.unique() is incorrect for null values
1614546 Fix - Get rid of unused mets_bitstream_id column
1450491 Patch - i18n configurable multilingualism support
1764069 Patch - Replace "String" with "Integer" in PreparedStatement where needed
1743188 Patch - for Request #1145499 - Move Items
179196 Patch - Oracle SQL in Bitstream Checker
1751638 Patch - Set http disposition header to force download of large bitstreams
1799575 Patch - New EPersonConsumer event consumer
1566572 Patch - Item metadata in XHTML head elements
1589429 Patch - "Self-Named" Media Filters (i.e. MediaFilter Plugins) (updated version of this patch)
1888652 Patch - Statistics Rewritten In Java
1444364 Request - Metadata registry exporter
1221957 Request - Admin browser for withdrawn items

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1740454 Fix - Concurrency

1552760 Fix - Submit interface looks bad in Safari
1642563 Patch - bin/update-handle-prefix rewritten in Java
1724330 Fix - Removes "null" being displayed in community-home.jsp
1763535 Patch - Alert DSpace administrator of new user registration
1759438 Patch - Multilingualism Language Switch - DSpace Header

7.5.9 Changes in 1.4.x

Changes in DSpace 1.4.1
Changes in DSpace 1.4.0

Changes in DSpace 1.4.1

General Improvements in 1.4.1

Error pages now return appropriate HTTP status codes (e.g. 404 not found)
Bad filenames in /bitstream/ URLs now result in 404 error prevents infinite URL spaces confusing
crawlers and bad "persistent" bitstream IDs circulating
Prevent infinite URL spaces in HTMLServlet
InstallItem no longer sets dc.format.extent, dc.format.mimetype; no longer sets default value for dc.
language.iso if one is not present
Empty values in drop-down submit fields are not added as empty metadata values
API methods for searching epeople and groups
Support stats from both 1.3 and 1.4
[dspace]/bin/update-handle-prefix now runs index-all
Remove cases of System.out from code executed in webapp
Change "View Licence" to "View License" in
dspace.cfg comments changed to indicate what default.language actually means
HandleServlet and BitstreamServlet support If-Modified-Since requests
Improved sanity-checking of XSL-based ingest crosswalks
Remove thumbnail filename from alt-text
Include item title in HTML title element
Improvements to help prevent spammers and sploggers
Make cleanup() commit outstanding work every 100 iterations
Better handling where email send failed due to wrong address for new user
Include robots.txt to limit bots navigating author, date and browse by subject pages
Add css styles for print media
RSS made more configurable and provide system-wide RSS feed, also moves text to Messages.

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

Jar file updates (includes required code changes for DSIndexer and DSQuery and new jars fontbox.jar
and serializer.jar)
Various documentation additions and cleanups
XHTML compliance improvements
Move w3c valid xhtml boiler image into local repository
Remove uncessary Log4j Configuration in CheckerCommand
Include Windows CLASSPATH in dsrun.bat

Bug fixes in 1.4.1

1604037 - UIUtil.encodeBitstream() now correctly encodes URLs (no longer incorrectly substitutes '+' for
spaces in non-query segment
1592984 - Date comparisons strip time in org.dspace.harvest.Harvest
1589902 - Duplicate field checking error on input-forms.xml
1596952 - Collection Wizard create Template missing schema
1596978 - View unfinished submissions - collection empty
1588625 - Incorrect text on item mapper screen
1597805 - DIDL Crosswalk: wrong resource management
1605635 - NPE in
1597504 - Search result page shows shortened query string
1532389 - Item Templates do not work for non-dc fields
1066771 - Metadata edit form dropping DC qualifier
1548738 - Multiple Metadata Schema, schema not shown on edit item page
1589895 - Not possible to add unqualified Metadata Field
1543853 - Statistics do not work in 1.4
1541381 - Browse-by-date and browse-by-title not working
1556947 - NullPointerException when no user selected to del/edit
1554064 - Fix exception handling for ClassCastException in BitstreamServlet
1548865 - Browse errors on withdrawn item
1554056 - Community/collection handle URL with / redirects to homepage
1571490 - UTF-8 encoded characters in licence
1571519 - UTF-8 in statistics
1544807 - Browse-by-Subject/Author paging mechanism broken
1543966 - "Special" groups inside groups bug
1480496 - Cannot turn off "ignore authorization" flag!
1515148 - Community policies not deleting correctly
1556829 - Docs mention old SiteAuthenticator class
1606435 - Workflow text out of context
Fix for bitstream authorization timeout
Fix to make sure cleanup() doesn't fail with NullPointerException
Fix for removeBitstream() failing to update primary bitstream
Fix for Advanced Search ignoring conjunctions for arbitrary number of queries
Fix minor bug in for Oracle users

