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Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol. 52, No.

Compartmentation Special Issue, pp. 631640, April 2001

Confocal imaging of metabolism in vivo:

pitfalls and possibilities

M.D. Fricker1 and A.J. Meyer 2

Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3RB, UK

Received 29 July 2000; Accepted 24 November 2000

Abstract transport activity per unit root length or estimated

vacuole surface area.
Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) has
had wide application in morphological studies and Key words: Confocal microscopy, glutathione, glutathione
ion imaging in plants, but little impact so far on S-conjugate pump, glutathione S-transferase, monochloro-
biochemical investigations. This position is likely to bimane.
change as the range of fluorescent probes increases.
To illustrate the type of kinetic information that can
be obtained using CLSM in an intact, living system,
an analysis has been made of the two-step detoxi-
fication of monochlorobimane (MCB) following
conjugation to glutathione (GSH) by a glutathione Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) can be used
S-transferase in the cytoplasm and vacuolar sequest- to collect optical sections, free from out-of-focus blur,
ration of the fluorescent glutathione S-bimane (GSB) from uorescent probes distributed within xed or living
by a glutathione S-conjugate (GSX) pump. Fluores- plant tissues (Gilroy, 1997; Hepler and Gunning, 1998;
cence from the cytoplasm and vacuole of individual Roos, 2000; Blancaor and Gilroy, 2000). The increased
trichoblasts and atrichoblasts was measured from contrast achieved in comparison to conventional wide-
time-series of (x, y) optical sections in the elongation eld uorescence imaging, greatly improves visualization
zone of Arabidopsis root tips. Intensity changes of cellular and subcellular structures in thin optical
were calibrated and converted to amounts using sections, furthermore, it is straightforward to obtain
compartment volumes, measured by stereological 3-D views of the label distribution from a stack of
techniques. The data were well described using such sections collected with a dened focus increment.
pseudo-first-order kinetics for the conjugation reac- Measurements from single optical sections or 3-D
tion and either Michaelis-Menten kinetics (Model I), volumes can also be repeated in time to visualize and
or, as the GSX-pump was operating close to Vmax, subsequently quantify dynamic events non-invasively
a pseudo-zero-order reaction (Model II), for the GSX- in living tissues. Most studies in living plant systems
pump. Analysis of 15 individual cells from two roots have used CLSM to obtain morphological information,
gave wGSHxcyt in the range 1.84 mM. GST activity was notably in conjunction with specic targeting of green
relatively constant on a cell basis in one root, but uorescent protein (GFP) to organelles or cytoskeletal
increased markedly in the other, giving a net increase structures (Hepler and Gunning, 1998; Hanson and
in conjugation activity as cells progressed through Kohler, 2001) or, to a lesser extent, to probe physio-
the elongation zone. In contrast, GSX-pump activ- logical parameters such as pH and calcium dynamics
ity increased in parallel with the increase in cell (Gilroy, 1997; Roos, 2000). In principle, CLSM should
size in both roots, effectively maintaining a constant enable in vivo measurements of many other parameters
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Fax: q00 44 1865 275074. E-mail:
Present address: Institut fur Forstbotanik und Baumphysiologie, Professur fur Baumphysiologie, Universitat Freiburg, Georges-Kohler-Allee 53,
D-79085 Freiburg, Germany.
Abbreviations: CLSM, confocal laser scanning microscopy; FRET, fluorescence resonance energy transfer; GFP, green fluorescent protein; GSB,
glutathione S-bimane; GSH, glutathione; GST, glutathione S-transferase; GSX, glutathione S-conjugate; MCB, monochlorobimane; NA, numerical
aperture; SuN, signal-to-noise ratio; ROI, region of interest; TIP, tonoplast intrinsic protein; TPLSM, two-photon laser scanning microscopy.

