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Logicaldoc Devmanual 1.4

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Developer Manual

Revision 1.4

Revision 1.4 Doc Type Development Practices Date April 24, 2009 Written by Marco Meschieri (Logical Objects) Verified by Approved by

LogicalDOC Developer Manual 1.4

2009 Logical Objects snc, via Bonasi 2/A 41012 Carpi Italy. All rights reserved. This document is subject to change without notice.

This work is licensed under a GNU Free Documentation License 1.2.

Documentation is provided 'AS IS' and all express or implied conditions, representations and warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or on-infringement, are disclaimed, except to the extent that such disclaimers are held to be legally invalid.

LogicalDOC Developer Manual 1.4

Change Log
Rev. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Date 15/09/2008 04/10/2008 22/01/2009 23/04/2009 24/04/2009 Changes Document creation Modifications on chapter 1 Changed project layout (see 2.6) Updated spelling & grammar Added links to the TOC

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1 PREREQUISITES...........................................................................................5 1.1 JDK.............................................................................................................5 1.2 ANT................................................................................................................5 1.3 MAVEN............................................................................................................5 1.4 ECLIPSE..........................................................................................................5 1.5 SVN CLIENT....................................................................................................6 1.6 APACHE TOMCAT...............................................................................................6 1.7 OPEN OFFICE...................................................................................................6 2 WORKSPACE SETUP...................................................................................6 2.1 CHECKOUT A WORKING COPY OF LOGICALDOC CE.................................................7 2.2 IMPORT CODE TEMPLATES.....................................................................................7 2.3 IMPORT CODING CONVENTIONS...............................................................................8 2.4 SETUP SVN CONNECTION...................................................................................8 2.5 CONFIGURE THE LOGICALDOC-DEVEL.PROPERTIES......................................................9 2.6 WORKSPACE STRUCTURE.....................................................................................9 2.7 IMPORT PROJECTS............................................................................................10 3 BEST PRACTICES.......................................................................................10 3.1 CODING CONVENTIONS......................................................................................10 3.2 MODULARIZATION.............................................................................................10 3.3 VERSIONING...................................................................................................11

LogicalDOC Developer Manual April 24, 2009


In order to setup a LogicalDOC CE (Community Edition) development environment some tools are required, and must be installed on to the computer system.


All LogicalDOC artifact are developed in Java requiring JDK 1.6 to be installed on the computer system. To verify the version of Java installed on the computer system, open a shell, and type: java -version. If Java has been correctly installed on the computer system a line should appear that reads: java version "1.6.0_07". Make sure that the environment variable JAVA_HOME points to the root of the JDK.


Ant 1.7 or greater is required on the computer system. To verify the version of Ant installed on the computer system, open a shell, and type: ant -version. If ant is correctly installed on the computer system a line should appear that reads: Apache Ant version 1.7.0 compiled on December 13 2006. Make that the environment variable ANT_HOME points to the root of the Ant distribution. For more information about Ant reference:


Maven 2.0.9 or greater is required on the computer system. To verify the version of Maven installed, open a shell, and type: mvn version. If maven is correctly installed on the computer system a line should appear that reads: Maven version: 2.0.9. Make sure that the environment variable M2_HOME points to the root of the Maven distribution. Some automated tests require a lot of memory, so create an environment variable: MAVEN_OPTS:
MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

For more information about Maven reference:


The LogicalDOC development team supports only the Eclipse IDE 3.3 or greater. Eclipse IDE can be download from:

LogicalDOC Developer Manual April 24, 2009 Back to TOC



SVN client
A SVN Client is required to be installed on the computer system to track versioning. To verify the version information about the SVN Client, open a shell, and type: svn --version If SVN is installed on the computer system a description should appear that reads similar to: svn, version 1.6.0 (dev build) compiled Sep 15 2008, 00:11:13 Copyright (C) 2000-2008 CollabNet. For Windows the recommended SVN Client is TortoiseSVN, which can be downloaded from: For more information about TortoiseSVN reference:


Apache Tomcat
LogicalDOC is certified to work with Apache Tomcat 6.0.x. Download a recent distribution of the application server. LogicalDOC needs at least 512MB at runtime, edit the catalina.bat and/or Edit the setup variable JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx512m For more information about Apache Tomcat reference:


Open Office
To write documentation about LogicalDOC install OpenOffice 2.4 or greater. All LogicalDOC documentation is written using OpenOffice. A set of template models to be used for document creation are provided in the SVN repository. For more information about OpenOffice reference:

Workspace Setup
The first task is to create an Eclipse workspace for logicaldoc, the workspace is a folder containing all development resources. Open a shell in the home directory of the computer system, and type the following command:
mvn -Declipse.workspace=workspace-logicaldoc eclipse:configure-workspace

This command will create the Eclipse workspace in the 'workspace-logicaldoc' directory, and this workspace comes up with the M2_REPO class path variable already configured.