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Fix missing title for news editor page

Small modification (change of DSpace copyright text)
fix PDFBox tmp file issue
Fix HttpServletRequest encoding issues
Fix bug in TableRow toString() method where NPE is thrown if tablename not set
Update DIDL license and change coding style to DSpace standard

Changes in DSpace 1.4.0

General Improvements in 1.4.0

Content verification through periodic checksum checking

Support for branded preview image
Add/replace Creative Commons in 'edit item' tool
Customisable item listing columns and browse indices
Script for updating handle prefixes (e.g. for moving from development to production)
Configurable boolean search operator
Controlled vocabulary patch to provide search on classification terms, and addition of terms during
Add 'visibility' element to input-forms.xml
Browse by subject feature
Log4J enhancement to use XML configuration
QueryArgs class can support any number of fields in advanced search.
Community names no longer have to be unique
Enhanced Windows support
Support for multiple (flat) metadata schemas
Suggest an item page
RSS Feeds
Performance enhancements
Stackable authentication methods
Plug-in manager
Pluggable SIP/DIP support and metadata crosswalks
Nested groups of e-people
Expose METS and MPEG-21 DIDL DIPs via OAI-PMH
Configurable Lucene search analyzer (e.g. for Chinese metadata)
Support for SMTP servers requiring authentication

Bug fixes in 1.4.0

1358197 - Edit Item, empty DC fields not removable

1363633 - Submission step 1 fails when there are no collections
1255264 - Resource policy eperson value was set to wrong column
1380494 - Error deleting an item with multiple metadata schema support

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1443649 - Cannot configure unqualified elements for advanced search index

1333687 - Browse-(title|date) fails on withdrawn item
1066713 - Two (sub)communities cannot have one name
1284055 - Two Communities of same name throws error
1035366 - Bitstream size column should be bigint
1352257 - Selecting a Group for GroupToGroup while Creating Collection
1352226 - Navigation and Sorting in Group List (Select Groups) fails
1348276 - Null in collection name causes OAI ListSets to fail
1160898 - dspace_migrate removes Date.Issued from prev published items
1261191 - Malformed METS metadata exported

7.5.10 Changes in 1.3.x

Changes in DSpace 1.3.2
Changes in DSpace 1.3.1
Changes in DSpace 1.3.0

Changes in DSpace 1.3.2

General Improvements in 1.3.2

DSpace UI XHTML/WAI compliant

Configure metadata fields shown on simple item display
Supervisor/workspace help documentation

Bug fixes in 1.3.2

Oracle compatibility fixes

Item exporter now correctly exports metadata in UTF-8
fixed to handle 'null' values passed in

Changes in DSpace 1.3.1

Bug fixes in 1.3.1

1252153 - Error on fresh install

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Changes in DSpace 1.3.0

General Improvements in 1.3.0

Initial i18n Support for JSPs - Note: the implementation of this feature required changes to almost all JSP
LDAP authentication support
Log file analysis and report generation
Configurable item licence viewing
Supervision order/collaborative workspace administrative tools
Basic workspace for submissions in progress, with support for supervision
SRB storage system option
Updated handle server system
Database optimisations
Latest versions of Xerces, Xalan and OAICAT jars
Various documentation additions and cleanups

Bug fixes in 1.3.0

1161459 - ItemExporter fails with Too many open files

1167373 - Email date field not populated
1193948 - New item submit problem
1188132 - NullPointerException when Adding EPerson
1188016 - Cannot Edit an Eperson
1219701 - Unable to open unfinished submission
1206836 - community strengths not reflecting sub-community
1238262 - Submit UI nav/progress buttons no longer show progress
1238276 - Double quote problem in some fields in submit UI
1238277 - format support level not shown in "uploaded file" page
1242548 - Uploading non-existing files
1244743 - Bad lookup key for special case of DC Title in
1245223 - Subscription Emailer fails
1247508 - Error when browsing item with no content/bitstream collections
Set the content type in the HTTP header
Fix issue where EPerson edit would not work due to form indexing (partial fix)
POST handling in HTMLServlet
Missing ContentType directives added to some JSPs
Name dependency on Collection Admin and Submitter groups fixed
Fixed OAI-PMH XML encoding

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7.5.11 Changes in 1.2.x

Changes in DSpace 1.2.2
Changes in DSpace 1.2.1
Changes in DSpace 1.2.0

Changes in DSpace 1.2.2

General Improvements in 1.2.2

Customisable submission forms added

Configurable number of index terms in Lucene for full-text indexing
Improved scalability in media filter
Submit button on collection pages only appears if user has authorisation
PostgreSQL 8.0 compatibility
Search scope retention to improve browsing
Community and collection strengths displayed
Upgraded OAICat software

Bug fixes in 1.2.2

Fix for Oracle too many cursors problem.