Society for Experimental Biology 2001

632 Fricker and Meyer
of interest to biochemists and physiologists, including effectively separated from the range of other UV-excitable
metabolite levels, enzyme kinetics, subcellular compart- compounds present and quantied accurately.
mentalization or cellcell partitioning. For example, one In the case of uorescent products of secondary
goal for this type of technique would be to measure metabolism such as the anthocyanins, avonoids, phen-
the actual enzyme activities within specic cells, to take olics, and lignins, their tissue and cellular localization can
into account all the post-translation modication, sub- be readily observed in vivo, however changes in their
strate and cofactor levels, rather than the amount of concentration occur over such relatively long time periods
mRNA and protein determined by Northern and Western suggesting that kinetic analysis may only have limited use.
blotting, respectively, or RNA and protein (antibody) In contrast, the most successful application of uorescent
in situ hybridization techniques. The ability to visualize techniques to understanding metabolism is based on
subcellular details compares favourably with other analysis of rapid (ms) transients in chlorophyll uores-
imaging techniques, such as NMR imaging, which can cence and the inferences that can be drawn on the electron
currently achieve in-plane resolution of the order of ow from the reaction centres and ultimately the activity
50100 mm at best (Kockenberger, 2001). of the dark reactions (Baker et al., 2001). The amount of
Despite the potential benets from non-invasive chlorophyll uorescence inversely tracks both the ow
confocal imaging, there have been no studies in plants, of electrons from the reaction centres and the amount
to the best of our knowledge, that have specically used of non-photochemical quenching, and has been used as a
CLSM to quantify the activity of a metabolic pathway powerful tool to monitor parameters, such as the photo-
in vivo, and only a handful of papers that have imaged chemical yield of PSII, over a range of different spatial
a metabolite, as opposed to an inorganic ion. One major resolutions. Thus, imaging systems have been developed
reason for this lack of data is the current paucity of that operate at the tissue level (Genty and Meyer, 1994)
suitable uorescent probes for organic compounds of down to single chloroplasts within cells in intact leaves
interest. This position is expected to change within the (Oxborough and Baker, 1997). CLSM would give an
next few years with the continuing development of both additional level of spatial resolution to these studies,
chemical and protein-based reporters (Haugland, 1999), however, the temporal resolution required for quantit-
currently, however, this eld is at a very embryonic stage. ative analysis of uorescence transients in the ms range
Thus in this paper, a number of points are considered that and the reduced signal-to-noise ratio (SuN) possible with
the authors believe will be pertinent to confocal imaging rapid scanning have so far discouraged development of
of metabolism in the future and there is an illustration quantitative confocal analysis. Nevertheless, qualitative
of the type of information that can be obtained from imaging of chlorophyll autouorescence does provide a
a combination of in vivo CLSM and modelling tech- ready marker of chloroplast morphology or disposition
niques, using GSH-dependent detoxication of a model (Tlalka et al., 1999).
substrate, monochlorobimane (MCB), as an example. For non-uorescent compounds, two routes are avail-
able to develop a uorescent assay appropriate for con-
focal imaging and analysis. The rst approach involves
a probe that is itself a substrate for one of the enzymes
What types of probe are available
in the pathway and exhibits a change in its uorescent
to image metabolism?
properties during the reaction. A considerable range
The simplest imaging approach in plant cells would be of uorescent substrates or compounds that release a
to capitalize on the numerous intrinsic auto-uorescent uorescent product is available (Haugland, 1999). So far
compounds, such as NAD(P)H, chlorophylls, antho- in plants, most if not all of these compounds have been
cyanins, avoproteins, phenolics, and lignins, particularly used to report the presence of a particular enzyme activity
if UV-excitation is available (Hutzler et al., 1998). For in a given compartment (Swanson et al., 1998), or used
example, in animal tissues the redox state of the NADH as a measure of cell viability, rather than as a route to
pool has been measured from auto-uorescence of the analyse the kinetics of specic enzymes or uxes through
reduced nucleotides using UV-CLSM or two-photon laser the pathway.
scanning microscopy (TPLSM) (Piston et al., 1995) and The second approach involves a probe that interacts
used to infer changes in glucose metabolism (Bennett specically, but reversibly, with the target but does not
et al., 1996). In plants, there is one report measuring participate in the reaction. This class of probes is typied
changes in redox state in vivo from changes in reduced by the ion reporters that reversibly bind to an ion of