LogicalDOC Developer Manual April 24, 2009 Back to TOC

Workspace Setup


Checkout a working copy of LogicalDOC CE

Open a shell in the workspace directory previously created and type the following commands:
svn --depth files co

community cd community checkout.bat cd..

svn --depth files co build

cd build checkout.bat cd..

svn --depth files co docs

cd docs checkout.bat cd.. Note: On Linux use instead of checkout.bat


Import code templates

Launch Eclipse and import logicaldoc code templates.

Figure 1: Import of code templates

Open the Preferences window, select JavaCode StyleCode Template. Then click the Edit button, and import the file workspacelogicaldoc/docs/devel/logicaldoc-codetemplates.xml. LogicalDOC Developer Manual April 24, 2009 Back to TOC 7

Workspace Setup


Import coding conventions

Figure 2: Import of coding conventions

From the Preferences window import the coding conventions, select JavaCode StyleFormatter. Click on the Edit button, import the file workspace-logicaldoc/docs/devel/logicaldoc-conventions.xml


Setup SVN connection

In order for SVN to operate with eclipse the SubEclipse plug-in must be installed. This can be done through adding the update site: Instructions on how to install the SubEclipse plug-in can be referenced here: Once the SubEclipse plug-in is installed, open the SVN Repository Exploring perspective, then from the SVN Repositories view right click , select NewRepository Location. In the dialog box type the URL: Then confirm by clicking the Finish button. This is the remote repository all resources will be committed against.

LogicalDOC Developer Manual April 24, 2009 Back to TOC

Workspace Setup


Configure the

After the checkout, copy the file workspace-logicaldoc/build/ant/ into the home directory. This file contains various settings used during builds. Two properties are required for the setup: logicaldoc.devroot must point to the logicaldoc workspace director logicaldoc.webroot must point to the development webapp installation


Workspace structure
Once the checkout is completed, the workspace structure layout is as follows:

Figure 3: LogicalDOC CE workspace layout

LogicalDOC Developer Manual April 24, 2009 Back to TOC

Workspace Setup


Import projects
To import LogicalDOC modules into the eclipse workspace projects, open a shell into workspace-logicaldoc/community/logicaldoc, type mvn eclipse:eclipse. This will create all needed eclipse project files. Now start eclipse and import all projects FileImportExisting Projects Into Workspace


Compile LogicalDOC
To compile LogicalDOC open a shell to the workspace, type mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true install. The WAR file will be created in the directory /logicaldoc-web/target. Make sure this directory has the POM.xml file and the file in the directory.


Best practices
Coding conventions
The following guidelines should be followed for contributing to LogicalDOC

All classes and interfaces must be created in a package directly or indirectly contained in com.logicaldoc. All classes and interfaces must be formatted using logicaldoc conventions defined in the file logicaldoc-conventions.xml. All classes and interfaces must have a javadoc comment with the description of the class or interface. The author full name, the program version in which the resource has been created and the current revision number (import the file logicaldoccodetemplates.xml) must be present in the comment. All public methods (with exclusion of banal getters/setters) must be commented with a javadoc. It is also recommended to comment even private or protected methods. The source code, must be clear and properly commented, so insert comments inside the code. Comments or documentation can be written in any language other than English.

LogicalDOC Developer Manual April 24, 2009 Back to TOC


Best practices


The LogicalDOC sources are subdivided into modules for ease of development, each module is named logicaldoc-name. For example the core module is called logicaldoc-core. Each module metadata is stored in it's local pom.xml. A module can produce one or more artifacts. The name of the artifact is a composition of the module name and version: moduleName-version.type. An example of an artifact name: logicaldoc-core-3.6.0.jar, and logicaldoc-web-3.6.0.war.


All LogicalDOC artifact are versioned using three numbers following the pattern: majorVersion.minorVersion.microVersion. Increases in the major version indicate heavy changes, such as database alterations or the introduction of very important new features. Increases in the minor version indicate relevant changes, such as new features or modifications of existing features. The micro version is used for bug fixes. The micro version number can be omitted, and in this case it is considered a value of zero. The major and minor version must always be specified even if the value is zero. Examples of valid versions: 3.6.0, 3.6 All modules inside the community/logicaldoc/ directory share the same version number since they follow the product versioning. All other modules, even those in the community/modules/ are versioned in an independent way.

LogicalDOC Developer Manual April 24, 2009 Back to TOC


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