Fix for UTF-8 encoded searches in advanced search.
Fix for handling "\" in bitstream names.
Fix to prevent delete of "unknown" bitstream format
Fix for ItemImport creating new handles for replaced items

Changes in JSPs in 1.2.2


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Changes in DSpace 1.2.1

General Improvements in 1.2.1

Oracle support added

Thumbnails in item view can now be switched off/on
Browse and search thumbnail options
Improved item importer
can now import to multiple collections
added --test flag to simulate an import, without actually making any changes
added --resume flag to try to resume the import in case the import is aborted
Configurable fields for the search index
Script for transferring items between DSpace instances
Sun library JARs (JavaMail, Java Activation Framework and Servlet) now included in DSpace source
code bundle

Bug fixes in 1.2.1

A logo to existing collection can now be added. Fixes SF bug #1065933

The community logo can now be edited. Fixes SF bug #1035692
MediaFilterManager doesn't 'touch' every item every time. Fixes SF bug #1015296
Supported formats help page, set the format support level to "known" as default
Fixed various database connection pool leaks

Changed JSPs in 1.2.1

dspace-admin/confirm-delete-collectionmoved to tools/ and changed
dspace-admin/confirm-delete-communitymoved to tools/ and changed
dspace-admin/edit-collectionmoved to tools/ and changed
dspace-admin/edit-communitymoved to tools/ and changed

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Changes in DSpace 1.2.0

General Improvements in 1.2.0

Communities can now contain sub-communities

Items may be included in more than one collection
Full text extraction and searching for MS Word, PDF, HTML, text documents
Thumbnails displayed in item view for items that contain images
Configurable MediaFilter tool creates both extracted text and thumbnails
Bitstream IDs are now persistent - generated from item's handle and a sequence number
Creative Commons licenses can optionally be added to items during web submission process


If you are logged in as administrator, you see admin buttons on item, collection, and community pages
New collection administration wizard
Can now administer collection's submitters from collection admin tool
Delegated administration - new 'collection editor' role - edits item metadata, manages submitters list,
edits collection metadata, links to items from other collections, and can withdraw items
Admin UI moved from /admin to /dspace-admin to avoid conflict with Tomcat /admin JSPs
New EPerson selector popup makes Group editing much easier
'News' section is now editable using admin UI (no more mucking with JSPs)


New tool that exports DSpace content in AIPs that use METS XML for metadata (incomplete)
OAI - sets are now collections, identified by Handles ('safe' with /, : converted to _)
OAI - now mapped to oai_dc:creator


Build process streamlined with use of WAR files, symbolic links no longer used, friendlier to later
versions of Tomcat
MIT-specific aspects of UI removed to avoid confusion

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

Item metadata now rendered to avoid interpreting as HTML (displays as entered)

Forms now have no-cache directive to avoid trouble with browser 'back' button
Bundles now have 'names' for more structure in item's content

JSP file changes between 1.1 and 1.2

This list generated with cvs -Q rdiff -s -r dspace-1_1 dspace and a sprinkling of perl.

Changed: dspace/jsp/collection-home.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/community-home.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/community-list.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/display-item.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/index.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/home.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/styles.css.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/authorize-advanced.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/authorize-collection-edit.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/authorize-community-edit.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/authorize-item-edit.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/authorize-main.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/authorize-policy-edit.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/collection-select.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/community-select.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/confirm-delete-collection.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/confirm-delete-community.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/confirm-delete-dctype.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/confirm-delete-eperson.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/confirm-delete-format.jsp
Moved to dspace/jsp/tools: dspace/jsp/admin/confirm-delete-item.jsp
Moved to dspace/jsp/tools: dspace/jsp/admin/confirm-withdraw-item.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/edit-collection.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/edit-community.jsp
Moved to dspace/jsp/tools and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/edit-item-form.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/eperson-browse.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/eperson-confirm-delete.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/eperson-edit.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/eperson-main.jsp
Moved to dspace/jsp/tools and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/get-item-id.jsp
Moved to dspace/jsp/tools and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/group-edit.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/group-eperson-select.jsp
Moved to dspace/jsp/tools and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/group-list.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/index.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/item-select.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/list-communities.jsp