nucleotide uorescence under hypoxia (Roberts et al., interest with a particular dissociation constant (kd) and
1984). These authors used photometry rather than selectivity (Roos, 2000). This type of probe can provide
imaging, but in the future, redox imaging may provide information on the steady-state concentration of the
a powerful adjunct to many biochemical analyses if target, but not directly its rate of synthesis or consump-
the weak signals from reduced pyridine nucleotides can be tion. Based on the precedents from the ion-imaging eld,
Confocal imaging of metabolism in vivo 633
the most useful reversible probes, termed ratio probes, penetration into the tissue and reduce the mis-match in
exhibit a shift in their excitation or emission spectrum refractive index between specimen, immersion medium
between the free and bound forms. The shift in spectrum and coverslip, anduor reducing the level of confocality
can be readily measured as a ratio between images or to increase the signal-to-noise (SuN) ratio primarily at
average intensities measured at two wavelengths, typically the expense of optical section thickness. Averaging
corresponding to the peak wavelengths for the free over several pixels or successive frames can be used to
and bound forms (Grynkiewicz et al., 1985). The ratio increase the SuN ratio further, but clearly at the expense
provides a convenient means to correct for changes in of spatial and temporal resolution. For quantitative
dye concentration, pathlength, photobleaching or leakage analysis, average intensities from even larger regions-
(Bright et al., 1989). Single wavelength probes only show of-interest (ROIs) are usually used to increase the SuN
changes in intensity on binding with no spectral shift. ratio further, although the initial spatial resolution is
In these cases, it is more difcult to separate changes in essential to ensure the correct compartments are selected.
uorescence arising from changes in target concentration Increasing the excitation intensity to get more signal
versus changes in the dye concentration as both translate results in more photobleaching, photodamage and photo-
into a change in intensity. The number of probes for ions toxicity. This is not usually an option if the specimen is
is increasing rapidly as it is possible to design specic to remain healthy.
binding sites to co-ordinate the metal ligands. Probes With these caveats in mind, a typical gure for
for anions have been slower to develop and there are the spatial resolution achieved during ion imaging, for
still many anions that cannot be measured with these example, might be around 1.2 3 1.2 3 1.2 mm in (x, y and z)
techniques. There are even fewer probes for organic after a 3 3 3 averaging lter applied to single optical
molecules currently available. Sophisticated probes have sections. This resolution is adequate to separate larger
been developed for some metabolites, such as cAMP organelles such as the nucleus, vacuole and chloroplasts,
(Adams et al., 1991, 1999). In this case, specicity for but makes spatial separation of signals from cytoplasm,
cAMP is achieved by using the cAMP binding site of apoplast, mitochondria, Golgi, and ER very much more
the regulatory subunit of protein kinase A. Binding of difcult if there is label or autouorescence present in
cAMP triggers dissociation of the uorescently-tagged more than one compartment.
subunits of the protein kinase A complex that can be The temporal resolution that can be achieved is also
measured as a decrease in uorescence resonance energy variable. The scan speeds of current confocal instruments
transfer (FRET) between the labelled subunits. Changes are very impressive, typically with pixel sampling in the
in FRET between spectral variants of GFP has also been ms range, line scans in the ms range and full framing rates
exploited to design transgenic ratio indicators for calcium in the seconds range. Specialist instruments can run at
(Miyawaki et al., 1997, 1999). The use of FRET promises higher speeds, with framing rates between 10 and 25 Hz.
to be an area of great potential in the development of In practice, there has to be a trade-off between speed,
metabolite probes by, for example, incorporating other spatial resolution and SuN. In this respect plants are
ligand-binding sites or substrate sites (Heim and Tsien, particularly awkward, as the exceedingly high rate of
1996) that alter the extent of coupling between spectral cytoplasmic streaming can limit the amount of frame
variants of GFP. averaging that is possible without getting movement
artefacts. The development of scan systems that allow
single-frame sampling at slower scan speeds, line aver-
aging anduor variable frame sizes are likely to have a
What spatial and temporal resolution
benecial impact in this area. Some measurements of
can be achieved?
rapid Ca2q dynamics in plants have used sampling in
Assuming a suitable probe is available, it is pertinent the ms range (Goddard et al., 2000), however, most
to ask what level of spatial and temporal resolution can time sequences are typically sampled at 130 s intervals.
actually be achieved in practice using CLSM in compar- The total exposure time is limited and represents a
ison to other techniques. In theory, the smallest volume compromise between sampling frequency and experiment