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/list-dc-types.jsp

Removed: dspace/jsp/admin/list-epeople.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/list-formats.jsp
Moved to dspace/jsp/tools: dspace/jsp/admin/upload-bitstream.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/upload-logo.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin: dspace/jsp/admin/workflow-abort-confirm.jsp
Moved to dspace-admin and changed: dspace/jsp/admin/workflow-list.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/browse/authors.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/browse/items-by-author.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/browse/items-by-date.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/browse/no-results.jsp
New: dspace-admin/eperson-deletion-error.jsp
New: dspace/jsp/dspace-admin/news-edit.jsp
New: dspace/jsp/dspace-admin/news-main.jsp
New: dspace/jsp/dspace-admin/wizard-basicinfo.jsp
New: dspace/jsp/dspace-admin/wizard-default-item.jsp
New: dspace/jsp/dspace-admin/wizard-permissions.jsp
New: dspace/jsp/dspace-admin/wizard-questions.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/components/contact-info.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/error/internal.jsp
New: dspace/jsp/help/formats.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/layout/footer-default.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/layout/header-default.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/layout/navbar-admin.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/layout/navbar-default.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/login/password.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/mydspace/main.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/mydspace/perform-task.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/mydspace/preview-task.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/mydspace/reject-reason.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/mydspace/remove-item.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/register/edit-profile.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/register/inactive-account.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/register/new-password.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/register/registration-form.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/search/advanced.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/search/results.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/cancel.jsp
New: dspace/jsp/submit/cc-license.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/choose-file.jsp
New: dspace/jsp/submit/creative-commons.css
New: dspace/jsp/submit/creative-commons.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/edit-metadata-1.jsp

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/edit-metadata-2.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/get-file-format.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/initial-questions.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/progressbar.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/review.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/select-collection.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/show-license.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/show-uploaded-file.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/upload-error.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/upload-file-list.jsp
Changed: dspace/jsp/submit/verify-prune.jsp
New: dspace/jsp/tools/edit-item-form.jsp
New: dspace/jsp/tools/eperson-list.jsp
New: dspace/jsp/tools/itemmap-browse.jsp
New: dspace/jsp/tools/itemmap-info.jsp
New: dspace/jsp/tools/itemmap-main.jsp

7.5.12 Changes in 1.1.x

Changes in DSpace 1.1.1
Changes in DSpace 1.1

Changes in DSpace 1.1.1

Bug fixes in 1.1.1

non-administrators can now submit again

installations now preserve file creation dates, eliminating confusion with upgrades
authorization editing pages no longer create null entries in database, and no longer handles them poorly
(no longer gives blank page instead of displaying policies.)
registration page Invalid token error page now displayed when an invalid token is received (as opposed
to internal server error.) Fixes SF bug #739999
eperson admin 'recent submission' links fixed for DSpaces deployed somewhere other than at / (e.g.
help pages Link to help pages now includes servlet context (e.g. '/dspace'). Fixes SF bug #738399.

Improvements in 1.1.1

bin/ now checks jsp and asset store files for zero-length files
make-release-package now works with SourceForge CVS
eperson editor now doesn't display the spurious text 'null'
item exporter now uses Jakarta's cli command line arg parser (much cleaner)

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

item importer improvements:

now uses Jakarta's cli command line arg parser (much cleaner)
imported items can now be routed through a workflow
more validation and error messages before import
can now use email addresses and handles instead of just database IDs
can import an item to a collection with the workflow suppressed

Changes in DSpace 1.1

Fixed various OAI-related bugs; DSpace's OAI support should now be correct. Note that harvesting is
now based on the new Item 'last modified' date (as opposed to the Dublin Core date.available date.)
Fixed Handle support--DSpace now responds to naming authority requests correctly.
Multiple bitstream stores can now be specified; this allows DSpace storage to span several disks, and so
there is no longer a hard limit on storage.
Search improvements:
New fielded searching UI
Search results are now paged
Abstracts are indexed
Better use of Lucene API; should stop the number of open file handles getting large
Submission UI improvements:
now insists on a title being specified
fixed navigation on file upload page
citation & identifier fields for previously published submissions now fixed
Many Unicode fixes to the database and Web user interface
Collections can now be deleted
Bitstream descriptions (if available) displayed on item display page
Modified a couple of servlets to handle invalid parameters better (i.e. to report a suitable error message
instead of an internal server error)
Item templates now work
Fixed registration token expiration problem (they no longer expire.)