that can be conveniently imaged in a confocal microscope duration due to problems with phototoxicity.
is around 0.2 3 0.2 3 0.6 mm in x, y and z, respectively, for Although confocal imaging has the potential to
an oil-immersion PlanApo lens with a numerical aperture pick-up uorescence from deep within tissues, refractive
of 1.4 (Pawley, 1995). In physiological experiments, a index changes, light scattering and absorption all serve to
number of compromises are usually required to reduce degrade the focus of the excitation beam and spread the
phototoxicity and keep the specimen alive and function- uorescence that is emitted. Unfortunately, the resulting
ing as close to normal as possible. This might for example blurred signal is still efciently rejected by the confocal
include the use of a lower numerical aperture (NA) long- aperture giving a quite pronounced decrease in intensity
working distance water-immersion lens to allow deeper with depth into the sample. Around 50 mm appears to
634 Fricker and Meyer
be a practical limit for intact, living plant specimens for to a uorescent glutathione S-bimane (GSB). Although
CLSM. Techniques such as multi-photon microscopy the peak excitation of GSB is around 395 nm, with a
(Denk et al., 1990; Piston, 1999) also provide optical broad emission around 477 nm, GSB can be imaged with
sectioning, but do not require a pinhole and should excitation at 442 nm using CLSM (Fricker et al., 2000) or
give better depth penetration. To provide a quantitative at 770 nm using TPLSM (Meyer and Fricker, 2000). The
estimate of the uorescence requires a means to account combination of specic labelling and high-resolution
for the loss of signal with depth into the specimen. One imaging enables analysis of the detoxication capacity
route is to use a theoretically determined function (Torok of each individual cell in a tissue and mapping how this
et al., 1997), but it is difcult to envisage a practical way alters during development.
to apply this approach to biological specimens. A second This technique has been used to examine the pattern of
approach involves determination of some form of GSH-dependent detoxication activity in epidermal cells
empirical attenuation correction that partially restores at the root tip of intact Arabidopsis seedlings. Epidermal
the signal intensity (White et al., 1996; Fricker et al., 1997, cells in Arabidopsis roots are cut off into les by divisions
2000; Gray et al., 1999). of initial cells adjacent to the quiescent centre and
progress through well-dened stages of elongation and
differentiation into trichoblasts and atrichoblasts with
Analysis of the glutathione-dependent increasing distance from the root tip (Dolan et al., 1993,
xenobiotic detoxification pathway in situ 1994). During this developmental sequence, the lytic
vacuole is formed, possibly by fusion of very small pro-
The following section illustrates the type of metabolic vacuoles initially into a network of strands and eventually
physiology that can be undertaken using CLSM to follow into a single large central vacuole (Jauh et al., 1999). In
the detoxication of a model xenobiotic, monochloro- addition, other types of vacuole may be present in some
bimane (MCB), following conjugation of the xenobiotic root cells distinguished by their different complement
to glutathione (GSH) in the cytoplasm by a glutathione of tonoplast intrinsic protein (TIP) isoforms, lectins and
S-transferase (GST) (Fig. 1). The glutathione then acts proteases (Paris et al., 1996; Jauh et al., 1999). Given
as a molecular tag to target the conjugate to the vacuole the proposed importance of vacuolar sequestration of
via a glutathione S-conjugate (GSX) pump (Coleman glutathionated xenobiotics in the GSH-detoxication
et al., 1997a, b; May et al., 1998; Rea et al., 1998; Swanson pathway (Coleman et al., 1997a; Rea et al., 1998), it
et al., 1998). The requirement for a GST to achieve was of interest to determine how the activities of GSTs
appreciable rates of conjugation in vivo confers speci- and GSX-pumps map onto the development of the
city for MCB-labelling of GSH compared to other vacuolar system. To address this question, the rate of
low molecular weight thiols or protein thiols (Coleman GSB formation in the cytoplasm and the rate of sequest-
et al., 1997b; AJ Meyer and MD Fricker, unpublished ration into the vacuole for individual cells in the
results). MCB is not uorescent until conjugation to epidermis at varying stages of development have been
GSH displaces the chloride leaving group and gives rise measured. Experimental details of the labelling and
imaging conditions are given elsewhere (Fricker et al.,
The level of uorescence initially increases in the
cytoplasm of all cells in the root observed in single optical
sections followed over time (Fig. 2). Some of the label
is transported into the vacuole, giving an increase in
vacuolar uorescence and eventually leading to a reduc-
tion in cytoplasmic uorescence. In general, the smallest
cells with the highest cytoplasm-to-vacuole ratios showed
the greatest increase in vacuolar uorescence.
To analyse the data, it has been assumed that the
conjugation and sequestration reactions can be described
as a two-step pathway (1).
wGSHxcyt qwMCBxcyt ! wGSBxcyt ! wGSBxvac (1)

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the glutathione-based detoxication These estimates of wGSBxcyt and wGSBxvac are based on the
pathway in plants. Monochlorobimane (MCB) is used as a model average uorescence (F ) measured from manually-dened
substrate for conjugation to glutathione (GSH) by a glutathione
S-transferase (GST) in the cytoplasm and subsequent sequestration in ROIs in each compartment for each complete cell in
the vacuole by a glutathione S-conjugate (GSX) pump. the eld of view (Fig. 3). To express uorescence levels in
Confocal imaging of metabolism in vivo 635

Fig. 2. Confocal imaging of glutathione conjugation to monochlorobimane in intact roots. Glutathione in roots of intact, 57-d-old seedlings of
Arabidopsis was labelled with 100 mM monochlorobimane (MCB) to give a uorescent glutathione S-bimane (GSB) conjugate and imaged as a time-
series of optical sections collected at 20 s intervals over about 45 min with excitation at 442 nm. Two representative images are shown after 400 s of
labelling, when the uorescence from the GSB was predominantly cytoplasmic, and 2560 s of labelling, when much of the signal was transferred to the
vacuole. The shifts in cell position and cell size arise from the continued growth of the root during the experiment. To make it easier to track changes in
individual cells, adjacent trichoblast and atrichoblast cell les have been extracted, normalized for intensity and labelled with their initial length (mm)
and their relative growth rate as a fraction of their starting length. In total 12 trichoblast and 4 atrichoblast cells from two different roots were
analysed. Scale bar50 mm.