7.6 DSpace Item State Definitions

Workspace item

An item that is under submission and active edit by an authorized user. The workspace item is visible only to
the submitter and the system administrators. (Currently there is no simple way to find/browse such items other
than with the direct item ID or to use the supervisor functionality). Using the supervisor functionality, a system
admin can allow other authorized user to see/edit the item in the workspace state.

Expected use cases:

Self deposit

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

Collaboration over an in-progress submission for a small group of researchers. (This use case is
implemented only with major limitations, using the supervision feature concurrency, lack of delegation:
supervision must be defined by the system administrators, etc.)

Workflow Item

An item that is under review for quality control and policy compliance. The workflow item is visible to the original
submitter (currently only basic metadata are visible out-of-box in the mydspace summary list), users assigned to
the specific workflow step where the item resides, and system administrators. (Currently there is no simple way
to find/browse such items other than with the direct item ID or to use the abort workflow functionality).

Expected use cases:

Quality control
Improvements to the bibliographic record (metadata available in workflow can be different than those
asked of the submitter)
Check of policy / copyright

Withdrawn item

It is a logical deletion. The Item can be restored and it can be used to keep track of what has been available for
a while on the public site.

Expected use cases:

Staging area for item to be removed when copyright issues arise with publisher. If the copyright issue is
confirmed, the item will be permanently deleted or kept in the withdrawn state for future reference.
Logical deletion delegated to community/collection admin, where permanent deletion is reserved to
system administrators
Logical deletion, where permanent deletion is not an option for an organization
Removal of an old version of an item, forcing redirect to a new up-to-date version of the item (this use
case is not currently implemented out-of-box in DSpace, see )

Private item

This state should only refer to the discoverable nature of the item. A private item will not be included in any
system that aims to help users to find items. So it will not appear in:

Recent submission
Search result
OAI-PMH (at least for the ListRecords and ListIdentifiers verb; though the OAI-PMH specification is not
clear about inconsistent implementation of the ListRecords and GetRecord verb)

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

REST list and search methods

It should be accessible under the actual ACL rules of DSpace using direct URL or query method such as:

Splash page access (i.e. /handle/<xxxxx>/<yyyyy>)

OAI-PMH GetRecord verb
REST direct access /rest/item/<item-id> or equivalent

Expected use cases:

Provide a light rights awareness feature where discovery is not enabled for search and/or browse
Hide special items such as repository presentations, guides or support materials
Hide an old version of an Item in cases where real versioning is not appropriate or liked
Hide specific types of item such as Item used to record Journal record: Journal Title, ISSN, Publisher
etc. used as authority file for metadata (dc.relation.ispartof) of normal item

Archived/Published item

An item that is in a stable state, available in the repository under the defined ACL rule. Changes to these items
are possible only for a restricted group of users (administrators) and should produce versioning according to the
Institution's policy.

Embargoed Item

Are a special case of Archived/Published Item. The item has some time based access policy attached to it and
/or the underlying bitstreams. Specifically, read permission for someone (EPerson Group) starting from a
defined date. Typically embargo is applied to the bitstreams so that "fulltext" has initially very limited access
(normally administrators or other "repository staff" groups) and only after a defined date will the fulltext become
visible to all users (Anonymous group). This scenario is used to implement typical "embargo requirements" from
publishers -- see Delayed Open Access.

If the metadata of the item should be visible only to a specific group of users, it is possible to define an embargo
policy also for the ITEM itself. A READ policy for a specific group will mean that only the users in that group will
be able to access the item splash page. Note that currently only some UIs (JSPUI/XMLUI) are fully rights aware
(see Discovery documentation for more information, especially the section on "Access Rights Awareness"). This
means that in different UIs, some metadata of a restricted item could be exposed to unauthorized users. When
you need to work with UIs not fully rights aware, a workaround can be to use the "Private Item" flag to make the
item undiscoverable so that metadata will be not exposed to unauthorized users. Please note that this
workaround has several major limitations:

No one, not ever authorized users, is able to find the item by browsing or searching the repository.

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DSpace 6.x Documentation

You need to manage externally a schedule that alerts you when the embargo is expired so that you may
re-enable the discoverable nature of the item.

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