terms of GSB concentration requires subtraction of the The change in cytoplasmic GSB concentration over
average background signal (Fback) and calibration against time (d wGSBxcyt udt), in units of mol l 1 time 1, will reect
the average uorescence of GSB standards (Fstd) imaged the balance between the rate of conjugation and the rate
under the same conditions according to equations (2) of sequestration into the vacuole. In addition, as the cells
and (3). under examination are still alive and elongating, cell
expansion during the assay adds a volume-dependent
(F cyt F back ) decrease in the apparent concentration (4).
wGSBxcyt (2)
(F std F back ) rate of conjugate formation
d wGSBxcyt vacuolar transport rate
(F vac F back ) dt relative increase in cell size with growth
wGSBxvac (3)
(F std F back ) If it is assumed that the concentration of MCB remains
constant during the experiment, then the conjugation
The authors believe that the calibration is appropriate to reaction becomes pseudo-rst order for GSH. For
both compartments, despite their differing microenviron- simplicity, it has been assumed that both the GST
ments, as the uorescence from GSB is not markedly and GSX-pump exhibit Michaelis-Menten kinetics, thus
affected by changes in pH, ionic strength or viscosity equation 2 can be expressed as (5):
(Meyer and Fricker, 2000). Ideally, an additional correc- 
d wGSBxcyt V app;GST
max wGSHxcyt V app;GSX
max wGSBxcyt
tion should be included to compensate for the amount of
signal attenuation with depth into the tissue (White et al., dt K app;GST
M qwGSHxcyt K app;GSX
M qwGSBxcyt
1996). To date, an empirical correction for Arabidopsis 1
roots imaged with a 25 3 0.85 NA PlanApo multi-  (5)
relative growth
immersion lens has been experimentally determined
(Fricker et al., 2000), but only roughly estimated an 8% In practice, it was found that the GST appears to operate
loss in signal for the epidermal cells using the 60 3 1.4 NA around or below K app;GST
M so the rst term approximates
PlanApo oil-immersion lens in roots (Meyer and Fricker, to a rst-order rate equation, with kGST
1 representing the
2000). Comparable attenuation levels in epidermal tissues rst-order rate constant (6):
of Commelina (White et al., 1996) give a 1015% loss of d wGSBxcyt GST
V app;GSX
max wGSBxcyt
f k1 (wGSHxcyt )
signal in at the depth equivalent to the mid-plane of the dt K app;GSX qwGSBxcyt
cells. Thus the true values of the GSB concentrations
may be up to 815% higher than those presented here.  (6)
relative growth
Although this will affect the absolute concentrations
and rates in the following analysis, the trends observed The concentration of GSH in the cytoplasm over time
between different cells will still be maintained. is not known, however it is stoichiometrically related to
636 Fricker and Meyer

Fig. 3. Time-course measurements of cytoplasmic and vacuolar GSB uorescence. Changes in the average cytoplasmic uorescence (h) and vacuolar
uorescence (k) are shown for trichoblast 2 in Fig. 2 (A) and a slightly larger trichoblast (38.5 mm long) from the second root (B). Each value
represents a mean and its associated standard deviation. The solid lines tted to the data represent the simulated time-course following optimization
against a two step model with the activity of the GST, modelled as a pseudo-rst-order reaction, and the activity of the GSX-pump, modelled using
Michaelis-Menten kinetics (Model I). The horizontal line represents the average background intensity. The relatively minor differences between
Model I and Model II, in which the GSX-pump is represented as a pseudo-zero-order reaction, for the vacuolar GSB concentration is shown in (C)
and (D), along with the predicted changes in cytoplasmic GSH concentration and total GSB formation.

the initial GSH concentration (wGSHx0) present in the d wGSBxcyt

cytoplasm and the amount of GSB formed, thus equation f(k1GST ( wGSHx0 wGSBxcyt ) V app;GSX
max )
(6) can be expressed as (7): 1
d wGSBxcyt relative growth
f k1GST ( wGSHx0 wGSBxcyt )
dt The change in vacuolar GSB concentration over time
app;GSX  (d wGSBxvacudt) will reect the vacuolar transport rate and
Vmax wGSBxcyt 1
 the dilution (or concentration) arising from the differ-
KM qwGSBxcyt relative growth
ence in the relative volumes of cytoplasm and vacuole.
(7) The vacuolar concentration will also be affected by any
increase in overall cell volume due to cell growth (9):
This combination of a rst-order conjugation reaction
and Michaelis-Menten kinetics for sequestration is vacuolar transport rate
d wGSBxvac
referred to as Model I. It has also been found under the cytoplasm to vacuole volume ratio
assay conditions used here that the GSX pump is rapidly relative increase in cell size with growth
driven close to its maximum rate, so a second model (9)
(Model II) was set up in which the second term in the
equation is represented by a zero-order reaction equal The volumes of the cytoplasm (Vcyt) and vacuole (Vvac)
to V app;GSX
max (8). were measured using stereological techniques (Howard
Confocal imaging of metabolism in vivo 637
and Reed, 1998; Meyer and Fricker, 2000) in parallel zero-order model:
experiments. The changes in both values with increasing
cell length are shown for trichoblasts (Fig. 4A) and d wGSBxvac V app;GSX
max wGSBxcyt Vcyt
atrichoblasts (Fig. 4B). Quadratic regression equations dt KM qwGSBxcyt Vvac
were tted to these data and used to calculate the 1
interpolated values of Vcyt and Vvac for each of the cells  10
relative growth
in this study. Including the cytoplasm-to-vacuole volume
ratio gives equation (10) for the Michaelis-Menten model
d wGSBxvac Vcyt 1
of the GSX pump and equation (11) for the simplied V app;GSX
max   (11)
dt Vvac relative growth
Whilst concentration terms are appropriate to represent
the apparent afnities of, for example, the GSX-pump in
Model I, the overall activity of the two enzymes is better
expressed in units of amount rather than concentration.
In both Model I and Model II, the activity of the GST
is described by a single rate constant, thus in order to
allow comparison between different cells, the initial GST
activity has been calculated at the prevailing wGSHxcyt
for each cell, using Vcyt to convert concentrations into
amounts (12).

GST activity (fmol cell 1

min 1 ) kGST
1 wGSHx0 Vcyt
As the GSX-pump is operating close to Vmax, the method
simply was to multiply by Vcyt to convert this parameter
to units of fmol cell 1 min 1 (13).
GSX activity (fmol cell min 1 ) V app;GSX
max Vcyt (13)
For each of the cells shown in Fig. 2, the differential
equations (7) and (10) for Model I or (8) and (11) for
Model II, were solved numerically using the 4th order
Runge-Kutta method (ModelMaker, Cherwell Scient-
ic Publishing Ltd, Oxford) and optimized iteratively
against the cytoplasmic and vacuolar GSB concentra-
tions determined from equations (2) and (3) with k1GST ;
wGSHx0, V app;GSX
max ; and K app;GSX
M as variables used in the
optimization. The output from Model I and Model II
are presented for two cells in Fig. 3.
The activities of the GST and GSX-pump in
fmol min 1 cell 1 were calculated from the optimized
model according to equations (12) and (13), respectively,
and data for 12 trichoblast and 4 atrichoblast cells
from overlapping regions in the elongation zone of two
Fig. 4. The relationship between cytoplasmic and vacuolar volume for
trichoblast and atrichoblasts in the elongation zone. Serial optical different roots are summarised in Fig. 5. Cytoplasmic
sections were collected with a z-focus increment of 1 mm through roots wGSHxcyt levels varied between 1.84 mM (Fig. 5A),
labelled with MCB using 2-photon laser scanning microscopy with similar to previous reports (Fricker et al., 2000; Meyer
excitation at 770 nm. A uniformly spaced set of sections were extracted
from a randomised start plane and the volume of the cytoplasm (j) and Fricker, 2000). There was little difference between the
and vacuole (k) were measured for individual trichoblast (A) and means for trichoblasts of the two roots (2.55"0.55 mM
atrichoblast (B) cells in the elongation zone using the Cavalieri estimator compared to 2.60"0.65 mM). The pooled mean for the
(Stereology 4.5, Kinetic Imaging, Liverpool, UK). The total volume (m)
was calculated as the sum of the cytoplasm and vacuolar components. atrichoblasts was higher (3.51"0.65 mM), but the sample
The data were tted with quadratic functions and the resulting equa- size is currently very low as fewer entire atrichoblasts
tions shown for each panel were used to as an empirical model of were present in each eld of view. The initial GST
the relationship between compartment volume and cell length. Each
marker represents data from a single cell. Cells were taken from seven activity, based on the product of kGST
1 , wGSHxcyt and Vcyt,
different roots. increased on a cell basis with increasing cell size (Fig. 5B).
638 Fricker and Meyer

Fig. 5. Prediction of the activity of the glutathione detoxication pathway in vivo from simulation modelling of the changes in GSB uorescence. The
cytoplasmic glutathione concentration wGSHxcyt was estimated by optimization of Model II against the average cytoplasmic and vacuolar GSB
concentrations measured from trichoblast (h, j) and atrichoblast (k, m) cells of two different roots, represented by open and closed symbols (A).
Concentrations ranged from about 1.8 mM to 4 mM, but there was little evidence for a change in wGSHxcyt with cell length. The initial GST activity
was calculated for each cell based on the pseudo-rst-order rate constant for the conjugation reaction, the initial wGSHxcyt and the cytoplasmic volume
(B). There appears to be a difference in the behaviour of the two roots, with relatively little change in GST activity with increasing cell length for the
rst root (open symbols), compared to a substantial increase in GST activity for the second root (closed symbols). This difference becomes even
more pronounced when the data are plotted as GST activity per micron cell length (C). The activity of the GSX-pump also increases with increasing
cell length, but this time in a similar manner for both roots (D). When expressed as activity per unit cell length (E) or against the two-thirds power
of the vacuolar volume as an estimate of tonoplast surface area (F), the GSX activity remains relatively constant with increasing cell size.

To assess the signicance of this observation for the The apparent Vmax of the GSX-pump also increases on
ability of the plant to detoxify xenobiotics, the GST a cell basis with increasing cell length (Fig. 5D), however,
activity was expressed per unit length of root (Fig. 5C). in this case, the activity appears to match the rate of
There appears to be a difference in the behaviour of the cell elongation, when expressed per unit length of root
two roots on this basis. In one (Fig. 5C, open symbols), (Fig. 5E), or against the two-thirds power of the vacuolar
the GST activity falls per unit length, in the other root volume as an approximation to the tonoplast surface area
(Fig. 5C, closed symbols), there is a marked increase in (Fig. 5F).
GST activity per unit length. This is reected in the
two cells shown in Fig. 3, which were chosen to represent
a cell with a relatively low rate of conjugation versus Summary and projections
sequestration (Fig. 3A, C) compared to a cell with a high
The single most important contribution that this type of
rate of conjugation from the second root (Fig. 3B, D).
analysis can make to our understanding of metabolism
Unfortunately, the spread of cell lengths in the two
is a representation of enzyme activities in identiable
roots only overlaps over a limited range making it
cell types where the environmental context such as pH,
difcult to be certain these trends would be maintained
ionic strength, substrate, and co-factor concentrations
over identical developmental regions of the root. In
closely approximate to the conditions prevailing in vivo.
addition, with analysis of only two roots it would be
There are, however, a number of signicant points to be
premature to draw any conclusions from this differ-
considered before this can be recommended as a useful,
ence except to point out the variability uncovered by
routine approach.
quantitative analysis of individual specimens that would
be lost in an average measurement based on conventional (1) First, the number of probes that are currently
biochemical extraction and assay techniques. available for in vivo histochemistry is very low. The
Confocal imaging of metabolism in vivo 639
majority are uorescent substrates or products for et al., 1993; Li et al., 1995; Lu et al., 1998). The natural
cleavage reactions catalysed by esterases, lipases or extrapolation of this approach would be to use the
proteases, rather than probes useful to track primary information from different experimental systems to
metabolic pathways. develop physiological models, which could be mapped
onto a common anatomical framework in the form of
(2) Second, the analysis is very time-consuming, requir-
a virtual root.
ing manual (and subjective) measurement of a number of
different parameters, such as average intensities from
selected ROIs, attenuation corrections and compartment Acknowledgements
volumes, each with its associated error. There are, as yet,
very few generic or semi-automated protocols for these We would like to thank Nick Kruger and Peter Darrah for
advice during this work and comments on the manuscript, and
analyses that can be reliably transferred between different Nick White for help with the two-photon microscopy. This work
biological systems or even between different microscope was supported by INTAS and Aventis Crop Science.
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